HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 9 LOT 14TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 80il135 APPI-,ICANT VOGTS ELECTRIC 5405 COITIi|:IY ROAD 154 T'NIT F GI.,ENWOOD SPRINGS coroRADo 81601 License: 375-E CONTRACTOR VOGTS ELECTRTC 540s corrNrY RoAD 154 IINIT F GIJSNWOOD SPRINGS cor.,oRADo 8160L I-,icense: 375-E Desciption: INSTALL METER MAIN AT POLE, INSTALL BREAKER SUB PANEL, INSTALL GFI RECEPTACLES FOR TEMP POWER. REMOVE SOLAR PANEL AT EXISTING TANK AND WIRE TO SUB PANEL. RUN OWER TO NEW TANK WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. Valuation: $8,000.00 Square feet: 0 Electrical----- > S1?4. 80 DRB Fee--*--* > Investigation-- > 08/L6/2006 shahn Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIVI $0.00 s0.00 Total Permit Fee----> 5177.80 Will Call--------- > $3 . oo Payments---------- > $177 . 80 TOTAL FEES-- > 51?7.80 BAI-ANCE DUE-------> 90.00a**a**,tlttt{.**lii Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENI Action: AP 3)G-6\8f Job Address: 2724 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2734 SNOWBERRY DR Applied . . : 08ll6l2ffi Parcel No...: 210314301044 Iszued ' . : 08123120M ProjectNo : 3'1156G-otl] Expires. .: 02lI9l2o07 OWNER EAGI.,E RIVER WATER & SANITATIOE/L5/2006 846 FOREST RD VAII, co 84657 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tlre information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. o8/L6/2006 Phone: (970) 928-8408 08/t6/2006 Phone: (970) 928-8408 FEE SUMMARY {r******r******r**Li.********i.1.*r|!'1.**il****'i**{i***t****'t**'.*L** Total Calculaied F€es- > S1?? .80 Additional Fees------ >s0.00 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI]R HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2I OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR AND OWNEI ttftf***+tfttt+++tft******ffitttt*t*r,r,r,**,r**r'r'|****rt**'|'l*+'r'*tttt***tttr{'*t**afftf**ltfll**l* TowN oF VAIL, coLoRADo statement ************++*t***********+tt+i**f******f**t****'t**********'i++t+****'ll********+*'l+****lt*++* Statement Number: RO6OOO128? Anount: S17?.80 08/23/200671 :13 AM Pa)ment Metshod: Check Init: DDG l{otatsion: VogE 2f22 Permit No: 805-0135 Tlt)e: ELEqrRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 - 143 - 0104 -4 Site Address: 2724 SNOWBERRY DR VAIIJ L,ocation: 2734 SNOIVBERRY DR Total Fees: $17?.80 Thia Palment: 91??.80 Total A]!IJ I'mta: $17?. 80 Balance: $0.00 **'t****:t*'t'|t{r*'}**{r********'*!t'}t*'t't*'t**'t*{'******t***'}+lf****++++******tt++**************{'***+*** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Accounc code Description Current Pmtss EP OO1OOOO31111OO EI,ECTRTCAI. PERMIT FEES wc 00100003112800 tilrl,l, cAr,rJ rNsPEerroN FEE t74.80 3 .00 Ee,6. OtS.r ?3+lhgotrecB&-_urllcob'.& atr.nt To** crF vtr,- -.='T*,'AL pEn'rr AF'trct'froll Cl'ilmrcfm.ruonrA:rDr cor|P|tTE sQ. FoErTrst FOR,InEA OF UmrAlD Ylrr|rTur G Unr G$or rilaE|'E) AilOlrflT OF Q FT I'l SIRIEIURE: Pdcd * Job lEr13: 5i.l -r ct(A,our'*\'^l q1d+e'r <faRM, 2 fa.^l l{JobAffres: r-f3a+ 5rjottlbcrg Ln r.rdDrs?Eoniroc lBbck lF}g:$iffin: %,oalea*cs:-r Hit= t+q lt tarcorfic',^ 5<l'b---paAq.L, -t*t*..rt a"|ft.-ai'<iPf^ct.o 'A.r -{t*.-p' fcluer. jl€,r^orl{ S.rlen tq*tet €/-?.Lvjlnq +A f r( { rlirq +o -f{r-6 Far e(. P.r.v F,xts h,iletr *c.ilR .|hcy' u^tsglrn,az+tna,t 1 lvorlcCbrs: l{er( ) A.5Eon( ) nenrrg( ) spqlr( , TqnPFlrer(X) o|tts0Q rKType lttFbr( ) EGtb( ) ffii( )DocsanElud*lhbbdn: Yee( ) ib( ) TFe-ddg.: *rOc-tamyt ) D.da( ) &fufft( ) Onrrgad( ) nlittrtt( ) OU!ro(} ilo. of Edfiry ltucltrElhrs[|dtbhilfp:16. of Asrumtffin UtlE h dlt hgqr Is this oennlt br a hd trb: Yes ( l m (X) r.a...aaraaar*ffaaaaaf..rr....G..ta.tar.l{tR OfFar USE mtrrtr...rl..ff.a.t.a.tfft.*tffi.. ....r L'Jz'/?',/3 <r^(A F;\CG^rcilaslE dtdBfldn*dld4rFrLlt:I'.2005-ooceY ,1) / i' ,'d zsolft6{026) h{a td2 urlof 860:80 90 91 6nV q o o EI o EI Orerh€ad sen lces ar€ ndallowed In theTown of Vall, ffnaergmunO scrvlces ttdtE in conduft (F,\E) from he udl@-tansformer to Ste decUlc meter, main ds@nnect swltch, and b $e frtst decblcal distrlbutlon cinrf, hcaloer panel. The main disconnect swtdr shall brdltyac@, andlercatsdneGb$e meteron thee<briorwallof tt|e strlctrrs All undergra.rnd condults arercgulr€d b be inspected _beilbrc back-flllng $e tr€ndt. ^In multFfanlV drrdlhgirnlb, no dectdcal whln-g or feeder cables *rall paal frrom one unlt b anoHer' @mmon wallsandspac arewnfi rlrq CaUe t'nomexl an Oi tW onl In sfigE atd muffi-fanlil 4ryIW g Mrry I ffi' lW flIt'drrpib tN ht sty bimng irtud nrdt l6+B.Er,fl*n es mryr* Alumlmtm a n&t&tssmdler than slze #8 are not permitEd. TOW]I OF VAIL EICCTRICAT PENilIT GUIDEuII{ES All instailations of orbrior hot Ubs or spat rcqulre a DRB approral horn plannlng. Thls appllcaUon will not be acae@ wltrout a aory of fie DRB afrurd fufn atachql 0f ryl|cable) If this permit is for installa0otl d an ofterior hd t b or spa on a new detraH platronn or deck over 30'above grade, you nust also obtaln a building pemlt' If thls permlt ls t6iinstattaUon dan exbdor hd tub or spa on any exbdng dedt or derated .Phfrqr a struitlnl engineer must review the edsUng conditlon aild vsify that n wlll support the added consrtiabd load. please pronide a @py of the structural engln€ets wet stamped l#r or draring with tlris apolication. If this is a-remoOet in a mulu-famlly buildhg with a homeovuners associdion, a letter of pennksion ftffi fie ascbUon ls rcqulted. If this permlt is for a sninercial space, two (2) sets d sffnped drawings are Fqqircq. Hebl onettue and Ftd WuE arc ma*A ff Iflt lr ffi u Mbtthiut E ilM. E *t f -csb Dffi Sigrcd If you haye any questions rcgardlng the above infsrmation or have adtfitioml questbns' pfease oontact foii fwn of Vail Elslcal In+ector at970479-21{7. Th€ inopecbr can be ieOeO on ttlmday thru Friday mornings betrreen tlre lpurc of 8am and 9am. You may abo leave a vole rnall and the hsp6r will call pu badc I hrye red and underctand tfieabone F:\cdru'\FRtt51Penrlts\&lliryld.ctcCJrdttlr 1'2'200!i.DOC w?3,ws z'o zsol€r6(026) h*,2d2 868:80 90 9t 6nv ftNIE E)ilff &n rMpwbigtgr ttrv tNIt& MMIatNaISil I I II I * f IIIr i ir ir lr l! f, fitDl I I I 9l tl U it rlrl II ii Gil t 't lI .r.-ll.:V N(i\ Nif!iilI III 't/''.'aat*t-t IIl it It tl \$t\ ( FI '/.ti -*t rH /** nt! 5fi ,-*24 I II E6e:gO 90 9! 6nVz90l€16(0/6)g'd TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW COMM BLJILDING PERMIT Permit # 806-0185 Job Address: 2724 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location.....: 2734 SNQWBERRY DR ParcelNo...: 210314301044 OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SA}IITATIOT/L2/2006 846 FOREST RD VAII,co 81557 coNTRjAcroR Asr,Alr coNsrRucrrolr, rNc. 08/09/2oo5 Phone: (970) 593-9669 540 E. EISENHOVIER SUITE Z LOVEI,A} D corJoRADo 80537 License: 338-A APPIJICAITT EAGLE RfvER WATER & SAI{ITATI07/L2/20O6 Phone: 970-476-7480 845 FOREST ROAD VAIIJ co 8L657 L,icense:362-B Desciption: REPI-,ACEUENT OF AN EXISTING .2 MG ABOVE GROITIID STEEIJ WATER TANK WITH A 1.5 MG ABO\TB GROI]ND CONCRETE WATER TAIIK. Project #: PRI06-0119 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0711212$6 Issued. . : O8l09l2N6 Expires. .: 0210512007 Factor sq Feets Valuation 9,L6O i2,000,000.00* Occupancy ll/pe Tota1s... TOV Adjusted Valuation: 2,000,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Revised Total Valuation: $000'000.00 *+**+*,t.*************!i**l.*!t*i**lol****|****|'t***,|***********l*{.**{.****FEEslMRY Building----- > $9,258.75 Resnrarant Plan Review- >$o.oo Toal Calculated Fees-- > 'rs,219.94Plan Check--> S5,01s.19 Recreation Fee-------- > $0.00 Additional Fees---*-- > $0.00 Investigation- > S0.00 TOTAL FEES----------- > $L5t219.94 Total Permit Fee----- > gt-5,219.94 Will Call---- >93.00 Pa)T nents----------- >9L5 ,2't 9 .94 BALANCE DUE------> 90. oo Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI 08/01,/2006 cgunion Action: CR see.l/h/n oB/o7 /2006 cgunion Action: AP IteM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT 07/28/2006 eer Action: AP Approved by plaruring based on landscape plan and addition of lower waI1s, as specifi-ed by the DRB. Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/20/2006 mcgee Actionr AP Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS O7/L8/2006 Ek Action: COND Prior to start of constrrrction applicant must obtain a Public Way permit and provide civil drawi.ngs that are not stamped "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONII l!:*;--;'j-?;'*-fJ"9I-x*1Ix9-*:*''YI*xl*******i'*******{.'i*t*.|i|||i..|'itl.*{t.**||r't.t|*l.*1l*l||i+lt See Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this struchrre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTT.FOUR IIOURS IN N)VANCE BY TEI,EPIIONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OITICE FROM 8:fiI FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET |t.*{.,i*'t*'t***{.***i.*{.*,l.*,l*{.**************:t.t:t*,|c*:t.*!t(*'.*!t*'l.'ti.:*{.*l{.***i(**,F*****'|.*!l(*i.******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit # 806-0185 as of 08-09-2006 Status: ISSUED * ** **,k* **,k* * ** ** ** *** ** **:t *.*,****,f * {. *X. ** ***,F ** **'*!t:*:t't *!* *,t ** * * * * * * *:t* ** {. ** **,* *,* * *r * * *,1. {.,F *,F ** ** ** *rf *:}****{.:1.* Permit Type: NEW COMM BLIILDING PERMIT Applied: 0711212006 Applicant: EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT Issued: 081W12006 970-47G7480 To Expire: 02lO5l2W7 Iob Address: 2724 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location: 2734 SNOWBERRY DR ParcelNo: 210314301044 Description: REPLACEMENT OF AN EXISTING .2 MG ABOVE GROUND STEEL WATER TANK WITH A 1.5 MG ABOVE GROUND CONCRETE WATER TANK. Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS. AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:20 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS BY FIRE AND BUILDING DEPARTMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE BEFORE BEING USED FOR OCCCUPANCY. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQIIIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLI FOR. Cond: 35 (P.W.): ACCESS AND DRAINAGE INSPECTIONS MUST BE DONE BEFORE FOOTING INSPECTION. Cond: 5 (PLAN): PRIOR TO THE TOWN BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONDUCTING A FRAMING INSPECTION, AN IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) SHALL BE SI.JBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN] MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE REQUESTED INSPECTION. ROOF RIDGFS AND BI.'ILDING FOOTPRINT SHALL BE INDICATED ON THE ILC. Cond: CON0008332 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND INSPECTION REPORTS ARE REQI.JRIED PER IBC CH, 17: CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTS POST TENSION SLAB REPORTS ******************+**++f++f**++*+++t**i*'i**********++t+***+****t*******lr++*tt****tl***'a'i+**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *************r******tf,*+r*******+***+*++*++****+*f+**************+*************'|'f't'l'|+******1. statement Nunber: R060001186 Arnount: $9,26r.75 08/09/200609:54 AIrt Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDGNotation: Eagle River & Wauer & Saritation 40352 Permit No: 806-0185 Type: NEw COMM BUILDING PERMIT Parcel No3 2103-143-0104-4 SiEe AddreaE: 2724 SNOVIBERRY DR VAII, r'ocat ion: 2734 SN.'TBERRY DR rotal Fee6: sLs,27g.g4 Thia Paltment,: $9,26L.75 Total AIJL PmtS: FL5,279.94Balance: $0.00 f+***********i*a'++*t+++++***+++++**i*+++++***,t*!t't********f{"}++******+***ftt*****'}+*:}*******+ ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Currents Pmta BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES WC 00100003 U2S00 WIITIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 9,254.75 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U - o{{ EoG-o/gs Project #: Building Permit #: s7G47&1149 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.l 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRAGTOR INFORMATION Person and Phone #'s: James B. Boyd, Jr. 376-1446 (c),477-5459 (w) Email address:.org Fax#:476-4089 ---- - '/r-/ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $1,525,000 ELECTRICAL: $25,000 OTHER: $300,000 (earlhwork) PLUMBING: $0 MECHANICAL: $1 50,000 (site pipelines) TOTAL: $2,000,000 For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcer'# J los l rlJo/ o 4 L/ Job Name: Intermountain Water Storage Tank Replacement Job Address: 2734 Snowberry Drive Legal Description ll Lot: 14 Block: 9 ll Filing:Subdivision: Vail lntermountain Owners Name: ERW&SD Address: 846 Forest Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 477-5459 ArchitecuDesigner: Bates Engineering Address: 7175W. Jefferson Ave., Suite 3800 Lakewood, CO 80235 Phone: 303-980-1212 Engineer: Alpine Engineering Address: Edwards Business Center P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 926-3373 Detailed description of work; Replacement of 0.2 MG water storage tank with a new 1.5 MG water storage tank. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other(X)Replacomont Work Type:, Interior ( ) Exterior (X) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other (X) Utlllty No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: N/A No. of Accommodation Units in this building: N/A No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( ) N/A No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet (llrlloodBr.unins (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (X)DoS] Fire $plinl6ler System Ftfqtl Yes ( ) No (X) F:U5wsD\4eng\@nstEng\ProjectsUntermtn WST Tank\Permits\Buitding Permit l JUN 30 2006 'ot?Otrytt oF VAltselorf Mt2Lt2w6 TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement **********+*+{'**t{'t*+**+*++fff+++**+++*++f***t*i*+++++f+i++++********+***+*******t++++++*+++ Stsatetnents tilunber: RO6OOOO955 Arnount: $5,018.L9 07/L2/200509:4? AI'l Palment Method: Check Init: riS Notagion: 3 9 5S4 /ERWSD Permit No: 806-0185 Type: NEW COMM BUILDING PERIIIT Parcel No: 2103-143-0104-4 Site Addreee: 2?24 SNOWBERRY DR VAIL Location: 2?34 SN.*BERRY DR rotal Feea: grs,21g.g4 Thia Pa)ment: s6,018.19 Total A],L EtCa: $5,018.19Balance: $9,261.75 ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAIiI CHECK FEES 5,018.19 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Deyelopment Prciect Name: Intermountain Water Storage Tank Replacement Project Address: 2734 Snowberry Drive This Checklist must he amoled befote a Building Permit aPpliation is arcptd. All pages of application are complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required)? Provide a copy of approval form Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projecb valued over $100,000.00 (see attached fee schedule) Complete site plan submitted Pubfic Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) to be submitted by contractor Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parking or material storage allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring- not applicable Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family)- not applicable Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets for remodels, 4 sets of plans for SFR and Dupfex, 5 sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings| not applicable Window and door schedule- not applicable Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All @mmerdal and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies speciFred and penetrations indicated- not applicable Smoke detectors shown on plans- not applbable Types and quantity of fireplaces shown- not applicable a D o B tr D o O o tr o o o o o Date of submittal: Applicant's Signahrr€: Reoeived By: 870r7r2ltz r-u? P.001ft1il f-zl5kr0l-06 0l:03rr FrrT0lll 0t Vtltflfiln EE[oPtElll a T5ltorilh FrcntagoRoad vail CO 81657 n0479-2138 Ftx97o479 7452 COMMT]NITY IIEVELOPMEIIT FAX TRANSMITTAL SEEET TO: Karen Shanlw. Jlm Bovil COMPAIiIY NAME:ERWSD f,iROM:- E[sabcftEckdReed DAIE: o5ot06 fll[E: 4Dm # OF PA@S IN I'OCI'MEITT (NOT INCX,I'DING COYER SIIEEI)- RESFONSENDQIIIRED? SE$ITBY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FA:( #@ TOWN OT' VAIL COMMT]NffY DEVEIOPMEITTT TEI,EPSONE #_94J4E}g,gP. STECIAL COMMENTS AI{D NOTES: Ly-01-06 0{:02n Frrlot 0F v lt}|IIY EYEtffit 0t01nt$t T-$? P.o0t/of Fzll ?uil IoF Depurcnt ol Corolrlllt{tY DcvcloPtrent 75 Soroh Ftontqe Rod Uall, Colddo 81657 97M79A138 FD(97M79-2152 w*clvcileaus iNrY 08,2006 EEEb Riwrwfirrnd Sanhafnr tlbtict E46 FoG.tRod vdt,co 81657 Atfr: Mr.&ml BoYd.Jr. M.. l(rtrnSlml€Y Rc: 273lSnor^derry DrndLot 14 Blrr*g'Val lnbilnrnts'n Daarilr. Bold and ME. ShanLY' Thrnk you fu. attcnrting bdays Plaml€ and Erwlomrcntel Cdmftsion (PEC) h€ilm of a r€qEst for e Gonddonal Use pernritb tneilattan ;il;;utd=wis-ta* at$";;;;;A.dd;a' Tti PEC u-rrnirrralv 4P.ud the tql€st wlth tE ft lo,uitlg fi YE cofdltom: 1.PrtN b tctrdd d a credlv pcrrft twn tto louo { y-q ?e wuk @annul''t-t";w -no,ti'tlre n 6etv -"i,?;;A Ld i s, ag* e. y?! lW suDddtllr' shtt Dc E lbrr1itlta to an &- Ay {- t"n' d Vd My ryryfrprrr*t ilfr ce up aiiwrt ionr*rtr" b @e ead rr'cscd fia ecas d Ld t s dut vN a d{''/'tx,i&-i;il, e rc nd d t p a'&dq ffir '',ilc Ptbr b cotfsdt cfion a W d llr hering Palllrfi drlll De sDniled b fie Tcff,n ol Vsll Puffi Vro'l€ Dff,Ftrt',',il- tu q b @o!ruc*r\ a WW Nt td P$fE Wty rrtrnf- 9:r0 E sr'lniatt b t'p Totttz d Vd Atilc Wffi Dqprrttarlnt" Ptt to ilt!€r?Der 1, nW, ffi WW # ttttlgdc,ip v*rd lt'flm d 0P afuL€ gr* ptl*rs d ttp tent b r orsoneble fitnm'. Ihis qPrur/d slrafl E (X//dl,'ryilflt ur,oa tlo ae@zt r!f,',fuila Tiln d vd rytvyel dfic e$n,vmv affiol;;A ,Atr;d b@c pHa ewbbd trdD t*l'cdffitlappemrttqurcc- Aryor knm, bollr lhe PlannFB ard ErMmnmnbrl Conmirsion tdtte D€'EnReviGtflBoatdemtessed consllll rcsadmth€ta'rtrctpe"*fr ti;-pffi;.fffi ;i4:l::-'"ttose",{":11c*"mfg1ffi?Jl#'ffffi,|L$Efiffi.tr ilH"Xiffi1J;iln:y H-tiF; ;ittfr; fi ",&r u rcrmtn rinealri tq a npr ru,tsrbv il.r. D€6.rsn Reviewfrff';;&;;fr;i, il.y ifr-Fi;;-{d;'i'ncoreucan rphtlE rrssntbncwlhanv qrresdo*. I $! pEn b cccive Gyr6d-rtlans l?om you lsL 6' BectttEsd3, endcurr: PbmlneandEnvitorlmcfilComtnBlonapfod {btttt t w"'-nn €Eagte River Water & Sanitation District lntermountain Tank Site Feet O Colorado sEcTroN 00 91 13 ADDEIYDI]M 2. State AddendumNumber htne27,2006Eagle County Project: 1.5-MG Intermountain WST Owner: Eagle River Water and Sanitation Disfrict. Bid Date: June 30,2006 Bid Time: 2:00 p.m. Location: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Revlsions to Contract Documents: Section 00 41 00 - BID SCHEDULE - Bid Item No. 15 - The correct quantity is "1" and Unit is Lump Sum (LS). Please note the corrections by hand in the Bid Schedule. Section 0l 41 00 - BID SCHEDULE - Bid Itern No.'s 12 and28 - Note that water for pipeline and tank filling and testing will be provided by the OWNER in accordance with the respective specifications. Water used for construction, i.e., water for compaction, will be provided by the OWNER but paid for by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR will be required to use a hydrant meter available from the OWNER. Revisions to General Provisions: None Revisions to Section 0800 - Special Conditions: None Revisions to Technical Specilications: Section 0l 20 00 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT, BID ITEM NO. 2.27 - The CDOT CL 6 ABC thickness for both the initial and final placements shall be revised from 6- inches to 4-inches. 00 9l 13 ADDENDUM NO. I Section 01 20 00 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT, BID ITEM NO. 29 - The design of the wall is provided by the OWNER. Delete design from the work covered for Payment. Section 0l 35 00 - SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES - The CDOT CL 6 ABC thickness shall be revised from 6-inches to 4-inches. Section 01 35 00 - SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES - Section 3.4 paragraph title shall be revised from TELEMENTRY to TELEMETRY AND ELECTRICAL. Section 0l 35 00 - SPECIAL PROJECT PROCDURES - add the following paragraph 3.5 TELEMETRY ELECTRICAL SERVICE A. The existing solar power at the 0.2 MG WST needs to be replaced with the AC power to be run into the site. The OWNER requests that the electric services site work be performed as soon as possible to permit this transfer. This work shall be performed by Timber Line Electric and Conhols Corp. Revisions to Drawings: Drawing C005 - The combined overflow / drain pipeline shall be revised from l5-inch to l2-inch restrained joint DIP. Drawing C005 - The riprap detailed at the energy dissipation structure shall be grouted riprap. Drawing 52 - Drawing 52 shall be revised to include coating exposed portions of the wall, roof and concrete hatch pedestals with Degussa THOROCOAT 200, color 4FMV-CPN8-JEKI 412-N (Moss Green). Drawings made available to Bidders from Golder report - While copies of Drawings I - 3 were made available with the information made available to the Bidders, copies are attached in the event that the report lacked drawings. Drawings made available to Bidders - Drawing I titled "Rock Wall" prepared by Golder Associates, is made available to bidders. This drawing details the design of the retaining wall shown in the site plan Aclcnowledgment: Acknowledgment of receipt of this addendum shall be made on Page I of 2 of the BID SCHEDULE. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this addendum may be cause for rejection ofthe bid. The Contract Documents and Construction Specifications shall not be altered and/or changed in any other way than as heretofore indicated and/or specified. Bates Engineering, Inc. Prepared by:Date: Jlune27,2006 00 91 13 Robert T. Bates. P.E. EI\D OF SECTION ADDENDTIMNO. I =cooEFIxq=v.'t>2f^-z<<B*zE<g?(rOg>(!l!u=d=1!s €6FF Iz3o-96 If!?-l ^i>l;{je9ASNST = = e I '3 tE5-d Ii:liEE' $gE!EEEE *il; tI 6* c i E EE tr :; IE EuI E ti z E'a\. ilir ll irjl'iry/ gl, ;:r: n Hd{rx5- 8;f; p>6 From: To: Date: Subject: "Karen Shanley'' <kshanley@erwsd.org> "Joe Suther (E-mail)" <JSuther@vailgov.com> 08/09/2006 12:17::O4PM Building Permit # 806-0185 Good Afternoon Joe, The Eagle River Water & Sanilation District would like to turn over the above-mentioned Building Permit to our &ntractor, Aslan Construction. Primary ContacF Jason Fagette Ph- 970-593-9669 Fax- 970-593$996 Address- 640 E. Eisenhower, Suite 2, Loveland, CO 80537 TOV Registration # - 338-4 I have made a copy of the original permit for our records; l'll bring the original to the job site for Aslan's records. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you. Karen Shanley Construction Manager Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Rd. Vail, CO 81657 ph: (970) 477-5424 fax: (970) 476-4089 cell: (970) 401-0679 CC:'Bob Bates (E-mail)" <rbates@batesengineering.com>, "Bob MacTaggart (E-mail)" <mail@aslanconstruction.com>, "Jason Fagette (E-mail)" <jasonf@aslanconstruction.com>, "Jen Tolan (E-mail)" <jent@aslanconslruction.com>, "Mike Pelphrey (E-mail)' <mikep@aslanconstruction.com>, <JIMB@vail.net> SI.JBSOIL STUDY FOR FOTJNDATION DESIGN PROPOSED WATER STORACE TAI{K LOT 14, BLOCK 9, VAIL INTERMOTJNTAIN VNL, COLORADO JOB NO. 10131r MAY 30,2001 PREPARED FOR: EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAI{ITATION DISTRICT ATTN: LINN SCHORR 846 FOREST ROAI) VAIL, COLORADO 81657 H"pC-f "*Uk Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 Count-v Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970-945-7988 Fax: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com 1il ffi AU6 0s 2006 TOWN OF VAIL 806,6/ I I I I I I I I IIEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. May 30,2001 Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Attn: Linn Schorr 846 Forest Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Job No. 101 3ll I I I I I Subject: Report Transmittal, Subsoil Study for Foundation Design, Proposed Water Storage Tank, Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain, Vail, Colorado Dear Ms. Schorr: As requested, we have conducted a subsoil study for the proposed water tank at the subject site. The tank will be buried and located to the east of the existing tank. Subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings drilled in the proposed tank area consist of lYz to 2 feet oftopsoil above medium dense clayey sand and gravel with cobbles. Groundwater was encountered in the borings at a depth of about 2 to 4 feet. The proposed water tank can be founded on spread footings placed on the natural sand and gravel subsoil and designed for an allowable bearing pressure of3,000 psf excluding the weight of water. Pre-excavation dewatering and, possibly, shoring could be needed to maintain cut slope stabiliry. The report which follows describes our exploration, summarizes our findings, and presents our recommendations. It is important that we provide consultation during design, and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of the geotechnical recommendations. Ifyou have any questions regarding this report, please contact us. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC. t t I t I I jfu,j f"4L Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. Rev. by: DEH SLP/djg/ksw TABLE OF CONTENTS PIJRPOSEANDSCOPEOFSTUDY ......1 PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTTON. ......... I SITECONDITIONS .... 2 FIELDEXPLORATION ,,.,.,.. 2 SUBSURFACECONDITIONS.. .......,2 FOUNDATIONBEARINGCONDITIONS... ........3 DESIGNRECOMMENDATIONS ......3FOUNDATIONS... .....3WATERTANKWALLS .........4 TANKBOTTOMSLAB . ....... 5UNDERDRAINSYSTEM .......6SITEGRADING.. .....6SURFACEDRAINAGE .... 7 LIMITATIONS.... .....7 FIGURE I . LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3 - LECEND AND NOTES FIGURE 4 - SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS H.P GEoTECH PI.]RPOSE AND SCOPE OF STI.]DY This report presents the results of a subsoil study for a proposed water storage tank to be located at Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain, Vail, Colorado. The project site is shown on Fig. 1. The purpose of the study was to develop recommendations for the foundation design. The study was conducted in accordance with our agreement for geotechnical engineering services to Eagle River Water and Sanitation District dated April 18,2001. A field exploration program consisting of exploratory borings was conducted to obtain information on subsurface conditions. Samples of the subsoils obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine their classification, compressibility or swell and other engineering characteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths and allowable pressures for the proposed tank foundation. This report summarizes the data obtained during this study and presents our conclusions, design recommendations and other geotechnical engineering considerations based on the proposed construction and the subsoil conditions encountered. PROFOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed tank will be cast-in-place concrete and completely buried with a design bottom slab elevation of 8,148 feet. The tank will have a capacity of one million gallons with a height of about 26 feet and a diameter of about 92 feet. Grading for the structure will involve cut depths up to about 34 feet. Fill up to about 25 feet deep will be needed to cover the front of the tank. The top of the tank will be covered with soil about 1 to 2 feet deep. Final graded slopes of2 horizontal to I vertical are proposed uphill and downhill of the tank. We assume relatively heavy foundation loadings from the concrete structure and the earth loading on the tank. If the tank location, grading or loading information change significantly from that described, we should be notified to re-evaluate the recommendations contained in this report. H-P GEoTECH I I l I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t -2- SITE CONDITIONS The tank site is located just uphill of the access road into the existing tank as shown on Fig. l. The terrain is moderately steep sloping down to the northwest at grades between about 20 to 25%. An existing cut about l0 feet high for the access road is located in the downhill part of the tank site. Vegetation on the hillside consists of a pine forest with grass, weeds and scattered brush understory. About 18 inches of snow covered the site from a recent heavy snow storm at the time of our field work. There was considerable runoff from springtime thaw conditions. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration for the project was conducted on April 20 and 23,2@1. Two exploratory borings were drilled at the locations shown on Fig. I to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diameter continuous flight augers powered by a track-mounted CME-45 drill rig. The borings were logged by a representative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. Samples of the subsoils were taken with 13le inch and 2 inch I.D. spoon samplers. The samplers were driven into the subsoils at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. This test is similar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D-1586. The penetration resistance values are an indication of the relative density or consistency of the subsoils. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration resistance values are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Fig.2. The samples were returned to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. SIjBSI]RFACE CONDITIONS Graphic logs ofthe subsurface conditions encountered at the site are shown on Fig. 2. Below about lVz to 2 feet of topsoil, the subsoils consist of medium dense clayey sand and gravel with cobbles to the drilled depths of 30 to 50 feet. Groundwater H.P GEOTECH l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -3- was encountered at a depth of about 4 to 5 feet at the time of drilling and at about 2 feet when checked 17 days later. Laboratory testing performed on samples obtained from the borings included natural moisture content and density, finer than sand size gradation analyses and liquid and plastic limits. Swell-consolidation testing was performed on relatively undisturbed drive samples of the more fine-grained subsoils. The swell-consolidation test results, presented on Fig. 4, indicate low to moderate compressibility under conditions of loading and wetting. The sample from Boring I at 9 feet showed higher compressibility and was probably disturbed during driving of the sampler. The laboratory testing is summarized in Table I. FOTJNDATION BEARING CONDITIONS The subsoils encountered at the tank site are mainly medium derse clayey sand and gravel and suitable for support ofa shallow footing or mat foundation. The groundwater level is relatively shallow and permanently lowering the water level to below the tank bottom will be required. Pre-excavation dewatering and, possibly, shoring could also be needed to maintain cut slope stability during construction. DESIGN RECOMMEhIDATIONS FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsoil conditions encountered in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend the tank be founded with spread footings or structural slab (ma| foundation placed on the natural granular soils. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing or structural slab foundation system. l) Foundations placed on the undisturbed natural soils can be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. The weight of water can be neglected when sizing the foundation. Based on experience, we H-P GEOTECH I I I I I 2) 3) -4- exped settlement of foundations designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be up to about I inch. The foundations should have a minimum width of 24 inches. The foundations should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 42 inches below exterior grade is typically used in this area. The tank walls should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures as discussed in the 'Water Tank Walls" section of this report. Topsoil and any loose or disturbed soils should be removed and the foundation bearing level extended down to relatively dense natural granular soils. Subexcavated areas should be backfilled with granular soils compacted to at least 100% of standard Proctor density or with concrete. The groundwater level should be lowered to at least 2 feet below design tank subgrade level. If water seepage is encountered in individual foundation excavations, additional dewatering should be provided before concrete placement. A representative ofthe geotechnical engineer should observe the foundation excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. 4) 5) 6) I I I I I WATER TANK WALLS The tank walls should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 60 pcf for backfill consisting of the on-site granular soils. The tank walls should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures such as trafFrc, construction materials and equipment, and soil cover. The pressure recommended above assumes drained conditions behind the walls and a horizontal backfill surface. The buildup of warer behind the tank wall or an upward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pressure imposed on the tank wall. A lateral earth pressure of 75 pcf equivalent fluid unit weight is recommended for a 2 horizontal to I vertical slope above the tank. H-P GEoTECH -5- Backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 95Vo of the maximum standard hoctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Care should be taken not to overcompact the backfill or use large equipment near the wall since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the wall. Some settlement ofdeep foundation wall backfill should be expected even if the material is placed correctly and could result in distress to facilities constructed on the backfilL_ The lateral resistance of the foundation will be a combination of the sliding resistance ofthe foundation on the bearing materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the foundation. Resistance to sliding at the bottom of the foundations can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.45. Passive pressure of compacted backfill against the sides ofthe foundations can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of 375 pcf for a dry backfill condition and 250 pcf for buoyant conditions. The coefficient of friction and passive pressure values recommended above assume ultimate soil strength. Suitable factors of safety should be included in the design to limit the strain which will occur at the ultimate strength, particularly in the case of passive resistance. Fill placed against the sides ofthe foundations to resist lateral loads should be a granular material compacted to at least 95vo of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. TANK BOTTOM SLAB The natural on-site soils are suitable to support the tank floor under moderate loading from the weight of water. A minimum 6 inch layer of free draining gravel should be placed beneath the tank bottom slab to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with at least 50% retained on tlte No. 4 sieve and less than2% passing the No. 200 sieve. Free draining gravel placed under the tank bottom should be connected to the perimeter underdrain system. All fill materials for support of the bottom slab should be compacted to at least 100% of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Prior to placing the drain gravel material, the subgrade should be moisture treated and compacted to at least 95% of standard Proctor density at a moisrure content near H-P GEoTECH I I I I I l I I I I I I t I I T I t I -6- optimum. Required fill should consist of imported aggregate base course or approved on-site sand and gravel soils. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM Groundwater was encountered a shallow depth and extensive subsurface drainage will be required to lower the groundwater level and protected the tank from hydrostatic pressure buildup. It has also been our experience in mountainous areas that local perched groundwater can develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoffand frozen ground during spring runoffcan create a perched condition. The drains should consist of drainpipe placed in the bottom of the wall backfill surrounded above the invert level with freedraining granular material. The drain should be placed at least 2 feet below slab subgrade level and sloped at a minimum 1% to a suitable gravity outlet. Free-draining granular material used in the underdrain system should contain less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least 3 feet deep and extend up to above any seepage encountered in the excavation cut face. A filter fabric should be placed between the drain gravel and native soils to prevent washing fines into the drain gravel. SITE GMDING Excavation for the tank will be relatively extensive and to below the groundwater level, and could induce slope instability. Cut depth for the tank is expected to be up to about 34 feet. We expect that pre-excavation dewatering, such as with trench drains, and temporary shoring will be needed to maintain the cut slope stability. The dewatering and shoring should be designed and installed by qualified contractors. Fills placed around the tank walls and on top ofthe tank should be compacted to at least 95Vo of the maximum standard hoctor density near optimum moisture content. Prior to any new embankment fill placement, the subgrade should be carefully prepared by removing all vegetation and topsoil and compacting to 95% standard Proctor density. The fill along the downhill side of the tank should be benched H-P GEoTEGH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I a- t- into the portions of the hillside exceeding 20Vo grade. A unit weight of 130 pcf can be used to calculate loading on the tank due to the soil cover. Permanent unretained cut and fill slopes should be graded at 2 horizontal to I vertical or flaner and protected against erosion by revegetation or other means. The risk of slope instability will be increased if seepage is encountered in cuts above the tank and flaner slopes or additional subsurface drainage may be necessary. If seepage is encountered in permanent cuts, an investigation should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut stability. This office should review excavation grading, subsurface drainage and site grading plans for the project prior to construction and observe all cuts for stabilitv considerations. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the water tank has been completed: l) Inundation ofthe tank excavation should be avoided during construction. 2) Nonstructural backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. 3) The ground surface around and on top ofthe tank should be sloped to prevent ponding. Free-draining wall backfill should be apped with at least 2 feet ofthe on-site finer graded soils to reduce surface water infiltration. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either express or implied, The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings drilted at the locations indicated on Fig. 1, the proposed type ofconstruction and our experience in the area. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation ofthe subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory borings and variations in the subsurface H-P GEoTECH -8- conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified so that re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to veri$ that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on-site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. Sincerely, HEPWORTH - PA INC. Steven L. Pawlak, Daniel E. Hardin, P.E. SLP/djg/ksw cc: Peak Civil Engineering - Attn: Jim Ellerbroek frt;e** 15222 i ffi*s H.P GEoTECH I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I - APPROXIMAIE SCAIf1'= 60' LOT 15 lt It LOT 14 EXISTING SIEEL WATER TANK EXISTING ACCESS ROAD,a \I I I I 8160 - B17o El40 El50 \ "l:.8190 El80 \\ \ - 8210- a220 - g2oo t-- -- \ PROPOSED WATER TANK\ LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGSHEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.101 311 BORING 1 ELEV-= 8154' BORING 2 EIEV,= E171' El75 o17: 17/12rc-lZs D[t-l22 -20O-3:ttL-27 Pbaur2l0o 20./12UC-lat olt-l2E -20(ts29 31^2 26/12 UC-14.5 Dtbl20 -200=JE fi/12 2q12 WC-l2.l -?00.25tl-2E Pl-l1 8155 13/r2 16n2 UC-t+.a OO-rrg -2qF37 1742 WC-'lJ.+ -20(FJO le/6 E^2 PROPOSED TAI{K BOTIOIBIr/i\T0 - al4d 81,+5 ooL I c .9 o otr ooL I c .9Iolrl 32h2uEr{.7 -AXr-a8lIE29 Pl-12 20/6,&n .En2 Note: Explonotion of symbds is shown on Fig. 3. 1ol 311 HEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS Fig. 2 E ffi I IJ I I 3e/r2 o,2 l-ttfl l fltEs LEGEND: TOPSO|Ij orgonic sondy cloy ond silt, sofl wet, dork brown' SAND AND GRA\EL (SC-GC); cloyey to very cloley, cobbles, medium dense, very moist to wct' mixed brown. Relotively undisturbed drive somplet 2-inch l.D. Colifornio liner somple. Drirrc somple; stondord penetrotion test (SPT), 1 5rl8 inch l.D. spllt spoon somple, ASIII D-1586' Drive somple blow count; indicotes thot 39 blows of o '140 pound hommer folling 3O inc-hes were required tb driw the Colifomio or SPT sompler 12 Inches' Free woter leral in boring ond number of dop following drilling meosurement wos tokcn' lndicotes slotted PVC pipe instolled in boring to depth shown' Depth of which boring coved. NOIES: 1. Explorotory borings were drilled on April 20 ond 23, 2OO1 with o 4-inch diometer continuous flight POUGr Ouger- 2, Locotions of explorotory borings were meosured opproximotely by pocing from feotures shown on the site . plon provided. 3. Eevotions of explorotory borings were obtoined by lnterpolotion between contours on thc slte plon 4. The explorotay boring locotions ond elevotions should be considered occurote only to thc degree irnplled by the method used. 5. The llnes betueen moteriols shown on the explorotory boring logs represent the opproximote boundorics between moterlol tlpes ond tronsitions moy be groduol' 6, Woter lenel reodings shown on the logs were mode of the time ond under the conditions indicoted' Fluctuotion In roter levd moy occur with time' 7. Loborotory Testing Results: WC=liloterContent(%) DD - Dry Density ( pcf ) -200 = Perccnt possing No. 200 sieve.. UC = Unconfined'Compiessive Strength ( psf ) LL=UquidLimit(Z) Pl = Plosticity Index ( % ) LEGEND AND NOIESHEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC.101 311 Moisture Content - 14.8 Percent DrY DensitY = 119 Pcf Somple ot Oopy Sond wlth Growl From: Boring 1 of 9 Feet N Co 6o Po Eoo 10 APPUED PRESSURE - ksf N C .9oJ'o o- Eoo 1.O to APPUED PRESSURE - ksf 100 Molsture Content - 14-S percent Dry Density = 12O Pcf Somple ot OoPY Sond wlth Grovd From: gorinn 2 ot 19 Feet -l No movernent upon wetting Iil F t- 0.1 SWELL CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTSHEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. P arFor JIJ60ntE-'6 H o o (9 E 3 coa o gu o o (9 o Ec(o U' 0) g (J .E a o s -0) :(o >(, q) (o o .= 3 o @ - q) an c('(t, c) (tt c, (! o E 3 (ta o) oo o (o o o oo o I 85r EEEagEb oo cr)c{ F = uJ EIJt- qEt E- N @ iEF CD C\l Fc{@ GI FEla F(r)o(r,@<t C9(r)o)N @ (f) loc! 2 f;a ?s E,;= o)NN @ N oN iH! EEET- =(, q $a cr) \sf u? c-,1 c{ (f) +N a d = FEi!o,$iif (r)sf o o)c! c)2 c{ (r, o ciz auo C)z (n JJ.f :)dfrzF6EHFs_i(9rlF vdE 1fl8 =1+o Il-EEo=ie lrJ I August 3,2W , Mr. Jim Boyd Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 1.s-MG Intermountain WST Dear Jim: Thank you for forwarding the Town of Vail's review comments on the 1.5-MG Intermountain Water Storage Tank to me. The purpose of this letter is to respond to comments No .2 atrd 3 made by Chris Gunion. Comment 2) Bates Engineering staff, including Jordan Willeke, EI, Kit Badger, MSCE, PE, and Henrik Forsling, MSCE, EI, will be responsible for performing visual rcviews and acceptance of reinforcing and post-tensioning steel placement, concrcte placement and post-tensioning steel stessing. Both conventional concrete comprcssive stength cylinder tests and the maturity method will be used to determine the concrete compressive strength. The maturity data loggers placed in the concrete by Bates' staff will also provide a record of concrete temperature on an hourly basis for up to 60 days' These construction inspection activities will determine the compliance of the work with the design intent, drawings and specifications. This work will be performed under my direct supervision. Copies of our daily review reports can be made available to the Town. Comment3) Several project drawings have been revised and attached, a couple of which reflect the exposed versus buried hatch condition. The exterior ladder has been moved to be adjacent to the manway access hatch, as it should have been, and the guard chains connected from the ladder cage to the safety railing around the hatch area. It is our opinion that the safety rail shown meets the intent of the International Building Code and the District's desire !o minimize visual impacts. I have attached stamped and signed drawings that have been revised. Please call or email me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bates Engineering, Inc.(k^.rTAr Robert T. Bates, PE, Fellow ACEC Itles Englne€ring Incorporat€d 7175 w' lefferson Averuc, Suile ]8oo Lalcwood, Colorado EO2l5.2t2t 101.980.1212 Tel. tot.98O,6m Par. rwvr,batas€o$n€erlnt.co|n Page I ofl KARENS From: Dessenberger, Nancy [Nancy_Dessenberger@golder.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 3:00 PM To: Jim Boyd; Harrison, Frank; Bob Bates Gc: karen shanley; linn schorr Subject RE: [Fwd: 806-0185 Intermountain Water Storage Tank] Jim: I spoke with Frank about this. We concur with the HP value for subgrade bearing capacity, and hopefully lhe existing HP report therefore covers this question. Frank and Bob had discussed this as an appropriate value for the design of footings and so forth. (The presence of the slone columns does not really apply to design of individual footings.) Please let us know if anything is specifically needed as documentation from Golder regarding this item. Nancy D Golder Associates/Denver 303-980-0540 ndessenberger@golder.com 8/312006 August 3,2W Mr. Jim Boyd Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 1.5-MG Intermountain WST Dear Jim: Thank you for forwarding tlre Town of Vail's review comments on the 1.5-MG Intermountain Water Storage Tank to me, The purpose of this letter is to respond to comments No. 2 and 3 made by Chris Gunion. Comment 2) Bates Engineering staff, including Jordan Willeke, EI, Kit Badger, MSCE, PE, and Henrik Forsling, MSCE, EI, will be responsible for performing visual reviews and acceptance of reinforcing and posttensioning steel placement, concrete placement and post-tensioning steel stessing. Both conventional concrete compressive strength cylinder tests and the maturity method will be used to determine the concrete compressive strength. The maturity data loggers placed in the concrete by Bates' staff will also provide a record of concrete temperature on an hourly basis for up to 60 days. These construction inspection activities will determine the compliance of the work with ttre design intent, drawings and specifications. This work will be performed under my direct supervision. Copies of our daily review reports can be made available to the Town, Comment 3) Several project drawings have been revised and attached, a couple of which reflect the exposed versus buried hatch condition. Thc exterior ladder has been moved to be adjacent to the manway access hatch, as it should have been, and the guard chains connected frorn the ladder cage to the safety railing around the hatch area. It is our opinion that the safety rail shown meets the intent of the International Building Code and the Dishict's desire to minimize visual impacts. I have attached stamped and signed drawings that have been revised. Please call or email me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Bates Engineering Inc.(H,;rAr Robert T. Bates, PE, Fellow ACEC Nalcs Enli|lccrh! Incorgo[lcd t175 w' lctttr5on l|.tlr{a. Sultt fEoo Lrlcmod. Colordo 6021t.212 I tol.gso.r 2r 2 lrl. 10l.980.6100 t r. rw,batoseithalr[f .Com Page I of I KARENS From: Dessenberger, Nancy[Nancy_Dessenberger@golder.om] Sent: Wednesday, August02,2006 3:00 PM To: Jim Boyd; Harrison, Frank; Bob Bates Gc: karen shanley; linn schorr Subject RE: [Fwd: 806-0185 Intermountain Water Storage Tank] Jim: I spoke with Frank about this. We concur with the HP value for subgrade bearing capacity, and hopefully the existing HP report therefore covers this question. Frank and Bob had discussed this as an appropriate value for the design of footings and so forth. (The presence of the stone columns does not really apply to design of individual footings.) Please let us know if anything is specifically needed as documentation from Golder regarding this item. Nancy D Golder Associates/Denver 303-980-0540 ndessenberger@golder.com 8t3t2006 Page 1of2 KARENS From: Jim Boyd fiboyd@erusd.org] Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 3:48 PM Gc: karen shanley Subject: [Fwd: 806-0185 Intermountain Water Storage Tank] Hello group, Please review the TOV's comments and respond as soon as possible. Frank and Nancy, will you please address Chris Gunions' questions regarding bearing capacity. ----- Original Message -------- Subject:B06-01 85 Intermountain Water Storage Tank Date:Tue, 01 Aug 2006 ll:41:29 -0600 From:Chris Gunion <CGunion@vailgov.com> To:<jboyd@erwsd.org> CC:JR Mondragon <IMondragon.VAILJO.VAILCO@vailgov.com>, Mike McGee <MMcGee.VAIL_PO.VAIL_CO@vailgov.com>, Tom Kassmel <TKassmel.VAIL-.PO.VAILJO@vailgov.com> Hi ,fim, I am reviewing the plans and building permit appl-ication for the project. I have just a few of items: f) on sL1 of the gtruccuraL drawings by Bate8 engineering there is reference to an HP Geotech soils repor! for the 3ooo psf bearing capacity used in the footing design. I have the Gol-der soils reports, but not a copy of the HP report. Golder's report does not epecify whats soj-l bearing capacity shouLd be used given the gravel and atone column subgrade design. Do you have copies of the HP report, or documentation from Golder on the appropriate soil bearing capacity? IBC 1804. 2) Special inspect.ions and reportss are required per IBc ch 17 for tshe concrece strength testing and post tensioning per IBC table 1704.4. Please include a leEEer indicating who will be performing Ehe special inspections per IBC 1-704.7. our building inspectors can inspect the forms and reinforcemenE prior tso placemenE of concreEe. 3) Guard rails are required around aII walking areas within 10' of tshe edge of tshe Eank roof per IBc 1012.5 316 showg some wal1s around the entrance Eo t.he interior accegs ladder. The detail incorrect.ly ehowe grade up at the t.op of tshe tank. Please clarify type and extsent. of guards in thie area. s17 shows a gap between the guard and the top of Ehe ladder. The horizontal gnrard rails should be connected to the tsop of the ladder cage so tshere is no gap in fall protection. IBC 1012.1 The exterior access Iadder is shown on the oppositse side of the tank. How will the intserior ladder be accessed? The access route would reguire guard rails where within 10' of the tank roof edge per rBC 1012.5. PLease submit (4) revised stamped and aigned copies of any plan sheeta effected bv these chanqes . 8/3t2006 Page2 of? Thanks, Chrie Gunion I.C.C. Pl-ans Examiner Town of vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 910.479.2369 cqunion@vai lqov . com 8t3/2006 I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I T I t CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND CON STRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT 1 .5-MG INTERMOLINTAIN WATER STORAGE TANK June 2006 Town of Vail OFFIGE COPY Bid Documents eGsET€ I,. EEh IXO \-../ tf,EG;:rr;'r:,[rlUl I lr fi JUN 30 2006 U TOWN OF VAIL Bo6.o/9f Bates Engineering, lnc. 7175 W. Jefferson Ave., Suite 3800 Lakeryoid, CO.80235 . 303-980-1 2,12 l' 3q3-980-6300 (taxl" www. b ate se ng i n ee ri ng. com r r SBCTION 00 01 r0 TABLEOFCONTENTS I DIVISION OO _ CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS I Table of Contents Invitation to Bid lnstructions to Bidders I Bid Form Bid Bond- Notice of Award I Agreement Performance and Warranty Bond Payment Bond f Notice to Proceed Gen€ral Conditions I DIVISION OI _ GENERAL REQUIREMENTS I 0l 0l 13 SummaryofworkI 0l 20 00 Measurement and Payment Ol29 73 Schedule of Values I 0l2l 13 Coordination - Ol 32 16 Construction Schedules Ol 32 29 Construction ReviewI or 33 or submittalsI Supplement - Submittal Transmittal r 0l 35 00 Special Project Procedures I 0l 51 00 TemporaryUtilitiesr' 0l 5l 16 TemporaryFireProtection Ol 55 26 Traflic Conhol I 01 66 00 Delivery, Storage and Handlingrr u 7123 Field Engineering I 01 7l 34 Tree and LandscapeProtection t 017136 Maintenance of Water Systan Operations 01 74 16 Site Maintenance ri 01 89 29 Move In and Site Preparation I DIVISION 02 _ EXISTING CONDITIONS t 02 00 00 Site Conditions- 02 40 00 Removal of Structures and Obstructions t DrvrsroN 03 - CONCRETE I I I ooor ro TABLE OF CONTENTS I 03ll 13 03 l5 13.01 03 l5 13.02 03 l5 13.03 03 15 13.04 03 ls 13.05 03 15 t4 03 21 00 03 23 r0 03 23 s0 03 30 00 03 30 00 03 35 00 03 36 00 03 39 00 03 66 00 03 67 00 03 68 00 07 73 00 07 9t 23 07 9200 DIVISION 04_MASONRY DIVISION 05 _ METALS 05 80 00 Sacrifi cial Magrresium Anodes DIVISION 06 _WOODS. PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES 06 82 00 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Fabrications DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION CIPC Forming Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Waterstops Hydrophilic Rubber Waterstop Chemical Grout Waterstop Sealing Strip Waterproof Membrane Flexible Cementitious Waterproof Membrane Expansion Joint Filler Reinforcing Steel Post-Tensioning Steel Post-Tensioning Tendon Grouting Cast-ln-Place Concrete CIPC Maturity Testing Construction Joints Concrete Finishing Concrete Curing Grout for Tie Holes Grout for PT Anchorage Pockets Concrete Crack Repair Access Hatches Backerrod Sealants I I I t t I I I I t I I t I DIVISION 08 _ OPENINGS DIVISION 9_FINISHES 09 06 90 09 91 00 DIVISION IO - SPECIALITIES DIVISION II - EQUIPMENT Schedules for Painting and Coating Painting I I 00 0l l0 TABLE OF CONTENTS r I DIVISIoN 12 - FURNrsHrNcs! I DIVISION13-SPECIALCONSTRUCTION DIVISION 14 _ COI\N/EYING EQUIPMENT t DIVISION 21 - FIRE SUPPRESSTON I DIVISION 22_PLUMBING I DIVISION 23 _ HEATING. VENITLATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING I DIVISION 25 _INTEGRATED AUTOMATION I DIVISION 26 - ELECTRICAL I 26 09 13 Electric. Communication Conduits and Gas Systerns I 26 42 0A Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection I DIVISION 27 _ COMMUNICATIONS I DIVISION 28 _ ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND SECURITY T DIVISION 3I _EART}IWORKr 31 05 19 Geotextile Fabric I 3l I I 00 Clearing and GrubbingI 31 23 00 Excavation and Fill 3123 16.01 Trorching, Bedding and Backfill for Comrgated Metal Pipe I 3 I 23 16.03 Trenching, Bedding and Backfilling for Welded Steel Pipea 31 23 16.04 Trenching, Bedding and Backfilling for Ductile-Iron Pipe 3123 l8 Blasting I 3123 lg Dewatering - 3123 23.33 Controlled Low-Strength Material (Flow Fill) 31 25 00 Erosion and Sedimentation Control I 31 37 00 Grouted Riprap! 31 66 00 Vibro-Replacement (Stone Columns) I DIVISIoN 32 - EXTERToR IMpRovEMENTSr r 32 ll 23 Aggregate Base Course f 32 3l 13 Chain Link Fence and Gatest 3232 50 Boulder Rock Walls ,ri 32 90 00 Seeding I DIVISIoN 33 -uTILITIES I I ooor ro TABLE OF CONTENTS I 33 05 13 Utility Manholes 33 0514 Joint Sealers for Utility Manholes 33 05 26 Utility Waming TaPe 33 l0 00 Water Distribution 33 I I 0l Welded Steel PiPe 33 I I 01.01 Steel Overflow Pipe Assembly 33 I I 02 cernent-Mortar Lined Bituminous-coated Ductile-Iron Pipe 33 12 16.02 3Jnch through l2-Inch Gate Valves 33 l2l9 Fire HYdrants 33 12 43 Bolted Sleeve Type Couplings' High Deflection Fittings, Flange Adapters and Flexible Connectors 33 12 53 Grooved PiPe CouPlings 33 12 93 Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection 33 13 00 Disinfection of Water Systerns 33 14 00 Pipeline Hydrostatic Testing 33 16 0l Post-Tensioned Concrete Water Storage Tanks 33 16 20 WST Cleaning, Disinfecting and Testing 331621 WST Staff Gage 33 1622 WST Vents 33 16 23 Natural Rubber Bearing Pads 33 1624 NeoPrenePads 33 1625 Modular Mechanical Pipe Seals 33 1627 WQ MonitoringTubing 33 41 20 Automatic Drainage Gates 33 4213 - Comrgated Metal Pipe and Pipe Arches 33 4616 Pipe Underdrains DIVISION 34 - TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 35 - WATERWAY AND MARINE CONSTRUCTION END OFINDEX I I I I I I I I I t I T I I t I 00 0t l0 TABLEOFCONTENTS I - I PROJECT MANUAL Il l P*"'"'lo June 8, 2006 I I OWNER: EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT I S46F0RESTROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 970476-7480I TABLE OF CONTENTS I I. Invitation to Bid I II. Specifications - n Agreement r ry. Instructions to Bidders t V. Bid Bond I VI. Bid Form I VII. Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond I Vn. Notice of Award I IX. Notice to ProceedI X. General Conditions I XI. Assignment of Acceptable Security I XII. Receipt of Security in Lieu of Retainage - XIII. Certificate of Final Completion and Acceptance I XIV. Notice of Final Payment I I Please note that although the Rules, Regulations and Specifications of the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District and Town of Vail ordinances are not included herein; I they are incorporated herein by reference and are to be adhered to in their entirety. I C:\ERWSD I.s-MG INTERMOTJNTAIN WSNSPECS. CONTRACT DOCS\TAbICOTO ENIS.dOC I I T I I t I I T I I I I I t I t I I I INVITATION TO BID Projecfi Intermountain Water Storage Tank Project Contract No. 06.15.077 Engineer Bates Enginesying 7173W. Jefferson Ave. Suite 3800 Owner Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Lakewood, CO 8023*2321 Sealed bids will be received by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado until 2:00 p.m. local time June 23,2006. Bids received after this time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. At said place and time, and promptly thereafter, all bids that have been duly received will be opened publicly and read aloud. All interested parties are invited to attend. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities or informalities in any bid. The work to be performed generally includes: Installation of a new, above ground, 1.5 MG concrete water storage tank and removal of an existing, above-ground steel water storage tank. Associated piping is also included in this scope of work- Project will take place at the Intermountain Subdivision in Southwest l/ail. Bids shall be submitted on a unit price basis. Copies of the Drawings, Specifications and other Contract Documents for use in preparing Bids may be obtained from the Engineer after June 8, 2006 upon paying $50.00 for each set of Contract Documents. Payment is to be made to the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. All payments made for Drawings, Specifications, and other Contract Documents are nonrefundable. Copies of the Drawings and Project Specifications are also on file and may be examined at the Owner's address during normal working hours after June 8, 2006. Each Bidder shall file with his Bid a cashier's check. or a Bid Bond. in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The Bidder to whom a Contract is awarded will be required to fumish a Performance, Paymant and Warranty Bond guaranteeing faithful performance. No Bids may be withdrawn within a period of sixty (60) days after the date Bids are opened. A mandatory Prebid Conference will be held at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Main Office located at 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 , on June 15,2006, at 2:00 p.m. I Bids will be considsred only from Bidders who have attended the Prebid Conference. Bids from Bidders not indicated in the Enginesr's records to have been in attendance at the Prebid Confsrence will be returned unopened. OWNER: By: Darnis Gelvin, General Manager Published in the: Eagle Valley Enterprise Publication dates: June 8,2006 and June 15, 2006 Published in the Vail Daily Publication dates: June 8, 2006, June 9, 2006, June 12,2006, June 13, 2fi)6 I I t I t I I t I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I t INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Engineer Bates Engineering, Inc. 7175W. Jefferson Ave., Suite 3800 Lakewood, CO 80235 (Owner) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail. CO 81657 PARTI - DEFINEDTERMS 1.01 Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the General Conditions have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions. The term "Successful Biddel'means the lowes! qualified, responsible responsive Bidder to whom Owner (on the basis of Owner's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award. PART 2 - COPIES OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2.01 Complete copies of the Drawings and Project Specifications for use in preparing Bids may be obtained from the Engineer. All payments for Contract Documents are non-refundable. 2.02 No partial sets of Contract Documents will be issued. Complete sets of Contract DocumenB shall be used in preparing Bids; neither Owner nor Engineer assumes any responsibility for enors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Contract Documents. 2.03 Ou,ner and Engineer will make copies of Contract Documents available on the above terms for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the Work only and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. PART 3 - QUALTFICATIONS OFBTDDERS 3.01 Each Bidder must be prepared to submit written evidence of his quatifications to perform the Work as set forth in Part 16 ofthis Instructions to Bidders. Bidders may be required to submit evidence that lhey have a practical knowledge ofthe particular Work bid upon, and that they have the financial resources to complete the proposed Work. In determining the Bidder's qualifications, the following factors will be considered: work previously completed by the Bidder and whether the Bidder (a) maintains a permanent place of business, (b) has adequate plant and equipmenl to do the Work properly and expeditiously, (c) has the financial resources to meet all obligations incident to the Work, and (d) has appropriale technical experience. Each Bidder may be required to show that he has handled former work so that no just clairns are pending against such work. No Bid will be accepted from a Bidder who is engaged in any work which would impair his ability to perform or finance this Work. 3,42 Each Bid must contain evidence ofBidder's qualification to do business in the State ofColorado. PART 4 - EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS; VISIT SITE 4.01 Before submining a Bid, each Bidder must (a) examine the Contract Documents thoroughly; (b) visit the site to familiarize himself with local conditions that may in any rnanner affect cosl, progress or performance of the Work; (c) familiarize himself with Federal, State, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that may in any manner affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work; (d) study and I I I I I I I I I I I carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents; and (e) attend the Pre-Bid conference and site visitation described in Part 6 herein. 4.02 Reference is made to the Soil lnvestigation Data for the identification of those reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or which may otherwise affect the cost, progress or performance of the Work, and which have been relied upon by the Engineer in preparing the Drawings and Specifi cations. Copies of such reports, ifany, may be physically attached to or bound with the Contract Documents for the Bidder's convenience but are trot incorporated within or to be interpreted to constitute a part of the "Contract Documents". Neither Owner nor Engineer makes any repres€ntation or waranty concerning such reports. 4.03 On reques! Owner will provide each Bidder access to the site to conduct such investigations and tests as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of its Bid. 4.04 The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way for access thereto, and other lands designated for use by Contractor in performing the Work, are identified in the Supplementary Conditions, Specifi cations, or Drawings. 4.05 Access ro the site may be arranged through the Owner by contacting Mr. Jim Boyd, Telephone: (970) 476- 7480. Site access will be limited to normal working hours and lo pre-arranged times. 4.06 The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontroverlible representation by the Bidder that it has complied with every requirement of this Article 4 and that the Contract Documents are suflicient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding ofall terms and conditions for performance of the Work. PART 5 - INTERPRNTATIONS 5.01 All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be submitted to Engineer in writing. Replies will be issued only by Addenda. Questions received less then five (5) days prior to the date of opening of Bids will not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Addenda will be mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by Engineer as having received the Contract Documents. No Addenda will be issued later than tbree (3) days prior to the date for receipt ofBids except an Addendum, if necessary, postponing the date for receipt of Bids or withdravring the request for Bids. 5,02 All Addenda lo the Contract Documents shall be properly acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Form. PART 6 - pRE-BrD CONFERENCE (MANDATORY FOR BIDDING) 6.01 A mandatory Pre-Bid conference will be conducted by Owner and Engineer at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid. Representatives of Owner and Engineer will be present to answer questions. Any questions which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be answered by direct reference to the Contract Documents will be answered by formal written Addenda as outlined above under Part 5. The Pre-Bid conference witl include a tour of the site of the Work, conducted by representatives of Owner and Engineer. All interested parties are invited and required to attend. I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I I I T I I I I I T I t T t T t I I t I t I I I PARTT - BASISOFBIDS 7.01 The Bidder shall submit bids for all alternates, if any, listed on the Bid Fomr, as required by the Bid Form. PARTS - BIDSNCURITY 8.0f Bid secwity shall be made payable to Owner, in an amount of five percent (57') of the Bidder's maximum Bid Price, including alternates, if any, and in the form of a Cashier's Check or a Bid Bond on the form attached issued by a surety meeting the requirements of the General Conditions. Submission of a Bid will constitute an agreement on the part of the Contractor and its Surety, if any, with the Owner that: (i) 5% of tbe Bidder's rnaximum Bid Price, including altemates, if any, is a reasonable estimate of the presumed actual damages the Owner would suffer as a result of Contractor's failure to enter into the Agreemant and deliver the required Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond; (ii) it is dilficult to ascertain the amount of actual damages to the Owner that would result from a breach; and (iii) the amount of 5% of the Bidder's maximum Bid Price, including alternates, if any, shall be liquidated damages. 8.02 The Bid security of the Successful Bidder will be retained until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and fumished the required Perforrnance, Payment and Warranty Bond, whereupon it will be retumed. lf the Successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Agreement and furnish the required Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond within ten (10) days of the notice of award, or in the event the Successful Bidder fails to enter into such Agreement and furnish such Performance, Payment and Warr-anty Bond, if the Successful Bidder fails to pay to Owner the difference between such Bid amormt and such larger amount for which Owner may in good faith contract with another party to perform the Work covered by such Bid, then Owner may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid security of that Bidder will be forfeited to the extenl of such difference. The Bid security of any Bidder whom Owner believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award may be retained by Owner until the earlier of the seventh day after the "Effective Date of Agreement" (which term is defined in the General Conditions) or the sixty-frst day after the Bid opening. Bid security of other Bidders will be retumed within seven (7) days of the Contract award, PART9 - CONTRACTTIME 9.01 The number of days within which, or the date by which, the Work is to be completed (the Contract Time) is set forth in the Bid Form (or if left blank. is to be filled in bv the Bidder) and will be included in the Agreement. PART IO - LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 10.01 Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Bid Form and the Agreement. PART II - SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT I 1.01 The Contract, if awarded, will be executed with the Successful Bidder on the basis of material and equipment described in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or-equal" items. Whenever it is indicated in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or "or-equal" item of material or equipment may be fumished or used by Contractor if acceptable to Engineer, application for such acceptance will not be considered by Engineer until after the "Effective Date of the Agreement". The procedure for subminal of any such application by Contractor and consideration by Engineer is set forth in the General Conditions which are supplemented in the Supplementary Conditions. I PART 12 . SUBCONTRACTORS 12.01 Tlre Bid Form requires that Bidder identifr certain Subcontractors and other penons and organizations to be submitted as part of the Bid. The apparent Successful Bidder, and any other Bidder so requested shall within seven (7) days after the date of the Bid opening submit to Owner a list of all Subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material and equipment) proposed for those portions of the Work as to which such identification is so required. Such list shall be accompanied by a wriften scatement of qualifications including financial data, a summary of previous experience, previous commitments and evidence of authority to conduct business in Colorado. If Owner or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any proposed Subconfiactor, other person or organization, either may (before giving the Notice of Award) request the appar€nt Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase in Bid Price. If the apparent Successful Bidder declines to make any substitution, the contract shall not be awarded to such Bidder, but declining to make any such substitution will not constitute grounds for sacrificing Bid security by such Bidder. Any Subcontractor, other person or organization so listed, and to whom Owner or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award, will be deemed acceptable to Owner and Engineer. 12.02 No Confactor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, other person or organization against whom the Bidder has reasonable objection. PART 13 - BID FORM 13.01 fwo copies ofthe Bid Form are included herewith; additional copies may be obtained from Engineer. 13.02 Bid Forms must be compteted in ink or be typewritten. The Bid Price of each item on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case ofa conflic! words will take precedence' 13.03 Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign) and the corporate seal must be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the signature. 13.(X gias by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and sigped by a partner, whose title must appear under the signarure and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the sigtature. 13.05 Bids by joint ventures shall be sigrred by each participant in the joint venture or by an authorized agent of each participant. 13.06 The names of all persons signing Bids must also be legibly printed or typed below the signature. A Bid by a person who affixes to his signature the word "presidenf', 'secreta4/', "agent" or other designation without disclosing his principal may be held to be the Bid of the individual signing. Evidence of lhe authority of the person signing shall be fumished. 13.07 The full name of each person or company interested in the Bid shall be listed on the Bid Form. 13.08 1.ne Bid shall contain an acknowledgement of receipt of all Addenda, the numbers of which shall be inserted on the Bid Form. 13.09 No alterations in Bids, or in the printed forms therefor, by erasures, interpolations, or otherwise will be acceptable unless each such alteration is signed or initialed by the Bidder; ifinitialed, Owner may require the Bidder to identif any alteration so initialed. No alteration in any Bid, or in the form on which it is submitted. shall be made after the Bid has been submitted- il I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I t I I I I T I T I I I t t I T I I I I I 13.10 The address to which communications regarding the Bid are to be directed must be shown. PART 14 - EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERLISTING 14.01 Each Bidder shall list on the form provided the name of the manufacturers or suppliers of the items of equipment and systems listed on the form which he proposes to fumish. Upon the award of a confact, the named equipment shall be furnished. Substitutions will be permitted only if named equipment does not meet the specifications or the manufacturer is unable to meet delivery requiremalts of the construction schedule. 14.02 Preliminary acceptance of equipment listed by manufacturer's name shall not in any way constitute a waiver of the specifications covering such equipment; final acceptance will be based on full conformity with the specifications covering the equipment. 14.03 faihre to furnish all information requested may be cause for rcjection of the Bids' PART 15 - SUBMISSION OF BIDS 15.01 SiAs shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid and shall be included in an opaque, sealed envelope addressed to Owner and identified on the outside with the Bidder's name and address and with the words *Bid for 1,5-MG Interrnountain Water Storage Tank" 15.02 Each Bid shall be accompanied by the Bid security and other required documents. 15.03 If the Bid is sent by mail, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate mailing envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED' on the face thereof. 15.04 Bids shall be deposited in the designated location prior to the time and date for receipt ofBids indicated in the Invitation to Bid, or the modified time and date indicated by addendum. Bids received after the time and date for receipt of Bids will be retumed unopened. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery at the location designated for receipt of Bids. 15.05 Orat, telephone, or telegraph Bids are invalid and will not receive consideration. No Bidder may submit more than one Bid. Multiple Bids under different names will not be accepted from one finn or association. PART 16 - POST BID/PRE AWARD SUBMITTALS 16.01 The three low Bidders identified by Owner must submit the following information by hand delivery to Engineer on the day following the Bid opening: A. List of a minimum of five recent similar projects the Contractor has performed. B. Copies of the most recent financial statements of all listed Subcontractors included in the Bid submittal. C. List of Project Managers and Superintendents to be used on this project for the Contractor and all listed Subcontraciors. Provide resumes and tecent projects for all ofthe above. D. Names and telephone numbers of a minimum of frve references on similar work for the Contractor and all listed Subcontrac tors. E. Names, relevant experience, and position of individual who will perform site surveying if not a licensed Surveyor. F. License number ofBidder and all listed Subcontractors. 16.02 The above information must be available at the time and place indicated to be considered in further evaluation, and therefore, all Bidders are recommended to compile this data prior to submitting their Bids. PART 17 - MODIT{CATION AIYD WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 17.01 nias submitted early may be modified or withdrawn by notice to the party receiving Bids at the place and prior to the time desigrated for receipt of Bids. Such notice shall be in writing over the signature of the-Bidder or be by telegram; if by telegram, written confirmation over the signature of the Bidder must have been mailed and postmarked on or before the &te and tirne set for receipt of Bids; the notice shall be so worded as not to reveal the amount of original or modified Bid Price. Bids may also be modified or withdrawn in person by the Bidder or an authorized representative provided he can prove his identity and authority. Withdrawn Bi& may be resubmitted up to the time designated for the receipt of Bids provided that they are then fully in conformance with these Instructions to Bidden' 17.02 lf, within twenty-four (24) hours after Bids are opened, any Bidder files a duly signed, written notice with Owner and promptly thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of his Bid, that Bidder may withdraw his Bid and the Bid security will be retumed. Thereafter, the Bidder will be disqualified from further Bidding on the Work. No right to claim mistake shall exist for Bidder following this twenty-four (24) hour period. PART T8 - OPENING OFBIDS 18.01 Si0s will be opened publicly and read aloud. PART 19 - BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN 19.01 All Bids shall remain opan for sixty (60) days after the date of the Bid opening, but Owner may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and retum the Bid security prior to that date' PART 20 -AWARD OF CONTRACT 20.01 Owner reserves the right to rcject any and all Bids, to waive any and all formalities and to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, non-responsive or conditional Bids. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the conect sum thereofwill be resolved in favor ofthe correct sum. 20.02 tn evaluating Bids, Owner shall consider the qualifications of the Bidders and whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements and alternates (ifany are accepted) in the order in which they are listed on the Bid Form, but Owner may accePt altemates in any order or combination. 20.03 Owner may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material or equipment) proposed for th6se portions of t[e Work as to which the identity of Subconfactors and other persons and organizatjons I ^)l I I t I I I I I I I t T t t t I t I ll I I T I t I T I I I I I I I I I I must be submitted as provided in the Bid Fonn. Operating costs, maintenance considerations, performance data and guarantees of materials and equipment may also be considered by Owner. 20.{14 Owner may conduct such investigations as it deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of the Bidders, the proposed Subcontractors and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Confact Documents to Owner's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 20.05 Owner reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder who does not pass any evaluation to Owner's satisfaction within the prescribed time. 20.06 tf tne Contract is to be awarded, Owner will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within sixty (60) days after the date ofthe Bid opening. PART 2l - PERFORMAI\CE, PAYMENT AND WARRANTY BONI) 21.01 The General Conditions set forth Orvner's requirements for the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond. When the Successful Bidder delivers the copies of the executed Agreement to owner, it shall be accompanied by the required Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond. I T I I I I I t I I I t I I t I I I I BID FORM TO: Owner:PROJECT: Eagle River Water & Sanitation Dishict 1.5-MG Intermountain Water Storage Tank 846 Forest Road Vail. CO 81657 THE UNDERSIGNED BIDDE& having familiarized himself with the Work required by the Contract Documents, the site where the Work is to be performed, local labor conditions and all laws, regulations and other factors affecting performance of the Work, and having satisfied himself of the expense and difficulties attending performance of the Work, IIEREBY PROPOSES AND AGREES, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into Agreement in the form attached, to perform all Work, including the assumption of all obligations, duties and responsibilities necessary to the successful completion of the Agreement and the furnishing of materials and equipment required to be incorporated in and form a permanent part of the Work, tools, equipment, supplies, transportation, facilities, labor, superintendence and services required to perform the Work; and Bond, insurance and submittals; all as indicated or specified in the Contract Documents to be performed or furnished by Contractor in accordance with the following Bid prices (Contractor must submit on Base Bid and Bid Altemates, if any, to be considered). A. BASE BID PRICE: Dollars ($). B. BID PRICE ALTERNATTVE: Add/deduct to/from above base bid for adding/deleting work as described shall be listed in the Bid Schedule for the OWNER's evaluation. The undersigned Bidder agrees to fumish the required Bond and enter into Agreernent within TEN (10) days after acceptance of this Bid, and further agrees to complete all Work covered by the Bid, in accordance with specified requirernents and in accordance with the following dates. Substantial Comoletion September 29,2007 Final Completion October 31. 2007 Substantial completion is defined as having an operable water storage tank that the DISTRICT can use to meet elnerqencv and domestic demands. Final completion is defined as a completed project, punch work completed and project accepted bythe DISTRICT. The above dates are "date certaintt meaning that no contract time adjustments will be made for weather or other delays. Liquidated Damages. Owner and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreernent and that Owner will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially completed within the time specified above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving, in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by the Owner if the Work is not substantially completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any zuch proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as liquidated darnages for delay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay Owner in accordance with the following: I )l I l. Late Substantial Completion (ready for Punchlist) 3. Late Punchlist Completion $500 Per Day $500 Per Day t I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I Receipt of copies of the following addenda is hereby acknowledged. Addendum No.Bidder's Sienature Date Acknowledeed Enclosed herewith is the required Bid Security, in the form of Cashier's Check/Bid Bond (strike Dollarsone), in the amount of($ ) which the undersigned Bidder agrees is to be forfeited to and become the property of owner, as liquidated damages, should this Bid be accepted and hs fails to enter into Agreanent in the form prescribed and to fumish the required Bonds within ten (10) days, but otherwise the Bid security will be returned upon Bidder signing the Agreement and delivering the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond. In submitting this Bid, it is understood that Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, and it is understood that this Bid may not be withdrawn during a period of sixty (60) days after the scheduled time for the receipt of Bids. I ! I I I I t I t I t t I I I I I I I The undersigrred Bidder hereby certifies (a) that this Bid is genuine and is not made in the interest of, or in the behalf of, any undisclosed person, firm, or corporation, and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization, or corporation; (b) that he has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to put in a false or sham Bid; (c) that he has not solicited or induced any person, firm, or corporation to refrain from bidding; and (d) that he has not sought by collusion to obtain for himself any advantage over any other Bidder or over the Owner. The full names and addresses of parties interested in this Bid as principals are as follows: Name Address If an Individual: tsilr'an '.t Print or type name: Doing business as: Date: If a Partnership: t d I I I t SIGNATURE OFBIDDER General Partner Print or type name: Date: If a Corporation: (a Corporation) fr.- .-.rrJ. ttrm|rura, Print or type name: Title: Date: (sEAL) Attest: Title: I t If Bidder is a joint ve,nturer, all venturers or their authorized agents must sigrr below. I Name of Joint Venture: If Joint Venhrre is: An Individual: (sisEtun.) t I I I I t I Print or type name: Doing business as: Date: A Partnership: (Sisnrhrlt) Print or type name: General Partner Date: I A Corporation: I I I I ('EAL) I Atrest: (a Corporation) ft.,, -^.DJ. lsllnatulrl Print or type narne: Title: Date: Title:I I I MATERIAL AIID EOUIPMENT SUPPLIER LISTING The following information is submitted for each major supplier of material and each manufacturer and supplier of equipment for manufacturers and suppliers of major itelns of material, equipment and systems to be used in the Work if the Bidder is awarded the contract. t rl I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I Specification Section No. Meterial or Eouipment Description Manufacturer and Supplier The Surety who will be the surety on the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond will Signature t T I I I ! SUBCoNTRACTORLISTING I The following information is submitted for each subcontractor that will be used in the Work if the Bidder is awarded the Agreernent. Additional numbered pages shall be attached to I this page as required. Each page shall be headed *SUBCONTRACTOR LISTING' and sigrred. I All Work to be subcontracted over $50,000 shall be listed. I Amount of Name and Address PortionI Subcontract of Subcontractor of Work I I Signature I I I t I I t I I I I I Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.5-MG Intermountain WST SECTION OO 4T OO BID SCHEDULE t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A Item No. Description Quan Unit Unit price Written in Words Unit Price written in Figures Total Price I Mobilization I LS $$ 2 Temporary Fire Protection I LS {$ J Clearing and Grubbing I LS $$ 4 Traffic Control I LS $$ 5 Site Maintenance 1 LS $s 6 Erosion and Sedimentation Control I LS $$ "|Excavation, Backfill and Site Grading I LS $s 8 Dewatering I LS $$ 004100 BID FORM Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.5-MG Intermountain WST t Item No. Description auan Unit Unit price Written in Words Unit Price written in Figures Total Price-\ r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 Pipe Culvert and Flared End Sections I LS q $ 10 Engineered Fill 1 LS $$ 1l Site Pipelines I LS $s t2 Site Pipelines Chlorination and Pressure Testing I LS q $ l3 CPC Stilling Basin I LS $$ l4 WST lS-inch Steel Pipe Overflow Assernbly I LS q $ l5 C-I-P-C (Water Storage Tank) 2 EA $$ l6 Reinforcing Steel and Labor (WST) I LS $$ I I B I BID FORM T00 41 00 Item No. Description Quan Unit Unit price Written in Words Unit Price written in Figures Total Price t7 PT Steel and Labor (WST) I LS $$ l8 WST Vent 2 EA $$ l9 5 x 9-foot Hatch 2 EA $$ 20 Interior Access Ladder I LS q $ 2l Exterior Access Ladder I LS $$ 22 Staff Gage I LS $$ 23 0.2-MG Welded Steel Tank Removal 1 LS $$ 24 Black PVC Chain Link Fence 402 LF $$ 25 Electrical Service I LS $s Eagle River'Water and Sanitation District 1.5-MG Intermountain WST C I l\ I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BID FORM00 41 00 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.5-MG Intermountain WST I Item No. Description Quan Unit Unit price Written in Words Unit Price written in Figures Total Pricr a i I I I I I I I I I 26 Telernetry I LS $$ 27 CDOT CL 6 ABC Access Road I LS $$ 28 WST Cleaning, Disinfecting and Testing I LS $$ 29 Boulder Rock Wall I LS $$ Total Bid in Words (Items 1 - 29) (Base Bid) $ I I l I T I t I I I ln Figures END OF BID SCHEDULE A D00 41 00 BID FORM I I I I I Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.5-MG Intermountain WST I ] BID SHEDULE B I Altemate Bid Items I Provide prices for altemate bid items in the Description Column (Page 5). For Bid Items No. 3lr and 32 Indicate add or deduct in "Unit Price" based on di{ference in cost between the specified itern and the alternate item price. Prices bid for alternate iterns are for the OWNER's I consideration as an option to the specified items and completion schedule. l, I E I I T I I I I T Item No. Description Quan Unit Unit price Written in Words Unit Price written in Figures Total Price 29 Add/Deduct for ItemNo. l7- VSL CP Plus Unbonded Post- tensioning Systern I LS $q 30 Add/ Deduct for ItemNo. 17- Altemate Post- tensioning System I LS q $ 3l Deduct for deleting self- consolidating concrete for the WST wall I LS $$ 0041 00 BID FORM Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 1.5-MG Intermountain WST The undersigred hereby proposes and agrees that he will complete all work described in the above Proposal: Substantial Completion (WST operable) by September 30,2007 and Final Completion (punch list and entire project complete and accepted) by October 31, 2007 . Rv' (Name of person authorized to sign)(Title)(Date On behalf of I )l ! I I I I I (Name of Corporation) Attest:(sEAL) (Secretary) Address: (street address)(PO Box) (city)(zip) END OFSECTION (Telephone No.)I I I T I I I I I I IF00 41 00 BID FORM I t I I I I 3 I I t THE STATE OF _) )ss. couNTY oF _) BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ofThat we, the City State of and andofCounty of (hereinafter called "Principal"), as Principal, I I I I I I I I T (hereinafter called "Surety"), as Surety, authorized under the laws of the State of Colorado to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (hereinafter called "Ownet"), as Obligee, in the sum of Dollars ($________-) in lawful money of the United States for payment of which sum the Principal and Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has submitted a Bid Form (Proposal) to enter into a certain written agreement with Owner for Construction of the 1.5-MG Intermountain Water Storage Tank, hereinafter referred to as "Agreement." WHEREAS, the Instructions to Bidders has required as a condition of receiving the Bid Form that the Principal submit Bid security in an amount not less than five per cent (5%o) of the Bidder's maximum Bid Price, which sum it is specifically agreed to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the Principal defaults in its obligation as hereinafter specified, and, in pursuance of which requirement, this Bid Bond is made, executed and delivered. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if Owner shall accept the Bid Form (Proposal) of the Principal, and Principal shall faithfully enter into Agreement with the Owner in accordance with the terms of such Bid and give such Bonds as are specified in the Contract Documents, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. The sum of this Bid Bond shall be forfeited to Owner in its entirety as liquidated damages and not as a penalty upon Principal's default. The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligation of said Surety and its Bond in no way shall be impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the Owner may accept zuch Bid Form (Proposal); and Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. I il I I I I T I I I I I I I I I T N ! Signed and sealed this day of 20 ATTEST: PRINCIPAL: (Address) If the Principal is doing business as a Corporation, the Bid Bond shall be signed by an officer, i.e., President or Vice President. The signature ofthe officer shall be attested to by the Secretary and properly sealed. If the "Principal" is an individual or a parhrership, the Bid Bond shall so indicate and be properly signed. SURETY: By: Secretary SIGNATURES By: Secretary THIS BOND MUST BE FAILURE TO PROVIDE POWER OF ATTORNEY RESPONSIVE. Attornev in Fact (Address) Surety's Telephone No.: ACCOMPAFIIED BY POWER OF ATTORNEY, A PROPERLY EXECUTED BID BOND WITH A MAY RDSULT IN THE BIDDER'S PROPOSAL EFFECTIVELY DATED. PROPERLY EXECUTED BnING DEEMED NON. By: I I I I I I I I I f, I T I I I I I I I NOTICE OF AWARI) Vail, Colorado Dater TO: The Owner, having duly considered the Bid Form submitted on 20_-__-- for the Work covered by the Contract Documents Contract Documents and Construction Specifications for the 1.5-MG Intermountain Water Storage Tank in the amount of Dollars ($ ), and it appearing that the Price and other information in your Bid Form is fair, equitable and to the best interest of the Owner, the offer in your Bid Form is hereby accepted. In accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents, you are required to execute the Agreernent and Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond in six counterparts within ten (10) consecutive days from and including the date of this Notice of Award. ln addition you are required to fumish at the said time a Certificate of Insurance and an Opinion of an insurance agent or counsel evidencing compliance with the requirements for insurance as stated in the Contract Documents. The Bid security submitted with your Proposal will be retumed upon execution of the Agreanent and fumishing of the required Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond, and Certificates and Opinion of lnsurance within the time limit specified. ln the event that you should fail to execute the Agreernent and fumish the Performance, Payment and Warranty Bond and Certificates and Opinion of Insurance within the time limit specified, said Bid security will be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages and not as a penalty for the delay and extra work caused thereby. You are required to return an acknowledged copy of this Notice of Award to Engineer. Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Title: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF AWARD: Receipt of the above Notice of Award is hereby acknowledged this day of 20 Conhactor By: I T I I I AGREEMENT I THIS AGREEMENT is made this - day of ----,20 , by and I between Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado located in the County of State of I Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "Ownetr", and . a t of -, hereinafter referred to as *Contrilctot'II In consideration of the mutual covenantsn agreements, conditions and undertakings hereinafter specified, Owner and Contractor agree as follows: r PART I - SCOPE OF WORK r A. Contractor agrees to furnish all the necessary labor, materials, equipment, tools and services necessary to perform and complete in a workmanlike manner all Work required I for the construction of the Project in sirict compliance with the Contract Documents ast hereindefined. I!' PART 2 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS t A. The Conhact Documents which comprise the entire agreement and contract between - Owner and Contractor, and which are attached to this Agreernent and are incorporated - herein by this reference, consist of: !! l. This Agreement and any Addendum thereto; t 2, hstructions to Bidders; I 3. Bid Form; t 4. Performance and Warranty Bond; I 5. PayrnentBond; I 6. Notice of Award; tF 7. Notice to Proceed: I 8. Drawings, consisting of sheets number- through -; I I I 9. 10. Specifications; Addend No(s).- to Specifications, if applicable; Il. General Conditions and Supplernentary Conditions, if any; 12. Any modifications, Change Orders, Field Orders or other such revisions properly authorized after the execution of this Agreement; 13. Documentation submitted by Contactor with Bid and prior to Notice of Award; 14. Contractor's Bid (pages - to , inclusive), marked Exhibit A; 15. Shop drawings and other submittals furnished by Contractor during performance of the Work and accepted in writing by Owner; 16. Any Notice of Partial Utilization; 17. Notice of Substantial Completion and Notice of Final Completion and Acceptance; 18. Summary of Work. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Part 2. The Contract Documents supersede all prior Agreements and understandings, if any, and may only be altered, amended or repealed by a Modification (as defined in the General Conditions), PART 3 - ENGINEER A. The Project has been designed by Bates Engineering, Inc. (the "Engineer"), who is to act as Owner's representative, and who will assume all duties and responsibilities, and who will have the rights and authority, assigned to Engineer in the Contract Documents, unless the Owner shall appoint, in writing, a replacement Engineer or unless the Owner shall appoint in writing a different representative. PART4- AGREEMENTPRICE Owner shall pay Contractor for the performance of Work and completion of the Project the total price of Dollars ($_________--) in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Agreonent Price shall te subject to adjustment for changes in the Drawings and Specifications or for extensions of time to complete performance, if approved by Owner and Contractor as hereinafter provided, and for changes in quantities, ifbid on a unit-price basis in the Bid Form, which shall be verified by the Engineer. )f I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l! I PART 5. CONTRACT TIME I A. Contractor shall commence performance on the Project within ten (10) days after the date |l of the Notice to Proceed. The Contract Time shall commence on the date of the Notice to I Proceed, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Notice to Proceed. The Work shall be completed according to the following schedule (where number of days equals days from I the date of the commencement of the Contract Time): I I l. Startup of all Major Equipment 2. Substantial Completion (ready for Punchlist): 3. Punchlist Complete: days days days B. Owner and Contractor recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that I Owner will suffer financial loss if Project is not substantially completed within the time t specified in Paragraph A above, plus any extensions thereofallowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties I involved in proving, in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by theI Owner if Project is not substantially completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as liquidated damages for I I delay (but not as a penalty) Contractor shall pay Owner in accordance with ths following:r 1. Late Startup of all Major Equipment: $- per day ! 2. Late Substantial Completion: $-po day (ready for Punchlist) .t! 3. Late Punchlist Complete: $- po duy I 'r PART6- PAYMENTPROCEDURES I A. Contractor shall submit applications for payment in accordance with the General!t' Conditions. Applications for payment will be processed by Engineer as provided in the I General Conditions. I B. Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Agreernent Price on the basis of Contractor's applications for payment, as recommended by Engineer, within forty-five (45) days of Owner's approval of Contractor's pay request. All progress payments will be on the basis ofthe progress ofProject measured by the schedule ofvalues provided for in the General Conditions. I I l t I 1. If Contractor is satisfactorily performing this Agreement, progress payments shall be in an amount equal to ninety percent (9oo/o) of the calculated value of any Work completed, less the aggregate of payments previously made until fifty percent (50%o) of the Work required by this Agreement has been performed. Thereafter, Owner shall pay all remaining progress paym€nts without retaining additional funds, if, in the opinion of the Engineer and Owner, satisfactory progress is being made on the Project. If, in the opinion of Engineer and Owner, satisfactory progress is not being made on the Project, or if claims are filed under Section 38-26-107, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, Owner may retain such additional amounts as Owner may deern reasonably necessary to assure completion of the Work, or to pay such claims and any engineer's and attorney's fees reasonably incurred or to be incurred by Owner in defending or handling such claims. The wittrheld percentage of the Agreernent Price shall be retained until the Project is completed satisfactorily and finally accepted by Owner in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. Progress payments shall not constitute final acceptance of Work. 2. Payments will not be made for maierials stored off-site (unless otherwise provided by Addendum or Change Order), but will be made for materials stored on-site. Contractor will rernain responsible for security of the materials and the replacement at Contractor's sole cost of material lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen. Owner shall make final payment, including release of retainage, to Contractor as recornmended by Engineer, and in accordance with the Contract Documents and Section 38-26-107. C.R.S. I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I PART 7 - INTEREST A. All invoices approved for payment and not paid when due hereunder, retainage which shall be paid as provided in Part 6, shall bear interest at (_%) per annum from the due date until paid. exclusive of percent PART 8 - CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS A. In order to induce Owner to enter into this Agreement, Contractor makes the following representations: l. Contractor has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and Federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of Project. I 2. 3. 4. I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I l I Conhactor has carefully studied the site, and has performed all necessary investigations, tests, and subsurface investigations to define the latent physical conditions of the construction site affecting cost, progress, or performance of Project. Contractor has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations, and tests and studies of such reports and related data as it deems necessary for the performance of Project at the Agreement Price, within the Contract Time, and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports, or similar data are or will be required by Contractor for such purposes. Contractor has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. Contractor has given Engineer written notice of all conflicts, erors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereofby Engineer is acceptable to Contractor. PART 9 - OWNER'S REPRESENTATIONS A. Owner makes the following representations: 1. Owner has appropriated money equal to or in excess of the Agreanent Price. 2. Owner, by issuing any Change Order or other form of order or directive requiring additional compensable work to be performed by Contractor, which work causes the aggregate amount payable under the Agreement to exceed the amount appropriated for the original Agreernent Price, represents to Contractor that lawful appropriations to cover the costs of the additional work have been made. PART 10. MISCELLANEOUS A. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Part 1 of the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. B. Contractor shall not, at any time, assign any interest in this Agreement or the other Contract Documents to any person or entity without the prior written consent of Owner, specifically including, but without limitation, monies that may become due and monies that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law). Any atternpted assignment which is not in compliance with the terms hereof shall be null and void. Unless specifically stated to the I D. E. contrary in any written consent to an Assignment, no Assignment will release or discharge the Assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. The terms of this Agreunent, and all covenants, agreements, and obligations contained in the Contract Documents shall inure to and be binding upon the partners, legal representatives, successofii, heirs, and permitted assigts of the parties hereto. If any term, section or other provision of the Contract Documents shall, for any reason, be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such term, section or other provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of the Contract Documents, and to this end, each term, section and provision of the Contract Documsnts shall be severable. No waiver by either party of any right, term or condition of the Contract Documents shall be deemed or construed as a waiver of any other right, term or condition, nor shall a waiver ofany breach hereofbe deemed to constitute a waiver ofany subsequent breach, whether of the same or of a different provision of the Contract Documents. None of the remedies provided to either party under the Contract Documents shall be required to be exhausted or exercised as a prerequisite to resort to any further relief to which such party may then be entitled. Every obligation assumed by, or imposed upon, either party hereto shall be enforceable by any appropriate action, petition or proceeding at law or in equity. In addition to any other rernedies provided by law, the Contract Documents shall be specifically enforceable by either party. The Contract Documents shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, and particularly those relating to governmental contracts' This Agreernent may be executed in multiple count€rparts, each of which shall constitute an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same document. This Agreement, together with the other Contract Documents, constitutes the entire Agreernent between the parties conceming the subject matter herein, and all prior negotiations, representations, contracts, understandings or agreements pertaining to such matters are merged into, and superseded by, the Contract Documents. In the event any provision of this Agreement conflicts with any provision of any other Contract Document, then the provisions of this Agreement shall govern and control such confl icting provisions. Unless otherwise expressly provided, any reference herein to days shall mean calendar days. All times stated in this Agreement and the other Contract Documents are of the essence. The section headings in this Agreement and in the other Contract Documents are inserted for convenience and are not intended to indicate completely or accurately the contents of I T t T l I I I I I I I I I I T F. G. H. I J. I t I I t I I I I ! I I I I I l I the Sections they introduce, and shall have no bearing on the construction ofthe Sections they introduce. The Parties to this Agreement do not intend to benefit any person not a party to this Agreernent. No person or entity, other than the Parties to this Agreement, shall have any right, legal or equitable, to enforce any provision of this Agreement. By execution of this Agreement, the undersigned each individually represent that he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreernent and that the subject Party shall be bound by the signatory's execution of this Agreernent. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts , each of which shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. [The Remainder of this Page Is Intentionally Left Blank] I I IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. OWNER Easle River Water & Sanitation District President Address: 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 970-476-7480 ATTEST: Secretary (sEAL) CONTRACTOR Address: Phone: LICENSE NO.: AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS: .)l I I I I t I T I I T I I I T I I I I I .\ srArE oF coLoRADo ) l couNrY oF itt' I The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this - day of as President of2O-, byI t Witness my hand and official seal. I N"t*y P"bl" I My Commission expires: I I srArEoFcoLoRADo fr. corJNTY OF ) | ' *e tbregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this - day of 20-, by ofI Witness my hand and offrcial seal.! T My Commission expires:I t I I l I Notary Public PERFORMANCE AND WARRANTY BONI) THE STATE OF -) ) ss.cor-JNTYOF ) KNOW ALL MEN BYTIIESE PRESENTS: That we, I t I I I I I l I t: I I I I I T I I I of the City of County of and State of (hereinafter called "Principal"), as Principal, and (hereinafter called "Surety"), as Surety, authorized under the laws of the State of Colorado to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto the Eagle River water & Sanitation District (hereinafter called "Owner") as Obligee, in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ) in lawful money of the United States for payment by Principal and Surety, and bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigrrs, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has, on 20 . entered into a written Agreement with Owner for construction of the Project as defined in said Agreement, which Agreement is by reference made a part hereof and is hereinafter referred to as the Agreanent. NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are that if the Principal shall: (l) faithfully perform said Agreem€nt on Principal's part and satisfy all claims and demands incurred for the same; (2) fully indernnify and save harmless the Owner from all costs and damages which said Owner may suffer by reason of Principal's failure so to do; (3) fully reimburse and repay said Owner all outlay and expenses which said Owner may incur in making good any default; (4) pay all persons, firms and corporations all just claims due thetn for the payment of all laborers and mechanics for labor performed, for all materials and equipment furnished, and for all materials and equipment used or rented in the performance of Principal's Agreernent; and (5) keep the Work constructed under this Agreement in good repair for a poiod of two years from date of final acceptance by said Owner, then this obligation is null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent permissible by law, the Principal shall protect, defend, indemnifu and save harmless the Owner, the Engineer, and their officers, agents, servants and anployees, from and against suits, actions, claims, losses, liability or damage of any character, and from and against costs and expenses including, in part, attorney fees incidental to the defense of such suits, actions, claims, losses, damages or liability on account of injury, disease, sickness, and death to any person or damage to propertt including in part the loss of use resulting therefrom, based upon or allegedly based upon any act, omission or occurrence ofthe Principal, or his employees, servants, agents, subcontractors or suppliers, or anyone else under the Principal's direction and control, and arising out of, occurring in connection with, resulting from, or caused by the performance or failure of performance of any work or services called for by the Agreeme,nt, or from conditions created by the performance or non-performance of said work or services. This indernnity shall not extend to liability arising out ofthe preparation by the Engineer of the design or specifications for the Owner or the giving of written directions or instruction by I )t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I the Engineer as may be required by the Contract Documents, provided the giving of such written instructions or directions is the proximate cause of the injury or damage should it occur. Whenever Principal shall be, and is declared by Owner to be, in default under the Agreement, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations therzunder, the Owner may avail itself of the provisions of Section 15.02 B of the General Conditions which are incorporated by reference in the Agreernent and the Surety shall promptly pay the amounts, if any, due Owner by Principal. Any suit under this Bond must be instituted before the expiration of three years from the date on which final payment under the Agreernent falls due. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the successors and assigns of Owner and to all persons, firms and corporations for all just claims due thsrn for the payment of all laborers and mechanics for labor performed, for all materials and equipment fumished, and for all materials and equipment used or rented in the performance of Principal's Agreement. The Surety hereby waives the right to special notification of any notification of or alterations, omissions or reductions, extra or additional work, extensions of time, Change Orders' Field Orders or any other act or acts of Owner or its authorized agents under the terms of the Agreement; and failure to notify Surety of such shall in no way relieve Surety of its obligations. I I 'f 20Signed and sealed this day of PRINCIPAL: Witness I I I I I I t I T t I I I T By: (Address) SURETY: Witness (Address) Surety' s Tele,phone No. : TIIE STATE OF_____) COUNTYOF PAYMENT BONI) ) ss. ) KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: of I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I That we, the City of County of and State of (hereinafter called "Principal"), tts Principal, and (hereinafter called "Surety''), as Surety, authorized under the laws ofthe State ofColorado to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (hereinafter called "Owner"), as Obligee, in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ) in lawful money of the United States for payment by Principal and Surety, and bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has, on 20 . entered into a written Agreernent with Owner for construction of the Project as defined in said Agreernent, which Agreement is by reference made a part hereof and is hereinafter referred to as the Agreement' NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are that if the Principal shall pay all persons, firms and corporations all just claims due thern for the payment of all laborers and mechanics for labor performed, for all materials and equipment fumished, and for all materials and equipment used or rented in the performance of Principal's Agreement then this obligation is null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent permissible by law, the Principal shall protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless t}1e Owner, the Engineer, and their officers, agents, servants and employees, from and against suits, actions, claims, losses, liability or damage of any character, and from and against costs and expenses including in part, attorney fees incidental to the defsnse of zuch suits, actions, claims, losses, damages or liability on account ofinjury, disease, sickness, and death to any person or damage to prop€rty, including in part the loss of use resulting therefrom, based upon or allegedly based upon any act, omission or occulrence ofthe Principal, or his employees, servants, agents, subcontractors or suppliers, or anyone else under the Principal's direction and control, and arising out of, occurring in connection with, resulting from, or caused by the performance or failure of performance of any work or services called for by the Agreanent, or from conditions created by the performance or non-performance of said work or services. This indernnity shall not extend to liability arising out ofthe preparation by the Engineer of the design or specifications for the Owner or the giving of written directions or instruction by the Engineer as may be required by the Contract Documents, provided the giving of such written instructions or directions is the proximate cause of the injury or damage should it occur. Whenever Principal shall be, and is declared by Owner to be, in default under the Agreement, the Owner having performed Owner's obligations thereunder, the Owner may avail itself of the provisions of Section 15.02 B of the General Conditions which are incorporated by I il t I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I By: I 2: I I I t I I I t: I I I I I I I I I reference in the Agreernent and the Surety shall promptly pay the amounts, if any, due Owner by Principal, Any suit under this Bond must be instituted before the expiration of three years from the date on which final payment r.rnder the Agreement falls due. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Owner named herein or the successors and assigns of Owner and to all persons, firms and corporations for all just claims due them for the payment of all laborers and mechanics for labor performed, for all materials and equipment furnished, and for all materials and equipment used or rented in the performance of Principal's Agreement. The Surety hereby waives the right to special notification of any notification of or alterations, omissions or reductions, extra or additional work, extensions of time, Change Orders, Field Orders or any other act or acts of Owner or its authorized agents under the terms of the Agreement; and failure to noti$ Surety of such shall in no way relieve Surety of its obligations. Signed and sealed this day of PRINCIPAL: Witness (Address) I tl I I I I I I I I T t t I I I I I I 4 STJRETY: Witness Surety' s Telephone No. : I I I I t ro: I NOTICE TO PROCEED Vail. Colorado Date: I You are hereby authorized to proceed as ofthe date ofthis Letter or within ten (10) consecutiveI calendar days hereafter with the Work covered by the Contract Documents titled Contract Documents and rcifications for the 1.5-MG tntermountain Water Storage Tank for the sum ofI Construction Specifications for the 1.5 Dollars ($_________-). The Contract Time, as I such term is defined in the General Conditions, shall commence to run on the date of this Letter. I I You are to return promptly to Engineer an acknowledged copy of this Notice to Proceed and you are to notify the Engineer 48 hours before starting work. I t I I Eagle RiverWater & Sanitation District By: Title: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF NOTICE TO PROCEED: I! Receipt of the above Notice to Proceed is hereby acknowledged this day of 20t I I I Contractor By: Title: I lj I I I I I I I I I I I EAGLE RI'ER *ATER & SANITATI'N DISTRICTi I UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY t I I I I , r,or vERsroN j GENERAL CONDITIOI{S X. ll I I I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I TABLE OFCONTENTS PART 3 - CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT AIID R8US8 ..,....... PART 5 - BONDS AND INSIJRANCE PART6 -CONTRACTOR'SRESPONSIBILITIES PART 7 . COORDINATTON OF WORK.,........ I PARTS .OWNER'SRESPONSIBILITIES 8.OT OWNER TO COMMTJNICATE THROUGH ENGINEER OR OWNER'S R-EPR"ESENTATIVE... 23 PART 9 - STATUS OF ENGINEERDURING CONSTRUCTION )I I23 23 PART II 11.0r 11.02 11.03 11.04 PART 12 12.01 12.02 - CHANGE OF AGREEMENT PRICE IT I I I I T I I t I T t T I I T 25 33 38 PART 13 - WARRANTY AI\D GUARANTEE; TESTS AliD INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION' REMOVAL OR ACCf,PTAI\CE OF DEFECTIVE WORK PART 14 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDT]LE, SCHEDULE OF VALUES' PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTORS AIID COMPLETION PART 15 . SUSPENSION OF WORK AI\D TERMINATION 15,02 15.03 15.04 I T I T 46 46 t I I I T l: PART 16 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 PART 17 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 PART 18 PART 19 PART 20 PART 2I - MISCDLLA}IEOUS - STREAMLINED SPECIFICATIONS . HAI\DLING OF DISPUTES 21.02 DISPUTES WITH THIRD PARTTES................... ..........................47 PART 22 - DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AIrD LIMITATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY OF RESIDE,NT PROJECT REPRESENTATTVE (IF ANY) PART 23 . DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AI\D LIMITATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATryE I I t I I I I I I |ll )l T Ceneral Conditions PART 1- DEFINITIONS Wherever used in these General Conditions or in the other Contract Documents, the following terms have the meanings indicated below, which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: Addenda - Written or graphic instruments issued by the Owner prior to the opening of Bids which clari$, corect or change the bidding documents or the Contract Documents. Agreement - The written agreenent betwecn Owner and Contractor covcring the Work to be performed. Agreement Pfice - The moneys payable by Owner to Conhactor under the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement. Application for Partial Payment - The form designated by Engineer which is to be used by Contractor in requesting progress or final payment and which is to include such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Docrunents. Bid Form - The offer or proposal of 0re Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. Change Order - A written order to Contractor signed by Owner and Contractor authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work, or an adjustrnent in the Agreement Price or the Conhact Time issued after the effective date ofthe Agreement. Contract Documents - The documents identified as Contaci Documents in the Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor. Contract Time - The number of days stated in the Agreement for the Completion of the Work Contractor - The person or entity with whom Owner has entered into the Agreement to perform the Work. Day - A calendar day of nrenty-four hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. Defective - An adjective which when modiffing the word Work refers to Work ftat is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient. or does not conform to the Contract Documents or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, test or approval referred to in the Contract Documenls, or has been damaged prior to Engineer's recommendation for final payment. Drawings - The drawings which show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which have been prepared or approved by Engineer and are referred to in the Contract Docum€nts. Effective Date of the Agreement - The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is sigped and delivered by the last of the parties to sign and deliver. f,ngineer - Named as Engineer in Agreement, who shall also serve as Owner's Representative unless Owners shall appoint, in writing, a differcnt representative. Field Order - A written order issued by Engineer which orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with paragraph 10.01 B but which does not involve a change in the Agreement Price or the Contract Time. I t I t I I I I I I I T I I I I T t I I Hazardous Materials - "Hazardous substances", as defined by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act ('CERCI,A'), 42 U.S.C. Sect. 9601 et. seq., as amended or hereafter amended; (ii) *hazardous wastes", as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ('RCRA), 42 U.S.C. Sect. 6902 et seq., as amended or hereafter amended; (iii) any pollutant or contaminant or hazardous, dangerous or toxic chemicals, materials, or substances within the meaning of any other applicable federal, state or local law, regulation, ordinance, or requirement (including consent decrees and administrative orders) relating to or imposing liability or standards of conduct conceming any hazardous, toxic or dangerous waste, substance or material, all as amended or hereafter amended; (iv) any petroleum and/or petroleum by-product material as defined at 42 U.S.C. Set. 2011, et seq., as amended or hereafter amended (vi) Asbestos or asbestos-containing materials in any form or condition (vii) lead-based paint hazards, i.e., any condition that caused €xposure to lead from lead-contaminated dust, lead-contaminated soil, or lead contaminated paint that is deteriorated or present in accessible surfaces, friction surfaces or impact surfaces that would result in adverse human health effects; and (viii) any toxic or hazardous mold or otber fungus. Modification - (a) A written amendment of the Contract Documents signed by both parties, (b) a Change Order, or (c) a Field Order. A modification may be issued only afler the effective date of the Agreement. Notice of Award - The written notice by Owner to the apparent successful Bidder stating that upon compliance by the apparent successful Bidder with the conditions precedent enumeraled therein, within the time specified, Owner will sigrr and deliver the Agreement. Notice to Proceed - A wriften notice given by the Owner to Contractor (with a copy to Engineer) fxing tbe date on which the Contract Time will cornrrence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perfomt its obligations under the Contract Documents. Owner - The District with whom Contractor has entered into the Aereement and for whom the Work is to be provided. Ownerts Representative - The Engineer or such other person appointed by the Owner in rlriting to serve as an Owner's Representative. Plans - The official plans, working drawings, or supplemental drawings or exact reproductions thereo{, prepared by or approved in concept by the Engineer which show the location, character, dimensions, and details of the Work to be done and which are to be considered as part of the Contract Documents, supplemental to these Specifications. Project - The facility or improvements generally described in the Invitation to Bid and more specifically detailed in the Drawings, Specifications (and any Addendum thereto), and any other Contract DocumenB. Resident Project Representative - The authorized representative of Engineer or other Owner's Representative who is assigned to the sile or any part thereof. Part - Section(s) ofthese General Conditions. Shop Drawings - All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by Connactor, a Subcontractor, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion ofthe Work and accepted in writing by the Owner, and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor and submitted by Contractor to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the Work and accepted in writing by the Owner. I T I I t t I I I I I I T I t t SpecificationS - Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of writte,n technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. Subcontractor - A person or entity having a direct conbact with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. Substantial Completion - The Work has progressed to the point where, in the opinion of Engineer as evidenced by its definitive certificate of Substantial Completion, it is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so that the Work can be utilized for the purposes for which it was intended and it is ready for punch listing. Work - The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract Documents. The tenn "World' shall be understood to mean the fumishing of all labor, materials, equipmen! and other incidentals necessaDf or convenient to the successful completion of the Project and the carrying out of all the duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents and the entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be fumisbed under the Contract Documents. PART2- PRELIMINARY MATTERS 2.OI DELIVERY OFBONDS When Contractor delivers the executed Agreernent to Owner, Contractor shall also deliver to Owner the Performance, Payment and Wananty Bond. 2.02 EXECUTION AND TRANSMISSION OF DOCUMENTS A. At least six (6) copies of the Contract Documents will be preparcd by Engineer. All copies will be subrnitted to Contractor and Contractor shall execute the Agreement, insert all Certificates of Insurance, and submit all copies to Owner within ten (10) days ofNotice of Award. Tbe date on the Agreernent and Bond forms and the Certification Date on the Power of Attomey shall be left blank for completion bY Owner. B. Owner will execute all copies, insert the date on the Agreement and Bond forms and the Certification Date on the Power of Attomey, and transmit all copies to Engineer within ten (10) days for review and distribution. Distribution of sigred copies will be one copy each to Owner, Contractor, and Engineer. Contractor shall be responsible for distribution of copies to the SuretY. 2.03 COPIESOFDOCUMENTS Owner shall furnish to Contractor ( ) complete sets of the Contract Documents for use in the execution of the Work. at the cost of the reproduclion, which is: Additional copies will be furnished, upon request, Complete set of project Drawings Complete project Specifications Individual sheels of Drawings Individual pages of Specificalions I rl I I I I I I T I I I t T I t$ I $ $ 2.00 0.75 I I t A. I T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I 2.04 COMMENCEMENT OF CONTRACT TIME: NOTICE TO PROCEED The Contract Time shall commence to run on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. 2.05 STARTING THE PROJECT Contractor shall start to perform the Work on the date of the Notice to Proceed or within ten (10) consecutive days thereafter or as otherwise specified in the Notice to Proceed, but no Work shall be done at the site prior to the date on which the Contract Time corffnences to run. 2.06 BEFORE STARTING CONSTRUCTION A. Before undertaking each part of the Work, Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and veri$ pertinent Iigures shown thereon and all applicable field measurements. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to Engineer any conflict, error or discrepancy which Contractor may discover; however, Contractor shall not be liable to Owner or Engineer for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Drawings or Specifications, unless Conbactor had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. B. Before any Work at the site is started, Contractor shall deliver to Owner, with a copy to Engineer, certificates of insurance (and other evidence of insurance requested by Owner) which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain in accordance with Part 5. C. Two (2) weeks before any Work at the site is started (unless Owner or Engineer provides in writing for a shorter or longer time period), Contractor shall deliver to Owner, with a copy to Engineer, all permits necessary to conduct the Work, including without limitation any permits required by the Colorado Department of Fublic Health and Environment or other governmental agency in cormection with the management of wastewater discharge or storrnwater runoff 2.07 PRECONSTRUCTIONCONFERENCE Within rwenty (20) days after the effective date of the Agreement, but before Contractor starts the Work at the site, a conference will be held for review and acceptance of the schedules referred to in Section 6.13, to establish procedures for handling Shop Drawings and other submittals and for processing Applications for Partial Payment, and to establish a working understanding among the parties as to the Work. PART 3- CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT AND REUSE 3.OT INTENT The Contract Documents comprise the entire Agreement between Owner and Contraclor conceming the Work and supersede any prior agreements or understandings. They may be altered only by a Modification. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. If, during the performance of the Work, Conractor finds a conflict, eror ot discrepancy in the Contract Documcnts, it shall report il to Engineer in writing at once and before proceeding with the Work affected thereby; however, Contractor shall not be liable to Owner or Engineer for failure to report any conflict, error or discrepancy in the Speciltcations or B. 3.02 PART 4- 4.01 Drawings unless Contractor had actual knowledge thereof or should reasonably have known thereof. C. It is the intent of the Specifications and Drawings to describe a complete project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any Work that may reasonably be infened from the Specifications or Drawings as being required to produce the intended result, shall be supplied whether or not it is specifically called for. When words whicb have a well-known technical or trade meaning are used to describe Work, materials or equipment, such words shall be interpreted in accordance with such meaning rmless expressly given a different meaning. Reference to standard specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the code of any govemmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication, sball mean the latest standard specification, manual or code in effect at the time ofopening of Bids (or, on the effective date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall change the duties and responsibilities of Owner, Contractor or Engineer, or any of their agents or employees from those set for0r in tlre Contract Documents. Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by Engineer as provided for in paragraph 9'03' D. The Contract Documents have been made, cxecuted, and delivered in the Stale of Colorado and shall be govemed and construed for all purposes under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. E. The Project Manuat consists of lnvitation to Bid, Instruction to Bidders, Bid Form, Bid Bond, Agreement, Performance Payment and Warranty Bond, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Specifications. Should any construction or conditions which are not thoroughly or satisfactorily stipulated or set forth by the Specifications be anticipated on any proposed Work, Supplementary Conditions for such Work may be prepared and attached to the Bid Proposal Form and Agreement, and shall be considered as part ofthe Specifications, the same as though contained fulty therein. Should any Supplementary Condition conflict witb the General Conditions, or the Agreement, the Supplernentary Condition will govem' REUSE OF DOCUMENTS Neither Contractor nor any Subcontractor, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor shall have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any ofthe Drawings, Specifications or other documents (or copies ofany thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of Ensineer; and they shall not reuse any of them on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of Owner and Engineer and specific written verification or adoption by Engineer. AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS AVAILABILITY OFLANDS Owner shall fumish, as indicated in dre Contract Documents, the lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way for access thereto, and such other lands which are designated for the use of the Contractor. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities will be obtained and paid for by Owner, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. In acquiring easements or rights-of-way, the Owner shall proceed as expeditiously as possible, but in the event all easements or rights-ofway are not acquired prior to the beginning of construction, the Contractor shatl begin Work on such easements and rights-of-way that have been acquired. In the event a delay I )l I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I t I I I I t I t I I I I I T I I I I in the acquisition of rights-of-way caus€s unavoidable delay in Contractor's prosecution of the Work, then Conffactor may make a claim for an extension of Contract Time, as provided in Part 12. Contractor shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.02 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS. INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS Owner shall identiff and make available to Contractor copies of those reports of investigations and tests of subsurface and latent physical conditions at the site or otherwise aflecting cost, progress or performance of the Work which have been relied upon by Engineer in preparation of the Drawings and Specifications. Such reports are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness and are not integrated with, incorporated into or otherwise part of the Contract Documents, although such reports may be physically attached to or bound with the Contract Documents. 4.03 UNFORESEENPHYSICALCONDITIONS A. Confactor shall promptly noti! Owner and Engineer in writing of any latent physical conditions at the site or in an existing structure differing materially from those indicated or referred to in the Contract Documents, including without lirnitation any physical conditions indicating the presence of any Hazardous Materials. Engineer will promptly review those conditions and advise Owner in writing if further investigation or tests are necessary. Promptly thereafter, Owner shall obtain the necessary additional investigations and tests and fumish copies to Engineer and Contractor. If Engineer finds that the results of such investigations or tests indicate that there are latent physical conditions which diller materially from those indicated or referred to in lhe Contract Documents, and which could not reasonably have been anticipated by Contractor, a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions. B. Rock encountered during excavation, expansive soils, and dewatering of soils shall not constitute unforeseen physical conditions pursuant to paragraph 4.03A. Contractor shall not be entitled to a Change Order for expense and delay resulting from greater than anticipated rock excavation, expansive soils mitigation, or dewatering. 4.O4 REFERENCE POINTS Owner shall provide engineering surveys for construction to establish reference points which, in its judgment, are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed with the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for laying out the Work, shall protect and preserve lhe established reference points and shall make no changes or relocations without the prior written approval of Owner. Contractor shall report to Engineer whenever any referarce point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations, and shall be responsible for replacement or relocalion of such reference points by professionally qualified personnel. PART 5- BONDSAND INSURANCE 5.OT PERFORMANCE AND OTHER BONDS A. Contractor shall furnish a Performance, Payment and Wananty Bond, in an amount at least equal to the Agreement Price, including any Modifications, as securiqr for the faithful performance and payment of all Conlractor's obligations under the Conlract Documents. This Bond shall remain in effect at least until two (2) years after the date of final payment, or unlil the two-year correction period in paragraph 13.07 is over, whichever period is longer, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation or by the Contract Documents. Conhactor shall also I fumish such o0rcr Bonds as arc required herein by the Supplementary Conditions. All Bonds shall be on the forms prescribed by the Contract Documents and shall be executed by such Surcties authorized to do business in the State of Colorado as are named in the current list of *Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Deparffiient. Each Bond shall be accompanied by a power of attomey authorizing the attorney-in-fact to bind the Surety and shall be certilied to include the date ofthe Bond. B. If the Surety on any Bond furnished by Contractor is declared bankrupt ot becomes insolvant, or its right to do business is teminated in the State of Colorado or it ceases to meet the requirernents of paragraph 5.01A, Contractor shall, within five (5) days thereafter, substitute another Bond and Surety acceptable to Owner. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall purchase and maintain during the entire term of this Agreernent, including any extension of the Contract Time tbrough Change Orders and as provided in Paragraph 5.028, such commercial general liability and other insurance as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's performance of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under dre Contract Documents, whether such performance is by Contractor, by any Subcontractor, by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for wfiose acts any of them may be liable: 1. Claims under workers' compensation, disability and other similar employee benefit acts; 2. Claims for damages because of bodily i"jury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of Conlractor's employees; 3. Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than Contractor's employees; 4. Claims for damages insured by personal injury liability coverage which are sustained (i) by any person directly or indirectly resulting from the employment of such person by Contractor, or (ii) by any person for any other rcason; 5. Claims for damages, other than to the Work itself, because of injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss ofuse resulting therefrom; 6. Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person or property damage arising out ofthe ownership, maintenance or use of any rnotor vehicle; and 7. Completed operations insurance as specified in Paragraph 5.028. B. The insurance required of Contractor shall include the specific coverages and corresponding limits of liability provided in paragraph 5.02E, or as required by law, whichever is greater. All coverages shall be underwritten by carriers authorized to do business in Colorado, with an A.M. Best's rating ofnot less than A- and a classification ofX or higher, unless otherwise acceptable to Owner. All such insurance shall contain a provision that the coverage afforded will not be cancelled, materially changed or renewal refused until at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice has been given to Owner and Engineer or at least ten (10) days' prior written notice has been given to Owner and Engineer in the event of cancellation due to non-payment of premium. "Will endeavof' and 'but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation of any kind { I I t I I I I t I I I I I T I I T 5.02 C. D. I I I I I I T I I I upon the company, its agents, or representatives" or similar clauses shall be deleted from the certificates unless otherwise approved by the Owner. All such insurance shall remain in effect until final payment, and at all times thereafter when Contractor may be correcting, removing or replacing Defective Work in accordance with paragraph 13.07. In addition, Contractor shall maintain such completed operations insurance for at least two (2) years after frnal payment and fumish Owner with evidence of continuation of such insurance at final payment and two (2) years thereafter. Workers' compensation shall include "all states" endonements. To the extent that Contractor's work, or work rmder its direction, may require blasting, explosive conditions, or underground operations, the commercial general liability coverage shall contain no exclusion relative to blasting, explosion, collapse ofbuildings, or damage to underground property. Contractor and its insurer(s), agree to waive all rigbts of subrogation against the Owner, the Engineer, and their subconsultants, employees, officers and directors, for work performed under this Agreement. Policies shall also specifu that the insurance provided by the Conhactor will be considered primary and not contributory to any other insurance available to the Owner or the Engineer. Confactor shall indemnifo, defend and hold harmless the Owner and Engineer for work performed under this Agreement. E. The limits of liability for Contractor's Liability Insurance shall not be less than: I t I I I T I I t l. Workers' Compensation: 2. Employer's Liability: 3. Commercial General Liability: Bodily Injury and Property Damage Combined: 4. ComprehensiveAutomobile Liability: Statutory $100,000 Disease each person $100,000 Each accident $500,000 Disease Policy Limit $l,000,000 Per occurrence Combined Single Limit $2,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 ProductVCompleted Operations Aggregate Bodily Injury and Properly Damage Combined:$1,000,000 Per Accident F. At the option of Contractor, evidence of coverage and limits may be furnished by an umbrella liability policy certificate in addition to certificates for Workers' Compensation and enployer's liability, and commercial automobilc and general liability policies. 5.03 OWI\ERAND ENGINEERADDITIONAL INSUREDS Contractor shall name Owner and Engineer as Additional lnsured under its Commercial General Liability insurance. The liability limits shall be as specified for commercial general liability insurance. 5.04 PROPERTYINSURANCE Owner may, in addition to the Builder's Risk Insurance and Floater Installation coverages required of the Contractor below, purchase and maintain property insurance upon the Work at the site to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance shall cover only the Owner's interest in the Work. Such coverage shall insure against the perils of fire and extended coverage, and shall include "all risk" insurance for physical loss and damage including theft, vandalism and malicious mischief, collapse and water damage, and shall include damages, losses and expenses arising out ofor resulting Aom any insured loss or incurred in the repair or replacanent ofany insured property (including fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals). Owner may purchase and maintain boiler and machinery insurance upon the Work. lfContractor requests in writing that other special insurance be included in the Owner's property insurance policy, Owner shall, if possible, include such insurance, and the cost thereof shall be charged to Contractor by appropriate Change Order. Prior to cornmencement ofthe Work at the site, Owner will in writing advise Contractor whether or not zuch special insurance has been procured by Owner. Builder's Risk lnsurance. l. Contractor shall purchase and maintain builder's risk insurance. This insurance shall be written in completed value form and shall protect Contractor, Owner, Subcontracto(s) and Engineer against risks of damage to buildings, structures, and materials and equipment not otherwise covered under fuNtallation floater insurance or Property, from the perils of fire and lightning, the perils included in the standard extended coverage endorsement, and the perits ofvandalism and malicious mischief. The amount of such insurance shall be not less than the insurable value of the Work at completion' 2. Builder's risk insurance shall provide for losses to be payable to Contractor, Owner, and Engineer as their interests may appear. The policy shall contain a provision that in the event of payment for any loss rmder the coverage provided, the insurance company shall have no rights of recovery against the Conttactor, Owner, and Engineer. I )l I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I I A. B. C. D. F. G. I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I t E. InstallationFloaterlnsurance. l. Contractor shall purchase and maintain installation floater insurance, unless waived in writing by the Owner. Contractor shall purchase and maintain similar property insurance on behalf of the Owner on portions of the Work stored on and offthe site or in transit when such portions of the Work are to be included in an Application for Partial Payment pursuant to Part 14 hereof. 2. Equipment such as pumps, compressors, basin equipment, motors, switchgear, transfomrcrs, panel boards, control equipment, and other similar equipment shall be insured under the installation floater insurance when the aggregate value of the equipment exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). This insurance shall protect Contraclor, Owner, and Engineer from all insurable risks ofphysica! loss or damage to materials and equipment not otherwise covered under builder's risk insurance, while in warehouses or storage areas, during installation, during testing, and after the Work is completed. lt shall be of the "all risk ' type, udth coverages designed for the circumstances which may occur in the particular Work included in the Contract Documents. The coverage shall be for an amount not less than the insurable value of the Work at completion, less the value of materials and equipment insured under builder's risk insurance. The value shall include the aggregate value of the Owner-fumished equipment and materials to be erected or installed by Contractor not otherwise insured under builder's risk insurance. Installation floater insurance shall provide for losses to be payable to Contractor, Owner, and Engineer as their interest may appear. The policy shall contain a provision that in the event of payment for any loss under the coverage provided the insurance company shall have no rights or recovery against the Contractor, Owner, and Engineer. 3. Certificates of Insurance covering installation floater insurance shall quote the insuring agreement and all exclusions as they appear in the policy; or in lieu ofcertificates, copies of the complete policy may be submitted. Builders risk insurance policies shall contain a provision that the coverage aflorded will not be cancelled or materially changed until at least 30 days prior written notice has been given to Owner. Insured losses under policies of insurance which include Owner's interests shall be adjusted with Owner and made payable to Owner as trustee for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the requirements ofany applicable mortgage clause, and any direction by arbitrators. Owner as trustee shall have the right to adjust and settle losses with the insurers unless one of the parties in interest shall object in writing within 5 days after the occurrence ofloss to Owner's exercise of this power and, if such objection be made, arbitrators shall be chosen as provided in the General Conditions. Owner as trustee shall. in lhat case, make settlement with the insurers in accordance with the direction of such arbitrators. If distribution of the insurance proceeds by arbitration is required, the arbitrators will direct such distribution. Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other and against Engineer for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by insurance except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance held by Owner as trustee. Contractor shall require similar waivers by Subcontractors. Each waiver shall be in favor ofall other parties enumerated in this paragraph. 5.05 PARTIAL UTILIZATION - PROPERTY INSURANCE If Owner fmds il necessary to occupy or use a portion or portions of the Work prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work, such use or occupancy may be accomplished in accordance with paragraph 14.064,; provided that no such use or occupancy shall commence before lhe insurers l0 I providing the property insurance shall consent by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be cancelled or lapse on account ofany such partial use or occupancy. 5.06 ACCEPTAIICE OF INSURANCE If Owner bas any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the insurance purchased and maintained by Contractor on the basis of its not complying with the Contract Documents, Owner will notiry Contractor in writing thereof within thirty (30) days of the date of delivery of the Opinion required of Confactor's insurance agent or counsel pursuant to paragraph 5.08. If Contractor has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the policies of insurance purchased and maintained by Owner in accordance with paragraph 5.04C on the basis of their not complying with the Contract Documents, Contractor will notiry Owner in writing thereof within ten (10) days of the date of delivery of notice that such insurance has been procured by Owner. Owner and Contractor will each provide to thc other such additional information in respect of insurance provided by It as the other may reasonably request. Failue by Owner or Contractor to give any zuch Notice of Objection within the time provided shall constitute temporary acceptance of such insurance purchased by the other as complying with the Contract Documents. 5.07 DEDUCTIBLES No insurance coverages required to be obtained by Contractor pwsuant to this Part 5 shall have a deductible greater than $ I ,000 or as reasonably approved by Owner. 5.08 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE; OPINION OF AGENT Prior to commencing the Work, the Contractor shall deliver to the Owner a Certificate of Insurance evidencing that the coverages required under part 5, including a tepresentation that the Owner and Engineer have been named as additional insureds under its Commercial General Liability insurance. With the Certificate of Insurance, the Contractor shall also deliver to the Owner an Opinion of a licensed insurance agent or legal counsel that the coverages required under this Part 5 have been purchased and the Contractor is in compliance with its obligations under this Part 5. Such opinion shall be in the form of Exhibit A attached to these General Conditions. PART6- CONTRACTOR'SRESPONSIBILITIES 6.0I SUPERVISIONAND SUPERINTENDENCE The Contractor is an independent contractor and nothing herein contained shall constitute or designate the Conractor or any of its employees or agents as employees of the Owner. The Work to be performed by the Contractor shall be at its sole cost, risk and expense, and no part of the cost thereof shall be charged to the Owner, except the payments to be made by the Owner to the Contractor for the Work performed as provided berein. Owner shall not be responsible for Contractor's means, methods, tecbniques, sequences or procedures ofconstruction, or for safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work competently and efficiently, giving the Work the consistent anention necessary to facilitate its progress and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Docurnents. Contractor shall be sotely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction. Contractor shall be responsible to see that the finished Work complies accwately with the Contract Documents. )l I I t I I I t I I I t t I I I I I A. B. ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I C. Contractor shall employ at all times during its work progress a competent resident superintendent, who shall not be replaced without wrinen notice to Owner and Engineer except under extraordinary circumstances. Such superintendent shall be capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the Plans and Specifcations and shall receive and fulfill instructions, suggestions and communications from the Engineer, or its authorized representative. The superintendent shall bave firll authority to execute the Work specified in the Contract Documents without delay and promptly to supply materials, tools, plant equipment and labor as may be required to perform such Worlc Such superintendent shall be fumished irrespective of the amormt of Work sublet. The superintendent will be Contractor's representative at tbe site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. Alt comrnunicatiorx given the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to ConEactor. D. the Contractor shall employ such superintendent and foremen as are careful and competen! and the Engineer may request the dismissal of any person or persons ernployed by the Contractor in, abouq or upon the Work, who shall misconduct ltself or themselves or be incompetent or negligent in the proper perfonnance of its or their duties, or neglect(s) or refuse(s) to comply with the Contract Documents given, and such person or persons shall not be employed again thereon without the written consent of the Engineer. Should the Contractor continue to employ, or again employ, such person or percons, the Engineer may wirhhold all pay estimates which are or may become due, or the Engineer may suspend the Work until such orders are complied with. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. E. The Contractor shall notifo the Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the time it intends to start Work on the site. The Contractor shall operate at such points as the Owner through the Engineer may direct. The Contractor shall conduct the Work in such a manner and with su{ficient materials, equipment, and labor as is considered necessary to ensure its completion within the time limit set forth in the Agreement. Should the prosecution of Work for any reason be discontinued by the Confactor, it shall notifo lhe Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of resuming operations. 6.02 LABOR,MATERIALS,AND EQUIPMENT A. Contractor shall provide competent, suitable qualified personnel 1o survey and lay out the Work and perform construction as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the site. Except in connection with dre safety or proteclion of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, and exc€pt as otherwise indicated in the Supplementary Conditions, all Work at the site shall be performed during regular working hours, and Contractor will not permit overtime work or the performance of Work on Saturday, Smday or any legal holiday without Owner's written consent given after prior wrinen notice to Engineer. B. Contractor shall fumish all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water and sanilary facilities and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the execution, testing, initial operalion and completion of the Work. The Contractor shall fumish such equipment as is considered necessary for the prosecution of the Work in an acceptable marmer and at a satisfactory rate of progress. All equipment, tools, and machinery used for handling materials and executing any part of the Work shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be maintained in a satisfactory working condition. Equipment used on any portion of the Work shall be such that no damage to the Work, roadways, adjacent property, or other objects will result from its use. t2 I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I C. D. E. The Agreement may be terminated if the Conhactor fails to provide adequate equipment for the Work. The source of supply of each of the materials required shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineer before delivery is started. Representative preliminary samples of the character and quality specified shall be submitted by the Conffactor or producer for examination and tests required by the Engineer The results obtained from testing such samples rnay be used for preliminary review but will not be used as a final acceptance of the materials. All materials proposed to be used rnay be inspected or tested at any time during their preparation and use. If, after testing, it is fomd that sources of supply which have been reviewed and accepted do not furnish a uniform product, or if the product from any source proves rmacceptable at any time, the Confractor shall fumish acceptable material from other sources acceptable to Engineer at no cost to the Owner. Sanples ofall materials for testing, upon which the acceptance or rejection are to be based, shall be taketr by the Engineer or its authorized representative at the discretion of the Engineer. Materials may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at the place of construction. All sampling, inspection, and testing shall be done in accordance with the methods hereinafter prescribed. The Contractor shall provide such facilities as the Engineer or its representative may require for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. The Contractor shall not use or incorporate into the Work any materials represented by the samples until tests have been made and the material found to be acceptable. only materials conforming to the requirements of these specifications and which have been accepted by the Engineer or its authorized agents shall be used in the work. Any material which, after acceptance, has for any reason become unfit for use shall not be incorporated into the Work and shall be replaced by the contractor at no cost to the owner. Additionally, contractor and Engineer shall be subject to the procedures and responsibilities set forth in paragraph 6.13 as it pertains to samples. Except as otherwise provided herein, sampling and testing of all materials, and the laboratory methods and testing equipment required under the Specifications, shall be in accordance with the most current edition of the standards set forth in the Specifications. The testing of all samples shall be done at the expense of the Contractor at an independent laboratory accepted by the Engineer. Laboratory sieves shall have square openings of the sizes specified. The Contractor shall fumish the required samples without cbarge. All samples shall be checked and stamped with the approval of the Contractor, identified clearly as to material, manufacturer, any pertinent catalog numbers and the use for which intended. The Contractor shall give sufficient notification to the Engineer of the placing of orders for materials to permit testing. All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Materials shall be stored so as to enswe the preservation of their quality and fitness for the Work. When considered necessary by the Engineer, they shall be placed on wooden platforrns, or otler hard, clean surfaces and not on the ground, and shall be placed under cover or otherwise protected when requested by the Engineer. Stored materials shall be located so as to facilitate prompt inspection. Contractor is responsible for the safety of any of its materials, tools, possessions, and rented items stored on the job site, and for protection of the project, and shall hold Owner and Owner's authorized representative harmless for any damages or loss incurred thereto. l3 I I I I I I I F. No material, equipment, tools, supplies, or instruments other than those belonging to or leased by Contractor will be removed from the project site by Contractor without the prior written approval of Owner. G. All materials not conforming to the requirements of these Specifications shall be considered Defective. Whether in place or not, such material shall be removed immediately from the site of the Work, unless otherwise permined by the Engineer. No rcjected material, the defects of which have been subsequently corrected, shall be used until approval has been given. Upon failure of the Contractor to cornply promptly with any order of the Engineer made under the provisions of this Article, the Engineer shall have authority to remove Defective materials and to deduct the cost of removal and replacement with specified materials from any moneys due or to become due the Contractor. 6.03 EQUIVALENT MATERIALS AI\D EQUIPMENT Whenever materials or equipment are specified or described in the Drawings or Specifications by using the name ofa proprietary item or the name ofa particular manufacturer, fabricatoq supplier or distributor, the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the name is followed by words indicating that a substitution is not permitted, materials or equipment ofother manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers, or distributors may be accepted by Engineer if sulficient information is submitted by Contractor lo allow Engineer to determine lhat the material or equipment proposed is equivalent to that named. The procedure for review by Engineer will be as set forth in paragraphs 6.03A. and 6.038. below, as supplemented in the other Contract Documents. A. Requests for review of substitute items of material and equipment will not be accepted by Engineer from anyone olher than Contractor, If Contsactor wishes to fumish or use a substitute item of material or equipment, Contractor shall make written application to Engineer for acceptance thereof, certiffing that the proposed substitute will perfiorm adequately the functions called for by the general design, be similar and of equal substance to that specified, and be suited to the same use and capable of performing the same function as that specified. The Ap'plication shall state whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work will require a change in the Drawings or Specifications to adapt the desigr to the substitute and whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified shall be identified in the Application and available maintenance, repair and replacement service will be indicated. The Application shall also contain an itemized estimate of all costs that will result directly or indirectly from acceptance of such substitute, including costs of redesign and claims of other contractors alfected by the resulting change; all of which shall be considered by Engineer in evaluating the proposed substihrte. Engineer will be the sole judge of acceptability, and no substitute will be ordered or installed without Engineer's prior written acceptance. Owner may require Contractor to furnish at Contractor's expense a special performance guamntee or other Surety with respect to any substitute. B. Engineer will record time required by Engineer and Engineer's consultants in evaluating substitutions proposed by Contractor and in making changes in the Drawings or Specifications occasioned thereby. Whether or not Engineer accepts a proposed substitute, Contractor shall reimburse Owner for the charges of Engineer and Engineer's consultants for evaluating any proposed substitute. 6.04 CONCERNING SUBCONTRACTORS A. Contractor shall not employ any Subcontractor or other person or organization (including those who are to furnish the principal items of materials or equipment), whether initially or as a substitute, against whom Owner or Engineer may have reasonable objection. A Subcontractor I I I I I I I I I I I I l4 I or other person or organization identified in q/riting to Owner and Engineer by Contractor prior to the Notice of Award and not objected to in writing by Owner or Engineer prior to the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to Owner and Engineer. Acceptance ofany Subcontractor, other penon or organization by Owner or Engineer shall not constitute a waiver of any right of Owner or Engineer to reject Defective Work. If Owner or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any Subcontraclor, other person or organization proposed by Contractor after the Notice of Award, Contractor shall submit an acceptable substitute and the Agreement Price shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by such substitution, and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued. Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, other percon or organization against ufrom Contractor has reasonable objection. B. Contractor shall be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of its Subcontractors and of persons and organizations directly or indirectly employed by them and of persons and organizations for whose acts any of them may be liable to the same extent that Contractor is responsible for the acts and omissions ofpersons directly employed by Contractor. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between Owner or Engineer and any Subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contact with Contractor, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of Owner or Engineer to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any Subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. Owner or Engineer may fumish to any Subcontractor or other person or organization, to the extent practicable, evidence of amounts paid to Contractor on account ofsPecific work done. C. the divisions and sections of the Specifications and the identifications of any Drawings shall not control Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or delineating the Work to be performed by any specific trade. D. All Work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor will be pursuant to an appropriate Agreement between Contractor and the Subcontractor which specifically binds the Subcontractor to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of Owner and Engineer and contains waiver provisions as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor a just share of any insurance moneys received by Contractor on account oflosses under policies issued pursuant to the Contract Documents. E. Conbactor shatl fully cooperate with Owner and such other Contractors or Subcontractors as may be perforrning work or supplylng rnaterials in connection with the Project, and shall carefully fit its work in with that of all such other persons or entities. Contractor shall neither commit nor permit any act which will interfere with the performance of the Pro.iect by any such person or entity. F. Contractor shall promptly pay in full for any and all damages caused to the project site by Conlractor or by any Subcontractor or other person or entity of any nature fumishing materials, equipment, machinery, supplies, labor, skilled services or instruments for whose actions the Contractor is responsible hereunder. 6.05 PATENT FEES AIID ROYALTIES If the Contractor is required or desires to use any design, device, invention, product, materials, or process covered by letters of patent or copyright, it shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or patent owner and shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to said use in performance of the Work or incorporation of the Work. The Contractor and the Surety shall indernniff and hold harmless the Owner and Engineer from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use ofany such patented design, device, invention, product, material, or I I T T I I I t I I I I I t II I l5 t l, I I I I t I 6.06 process or any fadernark or copyright in connection with the Work agreed to be performed under this Contract, and shall indernii/ the Owner and Engineer for any costs, expense and damages, including attorney's fees, which they may be obliged to pay for reason of any such infringement at any time during the prosecution, or after the completion of the Work. PERMITS Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall obtain all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, including but not limited to all inspection charges of agencies having appropriate jurisdiction and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the Work. Owner and Engineer shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all charges of utility service companies for connections to the Work, and Owner shall pay all charges of such companies for capital costs related thercto; provided, however, drat in the event the applicable utility company charges the Owner for connections and capital costs, the Agreement Price shall be reduced by an amount equivalent to the utility's charge for connections to the work,. A copy of all permits and licenses procured by Contractor shall be supplied to Engineer within a reasonable period oftime. LAWS AND REGULATIONS Contractor shall be familiar with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the Work or the material or equipment used in or on the site, or in any way affect the conduct of the Worh including rules and regulations that Owner may promulgate at any time for the safe, orderly and eflicient conduct of all Work on the Project (collectively, 'the applicable regulations"). If Contractor observes that the Specifications or Drawings are at variance therewith, Contractor shall give Engineer prompt wriften notice thereof, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted by an appropriate Modification. The Contractor, at all times, shall observe and comply with all applicable regulations and the Contract Documents, and the Contractor and its Surety shall indernnifo and hold harmless the Owner, the Engineer and their consultants, agents, and employees, against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any applicable regulations, by anyone for whom Contractor is responsible. TAXES A. Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required to be paid by it. B. Owner is exempt fiom Colorado State sales and use taxes. Accordingly, taxes from which Owner is exempt shall not be included in the Agreement Price. Owner shall, upon tequest, fumish Contractor with a copy of its Certificate of Tax Exemption. Contractor and Subcontractors shall apply to the Colorado Department of Revenue, Sales Tax Division, for an Exemption Certificate and purchase the materials tax free. Pursuant to Subsection 39-26- l l (lXaXX[X)(A), C.R.S., Contractor and Subcontractors shall be liable for exempt taxes paid due to failure to apply for Exemption Certificates or for failure to use said Certificates. USE OF PREMISES A. Contractor shall confine construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment and the operations of workmen to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and the requirements of the Contract Documents, 6.O7 t li I I I I I I I I I 6.08 6.09 l6 I During the progress of the Work, Contractor shall keep the prcmises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish and other debris resulting from the Work. At the completion of the Work, Contractor shall remove all waste materials, rubbish and debris from and about the premises as well as all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery, temporary structures, stumps or portioDs of trees and surplus materials, and shall restore to their original condition those portions of the site not designated for alteration by the Contract Documents. Materials cleared from the site and deposited on property adjacent will not be considered as having been disposed of satisfactorily. Contractor shall not load or permit any part ofany structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the stnrcture, nor shall Contractor subject any part ofthe Work or adjacent property to stfesses or pressures that will endanger it. All structures or obstructions found on the site and shown on the Contract Drawings which are not to remain in place, or which are not to be used in the new construction, shall be removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Unless specified in the Bid Proposal, this Work will not be paid for separately but will be included in the price bid for that portion of the Work requiring the removal of the obstruction. All material found on the site or removed therefrom shall remain the property of the Owner unless otherwise indicated. The Contractot with the consent of the Engineer, may use in the proposed construction any stone, sand, or gravel found on the site. The Contractor will not be paid for such excavation unless specifically stated in the Bid Proposal, and it shall replace with other suitable material, without compensation, all of that portion of the material so removed and used. If it was intended by the Engineer and indicated in the Specification that any or all of the material so excavated and used was to have been wasted, then the Contractor will not be required to replace it. The Contractor shall not excavate outside of the proposed slope and grade lines as indicated on the Drawings without prior consent by the Engineer. 6.10 RECORD DOCUMENTS Contractor shall keep one record of all Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, Modifications, Shop Drawings and samples at the site, in good order and annotated, and updated weekly to show all changes made during the construction process. These shall be available to Engineer for examinalion and shall be delivered to Engineer for Owner upon completion of the Work. All changes of drawings from the original drawings shall be neatly marked thereon in brightly contrasting color. 6.T1 SAFETY AND PROTECTION A. Contraclor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in conneclion wilh the Work- Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 1. All employees on the Work or other persons who may be affected thereby; 2. All the Work and all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or offthe site; and 3. Other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for rernoval, relocation or reDlacement in the coune ofconstruction. B.fl I I I I I I t I I t t t I I I I I C. D. E. l7 B. C. D. I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I T The Contractor shall be required to assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of consffuction of the Project, including the safety of all persons who may enter on the job site for any reason and the security of all property located on fte job site. This requirement shall apply at all times during the course of the contract and not only to normal work hours. Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any public body having jurisdiction for the safety ofpersons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss; and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. Contractor shall notiff owners of adjacent property and utilities when prosecution of the Work may affect them. All damage, injury or loss to any property referred to in paragraphs 6.llA.2 or 6.1 lA.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by Contractor (except damage or loss attributable to the fault of Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of Owner or Engineer or anyone employed by either ofthem or anyone for whose acts either of thern may be liable). Contractor's duties and responsibilities for the safety and protection of the Work shall continue until such time as all the Work is completed and final payment has been rnade. Contractor shall designate a responsible mernber of its organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. This person shall be Contractor's superintendent, unless otherwise designated in writing by Contractor to Owner. Contractor has the aflimrative duty of ensuring compliance with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, of designating a representative who is a comp€tent person for purposes of identifuing existing or predictable hazards at the site, of providing required safety instruction for Contractor's Subcontractors and employees, and of immediately taking precautionary measures when necessary and remedying all identifred OSIIA violations. Daily and other inspections of the work site, including of excavations, adjacent areas and protective systems, shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor. Contractor's obligation to indemnifo Owner pursuant to paragraph 5.02D shall include failure of Contractor to effect full compliance with OSHA regulations. E. The Contractor shall at all times conduct the Work in such manner as will incur the least practicable interference with traffic and existing utility systems. No section of any road shall be closed to the public, nor any utility slstem put out of service, except after permission has been granted by the Engineer. Each item of Work shall be prosecuted to completion without delay; and, in no instance, will the Contractor be permined lo transfer its forces from uncompleted Work to new Work without prior written notification of the Contractor to the Engineer. The Contractor shall not open up Work to the prejudice of Work already started. Unless the Contract Documents specifically provide for the closing to traffic of any local road or highway while construction is in progress, such road or highway shall be kept open to all traflic by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also provide and maintain in a safe condition temporary approaches, crossings, or intersections with roads and highways. The Contractor shall bear all expense of maintaining traffrc over the section of road affected by the Work to be done under this Contract, and of constructing and maintaining such approaches, crossing, intersections and any necessary features without direct compensation, except as otherwise provided. The Contractor shall not close any road to the public except by express permission of the appropriate engineering authority. When the road under construction is being used by the traveling public, special attention shall be paid to keeping the subgrade and surfacing in such condition that the public can travel over same in comfort and safety. The Contractor shall l8 I cooperate with the appropriate officials in fte regulation of raffrc. If the Confractor consultcts temporary bridges or temporary stream crossings, its responsibility for accidents shall include the roadway approaches as well as the structures ofsuch crossings, The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain all necessary barricades, signs, danger signals and lights to protect the Work and the safety of the public. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of any and all applicable Traffic Safety Manuals which may be published by a govemmental entity having jurisdiction over the project area. All barricades, sigrs and obsfiuctions erected by the Contractor shall be illuminated at night and all devices for this purpose shall be kept buming from sunset to surnise. The Contractor shall be held responsible for all damage to the Work due to failure of barricades, signs, lights and watcbmen to protect it, and whenever evidence ofsuch damage is found prior to acceptance, the Engineer may order the damaged portion funmediately removed and replaced by the Contractor without cost to the Owner if, in its opinioq such action is justified. The Contractor's responsibility for necessary barricades, sigrs, and lights shall not cease until the Project shall have been accepted. F. The Contractor shall provide and maintain in a neat, sanitary condition such accommodations for the use of its employees as may be necessary to comply with the requirements and regulations of the State Deparunent of Health or of other authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. G. When the use of explosives is necessary for the prosecution of the Work, the Contractor shall use the utmost care so as not to endanger life or property, and whenever directed, the number and size of the charges shall be reduced. The Contractor shall notifu the proper rcpresentatives of any public service corporation, any company, or any individual, at least eight (8) hours in advance of any blasting which may damage its or their property on, along, or adjacent to the site. All explosives shall be stored in a secure manner, and all storage places shall be marked clearly *DANGEROUS EXPLOSIVES," and shall be in care of competent watchmen at all times. 6.12 EMERGENCIES In emergencies affecting the safery or protection of persons or the Work or property at the site or adjacent thereto, Contractor, without special instruction or authorization from Engineer or Owner, is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall give Engineer prompt written Notice of any significant changes in the Work or deviations from the Contract Documents caused thereby. 6.13 PLANS AI\D SHOP DRAWINGS The approved Plans will show details of all structures; lines and gpde of roadways and utility systems, typical cross-sections ofroadways; character of foundation; location and designation of all structures; and the general arangement of circuits and oullets, location of switches, panels and other Work. Drawings and Specifications are complementary each to the other, and what is called for by one shall be as binding as if called for by both. Data presented on Drawings are as accurate as planning can determine, but accuracy is not guaranteed and field verification ofall dimensions, locations. levels. etc. to suit field conditions is directed. Tlre Contractor shall review all structural and mechanical plans and adjust all Work to confirm to all conditions shown therein. The Drawings detailing mechanical systems shall take precedence over all other Drawings. Discrepancies between different Plans, or between Plans and Specifications, or regulations and codes governing the installation, shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer in writing as soon as said discrepancies are noliced. In the event such discrepancies exist and the Engineer is { I t I I I I I I t I I t I I I T I A. B. C. t9 I tj I T t I t I D. not so notified, the Engineer shall reserve the rigbt to exercise sole authority in making final decisions in resolution of such a conflict. It is mutually agreed that all authorized alterations affecting the requirements and information given on the Approved Plans shall be in writing and approved by the Engineer. When at any time reference is made to "The Plans," the interpretations shall be the Ptans as a{Iected by all authorized alterations then in effect' Plans will be supplemented by zuch Shop Drawings to be prepared by Contractor as are necessary to adequately control the Work. After checking and verifuing all field measurements and approving of Shop Drawings' Contractor shall submit to Engineer for review, in accordance with the accepted schedule of Shop Drawings submissions, six (6) copies (unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions) of all Shop Drawings, which shall have been checked by and stamped with the approval of Contractor and identified as Engineer may require. The data shown on the Shop Drawings will be complele with respect to dimensions, design criteria, materials of construction and like information to enable Engineer to review the information as required. At the time of each zubmission, Contractor shall in writing call Engineer's attention to any deviations that the Shop Drawings or samples may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents. Engineer will review with reasonable promptness Shop Drawings and samples, but Engheer's review shall be only for conformance with the desigr concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given in lhe Contract Documents and shall not extend to means, methods, sequences, techniques or procedures of construction or to satisfo precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and approval ofa separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. Contractor shall make any corrections required by Engineer and shall return the required number of corrected copies of Shop Drawings and resubmit new samples for Engineer's review. Contractor shall direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for by Engineer on previous submittals. Contractor's stamp of approval on any Shop Drawings or sample shall constitute a representation to Owner and Engineer that Contractor has either deterrnined and verified all quantities, dimensions, field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, or assumes full responsibility for doing so, and that Confiactor has reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or sample with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. Where a Shop Drawing or sample is required by the Specifications, no related Work shall be commenced until the submittal has been reviewed by Engineer. Ensineer's review of Shop Drawings or samples shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any deviations &om the Contract Documents unless Contraclor has, in writing, called Engineer's attention to such deviation at the time of submission and Engineer has given written concunence and approval to the specific deviation, nor shall any concurrence or approval by Engineer relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings. The cost of furnishing all shop drawings shall be borne by the Contractor. Finished surfaces in all cases shall conform with lines, grade, cross-sections and dimensions shown on the Approved Plans. Any deviations from the Plans and working Drawings, as may be required by the demands of construction, will in all cases be determined by the Engineer and authorized in writing. The Plans and Specifications, and all supplernentary plans and documents, are essential parts of the Contract Documents, and a requirement occurring in one is just as binding as thougb E. F. I I G. H. J. t I I I I T I I T K 20 I occurring in all. They are intended to be cooperative to describe and provide for a complete Work. The Contractor shall not take advantage ofany apparent error or omission in the Plans or Specifications. ln the event the Contractor discovers any apparent conflict, error or discrepancy, it shall immediately call upon the Engineer for its interpretation and Engineer's decision shall be final. Any apparent error or discrcpancy must be resolved before Contractor proceeds with the Work alfected thereby. 6.14 CONSTRUCTION STAKES A. Unless otherwise directed in the Supplementary Conditions, the Contractor will furnish and set construction stakes establishing all lines, grades, and measur€ments necessary for the proper execution of the Work contracted for under these Specifications. The Owner will provide basic horizontal and vertical control. If construction surveys arc provided by the Owner, the Contractor shall request that Owner provide engineering surveys and placement of construction stakes no less than 48 hours prior to the time such service is needed. The Contractor shall satisff Itselfas to the accuracy of all measurements before constructing any permanent structure and shall not take advantage of any errors which may have been made in laying out the Work. The Contractor shall be held responsible for the proper preservation of all marks and stakes. Stakes provided by the Owner, which must be reset after initial placement, will be replaced at Contractor's exp€nse at the current billable rate for a three-person survey crew, unless the stakes were removed or destroyed by causes beyond the Contractor's control. Said cost may be deducted from any funds due the Contractor. 6.15 PRIVATE PROPERTY A]\D EXCAVATION The Contractor shall not enter upon private property for any purpose without first obtaining permission, and it shall be responsible for the preservation of all public and private property, trees, fences, monumelts, underground struchrres, etc., on and adjacent to the site and shall use every precaution necessary to prcvent darnage or injury thereto. It shall protect carefully, from disturbance or damage, all land monuments and property marks until an autborized agent has witnessed or otherwise referenced their location, and shall not remove them until directed. It shall be responsible for all damage or injury to property or any character resulting from any act, omission, neglect or misconducl in its or any Subcontractor's manner, or method of executing said Work, or due to its or any Subcontractor's non-execution of said work, or any time due to Defective Work or materials, and said responsibility shall not be released until the Work has been completed and accepted. The Contractor's attention is directed to the importance of protecting all public utilities encountered on the Project. These may include telephone, telegraph and power lines, water lines, sewer lines, gas lines, railroad tracks and other overhead and underground utilities. Before any excavation is begun in the vicinity of water lines, railroad tracks or structrlres, sewer lines, gas lines, or telephone conduits, each utility company concemed must be notified in advance of such excavation, and such excavation shall not be made until an authorized representative ofthe utility company concemed is on the ground and has designated the location of their facilities. When or where any direct or indireci damage or injury is done to public or private property by or on account of any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the execution of the Work, or in consequence of the non-execution thereof on the part of the Contractor or Subcontractor, Contractor shall restore at its own expense, such property to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done by repairing, rebuilding or otherwise restoring, as may be directed, or it shall make good such damage or injury in an acceptable manner. In case of the failure on the pan of the Contractor to restore such property or to have started action to make good such damage or injury, the Engineer may, upon forty-eight (48) hours' notice, proceed to direct the repair, rebuilding ofor otherwise restore such property as rnay be deemed necessary and the cost thereof will be deducted for any moneys due or which may become due the Contractor under the Contract Documents. Tbe cost of damages due to Contractor's operation or cost of protecting utilities where required to permit construction under these Contract Documents shall be included in the original Contract prices for the Project. rI I I I I I I t I I I t t I t T I t 2l B. I t I I t I t I I I I T I I I T I I I 6.16 Environmental Requirements Any Hazardous Materials at the site as a result of performance of the Work shall be stored in a safe manner according to the approval of the local fire marshal. Contractor shall comply, and take all necessary actions to cause its or its subcontractors performance of the Work to comply with all applicable federal, state and local requirements relating to the site and the Work Contractor is responsible for, and agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend Owner from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and experxes, including reasonable attomey's fees, caused by or related to Contractor's delivery, storage or use of Hazardow Materials in or on the site caused by Contractor's acts or those of Contractor's agents, employees, subcontractors, suppliers, shippers, or invitees which result in violation of any such laws. To the extent Contractor or Contractor's agents, employees, subcontractors, suppliers, shippers, or invitees cause or allow the presence of or places Hazardous Materials in or on the site or surrounding area or violate any such laws, Contractor at its sole cost and expense shall promptly take any and all actions necessary or required to retnm the site to the condition existing prior to zuch placement of the Hazardous Materials including the cost of required subsequent monitoring of such spill; in any such event, Contractor shall be liable for any related claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and experxies, which may include monitoring and testing of the contaminated site, including reasonable attomey's fees, and/or investigating and in complying with any governmental order (federal, state and/or local). PART 7- COORDINATION OFWORK 7.OI OWNER'S RIGHTTO PERFORM Owner may perform additional work related to the Project by itseli or have additional work performed by utility service companies, or let other direct contracts therefor which shall contain General Conditions similar to these. Contractor shall alford the utility service companies and the other contractors who are parties to such direct contracts (or Owner, if Owner is performing the additional work with Owner's employees) reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of malerials and equipment and the execution of Work, and shall properly connect and coordinate its Work with theirs, and shall conduct its operations as to minimize the interference with theirs, as directed by Engineer. 7.02 CONTRACTORTOCOORDINATE A. tf any part of Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work of any such other contractor or utility service company (or Owner), Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to Engineer in writing any patent or apparent defects or deficiencies in such work that render it unsuitable for such proper execution and results. Contractor's failure to so report shall constiflrte an acceptance of the other work as fit and proper for integration with Contractor's Work except for latent or non-apparent defects and deficiencies in the other work. Such acceptance by Contractor shall render it responsible for subsequent correction of any such work. Confactor shall do all cutting, fitting and patching of its Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any project work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and will only cut or alter their work with the written consent of Engineer and the others whose work will be affected. If the performance ofadditional work by other contractors or utility service companies or Owner was not noted in the Contract Documents, written notice thereof shall be given to Contractor C. 22 prior to starting any such additional work. Ifthe performance of such additional work not noted in the Contract Documents causes unavoidable additional expense to Contractor or causes unavoidable delay in the Contractor's prosecution of the Work, Contractor may make a claim therefor as provided in Parts I I and 12 respectively. PART 8- OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.01 OW\ER TO COMMUNICATE THROUGH ENGINEER OR OWIIER'S REPRESENTATIVE Except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, Owner shall issue all communications to Contractor through Engineer or the Owner's Representative. PART 9- STATUS OF ENGINEER DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.01 DUTIES OFENGINEER Engineer will be Owner's Representative during the construction period unless the Owner shall designate in writing another Owner's Representative. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of Owner's Representative during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended without written consent of Owner and Engineer. 9.02 VISITS TO SITE Engineer will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to tbe various stages of construction to observe the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. Engineer will not be required to rnake exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. Engineer's efforts will be directed toward providing for Owner a greater degree ofconfidence that the cornpleted Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on-site observations as an experienced and qualified desigt professional, Engineer will keep Owner informed of the progress of the Work and will endeavor to guard Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work. 9.03 CLARIFICATIONSAIYDINTERPRETATIONS Engineer will issue with reasonable promptness such written clarifications or interpretations of the Contract Documents (in the form of Drawings or otherwise) as Engineer may determine necessary, which shall be consistent with or reasonably inferable from the overall intent of the Contract Documents. 9.04 REJECTING DEFECTIVE WORK Engineer will have authority to disapprove or reject Work which is Defective, and will also have authority to requke special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in paragraph 13.048., whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. 9.05 PROJECTREPRESENTATION Engineer will furnish a Resident Project Representativ€, if required by the Owner, to assist Engineer in obsewing the performance of the Work. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of any such Resident Project Representative and assistants will be as provided inPan22. t ll I I I t t I T I I I t I T I I I I 23 A. B. C. I I I I T I t I t I I I I I I T t I t 9.06 DECISIONS ON DISAGREEMENTS A. Engineer will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the requirernents of the Contract Documents pertaining to the execution and progress of the Work shall be referred initially to Engineer in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph, which Engineer will render in writing within a reasonable time. Written Notice of each such claim, dispute and other matter shall be delivered by the claimant to Engineer and the other party to the Agreement within fifteen (15) days of the occurence of the event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submined to Engineer and the other party within forty-five (45) days of such occrurenco unless Engineer allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data. In its capacity as interpreter and judge, Engineer will not show partiality to Ovmer or Contractor and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith and in accordance with professional standards in zuch capacity. B. Norwithstanding Paragraph E of Part l0 of the Agpement, the rendering of a decision by Engineer pursuant to paragraph 9.06A. with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter (except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance offinal payment as provided in paragraph 14.11) or the determination by Engineer that it shall not render a decision with respect tlereto, will be a condition precedent to any exercise by Owner or Contractor of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or at law in respect ofany such claim, dispute or other matler. 9.O7 LIMITATIONS ON ENGINEER'S AI\D OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES Neither Engineer's nor Owner's authority to act under this Part 9 or elsewhere in the Contract Documents, nor any decision made by Engineer or Owner in good faith either to exercise or nol to exercise such authority, shall give rise to any duty or responsibility of Engineer or Owner to Contractor, any Subcontractor, any manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, or distributor, or any of their agents or employees or any other person performing any of the Work. Whenever in the Contract Documents the terms "as ordered," *as directed," "as required," "as allowed" or terms of like effect or import are used, or the adjectives "reasonable," "suitable," "acceptable," "propel' or "satisfacto4y'' or adjectives of like effect or import are used, to describe tequirement, direction, review or judgrnent of Engineer as to the Work, it is intended that such requirement, direction, review or judgnrent will be solely to evaluate the Work for compliance with the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). The use of any such term or adjective never indicates that Engineer shall have authority to supervise or direct performance of the Work or authority to undertake responsibility contrary to the provisions ofparagraphs 9.07C. or 9.07D. Engineer will not be responsible for Cootractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident thereto, and Engineer will not be responsible for Contraclor's failure !o perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Neither Engineer nor Owner vrill be responsible for the acts or omissions ofConractor or ofany Subcontractors, or of the agents or employees of any Contractor of Subcontractor, or of any other persons at the site or otherwise performing any of the Work. D. 24 t PART 10- CHANGES IN THE WORK rO.Ol OWNER MAY ORDER CHANGES A, Without invalidating the Agreement, Owner may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions, or revisions in the Work; these will be authorized by Field Orders or Change Orders. Upon receipt of a Field Order or Change Order, Contractor shall proceed with the Work involved. All such Work shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. If any Change Order causes an increase or decrease in the Agreement Price or an extension or shortening of the Contract Time, an equitable adjusbnent will be made as provided in Part I I or Part 12 on the basis of a claim made by either pany. B. The Engineer, by Field Order only, may authorize minor changes in the Work which do not require an adjusUnent in the Agreement Price or the Contract Time, and which are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. Only changes authorized by a Change Order or Field Order shall be binding on the Owner. The Contractor shall perform changes authorized by a Field Order in a timely fashion and as specified in the Field Order. I{ notwithstanding this Paragraph 10.01 B., a Field Order causes unavoidable additional expense or unavoidable delay in Contractor's prosecution of the Work, Contractor may make a claim therefor as provided in Part I I or Part 12, respectively. C. Additional Work performed without authorization of a Change Order will not entitle Contractor to an increase in the Agreernent Price or an extension of the Contract Time, except in the case of an emergency as provided in paragraph 6. I 2 . D. If Notice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or change in the Agreement Price is required by the provisions of any Bond to be given to the Swety, it will be Contractor's responsibility to so notiff the Surety, and the amount ofeach applicable Bond shall be adjusted accordingly. Contractor shall fumish proof of such adjustment to Owner. E. If Owner and Contractor are unable to agree to an adjustrnent in the Agreement Price or Contract Time of a Change Order as provided in Parts I I and 12 herein, the Owner may issue the Change Order without an adjustment and the parties may proceed to Dispute Resolution. The Contractor shall promptly perform any such Change Order. Altematively, the Owner reserves the right to perform the Work described in the Change Order directly or to hire other contractor(s) to perform said Work. ln this case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any increase in the Agreement Price, nor to any additional cost or fees, nor to any extension of the Contract Time, and the Contractor shall permit free access to the site by the Ov"ner or any other conffactor engaged by Owner to perform said Work. PART II - CIIANGE OFAGREEMENT PRICE 1I.01 AGREEMENT PRICE CHA}IGED ONLY BY CHANGE ORDER The Agreement Price constitutes the total compensation (subject to authorized adjustrnents by Change Order) payable to Contractor for performing lhe Work. All duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by Contractor shall be at its expense without change in the Agreernent Price. The Agreanent Price may only be changed by a Change Order signed and approved by Contractor and Owner or by a Change Order issued pursuant to paragraph ll.01C. When a I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t A. I B. 25 D. I T I I I I t I T I I t T I I T I t I price for extra or changed Work by way of a Change Order has been issued under paragraph ll.0lC, Contractor and Owner agree that the price set forth in the Change Order shall include the cost of the extra or change, plus any direct, indirect, and impacted costs attributable to the change or extra. ln the event that there is an immediate need for a Change Order involving a change in the Agreement Price, a Cbange Order may be approved by the Owner's Representative and the Engineer, subject to the following conditions: (l) the Owner's Representative must obtain and document the oral approval of one member of the Owner's Board of Directors to the Change Order; (2) the Contractor must approve the Change Order; and (3) the amount of the aggregate value of any Change Orders issued under this immediate need may not exceed, within any 30 day period, $200,000 or five percent (5%) of the Agreement Price, whichever is less. C. I.he Owner, through the Engineer, may request changes to the Agreement for additional worft or in response to claims by Contractor. All Change Order pricing and time extension analysis shall be in accordance with the following: l. The Engineer shall submit to the Contractor a "Request for Proposal" outlining the scope ofwork contemplated for said construction changes. 2. The Contractor shall submit within fourteen (14) days of receipt of a "Request for Proposal" a complete cost and fee and time extension analysis for the proposed change which shall include a. Detailed itemization of materials and labor estimated for said workl b. Detailed itemization from all Subcontractors for their respective labor and materials for said work; c, Copies of quotations from suppliers substantiating all materials and equipment costs; d. Itemization ofoverhead and fees in accordance with Paragraph I 1.03A; e. Any request for Contract Time extension with atl substantiating rationale therefor. Contractor shall be entitled to submit a claim for additional compensation for changes ordered by Owner through a Change Order, if such Change Order does not contain an agreed-upon adjustrnent, and for changes ordered by Engineer through a Field Order, subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents. If the Contractor believes extra compensation is due It for Work or materials not clearly covered in the Contract Documents, or not ordered in writing by the Orner or Engineer, it must, orior to beeinnine the Work on which it bases the claim, submit in writing to the Engineer and the Owner its intention to make a claim for such extra compensation and must afford the Engineer every facility for keeping track of the actual cost of the Work Failure on the part of the Contractor to give such notification or to afford the Engineer proper facilities for keeping strict account ofactual cost shall constitute a waiver of the claim for such extra compensation. The filing of such notice by Contractor and the keeping account ofcosts by the Engineer shall not in any way be construed to provide the validity of the claim. When such Work has been completed, the Contraclor shall within frfteen (15) days file its claim for extra compensation with tle Engineer, including an itemization of all items for which extra competrsation is requested and documentation reasonably satisfactory to Owner. Engineer shall present the claim to Owner with Engineer's recommendations. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order or of any claim for an increase or decrease in the Agreernent Price shall be determined in one of the following ways: E. 26 I )l I 1. On the basis of the estimated Cost of the Work (determined as provided in paragraphs ll.01c.) plus a Contractor's Fee for overhead and prolit (determined as provided in paragraph I 1.03A.); 2. By mutual acceptance of a lump sum. 11.02 COST OFTHEWORK A. The term "Cost of the WorlC' means the sum of all costs necessarily incurred and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. Except as otherwise may be agreed to in writing by Owner, such costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of ttre Project, and shall include only the following items, and shall not include any of the costs itemized in paragraph I 1.02B. Whenever the cost of any work is to be determined pursuant to paragraphs ll.02A. and 11.028., Contsactor will submit in form acceptable to Engineer an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data: l. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of Contractor in the performance of the Work under schedules of job classifications agreed upon by Owner and Contractor. Payroll cost for employees not employed full time on the Work shall be apportioned on the basis of tlreir time spent on the Work Payroll costs shall include, but not be limiled to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise and payroll taxes, and workers' or workmen's compensation. Such employees shall include superintendents and foremen at the site. The expenses of performing Work after regular working hours, on Sunday or legal holidays, shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by Owner. 2. Cost of all materials and equipment fumished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and manufacturers' field services required in connection therewith. All cash discounts shall accrue to Contractor unless Owner deposits funds with Contractor with which to make payments, in which case the cash discouts shall accrue lo Owner. All trade discounts, rebates and refunds, and all retums from sale of surplus materials and equipment shall accrue to Owner, and Contractor shall make provisions so that they may be obtained' 3. Payments made by Contractor to the Subcontractors for Work performed by Subcontractors. If required by Owner, Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from Subcontractors acceptable to Contractor and shall deliver such bids to Owner who will then determine, with the advice of Engineer, which bids will be accepted. If a subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work shall be determined in the same mannet as Contractor's Cost of the Work. All Subcontractors shall be subject to the other provisions of the Contract Documents insofar as applicable. 4. Costs of special consultants (including, but not limited to, engineers, architects, testing laboratories, surveyors, lawyers and accountants) employed or services specifically related to the Work. 5. Supplemental costs include the following: I I I l I I I I I I I I t T I t 27 b. d. I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, and hand tools not owned by the workmen, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost less market value of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of Contractor. Rentals of all constuction equipment and machinery and the parts thereof, whether rented Aom Contractor or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by Owner with the advice of Engineer, and tbe costs of transportation, loading' unloading, installation, dismantling and removal thereof - all in accordance with temrs of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, rnachinery or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for the Work' Any sales, use or similar taxes related to the Wodg and for which Contractor is liable, imposed by any govemmental authority. Deposits lost for causes other than Contractor's negligence, royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses. Losses and damages (and related expenses), not compensated by insurance or otherwise, to the Work or otherwise sustained by Contractor or in connection with the execution of the Work, provided they have resulted from causes other than the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any ofthem may be liable. Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of Owner' No such losses, damages and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining Contractor's Fee. If, however, any such loss or damage requires reconstruction and Contractor is placed in charge thereof,, Contractor shall be paid for services a fee proportionate to that stated in paragraph I l-03A. Cost of premiums for additional Bonds and insurance required because of changes in the Work. C. The proportion of necessary transportation, travel and subsistence expenses of Contractor's employees incuned in discharge of duties cormected with the Work' h. The cost ofutilities, fuel and sanitary facilities at the site. i. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calls, telephone service at the site and similar petty cash items in cormection with the Work. B. The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of ihe following: I Payroll costs and other compensation of Confiactor's offtcers, executives, principals (of partnerships and sole proprietorships), general managers, engineers, architects, estimators, lawyers, auditors, accounlants, purchasing and contracting agents, expediters, timekeepers, clerks and other personnel employed by Contractor whether at the site or in its principal or a branch offce for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in lhe agreed upon schedule ofjob classifications referred to in subparagraph I t.02l\.1. - all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the Contractor's Fee' 2. Expenses of Contractor's principal and branch offrces other than Confactor's oflice at the site. 28 3. Any part of Contractor's capital expenses, including interest on Contractor's capital ernployed for the Work and charges against Contractor for delinquent payments. 4. Cost ofpremiums for all Bonds and for all insurance whether or not Contractor is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain the same (except for additional Bonds and insurance required because of changes in the Work). 5. Costs due to the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly ernployed by any of them or for whose acts any of thern may be liable, including but not limited to, the correction of Defective Worlq disposal of materials or equipment wrongly supplied and making good any damage to property. 6. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind and the costs of any item not specifically and expressly included in paragraph I 1.02A. II.O3 CONTRACTOR'S FEE I )l I I 11.04 PART 12 - 12.01 A. The Contractor's Fee allowed to Contractor for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: l. A fee based on the following percentages of the various portions ofthe Cost ofthe Work: a. For costs incurred under paragraphs I I .02A.1. and I 1.02A.2., the Contractor's Fee shall be ten percent (10%); and b. For costs incurred under paragraph 11.02A.3., the Contactor's Fee shall be five percent (5%); and if a subcontract is on the basis of Cost of the Work Plus a Fee, the maximum allowable to the Subcontractor as a fee for overhead and profit shall be ten percent (10%) as set forth in Paragraph I1.03A.1.a.; and c. No fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under paragraphs 11.02A.4., I1.02A.5., and I1.028. B. The amount of credit to be allowed by Contractor to Owner for any such change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount of the actual net decrease. When both additions and credits are involved in any one change, the combined fee shall be figured on the basis of the net increase, ifany. ADJUSTMENT OFTHE UNIT PRICE Where the quanlity of Work with respect to any item that is covered by a unit price differs materially and sigrificantly from the quantity of such Work indicated in the Contract Documents, an appropriate Change Order shall be issued on recommendation of Engineer to adjust the unit price. CONTRACT TIME AI{D CHAI\GES DETERMINATION AND EXTENSION OFCONTRACT TIME The Contractor shall perform fully, entirely, and in a satisfactory and acceptable manner the Work contracted within the number of calendar days stipulated in the Agreement. Time will be assessed against the Contractor in accordance with the Notice to Proceed. If the Contractor does not begin the Work within the limit designated in the Notice to Proceed, the calendar days shall start on the first t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 29 I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I T I t I PART 13 - 13.01 calendar day after the last permissible starting date as set forth in the Notice to Proceed. lf the satisfactory execution and completion of the Work shall require Work or materials in greater amounts or quantities than those set forth in the Contract Documents, then the Contract Time may be increased as negotiated between Confractor and Engineer and accepted by Owner as set forth in a Change Order. No allowances will be made for delays or suspensions of the prosecution of the Work due to the fault of the Contractor. 12.02 CONTRACT TIME CIIANGED ONLYBY CIIANGE ORDER A. The Contract Time may be changed only by a Change Order. If Contractor desires to make a claim for an extension in the Contract Tine, it shall give immediate verbal notification to Engineer followed by written notice delivered to Owner and Engineer within five (5) days of the occurence of the event giving rise to the Claim. Notice of the extent of the claim with supporting daa shall be delivered within fifteen (15) days of such occurrence, unless Engineer allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data. All claims for adjustnent in the Contract Time shall be determined by Engineer if Owner and Contractor cannot otherwise agree. Any change in the Contract Time resulting from any such claim shall be incorporated in a Change Order. tn the event that there is an immediate need for a Change Order involving a change in the Contract Time, a Change Order may be approved by the Owner's Representative and the Engineer, zubject to the following conditions: (1) the Owner's Representative must obtain and document the oral approval ofone member of the Owner's Board of Directors to the Change Order; (2) the Contractor must approve the Change Order; and (3) the aggregate amount of the time extensions of any Change Orders issued under this paragraph 12.024.2 may not exceed, within any thirty (30) day period, ten ( l0) days. B. Where, due to delays beyond the control of Contractor which cause unavoidable delay to the Contractor's prosecution of the Work, Contractor is prevented from completing any part of the Work within the Contract Time or within scheduled milestones, Contractor shall be entitled to request an extension of time equal to the time unavoidably lost if Contractor makes a claim therefor as provided in paragraph 12.01 . Such delays may be caused by acts or omissions of the Owner or others performing Work as contemplated by Part 7 , or to fires, floods, labor disputes, epidemics, acts of God, or to abnormally inclement weather condilions. Weather conditions shall only be considered abnormally inclement if there was greater than normal inclement weather considering the term of the contract and the latest ten-year average of accumulated record mean values from data compiled by the U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atrnospheric Administration for the locale of the Work. C. All the time limits stated in the Contract Documents are of the essence of the Agreement. The provisions of this Part 12 shall not exclude recovery firr darnages (including compensation for additional professional services) for delay by either party. WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE: TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK WARRANTY AND GUARAI\TEE Contractor warrants and guarantees to Owner and Engineer that, without exception, all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be Defective. Four (4) copies of all manufacturer's guaranties or certificates that are required by the Contract Documents shall be submitted to Owner through Engineer prior to acceptance of the Work. No exceptions to Confact Documents and guarantee or warranty requirements are permitted. Prompt notice of all defects shall be given to Contractor. All Defective Work, whether or not in place, may be rejected, corrected or accepted as provided in this Part 13. 30 I )l 13.02 ACCESS TO WORK Engingsl and Engineer's representatives, other representatives of Ovmer, testing agencies and govemmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspection and testing. Contractor shall provide proper and safe conditions for such access. 13.03 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS Contractor shall give Engineer timely Notice of Readiness of the Work for all required inspections, tests or approvals. If any law, ordinance, rule, regulation, code, or order of any public body having jurisdiction requires any Work (or part thcreof) specifically to be inspected, tested or approved, Contractor shall assume full responsibility therefor, pay all costs in connection therewith and fumish Engineer the required certificates of inspection, testing or approval. Contractor shall also be responsible for and shall pay all costs in connection with Owner's or Engineer's acceptance ofa manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor of materials or equipment proposed to be incorporated in the Work, or of materials or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work. The cost of all other inspections, tests and approvals requircd by the Contract Documents shall be paid by Owner (unless otherwise specified), except that the cost of re-testing of materials and equipment as a direct result ofa failure to pass a specified test shall be paid by Contractor. All inspections, tests or approvals other than those required by law, ordinance, nrle, regulation, code or order of any public body having jurisdiction shall be performed by organizations acceplable to Owner and Contractor (or by Engineer, if so specified). Ifany Work that is to be inspected, tested or approved is covered without written concurrence of Engineer, it must, if requested by Engineer, be uncovered for observation. Such uncovering shall be at Contractor's expense unless Contractor has given Engineer timely Notice of Contractor's intention to cover such Work and Engineer has not acted with reasonable promptness in response to such notice. Neither observations by Engineer or inspections, tests or approvals by others shall relieve Conlractor from its obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. F. Any Work outside the normal five (5) day, forty (40) hour week may require that the Resident Project Representative be on the job. All inspection so required shall be done at the Conractor's expense at Resident Project Representative's current billable rates and the cost thereof shall be deducted from any funds due Contractor. The Contractor shall noti$ the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of starting any such overtime Work. 13.04 T]NCOVERING WORK A. Pursuant to Section 13.03D hereof, if any Work is covered contrary to the written request of Engineer, it must, if requested by Engineer, be uncovered for Engineer's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. I I I I t I I I I t I I t I t I T A. B. C. D. E. 3l I J I I I I I I I I I I B. If Engineer considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by Engineer or inspected or tested by others, Engineer shall issue a Field Order so directing and Contractor shall thereupon uncover, expose or otherwise make available for observation, inspection or testing as Engineer may require, that portion of the Work in question, furnishing all necessary labor, material and equipment If it is found that such Work is Defective, Contractor shall bear all the expenses of such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection and testing and of satisfactory conection or reconstruction of the Defective work, including, for all of the foregoing tasks, compensation for additional professional services. Contractor shall not request payment for, nor shall Contractor be entitled to, compensation for such expenses. If the Work is found not to be Defective, Conractor shall be allowed an increase in the Agreernent Price or an extension of the Contract Time, or both, for any expense or delay directly arnibutable to such uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, testing and reconstruction, provided that Contractor submits a verified claim as provided in Parts ll and 12 within twenty (20) days of performing any such tasks. 13.05 OW\ER MAY STOPTHE WORK If the Work is Defective, or Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled workmen or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way that the completed work will conforrn to the Contract Documents, Owner may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of Owner to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor or any other party. 13.06 CORRECTION OR REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AI\ID UNAUTTIORIZED WORK If required by Engineer, Contractor shall promptly, without cost to Owner and as specified by Engineer, either correct any Defective Work, whether or not fabricated, installed or completed; or, if the Work has been rejected by Engineer, remove it from the sile and replace it with non-Defective Work. Work done without lines and grades having been given, Work done beyond the lines and grades shown on the Plans, or as given, except as herein provided, Work done without proper inspection, or any extra or unclassified Work done without written authority and prior agreement in writing as to prices, will be done at the Contractor's risk and will be considered unauthorized and, at the option of the Engineer, may not be measured and paid for, and may be ordered removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. 13.07 TWO-YEAR CORRECTION PERIOD If within two (2) years after the date of final payment or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law, or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee requied by the Contract Documents, or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents (unless establishment ofa shorter correction period is made by Addendum), any Work is found to be Defective, Contmctor sball promptly, without cost to Owner and in accordance with Owner's written instructions within seven (7) days after Owner's issuance of written instruclions, correct the Defective Work at Contractor's cost. If Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, Owner may have the Defective Work corrected or the rejected Work removed and replaced, and all direct and indirect costs of such removal and replacement, including compensation for additional professional services, shall be paid by Contractor. Contractor shall also pay for any damage done to other work, other property or persons which occurred as a result of tbe Defective Work within the correction period. t I I I l I I 32 I 13.08 ACCEPTAIICE OF DEFECTIVE WORK If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of Defective Work, Owner prefers to accept it, Owner may do so. In such case, if acceptance occurs prior to Engineer's recommendation of final payment, a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents, including appropriate reduction in the Agreemant Price; or, if the acceptance occurs after such recommendation, an appropriate amount shall be paid by Contractor to Owner. 13.09 OWNER MAY CORRECT DEFECTTVE WORK If Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written Notice of Engineer to proceed to correct and to correct Defective Work or to remove and replace rcjected Work as required by Engineer in accordance with paragraph 13.06 or in accordance with paragraph 13.07, or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Conract Documents (including any requirements of the progress schedule), Owner man after seven (7) days' written notice to Contractor, correct and renedy any such deficiency. tn exercising its rights under this paragraph, Owner shall proceed expeditiously. To the extent necessary to complete corrective and remedial action, Owner may exclude Contractor from all or part of the site, take possession of all or part of the Work, and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, take possession of Contractor's tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery at the site, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow Owner, Owner's Representatives, agents and employees such access to the site as may be necessary to enable Owner to exercise its rights under this paragrapb. All direct and indirect costs of Owner in exercising such rights shall be charged against Contractor in an amount verified by Engineer, and a Change Order shall be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents and a reduction in the Agreement Price. Such direct and indirect costs shall include, in particular but without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required and all costs of repair and replaoement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal or replacement of Contractor's DeGctive Work. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in performance of the Work attributable to lhe exercis€ by Owner of Owner's rights hereunder. PART 14 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, SCHEDULE OF VALUES, PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTORS AND COMPLETION 14.01 SCHEDULES A. Within ten (10) days after issuance of tbe Notice to Proceed and at least ten days prior to submitting the first application for a progress payment, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to Owner the progress schedule lising all Work tasks required, duration of tasks, sequence of Work, and sigrrificant milestone events; a schedule for Shop Drawing submission; and a schedule of values. These schedules shall be salisfactory in form and substance to th€ Owner and 0re Engineer, and shall employ the CPM or PERT method if so directed in the Supplementary Conditions. The progress schedule shall be an accurate reflection of the Work to be performed by Contractor. The progress schedule shall be subject to the review and concurrence of Owner, but Owner's concwrence shall not constitute any guarantee or warranty by Owner that the Work can be performed as scheduled. Notwithstanding Owner's review and concunence of the progress schedule, Contractor shall be paid only according to its completion of the schedule of values, as set forth herein, and not according to the progress schedule. The Contractor shall revise the progress schedule if so requested by Owner. B. The schedule of values shall indicate quantities and unit prices aggregating the Agreement Price, and shall subdivide the Work into component parts in sulficient detail to serve as the basis for progress payments during construction. Upon acceptance of the schedule of values by Engineer ,l I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I I JJ I I I I I I t I and Owner, the schedule shall be incorporated into the form for Application for Partial Payment and such form shall be subject to Engineer's and Owner's reasonable approval. The Contractor shall revise the schedule of values if requested by Owner. The Contractor may include on its Application for Partial Paymen! payment for materials stored at the construction site, provided that title to such materials will pass to the Owner at the time of payment free and clear of all claims, security interests and encumbrances. 14.02 APPLICATION FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS A. At least ten (10) days before each progress payment falls due (but not more often than once a month), Contractor shall submit to Engineer for review an Application for Partial Payment completed and signed by Confiactor covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents, and also as Engineer may reasonably require. Each subsequent Application for Partial Payment shall include an affidavit of Contractor stating that all previous progress payments received on account of the Work have been applied to discharge in full all of Confactor's obligations reflected in prior Applicalions for Partial Payment. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as stipulated in the Agreemeflt. B. The determination of quantities of Work acceptably completed under the terms of the Contract Documents will be made by the Engineer and based on measurements taken by it or its assistants. These measurements will be taken according to the United States standard measure. All surface and linear measurements will be taken horizontally unless otherwise shown on Plans or specified. Structures shall be measured as shown on the Plans. When base course, topsoil, surface course, or any materials are measured by the cubic yard in the vehicle, such measurement shall be taken at the point of delivery. The capacity of all vehicles shall be plainly marked on said vehicle, and the capacity or marking shall not be changed without permission of the Engineer. The Engineer may require all vehicles to have uniform capacity. C. tgo progress payment, excepl final payment, will be made for a sum of less than $1,000.00. The estimates will be approximate only, and all partial or monthly estimates and payments shall be subject to correction in the estimate rendered firllowing discovery of an error in any previotts estimates. Should any Defective Work or material be discovered, or should a reasonable doubt arise as to the integrity of any part of the Work completed previous to the final payment, there will be deducted from the first estimate rendered after the discovery of such Work, an amount equal in value to the Defective or questioned Work, and this Work will not be included in a subsequent estimate until the defects have been remedied or the causes for doubt removed. 14.03 CONTRACTOR'S WARRAI{TY OF TITLE Contractor wanants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to Owner at the time of payment free and clear of all claims, security interests and encumbrances (hereafter in these General Conditions referred to as "Claims1. 14.04 REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT A. Engineer will, within ten (10) days after receipt of each Application for Partial Payment, either indicate in writing a recommendation of payment and present the Application to Owner, or rehtm the Application to Contractor indicating in writing Engineer's reasons for refusing to recommend payment. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. The Owner shall pay Contractor within forty-five (45) days of Owner's approval ofthe Application for Partial Pa1'rnent. t ll I I I I I T I I I 34 I Engineer's recommendation of any paynent requested 1o a1 Ap,plication for Partial Paynent will constitute a representation by Eneineer to Owner, based on Engineer's on-site observations of the Work in progress as an experienced and qualified desip professional and on Engineer's review of the Application for Partial Pa),ment and the accompanying data and schedules, that the Work has progressed to the point indicated, and that, to the best of Engineer's knowledge, information, and belief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning Project upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contact Documents and any qualifications stated in the recommendation). However, by recommending any zuch payrnent, Engineer will not thereby be deemed to have represented that exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Worlq or that the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction have been reviewed or that any examination has been made to ascertain how or for what purpose Contractor has used the moneys paid or to be paid lo Contractor on account of the Agreement Price, or that title to any Work, materials or equipment has passed to Owner free and clear of any Claims. Engineer may refiue to recommend, and the Owner may refuse to pay, the whole or any part of any payment if, in their opinion, it would be incorrect to make such payment. They may also refuse to recommend to make any such payrnent, or because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests, nulli$ any such payment previously recommended, to such extent as may be necessary in Engineer's or Owner's opinion to protect Owner from loss because: 1. The Work is Defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement; 2. Written Claims have been rnade against Ovmer or Claims have been filed in connection with the Work; 3. The Agreement Price has been reduced because ofModifications; 4. Owner has been required to correct Defective work or complete the Work in accordance with paragraph 13.09; 5. Of Contractor's unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents: or 6. Of Con8actor's failure to make payment to Subcontractors for labor, materials or equipment. D. ar,y time Engineer recommends the Owner pay any payment requested in an Application for Partial Payment, Engineer shall also confirm that all Worh material and equipment covered by such Application for Payment will be adequately insured after title to the same passes to the Owner pursuant to paragraph 14.03. 14.05 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION When Contractor considers the entire Work ready for its intended use, Contractor shall, in writing to Owner and Engineer, certiff that the entire Work is substantially complete and request that Engineer issue a Ceflificate of Substantial Completion. Within a reasonable time thereafter, Owner, Contractor, and Engineer shall make an inspection of the Work to determine the status of completion, If Engineer does not consider the Work substantially complete, Engineer will notifo Contractor in \ilriting giving its reasons therefor. If Engineer considers the Work substantially complete, Engineer B.ll I I t I I I I I I I t I I t I i I I C. 35 I t I I I I t T I I I T I T I t I t I will prepare and deliver to Owner a Certificate of Substantial Completion. There shall be attached to tlre Certificate a punchlist of items to be completed or conected before Project completion and final payment. 14.06 PARTIALUTILIZATION A. Use by Owner of completed portions of the Work may be accomplished prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work zubject to the following: 1. Owner at any time may request Contractor in writing to permit Owner to use any part of the Work which Owner believes to be substantially complete, and which may be so used without significant interference with construction of the other parts of the Work If Contractor agrees, Contractor rvill certiS to Owner and Engineer that said part of the Work is substantially complete. Within a reasonable time thereafter, Owner, Contractor and Engineer shall make an inspection of that part of the Work to determine its status of completion. Prior to Owner's use, Eogineer will deliver to Ov"ner and Contractor a written recommendation as to the division of responsibilities pending final payment betweeo Owner and Contractor with respect to security, operation, safety, maintenance, utilities, insurance and correction periods for that part of the Work which is binding upon Owner and Contractor as to that part of the Worlc, unless Owner and Contractor shall have otherwise agreed in writing or shall object to the Engineer in writing within fifteen (15) days of receiving Engineer's recommendations. Owner sball have the right to exclude Contractor from any part of the Work which Owner uses, but Owner shall allow Contractor reasonable access to complete or correct items on the tentative list. 2. In lieu of the provisions of paragraph 14.06A.1., Owner may take over operation of a facility constituting part of the Work whether or not it is substantially complete, if such facility is functionally and separately useable; provided that prior to any such takeover, Owner and Contractor have agreed as to the division of responsibilities between Owner and Contractor for security, operation, safety, maintenance, correction period, heat, utilities and insurance with respect to such facility. 3. No occupancy of part of the Work or taking over of operations of a facility will be accomplished prior to acknowledgment from the insurers providing the property insurance on the Work that notice of such occupancy has been received and that said insurers, in writing, have effected the changes in coverage necessitated thereby. The insurers providing the property insurance shall consent to such use or occupancy by endorsement on the policy or policies, but the property insurance shall not be canceled or lapse on account ofany such partial use or occupancy. 14.07 FINAL INSPECTTON Upon written notice from Contractor that the Work is complete and that all items on the punch list have been completed, Engineer will make a final inspection with Owner and Contractor and will noti$/ Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the Work is incomplete or Defective. Conlractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to remedy such deficiencies. 14.08 FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT After Contractor has cornpleted all such corrections to the satisfaction of Engineer and delivered all mainlenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, Bonds, certificates of inspection, marked-up record documents and other documents - all as required by the Contract Documents; and afler Engineer has indicated that the Work is acceptable (subject to the provisions of paragraph l4.ll), Contractor may make application for final payment following the procedure for progress 36 payments. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied by all documentation called for in the Contract Documents and such other dala and schedules as Engineer may reasonably require, including, at Owner's option, complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to Owner) of all Claims arising out of or filed in connection with the Work. In lieu thereof and as approved by Owner, Contractor may fumish receipts or releases in full; an affidavit of Contractor that the releases and receipts include all labor, services, material and equipment for which a Claim could be filed, and that all payrolls, material and equipment bills, and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which Owner or its property might in any way be responsible, have been paid or otherwise satisfied; and consent of the Surety, if any, to final payment. If any Subcontractor, manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor fails to furnish a release or receipt in full, Contractor may furnish a Bond or other collateral satisfactory to Owner lo hdemnify Owner against any Clairn. 14.09 FINAL PAYMENT AIID ACCEPIAIICD A. If, on the basis of Engineer's observation of the Work during construction and final inspection and Engineer's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation - all as required by the Contract Documents, Engineer is satisfied that the Work has been completed and Contractor has fulfilled all of its obligations under the Contract Documents, Engineer will, within ten (10) days after receip of the final Application for Payment, indicate in writing its recommendation of payment and present the Application to Owner for payment. Thereupon Engineer will give writlen notice to Owner and Contractor that the Work is acceptable subject to the provisions of paragraph l4.ll (such written notice hereinafter refened to as a Notice of Acceptability). Otherwise, Engineer will return the Application to Contractor, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to recommend final payment; in which case, Contractor shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. If the Application and accompanying documentation are appropriate as to fomr and substance, and acceptable to Owner, Owner shall, within thirty (30) days thereo{, cause publication to commence of Notice of Final Settlement, in accordance with stafutory requirements applicable to Owner. In the event no claims are made against Contractor in response to said publication, Owner shall pay Contractor the amount of frnal payment recommended by the Engineer in accordance with the Notice of Final Settternent. In the event any claim is made against Contractor, Owner may withhold up to twice the amount of any asserted claim against Contractor until sajd claim has been resolved, togelher with other amounts permitted by the Agreement and Part 18 hereof; however, Owner shall pay Contractor the balance ofthe final payment net of the withheld amount. B. If, through no fault of Contractor, final completion of the Work is significantly delayed, and if Engineer so confirms, Owner shall, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for Payment and recommendation of Engineer and without terminating the Agreement, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the rernaining balance to be held by Owner for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in the Agreement, and if Bonds have been fi.rmished, the written consent of the Surety to the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to Engineer with the Application for such payment. Payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of claims. 14.10 CONTRACTOR'S CONTINUING OBLIGATION A. The Contract Documents will be considered complete when all Work has been finished, the final inspection made and the Work finally accepted by the Engineer, all claims for payment of labor, maierials, or services of any kind used in connection with the Work have been settled by the Contractor or its Surety, and final payment has been made by Owner. The Surety Bond executed for performance of the Contract Documents shall be in full effect for a period equal to the warranty correction period following the &te of final payment. I I I I t I t I I I I I t I I t I I I 37 I t, A. B. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t B. Notwitbstanding the provision of paragraph 14.10A., Contractor's obligation to perfonn and complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be absolute. Neither recommendation of any progress or final payment by Engineer, nor the issuance ofa Certificate of Substantial Completion, nor any payment by Owner to Contractor under the Contract Documents, nor any use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof by Owner, nor any act of acceptance by Owner nor any failure to do so, nor the issuance ofa Notice of Acceptability by Engineer pursuant to paragraph 14.09A., nor any correction of Defective Work by Owner, shall constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents ol a release of Contractor's obligation to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 14.II WAIVEROFCLAIMS The making and acceptance offinal payment shall constitute: A waiver of all claims by Owner against Contractor, except claims arising from unsettled claims, from Defective Work appearing from final inspection pursuant to paragraph 14.07, or from failure to cornply with the Contract Documents or the terms of any guarantee or warranty specified therein; however, it shall not constitute a waiver by Owner of any rigbts in respect of Contractor's continuing obligations under the Contract Documents; and A waiver of all claims by Contractor against Owner other than those previously made in writing and identified by the Confactor as unsettled at the time of the Final Application for Payment. PART 15 - SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.01 ENGINEEROROWNERMAY SUSPENDWORK A. .fhe Engineer, in consultation with Owner when time permits, shall have the authority to immediately suspend the Work wholly or in part because of unfavorable weather or other essential conditions, or because of the failure on the part ofthe Contractor properly to prosecute the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, to carry out orders or to remove Defective material or Work. The Conbactor shall not suspend the Work without written authority from Owner or Engineer. Prior to resuming Work, ConFactor shall give the Engineer adequale notice to afford opportunity to reestablish observation and inspection of Work being performed. B. In the event Contractor is ordered by the Engineer, in writing, to suspend Work for some unforeseen cause not provided for in the Specifications, and over which the Contractor has no control, the Conlractor may be reimbursed for actual money expended on the job during the period of suspension. No allowance will be made for anticipated profits. The period of suspension shall be computed from the date set out in the written order for Work to cease until the date of the order for Work to resume. Claims for such compansation shall be filed with the Engineer within ten (10) days after date of the order lo resume Work, or such claims will not be considered. The Contractor shall submit with its claims, substantiating documents covering the enlire amount shown on the claim. After receiving relevant information from the Engineer, the Owner shall take the claim under consideration, and may make such investigations as are deemed necessary, and shall be the sole judge as to whether such claim is equitable and such decision shall be final. No provision of this Article shall be construed as entitling the Contractor to compensation for delays due to inclement weather, delays due to failure of surety, for suspensions made at the request of the Contractor, or for any other delay provided for in the Specifications. 38 C. Owner may, at any time suspend the Work or any portion thereof without cause for a period of not more than ninety (90) days by notice in writing to Contractor and Engineer which shall fix the date on which Work shall be resumed. Contractor shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. Contractor will be allowed an increase in the Agreement Price or an extension of the Conbact Time, or both, directly attributable to any suspension if it makes a claim therefor as provided in Parts I I and 12. 15.02 OWI{ER MAY TERJVIINATB A. Upon the occurrence of any one or more of the following events, Owner may terminate the Agreement if; 1. Contactor is adjudged bankrupt or insolvent, 2. Conhactor makes a general assignment for the benefit ofcreditors, 3. A trustee or receiver is appointed for Contractor or for any ofContractor's property, 4. Contractor files a petition to take advantage ofany debtor's act, or to reorganize under the bankruPtcY or similar laws, 5. Contractor repeatedly fails to supply sulficient skilled workmen or suitable rnaterials or equipmenl, 6. Contractor repeatedly fails to make prompt payments to Subcontractors for labor, materials or equipment, 7. Contractor disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public body having jurisdiction, 8. Contractor disregards the authority ofEngineer, 9. Contractor fails to start the Work on the date given in the Notice to Proceed, 10. Substantial evidence that progress being made by the Contractor is insufficient to complete the Work within the sPecified time, 11. Contractor deliberately fails to observe any requirement of the Contract Documents, 12. Conractor fails promptly to make good any defects in materials or Work or any defects of any other nature, the correction of which has been directed in writing by the Engineer, 13. Contractor fails to remedy any default under the Contract Documents within seven (7) days ofreceipt ofNotice ofsuch default from Owner, or 14. Contractor otherwise violates in any substantial way any provisions of the Contract Documents. B. Before the Agreement is terminated, the Contractor and its Surety will frst be notified in writing by the Engineer of the conditions which make termination of the Agreement imminent. Seven I )l I I t t I I t 1 I I I T I I I I t 39 I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I t l: (7) days after this is given, if a satisfactory effort has not been made by the Contractor or its Surety to corect the conditions, the Owner may declare the Agreement terrninated and notiff the Contractor and its Surety accordingly. Upon receipt of notice from the Owner that the Agreement has been terminated, the Conhactor shall immediately discontinue all operations' The Owner may then proceed wittr the Work in any lawfirl manner that it may elect until it is finally completed. Owner may exclude Contractor from the site and take possession of the Work and all Contractor's tools, appliances, construction equipnent and machinery at the site and use the same to the full extent they could be used by ConFactor (without liability to Contractor for trespass or conversion), incorporate h the Work all materials and equipment stored at the site or for which Owner has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as Owner may deem expedient. In such case, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is fmished. If the unpaid balance of the Agreement Price exceeds the direct and indirect costs of completing the Work, including compensation for additional professional services, including but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects, and attorneys and any court or arbitration costs, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If zuch costs exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shall pay the difference to Owner. Such costs incurr€d by Owner shall be verified by Engineer and incorporated in a Change Order, but in finishing the Work, Owner shall not be required to obtain the lortest figure for the Work performed. C. Where Contractor's services have been so terminated by Owner, the termination shall not affect any rights of Owner against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of rnoneys due Contractor by Owner will not release Conbactor from liability. D. Upon seven (7) days' written notice to Contractor and Engineer, Owner may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, elect to abandon the Work and terminate the Agreement. In such case, Contractor shall be paid for all Work executed and any expense sustained plus reasonable termination expenses. 15.03 CONTRACTOR MAY STOP WORKOR TERMINATE If, ttrough no act or fault of Contractor, the Work is suspended for a period of more than ninety (90) days by Owner or under an order of court or other public authority, or Engineer fails to act on any Application for Partial Payment within thirty (30) days after it is submitted, or Owner fails for forty- five (45) days to pay Contractor any sum finally determined to be due, then Contmctor may, upon seven (7) days' written notice to Owner and Engineer, terminate the Agreemant and recover from Owner payment for all work executed and any expense sustained plus reasonable termination expenses. In addition and in lieu of terminating the Agteement, if Engineer has failed to act on an Application for Payment or Owner has failed to make any payment as aforesaid, Contractor may upon seven (7) days' written notice to Owner and Engineer stop the Work until paymeni of all amounts then due. The provisions of this paragraph shall not relieve Contractor of its obligations under paragraph 2l.01C. to carry on the Work in accordance with the progress schedule and without delay during disputes and disagreements with Owner. 15.04 OWNER MAY TERMINATE FOR CONVENIENCE A. The Owner may terminate the performance of Work under the Contract Documents in accordance with this section without cause, and in the Owner's sole and absolute discretion. Such termination may be in whole, or fiom time to time in part. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery ofa written Notice ofTerrnination to the Contractor specifoing the extent to which performance of Work under the Contract is terminated and the date upon which termination becomes effective. 40 B. After receipt of a Notice of Temrination, and except as otherwise directed by the Owner, the Contactor shall: l. Stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination. I I I I IPlace no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities except as necessary to complete the portion of the work under the contract Documents which is not terminated. Terrninate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of Work terminated by the Notice of Termination. Assign to the Owner, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Ou,lrer, all of the right, title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontmcts so terminated. The Owner shall have the right, h its discretion, to settle or pay any or all clairns arising out ofthe termination ofsuch orders and subcontracts. Settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out ofsuch termination of orden and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of the Owner to the extent it may require. Its approval or ratification shall be final for all purposes ofthis clause. Transfer to the Owner, and deliver in this manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Owner: a. The fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in process, completed Work, supplies, and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance o{ the Work terminated by the Notice of Termination; and b. The completed or partially completed Plans, drawings, infomration, and other I property which, if the Prqiect had been completed would have been required to be - fumished to the Owner. 7. Use its best efforts to sell, in the rnanner, at the times, to the extent, and at the price or prices that the Owner directs or authorizes, any property of the types referred to above in Paragraph 15.04B.6., but the Contractor: a. Shall not be required to extend credit to any purchaser; and b. May acquire any such property under tle conditions prescribed and at a price or prices approved by the Owner. The proceeds of any such transfer or disposition shall be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Owner to the Contractor under the Contract Documents, or shall otherwise be credited to the Agreement Price or cost of the Work covered by the Contract Documenls, or paid in such other manner as the Owner may direct. 8, Compiete performance of sucb part of rhe Work as shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination. 9. .iake such action as may be necessary, or as the Owner may direct, for the protection and ' preservation of the property relatei to the Project which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Owner has or may acquire an interest. t I I I I t ) 3. 4. 5. 6. I I I I I I I I 4l I C. D. I I I t I After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall submit to the Ovr'ner its termination clairn, in the form and with the certification the Owner prescribes. Such claim shall be submitted promptly, but in no event later than sixty (60) days from the effective date of the termination, unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Owner upon request of the Contractor made in writing within a one (l) year period from the effective date of the temrination or authorized extension. However, if the Owner determines that the facts justifu such action, it may receive and act upon any such termination claim at any time after such sixty (60) day period or extension. If the Contractor fails to submit its termination claim within the time allowed, the Owner may determine, on the basis of information available to it, the amount, if any, due to Contractor because of the termination. The Owner shall then pay to the Contractor the amount so determined. Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the Contractor and the Owner may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor because of the total or partial termination of Work under this subsection. The amount or amounts may include a reasonable allowance for profit on Work done if acceptable to Owner. However, such agreed amount or amounts, exclusive of settlement costs, shall not exceed the total Agreement Price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by the Agreement Price of the portion of the Work not terminated. The Contract Documents shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. Nothing in this paragraph prescribing the arnount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Owner to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor because of termination of Work under this Section shall be deemed to limit, restrict, or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. If the Conractor and the Owner fail to agree on the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor because of the termination of Work under this section, the Owner shall determine, on the basis of information available to il, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination, and shall pay the Contractor the amounts determined as follows: 1. For all Contract Work performed before the effective date of the Notice of Temrination the total (without duplication of any items) of: The cost of such Work. The cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of Work under subcontracts or orders as paragraph 15.048.3. above provides. This cost is exclusive of the amounts paid or payable on account of supplies or materials delivered or services fumished by the Subcontractor before the effective date of the Notice of Termination. These amounts shall be included in the cost on account of which payment is made. c. The reasonable cost of the preservation and protection of property incurred and any other reasonable costs incidental to termination of the Work under the Contract Documents, including expense incidental to the determination of the amount due to the Contractor as a result of the termination of Work under the Contract Documents. 2. The total sum to be paid to tbe Contractor shall not exceed the total Agreement Price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by the Agreement Price of Work Dot terminated. Except for normal spoilage, and except to the extent that the Owner shall have otherwise expressly assumed the risk of loss, there shall b. E. I I I I l I I I I I I I I 42 I be exctuded from the amounts payable to the Contractor the fair value, as determined by the Owner, of property to the extent that it is undeliverable to the Owner or to a Buyer under paragraph 15.04B.7. of this Part 15. If the parties do not reach agreement under Paragraph 15.04D., and the Owner utilized this Paragraph 15.04E., no allowance for profit shall be included in the calculation ofthe sum to be paid to Contractor. F. The Contractor shall have the right to dispute under the Disputes provision any determination the Owner makes under this Part 15. But, if the Contractor has failed to submit its claim within the time provided in paragraph 15.04C and has failed to request an extension of time, it shall have no such right of appeal. In any case where the Owner has determined the amount due, the Owner shall pay to the Contractor the following: 1. lf there is no right ofappeal hereunder or if no timely appeal has been made, the amounts so determined bv the Ownerl or 2, If a dispute proceeding is initiated, the amount finally determined in such dispute proceeding. G. In arriving at the amomt due to the Contractor under this clause there shall be deducted: 1. All unliquidated advance or other payments on account therefor made to the Contractor, applicable to the terminated portion of the Work. 2. Any claim which the Owner may have against the Contractor in connection with the Contract Documents. 3. The agreed price for, or the proceeds ofsale of any materials, supplies or other things kept by the Contractor or sold, under the provisions of this section, and not otherwise recovered by or credited to the Owner. H. If the terminatioa hereunder is partial, before the se$lement of the terminated portion of the Confact Documents; the Contractor may file with the Owner or request in writing for an equitable adjustment of the price or prices specified in the Contract Documents relating to the continuing portion of the Work (the portion not terminated by the Notice of Termination). Such equitable adjustrnent, as may be agreed upon, shall be made in the price or prices. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of the Ovmer and the Contractor to agree upon the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor for the completion of the continued portion of the Work when the Contract Documents do not contain an established Contract Price for the continued portion. PART 16 - MISCELLANEOUS 16.01 GIVING NOTICE Whenever any provision of the Contract Documenls requires the giving of written notice, it shall be deemed to have been validly given ifdelivered in person to the individual or to a mernbet of the firm or to an ollicer of the corporation for whom it is intended; or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the address identified in Part 17 hereof. Notice may also be given by facsimile, providing the notice is also immediately sent by frst class mail, except in those cases which require an original to confirm the validity of a signature or other element of the document. ll I I t I I I t t I I I I t I I I I 43 I' A. B. I I I I I I I I t l C. I I l I I I I I 16.02 COMPUTATION OFTIME When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it shall be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Smday or on a day made a legal holiday by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, zuch day shall be omitted from the computation. 16.03 CORRECTION PERIOD Nothing in the General Conditions conceming the conection period shall establish a period of limitation with respect to any other obligation which Contractor has under the Contract Documents. The establishment of time period relates only to the specific obligations under the Conaact Documents which rnay be sought to be enforced, not to the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish Contractor's liability with respect to its obligations other than specifically to correct the Work. 16.04 GENERAL Should Owner or Contractor su{fer injury or damage to its persons or property because of any error, omission or act of the other party or of any of the other party's employees or agents or others for whose acts the other party is responsible, the injured party shall notiff the other party within a reasonable time of the first observance of such injury or damage. The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto; and, in particular, but without limitation, the wananties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon Contraclor by paragraphs 5.04, 13.01, 13.06, 13.09, 14.03, and 15.02A. and all of the rights and remedies available to Owner and Engineer under the Contract Documents, shall be in addition to, and shall not be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any of or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by law or contract, by special wananty or guarantee, or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph shall be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. All representations, warranties, and guarantees made in the Contract Documents shall survive final payment and lermination or completion of the Agreement. Should Owner determine that Contractor is performing in such a fashion that Contractor will not complete the Project timely, Owner shall give Contractor notice of Owner's determination and Contractor shall have fifteen (15) days from the issuance of Owner's notice within which to correct its performance and to furnish evidence satisfactory to Owner that the Project will be completed timely. In the event that Contractor does not within said fifteen (15) days correct its performance and fumish evidence satisfactory to Owner that the Project will be completed timely, Owner shall have the right to remove the Contractor and retain a replacement contractor to complete the Project. Owner may thereupon withtrold all payments to Conlractor until the replacement contractor has completed the Project, and then determine whal amounts, ifany, are due Contractor. 44 'l PART 17 - 17.01 ADDRESSES OWI\IER Owner is the District named in the Agreement acting through its duly authorized agents. All notices, letters and communications directed to Ovner shall be addressed and delivered to Owner at the address indicatcd in the Agreement, with one (l) copy to Engineer. ENGINEER All duties and responsibilities assigned to Engineer in the Contract Documents, with the corresponding rights and authority will be assumed by the Engineer named in the Agreement and its duly authorized agents. All notices, letters and communication directed to Engineer shall be addressed and delivered to Engineer at the ad&ess indicated in the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR The business addresses of Contractor given in the Bid Form and Contractor's oll8ce at the site of the Work are hereby designated as the places to which all notices, letters, and other communication to Conractor will be delivered. )l I 17.02 17.03 17.04 CHANGE OF ADDRESS Either Owner, Contractor, or Engineer may change its address at any time by an instrument in writing delivered to the other two. PART 18 - LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Time is an essential condition of the Contract. In case the Contractor shall fail to fully perform and complete the Work in conformity to the provisions and conditions of the Conlract Documents within tlre specified time limits set forth in the Contract Documents for such performance and completion, or within such further time as, in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents, shall be fixed or allowed for such performance and completion, the Contractor shall and will pay to the Ovvner for each and every day of the additional time in excess of the specified time limits, and any granted extension thereof, the sum set forth in Part 5 ofthe Agreement as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. The parties agree that Owner will suffer loss and damage; however, due to the uncertainty and diffrculty of measuring actual damages for every day the Work rcmains uncompleted and unfinished, the parties agree that said sum is a reasonable forecast of compensatory damages. The Owner shall recover said damages by deducting the amount thereof out of any moneys which may be due or become due the Contractor, or by an action at law against the Contractor or its Surety, or by either or both of these methods. Should the entire completion and final acceptance of the Work herein embraced, together wilh any modifications or additions, be delayed beyond the time herein set, it is undersiood and agreed that aside from any other penalty or damage, all costs of the engineering, observation and inspection on behalf of the Owner which are incurred after the specified time limits have elapsed may be charged to the Contractor and be deducted from any estimate or palment otherwise due and payable to lt. In case ofjoint responsibility for delay in the final completion of the Work, where two or more separate contracts are in force at the same time and cover work at the same site, liquidated damages assessed against any one Contractor for the delay shall be determined by, and in the judgment of, Engineer. I t I I I t I I I I ! I I I I I A. B. 45 I I I I I PART 19 - EXISTING UNDERGROUND INSTALLATIONS A. Existing underground installations such as water lines, gas lineg sewers, telephone lines, power lines, or similar concealed structures in the vicinity of the Work are indicated on the Drawings only to the extent such information was made available to or discovered by Engineer in prcparing the Drawings, There is no guarante€ as to the accuracy or completeness of such information, and all responsibility for the accuracy and corrpleteness thereof is expressly disclaimed. Generally, service connections are not indicated on the Drawings. B. Contractor shall be solely responsible for locating all existing underground installations, including service connections, in advance of excavating or trenching, by contacting the owners thereof and prospecting. Contractor shall use its own information and shall not rely upon any infonnation indicated on the Drawings conceming existing underground installations. C. The General Conditions provisions regarding Unforeseen Physical Conditions do nor apply to the existing underground installations indicated in the preceding paragraphs. Any delay, additional Work, or extra cost to Contractor caused by underground existing installations shall not constihrte a claim for exfa Work, additional payment, or damages. PART 20 - STREAMLINED SPECIFICATIONS Portions of the Contract Documents are written in the strear ined or declarative style, utilizing incomplete sentences. Omissions of such words and phrases "The Contractor shall,"'in conformity therewith," "shall be," "as shown on the Drawings,"'a," "an," "the," and'all" are intentional in streamlined sections. Omitted words shall be supplied by inference in the same manner as when a note appears on the Drawings. The omission of such words shall not relieve the Contractor from providing all items and work described herein or indicated on the Drawings- PART 2I - IIANDLING OF DISPUTES 2I.OI DISPUTES Any claim, dispute, or other matter in question between the Contractor and lhe Owner and relating to the acceptability of the Work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents pertaining to the execution and progress of the Work shall be referred initially to Engineer, as specified in Section 9.06. Any such claim for which Engineer has rendered a decision, or any other claim between the Owner and Contractor, may be submitted to altemative dispute resolution, including arbitration or mediation, or any other dispute resolution process, excluding litigation, upon the mutual consent of the parties. The parties shall determine whether any such arbitration shall be binding or non-binding. Neither party shall be compelled to participate in any alternative dispute resolution process, and nothing in this paragraph shall preclude either party from pursuing any legal remedy available to it, subject to the condilions of Paragraph 9.068. If the parties agree to submit a claim, dispute, or other matt€r to arbitration, the Construction Industry 461rution Rules of the American Arbitration Association then obtaining shall be used, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. An award rendered by an arbitrator or arbitrators in a binding arbitration shall be final and binding on all parties to the extent and in the manner provided by the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. All awards may be filed with the clerk of one or more courts, State or Federal, having jurisdiction over the party or parties against whom such award is rendered or its property, as a basis ofjudgment, and of the issuance of execution for its collection. A. B. I I I I I I I I t I I I I T 46 C. the Contractor shall continue to perform the Work and adhere to the Contractor's construction schedule during all disputes or disagreernents with the Owner. No Work shall be delayed or posponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreernents, exc€pt as Contractor and Owner maY otherwise agree in writing' 21.02 DISPUTES WITH THIRD PARTIES A. All disputes which involve parties in addition to the Owner, Engineer and Contractor shall not be the subject of artiration, except by the mutual consent of all the parties involved in the dispute. B. Engineer shall not be deemed or considered a third pany beneficiary of the Agreement or Contract Documetrts, nor a party thereto. PART 22 - DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AI\D LIMITATIONS OF TIIE AUTHORITY OF RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE (IF ANY) 22.01 DESCRIPTION Resident Project Representative is Engineer's Agent and shall act as directed by and under the supervision ofEngineer. He shall confer with Engineer regarding his actions. His dealings in matters pertaining to the on-site Work will, in general, be only with Engineer and Contractor. His dealings with Subcontractors will only be through or with the full knowledge of Contractor or his superintendent. He shall generally communicate with Owner only through, or as directed by Engineer. 22.02 DATIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Conferences: Attend pre-construction conferences and regular project review meetings. B. Liaison. 1. Serve as Engineer's liaison with Contractor, working principally through Contractor's superintandent and assist it in understanding tbe intent of the Contract Documents. 2. As requested by Engineer, assist in obtaining from Owner additional details or information, when required at the job site for proper execution of the Work. 3. In the interest of presewing the proper channels of communication, advise Engineer of any direct communication between Owner and Contractor' C. Shop Drawings and Samples. l. Receive and record date of receipt of shop Drawings and samples which have been reviewed by Engineer. 2. Receive samples which are furnished at the site by Contractor for Engineer's review, and noti! Engineer of their availability for examination. I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I T I 47 b. 1. , 3. 4. J. 6. I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 3. Advise Engineer and Contractor or his superintendent immediately of the cornmencement of any Work requiring a Shop Drawing or sample submission if the submission has not been accepted by Engineer. D. Review of Work. Conduct on-site observations of the Work in progress to assist Engineer in determining that the Pmject is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documenls. Report to Engineer whenever He believes that any Work is unsatisfactory, faulty, or Defective, or does not conform to the Contract Documents, or has been damaged, or does not meet the requirements of any inspections, tests, or approvals required to be made, and advise Engineer when He believes Work should be corrected or rejected, or should be uncovered for observation, or requires special testing or inspection. Verifo that tests, equipment, and systerns start-ups and operating and maintenance instructions are conducted as required by the Conhact Documents and in presence of the required personnel, and that Contractor maintains records thereof; observe, record, and report to Engineer appropriate details relative to the test procedures and start-ups. Accompany Owner and visiting inspectors representing public or other agancies having jurisdiction over the Project, record the outcome of these inspections and report to Engineer. Interpretation of Contract Documents: Transmit to Contractor clarification and interpretation ofthe Contract Docwnents as issued by Engineer. Modifications: Consider and evaluate Contractor's suggeslions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report then with recommendations to Engineer. 7. Records: Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports ofjob conferences, Shop Drawings and sample submissions, reproductions of original Contract Documents, including all addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders, additional Drawings issued subsequent to the execution of the Agreement, Engineer's clarifications and interpretations of the Conlract Documents, progress reports' and other Prqiect related documents. Keep a diary or log book, recording hours on the job site, weather conditions, data relative to questions of extras or deductions, list ofprincipal visitors, daily activities, decisions, observations in general, and specific observations in more detail as in the case of obselving test procedures. Send copies to Engineer. Record names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all Contractors, Subcontractors, and major supplien of equiprnent and materials. Advise Engineer whenever Contractor is not curfently maintaining an up-to-date copy of Record Drawings at the site. d. 48 8. Reports: Furnish Engineer daily and weekly reports as required to represent the status of the Work aod of Contractor's compliance with the approved progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing subrnissions, and other schedules. 9. Guarantees, Certificates, Maintenance, and Operation Manuals: During the course of the Work, verifo that guarantees, certificates, maintenance, and operation manuals and other data required to be assembled and fumished by Contractor are applicable to the items actually installed; and deliver these data to Engineer for his review and forwarding to Owner prior to final acceptance of the Project. 10. Completion: a. Conduct final inspection in the company of Engineer, Owner, and Conhactor and prepare a final list of items to be corrected. b. Verifo that all items on final list have been corrected and make recommendations to Engineer conceming accePtance. LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY This Part 23 shall be applicable to the extent th€ Owner appoints an Owner's Representative different from the Engineer. A. Resident Project Representative shall be lirnited in authority except upon written instructions of Engineer. B. The Resident Project Representalive shall not: l. Authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or approve any substitute materials or equipment. 2. Undertake any of the responsibilities of Contractor, Subcontractor, or Contractor's superintendent. 3. Advise on or issue directions as to safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AIID LIMITATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY OF THE OWI\IER'S REPRESENTATIVE DESCRIPTION This Part 23 shall be applicable to lhe extent the Owner appoints an Ov"ner's Representative separate fiom the Engineer. The Owner's Reprcsentative is the Owner's agent and shall act as directed by and under the supervision of Owner. lt shall confer with Owner regarding its actions. Its dealings in matters pertaining to the on-site work will in general be only with Engineer and Contractor. Its dealings with Subcontractors will only be through Conlractor or its superintendent. I I I I I I I I I PART 23 - 23.01 I I I T I I I t I I 49 I T I 1 t I I I I NJ I T I t I I I I I 23.02 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Owner's Representative shall coordinate all constuction activities and Owner Purchase Agreements. It shall: A. Conferences: Attend pre-construction conferences and regular project meetings. Arrange a schedule of progress meetings and other job conferences as required, and notiry in advance those expected to attend. ponduct meetings and maintain and circulate copies of minutes thereof. B. Liaison: Serve as Owner's liaison with Conractor and Engineer, working to help expedite the project to assure the scheduling requirements are met. C. Modifications: Consider Contractor's suggestions for modifications in Drawings or Specifications and report them with recommendations to Engineer. D. Reports: l. Fumish Owner with periodic reports of progress of work and of Contractor's compliance with the approved progress schedule, schedule of Shop Drawing submissions, and other schedules. 2. Consult with Owner in advance of scheduled major tests, inspections, or start of important phases of work. E. Payment Requisitions: [n cooperation with Engineer, review Application for Payment with the Contractor for compliance with the established procedure for its submission and forward it witb recommendation to the Owner for payment. LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY Owner's Representative shall be limited in authority, except upon written instructions of Owner as follows: 1. Except as provided in paragraph ll.0lB. and paragraph 12.02A., shall not authorize any deviation from the Contract Documents or approve any substitute materials or equipment, modifications or Change Orders. 2. Shall not undertake any ofthe responsibilities ofContractor, Subcontractor or Contractor's superintendent. 3. Shall not advise on or issue directions as to safety precautions and programs in cormection wi0r the Work 50 EXHIBITA TO GENERAL CONDITIONS [LETTERHEAD] lowNER's ADDRESSI RE: Bond and Insurance Requirements Under Part 5 of General Conditiond Project Dear : We have been retained by ("Contractor") to advise and assist it in procuring the bonds and insurance coverage required under Part 5 of the General Conditions entered into by you and the Contractor with respect to the project. Nothwithstanding anyhing in any Certificate oflnsurance to the contrary, it is our opinion, as ofthe date ofthis letter, that the Confactor is in full compliance with its obligations under part 5 oft the Gensal Conditions [except that the Contractor has not complied with the specific requirements identified belowl: [Identiff with specificity any provisions of part 5 which are not complied with] Sincerely yours, T I I I I I I I t t t I I t I I I I I 5l T r SECTION 01 rr 13 ' SUMMARY OF WORK t PART1 GENERAL I I.I PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY I A. The project, the Eagle River Wat€r & Sanitation District 1.5-MG lntermountain I Water Storage Tank (PROJECT), includes all work necessary to complete the I lfr'"#:,l""|Tlffilt#Ttffi:ffi!*"i'i"' incruding' excavation' engineered r B. The intent of the project is to have an operational PROJECT constructed by a sin- I gle, prime, contractor in general conformance with these Contract Documents' - PART2 DOCUMENTS I 2.1 DRAWINGS I A. Drawings for this project are titled: f.s-MG Intermountain Water Storage Tank. I B. Drawings shall not be scaled. I C. The Drawings are intended to clearly and consistently describe the work to be per- I formed. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the ENGINEER imrnediately. I 2.2 SPECIFICATIONS I A ffiT,fi'X,ll,llllli,'liJli,x"'-i:#Ji"l*"tffi r B. This document generally follows the format of the Construction Specifications ln- stitute (CSf. Each Technical Specification is divided into three parts: General, I Materials and Execution. I PART3 EXECUTION I 3.I WORK UNDER OTHER CONTRACTS _ NONE I I I I or r1r3 I SUMMARYoFwoRK -")l I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I 3.2 3.3 3-4 WORKTO BE PERFORMED BY OWNER A. The OWNER has dedicated an aocess easement to the site. B. This access easernent will be the onlv access to the site. PERMITS A. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for applying for and obtaining any and all permits. CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES A. The Drawings describe restrictions on the use of the construction site. B. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for informing any and all suppliers and sub- contractors of the restrictions regarding the use of the premises. EIID OFSECTION 0l ll 13 SUMMARY OF WORK B. B. c. D. I T I I t I I I I I I I I T t I I I T 06{546 PART 1 A. PART 2 SECTION 01 20 00 MEASIJREMENT AND PAYMENT GENERAL The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, tools, and materials necessary to complete the project as described in the Summary of Work, Section 0l I 10, in ac- cordance with the Contract Documents. Although such work may not be specifi- cally shown, described or specified, fumish and install all supplementary and mis- cellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a com- plete project. The work shall be coordinated with the work of all other contractors and subcon- tractors and activities on aly related projects and with any adjacent property own- ers. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ITEM NO. 1 - MOBILIZATION & ON-GOING PROJECT COSTS Item No. l, Mobilization & on-going Project costs, shall consist of the mobiliza- tion and demobilization of personnel, equipment and supplies at the project site in preparation for work on the project and on-going costs of performing the work, such as submittal preparation and site office. This item shall include costs for CONTRACTOR's quality control, CONTRACTOR's soils lesting, field of- fice and any costs associated with project start-up and all other costs incurred or labor and operations which must be performed prior to beginning the other items under the contract and on-going costs for items such as the field office. Partial payments for Mobilization & On-going Project Costs will be made as work progresses. These partial payments will be made as follows: I . When 5% of the contract amount is eamed, 25o/o of the amount bid for this item will be paid. 2- When l0% of the contract amount is eamed, 50% of the amount bid for this item, less all previous payments, will be paid. 3. When 25Yo of the contract amount is eamed, 60% of the amount bid for this item, less all previous payments, will be paid. 4. WhenTSYo of the contract amount is eamed, the amount bid for this item, less all previous payments, will be paid- These payments shall be made with partial progress payments. The Pay Unit for Mobilization is Lump Sum. 0l 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 06-05-06 E. Technical Specification Sections 0l21 13,012973,013216,01 33 01,01 7l 23, 0l 89 29,02 00 00 and the Drawings are referenced as being the basis for ac- ceptance of completed work. ITEM NO.2 -TEMPORARY T'IRE PROTECTION A. Item No. 2, Temporary Fire Protection, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, shall consist of coordination with the local fire authority, preparing and maintaining fire prevention procedures and fumishing and maintaining fire protection materials including extinguishers. This work includes the preparation and implementation of the Fire Plan referred to in the Specihcations. B. Payment for Temporary Fire Protection will be made at the Lump Sum Conhact price for work completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Partial payments will be made as follows: l. When 5% of the contract amount is eamed, 30% of the arnount bid for this item will be paid. 2. An additional l0Vo of the contract amount will be paid per month until 100% ofthe contract amount is achieved C. Technical Specification Section 0l 5l 16 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO.3-CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Item No. 3, Clearing and Grubbing, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, shall consist of clearing and grubbing the site of any trees and shrubs in- cluding removal of stumps and disposal of timber from the site. Cleared and grubbed timber is not permitted in the backfill. B. Payment for Clearing and Grubbing will be made at the Lump Sum Contract price for trees and shrubs cleared and grubbed in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments. C. Technical Specification Section 31 11 00 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO.4 -TRAFFIC CONTROL A. Item No. 4, Traffic Control, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, shall consist regulating safe and efficient traffic control on and adjacent to the site during construction activities. This work includes the preparation and implemen- I )t I I I I I T t t t I I t I t I I I01 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I I I T I I I I I l: I I I I t I I t I ofl5-06 tation of a traffic control plan and maintenance, such as removal of mud and con- struction debris from off-site, public and private rights-of-way. B. Partial payments for Traffic Control will be made as work progresses. These par- tial payments will be made as follows: l. When l0% of the contract amount is eamed, l0% of the amount bid for this item will be paid. 2. When 20% of the contract amount is eamed, 20%o of the amount bid for this item, less all previous payments, will be paid, etc. C. These payments shall be made with partial progress payments' D. Technical Specification Sections 0l 55 26 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO. 5 - SITE MAINTENANCE A. Item No. 5, Site Maintenance, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, shall consist ofkeeping the site clean and orderly, repairing ofany damage caused to existing facilities by equipment and final cleanup and removal of site and con- struction fence and debris. This work includes the protection of street im- provements including manholes, any adjacent building and structures, exist--ng welded steel WST, fence, trees and shrubbery, valves and valve boxes and maintenance ofof-site and on-site access roads' B. Partial payments for Site Maintenance will be made as work progresses. These partial payments will be made similar to field offices as follows: l. When 10% of the contract amount is earned, l0% of the amount bid for this item will be paid. 2. When 20% of the contract amount is earned, 20oh of the amount bid for this item, less all previous payments, will be paid, etc. C. These payments shall be made with partial progress payments' D. Technical Specification Sections 0l 74 16 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO.6 -EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A. Item No. 6, Erosion and Sedimentation Control, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes any necessary design, all labor, tools, equipment, and materials for erosion and sedimentation control during construction and after con- 0l 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I0ffi5-06 I T I II I T I I I I I t I I I I 2.7 2.8 struction completion and the placement and final removal of silt fence as shown on the Drawings. B. Payment for Erosion and Sedimentation Control, including removal of any tempo- rary erosion control measures upon completion of construction will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance wittr the Conhact Documents. C. Technical Specification 31 25 00, any local goveming agency manual, the Draw- ings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance ofcompleted work. ITEM NO. 7 - EXCAVATION, BACKFILL AND SITE GRADING A. Item No. 7, Excavation, Backfill and Site Grading, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, shall consist of stripping, dewatering, blasting, excavating; over excavating all types of soils, boulders and rock; fumishing and erecting any rockfall netting, riprap, scariffing and re-compacting of surface soils, segre- gating, screening and stockpiling materials, such as required for wall backfill and; backfilling, and finish grading necessary for the construction of the water storage tank project. Again, excavated materials shall be stockpiled and ifneces- sary screened, according to their qpe to facilitate wall backfill and site grading operations and to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. Construction of the access road and the slope stabilization work, stone columns and gravel blanket are separate bid items. The bid item includes any work associated with erosion and sedimentation con- trol. The work includes disposal of materials which are unsuitable for backfill and site grading. B. Payment for Excavation, Backfill and Site Grading will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price for materials excavated in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. Technical specification Sections 3t 23 00,31 23 18,31 25 00,313326 andthe Drawings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO.8-DEWATERING A. Item No. 8, Dewatering, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, shall consist of providing, installing and maintaining a dewatering system during con- struction of the project. Dewatering shall commence prior to the excavation and construction of the stone columns and end after completion of the engineered fill and underdrains. t 01 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I t I I 06-05-06 The work includes applying for required permits and discharging of water. Ero- sion and sedimentation control is a part of Bid Item No. 8' Payment for Dewatering, will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price for work performed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Technical Specification Section 31 23 19 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work' ITEM NO.9 -PIPE CULVERT AND FLARED.END SECTIONS (FES) Item No. 9, Pipe Culvert and Flared-End Sections, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes all labor, materials and equipment to perform the work, including excavation, dewatering, bedding, pipe and backfill. All other work necessary to fumish, construct the 25-foot long CMP pipe culvert will not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in this item. Payment for accepted quantities of l8-Inch Pipe Culvert and Flared End Sections will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Con- tract Documents. The Drawings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. 2.IO ITEM NO. 10 _ ENGINEERED FILL Item No. 10, Engineered Fill, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis' shall consist of constructing the stone columns, 4-inch or 6-inch slotted under- drain systems, fumishing and placing the Tensar geogrid, and tank base gravel blanket. The gravel blanket may consist of suitable excavated or imported materi- als that comply with the drawings and technical specifications. Payment for Engineered Fill will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price for materials placed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Technical Specifications and the Drawings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. 2.II ITEM NO. II -SITE PIPELINES Item No. I l, Site Pipelines, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, in- cludes all work to construct the: L l2-inch ductile-iron inleVoutlet pipeline 2. lS-inch overflow pipeline 3. l2-inch drain pipeline B. C. B, C. B. C. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t 01 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I060546 4. 1S-inch combined drain and overflow pipe 5. Firehydrant 6. 72-inchlD Manhole 7. 12O-inch ID Manhole 8. Gate and check valves 9. Cathodic protection The work includes tenching, trench dewatering, pipe, bends, tees, valves, flap gates, fittings, bolted sleeve couplings, rodding, insulating kits, bedding, backfill and compaction, and miscellaneous appurtenances, such as corporation stops, blow-offs, valve, flap gates, fire hydrant marker flag, and fitting markers and util- ity warning marking tape, and any other work required for a complete installation. Disinfection and testing of the pipelines, however, is a separate bid items. Payment for Site Pipelines will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. Technical Specification Sections 33 05 26,33 I 1 01, 33 ll 02, 33 12 16'02,33 12 43,33 12 53, and the Drawings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. 2.I2 ITEM NO. 12 - SITE PIPELINES CHLORINATION AI\D PRESSURE TESTING Item No.12, Site Pipelines Chlorination and Pressure Testing, measured for pay- ment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes all labor, tools, equipment, and materi- als to clean, pressure test, clear water test and bacterial test the inlet/outlet pipe- lines in accordance with AIMWA, district and Colorado Department of Health Standards. Payment for Site Pipelines Chlorination and Pressure Testing will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents- The OWNERS's Standard Specifications, specifications 33 13 00, and 33 14 00 are referenced as being the basis for acceptance ofcompleted work. 2.13 ITEM NO. T3 _ CAST.IN-PLACE CONCRETE STILLING BASIN Item No. 13, Cast-In-Place Concrete Stilling Basin, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes all excavation, concrete, reinforcing steel, auto- matic drainage (flap) gate, backfill, compaction, and related work to complete the stilting basin. Appurtenant work including but not timited reinforcing steel, forms, waterstop form ties and all other work necessary to complete the concrete structure will not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in this bid item. I I I I I I I I T I I I T I :l I I B. C. B. C. t 01 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I T I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I I I 06-05-06 B. Payment for the Cast-ln-Place Concrete Stilling Basin, will be made at the Con- tract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the contract Documents. C. Technical Specification Sections 03 ll 13,03 21 00,03 30 00,03 35 00,03 36 00, 03 39 00,03 66 00,31 l1 00, 31 23 00,312319 and the Drawings are refer- enced as being the basis for accePtance ofcompleted work. 2.I4 ITEM NO. 14 - WATER STORAGE TANK ls-INCH STEEL PIPE OVERFLOW ASSEMBLY A. Item No. 14, Water Storage Tank l5Jnch Steel Overllow Assembly and Pipe, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes the l5-inch welded steel pipe to station 0+28.5, bolted sleeve couplings, trenching, bedding and back- filling the pipe, dewatering, temporary plugs, cathodic protection, the riser pipe and conical fabricated steel plate weir and the frames to connect the pipe to the wall, and coating. Concrete anchor bolts, insulating kits, gasket, stainless steel bolts, magnesium anodes, painting, tape coating, and all miscellaneous work for a complete installation are also included in this ilem' B. Payment for the Water Storage Tank l5-Inch Steel Overflow Assembly will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments. C. Technical Specification Section 33 l1 01.01 and the Drawings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. 2.I5 ITEM NO. 15 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (WATER STORAGE TANK) A. Item No. 15, CastJn-Place Concrete (Water Storage Tank), measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes all concrete (self compacting concrete in the wall is in the base bid) and related work to complete the water storage tank' Items such as waterstops, natural rubber bearing pads, neoprene pads, sealant, forms, waterstop form ties, tendon anchorage block-out grout, sleeves and other miscel- laneous inserts, finishing, curing and protection ofthe concrete, and all other work necessary to complete the tank. Reinforcing steel and post-tensioning steel will be measured and paid for separately. B. Payment for Cast-In-Place Concrete (Water Storage Tank) will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. Technical Specification Division 03 - CONCRETE, Technical Specification Sec- tions 33 16 01, 33 16 23,33 16 24 and the Drawings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. 0l 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I06-05-06 2.16 ITEM NO. 16 - REINFORCING STEEL AND LABOR (WATER STORAGE TANK) A. Item No. 16, Reinforcing Steel and Labor (Water Storage Tank), measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes all ASTM A 615, Grade 40 or 60, reinforcing steel, ASTM A 82 steel wire for spirals, tie wire, support chairs and related work. Coated and uncoated or plastic reinforcing steel bar chairs, bolsters, and other supports and all other work necessary to fumish and place the reinforc- ing steel will not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in this item. B. Payment for Reinforcing Steel and Labor (Water Storage Tank) will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. Technical Specification Sections 03 21 00, 33 16 0l and the Drawings are refer- enced as being the basis for acceptance ofcompleted work. 2.r7 ITEM NO. 17 - POST-TENSIONING STEEL AND LABOR (WATER STORAGE TANK) A. Item No. 17, Post-Tensioning Steel and Labor (Water Storage Tank), measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes all materials, labor, tools, and equipment to place, stress and test the specified post-tensioning steel as shown on lhe Drawings. Access for placement, tendon ducts and couplings, prestressing steel strand, sheathing, repair tape, anchorages, wedges, Styrofoam, chairs, bol- sters, ties, grout ports, grout, stressing rams, load tests, preparation ofstressing re- cords and all other work necessary for a complete installation will not be meas- ured and paid for separately but shall be included in this item. B. The base bid item includes the VSL Swiss 6 anchorage and pocket formers for the unbonded post-tensioning systems in the floor and roof slabs and PT-Plus system in the walls (Type CS anchorage). Alternate unbonded anchorage systems may be included in altemate bid items below. C. Payment for Post-Tensioning Steel and Labor (Water Storage Tank) will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. D. Technical Specification Sections 03 23 10,33 16 01 and the Drawings are refer- enced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work' 2.18 ITEM NO. I8-WATER STORAGE TANKVENT A. Item No. 18, Water Storage Tank Vent, measured for payment on an Each (EA) basis, includes all materials, coatings, and fabrications for the tank vents, com- plete in place. Fasteners, coatings, screens, and all other work necessary to com- I t I t I t I I I I I I I t I I I 0l 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I 05-05-06 I I plete the tank vent installations will not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in this bid item' B. Payrnent for accepted quantities of Water Storage Tank Vent will be made at the Contract Each @A) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. Technical Specification Section 33 16 22 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. 2.19 ITEM NO. 19.5 X 9-FOOT HATCH A. Item No. 19, 5 x 9-Foot Hatch, measured for payment on an Each (EA) basis, in- cludes all materials and fabrications for the manway and equipment access hatches, complete in place. This work includes appurtenant work such as the te- lemetry and electrical conduits aluminum angle, neoprene pads, polyurethane sealants, stainless steel concrete wedge anchors and paint. All other work neces- sary but not listed in the examples above to complete the hatch installation will not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in this bid item. There is a hatch required for the Equipment access and manway access hatches. The work includes the FRP "lid" over the 3 x 3-foot opening in the manway hatch B. Payment for the 5 x 9-Foot Equipment Hatch will be made at the Contract Each (EA) basis price in accordance with the Contract Documents' C. Technical Specification Sections 06 82 00, 07 73 O0 and the Drawings are refer- enced as being the basis for acceptance ofcompleted work. 2.20 ITEM NO. 20 - INTERIOR ACCESS LADDER A. Item No. 20, Interior Access Ladder, measured on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, in- cludes all fabrications necessary for a complete assembly. Stainless steel concrete wedge anchors, anodes, shims, paint and all other work necessary to complete the access ladder and cage will not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in this bid item. B. Payment for the Interior Access Ladder will be made at the Conhact Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents' C. Technical Specification 06 82 00 and the Drawings are referenced as being the ba- sis for acceptance of completed work. 2.21 ITEM NO. 21 - EXTERIOR ACCESS LADDER A. Item No. 21, Exterior Access Ladder, measured on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, in- cludes all fabrications necessary for a complete assembly including the safety I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I 0l 20 00 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I06-05-06 rails. Stainless steel concrete wedge anchors, anodes, shims, paint and all other work necessary to complete the access ladder and cage will not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in this bid item. B. Payment for the Exterior Access Ladder will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents' C. Technical Specification 06 82 00 and the Drawings are referenced as being the ba- sis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO.22 - STAFF GAGE A. Item No. 22, Statr Gage, measured for payment on an Each (EA) basis' includes all labor, tools, equipment, and materials to complete the stalf gage including wedge anchors for mounting to the concrete wall. B. Payment for the Staff Gage will be made at the Contract Each (EA) price in ac- cordance with the Contract Documents. C. Technical Specification Section 33 16 2l and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO.23 - 0.2-MG WELDED STEEL TANK REMOVAL A. Item No. 23,0.2-MG Welded Steel Tank Removal, measured for payment on an Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes all labor, tools, equipment, and materials to com- pletely remove and dispose of the exiting 0.2 million gallon welded steel WST upon completing and placing lhe new 1.5-MG lntermountain WST into service. It is unknown whether or not the tank is coated with lead paint B. Payment for the 0.2-MG welded Steel Tank Removal will be made at the con- tract Lump Surn (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. Technical Specification Section 02 40 00 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO. 24 -BLACK PVC COATED CHAIN LINK FENCE A. Item No. 24, Black PVC Coated Chain Link Fence, measured for payment on a Linear Foot (LF) basis, includes all labor, tools, equipmenl, and materials to fur- nish and construct lhe chain link fence including three-strand barbed wire exten- sion, two 4-foot wide gates and concret€ gate sills. t t I I I T I I I I t I T I I ! I t0l 20 00 l0 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT B. C. B. C. A. B. C. B. I I t I I I T I I I I t I I I t I I I 06-05-06 Payment for approximately 4l2linear feet of Black PVC coated chain Link Fence will be made at the Contract Linear Foot (LF) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. Technical Specification Section 21 3l 13 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. 2.25 ITEM NO. 25 - ELECTRICAL SERVICE Item No. 25, Electrical Service, measured forpayment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis' includes all labor, tools, equipment, and rnaterials to design, furnish and construct electrical service for telemetry and I l0 Y 120 amp outlets at the hatches' Payment for accepted work for Electrical Service will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents- The Drawings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. 2.26 ITEM NO.26 - TELEMETRY Item No. 26, Telemetry, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, in- cludes all labor, tools, equipment, and materials to design, fumish, construct and test the telemetry including intrusion alarms at the hatches and level con- trols/alarms. The work includes the removal of the existing solar powered equipment at the 0.2-MG WST and delivery to the OWNER. Payment for accepted work for Telemetry will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents' The Drawings are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. 2.27 ITEM NO.27 _CDOT CL 6ABC ACCESS ROAD Item No. 2'1, CDOT CL 6 ABC Access Road, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, consists of excavation, scarirying, blading, grading, compaction, water, placing CDOT Class 6 Aggregate Base Course, shaping, compacting to 95% of the maximum density in accordance with AASHTO T 180 in two phases, 6-inches prior to construction of the WST and 6-inches upon completion of the project. The work includes maintenance after placement of the initial 6-inches during construction of the Project. Payment for accepted quantities of CDOT CL 6 ABC Access Road will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. 0l 20 00 1I MEASUREMENTANDPAYMENT I06-05{6 C. Technical Specification Section 32 ll 23 and the Drawings are referenced as be- ing the basis for acceptance of completed work. ITEM NO. 28 - TANK CLEAIIING, DISINF'ECTING AI\D TESTING A. Item No. 28, Tank Cleaning, Disinfecting and Testing, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) basis, includes all labor, tools, equipment, and materials to clean, disinfect and watertightness test the tank. High pressure water cleaning, chemi- cals, disposal oftrash and construction debris, patching ofform work anchors, and all other work necessary will not be measured and paid for separately but shall be included in this item. B. Payment for Tank Cleaning, Disinfecting and Testing will be made at the Contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. Technical Specification Section 33 16 20 is referenced as being the basis for ac- ceptance of completed work. ITEM NO 29 _ BOULDER ROCK WALL A. Item No. 29, Boulder Rock Wall, measured for payment on a Lump Sum (LS) ba- sis, includes all labor, tools, equipment and materials to design and construct lhe 4-foot high, + 11s-foot long, rock wall along the east side of the excavation. B. Payment for Boulder Rock wall will be made at the contract Lump Sum (LS) price in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. The Drawings and Technical Specifications are referenced as being the basis for acceptance of completed work. END OF Schedule A BASE BID ITEMS { I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I01 20 00 12 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I t 06-05-06 BID SCHEDULE B ALTERNATE BID ITEMS (FOR OWNERINFORMATION AND EVALUATION ONLY) 2,29 ADD/DEDUCT FOR ITEM NO. 17 - VSL CP PLUS UNBONDED POST. TENSIONING ANCHORAGES A. Add/Deduct for Item No. 17, VSL CP Plus Unbonded Post-Tensioning Anchor- ages, shall represent the increase or decrease in bid price for supplying the VSL CP Plus unbonded post-tensioning system in the floor and roof slabs in lieu of the VSL Swiss 6 system specified. B. Insert the add or deduct based on the difference between the VSL CP Plus anchor- age price and the VSL Swiss 6 anchorage price. The base bid, however, will be calculated based on the use ofthe specified VSL Swiss 6 anchorages' 2.30 ADD/DEDUCT TOR ITEM NO. 17 - ALTERNATE POST-TENSIONING SYSTEM A. Add/Deduct for Item No. 17, Alternate Post-Tensioning System, shall represent the increase or decrease in bid price for supplying an altemate post-tensioning sys- tem for the tank in lieu of the VSL system specified. The alternate system may include unbonded (floor slab and roofslab) and/or bonded (vertical and horizontal wall and circumferential footing) post-tensioning systems' B. Any required redesign of the tank post-tensioning based on material propedies varying from lhose of the specified VSL system shall be performed by the ENGINEER for the OWNER and paid for by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Contract Documents. C. List the equipment manufacturer and products for the alternate post-tensioning system under "Name of Alternate System". Insert the add or deduct based on the difference between the alternate system price and the specified VSL system price. The base bid, however, will be calculated based on the specified VSL post- tensioning system. 2.3I DEDUCT FOR ITEM NO. 15 DELETING SELF.CONSOLIDATING CONCRETE IN THE WST WALL A. Add/Deduct for Item No. 15, Deleting Self-Consolidating Conuete in the Wall, shall represent the decrease in bid price for deleting the self-consolidating con- crete specified. END OF SECTION T I I t I I I t I T I I I I I I I 0l 20 00 13 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT I 06{546 I I SECTION 012973 SCHEDULE OF VALUES PARTl GENERAL I 1.1 GENERAL I A. In accordance with General Conditions the CONTRACTOR shall prepare a I Schedule of Values based on the following outline in Part 2 of this document. I PART2 DOCUMENTS I 1.I SCHEDULE OF VALUES I A. Within l0 days after the date indicated in the Notice to Proceed to commence the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall submit a schedule of values for all lump sum I Work, which will include quantities and prices of iterns, and will subdivide theI Work into component parts in sufficient detail to serve as the basis for progress I S1HHlii:X?:r:T'ft'j;il;":ff"i,*ii*1y" an appropriate amount of I - B. The CONTRACTOR shall list bonds and insurance premiums, mobilization, I demobilization, facility startup, and contract closeout separately. C. An unbalanced or front-end loaded schedule is unacceptable. r D. Summation of the complete schedule of values representing al1 work shall equal the Contract Price. PART2 DOCUMENTS a 1.1 SCHEDULE OF VALUES r The schedule of values shall consist of iterns that correlate to the Bid Schedule Itern I Numbers. The following list is an example. Some bid iterns found in the Bid Schedule for this project may not be included in the example list. Other items shown in the I example list may not be a part of this project. The OWNER may also request a more I comprehensive itemization. I Bid ltem No. I - Mobilization & On-Going Project Costs I ConstructionPhotography Soils Testing Field Office I Bid Item No, 2 - Tonporary Fire Protection I I u zs73 SCHEDULE OF VALUES I06{5.06 Bid Item No. 3 - Clearing and Grubbing Bid Itern No. 4. - Traffic Control Traffic Conhol Plan Maintenance Bid Item No. 5. - Site Maintenance Site Clean-up Pollpropylene Safety Fence Protection ofexisting facilities, utilities and trees Bid Itern No. 6 - Excavation, Backfill and Site Grading Excavation Unsuitable material disposal Backfill Site Grading Bid Item No. 7 - Entrance Pipe Gate and Wire Fence Materials Installation Bid ltem No. 8 - l8-inch Pipe Culvert and FES Materials Installation Bid ltem No. 9 - Engineered Fill Engineered Fill (Imported Material Cost) Engineered Fill (Imported material installation) On-site material engineered fill installation Bid Itern No. 10 - Pipe Underdrain Systern Pipe for Underdrain System Pipe Filter Fabric Free draining rock Trench Excavation Pipe installation Backfill and compaction Bid Item No. I I - Wall Drainage Panel System Materials Installation Bid Item No. 12 - Welded Steel lnleUOutlet Pipeline Pipe Design Materials I I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I 0l 29 73 SCHEDULE OF VALUES I 0ffi5{6 I I T I t t I I I I t I I I t I I I otzs Trenching Dewatering CLSM Bedding Backfill Bid Item No. 13 - DIP lnleVOutlet Pipeline Materials Trenching Dewatering Bedding Backfill Bid Item No. 14 - l2-Inch ASR Well Pipeline Materials Installation Bid ltem No. l5 - Inlet/Outlet Pipeline Tie-In to Existing Pipeline Materials Installation Bid Item No. 16 - Pipeline Chlorination and Testing Materials Labor Bid Item No. 17 - Welded Steel Drain Pipeline Pipe Design Materials Trenching Dewatering CLSM Bid ltem No. l8 - Drain Pipeline Design Materials Installation Bid Item No. 19 - Overflow Drain Pipeline (7Z-Inch MH to Structure) Materials Installation Bid ltem No. 20 - C.LP.C. Stilling Basin Materials Labor Bid Item No. 21 - Grouted Riprap SCHEDULE OF VALUES Materials Installation Bid Item No. 22 - Pipeline Cathodic Protection Materials Installation Bid Item No. 23 - C.I.P.C. (Water Storage Tank) Floor Slab, Wall segments (ea), Columns and Column Footings (ea), Roof Slab, Curbs and Hatch Pedestals Materials Waterstops Bearing Pads Neoprene Pads Chernical Grout Sealing Strip Formwork Shoring (roofonly) Placing Curing Bid ltem No. 24 - Reinforcing Steel and Labor (Water Storage Tank) Floor Slab, Wall segments (ea), Columns and Column Footings (ea), Roof Slab, Curbs and Hatch Pedestals Materials Labor Bid Item No. 25 - Post-Tensioning Steel and Labor Floor Slab, Wall segments (ea) and Roof Slab Materials Labor - placing Labor - stressing Labor - friction testing (wall only) Bid Itern No. 26 - Water Storage Tank Vsnt Materials Labor Bid Itern No.27 - 5 x 9-footEquipment Hatch Materials Labor Bid Item No. 28 - 7 x l0-foot Access Hatch Materials Labor I { I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I0t 29 73 SCHEDULE OF VALUES I ou,5{6 t ) Bid ltem No. 29 - Access Stairway Materials t Labor Bid Item No. 30 - Pipe Hazard Rails Materials I Labor I Bid ltemNo. 3l - Washdown Pipeline Labor I Pressure Testing Bid Item No. 32 - Staff Gage I MaterialsI Labor I Bid Item No33 - Tank Cleaning, Disinfection, and Testing I ffiilftln,srestingI ,- Bid Item No. 34 - CDOT Class 6 Aggregate Base Course Access Roadr y"*lt" I Bid Item No. 35 -Concrete Staining Labor Bid ltem No. 36 - Erosion Control I Materials r Bid Item No. 37 - Seedingr y;':i"' I PARr3 EXECUTI'N-NorusED I I I t u2s73 5 '.HEDULE.FVALUES I l, I SECTION 01 31 13 COORDINATION GENERAL GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate operations under the Contract in a manner that will facilitate progress of the Work. B. The CONTRACTOR shall conform to the requirements of public utlities and concemed public agencies in respect to the timing and marurer of performance of operations that affect the service ofsuch utilities, agencies, orpublic safety. CONFERENCES: CONTRACTOR Scheduled Conferences l. The CONTRACTOR shall schedule and conduct conferences for coordination of the Work when timing and manner of performance of operations affect the service of utilities, agencies or public safety. ENGINEER Scheduled Conferences l. The ENGINEER may schedule and conduct coordination conferences when the CONTRACTOR's operations affect, or is aflected by, the work ofothers. 1.3 PRTVATE OWNERS AND AUTHORITIES The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate with and notiff property owners and residents, utility companies and other agencies ofhis operations that affect their property, access or operations, including the OWNER. Timely Notifications l The CONTRACTOR shall give notifications sufficiently in advance to enable affected persons toprovide for their needs when it is necessary to temporarily deny access or services. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall contact utlities and other agencies at least 48 hours prior to working on streets, roads, highways or other traflic areas or when excavating near underground utilities or overhead utility poles or lines. PART T B. l.l 1.2 I I I T I I t: B. t I I I I I I I I 0l 31 13 COORDINATION PART2 MATERHLS-NOTAPPLICABLE PART3 EXECUTION-NOTAPPLICABLE ENDOFSECTION 01 3l 13 COORDINATION I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l, I I t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I l l SECTION 01 32 16 CONSTRUCTION SCIIEDULES PART 1 GEIYERAL GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare a detailed schedule of all constuction operations and procurements to be reviewed at the preconstruction conference. B. The schedule shall be sufficiently detailed to permit a thorough discussion of the work to be performed, key milestones and delivery of key components for timely completion of the work. C. No work is to begin at the site until the OWNER has reviewed and accepted the Construction Schedule and Report of delivery of equipment and materials. FORMAT AND SLIBMIS SIONS A. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit two copies of a CPM construction schedule to the ENGINEER for review. B. The ENGINEER will return one copy of the schedule to the CONTRACTOR with suggested revisions or comments. C. The CONTRACTOR shall revise and re-submit the schedule for final review and acceptanca. CONTENT A. At a minimum the constnrction schedule shall sufliciently detailed to show the work sequence by activity and location such as pipelines construction and distinct struchrre work, such as floor slab forming, delivery of key items of equipment or materials, tests and submittals such as shop drawings. B. The date line shall be reasonable scaled to permit ease of review and notation. Similar activities such as concrete placements shall have similar node numeric designation, i.e., 400 series of nodes, and horizontal "linear' placement on the schedule. PROGRESS REVISIONS A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for revising the schedule when changes occur, when requested by the OWNER and with each application for progress payment. 1.2 1.3 1.4 0r 32 t6 I CONSTRUCTIONSCHEDULES I B. Changes from the previous submission shall identihcation. C. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a brief anticipated problems, recommended actions and schedule of other trades or activities. I.5 OWNERSRESPONSIBtrTY he highlighted for ease of narrative report summarizing effects upon the schedule and I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I ,fI I A. The OWNER's review is only for the purpose of checking conformity with the Contract Documents and assisting the CONTRACTOR in coordinating the Work with the needs of the project. B' It is not to be construed as relieving the CONTRACTOR from auy responsibility to determine the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of conskuction and site safety as provided in the General Conditions. PART2 MATERIALS-NOTUSED PART3 EXECUTION-NOTUSED END OF SECTION 0r 3216 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES B. I t, I I t I t I I I B. I I I T I I I I I SECTION 013229 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW PART 1 GEI\ERAL l.l WORKINCLUDED PART 2 PART 3 3.1 GENERAL 3.2 FORMWORK The OWNER, or the representative retained by the OWNER, will review work in progress. This review is separate from quality control work performed by the CONTRACTOR. This may include work such as reviews of pipelines, pipeline bedding, reinforcing steel and concrete placements and concrete finishing. Construction review shall consist of visual observation of materials, equipment or construction work for the purpose of ascertaining that the work is in substantial conformance with the Contract Documents and with the design intent. Such review shall not be construed to relieve the CONTRACTOR in any way from his obligations and responsibilities under the construction contract. Specifically, but without limitation, review by the OWNER does not relieve the CONTRACTOR of the responsibility for the means and methods of construction, nor for the safety on the job site. NOT USED EXECUTION The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the OWNER and his representatives to permit reviews prior to covering the work with backfrll or with forms. If requested the CONTRACTOR shall make available equipment such as scissor lifls and ladders to permit the OWNER's representative to acc€ss the work. The following paragraphs describe examples of activities requiring construction review. Prior to placing concrete the CONTRACTOR shall be required to demonstrate to the OWNER's representative that the forms are stable, and will remain stable during concrete placement, plumb and will remain plumb, and have corect curvature and alignment. The CONTRACTOR shall also show the OWNER's representative that the forms are properly spaced to obtain the required member thickness. The CONTRACTOR shall also document that the form surfaces are 0t 3229 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW I neither too hot so as to cause surface crazing or too cold as to cause freezing, by taking form surface temperatures. 3.3 REINFORCINGSTEELPLACEMENT A. A minimum of six hours prior to concrete placement a final review of reinforcing steel placement for footings, slabs, columns and walls of structures, such as vaults or water storage tanks, will be performed by the owNER's representative. This "final" review shall be scheduled 24 hours prior to form or concrete placement. If the coNTRAcroR is delayed and is not ready for the review and has not contacted the owNER's representative to re-schedule the review, the CONTRACTOR will be responsible for all costs associated with the aborted review. B- The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for performing a quality control review prior to the OWNER's representative final review to detemrine the acceptability, completeness and clean-up of any sub-contractors work and overall readiness of the work for the final review. The coNTRACToR shall provide written documentation to the OWNER's representative that he has performed the review and that the work is in fact ready for concrete placement C. If the CONTRACTOR has proceeded to place forms prior to the final review, tle CONTRACTOR will be required to remove sufficient forms to permit the visual review of the reinforcing steel and appurtenances such as reinforcing steel supports and chairs, ties, penetrations, waterstops and bearing pads. REPAIR OF CONCRETE SURFACE DEFECTS A. The coNTRACToR shall permit the owlr[ER's representative to review any surface defects, such as "bug holest' and rock pockets, prior to making any repairs to the work. B. All materials and procedures for making any repairs shall be reviewed and accepted by the owNER's representative prior to performing the work. STRESSING AND GROIJTING OF POST-TENSIONING STEEL A. The OWNER's representative shall be notified 24 hours prior to stressing and grouting of post-tensioning steel and shall be present to review stressing and grouting operations unless otherwise determined by the OWNER's representative. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS The owNER's representative shall review the preparation of all construction joints prior to concrete or grout placements. t I 3.4 t t I I I t I I I I I I t 3.5 3.6 I I I or 32 29 CONSTRUCTTONREVTEW I I I 3.t I I I I t I t I I T I t I T I I I B. It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to notifi and provide a minimum of 24 hows notice to the OWNER's representative of these activities. C. If joint placement is performed without the OWNER's representative presence, the work will be deemed unacceptable and non-conforming to these specifications. D. If the OWNER's representative determines that construction review of a particular activity is unnecessary, he will provide written direction to the CONTRACTOR to proceed with that particular activity without his construction review. E. ln the event that the CONTRACTOR fails to notifu the ENGINEER and work is covered without the ENGINEER's review the work will either be rejected or subjected to reduced payment, at the OWNER's option. The reduced payment will be a sliding scale: After the first occurrence 90% payment: after the second occrurence 75Yo paymenl and after the third, and subsequent occurrences 50o/o. Payments will be made based on the schedule of values provided by the CONTRACTOR. PIPELINE PRESSTIRE TESTING A. It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to notifu and provide a minimum of 24 hours notice to the OWNER's representative prior to pressnre testing pipelines. B. See SECTION 33 14 00 - PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING. END OF SECTION 0l3229 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW B. C. D. I t I I ! I I I T I I I l 2. E. F. I t I I I I t SECTION 0133 01 SUBMITTALS PART1 GENERAL l.l GENERAL CONTRACTOR shall furnish, process, deliver, reproduce and perform other necessary functions incidental to scheduling and handling of shop drawings, project data and samples, operation and maintenance manuals, equipment record sheets, manufacturer's certificate of proper installation, and record drawings, as indicated on Drawings or as specified, and in accordance with provisions of the Conhact Documents. See appropriate Specification and Contract Documents sections for specific items for which data and/or samples are required. Review or acceptance of substitutions, schedules, shop Drawings, lists of materials, and procedures submitted or requested by the CONTRACTOR shall not add to the Contract price, and all additional costs which may result therefrom shall be solely the obligation of the CONTRACTOR. It shall not be the responsibility of the OWNER to provide engineering or other services to protect the CONTRACTOR from additional costs accruing from such review or acceptance. No equipment or material for which listings, Drawings, or descriptive material is required shall be installed until the ENGINEER has on hand copies of such accepted lists and the appropriately approved and stamped final shop drawings. Materials, equipment and products incorporated into the work without the prior submittal review and acceptance try the ENGINEER will be cause for rejection and replacement of the work at no cost to the OWI\ER. The review of submittals by the ENGINEER will be limited to general design requirements only, and shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for errors or omissions contained therein. Review Time Period The ENGINEER agrees to review and act upon and return the first submission of a transmittal within I 4 days after receipt. The ENGINEER agrees to review, act upon and return second and subsequent submissions of a transmittal within l4 days after receipt. The ENGINEER agrees to review, act upon CONTRACTOR requested expedited submissions within two days after receipt. The cost for each expedited submittal shall be $250 and will be backcharged to the CONTRACTOR. 0l 33 0l 3. SUBMITTALS 1.2 G. No adjustrnent of Contract Time or Price will be permitted due to delays in progress of Work caused by rejection and subsequent resubmission of submittals, including multi-resubmittals. H. The ENGIITTEER will determine if a submittal is complete and contains suflicient information for review and reject and return incomplete submittals. Partial reviews of submittals shall not be performed. See Paragraph l 5 in this specification. ADDRESS Unless otherwise directed, the CONTRACTOR shall transmit submittals to the ENGINEER. 1.3 IDENTIFICATION OF STJBMITTALS Using the transmittal form found at the end of this section complete, sign, date and transmit the submittal to the ENGINEER. Numbering System l. Number the initial submittal using a chronological number system starting with, 001. The CONTRACTOR may identify the submittal using the specification number followed by a sequence number, such as 1022U01, in addition to numbering the submittal. 2. Number the re-submittal by using an alphabetic suffix, i.e., 001a. Indicate the date by which the submittal is to be retumed. A specific date is required. Terms such as ASAP are unacceptable. Indicate the specification section, regardless of submittal identification system, and drawing number. Use a separate transmittal for each submittal item even if items are from the same technical specification, i.e., different size PVC waterstops. Transmittals for multi-submittals of items will be rejected. Indicate where the product is to be used, i.e., particular structure element. If proposed equipment or materials deviate from the Specifications or Drawings in any way, the deviations shall be clearly noted andjustification for said deviations shall be explained in detail in a separate letter immediately following transmittal sheet. If explanation is not given, Shop Drawings will be retumed without action. I ,"t t I I I t I I I I B. t I T I D. I I I F. G. t0l 33 0l SUBMITTAIS I I ' 1.4 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. I I I I t T I I I I I T I I I t I SUBMITTALS _ GENERAL The CONTRACTOR agrees that submittals processed by the ENGINEER do not become Contract Documents and are not Change Orders; that the purpose of the Shop Drawing review is to establish a reporting procedure and is intended for the CONTRACTOR's convenience in organizing his work and to permit the ENGINEER to monitor lhe CONTRACTOR's progress and understanding of the design. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to make submittals. Shop Drawings submitted to the ENGINEER by other than the CONTRACTOR will be returned to the CONTRACTOR without action of any kind. Shop Drawings will not be received from, or returned to, subcontractors. Submit items sufliciently in advance of date required to allow reasonable time for review, and to allow for resubmission if necessary. Items not submitted in accord with the provisions of Contract Documents will be returned, without action, for resubmission. Delays caused by above shall be CONTRACTOR's responsibility. The CONTRACTOR shall submit six copies of each Shop Drawing. Shop Drawings shall be drawn on Z4-inch x 36-inch sheets or, where practical, reduced to 8 % x ll or ll x 17 inches. Three copies will to be retumed to the CONTRACTOR. If the CONTRACTOR desires more than two copies, he may submit additional copies, which will be returned to him. CONTRACTOR shall stamp his approval on Shop Drawings prior to submission to ENGINEER as indication of his checking and verification of dimensions and coordination with interrelated items. Marks on Drawings by CONTRACTOR shall not be in red. Any marks by CONTRACTOR shall be duplicated on all copies submitted. CONTRACTOR marks on reproducible transparencies shall be outlined with a rectangular box. Submit standard items such as equipment brochures, cuts of fixtures, product data sheets or standard catalog sheets or pages. lndicate exact item or model and all proposed options. lnclude material specifications, construction details, motor data, legible scale details, sizes, dimensions, weights, performance characteristics and pump curves, capacities, test data, anchoring details, location of connections to other work, installation instructions, storage and handling instructions, color charts and paint system, layout Drawings, parts catalogs, rough-in diagrams, wiring diagrams, controls, supporting calculations for equipment and associated supports specified to be designed by equipment manufacturers or suppliers, special handling instructions, and other pertinent data. 01 33 01 STIBMITTALS I I T t I l I I I I I I I t I I I 2. B. C. 1.5 1.5 H. Should the CONTRACTOR propose any item on his Shop Drawings, or incorporate an item into the work, and that item should subsequently prove to be defective or otherwise unsatisfactory, (regardless of the ENGINEER's preliminary review), the CONTRACTOR shall, at his own expense, replace the item with another item that will perform satisfactorily. INCOMPLETE SI]BMITTALS A. ENGINEER will retum entire submittals that are incomplete for the CONTRACTOR's correction and resubmittal. B. Submittals will be determined incomplete due to factors such as: l. Submittals that have no clear indication of the CONTRACTOR's review and approval. 2. Submittals that are unsigned. 3. Clearly lack sufficient information to enable the ENGINEER's review. 4. Submittals that contain more than one item. 5. Submittals that lack a sequential number system. 6. Submittals that lack a CONTRACTOR's certification that the product, material etc. conforms to, or is an exception to, the specifications. 7. Submittals that lack an indication where the product is to be used, in which specification section and drawing where the product is found. SUBMITTALS - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS AND EQI-IIPMENT RECORD SHEETS A. Operation and Maintenance Manuals and Equipment Record Sheets shall be submitted as follows: l.Operation and Maintenance Manual information and Equipment Record Sheets specific to one piece of equipment or material shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for acceptance. After Operation and Maintenance Manual and Equipment Record Sheets submittals for each piece of equipment or rnaterial have been accepted, the accepted submittals shall be assembled into bound final Operation and Maintenance Manuals and re-submitted. Provide, within 30 days after the date Shop Drawings are accepted, submittals of the Operation and Maintenance Manual information and Equipment Record Sheet. Submittals will be handled the same as Shop Drawings. See paragraph 1.3. I 0l 33 01 SUBMITTALS I I D. F. I I I t T I I I H. t t I I I I I I t The transmittal form for the Operation and Maintenance Manual and Equipment Record Sheets shall have original Shop Drawing submittal number of the accepted item plus a suffix "O-M". Equipment Record Sheets. - not required for this project Submittal of Operation and Maintenance Manuals and Equipment Records Sheets shall be applicable to but not necessarily limited to: l. Pumps 2. Instrumentation and Controls 3. Heating and Ventilating Equipment and Controls4. Electrical System 5. Valves and Operators 6. Flowmeters 7. Access Hatches G. Operation and Maintenance Manual submittals. For each individual piece of equipment, submit operation and maintenance manuals that include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following detailed information, as applicable: L Equipment function, normal operating characteristics, limiting conditions. 2. Assembly, disassembly, installation, alignment, adjustment and checking instructions. 3. Operating instructions for startup, routine and normal operation, regulation and conhol, shutdown, and emergency conditions. 4. Lubrication and maintenance instructions. 5. Guide to "troubleshooting". 6. Parts list, predicted life of parts subject to wear, and replacement parts ordering instructions with current price information, as applicable. 7. List ofspecial tools. 8. Outline, cross-section, and assembly Drawings; engineering data; and electrical diagrams, including elementary diagrams, wiring diagrams, connection diagrams and interconnection diagrams where applicable. 9. Test data and performanc€ curves, where applicable. 10. Safetyconsiderations. Where an Operation and Maintenance Manual submittal has been prepared by the manufacturer to cover more than one model of a particular piece of equipment all references to models other than the one specifically installed shall be deleted or crossed out. Submit final Operation and Maintenance Manuals printed on 8-l12 x I I inch size heavy first quality paper with standard 3-hole punching and bound in stiff metal hinged binder constructed as a 3-post style suitable for bookshelf storage or as 0l 33 0l SUBMITTALS I 1.6 otherwise accepted. Provide outside of binders with titles. Tab each section of manuals for easy reference to each piece of equipment or material with plastic- coated dividers. Provide index for each manual. J. Reduce Drawings or diagrams bound in manuals to an 8-l/2 x I I inch or l l x 17 inch size. However, where reduction is not practical to insure readability, fold larger Drawings separately and place in vinyl envelopes which are bormd into the binder. Identify vinyl envelopes with Drawing numbers. K. Include in Operation and Maintenance Manual copies of installation instructions, original parts lists, or other documents packed with equipment when delivered. L. Where the Drawings and specifications identiff a piece of equipment by an instrument tag number or equipment number, tltat same number shall also be used to identifythe equipment in the Operation and Maintenance Manual. M. Submit eight completed copies of final Operations and Maintenance Manual with Equipment Record Sheets as described previously. SUBMITTALS - SAMPLES A. Where required, submit two samples each to address indicated above. Identify sarnples as to: manufacturer, item, use, type, project designation, tag number, specification section or Drawing detail reference, color, range, texture, finish and other pertinent data. B. Forward with transmittal letters. Include brochures and installation instructions. CONTRACTOR to stamp his approval on sample transmittals as indication of his checking and verification of dimensions and coordination with intenelated items. Resubmit samples of rejected items. C. Acceptable samples submitted or constructed, constitute criteria for judging completed work. Finish work or items not equal to samples will be rejected. D. Samples may be retained for comparison purposes and the coNTRACToR shall remove samples when directed. The coNTRAcroR shall include in bid all costs of fumishing and removing samples. STIBMITTALS - RECORD DRAWINGS A. The ENGINEER will prepare a set of Record Drawings for the project that will include the changes made in materials, equipment, location and dimensions of the work. Bi-week]y, or as otherwise agreed, the coNTRACToR shall submit to the ENGINEER a current listing and description of each change incorporated into the work since the preceding submittal. I I I I I I t I t I I I I 1.7 Ij I I I 01 33 0l SUBMITTALS 1.8 1.9 1.9 I I I I I I I I t t I I I t I I I t I SUBMITTALS . MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF PROPER INSTALLATION A. Where required in the Specifications or Drawings, the CONTRACTOR shall submit manufacturer's certification of proper installation of equipment prior to startup or performance testing. B. Such certificate shall state that the equipment or system has been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation and has been inspected by a manufacturer's authorized representative, that it has been serviced with the proper initial lubricants, that applicable safety equipment has been properly installed, and that the proper electrical and mechanical connections have been made. SI]BMITTALS - CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIED STANDARDS AND CODES A. A Certificate of Compliance shall be fumished for materials specified to a recognized standard or code prior to the use of any such materials in the work. The ENGINEER may permit the use of certain materials or assemblies prior to sampling and testing if accompanied by a Certificate of Compliance. The certificate shall be signed by the manufacturer of the material or the manufacturer of assembled materials and shall state that the materials involved comply in all respects with the requirements of the Specifications. A Certificate of Compliance shall be furnished with each lot of material delivered to the work and the lot so certifred shall be clearlv identilied in the certificate. B. All materials used on the basis of a Certificate of Compliance may be sampled and tested at any time. The fact that material is used on the basis of a Certificate of Compliance shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of responsibility for incorporating material in the work which conforms to the requirements of the Contract Documents and any such material not conforming to such requirements will be subj ect to rej ection whether in place or not. C. The ENGINEER reserves the right to refuse permission for use of material on the basis of a Certificate of Compliance. D. The form of the Certificate of Compliance and its disposition shall be as directed by the ENGINEER. SUBMITTALS - ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION Transmittals will be reviewed for overall design intent and retumed to CONTRACTOR with action to be indicated by the ENGINEER. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to assure that previously accepted documents are destroyed when they are superseded by a resubmittal as such. 0l 33 0l SUBMITTALS I B. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibiliry to insure that required items are conected and resubmitted. C. If the items or system proposed are acceptable however the major part of the individual Drawings or documents are incomplete or require revision, the submittal will be retumed with requirements for completion. 1.IO SIJBMITTALDISPOSITON A. ENGINEER will review, mark, stamp and return submittals to the CONTRACTOR as follows: l. Final for Construction a' CONTRACTOR may commence activities to order. fabricate and perform work covered by the submittal. 2. Finalfor Construction, as Noted a. Comments noted by the ENGINEER shall be incorporated into the work covered by the submittal. b' CONTRACTOR may contmence activities to order. fabricate and perform work covered by the submittal. 3. For Correclion and Resubmittal a. CONTRACTOR shall make corrections or develop replacement or altemate product and resubmit in same marmer as original subrnission. b. Submittal is not approved. 4. Rejected a. CONTRACTOR shall make corrections or develop replacement or alternate product and resubmit or submit missing information in same manner as original submission.b. Submittal is not approved. PART 2 - MATERJALS - NOT USED PART 3 _ EXECUTION -NOT USED I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I t I0l 33 0t END OFSECTION STIBMITTALS I I , iJYfSffi'RANsMIrrAL I I T I I I t t I To: Robert T. Bates, PE Date: lG2l-00 Bates Engineering, Inc.Submittal (chronological) No.: 001 7175 W. Jefferson Ave., Suite 3800 El New Submittal tr Resubmittal Previous Submittal No. :Lakewood. Colorado 8023 5 -2321 Contractors ID No.: 10220-001 From: (name ofproject manager)Proiect XYZ (Conpany)Required Retum Date: I I -21-00 (Address)Is an expedited review requested? fl yes X No Contains variations or exceptions to Specifications fl Yes E no (Address) Submittal No. Confractors Identification No. No. of copies Description Manufacturer or Supplier Spec. Section Drawing No. 001 10220-001 6 Venl screen ABC 10220 l4-s-12 t The following item is submitted:t CONTRACTOR certifies that he has complied with the requirements of the Contract Documents I in the preparation, review and submission of this submittal and that the submittal is complete andt in conformance with the Contract Documenrs. Contractor (authorized signature) I SUBMITTAL TRANSMITTAL t Bv: I I t I I 0r330r 3.1 3.2 J.J 3.4 I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I I I I PART 2 PART 3 0G05-06 SECTION 0135 00 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES PARTI GENERAL 1.1 WORKINCLUDED The intent of this Specification is to emphasize aspects of the project that require special procedures. This includes, but isn't limited to, dewatering, access road construction and telemetrv. PRODUCTS - NOT USED EXECUTION ACCESS ROAD A. The CONTRACTOR shall excavate, grade, place, uniformly spread, and compact 6-inches of CDOT Class 6 aggregate base course (ABC) for the permanent access road alignment to be used for construction. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the road during construction, i.e., blade the road. Upon completion of the project, just prior to leaving the site, the CONTRACTOR shall place, spread and compact an additional 6-inches of ABC. DEWATERING A. Groundwater will be pr€sent at the site according to the soils and subsurface in- vestigation. The CONTRACTOR shall initiate dewatering to facilitate excavation and construction of the stone columns. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for dewatering permits and maintenance of the dewatering system until completion of the engineered fill and construction of the underdrain system' PERMITS A. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to determine the requirernent for and ob- tain any permits required for the construction of the work of this project. TELEMETRY A. Telanetry work shall be desigrred, installed and tested by Timber Line Electric and Controls Corp., (Timber Line) Morrison, Colorado. Timber Line is responsi- ble for coordination with the DISTRICT for selection of equipment including a new radio transmitter (Motorola MOSCAD) and level sensors (US Filter ACl000). The CONTRACTOR and Timber Line are responsible for coordinat- 0l 35 00 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES I 3l I I t I I I I l I I l I I I T I I ing with the electric company and for constructing power for the telemetry systern, i.e., transformers, conduits etc. END OFSECTION SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES0l 3s 00 I I __ sECrroN ol sl oo TEMPORARY UTILITIES I PART' GENERAL I 1.1 WoRKINCLLIDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide temporary utilities and facilities which are re- t :ffi:"|. construction operations and to maintain a safe, healthy working envi- I PART2 MATERIALS I.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE AND LIGHTING r A. Electric Service is not required. I 1.2 TEMPoRARYSANITARYFACILITmS I A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide one flush type chemical toilet with holding I tank located near the field oflice. I B. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for contracting for maintenance of the tempo- I rarysanitaryfacility. I PART3 EXECUTION 3.I TEMPORARY ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE SERVICE - NOT APLICABLE I 3.2 TEMP'RARY SANITARYFACILITIES I A li*:TlHfl,:,il:'#,#i:iil;ii::::'tr-*:#,Hl!ffii,lf:Ti:1#: that apply and as needed in the opinion of the ENGINEER. rl B. A supply of toilet paper and paper towels shall be maintained at the facility. I END oFSECrroN I I t I ol 51 oo 1 TEMpoRARy urrlrrrEs I I t I T I I t I t I I I t I T I I I sEcTroN 0151 16 TEMPORARY FIRE PROTECTION PARTT GENERAL 1.1 WORKINCLUDED The CONTRACTOR is responsible for conducting work at the site in a manner to prevent frres. The CONTRACTOR shall provide immediate notice to the local fire departrnent in the event of a fre. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare a Fire Plan that lists the equipment and procedures to be followed in the event ofa fire on the project site. For the purposes ofthis specification "near" or "adjacent to" is defined as within 50 feet from portable gasoline powered equipment such as portable generators or saws. Fire extinguishers shall not be mounted to the portable equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall contact the local fire department prior to the commencement of construction to notifu the department of the work to be performed, to obtain a local contact and emergency procedures and telephone numbers. t.2 SMOKING AND LLINCH FIRES The building of camp, lunch, warming and any other fire within the project property is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited except inside a building, vehicle or while seated in an area of at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials. 1.3 FIRE RESPONSES / RESPONSIBILITY CONTRACTOR l. The CONTRACTOR shall irrmediately notify the local fire department in the event ofa fre or other emerg€ncy. 2. When notifoing the department, the CONTRACTOR shall provide the fol lowing information. a. Exact location offire and best route to fire. b. Size of fire and material (fuel) in which burning. B. D. F. B. 0l 5l 16 1 TEMPORARY FIRE PROTECTION I05{4-03 c. 1.4 SI.JBMITTALS Nature of incident or emergency. A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a fire prevention procedures plan and contact list prior to the start ofconstruction. B. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a list of equipment and procedures that to be used for fue suppression activities. PART2 MATERIALS 2.1 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A. Five lb. ABC with a UL rating of 3,A. - 40BC, or greater. B. Fire extinguishers shall be mounted on highly visible clearly marked posts or inside the construction trailer as required to meet distance requirements. PART3 EXECUTION 3.I GASOLINE POWERED PORTABLE EQUIPMENT A. Gasoline powered portable equipment such as generators or power saws and chain saws shall be equipped with a spark arrestor meeting US Forest Service Standard 5100 - Spark Arrestors for Intemal Combustion Engines. B. Any re-fueling of any equipment shall be done in an area, which has first been cleared of material which will carrv fire. 3.2 VEHICLES A. All vehicles shall be equipped with a factory designed mufller system or that is equivalent or that exceeds factory specifications. B. Exhaust systems shall be properly installed and continually maintained in a serviceable condition. 3.3 FUEL STORAGE A. Gasoline and other combustible fuels shall be kept in proper storage containers. B. Store fuels and other combustible materials away from materials that can carry fire. I ) I I I t I I I I I I I I I ! I I0l 51 16 TEMPORARY FIRE PROTECTION I 05-04-03 T 3.4 FIREEXTINGUISHERS I A. The CONTRACTOR shall have a fue extinguisher placed near each gasoline- I powered generator; welding, flame or abrasive cutting equipment that is in use. I B. In addition to each fire extinguisher required near a generator etc., the| :,:1ffi;ln;,H1r-Tff.* hf* two additionar extinguishers on site J 3.s *ELDING t A. Welding shall be performed in area(s) cleared of all flammable material. I B. Welding near forrnwork shall be perforrned in a manner to prevent combustion of I wood forms. 3.6 FLAME OR ABRASIVE CUTTING I A. Flame or abrasive cutting, such as cutting of prestressing steel tendon tails, shall I B :,:T::-tr.","."i-"';::ff."::T:abrasive t cutting activity. I ENDoFsEcrIoN ! I I I T 2 I I 0l sr 16 3 TEMIoRARvFIRErRoTECTIoN I t T SECTION 0l 55 26 TRAFFIC CONTROL PART1 GENERAL I l.l .ENERAL I A. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for confornance with any applicable t regulatory requirements regarding construction activities and impacts on vehicular, bicycle or pedestrian haffic and for preparing, submitting and obtaining I approval fortraffic control plans. B. Operations on or about traffic areas and provisions for regulating kaffic will be I subject to the regulation of governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the I affected area. I C. The CONTRACTOR shall keep rights-of-way and traffrc areas free from I excavated materials, construction equipment and construction materials such as pipe, piling and reinforcing steel. I D. The CONTRACTOR shall keep fire hydrants, utility cabinets such as electric transformers and valves for utilities such as water pipelines, free from obstruction and available for use at all times.I E. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct construction operations and activities in a I malmer to avoid unnecessary interference with public and private roads andr drives. Provide and maintain temporary approaches at streets, businesses, residences and farms. Roads kept open shall be maintained in an acceptable t condition. 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS r A. Manual onUniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD I B. American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA)I I ) i::n::lJ"t"Tt*1ff"fl**" r C. Federal Highway Works Administration (FHWA) National Highway Cooperative I Research Program (NHCRP) l. NCHRP Report 350 r T I or s526 TRAFFIC CONTROL t I.3 TP\AI]FIC CONTROL PLAN A. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for adhering to the approved traffic contol plan. B. The plan, personnel and devices used shall conform to the reference quality standards. C. Devices shall conform to the criteria contained in the NCHRP Report 350 Categories I - 4. 1.4 FLAGGERS A. When necessary due to the intensity of construction operations and to provide for public safety, or for conformance with the haffic control plan, provide competent flaggers to regulate the safe flow ofhaffic. B. Flaggers shall be properly equipped and certified by ATSSA. 1.5 WARNING SIGNS AND LIGHTS A. When required by the traffic conhol plan or public safety the CONTRACTOR shall provide barricades, warning lights and signs for: 1. Open henches and other excavations 2. Obstructions such as material piles, moving or parked equipment and earth embanl<rnents. 3. The CONTRACTOR shall illuminate all barricades and obstructions from sunset to sunrise with appropriate warning lights. Effective barricades with appropriate warning and informational sips shall be placed to protect driveways and roads. Signs and barricades are subject to the review and acceptance of the ENGINEER. PART2 MATERIALS-NOTUSED PART3 EXECUTION_NOTUSED 4. 5. t I I t I I I I I t t I I I II 0t 55 26 END OFSECTION TRAFFICCONTROL T I I I tz-2742 PART I SECTION OT 66 OO DELIVERY, STORAGE AND IIAI\DLING GENERAL GENERAI A. The word'?roducts," as used herein, is defined to include purchased items for in- corporation into the Work, regardless of whether specifically purchased for pro- ject or taken from CONTRACTOR's stock of previously purchased products. B. The word "Materials," is defined as products which must be substantially cut, shaped, worked, mixed, finished, refined, or otherwise fabricated, processed, in- stalled, or applied to form units of work. C. The word "Equipment," is defined as products with operational parts, regardless of whether motorized or manually operated, and particularly including products with service connections (wiring, piping, and other like items). D. Definitions in this paragraph are not intended to negate the meaning of other terms used in Contract Documents, including "specialties," "systems," "structure," "finishes," i'accessories," "furnishings," "special construction," and similar terms, which are self-explanatory and have recognized meanings in the construc- tion industry. PRODUCT DELMERY - STORAGE - HANDLING C. The CONTRACTOR shall deliver, handle, and store products in accordance with manufacturer's written recommendations and by methods and means, which will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss including theft. Delivery schedules shall be controlled to minimize long-term storage of products at site and overcrowding of construclion spaces. CONTRACTOR shall provide delivery/installation coordination to ensure mini- mum holding or storage times for products recognized to be flammable, hazard- ous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other sources of loss. The CONTRACTOR shall inspect products upon delivery to ensure compliance with the conffact Documents, and to ensure that products are undamaged and properly protected. A. B. D. l.l t.z I t I I I I t I I I t I T I I T 0l 66 00 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING It2-27-02 1.3 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING Products shall be hansported by methods to avoid product damage and shall be delivered in undamaged condition in manufacturer's unopened containers or packaging. The CONTRACTOR shall provide equipment and personnel to handle products, materials, and equipment including those provided by OWNER, by methods to prevent soiling and damage. The CONTRACTOR shall provide additional protection during handling to pre- vent marring and otherwise damaging products, packaging, and surrounding sur- faces. STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Products shall be stored in accordance with manufacturer written instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Sensitive products shall be stored in weather-tight enclosures and temperature and humidity ranges shall be maintained within tolerances required by manufacturer's written instructions. B. For exterior storage offabricated products, they shall be placed on sloped supports above ground. Products subject to deterioration shall be covered with impervious sheet covering; ventilation shall be provided to avoid condensation. C. Loose granular materials shall be stored on solid surfaces in a well-drained area and shall be prevented from mixing with foreign matter. D. Storage shall be arranged to provide access for inspection. E. The CONTRACTOR shall periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and are maintained under required conditions. F. Storage shall be arranged in a manner to provide access for maintenance of stored items and for inspection. MAINTENANCE OF LONG-TERM EQUIPMENT STORAGE A. For mechanical and electrical equipment in long-term storage, the CONTRAC- TOR shall provide a copy of the manufacturer's service instructions to accompany each item, with notice on enclosed instruction shown on exterior of package. B. Equipment shall be serviced on a regularly scheduled basis, and a log ofservices shall be maintained and submitted as a record document to the ENGINEER. 2 DELryERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING B. C. I I I I I t T I T I t ;t I 1.4 I I I 1.5 0l 66 00 I t2-2i42 I , c' ::ffi1::H"ffi:*ilH,ffr,1he project struch'e in a manner that w'r not I PART2 MATERTALS-N'r'.En I PART3 EXECUTTON-NOTUSED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 016600 END OFSECTION 3 DELryERY,STORAGEANDHANDLING I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I t I t SECTTON Or 7123 F'IELD ENGINEERING. MATERIALS TESTING AIID SURVEYING PART 1- GENERAL 1.I GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall assist and cooperate with the OWNER and ENGINEER to access the work to perform the OWNER's quality assurance work. 1.2 SURVEY A. The OWNER will provide horizontal and vertical survey control for the project. B. The CONTRACTOR will be required to perform surveys that are necessary to layout structure and pipeline lines, alignments, grades and elevations from the OWNER's provided control. C. The OWNER may elect to review and or veri$ CONTRACTOR established lines, grades and elevations by surveys. The CONTRACTOR shall provide access to project work for these surveys. D. OWNER performed reviews or surveys shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR's responsibility for correct lines, grades, elevations and structure layout. 1.3 CONSTRUCTIONSTAKEOUT A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform construction stakeout using qualified, competent personnel. B. The CONTRACTOR shall stake pipelines at horizontal points of intersection (PI's), grade changes and at 50 foot intervals or less, to properly construction the pipe. C. All survey data developed by the CONTRACTOR in performing surveys shall be available to the ENGINEER for review throughout the construction time period. D. The CONTRACTOR construction survey personnel shall enter all survey notes and construction stakeout cut notes into a hard cover field book. 1. The CONTRACTOR shall zubmit a copy of cut sheets to the ENGINEER a minimum of 36 hours is advance of construction activities so that the lines and grades may be reviewed prior to construction. I FIELD ENGINEERING, MATERIALS TESTING AND SURVEYING 0l 7t 23 I t.4 t2:27{.7 2. The CONTRACTOR shall submit all field books, notes, cut sheets and other data developed by the CONTRACTOR in performing surveys to the ENGINEER along with other documentation that may be required for Final Acceptance. FIELD ENGINEERING A. A project representative from the OWNER and/or ENGINEER will be assigned to the project to review work in progress. B. The CONTRACTOR is required to perform quality control as described in SECTTON 01440 - CONTRACTOR QUALmY CONTROL. C. Any construction performed at times other than the normal weekday working hours of 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. that requires construction observation (excluding the floor and roof slab concrete placement) may, at the option of the OWNE& be charged to the CONTRACTOR. D. Whether or not construction observation will be performed or necessary will be determined by the ENGINEER. E. Should the CONTRACTOR fail to complete the project within the Contract time, construction observation and consulting time required during the completion of the project will be charged to the CONTRACTOR and subtracted from any amounts due from progress payments. Whether or not construction observation will be performed or necessary will be determined by the ENGINEER. SOLS COMPACTION TESTING FOR PIPELINE TRENCH BACKFILL AND SITE EARTHWORK C. The CONTRACTOR is required to retain a consultant to perform quality control geotechnical materials testing to determine the conformance of the work with the Specifications. The frequency of the CONTRACTOR's compaction tests shall be in conformance with the standard of care exercised on similar projects in Colorado. A geotechnical firm retained by the ENGINEER or OWNER will perform on-site quality assurance soils materials consulting and testing services for the OWNER to determine the acceptablity of the work. Areas for which the OWNER's tests show noncompliance shall be removed and recompacted to conform to the Specifications upon receipt of the test results. All costs for reworking and retesting backfill material to meet the Specification requirements shall be at the CONTRACTOR's expens€. I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1.5 B. D. II FIELD ENGINEERING, MATERIALS TESTINGAND SURVEYING I I 0r 7t 23 I A. I r 1.6 I 12:27{.2 CONCRETE TESTING SERVICES Unless otherwise noted in these specifications or in the Drawings, the OWNER or ENGINEER will retain a concrete materials testing firm to perform on-site concrete materials consulting and quality assurance testing services. The CONTRACTOR shall assist the testing firm with concrete sampling and testing. The CONTRACTOR shall provide test site areas designated by the OWNER. The test sites shall be approximately 150 square feet in area, level, and accessible at all times. The CONTRACTOR or the concrete producer is required to perform maturity testing of the concrete to aid in predicting the strengtl of concrete to determine the proper time for loading post-tensioning and termination of cold weather protection. Maturity testing is required for all floors flabs, walls, beams and suspended slabs. Concrete quality control sampling or testing of concrete by the OWNER or ENGINEER as found in paragraph A above. However, in the event that the CONTRACTOR desires to perform concrete materials quality conhol testing, make concrete cyclinders for compression testing to facilitate formwork cycling or other tests such as permeability or shrinkage tests, requires advice or consultations regarding concrete materials or if non-conforming materials are supplied or work occurs, the CONTRACTOR shall retain the services of a concrete materials consultant to work on his behalf. END OFSECTION FMLD ENGINEERING, MATERIALS TESTING AND SURVEYING B. C. D. I T I I I t I I T I T I t I I I ot 7t 23 I 12:29-99 I SECTTON 0l7l34 TRJE AND LAI\DSCAPE PROTECTION I PARTI GENERAL I I.I GENERALrA. The CONTRACTOR shall exercise care to avoid damaging trees, landscaping and irrigation systems that are not to be removed during the course of the Work. I . I.2 PROTECTION OF TREES AND LANDSCAPING: I A. The CONTRACTOR shall competently supervise excavating, grading, filling and other construction operations to prevent damage to trees and landscaping, including irrigation systems that are not marked for removal.I B. The CONTRACTOR shall erect barricades or construction safety fence around trees, shrubs and other landscaping such as grass and rock to be saved and handI trim branches with a hand saw or chain saw. Breaking of branches by hand or machinery is prohibited. In so far as it is possible the CONTRACTOR shall I protect the root zones of trees and shrubs- C. The CONTRACTOR shall avoid traffic or parking, stockpiling of materials, I especially materials detrimental to trees and plantings, excavated soils and refuse, or detrimental drainage near landscaping or trees that are not marked for removal. I I.3 REMEDIATIoN oFDAMAGED TRESS AND LANDSCAPING:I r A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the timely replacement of damaged t trees and landscaping not marked for removal. - B. The Contractor will be required to replace damaged landscaping with similarI iffi:5'Jik*$l'ffinT,il$iffffiil"s'fiHrifl:t1ilHff*of'lhese I c ffiTJ;:if:::'*i:fi',:T:""::il:T;1Ti'il,:,t"T'Jl:;""ffif'* I PART 2 MATERIALS _ NOT USED I PART3 EXECUTION-NOTUSED I END OF SECTION I I I u7134 TREE AND LANDSCAPE PROTECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;I ICity of Fort Collins - Water Utilities Section 01720 - Page 2 of 2 I I MATNTENAN." 3?"SH[frt+Jft* opERArroN I PART I GEr\-ERALr 1.1 GENERAL I A. This work covered under these section sets responsibilities for both the CONTRACTOR and OWNER to maintain continuous water system operation. t r.2 NEEDFORCONTTNUOUS SERVTCE: I A. The OWNER will cooperate with the CONTRACTOR to make arrangements for I continuity of water service and operation ofvalves. B. Existing utility systems are devoted to public seryice and shall be kept in continuous I servrce. I 1.3 CoNNECTTONTODilSTTNGFACILITIES I A. ffir""f*CTOR shall thoroughly plan in advance of making connections to existing B. The OWNER shall operate or superr"ise the operation of valves or other appurtenances on existing water utilities except in case of an emergency. I C. The CONTRACTOR shall notifu the OWNER atleast72 hours in advance of a need to operate a valve or other appurtenance. I 1.4 MATNTENANCEOFOPERATION: A. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the existing water system in continuous service except as specially authorized by the OWNER. t t PART2 PRODUCTS-NOTUSED I PART3 EXECUTION_NOTUSED I I I I I I MAINTENANCE OF WATER SYSTEM OPERATIONS 017136 l.t I I t I T I I I Qt-2743 PART 1 SECTION OI7416 SITE MAINTENANCE GENERAL SITE RESTORATION AND CLEAN-UP A. The CONTRACTOR, At all times during the work, shall keep the premises clean and orderly, and upon completion of the work, repair all damage caused by equip- ment and leave the project free of rubbish or excess materials of any kind. B. Stockpile excavated materials in a manner that will cause the least damage to ad- j acent lawns, grassed areas, gardens, shrubbery, or fences regardless of whether these are on private property, or on Town, State, or County rights-of-way. C. Remove all excavated materials from grassed and planted areas, and leave these surfaces in a condition equivalent to their original condition. D. All existing drainage ditches and culverts shall be reopened and grade and natural drainage restored. Restore culverts broken or damaged to their original condition and location. E. Upon completion of filling and grading operations, hand-rake and drag all former grassed and planted areas, leaving all disturbed areas free from rocks, gravel, clay or any other foreign material. F. The finished surface shall be fiee draining and free from holes, ruts, rough spots, or other surface features detrimental to a seeded area. FIMSHING OF SITE, BORROWAND STORAGE AREAS A. Upon completion of the project, all areas used by the CONTRACTOR shall be properly cleared of all temporary structures, rubbish, and waste materials and properly graded to drain and blend in with the abutting property. B. Areas used for the deposit of waste materials shall be finished to properly drain and blend with the surrounding terrain. STREET AND ROAD CLEAN TIP DURING CONSTRUCTION Thoroughly clean all spilled dirt, gravel, or other foreign material caused by the construction operations from public and private roads and streets at the conclusion ofeach day's operation. I I I I I 1.2 1.3 I I I I I I 0t 74 t6 SITE MAINTENANCE I0t-2743 1.4 DUST PREVENTION A. Give all unpaved sheets, roads, detours, or haul roads used in the constuction area an approved dust-preventive treatment or periodically water to prevent dust. B. Applicable environmental regulations for dust prevention shall be strictly fol- lowed. PART 2 _ MATERIALS - NOT APPLICABLE PART 3 _EXECUTION. NOT APPLICABLE EI\D OFSECTION I I I I I I I I I I I t I I II 01 74 t6 SITEMAINTENANCE B. C. t I I I t I I I I I I I I T T I I I t SECTION 01 89 29 MOVE IN AND SITE PREPARATION PART1 GENERAL I.1 WORKINCLUDED Prepare the site for construction. Move in personnel and equipment. Set up temporary offices, buildings, facilities and utilities. t.2 SITE CONDITIONS An area will be designated for CONTRACTOR's parking, staging and storage. These meas maybe shown on the Drawings. 1.3 SITE PREPARATION FOR CONTRACTOR OCCIJPANCY G. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all temporary facilities as required for performing the work. It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to suitably maintain the area designated for field offices, parking, staging and storage. The CONTRACTOR may construct a temporary security fence for the protection of materials, tools, and equipment. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for maintenance of the fence during the construction period. Upon completion of work, the security fence shall be removed from the site by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate parking facilities within the designated area for personnel working on the project. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain the necessary permits for connection to necessary services provided by utility companies serving the project area. Materials, equipment, and work required for temporary storm water management during the construction period shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR as required to ensure public safety and to protect the work in progress and materials stored on site. The CONTRACTOR shall set-up temporary construction facilities in a neat and orderly manner within designated are4 accomplish all required work in B. C. D. E. F. ot 89 29 I MOVEINANDSITEPREPARATION I PART 2 accordance with applicable portions of these Specifications and con-fine operations to work area shown. MATERIALS - NOT USED I I I t I I t l I I I t I I I lI I 3.2 3.3 3.4 PART3 EXECUTION 3.I CONSTRUCTION STAJqNG A. The CONTRACTOR shall stake out the consfruction, establish temporary benchmarks, lines, levels, batterboards, reference points, centerlines, and verify all dimensions in relation to connection with existing facilities- The CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for all errors in connection with this work. B. Prior to commenc€ment of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall report to the ENGINEER any inconsistencies in the control survey and proposed lines, levels, grades, dimensions, or locations shown on the Drawings. OBSTRUCTIONS A. The location of some utilities and obskuctions may not be shown. B. The CONTRACTOR is advised to carefully inspect the existing facilities performing any work. C. The removal and replacement of minor obstructions such as electrical conduits, air, water, and waste piping, and similar items shall be anticipated and accomplished, even though not shown or specifically mentioned. CUTTING AND DEMOLITION A. Any pipes or existing structures encounlered during construction shall be preserved until accepted for removal by the ENGINEER- B. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to.repair pipes or skuchues in use that are damaged during construction at no cost to the OWNER. C. The removal of abandoned pipes shall be accepted by the ENGINEER. REMOVAI AND SAIVAGE OF MATERIALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall carefully remove materials specified to be reused or salvaged so as not to damage the material. 01 89 29 MOVE IN AND SITE PREPARATION 3.5 I I T I I I I t I I B. Reuse by the CONTRACTOR of salvaged material will not be permitted, except as specifically shown or specified herein. C. Existing materials to be removed or replaced and not specifically designated for salvage shall become the property of the CONTRACTOR. D. Provide and maintain dust-tight temporary partitions, bulkheads, or other protective devices during the construction to permit normal operation of the existing facilities. Construct partitions of plywood, insulating board, plastic sheets, or similar material. CLEARING TIM SITE All areas underlying new structures, paved areas, site fills and embankrnents shall be cleared of stumps, shrubs, brush, and other vegetative growth. Strip ground surface of all organic materials and dispose of wood or other matter found to a depth of 6-inches below the ground surface. Stripped material suitable for use as topsoil shall be stockpiled on the site at an acceptable location and later replaced dwing final grading operations. Other strippings shall be disposed of off the site at the CONTRACTOR's expense. Upon completion of the project, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the construction facilities, and clean-up all areas disturbed by construction activities. END OFSECTION C. I t I I I T I I I 0l 89 29 MOVE IN AND SITE PREPARATION l.l 1.2 1.3 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I 02-0t -05 PART 1 SECTION 02 OO OO SITE CONDITIONS SITE ITTMSTIGATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS ACKNOWLEDEMENTS - LOCAL CONDITIONS A. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the general and local conditions, particularly those bearing upon access to the site; handling, storage, and disposal of materials; availability ofwater, electricity and roads; uncertainties ofweather, river stages, or similar physical conditions at the site; the conformation and conditions of the ground; the equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the execution of the work; and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under this Contract. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - SURFACE & SLIBSURFACE CONDITIONS A. The CONTRACTOR funher acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the character, extent, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials to be encountered from his inspection of the site and from reviewing any available records of exploratory work fumished by the OWNER or included in these Documents. B. Failure by the CONTRACTOR to acquaint himself with the physical conditions of the site and all the available information will not relieve him from responsibility for properly estimating the diffrculty or cost of successfully performing the work nor will it constitute the basis for a chanse in conditions claim. WARRANTEES A. The CONTRACTOR warrants that as a result of his examination and investigation ofall the aforesaid data that he can perform the work in a good and workmanlike mann€r and to the satisfaction of the OWNER. B. The OWNER nssumes no responsibility for any representations made by any of its officers or agents during or prior to the execution ofthis Contract, unless (1) such representations are expressly stated in the Contract, and (2) the Contract expressly provides that the responsibility therefore is assumed by the OWNER. 02 00 00 SITE CONDITIONS I02-0 | {5 PART 2 INT'ORMATION ON SITD COI{DITIONS 2.1 SOISN.T\TESTIGATIONINFORMANON B. To obtain relative data concerning the character or material in and upon which the project might be built, a soils and foundation may have been peforrned. If an investigation was pefomred, the information and data contained in the report would have been used to desigr the proposed project. The data is solely for the use of the ENGINEER for its design purposes, and is neither a statement nor a warranty of soil conditions. Any information obtained by the ENGINEER regarding site conditions, subsurface information, groundwater elevations, existing construction of site facilities, and similar data will be available for inspection, as applicable, at the office of the OWNER or ENGINEER upon request. The report and data is made available to bidders for information purposes only and is not a part of these Contract Documents. Neither the ENGINEER nor the OWNER assumes any responsibility for the completeness or interpretation of such supplementary information. 1. Differing Subsurface Conditions a- In the event that the subsurface or latent physical conditions are found materially different from those that this design is based on, and differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recogrized as inherent in the character and location of work covered in these Contract Documents, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notifr the ENGINEER in writing of such changed conditions. b. The ENGINEER will investigate such conditions promptly and following this investigation, the CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the work, unless otherwise instructed by the ENGINEER.c. If the ENGINEER finds that such conditions do so materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the cost of or in the time required for performing the work, the ENGINEER will recommend to the OWNER the amount of adjustment in cost and time he considers reasonable. d. The OWNER will make the final decision on all Change Orders to the Contract regarding any adjusfinent in cost or time for completion. I I I I I I I I t l I I I C. D. I t'l t I 02 00 00 SITE CONDITIONS I I 2.2 I I.]NDERGROI-IND UTILITIES Known utilities and structures adiacent to or encountered in the work are shown on the Drawings. The locations shown are taken from existing records and the best information available from existing utility plans, however, it is expected that there may be some discrepancies and omissions in the locations and quantities of utilities and structures shown. C. Those shown are for the convenience of the CONTRACTOR only, responsibility is assumed by either the OWNER or the ENGINEER accuracy or completeness. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY PROPERTIES AI\D SER\IICE 3.1 GENERAL A. B. A. B. C. D. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and no for their PART 3 Where the CONTRACTOR's operations could cause damage or inconvenience to railway, telegraph, telephone, television, oil, gas, electricity, water, sewer, or irrigation systems, the operations shall be suspended until all arrangements necessary for the protection of these utilities and services have been made by the CONTRACTOR. Notify all utility offrces that are affected by the construction operation at least 48 hours in advance. Under no circumstances expose any utility without first obtaining permission from the appropriate agency. Once permission has been granted, locate, expose, and provide temporary support for all existing underground utilities. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all utility poles from damage. If interfering power poles, telephone poles, guy wires, or anchors are encountered, notifr the ENGINEER and the appropriate utilify company at least 48 hours in advance of construction operations to permit the necessary arrangements for protection or relocation of the interfering structure. The CONTRACTOR shall be solely and directly responsible to the OWNER and operators of such properties for any damage, injury, expense, loss, inconvenience, delay, suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damage which may result from the construction operations under this Contract. 02 00 00 SITE CONDITIONS I I t I I I I3.2 E. Neither the OWNER nor its officers or agents shall be responsible to the CONTRACTOR for damages as a rezult of the CONTRACTOR's failure to protect utilities encountered in the work. F. If the CONTRACTOR while performing the Contract discovers utility facilities not identified in the Drawings or Specifications, he shall irnmediately notifu the OWNER, utility, and the ENGINEER in writing. G. ln the event of intemrption to domestic water, sewer, storm drain, or other utility services as a result of accidental breakage due to construction operations, promptly noti! the proper authority. Cooperate with said authority in the restoration of service as promptly as possible and bear all costs ofrepair. In no case shall intemrpfion of any water or utility service be allowed to exist outside working hours unless prior approval is granted. H. The CONTRACTOR shall replace, at his own expens€, any and all other existing utilities or structures removed or damaged during construction, unless otherwise provided for in these Contract Documents or ordered by the ENGINEER. INTERFERING STRUCTURES A. Take necessary precautions to prevent damage to existing structures whether on the surface, aboveground, or underground. B. An attempt has been made to show major structur€s on the Drawings. C. The completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and it is presented simply as a guide to avoid known possible difficulties. FIELD RELOCATION C. During the progress of construction, it is expected that minor relocations of the work will be necessary. Relocations shall be made only by direction of the ENGINEER. If existing structures are encountered that prevent the construction, and that are not properly shown on the Drawings, notifo the ENGINEER before continuing with the construction in order that the ENGINEER may make such field revision as necessary to avoid conflict with the existing structures. If the CONTRACTOR shall fail to so notiff the ENGINEER when an existing slructure is encountered, and shall proceed with the conskuction despite the interference, he shall do so at his own risk. J.J I I I I I I I B. D. I I t I 02 00 00 SITE CONDITIONS I I I B. C. E. F. G. I I I I I t I H. 3.5 I I I T I I I I I 3.4 EASEMENTS Where portions of the work are located on private property, easements and permits will be obtained by the OWNER. When portions of the work are located on public property, any required permits shall be obtained by the CONTRACTOR. Easements obtained by the OWNER will provide for the use of the property for construction purposes to the extent indicated on the easements. D. Copies of these OWNER obtained easements and permits are available upon request to the OWNER. It shall be the CONTRACTORs responsibility to determine the adequacy of the easement obtained in every case and to abide by all requirements and provisions of the easement. The CONTRACTOR shall confine his construction operations to within the easement limits or make special arrangements with the property owners or appropriate public agency for the additional area required. Any damage to property, either inside or outside the limits of the easements provided by the OWNER, shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR as specified herein. The CONTRACTOR shall remove, protect, and replace all fences or other items encountered on public or private property. Before final payment will be authorized by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR will be required to furnish the OWNER with written releases from property owners or public agencies where side agreements or special easements have been made by the CONTRACTOR or where the CONTRACTOR's operations, for any reason, have not been kept within the construction right-of-way obtained by the OWNER. J. It is anticipated that the required easements and permits will be obtained before construction is started. However, should the procurement of any easement or permit be delayed, the CONTRACTOR shall schedule and perform the work around these areas until such a time as the easement or permit has been secured. LANDMONUMENTS The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER of any existing Federal, State, Town, County, and private land monuments encountered. Private monuments 02 00 00 SITE CONDITIONS I B. shall be preserved, or replaced by a licensed surveyor at the coNTRACToR's expense. when Govemment monuments are encounrered, the coNTRAcroR shall notifi the ENGINEER at least two weeks in advance of the proposed constuction in order that the ENGINEER will have ample opportunity to notiff the proper authority and reference these monuments for later replacement. EI\[D OFSECTION I I I I t t I I I I I I I I,i I 02 00 00 SME CONDITIONS B. C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I T 02-0 t 45 SECTTON 02 40 00 REMOVAL OF STRUCTTJRES AIID OBSTRUCTIONS PART I GEI\TIRAL 1.I V/ORKINCLIJDED D. PART2 This section of the specifications will govern the demolition, removal and legal disposal ofslope and ditch paving, abandoned utility services, curb, gutter, utility pipe, manholes, culvert pipe, fence, sidewalk, bridges or parts of bridges, guardrail, detours, signs, signals, foundations, pavements, concrete inlet boxes, headwall, individual sewage disposal systems and any other obstructions that are not designated or permitted to remain. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all laboq materials and equipment required to complete the work described herein and as shown in the Drawings to permit installation of equipment or materials as required. The work shall also include salvaging, stockpiling and loading materials designated to be salvaged, sandblasting, plryging structures, cleaning culverts, and sawing and cutting to facilitate controlled breaking and removal of concrete and asphalt to a neat line. Except in areas to be excavated, the resulting trenches, holes, and pits shall be backfilled. Materials removed and not designated to be salvaged or incorporated into the work shall become the property of the CONTRACTOR- Material salvaged shall become the property of the OWNER. Also see SECTION 3l ll 00 - CLEARING AND GRUBBING for removal of trees and brush. MATERIALS 2.1 SALVABLE MATERIAL All salvable material designated in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications (boulders) to remain the property of the OWNER shall be removed without damage, in sections or pieces, that may readily be transported, and shall be stockpiled by the CONTRACTOR at specified locations within the project limits. The CONTRACTOR shall safeguard salvable materials and shall be responsible for the expense of repairing or replacing damaged or missing material. REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS 02 40 00 I 3.2 3.3 3.4 PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 SIGNS AND TRAFFIC SIGNATS Removal of signs shall include removal of posts, footings, pedestals, sign panels and brackets. concrete adhering to signs to be salvaged, and provided to the OWNER, shall be removed. B. Removal of sigr panel shall include removal of the panel and its attachment hardware from the existing installation and adjusting the spacing of any remaining sign panels. DETOURS A. The coNTRACToR shall completely remove any detour, including appurtenant items such as culverts, signs and other structures, and dispose the materials in accordance with this specifi cation. PAVEMENTS, SIDEWALKS, STRUCTURES AND CURBS A. All concrete pavement, sidewalks, stuctures, curbs, gutters, etc., designated for removal, shall be broken up and disposed of from the site. PORTIONS OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES A. Portions of existing structures within the limits of the new structure or desipated to be partially removed shall be removed as necessary to accommodate construction of the project. That portion of the existing structure desigrated to remain in place shall be protected from damage. All damage to structures designated to remain in place shall be repaired at the coNTRACToRs expense. The method of repair shall be reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. B. The concrete shall be sawed to facilitate controlled breaking and removal of concrete. Sawing shall be done to a true line, with a vertical face, unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings. The minimum depth of a saw cut in concrete shall be two inches in depth or to the depth ofthe reinforcing steel, whichever is less. c. Reinforcing steel projecting from the structure designated to remain, shall be cleaned and aligned to new construction when applicable. Required dowels shall be securely grouted in place in accordance with detaits shown in the Drawings. All exposed reinforcing steel shall be cleaned by sandblasting. The steel shall be free of oil, dirt, concrete fragments or laitance, loose rust scale and other coatings that would prevent or inhibit bond with the new concrere. I I I t T t I I I I I I I t t I REMOVALOFSTRUCTURES I AND OBSTRUCTIONS T I 02 40 00 I t 3.5 DISPOSAL OF MATERI,ALAND DEBRIS A. No material or debris shall be disposed of within the project limits without the written permission of the ENGINEER. B. Material to be disposed of off-site shall be legally transported and disposed of in accordance with applicable local, state and federal regulations. The CONTRACTOR shall make all arrangements to obtain written permission from property ovr'ners for disposal locations outside the limits of the project. Copies of the written agreements shall be provided to the ENGINEER before the disposal area is used. EXTENT OF REMOVAL A. When permitted by the ENGINEER, or desigrrated in the Drawings, portions of structures to be demolished shall be removed as indicated on the Drawings to not less than two feet below finished grade beneath any roadway, structure, pipeline or similar improvement. PAVEMENT MARKINGS A. Pavement markings shall be removed from the pavement to the maximum extent possible by methods that do not materially alter or damage the surface or texture of the pavement. The method of pavement marking removal shall be submitted in writing, reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. Operations that do not produce acceptable removal will not be permitted. Materials deposited on the pavement as a result of removal of pavement markings shall be promptly removed so as no to interfere with traffic, roadway drainage or cause a safety issue to the public. END OFSECTION REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS t 3'7 I 3.6 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 02 40 00 l.l 1.2 I t t I t I I T t I I t I T I I t I T PART I SECTION 03 11 13 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORMING GENERAL WORK INCLUDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all labor, tools, equipment and materials to set forms for the proper placement of concrete for structures such as vaults and water retaining structures. B. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to design and build adequate forms and to leave them in-place until they can be safely removed and without damaging such as pealing, the concrete. C. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for damage and injury caused by rernoving forms carelessly or before the concrete has gained sufficient strength. Means and methods of repair shall be reviewed by the ENGINEER prior to performing the work. D. The review of formwork submittals is performed only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with this specification. The review shall not include an assessment of items such as the accuracy or applicability of the design, complete- ness of details, dimensions, gauges, construction means or methods, safety pre- cautions, all of which are the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. E. All wall and suspended slab formwork, and if required shoring and reshoring, shall be desigred by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the state where the project is located and having a minimum of five years' experience in the desigrr of concrete formwork or form systems. F. The CONTRACTOR shall form footings and walls of buried structures, Place- ment of concrete against the soil excavated to serve as a vertical form is prohib- ited. QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Concrete lnstitute ACI 318 - Building Code Requironents for Structural Concrete ACI SP-4 - Formwork for Concrete B. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORMING l. 2. 03 ll 13 American Plywood Association 05-2446 PS I - US Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plvwood J20 - Grades and Specifications V345 - Concrete Forming 1.3 SUBMITTALS l. Design, placement and maintenance of formwork and form systems are the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. Submittals other than listed herein are not required nor will they be reviewed. The formwork submittal draw- ing shall show the location of all ties relative to reinforcing, including post-tansioning steel, to ensure proper clearance. Product Technical Data L Manufacturer and type of form materials 2. Manufacturer and type of form ties 3. Manufacturer and type of void form including compressive strength 4. Manufacturer of form release agent Formwork Design 1. Wall and suspended slab formwork drawings shall be stamped with the seal of the desigrring engineer and sigrred in accordance with the profes- sional engineer registration laws where the project is located. PRODUCTS GENERAL A. For the purposes ofthis specification exposure shall be defined as a surface, inte- rior or exterior, ofa structure tbat will be exposed to view during its use. For ex- ample, the interior wall of a buried water retaining structure is a surface exposed to view. B. Hand set "modular" or "panel" forms shall be "as-new" condition. The plywood panels used in hand set forms shall be free of defects, such as splintered wood, and appearance subject to the acceptance or rejection by the ENGINEER. Forms that are rejected shall be re-faced, repaired to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER or rernoved from the project. Acceptance or rejection is not an evaluation ofthe structural integrity of the form or form systern, but only an evaluation of the ap- pearance ofthe form and its likely impact on the finished concrete surface. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORMING I 3l I I l. 2. J. C. I I I t I l I I l T I I I I I PART 2 2.1 03 11 13 I 05-2446 I C. Three inches ofclearance is required between any tie and an edge ofa concrete face. I 2.2 FORMS FOR CURVED OR STRAIGHT SURFACES EXPOSED TO VIEW I A. Walls I l. APA B-B Plyform Class I, Exterior, PS-l-83. The plywood shall be mill I oiled and edge sealed.I 2, Symons hand set steel-ply forms, or equal, faced with APA High Density Overlay Plyform Class I Exterior. r 3' Sffi"f ;,$:#:xli"#tJi:gang forms' faced with ApA Hish Densitv t B. Floor and Roof Slabs I l. APA B-B Plyform Class I, Exterior, PS-l-83. The plywood shall be mill I oiled and edgesealed. r C. Columns f 1. Regardless of materials of construction the forms shall be such to permit I bracing in two directions at half-height and full height at a minimum. Two t braces at 90o are required at halfand full height. 2. Steel of sufficient thickness that the form will remain true to shape after I numerous repetitive uses.I 3. Fiberglass of sufficient thickness that the form will remain true to shape. I 23 FoRMS FoR suRFACES Nor EXposED To vrnwI A. All SurfacesIIIr 1. Wood or steel sufficiently tight to prevent mortar leakage. I t 2.4 FORM rrES r A. Water Retaining Structures and Below Grade Structures I 1 Only ties manufactured by Symons are acceptable. I a. S-Panel Ties with water seal and one-inch break back cones on both tie ends shall be used on all hand set wall forms. b. No equivalents. I I 03 11 13 3 CAST-IN-PLACE I CONCRETE FORMING t05-2446 2. Gates & Sons gang forms, or equivalent, shall utilize stay-in-place inner with water seal (No. 9) style ties and Type A or B rernovable tie ends with | 112-nch "break-back" cone recess. No equivalents. 3. Through-wall tapered removable ties are unacceptable. 4. Ties lacking positive locking control ofsection thickness are unacceptable. B. Twisted wire ties with loops to hold forms in position are not permitted. 2.7 CHAMFER STRIP A. Chamfer ships (3/4 inch) shall be placed in the comers of forms and at the tops of walls or up-turned footings, to produce beveled edges on permanently exposed concrete surfaces. Interior angles of intersecting concrete surfaces and edges of construction joints shall not be beveled unless otherwise indicated in the Draw- ings. The chamfer strip may be made of wood or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). 2.8 STIFFBACKS A. Stif{backs for wall forms shall be constructed of aluminum channels, lumber or Glulams, which are uniform in width and thickness, free from knots and other zur- face defects. Only one joint is permitted in the board of a stiffback and joints shall be offset so as to not occur at the same point. Stiffbacks shall extend to a point not less than six inches above the top of forms' 2.9 WHALERS A. Whalers for wall forms shall be constructed of aluminum channels or lumber, which is uniform in width and thickness and free from knots and other defects. B. Whalers for curved walls shall maintain the desired degree of curvature. 2.IO WEDGE INSERTS A. When permitted by the ENGINEER at the tops of walls or columns, wodge inserts may be used to support future formwork or catwalks. The inserts shall be Rich- mond Screw Anchor, or equal. 2.II FORM RELEASE AGENT A. Magic Kote by Symons CorP. B. US Spec Ezkote Green CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORMING -)I I t I I t I I I I t l I I I t I I03 11 13 A, B. C. D. E. F. G. I t I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I T 05-2446 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL Forms shall be used, wherever necessary, to confine the concrete and shape it to the specified lines and grades as shown on the Drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall set and maintain concrete forms so as to ensure completed work is within all applicable tolerance limits. If a type of form does not, in the opinion of the EN- GINEER, consistently perform in an acceptable manner, the type of form shall be changed and the method of erection shall be modified by the CONTRACTOR, subject to the review of the ENGINEER. Forms shall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from placernent and vibration of concrete, and shall be maintained rigidly in position. The desigrr of formwork and placing rate of concrete with medium and high-range water reducing agents shall be adjusted to compensate for the greater hydraulic pressures exerted on the forms by concrete of high fluidity. Forms shall be clean and free from mortar and other foreigrr material from previ- ous use prior to being placed. The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate that forms are vertical, proper alignment, grade or radius when requested by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall review the formwork prior to concrete placement to ensure that all ties and tie keys locking the formwork to the tie are in place' The CONTRACTOR shall review all ties prior to their use to ensure proper weld- ing and lack of defects such as nicks, which could compromise their performance. Form ties shall not be bent to rernedy alignment conflicts between form ties and reinforcing steel. Bent ties shall be removed and replaced with straight ties and the alignment conflict resolved with the ENGINEER. 3.2 FORM SURFACE TREATMENT Prior to placing reinforcing steel coat the forms with a non-staining release agent that will effectively prevent the absorption of moisture and plevent bond of the concrete to the form. Contact with hardened concrete against which fresh con- crete is to be placed is prohibited. All bond breaking materials or processes shall be used only after acceptance by the ENGINEER. Care shall be taken in applying form oil to avoid contact with reinforcernent steel. Embedded material, which be- comes coated with form oil, shall be thoroughly cleaned or replaced at the ex- pense of the CONTRACTOR. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORMING 03 I I 13 B. For Potable Water Facilities l. Form release agents for potable water facilities, such as treated wat€r stor- age reservoirs or water featment plants, shall be non-toxic 30 days after application. TOLERANCES A. Tolerances are defined as allowable variations from specified alignrnents, grades and dimsnsions. Allowable variations from specified alignments, grades and di- mensions are prescribed in the following sub-section. Descriptions of these crite- ria can be found in Part 2 of the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Commentary of Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials (ACI1l7). B. Footings l. Level a. Variation from specified elevation +ll2 inch, ' l/2 inch b. Relative Grid Alignment: ( 1 I inch 2. Cross-sectional dimension a. Horizontal dimension: Variation +2 inch, -ll2inch b. Vedical dimension (thickness): Variation t ll2inch B. Walls l. Vertical Alignment a. Variation from Specified plumb S3l8 inch (tull wall height) b. Vmiation from specified plurnb Sl/4 inch in eight feet 2. Radius a. Variation in Radius in any 20 feet of wall length: ! l/2 inch b. Variation in Radius in a segment: ( I inch 3. Grade top ofwall a. Variation from specified elevation +l/4 inch, - 1/4 inch 4. Thickness CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETEFORMING I ll I J.J I I I I t I I t I l I I t I I I03 I I 13 I I I 05-24{6 I I | 34 I I I I 5. t 3.8 I I I I I t I t 3.5 a. Variation in desigrr thickness, -0 inch, +l/4 inch C. Openings l. Floor Slab, Wall and Roof Slab Openings: a. Radius: + l/8 inch, - l/8 inch b. Location: Variation t2 inches c. Out of Round: + l/8 inch, - l/8 inch d. Cross-section (non-circular) Dimensions: < + I inch PLUMB AND STRING LINES A. Plumb and string lines shall be installed on wall forms before, and maintained, during concrete placernent. There shall be sufficient number of plumb or string lines in walls, for example at every other stiffback, properly installed to permit continuous monitoring. B. During concrete placement, the CONTRACTOR shall continually monitor plumb and string line positions and immediately correct deficiencies. C. The plumb and string lines shall extend to a point at least six inches above the top of wall or column. FORMWORKCAMBER A. In order to maintain specified tolerances ofjoists, beams or slabs zubject to dead load deflection, the CONTRACTOR shall camber formwork to compensate for dead load deflection prior to hardening ofthe concrete. HAND SETMODULARFORMS A. Hand set modular forms, such as Symons hand set steel-ply forms, may be placed in any pattem provided that it can be shown that the constructed wall meets the tolerance requirements of this specification. FORMWORKCLOSURE A. Forms shall not be placed until the ENGINEER has performed a final review of items such as the reinforcing steel and waterstops. Reviews shall be scheduled no later than 24 hours prior to closing the formwork. B. The CONTRACTOR shall use compressed air from an air-compressor to blow- out construction debris and dirt at the bottom of sections or members to be placed such as walls, slabs, beams and columns, prior to placing forms or concrete' The CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORMINGI03 lt t3 05-24-06 CONTRACTOR shall demonstate to the ENGINEER that all debris, zuch as loose concrete particles, saw dust, loose tie wire, bar tags, tape, trash, ice, snow and dirt have been thoroughly rernoved. HOT OR COLD WEATHER PLACEMENT AND STEEL FORMS Prior to placing concrete when steel forms are used, the forms shall be heated when the surface ternpsrature ofthe form is below 40o F or cooled when the sur- face temperature of the form is above 90o F. If water is used to cool forms where ponding of water may occur, i.e., at the bot- tom of a wall, the water shall be permitted to drain prior to placing concrete. 3.IO REMOVALOFFORMS A. The forms for any portion of a structure shall not be removed until the concrete has reach sufficient strength with a factor of safety of 2.0, to withstand applied loads such as self-weight and wind loads known to occur at the site or withstand damage when the forms are rsmoved. Further, the concrete strength shall be suf- ficient to withstand the forces generated by a "swelling" hydrophilic rubber wa- terstop. See SECTION 03251- HYDROPHILIC RUBBER WATERSTOP. 3.II RESHORES ANDTEMPORARY SUPPORT When a reshore and ternporary support plan is to be performed it shall comply with this Specifi cation. ENDOFSECTION CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORMING I ]l I 3.9 t I I I I t I I I I T I I I I I B. 03 ll 13 I ro,o/03 I I PARTI GENERALI I I.I WORKINCLUDED I A. This work shall consist of fumishing and placing polyvinyl chloride @VC) waterstops in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the I Drawings. r.2 QUALITY STANDARDS l. I A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) I l. ASTM D 570 - Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics I 2. ASTM D 624 - Test Method for Tear Shength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomer I 3. ASTM D 638 - Standard Test Method of Tensile Properties of Plastics I 4. ASTM D 746 - Standard Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by Impact I 5. ASTM D 747 - Standard Test Method for Apparent Bending Modulus of t Plastics by Means of a Cantilever Beam6. ASTM D 792 - Standard Test Methods of Density and Specific Gravity of I Plastics byDisplacements I 7. ASTM D 1203 - Standard Test Methods for Volatile Loss From Plastics Using Activated Carbon Methods 8. ASTM D 2240 - Standard Test Method for Rubber Property - Durometerr Hardness I B. Corps of EngineersI ., l CRD-C 572 I PART2 PRODUCTS I 2.1 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES - SEE TABLE NEXT PAGE POLWI}ryL CHLORIDE (PVC) WATERSTOPS SECTION 03 ls 13.01 POLYVTNYL CHLORTDE (PVC) WATERSTOPS I I I I 03 15 13.01 I10i30/03 Property Test Method Average Value Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 2l 10 psi Ult. Elongation ASTM D 638 390 Specific Gravity ASTM D 792 l.35 Stiffrress in Flexure ASTM D 747 1220 psi Tear Resistance ASTM D 624 372lbs.ln. Hardness, Shore A"/15 ASTMD2240 74 Volatile Loss ASTM D I2O3 0.40% Ozone Resistance ASTM D I I49 passed low Temperature Brittleness (at 40 deprees F.) ASTM D 746 passed Water Absorption (max.) ASTM 570 0.15% Tensile Strength After Accelerated Extraction CRD-C 572 2060 psi Elongation After Accelerated Extraction CRD-C 572 37lyo Effect on Alkali after 7 days: Weight Hardness CRD -C 572 passed +0.05% +4 2.O2 FITTINGS A. Fittings shall meet the Physical properties described above. B. Fittings such as tees, ells and crosses shall be factory fabricated. FIELD SPLICES A. PVC waterstops shall be neatly spliced in accordance with the manufacturels directions. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) WATERSTOPS T I I II I 2.3 I I I I I t t I I I I 03 15 13.01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l0/30/03 D. PART 3 B. C. Excessive PVC'\veld splatter" is unacceptable. No more than one splice is permitted in 50 linear feet of waterstop. The ENGINEER shall review all splices for integrity. EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION All waterstops shall be stored under protective tarps to keep free of oil, dirt and sun IJV degradation. Waterstop not protected in accordance with this specification will be rejected. Uncoil waterstops at least 48 hours prior to installation. Lay the waterstops flat prior to installation to promote easier installation and fabrication. Do not layout the waterstop in mud or debris. Protect the waterstop from punctures. The CONTRACTOR shall do any work necessary, including heatirtg the waterstop in the range of 125" - 150" F as recommended by the manufacturer, to re-establish the proper waterstop configuration, which may have been altered due to shipping in rolls, i.e., the tear web or large bulb becoming flattened against the waterstop "legs". Tear web bulbs shall be perpendicular to the embed legs of the waterstop and have the proper shape. Circular bulbs shall be round and in proper alignment to the embed legs. Coordinate reinforcing placement and positioning for proper installation of waterstop. Pre-fabricate waterstops for use in pipe slab penetrations in order to achieve the proper shape and waterstop geomehy including proper bulb configuration and alignment. 3.2 PLACEMENT Locate the waterstop in the joint as shown in the Drawings. When inslalled in expansion joints the centerbulb or tear web bulb, depending on the type of waterstop, shall be placed un-embedded and centered in the joint. Bulbs shall conform to the proper geometry, shape and orientation. If the tear web bulb or bulb type waterstop is not in conformance with the proper geometry, shape POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) WATERSTOPS A. B. C. D. F. G. B. C. I t t I t 03 15 13.01 Il0/30/03 I I I I I I t I I t I l I I ]I 3.4 3.5 3.6 and orientation as detailed illustrated by the manufacturer and the Drawings, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the waterstop and replace it with a waterstop that in is conformance with the manufacturers details and illushations. D. Securely tie the waterstop to reinforcing steel using hog rings crimped between the last two ribs or into the end bulb at l2-inch maximum centers. Both the portion of the waterstop that will be encased in concrete and the portion initially un-encased shall be tied to support at l2-inch centers to assist in maintaining waterstop alignment during concrete placement. CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Thoroughly and systematically vibrate lhe concrete around the waterstop for positive contact between the waterstop and concrete. B. All horizontal joints shall be completely clean so that dirt and construction debris do not interfere with direct contact of the concrete with the waterstop. C. When placing concrete the CONTRACTOR shall be careful to avoid deflecting the waterstop out of its proper position. D. Concrete shall be brought up in wriform lifts on both sides of the waterstop as a means of promoting proper waterstop alignment. PLACEMENT TOLERANCE A. The waterstop shall be no more than + l/2 inch from the desigrred horizontal alignment and within 1/4 inch vertically. SPLICE JOINT IDENTIFICATION After the concrete has hardened, mark the location of any splices on the top surface of the concrete for future reference in the event of water se€,page tbrough the joint in the waterstop. END OF'SECTION "?#"m;gi3#'3 | I 03 15 13.01 I ro.3o{3 I I SECTION 03 ls 13.02 HYDROPHILIC RUBBER WATERSTOP PARTT GENERAL I l.l WoRKINCLLTDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall turnish and securely install hydrophilic rubber (IIR) I waterstops where shown or specified in the Drawings. t B. The work includes cleaning of concrete surfaces and installation of expanding HRi! waterstop. I 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and MaterialsT t l. ASTM D 412 - Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers - TensionI! 2. ASTM D 395 - Test Methods for Rubber Property - Compression Set I 3- ASTM D 2240 - Test Method for Rubber Property - Durometer HardnessI I.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE T t A. The components and installation procedures shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's printed specifications and recommendations. r B. Installation shall be performed by skilled workers who are trained in procedures and methods required for proper performance of the waterstop. . 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Deliver the waterstop materials to the project site in the manufacturer's unpackedI containers with all labels intact and lesible at time of use. I B. Materials shall be stored in a secure, indoor, dry area. Maintain the waterstops inI a dry condition during delivery, storage, handling, installation and concealment. t 1.5 SUBMTTTALS r A. Adhesive r B. Waterstop Product Data il I 03 15l3.o2 I HYDROPHILIC RUBBER WATERSTOP PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 HYDROPHILICRUBBERWATERSTOP A. HR Waterstop l. The waterstop shall have the minimum performance standard of, Property ASTM Standard Results Tensile Strength D 412 (lv{P4 Elongation D 4t2 0.98 550 Hardness (Hs) D 2240 30 Duro Shore A 2. The time period to maximum volume expansion is 35 days. 2.2 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURER A. Manufacturer and model number approved for use are (no equivalents): 1. Adeka KBA-1510FP 2. AdekaMC-2005M 3. Adeka MC-2010M 4. AdekaKM-3030M 5. AdekaP-201 6. Adeka KC series of waterstops 2.3 ADHESIVE A. 3M-2141 as manufactured by the 3M Company B. Bostik 1142M Adhesive. PART3 EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL A. Coordinate as required with other trades and SECTION 03300-CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, to assure proper execution of the waterstop installation. B. Examine the concrete surface and correct any surface imperfections, which will prevent proper installation and performance of the waterstop. The finished concrete surface, prior to surface preparation, shall be equal to a steel trowel 03 l5 13.02 HYDROPHILIC RUBBER WATERSTOP l I I I I I t I I I t T t I t I I I B. C. A. B. d. D. E. F. 3.2 J-J I I t I I I t I I I T t I t I T T I I finish. SURFACE PREPARATION WATERSTOP PLACEMENT C. Concrete surfaces shall be clean and free of dirt, saw dust, laitance, gtease, form oils, form release agent, or other contamination to insure proper adhesion of the waterstop to the concrete surface. Prior to adhering the HR waterstop to the concrete, the concrete shall be blasted with a light sand blast, washed with a wet broom and dried. The ENGINEER may perrnit brushing with a wire brush in lieu of a light sand blast. After cleaning the concrete shall be completely clear of all constuction debris and free of curing compound, oil, grease, concrete dust and other materials that will prevent a complete bonding of the HR waterstop to the concrete. Surface deformations in the concrete that will inhibit adhesion of the HR waterstop to the concrete shall be ground smooth or leveled with a repair grout or Adeka P 201 to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. Measure and cut an exact length of waterstop. Splices are not permitted in the waterstop in vertical wall joints of structures. Splices in horizontal joints are acceptable, however, only one splice is permitted in25 feet or changes in alignment, Splice of waterstops in horizontal joints shall be made by butting and gluing the ends of the waterstop with an approved adhesive. Refer to the manufacturer's recommendations for minimum clearance to a concrete face. Unless a greater clearance is recommended by the manufacturer the minimum clearance shall be four inches given a concrete compressive shength of 3,000 psi. Use lhe greater clearance if the recommended clearance is more than four inches or concrete strength less than 3,000 psi, especially when forms are stripped. Placement of the HR waterstop shall conform to the details shown on Drawings and these specifications. The waterstop shall be clean and free ofall foreign substances including dust, oil, grease, etc. The ENGINEER will reject any waterstop that is not clean and free of foreign substances. The ENGINEER shall review the tength of waterstop to be glued to the concrete prior to placement. 03 15 13.02 HYDROPHILIC RUBB ER WATERSTOP Il0-30{3 G.Apply a uniform, generous brush coat of adhesive to both surfaces using a thin brush. Bond to the concrete while adhesive on both the rubber and concrete surfaces are aggressively tacky. Use care to avoid applyrng too wide a bead of glue to the concrete. Excess adhesive on the concrete is not acceptable and shall be removed as directed by the ENGINEER. l. Gaps in the glue application shall not be permitted. 2. After the adhesive has dried to a tacky condition (about 15 minutes in the summer and 30 minutes in the winter), firmly press the waterstop to the concrete surface- 3. When installing the HR waterstop on curved surfaces such as pipes, temporary bands, i.e., wire or rope, may be used to assist in securing the waterstop to the surface.4. Any temporary means of securing the HR waterstop shall be removed prior to placing concrete or grout. After the adhesive has cured check the HR waterstop adhesion. If it can be pulled ftom the concrete, re-apply adhesive to the walerstop and adhere the waterstop to the concrete. I. cleanup excess adhesive from any contact with the concrete using 3M No. 2 or 3 solvent. When using the solvent follow the manufacturer's recommendations carefully, including extinguishing all sources ofignition fiom the area. J. When the HR waterstop contains a stainless steel screen, such as the MC-2010M, the waterstop shall be oriented with lhe screen parallel to the construction joint. CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Concrete placement within 12 hours is required. B. The HR waterstop shall be protected from water and from displacement prior to concrete placemenl. c. During concrete placement the coNTRACToR shall visually observe the HR walerstop to assure proper placement and alignment. PLACEMENT TOLERANCE To a fiee edge ofconcrete: -0 inches, +l/2inch Proper HR waterstop orientation: no tolerance, proper orientation required. l. The long dimension of unreinforced HR waterstops shall be placed parallel to the construction joinl. I T I 3.4 3.5 I I I t I I t I I IA. B. I I I 03 15 13.02 HYDROPHILIC RUBBER WATERSTO' I I 10-3043 I 2. Reinforced HR watertops shall be placed with the reinforcement parallel' to the construction joint. I 3.4 CONCRETE STRENGTH PRIOR TO FORM REMOVAL I A. Sufficient swelling force can occur to spall concrete if the concrete lacks either I adequate strength or if the HR waterstop lacks proper cover to a free edge prior to removing forms. I B. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain the most current data from the supplier regarding required concrete strength and cover to a free edge prior to removing forms at a construction joint, such as a reservoir vertical wall joint. I C. If spalling of concrete at the joint does occur the CONTRACTOR shall submit the I means and methods of repairing spalled concrete to the Engineer for review andI acceptance prior to performing any repair. I END oFSECTIoN I I I t I I I I I I I 03 $ r3.oz 5 HYDROPHILIC RUBBER WATERSTOP I 0!tr6t04 Ir SECTTON 03 1513.03 ' CHEMICAL GROUTWATERSTOP I PART1 GENERAL T I.1 WORKINCLTJDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install permeable grout tubes where shown! at construction joints in the Drawings. I B. The work includes cleaning the concrete surface, installation of permeable groutI tubes and injection of grout tubes with chemical grout. I C. If the grout tube is blocked, which flushing does not eliminate, and leaks presentI the ENGINEER shall require rhe installation of drilled holes for mechanical injection of chemical grout. 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS I A, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) I l. ASTM D 93 - Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup TesterI 2' f:#,,'#'r;"HLY:1,:"*,?i#':?:Tli*ubber and rhermoprastic I 3. ASTM D 1042 - Test Method for Linear Dimensional Changes of Plastics I Under Accelerated Service Conditions 4. ASTM D 1638 - 9l - Methods of Testing Urethane Foam Isocyanate Raw Materials I 5. ASTM D 3574 - Methods of Testing Flexible Cellular Materials - Slab, Bonded, and Molded Urethane Foams r B. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) f l. NSF 6l Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects . I.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The components and installation procedures shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's printed specifi cations and recommendations. B. Installation can be made by the CONTRACTOR; however it shall be performed- under the direct supervision ofa manufacturer's representative.r I I 03 15 13.03 I CHEMICAL GROUT WATERSTOP 1.4 C. Injection of the chemical grout shall be done by a manufacture/s licensed applicator. DELTVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials in original, tightly sealed containers or unopened packages with the manufacturer's namg labels and product idsntification. B. Materials shall be stored in a secure, dry area until installed. C. A sufficient quantity of grout tubes and chemical grout shall be stored on site or be readily available prior to starting the work. Work shall be continuous from start to completion. SUBMITTAIS A. MSDS sheets B. Product data C. Grout pump product data PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PERMEABLE GROUT TUBES A. Tubes shall be constructed to resist the pressures of freshly placed concrete B. Tubes shall have a filter layer to pr€vent the entry of cement particles into the tube, yet allow for easy passage of the chemical grout during injection over the length of the tube C. Tubes shall have protection for the filter layer to resist the abrasive effects ofthe concrete and aggregates. 2.2 CHEMICAL GROUT A. The grout shall be a hydrophobic polymer of the isocyanate tlpe, which is installed by injection. The uncured polyurethane grout shall have a viscosity of 650 + 200 cps (at 68'F.) and be 100% solids. B. When the chemical grout is mixed with approximately l0%;o water, the sealing material shall expand and cure to a closed cell foam with a tensile strength of 150 (ASTM D 412) psi and 250Yo elongation (ASTM D 3574'). 1.6 03 l5 13.03 CHEMICAL GROUT WATERSTOP I I I tI I I I T I I t I I I I I -t t I I $trcto4 I ' c *il:#'1,'",il:::**1'J:n:ll;l#.H::ct in moving water and the I D. Grout shall have the capability to expand up to 300% in volume' I E. Grout shall be NSF 61 certified. F. Shrinkage shall be less than 4% as defined by ASTM D 3514- ' 2.3 ACCLERATOR I A. ff;:r***ar shall be able to control lhe reaction time from one minute to one t B. The viscosity shall be 5 cps @ 68' F. r 2.4 WATER I A. Only potable water is acceptable for use in flushing grout tubes. 1 2.s MT'TNGTANKS I A. Plastic or metal mixing tanks shall be used. Other materials are unacceptable. 2.6 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTI'RER I A. DeNeef Injecto Tubes and HA Flex LV chemical grout, no equivalents. I PARr3 ExECUrroN , 3.I GENERAL r A. Permeable grout tubes shall be installed at locations shown in the Drawings. I B ;:l"r'*i\:*il:Lf":'"Ti,i,"j",*T:JiffH?# reinrorcing steer and rorm | 3.2 PREPARATT.N I A. Surfaces shall be clean and free of dirt, saw dust, laitance, grease, form oils, or I other contamination, prior to installation of the grout tubes. I 3.3 GROUT TUBE INSTALLATION I I I 03 15 r3.o3 3 CHEMICAL GROUT WATERSTOP I I I t T I T l I I I B. C. C. D. Grout tubes shall be securely fastened to concrete surfaces, or PVC waterstops if shown in the Drawings, using the provided clips every 12 inches. Cut tubes using a wire cutter. Do not install grout tube that is frayed or cut. Grout tube that is frayed or cut or will permit the intrusion of cement paste shall be removed and replaced. Direct contact of the grout tubes with the surface that the waterstop is to be attached is required. Adjust grout tubing to assure l00olo contact by stretching the tube and adjusting clip fasteners. Gaps between the tube and the surface are unacceptable. Tees for grout ports shall be securely fastened to the tube. Ifrequired tape the port to the tube. Grout tube ports shall extend a minimum of 12 inches outside of the concrete form face, Similarly, grout ports shall be placed such that at least 12 inches ofthe port is placed in the concrete. Grout ports shall be placed to avoid conflicts with bearing pads and other appurtenances. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or necessitated by construction, tees and grout ports shall be placed every 100 feet maximum. The CONTRACTOR shall exercise caution to avoid crimping the tube against items, such as reinforcing steel that will prevent the flow of grout through the tube. F. Overlap tubes by a minimum of one inch with the tube trumpets fixed tightly together. See Fiewe 1. Reinforcing dowel Chemical grout injecting tube G. Figure l. Extend end of clear reinforced PVC tubing so it extends a minimum of one foot outside of the form / concrete. Cover tube opening with tape to prevent debris from entering tube. During the hnal review of the installation, the CONTRACTOR shall use duct tape lo cover any frayed or cut tube that will permit the intmsion of cement paste that cannot practically be removed and replaced. No more than two-percent (as T I I II I 03 15 13.03 CHEMICAIGROUTWATERSTOP T A. B. C. D. E. I I I T T I I I t I I T I t I I I I t o3lt6104 determined by length of repair versus total length between grout ports) of the tube can be repaired with tape. If more than two-percent is taped it shall be completely removed and replaced. I- Prior to closing fomrs review the tube to assure the flow of grout from port to port. 3.4 GROUTINJECTIONPREPARATION After the concrete has cured, grout ports shall be exposed and cleaned. Ifgrouting is to be performed later in the work, the port shall be protected from damage and intrusion of foreigrr material and water. The scheduling of the injection process shall be determined by the ENGINEER or as shown in the Drawings. Grouting shall not be performed dwing conditions where water in the tube may freeze unless otherwise reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. Insert hose barb and secure barb to tube Each section of tube should be tested with water to a minimum pressure of 100 psi to insure tube is clear. Care shall be taken when testing grout tube to avoid displacement of any bearing pads that are used to support a wall. Note location(s) of excessive water leakage that can occur due to poorly consolidated and vibrated concrete. These reaches of grout tube may require additional accelerator for faster grout set time and to prevent excessive grout loss. Water shall be flushed through the tubes and pressurized regardless of the presence of ground water or water seeping from water stored in a concrete structure. Grayco 395 or 495st electric grout pumps shall be used. F. If a blockage is encountered the CONTRACTOR shall promptly inform the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall determine anv means and methods of attempting to clear the blockage. G. Grouting shall not be commenced until all sections of tube have been pressure tested. 3.4 GROUT MIXING AND HANDLING Grout mixing and handling shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and be performed in a manner to prevent contamination of the grout with materials, such as dirt or debris that could prevent proper installation and curing. 03 15 13.03 CHEMICAL GROUT WATERSTOP Io3lt6/u 3.4 I I I T I t I I I I I I I I,l 3.5 CTMMICAL GROI.]T INJECTION After completion of concrete work, cleaning of the port, flushing and pressurizing of the tube as described above, and after post-tensioning of the strucfure for post- tensioned concrete consFuction, the chsmical grout shall be injected through the grout ports. The pressure shall be sufficient to ensure thorough and proper injection. As soon as material appears at the other end of the tube, close the effluent port and increase pump pressue to force injection of the grout into any small voids or cracks. Terminate injection of the chemical grout when sealing material uniformly percolates out of the joint or a constant pressure is reached for a time period of a minimum of three and a maximum of five minutes. This pressure may range from as low as 5 psi to as high as 1000 psi depending on crack widths and void volumes. B. Grayco 395 or 495st electric grout pumps shall be used. C. Accelerator shall not be used unless faster set times are required due to grout loss through concrete voids and approved by the Engineer. D. If the injection work is being performed on a storage reservoir floor-wall joint with the wall supported by bearing pads the coNTRACToR shall continuously observe the pads to confirm that they are not being displaced by grout under pressure. Injection pressure shall be sufficient to thoroughly inject the tube but at a level to avoid bearing pad displacement. E. Ports shall not be removed until the ENGINEER has accepted the chemical grouting. GROUT PORT REMOVAI A. Grout ports shall be trimmed back from the surface of the concrete a depth of I - inch and patched with materials as specified for form tie holes or tendon anchorage pockets. END OF SECTION t 03 15 13.03 CHEMICALGROUTWATERSTOP I I I I I $n6n4 SECTION 03 1513.04 SEALING STRIP WATERPROOF' MEMBRANE PART1 GENERAL 1.I SECTIONINCLIJDES The CONTRACTOR shall apply the Hypalon@ sealing sfrip membrane tojoints and cracks in concrete walls and floors of cast-in-place concrete water retaining and below grade structures as shown on Drawings and as specified in this section. Unless otherwise directedbythe ENGINEER in writing, themembrane shall include all labor, surface preparation, tools, equipment and materials for a complete installation. QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials l. ASTM D 412 - Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension 2. ASTM D 624 - Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers3. ASTM D 903Test Method for Peel or Stripping Strength ofAdhesive Bonds SUBMITTALS General 1. Submit manufacturer's certification that proposed materials, details and systems as indicated and specified fully comply with manufacturer's details and specifications. 2. If anyportion ofthe Contract Documents does not conform to manufacturer's standard recommendations, noti$ the ENGINEER that the Drawings and Specifications are at variance with manufacturer's specifications. Product Data Submit manufacturer's descriptive literature and product specifications for each product. Submit laboratory tests or data that validate product compliance with the performance criteria specifi ed. MSDS Sheet NSF 6l Certifications SEALING STRIP WATERPROOFMEMBRANE B. A. B. 1.2 1.3 t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I l. 2. J, 4. 03 15 13 04 I 1.4 03n6n4 B. PART 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications l. Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this Section with minimum five years documented experience. B. Installer Qualifications l. Acceptable to manufacturer with documented experience on at least five projects of similar nature in past five years or training provided by the product m anufacturer. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND IIANDLING A. Deliver and store in a dry area between 40" F (5' C) and 95o F (35" C). Handle and protect in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Delivermaterials in manufacturer's unopened containers, fullyidentifiedwithbrand, type, grade, class and all other qualiffing information. Provide Material SafefyData Sheets for each product. C. Take necessaryprecautions to keep products clean, dry and free ofdamage. SYSTEM REQI-IIREMENTS A. Coordinate installation work with work of other trades. B. Provide materials and accessories in timely manner so as not to delay the Work. PROJECT CONDITIONS Condition material al a temperature ranging from 65o F (18" C) to no more than 85o F for at least 48 hours before application. Do not apply materials to cold surfaces. The minimum surface and ambient air temperatures shall be 40" F. PRODUCTS I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I T 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.1 MANUFACTIJRERS l. Approved Manufacturers: Sika@ - Sikadur@ Combiflex@ SEALING STRIP WATERPROOF MEMBRANE 03 15 13 04 I o,t6' r 2 Hffih?T$i'*llxT,$1,*,":Hj:1"il1'J.'$::#**::theENctr{EERin I 2.2 MATERTALS I A. Adhesive Material - Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod gel adhesive with the following I characteristics: l.Color: Gray I 2.Mixingratio: 2:l byvolume(ComponentAtoB 3. Consistency: Non-sag paste 4. Pot life: Approximately 30 minutes @73" FI 5. Tack-free time: 2-3 hours 6. Tensile properties (ASTM D 638):3,600 psi @ 14 days r 7. Flexural properties (ASTM D790:4,400 psi @ 14 days 8. Shear stranglh (ASTM D 732) 3,400 psi @ 14 daysI i.y*;,:',:$."!;iil""" ffili'#:;##l;{:" @ 14 days @73'F r 12. Modulus of elasticity: 3.9 x 105 I B. Hypalon Sheet I 1 width: 4" (x 2o-feet long)I 3l*l*"l;*, iiffii., 4. Elongation atbreak: 800% 5. Tear resistance (ASTM D 624 Die C) 250 lb./in. ! - PART3 EXECUTION I 3.1 EXAMINATION I A. Examine substrates and a-djoining construction, and conditions under which Work isr to be installed. I B. ffi;jr;ffi";|wilh Workuntil unsatisfactoryconditions arecorrected and surfaces I C. 3H;1t"" will be permitted. Overlap sections of membrane a minimum of six I 3.2 PREPARATTON I 03 15 13 04 3 SEALING STRIP I WATERPROOFMEMBRANE I B. Protect adjacent surfaces not designated to receive waterproofing bytaping to pei:nit a "neaf'line of epoxy application. Remove tape prior to setting of epoxy. Substrate Preparation 1. New Construction I I I t t I I I I t I t I I b. c. d. Remove contaminants, such as oil, grease, dirt, loose particles, remains of form oils, waterrepellents, rust orothercoatings, byhigh- pressure waterblasting (>3000 psi), wet or dry sand blasting, or other mechanical means to produce surfaces suitable for application of membrane. Surface must be clean and sound The surface may be damp but shall be free of standing water and any contaminants. Surface shall have an "open textured" appearing finish. C. D. 2. Existing Construction a. Remove surface deposits and rust by high-pressure water blasting (>3000 psi), wet or dry sand blasting, or other mechanical means to produce surfaces suitable for application of membrane.b. Protect any existing sealant in thejoint and the wall concrete outside ofthe extent ofthe sealing strip during this process to prevent loss of the sealant and concrete sruface. Material, such as steel, shallbeused to delineate the surface to be blasted. c. Surface must be clean and sound d. The surface may be damp but shall be free of standing water and any contaminants. Use fans or other means to dissipate excess condensation and moisture on the wall. e. Surface shall have an'bpen textured" appearing finish. Fill bug holes larger than %-inch in diameter and l/8 inch deep with a patching mortar. SEE SPECIFICATION SECTION 03616 - GROUT FOR TIE HOLES. Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod Gel Pre-mix each component of Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod Gel. Proportion I part Component "8" to two parts Component "A" by volume into a clean pail. Use calibrated measuring devices for, one for each component to assure volume measurements. SEALING STRIP WATERPROOF MEMBRANE 2. I I I03 15 13 04 I o3tr6m II '' , 3- Mix thoroughly for tbree minutes using a Sika paddle on a low-speed drill (400 - 600 rpm) until uniform in color. I 3.3 INSTALLATION I A. Generalr l. The temperature ofthe substrate and air shall be as described in paragraph r l'7' I B. Wipe Hypalon sheet with activator a minimum of one hour and a maximum of eight I hours before installation. l. Protect sheet after wiping with activator from contact with water and debris,I 2 il"iff'ff'ff*:r'#TlHiffiffi:'ffi"*Tl,',",* sheet becomes contaminated it shall be discarded. r C. Apply the mixed Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod Gel,l-l/2 inches on each side of the joint to a thickness of 1i32 inch. ! 1. Work into the substrate for positive adhesion. I 2. Set the sheeting into the epoxy. t 3. Using a hard roller force the sheeting into the epoxy. 4. Apply a 1/32 inch thick layer of epoxy urs a top cost to the Hypalon sheet. I 5. One "splice" is permitted in the sheet per joint. Lap sheet a minimum of I eight inches. Sheeting may be bonded together thermally with a hand- welding tool, such as a Leister heat welder, or by activator' r 6. The maximum application thickness of epoxy is 1/8 inch. 3.4 CLEA].J IJP r A. h case of spills or leaks, wear suitable protective equipment, contain spill, collect with absorbent material. Ventilate area. Avoid contact. Dispose of clean-up I materials in accordance with applicable regulations. I 3.5 ACCEPTANCE tI A. Remove left over materials and any foreign material resulting from the work from the site. I B. Clean adjacent surfaces and materials. I END OF Sf,CTION I I 03 15 13 04 5 SEALING STRIP I wATERPRooFMEMBRANE I 03tr6t04 r sEcrIoN 03 15 13.05 FI,EXIBLE CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOF MEMBRANE I PARTl GENERAL r I.I SECTION INCLUDES I A. The CONTRACTOR shall applythe cementitious membrane to joints and cracks in I concret€ walls and floors of cast-in-place concrete water retaining and below grade structures as shown on Drawings and as specified in this section. r B. Unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER in writing, the membrane shall include an elastomeric tear-resistant breathable tape. r 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS I A. American Society for Testing and Materials r 1. ASTM C 109 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength ofHydraulic I Cernent Mortars. 2. ASTM C 321 - Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Chemical I Resistant Mortars. t 3. ASTM C 348 - Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars" I B. Corps of Engineers (COE) I l. COE CRD-C 48 - Method ofTest for WaterPermeability of Concrete; U.S. t Army Corps of Engineers. I I.3 SUBMITTALSI A. General f l. Submit manufacturer's certification that proposed materials, details and -- systems as indicated and specified fully comply with manufacturer's details ll z. trfnr$li:lt:?ii" contracrDocumenrs doesnotconform tomanufacturers standard recommendations, submit notification ofportions of design that are I at variance with manufacturer's specifications. - B. Product Data I r 03 15 13.05 I FLE)ilBLE CEMENTITIOUS I WATERPROOFINGMEMBRANE I ,:f I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I B. C. 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1. Submit manufacturer's descriptive literature and product specifications for each product. 2. Submit laboratory tests or data that validate product compliance with the performance criteria speci fi ed. QUAUTYASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications 1. Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in this Section with minimum 10 years documented experience. B. Installer Qualilications 1. Acceptable to manufacturer with documented experience on at least five projects of similar nature in past five years and training provided by the product manufacturer. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store in a dry area between 40" F (5" C) rnd 90'F (32' C). Handle and protect from freezing and direct sun light in acrnrdance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Deliver materials in manufacturer's unopened contair ers, fully identified with brand, type, grade, class and all other qualiffing informatior. Provide Material Safety Data Sheets for each product. C. Take necessary precautions to keep products clean, c ry and free ofdamage. SYSTEM REQTIIREMENTS A. Coordinate installation work with work of other trad :s. B. Provide materials and accessories in timely manner to as not to delay the Work. PROJECT CONDITIONS Maintain surfaces to be coated and surrounding air temperature at not less than 40" F (5' C) for at leasl 48 hours before, during and after application ofwaterproofing. Do not apply materials to frozen or frost-filled surfaces. Exercise caution when temperatures exceed 90" F (32" C) due to rapid set times. FLEXIBLE CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 03 15 13.05 I $trcn4 I PART2 PRODUCTS I 2.1 IVIANUFACTLJRERS I l. Approved Manufacturers: AQUAFIN, Inc. P.O. Box 1440, Columbia, MD 21044,^ (410) 964-1410 (410) 964-1526 (FAX), no equivalents. I 2.2 MATERI.ALS I A. Waterproofing Material - Acrylic Modified Cement Waterproofing: Cementitious, two-component, acrylic emulsion based, highly-flexible, crack-bridging waterproof membrane barrier with the following characteristics:I r l. Product: AQUAFIN-2K/MI 3:i'?,L'33i1""1';1,*, "^ffi:"";ff:1","'T:l'*:Tf,?l#::'"" 4. Working Time: Approximately 45 minutes I i. iSlK*i.jiiT:(ASrM c-32t) 145 nsi@rtars;2r5 psi @28davs r. 7. Elongation: (7o) 60t 3:3i:litliltlTt'Jpu.ity,1in.r,y ii" 10. VaporPermeability: (US Perms) 1.2 I ll.Waterproofrng:(DlN 1048) 100 psi (positive side) hydrostatic pressure. I 2.3 ACCESSORYMATERIALS t A. Patching Compound: Ready-mixed, non-polymer, cementitious waterproofing and t repair mortar recommended by waterproofing manufacturer for patching, L**"*a;seal strips (coves' reglets)' etc' z. color: UNI M'RTAR lzsR' I 3. Aggregate: Powderr 4. Compressive Strength: (ASTM C-109) 7600 psi (28 days) - 5. Flexural Strength: (ASTM C-348) 700 psi (28 days) I B. Expansion joint and crack sealing tape: Elastomeric, tear resistant, breathable waterproofing tape. l. Product: AQUAFIN JOINT SEALING TAPE-2OOO FLEXIBLE CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE I I I I 03 1513.05 I 3.1 3.2 03tr6t04 PART3 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and adjoining conskuction" and conditions under which Work is to be installed. B. Do not proceed with Work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected and surfaces properly prepared. PREPARATION Protect adjacent surfaces not designated to receive waterproofing. Substrate preparation l.New Construction 2. Widrh: 3. Elongation: 4. Tear resistance: EXECUTION b. c. d. 2.Existing Construction 4314" (l20mm') 6000A 725 psi I I I I I I I I I I I T I t B. Remove contaminants, such as oil, grease, dirt, loose particles, remains of form oils, water repellents, rust or other coatings, by high- pressure water blasting (>3000 psi), wet or dry sand blasting, or other mechanical means to produce surfaces suitable for application of membrane. Surface must be clean and sound The surface may be damp but shall be free of standing water and any contaminants- Surface shall have an "open textured" appearing finish. b. Remove surface deposits and rust by high-pressure water blasting (>3000 psi), wet or dr5r sand blasting, or other mechanical means to produce surfaces suitable for application of membrane. Protect any existing sealant in the joint and the wall concrete outside ofthe extent ofthe sealing strip during this process to prevent loss of the sealant and concrete surface. Material, such as steel, shall be used to delineate the surface to be blasted. Surface must be clean and sound The surface may be damp but shall be free of standing water and any coniaminants. Use fans or other means to dissipate excess condensation and moisture on the wall. c. d. I I FLEXIBLE CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOFINGMEMBRANE I 03 15 13.05 I o3n6tu I I e. Surface shall have an "opentextured" appearing finish' I C. Rinse surfaces to be waterproofed with clean water to sahnated surface dry (SSD) I condition, with no standing water on horizontal surfaces. I D. Fill concrete "bug" holes less than 114 nchin width and l/8-inch in depth with aI scratch coat of Aquafrn-2K/lvl. Fill larger / deeper holes with a patching mortar. See r SPECIFICATION SECTIONO3 66 oO-GROLI-TFORTIEHOLES . 3.3 INSTALLATION t A. Mix waterproofing material in propodions recommended by manufacturer. I B. Apply waterproofing material in quantities in accordance with manufacturer's t specifications and recommendations- I l. Apply l$ coat of cement at 1/16-inch (60 mils) thickness. Extend coat/t- I inch beyond width oftape. The edge shall be neat and straight. Use a "bond breaker" to make a neat straight line. I 2. Embed elastomeric tape uniformly, leaving no wrinkles, into first coat of I cement, using a steel trowel. 3. Apply 2il coat at 1132-inch (30 mils) thickness over the elastomeric tape as I soon as the l"t coat has sufficiently hardened or wait until next day. t 4. Apply cement using stainless steel towel. _ 5. One "splice" is permitted in the tape per joint. Lap tape a minimum of eight inches.t 3.4 CURING t A. Followmanufacturer's general instructions forcuring and hardening ofwaterproofing material. I 3.5 ACCEPTANCE EI I A. Remove left over materials and any foreign material resulting from the work from the srte. I B. Clean adjacent surfaces and materials. T END OF SECTION I r I 03 15 13.05 s FLEXIBLE CEMENTITIOUS I WATERPROOFINGMEMBRANE I I Otlt6lo4 r SECTTON 03 1514 EXPAIISION-JOINT FILLER I PART1 GENERAL I 1.I WORKINCLI]DED I A. The work consists of fumishing and installing closed cell foam expansion and I control-joint frller in sidewalks, driveways, channels, canals, between adjacentr :tt'ffJffi{T'I#:.*:TTiffiT*T:i1#}#i;fi,,TffI"*',ilffi',1*r Drawings. I r.z euArrrY sTANDARDSt A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) I l. ASTM D 3575 - Test Methods for Flexible Cellular Materials made from r Olefin Polymers r 2. ASTM C 177 -Test for Steady State Heat Flux Measurements and Ther- mal Transmission Properties by Means of the Guarded-Hot-Plate Appara- I tus. I I.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Deliver the materials to the project site in the manufacturer's containers with all I labels intact and legible at the time of use. I B. Materials shall be stored in a secure, indoor, dry area. r C. Maintain the filler in a dry condition during delivery, storage, handling and instal- lation. r I.5 ST]BMITTAIS I I I I A. Manufacturer's data sheet and installation instructions B. Tape I o3r5r4 EXPANSION JOINT FILLER I03n6/04 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PHYSICAIPROPERTIES 2.2 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER A. PART 3 Sonofl ex@ F polyethylene closed-cell expansion-joint filler EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL C. A. B. Examine the concrete surfaces and correct any surface imperfections that will pre- vent proper installation and performance of the filler. Expansion joint filler for each joint shall be fumished in a single piece for the full depth and thickness required for the joint. Joints in the length of the filler shall be made by butting two pieces together and fastening securely wilh tape. I I T I I I I I I I I T I t I I t Physical Property ASTM Test Method Value Color Charcoal Thickness ASTM D 3575 0.500" Cell Structure Closed Density (PCF)ASTM D 3575 Test C 1.7 Compressive strength (psi) l0% deflection 25olo deflection 50olo deflection ASTM D 3575 TestB 3.5 6.0 15.0 Compressive set ASTM D 3575 Test A < l0%o Tensile Strength (psi) ASTM D 3575 Test E 45 (Machine direction) 35 (Cross machine direction) Tear Strength (lbs./in. ASTM D 3575 Test D 14.5 (Machine direction) I1.5 (Cross Machine direction Thermal Conduc- tivity ASTM C 177 &C 518 0.3 BTUIHR/FT' Water absorption PPP-C 17528 0.02 LBS.iFT', Temp. resistance -65oFto+170'F Thermal stability ASTM D 3575 -1.0 Yo avera$e R-value J.J 03 15 14 DGANSION JOINT FILLER I $^6t04 I . D. The filler shall be secured in place to prevent displacement during and after con- crete placement. I E. Filler that is tom or irregular in any manner shall not be used. F. The CONTRACTOR shall tape the joint of multiple layers of filler, e.g., two l- inch layers for a two-inch wide joint, to prevent the intrusion of concrete between the two layers of filler. I I I 3.2 FILLERTHT.KNESS A. hstall the expansion joint filler as recommended by the manufacturer using the thickness of filler (l/4 *,318",112",3/4", or l') shown in the Drawings. I I T I I T I I I t I I I o3rs14 END OF'SECTION EXPANSION JOINT FILLER I t, I I I I I I SECTION 03 2I OO REINFORCING STEEL PART 1 GEI\TERAL I.1 WORKINCLUDED A. This work shall consist of furnishing and placing reinforcing steel and steel fabric reinforcement in accordance with these Specifications and in conformity with the Drawings. B. Materials used in the work shall meet the requirements for the class of material named and as hereinafter specifred. 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Concrete Institute (ACI) l. ACI 117 - Standard Specification Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials ACI 315 - Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete ACI Detailing Manual - (SP-66) B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM A 82 - Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Rein- forcement 2. ASTM A 184 - Specification for Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement 3. ASTM A 185 - Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement 4. ASTM A276 -Specification forStainless SteelBars andShapes 5. ASTM A 496 - Specification for Steel Wire, Deformed, for Concrete Re- inforcement 6. ASTM A 497 - Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement 7. ASTM A 615 - Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 8. ASTM A 616 - Specification for Rait-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement, including supplementary requirement, Sl. 9. ASTM - A 617 Specification for Axle-Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement I I I t I I I T I I I 2. 3. 4. 03 21 00 REINFORCING STEEL I 1.3 | 0/30/03 10. ASTM A 706 - Specification for Low-Alloy Stel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement I l. ASTM A 767 - Specification for Zinc-coated (Galvanized) Bars for Con- crete Reinforcement 12. ASTM A775 - Specification for Epoxy-coated Reinforcing Steel Bars 13. ASTM A 955 - Specification for Deformed and Plain Stainless Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement C. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSD l. Manual of Standard Practice 2. Placing Reinforcing Bars D. American V/elding Society (AWS) l. AWS Dl.4 - Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel 2. AWS D 2.0 - Specifications for Welded Highway and Railway Bridges SUBMITTALS A. Quality control Submittals l. Mill test reports 2. Epoxy coating certifications, Certificate of Compliance 3. Mechanical thread connections a. Manufacturer's data sheets b. Verification that device threads have been checked and meet manu- factruer's requirements for thread quality. 4. Welding Qualification5. Test results for field welding B. Shop drawings l. Detail plans, sections, reinforcing bar sizes, grades, placement, spacing, splice lengths, tail and hook configurations, chair and bolster heights and development length where applicable. 2. Mechanical threaded splice devices C. Tie Wire D. Reinforcing bar support chairs and bolsters I I T I T l I I t I I t I T I .' I t03 21 00 REINFORCING STEEL I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I l0/30/03 1.4 DELTVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Reinforcing steel shall be stored offofthe ground and protected from oil or other materials detrimental to the steel or bonding capability of the reinforcing bar and shall be protected from mechanical injury. I . Rust, seams, surface irregularities, or mill scale, shall not be cause for re- jection provided that the weight and height of deformations of a hand- wire-brushed test specimen are not less than the applicable ASTM Specifi- cation. B. Epoxy-coated reinforcing bars shall be stored on protective cribbing and pretected from mechnical injury and deterioration caused by exposure. C. Padded or non-metallic slings and padded straps shall be used when handling coated bar steel reinforcement. D. Bars shall not be dropped or dragged. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 REINFORCING STEEL A. All bar steel reinforcement shall be of the deformed type, ASTM A 615, (AASHTO M31) and grade (40 or 60) as specified in the Drawings. B. Spirals 1. Spirals, hot-rolled plain or deformed bars per ASTM A 615, Grade 60 or cold drawn wire per ASTM A 82 as specified in the Drawings. 2. Spirals for columns shall have two "spacers" with a section modulus > 0.008in3 in order to maintain the proper pitch and spacing. C. Welded Wire Fabric l. Plain welded wire fabric per ASTM A 185 or deformed welded wire fabric per ASTM A 497 with wire size and spacing as specified in the Drawings. 2. Welded wire fabric shall be furnished in sheet stock. Roll stock is unac- ceptable. D. Epoxy-coated Reinforcing Bars l. Epoxy-coated reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM A775. 03 21 00 REINFORCING STEEL t0t30t03 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T I l. 2. 2.2 2.3 2.5 2. When required, damaged epoxy coating shall be repaired with patching material conforming to ASTM A 775 in accordance with the material manufacfurer's recommendations. E. Horizontal Masonry Joint Reinforcement l. Prefabricated masonryjoint reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A 82. TIEWIRE A. 16 gauge wire ties, manufactured by American Wire Tie, Iac., or Mar-Mac Wire Inc., or equal. B. When epoxy coated reinforcing steel is shown in the Drawings, PVC coated wire ties shall be used. The minimum PVC coating is 0.7, + l, mils. C. Tie wire that will be in contact with the inside face of water retaining structures shall be 16 gage stainless steel. IDENTIFICATION A. Bundles of reinforcing bars and wire spirals shall be tagged, with a metal tag, showing specification, grade, size, quantity and suitable identification to permit checking, soding and placing. When bar marks are used to identiff reinforcing bars in the Drawings, the bar mark shall be shown on the tag. Tags shall be re- moved prior to concrete placement. B. Bundles of flat sheets of welded wire fabric shall be tagged similar to reinforcing bars. BAR SI.]PPORTS Bar supports and spacing shall be in accordance with the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice, Chapter 3, a maximum of four feet or as required by the Drawings. Metal chairs shall be made from stainless steel, from steel that has zinc coated or epoxy coated after fabrication or from uncoated steel with ap- proved plastic tipped legs with at least t/z-inch of the lower end of the legs plastic coated. 03 21 00 REINFORCING STEEL I ll B. C. I I t t I I I t F. I T I I I I I T I Floor Slabs l. Uncoated or coated steel chairs shall be used unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. 2. Composite chairs are unacceptable. 3. If required by the ENGINEER, the chair shall be stapled on a l/4-inch thick plywood bearing pad to prevent chair displacement- The bearing pad shall be made of exterior grade plywood and be approximately five inches square. Soffits 1. Steel wire bar supports in concrete areas where soffits are exposed to view or are painted shall be Class I or Class 2, Tlpes A or B: Class 3 is accept- able in other areas. D. Water and Wastewater Vaults, Reservoir and Basin Walls, Columns and Roof Slabs 1. 2. 5. Only plastic clip 100% epoxy coated steel chair bar and bolster suppods are acceptable for use ia walls and roof slabs. Supports shall be securely stapled to formwork. Non-metallic composite chairs may be used if it can be demonstrated to the ENGINEER that they have sufficient strength to support the reinforc- ing steel. ENGINEER's acceptance shall be made in writing. Circular Columns l. Plastic "space wheels" manufactured by Aztec (Model DO 12/40), or equal, are required. 2. BBU bolsters at the top of the column. Epoxy-coated and Zinc-coated Bar Supports l. Epoxy-coated reinforcing bars supported from formwork shall rest on coated wire bar supports made of dielectric or other acceptable materials. Wire supports shall be fully coated with dielectric material, compatible with concrete. 2. Reinforcing bars used as support bars shall be epoxy-coated. ln walls rein- forced with epoxy-coated bars, spreader bars shall be epoxy coated. 3. Proprietary combination bar clips and spreaders used in walls with epoxy- coated reinforcing shall be made of corrosion-resistant material or coated with dielectric material. 03 21 00 REINFORCING STEEL It0t30t03 2.6 A. B. MECHMCAL BAR SPLICES Approved mechanical threaded butt connectors may be used in lieu of lapped splices when permitted by the ENGINEER. The mechanical comrection shall be capable of developing a minimum of l25o/o of the yield strength of the reinforcing bar in both tension and compression. All parts of mechanical cormections used on coated bars, including steel splice sleeves, bolts, and nuts shall be coated with the same material used for repafu of coating damage. Manufacturers and Products l. Erico Products, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio; Lenton Reinforcing Steel Couplers. 2. Richmond Screw Anchor Co., Inc., Fort Worth, Texas; Richmond DB- SAE Dowel Bar Splicers I I t I I I I I I I I I I t II I PART3 EXECUTION 3.I FABRICATION 3.2 BENDING B. Fabrication tolerances for straight and bent bars shall be in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 4.3, Tolerance, of the American Concrete Institute Standard 315 and the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. All reinforcing bars shall be bent cold to the shapes shown on the Drawings, and unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER, bends shall conform to the re- quirements of ACI 315. All bending dimensions shall be out to out of bar. Bars parlially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent except as shown on the Drawings or permitted. Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a marurer that will injure the material. SPIRALS I One and one-halffinishing bends are required at the top and bottom ofthe spiral. Spacers shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 9 of the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice. Welding as an aid to fabrication and/or installation is not permitted. C. D. 2. 03 2l 00 REINFORCING STEEL I A. B. D. E. l, I I I l I t I I I I t t r0130/03 3.3 PLACING AND FASTBNING C. The placing, fastening, splicing and supporting of reinforcing steel and wire mesh or bar mat reinforcement shall be in accordance with the Drawings and the latest edition of "CRSI Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars". In case of discrepancy between the Drawings and the CRSI publication stated above, the Drawings shall govem. Reinforcement shall be placed within the tolerances provided in ACI I17. When placed in the work, the reinforcing bars shall be free from dirt, loose mill scale, paint, oil, loose rust or other foreign substance. Steel reinforcement shall be accwately placed in the positions shown on the Drawings and firmly held during the placing and setting of concrete by means of spacer strips, stays, metal chairs or other approved devices or supports. l. Precast concrete bricks or other types ofbricks are not permitted for sup- port ofreinforcernent in footings, slabs or any other part ofthe work. 2. Chair and bolster supports for slabs and walls shall be spaced at a maxi- mum of four-foot centers unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. 3. Unless otherwise provided bar steel reinforcement shall be used to support top layers ofreinforcing, such as in a floor slab or bridge deck. 4. Staples used to attach bar supports to wall and roof forms shall have the staple "tails" clipped after form removal. 5. For Columns, three wheels, spaced 120 degree apart, shall be placed every four feet of column height, except for the top three feet of a column where three BBU bolsters spaced at 120" shall be used. The CONTRACTOR may increase the column spiral pitch if a conflict occurs with the wheel. 6. Pre-tied column reinforcing steel lowered into column forms shall be low- ered vertically to prevent damage to the space wheels. 7. One row ofcontinuous bar chairs shall be provided for support under each row ofbar splices Bars shall be tied securely at all intersection except where spacing is less than one foot in each direction, when alternate intersections shall be tied- l.Tlng of steel by spot welding will not be permitted unless specifically au- thorized by the ENGINEER. Bend all tie wire to prevent tie wire from being closer than l-inch from the surface of the concrete. Ties for use with coated reinforcement shall be approved plastic coated wire. E.Bundle bars shall be tied together at not more than six-foot centers. 2. 3. I T t I I 03 21 00 REINFORCING STEEL Il080/03 F.Reinforcement used in post-tensioned concrete shall be adjusted or relocated dru- ing the installation ofprestressing ducts or tendons, as required, to provide loca- tion and plarured clearances to the prestressing tendons, anchorages, jacks and equipment as approved by the ENGINEER. Snap or single ties may be used unless the tie fails to securely hold the reinforcing steel. If that occurs the ENGINEER will require the use of a saddle or 't" tie as shown in Figure I at no additional expense to the OWNER. Figurc-Eight Tio FIGURE I SPLICING A. Bar steel reinforcement shall be fumished in the full lengths indicated on the Drawings. B. Splicing of bars, except where shown on the Drawings, will not be permitted without the written acceptance of the ENGINEER. C. Splices shall be staggered. The minimum distance between staggered splices for reinforcing bars shall be the length required for a lapped splice in the bar. D. In cases where permission is granted to splice bars, other than those shown on the Drawings, the additional material required for the lap shall be fumished by the CONTRACTOR at his own exPense. E. Splices will not be permitted at points where the section is not sufficient to pro- vide a minimum distance of two inches between the splice and the nearest adja- cent bar or the surface of the concrete. I I I I t I I I 3.7 I I I I I I I I I 03 21 00 REINFORCING STEEL I I 3.8 3.9 t I t T I I I I I I I t I I I I I F. Sheets of mesh or bar steel reinforcement shall overlap each other sufficiently to maintain a uniform strenglh and shall be securely fastened at the ends and edges. The edge lap shall not be less than one mesh in width. G. Welding of reinforcement shall be done only if detailed on the Drawings or if au- thorized by the ENGINEER in writing. l. All welding shall be performed by welders and welding procedures certi- fied to the requirements of AWS D 1.4 or approved equal. When welder or welding procedures certification tets are required, testing shall be per- foemd by an independent testing agency accepted by the ENGINEER. If the ENGINEER has reason to question a welder of welding operator's ability, prequalification tests shall be required (AWS D 1.4, Paragraph 6.3.1l). 2. Where AWS D 2.0 Specifications for Welded Highway and Railway Bridges is referenced, the reference shall be construed to be for AWS D 1.1. 3. Where the term AWS Dl.l is used it shall mean the American Welding Society Structural Welding Code, D 1.1 as modified and amended by the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Welding of Structwal Steel High- way Bridges. 4. All welded splices shall be direct butt splices. 5. After completion of welding, coating damage to any epoxy-coated rein- forcing steel bars shall be repaired. 6. The CONTRACTOR shall test four percent of the total number of splices per each bar size, but not less than fow splices, by radiographic methods E. When required or permitted in writing by the ENGINEER, a mechanical connec- tion may be used to splice reinforcing steel bars or as substitution for dowel bars. F. All splices of lap reinforcement shall be full-contact splices. CUTTING A. When coated reinforcing bars are cut in the field, the ends of the bars shall be coated with the same material used for repair of coating damage. PREPARATION The placing and securing of the reinforcement in any unit or section shall be ac- cepted by the ENGINEER before any concrete is placed in any such unit or sec- tion. 03 2l 00 REINFORCING STEEL Il0/30/03 3.10 REINFORCING STEELPLACEMENT REVIEW I I I I I I I I I I t I I II B. C. A minimum of six hours prior to concrete placernent a final review of reinforcing steel placement for footings, slabs, columns and walls of structures tanks, will be performed by the ENGINEER. This "final" review shall be scheduled 24 hours prior to form or concrete placement. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for performing a quality control review prior to the OWNER's representative final review to determine the acceptability, cornpleteness and clean-up of any sub-contractors work and overall readiness of the work for the final review. If the CONTRACTOR has proceeded to place forms prior to the final review, the CONTRACTOR will be required to remove sufficient forms to permit the visual review of the reinforcing steel and appurtenances such as reinforcing steel sup- ports and chairs and ties at no cost to the OWNER. END OF SECTION I 03 21 00 l0 REINFORCING STEEL I t w424? I) 1.1 1.2 I I t T I I I t t t I I I I I I I PART 1 SECTION 03 23IO POST.TENSIOITING STEEL AI\D TEI\IDONS GEI\ERAL WORKINCLUDED A. This section of the specifications will govern furnishing, installing and shessing ofpost-tensioning bars and strands. All incidental and appurtenant operations in- volving post-tensioning bars and strands shall be done in strict conformance with the Drawings and other terms and conditions of the Contract. All standard speci- fications made a portion ofthis specification by reference shall be the latest edi- tion and revision thereof. Tendon systems shall be fumished as shown on the Drawings. The ENGINEER shall be given 24 hours notice prior to stressing of any tendon. The ENGINEER shall be present during stressing operations. B. Post-tensioning steel tendon strand shall be produced by a Post-Tensioning Insti- tute (PTI) Certified Plant. C. In consideration of the unique nature of post-tensioned concrete construction, co- ordination between placement of both post-tension and plain reinforcement and the requirements for proper structure performance the following are requirements to be met. L The CONTRACTOR / sub-contractor that supplies the post-tensioning steel and anchorages shall be required to superintend and place both the post-tensioning and plain reinforcing construction. 2. The superintendent shall be on the project full-time during all placing and shessing operations. D. For grouting of bonded tendons see SECTION 03 67 00 - GROUTING POST- TENSIONED TENDONS. QUALITY STANDARDS: American Concrete Institute (ACI) l. ACI 3l 8 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete 2. ACI I 17 - Standard Tolerance for Concrete Construction and Materials 3. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings 4. Referenced Specifications for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons - 1998 Draft report 03 23 l0 POST-TENSIONING STEEL 09-02-03 I {$ I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I "lI T B. D. E. 1.3 American Society for Testing and Materials l. ASTMC 150-PortlandCement 2. ASTM A 416 - Uncoated Seven-Wire Stess-Relieved Steel Stand for Prestressed Concrete 3. ASTM A416 - Supplementl. Low-Relaxation Strand4. ASTM A 722 - Uncoated High-Strength Steel Bar for Prestressed Con- uete including Supplementary Requirements Sl and 32. Post Tensioning Institute @Tf) l. Post-TensioningManual 2. Field Procedures Manual for Unbonded Single Stand Tendons 3. Acceptance Standards for Post-Tensioning Systems4- Specification for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons 5. Desigr and Consfruction of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground Califomia Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) l. CALTRANS Standaxd Specification, Section 50 American Association of Highway and Transpodation Officials (AASHTO) l. AASHTO Division II - Construction Section 10, Preshessing SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings are required and shall conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents B. C. D. E. F. G. Certifications are required for verification of manufacture and fabrication of strand by a PTI certified plant. Mill test reports for reinforcing and post-tensioning steels. Superintendent qualifications per paragraph l.0l (A.) ofthis specification. Sheathing Repair Tape Wedge Properties Elongations 03 23 t0 POST-TENSIONING STEEL I oe{2{3 IH l. 1 J. l. a 4. 5. I I I l I I T t I I I I I I I I I Friction Test Results Certifi ed Gage Calibration 1.4 DELTVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING Both preshessing steel for bonded systems and strands for unbonded ten- don systems shall be stored on pallets to prevent direct contact with the ground to prevent encrustation with mud, grease or other matter detrimen- tal to the post-tension strand or shealh. All anchorages and prestessing steel components such as wedges shall be stored in a secure, dry area B.Prestressing Steel for Bonded Systems All prestressing steel shall be protected against physical damage and cor- rosion at all times, from manufacture to grouting. Prestressing steel that has sustained physical damage shall be rejected. Prestressing steel shall be packaged in containers or shipping forms for protection of the steel from corrosion, CALWRAP or equivalent. A corro- sion inhibitor that prevents rust or other results of corrosion, shall be placed in the package or form, or shall be incorporated in a corrosion in- hibitor carrier tlpe packaging material. Packaging or forms damaged from any cause shall be immediately re- placed ofrestored to provide protection to the steel. C.Unbonded Tendon Systems Extruded plastic encapsulated prestressing steel strand (unbonded tendon) shall be handled to eliminate the possibility of tears, rips and holes in the sheath. Excessive (as detemrined by the ENGINEER) tears of the sheath shall be cause for rejection ofthe tendon. Packaging or forms used in the transpod and placement of the duct shall be rejected along with the tendor; ifexcessive tears occur. Excessive tears are defined as more than a total of six, tlree inch or longer splits, or equivalent summation of tear lengths, per 100 linear feet of ten- don sheath. The sheathing shall provide a smooth circular outside surface and shall not visibly reveal the lay of the strand. Strand that does not meet these criteria shall be replaced with strand meeting this specification. Splices in the sheath to repair six, lhree inch or longer, tears in 100 linear feet are unacceptable. Splices are acceptable when the tendon sheath tears are less in total length than the acceptance criteria. 03 23 l0 POST-TENSIONING STEEL 094243 I '-t I 1.5 a. A tear is defined as split in the sheath that exposes the strand. b. An abrasion or nick in the sheath that does not expose the strand is not a tear and not subject to these acceptance criteria. STRESSING EQUIPMENT All jacks used to stess the tendons shall be accompanied by a dated and certified calibration sheet correlatingjacking pressure to tendon force. All gages shall have an accuracy of reading within two percent and shall be equipped with a gage dial of sufficient size that the gage can be read to the nearest 225 pounds of prestress- ing force. Gages shall be re-calibrated at intervals Qf no more than one year by an independ- ent laboratory; however, if the gage system appears to be giving erratic results, or if gage indication and elongation measurements indicate materially different stesses, the jack and the gages shall be re-calibrated. The post-tensioning steel CONTRACTOR shall load-cell test shessing equipment on-site to demonstrate to the ENGINEER that the equipment is calibrated. 1.6 CONSTRUCTION REVIEW The ENGINEER shall be present during jack calibration, friction testing, stressing and grouting of all tendons. It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to no- tify and provide a minimum of 24 hours notice to the ENGINEER of these activi- ties. If any calibration, stressing or grouting operation is performed without the ENGINEER's presence the work will be deemed unacceptable and non- conforming to these specifi cations. If the ENGINEER detennines that conshuction review of a particular activity is unnecessary, he will provide unitten direction to the CONTRACTOR to proceed with that particular activity without his construction review. PART 2 - MATERHLS 2.1 GENERAL All post-tensioning steel strand shall be manufactured by a PTI certified plant. 2.2 ANCHORAGE BEARING PLATES Anchorage bearing plates shall meet the desigrr criteria of PTI Acceptance Stan- dards for Post-Tensioning Systems. I I I I I I t t T I I I B. I t I I03 23 r0 POST-TENSIONING STEEL I oe{2{3 I . 2.3 ANCH'RAGE *EDGE PLATES I A. Anchorage wedge plates shall meet the design criteria of PTI Acceptance Stan- I dards for Post-Tensioning Systems. I 2.4 wEDGES A. Each type of wedge shall meet the performance requirements of the PTI Accep I tance Standards for Post-Tensioning Systems. Wedges shall have a five to seven degree angle and a length of at least 2.5 times the nominal strand diameter. TheI ff#""::ilffii1?tB5**."#:ffi;il'tr:::ffi"*i;'Jff'Jl"l#lJ;I a ductile core. After machining, the wedge shall be casehardened to at least 58 I HRC measrued at l/3 case depth (or equivalent hardness scale) while maintaining fI a ductile core hardness less than 46 HRC. Wedges shall not break into separate pieces. Surface cracks are permitted. I t B. Shand-Wedge Connect Performance Requirements 1| l. Securely anchor the strand without significantly reducing MUTS and duc-r 2 ^Ti3J:ffi:Xffii"l"llii;*,I 3. Prevent breaking of individual strand wires in the wedges during stressing l| 4. Achieve dynamic fatigue and impact loading resistance without strand l slippage or wire breakage. I C. Strand Wedge Connection Effrciency t l. 9l%oasrequiredbyAASHTO, SectionII- 10.3.2. . 2.5 TJNCOATED STRANDIr A. Strand shall be low relaxation, uncoated, seven wire stand, having a guaranteed r minimum ultimate tensile strenglh of 250,000 or 270,000 psi as shown on the : Drawings. I B. Strand shall conform to ASTM Designation A 416, Table l, Supplement l, Low I Relaxation strand. r 2.6 BARS |l A. General I I I 0323 ro POST-TENSIONING STEEL I09.{.243 l. All post-tensioning bars, bearing plates, stressing terminals, components and stressing equipment for all work indicated shall be as shown on the Drawings. Bars are used in post-tensioning shall conform to ASTM A 722, Type II having a minimum ultimate tensile shength of 150,000 psi. A manufactureds certification that the material has been tested in accor- dance with and meets the requirements of ASTM A722, shall be the basis of acceptance of the material. Unless otherwise specified in the contact or purchase order, bars shall be sorted by size and each bundle or lift shall be properly tagged with metal tags showing heat number, size, specification number (ASTM A722) and the name of the finished bar manufacturer in order to assure proper identi- fication. The tags shall display the following stratement: "High Strength Prestressing Bars". ln addition, both ends ofeach bar shall be painted yel- low. Dimensions for Type II bar shall conform to Tables I and 2. TABLE I Dimensions for Type tr @eficmed) Bar I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,II t l. J, Nominal Diarneter (In.) 5/8 314 I l-U4 r-318 Nominal Effective Weight Area (Lblft) (kr') 0.98 l49 3.01 4.39 5.56 0-28 0.42 0.85 r.25 1.58 I 03 23 10 POST-TENSIONING STEEL I oe.oz.o3 1., l. B. I I I t I I I t I t I T I I I t I TABLE2 DEFORMATION REQI]IREMENTS Max. Averase Min. AveraeeNominal Diameter (In.) s/8 3/4 I t-t/4 r-3/8 Spacing (In.) 0.437 0.s25 0.700 0-887 0.987 Height (In.) 0.028 0.038 0.050 0.064 0.071 Min. Project Area (l"tlinl 0.094 0.130 0.168 0.2r2 0.233 C. Mechanical Coupling l. For those bars having deformations arranged in a manner to permit cou- pling of the bars with a screw-on tlpe of coupler, it shall be the responsi- bility of the finished bar manufacturer to demonstrate that a bar cut at any point along its lenglh may be coupled to any other lenglh of bar and that a coupledjoint supports the ultimate breaking strenglh ofthe coupled bars. The coupler type shall be provided or desigred by the finished bar manu- facturer. 2.7 BONDEDTENDONS Anchorages l. The anchorages shall develop at least 90 percent of the minimum ultimate strength (MUTS) of the prestressing steel, tested in an unbonded state without exceeding anticipated set. The anchorage shall be so arr"anged that the prestressing force of the tendon may be verified prior to removal of the shessing equipment. Sheathing Material Duct may be round, oval or flat. It may be uncoated, galvanized, coated metal or plastic. Duct shall comply with the PTI Guide Specification, "Acceptance Standards for Post-tensioning Systems". Sheathing material for bonded tendons shall be strong enough to retain its shape and resist un- repairable damage during construction. It shall prevent the entrance of cement paste from the concrete. Material left in place shall not cause hamful electrolytic action nor deteriorate. The inside cross-sectional area of the sheathing shall be at least two times the net area of the prestressing 03 23 l0 POST-TENSIONING STEEL t09.02-03 D. steel. Sheathing shall be capable of tansmitting fofces from grout to the surrounding concrete. Duct shall be fumished as shown in the Drawings. Ducts for water storage reservoirs shall be manufactured from HDPE or PVC materials. Formed Ducts L Ducts formed by sheath left in place should be of a type that will not per- mit the entrance of cement paste. They should transfer bond stresses as required and should retain shape under the weigbt ofthe concrete. 2- Plastic ducts shall be made of high density polyethylene (I{DPE) accord- ing to ASTM D 3350 cell classification32$20C to 445534C, or polyeth- ylene conforming to ASTM D 1784, cell classification ftmge 12344-8 to 13466-8, with a specific gravity of 1.4. The comrgation of ducts shall be annular: spiral comrgations are unacceptable. The wall thickness of the duct, a minimum of 0.050 + 0.010 inches, shall be such that wearing through the wall of the duct by the strand during stressing is avoided. This requirement shall be met at an eight-foot minimum radius of curvature with a total strand movement of 3-feet with the tendon stress to 0.80 of MUTS. The minimum remaining wall thickness of the duct after testing shall be at least 0.040 inches. Ducts shall be coupled in a manner that is leak tight without the use of tape. Ducts may be welded in lieu of couplers when approved by the ENGINEER. Ducts shall be capable of transferring 40plo of the specified strength of the tendon within a length not exceeding 45 duct diameters. lneversible deforrrations of duct cross-sectional di- mensions under a point load, a #4 reinforcement bar bearing on the duct, shall not exceed l/4 inch, nor five percent ofthe duct cross-sectional di- mension, whichever is larger, one minute after removal of the load at 70o F. arnbient temperature. Polyethylene duct shall not be used when the ra- dius of curvature of the tendon is less than 30 feet. Cored Ducts 1. Cored ducts should be formed with no constrictions, which would tend to block the passage ofgrout. 2. All coring material should be removed. Semi-Rigid Metal Ducts l. Semi-rigid metal ducts shall be comrgated and when tendons are to be in- serted after the concrete has been placed their minimum wall thickness shall be as follows: a. 26 gauge for ducts less than or equal to 2 5/8-in. diameter b. 24 gauge for ducts greater than 2 5/8-in. diameter. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I - I I03 23 l0 POST-TENSIONING STEEL t I) I 09'02{3 c. When bar tendons are pre-assembled with semi-rigid metal ducts, the duct thickness shall not be less than 3l gauge. Couplings Couplings ofbonded tendons shall be used only at locations specifically indicated and/or accepted by the ENGINEER. Couplings shall not be used at points ofsharp tendon curvature. All couplings shall develop at least 95 percent of the MUTS of the prestressing steel without exceeding antici- pated set. The coupling oftendons shall not reduce the elongation at rupture below the requirements of the tendon itself. Couplings and/or coupling compo- nents shall be enclosed in housings long enough to permit the necessary movements, and frttings shall be provided to allow complete grouting of all the coupling components. Multiple Tendons l. Tendons composed of multiple strands or bars in a common sheath should be tensioned simultaneously unless the effects of interferences between the elements are considered. 2.8 UNBONDEDTENDONS Anchorages l. The anchorages ofunbonded tendons shall develop at least 95 percent of theMUTS. The anchorage shall be capped at the wedge cavity with a threaded water- tight cap. The cap shall be filled with grease. All dead end anchorage assemblies shall be plant installed. B.Sheathing The sheathing for unbonded tendons shall have tensile shenglh and water- resistance sufiicient to resist un-repairable damage and deterioration dur- ing transport, storage atjobsite, and installation. The sheathing shall pre- vent the intrusion of cement paste and the escape of coafing material. The sheathing shall be of virgin high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polypro- pylene (HDPP) and shall be produced by a seamless extrusion process over corrosion preventative grease that leaves no air pockets and has at least a 60 Mil thickness with no negative tolerance. Damage in the sheathing shall be repaired by re-sheathing prior to concrete placement. (See 1.06 C. for acceptance criteria.) D. l. l. I I t I I I l I t I I I I I I I 03 23 10 POST-TENSIONING STEEL 094243 I 3. The encapsulated sheathing shall connect to and be tied to the anchorage with a watertight plastic trumpet filled with corrosion preventative grease. 4. The tumpet shall have a threaded end to screw onto the tbreaded anchor- age. It shall conform to the PTI "Specification for unbonded Single Strand Tendons" for tendons in a corrosive environrnent- C. Sheathing Repair Tape 1. Scotch brand No. 838 *Tedlaf Plastic Film Tape manufactured by the 3M Corporation, shall be used to repair holes and tears in extruded sheathing. 2. The tape is available from Lane Supply Company, 2050 W. Barberry Place, Denver, CO 80204 telephone (303) 534-5371. 2.9 TIEWIRE A. 16 gauge wire ties, manufactured by American Wire Tie, Inc., or Mar-Mac Wire Inc., or equal. B. When epoxy coated reinforcing steel is shown in the Drawings, PVC coated wire ties shall be used. The minimum PVC coating is 0.7 mils. C. Tie wire that will be in contact with the inside face of water storage tank walls and columns shall be 16 gage stainless steel. D. See the Drawings for tie types and details. PART3 EXECUTION GENERAL A. A stressing sequence shall be used that will result in no adverse stress conditions to the structure. The tensioning process shall be conducted so that the tension be- ing applied and the elongation produced may be readily measured. Strand shall be marked with a saw to facilitate elongation measurement. Keel or crayon is unac- ceptable for marking of strand. B. Ducts shall be plugged at the anchorages during construction to prevent the entry of debris and water. This includes both prefabricated and empty ducts and prior to and after stessing but before grouting. In temperatures below 32" F, ducts shall be kept completely free of water to avoid damage to the duct or concrete due to freezing. TENDONPLACEMENT 3.1 I I I I I I I I T t I I I Il 3.2 I I 03 23 l0 l0 POST.TENSIONING STEEL I t Forms shall be properly braced to maintain alignment. See SECTION 03 30 00 - FORMWORK. B.Anchorages and Pocket Formers l.Anchorages shall be secured to form work with bolts, nails or threaded pocket fomrcr fittings in order to remain in a fixed position during concret- ing. Pocket fomrers shall positively preclude intrusion of concrete or cement paste into the wedge cavity during concrete placement. C.Placement Tolerance l.Dimensions for vertical location of tendons shall not vary more than li8- inch in members up to l2-inches deep. Horizontal deviation may be allowed but radius of curvature shall not be less than 2l feet. Mild steel reinforcing shall be coordinated with tendon placement. Proper tendon location has priority over all other materials. D.Supports l.Supports for tendons shall insure position during concreting. No. 5 rein- forcing steel or "BBU" style bolsters shall be used to support tendons. When No. 5 reinforcing steel is used it shall be supported by chairs spaced at no more than 2-feet on center. Bolsters and reinforcing steel used to support tendons shall be located as shown on the Drawings. Dimensions for vertical location of tendons shall not vary more than l/8- inch in slabs and l/4-inch in beams. Horizontal deviation may be allowed but radius of curvature should not be less than 21 feet. Mild steel reinforc- ing shall be coordinated with tendons. Proper tendon location has priority. Supports shall be non-corrosive if in contact with concrete formwork and be placed at high and low points ofprofile and control points- E.Repairs to Unbonded Tendon Sheathing Damaged areas in the 60 mil sheathing, such as rips and tears, shall be re- paired at least four hours prior to placing concrete with Scotch brand No. 838 Plastic Film Tape. This time period is required to permit the ENGINEER to reviewall repaired sheathing. All grease shall be thoroughly removed from the sheathing prior to taping the repair area. Two layers of tape shall be spirally wound around the damaged area in the sheathing. Each winding of a layer shall overlap the l. 2. J. l. I t I I t I x I I I I T I T I I T J. 03 23 l0 ll POST-TENSIONING STEEL I 3.3 3.4 09{2{3 previous winding 50%. The tape shall extend a minimum of 2-inches be- yond the damaged area A second layer shall be wound similarly but in the opposite direction and pitch. F. UnbondedTendonBundles 1. No more than two strands shall be tied into a bundle. CONCRETE PLACEMENT A. Concrete placement shall be in such a rnanner that alignment of tendons and con- ventional reinforcement remains unchanged. B. Concrete shall be properly placed consolidated and vibrated. Vibrating shall be done with care and in such a manner to insure uniform compaction of concrete at tendon anchorages and to avoid displacement oftendons and anchorage compo- nents. See SECTION 03 30 00 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE. STRESSING OF PRESTRESSING STEEL: General l. Tendon stressing shall not begin until the concrete has reached an appro- priate strength and the ENGINEER accepts testing results indicating that the concrete meets or exceeds the anchorage concrete design capacity. 2. During stressing operations, the CONTRACTOR shall provide safety measures necessary to prevent accidents due to possible breaking of the prestessing steel or bursting ofconcrete. 3. The tensioning process shall tre conducted so that the force being applied and the elongation produced may readily be observed and measured. Ten- don shessing for walls shall be perfomred from a scissors lift to facilitate viewing of gage prqssure, elongation measurement and wedge seating. 4- Unless otherwise permitted in writing, the ENGINEER shall be present during shessing operations. Stessing operations shall be as recommended by tendon supplier and as accepted by the ENGINEER. When welding or burning near tendons, care should be exercised to prevent overheating ten- don components. 5. All strands in each tendon, except for those in flat ducts with not more than four strands, shall be stressed simultaneously with a multi-strand jack. 6. All strands shall be free from kinks or twists. Any unwinding of a strand in excess of one tum after tensioning operation shave begun shall not be permitted. 7. If a grout or vent port has been sheared-off or covered by concrete, the vent or port shall be re-constructed prior to placing strand in the duct ex- I il t I I T I I I I I I I ! t I I I 03 23 l0 l2 POST-TENSIONING STEEL t T I I 09{2{3 B.I I T I II I T I l3 a. b. c. I t I I I I t cept those tendons that have been fabricated with tendons and a dead end anchorage- Prior to Stressing l. Placing Strand in Ducts Prior to placing strands into a duct the CONTRACTOR shall dem- onstrate to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER that the duct is free and clear and contains no water. All grouting and vent ports shall be exposed and also free and clear. Multi-strand tendons may be pulled orpushed into the duct either a stand at a time or as a complete tendon. If the CONTRACTOR chooses to place one strand at a time in the duct, care shall be taken to avoid wrapping a strand around previously placed strands. Ifit appears that this is occuning in the opinion of the ENGINEER, all strand shall be remove and pulled through as a complete tendon. Strands shall be clean, dry and free from objectionable matter, such as dirt or other material that could inhibit bond of grout to the prestressing steel, as it is placed in the duct. Do not permit the strand(s) to drag along the ground, across sharp edges or handle in any way that exposes the strands to potential damage. Carefully feed the srrand through the anchorage block cast in the concrete. Do not permit the strand(s) to rub or scrape against the edge of the anchorage block. 2.Placing the Stressing Head Visually review the stressing head to confirm that it is free from any defects such as cracks. Confrrn that the anchorage block and stressing head are both clean. Carefully slide the stressing head over the strand. Avoid unwind- ing individual wires of a strand. 3.Wedges Inspect wedges prior to placing the wedges in the anchor head. Wedges shall be clean and free from defects. Carefully place wedges around the shand to asswe even seating and proper transfer of stress. 03 23 l0 POST-TENSIONING STEEL t c.Tendon Friction Testing l. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct a friction loss test on the first multiple strand horizontally curved or vertically draped tendon to be stressed. This test shall be conducted and supervised by a person with prior experience conducting similar tests. The purpose of the test is to verifr curvature fric- tion values used in the desigrr and that the desigrr prestress force can be at- tained. 2. In the case ofa discrepancy between the desigrr calculated prestress force and friction test force, the entire stessing operation shall be checked care- firlly and the source of error determined and corrected before proceeding further with stressing. A tolerance of * 5y, is acceptable. Stressing 1. A multi-strand tendon shall be tensioned to llYo ofPjack, or as otherwise agreed to by the ENGINEER, before elongations readings are started in order to remove slack from the tendon and seat the anchor head to the an- chorage block. This initial tension in any tendon shall not vary by more than five percent of that adopted. Measure and start recording the elonga- tion at this point. After slack has been removed from the tendon, the re- maining force shall be rmiformly applied in a single or multiple "pulls" - depending on the ram stressing reach and tendon elongation. 2. Stands in flat ducts with not more than four stands shall be stressed one strand at a time. The fust strand shall be stressed to remove slack and seat the anchor head. Stress, measure and record the elongation of the remain- ing three strands. 3. If a wire of a strand, or a complete strand, breaks during stressing of a multiple strand tendon during stessing all the tendons shall be de- tensioned, strand replaced and tendon re-stessed. The CONTRACTOR shall review the shands that are remove to asswe that no other strands are damaged and remedy any cause ofthe strand breakage. 4. The shess induced in the prestressing strand/tendon shall be measured both byjacking gage pressrue and by elongation ofthe prestressing steel' In the event ofa variance between gage pressure and elongation measured, gage pressur€ shall be the primary indicator of the true stress in the prestressing steel. A tolerance of+ five percent between the actual gage pressure and the elongation and the calculated value is acceptable. In the event of an apparent discrepancy between gage pressure and elongation exceeding five percent, the entire stressing operation shall be checked carefully and the source of error determined and corrected before proceed- ing further with stressing. 5. Stressing of a continuous tendon shall be completed before halting opera- tions for the day. Tendons shall be tensioned by jacking at each end ofthe tendon unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. When one end stressing D. I I I I I I I I I I t t I I t I 03 23 l0 t4 POST-TENSIONING STEEL I I oe-02{3 I I I is shown in the drawings, tensioning may be performed by jacking from one end or both ends ofthe tendon. Adjacent one-end stressed tendons shall be tensioned from altemate ends thus averaging friction losses. 6. Stressing at intermediate anchorages shall be carried out in a manner that will result in minimum damage to sheathing. Strand shall be re-sheathed at these points before concreting begins. 7. After shessing is complete record the gage pressure, lift offpressure, stage elongation anil total elongation. Anchorage l. Tendon shall be anchored at an initial or "transfer stress" that will result in retention of working forces or stresses of not less than those shown on Drawings as final after all losses. a. Stress Transfer l) Stress transfer on strand tendons shall be such as to prevent undue scraping or scarring of the sfrand by the wedge grip- pers during seating. 2. Wedge Grippers a. Wedge grippers on strand tendons shall be properly aligned before and after stressing to insure proper stress retention. b. Wedges shall seat evenly in the anchorage. A tolerance of l/16 inch is acceptable. Elongation Records l. Elongations shall be neatly and legibly marked on the concrete adjacent to the anchorage. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall keep a written record of gage pressure and elongation for each strand or tendon for submittal to the ENGINEER for review and acceptance. 3. Lift offpressures of any second pull shall be tabulated along with the gage pressures and elongations. 4. Elongations and gage pressures shall be recorded and submitted to the ENGINEERwithin one day of stressing completion. 5. All elongations shall be measured after seating. Cutting of Tendon Tails l. Projecting snand tails shall not be cut-offuntil stressing is 100% complete and stressing records reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. The F. G. I I t I t I t I I t I I I I I 03 23 r0 l5 POST-TENSIONING STEEL t09-m-03 ENGINEER shall write a letter to the CONTRACTOR indicating accep tance of stressing elongations. Upon approval ofthe elongation records and completion ofstressing op- eration, excess strand shall be cut off with an abrasive disc cutter ap- proximately I inch from the face of anchorage casting. Tendon tails shall be carefirlly cut to avoid damage to the remaining tendon, wedges or an- chorage. If any damage occnrs to the tendoq anchorage or wedges, the CONTRACTOR will be required to de-stress, replace and re-stress the tendon when feasible. The cut shall be made at least 3/4 inch from the wedges or as required to permit placement of the cap on the anchorage. EhIDOFSECTION I I t T I t I I T I T I t I II 03 23 t0 l6 POST-TENSIONING STEEL I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I 09102/03 SECTION 03 23 50 GROUTING POST-TENSIONED STRUCTT]RES PART1 GENERAL I.1 WORKINCLUDED A. This section of the specifications govems grouting of post-tensioned structures. The purpose of the grout is to provide corrosion protection to the prestressing steel and to develop bond between the prestressing steel and the srmounding concrete. B. All incidental and appurtenant operations involving post-tensioning grout shall be done in strict conformance with the Drawings and other terms and conditions of the Contract. All standard specifications made a portion of this specification by reference shall be the latest edition and revision thereof. Grout systems shall be furnished as shown on the Drawings. The ENGINEER shall be given 24 hours notice prior to grouting of any tendon. The ENGINEER shall be present dwing grouting operations. C. The person responsible for grouting shall be an American Segmental Bridge lnstitute (ASBD Certified Grouting Technician, and shall be on site full time during grouting operations. 1.2 QUAIITY STANDARDS A. Post-Tensioninglnstitute(PTI) 1. Specification for Grouting ofPost-Tensioned Stnrctures B. American Segmental Bridge Institute (ASBI) 1. Grouting Committee Interim Statement on Grouting Practices C. American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) l. LRFD Construction Specifications Section 10 - Prestressing D. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) l. Modified version ASTM C939 "Standard Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method) - modified for grout with thixotropic properties 2. See PTI Specification l 5.2 for all referenced ASTM standards GROUTING POST-TENSIONED STRUCTIJRES03 23 s0 09102103 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings showing all grout ports labeled as inlet or outlet, direction of grout flow, and sequence and timing of vent closings. B. Written grouting procedure per PTI Specification 4.6.1 . C. Grouting Equipment D. Prepackaged grout mix E. ASBI Certified Grouting Technician Certificate for grouting superintendent per l.l C ofthis specification. t- All the above submittals shall be approved one month prior to groufing. G. Record of grouting operation. 1.4 DELTVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Prepackaged grout shall be stored in a location that is both weatherproof and convenient to the work. Prepackaged grouts may be stored outdoors so long as the grout is on a raised platform and is fully protected from the weather. B. Prepackaged grouts shall not be stored on site for more than one month. C. All bags of grout shall be unopened. Partially used and tom bags are not acceptable and shall be rejected. D. Prepackaged bags ofgrout shall not be stored in temperahres below 32"F. PART2 MATERIALSANDEQTNPMENT 2.1 PREPACKAGEDGROUTMANUFACTURERS A. Approved Manufacturers L Sika- Sika Cable Grout 2. Masterbuilders - Masterflow 1205 2.2 WATER A. Only clean potable water shall be used. GROUTING POST-TENSIONED STRUCT1JRES II 1.3 I I I I t I I l I I I I I T I I t03 23 50 2.3 2.4 I T I t t I T I t I I T I I I T t I I 09t02/03 GROUT INLETS, OUTLETS AND VENTS A. All inlets, outlets and vents shall be detailed to be leak free, allow complete venting of the duct, and not intemrpt the grout flow. B. Inlet and outlet pipes shall be transparent 3/4-nch diameter rigid plastic pipe. C. Inlets and outlets shall be equipped with dual mechanical shut-offs installed at high points in the tendon profile and on ends of tendons. All inlets and outlets require two lever-action ball valves (gas cocks). Inlet and intermediate outlets need the additional secondary valves for injection nozzle disconnects, and all inlets and outlets use the secondary valves as pressure safeties when closing primary valves after grouting. D. Grout vents shall be made from polypropylene comrgated hose. E. Vents shall be equipped with a shut-off valve that is capable of reopening and closing. F. Vents shall be capped with a plastic cap that screws onto either the inside or outside ofthe vent pipe. G. Tendon anchorages shall have an integral vent and positive seal. GROUTING EQUIPMENT A. The grouting equipment shall include a shear type mixer capable of continuous shear mixing which will produce a grout free of lumps and undispersed cement. The mixer shall be able to deliver a continuous supply of grout to the pumping equipment. B. Accessory equipment that will provide for accurate solid and liquid measwes should be provided to batch all materials including, but not limited to, scales, measured buckets, graduated cylinders, etc. C. The pump shall be a screw or positive displacement type and be able to produce an outlet pressure of at least 145 psi. The pump should have seals adequate to prevent introduction of oil, air or other foreigrr substance into the grout, and to prevent loss of grout or water. The pump shall be capable of continuous operation with little variation of pressure and shall include a system for recirculating the grout, a bypass, while actual grouting is not in progress. The pump shall be capable of maintaining pressure on completely grouted ducts and shall be fitted with a valve that can be locked off without loss of pressure in the duct. GROUTING POST-TENSIONED STRUCTURESa3 23 50 09to2t03 D. A pressure gauge having a full-scale reading of no greater than 290 psi shall be placed at some point in the grout line between the pump outlet and the duct inlet. E. The grouting equipment shall contain a screen having clear openings of 0.125- inch maximum size to screen the grout prior to its inhoduction into the grout pump. This screen should be easily accessible for inspection and cleaning. F. The grouting equipment shall utilize gravity feed to the pump inlet from a hopper attached to and directly over it. The hopper must be kept at least partially full of grout at all times during the purnping operation to prevent air from being drawn into the post-tensioning duct. G. under normal conditions, the grouting equipment should be capable of continuously grouting vertical tendons at a rate no faster than approximately 15- feet per minute. Horizontal, long, highly draped profiles and large ducts shall be grouted at a rate no greater than 50-feet per minute. H. Adequate flushing equipment and a potable water supply shall be available onsite to facilitate complete removal of the grout from the duct if it should become necessary. PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL I written instructions for the grouting procedure shall be available on the site. Grouting shall be carried out as soon as possible after the stressing operation of the tendon. However, grouting of conduit shall not begin until 6 to 24 hours after stressing. I I I I I I I I T I T I t C. D. B. The temperature of the concrete should be 40" F or higher from the time of grouting until job cured 2 inch cubes of grout reach a minimum compressive strength of800 psi. Grout temperature shall be between 50 - 85" F before entering the duct. water shall be heated or cooled as necessary to maintain the grout within the range of 50 - 85" F. Prestressing steel placed into ducts but not grouted within 10 days shall be protected against corrosion. As described above tendon ducts shall be carefully and thoroughly plugged to prevent the entry of water and other foreign matter into the duct. Grouting of the duct shall be carried out without intem:ption. GROUTING POST-TENSIONED STRUCTURES t I I t I 03 23 50 I os/ozto3 l, I l: A. B. 3.2 t I T I I I the the A. B. 3.4 I I I I I T I I I F. Before proceeding with grouting operations, both materials and equipment should be inspected. G. Prior to grouting, conduit shall be made free of water, dirt, and other foreign substances. Using compressed air, ducts shall be checked for blockages and leakages. In cold climates after a period of freezing temperatures, care shall be taken to insure that the duct and tendon are free from any ice accumulation before starting grouting operations. The temperature shall be checked inside the duct. Grouting shall insure complete filling of voids between wires or strand and conduit and end anchorages. Conduit shall be completely filled from one end with grout under pressure less than 145 psi. However, normal grouting operations should tlpically be performed at approximately 75 psi. Care shall be exercised to insure continuous grout outflow. GROI"IT MIXING Follow the manufacturer's written instructions. Prior to mixing the following shall be checked: l. Temperature ofprepackaged grout 2. Possible caking 3. Temperature and available quantity of water 4. Shelf-life of all materials 5. Performance of the equipment to be used including stand-by equipment 6. Leak free connections to inlets and outlets and proper operation ofvalves. 3.3 PREPARATION OF TIIE DUCT Flushing of ducts with air or ENGINEER, and shall not be ENGINEER. water shall be optional as required by performed without written approval from B. Ducts with concrete walls (cored ducts) should be flushed to ensure that the concrete is thoroughly wetted. C. Water used for flushing ducts may contain slack lime (calcium hydroxide) or quicklime (calcium oxide) in the amount of 0. I pounds per gallon. INJECTION OF THE GROUT Grout shall be injected from near the lowest end of the tendon in an uphill direction. All grout vents shall be open when grouting starts. Grout shall be used within 30 minutes of the first addition of water to ensure the flowability of the gout. GROIITING POST-TENSIONED STRUCTURES03 23 50 I09/02t03 C.The method of injecting grout shall ensure complete filling of the ducts and complete surrounding of the strand or bar with grout. Grout shall be pumped through the duct and flow continuously at the first outlet after the inlet, until visible slugs of water and air are ejected and the consistency of the grout is equivalent to that of the grout injected, at which time the outlet shall be closed. All outlets shall be closed in a similar manner one after another in the direction of the flow except that at intermediate crests, outlets placed a short distance downstream ofthe crest shall be closed before their associated crest outlet. E. The pumping pressure at the inlet shall not exceed 145 psi for intemal polyethylene or oval or flat steel ducts; or 245 psi for intemal circular steel ducts. However, normal grouting operations will tlpically be performed at approximately 75 psi. F. If the actual grouting pressure exceeds the maximum allowed, the inlet shall be closed and the grout shall be injected at the next outlet (which now becomes an inlet) which has just been, or is ready to be closed as long as a one-way flow is maintained. Grout shall not be injected into a succeeding outlet from which grout has not yet flowed. G. When one-way flow of grout cannot be maintained, or when grouting is intemrpted, the grout shall be immediately flushed out of the duct with water. The flushing pressure shall be limited to the same grouting pressures as specified for grouting. H. To ensure that the duct remains filled with grout, the outlet shall be closed first and the inlet closed after holding the pumping pressure for that tendon duct. The inlet shall then be sealed offunder pressure. POST-GROUTING OPERATIONS A. Valves, caps and pipes at the inlet and outlets shall not be removed or opened until the grout has set. The filled ducts shall not be subjected to shock or movement within 24 hours of grouting. B. When the grout has hardened, outlets shall be cut-off and removed to below the concrete surface. The recess shall be filled with a non-shrink. non-metallic erout lo prevent ingress of water. GROUT QUALITY CONTROL TESTING A. Production testing of the grout shall be performed by the contractor. Production testing shall consist ofi GROUTING POST-TENSIONED STRUCTI]RES t II I T I t I I T I T I t I I T D. 3.5 3.6 I 03 23 50 I I I 09t02/03 B.I t I T I I I I I I I t T I I I 1. Two mud balance tests per day or when there is a visual or apparent change in the characteristics ofthe grout. 2. Minimum of two fluidity tests (flow cone) - one at the mixer and one at the duct outlet, using the modified version of ASTM C939, repeat testing every two hours of grouting operations. The efflux time shall be within + 5 seconds ofthe values established during laboratory testing. Record of Grouting Operation l The conhactor shall provide records of grouting for review by the ENGINEER. Copies shall be submitted to the ENGINEER within 72 hours ofgrouting. 2. Information to be noted in the records shall include but shall not necessarily be limited to the following: date grouted, numter of days from stressing to grouting, type of grout mix, tendon(s) grouted, injection end and applied grouting presslue, summary of any problems encountered and corrective action taken. 3. An accurate record of the volume of the grout pumped into the duct compared to the volume of the duct adjusted for the grout displaced by the prestressing strand shall be determined and reported. A reasonable measure of the complete filling of the duct is consequently attained once the volume of the grout is determined. END OFSECTION GROUTING POST-TENSIONED STRUCTTIRES03 23 50 I os-2446I " ,,:i;'::J'.1.:*,. I PART1 GENERAL I r.r woRK TNCLUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, tools and equipment for the I construction of cast-in-place concrete as shown on the Drawings and herein specified.I B ffffffi':fi:ffi;1111,ffi5il;i#Jff;fJ"ffl,TlilJ",:"il:",1#H: loading, post-tensioning and termination of cold weather protection. ' C. Aggregate Industries and LaFarge are acceptable suppliers of ready-mixedt li:,""?"Ji1#""il?,:l#l3#]lT'x,lii:#ff'i":ffi[ili'f#li:::l of the CONTRACTOR to be awarded the contract. I 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS - A. American Society forTesting Materials (ASTM): I ' ,. C 29, Test Method for Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate I 2. 3 r,rl; i,,#-d Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens I 3. C 33, ConcreteAggregates 4. C 39, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical I Concrete Specimens 5. C 88, Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate I 6 .;ffi::::"".*." I 7. C tZ:, fest Uethod for LightweiSht Particles in Aggregate 8. C 127, Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse I s. :lT:j:" Method for Resistance to Degradation of Smail-size coarse Aggregate by Amasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine I 10. C 136, Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates I I L C 143, Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete I 03 3ooo CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 05-2446 I t4. 15. 16. 12. 13. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. C 150, Portland Cernent C 157, Test Method for lrngth Change of Hardened Hydraulic Cement Mortar and Concrete C 173, Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method C 192, Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory C 231, Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method C 260, Air-entraining Admixtures for Concrete C 311, Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland-Cement Concrete C 494, Chemical Admixtures for Concrete C 595, Specifications for Blended Hydraulic Cements C 618, Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete C 979, Specification for Pigments for Colored Concrete C 1074, Practice for Estimating Concrete Strength by the Maturity Method ANSV D 994, Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers C 1260, Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar-bar Method) C 1602 - Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete 27. C 1603 -Test Measursment ofSolids inWater American Concrete Institute (ACD: l. ACI 117 - Standard Specifications for Tolerances of Concrete Construction and Materials ACl2ll - Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Concrete Aclzl2 - Guide for Use of Concrete Admixtures ACl22l - Guide for Use of Normal Weight Aggregates ACl228 - In-Place Methods to Estimate Concrete Strength ACI 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings Jl I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. B. 2- J. 4. 5. 6. 03 30 00 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE t os-2446 7 . ACI302 - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction I r 8. ACI 304 - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete I 9. ACI305 - Hot weather concreting I 10. ACI 306 - Cold Weather Concreting I L ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete I n. ACI 309 - Standard Practice for Consolidating Concrete 13. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrets I A. AcI 503 - use of Epoxy compounds I 15. ACI 504 - Guide to Joint Sealants C. National lnstitutes of Standards and Technology (NIST): I l. NIST Handbook No. 44 - Specifications, Tolerances and Other Technical Requirernents for Weighing and Measuring Devices I 1.3 suBMrrrALS A. Product Data I ' ,. Admixtures (such as air-entraining and water-reducing admixtures): I a. Testreports b. Certification of conformance with applicable ASTM Specification I c. Calcium chloridepercentage 2. Fly ash: I a. Certified compliance with ASTM C 618 t 3. Aggregates: a. Sieve analyses (ASTM C 117 and C 136) I b. Specific Gravity and Absorption (ASTM C 127) c. Lightweight Particles (ASTM C 123) I d. Unit weight and voids (ASTM C 29) I e. Potential Alkali Reactivity (ASTM C 1260) f. Clay lumps and Friable Particles (ASTM C 142) I C. Sodium Sulfate Soundness (ASTM C 8S) t 03 3ooo CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 05-2446 I rd t I t I I I I I I t I B. h. Magnesium Sulfate Soundness (ASTM C 88) i. Los Angeles Abrasion Abrasion Test Results (ASTM C 131) 4. Form Release Agents 5. Ready Mixed Concrete Mix Designs 6. Vibrator specifications 7. Ready-mixed concrete plant production contingency plan 8. MSDS Sheets Test Reports and Records: l. Maturity curves for each mix. a. The temperature history, in-place maturity index and strength- maturity relationship shall be established to permit estimation of strength at I day,2 days, three days, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days, 45 days and 56 daYs. 2. Cylinder test reports 3. Mix Desigrr Field Test Data Record for each mix: a. Slump b. Air entrainment c. Seven and 28 day compressive strength test results d. Qualification method 4. Hydrualic cef,nent Material Certification Report: a. Chernical (ASTM C 150) Chemical Analyses b. Physical (ASTM C I I 57 and C 150) Analyses c. Optional Requirernents for equivalent alkalies analyses d. CertificationforcompliancewithASTM C l50andC ll57 5. Chernical and Physical Analysis of Fly Ash (ASTM C 618): a. Chernical comPosition b. Physical test results c. Plant of origin Concrete delivery tickets I I I I I I C. 03 30 00 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I I I I 05-2+06 D. Hot and Cold Weather Placing and Curing Plans E. Placement size and configuration plans 1.4 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Acquire cement and aggregate from the same source for all work. B. Conform to ACI 305 - Hot Weather Concreting for hot weather concrete placernent. C. Conform to ACI 306 - Cold Weather Concreting for cold weather concrete placernent. D. Conform to ACI 309 - Standard Practice for Consolidating Concrete for concrete consolidation. I.5 CONTRACTORASSISTANCE A. The CONTRACTOR shall assist the OWNER or his concrete testing consultant as requested during the performance of quality control testing. B. Concrete for testing will be sampled from the point of the ready-mixed fruck discharge chute. When concrete is placed by concrete pumper, additional testing may be performed at the point of pumper discharge hose at the ENGINEER's discretion. I.6 DELIVERY, STORAGEANDHANDLING A. The ready-mixed concrete truck driver shall provide the batch ticket to the ENGINEER at the time of concrete delivery. Hand written modifications to computerized tickets is unacceptable. The ticket shall summarize the following information legibly in an easily discemible table: l. Weight in pounds of all materials, excepting the water reducing and air- entraining agents, which shall be in ounces. 2. Cubic yards batched 3. The ratio of water to cementitious (W / C + P) materials ratio 4. Tonperature of the concrete at the time it was batched 5. Time of batching. 6. Free moisture in the fine and coarse aggregates in percent of weight of aggregat 7. Gallons of water that may be added at the site without exceeding the permissibleW/Cratio. T I T I I ll I I I I I I I t I 03 30 00 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE t05-24-06 Delivery shall conform to the Measuring, Mixing, TransPorting ENGINEER. recommendations of ACI 304 - Guide and Placing Concrete as determined by PART2 PRODUCTS Z.I CEMENT A. Cement shall be Portland Cement Tlpe I - II LA, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 2.2 AGGREGATE A. Fine aggregate shall consist of hard, strong, durable particles conforming to the provisions of ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates. B. Coarse aggregate shall conform to the provisions of ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates except that all aggregate shall be crushed aggregate. Screened aggregate is unaccePtable. 2.3 WATER A. Water shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials, or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. B. Water for mixing concrete shall conformt o ASTM C 1602 and ASTM C 1603. C. Mixing water for prestressed pretensioned and prestressed post-tensioned concrete or for concrete, which will contain aluminum embedments, shall not contain deleterious amounts of chloride ion. D. Unless otherwise permitted or specified in the Drawings, the concrete shall be proportioned and produced to have a slump not to exceed seven inches or less than five inches at the ready-mixed truck discharge chute. The slump shall be determined by ASTM C 143 - Test for Slump of Portland Cement' 2.4 ADMXTURES A. General: l. Admixtures to be used in concrete shall be subject to prior acceptance by the ENGINEER- 2. The admixture shall maintain the same composition and performance throughout the work as the product used in the concrete proportions established in accordance with ACI 2l I - Standard Practice for Selecting ProPortions for Concrete. 3. Admixtures containing chloride ions shall not be used. B. Chemical Admixtures Conforming to ASTM C 494:. for the I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I03 30 00 CAST-IN.PLACE CONCRETE T I T I I I I 05-24-06 I . The following table identifies seven types of chemical admixtures meeting r ASTM C 494 that can added to Portland csrnent for the purpose or purpose indicated. Type Purpose A Water Reducing B Retarding C Accelerating D Water Reducing and Retarding E Water Reducing and Accelerating F Water Reducing, High Range G Water Reducing, High Range and Retarding C. Air Entrainment: I l. An air-entraining agent shall be used in all concrete. The agent used shall conform to ASTM C 260 - Air-entraining Admixtures for Concrete. l]r 2 ffiil":i::"?::f#3:i;ti#i3J;iJ;:t3ffir#iXtiix,ilL"; Method. r D. Water Reducing, Set-Confrolling Admixture: I l. The concrete mix sball contain a mid or high-range water-reducingI admixture that conforms to ASTM C 494 - Chemical Admixtures for l Concrete classification A. F or G. I E. Finely Divided Mineral Admixtures: I l Mineral admixtures shall be limited to fly ash conforming to ASTM C 618 t - Fly Ash in Portland Cement Concrete Class F. 2. Maximum loss on igrrition: 3% I F. HydrationStabilizerAdmixture: I 1. The mix shall contain a hydration stabilizer admixture, DELVOr manufactured by Master Builders Technologies (MBT) or Recover by W. - R. Grace, meeting the requiranents of ASTM C 494 - Chemical I Admixtures for Concrete Classification B and Type D, to delay the start of hydration reaction for a 60 minute time period from the time ofbatch. I I 03 3ooo 7 CAST.IN-PLACE CONCRETE I I I I I t I I I I t I I I 2.5 05-24-06 2. The actual amount of hydration stabilizer required will depend on tansit time and ambient environmental conditions at the time of concrete placernent. The concrete producer shall conduct tests to verifo proper hydration dosage rates for the desired delay in hydration reaction. The CONTRACTOR shall provide test results to the OWNER. CONCRETE MIX DESIGN A. The concrete mix shall meet the properties and characteristics specified in Table I and in other parts of this specification. Altemate mixes for cold weather concrete will be considered. B. For exposed walls of ground level water storage tanks, the concrete mix shall be a self-consolidating concrete. Also see SECTION 0l 20 00 - MEASURMENT AND PAYMENT. 1 Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C | 57 except that lhe specimans shall be cured in a water bath until 7dals of age then stored in a 50% humidity cnvironment for an additional 28-days- Perc€nt lenglh change shall bc calcualated using the Tday soak measurement as the initial length.2 Temperatue taken at the poinr ofdischarge.I Fly ash substitution for cement shall be based on specific gravity and weight ofmaterials4 Wrc+p ration shall be calculated at botb minimum and maximum water cernent ralios and b€ within the permincd range of values. J Cement content shall be sufficient to produce tbe requircd strength.o ASTM C 33. Table2. Size Numbers I and 67 or 5? I I I I Parameter Plastic Properties Hardened Properties Mix Desigrr ASTM Specification 56 day compressive Strength, psi 4,500 > F'c < 5,500 c 873 Shrinkager , o/o < 0.050 Set time (hours)6*l c 403 Air Entrainment, %5+ll/2 c 173 Temperature, " F's90 c 1094 Slump at max w/(c + p), in. 5 to 7 max.c 143 Class F fly ash, o/o'20 min. - 25 max.A 618 w/(c+p)a 0.36SWCS0.41 Cernent content, PCY5 as required Max. Size aggregate, in.6 3/8 and I c33 03 30 00 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I I I t T I I I t tr I I I I I T I I I 05-2446 TABLE I B. The water to cement + Pozzolan (W / (C + P))ratio shall control the amount of total water added to concrete regardless of admixtures added to the mix. 2.6 BATCHING A. Measuring and batching of materials shall be done at a batching plant and conform to ASTM C 94 - Ready Mixed Concrete. B. Portland Cement: l. Either sacked or bulk cement may be used. 2. No fraction of a sack of cement shall be used in a batch of concrete unless the cement is weighed. 3. Bulk cement shall be weighed on scales sepmate and distinct from the aggregate hopper or hoppers. 4. Batching shall be such that the accuracy of batching shall be plus or minus one percent ofthe required weight. C. Water: l. Unless water is to be weighed, the water-measuring equipment shall include an auxiliary tank from which the measuring tank shall be filled. 2. ln lieu of the volume method, the CONTRACTOR will be permitted to use a water-metering device. D. Aggregates: l. Aggregates shall be handled from stockpiles or other sources to the batching plant in such a manner as to secure a uniform grading of the material. 2. Aggregates that have become segregated, or mixed with earth or foreign material, shall not be used. 3. Batching shall be so conducted as to result in the weights of matsrial required for each type aggregate within a tolerance oftwo percent. 4. Free water contents ofthe coarse and fine aggregates shall be continuously tested and concrete mixture adjusted for moisture conditions of the aggregate in order to meet the designated water/cement ratio. 5. Fine Aggregate: a. The proportion of fine aggregate shall be between 36 and 44o/oby volume of the total aggregates in the concrete. 03 30 00 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I05-2446 2.7 CONCRETEMXING I I I I t t I t I I I I I I I I I 2.8 A. Ready-mixed concrete shall be 'tentral mixed" or "shrink mixed" concrete as defined in ASTM C 94- 'Truck mixed" concr€te as defined in ASTM C 94 shall not be permitted. B. Mixing time shall be measured from the time water is added to the mix, or csrnent contracts the aggregate. C. All concrete shall be homogeneous and thoroughly mixed, and there shall be no lumps or evidence of undispersed cement. D. Mixers and agitators, which have an accumulation of hard conorete or mortar, shall not be used. E. Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM c94. F. The time elapsing from the time water is added to the mix (or the csment comes in contact with aggregate) that does not contain a hydration stabilizer until the concrete is deposited in place at the site of the work shall not exceed 45 minutes when the concrete is hauled in non-agitating trucks, nor more than 90 minutes when hauled in truck mixers or truck agitators unless otherwise permitted by the ENGINEER. G. The batch shall be so charged into the drum that a portion of the mixing water shall enter in advance of the cement and aggregates. The flow of water shall be uniform and all water shall be in the drum by the end of the first l/4 of the specified mixing time. H. Cement shall be charged into the mixer by means that will not result in loss of cement due to the effect of wind, or in accumulation of cement on surfaces of hoppers or in other conditions, which reduce or vary the required quantity of cement in the concrete mixture. I. ENGINEER shall have access to and have the right to inspect batch plants providing concrete to the project. J. Weighing scales shall be tested and certified within tolerances set forth in NIST Handbook No. 44 TRANSPORTING MIXED CONCRETE - MIXED CONCRETE OR TRUCKMXERS A. Transporting of mixed concrete shall conform to ASTM C 94. B. Truck agitators shall be loaded not to exceed the manufacturer's guaranteed capacity. They shall maintain the mixed concrete in a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass during hauling C. No additional mixing water shall be incorporated into the concrete during hauling or after arrival at the delivery point, unless approved. If additional water is to be incorporated into the aoncrete at the site, the drum shall be revolved not less than 03 30 00 10 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I os-2446 t 30 revolutions at mixing speed after the watsr is added and before discharge is commenced. One addition of water at the site to adjust mix workability is permitted but the maximurn water cement ratio shall not be exceeded. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish a water-measuring device in good working condition, mounted on each hansit mix truck, for measuring the water added to the mix on the site. All water tanks on transmit mix trucks shall be filled prior to being batched and arrive at the construction site 100 percent full. Each load of ready mixed concrete delivered at the job shall be accompanied by the ticket showing volume of concretg the weight of cement in pounds, percent of free water in coarse and dry aggregates, and the total weight of all ingredients in pounds. l. The ticket shall also show the time of day at which the materials were batched and the reading of the revolution counter at the time the truck mixer is charged. 2. Hand written or computerized batch tickets are acceptable, however, handwritten modifications to computerized batch tickets are unacceptable. CONCRETE VIBRATORS Concrete vibrators for consolidating concrete shall be 2 ll2 inch diameter "high cycle" vibrators with a frequency under load of 8,000 - 10,400 vibrations per minute (vpm). Concrete vibrators of lesser capacity are unacceptable for use in any part of the construction. The CONTRACTOR shall have at least one standby concrete vibrator ready for use for every two concrete vibrators in use during a concrete placanent. EXECUTION D. A. I I I I I I 2.9 T l) B. C. D. I I I I I I I I T B. PART 3 3.1 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS The location of all construction joints will be subject to the acceptance of the ENGINEER. No horizontal joints are permitted in the walls of water retaining structures. The surface ofall constructionjoints shall be thoroughly cleaned and all laitance and standing watsr remov€d. Clean aggregate shall be exposed by abrasive blast cleaning. Wire brushing and air water jets may be used while concrete is fresh provided results are equal to abrasive blast cleaning. When shown in the Drawings construction joints shall be keyed at right angle to the direction of shear. Except where otherwise shown on the Drawings, keyways shall be at least l-112" in depth over at least 25o/o of the area of the section. Joints shall be spaced to limit the size of each placement to allow for volume change fiom shrinkage and to minimize the potential of restraint and shrinkage cracking. 03 30 00 ll CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I 3.2 l. The size and configuration of all placements shall be reviewed and approved by the ENGINEER. E. See SECTION 03 30 01 - CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. F. All construction joints shall contain a hydrophilic rubber or chernical grout waterstop. See SECTIONS 03 15 13.02 - HYDROPHILIC RUBBER (HR) WATERSTOP and SECTION 0315 13.03 - CHEMICAL GROUT WATERSTOP. ln the event that the drawings omit showing the waterstop the HR waterstop shall be selected considering the width of wall, presence and relationship of confining reinforcing steel. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT A. Prior to placing concrete the CONTRACTOR shall remove all debris and materials that would prevent or reduce bonding of the and thoroughly dampen the surfaces that will be in contact with the concrete to be placd. Surfaces shall be clean and saturated surface dry. B. The CONTRACTOR shall use compressed air from an air-compressor to blow- out construction debris and dirt at the bottom of members lo be placed such as walls, beams and columns, prior to final placement of forms that will obscure any joint. The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate to the ENGINEER that all debris, such as concrete particles, saw dust, loose tie wire, bar tags, tape, trash and dirt, have been thoroughly rernoved. C. No concrete shall be placed when form surfaces that will be in contact with the concrete, reinforcement, ernbedded iterns or sub-base is less than 32"F. When the mean daily outdoor temperature is less than 40"F, the tanperature of the concrete shall be maintained between 50o and 70oF for the required curing period. When necessary, arrangements for heating, covering, insulating, or housing the concrete work shall be made in advance of placernent and shall be adequate to maintain the required temperature without injury due to concentration of heat. The maximum temperature differential within the concrete shall be a maximum of 20oF. Combustion heaters shall not be used during the first 24-hours unless precautions are taken to prevent exposure of the concrete to exhaust gases which contain carbon dioxide. D. Concrete shall not be placed against forms exposed to heating unless the temperature of the forms is first cooled to < 90oF. OPENINGS AND INSERTS A. Pipe sleeves, inserts for pipe connections, anchors and forms for pipe holes must be accurately placed and securely fastened to the forms in such a mann€r that the placing of concrete will not alter their alignment or location. B. In the event that openings are inadvertently omitted or improperly placed, the ENGINEER may require the concrete to be cored at the proper location. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I03 30 00 t2 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I I 05-24-06 C. Filling of improperly placed openings shall be done with expansive grout or dry pack or mortar applied with an accepted epoxy adhesive. The surfaces of the opening shall be roughened prior to filling. EMBEDDED ITEMS At the time of concrete placement, embedded iterns should be clean and free from mud, oil and other coatings that may adversely affect bonding capacity. Aluminum embedments shall be coated with a bituminous material to prevent electrolytic action between the ernbedded item and reinforcing steel that results in concrete deterioration. Embedment items shall be accurately placed and securely fastened to the forms in such a manner that the placing of concrete will not alter their alignment or location. Contact between ernbedded iterns and reinforcing steel or tendon ducts is unacceptable and is not permitted. 3.5 DELIVERY Concrete shall be delivered at a rate that will assure continuous progress in the placing and finishing operations. l. ln the event the time invervals between successive loads or batches are such to cause a partial drying of previously placed concrete, the CONTRACTOR shall provide additonal equipment of the kind necessary to preclude such delays. 2. Water may be added only once at the site, immediately upon arrival of the truck and provided that the (w/(w + p)) ration of the mix is not execeeded. 3. Except during mixing revolutions, the drum of the vehicle shall operate at agitating speed until discharge of the mix. The concrete at the time of delivery shal be uniform in composition, of the required consistency and required air content. Deliver in accordance with ACI 304. 3.6 PLACEMENT No concrete shall be placed until all formwork, reinforcernent, installation ofparts to be ernbedded, bracing of forms, and preparation of surfaces involved in the placing have been reviewed by the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER shall notified 24 hours prior to a placement and shall be present at all concrete placernents unless otherwise permitted in writing. Placement shall conform to: 1. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings, Chapter 8 "Placing" A. B. c. D. E. 3.4I I I I I I t ll F. G. B. C. I I I t I T I I T 03 30 00 l3 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I 2. ACI 304R - Guide of Measuring, Mixing Transporting and Placing Concrete 3. ACI 306 - Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting 4. ACI 305 - Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting D. No concrete shall be placed in water except with the written permission of the ENGINEER. E. All surfaces of forms and embedded materials that have become encrusted with dried mortar or grout from concrete previously placed shall be cleaned ofall such mortar or grout before the surrounding or adjacent concrete is placed. F. Immediately before placing concrete, all surfaces upon or against which the concrete is to be placed shall be free from standing water, mud, debris or loose materials. G. The surfaces of absorptive materials against or upon which concrete is to be placed shall be moistened thoroughly so that moisture will not be drawn from the freshly placed concrete. H. The concrete shall be placed by equipment that will prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. The stream of concrete shall not be allowed to separate by permitting it to fall freely over rods, spacers or other embedded materials. L No wetting of concrete surfaces during slab finishing operations shall be permitted. Further, no concrete finishing operation shall be permitted while there is water on the surface of slabs and other flatwork. J. Unless otherwise called out in these Specifications or shown in the Drawings the placement lift dspth of concrete in walls shall be limited to two feet or less to minimize surface defects such as air voids that can form on concrete surfaces. Lift depths will be limited to one foot il in the opinion of the ENGINEER, the quality of the finish is unacceptable at the two-foot lift depth. K. The temperature of mixed concrete, immediately before placing shall not be less than 50"F or more than 90'F. Aggregates and water shall be heated or cooled as necessary to produce concrete within these temperature limits. Neither aggregates nor mixing water shall be heated to exceed 150"F. CONSOLIDATION A. All concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated immediately after deposition as recommended in ACI 309 - Standard Practice for Consolidation of Concrete. B. Concrete shall be thoroughly worked around the reinforcing steel, around embedded items and into corners of forms. C. Vibration shall be supplanented by spading, rodding or forking to eliminate all honeycomb and voids around embedded items. I I I I I I il il il J.I tl lr t I T I I 03 30 00 t4 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I I 05-2446 I 1 ft",:[f';"f:?ffiT*[TlTi'if"fJ?ti';:""':sff"?fi*{{:r i u;brator shall be held at the bottom of lift for five to 15 seconds. The I vibrator shall bepulled up at arate ofabout three inches per second. I 2. The vibrator shall be inserted so that the fields ofaction overlap. The fieldI *":Tu?lfiTiffiy;#,:ffi$:?;$'"H',fJ#,[1];#Hr approximately 20 inches. I 3. Vibration shall be stopped when the concrete surface takes a sheen andf large air bubbles no longer escape. r 4. Do not use a vibrator to move concrete horizontally. 5. Use partilcar care to vibrate in areas requiring careful consolidation such I as congested reinforcing steel, embeddments, prestressing steel anchorages t and construction joints that have waterstops. I 3.8 FINISHING I A. See SECTION 03 35 00- CONCRETE FINISHING t 3.e cuRrNG A. See SECTION 03 39 00 - CONCRETE CURINGll r 3.IO PATCHINGTIEHOLES I A. See SECTION 03 66 00 - GROUT FOR TIE HOLES r END oF 'ECTI'NI I I I t t I I 03 3ooo 15 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE I I I SECTION 03 30 0l CAST.IN-PLACE CONCRETE MATURITY TESTING - PART1 GENERALrI.I WORK INCLUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a calibration curve for every approved struc- tural concrete mix used on the project. I B. The concrete mix maturity shall be determined in an approved testing laboratory. I C. The testing agency shall foliow all the steps in ASTM C 1074, including the de- I termination of the datum temperature. I D. The ENGINEER shall be notified one week prior to rh€ start of the testing, and beI given access to the laboratory to observe anyportion ofthe testing. I r.z euAt-rry sTANDARDSI A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) f l. ASTM C 10'74- Standard Practice for Estimating Concrete Strength by I the Maturity Method I 2. ASTM C 192 - Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specrmens in the Laboratory I | 1.3 SUBMTTTALS I A. Submittals shall conform to the requirements of SECTION 0l 33 0l -I SUBMITTALS and shall include: l. Calibration Curvef 2. Concrete cylinder maturity readings r '^ 3:tH:ili:li?'.'"1il1ffiil1'".,:'* test resurts I 5. Mix proportions of test batch, including all admixtures I PART 2 MATERIALSI j_ 2.1 MATURITY LOGGERS r A. The maturity loggers shall process temperature dara in real-time to calculate ma- I turity, and meet the requiremenls shown in Table l. I I o33oor C-I.P-C N,IATURITY TESTING I4+Q5 Temperature Accuracy + loc Maturity Integation Period I Minute Maturity Techniques Available ASTM C 1074 Nurse Saul Method ASTM C 1074 Arrhenius Method Logger Dimensions l-ll2 in. X l-l/8 in. Diameter (Max.) Operating Temperature -lSoC to 85'C (0"F to 185"F) Logging Battery Life 6 Months Table I - Maturity Logger Specifications B. Maturity loggers shall be Model No. MAT-02-IH56D manufactured by intelli- ROCK or equivalent as accepted by the ENGINEER. PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 CALIBRATION CURVE A. Develop a trial batch from the approved concrete mix desigr B. Cast 26 - 6" x 12" cylinders and embed maturity loggers in two of the cylinders. Place the loggers in the center ofthe cylinders. C. Cure the cvlinders in accordance with SECTION 03 39 00. D. Perform compressive strength tests on one set of three cylinders at the following intervals: l. I day 2. 2 days 3. 3 days 4. 5 days 5. 7 days 6. 14 days 7. 28 days 8. 56 davs Record the individual break strengths and the average. E. Take a maturity reading from both of the cylinders with embedded maturity log- gers. Record both readings and the average. F. Plot cylinder maturity versus compressive strength. This is the calibration curve. DETERMINATION OF DATUM TEMPERATUREJ.Z I I l I T I I I I I I I t t I I I03 30 0r C-I-P-C MATURITY TESTING I I I r 44ns I| , A. The procedure for the determination of the datum temperature is given in the an- nex ofASTM C 1074.tr B. Prior to starting the testing for the determination of the concrete datum tempera- ,- ture the testing agency shall submit for approval the exact procedure for testing I including the three water bath temperatures, mix constituents of mortar speci- mens, data analysis method (linear regression analysis or regression analyses with I a general function), and all other procedures pertinent to the test. f- C. The testing agency shall submit all collected data to the ENGINEER, as well as all calculations involved in computing the datum temperature. '- END OF SECTION I 03 3oor t: I I I I I T T T 3 C-I-P-C MATURITY TESTING I 05-2446 Ir SECTION 03 35 00I coNCRETE coNSTRUCTIoN JoTNTS II PARTl GENERAL r I.I WORK INCLUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all labor, tools, equipment and material for the t preparation of construction joints in concrete structures in accordance with these i specifications and as shown in the Drawings. I B. This work includes all construction joints such as congrete slab and wall penetra- tions, column-footing joints, wall construction joints, column capital-slab joints f and footing-slabjoints. I 1,2 QUALITY STANDARDS Il- A. American Concrete Institute (ACI) I! l. ACI 1 17 - Standard Tolerance for Concrete Construction and Materials 2. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings I , 3. ACI 302 - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construcfion I 4. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete I PART2 PRODUCTS-NONE T PART3 EXECUTION l. r 3.1 SURFACE PREPARATION I A. Concrete SurfacesI . l The surface of concrete construction joints shall be clean and all materials ! that inhibit bond, such as curing compounds, laitance, saw dust, wood, dirt, polyethylene, pipe tape coating and paper shall be rsmoved' I 2. Concrete shall be roughened to produce a rough, plus or minus l/16 inch, t 3. *::r::ffies shail be wetted with clean potable warer and standing water rsmoved immediately before new concrete is placed. I 3.2 PIPE PENETRATIONS I A. Unless otherwise detailed in Drawings, all pipes penetrating concrete sections such as wall and floor slabs shall have all coatings, such as tape coating or paint Dt I o33soo I CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION JOINTS I 3.3 05-2446 and other materials, that can irihibit bond completely removed from the portion of the pipe to be in contact with the concrete. B. The ground surface shall be smooth and properly graded and compacted. All de- bris, such as SfrofoamrM, popff, polyethylene and wood, shall be removed' The gound surface shall be dampened and prepared to prev€nt the inclusion of dirt, pieces ofaggregate or balls ofsoil in the concrete. WATERSTOPS A. All construction joints shall contain a hydrophilic rubber or chernical grout wa- terstop. See SECTIONS 03 15 13.02 - HYDROPHILIC RUBBER (HR) WATERSTOP and SECTION 03 15 13.03 - CHEMICAL GROUT WATERSTOP. In the event that the drawings omit showing the waterstop the HR waterstop shall be selected considering the width of wall, presenco and rela- tionship of confi ning reinforcing steel. CONSTRUCTION REVIEW A. The ENGINEER shall review the preparation of all construction joints prior to concrete placement. B. It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to noti$ and provide a minimum of 24 hours notice to the ENGINEER of these activities. If joint placement is per- formed without the ENGINEER's presence, t}te work will be deemed unacaept- able and non-conforming to these specifications. C. If the ENGINEER determines that construction review of a particular activity is unnecessary, he will provide written direction to the CONTRACTOR to proceed with that particular activity without his construction review. END OFSECTION It I I t 1 I ! T I I I I t I I I I I 3.4 03 35 00 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION JOINTS I t u-2'1-o4 I sECTroN 03 36 ooI coNCRETE FINISHING I PARTI GENERAL t 1.1 woRK TNCLUDED ;| A. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all labor, tools, equipment and materials to I finishproperlyplaced concrete. I B. The work includes the repai.r of concrete that fails to conformance with the I requirements of this section. l. The ENGINEER shall review the CONTRACTOR's means and methods! prior to performing repair of improperly placed or finished concrete. I r 2. Yildt:: ofprior approval of the means and methods of concrete finish repair, no concrete finish shall be repaired until the ENGINEER hasI ;:':ffii.15ffi'*:flT:l ^H#-,:iri,'":,'$:T:"i"ii'trff*:;r surfaces, placement "pour" lines (coidjoints) and sand streaking. It also includes defects caused by excessive form deflections, form damage or a form failure where the defects do not exceed the tolerances found in SECTION 03 I I OO _ CIPC FORMING, E. Unless otheiwise called out in the Drawings tie holes shall be finished as specified in SECTION 03 67 00- GROUT FOR TIE HOLES. F. Also see SECTION 03 68 00 - CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR. I T I 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS I A. American Concrete Institutet t I I t l. ACI 116 - Cement and Concrete Terminology2- ACI l2l - Quality Assurance Systems for Concrete Construction3. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings4. ACI SP-l5 - ACI30l Field Reference Manual5. ACI 304 - Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods6. ACI 309 - Identification and Control of Consolidation-Related Surface Defects in Formed Concrete 7 . ACI 3 I I - Guide for Inspection of Concrete B. American Society for Testing and Materials t 03 3600 CONCRETE FINISHING 1.3 l. ASTM STP l69C - Significance ofTests andPropedies ofConcrete and Concrete-Making Materials 2. ASTM C 150 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement 3. ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates C- US Departrnent of Interior - Bureau of Reclamation (BUREC) l. M-47 Standard Specifications for Repair of Concrete SUBMITTALS A. General l. Submittals shall be made in accordance with SECTION 0l 33 00 - SUBMITTALS. B. Product Data l. Grouts 2- Bonding agents 3. Means and methods of repairing defects unless otherwise called out herein. C. Equipment l. Themrometers for measuring concrete surface ternperature D. Manufacturer's safety data sheets 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver the materials to the project site in th€ manufacturer's containers with all labels intact and legible at the time of use. B. Materials shall be stored in a secure, indoor, dry area. C. Maintain grouts and aggegates in a dry condition during delivery, storage, and handling. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PREMDGD PRE-PACKAGED GROUTS (NO EQUrvALENTS) A. Masterbuilders EMACO S88-CI (for placements ranging in thickness, t, 3/8-inch < t < l-llL inches 03 36 00 CONCRETE FIMSHING t I I t I t I I I I I t T I I II t t l, I I t I I I I T I 2.4 2.5 I I B. Masterbuilders EMACO S-66-CI (for placements ranging in thickness, t l-inch < t < 8-inches 2.2 EPOXYBONDINGAGENTS A. Master Builders Concresive Liquid (LPL) B. Master Builders Concresive Standard Liquid 2.3 CEMENT A. ASTM C 150, Tlpe I AGGREGATE A. ASTM C 33,l00yo passing the No. 30 mesh sieve BOND COAT MORTAR A. Mortar used to bond patching mortar shall be made of the same materials and of approximately the same proportions as used for the concrete, except that the coarse aggregate shall be omitted and the mortar shall consist of I part cement to not more than I part sand by damp loose volume. PATCHING MORTAR (FOR PATCHES WITH THICKNESS, t, < 3/8-inch) A. Patching mixture shall be made of the same materials and of approximately the same proportions as used for the concrete, except that the coarse aggregate shall be omitted and the mortar shall consist of I part cement to not more than 2-l/2 parts sand by damp loose volume. B. White air-entrained Portland cement shall be substituted for a part of the gray Portland cem€nt on exposed concrete in order to produce a color matching the color of the surrounding concrete, as determined by a trial patch. C. The quantity of mixing water shall be no more than necessary for handling and placing. D. The patching mortar shall be mixed in advance and allowed to stand with frequent manipulation with a trowel, without addition of water, until it has reached the stiffest consistency that will permit placing. 2.6 I I t I t I 03 36 00 CONCRETE FIMSHING 04.2744 2.7 WATER I B. PART 3 Only clean potable water shall be used. A calibrated measuring device is required for measuring the proper amount of water to be added to pre-packaged grouts and mortars. EXECUTION I I I I 3.1 REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS Surface defects, unless otherwise specified by the Contract Documents, shall be repaired immediately after form removal but not before review by the ENGINEER. B. The surface temperature of the concrete shall be 50" F and rising. The CONTRACTOR shall measure surface temperatures when requested by the ENGINEER. If necessary the CONTRACTOR shall enclose and heat the area to be repaired to bring the surface temperature of the concrete and air temperature to acceptable levels and to permit proper curing. C. All honeycombed and other defective concrete shall be removed down to sound concrete. Ifchipping is necessary, the edges shall be perpendicular to the surface or slightly undercut. Feathered edges will not be permitted. D. The area to be patched and an area at least six inches wide surrounding it shall be dampened to prevent absorption of water from the patching mortar. E. A bonding grout shall be prepared, mixed to the consistency of thick cream, and after surface water has evaporated from the area to be patched, well brushed into the surface. When the bond coat begins to lose the water sheen, the premixed patching mortar shall be applied. F. The repair mortars shall be thoroughly consolidated into place and stnrck off so as to leave the patch slightly higher than the surrounding surface. G. To permit initial shrinkage, the repair mortar shall be left undisturbed for at least one hour before being finally finished. H. The patched area shall be kept damp for seven days. Metal tools shall not be used in finishing a patch in a formed wall that will be exposed. TIE HOLES T t I I I I t t I l II T 3.2 03 36 00 See SECTION 03 67 00- GROUTS FOR TIE HOLES CONCRETE FIMSHING 3.4 t t I I t I T I I t I 04-n44 3.3 PROPRIETARY MATERIALS A. Certain types of defects may require the use proprietary compounds for adhesion or as patching ingredients. The ENGINEER will review these defects and request means and methods for these repairs from the CONTRACTOR. B. In lieu ol or in addition to, the foregoing patching procedures using bond coat and patching mortars, epoxy bonding agents and premixed pre-packaged grouts may be used for repair of defective areas. Such compounds shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's written recommendations and directions. The ENGINEER shall review and provide written acceptance of these procedures. FIMSHING OF FORMED AND UNFORMED STIRIACES A. Finishes shall be performed as called out in the Drawings and in referenced Specifications. l. Formed Surfaces Smooth Form Finish 1) The form facing material shall produce a smooth, hard, miform texture on the concrete. 2) The arrangernent of the facing material shall be orderly and symmetrical, with the number of seams kept to the practical minimum. 3) Surface textures that result from forms with raised grain, torn surfaces, wom edges, patches, dents, or other defects shall be ground smooth or otherwise repaired. Air Voids on Formed Surfaces Air voids on formed surfaces deeper than l/4 inch shall be filled with patching mortar. The frequency and size of air voids shall be equal to or better than shown in Figure 1 found on the next page. The total void area is lYo of the surface area, or 0.36 sq. in. This 6-inch x 6-inch figure is the visual standard for acceptance of the finish that does not require filling of air voids. b. I I I T I I I I l) 2\ 03 36 00 CONCRETE FIMSHING o o E v \ t o \3 o o o s o aD 0+27{/ I t I I II t c, d. e. FIGURE I Tie Holes 1) Tie holes shall be filled as specified in SECTION 03 67 00 _ GROI..N FOR TM HOLES. Form Fins l) Chip or rub-offform fins exceeding l/16 inch in height. Rock Pockets CONCRETE FIMSHING I I I I I I t i I t 03 36 00 I t I 04.2744 b. b. d. 4. t I I T I I I I I t I T T I I I l) Poorly consslidated concrete shall be removed to sound concrete and the defect repaired. 2) The ENGINEER shall outline the area to be repaired. As-Cast Finish For as-cast concrete finish form materials shall produced a sound surface. l) Fill air voids deeper than ll4 inch. and larger than 0.50 sq. in. 2) The total area of acceptable air voids is 0.72 sq. in. in a 6 inch by 6-inch square. Tie Holes l) Tie holes shall be filled as specified in SECTION 03 66 00 _ GROUT FOR TIE HOLES AND PT ANCHORAGE POCKETS, Form Fins l) Chip orrub-offform fins exceeding l/8 inch in height. J.Rubbed Finish Immediately after removing the forms, form ties shall be broken back a minimum of 3/4 inch from the surface, honeycomb, voids and other surface defects grouted. The surfaces shall be thoroughly dampened and rubbed with a No. 16 carborundum stone or equal abrasive to create a uniform surface paste. The rubbing shall be continued to remove all form marks and surface irregularities producing a smooth, dense surface. After setting, the surface shall then be rubbed with a No. 30 carborundum stone until the surface is smooth in texture and uniform in color. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings only exposed surfaces shall have a rubbed finish. Rubbed finish work on surfaces exposed to view shall not be performed on water retaining structures, such as tanks, until after the watertightness test is completed- Stairways and Sidewalks a. Strike smooth tops of stairs and sidewalks and finish with a light broom providing a texture oft l/16 inch. 03 36 00 CONCRETE FIMSHING 04-2744 t ).Slabs with Waterproofing Membranes Stike smooth Bull float finish. 6.Water Storage Tank Floor Slabs Strike smooth Bull float finish Broom after evaporation of bleed water. l. Concrete shall be stiffenough such that a footprint does not indent the slab surface more than l/8 inch. 2. Brooming shall be performed after all concrete has been placed. Concrete in a plastic state shall not be broomed. ,|Other Floor Slabs Strike smooth Bull float finish Float finish after initial set l. Concrete shall be stiffenough such that a footprint does not indent the slab surface more than l/8 inch. 2- Do not broom unless otherwise required by the Drawings or ENGINEER. If brooming is required perform after all concrete has been placed. Concrete in a plastic state shall not be broomed. Exposed RoofSlabs a. Strike smooth b. Bull float finish c. Broom after evaporation of bleed water. l. Concrete shall be stiffenough such that a footprint does not indent the slab surface more than l/8 inch. 2. Brooming shall be performed after all concrete has been placed. Concrete in a plastic state shall not be broomed. Buried Roof Slabs Strike smooth Bull float finish a- b. a. b. c. I t I I I I I I I I I ,| I a. b. c. 8. 9. II t a. b. I 03 36 00 CONCRETE FINISHING I "'-2744 IIr ' 10. Construction Joint Swfaces -r I 3ilf:::llili:iHl;:fi,Tf,11;dpriorto pracing additionar I concrete, such as columns on column footings and column I footings, on reservoir slabs. I 3.5 PIASTIC SHRINKAGE CRACKREPAIR I A. If during finishing plastic shrinkage cracks appear, the CONTRACTOR shall f rework the surface to close the crack by re-floating the surface. I B. t"#;1ffi1ii:onal water or evaporative retardant to the surface of the concrete I 3.6 cRAcKREPATRI r A. The CONTRACTOR shall repair cracks > 0.010 inches wide as measured by the I ENGINEER. B. Crack widths shall be measured using a crack comparator gauge. C. SeeSECTION03 6800-CONCRETECRACKREPAIR t I I T T I I I I 033600 END OFSECTION I CONCRETE FINISHING I 124343 I sECTroN 03 3e oo CONCRETE CURING I PARTI GENERAL t 1.1 woRK TNCLUDED t A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, tools and equipment for curing cast- I in-place concrete. I 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS I A. American Concrete Institute (ACI)I ) i8iiffi ffr.1;::ff::sff::rl;r, I 3. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete B. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) t l. ASTM ClTl-SheetMaterialsforCuringConcrete2. ASTM C 309 - Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing I 3. i3ffiB 2rc3 -polyethylene Film and Sheeting4. ASTM D 882 - Test Methods for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic | 5. itTifi 883 - rerminology Related to plasrics I C. Corps of Engineers (CRD) I l. 3ffi;3ff - Specifications for Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing 1.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Data on curing compounds sheet materials I B. Methods of securing sheet materials in place.lr 1.4 QUALIry CONTROL t A. Perform the work in accordance with this Specification and in accordance with I applicable ACI standards. I I 03 3e 00 I CONCRETE CURTNG t When a conflict occurs between this Specification and ACI occurs, the ACI standard shall control. The CONTRACTOR shall have a copy of the current applicable ACI standards on site. D. All materials shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions, a copy ofwhich shall be on site. I.5 DELryERY,STORAGEANDHANDLING: A. Deliver, store and handle products under the provisions of the Specifications. B. Deliver curing materials in manufacturer's original packaging including applicable instructions and manufacturer's safety data sheets (MSDS). PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 WHITE-BURLAP-POLYTHYLENE SHEET A. White burlap-polyethylene sheeting weighing not less than l0 oz/linem yard, 40 inches wide shall be securely bonded to the burlap so tlrat there will be no separation. B. The white opaque polyethylene shall be at least 0.004 inches thick when measured in accordance with ASTM D 2103. C. See 2.3 below for additional requirements forpolyethylene fitn LIQUID MEMBRANE-FORMING COMPOUNDS FOR CURING CONCRETE A. Liquid membrane-forming compounds for curing concrete shall and conform to ASTM C 309, Type 2 (white pigmented), Class B as defined by ASTM D 883 (resin based) and CRD C-300. B. The membrane film shall also conform to CRD-300 which permits a maximum unit moisture loss through the membrane of 0.030 grams per cm'after seven days exposure to a l0-mph current of air at 1000 F and a 30% R.H when applied at 200 sq. ft. per gal. B. Liquid membrane-forming curing compounds shall be a resin-based white- pigmented solvent with a minimum of l8% solids. C. The product shall exhibit a daylight reflectance of not less that 600/o of that of maenesium oxide. B. C. 2.2 I I l t I I I I I I I t I I II I03 39 00 CONCRETE CURING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T T I t I t2{3{3 2.4 D. The product shall be designed to oxidize and disintegrate as it ages. E. Approved manufacturers and products (no equivalents) 1. US Spec Maxcure Resin HS. POLYETHYLENE FILM A. Polyethylene film shall conform to ASTM D 2103. B. The film shall have a thickness of at least 0.0040 inches when measured in accordance with ASTM D 2103 and be a white opaque color. C. The tensile strength shall not be less thanl,700 psi in the longitudinal direction and 1,200 psi in the transverse direction when measured in according to ASTM D 882. D. The minimum elongation of polyethylene film shall be 225o/o in the longitudinal direction and 350% in the transverse direction when measured according to ASTMD 882. E. The daylight reflectance of white polyethylene film shall be at least 70%o when measured according to ASTM E 1347. LIQUID MEMBRANE FORMING COMPOIIND APPLICATORS/ SPRAYERS A. Membrane curing compounds shall be applied with a sprayer manufactured by Allen Engineering, Inc., or equal, capable of maintaining a constant pressure. (Allen Engineering, Inc., PO Box 819, Paragould, Arizona 74450, telephone (800) 643-0095.) B. Unless otherwise accepted in writing by the ENGINEER, spraying membrane- curing compounds by other methods, such as hand-pressurized sprayers, is unacceptable. EVAPORATIVE RETARDANT A. Confilm manufactured by Master Builders, lnc. B. Monofilm ER manufactured by US Spec. WATER A. Only water that has been determined to be non-detrimental to concrele shall be used. 2.5 2.6 03 39 00 CONCRETE CURING I 3.1 EXECUTION GENERAL A. Begirming immediately after placernent, all concrete shall be protected from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures, and mechanical injury. The concrete shall be maintained with minimal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for the period necessary for hydration of the cement and hardening of the concrete in accordance with ACI 308, "Standard Practice for Curing Concrete" as interpreted by the ENGINEER. B. The materials and method of curing shall be subject to review and acceptance by theENGINEER. Specific curing requirements may be called out on the Drawings or other Technical Specifications. Curing shall be continued for at least seven days. Altematively, moisture retention measures may be terminated when the average compressive strength has reached 7 UYo of the specifi ed concrete strength. When a spray applied membrane-curing compound is used, it shall be applied in two coats with the second coat applied at right angles to the first coat. 1. For uniform application on vertical surfaces apply two coats with a one hour interval between coats. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate that the proper application rate is being applied by applying a known quantity of product to a measured test area.. The test area shall be used as a visual reference for the remainder of the surface. 3.2 EVAPORATION CONTROL The CONTRACTOR shall have a recording thermometer, hygrometer and wind gage on site seven days prior to first concrete placement. Precautions against plastic shrinkage cracks may be required in conditions other than what is normally considered hot weather conditions. If the rate of evaporation approaches 0.10 lb/ftzlhr precautions against plastic shrinkage cracking are required. The effect of concrete and air temperatures, relative humidity and wind velocity on the rate of evaporation of surface moisture from concrete shall be estimated throughout a placement using the following Figure l, taken from ACI 308. When the evaporation rate exceeds 0.10 lbift'.hr the use of an evaporative control t24343 PART 3 fff I I l I I T C. D. I I I I I I l I II A. B. C. D. 03 39 00 CoNCRETE CLTRTNG I E. I t I I T I I I I I I t I T I I I I I measures are required and shall be used throughout the remainder of the placement. Alternative means of reducing evaporation to an acceptable level, such as fog spraying, shall be submitted for review and acceptance. Provisions for alternates to evaporative retardants including windbreaks, shading, fog spraying, sprinkling, ponding, evaporative retardants, or wet covering with a light colored material shall be made in advance of placement, and such protective measures shall be taken as quickly as concrete hardening and finishing operations will allow. ll€cr tt8*drrnp tqrffiffiff co.o ZUoldgnrcroa lo.Or4rnn E 1r&id!mb# io'rilqSt- I o.s|.frrnh6d.*06r tH?ruffim*3 0-r o {0t0$*na! Ar In!*ec. {tsg r Io usr lSd b 03 39 00 Figure l. CONCRETECURING 124343 F. Evaporative retardants shall be applied with an industrial type sprayer, such as the type manufactured by Allen Engineering, Inc., capable of maintaining a constant pressure. (Allen Engineering, Inc., PO Box 819, Paragould, Arizona 74450, telephone (800) 643-0095.) 1. If the nozzle of the sprayer becomes plugged, the CONTRACTOR shall clean, or replace, the nozzle. 2. Under no circumstances shall the retardant be used except by spraying a fine mist with anozzle. E. Unless otherwise accepted by the ENGINEER, spraying membrane curing compounds or evaporative retardants by other methods, such as hand-pressurized sprayers, is unacceptable. F. The retardant shall be applied in strict conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations and precautions. G. In no case shall the retardant be used as a finishing agent or worked into the concrete as part ofthe finishing operation. H. The use of an evaporative retardant requires review and approval by ttre ENGINEER. 3.3 LIQUIDMEMBRANE.FORMINGCURINGCOMPOLINDS A. Rate of Application 1. Apply at a maximum rate, R, of 200 sq. ft. square feet per gallon. The 200 square feet per gallon application rate is the sum for two coats of curing compound. 2. Apply as soon as the surface water has dissipated and the concrete has been finished or formwork removed. 3. Apply two coats, sprafng the second layer perpendicular to the first layer. Allow the first layer to dry prior to appllng the second layer- Depending on the particular product, this drying time period normally ranges from three to four hours. B. Followmanufacturer'sdirections,including: l. Do not use material that has frozen 2. Do not mix with other chemicals or alter in anv wav. I I l I t I I I I I I I I I ;I I I 03 39 00 CONCRETE CURING I t 3.4 I FLOOR AND ROOF SLABS General l. All slabs shall be cured by two methods. 2. The first method shall be the placement of a membrane-forming curing compound placed as described in Paragraph 3.3. 3. The second method of curing is subject to the review and acceptance of the ENGINEER and includes methods such as, ponding, continuous sprinkling or waterproof sheet materials. Application of a membrane-forming curing compound conforming to ASTM C 309, described in Paragraph 3.3. above. l. The compound shall be applied in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer immediately after any water sheen that may develop after finishing has disappeared from the concrete surface. 2. After the curing time period is complete, the CONTRACTOR shall thoroughly remove spray applied curing compounds using measures such as a light sand or water blast, prior to placing concrete to promote proper bond of concrete to concrete. Ponding or continuous sprinkling. l. The slab shall be kept uniformly and continuously wet. Dry spots are unacceptable and cause for rejection of the curing method. Cyclical wetting and drying shall cause rejection of the curing method. 2. Ponding shall not be permitted when air temperatures below 40o F are predicted or the possibility of freezing the water exists. 3. The slab shall be ponded in a one hour time period, maximum. If the slab cannot be covered with water in one hour another method of curing shall be used. 4. Where ponding is not feasible, i.e., raised wall footing, the section shall be continuously sprinkled or covered with waterproof sheet materials Waterproof Sheet Materi als Waterproof sheet materials shall conform to ASTM C 171 The waterproof sheet materials shall be secured in place with sufficient weight to prevent slab exposure due to wind. Sheet materials shall be overlapped a minimum of six inches. Intermittent exposure of the slab is unacceptable and as determined by the ENGINEER shall be cause for rejection of the curing method. E.Use of Insulating Blankets as a Substitution for Sheet Materials B. C. D. I T I t I I I I t I I I I I ,l I l. 2. 3. 4. 03 39 00 CONCRETE CURING 3.5 l2{3{3 1. During cold weather conditions the ENGINEER will review and determine if insulating blankets will be accepted in place of waterproof sheet materials. 2. Regardless of temperature conditions the ENGINEER may require the use of blankets around the perimeter of the slab. 3. The blankets shall be lapped and weighted down similar to sheet materials. WALLS AND COLIJMNS A. Moisture loss from surfaces placed against wooden or metal forms exposed to heating by the sun shall be minimized by keeping the forms wet until they can be safely removed. B. After form removal, the concrete shall be cured until the end of the curing fime by one of the previously described curing methods. C. Concrete shall not be placed against forms that have been exposed to air below freezing temperatures until the forms have been heated so that the surface temperature of the form is > 40o F. D. The top of walls and columns not covered by forms shall be cured using a membrane-curing compound conforming to ASTM C 309 immediately after placement. See above paragraph 3.3. OTHER SURFACES A, Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings all other surfaces shall be cured using fwo applications of a membrane-curing compound conforming to ASTM C 309. See paragraph 3.3 COLD WEATTIER A. Curing during cold weather conditions shall include tle above methods except for ponding or sprinkling unless measures are taken to prevent freezing of the water. RATE OF TEMPERATURE CHANGE A. Changes in temperature of the air immediately adjacent to the concrete during and immediately following the curing period shall be kept as uniform as possible and shall not exceed 5" F in any one hour or 50" F in any 24-hour period. PROTECTION FROM MECHANICAL INJURY A. During the curing period, the concrete shall be protected from damaging mechanical disfurbances, such as load stresses, heavy shock, and excessive vibration. I t l l t I I I I I I I I I It I T 3.6 3.8 3.9 I 03 39 00 CONCRETE CTIRING I t I I I I T I I T I I I t I I I I t B. All finished concrete surfaces shall be protected from damage by construction equipment, materials, or methods, by application of curing procedures, and by rain or rururing water. C. Self-zupporting structures shall not be loaded in such a way as to overstress the concrete. 4,0 FAILIJRE TO PROPERLY CURE CONCRETE A. If, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, the curing methods do not meet provisions of this specification, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately (within one hour) revise or supplement the means of curing concrete- The ENGINEER shall review and approve the revised plan. B. If, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR fails to modify the curing methods to achieve an acceptable cure, the section will be subject to immediate rejection, or reconmendation to the OWNER for only partial payment, as determined bvthe ENGINEER. END OF SECTION 03 39 00 CONCRETE CTIRING 1.2 1.3 I I I I i I t t T T I t I t I I t T t SECTION 03 66 OO GROUT FORTIE IIOLES PARTI GENERAL 1.1 WORKINCLUDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, tools and equipment for the place- ment of grout in reservoir form tie holes as shown on the Drawings and specified B. This section includes basic mixing, application, and curing methods for one com- ponent, cement-based, chloride-resistant, flowable surface renovation grout. C. CONTRACTOR shall have a printed set of manufachuer's recommendations for product use on site for review during preparation, mixing and application of grouts. QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM C 78 - Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Sim- ple Beam with Third-Point Loading 2. ASTM C 109 - Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Ce- ment Mortars - Modified 3. ASTM C 469 - Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticitv and Poisson's Ratio of Concrete in Compression 4. ASTM C 666 - Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing 5. ASTM C 882 - Test Method for Bond Shength of Epoxy Resin Systems used with Concrete - Modified 6. ASTM C l0l2 -Test Method for Length Change of Hydraulic Cement Mortars Exposed to Sulfate Solution - Modified 7. ASTM C 1202 - Electrical Indication of Resistance to Chloride Ion Pene- tration SUBMITTALS Product Data Cement Based Repair Grout Evaporative Retardant Films Curing Compounds l. 2. 3. 03 66 00 GROUT FOR TIE HOLES It2-1243 4. 5. 6. 7. Form Release Agents Bonding Agents Vibrator Specifi cations Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE Field Tests l. When the OWNER is to perform grout testing, the CONTRACTOR shall assist the OWNER or his concrete testing consultant as requested during the performance of quality control testing. When mortar is placed using a pump, mortar for testing will be taken from the pumper discharge hose.2. When prescribed in the Drawings or by these Specifications, length change test specimens will be taksn during construction from the fust placement of each type of mortar, and at intervals thereafter as selected by the ENGINEER to insure continued compliance with these specifications. unless otherwise specified on the Drawings or specifications the testing will be performed by the OWNER or testing representative.3. When required length change tests and fabrication of specimens for ce- ment based mortar will be performed as specified in ASTM C l0l2 at in_ tervals during construction as selected by the ENGINEER. A set of three specimens will be made for testingatT and 28 days.4. All mortar, already placed, that fails to meet the requirements of this Specification, is subject to removal and replacement at the cost of the CONTRACTOR. 5. unless otherwise specified in the Drawings or Specifications, the cost of all laboratory tests on grout will be borne by the OWNER, but the CONTRACTOR shall assist the ENGINEER in obtaining specimens for testing. However, the CONTRACTOR shall be charged for the cost of any additional tests and investigation on work performed which does not meet the Specifications. Construction Tolerances l. The grout shall be placed within +lil6 inch of the surface of the surround- ing concrete. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Cement based mortar shall be delivered and stored in manufacturer's packaging until it is ready to be mixed and placed. B. Mortar bags shall be stored off the ground and protected from water and all other substances that will penetrate packaging. T I I I 1 I t I ; T I t ; 1j T A. B. 1.5 I 03 66 00 GROUTFOR TIEHOLES T I t2-1743 Lt= r PART2 PRoDUcrs l l 2.r ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS/PRODUCTS I A. MasterBuilders Technologies r l. EMAC' s88-cl I 2. EMACO S66-CR t 3. l\tB 429, Masterkure CR, Masterkure 200W or Masterkure l00W - curing I compounds , B. No Equivalents I z.z MoRTARFoRPATCHTNG TrE HoLES . A. EMACO S88-CIII!l 23 MoRTAR FoR pATCHTNG DEEp rIE HoLES > I-!2INCHES DEEp I A. EMACO S66-CR (aggregate extended)lt I 2.4 BONDTNGADHESTVES I{B. Concresive Liquid LPL or Concresive Standard Liquid | 2.s wArER I A. Only clean potable water shall be used. t B. A calibrated measuring device is required for measuring the proper amormt of wa- I ter to be added to grouts and mortars. 2.6 CURINGCOMPOUND I A. MB zg,Masterkure 100W, Masterkure 200W I PARr3 E)ccurroN 3.I GENERAII! A. These grouts contain admixtures that increase grout strength and workability. The a strength and performance ofthe grout is dependent on proper surface preparation, , grout mixing and curing. t I 03 6600 GROUT FOR TIE HOLES I l I I il 3.3 t7-t2-o3 B. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to use a calibrated measuring device to add clean potable water to the grout mix. Water added to a grout mix without a cali- brated device is cause for grout rejection, removal and re-placement. C. Curing is critical to prevent shrinkage cracks that can develop with grouts contain- ing some admixtures. Curing shall begin immediately after placement. D. All mixing surface preparation, handling, placing consolidation, and othermeans of execution for pre-packaged mortars shall be done according to the instuctions and recommendations of the manufacturer and this Specification. E. In the event that a conflict occurs between this Specification and manufachuer's instructions, the murufacturer's instructions shall prevail in all cases. GROUTING Preparation l. 2. J. B.Mixing for S88-CI l. C.Mixing for S66-CR Thoroughly clean surfaces and anchorage steel of rust, dirt, loose chips, and dust. Maintain substrate in a saturated, surface-dry condition. Do not apply unless the surface temperature of the concrete is > 40o F.I I 2. Mix using a mortar (paddle-type) mixer is recommended, however a Jiffler mixer with a slow speed drill (400/600-rpm) is acceptable for small batches. Enough water shall be added to the mixing container to obtain a slump of four (minimum) to six inches (maximum) (approximately 0.5 gallon per ba9. Do not exceed water quantity shown in manufacturefs instructions. Add contents of bag to the container while continuing to mix to a unifomr consistency. Mixing time shall not exceed five minutes. I I I I I I 3. 4. J. 4. l. 2. Mechanical mixing using a mortar (paddle-type) mixer is required. How- ever, a Jifller mixer or a slow speed drill (400-600 rpm) may be used for small batches. Add enough water to the mixing container to obtain a minimum slump of four inches, maximum slump of six inches (approximately 0.5 gallon per bag). Add the contents of the bag to the container while continuing to mix. Mix to a uniform consistencv rt tiI I 03 66 00 cRourFoRrrEHor.Es I I n-t243 | .. ffiffi:mixing time is three to five minutes. Do not mix longer than five I E, Application t l. Apply bonding adhesive such as Concresive Liquid LPL or Concresive | 2 ;iil:*t#if with trower or screed. t 3. In hot, windy, or dry conditions, where rapid surface evaporation may oc- t cur, use Confilm EvaporationReducer. I F. Curing I I f::1##::T;;i:HiTT*'"ffi,',:3T":;H#"ffi#:"ffit:r marred bythe application. | 2. Protect the grout from freezing and maintain at a temperature > 50" F. I ND OFSECTTON I I I T I I I I I T 03 66 00 GROUT FOR TIE HOLES l.l I I t I I I T I l. 2. J. 4. 5. t I I I I I I 1.2 0l-31{4 SECTION 03 67 00 GROUT FOR POST-TENSTONING (PT) ANCHORAGE POCKETS PARTl GENERAL WORKINCLUDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, tools and equipment for the place- ment of grout in post-tensioning anchorage pockets as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. B. This section includes basic mixing, application, and curing methods for one com- ponent, cement-based, chloride-resistant, flowable surface renovation grout. C. CONTRACTOR shall have a printed set of manufacturer's recommendations for product use on site for review during preparation, mixing and application of grouts. QUALITY STANDARDS American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) ASTM C 78 - Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Sim- ple Beam with Third-Point Loading ASTM C 109 - Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Ce- ment Mortars - Modified ASTM C 469 - Test Method for Static Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio of Concrete in Compression ASTM C 666 - Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing ASTM C 882 - Test Method for Bond Strength of Epoxy Resin Systems used with Concrete - Modified ASTM C l0l2 -Test Method for Lenglh Change of Hydraulic Cement Mortars Exposed to Sulfate Solution - Modified ASTM C 1202 - Electrical Indication of Resistance to Chloride Ion Pene- tration I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data l. Cement Based Repair Grout 2. Evaporative Retardant Films GROUTFORPT ANCHORAGE POCKETS I I I t 03 67 00 1.4 0l -31-{x 3. Curing Compounds 4. Form Release Agents 5. Bonding Agents 6. Vibrator Specifications 7. Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Field Tests l. When the OWNER is to perform grout testing, the CONTRACTOR shall assist the OWNER or his concrete testing consultant as requested during the performance of quality control testing. When mortar is placed using a pump, mortar for testing will be taken from the pumper discharge hose. 2. When prescribed in the Drawings or by these Specifications, length change test specimens will be taken during construction frorn the first placement of each type of mortar, and at intervals thereafter as selected by the ENGINEER to insure continued compliance with these specifications. Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings or Specifications the testing will be performed by the OWNER or testing representative. 3. When required length change tests and fabrication of specimens for ce- ment based mortar will be performed as specified in ASTM C l0l2 at in- tervals during construction as selected by the ENGINEER. A set of three specimens will be made for testing at 7 and 28 days. 4. All mortar, already placed, thal fails to meet the requirements of this Specification, is subject to removal and replacement at the cost of the CONTRACTOR. 5. Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings or Specifications, the cost of all laboratory tests on grout will be bome by the OWNER, but the CONTRACTOR shall assist the ENGINEER in obtaining specimens for testing. However, the CONTRACTOR shall be charged for the cost of any additional tests and investigation on work perforrned which does not meet the Specifi cations. B. Construction Tolerances l. The grout shall be placed within +1/16 inch ofthe surface ofthe surround- ing concrete. ACCEPTABLE MANTJFACTURERS/PRODUCTS Master Builders Technologies I. EMACO S88-CI 2. EMACO S66-CR GROUT FOR PT ANCHORAGE POCKETS I I l t I T I I I I I I I I .JI I 1.5 I 03 67 00 | 0l-31-04 I 3. MB 4zg,Masterkure C& Masterkure 200W or Masterkure 100W - curingI' compounds I B. 'THERMANUFACTURER' I I. No equivalents I.6 DELIVERY.STORAGEANDHANDLING t A. Cement based mortar shall be delivered and stored in manufacturer's packaging until it is ready to be mixed and placed. . B. Mortar bags shall be stored offthe ground and protected from water and all other substances that will penetrate packagtng. T PART 2 MATERIALS AI\D EQINPMENT I z.r MoRTARFoRIATCHTNGANcHoRAGEHoLES<l-l/2-rNcr{EsDEEr . A. EMACO S88.CIt.} 2.2 MORTAR FOR PATCHING PT ANCHORAGE POCKETS > |-II2-INCHES DEEP I A. EMACo S66-cR (aggregare extended) I 2.3 BONDING ADHESIVES ,. B. Concresive Liquid LPL or Concresive Standard Liquid I 2.4 WATER I A. Only clean potable water shall be used. ta B. A calibrated measuring device is required for measuring the proper amount of I water to be added to grouts and mortars. 2.5 CURINGCOMPOUND I A. MB 429, Masterkure 100W, Masterkure 200W I I IJ 036700 3 GROUTFORPT T ANCHoRAGEPocKETS 0 t -31-04 PART3 E)(ECUTION 3.1 GENERAI J.J GROUTING B. These grouts contain admixtures t}tat increase grout strength and workability. The shength and performance ofthe grout is dependent oo prioper surface preparation, grout mixing and curing. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to use a calibrated measuring device to add clean potable water to the grout mix. Water added to a grout mix without a cali- brated device is cause for grout rejection, removal and re-placement. Curing is critical to prevent shrinkage cracks that can develop with grouts contain- ing some admixtures. Curing shall begin immediately after placement, All mixing, surface preparation, handling, placing, consolidation, and other means ofexecution for pre-packaged mortars shall be done according to the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer and this Specification. ln the event that a conflict occurs between this Specification and manufacturer's instructions, the manufacturer's instructions shall prevail in all cases. I I I I t I tl I I I I I I C. D. E. A. B. Preparation l. Thoroughly clean surfaces and anchorage steel of rust, dirt, loose chips, and dust. 2. Maintain substrate in a saturated, surface-dry condition. 3. Do not apply unless the surface temperature of the concrete is 2 40" F. Mixing for S88-CI l. Mix using a mortar (paddle+ype) mixer is recommended, however a Jiffler mixer with a slow speed drill (400/600-rpm) is acceptable for small batches. 2. Enough water shall be added to the mixing container to obtain a slump of four (minimum) to six inches (maximum) (approximately 0.5 gallon per b"g)' 3. Do not exceed water quantity shown in manufacturer's instructions. 4. Add contents of bag to the container while continuing to mix to a uniform consistency. Mixing time shall not exceed five minutes. GROLTTFORPT ANCHORAGE POCKETS I ': I I I 03 67 00 F. I l) T I I t I I I I 0l-31-o4 Curing L 2. Mixing for S66-CR l. Mechanical mixing using a mortar (paddle-type) mixer is required. How- ever, a Jiffler mixer or a slow speed drill (400-600 rpm) may be used for small batches. 2. Add enough water to the mixing container to obtain a minimum slump of four inches, maximum slump of six inches (approximately 0.5 gallon per ba9. 3. Add the contents of the bag to the container while continuing to mix. 4. Mix to a uniform consistency 5. Tlpical mixing time is three to five minutes. Do not mix longer than five minutes. Application l. Apply bonding adhesive such as Concresive Liquid LPL or Concresive Standard Liquid. Place and finish with trowel or screed. In hot, windy, or dry conditions, where rapid surface evaporation may oc- cur, use Confilm Evaporation Reducer. 2. .'J. I I I I Apply Masterkure IOOW, Masterkure 200W or MB 429 curing compound in accordance with label instructions as soon as the surface cannot be marred by the application. Protect the grout from freezing and maintain at a temperature > 50" F. END OFSECTION GROUTFORPT ANCHORAGE POCKETS I I I I I 03 67 00 T I l2-t24! SECTTON 03 68 00 CONCRETE CRACKREPAIR PARTl GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK A. This item shall consist ofrepairing cracks and spalls in concrete structures including concrete surface preparation, application of polyuethane chemical grouts, Portland cement grouts and polymer-modified Portland cement mortar, and the construction of contraction joints in accordance with this Specification. B. The CONTRACTOR shall repair cracks > 0.010 inches in average width as measured by the ENGINEER. QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTIvf) l. ASTM C 109 - Compressive Strenglh of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Jsing 2-in. or 50-mm Cube Specimens) 2. ASTM C l9l - Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle 3. ASTM C273 - Shear Properties in Flatwise Plane of Flat Sandwich Construction or Sandwich Cores 4. ASTM C293 - Flexural Sftength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Center-Point t oading) 5. ASTM C 309 - Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete 6. ASTM C 496 - Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens 7. ASTM C 580 - Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Chemical- Resistant Mortars, Grouts, and Monolithic Surfacings 8. ASTM C 666 - Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing 9. ASTM C827 - EarlyVolume Change of Cementitious Mixtures 10. ASTM C 882 - Bond Strength of Epoxy-Resin Systems Used with Concrete 11. ASTMC884 - Thermal Compatibility Between Concrete and an Epoxy- Resin Overlay12. ASTM C920 - Elastomeric Joint Sealants13. ASTM C I107 - Packaged Dry Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Non-shrink) 14. ASTM D 412 - Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension 15. ASTMD624 - Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomer 16. ASTM D 1622 - Apparenl Density of Rigid Cellular Plastics l.l I I I l I 1.2 I T I I I I t I t I I t 03 68 00 CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR Ir2^t243 1.3 SUBMITTALS 17. ASTM D 1623 - Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics 18. ASTM D 2126 - Response of Rigid Cellular Plastics to Thermal and Humid Agrne 19. ASTM D 2240 - Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness 20. ASTM D2842 - WaterAbsorption of Rigid CellularPlastics21. ASTM D 5249 - Backer Material for Use with Cold and Hot-Applied Joint Sealants in Portland-Cement Concrete and Asphalt Joints22- ASTM G 3 - Conventions Applicable to Electochemical Measurements in Corrosion Testing American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) l. AASHTO T-277 - Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability U.S. ArmyCorps ofEngineers (CRD) l. CRDC62l -Grout Federal Specifi cations (1T-S) l. TT-S-001543A - Physical Test Requirements 2. TT-S-00230C - Sealants d I B. C. I I I i Manufacturer's qpecifications, data sheets, recommendations, installation instructions, guarant€es, test reports, and other pertinent data to prove compliance with specified requirements shall be submitted on all material showing their complete compliance with contract requirements. Representative samples of proposed products to the ENGINEER upon request. Submittals shall be of sufficient quantity for independent examination and testing. List of items which have limited shelf life or require special handling, with a description of the limitations and requirements. t.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturing qualifications. The manufacturer of the specified repair products shall have in existence, for a minimum of l0 years, a program of haining, certifuing, and technically supporting a nationally organized Approved contractor program. CONTRACTOR qualifications. The CONTRACTOR shall be an Approved contractor of the manufacturer of the specified produc! who has completed a program of instruction in the use of the specified repair material, and provide a I I I D. I I I T B. C. I t Il t B. 03 68 00 CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR D. T lr I I I I I I I I T 1 n I I 1 I I I notadzed certification from the manufacturer attesting to their Approved Contractor status. At the discretion of the ENGINEE& bids shall be accepted from a CONTRACTOR other than an Approved Contractor of the manufacturer of the specified product. Said CONTRACTOR shall provide the ENGINEER with five job references where they have successfully repaired concrete cracks with the specified product. Provide a notarized certificate stating that the repair material meets the specified requirements and have the manufacturer's current printed literature on the specified product. 1.5 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE t2-t2-03 B. PART 2 All equipment used for handling and transporting materials must be clean and in proper operating condition before any material is placed therein. Materials shall be stored and handled to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for use and shall be located to facilitate prompt inspection. PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL Materials l. Only approved materials, conforming to the requirements of these specifications, shall be used in the work. 2. Materials are subject to inspection and tests at any time during the progress oftheir preparation or use. 3. The source of supply of each of the materials shall be approved by the ENGINEER before deliverv or use is started. B. Samples l. Representative samples of the materials shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR, when required, for examination and possible testing. Z. When requested by the ENGINEER, proposed samples shall be tested and certified by an independent testing laboratory at no expense to the OWNER. POLYURETTIANE CHEMICAL GROUT FOR PRESSURE GROIJTING A. The polyurethane chemical grout shall be a non-flammable, high flash point (212" F) hydrophobic polymer of the 6pe which is applied in a crack or open joint by use of a packer. It shall be non-toxic. When the grout is mixed with about five percent water lhe material will expand 20 times its original volume and cure to a golden- yellow closed-cell polyurethane foam. 03 68 00 CONCRETE CRACKREPAIR l2-1243 B. C. Properties of the mixed polyruethane chernical grout shall be as follows: l. Pot life: approximately five hours providing no moisture enters the systern 2. Mixed viscosity: 300 cps 3. Color: lightarnber Properties of the cured polyurethane chemical grout shall be as follows: l. Tensile Properties (ASTMD 1623) a. Tensilestength: l5.5psiatoneday b. Elongation: +25Yo 2. Shear Stength (ASTM C 273): I 1.7 psi at I day 3. Shrinkage (ASTM D 2126): 0% 4. Water absorption (ASTI"I C 2842): 0.09 psf at I day 5. Densiry (ASTM D 1622) a. Freerise(#l0cup): l.64pcf b. Molded overall: 4.2pcf The accelerator shall be based on a Starmous Octate, and be able to control tlre reaction time from 3 to 30 seconds. The catalyzed polyurethane chemical grout should not react wrtil it contacts water. Polyurethane chemical grout shall be SikaFix HII manufactured by Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey, or equivalent. EPOXY GROUTFOR GRAWTY FEEDING FOR CONCRETE SI-ABS The epoxy grout shall be a ultra low viscosity, two-component epoxy resin for gravity feeding or pressure injection ofcracks in slabs. Grout properties shall be as listed in the following table: D. 2.4 B. Part A - Resin Pan B - Hardener Solids (7o)100 100 Color Clear Clear Amber Viscositv (CPS)125 25 ShelfLife (year)I I Properties at 77" F Tvpical Mixed Values ASTM Method Mix ratio (A:B by volume)2.85:l N/A ViscosiW (cps)40 N/A Potlife (3.5 oz.) (minutes)80 N/A 03 68 00 CONCRETE CRACKREPAIR I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I ! I T I n-t2q3 l\ t I I I 2.5I I I I t T t t I t I l C. APPROVEDPRODUCTS l. de neef Conshuction Chemicals, Inc., DENEPOX I-40. PORTLANDCEMENT GROUT A. The Portland cement grout shall be a non-shrink, non-metallic composition containing a blend of selected Portland cements, plasticizing/water-reducing admixtures and shrinkage compensating agents. The shrinkage agents shall compensate for shrinkage in both the plastic and hardened state. B. Properties of the mixed Portland cement grout shall be as follows: L Timeof set (ASTM C l9l) a. kritial set: 3.0 hours min. b. Final sel 6.5 hours max. 2. Color: concretegray 3. The grout shall not exhibit bleeding4. The grout shall not segregate 5. The grout shall be pumpable through standard grout pumping equipment C. Properties of the cured Portland cement grout (flowable consistency) shall be as follows: l. Compressive Strength (CRD C 621) a. 3500psi at I day b. 62fi) psi at 28 days 2. Splitting Tensile Strength (ASTM C 496): 575 psi at 28 days3. Flexural Strength (ASTM C 580): 1200 psi4. Bond Strength (ASTM C 882 Modified): 1900 psi at 28 days under moist cure 5. Expansion (CRD C 621): +0.056%omn- at 28 days6. The grout shall not produce a vapor barrier t 036800 Tensile Stength (psi)9,000 D 638 Flexural sfrength (psi)144O0 D79A Compressive shength (psi)15,250 D 695 Bond stength to dry concrete (psi) 870 c32l Bond shength to wet concrete (psi) 520 c32l Elongation (%)9 D 638 CONCRETE CRACKREPAJR I 2.6 12-1243 7. The grout shall exhibit positive expansion when tested in accordance with ASTM C 827 8. The grout shall conform to United States Army Corps of Engineers Specification CRD C 621 9. The grout shall conform to ASTM C I 107 10. The material shall be approved by the United States Departnent of Agriculture D. Portland cement grout shall be SikaGrout 212 manufactuied by Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey, or equivalent. WATER The water used in grout making shall be potable water and shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 94. Water shall be free from sewage, oil, acids, shong alkalis, vegetable matter, clay, loam, or any other deleterious substance which gught affect the performance of the grout. If the water is of questionable quality, it shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO T-26 and the results submitted to the ENGINEER. POLYMER-MODIMD PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR A. The polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be a liquid polymer ernulsion of an acrylic copolymer base and additives. It shall have a particle size less than 0.1 micron. Component A shall contain an organic, migrating corrosion inhibitor which has been independently proven to reduce corrosion in concrete via ASTM G 3. The corrosion inhibitor shall not be calcium nihite, and shall have a minimum of seven years of independent field testing to document performance on actual construction projects. Component B shall be a blend of selected Portland cements, specially graded aggregates, admixfures for controlling setting time, water reducers for workability, and an acc elerator. The ratio of Component A to Component B shall be I :5.2 by weight. The material shall be non-combustible, either before cr after cure. The polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be supplied in a factory- proportioned unit. The polymer-modified Portland cement mortar must be placeable from l/8 lo 1 l/2 inches in depth per lift. CONCRTTE CRACKREPAIR t I I I t I I I T t I T I t I I T 2.7 B. D. F. G. 03 68 00 I t2-t243 I . H. Properties of the mixed polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be asr I follows: I l. Working time: l0 to 15 minutes 2. Finishingtime. 20to60minutes 3. Color: concretegray I L Properties of the cured polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be as- follows: I l. CompressiveShength(ASTMC l09Modified) ll a. 3500psiat I day b. 6500psi at 7 dap I c. 8000 psi at 28 days I : ii"XHi$:Hh'ff1ff"'ffff ffi,llJfl}t'#i; uu" ,ooo psi a,28r davs 4. Rapid Freeze/Thaw Durability (ASTM C 666, Procedure A): passes testr ": il:*Tr#iffff4ffi,H1trx}"3ff""r;13:,1:'J 7. Abrasion (Taber Abrader withH-22 wheel, 1000 gn load 1000 cycles): 8.0 r gm weight loss in 7 days8. Rapid Chloride Ion Permeabilify (AASHTOT-277): 1000 Coulombs max. I 9. The polymer-modified Portland cement shall not produce a vapor barrier J. Polymer modified Portland cement mortar shall be SikaTop 123 manufactured by Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey, or equivalent. I 2.6 CURINGCOMPOUNDS I A. Curing compounds shall satis$ the requirements of ASTM C 309, Tpe ID. All curing compounds shall be white pigmented or tinted. See SECTION 03370 - I CoNCRETECURTNG. 2.7 CLOSED CELLBACKER ROD ' A. Closed cell backer rod shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 5249. See SECTION 07 9123 -BACKERROD. ' 2.8 POLYURE'TTIANE SEALANT t A fii#,H::1il:;:?:H'iiffi;"ffi::f;t"fi'J;^iHi"Ji";i?il#11llli: I I 03 68 oo 7 IoNcRETECRAcKREIATRt I t t T I B. The sealant shall cure under the influence of atunospheric moisture to form an elastomeric substance. Properties of the uncured polyurethane sealant shall be as follows: l. Initial cure (tack-free time): 6 to 8 hours 2. Consistency: non-sag 3. Color: limestone gray Properties ofthe cured polyurethane sealant shall be as follows: l. Tensile Properties (ASTM D 412) a- Tensile strength: 100 psi min. at 2l dala b. Elongation at break: 600% min. c. Tensile stress at l0(P/o elongation: 45 psi min. d. Tensile set afterbreak:. 20Yomax. Hardness (ASTM D 2240): 25 max. at 2l days (Shore A) Tear Strength (ASTM D 624): 25lblin min. at 2l days Adhesion in Peel from Concrete(TT-S-00230C): 20 lb min. at 28 days Service Range: -40 to 170' F The sealant shall conform to Federal Specification TT-S-00230C, Tlpe II, Class A The sealant shall conform to ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25 The sealant shall be capable of +199o4 to -50%o of the average joint widttr when tested in accordance to the durability bond test in Federal Specification TT-S-00230C The sealant shall conform to the physical test requirements of Federal Specification TT-S-001 543A The sealant shall be non-staining Final Cure: 7 to l0 davs Polyurethane sealant shall be SikaFlex-l5lM manufactured by Sika Corporation" Lyndhurst, New Jersey, or equivalent. EXECUTION C. D. PART 3 3.1 GENERAI 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I t I I t I I I I T 10. I l. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, materials, and seryices necessary for, and incidental to, the completion of all work as shown on the Contract drawings and specified herein.It I T03 68 00 CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR I I l2-t2-o3 B.All equipment owned or controlled by the CONTRACTOR, which he proposes to use on the work, shall be of sufficient size to meet the requirements of the work, and shall be such as to produce satisfactory work. All work shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall employ, at all times a sufficient force of worlanen of such experience and ability that the work can be prosecuted in a satisfactory and workrnanlike manner. E. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing 24 hows notice to the ENGINEER prior to performing repair work in order to permit the ENGINEER to reyiew surface preparation and the work inprogress. REPAIRMETHODS Cracks l.Floor slabs a. All cracks in the floor slab greater than 0.010 inches in average widttr shall be treated by direct injection with polyurethane grout. Walls Cracks in the walls 1/2 inch and greater in average width shall be formed and either poured or pumped using a Portland cement grout. All other cracks in the walls greater than or equal to 0.010 inches in average width shall be treated directly using a polyurethane chemical grout. Cracks in the walls greater than or equal to l/4 inch and less than l/2 inch in aveftrge width shall fint be surface sealed in accordance with Part 3.028. J.Roof slabs All cracks in a roof slab greater than 0.010 inches in average width shall be treated by direct injection with polpuethane grout. All cracks in a roof slab shall first be surface sealed in accordance with Part 3.028. Spalls l Spalls greater than 1/8 inch in depth which are designated for repair by the ENGINEER shall be repaired using a polymer-modified Portland cement mortar. b. b. 2. C. D. B. 3.2 I I t I T T I I I t I I I I I I t 03 68 00 CONCRETE CRACKREPAIR I J.J t2-1243 POLYT.JRETTIANE CIIEMICAL GROUT REPAIRS A. Pollurethane chemical grout shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Crack Preparation l. The cracks and adjacent subshate shall be clear\ sound and free of frost. Remove dust, laitance, greasg cwing compounds, waxes, impregnates, foreign particles, efllorescence and other bond inhibiting materials from the surface by mechanical means, i.e., sandblasting high pressure water blasting etc., as approved by the ENGINEER. 2. Prior to application of the chemical grout moisture must be present in the cracks. Ifconcrete being injected contains insufficient moisture to activate the grout, inject the crack with a small amormt of water prior to the application of the chemical groul Surface Sealing 1. For all cracks in the roofand cracks in the walls greater than or equal to l/4 inch in average width, the CONTRACTOR shall seal the swface of the crack prior to grouting. This will e,lrstre that the polyurethane chernical grout fully penetrates the crack. Sealing may be accomplished by one of three methods: c. Applying Portland cement grout to the surface of the crack. Using polyurethane chemical grout with additional accelerator (Component B) to form a seal on the surface of the crack. For all cracks l/4 inch or greater in average width, a open-cell backer rod soaked with polyurethane chernical grout may be used as a sealant. 2. Short segments of the crack (one to two inches) should be left open at regular intervals to facilitate venting of air and to allow visual verification of complete crack filling. 3. Cracks in the floor and cracks in the walls less than l/4 nch in average width may be injected directly with polyurethane chemical grout without surface sealing. Mixing l. Slowly combine accelerator Component B with five gallons of Component A and mix thoroughly for about two minutes with a low-speed (400-600 rpm) drill and paddle until uniform in color. 2. Do not allow water to enter the mix. Avoid'Vhipping" air into the mix. B.I I I t I t I I II t I I T C. a. b. D. I I I I 03 68 00 l0 CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR I I t2-1243 ll l. 2. J. 4. l. 3.4 I t t I I t I I I I I I I T t I I E. Application L Begin by drilling 5/8-inch diameter holes along the side of the crack at 45o angles. Drill the hole to intersect the crack midway through the subshate. Spacing of the devices shall be accomplished as required to achieve the travel of the polyuethane chemical grout for the pressure injection grouting between packers and to fill the crack to the maximum.2. Install the injection packers in the holes. 3. Pump polyurethane chemical grout at a minimum of 250 psi for 45 seconds and then pause to allow the material to flow into all of the cracks. Watch for material flow and water movement to appear on the surface. When movement stops, begin injection into the next packer. When sealing vertical cracks, begin injecting at the bottom ofthe crack and work vertically.4. If faster reaction time is needed, or if grout is being pumped at cold temperaturg additional accelerator can be added to the base resin, Component A if approved by the ENGINEER. Re-inject to assure that all voids are properly sealed off. F. Finished Surfaces 1. After the polyurethane chemical grout has cured, use sharp-sided tools such as a putty knife or trowel to remove excess material from the injected surfaces. EPOXY GROI'TREPAIRS A. SURFACEPREPARATION Surfaces to be repaired or sealed shall be clean and sound. Concrete shall be free ofdust, laitance, sealers, grease and all other bond inhibiting contaminants. Apply material when the ambient and surface temperature is > 50' F and rising. Use low-height sand or wood dams to confine the grout, establish a neat width of repair and make a positive head to assist the grout penetrate the crack. MD(ING Mix material on low speed with a drill and paddle for approximately four minutes to insure a thorough mix The quantity of material mixed shall be used in 60 minutes or less. 03 68 00 CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR It2-t243 C. PLACING l. Place material incrernentally using gravity to fill the crack. 2. As the material penetrates the crack add additional material until "refusal". Several iterations maybe required to fill the crack to refusal. 3.5 PORTLAND CEMENT GROUT REPAIRS A. Portland cement grout shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Surface Preparation 1. Concrete areas to be grouted shall be clean, sound and free of contaminants. All loose and deteriorated concrete shall be removed by mechanical meens approved by the ENGINEER. Saw cut the perimeter of spalled areas l/2 inch maximum. Chip concrete subsfrate to obtain a surface profile of +l/8 inch in depth. Remove a minimum of 1/2 inch concrete behind exposed reinforcing steel without damaging the steel. Sandblast to remove any corrosion on the reinforcing steel. 2. Prior to grouting, the concrete surface to receive the Portland cement grout shall be saturated surface drv. Forms Forms for placement of Portland cement grout shall conform to Section 03 l1 00 - CIPC FORMING. The forms shall be constructed such that they do not deflect during pumping of the grout. Vents with caps shall be provided in the forms as recommended by the grout manufach[er to release air during grouting. Run a bead ofpolyurethane sealant around the edge ofthe form to prevenl leakage of the grout. The forms shall be checked for watertightness by filling with water. Mixing l. Portland cement grout may be either manually or mechanically mixed. Manually mix in a wheelbarrow or mortar box. Mechanically mix with a low-speed (400-600 rpm) drill and jiffy paddle or in an appropriate sized mortar mixer. Add an appropriate quantity of water to the mixing container to achieve the desired consistency. While mixing slowly add the bag of powder to the water. Mix to a uniform consistency for a minimum of two minutes. Mix temperature should be maintained at 70 to 75" F byusing cold orw m water accordingly. I II t I II I II I I t I t I T I I l. 3. B. C. D. 03 68 00 t2 CONCRETECRACKREPAIR I I T I t t2-1243 Application Portland cement grout may be either be poured or pumped into place. Application shall begin within 15 minutes of mixing. trn either case, the forrn slnll be vibrated dwing placement of grout. Grout shall be poured from the top of the form. The CONTRACTOR shall constuct a chip spot and a pow box at the top ofthe form to direct the grout behind the wall. Pumping shall begin through the lowest point in the fonn with a variable pessure pump. Pour or pump until there is a steady flow ofgrout from the bottom vent. Cap offthis vent and continue pouring or pumping the grout wrtil there is a steady flow of grout from the adjacent vent. Continue capping the vents as soon as a steady flow ofgrout appears. Pumping shall continue until a three to five psi increase in nomral line pressure. FormRemoval l. After the grout has achieved its final set, remove any forms. Curing and hotection l. Curing and protection of Portland cement grout shall conform to SECTION 03 39 OO_CONCRETE CURING. Finished Surfaces l.Finishing of formed surfaces shall conform to SECTION 03 36 00 - CONCRETEFINISHING. Any defective work disclosed after the forms have been removed shall be immediately removed and replaced at the expense of the CONTRACTOR Any anchor holes shall be drypacked wittr Portland cement grout in accordance with the manufacfurer's recommendations. Contraction Joints l. Sawed contractionjoints shall be created in each ofthe areas designated for Portland cement grout repairs. Joints shall in accordance with Part 3.5. 3.6 POLYMER-MODIMD PORTLAND CEMENT MORTAR REPAIRS Polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Surface Preparation 1. 4. 5. 3. F. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 03 68 00 l3 CONCRETE CRACKREPAIR l2-t243 D. l.Spalled concrete areas to be repaired shall be clean, sorurd and free of contaminants. All loose and deteriorated concrete shall be removed by mechanical means approved by the ENGINEER. Saw cut the perimeter of spalled areas lD inch maximum. Chip concrete substrate to obtain a surface profile of tll8 inch in depth. Remove a minimum of l/2 inch concrete behind exposed reinforcing steel without the steel. Sandblast to remove any conosion on the reinforcing steel. Prior to repair, the concrete surface to receive the polymer-modified Portland cement mortar shall be saturated surface dry. Mixing l. Polymer-modified Portland cement mortar may be either manually or mechanically mixed. Manually mix in a wheelbarow or mortar box. Mechanically mix with a low-speed (400-600 rpm) drill. Pour approximately four to five gallons of Component A into the mixing container. Add Component B while continuing to mix. Mix to a rmiform consistency for a maximum of three minutes. Add remaining Component A to mix if a more loose consistency is desired. If manual mixing takes more than three minutes, mix small quantities. Should smaller quantities be needed, ensure the components are dosed in the correct ratio and that the Component B is uniformly pre-mixed before batching. Application l. Apply a scrub coat to the subsrate, fiIling all pores and voids. While the scrub coat is still plastic, force material against the edge of the repair, working toward the center. li:fter filling, consolidate, then screed. Allow mortar to set to the desired stiffiress. Then finish with a trowel to obtain a smooth surface. Areas where the depth of the repair to sound concrete is greater than I l/2 inches shall be made in lifts of I l/2 inch maximum thickness. The top surface of each lift shall be scored to produce a roughened surface for the next lift. The preceding lift shall be allowed to reach final set before applymg fresh material. The fresh mortar shall be scrubbed into the preceding lift. Curing and Protection l. Curing and protection of Portland cement grout shall conform to SECTION 03 39 OO _ CONCRETE CI.JRING Conhaction Joints l. Sawed contractionjoints shall be created in each ofthe areas designated for polymer-modified Portland cement mortar repairs when transverse cracking I,t t t T I I I I I I T I t I I I I I F. 03 68 00 t4 CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR I I) 12-12-o3 L 2. B. 3.7 3.8 I I I I t t I I I T I I I t I I I ofthe concrete box culvert is present. Joints shall be formed in accordance withPart 3.5. CONSTRUCTION OF CONTRACTION JOINTS A. A contraction joint shall be created on the surface of the concrete in the plane of the crack in each ofthe areas designated for Portland c€ment grout and areas ofspall repair when transverse cracking is present. Joints shall be formed by sawing l/4 inch grooves l/2 nch deep in the surface of the repair with an approved concrete saw. Sawing of the joint shall commence as soon as the Portland cement grout or polymer-modified Podland cement moriar has hardened sufficiently to permit sawing without excessive raveling, uzually 6 to 24 hours. All joints shall be sawed to the full depth before uncontrolled shrinkage cracking takes place. B. After the conhaction joint is sawed, the joint and adjacent concrete surface shall be thoroughly cleaned. A l/4-inch diameter closed-cell backer rod shall then be inserted to the full depth of the joint. C. Polyurethane sealant shall then be applied between the backer rod and the concrete surface in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Before the sealant is applied, thejoint and adjacent substrate shall be clean. Place the nozzle ofthe gun, either hand-, air-, or electric-powered, into the bottom of the joint and fill the entire joint. Keep the tip of the nozzlein the sealant, and continue on with a steady flow of sealant proceeding from the nozzle to avoid air entrapment. Avoid overlapping the sealant to eliminate the entrapment or air. Tool as required to properly fill the joint. TESTING General L All samples of material submitted for inspection and possible testing shall be obtained from stock on hand provided or proposed for use on this Project. Sampling and Testing of Grouts Grouts shall be sampled and tested by the CONTRACTORs testing laboratory to assure that the materials are properly mixed and that proper ingredients are incorporated. The frequency of tests will be as required in ACI 301, Chapter 16, but may be increased if so ordered bv the ENGINEER. C.Material Sample Testing l. Samples of material such as polyurethane chemical grouts, Portland cement grouts, polymer-modifi ed Portland cement mortar, polywethane sealants, 03 68 00 l5 CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR t2-1241 cwing compounds, and backer rods shall be submifted to the ENGINEER on request for firrther examination and possible testing prior to their use. 3.9 CLEANUP A. Leave the finished work and work area in a neal clean condition without evidence ofspillovers onto adjacent areas. END OFSECTIOx I ,d I I I I t I I I I T I I t T II t03 68 00 t6 CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR I or-28{3 l., I SECTION 05 80 00 SACRIT'ICIAL MAGNESIUM AI\ODES PART 1 GEI\IERAL I l.l WORKTNCLUDED t A. The CONTRACTOR shall tumish and install magnesium anodes on metal appur- I tenances as shown in the Drawings. The work includes furnish and installing sac- rificial magnesium anodes. I 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Garfield Alloys magnesium PVC coated Tlpe 2R-5 anodes or equivalent, with aI l/2 inch diameter by I inch deep drilled and tapped core, or equal shall be used. I B. The anodes are available from Farwest Corrosion Control Company 3825 Paris,t Denver,Colorado 80239,Telephone (303)307-1447 T 1.3 QUALITY STANDARDS I- A. AMERICAN SOCIETY FORTESTINGAND MATERI,ALS (ASTM) I 1. ASTM B 843 - Specification for Magnesium Alloy Anodes for Cathodic Protection I 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I I A. Deliver materials in original, tightly sealed containers or unopened packages with the manufacturer's name, labels and product identification.II B. Materials shall be stored in a secure, dry areauntil installed. I PART 2 MATERIALS I , 2.I ALLOY SPECIFICATIONS r A. The magnesium anode shall conform to the following alloy specification: | #.' B Bli ilir,; Cu O.NTo/omax. I Si 0.04Yomax. Fe 0.03%oMax. I I 05 8000 I SACRIFICIAL MAGNESIUM ANODES 0l -2E-03 PART 3 A. B. C. Ni Other Magnesium Remainder B. The above shall be in conformance with ASTM 8843 magrresium anodes. ANODEDIMENSIONS for MIC high potential A. The anode shall be approximately 4 ll4 inches in diameter, 2 l/4 inches thick and weigh 2 pounds and drilled and tapped for a ll2 dia. SS stud. B. Anodes which are cracked or chipped shallberejected. STUD A. The stud used to attach the anode to appurtenances, such as the overflow weir and pipe, shall be 304 or 316 stainless steel and tbreaded to match the threads of the anode. EXECUTION Prior to installation of the anode the metal stud shall be wire brushed to remove any coating or rust, for a positive electrical contact. Anodes that are cracked or chipped during the installation process shall be re- placed. The anodes shall be threaded onto the l/2 inch diameter stainless steel studs on metal ladders, ladder safety cages and piprng as shown in the drawings after the final storage tank cleaning, prior to water tightness testing. 0.001% max. 0.057o each or 0.3Yo mar<. total END OF SECTION 05 80 00 SACRIFICIAL MAGNESIUM ANODES I I I I I t II I I I I I t I t I I t I I 01-31{4 PARTl GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES SECTION 06 82 00 FIBERGLASS REINF'ORCED PLASTIC (FRP) FABRICATIONS I t T I I I t T I I I I I T I I I A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this Section: l. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. ASTM C 177, Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurements and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Guarded Hot-Plate Apparatus. b. ASTM C 581, Standard Practice for Determining Chemical Resistance of Thermosetting Resins Used in Glass-Fiber- Reinforced Structures Intended for Liquid Service. c. ASTM C 582, Standard Specification for Contact-Molded Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic @TP) Laminates for Corrosion- Resistant Equipment. d. ASTM D 570, Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics. e. ASTM D 635, Standard Test Method for Rate of Buming and,/or Extent and Time of Burning ofPlastics in a Horizontal Position.f. ASTM D 638, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. C. ASTM D 695, Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics. h. ASTM D 696, Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion ofPlastics Between -30 "C and 30"C With a Viheous Silica Dilatometer. i- ASTM D 790, Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials.j. ASTM D 792, Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement k. ASTM D 23441D2344M, Standard Test Method for Short-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their Laminates l. ASTM D 2583, Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Rigid Plastics by Means of a Barcol lmpressor.m. ASTM E 84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. 06 82 00 FRP FABRICATIONS I0t-31-04 2. Building Olficials and Code Adminishators International (BOCA): National Building Code (NBC). 3. lnternational Conference of Building Officials (ICBO): Uniform Building Code ([JBC). 4. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA): 29 CFR 19.10, Code of Federal Regulations. 5. Southem Building Code Congress lntemational (SBCCI): Standard Building Code (SBC). 6. Underwriters'Laboratories, Inc. (JL): 94-91,W Standard for Safety Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances, Fourth Edition. 7. American National Standards krstitute / National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) a. ANSI / NSF 6l - Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. This Section contains components and connectors that require CONTRACTOR desigrr. B. Products and fabrications to be used inside a potable water retaining shucture shall be ANSI/NSF 61 Certified or coated with an ANSIA{SF 6l Certified coating system. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: l. Product Data: Catalog information and catalog cuts showing materials, design tasks, load, span, and deflection; include manufacturer's specifications. 2. Submit calculations for fabricated items showing dimensions, materials of construction, weight, size, location, and veriSing compliance with the specified desigrr criteria. Calculations shall also include the following data on the structural elements: Section properties. Flexural, tensile, compressive and shear strengtls. Weight per foot. Modulus of elasticity. 3. Grating and Top Plates: Show location of connections to adjacent grating, supports, and other Work. 4. Grating Supports: Show anchorage to supporting structure. I I t I I I I 1.2 I t I I t a. b. c. d. I I I I 06 82 00 FRP FABRICATIONS I I 5. 1.4 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 0t -31-04 Hatches, Stairs, Platformg Stringers" Handrails, Ladders, and Support Structures: a. Show dimensions, weight, size, and location of connections to adjacent supports and other Work. b. Skuctural calculations for hatches, gratings, platforms, ladders and cages, handrails, and other fabrications shown. c. Hatches: Show method of attaching hatch cover to grating such that the cover can be independently removed by hand without the use of tools. d. Test Reports: l) Test data for handrails and supports may supplement load calculations providing data covers the complete systern, including anchorage. 2) Test data for all components showing load and deflection due to load, in enough detail to prove handrail is strong enough and satisfies national, state, local standards, regulations, code requirements, and OSHA 29 CFR 19.10, using design loads specified. 3) Include test data for the following: a) Railing and post connections. b) Railing wall connections- c) Post and base connections. d) Railing expansion joinl connections. B. Samples: Each type of grating, including grating with bonded top plate, handrail, and handrail connection. C. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Handling and storage requirements. 2. Manufacturer's installation instructions. 3. Factory test reports for physical properties ofproduct. 4. Manufacturer's Certification of Compliance for specified products. 5. Fabricator'squalificationexperience. 6. Independent laboratory test report, dated within 2 years of submittal date, of fire retardant testing conducted on exact type of grating proposed (not a resin test report). 7 - Manufacturer's qualification experience. QUALIFICATIONS A. Fabricator: Minimum of 5 years experience. 06 82 00 FRP FABRICATIONS I0l-3t{4 B. Manufacturer: Minimum of 5 years experience in the manufacturing of products meeting these Specifications. C. Designer: Calculations required for Contractor desip shall be prepared and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Colorado. I.5 DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Preparation for Shipment: l. Ladders shall be shipped fully shop-fabricated and assembled. 2. Insofar as is practical, factory assemble other items provided hereunder. 3. Package and clearly tag parts and assemblies that are of necessity shipped unassernbled in a marmer that will protect the materials from damage, and facilitate identification and final assembly in the field. B. Storage and Handling: In accordance with manufacturels recommendations and in such a marmer as to prevent danage of any kind, including overexposure to sunlight. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Like Items of Materials: Where possible, provide end products of one manufacturer in order to achieve standardization for appearance, maintenance, and replacement. B. Unless otherwise specified, all products shall be manufactured by a pultruded process using vinyl ester resin. C. Unless otherwise specified, products shall be manufactured with ultra-violet (IV) inhibitor additives. D. Exterior surfaces shall have a synthetic surface veil covering. E. Fumish molded products as an option where permitted by Specifications. F. Chemical Resistance: Unless otherwise specified, resins used in the fabrication of FRP products shall be resistant to the chemicals in the location where the FRP product will be used. G. Fire Retardance (unless otherwise specified): 1. Flame spread shall be less than 25 as measured by ASTM E84.2. Include combinations of aluminum trihydrate, halogen, and antimony trioxide, where required lo rneet fire retardance, in the resin system.3. Meet self-extinguishing requirements of ASTM D635. I t I I I I I I I I I t I t T I I 06 82 00 FRP FABRICATIONS I I 0l-3144 I H. Unless otherwise specified, color pigment shall be dispersed in the resinttsystem. Color of fabricated products shall be OSHA Safety Yellow. r ' ""#il"ffiffi'ffi:;1"*, i:Hlff"iH,::'"l;"J',""Jfiffii,n.,:If:il W light. I J. All cut ends, holes, and abrasions of FRP shapes shall be sealed with resin to prevent intrusion of moisture. T 2.2 GRATING, GRATING WITH BONDED TOP PLATE, AND STAIR TREADS I A. General: - l. 100 psf minimum, unless otherwise shown.r : u,"T[Ti,"ffi3'l'#"iffh#'H"Jf,ffi:::ffi shown on the Drawings. The top plate shall have an epoxied coated anti-skid grit surface. I 4. Stair Tread: 100 psf uniform load or a concentrat€d load of 300 pounds on an area of4 square inches located in the center of tread, whichever produces the greater stress. r B. Molded rype: r I ililf,:,fl1,ffi"ffi::l',*'.11lffill;l,1,ill,1ill;ffffi.,r',::'# - grating at locations where bonded top plate is used.2. Load bars in both directions with equal stiffrress.r 3. Square mesh, 1-1l2-inch maximum spacing. r C. Pultruded Type: I . Main bars joined by cross bars secured in holes drilled in main bars.r 2 ffi"',ffi;"1T#:il"T,Tiffi,:11'ff;"*li:"chanicarrvrockmain 3. Intersections: Bond using adhesive as corrosive-resistant as pultrusion t 4. ilt"1l, "* Ends: Minimum bearing support width of l-l/2 inches.5. Skid-Resistant Surface: Grit adhesively bonded, manufacturer's r *illx*,':$tff1i:il1,'H3:" not required for graring at rocations 6. Provide extra stiffrress around openings. I D. Hold-Down Clamps: Same material as grating or Type 316 stainless steel, minimum of 4 clamps per panel. I I I 068200 FRP FABRICATIONS 0l-31-04 I E. Bolts and Connectors: 1. Corrosion-resistant FRP orType 316 stainless steel. 2- Size and strength to meet UBC requirements. F. Manufacturers: Fibergrate Composite Structures, lnc., Addison, TX. IKG/Borden, Clark, NJ. Strongwell, Chatfield Division, Chatfield, MN, or Bristol Division, Bristol, VA. 4. Chemgrate Corp., Woodinville, WA. 5. Advanced Composite Technology, Inc., Seattle, WA HANDRAIL A. Structural Criteria: L Deflection: No permanent set in any member or connection when tested to design load. 2. Apply load to produce maximum stress and deflection in each of the respective components. 3. Top Rail and Posts of Handrails: Capable of withstanding the following load cases applied with a safety factor of 3.0: a. Concentrated load of200pounds applied at any point and in any direction in accordance with UBC. b. Uniform load on the top rail of 50 pounds per linear foot applied horizontally in accordance with UBC. c. Concentrated load need not be assumed to act concurrentlv with uniform loads in accordance with UBC. Mid-Rails with Comer Returns: Wilhstand 300-pound concentrated vertical load applied at any point or direction without damage and loosening of fittings or attachment hardware. Concrete Anchors for Handrail Wall Brackets: Not to exceed UBC allowable loads for actual spacing, edge distance, and embedment, with assumed concrete strength of 4,000 psi. Concrete Anchors: In accordance with UBC allowable load values for size, length, embedment, spacing, and edge distance to match required loads shown in calculations. Connections, Mounts, Bases: Withstand all handrail loads without permanent set and with a safefy factor of at least l 65 against failure. 1. 2. I I t I T I I I I I I t 2.3 I I 4. 5. 6. 1 II 06 82 00 FRP FABRTCATTONS I 0l-3t44 06 82 00 I t I I I l I I t I I I I t I I I I I B. Thermal Movement: l. Allow for maximum range of ambient temperature change (difference between high or low and installation temperature). 2. Base design on actual surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and night time sky heat loss. 3. Temperature Change Range: 70 "F, ambient; 100 "F, material surfaces. C. Rails and Posts: l. 2-inch nominal square or round tubing posts. 2. l-3/4- or 2-inch nominal round or square rails. 3. Maximum Post Spacing: 5 feet. D. Kickplates/Toeboard: Comrgated, 4-inch by ll2-inch by 0.125-inch thick or 4-inch by 9/16-inch thick at all handrail locations. E. Kickplate/Toeboard Cormectors and Splices: Continuous with provision for expansion and contraction without distortion or buckling. F. Connections, Mounts, Bases: Fiberglass or Type 316 stainless steel. G. Pultruded Parts: Minimum Mechanical Properties Test Method Values Tensile Stress ASTM D 638 30,000 psi Tensile Modulus ASTM D 638 2.5 x 106 psi Compressive Stress ASTM D 695 30,000 psi Compressive Modulus ASTM D 695 2.5 x 106 psi Flexural Stress ASTM D 790 30,000 psi Flexural Modulus ASTM D 790 1.6 x 106 psi Shear Stress ASTM D2344 4,500 psi Density ASTM D 792 0.060-0.070 lbs/in.' 24-Hour Water Absorption ASTM D 570 0.6ohmax. Coeffrcient of Thermal Expansion ASTM D 696 4.4 x lO'" in-lin.iF Flexural Stress Full Section 36,000 psi Flexural Modulus Full Section 3.7 x 106 psi FRP FABRICATIONS I 2.4 0t-3t{4 NSF Certification: Where shown in Drawings, handrails shall be certified by NSF International as complying with ANSI / NSF Standard 6l . Manufacturers: l. Shongwell, Chatfield Division, Chatfield, MN, or Bristol Division, Bristol, VA, or approved equal. STRUCTURAL SHAPES AND PLATFORMS A. Deflection and Safety Factors: l. Deflection Criteria: Not to exceed U360. 2. Safety Factors: Minimum ratios of the ultimate stress to the allowable static service stress: Flexural Members:2.5 Compression Members: 3.0. Shear: 3.0. Connections: 4.0. 3. Minimum desigrr safety factors for dynamic or impact loads shall be twice the values for static service loads. Loads: l l00 psf uniform live load over platform unless specifically indicated otherwise. 2. Static and dynamic loads for equipment shown. Glass fiber reinforced polyester or vinyl ester resin matrix, approximately 50 percent resin-to-glass ratio. Continuous glass strand rovings shall be used intemally for longitudinal shength. Continuous strand glass mats shall be used internally for transverse strength. Material Properties: I I I I I I I T I I I I I I II I a. b. c. d. B. c. D. E. F. 06 82 00 FRP FABRICATIONS I l, I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I j 0l-3t -04 Minimum Ultimate Coupon Properties (UN) Material Properties Test Method Units Pultruded Fiberglass Structural Shapes Ultimate tensile stress in longitudinal direction, psi (Mpa) ASTM D 638 30,000 (207) Ultimate compressive stress in longitudinal direction, psi (Mpa) ASTM. D 695 30,000 (207) Ultimate flexural stress in longitudinal direction, psi [Mpa) ASTMD 790 30,000 (207) Ultimate short beam shear rn longitudinal direction, psi (Mpa) ASTM D 2344 4,500 (31) Ultimate tensile stress in transverse direction, psi (Mpa) ASTM D 638 7,000 (48) Ultimate compressive stress in lransverse direction, psi (Mpa) ASTM D 695 15,000 (103) Ultimate flexural stress in transverse direction, psi (Mpa) ASTMD 790 10,000 (69) Density (lb/in.3) (kglmm3)ASTM D 792 0.060-0.070 (0.00166-00194) Water absorption (25 hr immersion) ASTM D 570 0.60 max, % by weieht Barcol hardness ASTM D 2583 45 Coefficient of thhermal expansion I 0-6 in./in./'C ASTM D 696 Expansion, LWI 0-o in./in-fF 4.4 Thermal conductivitv. Btu- in.lft'ftrPF ASTM C 177 06 82 00 FRP FABRICATIONS I0l-3t{4 G. Flame-RetardantProperties: Minimum Ultimate Coupon Properties (UN) Material Properties Test Method Units Flame-Retardant Properties Flammability test ASTMD 635 Self-extinzuishine Surface burning characteristics ASTME 84 25 Maximum Flammability class UL94 VO Temperahue index UL94 130 "c H. Manufacturers: l. Strongwell, Chatfield Division, Chatfield, MN, or Bristol Division, Bristol, VA.. 2. Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc., Addison, TX. PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. B. Install plumb or level, rigid and neat, as applicable. C. Fumish all fasteners and anchorages for complete installation. D. Seal all field cut holes, edges, and abrasions with a catalyzed resin compatible. with original resin. 3.2 GRATING AND GRATING W]TH TOP PLATE A. Anchor grating securely to supports to prevent displacement. B. lnstall each grating section such that it is easily removable. C. Clearance (Grating to Vertical Surfaces): l/4-inch fulus or minus l/8-inch tolerance). I I t I t I I T I I I I I t I I I I06 82 00 l0 FRP FABRICATIONS I or-3r-04 I -', 3'3 HANDRATL I A' l#:*t"JfuH*ilt''-"'on and contraction connections as shown on T T I T T I l) I I I I t t I I I 068200 END OF SECTION II FRPFABRICATIONS I rcn^n3 I sEcrIoN 07 73 oo.. A..BS'HATCHES I I PARTI GENERAL I I.I WORK INCLUDED I A. This section of the specifications will govern the fumishing and installation of allI access hatch assernblies, including materials, fabrications, and installation. I B. The sizes of the manway and equipment hatches are shown on the Drawings.J 1.2 ACCEPTABLEIvIANUFACTURER/MODELS It- A. Products manufactured by the Bilco Company, New Haven, Connecticut are used I herein to establish quality and type. No alternates are acceptable. B. Harch types include Type "D" scuttles and Type "K" doors. I li TNTENDEDUSE I A. The intended use of t}te Type "D" scuttle is for a water and insect tight installa- f tion. a B. The CONTRACTOR is respornible for informing the manufacturer of the in- I tendeduse. t 1.4 DESTcNLoAn A. The Type "D" scuttle shall be capable of meeting a snow load of 100 psf applied I uifomily overthe hatch. I.5 SHOPDRAWINGSE t A. Drawings I B. Manufacturer's data she,ets I C. Guarantee I I.6 GUARANTEE t A. f;il#:lt;Tf;ffir*ffi**" the hatch for a period of five years from defects I I o773oo ACCESS HATCHES Ir0n7t03 PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 TYPE *D" SCUTTLES Cover Leaf: l.The door leaf shall be manufactwed from I I gauge aluminum with an 18 gauge aluminum liner. The cover shall be insulated with one inch glass fiber between the liner and cover material. The cover shall have a continuous extruded neoprene gasket all arowrd the cover perimeter to provide a positive, complete, seal onto the top surface ofthe curb to prevent entry of insects, dust and snow when the cover is closed. Splices or gaps in the gasket are rmacceptable. Light visible through any part ofthe gasket is cause for rejection ofthe access hatch. If the hatch is rejected it shall be replaced at the CONTRACTOR's expense. The equipment hatch cover shall be equipped with an enclosed two point snap lock. Covers shall automatically lock in the open position with a rigid hold open arrn equipped with a vinyl grip to permit easy release for opening. Curb 1. The l2-inch high fully enclosed curb shall be manufactwed from l l gauge aluminum inside and outside. The curb shall have a3 ll2-nchflange with holes for anchors spaced at 9 inch ceneters maximrmr to secure the hatch to t}re concrete pedestal. The curb shall be equipped with an integral 1l gauge aluminum cap flashing fully welded at the comers and weathertight. 2. Anchor bolt holes in the flange of the curb shall be spaced no greater than 9-inches. Alchor bolts l. Wedge style anchor bolts shall be Redhead WW-5860 (5/8-inch dia. by 3 ll2-inch long) stainless steel anchor bolts or equal. Hardware: All hardware shall be stainless steel, Type 302 or 304, including the latch assembly, inside and outside padlock hasps, arm guide bracket, hinges, hinge pins, hold open arm, lock strike, spring tubes, shoes and all fasten- ers. Cover hardware strall be bolted to the cover into heavy gauge channel sup- ports welded to the underside of the cover and concealed within the insula- tion space. t I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. 5. B. c. D. 1II T I 07 73 00 ACCESS HATCHES t t0D7t03 I ., 3. The hatch strall be completely assembled with heavy pintle hinges and compressron spring operators enclosed in telescopic tubes. The upper tube I shall be the outer tube to prevent accumulation of moisture, grit and debris f inside the tube assembly. I E. Lock: _ The scuttle shall have a spring larch with handles on the inside and outside f andpadlock hasps onthe outside. - F. Padlock Hasp I 1. The scuttle shall have a padlock hasp incorporated into the outside handle. The handle and hasp shall be enclosed in a covered three sided box enclo-. iffi[,#trili,1?:"ff"xTtr#';:il*-*#:f#fr"[ilH,i"iT access to the handle and lock. - 2. Alternatively, the padlock hasp may be separate from the handle. The separate padlock hasp shall also be enclosed with a covered three sided I box enclosure. 2,2 TYPE'K"DOOR A. Frame: 1. The frame shall be l/4-inch extruded aluminum, mill finished, with built- in neoprene cushion for the door leafand with strap anchors bolted to the exterior, 2. A bituminous coating shall be factory applied to the exterior of the frame to prevent electrolytic action between the aluminum and the reinforcing steel in the concrete. B. Door Leaf: l. Door leaf shall be l/4-inch aluminum diamond plate reinforced with alu- minum stiffeners as required to withstand a live load of 150 pormds per square foot. 2. The door leaf shall open to 90{egrees and lock automatically in that posi- tion. 3. The hinge direction shall be as shown in the Drawings. 4- The door leaf shall be equipped with a "snap" lock and removable exterior handle "key wrench". C. Hardwme: I I I I T I T I I I o773oo ACCESS HATCHES r0n7l03 l. All hardware shall be stainless steel, Tlpe 302 or 304, including the latch assernbly, hinges, hinge pins, hold open arm, lock strike and all fasteners. 2. The hinges shall be bolted to the underside of the frame and pivot on tor- sion bars that counterbalance the weight ofthe door leaf for easy opera- tion. 3. A vinyl grip handle attached to the hold open arm shall be provided to re- lease the cover for closing. 2.4 COATING SYSTEM FOR TYPE *D" SCUTTLE EXTERIOR SI.JRFACES A. See SECTION 09 91 00 - PAINTING AIID PROTECTIVE COATINGS. B. The color of the exterior surfaces shall be Desert Sand unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. 2.5 GASKET A. Sheet rubber with a Shore A Durometer of 40. See SECTION 33 16 24 - NEOPRENE STIEETPADS. 2,6 CIJRB FLANGE BACKING BAR A. The l/4-inch thick backing angle shall ASTM B 209, B 210 or equivalent. PART3 EXECUTION be fabricated from alumhum meeting 3.I GENERAL A. The scuttles and doors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's in- structions and recommendations and the Drawings. B. A watertight seal is required between the scuttle and the concrete pedestal. Place a fabricated ll2 nch thick x 2-ll2-inch wide neoprene gasket between the scuttle and the concrete pedestal. No more than four joints are permitted in the gasket- Also, joints shall be fabricated to eliminate gaps in the gasket. C. Place the t/.-inch thick x approximately 2-inch wide aluminum angle on top of the curb flange to stiffen the flange and facilitate a tight seal between the scuttle and concrete. Do not over tighten the bolts. D. Sikaflex l-c sealant shall be placed befween the concrete pedestal and the scuttle curb flange using the sheet neoprene gasket as a backerrod. Place sealant on both the inside and outside surfaces. 07 73 00 ACCESS HATCHES I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I tomn3 I , 3,2 IN'TALLATI'N I A. Scuttles l. All wedge style anchor bolt holes shall be drilled when the scuttle is tem- I porarily set in place as a template. I 2. Redrilling of holes or enlarging of holes is not permitted. 3. The stainless steel wedge anchors shall be installed in accordance with the I manufacturet's recommended procedures. I 4. The threads ofthe exposed bolt shall be tack welded or "cross" threaded to prevent removal. ! B. Doors I l. The frame shall be leveled and supported during concrete curb placement. 2. Check shap anchor bolt nut for tightness prior to placing concrete. I 3' ffI:::#"1";T:*""*:m the exposed name and door leaf immediatelv I 3.3 COATING OF EXTERIOR SURFACES OF TYPE "D" SCUTTLES I A. See SECTION 09 91 00 - PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I END OF SECTION T I I t I 07 73 00 I I I I ACCESS HATCHES I B-n44 I sECTroN o7srz3I . BACKERROD I PART1 GENERAL I l.l woRK TNCLUDED I A. The work consists of furnishing and installing closed cell foam backer rod in I iltil'*"ffi;.;fl1?f"r:;.#ctions in accordance with these specifications and f B. See SECTION 07 92 00 - SEALANTS for requirements relating to use with sealants. r 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS t A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) I l. ASTM D1621-TestMethodforCompressivePropertiesofRigid I Cellular PlasticsI 2. fttJllt 1622 - Test Method for Apparent Density of Rigid Cellulm I 3. ASTM D 1623 - Test Method for Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties ' 4. ilTrf,t"t?tf?::/ffi:1T.., orwater vapor rransmission orMateriars | 5, ASTM C 509 - Specification for Elastomeric Cellular Preformed GasketI and Sealing Materials 6. ASTM C 1016 - Test Method for Determination of Water Absorption of I Sealant Backup (Joint Filler) Materialt I.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLINGIil A. Deliver the materials to the project site in the manufacturer's containers with all r labels intact and legible at the time of use. r B. Materials shall be stored in a secure, indoor, dry area. I C. Maintain the filler in a dry condition during delivery, storage, handling andI installation. I r.4 suBMrrrALSI A. Manufacturer's data sheet and installation instructionst I I 07 9123 I BACKERRODI 03-2744 PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 PHYSICALPROPERTIES Physical Property ASTM Test Method Value Density ASTM D 1622 2.0lbs. / cu. Ft. Tensile Strength ASTM D 1623 50 psi Compressive deflection ASTM D 162I 25Vo at 5 ps1 Water absorption ASTM C 1016 0.03 gn / cc Water Absorption ASTM C 509 0.02%bv volume R Value ASTM E 96 3.4 Color Grey 2.2 COMPATIBILITY A. The backer rod shall be compatible with butyl, polysulfide, acrylic, polyurethane and silicone sealant compositions. 2.3 MATERIAL A. The backer rod shall be an extruded round, closed cell, low-density polyethylene foam material with a skinlike outer texture. 2.4 ACCEPTABLEPRODUCTS/MANT'FACTURERS A. lndustrial Thermo Polymers Limited (ITP) closed-cell Polyethylene Foam Backer Rod, 2316 Delaware Avenue, Suite 216, Buffalo, New York 14216 (800) 387- 3847, or equivalent PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL A. Examine the concrete surfaces and correct any surface imperfections that will prevent proper installation and performance of the backer rod- The joint shall be clean, dry and free of obstructions. Backer rod for each joint shall be fumished in a single piece for the full depth, length and thickness required for thejoint. C. Where joints are required, i.e., around a rectangular or circular opening, the backer rod joint shall be made by butting two pieces together. E. Backer rod that is tom or irregular in any manner shall not be used. B. C. I id I I I I l I I T I I I t I I ;I I07 91 23 BACKERROD I 03-2744 I I F. Use a blunt instrument, which will not damage the backer rod, or roller to I uniformly install the backer rod at the proper depth. b 3.2 BACKERRODDIAMETER 'It-'r A. Install the backer rod in accordance with the following table. I I I I t I t I I T I t I t t 07 erz3 Joint Width (Inches) Backer rod size (Inches) 3lr6 t/4 v4 3/8 3t8 U2 l12 5/8 5/8 3/4 314 7t8 718 I I Iu4 l l/8 Iv2 I stg a a 2u2 2 t/2 J 3 l/2 4 END OF'SECTION BACKERROD I 1 .., to-2743 PART 1 SECTION O7 92 OO SEALANTS GENERAL WORKINCLUDED A. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and perforrn all work and services for all sealant work, both exterior and interior where the words caulk, caulking or sealant is shown on drawings or specified, in accordance with provisions of the Conhact Documents, and completely coordinated with work of all other trades. B. Although such work is not specifically indicated, furnish and install all supple- mentary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or neces- sary for a sound, secure and complete installation. QUAIITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) l. ASTM C 509 - Cellular Elastomeric Preformed Gasket and Sealing Mate- rial 2. ASTM C 920 - Elastomeric Joint Sealants 3. ASTM D 1056 - Flexible CellularMaterials - Sponge or Expanded Rubber 4. ASTM D 1565 - Flexible Cellular Materials - Vinyl Chloride Polymers and Copolymers (Open-Cell Foam) B. SWRI (Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration lnstitute) - Sealant and Caulking Guide Specification C. Federal Specification (FS) l. TT-S-0115434' 2. TT-S-00227E(3) 3. TT-S-00230C, Type II, Class A D. Acceptable manufacturers l. Subject to compliance with specifications, products of the following manufacturers are accepted for use: l.l 1.2 I I t I t I I I I t I t I I I I T 07 9200 SEALANTS I10-2743 Potable Water Containment Structures l) Polyurethane sealant: a) Sikaflex - la b) Sikaflex -2c, NS Fire Resistant Sealant for Buildings l) Fire resistant sealant: a) 3-6548 silicone RTV foam by General Elechic Portland Cernent Concrete Pavements l) Dow Coming 888 or 890. 2) Sika, Sikaflex - 15 LM Portland Cement Concrete Curb. Gutter and Sidewalk l) Sikaflex la 2\ Sikaflex - 2c, NS or SL SUBMITTAIS A. Sealants B. MSDS C. Primers QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in accordance with SWRI requirements for materials and installa- tion. Perform work in accordance with sealant manufacturer's requirements for prepara- tion of surfaces and material installation instructions. Maintain one copy of each document on site. b. c. I I I I I I I I T I l I I t II I 1.3 t.4 B, C. 07 9200 SEALANTS I 1G2743 t .. PART2 pRoDucrs t 2.r MATERTALS I A. Color I I 1. Provide colors matching materials being sealed. r, 2' Hffiil:1il:1t:ffLT:ff*:#il"in nnished work' provide manu- !B. T)pe I 1. Provide non-sagging sealant for verticaljoints. Z. Sealants for horizontal joints may be self-leveling. ! C. Filler Compatibility I 1' ff3,:"#"":i###ili,#;T,1':1::# *-oatib'itvwith joint surfaces, I 2. Provide only materials "ornpiitt" with installation conditions. r! D. Field Services | ' l. Obtain sealing compounds only from manufacturers who will, when re- quired, provide services of manufacfurer's field service representatives at I project site for purposes of advising and instructing installers in properI 2 i::T$x,"J#*ffi?ffi#-ffi1Tffi;l';.rensetoowner t E. Compressible Sealants I . Size compressible sealant so that width of material is twice joint width.I F. Sealant Applications I l. One or two component polyurethane. (Exterior and interior use).2. One or two component silicone. @xterior use and interior wet area use.) I 3. Compressible Sealant (where indicated).4. Epoxy Sealants (where indicated). I c. Joint cleaner - l. The joint shall be cleaned as recommended by sealant manufacturer. - H. Joint primer-Sealer I I o7ezoo 3 SEALANTS I G.27-03 t L l. The joint shall be primed as recommended by sealant manufacturer. Bond Breaker 1. Bond breaker material shall be fumished and installed as recommended by sealant manufacturer. Sealant Backer Rod a. Rod stock of polyethylene, polyethylene jacketed polyurethane foam, or other flexible, non-absorbent, non-bituminous material recommended by sealant manufacturer. The backer rod shall; l) Conhol joint depth. 2) Breakbond ofsealant atbottom ofjoint. 3) Provide proper shape of sealant bead to minimize possibil- ity of sealant extrusion. Tape Compressible Sealant 1. Foamed polyurethane strip saturated with polymerized polybutylene rva- terproofing. Foamed polyurethane strip saturated with polymerized polybutylene wa- terproofing coated on front face with non-reactive release agent that will act as bond breaker for applied sealant. Foamed polyurethane strip saturated with polymerized polytutylene wa- terproofing coated on front face with non-reactive release agent that will act as bond breaker for applied sealant. Adhesive for Compressive Sealant 1. Apply adhesive as recommended by sealant manufacturer. EXECUTION I I I t t I I I I I I I I I ;I I 2. J. PART 3 3.1 INSTALLATION 1. 2. Surface Preparation Clean all joint surfaces. Joint walls must be sound, clean dry and, free from oil, grease, and frost. 07 92 00 SEALANTS l 2. B. C. D. I t, T I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 10-2'1{} 3. Curing compound residues and any other foreigrr matter must be thor- oughly removed. 4. Where required to completely clean the joint, the joint shall be mechani- cally cleaned by water or sand blasting. Bond Breaker Installation l. krstall bond breaker or backer rod as specified to regulate depth ofsealant. Areas to be Sealed Seal building and any joints or areas which will permit penetration of moisfure unless sealing work is specifically required under other Sections and/or as shown on the Drawings. Make all joints watertight. Priming l. Where required, prime joint surfaces. 2. Limit application to surfaces to receive caulking. Mask off adjacent sur- faces. Application Use sufficient pressure to fill all voids and joints solid. Apply sealant when joint slot is at the mid-point of its desigrred expansion and contraction. Install sealant with hand or power-operated caulking gun horizontally in one direction and vertically from top to bottom. Aroid overlapping of sealant to eliminate entrapment of air. To facilitate tooling wet concave pointing tool with a diluted soap solu- tion. Apply sealants when the surface and ambient temperature is 40" F or higher and in accordance with the temperature limitations of the manufac- turer. F.Compressible Joint Sealant l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. l. 2. 3. Install compressible sealant in joint to depth recommended by manufac- turer. Take care to avoid contamination of sides ofjoint. Protect side walls ofjoint (to depth of sealant) as recommended by manu- facturer. Install with adhesive on two faces in contact with sides ofjoints. 07 9200 SEATANTS G. CleanUp 1. Dispose of all spillage and refuse sealant material in accordance with ap- plicable regulations. EI\D OFSECTION I I I I I I I I I t I I I I II I07 92 00 I rc-2743 I, I SECTION 09 06 90 FINISII SCHEDULES PART1 GENERAL I r.r woRK I A. The Conhactor shall provide all necessary labor, tools and equipment in I ffi:T.*"" with the applicable product sections to finish the work as described I t.z suBMrrrALS I A. Submittal requirernents are specified in the applicable sections. PART 2 MATERIALS I 2.r .ENERAL I A. Materials and products are specified in applicable sections' PART3 EXECUTION | 3.1 .ENERAL I A' ffJ::nT#:,1;3$:h::li#. and exterior nnish schedure rorrowing this t I THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS BLANK I I I I I t 09 06 eo l FINISH scHEDULE o{ C)() 7t\ l-1 F F-.'l d (-) z I-1 ID F U z Ir.r t-r F (-) tt) o Io U ID CA o z ,:{ e Po (J z I Ia z I I I I I 1 t l I t t I I 5l I z t'. QH(n az rd IlI Fl rrl Ua >i a z E] Or A l-lr{u) AXrYl a rqUz zirl F_1tv F-) tro{ s a{ Gl ,^ Fr atl n.:hx rI]dAY ag ge rrl-= -. l? '\')>-- ri l- rr h l.r vl GI c,) --g()H r56E.E *.EEi.= L., l!. ;J. l',, {,) -\ n. P5 ]j4r-Z Esr k q) E o O c) (\l ,F F 'rc) ! GIu) {)oo a f ct aho a fr. GIA (\t o l-. {.) x rd c) a() o d () o Irl .l lr'l F Uo Ftr a z dnF7 I t, t 03-2543 PART 1 sEcTroN 09 91 00 PAINTING AI{D PROTECTIVE COATINGS GEIYERAL WORKINCLUDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall fimish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment and perform all work and services necessary for all painting as shown on drawings and as specified, in accordance with provisions of the Contract Documents, and completely coordinated with work of all other trades. B. Although such work is not specifically shown or specified, fumish and install all supplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a sound, secwe and complete installation. C. Prime and finish coat new and existing, extemal and internal surfaces unless specifically stated to contrary on Contract Drawings or in this section of specification. D. Paint following elements unless otherwise indicated in Part l.0l E of this specification, SECTION 09 06 90 - FINISH SCHEDULES, or on Contract Drawings: l. Concrete block masonry 2. Poured or precast concrete surfaces 3. Piping and ductwork a. Plain, insulated, or wrapped interior, plplng, valves, fittings, and appurtenances Plain, insulated, or wrapped exterior piping, valves, fittings, hydrants, and appurtenances above ground and inside tankage Plain, insulated or wrapped interior ductwork and appurtenances Plain, insulated or wrapped exterior ductwork and appurtenances Interior pipe conduit and appurtenances Exterior conduit and appurtenances above ground Interior conduit to be painted same as adjacent surface 4. Ferrous metals including steel pipe 5. Woodwork 6. Exterior ofductile iron pipe, fittings and valves 7. New or existing machinery and equipment, including factory finished, except when indicated otherwise 8. Copper and brass surfaces PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS b. c. d. e. f. c. 1.1I I t I I I I I T t T I t I I I 09 91 00 I 9. 10. ll. Galvanized metal work Aluminum flashing, not prefinished Alumimrm buried, built into, fixed to, adjoining dissimilar materials, or any combination thereof Inside of fenous metal water retention or storage stuctures Outside of ferrous metal water retention or storage structure Do notpaint following elements: 12. 13. I t t I I I I I I T I I t t I I I l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. Stainless steel surfaces Aluminum surfaces, except those noted previously Fiberglass surfaces Interior of prpe and ductwork Moving parts of mechanical and electical units Code labels and equipment identification and rating plates 1.2 QUALITY STAI.IDARDS Comply with most current applicable regulations of: 1.American National Standards Institute (ANSD a. Standard Colors for Color Identification and Coding b. Al3.l, Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems American Water Works Association a. C203 Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines - Enamel and Tape - Hot Applied b. C2l0 Liquid Epoxy Coating System for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 3- National Sanitation Foundation (NSF): 6l Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) National Association of Conosion Engineers (NACE): Manual for Painting Safety Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) a. QPI ' Standard Procedure for Evaluating Qualifications of Painting Contractors b. QP2 * Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifications of Painting Contractors to Remove Hazardous Paint c. SP I - Surface Preparation Specification No. l, Solvent Cleaning PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS 4. 5. 6. 1 09 91 00 I 03-25{3 tt d- SP2 - Hand Tool Cleaning e. SP 3 - Power Tool Cleaning I f. SP 5 - White Metal Blast Cleaning I g. SP 6 - Commercial Blast Cteaning h. SP 7 -Brush-OffBlast Cleaning I i. SP 8 -PicklingI j. SP l0-Near White Blast Cleaning k. SP I I Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal I l. Guide No. 3, PA, Guide to Safety in Paint Applicationsq m. Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volumes I and 2 t n. The Inspection of Coatings and Linings 'r B. In addition, sandblasting to confonn to the following standards: r " [:"#:Tl#[ffi"ffii:ffi;Hff" 3. Swedish Pictorial Standard as described in SSPC-Vis I I C. Paint thickness specified are minimum dry mil thickness. Painting coverage rates I in gal. per sq. ft. quoted are based on manufacturer's published theoretical I coverage data less 20%o to arrive at practical coverage usage. ln situations of discrepancy between mill thickness on surface and coverage rates applied, mil I thickness govems. I D. Paint includes fillers, primers, sealers, emulsions, oils, alkyds, latex, enamels, I thinners, stains, epoxies, vinyl's, chlorinated rubbers, coal tars, urethanes, I shellacs, vamishes, and other applied coatings. I E. Subject to compliance with these specifications, products from the followingF manufacturers are accepted for use: I l. Tnemec companyr 2. Koppen Company I F. Furnish protective coating through one manufacturer. For unspecified materialsf such as turpentine or linseed oi1 provide best grade recommended by selected manufacturer. l] G. Paint without NFPA l0l A or B ratings may not be used in exit routes. I 1.3 SUBMTTTALS I I a 09 91 00 3 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE I coATINGS I03-25-03 E. Copies of ANSI Al59.l 1.4 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Applicator: Minimum products. Certified in QPI. of five years' experience in application of specified accordance with Society for Protective Coatings, SSPC- A. Detailed product data sheets, recommended application procedures, and coverages. B. Submit samples in suflicient time for ENGINEER review before painting starts. Step saurples to show preceding coats. l. Prepare minimum 3 inch x 6inch samples on pieces of material used in work, for each type offinish and for each type of coat indicated. 2. ENGINEER reserve option to require physical samples of materials not exceeding one pint. 3. Provide minimun 3 inch x 6-inch color sarnples on Mead Mark I heavy paper. C. Test Reports L Provide test reports of flame spread per ASTM E 84 for paints. Supply for paints requiring ratings per NFPA l0l. Paint without A or B ratings, as required, may not be used in exit routes. 2. Provide performance and chemical test reports. D. Maintenance and Repair manuals. Include recommended scheduling and repainting. (ssPC-sP-r-10). ,d I t I I I l I I I I I I I I I') PATNTTNG AND PR3ff8ffiE t B. Regulatory Requirements: L Meet federal, state and local requirements 2. Perform surface preparation and painting in accordance with recommendations of: a. Paintmanufacturer'sinstructions b. SSPC-PA Guide No. 3, Guide to Safety in Paint Applications I.5 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Comply with SECTION 0l 66 00 - DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING. 09 91 00 I I 03-25{3 B. PART2 Store products in a protected area and maintain temperatures within the range recommended by the manufacturer- MATERIALS C. D. I t I T I I I I T I I t I I I I I 2.1 COLOR SCHEDULES Apply colors in accordance with SECTION 09 06 90 - FINISH SCIIEDIJLES In all rooms and spaces ENGINEER reseryes the right to require that one or more walls be painted a different and contrasting accent color than remaining walls in such room or space. ENGINEER reserve right to select contasting accent colors from entire range of manufacturen color including "deep" colors. This inforrnation is provided so that cost of such painting is included in bid and contract sums. Perform painting of such accent walls at no additional cost to OWNER. Before proceeding with painting, finish one area or item of each color using selected materials. After acceptance, these areas or items will serve as a standard for similar work throughout the building. Paint and color, plain, insulated or wrapped piping, ductwork, conduit, hangers, supports and appurtenances in accordance with OSHA recommendations. Color Coding 1. All exposed piping, valves and fittings in enclosed building or structures, except where such items are subject to submergence in sewage, shall be color-coded. All such piping and pipe covering where piping is covered, shall be painted in accordance with (ANSI): a. Standard Colors for Color Identification and Coding b. Al3.l, Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems 2. Where color bands are indicated the band shall be approximately equal in width to the pipe diameter up to a maximum width of 15" and shall extend all around the pipe. Spacing shall vary with the diameter of the pipe. Spacing shall vary with the diameter of the pipe. Pipe sized 8" or less shall have stripes approximately 6" on centers. Pipes larger in diameter shall be striped at spacing approximately equal to 20 pipe diameters. There shall be not less t}ran one stripe in any lenglh ofpipe. Stripe shall be enamel and shall have sufficient coats to provide complete coverage and bright color. Each stripe shall follow a true and clear-cut line around the entire diameter. PAINTING AND PROTECTTVE COATINGS 09 91 00 I03-25-03 F. Stenciling l. Every piece ofequipment, including gates but not valves, shall be labeled with stenciling. Nomenclature shall match the nomenclature given on the plans or in the specifications. 2. All process pipelines shall be stenciled indicating the pipe contents with an arrow indicating direction offlow. Slencils shall be located at the changes in direction, valves, fittings and not less than 30 feet in shaight runs. 3. In galleries, pump pits and similar spaces, the walls shall be stenciled to indicate the name of the tanlq channel or pit that is adjacent on the other side of the wall. Stencil letters shall vary in heights from one inch to tbree inches as appropriate and shall be either black or white as appropriate. PAINT SYSTEMS A. P:prime coat. Fl, F2... Fn:firstfinishcoat, second finishcoat.... nth finish coat. Where a finish coat of paint is indicated to be at exterior only, it shall be in additional to the other prime and finish coats specified. B. System No. I - Polyamide Epoxy - For ferrous metals located six inches and above submerged areas; or subject to splash, spillage, fumes, or washdown; or both (except galvanized steel, steel doors and frames, and steel windows). Items may includg but not limited to, structural steel, steel stairs, steel plplng, tank or equipment bridges such as clarifier bridges, pumps, and other similar items. I t I I I T I I I T I I t II I Tnemec Pl=66-l2ll I coat,3 mils Fl=Series 66 I coat, 4 mils F2:Series 66 I coat,4 mils F3 at exterior only 70 color I coat, 1.5 mils Koppers Pl=654 I coat, 1.5 mils Fl:200 HB I coat, 6 mils F2:200IIB I coat,4 mils F3 at exterior only Mil C-81773 (As) I coat, 1.5 mils C. System No. 2 - Potable Water Epoxy - For all metal surfaces below a plane one foot above the maximum liquid surface, all metal surfaces above the maximum liquid surface that are part of the immersed equipment, and the following specific surface: inside surfaces ofresersoirvents, piping and supports in a equalizafion basin, clearwell, and backwash holding tanks. Recoat primed surfaces in accordance with manufacturet's recommendations. PAINTING AND PROTECTTVE COATINGS I 09 91 00 Tnemec I t 03-25{3 D. I I T I I T t I I T t I I l T Pl:20-1255 I coat,4-6mils Fl:20FC-2WH02 lcoa\4-6mils Total thickness, 8.0 - 12.0 mils System No. 3 - Polyamide Epoxy - For assembled galvanized steel. System No. 4 - Polyamide Epoxy - For field cut edge of galvanized steel. Tnemec Pl:66-l2l I I coat,3 mils Fl:66 High Build I coat,4 mils F2 at exterior only 70 color 1 coat 1.5 mils Tnemec Pl:90-93 I coat,2.5 mils P2:66-l2rr I coal3 mils Fl:66 HighBuild I coat,4 mils F2 at exterior only 70 color 1 coat, 1.5 mils Tnemec *Pl:37-77 I coat,3 mils Fl-66 High Build I coat, 5 mils F2:66 High Build I coat,4 mils F3 at exterior only 70 color Koppers Pl=200 HB I coat,2 mils FI:2OO HB I coat,6 mils F2 at exterior only Mil C-81773 (As) I coat, 1.5 mils Koppers Pl=Organic Zinc I coat,2 mils FI:2OO HB I coat, 2 mils FZ:ZOOHB I coat,6 mils F2 at exterior only Mil C-81773 (As) I coat, 1.5 mils Koppers *Pl:Pug Primer I coat, 1.5 mils FI:2OO HB I coat, 6 mils F2:2AOHB I coat, 4 mils F3 at exterioronly Mil C-81773 (As) t I F.System No. 5 - Polyamide - For steel doors and frames. PAINTING AND PROTECTTVE COATINGS 09 91 00 0!:2543 G. 1 coat. 1.5 mils I coat, 1.5 mils * Repair of factory primer. System No. 6 - Polyamide Epoxy - For copper and brass. Tnemec Pld6 HighBuild I coat,2 mils Fld6HighBuild I coat,3 mils F2d6 High Build I coaL 3 mils F3 at exterior only 70 color I coat, 1.5 mils Tnemec P1:66 HighBuild I coat, 6 mils Koppers Pl=40 I coat, 0.5 mils Fl:200 HB I coat,4 mils F2:200 HB I coat,4 mils F3 at exterior only Mil C81733 (As) I coat 1.5 mils Koppers Pl:200 HB I coat,6 mils I I I System No. 7 - Polyamide Epo*y - For aluminum buried, in concrete, adjoining other metals or materials not exposed, only below liquid level. I I I I t I I I I I System No. 8 - Polyauride Epo*y - For aluminum exposed to view that is specifically indicated to be finished. For exterior of Bilco scuttle curb and door leaves. Aluminum surfaces to be lightly sanded before application of prime coat. Tnemec Pl:66 High Build I coat, 3.0 - 5.0 mils Fl=66 High Build I coat,2.0 - 3.0 mils FZ:73 Endura Shield Desert Sand I coat,4.0 - 6.0 mils Total thickness I1.0 - 13.0 mils PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I 09 91 00 I I J.SystemNo.9-Polyamide prefinished. Tnemec Pl:66 HighBuild I coat,4 mils Fl=70 color I coat, 1.5 mils System No. 10 - Polyamide materials. Tnemec Pl-6 High Build 1 coat,2 mils Fl=66 High Build I coat 4 mils F3 at exterior only 70 color I coat, 1.5 mils System No. ll - Polyamide Epoxy pipe' Tnemec Plr Fl=Series 66 I coal 4 mils F2:Series 66 I coat,4 mils F3 at exterior only 70 color I coat, 1.5 mils Epoxy - For aluminum flashing, not Koppers Pl=200IIB I coat 4 mils Fl:Mil-C-81733 (As) I coag 1.5 mils Epoxy - For bituminous coated pipe and Koppers Pl-Tar Stop I coat, 1.2 mils P2=Tar Stop I coat, 1.2 mils FI:2OO HB I coat,4 mils F3 at exterior only Mil-C-81773 (As) I coat, 1.5 mils - For compatible finish pre-primed Koppers Pl* F1:200 HB I coat,4 mils F2:2OO HB I coat,4 mils F3 at exterior only Mil-C-81773 (As) I coat, 1.5 mils I I I I I I I I D I I I I I I I I * Repair factory primer, if primer is not compatible apply two mils rmiversal barrier coat. PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS 09 91 00 03-2543 System No. 12 - Polyamide Epoxy - For insulated pipes and duct surfaces. N.SystemNo. 13 - Polyamide Epo*y - Forplastic including PVC surfaces. I I I t I I I I t o. T I I I tI T Tnemec Pl--66 HicbBuild I coat, 4 mils Fl:66 Hich Build 1 coat,4 mils F2 at exterior only 70 color I coat. 1.5 mils Tnemec Pl-'66-12ll I coat 2 mils Fl:66 High Build I coat,3 mils F2 at exterior only 70 color I coat, 1.5 mils Koppers Pl:200 HB I coat,4 mils Fl:200 FIB 1 coar,4 mils F2 at exterioronly Mil C81773 (As) I coat, 1.5 mils Koppers Pl:107 I coat, 2 mils Fl=200 HB I coat,4 mils F2 at exterior only Mil C-81773 (As) I coat, 1.5 mils System No. 14 - Aliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane - For exterior surfaces offabricated steel vents for water storage reservoirs. Tnemec Pl:27 polyamide epoxy I coat" 4.0 - 6.0 mils color - light gray P2=27 polyarnide epory I coat,2.0 - 3.0 mils color - desert sand F I =73 aliphatic acrylic polyurethane I coat, 2.0 - 3-0 mils color - desert sand total thickness: 8.0 12.0 mils PAINTING A}ID PROTECTTVE COATINGS I 09 91 00 l0 I I 03-25{3 P-System No. 15 - Polyamide Epoxy - For exposed concrete poured and precast surface (other than prefinished panels) indicated to be "painted" in the room frnish schedule.I I I I I I I t I t I I t I I I I a.System No. 16 - Polyamide Epoxy - For interior concrete block masonry. Tnemec P1:66 Hieh Build I coat,2 mils Fl=66 High Build 1 coat, 5 mils F2d6 High Build 1 coat,5 mils F3 at exterior only Tnemec Pl=54-562 I coat 100 sflgaUcoat Fl:Series 66 I coat,4-6 mils F2=Series 66 I coat,4-6 mils SystemNo. 17 - Gypsum wallboard Tnemec Pt:51-792 lcoat, l-2mils Fl:Series 6 I coal"2-3 mils F2:Series 6 I coal2-3 mils Koppers Pl=200 HB I coat,2 mils Fl:200IIB I coat,5 mils FZ--aWWS I coat,5 mils F3 atexterioronly Koppers Pl-Concrete & Pl:Block Filler Masonry Filler I coat I coat Fl:200 HB I coal 2 mils F2:200 HB I coat,5 mils F3:200 HB I coat, 5 mils Pittsbwgh Speedhide 6-2 I coat, I -2mils Fl:Speedhide 6-70 I coat,2-3 mils F2:Speedhide 6-70 lcoat.2-3mils PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS 09 91 00 ll I03-25{3 Pl=39-1061 I coat, I mil Fl:39-1061 I coal l mil Pl=39-661 l coat, I mil Fl:39-661 I coat, I mil Pt:37-77 I coat,2.5 mils Fl:Series 43-38 I coat, I mil Tnemec Pt:37-77 P1=TTP28E-AL I coat, I mil FI:TTP28E.AL I coat, I mil Pl=TTP28E-AI I coat, I mil FI-TTP28E-AL I coat, I mil PI:TTP28E r'r 1 coat, I mil FI:TTP28E-AL I coat, I mil Koppers Pl:Plug Primer S.System No. l8 - Acrylic - For wood surfaces. Tnemec Pl=36 I coat, 2.0 - 3.0 mils Fl:Series 6 I coat,2.0-3.0mils F2:Series 6 I c,oat,2.0 - 3.0 mils System No. 19 - Varnish - (Not Used). System No. 20 - For high temperatwe piping and equipment surfaces. Tnemec Koppers Not greater than 900o F- continuous. (Heat resistant aluminum). I I I I I I I I I T. U. T I I I II I V. Not greater than 600o F. continuous. (Heat resistant aluminum). Not greater than 350" F. continuous (Alkyd) System No. 21 - Aluminum - For touching up pipe threads where other finishes are not required. Not used unless specifically noted. PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I 09 91 00 12 I I I I coat,2 mils Fl:43-38 I coat 1.5 mils Tnemec Pl=37-77 I coat,2.5 mils Fld6 Series I coat, 5 mils F2 at exterior only 70 color I coat, 1.5 mils INSTALLATION I coat, 1.5 mils Fl:501 I coat,2 mils Koppers Pl=Plug Primer I coat,2 mils Fl=200 HB I coat, 5 mils F2 at exterior only Mil-C-81773 (As) I coat, 1.5 mils w.System No. 22 - Polyamide Epoxy - For field painting of factory finished equipment including, but not limited to unit power centers, motor control centers, switchgear, power transfonners, lighting panels, control panels, motors, and gears. Factory applied coats to remain. I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I PART 3 3.1 SI.JRFACE PREPARATION General l. Prepare existing and new intemal and extemal surfaces requiring paint and make sound, clean and free of harmful scale, rust, dust, dirt, oil, loose paint, grease, moisture and other foreip matter. Remove gtease, oil or soap accumulations by means of suitable solvents or by thorouglr washing of surface with clean water. 2. Scrape out damaged paint and rust pits back to sound material using scaling hammers, chisels, scrapers, hand or power operated tools. 3. Strip bubbled, cracked, crazed or otherwise defective paint with hand or power tools and buming, or sandblasting. Flatten gloss paint with sandpaper. Leave surfaces suitable to receive designated finishes. 4. Provideprotectiontopreventdustpenetration. 5. Remove by brush, air blast, or vacuum cleaner shot or grit. Do not contaminate sandblasted cleaned surfaces prior to painting. 6. Prepare and prime prior to installation elements of construction closer than 4 inches to structures or as required for proper preparation after installation. Apply final coating whenever possible after installation. 7. Prepare swfaces not specifically listed to standards set in this section and to standards required to suit printed instructions of selected paint manufacturer. 13 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS 09 91 00 I03:2543 B.Ferrous Metals l. Ensure fabrication, welding or burning is completed prior to sandblasting operation. Chip or grind off flrx, spatter, slag or other laminations left from welding. Remove mill scale. Grind smooth rough welds and other sharp projections. Near-white blast clean in accordance with SSPC-SPI0 fenous metals located in submerged areas and to six inches above liquid level, or areas subject to splash, spillage, or fumes. Commercial blast clean in accordance with SSPC-SP6 ferrous metals locakd six inches above submerged areas and area not subject to splaslq spillage, or fumes. ENGIMER reserves right to accept preparation of these surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP3 for areas not practical or possible to sandblast to SSPC-SP6- Near-white blast clean in accordance with SSPC-SPI0 metals subject to high heat and metals to receive heat-resistant coatings. Prepare galvanized metal with vinyl wash primer in accordance with instructions of manufacturer of vinyl wash prirner, primer and finish coats. Prime abrasive blasted surface within eight hours or prior to rust bloom. Prepare surfaces according to prescribed conditions above for equipment that does not have primer coat compatible with paint system and reprime with compatible primer. Copper and Brass l. Remove flux residue from joints and sand to remove oxides. 2. Solvent clean in effort comparable to SSPC-SPI with xylol' 3. Prepare copper and brass with vinyl wash primer in accordance with instructions of manufacturer of vinyl wash primer, primer, and finish coats. Aluminum l. Solvent clean in effort comparable to SSPC-SPI with alcohol phosphoric acid. 2. Brush blast in effort comparable to SSPC-SP7 or acid etch in accordance with instruction of primer manufacturer. 3. Prepare aluminum metal with vinyl wash primer in accordance with instructions of manufacturer of vinyl wash primer, primer, and finish coats. Plastic l. Solvent clean in effort comparable to SSPC-SPI with butyl cello- solve followed by mineral spirits. PAINTING AND PROTECTTVE COATINGS 3. I I I I I I I I 4. 5. 6. 7. c. D. t I t I I II ! I 09 91 00 t4 It 03-2s-03 - I 2- Roughen surfaces. t 3. Final surface preparation as per primer manufacturer. t F. Concrete Block Masonry I l l. Do not apply paint until moisture content of joints and masonry falls below 8%. r 2. Apply block filler on exposed surfaces to produce uniform surface. G. Poured or precast concrete surfaces (excluding prefinished precast panels).tfI'I l. Brush blast in effort comparable to SSPC-SP7 to remove loose concrete r and laitance, andto provide tooth for bonding. il 2. Surfaces to be clean, dry and free from curing compounds, oils, grease,I dirg previous coating, or other foreign material. I 3. Concrete to be cured for minimum of 28 days. Moisture content to be less I than 8% before painting. I H. Wood I l. Sand to smooth even surfaces, and fill voids and open grain areas with t wood filler. Resand to ensure filling matches wood surface. J 2. Seal knots and resins with orange shellac. A I. Factory finished equipment I 1. Solvent clean in effort comparable to SSPC-SPI. I 2. Spot primer damaged areas on existing coatings. Lightly sand and wipeI clean before painting. I J. hsulated pipe and ductworkt r l. Remove powder, surplus adhesive and size. I/ 3.2 SANDBLASTINGPROCEDI.]RES I A. Provide personnel protection in accordance with OSHA Standards.g I B. Do not conduct sandblast operation on surfaces that will be wet after blasting and I beforepainting. I C. Apply primer to sandblasted surface same day as blast and before rusting occurs. I Reblast surfaces allowed to set overnight prior to priming. r 09 91 00 15 PAINTINGANDPROTECTIVE I COATINGS 03-25{3 D. Sand shall be fresl\ water washed, with controlled particle size, and high silica content sand. Enzure sand has sharp angular surfaces to insure fast, positive cleaning action with minimum of dusting when used to blast clean metal surfaces, and contains no clay particles or other extraneous matter. E. Have profile depth of sandblast surface not less than one mil, or greater than two mils. F. Compressed air for blasting to be free of water and oil. Provide accessible sq)amtors and taps. G. Confine sandblast sand to area being prepared. Provide shields ofpolyethylene sheeting or other such barriers to conline sand. Place tents over rotating equipment near sandblasting operation for protection. H. Reblast surfaces not meeting specifications at no additional cost to OWNER. I. Protect nameplates, valve stems, rotating equipment, motors and other items that may be damaged from blasting. J. Do not reuse sandblasting material. K. Plug pipes, holes or openings before sandblasting. Keep plugged until sandblast operation is completed and sand is removed. 3.3 PRIME COAT A. Unless primer coats are removed by sandblasting or as required in this specification, primer coats specified in painting systems are in lieu of shop applied primers. Touch up damaged primer coats prior to finish coats. B. Primer ferrous metals bedded in concrete to minimum of one inch below exposed surfaces. C. After wood primer is thoroughly dry apply coating of shellac reduced with equal parts of methylhydrate to knots, pitch and sapwood. D. Remove powder, surplus adhesive and size from insulated pipe surfaces. E. Ensure prime coatings are compatible with finish coatings. If prime coating is not compatible apply a universal barrier coat of two mils thickness prior to finish coats, or remove prirner coat and reprime. F. Back prime wood trim before installation. 16 PAINTING AND PROTECTTVE COATINGS I .f I I I I I I I t I I I I z\/ T I I I09 91 00 F. G. 3.4 t T I I I I I I T I t I I I t I I I I APPLICATION A. Apply paint using skilled and competent tradesmen, proper tools and application techniques for different aspects ofwork. Protect machinery, electrical panels and motors, couplings, and other equipment that may be damaged by paint operations. Clean offpaint spots and splashes on areas not designated to receive paint as work proceeds- B. Brush, spray or roller, apply in strict accordance with selected painting manufacturer's published recommendations for each paint system primer and finish coats. C. Use clean brushes, spray equipment and rollers and in condition and of type to suit exigencies of Contract. D. Ensure mixing, thinning, pot life, application procedure, equipment, coverage, curing, recoating, storage and number of coats are in accordance with this specifi cations and coating manufacturer's insFuctions. E. Avoid degradation and contamination of blasted surfaces and avoid intercoat contamination. Clean contaminated surfaces before applying next coat. Ensure method of cleaning contaminated surface follows manufactureds recommendation. Protect all equipment and previously painted surfaces with drop cloths. Work each application of material into comers, crevices, joints and other difficult to work areas, and distibute evenly over flat surfaces. Allow coated surfaces to cure prior to allowing traffic or other work to proceed which might darrage finished surface. Have spraying operation conform to following procedures: l- Have spray equipment to be used for each application ofparticular coating available for inspection. 2. Place operative moisture trap between air supply source and application equipment. Bleed water continuously from moisture trap. 3. Ensure air source is suffrcient to provide continuous volume of 20 CFM air at each gun nozde at 80 psi for applying coatings by conventional spray technique. When coatings are applied by airless spray technique, ensure input pressure to pump is such to produce uniform spray patterns. 4- For spraying applications, provide regulators and gauges in good working order on both air and material lines. Use operating pressrues compatible for particular paint. I'1 PAINTING AND PROTECTTVE COATINGS 09 91 00 I03-25{3 Keep dry overspray to minimum. Spray nozzle to be a minimum of 8 inches to a maximum of 18 inches from zubstate during application of paint. J. Do not paint when surface temperature being painted is less than 5o F. above dew point, when relative humidity is greater than 85olo, when wind velocity is above 15 mplr, when surface temperatue is less than 50" F or greater than 140" F. unless precautions accepted by ENGINEER are taken. Provide adequate ventilation and keep temperature constant to prevent condensation. Do not apply primer closer than six inches to a nonblasted area. Ensure sandblasting operation does not result in embedment of sand particles in paint film. L. Paint coats are intended to cover surfaces to mil thickness specified. Ifsurfaces are not covered adequately by this thickness, apply additional coats as required at no additional cost to OWNER. M- Brush out iuunediately runs or sags, or remove and recoat entire surface. N. Brush or spray bolts, welds, sharp edges and difficult access areas with primer prior to primer spray application O. Apply zinc-rich primers under continuous agitation. P. Clean equipment at completion of each painting operation while material is still wet or uncured. Flush fluid hoses and guns at completion of each painting operation. a. Maintain current schedule showing when work or respective coats of paint in various areas is to be completed. R. Assure hardware and accessories, plates, fixtures, finished work, and sirnilar items are removed or protected. S. Paint surfaces prior to installation on items that cannot be'properly prepared after installation. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION A. Provide access to work for ENGINEER and painting manufachuer while work is being performed. 18 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS 5. 6. K. I I I I I I I l I I I t I I II t 3.5 09 91 00 I 03-25-03 l,) t I I T I I I I I 3.6 B. ENGINEER to observe prepared surfaces before primer and successive coats are applied. ENGINEER reserves right to waive any or all observance if previous work meets specified quality standards. C. Have measurements of paint dry film thickness made with Mikrotest gauge calibrated against National Bureau of Standards "Certified Coating Thickness Calibration Standards' in presence of ENGINEER. ENGINEER may measure paint thickness at any time during project to ensure conformance with specification. D. Ensure finished work is free ofabrasions and uniform in color and appearance. E. Provide wet film thickness gauges. Monitor work of painters and blasters. Provide temperature gauge and detemrine surface temperature of items to be blasted or painted. Provide humidrty gauge to monitor humidity at all times. F. Replace or repair worlc, materials or equipment not meeting these Specifications. PROTECNON AND CLEANI.JP A. Protect work of other tades, against damage by painting and finishing work. Leave all such work undamaged. Clean, repair or replace, and repaint any damaged areas i directed by ENGINEER. B. Provide "Wet Paint" signs as required. C. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others for protection of their work after completion of painting. Clean all window glass and other paint spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by proper methods of washing and scraping. Do not damage finished surfaces. D. On job completion remove all sand, debris, and rubbish, and repair or clean surfaces that are marred or spotted with other paint. E. Remove any surplus materials, scaffolding, and debris. EIID OX'SECTION 19 PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS I I I I I I t t 09 91 00 I r I sEcrIoN 260913 ELECTRJC, COMMUNICATION CONDUITS, AND GAS SYSTEMS I PARTI GENERAL I 1.OT DESCRIPTION I A. Work Included: Excavation, rock excavation, blasting, rock disposal, dewatering, backfill, I bedding, compaction, installation ofconduits, vaults, pads and all necessary appurtenances and coordination with the telephone, cable television, electric and gas companies. I B. Related Work: 1. Site Clearing: Section 02 40 00 I 2. TopsoilandRevegetation: Section32900O I C. Definitions: l. Trench Excavation: Excavation ofall material encountered along trench other than rock I excavation. a 2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by ar |;:Hfir::Li11;;tfiJ'1fJ#lfiJilltrlfflcurring rorce and stick crowd rorce I D. Utility Company Specifications: All work shall conform to the standard specifications of the telephone company, the cable television company, the electric company and the gas company. I L02 suBMrrrAlsI A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction materials for I pipe, fittings, and vaults; or certifications that products conform with specifications. B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials, concrete mix design, and compression test. I C. Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for project. r T.O3 JOB CONDITIONS I Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending t air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat, falls below 35 degrees F, and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 I degrees F at time of placing. I I I 26 09 13 I Electric, Communication and I Gas SYstems I PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): 2"-8", Schedule 40 PVC. Electric rated for electric application. B. Electric primary conduit supplied by Holy Cross Enerry. C. Gas pipe to be supplied and placed by gas company- 2.02 VAULTS All switchgear, transformer, splice vaults, pads, and bases to be supplied by Holy Cross Enerry' 2.03 BEDDING A. Granular material - 3l4" screened rock. B. On-site l-l/2" minus well graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks ofsoil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials. Use of on-site bedding material must have prior written approval ofthe utility company and Engineer' 2.04 CONCRX,TEMATERJAL A. Generat: All materials fumished from sources agreed to by the Utility Companies' B. Cement: ASTM C- I 50 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set or contains lumps ofcaked cement shall be rejected' C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. D. Water: Waler used in mixing or curing conuete sball be clean and fiee fiom oil acids, salt, alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete' 2.05 CONCRETE MIX A. Design Mix 1. ProPortions: Cement 5-12 sacks Per cubic Yard Coarse aggregate - 43Yo Water - 5.5 gallons Per sack Maximum size aggregate - 3/4" 2. Slump: 4" maximum 3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days 4. Air Content: 5% - 1oh Electric, Communication and Gas Svstems '31 I t t I T I t I I t T I I I I I I26 09 t3 I I I t I I I I I I I t I I t I t I I PART 3 Job-Mixed Concrete Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than ten (10) minutes after all materials are in drum. Ready Mixed Concrete Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected. EXECUTION 3.OI TRENCHING A, Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits' B. Rock Excavalion: Prior to removal, noti$ Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: In general, blasting witl be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the local authority havingjurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be fansported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and federal govemments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and alt liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance with the permit of the local authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24 hour notification to Owner, Engineer and Fire Department. D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for as required by the most recent standards adopted by ttre Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be detrimenlal to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities, to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item. 3.02 UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse. vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Enpineer. Electric, Communication and Gas Systems 2609 t3 I 3,03 BEDDING Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 3" below bottom of pipe to centerline for entire width of trench. 3.04 UNDERDRAIN A. Water seeping from trench banks, but not flowing in trench bottom: Install gravel underdrain in accordance with drawings. B. Water flowing in bench bottom: Install underdrain pipe in addition to gravel where water volume will fill a 4" pipe l/4 full. Cleanouts at each manhole in conformance with drawings' c, Dayligbt all underdrains as shown on drawings or as directed by Engineer. 3.05 PIPE INSTALLATION A. Construct pipe accurately to line and grade shown on drawings. Remove and replace pipe not conforming to line and grade at Contractor's expense' B. lnstall to manufacturefs recommendations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgrade. hior to making joints, clean and dry all surfaces. Use lubricants in conformance with manufacture/s recommendations for insertion of pipe in joint. Set pipe in position and check line and grade' Keep dirt from entering all exposed pipe ends. Joints watertight' 3.05 PADSAND VAULTS Install pads and vaults to line and grade shown on drawings' 3.07 PULL STRING pull string shall be labeled to identi$ which utility company or sPare conduit the use of the conduit is intended for. 3.08 CONCRETE WORK A. placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly m possible in order to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockels. Well vibrated and tamped against forms' B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, and flowing water, for not less than two days fiom placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer. protect exposed edge of concrete slabs exposed by removing forms immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment. Electric, Communication and Gas Systems I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I t T 26 09 t3 I I I I t I I T I I I t I t t I I I I 3.09 BACKFILL A. One Foot Over Pipe: lJse 314" screened rock or on-site screened material (if approved by Engineer) for cover material and backfilt by approved mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding extending upwards to above top of pipe for entire fench width. Place in lifts to a density of 90% AASHTO T99. B, Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable' No rocks over 6" in diameter in top 12" oftrench. No backfill material with rocks larger than 12" in diameter. Carefully lower rocks up to 12" in diameter into trench' 3.IO COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform densify throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until providing one acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches: l. Predominantly of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable: Compacted uniformly throughout each lift to 95% AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. 2. Predominately of rock 12" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large slones well distributed with voids completety filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, orgravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and fmer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3. Trenches ouside road right-of-way: Compact to 95% AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within2Vo of oPtimum. 3.II PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with cutting wheel to creale clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side oftrench- After trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with permit requirernents, or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to 95olo AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate concrete with vibrators. 3.12 FIELD QUALTTY CONTROL A. Notifo Engineer atleast24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until observed by Engineer. Notif Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Testins Electric, Communication and Gas Systems 2609 t3 I l. General: Conduct testing in accordance with procedures approved by the appropriate .11 utility company or as directed by engineer- ,' cLEAr{uP AND RESTORATION I Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other shuctures or surfaces to condition equal io or better than before worf began, and to satisfaction ofEngineer. Deposit Iall waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. Complete topsoil and resieding of site, is required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of ail waste material offsite' I END OF SECTION I T I I I I t I I I T I I Electric't"-'"axti:,:f, I2609 13 I or-28{3I SECTION 264200r sAcRrFrcIALAxoDE cATHoDIcpRorEcrIoN I PARTI GENERAL I 1.1 WORKTNCLUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment and t perform all work necessary for complete and operational sacrificial anode ca- thodic protection system(s) for facilities such as ductile iron piping, steel piping, steel tank bottom, and steel pump station as shown on the Drawings and specified r herein. I 1.2 REFERENCED STANDARDS: I A. The cathodic protection installation shall comply with applicable requirement codes, laws, and ordinances of Federal, State, and local bodies having jurisdiction. I B. The cathodic protection systems shall comply with the National Association of Conosion Engineers (NACE) RP-01-69 latest revision. I C. Ductile iron pipe polyethylene encasement shall comply with AWWA Standard- C105, "Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Piping for Water ! and Other Liquids". I 1.3 SUBMTTTALS:r A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items for approval: t l. CategoryI: a. Sacrificial Anodest b. Test Stations and Shuntsr I E::h"#llH,,i,Y31',T"1,?'ii ''*,I e. Wire Splice Connectors and Splice Sealhg Kits f. Exotherrnic Weld Equipment and Materials r f;: il:fi"iltr?i*"ryrlti,"fil%""-piece Sreeve and washers i. Plaslic Waming Marker Tape r 2. Category II: r a. Record Drawings t SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTIONI26 42 00 I T T I t I T I t I I I I I I I I I B. B. 2.2 0l -28{3 PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL Unless otherwise specified, all materials and equipment shall be of domestic (USA) manufacture and shall be of the best quality used for the purpose in com- mercial practice. STANDARD PRODUCTS A. Materials and products submitted for approval shall be a product of a manufac- turer regularly engaged in the manufacture ofthe product, shall meet the require- ments of the specifications and essentially duplicate materials that have been in satisfactory use for at least two years prior to the bid opening. CONDUCTORS Test Station l. Test station wires shall be #12 AWG and #8 AWG single conductor, stranded copper and may have any of the following insulation types: RIIW.RHH oTXHIIW. 2. Wire color-coding shall be as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. Joint Bond l. Joint bond wires shall be #4 AWG single conductor, stranded copper ca- thodic protection cable with Type HMWPE insulation. 2. The HMWPE insulation shall comply with ASTM D 1248 and shall be high molecular weight polyethylene, Type I, Class C, Grade 5. 2.4 WIRE SPLICE CONNECTIONS Splice Connectors 1. All splices of anode wires or of test station wires shall be made using a copper, crimpit type connector. Splice Sealing 1. Splices of anode or test station wires (if applicable) shall be sealed using Royston "MINI SPLICE-RITE" cathodic protection splice kits or two half-lapped layers of Scotch l30C followed by two halfJapped layers of Scotch 88 tape SACRIFICIAL ANODE cArHoDrc PROTECTToN t 26 42 00 B. C. B. C. I I I I T I t I I I I T I I I t I I I 0 | .28{3 2.5 EXOTHERMIC WELDS All electrical cable connections to the buried piping shall be made by an exother- mic weld. Exothermic type weld materials including the proper size and type of weld car- tridges and welder molds for use on steel or ductile iron pipe shall be by Erico Products Inc. "CADWELD" or Burndy 'THERMOWELD" or other approved equal. Weld metal for ductile-iron pipe shall be )(F-19 alloy and weld metal for steel pipe shall have a *CA" designation. Copper sleeves specifically designed for the purpose shall be crimped on all bare wire ends prior to exothermic welding to improve mechanical strength and ther- mal capacity. 2.6 EXOTHERMIC WELD COATING Exothermic weld coatings for ductile iron pipe shall be a cold applied compound such as Koppers "Bitumastic 50", Royston Mfg. "Roskote A,51", or equal. All exposed ductile iron pipe and fittings shall also be encased with polyethylene wrap per AWWA C105. The polyethylene film shall be Type I, Class A, Grade E-l in accordance with ASTM D 1248. Exothermic weld coatings for steel pipe shall be a cold applied compound such as Koppers "Bilumastic 50", Royston Mfg. "Roskote A5l n, or equal. In addition, all exothermic welds on steel pipe shall be covered with a weld backfill shield com- posed of a plastic weld cap specifically made for the purpose and installed in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's directions. The weld caps may be prefilled with mastic by the manufacturer or may be filled in the field with mastic according to the manufactwer's directions. Prefilled weld caps shall be Royston "Handicaps" or equal. 2.7 TEST STATIONS Type l. Cathodic protection test stations shall be flush-to-ground type Christy G5 Traffic Valve Box (10 3/8" ID x 12") with a cast-iron lid with *CP TEST' permanently printed on its center. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION 26 4200 0l-28-03 I 2.8 B. Terminal Board l. Each test station shall be fumished with a 3/16 inch thick plastic or rein- forced laminate terminal block with minimum dimensions measuring three x four inches. 2. The terrninal block shall be equipped with five l/4-inch diameter by l- inch long brass studs with double brass nuts, flat washers, and lock wash- ers. 3. Test stations shall be equipped with Con Mfg. 0.01 ohm - 8 ampere shunt (color code - yellow) as shown on the Drawings. Exception: shunt not required at test stations designated as Insulating Fitting or Pipe Casing tlpe test stations. WIRE AND CABLE MARKERS A. All test station and wires shall be identified using nonmetallic marker tags. B. Marker tags for wire and cables shall be of an opaque nylon material arranged to include a marking area, nomeleasing holding device, and cable fastening tail simi- lar to Panduit Corporation "Pad No' PLFIMA". C. The marker board shall not be less than 1.0 inches (W) by 0.75 inches (L) and 25 mils thick with one side roughened to hold black nylon marking ink from a fine tip pen similar to Panduit Corporation "Part No. PFX" or 3M Corporation "ScotchCode SMP". Identification shall be permanent and waterproof. D. The marker-holding device shall be designed io allow the fastening tail to pass around the cable and through the holding device so that removal of the cable marker can be accomplished only by cutting it loose from the cable. INSULATING FITTINGS A. Electrical isolation shall be accomplished through the use of insulating pipefit- tings as shown on the Drawings. l. Type a. lnsulating mechanical couplings (lMC) shall be Dresser Style 39- 62 or aPProved equal. b. Insulating flange kits shall consist of full-faced gaskets, nonmetal- lic one-piece bolt sleeves and washers, and steel backing washers. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION I t I t I I I I I t I I I I 2.9 I t I26 42 00 I l) I 0l-2843 2. Insulating flange Kits a. Insulating Gaskets shall be Type E (Full Face) Pyrox lE glass rein- forced epoxy or phenolic laminate, 1/8 inch thick, with Buna-N sealing element and shall be rated for the working pressure of the pipe flange. b. Insulating bolt sleeves shall be one-piece plastic sleeve and wash- ers made of Minlon or acetyl resin. Two piece insulating sleeves consisting of a separate non-metallic sleeve and washers are not acceptable. c. Backing washers shall be cadmium plated steel, l/8 inch thick, two for each flange bolt. 3. Restrained IMC a. In the event an IMC is restained using tie rods, each tie rod shall be insulated using one-piece rod insulating sleeve and washers and steel backing washers. 2,IO PLASTIC WARNING MARKERTAPE Waming tape shall be a 6-inch wide, 4-mil thick, yellow plastic tape with the words "CAUTION CATHODIC PROTECTION CABLE BURIED BELOW" permanently printed on the tape. The tape shall be resistant to alkalis, acids, and other destnrctive agents com- monly found in soils. 2.11 SACRIFICIALANODES Dimensions of the magnesium anodes shall conform to the dimensions for stan- dard sizes ofanodes and ofthe weights specified. All magrresium anodes shall be cast around a galvanized steel core (flat strap or spring) and be made of high potential magnesium alloy conforming to the fbllow- ing compositions by weight: B. B. I t I T I t I I I I t I I I I I Aluminum Manganese Zinc Copper Nickel Iron 0.01% Max. 0.50% Min. to 1.30% Max. 0.005% Max. 0.02Yo Max. 0.001% Max. 0.03% Max, Other Impurities 0.05% Each Max. Other Impurities 0.30% Total Max. Magnesium Balance SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION 264200 0t-2843 PART 3 I c. D. E. CONTRACTOR shall fumish spectrographic analyses or a letter of compliance on samples from each heat or batch ofanodes used on this project. Sacrificial anodes shall be provided with specific backfill in a permeable cloth sack. Anodes shall be centered in the backfill material. The weight and nominal dimensions of the packaged anode shall be as follows: 32 lb. bare anode (5.0" x 6.0'x 4.4" xl7') = approx.74lb. packaged (8" Dia. X 26"L) The anode package backfill material shall consist of75 percent gypsum, 20 per- cent bentonite, and 5 percent sodium sulfate, and shall be of the quick wetting fype. All anodes shall be shipped and stored in waterproofbags or wrapping and shall be AMAX "MaxMag", Dow "Galvomag" or equal. Sacrificial anode lead wires shall consist of #12 AWG Type USE-2 OR RHW-2, black insulated stranded copper wire. Lead wires shall be a minimum of 30 feet in length. The lead wires shall be connected to the galvanized steel core ofthe anode by silver soldering and this connection shall be sealed with a waterproof epoxy or electrical potting compound. EXECUTION I I I I I I t I F. G. 3.1 GENERAL The cathodic protection system shall be installed in compliance with the applica- ble portions of NACE Standard RP-01-69 latest revision. All materials and equipment shall be in accordance with the directions of the manufacturer to conforrn to the specification documents. 3.2 SACRIFICIAL ANODE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR shall procure, store and install high potential magnesium anodes as indicated herein. Anodes shall have approved waterproofing protection at all times prior to installa- tion. Damaged anodes or anode wires shall not be used and replacement anodes installed instead. Anode waterproofing protection shall be removed before in- stalling the anode. The specified high potential magnesium anodes shall be installed at the locations indicated herein. Anode locations or spacing may be adjusted slightly to clear I I I I I I I I B. A. B. c. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODTC PROTECTTON I 26 4200 I 0l-2t-03 l) I t t I other buried or topographical obstructions with prior approval of the OWNER's representative. D. The specified magnesium anodes shall be installed completely dry and shall be lowered into the excavated (augured or otherwise) holes as shown on the Draw- ings by rope sling or by grasping the cloth gather. The anode lead wire shall not be used in lowering the anodes. The anode shall be backfilled with fine native excavated soil (imported sand or other select backfill shall not be allowed) in six- inch layen and each layer shall be hand tamped around the anode. Care must be exercised not to strike the anode or lead wire with the tamper. After the anode has been backfilled approximately halfuay, a minimum of ten gallons of fresh water shall be added and allowed to soak into and around the anode. After water absorption by the anode and surrounding soil, continue backfilling and tamping with native soil to a point approximately six inches above the anode. Add another ten gallons minimum of fresh water and allow to soak into the soil. After the wa- ter has soaked in, backfilling and soil compaction may be completed to the top of the hole. Anodes shall be installed as shown herein. J.J TEST STATIONS The CONTRACTOR shall install cathodic protection test stations as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. Test stations shall be installed directly over the pipe unless otherwise specified. Test station wiring shall be arranged and completed as described herein. Wire connections to the test station terminal boards for conductor sizes of #8 AWG and larger shall be made with single hole terminal lugs of corrosion resistant bronze, copper, or nickel plated brass similar to Blackburn Type L (socket), Square D Company Tlpe LU, Bumdy SCRULUG Type KPA or other approved equal. Wire connections to the test station terminal boards for conductor sizes of #14 through #10 AWG shall be terminated with a properly sized uninsulated funnel entry support ring tongue compression connector similar to Panduit PNF or PV Series ring tongue connector, Burndy Type TN or TP Series ring tongue connec- tors, or other approved equal. Additionally, all wires shall be soldered to the ring tongue connectors. Test station wires shall be color coded as shown on the Drawings and specified herein and each wire shall be permanently identified using nylon marker tags and plastic cable ties. Marker tag identification shall be completed by using a water- proofink nylon marker pen designed specifically for this purpose and using block type lettering with the letter size to be a minimum of ll8" high and shall specify test station number, pipe diameter, pipe material, and pipe service. Test Station numberins shall be as indicated on the Drawinss. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION B. c. D. E. F. t I I I I t I t I t I I I 26 4200 0l -28{3 3.4 WIRE CONNECTIONS TO BURIED PIPING Test station wire and joint bond wire connections to buried piping shall be ac- complished by exothermic welding. The surface of the pipe shall be cleaned with a grinder or metal file to a bright, shiny condition. The exothermic weld shall be completed using the appropriate weld charge and welder as per the manufacturer's recommendations. A properly sized copper wire sleeve shall be installed around the bare wire end of all prior to welding to improve weld strength and thermal ca- pacity. Completed welds shall be capable of withsanding moderate hammer blows. The type of weld metal to be used is different for cast iron pipe and steel pipe. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure tlat the appropriate weld metal charges are used for each type of pipe material. For ductile iron pipe, after cooling, the weld and sunounding cleaned metal sur- face shall be heavily coated with a cold applied mastic compound. The pipe joint with the installed bond wires shall then be encased in polyethylene wrap. For steel pipe, after cooling, the weld and sunounding cleaned metal surface shall be lightly coated with a cold applied mastic compound or pipeline coating primer and covered with an exothermic weld cap. Pipeline tape wrap shall then be ap plied as necessary. 3.5 WIRE SPLICE CONNECTIONS Brnied splice connections of anode and/or test station wires shall be completed with a splice connection kit specifically designed for that Purpose Installation of the splice connection kit shall be completed per the manufacturers instructions with the exception that the wires shall also be soldered to the crimpit connector after tightening. 3.6 ELECTzuCAL ISOLATION Electrical isolation of the buried piping shall be accomplished by the use of insu- lating flange kits or other approved dielectric fittings to be installed at designated locations where as shown on the Drawings. 3.7 JOINTBONDING All duclile iron pipe joints, except those specified to be insulatingjoints, shall be bonded to ensure electrical continuity. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION II B. C. D. 131 I I I I I I t I I t I II I t I t t B. 26 42 00 I I I t T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 0l-28{3 B. c. All nonwelded steel pipe joints, except those specified to be insulating joints, shall be bonded to ensure electrical continuity. Two bond wires shall be installed at each joint and shall be stranded copper #4 AWG Type HMWPE as shown on the Drawings. 3.8 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS Upon completion of the cathodic protection system installation work, the ENGI- NEER shall perform testing to ensure proper operation of the system. 1. On water storage reservoirprojects, initial testing shall be conducted prior to floor slab / floor plate construction. Inadequate pipejoint continuity and/or cathodic protection levels due to defective or incorrect installation work shall be corrected by and at the sole expense ofthe CONTRACTOR. END OF SECTION SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION B. 264200 I l, I 02{r{5 sEcrroN 31 0s 19 GEOTEXTILE X'ABRIC PART 1 GEIYERAL l.l WORKINCLUDED Furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work of the noted Sections of this Division described herein and on the Drawings. The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, placement of a geotextile fabric membrane upon the prepared foundation. 1.2 SI.JBMITTALS Manufacturer's descriptive literature and recommended methods of installation Manufacturer's certification that products meet specifications Samples Test Samples, Certification and Testing l. Each roll should be clearly marked showing the top of the fabric. Two copies of the mill certificate signed by a legal authorized officer from the manufacturer shall be provided for each consignment. The mill certificate shall state that the fabric in that shipment meets the requirements listed above and provide proof of test results for minimum average. 2. The ENGINEER reserves the right to perform acceptance tests on the samples prior to acceptance of the material. The minimum average requirements, as indicated, must be met before installation of the geotexfile. The ENGINEER will be present at the site during installation and reserves the right to collect samples periodically for confirmation testing. MATERIALS GENERAL A. The fabric shall have complete resistance to deterioration from ambient temperatures, acid, and alkaline conditions, and shall be indestructible to microorganisms and insects. The material shall be resistant to short-term (until B. C. D. 2.1 I t I t I T I I I I t I I I I I PART 2 31 05 19 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC I02-,0t-05 placement) deterioration by ultraviolet light or protected until placement as recommended by the manufacturer, such that no deterioration occurs. During shipment and storage, the rolls of fabric shall be protected against deterioration from the sun, mud, dfut, dust, and other deleterious conditions at all times. B. The property values are not desip values but represent the minimum accepted physical characteristics ofthe geotextile required. The number represents avalue to be confirmed by the manufacturer. These values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., any roll tested should meet or exceed the minimum values in the table). Manufactured and field seams shall also meet the tabulated values. EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE FABRIC A. Fibers used in tle manufacture of geotextiles, and lhe threads used in joining geotextiles by sewing, shall consist of long chain synthetic polymers composed of at least 85% by weight polyolefins, polyesters, or polyamides. They shall be formed into a network such that the filaments or yarns retain dimensional stability relative to each other, including selvedges. B. Erosion Control Fabric Properties PROPERTY CLASS A CLASS B TEST METHOD Grab Strength, lbs.200 90 ASTM D 4632 Elongation, (%)l5 l5 ASTM D 4632 Sewn Seam Strength, lbs.180 80 ASTM D 4632 Puncture Stength, lbs.80 40 ASTM D3787 Burst Strength, psi 320 140 ASTM D 3786 Trapezoid Tear Strength, lbs.50 30 ASTM D 4533 Apparent Opening Size, U.S. Standard Sieve Soil with 500/o or less particles by weight passing U.S. No. 200 sieve, AOS less than 0.590 mm cw-02215-77 mod. to l0 min. Permittivitv Y fabric less than Y soil for all classes. sec-l ASTM D 4491 Ultraviolet Degradation at 150 Hours 70% strength retained for all classes ASTM D4355 C. I I I t I T I I I I T I I ;I I I 31 05 19 Drainage Fabric Properties GEOTEXTILE FABRIC T I I t I I I I I o2{r{5 Apparent Opening Size U.S. Standard Sieve Soil with 50olo or less particles by weight passing U.S. No. 200 sieve, AOS less than 0.6 mm (greater than #30 U.S. Std. Sieve). CW-02215-77 mod. to l0 min. Permeability k fabric greater than k soil for all classes. cm/sec ASTM D 4491 Ulhaviolet Degradation at 150 Hours 70 % Strength retained for all classes ASTM D 4355 I 2.3 ASPHALTFABRIC I A. The asphalt reinforcement geotextile fabric shall be Phillips "Petromat" or approved equal. Fibers used in the manufacture of geotextiles, and the threads I used in joining geotextiles by sewing, shall consist of long chain syntheticr illffifiJ"T-il;:1,:f;ffif,il:ll*::l*,l"firllliii'itJ:lf':?]# - retain dimensional stability relative to each other, including selvedges. B. Properties PROPERTY VALUE S TEST METHOD Tensile Strength, lbs.90 ASTM D 4632 Elongation (%)55 ASTM D 4632 Burst Strength, psi 200 ASTM D3786 Trapezoid Tear Strength, lbs.45 ASTM D 4533 t I t I I I 3ro5re PROPERTY CLASS A CLASS B TEST METHOD Grab Streneth, lbs.180 80 ASTM D 4632 Eloneation, (%)N/A N/A ASTM D 4632 Sewn Seam Strength, lbs.160 70 ASTM D 4632 Puncture Strength, lbs.80 25 ASTM D3787 (5/16 in. hemispherical tip) Burst Stength, psi 290 130 ASTM D 3786 Trapezoid Tear Strength, lbs.50 25 ASTM D 4533 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 02-0 t -05 PART3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE FABRIC General Grade the slope to provide a smootlq even surface. If minor natural soil caving occurs, as determined by the ENGINEER, fill areas with granular material so that the geotextile will not be distorted or torn during material placement. The prepared surface shall be inspected prior to fabric placement. For placement of the material, care should be taken to avoid puncturing or tearing the geotextile. The material shall be placed over the fabric in sufficient time to prevent tIV damage to the fabric as specified by the manufacturer. Howri:ver, in no case will the fabric remain uncovered or exposed to the elements more than 14 days. Placement of tlte material should start at the base of the required blanket area, moving up the slope. The material should be placed from the center outward. Repair A geotextile patch shall be placed over the damaged area and extend three feet beyond the perimeter of the tear or damage. Placement l. Erosion Control The geotextile shall be joined by either sewing or overlapping. All seams shall be subject to approval. Overlapped seams shall have a minimum overlap of 12 inches except where placed rmder water where the overlap shall be a minimum of three feet. Pin overlaps may be used using steel security pins, normally 3/16 inch diameter, 18 inches long, and pointed at one end, and fitted with I l/2 inch diameter metal washer on the other end. Space pins along all overlap alignments at a distance of approximately three feet center to center. No wrinkles or folds will be allowed in the fabric. If seamed, seam strength shall meet the minimum required fabric grab strength criteria listed. Overlap successive fabric in such a manner that the upstrearn sheet is placed over the downstream sheet and/or upslope over downslope. In underwater applications, place the geotextile and required thickness of B. C. I id I I I I t I I I I t I t I I l I I 31 05 19 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC I I I I 02{r45 B. 3.2 I t I I I I I T I I I I t I I I bacldll material the same day. Begin backfill placement at the toe and proceed up the slope. Riprap and heavy stone filling shall not be dropped onto the geotextile from a height of more than one foot. Slope protection and smaller sizes of stone filling shall not be dropped onto the geotextile from a height exceeding three feet. Replace geotextile damaged during placement as directed. 2. Drainage In trenches, after placing the backfill material, the geotextile shall be folded over the top of the filter material to produce a minimum overlap of 12 inches for trenches greater than 12 inches wide. ln trenches less than 12 inches in width, the overlap shall be equal to the width of the trench. The geotextile shall then be covered with the subsequent backfill. ASPHALTFABRIC Equipment 1. Fabric Lay Down Equipment Mechanical lay down equipment must be capable of handling full rolls of fabric, and shall be capable of laying the fabric smoothly, without excessive wrinkles and/or folds. When manual lay down is required, a lenglh of standard one inch pipe, together with suitable roll tension devices, are required for proper roll handling. 2. Miscellaneous Equipment Stiffbristle brooms to smooth the fabric and scissors (or blades) to cut the fabric should be provided. Under some conditions a pneumatic roller to imbed the fabric into the asphalt sealant may be needed. Installation l' Surface Preparation The surface on which the fabric is to be placed should be free of dirt, water and vegetation. Cracks between li8 inch and 114 inch must be filled with a suitable filler as directed by the ENGINEER. Larger cracks or holes must be repaired with slurry, hot mix, or other suitable fillers. In some cases a leveling course may be specified prior to placing the fabric. 3105 19 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC t024r{5 2.Application of Sealant The asphaltic sealant must be uniformly spray applied at the specified rate. Quantity specified will vary with the surface condition of the existing pavement (degree of porosity, for example) but will normally be applied at the target rate of0.25 gallons per square yard (gsy) residual asphalt. Application will be by distributor equipment wherever possible, with hand spraying kept to a minimum. Temperature of the asphalt must be sufficiently high to permit a uniform spray pattem. For asphalt cements, the minimum recommended temperature is 290o F. (NOTE: If the fabric is oversprayed, distibutor tank temperatures should not exceed 325" F to avoid damage to the fabric). For emulsions, temperature of the heavier grades may be as high as 160o F to insure an optimum spray pattem. The target width of the asphalt sealant application should be fabric width plus two to six inches. Asphalt drools or spills should be cleaned from the road surface to avoid flushing and possible fabric movement at these asphalt-rich areas. The quantity of asphalt applied to the fabric is extremely important. The object is to fully seal the membrane, but not to use an excessive quantity which might cause a slippage plane. Fabric Placement The fabric shall be placed into the asphaltic sealant with a minimum of wrinkles prior to the time the asphalt has cooled and lost tackiness. (NOTE: When emulsions are used, allow adequate cure time before placing fabric). The fabric is umolled so that the bearded (tuz;ry) side is unwound into the sealant, thus providing optimum bond between fabric and pavement during the construction process. As directed by the ENGINEER, wrinkles severe enough to cause "folds" shall be slit and laid flat. Brooming or pneumatic rolling will maximize fabric contact with the pavement surface. Small wrinkles which flatten under compaction are not detrimental to performance. Overlap of fabric joins should be minimal, although an overlap of one to three inches is recommended to insure full closure of the joint. Transverse joints should be "shingled" in the direction of paving to prevent edge pick-up by the paver. As directed by the ENGINEER, additional sealant ofabout 0.20 gsy should be applied to fabricjoints. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t J. I 31 05 19 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC I I I 02-0r -05 c. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 4. Hot Mix Overlay Placement of the hot mix overlay should closely follow fabric lay down. In tle event that the sealant bleeds through the fabric before the hot mix is placed, it may be necessary to blot the sealant by spreading sand or hot mix over the aflected areas. This will prevent any tendency for construction equipment to pick up the fabric when driving over it. Refer to Section 02513 - Bituminous Pavement for complete execution details. Special Considerations l. AmbientTemperatures Air temperatures during fabric installation should be warm enough to allow adequate "tack" from the asphalt sealant to hold the fabric in place. A mle-of-thumb minimum temperature for most asphalt cements is 50" F. 2. Asphalt Sealant Quality The correct asphalt application rate should be based on the quantity of residual asphalt in the material specified, and porosity ofthe surface to be covered. Generally, this will approximately 0.25 gsy residual asphalt; but depending upon pavement condition, may vary between 0.2O ro 0.30 gsy. 3. Tack Coat It is usually not necessary to tack coat the fabric prior to placement ofa premix overlay. However, there may be circumstances such as delay of overlay, dust accumulation, under-application of sealant, or sanding and traffrcking which would make application of a tack coat desirable. This decision should be made by the ENGINEER. Where seams are required in the longitudinal trench direction, they shall be joined by either sewing or overlapping. Overlap successive sheets of geotextiles a minimum of 12 inches. All seams shall be subject to approval. 31 05 19 END OF SECTION GEOTEXTILE FABRIC I I I I t2-27.02 PART 1 GETIERAL 1.I SCOPE OF WORK PART 2 PART 3 3.1 CLEARING SECTION3l II OO CLEARING AND GRT]BBING A. B. C. D. F. G. B. I I I I I t I I I T I I t I T This work includes all materials, equipment, and labor required for completed clearing and grubbing operations required for completion of other items of work. Clearing includes the removal of trees, brush, debris such as slash piles, abandoned utility poles, landscaping and vegetation from defined areas. Grubbing includes the removal of stumps and roots obstructions to a minimum of three feet below proposed subgrade and related work. This work includes backfill ofholes created by grubbing operations with approved on-site materials. The work also includes tree trimming as required to complete other items of work and protection of all trees, which are not designated for removal. All waste materials shall be removed from the site and legally disposed of by and at the sole €xpense of the CONTRACTOR. Removed materials, such as stumps and trees, shall not be buried in the backfill. Burning of cleared and grubbed vegetation and trees on site is not permitted. For removal of structures and obstructions including items such as concrete foundations, inlets, pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, ditch and slope paving, manholes, guardrail, fence, signs and pipe, see SECTION 02 40 00 - REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS. PRODUCTS _NOT USED EXECUTION The CONTRACTOR shall remove trees and shrubs and other vegetation called for on the Drawings or as observed in the field. Except for staging areas and construction access roads, disturbance will be limited to the excavation area required for the strucfure. The CONTRACTOR must make all reasonable efforts to minimize the area of disturbance. Aside from staging areas, the maximum area of disturbance will be l0 feet beyond the excavation slope intercept point. Unless otherwise permitted 3l l1 00 CLEARING AND GRUBBING It2-2742 I t I I I t I I I I I I T tI t 3.2 in writing by the OWNER and ENGINEER no disturbance or construction activity will be allowed outside the above area. C. Prior to construction the OWNER and ENGINEER will meet with the CONTRACTOR to determine the area(s) required for construction staging. After an agreement is reached regarding the conskuction staging area size(s) and location(s) the CONTRACTOR shall identi$ all trees and sbrubs to be removed from the stagrng area(s) by marking the hees with orange paint. The CONTRACTOR may submit a written request for additional construction area when warranted by conditions. The written request must state the reasons for the request and the extent and size ofadditional area(s) requested. GRUBBING A. Removal of shrubs, stumps and trees shall include sufficient depth of the root system to insrue that vegetation will not continue to grow, a minimum of three feet below existing grade. All holes left after the removal of stumps shall be backfilled with native material and compacted. The resulting unsuitable debris shall be hauled and disposed of by the CONTRACTOR at an off-site location acceptable to and at no additional cost to the ENGINEER and the OWNER. Woody debris such as limbs, small diameter logs, etc. may be chipped/ground into wood chips for mulch and revegetation purposes. B. Some trees may be identified to remain within the construction area. Trees scheduled to remain shall be carefully protected from damage during construction operations by orange safety fence placed a minimum of 3 feet in radius from the tree trunk. Any damage due to the CONTRACTOR's operations shall be repaired by suitable tree surgery methods reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER or the damaged trees shall be replaced in kind as requested by the ENGINEER, all at the CONTRACTOR's expense. END OF SECTION I 3l ll00 CLEARING AND GRUBBING I t SBCTION 31 23 00 EXCAVATIONAND FILL B. I t I I T I I ll I I I T I I I I I PARTI GENERAL l.l WORKINCLUDED Earthwork includes removing of vegetation and designated trees, stripping, stock- piling and placing ofdesignated materials such as topsoil, excavating, scarifying grading, segregating, and placing on-site and imported fill materials. This includes incidental operations such as hauling, placing, discing, soil moisture control, and compacting to the lines and grades shown in the Drawings. Also included is the disposal ofexcess excavated or unacceptable materials and borrow ofmaterials to make up deficiencies for fills in accordance with this Specification. This section also covers furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and performing all work and services for excavating, over excavating, borrowing, re- moving undesired or excess materials, filling and backfilling of the soils under, adjacent to and above structures shown in the Drawings, in accordance with the Conhact Documents. This work includes, but is not limited to, excavation and structural filI for building and special foundations, box culverts, bridge substruc- tures, manholes, vaults, retaining walls, and hydraulic strucfures. Compaction testing will be accomplished per SECTION Ol 71 23 - FIELD ENGINEERING, MATERIALS TESTING AND SURVEYING. t.2 QUALITY STANDARDS American Soceity for Testing and Materials (ASTM) ASTM D 422 - Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 698 - Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-Ibflft') ASTM D 1556 - Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand- Cone Method ASTM D 1557 - Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-Ibflft') ASTM D 2487 - Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes ASTM D 2922 - Test Methods of Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclem Methods (Shallow Depth) ASTM D 4253 Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratorv Table L 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 31 23 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL t 1.3 05-2546 8. ASTM D 4254 - Test Methods for Minimum lndex Density of Soils and Calculation of Relative DensitY 9. ASTM D 4318 - Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity lndex ofSoils B. Colorado Department of Transportation Specifications for Road and Bridge Con- struction (CDOT) SUBMITTALS A. Particle-Size Analysis and Proctor Test Results for: l. Native fill materials 2. Imported fill materials B. Particle-Size Analysis and Proctor Test Results for: l. Native structural fill materials 2. Imported structural fill materials C. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a plan outlining the means and methods of placing fill on roofs of structures for the ENGINEER's review SOIL CONDITIONS A. A geotechnical investigation may have been performed for the OWNER in order to obtain relative data conceming the character of material in and upon which the project is to be built. If an investigation has been performed, the information will be available to the CONTRACTOR for information purposes only, and is not to be considered a part of the Contract Documents. The CONTRACTOR shall sat- isff himself as to the kind and type of soil to be encountered and any water condi- tions that might affect the construction of the project. B. The CONTRACTOR shall perform all excavation regardless of the type, nature, or condition of material encountered, as specified, shown, or required in order to accomplish the construction. C. A geotechnical engineer may or may not be retained by the OWNER to review the fill and structural frll placernents. The expense of these services will be bome by the OWNER. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS I I I t I l t I I I I I I t.4 1.5 T I T I 31 23 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL I t, I 05-25-06 The location of existing utilities are shown in an approximate way only and not all utilities may be shown. The CONTRACTOR shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities prior to commencing work. The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for any and all damages that might be occasioned by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all utilities. If utilities are to remain in place, the CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate means of support and protection during construction. Should drawn, or incorrectly drawn, piping or other utilities be encountered dur- ing excavation the CONTRACTOR shall advise the ENGINEER within 30 min- utes ofencountering the utility. The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate the with ENGINEER and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation to the satisfaction ofthe respective owners. The OWNER reseryes the right to perform any and all work required should the CONTRACTOR fail to cooperate with the respective companies, and back charge the CONTRACTOR for any and all expenses. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for protecting all monuments, benchmarks, and other reference points to be used to construct foundations. Reference points disturbed that require restaking, will be restaked by the ENGINEER at the CON- TRACTOR's expense. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct all site grading operations and other construc- tion activities to minimize erosion of site soil materials. The CONTRACTOR shall provide barricades and signs in accordance with the Uniform Manual of Traffic Control Devices where applicable' The CONTRACTOR shall maintain all devices in a working manner' See SECTION OI 55 26_ TRAFFIC CONTROL. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to maintain streets daily rernoving any spillage of dirt, rocks or debris from equipment entering or leaving the site- See SECTION 01 7416 _ SITE MAINTENANCE. B. C. D. F. I I I T I I ll H. 2.1 I I I I I t I I T G. PART 2 - MATERIALS TOPSOIL A. Topsoil shall be defined as the top four inches of the native soil profile or as di- rected in the field bv the ENGINEER. 3t 23 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL 2.2 05-25-06 Sieve Size 2 inch No.4 No.50 No.200 B. Topsoil that is to be later replaced shall be free from roots, brush, weeds, debris, and stones larger than one inch in diameter. FILL CLASSIFICATIONS A. General L Materials used in any classification of fill shall be free from frozen lumps, wood, or other organic, trash, debris or other material that would otherwise adversely affect the performance of the fill. 2. Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, Class 2 materials shall be used for fills' B. Class 1 l. Class I filI materials shall meet the following gradation requirements: I 'dI I I I t I I I I I I % By Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves 100 30 - 100 l0-60 5 -20 2. In addition this material shall have a liquid limit not exceeding 35, and a plasticity index of not over six, when determined in conformity with ASTM D 4318. 3. The CONTRACTOR has the option of using on-site or imported materials that meet the above gradation limits. C. Class 2 l. Class 2 fill material shall be composed of zuitable materials developed on the project site or imported if insufficient quantities are available' 2. Rocks larger than six inches me unacceptable- D. Class 3 l. When the Drawings show specific areas for clay fill the clay soils shall be classified as CL bY ASTM D 2487 ' I I t I I I31 23 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL A. B. C, D. B. ) t I I I I T I I l) C. D. F. I I I t I I I I I 05-25-06 PART 3 3.1 TOPSOIL 3-2 EXCAVATION EXECUTION Topsoil shall be stripped from the area to be disturbed and stockpiled. Topsoil stockpiles shall be properly protected from erosion by wind and water and shall be clearly marked with a sigrr as topsoil. Upon completion of all filling, backfilling and compaction, topsoil shall be uni- formly distributed over area disturbed by excavation and grading activities. Care shall be taken to conform to the final required grades. Excavation shall include the rernoval of all materials of whatever nature encoun- tered, including obstructions that interfere with the proper execution of the work. The removal of materials shall conform to the lines and grades shown in the fhawings. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or specified herein, the site shall be shipped of all vegetation, such as bushes and debris. However, no trees other than those desigrrated shall be removed. This vegetation shall be rernoved from the site prior to performing any excavation or placing any fill. Excavations for structures shall be made to the elevations and dimensions shown on the Drawings. If no dimensions and elevations are shown on the Drawings, the CONTRACTOR shall provide a safe excavation in accordance with applicable OSHA regulations and shall provide adequate space for construction operations and review of structure construction. The CONTRACTOR shall remove obstructions including but not limited to old foundations, pipe, unsuitable subgrade soils, and any other materials which may be concealed beneath the present grade, as required to construct an acceptable grade for the structure. If required by the Drawings or specified herein, excavated materials shall be clas- sified in accordance with ASTM D 2487 and placed in Class I or Class 2 stock- piles for use during construction of fill. Boulders larger than one cubic yard in volume shall be stockpiled for use in site landscaping when called for in the Specifications, shown in the Drawings or di- rected bvthe ENGINEER. 31 23 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL t After the required excavation has been completed the exposed surface shall be proof-rolled with compaction equipment to obtain 95Vo of maximum density as determined by ASTM D 698. The surface shall be reasonably smooth for place- ment of the underlying fill. H. For excavation by blasting see SECTION 31 23 18 - ROCK EXCAVATION BY BLASTING. J.J FILL CONSTRUCTION The CONTRACTOR shall construct fills to lines and grades shown or specified. The fill shall be placed in continuous horizontal layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness. Where hand operated compaction equipment is used, the lay- ers shall not exceed six inches in loose thickness. When the soil moisture content is below the optimum moisture content water shall be added before or during spreading until the proper moisture content is achieved. Where the soil moisture content is too high to permit the specified degree of com- paction, the material shall be disced and worked until it has dried to the proper moisture content. The CONTRACTOR shall protect the fill against freezing when atmospheric tern- perature is less than 35' F. ( I " C). Foundations and fills that have been allowed to freeze shall be removed to the depth of freezing, replaced, and recompacted. The CONTRACTOR shall exercise caution to prevent damaging any perimeter and foundation perforated pipe drain systerns when constructing frlls. 3.4 OVEREXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES : Water Retaining Structures l. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, axeias beneath water retaining structures shall be ovef,excavated a minimum of five feet. 2. The overexcavation shall extend a minimum of five feet beyond the out- side edge ofthe footing. Buried Vaults l. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, areas beneath buried vaults shall be overexcavated a minimum of two feet. 2. The overexcavation shall extend a minimum of two feet beyond the out- side edge ofthe footing. G. B. C. D. I I I t I l I I I I I I I T I I B. I 31 23 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL I I I I 3.s I I T I I I I F. G. t I T I I I I T c.Other structures l. The CONTRACTOR shall overexcavate subgrade soils, as required or as shown on the Drawings, which in the opinion of the ENGINEER are un- desirable or unzuitable for foundation support. FOUNDATION PREPARATION FOR STRUCTURES A. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for protecting all monuments, benchmarks, and other reference points to be used to construct foundations. Reference points disturbed that require restaking, will be restaked by the ENGINEER at the CON- TRACTOR's expense. B. Where foundations are to rest on rock, the rock shall be fully exposed and the sur- face of the rock shall be leveled off to approximate horizontal and vertical steps and rougfuened. C. Where foundations are to rest on subgrade material olher than rock, care should be taken to avoid disturbance ofthe bottom ofthe excavation. Soils loosened during excavation shall be removed from the excavation, and the excavation restored to a condition at least equal to the undisturbed subgrade. D. The excavation for foundations to be supported by piles or drilled piers, shall be completed to the bottom of the foundations before any piles a driven or drilled, and any excess materials rernaining after drilling or driving shall be removed to the elevation of the bottom of the foundation. Completed excavations shall be protected from becoming unacceptable including but not limited to becoming wet, frozen, or soft due to weather, and or construc- tion operations. Grading around excavations for structures shall be performed to prevent water from running into the excavation or from damaging completed foundations. Should any free water, ground water, or springs be encountered, the CONTRACTOR shall be required to keep excavations free from water during construction of the foundations by the use of trenches, well points, or other means as reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall shore, sheet pile, slope, and/or brace excavations as required to maintain a safe site and to conform to all local, State, or Federal agency regulations having jurisdiction over the work. The CONTRACTOR is fully and solely responsible for maintaining safe working conditions during con- struction. The CONTRACTOR shall use an appropriate membrane or methods of construc- tion to prevent the excavated surface from changing moisture content. This is es- pecially critical with clay soils and clay bedrock. 31 23 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL 05:2546 H. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for notifuing the ENGINEER as soon as ex- cavations are completed in order that subgrade may be reviewed. 3.6 FILLFOR STRUCTURES A. The CONTRACTOR shall fill stuctural overexcavations using materials speci- fied herein or in the Drawings to lines and grades shown. The structural fill shall be placed in continuous horizontal layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness. B. The CONTRACTOR shall begin fill work immediately to prevent the excavated surface from changing moishrre content- C. Fill shall not be placed until the foundations or other portions of the structure have been reviewed by the ENGINEER and accepted for backfilling. No structural fill shall be deposited against structure walls, abutrnents, and retaining walls until the structure has reached the strength necessary to sustain backfill and other antici- pated loads. D. When permitted by the ENGINEER, footings may be backfilled to a level equal to the top of the footings or berm elevation where appropriate, upon rernoval of the forms. E. Foundations for rigid frame structures or walls or abutments which are not de- signed as self-sustaining against soil and backfill loads, shall not be backfilled unless the superstructure has been placed and reach a strength necessary to sustain the anticiPated loads. F. Foundations shall not be backfilled until the area involved has been cleared ofall falsework, sheet piling, cribbing, shoring, bracing, forms, and debris. G. Existing slopes shall be stepped, terraced, or otherwise treated as necessary to prevent slippage and wedging of the structural fill. H. Backfrll shall be brought up uniformly on all sides of structure walls and not vary by more than one foot. L Unless otherwise provided, fill for structures shall be placed in continuous hori- zontal layers not more than eight inches in thickness that are brought up uniformly on all sides ofthe foundation. Each layer shall be compacted before the next layer is placed, by means of rollers, tampers or vibrators. Backfilling operations shall be performed to minimize live load and compaction effort surcharges to the foun- dation. Backfill operations shall be performed in such a manner that no portion of the foundation or structure is damaged or deflected out of alignment. All fill for T 3l I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I 3123 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL I I t I I t I I I 3.7 I I 3.8 I I I I I I I I I structures shall be compacted in accordance with the densities shown on the Drawings or indicated in this Specification, but not less than 95Vo of maximum density as determined by ASTM D 698. J. If water is present in the excavation, backfill operations shall be so performed such that the water will be displaced by the fill and not trapped therein. Water shall not be used to expedite settlernent of fill. Compaction by jetting is unac- ceptable. K. Backfill materials transported in hucks or other vehicles shall be placed so that the contents of each vehicle are carefully and gradually deposited. All clams, dip- pers, or containers of fill for structures shall be lowered to within five feet of the surface ofthe previously deposited fill before they are dumped. L. The CONTRACTOR shall protect the fill against freezing when atmospheric tern- perature is less than 35'F. (1" C). SPECI,AL PROVISIONS FOR BURIED WATER RETAINING STRUCTURES AND VAULTS A. Unless otherwise permitted in writing by the ENGINEER, water storage tank wall backfilling and site grading near the structure shall be performed with the struc- ture full to the overflow level. . B. Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings, earthmoving and compac- tion equipment weighing more than 10,000 pounds, including water trucks, shall not used closer to water retaining structures and vault walls than a horizontal dis- tance equal to the depth of the fill at that time. COMPACTION Density Requirements 1. Compact soil to not less than the following percentages of maximum den- sity relationship determined in accordance with ASTM D 698 (Standard Proctor) unless otherwise shown in the Drawings: Foundations, Paved Areas and Sidewalks - 95Vo Unpaved Areas - 90% Topsoil - 80% Structural Fills - 95% Fills Adjacent to Water Retaining Structure Walls - 90% a. b. c. d. e. 31 23 00 EXCAVATION AND FILL T 3.9 05-25-06 B. Moisture Requirements l. The CONTRACTOR shall control moisture content within two percent of optimum moisture content' 2. Where subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture conditioned be- fore compaction, uniformly apply water to surface of cut area subgrade, or loosely placed layer of soil material, to prevent free watsr appearing on surface during or subsequent to compaction operations. 3. The CONTRACTOR shall remove and replace, or scarif and air dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled or spread and allowed to dry. The CONTRACTOR may assist dryrng by discing hanowing or pulverizing until moisture con- tent is reduced to a satisfactory value. 4. During construction of floor slabs on structural fills, the moisture content ofthe structural frll shall be maintained and not permitted to dry out' SETTLEMENT A. Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction op- erations or adverse weather, the CONTRACTOR shall scarifu the ground surface, re-shape, and compact to required density prior to furthsr construction. B. Any settlement in fill or structural fill which occurs within the one-year guarantee period in the General Conditions will be considered to be caused by improper compaction methods and shall be corrected at no cost to the OWNER. Any struc- ture damaged by settlement shall be restored to their original condition by the CONTRACTOR at no cost to the OWNER. C. The CONTRACTOR may place soil above the final grade to compensate for an- ticipated settlement if proper drainage can be maintained and when permitted by the ENGNEER. 3.10 GRADING A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform all grading to the lines and grades as shown on the Drawings and/or established by the ENGINEER, with an allowance for topsoil where required. Stockpiled topsoil shall be placed to a uniform depth of four inches, or the uniform depth the volume of stockpiled topsoil will permit, in areas to be revegetated. B. The CONTRACTOR shall shape, trim, and finish slopes of channels to conform to the lines, grades, and cross sections as shown or approved. All slopes shall be free of all exposed roots and stones exceeding three inches in diameter that are I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I31 23 00 l0 EXCAVATION AND FILL I 05-2506 t i;ffi#":tilll:,#lJa::iiffil*Ti#::1,:l*r:trjil,Tffi#$:' | 3.ll B''LDERPLA.EMENT I A. When called for in the Specifications or shown in the Drawings the I CONTRACTOR shall place stockpiled boulders as directed by the ENGINEER or as shown in the Drawings. I 3.n DIsposAL oF EXCESS EXCAVATI'N AND *ASTE MATERTALS I A ffinm',-r*,*T*I,HL',#',,f.;Hlh$;.'o*'RACroR mav I B H:-ffitnnsii;:Ti:: ffi:,F,itK#il'trJi.ft:::'*?,'r*.il: I ffil:l"T- the owNER of the properry where excess and waste materials are I END oFsEcrIoN lr I t I t I I I I I 31 23 oo 11 ExcAVATIoNANDFILL I l2-0r44 I . sECrIoN3t 23 t6.ot ] TRENCHING, BEDDING,AND BACKFILL FOR CORRUGATED METALPIPE II , PART 1 GEIYERAL !I I.I WORKINCLUDED I A. 3ftu;X'#ffit#&,ffij:"ts necessary for excavation and trenching for I 1.2 REFERENCES a A. ANSyASTM C 136 - Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates. t B. ANSUASTM D 698 - Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of I Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3). C. ASTM D 4253 - Test Method for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of I Soils Using a VibratorY Table ! , D. ASTM D 4254 - Test Method for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of I ,l Soils and Calculation of Relative Density,I _ 1.3 TESTING r A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform in-place moisture density tests to ensure I trench backfill complies with specified requirements' I 1.4 SUBMITTALS I A' R"",'S3ffiT:ffi*"Jlll,r,:::'fi1T".r$ the owNER's geotechnicar I B. Manufacturer's product sheets I 1.5 RESPONSIBILITY FORJOB SITE SAFETY t A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect excavations by shoring, bracing, sheet piling, 1|, underpinning, or other methods required to prevent any excessive widening or I sloughing of the trench which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe or appurtenances being installed, or to existing facilities or slructures. I B. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for compliance with all appropriate OSHA I regulations and standards including, but not limited to, 29 CFR Parr 1926 ' I 31 23 16.01 TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK FILLING I FOR CURRUGATED METAL PIPE It24144 Excavations. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for the desigrr of sloping, benching and shoring for protection of all workers and project representatives in excavations, managing the work and methods for physical protection for falls. C. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for underpinning adjacent sbuctures which may be damaged by excavation work, including service utilities and pipe chases. D. The CONTRACTOR shall protect bottom of excavations and soil adjacent to and beneath foundations from frost. E. The excavation shall be graded to prevent surface water run-off into trench or excavation. F. Existing utilities shall be protected from damage due to construction activities. The CONTRACTOR shall repair damages to utilities at his own expense to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. PART2 MATERIALS 2.1 SUB-BEDDING: Materials shall consist of; A. Uniformly-graded rock ranging from 3/4-inch to l-li2-inch' B. Sub-bedding shall be used to provide a firm foundation in soils which are judged by the ENGINEER to be soft or unstable' 2.2 BEDDING AND PIPE ZONE MATERI.ALS Well-Graded Sand: Total Percent Passing ,t Sieve Size 3/8 inch No.4 No.8 No.16 No.30 No.50 No.l00 No.200 by Weight 100 95 - 100 80 - 100 50- 85 25- 60 l0- 30 2- r0 0-3 I I I t I I I I t t I I I t I I ITRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK FILLING 2 FOR CURRUGATED METAL PIPE 3t 23 16.01 t 12-0144 t ' Squeegee Sand:I a Total Percent Passing - Sieve Size bY Weight I E 3/8-inch 100 No.200 0' 3 I t Note: It will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to locate material meeting the I Specifications, to test its ability to consolidate to at leasl 65Yo relative density| ;i"d,J;[fl#j.":lnYJ"Hi'ffi:illy;".1j;:;Jff "ffiil* ;*T I shall be determined as stipulated in ASTM D 4253 andD 4254' ! 23 BACKFILL I A. Backfill shall meet the following requirements: . l. Use only backfill for trenches which is free from boulders, large roots, I other vegetation or organic matter, and frozen material' 2. No boulders greater than six inches in diameter shall be allowed. I I PART3 EXECUTION I 3.r cENERAL A. No more than 200 feet of trench shall be left open at any time during constructionI Hf;:l*ir:: '*"H"i?,'H*il'if;: hTr:f"Y#:'"I:'*?'.bT: I ENGINEER. !r B. Prior to placement in the trench, all pipe shall be examined for defects by the t ;.ffir;l;:T*"5"*;ilX3;3fH;'ll;"::il1ffi3il3$'iTli?:9"'$: materials. I C. All surplus excavation shall be placed as directed by the ENGINEER. If material is disposed of on private property, written permission must be obtained from the I property OWNER and provided to the ENGINEER' D. All sub-bedding, bedding, and pipe zone material shall be imported unlessi orherwise designated Uy tfri OWNeR's geotechnical ENGINEER. I TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK FILLING 3 FOR CURRUGATED METAL PIPE I I 31 23 16.0^ l2-01-04 I 1 I t I I I I I t I I t t I I I 3.2 J.J 3.4 E. The GoNTRACTOR shall obtain a permit from the appropriate party to draw water from a water system for use during the bedding and backfill operation. F. Upon completion of the work, all plants, rubbish, unused materials, concrete forms and other like material shall be removed from the jobsite. All excess excavation shall be disposed ofas specified and the areas shall be left in a state of order and cleanliness. PROTECTION OF EXSTING UTILITIES A. The location of existing utilities are shown in an approximate way only and not all utilities may be shown. B. The CONTRACTOR shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities prior to commencing work. The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for any and all damages which might be occasioned by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all utilities. If utilities are to remain in place during construction, the CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate means of support and protection. C. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain access to public and private properties, to fire hydrants, and to sidewalks as required. OBSTRUCTIONS AND DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall remove obstructions that do not require replacement from within fhe trench or adjacent areas such as tree roots, stumps, abandoned piling, buildings and concrete structures, frozen material, logs, and debris of all types without additional compensation. B. The ENGNEER may, if requested, make changes in the trench alignment to avoid major obstructions, if such alignment changes can be made within the work limits without adversely affecting the intended function of the facility' C. Excavated materials unsuitable for backfill or not required for backfill shall be disposed ofin accordance with local regulations' TRENCH EXCAVATION A. All existing asphalt or concrete surfacing shall be saw cut vertically in a straight line, and removed from the job-site prior to starting the trench excavation. This material shall not be used in any fill or backfill' B. The trench shall be excavated to a minimum depth of six inches and a maximum of eight inches below the bottom of the pipe. The sides of the trench shall be TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK FILLING 4 FOR CURRUGATED METAL PIPE t 31 23 16.01 C. I t I I l2-01-04 D. E. F. G. J. I I I I i I I I I I l I I I I T excavatd and maintained as neady vertical as practical and shall be in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. The trench width at the bottom and at the top of the pipe shall be a minimum of 24-inches plus the outside diameter of the pipe, and a maximum of 36-inches plus the outside diameter of the pipe. All excavations shall be made to the lines and grades as established by the Drawings. Pipe trenches shall be excavated to a minimum depth of six inches and a maximum of eight inches below the bottom of the pipe. Deviation from grades will be allowed only when approved by the ENGINEER. Over excavation shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. Except as otherwise dictated by construction conditions, the excavation shall be of such dimensions as to allow for the proper installation and removal of concrete forms or precast slabs and panels and to permit the construction ofthe necessary pipe connections. Care shall be taken to insure that the excavation does not extend below established grades. Ifthe excavation is made below such grades, the excess excavation shall be filled in with sand or graded gravel deposited in horizontal layers not more than six inches in thickness after being compacted and shall be moistened as required to within 2Vo of the optimum moisture content required for compaction of that soil. After being conditioned, to have the required moisture conlent, the layers shall be compacted to t}le required density- The trench width at the top of the pipe will not be limited, except where specifically shown on the Drawings or where excess width of excavation would cause damage to adjacent structures or property. Slope sides of excavations and placement of excavated materials shall comply with applicable codes and ordinances. The CONTRACTOR shall shore and brace where sloping is not possible because ofspace restrictions, or to protect adjacent structures, property, workers, and the public. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain sides and slopes of excavation in a safe condition until completion and acceptance ofbackfill operations' Materials for shoring and bracing, such as sheet piling, uprights, stringers and cross-braces, shall be in good serviceable condition. Trench widths shall consider the thickness ofthe shoring. Requirements for trench shoring and bracing shall comply with all codes and authorities. It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to determine and coordinate with the appropriate agencies. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK FILLING 5 FOR CURRUGATED METAL PIPE 3123 t6.01 l2-01-04 I K. The cONTRACTOR shall stockpile excavated materials in a safe manner. Stockpiles shall be graded for proper drainage. L. The CONTRACTOR shall place and grade the trench base to the proper grade ahead of pipe laying. The pipe base shall be compacted to provide a firm unyielding support along entire pipe length. SURPLUS EXCAVATION MATERIAL A. All surplus excavation shall be placed as directed by the ENGINEER' B. If the surplus excavation is disposed of on private property, written permission shall be obtained from the owNER and a copy given to the ENGINEER and the CONTRACTOR. FOUNDATIONS ON UNSTABLE SOILS A. If the bottom of the excavation is soft or unstable, and in the opinion of the ENGINEER, cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, further depth and width shall be excavated and refilled to six inches below grade with rock uniformly gpded between 3/4 inch and I l/2 inch to provide a firm foundation for the pipe or structure' B. The ENGNEER shall review and approve the excavation and placement of rock. PIPE BEDDING A. After completion of the trench excavation and proper preparation of the foundation, a minimum of six inches, and maximum of eight inches, of bedding material shall be placed on the trench bottom for support under the pipe. All pipe shall be installed in such a manner as to insure firll support of the pipe barrel over its entire length. B. After the pipe is adjusted for line and grade and the joint is made, the bedding material shall be carefully placed and tamped under the haunches of the pipe' C. The limits of bedding shall be as shown on the trench section details on the Drawings. D. Bedding shall be compacted to 70Yo relative density in accordance with ASTM D 4253 andD 4254. Care shall be exercised to assure sufficient tamping under the pipe to achieve uniform support. (See the Drawings for a typical trench cross- section.) TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK FILLING 6 FOR CURRUGATED METAL PIPE tII 3.5 3.6 3.7 I I I I i I I I I I ! I I I , I I3t 23 16.01 I I I t24l-04 3.8 Pipelines l. 2. J. 4. 5. ). I I T I I I I l. aJ. 4. I I I I I T I I I BACKFILL AND COMPACTION The pipe trench shall be backfilled to the limits as shown on the Drawings. The backfill shall be compacted by vibrating, tamping or a combination thereof to 70Yo relative density for sand material as determined by ASTM D 4253 andD 4254- In street rights-of-way and paved areas, the backfill shall be compacted to 95% of maximum density for cohesive soils as determined by ASTM Standard Designation D 698 for the top four feet six inches of trench unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. Required compaction from the bottom of the trench to 4'-6u below the grade surface will be 90% ASTM D 698. All backfill shall be brought up to equal height along each side ofthe pipe in such a manner as to avoid displacement. Wet, soft or frozen material, asphalt chunks or other deleterious substances shall not be used for backfill. If the excavated material is not suitable for backfill, as determined by the ENGINEER, suitable material shall be hauled in anc utilized and the rejected material hauled away and legally disposed of. Backfilling shall be conducted at all times in a manner to prevent damage to the pipe or its coating and shall be kept as close to the pipe laying operation as practical. Backfilling procedures shall conform to the additional requirements, ifany, ofappropriate agencies or private right-of- way agreements. B.Structures: Backfill, and fill within three feet adjacent to all structures and for full height of the walls, shall be selected non-swelling material. It shall be relatively impervious, well graded, and free from stones larger than three inches. Material may be job excavated, but selectivity will be required as determined by the ENGINEER. Stockpiled material, other than topsoil from the excavation shall be used for backfilling unless an impervious structural backfill is specified. The backfill material shall be free from rubbish, stone larger than five inches in diameter, clods and frozen lumps of soil. All backfill around the structures shall be consolidated by mechanical tamping. The material shall be placed in six inch loose lifts within a range of 2To aboveto 2%o below the optimum moisture content and compacted to 95%o of maximum density for cohesive soils as determined by ASTM D 698 or to 70o/o relative density for non-cohesive pervious material as determined bv ASTM D 4253 andD 4254. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK FILLING ? FOR CURRUGATED METAL PIPE 31 23 16.01 Ir24t{4 { I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.9 SURFACE RESTORATION A. Unsurfaced Areas 1. All surface cuts shall be, as a minimum, restored to a condition equal to that Prior to construction. 2. All sheets shall be restored in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the agency having control or jurisdiction over the steet, roadway or ri ght-of-waY' B. Surfaced Areas L All surface cuts shall be, as a minimum, restored to a condition equal to that Prior to construction. Z. All gravel or paved streets shall be restored in accordance with the regulation and requirements of the agency having control or jurisdiction over the street, roadway or right-of-way. C. Easements, Cultivated or Agricultural Areas L In easements, cultivated or agricultural areas, topsoil, to a depth of six inches, shall be removed from the area of general disturbance and stockPiled. 2. After installation of all pipelines, appurtenances and structures and completion of all backfill and compaction, the stockpiled topsoil shall be redistributed evenly over all disturbed areas' 3. Care should be taken to conform to the original ground contour or final grading plans. END OF SECTION TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK FILLING 8 FOR CURRUGATED METAL PIPE 31 23 16.01 1.2 I T, I I I I I I I I I I I T I l I I I t2{4-04 sEcTroN 31 23 16.03 TRENCHING, BEDDING A}ID BACKFILLING X'ORTAPE COATED OR COAI-TAR ENAMEL COATED STEEL PIPE PART T GEI\ERAL I.1 GENERAL A. Earthwork shall include all excavation, backfill, excess excavatio4 bedding and pipe zone material, and surface restoration as indicated on the Plans or in the Specifications as required to complete the work. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, materials, plant, tools, and equipment r€quir€d to complete the earthwork. B. Topsoil, as defined on the Drawings or directed by the ENGINEER, shall be removed from the area of general dishnbance and stockpiled. After installation of all pipelines, appurtenances and structures and completion of all bacldll and compaction, the stockpiled topsoil shall be rediskibuted evenly over all disturbed areas. Care shall be taken to conform to the original ground contour and final gading shall be done as directed by the ENGINEER. C. Suwey control for alignment and grade and compaction testing will be accomplished per SECTION 0l 71 23 - FIELD ENGINEERING, MATERIALS TESTINGAND SURVEYING. QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) I . ASTM D 422 - Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils 2. ASTM D 698 - Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort(12,400 ft-Ibflft') 3. ASTM D 1556 - Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand- Cone Method 4. ASTM D 1557 - Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbAff) 5- ASTM D 2487 - Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes 6. ASTM D 2922 - Test Methods of Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) 7 - ASTM D 4253 Test Methods for Maximum Index Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table 8. ASTM D 4254 - Test Methods for Minimum Index Density of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density 9. ASTM D 4318 - Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK. FILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE 3t 2316.03 r2{/-4, B. Colorado Department of Transportation Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (CDOT) 1.3 ST'BMTTALS A. BeddingMaterial l. A minimrun of l0 days prior to the start of construction, the CONTRACTOR shall zubmit to the ENGINEER for approval, a sample of not less than 30 pounds ofthe pipe bedding and pipe zone material that is proposed to be used. 2. If more than one sourc€ is to be used, a sample stnll be submitted from each source. The source ofeach sample shall be stated, and after approval ofthe prpe Mding and plpe zone material, no change shall be made in the source of the material or gradation thereof without vritten approval of the ENGINEER. 3. The testing of proposed pipe bedding and pipe zone material will be made by the ENGINEER at no expense to the CONTRACTOR. PART2 MATERIALS 2.1 BEDDINGMATERIAL A. Tape Coated or Coal-Tar Enamel Coated Steel Pipe l. The bedding and prpe zone material shall be clean, well-graded, freedraining sand with no clay fines and shall conform to the following limits when tested bv ASTM D 422: Total Passing by Sizes Sieve Size Percentage by Weight I I I I I I t I I I I I I I tI 3/8-inch No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No.l00 No.200 100 70 - 100 36 -93 20-80 8-65 2 -30 l-10 0-3 2. Although not a requirement, it may be necessary to provide washed material in order to meet fully the specification. If washing is necessary, it shall be at the CONTRACTOR s expens€. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK- FILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE T 31 2316.03 I t 1244,44 2.2 SPECIALBEDDINGFORTRENCHFOIJNDATION STABILZATION A. Washedrockuniformlygradedbetween l-inchand I l/2-inches PART3 E)(ECUTION 3.I EXCAVANON A. General B. c. I I I I I I I I I t I I I lt I I t l. All excavation shall be made to the lines and grades shown on the Plans and as established by the ENGINEER. 2. Stockpiling of the excavated material required for backfilling and grading will be permitted on all available areas provided the place, the extent and the height of stockpile is approved by the ENGINEER. Trench Excavation l. The hench shall be excavated to a minimum depth of six inches and a maximum of eight inches belowthe bottom ofthe pipe. 2. The sides of the trench shall be excavated and maintained as nearly vertical as practical and shall be in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations.3. The trench width at the bottom and at the top of the pipe shall be a minimum of 24-inches plus the outside diameter of the pipe, and a maximum of 36-inches plus the outside diameter of the pipe. Trench Support l. The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety ofworkers provided for as required by OSIIA. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prcvent any excessive widening or sloughing of the tench which may be detrimental to hurnan safety, to the pipe or appurtenances being installed to existing utilities, to existing stuctures, or to any other existing facility or item. Wheie excavations are made under severe water conditions, the CONTRACTOR shall use sheet piling approved by the ENGINEER instead ofsheeting and shoring. 2. Excavated material and equipment shall not be placed closer than as permitted by 29 CFR 1926.651. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK- FILLING FOR WELDED.STEEL PIPE 3t 2316.03 1244-04 D.Pipe Connections The excavation shall be of zuch dimensions as to permit construction of the necessry pipe connections. Care shall be taken to insure that the excavation does not extend below established lines and gmdes. If the excavation extends below zuch lines, the CONTRACTOR shall fill in the resulting excess excavation with material suitable for compaction, or graded gravel, deposited in horizontal layers of not more than Ginches in thickness after being compacted. The material shall be moistened as required to obtain the optimum required for compaction. After each layer has been conditioned to have the optimum moisture content it shall be compacted by mechanical tampers or other method as approved by the ENGINEER The CONTRACTOR may fill in the over excavated area with conorete provided it is approved by the ENGINEER Surplus Excavation All surplus excavated material shall be removed from the jobsite by the CONTRACTOR at the CONTRACTOR's expense. Locations for the digposal of all surplus material shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR. Wrifi€n permission shall b€ obtained by the CONTRACTOR and a copy of said permission stnll be furnished to the ENGINEER before disposal of any excess material. The OWNER relinquishes all right and title to the surplus material. 3.2 FOI.]NDATION AND BEDDING Dewatering l. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain at all times during construction ample means and devices with which to promptly remove and properly dispose ofall water from any source whatsoever entering the trench or structure excavation or other pads ofthe work- 2. All pipe trenches shall be kept free of water during excavation, pipe laying and jointing. The method of dewatering shall maintain a free water surface below the bedding material. 3. Dewatering shall be accomplished by the use of well points, sump pumps, rock or gravel drains placed below zubgrade foundations or zubsurface pipe dmins. Any dewatering method shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER. 4. The CONTRACTOR shall dispose of the water in a suitable manner without damage to adjacent property or without being a menace to public health or without causing a public inconvenience or nuisance. The water shall not be drained into work completed or under construction. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK- FILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE l. I t I I I I t l. I I I T I I i I i I 31 23 16.03 I I I I I I I I I I t2{444 5. The dewatering operation shall continue until such time that it is safe to allow the water table to rise in the excavations. Pipe trenches shall contain sufficient backfill to prevent pipe flotation Water shall not be allowed to rise unequally against concrete walls for a period of 14 days following placement of the concrete. B. SpecialFoundation l. If the bottom of the excavation is soft or unstable after dewatering, and, in the opinion of the ENGINEE& cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or struchue, further depth and/or width shall be excavated. The over excavated area shall be refilled to 6-inches below the bottom of the pipe or to the underside of the shucture with clean, washed rock uniformly graded between l-inch and I ll2-inches to assure a firm foundation for the pipe or struchrre. 2. No over excavation or refill ofover excavated areas shall be rmdertaken by the CONTRACTOR without the written authorization of the ENGINEE& which authorization shall specifically state the extent and distance (by starion) over which over excavation and refill may take place. 3. If the CONTRACTOR over excavates and refills over excavated areas without the prior written authorization of the ENGINEE& it will be . conclusively presum. ed that this was done solely for the benefit of the CONTRACTOR and the cost of such work shall be at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 3.3 PIPEBEDDINGANDPIPEZONE A. The limits of bedding and prpe zone materials shall be from 6-inches below the bottom ofthe pipe to 6-inches above the top ofthe pipe. Approved backfill extends from the top of the pipe zone to the ground line B. After completion of the tench excavation and prcp€r preparation of the foundation, 6-inches of bedding material shall be placed on the trench bottom for support of the Pipe. C. Bell holes shall be dug to provide proper clearance between the pipe bell and the bedding material to allow for inspection and finishing of the joint. D. All prpe shall be installed in such a manner as to insure firll support of the pipe barrel over its entire length. E. Compaction of bedding is not required. The only requirement is sufficient tamping to achieve wfform support under the pipe. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK. FILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE t I I I t I I I t 31 23 16.03 rz{d,44 I 3.4 F. After the plpe is adjusted for line and grade and the joint is made up, the remainder of the material in the pipe zone shatl be placed to the limits as shown on the Drawings. G. Material in the pipe zone shall be placed in equal lifts not exceeding Ginches in thickness before compaction. The lifts shall be to approximately the same elevation on both sides ofthe pipe to prevent unequal loading and displacement ofthe pipe. G. All pipe zone material shall b€ compacted by jetting and vibrating to obtain 70 percent relative density as detemrined by ASTM Designations D 4253 andD 4254. Special precautions shall be taken to prevent flotation ofthe pipe. H. The bedding and prpe zone material shall be installd so that the total pipe deflection in any direction shall not exceed the allowable deflections shown in SECTION 02512 - STEEL PIPE. If the allowable deflection is exceeded at any time, the CONTRACTOR shall expose and re-round the pipe, repair all damaged lining and coating and reinstall bedding pipe zone material and backfill as specified, at no additional expense to the OWNER. BACKFILL AND COMPACTION A. When suitable select material is available from the excavation, as determined by the ENGINEER, it shall be used for pipe bacldll. B. We! soft or frozen material, asphalt chunks, trash, tree limbs and/or other deleterious substances shall not be pemitted in the backfill material. Unsuitable excavated material shall be hauled away and disposed of at the CONTRACTORs expense and suitable material shall be hauled in from other parts of the project at the CONTRACTOR's expense. C. Backfilling shall be conducted at all times in a manner to prevent damage to the prpe or structure. Rocks or slones larger than 3-inches in maximum dimension shall not be placed closer to the pipe or struchre than Gfuphes. D. No heavy equipment of any nature shall be perrnitted to cross the pipeline before the backfilling has been completed in accordance with these Specifications. E. Tamping Equipment shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEE& and no large rollers or tractordrawn equipment shall be used without prior approval ofthe ENGINEER. F. All backfill shall be carefully placed and spread in unifonn layers so that all voids will be filled. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK- FILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE I I I I I I I I I I T I T I I I I3r 23 16.03 I I I G. The thickness of each horizontal layer after compaction shall not be more than 6-inches. The placing of the layers shall be such that throughout the required section the material will be homogeneous, free from lenses, pockets, streaks, laminations, moisture variations or other imperfections. H. The tench shall be backfilled to the limir shown on the Drawings or as required by the excavation All backfill material shall be compacted by vibrating, tamping, or any combination thereof, to obtain 70 percent relative density as deterrnined by ASTM Designations D 4253 and D 4254 or to 95 perc€nt of maximum density as determined by ASTM Designation D 698. I. Prior to and during compaction, the bacltrll material shall have a moishre content within two percent plus or minus, of optimurn moishre, as determined by ASTM D 698. If the moisture content is not within these limits, the CONTRACTOR shall take whatever steps are necessary to bring the moishre content to within two percent of optimum. PROGRESS OF WORK Open Trench Allowed The maximum amount of open trench allowed ahead of pipe laytng operations shall be that amount whictu in the opinion of the ENGINEE& is reasonable and prudent for conditions existing at any particular localion. That amowrt may be as little as 60 feet at some locations. It is not the intention of this Specification to impede the CONTRACTOR's progress; however, the ENGINEER will determine the amount of open trench allowed. B.Backfilling of Pipe The complete baclfilling operation to the finished grade, including cleanup operations, shall be prosecuted on a continuous daily basis and shall follow within 150 feet ofpipe installation. At the end of each day, pipe zone material and pipe backfill shall cover the installed pipe sufficiently to protect the coating and lining of the installed pipe and to prevent flotation ofthe pipe. Deviations Any deviation from the above requirements shall be made only with the written approval of the ENGINEER- l. l. l. 3.5 I I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK- FILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE 31 23 16.03 3.7 CLEANI.JP A. Upon completion of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall remove from the jobsite all rubbish, unused materials, concrete forms and similar material. B. At all times during constuctiorl the CONTRACTOR shall maintain the site, partially finished sEuctures, material stockpiles and other like areas in a reasonable state oforder and cleanliness. C. ln the event the CONTRACTOR fails to perform this worh it may be performed by the OWNER at the expense ofthe CONTRACTOR SIJRFACERESTORATION General l. The CONTRACTOR shall aszume full responsibility for the consequences of excavation and street cuts and shall comply with all requirements of ste€t-cut or right-of-way permits. 2. The replacement of all excavated base course, permanent paving and damaged curb and gutter shall be done in accordance with the Specifications and requirements contained in the permits and applicable provisions of these specifications. 3. All damaged driveways shall be replaced in like kind by the CONTRACTOR to an equal to, or better than, condition satisfactory to the OWNERthereof. 4. All cuts nec€ssary for the replacement of damaged pa.vement or curbs and gutters shall be done with a @ncrete saw. 5. All drainage and ditch facilities shall be maintained in operating condition at all times during construction. Unsurfaced Areas l. The general grade and condition ofall unsurfaced areas shall be restored as nearly as practicable to the grade and condition immediately prior to construction or as shown on the Plans. 2. Topsoil shall be removed, saved and replaced in cultivated and agriculhral areas, and any excess earth shall be removed from the right-of-way at no addition expense to the OWNER. 3. All grassed areas shall be re-sodded or seeded, and the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for caring for such unfil its growth is established. Surfaced Areas l. The roadway surface cuts shall be saw cut vertical and in a straight line. I I I I I I I I 3.8 B. I I I I I I I t C. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK. FILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE I I 3123 t6.03 t .,4444 I I 2- All roadway surfacing between the surface cuts shall be removed and replaced with base course material and/or hot-mix bituminous or concrete surfacing. If the surface cut is within two feet of the curb and gutter, the existing asphalt from the surface cut to the pan line shall be removed and replaced- 3. In the event tlnt ihe trench must be paved before hot-mix bituminous material can be acquired, the CONTRACTOR" at the discretion of the ENGINEER, shall insall and maintain ternporary cold-mix bituminous paving. 4. When hot-mix bituminous material becomes available, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the ternporary cold-mix material, and re-compact the base course material and install the permanent hot-mix bituminous surfacing. I t I x I t I I EI\D OF SECTION 312116.03 9 TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACK- FILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE t T T I I I I l I I t0-2743 B. l.l 1.2 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I t PART I SECTION 312316.04 TRENCHING, BEDDING AI\D BACKFILLING FOR BITUMINOUS COATED CEMENT.MORTAR LINED DUCTILE-IRON PIPE GEIYERAL GENERAL A. Earthwork shall include all excavation, backfill, excess excavation, bedding and pipe zone material, and surface restoration as indicated on the Drawings or in the Specifications as required to complete the work. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, materials, plant, tools, and equipment required to complete the earthwork. B. Topsoil, as defined on the Drawings or directed by the ENGINEER, shall be removed from the area of general disturbance and stockpiled. After installation of all pipelines, appurtenances and structures and completion of all backfill and compaction, the stockpiled topsoil shall be redistributed evenly over all disturbed arezrs. Care shall be taken to conform to the original ground contour and final grading shall be done as directed by the ENGINEER. QUALITY STANDARDS: A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) l. ASTM D 422 - Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils2. ASTM D 698 - Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-Ibflft3)3. ASTM D 1556 - Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand- Cone Method 4. ASTM D 1557 - Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbflft')5. ASTM D 2487 - Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes6. ASTM D 2922 - Test Methods of Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)7. ASTM D 4253 Test Methods for Maximum lndex Density of Soils Using a Vibratory Table 8. ASTM D 4254 - Test Methods for Minimum Index Density of Soils and Calculation of Relative Density 9. ASTM D 4318 - Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index ofSoils Colorado Department of Transportation Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction American Water Works Association (AWWA)C. 3123 16.04 I TRENCHING. BEDDINGAND BACKFILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE I 1.3 l. AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile-kon Water Mains and Their Appurtenances 2. AWWA Cl50-Thickness Desigr ofDuctile-hon Pipe. SUBMITTAIS A minimum of l0 days prior to the start of construction, the CONTRACTOR shalt submit to the ENGINEER for approval, a sample of not less than 30 pounds of the pipe bedding and pipe zone material that is proposed to be used. If more than one source is to be used, a sample shall be submitted from each source. The source of each sample shall be stated, and after approval ofthe pipe bedding and pipe zone material, no change shall be made in the source of the material or gradation thereof without written approval of the ENGINEER. The testing of proposed pipe bedding and prpe zone material will be made by the ENGINEER at no expense to the CONTRACTOR. PART 2 - MATERIALS BEDDING MATERIAL (Type 4 and 5 Trench) A. The bedding and pipe zone material shall be clean, well-graded, free-draining sand with no clay fines or squeegee sand and shall conform to the following limits when tested byASTM D 422: l. Well Graded Sand Total Percentaee Passing bv Weiqht 1g-2743 Sieve Size 3/8-inch No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No.200 Squeegee Sand Sieve Size I t t t I II I I I tI I I I B. 2.1 100 70 - 100 36 -93 20-80 8-65 2 -30 l-10 0-3 Total Percentase Passins by Weisht TRENCHING. BEDDINGAND BACKFILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE I : t t I 31 23 t6.04 I tl I 10:27{3 3/8-inch No.200 100 0-3 B. C. I T I I I I t I T I t T T I I T Special Note: Although not a requirement, it may be necessary to provide washed material in order to meet fully ttre specification. If washing is necessary, it shall be at the CONTRACTOR's expense. SPECIAL BEDDING FOR TRENCH FOUNDATION STABILZATION A. Washed rock uniformly graded between l-inch and I l/2-inches PART3 EXECTITION 3.I EXCAVATION General l. All excavation shall be made to the lines and grades shown on the Plans and as established by the ENGINEER. 2. Stockpiling of the excavated matedal required for backfilling and grading will be permitted on all available areas provided the place, the extent and the height of stockpile is approved by the ENGINEER. Trench Excavation l. The hench shall be excavated to a minimum depth of six inches and a maximum of eight inches below the bottom of the pipe. 2. The sides of the trench shall be excavated and maintained as nearly vertical as practical and shall be in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. 3- The hench v/idth at the bottom and at the top of the pipe shall be a minimum of 24-inches plus the outside diameter of the pipe, and a maximum of 36-inches plus the outside diameter ofthe pipe. Trench Support l. The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety ofworkers provided for as required by OSllA. 2- Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the hench which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe or appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities, to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item. 3 TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACKFILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE 3t 23 16.04 Ilo-2743 Where excavations are made under severe water conditions, the CONTRACTOR shall use sheet piling approved by the ENGINEER instead of sheeting and shoring. Excavated material and equipment shall not be placed closer than as permitted by29 CFR 1926.651. D.Pipe Connections The excavafion shall be of such dimersions as to permit construction of the necessary pipe connections. Care shall be taken to insure that the excavation does not extend below established lines and grades. Ifthe excavation extends below such lines, the CONTRACTOR shall fill in the resulting excess excavation with material suitable for compaction, or graded gravel, deposited in horizontal layers of not more than 6-inches in thickness after being compacted. The material shall be moistened as required to obtain the optimum required for compaction. After each layer has been conditioned to have the optimum moishue content, it shall be compacted by mechanical tarnpers or other method as approved by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR may fill in the over-excavated area with concrete provided it is approved by the ENGINEER. E.Surplus Excavation All surplus excavated material shall be removed from the jobsite by the CONTRACTOR at the CONTRACTOR's expense. Locations for the disposal of all surplus material shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR. Written permission shall be obtained by the CONTRACTOR and a copy of said permission shall be fumished to the ENGINEER before disposal of any excess material. The OWNER relinquishes all right and title to the surplus matffial. 3.2 FOUNDATION AND BEDDING Dewatering l. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain at all times during construction ample means and devices with which to promptly remove and properly dispose of all water from any source whatsoever entering the trench or structure excavation or olher parts of the work. 2. All pipe trenches shall be kept free of water during excavation, pipe lafng and jointing. The method of dewatering shall maintain a free water surface below the bedding material. 3. Dewatering shall be accomplished by the use of well points, sump pumps, rock or gravel drains placed below subgrade foundations or subsurface pipe TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACKFILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE J. 4. 1. I I I I I t I I I I I I I J. l. I .f I Tt I 3t 23 16.04 I l., r G27{3 drains. Any dewatering method shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall dispose of the water in a suitable manner without damage to adjacent property or without being a menace to public health or without causing a public inconvenience or nuisance. The water shall not be drained into work completed or under conshuction. The dewatering operation shall continue until such time that it is safe to allow ihe water table to rise in the excavations. Pipe trenches shall contain sufficient backfill to prevent pipe flotation. Water shall not be allowed to rise unequally against concrete walls for a period of 14 days following placement of the concrete. Special Foundation Ifthe bottom ofthe excavation is soft or unsiable after dewatering, and, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, further depth and/or width shall be excavated. The over excavated area shall be refilled to 6-inches below the bottom of the pipe or to the underside of the structure with clean, washed rock uniformly graded between l-inch and I l/2-inches to assure a firm foundation for the pipe or structure. No over excavation or refill of over excavated areas shall be rmderaken by the CONTRACTOR without the written authorization of the ENGINEE& which authorization shall specifically state the extent and distance (by station) over which over excavation and refill may take place. If the CONTRACTOR over excavates and refills over excavated areas without the prior written authorization of the ENGINEER, it will be conclusively presumed that this was done solely for the benefit of the CONTRACTOR and the cost of such work shall be at the CONTRACTORS expense. J.J PIPE BEDDING AND PIPE ZONE C. The limir of bedding and pipe zone materials shall be from 6-inches below the bottom of the pipe to Ginches above the top of the pipe. Approved backfill extends from the top of the pipe zone to the ground line. After completion of the trench excavation and proper preparation of the foundation, 6-inches ofbedding material shall be placed on the trench bottom for support ofthe pip€- Bell holes shall be dug to provide proper clearance between the pipe bell and the bedding material to allow for inspection and finishing of the joint. 5 TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACKFILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE 4- 5. l. J. I I I I T t t I I I I I I I I I t 312316.04 ttw743 3.4 D. All pipe shall be installd in zuch a rnanner as to insure full zupport of the pipe barrel over its entire length. E. Compaction of bedding is not required. The only requirement is sufficient tamping to achieve uniform support under the pipe. F. After the plpe is adjustd for line and grade and the joint is made up, the remainder of the material in the pipe zone slnll be placed to the limits as shown on the Drawings. G. Material in the pipe zone shall be placed in equal lifts not exceeding 6-inches in thickness before compaction. The lifu shall be to approximately the same elevation on both sides ofthe pipe to prevent unequal loading aqd displacement ofthe pipe. G. All pipe zone material shall be compacted by mechanical tamping, jetting and vibrating to obtain 70 percent relative density as detennined by ASTM Designations D 4253 arlrdD 4254. Special precautions shall be taken to prevent flotation of the prpe. H. The bedding and plpe zone material shall be installed so that the total pipe deflection in any direction shell not exceed the allowable deflections shown in SECTION 33 Il 02 - DUCTILE-IRON PIPE AI.ID FITTINGS. If the allowable deflection is exceeded at any time, the CONTRACTOR shall expose and re-round th" ptpe, repair all damaged lining and coating and reinstall bedding, pipe zone material and bacldll as specified" at no additional expense to the OWNER. BACKML AND COMPACTION A. When suitable select material is available from the excavation, as determhed by the ENGINEER" the ENGINEER may permit the material to be used for pipe backfill for a Type 3 Trench condition The excavated hench material shall have a P-200 less than or equal to l0% to be considered for use. B. We! soft or frozen material, asphalt chunks, uasll tree limbs and/or other deleterious zubstances shall not be pemitted in the backfill material. Unzuitable excavated material shall be hauled away and disposed of at the CONTRACTORS expense and suitable material shall be hauled in from other parts of the project at the CONTRACTOtrIJs expense- C. Backfilling shall be conducted at all times in a manner to prevent damage to the pipe or structure. Rocks or stones larger than 3-inches in maximum dimension shall not be placed closer to the pipe or sbnrcture than 6-inches. TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACKIILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE I t I t I I I I t I I I T I 't T I 3t 23 16.04 D. F. A. B. 3.5 I l, I t t I I I t I I I I I I No heavy equipment of any nature shall be permitted to cross the pipeline before the backfilling has been completed in accordance with these Specifications. Tamping Equipment shall be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER, and no large rollers or tractor-drawn equipment shall be used without prior approval of the ENGINEER. All backfill shall be carefully placed and spread in uniform layers so that all voids will be filled. G. The thickness of each horizontal layer after compaction shall not be more than 6-inches. The placing of the layers shall be such that throughout the required section the material will be homogeneous, free from lenses, pockets, streaks, laminations, moisture variations or other imperfections. H. The trench shall be backfilled to the limits shown on the Drawings or as requked by the excavation. All backfill material shall be compacted by vibrating, tamping or any combination thereof, to obtain 70 percent relative density as determined by ASTM Designations D 4253 and D 4254 or to 95 percent of maximum density as determined by ASTM Designation D 698. L Prior to and during compaction, the backfill material shall have a moisture content within two percent, plus or minus, of optimum moisturg as determined by ASTM D 698. If the moisture content is not within these limits, the CONTRACTOR shall take whatever steps are necessary to bring the moisfure content to within two percent of optimum. PROGRESS OFWORK The maximum amount of open trench allowed ahead of pipe laying operations shall be that amount which, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, is reasonable and prudent for conditions existing at any particular location. That amount may be as little as 60 feet at some locations. It is not the intention of this Specification to impede the CONTRACTOR's progress; however, the ENGINEER will determine the amount of open trench allowed. The complete backfilling operation to the finished grade, including cleanup operations, shall be pros€cuted on a continuous daily basis and shall follow within 150 feet of pipe installation. At the end of each day, pipe zone material and pipe backfill shall cover the installed pipe sufficiently to protect the coating and lining ofthe installed pipe and to prevent flotation of the pipe. C.T T t I 7 TRENCHING,BEDDINGAND BACKFILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE 3t 23 16.04 3.6 t0-27 43 D. Any deviation from the above requirements shall be made only with the written approval of the ENGINEER CLEANLIP A. Upon completion of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall remove from the jobsite all rubbish, unused materials, concrete forms and similar material. B. At all times during conshuction, the CONTRACTOR shall maintain the site, partially finished stuchres, material stockpiles and other like areas in a reasonable state oforder and cleanliness. C. In the event the CONTRACTOR fails to perform this work, it may be performed by the owNER at the expense of the coNTRACTOR. D. Cleanup of the interior of the pipe shall be in accordance with SECTION 02513 - DUCTILE-IRON PIPE AND FTMINGS. SURFACE RESTORATION C. The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for the consequences of excavation and street cuts and shall comply with all requirements of sheet-cut or right-of-way permits. The replacement of all excavated base course, permanent paving and damaged curb and gutter shall be done in accordance with the Specifications and requirements contained in the permits and applicable provisions of these specifications. All damaged driveways shall be replaced in like kind by the CONTRACTOR to an equal to, or better than, condition satisfactory to the OWNER thereof. All cuts necessary for the replacement of darnaged pavernent or curbs and gutters shall be done with a concrete saw. All drainage and ditch facilities shall be maintained in operating condition at all times during construction. Unsurfaced Areas l.The general grade and condition ofall unsurfaced areas shall be restored as nearly as practicable to the grade and condition immediately prior to construction or as shown on the Drawings. Topsoil shall be removed, saved and replaced in cultivated and agricultural areas, and any excess earth shall be removed from the right-of-way at no addition expense to the OWNER. I ,,d I I I I I I ). t I I I I I B. D. F. T I I I I T 2. 8 TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACKFILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE 3123 16.04 l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. G. I l\ I I I I I I I I I I t I I T t I t 1u274.3 3. All grassed areas shall be re-sodded or seeded, and the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for caring for such until its growth is established. Surfaced Areas Roadway surface cuts shall be saw cut vertical and in a straight line. All roadway surfacing between the surface cuts shall be removed and replaced with base course material and/or hot-mix bituminous pavement (IIBP) or concrete surfacing. If the surface cut is within two feet of the cwb and gutter, the existing asphalt from the surface cut to the pan line shall be rernoved and replaced. In the event that the trench must be paved before hot-mix bituminous material can be acquired, the CONTRACTO& at the discretion of the ENGINEER, shall install and maintain temporary cold-mix bituminous paving. When HBP material becomes available, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the temporary cold-mix material, and re-compact the base course material and install the permanent HBP surfacing, After the surfacing of HBP has been placed between the surface cuts, the entire lane width shall be have an IIBP overlay placed in accordance with the permit. END OF SECTION TRENCHING, BEDDINGAND BACKI'ILLING FOR DUCTILE-IRON PIPE 3t 23 16.04 I I l.l 1.2 I I t I t I t I I T I I I I I I I sEcrroN 31 23 18 BLASTING PART 1 GEITERAL SCOPE OF WORK A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform blasting where needed, in accordance with the requirements of this specification. SUBMITTAIS A. .Two-part conceptual blasting plan. Prior to bringing any explosives or blasting agents on the job site and to starting any blasting, the CONTRACTOR shall submit, for approval, a two-part conceptual blasting plan as follows: l. Part I - Part I of the conceptual plan shall include a complete summary of proposed transportation, handling, storage, and use of explosives, and shall include the names of persormel who will supervise blasting operations, written evidence ofpast experience and competency. 2. Part2 - Part 2 of the conceptual plan shall include: a. The proposed general concept for the blasting, including individual blasthole and delay pattems and loading diagrams to cover each type of shot anticipated. b. Material safety data sheets. The CONTRACTOR shall submit completed MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), for explosives and other material used for blasting, in accordance with paragraph 1.5.3. B. lndividual Shot plans. l. Individual shot plans shall be submitted on a day-to-day basis for approval. Individual shot plans shall include drilling pattems; number, spacing, Iocation, inclination, diameter, and depth of drill holes; amount, type, diameter, and distribution of explosive per hole; pounds of explosives per lineal foot for controlled perimeter holes; powder factor; delay pattems, type of initiators, time of each delay, and pounds of explosive for each delay_ 2. Approval of the blasting plans, of all blasting operations, and of blasting products by the ENGINEER" and compliance by the CONTRACTOR with provisions for protection of life and property shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of the CONTRACTOR's responsibility or liability for the safety ofpersons and property. 31 23 18 BLASTING t 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The transportation, handling, storage, and use of explosives shall be subject to provisions of Subpad U, "Blasting and Use of Explosives ," of 29 CFR Part 1926 and Section 109, "Explosives and Blasting Agents," of 29 CFR Part 1910, and regulations of Department of Treasury contained in 27 CFR Part 55 "Commerce in Explosives". In case of Conflicts, the more stringent will prevail. B. The transportation, handling, storage, and use of dynamite and other explosives, including blasting agents, shall be directed and supervised by persons ofproven experience and competency in blasting and use of explosives. Written evidence of the blasting zupervisors past experience shall be furnished the Contracting Officer's representative. C. A blaster shall be qualified, by reason of haining, knowledge, or experience, in the field of hansporting, storing, handling, and use of explosives, and have a working knowledge of State and local laws and regulations which pertain to explosives. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Explosives shall be removed from original containers only as needed for immediate use. Empty containers and packing shall be disposed of in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The transportation of explosives by air, water, or on public highways shall comply with the provisions of Department of Transportation Regulations contained in 46 CFR Parts 146-149, Water Carriers; 49 CFR Subchapter B - Hazardous Matedals Transportation and Pipeline Safety, Parts l7l-177; 49 CFR Parts 190-195, Pipeline Safety, and 49 CFR Parts 390-397, Motor Carriers. Explosives and related materials shall be stored in approved magazines, and in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms as set fodh in 27 CFR Pad 55, "Commerce in Explosives." Magazines shall be bulletproof, rodent resistant, weather-resistant, ventilated, and constructed to the standards of the Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco. and Firearms. of the Institute of Makers of Explosives. MATERIALS - NOT USED EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL The CONTRACTOR shall erect proper warning signs of adequate number and size, stating that blasting operations are taking place in the area, and such sigrrs I I I I I T I 1.4 I I IC. B. PART 2 PART 3 I I I II t t 3t 23 t8 BLASTING B. C. 3.2 3.3 I t I I I I T I I I t I I I I t t I I shall be clearly visible to all haffic entering the area. The CONTRACTOR shall establish a reliable audible blast-waming system, and use watchmen to ensure that all personnel in the area are properly wamed and kept at a safe distance from the impending blast. B. All blasting shall be carefully performed and any damage to the work, environment, and adjacent property shall be repaired by and at the expense ofthe CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall make every effort to prevent fly rock damage to structures and individuals and is responsible for ensuring that fly rock is not a problem as well as for any darnage resulting from fly rock. Where necessary, as determined by the Contracting Officer, blasting mats shall be used to protect adjacent property and installations. C. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preserve the material below and beyond the established lines of all excavation in the soundest possible condition. Material beyond the required lines which is shattered or loosened by the CONTRACTOR's operations shall be removed by and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. PRE-BLAST SURVEY A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform a pre-blast survey to identify and document the existing condition of structures such as homes and other facilities such as ground water wells, buried pipelines and cables. B. The survey shall encompass an area within a minimum 1,500-foot radius of the site unless conditions, facilities or features warrant a greater distance. BLASTING PROCEDURES Drilling for individual blasts shall not be performed until the ENGINEER has reviewed and accepted the CONTRACTOR's blasting plan. Test blasts are required to determine affects on surrounding properties. The test blasts shall be performed and monitored by the CONTRACTOR. Controlled blasting techniques shall be used for all perimeter surfaces when blasting to final grades or lines. "Presplitting," or other controlled blasting techniques as reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER shall be employed. The "presplitting" technique involves the use of a single row of lightly loaded perimeter holes generally spaced at about 24 inches apart along the final excavation lines that are fired before any adjoining main excavation area is blasted. The presplitting may be accomplished during the primary blast can break, thus resulting in smoolh rock surfaces with a minimum amount of overbreak or tights. 3123 18 BLASTING D. For all controlled blasts, the technique, perimeter hole spacing, and loading density may vary depending on rock type and discontinuities. Actual techniques, loading densifies, and spacing are subject to the review and acceptance of the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER may require a change in the controlled blasting technique, perimeter hole spacing, and/or loading density ifunsatisfactory results are obtained. E. Perimeter blastholes shall follow the lines of the final excavation and shall not deviate more than 6 inches from their designed location in any direction along the . length ofthe hole. Depths ofblastholes shall be reduced ifnecessary to conform to this requirement. 3.4 LOADING EXPLOSIVES AND BLASTING AGENTS A. Planning l. Excavation shall be planned and scheduled in order that drilling and loading operations will not conflict. B. Boreholes 1. Boreholes shall be large enough to permit loading of cartridges and explosives without forcing. 2.. Priming, loading, tamping, and firing shall be carried on as promptly as possible with a minirnum of exposure to personnel. C. Tamping 1. Tamping shall be done only with wooden or plastic tamping poles without exposed metal parts. 2. Nonsparking metal cormectors may be used on jointed poles. 3. Cartridges shall be seated by even, steady pressure, and primers shall not be tamped. D. Priming l. The manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed in priming cartridges. 2. Primers shall be made up only at the loading area, and in quantities limited to the number required for a single round of blasting. E. Stemming l. All blast holes in open work shall be stemmed with noncombustible material to the collar or to a point, which will confine the charge. I I I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I t 3123 l8 BLASTING I I I F.Blasting Mats Where blasting may expose persons or property to injury or damage from flying material, blasting mats shall be used to cover the charges. When used, care shall be used to protect the blasting circuits, and the circuits shall not be permitted to contact steel mats. G.Loading and Shooting Loaded holes shall not be left unattended or unprotected. If possible, all holes loaded during a shift shall be fired on the same shift. In the event it is necessary to delay firing due to an emergency, the area shall be isolated and watchmen posted to prevent entry to the area. WIRING OPERATIONS A. Firing Devices 1. All blasts shall be fired non-elechically in accordance with manufactruer's recommendations. 2. Only non-electrical systems may be used. FIRING Preparation 1. Prior to corurecting the firing line to the detonator, all personnel in the danger area shall be notified ofthe blast and removed to a safe area. 2. Satisfactory arrangements shall be made for evacuating the danger area and ensuring that no one enters the area prior to the blast. Responsibility 1- The blaster shall be in charge of the detonator, and he shall cormect the firing line to the detonator. 2. All connections shall be made from the cap circuit back to the firing device, and the firing line shall remain shorted until connected to the firing device immediately prior to firing. Blasting Signal 1. The following blasting signal shall be sounded on a clearly audible whistle, hom, or siren before each blast: 2. Unless otherwise reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER these warning signals shall be as follows: B. C. 3.5 3.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T 1. 2. l. 2. J. 31 23 18 BLASTING L Blasting waming: a l-minute series of long blasts 5 minutes prior to the blast signal. b. Blast sigral: A series of short blasts following inspecfion of the blast area. c; All clear: A prolonged blast following inspection of the blast area. 3. Posting Blasting Signals a. Blasting signals shall be posted at all access points, and prior to each shot, competent flagmen shall be posted at all access points to the danger area MISFIRES Requirement If a misfire is suspected or found, all personnel except lhe blaster and employees necessary to handle the misfire shall be kept out of the danger area. No work shall be done in the danger area exce,pt that necessary to remove the hazard of the misfire. B.Refiring If broken wires or faulty cormections are determined as the cause, repairs shall be made the firing line reconnected, and an attempt make to fire the charge. Prior to removing explosives from a borehole an attempt shall be made to fire the charge. Any stemming shall be floated out with water or air. C.Removal of Explosives This procedure shall be the last resort and performed only when refiring has failed or when refuing would present a hazard. Explosives may be removed by washing out with water or if the misfire is under water, blown out with air. 3.8 INSPECTION FOLLOWING A BLAST All Blasts I -'t I I I I t I I I I I I I I T Ii I 1. 2. l. l. 2. 1 2. 3.7 Prior to the all-clear signal, a thorough inspection shall be blaster to determine if all charges have been fired. Wires shall be carefully checked and a search made for charges. made by the unexploded 3123 18 BLASTING A. B. c. D. I T I I 3.s t I I I I I I I I I I B. All-Clear Signal L The all-clear signal shall be sounded only after the inspection ofthe area has been satisfactorily completed. DAMAGE AND VIBRATION CONTROL All blasting shall be carefully perfonned, and any damage to the work, environment, and adjacent property shall be repaired by and at the expense ofthe CONTRACTOR. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preserve the material below and beyond the established lines ofall excavation in the soundest possible condition. The ENGINBER will inspect an excavation following the blast and cleanup to determine acceptability. Material beyond the required lines which is shattered or loosened by the CONTRACTOR's operations shall be removed and replaced with material specified by the ENGINEER, by and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall also immediately adjust its procedures to prevent any further overbreak. The CONTRACTOR shall make every effort to prevent flyrock damage to structures and individuals and shall be responsible for ensuring that flyrock is not a problem as well as for any damage resulting from fl1'rock. Whele necessary, as determined by the ENGINEER, blasting mats shall be used to protect adjacent property and installations. For every blast, vibrations shall be monitored by the CONTRACTOR with a sufficient number of calibrated seismographs containing internal calibration and triaxial orthogonal transducers with a flat frequency response from 2 to 200hefiz,. Records of seismograph characteristics and factory calibration shall be provided to the ENGINEER prior to drilling for blasting. The seismograph recording or seismogram shall be a real-time, permanent record of the vibration measurements in terms of particle velocity. The transducers shall be placed in designated locations or structures, or both, as directed by the ENGINEER. The lransducers shall be securely faslened to the ground surface or structure being monitored by use ofstakes, epoxy, or bolting where blast accelerations are expected to exceed 0.3 gravitational constant as determined from the equation a:(v)(f)i61.5, where a is the acceleration in gravitational constants, v is the velocity in inches per second, and f is the predominant frequency of the blast determined from the direct readout record of ground vibrations in cycles per second. For every blast, airblast levels shall be monitored by CONTRACTOR using an approved calibrated airblast charurel on a blasting seismograph with a flat frequency response from 2 to 200 hertz. Records of instrument characteristics and factory calibration shall be provided to the ENGINEER prior to drilling for E.T I I I 3123 18 BLASTING I F. blasting. The airblast recording shall be a real-time, permanent record of the airblast measurements in terms of decibels. A sound-level calibrator or pistonphone which has been checked annually to a source traceable to the National Bureau of Standards shall be used to verify dynamic calibration before each use. The microphones shall be tripod mounted at a location at least 3 feet above the grormd when in their monitoring positions. The number of locations shall be adequate to monitor airblast levels and impacts on surrounding skuctures and facilities. The peak airblast levels measured adjacent sfructures shall not exceed 133 decibels utilizing instruments with a flat frequency response from 2 to 200 hertz. Table 4A - Maximum Vibration Permitted Structure Type Vibration Frequencies Cycles/S Maximum Vibration Permitted In/S Relatively new residential with wallboard walls Below 40 Above 40 o.75 2.0 Older residential with plaster walls Below 40 Above 40 0.5 2.O Industrial (more substantial than residential)2.0 END OF SECTION I I II T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3123 18 BLASTING I l, I I I I t I I I I I I I I Q2-23{,4 PART I GEIYERAL 1.1 WORK INCLIJDED A. PART 2 PART 3 3.1 GROIINDWATER G. sEcTroN 3t 2319 DEWATERING The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, tools, and equipment and perform all work and services necessary for dewatering. PRODUCTS - NOT USED EXECUTION B. Regardless whether or not borings and test pits have been taken, when ground water is encountered in the construction or excavation, the CONTRACTOR shall provide for dewatering as required to provide for stability and firilless of the foundation subgrade. It is up to the CONTRACTOR to determine and satisfu for himself the amount, and extent, of any groundwater that may affect his operations, site safety and construction activities. The water table shall be lowered prior to excavation to an elevation sufficiently below the proposed foundations to permit all construction operations to be performed dry. Dewatering shall be accomplished in a marmer that will preclude loss of fine material from the foundation soil. The lowered water level shall be maintained until such time as the work is sufficiently advanced to secure damage from wetting or buoyancy. In areas where structural backfill or compacted embankment is required, the excavation shall be free of water prior to start of backfill. Any charmels, flumes, drains, sumps, wells, walkway systems and other temporary diversion and protective works necessary for dewatering shall be constructed and maintained by the CONTRACTOR. After having served their purpose, all temporary drainage diversion structures, sumps wells and channels shall be removed, leveled or filled to the final grades shown on the Drawings and in a manner approved by the ENGINEER. C. D. E. F. t t I t 3t 23 t9 DEWATERING I 3.2 a-234 3.2 SURFACEWATER A. The CONTRACTOR shall conshucl grade and maintain temporary channels, swales or ditches to divert surface water around the open excavation to prevent excavation slope degradation and excavation flooding and siltation. This is particularly important on water storage tank projects. DISCHARGE PERMITS: A. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to apply for and securing any and all discharge permits with the appropriate agencies. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I 3123 19 DEWATERING t, I I rc-2i43 SECTTON 312323.33 CONTROLLED LOW STRENGTH MATERIAL (CLSM) GLOW F'ILL) UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL I PARTI GENERALIII.I GENERAL t A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish and place controlled low strength material (CLSM) backfill bedding where shown in the Drawings.II B. The pipeline hench shall be excavated to the proper lines, grades and dimensions and CLSM backfill placed under, along the sides and on top ofthe pipe. r C. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, a minimum of one foot of CLSM back- fill shall be placed over the crown ofthe pipe. I- 1.2 QUALTTY STANDARDS I I A. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) t l- ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates t 2. ASTM C 94 - Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete3. ASTM C 143 - Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete t 4. ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement I 5. ASTM C 494 - Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 6. ASTM C 618 - FlyAsh in Portland Cement Concrete I 7. ASTM D 4832 - Standard Test Method for Preparation and Testing of t Soil-Cement SlurryTest Cylinders8. ASTM PS 28 - Provisional Standard Test Method for Flow Consistency of I Controlled Low Strength MaterialI 9. ASTM PS 29 - Provisional Standard Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Controlled Low Strength Material10. ASTM PS 30 - Provisional Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixedf Controlled Low Strength Material 11. ASTM PS 3l - Provisional Standard Test Method for Ball Drop on Con- I trolled Low Strength Material to Determine Suitability for Load Applica- tion I 1.3 suBMrrrALSI a A. A minimum of four weeks prior to starting CLSM work, CLSM shall be submit- I ted for review and approval. I -I | 31 23 23.33 I CLSM (FLOW FILL) TRENCH BACKFILL I 2.2 2.3 t0-2743 B. No changes shall be made in the amounts or sources of the approved mix ingredi- ents without the approval of the ENGINEER. C. Product inspection and field-testing of the approved mix may be made by, or on- behalf of, the OWNER. PART 2.MATERIALS Z.I GENERAL A. The CLSM bedding shall consist of a mixture of sand, coarse aggregate, cem€Nlt and water. Fly ash and approved admixtures may be used to obtain the required properties of the mix. The mix shall have good workability and flowability with self-compacting and selfJeveling characteristics. B. The CLSM shall have minimum cement content of 50 pounds per cubic yard. The water-cementiuous materials ratio of the mix shall not exceed 3.5:l CEMENT A. All cement used shall be Type tr Portland cement which shall conform to the re- quirements of ASTM C 150. FLYASH A. Fly ash may be either Class C or Class F. B. The fly ash shall conform to ASTM C 618. AGGREGATES A. Fine Aggregate L All frne aggregate shall conform to the grading and quality requirements of ASTM C 33. B. Coarse Aggregate l Coarse aggregate shall conform to the grading and quality requirements of ASTM C 33 for size No. 476. No. 57 or No. 67. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I tI t 2.4 3t 23 23.33 2 CLSM (FLOWFTLL)TRENCHBACKFnL I tu274i l' I ., 2.5 WATER I A. The batch mixing water and mixer washout water shall conform to the require- I ments of ASTMC94. I 2.6 ADMXTURES I A. Chemical admixtures that do not contain calcium chloride and conform to ASTM C 494 for concrete maybe used in the CLSM mix.t , B. All chemical admixtures shall be compatible with the cement and all other admix- t tures in the batch.I 2.7 CLSM PROPORTIONS I A. Strenethr I trX#1ffi:,*r#:#""T11il"#';Til:ff:l*nl'lil#l as in conformance with ASTM D 4832. !B. Air-Entrainment l. All CLSM shall be air entained to a total air content of approximately 5To. C. Slump l. The minimum slump shall be six inches and the maximum slump shall be eight inches as when tested in accordance with ASTM PS 28. D. Aggregate 1. Fine aggregate shall be between 50%o and 60% by volume of the total ag- gregates in the CLSM mix. E. Consistency l. The consistency of the CLSM slurry shall be such that the material flows easily into all openings between the pipe and the lower portion of lhe trench. 2. When trenches are on a steep slope, a stiffer mix of slurry may be required to prevent CSLM from flowing down the trench.3. When a stiffer mix is used, vibration shall be performed to ensure that the CLSM slurry completely fills all spaces between the pipe and the lower portion of the trench. I 31 23 23.33 I I I I I I I I I 3 CLSM(FLOWFTLL)TRENCHBACKFTLL It0-27 43 PART3 EXECT]TION 3.1 PI-A.CEMENT ,d I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t lI I B. C. D. F. G. Pipe shall be placed on two sandbags and leveled to the proper grade. precast or other types of rigid pads that constifute a point load are unacceptable. CLSM shall be placed under the pipe from one side so that it flows under the pipe until it appears on the other side. GLSM shall then be added to both sides of the pipe until it completely fills the space between the pipe and the sides of the toench, to the depths shown in the Drawings. Rodding, mechanical vibration and com- paction of CLSM shall be performed to assist in consolidating the CLSM. CLSM shall be placed as closely behind pipe laying operations as possible. when required to prevent uplift, the CLSM shall be placed in two stages as re- quired, allowing sufficient time for the initial set of the first stage before the re- mainder is placed. cLsM shall be deposited as nearly as practical in its final po- sition and in no way disturb the pipe trench or cause foreign material to become mixed with the CLSM. Soil backfill shall not be placed until the CLSM has reached the initial set. If backfill is not to be placed over the CLSM within 8 hours, a 6-inch cover of moist earth shall be placed over the CLSM surface. If the air temperature is 50o F or less, the moist earth cover should be at least lg- inches thick. CLSM shall not be placed unless the air temperature is 45" F or more and the temperature is rising. CLSM shall not be placed, if, in the judgment of the ENGINEER, weather condi- tions are unsuitable. GLSM shall not be placed when the trench bottom or walls are frozen or contain frozen materials. END OFSECTION 31 23 23.33 4 CLSM (FLOW FILL) TRENCH BACKFILL I .l r , sEcrIoN 31 25 00 I EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL I PARTI GENER{L r l.ol DESCRJPTION I A. Work Included: Excavation, grading, and installation of riprap, filter material, jute nettin& strawt bah sediment baniers, and all necessary apPurtenances. I B. Retated work: l. Site clearing: Section 02 40 00 I 2. Earthwork: Section 31 23 00 I 3. Storm Drainage: Section 02630 I r.o2 suBMrrrAls . A. Test Reports: Ifrequested, firmish copies oftests from certified and acceptable testing laboratory I ' ,. Gradation and Soundness ofRiprap. t 2. Gradation of Filter Material. PART2 PRODUCTS t 2.or RTPRAP ,- Hard, dense, sound, angular rough fractured stone meeting AASHTO T 85. Excavated shot rock may be t used if agreed to by the Owner's representative and the Engineer. Neither breadth nor thickness ofsingle - stone to be less than one-third its length, ! Nominal Size Min' Volume f;J.tu* 12" 0.5 CF 75 lbs. l E" 1.8 CF 250 lbs.f 24" 4 cF 6oo lbs. f Size of stone and total thickness of riprap as shown on drawings. Stone well graded so voids can be filled, I and at least 50% ofmass equal to or larger than size called for on drawings. T II I 31 25 00 I Erosion and Sedimentation Control t I FILTERMATERJAL Aggegate Filter: Conform to following gradation: -il FILTER FABRIC Manufactured especially for stability of erosion control construction. Made from polyethylene and polypropylene yarns, in accordance with following: Sieve Size 314" No.4 No.200 Weight Thickness Grab Strength Elongation Break Burst Strenglh Trapezoid Tear Strength Water Permeability Water Flow Rate EquivalentOpening Size Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves 100 20-90 0-20 0-3 4.0 ozlyd ASTM D1910 15 mils ASTM D1777 130lbs. ASTMDI682 62% ASTM DI682 125 psi ASTM D7742 701b. ASTM 2263 0.02 cm/se CFMC 4.80 gaVmin/ft CFMC 70-100 U.S. Sieve ASTM D422 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I EROSION CONTROL BLAI\IKf,TS AND TURF REINFORCEMENT MATS A. Site Preparation Grade and compact area of installation and r:move all rocks, clods, vegetation or other obstructions so that the inslalled blanket/mal will have direct contact with soil surface. Prepare seedbed by loosening 2-3 in(50-75n m) oftopsoil above final grade. . Incorporate fertilizer into soil.. Do not mulch areas where mat is to be place I Seeding . Apply seed to the soil surface before installi rg blanket/mat, or after installation (TRM only) for enhanced performance (preferable) - When seeding prior to installation, all check slots and other areas disturbed must also be reseeded.. When using a TRM and soil fitling, seed TRM and entire disturbed area after insallation, prior to filling mat with soil. Installation on Banks and SloPes r Extended blankeVmat 2-3 ft (600-900mm) over crest of slope and excavate a l2x6 in (300x1 50mm) terminal anchor trench.. Anchor blanket/mat in trench on I ft (300mm) spacings, backfill and compact soil. . Unroll blankeVmat down slope with small netting on bottom, Iarge netting on top. 31 25 00 Erosion and Sedimentation Control I I I I Overlap adjacent rolls at teast 3 in (75mm), and anchor every l8 in (450mm) minimum across the overlap. The higher elevation blanket/rnat should be placed over the lower blanket/mat. Overlap blanket/mat edges approximately 2 in (50mrn) and staple according to anchor pattemguide. Make sure that edge overlaps are shingled away from prevailing winds. Lay blanket/mat loose to maintain direct contact with soil. (Do not pull blanket/mat taut. This may allow bridging of soil surface.) Secure blanket/mat to ground surface using U-shaped wire staples (prefened) or geotextile pins Refer to manufacfurer's recommendation for appropriate number and pattem of anchors Place outer edge ofblankeVmat in previously excavated longitudinal slots, anchor using prescribed staple pattern, backfill and compact soil. Anchor, backfill and compact upstream end of blankeVmat in a l2x6 in (300x150mm) terminal trench. Secure blankeVmat to ground surface using U-shaped wire staples(preferred) or geotextile pins. When using a TRM, seed and fill with soil for enhanced performance When using a TRM with a geotextile attached. Always seed after installing mat, then fill with soil Installation in Storrn Water Channels r Excavate an initial anchor trench 12 in (300mm) deep and 6 in (150mm) wide across the channel at the lower end ofthe project area-. Construct check slots along the channel in the following manner: Excavate intermittent check slots 6 in (l50mm) deep and 6 in (150mm) wide across the channel at 30 ft (9.1m) intervals.. Cut longitudinal channel anchor slots 4 in (l00mm) deep and 4 in ( l00mm) wide along both sides ofthe installation to bury edges ofblanket/mat. Whenever possible extend mat 2-3 ft (600-900 mm) above crest ofchannel side slopes. . Beginning at the center ifdownslream end ofthe channel, place the end ofthe first roll in the anchor trench and secure with fastening devices at I ft (300mm) intervals. Note: blanket/mat will initially be upside down in anchor trench; smaller netting on top. . In same manner, position adjacent rolls in anchor trench. Overlapping the preceding roll minimum of 3 in (75mm). ' Again, staple at I ft (300mm) intervals, backfill and compact soil. . Unroll blanket/rnat over the compacted trench with smaller netting on bottom, large netting on top. Stop at next check slot or terminal anchor trench' . Unroll adjacent rolls upstream in order to maintain a minimum 3 in (75mm) overlap. Anchor every l8 in (450mm) minimum across the overlap. . Fold and secure blankeVmal rolls snugly into intermittent check slots. Lay blankeVmat in the bottom and fold back against itself. Anchor through both layers of blanket or mat at I ft(300mm) intervals then backfill and compact soil- Continue rolling upstream over the compacted slot to the next check slot of terminal anchor trench. . Overlap roll ends a minimum of I ft (300mm) with upstream blanket/mat on top' Begin all new rolls in a check slot. Anchor overlapped area by placing two rows ofanchors, I ft (300mm) apart on I ft (300mm) intervals' I I D. I I I I I I I I I T I t I I T 31 25 00 Erosion and Sedimentation Control E.Soil Filling . If specified, soil filling is recommended for optimum performance. . After seeding, spread and lightly rake % - % in (12-l9mm) of fine topsoil into the TRM and completely fill the voids. Use backside of rake or other flat tool. . If equipment must operate on the TRM, make sure it is of the rubber-tired type. No tracked equipment or sharp turns are allowed on the mat. ' Avoid any fiaffic over TRM if loose or wet soil conditions exist. . Use shovels, rakes or brooms for fine grading and finishing. . Smooth soils fill in order to just expose the top netting of mahix. Do not place excessive soil above the mat.. Broadcast additional seed and mulch above the soil-filled TRM. . Water as necessary to enhance growth. I ,'-.t I . Consult manufacturer's technical representative or local distributor for installation assistance. Particularly if unique conditions apply (i.e. fine sandy soils, infertile I environment) " -"'-r-- t I I I 2.05 SILT FENCE A. Silt Fence Fabric: The fabric shall meet the following specifications: Minimum Acceptable Value I I I I T I I I t I I I Fabric Properties Grab Tensile Shength (lbs) Elongation at Failure (%) Mullen Burst Strength (PSI) Puncture Strength (lbs) Slurry FIow Rate (gaVmin/sf) Equivalent Opening Size Ulnaviolet Radiation Stability % 90 50 190 40 0.3 40-80 90 Test Method ASTM DI682 ASTM DI682 ASTM D3786 ASTM D75l (modified) US Std Sieve CW-02215 ASTM.G-26 B. Fence Posts (for fabricated units): The length shall be a minimum of 36 inches long Wood posts will be of sound quality hardwood with a minimum cross sectional area of 3.0 square inches. Steel posts will be standard T and U section weighing not less than 1.00 pound per linear foot' C. Wire Fence (for fabricated units): Wire fencing shall be a minimum l4-l/4 gage with a maximum 6" mesh opening, or as aPProved. D. Prefabricated Units: Envirofence or approved equal may be used in lieu of the above method providing the unit is installed per manufacturer's instructions. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.OI FILTER FABRIC Place fabric over shaped surface loosely where, when large stones are placed, they will not cause stretching of fabric beyond elastic limits. Overlap joining sections 2' at edges. Secure overlapped edges to subgade with cinch pins. If riprap is dropped, place aggregate bedding 2" thick over fabric. Place riprap in a manner that fabric will not be damaged by stretching, punching, or ripping' 3.02 RIPRAP Erosion and Sedimentation Control ERWSD lntermountain WST 02370-4 I fr I A. Reasonably well-graded from smallest to maximum size specified. Stones smaller than l0% of smallest size not permitted. Control gradation of riprap by visual inspection to assure thickness of riprap conforms with drawings. B. Hand Placed: Rectangular to facilitate butt placement. Fill openings with loose, well-gaded road aggregate base material. 3.03 FILTER MATERIAL Wet subgrade, reasonably shape, and compact prior to placing filter material. Filter material may be backdragged with loader bucket to a reasonably smooth surface for placement to lines and grades ofdraw- ings. 3.04 WATERBARS/INTERCEPTORTRENCHES Construct ditch in accordance with drawings. Flow line of water bar not steeper than I %. Discharge on existing vegetated slopes altemately to avoid erosion. 3.05 STRAW BALE SEDIMENT BARRIER Use straw bale baniers at storm drain inlets, across minor swales and ditches, and other applications where barrier is of temporary nature. Bind straw bales with nylon or baling wire, not twine. Anchor bales to ground with two posts per bale. 3.06 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS AI\ID TURF REINFORCEMENT MATS A. Site Preparation . Grade and compact area ofinstallation and remove all rocks, clods, vegetation or other obstructions so that the installed blanket/mat will have direct contact with soil surface. . Prepare seedbed by loosening 2-3 in(50-75mm) oftopsoil above final grade. . Incorporate fertilizer into soil.. Do not mulch areas where mat is to be placed Seeding Apply seed to the soil surface before installing blanket/mat, or after installation (TRM only) for enhanced performance (preferable) When seeding prior to installation, all check slols and other areas disturbed must also be reseeded. When using a TRIvI and soil filling seed TRM and entire disturbed area after installation, prior to filling mat with soil. c.Installation on Banks and Slopes Extended blanket/mat 2-3 ft (600-900mm) over crest of slope and excavate a I 2x6 rn (300x1 50mm) terminal anchor trench. Anchor blankeUmat in trench on I ft (300mm) spacings, backfill and compact soil. Unroll blankeVmat down slope with small netting on bottom, large netting on lop. Overlap adjacent rolls at least 3 in (75mm), and anchor every l8 in (450mm) minimum across the overlap. The higher elevation blankeVmat should be placed over the lower I t I T I I I t I I I I I I I I Erosion and Sedimentation Control ERWSD Intermountain WST 023',70-5 I blanket/mat. overlap blanket/mat edges approxim ately 2 in (50mm) and staple according to anchor pattem guide. Make sure that edge overlaps are shingled away from prevailing winds. Lay blanket/mat loose to maintain direct contact with soil. (Do not pull blanket/mat taut. This may allow bridging of soil surface.). Secure blanket/mat to ground surface using U-shaped wire staples (prefened) or geotextile pins. Refer to manufacturer's recommendation for appropriate number and pattem ofanchors . Place outer edge ofbtanket/mat in previously excavated longitudinal slots, anchor using prescribed staple Pattem, backfill and compact soil' . Anchor, backfill and compact upstream end of blanket/mat in a l2x6 in (300x150mm) terminal trench.. Secure blanket/mat to ground surface using U-shaped wire staples(preferred) or geotextile pins.r When using a TRM, seed and fill with soil for enhanced performance . When using a TRM with a geotextile attached. Always seed after installing mat, then fill with soil Installation in Storm Water Channels . Excavate an initial anchor rench l2 in (300mm) deep and 6 in ( I 50mm) wide across the charmel at the lower end oftlre project area.. Construct check slots along the channel in the following manner: Excavate intermittent check slots 6 in.(l50mm) deep and 6 in (l50mm) wide across the channel at 30 ft (9.1m) intervals.r Cut tongitudinal channel anchor slots 4 in (l00mm) deep and 4 in (100mm) wide along both sides of the installation to bury edges ofblanket/mat. Whenever possible extend mat 2-3 ft (600-900 mm) above crest ofchannel side slopes. ' Beginning at the center ifdownstream end ofthe channel, place the end ofthe fint roll in the anchor trench and secure with fastening devices at t ft (300mm) intervals. Note: blanket/mat will initially be upside down in anchor trench; smaller netting on top. . In same manner, position adjacent rolls in anchor trench. Overlapping the preceding roll minimum of 3 in (75rnm).. Again, staple at I ft (300mm) intervals, backfill and compact soil. . Unroll blanket/mat over the compacted trench with smaller netting on boftom, large netting on top. Stop at next check slot or terminal anchor trench' . Unroll adjacent rolls upstream in order to maintain a minimum 3 in (75mm) overlap. Anchor every I 8 in (a50mm) minimum across the overlap'. Fold and secure btanket/mat rolls snugly into interminent check slots. Lay blanket/mat in the bottom and fold back against itself. Anchor through both layers ofblanket or mat at I ft(300mm) intervals then backfill and compact soil. Continue rolling upstream over the compacted slot to the next check slot of terminal anchor trench. . Overlap roll ends a minimum of lfl (300mm) with upsream blanket/mat on top. Begin all new rolls in a check slot. Anchor overlapped area by placing two rows ofanchors, I ft (300mm) apart on I ft (300mm) intervals. I I I I I I I I I t I I I l I I I D. Erosion and Sedimentation Control ERWSD Intermountain WST 023'10-6 I t, I I E. Soil Filline a I If specified, soil filling is recommended for optimum performance. After seeding, spread and lightly rake % -%in (12-l9mm) of fine topsoil into the TRM and completely fill the voids. Use backside of rake or other flat tool' If equipment must operate on the TRM, make sure it is of the rubber-tired type' No tracked equipment or sharp tums are allowed on the mat. Avoid any traftic over TRM if loose or wet soil conditions exist Use shovels, rakes or brooms for fine grading and finishing. Smooth soils fill in order to just expose the top netting of matrix. Do not place excessive soil above the mat. Broadcast additional seed and mulch above the soilfilled TRM. Water as necessary to enhance growth. Consult manufacturer's technical representative or local distributor for installation assistance. Particularly if unique conditions apply (i.e. fine sandy soils, infertile environment) 3.07 CHECKDAMS Install bottom of check dam at least 6" below maximum depth of newly graded channel. Extend to 6" above maximum desigr water depth. Install materials in accordance with drawings. 3.08 SEDIMENTPOND/TRAP Construct pond per plans and as directed by Engineer. The area under embankment shall be cleared, grubbed and stripped ofany vegetation and root mat. The pool area shall be cleared. The fill material for the embankment shall be free of roots or other woody vegetation as well as over-sized stones, rocks, organic material or other objectionable material. The embankment shall be compacted by traversing with equipment while it is being constructed. Maximum height of embankment shall be 4' measured at centerline of embankment. All cut and fill slopes shall be 2:1 or flatter. Geotextile Class C shall be placed over riser. Fabric shall be embedded at least 6" into existing ground at bottom of pond. Outlet - An outlet shall include a means of conveying the discharge in a erosion free manner to an existing stable channel. Protection against scour at the discharge point shall be provided as necgssary. Outlet channel must have positive drainage from the trap. Sediment shall be removed and trap restored to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to'lz of the wet storage depth of the trap (900 cflac). Removed sediment shall be deposited in a suitable area and in such a manner that it will not erode. B. c. D. F. G. t I T I I I I T I I I T I I I Erosion and Sedimentation Control ERWSD Intermountain WST 02370-7 I I. The structure shall be inspected periodically after each rain and repaired as needed. . { J. Constnrction oftraps shall be carried out in such a manner that sediment pollution is abated. Points ofconcentraLd inflow shall be protected. r-"--'-" I K. The structure shall be dewatered by approved methods, removed and the area stabilized when the drainage area has been properly i"uili".o- I 3.09 SILT FENCE Install silt fence in accordance with drawings. I ENDOF SECTION I I I I I T I I I I t I I Erosion and Sedimentation Control ERWSD Intermountain WST 02370'8 t I I r SECTION 31 37 00r GROUTEDRIPRAPa I PART 1 GEI\TERAL -I I.1 WORK INCLUDED I A. This section includes grouted riprap used for soil stabilization, channel slopes andI drop structures placed in a single layer and voids grouted for erosion protection. ) 1.2 QUALITYSTANDARDSI I A. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (USDCM) t B. American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM) I 1. ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates 2. ASTM C 94 - Ready Mixed Concrete I 3. ASTM C 143 - Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete I 4. ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement 5. ASTM C 260 - Air-entraining Admixtures for Concrete t 6. ASTM C 309 - Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming CompoundsI 7. *ffit ffitJit"1","", Admixtures for concrete D 8. ASTM C 535 - Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Large-Size I Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine 9. ASTM C 618 - Fly Ash in Portland Cement ConcreteIt C. American Concrete Institute I l ACI3OI - Struchrat Concrere for Buildingsr 2. ACf 304 - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Con- I 3. ACI305 - Hot Weather Concretingll 4. ACI 306 - Cold Weather Concreting) i l3i13;.J,'##f;*1i.Tfi3J*:i.Tffin,.,,"I t 1.3 QUAIITY ASSURANCErIA. All work shall be performed in accordance with the standards of the Urban Drain- I age and Flood Control District I B. Maintain a copy of the District's Standards at the site. - I I 31 37oo GROUTEDRtrRAP I 1.4 STJBMITTALS A- Product Data 1 Admixtures 2. Curing Compounds 3. ReadyMixed Concrete Mix Desigrs Rock 1. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish laboratory test results indicating that the material meets a 50% loss for abrasion resistance as measured by ASTM C 535 and compressive shength of 2500 psi, minimum, as deter- mined bvAASHTO T 24. PART 2 MATERIALS AI{D EQUIPMBNT 2.1 RIPRAP The rock types listed below are labeled MG, HG, and VHG to indicate their spe- cific designation for grouted riprap. These correspond to the riprap specifications in the USDCM for Tlpes M, H, and VH. The "G" suffix indicates that the grada- tion eliminates smaller rock sizes to permit ease of grout penetration. Control ofgradation shall be by visual inspection. Reference samples, one-ton minimum, shall be delivered to the construction site meeting the gradation specified. These samples will be used as a reference for judging the gradation ofthe rock supplied. The rock face shall fractured, rough and angular in nature, hard, dense, durable and resistant to weathering. River rounded, smooth faced, boulders and cobbles and removed concrete are un- acceptable for use in grouted riprap. The stone shall have a specific gravity ofat least 2.5. Each piece shall have its greatest dimension not greater than two times its least dimension, B. I I I I I t t I I ! t t I I I II I B. D. F. G. 31 37 00 GROUTED RIPRAP I I ' cL{SSIFICATToNANDGRADATIoNoFRoCKFoRGRoUTEDRIpRAp I Riprap % Smaller Than Intermediate Rock Designation Given Size Dimension I ByWeight (krches)l TypeMG 70-100 2lt ;10 ii I rypeHG l8ir, ,r2 I 0-5 r8 TpeVHG 100 42 t ;10 11 I (l) Equivalent spherical diameter 2.3 CEMENT I A ;ffx!H"liiiji,:x*Tfi,::n"J,l*::x,":,"', rvpe rr one tvpe and | 2.4 AGGREGATE ! A. General I I ffi;ffi:'ffi11,:,""J:ili::TJ,iJiJ:nne aggregate and 30olo coarse I a ilTJ3ffi1*'3il'"ii,lil'i"l'#3;lHii""?T[H"l3ffiT 33- I b. Coarse aggregate shall conform to the provisions of the Standard I Specifications for Concrete Aggregates, ASTM C 33, Size 8 (3/8 inch). I z.s ADMTxTuRES I A. Air entrainment: I 1. An air-entraining agent shall be used which conforms to ASTM C 260.I I 31 37oo GROUTED RIPRAP I B. C. D. 2. The amount of air entraining agent used in the mix shall be such as will ef- fect the entrainment of 7 ll2Yo plus or minus 1 ll2%o in the concrete as discharged from the mixer. Water Reducing, Set-Controlling Admixture: l. The CONTRACTOR shall use a water reducing, set controlling, admixture in the concrete mix. 2. The admixture shall conform to ASTM C 494, specifically Types A, B, C, D and E. Fly Ash: 1 . Fly ash, conforming to ASTM C 618, Class F. 2. A maximum of 22o/o fly ash to total pozzolilt content, Portland Cement * fly ash, will be permitted. Water: 1. Water shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials, or other substances that may be deleterious to con- crete. 2. Unless otherwise permitted or specified, the concrete shall be proportioned and produced to have a slump of seven inches, plus or minus two inches. The slump shall be determined by ASTM C 143. Fibermesh: I I t I I t t I I T I t I I I ) T I a. b. c. l. BATCHING: One and one-half pounds of Fibermesh shall be used per cubic yard of concrete. 2.6 Measuring and batching of materials shall be done at a batching plant. 1. Portland Cement Either sacked or bulk cement may be used. No fraction of a sack of cement shall be used in a batch of concrete unless the cement is weighed. Bulk cement shall be weighed on scales separate and distinct from the aggregate hopper or hoppers. Batching shall be such that the accuracy ofbatching shall be plus or minus one percent of the required weight. 31 37 00 GROUTED RIPRAP I I I I I I I I T I I T I 2.7 Water a. Unless water is to be weighed, the water-measuring equipment shall include an auxiliary tank from which the measwing tank shall be filled. b. In lieu of the volume method, the CONTRACTOR will be permit- ted to use a water-metering device. 3. Aggregates a. Aggregates shall be handled from stockpiles or other sources to the batching plant in such a manner as to secure a uniform grading of the material. b. Aggregates that have become segregated or mixed with earth or foreign material, shall not be used. c. Batching shall be so conducted as to result in the weights of mate- rial required for each type aggregate within a tolerance of two per- cent. MDONG A. Concrete may be mixed at the site of the work, in a central-mix plant, or in truck mixers. B. Mixing time shall be measured from the time water is added to the mix, or cement contracts the aggregate. C. All concrete shall be homogeneous and thoroughly mixed, and there shall be no lumps or evidence ofundispersed cement. D. Mixers and agitators which have an accumulation of hard concrete or mortar shall not be used. E. The temperature of mixed concrete, immediately before placing shall not be less than 50o F nor more than 90" F. Aggregates and water shall be heated or cooled as necessary to produce concrete within these temperature limits. Neither aggre- gates nor mixing water shall be heated to exceed 150' F. F. Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM c94. G- The time elapsing from the time water is added to the mix (or the cement comes in contact with aggregate) until the concrete is deposited in place at the site ofthe work shall not exceed 45 minutes when the concrete is hauled in non-agitating trucks, nor more than 90 minutes when hauled in truck mixers or truck asitators. t I t I I I 3t 37 00 GROUTED RIPRAP I L The batch shall be so charged into the drum that a portion of the mixing water shall enter in advance ofthe cement and aggregates. The flow ofwater shall be uniform and all water shall be in the drum by the end of the first 1/4 of the speci- fied mixing time. Cement shall be charged into the mixer by means that will not result in loss of cement due to the effect of wind, or in accumulation of cement on surfaces of hoppers or in other conditions which reduce or vary the required quantity ofce- ment in the concrete mixture. TRANSPORTINGMIXED CONCRETE - MDGD CONCRETE ORTRUCK MDGRS A. Transporting of mixed concrete shall conform to ACI 305. B. Truck agitators shall be loaded not to exceed the manufacturer's guaranteed capac- ity. They shall maintain the mixed concrete in a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass during hauling. C. No additional mixing water shall be incorporated into the concrete during hauling or after arrival at the delivery point, unless ordered by the ENGINEER. If addi- tional water is to be incorporated into the concrete, the drum shall be revolved not less than 30 revolutions at mixing speed after the water is added and before dis- charge is commenced. D. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a water-measuring device in good working condition, mounted on each hansit mix truck, for measuring the water added to the mix on the site bv the ENGINEER. E. Each load of ready mixed concrete delivered at the job site, except loads to be used for pavement, shall be accompanied by the ticket showing volume of con- crete, the weight of cement in pounds and the total weight of all ingredients in pounds. The ticket shall also show the time of day at which the materials were batched and the reading of the revolution counter at the time the truck mixer is charged. F. Each load of ready mixed concrete used for paving shall be accompanied by a ticket, which shall be delivered to the ENGINEER, stamped with the date and time when the truck mixer is charged. COMPRESSTVE STRENGTH A. Concrete compressive strength requirements consist of a minimum strength which must be obtained before various loads ofstresses are applied to lhe concrete and, for concrete designated by strength, a minimum strength at the age of 28 days. I I I I I t I t T I I I T 2.8 2.8 Ij I I I 3t 37 00 GROUTED RIPRAP I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings the concrete 28-day compressive strength shall be a minimum of 3,000 psi. B. The mix shall be designed for strengths at least 15 percent in excess of this mini- mum. The ratio of water to the sum of concrete * pozzolan shall not exceed 0.45 byweight. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 ROCK A. Rock shall be placed in a single layer with joints a minimum of two inches and a maximum of six inches apart and in a marmer to minimize shaight constuction joints. B. The rock shall be placed to give the apperuance ofplating the slopes and channel invert. C. After placement all exposed rock shall be cleaned with a stiff, wet, broom. 3.2 GROUT A. Prior to placing grout the CONTRACTOR shall remove all debris and thoroughly dampen the surfaces which will be in contact with the concrete to be placed. B. Placement shall conform to ACI 301, Chapter 8 "Placing", ACI 304R, "Guide of Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete," ACI 306 "Recom- mended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting", ACI 305 "Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting" and ACI 309, "Standard Practice for Consolidation ofConcrete". C. No grout shall be placed until preparation of surfaces involved in the placing have been approved by the ENGINEER. D. No grout shall be placed in water except with the written permission of the ENGINEER. E. Immediately before placing concrete, all surfaces upon or against Which the con- crete is to be placed shall be free from standing water, mud, debris or loose mate- rials. F. All grout shall be placed by means of a low pressure, l0 psi or less, grout pump using a two-inch diameter nozzle. 31 37 00 GROUTED RIPRAP I 3.3 G. Full depth penetration of the grout into the layer of riprap is required. A high cy- cle, two-inch diameter of smaller, vibrator shall be used to consolidate the grout. H. Joints shall be filled with grout from bottom to top and the surfaces swept with a stiff broom. I. The top six inches of the rock layer, or the top l/4 of the rock layer, whichever is grealer, shall be left exposed, unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. J. After grout placement and prior to brooming the joint surface, all rock shall be cleaned with a wet broom to remove grout from any exposed surface. CURING General l. Beginning immediately after placement, the grout shall be protected from premature drying, excessively hot or cold ternperatures, and mechanical injury, and shall be maintained with minimal moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature for the period necessary for hydration of the cement and hardening of the grout in accordance with ACI 308, "Standard Practice for Curing Concrete". The materials and method of curing shall be subject to review and acceptance by the ENGINEER. 2. The grout shall be cwed by an application(s) of a curing compound con- forming to "Specifications for Liquid Membrane Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete" (ASTM C 309). The compound shall be applied in ac- cordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer immediately after any water sheen which may develop after finishing has disappeared from the grout surface. It shall not be used on any surface against which addi- tional grout or other material is to be bonded unless it is proven that the curing compound will not prevent bond, or unless positive measures are taken to remove it completely from areas to receive bonded applications. 3. Curing shall be continued for at least seven days in the case of all grout except high-early strength concrete for which the period shall be at least three days. Alternatively, if tests are made of cylinders kept adjacent to the structure and cured by the same methods, moisture retention measures may be terminated when the average compressive strength has reached 70%o of the specified concrete strength. I t I I I I T I I I T I t Ij T I I 31 37 00 GROUTED RIPRAP I l, I B.Cold Weather. l.When the mean daily outdoor temperature is less than 40" F, the tempera- ture of the grout shall be maintained between 50o and 70" F for the re- quired curing period. When necessary, arrangements for heating, covering, insulating, or hous- ing the grout shall be made in advance of placement and shall be adequate to maintain the required temperature without injury due to concentration of heat. Combustion heaters shall not be used during the fust 24 hours unless pre- cautions are taken to prevent exposure of the grout to exhaust gases which contain carbon dioxide. Hot Weather 1. When necessary, provision for windbreaks, shading, fog spraying, sprin- kling, ponding, or wet covering with a light colored material shall be made in advance of placement, and such protective measures shall be taken as quickly as grout hardening and finishing operations will allow. 2. If the rate of evaporation approaches 0.2 lb/ft2fu, as estimated by ACI 305, precautions against plastic shrinkage cracking are necessary. 3. The CONTRACTOR is required to have a recording thermometer, hy- grometer and wind gage on site. In arid climates precautions against plas- tic shrinkage cracks may be required in conditions other than what is nor- mally considered hot weather conditions. Rate of Temperature Change l. Changes in temperature of the air immediately adjacent to the grout during and immediately following the curing period shall be kept as rmiform as possible and shall not exceed 5o F in any one hour or 50o F in any 24 hour period. Protection From Mechanical Injury. l. During the curing period, the grout shall be protected from damaging me- chanical disturbances, such as load stresses, heavy shock, and excessive vibration. 2. All finished grout surfaces shall be protected from damage by construction equipment, materials, or methods, by application of curing procedures, and by rain or running water. Frozen Ground Surface l. The grout shall not be placed when the soil temperature is less than 40" F. 2. -). C. D. F. I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I 31 37 00 GROUTEDRIPRAP 3.4 WEEP HOLES A. Weep holes constructed of one and one-half or two inch schedule 80 PVC pipe shall be installed as shown in the Drawings. B. The PVC pipe shall be cut flush with the surrounding grout. To alleviate plug- grng, the PVC pipe should be pushed into the bedding or if bedding is not re- quired, the PVC pipe shall be wrapped in a coarse geotextile fabric "bag" filled with one and one-half inch coarse rock under the rock layer. Approximately one cubic foot ofwrapped rock is required. EI\D OFSECTION I,l I I I I I I I t I t I I I I !I t31 37 00 l0 GROUTED RIPRAP I I I I 09-25-05 SECTION31 66 00 VIBRO-REPLACEMENT (STONE COLUMNS) PART 1 GENERAL I.I WORKINCLUDED This work shall consist of subsurface soil reinforcement and densification by Vibro- Replacement. In accordance with these specifications and in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades, design, and dimensions shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. Soil reinforcement and densification is performed by constructing compacted stone columns within the in-situ soil or soils. The CONTRACTOR will fumish all supervision, labor, equipment, materials and services necessaryto perform all subsurface soil modification work and field tests related thereto as described hereinafter. 1.2 CONTRACTORQUALIFICATIONS A. Statement of Qualifications Each bidder shall submit with his bid a statement of his previous work experience similar to that proposed. This statement shall include the time period and dates in which the contract was enforced, the extent of the work and the manner of its execution and any other information tending to prove his ability to prosecute vigorously the work required by these specifications. any bidder who fails to demonstrate satisfactory experience or ability to construct stone columns as specified in'this contract will be disqualified and his bid will be rejected. B. Equipment The stone columns shall be constructed with down the hole vibrators. The vibrators shall be equipped with a delivery tube that will transport the crushed stone backfill to the nose of the vibrator. The wet method of installation in which the crushed stone backfill is introduced at the column surface shall not be used. Water jetting can only be used to assist in the penetration ofthe vibrator to the bottom treatrnent depth. The down hole vibrator shall be electric and capable of producing 150 HFand 15 tons of force. The vibrator shall be equipped with a remote in which the "installer" can continuously monitor the amperage and thus the increase in density achieved in the stone column and surrounding soils. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 COARSE AGGREGATE I I I t I I I t t t I I t I I 31 66 00 STONE COLUMNS I09-25{5 Crushed stone backfill used to construct stone columns shall conform to the following. Aggregates used in stone columns shall be 100 percent minus l.5-inch material' This material shall be well gmded and meet all abrasive and/or durability requirements which are generally utilized when speciffing coarse aggregates. The compacted and loose unit weights of the crushed stone backlill must be submitted. These unit weights will be used to determine the diameter of the constructed stone column' PART3 EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL It is the intent of the specification to construct a compacted stone column of minimum diameter of 36". 3.2 TREATMENT DEPTH A. The CONTRACTOR shall penetrate the vibrator to a competent bearing stratum. The depth of penetration will be on the order of 23 feet. The CONTRACTOR shall provide tile capability of penehation up to 30 feet maximum' Penetration at individual stone column locations shall proceed until practical refirsal is met. practical refusal will be determined in the field. Practical refusal will be determined by recording the rate of penetration and amperage at a known soil type. For instance, prior to fuli production within an arezL the CONTRACTOR shall penetrate at a Iocation that is immediately adjacent to a boring location. The Engineer and CONTRACTOR can then observe the rate ofpenetration and amperage at the depth which the Engineer considers competent. The recorded amperage and approximate depth can then be used as a guide for penetration depths within that area' 3.3 STONE COLI"JMN CONSTRUCTION A. The stone column will be constructed from the bearing strata to the ground surface in 2 to 3 foot intervals. At each interval the vibrator will be withdrawn 2 to 3 feet allowing the backfill to fill the void created by the vibrator. The backfill will be compacted by repenetrating the vibrator into the stone until a maximum amperage of 200 amps is attained during repenetration or until a minimum backfill quantity equal to a minimum diameter of 36"' B. The CONTRACTOR shall record the depth, amp(:rage and amount of crushed stone backfill on a daily log. This log shall be submitted to the Engineer on a daily basis to veriff final quantities. 3.4 DAMAGEDSTONECOLUMNS A. Any stone column which is installed outside the specified location shall be reinstalled with any other corrective measures which may be necessary, including but not limited il I I t I I T t I I I I t I l I I I31 66 00 STONE COLUMNS I t I I I oe-2s4s It \ to the installation of additional stone colurnns, at no additional cost to the owner. The' ) maximum center to center spacing of adjacent stone columns shall be 7 feet' The I approximate diameter of colurDns smaller than that specified shall be within 3 inches I ofthat specified, unless the undemrn is due to dense soils within the treatrnent depth. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I 31 6600 STONE COLUMNS I I I I ) to-27q3 t I sEcrIoN 32 rl23 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE PART1 GENERAL V 1.I WORK INCLUDED t A ffiffi5;1fr,T,:r*,ff:,ffi1i,'#ffilffiT'"d'ilfT;f,h:ffi:;F": I gatebasecourse. r B. Re-cycled concrete for nggreg te base course is unacceptable. - I 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS I A. AASHTO M 147 - Materials for Aggregates and Soil-subbase, Base and Surface I Courses I B. AASHTO T 89 - Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils rI C. AASHTO T 90 - Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of SoilsI f D. ASTM D 698 - Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lb?ft') 'l E. ASTM D1557 - Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-Ibflft'). ! F. ASTM C 136 - Method for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Agge- I gates I G. ASTM C 535 - Test Method to Degradation of Large-Size Coarse Aggregate by I Abrasion and Impact in the I-os Angeles Machine. ! H. ASTM C l3l - Test Method to Degradation of Small-Size Comse Aggregate by Abrasion and Inpact in the Los Angeles Machine. r I. ASTM C l4?. - Test Method for Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates I J. ASTM D 75 (AASHTO T 2) Practices for Sampling Aggregates I It I 32n23 l AGGREGATEBASECouRSE 10-2743 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit laboratory tests to the ENGINEER detailing conformance with the relevant specifications. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 AGGREGATES A. Aggregates for bases shall be crushed stone, crushed slag, crushed gravel or natu- ral gravel that conforms to the quality requirements of AASHTO M 147 except that the requirements for the ratio for the minus No. 200 sieve fraction to the to the minus No. 40 sieve fraction shall not apply. B. The requirements for the Los Angeles u/eax test shall not apply to Class l, 2 and3. C. Aggregates for bases shall meet the grading requirements as called out in the Drawings. D. The liquid limit shall be as shown in the table and the plasticity index shall be < six. 2.2 GRADATIONS Sieve Desig- nation Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves LL<35 LL<30 Class I Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 4 inch 100 3 inch 95- 100 2 ll2 inch r00 100 2 inch 95- 100 100 1 l/2 inch 90- 100 100 I inch 95- t00 100 314 inch 50-90 100 No.4 30-65 30-50 30-70 30-65 No- 8 25-55 20-85 No.200 3-15 3-15 20 nlax. 3-t2 3-15 3-t2 5-15 32 tt 23 TABLE I AGGREGATE BASE COTIRSE t I I I I I I t n I' t I I I t I B. I I I I I t Note: Class 3 materials shall consist of bank or pit run material. EQUIPMENT PART 3 Equipment shall be capable of legally perfomring the work as described in this Specification. Equipment that is inadequate to obtain the results specified shall be replaced or supplemented as required to meet the requirements of this Specifica- tion. Any equipment that is used in an improper manner may be cause for rejection of the work if in the opinion of the ENGINEER the work fails to meet the require- ments of this specification. Equipment used for compaction shall be the rolling type, vibratory [pe, or com- bination of both t1pes, and shall be of sufficient capaclty to meet the compaction requirements herein. EXECUTION C. B. C. D. t I I I tl I I t I I I I I 3.1 PREPARATION OF FOI]NDATION The foundation shall be considered to be the finished earth subgrade, subbase course, or base course, as the case may be, upon which any subbase, base or sur- face course is to be constructed. Preparation of foundation for construction of a subbase, base, or surface course shall consist of the work necessary to restore, correct, strengthen or prepare the foundation to a condition suitable for applying and supporting the intended course. For aggregate base course roads and parking areas, the top six-inches of topsoil shall be stripped within the area to be aggregate surfaced. Following stripping of the topsoil, the upper 12 inches ofthe subgrade shall be scarified and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of ASTM D 698. On-site material may be used as accepted by the ENGINEER, for compacted fill for the aggregate base course. Fill shall be placed with two percent of optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent ASTM D 698. Aggregate base course used as a formdation for pavements shall be placed on the subgrade within two percent of optimum moisture and compacted to a minimum of 100 percent ASTM D1557. The top six inches of topsoil shall be stripped within the area to be aggregate surfaced. Following stripping of the topsoil, the upper 12 inches of the subgrade shall be scarihed and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of ASTM D 698. On-site material maybe used, as accepted by the 32 tt 23 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE t I I I I l I I I I I3.2 l0-27{3 ENGINEE& for compacted fill for the aggregate base course. Fill shall be placed with two percent of optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent ASTM D 698. Deviations in aggregate base course under pavements of more than l/4 inch in l0 feet, measured with a lO-foot straight edge, shall be corrected prior to pavement constuction The foundation shall be prepared and constructed such that it will have a unifomr density throughout. It shall be brought to the required alignment and cross section with equipment and methods adapted for the purpose. Upon completion of the shaping and compacting operations, the foundation shall be smooth, at the re- quired density, and at the proper elevation and contour to receive the aggregate base course. F. Unless otherwise provided, all holes, ruts and other depressions in the foundation shall be filled with materials similar to those existing in the foundation. High places shall be excavated and removed to the required lines, grade and section. G. Areas of yielding or unstable material shall be excavated and backfilled witl sta- bilization rock as determined by lhe ENGINEER. Base course material shall not be placed on a foundation that is soft, spongy, or one that is covered by ice or snow. Base course shall not be placed on a dry or dusty foundation where the ex- isting condition would cause rapid dissipation of moisture from the base course material and hinder or preclude its proper compaction. Dry foundations shall have water applied and reworked and compacted as necessary. H. The ENGINEER shall direct the CONTRACTOR to make minor adjustments in the finish grade from that shown in the Drawings as may be necessary or desirable to maintain the characteristics of a stabilized foundation by minimizing the amount of cutting into or filling. EARTH SLIBGRADE A. When the foundation is an earth subgrade it shall be prepared by removing all vegetation, excavating and removing materials, filling depressions, scariffing, shaping, smoothing and compacting to meet the required grade, section and den- sity. B. Stones over six inches in greatest dimension shall be removed. PLACEMENT A. The aggregate base course shall be constructed to the width and section shown in the Drawings. If the required compacted depth of base coarse exceeds six inches, the base shall be constructed in two or more layers of approximate equal thick- ness. I I T It J.J t 32 tt 23 AGGREGATEBASE COIJRSE T I I 10-2743 B. C. D. 3.4 3.5 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I The maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall not exceed six inches. Each layer shall be constructed as far in advance of the succeeding layer as the ENGINEER may direct. The work shall, in general, proceed from the point on the project nearest the point of supply of the aggregate in order that the hauling equipment may travel over the previously placed material, and the hauling equip- ment shall be routed as uniformly as possible over all portions of the previously constructed courses or layers of the base course. The material shall be deposited on the soil foundation, or previously placed layer in a manner to minimize segregation and to facilitate spreading to a uniform layer of the required section. In the event that blending ofmaterials is necessary to pro- vide required gradation and properties of the material, and is done in the roadway, the same shall be accomplished by mixing the aggregate and blending material by means of blade graders, discs, harrows or other equipment to effect a uniform dis- tribution and gradation throughout the finished mixture. Excessive mixing and grading that will cause segregation between the coarse and fine materials is pro- hibited. COMPACTION A. After a layer or course has been placed and spread to the required thickness, width and contour, it shall be compacted. If the material is too dry to readily attain the required density, it shall be uniformly moistened to the degree necessary during compaction operations for proper compaction. B. Compaction of each layer shall continue until the required density of Section 3.1 is reached. The surface of each layer shall be maintained dwing compaction op- erations in such a manner that a uniform texfure is produced and aggregates firmly keyed. C. All areas where proper compaction is not obtainable due to segregation of materi- als, excess fines, or other deficiencies in the aggregate shall be reworked as neces- sary or the material removed and replaced with aggregates that will meet this specification. D. The surface of each layer shall be kept true and smooth at all times. MDilNG A. Unless otherwise specified, the coNTRAcroR shall mix the aggregate by any one of the three following methods. 1. Stationary Plant Method 32 tl23 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE Ilo-z't43 Aggregate base course and water shall be mixed in an approved mixer. After mixing the aggregate shall be tansported to the project site while it contains the proper moisture content and shall be placed on the roadbed by means ofan approved spreader. 2.Travel Plant Method After the material for each layer has been placed through an aggre- gate spreader or windrow-sizing device, it shall be uniforrnly mixed by a traveling mixing plant. J.Road Mix Method After material for each layer has been placed, the materials shall be mixed while at optimum moisture content by motor graders or other approved equipment until the mixture is uniform throughout. 3.6 SHOULDER CONSTRUCTION shoulders shall be constructed with base course material to conform to the eleva- tion and section shown in the Drawings. No equipment shall be used which by its design or through its manner of opera- tion that will damage the pavement or curbs. Insofar as practicable, the base course material shall be placed directly on the shoulder area. Materials that are deposited outside the shoulder areq if not contaminated, shall be recovered and placed within the required limits. The CONTRACTOR will not be compensated for materials not recovered as determined by the ENGINEER. Materials shall not be deposited on the pavement or surfacing during placing unless specifically permitted by the ENGINEER. The base course material as placed shall be spread and compacted to the required density in layers not exceeding six inches in compacted thickness. Any material inadvertently placed on the pavement shall be broomed from the pavement. The result shall not effect a change in the gradation ofthe shoulder material. b. I I I I I I T I I t T I It B. C. D. F. I I 32 tt 23 END OF SECTION AGGREGATEBASECOURSE I I o242s I I sEcTroN 323113 CHAIN LII\K FENCES AND GATES r, PARTI GENERAL I I.I WORK INCLI.JDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, tools and equipment and workt necessary for, or incidental to, the supply and construction of chain link fences a and gates as shown in the Drawings and as specified herein. f r.2 QUALITY STANDARDS I A. Chain Link Fence Manufacturer's Institute (CLFMD * - l. CLFMI - Product Manual I 2. FS RR-R-191 - Fencing, Wire and Post Metal (and Gates, Chain Link Fence Fabric, and Accessories) t C. Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) l. CDOT Standard M-607:2 I D. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)Irr l ASTM A 90 - Weight of Coating on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) hon or Steel Products I 2. ASTM A I 16 - Zinc-Coakd(Galvanized) Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric I 3. ASTM A 120 - Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped Zinc Coatedr 4 f'**"1?'Y;"*:#*ffffihf:3!o,Tfl"xill*o"r 5. ASTM A 123 - Zinc (Hot dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel I 6. lt+ili $3 - znccoating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware 7. ASTM A370 - Mechanical Testing of Steel Products lt 8. ASTM A392 - Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric I g. ASTM A 428 - Weight of Coating on Aluminum-Coated Iron or Steel Articles I 10. ASTM A49l - Aluminum-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric I I l. AI',ISVASTM F 567 - lnstallation of Chain-Link Fence 12. ASTM A 569 - Steel, Carbon (0.15 Maximum Percent), Hot-Rolled Sheet t and Strip Commercial QualityI 13. ASTM A 585 - Aluminum-Coated Steel Barbed Wire I t 323113 I CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 024244 I 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ASTM A 824 - Metallic-Coated Steel Marcelled Tension Wire for Use with Chain Link Fence ASTM A 817 - Metallic-Coated Steel Wire for Chain Link Fence Fabric ASTM C 94 -Ready-mixed Concrete ASTM F 573 - Residential Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric ASTM F 626 - Fence Fittings ASTM F 668 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVClCoated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric ASTM F 934 - Standard Colors for Polvmer Coated Chain Link Fence Materials ASTM F I183 - Aluminum Alloy Chain Link Fence Fabric ASTM F 1234 - Protective Coatings on Steel Framework for Fences 1.3 SUBMITTALS PART 2 2.1 MATERIALS lnclude complete details of fence and gate consfruction, fence height, post spacing, dimensions and unit weights of framework and concrete foundation details. PRODUCTS I I I I I t I I I I I I t It 2t- 22. Framing L Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the Contractor may elect to use either Type I or Type II framing. Where a PVC-coated chainlink fence is specified, the framing shall be color coated to match the fence fabric in accordance with ASTM F 1234. 2. Type I framing shall be ASTM A 120 Schedule 40 steel pipe with 1.8 ormces sf zins coating p€r sqru[e foot of surface area conforming to ASTM F 1083. 3. Tlpe II framing shall be manufactured from steel conforming to ASTM A 569, cold formed, high frequency or induction welded and having a minimum yield shength of 50,000 psi. External surface triple coated with 1.0 ounce, plus or minus 0.1 ounce, of zinc per square foot,30, plus or minus, 15 micrograms of chromate p€r square inch and high performance polymeric and shall demonshate the ability to resist 1,000 hours of exposrue to salt spray with a maximum of 5o/o rel rust in a test conducted in accordance with ASTM A 117. Internal surface coated, after welding, with a zinc-rich based organic coating having a 9loh zinc powder loading capable of providing the ability to withstand 650 hours of exposure to salt fog with a maximum of 5Vo red rust, when conducted in accordance with ASTMB II7. l 3231l3 cHArN LTNKFENCES AND GATES I I a42-u l: B. I I I t I I I I t I C. I I I I I I I 4. Pipe shall be staight, true to section and conforrn to the following weights: Pipe Size I.D. (inches) Type I Weight (lbs./ft.) Type II Weight (lbs./ft.) |!4 2.27 1.84 Iu2 2.72 2.28 2 3.65 3.12 21t2 5.79 4.64 J 7.58 5.7r 3ll2 9.11 6.56 4 10.79 5 14.62 6 18.97 8 28.55 Fabric Wire l Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, fabric wire shall be 9 gage steel wire of good commercial quality. If aluminum alloy wire is called for, the wire shall be 9 gage in conformance with ASTM F 1183. The 9 gage steel wire shall have a breaking strength of 1290 lbs. and the 9 gage aluminum alloy wire shall have a breaking strength of 925 lbs. when tested in accordance with ASTM A 370. 2. Metallic coatings for steel wire shall conform to ASTM A 817. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, wire shall be galvanized with a zinc coating of not less than 1.20 oz./ft.2 of uncoated wire swface in accordance with ASTM A 392 and tested in accordance with ASTM A 90. If an aluminum coating is called for, wire shall be coated before weaving wit} not less than 0.40 oz./ft." of uncoated wire surface in accordance with ASTM A 491 and tested in accordance $'ith ASTM A428. 3. If a PVC coating is called for on the Drawings, the coating shall be Class 2a (extruded and bonded) and have a thickness at any one point ofnot less than 0.015 inches and not greater than 0.025 inches as measured by a micrometer. The PVC coating shall meet ASTM specifications for adhesion, accelerated aging, mandrel bend, and color. The color shall be black. All components shall be coated. Barbed Wire l. Barbed wire shall be commercial quality, 12 l/2 gage, two-strand twisted line wire with 4 point barbs at 5-inch spacing. 323113 C}IAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES I0242{,. 2.2 COMPONENTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I T tI I4 D. B. c. D. Coating shall consist of a minimum of 0.8 ounces of zinc per square foot of wire surface area conforming to ASTM A l2l or a minimum of 0.30 ounces of aluminum per square foot of wire surface area conforming to ASTM A 585. Concrete l. ASTM C 94 Podland Cement Concrete, Type II, with a ma:<imum 3/4- inch aggregate having a minimum compressive shength of 3,000 psi and 28 davs. Fence Posts l. Fence posts shall have the following diameten: Strain Posts Strain posts shall have the following diameters: Gate Frame Width (feet) Strain Post I.D. (inches) 3 <W<6 2u2 6 <W< 13 3tn 13 <ws l8 6 18<w<23 8 Top and Brace Rail Top and brace rails shall be I l/4 inches I.D. Top rails shall be in lengths not less than 18 feet. Gate Frame and Braces Fabric Height (feeO Line Post I.D. (inches) End, Comer and Line Brace Posts I.D. (inches) 3<H<6 ttn 2U2 6<H<8 2 2v2 8<H<12 2 2v2 3231t3 CHAIN LINKFENCES AND GATES I v2-ozu I I I I l. Gate frame assembly shall be of Type I or Type II steel post with welded joints. Weld areas shall be repaired with zinc-rich coating applied per manufacture/s directions. Pioe diameters shall be as follows:s as Gate Frame Width (fee0 Gate Frame Height (fee0 Post I.D. (inches) Brace I.D. (inches) 3<H<8 3<H<6 I lt4 I lt4 8<H<23 6 | 1/2 Iy4 8<H<23 6 <H< 12 IU2 1v2 - E. Fabric : l. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the fabric shall be woven in a two-inch diamond mesh. I 2. Fabric up to five feet in height shall be knuckled at the top and bottomI selvages. Fabric over five feet high shall be twisted and barbed on the top lt rylvageand knuckled on the bottom selvage. f 3. The fabric height shall be shall be six feet unless otherwise shown on thet Drawings. The height of the fabric shall be the overall dimension from ends of twists and knuckles. The tolerance of the nominal height shall be ll 4. ttnT#':tr1il1"*.r'", shail match fence fabric wire and coating. f F. Tension WireI | 1. Tension wire shall be fabricated from MarcelledT ga$e steel wire with aI il#FJ:?*."#:""#::"{ffiJl,ffirrsof aruminumper I G- Tension and Brace Bands |' l. Tension and brace bands shall be rectangular pressed steel, not less than I l2gageintlrickness and3/4 incheswide. t H. Stretcher Bar (Tension Bar) I l. Stretcher bars shall not be less than 12 gage in thickness, 3/16 by 3/4 inch I in dimension, and 2 inches shorter than the nomral height of the fabric J with which they are to be used. I I. Tie Wire and Wire FastenersI I l. Tie wire shall be 9 gage aluminum alloy I100-H4 or equal. I 2. Wire fasteners shall be I I gage. I I 323t 13 5 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 2.3 024244 ACCESSORIES A. Post Caps L Post caps shall be pressed steel, cast iron or cast aluminum alloy designed to fit snugly over posts to exclude moisture. 2. If a top rail is required on the Drawings, zupply cone tlpe caps for terminal posts and loop type for line posts. B. Fittings l. All fittings shall conform to ASTM F 626. 2. Rail and brace ends shall be pressed steel, cast iron or cast aluminum alloy, cup shaped to receive rail and brace ends. 3. Top rail sleeves shall be not less than 6 inches long and shall allow for expansion and contaction ofthe rail. 4. Truss rods shall be steel rod, 3/8 inches in diameter, merchant quality with tumbuckle. 5. Hog rings shall be 9 gage steel wire with a minimum zinc coating of 0.8 ounces per square foot ofwire surface area. 6. Where a PVC-coated chain-link fence is specified, all fittings shall be color coated to match the fence fabric. Extension Arms l. Barbed wire arms shall be pressed steel, cat iron or cast aluminum alloy fitted with clips or slots for attaching three stands of barbed wire. 2. Arms shall be set outward on a 45o angle and be capable of supporting a 250-pound load at outer barbed wire cormecting point without causing a permanent deflection. 3. Arms over gates shall not be sloped. Gate Hardware l. Gate latches, stops and keepers shall be provided for all gates. Latches shall have aplunger-bar arranged to engage the center stop, except that for single gates of openings less than l0 feet wide, a forked latch may be provided. Latches shall be arranged for locking. 2- Center stops shall consist ofa device arranged to be set in concrete and to engage a phmger bar of the latch of double gates. No stop is required for single gates. 3. Keepers shall consist of a mechanical device for securing the free end of the gate when in the full open position.. tt T I I I I I I t I I T t I I D. II I3231t3CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES ,I I o?42e4 Irr 4. Hinges shall be of adequate shength for gate. and with large bearing! ' srufaces for clamping in position. The hinges shall not twist or tum under I the action of the gate.. The gates shall be capable of being opened and l' closed easily by one person. Three hinges per leaf will be required. l 2.4 coMpoNENTs FoRTENMS coTJRTFENcEI A. General I l The materials specified above shall be modified as follows for termis court E fences.Ir 2. The fence height shall be lO-feet.t B. Posts ziztr 1. All line terminal and gate posts shall be 2-7 /8 inchO.D. with a wall . thickness of0.l60 inches. I 2. The steel shall have aminimum yield strength of 50,000 psi. I C. Rails I l. The fence shall be consfiucted with top and middle rails. I 2. Railsshallbel-5/SinchO/D.pipewithawallthicknessof0.lll inches. t 3. The steel shall have a minimum yield strength of 55,000 psi. 4. Provide rails with 7-inch long expansion sleeve couplings. I D. Fabric I t: H:,.""i:::lilHJ::?1f,Ho#il'""'"knuckred 3. ThefabricshallconforrntoASTM A392. Tt E. Tension Wire il l. fr""rTl,s1* wire shall be two strand s of 12 %gage steel wire twisted V PART3 ExEcUTIoN a 3.1 GENERAL t A. lnstall framework, fabric, accessories and gates in conformance with ASTM FI s67. I I I 323r 13 7 cHArN LrNK FENCES AND GATEs l 3.2 a-u2-M B. Post shall be spaced at equal intervals from corner or terminal posts at a spacing not exceeding l0 feet unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. FOOTINGS A. General l. Posts shall be set three inches clear from the bottom ofthe footing. The top of the concrete footing shall be set at grade and crowned to direct water away from the posts. 2. Posts shall be securely braced to hold in proper position until such time as tle concrete has set sufficiently to hold them. Unless otherwise permitted, materials shall not be installed on posts until the concrete bas set zufficientlv to withstand the stress. B. Fence Posts l. Posts shall be set plumb in l2-inch diameter concrete footings. The depth ofthe fence post footings below grade shall be as follows: Fabric Height (fee0 Line Posts (inches) End, Corner and Line Brace Posts (inches) 3<H<4 34 28 4 <H< 12 40 40 Strain Posts l. The diameter and depth ofthe strain post footings below grade shall be as follows: Gate Frarne Width (fee0 Footing Diameter (inches) Footing Depth (inches) 3<W<6 l2 36 6<W<13 t2 42 13<w<18 l8 48 l8<w<23 24 48 FRAMING A. Top Rails l The requirement for top rail will be shown on the Drawings; otherwise a top tension wire will be used. C. I t I il I I I J.J I I I I I I t I I I 323r 13 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES I 024244 Ir 2. Install top rails through the line post cap loops connecting sections with' sleeves to form a continuous rail between terrninal posts. I B. Bracing I L For fabric heights over four feet, brace end, comer, line brace and strain I posts back to adjacent line posts with horizontal brace rails when a top rail is specified. I 2. Brace gate, line and end posts back to adjacent line posts with sloping I brace rails when a top rail is not specified. Diagonal tuss rods are required in both cases. I 3. Line brace posts shall be spaced at 400 feet maximum intervals. C. Miscellaneous Fittings I l One stretcher bar shall be provided for each line, end and strain post. Two shall be provided for each comer and line brace post.r 2 ffi'"J"*:HH3,l"J;:ffi;:"ffieff#,1,n:3lil"1il'.",T# with tie wires. I 3. Install nuts for fittings, bands and hardware bolts on inside of fence. 4. All open pipe tops shall be capped. I 3.4 FABRTC I 1. Stretch fabric between end posts or at intervals of 100 feet maximum, whichever I is less. 2. Pull fabric taut with the bottom selvage 2 inches above the ground line (maximum 3 inches). I 3. Fasten to end, comer and gate posts with tension bars threaded through the mesh I 4 il:ffiH*r*'ffi;,i,*ti'#'f;,ililffiJl"il1i"n",maximumonI posts and 24 inches onrails. 5. Attach to bottom tension wire with top rings at 24 inches maximum intervals. r 3.5 BARBED WIRE TOP I '1 *lT;1ffi:,ffifl1iiffif,#i:,11,ffi'tr1,::ijn*"rerminal exrension I 3.6 GATES r l. Gates shall be inslalled plumb, level and secure for a full opening without f interference. 2. Bottom of gate shall be no more than six inches above grade. t I 323r 13 g clrArN LrNK FENCES AND GATESI J.t 3.8 v24244 3. Anchor center stops and keepers in concrete. CON STRUCTION TOLERANCES : Maximum variation fromplumb: l/4 inch Maximurn offset from true position: I inch Components shall not infringe upon adjacent property lines. COMPLETION A. The installation area shall be left free of debris caused by the installation of tbe fence. END OF SECTION t I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I T323t t3 l0 CHAINI,INK FENCES AND GATES I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I t 0G05-06 SECTION 323250 BOI'LDER ROCK WALLS PART1 GENERAL I.I WORKINCLUDED A. The work shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, supplying and placing large boulders as shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to design the gravity wall and complete the work described herein and on the Drawings. B. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the stone size, as described below, shall have an "L" dimension of 24-inches. 1,2 QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) l ASTM C 88, Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Suolfate or Mamesium Sulfate. 2. ASTM C 97, Test Methos for Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity of Dimension Stone. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Certified test results for specific gravity, absorption and soundness. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 BOULDERS A. Quality Requirements l The boulders, shall be dense, sound and free of cracks and seams or other defects. The material selected mav be river rock or field stone. B. Dimensions l. Neither the breadth (B) or thickness (T) of any piece of rock shall be less than 2/3 of its length. The breadth (B), thickness (T) and lenglh (L) axes or planes are described as: a. L - longitudinal axis, represents the center line (axis) connecting the most distant points (faces, noses or apices) ofthe boulder. b. B - represents the center line within the rock that intersects the L-axis at right angles. 3232 50 BOULDER ROCK WALLS 06{5-06 I It I I I I T I I I T I I I I T I I I c. T - represents the center line within the rock that is perpendicular to the L-B planes. 2. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings the D5g size which is the mean size where 50 percent of the stones are larger and 50 percent are smaller measured in the "L" dimension. C. ProPerties l. Bulk specific gravity not less than 2.5, according to ASTM C 97' 2. Absorption not more than 2o/o, accordingto ASTM C 97' 3. Soundness: weight loss in 5 cycles not more than l0 percent when sodium sulfate is used or 15 percent when magresium sulfate is used, according to ASTM C E8. PART3 EXECUTION 3.I TRANSPORTING A. When transporting boulders to the site, the Contractor shall make his best effort to drive the equipmint over the same routes, and in the same tracks, as to minimize vegetative damage. 3.2 PLACING A. The boulders shall be placed and safely worked to their stable position, by equipment and by hand as necessary, with no tendency to overtum. Excavated stream bed material, rock fragments or spalls shall be used to fill the voids between the larger rocks. 3.3 CONSTRUCTIONSEQUENCE A. The order of construction of the structures shall begin with the farthest downstream structure first. Then upon completion of that structure, commence work on tbe next upstream structure until its completion. This shall continue on each structure, one at a time, until the project is complete' EFID OFSECTION 3232 50 BOULDER ROCK WALLS I I I sEcrroN 32 90 00 SEEDING PARTI GENERAL 1.1 WORKINCLIJDED The work covered by this Specification includes the fumishing of all materials and application of fertilizer, seed and mulch to areas defined in the Drawings or disturbed by the CONTRACTOR's operations. All disturbed areas shall be reseeded, except that cultivated areas need not be reseeded. Maintenance of seeded areas is also included in this Specification. All work shall be completed in accordance with these Specifications, the Drawings, and with accepted horticulttual practice. The seed mix design found in Paragraph 2.3 shall be used unless: 1. the OWNER has a standard mix 2. a regulatory agency has a specified mix If theere is a conflict between this specification and the standard specifications of the OWNER, the OWNER's specification shall control. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE Ship materials with certificates of inspection required by governing authorities. Comply with regulations applicable to materials. Do not make substitutions. If specified material is not obtainable, submit proof of non-availability to ENGINEER, together with proposal for use of equivalent material. Package standard products with manufacturefs certified analysis. For other materials, provide analysis by recognized laboratory made in accordance with methods established by the Association of Official Agriculture Chemists, wherever applicable. If imported topsoil is required by the Drawings, before delivery furnish ENGINEER with written statement giving location of properties from which topsoil is to be obtained, names and addresses of OWNERs, depth to be stripped, and crops grown during past two years. SEEDING B. D. c. D. I It! I I I I T I I T t I I I I T 3290 00 I I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Seed and Material Certifications: l. Certificates of inspection as required by governmental authorities. 2. Manufacturet's or vendot's certified analysis for fertilizer and mulch. 3. Seed vendo/s certified stratement for each grass seed mixture required, stating botanical and common namc, percentages by weight, and p€rcentages ofpurity, germinatio4 and weed seed for each grass seed species. B. Proposed seeding schedule correlated with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance from date of substantial completion. Orrce accepted, revise dates only as approved in writing, after documentation ofreasons for delays. C. CONTRACTOR is responsible for re-seeding and doing work that is necessary at the end of the one-year acceptance time period if the seeding has partially of completely failed to be an established turf. See 3.8 C. 1.4 DELTVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis, and name of manufacturer. B. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery, and while stored at site. I.5 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Proceed witlr, and complete seeding work as rapidly as portions of site become available, working within seasonal limitations for the specified seed. B. Correlate seeding with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance from date of substantial completion. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 TOPSOL A. Imported topsoil shall be fertile, friable, natural loam, surface soil, reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, brush, weeds and other litter, and free of roots, stumps, stones larger than two inches in any dimension, and other extraneous or toxic matter harmful to plant growth. B. Topsoil removed from the site for excavations shall be stockpiled for re-use in seeding work. If quantity of stockpiled topsoil is insufficient, import additional T I I I I T I I I I ; I t I I T I 32 90 00 SEEDING 10 20 4 l0 20 J I 8 5 I 8 I l) I I t I I I t I t T I t I I I t I topsoil to complete seeding when called for in the Drawings. Additional topsoil shall be obtained from local sources with naturally, well-drained sites where topsoil occurs in a depth ofnot less than four inches. Do not obtain from bogs or marshes. FERTILIZER A. Fedilizer shall be 18-46-0 and shall have the following composition by weight: Nitrogen, l8% (of which 50% is organic), and phosphoric acid (P205) 46%. These elements may be organic, inorganic, or a combination and shall be available according to the methods adopted by the Association of Offrcial Chemists. B. The fertilizer material shall be of neutal character, dry, pelletized or granular, rmiform in composition and a free flowing product. The fertilizer shall be thoroughly mixed by the manufacturer. C. Material which has been previously opeired, caked, segregated, exceeded the expiration date of application, or be otherwise damaged shall not be used. D. The fertilizer shall comply with all local, state, and federal regulations. GRASS SEED A. Provide fresh, clean, new-crop seed complying with tolerance for purity and germination established by Offrciat Seed Analysts of North America. Provide seed mixture composed of grass species, proportions and minimum percentages of purity, germination, and maximum percentage ofweed seed, as specified. B. The seeding mixture, known as High Altitude Grass Mix available from Westem Native Seed, Salida, Colorado, shall be applied at a rate of 16 pormds pure live seed (PLS) rate per acre. The mixture shall be as follows. Species (Variety)CommonName o/o of mix Agrostis seabra Ticklegmss Agropyrontrachycaulsom SlenderWheatgrass Bromus porteri Nodding Brome Bromus ciliatus Fringed Brome Deschampsiacespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Danthoria intermedia Timber Oatgrass Elymus glaucus Blue Wildrye Fesfuca saximontana Festuca idahoensis Festuca thurberi Poa alpina Rocky Mountain Fescue Idaho Fescue Thurder's Fescue Alpine Bluegrass 32 90 00 SEEDING I Stipa viridula Green Needlegrass l0 100 The CONTRACTOR shall compensate for percentage of purity and gerrrination by furnishing sufficient additional seed to equal the specified pure live seed product. The formula for detemrining the quantity of pure live seed (PLS) shall be: Pounds of Seed (Bulk) X Pudty X Germination: Pounds ofPure Live Seed (PLS) . 2.4 MI.'LCH Material for mulching shall consist of wood fiber. The wood fiber shall contain a tackifier for additonal binding to steep slopes. EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS B. PART 3 Erosion control blankets shall consist ofbiodegradable type material such asjute netting or a slotted-baffle l0D/o post-consumer waste Paper composition material such as Earth Guard as manufactured by Eaton Commercial Products of Hamburg, N.Y. Wood excelsior or products containing polypropylene netting are unacceptable for use as an erosion control blanket. E)(ECUTION d T c. B. I I I I I I I T I I t I t 3.1 SOIL PREPARATION This work shall consist of preparing the soil for seeding. Preparation of the soil shall include harrowing and scarifying to a depth of four inches by mechanical and hand methods in order to establish a uniform and acceptable seed bed surface. Areas that have been eroded or rutted to a degree will require the placement of topsoil, gaded and compacted to a uniform and acceptable seed bed surface. Topsoil will be uniformly placed and spread in areas to be reseeded or as designated on the Drawings. The minimum thickness shall be to two inches above the sru:rounding finished grade. The topsoil shall be keyed to the underlying and surrounding material by the use of harrows, rollers or other equipment suitable for the purpose. B. I t I32 90 00 SEEDING D. 3.2 J.J I l) I t t I I I I t I T I t I I t I t Water shall be applied for compaction purposes to the topsoil in a fine spray by nozzles in such a manner that it will not wash or erode the newly placed soil. Care shall be exercised dwing the soil preparation on all embankments so as not to disturb established ground cover. Areas disturbed during the soil preparation will be fertilized, seeded and mulched at the discretion of the ENGINEER in accordance with these documents. FERTILZATION A. All areas to be seeded shall be fertilized. Fertilizer shall be incorporated into the top four inches ofsoil as part ofthe seed bed preparation prior to seeding. Delay mixing of fertilizer if seeding will not follow within a few days. B. Fedilizer shall be applied in a dry form in a manner to assure uniform distribution. The application rate shall be 150 pounds per:rcre or 3.5 pounds per 1000 square feet. C. Fertilization shall not be undertaken in adverse weather and unsuitable ground conditions. Examples of these respective conditions may be wind, precipitation, frozen and untillable ground or conditions detrimental to the effectiveness of the application. In cases where work progress is stopped due to the these conditions, fertilization will begin again when the appropriate conditions exist. The application will begin again with a reasonable overlapping of the previously applied area. SEEDING General l. Seeding shall not be undertaken in adverse weather and unsuitable ground conditions. Examples of these respective conditions may be wind, precipitation, frozen or untillable ground or conditions detrimental to the effectiveness of the application. 2. In no case shall seeding occur within 30 days of the application of a chemical weed control zubstance. 3. Do not use wet seed or seed that is moldy or otherwise damaged in transit or storage. 4. Upon completion of seeding apply mulch as described below. Seed and mulch are not to be applied as a one-step process. 32 90 00 SEEDING I 3.4 3.5 B. Seeding shall be resticted according to the following time table: l. *Spring tlraf' shall be defined as the earliest date in a new calendar year in which seed can be buried ll2 nch into the surface soil through normal drill seeding methods. "Consistent gound freeze" shall be defined a that time during the fall months in which the surface soil, due to freezing conditions, prevents burying the seed ll2 nch through normal drilling operations. 2. Seeding shall not be performed outside the above time periods except by written permission of the ENGINEER. C. ApplicationMethod l. All seeding shall be installed by the hydraulic method in accordance with the rate described above. MI.JLCHING A. Wood fiber mulch shall be applied at the rate of 1.5 tons / acre to all seeded areas unless otherwise shovm on the Drawings. MAINTENANCE A. Immediately after the completion of seeding, the CONTRACTOR shall water the seeded areas sufficiently to a depth of two inches, and in such a manner so that erosion does not take place and gullies are not formed. The surface shall be wetted twice at three day intervals following completion of the above. The I I I I t T I I t I T I I tI t Elevation Sprine Seeding Fall Seedine Below 6000'SpringthawtoJune l5th September lst until consistent gound freeze 6000'to 7000'Spring thaw to JuIy lst August l5th until consistent gound freeze 7000'to 8000'Spring thaw to July l5th August lst until consistent Ftround freeze Above 8000'Spring thaw until consistent glound freeze Spring thaw until consistent grcund freeze I 32 90 00 SEEDING 3.7 3.8 I lj I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t CONTRACTOR shall fertilize the seeded area once a uniform stand of grass has been established. B. Seeded areas shall be maintained until there is acceptable uniform plant growth. Areas that are not producing a uniform plant growth within five weeks following seeding shall be reseeded. Acceptable unifomr plant growth shall be defined as that time when the scattered bare spots, not greater than one square foot in area, do not exceed three percent ofthe seeded area. However, for seeded areas under irrigation, it shall also include the producing ofa uniform plant growth to a height of two inches. C. Areas that are seeded late in the fall planting season which are not producing acceptable rmiforrn plant growth, as described above, shall be reseeded during the following spring planting season. If such a condition exists, and the CONTRACTOR bas diligently, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, pursued the performance of his work, ths OWNER at his option, may extend the contract completion date and reduce contract retainage. Retainage may be reduced to less than five percent of the total contract amount, but shall be at least two times the estimated cost of obtaining the required growth in the indicated areas, plus areas which are susceptible to damage by winter kill, washout or other causes. 3.6 EROSIONCONTROLBLANKETS: A. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings install erosion control blankets where slopes are stepper than 3 (H) to l(V). B. Install the blanket in accordance with the manufacturer's written directions. CLEANUP AND PROTECTION A. During seeding, keep roadways clean and work area in an orderly condition. B. Protect seeded slopes steeper than 3 horizontal to I vertical against erosion with erosion netting or other methods acceptable to the ENGINEER. C. Protect seeded areas from damage due to CONTRACTOR operations and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. Treat, repair, or replace damaged seeded areas as directed. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTA}ICE A. Seeding may be inspected for acceptance in portions as agreeable to ENGINEER, provided each portion of work oflered for inspecfion is complete, including maintenance. SEEDING32 90 00 B. C. When inspected seeding does not comply with requirements, replace rejected work and continue specified maintenance until reinspected by ENGINEER and found to be acceptable. Remove rejected materials promptly from project site. All plant material and work accomplished under this Section shall be guaranteed to provide a uniform stand of grass acceptable to the OWNER at the end of a one- year time period from the completion of seeding. The CONTRACTOR shall also remove any non-pennanent devices placed for erosion contol at the end ofthe one-year time period unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER EIID OF'SECTION I ,d I I I I t I I i t I I I I I t32 90 00 SEEDING I 10-2743 r SECTION 33 05 13 UTILITY MANHOLES I PART1 GENERAL I I.I WORK INCLUDED I A. Fumish and install precast concrete manhole base, sections, adjusting rings, steps, I and manhole ring and cover, complete. I 1.2 QUALITY REFERENCESr . A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) r l. ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement I i fiitr ""'::,:xfl'I:il'"'';',::ffi::YH"l;f,:"lH:,n"oes and t 1.3 Sr_]BMTTTALS I A. Submit manufacturer's technical descriptions of manhole sections, steps, rings, I waterstop gaskets and covers. I PART 2 MATERIALS I 2.1 PRECAST MANHOLE SECTIONS I A. Precast reinforced concrete manhole top sections shall be produced using Type tr Podland cement and be fabricated in accordance with ASTM C 478. r B. Manhole sections shall be clearly marked with the information speci{ied for product marking in ASTM C 478. ' 2.2 MANHOLEFRAMES AND COVERS I A Y#H fffi.il:-::;? ;lt i*,'"'l",TTi.i'*ffn"iii,"3';ilf,'ll:':: approved equal. B. Frost proof covers if required shall D & L Model A-1019 with closed pick hole or approved equal. The ring and cover shall conform to ASTM A48-83 Class 35B. I I I 330513 UTILITYMANHOLES I 2.4 2.5 r 0-2743 2.3 MANHOLE STEPS A. Manhole steps shall be pollpropylene and be cast into the manhole wall at the same time the manhole section is cast. B. The manhole steps shall be approximately nine inches wide and 13 inches long and weigh approximately two pounds. C. The steps shall located no more than 28 inches from the top of the finished marfiole nor more than 18 inches from the floor and be spaced no greater than 12 inches apart. D. The step shall have a skid-resistant surface and be desigrred mechanically to prevent sideslip. JOINT SEALERS A. Flexible plastic sealant, RAM-NEK, or equivalent, is required for all horizontal- mating surfaces between precast top sections and precast slab tops of meter vaults. JOINTS A. All precast concrete joints shall be made with a preformed joint sealer. B. All joints that are made with the joint sealer shall also be pointed with mortar on the inside of the section. I t I T I T I I I I I t t I ]I T l. b. c. d. e. Mortar used in jointing precast concrete manhole sections shall be composed of one part Portland cement and not more than three nor less than two parts of fine aggregate. Portland cement shall mect the requirements of ASTM C 150, Type tr. Hydrated lime or masonry cement shall not be used. Fine aggregate shall consist of well-graded natural sand having clean, hard, durable, uncoated grains, free from organic matter, soft or flaky fragments or other deleterious substances such as calcium chloride. The fine aggregate shall be thoroughlywashed and shall be uniformly graded from coarse to fine with a minimum of 95%o passing the #4 sieve and a maximum of 7Yo passing the #100 sieve. All mortar shall be fresh for the work at hand. Mortar that has begun to set shall not be used. I 33 05 13 UTILITYMANHOLES I t0.2't43 I 2. Joint Seals 1; a. Precast concrete manhole section joint seals shall meet the I requirements of SECTION 33 05 14 - JOINT SEALERS FOR PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLES. I 2.6 WATERSTOP GASKETS I A. Hamilton Kent or approved equal.r , PART3 EXECUTION I 3.I GENERAL I A. The manhole shall be constructed on a properly compacted subgrade and in such ar manner that the center of the manhole coincides with the intersection of the projected centerlines ofthe inlet and discharge pipelines. B. The surface shall be level to permit proper construction of the riser sections. t C. Changes in size and grade of channels for gravity pipelines such as sanitary sewers, shall be made gradually and evenly using concrete made with ASTM C I 150, Tlpe tr Portland cement. The invert channels may be formed directly in the I concrete manhole base or may be constructed by laying sewer pipe through the manhole and cutting out the top half of the pipe after the concrete has cured and I reached design strength. The floor of the manhole outside of the channels shall I slope upward from the springline of the pipeline to the wall of the manhole at not less than one inch per foot nor more than two inches per foot. ' 3.2 PLACEMENT OF PRECAST CONCRETE BASE AND RISER SECTIONS: A. Sections 1. Set the base and each manhole riser section such that the manhole will be plumb. 2. Use sections of various heights to bring the ring and cover to the proper grade. 3. The last riser section prior to placement of an eccentric cone or flat top shall be the shortest available but in no case sreater than 24 inches in height. B. Joints 33 05 13 I I I I I I t l. Sections shall be clean and dry. UTILITYMANHOLES lo-2743 It I I t I T I I I I T I I I t tI I 2. 3. J.J 3.4 Mortaring ofjoints shall not be performed when the temperature of the air or section will be below 35" F when placing and curing unless supplemental heat is used to keep the sections warm and mortar from freezing. Using Joint Sealer a. The mating surfaces of the two sections to be joined shall be thoroughly cleaned. b. Apply the joint sealer to the seat of the base or riser section that is already in place. c. Only one joint is permitted in the sealer. Overlap the ends of the sealer six inches. d. Carefully lower the second precast concrete section onto the first section so that the joint sealer compresses forming a uniform seal. e. Each succeeding precast section shall be jointed in a similar manner. C. Lifting Holes l. Fill all lifting holes with mortar. REPAIR OF IMPERFECTIONS IN SECTIONS A. Imperfections in the precast concrete manhole base or sections shall be reviewed by the ENGINEER prior to rePair. B. 'The CONTRACTOR shall submit repair materials ENGINEER for review and aPProval. ADruSTING RINGS, RING AND COVER INSTALLATION A. Install ring and cover on one or maximum of two precast concrete adjusting rings. Each adusting ring shall be a maximum of 8-inches high. Adjusting rings shall be placed similar to the precast concrete manhole rings, i.e., thoroughly cleaned and placed with mortar or joint sealer. B. The total allowable height of adusting rings, ring and cover shall be one inch less than the manufacturer's shortest precast concrete riser section. C. Unless otherwise indicated in the Drawings, set the top of the adjusting rings such that no part ofthe cast iron ring and cover will project above a point % inch below the finish surface of pavement. and methods to the 33 05 13 UTILITYMANHOLES I t.,2743 t I 3.5 PrPE CONNECTTONS A- The manhole shall be thoroughly bonded to the barrel of the pipe and all I connections with pipe shall be made without projections or voids. B. All pipe shall have a Hamilton Kent (or approved equal) water stop gasket applied I around the pipe. The joint between the pipe and manhole wall shall be sealed t with a non-shrink grout. I 3.6 ACcEPTANCB A. Each manhole shall be watertight from infiltration and exfiltration of water. !t B. When required by the ENGINEER, manholes shall be pressure tested by filling I ;i*Jifi ;: *"J:x#,r;J::ii"ff;':;:il:.ffrs:1""wa'le*igh'{ness r C. The CONTRACTOR shall inspect and repair all visible leaks and damp spots. I I END oFSEcTIoN I I I I I I I I t 33 05 13 5 urrI-rry MANHoLES I l, I sEcTroN 33 0514 JOINT SEALERS FORUTILITY MANHOLES PART1 GENERAL t l.l WORKTNCLUDED: I A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, tools, equipment and install joint I sealer for precast concrete manholes and roof slabs where shown in the Drawings and as specified herein.II 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS: I A. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)r - 1. AASHTO Ml98 - Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe r Using Flexible Watertight Gaskets 1.3 STJBMITTALS: t A. Gasket Material -I B. MSDS Sheet a C. Manufacturer's installation instructions I D. Primer IT PART2 MATERIALS I 2.r GENERAL: I A. Joint sealer shall be preformed, plastic gasket with hydrocarbon resins and inert t mineral filler, in accordance with AASHTO M198, Type B. , 2.2 PRMERS: r A. Primers shall be used when recommended by the joint sealer manufacturer. I 23 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS:I a K. T. Snyder - Ram-NekIr B. Hamilton-Kent - Kent-SealNo.2 I 33 05 14 I JOINT SEAIERS . FORUTILITYMANHOLES I C. Sheller-Globe - Tac-Tite PART3 -EXECUTION 3.I PREPARATION: A. The CONTRACTOR shall clean the concrete surfaces in accordance with the manufachuer's recommendations. B. Mask edges, ifrequired, to protect adjoining surfaces and produce a straight finish line. C, If required by the manufachuer, prime concrete surfaces with the recommended primer. Install bond breaker tape as required by the manufacturer to ensure that the sealant will perform properly. 3.2 APPLICATION: A. Apply the sealant in continuous beads without open joints, voids or air pockets. Remove excess sealer promptly as work progresses and clean adjacent surfaces. B. Apply the sealer in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions and specifications. END OFSECTION JOINT SEALERS FOR IJTILITY MANHOLES I I I I t I I I I I I t I I II t33 05 14 I 05-2446 Ir' ' ITTILITY $ltrfittttilllT^c rAPE PARTI GBNERAL I r.r woRK TNCLUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish and install detectable 6-inch wide underground t Hlrr:l;*rg tape for all water and sanitary sewer pipelines regardless of pipe I r.2 e'ALTTYREFEREN.ES I A. American Public Works Association (APWA) r l. APWA Recommended colorcode I B. US Department of Transportation, Materials Transportation Bureau, Office of Pipeline Safety (USAS) I I . USAS code for pressure piping B3l .8 paragraph 192321 (e). I i C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) J I l. ff;Xr" 882 - Test Methods for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic I 2. ASTM D 2103 - Specification for Polyethylene Film and Sheeting 3. ASTM D 2578 - Test Method for Wetting Tension of Polyethylene and t Pollpropylene Films I.3 SUBMI'I-TALS r A. Product data sheets T PART 2 MATERIALs! 2.1 REINFORCED DETECTABLE TINDERGROUND WARNING TAPE - A. Detectable tape shall have a 35-gauge (0.00035-inch) solid aluminum foil core I with permanent printing under a protective layer to maintain the integrity and r legibility of the text. The foil shall be visible from both sides. - B. Tape shall consist of a nominal 5 mil (0,005-inch) overall thickness. I I I :. os26 1 UTILIry WARNING MARKING TAPE 05-2446 C. Bottom layer shall be warp oriented, coated and closed cross-woven, ultra high molecular weiglrt, and 100% virgin polyethylene' 2.2 PHYSICALPROPERTIES Property Method Value Thickness ASTM D2IO3 05.0 mils (nominal) Tensile Sfength ASTM D 882 35 lbVin. width (13,570 psi) Elongation ASTM D 882 <80Yo Printability ASTM D2578 > 45 dynes/crnz 2.3 COLOR CODE Utility Color Electric Safe8 Red Gas, Oil, Hazardous Materials Hieh VisibilityYellow Communications - telephone S44 !ab!g Safety Alert Orange Water - potable and non-p!4bls-Safety Precaution Blue Sanitary Sewer Safetv Green ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER / MODEL A. Pro-Line Detectable Underground Waming Tape manufactured by Empire Level or equivalent. B. The tape is available from Hughes supply colorado, and Telephone 303-394- 0000 TAPE WIDTH AND TEXT Width (inches)Message Color 6 CAUTION WATER LINE BURIED BELOW Safety Precaution Blue 6 CAUTION SEWER LINE BURIED BELOW Safetv Green 6 CAUTION ELECTRIC LINE BURIED BELOW Safety Red 6 CAUTION GAS LINE BURIED BELOW High Visibility Yellow 6 CAUTION TELEPHONE LTNE BURIED BELOW Safety Alert Orange I rl I I I 2.4 I I I I t I t I I I I I I I 2.6 33 05 26 UTILITY WARNING MARKING TAPE I I 05-2446 I ) PARr3 Ex'curroN I 3.1 TNSTALLATI'N I A. Install tape 18 inches below grade. B. Overlap tape six inches. No more than two splices (overlaps) me permitted in 200 feet. No piece shall be shorter than 50 feet. C. Tape shall be continuous along the pipe. I D. Place tape in horizontal plane to facilitate reading of text. I t I ll I T I I I I I I I :los26 END OFSECTION 3 UTILITY WARNING MARKING TAPE I r \ SECTION 33 l0 00 WATER DISTRIBUTION I PARTI GENERAL- I I.OI DESCRIFTION I A. Work tncluded: Excavation, backfill, bedding, and installation of pipe, valves, fittings, fire a hydrants, vaults, service lines, curb stops, valve boxes, pressure reducing valves, meters. and all necessary appunenances- f B. Related Work: 1. Site Clearing: Section 02 40 00 I 2, TopsoilandRevegetation: Section329000 I C. Definition: a 1. Trench Excavation: Excavation ofall material encountered along trench other than rock , excavation, 2. Rock Excavation; All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a t backhoe with 3/4 cubic yard bucket with bucket curling force and stick crowd force of 35,000 lbs. each, and requiring drilling and blasting. t D. Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Specifications: All work shall conform to the standardI specifications for water lines as adopted byEagle River Water and Sanitation District. I r.o2 suBMrrrALSt A- Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction malerials I for:I l. Valves and Valve Boxes t 2. Fittings - 3. Fire Hydrants I 4. Vauhs I 5. Service Lines r 6. Meters " I B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilizalion rnaterials, concrete mix design, and compression test. I I 33 10 00 I Water Distribution I Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for project. Certificates: Submit copies of acceptance from Health Department prior to placing water system in service. 1.03 JOB CONDITIONS PART2 Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending airtemperature in shade and away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F and there is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be less than 60 degrees F at time ofplacing. PRODUCTS - All meterials shall conform to the local water district's specilications I I T I t I 2.OI PIPE AhID FITTINGS All ductile iron pipe and fittings used shall meet the latest AWWA Specifications. A. Pipe l. 2. Ductile Iron Pipe: AWWA Cl5l, working pressure 350 psi, rninimum thickness class 52, with cement-mortar lining, AWWA CI04. Bituminous outside coating one mil thick. Pipe joints, push-on type utilizing rubber ring gasket AWWA Cl1l. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Couplings: AWWA C900, working pressure 200 psi, with push-on joints ASTM Dl 869. six inch (6"), eight inch (8") and twelve inch ( 12) PVC water lines shall be Class 200 dimension ratio 14 (DR l4). PVC pipe may be used only in conosive areas and in the Edwards Metropolitan District provided the static water pressure does not exceed 170 psi. Installation ofPVC pipe in corrosive areas must have prior written authorizations from the District. Steel Pipe: All steel pipe and fittings shall be fabricated in accordance with AWWA C200 Standard for Steel Water Pipe-eight inches (8') and larger-and AWWA M-l I Steel Pipe Manual. Working pressure shall be 350 psi. All material used shall be acceptable under ASTM 4'283 Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality or ASTM A36 Standard Specifications for Structural Steel. For mill-type pipe, all material used shall be acceptable under ASTM A53 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless. All fittings shall be fabricated from tested pipe and dye checked in accordance with AWWA C208. All steel pipe and finings shall be prepared, primed, lined, coated, painted or wrapped as hereinafter specified: a. Exterior Surfaces - Tape coating system conforming to AWWA C209 andC2l4. b, Inlerior Surfaces - Cement-mortar lining conforming to AWWA C2O5- I I I I I I I I 3. I I I33 l0 00 Water Distribution B. I I I I t I I I T I I t I I I I I I t 2.02 VALVES 4. HDPE Pipe: With authorization from the engineer and approval by the District, this pipe may be used as an alternative in those applications where "hot soils" are determined to be found. 5. FittingB: Fittings shall be made of ductile iron and in accordance with the requirements of AWWA C153, pressure rating 350 psi. Mechanical joints shall conform to AWWA C I I I . Bolts and nuts shall be low-alloy steel. All fittings shall be cement-mortar lined, AWWA C104. Bituminous outside coating shall be a minimum of one-mil (l) thick. 6. Joint Resfaint Devices: Joint restraint devices shall be made of ductile iron. Twist-off nuts, sized the same as the tee-head bolts, shall be used to ensure proper actuating of restraining devices. Joint reshaint devices shall be EBAA lron, Inc., Megalug Series I I 00 or I 700 or Uni-Flange Corp. Series 1400 for new pipe restraint and EBAA Iron Sales, Megalug Series I l00SD or 1100t{D or Uni-Flange UFRI300-C or UFR1390-C for existing pipe restraint or accepted equal. 7. Solid Sleeves: Solid sleeves shall be made of ductile iron, mechanical joint, long body. Sleeves shall have a minimum pressure rating of 350 psi. Where a solid sleeve is used to join two pieces ofpipe ofthe same diameter, a "wedding band" is to be inserted between the two pipes inside of the solid sleeve. 8. Tapping Sleeves: Wet taps shall only be made with the use of a tapping sleeve. The District will allow epoxy-coated Smith Blair 620, Mueller H304, ICM 412 or equivalent. No tapping sleeves will be allowed for any application with a working pressure of 150 psi or higher. For those applications where working pressure exceeds I 50 psi, the District will require the use of a tee. Fittings Fittings shall be ductile iron and in accordance with the requirements ofAWWA C153, pressure rating 350 psi. Mechanical joints shall conform to AWWA Cl I l Bolts and nuts shall be low- alloy steel. All fittings cement-mortar lined, AWWA C I 04. Bituminous outside coating one mil rhick. The valves shall be the same size as the main. Gate Valves Gate valves shall be Mueller 4,-2360, Waterous AFC-2500 orU.S. Pipe Metroseal with an epoxy- coated interior and exterior cast iron or ductile iron bodl pressure rating 250 psi, bronze- rnounted, AWWA C509. Resilient seat (wedge) rubber encapsulated gate, flanged or mechanical joint as required. Valves with ring stem seal, two-inch (2') square operating nut, open left must be used. Resilient wedge gate valves on all pipe sizes up to and including l2 inches are required. Direction ol'Opening: All valves are to open left. 33 l0 00 Water Distribution t Specifications: Gate valves in sizes through twenty-four inches (24') shall be ofthe iron body, non-rising bronze stem, resilient seated wedge type manufactured to equal or exceed ANSVAWWA Standard C509- 80 and the specific requirements outlined in these Special Provisions. Valves shall have a bottle-tight working water pressure of 250 psi with zero leakage and be capable offlow in either direction. End connections shall be mechanical joint and shall be furnished with all necessary joint materials. Valve openings shall be fumished and installed with valve stacks and covers in accordance with locate water district specifications. Valve body, bonnet, stuffrng box and disc cast shall be manufactured ofeither gray or ductile iron. The exterior of the valve shall have epoxy coating per AWWA standards, applied to the ferrous parts of the valve, except for finished or seating surfaces. All intemal ferrous metal surfaces shall be coated with a two.part thermosetting epoxy coating. The coating shall be non-toxic, impart no taste to water, protect all seating and adjacent surfaces from corrosion and prevent build-up of scale or tuberculation. The valve shall be structurally aesigneO so that if excessive torque is applied to the stem in the closing direction, with the disc seated, failure of the pressure retaining parts does not occur. Stem failure under such conditions shall occur extemally at such a point as to enable the stem to be safely turned in the opening direct by use of a pipe wrench. Valve Boxes Valve boxes shall be Tyler 6668-2. All buried valves shall be provided with a six-inch (6") cast iron, valve box, screw type. The valve box shall be of a design which will not hansmit shock or stress to the valve and which shall have enough extension capability to be raised to final street grade. The valve box shall be cast iron, adjustable screw type, with minimum five- inch (5') diameter shafl provided with cover, marked *Watef'. Pressure Reducing Valves All pressure reducing valves shall be CLA-VAL 92G-0IABXCKDS as appropriate and determined by the Engineer. In addition, the PRV is to have the following features: l. Pressure reducing pilotry with pressure control ranges for correct valve operation where installed. Pilot material shall be bronze body only, brass and stainless-steel him. Tubing shall be copper. 2. Epoxy coated interior and exterior suitable for potable water contact- 3. Dura-clean stem design shall be installed. 4. Valve opening shall be regulated by means ofa "speed control valve" for flow control. I I I I I I t i t I I I I I t T I33 l0 00 Water Distribution I l, I I t I t I I lr t I I I I I I I I 5. Ductile iron, globe body, minimum 150-pound ANSI flanges or as may be required by system pressures, bronze trim. 6. Pilotry flow-clean strainer and minimum of three (3) pilot cocks. D. Pressure Reducing Valves-Bypass Line The PRV shall be CLA-VAL 904 I valve, sized appropriately to allow low flow to blpass around the main PRV. The valve shall have a ductile iron globe body with screwed ends. Pilotry is to be equipped with a flow wye strainer and isolation cocks. E. Air ReleaseAy'acuum Valves Shall be an APCO air vacuum combination valve sized by the engineer as manufactured by Valve and Primer Corporation or an equivalent valve that has been approved by the local water district. The valve shall have a cast iron body, cover and baffle with a stainless-steel float. The seat shall be fastened into the valve cover, without distortion and shall be easily ranoved, if necessary. Air release/vacuum valves shall be installed at all high points in the system on any main line extensions. F. Check Valves Golden-Anderson Silent Check Valve (Figure 280). Bronze mounted, AWWA C508. High strength cast iron gate with bronze gate ring. Bronze, back-faced seat ring. Solid bronze Y- shaped hinge. 2.03 FIRE ITYDRANTS A. Fire hydrants shall be Mueller Centurion .4,423 which conform to AWWA Standard C502 with a working pressure of 250 psi. They also shall be six-inch (6") mechanical joint inlet, minimum 5 % inches, compression-t1pe main valve lhat closes with pressure, two 2Yzhose nozz)es, one 4%-inch pump nozzle, nozzle threads ANSI 826. Nozzles must be easily replaceable in the field with standard tools. Operaling and cap nuts must be I %-inch, Number l7 National Slandard hex main valve which open to the LEFT. An arrow cast on top ofhydrant shall indicate direction opening. These shall be a breakable section that permits clean break at or near ground level, preventing water loss in case of breakage, Working parts must be rernovable for maintenance or repair without excavation. Also required are operating mechanism non-wetting, oil reservoir lubricated, with O-ring seals and barrel drain bronze mounted with at least two (2) outlets, which operate automatically with main valve. Fire hydrants must be installed at the end of all main lines. Finish grade ofthe fre hydrant shall be twelve inches (12') below the flange for frnal grade and paving inspection. B. Fire Hydrant Extensions New lnstallations: All new installations shall be instalted at the standard 7-foot to 9-foot ofcover measured from the top of the pipe to finish grade. All fue hydrants shall consist of a single solid shaft. No fire hydrant extensions will be allowed. Any special circumstance will require written approval from the local water district prior to installation. Existing Fire Hydrants: No more than one ( I ), two-foot (2') long, fire hydrant grade extension 33 l0 00 Water Distribution I (extension section) shall be used or installed on fire hydrant assemblies. All hydrants shall be installed with a guard valve to isolate the hydrant for repair while maintaining service to main. No service line taps will be allowed between the guard valve and hydrant. Guard valves shall be installed on the tee off of the water main. The maximum distance from the guard valve to the fire hydrant shall not exceed fifty fet (50') Fire hydrants shall be installed at the end ofall dead-end mains. C. Fire Hydrant Marker Flags Install fire hydrant marker flags for all newly constructed fire hydrants. The required flat is a Nordic Flex Flag, FF2-72 inches. SERVICE LINES A. CopperTubing Tlpe "K", ASTM 888. Connections to be compression or silver soldered. B. Corporation StoPs Mueller 300 Ball Valve No. 8-25008 or 825028, AWWA C800. All brass construction with compression connection. McDonald No. 4701 BT ot 4704 BT' AWWA C800. Ford cclcomp FB-1000-G Ford IPS/comp FB-l 100-G C. Curb Stops Mueller 300 Ball Curve Valve No. 25209, Ford 844 with compression connections, AW-WA C- 800. McDonald Ball Cwb Valve - 6100 T, AWWA C800. D. Curb Boxes For curb stops up to l": Mueller Hl03 l 4 with 89982 lid or McDonald 560l with 560lL lid. For curb stops larger than l ": Mueller H103 14 with 89982 lid and Tyler 6500 Series Enlarged Base #144809 or McDonald 5603 with 5601L lid. Shaft diameter shall be l" and the top of the shaft shall be a minimum of l8' from final grade and lid. I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I33 l0 00 Water Distribution I t I I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I t Saddles Ductile Iron Saddle: Mueller DE2A, JCM-402, Smith & Blair 313, Ford F202,McDonald 3825, 3826 or equal and approved by the District. The saddle must have a double flat strap design with ductile iron bodv. Said saddle must conform to AWWA C800. Mf,TERS Rockwell SR Compound Meter B. c. All services are required to have a positive displacement Rockwell meter with ECR touch-read pad. Conformance per AWWA C702 Standard for Cold Water Meters - Compound Type. l. sR 2. SR2 3. Compound 4. Meter type will be determined by the District. Installation must be in freeze-proofl accessible area. A telephone jack must be installed within five feet (5') of the meter'to provide for future automated meter read in g. Installation will be near floor level in a horizontal position. Isolation valves shall be located before the PRV and after the meter (i.e. valve, PRV, meter, valve). Customer shall install wire from meter location to touch-read pad prior to meter installation. Touch-read pad will be located on sheet side of building, five feet (5') above the ground in an accessible location free from snow. Master Meter Vaults: All master meter vaults will be required to have a six inch (6") Rockwell turbine meter with a two inch (2") positive displacement low flow meter. The Contractor will be required to submit a piping schemaric to the District and Engineer prior to any installation. Refer to Details for additional information. D. E. F. 33 l0 00 Water Distribution I BEDDING Two types of bedding material are allowed: Screened rock and soil or select imported material, meeting the following gradation specification table: Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight I I Screened Rock | %inch maximum, and 100 maximum of l0% of pipe diameter to % inch Soil or Select Import 100 No.4 No.200 Minimum Compaction Requirement 0tol0 0to5 30 to 100 0to50 I t t I I I t I I I I I I I I Tamp to spring line to 90% of Standard Proctor fill voids below pipe placed at +/- 3% of Optimum haunches Moisture The maximum particle size of pipe bedding should generally not exceed lYz inches or l0 percent of the nominal pipe diameter, wbichever is less. Bedding for small pipe such as service lines should generally have a maximum particle size not exceeding % inch. Bedding materials shall be fiee of topsoil, organic material, frozen matter, debris, or other deleterious material' Screened rock used for waterline or sewer pipe bedding should be crushed, angular material that meets the requirements of ASTM D 2321, Class IA bedding material. The material should have not more than l0 percent passing the No. 4 (4.75 millimeter) screen, and less than 5 percent passing the No. 200 (75 micrometer) screen. The bedding should be tamped under the haunches ofthe pipe to spring line. Where future excavation is anticipated, the sloughing properties of screened rock when unconfined should be taken into consideration. The District may require soil or select import. Where groundwater may be present, the potential effects ofgroundwater interception by the bedding material should be considered. Groundwater interception may be conholled by: constructing check dams with low permeable material at intervals in the bedding; providing drainage to daylight at intervals along the pipe; substituting low permeable bedding; or a combination of these' Compacted pipe bedding should meet the requirements of ASTM D2321, Class IB, Class lI, or Class III bedding material. The material should have a minimum of 30 percent passing the No. 4 screen and less than 50 percent passing the No. 200 screen. Class 6 aggregate base course per CDOT Table 703.2 conforms to this gradation criteria. The bedding should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent at +/- 3 percent of optimum moisture content, referencing Standard Proctor (ASTM D698, AASHTO T99). Material containing l0 to 30 percent passing the No. 4 screen can be used with the following considerations: materials in tbis range can be expected to possess properties similar to screened rock except that compaction will be required and materials in this range may be too free-draining to be testable for compaction by ASTM D698. Flow-fi|I, at/z sack (50 pounds) per cubic yard lean concrete mix as defined in the CDOT 1999 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Section 206.02, may be used as bedding where a combination of ease of placemenl, low permeability, and unconfined stability is desired. 33 l0 00 Water Distribution r I Addirional Requircments: Bedding materials shall be free of topsoil, organic materials, frozen matter, debris, or other deleterious materials. f -Flow-fill as specified by CDOT 1999 Standard Specifications, Section 206.02, may be used withI District approval. r. -Ductile Iron Pipe may be required to be encased in loose polyethylene in conformance with I ANSVAWWA Cl05/A21 .5 installation methods, unless site soils and proposed bedding materials are'r determined to be non-corrosive to iron pipe when evaluated according to Appendix A of ANSyAWWA Cr05/A2t.5. | -Materials not meeting these requirements shall be used only with prior written approval of the! District. I In specific areas, such as where access is extremely limited, the use of on-site materials may be f allowed, and, when used, must be on-site I 7: inches minus well-graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials. Use of on-site I bedding material must have prior written District approval. I 2.07 TRENCH BACKFILL I I Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable. No boulders over six inches (6") in diameter in top twelve inches (12") of trench. No backfill material with boulders larger than I eighteen inches (18") in diameter shall be backfilled in the trench. I 2.08 NON-DETECTABLE MARKING TAPE I ' The installation of "blue" marking tape is required on all water mains and service lines. The tape shall be installed approximately twenty-four inches (2') above the main or line. The tape shall meet the following ,t specifications: I A. Four (4) mil thick PVC material. I B. Solid "blue" color with black letteringI C. Six inches (6") in width I 2.09 CONCRETE MATERIAL I A, General: AII materials shall be firmished from sources agreed to by the Engineer. !B. Cement: ASTM C- I 50 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set or contains lumps ofcaked cement shall be rejected.r C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. I D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and fiee from oil, acids, salt. alkali, or orsanic materials harmful to concrete. I 33 rooo I I Water Distribution 2.IO CONCRETE MIX Design Mix 1 . Proportions Cement 5-ll2 sacks Per cubic Yard Coane aggregate - 43% Water - 5.5 gllons Per sack Maximum size aggegate' 3 / 4" Slump: 4" maximum Str€nglh: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days Air Content: 5o/o - 7o/o B. Job-Mixed Concrete Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than l0 minutes after all materials are in drum. C. Readv-Mixed Concrete Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected' 2.II POLYETHYLENEENCASEMENT A polyethylene encasement material shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA Cl05, with the foliowing additional requirements. The raw material used to manufacture polyethylene film shall be Type l, Ctass A, Grade E-1, in accordance with ASTM D-1248. 2.12 THRUST BLOCKS AND AI{CHORS Concrete thrust blocks and anchors shall be sized for the internal pipe pressure and soil bearing capacity- Standard sizes and shapes of thrust blocks and anchors are shown on the details. No thrust block shall be smaller than that size required for an eight inch (8") main. Thrust reaction blocking shall be concrete of a mix not leaner than I part cement to 2-ll2 parts sand and 5 parts stone, and having a compressive strength ofnot less than 3000 P.S.I. after 28 days. Megalugjoint restraint devices shall be used in conjunction with thrusl blocks. AII thrust blocks shall be formed in accordance with the local water district's specifications. See detail. The Water District shall inspect all thrust blocks' 2.13 PRESSUREREDUCERVAULTS I I I I t I J I I I I t I T I T I33 r0 00 l0 Water Distribution I t I I T I I I I I I All proposed installations shall be "factory-built" vault including tbe appropriately sized main line inlet and outlet. PRV installations shall include an appropriately sized manual bypass with an approved gate valve; two (2) appropriately sized CLA-VAL Model 90G-01ABK pressure reducing valves with approved isolating gate valves. Af l vault installations shalt include a 120/240-volt power panel; all assembled, tested and painted. Minimum dimensions of the vault shall be 7' (H) x 8' (L) x 6' (W), skid - mounted capsule witlt Bilco Model MNB-50 access hatch, ladder, fluorescent light, gravity drain in sump, dehumidifier, 240 volt heater, exhaust fan and two (2) magnesium anode packs. All proposed vault installations must be pre- approved by the local water district. 2.L4 CASING SPACERS Carrier pipes to be installed inside casings shall be installed with self-restraining casing spacers. Casing spacers shall provide axial thrust restraint to prevent pipe joint separation during and after installation. They shall also provide dielectric insulation between the carrier pipe and the casing and facilitate installation ofthe carrier pipe into the casing. PART3 EXECUTION 3.01 TRENCHING A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits. B. Rock Trench Excavation: Prior to removal, notiry Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation. C. Blasting: In general, blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the local authority having jurisdiction granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws ofthe local, state and federal governments, as applicable. All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance wilh the permit of the locat authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24-hour notification to Engineer. D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities, to existing smrctures, or to any other existing facility or item. I I I I ! t I t ll33 r0 00 Water Distribution UNSTABLE TRENCH BOTTOM AND EXCAVATION IN POOR SOIL Ifthe bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders, refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure then the Contractor shall firrther excavate and remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be accepted by the Engineer. BEDDING Install in conformance with drawings. PIace from minimum of4" below bottom of pipe to centerline for entire width of trench. PIPE INSTALLATION A. General: Deliver, handle, store, and install in accordance with the pipe manufacture/s recommendations and the applicable paragraphs of AWWA C600, AWWA C603, and ASTM D2321. Carefully examine all pipe and fittings for cracks and other defects. Groove in bells of ductile iron pipe to be full and continuous or be rejected. Remove all foreign matter from interior and ends of pipe and appurtenances before lowering into trench. Carefully lower all pipe, fittings, valves, and hydrants into trench piece by piece to prevent damage to pipe materials, protective .coatings, and linings. Do not dump into trench. If pipe cannot be lowered into trench and into place witliout getting earth into it, place heavy, tightly woven canvas bag over each end and leave in place until joints are made. During pipe laying place no debris, tools, clothing or other materials in pipe. Keep trenches free from water during pipe laying and jointing. Dewatering of hench considered as incidental to construction an all costs included in contract prices. When pipe laying is not in progress, close open ends ofpipe by watertight plug, or other means approved by Engineer, B. Deflection of Pipe: Pipe deflections are discouraged. Do not exceed 507o of the deflection limis for each type of pipe as recommended by pipe manufacturer. C. Pipe Jointing l. General: Cut pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces in neat and workmanlike manner with no damage to pipe or lining. Leave smooth end at right angles to axis of pipe' 2. Mechanical Joints: Thoroughly clean last 8" of spigot and inside bell to remove oil, grit, tar, and other foreign matter. Coat spigot and gasket with solution fumished by pipe manufacturer. Slip cast-iron gland on spigot end of pipe with lip extension of gland toward spigot end. Coat gasket with joint lubricant and place on spigot end of pipe to be laid, with thick edge toward gland. I t I T I I I I T t I T I I I I T I I33 l0 00 tz Water Distribution l I I Push entire section forward to seat spigot in bell ofpipe in place. Press gasket into place within bell, even around entirejoint. Move ductile-iron gland along pipe into position for bolting all nuts with suitable torque wrench. Alternately tighten nuts I 80 degrees apart to produce equal pressure on all parts ofgland. Pipe Size Inches J 4"-24" Bolt Size Inches Range ofTorque Ft.-Lb. 45-60 75 -90 3. Push-on Joints: Thoroughly clean exterior 4" of pipe spigot and inside ofadjoining bell to remove all oil, grit, tar, and other matter. Place gasket in bell with large round side of gasket pointing inside pipe bell. Apply thin film joint lubricant over gasket's entire exposed surface. Wipe spigot end of pipe clean and insert into bell to contact gasket. Force pipe into bell to manufacturels jointing mark. 4. Flanged Joints: Thoroughly clean faces offlanges ofall oil, grease, and other material. Thoroughty clean rubber gaskets and check for proper fit. Assure proper seating of flanged gasket. Tighten blots so pressure on gasket is uniform. Use torque wrenches to insure uniform bearing. Ifjoints leak when hydrostatic test applied, remove and replace gaskets and retighten bolts. . D. Thrust Restraint: Concrete thrust blocks are required. 3.05 SANITARY SEWER CROSSING A. Normal Conditions: Whenever possible lay water mains over sanitary sewers to provide vertical separation of at least 18" between invert of water main and crown of sewer. B. Unusual Conditions: If above separation cannot be met, use following: 1. Sewer passing over or less than 18" under water main. Install continuous watertight pressure pipe C900 PVC or Yelomine until the water and sewer pipe are separated by more than I 0 feet horizontally and or more than I 8 inches vertically transition couplings to be I-IARCO or equivalent. 3.05 TAPPING PIPE Use experienced workmen with tools in good repair and proper adapters for size of pipe being tapped. Drilling and tapping machines proposed for tapping directly into pipe agreed to by Engineer. Iftap is improperly installed with leakage around threads or, in opinion of Engineer, connection is substandard, provide tap saddle at ContractorJ expense. If damage to pipe cannot be repaired by saddle, install approved repair sleeve over injured portion and retap at Contractor's expense. Install corporation stop and couplings, flanged coupling adapters, and sewice saddles to provide clean seat. Wipe gaskets clean before installation. Flexible couplings and flanged coupling adapter gaskets may be lubricated for installation on pipe ends. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Tighten bolts progressively from opposite sides until all bolts have uniform tightness. Use torque wrenches or other approved equipment. 5t8 3/4 I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I 33 l0 00 l3 Water Distribution I 3.07 SERVICE LINE place true to line and grade in accordance with drawings, from main line to curb stop or meter, in shortest direct route by continuous section of pipe with no splices. Locate 10'horizontally from all sewer lines. Terminate near center of each lot or as shown on drawings' 3.08 VALVES AND HYDRANTS Carefully inspect valve and hydrant before installation. Clean interior. Operate valve and hydrant to determine parts in proper working order, with valves seating and drain valve operating properly. Set plumb and securely braced into place. Set hydrant with bury line at finish grade, with hose nozzles parallel to and pumper nozzle facing pavement, at 1east 6" behind curb or sidewalk and 18" from property line or as shown on drawings. lrovide drainage pit having 9 square feet of surface area and 2' of depth below seep hole. Backfill pis with l -l /2" washed rock to 6" above banel drain hole. Provide thrust blockingatbowl ofeachhydrantas shown on drawings. Do not obstruct banel drain hole. Hydrants and valves backfilled by installing l-1i2" aggegate road base to subgnde. Valve boxes centered and plumb over the operating nut. Valve boxes supporteO by bricks or other means to prevent any shock or shess transmitted to pipe or valve. Set valve box covers tojust below subgrade level to prevent damage during construction ofsurfacing ifapplicable. Adjust to grade ofsurfacing. 3.09 PLUGGING DEAD ENDS Install standard plugs or caps at dead ends ofall fittings and pipe in accordance with drawings' lfdead end is not to be exlended, place water service line as near dead end as practical. 3.IO VAULTS Construct vaults to line and grade shown on drawings' 3.II CONCRETE WORK A. placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as uniformly as possible in order to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycornb or pockets. Well vibrated and tamped against forms. B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is required for immediate use. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I33 10 00 14 Water Distribution I I I C. Curing: Protect against toss of moisture, rapid temperature change, from rain, and flowing water for not less than two days from placement of concrete. lmmediately after frnishing, cover concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by Engineer' Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs by removing forms immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curins treatment. 3.I2 BACKFILL A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use bedding material for cover material and backlill by approved mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipebeddingextendingupwardstol'abovetopofpipe. Placeinlifutoadensityof85to90%, AASHTOT99. B. Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless unsuitable No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" trench. No backfill material with boulden larger than I 8" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larger than 12" in diameter into trench until backfill is 4' over top ofpipe. 3.13 COMPACTION A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for uniform density throughout depth ofeach lift. Alter construction methods until acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method. B. Compaction requirements for all trenches: l. Predominantly cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable: Compact uniformly throughout each liftto 95o/o, AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within 2% of optimum. 2, Predominately of rock, to I 8" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock dirnension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and large stones well dishibuted with voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth, sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing additional lifts. 3. Trenches outside road right-of-way: Compact to 95% AASHTO T99. Moisture content shall be within2o/o of optimum. 3.I4 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Score existing surface with a cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing surface and aggregate base course. Leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side oftrench. After trench has been backfilted and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course lo 950lo AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum thickness in these Specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM Dl559; consolidate concrele with vibrators. I I I I I I I I t I T I t I I I 33 l0 00 l)Water Distribution 3.15 trIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Notiff Engineer at least 24 houn in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes mtil observed by Engineer. Notif Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested. B. Hydrostatic Testing 1. General: Make pressure and leakage tests on all newly laid pipe. Test two or more valved sections not to exceed 1000 feet. Test first section of pipe laid to verifo if watertight. Lay no additional pipe until first test section has passed tests. Fumish the following equipment and materials for tests, unless otherwise directed by Engineer: I d I I I 2 Cradnatedacu??iners I I Suitable hose and suction pipe as required 2. Testing Procedure: Test each 1000 feet of line installed while trench is partially I backfilled and joints are left exposed for examination for leaks. Do not conduct pressure tests until 48 hours after placement of concrcte thrust blocks. After pipe has been I partially backfilled, slowly let water into line. Vent to allow air in line to be released. I Flush line as necessary for cleaning. Leave water in line for 24 hours prior to pressure test. Test at I -112 times working pressure, calculated for low point of test section, or 150 rr psi, whichever is greater. Valve offpump and hold pressure in line for test. Test for two I hours or as agreed lo by Engineer. At end of test, operate pump until test Pressure is rt again attained. Calibrate container of water for pump suction to determine amount of L waterto rePlace leakage I 3. Leakage Allowance: Leakage is quantity of u,ater necessary to refill line at end of test periodl No installation will -be accepted until leakage is less than: I ALLOWABLE LEAKACE PER IOOO'OF PIPE IN GPH I I T I T I I I Avg. Test Pressure psi 200 175 t50 125 100 Nominal Pipe Diameter - in. 6810 12 18 0.64 0.85 I.06 1.2E l.9l 0.s9 0.80 0.99 I .19 r.79 0.55 0.74 A.92 l.l0 1.66 0.50 0-67 0.84 l.0l l.5l 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.90 1.35 *For pipe with l8'nominal lengths. To obtain recommended allowable leakage for pipe wirh iri' nominal lengths, multiply the leakage calculated from the table by 0.9' If pipeline under test contains sections of various diameters, allowable leakage will be sum ofcomputed leakage for each size. Reduce allowable leakage ploportionately for sections less than 1000 ft. 33 10 00 l6 Water Distribution I l: I 3.T6 FLUSHING AND DISINFECTING A. General: In accordance with AWWA C601. Acceptable chlorine disinfectants are calcium hypochlorite granules and sodium hypochlorite solutions. B. Chlorine-watersolutionmethod: Chlorine Required to Produce 25 mglL Concentration in 100 feet of Pipe - by Diameter I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pipe Diameter In. 100 Percent Chlorine Lb. .0r3 .030 .054 .08s .r20 .217 I Percent Chlorine Solution Gal. .16 .36 .65 1.02 1.44 2.60 A 6 8 l0 t) t6 lnduce chlorine solution into pipeline at a continuous feed rate to attain a concenhation of25 Mg/L free chlorine. C. Chlorination Test: Assure valves are closed on exising system io prevent chlorine solution flowing into existing system. Retain 25 mglL chlorinated water in pipeline for minimum of 24 hours. During retention period operate all valves and hydrants to disinfect. At end of 24 hour period, chlorine in system to be no less than l0 mglL throughout length tested. When section being tested meets l0 mg/L chlorine after 24 hours, flush main. Water samples taken shall show no coliform organisms. If water in pipe does not meet the goveming health agency requirements, repeat disinfection procedure, at Contractofs expense, until requirements are met. Fumish acceptance forms from goveming agency to Engineer. 3.I7 CLEANUP AND RESTORATION Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other strucnlres or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction ofEngineer. Deposit all waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site. ComPlete topsoil and reseeding of site, if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove and dispose of all waste material off site. END OF SECTION 33 l0 00 t7 Water Distribution I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I I I 1G2743 PART 1 SECTTON 33 1l 01 STEEL PIPE MORTAR/EPOXY LINED AND ENAMEI-/TAPE COATED GEI\ERAL l.l SCOPEOFWORK B. This section of the specifications shall govem fabricating, fumishing and installing mortar/epoxy-lined and enameVtape-coated steel pipelines and fittings including desip and all appurtenant work. Pipe desigrr criteria classes and loading conditions shall be listed on lhe Drawings. These classes shall be utilized for all pipe designs as applicable. Each prpe classification indicates the prpe diameter, extemal loadings and hydrostatic head as applicable. The prpe diameter is the finished inside diameter in inches. No pipe shall be manufactured until all required Shop Drawings and design calculations have been approved by the ENGINEER. No changes will be permitted from the initial approved design unless unforeseen field conditions arise which make such changes nec€sstry as determined by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall properly check and correct all shop drawings and data prior to submission, whether or not prcpared by a subcontactor or supplier' Unchecked submittals will be rejected. In case of any conflict between AWWA or ASTM Standards or other references and the Specifications and Drawings, the Specifications and Drawings shall govem. The pipe manufacturer/fabricator shall be certified by: l Intemational Standards Organization 0SO) 9000 2. Steel Plate Fabricators Association. Fittings and specials shall be defined as any bend, tee or fitting or any single-piece shop fabrication including a section of straight pipe and incorporating a bend, tee or fitting. Straight-line pipe shall be defined as all pipe regardless oflength that is in a straight line, including straight-line segments of plpe under concrete slabs i.e., pump station and reservoir slabs. C. D. F. G. 33il01 STEEL PIPE I 1.2 10.2743 QUALITY STAI{DARDS A. American Society for Test and Materials (ASTM) l. ASTM A 139 - Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (Sizes 4 in and Over) 2. ASTM E 165 - Methods for Liquid Penetant Inspection 3. ASTM A 36 - Specification for Structural Steel 4- ASTM A 283 - Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars 5. ASTM A 570 - Specification for Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Snip, Stnrctrral attaltty6. ASTM A 572 - Specification for High-Sbength Low Alloy Columbium- Vanadium Steels of Structural auafity 7. ASTM Cl50 - Specification for Portland Cement B. American Water Works Association (AWWA) l. AWWA C200 - Steel Water Pipe 6 in. and Larger 2. AWWA C203 - Coal-Tar Frotective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipelines - Enamel and Tape - Hot Applied 3. AWWA C2:05 - Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe - 4 in. and larger - Shop Applied 4. AWWA C206 - Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe 5. AWWA C208 - Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings 6. AWWA C209 - Cold-Applied Tape Coatings for the Exterior of Special Sections, Connections and Fittings for Steel Water Pipelines 7 - AWWA C2l0 - Liquid-Epoxy Coating Systems for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water PiPelines 8. AWWA C2l4 - Tape Coating Systems for the Exterior of Steel Water Pipelines 9. AWWA C6O2 - Cement-Mortar Lining of Water Pipelines - 4 in. and Larger - In Place 10. AWWA Ml I - Steel Water Pipe - A guide for Design and Installation C. American Welding Society (AWS) l. ANSVAWS Dl.l - Structural Welding Code 2. Welding Handbook - Materials and Applications - Part I I I I I t I I I I I I I I II t I 33 ll0l STEEL PIPE I I lG27-03 1.3 SUBMITTALS J. 4. 6. B. I I I I t I t I I I I t I t I I T Certilications l. Copy of ISO 9000 or Steel Plate Fabricators Association certification for the fabrication of welded steel pipe. 2. Certifrcation to be reviewed and accepted prior to review on any pipe shop drawings. Valves and Appurtenances l. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish certified dimensional drawings of all valves, fittings and appurtenances in accordance with the Drawings' Pipe l 2. As soon as practicable, but not later than 30 days after receipt ofNotice of Award of Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall submit for approval complete sets ofdesign calculations and prints for steel pipe as follows: Joint and pipe wall construction details which clearly indicate the type and thickness of cylinder; the position, type, size and area of reinforcement; manufacturing tolerances; and all other pertinent information required for the manufacture ofthe product. The pipe shall be designed and manufactured to meet strenglh requirements hereinafter described, and so as to conform when laid with line and grades as shown on the Drawings with outlets, connections, test bulkheads and appurtenances as shown. Joint details shall be submitted where deep bell or butt strapjoints are required for control oftemperature stresses. Detailed Shop Drawings of all fittings and specials such as elbows, wyes, tees, ouflets and nozzles or other specials where shown on the Drawings which clearly indicate arnount and position of all reinforcement. All fittings and specials shall be properly reinforced to withstand the intemal pressure, both circumferential and longitudinal, and the external loading conditions as shown on the Drawings. The fittings and specials shall be fabricated as stipulated herein and in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and drawings as approved by the ENGINEER. Design calculations which comprise complete stress analysis of each criticat section of pipe wall, girth joints, hanness system, specials and openings, all suflicient to ascertain conformance of pipe and fittings with the Specifications. Material lists and steel reinforcement schedules which include and describe all materials to be utilized. Copies of purchase orders shall be fumished which strate name of supplier, material specification or description, quantlry 33 ll0r STEEL PIPE IlG27{] and delivery commitment if the above infomntion is not contained on the materials lists. Use of materials other than those pennitted within the scope of the Spocifications shall be prohibited. 7. Line layout and marking diagrams which clearly indicate the specific number of each plpe and fitting and the location of each pipe and the direction of each fitting in the completed line. In addition, the line layouts shall include: a- The station and invert elevation at all changes in grade or horizontal alignment. b. The station and invert elevation to which the bell end ofeach pipe will b€ laid. c. All elements of cruves and bends, both in horizontal and vertical alignment. d. The limits of each reach of resnained and/or welded joints, or of concrete encasement. D. Mill Certifications and Test Reports 1. The CONTRACTOR shall provide to the ENGINEER four copies of certified test reports covering each material utilized in the work, and of asc€rtaining conformance with standard specifications including: a. Mill certification of analyses and tests of steel. b. Certified hydrostatic test repofis (o be fumished on a monthly basis). c. Certification of compliance of materials and application of linings and coatings. 2. All expenses incurred in making samples for certification of tests shall be bome by the manufacturer. INSPECTION OF TTM WORK A. Not less than 14 days prior to the start of any phase of the pipe manufacture, the ENGINEER shall be notified in writing of ttte manufactwing starting date. B. During the manufacture of the pipe, the ENGINEER shall be given access to all areas where manufacturing is in process and shall be permitted to make all inspections necessary to confirm compliance with the Specifications' MATERTALS TESTING A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform those material tests required at no additional cost to the OWNER. All testing conducted by the CONTRACTOR may be I I I I I I I I I I I1.4 t I I II I 1.5 33 ll0l STEEL PIPE I I I tun43 PART2 witnessed by the ENGINEER provided that there shall be no delays in the CONTRACTORs testing schedule caused by the absence of the ENGINEER. In addition to those tests specifically required, the ENGINEER may request additional samples of any material including mixed concrete and lining and coating samples for testing by the OWNER. The additional samples shall be furnished at no additional cost to the OWNER. MATERIALS B. C. I I I I I t l: D. B. I I I I I I t I t 2.1 GENERAL The prpe wall shall consist of a steel cylinder, shop-lined and centrifugally applied Portland cement mortar. The exterior coating shall be prefabricated multiJayer cold applied tape or coal-tar enamel as described in Sections 2.22 and2-23. The ptpe shall be designed, manufactured, tested, inspected and marked in accordance with the provisions of this Specification and except as herein modified shall conform to AWWA C200. Pipe manufactured under AWWA C2ffi shall be fabricated from sheet conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 570 (Grades 30, 33, 36 or 40) or from plate conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 36, A 283 (Grades C or D) or A 572 (Grade 42) or coil conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 139 (Grades B or C). All longitudinal and girth seams, whelher sraight or spiral, shall be butt-welded using an approved electric-firsion-weld process. All steel used for the fabrication of pipe shall have a maximum carbon content of 0.257o axfi shall have a minimum elongation of 22Yo in a two-inch gage length. After the joint configuration is completed and prior to lining with cement-mortar, each length of plpe of each diameter and pressure class shall be shop-tested and certified to a pressure ofat least 80% ofthe specified yield shength ofthe pipe steel' SPECIALS AND FITTINGS Reinforcement for wyes, tees, outlets and nozzles shall be designed in accordance with AWWA Ml l, Steel Water Pipe - A Guide for Desigr and Installation. Reinforcement shall be desigrred for the working pressure indicated on the Drawings. 33 ll01 STEEL PIPE IrG2743 2.3 CEMENT-MORTARLINING Excep as otherwise provided in AWWA C205, interior zurfaces of all steel pipe, fittings and specials shall be cleaned and lined in the shop with cemenfmortar lining applied centifugally in conformity with Aw'wA c205. The lining machines strall be of a t)"e that has been used successfully for similar work and shall be approved by the ENGINEER Every precaution shall be taken to prevent damage to the lining- lf lining is damaged or formd faulty at delivery site, the damage or unsatisfactory portions shall be replaced with lining conforming to these Specifications. The prpe shall be left bare where field joints occur as shown on the Drawings. Ends of the linings shall be left square and uniform. Feathered or lmeven edges will not be permitted. Defective linings, as determined by the ENGINEER" shall be removed from the pipe wall and shall be replaced to the firll thickness required. Defective linings shall be cut back to a sqrxue shoulder in order to avoid feather edgedjoints. The progress of the application of mortar lining shall be regulated in order that all hand worh including the repair of defective areas and the removal of outlet stoppers and covers, shall be completed and qued in accordance with AWWA C205. Cement-mortar for patching shall be the same materials as the mortar for machine lining, except that a finer gading of sand and mortar richer in cemsnt shall be used when field inspection indicates that such mix will improve the finished lining of the Pipe- 2.4 LIQUID-EPOXY COATING LINING SYSTEM when permitted in writing by the ENGINEER the prpe may be lined with a liquid- epory coating conforming to the requirements and recommendations of AWWA c210. The coating system shall be a two-part system chemically cured epoxy' The coating system may consist of two coats of the same, or different, epoxy coating. The minimum dty filtn thickness (DFI) of the sum of the coats shall be 16 mils' If the manufachuer rcconrmends a DFT of less than 8 mils per coat, then three coats will be required, each less than the recommended single coat maximum DFT thickness- JOINT DESIGN AND FABRICATION B. I I t I I I I I I I I I I C. D. B. C. I I I A. I 33 ll0l STEEL PIPE I r&2?{3 I 2.6 2.7 I t I I t I I t I I I t I t I I I l. The standardjoints shall be welded bell and spigot. 2. Bolted sleeve-type coupled or flanged shall be required where shown on the Drawings. 3. The joints firnished shall have the same or higher pressure rating as the abutting pipe. Welded Joints 1. Where shown on the Drawings, pipe and fittings for field welded joints shall be either butt shap joints or lap joints prepared for field welding and shall be in accordance with *re requirements of AWWA C200. 2. The method used to fomt, shape and size bell ends shall be such that the physical properties ofthe steel are not substanlially aliered. 3. Unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEE& bell ends shall be formed by expanding with segmental dies. If approved by the ENGINEER, bell ends formed by a rolling process shall be accomplished in not more than six passes (revolutions) over the bell surface and any resulting radius shall be not less than 15 times the thickness of the material being forrned. 4. Shopapplied interior linings and exterior coatings shall be held back a minimum of 2 l/2-inches from the point at which the weld is to be made. 5. Both bell and spigot ends shall be sized to provide a difference in circumferential measurement between the outside circumference of the spigot and the inside circumference ofthe bell ofnot less than 0-09 inch and not more than 0.49 inch for pipe diameters 24-nchthrough 54-inch, and not less than 0.09 inch and not more than 0.39 inch for pipe diameters larger than 54-inch. EXTERIORCOATINGS A. Extsrior coatings shall be held back from the end of the pipe as shown on the Drawings and as approved by the ENGINEER. WELDING REQUIREMENTS A. All welding procedures used to fabricate pipe shall be prequalified under provisions of AWS Dl.l. Welding procedures shall be required for, but not necessarily limited to, longitudinal and girth or spiral welds for pipe cylinders, spigot and bell ring attrachments, reinforcing plate and ring flange welds and plates for lug connections. B. Full and complete information regarding locatio4 types, size and extent of all welds shall be clearly shown on the shop drawings. The drawings shall clearly distinguish between shop and field welds. Joints or groups of joints in which welding sequence is especially important or technique shall be carefully controlled 33 ll0l STEEL PIPE I C. D. to minimize shrinkage stresses and distortion shall be so noted. Shop drawings shall specify the groove depths applicable for the effective throat requiled for the welding process. Welding positions shall be indicated. Shop drawings shall clearly indicate by welding symbols or sketches the details of the welded joints and the preparation of parent metal required to make them. Joints meeting requirements under AWS DI.1, Section 2 shall be so noted on shop drawings. Joints not meeting this rcquirement shall be qualified as outlined in AWS Dl.l, Section 5. All welding shall be done by skilled welders, welding op€rators and tackers who have had adequate experience in the method of materials to be used. All welders, welding operators and tackers shall be qualified under the provisions of AWS Dl.l using test position 3G. All welders welding in positions not covered by 3G shall be qualified under the appropriate position 5G, 6G, or 6GR All welding completed by welders not qualified will be rejected. Welders shall be qualified by an independent local, approved testing agency not more than six months prior to commencing work on the pipeline. Machines and electrodes similar to those used in the work shall be used in qualification tests. The CONTRACTOR shall firnish all material and bear the expense of qualifying welders. If radiographic testing is used in lieu of prescriH AWS bend tests, the weld reinforcements need not be ground or inegularities or juncture with the base metal would cause objectionable weld discontinuities to be obscured in the radiograph. The test coupon shall be radiographed from the top centerline to the bottom centerline on eilher side. Radiographic testing shall follow the procedure as specified wrder AWS Dl.l. All filrn and test specimens shall be fumished to the ENGINEER. STANDARD PIPE JOINTS A. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or specified herein, pipe joints shall be welded bell and sprgot The joint construction shall be zuitable for at least 250-psi water service and, regardless of t1pe, shall be designed to be self-centering. The bells and spigots shall have a smooth close sliding ft at the self-centering surface, and the joint shall be capable of either symmetrical or asymmetrical joint closure and shall remain watertight under all conditions of water service- B. The joint assemblies shall be so formed and accurately manufachred that when the pipes are drawn together in the trench they shall form a continuous watertight conduit with smooth and uniform interior surface and shall provide for a slight movement of any pipe in the pipeline due to contaction, settlement or lateral displacement. I I I I I I I i I T I I I I ) I I 2.8 I 33ll0l STEEL PIPE I I I I t I I I ; T I I I I I t 10-2743 C. The manimum tolerances permitted in the construction of the joint shall be that stated in the prpe manufacturer's desigr as approved, but in no case shall the tolerances exceed those required in the applicable AWWA Standard. D. The CONTRACTOR shall frrmish a detail d.awing of joints to be used, for approval, one week prior to the submittal of his Proposal. This detail drawing shall show all pertinent details, dimensions and tolerances. Joints may be fumished only by a manufacturer who has fumished prpe with joints of similar design for comparable working pressure that have been in successful service for a period of at least five years. The CONTRACTOR shall also fumish a list of installations on which a similar joint has been successfrrlly used, showing pipe diameter, wall thickness and working pressure or field test pressure. Once approval is given for a joint, it will not be necessary to submit details of ttre joint for subsequent projects unless there is a change in thejoint. FLANGES A. Flanges in the line and for outlets of sizes and at locations shown on the Drawings shall meet the requirements of AWWA C207, Class D. Flanges may be either ring type flanges or hub type flanges, but all flanges supplied must be ofthe same type and class. B. The machined faces of all flanges shall be shop-coated with rust-preventive compormd- Edges and back faces of attached flanges and blind flanges shall be shopcoated with a primer compatible with the application of the final field coating. The inside of blind flanges shall be epoxy coated in accordance with AWWA C210. C. Flange details shall be submitted with Shop Drawings. D. Blind flanges shall be in accordance withAWWA C207. E. Bolt holes in all flanges shall straddle field vertical centerline. F. Insulated flanges shall have bolt holes l/4-inch diameter greater than the bolt diameter. G. Nozzles or outlets shall have l/4-inch minimum wall thickness' 2.IO GASKETSFORFLANGES A. Gaskets shall be l/8-inch ring-type Garlock No. 3200 compressed non-asbestos sheet packing or approved equal. B. Irsulating gaskets shall be JM Red Devil Type E firll-face gasket or approved equal.I I I 33 ll0l STEEL PIPE Irvn43 2.II INSI.JLATING FLANGE SETS A. Insulating flange sets shall be provided where shown on the Drawings. Each insulating flange set shall consist of an insulating gasket, insulating sleeves and washers and a steel washer- B. Insutating sleeves and washers shall be one piece when flange bolt diameter is I ll2-inch or smaller and shall be made of acetal resin. For bolt diameters larger than I ll2-incb, insulating sleeves and washers shall be two-piece and shall be made of polyethylene or phenolic. Steel washers shall be in accordance with ASTM F 436. 2.12 FLANGEBOLTS A. All thread shrds shall be used on all valve flange connections and shall be in accordance withASTM A307, Grade B, with heavyhex nuts. B. Machine bolts may be used on all other flanged connections and shall be in accordance with ASTM A307, Grade A, with hex nuts. C. Studs and bolts shall extend through the nut a minimum of l/4-inch. 2.13 BOLTED SLEEVE-TYPE COUPLINGS A. The ends of ttre pipe, where required or shown, shall be prepared for bolted sleeve- type couplings, Dresser, Baker, Rockwell or Romac. See SECTION 33 12 43 - BOLTED SLEEVE TYPE COUPLINGS, HIGH DEFLECTION FITTINGS, FLANGE ADAPTERS AND FLDilBLE CONNECTORS. Plain ends for uSC With couplings shall be smooth and round for a distance of l2-inches from the ends of the pipe, with outside diameter not more than l/64-inch smaller than the nominal outside diameter of the pipe. The center sleeve shall be tested by cold-expanding a minimum of l% beyond the yield point to proof-test the weld to the strength of the parent metal. The weld of the center sleeve shall be subjected to air test for porosity. The inside of the sleeve shall be coated with epoxy in accordance wilh AWWAC2l0. B. The end rings shall be single-piece contoured mill section welded and cold-expanded as required for the center sleeves. They shall be of sufficient strength to accommodate the number of bolts necessary to obtain adequate gasket pressgres without ex@ssive rolling. The shape of the end ring shall be of such design as to provide positive confinement ofthe gasket. C. Gaskets shall rubber-compound material that will not deteriorate from age or exposure to air under normal storage or use conditions. The rubber in the gasket shall meet the following Specificalions: t t I t 1 I I I T I I I I I t I I I33 ll 0l l0 STEEL PIPE I I I tv27{3 1. Color - Jet Black 2. Tensile Strenglh - 1000 psi 3. Surface - Non-blooming 4. Minimum DwometerHardness - 74+ 5 5. Elongation - l75Yo Minimum D. The gaskets shall be immune to attack by impurities nonnally found in water. All gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 2000, AA709Z, meeting Suffix Bl3 Grade 3, except as noted above. E. Where insulating couplings are required, both ends of the coupling shall have a wedge-shaped gasket which assembles over a rubber sleeve of an ins,ulating compound in orderto obtain insulation of all coupling metal parts from the pipe. 2,14 SPECIALS AND FITTINGS A. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, all specials and fittings shall conform to the dimensions of AWWA C208. Pipe material used in fittings shall be ofthe same material and minimum thickness as the pipe. The minimum radius of elbows shall be 2.5 fimes the pipe diameter and the maximum miter angle on each section of the elbow shall not exceed l1 1/4 degrees. Fittings shall be equal in pressure design strength and shall have the same lining and coating as the abutting pipe. Specials and fittings, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, shall be made of segmentally welded sections fiom hydrostatically tested pipe, with ends to mate with the type of joint or coupling specified for the pipe. B. Specials and fittings that cannot be mechanically lined and coated shall be lined and coated by hand-application, using the same materials as are used for the pipe and in accordance with the applicable AWWA Standards. Coating and lining applied in this manner shall provide protection equal to that specified for the pipe. Fittings may be fabricated from pipe that has been mechanically lined and/or coated. Areas of lining and coating that have been damaged by zuch fabrication shall be repaired by hand-applications in accordance wilh applicable AWWA Standards. C. Access manholes with covers shall be the diameter as detailed on the Drawings. D. All threaded outlets shall be forged steel suitable for 3fi)0-psi service, Vogt or approved equal. E. Moderate deflections and long radius curves may be made by means of beveled joint rings, by pulling standard joints, by using short lengths of pipe or a combination of these methods. The maximum total allowable angle for beveled joints shall be 5 degrees p€r plpe joint. The maximum allowable angle for pulled joints shall be in accordance with the manufachuer's recommendations or the angle which results from a 3/4-inch pull out from normal joint closure, whichever is less. AII I I I I I I t I t I I I I I l I 33 ll 0l II STEEL PIPE tu2743 I deflections or fabricated angles shall fall on the alignment. The chord produced by deflecting the prpe shall be no fi.uther than six inches from the alignment shown on the Drawings. F. The laying schedule angle points shall meet the angle points as shown on the Drawings in the horizontal direction. The laying schedule for vertical angle points shall meet the angle points as shown on the Drawings where interference is critical. 2.15 PROTECTION OF PIPE LINING A. The manufacturer shall provide a polyethylene or other zuitable bulkhead on the ends of the pipe and on all special openings to prevent drying out of the lining. All bulkheads shall be zubstantial enough to remain intact during stripping until the pipe is installed. B. The CONTRACTOR shall be futly liable for the cost of replacement or repair of pipe which is damaged. 2.16 CLOSIJRESANDCORRECTIONPIECES A. Closures and correction pieces shall be provided as required so that closures may be made due to different headings in the prpe laying operation and so that correction may be made to adjust the pipe laying to conform to pipe stationing shown on the Drawings. B. The locations of correction pieces and clostue assemblies are shown on the Drawings if required. Any change in location or number of said items shall be approved by the ENGINEER 2.17 MARKINGS A. The CONTRACTOR shall legibly mark all pipes and specials in accordance with the laying schedule and marking diagrarn- B. Each pipe shall be numbered in sequence and this number shall appear on the layingschedule and marking diagram in its proper location for installation. C. All special pipe sections and fittings shall be marked at each end with top field centerline. The word "topu shall be painted or marked on the outside top spigot end ofthe sections. I I I T t t I ! I I I I I tt t I 33 ll0l 12 STEEL PIPE I I I I I $ I I I t I I I I I I I I I tG2743 2.18 STRUTTING A. Adequate struting shall be provided on all specials, fittings and straight pipe, so as to avoid handling storage, hauling and installation damage to the pipe coating and lining. B. The strutting shall be placed as soon as practicable after the mortar lining has been applied and shall remain in place while each pipe is loadd transported, unloaded, installed and backfilled at thejobsite. 2.19 AILOWABLEDEFLECTION A. The allowable deflection shall be 0.0225 x ID. 2.20 LAYINGLENGTHS A. Maximum pipe layrng lengths shall be 45 feet with shorter lenglhs provided as required by Drawings, alignment and profile. 2.21 OFFSETTOLERANCES A. For pipe wall thicknesses of 3/8-inch or less, the maximum radial offset (misalignment) for submerged arc and gas metal arc welded steel pipe shall be 0. I 875 times the pipe wall thickness or I /l 6-inch, whichever is larger. B. For pipe wall thicknesses greater than 3/8-inch, the maximum radial offset shall be 0.1875 times the pipe wall thickness or 5132'nch, whichever is smaller. 2.22 MISCELI-ANEOUS A. All exposed metal surfaces except flanges shall be coated with the same material provided for the main line pipe. 2.23 PREFABRICATED MULTI-LAYER COLD APPLIED TAPE COATING A. General l. Except as described below, the coating system for straightJine pipe shall be in accordance with AWWA C214. 2. The system shall consist ofat least four layers consisting ofthe following: a. Primer layer b. lnner layer tape exterior c. Outer layer tape exterior - corrosion protective tape (20 mils) with black - mechanical protective tape (30 mils) with white 33 ll0l l3 STEEL PIPE I c. Outer layer tape - mechanical protective tape (30 mils) with white exterior 3. The total thickness of the tape coating shall be at least 80 mils. Coating Repair l. Coating repair shall be made using tape and primer conforrning to AWWA C209, Type tr. 2. The tape and primer shall be completely compatible with the tape system used for straight-line pipe. 3. When visual inspection shows a portion of the tape-wrap system has sustained physical damage, the damaged areas shall be subjected to an electical holiday test of 6,0fi) to 7,000 volts. 4. Following repair of the darnaged area, if the holiday test indicates a holiday still exists, the irurer wrap shall be exposed and the exposed area shall be wiped clean with xylol solvent or equal, and the area coated with tape primer. A patch of 35-mil thick cold-applied tape of sufficient size to cover the damaged area, plus a minimum lap of two inches in all directions, shall then be applied. The parched area shall again be tested for holidays. Ifnone are detected a second layer of 35-mil thick tape shall then be applied over the first patch. The second layer of tape shall overlap the first layer a minimum oftwo inches in all directions. 5. When the area tests showing no holiday, a notation shall be applied to the area indicating tlrc test is satisfactory. Coating of Fittings and Specials 1. General a. Fittings and specials which cannot be machine coated in accordance with Part A shall be coated in accordance with AWWA C209. b. Prefabricated tape shall be Type II and shall be completely compatible with the tape system used for straight-line pipe. c. The system shall consist ofthree layers consisting ofthe following: (l) Primer layer (2) kner layer tape - corrosion protective tape (35 mils) (3) Outer layer tape - corrosion protective tape (35 mils) d. The total thickness of the tape coating shall be at least 70 mils. I I e I I I I I I I t I I II I I 33 ll0l l4 STEEL PIPE t I 10-2743 2. Coating Repair a. Coating repair for fittings and specials shall be in accordance with the procedure described in Part B. 2.24 COAL-TARENAMELCOATING Material l. The coal-tar enamel coating shall be as specified in AWWA C203. 2. The provisions ofthe Specification given above shall be extended to include the following items: Blasting Priming Coal-tar enameling Fibrous glass wrapping Coal-tar enameling (second coat) Fibrous glass or felt wrapping Whitewashing, latex painting orkraft wrapping 3. Items a, b. and c. shall be performed in accordance with AWWA C203; Item d. shall consist offibrous glass mat 0.018 inches thick in accordance with AWWA C203, Appendix A placed in the enamel while the enamel is hot. 4. Item e. shall consist of a coating of enamel applied in accordance with AWWAC203. Special Handling l. It shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer of coal-tar enamel coated steel pipe to prev€nt damage of coal-tar enamel coating which might be caused by handling and/or storage ofthe completed prpe at low temperature. 2. ln no case shall coal-tar enamel coated steel pipe be handled when the ambient air temperature is below 0" F. When the ambient air temperature is between 0o F. and 25" F., the prpe may be handled, provided the pipe is heated to a temperature of 25" F., as approved by the ENGINEER. 3. ln no case shall coal-tar enamel coated steel pipe be transported when the ambient air temperature is below 25o F. When the ambient air temperature is between 25o F. and 30o F., the pipe may be transported, provided special padded supports are used to absorb and minimize impact, as approved by the ENGINEER. 2.25 PLASTIC WARNING MARKER TAPE a. b. c. d. e. f. c. I I I I T t I t I I I I I I I I I 33 ll0l l5 STEEL PIPE I1v2743 B. PART 3 Waming tape is required to be placed in the trench. See SECTION 33 05 26-UTILITYWARNINGMARKING TAPE EXECUTION 3.1 HANDLING AND STOCKPILING PIPE All prpes, fittings, etc. shall be carefirlly handled and protected against damage to lining and coating, impact shocks and free fall. All pipe handling equipment shall be approved by the ENGINEER. Pipe shall not be placed directly on rough ground, but shall be supported in an approved numner which will protect the prpe against injury whenever stored at the trench site or elsewhere. No pipe shall be installed where the coating or lining shows cracks that may be harmful as determined by the ENGINEER. Such damaged coating or lining shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER" or a new rmdamaged pipe shall be fumished and installed at no expense to the OWNER. The pipe shall be handled by use of wide slings and padded cradles or of other suitable material designed and constructed to prevent damage to the pipe coating. The use of chains, hooks or other equipment which might injure the pipe coating will not be permitted. All other pipe handling equipment and methods shall be approved by the ENGINEER. Stockpiled pipe shall be supported on sand or earth berms free ofrock exceeding three inches in diameter. The pipe shall not be rolled and shall be secured to prevent accidental rolling. The CONTRACTOR shall check the location of struts, and if necessary to prevent pipe deflections in excess of tJrose shown in Section 2.18, the CONTRACTOR shall relocate the struts or provide additional struts to prevent such deflections and to maintain the pipe in a round condition. Following completion of backfilling and removal of struts, the ENGIMER will check the pipe for deflection and where excessive deflection occtu:s, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the earth cover and side fill material, re-round the pipe by strutting and replace the prpe zone backfill to limit deflection to that specified in Seption 2.18. All pipe datrlaged while in the custody of the GoNTRACTOR shall be repaired or replace4 as determined by the ENGINEE& by the CONTRACTOR at no additional €xpense to the OWNER. While laying tape coated or coal-tar enamel coated steel pipe, the pipe shall not be rolled or skidded when it is in contact with the grotmd at any point. Workers will be permitted to walk on tape or coal-tar enamel coatings only when necessary and shall wear shoes with rubber composition soles when walking on the pipe. The I I I I T I I I t I I I I I ; I I B. C. D. F. 33 l1 0l 16 STEEL PIPE 3.2 J.J I l; I I I t I I T I I ! I I I t I I I 10-2743 CONTRACTOR shall fumish a pipe coating flaw detector to the ENGINEER to aid in the inspection of the tape coating or coal-tar enamel coating. The CONTRACTOR shall check the location of shuts, and if necessary to prevent pipe deflection shown in Section 2.18, the CONTRACTOR shall relocate the struts or provide additional struts to prevent such deflections and to maintain the pipe in a roundcondition PREPARATION A. The CONTRACTOR shall inspect each pipe and fitting to insure that there are no damaged portions of the pipe. The CONTRACTOR shall remove or smooth out any burrs, gouges, weld splatter or other small defects prior to laying the pipe. B. Before placement of pipe in the trench, each pipe or fitting shall be thoroughly cleaned of any foreign substance which may have collected thereon and shall be kept clean at all times thereafter. For this pulpose, the openings of all pipes and fittings in the hench shall be closed during any intemrption to the work- PIPELAYING A. Each section of plpe shall be laid to line and grade on firm bearing for the firll length of the section except at sling holes and at holes for making up field joints. Excavation shall be made as needed outside the normal tench section at field connection operations and for application of coating on field joints. No field openings shall be permitted to be made on the pipe without the written consent of thcENGINEER. B. Pipe shall be laid directly on the imported bedding material. No blocking will be permitted, and the bedding shall be such that it fomrs a continuous, solid bearing for the full length of the pipe. Excavations shall be made as needed to facilitate removal of slings after the pipe is laid. Bell holes shall be formed at the ends ofthe pipe to prevent point loading ar the bells or couplings. Excavation shall be made as needed outside the normal trench section at field joints to permit adequate access to the joints for field coffiection oper,ations and for application of coating on field joints. C. When the pipe is being laid, it shall be tumed and placed where possible so that any slightly damaged portion will be on top. The damaged area shall be repaired for the protection of any exposed steel. All damaged areas shall be repaired using materials and methods approved by the ENGINEER. D. Each section of pipe shall be laid in the order and position shown on the laying schedule. In laying pipe, it shall be laid to the set line and grade within approximately one inch, plus or minw. On grades of zero slope, the intent is to lay to grade. 33 11 01 t7 STEEL PIPE IrG2743 3.4 3.5 E. Where necessary to raise or lower the pipe due to rmforeseen obstructions or other causes, the ENGINEER may change the alignment and/or the grades. Such change shall be made by the deflection ofjoints, by the use ofbevel adapters or by the use of additional fittings. However, in no case shall the deflection in the joint exceed the maximum deflection recommended by the pipe manufacturer. No joint shall be misfit any anount whicb in the opinion of the ENGINEER, will be deftimental to the shength and water tightress of the finished joint. In all cases, the joint opening, before finishing with ttre protective mortar inside the pipe, shall be the controlling factor. F. Except for short runs which may be permined by the ENGINEER, pipes shall be laid uphill on grades exceeding l0%. Pipe which is laid on a downhill grade shall be blocked and held in place until sufficient support is fumished by the following plpe to prevent movement. All bends shall be properly installed as shown on the Drawings. G. Pipe struts shall be left in place trntil bacldlling operations have been completed. After the backfill has been placed, the sfruts shall be removed and shall remain the prop€rly of the CONTRACTOR. PROTECTION OF APPURTENANCES A. Where the joining plpe is tape-coated or coal-tar enamel coated, buried appurtenances such as butt straps, closure pieces, 1gzzlss, etc. shall be coated with cold-applied tape in accordance with Section 2.22. INSTALLATION OF VALVES A. See SECTION 33 12 16.01- FLANGED RIJBBER SEATED BUTTERFLY VALVES - CI-ASS l50B and SECTION 33 12 16.02 - 3-INCH TIIROUGH 12- INCH GATE VALVES - 150 POLJND CLASS, as applicable. B. All valves shall be handled in a manner to prevent any injury or damage to any part of the valve. All joints shdl be thoroughly cleaned and prepared prior to installation. The CONTRACTOR shall adjust all stem packing and operate each valve prior to installation to insure proper operation. C. All buried valves shall be coated and protected in accordance with Section 3.04, except that valves installed in dialectically coated pipelines shall be double-wrappei with tape in accordance with Section 3.09 B. D. All valves shall be installed so that the valve stems are plumb and in the location shown on the Drawings. l t I I I t I I ! I t I I I I I I 33 ll01 l8 STEEL PIPE I l-, 3.6 3-7 I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t T FROZENFOTJNDATION A. No prpe shall be installed upon a foundation into which frost has penetrated or at any time when the ENGINEER determines that there is a danger of the fonnation of ice or penehation offrost at the bottom ofthe excavation. B. No pip" shall be laid unless it can be established that the trench will be backfilled before the formation of ice and frost occurs. WELDEDJOINTS General 1. Field welded joints shall be in accordance with AWWA Standard C206. 2. Where exterior welds are called for, adequate space shall be provided for welding and inspection of the joint. 3. In laying welded steel pipe with buttstrap or lap joints, pipe deflection shall be limited to that which will produce a minimum lap of I l/2-inches and which will not cause a weld to be closer than 3/4-inch to the nearest tangent ofa bell radius. 4. Buttstaps, where required, shall be a minimum of 6-inches wide, the same thickness as the pipe wall and shall provide for a minimum of 3/4-inch lap at each pipejoint. 5. Prior to the begirming of the welding procedure, any tack welds used to position the pipe during laying shall be removed. Any annulm space between the faying surfaces ofthe bell and spigot shall be equally distributed around the circumference of the joint by sbimming, jacking or other suitable means. 6. Irnmediately following pipe laying, the joints shall be finish-welded and the exterior joint spaces coated in accordance with these Specifications. The pipe shall then be backfilled to at least one foot above the top of the previously laid pipe except for the last 100 feet, the joints of which shall be left open for subsequent field welding and coating. 7 - After completion of the welding of the joint, the joint will be visually inspected. All double welded joints shall be air tested in accordance with AWWA C206. All defects shall be remove4 re-welded and retested. 8. Where more than one pass is required, each pass except the fnst and the final one, shall be peened to relieve shrinkage stresses; and all dirt, slag and flux shall be removed before the succeeding bead is applied. 33 ll0l 19 STEEL PIPE trG.27{3 B. 9. Following testing of the joint, tle exterior joint spaces shall be coated in accordance with these Specifications, after which bacldlling may be completed. Procedures l. All welding procedures used to install pipe shall be prequalified under provisions ofAWS Dl.l. 2. Welding procedures shall be required for field attachments and field welded joins. 3. Full and complete information regarding location, types, size and extent of all welds shall be clearly shown on the Shop Drawings. The drawings shall clearly distinguish between shop and field welds. 4. Joints or groups ofjoints in which welding sequenc€ is especially important or technique be carefully contolled to minimize shrinkage stresses and distortion shall be so noted. 5. Shop drawings shall specify the groove depths applicable for the effective throat required for the welding process. Shop drawings shall clearly indicate by welding symbols or sketches the details of the welded joints and the preparation of parent metal required to make them. 6. Joinrc meeting requirements of AWS Dl-l, Section 2, shall be so noted on Shop Drawings. Joints not meeting this requirement shall be qualified as outlined in AWS Dl.l, Section 5. Welder Qualifications L All welding shall be done by skilled welders, welding operators and tackers who have had adequate experience in the method and materials to be used. 2. All welders, welding operators and tackers stnll be qualified under the provisions of AWS Dl.l. Welders shall be qualified by a local approved independent testing agency not more than six months prior to commencing work on the pipeline. Machines and electrodes similar to those used in the work shall be used in qualification tests. Welders performing field welds for welded joints shall be qualified using test position 6G. All welding tests for qualification shall be done in the presence of the testing agency or in the presence of a certified welding inspector appointed by the testing agency. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all materials and bear the expense of quali&ing welders. Joints 1. The pipe ends shall be cut shaight on joints where buttstraps are used for realignment, adjushnent or deflectio4 and fillet welds shall be made as shown on the Drawings. C. I I I I I I I I I I II I I II I I D. I 33 ll0l 20 STEEL PIPE I l) 4. 5. 3.8 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I 2. Unless double fillet welds are shown on the Drawings, field welded lap joints may, at the CONTRACTOR's option, be made on either the inside or the outside ofthe pipe. JOINT COATING A}ID LINING Coal-Tar Enamel or Tape Coated Steel Pipe l.Joints for tape coated or coal-tar enamel coated pipe shall be primed and wrapped with two thicknesses of l2-inch wide elastomeric joint tape, Type II per AWWA C209. The total thickness of the tape wrap shall be at least 70 mils and shall be installed fiee of wrinkles with all laps bonded. All primer and joint tape shall be compatible with the line pipe coating. All tape-coated joints will be tested in the presence of the ENGINEER with an electrical Holiday detector capable of at least a 12,000-volt oulput, furnished by the CONTRACTOR. The tests shall be made using a voltage of 6,000 to 7,000 volts. Any holidays found shall be repaired by the CONTRACTOR at no expense to the OWNER. B.Joint Linins l.The joint recess shall be thoroughly wiped clean and all water, loose scale, dirt and any other foreigr material shall be removed from the inside steel surface ofthe pipe. Material used for the mortar lining shall conform to AWWA C205, Appendix A. At welded joints, or where otherwise indicated on the Drawings, the CONTRACTOR shall provide 2 x 4 WO.65 x WO.65 self-fi.rned welded wire fabric, tack welded to the inside of the joint prior to application of the mortar. With approval of the ENGINEER, Probond or equal may be used in the place of the welded wire fabric. The mortar shall be applied with a unifonn pressure producing a smooth surface and a uniform thickness of lining to match the shopapplied mortar lining. At no point shall there be an indentation or projection of the mortar which exceeds l/l Ginch. After the mortar has set sufficiently, clear seal compound "Protex", or approved equal, shall be applied to thejoint lining. 3.9 INSTALLATION OF FLANGED JOINTS Before the joint is assembled, the flange faces shall be thorougtrly cleaned of all foreign material with a power wire brush. The gasket shall be centered and the connecting flanges drawn up watertight without unnecessarily strEssing the flanges. All bolts shall be tightened in a progressive diametrically opposite sequence and 33 ll0l 2l STEEL PIPE I torqued with a zuitable, approved and calibrated torque wrench. All clamping torque shall be applied to the nuts only. B. After the flange has been properly assembled, the joint shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreigr material and then primed by brush or by spraying with primer in accordance with AWWA C209. Following application of the primer, a joint wrap tape shall be applied to buried flanges in conformance with AWWA C209, Type II, where the joining pipe is coated with cold-applied tape or coal-tar enamel. 3.IO INSULATEDJOINTS A. Insulated joints and appurtenant features shall be made by ttre CONTRACTOR as indicated on the Drawings. B. The CONTRACTOR shall exercise special care when installing these joints to prevent electrical conductivity across the joint. After the insulated joint is completed, an electrical resistance test will be performed by the ENGINEER. Should the resistance test indicate a short circuit, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the insulating units to inspect for damages, replace all damaged portions and reassemble the insulating joint at no extra cost to the OWNER. The insulated joint shall then be re-tested to assure proper insulation. 3.II BOLTED SLEEVE-TYPECOUPLINGS A. When installing bolted sleeve-type couplings, care shall be taken that the connecting pipe ends, couplings and gaskets are clean and free ofall did and foreign matter with special attention being given to the contact surfaces ofthe pipe, gaskets and couplings. B. The couplings shall be assembled and installed in conformance wilh the recommendation and inshuction of the coupling manufacturer. C. Wrenches used in bolting couplings shall be of a type and size recommended by the coupling manufachrer. Coupling bolts shall be tightened so as to secure a uniform armular space between the end rings and the body of the pipe with all bolts tightened approximately the same amount. Diametrically opposite bolts shall be tightened progressively and evenly. Final tightening shall be done with a suitable, approved and calibrated torque wrench set for the torque recommended by the coupling manufacturer. All clamping torque shall be applied to the nut only. Upon completion of the coupled joint, the coupling and bare metal of the prpe shall be cleanod, primed and protected in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.08 A. D. The center sleeve and one end ring ofnon-insulated bolted sleeve-type couplings shall be bonded for electrical conductivity to both ends ofthe connecting prpes. I t I I I t I I I I t I t ; I t t 33 ll0t 22 STEEL PIPE t T I lG27{3 E. For insulated bolted sleeve-type couplings, the center sleeve and one end ring shall be bonded to the connecting pipe end opposite the insulating rubber sleeve. 3.12 PIPEPROTECTION A. When pipe laying is not in progresg the ends of the pipeline, all special openings and all pipe not yet laid shall be kept closed with suitable bullheads to prevent unauthorized access by persons, animals, water or any undesirable substance. B. The bulkheads shall be so designed to prevent drying out of the interior of the pipe. C. The CONTRACTOR shall introduce water into the pipe to keep the mortar moist where moisture has been lost due to damaged bdkAeads. At all times, means shall be provided to prevent the pipe from floating. 3.I3 CORROSION CONTROL A. Corrosion mitigation and testing materials, such as magnesium anodes, reference electrodes and test lead wire shall be fumished and installed bv the CONTRACTO& as noted in the Drawings 3.14 PIPE CLEANUP A. As prpe laying progresses, the CONTRACTOR shall keep the pipe interior free of all debris. B. The CONTRACTOR shall completd clean the interior of the pipe of all sand, dirt, mortar splatter and any other debris following completion of prpe laying pointing of joints and any necessary interior repairs prior to testing and disinfecting the completed pipeline. 3.I5 HYDROSTATIC TESTAND CIILORINATION OF WATERPIPES General L The CONTRACTOR shall field pressure test all conduits and piping within this Contract to the working pressure listed on the Drawings. B. Testing and Cilorination of Pipelines l. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish chemicals for chlorination ofthe pipeline and will feed these chemicals into the water used in filling the pipe for testing. 2. Chlorination of the finished pipeline will be done simultaneously with the hydrostatic testing- I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I 33 ll0l 23 STEEL PIPE I10"27-03 Before filling the pipe with water for testing or chlorinatio& the pipe shall be thorougbly cleaned of all debris and foreigr materials to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. No hydrostatic test shall be made on any portion of the pipeline until all field placed concrete has had seven days in which to cure. When testing, the pipeline will be filled by the CONTRACTOR at a rate which will not cause any surges or exceed the rate at which the air can be released through the air valves at a reasonable velocity, and all the air within the pipe shall be properly purged. All pipe shall be allowed to stand under moderate pressure at least 24 hours to allow the pipe to absorb moisture before the test period is begun. The CONTRACTOR is required to funish the water (in the event the transmission pipeline project is incomplete at the time of testing tank site pipclines), pump, and calibrated meter for testing at locations designated by the ENGINEER The CONTRACTOR shall ftmish all labor, tools, equipment, n@essary bulkheads, all miscellaneous materials and do everything necessary to facilitate filling of the pipelines, maintaining the required test pressures and blowing offthe pipelines after testing. The CONTRACTOR, at his own expense, shall do any excavation, backfill and replacement of pavement necessary to locate and repair leaks or other defects which may develop under test. However, any section of the pipe which indicates defective material furnished by the OWNER shall be repaired by the CONTRACTOR at the expense of the OWNER. Any and all joints made in the field shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. The arnount of leakage in the pipeline, including all appurtenant parts, when tested under the prcssures indicated shall be zero. 3.16 PLASTICMARKERTAPE Unless otherwise indicated in the specifications of Drawings plastic marker tape shall beplaced in the trench backfill approximately l8 inches below grade. The tape shall be placed horizontally to readily enable reading ofthe tape above all pipe. END OF SECTION id t I I I T I T I I .'. 4. 5. 6. 7. I I I I I Ii I33 ll0l 24 STEEL PIPE I tu2t43 I I SECTION 33 11 01.01 STEEL OYERFLOW PIPE ASSEMBLY FOR WATER STORAGE TANKS (WSTs) I PART r GENTERAL I.I GENERAL I A. This section of the specifications shall govem fabricating, furnishing and installing I the overflow pipe, overflow weir, bracket frames and anti-vortex plate and all I appurtenantwork. I l. No pipe strall be manufactured until all required Shop Drawings and design I calculations have been approved by the ENGINEER. 2. ln case of any conflict between AWWA or ASTM Standards or ofter I references and the Specifications and Drawings, the Specificafions and I Drawings shall govern. I B. See SECTION 33 ll 0l - WELDED STEEL PIPE for additional definitions andI design, fabrication, coating and installation requirements. I 1.2. PrPE DESTcN cRTTERLA ,- A. Pipe shall be designed for an external hydrostatic load of50 feet. Ir B. The pipe diameter is the finished inside diameter in inches. I I.3 QUALITY STANDARDS: I A. American Society forTesting and Materials (ASTM) I L ASTM A 139 - Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe I (Sizes 4 in and Over) I 2. ASTM E 165 - Methods for Liquid Penetrant Inspection 3. ASTM A 36 - Specification for Structural Steel I 4. ASTM A283 - Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength I Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes and Bars 5. ASTM A 570 - Specification for Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, I Structural Qualityr 6. ASTM A572-specificationforHigh-StrengthLowAlloyColumbium- Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality r B. American Water Works Associalion (AWWA) I I 33 11O1.OI I STEELOVERFLOWPIPEASSEMBLY I FOR WSTs I1u2743 L AWWA CzW - Steel Water Pipe 6 in. and Larger 2. AWWA C206 - Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe 3. AWWA C208 - Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water Pipe Fittings 4. AWWA C2l0 - Liquid-Epoxy Coating Systems for the Interior and Exterior of Steel Water PiPelines 5. AWWA Ml l - Steel Water Pipe - A guide for Design and Installation C. American Welding SocietY (AWS) 1. ANSUAWS Dl.l - Structural Welding Code 2. Welding Handbook- Materials and Applications-Part I 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Certified Drawings l. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish certified dimensional drawings. 2. Detailed Shop Drawings of the steel overflow and weir. The overflow and weir shall be fabricated as stipulated herein and in accordance with the manufactue/s specifications and drawings as approved by the ENGINEER. I.5 INSPECTION OF THE WORK A. Not less than 14 days prior to the start of any phase of the pipe manufacture, the ENGINEER shall be notified in writing of the manufacturing starting date. B. During the manufacture of the pipe, the ENGINEER shall be given access to all areas where manufacturing is in process and shall be permitted to make all inspections necessary to confirm compliance with the Specifications- C. All pipe manufacture performed within the Denver Metropolitan Area shall be inspected by the OWNER at the OWNER's expense. All pipe manufactwe performed outside the Denver Metropolitan Area shall be inspected by the OWNER or its authorized agent at the CONTRACTOR's expense. OWNER's expense lo be paid by the CONTRACTOR will include lodging and meals, not to exceed $100.00 per day per person and necessary ground transportation. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall pay for round trip air travel from Denver to the place of manufacture, including an additional round trip every three weeks. I.6 MATERIALS TESTING A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform those material tests required at no additional cost to the OWNER. All testing conducted by the CONTRACTOR may be wirnessed by the ENGINEER provided that there shall be no delays in the CONTRACTORs testing schedule caused by the absence ofthe ENGINEER. STEEL OVERILOW PIPE ASSEMBLY FOR WSTs t t I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I33 I I 01.01 I t t t I I t0-27-03 I I T I I B. In addition to those tests specifically required, the ENGINEER may request additional samples of any material including mixed concrete and lining and coating samples for testing by the OWNER. The additional samples shall be fumished at no additional cost to the OWNER. 1.7 CERTIFICATIONS A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide to the ENGINEER four copies of certified test reports covering each material utilized in the work, and of ascertaining conformance with standard specifications including: 1. Mill certification of analyses and tests of steel. 2. Certified hydrostatic test reports (to be furnished on a monthly basis). 3. Certification of compliance of materials and application of linings and coatings. B. All expenses incurred in making samples for certification of tests shall be borne by the manufacturer. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 STEEL PIPE - GENERAL The pipe wall shall consist ofa steel cylinder, shop-coated. The pipe shall be designed, manufactured, tested, inspected in accordance with the provisions of this Specification and except as herein modified shall conform to AWWA Standard C200. Pipe manufactured under AWWA Standard C200 shall be fabricated frorn sheet conforming to the requirements of ASTM Designation A 570 (Grades 30, 33, 36 or 40) or from plate conforming to the requirements of ASTM Designation A 36, A 283 (Grades C or D) or A 572 (Grade 42) or coil conforming to the requirements of ASTM Designation A 139 (Grades B or C). All longitudinal and girth seams, whether straight or spiral, shall be bun-welded using an approved electric-fu sion-weld process. All steel used for the fabrication of pipe shall have a maximum carbon content of 0.25 percent and shall have a minimum elongation of 22 percent in a two-inch gage lensth. 2.2 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PIPE COATING STEEL OVERILOW PIPE ASSEMBLY FOR WSTs B. C. D. t I T I T I I I 33 1101.01 See SECTION 09 91 00 - PAINTING tt0-27.{.3 B. Both the inside and outside surfaces of the overflow assembly shall coated' C. Allow a minimum of seven days curing after the application of the finish coat prior to shipment and installation' WELDING REQUIREMENTS A. All welding procedures used to fabricate pipe shall be prequalified under provisions of AWS Standard Dl.l. Welding procedures shall be required for' but not necessarily limited to, longitudinal and girttr or spiral welds for pipe cylinders. B. Full and complete information regarding location, types, size and extent of all welds shalt be clearly shown on the shop drawings. The drawings shali clearly distinguish between shop and field welds. Joints or groups of joints in which welding sequence is especially important or technique shall be carefully controlled to minimize shrinkage sffises and distortion shall be so noted. Shop drawings shall speciff the groove depths applicable for the effective throat required for the welding process, Welding positions shall be indicated. Shop drawings shall clearly indicati -by welding symbols or sketches the details of the welded joints and the preparation of parent metal required to make them. Joints meeting requirements under AWS Standard Dl.l, Section 2 shall be so noted on shop drawings. Joints not meeting this requirement shall be qualified as outlined in AWS Standard Dl.l, Section 5. C. All welding shall be done by skilled welders, welding operators and tackers who have had adequate experience in the method of materials to be used. All welders, welding operators and tacken shall be qualified under the provisions of AWS Standard Dl.l using test position 3G. All welders welding in positions not covered by 3G shall be qualified under the appropriate position 5G, 6G, or 6GR. All welding completed by welders not qualified will be rejected' D. Welders shall be qualified by an independent, local, approved testing agency not more than six months prior to commencing work on the pipeline' Machines and . electrodes similar to those used in the work shall be used in qualification tests. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all material and bear the expense of qualifring welders. E. If radiographic testing is used in lieu of prescribed AWS bend tests, the weld reinforcements need not be ground or inegularities or jtmctwe with the base metal would cause objectionable weld discontinuities to be obscured in the radiograph. The test coupon shall be radiographed fiom the top centerline to the bottom centerline on either side. Radiographic testing shall follow the procedure as specified under AWS Dl.l. All film and test specimens shall be fumished to the ENGINEER. I I I I I STEEL OVER-FLOW PIPE ASSEMBLY FOR WSTs I I I I t I I I I I I t 33 lr 0l.0l I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t0-2743 2.4 FLANGES A. Flanges shall meet the requirements of AWWA Standard C207, Class D. Flanges may be either ring type flanges or hub type flanges, but all flanges supplied must be of the same type and class. B. The machined faces of all flanges shall be shop-coated with rust-preventive compound. Edges and back faces of attached flanges and blind flanges shall be shop-coated with a primer compatible with the application of the final field coating. The inside of blind flanges shall be epoxy coated in accordance with AWWA Standard C210. C. Flange details shall be submitted with Shop Drawings' D. Bolt holes in all flanges shall straddle field vertical centerline. 2.5 GASKETS FORFLANGES A. Non-insulating gaskets shall be l/8-inch full-faced Garlock No. 3200 compressed non-asbestos sheet packing or approved equal. B. Insulating gaskets shall be JM Red Devil Tlpe E full-face gasket or approved equal. 2.6 INSULATING FLANGE SETS A. Insulating flange sets shall be provided where shown on the Drawings. Each insulating flange set shall consist of an insulating gasket, insulating sleeves and washers and a steel washer. B. Insulating sleeves and washers shall be one piece when flange bolt diameter is I ll2-inch or smaller and shall be made of acetal resin. For bolt diameters larger than I l2-inch, insulating sleeves and washers shall be two-piece and shall be made of polyethylene or phenolic. Steel washers shall be in accordance with ASTM Designation F 436. 2.7 FIANGE BOLTS A. All bolts shall be 3 l6 SS or equal. 2.8 SPECTALS AND FITTINGS A. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, all specials and fittings shall conform to the dimensions of AWWA Standard C208. 5 STEEL OVERI'LOW PIPE ASSEMBLY FOR WSTs 33 I l 0r.01 t0-27-03 t ,d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I C. D. B. A. B. Pipe material used in fittings shall be of the same materid and minimum thickness as the pipe. The minimum radius of elbows shall be 2.5 times the pipe diameter and the maximum miter angle on each section of the elbow shall not exceed I I l/4 degrees. Fittings shall be equal in pressure design stength and shall have the same lining and coating as the abutting pipe. Specials and fittings, rurless otherwise shown on the Drawings, shall be made of segrnentally welded sections from hydrostatically tested plpe, with ends to mate with the type ofjoint or coupling specified for the pipe. 2.9 PROTECTION OF PIPE COATINGS The manufacturer shall provide a polyethylene or other suitable wrap on the pipe. The wrap shall be substantial enough to remain intact during shipping until the pipe is installed. The CONTRACTOR shall be firlly liable for the cost of replacement or repair of pipe which is damaged. 2.IO STRUTTING PART3 Adequate strutting shall be provided to avoid handling, storage, hauling and installation damage to the pipe coating. The strutting shall be placed as soon as practicable after the lining has been applied and shall remain in place while each pipe is loaded, tansported, unloaded and lifted into the tank at the jobsite. EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Handling and Stockpiling Pipe l. The overflow pipe shall be carefully handled and protected against damage to the coating, impact shocks and free fall. 2. All pipe handling equipment and methods shall be approved by the ENGINEER. 3. Pipe shall nol be placed directly on rough ground, but shall be supported in an approved manner which will protect the pipe against injury whenever stored at the trench site or elsewhere. 6 STEEL OVER-FLOW PIPE ASSEMBLY FORWSTS 33 lr 0l.01 3.2 J.J 3.4 I t) I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t 1027-03 4. Damaged coating or lining shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER, or a new undamaged pipe shall be fumished and installed at no expense to the OWNER. 5. The pipe shall be handled by use of wide slings and padded cradles or of other zuitable material designed and constructed to prevent damage to the pipe coating. The use of chains, hooks or other equipment which might injure the pipe coating will not be permitted. 6. Stockpiled pipe shall be supported on sand or earth berms free of rock exceeding three inches in diameter. The pipe shall not be rolled and shall be secured to prevent accidental rolling. PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION A. The CONTRACTOR shall inspect the overflow pipe to inswe that there are no damaged portions of the pipe. The CONTRACTOR shall remove or smooth out any burrs, gouges, weld splatter or other small defects prior to placing the pipes' B. The ptpe shall be thoroughly cleaned of any foreign substance which may have collected thereon and shall be kept clean at all times thereafter. INSTALLATION OF FLANGED JOINTS A. Before the joint is assembled, the flange faces shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material with a power wire brush. The gasket shall be centered and the connecting flanges drawn up watertight without unnecessarily stressing the flanges. All bolts shall be tightened in a progressive diametrically opposite sequence and torqued with a suitable, approved and calibrated torque wrench. All clamping torque shall be applied to the nuts only. B. After the flange has been properly assembled, the joint shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material and then primed by brush or by spraying with primer in accordance with AWWA Standard C209. Following application of the primer, a joint wrap tape shall be applied to buried flanges in conformance with AWWA Standard C209, Type II, where the joining pipe is coated with cold-applied tape or coal-tar enamel. INSULATED JOINTS A. Insulated joints and appurtenant features shall be made by the CONTRACTOR as indicated on the Drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall exercise special care when installing thesejoints to prevent electrical conductivity across thejoint. B. Affer the insulated joint is completed, an electrical resistance test will be performed by the ENGINEER. Should the resistance test indicate a shon circuit, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the insulating units to inspect for damages, replace STEEL OVERFLOW PIPE ASSEMBLY FOR WSTs 33 r l 01.0r I 3.5 l&27{3 all damaged portions and reassemble the insulating joint al no exfia cost to the OWNER. The insulated joint shall then be re-tested to assure proper insulation. TESTING REQUIREMENTS The CONTRACTOR shall demonstafe to the ENGINEER that all bolts on the overflow have been tightened to the proper torque. Prior to backfilling, the overflow pipe shall be pressure tested by filling the inside of the overflow with water to the level of the weir. Visible sigrs of leakage shall be repaired. END OF SECTION 8 STEEL OVERFLOW PIPE ASSEMBLY FOR WSTs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. 33 1l0l.0l I I I 10.2743 SECTION 33 II 02 DUCTILE-IRON PIPE AI\D X'ITTINGS (CEMENT MORTARLINED AND BITUMINOUS.COATED) PARTI GENERAL l.l WORK INCLUDED This section of the specifications shall govem fabricating, fumishing and installing mortarlined and bituminous-coated ductile iron pipelines and fittings including all appudenant work such as restraint. The following table summarizes the minimum AWWA Cl50 pressure classes for ductile iron pipe sizes 4 th'rough 36-inch diameters using a Tlpe 5 trench: Pipe Diameter Pressure Class 4 - 12 inches 350 16 -24 250 36-inch 150 C. The wall thickness / pressure class depth of bury shall be in accordance with AWWA C150. Use the minimum presslue class shown above unless otherwise shown or noted in the Drawings D. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings all ductile-iron pipe shall be restrained joint push-on joint pipe. 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Water Works Association (AWWA) 1. AWWA Cl04 - Cement Mortar Lining for Ductile kon Pipe and Fittings for Water 2. AWWA Cl05 - Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile hon Piping for Water and other Liquids 3. AWWA Cll0 - Ductile-kon and Gray-hon Fittings,3lnch through 48 Inch, for Water and other Liquids 4- AWWA Clll - Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile hon and Grev-hon Pressure Pipe and Fittings 5. AWWA Cl50 - Thickness Design of Ductile-hon Pipe6. AWWA Cl5l - Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in Metal Molds or Sand-Lined Molds, for Water and other Liquids7. AWWA Cl53 - Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings, 3 Inch through l2-Inch, for Water and other Liquids B. I T I I I I I I T I I I T I I T 33 tt 02 DUCTILE_IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS Irv274f and 1.3 8. AWWA C600 - Installafion of Ductile-kon Water Mains Appurtenances 9. AWWA C606 - Grooved and Shouldered type Joints B. American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM A 126 - Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges and Pipe Fittings 2. ASTM A377 - Specification for Ductile hon Pressure Pipe 3. ASTM A 536 - Specification for Ductile hon Castings 4. ASTM D 395 - Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property- Method B - Compression Set 5. ASTM D 412 - Standard Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Tension 6. ASTM D 572 Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration by Heat and Oxygen 7. ASTM D I149 Standard Test Method for Rubber Deterioration - Surface Ozone Cracking in a Chamber 8. ASTM D 2240 - Standard Test Method For Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness C. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) l. ANSI B 16.l - Cast hon Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 25, 125, 250 and 800 D. National Sanitatioa Foundation (NSF) l NSF 6l - Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTTIRERS A. American Cast-Iron Pipe B. Griffin Pipe C. Pacific States D. U.S. Pipe SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturers statement indicating the class and wall thickness of the pipe as well as pressure rating and wall thickness of fittings to be used. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I1.4 II 33 tt 02 DUCTILE_IRONPIPEANDFITTINGS I I I I I I I I I t t I I I t I T I I I 1.5 10-2741 B. Standard and restrained joint details indicating all pertinent dimensions and manufacturing tolerances. C. Materials list indicating the anticipated number of shaight lengths of pipe to be used and all fittings and specials with conesponding pipeline station locations. D. Line layout and marking diagram for all restrained joint areas and other areas the ENGINEER determines is critical. The schedule shall indicate pipe nlmber and length, station of all appurtenances and station and inved elevation of all bell ends. E. Certification for gasket compliance with AWWA Cl I l. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND IIANDLING A. Pipe 1. The pipe shall be handled by the use of wide nylon slings and padded wood cradles or of other suitable material desigrred and constructed to prevent damage to the pipe coating. The use of chains, hooks or other equipment that might damage the pipe coating is not permitted. 2. Stockpiled pipe shall be supported on sand or earth berms free of rock exceeding three inches in diameter. 3. The pipe shall not be rolled or skid along lhe ground. The pipe shall be securely blocked to prevent accidental rolling. B. Gaskets l. Gaskets shall be stored in a secure dry place and protected from ultraviolet light. ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION A. The allowable deflection shall be < 0.03 x pipe OD in accordance with AWWA cl50 REGULATORY REQTIIRMENTS A. The work shall conficrm to all applicable special district and utility company standards where the work is being performed. B. The CONTRACTOR shall have a copy of the special district and utility company standards on the project site. 1.6 1.7 33 tl 02 3 DUCTILE-IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS IrG2743 PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 PIPE GENERAL The pipe shall be designed, manufactured, tested, inspected and marked in accordance with the provisions of this Specification AWWA Cl50 and AWV/A C151, except as herein modified. DMENSIONS Nominal Lay,og Length l. Nominal pipe lengths shall be l8 - 20 feet, with shorter lengths provided as required by Drawings, alignment and profile. 2. Permissible variations in length, diameter, weight, wall thickness and straightness shall domply with the allowable tolerances specified in the applicable AWWA Standards. 3. The minimum finished inside diameter of the pipe, after lining is placed, shall be as set forth in the applicable AWWA Standards. Ductile Iron Thickness l. Pipe pressure class shall be as required by the desigrr and Section l.l of this Specification. 2.3 JOINT DESIGN AND FABRICATION General L The standard joints shall be push-on rubber gasket joints conforming to AWWA Clll unless otherwise called out in the Drawings. Joints for water storage tank projects shall be restrained joints unless otherwise noted in the Drawings. See paragraph C. below and 1.1 D above. Bell and Spigot Joint l. The joint shall be a single rubber gasket joint designed to be assernbled by the positioning of a continuous, molded rubber ring gasket in an annular recess in the pipe or fitting socket and the forcing of the plain end of the entering pipe into the socket, thereby compressing the gasket radially to the pipe to form a positive seal. 2. The joint shall be desiped for a working pressure equal to or greater than the pipe working pressure. 3. The manufacturer shall furnish all joint materials including rubber gasket and joint lubricant. B. I I I I I I I I t I t I I B. I I I 33 tt 02 DUCTILE _IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I C. I I I 10-21-03 D. A. B. C. I I I I I T t I T I t I I I I I Restrained Joints L The joint to be used where reshained joints are required shall be American Ca$t Iron Pipe Company's "LOKIAST" joint or'Tast Grip" gasketed joint, U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company's "T.R. Flex" joint, Clow Corporation's "Super Lock" joint, EBBA kon's "Megalug," or equal. 2. The joint harness shall be desigrred to resist thrusts resulting from intemal pressure acting at bulkheads, bends, valves and extending over the distances as shown on the Drawings. 3. The joint harness shall be desigrred for a pressure equal to the adjacent pipe working pressure or test pressure whichever is greater. Although thrust blocks may also be shown in the Drawings, joint hamess is to be designed without consideration given to any suppod derived from these blocks. 4, Hamess rods are to be utilized across closure assemblies in tied sections of the line. Rods are to be connected to the pipe by the use of drilled bell pipe ends or clamps attached behind bell and spigot joints to assist in preventing sliding of the clamp. Following installation, the hamess rods shall be wrapped with a layer of protective tape conforming to AWWA C2O9- Design calculations for the hamess rods, as well as details of clamps, are to be submitted to the ENGINEER for review and acceptance. Only insulated hamess rods are acceptable for use on insulated flanges. Mechanical Joints 1. All glands shall be ductile iron. 2.4 SPECIALS AND FITTINGS Unless otherwise shown on the plans, all specials and fittings shall conform to the dimensions and requirements ofAWWA Cll0 or CI53. Fittings shall be ductile iron, 250 psi working pressure, and shall have the same lining and coating as the abutting pipe. Specials and fittings that cannot be mechanically lined and coated shall be lined and coated by hand, using the same materials as are used for the pipe and in accordance with the applicable AWWA Standards. Coatings and linings applied in this manner shall provide protection equal to that specified for the pipe. Areas of lining and coating that have been damaged shall be repaired by hand application in accordance with applicable AWWA Standards. 331102 DUCTILE _IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS t10-2143 D.Moderate deflections and long radius curves may be made by means of bends or fittings, by deflecting straight pipe, by using short lengths of pipe, or by a combination of any of these methods. Outlets up to two inches in diameter may be threaded directly into the pipe wall. Outlets greater than fwo inches in diameter shall be integral tee fittings welded outlets or weleded boss connections. FLANGES A. All flanges shall conform to AWWA Clll and A.N.S.I. 816.1 for minimum working pressure of 150 psi, unless otherwise shown or noted in the Drawings. B. Blind flanges shall be desigrred in accordance with ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Section VItr. The design pressure for the blind flanges shall be 150 psi. C. Flanges shall be designed on the basis of using l/8-inch ring tlpe Garlock No. 3200 compresed non-asbestos sheet packing. D. Boltholes in all flanges shall straddle field vertical centerline. E. Insulated flanges shall have boltholes 3/16-inch diameter greater than the bolt diameter. GASKETS A. Gaskets for Flanged Pipe l. Gaskets shall be l/8-inch ring type Garlock No. 3200-compressed non- asbestos sheet packing or approved equal. B. Gaskets for Mechanical Joint Pipe l. Rubber gaskets shall conform to AWWA Cl I I 2. Rubber gaskets shall be a vulcanized st)trene butadiene rubber (SBR) that is free of porous areas, foreign materials and visible defects that make them unfit for the use intended. No reclaimed rubber shall be used. 3. The required properties of the SBR gasket and the required test method are given in the following table. I I I 2.5 T I T I I t I t I I II 2.6 I 33 rr 02 DUCTILE -IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I I t t I t I I rc-2743 I Property ASTM Test Method Required Value Hardness, shore .3A" D2240 75+5 Minimum Ultimate Strensth D 4t2 1500 psi Minimum Ultimate Elongation D 4r2 150% Minimum Aging D 572 60% Maximum Compression Set D 395 20% Resistance to Surface Ozone Cracking D 1149 No cracking Table I C. Gaskets for Push-On Joint Pipe I l. Gaskets shall conform to AWWA Cl I l. 2. Gasket dimensions shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's standard design dimensions and tolerances.! 3. Rubber gaskets shall be a vulcanized styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) that I is free of porous areas, foreigrr materials and visible defects that make them unfit for the use intended. No reclaimed rubber shall be used. Whenr il:,lffffiii:i'i"?1i,":#,::}lli::,i1.i#xTij;ffi*,H11fr1t - 4. The required properties of the SBR gasket and the required test method are r given in the following table. l I I I I t :. troz 7 DUCTILE -IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I10-2743 Property ASTM Test Method Main Body of Gasket Harder Portion (If Used) Nominal Hardness, shore ..A" D2240 50-65 80 85 Tolerance on nominal hardness +5 +5 Minimum Ultimate Tensile Shength D 412 2000 psi 1200 psi Minimum Ultimate Elongation D 412 300%125% Minimum Aeing D 572 60% Maximum Compression Set D 395 20% Resistance to Surface Ozone Cracking D ll49 no cracking Table 2 LIJBRICANT A. The lubricant shall be suitable for lubricating the parts of the joint for assembly. The lubricant shall be non-toxic, shall not support the growth ofbacteria and shall have no deteriorating effects on the gasket material. It shall not impart taste or odor to water in a pipe that has been flushed according to AWWA C65l . B. The lubricant containers shall be labeled with the trade name and the manufacturer's name. CLOSI.JRES A. Closures shall be so constructed as to have not less than a minimum of nine (9) inches and a maximum of seventy (70) inches adjustment which may be made in the field. 2.9 CEMENTMORTARLINING: A. Interior surfaces of all pipe, fittings and specials shall be lined in the shop with cement-mortar in accordance with AWWA C104. 2.7 2.8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I33 tt 02 DUCTILE _IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I t 1G.27-03 B. C. D. E. F. H. I I T I t I I I I t I t I I I I T G. The cement shall meet the requirements of "Standard Specifications for Type II Portland Cement", ASTM Designafion C 150. The sand shall conform to that prescribed in AWWA C104. The cement mortar shall contain not less than one part of cement to two parts of dry sand. The pipe shall be lined by the cenhifugal process. The lining machines shall be of a type that has been used successfully for similar work and shall be approved by the ENGINEER. All work shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner by trained personnel, under the supervision of experienced men skilled in machine application of cement-mortar lining to pipelines of a size comparable to the work under this Contract. The thickness and tolerance of the lining for this project shall match the standard for the diameter pipe. The finished lining shall have a substantially smooth surface and be free from harmful ridges, comrgations, elevations and depressions. A seal coat of bituminous material, continuous and adhering to the lining at all points, shall be applied to the cement lining. This seal coat shall successfully withstand all tests described in AWWA C104. Pipe Diameter (hches) Standard Thickness, T > (inches) 3-12 t/16 t4 -24 3/32 30-54 v8 Table 3 If linings are defective, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, they shall be removed from the pipe wall and shall be replaced to the lining thickness required. Defective Iinings shall be cut back to a square shoulder in order to avoid feather edged joints. The progress of the application of mortar lining shall be regulated in order that all hand work including the repair of defective areas and the removal of outlet stoppers and covers shall be completed within 24 hours after the lining is applied. Cement mortar for patching shall be the same materials as the mortar for machine lining, except that a finer grading of sand and mortar richer in cement may be used when field inspection indicates that such mix will improve the finished lining of the pipe. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent damage to the lining. If lining is damaged or found faulty at delivery site, the damage or unsatisfactory portions shall be replaced with lining conforming to these Specifications. 33 lt 02 DUCTILE-IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS Ilo-2't43 2.IO EXTERIOR COATING A. The outside coating shall be a bituminous coating of either coal tar or asphalt base approximately I mil thick. B. The finished coating shall be continuous, smooth, neither brittle when cold nor stickywhen exposed to the sun, and shall be strongly adherent to the pipe. 2.II POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT: A. All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be polyethylene encased. The polyethylene encasement material shall be linear low-density polyethylene firlm manufactured in accordance with AWWA Cl05 section 4.1, with the following additional requirements or exceptions. 1. Material a. The raw material used to manufacture polyethylene film shall be in accordance with ASTM D 4976 and AWWA C105. Physicals a. The polyethylene film shall meet the requirements of AWWA Cl05 for linear low-density polyethylene film and the following test requirements: TensileStrength 3,600-psiminimum Elongation 800% minimum Dielectric Strength 800 V/mil thickness minimum Thickness 0.008" 8 mils minimum Impact resistance 600 g, minimum (ASTM D 1709 Method B) Propagation tear Resistance 2,550 gf (ASTM D 1922) Marking a. The LLDP shall be clearly marked at a mimimum of 2-feet along its length containing the information required in AWWA C105, Section 4.3. 4. The tube size shall conform to AWWA C105 Table I Section 4.2. 2.12 PLASTIC WARNING MARKER TAPE I I I t T I t I I I I t I T ;I I33 tt 02 IO DUCTILE -IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I tu274r PART3 E)GCUTION 3.I GENERAL See SECTION 33 05 26 - UTILITY WARNING MARKING TAPE B. c. D. 3.2 t I I t I I I l t I T I t I I I A. Undergrornd Interference l. A reasonable attempt has been made to locate and identifo underground utilities and interferences to be encountered. 2. The locations of existing utilities and interferences are shown in an approximate way only and not all utilities or interferences may be shown. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to detemrine tle exact locafion of all existing utilities and interferences prior to commencing work. 4. The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for any and all damages which might be occasioned by his failure to exactly locate and preserve any and all utilities and interferences. B. Soils Investigation l. A soils investigation may have been performed for the OWNER in order to obtain relative data conceming the character of material in and upon which the project is to be constructed.2. If an investigation has been performed, this information will be made available to the CONTRACTOR for information purposes only and is not to be considered pan of these Contract Documents. 3. Regardless whether or not the OWNER has had an investigation performed, the CONTRACTOR shall satisfr himself as to the kind and type of soil to be encountered and any water conditions which might affect the construction of the pipeline and appurtenances. HANDLING All pipe and fittings shall be carefully handled and protected against damage to the lining and coating, impact shocks and free fall. All pipe handling equipment shall be reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. The pipe shall not be placed directly on rough ground, but shall be supported in a manner that will protect the pipe against damage whenever the stored along the trench or elsewhere. No pipe shall be installed where the coating or lining shows cracks that may be harmful as determined by the ENGINEER. Such damaged coating or lining shall 33 ll02 I I DUCTILE _IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I 3.2 rv7743 be repaired to the satisfaction of the ENGINEE& or a new undamaged pipe shall be fumished and installed at no expense to the OWNER E. Stockpiled ductile iron pipe shall be supported on wood blocks and/or sand bags placed under the pipe. Sand bags shall be ofsuffrcient size to prevent contact of the pipe coating with the ground or any obstruction. F. Rolling the pipe on coated surface will not be permitted. Adequate stutting shall be provided ifnecessary to prevent damage to plpe lining and coating. PREPARATION A. The CONTRACTOR shall inspect each pipe and fiuing to ensure there are no damaged portions of the pipe. B. The CONTRACTOR shall remove or smooth out any burrs, gouges, weld splatter or other small defects prior to lalng the pipe. C. Before placement of the pipe into the tench or assembled in a vault or pump station, each pipe or fitting shall be thoroughly cleaned ofany foreign substance which may have collected thereon and shall be kept clean at all times thereafter. For this puq)ose, the openings ofall pipes and fittings shall be closed during any intemrption in the work. FROZEN FOI.]NDATION A. No pipe shall be installed upon a bedding foundation into which frost has penetrated or at any time when the ENGINEER determines that there is a danger of the formation of ice or penetration of frost at the bottom of the excavation. B. No pipe shall be laid unless it can be established that the trench will be backfilled before the forrnation ofice and frost occurs. BEDDING No blocking of pipe will be permitted. Before the prpe is laid, the sub grade shall be prepared by bacldlling with clean uniforrrly graded sand so as to provide a uniform and continuous bearing and support for the prpe at every point between bell holes, except that it will b€ permissible to disturb or otherwise damage the sub grade surface over a maximum length of l8-inches near the middle of each length of pipe by the withdrawal of pipe slings or other lifting tackle. I t I t I I I I t I I I t J.J 3.4 B. I I I I 33 tt 02 l2 DUCTILE_IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I B. C. D. 3.6 tl I I I I t T I I I t I I I I I I I tv2743 3.5 JOININGPUSH-ONJOINTS A. Immediately before joining two lengths of ductile iron pipe, the inside of the bell end, the outside of the spigot end and the rubber gasket shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove oil, grit, excess coating, and other foreign matter. The rubber gasket shall be flexed inward and properly inserted in the gasket recess ofthe bell socket. Caution shall be exercised to insure the correct type of gasket is used. B. A thin film of gasket lubricant shall be applied to both the inside face of the gasket and the spigot end ofthe pipe. C. The spigot end of the pipe shall be placed in the socket with care to prevent the joint from contacting the ground. D. The joint shall be completed by pushing the pipe home with a slow steady pressure without jerky or jolting movements. Pipe furnished without a depth mark shall be marked before assembly to assure insertion to the full depth of the joint. The spigot end of field cut pipe lengths shall be filed or ground to resemble the spigot end of such pipe as manufactured. E. Whenever it is desirable to deflect push-on joint pipe in order to form a long radius curve, the deflection shall not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the pipe manufacturer's recommendations for maximum deflection or a maximum of three degrees perjoint whichever is less. JOINING MECIIAMCAL JOINT PIPE Before joining mechanical joint ductile iron fittings to the ductile iron pipe, the outside of the spigot, the inside of the bell and the rubber gasket shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove oil, grit, excess coating, and other foreign matter. Normal practice is to lubricate the joint with a soap solution; however, in cold weather the joint may be assembled dry if approved by the ENGINEER. Extreme care shall be exercised in making the dryjoint. The ductile iron gland shall be slipped on the spigot end of the pipe with the lip extension of the gland toward the socket, or belt end. The rubber gasket shall be placed on the spigot end with the thick edge toward the gland. The pipe shall be pushed forward until the spigot end full penetrates the bell. The gasket shall then be pressed into place in the bell evenly around the entire joint. The gland shall be moved along the pipe into position for bolting, the bolts inserted, and the nuts screwed finger tight, then tightened with a torque-limiting wrench. The torque for the various sizes of bolts shall be as follows: 331102 13 DUCTILE -IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS It0-2743 Pipe Size Bolt Size Range of Torque (krches) (hches)(Ft.lbs.) 2-3 5/8 4-24 3/4 30-36 I Nuts spaced 180 degrees apart shall be tightened altemately in order to produce an equal pressure on all parts ofthe gland. Whenever it is desirable to deflect mechanical joint pipe in order to form a long radius curve, the deflection shall not exceed eighty percent (80%d of the pipe manu facturer's recommendations for maximum deflection. FLDilBLE COUPLED JOINTS A. When installing flexible couplings, care shall be taken that the connecting pipe ends, couplings and gaskets are clean and free of all dirt and foreign matter with special attention being given to the contact surfaces of the pipe, gaskets and couplings. These couplings shall be assembled and installed in confonnity with the recommendations and instructions of the coupling manufacturer. B. Wrenches used in bolting couplings shall be of a tlpe and size recommended by the coupling manufacturer. Coupling bolts shall be tightened so as to seclrre a uniform annular space between the follower rings and the body of the pipe and all bolts tightened approximately the same amount. C. Diametrically opposite nuts shall be tightened progressively and evenly. Final tightening shall be done with a torqueJimiting wrench set for the torque recommended by the coupling manufacturer. FLANGED JOINT Before the joint is assembled, the flange faces shall be lhoroughly cleaned of all foreign material with a power wire brush. The gasket shall be centered and the connecting flanges drawn up watertight without unnecessary stressing of the flanges. All bolts shall be tightened in a progressive diametrically opposite sequence using torque wrenches at settings recommended by the manufacturer (75 lb. min.). 6 90 120 I t t a I I I I T I T I t E. F. )- I 3.8 B. C. I I I I I 33 rr 02 14 DUCTILE_IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I 10-27 -03 D. Only compressed non-asbestos sheet gaskets with a rubber compound binder shall be used. Where steel flanges are connected to ductile iron flanges, an insulating connection shall be provided, 3.9 POLYETHYLENE WRAP A. Ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be polyethylene encased in accordance with AWWA Cl05 and as detailed on the Drawings. 3.IO JOINTBONDING A. Bonding is NOT required unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. B. Insulated, stranded copper wire and Cadweld brazing cartridges as shown in the Drawings shall be used. Use 2-#0 wires unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. Joint bonding materials shall be furnished by the pipe supplier. C. Pipe must be cleaned to bare bright metal at the location where the bond is installed. D. All Cadwelds shall be primer coated and covered with Handy-caps or approved equal. 3.I I CUTTING AND FITTING A. The CONTRACTOR shall make all pipe cuts required to conform to location, line and grade. B. All cuts on ductile iron pipe shall be made by the use of pipe cutters or pipe saws. All cuts shall be straight and true. 3.12 DUCTILE-IRON CARRIER PIPE IN CASINGS A. The pipe to be encased within the casing pipe shall be the same as the adjacent pipe or as specifically required on the Drawings. 3.I3 PIPE ALIGNMENTAND GRADE A. In laying pipe, maximum tolerance is permitted to set line within +/-0.3 foot and grade within +/-0.1 foot. B. Regardless of vertical tolerance, the pipe shall be placed to have a minimum of 4 l/2 feet ofcover over the top ofthe pipe. 33 tt 02 I5 DUCTILE_IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS Il0-2't 43 Fittings, valves and hydrants shall be installed at the specified locations and elevations, unless written permission to deviate is obtained from the ENGINEER. When lalng pipe in curves, the intent is to lay to the alignment. The pipe shall be kept in alignment by deflecting joints, using short lengths or bends. Any changes in aligrunent and grade must be authorized by the ENGINEER and shall be accomplished by the installation of additional fittings, or "breaking" of joints. 3.14 DEVIATION FROM ALIGNMENT AND GRADE OCCASIONED BY OTHER STRUCTURES Whenever obskuctions, not shown on the Drawings, interfere to such an extent that an alteration in the plans is required, the ENGINEER shall have the authority to determine the best method of correction. B. The ENGINEER may change the plans and order a deviation from line and grade, or he may instruct the OWNER to arrange with the CONTRACTOR to arrange with the owner of the strucfure for its removal, relocation or reconstruction, as best fits the economic and field conditions. 3.I5 TEMPORARYBULKHEAD A. Whenever the pipe is left unattended, temporary plugs shall be installed at all openings. B. Temporary plugs shall be watertight and of such design as to prevent children and animals from entering the pipe. C. If water accumulates in the hench, the plugs shall remain in place until the trench is dry. 3.16 PLASTIC MARKER TAPE A. Plastic marker tape shall be placed in the trench backfill approximately l8 inches below grade. B. The tape shall be placed horizontally to readily enable reading ofthe tape above all pipe. END OFSECTION C. D.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I]I I33110216 DUCTILE _IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS I s-2t44 ll SECTION 33l2rc.42 3 INCH THROUGH l2-INCH GATE VALVES I t I I I I I PART T GEI\IERAL I l.l woRK TNCL.DED A. Furnish, install, and test all valves and hydraulic appurtenances. 1.2 GENERAL A. All gate valves shall conform to AWWA C509 Standard forResilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water and Sewage Systems. B. The additional requirements and exceptions to the AWWA standards contained herein shall also be applicable. C. Buried valves with diameters of 3 inches to 12 inches shall be installed vertically on horizontal pipelines without gearing, by-passes, rollers or tracks. Buried valves shall have mechanicaljoint ends. D. Valves shall have gray or ductile iron body, fully bronze-mormted, with non-rising stem. I 1.3 QUALITY STANDARDS I A. American Water Works Association (AWWA) I l. AWWA C509 - Standard for Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water and I 2. i"tffif"a:t$"Tiandard for prolective Interior coatings for valves andI Hydrants I r.4 suBMrrrAls r A. Submit shop drawings including information on operable pressure ranges, tem- I perature tolerances, standard service operating conditions, and functions of the particular valve and required operating appurtenances. I T I 33 12 16.02 I 3_INCH THROUGH l2_INCH I GATEVALVES I9-2t44 1.5 QUALITY STANDARDS: A. General l. Valves contained in this and referenced sections shall be produced in full compliance with specified items and any references to codes and stan- dards. 2. Abbreviated forms of more commonly referenced standards are as follows: AGMA - American Gsar Manufacturers Association ANSI - American National Standards Institute ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials AWWA - American Water Works Association MSS - Manufacturers Standardization Societv of the Valve and Fit- tings Industry B. End Connections l. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish valves with end connections as shown on Drawings. End types shall comply with the following specifications: a. Mechanical Joints (1.)All components of this type ofjoint shall conform to ANSI 2l.lllAWWA Standard Clll, Rubber-Gasket Joints for Cast-kon and Ductile-kon Pressure Pipe and Fittings. The bolts and hexagon nuts shall be fabricated from high- strength, low alloy steel conforming to ASTM A 242 and known in the industry as "Cor-Ten" or "Usalloy''. Accessories for the mechanical joint consisting of the gas- ket, gland and fasteners shall be fumished and packaged separately from the valves. Each package shall be labeled in such a manner as to provide for proper identification and number ofunits per package or bundle. b.Flanged Joints a. b. c. d. e. I I t I I I I I I t t I I (2.) (1.) (2.) Flanges shall be drilled in accordance with ANSI-B16.1 Class 125 Cast-Iron Flange Specifications unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Unless called out otherwise on the Drawings, flanges shall be machined to a flat face with a finish of 250 micro-inches AARH maximum or machined to a flat surface with a ser- rated finish in accordance with AWWA Standard C207. Section 6 for Steel Pipe Flanges. 3-INCH THROUGH Iz-INCH GATEVALVES II I I 33 t216.02 I I s-2144 tt (3) [+ftff*ts shall be one-eighth (l/8) inch ring type I (4.) All thread studs shall be used on all valve flange connec- t tions and shall be in accordance with ASTM Standard Des- r 1.6 SERVICE ignation A 307 ' Grade B' with heavy hex nuts' I A. All valves shall be suitable for frequent operation as well as service involving I long periods of inactivity. B. The operating pressure for all sizes shall be 200-psi gauge. I 1.7 VALVE OPERATORS A. Where shown in the Drawings, gate valves shall be equipped with a handwheel. Manual operation of the handwheel shall not require more than 50 pounds of rim I Pull' r B. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the valve shall be equipped with a stan- dard two-inch square wrench nut. I' I.8 VALVE STEMS I A. Valve stems shall be threaded so that valves shall close by turning to the left (counterclockwise), open right (clockwise). - I B. Each valve shall be fumished with a two-inch square wrench nut. I C. The diameter of lhe stem and number of tums to open shall be in conformance I wittrAWWAC 509. I 1.9 VALVE OPERATING NUT EXTENSION SHAFT I A. All valves that have an operating nut at a depth greater than five feet below finish I grade shall have an operating nut extension shaft. B. The shaft shall bring an operating nut to within l8 inches of {inished grade.Ir C. The operating nut extension shaft shall be made of similar material and size to the- valve operating shaft. I' I.IO STEM SEALS I I A. The stem seal shall consist of two O-rings, designed to permit replacement of the seal above the thrust collar with the valve under pressure in the full-open position. ta r 331216.02 3 3-INCH THROUGH I2-INCH r GATEVALVES IB. The stem seals shall be in conformance with Section 4.4.6 of AWWA C 509. 1.II VALVBBOXES A. Valve boxes shall be three-piece adjustable screw qpe, six-inch diameter, manu- factured by the Tyler Pipe Company series #6860 with #160 oval base or an ap- proved equal. B. Valve box covers shall be marked with the word "WATER" and shall have a lip or flange extending into the valve box shaft. C. No slip-type boxes will be permitted. I.I2 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTTIRERS A. American Darling B. Clow C. Mueller D. M&H 1.13 IDENTIFICATION A. All valves shall have the manufacturer and size of the valve visiblv cast on the body or on a plate attached to the body ofthe valve. I.I4 AFFIDAVITOFCOMPLIANCE A. The manufacturer of valves supplied under this Specification shall furnish to the ENGINEER, an affidavit of compliance in accordance with all applicable provi sions of AWWA C504 and AWWA C509 as modified or supplemented herein. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 BRASS AND BRONZE COMPONENTS A. Brass and bronze components of valves and appurtenances in contact with water and brass or bronze used in any part of a valve in buried or submerged service shall be alloys containing less than 16 percent zinc and 2 percent aluminum. 3-INCH THROUGH l2-INCH GATE VALVES I I I T I I I I I I I I I t II I 33 1216.02 I I I I t I I I I I I t I t t t I I I 9-2t44 B. Acceptable alloys l. Acceptable alloys shall be in accordance with the following ASTM desig- nations: B 61, B 62,898 (AlloyA, B, orD), B 139 (AlloyA), B 143 (Alloy 1-B), B 164, B 194,8292 (Alloy A), andB 127- C. Stainless Steel l. Stainless steel Alloy l8-8 may be substituted for bronze at the option of the manufacturer with the acceptance of the ENGINEER. 2,2 FLANGEFIMSH A. Unless called out otherwise on the Drawings, flanges shall be machined to a flat face with a finish of 250 micro-inches, AARH maximum, or machined to a flat surface with a serrated finish in accordance with AWWA C207. 2.3 VALVEBOX A. Valve box parts shall be rnade of gray cast iron in compliance with the require- ments of ASTM A48 or ASTM 4126. 2.4 BOLTS AND HEX NUTS A. Bolts and hex nuts used on the valve shall be the manufacturer's standard, either fabricated from a low-alloy steel for corrosion resistance or electroplated with zinc or cadmium. The hofdip process in accordance with ASTM Standard Des- ipation A 153 is not acceptable for the threaded portions of the bolts and nuts. B. Bolts and hex nuts used on bonnet of the valve shall be the manufacturer's stan- dard, either fabricated from a low-alloy steel for corrosion resistance or elecko- plated with zinc or cadmium. 2.5 GASKNTS A. The flat gaskets, either ring type or full-faced type, required at the bonnet connec- tions shall be fabricated from compressed asbestos sheet with a rubber compound binder. B. Use of a homogeneous rubber or vegetable fiber sheet for fabrication of gaskets is not acceptable. 3-INCH THROUGH I2-INCH GATE VALVES 33 l2 16.02 I9-2t44 2.6 PAINTING PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 PRIOR TO INSTALLATION Carefully clean valves of all foreigr material and inspect valves in open and closed positions. Notify ENGINEER and do not install the valves if they do not tunction properly for the intended purpose. Prior to installing valves, the flanged faces or threaded ends shall be thoroughly cleaned. 3.2 INSTALLATION Installation practices shall conform to manufacturer's recommendations. After cleaning threads, apply acceptable joint compound. 3-INCH THROUGH I2-INCH GATE VALVES I I I I I I t I I T t I I t I lI I A. B. c. B. Coating shall be applied to the ferrous parts of the valve except for finished or bearing surfaces. L lntemal surfaces. a. All intei:ral fenous surfaces except finished or bearing surfaces shall be prepared for coating by sandblasting to a "Near White Metal Finish' per SSPC-SP-I0. b. These surfaces shall then be coated with a two-part thermosetting polyamide epoxy in two or more uniform coats to a minimum dry film thickness of 12 mils. b. Epoxy coating shall conform to AWWA C550 and shall be Engard 460, Keysite 750 or equal. Extemal surfaces. a. All exterior surfaces except finished or bearing surfaces shall be carefully prepared by removing dl dift, grease, and rust and shall be cleaned to the extent that the coating will bond to all surfaces. b. The exterior of each valve except flange faces shall be shop epoxy coated to conform to AWWA C550 and shall be Engard 460, Keysite 750 or equal. 33 t216.02 I t e-21{)4 If ' -r u. After cleaning flanges, insert the gasket and tighten the nuts progressively and 'r1:,. .t) uniformly. If flanges leak under pressure, loosen the nuts, reseat or replace the/- gasket, retighten thenuts, and retest thejoints.r D. Bolt holes of flanged valves shall straddle the centerline of the pipe run. I E. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings install valves with the operating nut set vertically and set plumb. F. All underground valves shall be installed with cast-iron valve boxes set over the valve with no weight bearing on the valve or pipe. G. All underground valves shall be coated with bituminous material and encased in I 3.3 ,"rrollt"*t'""" T I I t A. Valves shall be tested at the same time that the adjacent pipeline is tested. B. If there Ere any special parts of control system or operators that might be damaged by the pipeline test, they shall be properly protected. The CONTRACTOR will be held responsible for any damage caused by the testing. I c' H[:H.:i::# Jj::]"J:y*e under test. Repair joints that show signs or I I t I I I I I I END OF SECTION 3-INCH THROUGH I2-INCH GATE VALVES 33 t2 16.02 I t I t sEcrroN s3 12 rsIt ) FrRE HYDRANTs t PART1 GENERAL I l.r woRK IN.LUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and per- I form alt work and services necessary for, or incidental to, the fumishing and in- i_ stalling of all dry-banel hydrants as shown in the Drawings and specified herein. r B. If a conflict exists between the hydrants specified herein and the OWNER's speci- I fied hydrants, the OWNER's specification shall control. T 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Statement of conformance with applicable AWWA Specifications B. Manufacturer's cut sheets I.3 QUALITY STANDARDS f A. American Water Works Association (AWWA) l. AWWA Cl04 - Cement Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings I for Water 2. AWWA Cl05 - Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Piping for Wa- I ter and Other Liquids | 3. AWWA Cl l0 - DuctileJron and Grey-lron Fittings, 3 in. Through 48 in. for Water and Other Liquids I 4. AwwA C500 - Gate Valves for Water and Sewerager 5. AwwA C502- Dry-Banel FireHydrants 6. AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their Appur- r 7 . fffiI "ur, - Disinfecting water Mains t B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) l. ASTM A 242 - Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural I Steel I 1.4 SERVICE I A. All fire hydrants shall be designed for a working pressure of 250 psi. I I :r:nv FIRE HYDRANTS B. Each factory assernbled unit shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with the applicable specifi cations. C. Shop tests for the body and main valve shall be subjected to a hydraulic pressure of300 psi. I.5 SIZE A. Hydrants shall have a six-inch mechanical joint inlet, minimum 5-1/4 inches, compression-tYPe main valve. I.6 HYDRANTTYPE: A. Hydrants shall be three-way with two 2-l/2 inch hose nozzles and one 4-l/2 nch pumpsr nozzle, threads meeting ANSI 826 located in the same plane with the center line of the hydrant run. Nozzles must be easily replaceable in the field with standard tools. l. Operating and cap nuts must be l-ll2 inch, Number 17 National Standard hex main valve that open to the left. An arrow cast on top of the hydrant shall indicate direction of opening. 2. There shall be a breakable section that permits a clean break at or nqr ground level, preventing water loss in case ofbreakage. 3. Working parts must be removable for maintenance or repair without exca- vation. 4. The operating mechanism shall be non-wetting, oil reserwoir lubricated, with o-ring seals and barrel drain bronze mounted with at least two outlets, which operate automatically with the main valve. B. The pumper nozzle shall be at least l8-inches above the ground line. 1.7 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS A. Mueller - Centurion Model A 423 I.8 CERTIFICATION A. The manufacturer shall provide a swom statem€nt that all hydrants are in confor- mance with AWWA C502 as modified or specified herein- PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL I :{ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t33 1219 FIRE HYDRANTS I I t All fire hydrants shall be designed and manufactured in strict conformance with AWWAC502. INLET CONNECTION The hydrant shall be provided with a mechanical joint inlet to accommodate 6- inch diameter ductile-iron pipe complete with rubber gasket, gland, bolts and nuts in conformance with ANSI 421.1l. The bolts and nuts hall be a high-strength low-alloy corrosion resisting steel, "Cor-Ten" or equal, wiih a minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi conforming to ASTM A242. MAIN VALVE ASSEMBLY A. The main valve of the hydrant shall be a 5 ll4 inch diameter compression bpe which closes with the water pressure. The seat ring shall be bronze with a ma- chined face and extemal threads for threading into a bronze drain ring or a bronze bushed shoe to provide bronze to bronze seating for the main valve, complete with O-rings for sealing. B. The gasket for the valve shall be a replaceable type fabricated from a resilient ma- terial with a threaded bottom plate or nut complete with seal to prevent leakage from the hydrant. C. The valve assembly shall include one or more drain valves that will work auto- matically with the main valve and drain the barrel of the hydrant when the main valve is in the closed position. All drain tubes shall be bronze lined and sized large enough for the barrel to drain within 12 minutes when the barrel is size for a five foot trench depth. D. All parts of the main valve assembly shall be so designed that rernoval of the as- sembly from the banel is accomplished without excavation. OPERATINGNUT SHAFT A. The operating nut shall be pentagon shaped with a finished height of I l/8 inch. The dimensions from point-to-flat are I 3/8 in. at the top and at the bottom of the nut. Bushings in the bonnet shall be so constructed that it will prevent the operat- ing nut from traveling during opening or closing operation. The bushing shall also house a gasket or seal to prevent moisture or foreign material from entering the lubricant reservoir. B. I t t 2.3I I t I 2.4 l I I I I I I t I 33 l2 19 FIRE HYDRANTS I B. The hydrant shall open by tuming the operating nut to the left in a counter- clockwise direction and shall have an arrow on top of the bonnet to desigrate the opening direction. 2,5 PUMPERNOZZLE AND CAP A. The pumper nozzle shall be 4 ll2 inch nominal diameter. B. T\enozzle cap shall be fumished with a synthetic rubber gasket installed in a re- taining groove and the dimensions and shape of the nozzle cap nut shall be the same as the oPerating nut' C. Nozzle caps shall be furnished with security chains with one end of each securely attached to the upper barrel section ofthe hydrant. 2.6 HOSE NOZZLE AND CAPS A. The two hose nozzles shall be 2l/2 ineh nominal diameter. Each hose nozzle shall include anozzle cap with nut and security chain. 2.7 NOZZLE ATTACHMENT A. The hose and pumper nozzles shall be threaded and locked in place by a stainless steel pin or screw. Sealing of the threaded connections shall be accomplished by the use of O-ring gaskets. 2,8 COLOR A. The upper exposed section of the hydrant above ground shall be given a prime coat of synthetic red lead primer Type IV-TFP-86a followed by one shop coat of alkyd enamel paint conforming to the OWNER's standards- B. The buried portion of the hydrant shall be coated in accordance with AWWA c106. 2,9 MARKER FLAG A. All hydrants shall have marker flags. B. The marker flag shall be a Nordic Flex Flag, FF2, 72-inches long. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I PRIOR TO INSTALLATION I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I t33 1219 FIRE HYDRANTS t I -f . A. Carefully clean all hydrants of foreigrr materials and inspect hydrants in the open and closed positions. t 3.2 rNSrALLArroN I A. Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with AWWA C600 and AWWA Manual t Ml7. l. tnstall the hydrant in accordance with the manufacturer's written require- ; ments and specifications. I ?- :rT#J|itrilttfft and rocated as shown in the Drawings' I a. All underground valves shall be installed with cast-iron valve I li.J;r *, over the valve with no weight bearing on the valve or b. All underground valves shall be in conformance with SECTION33 t 1216.02 - 3-INCH THRoucH I2-INCH GATE vALVES. - 4. Polyethylene Encasement ll a. The entire hydrant shall be encased in polyethylene in conformance I i withAWWAClO5. t 5. Restraint , a. Hydrant runs shall be restrained in conformance with the Drawings and applicable specifi cations.I! B. Finish grade around the fire hydrant shall be a minimum of six to a maximum of I l2-inches below the flange forthe final grade. r 3.03 TESTING I A. All hydrants shall be tested at the same time that adjacent pipelines are tested int accordancewith SECTION 33 14 00 - PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING. I B' l$Hffi1i1x""l,l:JTlf,:fffi1:ringthetesting' rhecoNrRACroRsharr I END OF SECTION I I t vnv FIRE HYDRANTS l.tI I I I I I I I I I I t I t0-274! sEcTroN 33 r2 43 BOLTED SLEEVE TYPE COUPLINGS, IIIGH DEFLECTION FITTINGS (COUPLINGS), FLAI\GE ADAPTERS AND FLEXIBLE COI{NECTORS PARTI -GENERAL WORKINCLUDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish and install all bolted sleeve type couplings, flange adapters, flexible connectors and insulating kits as shown in the Drawings. B. Materials strength ratings shall be consistent with the pressure class ofpipe used. ST]BMITTALS: A. Manufacturers data sheets. QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM A 47 - Specifications for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings2. ASTM A 53 - Specifications for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc- Coated. Welded and Seamless 3. ASTM A 126 - Specifications for Gray hon Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings (Grade B) 4. ASTM A 325 - Specifications of r High-Shenglh Bolts for Structural Steel Joints 5. ASTM A 512 - Specifications for Cold-Drawn Buttweld Carbon Steel Mechanical Tubing6. ASTM A 536 - Specification for Ductile-Iron Castings7. ASTM A 715 - Specification for Steel Sheet and Strip, High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled, and Steel Sheet, Cold-Rolled, High-Strength, Lowe-Alloy, with Improved Formability B. American National Standards lnstitute (ANSD American Water Works Association (AWWA) l. ANSUAWWA Cl53/A21.53 - 3 In. Through 24 In. for Ductile-hon Compact Fittings and 54 In. Through 64 In. for Water Service I BOLTEDSLEEVETYPECOUPLINGS, HIGH DEFLECTION FITTINGS FLANGE ADAPTERS AND FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS t.2 1.3 I I I I I T 33 12 43 I10:2?43 PART 2 MATERIALS 2.OI GENERAL Bolted Sleeve Tlpe Couplings and Flange Adapters 1.Bolted sleeve tlpe couplings and flange adapters shall be designed to relieve mechanical shess in pipelines due to thermal expansion and contraction, differential settlement, and to facilitate pipeline construction. Bolted sleeve type couplings shall consist of a sleeve that fits over the ends of the two pipeline sections to be joined. The coupling shall form a water tight seal be compressing resilient wedge- shaped gaskets between the ends ofthe sleeve and the pipelines. The gaskets shall be compressed by two retainer rings bolted to one another on the outside perimeter of the coupling sleeve. Flange Adapters l. Flange adapters are special flexible couplings that have one retainer ring and gasket replaced by a flangejoint on the coupling sleeve. Insulating and Reducing Bolted Sleeve Tlpe Couplings l. Insulating couplings with bolt and nut insulating kits shall be used when joint pipes of dissimilar materials. D. High Deflection Fittings (Coupling) L High deflection couplings shall permit up to four (4) times the accepted joint deflection of DI pipeline fittings and sleeves. 2. The fitting shall have a thrust restraint system integral to the fitting. Acceptable Manufacturers A. Bolted Sleeve Tlpe Couplings l. Dresser Style 38 2. Smith Blair (Rockwell) Style 4l I 3. Romac, Series 400 4. Baker. Series 200 2 BOLTEDSLEEVETYPECOUPLINGS, HIGH DEFLECTION FITTINGS FLANGE ADAPTERS AND FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS I I I I t I I 2. J. 4. B. C. 2.2 I t I I I I II I I 33 t2 43 t rc-2743 I . B. Flange Adapters forDuctile hon Pipe t " R:"iffii?[i,1J,*",,, I C. Flange Adapters for Steel Pipe I I L R::'tr"i?3i3i',0n" n,, D. Transition CouplingsII 1. Dresser Style 162 f 2- Rockwell Product No- 413 " E. Insulating Bolted Sleeve Type Couplings t- t l. Dresser Style 39 1| F. lnsulating - Transition (Reducing) Bolted Sleeve Type Couplings I l. Dresser Style 39-62 I G. Flexible Cormectors ; l. Metra-Flex StyleR H. High Deflection Fittings (Couplings) t rl l U.S. Pipe "Xtra Flex" I 2.2 SLEEVE AND FLANGE ADAPTER BoDIES: r, A. Sleeve and flange adapter bodies shall be fabricated from cast iron, malleable iron I or carbon steel in conformance with the following ASTM Standards: I l. ASTM Al26,GradeB ' ? iSTMiil I !' tilY^l^ii"^ cts3/Mt.s3 I I ' 331243 3 BOLTED SLEEVETYPECOUPLINGS, I FLANGE ADA'rERS rffiili*?:t8l'lf.rrTff3 I 2.4 RETAINERRINGS A. Retainer rings shall be malleable iron, ductile iron or high carbon steel conforming to the following ASTM Standards: I. ASTM A 47 2. ASTMA536 3. ASTMATI5 BOLTS A. Bolts shall be high strength alloy steel, with heavy hexagon nuts in conformance with ASTM 4325. 2.5 GASKETS A. Gaskets shall be svnthetic rubber. 2.6 FLEXIBLECONNECTORS A. Units shall be constructed of neoprene and nylon. B. Flanges shall be tapped or drilled to mate with ANSI 150 pound companion flanges. C. Flexible connectors shall be capable of operatingup to 240 degrees and 125 psi pressure/vacuum seryice conditions. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL A. Install all bolted sleeve type couplings, flange adapters, high deflection fittings (couplings), flexible connectors and insulating bolted sleeve tlpe couplings in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Prior to installation, thoroughly remove all oil, scale and dirt from the coupling or adapter to provide a clean set for the gasket. Clean the gasket immediately prior to installation. Tighten bolts progressively around the retainer gland until all bolts have a uniform torque. Final tightening shall be performed with a torque-limiting wrench to the torque level recommended by the manufacturer. 4 BOLTEDSLEEVETYPECOUPLINGS, HIGH DEFLECTION FITTINGS FLANGE ADAPTERS AND FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS I t I I ! I I I I t I T I t I t I B. C. D. 33 t2 43 I l, I l t I I I l I I J I I I I I I t Install restraint rods, Meg-a-lugs, and insulating kits, where required, to provide restraint for pipeline thrust. END OFSECTION 5 BOLTEDSLEEVETYPECOUPLINGS, HIGH DEFLECTION FITTINGS FLANGE ADAPTERS AND FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS 33 12 43 I t,z.r3 l) I PARTI GENERAL I 1.1 WORK INCLUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish and install all grooved pipe couplings as shown I in the Drawings. I B. Materials stength ratings shall be consistenl with the pressure class ofpipe used.I C. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for coordinating the grooved pipe coupling I with the outside diameter of the pipe to insure a proper installation. 1.2 SUBMITTALS r A. Manufacfurer's data sheets I B. lnstallationprocedures - 1.3 QUALTTY STANDARDS I A, American Water Works Association l. AWWA C606 - Grooved and Shouldered Joints I B. American Society for Testing and Materials I l. ASTM A 47 - Specifications for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings I 2. ASTM A 193 - Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting I Materials for High-Temperature Sewice 3. ASTM A 536 - Specifications for Ductile-Iron Castings4. ASTM D 2000 - Classification System for Rubber Products in AutomotiveI Applications I 1.4 DELIVERY, SToRAGE AND HANDLING:I A. See SECTION 01610 - DELryERY STORAGE AND HANDLINGII I.5 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER A. Mechanical grooved pipe couplings and fittings as manufactured by VictaulicrM Company of America or equal shall be used as shown in the Drawings, I 33r2s3 SECTION 33 12 53 GROOVED PIPE COUPLINGS I I I GROOVED PIPE COUPLINGS It0-2143 B. The grooved-end product manufacturer shall be ISO-9001 certified. I.6 SERVICE A. The coupling will be used to connect potable water pipelines with water tempera- tures less than 100" F and pressures equal to or less than 150 PSI. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.I COUPLINGS A. Couplings for 6 through 24-inch diameter steel pipe shall be Victaulic Style 77 cast of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536 or malleable iron conforming to ASTM A 47 with an alkyd-phenolic primer coating with a synthetic rubber gasket. B. Couplings for 30, 36 and 42-nch diameter steel pipe shall be Victaulic Style 770 cast of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A 536 or malleable iron conforming to ASTM A 47 with an alkyd-phenolic primer coating with a synthetic rubber gasket. B. Couplings for ductile-iron pipe shall be Victaulic Style 3 I cast of ductile iron con- forming to ASTM A 536 or malleable iron conforming to ASTM A 47 with an al- kyd-phenolic primer coating with a synthetic rubber gasket. B. Bolts and nuts shall conform to ASTM A 193, Grade B 8, Class 2 (Type 304 stainless steel). 2.2 PIPE MATERI,ALS A. Pipe materials shall conform to AWWA C606, or the coupling manufacturer's recommendations for rigid grooving dimensions. 2.3 GASKETS A. Gaskets shall be flush seal design molded of synthetic rubber specially com- pounded to conform to the pipe surfaces with a short center leg that shall bridge the pipe ends offering an initial seal on the leading edge ofthe pipe ends. B. Elastomers shall have properties as desigrrated in ASTM D 2000. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t33 t2 53 GROOVED PIPE COUPLINGS I 10-2743 I ., PART3 E)GCUTTON I 3.I ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION I A. Pipe ends shall be clean and free from indentations, projections and roll marks in T I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 33lns3 the area from the pipe end to groove for proper gasket sealing. B. The gasket style and elastomeric material shall be verified as suitable for the in- tended service specifi ed. C. A thin, wriform, coat of Victaulic lubricant or other non-petroleum based lubri- cant shall be applied to the gasket coupling by brush or hand. D. The gasket shall be placed over one pipe end, the pipe ends aligned and brought together, and the gasket positioned between the grooves and pipe ends. E. The coupling housing shall be assembled over lhe gasket with housing keys en- gaging both grooves. The bolts shall be inserted and nuts started, uniformly tight- ened until the housing nut pads are firmly together, metal to metal. END OF'SECTION 3 GROOVED PIPE COIJPLINGS I 5 I I I I I t I t t T I t I I I I I TIIIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLAhIK 10-2743 GROOVED PIPE COI.JPLINGS3312 53 I 05-26{6 I sECTroN 33rzs3I ' ' 'ACRTFICIAL ArloDE cATrroDrc pRorECTroN PART1 GENERAL I l.l woRK TNCLUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment and t perform all work necessary for complete and operational sacrifisial anode ca- thodic protection system(s) for facilities zuch as ductile iron piping steel piping, steel tank bottom, and steel pump station as shown on the Drawings and specified t herein. I 1.2 REFERENCED STANDARDS: I A. The cathodic protection installation shall comply with applicable requirement I codes, laws, and ordinances ofFederal, State, and local bodies havingjurisdiction. B. The cathodic protection systerns shall comply with the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) RP-01 -69 latest revision. I C. Ductile iron pipe polyethylene encasement shall comply with AWWA Standard - ' C105, "Polyethylene Encasement for Gray and Ductile Cast Iron Piping for Water I and Other Liquids". I 1.3 SUBMTTTALS:I A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items for ap,proval: r l. Category I: r I iIiff*#ffi',n*o c. Exothermic Weld Mastic and CapsI 3 ff:'rlrffI;3rll"i;,:ll#1,1,::1yifi** f. Exothermic Weld Equipment and Materials r f;. il:fi"Tir?iHyfif,lliLe-piece sreeve and washers i. Plastic Waming Marker Tape r 2- category II; I a. Record Drawings SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION I I 33 r2 93 I05-2fi6 PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL A. Unless otherwise specified, all materials and equipment shall be of domestic (USA) manufacture and shall be of the best quality used for the purpose in com- mercial practice. 2.2 STANDARD PRODUCTS A. Materials and products submitted for approval shall be a product of a manufac- turer regularly engaged in the manufacture of the product, shall meet the require- ments of the specifications and essentially duplicate materials that have been in satisfactory use for at least two years prior to the bid opening. 2.3 CONDUCTORS A. Test Station I I t I I II t t I I t t I I I I I l. Test station wires shall be #12 stranded copper and maY have RHVY. RIIII or XHIIW. 2. Wire color-coding shall be as herein. AWG and #8 AWG single conductor, any of the following insulation tlpes: shown on the Drawings and specified B. Joint Bond l. Joint bond wires shall be *t4 AWG single conductor, stranded copper ca- thodic protection cable with Type HMWPE insulation. Z. The HMWPE insulation shall comply with ASTM D 1248 and shall be high molecular weight polyethylene, Type I, Class C, Grade 5. 2,4 WIRE SPLICE CONNECTIONS Splice Connectors l All splices of anode wires or of test station wires shall be made using a coppcr, crimPit tYPe connector' Splice Sealing l. Splices of anode or test station wires (ifapplicable) shall be sealed using Royston "MINI SPLICE-RITE" cathodic protection splice kits or two half-lapped layers of Scotch l30C followed by two halfJapped layers of Scotch 88 taPe SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION B. 33 12 93 I T 2.6 I I I I t I I ll 2.7 I I I I I I I I I 2.5 EXOTHERMICWELDS A. All eleckical cable connections to the buried piping shall be made by an exother- mic weld. B. Exothermic type weld materials including the proper size and type of weld car- tridges and welder molds for use on steel or ductile iron pipe shall be by Erico Products Inc. "CADWELD" or Bumdy "THERMOWELD" or other approved equal. Weld metal for ductile-iron pipe shall be XF-19 alloy and weld metal for steel pipe shall have a "CA" desigrration. C. Copper sleeves specifically designed for the purpose shall be crimped on all bare wire ends prior to exothermic welding to improve mechanical strength and ther- mal capacity. EXOTHERMIC WELD COATING A. Exotherrnic weld coatings for ductile iron pipe shall be a cold applied compound such as Koppers "Bitumastic 50", Royston Mfg. "Roskote A5l ", or equal' B. All exposed ductile iron pipe and fittings shall also be encased with polyethylene wrap per AWWA C105. The polyethylene film shall be Type I, Class A, Grade E-l in accordance with ASTM D 1248. C. Exothermic weld coatings for steel pipe shall be a cold applied compound such as Koppers "Bitumastic 50", Royston Mfg. "Roskote A51", or equal. ln addition, all exothermic welds on steel pipe shall be covered with a weld backfill shield com- posed of a plastic weld cap specifically made for the pupose and installed in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's directions. The weld caps may be prefilled with mastic by the manufacturer or may be filled in the field with mastic according to the manufacturer's directions. Prefilled weld caps shall be Royston "Handicaps" or equal. TEST STATIONS A. Type l. Cathodic protection t€st stations shall be flush-to-ground type Christy G5 Traffic Valve Box (10 3/8" ID x 12") with a cast-iron lid with "CP TEST" permanently printed on its center. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION 331293 I 2.8 B. Terminal Board 1. Each test station shall be fumished with a 3/16 inch thick plastic or rein- forced laminate terminal block with minimum dimensions measuring three x four inches. 2. The terminal block shall be equipped with five l/4-inch diameter by 1- inch long brass studs with double brass nuts, flat washers, and lock wash- ers. 3. Test stations shall be equipped with Cott Mfg. 0.01 ohm - 8 ampere shunt (color code - yellow) as shown on the Drawings' Exception: shunt not required at test stations desigrrated as Inzulating Fitting or Pipe Casing t)?e test stations. WIRE AND CABLE MARKERS A. All test station and wires shall be identified using nonmetallic marker tags. B. Marker tags for wire and cables shall be of an opaque nylon material arranged to include a marking area, nomeleasing holding device, and cable fastening tail simi- lar to Panduit Corporation "Part No' PLFlMA"' c. The marker board shall not be less than L0 inches (w) by 0.75 inches (L) and 25 mils thick with one side roughened to hold black nylon marking ink from a fine tip pen similar to Panduit Corporation "Part No. PFX" or 3M Corporation "ScotchCode SMP". Identification shall be perrnanent and waterproof' D. The marker-holding dwice shall be desigrred to allow the fastening tail to pass around the cable and through the holding device so that rernoval of the cable marker can be accomplished only by cutting it loose from the cable. INSULATING FITTINGS A. Electrical isolation shall be accomplished through the use of insulating pipefit- tings as shown on the Drawings' l. Tvpe a. lnsulating mechanical couplings (IMC) shall be Dresser Style 39- 62 or approved equal. b. Insulating flange kits shall consist of full-faced gaskets, nonmetal- lic one-piece bolt sleeves and washers, and steel backing washers. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION I T I I I t I I I t I I I I I t 2.9 I 331293 I 05-2646 T B. I I t I I I I li I t I I I I t I I 2. Insulating flange Kits a. Insulating Gaskets shall be Type E (Full Face) Pyrox lE glass rein- forced epoxy or phenolic laminate, l/8 inch thick, with Buna-N sealing element and shall be rated for the working pressure of the pipe flange. b. Insulating bolt sleeves shall be one-piece plastic sleeve and wash- ers made of Minlon or acetyl resin. Two piece insulating sleeves consisting of a separate non-metallic sleeve and washers are not acceptable. c. Backing washers shall be cadmium plated steel, l/8 inch thick, two for each flange bolt. 3. Restrained IMC a. In the event an IMC is reshained using tie rods, each tie rod shall be insulated using one-piece rod insulating sleeve and washers and steel backing washers. 2.10 PLASTIC WARNING MARKER TAPE Warning tape shall be a 6-inch wide, 4-mil thick, yellow plastic tape with the words "CAUTION CATHODIC PROTECTION CABLE BURIED BELOW' permanently printed on the tape. B. The tape shall be resistant to alkalis, acids, and other destructive agents com- monly found in soils. 2.11 SACRIFICIALANODES Dimensions of the magrresium anodes shall conform to the dimensions for stan- dard sizes ofanodes and ofthe weights specified. All magrresium anodes shall be cast around a galvanized steel core (flat strap or spring) and be made of high potential magnesium alloy conforming to the follow- ing compositions by weight: Aluminum Manganese Zinc Copper Nickel Iron 0.01% Max. 0.50% Min. to 1.30% Max. 0.005% Max. 0.02o/o Max. 0.001% Max. 0.03% Max. Other Impurities 0,05% Each Max, Other Impurities 0.30% Total Max. Magnesium Balance SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION 331293 C. CONTRACTOR shall furnish spectrographic analyses or a letter of compliance on samples from each heat or batch ofanodes used on this project. D. Sacrificial anodes shall be provided with specific backfill in a permeable cloth sack. Anodes shall be centered in the backfill material. The weight and nominal dimensions of the packaged anode shall be as follows: 32 lb. bare anode (5.0" x 6.0" x 4.4" x l7n ) : approx.74 lb. packaged (8" Dia. X 26"L) E. The anode package backfill material shall consist of 75 percent gypsum, 20 per- cent bentonite, and 5 percent sodium sulfate, and shall be of the quick wetting brpe. F. All anodes shall be shipped and stored in waterproof bags or wrapping and shall be AMAX "MaxMag", Dow "Galvomag" or equal. G. Sacrificial anode lead wires shall consist of #12 AWG Type USE-2 OR RHW-2' black insulated stranded copper wire. Lead wires shall be a minimum of 30 feet in length. The lead wires shall be connected to the galvanized steel core ofthe anode by silver soldering and this connection shall be sealed with a waterproof epoxy or electrical potting compound. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL A. The cathodic protection system shall be installed in compliance with the applica- ble portions of NACE Standard RP-01-69 latest revision. B. All materials and equipment shall be in accordance with the directions of the manufacturer to conform to the specification documents. 3.2 SACRIFICIALANODEINSTALLATION A. CONTRACTOR shall procure, store and install high potential magnesium anodes as indicated herein. B. Anodes shall have approved waterproofing protection at all times prior to installa- tion. Damaged anodes or anode wires shall not be used and replacanent anodes installed instead. Anode waterproofing protection shall be removed before in- stalling the anode. C. The specified high potential magnesium anodes shall be installed at the locations indicated herein. Anode locations or spacing may be adjusted slightly to clear I ,d I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION I 331293 I I I I I I I I I ll other buried or topographical obstructions with prior approval of the OWNER's representative, D. The specified magnesium anodes shall be installed completely dry and shall be lowered into the excavated (augured or otherwise) holes as shown on the Draw- ings by rope sling or by grasping the cloth gather. The anode lead wire shall not be used in lowering the anodes. The anode shall be backfilled with fine native excavated soil (imported sand or other select backfill shall not be allowed) in six- inch layers and each layer shall be hand tamped around the anode. Care must be exercised not to strike the anode or lead wire with the tamper. After the anode has been backfilled approximately halfivay, a minimum of ten gallons of fresh water shall be added and allowed to soak into and around the anode. After water absorption by the anode and surrounding soil, continue backfilling and tamping with native soil to a point approximately six inches above the anode. Add another ten gallons minimum of fresh water and allow to soak into the soil. After the wa- ter has soaked in, backfilling and soil compaction may be completed to the top of the hole. Anodes shall be installed as shown herein. TEST STATIONS A. The CONTRACTOR shall install cathodic protection test stations as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. B. Test stations shall be installed directly over the pipe unless otherwise specified. C. Test station wiring shall be arranged and completed as described herein. Wire connections to the test station terminal boards for conductor sizes of #8 AWG and larger shall be made with single hole terminal lugs of corrosion resistant bronze, copper, or nickel plated brass similar to Blackbum Type L (socket), Square D Company Type LU, Burndy SCRULUG Type KPA or other approved equal. D. Wire connections to the test station terminal boards for conductor sizes of #14 through #10 AWG shall be terminated with a properly sized uninsulated funnel entry support ring tongue compression connector similar to Panduit PNF or PV Series ring tongue connector, Burndy Type TN or TP Series ring tongue connec- tors, or other approved equal. Additionally, all wires shall be soldered to the ring tongue connectors. E. Test station wires shall be color coded as shown on the Drawings and specified herein and each wire shall be permanently identified using nylon marker tags and plastic cable ties. Marker tag identification shall be completed by using a water- proof ink nylon marker pen desigred specifically for this purposo and using block type lettering with the letter size to be a minimum of l/8" high and shall specify test station number, pipe diameter, pipe material, and pipe service. F. Test Station numbering shall be as indicated on the Drawings. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION J.J I t I I I I I I I 331293 05-26-06 3.4 WIRE CONNECTIONS TO BURIED PIPING Test station wire and joint bond wire connections to buried piping shall be ac- complished by exothermic welding. The surface of the pipe shall be cleaned with a grinder or metal file to a bright, shiny condition. The exothermic weld shall be completed using the appropriate weld charge and welder as per the manufacturer's recommendations. A properly sized copper wire sleeve shall be installed around the bare wire end of all prior to welding to improve weld strength and thermal ca- pacity. Completed welds shall be capable of withstanding moderate hammer blows. The tlpe of weld metal to be used is different for cast iron pipe and steel pipe. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the appropriate weld metal charges are used for each type ofpipe material. For ductile iron pipe, after cooling, the weld and sunounding cleaned metal sur- face shall be heavily coated with a cold applied mastic compound. The pipe joint with the installed bond wires shall then be encased in polyethylene wrap. For steel pipe, after cooling, the weld and surrounding cleaned metal surface shall be lightly coated with a cold applied mastic compound or pipeline coating primer and covered with an exothermic weld cap. Pipeline tape wrap shall then be ap- plied as necessary. 3.5 WIRE SPLICE CONNECTIONS Buried splice connections of anode and/or test station wires shall be completed with a splice connection kit specifically designed for that purpose Installation of the splice connection kit shall be completed per the manufacturers instructions with the exception that the wires shall also be soldered to the crimpit connector aft er ti ghtenin g. ELECTRICAL ISOLATION A. Electrical isolation of the buried piping shall be accomplished by the use of insu- lating flange kits or other approved dielectric fittings to be installed at designated locations where as shown on the Drawings. JOINTBONDING All ductile iron pipe joints, except those specified to be insulating joints, shall be bonded to ensure electrical continuity. SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION A. I 3l I B. I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I T c. D. B. 3_6 3.7 A. 33 12 93 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 05-2646 B. c. All nonwelded steel pipe joints, except those specified to be insulating joints, shall be bonded to ensure electrical continuity. Two bond wires shall be installed at each joint and shall be stranded copper ll4 AWG T1rye HMWPE as shown on the Drawings. 3.8 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS Upon completion of the cathodic protection system installation work, the CON- TRACTOR shall perform testing to ensure proper operation of the system. l. On water storage reservoir projects, initial testing shall be conducted prior to floor slab i floor plate construction. Inadequate pipejoint continuity and/or cathodic protection levels due to defective or incorrect installation work shall be corrected by and at the sole expense ofthe CONTRACTOR. END OF SECTION SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION B. 33 l2 93 I I I I I I T t I I I t I I I SECTION 33 13 00 DISINTECTION OF WATER SYSTEMS PARTT GENERAL I.I DESCRIPTION A. The work to be performed includes the cleaning and disinfection of potable water pipelines. B. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all materials, labor, tools and equipment necessary for pipeline disinfection in accordance with this Specification and the requirements ofthe Colorado Department of Health. C. It is the intent that this Specification conforms to all Federal, State and local requirements for pipeline chlorination and testing, The CONTRACTOR is responsible for coordination with all agencies having regulatory authority over the acceptability of the chlorination and disinfection. D. Chlorination and disinfection is a condition for acceptance for payment and project completion and acceptance. 1.2 ST]BMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a written plan for disinfection of pipelines to the ENGINEER for review and acceptance at least one week prior to work being performed. B. Labels on containers shall have proper precautionary information that material is a strong oxidizing agent and that contact with heat, acids, organic or combustible materials could cause Iire. I.3 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Storage shall be in a cold, dark, dry and secure area. Extreme care shall be exercised in handling of hypochlorites. 1.4 QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Water Works Association (AWWA) 1. AWWA C65l - Disinfecting Water Mains2. AWWA 8300 - Standard for Hlpochlorites3. AWWA B30l - Standard for Liquid Chlorine4- AWWA Manual M3 - Safety Practice for Utilities T I I I 33 13 00 DISINFECTION OF WATER SYSTEMS II AWWA Ml2 - Simplified hocedures for Water Examination AWWA Manual M20 - Water Chlorination Principles and Practices PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 Hypochlorites: Reference AWWA 8300 PART3 EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit, at one week in advance, a written plan and corresponding diagrams for each of the following procedures: Initial filling/ flushing, disinfection, final flushing and dechlorination, and hydrostatic testing. B. Any valve proposed to be used for any reason, which may allow contamination of functioning potable water systems shall only be operated by qualified OWNER personnel or in the presence of qualified OWNER's personnel. C. The CONTRACTOR shall properly disinfect all new waterlines and system components prior to placing them in service, in accordance with AWWA C651. D. The CONTRACTOR shall take appropriate measures during the construction of the work so as to prevent contamination of all pipelines and system components at all times. If in the opinion of the OWNER and/or ENGINEER, contamination has occurred, all systems shall be flushed before disinfecting. E. If in the opinion of the OWNER or ENGINEER, dirt or debris has entered the system that will not be removed by the flushing operation, the interior of the pipe shall be cleaned by mechanical means and then shall be swabbed with a I percent hypochlorite disinfection solution. Cleaning with the use of a pig, swab, or "go- devil" should be undertaken only when such operation will not force mud or debris into pipejoint spaces. F. Care shall be taken to prevent the disinfectant solution from flowing back into existing pipelines in service. The OWNER shall operate existing valves and shall limit velocities to 2 frs. G. If it is not possible to keep the pipe and fittings dry during installation, every effort shall be made to assure that any of the water that may enter the pipe joint spaces contains an available chlorine concentration of approximately 25 mg/|. This may be accomplished by adding calcium hypochlorite granules to each length ofpipe before it is lowered into a wet trench. H. If the main is flooded during construction, it shall be cleared of the flood water by shall then be filled with a chlorinated potable water which at the end of a 24-hour 5. 6. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I tI 33 13 00 DISINFECTION OF WATER SYSTEMS T l. 3. B. 3.2 J.J I I I I T I T I I I I t I I I T I I I holding period will have a free chlorine residual of not less than 25 mg/I. The chlorinated water may then be drained or flushed from the main. After construction is completed, the main shall be disinfected using the continuous feed or slug method. I. If permanent air vents are not available, the CONTRACTOR shall install corporation stops at higb points in the waterline, in order to evacuate air. J. All corporation stops, which were installed to facilitate evacuation of air from the water main, shall be removed and plugged after the water main is filled. IMTIAL FLUSHING/FILLING A. Flush pipelines in order to remove foreigrr material prior to chlorination. METHODS In general, apply chlorine using continuous feed method. L The tablet method may NOT be used unless prior written review and approval is obtained from the ENGINEER . Continuous Feed Method The continuous feed method consists of injecting a chlorine solution in the main after construction and filling the main with potable water chlorinated so that after a 24-hour holding period in the main there will be a free chlorine residual of not less than l0 mg/I. Prior to being chlorinated, the main shall be filled to eliminate air pockets and shall be flushed to remove particulates. Chlorinating the main a. Water from the existing distribution system or other approved source of supply shall be made to flow at a constant, measured rate into the newly laid water main. b. At a point prior to the potable water connection to the new main, water entering the new main shall receive a dose of chlorine fed at a constant rate such that the water will have not less than 25-mg/l free chlorine. To assure that the proper concentration is provided, the injection chlorine solution shall be metered and tested in accordance with the procedures described in the current edition of Standard Methods or AWWA Ml2, Simplified Procedures for Water Examination, or using appropriate chlorine test kits. During the application of chlorine, valves shall be positioned so that the strong chlorine solution in the main being treated will not flow into water 33 13 00 4. DISINFECTION OF WATER SYSTEMS 3.4 mains in active service. Chlorine application shall not cease until the entire main is filled with heavily chlorinated water. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the main for at least 24-hours, during which time all valves and hydrants in the section treated shall be operated in order to disinfect the appurtenances. At the end of this 24-hour period, the keated water in all portions of the main shall have a residual of not less than lG mg/l free chlorine. 5. The preferred equipment for applying liquid chlorine is a solution feed vacuum-operated chlorinator to mix the chlorine gas in solution water, in combination with a booster pump for injecting the chlorine gas solution water into the main to be disinfected. It is recommended that direct feed chlorinators not be used. (A direct feed chlorinator is one, which operates solely from the pressure in the chlorine cylinder.) Hypochlorite solutions may be applied to the water main with a gasoline or eleckically powered chemical feed pump designed for feeding chlorine solutions. Feed lines shall be of such material and strength as to withstand safely the corosion caused by the concentrated chlorine solutions and the maximum presslue that may be created by the pumps. All connections shall be checked for tightness before the solution is applied to the main. FINAL FLUSHING AND DECHLORINATION Clearing the Main of Heavily Chlorinated Water 1. After the applicable retention period, the heavily chlorinated water shall be flushed from the main until chlorine measurement show that the concentration in the water leaving the main is no higher than the generally prevailing in the system, which is one (l) mg/1. Disposing of Heavily Chlorinated Water l. A reducing agent shall be applied to the water lo be wasted to neutralize thoroughly the chlorine residual remaining in the water. Where necessary, federal, state, and local regulatory agencies should be contacted to determine special provisions for the disposal of heavily chlorinated water.2. Chlorine residual of water being disposed will be neutralized by treating with one of the following chemicals. 3. Pounds of chemicals required to neulralize various residual chlorine concentrations in 100,000 gallons of water. I d I I I I I I I I I t I t l I B. I I 33 13 00 DISINFECTION OF WATER SYSTEMS T I 3.5 lj I I t I I I 3.6 I I I t I I I T I I I RESIDUAL CHLORINE CONCENTRATION MG/L SULFUR DIO)ilDE s02 SODIUM BISTILFATE NaIIS03 SODITIM SULFITE Na2S03 SODII.JM THIOSULFATE Na2S203 5H20 I 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.2 2 t.7 2.5 2.9 2.4 l0 8.3 12.5 14.6 12.0 50 4t.7 62.6 73.0 60.0 C. Location of disposing dechlorinated water during any flushing of pipelines will need prior approval from the OWNER or OWNER Representative. D. NO chlorine residual will be permitted in water "disposed" during dechlorination process. "Disposed" water shall be continually monitored to assure no chlorine is present. BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTS A. The OWNER, with assistance from the CONTRACTOR, shall collect samples from the pipeline after final flushing, and prior to pressure testing and placing waterlines in service, to test for bacteriological quality to show the absence of coliform organisms. B. The bacteriological tests performed by the OWNER necessitates a minimum of 48 hours to determine results. This allows samples to be collected only from Monday through Wednesday between 7:30 A.M. and 3:30 P.M. If samples must be collected outside of designated schedules, approval will be at the OWNER's discretion. C. The number and frequency of samples shall be determined by OWNER based upon AWWA C651. RTPETITION OF PROCEDLIRE A. If initial disaffection, or subsequent disinfecting, fails to produce satisfactory samples; the main shall be reflushed and resampled. If the samples are still not satisfactory, the main shall be rechlorinated by the continuous feed or the slug method ofchlorination until satisfactory results are obtained. B. If the residual is less than l0 milligrams per liter the waterlines shall be rechlorinated by the continuous feed method of chlorination and retested. END OFSECTION 33 13 00 DISINFECTION OF WATER SYSTEMS I I , - sECrIoN 33 14 oo PIPELINE IIYDROSTATIC TESTING I PARTT GENERAL I l.l woRK TNCLUDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, tools and equipment necessary for t performing hydrostatic testing of water pipelines and coordinate with all applicable agencies. I B. The. work shall be performed after acceptance of water pipeline disinfecfion I resrrng. It C. Pipelines such as water transmission pipelines having an intemal pressure other ,- than that caused by gravity are defined as pressure pipelines. r- D. Pipelines such as floor drains, solid wall underdrain and sanitary sewer pipelines are defined as gravity pipelines. r.2 QUALTTY STANDARDS I A. AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances I PARr2 NorusED I PART3 EXECUTION I 3.I IIYDROSTATIC TESTING FOR WATER PIPELINE PRESSURE SYSTEMSI I A. General L Hydrostatic testing shall take place only after disinfection of the pipeline has be satisfied and all chlorinated water has been flushed from the section ofpipeline being tested.2. Water remaining in the section being hydrostatic tested shall not have residual chlorine concentrations exceeding one (l) mg/I.3. All visible leaks are to be repaired regardless of the testing allowance. B. Pressure l. All water distribution and transmission pipelines, except those under a water storage tank slab, shall be field pressure tested to not less than 1.50 I 33 t4oo I t T I I PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING I times the working pressure at the highest point or 150 psi, which ever is greater, unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. Water storage tank underslab pipelines, including inlet, outlet, overflow and drain, shall be field pressure tested to 50 psi unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. The gravity overflow pipeline inside the tank shall be tested by filling to the overflow level. See Paragraph3.Z. C.Notification The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER 48 hours prior to perfomrance of field pressure tests. All field pressure tests shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER Test Preparation l. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all equipment necessary for testing including calibrated meter, pump and pump reservoir. 2. The pipeline shall have passed the chlorination testing procedures described in SECTION 02665 - DISINFECTION OF WATER SYSTEMS. 3. All bulkfieads, pumps, valves, taps for blow-offs and appurtenances necessary to fill the pipeline and maintain the required pressure shall be in- place. 4. The ENGINEER or the OWNER shall operate any valves that connect the pipeline to the distribution or transmission system. 5. Underslab pipelines, such as the tank drain pipeline, shall be pressure tested prior to placing floor slab concrete. Pipeline Filling L The pipeline shall be filled with water and the test pressure applied to the water in the pipeline by means of a pump equipped with an appropriate pressure regulator. The pipeline shall be filled at a rate that will prevent surges or at a rate greater than that air can be released from taps, blow-offs or air release valves. 2. Concrete pipelines shall filled and a maintained full for a time period of 48 hours prior to field pressure testing. 3. All air shall be purged from the pipeline. Where blow-offs or hydrants are not available of effective in purging air from the pipeline, the CONTRACTOR shall install a tap(s) to purge air from the pipeline. The location and size of the tap(s) shall be accepted by the ENGINEER prior to tapping and filling the pipeline. J. l. 2. I I T I I t I I I t t I I I D. E. t I I33 14 00 PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING r IT I F. Testing I l. Testing through fire hydrants is not permitted. Fire hydrant branch valves I shall be open for the test. I 2. Stub-out isolation valves shall be open for the test. 3. After the pipeline is filled and all air removed from the pipeline the I pressure test shall be commenced.I 3. While test pressure is maintained, the pipeline shall be visually reviewed _ for leaks or unacceptable deformations due to tlrust. .. 4. Any deficiencies such as cracked pipe or fittings, leaking joints and unacceptable pipeline deformations shall be repaired or replaced as I 5. ffi"'iffi"il::H:j:ili!r1il""T,i1;ce piperine testing denciencies! including leak locating, pavement "utting, excavating and backfilling is included in the work. I 6. Duration a. After all visible leaks and deficiencies have been corrected, the pressure test shall be conducted for a continuous two-hour time period. 7. Leakage a. The amount of leakage during the two-hour time period shall be less than the values shown in the following formula: L: (S) x (D) x(poi)/r 33,200 Where; L: testing allowance (makeup water), in gallons per hour S: Length ofpipe in feet D: Diameter in inches P: average test pressure in pounds per squzre inch (psi) This formula is based on a testing allowance of I 1.65 gpd/mi/in, of nominal diameter at a pressure of 150 psi. b. Leakage shall be delined as the quantity of water that must be supplied into the pipeline test section to maintain pressure within 5 psi of 150 psi or 1.50 times the working pressure at the highest point, after any air has been expelled from the pipeline test section and the pipe has been filled with water. T I I I I I I I I I I 33 r4oo 3 PIPELINE HTDROSTATIC TESTING I 3.2 c. Leakage shall not be measured by a drop in pressure in a test section over a period of time. 8. All corp cocks and taps to the main line and all connection piping and valves required to make the test whether or not specified or shown in the Drawings shall be furnished and installed by the CONTRACTOR. 9. Test pressure shall not exceed the rated pressure of the valves when the pressure boundary ofthe test section includes closed, resilient-seated gate valves of butterfl v valves. I{YDROSTATIC TESTS TON CNAVNV SYSTEMS Fi[ing l. Fill the ssction of pipeline to be tested to the highest possible elevation with water and record the elevation. 2. Pipeline plugs and standpipes may be necessary if configurations are such that large basins or other structures at the pipeline ends makes it difficult to reproduce maximum static pressure conditions in the pipeline to be tested. 3- After a l-hour time period, the pipeline shall be filled to the test elevation. 4. kakage is defined as the quantity of water necessary to fill the test section to the original elevation. Acceptable Leakage 1 . Leakage shall be less than 2 gallons per inch diameter per 100 feet per 24 hows for buried gravity pipelines. 2. All visible sigrrs of leakage shall be corrected. END OFSECTION I T I I I I I I t I I I t t I B. t I 33 14 00 PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING I t, I SECTION 33 16 01 POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WATER STORAGE TAIIKS (WST's) PARTl GENERAL WORKINCLUDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, tools and equipment for the construc- tion of post-tensioned concrete potable rryater storage tanks as shown in the Draw- ings and as herein specified. B. See SECTION 0l 19 00 CONTRACTOR - SUBCONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS for specific experience requirements. C. The CONTRACTOR is required to self-perform the construction of the wall in- cluding formwork erection and concrete placement and roof formwork. D. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a floor and roof slab placement plan for the ENGINEER's review and approval. The plan shall detail the specif- ics of the placanent such as, positioning of the pumpers, number of crews, staff per crew, foremen, configuration of screeds relative to the slab area and ability to meet the specified time for the slab placements. GENERAL A. Rubber tired vehicles me not permitted on the reservoir floor slab unless it can be demonstrated that rubber from the vehicle tires will not'lnark" the concrete. Any marking that occurs regardless of source shall be thoroughly removed. Any vehi- cles used on the slab shall be "diapered" to prevent any fluids, such as oil or hy- draulic fluid, from coming in contact with the slab. B. The CONTRACTOR shall not use paint or other marking systems, such as crayon, on inside reservoir surfaces. The ENGINEER will require the thorough rernoval of any paint or crayon that is used. Appropriate testing and lab analysis of the concrete will be required by the OWNER after removal of the paint or marking to ensure that the concrete is not contaminated. These tests will be per- formed by an accredited lab at the CONTRACTOR's expense. The results of the tests shall be provided to the OWNER. C. Drilled inserts or concrete nails shall not be used in the concrete floor slab or top of column footings inside the tank to anchor formwork and formwork braces. Deadmen or other non-destructive means shall be used to support and brace formwork. POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's I r.r t I t I t I I I I I I I I I I t.2 33 l6 0l t 1.3 D. The CONTRACTOR shall keep a steel pipe tremie on site, flattened to facilitate concrete placement in the walls and columns. E. The floor and roofslab concrete shall be leveled using a vibrating screed. Hand screeds are unacceptable except on sloping surfaces that are greater than a 5Yo grade. F. Each placing crew shall be supervised by a non-laboring foreman, who is fluent in the language spoken by the crews, i.e., Spanish if the crew is made up of non- English speaking Hispanics. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. CONTRACTOR / zub-contractor Qualifications 1. The required long-term performance of the constructed water storage res- ervoir is directly related to the proper placement and consolidation of con- crete and the quality, proper placement and stressing ofthe post-tensioning steel. Considering these performance requirements, and the unique nature of the wall construction, the CONTRACTOR's personnel shall meet the following experience qualifications. a. The post-tensioning steel sub-contractor's superintendent shall have at least five years experience in placing and stressing post- tensioning and have been responsible as a superintendent for the placing and stressing of post-tensioning steel for a four million- gallon, or larger, reservoir within the last three years. The same individual shall superintend the work during the entire project. The superintendent shall be on the project full-time during all placing, stressing and grouting operations. b. The CONTRACTOR's superintendent shall be employed full-time on this project. A singular individual shall superintend the work during the entire Project. B. Concrete Supplier l. The CONTRACTOR's concrete supplier shall have either an ACI lnspec- tor Level-II, or ACI Concrete Laboratory Technician-Level I witl an ACI Field Testing Technician Level I with an ACI Field Testing Technician Certificate on site during the floor and roof slab concrete placernents to provide concrete quality control services, and if requested, on othsr con- crete placanents on this Project.2. The supplier shall also have at least one "truck boss" on-site during the floor and roof slab Placement. POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's .t I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t33 16 0l t.4 t I I I t I I I t I 1.5 1.6 I I I I I I I I I ALTERNATE POST-TENSIONING SYSTEMS A. Ducts and anchorages manufactured by VSL Corp. have been used by the ENGINEER to desigrr the structure, i.e., bursting steel and edge distances to a free concrete edge, and establish the quality and type ofbonded and un-bonded post- tensioning system components required. The VSL systerns as shown in the Draw- ings shall be included in the base bid. B. The ENGINEER and OWNER will evaluate the merits and add/deduct cost of any other system submitted in the alternate bid schedule in the proposal of the CONTRACTOR to be awarded the contract. C, Submittals for alternate systsms shall include complete technical documentation to enable the ENGINEER to become knowledgeable about the technical merits of the alternate systern, a list of water storage tank projects where the systan has been used and drawings illustrating any proposed deviations from the tendon loca- tions and spacings shown in the Drawings. Technical documentation shall in- clude information concerning friction and wobble coefficients, duct and cou- plings, strand i duct fretting characteristics, anchorage desigrr and supplernental reinforcing, installation procedures, corrosion protection and any special construc- tion considerations such as changes to the distance from the anchorage bearing plate to the free edge ofthe concr€te. D. Any re-desigrr required for an altemate post-tensioning system will be performed bythe ENGINEER al the CONTRACTOR'S expense. SUBMITTALS A. Tabulation of column heishts B. Wall form systern C. Column form system D. Ties for all forms, i.e., wall footing and walls E. Placernent plans CONSTRUCTION LOADS A. A ramp bridge may be constructed over the completed wall footing when the con- crete has reached desigl strength. The ramp bridge shall span from the sub-grade to the floor slab. Contact with the ring wall is unacceptable. Wall bearing(s) shall not be placed in the area of the ramp bridge until the ramp bridge is removed. The POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's 33 16 01 05-25-06 PART 2 B. C. footing / wall waterstop shall be protected from any damage by covering the wa- terstop with a l2-inch prpe cut in half. The CONTRACTOR shall submit wheel loads and wheelbase data for any con- struction vehicles to be used on the completed floor slab for review by the ENGINEER. Shoring removed from the tank after completion of the roof can be temporarily placed on the roof. However, the CONTRACTOR shall place the shoring in a manner to avoid overstressing the slab. PRODUCTS 2.1 CONCRETE A. See SECTION 03 30 00- CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE B. Calcium chloride ions shall not exceed 0.005% for the total concrete mix. The test for chloride ion content shall be in accordance with ASTM C 1218 - Test Method for Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete. 2.2 POST-TENSIONED BONDED TENDON SYSTEM GROUT A. For grout materials see SECTION 03 23 00 - POST-TENSIONING STEEL. B. See SECTION 03 23 0O - POST-TENSIONING STEEL for grout mixing proce- dures. WATER FORTENDON GROUT A. Only clean potable wat€r shall be used. B. A calibrated measuring device is required for measuring the proper amount of wa- ter to be added to grouts. WALL FORMS - (ALSO SEE SECTION 03 I I l3 - C-I-P-C FORMING) A. Symons hand set steel-ply concrete forms. B. Gates & Sons, Inc. gang forms with No. 9 or "V-Lock" style ties (with wa- terstops), or equal. l. "Pass through" style taper tie is unacceptable. 2. Inner ties with plastic sleeves are unacceptable. 3. Adjustable wall tie forming systems are unacceptable' POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's 2.4 33 l6 01 t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I D. 3.1 I I I T I I I I I t 3.2I I I I I I I I I 05-25{6 E. PART 3 4. 5. Form systems shall have a positive wall tie locking systern- Tendon locations shall not be moved to accommodate form ties. Form faces shall be in as new condition. Forms faces shall be fabricated from seven ply Medium Density Overlay (MDO) or better plywood. The ENGINEER shall visually review form zurfaces prior to erection and prior to each placement. Forms that are rejected shall be re-faced or replaced. EXECUTION GENERAL A. This section describes construction activities for earthwork, floor slab construc- tion, wall construction, roof slab construction and post-tensioning for floors slabs, walls and roof slabs. B. The provisions of this section are based on the success of other similar projects but are not meant to prohibit innovative approaches to post-tensioned WST con- struction. C. The CONTRACTOR may submit altematives for review to meet the requirernents discussed herein. EARTHWORK General L The existing ground surfaces around the excavation shall slope away from the excavation thus preventing runoff from flowing into the excavation. 2. Surface drainage shall be directed away from any ftmp area by appropriate grading and straw bale dams. 3. Ramps are not permitted above pipelines. 4. Ramps into the excavation shall be sloped to facilitate concrete truck and material delivery vehicles. 5. The excavation dimensions shall consider construction activities around the reservoir walls such as steel and form placement from scissors lifts. Where specific dimensions are shown in the Drawings, no variance is permitted. 6. Where a granular structural fill has been placed the CONTRACTOR shall be required to maintain the fill surface and remove non-granular materials, which slough onto the surface or me "tracked" onto the granular fill sur- face bv vehicles. POST.TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's 33 16 01 B. Materials Identification and Stockpiles 1. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for identifoing, separating and stock- piling of topsoil, granular soils, and clay soils as applicable. The OWNER witl provide guidance during reviews of work in progress to assist in the identification ofany granular soils to be used in fills. 2. The stockpiles shall be graded and maintained to keep the segregated ma- terials from sloughing, eroding and mixing with the other materials. Mate- rial slopes shall be in conformance with all appropriate safety regulations. C. Floor Slab Sub-srade l. The floor slab sub-grade shall be maintained during formwork and rein- forcing and post-tensioning steel placement to assure proper steel align- ment and profile, proper concrete thickness and required moisture cont€nt. Non-granular material that is "tracked" onto the surface or sloughed onto the surface shall be removed. Any mud that accumulates on the grade and reinforcing steel prior to concrete placement shall be thoroughly removed. 2. The tolerance for grade shall be + 112 inch, -ll2 inch. 3. The CONTRACTOR shall construct a temporary sump at the center, low point, of the floor slab grade, flush with the sub-grade. The sump may connect to the l8-inch &ain line. The purpose of the sump is to facilitate rainwater drainage during floor slab construction. The OWNER shall re- view and accept the CONTRACTOR's sump desigrr and plan. 4. The CONTRACTOR shall use heat and or other means of preventing the subgrade fiom becoming frozen. During winter months the subgrade shall be covered with tarps / blankets with sufficient capability to prevent frost from the subgrade and to facilitate rernoval of snow. D. WALL BACKFILL 1. Backfill may be placed against the wall footing during wall construction to facilitate placing wall reinforcing from scissor lifts. However, the backfill shall be kept at least 2-inches below the top offooting to prevent surface drainage from covering the wall-footing joint. Z. The tank shall be filled to the overllow level during wall backfill unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER. 3.3 CONCRETE PLACEMENT - GENERAL A. See SECTION 03 30 00 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE- POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST'S It I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I33 l6 0l l. 2. 3. 05-25{6I l t I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I t B. Concrete placernents shall not begin until the ENGINEER is satisfied with the placement and condition of the reinforcing and post-tensioning steel, post- tensioning anchorages and waterstops. Concrete shall be placed in accordance with referenced ACI standards. 3.4 FLOORAND ROOF SLAB CONSTRUCTION The construction of the floor and roof slabs includes placement of forms to lines and grades, reinforcing steel, post-tensioning steel and concrete placernent and fi nishing. From April through October, roof and floor slab concrete placement shall begin no earlier than 5:00 PM in the afternoon unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER. Placernents during the November through March time period shall be started no earlier than 11:00 AM unless otherwise ap- proved bythe ENGINEER. Permitted time a. Concrete shall be delivered and placed at a rate to complete place- ment of concrete (final screed) within a five hour time period for slabs < 48,000 square feet in area. b. For slabs larger than 48,000 square feet the Contractor will be al- lowed an additional hour for each additional 9,600 square feet or area. The time shall be rounded to the next highest half hour. For example, a 68,000 square foot slab is required to be placed in no more than seven hours. c. A change order to the contract will be required if the CONTRACTOR fails to complete the placement in the specified time, The OWNER has the right to reduce payment for the place- ment for the CONTRACTOR's failure to meet the requirernents of this specification. B.Waterstops L Floor-slab Wall Joint PVC Waterstop l) See SECTION 03 15 13.01 -PVCWATERSTOPS2) The PVC waterstop shall be properly tied to reinforcing steel at a maximum of one-foot centers. 3) Curved alignment of the portion of the waterstop outside of the slab concrete placanent shall be maintained by a rein- POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's 33 16 01 I C. forcing steel bm attached to the top of the waterstop. This bar shall be removed the day following concrete placernent. b. Chemical Grout WaterstoP l) See SECTION 03 15 13.02 - CHEMICAL GROUT WATERSTOPS 2) The chemical grout waterstop duct shall be securely at- tached to the PVC waterstop at one-foot intervals assuring contact between the waterstop and duct. 3) Gaps between the chemical grcut waterstop duct and the PVC waterstop are unacceptable. 4\ The CONTRACTOR shall attach the chemical grout wa- terstop ports to reinforcing steel or place a tie rod inside the port to assure alignment and support during concrete placement. 5) The ports shall extend at minimum of one-foot outside of the footing form. Floor and RoofSlab Unbonded Post-tensioned Steel and Reinforcing Steel Placernent L Reinforcing Steel a. All reinforcing steel shall be placed as shown in the Drawings and accepted reinforcing and post-tensioning steel submittals' b. See SECTION 03 2l 00-REINFORCING STEEL 2. Unbonded Tendon Placement a. b. See SECTION 03 23 10 - POST-TENSIONING STEEL The post-tensioning steel shall be unwound from pack racks and placed in the slab in a manner to avoid damaging the extruded plas- tic duct. Pack racks that damage the duct during strand pack un- winding shall be removed from the project. Unless otherwise permitted by the ENGINEER the CONTRACTOR shall tie |oh of the tendon / tendon intersections, 100% oftendon / reinforcing steel intersections, and 50% ofthe re- inforcing steel / reinforcing steel intersections. Tie wire "tail twists" shall be flattened to the post-tensioning and reinforcing steels prior to concrete placement. Tears in the extruded plastic duct shall be repaired on a daily basis during post-tensioning steel placernent. Horizontal plane tendon deviations around slab-penetrations, such as pipelines, shall have a minimum radius of 25-feet. The mini- POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's I I l I I I I I I I I I t I I I I d. 33 16 0r I I 05-2546 2. J. )- 6. 7. 9. 10. ll. D.I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I T I mum cle.rance to the pipe, or other appudenancg shall be six inches, unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. Concrete Placeinent l.The CONTRACTOR shall have at least one ironworker present (full+ime) for each concrete placing crew during concrete placement to secure wire ties that become loose during concrete placement, replace support chairs and perform other work related to the reinforcing steels to assure a prop€r installation meefing the intent of the design and Drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to moisten the floor slab sub-grade beginning 24 hours prior to, and maintained up to, the time floor slab con- crete is placed unless the inhoduction of water is likely to introduce frost into the subgrade, or in the opinion of the ENGINEER, otherwise interfere with the compaction of the subgrade. Floor and roof slab placanents can be made using a wet screed method. Stab gages can be used to establish the proper depth. The length ofwet screed shall be limited in order to assure that the placement edge rernains "fresh". Proper placement and consolidation is critical at post-tensioning anchor- ages to avoid anchorage blowout during stressing. Concrete shall be placed in even lifts on both sides of the wall footing - wall joint PVC waterstop to avoid displacing the waterstop from its proper alignment. The CONTRACTOR shall exercise caution to avoid damaging the cherni cal grout waterstop and grout port. During placernent of concrete on the roof slab the CONTRACTOR shall exercise caution to avoid hitting the bearing pad on top of the wall with the vibrator. Hitting the pad with the vibrator has been known to displace the pad sufficiently to allow bonding of the roof slab concrete to the wall concrete. Bonding ofroofslab concrete to the top ofthe wall is unaccept- able. Regardless of the time of year and need for cold weather protection, the CONTRACTOR shall place insulating blankets on the perimeter of the roof slab and down the vertical roof edge face to assist in concrete strength gain to permit early slab post-tensioning. When required by SECTION 03 39 00- CONCRETE CURING an evapo- rative retardant shall be applied as recommended by the manufacturer. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the slabs shall be finished with a light broom with a texture of t 1/16 inch maximum Curing a. See SECTION 03 39 00- CONCRETE CURING b. Unless otherwise permitted in writing by the ENGINEER concrete slabs shall be cured using a spray applied membrane cure conform- POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's 33 r6 0t t2. 3.5 ing to ASTM C 309 prior to placing white burlap-polyethylene sheeting conforming to ASTM C l7l- c. The membrane-curing compound shall be applied in as soon as practical upon completion of brooming. d. The sheet shall be applied within four hours of completion of the brooming. The edges of the sheeting shall be lapped a minimum of three inches. Sheeting shall be securely kept in place and continu- ously wet for a time period of seven days or until the concrete reaches 70% ofits design strength. e. When requested by the CONTRACTOR the ENGINEER may permit small areas of sheeting to be removed during working hours to facilitate subsequent activities such as hatch construction, wall form bracing and column footing construction' 13. In the event that shrinkage cracks develop, the crack shall be immediately covered with duct tape to prevent the entry of dirt and debris into the crack. 14- Shrinkage cracks wider than 0.010 inches after slab stressing shall be re- paired by the CONTRACTOR after completion of the slab stressing opera- tions. The means and methods of repair shall be submitted to the OWNER for review and acceptance. See SECTION 03 68 00 - CONCRETE CRACKREPAIR COLUMN CONSTRUCTION Forms l. Only fiberglass or steel forms are acceptable for use in column forming' 2. The CONTRACTOR shall brace column forms at mid-height and at the top of the column. Bracing shall be set at 90o so that column plumbness can be assured. 3. The CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate column plumbness prior to con- crete placanent. Column Height l. The CONTRACTOR shall tabulate column heights to be submitted for re- view and acceptance. 2. The column construction joint may project a maximum of l/4 inch into the roof slab. If the joint exceeds this amount of projection, the excess con- crete shall be carefully rernoved to within % inch of the correct elevation. No construction joints are permitted in the columns' Concrete Placernent POST.TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t B. C, D. 33 16 0l l0 I t I I I I I I I B. I I I I C.I I I D. I I I l. The CONTRACTOR shall use a solid wall steel pipe trernie to properly place the concrete in columns. 2. If steel forms are used, the forms shall be heated or cooled prior to place- ment to avoid thermal shock to the concrete. 3. Placernents shall be made in 3-foot maximum lifts. 3.6 WALL CONSTRUCTION A, General 1. Wall segment lenglhs shall be constructed per the Drawings. No devia- tions from the plan lengths shown in the Drawings will be permitted unless reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. Wall Natural Rubber Bearing Pads l. See SECTION 2212 44 - NATURAL RUBBER BEARING PADS 2. Thenatural rubberbearingpads shall be securely adhered to the concrete. 3. Prior to closing-up the outside wall face forms, the CONTRACTOR shall check the adhesion ofthe bearing pads. Vertical Wall Joints l. Hydrophilic Rubber Waterstop a. The hydrophilic waterstop shall be adhered to the wall with an ap- proved adhesive. b. No joints me permitted in this waterstop. c. The waterstop shall be terminated below the top of the wall as shown in the Drawings. 2. The concrete surfaces shall be clean and free ofsubstances that would in- hibit the bond of concrete. See SECTION 03 36 00 - CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. Reinforcing Steel and Tendon Placement l. General a. Post-tensioning tendon duct couplers and clamps shall be securely fastened to prev€nt the entry of concrete during concrete place- ment. b. Duct may be welded in lieu of using couplers if it can be shown that the joint is airtight. POST.TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's ll33 l6 01 Ducts shall be plugged with foam or duct tape to prevent the entry ofdebris, water and concrete during placing operations. The tape or foam shall be carefully removed immediately prior to placing wedges and stressing. Tendons Tendon duct shall be placed from scissor or boom lifts' Climbing on the duct shall be minimized. The intent is to avoid damage to the duct that could possibly result from ironworkers climbing on or restraining themselves to the ducts. The transition to anchorages shall be as shown in the Drawings. Horizontal reverse or sharp transition curyes are unacceptable' The tendon shall be placed within a tolerance of l/4 inch vertically and two inches horizontally. Where fewer strands are used in a multi-strand anchorage, i.e-, 9 strands in a 12 strand anchorage, and anchorage grout caps not used, the extra strand holes in the anchorage shall be carefully plugged as shown in the photograph to prevent the intrusion of concrete during anchorage block-out concrete placement prior to grouting. Proper eccenhicity shall be maintained throughout a tendon profile. aJ.Wall Form-Tie i Post-tensioning Duct Conflicts Wall form tie systons shall be designed to avoid conflicts between the tendon and wall form-ties. 4. TieFrequency a. Unless otherwise permitted by the ENGINEER the CONTRACTOR shall tie 100% of the tendon-tendon, 100% of the tendon-reinforcing steel and 50% of reinforcing steel-reinforcing steel intersections. b. All tie wire tails shall be flattened against the steel to prevent con- tact with the forms' Setting Outside Face Wall Forms L Prior to placing the outside wall forms the concrete and bearing pad sur- faces at the bottom of the wall shall thoroughly cleaned by compressed air or by other means necessary to completely remove all debris such as tie- wire, mud, sawdust and wood. POST.TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I t T a, b. 33 16 0l t2 I 2. J. 4. 1. 2. I I t I I I I T I ). A. B. C. I I I t I I T I t a. Any void area between the bearing pad and the PVC waterstop shall be carefully cleaned with compressed air and thoroughly filled with a polyurethane foam to prevent any wall concrete from coming in contact with the wall footing. b. Check to ensure that the foam has completely bonded to prevent floating during wall concrete placernent. Outside face hand set modular style wall forms shall be set using scissors litu. Personnel shall not climb on the tendon ducts or reinforcing steel to set forms. Care shall be exercised to avoid damaging or displacing the vertical ten- don grout and vent tubes when placing forms. The foam washer of the grout and vent ports should be sufficiently compressed to prevent concrete and cement paste from getting into the tubes. F.Wall Concrete Placement, Vibration and Finish Due to the requirernent for void and cold joint free concrete in wall con- crete placernents, the CONTRACTOR shall use personnel with prior ex- perience in placing and vibrating concrete in high thin wall construction. The same experienced personnel shall be responsible for vibrating and consolidating concrete in each wall segment concrete placement unless otherwise accepted by the ENGINEER. Wall placement concrete lift depths shall be limited to two feet or less. All wall segments shall be completed in a manner to permit shessing as soon as concrete compressive strengths permit. The intent is for each wall segment to have similar creep and shrinkage characteristics. Thus, delay- ing the last wall segment to permit roof-scaffolding access is not accept- able. The top of the wall shall have a smooth trowel finish. Grind or grout the top of the wall to rsmove roughness, surface inegularities, and fins caused by the post-tensioning anchorage pocket and grout from vertical tendon grouting. 3.7 PREPARATION FOR STRESSING OF POST-TENSIONING STEEL TENDONS The anchorages shall be cleaned and determined to be free of concrete and any other debris that could inhibit proper seating ofthe wedges. Wedges shall be carefully placed to assure reasonably even seating. The CONTRACTOR shall mark the concrete next to each tendon anchorage with the tendon identification number shown in the drawings prior to stressing. POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's 3. 4. 33 16 0l l3 t Each strand of a monoshand jacked tendon or one strand of a multi-strand jacked tendon shall be marked with a saw to aid elongation measurement. Water-soluble paint or crayon is unacceptable for marking the tendon for elongation measure ment. The saw cut mark shall be made in a location so as to not affect tendon strength. The CONTRACTOR shall, if requested by the ENGINEER, check the tendon ducts for blockages using compressed air, after concrete is placed and forms re- moved, 3.8 TENDON STRESSING General 1. See SECTION 03 23 l0- POST-TENSIONING STEEL Floor and Roof Slab Tendon Stressing l. The slab tendons shall be half-stressed when the compressive strengtl of the slab has been determined to be greater than 60 percent ofthe anchor- age capacity. 2. Tendons less than ll0 feet in length shall be stressed from one end with adjacent tendons stressed from alternate ends. Tendons greater than I l0 feet in length shall be stressed from both ends. The first and second "pull" ofadjacent tendons shall be made from opposite tendon ends unless oth- erwise permitted by the ENGINEER. 3. When the concrete has reached a compressive shenglh great€r than I l0 percent ofthe anchorage capacity the tendons shall be fully stressed- Wall Tendon Stressing l. General a. Ifthe wall has a vsrtical and horizontal tendon configuration, vedi- cal tendons shall be stressed facked) prior to horizontal tendons. b. Any formwork under the wall including materials such as foam, plywood, sand etc., shall be removed prior to stressing the wall ten- dons. c. The formwork materials under the wall shall be physically re- moved. The use of an open flame, such as a weed bumer propane torch, or other method of removing the material that could poten- tially harm the natural rubber bearing pads, is unacceptable' 2. Vertical Tendons POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's D. B. I t I T I t I I t I t 1 t I I I C. I 33 16 0l l4 I t 3. F. I I I t t I I T I I I I I I I I ! Jacked with Mono-strand Ram l) Vertical strands shall be stressed as follows: Proceeding clockwise around the reservoir, one strand shall be stressed at each anchorage to seat the anchorage. When the "rota- tion" has been completed stress and measure the elongation ofa second strand at the origin anchorage. 2) Proceed clockwise around the reservoir, stress and measure the elongation ofa second strand at each anchorage. 3) Repeat the "rotation" as required to complete the stressing ofall the strands in the vertical tendons. b. Jacked with Mulfi-strand Ram l) Stress every fourth tendon proceeding clockwise around the reservoir. 2) When the rotation is complete stress the next tendon adja- cent to the first tendonjacked. 3) Repeat the rotation for a total offour cycles around the res- ervoir to complete the stressing of the vertical tendons. Horizontal Tendons a. A horizontal tendon stressing sequence shall be used that will re- sult in minimum adverse conditions to the structure. b. Horizontal tendons shall be stressed fromboth ends. c. The stressing sequence shall be submitted for review and accep- tance. 4. Draped tendon configurations a. The CONTRACTOR shall follow the stressing sequence shown on the Drawings Tendon Grouting l. Tendon grouting shall be performed within five days of stressing and completed within l0 days of tendon stressing. 2. In the case of walls, tendon stressing shall be completed prior to any grout- ing. 3. A grout manufacturer's re,presentative shall be present during the initial mixing and pumping of the grout to assist with the proper preparation and performance of the grouting. Tendon Anchorage pockets POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE WST's 33 r6 0r l5 I l. See SECTIoN03 67 00-GROUTFORPTANCHORAGEPOCKET* '"-f END OF SECTION 33 16 0l 16 :8ififfiH'fi,i+t I I t-, I 0l -3 | -04 PART 1 SECTION 331620 WATER STORAGE TATIK (WST) CLEAI\ING, DISINFECTING A}[D TESTING GENERAL WORKINCLUDED A. This section of the Specifications will govern the cleaning, disinfection and test- ing of the tank. All appurtenant operations involving cleaning, disinfecting and testing shall be done in strict conformance with the Drawings and other terms and conditions of the Contract. All standard specifications made a portion of these Specifications by reference shall be the latest edition and revision thereof. B. It is the intent of this Specification to be in conformance with AWWA C652 and all local, state, and federal standards. In the event a conflict occurs between this Specification and AWWA C652 and/or the local, state or federal regulation, AWWA C652 or the local, state or federal regulation shall in all cases prevail. C. Unless otherwise determined by the ENGINEER, the tank shall be complete and ready to be placed into service prior to cleaning disinfecting and testing. All hatches and vents shall be in place. Dwing testing the tank shall be kept locked, except during measurement of the change in water level, and security systems and procedures in place to prevent contamination of the stored water. QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Water Works Association (AWWA) 1 . C652 - Disinfection of Water-Storage Facilities 2. Dll5 - Circular Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks with Circumferential Tendons Arnerican Concrete Institute (ACI l. ACI 350.1 - Tightness Testing of Environmental Engineering Concrete Sfructures PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL Materials used in the work shall conform and meet the requirements for the class and type of material named. WSTCLEANING DISINFECTING AND TESTING B. l.l 1.2 I I t I I I ! I I ; I I I I I I PART 2 33 t6 20 I0l-31-04 2.2 FORMS OF CHLORINE A. The forms of chlorine that may be used in the disinfecting of the tank are liquid chlorine and sodium hlpochlorite solution. PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 WATER AVAILABILITY A. Water for water tightness testing may not be available when conshuction of the water storage tank is complete due to variables in system facility operation. B. The Conkact Time for the completion of the water storage tank will be extended should this occur. However, the OWNER will not be liable for costs associated with any suspension in the CONTRACTOR's work due to water not being avail- able. 3.2 CLEANING A. All scaffolding, tools, and any other material, which is not part of the structure or operating facility of the tank, shall be removed. B. After the ENGINEER has reviewed the tank, the floor shall swept clean, and the swfaces of the walls, floor, and roof cleaned thoroughly using a high-pressure (200 psi or higher) waterjet. C. All water, dirt, and foreign material accumulated in these cleaning operations shall be discharged through the floor drain or otherwise removed. D. The inleVoutlet pipe shall be capped to prevent entry of dirt and foreigrr matter during the cleaning operations. E. Following cleaning, the vent screens shall be checked for correct placement to prevent birds, insects, and other contaminants from entering the facility. The hatches shall be kept closed after cleaning and locked during non-working hours. 3.3 DISINFECTING A. After the cleaning operations are complete the ENGINEER shall review the tank prior to the disinfecting procedure. After the review, the CONTRACTOR shall disinfect the tank using AWWA C652, Chlorination Method 2, summarized as follows: I I I I T I I I T I T I I II WST CLEANING DISINFECTING AND TESTING I I 33 t6 20 A. B. C, 3.4 I t I I t T I I I I t I t T I I I I I 0r-3r44 B. A solution of 200-mglL available chlorine shall be applied directly to all the sw- faces of the tank, including the floor, walls, underside of roof, and exposed piping such as the overflow and wash down piping. C. The chlorine solution shall be applied by spray equipment, and shall thoroughly coat all surfaces, and shall be applied to any separate drain piping such that it will have available chlorine of not less than 10 mgll- when filled with water. D. The disinfected surfaces shall remain in contact with the strong chlorine solution for at least 30 minutes, but no more than eight hours, after which potable water may be admitted into the tank. The drain pipeline purged of highly-chlorinated water and the tank filled for bacteriological and watertightness testing. TESTING-GENERAL After the water storage tank has been cleaned and disinfected the CONTRACTOR shall conduct tightness testing. Backfill shall not be placed until after an acceptable tightness test. Unless otherwise permitted by the OWNER the water storage tank shall be filled at a rate ofno more than four feet per day. l. Higher fill rates may be possible but depend upon the preliminary water tightness of the water storage tank and the ability of the OWNER to pro- vide water for filling and testing and also meet demands in the water sys- tem. The water storage tank shall pass both the quantitative and visual tightness tests. The ENGINEER will determine the testing time period after assessing the initial overall performance of the tank testing. The ENGINEER may terminate the tightness test ii in his opinion, the tank ap- pears exhemely watertight or if it appears that the tank will fail the quantitiative or visible water tightness test. The ENGINEER may also terminate the testing early if the OWNER desires to place the tank in service to meet system operation needs. The test shall meet the requirements of AWWA Dl 15 Class A water tightness and ACI 350.1 HST as modified to 0.0125%o and HST-VIO criteria also as modified herein. WST CLEANING DISINFECTING AND TESTING D. E. F. G. 33 16 20 I0l-3144 If the quantitative loss of water is acceptable, but visible water loss is unaccept- able, the testing shall not be considered acceptable until all visible signs ofwater loss are corrected. J. Hydrophilic waterstops that are used in the vertical wall joints may require up to 35 days to perform as intended. Water loss through vertical wall joints shall be monitored by the ENGINEER to determine waterstop performance and accept- ability for a passing test. K. The hydrophobic waterstop used at the wall - footing joint may experience some water loss after grout injection until the grout has sufficient time to react to the presence of water. Similar to the hydrophilic waterstop, any water loss shall be monitored by the ENGINEER to determine waterstop performance and accept- ability for a passing test. L. If the wall of the water storage tank is to receive a rubbed or grout finish the finish work shall not be performed until after the tightness testing is completed. QUANTITATIVE WATER TIGHTNESS TESTING A. After the water storage tank is filled to within three inches of the overflow level, or a level acceptable to the ENGINEER, the water storage tank shall be permitted to remain full for a period up to three days after which the water tightness test shall be conducted for a time period ranging from two days to seven days or until the time period is exceeded for the Class A criteria. B. Depending on the tank capacity and apparent performance of the tightness testing, the ENGINEER may shorten or lengthen testing time period. C. The ENGINEER may waive or reduce the three-day water/concrete absorption time period depending on the time taken to fill the tank. D. The loss of water shall be determined by measuring the drop in the water surface in the water storage lank. E. The ENGINEER may conduct an evaporation test concurrently with the water tightness test. F. The acceptable loss of water during the water tightness test time period shall be equal to or less than that specified in AWWA Dl15 Class A criteria and in ACI 350. I reduced to 0.0125o/o. G. If the loss of water exceeds the acceptable quantitative loss during the testing time period, but the trend in water loss is improving, the ENGINEER may re-start the test. WST CLEANING DISINFECTING AND TESTING I I I I 3.5 I I T I I I I I I I It I33 t6 20 I t I T I l I I I I B. 3.7 t t t T I I I I I 0t-31-04 H. If a failing quantitative test occurs, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for determining and remedying the cause of test failure. The ENGINEER shall re- view and accept the CONTRACTOR's recommendations prior to performing any repair work. 3.6 VISUALWATERTIGHTNESSTESTING A. Visual Water Loss l. Visual water loss through concrete structure components, such as walls, and from features such as joints and tie holes is cause for visual testing failure. 2. Visual water loss is defined in ACI 350.1 3. Regardless of a passing visual test any damp spots in exposed surfaces such as walls shall be repaired. a. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the means and meth- ods ofrepair. b. The ENGINEER shall review and accept the CONTRACTOR's recommendations prior to performance of the repair work. c. Damp spots shall be repaired prior to performing any surface finish work, such as a rubbed or grout finish. B. The ENGINEER has the sole responsibility and authority to determine and define visual water loss. RE-TESTING If the water storage tank is drained to remedy the cause of water loss, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for refilling and re-testing the water storage tank. The CONTRACTOR shall be charged the current rate for water consumed to per- form the re-test. 3.8 BACTERIALOGICAI TESTING Bacteriological ("Bac-T") and residual chlorine testing shall be performed by the OWNER after the tank is full and prior to placing the tank into operation. In the event of failing BactT tests, the CONTRACTOR will be required to perform all work necessary to drain, clean and re-disinfect the tank at no additional expense to the OWNER. Passing Bact-T tests are a requirement for acceptance of the WORK. WST CLEANING DISINFECTING AND TESTING B. 33 t620 0l-3t{x C. If the CONTRACTOR has to drain the tank in order to further clean and disinfect the tank, discharged water shall be de-chlorinated and all permits obtained prior to emptying the tank, unless othsr$'ise permitted by the OWNER END OFSECTION WST CLEANING DISINFECTING AND TESTING I I I T I I I I I I I I I Nj I 331620 I I I rc-2743 SECTION 33162l WATER STORAGE TAr\K (WST) STAFF GAGE PART 1 GEIYERAL I 1.1 WORKINCLTTDED I A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, tools and equipment to provide and I install a staff gage for water level measurement. I r.z euALrrY STANDARDS.l A. American Societv for Testine and Materials .It 1 ASTM D 256 - Test Method for Determining the Pendulum Impact Resis- ' tance of Notched Specimens of Plasticr : fiTM3il3_;::lM:H:lfrll'"T,Tif.'""#xfi:iilH[: - 4. ASTM D 695 - Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics5. ASTM D 785 - Test Method for Rockwell Hardness of Plastics and Elec- trical Insulating Materials t 6. ASTM D 790 - Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and t Reinforced Plastics and Electrical lnsulating Materials7. ASTM D 792 - Test Method for Specific Gravity (Relative Density) and I Density of Plastics by Displacement I I.3 GAGELENGTH I I I t I T I A. The gage shall extend from three feet above the outlet pipe elevation to the high water level as shown in the Drawings. B. The gage shall be marked to indicate water depth with the starting point equal to 0.00 at the outlet water level. The gage shall have separate figures indicating wa- ter depth in one-foot increments. 1.4 DELMERY,STORAGEANDHANDLING A. Deliver materials in original, tightly sealed containers or unopened packages with the manufacturer's name, Iabels and product identification. B. Materials shall be stored in a secure, dry area until installed. I 33 rczl WST STAFF GAGE 10-2743 I.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall SUBMITTATS. PART2 MATERIALS be made in accordance with SECTION 01 33 00 - I j I I I 2.1 ACRYLIC SHEET - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES A. The gage shall be constructed of acrylic sheet meeting the following specifications Property ASTM Method Typical Value Specific Gravity D'792 57 PCF Tensile Shength D 638 10,000 psi Elongation at rupture D 638 4.5% Young's Modulus D 638 400,000 psi Flexural Strength D790 17,000 psi Compressive Strength (vield) D 695 17,000 psi hnpact Strength D 256 0.4 lbs. per inch of notch Rockwell Hardness D 785 M-93 Water Absorption D 570 0.2 Odor None Taste None ACCEPTABLE MA}IUIFACTURER A. Acrylite GP by American Cyanamid or approved equal. B. The gage materials and/or manufacturer of the gage are available from A.I.A. Plastics, lnc.,290 East 56th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80216, and telephone 303- 296-9696. COLOR A. The acrylic sheet shall be white. MARKING SYSTEM A. The depth numbers and level bars shall be marked using Tnemec Series 20 (Pota- Pox) l2ll (red). STAINLESS STEEL WEDGE ANCHORS t t I I I 2.4 2.5 I I I I t t I I I33 t6 2l WST STAFF GAGE I I l0-27-03 A. PART 3 Red Head byITW Ramset or approved equal. Anchor type "SW-W', 316 stainless steel. EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 J.J I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I GENERAI, A. The acrylic sheets shall be provided in 8-foot long segments plus a partial segment to complete the gage length. B. The acrylic sheet shall be lightly roughened with sandpaper prior to painting the gage to promote mechanical bond of the paint to the sheet. The acrylic sheet must be clean, dry, and free of oil, grease and other contaminants that will prevent bond of the paint. C. The gage shall extend from above the wall footing elevation to six inches below the top of the wall. The starting point shall be labeled as shown in the Drawings. D. Individual segments of the sheets shall be separated by l/8-inch to permit thermal expansion and contraction to take place without buckling of the sheets PLACEMENT A. The staff gage shall be placed on the wall that permits the best view from the inlet pipeline roofopening, taking in account sunlight entering the opening. ATTACHMENT The Plexiglas board shall be mounted using stainless steel wedge anchors. The Plexiglas board shall be mounted at least two inches clear from the wall to permit washdown and cleaning behind the board. The wedge anchor embedment length, L, shall be < | l12 inches. END OF SECTION 33 t62l WST STAFF GAGE t 03-2344 l, I sEcrIoN 331622 WATER STORAGE TANK VENTS PARTI GENERAL I 1.I WORKINCLUDED I A. This section of the specificafions will govern furnishing and installing of all waterI storage reservoir vents, including labor, materials, fabrication, and installation. I B. Coating systems for vent surfaces potentially in contact with stored water shall ber in accordance with NSF Standard 61. See SECTION 09 91 00 - PAINTING AND PROTECTTVE COATINGS. - 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS I A. American Welding Society (AWS) I 1. ANSVAWS Dl.l - Structural Welding Code I 2. Welding Handbook - Materials and Applications - Part I I B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) I I . A 36 - Specification for Carbon Structural Steel I 2. A276 - Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes I 3. A 478 - Specification for Chromium-Nickel Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Weaving and Knitting Wire I 4. A 484 - Specification for General Requirements for Stainless Steel Bars,t Billets, and Forgings I 5. *jtir;tfmfication for General Requirernents for Stainless Steel Wire I 6. A 941 - Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloys and Fenoalloysr 3: 3i31;TJit"-T!i:##f,tTf.iltilTi;ffi1"cr.* 9. F 593 - Specification for Stainles Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws and Studs - C. American Institute for Steel Construction (AISC) I l. Steel Construction Manual I D. American Water Works Association (AWWA) I E. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) T I n rc22 l wATER sroRAGE TANK vENTSI 0t:2344 L SP8-Pickling 2. SP l0 - Near White Blast Cleaning STIBMITTAI.S A. Screen product sample B. Manufacturer's certification that the screen meets provisions of this specifrcation including: l. Wire material 2. Mesh of opening desipation 3. Nominal wire diameters 4. Tlpe of weave DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Handle the fabrication in a manner to avoid damaging orpermanently bending the fabrication or damaging the screens. Use nylon slings to handle the vent fabrication. B. Store the fabrication in a safe location on wood pallets and protect from damage due to any construction operations and from coming in contact with the ground. C. Remove any dirt from the screens or vent fabrication prior to lifting and installing. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Materials used in the work shall conform to and meet the requirements for the class of the material named. STEEL A. The steel used for fabricating the reservoir vent shall conform to the requirements ofASTM A 36. B. Steel for the screen frame and insect screen mounting frame inside the access hatch shall be Type 304 or 316 stainless steel. COATINGS A. See SECTION 09 91 00 - PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS. I T I t I I I t t I I t t T I I I T 1.3 1.4 z-J 33 16 22 WATER STORAGE TANK VENTS ITt T I 03-23{4 Ir,,' B. The color of the outside of the reservoir vent shall be Desert Sand unless otherwise shown in the Drawings. I C. All exterior and interior surfaces shall be coated, including the exterior surfaces in I ontact with the concrete. I 2.4 STAINLESS STEEL INSECT SCREEN / MANUFACTURER A. The screen shall conform to the requirements of ASTM 82016 square mesh cloth. B. Tolerances shall be in accordance with ASTM E2}rc (- The insect screen shall be32x 32 mesh Type 316 or Type 304 stainless steel.It D. The screen shall be a plain weave and fabricated from 0.010-inch diameter wire. I E. The open area shall be no less rhut 46.50A. I F. The screen shall be fabricated by GDC / City Wire Cloth, 13900 Orange Avenue, t Paramount, California 90723. Telephone (800) 635-8296. I PART3 EXECUTION I 3.I GENERAL I A. Fabrication of the steel vent shall conform to the appropriate sections of the AWS and AISC Standards. I 3.2 WELDING A. All welding shall conform to the Structural Welding Code of the AWS. B. The vent shall be fabricated using continuous prequalified fillet welds provided that they conform to the requirements of the AWS Code and the AISC Specifications. C. All fillet welds shall have a l/8-inch root thickness. I 3.3 FABRICATION I A. Flame cutting of steel may be by hand or mechanically guided means. Surfaces I shall have a maximum ANSI roughness height value of 500. Any fabricating I technique, such as friction sawing, cold sawing, milling, etc., that produces silch a finish may be used. I I I I t Trc22 3 WATERSTORAGETANKVENTS 103-2344 B.Members, which are to be frarned to other parts of the vent, may have a variation from the detailed length not greater than l/16-inch. Completed members shall be free from twists, bends, and openjoints. Sharp kinks, bends in the framing, or burrs are cause for rejection of the vent assembly. SURFACE PREPARATION A. See SECTION 09 91 00. PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS COATING A. See SECTION 09 91 00- PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS SCREEN A. Tolerances shall meet the requirements of ASTM 82016, Tables 6,7,8,9 and l0 for the applicable mesh . B. The screen shall be free from the following defects within the tolerance limits set above. 1. Smash 2. Broken shot 3. Draw-over 4. Double 5. Slack shot 6- Pinhole 7. Hard shot 8. Snick or kink 9. Creeper 10. Reed mark 11. Burst 12. Edgedefect 13. Wrinkle 14. Debris in cloth C. Screen cloth that fails to meet the tolerances described in ASTM E 2016 shall be removed and replace with acceptable screen material. C. D. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I ) I I 3.4 3.5 3.6 33 t6 22 WATER STORAGE TANK VENTS t l, I D. Care shall be exercised when installing the screen in the mounting frame and during installation to prevent damage to the screen. Any screen damaged during mounting or installation shall be replaced. INSTALI-ATION A. All wedge style anchor boltholes shall be drilled when the vent frame has been placed in the formed concrete opening. Re-drilling of holes or enlarging of holes is not permitted. C. The stainless steel wedge anchors shall be installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommended procedures. D. The vent shall be bolted flush to the concrete pedestal. Gaps between the vent and the concrete that could permit insects into the reservoir are cause for rejection of the vent assembly. E. Sikaflex l-c shall be used as a sealant to seal the vent to lhe concrete pedestal. Place the sealant around the perimeter of the vent prior to bolting to the concrete pedestal. END OF SECTION 3.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 33 t6 22 WATER STORAGE TANK VENTS I lo_2143 I j NA'"*J"*:H"SL?i131,*" *oo, I PART1 GENERAL I I.I WORK INCLUDED I A l1T":T:'#,,Jij[,il:,"jffi'ffi;,11|iro,i3,,H'#ii#f*t'frring naturar I r.2 ouArrrY sTANDARDI A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) t 1. ASTM D 395 - Determination of Compression Set I 2. ASTM D 412 -Determination of Tensile Shength and Elongation at Break 3. ASTM D 573 - Accelerated Aging Tests I 4. ASTM D 1349 - Practice for Rubber - Standard Temperatures for Testing I 5. ASTM D 2240 - Determination of Hardness I 6. ASTM D 4014 - Specification for Plain and Steel-Laminated Elastomeric I Bearings for Bridges I B. Rubber Manufacturers Association, IncI 1. RubberHandbook I I.3 MARKINGANDCERTIFICATION I A. The Manufacturer shall certify that each bearing satisfies the requirements of theI Drawings and these specifications, and supply acertified copy oimaterial test re- sults. B. Each bearing shall be marked with indelible ink. The marking shall consist of the elastomer type and grade. 1.4 TESTING A' Finished bearing pads shall be subjected to the tests described in this Section. I :rrcz3 I I I NATURALRUBBERBEARINGPADS I 1.5 l0-2?{3 B. Tests shall be performed for every 500 linear feet of bearing pad. If the first test fails two additional tests for each failed test shall be taken. If one of the addi- tional tests fails, the whole lot shall be rejected. C. Unless otherwise called out in the Drawings testing for ozone cracking (ASTM D 1149) is not required. D. Required Tests l. Deterrrination of Compression Set (ASTM D 395) 2- Determination of Tensile Strength and Elongation at Break (ASTM D 412) 3. Accelerated Aging Tests (ASTM D 573) 4. Determination of Hardness (ASTM D 2240) 5. Shear Modulus (ASTM D 4014 annex A) SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings are required and shall conform to the requirernents of SECTION OI 33 OO - SUBMITTALS. B.The following.are the minimum required submittals. l. Bearing pad fabrication 2. Sheet products data sheets 3. Certified test results 4. Contact adhesive 5. Vulcanizing adhesive 6. PolyurethaneFoam ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Scougal Rubber Corp.6239 Corson Way, Seattle, WA 98108 (206)764-4984. No equivalents or substitutions. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND }IANDLING A. The bearing pad shall be delivered and kept in manufacturer's packaging until it is ready to be placed on the footing. B. Only that portion of the bearing that is to be placed in a wall segment shall be cut and removed from the packaging. C. The bearing shall be stored at the work site in an enclosed area that provides pro- tection from environmental and physical damage. I I I I T I I I I I I I I I II t 1.6 t.7 33 t623 NATTIRAL RUBBER BEARING PADS I rG2?-03 t D. It shall be handled with care to prevent physical damage from occurring. t PARr2 PRODUCTS 2.1 BEARINGS GENERAL I I I I I A. Bearings shall be fumished with the dimensions, material properties, and elas- tomer grade as required by the Drawings and as specified in the following sec- tions. B. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the rubber bearing pads shall be in con- formance with ASTM D 2240 Type A Shore 30 Durometer rubber. Physical Properties Result ASTM D 2240 Hardness (Shore A Durometer)30+5 ASTM D 412 Tensile Strength, psi, minimum 2250 Ultimate Elonqation, %, minimum 500 Heat Resistance ASTM D 573 (70 hours at 158" F) Chanse in hardness <+ 5 pts. Change in Tensile Stength %o, nax.-25 Change in ultimate elongation, %o, max.-25 Compression Set ASTM D 395 Method B 22 horxs @ 158'F, o/o maximum 25 Ozone ASTM D II49 25 pphm ozone in air by volume, 20%o sbain 100P F, + 2o F, 48 hours mounting procedure D 518. Procedure A No cracks Low Temperature Brittle- ness Not Required Shear Modulus Stffiess ASTM D 4014. Armex A Shear Modulus, G, psi / ft 43.5 ! 10yo I 2.2 BEARINGS - PROPERTTES OF THE ELASTOMER I A. The raw elastomer shall be virgin natural rubber (polyisoprene). The elastomer compound shall meet the minimum requirements of the following table. B. All test specimens shall be cut from the finished product and are permitted to vary Ilom those specified in the table by the variance indicated. C. All material tests shall be carried out at 73o F + 4o F unless otherwise noted. t I I I I I I t I I :rrc23 3 NATURAL RUBBERBEARING PADS I 2.3 l0-27-03 BEARING - FABRICATION A. Pads maybe molded or extruded. B. Flash tolerance, finish, and appearance shall meet the requirements of the latest edition of the Rubber Handbook, published by the Rubber Manufacturers Associa- tion, Inc., RMA F3 and T.063 for molded bearings and F2 for extruded bearings. BEARING - FABRICATION TOLERANCES A. Pads shall be fabricated to the specified dimensions within the following toler- ances: L Height: - 0, + l/8 inch 2. Width: -0. + l/4 inch 3. Parallelism with Opposite Face: Top and Bottom, 0.005 radians Sides,0.02 Radians 4. Serrations: Height, -0, +l/8 inch Width, -0, +l/8 inch VULCANZINGADHESryE A. A two-pad neoprene adhesive, such as PANGOFOL, or equivalent. The adhesive shall self vulcanize without heat when mixed with an activator. BEARING PAD CONCRETE SURFACE ADHESIVE A. 3M,2l4l Rubber Adhesive B. Rubatex, R-27780 ADHESIVE SOLVENT A. 3M Solvent No. 2 or 3. POLYI.JRETHANE FOAM A. Great StuffMinimal Expanding polyurethane foam by Dow Chemical or equal. T I I I I I I I I t I T I t ; I t 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 33 t6 23 NATURAL RI.JBBER BEARING PADS I I 1&2743 PART 3 EXECUTION B. C. D. F. G. H. I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.1 PLACEMENT I. Placement of the rubber bearing pads shall conform to the details shown on Draw- ings and these specifications. Surface deformations in the concrete shall be ground smooth or leveled with a re- pair grout to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. The concrete surface on which the pad is to be placed shall be steel floated finish to a level plane that shall not vary by more than l/16 inch from a shaight edge placed in any direction along the area. The concrete footing surface shall be smooth and clean. Prior to adhering the bearing to the concrete, the concrete shall be blasted with a light sand blast, washed with a wet broom and dried. After cleaning the concrete footing shall be completely clear of all construction debris and free of curing compound, oil, grease, and other materials that will prevent a complete bonding of the bearing to the concrete The CONTRACTOR shall review the bearing pad prior to placement. Any dam- aged sections of the pad shall not be used. Damage includes factors such as manufacturing defects, cuts, gouges, tears and abrasions. The bearing shall be clean and free of all foreign substances including dust, oil, grease, etc. Ifnecessary the bearing shall be washed with clean rags. The ENGINEER shall review the length of bearing to be glued to the concrete prior to placement. If in the opinion of the ENGINEER the bearing pad is dam- aged, the CONTRACTOR shall remove and replace the damaged section. Apply a uniform, generous brush coat of adhesive to both surfaces. Apply two coats to the bearing pad, allowing the first coat to become tacky prior to appllng the second coat. Bond to the concrete while adhesive on both the rubber and con- crete surfaces are aggressively tacky. After the adhesive has cured check the bearing adhesion. If it can be pulled from the concrete, clean the concrete and bearing, re-apply adhesive to the bearing and adhere the bearing to the concrete. When shown in the Drawings the bearing pads shall be placed directly adjacent to a bulb type waterstop. Gaps between lhe waterstop and bearing pad are unaccept- able. See 3.4 below. Cleanup excess adhesive from any contact with the top of the bearing pad or wa- terstop ribs using 3M No. 2 or 3 solvent. When using the solvent follow the 33 t623 NATURAL RI]BBER BEARING PADS 3.2 J.J l0-27{3 A. B. manufacturer's recommendations carefully, including extinguishing all sowces of ignition from the area. JOINTS - GENERAI Field joints for the bearing pads shall be made by cutting the pads at a 90o angle. The spacing between joints shall be a minimum of 100-feet unless closer joints are permiued by the ENGINEER and the bearing shall extend no more than l0 feet beyond the wall fomr of a wall segment under construction, unless otherwise permitted by the ENGINEBR. VULCANIZING JOINTS A. Field bonding of the joints shall be made with a cold, two-part vulcanizing adhe- sivePANGOFOL. B. Buff the bearing end using a rough wire brush. C. Brush off loose particles and wipe buffed surfaces with a lint-free clean cloth slightly damped with BUFSOL. Let dry. D. Shake the can of PANGOFOL. Mix thoroughly with the activator. The mixture is useable for a period of approximately two to four hours. E. Apply a uniform coat of PANGOFOL-activator mixture to both surfaces with a clean cement brush. Let dry. F. Apply a second coat of PANGOFOL-activator mixture to both surfaces. Let dry until tacky. G. Join the camented surfaces and "stitch" them down from the center outward. Avoid trapping air between the two surfaces. FILLING GAPS WITH POLYURETHANE FOAM A. Fill any gaps between the bearing pad and a PVC waterstop with polyurethane foam. Trim hardened foam carefully with a knife to form a level plane from the top of the PVC waterstop bulb to the top of the bearing pad. Remove cut foam debris from the bottom of the wall. 3.4 B. C. 33 t6 23 NATURAL RUBBER BEARING PADS II I I II I T I I I t I I t I T tI t I to.2z43 I ., 3.s .TITER*'RKNEARBEARTNG I A. The CONTRACTOR shall not use an open flame anywhere near the bearing pad, I such as using a'keed bumef'propane torch to remove foam placed as a sill plate under the wall. I B. Use of an open flame near the bearing pad at any time during construction of the stucture i.e., after concrete wall placement, shall be cause for rejection of theI Hffi,'J##tTffi#ff"fliilffi1'**)iff?l,T:til#ff*"* I END OFSECTION I :rrc23 I I t T I I I I I t I I 7 NATURALRUBBERBEARINGPADS I I, I I I I I t t2-1247 SECTION 331624 NEOPRENE SHEET PADS PARTI GENERAL I.I WORKINCLUDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all materials, labor, tools and equipment for the construction and installation of neoprene sheet pads. B. Work associated with the installation of neoprene sheet pads shall include additional finishing ofthe concrete for a smooth surface, such as grinding or fill ofdepressions in the concrete with an appropriate grout repair product. 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM D 395 - Determination of Compression Set2. ASTM D 412 - Determination of Tensile Strength and Elongation at Break3. ASTM D 573 - Accelerated Aging Tests4. ASTM D 1349 - Practice for Rubber - Standard Temperatures for Testing5. ASTM D l4l8 - Practice for Rubber and Rubber Latices6. ASTM D 2240 - Determination of Hardness7. ASTM D 3183 - Practice for Rubber - Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from Products. 8. ASTM D 4014 - Specification for Plain and Steel-Laminated Elastomeric Bearings for Bridges I.3 MARKING AND CERTIFICATION A. The Manufacturer shall certify that each pad satisfies the requirements of the Drawings and these specifications and supply a certified copy of material test results. B. Each pad shall be marked with indelible ink. The marking shall consist of the elastomer type and grade. 1.4 TESTING A. Finished neoprene sheet pad shall be subjected to the tests described in this Section. T I I I t I I I I I I 33 16 24 NEOPRENE SHEET PADS I12-1243 B. Tests shall be performed by an independent laboratory for every 100 linear feet of pad. Ifthe hrst test fails, two additional tests for each failed test shall be taken. If one of the additional tests fails, the whole lot shall be rejected. C. Unless otherwise called out in the Drawings testing for ozone cracking (ASTM D I149) is not required. D. Required Tests l. Determination of Compression Set (ASTM D 395) 2. Determination of Tensile Shength and Elongation at Break (ASTM D 412) 3. Accelerated Aging Tests (ASTM D 573) 4. Determination of Hardness (ASTM D 2240\ E. Materials for testing shall be prepared in accordance with ASTM D 3183. 1.5 SI.]BMITTALS A. Shop drawings are required and shall conform to the requirements of SECTION OI 33 OO - SUBMITTALS. B. The following are the minimum required submittals. l. Certified test results 2. Contact adhesive 3. Product data 4. Neoprene cont€nt 5. Joint tape I.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. The neoprene sheet shall be delivered and kept in manufacturer's packaging until it is ready to be placed. B. The sheet shall be stored at the work site in an enclosed area that provides protection from environmental and physical damage. C. It shall be handled with care to prevent physical damage from occurring. PART2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL A. Neoprene sheet shall be furnished with the dimensions, material properties, and elastomer grade as required by the Drawings and as specified in the following sections. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t33 1624 NEOPRENE SHEET PADS I ,,-1243 - I\B. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the neoprene sheet pads shall be in I conformance with ASTM D 2240, either Shore A Durometer 30 or IRHD 30. I C. The neoprene content shall be a minimum of 5loh. I 2.2 PROPERTTES OFTITE ELASTOMER a, A. The elastomer shall be a polychloroprene rubber (CR) commonly called neoprene. t The elastomer compound shall meet the minimum requirements of the following table. I B. All test specimens shall be cut from the finished product and are permitted to vary from those specified in the table by the variance indicated. I C. All material tests shall be carried out at 73" F + 4o F unless otherwise noted. I I I I I I I I t I I I $rc24 Physical Properties Result ASTM D2240 Hardness (Shore A), minimum 30 ASTM D 4I2 Tensile Strength, psi, minimum 700 Ultimate Elongation, 7o, mmrmum 450 Heat Resistance ASTM D 573 (70 hours at 158'F) Chanse in hardness <+5pts. Change in Tensile Strength, %o,max.-25 Change in ultimate elongation, Vo,max.-25 Compression Set ASTM D 395 Method B 22 hows @212" F, o/o maxtmum 60 Ozone ASTM D I I49 25 pphm ozone in air by volume,20o/o strain 100' F, + 2" F, 48 hours mounting procedure D 518, Procedure A No cracks Low Temperature Brittleness Not Required Shear Stiffness Modulus ASTM D 4014, Annex A Not Required NEOPRENE SHEET PADS ! 2.3 t2-1243 FABRICATION A. Pads may be molded or extruded. The pads shall be full-width as shown in the Drawings. B. Flash tolerance, finish, and appearance shall meet the requirements of the latest edition of the Rubber Handboolq published by the Rubber Manufacturers Association, Inc., RMA F3 and T.063 for molded bearings and F2 for extruded pads. 2.4 FABRICATIONTOLERANCES A. Pads shall be fabricated to the specified dimensions within the following tolerances: 1. Height: - 0, + l/16 inch 2. Width: '0, + l/4 inch 2.5 BEARING PAD CONCRETE SIJRFACE ADHESIVE A. 3l/.,2l4l Rubber Adhesive B. Rubatex, R-27780 2.6 ADHESIVE SOLVENT A. 3M Solvent No. 2 or 3. 2.7 ACCEPTABLE PAD MANUFACTURERS A. Scougal Rubber Corp.6239 Corson Way, Seattle, WA 98108 (206)764-4984 or equivalent. PART3 E}GCUTION 3.I PI-ACEMENT A. Placement of the neoprene sheet pad shall conform to the details shown on Drawings and these specifications. The pad shall be full width. No longitudinal splices are permitted. B. Surface deformations in the concrete shall be ground smooth or leveled with a repair grout to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. The concrete surface on which the sheet is to be placed shall be a level plane that shall not vary by more than t I ! I I I I I I I I I I t I I T33 16 24 NEOPRENE SMETPADS I I t2-1243 C. D. E. F. H. I. J. I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I I I l/16 inch from a straight edge placed in any direction along the area. The concrete surface shall be smooth and clean. Prior to adhering the sheet to the concrete, the concrete shall be blasted with a light sand blast, washed with a wet broom and dried unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER. After cleaning the concrete surface shall be completely clear of all construction debris and free of curing compound, oil, grease, and other materials that will prevent a complete bonding of the sheet to the concrete. The neoprene sheet shall be clean and free of all foreign substances including dust, oil, grease, etc. Ifnecessary the sheet shall be washed with clean rags. The ENGINEER shall review the length of sheet to be glued to the concrete prior to placement. The neoprene sheet shall be glued to the concrete with a uniform application of contact cement manufactured by 3M Company or equal as reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall follow the manufacturer's recommendations for application of the contact cement. After the adhesive has crued check the sheet adhesion. If it can be pulled from the concrete, clean the concrete and neoprene sheet, re-apply adhesive to the sheet and adhere the sheet to the concrete. All neoprene sheet joints shall be perpendicular to the long axis of the pad. Sheets shall be full length of an opening side unless closer joints are permitted by the ENGINEER or shown in the Drawings. Do not overlap sheets. Tape all joints using two-inch wide duct tape or equivalent. Note that tape will not stick to sheet that has irny grease on the surface. Iftape does not stick due to manufacturing residues, lightly sand the sheet prior to taping. Clean neoprene sheels prior to precast concrete closure slab placement. END OFSECTION 331624 NEOPRENE SHEETPADS I lr I sEcTroN 33162s MODULAR MECIIANICAL PIPE SEALS PART1 GENBRAL I I.I WORK INCLUDED t A. The work covered under this specification includes fumishing and installingI modular mechanical pipe seals. I B. All pipe penetrations through structures such as valve vault concrete walls shallf consist ol a steel sleeve with weep ring, and a modular synthetic rubber seal composed of interlocking links joined by bolts. ! C. All pipe penetrations through post-tensioned concrete walls, such as post- r tensioned concrete water tank walls, shall be formed or cored. The use of a steel I sleeve in apost-tensioned concrete tank wall is unacceptable. I D. The links shall completely seal the annular space between the pipe and sleeve to t provide a completely water tight seal. The seal shall be capable of resisting a hydrostatic pressure equal to two times the height of the wall. t E. Two seals are required at each wall pipe penetration, one at each wall face. I F. Size the modular mechanical seal in accordance with the manufacturer's I instructions for the size and material of pipes shown to provide a watertight seal between the pipe and opening. I G. The modular mechanical pipe seal shall be capable of maintaining a watertight seal at a hydrostatic head of40 feet ofwater. [ 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's data sheets I B. Manufacturer's installation instructions I I.3 DELTVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. See SPECIFICATION SECTION 01 66 00 - DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING B. Prevent damage, such as cuts or tears, in the rubber sealing elements. I 33 rczs I I I I MODULARMECHANICAIPIPESEAIS I C. Store seals in a manner to avoid environmental damage including ozone or ultra- violet light deterioration. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 RUBBER SEALING ELEMENTS A. The rubber-sealing element shall be manufactured from EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) synthetic rubber. 2.2 PRESSURE PLATES A. Pressure plates shall be glass-reinforced nylon plastic. 2.3 BOLTS ANDNUTS A. Bolts and nuts shall be l8 - 8 stainless steel. 2,4 PIPE SLEEVE A. The pipe sleeve, Link-Seal Model - WS, for use in the wall shall be low carbon steel, zinc galvanized plated or coated with nvo (2) coats, 4 - 6 mils per coat, Tnernec Pota Pox series 20-2000, Epoxy-Polyamide coating system after fabrication. See SECTION 09 91 00- PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS. B. The pipe sleeve shall have an integral water stop and anchor collar. C. Sleeves shall be round; a maximum of l/6-inch out-of-round tolerance is acceptable. 2.5 ACCEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS A. Thunderline Corporation - Linkseal, or equal. PART3 EXECUTION 3.I GENERAI A. The CONTRACTOR shall follow the manufacturer's recommended installation procedure. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing the appropriate size and model ofwall seal for each size pipe and pipe material utilized. B. Upon delivery of the modular seals the CONTRACTOR shall examine the seals and confirm that the proper model seal has been delivered for each size pipe. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I331625MODULAR MECHANICAL PIPE SEALS I C.Upon delivery of tJre sleeves the CONTRACTOR shall examine the sleeves and coating and make cedain that the sleeve is within out-of-round tolerance limitations and free from other defects that could impair the installation of the pipe seals. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain written instructions from the manufacturer regarding the proper bolt torque and tightening procedures. Use a torque wrench to verif proper installation. Do not over tighten bolts. The CONTRACTOR shall clean the sleeve and modular seals, removing dust and construction debris to facilitate a watertight connection. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to make all pipe penetrations watertight. If leakage does occur the void between the pipe seals shall be injected with polyurethane chemical grout. See SPECIFICATION SECTION 03252 - CHEMICAL GROUT WATERSTOP. Additional measures such as using sealants may be required. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a plan describing the means and methods of making the wall pipe penetrations watertight. END OFSECTION D. E. F. I t I t I t I I I I T I I I I I 331625 MODULAR MECTIAMCAL PIPE SEALS I 0E{l{2 r sEcrIoN 331627 I ' *o#flffiiil",ffiRffJ*5$H]"^" . PART1 GENERALrI.1 SCOPE OF WORK t A. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all labor, tools, materials and equipment to install water quality monitoring tubing in reservoirs as specified herein and as I shown in the Drawings. B. The tubing shall be installed from the reservoir to the monitoring point in one I seamless length. I C. The tubing shall be manufactured in an ISO 9002 certified facility. I r.z sERVrcE I A. The tubing shall be used in a potable water environment' t .rr B. The water temperature will range from 35" to 90o F. t C, The pressure will range from 20 to 50 psi. I D. The test pressure shall be equal to 50 psi.I 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS r A. American Society forTesting and Materials (ASTM) I l. ASTM D 635 - Test Method for Rate of Buming and/or Extent and TimeI of Buming of Self-Supporting Ptastics in a Horizontal Position. I ? fiitrJ,ffi- T:l M:H:i f:;3:';,:'J+:ff;:L1$,;;ias,ics Under - 4. ASTM D 746 - Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and I s. ?J;tfi"rtroJrYi"Jrt rnr",r,oa for Rockwell Hardness of plastics and I 6. llsfl"$ Tr?t:tftt,Ttfr3l', r,, Density and specinc Gravity (Relative! Density) of Plastics by Displacernent | 7. tf;l[r" 882 - Test Methods for rensile Properties of Thin Plastioc I WSTWATER QUALITY MONITORING TUBINGt331627 0841{2 8. ASTM D 1505 - Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density- Gradient Technique. B. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) l. NSF 6l fhinking Water System Components - Health Effects I.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The components and installation procedures shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's printed specifications and recommendations. B. Installation can be made by the CONTRACTOR 1.3 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER /PRODUCT (PIPE) A. The tubing shall be manufactured by Hudson Extrusions, lnc', PO Box 255, Hudson, Ohro 44236-0255, tel. 800.837.601 5- No equivalents. B. The tubing shall be semi-opaque white polypropylene (pp) tubing. Clear tubing is unacceptable. 1.4 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER /PRODUCT (FLOOR SEAL) A. OZ / Gdney,Type FSK PVC Floor Seal with Type CSB Series sealing bushing. 1.4 DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials in original, tightly sealed containers or unopened packages with the manufacture,r's name, labels and product identification. B. Materials shall be stored in a sesure, dry area until installed. C. A suffisient quantity of tubing shall be stored on site or be readily available prior to starting the work. Work shall be continuous from start to completion. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. MSDS sheets B. Product data PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL WSTWATERQUALITY MONITORING TUBING I ,tl I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I t33 1627 I o8-or{2 I A. *"rtffiHlbe seamless between the "sample" and analytical points. No joints I B. The pipe shall be l-inch OD with l/8-inch minimum thick wall. - 2.2 MATERIAL PROPERTIES I t t I I I t I I I Specific Gravity Tensile Strength, psi Elongation % Hardness Heat Distortion, oF ASTM Specification D 1505 / D792 D882 / D 638 D882 | D 638 D 785 D 648 Pollpropylene (pp) 0.899 3800 > 500 70R 122 I 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROPERTIES Low Temperafure Flexibility Odor and Taste Toxicity Flammabilitv Clarity ASTM Specification D 746 D 635 Polypropylene (pp) -40"F None None Slow Semi-opaque 2.4 CARRIER PIPE I I I B. See SECTION 33 2616 - WATER STORAGE TANK WASHDOWN PIPING for products. C. 6-Inch Carrier pipe bedding material shall conform to SECTION 31 23 16.03 - TRENCHING. BEDDING AND BACKFILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE. t PARr3 Ex'curroN t 3.1 PRIORTo INSTALLATION A. Carefully clean pipe of all foreign material and use compressed air to assure that no blockages exist in the pipe. B. Any crimped or torn pipe shall be rejected. C. Check the floor seal for any cracks or abnormalities which would lead to leakage. WSTWATERQUALITY MONITORING TUBING 33 16 27 0E4l{2 I tl t I I I I I t I I I I t I I T I I 3.2 3.3 3.4 HANDLING A. The pipe shall be carefully handled and protected against damage. B. All pipe handling equipmart shall be approved by the ENGINEER. C. Pipe shall not be placed directly on rough ground, but shall be supported in an approved manner which will protect the pipe against injury whenwer stored at the site. INSTALI-ATION A. The pipe / floor seal and bushing shall be installd in shict conformance with any manufacturer's printed inshuctions and these specifications. B. Any pipe that is ripped, tom or otherwise damaged shall be replaced' C. Blow compressed air through each pipe after installation to insure that no blockages exist. D. Install the floor seal and protect during concrete placement. The floor seal shall be braced appropriately to maintain a vertical alignment. Consotidate and vibrate the concrete thoroughly around the floor seal. CARRIER PIPE BEDDING AND INSTALI-ATION A. Bedding and installation shall conform to SECTIoN 3123 16.03 - TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACKFILLING FOR WELDED-STEEL PIPE. END OF SBCTION WSTWATER QUALITY MONITORING TUBING 33 16 27 | rc-27-03 I I SECTION 33 4I2O AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE GATES PART1 GENERAL I I 1.1 WORKTNCLTJDED I A. Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and perform all work and services t necessary for the installation of automatic drainage gate as shown in the Drawings and as specified, in accordance with the provisions of the Conhact Documents, ) and completely coordinated with the work of all other trades. r B. Although such work is not specifically shown or specified, fumish and install all I zupplementary or miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to orr necessary for a sound, secure and complete installation. I 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS I A. American Society forTesting and Materials t 1. ASTM A 48 - Specification for Gray Iron Castings I 2. ASTM 4536 - Specification for Ductile Iron Castings I 3. ASTM B 26 - Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings 4. ASTM B 584 - Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General^ Applications I B. American Water Worts Association (AWWA) | 1. AWWA C207 - Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Services - Sizes 4 IN. through l44IN. I 2. AWWA Cl I I - Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings. I I.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Manufactureds descriptive literature and recommended methods of installation. R Manufacturer's certification that the products meet specification.I! 1,4 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURER AND MODEL t A. The drainage gate shall be manufactured by the Neenah Foundry Company, Neenah, Wisconsin, or equivalent. T t :. 4t2o I AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE GATES It0-27.01 B. The size and model number are shown in the Drawings- PART 2 MATERIALS 2.1 GENERAL A. Automatic drainage gate castings shall be of uniform quality, free from blowholes, shrinkage, distortion or other defects. B. The gates shall be smooth and well cleaned by shotblasting. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, Automatic drainage gates shall be constructed of graY cast iron. B. The arms may be constructed of either gray cast iron or ductile iron. C. Hinge pins shall be fabricated from stainless steel. 2.3 WEDGE ANCHORS FOR ANCHORAGE TO CONCRETE A. Wedge anchors shall be manufactured from Tlpe 303 stainless steel. B. The anchors shall be 3/4'inch diameter Ramset/Red Head WW-3484. 2.4 BOLTS FORFLANGED CONNECTIONS A. Bolts shall conform to AWWA C207, Section 4.1- 2.5 GASKETS FOR FLANGED CONNECTIONS A. Bolts shall conform to AWWA C207, Section 4.1. PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION FOR TYPE SF GATES ATTACHED TO CONCRETE: A. lnstall each gate in a mann€r that will prevent leakage around the seat and binding ofthe gate during oPeration. B. Surfaces of metal against which concrete will be placed shall be free from oil, grease, loose mill scale, loose paint, surface rust, and other debris or objectionable coatings. T I t T ! I I I I I I I I I ; I I33 4120 AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE GATES I I I I ! I I I l I I I I I i I t I I t0-2'143 The concrete surface against which rubber seal will bear or against which flat frame or plate is to be installed shall be finished to provide a smooth and uniform contact surface. When each flat back frame is installed against the concretq a layer of bedding mortax shall be placed between the frame and the concrete. Fasten the gate frame to the conqrete wall with 3/4-inch diameter stainless steel wedge anchors. The anchors shall be installed with a torque of 175 foot-pounds. 3.2 INSTALLATION FOR TYPE FF GATES (FLANGED CONNECTIONS): Joint assernbly shall be as recommended by the manufacturer and in accordance with AWWA Cl I l EI\ID OF SECTION c. D. 33 4t 20 3 AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE GATES 2 T I 0t-2743 PART I 1.1 DESCRIPTION SECTION 33 4213 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AIIDPIPE ARCHES GENERAL B. I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I This work consists of the construction of comlgated metal (steel and aluminum) pipe and pipe arch culverts, intended for use for storm water, irrigation, ditch and river diversion pipelines. Unless otherwise indicated in the drawings, the pipe shall be galvanized comrgated steel pipe conforming to AASHTO M 36. Special frttings, i.e., end sections, manhole tees and bends, are also covered by this Specification. All construction shall be in accordance with these Specifications and in confor- mance with the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS AASHTO Standards Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges M 36 - Galvanized Comrgated Steel Pipe M 190 - Bituminous-Coated Comtgated Metal Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arches. M 196 - Aluminum Alloy Sheets for Comrgated Aluminum Pipe M 197 - Aluminum Alloy Coils for Comrgated Aluminum Pipe M 198 - Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe using Flexi ble Watertight Gaskets 7 . M 2l 8 - Steel Sheet, Zinc-coated for Comrgated Steel Pipe 8. M232 - Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware 9. M243 - Cold Applied Bituminous Coatings 10. M246 - Polymer Coated Sheets and Coils for Comrgated Steel Pipe ll. M274 - Steel Sheet, Aluminum-Coated (Type 2) for Comrgated Steel Pipe 12. M 289 - Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Coil Steel for Comrgated Steel Pipe 13. M 291 - Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts 14. M 291M - Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Metric) 15. M 298 - Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel 16. T 65 - Weight of Coating on Zinc-Coated Iron or Steel Articles 17. T 213 - Weight of Coating on Aluminum-Coated Iron or Steel Articles 18. T 241 - Helical Continuous Welded Seam Comrgated Steel Pipe CORRUGATED METALPIPE AND PIPE ARCHES l. 2. 4. 5. 6. 33 42 t3 T0t-27-03 B. 19. T 249 - Helical Lock Seam Comrgated Pipe ASTM Standards l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. A307 - Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Stength A449 - Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs F 568 - Carbon and Alloy Steel Extemally Threaded Metric Fasteners B 633 - Electro deposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel A 780 - Repair of Damaged Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings A796 - Structural Desigrr of Comrgated Steel Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches for Storm and Sanitary Sewers D 1056 - Flexible Cellular Materials - Sponge or Expanded Rubber I I I I T I I I t T I I I t I T C. Classification The comrgated metal pipe covered by this specifications is classified as follows: l. Type I - This pipe shall have a full circular cross-section, with a single thickness or comrgated sheet, fabricated with annular (circumferential) or helical comrgations. Z. Type IA - This pipe shall have a full circular cross-section with an outer shell of comrgated sheet fabricated with helical comrgations and an inner liner of t*ooih (uncom.rgated) sheet attached to the shell at helical lock seams' 3. Type IR - This pipe shall have a full circular cross-section, with a single thickness of smooth sheet, fabricated with helical ribs pmjecting out- wardlY. 4. Type II - This pipe shall be a Type I pipe which has been reformed into a pipe-arch, having an approximately flat bottom' 5. Type IIA - This pipe shall be Type IA pipe which has been reformed into a pipe-arch, having an approximately flat bottom' 6. lype Ill - This pipe, intended for use as underdrains or for underground disposal ofwater, shall be a Type I pipe which has been perforated to per- mit the in-flow or out-flow of water' 7. Type IIIA - This pipe, intended for use in underdrains, shall consist of a semi-circular cross-section, having a smooth (uncomrgated) bottom with a comrgated toP shield. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2.1 METAL SHEET A. General CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AND PIPE ARCHES I 33 42 13 I obz743 I Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, the minimum thickness of metal sheet- I 2.2 r"r'##::;'fr:: A. Metallic Coatings l. Steel Pipe a. All steel pipe fabricated under this specification shall be formed from zinc-coated sheet conforming to AASHTO M 218, or alumi- num-coated sheet conforming to AASHTO M 214, or aluminum- zinc alloy coated sheet conforming to AASHTO M 289. b. If the type of metallic coating is not stated in the Drawings, zinc- coated sheet conforming to AASHTO M 218 shall be used. c. All pipe furnished shall have the same metallic coating, unless oth- erwise shown or noted in the Drawings. 2. AluminumPipe a- All aluminum is clad with Aluminum alloy 7072 metallurgically bonded by hot pressure weld to the Aluminum 3004 core' B. Non-metallic Coatings a. Non-metallic coatings shall be as called out in the Drawings and in conformance with the applicable AASHTO Standard. I 23 FABRICATED PIPE COATINGS A. Fabricated pipe coatings shall be in conformance with the applicable AASHTO M Standard. I ! I T I I I I r 2.4 STEEL SHEET FOR COUPLING BANDS t A. The sheet used in fabricating coupling bands shall conform to the same specifica- t I t I t tion as that used for fabrication ofthe pipe' 2.5 HARDWAREFORCOUPLINGBANDS A. Bolts and nuts for coupling bands shall conform to the following requirements: Bolts Nuts For M 36 Pipe A307 M 291. Gr. A For M 36M Pipe F s68. CI.4.6 M 291M. Cl.5 I 334213 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AND PIPE ARCHES I 2.6 2.7 0t-2743 B. Bolts, nuts and other threaded items used with coupling bands shall be zinc coated by one of the following processes: hot-dip process as provided in AASHTO M 2\2; elecnoplating process as provided in ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 8; or me- chanical process as provided in AASHTO M298, Class 8' C. Other hardware items used with coupling bands shall be zinc coated by one of the following processes: hot-dip process as provided in AASHTO M232; electroplat- ing process as provided in ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 25; or mechanical process as provided in AASHTO M 298, Class 25' SPECIALFITTINGS A. Special fittings, flared end sections and elbows for the pipelines shall be the same metal thickness as the pipeline to which they are joined, and shall conform to the applicable requirements of AASHTO M 196, Type l' B. Fittings shall be factory fabricated. O.RING GASKETS A. O-rings shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 198' B. A requirement for the use of o-rings at couplings will be shown or noted in the Drawings. C. Rubber O-ring gaskets shall be 13116 in. diameter for pipe diameters of 36 in. or smaller, ana1ft in. diameter for larger pipe diameters, having l/2 in. deep end comrgations. D. Rubber O-ring gaskets shall be 1 3/8 in. diameter for pipe having I in' deep end comrgations. GASKETS A. Gaskets shall be expanded rubber meeting the requirements of ASTM D 1056 for the "RE" closed cell grades. B. A requirement for the use of expanded rubber gaskets at couplings will be shown or noted in the Drawings' C. The closed-cell expanded rubber gaskets shall be a continuous band, approxi- mately 7 in. wide and approximately 3/8 in' thick' CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AND PIPE ARCHES I I I I I T I l I I I I I t I I t 2.8 33 4213 I I t I ! I I I I t I T I I I T I t I 0l -27-03 PART 3. EXECUTION 3.I GENERAL A. Pipe shall be protected during handling against impact shocks and free fall. B. Pipe fabrication shall conform to AASHTO M 36, Part 7, Fabrication.. The com- pteted pipe shall show careful, finished workmanship in all padiculars as deter- mined by the ENGINEER. C. Pipe that has been damaged, either in fabrication or in shipping, may be rejected by the ENGINEER. Among others, the following defects shall be considered as constituting poor workmanship: Variation from a straight line Elliptical shape in pipe intended to be round Dents or bends in the metal Metallic coating that has been bruised, broken or otherwise damaged Lack of rigidity Illegible markings on the steel sheet Ragged or diagonal sheared edges Uneven laps in riveted or spot welded pipe Loose, unevenly lined, or unevenly spaced rivets Defective spot welds of continuous welds Loosely formed lockseams Field fabricated fittings, bends and manholes. Deflection greater than3o/o of the nominal pipe diameter D. Pipe shall be installed in accordance with the Drawings and installation specifica- tions, ASTM A 796 and A798. 3,2 TRENCHING, BEDDING AND BACKTILL A. Trenching, bedding and backfill shall conform to SECTION 31 23 16'01 - TRENCHING. BEDDING AND BACKIILLING FOR CORRUGATED METAL PIPE. B. When pipelines are to be installed in new embankments, the embankment shall first be constructed to the required height ofat least 0.3 ofthe outside diameter or rise on the pipeline, and for a distance each side ofthe pipeline location ofnot less than five timis the diameter or span of the pipeline, after which the trench shall be excavated and the pipeline installed. C. The bedding shall be shaped to permit minimum longitudinal camber in the pipe- line of one percent of the length of the pipe. At the direction of the ENGINEER' CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AND PIPE ARCHES 33 42 t3 T J.J 0t-27.{.3 camber may be increased to suit greater heights of fill and more elastic supporting soils. PLACING PIPE: A. The pipe laying shall begin at the downstream end of the pipeline. The lower segment of the pipeline shall be in contact with the prepared bedding throughout its full length. B. Elliptical shaped pipe shall be placed with the vertical axis within five degrees of a vertical plane through the longitudinal axis ofthe pipe. JOINING PIPEI A. Comrgated metal pipe sections shall be placed and aligned to within 3/4 inch of the adjacent section and shall be firmly joined with either one-piece or two-piece coupling bands. When called for in the Drawings coupling bands shall incorpo- rate O-ring gaskets. Pipe with helical comrgations shall be joined with the comr- gations matched across the joints and with all comrgations of the pipe completely engaged by the comrgations or dimples of the coupling band' B. Where existing comrgated metal pipe culverts are to be extended, damaged ends shall be cut off. All ends of pipes requiring extensions shall be cleaned within the area necessary for proper installation of connecting bands. When special joint treatment is called for in the Drawings to prevent infiltration or exfiltration, lhe joints shall be made using an appropriate sealing compound with the connecting band- COUPLING BANDS: A. Field joints for each type of comrgated steel pipe shall maintain pipe alignment during construction and prevent infiltration of fill material during the life of the installation. B. Coupling bands shall be installed on all pipe joints and shall lap equally on each end ofthe pipe sections to be connected. CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AND PIPE ARCHES 3.4 I I I I I t I I t I T I t I T I 3.5 I 33 4213 I T 0t-2743 3.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I Coupling Band Width, Min. (AASHTOM 36) Nominal Comrgation Size Nominal Pipe Inside Diameter Annular Comrgated Bands Helically Comrgated Bands Bands with Projections 1 ll?bv l/4 4to18 10 t/2 1 t0 t/2 22/lbv ll2 12to36 I t2 l0 u2 42to72 101t2 t2 to u2 78 to 84 t0 v2 t2 16 t/4 3bvl 36to 72 t2 l4 t01/2 78 to 120 t2 l4 16l/4 5bvl 36 to 72 20 22 t2 78 to 120 20 22 22 C. Annular Comrgations 1. Coupling bands with annular comrgations shall be used only with pipe with annular comrgations, or helical pipe in which the ends have been re- rolled to form annular comrgations. 2. The comrgations in the band shall have the same dimensions as the comr- gations in the pipe end, or may be of a special design to engage only the first or second comrgation from the end of each pipe. 3. The band may also include a U-shaped channel to accommodate upturned flanges ofthe pipe. D. Helical Comrgations l. Coupling bands with helical comrgations shall be used only with pipe with helically comrgated ends. 2. The comrgations in the bands shall be designed to properly mesh with the comrgations in the pipe. PRESSURE TESTING A. Comrgated metal pipelines shall be pressure tested for watertightness when noted in the Drawings. B. Exfiltration shall be limited to 0.35 gallons per inch diameter per 100 feet per hour at a head often feet. C. The section of pipeline to be tested shall be filled to test elevation with water and the elevation recorded in the manhole or standpipe. The CONTRACTOR is per- mitted to have as many sections as may be necessary to test the pipeline consider- ing topography, availability of plugs and manhole spacing. The minimum length of test section shall be between two manholes. Pipeline plugs and standpipes may CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AND PIPE ARCHES 33 4213 be necessary ifconfigurations are such that large basins or other stuctures at the pipeline enis makes it difficult to reproduce maximum static pressure conditions in the pipeline to be tested. Afler a one-hour time period, the pipeline shall be filled to the test elevation and the watertightness test begun. Leakage is defined as the quantity of water necessary to fill the test section to the original elevation- The test shall be conducted for a time period of 24 hours' 3.7 DEFLECTION TESTING A. The maximum acceptable increase in the vertical and horizontal pipe dimension due to consfuction, including soil placement and compaction methods, is five percent ofthe rise or span ofthe nominal pipe diameter' B. when requested by the ENGINEER, the coNTRACTOR shall test lengths of pipe to demonstrate conformance with this specffication' 0l-27-03 t t I I I I I I t l t I I I I I I I t END OFSECTION CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AND PIPE ARCHES 33 42 13 I B. c. t I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 10-27.0'3 PART T GEI\IERAL l.l WORK INCLUDED SECTION 334616 PIPE T,I\DERDRAINS The CONTRACTOR shall fumish all labor, tools, and equipment and perform all work necessary for, or incidental to, the supply and installation of non-pressure drainage pipe underdrains as shown in the Drawings and specified herein. This work includes tenching, placement of any geotextile fabric, rock, HDPE pipe and clean-outs to drain water from structure foundations. The work shall be co- ordinated with the work of all other trades and activities on the project. Although such work is not specifically shown or specified, fumish and install all supplementary and miscellaneous items, appurtenances and devices incidental to or necessary for a complete installation. Pipe underdrains shall be placed in sraight segm€nts (chords) connected with bends when curvature is required, such as around circular tank foundations. 1.2 QUALITY STANDARDS American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) l. ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates 2. ASTM D 883 - Definition of Terms Relating to Plastics 3. ASTM D 2122 - Method of Determining Dimensions of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings 4. ASTM D 2321- Practice for Underground Installation of Flexible Ther- moplastic Sewer Pipe, 5. ASTM D 3350 - Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials (minimum cell classification 324420C 6. F 405 Standard Specifications for Comrgated Polyethylene @E) Tubing and Fittings 7. ASTM F4l2 - Definitions of Terms Relating to Plastic Piping Systems 8. F 477 - Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) l. AASHTO M252- Comrgated Polyethylene Drainage Tubing 33 46 t6 PIPEUNDERDRAINS tu27-03 I.3 SI.]BMITTALS A. Submittals shall conform to the requirements of SECTION 0l 33 0l - SUBMITTALS and shall include as a minimum the following: L Geotextile fabric 2. Rock gradation results 3. HDPE pipe and fittings (including slot perforation pattem) 4. Meter vault sections and lid (where required for clean-outs) 1.4 ACCEPTABLE PIPE MANI.]FACTTJRER / MODEL A. Hancor Sure-Lok@ (bell and spigot) or Hi-Q @lain end) pipe meeting AASHTO M252 solid wall (Type S) and slotted wall (Type SP with Class 2 perforations) PiPe' B. Pipe shown or specified with slotted perforations shall provide a minimum inlet area of 2.5 square inches per linear foot. C. The slotted perforation pattern shall be in accordance with AASHTO M-252 and M-294 Class 2 perforations. Slos shall measure 7/8 inch long x l/16-inch wide and provide a flow rate, Q, > 0.83 GPM using l-foot of head and C:0.6 for sharp-edged orifices. D. The prpe is available in 2O-foot joints. I.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. The pipe shall be delivered, stored and handled in accordance with the manufac- turer's written instructions, a copy of which shall be made available to the ENGINEER when the products are delivered. PART2 MATERIALS 2.1 GEOTEXTILEFABRIC A. The fabric shall have complete resistance to deterioration from ambient tempera- tures, acid, and alkaline conditions, and shall be indestructible to microorganisms and insects. The material shatl be resistant to short-term (until placement) dete- rioration by ultraviolet light or protected until placement, as recommended by the manufacturer, such that no deterioration occurs. During shipment and storage, the rolls of fabric shall be protected against deterioration from the sun, mud, dirt, dust, and other deleterious conditions at all times. I ,.{ I I I n I t I l I t I I I I I I t33 46 t6 PIPEUNDERDRAINS I l, I lG27-03 I T I I I I t t T T I I I I I t TABLE I PROPERTY VALUE TEST METHOD Grab Strength 120lbs.ASTMD 4632 Grab Tensile Elonga- tion 55%ASTMD 4632 Burst Stength 225 pst ASTMD 3786 Puncture Resistance 65lbs.ASTMD 4833 Trapezoid Tear Stength 50lbs.ASTMD 4533 Apparent Opening Size 70, U.S. Standard Sieve ASTM D 4751 Pennittivity 1.7 sec-r ASTMD 4491 Water Flow Rate 11;0gal.lnrrnltr ASTMD 4491 B. Fibers used in the manufacture of geotextiles, and the threads used in joining geo- textiles by sewing, shall consist of long chain synthetic polymers composed of at least 85% by weight polyolefins, polyesters, or polyamides' They shall be formed into a network zuch that the filaments or yams retain dimensional stability relative to each other, including selvedges. C. The property values shown below are not design values, but represent the mini- mum accepted physical characteristics of the geotextile required. The number represents a value to be conlirmed by the manufacturer. These values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., any roll tested should meet or exceed the minimum values in the TABLE l). D. Geotextile fabric for pipe underdrains shall be Mirafi l40N or equivalent. ROCKBEDDING A. Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings, rock shall consist of dense, clean, uni- formly graded material with a maximurn size of two inches and less than five per- cent passing the 3/8-inch sieve. Coarse concrete aggregate meeting the require- ments of ASTM C 33 No. 4 mav be used. 33 46 16 PIPE UNDERDRAINS t 2.4 1G27.03 HDPE PIPE A}ID FITTINGS IIDPE pipe and fittings shall meet the same requirements as the pipe. See Section 1.4 above. METERVAULT A. The precast concrete meter vault sections and lid shall be to the dimensions shown on the Drawings. The vault shall be fumished by Amcor or equivalent. The lid shall be blank and not be labeled'fuater". PART3 EXECUTION 3.1 TRENCHING The underdrain may be trenched into the native soil a maximum of six inches if shown on the Drawings to the grades shown on the Drawings. The trenches shall slope uniforrnly at the grade strown on the Drawings. 3.2 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC Geotextile fabric shall be placed as shoun in the Drawings Care shall be taken not to tear any geotextile fabric during backfilling. See SECTION 31 05 19 - GEOTEXTILE FABRIC. ROCK A. Rock shall be placed on the geotextile fabric to the depth shown prior to place- ment of the HDPE pipe. After the pipe is in place, rock shall be placed along and over the top of the pipe in a manner that will not darnage the pipe. HDPE PIPE AND FITTINGS A. The pipe shall be installed in accordance with ASTM D 2321 and the manufac- turer's written instructions, a copy of which shall be maintained on site during pipe installation. B. Curved alignments shall be constructed using Hi-Q or Sure-Lok pipe joints. If Sure-Lok pipe is used the bell end of the joint may be cut offand the joints of pipe connected with elbows, which in 6-inch size are spigot-by-spigot, and coupling bands. "Anaconda" style gaskets shall be used top make the joint silt tight. Simi- larly Hi-Q pipe shall be connected using bends and coupling bands with anaconda gaskets. C. Pipe shall be laid straiCht from joint to joint. I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I J.J 3.4 33 46 t6 PIPEUNDERDRAINS r lvzl.{i3 l, D. Curvature less than 765 feet in radius shall be made with bends, such as 22.5- I degree elbows (spigot x spigot) and coupling bands. The pipe may be deflected ar morimum of 1.5 degrees of *gutat tnisalignment at the joinr- I E. For tight curvatures the 20-foot Hi-Q or Sure-Lok pipe joint shall be cut into shorter lengths to maintain alignment tolerance from the stucture. Joints shall be I ffi##*;H:ffii*i#i:"#1ily"*"H*:1fiTil1:eachjoin'l I F. Soil-tight Split Coupler Bands shall be used to make connections of pipe and I bends. Soil-tight Snap Couplers are unacceptable unless the manufacturer can provide documentation that the joint pullout stength of the snap coupler is t equivalentto the split coupler. - 3.5 CLEAN-OUTS f A. The clean-out risers shall be constructed of solid wall pipe and protected from damage during the backfilling operations. I B. The ring and cap shall be secured in place with a reinforced concrete collar as shown on the Drawings. - 3.6 DEADENDS I A. Dead ends of pipe reaches shall be capped with end caps. END OF SECTION t n46rc I I I I I I I PIPE LINDERDRAINS t I I I I T l I GolderAsocloles lnc. 44 Urlon Boulq/ord, Sdte 3m tokeu,ood, CO t,sA 80228 Telephone: (303) 98C0540 Fco( 1303) 9U+2080 www.golder.com May2,2N6 Town of Vail Eagle River Water and Sanitation Dstrict 846 Forest Road Vail. Cotorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Jim Boyd RE: ADDENDUM REPORT, STONE INTERMOTJNTAIN TANK SITE Dear Jim:&6-61b5 Our Ref.: 053-23724 FILL, I I t I t I I I I I OFFICE SOPY co We have discussed pros and cons of Stone Columns vs. a surcharge frll for the lntermountain Tank site with you and members of the design team. Based on your authorization, we are providing this addendum report to summarize our understanding of the issues, our opinions, and recommendations. The lntermountain site has been the subject of other reports from our office: Golder Associates Inc., Consultation and Preliminary Opinions Regarding Shoring and Slope Stability, Intermountain Tank Site, Vail, Colorado, March 18, 2005. Golder Associates Inc., Slope Stability Analysis Results, lntermountain Tank Sile, Vail, Colorado, April 20, 2005. Golder Associates Inc., Geotechnical Assessment for Alternate Location of Proposed . Intermountain Water Tank. Vail. Colorado, December 5, 2005. This letter is an addendum report to our December 5, 2005 report referenced above. We have also provided you with draft copies of an underdrain design and stone column layout, on March 21, 2006. Our December 5,2N5 report identifies settlement issues for the "above ground" tank site, and these issues have lead to the current discussion regarding ground improvement techniques. We believe stone columns to be a viable technique for mitigating tank settlement at this site. We have also considered a simple surcharge fill to preJoad the foundations. This memo outlines our opinions and recommendations regarding each approach. We have also considered and discussed other ground improvement or foundation options such as various types of grouting and conventional deep foundations, but have ruled them out at this time. Grouting techniques (various types) would tend to impede, rather than enhance zubsurface drainage, and conventional deep foundations are likely to be expensive and inconsistent with the current tank design approach. ra,l lr-r il \f i, ' l tuN u0 2006 u wNfofVAf,HARl r;, D F oFFlcEs AcRoss AFRtcA, AstA AUSIMUA, EUROPE, NOml AMERICA Al.lD SOUIH AMERICA -2- I I Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Mr. IimBoyd May 2,2006 053-2372A; Advantages of a fill surcharge include: f r Simple technology, most likely requires no specialty subcontractor - r Should be effective for settlement || r hobable lower cost t Disadvantages ofafill surcharge include: II :;'::T##::::-t' . lncreased truck traffic I r No improvement to subsurface drainage or slope stability I Advantages of the stone column option include: JI|'- . Should be effective for settlement I o Should also improve subsurface drainage and slope stabilityI . Requires less import material f o Requires less truck traffic .r ' May be easier to construct with qualified subcontractor I Disadvantages of the stone column option include: I r Requires an experienced specialty sub-contractortr Likely to be higher in cost. f Our opinion is that stone columns are the better option. We understand that you will consider both in conjunction with other design team members and district personnel. The primary basis for our rr opinion is that we believe the enhanced performance (to drainage and slope stability), and the t constructability challenges (material availability, truck traffic, and staging) for the surcharge optiont outweigh cost considerations. In order to implement the surcharge option, these issues will need to be - resolved I In regard to costs, detailed opinions of probable construction cost are beyond our current scope. However, we offer the following observations for your consideration: I r Informal discussions with a quatified subcontractor (Hayward Baker) indicate that construction of the stone column layout as shown on our cunent draft I drawings could be expected to be about $150,000. This would include iI mobilization and import/delivery ofthe necessary gravel. I ! r\orc3?2$r0fim23?2A ER''B DDNDU'T'T LrR ooM^yqr.ri.)c Golder Assocaatest I I I I I I I I I Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Mr. Jim Bovd -5- May 2,2006 053-2372A. I T I I I I I I t I o We estimate that about 5,000 (+/-) cubic yards of fill would be required for the surcharge. John Kronholm of Alpine Engineering has looked in to this issue and determined a similar number. The cost for the surcharge will depend on a number of questions, such as how the surcharge construction is staged into the overall eailhwork construction, whether the material can remain on site, or must be hauled away, and the sourceflocation of the material. However, it seems tikety that the surcharge option will cost less than the stone columns. . Several of the disadvantages of the surcharge option (especiatly truck traffic) MAY have the potential to be considered "fatal flaws". We are not in a position to examine this question further, but it factors into our recommendation of stone columns as the preferred approach. The issues outlined in this letter were the subject of a meeting at your offices on Friday, April 14,2CfJ6.. Based on this discussion, we understand that you prefer to proceed with the stone column option. Therefore, this letter is issued as an addendum report to our December 5,20f5 report. For your convenience, we are issuing this addendum report bound with the previous report. Additionally, based on your instruction, we have completed design drawings for underdrains and stone column layout, which are also attached herewith. We are pleased to have been of service to the District in this matter, and look forward to a successful installation. Our services have been performed to be consistent with the level of effort and care exercised by other members of our profession, working at this time and in this are4 under similar constraints of access, budget, and schedule. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Please call if you have questions. Sincerely, GOLDERASSOCIATES TNC. Nancy Dessenberger, P.E, P.G. Associate Attachments: Drawing I - Bench Exca Drawing 2 - Proposed Stone Column Locations and Tank Base Platform Grading Drawing 3 - Typical Cross-Section and Details Geotechnical Assessment For Altemate Location Of Proposed Intermountain Water Tank, Vail, Colorado, December 5, 2005 Vibro-Replacement (Stone Columns) Specification cc: John Kronholm, Alpine Engineering Bob Bates, Bates Engineering FEH,/kag rE5\2172\r'@s5lazAERwsD.ArrrxDUMRprLTR@MAy06rtr GolderAssociatgs I I t I GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT FOR ALTERNATE LOCATION OF PROFOS0D INTERMOT]NTAINWATER TANK vArL, coLoRADo DECEMBER 5,2005 May2006 IIO5V3']IJIIII9J!I372A RWSDADDNDT'MIIT LTR O2MAY6.DOC Golder Associates 053-23724 I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I €olderAssociqfes lnc. 44 Union Boulevord. Suite 300 Lokewood. CO USA 80228 Telephone (303) 980{540 Fox (303) 985-2080 www,gotoer,com GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT FOR ALTERNATE LOCATION OF PROPOSED INTERMOUNTAIN WATER TAIYK VAIL, COLORADO Submitted to: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Submined by: Golder Associates, Inc. 44 Union Boulevard, Suite 300 Lalrewood. Colorado 80228 Distribution: 2 Copies - Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 2 Copies - Golder Associates Inc., Lakewood, ColoradoI Copy - Alpine EngineeringI Copy - Bates Engineering December 5, 2005 0s3-2372 OFFICES ACROSS AFRICA, ASIA, AUSTRALIA, EUROPE. NORTH AMERICA AND SOUTH AMERICA December 2ff)5 -l-053-2372 I I I I T I I I t I t I I I t T I I t TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.0 5.0 6.0 I:\05\23?nU000532372 FM, REPORT 02DliC05. DOC Golder Associates December 2fi)5 -1-053-2372 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T t I.O INTRODUCTION Terms of Reference The following reports supplemental geotechnical services performed by Golder Associates, Inc. (Golde$ in order to assess placement of the proposed Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) water storage tank located at Lot 14, Block 9, Vail Intermountain, Vail, Colorado. Initial positioning of the water storage tank by cutting into the existing hillside was previously reviewed by Golder as documented in Appendix A. The initial positioning indicated substantial cost considerations associated with shoring needs for below grade construction, and emphasized construction and operational risks associated with high groundwater conditions and identification of the site as a potential landslide hazard. As requested by Mr. Ron Siebert, ERWSD Project Manager, the supplemental work reported herein assesses altemate positioning of the water storage tank to avoid below grade construction to the extent practical. Site Characteristics The tank site is located in an area indicated as "slope failure complex" on the Eagle County Map of Potential Geologic Hazards (Robinson and Associates, 1975). Site photographs provided in Appendix B are indicative of the sloping terrain that exists in the area. Based on site observations the topography at the tank site and sunounding area is characteristic of ancient landslide deposits, as previously discussed in our lefter dated May L2,2W5 (refer Appendix A for copy). The geologic hazards map indicates that these deposits extend down to the valley floor, Alternate Tank Location The proposed alternative tank location assessed herein is shown on Figure l. Accompanying sections are provided in Figures 2 and 3 indicating the ground surface profile at this location, and the site photographs provided in Appendix B illustrate the local topography. This alternative location positions the proposed tank in a direction northwest (downslope) of the initial design location a horizontal distance of approximately 80 feet, but remaining at the same elevation as initialty designed. Investigation efforts were limited to the confines of the proposed alternative location. It should be noted that additional investigation would be required to assess slope conditions above and below this location, but this was beyond the scope of the current assessment. l:\05\232V)4{Xt0512372 FNL R-EFORT 02DEC05.DOC Golder Associates December 2005 053-2372 I I I I I t I I I I t I I I t I I I I Table I Figure I Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E LIST OF TABLES Recorded Groundwater Depths .............. ......'....'......'...4 TIGTJRF^S Proposed Alternate Location of Tank Section 1-l Indicating Boring and Piezometer Depths Section 2-2 Indicating Boring and Piezometer Depths Slope Stability Analysis Cross-Section Proposed Layout for Tank Location APPENDICES Previous Correspondence Site Photographs Boring Location Plan and Record of Borehole Sheets Typical Detail of Piezometer Installation Laboratory Test Results I:\O5\37nUfiIO532372 FNL REPORT 02D€C!5.DOC Golder Associates December 2005 -2-053-2372 I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I 2.0 FIELD IhTVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Boring Investigations A borehole investigation program was performed between June 15, 2005 and June l'l ,2005 under the direction of Golder. The field investigation included drilling and sampling four (4) exploratory borings northeast of the existing water storage tank, designated M-1 through M4 and as shown on the Boring Location Plan provided in Appendix B. Drilling operations were undertaken by D.A. Smith Drilling Company using a track-mounted D50T drilling rig equipped with a 6.0-inch diameter solid-stem auger for boring M-1, and an 8.25-inch diameter hollow-stem auger for remaining borines. Drilling depths of96 feet,5l.5 feet,35.l feet and 51.5 feet below ground surface were achieved at borings IM-1, IM-2, M-3 and IM4, respectively. Sampling intervals in each boring were generally 5 feet, but at IM-l sampling intervals increased to l0 feet at depths greater than 50 feet below ground surface. The Record of Borehole sheets are presented in Appendix C. 2.2 Geotechnical Soil Sampling Smalt bulk soil samples and relatively undisturbed samples were collected for geotechnical laboratory testing. The relatively undisturbed samples were collected using a Modified California (MC) drive sampler and the small bulk samples were taken from the Standard Penetration Test (SFD split-spoon sampler. The outside and inside diameters of the MC drive sampler are 2.5 inches and 2.0 inches, respectively; corresponding diameters for the SPT sampler are 2.0 and 1.4 inches. The MC drive and SPT samplers were driven using a l4Gpound automatic trip hammer falling through a height of 30 inches. Sampling at each interval altemated between MC and SPT samplers. Piezometer Installation Upon cornpletion of dritling operations a piezometer was installed in each boring to monitor groundwater levels. lnstallation was carried out by D.A. Smith Drilling Company under the direction of a qualified Golder engineering geologist/engineer. A typical detail of piezometer installation is provided in Appendix D. Piezometer installation and screening depths are shown on Figures 2 and 3. r:$5\2txwn05l2l72 FNL REPORT 02DEC0'DOC Golder Aesociates -J- I I t I I I I I I T I I I I T I I I I December 2005 053-2372 24 GeotechnicallaboratoryTesting Geotechnical laboratory tests were conducted to supplement observations recorded during the field investigations. A total of six (6) soil samples were tested for grain size distribution and a total of four (4) samples tested for Atterberg limits in order to assess soil characteristics. A sample was also tested in the one-dimensional oedoneter apparatus to assess consolidation-settlement characteristics. Moisture content was measured with each of the test samples, and unit weights also obtained with four (4) of the test samples. Testing was performed in accordance with the appropriate American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards at the Golder Associates, Inc. soil laboratory located in Lakewood, Denver. Test sample locations and test are provided in Appendix D. I:$5\2372\{N{L10532172 FNL Rf,PORT {nDECffi .DOC Golder Associates December 2005 053-2372 I I T t 3.0 ASSESSMENT OF ALTERNATE TANK LOCATION Subsurface Conditions The exploratory investigations indicated erratic soil conditions over the depths investigated. A strong presence of compact to very dense clayey sand (SC) material was noted in all borings, interspersed with zones of compact to very dense clayey gravel (GC) or sandy gravel (GP), or generally stiff to very stiff sandy clay (CL). Intermittment grinding of augers noted in all borings also suggested the presence of pockets of cobbles or possibly small boulders throughout. The early termination of drilling operations in boring IM-3 at a depth of 35.1 feet below ground surface suggested the presence of either a large boulder or bedrock at this depth. Highly weathered, very weak rock (sandstone) was encountered in boring M-l at depths greater than 80 feet below ground surface. This could be interpreted as indicating proximity to bedrock, but the presence of clayey sand (SC) near the termination depth of 96 feet below ground surface would tend to suggest otherwise. It is noted that caving of material from upper to lower depths in boring IM-l was possible due to the solid-stem auger drilling technique utilized. However, the absence of any marked change in drilling resistance to termination depth indicated a relatively constant soil profile over the depth investigated. Groundwater Conditions Groundwater levels encountered in each boring during drilling and after piezometer installation are indicated in Table l, and the post-piezometer installation levels are shown on Figures 2 and 3 to illustrate groundwater levels in relation to the ground surface profile at the tank location. t I ! I I I I I I I I I I I T Table I : Recorded Groundwater Boring Groundwater Depth Below Ground Surface (feet) During Drillingr Post-Piezometer Installation2 IM-l 22.8 7.4 IM.2 = 9.5 6.0 IM-3 =35 19.6 IM-4 =15 0 Notes:(l) Approximate for borings IM-2, IM-3 and IM-4 due to the presence of the hollow-stem casing. (2) Measured on Julv 19.2005. Il05u372VXrn0$2372 FNL REK)RT 02DEC05,DOC Golder Associates -5- I I T t t I t I I I I I I I I I I I ! December 2005 053-2372 Running water was audible in borings IM-I, IM-2 and M4 during piezometer installation, and additional quantities of filter sand were noted in these borings in order to achieve the desired piezometer installation layout. Reason for the additional quantities was mainly attributed to loss of filter sand through transport into the surrounding ground by flowing water. Oversizing of the borehole due to caving was also considered a possible cause, although to a lesser degree. The groundwater level inside the previously existing PVC monitoring well (installed by others, refer to Figure 1) was also examined during the investigation and indicated a piezometric level less than one feet below the ground surface at this location. Groundwater conditions characterized by variable permeabilities with depth and affected by local impermeable layers and/or highly porous layers should therefore be anticipated. The relatively lower groundwater level observed at boring M-3 is considered to be the result of possible topographic effects or ground variations locally influencing the groundwater regime. lnspection of groundwater levels relative to the existing ground surface (Figures 2 and 3) indicates that generally high groundwater conditions are apparent at the proposed tank location. Observance of high groundwater conditions at the site is in accordance with previous investigations and observations by others. Performance Assessment 3.3.1 GroundConditions Based on the findings of the exploratory investigations, ground conditions at the proposed tank location were characterized as landslide debris. This followed from the exploratory investigation observations of erratic subsurface conditions and variable groundwater conditions that are typical of landslide deposits, and the potential landslide hazard designation that already applies to the site and surrounding area. Furthermore, inspection of a nearby road cutting on Snowberry Drive revealed subsurface qualities that would be expected of landslide debris (refer to photograph below). This road cutting is located west of the existing tank at a horizontal distance of approximately 500 feet, lending support to the presence of such material at the tank site. Given the erratic nature of landstide deposits, it is difficult to assign average values of soil properties. A range of soil parameters were therefore adopted for the purpose of assessing the anticipated effects of the landslide debris on perforrnance of the proposed water storage tank. It05\2,?2VX{X 05t2172 FNL REPORT 02DECtJ.DoC Golder Associates T I I t I I I I I I I I t t I T t T T December 2005 053-2372 Road cutting on Snowberry Drive below the site (July 16,20p5) 3.3.2 Slope Stabiliry White no evidence of recent ground movement has been observed in the vicinity of the tank site, re- mobilization of landslide deposits is possible due to construction-related disturbance or changes in ground conditions. The proposed altemate location will require positioning the tank structure on mostly fill of varying height to locate the base of the tank at the same elevation as initially designed. Based on the proposed alternate location as shown on Figure l, the fill height is expected to reach up 4- l:$t2372\t)4{XM532372 FNL REPORT 02DEC05.DOC Golder Associates -7- I I December 2005 053-2372 to 20 feet in height. Placement of the tank and supporting fill will therefore apply additional loading to the existing hillside that will impact stability of the slope below the tank. Slope stability assessment was based on the steepest downhill ground surface profile located through the center of the proposed tank location (corresponding to section l-l as shown on Figure l). The analysis cross-section is shown in Figure 4 and extended uphill a clear horizontal distance of approximately 120 feet (= l.l tank diameters), and downhilt a clear horizontal distance of approximately 160 feet (= 1.4 tank diameters) from the proposed tank location. The base of the downhill portion corresponded to the access road that extends from Snowberry Drive. Slope stability analyses were undertaken using SLIDE Version 5.014 (Rocscience, 20@). Given the absence of subsurface or groundwater investigation for the hillside below the tank, slope stability assessment first considered the material properties previously estinrated for this area [c'= 0, il = 35", T= 139 pcfl, as reported in our letter dated April 20,2Cf5 (refer Appendix A for copy). Based on the event of high groundwater conditions below the tank, analysis results indicated failure of slope portions below the tank location but no encroachment of failure surfaces into the tank and fill area. Failure of lower slope portions could impact subsequent stability of the tank and/or result in progressive slope collapse. Given the observed stability of the lower slope portions and absence of any obvious groundwater seepage, the high groundwater condition case was considered an unlikely event, and is therefore not expected to impact tank design or construction. Based on the exploratory investigation data and observed stability conditions in the area, a series of slope stability analyses then considered a range of soil strength parameters recognizing both cohesive (c'> 0) and frictional (/) strength qualities. The various groundwater cases as indicated on Figure 4 were also inspected in recognition of the uncertainty with groundwater conditions. The full-tank (i.e long-term) condition was considered to be the governing analysis case for design, as the short-term loading case was not expected to mobilize any appreciable differences in soil strengths. Analysis results indicaled existing factors of safety ranging from 1.3 to 1,8, and factors of safety ranging from 1.2 to 1.5 for the full-tank condition. Based on engineering judgement, a factor of safety equal to I .4 was considered the most rcasonable value for the for the full-tank condition, based on a factor of safety equal to approximately 1.6 for the existing slope. I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T t T It052372Vr"to{r\os12172 [NL REPORT 02DEC05.D(r Golder Associates I t I December 2005 053-2372 3.3.3 Settlement Loading applied by the tank" fill, and stored water is expected to induce settlement of the underlying foundation soil. Given the difficulty in assigning average soil properties to the landslide debris, and the nature of soil in general, settlement calculations are only considered to be broadly indicative of the movements that may occur. Based on the Schmertmann (1970) approach, immediate settlement on the order of 2- to 4-inches was estimated for the full-tank loading condition. Based on consolidation test results, long-term settlement in the order of several feet was calculated. However, the latter calculation was based on clay-like material behavior that is overly conservative for the soil profile investigated. Less long{erm settlement is therefore anticipated, and is estimated to be in the order of one foot. The absence of bedrock material in the exploratory borings requires that consideration be made as to possible deep-seated movement due to the influence of surface loading pressures on deeper soil layers. The extent of influence is scale-dependent and generally considered to be important over a depth corresponding to twice the structure width, with the upper half of this depth experiencing the greatest influence. Given the exploratory depths investigated and the erratic nature of landslide debris, additional settlement due to deep-seated movement remains a possibility. However, inspection of boring M-l would tend to suggest an increase in granular content at greater depths, indicating that deep-seated movement may not be an issue. Differential settlement concems are appropriate for the tank structure given placement on fill of varying height and partial bearing of the tank base directly onto the existing slope. Provision of a properly compacted fill of sufficient rigidity should minimize differential settlements within a fill of varying height, and provision of a homogeneous bearing layer of constant thickness directty beneath the tank base should promote uniform settlement. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Golder Associates t 053-2372December 2005 -9-I - I Based on the assessment findings and analysis results, the alternate location is considered to be I appropriate for placement ofthe proposed water storage tank, subject to the proviso that expectations t of satisfactory stability conditions of the existing slope below the altemate location are verified. _ Backhoe trench investigations are recommended to establish if high groundwater conditions exist in I this area. Investigation to establish appropriate subsurface and groundwater conditions for the downhill slope is considered the most effective measure for reducing construction risk.I I I T t I I Given the erratic ground conditions anticipated, presence on-site of a qualified geotechnical engineer I during construction is also recommended in order to confirm design expectations and establish any design changes if necessary.I I I t r:\0nr72,\04{fi)532372 FNL REpoRr DDEc.5.Doc Golder Associatgs Recommended design measures include the following, as illustrated in Figure 5: r Provision of a 3-foot thick layer of free-draining gravel material directly beneath the tank to allow drainage and promote uniform settlement; r Use of granular material for construction of the tank fill and reinforcement to enhance strength and stiffness in order to minimize settlement; r Benching of the filt foundation to key it into the slope and facilitate drain construction: r Provision of drainage pipes in each bench to affect drainage of groundwater away from the tank foundation: r Provision of surface drains to direct surface water away from the tank foundation. T I -10- II I I I I I I I I I t I I I December 2005 053-2372 5.0 CLOSURE Thank you for the opportunity to work on this assignment. This report and our related services have been provided to be consistent with the standard of care exercised by other members of our profession, working at this time and in this area, under similar constraints of schedule, budget, site access, and geotechnical uncertainty. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Please call if you have questions concerning this report. GOLDERASSOCIATES INC. ffi Senior Project Engineer AMD/FEII/kag t I T T T Francis E. Harribon. P.E Golder Associates T December 2005 053-2372 I 6.0 REFERENCES I Alpine Engineering, Preliminary Grading Plan for the Tank Site, January 25,2W5 I Alpine Engineering, Tank Cross Sections, February 11, 2005r Golder Associates Inc., Consultation and Preliminary Opinions Regarding Shoring and Slope t Stability, Intermountain Tank Site, Vail, Colorado, March 18, 2005. - Golder Associates [nc., Slope Stability Analysis Results, Intermountain Tank Site, Vail, Colorado, I April20,2005 I IIP Geotech, Geotechnical Rreport for the Subject Site, May 30, 2001 t Rocscience QCf,q. SUDE, slope stability computer program, Version 5.014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Schmertmann, J.H. (1970). "Static cone to compute settlement over sand." J. Soil Mech. and Found. Engrg., ASCE, 96(SM3), pp. l01l-1143. I I I I I t I T I I r:\05\2372\M)0\0J32372 FNL RBpoRr o2DEo)5.Doc Golder Associates -l l- l I FIGURES I December2005 Golder Associates 053-2372 r | \05o3?no4m\0512171 FNL REPORT 02DECO5 DOC I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t ./ g, ,) .- --1- , I '.1 SOURCE: BASE MAP PROVIDED BY ALPINE ENGINEERING INC. , --'1 i/ I I I I B12c ( ROPOSED LTERNATE ANK LOCATION l rR\.-\co c)rP 'lcoo,to) IPE/ 6 €lat //, -^ 10\Jl ' \>-.1/.-r I-l INITIAL DESIGN ]i TANK LOCATION doo o' ito 0 40 Eo 1'= ,1o'Feet PROPOSED ALTERNATE LOCATION OF TANK INTERMOUNTAIN TANK SITE, VAIL, COLORADO FIGURE 1Denver, Colorodo PRO.fCl No O5J 2172 CAI)I) SB DAII 0//19,/05 Fllt ND 0532J72A004 dwq .11 letsn /(fG?72!' ( I \ 8140 ING ER IK I cl^., )v/'Y \I TN -AL TA 'b-..f\i# 1 1/+" PVC PI \t 721 /,,\/\. 7 F\.' /- ^- - '\,. ./ -..*_,( /,,\' t \ (rG9 EXISl WAT TAT\ t ) - OA, OT == 4.4E^ tr)-.:E ^a.lC)rrt (2Y -E tt.dlo 6-otr o- z/4lJ EhsI= ui XR;z/[lt -o?-o!6etFf Hf Fz $gi W bl F fr2l-xx -m trl trJ Lt- FJ r.d < l-rJ >LJ- (Y -i_t- r- =2.z<ttr4Z J trJ< trJ-vt-a @@ @f--Tirin @ q=umtdJoE Ll !-rlo!-- ;=,E1d oz IIJo trJJ o(oo@ NlLlo; F-z. ()wz =Ei'jo @ o @o@ rffr - No[v^]-]f oo-@ fo >lt * oNr @ tr, |r) (o .>lt @o Ot to os @ >ll lr)o lr) \(o O o(o @ oz.loE(-) zn l-JYo =<6"-x= bJ (n I(-) -Ho'Oz |'.tltrooad)I I I I I I I I t T I I I t I I I I T I i' I ClU)oo:-^lIl =f '<g aY A ,L- Cl rrl t2 Y;6H * 'roE o-zuJ kEf XR;zwt nro- inro! =net Ff Hfi Fz sgi W" t!lO5 Fz(9ttzj-F><^rdE oso @ Ful LiJ LL l-Ju< lrJ >.u-,8-Ll_t- l- =2.z. <tllJ Z -J td< r.d-u.O(Ji(n @@ @r-Tiiiiil @ Fqo M(ntJJoE td !-,J ; ZN rO- oz UIo UJJ o(oo @ Llll - Notrv^ftf ooo@rO@@ + b+ F_z.Qlr z- 85m r.)trt F_z. (, \tJ ziE a-.io TD tf)O o, ]t- n- h ,,.\vll (,f))' \5/ oNr @ >lr @ |r)o o) \t'-o o.f @ (9Z-(r> (J- (D |r) o) No (,Zco- |ql> C)-d]oz.lo E.o z.r LrJ =2.6"* >< :)uJ(, oZs 5* c0 o(o @ I I t t T I I I t I I I T I t I t I I J J ; 68il bg0 frd*U'i Sr= 5E 97(,o2 JF4zz<<,tt-i= =tmg<2F-o IIJ o-oJo $Hi @" /\_F |rJ lrJ LL lrJOoz.-oNF U)o o-o J J Lr- otrlOuoLz.EE ooooooooo@(o*No@(o++EOOAo@Cp(D@@o6cO@ F t-d:<z. J(n UJ(J =Eo UJ v1 (I) Yz F UJ() L!E.f(n oz.fo E.(, (rr:r) No[vn]rj 6eu k5dgd* Ji >=3"iFFgG P= FF r= r,=Jo oE IrJ Frg2 o-otr o- 9 llo --I1r :r.!loEtEb -g.ra 6 v'rEl g(J -5- ;zEfI9- at - -E rra >(rttas f!t uta, ;.A- ,Zt1 d -I||hq:- | 'ffifl!'lunflrt- --t - .i o trJr-o A tJJ\o-ao-lrJknx< E<ul (r(LO UJz =E.il __., HEifrO*(J Lr- .LIJ \./ Y.i<t 9#.nfiooo-- ooouJ>aaoOc/.E. o_ o_ tdo-o<oFo-FUJ z. o2r!<j-o/oo,*rdu t-rl >2td< O ECY(Jt!(9 JJ tr- bs|r) I otd tdQO81gp*5 o_a(n =u- oL! E.otr-z trj E. trl(9 z. E.o :<F(J IJ =:<=z_5r.) (DN tl -Fo =LJ atl o )<z. I t I I t I I I T t t I I I T I t I I I I I T t t T t T I I I t I t I T I APPENDIX A PREVIOUS CORRESPONDENCE t December 2005 Golder Associates I l:\05u372\o4oo\05323?z FNL REpoRT 02DEc05.Doc 053-2372 I I I Golder Associqles lnc. 44 Unlon goulevord, Suite 300 Lokewood. CO USA 80228 Telephone (303) 980-0540 Fox (303) 98$2080 w\,./w.golder com May 12, 2005I t I I I I I I Our Refl P05-2038 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forcst Rtnd Vail, CO 81657 Attentiou: Mr. Ron Siebert RE: BVALUATION OF I,AFIDSLIDE HAZARD TO PROPOSED IVATER TANK Dear Mr. Siebert: Thank you for your time on May 4, 2005, when we visited the tank site with you to assess the potential landslide hazard for the proposed tank location. The tank sile is located in an area indicated as "slope f'ailure conrplex" on the Eagle County Map of Poteutial Geologic Hazards, prepared by Charles S. Robinson and Associates, Inc. for Eagle County in | 975. Our visit to the site was lor the purpose of veriffing the nature of the site terrain as old landslide, looking for indications of possible recenl rlovemenl. and understanding tlre proposed layout of the tank with relerence to the topography. SI1E OBSERVATIONS The topography at the tank site arrd surrounding area is characteristic of ancierrt landslidc deposits. The geologic hazards map indicates that these deposits extend down to the valley l1oor. Deposits ol' tbis type are conlmon on many slopes in the Vail area. In nlosl cases, the deposits are stable in their undisturbed condition. However, disturbance of these areas by regrading, increased groun<lwater levels, or structural loading can lead to re-mobilization of the slide deposits and result in damage to smrcrures. At the time of our site visit, there was still some snow upslope of the tank site, and nearby areas of lhe ground surface were saturated fronr snownrelt. llowever, there appears to be a groundwater seep al the south side of the tanft site, rvhere an old cut slope has apparently intersected the groundwater table. This seep may be seasonal, and have reduced, or no flow during driel seasonal conditions. The water level inside the PVC nronitoring well ( Boring l) placed by HP Geotechnical during their April 2001 site investigation indicated a piezornetric level at approximately the gmund surface. An existirrg 200,000 galton tank is localed iurmediately adjaceut to the llew tank sile. Reporledly, this tank has been in service flor about 20 years and has not experienced any dislress due to setllement or ground movements. A timber retairring wall on the dowlslope side of the existing lauk appears to be ln good condition, with no evidence of distress. I I I I I t t t gv& I t I I l I I I l I t Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Mr. Ron Siebert May 12, 2005 P05-2038 AIITICIPATED BFTECTS OF LANDSLIDE TERRAIN ON PROPOSI]D TANK coNSTRUCTTON The tank is to be constructed on an existing topographic bench. imrnediately east of the existing water ta1k. The existing back slope rvill be further excavated and supporred by a permarlent tieback retaining wall. A fill, approximately 25 feet high, rvill be constructed supporting the front of the downslope side of the tank. It is appropriate to consider the efTects that the cut and fill rvill have in changing the existing slope geonrelry, and evaluate the stability ofthe modified site. At the tirne of the site investigation by HP, the groundwater table rvas within 2 to 5 t'eet of the ground surface. At the tinre ofour site visit, grouudwaler was at the surface at the back of the existing cut. Observations by others indicate tliat this area apparently has a relatively high ground water condition (near the ground surFace) during dry periods of the year, as well. The significance of these observations is that high groundwiter corrditions nrust be taken into consideration regarding stability of the proposed tank 'l'he slope stability analyses include relatively conservative assumptions lor the strengtlr of soil materiali. No site-specific strength data was available lbr the on site soils. Strenglb and other soil property values were assigned based on our experience with similar sites in lhe area, and then rvele checked by back-calcuiation methods. Installation of drains, to keep groundwater levels down in the tieback wall, and a blanliet drain belorv the tank, have been specified for construction. lrr the event that the drains do not perfbnn as intended, or clog over time, groundrvater levels could rise and compromise stability. Both fully-functional and "partially-clogged' drain conditions u'ere examiued in our analyses. Since the partially clogged drain condition would be a short-term or "worst case" condition, it is appropriate to accept a lorver factor of sat'ety for this coldition. Such a worst-case condition would occur only during seasonally wet conditions combined with the evenl of reduced drain function. Factors of satbty calculated for the overall slope and for the back slope cut wall have previously beol reported to you. Analyses perfonned I'or the fill and fill foundation indicate a factor of safety of 1.4 for lailure of the fill face and adjacent foundation under the partially clogged condition, and exceeding L5 for the condition of fully functional drains. Based on the factors and results of analyses described above, we believe that the proposed design for the tank site cut and fill is appropriate for the site conditions. Due to the significant eff'ect ol' groqndwater levels on stability, we reconunend tlut sorne additional loundation drainage nreasures be constructed, with adequate on-site inspection to allow field-fitting lo existing conditions. '[]te tbllowins are recomntended. r Benching ofthe berm fill foundation to key it into the slope and fbcilitate drain construction. r A blanket drain to be added below the fill berm. A blanket drain has already been specified below tlte tank. r Trench drains belotv the fill blanket drain. The rnain collection drain would be placed at the back of the highest fill foundation bench (the heel of the fill). A discharge drain, €xcavated into the foundation, would lead fronr the transverse drain to daylight through tlre fill toe. ,) I I I I t I I r,r'roprurs:o,r8.LACr.ERrvrR.EvAl.r.\Dsr.DH,rzRDD(x GolderAEsociates , ,l r;.1 /z .+ I I I I I I l I I I I I I I t I I I I Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Mr. Ron Siebert -3- May 12, 2005 P05-2038 The foundation areas should be examined aller stripping of the site, and completion of excavation. We strongly recommend tlrat we have a full-tinre presence, or nearly so, on the site during retaining wall construction, foundation preparation and drain construction so tha{ tlrc drains and blankets can be field-fit to suit the conditions encountered as the foundation is excavated. If the foundation is lotrnd to be without evidence of seepage, il may be possible to eliminate either the blanket drain or lrench drains below the fill. Also, ifdiscrete seepage sources are found durin,s excavation, trench drains can be constnrcted as needed. We are prepared to assist you with an addendurn to the construction docurnents to accommodate lhe additional drains. If the drains are to be field-fit, drarving changes are likely not needed; lhe additional work may be specified through estimated quantities of drain materials. We would be happy to discuss these changes with you. Please call if we can answer any qucstions you nray have regarding the above infbnnation. Sincerely, Golder Associates Inc. Nancy C. Dessenberger, P.8., P.C. Associate NCD/FEH/mjc | .r'Roplrro5,ruiu-!AcL.ERly!R\[vALr.NDsr.r)rlzr{) rx)( Goldgr Astociates Golder Associoles htc. ,. .,,.- :. .:r!'.,' : ; ;,.:- --..1 -._ .' May 9. 2005 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,l I ffig*gffi." Our Rcl: 051-ll7: Eagle River Watcr and Sanitation l)istrjct 846 Forcsl Road Vail, Colorado 8 | 657 A11qnllt1"nr Mr. Ron Sieben IIE: SCOPT CHANGf, FOR RETAINTNC WALL CONSULTATION AND ANALYS-ES SERVICCS, INTER}I OUI{TAIN W A-I' [R T AN K, V A I L. COI,ORA O() [)ear Ron: As we discussed on May 2. 2005, and at vr>ur direction. we arc claluating the potential 1'rrr land:lidc hazards at the tank site, mapped by others. to atibct construclion or expected perlirrmance tirr the Intermountain r,r'ater 1ank, These additional scn,ices not inciuded in our existing scope of worL include: . A site,"isir by a (iolder Engineering Geologist to verill the nature of the site tcnain as oltl landslide, look for indications ol'possiblc rL*cent movement. and rer ier.v thc proposed layout of the tank with referencc t() tho t()p()graphy. o Completion of several additional stability anall.ses to lurther cxaminc p()tential slabilit) implicarions to the portion ol'the slope bclorv the tank site. . Additional pertinent recom rnendations. rrhich rnal includc more aggressive site drainage strategies. and monitoring ol'groundrvater levr-'ls and possible ground movements. At this time jt is not anticipated that changes in the existing proposed design uill bc nccessary. ljowever, if the results of the additional anal.vses indicatc stabilit-r uoncerns. we uill discuss the potential implications with you as s(x)B a.s practical. For thc anticipated additional eftbrt we anlicipate approximatcl,v- l2 hours of Assnciate Bngineer tinre, 8 hours of Prcljecl Engineer effort. and I hour trf clcrir:al support. \\'ilh associated expenses. including trayel cosls to visit the sitc, wc estirrrate a total additional cosl not to cxceed $2.700. -fhis does not include changes to the wall design. should $e work delernrine thal this is needed. The addirional services will be added to our existing contract as Phase 4 - Landslidc Rsview. and uill be perf,ormed under the pre,' iously-agreed upon temr.s and condilions. lf ;-ou find ttris prcrposed scope and budget change to be aoceptablc, pleasc indicate so by' signing belou. 'fhank lou for the tlpportunity lcr propose on Lhis project. Please call if 1ou have any queslions. S inccre l1', GO LDER ASSOCIATES INC. I I t Eagle River Waler and Sanitation District Mr. Rtxr Siebert -2- February 9, 2005 P05-2038 t l:H'"1;o*"nberger' P'E'' P'c I Francis E. I lanison, P.E. Associate ACCEPTED BY EAGLE RIVf,R WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTI -t I sE*rrrt: - ' \Irt I I I I I al I I t I I c docunc s ,nd $r1,nsivd6s!,bc8ur,y d€,tr.nrr\o1d!, r!.oredshjrc\s.npc crunsc do( Golder Associates I I I I t I I I I I I I g I t I I t Golder Assocloies lnc. 44 Union Boulevord. Suite 300 Lokewood. CO USA 80228 Telephone: {3031 98G0540 Fox (303) 98$2080 www.golder.com April 20,2005 @"'sH* Our Ref.: 053-2372 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Ron Siebert RE: SLOPE STABILITY AIIALYSIS RESULTS, INTERMOUNTAIN TANK SITE VAIL' COLORADO Dear Mr. Siebert: As requested, Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) has completed a series of slope stability analyses for the proposed lntermountain Tank Site in Vail, Colorado. The results of the calculations are attached to this letter and summarized briefly below. These analyses were conducted in accordance with our proposal; this letter and the attached calculations constitute the deliverable for Phase 2 of this work, in accordance with our proposal. The stability analyses conducted by Golder consist oftwo main series: I . Existine Conditions: The first series of analysis considered the stability of the two existing slopes (one above and another below the tank) with the objective of developing the design soil strength parameters for the subsequent series of analyses. The analyses assumed that the existing slopes above and below the tank have safety factors of about I.4 and L0, respectively. The safety factor of 1.4 was selected for the slope above the tank because no indication ofa past landslide was observed in this part ofthe slope; the safety factor of 1.4 was also selected to satis$ our desip criterion that the stability ofthe slope after the installation ofthe tieback system will be comparable to the existing conditions. The safety factor of 1.0 was selected for the slope below the tank to reflect the possible existence oflandslide tenain in this area. Coincidentally, the soil strengths calculated from these two cases were in close agreement. 2. Proposed Constructed Conditions: Using the soil strength parameters calculated from the first step above, the second series of analyses considered several operating scenarios (such as tank emptying) and different groundwater table locations. The objective ofthis series of analyses was to evaluate the range of tieback forces needed to maintain acceptable safety factors under the different conditions considered in the analyses. The results ofthe analyses indicated that a tieback wall with a moderate tieback force is feasible. Based on the attached calculatioq Golder has the following recommendations for this project: I OFFICES ACROSS AFRICA, ASIA, AUSTRATIA, EUROPE, NORTH AAAERICA AND SOUTH ATIERICA I Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Mr. Ron Siebert -2- April 20, 2005 053-2372t I I I I I fr I l General: We recommend a permanent tieback systern for the excavation shoring wall to provide acceptable factors of safeqr for the excavation as well as the global stability of the hillside above the excavation under different operating scenarios (such as tank emptying or removal of the fill butfess in front of the tank) and variable groundwater table. 2. Equivalent Support Pressure: The permanent tieback system should be designed and installed such that the sum of the working tensions of the tiebacks would provide an equivalent support pressure of 2. I ksf or greater (in a direction perpendicular to the wall face) over the entire face ofthe wall. 3. Free Lensth: Free stress (unbonded) lengths ofthe anchors would tikely vary from l0 to 30 feet, depending on the location of the tieback anchors. 4. Temporary Stabilitv: Higher working tensions may be needed for temporary shoring stability during construction; the contractor will be responsible for detemrining the required anchor tensions for temporary stability. 5. Number of Runs: A minimum of two horizontal rows of tiebacks is needed for walls with finished heights of 15 feet or greater. For walls with finished heights of less than 15 feet, the contractor may elect to install a single row of tiebacks provided the requirements of minimum support pressure (Section 2) and maximum spacing (Section 6) are also satisfied. 6. Tieback Soacines: The horizontal spacing between adjoining tiebacks shall not exceed eight feet. The vertical distance between successive rows oftiebacks shall not exceed 12 feet. Tiebacks on successive rows may be staggered. 7. Tieback lnclinations: Tiebacks shall be inclined at an angle ofno less than 15 degrees from the horizontal. 8. Desien Life and Conosion Protection: Tiebacks shall be designed for full corrosion protection over the 50-year design life of the talk; the corrosion protection measures shall be consistent with the soil, rock and groundwater conditions encountered at the site. 9. Applicable Guidelines: Permanent ground anchors should be desigrcd, constructed and tested in accordanc e :drth Ground Anchors and Anchor Systems, published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA-IF-99-015) in June 1999. 10. Construction Dewatering: Temporary construction dewatering should be provided to keep groundwater levels at least two feet below the bottom ofthe excavation at all times. A separate bid item (or items) should be provided for dewatering. 11. Wall Drainage: Perrnanent drainage should also be provided, and desiped conservatively to keep the permanent groundwater level at or below the base of the tank. To accomplish this with reasonable conservatisnr, we recommend that the annular space between the tank wall and the shoring will be designed as a I 1 Il I I I I ,l I l:\05U372\0100053.23?2 ERWSD C.lc Rllb Ln 2OAPR05 .doc Golder Assoclates -3- I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t I I T Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Mr. Ron Siebert April20,2005 053-2372 large perimeter drain constructed of free-draining granular material and adequately sized perforated pipe sloped to a suitable outfatl(s). Since it appears likely that this drain system will carry flow for the entire year, a graded aggregate filter (instead of a geotextile filted is recommended for the margins of the drain directly in contact with native soils. 12. Contact Adminishation: We recommend prequaliffing specialty contractors for the tieback and shoring wall installation. We also recommend that the bidders submit with their bid conceptual or schematic plans that include typical sections, type and capacity of the tieback anchor proposed" and the general layout of the tieback systerq in accordance with technical specifications that Golder will develop under Phase 3 ofthis work assignment. ln accordance with our prciposal, Golder is currently developing a technical specification for the shoring walls, including the permanent tiebacks, addressing recommendations I tbrough 9, and 12, above. Additional geotechnical parameters that the contractors need to design the shoring will be provided in these specifications. In accordance with recommendations previously provided to you, we recommend that a site visit be scheduled as soon as practical after substantial snowmelt occurs to evaluate the possible existence of landslide terrain at or in the vicinity of this site. Thank you for the opportunity to work on this assignment. This deliverable has been prepared to be consistent with the standard of care exercised by other members of our profession, working at this time and in this area, under similar constraints of schedule, budget, site access, and geotechnical uncertainty. No other warranty is expressed or implied. Please call if you have questions concerning the attached calculations or the recommendations provided in this letter. Sincerely, GOLDER ASSOCIATES INC. IA]YUb,*t- {er- Kuantsai Lee, P.E. Principal Attachments Gary Brooks, Alpine Engineering Bob Bates, Bates Engineering JO&g IVIJU372$100VX3.23?2 ERWSD Cilc Rlla h 20APR05 .doc Golder Assoclates I I I I I I I /l I I I Ii I Golder Assoclqles Inc, '14 Union Bouievord. Suite 300 Lokewccd CC USA 80228 lelephone (303) ?80-0540 Fcr (303) ?85-2080 March 18,2005 053-2372 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Mr. Ron Siebert RE: CONSULTATION A}ID PRDLIMINARY OPINIONS REGARDING SHORING AI\ID SLOPE STABILITY, INTERIVIOUNTAIN TANK SITE, VAIL, COLORADO Dear Mr. Siebert: This letter is provided as a record of preliminary recommendations and opinions provided by Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (The DistricQ regarding shoring and slope stability issues for the lntemrountain Ta* site in Vail. This letter is fumished in accordance witb our proposal dated February 9,2005, and is intended as a necord of discussions and recommendations by the undersigned beginning on that date through the present. ln specific, this lett€r represents the Phase I deliverable in accordance with our proposal. In providing this letter, we have reviewed sevenl itens provided to us either by the District or Alpine Engineering. They include: l. A preliminary grading plan for the tank site by Alpine Engineering, dated U25/O5, 2. Tank cross sections, by Alpine Engineering, dated2/ll/05, and 3. A geotechnical report for the subject site, by HP Geotech, dat€d May 30, 2001. Golder was originally contacted regarding design ofa soil nail wall for shoring of the cut for the tank. Based on the geomeb,-y as shown on Alpine's plans, and the ground conditions indicated in HP's report, we do not recommend an owner fiunished soil nail design for temporary or pennanent ground support at this site. The apparent high groundwater on this sloping site, and granular nature of the materials encountered may be problematic for the successful installation and performance of a soil nail wall. Furthemrore, in situations like this, a soil nail wall may not function well as a pennanent retaining wall system, thus firther limiting its benefit to the project. For ground conditions such as these, we recommend you consider pre-qualiffing specialty contractors and requiring them to select a ground support method employing tie-back anchors, and provide designs for review by our finn or one similarly qualifred. Two borings were performed within the tank foundation ar€a, as reported by FIP. They support interpretation ofa geotechnical cross section of the hillside within the tank area. Critical questions I t I OFfICFS IN AUSTI?ALiA, CANADA G€AMANY. HUNGARY I]ATY SUJTDEN LII.{ ED (II.]GDL]M UNITED SIAi€S I I I I t I I t Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Mr. Ron Siebert a March 18,2005 053-2372 t t I t I ti t t remain regarding geotechnical conditions in the hillside above, and potentially below, the shoring wall or tank location. Material properties, and especially groundwater levels, in this hillside are needed to support the design of the shoring. In the absence of a boring uphill of the tank location, the material properties and groundwater level outside of the tank area must be extrapolated conservatively. Additional data to support dewatering design (zuch as puroping rates from a pump test) ar€ also needed but currently unavailable. We understand that given seasonal limitations on geotechnical investigation at tlis site, you would like us to proceed in this conservative manner (without the benefit of additional investigation), with the understanding that higher geotechnical risk is inherent in this approach, and that higher bid prices for the shoring and dewatering may be the result. Geologic hazard mapping @obinson, 1975) on file in our offrce indicates that this site is located within a large mapped slope failure complex. However, we understand that the Town of Vail's hazard map does not indicate geologic h^zards for this site. FIP's report does not address this issue. As we have discussed, a geologic reconnaissance of the site by a qualified engineering geologist is advisable, althougb this work is probably of little value until substantial snowmelt occurs. Golder is prepared to conduct this reconnaissance when suitable weather conditions develop. You should understand that landslide iszues may impact our analyses and the approach to shoring and/or slope stabilization, and may lead to concern over the stability of the slope in front of the tank. As outlined in our proposal, we are proceeding with slope stability modeling for the cut into th€ hillside at the t"nk site, At issue is that it may be prudent for the shoring system to provide permanent stope stabitization of the completed construction for the hillside above the tanh since the construction will result in removal of a sizeable amount of eartl from tbe toe area of this slope. We will report the results ofthe analyses under separate cover. Please call if you have questions regarding this work. Sincerely, GOLDERASSOCIATES INC. Francis E. Harison, P.E. Associate cc: Alpine Engineering FElllkag r$5v3zz$r00053.2372 ERursD pR.ELrM coNslrr.r LErrERmrmcGoldgr Assoclatgs I I I T I I I l T I I I I I I I I ; I Golder Assoclol6 Inc. .14 Unron goulevord. Surle 300 Lokewood. CO USA 80228 Ierepfrone (303) 980.0540 Ft':x (303) 985.?080 February 9,2005 Our Ref: P05-2038 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Ron Siebert RE: PROPOSAL FOR RETAINING WALL CONSULTATION AI\D AI\ALYSES, INTERMOUNTAIN WATER TANK VAIL, COLORADO Dear Ron: Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) is pleased to submit this proposal to provide consultation and analyses regarding retaining walls, shoring, and slope stability issues at the above-referenced site. We have been provided with the following inforrnation: (1) a plan view which contains existing site topography illustrating the tentative tank location; and (2) a geotechnical report prepared by Hepworth-Pawlak Geotech (IIP Geotech) dated May 30, 2001. We understand however, that the water tank location and elevations are not finalized. Depending on final location and elevation of the tank, a cut ofperhaps 30 feet or more may be required on the southeast edge ofthe tank- HP Geotech's report describes ground conditions that appear to be challenging in terms of slope stability and/or design of retaining walls and temporary shoring. Groundwater appfflrs to be near the surface in both of the borings, as measured by HP Geotech in May 2001. Soils are described as sand and gravel, clayey to very clayey, with cobbles, and moist to wet. No bedrock appears to have been encountered. The terrain immediately above the tank to the soutleast slopes toward the tank at about 2H:lV (horizontal:vertical). It appears that the cut in question will be made well below the apparent groundwater level, and into this rather steep hillside. Therefore, issues are likely to exist on the project for long and short term slope stability, long and short term dewatering, temporary shoring, and permanent retaining walls. As we (Golder) have discussed with you and representatives of Alpine Engineering, it may be prudent to direct contractors bidding on this work to propose solutions to these issues. With this in mind we propose that our immediate scope consist of the following items: r Phase I - Engineering Consultation r Phase 2 - Slope Stability Analysis and Conceptual WalVShoring Design r Phase 3 - Confract Document Support Subsequent phases, such as bidding phase support or construction phase services may be added later, at your discretion. Fotlowing is a brief outline of scope of work, level of effort, and projected fees for each of these three initial phases. In your review of this proposal, please keep in mind that outcomes OFFICES IN AUSIRALIA, CANADA, GERfu1ANY. HUNGARY ]TALY SWEDEN, UN TD KINGDOI,4 UNIITD STATES T l I I I I I I T ,| I I I I I T I I I Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Mr. Ron Siebert February 9,2005 P0s-2038 or findings of an early phase could alter the projected scope or fee of a later phase. However, we will keep you apprised of developments that would have such irrpact. Phase I - Ensineerins Consultation The need for this service appears to be imminent. We understand that discussions are currently underway regarding the tank siting, depth of fill, depth of cut, and layout of permanent walls or cut slopes above the tank location. '"Trade-offs" exist regarding these issues, and we are being asked for professional opinions regarding these decisions, This phase is intended to address these needs, and may result in clearer scope definition for subsequent phases. We assume that we will participate in several conference calls, and that at least one meeting will be required. For this proposal, we assume that services under this phase will require up to 16 hours ofprofessional time, at either Senior Engineer or Associate Level, with deliverables to be provided in letter form. lncluding an allowance for fiavel expenses and other reimbursable items, we recommend a budget of $2500 for this phase. Phase 2 - Slope Stabililv Analvsis and Conceptual Wall/Shorins Desiqn As an aid in decision making for this project, we propose to perfomr a global slope stability analysis of the tank site. The full scope of this analysis will be developed during Phase l, but we expect it to consider the following variables or cases: . Up to two permanent retaining wall geometries or types; o Up to two groundwater cases (spring higb water and baseline); . Up to two dewatering/drainage scenarios (short and long term); and r A firll and empty rat k condition. These variables potentially result in up to 16 "cases" to be analyzed, although not all may be necessary. However, checking various tank locations and elevations would add considerably to the scope. Based on no more than 16 cases, we have budgeted based on 40 hours of Project Engineer effort and 8 hotrs for a Senior Engineer or Associate. The deliverable for this phase is expected to be a letter report. Including allowances for reimbursable items, we recommend a budget of $5,000 for this phase. Phase 3 - Contract Document Support Based on the outcome of Phases 7 and2, we propose to support your civil engineer in preparation of contract documents related to shoring, permanent retaining walls, and dewatering. This will include preparation oftecbnical specification items including quantities and basis of payment. For this effort, we have assumed up to 24 hours by a Project Engineer, 4 hours by an Associate, and related expenses. The deliverable will be technical specifications for up to 4 items. We recomnend you budget $3000 for this service. i:VmpAx}'u038-coglaivcrl05-268f rq.&c Golder Assoclates -3- I I I I I I J I I I t I t I I I t I t Eagle River Water and Sanitation Distriot Mr. Ron Siebert February 9,2005 P05-2038 Terms Golder's standard tenns and conditions are proposed for this work, and attached to this proposal. If you find this proposal to be acceptable, please indicate so by siening 6s1e\ /. Thenk you for the oppodunity to propose on this project Please call if you have any questioili. Sincerely, GOLDERASSOCIATES INC. ) .l tI^,1,-t 1-+tny'a&-T--'t I Ki;fu oW*. Morrison, P.E., P.c. Sdnior Engineer ACCEPTED BY EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT: Sipature Date i:Fop:05uo3t-c.gt.riv?dp05-2038Dmpdoc Golder Assoclates APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS I I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I I Photo I : Looking uphill (in a southeasterly direction) at the base of the vehicular access loop - 15'July 2005. 07107105 Golder Associates J:rO5JOBStr53-2372 ERWsl}oms PHASESITEPHOIOS',PHOTOS 0J32372.DOC Page I of5 I I I I I I T I I I T I Photo 3: Looking towards the existing tank (in a southwestcrly direction) at the basc of the vehicular access loop - l5* July 2005. 07 t07 t05 Golder Associates J+' -i'?;EI I I t I I Photo 4: Looking towards the top of the vehicular acccss loop (in an casterly direction) ncar the solar communication arrav l5' Julv 2005. I \o-rtoBS\)51 2172 IRWSD\0005 PtrASfSl lFil'llOI ()S\PtlO I.()S 05]2.172.1)(X' Page 2 of 5 Photo 9: Looking towards the existing tank (in a southwesterly direction) near boring IM-3 - l6e July 2005. 07n7n5 Golder Associates J:U5JOBS$53-2172 ERWSf, 400fi t PIIASE\SITEPHOmS\PHOmS 0512372.DOC Page 5 of5 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t APPENDIX C BORING LOCATION PLAI\I AND RECORD OF BOREHOLE SI{f,ETS I December 2005 Golder Associates 053-2372 I l:\0s\23?2\040o\0slzi72 FNL R.EpoRT o2DEcoi.Doc o) Q)o 4004080 Fect I c)\ *.r, \cJ\ \R\6 I I II / ./l t., \, lM-3 \t+ .\\ \\ rM-1 i \+\\\ /' f - F= L\\ I o' F\t/pr,) /(.- Y /\ / \ \\t\' 11/4"\ \ PVc PIPE \\ ----r I tNtlAL DESTGN ----riTANK LOCATION 1'= 40' 6. o.od" l-u^'u'/\ 8140 4-- -.-. \ I e,lo ( I l \ lM- + ,/ -- I ) EXISTING WATER TANK SOURCE: BASE MAP PROVIDED BY ALPINE ENGINEERING INC. 8160 ..'..'. "O.'- BORING LOCATION PLAN TNTERMOUNTAIN TANK SlrE, VAIL, .r%8[t?? Denver, Colorodo PRO,,I'CT No O5.1 2J72 CAOD SB DAIL Ol /1't/D5 Flll No O5.t2 J/I'AOOC dw. t I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I t I I I I T I I I I I RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-1 sHEErl or 7 PROJECT: Interrnountain Tank Site DRILLING METHOD: Solid Stem Auge. DATUM: ELEVATION: 8143 PROJECT NUMBER: 0532372 DRILLING DATE: 6/15/2005 AZIMUTH: N/A INCLIMTION: -90 PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / flI I^ Es Slart dfilling wilh 6'solid st€m aug€r on 0152005 @8:35 am @ 3'- 4'auger Onnding int6rmittsnt 9dnding of aug€rs aug€r gdnding is inc{€asing wjth d€pth Slitr, daft y€llowlsh b|o,vn (1oYR, 4/4), sendy CLAY with litf€ gravelwith inteda!€rs ol dayey SANo (approxirEt€ly 3' lhick) wth [ttl6 g|av€l ICL(SC)I. sand is tnoGtly llne vrith hac6 ol mediurn lo co€rs€ sand, li{{e sil! some 6and SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 fr DRILLING CONTRACTOR: D.A. Smith Drilling DRILLER: Roger/MaddMike LOGGED; Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE: I I I I I I T t I I t I I I I I I I I RECORD OF BOREHOLE IM-1 PROJECTI Intermountain Tank Site DRILLING METHOD: Solid Slem Augor DATUM: PROJECT NUMBER: 05$2372 DRILLING DATE: 6/15/2005 AZIMUTH: N/A SHEET 2 o' 7 ELEVATION:8143 INCLINATION: -90 LOCATION: Center ol Tenk DRILL RIG: DsOT COORDINATES: N: E: o- o t E ztxo SOIL PROFILE SAI'PLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / f,l 10 20 30 40 REMARKS OESCRIPTION (J l <Y ELEV-t UI d) fz BLOWS p€f 6 in 140 lb haftm€r 30 inch droo N F o WATER CONTENT {PERCENT) w, F-----€E--l wD€PTH (fi) -25 -30 g E E 15.1 - 14.0 LoG€, de* gr€y (2.5Y, 41 ) claysy SAND rvih so.rE glev€l (SC), sand is mootly fn€ with lr€co ol modium lo coarso sand, gravel consisla of fnelrained w€ll-sorl€d sandston€, trac€ ot mica flakas @ 18 Assumed conlact SC 15.1 3135.0 18.0 4120 0 3 3-35 1.6 1.5 I I @l7lo 18'cuttings showed clango in color lo very dad( greY = x1- inc.aased resistance to ddlling @ 27'aug€rs grinding 18.0 - 23.0 Stf (blor counb) to inn (fi61d l€st), v€ry daft grEy (7.5YR 3/1), sandy CLAY with little gravel (CL), v€ry moiit MC 3-4-5 1.5 23.O - 32.O Compact, dar* y€llowbh bro$r (1oYR, rV4), sandy GRAVEL wih litte day (GP), gravel b fiosly fnelraan€d sandstone, t|ace of muacovite, u/€t :x"r bo,x\ 'oO 'oO '9( 'oO ,"Rs o t) 'oO)Y\ 'aO,Oc bbrO( 'oD 23.0 F 0- z f L = UJ o 5 '14-9-12 0.c 1.5 SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTMCTOR: D.A. Smih Drilling DRILLER: Roger/MarklMike LOGGED: Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE: I I I I I I T I I I I I I I T I I I I RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-1 sHEEr3or 7 PROJECTT Intermountain Tank Sile DRILLING METHOD: Solid Stem Auger DATUM: ELEVATION: 8143 PROJECT NUMBER: 05$2372 DRILLING DATE: 6/ 15/2005 AZIMUTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / trl I- 30 @31.5'augErs grinding Inspeclon of auger llighls indicai€s incr€ased clay conlent @40.6'- 41' Atlerberg Limits, g€dallon lasts Co.npact, da* yelbwish brown (1oYR. 4/4). sandy GRAVEL wilh htle clay{GP), grav€l as mostly linegraln€d sandstong, trac€ of muscovite, wet fcor?lhuod) Compacr, bror,,/n ( loYR, 4/3), clayey GRAVEL wilh some sand (GC), g.avelis a lin€-grarn€d quartz and fsldsp€r @ 3a.25 Assumed contact Very d€nse, dart yellowish brown (1oYR, 4/4), clayey SANo (SC) @41' lo,.Y plaslrcily f nes Dens€, darkyollorvish bror^n (1oYR, 4/4), day6y SANo and gravelwilh idenayers of clayey GRAVEL SC(GC), lh€ sand is mctly fine with Face of rn€dtum to @ars6, lhe gravel is fine lo coars€. SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: D.A. Smih Drillino DRILLER: Roger/Mark/Mike LOGGED: Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE:esm* I I I I I ! t I I I I I I I I I I I I RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-1 sHEEr4or 7 PROJECT: Inte.mountain Tank Site DRILLING METHOD: Solid Stem Auger DATUM: ELEVATION: 8'143 PROJECT NUiTBER: 053-2372 DRILLING DATE: 6/15/2005 AZII,UTH: N/A PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / n I @ 48' silty/sandy CLAY with litll€ !o some gravel notso or augerc sampls requrred bagging @50 - 60' split brass lin6r, aug€rgnnding @55 - 81'aug€rgnnding inlemitlont, g€ne.ally encoonler€d svery toot Oense, dark yellowish brown (1oYR,4/4), dayey SAND and grdv€l wrh interlaye.s of daysy GRAVEL SC(GC), the sand E mosty llne wth lrac€ ol msdium lo coars€, the gravef is rine 10 coarse. (Continuad) V6ry dsns6, brown (10YR,4/3). clay€y SqND with litlle gravel (SC), sand is medrum grained with a tlBcs of fine and coarsegrained, w€t @ 56 Assum€d conlact (probablyqanrtiqBD---- 56.0 - 66.0 Compacl, da* ye lowish brown (1oYR, 4/4). clayey S.qNO with linle to sorn6 gravel (SC). moist to vory moast 14-1116 SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: D.A. Smith Drillino DRILLER: Roger/MaruMike LOGGED: Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE:fu* t I I I t I t I T I I I I I I T I I t RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-1 sHEErsor 7 PROJECT: Intermountain Tank Sate DRILLING METHOD: Solid Stem Auge. DATUM: ELEVATION: 8143 PROJECT NUMBER: 0532372 DRILLING DATE: 6/15/2005 AZIMUTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 LOCATIoN: Cenler of Tank DRILL RIG: D50T COORDINATES: N: E: oo-h o =Eo SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / fl ! 10 20 30 a0 REMARKS OESCRIPTION l I*o<Yt-o ELEV.(. lz -BLOWSp€.6n 140lb hamm€f 30 indr droD N l- o|r]tl WATER CONTEMT (PERCENT) w,+w,DEPTH (fl) -65 -70 -75 E P Compact, dark yello/rish brovrn (10YR, 4/4), clayGy SANO with litt€ lo som6 gravel (SC), moistlo very moisl (Contnued) @ 66 Assumed conlacl (probably \slalrlsnau---- 66 0 - 81.3 V€ry denss, b.o/n (10YR,4|3), wsll{radgd SAND wrth so.ne gravel and litle clay (SW-SC), slightly rnoisl to moisl sc % %'.:lW |w,"u.%...YJ :::W ,,iW :.:iW .'.jrl.'.rt.'.141.',|/.2 l:W ,tw l::fd .'.11,4 ,iW :i:W :::V iiW i:i%, :,:W .:-w j027.0 66.0 11 7-9-t 3 22 1S 1.5 I >>l @7(} - 71.5 gradalron oo o I z ^.. = foI = t I o SS 1$39-2e L1 1.5 SCALE: 1 in -- 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: Rooer/MarkiMike LOGGED: Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE: D.A- Smith Drilling I I I I I I I T I I I I I l I T I I I .i 0_ z = o- =i (l .o RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-1 sHEEroor T PROJECT: Intermountain Tank Site ORILLING METHOD: Solid Stem Auger DATUM: ELEVATION:8143 PROJECT NUMBER: 053-2372 ORILLING DAIE: 6/1t2005 AZIMUTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 LOCATION: CenterotTank DRILL RIG: D50T COORDINATES: N: E: H3 oI (9zdo SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / frl 10 20 30 ,lO REMARKS DESCRIPTION 9 <Ye- ELEV.E =)z F BLOWS p€r 6 in '1,10 lb hamrn€r N E a e WATER CONTENT {PERCENT) w,t-#---.-----..-rw,OEPTH (fr) -80 -85 -90 & Eg E 66.0 - 81.3 V€ry dds€. b.of,m (10YR,4B), w€ll-grded SANO with sdn€ gravel and litleclay (SW-SC), slightly mcisi to md6t lCoolnued) 8061.8 @81' lhe bl starlod lo chatr6r 13 16-37-20 >50 015 1.5 41.3 - 96.0 Highly weshercd, un6haln€d, olive g.6y (5Y, g2). w€ll-sorled. fneto medium grained qErtz SANoSTONE, ,rsry v/eak rock (not6: interiay€r of daFy SAND tvih 3ome grav€l @95.$95.7 61.3 SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: Roger/MaruMike LOGGED: Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE: D.A. Smith Drilling I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I T I I I o 0- c? z t i15 ) It = t =ul E RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-1 sHEErzor 7 PROJECT; Intermounlain Tank Site DRILLING ITETHOD: Solid StemAuger DATUM: ELEVATION:8'143 PROJECT NUMBER: 0592372 DRILLING DATE: 6/112005 AZIMI'JTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 LOCATION: C.enlerofTank DRILL RIG: D50T COOROINATES: N: E: 90 100 - 105 :cF zdo SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLows /ft1 t0 20 30 40 REMARKS DESCRIPTION f c <Y o ELEV,d z BLOWS p€r 6 in '140lb hammer 30 inch droo N F Utr WATER CONTENT (PERCENT) w,r-______4=-rw 61) 30 DEPTH (fl) E 6 E at.3 - 96.0 Highly weah6r€d, unstratiti€d. olive groy {5Y, t2). w€ll-soded, fins to medium grained quarlz SANDSTONE, very w6ak roc* (note: ant€.iay€r o{ clayey SAND with some gravel @95.5-95-7 (Corlrnued, fiald drlatancyl€st indical€s rn€drum to slowE9 6E 14 1&50 lor 6"50 for 6'015 1 I al 96 R. SCALE: 'l in = 1 .9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: Roger/Mark/Mike LOGGED: CHECKED: DATE: Ana Vargo Andy DoddsD.A. Smith Drilling I I I I t I T t I I I t I l I I I I I RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-2 sHEErl or 4 PROJECT: Intermountain Tank Sile DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Slem Auger DATUM: ELEVATION| 8134 PROJECT NUMBER: 05$2372 DRILLING DATE: 6/16/2005 AZIMUTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 PENETRATION RESISTANCE alows / ft I I^ E €) a G) @ 11' au96. g.indrng Compact, clark grayish brown (1oYR,4/3 to 4/2), homogen€ous. clayey SAND with lrace of fin€ grawland occasional cobble (SC), sand is msdi']m to c.a.s€, moastlo v€rv morsl. broken sandstone cobbls notsd in sDlitsooon semol€.at 15.7'to 15.9' SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: D.A. Smith Drillino DRILLER: Roger/MarUMike LOGGED: Andy Dodds CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE:deffi* lF t I I I T I I I t I I I T t I I I T I I I t I I I RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-3 sHEEr2or 3 PROJECT: lntermountain Tank Site DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Alger DATUM: ELEVATION: -8147 PROJECT NUMBER: 053-2372 DRILLING DATE: 6/'16/2005 MIMUTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / fl! FE @20.Y - 2l Hydrornet€r 21 - 21.5 Atlerb€|g @28'augerc gdnd ng Compact, darky6llonlsh bro,vn (10YR, 4/3 to 4/4) clay€y SAND with som€ gravel (SC), sand is medium and coarse, moist @21 - 21.t loYr plaslirty frnes @ 23'Assum€d gradational contactz3.ri:iao-------- Compact, brown (1oYR,4,3), medium to coars€ SAND w/ litus clay (SP-SC)and occ€sional gravel with s€nd (GP), very mclst @ 28' Agsrjm€d gradational contactz-d.o-sEd-------- Comp€cl. ds* yellow browi (1oYR, 46), m€dium lo c@rs6, day6y SANO 'Nilh trac€ of fin€ grav€l(SC), v€rymoist towet SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: D.A. Smith Drillino DRILLER: Rooer/MarUMike LOGGED: CHECKED: DATE:fu* I I I I I I I t I I I t t I I I T I I o0 c xo I i9 z s - lott Eo t d) RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-3 sHEEr3or 3 PROJECI: Intermountain Tank Sile DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auget DATUM: ELEVATION: -8147 PROJECT NU[4BER: 053-2372 DRILLING DATE: 6/16/2005 AZ||\.4UTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 LOCATION: 53'N45EoflM-1 DRILLRIG: DSOT COORDINATES: N: E: I^ 6.9o- 30 35 40 -45 oo! oz(ro SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS /ftI t0 20 30 40 REMARKS DESCRIPTION (-) !2 <Yd-o ELEV d. )z BLOWS per 6 in 140Ib hammer 30 inch droo N F e WAIER CONTENT (PERCENT) w,l-_______.gwmao OEPTH (fl) E a E T. 24.0 - 35.0 Compact, dark yello browi (1oYR, a/6), medium to co€rse, dayey SAND with trace of fin€ grdvel(SC), very moisl lo wet (Continued) sc 6 MC G8-10 18 ]1 1.5 I @35' bouncing ofsplit spoon sampler nolsd | 35-O - 35.1@ Sonng complel€d al35-1 fl. 35.0 15 pe s SCALE: I in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: Roger/MarUMike LOGGED: Andy Dodds CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE: D.A. Smith Drilling T I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I t I t RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-4 sHEEr 1or 4 PROJECT: Intermountain Tank Site DRILLING METHOO: Hollow Stem Auger DATUM: ELEVATION: -8't46 PROJECT NUMBER: 05$2372 DRILLING DATE| 6/1712005 AZIMUTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 PENETRATION RESISTANCE ELOWS /n! I^ Slart dilling at 8:35 am on 611712005 E @ @ 5'- 5.5'augorgnnding @5.5 and b€iow intennitt€nt g.inding of aug6G al approxrmately cig 5i ;E ST sc!: d€ Black (sYR,2.5/1), srlty CLAY wilh lit e sand, organics, roots (CL) ffopsoU 2.O - 10.2 Stitf. dark yello\rish brown (10YR. 4/4) with interlaysls oflght brctivnish gr€y {2.5Y, 6/2). sandy CLAY witr occ.sional cobbles and interlayors of dayey SAND CL(SC) wrth litue gravel, sand is mostly fine wth littl€ coarss, gravslLs mctly fin6, moist Compact, da y€lktwash brown (10YR, 4/4), clayeySAND $/ith linl6 giavgl (SC) wilh clay6y gravel (GC) noted at 1O, moist SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: D.A. Smith Drillino DRILLER: Roger/MarldMike LOGGED: Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE:esm* I I II I I T I t t I I I I I I I I I I RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-4 sHEEr2or 4 PROJECT: Intermountain Tank Site DRILLING METHOD: Hollo, Stem Auger DATUM: ELEVATION: -8146 PROJECT NUMBER: 053-2372 DRILLING DATE: d17l2005 MIMUTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / fll saturat6d installing piezo.neter, sevsra bags of sand had lo be added at 15 , and flo\i\/rng wat€r cleady audible. @18 augor gnflding inlennitt€nt grinding ol auge6 al spproxrmately @21 samplff s moist @25 sampler rs w€t Compacl, dark yello\tish brown (1oYR, 4/4). claysy SAND with latl e gravel(SC) vilh clay€y gravol (GC) not6d at l0', morsl Compact, dalk yellowlsh brovrn (1oYR, 4/4), unslratifi€d. clayey GMVEL and sand (GC), wet, with lighl olive brown (2.5Y, v3) oroliv€sr3y (5Y, sl2)cobbles offine to rn€drum g€in6d quarlz sandslone @20.5'& 21' @28' Ass!m€d gradiational cofi tad zad:a5.s ---- Dense, dark yellowish bmwi (10 YR 4/4). cleyey SAND and gravel (SC), Intedayered wilh clay€y GRAVEL and sand (GC), sand is fn€ to coars€ (mosllyin6). grav€l is lin€ SCALE: I in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTMCTOR: D.A. Smith Drilling DRILLER: Roger/MarUMik6 LOGGED: Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE:6sH* I I I I I t t I I I T I I I t I T I t RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-4 sHEEr3or 4 PROJECT: Intermountain Tank Site DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger DATUM: ELEVATION: -8146 PROJECT NUMBER: 053-2372 DRILLING DATE: 6/1712005 Azl[rUTH: N/A INCLINATION: -90 PENETRATION RESISTANCE aLows / ftI 3= saturat€d wilh v6ry claan @35 samplsr is mo'sl @41'- 41.5'gradalion t6sl Oense, datk yello\Nish brown (10 YR,4/4). clay€y SANO and grav€l {SC), nteiayor€d wilh clayey GMVEL and sand (GC), sandwilh clayey GMVEL and sand (GC), sand is fin€ to coarse (mosllyline), gravel s ine lo coa.se, w6t /Cmlinued) Sliff to v€ry stiff, da yellowish bmwn (1oYR, 4/4), sandy CLAY with lirue gravsl (CL), sand is fne lo coars6, grav€l b coarso and consists of fins-grainsd. well-sorl€d sandstono, moisl Compact, &rk yelbwish brown (1oYR, 4/4) lo bro$n (7.sYR,4/3), clayeySAND with lit0e gravsl(SC) wilh intsdaya|s of more gravel, and int€dayorc of sandy CLAY (CL), sand is mostly line with Little m€dium to coarse. morsl SCALE: 1 in = 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: D.A. Smith Drillino DRILLER: Roger/Marli/Mike LOGGED: Ana Vargo CHECKED: Andy Dodds DATE:€sH* I I t I t I I I I T I I t I I I t I I RECORD OF BOREHOLE lM-4 sHEEr4or 4 PROJECT: Interrnountiain Tank Site DRILLING METHOD: Holb\,v Stem Auger DATUM: ELEVATION: -8146 PROJECT NUMBER: 053-2372 DRILLING DATE: d17l2005 AZIMUTH: NiA INCLINATION: -90 LOCATION: 50'S65Wol lM-1 DRILLRIG: D50T COORDINATES: N: E: -^ ooIF (,z d.o @ SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS / fl I 10 20 30 a0 REMARKS DESCRIPTION l 9 <Y (, @ fz o- BLOWS per 6 in 140lb ham.ner 30 rnch drop N t- e WATER CONTENT (PERCENT] 4r--_____&w,2n4)50& DEPTH (fl) -55 -60 I 'tI s +11-12 2.1 ! a @47' a uger gn nding Finish Auger @ 50', 12:25 pm oA 6117 l20os @50.5' - 5t Attetberg limal tesl 51 {1.5' Gradalion last- 45.3 - 47.0 V€ry stiff. daft y€llo$sh bro|/n (1oYR. 4/4), sandy CLAYwlh liltle gravel, slightly CL 45.3 47.O 51.5 D€ns€, brown (10YR,4/3). cloyey SAND wilh litt€ grav€l (SC). sand is frn6 to @ars€, wilh occssional olv+€.ey (5Y, 5/2), fine to mgdium grained gr6in6d quaie sandston€ gravei or cobbl€ (GC), traco of muscovit€, slighlly moist @50.5'- 51'low plastioty fines sc 47.O 50.5 .g 6 = 't0 MC 24-25-20 45 t_!'1.5 F o oo =F- =oI =aro I o at 51-5 ft SCALE: 1 in -- 1.9 ft DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER: Roger/MarldMike LOGGED: CHECKED: DATE: Ana Vargo Andy DoddsD.A. Smith Drilling December 2005 l'\05u372\0{000532372 FNL REPORT 02DEC05 DOC APPENDIX D TYPICAL DETAIL OF PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION Golder Associates 0s3-2372 I I t I T I I I I l I I I t I I I I I GROUND SURFACE SLIP CAP FLUSH METAL CAP PIPE WITH SLITS FOR VENTING 2'' NOMINAL SCH. 40 PVC FLUSH THRFADED CASING BENTONITE PELLET SEAL FLUSH THREADED JOINT/GLUE JOINT GRADE 2O_4O CLEAN SILICA SAND 2" NOMINAL SCH. 40 PVC FLUSH THREADED SCREEN O.O1O INCH SLOTS DEPTH BELOW GROUND SURFACE VARIES NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL DETAIL OF PIEZOM ETE R IN STALLATION INTERMOUNTAIN TANK SITE, VAIL, COLORADO FIGURE D.1 APPROX. 4'' coNcRrrE SEAL BORING BACKFILLED WITH SOIL CUTTINGS TO BASE OF PIEZOMETER Denver, Colorodo PROJECI No. O5J-2J72 CADD AMD DAI€ 07 APPENDIX E LABORATORY TEST RESULTS I December 2005 colder Associates 053-2372 I I \o5cl?2\0400\05123?2 FNL REpoRT o2DEcos.Doc r (),) ao !- a) o(J =7, = !i_ al -tl --.. .- <2; ./ -.:a a- .2 -//-l=z/ --_-) '- - " A2 !r o- =a- al' =2.-- 7=!:z =. ... .n I:-:-: al 'jj -4r6jlEe6:oa trz .: -o ,1Ee3 .Dq =Ei.a a,a "3EFz, I tv (.) 9a:ct) u,) \.., cl E= Ir. r+ l.L -< .f 'j -t ct)*," hE r *z+ ;=- )2 a. c- '5(,1 rtr6'z 3 rl;vt=j O!^- q. .r-EAg 'j .a .-t - -T €-t -f I -i FEF = .1' 2 n 2 t .4.4tFit);J J \l './, z. -.1?)<. 'n 7. ?. ,-l -/ 1.. lr) 4. <'. 'Jr, .a td I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t I t I gra IOl_8 0{lr)00"154.2 rm.0 ,o"15 0 r) 00 rm0 2.0"50.c tm.0 it \llrl,0 o tl.0 rm.0 0 /5't9c | 00.0 0.J75'9.5 v)! {.3 9:0 ,Y i0 200 g)t 1t? t20 06s 733 I Lir.0.4l 6,1.1' r64 o.25 5.t r ?21 ttm 0. r5 ItE t 20r)0.0r5 y'7 t I I I I t I I t I T t t t I I I I I PAITICI$ SUE OISTRIBUNON & ITTf,RBIRO I,IMITS as'tt D{1, M?2 0{ll3 FROISC"r NAHI: F8w$rlrt€rorounIilo lro|'{r0 lAH|rtt lD. II I [YPE: bnor , .+ r> I + - -t} \---{-+---F-{* *T_j.F_--F -F-l-- F -F-F--+'t-_!1+ -- _' - - - - -- -rl o, Hrfi{;m (EA8fl./l,' I lt .,/ l. t,4 ./'/lt''Lz/IL/| .,/' .rr' I., / .rr,,. I':' l lLtr/?l Lllt li AI'ENAEFC LIMITS I I rl. I 25 | l l o.oJl 5t 6.Ii6 o.o2r ?t6 o.0 l ?01 0.{x0l 13.1 0.0064 l6.t u.001|t 0.mr4 7,f Anl.lrr /to.^.lqtdo In. PARTICLE SUN OISTR|BUTMI & AITERBME I,IIIITS tsTI IX:t.IX:2 ltil lt I'ROIta.T lrAl'1t: !A MPti rD: fYPI: ff| llrsr tt) I-,..1 I',l!1.. I Prrdcie 5|16 b El!lr!.rc.r ','l-'.1 'rnl '( rr$r blnft,rh 1 to. I l!0 0 4.0_51 2 ldl ! .lr 15 0 t1.s | 0(r 0 .0 50.o I l{r.0 tJ 5 lLtr0 r0"2 5.0 1t5"190 !3.8 o l/t 9:6.{,1 1.8 ti$ I r t0 2to I ito h20 ot5 Et; It10o 4J 5t5 t&o.25 I t,! t r0O o t5 351 I 20/)0 0;5 .,.J n $JT|Crrr r lr^f,l Cnldar AFen.lrlcs Inn ro l0i) 8fr f60 'so I , ,t0 io 0 ,/.^ Pt,tsT{|tTY fltlRT | /'lz| .t' ../l/./| ./ ./'t,/l ./,. 1!.,/ |,,,/y/ z'l., ,/ | '/r"|./ ./' I. r-"/-1t I I*:.'l I' ' unl ''''t " " ArIERBERc I rtalrs i,n T | | r i ,."" II ..', I - ',ri,:i ' Fr'tlcl6 sir. In tr|llllt!otnr1 1,..;"..i,.-.t-- E': EI t.Itt? It t: NOT[, l1ydron1.ler pod(xl i)l n]J(,drlJl'l no( heJl do$n frrlly-{lrr/s!$re frrgnlenb | fu '{: I jirlri ru{, t^, ,,!,r 2.0 t04.8 IIIJU nqr1,.O'r5{.?r000 r_o'tm0 t.5'61.5 r00lr ;.0's0.3 rq||r r5'tt.9 t(at 0 io'2 5.O rrD.0 c /5"r9.0 94J o tr''9.5 ! ! {.8 tE5 {ro 2(n 2IJA d20 08s t7.0 i8 0!c,$)u03 t&0. ?5 rr9 r t -ir{ ttm o. r5 4:,1 h1cn 0 075 ?9t O OJJ !t2 oa22 o.0 tJ 0.m91 zzn 0.0065 ?OJ o.rI)lt r5J 0.oorl |lJ renr.irtd 3f( | Cnldo. 1..^.1, !!c l'. PARTICtf, SET DISIAIBIMON & ATTREMG LUIITS LqTl IX2l {42? l}l3tJt PROIEC; NAHE: SAMPLt jt) TYI'I: lxl I I t I I I t T I I I I T I I I I I I i i I I I -t Cr 3.IJ Prr0cla srra ln ollllnrl?rs l )a ti IF l- I' ,,/' " ./,,/ ,.' // .r/ AT'ERBER(; !I|.tTS I | [i,,ntrl tI "i :l 'll r7 0'104.8 It{r0 60'r5q 2 r{[0 t.0"t;.o I txr.il 6J 5 tixr.o 2-O'50.0 t5 rmil ro_2to 9jf 0./5'r90 &tt I ltl o 115'95 rE0 {.8 15h ,r0 2.ffi 72!?60 4m 0.85 674 titi{t40 0.11 6U.i !&0.25 Itt 2l t:l tl l0O c.l5 {5J t ?co c 075 16l 0.014 o.c22 ?l.a 0.c,l r95 0.oo92 rE.0 0.0064 0.00J I t3l o.00r 4 10.0 eold6. Assoclate6 lDc. PANTI(lLI SUf, DISTRIBTITION & ATTEREERE IIIIITS lSlY 012r.01u t}r3r8 fq()l[.c,] NAM[: 8ntrsD'ld.rrn oudtd ! Trdl]c0 I I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I It! { LLnor SAMPI,E ID: TYIT: i\.'\.)\'\. 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