HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT B D VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART UNIT FA/P/D lnformation Requested lnspect Date: Insoection Area: Site Address: Frldav. Seotember 14. 2007sH '' 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART SubTvoe: ACOM Status: ISSUEDUbe: Insp Area: SH Phone: (970) 524-3888 OAD. TRACK LIGHTING FOR THE VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART-CONSTRUCTIONi PARTITION WALL Rcouested Tlme: 08:00 AM' Phone: 970-390-3888 RICHARD HR AHEAD - VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART Time Exp: Entered By: LCAMPBELL K ^ Aqllvity: E07-0129uon$ tvoe: Otririer: COVEREI Conkactor: COLORAI B-ELEC ENTERPRISE Description: Reoueeted lnspection(sl Item: Reouestor: Coniments: Assbned To:- Action: :- / /vt1 L A f,t /2 ovt, CDmc[**K /rrrs'/ Insoection Historv Item: 'l10 ELEC€erviceItem: 120 ELEC-RouohItem: 130 ELEC-ContluitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final REPTl31 Ruu rd: 7068 09-13-2007 Inspection Request Repo*inS page Zg +:t t pm Viil_ co'- elty of - Requested Inspect Date: Frlday, September 14,2007- Inspection Area: Sh Sito Address: Zl7 BRIDGE ST VAIL VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART A/P/D Information Activitv: ConslTyp6: Llwner: Contractor: Description: SubTvoe: ACOM Status: ISSUEDU'se: Insp Area: SH Phone: (970) 52+3888 OAD, TRACK LIGHTING FOR THE VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART-CONSTRUCTION i PARTITION WALL B.ELEC ENTERPRISE Requested Insooction(s) Roquested Tim€:- Phone: HR AHEAD - VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART Time Exp: Entered BY: 08:00 AM 970-390-3888 RICHARD LCAMPBELL K !nEpection Historv Item: 110 ELEGServiceItem: 120 ELEGRouohItem: 130 ELEC-ConduitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final F, ,,7 r, 1 ir 1,: /2 ov/t .j(r' E07-0129 REPT131 Run Id: 7058 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E,07-0129 3o-t -6r2s- Job Address: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART Applied . . : O7l19l2OO7 Parcel No...: 210108267006 Issued . . : 0B/lS/2007 ProjectNo , -Ti$'O-t -Al-11 Expires. .: 02/11/2008 OhINER COVERED BRTDGE INC O7/L9/20O7 50 E SAMPLE RD STE 4OO POMPANO BEACH FL 33054 APPLTCANT COLORADO HTGH COUNTRY ENTERPOZ/Tg/ZOOI PhONC: (970) 524-388S PO BOX 2325 EDWARDS coloRiaDo 81632 License:891-B CONTRACTOR COLORADO HrGH COUNTRY ENTERP0T/L9/2007 phone: (970) 524-3888 PO BOX 2325 EDWARDS eoLoRADO e1632 License:891-B Desciption: ADD TO EXISTING LOAD, TRACK LIGHTING FOR THE VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART-CONSTRUCTION OF FREE STANDING PARTITION WALLValuation: $3,000.00 Square feet: 0 +:it t *,4 + + +:| l+ f tr:i + l * *+ * *,t * t rt tt *:l * *+ ** Electrical-----> 965.55 Totalcalculated Fees_> $EB. s5 DRB Fe€-----> So.oo {ddilisnal Fees---> So.oo Investigalion--> go . oO Total permit Fee--.-> S6s . 55 Will Call---> S3.oo paymen6_-_-----> $68.s5 TOTAL FEES.-> 96S.55 UALANCE DUE_-__-_> go. oo * *+ i*,t * 'i * * *:* t 't *+ i Approvals:Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 07 /24/2007 shahn Action: DN comcheck lighting reguired. 07 /31/2007 shahn Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIff CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. + *,r** *:i *)rrt * *t:l ***1** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT ESTS FOR INSPECTION S|{ALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOITRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT Ot R OFTICE FROM 8:fi} AI\{ - 4 PM. :------- WNERORCONTRACTOR HMSEIJANDOWNEB {t***{.****fff'|'t{.**atar*r*a't* *+*++*41*t*r********tt+ttlti***rlrrrtat***r*l'*aa****+++++ttttittl TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO StAtEMCNt I' l'{'l** * * l' {' t { t ltlll'd!** {r * {' * {***'t++rt{'{'1rt**t'tr**rtta***t+f+*tt** ***a**rt*taia*******++ltfl+tt++ statement, Number: R070001533 Anount: 96s.55 o8/t5/2oo7L1 :17 Al4 Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Cjolorado HighCountry 8428 Permit. Noi E07-0129 Type: ETJECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-Og2 - GZ00- 6 SitE AddrCSS: 22? BRIDGE ST VAIIJ IJOCAIiON: VAIL GAIJIJERY OF FINE ART Total Fees! $68,55This Payment: 968. 55 Tot,al AL,L pmts ! S5S.55 Balance ! $0.00 a+******'i*+tf tll*****l****+++++*++***attt*****ttl+t I '} tt I * * | | tt *'i * * | | | i I t* * * | tta*tt*f tt*tltt* ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Currene pmCE EP OO1OOOO31.].1100 EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEESwc 00100003112800 WIIJL CALL IlrSpEetION FEE 55,55 3.00 ? 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vif Colorado 81657&-? ",7 bE.5) TOWN OF VAIL ETECTRICAT PERMIT APPUCATION CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION tact Person and Phone iclt 8loone,a" Fax#:c116. f ) COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (tabor & Materials) AMOUNTOFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE: / LI OO ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ 3,OOO .E Contact Ass€ssotsOlfre 970- **r?***********************t ************FOR OFFICE USE ONL I F :\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Buildin g\electical--perm iLl 1-23-2005. DOC for Patel # Pa s ( ^rtg oo ^f, Job Addressgg.T p -f4 l/a,/ Detailed description of work: A/*( *p-a;/_D"-(^"^ ffi/l WorkOass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel({ Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( -fWorkType: Interior (,,4 Exterior ( ) Botfr ( ) TypeofBldg.: Singlefamily( ) Duplo(( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial (,zf Resburant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: it for a hot tub: Yes Does a Fire SpriDoes a Fire Alarm Exisil Yes V) No ( ) Page I of 2 7112312005 o o ,*m i Amendmentto the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seruices shallbe in conduit (PVC) from the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect s;witch shall E readily accessible, andlorated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common waffs and spaces are xempt NM Cable (Romex) an E ud only in single and muW-family dwellings net exceeding 3 sbrie. Tlpe IIM cannot be used in any building mixed with Typ A,B.E EH,I,M &S occupancies. Aluminum andudorcsrnaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of efierior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriry that it will suppoft the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required.o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrical one4ine and panel scheduls are reguired if load is added or distribution is alhrcd. I have read and undenrtand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings betrareen the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F: \cdev\FoRIVIS\PERMITS\Building\electicalJermiLU -23-2005.DOC Page 2 of 2 rtl23l20o5 frfif coMcheck software version 3.4.2 t..Yl Envelope Compliance Gertificate 2001 tEcc Reoort Dato: 07P3l07 Data filename: ClProgram File3\Ch€ck\CoMche6ldEl€c-lrical P€rmlt Cslc. Final.cck Section 1: Proiect Information Project Title: Vail Gallery of Fine Art Construclion Sib: 227 F Bridge St. vAit, eo 81657 Pemit No. 807-0125 Permit Date: 05/08/07 Section 2: General lnformation Building Localion (br w€dh6r data): Climate Zon€: Heating tlegro€ Days (base 65 degre€s F): cooling Oegr€s Days (base 65 degre€s F): Proie6-t Typ€: Verlicel Glazing / Wall Aroa Pct.: Acdvty Typc{rl Retail Sales. Whdcale Showroom Owner/Agerit: Vall, Colorado t5 sz{a 4 Addldon 0!6 Designer/Conbacton Fbor Ar€e 1500 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Glimate€peclflc Requlrements: Componcnt l{.mdD6cdpdon (a) Budg€t U-tactors ars used for softwarc basolins oalqiatrons ONLY, and aro not co@ EquiGm€nt8. Air Leakage, Gomponent Certiftcatlon, and Vapor Retarder Requirements: 0 1. All ioints and ponofratbns are caulked, gEsket€d or co\rer€d wlth a moisturo vapor-p€moablo wrapdng mat€rial inEtalled in acoodanoe witi the manufacfurfs hstallaton insEuc0ons. A 2. Windows, doors, and sky'ight8 certified as meeting l€akage r€quir€ment8. O 3. component R-valu6 & U-factors labeled as certified. B 4. lnsulation install€d ascording to manufactJr€/s instructons, In Bubgtanlial contact with tho surfaoa b€lng inEulated, end in a mannor that achi€ves tha rabd R-value wilhout comp|Essing th€ Insulation. O 5. Stair, el€vator shafl vents, and oth€r damp€rs irfiegral io the buildlng env€lope ar€ equipp€d with motofized damp€rs. E 6. Caryo doors and loadlng dod( doom ar€ rveglher saeled. g 7. Recessad lighling fixhrr€s a€: (i) Typc lC ratod and s€aled or gasketod; or (ii) installed in8id€ an apprcp.iel€ 8ir-tight a$€mbly with a 0.5 inci cl€aranc€ frcm oombustibl€ mat€rials and wlth 3 Inch66 cloarancs ftom insulalion tmt€rial. E 8. Building €ntrancs doore haw a v€slihrb and equipped wnh closing d€vices. Fxoepfons Building entrances with r€volving dods. Eloor3 lhat op€n dir€cty ftom a sp*€ bs$ thd| 3000 sq. fr. in ar6a. Gjoar A]la Gavlty Cont. or Perln€tar R-Valuo R-Vtlua Proporrd Budget u+rctor U+.cto? Vail Gallery of Fine Art PaSo 1 of 7 E L Vapor rrbrdor |r|rlrll€d. Vail Grll€ry of Flno Art P{le 2 oj 7 jtt coMcheck software version 3.4.2 LVI Lighting Gompliance Gertificate 2001 tEcc Report Dat€: 0723/07 Data filename: C:\Program Fil6\Ch€ck\CoMcfi€c*\Elecbical P€mlt Calc. Flnal.cd( Sec'tion 1: Proiect Information Project Title: Vail Gallery of Fine Art Construc{ion Site: Orn,t6TAgent: Designer/Contractor: 227 F Brldgo St. vAit, co 81657 Permit No. 807-0125 Pormit Dete: 05/0U07 Section 2: General Information Building Us€ D€scription by: Ac-tlvlty TypeProioclType: Addldon ActlvltvTypo(s) Floor Area Retail Sal€s, Wholesale Showroorn 1500 Section 3: Requirements Ghecklist Interior Lighting: E l. Total ectud watts must b€ 1693 lhan or €qual io btd allorr€d watts. Allowbd Watt! Aclual Watts Complhs 3150 3150 YES Exterlor Llghtlng: g 2. Effcacy greater lhan 45 lum€n \r. Ettca.ptions: Sp€clalked lighting highlighling ftah.rres of historb buildingsi 6ignage; sabty or s€orrily lighling; low-voiiagB landscafre ltghflng. Controls, Swltchlng, and Wlrlng: E 3. Ind€pendent conrob for €sch spao€ (Bwltch,locqrpancy sensor). Exceptions: Al€as dosignated as seolrity or emery€ncy ar€as that must be continuously illuminatad. Ughting in stairways or oonidols that aro €lemenb of lhe msang of €gr€ss. E 4. Mesbr switcrr at entry b hot€l/motel guest rcon. B 5. Eactr space providod with a manual contol b prorride unibrm light r€duction capability. Excefrions: Only on€ luminairo in spac9: An occupant-s6nsing device conbols th€ srea; The area b a conidor, sior€room, r€stsoom, publio lobby or guest room; Arsas gr€at€r than 250 sq.ft. E 6. Automatic lightng shutoff contlol in spacos gr€ter than 250 sg.f, in buildings laG6r than 5,000 sq,ft. Exceptions: Ar6as with only one luminair€, oonidors, sto€rooms, r€stooms, or pubtc lobbios. Vail Gallery of Fine An Page 3 of 7 E 7. PhobcoluaBbo.unlcal [na syvldr on €xb.b llght8, Excafiof|,s: Ligh$ng intcnd€d for 24 hour uso. E 8. Tandem whed one-lamp and ltreelamp bal$hd luminat€3 (No dr|gNGlffrp ba||adtt). Exc€i'1lone: El€c0onlc ilgh{€qus|cy balstB; Lur*Ijl€s not on ssno Bwidi, Section 4: Complianca Statemont Compliene gatement: The propos€d llghting dcbn mpncenbd In this documont h consbfient with th. building plans. sp€dncaftng ard oftor calculafro]t3 $bmltbd wih thls pon{t spplhadon. Ths p.oposed fighffig sl|gt m has be3n d€slgrEd !o ]n !t t|o 2(x)1 IEOC, 8, r€qulromEnts in CoM.treck Vorsiofl 3.4.2 and b cofiply slth th6 mndgDry rcqui l,{amo - Tltl€ Vail G6[€ry of Fin€ Ad Pegp .l of 7 fif coMchectr software Version 3.4,2 t-Yl Lishtins Application Worksheet 2001 rEcc Repodhe: Data filenanF: C:\Progrem Fll€s\Ch€c*\OoMd|€ddEl€ctloal P€rr*t Gdo Find.cct Section 1: Allowed Lightlng Power Galculation A Arc| Cr0.gory Floor Ar.. Allotfl.d Allowrd Watta(tt2! Wett! , tt2 (B r C) Rebil Sabs. Whdade Shouoom '| 500 2.1 31 50 Section 2: Actual Llghtlng Power Calculatlon A Fh(trl3 [l : D.tcrlptlon , Lamp , W.ilagp P.r Lemp, Balhlt Tdal Abtred WatB. 3150 BCOEtamp., *ol Fmrro (CXDI Fb<trrlt Fhrn W.tt Rctell s.he, lno|es.L showroo|n (1500 rq.ltl Incand€scer 1: lrcandescent 50W a TotalAch€lwatF = 315{l Sectlon 3: Gompliance Galculation lf the Totel Allow€d Watts minuE th€ Total Actral WaUs ls g€am than G equal to zerc, ltp bulldlng compl€s. Total AlloYved W& = Total Artual Wafts = Prolect Gompllanoe = 3'150 315{) 0 Vail Gall€ry of Fine Art Pagp5dT itt coMcheck software version 3.4.2 t Vl Mechanical Gompliance Gertificate 2001 lEcc Report Date: 0z?3/o7 Data filename: ClProgram Fll$\Ch€ddcoMcfi6ck\El€otioal Permlt C6lc. Final.cdr Section 1: Proiect lnformation Project Title: Vail Gallery of Fine Art Construclion Site: Owner/Agent: 227 F Bridg€ St. vAit, co 81657 Permit No. 807{125 Pemit Dat€: 05rc8/07 Section 2: General Information Bulldiqg Location (for w6ath€r dat8): Vall, Color.do Cllmat€ Zone: 15 Hoating D€gr€e Oays (base 65 degr€ss F): g:l'lt Cooling Degree Days (base 65 degr€os F): 4 Project Typ€: Section 3: MechanicalSystems List Quantlly Sy3tem Tvp. A D.rcrlptlon Section 4: Requirements Ghecklist Designer/Contrdr: Vail Gsllery of Fin€ Art Page 6 of 7 COMcheck Software Version 3.4.2 Mechanical Requirements Description 2001 tEcc Report Date: Data filenerne: CtProgram F[€8\Ch6d(Cofrch€d{Ebctlcal P6mlt Catc. Finel.cct Vall Gell€ry of Flne A|t Pag€ 7 of 7 iml oP vrru, FIRB DPPARTMENT ; S. FRONTAOE ROA.D Jul 1O 2OO? 4:1lPl'l Firc Jul-00-07 l04lu Frn-T0llt 0f Vllt SpninkLcn Scrvices tS?0) qrflurTY EtELoilriT n047g21tz VAIL FIRE DEPAR'fMEI'IT s2S-8334 p.4 T-01t P.007/0il F-l9l F07.0034 -Bo-1-o l7s BSUnp 06107t2j0o7 07tffin007 {{e6 .60 (9260.t0t l].r! .00 fr.a6. 00 to.0s Artr co El65? ,047y2135 NOTE: lvfq;hntsrF-> Plrn Cl*ct--> hvEEtit|IloF} WlltCrlF-+ TTUS PNNTIIIT MUST BE FCISTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMgg Permit #; PercclNo-..: e1010t267006 ProJoctNo r -?f{O1 -O{11 V$IER CO1IEED BRIDGE IIqC 50 s SN'FLE ItD gTa 400 POMPAITO ESACE FIr 33 06{ ,gPIrIeAN'I FIRE BIRINXIER 9EBVICES 0151 POI{TDEROSA DEI\TE GITE|WOOD BPRIIWS co 91,601 Llcencc: tl56-S :OlfERAclOR FIIE SIEIII(IJEB SER1JrICBE 0151 PONDERAS.i. DRIIrI crJEl[nooD sPRMcg co 8160I IJicgnse: {56-g 06 / 07 /2007 05/07 /2007 9b.cne; B00-9?5-3105 o6l07 /2097 Pheer'8O0-B?s'3105 )esclpdou VAIL BALBRY oF FINE ART'REIOCATE ONE FIRE SPRINKLE& DELETE f,NEFIRBSPRINIfl,ER feluetisr: $1,800'00 ,trttr..at..ttr...rrftrtraatr.ratFratttatlrtttr{tatrtaraattti?a.rrtr FE6 sU[,lM nv tlatataraflrtart.' raat|'llaflr"r"rl"ni"tt' t"rrttltrltrl SPRJNKLERFERMIT IobAddns$ 227 BRIDGE STVAIL Looation.....: VA'IL GALLERY OF FINE ART lo ' og RrsJDt Phn Bwlcrr+g!r0,00 DRB F.l--r to. oo .|(''IAL FEES__._> 30.00 lc. oo TolOlEul|CFr,++ f c . oo Arldftblll Fre+-'+ t{z6,tg Totrl?!t!|flF0-..+ E/rLAI{Cts DllrE+ ilt..r'||Ft.rl|ltlFl'{+....rr...fl.|l|t.+i|'.,'..lrt||nil....|.ii.''i'.+..lr|'l|.lt|'.|||'..l.r..|.ti|l..r'.'.tt|r||..'ill..r!l||.'.ll.|l|...Iten: 05!00 EUIITDINe DEDAIIIIEIiIT ILefi: 05600 FIRE DEDARTI@NT 06113/2007 rwaugban n'ctlo[: AP CONDffTONOF AFPROVAL cond.: 12 (BLDG. ) I FrsuD IltgPEeTIoNg rxE RFQUIRED To CIACB Fon CODE CO!IPLIA!rffi .....|||''|t|'F||'.!'''.r....|i't|t|f.ll.l||rr.|*r.r|r'|ll'|.i.....{iil'i|.....t''f'.|i....+.iFt}|F.t....s|l''il''|.f.....n.|l||i'.l||n| DBCLARATIONS I ho*by aobrowlodge 6st t.hevo rcEd thb aplic6iorl filtrd out in frrll ilrc infrrnrriom rcquirc4 complEbd tn rccuratu plot pllnt 'rd strte dret all thc hfomrtlon o rcquircd-ii con€cl I agrcc ro corlply with tbo informgtiou cnd Ptctt Plm, to comply wl$ all Toryfl odinrncc€ lad rhrr. lw5, a56 ro build rhis rlnrcturr rocording io ftc lownr zooing urd 1_ub!fvi{on codcg, dccitn rwlcw .eptwoO" Internationst Builbing and Rcrittendal Codes end atbcr ordlnancpc of lhc Tovrn applicablo thscto' Jut 10 2OO? {: llPt'l Firc SpninklGF Scrviccs tS?Ol SAB-4334 p. 5 ft1.01-07 lOrflu Frsrlill0t Y ll mHilTY DEWl0tHl ll0tElfil T.lll P.my0ll t-ltl EQI'E8.I3I'oRr$srcrK,Nsl|AlLIEMADE$r'E!ltY.Fo|JRt|ounstN^IIyAFeETTTELEEtof{BAT47'-il36roM*00All-t?lr. OFO$II*IER f,\DOWNES ***********t**t********'t*********+*|*|'}********************+*+*t tt ,r,|.***** * *r+'l'l'l* *{. ** ** *'}'*'t'rl. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratemenl 'l**************i*******'1.******************,***'|*'t't*********{.*t *** * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * i* * !r. t 't,t,tl.*'t 'r 'tSt.atement Number: R070001"189 Amounc: gldE.00 07/06/ZO0Z10:35 AM Palment MeEhod: Check Services / ck L23O8 Init : IJT Notation: Fire sprinkler Permit No: F07-0034 Type I Parcel No: 21.01-082-6700-6 SiTe AddreEs: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ Location: VAfL GALLERY OF FINE This PaymenE: SPRTNKI.,ER PERMIT ART Total Fees: Total AIJIr Pmts: lJ.oo. vu 9156.00$166.00 Balance: $0.00 ,t {. '} * ,1. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '} '} * '} t ********+**}+'t'a*******{.1.*********i***********t *t **f rt***'t *t ***rt*rt * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: AccounE Code Descript ion CurrenE PmEs PF 001000031,1_2300 PLAN CHECK FEES /*t '\a 1FeLz- a I sl, 7,rr" /e'v;,//* Prw-4* , d,o. a4 - sESf ffit AWTST Cofltact '$*trt-f o.ab\.= ::,'3verycnelforms,/ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit # 807-0125 Project # PRI07-0179 Job Address: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART Applied.. . : 05/08,2007 ParcelNo....: 210108267006 Issued...: 05130/2007 Expires.....: ll126/2007 OIdNER COVERED BRIDGE INC 05/08/2007 50 E SAMPLE RD STE 4OO POMPANO BEACH FIr 33064 APPLTCANT COLORADO HfcH COUNTRY ENTERPoS/08/2007 phoner (970) 524-3888 PO BOX 2325 EDWARDS coLoRADO 8L632 Li.cense: 891-B CoNTRACTOR COLORADO HIGH COTTNTRY ENTERPo5/08/2007 phone: (970) 524-3888 PO BOX 232s EDWARDS coLoRADO 81532 L,icense: I91-B Desciption: VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART-CONSTRUCTION OF FREE STANDING PARTITION WALL Occupancy: M Type Construction: IB Valuation: $1 1,500.00 Revision Valuation: $0,00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 *ir*****,t,rt +rl*r*a'i*r*lr'ia**t:irlat Building---> PIan Check--> InYesiigation-> Will Call--> $209.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> $135,0L RcrreationFee-..----> $ o . oo TOTAL FEES-- > $3.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> So. oo Addilional Fees--> S403.26 fqtal Pemit F€€-> Pa)'ments---> BALANCE DUE-> $,10 3 .25 5403 .26 $403.26 t*'l 'l**a*r a'|rtl r* a*'laa* at *Aail,lt*:l t** a*:l+**+*'t *'! Approvals;Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/29/2001 JP*M Action: Ap 06/19/2001 JRM Action: AP APPROVED REVTSIONS AND HANGING ARTY WAI-,LS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIIT 05/08/2007 JS Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV 4 PM. 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 6:00 AM. CNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER {.*************t**********'t'*{.tF******!r(*:r.*************,i{.**,t,t 't,t *i.**:t **,}******r*****,r********,t,t*:[*+!t *:t:i+'i']*,t** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0125 asof 06-22-2007 Status: ISSUED **{.*****'f * * ** ** * ** ***t***,$***{' *{'!t ****'t,}**l'{(*********{r:t*!i***t:t *:&****:t,t **rt:t,f ***:t,}*:t {.* *{! * *+!**!t**'**!t** * +f *+* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 05/OS/200i Applicant: COLORADO HIGH COUNTRY ENTERPRISE INC Issued: 05/30t2007 (970) 524-3888 To Expire: llD6/2007 Job Address: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART ParcelNo: 210108267006 Description: VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART-CONSTRUCTION OF FREE STANDING PARTITION WALL *:| *+ + 'i+ *+'l'***+**:t** *** ****:t!** * ** ******'l 't ** *****Conditions. +* ** * +* ** '* *'r ** * ** **+ +* *,f * t**'t**'rt ** * ** 'i* rt *'*,i *,t,t:t,t( Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******l.l.*ltl.**i.**********ltl.**r**t t t tr{r{i***{.*********t**t**+tf+t+++++f,+aa******a******dr.tattrt**f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 'l' t { * * * * * t t + * +** * t + t t + * **** rl' t* ** *t t t+++** * + { * * + * * * t * t + * + * * * * * {' * * * * * * * * {' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** Statement Number: RO?OOOLO54 Amount: g10L.ZO 06/22/200209:43 Alf Payment Method: Country / ck 8363. Check TNit; LT Not,ation r Co).orado Uigh Perrnit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Lrocat, ion : this eaymene: ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code EV t-Vrza zJ.ur-u6z-b /uu-b 227 BRIDGE ST VAII, VAI], GA],].,ERY OF FfNE ART $r.01.20 Descript ion T].pe: ADD/AIJT COMM BUILD PERMT **i.**********t3***t****r*******rt**************'r**f**********tt++t+****t*********'t*'*'i'*****t **** Total Fees: TotaL ALI-, Pmts : Balance: $403 .26 $403.26 90.00 Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 PF 00L0000311.2300 BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES 28.00 73.20 ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEBci2.onf REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT Separate Permiti are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc'l 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 "*All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans. No further inspections will be preformed until the revisions are approved. * CONTRAGTOR INFORMATION TE OR UNSIGNED ildins Permit #: 'W"""f,i[n rt.,Lfi,rfu, -"Y'",u:'Fes' No':.Contact and Phone #'s:QtDSqo.s"rr ATTENTION: IOE, J&CEARLTE, cRI,c, Cffi.rs Contractor Signatwe* COMPLETE REVISIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LAbOT& MAtETiAIS REVfSED AMoUNT: $ L5 O 0.0o ELECTRICAL:$OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$REVISED TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ?t0l-oTz 61 oc -A JobAddressl2l F. 6nl&F d. V,ttt, Co .Job Name:l/41!oe Ft',ue ArtT Filing: ;o E. s.^r4Pt-t' 4tr14a-Ponffc Be-BRtb€ INC tTtTY WAUJ To ltAuo- h,(Tt'4/o/1/<. WorkClass: New( ) Addition(l) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (/ Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-farnily ( ) Commercial (,zJ Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasAooliances{ ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) W Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED FOR OFFICE USE ONLY F:\cdev\FORMS\Permib\Building\building_revision_4-1 8-2007.doc 4t18t2007 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTACE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9"10-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit # BQ7-0125 Project# PRJ07-0179 Status...: ISSUEDJob Address: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location.......: VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART Applied .. . : 0510812007 Parcel No....: 210108267006 Issued...; 0513012007 Expires.....: lln6l2007 OWNER COVERED BRIDGE INC 05/08/2007 50 E SAMPI,E RD STE 4OO POMPANO BEACH FIJ 33054 APPI-,rCA]{T coLoRADo HrGH couNTRy ENTERPoS/08/2007 phone: (970) 524-3BBB PO BOX 2325 EDWARDS coLoRADO 8t-532 License: 89L-B COI\TTRACTOR COLORADO HIGH COUNTRY ENTERPOS/08/2007 PhONC: (9?O) 524-3888 PO BOX 2325 EDWARDS coLoRADO 81532 License: 8 91-B Desciption: VAIL GAI ERY OF FINE ART-CONSTRUCTION OF FREE STANDING PARTITION WALL Occupancy: M Type Construction: Valuation: $10,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 *t* 't* * l* ** *)t t *rl i * t+ at ti'|l r *'t l * a* r:i Building--> $181.2s Restuamnt Plan R€view--> so. oo Total Calculated F€es-> S302. 06 Plan Check--> $11?. 81 Recr€ation Fe€--> g0. OO Additional Fees--> gO. OO Investigation.> So.oo TOTAL FEES- --- - $302.06 Total Parmit Fec-_-> g302.06 Will Call-> g3.oo Palm€nts---> $302.06 BALANCEDUE - gO. OO Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/29/2007 JRM Actionr AP It,em: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0s/08/2007 JS Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. * f* rtt t r'r rit tr *t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an acaurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTs FroR INsPEcrroN SHALL BE Mat)E TwENry-roun nouns IN ADVANcE By rElJpHoNE AT d79-2149 oR AT ouB oFFtcE FRoM E:00 AM . 4 PM. SICNATTJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNER **'t*****t * +**!t*+**'t*f *'f +*+****t'f '| +,t * * *'* * * * * * '| * * * *** * ****'t't+'t **:*+*'t***'t**''**'*'t*'i't'*'t'i'i't't:t,*i"i**,tf ********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0125 as of 05-30-2007 Status: ISSUED ******'t,t*{.** *** ***'}{.'l********{.*'}**'}* *******'t*** ****:***{.'}***********t|**'f *+!t*+:i***:t'i't't**:f *rit**t!t *****'*f !t* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 05108/2007 Applicant COLORADO HIGH COLJNTRY ENTERPRISE INC Issued: 05t30t2007 (970) 524-3888 To Expire: ll/26/2007 Job Address: 227 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: VAIL GALLERY OF FINE ART Parcef No: 210108267006 Description: VAIL GALERY OF FINE ART.CONSTRUCTION OF FREE STANDING PARTITION WALL * *** ** * * * ***+:i+**t*** *** ********** ***** **** * * **Conalitions.l. *+ + + 'r.++ * I' i**,i * * *{.****:i *{':r(**:F*{.*d. * * * ** * *:},i+* *:t** Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A].TY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. r't'r:ir:l**********i'|'l*'tt|r****{t***++ti****rrar*****'t't**IIt*******rt't'r*t ******I*******+****+++*t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement *{.* * l'* {. f* * t ***'t************rt't''t*****+f ** 'f 't*{'***{'i'i!a******++{ttttt*****t'|l{'{r****8*{'**{,****{,*1{'tt'. Statement Number: R02000O823 Amount.: 9302.06 OS/3A/ZOOTtL:58 AIr{ Palment Method: check Init: DDG Notation: colorado Eigh Country 833 4 PermiI No: BO?-0125 , Type: ADD,/ALT coMM BUIIJD PERITIT ParceL No: 2101- 0e2 - 6Z00-E Sile AddreEs: 227 BRIDSE sT VAIL LocaI,ion: VAIL GAI,IJERY oF FINE ART Total FeeE: $302 . 06This Palment: S3O2,OE Total ALL pmtE: $302,06 Balance: $0,00 :i*t{l'||t't{it*****t*t*'|'|***,'*{'{|**{t**+*+*{'{'**{'*'tt**{t{'{'{'*{****t|ti'|t|*'|*'|t{l.|{.{.{|'lt|t'|(*'**{{*t** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: , Account Code Description Current Etrtg BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES 181.25 PF 00100003112300 pIJAN CI{ECK FEES 117.81 WC OO1OOOO31128OO VIIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 3. OO tl Vail, Golorado 81657 ntact Person and Pnone F s "iW"'Bi;iEEtO"ru;*axEVTo.lz(- 7a8f / GOMPLETE VALUATIONS FqR BU!!D!!G PERMIT & Materials Assessors Oftice at979'32E 8640 orvffi FOR OFFICE USE ONL ry For Parcel # Contact / -2. Obho BUILDING:$ /O,OOOI to I of )/b7 oo a .f*. /*( ,A, tdtu 6/uclf WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo(rzi Other( ) ir""" "n EHu e-ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Wo* type' Interior (,zf Exterior ( ) Both ( ) ffiity( ) Mutti-famiry{ ) commerciat 1,'f Restaurant( ) other( ) [o. of Accommodation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Gas Loqs ( ) wlsEE4gli wogg GasAppliances( ) OasLogs( ) Wood/PeU F: \cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildingiermit-4-17-2007' DOC Page 1 of 7 04lL7l7oo7 ll coMM ERCIAL TENANT FINISH'IMPROyEMENT This cttecklist is to be.lsed with any tenant finish/improvement permit application' I Town of Vail Design Review-Board approval must first be obtained for any exigr]or modifications proposed D plan Gheck Fee must be paid at the time of application for projects over $100,000 valuation (see attached schedule) The following information must be shown on all 4 sets of plans: ! Gonstruction plans stamped and signed by a Golorado State Licensed Architect. n Original building construction type per IBC chapter 6 ex. IFA' V-B ,*m Tenant suite or tenant space number. Tenant space location identification. Show location of the tenant space within the overall bqilding' Floor plans with existing and proposed walls. Show all wall assembly construction and proposed interior finishei with flamespread index.'RroiloseO construction type must match existing building construction type' Clearly show proposed use of each room or space on the plans' Reflected ""iting and finish plan. Type of materials musi match the fire resistance/type of construction requirements in tie existing UuitOing. -Show all interior ceiling finishes and flamespread index Door schedule. All doors lnatt Oe ilearly identified with fire rating, size, hardware and swing. Means of egress plan. Show all occupant loads and number of exits from the tenant space Areas requiiing two (2) exits: Exit doors shown to swing in the direction of exit travel, separation of exits n ! ! D D n comply with code, illuminated exit signs are shown. n Windows shall be labeled with size, operation, safety glass. E All areas and rooms of the tenant space are accessible per ANSI 117.1 requirements. D Accessible maneuvering ctearances provided at all doors for accessibility per ANSI 117 !. , .I Service counter.tops and buitt-in work statlons provided with accessible areas per ANSI 117'1 ! Bathroom facillties. All accessible/adaptable features, clearances and turning spaces provided per ANSI 117'1 requirements must be shown. D Separate sex bathroom facilities provided if the number of occupants or employees exceeds (15)' D Toilet room floors/walls finish schedule. I Floors have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent surface such as concrete, ceramic tile or other approved material, extending upward onto the walls at least 5". n Walls within Z feet of the ftont and sides of urinals and water closets must have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface to a height of 4 feet. tr occupancy separations for walls/ceilings between tenants clearly shown on the plans with fire resistive construclion details and listings specified. n Fire-stopping. Fire-stopping penetration details for plumbing, mechanical and electrical components in allfire rated walls and ceilings. I plumblng, Electricaiand Mechanical Plans stamped by a Colorado State Licensed Engineer Mechanifil HVAC plans, plumbing plans, electrical plans/panel schedules/load calculations. t Fire/smoke Dampers on mechanical plans at all duct penetrations into fire resistive walls and ceilings' n f i." sprinkler plins. Show all proposed work per Vaii Fire and Emergency Services requirements ! Fire aiarm plans. Show all proposed work per Vail Fire and Emergency SeMceg reQuirements I have read and understand ttre requiiements of this checklist. F any reqiired Information is misslng from the BUILDING IT APPLIC F:\cde\,\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingierrhit-4-17-2007.DOC accepted ,/o Page 3 of 7 o4lL7l2oo7 application, I the application wi s Signature tl J *m ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL W]LL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applicant signalure OR date o I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitteC witn myffilication clearly indicate this information. (This willbe verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) OR o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original constru ction date applicant signature F:\cde\r\FoRMs\Permits\Building\buildinglrermit-+ 17-2007.DOc Page 5 of 7 u|142m7 tl *m WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A ..PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': o ls this a new residence?YES- No--t/- o Does demolition work being performed require the usg.of the Rightof-Way, easements or public propertf YES-NO /- o ls any utility work needed? YES-NO-t./ - o ls any drainage work being dqrd that affects the Right-of-Way, easemYES_NO ./- ents, or o Are there any improvements being done to the drivewaf YES -NO-L--' ./ o ls a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES. NO--gl- public property? o ls a'Revocable Rightof-Way Permit'required? YES- NO lf answer it NO, is a parking, stgplfng or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES_ NO ,./ lf you have answered YES to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works office or at Communily Development. lf you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 970479-2198. o ls the Righlof-Way, easemenJror public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES-NO I/ Job or Project Name: Date Signed . 5 "2.07 F:\cdoA@RMS\Permits\Building\buildingurrmlt-+17-2007.Doc PaEe6ofT MlrTlz007 eNOTE:ii ;-r-tR'wAtf CoHsrnucrloN PER 91P-99M Asb bC itno rrr ns s e r,,r e t- ev 4 o. Wf I g?3 I9.T. M ErAL Finn'rnic oC No. wp 3520 FoR wooD FRAMING 'J E-7 - G7 oFp!ff*ilopv 6nh l,:f'\l,tla bs{t{ g>a-\rirJlttln+t kL CJlvflvrcI'L P* flEq*' Cor1;6cf V..[ fin -@ tt l,porzL, .h. o-[ar,'- { "f,,nLW u^ub*ot^^'t'' / IIq ," t'T-._- l-' .4.1 . a'i !ruqa'* e I I I I t I I t I I T I t I ! ! I I I ."breatht, $asy .. Asbestos Building Materials Inspection Services Client: Capitat Reat Estate, ilf.,;Td L4Bo, so S. 6'n Street, Mpls., Project Site:227 Bridge Street, Unit E/G, Vail, Colorado Report Preparation Datei 7/7/o7 Phase Con Project #: O7-O6-27D 593 19 3/4 Road Grand Junction, CO 81503 Office: 970-24L-6480 FAX: 970-241-6584 TEt] VEN-il]i ls 2oo7 llJlU OF VAIL n fe/6 lDl ** In1 JUL llI TOWN I III I I t t I I t I I t I I I I t I T 227 Bridoe Street, Unit E/G, Vail, Colorado Samolino Descriotion Phase Con provided asbestos building inspection services at 227 Bridge Street, Unit E/G in Vail, Colorado on July 7, 2007. The inspection was performed by Mr. Douglas Close, a Colorado State and EPA Asbestos Inspector/Management Planner. This unit is scheduled for significant renovation in the near future. The scope of work was limited to the interior of the spaces only. Materials which are suspect for asbestos content were sampled and analyzed according to Colorado State Regulation #8. Discussion & Recommendations None of the materials tested were positive for asbestos content, and therefore no special handling, demolition or disposal techniques specific to asbestos containing materials will be necessary for the planned renovation work. If any previously unknown or undiscovered materials are found during demolition activities which are suspect for asbestos content then these materials should be tested for potential asbestos content prior to continuing any further demolition work. Disclaimer This inspection was performed using non-invasive sampling techniques. This report does not imply, or guarantee that every material on the propefty, or in the property building, which may potentially have asbestos as a component has been identified and/or sampled. A guarantee that all asbestos materials have been identified and/or sampled would require cost-prohibitive and destructive sampling protocols. Furthermore, identified asbestos containing materials may be in areas which are inaccessible or hidden due to their application during the construction process and their subsequent enclosure or covering with building and finish materials. Areas behind walls, inside chases, or other hidden, covered or enclosed areas were not included within the scope of this inspection, as destructive techniques would have been required to access these areas. These areas should be inspected whenever renovation or demolition activities are scheduled which may disturb the materials within or beneath these I T t I T I I I I I t I I I I t I I I barriers. Abatement cost estimates and material quantity estimates are approximate only (due to the hidden nature of many of the materials), and are provided only as a general guideline to the client. More than one licensed Colorado State asbestos abatement contractor should be consulted to determine actual abatement costs of the ACBMs described above. Actual material quantities can only be determined by complete removal of covering materials. Please call us with any questions which you may have concerning this report and our recommendations. Thank you. Doug A. Close do State and EPA Certified Asbestos Building pector/Management Planner #2930 I I 227 BridgeStreet, Unit E/G, Vail, Cotorado Asbestos Sample Descriotion and Location Tables Sample # Sample Descriotions and Locations t VG-01 Textured Wallboard - Troweled - Lower Level I VG-02 Textured Wallboard - Troweled - Lower Level VG-03 Textured Wallboard - Troweled - Lower Level I VG-04 Textured Wattboard - Troweted - Upper Level I VG-05 Textured Wallboard - Troweled - Upper Level I VG-06 Ceiling Tile - 4XZ - Suspended Ceiling - Lower Level I VG-07 Ceiling Tile - 4XZ -Suspended Ceiling - Lower Level I VG-08 Ceiling Tite - 4x2 -Suspended Ceiting - Upper Level I vc-oe Sheet vinyl.U;:in - Yellow with Small Squares - I I I I I T I t I 67-@6-?g@7 t1..tA CA LABS LLC aa5t515634 Girp frdyllod |rtorotqlcr, LLC 2081 llutlon Dr., Suite 301 ftnohon,IX 751106 m (1721{E&llll krc (9I2lfl8-E006 CA hbr LtC l?232 Indurnlphx, Suhc 32 Bolm louge, U 70809 Plt (22517Jr-5632 tu: (X25)751-5fia Girp kbr af Hculoq, LLC, 1829 West hm flordil Pckmy llortlr, Sulte 803 llou$ouIX77ftl PH: (71319C36336 Fq. (71319816776 Antrrb li$roC; r ain(aofrn PII?O Al'dh Elo$atrr l), hr'erra (l"A{0 / r.*Vl lO I} Flr|li,|r Mrbcdi llCL atl ir|rll , S. a.rtor& brd rq*r, .h.rtsrl |cl|.|tn lt n.|da|!t fiwlt |rt otdrtr cJ iriryrhr b. iLlijftlhn of rk{.| lr?Ett di$.rirc rl|rhdnt, 1|r.l! llr! tulloA Polarized Light Mlcroscopy Report Curtomlr Prolcct: 227 Bridgc St. Turarround Thmci 24 hour Attnr Doug Clouc cu6l0tncr |llformrtlol: Pbase Con Environmcntal Consultants 593 19 Z Road Grand Junction, CO 81503 I'hone: (970) 241-6tlE0Frr: (970) 241.6J84 CA L.b| tsrorect #: (8Rfi07t271 D)tFr(,7i$6107 Srmplcr Rotclvcdt 07 l()5107 Purchr* Ordcr #l ffnD (oonc dcrlol9d - $ic / *----__-!$gg filrtrl?t - plrrcnt) l{vll.F lab C'ndc: 2tXt772{) TDH* It037l) LDTqLEIiFf O:tft9 !.$ | of 3 lpmvd.Slgutqc@ A|rdrtlf Linton Analysr Cody Nswisl Irbrmlort Dlfcctor fA -T&: (q-. *.t tu{:g. .!j) i{ co!t+ rln-l€ rlll l& F ild.qtb tt t!fi. l'Ett cxa6.ti rr.F cfhl q.trtt r nsih.ldc I tt* r.* .*c*r rnmF $. bu.d .r Gdtd.drirrtl gal.rurs IEaDE Lt nIsT tlrl&r Fr.{i.El raaalot tnB-Atldr' Fdlt El rtb r tt! 6f aa.+lur laGadaaa[ tlE rdlif u tE raa[t G(rqEriDif bv lhc N.tiodl vohdr r-rkt t' Lardi.lh tnEr$ lxvl.a!) b rtdd td rdlp* a. hlt rf.i- lL. .ffi-tfurt ;A .i.tl'r- li* utyrtr furrf ca ffrr f *nfrf ty ,$H a. tnsfTlri r.i. nton rurr cdt ro rb-L .clca l.Lfib Nvul ry llA rfdabrh hflb dn rcrfi ly ry tr-crfrorir l*ry. rt. rDolr-nt; ; ,i'ffij ]id r" iu -ennr -*r"n .dltr'{d &o|! CA Ll* llr.r .dlnd i ic EEld tt tb xop.f Nll^.ladtlbr Tt$c .c{lrr ur nl$lt d Fur$ t ro CA lru !$r.. d[ rd-.qdlb!.of$b, in ttdinf th ..Efq,l!li:d|'G.bwu!tl|F|g.r|trrrrurd*lrrlpltdt}.Iidi|t.ib]'ri$b'dm|h.lq'|Biot,iGrl!vt|$lo'',(;^|d!g[|gtb$;;t'&. rhlPPi.r! lm.||rfllqt rrc trr)' EE rbaa Fa r'| l|llh rfaay r.4lrr, ArstFilDct&tEl d C,A L\BS lrDf h'r'dnt{.. Elv{- ef5ttr l||0.r r.{:.l.^?O0}. tlo. {'ilr, t! lJ6l2, tr C25r ?rl-rt!.. vc-o1 I whitc compowd Y No[c Dct4ctcd 2olo crsllulose 7o/o mica 9l% cartxnatcs 2 bt{ wD {8po Y None Dclecaed | (Xl9o cellulorc 3 whitc sbcctrock Y Nono Dclccted l0olo cellulonc r(r,yo glrpsun 20?6 binder vc-02 I whitc compornd Y Nonc Dctcctcd 204 colluloso Jls mict I | 7o carbonntss 2 bnr*a tupc Y Nor6 Dclcctc.l | 00026 cr:llulorc 3 whitc chccl"lock Y Nont llctectcd l0% ccllulocu 70el grysurn 20P4 bindsr vG-03 I whitc tcxtruo Y Nouc Dctcct d 3% celluloco 41/omicn 3o/oqlu,at? 9094 osrbonaten,,brcwn tapc Y Nono Dstocted | 0o7o ccllulosc A7-@6-ag47 IL.LA cF LABS LLC ee57515634 Grp Arnlyticd hhmcdr+ LLC 2081 Hutton Dr,, Sullc 301 ftndlrm,TI75(n6 Pn (97214r&t{14 Fqr: [972){88-8006 Olrp l"rbr ot Hoorfo+ LLC 5829 Wcst fum Huueton Po*my Norfh, Suite 803 Hqdon,II770{l PH: (7131983t336 Fox (7131t83{776 (Ahb+LLC 1 2232 ldu$riplex, Suilc 32 Bdor Rfl,lc,11708$ lll: (2251751-5632 hr (2251751-563{ Polarized Llght Mlcroscopy Report Prgs2of 3 A!. l':i. Mrrl'd& lr|t{ l$ ({Ktra Prt 7dl Al0qrdh R b &rftDif D / tE.ot|a (!!At 6m , l{ la)P..F nior M.lbo& llcL.rdd k*&f.tr..rtrrL b..r{ rrlr}rar dsdcj r!**ti.i 6ro.t1rl.lt Dqld rqou.ar, cl b rtb|t b.il.|||itL{a5.trrb.rBr}faDtttt' io an|i!i4, tqfu l-{ rdlrd; Curtonrr Informrlol: c|rrtoracr Polocn CA L3bt pnolccr ft Phasc Con Fnvimnmontal Consultane 227 Bridge St cBR070?r2?l 593 19 % Road D,.EoTto6!07Crand lunstion, CO 81503 Phoac: (970) 241-ft4110 Turnrrround Tlmr: 24 hour Srmplc Recelve ds ffinlllfftl'rr: (970) 241-65E4 Aftr: Doug Clorc Purcherc Ordcr #: -:-.-...:--!.,-.,-.-::...1f r_k-.?-+r-!=---+ra.--"!!!|r.lsumplod lj',cr f, Anrlyrtl PhFicsl Dlr .Tiplion Horno. A stor !]lPc / cdihrtlrl Non.{|t$€stos libaf rylro / Non,ltbrors tlTc /ofgub'lmph grruour virual c|tlm$E perre.nt p€rsg|t p.raor$l(Y/N) (nom daoocd = rbrcnt / vG{3 3 white shcctrq:k Y Nolc Dotcc{od l04rzc ccllulosc 709lo EyDsu'n 20olo binrlcr vc-04 whitc tc:lutt Y Norc Dctecled ufri-"St6iieo 37o collulocc 4%rnlcl 3%qntlz 90olc carbonatEs 2 bruwnt8p€Y 100026 csllulosc 3 white $hccbock Y Nouo Ilclectrd l07o cellulose 70% gypsun 20Qlo bindcr vG{5 I whilc tcxlure Y None Dstectcd 3% ccllulose 4Vomiea 3o/tQlnfiz 90% carbonatcs 2 brcwn tapc Y Nonc Dctrrtcd 100% cellulonc 3 whirc sbcohock Y Nonc Dct€ctcd 10% cclluloso 70Yollpsun 20% binder VG.O6 grry cciliog tile Y Nooe 40% fberglass 20% bindcr @e Andrcw Llnton Arrlyrl IWLA! Lab qodc: 200?724 ApJrrrwal.ligretory: TflH# IH)!70 IJIEQ/I.E|.AFr 0:106{, Cody NEw{ql Labontory Dircctor Sotr*..trtht (tloor tt r,586cirr4', mt'..rr.ir !F,t t ltt a" !a tdc.t lb iy DLlr..tDa ctrrf.tc.a{rl of b* i.cru h.t or@dod h ua rrrav!{d.*idr.t* rr&.blc !n Nl$I ud'rL nr rqrlrC {lt 1r rtF.r A!4,rt'.Or"";*s lt*ftt..r-,ioi-*aptt;;;,,ti df,qr,r rl'e N'ti.$l va& ry litbt*xr A.c$dlahr 9!oF.rD0{,\rlilt) L. Etdd'r... nalr* fr fuU,,gt-ol nt.i;ilriiitiii tii'.i"*Tti.rti.lFo.1tEl{Eurtot|'.fft.l.d.t{d|t-Iv.IFf'I'-^EutldttrrinIcra.lotdi|..lurgo'irnisnr_.eocy..Tf-;f.;;;.il;i;;fii.iu*al".,r' ,.adrd,t fuu UA Irt , nri. n*od i Et nont$d lt ala tot cfNlt^ .frdlttiF ThrE $nl[ rrc [lditttd grnu to C.l t^trf clnur L[ ud_lofllt i of d., bfditS $. !$f yl rrt dtE|Etu.'hwlltt'|,c|!rrtr.rcEa|6bgF*u.rarrdi.dlsfIhr|u$y.l$cIq'|ElItin,dl't|'i.''at4h^tA9||ld|'nIl.rriit"rrlrrrrlri r|lrriq! .r|J h.hdlig a!. lgy l. rr**d tn Oi rarn cfuy uplcl AD|l$'r trrft''d d CA LAAE latf ||$|rrfLllh,L.lt Sq lnn. *.,* t.J\ tc{p; rforC (AJ) ?Jt ta'l fscftr T -t6!a @7-A6-eW7 L1,t!1,CR LFBS trc 4457515a34 (rbp Anolpkul hbaotorir+ LLC 2081 Hunil Dr" Suitc 301 turoFo4IX75006 PH: (9721410-l{l{ ftr (97214EE-E006 (Al.otr, LLC 12232 Indutiden, Suitc 32 lotmRouge, LA70009 tll; 12251 751.5632 tur: (2251751-563{ Olrp hbt d lhurtorl LL(. 5829 WoslSmr [urt00 hdtwy llorth, Suite S03 llouston, II l70ll P1|: 17l3198$6336 to: (71319[$67/6 Curtotncr Intormruon: Phase Con Envircnmental Coasultants 593 l9%Road Grand Junction, CO 81503 Phoner (970) 241-64E0Far: (970)241-65E4 Curtor!.r Prolcct: 227 Bridgc St. lbnrrould Tlmcr 24 hpur Attl: Doug Closc CA Lrbr ProJect #: cBR0707t27t t .tu 07/U;107 srnplC| Reccivcliiz t7 105N7 Suroherc Ordcr f: Polarized Light Mlcroscopy Report Ar.lFir M4lod: ht .b(aocF8' P{?6! Alpxlir E t|,$h.r E)/tl?rrnt(E! {OO rRa |(}, F.r'?srlfi M6lr0tt:H(L.t!f lf|thc a...,hra. hd.tr0Lt..fdlbl.*dl &raprfrfly tqd qrqrEh, oil t|!rad!o tr.id..rifidritn !f.|l-ct ttt rtt diTif'b! {la-r, h}t hrO rr$t}0r!, 96||aout (YN) virud cldmrb pcrr.r|r (nmG ddGal€d - rhcEt /P|lt grt @e AJrdtew Llt on A|!lyrl Nct6: NVIiP Lab codc: 20lr/72{ TDHf :t0.0370 LDBqfl..tr lAtr 030.19 Prgc3 of 3 ^oFovcd Sirnrrory: Cody Ncrlon hboaatory DitEatot x.[!r.'F|E('o..lI4ntt.LA.'a,q!'.o|.h|t.rt!cE[rr,!9dt,Gd.b|.byP1.l.fcHfE*|.dtx..ofro&d.'hlb.-.EG''ldlutc00.AIr.h'c.,qs.lAIEb.dCd vilr.l c{ioht€ t ...ttL h NIST mlvd !r nrrld.dcao._fin.latttr'r"*itier. rl.;tul" r r""lr7, iiiirtra-qg".t-r;;f",.s - r[ rrr1 coc.nlrtb! ohv r'lE N{bDJ vol'rdrr tru{$rt ^!.t dldL. trlFrD txtrIb tr **rr'rrr rrr6t n rr,f ilur-or r$r r,i.-rni'<ef.xi riiiriL*Tli*rr.qrdEbt!.!nl'tD|idtgD|cdtNGlt*rU+I9!tlArpt!hhn|ro||qdttr[{wwus.0d'o';ni.';'.ir.g;dlir.ilyiJirrli*i.J"ii.i#T]nu*.* J'|.trtrisior fn t! CA L{l|, ltrir islf1d i sl lorGd Dt th raoDo o? AIHA EErdiurll|| lbrr nedtr rrc eb{tr.d nlrf&r r. cA LL' diqd-tqif rt_-dti.n cr$h h.hrrrg tb 00r$s rrd.d vgrril nd l&bf. i$h.r I aticl6. tfrb s r.!d.. i!.t!.tLc lhblr Dtitirl ir rtlhl s 116 rfJraptcrl^lrf qr ui r+ort c,f n "li rr.ii tb r;iir &rr pird orlFDhr |ul h dli'E tln yL rEa.d nrtb rq*t.f.|ty ulrht ANl,|ir pe.tr r4el.r CA l.r\BE llljl lrdt|r|.bbr Eh4.Sd.12: glrci Bt t{rr,lA 7lrUtt ntfir(ru|?I.t6!1,!r (t!D trt.!a,ta. T I I I I I I I I I I I T t T l t t I