HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS CONDOMINIUMS MAY PALACETOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nr79-2138 Job Address: Location...,.: Parcel No...: lrgal Description: Proiect No : Plunbing-- > Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- > will cdt----> PLUMBING PERMIT 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL MAY PALACE RESTAURANT 2t03tl4t50l3 Permit #:P06-0011 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : U2ll3l20W Iszued. . : 03lO8l20M Expires. .: WIU|2W DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES owNER DIIJTONi COMPAI{IES O2/L3/2O06 APPIJICAMI MARTYN PIIIMBII{G & HE"ATING INO2/L3/2OO6 phone: 970-547-9805 OO34 CONTINENTA], CT. A4 BRECKENRIDGE co 80424 L,icense: 290 -P coNrRAcToR MARTYN PLITMBING & HEATING AN02/L3/2OO6 Phone: 970-547-9805 0034 coNtII[El[IAI_, CT. A4 BRSCKENRIDGE co ao424 License: 290-P Desciption: MAY PALACE-REPLACE DflSTING FAILED GREASE INTERCEPTOR Valuation: $22,451.25 Fireplace Infonmtion: Resticted: ??# of Gu Appliances: ??# of Gas Ings: 1.?# of Wood hlet: ?? t**'t3{i'a'}:t'l*1.*'a*:tl.3,lat'lt!a*,*,4*:}*****rt*'}*r*'}*la***Ltl*.*.*r'..r*r+*'}*t.t *r, FEE St MMARY go. oo Toal Cslculated Fees-->s434.25 AdditionalFees------> Total Pemit Fee-------- > BALANCE DI,'E---_ > $345. 00 Restuarant Plan ReYiew- >s86.2s ToTALFEES-------> s0. 00 s3.00 $4 34 .2s $0. oo s43 4 .2s $434 .2 5 $0,00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/06/2006 cgunion Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTUENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residentiat Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town ap'plicable thereto. REQLJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 t-.\-*c1 SIGNATUREOF OWNER OR {, CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *,1'+****fff++*****+l**l'*******+++***********f**{'ff*ft'|+******+{r*fff*+*********+***********f** TOWNOFVAIL, COT,oRADO Statement***++******* i**t+* t * * * * * + *+ ** ** ***+*t+f+*{r{r*tt****t******+** ** * * * * * * * * + **************** * * * * * Stat,etnenU lilurnber: R050000208 Payment Method: Check Plurnbing / *L69OO Anount: s434.25 B/ Og/2OO6L1:04 AMInit: LTNotation: Martlm Permit No: P05-0011 T)pe: PL,I'MBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 -114 -1501-3Site Addreaa: 2099 N FROI|:TAGE RD I{BST VAIL Localion: MAY PALACE RESTATIRAIIT Totsal Feea I Thie Payment:$434.2s ToEaI ALL PmtE : Balance: $434.2s $434,2s $o. oo ******+t{'l'l'f{l'******+*a+*+***++*{.****+********************+**{'t++*f****+'t**t+*f*****+******* ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 PIJAN CHECK FEES PIJT,MBING PERMIT FEBS WfIJIJ CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE 86.25 345.00 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED ProJect #:SR(- oor/ mtr n wwnlY .F,Frrrrrr ,Fr F rrr,rr lrr . rrr.r 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 BuildingPermitfi rrprumbino permit u. 6i6--(Ffi 97 O- 47 9 -2149 ( Inspections) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: /14 ArerTa /Lo aR, k) t ( & aaT r pc Town of Vail Req. No.:2?6- ? Contact and Phone #'s: '.rc)s+z-?to; E-Mail Address:i,n +zrra.: P'N P <l r-tct-. ^tETContractor Signature:* "*-a;; n*^L* COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) PLUMBING: $,2E Assessorc Offtce at 970-328-8640 or visit Job Adilessi E, ? t Oq tt . .froJob Name: lMav Po.lo"-u Detailed description of work: o.ci Exs{ir,',.i, f,.,1e WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this; conGEionfrm a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase U device? Yes ( ) No ( ) *******rr***************rr***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******r.***************************** qEtt- \WAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM. DOC ":---T1 I . t I ' 0Jn6f:002 @envi FEB 10 ?flCI6 Axt^)ts/*J Nwmmy HOW DIDWE RATEWTTH YOU? Tom ofVailSurvey 9-911q gi!. ?-.r.lop nent Depnrt-nent Russ e I I Fonest Directo r, (970)479-213e : ' ' Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfrnen(s) did you contact? Building _ Environrnental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC Was your infial contact witt our staff immediate no one available ? slow or 7. 8. Was your.proiect reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No l[no, why not? 5, Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ ttl/A Please rate $e performance of he stafiperson who assisted you:5432lName: (knowledgq responsiveness, availability) Overallefiectiveness oifie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is ilre best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which urould allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for iaking the lime to compleE this survey. We are commithd b improving our service. lf you were required to wa[ how long was it before you were tfrnl: Dou6s BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Aoplicant Engineer Martyn Plumbing & Heating none proj# FAX/Email #: Martynp.h@vail.net Depa rtment of Com m unity DetElopment Building hfety and Inspetion *rvies 75 South Frcnbge R@d Vail, Colorado 81657 97048-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.wilgov.om NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERI{TT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner o0/00/200s P06-0011 May Palace 2109 North Frontage Road ? ? ? ? (o'D ,q1- qb6q The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 Intemational Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003Intemational Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code, 2003International Energy Conseryation Code and 2002 National Electrical C.ode as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The fuItowing @mmen9witt nd to be a&tsdprtorbissuaneof a buitditrg permit: fur processing:r Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containino the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please resoond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which olan sheet. detail. soecification. or calculation shows the rquested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the olans examiner with the buildino permit application number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enginee/s or architecfs'\ruet" stamo, signature. registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations. all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-fumilv orojects all sheets of the plans must be stamoed. Plumbing Comments:1 A Colorado State Licensed Engineer will need to review the proposed plans. The enginee/s stamp and signature is required on the plans. 2 Include complete plans drawn to scale with all plan view and isometric drain, waste and vent piping shown. 3 Include a site plan or other floor plans clearly showing location of the grease interceptor and proposed area of work within the building. 4 Clarify location of fixtures served by the grease interceptor and "lift station". Fixtures located above the upstream manhole elevation may not discharge through a backwater valve and sump. IPC 715 and 712. 5 Include plans and information showing all fixtures proposed to be connected to the grease waste. rPc 1003. 6 Include sizing calculations based on the maximum flow rating and grease retention capacity for fte proposed interceptor design. IPC Table 1003.3.4.1. 7 Include complete manufacture/s specifications for the grease interceptor proposed showing compliance with IPC 1003.3.4 and the referenced standards. Cut sheets provided from Front Range Precast Concrete Inc. do not indicate any interceptor information. I Show compliance with Irc 1003.3.2. Plan indicates food disposal is proposed to be connected to the grease waste. A solids interceptor is required. Structural Comments:9 Any modification to building structure will require review by a Colorado State Licensed Engineer. Please rsfer to the cover sheet for Information on resubmlttlng plans. In order to avoid delays in lssuance of a permit, pleaso check dl rcquested informaffon is included with the resubmitbd plans. Please submit rcvised plans as a compl€E set. Partial plan resubmlttals will not be revievrcd. F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT. COM MENTS\p0G001 1DOC ? PART # PCO-000-079 ,t8id36htMoNoBSDUALA/S PART # PCO-000-080 4009 E/LCHAMBERBODY 4850# out JJ i l I--+ PART # PCO-000-081 4009 SINGLEA/SCHAMBERBDY 2-4" . ^^"Push ro{ Gasket PART # PCO-000-082 il00 g DUALA/SCHAI'BERBDY PART # PCO-000-083 400 g BLANKTNSDY "$ PART # PCO-000-091 60idT2odTWLSLAB24OFFACC 2574* 60idT2odTWLIJP24CENTACC 2808r #3 Lift Loop \1 60id72odTwLLIP24OIT'ACC 2808# 1-"1 Front Range Precast Goncrete, tnc. il39 N. Foothills Highway Boulder, Colorado AOS02 (s03) 442-3207, (800) 783-3207, FAX (303)442-320s www.trontrangeprecast.com q .. 400 Gal. Electric Lift StationFrw- .l^16 Ftlx Nofe: N.LS Interior Spac€ Adequate for Duplex Pump Installation SECTION 21" clear insgrt accsss MONOTITHIC TANKmeets ASTM-C-913 Spec. for water and wastewater structwes. Butyl rubber sealant meets Spec. SS-S-210A. (Provided with tank.) Plumbing shown in diagram provided by others. It is the system enghee/s requirement to determine VOLUME, TOADING and RETURN TIME. Concrot€ Plattom Positions Pump Above Sludge Gross Volume Net Volume Discharge Per Cycle Weight Tank/tid 407 Gal.329 cal.Variable 7.8 Gal.i'llertical Inch 5,380 rbs Front Range Precast Goncrete, Inc. il39 N. Foothills Highway Boulder, Colorado 80302 (303) /u2-3207, (a00) 793-9207, FAX (Ko) 442-9209 www.f rontran geprecast. com E L E c T R I c L I F T s T A T I o N S \+{i rr{ -13- J!- \' -\ s N'----z {1 tl'j Part # STAR-24L Parl # STAR-24R6 Part # STAR-24R72 A WARNTNG - l,se only sfAR sta,nress steet security seals (Pan # SSLOCK) to secure dgainst unauthorized access - Not rated for vehicular trafric toading WARR/I',TY FRALo prasrech Mts. warranties the STAF| Riser Sysrem lor a periori or ti\,€ years kon ckrte ot purchase against any manulactlring dotecls. provicling the plt,rg cov€r has been us6d anct inslalled in accordance wilh nranulacturets writtetr idshtctnns FRALO wrll, at ils opnorr. reparf or replace any plug cover it.leems to be clcleclNe and FRALOs .rbligalons urrclef lhis wa'iarrty are stnclly rrmited to the repan o.cvor repracedenl of rhe ctetective plug cd€r FRALO assumes no liability nr cases ol improPer inslallalrorl or mlsl'sc FRALO,s noi respons'ble io. any resulting contingeni liabil'ties or charges fhrs waradty appl€s onlv to lhe original plug cover nslallahon f- r- r.- a, to o', t?9 76") ta5.B3'l G.l U.] a,l o6l0 f al 00"I tl?8 t?tt 6o- ) @120 t28 l5'I I 610 1l L?4 C2"l 0121 1 I2B 65 ) Vyrth an emptlasb on p.oduc€ fo. the u€sfe. water and enr'ironmental irdusti,es, FFIALO D'STruBUTED BV Plastech -rs )rour inngvative partner in trusiness. Our products aae engineered for perbrmance over the long term- We welcorne your comments and laok fc.ward to meeting you. futu.e engi- neered plastic product needs. FRALO Plastech Manufacturing, LLC . Call Toll Free:866.943.7256 vvvvw-fralo.net FD21{t 0t:1gn FrrTofft 0F vAtt coilt{tTy EfELonEn 8?0{r02452 t-622 P.001/002 Hol Wnfrtof@runu{tYWnq'teffigffiYedl@tutW ,5WtWM Itzt,MSt$7 9n4*za, B)(9tu4a-242 tmil,&Y.drr tf,t/t Dorlr 23 67 Cor") 5L+1- aft& TOi ContractorAPilter'tt Ensineer t'lartynHurnbhg &tleatlng none pruj* FAXlEmdl #; Martl/nP'h@\'ail'net '{UI|BM,OF PIGiEI; FR{lll: DATC: lil|I].Utrrc PEBttllT#: owtEs 15lE: S TEADDNESS: ooolrP frcYoRdlF: TYPC OF OO|5TRI'CN$I' mflDROF$Rt*IEsir lt'T,Dilre ARErl z Chris &tnion. Br.fftting Plans bominer 00/oo/200s P06.ml.1 ltltsy PalG 21tD North Fmntage Road ? ? ?., ThehrnerrBsubrnittedfurthisprstecthaveqeqr€\'iemdfrromplianewihH1e2fi)3 Intendsrat Bgitding c.,ilidd; il'E duJnar-nesmenual Code,2003 Intemaaonal Medtanical code zgc' hte|'Etional R d G* c"de, 2003 InHrrational Plumb{ng c'ode, 2003 Inbmotional Brergy c63gen arffi c.d; l[6 Zgm Nrt*aiffi;ig"de 25 mo6neO a6d ado@d bv the Town d Yail.' Iln ffititg anatag uil nd 6 b M F*r b inwn d a hni'tlfrtgt pF'tnn tuFwrtng: . PhlselesDond in rer. Ind@whicfl $g['.sfl1€ €ouested n Oor"rlor. R"a* mmin*withtEbttiffi9 Penntt apPllcation rrumber n#d' . neaeqbesurebl rcowadon number andG !n frle :coverltegF;;EilFnrra!:*uFuffi' all suctlral ,rffilb a|d sdlldml shelE of fie ol8ns, For m Dmieds atl $leeiE of fu dans must be shmped- fJiat-s6. gl:i$u FraTotrl OF UAIL mllw EVEL0FSIIT 0701?S2{52 l'122 P.002/002 F-401,. ffit'ngblnniltrts _,,.^--r-.L.1 Aful6.ar16 sb6md Frgirrerwill need b r€^/i6^r tfie propced phns' The engineefsstamp ild signer€ b re$Jlred on the Plans. 2 Indude smplefe plans &awn E scale$,|ft all plan vler and isdneUic dmin, ur# and verlt pittlg dloY{n, 3 Irdude a site flair or odler f,oor plans dearly showing locauon of the grease lnuteptor and prwsd trea dvsoltwittin the building, 4 Grify locadon dfiorres serrred by the greroe inEreptor and "lift station". Fixtrrcs located abon t6e ul*esm manho6 devafion miy rpf oisOarge hrou$r a badordbr vdhre ard sump- IPc 715 ard7L2. 5 lrrfr.de pbrls and infurmaton $rcndng an fr{hJr€5 proposed b be connected b the gresse Yva*. rFc 1m3. 6 Idude slzing calorldons based cn ttte ma<imum flow rating and grease rehrdm caPadty fur the propced intareptor design. IPC Table 1003.3.4'1. 7 Indude compleE manufacturerrs +eclfications for dre greme itl|gGpbr propoed-$o{n9 .- oqnplitr€ wih-IFC fmf.g,q and the refrrened standards. Cut sheets ptovided fttorn trort RangE necast Concr* Inc. do rnt indlete arry intere@r intbrmalon' I Shotir omptianae wi$ tpc 1003.3.2. Plan indletss ftod dbposal is pmposed b be colueded b the gneose vva6E. A gollds inHaetrtr is reril'tired. strrcurrt'emngl*g ;@-tuilding structur€ wlll requlre lwlerc by a Colorado StaE Licensed Engineer' plcG |! s b uta corE rhc.tftr itfrrnr:tior m ||nrbn{dlg dana In oidct b $dll dtLtr h hFnG d i rilIb ptrce ilrcru,rnr*a nf,saratior brrddcd rrfrt tfte nsbmlud prru. pls anbrit Leltru ii s a a .qnpl€D ;* m6st plil rs6|ffiL rll mt bc nrrama O.TAFilA/ATER CI.EAI{UP OO. PO.BOXul480 BRECXENRIDGE @MVI. JOB NO.06-9 WALTER O. SCHULTZ P.E. P.O. BOX 1957 DILLON, CO 80435 l-970-453-9215 r-970-453-9316(FAX) March 1,2006 SUBJECT: FOG INTERCEPTOR SUBJECT SITE: MAY PLACE, 2109 N. FRONTAGE ROAD, UNIT A, VAIL, CO Dear Doug, As requested I have reviewed the project plans (sheets 1 thru 3), the response letter to The Town of Vail and have visited the site of the proposed interceptor system. In addition I have discussed the proposed system with you. Based on the review, the information available and the site visit I believe the proposed system is adequate and satisfactory. r9696 ile-o-f,--€1tr\ \Yt $AR ozn$$ U to-o'ogx,*--@@ll Job: May Palace Interceptor 2109N Frontage Road UnitA Vail CO March l,2006 Interceptor purpose. l) To replace a previously instatled interceptor that worked properly @ut it rusted out) with a new concrete epoxy coated one (for increased longevity). 2) To intercept FOG (fats oils and grease) before they can discharge into the critical lift station and cause any additional SSO (sanitary sewer overflow) events' Response Letter for Plumbing Comments l) Clearwater Cleanup has hired Walt Schultz P.E. to review and approve prints for this project. 2) Enclosed: complete set of plans drawn to scale. 3) Enclosed is a site / floor plan clearly showing location of interceptor. 4) Clariry location of fixtures served by grease interceptor and lift station. a. None of the fixtures in the May Palace can access the main line by gra,rity all need use the lift station. IPC 715 md7l2 are not applicable. b. The existing grease interceptor located on the SW corner outside the building currently serves: i. Wok Stove ii. Floor drain in front of wok stove iii. 3-baypotsink. iv. There are no kettles or other fixtures that are required to be connected to an interceptor. It is contmon for the pre-rinse to not be recognized as a large source of FOG. v. These were assruned by the original installation to be dl tha945rr:21 necessary to catch the FOG from this establishment. ,/ul.,Sln0 Afj\ c. The dish washer will not connect to either interceptor per UPC 6!C$$it"t'3W\ u. l:p-:lta'poricv' f J, *,nunu 'ij g :ting ,i; I re696 i; E :l i. The new interceptor will be connected to the existing v$@ the building that successfully served the pr"tio*ty i*titd'fr}+ interceptor. -(ll[sO Fqqf${|i9dlso I This new interceptor will only serve the pre-rinse over the existing t*r#:S-B*:^":"ieff$6,'o:'sfi6; s)L lllD lNiw urlglwPivr wlll vruJ atf;l Y{, Lllv ylw-r!!r.tw \rlwr urv v^rerur6 E* "-.F- I .-rr ^ F. - -- disposal. [= t l- 19696 j s= ua:ed#i -044 a'Sr-' P.O. Box /H&O a Breckenrldge, Colorado 80424 r (97O) 453-8875 . (8O0) 8s6-4928 o Fax: (970) s47-9669 6) Grcase Interceptor sizing calculations. We are using an altemate method of calculation because the regulation 1003.3.4.1 only goes up to 50 gallons per minute and 100 lbs. of retention capacity. a As we understand it this altemate method will be in the new 2006 IPC. b. This method: i. Sums up the gallons per minute for each fixture discharging into the grease interceptor and calculates the size from there. ii. kr this interceptor l. Flow-thru calculation: There is no sink or basin to quickly dump so the maximum flowis what would go thru the hand sprayer. The curent sprayer is l-4 gpm. So we will use 4gpm as the flow. Per calculation on table 1003.3.4.1 this would only require 8 gallons of retention capacity (we have provided 1316 gallons ofretention capacity). 2. Grease Retention Capacity: a. Each vessel has a total capacity of329 gallons. This works out to 500 lbs ofgrease retention capacity ea"rh x 4 units = 2000 lbs total retention capacity. (This exceeds the flow-thru demand). Method of calculation: (329 gallons x25Yo= 82.25 gallons usable capacity x 6.1# per gallon for oil = 50O#). b. The larger capacity is provided because ofthese factors:i. Prevent flushing the grease on thru the interceptor. Due to high head pr€ssure . created from about 8' ofdroP, which increases the water velocity as it enters the interceptor. ii. Allow for the extra loading and 3-month storage offood from the garbage disposal- iii. The need for approximately 3-months of storage for grease/ food. 7) Manufacturers Specifications: a. We are requesting a variarce in the interceptor configuration, due height and weight resnictions inside the parking garage. We ca{ any existing one-piece concnete grease interceptors in to this 19696b. By using 4- concrete tanks and proper plumbing we have achi same end result as what would have normally been used in this application... The proposed system will meet or exceed all specifications for a similar cornmon interceptor such as the I Grease Interceptor shown on the attached cut sheet (page 37 o Range Pre-cast Catalog). ItJt'-'D c. The Critical factors are: i. All vessels and attached piping are watertight. ii. The first tvvo chambers are primarily intended for garbage and food interception. Fog better food capacity the inlet drop on these primary tanks is 18" offthe bottom. Any FOG that is intercepted here isjust a bonus. iii. All FOG that gets by the fint two chambers is intercepted in the middle and last tanks. iv. Important piping for catching maximum FOG is included. Which is that, the outlet from each vessel is 12" offthe floor and points down. This allows ma,ximum water discharge with minimum loss of FOG (because it is floating on top of the water). v. Vessel cleaning aocess: We have installed afull24" diameter access lid on each vessel for easy cleaning. 8) Food Waste Grinder a. We request a variance to allow us to intercept the (small particle) food waste that is actually discharged thru the grinder or (disposal). b. Our main goal is to catch the FOG that is rinsed offthe plates and utensils. i. Small Particle Food Interception: l. Some FOG is known to be parasitically attached to small particles of food that flow on thnr the ginder without it €ven running. We feel that catching this additional FOG even with the food that we don't necessarily want is a gain over not catching it. ii. Food and Garbage Diversion: l. The lvlay Palace ownets understand that they can save pumping costs by catching this food in a mesh basket above the disposal and periodically tipping this into the trash. 2. Diversion of this potentially grease laden food waste is quite effective. 3. This actually falls under recommended house keeping practices. They have anployed this simple and effective method for several years and plan to continue this indefinitelv. Modification to building Structure. a. We plan no structural modifications at this time. b. Previous plan that included one core drill modification deterurined to not be needed. e)