HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 1 LOT 1NOTE: rHrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES.,-..\ l:Slzrt IOTNfft'I[,|z Town of Vail, community oeuetopmenlTffiulh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-21 39 t. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.21 49 MECHANIGAL PERMIT ASFR Job Addrsss: 325 MILL CREEK CR VAIL Location.....: ParcalNo...: 210108248001 OWNER HEAD, MARTHA 08/192009 325 MILL CREEK CIR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT R & H MECHANICAL LLC 08/19/2009 Phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 trl\lrLtr co 81631 License: 1 84-M CONTRACTOR R & H MECHANICAL LLC 08/19i2009 Phone: (970) 328-2699 PO BOX 810 EAGLE co 8'1631 License: 184-M Oesclption: REPLACE BOILERS, CIRCULATING PUMP AND CONDENSATE DRAINS Investigation---------> $0.00 Valuation: S35.000.00 Mechanical Permit Fee--> $700.00 Will Call-------->$4.00 Total Calculated Fees-->91,379,00 $0.00 $1,379.00 $1,379.00 So.oo Permit #: M09-0152 Project #: PRJ09-0366 Status.,.: ISSUED Applled. , | 08/19/2009 lssued. .: 08/26/2009 Expires. .: 021?2n010 Plan Check----------> $175.00 Use Tax Fee---> 9500.00 Additional Fees-----> TOTAL PERMIT FEE-.> Total Calculated Fees-> S1,379.00 Payments--------> BALANCE OUE.--.-.> APPROVALS Item: 051 00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/26/2009 JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE OEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR lS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG,): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC., Cond: 3'1 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED lN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004,6. mechcanical_permit_04 I 908 DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno/vledge thal I have read this application, filled out in full the infomation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agr€e to comply with th6 information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the lowns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable lhereto. REQUESTS Am-4PM. TWENW-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( of Owner or Contractor Print Name mechcanicaljermit_04 1 908 * * * * * * * * * * 't {. * *r | | * | i* * * * * *rr*'}r**rr'}:}r*r * r,t * | * * 'r 'r* {r{* * * * { { t * * * * 't t' * * l' * { t +* * t * {' + I' l' * * l' **lt*ltt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment ** **1**'t* * *** *rft+*r*{*,r*'}*tst{*+tt*t**taatltt't*tt * 'r | '|' * * * * | i t* ****t't't r* t a ****** * 't**'|* * * * * * * * SEatement Nunber: R0900010?6 Anount: 9l ,319.00 0e/26/200911:55 Al"1 Pal.menc Metshod: Check MECHAI\IICA]] Init: LC Nocation: #15503 /R&H $1, 379. 00 lr *l'lt I | * i l* * * *****t * 'l t * t * * * {' {' 't tl I t:l t:t:t t * t t t{' t l' {' { l' {'l'{'*{'{'{'l'l'l*****f*******{'**l'**l'*****l**ttttl ACCOI,JNT TTEM LIST: Account Code Deacription eurrent PmEs Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrees : IJocation: ThiE Payment s MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300ut 11000003105000 !{c 00100003112800 M09 - 01s2 2101- 082 -4800- 1 325 MIII.. CREEK Tlrtrle3 MECHANICAL PERMIT CR VAII Total Fees: Total AIJIJ PMIS : Balance : 91, 379. 00 $1,379. 00 $0.00 MECIIANIEAI, PERMIT FBES PIJAI CHECK FEES usE TA)( 4t WILL CA].,IJ INSPECTION FEE 700.00 17s.00 500.00 4.00 . : ., .:,.1 Department of Gommunity Development Fireplace Applications MUST includei o Equipment Cut Sheets for Fireplaces/Log Sets (Manufacture/s info showing make, model & approval listing)' (use additional sheet if necessary) B Gas Piping Included o Gas Piping by Others tr Wood to Gas Fireplace Conversion Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior Q( ) Other( ) Number of Existing Fireplaces: n \a, Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( )Wood/Pellet ( ) I Number of Proposed Fireplaces: Al ^-/Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Type of Building: Bolhrl Furnace Aoolications MUST include: o/ Mechanical Room LayowPlan with Dimensions ril@mbustion Air Duct Size and Location n /Slue orYentSize !,/ Gas Piping Plan (if applicablp) . ,.-lleat toss calculaUons* \ ( 4. / rquipment Cut sheets for Boil"iTFutnu." ) * Not rcquitd for same Eze (RTU) boiler rcplacement with no sfslem changes, or snow nElt (Number) (Street) Building/Complex Name: Contractor I Company: E-Mail Town ail Contraclor Contractor LC c4!, at 970-328-8640 or (Suite #! X (requlred) Property Parcel #: Owner Name: visit r,\,ww.eaglecouty.uYpatie) Tenant Name: Single-Family K Duplex ( Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) ntrc hl AUG TOWN tr[VE 1s 2009 OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT MechanicarPermit#: M01-otgZ lot*:Jetoct+ / suooiuirio n,\]U t/ Detailed Description of Work: j-.j Ux{tud btlatr ,uSLb 3l- Complete Valuation for Mechanical PeEnit Mechanicar ,, 6,6& & I Date Received ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial ( ) \,F4 oovuotoc "'llvn gze frculc v3fuc lll1/\ IN=tv\=lcvldfu ufllo8 =ICNfOISfU CV=H ulOC'l!94-CaP'rr /|1r\ ft9A-99!-O26 :xs! 0Z98-8'2-016 :euoqdapl 18 'opsropc 'uo^v ''|,2 ols 'iz I I I/tH sn !080t',68t8 xo8 od acuo leuolssoJord psllperccv uoSf l saol^]ss u6!s€o 6ullqql g l€!rt.ol3 'lsquBq.elt nn)l ,^' rl (/) ?EZ)7i t'HEdsHiUqf ? 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