HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 1202TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TFTIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT 4572 MEADOW DR VAIL TIMBER FALLS #I2I 2t0tl23,0B0[,2 E05-0093 $ag-oO&( ISSUED Mta2t2n5 o6tut20p,5 12t04t2w5 OWNER co 816s7 APPIJICANT A-PHASE EIJECTRIC, PO BOX 1564 AVON co 8L620 License:313-E COI{ITRACTOR A-PHASE EIJECTRIC, PO BOX 1554 AVON co 8L620 License:313-E EDGERTON, KARIJ I." - D1STEIJHOO6/O2/20O5 4582 STRE,MSIDE CIR VAIL 06/02/2005 Phone:9 70 - 845 - 0188 06/02/2005 Phone: 970-845-0188 Descipion: ADD RECESSED LIGHTS IN KITCHEN, DIMNG ROOM AND LIVING ROOM Valuation: $2,500.00 El€ctrical---- > DRB Fcc--- > Investiguion-- > wiltcdl------> TOTAL FEES-> $86.25 $0.00 $0.00 s3. 00 $89.2s s89. 2s $0.00 989.25 $89.2s $0 .00 FEE SIJMMARY Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees-----> ToEl Permit Fee----- > PayDrnts--------- > BAI.ANCE DUE.---. > Approvals: Item: 05000 BLECTRICA! DEPARTMET{T 06/02/2OOs JS Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI\E Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,,DG.): FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in f,rll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinarrces of the Town applicable thereto. Prj a(-oof I REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HO(ru IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. 't / tl r *++**+**+ffii+*********fff+l*lll*tt}+***i***tit+*f+tf+f+***+llf+ff**++'t**+*****+******t**t*** TOWNOFVAII" COLORADO Statrm€nt**l*ta**+'llf***'i*t*****++t++tl}ftf**+*****a++fttt{'+++**t******tat*tr*trt*+*************t**'}'t'a'll Staternent litutiber ! R050000755 Amount: $89.25 O5/O7 /200509:53 Alt Pa]tmetrt Method: Check Init: DDG Notsation: A-Phase Electric 1755 Permit No : 805 - 0 0 93 Tt|I)e : EIJECTRICAIJ PERJTIIT Parcel No: 2101- 123 - 03 00 -2Site Addregg: 4572 UEADOIS DR \IAIIJ I.,ocation: TIMBER FAI,I,S #121 TotsaI FeeE: $89 .25 Thie Payment: 989.25 Total ALL Prntg: $89.25Balance: $0.00 * + t t** * * ** **ltf***+*++*t+tt{'***** * * * ***********a***t*t****rtr{r*** * t + + + * * *****+****i*if*}***** ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptsion eurrenE PmtE EP OO1OOOO31111OO ELECTRICAIJ PE$fiT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ ESIJJ INSPEqTION FEE 85.25 3 .00 finrvW 75 S. Frontage vall, CONTRACTOR' IN FORNATIO 1{ diN 6K_a86 COMPTETE sQ.FEETFoR}|EWBuILDsandYALUATIoNSFoRALLoTHER|s(rabor&Mateda|s) ETECTRICAL VALUATION: $ AMOrf'lT oF SQ Fr IN STRUCruRE: -lnaaresyfutW42ft) Subdlvlslon:w(M vlqUfq tt{ (-l , ANt[lri ?a)Mr V tavrNzr Voortn Repair( ) TemPPower( ) Odrer( ) Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( )ffin, Yes() No()ffir-frvps tnterior( I Exterior( ) Both( ) ) Restaurant ( ) Outer ( lfl lfo. of ncconrrnoOatlon Units in this bullding: No. of Existing Dwelling unlts ln thb bulldlng: for a hottub: Yes existl-Yes( ) No( Does a Flre Alarm ExlsB Yes \WsiMabbdca\FoRM S\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC fb: Jcsuthcr Frcm: PattyAllen of,Tswnof Vail Of: GoreRangpElctricrlnc' Fa:c 479'2452 Dab: lvlaY25,2OO5 15794 Colorado Rirm Rd. Gvtrum.CO 81637 sh6p phbnq 970.949.77 tB Ofifr,ce phons 970.524.1118 Office ia* 97C.52A.1726 Tim Moorc e,f,: 970.9O4.77E4 CONTIDEI{HAIJIYNC'IICE Ttrc do'manbaccdlp.ttying fis.oo..ii"-ttait-.o,ttf'lliffinot-"0*bclmdnt 0o tlrc ecrdcr'w1ich maybelcgauyprivilcge4-*y';t;;,;;;tsalttt"u- ti'-utingmyaction in rctiencc on that itrfom.*io, n urictty Poohibihd nDASECAt^tIN'tr{E grrH\rrrfl,ATyou DO NOTRECETVE'rTIEtt{TTREDOCIIMEMITANSMIrTE oRYOU ''- '-rg:rnru nrn 'I'IRAl\tsrrflssloN IN Hnor" lel 1936we$GorcCreekDrivc Pqges: f includintcorcrshect EUrgentEForRcvicwtrPlcssccornfllentEtPleaseReplytrHeasRecycle Jr:€, f,€as transfer the permit for 1936 West Gorc clcek Drive fronr HuSh & snydet Electrical b Gorc Xange Electric. Femdt # EO4-0081' Please call me with any queslions and thank you for all your hetp' Thank-1'oq Patty Allen Office lvlanager 525/2005 1'd 9ZTI les Oa6 3N I 3I Ur33-13 39NUd 3dOS NU6E: I I SOOZ SZ AeLl