HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLIFFSIDE LOT 2 LEGAL (2)rr,rl ,'r ^ -l-!auru.>u t-l.ut^) Jr;^"| ^ta tae^lj El^ ' '-L..rjv llll-\rl Fl \vuli|r I 310 MECI*l{eaSne3i5 PLME€as Ptdng 320 ldECl-l-Erhau{ i:hrodst5n tttr-Lt 6, r*at, ti. 3.tO MECFhif,iic.'tflfr t ac^!l t|--l !t .rFt^!r tlr:-t^ itt ii6f r.a-,tl, EtLtFErua gF"EEt\ taLl YA|L T45O BUFFEHRCREEK RD 4..! .?. -,-. l't\t t6 Phorp: 97G827-5736 PhorEr 97$847-5736 Requested lnspect Daie:l spec$ofi AiE6i Site icHress; l. tfltft l-,1^-- -al^- T....r.."o^Lut,.r. 'ttvvws'v T'tf€: P'iECH verr-r I tlngr \.rt t glr.l|tl}. vwt lttt, vwLE, ultvt|., L, Ap$icanL JERRY SIBLEY FLUMBING Cor iaclol: JERRY SIBLEY PLUMANG Descliplbn: REPI-ACE ESLER AI.ID I''IATER hEATERComnl€nil ROUTED TO Gl-lRlS GUNIOI'I - JSUII*R F ^-.. ^-a^, l$r-^-rl--a-rl\gr.lllgJaCs lr lJltsLUvl rr J r "D)d.^i.AC"L't .rr-a.,,, tGcl ieF r--- a---. Fr^ll lily lU'!O. rrrJ !tem: 33C tfECH-Finat qu-\,@so Requested Tlme: I t r30 Al[,.*-=-*Pi#i; i bidffiig 3 * o6' Eniered oy+': DCOLDET{ . /ru flaqusctoi: JERRY SIBLE i PLUMUING Comm€nts: wiii call 827-5736.or.'sT3r.i;: GDslrcKLA |fi|rc Liy,35 r-^h ^ Aaa^a lJl-a^-, tuEt I t. tlt tt- lfurm. tlitttt. f Run Id: 4279REpr131 4ef TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 nG479-2t3s Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Electrical----- > DRB FF------ > Investigation-- > Will Call---*- > TOTAL FEES-- > Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT{ENI 08/08/2005 \t,rR VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: TI{S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT I45O BI.JFFEHR CREEK RD 2LO3l2tV2W7 Permit #: A05-0055 ISSUED 08t02t2ws 08t09t2ffis 02t05t2006 OWIIER COIJE, DAVID Ir. PO BOX 5555 VAIIJ co 81658 APPIJfCAIIT THITIT EITECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON co 81520 I-,icense: 112-S EONTRACTOR THI'L EIJECTRONIC SYSTE!{S P O BOX 534 AVON co 8L520 License:1L2-S o8/02/200s 08/02/2OOs Phone: 970-949-4638 08/02/2oos Phone: 970-949-4638 Desciption: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IJFGRADEValuation: $3,800.00 s0.00 $0. 00 s0. 00 $3.00 s3 ?? .50 Total Calculrred Fees- > Additional Fees------ > Totd Permit Fee---- > Paymetrs-------------- > BALANCE DTJE------- > Action: AP Approved as noted. s3 ?7 . so $0. 00 $3 ?7 .50 $3 ?? . s0 $0. 00 t+*+t*tf t+*ttt++*t1.**+ti$t+t**r|,rt* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this ap'plication, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to conply with all Town ordinance$ and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MN)E TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SIGNATI,JRE OF OWNER OR CTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF +*'l'l*****fflll*******ff*'}l*+****ll*t****++++{'***tt'a{,!t**tfttt*i**+++****+***'}'}***r*********** TOWNOFVAtr4 COITORADO Statcment '*:i*'****!tata*l|*'$t'a****'a*tlt+*****tl"i'}!*++**t++*t'*{tt'rrr**i*t*+tt*f+fff***t***rt r.r.r.*+*t**+***** Statement Nudber: R0500012G2 Anount: Palment Methods Check Electronics 15546 $377.50 08/ 09 /2OO5O9 :40 AM Init: DDG Notation: Ttrul Permit No: A05-0055 fype: ALARM PERMITParcel N9: 2L03-!2f-0200-7 Site Addresg: IJocation: 1450 BITFFEHR CREBK RD Total Fee€:This Payment:$377. s0 Total Ar.r, trnt€: Balance: $377. s0 $377.s0 $0.00***********'lt******'t,*,|**t'|!,1'l**'****+++tft****'1.'lrt{,****'t*******aa**lr**+++*fff++f**************** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: AccoLmC Code DeEcription Current Prnts BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 FIRE AIARM PERMIT FEES PIJAI{ CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CALL INSPEETION EEE 142.50 232.00 3.00 s MWIWVAILW Frontage Rd. APPLrcANON Yu|LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF NCdft-ETE OR UNSIGI.IED Project #: TSYVN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APEUEAIISN Gommercial & Resldential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. application submittal and must include inforrnation lbted on the Vall, Golorado8165?- 2* COiIPLETE VALUAIONS FOR AI"ARM PERtllT (Labor & liaterials) ******!t****t:r***t*****t*r*:r*!.*,.'r* j*:r!r*'.*FOR oFFlcE usE oNLY*r-.:** jt**:t*:t*:F.:l:.:.*:. j.:rlk:t***:.****il**t* # O**gii'r,::' r,"' AUG t' 1 Z,l:) Building Permit#1 Fire Alarm Conlractor:Contact and Phone #s: Eilail Address: Contact Assessors Ofrice at 970-328-8il0 or visit for Parcel Parcef # JIOZtZ_l"oe-Ool Job Name: C-o[t fus,d-tr,,,o JobAddress:1qq,g B\^{tu C-rpr} Qa. t)a; t LesarD€scription ff lot C I en*,03{ll ruins, llsuuoirt"lon,O\r{+.r.',f* owners Name:tt,., ,l,A Co\g ll aooress:1* Fov ARc-.<.\\,rtk^sil Phon"' Engineer: Drlo,..h SI^^,,,0 - || nooress: Q0 6s^. l0-l-t fr,v^.,$ilu1[Phone: erolw-qt] Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) I\nvmr,\s,'l hot,* Detailed description ot\ork : $r. .^\-r^^ :xl.\hvr. nrJaycdo -&o clltoddJ ldd- Workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Rernodel( ) Repair( I neren\;f Ot|er{ ) Typeof Bldg.: Singl*family$ Tu,o-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercid{ ) Restaurant( ) Oher( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unitdin this buiHing: ll l.lo. d Accommodation units in this tuilcling: DoesaFireAlarmExist: YesM No( ) ll OesaFiresprinklerSystemExist Yes( ) NoM \WAiNdATA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.DOC d1 fffiflffbsrrl.mmv" TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06{018 Job Address: 1450 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [.ocation.....: 1450 BUFFEIIR CREEK R-D Apptied . . : Ut03t2M Parcel No...: 2l03l2l%Cf7 Issued. . : 02lO7l2N6 Irgal Description: I \\ Expires . .: 0810612CfJl6 Project No , Nts owNER COr,E, DAVrD rJ. 02/03/2006 PO BOX 555s VAIIJco 8L6s8 APPITICAIIr .IERRY SIBLEY PIJITMBING 02/03/2006 phone: 970-827-5736P.O. Box 340 Minturnco 8154s L,icense:152-M coNrRAcToR irERRy SIBIJEY plint{BING 02/03/2006 phone: 970-A27-5735 P.O. Box 340 Minturnco 81545 License:152-M Desciption: REPLACE BOILER AND WATER HEATER Valuation: $11.500.00 Fircplac€ Information: R€stricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellec 0*{.**+'F*t{+++*++jt|+i*||*''h|'*,*|.|*.*'t.'l**||******'}***************** Mechanical--> 52{0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-- >s0.00 Toral calculated Fers-- > $303.00 Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > 90, 00$50.00 TOTAL FEES------+ $303.00 Additional Fees------> 90. 00 s3 .00 Total Permit Fee----- > 5303 .00 BAI.ANCE DUE--_-.- > $303 . OO so. oo Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARIT'{ENI 02/03/2006 cgunion Action: AP see mechanical room plan Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAT.ICE. Cond: 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AIID SECTION 304 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BI,DG.): BOIILBR INSTAI.,I.,ATIOI{ MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTIRER'S I}ISTRUCTIONS AND CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI,DG.): GAS APPIJiA}ICES SI{ALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 5 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAI-, EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AIiID CHAPTBR 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG-): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOIIr{TD ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CO}IST. IINITESS IJISTED FOR MOUIiITING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PER.IIIT,PIrAIIS AND CODE ANAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAT-, ROOM pRIOR TO AN IITSPECTfON R3QUEST. Cond: 30 (BITDG'): BOILER ROOMS SHAIJIT BE EQUIPPPED VilfTH A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTIIER APPROVED MEjANS FOR DrSpOSrNc OF rrrQUrD WASTE pER SECTIOII 1004.6.l{l{.li++++++++*+* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and sate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI,JRS IN ADVANCE PM. *****+++***+f**ft****+++++****'l**+***')***+++l******r*****+*ta+t***+*+++++**+*r'r.+*tt*+****** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement**+++++*****t'ltt******+++++++**+***********+*+++'r't{.***+*+{'****t****+*+*++++++f+l+*l++***'}:t*** StatemenC liludber: RO50OOO112 Amount: Payment Methodr Check Plumbing 30773 $303 - 00 02/07 /200603 :01 PMInits: DDGNotation: ilerry Sibley Permit No: Parcel No:Site Mdrese: L,OCation: This Pa)ment: MP 00100003111100 PF 0 01000031123 00 wc 00100003112800 2LO3-r2!-0200-7 1450 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL 1.450 BUFF'EI{R CREEK P.D Tlpe: MECHANICAI PERMIT Totsal Feea : Tota1 AIrIr krts: Balance: M05 - 0018 $303 . Oo *++**,t****+*tt*lllll+************+++**+*++++*******t***:t***lt *{rlr{r{rdr{.*tr{.++{.r't't*'t*t*'t't+++*+++t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts $303.00 $303.00 $0.00 MEGIATiIICAIJ PERIqI" FEES PIJATiI CI{ECK FEES WILI. CALL INSPECTTOII FEE 240.00 60.00 3 .00 **m [40r"-&tB 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81552 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (Inspections) Prrmit will not be ampted without tlre follonlqg: Prcnida Uechanfcel Room layout drawn to scale to include:tr Mechanlcal Room Dimrncionso Gomburton Alr Dust $ze End Locatono Flue, Vcnt and Gat LIne $ze and Locadono lleat Loes Calcs.o EquipmentCuVSp€cSh€et6 @oo102/OS/2006 10:16 FAX 97082762s1 Jeny Slbley Plbns INC APPLICANON WILI NOT SE ACCEPTED IF INqOHPLETE OR. UilSIGl{ED TOV Proiect#: 3i-#ll3,f'Hl'f- d MECHANICAL: S og farPetul# Parcel # .21 O3 l2l o )do7 robNamc: COlg-rob'dressr / /sa Bu-{kJ". 6H Legal Dc.crlpuon I Loh I Blochr I Filing;Subdivision: owners Nameparn- H u I Address: 6p( .frt:fif I Phone: 4 76 - k2 b4 Enginear: -- fAddress:Phone: Detailcd desqiotion of nork:Fp'f;;- 6i.1*Iitt )/t/ ffi"*' *"*( ) AdJiuonl ;t nre"6o"i r Repair(Xl ofier( ) Boller Location: InteriorlQ Frterlor ( ) O$rer ( )Does an EHU exist at his locaUon: Yes ( ) -r\(- ) Typeof Bldg: Slngle-famityS{ Ounterl ) ltuld-tuly( ) Commenial ( ) Resburant( ) OEs( ) No, of Fxistlng Dwelling UniE in this buildingr ttlo. of Acemmodatbn Units in this bulldlqgtl----.. No/TvDe of FireDlaces Existinq: e, nooff" e". Loos ( ) Wood/Fellet ( ) Wmd Bumlno ( ) NofiypeofFtreplacesProposed:caslpplianertfeasbss()wood/Pellet()woodBumirg(NOTALLOWED) * * * * * * * * *x* * * * !F r. * * r. r. * * * * Fo R oFFICI US! ON Ly* * x :i i r * * * * * * * ./^ .rl v Fl\&\rW RIr,lS\Pcfi ltr\Bull. n9\mrdr.niclurEmt_t t-A-e$s,OOC ffi FEB 0 3 2006 rowlr@E_ya!t q $I*r H$ $it$tef$ llt${ f* ils - ts-- ESgr*$E JY,n **u. ts 5J+/rt H EffiEEE#ac $ f JffffEEEgil* ;fisEgAatEEFEsg g ot o (, lnFo i'-l-b-\r\I1 *\-/\Itl 11 \\ \ \tqo$\\ (].il * \F$#-y'#ffi .*str 3o C- s f.!-og F tgzslzg0l6 :rv,{ SIt0l S00z/co/20cNI suqld lelqTs lJ.refzo0@ |n' 4r,u i'.'l 4 -: |.,'-r:4> ', :. ^t,-1.'.re;: il: '. t:, ii'..t' *.. !. S-i:: 'iIfr.. ': i, -J ,'l; .t- -;t 1_ '? .'{}.;.*l*, J'_i , t ,,; t 4. E' j;.; t+ .." - {.J ,i"c -rt't,&1i, {. i: !a'4 r. 4 8, 1 ]r "bl'i. 4 .'l' :'i,. -,r ,11 r.;'{. Lr (, I o2/i3/2008 10:16 FA.L S708275214 Jerry Slbley Plbng INc @oos lNlNI-fHERIf lY Hydronic Boilers lndoot SE c 50,a25 l|8rurh EubnttalDa"Wg JV I Fesldenlial Ges-Firrd Boiler Sbndard Equlpment . Vsnting: bullhln dratt divertor . Design certlfled/tesrted by CSA Inbmadonal . Nafural or prEpane gas . Maximum wo*ing pr€ssur€: water 30 P.S.l., ASME rated . Hydta$ailc I€6t prEssuro attactoty:60 P.s.l- . lvla(imum gas supply preosurs: Nalulal 10'5' WC.; Ptopane tg'W.C. . Pressure rellel valve: capaclty In oxce€€ ol bcfler input ratlng ' Materhl speclflcatlons pel Seotion lV ASME CodE . Heaclcrs: cast iron perASME requll€manE . Tubes purc coppor with integral fomed exernal fins . Main burnersl aluminlzed etoel . Ar gjppl!/l nalural 83PllElim . Ahludcsl 0 - 10.000 lL . Flmr under txilar: when usod ot combwdbl€ foot, a sp€dtl ba€8 must bc supplied (see InstalHion Ingltucfmsr Docuner* 1025 & |"ring plars) . 'li'vo-$agg oombusilon 616tom and op€fatlng conrols (JVS slzee 100-2251 . Elecficsf'115V€0Flz-1PH lessthan 12 amperes 24V Uansfornrsr moutilcd and }i,la€d . Pump €la!,: $andard . Venl damper and wire hamees . Bloclted vent sdEty swlch (E'V.S.S,) . Hollout s&ty srvlloh r Up io 84% Themal effidctrbe 6 Hgh flrc . 20 Year Limlted Waranty a10 5E2315 trtrlnlmum, Clarances from Actlacent Construction 6t5 410 615 335E 100 615 410 6t5 %fi 125 5r5 410 5t5 a& 675 410 e15 36 9' .'* 160 615 .10 6t5 36 9l 02/01/2008 10:16 FAX, 9708275234 Jerry Slbley Plbne INC @ ool Dimensioml Datd Front Mew Top Vl€w Q nlnenml O emr O orl(sr4ply) O t*u.un. Dlmon6lons shonn ln hdss oa DittFnEbns lnclros crfl ADpru w*$r lb6. kSSaABcDEv 50 75 '100 18 160 225 13.Or8 94 1+98 g 16-7n 4Sj 16-7tE 4t 2$3tE 52 2$5/8 65 274ttl 71 2f,44 71 2&.E4 73 zEAn4 n 28^?i4 73 fl-1n 8o 18 46 18 46 1E 46 18 46 18 46 ?o51 21€/a 55 2ti,/4 66 u2.u4 6E 2*314 58 22<14 58 244t14 6tt 8.1n t -1/2 z7-ln c7-ln n-rE n-rE 87 70 70 70 70 70 410 513 3B 616 6r5 718 1a0 s4 18 57 f34 61 rs8 69 154 74 181 e JV % lnput irETUrh kYl JVS Fhg lllo(b JvT F rlng Iod€ Hcdlnt C.p.cny raTuft. rw l|c,l IBR ilBnJrt tw Af,'EAJVS JW SFil Ehd. Ulbt Oo.rn. lr Grl Gonn ln 50 75 100 125 160 n5 50 14.8 7s 21.9 100 29.1 125 36.6 160 /t6.8 n5 65.9 OrVO{l Or{Oll 2.Sieg6 2.Stage 2-Stage 2-Srage On/Otr Or'r/Otr Ot'/qfi odofl Orlofl odott 42 E,A 63 r8.5 94 24.6 105 30.8 1t4 59.5 189 56.4 345 10.7 54.8 '6.173 21.4 gt.g ffi.8 116.9 94.3 ft44 #,1 &1.4 80.2 64.0 60.5 8a0 m,7 81.9 60.7 00,2 t1.0 81,8 E1,5 1.1t4 1-111 1-1t4 1-114 1-1t4 1-114 1tz 1n 1n 1n 112 1k @@@@@ watorph TechrDlogios 6000 Corldor Driye, Moorpadq CA Si021 . 805,@93(nO . FA)( 805529.5931 20 lndu$del Way, Rociesl€r, NH 03E67. 609.S36.6!110 . FAx 503,1X15.31155 4Eo S. SErvice Foad West, Oakvllle, otl! rlo, Crne& L6K 2H4 ' 905.e14B233 . FA( C05.844r0S5w*9 tflvtw-leerc,@m ut!hu,6,^' OLDn tLdre tyrl{|l 0{r0 90 m lflon o2/0t/2008 L0:LO FAX 9?082752C4 Frumtrurmu r'Aftmctive tluality $lver finish 0urtble plastic jacket for ruseroot finish even in moist environmEnts P0onshrded of type S|BL $ainless steel wi0 tolerances for high rernperaures of opera 0n, Supslior oonosion resi$anca r"Nwrl Extra laqe High 0utput Cuprunickel Heat Exchanger for 2096 increascd perhr,rEnce. Maximum heat tanfir stficislcy h,ith more $face area. dellvEring larg.r amourns ol hot warer Supplies 3-5 mes more recovery comprred ro convemionrl ho8tsrs. rEnvironmenhlly Safe, CFC-ftee wabrblown foam insulatinn 2 inchos $rick allovrrs less fion l/2 dogleo F Fer hour hsat losq tle bssr in to industry, Jerry Slbley Plbns INC @ oos Hillirffis Super Stor Ulfra Wsrlm: The Suparsbr Ulfa is tua sdvrncsmom in hot wabr gonerarion. By wing fie Uhrs into your existinq or new boiler ai a separate zone wih r circulfilr of zone vaba it will strrt dre boiler only when fie Ultra rcquite3 hotwotcr and rEnstsrs heated energyfircugh $€ high 0uput exchang€r to produce larger amouns of hot wsEr. lii*rgy Effiieieml operetion Ilre Super Sur Ulra's 2'o 3'*rlck Insulnrlon quality, connecud m r modem bollsr sysren will reduc€ yurr oFsraring cost h prcduce hDt wrter, Wrth Edays incrgasing fuel costs fre Utra will provide te honeowner fest pay back ovrr convemional medtodr ol headng hot warerl Llnutrld Lifetime Piotestinrl FIan Supor Sor Uhra's Umhsd LrTetims Protection Plrn will give homaorneo tre peacc of mind *rattheir waEr heatcr is covercd byfrc indurfi/s srongon war!nry. l!,'larntsnance-Ftne CIporatinn Supsr Sru Ulua does not need exp6nslve fliainenencr check-upc lb sitnpla dasign requkos vittualy no maintunrnc4 saving moncy on costly servico crlls. Ultm tliUh 0utput He*t Em!'tnmgor otJr Enginesring DopEnmem has dev6l0psd$s Ulra High ouput Hoar Achangel edaptabh I0 nevi, or older boiler svstems, fhe heat cxohanger's lncreased lnrplnal slze and enernrl surface araa glvss $e U[n grEttsr rscmrsry Psrfornancs. TIis u,ey ilar Supgt S!0r Uba haswo 0r more timesoo recovery rrie of gar firad wster hastors. End supFliss .s much rs fivs m€s te omoum 0f hot water as a companbly sized electic waer heater, Athnsiiue iiesign The Super Smr lJlrr's attractivo rppearanca will rssura amh cusmmerfilrrhsy have inslalled a superior warsr hsarsr, the Ulrab sitrer color wi! mEtch ary old or new boiler color adding b $e systemb werall appaarance. r*lifetime Wananty Pronuion Plan rEasy to install and maintrin Flmmersion type comml pmvld€s hEt responss. r'"lnshllation vgrsatility wi$ eihet zone valvs or circulabd pump. n"Full lins of 7 different models and sizes b meetallyour hotwnsr dsmands. tsVeryeflicient Redu oes fuel cost rvtren operated witr high efllclency boiler. rNnfl outlet extractff tube delfuen 5-7% mors hol wrler Di8[tl<iirltlJ.l',hC'!l tt(ssu-a a'ssu€o 391/l.sslJ.fllL8 uwssu.46 521,rs8tt{0 'atts8u.80 n'ssu{19 7s1n Illt'u{lttsi Canacril314' UE{' 3l4r st3l4i {5I' Et1Ur 001ltT tlS Dle. l3 r/r l9 t/+. ?|1tr r9 t/1'aw;I V4'u' F.niirljs' 71g:i 185 gal E4 g:l 15' rpl #t1 nEF| 6{5 oDl tlllrf Boil Flr.sr l.1olr 1'E'F lii !!l 189 gil ?J, gal 2$ gal 370 gol {r,t sd t!|}"f &,ilt U.$x'r HoDt Erc[ 8m Iloul llltir:uri'Surlaoo t40'F tis f lSsq ft lA d 168 gEl 15 sq lt l5t g3l 212 o8l 15 rg fr lB osl 234gol O$ n 2lZ si,l Zgu qel 20.|!lr ffiid 3lo qrl 3lrq ft flgrl 140 gal3{qft 4A 0!l 56{c{ '001i lsf rm [dbfirdm!t't Tcn0cnrrrft ri r, tl./t{{ Whoilorwarlr fi luryltrt ilaur t" Ft sr r$ i{urd l0 :tF ,F 20G lllnflur Bcilcr Dt{ll.#lic ltunrosrico Boilsr t$t gfrfliin,r shiEdtrlt 80dor Eol|l''| T.rnk Si.:e $qplV ieturn 0i8 Comeaiom Con8qrisr Pir:l+uru Prosruo Wa'{lr' STgrSIh} nu/shrSSU-20 f 4W' 2t E{ tr/{ NPI mrlq t'l[FI 3Ul Dri lS Dtl ''lbr earu 8Z0mSSU.30 s 4lf,, $Sf g4NPrmrb I'NPT qD irsi 150 bsi 7l lbs t02,m llTr$$su-$tB y 4llr 2txl4' gaNFlmato I'NFI r00 bi 1flIisi Tglbs 4,01! t!!@ \ ssui!5 y 4tn' 4flq' vt ltlFTm s t' NpI $0 bi 150 Dsi r4lh5 r{r.m 161100 \a ssq-€0 9" 4l/2: 45 E!' t"NPlmob I'NFT flrsi 150 ixi lftlb: lTrr@ l$ID0-1SSU.00 a' 6' riit E4' r r2r FT rEto l'NFr 3r[ bri r50;d l4l lbr 2l2Jn0 ?41,0(!SSU-ltg slA" 7 Vq; 68' I lrf NPTmdle l'NPf 300 irli 150 ini zlolhs m,m S1,(l|0flott: m I hfc0vEnY m{IM colD sIAfI wl( te BFrwEir t0.|3 MrNrfs wlflrtr slzED wtH csEnEFtow RAR E0l5Jt sgr, AfD FnEssuEt D80p BATII{ss E0 hBYArlAt0!l lpgTnofiFlrs. ttc u45s 0F r{E 00l[gl I"[L utt6r rEcDtfiEy nMfi. t 08[ B0llgl t[/[ss E[rrArE rorlG(R nE0ovERy ni#.|'.al ffir:{1r03