HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 1 VAIL SPA UNIT 501 503ST Mom6t OP WORK TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO OFFICE OF BUILDING OFFICIAL NOTICE THE BUILDING Has Been Inspeqted, and -o GENEML CONSTRUCTIONo MASONRY o WARM AIR FURNACEr GAS FITTING AND VENTING. CONCRETEo OTHER: r PLUMBING o ELECTRIC WIRING o NO BUILDING PERMITo ZOINING IS NOT ACCEPTED NOTE: D rF- . / """"'i' Date 1/zsJ"7 ,fuh=* Building Inspector Q DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE! t DETACH AND BRING THIS PORTION OF CARD TO BLDG. DEPT. AT MUNICIPAL BUILDING Office of Building fficial, TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO . l U Qrfoyt TOwn rrf lr-lr pFFtcEcbpy INIDEPEhEDENTTESTING& - .-II VIU'f I IN0PECTION gEtrYICES INC. .-'"-";;1ffi*ffg''-",l v r'!!\,. pp - \Zf, P.go-L-d-,,L- OBSERVAIION REPIORT IIls Job No. -l@299-- Date: -*lEZi9-- Loc.ton:Breckenrllge, O0Prol.ct:Vall Spa 501 Ra1l / Deck Inapactor:David L, Sturgeoa This repon pacl€ge coniains informalion conceming specilic tests and inspections of strudural steel w€ldirE, sfudurat bolting, strudural sprayed fireprooffng, and/or nond€struclive testing. The specmc citetia utilized in judging the degroe of conformance for each atea of inspec{ion are contained on oach indMdual inspection form. Also included may b€ lTls"List ot Outstanding Discrepancies' (O.D. Liso. The O'D. List will b€ consecutively numbered for each page issued thoughoui the duration of the projecl. Each indivlJual itsm listed will abo be consetlJffvely numb€r€d. lf there are any queciiorts regarding tha coni€nt of thir rsport, please feel free to contacl lTlS at your convenience. MIDNPENDT]NTTSSTING & INSPECTION SERYICES INC. l20SrvAsEEN CT. GoN|FER,COLORADO 80a3:t 303474-t500 FAX 303S7+7560 Page;!-- of 2 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT T'ONM IMTIAL VISTIAL INSPECTION OT WELI}ING Inspccton Davld L. Stureeon ITIS lobNo.100708 Date:r(F7{8 Field Made Welds: Shop Made Welds: X Tpc of Wcld lnspccicd: Fillet I Groove - Othcr Tlpe of Componcnt (ie colurnn, beam, girder, momcnt welds, etc.)Bracket Applicable Code or Standard: S'ITIL FAINICAIIOI AREAS OFINSPEC'TION Lcvel or Elevation: Fabitcatlon Ralling Bracket Grid Line Location(s) eocompassing the area(s) inspectedltcsted: ffiorsofnonconformaoce. Include ttrc o.D. itcm number and attach a copy ofthe o.D. Listifapplicable. The bracket ghovn on the attachgd provled aketch wae. . nodified oursuani to jo6elte. aa-butlt ionaftrons. the baslc '{e414S-I9ea1!99-!!g- Irvel or Elovation: Gdd Line Location(s) eocompossing the area(s) inspecte<Vtestcd: Ptovide iDfonnadon re: conditions of nonconforrrancc. Include thc O,D. itern nrmber and atach a copy of thc O.D. List if lrvel or Elevation: Grid Linc Locstion(s) encompassing thc area(s) inspeced/tsstcd: of the O.D. Lisl if4plicable. -rf -- ---- - Fqn:72odml P'{tt,z W:$!ry99t4!q! - $ zo UlrJr/r 5 RYAAg $^ IEEH BEFqggRS F .co "fH $E 5ith:.OJ$>gJ ! Ei fr J R trtA (,z 5 o FS cl FriE>z = lrlvJi-us= Zt"l =6{tI g5 thb hx w l!cah/!d by Connrotonq Inc, ls $wat j'. i A/PrD Information Activitv: 808-0289 Tvoe: A-COMM Const Tvp6: Occupahbv: Ow?ier: DE ORTEGA. LETICIA & JOSE'-JT sub rgoe: ffioM Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG T1TTZOOB Contractor: CONTRACTON Description: Inspection Historv Item: 30 BLDG-FraminqItem: 90 BLDG-Final - Item: 537 PLAN-FINAL C/O lnspectio4 [e_que_gt Requosted Insp-ect pate: UgnOay, November 10,2008' lnsoection Area: CG Site Addr€ss: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL #501 970-748-l 138 Entered By: LCAMPBELL K Phone: (,1+rl D o(r'Jigf,'* Time Exp: b Run Id: 8573REPTl31 NOTE: fHrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 Souih Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 O.47 9.2'l 39, t. 97 0.47 9.2452, inpsections 97 O.47 9.21 49 Permit #: Project #: B0S-02gg ('36 6 'o2q'kADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JobAddress: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location,....,: #501 ParcelNo....: 210106317040 OWNER DE ORTEGA. LETICIA & JOSE . O8NO/2008 710 W LIONSHEAD CIR 501 VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT CONTRACT ONE OO48 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.O. BOX 8530 AVON co 81620 License: 281-A CONTMCTOR CONTMCT ONE OO48 E, BEAVER CREEK BLVD, P.O. BOX 8530 AVONco 81620 License: 281-A Doacription: REPI-ACE GUARD FOR DECK Occupancy: R2 Typ€ Constructlon:llA 08/20/2008 Phone: 97G748-1 138 0812012008 Phone: 970-748-1 138 FEE SUMItlIARY Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: ?(13oS-6353 ISSUED 08t2012008 09/26/2008 03t25n009 $2,800.00 0 Building Permil Fee----> Plan Check----------> Add'l Plan Ch6ck Hours-> I nvestigation---------> $83.25 Will Cal Fee-----------> 054.1 1 Use Tax Fee-__-___> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review---> $0.00 RecreationFee-----------> Total Calculated Fees----> $4.00 $0.00 90.00 $0.00 $141.36 Total Calculated Fees---------> Additional Fees------------> TOTAL PERMIT FEES.----*> Payments-------------> BALANCE DUE---------> $141.36 $0.00 s141.36 $141.36 $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fullthe informalion required, completed an accurate plol plan, and state that allthe information as required is correct. I agree to comply with lhe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ofdinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances otthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR lNSPECTlOltl SHALL BE MADE TWENW-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Ar 970.479.2'149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM Print Name ure of Owner or Conkactor bld alt construction oermit 041908 Permit #: 808-0289 APPROVALS as of 09-26-2008 Status: ISSUED Item: 051 00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/2012008 Martin Action: CR F:\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\B08-0289\808-0289. DOC 0912512008 cgunion Action: AP approved revised plans Item: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08n0l200g Warren Action: COND See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt-constructionJermit_041 908 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 808-0289 asof09-26-2008 Status: ISSUED Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0010253 The applicant shall paint all new custom metal to be added to the existing railing, in order to make it Building Code compliant, the color of the existing element to which it is to be attached, within 3 days of installation. Cond: CON0010342 SPECIAL INSPECTION FOR WELDING REQUIRED. SEE SPECIAL INSPECTION AGREEMENT ATTACHED TO THE PLANS. bld_alt_constructionJc€nniL041 908 * * **t * * *** I I I I **** *t I tt i i ****** tt* ***tfitt***+r* t ** t*tt**t tttartr{.aa*xtl**lt+a.x**t***t** * * lt * {t * { TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * {' * | t * * * | * I I I tt | * * I I I I i I I tttttt 't *t il ** +t +t 't {' * t:t 'a 'a * * 't* ******ta*+***tt*tlt ***lll'l.|lll***+laal+a Statement Number: R080001?83 Arnount: $141,35 09/26/2OO8o4:02 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: SAB Notat,ion | 5458 contract Perrnit No3 B08-0289 Parcel- No: 2101-053-1?04-0 Site AddreEs: 710 Vf LIONSHE"AD Locaeion: #501 Total Fees: $141.36 Thls Payment,: $141.35 Total ALL Pmts: $141'35 . Balance: $0.00 ral* * t*****ttlt I * r' ataa*tttaa.* i a ** a* r.r** * * * * * * * * * I tt**'t*{t 'ti:l ** * * i! +x tt { tit* * {' {r* ** * **t* { t { t t t I ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code q/pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT CR VAIIJ Descript ion Current Pnta BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 BUILDINS PER"I,IIT FEES PI,A}I CHECK FEES WIIJIJ CAIJI.' INSPECTION FEE 83.25 54,11 4.00 **m* Vail, Golorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: AP Separate Permits are required plumbing, mechanical, eb.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION s:.^mr 316-+68I ?7o-748'/t 3g ax#: q15, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERI|T (Labor & MAIET|AIS BUILDING: $ ?,8rc. oo ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Conbct Assessors Offi ce at 970-328-8il0 or visit ?lolo G7t7 o+O JobName:Va:l fta (o^lotsor g,'1;ir"le Va,i/. Co arc Subdivision: Uai | /;oniluJ ITot S. Allan 6) steel anqla ond. (r) tni{c pldc. dhchr'^e"* to eris+rnq ro.lli WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Enerior ffi Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg.: Singl+family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ffi Reslaurant( ) Other( ) tl"tel No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Existinq: Gas GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood No/Tvpe of Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED ffiffiFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*ffiffi AUG le 2008 VIAI OF VAILhttp ://www.vail gw.com/docs/dlformdbuilding_psrmit_q1 7-2007. DOC Architectural Comments: 1. Indicate on Plans the guard rail height to be a minimum of 42" per section 1012.1 IBC. Structural Comments: 1. Indicate on structural plans the required special inspection for welding. Reference section t7o4.l.lIBC. 54c- botlom po.raqre,oh o{ [,*b-z. ltqll shall specifiT the ddgigA is in acco-rd'aic'e with the adopted code for this structure. Note: thebuilding is a, mulUfamily building therefore design criteria shall be from the 2003 IBC. ,,"""1Yff1" il, **,:'"0"tdr#rh"$i! ;M;;; ;. ;;er to avoid de,ays in issuance ora ngrmit please check 3ll reguested information is included witir the resubmitted prans. nleise iuOmitrevised plans as a complete seL partial plan resubmittals will not be rcviewea. Maftin Haeberle Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2142 mhaeberle@vailgov.com F: \cde\t\CtlRIS\PERIviIT.COMMENTS\808-0289\B0S -0289. DOC From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: GG: Chris, "Rodney" <rodney@contractone. us> <cgunion@vailgov.com> 0912312008 5:19 PM B08-0289 Special Inspector pdfrBb26c.pdf <itiscon ifer@aol.com> Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today about the Special Welding Inspection for the railing brackets in question for permit 808-0289. Welding Fabricator: Cook's Welding 230 Warren Ave. P.O. Box 1276 Silverthorne, CO 80498 Structural Steel & Welding Special Inspector: David L. Sturgeon Independent Testing Phone: 303-674-7560 -ffi APPROvEDW rdbDrmtqrlrdluE;rrild': ilaCrryd:tEUilrrilattrqhfattrmcur.?r|nllt nte llnrlnd}lmrc]ldtrtlrul rEtqqil|n dna!|m f|t tu IiLfbrsndrlnlrrrccrt[il!'rtntr rmq-rl'!l!: Et- !3{!g?cr Frr g{!6 cr q|F!f,t ocfim 6trril! !||t n Fil m qirt dlqr [n mnr ur rPgg!_n!rtb3,rddrlin'o jC 9t - ozSf filfi|fth. ir[ Attached is a copy of the certification card held by Mr. Sturgeon. Please call or email with any questions or with the cost when permit is ready for pickup. Thanks, Rodney Beidelschies ContractOne, Inc P.O. Box 8530 Avon, CO 81620 PH: 970-748-1138 Far 970-748-1139 ffi From: 1036747560 Page: 1/1 Date: 9/23/20O8_5:L5i4q ?U__ "*',/ .r"'f aJ'rJS /nC ?-zs -ak t'NP'4 ?ra z?tr /t3q RoJn./ 1 C*t otf, ottE furr,y /on n.f usr7 & 4ox toren, 5iiffiW ceflncdenouttlbl vallo ltrtss srsrrw " --c.ods anO stanOaCs ,lOC c€n iastlon at€3te to cornpttent knc let n * Ln* ,'f /on ,, e.e / o ,yf. d,;y eire . I I I DAvlg L STUFGEON cnL INSPECTOR STFUCTURAL 9TEEL & W€LOING Ilfr ss*jilif#ffi "*,Tffi"[x.':ils;1"?HffiffiWffi This fax was received by Contractone, Inc. fax seruer. Bleier & Associates Engineering Sewices, Attn: Rodney Beidelschies ContractOne, Inc. P.O. Box 8530 Avon. CO 81620 September I 1. 2008 Subject:Bleier & Associates Engineering Services, LLC Project #08-0219 Vail Spa Condominiums 710 West Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado To Whom It May Concern: Bleier & Associates Engineering Services, LLC was contacted to review existing, temporary railing supports currently installed and provide a design for permanent railing support at the subject site for units 501 and 503. The existing temporary supports are by inspection adequate to support applied design loads and shall be considered part of the permanent support structure of the deck railing. Two additional connections shall be required as follows. l. A steel angle shall be installed on the northeastern most end ofthe railing off Unit 501. The angle shatl be aLSx{xt/2r 6" long. Attach to building with (2) Yz" O tnchor bolts spaced horizontally. Attach to steel railing with %" fillet weld (3-sided weld-all-around) 2. A knife plate column similar to the existing temporary supports shall be installed in the corner of the parapet on the southwest corner near Unit 503. (See Attached Detail) Attach the railing base plates to the 2x decking with appropriate 2" lag bolts into predriltcd hohs 1/8" srialler ihan plate hole O. (.f per platc) All construction shall comply with 2003 IBC, adopted municipal amendments, and manufacturer specifications for residential construction. If there are any questions,, please call. Special inspection is not required unless it is required by a municipal agent, as the welds specified are minor in nature I -,d4rl\-\*E--;:- - j'lmpected/DraftedFy: Revrewed/Stamped Scott D. Barton Jay S. Bleier, P.E. Lead Designer Senior Engineer 7304 S. Alton Way, Suite 3A, Centennial, Co 80'112 Phone: 720-2006600 Fax:720-2006601 www,BAES.biz email: ba@BAES.biz o lrl 3 I zo trUt!r/t LLIJ O\ d' NUqa ^AX r,l ... J- VlhLr]r'Ar,=ASYl,/:/= -rir-Y/\ !. 1vsfi9dF>Y\t\-7>)uJz-_- S9HS ?,.\Fn\JF a6 \J Ft t! JV(^)n * *(nSUU>.5Z<--1$e6<F\:^dJ \f, -\ LrJ - lrlA tlZ = & X S cJlE .r -S:,{ Z,{ IF 2>/-\ LIJYJJU>tz'.FZ ir\ =6.SI-iv ??3E I E J ,,O9-,,1v2 ,,9XO,,',,9 ',9 ,,9 ,,9 do ,,9 dddd II mmmEn ll illli -4, ,,zt t G 0 i ': :cf\€l{) (s ..s s -a <_- s3 ;:--:q) -e-& \r -:(qr C'{E+alg 5?Ja ---+- -. -t tl >^>H ^<P....r 3--(t b.J-Sr{5g-E if,'-<slj Jr ,\^n'tR^\ ctY.t.!; Y<-L -?,: -5^ nEJ(-T P! ;tt-. z FF+bfrac>-&H .-- '6oFe "r i-:u) Z,X ry'tL::\#' aq)d+ .<gd5v!=G] 9 -- q) >)6-) LrJ a t- -s ) lJciA fltE,} \)r L '.,b?-,.Y\rr@ n., rluu. l l>", F g l.: '\.-. tLl@|';o ffi 9',5l @- <) .-t 9r'5& $: ) = -o5 + f <\ \t 1'3S. 4 _-o ?=zl Zv.x t ^\*o'€*z >k NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Ow JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2 1 39, t. 97 O.47 9.2452, inpsections 97 0.47 9.21 49 ffi ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Addr$s: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Locatlon......: OUTSIDEUNITS50l-503 Palc€|No....: 210106317040 OWNER DE ORTEGA, LETICIA & JOSE .07/232008 710 W LIONSHEAD CIR 501 VAIL co 81557 APPLICANT CONTRACT ONE OO48 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.O. BOX 8530 AVONco 81620 License: 281-A CONTRACTOR CONTRACT ONE OO48 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. P.O. BOX 8530 AVON co 81620 License: 281-A 07 l23no08 Phone: 970-74&1 138 07 12312008 Phone: 970-748-1 1 38 Description: RE-DECKING: REPLACE DECKING ON sTH FLOOR WEST FACING DECK. ADD 2X6S BETWEEN SLEEPERS FOR SUPPORT. Occupancy: R2 Type Constructlon: llA Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Permit #: 808-0248 Project #: PRJ08-0333 Status., : ISSUED Applied..: 0712312008 fssusd... : 0712412008 Expires. .,: 01120n009 $9,000.00 0 FEE SUMMARY Building Permil Fee-----> Plan Check----- Add'l Plan Check Hours-> Invesligaiion---> $167.25 Will Cal Fee----------> $4,00 $108.71 Use Tax Fee---- $0.00 Restuarant ptan Review_> $0.00 $0.00 Recreation Fee-----> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-----> $279.96 Total Calculated Fees---------> $279.96 Additional Fees-----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-----> $279.96 Payments----> t279,90 BALANCE DUE-------_-----> $0.00 DECLAMTIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fullthe information required, completed an accurate plol plan, and state that allthe information as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this struclure according lo the towns zoning and subdivision cod6s, design review approved, International Building and Residenlial Codes and other ordinances of lhe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENW-FOUR HOURS IN AI'VANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2119 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROU 8:00 Atl - 4:00 PM. bld_alt_construclion_perm it_04 1 908 Permit#: 808-0248 APPROVALS reolO7-24-2OOB Status: ISSUED Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07n4n008cAunion Action:AP See the Condltlons eectlon of thb llocumsnt for any that may apply. bld_alt_conatrucllonJrorm il_041 90E Permit #: 808-0248 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 07-24-2008 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.):ALL PENETRATIONS lN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFFYCOMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 lRc oR sEcTroN 10120F THE 2003 rBC. bld_alLconslructionJcermit_041 908 t t t || * * |l t {' {' * * 'l {' * | 't 't * 'l 'l * 'l * 'l I I t t * t * t 'l 't,t * * 'l'l * f t * t* * t{' * * 'l * {' {' {' {' {' l lr * * * * {' * { {' l' {' * lt * * I I I * I { * * {' {' {' * t * * * | * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 't I t l|t * 't 't * 't t {' * *:t't't * * * * * * * * { * * | | lt * I i I * * r+ ttl****'}t{'aalaaaaalr+*a*t*atatallaraf f rrraalaf *r*a+r Statement Number: R080001247 Amount z $279.96 07/24/200804:04 PM Pa)ment Uethods Credit Crd credit card INiI: DDG Notation: Bryan itohnson Permit No3 808-0248 Type: ADD/AIJT MF BUIIJD PBRMIT Parcel No: 2101-053-1704-0 SiTe Addreas: 710 W IJIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ IJocation: OIXIS IDE ITNITS 501-503 This Payment !s279.96 Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance 3 9279.95 1279.95 $0.00 | '} | llt * | | I * t a **ll | | | | | | lll | | | li | * * | ** * *t**|}lllllll't* ** * * t * *** ***']* r* * * * * * t t * * I I I I * I * * rr*rtta ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account code Deacription Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 }|c 00100003112800 BUII,DTNG PERI,IIT FEES PIAN CHECK FEES WfLL CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE t67 .25 108.71 4.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #:o%-a&3 Separate are requ cal, pl anical, etc.! Vail, Golorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 3-76- .t(".91 Con*r e- In..Toh"ro. ^ Q7o-z{€' tta'g Email address:Fax#: 976-7tt8.tt COMPLETE VALUA FOR BUILDING PERMT BUfLDfNG: $ 9, ooo. 6o I ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ 9, oao. oo & Materials For Parcel # Conbct rdssessorc Office at 97&328-8iln or visit t/;;/ SOt d 2ro/O63t'7o'/o a;t Jol # 2lo/063t-7dt Job I Vdi\j,?Piltijii:" "t cirot ,lait,co etL€? Subdivision: Uc'i[ Li'r\"J lll WOft: RCrnorp, exi r{t *or dAitond crrooor* Wrrt t"rinq dac\a. boo,rdr. lo'oci$rn. WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other(X) Acrr.\enqnca, Does an EHU exisi at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (S Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (*) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) tl"\e\ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins I Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No ( **#*{r**H****r*i**ffi****************FoR oFFlcE usE oNLY**ffi#********r****l*f***t*t*f*t***t*ffi*** http://ci.vail.co.utdocqtdlforms/buildingJrermit_4U-2007. DOC iUL s z Z|l08 il v/ itr ToiE,AFOF o4l1l2oo7 SP -Y!v-b\t5 !iL$'fGql s s :. dlt4 t cr- z _oF osl <J ? A n 0o sn dc>r \9 \ cc.6 rr,--+- A <-t< s3 \, \ )I .-!-, L--E.F -j'iH ; lf-.-.-sl|Er. -$ '{5); *.i l. |1r-+, ::6 c-.- a-O. Q :. o,..t :+ $ <) d-\1 -$ t ' '- to -i * t tsv ? c -r r.--{" j -i: wi {ft Z .ri+ "4i9I-'t o Jrt + j*=.):5 1: =; **ty 3 = 2 t+ . ? 4 + e e-e ^rs,69-/'1-z-d- c./ o\l \i) {-) s5r 5 L!-{--- -f .6-4'o 6--o fr --.+_ {\ <g a)si o- 3 \\ "rd-3 *=c-F zo-r\, X t':t-:'9* q-)o-16.-.tr6-z >k Mt ot-3 -L ,s u) .) ) t\ <-l---=--- 5I "--1- A \)l EIutl 8l ttl Or v.t -rlrul>lIrt IJl FI L-l o TP x -f -\. 6 >{ .'|: 6)t t6/\ Qt,( \a>b-,r v<.,,at : -.-J- ------ =UJ i?\v uu I :{6\sl 'r g\ \:1'Fl 9.i l' \ -6 :a\\-\- .--ta I\*o c\ o\n+ = !!ao mo @oco e=J5oc q,a €Fs6 *€gEo= cr ila-ltt FEE€ F g agg s- E?gF ? F ;EiE ?9f, a .ggiE iiig irge E g zmP F N ',.