HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT J VILLA VALHALLA UNIT 3NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Orv JOBS ITE AT ALL TIMES @ HHLTZ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Fronlage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 O.47 9.21 39, I. 97 0.47 9.2452, in psections 97 O.47 9.21 49 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VA|L Location......: UNtT 3, VTLLA VALHALLA ParcelNo....: 210108238003 OWNER COHAGEN, JOHN R. & MARY C. - OENONOOq 3939 N 95TH ST BOULDER co 80301 APPLICANT SNOW GOOSE INVESTMENTS L.L.C 08/20/2009 Phone: 303€61-0822 3939 N. 95th Street BOULDER co 80301 License: 104-B CONTRACTOR SNOW GOOSE INVESTMENTS L.L.C 08/20/2009 phone: 303661-0822 3939 N. 95th Street BOULDER co 80301 License: 104-B Description: REPALCE WINDOW WITH DOOR, REPLACE SLTDING GLASS DOORS WITH WALL AND WINDOWS Occupancy: VA Type Construction:R2 Valuation: Total sq Ft Add€d: Permit #: Project #: Status , . I Applied . . i lssued . .. : Expires . ,.: 809-0205 PRJ09-0260 ISSUED 08t20n009 09/23/2009 03t22t20't0 $3,500.00 0 FEE SUMMARY Building Permit Fee-*--> Plan Check----- Add'l Plan Cheek Hours-> I nvestigation-----------> $97.25 Will Cal Fee---------> $63.21 Use Tax Fee--- $0.00 Restuarant Plan Revi6w--> $0.00 Recreation Fee-------------> $4.00 TotalCalculatedFees-------->$0.00 Additional Fees--------------->$0.00 ToTAL PERMTT FEES------> $0.00 $164.46 $0.00 $1&.46 $1il.46 $0.00Total Calculated Fees---->$164.46 BALANC E DU E---_-------------> DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and lo build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURg tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM ?-.?s^aoa? R, /rtn bld_alt_construction_permit_o41 908 Status: ISSUED Item:05100 BUILDI 09/022009 cg DEPARTMENT Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNINc DEPARTMENT AA21l20Og bgibson Action: AP see conditions. plans routed to A-3. See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply, bld_alt_construction_permit_041 908 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 09-23-2009 Status: ISSUEDPermit#: 809-0205 Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE, Cond: 14 (BLDG.):ALL PENETRATIONS lN WALLS, CE|LINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. bld_all_conslruction_permit_04 1 908 *********f * * f I llt* ** * * * * * * * ** * * *'t * * * * * ***********ft*ttf++{'ttt*ttt'}t*tt * * {' i* * * * * I' t' * * * {' * * {' * * * i TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * i * * t t * * * * * * * + | | I * * * * * * + *l******* *** *********tf f ++t*aaiilf i*+t+ai++*f trl f 'i'ltt | | | I * | {'rl"l'}t*f I Statement Number: R090001285 Amount: g1_54.46 09/23/200912:36 pM Paynent Method: Credit Crd COHAGEN Init: SAB Notation: VISA-aIOHN Pernit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Locat.ion: This Payment: BP 0010000311t 1-00 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003L12800 809-0205 I:,.pe: ADD/AI,T MF BUIITD PERMIT 2101-082-3800-3 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAII, UNIT 3, VILI,A VALHAIJLA Total Fees: Total ALL Fmts : Balance: ;]-54.45 iL54.46 90.00 $154.46 * * * * * {. {.*{.**'}t*'f't * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * t t + + * | '} 't '} * * * * * * '} * ,} ,* * *** * * ***,} * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion BUIIJDING PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FBES Wf IJIJ CAI.lI.j INSPECTION FEE Current Pmta 91 .25 63.2L 4.00 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. VW"*E*l€ibt" Cteoy-p r 3 (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Buitdins/compr"* H.rn"' Villn V*l+lal(1. Office User Project #: DRB #: Building Permit #: 2rg Contractor Information: Company: S Company Address: state: CO. zip: Contact Name E-Mair JCOmaer.r g €ruoula Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: Detailed Description of work: Tfo €vtSilrlU 3,ntl - t. a nt"",,f'T W,r'.Drrtf. {Cl [n/i*qN u,iil B Vrfep^ VI * tvt\ dF uwai Yae . (uselatraritional sheet if necessary) I Work Class: I New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel 1y'i Repair( ) Other ( ) Work Type Interior( ) Exterior( I eoth(f Property Information parcet*: 2lOl O82 38eZ (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Offic€ at 970-328-E640 or visit www.eag lecounty.usi patie) Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Tenant Name: owner Name: ffi*,t Grcel Type of Building: , Single-Family ( ) Duplex( ) Multi-Family (tr) Commercial ( ) Other( )-- Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes ( ) No ( ) Monitored Alarm? Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes ( ) No ( ) # & Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) ilfi. Valuations (Labor & Material))/Buitdins: S9$U.e:- Plumbing: Electrical. $-- Mechanical: $- rorar: E3E{I)-09_ ( GasLOg( ) Vvooo/r'ellet ( ) vvoooEutnlng( t ,, # & Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) $/A, I Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) - i r uarcxeffiPq lnl 1"1 lnl Ere-ffiv=1n\, AUG 1e 2sss llllU TOWN OF VAIL; C-nt +"Wr UpueA 8-Jun-09 w4-o"e5 Total Unit Calc!lations dfe deteflnined usin(r the National Fenestration Ratino CoLnc | (NFRC) proceo,'ec for oerer.n ninq Ienes-ration prooucr val:es. Capilafy tobes are required for insulating glass unlts at high elevations. Inert gases (argon or krypton/argo n) will not be furnished in units with cap llary tubes. LJnits are calculated and manufactured with wdrm-edge spacer system. Slmulateci Divided Lite units are calculated w th grilles in airspace. Ihermal performance va ues for pictLrre centers ovor 32 sq, ft will vary Contact Weather Sh eld for additional ln{ormatlon. sffEffiiffipv d Weather SHEEff Premium Wood & Aluminum CIad Windows & Doors bDa Therr VZO Casement Picture Center (8204) c, e ALUMINUM CLAD UNITS (continued) E''6 erformance Data --AU6-?rr?009- ProdLl.t Tvp" Glazing Optionr o NFRC MODEL S|ZE 47" x 59" ['1200mm x 1500mml TOTAL UNIT CALCULATIONS A CR EN€R6Y SIAR-9fa:ins \rrazrng rype U" Faator Value SHGC Without Grilles J 3t4" Zo-e-shield 5 Zo-e-sh eld 6 lo:*shield S tw/caiiltdd.fitltb* Zo e-sh eld 6 w/Capillary Tubes Insul Low E2 Insurl Low E2 w/Argon Gas Insll Low E 240 Insul Low E 240 w/Argon Gas Bronze lnsul Low E2 Bron26 lmul Low E2 w/Argon Gas 0,28 0.29 0.34 0.47 0.33 0.29 033 0.29 0.33 Q.29 3.45 l!ll3 2.94 3.03 3.45 3.03 3.45 3.03 0.23 0.?3 0.23 o.64 0.34 0-34 0.21 0.21 0.3 3 0.32 0.53 0.52 gl53 0.52 0.67 0.59 0.59 0,33 0.33 0.44 0.44 56 '. ,84 53 43 57 53 56 54 N, NC, SC, S N, NC,5C, S fitNc, SCiiSr N, NC,5C, 5 N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S With 5/8" Flat or '| l/16" Sculptured Grille! in Air.pace Zo-e-shield 5 2o-e-shield 6 Zo'e'shield 5 w/Capillary Tubes Zo-e-shield 6 w/Capillary Tqbes lnsul Insr,rl Low E2 Insul Low E2 w/Argon Gas lnsul Low E 240 Insul Low E 240 w/Argon Gas Bronze Insul Low E2 Eronze lnsul Low E2 w/Argon Gas 0.28 0-30 0.32 0.35 0.47 0.33 0.29 0.29 0.33 a29 3.57 2.86 3.45 3.03 3.03 3.45 0.21 0,21 o.21 0.?1 0.57 0.3r 0 31 0.20 0.19 0.29 0.29 047 0.46 0.47 0.46 0.60 0.53 0.53 o.29 0.29 0_39 0.39 59 N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N. NC, SC. S N, NC, SC, S N, NC. SC. S N, NC, SC, S N, NC,5C, S with | 5/16" Sculptur€d Grilles in Aiaspace 3i4" Zo-e-shi6ld 5 Zo-e-sh eld 6 Zo-e-sh eld 5 w/Capillary Tubes zo-c-sn cro rt w/Lrprrrary rutre! Insul Insul Low E2 Insul Low Ez w/Argon Gas lnsul Low E 240 Insul Low E 240 dArgon Gas Bronze lnsul Low E2 Bronze Insul Low E2 w/Argon 6as 0.28 0,30 0.32 0.35 4.47 0.33 0.29 0.33 0.29 0.33 o.29 3.57 333 3;13 2.86 2.13 3.03 3.45 3.03 3,45 3.03 3.45 0-19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.51 0.28 0.28 0.18 0.17 o.26 0.26 0.42 0.41 0.42 0.41 0.53 o.41 o.47 o.26 0.26 0.35 0.35 59 56 l5a 53 54 5l 56 N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N. NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N. NC. SC. S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S SimulBted Divided Lite o Zo-e-shield 5 Zo'e-6hield 6 Zo-e-shield 5 w/Capillary Tubes Zo-e-shield 6 w/Capillary Tubes Insul Insul Low E2 Insul Low EZ w/Argon Gas Insul Low E 240 Insul Low E 240 w/Argon Gas Bronze lnsulLow E2 Eronze lnsul Low E2 w/Argon Gas 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.47 0.33 o.29 0.33 0.29 0.33 0.29 3.57 3.33 2.86 345 -t ul 345 0.21 0.21 o,21 o.21 o.57 o.3l 0.20 019 0.29 0.29 0.47 a.46 0.47 0.46 0.60 0.53 0.53 0.29 0.29 0.39 0.39 59 ' t56 54 53 54 51 53 56 54 57 N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC. SC. S N, NC, SC, S N, NC, SC, S N, NC,5C, 5 N, NC, SC, S HOTLINE: 1 -800-538-8836 FAx: 1-800-390-1 225 www.weathershield,com archservrces@weathersh ielo.com(Revised 09-08)