HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL COMMONS CONDOMINIUMS STARBUCKS AT CITY MARKETTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BI.]ILD PERMT Permit #: BO5-0184 Lrgal Description: Project No . : Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location.......: 2109 N. FRONTAGE RD ParcelNo....: 210311415013 Staurs...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0/ll3l200.5Issued.,.: 02l0ll2ffi Expires. . .: 0713U2n6 07/L3/2OOs 07/t3/2005 Phoner 303-445-0982 Add Sq Ft: 0 f of Gas Appliarr€s: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 #of Wood Pelec 0 FEE SUMMARY 't {.{.*'}*r't +,i itr.*r.*r.***'***********'r'}:r.{.****t****+****{r***rt**:t{.*'t S75 . 00 Total Calculated Fees:> $x, 313 , 44 S0 . 00 Additional Fe€s_____ > gz5. 00 ?Rros'olq& C/O AIIDT QUTNN 120 S. BRnTTWOOD ST. IJAKEVIOODco ao226 CoNTRACTOR CNr COI{TRACTORS rNC. O7/1.3/2005 phone: (303) 598-1600 1207 SOUTH I,IPA}I STREET DEIWER co 80223 Licenge z 778-9 Desciption: TENANT FIMSH-STARBUCKS COFFEE SHOP TO BE BUILT IN EXISTING VACANT SPACE. OWNER DII.I,ON COMPA}TIES APPLICAIIT A.VI. DI'NN & CO. Occupancy: B Type Construction: 'II A Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $65.000.00 Fireplace Infornation: R€stricftd: Building--- > +748.75 Resurarant Plan Review- > Plan Check---> 9485.59 DRB Fee-----> InYestigeilon- > will cdl--->$3 . oo Clean Up D€p,osit Fe€- > TOTAL FEES----------- > S1,313.44 BALANCE DUE--------- >$0. 00 Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEIIIT 08/0412005 JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMT O7/t8/2005 MF(c Action: AP see conditions Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{I o8/26/2oos JJR Action: AP See conditions. Item: 05500 PIIBITIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rray apply to this permit. S0.oo Recreation Fee------- > So.oo Tolal Pemit Fe€---- > $1,388.44$0.00 Paymena----------- > 91,388.44 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to corryly wittt all Town ordinancpspnd state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, desigrr review approved, Internadonal Buildhg and Residential Codes ard other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. 9 OR AT OIJR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGB 2 'N{.*{.'t***,t****:t,t************'t*****!t*,**,***{.****!*,**'f ************rt ***,t *!t ***{r*****,s*,t*,t*****'8***************:t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Pennit #: B054184 as of 02{l-2006 Satus: ISSUED '|.**,|.*:|.***i.*l.*'i**:t:t{t'**********:**:**********:+*:**,*********************:|.****:*:*!t*'!*4.*:t.*****,t.*:t.*,F*,*:|.:|!** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BULD PERMT Applied: 07I32n5 Applicant: A.W. DUNN & CO. Issued: 02l0ll2ffi3O3445-W82 To Expire: O7l3ll2ffi6 Job Address: 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL l,ocation: 2109 N. FRONTAGE RD Parcel No: 2103ll4l50l3 Description: TENANT FINISH-STARBUCKS COFFEE SHOP TO BE BTJILT IN EXISTING VACANT SPACE. Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0(M342 That the sign depicted on the elevation drawing is not permitted with this approval and must go through the design review process and receive DRB approval prior to being erected. Cond: CON0007482 Plans for fire alarm slnll be submitted. * *** * * * * * ** +** * ******+++++{t**** *** * * +*+*****+***l'*,}**********+**!t**t * 't t +* * * * t * * * * t t * * * * * t * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement*+*****ttl't+trt{'*****++*'}f1t't{'*a***+t*+++{'**'}***i+*t*************'}**ri*i+**:}****************** St,atementlNr:mber: R050000084 Amount: $1,313Pa)ment Method: Check Contracto?s 13545 .44 02/ 0L/200508:28 AIvl Init: DDG NotaEion: cl'NI Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddresE : IJocation 3 This Payment: BP 0 010 0 00311110 0 FS 00100003LL2400 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 $1, 313 . 44 805- 0184 T14>e: ADD,/ALT coMM Burr.,D PER!{T 2103 -114 - 1501-3 2099 N FRONTAGE RD WEST \IAII., 2109 N. FRONTAGE RD Total Fees: Total AL,Ir Pmta : Balance: BUILDING PERMIT FEES RESTAURANI PL'AN REI/IEW PIJAI{I CHECK FEES WIIIL CATL INSPECTION FEE $1,388.44 $1, 388.44 $o. oo **+*t**+****tr***{' * ** * * * + + * * * t + * * * **********************+***** ** 'l * * * * + * * * ** * * * * * + i * * **** * t + * * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts 748.75 75.00 485.59 3.00 ,FRU"I + A. IJ,DUNN & CO. - RNN GIJINN FHX N0. : 3@34456915 IOVNWYilL (,{rl o Lq8 n8r 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 61857 Scperate Permlts are requlrsd for eleqtrical, plumblng' mechrnical, etc.l tJe Mrlan fu? rpqr tuact Fe'znt+f- ErEcrRrcAL $ Qrhc)BUfLOING:$ U tfu ToTAL:$ b6,&dMECHANICAL: $ Gt OdOPLUMBfNG:$ 6t^dO Assessortg Oficeffiz63lrq /ror 3 JobName: #lWbqya &Job Address: Er!,.% d' 7*"y. ru Lcgal Doscription ll Lotu ll Block: il Flllng:Subdivision: WEM;Me,,Hi/Ftrhr"r*'s. *,rtlfu uA qgts/ lPWbpB E-E w,ryvffif,Yw lPEb%wt''tzu- Detailed descriplipn of work"W,o";71{i;i;'Zd{ft"'>t *p n Wod(Clas8: Newld Addluon( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Ot[ert 1 work Typ€i Interior |,{ Extcrior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this locadon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeo!B|dg.;singls-faml|y()Two.fami|y()Muhi4amily(@aa-feegAf No. of BristinE Dwelling Units in this buildhg: 'J No. of Accommodalion Unlts In thle bultdlrig: No/Type of Ftrcptaces Existlns: Gar Appllances ( ) gatloos ( ) Wood/Fellet ( ) WoodBuming( ). - Noflvoc of Flrsolac€6 Propos6d: Gag Appllancrs ( ) Gas LoEs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NQTALLOWED)- -Ooes a mre ntarm Exist Ycs ( ) No rinffir||ffin *****tttrsr*t*firnFoR oFFlcE ugE oNLr.*tF nrffii*'***HFrt**!t*r*rP / JUL 1 3 28!6noor TCV.COIII.DEV. F;\Ueeo\cdevlFORMS\PERMITS\8Lg€PenU'OOC ;& :fd4n'(./ | fRff'l I tr.U.DUNN & CO. - FII{N q.JINN FRX NO. : 3A34456915 Quedions? Callthe tuilding Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Proiect Address: f ThigChef'dtst mu*. be @mpteted halore a Buildtng Etmit aoplletton is a@oted. /At pqt-sa appllcdlon ls complete a Has DRIB approval obtained (if required) Frovide a copy of approrel form o Qndominlum Assodation lElter of approval attadred if projed ls a Multi-Family compla( t/Oomplae dte plan submltted e Rrblic Wry ftrmit applletion induded lf applicable (refer to hrbllc Works chsckliot) e $aging plan Induded (reler to tublic Works clreckll$) elfmred on roadwavs and shoulders wllhout wrltten aporoval e _llsbqetos te$ and rearlts submftted if drmclltlon ls ooqrnlngf Archltect stamp and signature (All Commerolal and Multl faml$ .f, Full floor plans indudlng building sedions and elevations(s sots of plans for Multl-FEmlly and Oommercial Buildings) t' Wndow and door sdrrdule 0 FJll strudural plan!, Induding d6ign crlteria (l.e.loads) e Strudural Ehgineer stamp and signalurs on strudural plans (All Commercial and Muhi Family) e Soils Report mud be submitted prlor to f@tlng inspecrtr'on o Fire resisive asmblles spedfied and penetrations indicated e gnoke defedors shown on plans 0 Typor and quantity offirePlaces sho\ rn Applloant's Signaturo: Date of submittsl: Jul. 13 nAS L@.L3A!1 P3 .K F \l harr\dsvlFOtrMS\PFRMITBIBL DGPERItrDOC Rccclvod Ey: j'1, 0a/m,20114 fRct4 i A.W.DUNN & C0. - FttN GtJIt.rN FAX ttl. : 3834456915 TMNSMITTAL Jul. 13 nAS LA.IZFrM P1 A.W.Dunn & Company 120 $' Brentwood stoet-Lstcwood, co 80226 - n3t44fligg2 fa* 303/44s-6915 DATE: Juty 13,2005 f,E: CD SUBMITTAL - West Vrlt City Mrrkst _ VaiL CO For Plen Revlew rnd pendt VIA: r'AX nilt47yAsl totat peger: 3 I TO: TOWN Otr'VAIL DL,ANNING DEPARTLTENT A Town of Vail Planning Dept. 75 South Frortagc ltoad Vail, CO 81657 Atachcd: vail Building Pwnrit Applioation for tho rccently scnt starbucks projcct Pleas€ let mc know if the,ro'e anything olse tbat younecd. Thankyou A.\Y. Dum & Conpaoy Iawny26,2003 Town ofVail BuitdingDeparheot ?5 SouftFrmtage Road Vail, Crlorado 8t657 Re:2 109 N. Frontage Road DearDiane I nnderstaul our building permit application for Permit 8054184 expired on Jmuary 9, 2W6. By this letter, I rcqu€st the permit be exteoded. I have attached a check in tbe amqmt of $1,313.44 to pay for the permit in firll Thmk you for yor oonsidcration- David B. Morlan Vie President rOIrytr gb{ - otf l Ad03 sctJJ0 llen lo u^,\ol 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138t479-2139 Fex970479-2452 July 19, 2005 Department of Community Development Ann Quina AW Duna & Company 120 S. Brentwood St. Lakewood, CO 80226 Re: Food Service Plan Review Starbucks Coffee 2109 N Frontage Road VaiI, CO 81657 Dear Ms. Quinn: This letter will serve to confirm the plan review of the above captioned food service establishment. The plans have been approved with the following additions and/or modifications: Indirect drains from must be installed to the 3-compartment sink and shall discharge atmospherically by means of an air gap over a waste floor sink or other approved receptacle. The wells of the three compartrnent sink must be large enough to accommodate the largest utensil used in the facility. Condensate drain lines from all refrigeration units and ice machine drain lines must have an air gap of at least 2-pipe diameters at the floor sink. The hot water g€neration unit must provide a minimum energy input of 26.7 KW per hour. It is recommended that the hot water generation unit be dedicated to the kitchen fxtures. The minimum acceptable floor finish in the food preparation kitchen area is vinyl composition, commercial grade floor tile. The junctures between walls and floors shall be coved and sealed. Light lxtures must be adequately enclosed or shielded to protect foods in the storage, serving, or preparation areas from accidental bulb or tube breakage. Under counter surfaces must be finished and sealed to provide a washable surface. . --.-,L ,}. a a t Ice bin and exposed food placed out for serving shall be adequately covered or protected by an approved sneeze guards. All equipment must be National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) listed or equivalent. Any changes to the plans as submitted and hereby approved must receive advance approval from this Deparfinent. A final inspection is required to determine is the kitchen is in compliance with the Colorado Retail Food Rules and Regulations. Please allow a minimum of tbree (3) days for scheduling this opening inspection. Do not hesitate to call me at970479-2333 if you have any questions, William T. Carlson, REHS Environmental Health Offi cer Cc: Town of Vail Building Dept. Very truly yoprs,