HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMS BLDG 12 UNIT 3r2-oa- 4:33 pm ' Vait, Co'- Ciry of - - Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, Deccmber 09, 2009 Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 4660 VAIL RACQUET CLUB DR VAIL UNIT 3 (BLDG 12), VAIL RACQUET CLUB A/P/D Information _ Aclivity: M09-0247 ^ Type: B-MECh Const Typ6; Occuoah'cv:owrier: DARLEN E MA_E FAB B lC_lU$ EAII|LY rRUSr, FABRICIUS FAMILY PARTNERSHIP LLLP Contractor: THE FIREPLACE Description: REPLACE WOOD STOVE Requested Inspectionls) SubTgOe: AMF Phone: 970-453-2212 Status: ISSUED Inso Area: JRM Requested rim8, 39bo-94$r,,t Time Exp: 7: l< ?t\ Entered Bv: JMoNDRAGoN K TO VIEW AND INSPECTTERTICAL CHIMNEY FROM UNIT TO ROOF LISTING FOR WOOD STOVE TO SHOW EPA PHASE 2 LISTING PER TO!ryN CODE F{r6(rvtr hr,rfz vWIf vtufrb E-.rS(rr{- 8$ruo F N0v-toJfup-^rk tao pe N*WeeO rN fuao(L Action: CR CORRECTION REOUIRED TO VIEW AND INSPECT VERTICAL CHIMNEY FROM UNIT TO ROOF LISTING FOR WOOD STOVE TO SHOW EPA PHASE 2 LISTING PER TO\\N Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: Comment: REPT131 Run Id: 10743 SERVICE MOFTKEY Po B9;EJJ12 STLVERTHORNE CO 8$98-21 12 Phone* nV?frt-l67 Fax# Ynffi!4slg lNvotcE# II'|\'OICEDATE TERMS Dt,EDATE SALES PERSON P.O- l.lo- ]B|LLTE VailRacquet Chrb 4690 Vail Raoquet Chb Dive. Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Iris INVOICE 603VRC08 6nnooB NET 15 611812008 RYAN QTY T'IIORK DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT Cotract Rde ftr Lwd I Chimey Snrceps nnspectlons -utortoorylced 5mt0E * We will oonflene the surcepc ofBrild@ 6 srt€o th ffi rtmotr proiect h finiScd. Pleae d to scMule. + Th ftillmdry rmits hnd no apc€ss and fuuld be rescheduled: t-7 1-t6 3:I +tE 7-2 7-14 &9 lO-3 r&8 126 I2-t2 t+19 r}-lt 92 E2 G| ol * Ptease ssc&rhed lnspecttnrcgcrtsud mtes rqardiry hazardous frcdacec il'45O.0O 11,450.00 TTIANK YOU FOR YO[]R BUSINESS! MAKE CHECKS PAYABIE TO: SERVICE MONKE"T P.O. BOX2112 SILVERTHORI{ECO EO498 $l1,45c s =ntal-o 8 tuttUc7t o ,{6.\4)\^,t..'4.'b ,,4 4 ;1 .,; ..t\ ,{".n"&rf"l\*il 4"1-')/0l(0't'1.r':' t (lr t'i F' s { Doors t"\i .h.I t!.at( . r.)\ i'.- 0i(UI Damper o<ol(0/(I t,' al.llt t(U Fire Walls o(o( 9lrtr tr^ 4*v 6nt4 :t41i. 1.7./,1 t), Grate 0/1 uM4 C rr1 t.-.t I o{' Exposed Framing NO g=n*N /o n-,L)A-t) o!() ,F,* $*" ) u(s-g DP^., --tZn [r.i., , , ,.1-.:: ,-'"l- '( | rS'";r,""t') ,i.\'og' t*-..r* Gap ol<0/(o( J I li!|',) y t-./ 4 o,(( Witer Leaking No No MO r-u lr'L)lv,J t\ Stove A Fire Risk FnSs po t/e>po:s ' .t l,/NO Measurements & Notes u.f-( /Z-l- |rer"n, r! 6n> . /J-to- -!.r,,r. (u,l\,^1 3e+- Ug. la'll t/'. (" $.ou6 n4lssi^rs pre.{S r.,t(iD.i', This inspection report is intended tor customer notificalion of fireplace and fire condition as noted dur inspection. Due to hidden nature of construstion defects and unit use, we can-not warranty the safety or function of r unit, nor is any to be implied. --";- L2/0J/200s 12:40 Flz:4s 7fr I i .o. Bor zii I I I : : j ; Tor : lrrr i :$fre Breclerr{do CO. t0t34 Qtoo' Fax V6ilFtaCt$tClubatterilionSteve frunr LoftJs Kim Gen*e lA3rm(e70) 477€081 n|o.raf ,_(970)ff11-1861 prrnr:s nal Vlloodetorc documentdon for rn'lt CCt 12€ : tr Unfl ' xFornrrbrfl O FlrnrGomnrni xtlnrrn tir trllorol*'do 'Lf*WA r*uc T4)fr>r'? A) Dro tT tuR RE lE l/L) tft T- 2 e t-t*rn tvEr' TlErett flrerr*u Bfuro /# / /7 ,?,f 4'7, le.xl u f-Pd.c:, t*r r?fr Qll/, * @ oor P.O. B( Phoac: Frr: 97 77aaJ, a..-J * t4tV tLy' * f'I0 @ oos Eb,BsiotrHiig EEH ? ltsE .8r;I.s! Xftgs JF *.tc Eo {J|Eo - $t E t t a 't! E T $a I F u €- * E WO r ag [,a-t fr oJo ErA ! a Esa -,rEa EI BAgE IE ii s..s< .gr ETgE E*i rftc FP-o rt fi =c(l ]r. I s !, E L2/03/2OOg L2:42 F aI .! n rt 9Eil rF ,? I TlrzT 6008/t,0/lrroo 0 OM F f.tN t!- E sIt g TEtI Agt g L2/05/2009 12:41 F Bf, Ftrrr, Jr., Jrn€. B, MlSr, t,otiflrd l0 [D ooc STATE OF LoIuDo ,$lq0 Charty Cr|| o.|wn. Cohrub Phoru (506, 6€ TDO Lin (9013) L*d.d ln Olind.li' TO: FROM: DATE: STJBJECT: rnd lmEovrE 0!o hcrtfi md rnvhonmnl of tL propb 0f cohttdo g. , Labonbry 96/car DMrisllEp !r00 Lowrt Ervc, ornvrr, cdontlo r02ll0{0rlt (3olr,6ea€090 l) 2) 3) 4) Pollution Conu.ol Division -09 2009-2010 Wood Stovc Lirlr EPA Certtflod Pha$ tI Wood Stovcs EPA Bxempt from Certification Wood Slovos Colorado Appmved Pellet Stoves Colorado Appmvod Mrsonry Heatere * ''EPA Ii,om Ccrtifioation" slovee are eimply those dsvic€s of E wood stove for various r€asons (air/fircl ratio' ,i mccting thc EPN bum rab, etc')' Thoy h sold in Colorado but @! opcratcd on a hlgh pollution <lay. dctails conc€diing Wood StovdWood Burning plcase coneult Stato Air Pollution Cilntol Rcgulaiion No. 4' thp wobsite u http/,cdphe,rtrte.co.ur/rp/index.htnl or call Oary W. Finiol rt ) 6e2-3165 (by o-mail should thc APCD in Ereas uoilcr rtato junediition. 'Fort .conccrning thc EPA wood gtove sertification DuPreei the EPA in Washington D.C. at QVD 544-5950. ru'0trigl@l$gsg+$ witb qucrtions. Wood burning t directed to local agencies spccifically or to Hugh Davidson ltsucS ) 6/2-3157 of contoot John COPY r{0 L2/0t/20O9 12:{1 F I flt/f, cdbt cut.out, thc ftcot Fluc OutM Coverylofi, Ashllp Altrch to thc font by cngec|'lg th. c.dhr ttb wlth rlot loot€d undar thr fiont door. thc Dmr Knob we*rr bctrvrcn the handlc rndthc Conncctor U:c 6"w.ll or lirtrd 6" dou blr-wall itovlplpc to conncgt tothr chi,nnry. Slngb wrll rtocplpc murt be mlnimurir Iron or rtrlnl$i rt l end htvc r otaaar{3r. ODrd ur. rlumlnum ot stccl plpcfor chtmreyconnc3{on -thcrc not r uitablc ftr wr wlth rolld fuet guidclirrlr rc?rt{lng chlmney conncrtr m*crl.ll Do chN|||nct conmclor fl r chirnary. I lr only for urr u r conmctlon drrvlcr, mwtb!orlcrfi.dwith thcmrh cnd pohtinB toward thc rtova. Sr! 01, t. connlctotjolnts wlth thret rh:rt mrtel Locat! tnob. : nit ttic foflo!il th:stornfl ue rollrr ttlcg !{0 @ oor For thr bert should bc * rlprt rad no rnolt thrn tro 9d tlrr rnnlnrrn rrrtkel thr chlmn!y conncctot ct rs poslbh.lcludlnS of*qhmlovrpbr cmlrhanUnotacdloft. T'ha |tlndm nrn rlweld mt cd 1fi, fue cm) rtth r t4't tfoot underno ciGumrtsnce should plpa b. allowod to 3lad down towrrd thc ilopanolthrchlmncY ormryprsthnu6h or othcr concr.lldan attic or toof sp*e, 4acr. or thrcugh r of thr chlmncy aon for chanlng. Where or cclllng. All rcctionr l' must br |cccrtlblc thtough r w.ll or partfthnof bdr'icd,the frrtallilon rnult wlti tttfPA afl ot CAt{, CSA-B36S,rnd h rbo in thb,n nurL rchtmn?fiwryrlclnt anothlt rptlLnc.. ;h,C GrE oln<tu0 FWnt, Chlnncy T.marl$.r! I I II I II I I I i oilcntatlon, @ oor ffiru#too' co. !0r2. V6ll RrqJst Chn atbnlion Stan Loltug trrm KimGsrda L-l=-*>fz ftu- AJFdr?rffirOrS lSxt|T ftR RE 9.Ptu77aat, 471.{ff', o.i.r 128frP gg1-tg61 rrttrs o \tJoodstorcdoqJmenlatimforl,|tl OGt 't2'€ IlorlrYhw tr l|rcGcrrlnmt Xtlerrr ftdt AJ lI0 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES -."':'-\ llSl/. tl TWNtrVIilV Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2'139 t. 97 0.479.2452 inspeclions. 97 O.47 9.21 49 MECHANICAL PERMIT AMF Job Address: 4660 VA|L RACQUET CLUB DR VA|LLocation.....: UNIT 3 (BLDG 12), VA|L RACQUET CLUBParcalNo...: 2'10112403003 OWNER DARLENE MAE FABRICIUS FAMILY 11/03/2009 7716 S VALDAI CT AURORA co 80016 APPLICANT THE FIREPLACE 1110312009 Phone: 9ZO-4S3-ZZ1Z P.O. BOX 2133 BRECKENRIDGE co 80424 License: 251-M CONTMCTOR THE FIREPLACE 11t03r2109 phone: 92G453-2212 P.O. BOX 2133 BRECKENRIDGE co 80424 License: 251-M Desciption: REPLACE WOOD STOVE Valuation: $2.300.00 Mechanical Permit Fee--> $60.00 Will Call--*---> Plan Check-------------> $15.00 Use Tax Fee--->Investigation--------> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/05/2009 JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMpL|ANCE. Cond, 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR lS REQUIRED PER CHApTER 7 OF THE 2003 tMC AND SECTTON 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S TNSTRUCTTONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER g OF THE ZO03 tFcC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY W|TH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond:31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AMLYSIS MUST BE POSTED tN MECHANTCAL ROOM pRtOR TO AN 'NSPECTION REQUEST, Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRA|N OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. mechcanicalJermit_04 1 908 Permit #: M09-0247 Project #: PRJ09-0625 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 11/03/2009 fssued. . | 11h012009 Exoires. .: 05/092010 $4.00 Total Calculated Fees-->S0.00 Additional Fees-*-------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE--> $79.00 Payments*--------> BALANCE DUE_._> $79.00 $0.00 s79.00 $79.00 $0.00 t**it*ff***t.l***.|rltf.r**lla**frli|*lfir *r*J.itta**r.trr|rFp rrarrhfila*****rt*ttr*Hraa*rfiaa'H fft rrtss*ttlNr*'rEaftt# DECLARATIOITIS I hereby acknowl€dge thet I have rcad this applicaiion, fitled out in full the Inlormation required, completcd an accurate plot plan, and ststs th.t all tha informrtion as r€quird is conect. I agree to comply with thr informetion .nd plot plan, to comply with atl Town ordinences and staie lau'3, and to build thi$ structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, de8ign rclview appror/ed, Int8rnational Buildlng end Re3uontial Codea end other ordinanceg of th6 Town applicable thereto. . j REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENW.FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE EY IELEPHOT'IE AT 970.479.2"9 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:O( Irll/roI o?'Dab K,pt ffitu,a Print Nam€ Signaturs of Owner or Contrector mechcanicalJcarmiL04l 908 * rt rr r* * * * * * * lt * * * * * * + + * * * * * * + | r' * * r. * r' t' + + * * * * * I + + * * * 't * * * '} * * 't * * * | * + * * * * * 'i * | * * {' * * t 't + + 'f {' *r' {' tr ir tt * * i* I + TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement {' * 'r{' {' 'r {' 'l * ***+ + *+* *f+ 'l '11. | 'l t *:t {. {{r:t* **** *+**l** * t*'r'i 't{' t *:t' t * {' {' {'t +* {' * {' * 't t r { { {':t { * * ++ l' 't't*{.*rt't *t * *'t* staternent Nunber: R090001630 Amount I 979,00 ]-]-/t0/2009L1 :56 All Pa)..nent Method 3 Check Init,: SAB Nolation: 11525 THE FIREPI,ACB Permit No: M09-0247 . fype: MECIIAUICAL pERMfT Parcel No: 2101-124-03OO-3 Site Address: 4660 VAIL RACQUET CIJUB DR VArIJ L,ocat ion : UNIT 3 ( BLDG 12 ) , VAIIJ RACOITET CLI,B Total Fees: $79.00This Payment: 979.00 Total AIIJ pmts: $Z9,OO Balance | $0.00 ***r'*rt* | * ******* + 'l * * * + + + * * * * * * 'f * * 't * * * * 'i * * tr * 'I * * * * * * **** **+*****'i*******tt+*******{,*****t*t+** ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Accoun! Code Description Current pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 5O.OOPF 00100003112300 plAtir cHEcK FEES 15.00wc 00100003112800 lrrIJL CALIJ INSPECTTON FBE 4.OO 75 S. Fruntage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 ApplrcArroN wrLL Nor BE o.:r*o rF r{coMp$ffiopflilI$VT Wlq+VZE | ) 'il, Ar_. Building Permit #:_i i E' rr MechanicatPermit@t-l lr lc 970-479'2149(InsPcdions)tt\-/ Tfllttlr ftE ltrrr lrEFrJlrrralr DEDlrrr ADDr rFr.Frrilr Permit will not be accepted Provide Meclranical Room Layoutdrawn too Mechanical Room Dimenslonso Gombusfron Air Duct Slze and LocaEono FluerVentand Gas LineSizeando HeatLossCalcs.o EquipmentGut/SpecSheets D L .V 2009 VAI r to lnclude: l.l0V o Z TOWN OF craL172 t153. zz t L ZSOO,oo conbct Eacle coanty Aswts onn liiio+ia-smi"i,t www.eaare-countv.am for hret # 1 Parcef # 2t O | , Z-n 03 o>g '- JobName: {r?tu Raeurpr 6_uuB E+Dcr, lZ DNrf 3 JobAddress: 4@bo r'*r p KAdurgLtr)B >fZ, Legal Description lot:Blod<:Fillng:Subdlvision:tunilbB^*r*to,-,u, lo#;."elu ilovdotgt tt'lPhn"(aor) nzb - bztlEngineer: I Address:Phone: Detaifeddescriptlonofwork: zlZpc+c,s *ttn.\Jt tboD 4ltP..ttfnloE f*?i- Doe-SNcf rtd&f P€aiitzeD zt E*a*ar+t 't^tr74-- ded aGaTtFr@ gta{Ef'l+*r boEs. WorkChss: New() Addition() Altenuon() Repair() Other() BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Bterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU o<ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg: Slngle.family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family$g Commercial ( ) Restaucnt( ) OEer( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildlng:No. of AacommodaUon Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAooliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) ttoffypeof Fireplaces,Proposed:GasAppliances( ) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBuming(NOTATIOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes (y) No ( F :\adev\FORMS\PERM[S\Building\med|anicalJermlt-l 1-23-2005.DOC rtl23lzoos LL/ot/2008rLr.:@ oor ffiorQtno' pui PO, Pftonc: Brudcnd{ece C0ft4 Tctnof Vdl Gomnunt$ Da,Eloprnent stLilion J R UortOafn F.t r 1lig^B to rdfilomf docurnirhn for {lrr woodrlqr nefror,rj"t 1l|fllr I rrr.d h ! t rni lrrrcto oryriory. ar Vd irttrtCtt cdl|' tEUil..d 47&.n8 ?rgf,r 4 WqglgtweOoarrpnt€tion ccr I I torltahw tr Fbnconrmf phrr?.;ilU EilVE OF VAIL Lt/08/200s I STATE OF 8al Rt$r, Jr., JE rg! B.Dhtcbt D3dlqaledb ild,nrprwligtft. hrdlh mdmvtrwmottot hl P|@lc d&lorsdg 4400 Chdn 6. .hffiryg.tnh.|Diubto.l Danvlt Phono TDO L,netoctrdh Coffi i€mpt from Corti8sation', stoves a$ eimply tlrose deviccsof a wood sbw for varioru rEasons (iiimrO ratio, rr€'ntdy bc sold in Colorado buf n$ operatcd on a trigh pofludon daT i For i:rlr {Tri! conccnring Wood SroyerVood Burning Strtc Ah Pollutilon Cbntgl Rcgrluion No. 4, t[ehttp:l .cdphe.statc.co.ur/q/indcx.htnl or-call Gary W. Flniol at nrv.f,qiol@starc.co.ru) with qucctions. Wood hning TF4..1o locrl agoncics specificatty or to Hugh Davidson APCD in arcas undr statejurMiction. $n $oolofiyllvrl, Dfivrr,Cola doruEo{eag (son)692-goo @otz TO: FROM:. DATE: SUBIBCT: * ttEP l) 2) 3) 4) Pollution Control Dlvision l-09 211119.2010 Wood Srovc Ltr6 EPA Cadfied Phas€ II Wood Stovps EPA Execnpt from Ccrtification Wood $ltovcs Colorado Apprrorred Pcllet Stovcl Colorado Appruvcd lvtasonry HcaGrs +mail bt should hc the Colorr ncotiag th! Ei;\ bnm rlt€, ets.). plcasa mnsulr wobsit! at ,6n-3rc5 W is$les ) @2-X157 ot conhst Johl'For DuPrco lu conccf,ning Urc EpA uruod stovo ocrlifisf,tion EPA in Warhiagon D.c. at (202) 564.5950, CobndoDfitueo - of.&D&Hclhhtlolrluturut o E o'a ,I fiq EE $Fii sr f;$ 6' Fr.l|\| a E aig E!oft EI $l ,t 'it Lztlt 6002/c0/lTcoo n Eool !tsbvitEb;Esifs i BEE[E € aH Eft $EftFEgE LE E a R Itl':.F +.5Ct# :'o f,o - ! I t I $ Ii $ f r fo E t t bgoa- TJ.I L I oJo LL -UI ! € fa r5 EE 3E t*rt ET ES EE g o*2 i-$ EEE fiDctclFl l.. fll0l.tt o = tO E E r^ F Tft6 ftaprt LL/0I/2009 L4127 F