HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT I MILL CREEK COURT UNIT 402 403NOTE: TH,S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS'TE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, T5 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0 -47 I -21 39 f. 97 0.47 9.2452 i nspections. 97 0.47 9.21 49 ffi OWNER DAVIS. ROSS E,08/19/2009 220 S CLERMONT DENVER co 80246 APPLICANT AST & MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 08/19/2009 Phone: 970-926-5862 PO BOX 1303 EDWARDS coLoMDo 81632 License: 320-M CONTRACTOR AST & MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 08/19/2009 Phone: 97S926-5862 PO BOX 1303 EDWARDS coLoRADO 81632 License: 320-M Desciption: INSTALL MDIANT HEAT SYSTEM (US|NG EX|ST|NG BOTLER) Valuation: S11.300.00 Mechanical Permit Fee--> Plan Check---:------->Investigation--------> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/19/2009 JLE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fullthe information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information as required is correcl. I agree to comply with lhe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according lo the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of lhe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS AM-4PM. SHALL BE MADE TWENW-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479,2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( ot Owner or Print Namo MECHANICAL PERMIT AMF Job Address: 302 GORE CREEK DR VAILLocation.....: UNIT 402, MILL CREEK COURT Parcef No...: 210108240012 Permit #: Project #: Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees---------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE_> Payments-----; BALANCE DUE.---....> M09-0151 PRJ09-0203 ISSUED 08/19/2009 09/04/2009 03/03/201 0 S240.00 WillCall--------> $60.00 Use Tax Fee---> $4.00 $0.00 $304.00 s304.00 $0.00 $304.00 $304.00 So.oo mechcan icaLperm it_04 1 908 SET RECEIPT RECEIPTNUMBER: R09fiDll46 SETID: 5000000146 SETNAME: Tempset ofTypeACT|VITY SET TRANSACTIONS:Set Dlend)er TOTAL PAID FROM TRUST: TOTAL PAID FROM CURRENCY: Amount 304.00 304.00 304. O0 30{. o0 M09-0149 M09- 0150 MO9 - 0151 TO{TAI,: TRANSACTION LIST: .o0 912 . O0 AmountType Method Deacription Palment ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:Description Check 12315 TOTAL: Account Code 912. 00 9X2.00 Current Pmts MECEAIiI I CAL PBRMIT FEBS PI,AN CHECK FEES WIIJJ CALIJ INSPECTION FBB MP 0 010 000311110 PF 0010000311230 wc 00100003 t.128 0 TOTAL: INITIALS: RLF TIME: 0l:2E PM 720 . OO 180.00 12.O0 91,2.00 RECEIPT ISSIJED BY: SBELLM ENTERED DATE: 09/@2009 ! APPTICATIOI{ IflILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNED TOV Proiect #: Building Permit #: ilechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 I -2L49 (InsPectlons) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 permit witl not be accepted without the following: Prcvide Medranlcal Room Layout drawn to scale to i o Mecfranlcal Room Dimensions ,//t'4l"rqo comoustion nr ouci siie and rotitloii erth/,t o Ffue, Vent and Gas Llne Size and Loration azXfio Heat Loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/SPecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATIQN- \'l E- 2009 VAIL lF lt !o GI AUG )WNWoT Mechanical Conkactor: ./t*u ryt Q tt h V*l/ -/na, Town of Vail Reg. No.: 4XO n Gntact Person and Phone #'s: Dzcrtzz-4r ?zr'rr'az Contractor Signature: t l ,/, -t_-r4//0?/ IION FOR IIECHANICAL PERJIIIT MECHANICAL: $ /1 TAaE ntYAwtsOffieat or visit forParel# Parel # z/a /O9 z#0A/z . 'oo'" "'/r/r'// / rrpg bfu lob Address:'--' ))),F * Legal Descdption I t-ot I rtoOc I FllinS:Subdivlsion: owners Nu^",i/,t holaa Engineer:Address: re / 4frr"P7,a€ef- ' "' ex/a*tha a4r4rrqrdn 0a/'// ( WorkClass: New( ) Addition(.; Alteration(,'c) Repair( ) g!9tt I BoilerLocation: Interior() Extedor( ) Other( )ll Ooes an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) ll - Typ""fBtds,sirreeriv( ) oupto,( ) r'ruhi-family(2<) commercial ( ) Restaurant( )other( ) il No. of Existing Drvell Ing Units in this bl s Eristinq: @s A s,Proposed: Gas A trorn a wood burnit rilding:ll No. of Acomtd"HTlnbin sisbuitoinE No/Tvoe of FirePlace ---Noffype of Fireplace -- I Is this a conversion I eeliances( ) GasLogs( ) ffi/petlet( ) Wood Burning (NOTA1-LOSED) ng flreplace *,*****,******************FOR OFFICE USE ONLrlIa:I::Ij**g**************** F:\adev\FORl,lS\PERMm\Building\medlanlcal-lrermit-u-23-2005'DOC fr)o+ @ tLl23l2005 \ Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desiqn Criteria o You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY orErior w6rk. Thls indudes and is not limited b rcmoval and replacement of driveway snow melt sysbms. Please ontact the Development Review Coodinator at 479-2L28 for addiUonal information. I The Town of Vail has adopted the 2003 International Mechanical Code and the 2003 Intemational Fuel Gas Code. r All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construcdon, thus all combustion air is requircd to be drawn from outside the structurc for mechanlcal eguipment. Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance whidt restricts b construction and use of open heartfi fireplaoes within municipal boundaries Sinoe that time the oldinance has undergone numerous changes and rcvlsions, striving for ompromise, yet efFectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Tlrercfiorc t{re following criterla has been adopbd: o Construction of open heaftft wood burning fireplaes is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal bounparies. Dwellino Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (f) EPA Phase II efified solid fuel burning device and no morc tlran two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Tvro (2) gas log fireplaes and no mote tlran two (2) gas appliane fireplaes (B bent). Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not mor€ than one (1) gas appliane fireplace. Accommodatiorl Units - Each new acommodation unit may oontain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliane fircplaoe. ff hro or more separab dwetling units or acaommodation units are oombined b fiorm one latger unit" the ombined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliane fireplaes, or may convert up to two existing fireplaes b gas. If during the oource of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altercd or moved' the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinane. That is, the fireplace must be onvefted to natural gas or qpplaced by an EPA Phase II certified uniL F:\cdeIAFORMS\PERIIITS\tuildingwedranicaliermilt 1-23-2005. DOC tu23l2fis NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, T5 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.21 39 l. 97 0.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 ffi PLUMBING PERMIT AMF Permit #: Project #: P09-0097 PRJ09-0203 ISSUED 08|/19/2009 09/0412009 0v03/2010 Job Addr€ss: Location,....: Parcel No...: OWNER DAVIS. ROSS E. 302 GORE CREEK OR VAIL UNIT 402. MILL CREEK COURT 210108240012 08/19/2009 220 S CLERMONT DENVER co 80246 APPLICANT AST & MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 08/19/2009 Phone: 970-926-5862 P.O. BOX 1303 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 202-P CONTMCTOR AST & MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE 08/1912009 Phone: 970-92&5862 P.O. BOX 1 303 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 202-P D,esciption: PLUMBING FOR REMODET Valuation: $12.500.00 FEE SUMMARY Plumbing Permit Fee--> Plan Check---------> Investi gation---------> $195.00 WillCall----------> $48.75 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Tolal Calculated Fees-> s4.00 s0.00 $247.75 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees----------> TOTAL PERMIT FEES-) Payment8----------.> BA|_ANCE DUE_-._--) $247 .75 $0,00 $247.75 $247.75 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/19/2009 JLE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CoDE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the information as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the infomation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state larvs, and lo build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances oflhe Town applicable thereto. LL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0(REOUESTS FOR I Signature of Owner or Contractor plmbpermtl_041908 RECEIPTNUMBER: RD000ll45 SET ID: 5000000145 SET RECEIPT SET NAME: Temp set ofTlpe ACTIMTY TRANSACTION DATE: 09/04/2009 TOTAL PAYMENT: TOTALPAID FROMTRUST: TOTAL PAID FROM CURRENCY: SET TRANSACTIONS:Set Member Arnorrnt 743.25 .oo 743.25 Arnount P09-0095 P09- 0095 P09- 0097 TOTAJ.T: TRANSACTION LIST:Type Method 247,75 247 ,75 247 .7 5 247 .7 S Descriptsion Payment Check ACCO{,JNTITEM LIST:Description TOTAL: Account Code , 743.25 743.25 Current Pmts 1231s PIJA}iT CHECK I'EES PI,UMBING PER!TT FEES WITJ. CAIJJ INSPE TION EEE Pr' 0010000311230 PP 0010000311110 wc 0010000311280 TOTAL: INITIALS: RLF TIME: 0l:24 PM L46.25 585. O0 L2. o0 7+3.25 RECEIPTISSUEDBY: SBELLM ENTEREDDATE: 09/042009 APPLICATION WILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGI{ED- Project #: 4-Building Permit # Plumbing Permit #: Vail, Colorado 81657 TGLEtlVEIt AUG 17 2ooe lll/)N EJ OF VAIL COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBXNG PERMIT (labor & Materlals) #o robMdrszT? 6artarrr4Q ntrrobName: fl//trre6 cando rt{u/ ba*hfven andrrdad/* a 4h WorkClass: New() nOOUon(f Altenton(l) Repalr( ) Other( ) TypeofBldg.: Slnglefamlly( ) Duplo<( ) MultFfamllyffi Comrrrcbt ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Ammrpdation Units in thls buildlng:No. of Existlng Dwelllng Units In thls buildlng: ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************:t***************!t**** $}Lt-r.15 F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Building\plumbingJermit_11 -23-2m5.doc Page I of I rtl23l2ffi5 ,-m HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Please take the time to tell us how we performed during the development review process. We will use this information to recognize our employees who serve you and we will also use it to improve our level of service. Please know we do care and will react to your suggestions. Thank you for your comments. George Ruther Director of Community Development 1. What services did you use at Community Development today? Check all that apply Admin_ Building _ Environment _ Fire_ Housing _ Planning _ P.W 2. Was your visit today as a: Homeowner Contractor Architect Other 3. Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of the Community Development Department. Use a scale ftom 1 to 5 where 1 means 'not at all satisfied" and 5 means 'very satisfied' to rate each of the following items. Please use DK (Don't KnoWNo Opinion) as appropriate. Please circle your response. Not Satisfied very Satisfied Friendly and Courteous Knowledgeable 12345DK'1 2345DK TimelyResponselCallsReturned I 2 3 4 5 DK Overall Experience 12345DK 4. Was the review pnocess clearly exptained to you? (i.e., how the Design Review Board and/or 'Planning and Environmental Commission works, when they meet, what you need to have when you apply for the planning and/or the building process, how long review times generally take, housing and/or environmental health policy, etc.) YES NO lf NO, what additional information would have been helpful? 5. Did the planning process meet your expectations? YES NO 6. Did the building permit review process meet your expectations? YES NO 7. Did the inspection process meetyourexpectations? YES NO 8. Did you feel the process was fair and efficient? YES NO Please explain your response(s). 9. lf you were looking for information (i.e., legal address ffle, plat map, plans, etc-) was the information in a format that was helpful / user frlendly? YES NO 10. Are you awane of the Community Development Dept. Information available at http://www.vai lqov.com?YES NO Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. lf indicated below, we will personally contact you on specific concerns. lf it is your desire, you may contact the director by telephoning ,970479-2145 Please feel free to use the back for additional comments. Company: Address:Telephone:City:_ State:_ Zip Code: F:bdeV\FORMSISURVEYSlcomdev_suNey_091 907.doc Date: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES/'-"-\ f-a r\ A N%t TWNEI/,LV Town of Vail, community oevetopmenffiffiuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0-47 9-21 39 t. 97 O.47 9.2452 inspections. 97 0.47 9.21 49 MECHANICAL PERMIT AMF Job Add'€ss: 302 GORE CREEK DR VAILLocation.....: UNIT 402. MILL CREEK COURT ParcefNo...: 210108240012 Permit #: Project #: M09-0168 PRJ09-0203 Status. ..: ISSUEDAppfied..: 0910212009 lssued. . : 09/0{2009 Expires. .: 03/03/2010 O\^/NER DAVIS. ROSS E. 220 S CLERMONT DENVER co 80246 09/022009 APPLfCANT MC DANIEL, MARK D. 0910212009 Phone: 97G376-5608 P.O. BOX 2433 VAIL co 81658 License: 261-M CONTMCTOR MC DANIEL, MARK D. 09l02l20}g Phone: 970-376-5608 P.O. BOX 2433 VAIL co 81658 License: 261-M Desciption: INSTALL HUMIDIFIER, VENTING FOR BATH FANS, VENTING FOR KITCHEN MNGE HOOD Valuation: $2.000.00 Mechanical Permit Fee--> Plan Check----------> Investigation----------> $40.00 Will Call---_-->$10.00 Use Tax Fee----> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S4.00 Total Calculaled Fees-> $0.00 Additionat Fees-----> s54.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE--> Payments----------> BALANCE DUE----_> 854.00 $0.00 t54.00 $54.00 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/0212009 JLE Action: AP CONOITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLAMTIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as rcquired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residenthl Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( ?=;{-o" REQUESTS mechcanicalJermit_04 1 908 * *******f*** ****** *'l'i * 'l' * t * * * * {' t * l' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f f **'l' * TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement ***t****************************t *************a.*f*************f**,r***,r:r'****1.************'r{.** Statement Number: R090001142 AmounE: $54.00 09/04/2OO9L2:35 PM Pay'ment Met.hod: MCDANIEL SERVICES check Init.: MH Notatj.on:cK #7s9r/ Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addresa : Location: This Payment: M09-01-58 2101-082-4001-2 302 GORE CREEK I]NIT 402, MILL \4re: MECHANICAL PERMIT DR VAIL CREEK COURT Tota1 Fees: Total ALL PmEs I Balance: $54.00 $s4.00 $o. oo $s4 .00 r{ 'r** * * * * {. * * {' {. ****{i ** * * {i * * $****{.:1.{.:l{.**:l**************++****++***tata*******+t*****A*a******* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: AccounE. Code De script ion Current Pmta MP 00100003L11100 PF 00100003112300 wc 0010000311_2800 MECHANI CAI., PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI, CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 40,00 10.00 4.00 \F"'t Department of Gormmity Dsuclopme4t, '. 73souh Fmntagp i - rD !. .A/-.--Lr^- ,'1'!* t( ,l) Pqir.t St€etAddrrl?oa Carrr (ilumberf (S.tlt€t) Fireolae Amlkzdom HUST lndude: o Equiprnent clrt Sheets fur FiredaaetLog Sets (Manufachrrer's info stroMng rnake, model & approral listing) D€tailed Descridbn d Wot<: o Gas Pfi*rg lrduded o Gas Pifing by Ofiers o Wood b Gas Fieplace Conversitto Boiler Locatbn: Interbr ( ) Ederior ( ) Other ( ) Nun$er of Exirting Fkepb: Gas Apdiane _ Gas Logs - Wbod/Fellef -Number of Pnopced Fftedaces: Gs Apf,liances _ G6 Logs - Wood/P€rl6l -TrpedBuifding, .- SindFFildy ( ) ttuplex ( ) ltuttiFamily (!f CdlrrEnial ( ) Reslat rant ( ) Other DabRroived: ]-CWN UF vAIi Fll=(^l.fvi-Fllu1 lr ll [. sEP o I 200s '?) Prcperty Informatirn Parcel* (For percel t, co. ad Eqb Cdlnty Assassofs Ofrce d 9n}328St{, d vbl ruw.€agl6cdjnty.usrFtb) Tenar Name: Owner Name: Compbte Vaklation for Medarfcd Pemie MECHANICAL PERITIIT Boiler/Furnae Aoolications HtfST indude: o Medpnical Room layouVPlan with Dimensions o Combwtion Air Duct Size and l-ocation B Hue or Vert Size o Gas Piflng Plan (if applhable) o Heat Loss Calculatftrns* n Equipment Ort Sheets for Boiler/Fumae * Nd rquird for sf,,,,e ize (BfU) bils replaa nat ,vith tp sy'-em datu6,6sbrrlmdt Csilad l,lame: Contad Phone: 4az (SuibD Buildlngtcompt"r ttame, Ptt r-r-cPsraF cer,z a{ Contrac{or lnf onrntion: cornpanv: lYlaDnd t et-- SserltcrE ca, "n r*, city: d Att- s.a*,: b zry=&658-l\orrrorcrt;rL-1' '- fra (a) Ofnce U3o:eo,** WS04 -nUZ Butld.rg Pennit * Med|ari('| PerEft *: Lot* Addrccs: Mecfiarical $: &q,l 'cD ; (self contained) series models 350 and 360 The ilodel 380 b dexsignd espec&fiy br basement i*ins of hyrfuicafy heed tnrrs' br b ecFra*y sd*ae busewthanyderlype hear lhe milst & be i|sf*d vlh orwllui d'rlFtl( h acbset ufy lun, or lE&d cral W- t lrc agtbdbn wherefEro rrry be a need brhn*ly hf i@rcrt rEod b. hed. ThB llodd 36ocan be ird*d andepett- derrof |he bced {tlpdirg sysgfr h a ordirnedpbprcuib hn**yasrEe&d. The tlodcl SO npti*e lfnttrr bdoligned espe- cially lor nrt rE{*rerEe, oonrbnhftrrr brrt luse. or aparunefit, r€gar&ss ol tre type heditg sy$rfL f b installed trcq$ the rd rlhot dltu * ad b @rr> pletely h&penden ot fte tBdn|g s'ste'It. f b ite*y suited lor applcdins t|rat harc a hn*fy oee4 hlt require lillb lpat, c rel as irstdflins wher" OE rjr handlhp sfsbm b lcabd rnere ieezirg con<ffins coub mr. Abo, OE fbel S0 wa rcvin oomfeO humktry brtte homwfh a heatiB sys5nthd trcrc space br a furupe mouiled hn*Ifier.Both lnls are completet a.rbnrdb-so ;ou erloy nngerlb lxrnirhd corfiof. For the foper reHirle trrnkt- ily h your hore, you just set the btury-cahed <tid,ad resel rlnn necessay. The hmifstal b usually itstailed on at iEb rail it the Fynrg flea Yor Apri&*e hn*ffier reans qrrcriene: no@rbcarry and rn srrpcprrilpsbcb'|. The soue of hed ercqy br emporaion b exfaied drecily trcm sewbe hot rater. There b rp wasbd energy because af the heatbextrated, o rnairrrn e{ficbrrcy has been ammdngeO. The frrlriB rabr nDrcs rnosi ol the n*eral scale left afterev@rdbn out of the unit b <lrain. Humidifed air is sr.pflied lhrulgh a singb outlet ducl or grifie ard because it b a vapor; equalizes thrcugrh- out the home. thlke ponabb units, these csr[ra[y insiatred Aprilaire FlumiJifters have h(fi capacity and govide whole house hmidificatirn, autornaticdy- There is no wator to cerry and no resenoir where waler b dbi€d lo siand betreen operation cp-les. rHE OUTLET GRILLE CAT! BE PAINTED TO MA ANY I,VALL COLO8. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2 1 39, t. 97 0 -47 9.2452, inpseclions 97 O.47 9.21 49 ,.m ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 302 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locatlon......: UNITS 402 & 403, MILL CREEK COURT ParcefNo....: 210108240012 OWNER DAVIS, ROSS E.07n0n009 220 S CLERMONT DENVER co 80246 OWNER BULL, KATHLEEN M. & NICHOIAS 19 SPENCER PARK LONDON SW 18 2SZ UNITED KINGDOM APPLfCANT GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 0712012009 Phon€: 845-5656 PO BOX 373 VAILco 816s7 License: 302-A CONTRACTOR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 07/20/2009 Phone: 845-56s6 PO BOX 373 VAIL co 81657 License: 302-A D€scription: INTERIOR REMODEL, REPLACE WINDOWS AND SLIDING GLASS DOOR. INSTALL DOOR BETWEEN UNITS 402 AND 403. Occupancy: R2 Typ€ Construction:VA FEE SUMMARY Bui|dingPermitFee..-..>$1'245.75Wi||ca|Fee--._-...-..---> Plan Check----- Add'l Plan Check Hours-> 9110.00 Restuarant Plan Review--->Investigation--------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------> Total Calculated Fees-------> Permit #: Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: 809-0175 PRJ09-0203 ISSUED 07120t2009 10t14t2009 01t31t2010 $144,526.00 0 Project #: $4.00 TolalCalculatedFees-------> $2,690.52 AdditionalFees-----------..-----> $O.OO TOTAL PER]UIIT FEES_-.--> $0.00 PaYments-'---"'--._-"-> $4,860.01 BALANCE DUE-------------> $4,860.01 $0.00 $4,860.01 $4,860.01 $o.oo DECLAMTIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENW.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO'II bld_alt_construction_pemit_041 908 Permit #: 809-0175 APPROVALS as of 10-14-2009 Status: ISSUED Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT O7l31l2OOg cg Action: COND Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0712312009 npeterson Action: AP Approved plans date stamped 07 11612009 10/08/2009 bgibson Action: AP deck knee brace revisions approved and plans routed to Martin Haeberle Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/03/2009 drhoades Action: AP Approved with conditions (see conditions) and a recommendation: Fire Sprinkler system recommended to be piped into unit in anticipation of future retrofit orders. Item: 05101 BUILDING DEPT REVISION 10/13/2009 Martin Action: AP Revise supporting braces below deck See the Gonditions sectlon of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_conskuctionjermit_O41 908 Permit #: 809-0175 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 10-14-2009 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.):ALL PENETRATIONS lN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Cond: CON0010892 NY 1 HOUR FLOOR/CEILING, ROOF/CEILING AND BEARING WALLS DISTURBED SHALL BE REPLACED WITH 1 HOUR ASSEMBLIES PER IBC cH.6 Cond: CON00'10901 Separate permiUshop drawings required for changes/alterations to the existing monitored fire alarm system. Cond: CON0010902 Contact your alarm company to change out smoke detectors to heat detectors in this unit prior to any work occurring. This will help to prevent false alarms. bld_alt_constructionJcermit_O41 908 *+t*a*{r*****ttt* **alaar**'|ltf aalr+**a**** *t** f't:t{' *t ttr*a*a*rr rir * lr* {' {rtlr*i** **+rrr**aaa * 'l {' *'l 'l TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment **'f *****'t ** *lt*t***** *'t'tf**************'t**tt**'tt**tr'tt***'*'t****t******,t*'t'+'f't*{'**'t *'t'{'***t**+tt. Staeement Number: R09000I455 Anount: $110.00 L0/L4/200901 :18 PM Palment Metshod: Check IniE3 {ILE Notatlon: 98710 GEORGE SHAEF'FER Permit No: 809-0175 Tlpe: ADD/AI,T MF BUILD PERMIT ParceL No: 2101- 082 -4001-2 2101- 082 -4001-3 Slte Address: 302 GORE CREEK DR VAIL, IJocation: I]NITS 402 & 403, MIIJJ CREEK COT,RT. fotal Peesr $4,850.01This Palment: $1J.0,00 Tolal AIJL PmEB: $4,850.01Balance: $0.00 ***{' { +11*rf**r'tx t +{' *{.rr*r*tltitaat{'{'f1{' { * {' I | *{ {' { t' tr tt*{*+*'a*{{'*tt*+*++*l*r:t'{'+***{'r*'t{'{"}*+{'{'a'a' ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeBcription Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 pl,Alr cHEcK FEES 110.00 TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submiftals: 1 . "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. t aat (na a Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: Plumbing: Eleclrical: Mechanical: $ $ $ e (use additional sheet if necessary) '2pffi'DA- Permit #(s) information applies to:.01 Revisions ( ) Response lo Correction Letter _atlached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Proiect Street Address:'' 5iA""'^/frirn f,"A fr iW (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Buirdins,comprexName: l/tt// foqt / 'o ' {Street) Company: c,ry, lla;l srae: /0 z,r' t/bri contacrName: Fgdney Twcll conracrPhone: 720 ,'1T ' 6lib Description / List of Changes: /FP l-Sep-09 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A09-0077 Job Address: 302 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: UNITS 203, 302,402 & 403, MILL CREEK CO Applied . . : 10/08/2009 Parcel No...: 210108240012 lssued. . : 10/0912009 Project No : Expires . .: 04/0712010 owNER DAVTS, ROSS E. 10/08/2009 220 S CLERMONT DENVER co 80246 APPLICANT COMMERCIAL SPECIALTSTS OF aO/08/2009 Phone: (970) 328-1951 WESTERN COLORADO, LLC PO BOX 3913 EAGLE co 8L531 License: l-51--S CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL SPECIAIJISTS OF L0/08/2009 Phone: (970) 328-1951 WESTERN COLORADO, LLC PO BOX 391-3 EAGLE co 8163r- License: L6L-S Desciption: install two heat devices in unit 402 attic Valuation: $1,590.75 :t **:t:| 'l.l * *'r a,l*:| **:r a + l + +,t+ +* + t r 'l + **:| flsc0'ical------> $0.0o Totalcalculated Fees-> S34?.55 DRB Fee-----> go. oO Additional Fees-----> (9203.6s) Investigation--> $0. OO Total Permit Fee----> 9144. OO Willcall--_.-> $0.00 Payments-----------;' Sl-44.00 TOTAL FEES-> 934?.55 BALANCE DUE-----> 90. oo Approvals:Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Lo / 08/2009 mvaughan Action: Ap CONDITIONS OF APPROVALuono: 5z Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 ed. ) and VFES Standards DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY GNATURE OF O AT 970419-2252 8:00AM-5PM, ORCONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER t t I '}tll* * * * * | |t llll|}l'}lt t I t *ll*ll*flllf** ** * * | it * * * r't****lrl*{r*lr* l**a**'l* *t*r***'}*'l ** * a** * al* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *l*'l * '| *****l**t** it * t**t**t '| * *** * * * ** 'i t' ra * i * * t' * * * * * t *** * * *********+ i* 't' ** * **'l* ******** * ****'l'i* StatemenE Number: R090001419 Amount.: $144.00 l0/09/200909:17 All Paynent Melhod: Check COMMERCIAIJ SPECIALTSTS Init: SAB Notation: 11049- PermiB No: Parce1 No: 2101- 082-4000-3 2101- 082-4000-6 Sit,e MdreaE: Location: ThiE Payment: 409 - 0077 2101-082-4001-2 X)PE: AIARM PERMIT 302 GORE CREEK DR VAII, ITNTTS 203, 302, 402 & 403,MILL CREEK CO Total Fees: TOTA], AIJL PMTE I Balance: $144.00 9144.00 $0.00 9144 .00 'l'l * ltt***{'* * t {' **{'*{'{tt'} *** ***{'{'{'{'{'{'{'*t'{'+tt{*tltt***tatat+++tt+l**taatttaa*****a****tt+*tta:tt ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 Descript ion Current Pmts PIJW CHECK F'EES L44.00 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-213s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F09-0041 Job Address: 302 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: LINITS 402 & 403,MLLL CREEK COURT Applied . . : 0912912009 Parcel No...: 210108240012 Issued . . : 10107/2009 ProjectNo : Expires. .: owNER DAVIS, ROSS E. 09/29/2009 220 S CLERMONT DENVER co 80246 APPLICANT EXCEL FIRE PROTECTION, INC 09/29/2009 Phone: 97O-434-4803 834 21 1/2 ROAD GRAND JUNCTTON co 8l-505 Li-cense : 544 -S CONTRACTOR EXCEL FIRE PROTECTION, INC 09/29/2OO9 PhONE: 97O-434-4803 834 21 1/2 ROAD GRAND ,fUNCT]ON .rn o1tr05 License | 544-S Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL: MODIFY EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Valuation: $2.464.31 +* || ir* |'l*:lt** +*++'r* N******)t'r tt ***+ Mechanical--> 90.oO Restuaranl Plan Review--> $O.OO TotalCalculated Fees--> 9536.?3 Plan Check--> 5432. OO DRB Fe e---------------> 90. OO Additional Fees--------> $0. OO lnvestigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES--------> 9536.?3 Toral Permit Fee-----> Ss3E.73 Will Call-*-> S0 . 00 Payments-------*------> S53 5 . ? j BALANCE DUE-----> $0. OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Io / 05/ 2009 Mccee Action: Ap CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: l-2 (BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:53 Monitored fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA l-3 and VFES Standards. + + ++ t + * 'r + t t * 'r * * * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorvledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan; and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2252 FROM E:(X)AM-5 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER f '| ll t t * * * * t t t a * t * t t + t a * * * * * * f ta*tltlttf * ** *t t*t * * * tt tt *tt**** * **** ll tl 't * | *** * * * * * | * * t lt*a*l* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement | * t * * * * * * * * * * * | t | 'l i * * I * * * * '|' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * '} * * * 'i * t * * * *'lt{t 'r rt t * * * t t * * * * * 'l 'l * 'l * | * * | * * * t I Stalement Number: R090001402 Amount: $535.73 tO/07 /200903:54 PM Payment Method: Check FIRE PROTECTION Init: LC Notation: *75827 /F.xcEIr Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreee : Irocation: This Payment ! F09- 0041 2101-082-4001-2 302 CORE CREEK DR VAII, I'NITS 402 & 403, MIIJI $s35.73 T14>e: SPRTNKLER PERMTT CRAEK COI'RT Total Fees: Total ALL, Pmts: Balance: $s36 .73 $s35 .73 $0.00 {' * * 'l' 'a {' 'f * * 'l*'lrr'r* * * * *** *{rr} * **1' * *t't't 't't't * * * i * * I {' * * rt * * 't * * * * *:t:t * I * t"t'}'tt * 'l I t I I * * i * * I 't 't * * * * * * * * * * ** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrlpt ion Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 SPRINKLER PERII{IT FtsES PIJAlil CIIECK FEES 104 .73 432.00 FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at the time of application submittal and must include the following information: 1. A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T level III (min) stamp 2. Equipment cut sheets of materials 3. Hydrauliccalculations 4. A State of Colorado Plan Registration form 5. Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor Project Street Av02 (Number) (Street) Building/Complex Name: Company Address:AUI ?t tE'Vd , DetairedDescriptionorwo*:a state: CD zip, Xl&5 (use additional sheet if necessary) Vrfi City: Contact Name: Contact Phone: E-Mail Property lnformation Parcel #: visit www.eaglecouty.uVpatie) Tenant Name: Owner Name: Detaited Location or*or*' L,]tf * 4 te.. , Does a Fire Commercial () Restaunnt ( ) Other ( ) Complete Valuation for Fire Sprinkler Permit: Date Received: (-f:D I Q ?nno\ 'i i 1- v (.UUJ ': !-" ":1 /'1r- \ "r Li Office Use: Project #: Building Permit #: Sorinkler Permit #: Lot#: _ Block # _ Subdivision:Contractor Infomation: Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: work ctassfpprov as Fire Sprinkler $:,31 ,*m Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 302 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Permit #...: E09-0233 Location.......: UNITS 402 & 403, MILL CREEK COURT Project #,.: PRJ09-0203 ParcelNo.....: 210108240012 lssued......: 10l'|-612009 owNER DAV|S, ROSS E. 10/09/2009 220 S CLERMONT DENVER co 80246 APPLICANTSABOELECTRIC 10i09/2009Phone:970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSUM co 81637 License: 276-E CONTRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC 10/09/2009 Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSUM co 81637 License: 276-E Desciption of Work: WIRING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation: $8,500.00 Square feet: 800 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. INSPECTIONS lf more than two inspections are performed an additional inspection fee will be applied for each inspection requested/needed. All electrical inspections are performed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Requests must be received the day before and not later than 4 p.m. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvred, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. sTGNATURE: 16"6"rt- Date io-/e'zorl(Master/nom ) - pRfNTEDNlue: Zut Sabo elec_permi 100109 RECEIPT NUMBER: SET ID: R090001466 s000000165 SET RECEIPT SET NAME: Temp set of Type ACTIVITY TRANSACTIONDATE: l0ll6n009 TOTALPAYMENT: TOTAL PAID FROM TRUST: TOTAL PAID FROM CURRENCY: SET TRANSACTIONS:Set Member AmounE 357 . O0 .00 3s7.00 Anount, 809- 0233 809- 0234 809-0235 TOTAL: TRANSACTION LIST:Type Method 1l-9.00 r.19.00 r_r_9.00 1r.9.00 Description Pa).ment' ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST:Descript ion Check 8892 TOTAL: Account Code 357.00 357.00 Current Pmts EIJECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CAJ-,I-,, INSPECTION FEE EP O 010 00 03111_l- 0 wc 0010000311280 TOTAL: INITIALS: SAB TIME: 09:46 AM 345. O0 12.00 357.00 RECEIPT ISSIjED BY: SBELLM ENTEREDDATE: I0/16D009 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Proiect Street Address: ?*A^L Gore Ctec-L Dr Office Use: Project #: Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Buirdins Permit#, fuq a n € Electrical Permit#: tr H -n2Zz (Number) (Street) Building/Complex Name: Contractor Information : company: (.,t*, EletttL tut CompanyAddress: 6-l<iQ ())FW UtDl)'Nr ciw:64p{tn. _Tr____1- contactNamfu-S ,rrb 6 zip, 6/e3n Detailed Description of Wor(: I tnvll Lc-z*lc gorfta (Suite #) (-ousl tate: D ?e'oPttl v?aetrL * ur$f (use additional sheet if necessary) Work Class: contactPhone: 11o 7ao qflL E-Mail 5"1*.Sr*'b a d,-r, l. czn, "'Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: 2-16 -6 (For parcel#, contact Eagle County nsseiiorsOfice at SZO+Za-aO+O or . _ visit www.eaglecounty.uJpatie) Date Received: Tenant Name: Owner Name: COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUA- TION OF WORK (Labor & Material) Amounl of SQ Ft.: Electrical $: 6oo 8w9 Can* q Qlns 7x1vtA .-A^k! *- *,1c<,,1641)ag mvtrm t) liltrs LUJ N OF VAIL rc atrLt. tlt liil TOW !lt4,u 29-May-09 NOTE: IH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0.47 9.21 39, f . 97 O.47 9.2452, inpsections 97 0.47 9.21 49 ffi ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Add'€ss: 302 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location......: UNITS 402 & 403. MILL CREEK COURT ParcefNo....: 210108240012 OWNER DAVIS, ROSS E. 220 S CLERMONT DENVERco 80246 07 t20t2009 OWNER BULL, KATHLEEN M. & NICHOLAS 19 SPENCER PARK LONDON SW 18 2SZ UNITED KINGDOM APPLICANT GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 07/20/2009 Phone: 845-5656 PO BOX 373 VAIL co 81657 License: 302-4 CONTMCTOR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 07/20/2009 Phone: 845-5656 PO BOX 373 VAIL co 81657 License: 302-4 Oescriptlon: INTERIOR REMODEL. REPLACE WINDOWS AND SLIDING GLASS DOOR. INSTALL DOOR BETWEEN UNITS 402 AND 403, Occupancy: R2 Type Construction:VA FEE SUMMARY Buifding Permit Fee-----> $1,245.75 Will Cal Fee------._---> Plan Check---- Add'l Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review----> Investigation-----------> $0.00 Recrealion Fee------------> Total Calculated Fees-------> Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Permit #: 809-0175 Project #: PRJ09-0203 Status.. : ISSUEDAppfied..: 0712012009 lssued. .. : 08/04/2009 Exoires . ..: 0'113112010 $144,526.00 0 S4.00 Total Calculated Fees-------> $4,750.01 $2,690.52 Additional Fees--------------> $0.00$0.00 ToTAL PERMTT FEES--------> 14,750.01 s0.00 Paymentg------ s4.750.01 BALANCE DUE-------------> $0.00 DECLAMTIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all lhe information as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM bld_alt_constructionjermit_M 1 908 < APPROVALS Permit#: 809-0175 asof08-04-2009 Status: ISSUED Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O7l31l2OO9 cg Action: COND Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0712312009 npeterson Action: AP Approved plans date stamped 07 I 1612009 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/03/2009 drhoades Action: AP Approved with conditions (see conditions) and a recommendation: Fire Sprinkler system recommended to be piped into unit in anticipation of future retrofit orders. See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply, bld_alt_conslructionjermit_04 1 908 Permit #: 809-0175 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 08-04-2009 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.):ALL PENETRATIONS lN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72, Cond: CON0010892 NY 1 HOUR FLOOR/CEILING, ROOF/CEILING AND BEARING WALLS DISTURBED SHALL BE REPLACED WITH 1 HOUR ASSEMBLIES PER IBC cH.6 Cond: CON0010901 Separate permiVshop drawings required for changes/alterations to the existing monitored fire alarm system. Cond: CON0010902 Contact your alarm company to change out smoke detectors to heat detectors in this unit prior to any work occurring. This will help to prevent false alarms. bld_alt_construclion_permit_041 908 ****{'*rt*l {'t+{'{{*l*{'t**{'{'l*{'*a**l**a'lllt***t*ll{"aallr+rrrt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *t* *'*ttt * *'t | * {r't '}'l * *t' 't:t' t' * *{' tf't**a*r't* * * rr* * *****'lr*rl'rr'l'l*'l*+arraaaa*ll*ar*tr'| StalemenE Number: R090000967 Amounts3 $3,940,27 08/04/200902:45 PM Payment MeEhod: Check SHAEFFER CONST Init: 'ILENolation: 098025 GEORGE Permlt Nor Parcel No: 2101- 082 - 4 001- 3 Site AddreEE I Iocation: ThiB Payment,: 809-01?5 2101- 082 -4 0 01- 2 302 GORE CREEK DR VAII, IJNITS 1IO2 & 403, MIIJJ $3 ,940 .27 T}rt)e ! ADD,/AI,T MF BUII,D PERMIT CREEK COI'RT Total Fees I Total AJ.,L, Irmla: Balance: $4, 750 .01 $4, ?50 .01 $0.00 | | * * t t a I t * | * * a a **** * *t* | t a t* *t** t* I * * * * * * I't't * *'t!+ 'tt * * t * * * I * * * *{'l' *'trt* *tirt * *fi' * l' {t *l 'l rt{ 'l 't * * I * *l * ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account codc Descript ion eurrenE HnEg BP 00r.00003111100ur 1100000310 5 0 00 wc 00100003lt 2800 BUTI,DING PERITIIT FEES USE TN( 4t WXIJIT CAIJIT INSPECTION FEE r,245.75 2,690.52 4,00 BUILDI NG PERMIT APPLICATION Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. Proioct Stroet Addr.3!: 3OZ l{*.rgr G*.,"L f'orrl Aot- Offlco U3e: Poject #: DRB #: Building Permit #: Lot #: - Block #9k suuclvision: (Number) (Stroet) (Sulte #) Bulldlng/Comptex Name: [lil\ Crc.oK Court Contractor lnfomatlon: Comoanv: (r.or.r. 9,Ll.z-lrL- Co-r..1'.-..f i,.-r Company Address:Po 6o1 9'13 City: Vel\ state:-..!!-Zip: 0l0sg Detailed Description of Wort: alAita-, aL bil|..or-. E( r-i^don</ Contac{ Name: T3fuf r }. C*jar6n1694 Contac-t Phone: atlo - tltS - SGSG E-Mail +. A-:.,1,4a r<earpL. - a aa (use additional she6t if n€c€$sery) x T*"<)- (^_---.---T_ Town of Vait Contractor Reglsfation No.: 3O2- A Work Clasr: New( ) Addltion( ) Remodel (X) Repah( ) Other( ) Work Type Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both({)Contractor Slg nature (requlred) Owner Name: Property Informatlon bPareat*: al|n-ol?-'\o'olL {- - lb 6or parcel vlsit www.eaglecounty.udpati6) Tenant Nanre: N: tlnrlt- f --^ l(rt-drl-4lrtF Type of Bulldlng: Single-Family( ) Duplex( ) MultLFamlf(! Commercial ( )Other( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Ves (X) No ( ) Monitored Alarm? Yes ( ) No X ) Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes ( ) No (X) Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: $ $ $ 99- r(, oO oo # & Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances -cas Log - Wood/Pellet - wooo euming :L/l) #&Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances - ^Gas Log - Wood/Pollet - Wood Buming - tz Date f=l A\ r- n n'7 f=|ett tEUV|e JUL 16 2009 TOWN OF VAIL L 1VtqLl),27 29-May-09 ,t'a * a*r*t *l*** *** * * * ttt | | * * *** * | | * * * * * * **** * * ***tlal * *l*** * **'t:t* *****l*l*****r'l:l***tf,rl* lla*a TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted oto7-21-2009 at 14:38:43 07D112009 Stabmentat*r*ttr'ttat*tt****t*t*r+***t*ll***t*l*aft**a+'tlllr***a***aaafla****lla**la*a.aaaat**ta**'*'t' statement Nuriber: Ro9oooo88l Amount: $809'74 01 /2L/2OO9O2.37 PM Palment Method: Check Init: .ILE Nolatsion: 97841 GEORCE SIIABFFER PermLt No3 BO9-O1?5 :$pe 3 ADD/AJ-,T MF BUIITD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 082-4001-2 SiEe Addresa | 302 CIORB CBEEK DR VAIIJ Location ! uNxT 402, MIIJIJ CREEK COITRT Tota1 Fees: $4,750.01 This PaymenC: $809.?4 Total ALIJ Pmts: $809'74 Balance: $3'94O.27 * **tt* **{r* * *'t * * * * * * i I | * | * * * * * |l | * * * * * * * t | |l | * t** * t *rt* i't't't* * ** * 'l * * * * {' {' { * {' 'l {'t* {' 't *'l 'l * * tt + {' * * l** ** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: AccouDE Code DeEcription c|'rrrent Pmta PF 00100003112300 PL,AN CflECK FEES 809.74 Bc4<t15 l.trNitrfl\/I-5ti:= \v t=r u L./ r:l Town of Vail OFFICE COPY INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR : Alpine Mountain Builders, [nc' 105 Edwards Villrge Blvd. Suite A-205 P.O, Box 69 Edwards, CO. 81632 LOCAT1ON: The Residence 302 Gore Creek Drive Unit #402 Vail, CO. REPORT PREPARED BY: John R. Pelerman Inspector Manager COLOMDO Cert\icate No. 6601 CO LORA DO Registration #AC F' I 6522 IJTAH Certilicate No. I2i6 UTA H Registration #ASBC-437 2 A & I) Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman *********** P.O. Box 1230 Ctifton, CO' 8t520-1230 C€ll 970-2?0-3689 HomePhone910464'5265 TOWN OF VAIL zsso 60-10{mz A & D Asbcrtos Teeting end Conrulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Tesling, Project Design, and Consulting INTRODUCTION; On June 3fth, 2009 an inspection/survey was conducted and 6 bulk samples were collected from: The Residence 302 Gore CreekDrive Unit t1402 Vail, CO. The purpose of the inspection/suwey was to locate and sampte suspecled nstestos Gontsining materials that might be presert in the Residence that is plamred for renovation. Theinspectionwasmade,and$esamp|eswerecollectedbyJohnR. peterman, an n.n.p.R.e. ard Siate of Colorado anil UtahCertified Asbestos Insoector. Great oare was taken duriru the inspcction and sampling to be as ;ffi; ; il;ibG It shoutd be noted ttrat minirnA damage was done to ttre exisring'Uuilding sfuctures during he inspection so there is no dooumenation for unseen conditions or stored items' All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Wheafidge CO' This laboralory is deemed "Proficiint" in the E.P'A.Quqli-tV Assurance (QA) pi.gr* f"; tn. determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is ".oldtua ry dre American Hygiene Assmiation (AHA)' SAMPLTNgPROTOCOL: ffi used to sample the suspect materisls that Wcrc discovcrcd. f A'ring any funrre denrolition or renovation worh .*prri *""rial is discovled that hasn't been snmpled. urd wottld be o-irt*t"d" work should bc halt€d r.rntil the rnaterial has been test€d. zg5ll60'r}5mz r-.d A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R' Peterman AsbestosTesting, Proiect Destgn, and Consulting The Residence 302 Gore Creek Drive Unit #402 Vail, CO, UNIT DESCRIPTION: Unir#402atheMil|CreekCourtBuildingisplanrredforrenovation.The exterior walls uc covered in stucco, and thl inleriorwalls are covered in tiir"u".( *oo4 and brick and mortar' The ceilings are covled i1 , -rtrirocf'lif. thi walls. The floors are covered in carpet, and ceramic tiles' The heating is provided by a base board heating sysEm' and I tlreplaoe' CONCLUSTONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: Laboratory analysis, of the bulk samples, indicate that Asbestos was aet".rca io m f*. of the composite iheetock samples taken' Thc composite Asbestos content iiless than the Regutatory Limit(Greater than iy. h.U"rtor). The Asbestos content of thc positive samples was verified by the required Point corrnt Analysis. The o.s.H.A. regulations, requiring the piot .iionotworkers from airLome Asbesros tiben, still apply. The removal of thc sheetrock should be done by wot facility componcnt removal methods. 8/t d zg:6050'10'6002 c> .t_ a. r alne'.J ?22999 EgEgEg gEElg, s€ggg6 EIEgE,i E55EEf, gglESE 8E1H3H!5-68 'Po6EE86U $ aH *$EE* iEgHE oaooBorrtalrn|GI'\|G'GIt{e$$t$l ?!:60 60 -(0{OOZ 8rc d * 5gE$38 UJGf BBBRB^ H EEEEFE ts 6EEIHF' EFBFFgE 0o o cfo * Ca ,go J EL' to GIc,fitr tie ntH 3qe E aqE6 HE..t hl4.E,q dufiI EE5F fi ! *E "E I FEi>G. Ei3 itY c H Esstss Dz lrl;t otEooao!*rr.rr!fr s$s$$$ tg50 50.10tr002 8t9 d E9:50 60-10-5002 ggttS$ 9?9922 ur(9 - olro E F a tteE.= ES +Hgri EB r 333E38 EgBTEBo(,C'(,('9 gggggH iiiI oGc|n6.Dr,l.ta GIc|.YGIG'GI3grs3s EggEgE ogJ (!)( E{ogE SEsq5EE38 a 3fi Eg Eir ; H e,f,F E F gEE 3 E ;EgH* 8ftd EEI Lc i6T'*Eqe3- ooooo22--Z EETiq !!trE Ei1E -eai0 EEE> Eg HsssE ct(t t! rrict* tr tot Eq6EZEf;84ft- JelP i,Et = f;E€ E EEg 3E;E , -t!b-E(J t{iri l{ = t{EEF g g E" E$ FggFFt- b.tE EEgBE A T?'! olT'l E $$$gs$ D9:60 60.4S6002 P.?DCl.t Scicnce Labor^etoFv 303-463-SeB? 8e 88 l-lJ- {Ea ooo0 I' 416zz :is<lCl€$ $ lrl -e(!1", lrl 8H>E)a22d9 trA tI|- JF. d2- c tL,f>r.<zaos{ 3*;i|l62c?Ee ulFltldIJz 8zI.F EEs< EbF6 <d I .? ro F 9! d Jul O2 O9 O9:Ola EFFs 3g zgEts TEu E" Eg!itr 6E Etr EEE s ETg & 8FEl lll >.a? rEgE H;Et I ..1c:[ Ezf e6 *!!I6rtl sluz E8Seqq8,,rE. R TFFUHeoa9EgI b r"il.E X Fggi E ,-# ,..- F ESEfrgFSHEEFE6 ;6 I e!=e{-Eel. C E8nd d AErg fi E v ts 6 E fie -i r:l ;F -{EesE86i $tg g t-' zI6z 9eFgFdn; FEa Etg69fgea d.: a o 'Jul OZ O9 O2:48p DCH Science LaboFetoFg 3()3-4S9-A26? p.l DCM SCIENCE LABOMTORY, INC. t2421 W. 49TH AVgNUq UNrrfl6 WHEAT RIDGB, CO 80033 (303) 463-8270 BI'IX ASBBSTOS ANALYSIS - POINT COLINTMETHOD PAOE I OF 2 CLIENT: ANALYSISDATE: 7'7-Ol A&D ASBESTOS TESTTNG AND CONSULTING REPORTING DATE; 7'2-09 P.O. BOX 1230 cLtrT9N, CO 8t5a)-1230 TOTAL ASBESTOS COT'NTED TOTALASBESTOS IN LAYER TOIAL ASBESTOS lN SAMPLE RBQUESTEDDATE: 7-2-U) CLIENTJOB NO.r RESTDENCE PROfECT TITI.E: 302 E" CORE CREEK DR. il402 DC {SLPROJECTT ADAT500 CROSSREFERENCBJ A.DAT499 PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY AREAA'OLUME DCM LAB NO.: -!R -2R -3n -4R -5R SAMPLE DATE: 6-3G00 c30-,09 6-30-09 G3&09 GtO49 % oF TOTAI SAMPLE 2.00h 3.0% 3.V/. 2.VA 7.o% CLIENT NO. r 402-8.00 | 402-8.902 402-A-0O3 4p,2-B-o04. 402-8.005 PART B PART C PART B PART A PART D ASBESTTFORM MINERAL FIBERS: CHRYSOTTLE OSWo 0.750/6 O.75% <0,8o/o O.75% AMOSITE ND ND ND I{D ND CROCIDOLITE ND ND ND ND ND TRPMOLTTEACNNOUTA ND ND ND ND ND ANTHOPFYLLITB ND NO ND ND ND DSWa O.75Y6 0.25% <L8o/a O.75% 0.50% O.75yc O2So/" <n.25% O,75% o.ol./D Q.o26/o o,ot% 4.25% o.o5% NOTES: SAMPLES NO. I R - 3R ARE WlltTE DRYWALL MuD. SAMPLE NO. 4R lS UTHITE PAINT/WHITE DRYWALL MUD (INSEFARABLE). SAMPLE NO. 5R IS WHITE DRYWATL MUD. ND. NONE DETECTED DEPINITIONS TOTAL ASBESTOS COUNTED = THE AMOUNT OF ASaESTOS PRESENT lN THE SAMPLE EXPRESSED AS A PERCENT. TOTAL ASBESIOS IN LAYER - IHE PERCENT OF SAMPLE, REIT.IAINING TIMES ASBESTOS COUNTED E]CRSSSED AS A PERCENT. TOTAL ASBEST0S lN SAMPLE - THB PERCENT OP TOTAL SAMPLE (FRoM gllvt/sM AIIIALYSIS) TIMES llIE TOTAL ^SBESTOS IN LAYER (IF NO ASBESTOs IN OII,IER LAYERS). P. 12 3()3 -463-9267 QO600gggge P- l qceq988889 DCFI Scienee LeborecoFg .?qq888gggEE EEgEE q9qqq g-o.a. qvlccqEN86R 9|qqeo8 ooo60dogd-.:qq<?qqgc6o-qqqqeo6o8-ococi ai -l eqqel<iEotSg qqeqqo89e- zzo2z aVrooozozzz .1 COozz AAAqOzzzcz qqqaqtgoR$ l= I' I l' I jutf I I OEAAO7-ZZZ TF===EEgLi 5 "l 4 u,l ElFEFHd9EAA$Eii"EE ES$5F $6qsE EES-E*e* sES qEd$$rdhF$ o;.ivit --: ri wi rc- C .i-i ;+.ir_$ =e.PEJF;F!;te u e I F i*i H. Es 3s H o= eieEi =,i5i ,3s€=3 E-3 ,=133FFgF# ZFfix-E EFEgE EEE iF3BE FF5E5 iFH$F FFF=F F:E FEHFH<doCr,i <ddcjr:i <dClci!i {dc, <cjdailri 9SssBii$5s 4't $4 dT 93I CO $ a .l o ,.€$3 FgEq EEE 3p EE 11' F. nz 3"9AEp =F ;!i ra =2.1- Y.ov utr,]-;Pd Et.lI:azaa-<4 s !Jl2zs oFr|l c9k{ Jul OS OS O9:55a' fu.r t)2 -o9 O9:ooa F-[J- {&a ,,< J !-z a gJ ul4 C,' te @NA ;*;< ga t< ,;lE \..i: E I6FPE-e Ed96tFP i ;EF5HE; 8F a 8 E Fz da.la. (JzItl 99?Ai.l i t4 r-5z\ H;tb a:$E scF ae E:;r* zo ..u gl I,Jat lrlE<<a l- -El 5:E $$g z 5 zo()oz EsF-gpd AA EEe €Hd tq3 E 5 lE l,{lr )fiJ N?/QLm,L6 'c'd 'speilqcJv. suudoH puB uopflous oG\/uO-loC 'llv'A INIO-llfl€ lunoc yESucllll l 80r oNV zot sll,Nn or lScollllEu 999t0 opeJoloc ' Bn 0l€0 xog 'o'd Tr{ ,Tr+ itE$ i{*t iiIF.oZ (tiilii .!-+ iiiir.ir'itI\slrri r-'i {-.+l11nilfl!rIlnFfr idF { if,+s iuAt iHHH i ila -gt .&-7 N JT7t tl A $:I -r r)tdln-l:'1Ll: $:I\ Gl:t El$sl$ +.. ln Nl: t:i: rl JI> [' -s rt ill{t lf,l s ilt rd N Ir .t iT.r J*tE t)- LE -u ) al /+ -J srlrlI F,t et€ete\f J =-' l&u l=r@ f5)\Y ,equrnN qqf i- IL -{+ t't Ns R! $iN H it s.t r{ N.l Nrl'i cxs 8l1l-t q l,r 5 !is '6TLQI' YVJ t0zz-9Lt-016 8gi9!8 opBrotoc llen oteg ro8 'o d 'c'd 'spelqcJv. suudoH puB uopr\ous 00vuo10c "IHn: eN|O'ilOE IU nOC YSeUCTll,ll 80t q'Nv eot sllNn ol 13001,t1Eu Nl ,l. .9-p ,r? trb I .? -,9 i I I Il ,e -,b ,ft9 | "O',91 .!i tall'$l t- ljl =Fllla'4 \J2 f .'f I-€i I I brg: SI* olr,E 1l ri .t'.! --Fj--T ' h:: :-J \-,t\I i'.rttl\,iP1a ?' \\' 'r -i -..-. - ----'.---- " "Q"wt, . 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Ilil il ll!4tlt-t r-'ilII-JJI.#.1 't' f; s..:t -,$ E $ ,t t--$ oi'$irl tr i+.F - *tl I i- - --- -11 rtl_.}____$ ---l T le,/t /al 12r3?#0e In"p""$:,T FF'F"'! n:Fo'ting p'9" tz Reouested Insoect Date: Thursdav. December 10. 2009' Sitd Address: 302 GOHE CREEK DR VAIL UNITS 402 & 403. MILL CREEK COURT A/P/D Information Activitv: E09-0233 Tvoe: B-ELEC Const Tvp€: Occuoahbv: Owrier: DAVIS. ROSS E. Contraclor: SABO ELECTRIC Description: WIRING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Requested Insoection(s) Time Exp: Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUEDUbe: Insp Area: Phone: 970-524-7970 Requested Time: 09:30 AM' Phone: 970-524-7970 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K v-[w(o\ "" Aporoved '* MDENNEY Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run L0749