HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASA DEL SOL TOWNHOMES UNIT 9 LEGAL)i/$oaaFl$il(F Inrpccilon Rrquoct Rcportlng Pagp 17 ''n.3ffilffo*:i Su*rr**t^*RDYLEsrvArL 2075 il. @RE CREEK fle lEEb@!@ Arfvftr E0$o106 llrcc: &ELEC SubnD.: AllF Sttr3: ISS{EDCorrrttyfi: Ocsnc'licy: I'ha: Ilrp&u: CG Omhr: DE]-AG RfA. C RLOG ADD{c.nr FI.ATOFSELECTRIC Phom: 97O87FS5210Coiftrcior FI-IiTOPS ELECTRIC Pfton : 970 8?64540 Oilcrlp{on: ELECTRICAL FOR Klrcl,EN REIIOO€t€tUTCHltlG OUT CABINETS, UGFfiM} AltD S|l.fi Rcau€!ffi hsoccton(El lbm: 120 E|-EC€duhR.ql..bc FI.ATOPIS ELECIRIC Conlnrnlr: r,s c.il Bob €70) 23( RequesEd Tlme: 08:30 Afl' Ptron : €7o)2g)"{6a7Coninqq!: !'Uc.IIl4r€70) t*1527 ln$prcilqrHlibta lbm: 11O ELEC-Terp.P5ry6'rlbn: t2O ElEC-ltoudrlbm: 13O ElEc.conilufrlbm: 1rO ELEC-fdlc.tbm: lq' ELEC-Flml Eril.rod By: DGOI-DEN K WWV lLl 0t .sH; lhn Exp: REPT131 Run Id: 33O{ 07-1$AXF lnrpccilon Request Reportlng Page 23 4:11 prn veil- co - clty oI - Rcquecbd lmp€ct [hb: !ite!d.y, July lg, A)05- lmo|cuooAno: CGS|bA(fibtaI: 2055 S FRONTAGE RD UEST VAIL 2075 N. GORE CREEKN AlPlDlnfonnrisr ftilvitr E(FO106 TCon{Tyi: _ __qgqrfl. Sblr.F: lmpAr€a: rssr.ED CG &EtEC subTlH: AtrF Orihfi DE LAqARZA, CARLOSADoIc.rt FLATOpSEIeCTR1C Phom: 970876'65?0Cdtlcbr: FLATOFSELECIRIC Ptpm: 970876'6540 DelcJlp[on: ELECTRIC L FOR KITC}€N REiICIOEL€Y|ITCH|]*|G OUT CAEI||€TS, LlGHn}.|Cf AtlD SINK R.ot|.cbd ll|3oac0or{sl tbnr: lfl) El-ECflndRrSrrbr FLATOPSI ELECTRIC le"rr.n' t/ ' lt c t a/ t Rcqucctcd Tlme: 08:00 At' Ptb.re: 970876€520 -or- 6t& r861 EnbndBy: DGOLD€N K / i ( <'-..,:i c.'. 7 Comnr{3: rnllg, loctbox€6m ^*,cffini EGUIIZLE Tlne Exp: (tt{,ti'/ 't''-/ n, (,'. l, Lo *-rr./ ., //\ lnro|cltonHlrbn, tbm: 11O ELEC-TorF.Pounltbm: 12O Et"EC-Rouohogt{Gt Intpoctor Codilnentlbm: lg' ElEe€ootutllmu 1lo EtEc-llhc.bm: lgl ELECfhrl Acilon: APAPPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 3429 07-ALAX)5 Inspecilon Rcquest Reportlng Page 19 4:10 pm vail- co- cltr ol - Reguesed Insp€ct D!E: lhursday, July 21, 2005- Inspecifron Area: CG srte Address: tStB i.ffiJtEERDfYEsr vArL A|FD lnlormrtm ActlvlM E0$fi06 l\oe: SELEC SubTlpe: AMF Sialus: ISSUEDConrtTypi: Occupaity: (/se: lrcpAtea: CGOrinc DETAGARZA. CARLOS'ADDlkrnt FI.ATOPSEIECTRIC Phone: 97087&56?0 Coi&ecbc FllTOPtiEtEClRtC Phone: 97087e66a0 De*rlpdon: ELECIR|C L FOR KrcHEN REIiIODEL-SU,|TCH|iIG Ot TCAEINETS, LIGHflNG AIJO SINK Requested lnspeq{on(sl tbn: 190 ELEC+lnd Requesion FIATO,PS ELECTRIC Com||t rils: Alr, loct box 65m t9 AssbnedTo: EGI-ATZLE- Acuon: Tlme ErD:comrmnt FEffin o-iffion cnd ol penniniuhEffiEi- Requested Tlme: 10:30 Afl- Phone. 97087S5520 -or- 61& r86t Enb|ldBT DGC'LOEN K Acflon: APAPPROVED 07/19/t 6 InsDector: ec Aclbn: DN DENIED Commedt mid one oul6t on end of pannl||suh couNal F7p,*-.t ry v- 2t^zooe lnsoec{on Hkbrv llem: 110 ELEC-Tcmp. Powertbm: 12O ELEC-Rordt 06114t(,5 lnspcdor: Commentlbm: 1il) ELEC€ond.rllbm: 14t) ELEC-MbC. Item: 19() Et"EC-Fhol 'i^'**0" REPT131 rfis TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 n0-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: hoject No : ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2055 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 2075 N. GORE CREEK #9 2103tr420[fD DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Satus. . Applied. Issued . Expires . E05-0106 ISSUED 06t09/20p/5 06/L0tzws r2t07t2005 OWNER DE LA GARZA, CARLOS 46 ST'N KING DR GIJENWOOD SPRINGSco 81601 APPI-,ICANT FI,ATOPS EIJECTRIC 3720 C.R. 2L4 SILTco 815s2 I-ricense: 359-E CONTRACTOR FI,ATOPS EI-,ECTRIC 3720 C.R- 2L4 SILTco 815s2 Iricense: 359-E 06/oe/zoos 06/09/2OO5 Phone: 97O 876-5520 06/09/20Os Phone: 97O 876-5520 Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR KITCHEN REMODEL-SWITCHING OUT CABINETS, LIGHTING AND SINK Valuation: $0.m Electrical----- > DRB Fee-*--- > InYestigation-- > Will Call--------- > TOTAL FEES-. > $sl.7s $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 s54.75 954.7s 90.00 954.75 954. ?5 90. 00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees----- > Total Permit Fee-------- > Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE.------- > Approvals: Item3 05000 EIJECTRICAIJ DEPARII{ENr 06/09/2OOs JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN:r CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .!?*P**9;J.;..lIf IP*.IT:..t*:II..I:*.*I.,TI9Y,IY-3,J9.-I;t1P,9I..1*91'S93.T.S-9I1I*IH9*"J*******"***',****,,',,,*:.'.:i',*+,,r*'*:* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-21+9 OR AT (psos 0 fi,t PM. FROM 8:00 AM - 4 ******************{.*tt*tt*********'}*l*****t+++++*t+*l***********+++**+***a*t*a+****tf+t+tli* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement 'i***tf *************'i'i'lr'l***********+*****+*** + * * * tf +*if ********f *****t*,t'i,t***t**********t**** Statement Nuiber: R050000793 Amount: $54.?5 O6/LO/2OOS10:17 AM Palment Methodr Check Init: DDG Notation: FlatoDs 167 9 Permit No: 805-0106 Type: EIJESTRICAL PERIT{IT Parcel No: 2103 -114 -2000- 9Site AddreEe: 2055 S ERONTAGE RD tfEST VAIL tocat,ion: 2075 N. GORE CREEK *9 Total Fees: This Payment.:$s4 .7s Total AJ.,L Pmts : Balance: * * * * * * * * * * t * * * + * * * * * * * * * f '}***'l*i*+**t***l'{r**'t'}t*,tta*** * * ***'}***+++f *t*******++*++*********** ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmtss $s4.7s $s4.7s $0.00 EP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 BIJEEIRI CAIJ PERIT{IT FEES YIII,IJ CAIJJ INSPECTIOTiI FBE 51.75 3.00 Jun Og 05 O3:OSp APPLIC,ATIOI{ Wtr TTIOTBE ACCEPTED IF INCOTPLETE OR ProJect* Buildlng Permlt#: ElccEical Pormlt* (lnsFction.) TTNNfi 75$f,runt4c vcr, GOITRACTOR IIFORIANON p.2 JLjii rt .].-'-\.'^ Ebdrlcal Conlrdol: FLATo?S f-LtrpTnic Twn d lr'ail Reg. No.: 3zj,-€ Contad and Phone#s: sr€,u E, n10 976 gElc, E-ilrllAddgr:.coh-ira?brssn*"",ffi)-%/ @ISPLETE SQ. FEET FOR llEW BUILDS and VALUATONS FOR ALL OfiERS (LaDor & lirterlalsl AtrfouNroFSOFTlNsTF[JcruRe 60 O ELECTRIGALVATANON: $ trttrtrtrt.tlti***tffr*tttFoR OFFICE USE OlllYrttr*t*1}t*++*#*r'tfilfir*r*lt*r|++.'+arrtsrY Ofrcc a2 vlsl? wYtw, Parecl il Job Nam: unws D6 tJ Gano)n JobAddesslo ?-q p@tTl/ fu6 enOOk# togd D€odptlan I Lot ll Bloch: ] FU5$$tdrvision: o'ilm;;;nrlr'"grq e i j' NAZ;MWfi;| ^t c * e onffin-phonei - ErBlneer:Addrees:Phono: Iletailed dcrcdflbn of wrk: E,Teila^t ilDmaoEL t2.6sr,>d^tTto L VVo'kCleBs: Nsw( ) Addiuon( ) nonrooogd @ah( ) TcnpPower( ) Otl|€r( ) WorkTypc lntc.iorDfl Exfrodor( ) BOth( )DosanEHUert{dlhistocalbn: Ygs( ), No( ) TtpodBfdg.: Slnglcffiy( ) Dl.dil( I lrtuld+illly( ! Cfixnord.l( ) R$truail( )o|hcrfil gpaDO No. of Erbling OmlhC Units trt thb buaSing:No. dAcom.ndilbn Units toi thb building: ls thls oermlt for e hot tub: Yes ( ) trto DOEs a FlrE Mm -erEE--GTl--Egq EEfrrespinkhr-WEaEu Yes( ) lto$ \\vrllurtr\oddr\l$|t!{lil8Enffl nnBLEC}F.RM,mC mn4n0u Jun Og 05 03! Ogp P.3 I 0 0 0 0 o Arnendnur-ot-to.thcl999_X,Eelo.rv-nof .Y-ai!_-O_:CjneOeel0-1 :$" Orefiead seruices are not allcryved ln the Town of Vall. Undcqrund services have to bc in conduit (PVC) from the &ansbrmer to the dectrlc moter, main dlsconnec{ swlbh and b the tirsl elccfical dstribution ciu,rlt brelccr panel- Tho main dlsconnect srvibh slrall be lcabd next to tho mebr on the ertedor wall of the slructure easily acessible. All underground oonduits are required to be inspofid bdoru back-filling the hanch. In mulU-familydwulling units, no eledrical wirlng oribedercables shall passfiom one unitto another. Common walls and spaoes are acceptcd. NM Cable (Romex) is not allorved In oommercial buildingo orstructurcs exceeding three (3) storles. No use of aluminum wire smaller lhan size #8 will be permltbd wlh the Torn of Vail. rsffl-{*oEJlutfrEgrRrqLP_FE$reuEElJilFs Al installations of e<terior hot tubs or spa's roquire a DRB approval from planning. This ap$calion wil not be acccptcd without a copy of tre DFIB approval form attactred (lf applicable). lf this permlt is for installation of an exterior hot iub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30' above gradc. you must also obtain a building pormit. lfthispermhlsforinstallatimdfliextedorhottrborspaonanyexbtingdcckorelevated platform,a stnrctural engineer.must rwiew the existing condition and veriry that it will support tha added ccrcenbaled load. Plcase provide a copy of the structrral engineerc wet stampcd letbr cdrawing with his applicatbn. lf ttrisis a remodel in amulti-family building wlth a homeor,'rnersassociation, a lellerof petmissbnfiom the association is requlred. ff this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets d stamped drawinp are requhed. Dab Slgned lf you havc any quesffons rcgarding tlre aboye inforrnation or hrye addidonal queltlonr, please sontact the Tonm of Vall Elcstrlcal Incpec{or atgf0179-.214?. The Inspecilor can bo rpached on Tuedry, Thurcday and Frlday momings betrucen ihr hour of 8am and 9am. You may also leauD a voice mall and the inspqctorwlll cafl you bac*. \wdtullrlodcv\Flof, tff.slDERMn$EIScpE$t.mc vrtzat2m TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: BO5-0122 Iob Address.: 2055 S FRONTAGE RD WFST VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 2075 N. GORE CREEK #9 Applied...: 05l%l2n5 Parcel No....: 2l03ll42ffiW Iszued...: Ml06,lz0frs hoject No...; ft,1o5- A tf + Expires...: l2l03l2ffis o!{NER DE rJA GARZA, CARLOS 05/24/2005 46 SUN KING DR GLENWOOD SPRINGS co 81501 APPLICANT D. M. NEUII'AN CONSTRUTION CO.05/24/2005 Phone: (970) 945-7502 PO BOX 2317 GI.,ENWOOD coIJoRADO 81602 L,icense: 814-B coNrRAcToR D. M. NETMAN CONSTRTTTTON CO.05/24/2005 phone: (970) 94s-7sl2 PO BOX 2317 GI,ENWOOD coIroRADO 81602 Lricense:814-B Desciption: KITCHEN REMODELSWITCHING OUT CABINETS. LIGHTING AND SINK Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $25.000.00 Fireplace Information: Rcstricted: Y Building----> $391.25 Restuffa Plan Review- > Plan Check--> s254 .31 DRB Fer--------------- > Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY So . oo Total Calculated Fees-> $648 . 56 S0,00 AddftionalFees-------->$0. 00 SO.0O Total Pemit Fee------- > $648.56 So.oo Payrnen6-------*-- > $648.55 Investigation- > Will Call---> So. oo Recreation Fee--------> 93. oo Cl€an-up Deposit-----> TOTAL FEE$-------- > S548 .56 BAT.ANCE DUE------->$0. 00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDIITG DEPARTMBflT 05/24/2005 JS Action: AP Item: 05400 PI'AI{}III{G DEPARIIIENI Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII,IENT Item: 05500 PTBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tlrat I have read this application, fitled out in full tbe information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and o build this structure according to the towns zoning ard subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code aod other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI'ESTS FOR. INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOTJR ITOI'RS IN ADVANCE AT ,179-2149 OR AT Ot R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. VfnqA. OF OWNER OR CONTMCTOR FOR HIMSEUT AND OWNET PAGE 2 ***'t*******:l**|t.*******'t*****!**:t*****!r*'.*******{.'t{.*{.:*,|:N.'}:*,t:t.'!'|.:|t:t:8*,8:t:**,|.*,|.*,t.*1.*******i.*i.'!********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: BO5-0122 as of 06-06-2005 Statrrs: ISSUED :**:f *:F'l:f {':********:t*!&*!F*'****:t +x.+;t'+!t**tr**;t*,*'}*******d!*,****************t **!t'},**,**:***:t**!r************:t****'&*,** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Applied: O5l24l2ms Applicant: D. M. NEUMAN CONSTRUTION CO. Iszued: MtMt2m5 (970) 945-75U2 To Expire: l2l03l2W5 . Job Address: 2055 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 2075 N. GORE CREEK #9 ParcelNo: 2l03ll42W Description: KITCHEN REMODEL-SWITCHING OUT CABINETS. LIGHTING AND SINK Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FoR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALI-S,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERI.AL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997IJBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.IRBD BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. tifi**+*tlt't'.+ft'|ttf***+**l*tl*tf+*t*lr!t:t****'t*ttf**t++t****t*f*flf****t**rlr**f++****ttlff******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on l)6-0G2005 at 11:16:45 06t06t200s Stat€ment **+tfff++**+**++*lt**t*****+**+**fl**'t*{r*****a*****+******'t****'}***********+*++++*+fl.ff++*+* Anount: $54S.55 06/02/2OO5O1 :04 PM Inits: JS Notation: 26582/D.M. StatenenU Number: R050000733 Pa)ment Metshod: Check NEU!!ATiI CONST CO Permit No: 805-0122 Type 3 ADD/AL,T MF BUIIJD PERMTT Parcel No: 2103 -114 -2000-9Site Addreaa: 2055 S RROlflAeE RD VIBST VAIIJ Location: 2075 N, @RE CREEK #9 Tota1 Fees 3 9548. s6 $548. s5Thie Payment:$548 . s5 Total ALL Pt ts: Balance: 90.00*l'**{.**t++tl'+aal'**{.*****lll*l+t*++aa***{"t{'**a*'}'tat**'t*+++ftf****+{r+++ttt++*****{'{'$+*+++t**** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP PF wc 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 001000031123 00 0 01000031128 0 0 BUILDING PERMIT FEES PIIAI{ CHECK FEES WIIJJ CAIIJ INSPBCTION FEE 39L.25 254.3t 3 .00 APPL]CATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOTIPLETE OR Prolect #:qs- mechanicalr ctc.l . ey1iz-1 Ttfrilw 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 ) :ONTRACTOR INFORMA General Contraclor: D,A.*r.r*tR,r..l Ccrsst . Cs. Tourn of Vail Reg. No.: ',5ffiffi;fdibo.-f Contac't and Phone #s: (qzo) 1{5--tsz Contracbr Signature I ,,:tsayr_ 1..^-,\rcE ?aeslbg^lf colrPLETEVALUATTONS FOR BUILDING PEBU!r Gelgl_q MgtedSlg BUILDfNG: $ 22, Dco-ELECTRTCAL: $ 2,oof) -orHER: S P/n PLUMBING: $ I OoO -MECHANICAL:$ rl/nr TOTAL: $ Z-qoOcr - For Assessors Offtce at 970-328-8A0 or visit thrlb*f ?_tO 3 ttq z 6(c/o? Jobt{ame:-Trs- Lh C*ezA JobAddress:trs N. boag (*,a-L jtq Legal Deocription I Lot: ll Block: ] Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:aA{huS .b"he"J Address: o,- ltL (4D{.E Phon{qrc\q'zg -'1clto ArchitecuDesign€r, *r/A Address:Phone: Engineer: Nlt\Address:Phone: EaPl^rk l.rrr-ners R.gr.rcosu - s.]srT(tlr\tq o'r'T EX|srlr.l(r FLocePLi r vacttftoe. c4g1;5€, Ts, Lt A$I615-Stp K WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel /) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (rzl Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist al this location: Yes ( ) No (4 Type of Bldg.: Single-larnily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (f Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) (ar.a\o No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fircplaces Existinq: Gas Applhnces (O) Gas Loss (l ) Wood/Pellet (o) wood BUlltlS {q) Noffweof FireplacesPrcposed: GasAppliances(O) GasLoss(d Wood/Pellet(O) woodBuOtlSlNqI ALLPWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No (V)Does a Fire Sprinkler Syslem Exist: Yes ( ) No (.2) r****rr}**.r*****affitfi*ir**r*****FoR OFFICE USF ONlYt.*B*ffi*tsiMl*+****st**rs*:rt FIUsAF\CdSV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.OOC o2n3n004 \\\.S L..J\xs N\J 'Vi \( ll *$ il ll ti s-{ ll lr' I !' I N})< l, la T>i'z il"i' b- +r:: I