HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 30 LEGAL (2)n :garsrt.mdrt$:rnce. IrT|gytmcnB Osiober 2,2006 Townof Vail Attention: Joe Re: Courtside Toumhomes Unit #30 B os - o3ls Dear Joe, Please allow the owner of Courtside Toumhomes Unit #30 to take over my btrilding permit for their unit. Thankyou, Ankerbolz Inc. FOb-<zfd . Avo,n . (Q . at6zr . g7og+|4r+oYhorcrtax Requestgd Inspoct pate: friday, May 26, 2006 Insoectlion Arca: SH Site Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 30 A/P/D lnformation Activitv: Const Tvp6: Owfter: Apolicant: Cohtractor: Description: Notice: Comment: B.ELEC Sub Tgne: AMF ). tNc.): rNc. ACE ADDITION/ NEW r been uodated. - DGOLDEN AN HAFIN, IN MAIL BOX. - LCAMPBELL Requested lnspectlon(s) Ftr-rL Insoec'tion Historv Item: 110 ELEGSeMce ^05124106 Inspector: shahnComment: proVide blanks in Provide GFI in erItem: 120 =.89tr?6tn Comment: Action: ORS REQUIRED IEN AND ALL BA]Item: 130 ELEC-ConduitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final E06{023 & Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: SH BASEBOARD BEDROOMS AT FINAL. REPT131 Run Id: 5352 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: COLIRTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 30 ParcelNo...: 210112421030 Project No : ?-ta{Os -O62/_ ssl. ?s s0. o0 $0.00 $3.00 $s{ .7s Permit #: E06{023 3py -o 3(5- Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0310812W6 Issued..: 03114/2ffi6 Expires. .: 09lL0l20fJ'6 om{ER CAROITE ,.T. CARSON TRUST 03/08/2006 15551 EHANNEL LN HI]NTINGTON BEACH cA 92649 APPITICAIIT HIGII PEjAKS ELECTRIC, INC. 03/0S/2006 phone: 970-329-22.13 PO Box 2209 Bagle co 81531 Li.cense: L50-E CONIRACTOR HIGI{ PEAKS ELECTRIC, INC. 03/0A/2006 phonez 970-328-2273 PO Box 2209 Eagle co 81631 License:150-E Desciption: WIRE NEW CRAWL SPACE ADDITION/ NEW FURNACE/ REMOVE ALL ELECTRICAL BASEBOARD I{EATERS & T-STAS Valuation: S5.000.00 Square feet: 500 t t'lt*:tr't ++tttlttttt+:tt{r{t*+***,r*i:t + Elecrical---- > DRB Fce----> Investigation-- > Will Call-*---> TOTAL FEE$. > Total Calculated Fees-> Ss4, ?5 s0. 00 90. 00 Additional Fees----> Total I'ermit Fe€..__-> S5il.75 PayrEtrts---------- > S54. ?5 BAI.ANCE DUE------ > Approvals: ITCMT OSOOO EIJEqTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT 03/t4/20o5 shahn Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRB DEPARII!{E}IT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply wittl the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internaqional Building and Residential Codes and other ordirunces ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,,R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OI]R OFFICE FROM 8:fl) AM . 4 PM ,/4 -7.//'4 ,/Y'1 I | ,//,//'r/, // /A,u,ed,uff / I ****ft++*t+++tf+++++tll*+tatff+fl+++ltt*t*****+*a**++++**t't*+++la*l*iil*'l***+++++********r*r* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Sbrement**+lt+ff+*flt+++tt+++*tt++**t+++***t**t*****f*******,1{,*+**,}{r{.,}**,t*****tlt+++******+********** statsement Number: R060000239 Amount I gS4.?5 03/14/200603:42 pM Palment Method: Check Init: DDc tilotsatsion: Ivlansf ield 1420 Permit No: 806-0023 Type: EITECrRICJAIJ pERltIT Parcel No: 2101- 124 -2103 - 0Site $ddress: 4552 UBADOW DR VAIII6CAtiON; COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES Uri|-rT 30 Total FeeE: $54.75Ihis Payment: gS4.?5 Total ALL pnte: $54.2sBalance: $O-00+****'a***t*t*:i'3'3****fltaa+**t*ta+'i****'|***l"irt*++t*+++t***++*********t*t'l**tttt**'i'if********* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Accormt Code oeecripEion Current pmtg EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJECTRICSIJ PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAIIJ INSPECTION EEE 51.75 3.00 *m 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED eob'ooL3 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Insp€ctions) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Prcject #:0t-0{-tsoLu Contact Assssorc for Patrel # Parcel # Job Name: f-*.J-la 30 robAddress: 455L. ('(Vnar* DR Legal Description ll tot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: 0r-^,^ ll noaress: tlss> w\..,l.ours npll ehone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionof work: ;;ifc n<,t"d ocauJ\ spa,ce- Addifior, / nerrl Ftr.naca / Pqanoul-c.\\ t[..*r'u bas-[s11-,1 [e.a,Let-r+:f:g1otr . ' WorkClass; New() Addition(X) Remodel $() Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both X) ll Ooes an EHU exist at this location: Yes( ) No( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family 00 Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (V) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X) , L-.--=-=:A-i:ir-:-// f\-r l, roff:, \ "il^t:";.RMs\permirs\Buirdins\erecticar-Lrermit-l I-23-200s,Doc Electrical ContrActorJl/,;t PuoJ<., E/oo/= Town of Vail Reg. No.: 6 t*-t Contact Person and Phone #'s: ftt;k-o W'fan€,v]a 3?o 931a6 E-MaiUAddress:Fax#: ./ /'. Z_+,----- COMPLETE-SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VATUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ ( 6\l' Page I of 2 l,lAR 08 ,*m o cr Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seMces shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be rcadily accusible, andlocatd next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduib are required to be inspected beforc back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are exempt NM Cable (Romex) an be used only in single and mufti-family dwellings not exceding 3 doris. lfue IYM cannot be used in any building mixed with fype A,B,t EH,I,M &5 occupncies. Aluminum onductorcsrnaller than size #8 are not permitted. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a mulU-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Elstrical one4ine and panel schdules are rcguitd if lad is addd or di$rtbufion is altetd, I have read undercta above. 3-(oG Date Signed please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47.The inspector can be rcached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hourc of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. sig F :\cdev\FoRMS\Permlts\Building\electicaurermiLl 1-23-2005. DOC Page 2 of 2 LU23l20[.5 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479:2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0316 owNER CAROLE ir. CARSON TRUST t2/0L/2O0s 1-5561 CEAT.INBI, I-,N HI'NTINGTON BEACH cA 92649 AppL,rcANT R & H MECHANICAT r.,LC L2/0t/2005 phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGIJE co 81631 License: 184 -M coriflfRAcroR R & H MECIIANICAT, rJr'C t2/oL/2005 phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGI.B co 81531 L,icense: 184-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF GAS FIJRNACE HEATING VENTING 2 BATHS AND I DRYER AND I CRAWL SPACE Valuation: $29,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ***********************'t***x'****'|*a**'3*,t**x*'.*x**:l**x'.*:*!r:t:**{.*t*t* Mechadcal-- > 9580,00 Restuarant Plian Review- > So.o0 Total Calculated Fees-- > $72s.00 Plan Check--> $145.00 TOTAL FEES---+ S?28.00 Additiorul Fees------ > $o.00 lrgal Description: Project No : ,??s,os-rc(/- s0.00 93.00 Job Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 30 Parcel No.,,: 2l0ll242l030 StAfuS...: ISSUED Applied. . : lzl0ll2ffis Issued. . : l2ll9l20[.5 Expires. .: Mll7l2ffi Tobl Permit Fee------ > S72s . 00 $728.00 $0. 00 Investigation- > Will Call--- > B,{I-ANCE DI,JE-_--- > IIEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARIUETiflT L2/L9/20O5 JS Acrion: Ap IIEMs 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAITCE. Cond:. 22 (BLDG.): CoIIIBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC Al.rD SECTION 304 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOI{N OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): BOIILER IITSTALL,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AlrD CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.): GAS APPI-,IAI{CES SHAIIJ BE VEMTED ACCOFDING TO CILAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 TFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECIIAI{ICAI-, EQUIPMEI{T MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 'i***ttI*+*'t****t f ++**+{'*****{'ttf **{.'*** ** * * * I *****tr,*!F*+*d.{.:}+++*.rr*{.:ri.i.i.**,r******f t****,}****** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stateme,[t******t**********+f**********+*+*********'t'***+*****!r.****+*+f++**************+*ll***+++++****t Statement, Number: R050002194 Anoullt: gZ2S.OO L2/Lg/ZOOSO1:01 pM Palment Method: Check . Init: LT Notation: RcH Mechanical /ck 1714L Permit No: M05 - 0315 T)4)e: MECHANICAI PERMITParcel lilo : 2LOL-f24-2fO3 -OSite Address: 4552 MEADOW DR \rAfLLrocatlon: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES IrNIT 30 Thi e Payment ;$728.00 +*****+****+++:t**+t****'t'1.***iat*******:t*{.'t*++++****************+++f*****************trt*'},},t+t ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription Current Pmts Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $728.00 $728.00 $0. oo MP 00100003111100 PF 0 01000031123 00 wc 00100003112800 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PIJATiI CHECK FEES WTIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 580.00 145.00 3.00 IUC A}ID CI{APTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 rFGiC.. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SHAJ.L, BE MOIII.ITED ON ELOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. ITNIJEss I.,ISTED FOR MOI'I{|:TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FTJOORING. Condr 32 (BLDG.): PERI{IT,PLANS AlfD CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRfOR TO AII INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): BOILER ROOMS SIIAIJJ BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSIIIG OF LTQUID WASTE pER SECTION l_004.6.*+atttt++'t:t **:r*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fult the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to conrply with the information and plot plan, to compty with all Tocm ordbances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI.]RS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR Ot R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OFOWNEROR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET Dr_,, l, 2005 7rl0A[ R&|'l MIEcHA|\lIcAL APPUCATION WII.I NOT BE A.CCEPTED IF IIICOMPTETE OR l{0.7479 P, 2 Project #:051()|(tz< Building Permlt#: Mechanical Permit #: 979-475.2L49(Inspectlons) 75 S. Frontage M. Vail. Colorado 81657 i Permit will not be accepted without the followtng: lvlp Prcvade Mechanical Room layout drawn b scirle b indude:o Mechanical Room Dir*rns t s*{fifrFo- Equipment Ort/Spec Sheets MEGfANICAL: + !1,OOO - et 9lO-? 2R-frEl,ll ap vlei|.flP"P* Tlot I c vzt o^a JobNamet &twJp)zL'-Ea 11*"*" 155e Ma^ffiffir- Legat Dcscripuon llLoe ll eloctc ll riting:Subdlvisfonr f,, qr*S d e. TOon ho n, Englneer:Address:PhonE: Wo.k0*r, Nury,! ) lddM Att"-tion(V R.p.il( ) Other( i v . Does an EHU edst at thls locaticn: Yes ( ) . No ( ) rype of Bldg: Singl*family ( I Oupfe\ ( t r-fu - -+l No, of Existing Dwelling Upits in thls buitding:No. of A@mmodation Unils in this building: ItlgTyp_eof FireplarecExiletinq; GasAppliances( ) GasLpgs( ) Wooa/pellet( ) WoodBuminq( ) ts_this a Tnversion from a wm_O Ouinin . Y***********:r**,$:1.*****rtr***:r:rr**OFFICE Rl1=.09 R1F.O52I R30=.033 RZ8-.3{r7[Fm [-,]l*^,-r, | | --] -*_] iltFtLrRArroN t AREtrMTiffiE Kv LUE tl T; .u7o __lR- I QqzW --_Jffi DT.qnr.FF6-0lmu a2j qf tLrtT / t1 ,0f2,CII,/.1d 3,trrtr 3o .,o3J 5r{.5 1o"(,705 t lqv - l'7@ L,X ,357 Qo'1/r,65 I0,v/tw 6,U x.75 ttrY /oru ?,o'/0,olr.t I Dec, 1, 2005 I i: lOAM I R&l| MECHANICAL HeatCalcWorkshsct M|out Drt. ll0.7479 I 32f ?y' APDSess: JOB I{AME ADDRESS: LERil,ITf, 9NQWMETT: TQTAL Equipment Spec G-As fr'xt\e]*ttft*lsll4uptoo t-l4r.,l-5P44/Plmx l, 2005 J:10nur R&H |!lECHAIIICAL I'10,7479 P. 1 tIl FAX To:Town of Vail Irtillmmrrcnl"LlG PO Box E10 - EAGLE, CO 61631 From: Nancy Phone: Fac: Attached is If you have I Thank you {t9-2139 479-2452 permit application and heat calcs for Cowtside Unit 30. questions pleasc feel fee to call me. Ir{ \l TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PErMit #: P05.0174 3os o3t \- Job Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMFS UNTT 30 Applied . . : tlt2gt2}Os Parcel No...: 2l0ll242l030 Issued. . : l2llgl}O|ls Irgal Description: -7RSO:, -6A,1^ Expires . .: MllT/2006 Project No : ovitNER cARoL,E ,J. CARSON TRUST tt/zs/zoos 15551 CHANNEIJ IJN HTJNTINGTON BEJACH cA 92649 APPLICAIflI MECHANICAI EXPRESS LL/29/20A5 phoner 97O-328-sO40P.O. BOX 3295 EAGIJE co 81631 License:. 293-p coNrRAcToR MECHANICATJ EXPRESS tt/29/2005 phone: 970-328-5040 P.O. BOX 329s EAGI-,8 co 81531 License:293-P Descipion: PLUMBING FOR NEW BATHROOM AND LAUNDRY ROOM DOWNSTAIRS ALSO RUN GAS LINFS (5) Valuation: $9.5m.00 Fireplace Information: ResFicted: 'l?# of 6as Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: 2? # of wood Pallet: ?? **+**+*:a****{.*i.**:r:}:r*'***'*:r*r***'**+++:a++t*+tt+++++t*+*:a+:tttt+t+*tt++rr++ FEE suMMARy :Fta**'a't:t :f't:at't ,ttt**********t ***rt***********'t*t *:t************,t Plumbing-- > $150.00 Resiraranl Plan Review- > go.OO Totrl Calculated Fe€s--> $190.s0 Plan Check--> $37.50 TOTAL FEES-_--> Sleo.so A<lditioml Fees------ > $0.00 Investigation- > $0.00 Total Permit Fe€------> 9190.50 Paynents---------- > S19o. s0Will Call--- >$3 .0o BALANCE DUE-.-.-. >$0.oo ITEM: O51OO BUITJDING DEPARII,IENT L2/L9/2oo5 Js Action: Ap IIEM: O55OO FTRE DEPARTMEI\TT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG. ) : FIEL,D INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cotrply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI]ESTS FoRINSPECTION SIIALL BE MADB TWEITITY.FOURHOURS IN ADV PM. ANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 47}2149 OR AT OU&OFFEEFROM 8OO AM - 4 - dtf,-^-' '!{'**'t*********r"}'}***++++++******l'********+*******+****'t*****!t*****************+!t 't ,t 't 't*{.,t'trrt *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement++***{t*'t****'}*****t!:}***+++*++*******'i****:r'tr*******'i*'t*'}***++**+*+**+******++**********{.'t{r**'} Statement Nunber: R050002182 Amount: Palment; Method: Check E:<preaa 1141 $190. 50 ]2/19/2OO'O9 222 N4 Init: DDG Notation: Mechanical Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreee: IJocation: This Payment: PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P05 - 0174 T14TE : PI,I'I{BIIIG PERMIT 2LO1--L24-2LO3-0 4552 MEADOI| DR VAIIJ COI]RTSIDE TOTINHOMES T]NIT 30 $190. s0 **{'**{.******'}'t't't+********i.!*'*{.*+***'t'******t't'****+tttffft*********************+***+****+**+**+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcrLption CurrenE PmEs Total Fees: Total ALL Pmta : Balance: $190. s0 s190. so $o. oo PI,AI{ CITECK FEES PIT'I,IBING PERMTT FEES WIIJIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE 37.50 150.00 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Proiect Building doa( Plumbing Permit #:( MWNOPUAIL 75 S. Frontag€ Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) Plumbing Contractor: /t €eho".,'c"l {apl<ts Town of Vail Reg. No.: 9.q3- P Contact and Phone #'s:580 , s og{ E-Mail Address: Contractor Siqnaturel--- U.-=96h-- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ q, SglJ. c3O Contact Assessorc Offtce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel#Alo lrztl :-lo3o 'oo tut"'Corro,. Rr<i &nr<JobAddress: Vnit 30 Covr{<id( {ot"'nAona "til"z-*-tl+ o/o- Ot i,te t/"i/ Legal Description Lot:Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: (b.r,{Sil( Owners Name: 4 q{ -coi\Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: fl"n6 ,^ A4.,/ A*r*rw^ r Lo.rs,.Jr .-1 r-o'4\ Jo.-". r}a,r r. - I' oko f.a"' (9 6as tr'..et Work Class: rrrew (r,f Addition &y' nlteration ( ) Repair ( ) other ( ) TypeofBldg.:Single-family( ) Duplex( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( )Othe({r-1 o-nltorr.os No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:7 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* tloT \Wail\data\cd€v\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM -DOC 07n6t2002 HO!'U DID WE RATE YITTH YOU? T Town ofVail Survey Community Darelopment Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)47e.213e Check all that applies. 1. Which Deparlment(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC _ 2. 3. 4. Was your inilial conbci wifi our sffi irnmedi#_ dow no one available ? lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped?_ Was your.profect reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No 0r 5. lf no, why not? Was fiis yourfirsttimeto Bldg Permit_ [UA file a DRB app- PEC app 6. Please rate $e performance of tre sffiperson who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knowled ge responsiveneffi 7. Overall eftctiveness oitre Front Service Counter. 5 4 I 2 8. What is tre best {ime of day for you to use fie Fmnt Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which rrmuld allow us to befrr serve you nexttime? Thank you br taking ffre lime b ctmpteF this sun ey, comnited b improving our service. We are TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P054187'b5--oXsl Job Address: 143 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: CROSSROADS Applied. . : IzlL4DCfls Parcel No...: 210108201001 Issued. . : LZIIS\ZOOI Legal Description: VAIL VILLAGE FILING I Lor p BLK 5 D Expires . .: 06fl32w6 ProjectNo : PR5o5_6sr:f owNER CROSSROADS EAST OltE LIJC L2/L4/2OO5 329 MILI, EREBK CIR VaiI Co 81657 APPIJICANI CONCEPT MECHANTCAJ.. INC L2/r4/2005 phone: 970-949-O2OOP.O. BOX 1165 AVON co 81520 T.icense: 189-P COI{TRACTOR CONCEPT MECIANICATJ, INC !2/L4/20O5 phone: 920-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1155 AVON co aL620 IJicense: L89 -P Desciption: RENOVATION OF CONDO UNITS-ROUGH IN AND SET PLUMBING FIXTURES. RUN GAS TO TWO OUTLETS. Valuation: $5,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Apptianccs: ?? # of Gas togs: '!2 # of Wood Pallet: ?It*{(*t*tl.t **r.i(*:***{.'t t*++:i:r*'Nr**r(,t *****i.*:t**+{.++*,t***i+ir***:r*t{***t**** FEE SIIMMARY*tt*****,1*++++ti*:*:i!t*:l****itt++:t+:i:Ft*********,t tt +:!+tti.!t:&** ** Plumbing-- > $?5.00 Restuarant Plan Reviev- > go.0o Toal Calculated Fees-- ) $95.?5 Plar Check--> $18.?s TOTAL FEES - S96.78 AdditioMl Fee.s------- > $0.00 Investigation- > Will Call----- > $0.00 s3.00 Toul Permit Fee-------- > S95.75 BALANCE DUE--_-- > s95. 75 $0. 00 IIEM: O51OO BUII'DING DEPARTIqENI t2/]-4/2oo5 JS Acrion: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 l (BLDG. ) : FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIATiICE- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQURSIS FoR INSPECTION SIALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR IIoLlRs IN ADvANCE By TEIJyHoNE AT 479-2149 oR AT ouR oFFI{B RoM 8j00AM - 4PM. .z? ,. -1:"? *+*++++*{.**x.{.'}'}****tf *'l!***1.!t!t*++++***'t**,t {'**++++****,}*r***'}****a*************'t*****,},}**!**,}*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ',****++++* * * * * I * * + + ll++*'1.* +*{.*++++++** * **i'*'t!**f +f +*******,r*{.*'i'i'}+++++*+'**{.{.'}*'r*******++****tf Stat.enene Number: R050002171 AnounE.: Palment Method: Check Mechanical 9518 ge6.?s t2/ls/zoosj-1 :oo AM Init: DDG Notat,ion r ConceDt $95.7s *'l'F****+****+{'*{.****'t******t**'t,t's**{rtr'************f********************************+******+** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: ACCOIJNT ITEM IIST: Account Code PF 001000031123 00 PP 001000031111,0 0 wc 00100003112800 P05- 0187 2101- 082 - 0100 - 1 143 E MEADOW DR \TAII,I CROSSROADS T)TPe : PIJI,MBTNG PERMIT Tota1 Fees: Total ALL Pmts: BalaJrce r $96.7s $95.7s $0.00 Current Pmts L8 .'15 75.00 3 .00 De6cription PIJAI{ CHECK FEES PIJTTI,IBING PERMIT FEES WIIL CATIJ INSPECTION FEE ,.m Project #:q.t'o3sAPPU CAN Oil WI I.J. NOT BE A@EPTED I F I NOOH PTETE OR UI{SI Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 (r COMPLETE VALUATI ON FOR PLUtf Bl NG PERIrll T (Labor & ilaterials) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Golorado 81657 Huqbing frntrador:{o n ot-o f l/t tcfi art, tol- Tourn of \bil fug. l,lo.:Contad krson and Fhone #'s:7*-{/asen n f*.azoa 4j (4amr Fax#: @ntrador $gnature:,, ll.. p- Flf,ngllc g 5, OO 6 o: 610 or visit t Parel* ' ' tA 8, ?O/OO / Job l.fame: p/wbol &*a<*/s l&&*dt tbbMdress /{t € rr/reJPt N- Legaf Doscrlptaon 1,-o|c P Block:Filing: /Subdividon= /s, / ME"W2t,iigd.a Lre llAddress z)e n?t y'.rtzz.r,ef,ft'u'et q7r -7s'? Frsineer: N ll| ll nooress:Fhone: Detaired desoiption of work l7o "* T 4 a44z! 9e*- 2 lunbfutg fi'r*ares. Rro",Qas lo fiD, 6u fte'+€. WorkClass llew() Mdition( ) Ateration(ffi Fbpair( ) Other( ) Typeof Bdg.: Sngle-famity( ) Dipl€x( ) lrtulti-fflnily( ) Ommercid y'S{Wnntt( ) Oher( ) Nfo. of Hi$ing Drivelling Units in this building: 2 l,fo. of Acommodation Units in this building: 7 *****:t***!.**:rt:l*ti!t!t*!t:.t*******rr*******FoR oFFl cE usE oN LY"******!rr'rrrr***************t****!t*'|* 4 El, HECEtveo DEC 1 4 Z]C5 nn5no05F:bdsriFmMS\PERMff Si\20Os$ImhirgJermitj005"doc TOV-coMPEV' I TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.OPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nG479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES " ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0315 Legal Desuiption: Project No...: -rR:55 e4\ Job Address.: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 30 Parcel No....: 2lOll242L03O Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: l0ll2l2ffi5 Iszued...: 1211412ffi5 Expires...: Mll2l20b owNER CAROITE iI. CARSON TRUST 1,O/L2/2O05 16551 CITANNEIJ IJN HU}TTINGTON BEACH cA 92649 APPIJICATiIT A}IKERHOLZ INCORPORATED LO/L2/2005 PhONEZ 970-926-L49O PO BOX 296 AVON co 8L620 License: 819-B COMfRACTOR AI{KERHOL,Z INCORPORATED LO/L2/2OOS phone: 9:tO-926-149O PO BOX 296 AVON co 81520 License:819-B ARCHITECT RKD ARCHITECTS LO/L2/2OOS phone: 970-926-2622 PO BOX 505s EDWASDS co et632 I-,icense: C000001770 Desciption: CONVERSIN OF EXISTING CRAWL SPACE TO BASEMENT GRFA Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-S Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $63,000.00 Add Sq Ft 502 Fireplace Information: Resfiicted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pelleu 0 **,t*+****t'}+*t**'t+****'t.********{.**'|**,|tt**+{.|{.**!rt*,*****|{*+**+l{+ Building---- > $?34.?5 R€soMrant Plan Review-> $0,00 Total Cslculated Fees- > $1,355.94 Plan Chcck---> $4??.59 DRB Fee----> $0.00 Additional Foes----- > 90.00 Investigation- > $0.00 R€crcation Fec-------- > $150.50 Total Permit Fee------ > $1,355.94wiucrr---> g3.oo cleap up,BiST:l___:-; u.l?;.!l lffiff;;;;_:::> 51,3uu-?i.oo Approvals: Iten: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARII,IENf LO/24/20O5 cdawis Action: CR Correctiona report received from cIA lo/24/OS and routed to Archiuect of Record. This corretions list can be found in project manual located in Charlie Davis' office LL/28/2oos MRoYER Actsion: AP Approved revised PAGE2*tt*******'t!F't********!if :il!t*:**********:tt*t!t*:f ********!t *rF+:**'******************************++:F+!*+,t tr:ttr:t *:**:t** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0315 as of 12-14-2005 Status: ISSUED*********:****ltc+*+:8******{.r***i.***:t !F*'t****{.:****ir**t*****,t*********r.*****!*:r******'t+'t*!tt*r******{.:f !t :*!t :*:t :f :t :*:t :f,* Permit Ty,pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: LOttZtZCf,ls Applicant: ANKERHOLZ INCORPORATED Iszued: 1211412005970-y2ill49o To Expire: o6tLzt2ffi6 Job Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 30 Parcel No: 2I0tL2421030 Description: CONVERSIN OF EXISTING CRAWL SPACE TO BASEMENT GRFA Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. plans dated tL/28 /2oo5.Iten: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTIIENT Lo/12/2oos bgibson Action: Ap ftem: 05500 PUBITIC WORKSItEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT t2/L4/2005 mwaughan Action: Ap+ii.li*L**1.*ai*a+l See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town appticable thereto. RBQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENT'Y.FOTJR HOURS IN ADV PM. OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:ffi AM - 4 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR SELF AND OWNEI *++********+!*'tf'l!*!*****+{t't***'}'}!t**'t***+f***'}***{.{'**+++++++*******************,****ttt********* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*********+++*l'**{t{.:t***{'****ff**l'**l'}ta**+++++****'}rr'r't*:f'tr**ii+++++*++*{r*lr***r.1.*t}'}*tt}'}*****t* Stat,ements Nuniber: R050002164 Amount: Pa)ment Method: Check LOt42 $1,355. 94 L2/L4/200501:45 PM Ini!: LT Notation: Ankerholz / ck $L, 355.94 ***ff***+*+*******+*++++lrlr{.{'***r.***t{'{r*++++*******t*,*******+**+**++***fa******************,}:t ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcription Current PmtB Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : LOCation: This Palment: BP 00r.00003111100 PF 00100003112300 PF 00100003112300, RF 11100003LI2700 wc 00100003112800 BO5- 0315 2101-124 -2103 - 0 4552 MEADOW DR VAIIJ COURTSIDE TOTTNHOMES T'NIT 30 TI4IC: ADD/AI,T MF BUIIJD PERIIIT Total Fees: TOtA]. AIIJ E'TNIS: Balance: $1, 365.94 $1, 365.94 $0.00 BMIJDING PBRII{IT FEES PI.AN CHECK FEES PIJAIiI CK - proj ect eFP012 RBCREJATION FEES WIIJIJ CAI.'L INSPECTION FEE 734.75 238,79 238 .80 150.50 3.00 tl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCO]IIPLETE oR UNSIG {S'CcraaEiFstsf,Proiect #: Permit#: NVTIWUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 Separate CONTRACTOR INFORMATION HfUm dtdlO 2965 %Ll'l"oEy lonetrs: t Z?6-66 1lasho/z- /26 /qtc'c lfu1lgsho/"- / Z(" / q 7D BUILDING & Materials BUILDING: $ jfooo ELECTRICAL: S /,OOO OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ ,J,oog MECHANICAL:$ ,T f,o@ ToTAL: $ 13, orc COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT For Parcel Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or vlsit ffiFOROFFIGEUSEONLry Ztot -tLtl- zlo3-o JobName: n n IL4rS6L\ Ut e9( A e^-c <Job Address: +fTZ- .r/'/.o o/',u I t - t/qi I Subdivision: (ou, /-siJ t T*^ Ion. //o41,'^q/on 76- ZLZ -z WorkClass: New( ) AdditionlQ Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: lnterior (}) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No D4 Type ofBldg.: Single-tumily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family M Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Oher ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: yNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 4 Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos (X) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood : Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) W Documene o5noEo05 Oct t2 gS O4r?9p Ile Vincl Rcnodcling, LLC 3O3-ggg-SSSt p.1 fua;:fu6 +ffa t rufrd,"l-,lbr ft+tu\' Oct le 05 Oct tt -\ Ila Vinci Rcmodeling' Foot,hi lls E LLC 303-99S-9999 303-esg-.tSE0 p.z04:29p OS 03rOEp p.2 hc mllcctcd of prcviusly iqpo*d ursp*t rsh mdcridr wDrE cul and rernovcd fiom s€wral ac{ivitiee" An asbesoe iuspoctorccrtiffcd ryEnvirumrt maductcd tlc ssbcsm in#i Naiooal Volrurtary Accr€dit{ion pmgrarn Arsociuion (AI[IA) onalyzoil fte samphc Ttc hr|lr soating of srFcct bdHirg C.ontaintuqB Mdcrid (ACTTD in the om lndrrFlol tMno, $dev&Ewt!{rtr|uo*d $rrvlcer oetober 11.2005 Attn:JeFSbrqgh Ihvinci Remodellng 5l 15 Elst tlnics Ddvc C+nteonielfYf *0122 Re: Asbcstoe bulk rmplingd45s2 East Ihittr Unit 24 Ead Vail, Colo*do Desr Mr. Slougfi At yorr ftqucst, Footbtltr Environncrrtcl a linibd asbc6c impootior n r[552 EdMcsfow Drivs, Unit 24 iu Bast Vail, Colorado.In plrtiorlar, horuogcncoul rmpbs wc oootaining mdaials. Thceq supGst ofihe rcsidcaac to frcilitrfc tcstondion Colonlo Doprtncof Public Hcrlth & An tudcpcodent bboraorynadind bV trc and tho Ansican lndu$ial Hygiooc Potarizcd Light Microccopy (PLM). vs coducEd o idcotifr ny AScCo Tbo Ea-vftoqabl DmGdioc AScns't (EPA) dcdnes ACM as amaterid contaft*B than I %asbcstos. Rrrdm hlL rilEplcs rroe cdbcbd o tu gddolitrct pnbli*cd rr th Envircnrnerdal Pr*oo-tiotr Agcncy's firnl It of the Tlxic &ftebncec Contol Aat (TSCA), 15 U$C, Sectiom 2641 ttrrouSh 2654 the Cnlotado lhpartmeot of Public ttcaltlr srd in oroplianc with ilo CFR, Fart 753 md (CDPHE) Rqulaion #8. FdrUUiEfu Ooldro' €eD Oct 12 O5 04:3Op Oat tl 0S O3:Osp Da Vinci Remodeling' Footh i I lg E LLC 303-s99-9999 3O3-e3A-.+SBO p.3 P.3 Suspcct M.tcriNli Tlrc foUowirry nspoctimporcd rnterials ntrc idcntified:r Drylvall with texturing. Jointoompourd Asbcstm Centriniry Metcrials (ACIIO An ACM is dsfincd by thc EPA as a nalerial wi& an asbostos content ofgndcr tban onc perccot by aca- r 'l'lrsrc wac no asbeslos detected in any ofthe samptss collected" Thc follorring trble summsizas the sanptc resula of the maeriEls oott€ctcd forftis fojcstr RECOMIyIENIIED ACTIONS No asbestos ulus detectrd in tte suspect matorials sarnpled tberctbrc no r'unitcr acriom ur.j rcquircd.DnoerniBg cbcsb contrining macrhts, Pleasc do not he$it8te to conlact mc st (303) 232-2660 ifyou have eny qucstione regudiug rbis rgport BestrlEgr[ :ffiA ft'dhilb Enrfoo.rld, ba l3A0 $aEEStr!.L Sub l@ {lol.tr,@||xol (!03) 31-2660 lndushlol l{trgt.t|e, SGty& Cndnonruntotfrrylcsr BUI,K SNIIPLE INSPBCTION SUMMARY itn..:r-i---{{tE#h"r..'i j::Rtdiillir,,:,1r EVLI Dryrvall W skimcou exurc Liviog RoocL north uall by fireplace Non Dctcct ND) EVL2 Dqfwatl Vskim coat tocure litsqgRoom, westwall ND EVL-3 -,Iointcompouad Near cntrancc to condo ND EVL4 Joint co_rlrllgund Nearqrtrance to condo ND A copy of thc laboratory arnlytical report is annched fbr your rel'erence. Asbestos Iwpector #5095 Oct, 1Z os ' '0ot, I I o{:3tJP OS OSrOZp ua vlncl Hemodcllhtr Foothl I I c E LLU rtL,S-Uitit-VU-r-t 303-e82-.f 980 P.+ Foo0rlls Envl.onmcntil loa 1320 Siflns St Sulb tOZl Gokbn CO O0{Ol DgrCrrbrncr. Rae*vdn Erubo''tenht' lnc. ta d' trdythrl l$ffiry rsldn rtftr thc anetyrir of lrdulift[ Hnhnrtnd. Ehvfionm.ntrt meMc€. by |hr N.t&d Vdr||r;|yis"-rrv Accr:rnson progr', (iM-An, Labcodr-t 101Es 'rd thr ftffifu.n rldu!ffiar tt!!rcn6;\r!Dd;0o|(ArHA), r$ D r0i6g3 -'lG*nmnc"'dfcab fi80. lt{e rsrltofy rr smsdt fifd*l h ffi ernasnql Trrihg afit pAT Fogr.rmrrsp€drrely. Rcacnroft" EnvJronmrnrd, ha hls .n ldd drc frilodte s'''pr.. ftr aDGcb. oo.br* ss p.. your ry-qyr-[ n..rElyr*' h.r lrcrr_caralr*fu in goncrtf u6ra|c. u/ffi lh. rpproprhb ,r.0Erlololu rrtbbd h lhe atbrtrad rnJyrr ob. ihc '.lrrftr-hn. b.; abr,lneo r yo'r oirilrr, RES.'it0'El-t ir thc lob nunrbcr etn d b tr! *rdy. Tri6 rrporr b ca'ldgcd Hghry conflhrtdsnd lhe ealc prop.rt/ d tre clstoner. Rsneln grqmnnrtrl. rirc. u,n mt orcrnr "rv'p"r c rr. noynihpcnmnclothrrtterrsror.ottlrclirrrr rlrqrrrrirhroetcnulonnrcportonryarfolourcsrmpr; anrhuad. rhb '"podmu3t not b.u!.dbddn rnlorancntcpoo$ cinrytrcir lsrin ry rnn lp", 'ny raEnry ot [ts U.g. Govsmmrttt Thb |!Fod $a[ not b 'r!p.!d|Bd onif fr nl. wl[rotjt tr,ruo, appronl fun R!.ewtlt5 Eryhorxnsrhl, fiE Ssnglcr rrilX !. dia.d of rtbr'Arav Orr'3 u-,,l..s hflgr.tor{G is requ.ttsd. ryon hryc ffy crrcldonr aboutthb npo4 ptiE|rrblf,lct ciu s0$ge+rgs6. Ocbber il,2OOti Shc.nly, .-. "-^i- ;rj . -**-**M. Jeille Spcnccr Or Ptetidsnt L$ormry Ccdcr nEEEltooohrstttutu t{Atrtertoryfryot RB|tOTat.r Prql.do..cNf90cn: AIt0Cf onaqrr| '*R/Q.f *'rAW- Araly{s}: PatlD. Lo€crho VlbnhnC Ltu Pad F- t(nepF Rlch ungr.yrt Mhhrol Scales P.oE f of 2 UA Vlnel Ktlll0oer ln$r Footh r I ts E l- l- l, glJg -r.rtr ssgs 5Ug-elz-+!bu Oct 12 g5 ' Oor ll O+: sUP 05 03:OEp P. r .t6 l,. H D t.t, {\| E A|oa E I I I i E I-tl rlE*tr; ff EE Itlri.l.t atz I g *ce EE3 Hi$r r$l ;e=- E eH EE E=E FFH EEHiiFFeE PJt 3s"I* EEE If;-$$s$e$ gFr <>0, -B ..,* F 3 E r rEt gsiFFs <6<@<< |oogt.E E $$ Oct,1a 05 Oil: 31p Oot 11 05 03:OBp .-"* l9futof i. h sklivt)||r:i rirwlroNucfl,rAt.. l!{c-fiC a.rd*t ,rr Gora|grr Da Vlncr HtmodGl ln$r LLI- stL'J-.'-t-t--tgg-' Foothill. E 303-e3e-{460 p.6 t/va lq "J 'rA*/ a ,*,y*.9x.&Frr{{r!b gS*aar, *r.r- . *l.rd..7r :l.Yla.-**- .*rrdr,v. ffih-ffiiiiiita:**--'-""trs :F - t.,;:Clrl t|l.}.| .. frirr _ t.t Ot I ,_ Itr{rr.. ffa.a ,..rar, .-., aab, ::a|.rt||rrrdqF6: effizonr rG9..ra!, CrlAft€. lEs|r 3 _-_ Af-i.rrb f n{.Irr.Fd!flqt rmY.rsa.rE.|ll,|.rrt'r IJ r*lr r.iq crl f *rida!r' |.tat ,.i |lo.,--r 'ti{\i*fua.dr-,-lll +'-=-IE*ffl1!F, rr itr t f-m ru. ri..r-i.riat i.r..,.Hrr..g 5-r 1,._J *r. r- q.a :|trr.rl.J ^ ,tt **-.-irr*qnr.r A4 t. ,lL{ q.. rqt ,--* L!|r|trttr.r.,+..rt L-l l(I D.4t ,-br|f- L,J .Ali&_.*_.htF.rc0.,r r-,-, rt3'd -.t| *. ,r J *F }--_ ,erB-Odr$|' F.||in{ .- lt.qrrai.i-Fff+i.r*p |rr5+ialFlStafsa, lftrdf&, }.lnaf lsa.vrqti f.Lr.$rni ta*rf---"' ri<. rsl.r.rdt t r-{.!{rt.at<r!. rn.!t t,E*f{,ar.Ol|{f $641 |.r${tri.{aar.. .. rytfrrav -r.i.,6 .l, d.- fL*ttat tl TOft'NM Department of Community Development /f2I\ d5 rrProject Name:z r'C4 Ptoject Address:qfr //l.u Jo* ilr-ago / This checklist mast h ompletd before a Buildina permit aopliation is arcoEd. ,d ln pages of application is complete "d Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval formy' C-ondominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MulU-Family complexo Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over 9100,000.00 (See attached Crnstruction Fee Schedule for calculaUons) o Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) n Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkino or material sbraoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aoproval o Asbestos test and resuhs submitted if demolition is occurring ,a^ Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) F Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets of plans for remodeUadditions, 4 seb' of plans for new SFR and Duplo<, 5 seb of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) a Window and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e,loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All C.ommercial and Multi Family) n Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetraUons indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans B Types and quantity of fireplaces shown I have read and understand above listed Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittal: Document2 Received By: /o-/0 -0f 05120l2005 tl BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take up to six (6) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above menUoned maximum requiremenb. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take up to six (6) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to er<pedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check f€e and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Project Name: Date: Document2 Signature 05t20p005 l{av-f0-05 03:l8pm FrorTol|tl 0F YAIL C0m,illTY EVEL0PiCIIT Sf01?8215? T-Iil p.t1l/tlz F-96? Design Review Board ACTION FORIUI Deparfnent of Gnmunity Devdolmert 75 Soudr Fontage Road, Vail, @orado 81657 td : 970.479.2Ii9 fax. 970.479.7452 rv€b: u,lYur.ci.vdl.o.us Projectilamq CARSONRESIOENCE DRBilumben DR8050025 Pro**t Deecriptionr CONVERSION OF B{sTING CRAWL SFACE TO EASEMENT GRFA Pafticipants: owNER CAROLEJ.CARSONTRU5T 0U3U2fi05 16561 CFIANNEL LN HUNENGION BEACH cA 926,19 APPTiCANTRKDARCIIITECIS OU3I|?OOSPhonez9T0-926-2622 PO BO( 5055 EDWARDS co 81632 ProjectAd{t€s6: +552 MEADOW DRVAIL t-ocatim; COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 30 Legal DesariFtiqnr lou Blodc Subrlivieion: COUR:|SIDETOWNHO0,IES ParelNurnber 2101-12+21ffF0 Comments: EOARI}/STAFF ACTION Irfoton Ey: Action: SrAFfAPR Se€ond By! CondiUons: Cond:8. (PLAN): No dnnges b thse dans rnay be made without the writEn consent of Town of Vail sitaff and/or the apprcpn-aE lerylew cornmittEe(s) Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approral does not wnstiurte a pcrmit for builtting. Please consult wlur Town of Vail Building perconnd priotto @n$uctior adrldes.' Cond:2ot DRB approval shall not beaorfie valad for 20 d+c follff|nq the date of approral. Cond:202 Approwl of ttris prcFct $Ell hpe and be@me vold one (1) year folswlng ttrc date of final approyaf unhss a building permit ls issud and oflsmjdion is commenced and iF diliqently pursuerl toward completrbn Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO COLORADO INSPECTION AGENCY PLAN REVIEWCOMMENTS Enqineer AEC prq#25607 748-8521 2 Mafthew Royer 10t24t2005 805-0315 Carole Carson 4552 Meadow Drive #30 Courtside Townhomes R-3/ U V-B? 2+ Basement TO: Contractor Aukerholz Inc. Steve EMAL:FAX#r 926-1490 NUMBER OF PAGE$: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: Architect RKD proj#05020 rkd@rkdarch.com The design documents submifted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the locally adopted codes and amendments. The following comments must be addressed before a building permit is issued. For processing: . Please submit (2) complete sets of revised construction documents containinq the reouested information or plan revisions with all reyisions clouded or ofherwise idenfifred. . Please respond in writing to each comment bt markinq the attached list or creatino a resoonse letter. Indicate which olan sheet. detail. specification. or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with lhe buildinq permit application number noted Responses such as "will comply with code" are not adequate. Revised drawings must clearly show code compliance. A RESPONSE LETTER MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THE REVISED PLAN SUBMITTAL. . Please be sure io include on the resubmittal the enqineer's or architect's lflet" stamo, siqnature. registration number and date on the cover paqe of anv structural calculations. all structural details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-family proiects all sheets of the olans must be stamoed. . Re-submittal may be made to the Town of Vail Building Dept- C:\DOCUME-l\CDavis\I.OCALS-l \Temo\tov-b05{3 I 5.DOC 1. BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Architectural Gomments: Amend plans to reference all of the correct codes as adopted by the Town of Vail. This building should be constructed to meet the 2003 International Residential Code. Electrical plans need to reference the 2002 National Electrical Code. Amend plans to include the existing construction type for the building. Amend plans to include the size of the new window. This window will need to meet the requirements for egress and ventilation. Amend plans to include a ladder inside the window well. Window wells with a vertical depth of more than 44 inches shall be equipped with an approved permanently affixed ladder or stairs that are accessible with the window in the fully open position. The ladder or stairs shall not encroach into the required dimensions of the window well by more than 6 inches. The ladder or rungs shall have a min. inside width of 12", shall project at least 3" from the wall and shall be spaced not more than 18" on center. The crawlspace ventilation is shown to be the method of conditioning the space. Amend plans to specify all the requirements for conditioning this space.- ground surface must be covered with an approved vapor retarder material- perimeter walls must be insulated Please include the stairway design requirements. Stairs must comply with the following: (R31 1.5) -minimum width of stairways shall not be less than 36" -maximum riser height 7 %" -minimum tread depth of 10" -minimum headroom clearance of 6"-8" -handrail on at least one side of stairway 34'-38" above nosing of treads -handrail ends to be returned to wall or terminate in newel posts -handgrip portion of handrails shall be 1 114"-2" in cross sectional dimension -handrails to be continuous between landings (can be interrupted by a newel post at a turn) Amend the plans to show the location of the steamer for the shower. Be sure to include the steamer on the electrical and plumbing plans. Structural Comments: Provide structural plans for the cast-in-place window well. Be sure to include the following- footing and foundation size and reinforcement- connection to the existing foundation- design criteria Amend plans to include the header size for the new window opening in the foundation wall. Please refer to the cover sheet for information and instructions for resubmitting plans. The recheck of plans usually occurs within 3-5 working days of plan resubmittal. In order to avoid delays please check all requested information is included wlth the resubmltted plans. Plan Rcview Comments Matthew Royer Building Official Colorado Inspection Agency 970-904-0460 C:\DocUME-l \CDaviS\LOCALS- I \Temp\tov-b05{3 I 5.DOC 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. tt\ *;:""??r mvvwr//ilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WLL NOT BE ACCEPTED tF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGBN-stsf,Proleet#: I""Dnetrs: t 31o 66+ K<rholz ? ZL / tl ?Sfru, ltxk.rl,."/z- / z(" / q ?D laddresa: COMPLETE VALUANONS FOR BUILDING & Materlals BUILD|NG: $ ,75,a6ra ELECTRICAL: $ f.COO OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ .5,oaO MECHANfCAL. $ / 5-, OCX.\roTAL:$ f,3,orc For Contact Assessors at 970.328-8640 or visitBAffiWztot -tztl- zl6j-6 Job Name: 11 n , ILqrS6l\ It e9r r{ c.^c e Job Address: 4ff z_ H." /* q fl r . t/q i I*30 LesalDescrtprion ll Lot: ll elock: ll rirrns,SuMlvlsion: (ou, tsrJ c 7-o-^ le*.s Oryvners Namelrn , ,aLqfof <- Lrf-96 l\Ad,ttrl; il*,.n@*"' ArchitecUDesig^*R K A AddresF: B" * fdsf I,/"- nr/, h. tfts)hone: r z6 zLz z- Engineer: n t L r1iil4o6o r,. ttf f ,/,uo^ft,..qtLzo Pho*|,/,g'- gszo Detailed description of work: 'llf,nrsk Crau-:t 9lace WotkCl""r, N"r( ) Add Rerodd( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (p Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No }{ Type of Bldg.: single-tumtty ( ) Tun-family ( ) Mutti-famityfi commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dr,velling Units in this building: 4 No, of Accommodation Units in this building: y Xg4twe of Fireplaces Exi$fu: Gas Apptiances ( ) Gas Lose (X) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Bumino ( ) I L@pgdEireplaces Proposed ppliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: VasT-I--NoF)Does a Fire Sprinkler Sptem Exist Yes ( ) No ()I @FOROFFICEUSEONLYffi Doorment2 oSnon005 November22.2005 Charlie Davis Chief Building Official, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 PROJECT: PLAN REVIEW: ADDRESS: Courtside Tornhoms Unit #ll0 #805-0315 4552 Meador Drive #10 1. Plans: I t I ! a a Dear Mr. Davis: Colorado Inspection Agency has completed a review of the following documents: 1 architectural sheet 2 mechanical sheet 1 elec{rical sheet 2 plumbing sheet 1 Engineering letter 1 windov well specification These documents were reviewed only for their conformance to the provisions of the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 lntemational Mechanical Code, 2003 lnternational Plumbing Code, 2002 National Eleclrical Code, and 1998 ICC/ANSI A117.1. Colorado Inspection Agency finds the documents submitted to be complete for construction and ready for issuance of the building permit. Please see attached conditions of approval. Building Official Colorado Inspection Agency Enclosure Sincerely, Condltlons of Approval: a. Construdion of this project may cause a change from the approved set of plans. Any changes frcm the approved set of plans may requirc further revbw by the Town of Vail. b. Work shall be done in a manor of urhich will not damage or cause dam4e to the adjacent properties. c. Construction staging, material storage, construction debrie removal and sanitary facilities were not part of this review. d. Compliance with all Town of Vail Codes and Ordinances is required and approval of these documents does not supersede any of the Town requircments. TO: Cdtltactqr Aukstholz Inc. Sterc EMAIL; FAX fl; 92S1/tElO NUTIIEEROF PA6ES: FROtitl: DATE: BULDINrc PERMIT*: OWI'IERS NAtIE; S|lEADDRES$: SUBDM$ION: OCCUPAiICV €ROUF: TYPEOF CON$TRIJGTION: NUilIEER OF STOFIEST Arrhi!&-i RKD proi#05020 E&h!rr AEC proi#288s7 rfd4lltrlad.com 7{"-8621 2 Metthevl RoYtt l0/2iv2m5 Bol{tla Carde Carson 45$2llh*w Divet00 Courbido Totflrfiomer R.3/ U V.B? 2+ Brr*ttnt The dCrign docurnents artmltled fo]' lhls proircl havc ba€n lwiru€d for complianOe wlllr the bcally adopted cotpr rtd amendm;I; nl-ftio'frfnc oorrn"t*s mu* ue eOorur"a bfip e btrildlng permil lt ltru.d. Rrtponact iucn re clerrly lbgt! oode eotPllrner. wlth cod!" ait not adtqulb.Rwhsd drawingt mu3t must be *3mpod. Rr.rubmlttal rnayh mdclotfuTryrr of t/r|l BuilfimgoepL BUILfIINO DEPARTi'ENICOTIIIENTS: Atchitcc{unl Commenb: z Aml of 0u cor€cl codrs ag adopted by hr Torvn of vail, This building/' siiorfJrfi ionir.aeO b m*t the 2003 tntenrElional RuidentlalCode. Elec{rlcalplans need to ..-----.reforenss th€ 2002 Nationd Electical Codc. 4 / / Amend plans lo indr-de hc sxieting consfuclion typ€ for tt. b'ildhg' Amcnd plarB b indudo ha clze of tl. mry wlndour. This wirdow wltr nGCd to meet the rEquimmen3 f'or egrcrs a1d vcdiletion, Amend plam to includ" a ledder it'rsidc fie windorr wptl. Wndonr wells wlth a verticsJ dgPq of more than {4'inchu strall bc cquipped rYlh en 6mfowd pcffiananty eflbed hdder or shirs that alr acccseible il/ilh trr window i'ri tns ruly opcn poeitioi. Thc laddcr or etairs shell not encrcech into lhe rcguired dimensions ot tnewfnqouru6U by morc han 6 indtes. Thr ledtbr or rungo shall have_a min' inside wlOur cf 12", Bhe[ prqrcn st |€ast 3i frorn tha wdl and shall bc rpeced not mors than 1fl on cent3r. ,E t*crtrbpace vrrtilston ir ahorvn to be thc rnethod dconditioning tlu rpecc. Amend phns to / / sDo(ify all thc rcquiremenb for aondtionhg lhb Bpccs.- ground Eutfsca m|Jst be colrersd Yvis| f,l rpproved vaPor rstarder mabrial- parimci*wellB mud br Insuht€d Plcar hclude tha sbirway design ruquircments. Stain murt comply wiih the follol,vlng: (R31 1.5) -mlnlmum uuidth of stainflayl rhall not be lcts lhan 36' -maximunr tiier hoaotrt 7 t4' -minimum head dGpth of 10" -minimrm hgadKlom dcrancr of 0'{' -hcndra$ on at h6st onr slde of Etain Ey 64"-9E" above noBinE of tlads -handrdl endt to br rptumgd b udl rtcminate h nerrcl poCr -nandgdp portlon ol handrailt chall be 1 114'-2t'in crcss sectlonc dimdnsion -handrails lp he contiril.tous bcfncm landingi (can b€ intsmJpbd by e n€[r,€l Post al I tum) Anrnd the plens b ghow tho locatlon of the gtaams fsr tfie shor#sr, Be sure trc includc fl€ sEamer on lhe elsalrical and plufiibing phn3, StsucturalGomoente : Prrcvi@ struAuat pieni for the cast-irrpltcs window wall. Br sute to include ihe tolloi,tlg. lootino aild forjnddion sizo snd rglfforc€ment- connecdionbth3exi{rihgfrffidilbn- design uieda 9. Amcrrd plene to hdufi the headEr size fortlre naiywindor opening in hc foundation wall. Plcrar rcfcr io tlr oow? thcat for Inbrmeton and ln tucflo|| fot t*rb|nltUng pllnr Thr ncftecl of fllnl ueurlly occurr wlthh !€frillng d|t[ cf phn ncrrbmltrt. In oidtlo tirokl tHrlr Ccrrccllc[ dl r.CtLd.d info ndon || ificlud.d r,ftlr iri n.ubnlllr.t Plrnr. Eh.nrilEccrllts Mil,hcryRoFr Bnlldlng ollldrl tio?*//vpn.cohrpcrL.d /.rcha3 Alkoyr/tbdtV;,EMl/lort0t{3t5 DOCrctllAIEC-ttQ0.art?-9Aft.036E93DD/tFBl'tord}5' Ollr.ffi?dlrCFt p ' -Cg€g{gtD+rdorAeEtrct070.30${a0 so/h' tz6-?8zL U 7;^ht(' rTkzlla !!*/,rr4o.lobpoan&IlrrilnflqEr/tfidtt:.rr&{n*ht 0illDtE/ctGrrGuot{dT+tt|{ffsm|etgnrm',00ls,Iltc'rlr.ctst tects, inc November 11,2005 Town of Vail Building Deparment Re: resubmittal of building permit application #805-0315 Carson Residence Courside Townhomes Unit 30 4562 Meadowfhive Response to Plrn Rwiew Comments ,,t{ Co*t uction Notes have be€Nr addeq referencing the correct Building Code and Planning jwisdiction. Z Consnuction Documents Note 2 indicates that the original building is Tlpe V, NR. E. fre size of the new window has been indicatd on 3/A1. Jf The window well construction has been changed from cast-in-place concrete to a pefabricated composite material windowwell as manufactured by Wellcrafl model 2060. This model has an integml ladder which meets IRC requirements. (See attached.) -f Notes have been added to 1/Al to specify the crawl space requirements. lr. Stairway desigr docrmrentation has been added, see 5/A1. ;F Steamshower unit has been located on l/Al. '& Ser-ll4, above. 9. Header for the new window has been sized per attached letter ftom KRM Consultants, Inc. please do not hesitate to contact me dircctly. Principal Architect RKD Architects, Inc. RKD Architects, lnc. Design and Construction 137 Main Street, Suite G004 - P.O. Box 5055 - Edwards, Colorado 81632 - (970') 926-2622 - (970) 926-9822 fax vl ,vw.rkdarch.com If there are any firther i