HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 31NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTIE AT ALL TIMES/,-:.\ ES_z.t TWIItrIALV Town of Vail, Community Oevetopmenffiffiuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0 47 9 -21 39 l. 97 0.47 9.2452 inspeclions. 97 0.47 9.21 49 MECHANICAL PERMIT NDUP Job Address: 809 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location.....: 809 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No...: 210106301018 OWNER 809 POTATO PATCH DRIVE LLC 06/112008 392 MILL CREEK CIR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT RESORT MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES 06/1 1I2OO8 Phone: 970-384.2748 P.O. 80X 2032 GLENWOOD SPRINGS co 81602 License: 26&M CONTRACTOR RESORT MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES 06/1 1/2008 Phone: 970-384-2748 P,O. BOX 2032 GLENWOOD SPRINGS co 81602 License: 268-M Desciption: NEW DUPLEX: INSTALL THREE GAS FIREPLACES Valuation: $12,000.00 Mechanical Permit Fee--> Plan check-_-_-._-__> I nvestigation--------> Permit #: Project #: t-^ M08-0131 l$6-l 'o Aq PRJ07-0093 ISSUED 06/11/2008 07to1t2008 12t28t2008 S4.00 Total Calculated Fees-->$304.00 $0.00Addilional Fees------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE_> 33O4.OO $240.00 WillCall------->$60.00 Use Tax Fee---> $0.00 Tolal Calculaled Fees-.> $0.00 $304.00 Paymgnts-------..*> BALANCE DUE->$304.00 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/11/2008 JLE Action: AP CONDITION OFAPPROVAL Cond: l2 (BLDG,); FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2OO3 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. DECLAMTIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, to comply with all Toivn ordinances and slate laws, and to build lhis structure according to the lowns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROil 8:0( print Name mechcanical_perm it_04 1 908 S^n& ol. oe- * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * **t**'* *'l'l * * * * *r't *1.**'ar**{.* ** **{t**************************1.+*****ra*a*t TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO Statement ****************************************{.***l *****i!****{.**:11.*'l*,t{.**{.*l.t,t,l.lt{t{t*i.**li******{*'l*i. sgaEement, Numlrer: R080001069 Amount.: $304.00 07/0L/200809:34 AM Payment. Met.hod: Check Ent.erprises 5963 Init: DDG Notation: Resort MEn. Permit No: M08-0131 Tl4)e: MECHANICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-053-0101-8 Sile Address r 809 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL LOCAT1ON: 809 POTATO PATCH DR Total Fees: Total- ALL Pmts I Balance: $304.00 $304.00 $0.00 $304.00 * {. {. f * * * 1. * * * * * * * rr | 'r .t * 'r 'r 'r,* 'r 'r,r * {. * * * * {r f * * * * * * {' * + * * * * * * * * ** ******t*ttf,**r******** * t* lf,t++* * * * * * * * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Accounc code Descript ion Current Pmts This Payment: MP 0010 0 003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 001000031L2800 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,I., INSPECTION FEE 240 .00 50.00 4.00 APPUCATION WIIL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNED TOV Pmiect #:-oqb BuiHing Permit#:- oiloZ l{echanicaf Permit #=- l4A4=A3l 97 O- 47 9 -2ll9 (Inspections) 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 Permit wlll not be accepted wlthout tlre following: Plovlde llechanlcal Room layout drawn to scale to Include:o Medranlcal Room DlmenConso Gombusdon Alr Duct $ze and Locatono FluerVentand Gas LlneSlzeand Loca6ono HeatlossCalcs.o EqulpmentCut/Sp€cShS CONTRACTORINTOxn/IA-TION ffi$j ,,,'. AAIAfl.E . -'.... _-J Offi@ ,ddt for Parel # >lQI or"R. ol olF robName: (ot,la 0.il/. fln^,.$robMdress: @v frLk?4ry resat Descrtpd- ll utt lslod,l I ntms,Subdlvlslon: Otrlners Narne:Addrcss:Phone: Enganeer:Address:Phone: Detalled descrloUon of workl n f r\,>hJ.[ 3 yLs {i..^a[o cqt workclass: n*t<d ffiiuon( ) eneluontt I Repair( ) other( ) Boilerlocatlon: Interlor( ) E<terior( ) Other( )Does an EHU o<ist at this locationr Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldgl Slnglefamlly( ) oupfo<MMultlfamily( ) €ommerdal ( ) Restaunnt( ) odrer( ) No. of Exisdng Dwelling Unlts in thls bullding: L No. of Ammmodation Unib in mf building: -) = No/Tvoeof Flreolaces.Exisdno: @sAooliances((b Gas t-rrstfl wood/Pellet( ) woodBuming( ) Noffype of Flreplae'lroposed: @s Appliances (2) @s t-ogs ( l) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a onversion from a wood bumlng fireplace to an EPA Phase II dryice? Yes No ***************** !a* oo I r******FoR oFFICE USE ONLY*** ***IF 3*!r \,,la*IEUVIEI^\****r'****ff11 1 I 2000 ll ila TOWN OF VATL"... * F:\aderAFoRMSPERfi m\&ildlng\medEnlcaulermlLl 1-23-2005. Doc Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria o You must obta:n Design Review Boad (DRB) approval lf any of the mechanical work will involve Al{Y otterior w6rk. This includes and is not limited b rcmoval and replacement of driveway snow melt sysbms. Please ontact the Development Review Coordinator at 479-21?3 fur additional information. o The Town of Vail has adopted the 2il13 International lrlechanical Code and the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code. o All new construction witfiin tlre Town of Vall ls considercd b be of unusually tight onstucton, thus all @mbustlon air is rcquircd to be drawn ftom outside the structrrc for mechanlcal eguipmeng Town of Vail Fircblace Oldinance In Sepmber of 1991, the Vait Town Councit adopted an ordinanoe whiclr restricts b onstuction and use of open hearth fireplaoes witftin municipal boundaries. Since that time the odinbnce has undergone nume(tus changes and rcvisions, strivlng for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Ttercfiorc the bllowing criteria has been adopted: r Constuuctlon of open hear{lr wood burnlng fireplae is no tonger permitted within Town of Vail municipal bounparies. Dwellino Units - Each new dwelling unft may ontain: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solld fud buming devie and no morc than truo (2) gas applianoes (B vent) OR Ttro (2) gas log fircplaces and no more than hflo (2) gas appllanoe fireplaes (B bent). Resficted Dwelllno Units - Each new restricEd dwelllng unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not more llran one (1) gas appliane fireplaoe. Accommodatiod Unlts - Each new aooommodation unit may oontaln: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (f) gas appliance fireplace. If two or morc separate dwelling units or acoommodaUon units arc ombined b form one latger unit, the oombined unit may r€tain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas applianoe fiteplaces, or may onvett up b two existing fireplaces to gas. If during tlre coume of a remodel an existing woodburning fircplae is altered or moved' the unit must then comply wlth all provisions of the ordlnanoe. That ls, tfre ftreplae must be onveiled to nabrral gas or ryptaced by an EPA Phase II ertified unlt F:\GdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\medranlcalJtermlll 1-23-2005.DoC LLl23lzms t\\t ,rt rwFvnrl How DID wE RATE wlrH You? Please take the time to tell us how we performed during he development review process. We will use this information to recognize our emptoyees who serve you and we will also use it to improve our level of service. Please know we do care and will react to your suggestions. Thank you for yout'comments' George Ruther Director of Communi$ DeveloPment l. What services did you use at Community Development today? Check all that apply Admin- Building - Environment - Fire- Housing - Planning - P.W 2. Was your vislt today as a: Not Satisfied very Satisfied FriendlyandCourteous 1 2 3 4 5 DK Knowledgeablel234SDK TimelyR-sponse/GallsReturned 1 2 3 4 5 DK Overatl Experience I 2 3 4 5 DK 4. Was the revlew process clearly explained to you? (i.e., how the Design Review Board and/or Planning and Envirohmental Commission works, when they meet, what you need to have when you aPply for the p-lanning and/or the building process, how long review times generally take, housing and/or environmental health policy, etc.) YES NO lf NO. what additional information would have been helpful? 5. DidtheplanningProcessmeetyourexpectations? YEs No 6. Did the buiHing iermit review process meet your expectations? YES NO 7. Dld the inspection pnocess meet your expectatlons? YES NO 8. Dld you fedl the ptpcass was falr and efflclent? YES NO Please explain your response(s). 9. lf you were looking for informatlon (i.e,, tegal address file, plat map, plan_s, etc.) was the information in a format that was helpful / user frlendly? YES NO 10. Are you aware of the Gommunlty Development Dept. information available at httoJlwww.vailoov.com? YEs No Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. lf indicated below, we will personally qon!a_q_ you on specific coniems. lf it is your desire, you may contact the director by telephoning ,970479-2145' Please feel free to use the back for additlonal comments. Name:Company: Address:City:- State:- Zip Code: Date: F:\cdelAFORMS\SURvEYsbotndev-suNEy-09 I 9O7. doc Telephone: ffiH; Homeowner- Contractor- Architect Othet 3. Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of the Community Development, _ Department. Uie a scale ftom 1 to 5 where 1 means "not at all satisfied" and 5 means "very satisfied" to rati each of the following items. Please use DK (Don't Know/No Opinion) as appropriate. Please circle your response. D ep artmnt of C o rnman i ty D ev e hp mcn t 75 South Fnnuge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-288 FAX 970-479-2452 wtau.uailgou.com June 6, 2008 MichaelEnglish English Enterprises, Inc. 12 Vail Road, Suite 700 Vail, CO 81657 Re: 807-0266,809 Potato Patch Drive Dear Mr. English, The Town of Vail Building Department has extended your building permit 807-0266 until December 31, 2008. At ihat time if no work or inspections have occuned the permit will be expired and you will have to reapply. Sincerely, Vry,"O,r\fb+- Lynne Campbell ' Office Manager $RECYCLED PAPEN 96166/21gg 15:38 I 974473754L ENGLI+I & ASSMIATES PAGE qLI6L 12 Vail Road, sub 700 velt CO 81857 PH: (970) 479-7500 Faxi (970) 4797501 lbr Lynne Campbell Frunr Midrael Fil 47*2452 Pagecl 1 Pr€|F.4792150 ht : 66108 ipr PcnnitB0ru266€xbnsbn CC! tr uqPnt El for Revbur El Plo c Gornrnent tr Ple..d FGPIY E Plalo R.cltolc Lynne, Per our conv.r€alron today, I urould llke tc request to harc buildlng P€rmit 807{266 et@ndod until Dccember 31, 2Cr0E. lf pu -nced anylhing else btulfill thb reque.+ plcase let me knovtr' Thank you TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 8,07-0266 Project #: PRJ07-0093 Job Address: 809 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 809 POTATO PATCH DR Applied. . : 08116/2007 Parcel No...: 210106301018 Issued. . : l2/ll/2007 Expires.....: 06/08/2008 OWNER 809 POTATO PATCH DRIVE LLC O8/L6/20O7 392 MILL CREEK CIR VAIL co 8r_6s7 APPL,ICANT ENGLISH ENTERPRISES, INC. 0e/L6/2007 Phone: (97O) 479-750O 12 VAIL RD., SUITE 7OO VAIL coLoRADO 815s7 I-.,icense: 350-A CONTRACTOR ENGLISH ENTERPRISES, INC. 08/L6/2007 Phone: (970) 479-750O ]-2 VAII-, RD., SUITE 7OO VAIL coLoRADO 81557 License: 350-A ARCHITECT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 08/L5/2007 Phone: 970-477-2990 7]-O WEST I,TONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 81557 License: C0 00 0 0162 7 Desciption: CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW DUPLEXoccupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation RESTDENT/I & 2 FAM ( ZONE 3 VB 155.31 8,251 $1,28]- ,462.8LTota1s... 8,251 $l-,488,780.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,488,780.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 |t*i*i.{*|l*lt|*.i.*t'l**l+**l**l''t'+f*++'r.}+**t++.tl*tl*:}***,i*,i:}'r+FEEsUMMARYi'i|'i'i.i|r++||+.t+++'l+||*.'|+*|il**{***t+ii'|ii++i+|*.*i|*i* Building----> $?,393.50 Restuaranl Plan Review-> 90.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $13.440.09 Plan Check--> S,t, 805.84 Recreation fse..--_> $!,237 .65 Additional Fe€s---> 90. OO Investigation> $O.OO TOTAL FEES-------> 913,440-09 Total Pcrmit Fee--> 91.3,440.09 Will Call---> g3 .00 Pa)ments----> 91.3,440. 09 BALANCE DUE----> $O. OO tttt*a+tat*,lt*+t* Approvals:IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/J.9/2OO7 cgunion Action: CR F: \cdev\CHRIS \PERMIT. COMMENTS \BO7 - 02 5 6 \807 10/08/2007 cgunion Action: AP LI/30/2007 cgunj.on L2/I0/2007 cgunion Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/L7 /2007 bgibson 17/19/2007 bgibson 72/07 /2007 bgibson Item: 05500 FfRE DEPARTMENT t0/08/2oo7 JJP. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS L0/L0/2007 gc building permit approved revised submitted plans set now does not match DRB plans do not match DRB approved l Action: CR Action: AP Action: DN Action: AP Action: AP Action: AP Action: AP corrected plans approved by planning See conditions. See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:OO AM . 1 PM. SIGNATURE OF O OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEN ****+++**,t***l.*:*'li**'t ******'t**'1.+*'t******,i*********'1.**:1.'1.,1.***+*{.*'}'}**********,1.'f ****,t*{.*******'t******'t**{(,*{.'t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0266 as of 12-ll-2007 Status: ISSUED ** *+*,|* * * * ** * * {. '1.:1. {. *,* **,* *{. ** * +*****!t ** + +* ** * ** ** * **** * ** **'1.*******:}** *:r**,i*'1. *'t ***** +** *+ **:*,f *,}*****t ***'t* Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Appliedr 08/1612007 Applicant: ENGLISH ENTERPRISES, INC. Issued: 12/1112007 Job Address: 809 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 809 POTATO PATCH DR ParcelNo: 210106301018 ******d.*t****,lr**{.,f***,1.*:t,t****,**********'l,N!,1.,*,i.'1.*{.****{.'}rt't *,1.,1.'}***,t**,lt****,}****************'}+,1.************** CONDITIONS *,t **:t *:t *'t**'t,***************+f+****,t *+**'f *,t *,t,t**,f *,t***,t,t*'t * 't ,{. * * * * * * + * * {. * * :+ ,t * * * !* * ,i * 't ****'t *{.r.+++******'t*+** Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l8 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3l1.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION IOO9 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: l9 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3l2 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION IO12 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION I O25 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: CON0009444 LryE LOAD FOR DRTVEWAY BRIDGE TO BE POSTED PER STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Cond: CON0009445 Fire sprinkler system required an shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002)and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009446 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. ll , osqs o?.oe6 BUI are required for electrlcal, plumbing, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Permit #: VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials orHER:$ 672ELECTRfCAL: $ 8g,O@BUILDING: $ i81, ooo MECHANICAL: $ (o9,o@PLUMBfNG: $ fle, ooo For Parcel # Contact Assessors Otrice at 970-328-8M0 or visit 2 totO63oro/8 robName: 7/ r.z ,4rJ L./ 3 / LegalDescriptun $lot 3/ \etotx, /Filing:subdivision : {/" ; / B f;f /-1rL '/415,,,'t fu' t/o;/ lPh*1Zl:>s* ArchitecVDesigner-.K ll We/ /Phone: yV- zggo Engineer: k R fZ Phone:9q7_ yggl Detailed description of work: tr J- .J. l\ /^ /.4/p'/ con.rfrunTia af' u &,Pbf WorkClass: Newff Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repah( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (y) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: d Ionype ot No/Tvoe of Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Woqd/Pqllgl(Iwood Burning ( ) : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs (J) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnilg (NOT ALLOWED lDoes aFlieSFrinkier System Exist Ye.s ( ) No ( FOR OFFICE^ USE ONLY F : \cdev\FOP',ls\Permits\Brrilding\buildingjermiL4- 17-2007. DOC P?€'elofT MlL7l2O07 TOWNOFV COI,oRADO StatetnG[rt Staternent Amonnt: $4,805.84 o8/L6/2OO109:02 A!1 Init: ,JS Notation: 996lEIiIGLISH R070001545 checkPa)'rort. f:tma: ETiITERPRISES, TNC. Permit No: Parce1 No: site AddresE: Location: This Payment.: BO7 - 0266 2101-053-0101-8 809 POTATO PATCH 809 POTATO PATCH s4, 80s.84 Tota1 ALL Pmts: Balance : $4, 80s . 84 $7,395.50 TIT)E: NE1I (SFR, P,/S,DUP) PERMIT DR VAII, DR Total Feea: $L2,2O2.44 *****************************************+*t***i************,i,i**+****************'t*'lr******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PI,AN CHECK FEES 4,805.84 ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INGOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED REVISION-TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado***All Revis tFf$t ,'l;'y, r€:lt-_ ttt the Field Set of approved plans. No further inspections PLETE vtsl *** TOR INFORMATION EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials ;r'/,,/ E */. =/ / tr-+src A N: JOE, J&CHARLIE, GREG, CHRIS REVISED AMOUNT: $ REVISED TOTAL: $MECHANICAL: $PLUMBING: $ For Parcel # Contact E Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ?/o /06 3ot atgt JobName: Bt*,4/"/ /-,r f/ Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: * BUH owners *^ ".go? y'F,//,/),r4[ Address: /? v*,/..?.1 i, ] zrc v,. 7 Phone:q72 - 25e>e ercWgfvW*2er:Address: 2 €) hU A-,*/.*2, t/r,1 Phone: ,2a- ?2ra) Engineer: y(tz-<Address: Z.a, //g2Z , t/", / Jl Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS:( /",,6 D.fr/,* C"-l/u n GP. ,a". C 4u4z<,:*- WorkClass: Newf,{- Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both $z)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No.(,V Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family 04 Mufti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( 1/; -n",.t-'.' a "<:a'tzl/'-t'Y- No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 6 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: '/ Noffvpeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning( ) No/Tvoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loss F) Wood/Pellet ( ) Woqd Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) -Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\bui lding_revision_4-1 8-2007.doc Page 1 of 1 4t18t2007 SOIL AND FOUNDATION II\MESTIGATION x'oR PROPOSED RESIDENCES LOTS 31 & 32, BLOCK 1, VAIL POTATO PATCH O8O9 & O8I1 POTATO PATCE DRIVE TOWIIOFVAIL EAGLE COI.]NTY, COLORADO PROJf,CTNO. 06193 MAY 24,2007 PREPAREDFOR: MR MICHAEL ENGLISH ENGLISH & ASSOCIATES 12 VAIL ROAD, SIIITE 7OO VAIL. CO 81657 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SCOPEOFSTI.'DY SITE DESCRIPTION ... PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FIELD INVESTIGATTON SUBSIruACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION FOTJNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS SLABCONSTRUCTION ....... RETAINING WALLS I,JNDERDRAIN SYSTEM SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE LAWN IRRIGATION LIMITATION FIGURES LOCATION SKETCH ......DRAWINGNO. I SUBSURFACEEXPLORATIONLOCS.. ...FIGURENO'S I&2 PERIMETERDRAIN.. ....FICURENO.3 LKPEngineering, Inc. EXECUTTVE SUMMARY The proposed residences should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of2000 psf. They should construct the footings ofthe entire foundation on the undisturbed, sandy gravel with large sandstone boulders' See Foundation Recommendations- SCOPE OF STT]DY This report pres€nts the results ofa subsurface soil and Foundation Investigation for proposed residences to be constructed on Lots 3l & 32, Block l, Vail Potato Patch, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose ofthe subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations for the foundation design, grading, and drainage' Geologic hazard studies are outside ofour scope ofservices' SITE DESCRIPTION Lot 3l is a 0.4E-acres site and Lot 32 is a 0.73-acres site, located on the west side of Potato Patch Drive, in the Town of Vail, Eagle county, colorado. Lots 3l & 32 had steep topography. vegetation on the lots consisted ofsage brush, wild grass and some aspens. Drainage is to the south and southwest' Lot 3l is vacant and Lot 32 has an existing residence' LKP Engineering, Inc. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We have assumed that the proposed residences will consist of a two-story, wood frame construction, with a walkout basement, on a concrete foundation. We understand that the current residence located on Lot 32 will be razed. L,oads are anticipated to be light, typical ofresidential construction. Ifthe finalized plans differ significantly from the above understanding, they should notifr us to reevaluate the recommendations of this report- FIELD IITVESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on May 17,2007, consisted of excavating, logging and sampling two test pits. The test pits' locations are shown on Drawing No. l. Excavation of the test pits was done with a Cat 3l 5C, trackhoe. We show the soil profiles of the test pits on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's one and two. Soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. SUBSURFACE SOIL AI{D GROUNDWATER CONDITION The soil profiles encountered in the test pits were fairly uniform. Test Pit No' I had four feet oftopsoil overthree feet ofreddish brown, sandy gravel with large sandstone boulders. Test Pit No. 2 had five feet oftopsoil over two feet of reddish brown, sandy gravel with large sandstone boulders. Refusal was encountered at7 feet in both test pits. Ground water was not encountered in either test Pit. LKP Engineering, Inc. FOI.]NDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed residences should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2000 psf. The footings, for the entire foundation, should be placed on the undisturbed, sandy gravel with large sandstone boulders, below all ofthe topsoil. We recommend a minimum width of 16 inches for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length ofat least l0 feet. A minimum of 48 inches of backfill cover is recommended for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The undersigned engineer should obseme the foundation excavation to verifu that the soil conditions are unifurm throughout the foundation excovation. The foundation excavation should be fiee from excavation spoils, fiost, organics and standing water. The on-site soil free from topsoil, organics, and rock fiagments smaller than six inches. is suitable backfill material. Imported fill material, approved by the undersigned engineer, might be necessary for the foundation backfill. Voids left in the excavation, due to rock removal, should be filled with lean concrete. Footings should be constructed on a level surface. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, exclusive oftopsoil, organics, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction. The subgrade for the slab-on-grade construction should be proof compacted to detect and remove soft spots. They should backfill overexcavated soft spots and other underslab fill with the on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable material, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). Suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greaterthan 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constructed over a 4-inch layer ofclean gravel consisting of -314 inchgravel with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the LKP Engineering, Inc. No.200 sieve. They should reinforce the concrete slab-on-grade and score controljoints according to the American Concrete Institute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and columns with expansion joints to allow for independent movement without causing damage. RETAINING WALLS They should design foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported to resist an equivalent fluid density of60 pcffor an "at-rest" condition' Laterally unrestrained structures retaining the on-site earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of40 pcf for the "active" case. The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal backfill surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structures, weight oftemporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained backfill should be incorporated in the design. They should try to prevent the buildup ofhydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. TJIIDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, installation ofa foundation perimeter drain (see Figure No. 3) is recommended. The foundation perimeter drain should consist ofa 4-inch diameter perforated pipe sloped to a suitable gravity outlet, or to a sump pump location. The drain should slope at 114 inchper foot if flexible or at 1 /8 of an inch if rigid pipe is used. The boftom of the trench adjacent to the footing should be lined with a polyethylene moisture barrier glued to the foundation wall. The drain pipe should be placed over the moisture barrier and covered with a minimum of 6 inches of -3l4 inch free-draining granular material. Geotextile (Mirafi l40N or equivalent) should be used to cover the free-draining gravel to prevent siltation and clogging ofthe drain. The backfill above the drain should be granular LKP Engineering, Inc. material to within 2 feet ofthe ground surface to prevent a buildup ofhydrostatic pressure. The top one foot of the backfill material should consist of a relatively impervious fill- The backfill should slope away from the building. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE A site plan was not available for review at this time. The following recommendations are general in nafure. The site sunounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recommended in unpaved areas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top ofthe granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site or permanent cuts, should be diverted around and away from it by means ofdrainage swales or other approved methods.Theroofdrainsanddownspoutsshouldextendand dischargebeyondthelimitsofthe backfill. Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at leastglYoof the maximum standard Proctor density under pavement, sidewalk and patio areas and to at least 90% ofthe maximum standard Proctor density under landscaped areas' Mechanical methods of compaction should be used. Do not puddle the foundation excavation' LAW}TIRRIGATION It is not recommended to introduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing sprinkler systems next to the building. The installation of the sprinkler heads should insure that the spray from the heads will not fall within l0 feet of foundation walls, porches orpatio slabs' Lawn inigation must be controlled. LKP Engineering, Inc. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Geotechnical Engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other wananty either expressed or implied. The findings and recommendations of this report are based on field exploration' laboratory testing ofsamples obtained at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch' Drawing No.l and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not become evident until the foundation excavation is completed' If soil or water conditions seem different from those described in this report we should be contacted immediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Mr. Michael English, English & Associates, for the specific application to the proposed residences on Lots 31 & 32, Block I , Vail Potato Patch, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Sincerely, LKP ENGINEERING. INC. Luiza Petrovsk4 PE President J:\wPl 2-LKP\2006\06l93snd-grv.RPT.wpd LKP Engineering, Inc. TRACT TEST PIT C e$\$/ eiak 0. LOT 32 73-ACRES LOT 31 O.48_ACRES o TEST PIT LOT TRACT NOTE: TEST Pt75 LrcAfm BY PAANO. snllctorEcf,Mcll Engineering, Inc. P.o Eo. UL:t7 Edradr. CO 816:t2 H (970) 0,6-9ca fo( (970) e26-ecg WCANON SKETCE LOIS 3, i* stl &&r( ,. UAt tuTAm PAICH & , art rc1A10 PAnH ntvE Dnt6Ur- EAA.E CdJNA CIOR e WrAf ,o; MlgJ gfrA - l'= 4O' FArfi Xu l DATE OBSER\ED: )loy 17, 2OO7 ELEVATION: Test Pit f, 1 DEPIH FEET .s Y u B o L s A M P t E DFSCRIPNrJ|I OF MATERIAL AND SANPLE LOCANU,I IABORATWY TEST RESIJLTS RE'IARKS -5 -lo -15 _m /l ffi Topsoil Reddish brown, sondy grovel with large boulders Retusol @ 7 feet No Ground Woter Encountered I,EGENI): A - 2-ind, AD. Collfornio Lin* Sarnple I - Bulk Somple DD - Noturo! Dry Density (Pcf tilc - Naturot Moisture Content (t) -2(n - P*cant Possing No. 2(n Sicvte U - Lhuid LimitPl - Pl6ticity lndct(CW - Ground Ydter I.KP ENGINEERING, INC.STIBST'RFACE EXPTORATION LOG R@rin: oilgJ ffi,ftff , Test Pit f 2 LAEORA|ORY TEST RESIJLTS DESCHPNON OF UATERIAL AND SAUPLE LOCANON s Y H a o s Au P L E -10 -15 _m Reddish brown, sondY gravel with lorge baulders No Ground lloter Encountered I.EGEND: Zf - 2-ilrd, O.D. Colifonio LIna Sornple t - Bulk Somple DD - Noturol Dry Density (Pc0 ,tC - Noturot lloisture bntent (X) -2OO - P*cant Po*ing Nd 2(D Siene U - Liquld LimitPl - Plosticity lndexGW - around votq ST'BST'RT'ACE DIPLORATION LOGI.KP ENGINEERING, INC. g.@E AWAY FROII BUILDINE COI/ER BACKFILL frI1H OI'IE FOOT tr REIANELY UPERNOUS gILri*,,ffi i''* '.t r '11! 11r;;,,i'i i:;* ffitr-I;ffi NLTER FABRIC (utRAFt tfiN e EAUIVALENT) PLASTIC UNER, GLUED lHE FOI'NDATIO}I WALI. coARsE RAtEt 3/1 lNdl DlAil. $7H IESS IHAN 5' NNES TO 4-INCH DIATIETER PERFffiAIED HPE g.EO TO A STIITABLE OLITLET AT t/4'PER F@T FOR FLEXTBLE AND AT ',/8- PER FOOT FOR RIdD PIPE clvtr /cE0lEcf,Mcrl Engineering, Inc. P.O. Aor 28lt E trqd., @ 41652 t l (97o) 926-9G8 tox (97o) 926-o6e PERI'/3TEN DRAIN LOIS J1 a JZ AOC)( ', Y L rclAlo PAEII &9 t 8r, POIAo P lcH n E mn0FuL EAAIE AnNfY, dl(nNn P@tta: OilgJ *,t' N.rs. EEJ0: J REScfieclr Software Version 4.0.1 O*n"rTAgent Mlchael Cun€nt KH W6bb 710 West Lionshead Clr. Vall, CO 81657 s70.477.2W0 mlchael@kh$€bb.com Design6r/Contracton Micfiaol Engllsh English Enterpdsos LLC Vail, CO 479-7ffio michael@englbhd6velop€r.com Com pl iance Gertificate Project Title: Potato Patch Lot 31 Report Date:092207 Data filename: PtEnglish\cenoral\ENcLls-1.RCK EnergyCode: 2003 IECCLocetion: Vall, Colorado Cmsbucllon T!rye: Slngle Famlly Gladng 16E P"rontag€: 20% Hea ng D€gr6o Days: 92t18 Construction Site: 809 Poiato Pabfi Drlve Vall, @ 81657 C€lllng 1: Cathodral Celllng (no atdc): Wall 1: Wood Framo, 16i o.c,: Wlndow 1: Wood Frame:Doubl€ Pane wlth Low-E: Door 1: Glase: Basement Wall 'l: Solld Conct€te or Masonry Wall h€lght 12.O D6pth b6low grad6: 10.O Insulaton dopth: 12.0' Floor 1: All-Wood JolsUTruss:Owr Unconditioned Spaca: Floor 2: SlaFOn-Grad6:Heat6d: Insulauon d€Dft: 6.q Flmr 3: All-Wood JolsUTruss:Orol Uncondilionod Spac6: 1171 6280 762 525 1852 1387 708 1358 38.0 21.0 11.0 38.0 3E.0 10.0 0.350 0.350 tr! 285 267 1U 67 0.0 14.0 0.0 36 4ti6 35 Compliance Stetem6/rf.' The proposed bulldlng doslgn described here lg consisbnt wlth th6 bulldlng plans, specificatons, and olher caldllations submltted wlth he permlt appllca0on. Tho proposed bulldlng haE boon deslgnod to meet he 2003 IECC Equlremonts In Sign-ture Pohto Patch Lot 31 Pago 1 of 4 REScheck Software Version 4.0. 1 Inspection Ghecklist Dafrz09127107 Celllngs: E Celllng 1: Cathedral Colllng (no attlc), R-38.0 cavity + R-28.0 contlnuous Insulatlon Commanb: AboveGrade Walls: E Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16'o.c., R-21.0 cavity insulation Corun6nb: Balement Walb: E Basomont Wall 1: Solld Concrete or Masonry, 12.0'hl/10.O bg/ 12.0'lnsul, R-11.0 cavity + R-10.0 contlnuous insulation Comm6nb: Extorior insulation has a rigld, opaque, weaft€r-resisbnt probctive cov€dng that co\rerc fi6 oxposed (abo\,6{rade) insulation and exbnds at l6ast 6 In. below grad6. Wlndows: E Wndow 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Lo r-E, U{aclor: 0.350 For wlndows without labeled U-fedors, descdbe featur€s: #Panes - Fram6 Type Thermal Break? - Yes - No Comm6nts: DooF: E Door 1: Glass, U-factor: 0.350 Commenb: Floors: E Floor 1: All-Wood JolsuTruss:Over Unconditioned Sp€c6, R38.0 cavity insulation Commenb: D Floor 2: SlabQn€rad€:Heat€d, 6.0. Insulatlon depth, R-l4.0 contnuous Insulaton Comm6nts: Slab Insulation ext6nds down from tha top of lhs slab to at lgast 6.0 fr OR dol n to at least the bottom of lhe slab thon horizontally for a total distance of 6.0 ft, Exl€rlor insulation has a dgld, opaqu6, waather-reslstant protectlve co,/6ring that covers the sxposed (abov€{rads) insulation and 6xtands at leasl 6 In. bglow grada. D Floor 3: All-Wood JolsUTruss:Over Unconditioned Spaca, R€8.0 cavlty Insulatlon Comments: Ah Leakage: O Jolnts, penetrations, and ell other sucir openings In th6 bulldlng €rwelope that are sources ofalr leakag€ are s6aled. tr Rocessed llghb ar€ I ) Type lC rabd, or 2) installed Insldo an appiopriab air-tight ass€mbly with a 0.5' claaranco frorn combustiblo materials. It non-lo rabd, fixtures are install6d wlth a 3' clearance from Insulatlon. Skyllghts: tr Minimum Insulallon requlrem€nt for skyllght shafts aqual to or gFet6r than 12 inchos is R-19. Vapor Retarder: O Installed on the werm-ln-wlnbr slda of all non-ventod ftamed cslllngs, walls, and floors. matorlab ldentlfl catlon: Poteb Pabh Lol 31 Page 2 of 4 tr Mabdals and equlpment ar€ Installed In accordance with the manufaclurels Installafron instruclions. tr Mabdals and equlptnont arB id€ntified so lhat complianoe can b€ determlned. E ManufacfuGr manuals for all installed heating and cooling €qulpment and s€rvic€ water heating oquipm€nt have been pro\rided. tr Insulation R-values and glazlng U{aclors are cleady markod on the buildlng plans or spocmcations. tr Insulatlon ls Installed according to manufacture/s instruc-tions, in substantlal conlact with the surface belng Insulatod, and in a mannor that achloves th6 rat6d R-value wllhout comprosslng ho Insulatlon. Duct Insulatlon: D Supply drcts In uncondltloned atti6 or oubide tho bulldlng are Insulated to R-l,|. tr Retum ducts In uncondltlonad attlcs or oulsido the bulldlng aro Insulatod to R6. tr Supply ducts In uncondltloned spacss are Insulaled lo R-l.|. tr R6tum ducts In uncondltioned spacos (exc€pt bas€ments) are Insulated to R-2. Insulatlon is not requirod on return ducts In bas6msnts. O Wh€]€ oxbdor walls are used as plenums, th6 well is insulatod to R-l1. Duct Construc{lon: tr Duct connsctions to flanges of air distributlon system equlpmont ar€ saaled and mechanically fastBnod. tr AllJolnts, s€arns, and connecllons are securely faslenod wlth w€lds, gask6ts, mastlcs (adhesives), mastlcplus-€mbedded-fabric, or tapes. Tapos and maetlca are rated UL l81Aor UL 1818. Excepthns: Contlnuously w€lded and locking-type longltudinal lolnts and seams on ducts operating at lass than 2 In. w,g. (500 Pa). tr The HVAC system provld€s a m6ans for balancing alr and water sysbms. Temperature Controls: D Themostab 6xlst for each eoparate HVAC sysbm. A manual or automatic means to partially r€strict or shul ofi ft6 h€a0ng and/or cooling Input to €ach zono or f,oor is providod. Sorvlc. Watrtr Heatlng: tr Water healers wlth vartical plpe risors haw a h€at fap on boh he Inlet and outlEt unless lhe water heator has an intagral heat trap or is part of a clrculafng sysbm. tr Circulatlng hot water plp€s are Insulated to the l€vels in Table 1, Glrculatlng Hot Wator Systems: tr Clrculatlng hot wat€r plp€s ar€ Insulabd to he levels In Tablo 1, Swlmmlng Poolc: El All heatod swlmmlng pools have an on/ofi heator swltch end a cowr unless over 20% oftho hoatlng energy ls from non{opletable sources. Pool pumPs have a llme clock. Heatlng and Coollng Plplng Inrulaton: tr HVAC plplng conv€Ving flulds above 105 degroes F or chllled flulds below 55 degrses F are insulated to th€ lovols In Table 2. Potato Pabh Lot 31 Pago 3 of 4 Table 1: Mlnlmum lnsulatton Thlckness for Ctrculatlng Hot Wabr Plpes Inrul.tlon Thlckner3 In Incher by Plpe Slz€! Non-Chculatlng Runout!Clrculatlng llalns and Runouts Hoated Water Up to 1'Up b 1.25'1.5'to 2.0"Oor 2'T 140-169 100-139 Table 2: Mlnimum Insulaton Thlckness tor HVAC Plpes Fluld Temp. Rang€('F) lruulatlon Thlckne$ In Incher by Plp6 Slze! Plplng System Typ€s 2' Runouts 1 ' and Less 1 .25' to 2.0' 2.{ lo 4' 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Hoatng Syrterrc Low Possunr/Tamoerafu re Low Temp6ratur6 Steam Condensate (for fegd wat€r) Coollng Syctemr Chillod Water, RefrlgBrant and Brlns zJ1-250 106-200 Any .rc65 B€low 40 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.5 0.75 1.5 NOIES TO FIELD: (Bulldlng Department Us€ Only) Potato Palch Lot 31 Paga4of4 we rch b ite (tt p( TRAI{I}I ITTAI- Dd(: f;r; t0: from (c (hir Grdon ]lidrrl [urrnt 0t.lr.0l Pouo Prtd llouc ll (109) Erttosto: (l) lctr of levired Pcrmit Drawingr. llotts: 0rdl- l|cn an four omplctr rrt of nvfued drawings fot tht h00te on Lot ll at 809 Polato Prtdl lcsponu to yo[r ommcn$:l. lmend party ml daail to drow frt rclinin mlls d th piltf rlil to oCend to th udenilc of drc nof rheuing lM lll? -- hnc, lcc nrM Fny rrll deuil I, drr* All0. l. iwbe hor phn $cb b $ou. FrtI mll ,t dl F0p0$d ptopttf lirc loetims htrnr udb. thilf rhow propnq Ine botbn m d 0or /u rhctr. --Dorrq dronr on all f,oot phn dretr ridr "llatth tinc / htty WUl Iryntit"" n& rnd antcr linr dmtcrtion. 3. txterior wdb of F3 oarpncirs rn rcquid b h onc hou firu rui*iw olitoction dren lonhd h$ thal J' frum prolutl line. lwitc phnr Proride a U[ 0r glptum ruocirtion lhing for tlc I hour mll atambly ([302). --llong lre Gcnral Plan llotc #l or r[ phru ard hhil 6 $c!t AJ0l. - ffioffil iLt'.lT'H hffi ;:HJ',lhi ffi',ft'f,#,il: S s€&ce o'-,ffi.*-1liiliflffi*H$: :ffi,*frk*#ffi; lmod phru to pmidc rt lcul onc opnblc vindow ot door approvd for rncry.ncy ertrpc fiun bdnmr 21. Dme, all rirdom now on tfir qhdor dmr and window rhcdrh ilct AOl, Windol W on 6rcst Bd 2l it tgutabh. l. hovide grard detaih. Gurrdl rn nquind at uncrdoscd fhot opcning.l lmilinp, balonirl or pmher trtit arc morE thrn l0' abow grdr or foor hlow. lpcttfy minimm 36" height ard openingl drrt r {" 4ftcn tannot Ft! thtough. (Rlll)...Dom, $! rottt on loor planl and dudl I, drcct Al0l. l. Prcvide p) copic od Rrr[lcd com/iarcc ccrtliotr ard irupectin dcdd* toudinae dl inslrtion I nha fioun on fu lrflrr* npofi ri6 dtc hildhg pbn ad noftnr- -Donq rt etotlcd Rt{lc* Pla$ ht m lmow il pt hm nry quuiom llnnkl, llidacl ftnnt I lro wur uomuno ultu, rum r ffi c{x. m trat? I 'to.ol.nro tlt.ltl.ttlt (r1 vwv.khrcbb.com I KR M"or=uLrANrs, rNc. P.O.Elox467P Vell. Coloredo Al EiSB (sr7ol 949-93s'1 FA)( A4e-1677 RECORD TO: DAnE PROJECN Chris Gunion 92:0r2p]o7 Lot3l Potato Pabh Dr. JOB NIINBER: 070&18 nna Z nemxoxotzs X Rrspolse Z qnnacnnoucnAucE The fullowirg are in response to th€ structural cornmenb submitted by Chrb Gunion, br lot 31 Pobto Pahh Dr, permlt#807-O266: 8, 9) The sfucture for the devabd driveway does not encroach into the Town of Vail rbht of way. The portion of the drlvwny locabd wlthin the right of way ls constru@d of pavers set on grade. A ooncreE lelainlng u€ll separates the elevated portlon ol tre driveway f.om the pavers, and is indbated on revised sttucttral drawings as w€ll as he sile plan. (The boting for the retaining wall does exbnd inlo the right of way, but has been epproved by Tom Kassmel). See sheet S2-B for rebining unll inbrmeton. See site pbn br all ptop€rty lines, setbacks, and rights of way. 10) S@ revised S2-8. I l) Per disorsskrn wih Tom l(*smel, th€ elevated bridge has been designed to support vehides with a 24,000 lb. ade (similar to Fl-15 loads). The associated vehide weight llmitatkrn for the elented dritteway sbuctup has been noted on sheet SS. \trt€ are also recommsnding that thie webht limitaion b€ posted on site. 12) S6 detail 8/S10. 13) S€€ levised S2-AB Please contad our office with any questions or concems, S'G'VED..COPYTO: Micheel Current Michael English sEP 2 6 2007 ffi'l,Ht;a\ --lsorro?i " fu}t...-....'I$&;fii'ss BXIJV.U305 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSVUL 263 Page 1of6 BXUV.U30s Flre Reslstance Ratlngs - ANSI/UL 263 P{a Bottom Fire Resistancs Ratings - ANsx/UL 263 See Genertl lr{ormrtlon lbr FlrE R€slstrncr Rttsnqs - A SUtt- 263 D.Jgn o, U30t tuly 30' 2007 B.rrhg wlll Rttlne - 1 Hn thLh RadnC - 3.r ltlmt 3, 34. 3D, tE lnd tl. sTC Rrtlne . t6 (8.a ltrr 9) tord L.trlct d tor c|nldbn Atpllc|tlm3 - !ie! Buld. lXlIyZ l. Wood Sh|dr - Norn 2 bry 4 In, sprced 16 h, OC mrx, atf?ctlvely flr€stopD.d' 2. ,olnta rnd Nall.Haadr - B(pG€d or covered wlth flber trpe rnd Jolnt compound, except where requlred tor speclflc edge conflguraton. For tapered, round€*edgo gypsum boord, Johh coye.ed wlth ,olnt compound or flber tape and ,oht compound, As an alernate, nom V32 In. thlik ayprum venccr dastcr rn€y be apdled to tie entlr surface of Classlncd wn€er blseboad, Jolnts relnforced. Nallheads expoced or covered wlth Jolnt compdnd. 3. GyFum rorrdt - 5/8 In. thlck p6per or vlnyl surtlc.d, wIfi berrded, squaf€, or trpcred edo€s,.Pdlq ether ]bd;;tdy or v€rdcatty.'cyperm pa-ne'b narco i ln. oc wtin 0o ccmcnt coeted nllb 1-78 In. long'.0.0915 h' shrnk dl|m rnd rt6,4 h. dtam hedds. wh€n used h wtdths other thln 48 In,, oyporm prnets rc to be |rEtalled hoflzontnlly' For.n alt€meE mcdrod of rttrchment of gypsum panels, refer to ltem 6 or 6A, Ste€l FramlnC a,lemberst' When tbern 6. Ste€l Frrmlng Mcmbers*, ls used, gypsum pan€b ott ched to furrlng channds wEh 1ln. long Typc S buglG- head stccl scra{s spred 12 In. OC. $thon ttem 6 " Steel Framlng Mamb€rsr, ts usod, two lryer6 of gypsum panels aBEch€.t to fulrlng channds, 8!l! lay€r ad.chod to turrlng channels wlth t h. long lype S bugle-h.ad st€€l screws spaced 12 In. oC. FEc€ hyer atlachgd b ryrdlg cbsnnels vrtth t-ts h, long fyp. S hrole-head steel screws sp*ed 12 In. oc. AS JolnGt In ttce layers 3t Cncr€rl wlul Jolnt3 h blsc lryaF. Ono hyrr of gypoum board attxhed to opposlte slde of wood shd wlthdlt furhg ciannels as dcscrlbed In Itlm 3. lvhen lbm 7, 'lsllent chann€ls lre used, 5/s h. tnld(, 4 ft wlde gypdlm pEneb apdl€d verflcally. screw.tt ched turrlng drlnn€b wlth I In. long, self-drlllhg, self-bpphg Typc S or S-12 rlecl scr€rvs spaocd 8 In, OC' vcrtlcal rohts loc*cd mldwry bcfwEen sEds. aMERrCArrt Gyp$ulr oo - Typcs AGx-t (flntsh rsUno 23 mh,), type AGX-ll (fhbh rrtlng 25 rnh) or Type AG-c htrp://dntabase.ul.corn/cgi-binD(YV/template/LlSEXT/IFRAME/shorqpage.hhl?namr-B... rc2/2007 BXLIV.U30S - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSIruL 263 Page 2 of6 !II'IN6 ]{IW BUILDINC TIIATEnIALT PUIUC LTD CO - Type DBX-I (Anbh r.ung 24 mln), rt6 ArEttca tNc - Iype r, Type sF3 (intsh rauno 20 mln) or FRFC, ProRoc Type C or ProRoc Typ. x (fhr*l ra6nq 26 mln), Type EGRG (nnbh r€tlng 23 mln) BP3 CAIIADA tNC - PmRoc Typ€ c, PmRoc Typ€ X or ProRoC Type Abuse-Reslstr|lt (flnlsh raung 26 mln) cr ADtAJl €YPsUM COllPAllV - Type AR (flnlsh rathg 24 mln). Type c (f,nl$ rtung 24 mh), Type FCV (tlnl$ ruun0 24 mtn). Typs IP-AR (flnlsn r8tmc ar minl, ryie Ipc.an (ttntstr rating 2i mtri), Type Ip-Xt (flnlsh rallng-24 mln), Typc lP- XZ ttrnrln irilng 24 niin), Typ€ sLX (nnrir ralinO Zq mlnt ryp€ SttXlflntsn rddng 24 n{n)' :rype WRC (tlnlsh ratlng 24 mln), TyPe wRx (nnlsh rrtho 24 mh) . c-P GYFrSUX OOnP, Slrt OF cloRoI/[-P crFtc SoRP - Type 5 (nnbh raung 26 mln), Type 6 (thlsh rathc 23 mln), rypc 9 (llnbhnun! 26 n{n), rypc C lnnrsrr rattng ZO minl, ryie OOO (flntsh ralhq 20;int TYpc GPFSI (finlrh. rrtlng 20 mln). T.ype_G^PFS2 (flnbh ridng 20 mln). Type GPFSO (flnbh ratlno 26 mh), Typc DS, TypE DAP, Tvpe DD (flnbh ratlng 20 mh), DA. tlFARcE t{oRtfi Aulntca rNc - T!/oe LGrc2 (nnHr ruUns 20 mln), TyDe LGFC3 (flnbfi ruUng 20 mln), TypG l-GFc6 (flnbh ratho 26 mh), TYpe rcrc-c (nn6h rlung 2b mln), Typ€ LGFCSA (f,nbh ruUng 34 mln), Typ. LGFC2 ' Typ€ IGFC- qA. NAltOt{AL OYPAUr CO - Type FSK (flnlsh raung 20 mln), Type FSK-G (fhbh rathg 20 mh)' Typc F-qfl (flnbh rauno 20 nrn), Type FSW-Z (finl*r rrUnb'ul mtni. rype rSVi-r lnntsh raiing 20 r$n), Type FSW--s (f,nlsh raung-22 mln). T'ype FSI\I- c (linldr'r.uno 20 inln), Type FSK-C (Ml*i rrHng 20 tih). Iype Fsw-c (llnbh r.dnc 20 mln), Type FSMR-C. PAICO BUILOITIC FRODUCIE L L C, DlA PASCO 6YPAU - Types C, PG-Z (nnbh r6tlfl9 20 mln), PG.3 (flnlsh rtdno 20 rnh), Types"G-:W. PG-sW (flnFh rEtlno 20 mtn), Type pc-4 tniri*r r*rm ru mtn), Typ;PG-6 (ni'tsh raUirq Zg mtn), Typos PG-3WS. PG-sWS (ltnlsh ratho 20 rdn), Types Pet P!G-9 (tlnlsh ratlng 26 mh) or Type PG-c. PATILNEYAA-TYP6PRX. StAll o\ftsuM I DUSTRY (SAnAEUnl) OO LTD - Typ. EX-t (frnkfi rutlno 26 rnln) ttitptl- {l ND FoBEST pRoDucT8 .O,qP - Type X, Veneef Plaster Bas€ - T}De )L W6trr Rd - lype & sheahhC - Type )C So t - 'ryp3 X. ut{ITlD 3t t!3 CypSUH CO - Typc AR (frntsh rathc 2,+ r o). Type so( (flnlsh raung 24 mh)r Type c (flnlsh rrthg 24 mtn), Type wru( (flnbh raung 24 mhi type WcC (nnrtr raung 2c riin), Type tP-Xl (nnlsh tatln-g 24. mh), lV_Pe FO/ (finl*r nuni ii mrn;, ripa rP-)e (inlsh r.tlig t4 m111), iyp sHx (nnlsh rauirg 2a mln), rvpe FRy'G (nngr taum 29 mln), TvPe IP-AR (tlnlslr r.dm 24 mln), Iype IPC-AR (flnlsh ra6ng 24 mh). usc I.|ETICO 3 a DE c v - Iypo AR (thlsh ratho 24 mln), Typ€ C (nnbh |8thg 24 mh), Typ€ WRX (llnl$ rot|ng- 24 rdo), Type wRc (nnFh raung 2a mh), Type rP-xa(nnl3h r;rtlnc 24 mh). Typo FCV (flnlsh rathg 24.mln)' Ttpe IP'Xz (nn6rr rdtrns ze ;rn), Type sHx (fln6h r;ihg 2,t min), scx (flntsh rathit 24 mln), Type IP-AR (nnl8h ratlng 24 mln), Type IPC-AR (inlsh raung 24 mln), 3A. Oypaum forfdr - (lAs an altenlts to ltein 3) - ry8 h' thhk gypsum pmel3, Yvlth bevoled,. tqutt, or-bp€rud edges. ipplte.t .tthGr hodiontally or v.rHcally. Gyp8um prn6F faFtened to trrmlng wlth 1-V4 In. long.Type W aoa|so Urread gi'i$ni panet steet sc.ri3 spaced a rirax d tn, Oi, wlth lost screw I h. fmm edge of board' Wh€n uscd In wldt rs of otfi€r than 48 In,, gypsum boards ar€ to be |nstalled idlzonttlly. AllEuca SvPSu|| co - Tlp€s Ao(-1 (nnFh rudng 25 mtn.)r Type AG-C (flnbh tatlng 25 mh,). hnp://database.ul.com/cgi-binD(YV/template/LlSEXT/IFRAME/shourpage.html?name=8... 101212007 BXLIV.U305 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSVUL 263 Page 3 of6 GAiADTAN €ypsu co p^rity - Typa AR (fht6h raung 2a rtn), Typc c (llnl$ rstlng 24.mln), Typ€ rcl/ (flnlsh rltlng 24 mtn) | Type |FAR (tint$ radn! 24 nitn). ry-p€ trc-AR (flnlrh r.thg 24 mln), Type tFXr (flnlsh raun9 24.mh). Type lF iZ (nn6{ riitm Z+ nir), Type Sd (flntsti rsting Zl mtn), Type SHX lflnbh ra6ns 24 mln), ryF wRC (flnlsh radng 24 mln). Typs wR)( (f|nHt retlnq zlf mh). uxlED aT TEt qYPSU OO - T\De AR (nnbh nthg 24 mh), TyF SC)( (fhtsh laung.24 mh). T-yPe C (Rnlsh ragno 2.4 miirj, wpe wnt<idi*r raung zl mtni, rypd rYRc (f,nbi .runs ii 6in), 1Yp6 IFX1 (flnlsh_raths^ 24.mh), Iypc Fcv (f,nlsh .uib idnrO, ri* rr-;q (inbh radig Cl mh), iype sHx (nhsh rattirg ii mln), Type FR:x4 (nnldr raung 2,{ mln), rypc IP-AR (nnlsh rat|m 24 mh), Typo lPrC-AR (flnldl rrtlm 24 mh). u3o rtnco 3 A D! c v - Type AR (flnlsh ratlng 24 mh), Type c (flnlstt raung 24 mln), Ty-pe wRX (nnlsh rdng 24 mln), Typs wRc (flnldr raung i4 mtn), l'ypc tP-xf(finlrh rittnii zl mtn), rype F6r' (ttnlsh ralnc 24 m|n), Tlpe lP-)e rnnri:rrriiung za 'iiin), ry* Strx (flnt,ii riirng z'l min). Type so( rype ip-Ah (nnlsh rathg 24 mln), Type rrc'AR (fhldl rlthg 24 mtn). 38. eyprum Bordr - (As an Eltemabs to ttem 3) - Nom 3/4 In. thlck. hstrlled wlth l-7l8 |n, long cernent coated nalls as de;citOea tn Item 3 or-1-3/8 tn. long Type W coirse thrsad gypsum panel steel scr€rvs as descrlbed In ltem 3A' GINADTAN GYPSUiT COHPAT{Y - TYpe6 AR, !P-AR. UI{ITED ST TEg €YPSUlrl OO - Typcs AR, IP-AR, Udt ItllX&O S a DE Cv - lypcs A& IP-AR, 3C, Cyp.{rm Sordr - (As !n altemEto to lioms 3, 3A .nd 3B) - tB In. thlclq 2 ft wlde, bngue ardlroov. €d9€, applled hortlol'trlly to on€ ddo oi the aesemDly. fnstall.d nritn 1-ZO In. long o.rn€nt coat€d n.lb d de36lbed ln ttsm 3 or 1-U4 In. hng Ty;e w coarse thrcEd gypgum'ponel cteel scrc*r is dcsc.lbld ln ttlm 3A. Jolnt coverlng (lt€m 2) nd requlted' cAt{ADtAN WPSUI{ 3OI|PANY - Type sHX, UllITlO stAtls OYPSlrlrl OO - Wpe sHX. USG MEXIOO S A Dl C V - Type SHX. 3D. Wrll rnd Plrtltlon Frdngr rnd Accaarorl.rr - (As !n altem8te to ltbms 3, 34 3a and 3C, mt sl|own)-- l{omlnal ry8 In. thtc& 4 ft wtde p6neb, apdbd vontcally to *uds ind bearhg plrto3 on one slde ol tlE ass€mbly l{ltn 1-V8 In. long TVpe S screws spred iZ tn. OC-dt XrtmEter of prnels snd E h, OC In the fleld. HotlzontalJolnE of v€r0cdly lpplled pi'nelsneednot'bebackodbystud;.PanelrolndcovercdwlthpapertapelndturoltyersofJolntcolnpoond'Scr€wheads. ;over€d wtth two |ryenr ofroint compound, B8tts and Elankets daced In stud cavlty as descrlbed In ltem 5E' Not evrlutbed for use wlth Sleel F.rnlng l"lembers, turlng channels or Flber, spruyod' QUTET SOLUTION INC - Typ6 QuhtRock QR-530 (flnl5h ratlng 23 mln). 38, eyp!||m Bolrd* - (As an olt€rnrte b ltcms 3, 34, 38, 3C, or 3D -not Bhown) For Dlnect Appllcaum to Studs Only- Nom t8 h. thtck had bEiked gyparm pan€b wtth blvalcd, iquaE or tapsred edges, app[ed verdcalv. Verucal Jolnt!_ oenbr€d otiEr studs anO stalrgo.€O mtn't stud clvlty on opposts ddos ol studs. Wlllboard secured to studs wlth 1-5/8 In. long Type W cosrse trrcad ryrpsum panol stosl ssEws spac€d 8 In. OC rt perlrnetcr 8nd ln the field' L.ead batEfl strlps reqtInia behtnd yerucEl ,otnls of l3d backed gypsum wdlbord and opuonal €t rcmElnlng stud locatlons. Le.d b.tt€n sbips, mtn 1- 2 In. nldi. ma|( 10 ft lone rduii'mu thld<nees of 0,125 In. placed on the face of *uds lnd .ttached fo the *i riatn two f In. hdg Tipe S-12 prn h-ead stecl scr€w3, one !t the top of thc atlp and one rt thc b@m oa tfic rHp. l,€.d 4!ca or tab€ m.t bi i|sed ln lieu of or In addltlon to th€ le.d b.hen strlps or opuonrl 8t ou|er locatlofls. l.{!x V4 In' dlam Dy max 0.125 tn. mO< tead dScs ornpres9lon fltted or rdhcrcd over stecl gcrcry heads or max l,r2 In ' tY .L'tl4 l^' bV mar 0,i25 tn. thlck lcEd tabs plaed on gypsum bortds undernelth screw tocatlons prlor to tfte Instlllluon ot the sdlrvs. r6ad basen *dDd b haye a flJrlty of 99.9!6 lrlceung the Fclt€r.l Sedncauon QqL-201f, Gnde 'c'' MY-BAR El{OlNllRlt{6 CoRP - TYpe RB-LBG (thbh rrt|m 24 fl n). 3F, OyFuln lo|rdr - (Ae an afremrte to tbsm8 3. 3A'' 38, 3C, 3D, lnd 3E) - tE In. tfilck gypcum panels, rvlth 3qualt edges, applhd etBrcr horLontrlly or vertkatly. Gyperm psnrls fasten.d to fr8n{ng wlth 1-114 In. lorE fype.W coqle? _ _ thrcad gii$m panet ste€t sc|tris sprc.d a max'6 h, oC, wlth l.st 2 scrervs 1 and 4 In. from edoe oa boll{ or nrlled 7 In' OC wtth- & cemlnt oat.d nalb 1-7i8 In. long, 0.0915 In, ghank dla.n rnd 15/54 In, dlam heEds, Whcn uscd In ,rldhr ot other th.n,l8 In,. gypcum borrds arc !o bo ldstallcd hofhontrlly, ,ohts end n ll heads trcated as dascdbed In ltrm 2. http://database.ul.corn/cgi-binD(YV/template/LlSEXT/lFRAMUshowpage.htnl?namrB,.. rcnn007 BXLJV.U305 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSVUL 263 Page 4 of6 TTMPU-d{L t{D FoR!3T PRODUCTS CORP - GreencLs Typ3 X (nnkh rEtlng 23 mln)' 4, Staal Com.r F!d.n.rr - (Opuonal) - For usc at wrll oorngrB, Channd shapsd' 2 In'.long by 1 ln. hlgh on the brck stde wtth two 1/8 In, iiiii aerti pfoiruotnq lnto $e 5/E In, wld. drannol, fabrlcatad frum 24 gluge 9-"1Y "!.-1l1t_l"Tl: appffeo my uitre snd or srt odde (not d|mg tapered rdles) of the gypsum boad' no.grette-r than z In' rmm dncr or syb$m bdrd. n * "diris-ial;. &. mled o'ooracenfstdo nrurytr tau uoncgr-lg:_s_Tmnt coatcd nall per E'itener. comirs of vioil'6pira snan ue nalled to bi rnd bottom platE udng No. 6d cement coltcd nalb' S. !.tta rnd lhnLatr. - (Ogflonal - Requtr€d when tbm 5A 13 rjs.d ) Glsss tlber or mln€ral w@l Insulatlon' Placed tD conrpreui or partrli;iil dd-{r|;;;d;lwircn iilm ee tt u*d, gb#_fl_ber or m|neral wool lnsddon d|all be plred b comilfe[' nlt-Ure stu-O c.vltl€s and shall be recu]€d !o thc studs 24 In. OC vvltl stapbs. ntlls or tcrfll. CERTAITITEED @RP GUANDIAII FIBIRC|,^SS II{C JOH]{8 !,lAt{VILll II{TIRI{ATIONAL ING K{AUF T I{8U LATtOl{ CI{BH owE s ooRlll{€ HT ll{c, DrY ol owEils @RItllNO - Comlno Flberola Corp. ROCK WOOL I{AIIUFACTIJRII{o CO - Delta Board. ROXUL IIIC THE$IAFIBIR I'IC - TYPE sAFB. 5A. Flbtl, SFtyrdt - (t{ot slpv{n - Not for usG wltfi ltem 6A ) Ar rn rltemDt€ to aattt ltd Blankets.(ttem 5). -. Sprty ippttco cdttu[re'matertdl nc noer s afpttcd r.dth wlter to comitetery nll the end^osed c.rrlty h lccodane wlth $e rppltcrHm Instrucuons fuppllcd wlth ths product. Nomlnal dry denslty of 3.0 lb-/ftr. Alternatr appllcauon m€qrj: Th€ nber b ippficd wtth U.S, Gruenitbor tt-C Type ioloo hot mllt adheslve rt s nomlnal tauo of onc pdt adhetlve to 6.5 ptrts nocr to dr'mptetety fltl the enclosed cavtty iir accod.ncc rvlth thc rppllcrtfon hs!.uctlons suppll€d wlth the product' omlnd dry deffitty of 2,5 |ryft3. U I GREE TMR L L C - Cocoonz Stlblllzcd or Cocoon'FRM (Rre Rated Mrterlal) 5B. FtbI, Sprry.d. - (tiot shofii - Not br use wlth lt€m 6A ) A3 an alterna& b Bltts lnd Blankets (Item 5) tnd ItGm Se - Sprai' aipffiO cellulole Insuhtton matcrtal. Thc ,lber b appied srth wrter to hHor 3lfiacr3 In aoordance wlth Ulc apdtciUoi l#trucuo(|s suppllcd wlth th€ product. Applled to idmdcEly nll d|€ endos€d c.vlty. tllnLnum dty.len3ltY of4'3 pounds pcr cuuc tL lru-WooL @ lt{C - Celluloc€ tnEllatlon 5C, Eltta and llrnkdtrr - RequlEd br use wlth reslllent channds, Item 7, 3 In. thlck mln€ral wool bstls' daccd to tlll Interlor of wrll, sttrched to thc 4 In. frce of th€ studs wlth staple6 plsced 24 In. OC. IHEnI{AF!BEn.ItlG - Type SAFB 5D. C|r|l Hb.r tnruhtlon - (As .n alternat€ to ItEm 5C) - 3 In. thlct glass flber bltts bearlng thc UL O8slffcatbn.. Moddng as to Surfe Bwnlng ai(Uor Flre Reslsbnc!, pbed to Rll the lntedor of thc $all,lttachad to the 4 In. fiaae ot Ute stu& frth stDpl€s daccd Z+ ln, OC. gee rlttr lnd Blint t (BKNV or BZ'Z) C.tegorl$ tor nlmes of Odssnad aompanles, 5E, Blttr rnd Bhnkrta* - (R€qulr€d alor use wtth Wlll and pardtlon FEclngs and Acc€ssorl€s, ltem 3D) - Glass tlbe-r Insulatldt, nom 3-V2 In, thlck; min. denslty of 0,80 pcf, wlth a ttame spr€ed of 25 or lqs !nd. a $noko dcv€loped of 50 or tess, ftc an-flttcd 6 complet€ly fgl the st|li cavlttes. Sae 8.tts rM Blrnkets Ctl€@ry (BKNV) for nlmcs of mdnubctururs' 6, Sta.! Fr.mlm 6rbarr (Optlon!|, ot Shown)r - Fuftlno chrnnels snd Stecl Ffamlng Mombor! as d€sctlbed below: r, Furrlne Ch.nn.l. - Formed of No. 25 MSG galv stecl, 2-318 |n. wld€ by 7/B In. deep, sgoccd http://database.ul.conr/ogi-binD(YV/template/LlSEXT/lFRAMHshovvpage.html?namFB... 10f2n007 BX[IV.U305 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/IIL 263 Page 5 of6 24 In. Oc perpendlculor b 5tudB, chlnnrb saalred to studs !3 descrlbcd In ltlm b' Ends of adhlnlng ihairnets ar€ overlapp€d 6 In. rnd ued togcthcr wlth doubh *ran.l of l,lo' l8 swc gdv stiet wti near cact end ol oiidop, ls an oltcmate, ends of adjotnlno dlonncb m8y be overlapped 6 In, and s€cul€d together wf,h tuio colf-tapPlng #6 tramlng tcrev6, mln, 7/16 In' long at th3 . mtdpotnt of thc orrcrlsp, wlth on€ rcrow on €Dch nrnge of tho channsl, Gypsum board attlched to turdng ch nel8 !8 dg3crlbod In ltem 3, b. st.l Frlmlne l{.mbrt r - Us€d to attEh furdno channcb (rtem 6a) to studE.-Obs splc€d 48 In. oc. Rstc-I dFs securcd to studs wlth No, I x 2'112 tn. coa.se drywlllscrew through. th. center orommet. RSlb-V cllps eecured to 3tu& wlth No, 8 x 1-112 In, cor|Ee dryw8llscrelv thmugh the cenEr hole. Furrlng channels lra fdctlon tlttad Into cllps' tAC tlfttRN tIO ALINC -rypee RSIC-I' RSIC'V. 6A. St .l Fr.mlng llqnbara (Optlo||.], Not Shown) t - Funlng cftann€ls tnd Steel Fromlng McmbeE on on! slde of sbjds as dcsc.lb€d bdttx: r. Furrtng Chrnn.tr - Formsd of No, 29 l.GG g.lv stscl spaced 24.1n. OC perpendlculsr to studs. Channeh-sgcur€d to sUjds rs descrlb.d In tt6m 6, Ends of ldlolnlng channcls are o!,€rlapFd 6 In. rnd Usd togetier wtth doubl! strand of No, 18 SWG Calv steel wlrc ncar each cod of overlap. Bttts and Blank* pbced ln stud cavlty as d."crlbed h ltlh 5, Two lay€rs ot oypsum boad rttlched b furrlng dllnncls !s descrlbad h ltem 3. b. SGaal tramlng l,lamb.l3t - ur€d b lttach funlng dunnds olem 6At) to one d& d sfiJds. only, qlF $acsi 48 |n. oc., lnd sccursd to stu& wtth tso l'lo. 8 x 2'112 h. coaBe dryrvall -.*rirg, 'one throuch the hob at elch end of the cllp. Fur.tng dranneb at frlclron f,ttld Into dlp6. l(ItlE lcE IOIEE @]{TROL IJ{C - TlPe tsomax, z. Furrlng Chrntt.t - mtond - Not Shonr - Fo. ure on ona slde of ule vrult - R.sllldt dlarnels, 25 MSG grlv stecl, sp.ccd verficcny 24 In. Ob, nrntc poluon rslw attadred to one sade ot strrG wlth t-Ua In. lonC dlrfi|ond $ared polnt' dbubb le.d Phtiltpd hcrd &d ssei{& fmen r€sllhnt d|'oncls !1! usrd, Insulruon, lter|ls 5C or 5D b Jequlrud. 8. Crulldng lr|d| Sohntr - (not sho.rfl, optlmDl) A b€ad of @ustlcrl sclllnt apdled .rflnd ti? prrtud| pcrlmetcr tor sound contrul. 9, 8TC Rfung - The Src R nO of tho wrll as6lmbly 13 56 nhen lt ls constructed ts dlsctlbld by ltens 1 thrqtgh 6, sxcspt: A. Item 2, Ebove - Nalheads Shall be cov€red wlth Jolnt colrlpound. B. Item 2' rbove - JolnB As dcsrlbcd. shall be coveEd wlth flber trpc lld Jolnt compound' C, ttem 5. abov€ - Batts rnd Bl.nkats. Thc clvltl€3 turmed by the studs Bhall bo frlcuon tlt wlft R-19 unlbc€d tbso|ls l|tsulatlon brttg mea$r|ng 6-U,t In. ttlck and l5-V4 ln. r4tlde' D, Itcm 6, lbol|G - St el Framlng llrfl$?rs. Type RSIC-I cllps shatl be used to attlclt gypsum bood to thrdt on €ltlrer slde of the Yi.ll .ss€mbly, E, Ibm 8, abovr - Caulktng and Seahnts (not shoyrnl A blrd ofacou3dcrl saallnt st|lll br rpplhd arcund th€ P.rtluon pcrlmrter ior sound contrcl, F. Stoel Corner FaEt.n.E (Item 4). Hbsr. Spruyod (tbms 5A and 58 ) and Steel Framlng Members (lt€m 6A), not €vduat.d as llt€rnstlvss for obtalnlng STC rrthg. 10, Wlll rnd Plrutlon t,rclngr rnd lcca||o !|r - (Opt|mal, Not shown) - ilomlnrl 1/2 In, ftlclq 4 tt wldc plnels' ior opdonal usc Bs an addltlond hyer on one or both sldc5 of tho assambly, Panolo atlache{, In acaoduncs wlth manufucurB/s r;commondatlons, When the qft-510 prnol lc ln6tdlt d between the wobd frarnlng lnd ti€ UL oasiFa€d gypaum board, the r€qulr€d UL OaedRad gypsum-boad l'Ey.(s) l8/arE to b€ Installed as Indlclted as to tadtaner type tnd spaclng, except that thd .€qutr€d t6stsn€r tinittr slrott Ue tnireiseO Oy e mlnlmum of 1/2 tn, Not lvaluated or Intend€d .s a tubsuu.lte for tho requlr€d hye(s) of uL Cladfled Gypsum Boad, QUIST SOLUTTO|{ rt{G -'IVpG Qul€tRock QR-510, 11. Crmotltlour trck r Unlt r - (Opuonal ltem Not Shoh,n - For Use On Facr Ot r Hr S.}ttems Wlth All Sttndard Items Rsgulrcd) - U2 h,, 5/8 Inv ry+ in, or t h, thlck, mln, 32 h, wlde,' AoPlled v€rdcrlly or hotlzontrlly wlth \rcrdcra lotnts ceniered over studs. Fast€ned to studs rnd runn€|s wlth ccmcnt boad r.r€rvs ot rdequatc lengt r !o gonstratr Etud by a mtnfnum gf 3/8 In. ior steol trarnlno membcf6, and r rdnlmum of 3/4 In, tor wood framlng m€mb€rs rplcrd a m.r of 8 In. OC, When 4 ft, wldo bolrd6 lrG usad, horlzontal Jolnts ne€d not bs blcked by framlng' http://database.ul.corn/cgi-binD(Wtemplatdl,lSH(T/lFRAMUshowpage.html?name=8.., rcnn007 BX[JV.U305 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSVUL 263 Page 6 of 5 NATIO AL GYP19UM OO - Type Per.ntBase rEcarlaE th€ UL classlnc.tlon Mark f rgtil pdried on 2oo7 -o7 -T Qug$lon3?Ploe-TonNotte of Dkdahel An l0d0peldont org.nlzation n0rtlne lor H, nllh l0l00rlly, pleclal0n rnd lne l0d0o. // ^Gl t-fcl \ \N*IE Z -F copvrlght G 2Q0Z.U|deMlars-lrboEllttsr-locio fhc appelrlnce of a oo|npany,s nrme or p.lduct In thb &t.base doe3 noJ In ltsolf rss.rre tfirt oducts so ldrnuncd hwa becn manutrctrntd unaC0it norcw-Up sci'fce. onfy urose 'proau*g Oeartm ttro UL i{ark siould bc conCdred to bc Llsted tnd overcd under ULts Foll(tr|}'Up se le. A[$ys look for thc Mark o|t thr Fodud. UL p6rmttr the r€pruducuon o, th. male.hl aontalned In th€ Onllno C8rtlncltlon Dlrcctory subject b.th€ folowlng cond||onl l lJlT 9:l-d! -. ^.-fnfdrmrtton, DcatirE rnd/or LlsdnlF (tlles) m|lst be prEentcd In th.lr.nurlty and In a mn-mlsbldlng mtnn€r, wlthout lny mlnlPuFuon or_tlE drt. 6idrrdn*i, z. ti "t"terniri.neri'-tnted tro; the onltne certncatbn; Dlr€ctory lrlth pcrmlsohn from.Underurlters LDboralorlcs lnc.'muet il;;J id"di6 Ute exbited matertai, rn addtdon. thr rrprlnted mrtorlal nn 3t tnclude a copyrlght noticr In th. tollovrlng tormrt: rcopyrlght O 2007 Underwrlterg Llbo|lto cs Inc.O" http://database.ul.corn/cgi-binDffV/templatelllSEXT/lFRAMBshorvpage.html?nameB... rcnn007 GA.6OG2OO6 FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN MANUAL EXTERIOR WALLS CYPSUT U'ALLBOARD, GLASS MAT GYPSUX SUBSTRAIE, wooD sTuDS EXTERIOR SIDE: One lapr r/r" Ort*O tlp€ X glass mat gypqm q$€tuata (shealhlng) appllod paralbl or al rtht atEbs to ? x 4 vrood aluds 16" o.c. wlth galvanlz€d rcoflng nall8, l3r." long, 0.12E' shank, 41s" 66sd, 7" o.c, Exbrloa 6urfaoe cover€d yvlh wsathar exposed daddlng or flnlBh syBtom. INTERIOR SIDE: One layer 5/s" propdetary type X glass mal gypsum eubstrate, glass met s,alea{o6l6tsnt gypsum backlng board, gypsum viallboad, uratof-rssl8bnl gypsum bacldng bodrd, or gypsum vene€r base applled paralsl c at rlghl angles to cluds wlth 6d cost€d nalls, Iti!' long, 0.0915! EhanK l/a" headg, 7" o.c. Jolnls slsggorBd m opposito side. (LOAD.BEARINGI LafEEo Norlh Amerlca lrE. Templo-lnland Fo.E€t Produch Co.porslifi - !tr' Fil€ched(o'ryp€ X 5/r" Typ6 X GA FILE NO. WP 8I3O GA FILE NO. WP 8131 GYPSUI' WALLBOARD, $rcbD STUDS, MINERAL FIBER IN8ULATPN, W@D 8TRUCTURAL PANEL8, CEIXENTITIOT,S BACKER U NITg EXTERIOR SIDEi Baso layer lrA"' ** strwtural panals appllod paratlot b 2 x 4 $rood studs 16'o.c. w[h 10d gshradzod nails S o.c. at €dg|es and al iop a]d boffom plabs . ard 12'o.c, at lnternedhb studs. Wsalher rsbllv€ bo.rier applled ovsr paneb. Faoa lay€r V2" ptoprlelsy cementlfous backer unlb applgd paralel or at rlghl angbs to strds wlth 1./." lolg cor,oelon rBistonl scfsvvs 8' o.c, IiITERIOR SIDE: or|g lal,€r rr.' proprlebry lypo X gypsun walboad applird parallel or at iighl angl€8 to studs wlh dlhsr 8d csmsnt coabd nalls, lrh' bng 7" o.c. or 1?r' long Typ€ S or Tlpo W dD,wall sc|€ur8 tr o.c. g mlnsral flbor l.!8ul6tion, 3,0 pcf, frlc{ion fit h stud epsce, (LOAO€EARII{C) . q!" SHEETROCKO B.and FIRECODE@. coro Oyp8um Pan€ls GYPSUM IIVALLBOARD, GLASS MAT GYPSUTI 8UB8TRATE, urooD sTuDs EXTERIOR SIDE: Ono la]€r q.r propristEry typs X glass mat gypsum 8ubst€te (Bhealhing) applled psrdllel or at rlght angl€s b 2 x 4 wood studs 1d' o,c. wlh galvanlz€d rooflng nalls, la/e" long, 0,128' shank, r/rr' h€ad, 7" o,c. E{edor surfac€ covorsd with weath€r oxpoced c{addng of llnbh s}/3bm. INTERIOR SIDE: On€ lay€f t/.' popd€lary typ€ X glesE mat gypdum E(Sstrats, gless mat wat€r-r€sistsrt gl4sum baddng board, gypsum u/allboard, wat€r-r€slsbr gypsum baddng board, of gy?$Jm '/erE6 base applled parallel or at rlght anghs to sluds wlth 8d costsd nalb, 1Z!" long, 0.0915rr 8hank, 1/a' heade. 7' o.c. Jolnls Bt{gor€d on opposlb 8H€s. (LOAD.BEARING} PROPRIETARY OYP.SUTI PAT{EL PRODUCT- ry!" DensAfloto Phs Flreguarm lnledor Gmd GA FILE NO. WP 8132 BE$T MPY AVTUnE English Enterprises, Inc.LEfiTER OF TRANSMITTAL 12 VAIL ROAD VAIL.COLORADO 81657 Tef (970) 479-7500,Fax (970) 479-7501 TO: Town of Vail Building Deparfinent WE ARE SENDING YOU E Shop drawings ! Copy of lefter lAttached lUnder El Prints tr E Change order ! E Samples E Specifications E Resubmit - copies for approval I Submit _ copies for distribution ! Return conected prints PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Plans Bid Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: fi For approval I For your use [t As requested fi For review and comment tr Remarks: COPY TO: ! Approved as submitted ! Approved as Noted ! Returned for corrections ! For Pricins tr If enclosures Me nol as noted, kindly notify DArE I JoB No. 200607 TTrENr-lOfmiaGndoti H E'Potato Patch lot 3l 5 ]t \// te 3 J 2007 separate cover via - the ",,i-[QIfiN oF vAtL coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION .|ll/30/07 RP Architectural and Structural drawings for 809 Potato Patch Drive that match up DRB requirements