HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT (3)I DEPARTMENT oF coMMu*ilourrortrt,TOWN OFVAIL - 75 S. fRONTAGE ROAD . .,- \_ 'l vArL, co 81657 \ ' 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT PErMit #: BOI-OIII Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: MARRIOTT PHASE III Applied. . : 05/0712001 ParcelNo....: 210107207001 Issued...: 06/26/2001 ProjectNo.: Expires...: 12/23/2001 Ol{l[ER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES 105/07/200]- Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERI{ATIONA]-, ONE II'ARRTOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: CONTRACTOR BEI-,FOR-RMCAT 05/07/200]- Phone: 970-949-9490 5762 I,AMAR STREET ARVADA, CO P.O. BOX 1532-VArL, CO 80002 L,icense: 405-B APPL,ICANT BELFOR-RMCAT 05/07/2007 Phone: 970-949-9490 5762 IAMAR STREET ARVADA, CO P.O. BOX 1532-VArr-,, CO 80002 License: 405-B Desciption: FIRE RESTORATION TO PHASE III BUILDING Occupanry: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: II - FR Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: 0,566,956.00 Add Sq Ft: 780 Fir€plaoe Information: Restricted: # ofGas Appliances: O # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellct: 0 t|tt'|i||rl|'..'i|.|t|l***'|.*'..**'t't..t****t****.tt.*.****|||i'.'t'*'l''}FEEsUMMARY**|.*.|.********* Building-> 933,041.00 Reshraranl Plan Review-> $o.oo Tolal Calculated Fees-> S55.800.55 Plan Check--> $21,4?5 .65 DRB Fee-----------> 95oo . oo Additional Foes-----> 90. 00 Invesligation-> So.OO Rereation Fee-------> 9780.oo Total Perlnil Fee----'> $55.800.65 Will Call-> g3.oo Clean-up Deposit----> 9o.oo Palmert!---------> S55.800.55 TOTAL FDES--> Sss,8o0.6s BAl,t{cE DLiE--> 90.00 Approvals:Itdm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T O6/L4/2O0L GR:G Action: AP Item: 05400 PIAIINING DEPARTMENT It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI'IT O6/25/2O0L Mccee Action: AP CondiEions hawe been noted by Ehe Fire dept. The fire depe has not rewiewed noted made by the Building DeparEment. In the PAGE 2 * **** j* * ** ** *** * * * * ****rl #*!t'|!* **'f '** * * tr '*:*:*:f * '* '* * *{r {r 'i * * trt{r *'f :} * {r * * * * *ir {r 1. ri i *** * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * r.* + ** * + **'* !t **'* * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B0l-01I I as of 06-26-2001 Status: ISSUED 'i ***'t * * * 't'i ** f** * * * * * **** ***** **'t ** * * i * * * * * t * * ** * i:i* *** * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * ** * * * {t * * * ***'} * * *'l * * * ** ** Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parcel No: ADDiALT COMM BI-]ILD PERMT BELFOR-RMCAT 970-949-9490 7I5 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL MARRIOTT PHASE TII 210t07207001 Description: FIRE RESTORATION TO PHASE III BUILDING Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Enfry: 0612512001 By:McGee Action:AP l. Unfrnished space on plans at FVJ-l l/12 is not unfinished. Disclose use and submit plan to provide adequate protection and detection. 2. EIFS shall meet or exceed Factory Mutual approval. Submit documentation. 3. Acess to Elec room by Stair B shall not be obstructed by storage in Maids closet. 4. Alcove atJ2/10.25, SheetA2.7, appears toopen into stairway. Access should be through 6tlr floor corridor through electrical room. 5. Sheet 2.16 has notes indicating corridor walls are "close to underside of structure above" vs. "closes to underside of stnrcture above" on other notes on the same sheet. Approval is granted under the condition corridor walls touch the rmderside and prevent a concealed pleunum, per the agreement to delete fire spinklers in the ceiling space. 6. Plans show limited fre rated pllrnood on sloped roof sections. Use of combustible marcrials shall be strictty limited to approved uses and locations only 7. Location ofguest room smoke detetcors shall take into consideration the presence of guest room fan coils units. 8. Building plans do not reflect the required fire alarm and detection system, nor the fire sprinkler system. Shop drawings shall be submitted with a registered fire protection engineers stamp. Work may not proceed beyond framing stage without an approved fire sprinkler plan in place. Entxy: 06125/2001 By: mcgee Action: COND All Applied: 0510712001 Issued: 0612612001 To Expire: l2l23l20ll upgrades are due to be compl"t"a Uy f0. noy delay or.. intended"phasing" shouldbedisclosedbefore issuance of the permit. Phase 2 exterior siding must be replaced, the entire fire alarm sytem must be upgraded per the fire protection engineers report, and conference room fire sprinkler protection must be addressed. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: CON0004809 Coordinate with fire deparfinent on alarm systern during construction. Provide fire sprinkler & alarn system shop drawings to fire dept. for review & approval. Drawings must be approved prior to scheduling rougb inspections. Mike McGee, 479-2135, or Mike Vaughan,479-2252. Cond: CON0004810 See plan rwiew report & approved construction drawings for conditions, conections & other important notes. event there are appar"lorrrricts, the most sttirrgerO ^ shall apply. 06/25/200L mcgee Action: COND Fire Alarm / Upgrade Rewi ew 1. Storbes must meet, A.DiA. 2. Spacing of st.robe must meet NFPA and manufactures requirements. 3. Irrere are two strobeE in the NE conference room. 4. There are no sErobes in the NW conference room. 5. The laundry is not shown. 5. Speakers i-n the stair^tay must be capable of being silenced seperat,e from the general audio speaker circuit.s, 7. Some 6moke detectors appear to be in line lrich the fan coil unit.s in the gruest rooms. 8. A detailed elevator conErol plan must be submitted. 9. The elevator smoke detetora must trip the building ewacuation system and not.ify the fire department. 10. The new 5 inch riser for the standpipes is required. Item: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS 06/t8/200L Ek Actionr AP attt'talaaaaaaa'laaaat::ttrrrraraaatat* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required" completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RIeI-,'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213E OR AT OL'R OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 5 PM send cl€an-up D€pocit To: da J: ..---":-- c',*s-s:-r-z stFNe,ruRg oF owNER oR coNTRAcToRFoRHMSELF AND owNE o APPLICATION WILL TOVNOFVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 sJt NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O -47 9 -2'19 (Inspections) Separate Permits are required for CONTRACTOR INFORMA General Contractor: 9et€-t Town of Vail Reg. No.: 42{'B Contact and Phgne #'s: P^^t H./es ??o 3?a oLB Contractor Stn ***4 _ 2r///til. 9aruz COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMfi (LAbOT & MAIE]iAIS BUILDING: $ 7,|Ll,rft7.ELECTNCAL: $ f3o /b1 OTHER: $ o PLUMBING: $ b77. ou o MECHANICAL: $ 1. 53Q, o " o rorAl:S l0 t SQt ,QfG For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Patel f, Z to I ol zarl oo I @pplic-tion will nd be accepted without parcel number) lobAddress:?lf, r,.r. L1 o*rrrfeeo, Vo,L'o,L il^rr,4 ilo^^A."t P,,,"7 '"t'i,Jr, l4orn-{D? Phon"tqla 4r6 Phone: rnt w( l^f, T:y.offy'".':Y ff, fern"*'oJ, fh"* 3 i3rtt&aj' fif3r"o' Pa-la 't-. WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(y') Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ( Typeof Bfdg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) fther(vJ PlqaU No. of Accommodation Units in this bullding: /ZNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireolaces Existino: Gas Apoliances H3\ Gas Ooes a fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes (tzJ No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes 1r1 No ( ) ***************r!****************r!*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********************************'**Jrr. F:/everyoneforms/bldgperm {5s'o ao ."5-MAY CI ? 2001 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Project Name:r,-r"tf o*^f^"J e\ ProjectAddress: I tf rr^1, L*^l* *eao Ctrr-.k * Uo,,r-- I 'lo'*.[6 / This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit apoliation is accephd. / Rtl pug", of application is complete {yas DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form.a6 Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex / Complete site plan submitted { puOlirway Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) cf- Staging plan included ( refer to Public Work checklist) No dumpster.parkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aoproval {Std:icottest and results submitted if demolition is occurringo/ Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) {fultfloor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) o/window and door schedule { f uttstructural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) t'- Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) {s{jrlt Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection 5 fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated s/ Smoke detectors shown on plans {types and quantity of fireplaces shown ./ Appricanfssisnature:7a ' (/4 E€trorL Date of submattal: (-1- ol ^rL Department of Community Development F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: /-:\ - ^{.<J'p-'*^f+/oJ TONIMVM,TY HOW DID WE RATE WTH YOU? Town of Vail$rvey Community Darelopment Deprtnent Russell Fonrst Direcbr, (970)479-2r3s Check alf that applies. 1. Which 0eparfnen(s) did you contact Building _ Environnentsl_ Housing_ Admin Planning . _DRB_PECI ri 2. Wasyourinilidconhctwithoursffiimmedide_slow_or no one avdlable__ _? 3. lf you were required to wait, horrrr long was it before you were heloed? 4. Was your project revbved on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no(? 5. Was ilris yourfirstlimeb fle a DRB app- PEC +p_ Bldg Permit_ t',|/A 6. Please rate fte performance of tre staffpenon who assisbd you:51321Narre: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiec{veness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 I 8. What is the best lime of day fur you b use he Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which rrpuld dlow us to better serve you ne,rttime? Thank you for taking the fme h complete this survey. We are committed b improving our seryice. BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must sUll pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:Ber r-R Br t roE oare: e--J-Al F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19-Brds.Permit#'E n I'I f o II il Parcel #: T.I I L]rTTi.L-JI -IIT TOWNOFVAIL 1.Job Name Excavating Conlraclor Name Streel Address n n i l - f--l (ltunknowncall LJ L_t L__-i r r 479-2139 exl.o2.Maillng Address TOV Contractor's License Number REQUIRED Phone #ApCity 4. Slart Date Work is for (circle on€) Other Cornpletlon Dale Water Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiralion Dat€) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access 5.Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on Asohalt surfaces underneath lhe A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth TotalsF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, eld. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town ol Vail Electricians (970479-2158) Town of Vail Inigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479'2198l. 9. THERE W|LL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A conslruction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of lhe permit. ir 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 1 1 . pennittee must contact Publlc Works Dooartment at 47$2198 24 houtB grior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection lee. 12. I certity that l have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, ot the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agre6ments, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTFUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN show streers with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Whit€ - Public Works Yellow - Contractor MWNAF DRAINAGE AND CUTVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: d The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. M The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. / Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvet installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certiflcate of Occupancv issuance. .12 r Agreed to by: K",t fl, lA Project Name: Date Signed: Print Name naru F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 lret o.f MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEFOSITSON PUBIICWAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiff and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, . debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. a Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODEST-3A-1 AND 7-3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTINGTRAFFIC&IMPOUNDMENTAUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any poftion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundrnent charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read.and will comply with the above code provisions: Print Name Position or Relationship to Proiect: Date Signed: F :/evervone/formVbldoermT Signature 2001 F|RE RESIS' w Sbrp.d Colsdrn Min Coludn Si'! W4xl3 W5x155 w1&49 1.112 2-!t47-118 r-718 ,w3 Total dddqless 0rL)7-u2 2-rl4 B Com.r hil. For V iou. Rrtint 1H' ffi 3H' c B c I I 1t1 I 518 CORI{€R DETAILS OF WALLBOARD suppoRT systEIs wtTtiout sTEEL cov€Rs l. Steel Column- Min sizes of W-shaped and tubular steel columns whidr appear in the AISC Steel Corsiruction Manual as shown underItemz'^ 2. Gypsuar Board'- For 1 Hr rating, any 5/8 in or 1/2 in. thick qtD- sum wallboard Classified for use ii firq resistance assemblies. Foi'/ Hr and 3 Hr ratings, any 5/8 in or 1/2 in. thick s!.psum wajlboard Classi- fied for use in other 2 Ht 3 Hr or 4 lfu Coluniir besiens. Min total thickness oflayers in inches for the various ratings aid min column $zes arje as touows: ffi;:f: Applied in layers as noted in the above illustrations. Boards are to be applied vditicallv without horizontal joints. See G#eum Board (CKNX) category fo! names of manufacturers. 2A. Gwsun Board'- As an alternate to Item 2- 3/4 in. thick gypsum uull'tUoand. For 2 LIr ratinq, 1-1i 2 in. total thickness, installed in accor- dance with comer detail B. For 3 tL rating, 2-l /4 in. total thickness installed in accordance with comer detail C. Boards are to be aPPIied Tube Shaped cglumns verticallv without horizonlal ioints CANADIAN GYPSUM COMPANY _T1PC IP-X3, ULTRACODE IILIRACODE SFIX or ULIRACODE WRX. UNITED STAIES GYPSUM CO -Type IP-x3, ULTTACODE, LJLTRACODE SFD( or IJLTMCODE WRX YESO PANAMERICANO S A DE C v -Tvpe IP-X3, UL[M- CODE. WIRACODE SFX{ or LTLTRACODE WRX' 3. Steel Stud- 1-5/8 in. wide with 1-5/16 and 1"7116|n.' legs having a 1/4- in. folded flange, fabricated from No. 25 MSG Salv steel. Length to b€ 1/2 in. less than-the assembly height. 3A. As en altemat€ lo ltem 3 Steel ?ramlng Members'- gdv' steel.diPs^ soaced 4 ft OC n 1'114 in- fmm top and bottem of column' A No 28 MSG galv steel suPPort angle with.l:l /4,in. length shall be placed over clips ind secured in'ith sse-ws attaching the wallboard. The anglelut I in. less than assembly height splices in angle to occrr over clrPs lhe clips for use with wide flange tolunns only.' COLUMN & EEAM NC -TyP€s CB, CBlClips' 4. Corner Beads- No. 28 MSG galv sleel, 1-1/4 in legs to b€ attached to the wallboard with No. 5 byl in. ss€ws spaced 12 in' OC max' 5. Tie Wire - No. 18 SWG steel wte sPac€d 24 in OC used with second laver of wallboard. e. S6rews - For attaching fint layer of wallboard to steel studs, and third laver of wallboard to 2 h. by 2 in. steel angle (25 Ga) to be No. 6 bv 1 in.'(or L-Lt4 n for 314 in tliick wallboard) Phillips head seU' a'rittine. 'seU+apping double lead screws spaced 24 in. OC For attaching secon{lavet ol in"llboard to steel studs and fourth layer of wallboard io C i". U'i 2 in. steel ansle (25 Ga) to be No. 6 by 1-3/4 in. (or 2'114 in Ior 3/4 ni. thick wallboird) steel screws of the same tyPe sPac€d 12 in' OC For attachine third lavlr of wallboard to steel studs to be No 8 by 2-114 in. screws-of the saine tvpe spaced 12 in. OC 7. Finishins System - (Not Sh6ivn) - foint compound applied over comer bdd! to a thickness of 1/ 16 in. 'Bearing the UL Classification Mark wL-cfiL Town of Vail OFFIGE COPY IARK ON PFODUCT Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 @KJY\-Continued o 2001 FrRE RESTSTANCE DtHEcroHl 254 FIRE BESTSTANCE DTRECTORY (BXRH) t5- t/4" RestffiE?l-Asaembly Rating Unreslrained Asrembly Rating 1. Normal-Weight Concrete - Carbonate or siliceous aggegate, 149 + or - 3 pd unit weisht, 3500 Dsi comDressive strencth. 2. Meial Lath - i/e in. rlU,.l.n lb/sq yd expand"ed sreel; ried ro each joist at every other rib and midwai Setwe'en ioists at side laps with 18 SWG galv steel wire. As an altemite, the fonir material for the concrete may be corrugated steel deck (unclassified), 9 / 15 in. deep of 28 MSG(min) galv steel, welded to supports 15 in. O.C. with we[dinc washers. The concrete thickness shall ii measured to the roD plane of"the steel deck. Or, Classified Steel Floor md Fomr Units * -i Noncomposite, 19/32 in. deep, 30, 35 or 36 in. wide, galv steel units. Min sau^se is 28 MSG. Welded to supports 15 in. O.C -with weldine washeri, Ttre con- crete thickness shaf 6e measured to the top plane"of the steel deck. WLCRAFT, DIV OF , - _ - NUCOR CORP --Iype 0.6C. 3. Steel Joists - Type 12f3 bi l0Kl, min size; spaced 24 in. O.C., welded to erd supports. Bridgrng provided by 1/2 itL diam steel bars weldedto md supports. to top and botto provided bv 1/2 in diam steel bars welded of eadr joisi.to top and bottom chdrdi of eadr ioisi. Furring Cha-nnel --M. 25 MSG -!alv ste_el, 2-3l8 in. wide by 7/8 in.Furdng Channel - No. 25 MSG galv steel, 2-318 deep, spaced 24 in. O.C., excegt lZ in. O.C. at end secrired to each ioist with a d6uble strand of 18 51 deep, spaced 24 in. O.C., except 12 in. O.C. at end ioints noted below secured to each ioist with a dduble strand of 18 SWG salv steel wir€. Adioining lmgths of drannels lapoed 2 ft, 5 ur. and tie-d tosether at both endi with a double strand 6i tle wire. 5. Gypsum Board* - 5/8 in. thick, aitacJred with the lons dimension at right angles to the furring drarurels. Wallboard at end io-ints secured ro an additional furring channel win-tied to the iorss ani placed over the ioint and extmding -a min of 5 in. bevond the ioint at either end. Where wallboard is otherlhan ,l{l in. wide, ihe lensth of the additional chan- nel at end ioint may reguire modfication, S that r"ire he occurs not less than 6 in, from channel end. Joint tseatment not rcqu[ed for thN rating, except for tapered rounded+dge wallboard wheie edge joints arc covercd wrth paper tape and ioint clmDound. As an altemate. nom 3/32 in. th.ick gypiuur veieer plalter mav be applied ro the enrire sur- face.of Classifiiii' veneer basebbard, Iointi relnfo'rced. AMERICAN GYPSUM CO -Tvpe AGC. BPB AMERICA INC BPB CELOTEX -Tvpe C, FRP or SF3. CONTINENTAL GYPSUM COMPANY -Types. CG-3, CG3-3, ccs-s, cc-c, ccTC{. GP GYPSUM CORP, SUB OF GEORGIA-PACIFIC CORP -Types 5, C. JAMES HARDIE GYPSUM INC -Types Fire X, Max"C" . t,( 'FIRE RESISTANCE DIBECTORY lrre Keslstance Katrngs - ANSI/ UL ZbJ (U,xU V )-Con tinued j. LAFARGE GYPSUM, DIV OF JL4!!!9qcqII-:Jy_p:s-LcFc3,LG!c-c,LGFc-c/A. INATIONAL GYPSUM CO -Types FSW-C, FSW-G. :i PABCO GYPSUM, DIV OF .I PACIFTC COAST BUILDING PRODUCTS INC -Type C, pcl l' orlff. '4REPUBLIC GYPSUM CO -Type RG-1, RG-3 or RG-C. ,j STANDARD GYPSUM L L C-Tvpe SG-C. i i TEMPLE-INLAND FOREST PRODUCTS COR.P -Types T, ' i 6. w"rlb"J:,TjnT'nllfi,nu,,o, uathead, setr-rappins rh*r-."tuP j type screwt I in. Iong, spaced 1/2 in. from edges airit 1I in. OC. I Sc'rews shall be drivei no farther than slightly indented {not deeper .i than 1i 64 in.) into the surface o{ the waliboaid.'B;"g ih" Ui'ai".ri6.ution Mark .] WL-oLTL{ Town ol Vall OFFIEI: f,OPY LOOK FOR THE UL MARK ON PROOUCT Town of vai1, Colorado Building Safety & Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Road vai1, Colorado 81657(970) 479-232L FAx (970) 479-2452 Plan analysis based on the l-997 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: B0l--0Ll-1 Date: June 18, 200L Proj ect Name: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle Contractor: Bel- f or Occupancy: R1, 52 Designer: Gwathmey, Pralt, Schul Construction3 II -FR Engineer: ,.fVA, Inc. Report By: Gary Goodell NOTE: The code items lj.sLed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1997 UBC. It is a guide Co selected sections of the code. Report created usj.ng'Plan Analyst software by b w & a. (7L9) 599-5622 Portions of the material contained in this proqram are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code with the permission of theTnternational Conference of Building Officials. NFPA 13 sprinkler system Chroughout the building Sprj-nkler system used for allowable area increase -- Sec. 505.3 SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECT]ON NORTH Publi-c way 20.0 Feet 20.0 Feet EAST Separation wall 0.0 Feet 0.0 FeeL SOUTH Property line 100. 0 Feet 100.0 FeetWEST Building 40.0 Feet 20.0 Feet A1lowable area increased 25.% for oDen area on 2 sides. - - Sec. 505 . 1- (R[oL-cIs+'bcL-oLlL Town of Vall OFFICE GIPY Paqe # 2 Code review for: Project Id.: Marriobt Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle FI,NAME OCC I.IA:K FLR AREA ALI.,OWED RATIO STATUS 7 Hotel Rooms 7 Corridors, ELc. 7 Storage rOTAL FOR FLOOR 5 Hotel Rooms 5 Seorage 5 Corridors, Etc, TOTAL FOR FLOOR 5 Hotel Rooms 5 Corridors, Etc, rOTAL FOR FLOOR 4 Hotel Rooms 4 Corridors, Etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3 Hotel Rooms 3 Corridors, Etc. TOTAL FOR FI,,OOR 2 Hotel Rooms 2 Accessory Areas 392L Lr2t251708 Lt2t25320 tt2r255949 Lt2t259050 tL2t25204 IL2I252082 Lt212s 11335 L]-2rzs95L0 LL2t25956 LI2L25 10466 tt2t259510 Lt2t25955 tt2t25 L0455 tL2t259510 1L2I25956 tL2t25 10456 LL2t255988 Lt2t253575 LL2I259563 tL2t25425 1,L21,255395 tL2r251936 LL2t2s7756 tL2t25 66002 149500 used for minor allowed area in RL RL tz RL s2 RL R1 RL RL Rl- R1 RL Rl- RL ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok n n? v.uz 0.0 U. U) 0.08 0.0 0.1 0.08 0. 09 0.08 0 .01 0.09 0.08 0.01 0. 09 0. 05 0.03 0. 09 0.0 U. Uf, 0.02 0.07 0 .44 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Unfinished Space 52 1 Hotel Rooms Rl- 1 Corridors, ELc, Rl TOTAL FOR FI,OOR BUILDING TOTAI.,,-- Sec. 504 and Table 5-B The allowed area for the major use NOTE: Accessory area cannot exceed-- Sec. 504,3 exc. 1 The accual height of this building is The maximum height of the buj.lding is L05.5 feet. 160. feet. -- Table 5-B wag the accessory areas. Table 5-8. Page # 3 Code review for: Project Id,: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A NOR?H For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Occupancy wall- wal] Protection MaterialR1 2 hour t hour None Non-Comb 32 2 hour l- hour None Non-Comb EAST AREA SEPARATION WALL - See reguirements listed later SOUTH For Bearing Non-Bearing Openinq ConsCruction Occupancy Wall wa1l Protection Material RL 2 hour 0 hour None Non-Comb 32 2 hour 0 hour None Non-Comb WEST For Bearing Non-Bearing Opening Construction Occupancy Wal1 Wall Protection Material R1 2 hour t hour None Non-Codb 32 2 hour t hour None Non-Comb D.a rarra F Required No No in this report.. Parapet Reguired No NO Parapet Reguired NO No None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. 3/4 hour -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. -- Table 5-A, Footnote 5 & Sec. 503.2.2 Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft. with no dimension great.er than 12 feet. -- Sec. 713.8 Not Allowed -- Openings are noL perrnitted in this wall. Page # 4 Code review for: Proj ect Id.: Marriott Phase IIf Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle OTHER BUILD]NG ELEMENTS TAble 5-A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall Noncombustible 2 hr Interior nonbrg wall Noncombustibfe t hr See Footnote #7 Structural Frame Noncombustible 2 hr Exterior St.ruct Frame Noncornbustible 2 hr See footnote #1- Shaft Enclosure Noncombustible 2 hr Floor,/Ceiling Assembly Noncornbustible 2 hr Roof/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible l- hr See Footnote #8Stairs Noncombustible None See Footnote #L4 NOTE: See Section 711 for shaft enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wa1l located where openings are not permiE.ted or where protection of openings is required, shal1 be proEecEed against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the sCructural frame, whichever is g,reater. -- Table 6-A, footnote 14) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used hrithin interior non-bearing t hr. wall assemblies. -- Table 6-A, footnoLe 2 5) Nonload - bearing' walls within a tenant space that are not parL of at hr. corridor may be of: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materials b) Fire retardant - treated wood c) One-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 60L.5.2.L 7) Nonload-bearing walls within a dwelling unit that are not part of a corridor may be of: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materials b) Fire retardant - treated wood c) Combustj,ble framing wich noncombustible covering in Tlpe III and V construction -- Sec. 50L.5.2.2 8) If the entire roof structure is 25 feet or more above any f1oor, the fire rating may be allowed to be eliminaLed. See limitations and requirements. - - Sec, 503 .5 & 602,5 t4l Finish rnaterial on sbairs to be hard noncombustible materials, - - sec. 503 .4Exception: Stairs Ehat are not required to be in an enclosure. Page # 5 Code review for: Project Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 71"5 West Lionshead Ci-rcle PENETRATTONS OF FIRERESISTIVE ASSEMBLIES WALLS ASSEMBLIES -- Sec. 709.6 Through penetrations 3 1) Penetrations sha1l be installed as tested in the rated assembly. - - Sec. 709.5.2 2l Penetratj-ons sha1l be protected by an approved penetration firestop system and shall have an F rating of not less than the required rating of the wal1 penetraLed. -- Sec. 709.5.3' Exception: When peneErating items are steel , ferrous or copperpipes or steel conduits and the wall i.s concrete or masonry, the annular space shall be permitted to begrout or mortar. The minimum Ehickness is the Ehickness reguired to maintain the fire rating. The maximum size of the penetrating items is equivalent to a 6-inch diameter and the opening is a maximum of 144 square inches. -- Sec.709.6.1 Membrane penetrations : The requirements are the same as for through penetrations. - - Sec. 709.7 Exceptions: 1- Steel electrical outlet boxes that do not exceed 16 square inches provided that the area of such openLngs does not exceed 100 square inctres for any 100 square feet of wal1 area. Boxes on opposite sides of the assembly shall be separated by a horizontal distance of not less Lhan 24 i-nches. 2. Sprinklers wj-th metal escutcheon plates. Noncombustible penet.rating items shall not be connected to combusti-bl-e materials on both sides of the membrane unless it can be confirmed. that t.he fire-resistive inteqriLy of wa1l is maintained. -- Sec. 709.7 Page # 6 Code review for: Project Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 7l-5 West Lionshead Circle FLOOR,iCEILING AND ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBLIES -- Sec. 710.2 'Th rrrr r rvh h6hl-''rFi.\Fa. Through penetrations of fire-resistive horizont.al assemblies shall be enclosed in f ire-resistive shaf t enclosures. - - Sec. 7'J,0.2.! E'\...6n|-i.\rrc . 1. When penetrating items are steel, ferrous or copper conduits,pipes, tubes and vent.s through a single concrete f1oor, the annular space shall be permitted to be grout or mortar. The minimum thickness is the thickness required to maintain the fire rating. The maximum size of the penetrating items isequivalent to a 5-inch dj.ameter and the opening j.s a maximum of 144 square inches. 2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use i_n fire-assemblies, The system shall have an F rating and a T rating of not less than one hour but not less than the required rating of the floor system.-- Sec. 7t0.2.3 Exception: Floor penetrations contained and located within thecavity of a wall do not require a T rating. Membrane penetrations : The requirements are the same as for through penetratj.ons. -- e6^ ?1n ? Exceptions: l-, When penetrating items are steel , ferrous or copper conduj-ts, electrical- outlet boxes, pipes, tubes and vents through concrete or masonry and the annular space isprotected by an approved penetration firestop assembly orprotected to prevent the free passage of flame andproducts of comlcustion, Such penetrations shall not exceed an aggreqaEe area of 100 square inches in any L00 square feet of ceiling area in assemblies without penetratr-ons. 2. Electrical outlet boxes that have been tested for use in fire-assemblies. 3. Sprinklers with metal escutcheon plates. Fire-resistive roofs may trave unprotectsed openings. -- Sec. 7LO.4 Page # 7 Code revi.ew for: Project Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle SMOKE and FIRE DAMPERS -- Sec. 7L3.10 and 713.L1, Dampers shal1 be accessible for J-nspection and servicing: l-. Penetrations through area separation hralls. Penetrations through occupancy separalions. 2. Penetrations of the fire-resistive construction of horizontal exit walls or corrj-dors serving' as a means of eqress. Exception: Openings for steel ducts penetrating Lhe required fire-resistive construction of corridors are not required to have smoke dampers when such ducts are of not less than 0.019-inch thickness (26 qaqe) and have no openings servinq the corridor. 3. Penetrations of shaft enclosures. Exceptions: 1. Duct penetrations by steel exhaus t air subducts extending vertically upward at least 22 j-nches above the top of the opening in a vented shaft where the airflow is upward. 2. Penetrabions of a fire-resistive floor forming the base of a shafL enclosure may be protected by fire dampers listed for insEallation in the horizontal posi tion. 3. Smoke darnpers are not required when shafts is exhaust only, and is used for continuously operating fans. 4. Penetrations of the ceiling of fire-resistive floor-ceiling or roof -ceiling assemblies. Exception: Smoke darnpers are not required. 5. Penetrations of an atrium enclosure element, Exception: Smoke dampers are not reguired, 6. Penetrations of exterj-or walls where protection of openings is required. Exception: Smoke dampers are not required. 7. PenetraLi-ons of areas of refuge. Exception: Ventilation system designed to supply outside a].r durr-ng an emergency. 8. Smoke darnpers are required in smoke barriers and elevator lobbies. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 3-B RL - S2 thr Page # 8 Code review for: Project Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle HEATING EQUIPMENT SEPARATTON: FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A L hr. occupancy separation is required around rooms containing aboiler or central heating unit serving more than one uni!. - - Sec, 302 .5 exc. 2 FOR 52 OCCUPANCY: A t hr. occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit qreater than 400,000 BTU input.-- Sec. 302.5 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS : A ref rigieration machinery room sha1l be separated from the remaj-nd.erof the building as required for an H7 occupancy regardless of area. Ahorizontal occupancy separation may be linited to the actual floor area of the machinery room, Structural supporting elements shall beprotected for the tlpe of construction on1y. - - Sec. 2802 A 4 hour separation is required from an Rl- occupancy. -- Tab1e 3-B FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A t hr. occupancy separation is required around common storage and laundry rooms. -- Sec. 3L0.2.2 A t hr. fire separation is required between dwelling units. - - Sec. 31,0 .2 -2 EXIT REQUTREMENTS: FL NAME NIIMB MIN MIN PANIC HALLWAY,/ DOOR NOTES OCC EXITS WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 7 Hotel Rooms 7 Storage 6 Hotel Rooms A C Fl.\rad6vvev-grre TOTAL 5 Hotel Rooms 7 Corridors, Etc. AC9 l- 1.8 No Hallwav N/R L1 20 2 4.0 No Corridor N,/R 20 t-L 18 ACL L 0.2 No Hallway N/R 1120 2 6.0 No Corri.dor N/R 17 45 2 9.0 No Corridor N/R 20 Ll 18AC1 1, 0 -2 No Hallway N/R t-t-6 Corridors, Etc. AC10 2 2.0 No Corridor N/R 20 ]-L 18 45 2 I3.5 No corridor N/R 77 48 2 9.5 No Corridor N/R 20 11 l_85 Corridors, Etc. 5 l- 1.0 No Hallway N/R 1l_ TOTAL 53 2 1,5.9 No Corridor Out L7 4 Hotel Rooms 48 2 9.6 No corridor N/R 20 L1 L8 4 Corrj.dors, Etc. AC10 I 2.0 No Corridor N/R 20 tI TOTAL 48 2 1,5.9 No Corridor N./R 17 Paqe # 9 Code review for: Proj ect Id.: Marrj-ott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle 3 Hotel Rooms 48 2 9.6 No Corri.dor w/n 20 L1 18 3 Corridors, Etc. AC5 l- 1.0 No Hallway N/R L1 TOTAL 48 2 1-5 -9 No Corridor N/R I7 2 Hotel Rooms 30 2 6 -0 No Corridor N/R 20 11 LB 2 Accessory Areas AC18 2 3-6 No Corridor N/R 20 11 LB TOTAL 30 2 15.9 No Corridor N/R L7 L Unfinished Space ACI- 7 0.2 No Hallway N/R 11- l- Hotel Rooms 27 2 5.4 No Corridor N/R 20 1l- 1-81- Corridors, Et.c. ACI-0 2 2.0 No Corri.dor N/R 20 L1 18 TOTAL 27 2 L0 -6 No Corridor N,/R t7 NOTE: Areas with 'AC' before the number of occupants area is being treated as an accessory for occupant 1oads.-- Sec. 1003., Exception Ha1lways shal1 be considered. as interveninq rooms for exit-access designpurposes. -- Sec. i-004.3.3,1- Walls and ceilings of hallways are not required to be fire-resistiveunless they are required to be fire-resistive based construction tlpe.-- Sec. L004.3.3.3 There is no restriction as to the amount and b]4)e of openings unlessprotection of openings is required by some other code provision.-- Sec. l- Elevator lobbies are not required. -- Sec. 1004.3.3.5In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is L/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 1004.2.4 When 2 exits are required, exits must be arranged so thaL it is possible to go in either direction from any point in a corridor or hallway Co a separate exit, except for dead ends not exceeding 20 feet in length.-- Sec. 1004.2.6 Page # J.0 Code review for: Proj ect Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle Exit si-gns are required from all areas where 2 or exits are required. - - Sec. 1003 .2.8.2, Exception 2 No point to be more than 100 feet from an exit sign. Main exterior exit doors which obviously and clearly are identifiableas exits need not be signed when approved. -- Sec. 1003.2.8.2, Exception 1 Door swi-ng is based on Sec. 1003.3.L.5 except as noted. Occupant load factor is based on Table L0-A. Number of exits is based on Table 10-A except as noted. Exit width is in inches and based on Sec. l-003.2.3 and Table L0-B Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exits. - - Sec. i-003 .2.3 .2 Width shown for all areas is based on other egress components. Width shown for 1st floor is based on other egress components.width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways.-- Table 10-B NOTE: When the occupant load on an upper floor is greaLer t.han the f loor(s) below, minimum exiting requj-rements are maintaj.ned. - - sec. 1003 .2.3 -3For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. l-003.3.1-.3 For the minimum width of ha1lways, see Sec. 1004.3.3.2 For the mini.mum width of corridors, see Sec. 1004.3.4.2 For the minimum width of stairways, see Sec, 1003,3.3.2 FOOTNOTES: 11) Corridors within an office space with an occupant. load of 100 or less are not required Lo be rated, -- Sec. L004.3.4.3, Exception 5 17) The requirement for Ehis hal lway/corridor to be a corridor is based on the hallway in a portion of this area being an i.ntervenj-ng room. - - Sec. 1004.2.2 &. 1004.3.3.1 18) The requirement for this hal lway/corridor to be a corridor is based on this area requiring more than one exit. -- Sec, L004.2.2, Exception 2 NOTE: One exi! may be through an adjoining or intervening room, which in turn provides direct access to an exit or to a corridor.-- Sec. 1004.2.2, Exception 4. 20) The requirement for this hal lway/corridor to be a corridor is based on thj-s area having an occupant load of 10 or more. -- Sec. l-007.5.L FLUSH AND SURFACE BOLTS: Manually operated edge- or surface-mounted flush bolts and surface bolts or any other tl@e of device that may be used to close or restrain the the door other than by operation of the locking device shall not be used. When automatic flush bolts are used, the door leaf having the auLomatic flush bolt sha1I not have a door knob or surface-mounted hardware, The unlatchj.ng of any l-eaf sha1l not require more than one operation. -- Sec. 1003.3.1.8 Paqe # l-1 Code review for: Project Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 WesL Lionshead Circle LOCKS AND LATCHES: Regardless of the occupant load served, exit doors shalI be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. -- Sec. 1003.3.L.8 STAIR NOTES: Public stairways: 1) The rise of steps shall not be less than 4 inches or greater than 7 inches. The mi-ni.mum run is 11- inches. The maximum variation is 3/8 inch in a flight of stairs. - - Sec. L003.3 .3.3 2) The minimum width of a stairway is 35 inches, 44 inches if the occupant load is greater Ehan 49. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.2 Also see exj.t table above to see if minimum width is grreater than 44 inches. 3) Provide a handrail on both sides of stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. May be on one side of stairways less than 44 inches wide.-- Sec. 1003.3.3.5, Exception 1 4) Provide a gruard rail where drop off is greaEer than 30 inches.-- Sec. 509.1 5) The minimum height is 42 inches. -- Sec. 509.2 6) Open gmardrails sha1l have intermediate rails or ornamenEal patLern such that a sphere 4 inches in diameter cannot pass through.-- Sec, 509.3 The trianqular openingr formed at the riser, tread andguardrail may be 6 inches. -- 509.3, Exception 2 7) The rninimum headroom is 5 ft.- I inches. Suctr clearance shaI1 be measured vertically from a plane paral1el and tangenb to Ehe stairway tread nosing to the soffit above at all poinls. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.4 8) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for t hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. l- Page # 12 Code review for: Proj ect Id. r Marriott Phase III Fire RestoraLion Address: 7l-5 West Lionshead Circle Stairways are reguired to be in exit enclosures. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.1 1) The wa1ls of the enclosure are required to be 2 hr fire assemblies.-- Sec. l- 2) The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be t t/2 }f,otr assemblies. Note: Openings into enclosure are limited to Lhose necessary for egress normally occupied spaces. Doors sha1I be rnaintained self -closing or sha11 be automat.ic closing by actuation of a srnoke detector. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.5 3) A connection to the exterior is required with the same fire protection as the exit enclosure. -- Sec. 1005.3.3.3 4) The space under the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for anypurpose. -- Sec. l- 5) Approved stairway identification signs sha1l be locaLed at each floor leve1 in all enclosed stairways in buildings four or more storj-es in hei oht . -- sFc. 1-0033.3.13 6) At least one stairway is required to extend to the roof unless the roof slope is greater than 4:12. -- Sec. L003.3,3.1L PRESSUR]ZED ENCLOSURE : 1) When there is a floor used for human occupancy located rnore than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, the entire enclosure shal1 be pressurized. Pressurization shal1 occur automatically upon activation of an approved fire alarm system. - - Sec. 1005 .3.3 .7 2) Pressurized entance vestibules are required. -- Sec. 1005.3.3,7.L Vestibules shal1 not be less tha4 72 inches in t.he directj.on of travel . -- Sec. 1005. Vestibules sha1l have wa1ls, floors and ceilj.ngs of not less than two-hour consCruction. - - Sec. l-005 .3,3.7 .L,2 Dobr assemblies shal1 not be less than a ! l/2 hour assembly and include smoke- and drafE- control of not less than 20 minumtes. - - Sec. 1005 .3 . 3 .7 . 1.3 code review for: Page # 13 Project Id. : Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle ELEVATOR REQUIREMENTS : 1) When Che elevator verticaf travel is 25 feet or more, each associated elevator lobby or entrance area and associated machine rooms shall beprovided with an approved listed srnoke detector for elevator recall purposes on1y. -- Sec. 3003.2 2) In building three or more stories in height, at least one elevaLor serving all floors shall accommodate a wheelchair. See the complete list of requirements in code book. -- Sec. 3003.4-1 3) In all structures four or more stories in height, at least one elevator shal1 be provided that can accornmodate an ambulance-tlpe stretcher 76 inches by 24 inches in the horizontaL position. -- Sec. 3003.5 4) Shafts (hoistways) housing elevators extending Lhrough more than two floor levels shall be vented to the outside. The area of the vent shal1 not be less than 3 L/2 percent of the area of the elevator shaft, provided a minirnum of 3 square feet per elevator is provided. -- Sec. 3004. Vents shall be capable of manual operation only. LANDINGS AT DOORS: 1) A floor or landing sha1l be provided on each side of doors. When access for persons with disabilities is required. the floor or landing shall not be more than L/2 inch lower than the threshold. When access is not required, the maximum is 1inch. -- Sec. L003.3.1.52) Landings shall have a width not less than the width of the stairwayor width of the doorway, whi.chever is the greater. Where a landing serves an occupant load of 50 or more, doors in any posj-tion shal1 not reduce the landing dimension to less than one half it required width. The minj.rnum leng'th in the direction of exit travel is 44 inches.-- Sec. L003-3.1.7 TRAVEL DISTANCE: (distance to an exiL) The maximum travel di-stance in this building i-s 250 feet. -- Sec. 1004.2.5.2,3 Travel distance shall not be limited within an exit enclosure or exit passageway.Sec. l-005.2 .2 Page # 1-4 Code review for rProject Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle BUILDING ACCESSIBILITY : 1) This building including each tenant shal-l be provided with at leasE one entrance which complies with the accessible route provisions of CABO/ANSI A11-7.l-. At least 50 percent of all entrances sha1l be accessible. - - Sec. L103 .2 .3 2) When more thaL one exit is reguired from any accessible space, each accessibLe portion of the space shalI be served by not less than two access j.ble means of egres.s. - - Sec. l-104 . 1 , 13) When an exit stairway is part of an accessible means of egress, thestairway shaLl have a clear width of not. less than 48 inches between the handrails, The stairway shall either incorporate an area of refuqe'within an enlarged story-level landing or shall be accessed from an area of refuge. -- Sec. 1L04.L.2 The area of refuge shal1 have direct access to the stairway that serves it. -- Sec.1-L04.2.L 4) Each area of refuge sha1l be sized to accommodate one wheelchair space not less than 30 inches by 48 inches for each 200 occupants, orrforii on fhFreof. - - Sec. t104.2.3 5) If the area of refuge is not $rithin the stairway, it shall be separated from t.he rest of the sEory by a smoke barrier having aE least a one-hour fire-resistance rating. Smoke barriers shall extend to the roof or floor deck above. Doors shall be smoke and draft control assemblieswith a rating' not less than 20 minut.es. -- Sec, 1104.2.4 6) Two-way communicaEions are required. -- Sec. LL04.2.5 7) Each area must be identified by a sign stating AREA OF REFUGE and the international symbol of accessibiliEy. -- Sec. Lt14-2.7 8) NOTE: Exi.t sLairways in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system are NOT required !o incorporate an area of refugre. - - Sec. 1104 . 1,2, Exception 2 ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: 1) The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better.-- Table L5-A 2) See section l-504 and ICBO research reports for requi.rements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If there are 100 or more sprinklers, all valves controlling the water supply and water-f1ow switches shall be electrically monitored, Valve monitoring and water-flow alarrn and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and sha1l be automatically transmitted to an approved centraL station, remote station or proprietary moni-toring station. - - Sec. 904 .3 .1 Page # 15 Code review for: Project fd.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 7l-5 West Lionshead Circle STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : A class I standpipe is required. -- Table 9-A A hose is not .required. -- Table 9-A FOOTNOTES: 1) The locaLj-on is to be per Section 904.5.3. FIRE ALARM SYS?EM: An approved manual and automatic f j-re alarm system is required in this building. -- Sec. 3i-0.L0 A separate fire alarm system need not be provided in buildings that have a supervised sprinkler syseem havj.ng a local a]arm to notify all occupants. -- Sec. 310.l-0 exc.2 The alarm sysLem is to be as set forth in the Fire Code. LIGHT AND VENTILATION 1) A11 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal Lo t/10 or more of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. L203.2 Exception: Kitchens may be provided with artificial tight. 2) AI1 habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to l/20 or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. L203.3 The minimum area in bath rooms is 1- L/2 sq.ft. Exc: Laundry Rooms In lieu of required exterior openings for ventilation, a mechanicalventilation system may be provided. Such system shal-l be capable ofproviding two air changes per hour. 3) In bathrooms containing a baLhtub or shower and laundry rooms, the ventilation system shall be connected directly to the outside and be capable of providing five air changes per hour. The poinL of discharge shal1 be at least 3 feet from any openings which al1ows air entry into the building. . Rooms which only contain a water closet and/or lavatory may be vented using a mechanical recirculating fan designed to remove odors from t.he air. -- Sec. 1203.3 Page # 15 Code review for: Proj ect Id.: MarrioLt Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle WALIJ AND CEILING FINISH: 1) WaII and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec . 804 . l- and Table I -.B. 2) Carpeting on the ceilingr is required to have a Class f flame spread rating. -- Sec. 804.2 3) Textile waI1 coverings sha11 have Class I flame spread rating. and shal1 be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. SEandard No. 8-2 -- Sec. 805 4) Toilet room floors shall have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface that extends upward onto the walls at leasc 5 inches.-- Sec. 807.1.1 5) Wa11s within 2 feeL of the front and sides of urinals and water closets sha11 have a smooth, hard nonabsorbent surface. - - Sec . 807 .1.2 INSULATION NOTES: 1) A11 insulation material including facings are required to trave a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450. - - q6.' 1n'7 'L 2) Foam pLastic insulaLions are required Lo be protected. - - Sec. 2502 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R1 occupancy 1-) Provide a window or door to the exterior frorn every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. 3L0.4. The window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear height of 24 inches(minimum) , and a clear width of 20 inches(minimum). -- Sec. 310.4 2) A11 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to l-/1-0 or more of the floor area. (nin 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1203.2 3) A11 habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal Eo t/20 or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1203.3 4) Apartments - Provide a smoke detector in all sleeping rooms and areas havi-ng access to sleeping' rooms. - - Sec. 3L0.9.L.4 5) Hotel/Motel - Provide a smoke detecLor in the main room or each slecnind rclnm -- Sec. 310.9.1-.5 6) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches excepE kitchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet,-- Sec. 310.6.1 For 52 occupancy Page # 17 Code review for: Proj ect Id.: Marriott Phase IlI Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead CircLe ACCESSIBIJE FACILIfIES : NOTE: Except as. noted, section numbers listed below are from CABO,/ANSI AL17.t - L992 WATER FOUNTAINS AND WATER COOLERS: At least 50 percent of drinking fountains, but not less than one, provided on every floor shall be accessible, -- UBC Sec. 1105.4.1 Accessible units must comply with the following: 1) Spout is to be within 36 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.15.2.L 2) Spout arranged for parallel approach shall be located 3 i-nches maximum from the front edge. Spouts of canEilevered units with knee and toe clearances shall be localed 15 inches mi-nimum from the vertical support and 5 inches maximum from the front edge.-- Sec. 4.':-5.2.2 3) Spouts sha1l provide a flow of water 4 inches height minimum.-- Sec. 4.L5.2.3 4) Operable parts sha1l be located at or near the front edge of the unit and shall conply with 4.25.4 -- Sec. 4.15.3 5) A cantil"evered unit is required to extend l-7 inches minimum from the vertical support. Clear knee space must provide a clear area of 8 inches in depth aL 27 inches high and 11 inches at 9 inches minimum above the floor. -- Sec, 4,]-5.4.L5) Forward dpproach units sha11 comply with 4.2. Units in alcovesshall comply with Units not having Che necessary knee and toe clearance or clear space under them sha1l comply with 4.2.4 and have a clear floor space that allows a person in a wheelchair to make a para1le1 approach, -- Sec. 4.L5.4.2 o Page # L8 Code review for: Project Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle TOILET FACILITIES: 1) A 50 inch diameter unobstructed turning space is required inthe toilet room. - - Sec . 4 .L6 .3 , 4.2 .3 & Fig. 84 .2.32) Water closet shalI be mounted adjacent Lo a sid.e walI orpartition. The distance from the side wa1l or partition to the centerline of the water closet sha1l be 18 in. Sec. 4.17.1, 3) When the accessible water closet is not in a stall: The clear floor space sha1l be 48 in minimum in front of the water closet and 42 in f rorn the center line of the water closet on the side not adjacent to the wall.-- Sec. 4.I7.2 & Fig. 84.17.2 4) When the accessible water closeE is in a stall: The stal]- shall be 60 in wide minimum and 56 in deep minimum for wa11 hung water closets and 59 in deep minimum for floor mounted \^rater closets. -- Sec. 4,18.3.1- If the door swings into the stall, the required depth shal1 be increased by 36 inches minimum. -- Sec. & Fig. 84.l-8.3.1 5) The bars are Lo be 33 Co 35 inches above the floor and shal1 be provided on the rear wa11 and on the side wa1l closesL to the water closet, -- Sec. & Figs. 84.L7.3, 84.1,7.4 and a) Side grab bar is required to start withln 12 inches of the back wal-l and extend to 54 inches f rorn the back hral1. (The minimurn length of the bar is 42 inl -- Sec. 4.L7.4.1 & Figs. 84.17.3 and 84.18.3 . 1 b) The rear bar shall be 24 in long minimum, centered on the water closet. Where space permits, the bar shal1 be 36 in long minimum, wi.th the additional length provided on the transf er side. - - Sec. 4.L7.4.2 a Pigs. 84.L7.3, B4.t7.4 and 5) The top of the seat on Ehe r^rater closet is required to be 17 to 19 i.nches above the floor. -- Sec. 4.17.3 & Fiq. F,4.t7.3 7) Accessi.ble urinals sha1l be of the stal1 tlpe or wall hung with the rirn at 17 inches maximun above the floor. -- Sec. 4.L9-28) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches minirnum is required in frontsof the urinal, Privacy shields shall not extend beyond thefront edge of the urinal rim, unless they are 30 inches apart minimum. -- Sec. 4.]-9.3 9) Accessible lavatories sha1l be mounted with the rim 34 inches rnaximum above the floor and a clearance of 29 inches minimum from the floor to the boLtom of the front edge of the apron. - - Sec . 4 .20 .2 .L & Fig. 84 .20 .3 .1, L0) It. shall extend l-7 inches minimum from the wal1. The clear knee space shall be 8 inches in depth minimurn aL 27 inches minimum above the floor and 1L inches in depth minimum at 9 in rninimum above the floor. The dip of the overflow shall be igrnored when checking the clearances. -- Sec. & Fig. 84.20.3.t 1l-) A clear floor space of 30 X 48 inches minimum shaLl be provided in front of the lavatory and sha]l extend 19 inches maximum under the lavaLory.Sec . 4 .20 .3 .2 & Fi,q . 84 .20 .3 .2 Paqe # 19 Code review for: Project Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle 12) Water supply and drain pj-pes under lavatories shal1 be insulated or otherwise treated to protect against contact.-- Sec- 4.20.4 13) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 38 inches of the f1oor. -- Sec. 4.!6.6 & Ficr. F4.20.3.I GLAZTNG REQUIREMENTS A11 glazing in hazardous locations is requi-red to be of safetyglazing maLerial . -- Sec. 2406.3 &. 2406.4 Locations: 1) Glazinq in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliiling panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3 ) Glazi.ng in s torm doors .4) Glazing in all unf ramed. swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazi-ng is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where thenearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24 -inch arc ofeither vertj-cal edge of the door j-n a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the qlazing is less than 60 inches above thewalking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel , other than those locations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the fLoor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings reg'ardless of height above a walking surface, Included are strucluraL baluster panels and nonstructural in-fi1l panels. 9) Glazi.nq in walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor and outdoor swimming pools and spas when the bottom edges is less than 50 inches above the pool side and the glazing is within 5 feeE of the poo] or spa water's edge. 1O) Glazing in walls enclosingr stairway landings or within 5 feet of then boLt.om and top of stairways where the bottom edge is less than 60 inches above the walkincr surface. Page # 20 Code review for: Project Id.: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inchesor more. The rninimum size is 22 incbes by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more clear height above the access, -- Sec. L505,L2) Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area is Co be not less than 1 square foot for each L50 square feet of attic area. The vent area rnay be L/300 if at least 50t of the requiredventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upperportion of the attic. The upper ventilaEors mus! be at least 3 feet above the eave or cornice vents. -- Sec. 1"505.3, Exception L The venE area may be L/300 provided a vapor retarder having a transmission rate noc exceeding 1 perm is insEalled on the warm sideof the attic insulation. -- Sec. L505.3, Exception 23) Where eave or cornice vents are installed, insulation shaLl not block the fee flow of air. A minimun of 1 inch of air space sha11 be provided between the insulation and roof sheathing. -- Sec. 1505.3 a Town of Vaj-I, Colorado Building Safety & InspecCion Services 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, CoLorado 81557 (9701 479-232L FAX (970) 479-2452 Plan analysis based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code Project Number:801-0111 Date: ilune l-4, 2001 Project Name: Marriott Phase III Fire Restoration Address: 7L5 West Lionshead CircIe Contractor: Belfor Occupancy: RL, S2 Designer: Gwathmey, Pratt, Schul Construct.ion: II-FR Engineer: JVA, Inc. Reporu By: Gary Goodell NOTE: The code it.ems listed in this report are noL intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1-997 UBC. ft is a gnride to selected sections of the code. Report created using Plan Analys! software by b w & a. (7L9) 599-5522 Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code wiLh the permission of the International Conference of Buildinq Officials. =1===::::i==13:TI:l:11:3I=========:3T::11:L::::ll::================1 The roofing system must be approved for wind loads is this area (80 mph, Exposure "B"). Provide information on the system to be used.2 Provide drains and overflow drains or scuppers. Sec. l-506.2 & Sec. 1-505.3 3 Provide attic vent,ilation that complies with Section 1505.3 4 Provide an attic access (22X30 min) to each attic area. -- Sec. l-505.1 5 Provide 1-hour door assemblies instead of 20 -minute assemblies for 1-hour occupancy separations between laundry rooms, electrical rooms, larqer maid's closets and./or storage areas AND nR1" occupancy hotel guesC room areas. -- Sec. 302.36 A2.7 Door # 740 Only doors from normally occupied spaces are allowed bo open into an exit enclosure. -- Sec. L005.3.3.5'l A2.7 Elevator Lobby. Provide l--hour fire-resistive wa11 with 20 -minute door(s) assmbly between exit corridor and elevator lobby on 7th s torv. Sent By: Glrathmey Pratt Schultz t itecT;970 476 1612i Jul.-6-9:33;Page 1 3 July 2OO1 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Marrlott Phase 3 f€rponce to building Gary: I have received a copy of your comments on the building permit and drawings and would like to respond to several of the items. I would also like to set up a meeting with you and possibly Mike McGee a$ soon as possible to clear up some of the Fire department questions and resolve some of the issues in their comments. BeSpot0$C_lq_"co-rcqtia,n r_equr_red" Iist on code Check Correction comment #1: The specified roofing product is a Certainteed 'Grand Manor Shangle" Asphalt composition roof (425#/SOl. lt has a UL Class A fire resistance rating. I am attaching manufacturers literature. Correction comment #2: Roof drains and overflow drains are shown on the mechanical plans. Drains at level 147 south side deck were apparently omitted and have since been added. Furthermoro we are adding tapered roof insulation which apparently did not exist prior to the f ire. Correction comment #3 and #4: We need to dlscuss this. lam not aware of any 'attic" spaces that would require access or ventilation exccpt for the west-end space on the top floor accessed from Stair B which I will discuss in more detail below. Correction comment #5: I have increased the door ratings for all building ssrvices doors that open onto corridors to 60 min as requested. Conection comment #7: I had thought that one floor was not required to have a lobby. In reviewing the UBC. I lind this is no longer true, I have added doors at lgvel 147 to correct this. Permit page 1, comment #1: With regard to accommodating the visually impaired, Marriott takes an approach that provides better and more equitable access to the hotel rooms than a hard wired approach. When a visually impaired guest checks in, Marriott provides a kit that contains strobes and other devices to protect the guest. This makes every room in the hotel accessible to this class of disabled person. For this reason, we have not hard-wired any rooms to meet this need. Permit page 1, comments #2,3,4: lf these issues have not already been addressed in the FPE's updated June 1,2001 drawings, he will address theso issues and correct them as necessary to comply. Permit page 1, comment #5: I assume this comment applies to the guest laundry on level 89. The equiDment in this room will consist of two each coin-ooerated washers Archo 01o and dryers. sent By: Gwathmey Pratt schultz 3 July 2OO1 page 3 ArchitecT;970 476 161 2;Jul-6-:35; we would liks to meet with you as soon 01 I o Paga 212 ARCHTTECTS, P.C. Ssnt By,: Guathmey Pratt Schultz ArchltocT;97O 476 1612i J u1- 27-01o 11t44i Page 1 MEMORAND via facsimile UM Gary Goodell Henry Pratt DATE: 27 Jttlv 2OQ1 RE:Vail Marriott building permit NUMBER OF PAGES Gary, Just a guick note to thank permit comments. I would 3 reconstrtrction COVER: for laking the time yeslerday to meet with us to roview rhe building to alio document a few of the discussions and where w€ l€ft thsm. 1 . Work may continue the traming stage but nothing may be covered up until the VFD has reviewed the fire 2. Any EIFS system submittals (due to be submined to Glen Hoynowski next week). able to Factory Mutual IFMGI is acceptable to the TOV and the VFD. We will submlt a letter {rom FMG documenting thei. acceptance, 3. 4. 5. Fire resistive treatediplvwood is acceptable at the roof assembly as long as it is protected at the metal deck side $V no lcss than l/: " of gyp board. We are allowed to k4ep the door into the alcove at the top mid-landing of the west stair because it serves asjaccess to the concoaled space under the wesl roof. We will remove the metal ladder andlinstall a deadbolt in a new 9O min door, Replacement of the fhase 2 siding and upgrading of the lire alarm in phases 1 and 2 will not be tied to lhe TCO cii CO for:the Phase 3 work. We asked that you hold off any "retro" order on these itemsluntil the date of closing with VR (approximatoly December l7thl due loI the potential to oomplicat€ Host Marriotl's contract with VR. We believe rhat VR will start work on Phases 1 arld 2 in the spring ot 2OO2. (l hope to receive authorization to proceed from VR in a few w$ks) Ballroom sprinkler anFl alarm upgrad€s will be finished before TCO. lasked you to revievf documbntation for n Chicago Metallic gypsum lay-in panel and to tell me il lcan use it in rhy corridor ceilings in lieu of a UL listed panel. lwould appreciate a quick turn-around onlthis so that we may get them ordered il approved by you. i i :! :! ,t i 6. 7. Gwathmey Praft Schultz Archltlct!, p.c. IOOO S. Fronloge Rord W6rt VCl. Colorado 81667TC (97(11476 1147 Far (9?Ol476.16lz Sent By: 8. You ask€d mo to respect to any 15,2OOl shows and thst ths lf your interpretalion of ma know as soon as Thanks, Henry Pratt tuethmey Prett Schultz ArchltecT;970 476 1612;Jul-27-01 1 o 1 :45i 2t2Pege the relationship ol the Phase 3 wing to tho parking garago with for prolected opgnings. A quick check of the ILC done on Juna wings are no lsss than 22' apert lclo$est at th6 SW cornsr of phase 3l increases a9 you move northward. and docum€ntation abovo differs from that given, pleasG ler so that I may coroct them. 41q-L45L SCHIRMER ENGINEERING CORPORATION 350 INOIANA STREET, SUITE 190 GoLDEN, C0 80401 PH0NE: 303-279.8900 FAX: 303-279.8905 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL DELIVERED TO:Namo: Flrm: Far No.:7to-,471-ztza FROM: Tolrl number ol prg0t trentmltlod (lncludlng thlt covet page!: ll tranrmlsslon h Incomplete, contacl m0 or my soclotary, Donna, at 303'279'E900. Folfow.up hard copy tont vh U.S. Mall no X Yes - Mo s t.ge: Al,4 4t ,vz4b 'f <rfAvrteat lu+ /aL Aec nd,lPpcZAS. Nrme: G"tt Q "'rzr, ,// e,uc Plhrrl Re: lr,+rc fA*'earon- il,,' ?tso,e- sEcProfoctNo.: Z /oto3/'aao \' )6lePrrlf,q' rz/tf o t t"n'^Ujzr::!fr:";:#i&ii:J 303-279-8900 Vall Marrlott Test Guldance: NFPA 72 & Vail FD Fire Alarm Acceplance Procedure Responsfbfe Person: Glen Saraduke, P.E. & Lane Pilbin, S.E.T. Notify building of conclusion of testing Contact alarm monitoring company at conclusion of testing Pre-Testing ltems Proper equipmenl present Qualified personnel present Building properly notified of testing Alarm company nolified Approved plans available Physical verificalion of all new equipment types and quantities. Functlonal Test Check wiring of FACP Operation and wiring of all new pull stations Operation and wiring of 10olo of existing pull stations 5€ <EzTED Operation and wiring of new smoke detector over FACP Operation and wiring of n6w strobes and horn/strobes Operation and wiring of 10% of existing audio/visual devices 5 EL 6<rE D Operation and wiring of flow and tamper switches (w/LFD) 50% of test under battery power Additional tests as deemed necessary to verify new motherboard operation. Audibilily of horns Ooeration of duct smoke detectors BlccRoarzl pzutces Btccqoort? /Vlt.eS il/+ <maKE P276a'7o25 DT ,12{ _l|J DT'tV- '--Y X E. rr( { tl ){dn t_l M# F operation of smoke operated doors/windows v olE aefl u/ ( hJ / R/dG D Boperation oIDAcr ^l/A Restorationof system . Izo vha t SysTErll All other equipment is in an operative slatus Complete NFPA record of complelion t foupN t'f 'Tesnnb I //(sFE'J/*47" Notes Ba <DNDo<rcD a*/ lzl/b(61 ctE2. 1# z'EsrED </ ATED Dts<r/a&e- ,/lAEn 5 @ Atc /,aDSE <,rl4EusT/BtE9 Sfiauc EZ ?Enour2' dRortt []utcar,lc | 4o'tate./7 /Rt- p'2'11/c'7tu'( ,\ne+. g pu"6rEAD 4T- ?Et-y ^CoRRt EoF-- o*/ Ea7lt^ry^r7 LE t) Et-., 6 ttAt-e' & a. 5 EuLED Ll /7 t'lL fl n p o 7 e/ +rt-- -' Fr R.E tlof'p,rtf e 1o rrt fir ttlTAr,tJ A' y'^ 4aux F+z"tf. 4a,J T?I ELEU4TOP .S/./A LC BE FoR /)rt FtAt FuNcrtoals ' 4 ce EYt rs €/la* &E I 4tso I tEAA 06/07 /02 TUE 12:2,1 FAX S702{51015 Conlerclal Deslan @oo1 Commercial Design Engineering, Ltdd._ TO: FROM: MESSAGE: ATTENTION: CHARLIE DAVIS AT: TOWNOFVAIL FAXNUMBER: 970-479-2452 DATE&TIME: | 051071021:18 PM # PAGES: 6 SENDER.: STEVEKING AT: COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING ADDRESS: IOO3 WINTERS AVE. GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501 FAXPHONE: (e76)245-r0rs VOICEPHONET (970)24s4ses mE TtD Wml RE: VAILMARRIOTT I ' ruE GENERAL6SNTRACTOR (HYDER) ryISHES TO HAVE YOURREVIEW OF OUR pnOpOSSp FIRE-RATEDACCESS DOORS THAT WILL BE INSTALLED IN TIIE PARTY WALLS BETWEEN EACH GUESTUNTI. TTMSE DOORS FALL. WITHIN THE PERAMETERS OF TT{E ARCHITECTS SPECIFICATION AND PROVIDE A "B't T.ARFI., I l/2 HOUR RATING. t_ PIEASEhDVISE IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS. ,1,' CC: SCOTT NtrLLER - HYDER SITE 479"501q I.1, I 05/od/02 flJE 12:25 FAr 9?02{51015 Connerclal DeElEo.Boozi,l o o T---l| fl Commercial Deeign Engineering, Ltd' f- \f .- Mechanical contractors Agril26,2002 I HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC- Attn: Scott Miller Sd3 Santa Fe Drive Denver, CO 80204 RE: VAIL MARRTOTT RESORT REIf,ODEL CDE Job No.5720 Dear Scott: Please find enclosed six (6) copies of CDE Submitial #8 provided for your revierv and transmittalto the Architect. We are submitting the ffush metal panel style consistent with the 1W' series noted in Nystrom's fire rated line. Stainless steel is not being offercd due to other architecturalfinishes being applied overthe metalpanel. t' Please re/ram stx (6) rcviewdlapprcved Cppies for distribution. I lf you have any fiuestions and/or need additional information, please call me at your earliest convenience. ENGINEERING, LTD. File I ifhe Only Beason We Are ln Business is to Crwte o HololP Cvfumer." @ ArccN Enclosures Cc: I I I I I 2?10 DET.TA PI-ACE, C()|I)qADO SFflNGS, CO 80910 po. Bott 2440, coIoRN)q SPRINGS, CO 8l)901 Qmce nuom: 719 / 390-0555 FNt' 719 / 390-94/08 E-DlAtL: CDEIjIIT@AOLCOII 1OO3 WNTENS A,EI{T'E GNAND JT]NCNON' CO EIsOT PO. BOX 2418, GRAIIID JUNCIION, CO 81502 OFFfCE PHONE: 97O 1245-0696 FAX: 970 / 245'1015 E-}IAIL CDEGJ@AOLCOX 05/07/02 TUE 12:26 FAx 9?02{51015:Ll:14 ffK At Ct4lta Comerclal Des ltxlLrrgr scis'g qAo*oso Iw sERrEs ao IW; INSULATED FIRE RATED ACCESS WALLS AND CEILINGS - WALLBOARD PANEL FOR SURFACES rRONT ELEVATIONTffiOffi- Wetloeh tte-rcerl-ttsno Oll 9l?E5 | .3' v lA' AND LAR6ER. U5E AlJtlLl'\R]' irlRlt,(i PROVTOED Wmn DOoR SFRtttG Ml'5T Ef 5ECURE]Y ATTAThED TO AIjGI.E IJRA TiET OI'J DOOF' AND TO FFAbrlllG AAtVf E'OOR fllt'tG!")FeJNG MIJST EE INSIALI"ED 50 ln*f DC)ciR 15 5ELf CLOJIiIG 'ro3 cr|Llir6 AlrLlcATlo ol'llv _ RGJ6.| r)FeNlil6- fx)OR sl;E + 23 (6.?5nmt I \iRAIPhIG OF STUD NOT P-E()n N r.lOlJRCeUNG AFF|,|CATION o[,Y!vALt- 5cl',EW wooD stlJD oR JIEEL sTUT' 2.1i7 DOLrE{-e [4r'ER Or .(;15 r-|lE COOe OB-YlVAll- CL)I\ICEALFD Ptl'l illNcf l!(arnet: rv$w.[]6u0lll.com c-auu: iofo(iiioysroo.cqo I | .uiqNc vau.& JoB /j4SIER 'l'otl-t'r€Gl t00-5.1?-263-ri h'rx t00-3 | 7-*7?(l Tr+nlcrl hfo: tur-7t l-?n{o I US,4 or Amda ANCIIOR. CLIP AUTOMANC oooR cLo5Ea tI',5IDE F.FLEASE FLlr5ll EOLT Lotlll DRYWAI! sCREW lt'rcrc'f iTl /[] Wa{.)t 'iri-dr'}" ,:-' DRY\{/ALL 6TAD N3\ WAI. i CEMFNT -l o to-oto-oto 5PECIflCATION5 . | 6 GAUGE ( | .52O mm) COLD ROLLED sTEEL fMME o 2O GAUGE (.9 rZmnrl COLD ROLLED STEEL DOOR . 2' l6.25mml TfllCK FlRe RATED lNSLJtATlON . 2? GAtJGt (.O336mn) GALVANTZED STEEL DR\WALL BEA[) . CONCEALED FIN nINGE . 5FRING DOOR CLOSURE . FLUSII KEf r'+'CFAI{}It IQ{EEOFERATED IOCK . fRAMES TROVIDED Wffn .25'MOUNTING flOLLS . PHO5TNATE DIPTED WTII DAKED ON R{JsI INNIEITIVE GF.AY FRltvlE FlNlSh . INTERIOR RELEAST- MECHANISM orTtoN5 s E;rvANrzE-D mNDEFJZED 5TEEI o 5TA|NLE55 5TEEL WITFI #4 SAT|N FOUSn rlNlstl O STEIIIIT9E STETL CONTINUOUS PIAI{O NINGE W|TN STAINLF.:i3 STEEI PIN (AVAILAETE ON 5TAINIE5S sTEEL PANELS ONIY) tr rru5n coNTtNLrouS flANO nINGE o rnrrnneloN roR | . I 25' MORT|Sr CYLINDEP. (CYLINDER ROVIDED EY OTIIERs OR DY NYSTROM) CUT-TflRU SECTION 05/07/02 TllE 12.27 FAX 9702151015 c$te,rglal-ppglfll-- A()Cf:SA HAT(]I-{|:8 & PANEI.g o N YSTROM IW - FIRE RATE:D ACCESS PA'{[ fWstaiderd tuturesl. w|TH DRWI'ALL EORT{ER BEAD Door: Frame: Hinge: Latctt: Finish: lnsul{ion: 20 ggugs (,9'12 mm thlck) cold rolled steel 16 gpuge (1.52 mtn thick) cdd rolled steel ufth 22 gauge galvanized dtyrvall bead Concealed pin hinge Odional: Flush continuous piano hinge (standard on panels exceeding 36'' hingc dinnnsion) Knuded knob/key operared latch bolt Optional: nnrtise cylinder prepamtion (cylinder prwided by Nystrorn or others) Phosphate dipped with factory apdied gray prirne coat Optional: galvanized bonderized steel or siainless steel with #4 satin @ish finish ? thbkness fire rabd mineral fiber Model rlryfire rated access panel for drywall applications, Access panel shall be modellw| size - as manufactured by Nystrom Inc. ot Minneapolis, MN. Frame shall be 16 gauge colal lolled steel with ZZ gauqs galvaniz€d drywall b€ad. Door 6hall be fabticated florn 20 gaugo cold rollsd steel insutalsd Bandwich typg conslruction. Door shall bo self-htching with automslic cloaer an.t intsdor latgh relaase mechanism. Hinge shall be a concoaled pin tyPe. Latch(es) 6hall b€ a knu,l6d knob/key operaled litch bolt (optbnal: proparation to receive l-1l8' mortise cylind€r - cylindsr provided by Nystrom or others). This assembly shali carry a 1-1/2 hour U-L. '8' label for walls {250 degrees maximum tsmPelature ris€, 30 minutes) and carry a 3'hour Warn6ck Hercey label fof ceitings ratod 3 hbuts orless. Finish shall be phosPhate dipp€d with factory apptied prime coat (optional: galyanized bonderized steel or slainloss steel wilh #4 satn polish Rnish). Installatiqn shall be in accordance with manufactursr's inatauctions- Manufacturef shall guarantoe against deEctg in malerial dnd workmanship br a period of one year. WStandard Slzes; g.l sizet (in)Sld Srzes (rryn)WeEhALercll€s Sad Sr?o8 fm,Srd Srzes (rnm,WaightlLaiche6 OAr08 203x203 I 1,1 z'',3,l'559x762 32/1 'l O(10 2ilflil 14/1 I zuse 5591914 39t2 12x12 3051305 17t1 Ut?l 6t016l0 zgl',l t2rlt 3o51457 25J1 2ax30 61Ox762 36/ I 1?r21 305610 2U1 24r35 610r914 4U2 11t14 3561356 18,1 2l,rlt 61or1219 5U2 ttut6 /tOO1406 18/r 3Or3C 762r762 49/1 l8rlE 157'4'57 2011 3b3.t B 13r813 51fi 1ar21 a57|6ro 3ry1 35r36l 914r914 5W2 2Or30 50afl62 3Ul 3614E'914r1219 7912 22r22 559r559 27t1 4ar 1?1911219 10r)n arc anl 'E+@eds matimun aize to eny " Wanock-Her8ey lah€l (or ce,lifigs. Nrrstronr Building Produc*s 1701 Madison st NE Minneapolis. MN 5541314OCr Ph: 800'547-26a5 Fax: 8O0"'317{770 tY.!h: | ry!_r:! JLtlrJl UJ!.(p! n RliV t )4/i l, 06/07/02 T'uE 12:26 F I 9702 {51015 o corDerclal Desltn qloo{ l.vArL, coLoRADO SUBMITTAL / APPROVAL STAMP SIIEET SECTION OffiTO - ACCESS PANELS /w.CLlf||lrTAt. r{o.__4__. _ -_I neuarr,e'o nEuEt YEn w..q{ c(nrGNEc.t-|r!ht Ib.{F Eagtr*i|lf u|l trrtr,bl. J dlo|Bbdrit ,tEuncntr !o. garrrel ocobrr-E h tfia.,a'!r, lraeton. {ld porbr||,Fa dlr 0rr. c.tt da Fqri.rrd lo lh. oqtrcct docsnrlt 4ooarihalon |1!,htbalad. atructqat, aad rd{acltaal aro{cr or|n4 brt ..l cornpcl|r|l r|mdo !|a rErdutbility el lr3 d..terp.F..dcna.ddrdt CrGi.d driril$rtvlr. I 06/07/o2 TIJB 12:25 F X 9702{51015 PART I . GENERAL I OI SUMMARY Couerclal De81@ sEcIloN 08310 ACCESS OOORS AND PANELS Boos ':at : A. Seclion Includes: l. Access doors inlo pipe ond ulility spoces. B. Reloled Sections: l. furnishing Access Doors os specified in lhis Secfion for Mechonicol Equipment: Division l5 Mechonicol. . 2. Furnishing Access Doors os Specified in This Seclion for Eecfdcol Equipmenl: Division l6 Eleclricol. 3. lnslolloiion of Access Doors: Appropriole seclions' PARI 2. PRODUCTS J 2.0r lAccESs DQoRs I A. Locoted in lile. Gypsum DrYwo[: l. Milcor Slyle DW 2. KorpModel KDw I \, ,3. JL Indusldes Model WB \1. ttly:trorn Building Producls NW15. Willioms Erolhert wB-Dw 6. Accepled subslitute in occordonce with Section 01600. 4. I c- t. Milcor Fire{oled Access Door f - WiliA m-s-Bi6lhertw B-FR 6. Accepled subslitule in occordonce wilh Section 01600. Descriplion:l. Sizes: A5 inclicoted on drowings or Os reguired lo properly service mechonicol ot eleclricol equiPment. 2. Locking Devices: Key operoled com locks. 3. Finish:g. Bolhrooms: Sfoinless sleel. b. All Othen: Prime for poinled linish under Seclion 0?900. Fire roting: Io. Roled ceilhgs ond wolls: I hgur. b. 6th floor soulh cotridor: 2 hour. 083 t0- | I l I I GPS 2041 2. Korp Model KRP-350 FR ielM F : ]cpY TOWN OF VAIL Department of Commwity Development 75 Sowh Frontage Rod Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970-479-2452 g 20-24',3 1E-20'4 14', 2 2 February 20,2001 BELFOR Tim Orr, Superintendent Construction Services 3826 Woodland Park Ave. North seaftle, wA 98103 Re: Bondfor landscaping at thc Maniott Hotel in VoiI, Coloroda Dear Tim: The Town of Vail Community Development Department will allow Belfor's demolition and construction activities to continue at the Vail Marriott contingent upon receipt of a bond to ensure that any disturbed landscaping witl be restored following the completion of restoration activities. The demo plan submitted by Dan Dansby, BELFOR-RMCAT @agle, CO) on December I't, 2000 indicated that l4 trees could potentially be impacted by your firm's activities. These trees are desoribed as follows: Numbsr Height fl Calip€r {"} Type SPruce Spruce SPruce3.5' Cottonwood5u Cottonwood Based on information provided by Mr. Dansby, the estimated cost to replace these trees would be $23,825. We require a performance bond for 529,781.25 which is 125% of this estimate. tt is my understanding that a bond for $30,000.00 will be posted by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of Americ4 naming the Town of Vail as the obligee or {grnouo"^o, benificiary. This is sEtisfactory to the Community Development D€parfinent. It is aho our understanding that constnrctior/restoration activities will be compl*ed by December, 2001 so we orpecl that any disturbed landscaping will be restored prior to lune l, 2002. Ifyou have any questions or conc€rns, please do not hesitate to contact me at akjerul@ci.vail.co.us or 970.479.2148. Sinccrely, Ann Kjerulf Planner I Town of Vail Cc: Dan Dansby PPT@-o39o BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS, that we Belfor USA Grou Bond No. 0815103538736 co 81631 as Principal, and Travelers authorized to do business in the State of Connecticut , as Surety, are held and firmly bound mto town of Vail as Obligee, in the penal sum o - -' ($ 30'000.00 ' ) DOLLARS, lawtul money of the United Staies of America, for the payment of which well and fiuly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Thousand and 00/100 VruIEI{EAS, Belfor USA Group, Inc. has aereed to constuct in the Town of Vail the followingitcfroocu ndr reelelq !!qeq to aqreement with the Town of Vail NOW, TIIEREFORE, TIIE CONDnON OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principai shall consfuct, or have constucted, the improvements herein described and shall save the Obligee harmless from any loss, cost or damage by reason of its failure to complete said work, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise to remain in fulI force and effect. Signed, sealed and dated tlus day ot February 2001 of A.'nerica Belfor USA Group, Inc. P. O.BoxA242,Eagi€, CO 81631 Travelers S-3689/GEEF 2,98 Attomey-iri-Fact '*"il*;$:x,trirH:ffiKff#k}* FARMINGTON CASUALTY C OMPAIIY Hartford' Connecticut 06183-9062 POWER OF ATTORNEY AI\TP CERTTTICATE OF AUTHORITY OF ATTORNEY(S)'IN-FACT KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT TRAVf,LERS CASUALTY A}{D SURETY COMPAI{Y OF AMERICA, TRA!'ELERS cAsuALTY AI{D SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY CoMPANY' corporations dgly organizecl under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having their principal offices in the City of Hartrord, Coonty of HardorO,-State of Connecticut, (hereinafter the "Companies") hath made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents make, consiitute and appoint: Brad Roberts, Eric Zimmerman, Jack P. Sutton, Joanne Reinkensmeyer' Karen .sr"*roo, Kip W. Vandeventer, Lisa Kerstetter, Randolph J. Carr, Robert E. Heilesen, Stacy Cutbinh, Tracey L' McKinley' of Tacom& washington, their true and lawful Anorney(5;-in-5act, with firll power and authority hereby conferred to si$\ execute and acknowledge, at any place within the United States, the following instrumen(s): by hiVher sole signature and act' any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obiigatory in the nature of a bond, recogaizance, or conditional undertaking and any and all consents incident thereto and to b;d the Companies, thereby as fully and to the same extent as if the same were signed by the duly authorized offrcers of the Companies, and all the acts of said Attorney(s)-in-Fact, pusuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made under and by authority of the following Standing Resolutions of said Companies' which Resolutions are now in fi l force and effect: VOTED: That the Chairnan, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President' any Senior Vice President, any Vice Fresident' any Second Vice president, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the'Corporate Secretary or any Assistatrt Secretary may appoint Attomeys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal witir the Companyls seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature ofa bond, recogr.izance, or conditionai undertaking, and any of mid oificers or the Board of Directors at any time Itray remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her. VOTED: That the Chairman, the president, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President,. any Senior Vice .President or.any Vice President may delegate all or any part ofthe foregoing authorig to one orrnoi" offtr.tt or "tnployees ofthis Company' provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is frled in the oflice ofthe Secretary VoTED: That any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the- nature of a bond, recogrizance' or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company *hen 1") slgnea tithe Piesident, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President' any Senior Vice Fresident or any Vice President, any Second Vice itesiient, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary.or Assistant Seqetary, or (b) dlly executed (under seal' if required) by one or more Attorneys-in-Fact 8nd Ager[s pursu-t ti tt " power prescrited in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company oflicers prusuant to a written delegation of authority' This power of Attorney and Ceriiticate of Authority is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the following Standing Resotution voted by the Boards of Directori of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AI\D SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS ClsUer,rv AltD SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY GoMPANY' which Resolution is now in full force and effect: VoTED: That the sigranue of each of the following oflicers: President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President' any Vice president, any Assistant Vice president, any Secretary, any Assis;f secr;tai', and the seal of the Company may be aftixed by facsimile to any power of anomey or to any cerrificate relating thereto appohtdG-id*t ta"'Proid*tt, Resident Assiitant Secretaries or Attorneys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bondi and undirtatingr'; otho *titings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such power of attorney or certificate b€aring such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be vam ana UinaUg upon the Company and any s1c-h power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature id facsimile seal shall u" taia -a binding upoi the company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. (5-00 Standard) puog "t?leJces luelslssv uosuBrlof 'l l lJoy {g ? fl\no\J\\ Joeroql suonnlosrU Sqpusls or11 roprm aolgo raq,rsm;o i(tuogne ,(q suorgerodroc eqt Jo Jlalaq uo luaum$sur plus aU pen oxe aqsFeq lsrF pu? :slBas oFrodroc qms orB luoumIlsur prBs erll ol pexgp slwls aql 1eg3 :suorluodroo pres Jo s1?es eql s.rool e$pq fsq lueum.gsm a^oqe aql polnoe)€ qclrtfi. pue ur pequ.rsep suolero&oo eqr 'rNvdmoc .f,rTvnsvf, NoIcNII^[wd puB .trNvdl^[oJ ^rfiuns qNv rrTvnsYJ suraxavf,,r. vcrurr,lv dO INvdI IOJ ,\IfiUnS CNV IITV1SVC SUg.IflAvU1,Jo lutplsard trl1 roFras sr oqspq tzn :fes pue aeodep plp'uo,$s ,(1np arn ,iq 3u1aq 'oq,rr 'uArorq aur or NOSdI4IOH; ',11 flCuOsC euec fipuosrad eru aro:Iaq 0002 'requranopgo,ftp ng7 q$ uO @@ffi cuo{tlltr'HcolJNnoc proJuBH'SS{ INCNCIINNOC JO ILLVIS '0002 roqruo^oNJo ,{ep WgZ s1ql paqgs olaroq aq o1 spas eprodroc 4or{l prre Ueplserd erll roJuog rpq ltq perfrs aq ol luounuFur slll pssn?c o^eq LNvdI^toJ .tr'ITynsvf, NOIoNII luvd puB ,t'Ilv|Itr{oc AJ.suns (INv .tr'J.TYnsvJ su!.lflAvur 'vcruxwv ro rNvdr{oJ rrxuns (INv IJ'Tvnwc suI.lr^Yur tofruffil[ sslNIIl[ NI ueplseJd erl^ro!ues uosduroql 'M eEJoaC&q AIIVdITO' AITVNSVf, NOICNIIAI&I INViTI{OC .f,rf,Uns qNV I'TTynSYC SUf,'If,AVU,r VJTUIil[v gO AAIVdTTIOJ AJflUNS CNV AITVIISVJ SUI'If,AVII ----vgw.ygU 'T0 0z 'r(ruuqqE p {ep W}OZ sr-t11 pe1e6 'lncqcormoCJo e1e1s lronrsHlo,(gr3 aql ur 'r(uuduro3 orpJo ecUO auoH eql te pol?eg pue peu8tg 'e oJ rn ^rou ore 'f1uoqlny;o er6g,Tu€ otp uI ltuoJ l3s sB 'slolcorq Jo spreog eql Jo suoqnlosaa Sumuetg aql lurg 'arouuequrs puB :pa{o er uoeq pu ssq pus ooJoJ IFg ur suleuer ,{luoqpy yo el€JrJ:lueJ pue ,(aruoDv Jo ra^rod poqrs[B pue Sutota:og oln ]er1l ;cuuaC IsauEI Oo lncpceuuoC Jo olsls otTl 3o suonurodroo {co$ 'INvdI{oJ I'ITvnwJ NOICNII^IWI puE.LNVdI IOJ,tItrUnS CNV .tr'ITgnSVS SIIXafiAYUI 'VCIUXWV .{O INVdI{IOJ I.1SU1S CNV AITyOSVJ SUS1IAYUI 1o ,{.rupneg 1uuf6lssv 'peu8uapun eq '1 ![vcldltuec llnEaJlaI 'c e!r"w cr1qn6,oe1o1 l0oz 'oe aunJ. sartdxa uotsstururoc Iy1 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ortrr*r oF coMMrJN,r" orurrooot ltot-ott1 Qol<>tSto NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0141 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Southwest wing of existing hotel. Applied . . : 06/221200I ParcelNo...: 210107207001 Issued. .: 06128/2001 ProjectNo: J(db\'7t9\ Expires..: 12/25/2001 OWNER IIMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES I06l22/200L Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAI, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938,01 WASHIITGTON DC 2OO5S License: CONTRACIOR B{COMPASS ELECTRICAL TECHIIOL06/22l2OOt Phone: 970-949-6095 2LO7 W. COLI,EGE AVENUE EIIGLEWOOD, CO g 0110 License: 146-E APPLICAIfI EI\TCOMPASS ELEeIRICAI, TECHNOL06,/22/200L Phone: 970-949-6095 2LO7 W. COLI.,EGE AVE{T'E ENGLEWOOD, CO I0110 I-,icense : 146 -E Desciption: FIRE RESTORATION IN PHASE BUILDING III @V/JL MARRIOTT MTN RESORT .":rl::t:'*":::::::::'*,r.',r'**r'r*r'r'**r.r.r. FEEsrMMARy ,r,|r'r.r**"".,..***ril'*ri.**..r..*'r"rt*r*r...'l'l'|'l,li:..,. Total Cslculated Fees->s3.00Elect-ical_> DRB Fee----> lnv€stigatio0-> Will Call----> TOTAL FEES-> s0. 00 s0.00 so. oo s3.00 F3.00 Additional Fees_> 911, 9'10 . O0 Total Permit I'ee----> 911, 943 . 00 Payme s---------> S11, 943 .00 BALAI\CE DLIE->t0.00 Approvals:It6m: 06000 ELECIRICAIJ DEPARTMEIII 06/22/2001 GRG Action: COND Approval by Planning & Fire & issuance of b permits 801-0111 prior to issuance of electrical permit. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the ffirmation required, completed an accurate plot plar\ and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigt review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE o TWENTY -FOUR HOIIRS o T 479-2138 0R AT OIr'R OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. GNATIJRE WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE auilcinsp.@\f Electrical Permit #: _ \L 97l}.479-2149 (Inspedims) \ TOWTINYAE vai,,cobrado81657 vqL=^,(!"lxl N \ Contact and Phone #'s: COUP1FTE SQ. FEfr FOR t{EW BUILDS and VAIUATIOI{S FOR ALI OT}IERS (tabor & iiat€rials) AMOTJNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRIOAL VALUATION: $ *************i**************:*:r*********EC'R OFnICE USE ONLY********L****W). i'" -*\t\ 'N x \) Ntq ,N \ * v \) vv\ \\rt ConEd As; ts Offi@ at 970-328-8H0 orvisit for Pat@l # Parcel # (Required il no bldg. permit # is provided above) I Job Name: I lob Address: '7 1.< l^).t)DA,<!EFr\ , DAt,HL AY+Kfl. IOTT TIA]ilTTilN RE.$R''| L€gal Descriptton I lou ll stoor: fi mling:Subdivision: Owrrers l{ame: I Mdress: I phone: f.DAf OAUL<trtarU pnnpFcrlLs I DArE fiLROt^i'T AQ Acgf cnr,dtfut*tryrft Address:la 19 epo|,r 13 s.r-, Ann r tsc Cl '*n*-r-urlt)-.t?.s I Detailed description of work: F-,nE Re<rn,a*rtart)P*n<n ? Ataa Work0acq Nertr() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repir(af TernpPorve( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Botr (,zY Does an EHU eyist at this location: , Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Singlelamily( ) Duplex( ) Multi-iamily( ) Commerdal ( ) Re#urant( ) Cittrr(r) HOf EL No. of Existing Dwelllng Units in this buildlng:No. of Accommodation Units in Ois building: 1 2 # I5lris permit for a hot tub: Yes f ) no (4 Does a Fire Alarm Exisf Ys ( wY No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler Sptem Exisil Yes (.4 No ( ) F:/6/ervone/ftrms/e*) ru.,stl^-y g[,^r',-'td'k* "kr'-cLn-d "6'zc && c"/' U o LIAI,L ,Lfu,Wt@ k ltt M^d't- *&tL $#ffi X),tfuil2+ .ffi,Wx 6fr/\^u!' \ h\wl TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 or*r^r oF coMMUNrr" oruuro*'t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: MOI-0084 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: PHASE III - MARRIOT HOTEL Applied. . : 0610412001 ParcelNo...: 210107207001 Issued. .: 0612612001 ProjectNo : ExPires. .: 1212312001 OlltNER HI.{C ACQUISITION PROPERTIES 7O6/O4/2OOL Phone: C/O MARXIOTT INTERNATIOIiIAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHI}TGTON DC 20058 License: CONTRACTOR EI{COMPASS MEC}IA}IICAL SERVICE06/04/200L Pbone : 970-949-0259 DBA Encornpas s Mechanical Snrs. 5541 CNTRAL AVENT'E BOULDER, CO 80301 License: L47-M APPr,rcAlrr ENcoMPAss MEcxIANrcAr, sERvrcEo5,/o4/2001 Phone: 970-949-0259 DBA Encorpass Mechanical Srvs . 5541 CENTRAI-,, AVEiIUE BOttr,DER, CO 80301 I-,icense : 1-41 -lrl Desciption: INSTALL HVAC SYSTEM FORFIRE PROTECTION Valuation: $908,500.00 Firepface Infonnalion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas togs: 0 # of Wood. Pellgt: 0 .|...|.*}t***'t*'l*i*t+,|.l||||t'||'t|**t|||'|t|ll|||t|||l*ltll*it*******i| Meclranical-> S18,1so.OO Resuaranl Plan Review-> go.oo Tolal Calculated Fees-> 122,126.00 Plen Chock--> 94,s45.00 DRB Fee----------> So.oo Mditional Fees--> 90.00 Investigation-> SO.OO TOTAL FEES--> 522,"t2E,00 Total P€rmit F€e---..-> 122,72a.oo Will Call-> $3 . O O Paymerrts-----> 522 ,72A . OO BAL{}ICE DtrE__> 90.00 lt||||||'''||tt.|||'..'t'*tt*tttttt|||||t.|!t|,|.!t*'tttt++t.....ttt.t*** It,em: 05100 BUII-'DING DEPARTMENT O6/22/2OOa eP{G Action: COND Remaining approwal s & issuance of 801-0111 permit for Marriott PhaEe rrf rebuild. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEI-,,D INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF THE L997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTAI,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID rO CIIAPTER 1-O OF TIIE 199? IJMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond:25. (BI-,DG.): GAS APPTIAITCES SHAI-,L BE VEIflIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SIIAL,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE ].99? IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.) r ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITII CIIAPTER 3 AI{D SEC.I-01-7 OF THE 1997 I'MC AIiID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILTERS SHALL BE MOITNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. IJNIJESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'I{IITITIG ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI.,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIAIIS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED 1!I MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DR;AII{AGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOIIJERS SHAI.|I.J BE EQUTPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in full the information required, completed an accurato plot plan, and stato that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADY AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. ( TTJRE OF OWNER OR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE CA LPE RM PPLICATION Peinrit will not be ai:cep..td wiihottt the following:75 S, Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorudo S1657 !{,rut drawn pment Cut/Spec Sht:.rts Contad Assssors Office at 97O-329-8it4O or visit for Parcel # * sn 'Q \ U N\r-$'++s -R-\.,N)ist.\ ts H a Parcel # (Required # is provirler.l ;ibove) lob Name: *,r.ioii description T-'*s\t Boiler Location: Interior ( ry' Exterior ( ) Qthcr ( =.=:t::=:ffi--=.::a'- Typc of Bidg: Srngtc-fanrily ( ) Ouplax ( ) Multi-family ( ) Cori 'ri(1r'd:Lil (',/) Reetaurant ( ) Other ( ) Yes( ) No(!t{_n No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ll n:o. of lccommodation Unie in this building: ll N 'j.. ..---.- :.-'='-..=.=-' . "-Tl'hil: '..-.-J-t -'.. , St:_lqns { _l\lo, lYl,t (Jl l-ll (juldlLes F-Il>Lll lq. ll,O5 l1rJ|",ll6l lLt5 ( , \5:r) | i^_l:r l trl..,w't LrrLL w rrvvY eYt'r'!rY \ ' '' rl I i,i;fitil;fFtdtr.*p.pd;d,easlppn-ancesI jciiLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) woodBurning(NoTALLowJ:zD) [\.l:-- twdd-Eurningn-ephce to tn Er.\ i'lrr':c II device? yes ( ) No Ri a\ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MEcf1AN.(CAL PER'MIT (Labor & Materials) \ Engineer: A!iui,,., MECHANICAL: N Nr i:Y,xv-t\ Us q'+******+*:F*+**.F**x.******FOR OFFICE Ll5i1. {)}lLY***+**++*****+********d(++**** ' {i6t-riffi,F-;,tt-'-:@ (\ l.-eBg_fees: ', :' _Rec..-e.i'fid_;.-.-_...--." t.---;---.,--J S)F:/everyone.ff,orm*/mechperm V \) ntracl.or SiEnature: JUN-04-2001 l10N 10r40 All FA)( NO.P, 01 $rNrou $:"tn:alFr I lt iit PoEox 5tltlOUtl \ \ Ar6n, co E1620I nU l, Phone:910.919.17q7 lax:. 970.845.7141 Fn covgR sHEET No. 26 PllO.lEC'l': Marriotl Firc Rcstoratiort .l(tll Ii().: llj0'398 I)ATE: ilAl}l 'l'fuilli: ll:32 'to: Towu of Vail l'l't'()Iil: Lluc''rtnpass Mcchauical Se;rrriccs NAIllIi: l)oris N.'rlll [l: tlolly Klein FIION|I; 970 479-2138 I'llOl"ltl: 970'949-l'147 FAX: 970 4'19-?.t1e- ii,tX: 970'945-7144 SUEJfICI': Mechnnical Pctntit Dtis(_:lrll'l'IoN NUI\,II}UR OF PA(;I]S TNCI,UDING COVIITT SIIh]Ii I': ] I Ii Doris: Wc're filing lbl anotlrur Mcchanicnl lrenrrit. plcasc cirll rrtt'lvirh (hc "tlarnage" so that I can writc a chcck to sentl with rvhonrcl'er picJ<s-up tlrc pcnnit. I!'ylu havc anyqttostiotrs, plcasc call. '1 haril< you, I lol ly *oth, Kb,i's JUN-04-2001 l10N 10r41 Atl JTOWN OF VAII" 75 S, FRONTAGIiROAD vAlL, co 81657 970-479-2 t 3t OWNER FAX NO. Action: AH f:K r-o issue lf me!, & Planning s! 13rr+ of f ' P, 03 ISSUED I l/30/2000 ta07n000 06/05/2001 O DEPARTMIiNT0FcoMMt'rNlr"tu"o'"*' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PO$'f En ON JOBSITE AT ALL'tlMES DEMO. OF PART/ALI, I3LDG.Pcmrit #: D00-0038 Job Addrcss: 7 t5 W LIONSIIEAD CR VAII, Location,...,..: PHASE ItI - lvtARNOT IlOTEt, Parcel No....: 2t0107207001 Projcct No . : tE[C ACQUISITION PROPERTIES II1/3 O/2Oit() Dhonc: C/O MARRIOTT II{TERNATIONAL OIIE T{ARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01. }JASTIINGTON DC 20058 IricaraEe: CONTRACTOR BEI,PON - RMCJIT 11/30/2c)0 Phone: 5752 IAMAR STREET ARVADA, co P.O. EOI(' 1s32-VArL, co 90002 LlcenEe: /t05 -B Apprrcsvr srnrAcK DBA BEr.,FoR-RileAT DDAtl/30/ztio0 L)hone: 91o'949'9r'9o 5?62 I,AUAR STREET Ar<^lnA, CO P,O. BOX 1532-VAIL', CO r|O4242,916 Charnbers Rd'SUe B 'Ii;r9'11e [11631 80002 L,i cens e : Dcsciption: Dl:MoFoRNoNSTRUCT|.JMLMATERIALSAND,t.ocI].i.A(.:ClissRoAD IIOR VEIITCLF,S AND MATERIALS OccrrpancY: t(l'A3'M lype Corrsl,ruction: 'I51e OccuPanry: ?? Valuotion: $400,000'00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Aonrovals:i'5Eit]' -o'-:ir o o Burr.,iDrNG DEPARTMENa Acgion! N('}I-OUTED TO C'ARY,Ll-lx'/zooo K!{ARREN ITEDNARDI MIKE vAUGlilAN t2/o:i/z}Oo GRG PJannirtg reqrrirementa '.,:'.{::: jlj:::11,.:1}..fjx11....................,1,{.o.T.1ljll1';:*j. 11'e s,,r'rn{.,,n, *"1'.:li:T.lif;...1......""""-1'"j'YS'I:l'l;'1"" lluilrting--> 51,9t0'oo Bctlufin Plrrl R't'i'rrt-> so'oo Tord Crlortrtod Fcrr-" 9t'6(3 'oo Pl;vrChtr'li.-' g0.oo DllI! Fac---'----'-; S200'o0 A&tilioul Fsr*---> S20'oo hr'.,srigrtinn.> So'oo Rccrcation Fc6----> 90'oo 'tolrl Pctnit Fcr---'-J s2'663'0o \tril c l,--> sa.oo clcrn'ot f)cPoril----> ltft'co Pr)trta Jr-F> 5''66t'00 TOTAI ' !EES---*-> 52'6'!l'co D'\I-i\NAG DuE-> 50'00 ,.,rr....arr..v....rt.t.rrr.,rr....r...aa.....t............1.aa.1...4(rati9'"'i"{t'rt"r"'rtrt"t""t"t'l'!"""L""t"""i"""tr"rr' $ttucotrltPASS #i:ei,{",:, Phone: 970.949.'l747 Fax: 970.845.7144 TRANSMITTAL No.00031 PROJECT: Marriott Fire Restoration JOB #: BJ0898 TO: Town of Vail DATE: 12/2112001 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 REF: Marriott Phase 3 ATTN: Charlie Davts WE ARE SENDING:SIIBMITTED F'OR:ACTION TAKEN: E Shop Drawings EI Approval ! Approved as Submitted ! L"tt"t EI Your use fl Approved as Noted ! Ptinr.EI As Requested n Retume d After Loan n Change order E Review and Comment ! Resubmit ! Pl"nt Due Date:! srb-tt ! Samples SENT VIA:E Retumed ! Specifications EI euached Li Retumed for Cofiections L/ other:E Separate Cover Vra: Hand ITEM NO. COPIES DATE ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION STATUS 1 1 121211200 Prelim T&B rePorts Remarks: Hand written T&B reports. Stamped Hard Copies to follow. Please call me if you have any questions. 949-17471, 470-3'102 cell fflc \- ccT'l Expcdition 0 Signed: Steve Boyd L2/2L/264L A8:23 3839L97769 THE TJEITZ CoMPAI.|Y PAGE 6L EQUIPMENTDATA PRortEcT hr'/ tb-.ria 11 EQUIElGrrt MoinratroN wxlt t k! !_- t ]lAt<E 1,r,-/ i,,., ,sMOOEL '1Hd. a.- b J/RS/SERTAL t 2t335_9 RAT|JNG - }.'OIAR DATA Id JP T---------E------tf r L! W H,P. I PFIEFF -./ryPE eH. ,RAYEpSPEED ,l /DMEAS.Vffi sF. ld RATEDVOLTS //gMEAS. AMPS f\FIF17 FR.RATEDAMPS ) ' -= ,n-7SIARTER DATA L{' - 4*I - /I'I I - E--__iUqre MODEL _.1stzEENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS (E)(|SnNG)AMP RATtNc THERirArs /(REOUTRED) AMP RAfNG roTHER )fr DRIVE DAIA DRIVEN SHEAVE TJ,D Eg.RE I ORIVER SHEAVE ,BORE BELT SIZE No. BELTS DRIVE CIIANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM I FtNAtAMPSA4-- l'? PRESSURE INFC'B&IATION Low wi ' Iliol PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER IN onl.DROP HEAT COIL IN OUT 'l',+.*n'DROP cooLcorL IN 9UT--DRoF*_._.- FAN IN our RISE tN-OUT RISE RED6RX9: ^ ./,.\^ K^.t/A crn h 9ee ouflef llue{( L2/2Ll2Ail 68223 3839187769 THE I^,EITZ CtllPAhlV PAGE g2 I EQUIPMENTDATA FRo.tEC! Lla i/ Tln,ria/{ EQTJIEIAN|I ltlDo$qfto|r W sERntr -l ,_R rN Z 3€ crn e|a,B !'bt\cR DAtt I H.P. Y?frIEFF ?H. /MTEDSPEED--------------- - t-,-La RAIEDVOLTS //.- IFFI,IRATEDAMPS_ STARTER DAIA troDEt ---- ENCLOSUR GEAUIREO) OTHER_ DRIVE DATA IJTUYE'I! ONEAYE BORE BORE BELT SIZE NO. BELTTI ORT\GGHANGE BELT CHANOE INMATIFTML RPM FIMLAMPS PRESEIJRE INTbFIAIION --.'-.._--PUMP IN ouT RISE FILTER IN OUT DROP HEATCOIL IN OUT DROP coolcotL IN OUT DROP FAN IN our RI9E IN OUT RISE IDNEB'; L2/2L/2aAL A8:23 T}E I{EITZ PAGE A3cfltPAl.lvo3839L4776o Iuc E -ILo I|I EH$I\t g$NEirl fr t\fl$s tu Nc" sttf h ilq N trl $lfi \a l-l luc Fo t P €o.I U N N ffi T h-\l s N vl 12/2L|ZAAL 88:23 3439LA7769 TI{ WEITZ PAGE 84CT}IPANYo t- A rrl()z *1 a & L2l2I/2BaL 08:23 3639L87769 TI{ UEITZ CI]IIPANYo PAG 85 =ILoil [, E()=,{ t\ tlEl$$$HT t^ ,F V\s tS s s Rl$Fts o Hh\F.ilt \m 'J.1".. ff s R .q \tt\t lu E()dx l^Ill \s"tvu .\h\N 'h A--l I E l- P J a rI q.'F V till s* h I ) I E * il i l I \ll-lh lo s Nllt"-l- ,li JE l> I.f I € trl sl \s F \r$& I f{ Ei \ Mrt i qq t'e $ PAGE B6ctlitPANVoL2/21,/2AAL BBz23 3839147769 TI{E trEIrZ v lF t\tzo 31ol:{l-l ilE J b g =Il.$l$R €..,!g t F $ €\| rr sfi o r.l. C)e uf.F $* ar\a.{ t..s ($ ut ef .$$s sca tft lJeh \ill\SVl $Nr b Jru fi P r r '€ \a V I\ $ IN t4 -t l" \\h..\D \ I t + ctl* H il tb -(,\Ita ls.l,t :E il I I t E IN IN "! li^ T't sl a . L2lztl2Agt a*23 T}€ U'EITZ PAGE 67CtltlP41.ltYo3939LA7769o { 1.. al E() E t lY E Ito I u EtR NS $H srf N tA u F s$6sl',Lf; tF ,$$H h l"fls s Ft6 $r)f{' 'le Elt'rcll trll\t I!1 \n\t Atn \ E s Tt i-t I V \I o. Ih t N t\Ivl 'i vl )v)\l r\Da $\f lq q Ir{ + (] \ tN I t !I h^ l- I $ I \t\\,Y{\It"l lF( r'$ L2/2L/2AAL BBz23 TIE TJEITZ PAGE BScurPANvo3439LA7769o I rl lzo 5 3 { Eo ,,e{ =l|- C) ul EI fiI8 '"rl lF ht\t's fr v(\r Qb! i{r R t.\q$ilf trN f^ c(F F {rt,. {'trHr c.a-t fl, 5 TIL() h$lc s tq \I E lF\ v il .{ v"\" I t \ I F.l N IN l$t ;.q H I F l l\\t t b s N q \\n lx |\Ds N . L2/2L/2ggL AA-.23 3539L97769 TFE UIEITZ - ct]||IPANYo PAGE A9 lr ot{Uz Itr & lor: \td\t:> --- rlllt --l r: \i tzltol I !l: llu Ec) I (.J ;ls vt({ Nn \ta { a .0 $ r^ s p a $ I E =IL(,s t4 \\R.|rl ) trE E ? I \, 3&b, T N \q '! + \ ,ltf, I sl N st rtt I-t L N \ I F o HU 4Fl E & IDF B v t ez\g lgaz/tzlz'cg\ f9vd o 69LLAISE9EZII3M :HI o ANVd'€C $F j EZzgg \AAZ|rzltI o 9LLAI6EAEzrr:t't f-{1 o ANVdltDTI FVd fl o 14Uz { FA &trl F- F o 9LLA r6€aE EZ28g IAAZ/V/;lZJ.I3Tl 3HI o ANVdI^l0Czl 39vd \ s{ t-' a r4()z { E &trl F.r F .,1 e4tgg lgallLlzlo 9LLSIEEAEzJ.r3F1 3Hl_ o ANVdt{DET FVd c< ?a lrl() e F.t o &rrlt- F i Fc)ul 6 E EZ:gg Tgaz/Blzl o 69eZAr5e0ezLI3F1 ilIo At'tvdhtD}I FVd F{ a rI1()z s o &rrlt- # E42Bg \AAZ|TZlZl o 9ZAB I5E9EZIIf'l :liJ. o AlWcStDsI 39Vd EZl8g \AOZlr7lz\ o 9EZ8I6EB€ztrff4 :ilro ANVd}{]c9T 39Vd ez:BB lasz/r\lzlo 9LLST6EAZ1I3{:I{1. o ANVdt{]cLI 39Vd dt33tr 8r :Bvd o Al.|v*rc zl-l3fi +u 69ZZ9I5e6E EZtgg ISAZltZlzl . L2/2Ll2ggt OBz23 s439t97769 crltalwo PAGE 19 ?r..h \;5t \z- 11 -01 EF-e De \e +eJ Etr-g-8rto, l\ fi/ar ,^6lalleol EF-rO-ll Not i^sto\eol EF-ll- | Nor rvnfitnS EF-t l-i.13 AJa+ insla1;l AH u-t wit ur irn Frq -k LL- llt Not F( {^" l- LL- tltb Fcu- t- cL.. t()Z F(u-L-n M- tz therrral t4 big Larr' Law GNI f, r'r y i1 e i r., c' lar tl\ u nrltyj f'(U- 15 -trt 7irty ti(tr F( u - l-l - tz ii , E, i7-t1 F(U-r-q-4 iv,R, ,jl TIE TEITZ co{PAhtYoTI€ WEITZ12/2L/2AAI 68:.23 3A39L97769 PAGE 26 R'NG EOUIPMENT DATA PROJECT //';/ z*''r')/ E(UrPfrEl{T rr{Fmf{ rrof{ uNlrf ,.qHh. /MA|(E Et/nopEL' E4ooSrogo SERIALT f-kfl-zfoq 7K RArfNs .fiaa a;; €-Z ?r" sF MIOT DTTA M KE AJz/tt.H.P. _C PFTEFF 8Q / gz,{ TYPE PH.RATEDSPEED /7/d MEA;S. VOLTS 2,t9. so* - d sF. /./f RATEDVOLTS Ze MEAtr. ArrrPs 4 Z- /t A - 4, f FR. t6{7 RATEDAf,|PS /Z.t STANTEN DATA MAfiE *SL. .,r -D tfOOEL Ldt>/tg/d stzE ENCLOSURECI.A9S firERv.Ats -*/ e /za prIA)g(rqrilq^u?RAING r}IERI'AIS (REOUIRED)AMP RANNGgTHER E il# DTTVE DATA pRN/Er{ sHE VE ERTA EORE &T- /ytztt DRJ\IERSHEAVE NFVT BORE / yr',tBELTSZE ,+Xq4 No, BELTS ./ DRIVECHANGE BELTCHANGE INMA\FII{ARPII ,//;z FINATAIIIPIS PRESSUNE IXXnTTTIUT - -. --,.PUMP IN ou7 RISE FILTER lN.24"O{JT - /, 43"oRoP o, ft, tr HEATCOIT lil :/,6,'OUT - // //,,1 "DROP 6,d5,,coorcotl IN OUT DROP FAN IN '/./o'ouT a,/4^Rtse /, .4Q,. IN OUT RISE t/El|tiilSz z4a'' 64 z, '/ . t2/2L/2gAL 68223 3839187769 THE WEITZ PAGE 2TcthtPAt'tvo fr o HUz '-l ca & ., L2l2Il28At 88"23 3a39rs7769 - THE UEITZ CT}IPAI.IV PA€ 22 . L2L2A23-aL o8:23 sassLTs T1€ WEITZ d}lrPANV PAG 23 €o,I, E() t Ts \ I 9\I d =IL C) fi -n g =\o I!((o a! ta : v { c rl \l I cd o{ \f u Q{ I =lt(,a \s \ g il E t \ N Xx \ e I"t $ I N n I v)$Nll I,e,N tn PAGE 24L2l2l|2ABL 88:23 3a3s1T6e q)s 9 lr .\ aI Ff * ttl s I f. d I a! t h( tt\ =u-o )-1 - v t = t-i J E Ilr C' \r.\r o -l c{v{\ v $rt c.! l6 rl t tf d \.\$es E fiG (() t\ tr s{ \q * E4 J EI { C.\b \t{F u !$e -:\ K N n sF o FIUz ,-l cn & t2lzLl26gL 68223 T}€ WEITZ PAGE 25coHPANVo3039187769o *4._.} U* Cr rt_ d rFs\ .,;tr.it-(; F-( o rll(Jz io &lll F z9 k g \a =lr| 6 cD \.\ t N \ N bul oEo. PAGE 26CtI'lPAhlVoTI{E UEITZ3A391A776o, L2l2L/2AAt A9:.23 Ihrh '.ll]| o UJ Etro- PAGE 27THE lr,EITZ CtilPAl.lV3439197759oL2/2Ll2An 88|23 F.r A EtU to &glF B lzl2Ll2ggL Bg:23 3639LA7769 T1€ kEITZ C0l'PAhtV Ott nuJatar Prnchl,'tf FT- Z oetelgd rr - er giged-- a{ S cuu-7 .N,5__ .lL.::t?,:ol r r- 6 nrp :c"/d - A /J,J rr oo -3!{;iA PAGE 28 t2/2L/2ABL 88123 3439t47769o TFE WEITZ CI]MPAhIY PAGE 29 F. Fi tal C)z S o H H B (3 $ PAGE 3A-o TFE U'EITZ 13/L2l2L|2ABL A8|23 3439t47769 {o Irl(J 3 o & H B \' $ 2o c)o $ E IIJFo>Itrl \,\I { \ s bul aEo. TFE WEITZ *'ry PAGE 31 F o EIO eItq EIrlt F =o k(Jo \)t .lrlFlt, d \I\\ { \ N F()ul dGo- l2/2L/zasI BBz23 363914?769 L2/21/2sAt EBz23 3839187769 Tt€ U,EITZ COrrfANv -- o PAG€ 32 F -rrlU 4Fl a & lrJt{ B 6 EIJI 3 = H at *.:\ { \ N l-o UT-'oolo. L2l2L/2AgL sB|23 3A39LA7769 TI{ b'EII-Z ry PAGE 33 ERING EQUIPMENT DATA PRoitEcr /n,' I l'tn.";otf EgurEMEDrr INFO|RHASTOII UNIT; P.Z C.I4 MAIG 6do sERlrLt ,/57/ ?/ MTING /saa'z r) as 7a r.PTlOR DATA MAXE CZr^lT?ef H.P. {PFEFF A7 / 87.f,IYEE 5(T."PH. ..3 nerEospeed /7sa uees. vorrs 7-18-2 o g-m E SF, /-/s'RATEOvoLTS ZaB,/23a MEAS.AMPS l?,2 J2,5 -.12.0 FR. I#W nereonmps lu,l slAntzR DAtl MAXE (afze. Arazzztte ifODEL E,/oe^Jo stzE ENCLOSURE CI.ASS THERMALS 31) /ar/O (D(STING)AMPRATINO //.O 7C> /</.8 THERMALS (REOU|RED)AlfP RATTNG OTHER DRTVE DA'[A qEvENSHEAvE O-A BORE DRTVER SHEAVE BORE BELT SIZE .,No. BETTS DR]VE CHANGE BELT CHAT{GE INMAL\FINAL RPM F NilPS 12,2--l ?.?_ t2-.O PRESSI'RE TNEPRIATION PUMP IN our /o7 2,st RISE 3aASt /As'ito FILTER IN ouT DROP HEATCOIT IN OUT DROP cooLcotL IN OUT DROP FAN IN our RISEf*tt s.D.IN ouT //2.6'Rase 32/ASi/ / 7/,*t REltlRRs: .- rl--*^i{oltt o^*^t R,- 160Gf tn Fa- lqC Gpn Sent by: Evens Monds1 TO: IIROM: DATE: REr CC: A111sono ,r, roifr 5:30PM;f,ifta#701 ;P6Ee 1 /l Evons Choffee ARRANTY NOTI Jefr Tyntovich - Encompass Mochanlcal Far: 97O,84J-7t44 Chrls Evans Thrurdey, Darmbcr 20, 2001 Wr]rro0 Coo.ttol Nuubon 285 PrqtGct CC000 Edwards (hhop.Gdic- Proftrct No; 082.t100 trlrnrrny Cortrol fit85 Filc s70 845 0465; We htw bcon milled of &c b,olow tirtod wananty / rron+onfirning lnrt itm: ls,0,0N) Edwd rds Onhopacdic Exsrior: Thc ownu has mtificd w hn u Ttuna uilt onhc rool ol rtc buildingfur air condltlonlng Lt failing, Dcspicc nunvrous senicc calk by Bncwmpau urulcr thc rcnic€ contract, no pmgnss llrls bsan dc in rawlving thts pmblom. Thc ownctr lus had thc Tmnc rap aul to look et this issue and it is our undsrstandlng thg thCy fuvc lsducad mo potcntlal problctttt wlth tlu unlt Thh aait lus lout amblent catmb in place and tht fuilurar tha ownar ls asEqlcrrchtg arc unaccqtmbla Plqsa rcsolvc thrt t$r.tAS.{P. Sourco of Nodcr; Evans CWec Construction eroap, lnc. f,csolutlon Rcq:lrcd By: ASAP Per your contrrct. ptcrsc loot into rhis irsue promptly and advisc rs to whcD thil inrua will be complao, lf you nccd acccss into thc buiHing/atrr, plees€ contac(. $En and rclurn thb prge io Evoe Ctdfoo ColBnrcdon Group nlrcn lirfrtcU. TO EE SIGNEI}ANDREI{JRNI'DTO ECCGWHEN TSSUE COMPLETAD Date Complacd; Sigoarurc: Erplarudon of Rorclulont hqicct: Locrtlon of ltcm: Ireo: ftobg thrfgE Page t 12-%-n@1 7z@9N4 JPG ENIGIhEERII{G 3A3A1 42A44 IPGAIGhEWN4 LlL tst.muvtwwvmo-nnaaann w&,&t FROI,Io tr-1 Fttxxtn#,ianqle,.r7 r ?LEASE CALL F Tn$tSMtSSrON B NCOMPTETE (303455-9044) 12-%2a]41 7z@a}4 JtrG ETIGINEERING 3GISISI 42444FRO'Io P.2 TPG PROJf,/CTroclflon EI,ET/ATION ARCEIIECT MECH. ENG. CONTRACTOR BAL CNSS' DAIT ENGNEERNG I$3MN.VMWRD..8ED&ACO d'aild88-9014 EENENALINFORW{NON YAILMARRIO I. VAILCoil)n{p DITICOMPASS MNCHANICAL JPGnItrXrrH.DONPITTSIER DDCT}IBER2OOl CALIERATION DAID: OgOBm, 200r SPEEDDDICATO AIvIMETER/VOLIMB IVIAGNEHELICGAGE nrr.rmOt.0"-42.0'WC. lpCl t?.fi tr PRESSURE GAGE Wicscranc(}.60pet .-{PCt 3t PRESSUREGAG&DIFFER shortidmllDM30O 1V99036 METBOD O['BALAT{CE Supply Difirg art rcad withacaeture hood usitrga ShorbidepAirDataMstcr. Stmly rc:isus were read wilh ao mcomneter aud flow tubc. E:rhaust and rcunn hle rcgislcs lvcrorcad with Sbor.Eidgp AfuDd l4ffi andflowHood. Heating water flow rdes vt€[,s mea$r€d witt a differeodal prcssrtrc trcttr ontho clemcots.. SERfl PYROTIIEN\^OIvGTERS RwtkSTK /gf1\ usJlu drcrBffil}r o|Ft|F|cFra.l f,)4(iltc.tlBi0t 12-b2@@1 7:l@AM JPG EI{GIi\EERII,G 3a341 42a4ElFROI',|o P.3 ERIN6 Pnoirrcrt /";/ hoiol/ DATA ? a5,9 a,i( K-- '7fi6 ctr.^ r..jg7f c 12-n-2A@1 7: t lAM JPG EI{GIi\EERI!'.E 3@341 A2@AAFROMo P-4 12-2@-m1 7:1lAM FROMo I*tu-nal 7t12$ri JPG ENGIhEERIT{G 3A381 42A44FRO,Io P-6 12-2b2@At 7212N4 JPG EI.IGIi{EERIM 3A3Ai 42444FROMo P.7 TPG ENGINEERING ile,'{ ,/wfii*f 12-tu-2@@t 7:13AM FU JPG EMII\EERINIG nsaltn a O P_8 1>2@-nA1 7: l3AM FROI'4 JPG El\lcIt\EERIt{c @3f31 L2WLA P.9 12-tu2@A1 7:1A,AM|JPG EI\GINEERIi{G 3E}3€}1 42@44FROI.lo P_ 1A 12-2@-2@lAl 7 214N"1 JPG ENIGINEERING 3A381 42A4ARO"ro P_ 11 12-2bml 7:1EAM FROVI JPG EA|GII..EERINJG 3AgA14mAoo P. 12 12-24'nA1 7:16AM FU JPG ENGTNEERTNG @3a142a,4@ o P. t3 l*bnAl 7:16AM tU r* El,tcIl\EERINlc sBlLuLa O P.14 12-24-2@Al 7:16AM t}r* EI{GIi\EERII{G 3@3a14nA@ I 1*2E2AA1 7t17AM FRO/ JPG ENIGINEERIM 3@3A1L2e,L@ol .TOWI.LOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ort "r*r oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL'PilIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P0l-0047 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 06/0112001 ParcelNo...: 210107207001 Issued. . : 0610612001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 1210312001 OWNER I{MC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES I06/0L/200! Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONA], ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTO}I DC 20058 License: CONTRACTOR TOTAI PLI'MBING 06/0!/2o0L Phone: 303-393-727! 4701 N. COLORA.DO BLVD DEbI!IER, CO 802a6 Iricense: 110-P APPI-,IC3$r TOTAL PLIIMBING 06/0L/20OL Phone: 3O3-393-727L 4701 N. COI,ORADO BI,VD DEhIVER, CO I0215 I-,icense: 110-P Desciption: FIRE RESTOMTION IN PHASE BUILDING III @ VAIL MARRIOTT MTN RESORT Valuation: 1,262,877.00 Fireplace Inforrnation: Resricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?? Plumbing-> S1s,945.00 RestraradPla[Review-> Plan check-> s4 '736 -2s DRB Fe+----> lnvestigalion-> wil call_> # of Gas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY *t****'r:l|t'laaaar*'}*rrtrtt*tt|'iaa,t,}*al:rtt'il|++**')rtill*rrrrt**r* So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> 523,6a4.25 SO. OO Additiornal Fees-->90.00 tt+++*t*:r:ttllllll*'rrtrt So.oo TOTAL FEES----> 923.6s4.25 Tolal P€rmit Fee-> S23,684.25 s3.00 Paymenfs--> 523,684 .25 BAI-AI{CE DUE->90.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMSIT 06/0L/20ot DFLORES Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMnflT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 -Lff-;l;..,L11T..:.T-:.:::T-tT:.-.ff*T-::-1H..L:.-ff-,t:.-::,:..:::"-,-::5,"--1fl,tt*:-,..,.....***,',,,,.. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate Plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovvn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifcn Building Code andother.A"-?"f m Town applcable th€rdo.o REQT'EsTII }OR INSPBCTION 8HAII BE MADB TWENTY-FOI,.'R HOIJR8 IN ADV @l-c5q +* * ** *!i * + +**'i* ***'$* 'l {r * * l' {.**,1* ** * * * * *!t** * * * * *!** * * * * ** ***'t,t* *{.'t,lr,} {r* * * * + * * * * +*:t* * * * * * ** * * ** * * t * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprintcd on 06J)G2001 et 1l:18:10 06/06/2001 Statem€nt '|* * +*+!t *'l * *+*'t'l*** {.:*'t *'l' *'}'f ** *'}*** * 't**{r* * 't * *** * * 't '1.** *:t*{r *+ *!**** **'t {. * * 'l '} 'lt * * '}*** * * * * **** I *'*,t * * * Statement Number: R000000903 Amount: $23,684.25 06/06/2OO]-LL:17 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: check * 1031 Permit No: P01-0047 type: PIirl,lBING PERI,IIT Parcel No: 2LOLO12O1OOL Site Addrees: 715 W ITIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ IJocation: Total Fees: $23,684.25 This Payment: $23,584.25 Total ALL Pmte: $23.584'25 Balance: $0,00 l:t* ***'t*t* ** *t * *****{r*****t f* * * **t** ** *t*,}*+++++** **t****{"1{r't*******'t 'l **++**** *:* * ***'t *'t'+++l"f ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cument Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 4.736.25 PP OO1()()()O31112()O PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 18,945.00 hlc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO at970-32&8dr0 orvisit forPatel # Parc-t{RequireO ir no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2!Al9Ue l99J_ rob Name: VAu. (fln*A6 fiaa. R5toennoty'"b^.d,*"'rfi,y''* tt* t'u1 Legal Description ll Lou ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Eneinrer: AlrhrO I flgc, /UC I nddress: 4n4n ttE Phone: 493.54b.?e7 Detailed description of work: Irlcul Ptanattq'Sweas FN 6 tre{ auuu6 WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(rzJ Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg,: Single-family ( ) Duplo( ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat 1rf nestaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: se II de'ice? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBII{G PERMIT (Labor & Matedals) 1,469,977.@ CONTRACTOR IN FORJYIATION Contact and Phone #'s: Cel,' 471'Q?Affitce 3ea -eaeJ Town of Vail Reg. No.:Plumbing Contractor: Ptae . Vlcns -/ h// 2 S-ef' RECEIVED JUN u 1 1001 TOV-COM.DEV. F/even/one/bmE/pl mbperm ljec.l9.200l ll:08Atr|Total Plurnbing lnc, December 19,2001 CHARLIE DAVIS TOWN OFVAIL SCOTT DANENHAUER PROJECT MANAGER VAIL MARRIOTT TlllE: 9:57 AM-2 PHoilE: 1-9704792138FAx 1-970479-2452 PtloilE: 1-97G32&8022FAX: 1€7tr32&8024 Total Plumbing Inc. 4701 N. Colorado Blvd. Denvcr, Co. 80216 Fax Cover / Memorandum Sheet DATE: TO; FROM: RE: coPY & lrArl ll9 Number of pagct Including covtr sheet: 2 Messege Charlie, Atached is the leter you rcqucstcd rcgarding the water tcmperatur€s at the Vail Marriofi Restoration. If you havc any quesdons regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, N0.6325 P' I )*q\^."q-=.- Scott Danenheuer Dec.l9. 2001 lnc. December 19,2001 I TowuofVail Dept. of Corumunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Charlie Davis | 1 :08Ail Tota I P lumb inc lnc. total O plumbing, N0.6325 P . 2 RE: Vail Marriott Phase 3 Domestic Hot rilater Temlcraturas TDcarCharlie, Itl On Friday Dcceinber l4,Z00l the Domestic Hot Water BoilErs 3-D-1 asd 3-D-Z are sEt at an operating tenrpcraturc of 123 dcgrces F and the storagc tanf is Uotaing at approximatcly 121 degrees F. We confirm$ that thc terperatures are effectively the same today Dece,mber 19,2001 also, \ All tlc tub and shower valves are adjusted to full open and the water temperaturc is regulated to 120 degrees in the mechanical room at the domestic hot water storage tank All Uuits have bcen tcsted with Unit 002 (closest to the mechanical room) at 119.6 degrees F and Unit 619 (faahcst trom the meclianical mom) at I 1,7.2 degrees F. lf you have any questions rcgarding this matter please do not hesibte io coutact me- Scott Danenhauer Project Manager Ph (970) 328-8022 I P.O. Box 4385 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Fax (970) 328-30u - fr(L Da-Pr *P9*rzs Irlspecdon Hi$bry I.:DAVIS 12-1$3.JC1 inspe*tlon r(eqrrcst fr spor{ng _ _yAl|."-e0. - ru&'rH-$F__ _ i:age 1 f;:49 am HegiJectsal ins$e(;t L.)iite. ./{a{||e::rlav. Ce'.enr*;r i g 'ttti I' lnsoeJtlon Area: GftG sit€ Addr6!'si i'l5 tir.. LlalHsHitAD cR vAiL ttlARRl'3T r l+.t nsi tl{ SPf!$roruB.Eell futndtv Bol-frt ! i TvD€ I i-CCldM l>irb fvDe" .d(;OM Sliatus: ISSUED r)onsl lyT;' Crctufuircy R i $s€ lj - FF irisp .\fea: GRG Parc€l' 21('!l]?2O?0O1 olmer: l"lMC ACUUISITIOMROPERTES lilc Conbactor: BELFOR-RIIC"AT Plrcne: 9?rj,.94ti-?48ft Apg$canr: BELFCR.nh'CAT Ph{ne: 97CL*iSl-34":+ Deacilplhn: FRE nESTORATIO+.| "iO P|IASA lll EtrlL{ilNGeondtl.nl: F€c teis p*kl . LCAMPBeII Cro{rfilgnt S ll s'6,'e $?8O tor R'sc - F€€s + 7bO $q. n" - LCA}dFBf,Ll Comment: Perm* har b€irr coM tol on 5;t | 01 "L(;AMpBELLCmrntonl 5.O7,fl l ROU1EO -r-O GEORGE ANli GAft Y . LCAITPE€L!- N/ FotL FucL r?eduesr€d T!a{-. tJ8:00 Al," Fhon€. 07S949-9491 Enter€d bj DFLLTRE$ K hsm: !26t€m: lO hffn; 30 tt'tm: 3d, - furvrof g@ ?fre\ Fize PPor. t?rrJG, Fr f,-tt4't- 8tA4 fiNtL Wtu4'rL te*urW)frz-L &uQrryi ok TD !*ff P"rrnS FIRS, BE Fr. NOTIFIC,ITION BLD+-Flxlttnq{VSteal BLCG'Fcund6&rtSie€lBLDC.Framlng " ,qp9ro1rsd " O&,m 01 -mrpector: GRG l.rhn: !'A PARTIA|- APPROVAI Commeols. Vsrdrlglton strrd'i ench6urqr ?n.t t+Jof il iooms'). os/14ro1 lnspocrtr" GRG A{:dori- oAFAFTIAL APPROVAL Comm€ntr" ?nd ioo{ oflly fl9117,11 |f|ip6.clor GRti Ardc,n: F.a PARTU{L Afrpno\.tlal Comnrsnk: 4h nocr onv. 10j'15'01 trlslloctor: -GRG Actl.rn: P.{PAFTIALAFPRO!,'AI Corrlmertu: gtr t!oo, Srl/ Looked at Slh fts.rr. qeneraF, i\X. b'Lr! slsctr(sl rlork Jlrsl stilrlid t no rough olocti(€i lrcpactlon ogsrovi:! yel. .{c no tr3mlnq es+foval. 1C,31,01 lmDed{',-: tiDAVlS ACiur, .e,P iiPtrR0',/E'ut C'xnment$: fRAlvlltlC FOFI liTt'l FLf,OF O K. 5C BLDC- in*rlalho oE/14,O i htpocts: GRG .qr.rtDn: PA PARTIAI '{ PfiOVAL Confi!€nls: 2Id Floo{ ofliv. t l/07,o! lmp€ctor'. dR{t A"l:Brn: pA F^lilTirqL AFFfiOvj\t -- _.qgfulpnts: 'H&rg hr$nlouoo & rrapof rcrordlf. SW cct$rr & W. end, $lr floor ctrd E. snd.3rd lbor. 6O BlFShes|Iock].islt 08/0?/tlr InsD€ctor: GR(j Acthn: FAPAFTIAIAPpFOV'Ai- Cornnrpnb: lD$lds lay6r dryF, l, *bnttfa$.n stufr enclo$ur6n. ?nd {lcor. Wltl gei ; lay€rs oil r}rrtsiaie of 3l€cl fiamlnq. 70 Blf,ti-Mnre . " A;rpwsa " REFT13J.'F.un lC:11.,1:.1 Inepecfion Reque*t 09/2SOt Commentr:{0/t*ol Cofitm€r{s: 10r3r/tH Cofirnertr: 09/?SOl hmoclor: GRG Acfon: N(}|{OTFED c,ommNfi$: E$ilng gurhlraih t$ sxisffrg galr to$o|3, v.lilch ,re not belttg to.rchsd ss D€tl o( thb proJact tt|!y fdnrh|eh.hD.Cio': GRG Ac{oN; PA PARTIAL APPROI/AT Flrfua{lno rA cor'|(hr ulH* & barvern cu€st tcofiis- ISEI d zhd froor 6 rA o{ 3rd froor. h'9$cbT,. ERG AfTTon' PA PARI-IAL AIOPRCVAL 4ilI'lbof. e[ ercor)t W. rrtd W. o{ $tiinr€ll. tlte3toDdm at lorc of r%lh. etc^hrofcbc cDAllS Acilon: APAPPROVED FIHESTFII.I(i AT TOP OF WALI$ICEAJ{G PAN AgSEMBLES O}T-Y {ll07,Cl lnrpoclor cRG 4rcilor tnmants: F[a sdtr€. $W cotncr 6|fi tloor a{ld rrili{rggqrlCrrE R$sdlry.RRE.'TETIP. C/O - l.€.. SW cnd of noor. EOUtp[4Er.tT O].r 2ND STOR'|, ROOF. I-IOT SUPFORT A IOCU SI.IOVULOAD TO AltY ROOrt {x}1 633 ti:u lbm: hrn: lldn: S\s'* r]o{nrnenb: Ubb$t\s€-- U6[ Dt55t' t\ - $otD€. 3xb st€Lo YAT;OF !trm: 53fA6r: !38 Itom: 5Sb0: 5,dO dc., brF 6,li b€ rsch€cf.d.t fin€ d T.C.,J. Inrp€cthn. PI.A'{. FINAL C/O FIRE-FINAL C/O -RRE.FINAL PW.FS$AL (:JO BLOgFhalgO AI.L STAILTO$IERS I, r UNrcOVERALLS}'OKEDETECTORSAFTERFINATCLEA\IANOTRIOFrvbb , Itcnr: 9) BLDc'.Ftnat : c0Avt$ dl r.f,ilb fixrd hcvc dl spdr{&r lkfl ot|t completcdl.|ncov\.r rli lnrote fi.cbrs ilrhcn fiml chan b coffDf,lod uril6 1O1.t02.1t8.112, 4o1.&1,412 frrstoll gu.rdralts rt.lecF and trench door op€rilngr 1?tO7tO1 tmp.cbr: cd{rvl$ Acilon; -[nruOnflED cntmcnE: uNtTs oNLY COTpLETEO r.ro OCCT PANCY ILL0i,I'ED UNTfi- FrJr-L rco lNSPECTlClril Aclion: UONOr|RED Af{D 3RDFt SATi€ C'JRRECNONS, TO COT'PLETE 9PRI}tr(LER RE TO BE INSTALLED IH UMTS ONN-Y.IIO INSPECTIOiI Ig PERFORMED A}.ID ALL EXITS AIID FRE ST[.I. REOUNED UMTS Tl0l-18' SPR0dKLER TRnl oUT GSAT EXTFFIOR SUD|NO FOORSlStorol h+g{gr:AcTIon: PA PARTIAL AFPROVAL CoormcnE: 5th'& 6th fioort. untB oritv. Floo. '"ravorlftl5 nrt in ot ln orogresE. Thls I ofi.. mtscclbn€ous trim. dc.. h $ril bo Jscr*c{.d rt fin€ c{ T.e.O. lr8D.rctbn. - REPTl31.Run Id: 1143 [egt neportng ---rcTd-_-6-49_qru_ -._.-__uelu.co .rauuu.Of Requ.chd intooct DrtF. Wcdnc€dav. B€ccmltcr {9, 2001- fnsp€dtonAreq: GOgltc,cddreft: 715 W I"IONSHEAD CR VAIL PHASE III " RIARRICIT HOTFL ArP,I) Inlbflr.Uon A.lfvllv: Con*fy16: Frttrgf : Clwlnr:gofirctor: A9plksnt Daicilpfion: htdcs: l{ollcs: lnspcctonHlrbru lbm: AX] }IMC ACOIJSIT}}N PftOPEFTIES F.IC El.lCOilFASg lrECtiAl.lEAL SERVICES Ftpne: 9711.949(}259 EIICOIPAES lffiCHANnAl SERVEES Phone: 97G94€b@59 INSTALT HVAC SYSTET' rc,R F]FE FfiIOTECTIOI.{ Sec BOI -Ot I t htr ilrfio.d fishamrol Dlor}$. - OGOOOE LL roubiJ b G€fytor apfldnll - DFLORES t 0t-0084 _ Typ,e: SITFCH Oftupancy: 210107207fit1 6ubffi: rtC$trt $Hus: ISSIED hsp &c!: OD Rsflr€sted Tlme: 08:00 All' Phorp: 97tr94$r74? ol- t}}44$ ?506 Ent€r€d Bv: OFI-ORES K Rcoucllcd Insoestonld , ., _ ftnn: s.a-srer*fl..c tttFCH f tUvfL Reque#: EtlCOfrlPASS T|ECHAI$C L SERI ICES Commgnb: WfTHROUGH LllfTH CHARtlf Ghnad To: CCIAVIS ThrG Erp: ';0,$.-J6 2rr. &zn,cz tol,w ilEcH-F.ougfi - Approvo.l - TB171O1_INrDdof: GRG.- AcIixI: PAPARTIALAPPROVAI. Comm.nb: ld lloor & po{l|o|lr and & 3al tloor on} - fan-csH unlts. dtrcb. c#rcr.uts completa e:tcrpt rmldr chcd oft lst lbol. Rooml ?O1 onct 3t)i now aho comEhl6. I)8€OO1 TrsD€cbr: GRG Ac-!on: PA PARTTAI APPROVAL Corfi|cntD: 4t|'noo. mfv, Exhaurt ducts. Contlnned uslno t2'+ vorllc.l .)drnslon of lndhddu.l duct lnb rndtgtrarriil (rrds s llar Ercsttori tl !o Ss. 719.11(3.). 1Sl7 l-EC, so ffc d8mpers tIt NOT ra$.rh€d s f|dlvfdrd hotd roorn irfuuet $J{.ts an'ter th€ mrln yr |c€l orhat|st djcts. fiNy 3mnait flff ?r drmp.rr rt |tnt. }o(,dortc unl|tt Exc*rdon tr S*.713.1O(3.i h m||. Og19{11 lmD.cbr: CDAVIS Ac{on' PA PARTIAL APPROVAI CONTNENb: ASOVE LP ROTJGTI hI FOR EX. VENTS A}|D FAN NCXL INSTALLATIONS AT THE CCII.SER}ICE ROOI' LEVEL REFER TC R6LD PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATK'iIS O9I27IO1 T|rD.cbf: GRG I Acdon: FAPARTIALAPT,RO/AL eomrn€r!&; 5tf tloor, rxcm{ Tlnberlfid urrlt W, end. vent &rls md brFcoll unitr and l€st of ',C', coi$lr€nco orN{b hwl. 1U?401 hroeclor: GRG Aclh{r: APAPPROVED Co{ntn fit; t{liy frplau0r}aflt l,gtler fluc orl up !o roat d.ct . Termlnat|f$ ttrrou0h root to b€ donG hbr h conruncuon wun turrct tedrr{r, rtc. C]|{ to cfrnsff ct 2-hr shrll trrryilnq fDr n€w flue.flll$tll lnqicclor. GRG Adtsn PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Commonls: ll* bo{alfu6 ren*p Z mu|h bcile* ori uc hrdrah roof o{ 6th tloar = OX. Pnvtourlv looftod at fuc bsnroan bofl$ ro&n rnd 6th flogr, Wtlf rtlt ndd io Inrgect llnal tdrminatbn o{ tld6 incidc nil'ttrtct'Itsm: 310 $Ectf'Heednl . o?/2?i/ol linpecrn'e: GRg Adlon: FAFARTIALAPPROVAICofimentr: ?| lor,el (dty. { 1S'8') hvd onic plplng. Chillod r,lrtgr aftd }.t, n&r pr€s$rte lcs{s @ 100 pd. OAr(I1,O'l Inrorctorl ORG ' AElbn: PA PAFTIAL APPRO\/ALOar(I?Ol lhrp.chr:' ORG t.' *r i --lo, EEPTI.31 Run Id: 1143 ,,*l* ; a:otnrn€nu: EnEii{r6i1?--; ro6t*ffrf i:diffiiBAm-elffiiHEucb-. }t{ txcca n-tprii aol 0&07i01 lnrpeaor:' GRG Adbn. PAPARTOTAPFF.OVAI- Comncnts: c$'hu'd Ca_" fl'omn) hyrltDnlc plpftg. ? ga.qei e 100 Fel for hoi watil & cnilod',?abr,rcpcctvbfyf_ 08i l6/0t Imircctor;-GRG Acffon: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Coo|Irr.rtD: tdfoot chnH ud€r & h..l inE.2 muocs ED 1fi) oel-o&3ryfi h$.tlori cRG Actdn: FIpAftIAIAPPROVAL Cofirrncrts: 4tr'flmr onlV, copps hyrlro lln€i h fen coll qntb, hot& chllled. ? giaugca @ 1O0 Fel.O9/19,o1 hnocctofi 'CDA\it9 Aeilon: PAPARTIALAPPROV{Corcrte'{r: HSAT LI}.IES|/I{OT T,VATER AT CON'FREI.ICE ROOilI LEVEL REFER TO FIELD PLqNS FAR EXACTTOCAT|oil ALL tlf{E$ Ut\Df;R 806 ISTATIC TESTltyot0l h|Ecctor: GRG Actlofl: PAPARTIAL/UePROVAI.Corilnonli: Rc.ndD{h of hldron! pFtfts tor'e'g|Isdc lc}ct. bct on cHlbg rl,lt€r Q 1m pd. t(y11/Ol tn*e'rctor: lf,T tEtlon: PAPARTIALN9PFO.'/AL- Conrnenhr: 6tr'Soor, hotwser6fi. chltr€d *iter 77# PI*UB'€6Phfi'r ilECl.FE$nuCHoodi 07J13101 lnrDoc{ori GRG Aclhn: PAPAfiTIA|APpROVALCofir.|lt$: S almudt,Bnl ducb on il€r,. 100& 6 exh.urt {ent ducts on €hv. 110. C[( to.oclo'!e/cov.r ducb {,tb grdl mil EonlFuclbn. llem; 3t5btu 3?0 lbrt: IISO nam: 3.ff)litm: 3€O w27t01 Cofimen!9: 1(y11i0t Comm€fiB: 1flO1 Comnerni; 12i040r Cofintents: 1ero6/01 Commf,n|Bl 121&O1 CommgltE: iU'l{Dl CofimanE: Ac0on: PAPARTTALAPFROVAL ' pAPARflru-eppROV*i- NCTIFED q--) ot corE rucllon undcr lhls Fennft 13 $td llanl overcdovls Actton: TL RNAL FOR AtL zND8 3FIO UNITS HEATIT.IG AAID \ENTILATPI.I IN 6 lbr r6f,6DbrKo of nrachrnlcrltln l FA PARTIAT APFROVAI- ) FLOOR UNITS HEATIT'IG AAID \E''' #L IIMEOF TCO.REOIJEST FOR Ii Y sffi$ htD.ctof: cda,vl6 Artbn: FA PARTliil APPROVAI-r[ l$t lbor rfld 4th lbor unfts cosnpleh3u!fiil bdaflcl$o rcmd for tffiJ|o{ rffif . and €rflHlDn s\rstoms d rFn o,f TCO h!DECb|: CDAVIS Acthfi: PAPAR'NATAPPROVAL 3u!firil bdarrclm rcaod tor hsfti rffir, and €rflHlDn hODECb|: CDAVIS Acthfi: PAPAR'NAL b|rocctor: 'C! lnel r roffisfffi'C! l$ol |,nty. unlb orily. Nl gdlt,' "ac . h Sace & mtr'h€nlcol sl,3tcnt3 eppor |o be fuftilonhg. A$ anre lo fr mchcc*6d {i ffire of T.C.O. lndo.cfho. ITTDTCIJfi CDAVIS ACtIOfl: CONDAPPROVEEYCOIJBITIONS Pfff:A'FE BAI"A'{CE REPONT FOR COMPL€TE UENIIIAT|ON SYSTEM A}ID IIOT WATER irloictho. CONDA I/EIJTILATIISN AI,ID TIOT U'ATER $YSTEM 'ARTIAL APPRTTV-AI IEATSYSTEM IFISTALL TIO€TWAY DAI$PER PER APPROI/EN P|Jqd.t RSPr131 Run IiL; 1143 u' I I s 1o 1:-1fi?001 tnspecfion Requeot Report|ng6:4-$_qry-r .Vl|lL.Cil.:filul{t{ CIF Rlquested lrcp{ct Dst6: iryerlE+sday, D€cr:rrrber { $, 200x in3$ecuon ArlSi F[qu, LsJr'rsHEArr;R vArL giD l4lonnCggtt AciMtv' P014$47 T!sr: FpLMB SubfyF€. ACOlvl Cons! TvDa: Occrrnsilcv' ili'r;'Pa;cfl 2tOlo7?O?'X)lO*rer HMC {cOUlSlTl,DN pROPgRTIgS INC: Coofoctor: TOfAtPLLtft4BlilG Pl$ne: 303'333-??71 A!'pllcant TOTAI PLL,i,/8tf.tG, Phon€r 303^393-7:7 i Drairiptlon: FIRE RESTORATIoN hI PHAeg FUILDING I{l €l'-rA,L hilAFFIOTT MTN REgonT Page 14 StEl$: iSSUED Incp fue€: GRG u**rffi* Rr^B FrNlienr: fistrPEFFffi I L't ' - ' -Rcqs+sted irne: i8:tl0 AM R€qu€co{: TOTIrFIITEE!{G A n ^ Ar. Nf lt\ Fhone: 1i}}39-.'i2?ilienr: fistrPEffiffili- I -' ' - -Rcqs+sted itne: '.i8:(r0 AM R€qu€co{: TOTIFFIITEE!{G A a. n A-.. nf lt\ Fhon€: 1i}}39-r-i ,ffiSH: $ffioueH*lrHcrlq^L* HPPtruv*'4) FrrteredBv D'L.RES Aclbn: _ nnlo Ertt.n^--;---;,/^]/-rp,pr P-ec'D I fyzL Aeaurr^,/*ls L.u Pc{tL nG|n: l.hffi: 21O PLllBundcroround '" Approyod " 0440/01 lmoector: GRG ' Action Af ApPRDI/ED Comments: Lorfocl hvel 7B'-Cf onrv. Wds coiurnn tesi on sautr sitck- ??0 PLMEFou,ol'J$.WV ""Aourowd " o7l3lror ths&€(tof' cr,Avls' Acrlon PA PAFtl Lqt IPPROVAT Cornft€fltA GKOLIIID LEVEL TO THIRD LEVEL Dlvv 'T.ISFECTEL, 08f13101 Crmments;wl441 cuwn6{t-$ tnv?4/ti i eommsnts: {.Jr.ttTs s8.12.14,18.1a.2C., t06.r08,11e,114.116.118.i$$2 i3 $OOO AND EVEN) FOUF, IIIFFERE}IT ruRTES'IS PETFOHED WITH ALL I.{,AVE S f AiR tfED€dor: SRG lFOfr{EDWITH ALL I'{,AVE Sf AiR Acfton: PA FAR]]AL APPROVAL 'nmb€tilne" rmrns €{}2. 0O4, Ot3, iU4. 102, 104, 121. 1!4. ?C2.:o4. ;22,274 or*t. h8pcctofl GRG Actkx,: PAPARNAL APPRT)VAI Gnjund hvel comptiib, lst iov6l af,Dr fiald. v.irdhg & l€urxrry,zr'd |c"r€l 8ll buitem. rneldrver*flm & wlll h,e ..Jdln6 2 slotm llrtci dD €. 3fid :ifcl lrvgl all i)ur 3O1 , 30f, & mtH (,rouftd l{tvel Com0lillF, lgl iOVOI Afl Dtll fial{,. V.indtng & Ululxlry, Zr$ |c'f€l all DUtt(U.1. 4rldrvcr*flng & wtll b,e ..Jdlng 2 slotm llr$$ @ E erid :ircl lrvgl .ll i)ul 3O1 , 3Ol & mtk 'vendhE. Wdlar c$lrsYin t€Etg lnspeclor: - €R9 a.(,f on: tlA PAFTIAI {f{3ROVAL Arlitcd rofo & vandiry! at66i grorrnd - 3rd firxlrs, vatei cclumn l8€t. b'sJJ no{ cotnpleb th'oqoh Commefis f,€/1et'&1 lrBDe{ta{: GnG AcUDn: FA PAR''jAL AFPROVAL rmmefis: Sodrth ii*a of 4th & 5th flcors er.sct Tlmb€ilins unils, Jvri€i cclumrr te:ui2oi01 lBepecroir Art ntmeftt*: AFPR(.}'diiD RI Tlmb€ilins unils. Jvrl€i cclumrr teit F.ctlon. F,FAFPFCtfin Cooim*nt:r: AFPFC'dED l?EfdpjllDFR OF OWv EXCnP'r FOf,i Ut'ilT$ ,rdll,4{i.!, soi & scg. 18/0?/01 Commenls. 1oro4i|1 Ctmnr8 tgi 1fl|17iU1 Comments: t'l;0'l j01 INSP9CIFT: GfiG AIilON. $IF I.ii:T READ'/ F'OR IFISPEC' J'lot ruauy- - Urlrts 401 . {J:l. 5t}1 & 5o3 nict ready ?or li'iet€ctori. rro{ app ov€d. tnrDactoi: cde{ts Lcirorr: FA PARTIAL p,PFROVALInrpocioir cdar*; rr'lfur $4iumn tasl unii$j|ol ./U33.501-503 Ineilc*tor. GRG t'oitding ar€6s, 4{ frn+s, water (olunrn tbst. Arilon. $lF l.ii:T READ / F-OR IFISPECIIOi; ,F.rtlorr: PAPARTI. A{fioII I'IA FARNAL APPROVAL -$.iu. REpT13L itfip€rldr: cdsuic Actlon AP AFPROVED Ru.n Id: L143 $_:!e_qm .-valLgo_-TovytoFcommm&: ttl toor bundry room and rion8 5o1 & 503 qod.| $al€r column Fsl lld$ b lhe 16l ol all Dlll/V rotnh InsD€cltons tor th€ ilol€ttfi/2lnl FEDecbr: CDAI'S - 'Acuon: APAPPFOVED Conrmentr: UMTS 225 227.325.327 APpRovED TESTED WITH $ AIRTEST - -edim-affii- iii trooi -t6irrxirv r dm'iinTiiir6Eof lBT 6aEf inter iolirih i*t Od$ b lh€ 16l d all Dlll/V rotnh Insoecoons ?or llt€ ol€ttfi/2lnl fitsDecbr: CDAI/IS - 'Acuon: APAPPFOVED CONTMCNIT: UMTS 225 227.325,32? APFROVED TESTED WITH $ AIRTEST 23O PlttFRqrrfr/llUaler " ADDroved "0013&f Freoecbr: GRG Adlon: PA PARTIAL APPROI/AL CornrfiarB: Wdrr on Fbors 1.3. Mrdlo|e o!uo6 & tfi) D6l.o8/l.uol l|Ep€ctoi: ffiG - Acftn: Pn enRrlA|- APPp&/AL Comms*r: Wd.| conroloL otor.rnd lhro{toh 3r.l kvel. lm p'Eil€rb. - 08/2401 tnspector: -'- GR6--d,246r iil;*toli-G-Rd -'-Act6:"PAFARi-fuAPPRova Comtr|crdr: Adibd makt & vendkE .rac lh.ough 3rd iloor, I m p6L Ul&r nory compl€b I d frfr - srd floof, h,lnotgroundnmr. - O9/18,O1 IIspcAd: GRG Aclbo: PAPARTIALAPPROVA eo!ryLre.r!!!: 4tr'toq, I g6ugr€.por sach 4 rooms. -100 pol IOOCOI ncoecror: -cOivti Acton: PAPARTUTLAPPROVA Comnrodr: wcbr malns lor oroond lsvel undor stre€t DrG$l]e - t(yl6/01 lpgrctor: ARj[ ___Actbir: PAPARTIALAPPRoVAL Commrnts: Ah-tloot. erced fot Unlb 501 lt sfft. 1W17lO1 h6Doch{: 6RG Actlon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAT Conr4lqp-: 6tl'tloor only, rorHng pIssur€ - d'/u.,t ffi;, cRg lnspecdon Request Reportlng - vAlL qo_- Toyyt -oF GRG ACIfoN.PAPARTIALAPPROVAL comDlel€ lhrouoh 3d tloo.. m D6l teal. 11lO1lO1 ]n*pecior: 'cd.vb -' AEtotil APAPPROVED C;o|nmerils: I Cfloor hsndrv rogm aDd unns 5O1 I 503 uxbr Etoel'prs$rure Thb b f|. bor of lhe ,oudr ycaldr tniDodlons ,or tha D|oleclfin7ftl lnapdor: CDAVIS - lctlofl: AFAPFR6\IED Cqtlmcrt3: UtfifS 225227.325,3?7 TESTED wlTH 9(){1 AIRTESTHn: 240 PLUFGesPiolno "Amrovcd" o7t31lo1 lmbector: cDAVfS Actbn' P PARTIAL APPRoVAL coMmEfib: IiIELOED GAS PIPIT'IG T,IASITESIED WITH 6{T AIRTEST @1301 hilDoctof: GRG Acf,on: NRI.fOTRE DYFoRINSPECTION Co|tnnentr: Pldno_lncfalmon bokod Ofi, but gqgs h6d dropped. Ca[ tor r€lnspecfbn wfm af p.6xre ti lJin y.lfl Fa i,vrrrrrE|lE rrrrran.tlrr ttia rrq.r av lr-r rE ..firxtlo1 n*dctor:- cDiqus : Acflonl AP APPRo/ED Commonts: Flt,l,AL GASP|PhE INSPESTION 1# AIERTEST OJ(. TOHOOK UP ALL GAS RREPLqCES. hm: 29O AcOoN: PA PARTTAL APFRCn/AI UNN227 INSTAIL KITC}IEN SI|{( LNrlT 21O CORRECT TRAP ARM REVERgE FLOW , " TJNIT 206 & 3ffi NOT READY FOR ISNEPCTIOT.I. I,NIT 204 INSTALL KITCHEN ShTK Uf{TTAO6 NSTALT TftAF PAD6 FOR ADA UNIT IJ}.IIT 213 CORRECT TRAP ARM REVERSE FLOW' REST OF IjtfiTS Or.l 2tlD FLOOR COilPLETE AllD APPROVEO DIO T'JOT VISUALLY.INSFECT 3RD FLOOR }IOYiIE\/ER THE L]ST IS THE SAME AA FG THE 2fito FLCTOR Run Id: 1143 lhn: 25() P|.MB+ool/tlotTnbhil: 260 PLllBUtsc. o7/i'1/01 Cdiln€nts: ' 6g1soi Cofimants:' lgtwol C;mn3nb: PLIBFF|d hip€clof: COAVISI AcIIoN: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL STORM DRAINS {6) IAISPECTED THRU THE FOTJRTH FLOOR ALL UNDER WATER COLUTS.I TEST lnsDsclor: GRG Actbn: PA'PARTIAL APPROVAI Rdf chaltr3, ltorm & o\rerfloyr, 4tl & s'fi lloott, |mier col$nn t6t. lnsp.c{oc GRG AE[on: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Roif drdnc. rater cqlrrttrr trd on root dl €xcopt 2 at w. €nd lhtt ldll n€€d lo bo cotriclpd &ffi 17Jos!O1 l'r3p€clor: CDA\,IS CorvneNb: 2ND 8 3RD FLOOR UNTTS ONLY t2rceot hFp.cior: cdfllr Comrn!|lb: ltl fioor rmlE/4trr tlmr unlts 12tO7tO1 Co w|ents: .7V1U04 Co|ldrEnb: 1?,1401 oo /:-.---'l_:-t '--mrmriff$fifs"*Pege 42 S.59 am I' L Requested lfisFrst Date: Ingpecto|i ArEs; SltE Aedflere; lffir'l**ntutr lrt' tool 7t5 W tlQt{sHEr"ir CE vAlL. @rD |nformgEslt Aclhr{y'con{Typq HArcet: fr|!.ter- C$nlra(fi{l .4ppll€nt: Daicrlptlofl: ,lPOI-Otlt7 Tvpe: &trLMB Ccc,rparrcy ?r$10?:,0700r HMC ac')|flSrTtcli+ PROPERllf.s: lN{: TO1AI PLUMSIM; TOTAT PLUMBIf.ITJ Sub Ti,pai .dct)t,t Stalu::i.rix: hf,F fu*rf Phon,l: 303-39::-7171 F+iooe, S]3-JS-1:71 tsstlED GFG FiRF EESTORATICN [r{ Pl-tf$E Sull-trltJr3 ll! g'JAIL MAF8l6lT }dTfi RESCRT Bccqe+.Hll$slsgorui.t 1,, ,,r,nr(lc,tdNLl ^&n#*l itr#l,l*?,t Lu'- n,R^"t *'*::-:Y;:' ;:Xl**b[.o*lfl' T.--.--- .**r*l Agg1;gr nr'[-q+grrluil)Ts p 44rrurwtL..t\A l]'' ftAge \wr &8ft6L ,/ !65,.,ro2 fr ?rym & fiyDQrre^Jb lvuP C^rrroc (oL Wr- buqfitc bf 1,Jffi,2- $fTtun lnsEectlqn l"[stor, It€m: ?lO PlM&|Jn.J.rgrorrnd " Appr$./rd " 06,?tJ C1 lnrr'E-lcf : ERG0E?,)'01 ln$'Brjor: €RG Actir:n: 4PAPFRS./ED Csnmants: Lav#er iei/Hl 7g'-ff onty Wetsr a('lumtt lasr o;r &urh attrx. ItBm !?E Fl-MSEr rfihti).}ff.i/ " Aosr+red - O7i3l;01- inrD€(tor. CDp.JlS' A€trxl PA FARllAt APPROVtu Cirnnlsnts: GFOUNg LE-ilEt" 'fC THiRD LEVEL CWV iAJ$pECTEi) UNfTg *.8,12.14,'l$.'f 5.t0.10€.. 104.111, i i 4.I'16.1 l$"?0&31t $flot, ANO E\/El.l) FOUR DIFFEREI|T AIRIE9TS FEFFC&fiD WlTl'l .aj-l HiqvE 5 # AIR Qto'fr|:t$> Fllpdrlof : GR$ Aclion: PA FAi?TbCL,,CPFRdiVAL 'Tlinb€rlio€'r$orlr 082 ixt4,0l: C'/4, 10? 104, 1?:, 1Ajr, 1:0?, ?.o4, trep€clor': C{RG C'/4. 1ol 104, 1Z:. 1A{, lO?. ?,s4,2n.224on,tt. Ac$an. FA trAn'ri,{L APt'lir)v si- Gaound teirel comaasle. 1st kv6f alt bui trtald. v€ndtrv: & la.rqdrv. zrd l rv€l all but t?6. rflrl(l,h/B|1dlng & v,{[ be addln€ : C.r.rm llns$ @ E. trrd. 3rd l*vel rlt tir.iq 3Cr1. 3Oi & nmt(Uvondlng. Wd€r cslumi, tgits |nSPEgTD'. GRG Ar".lioTr; PA PAFNAL ,'I,PROVALAdfu lltqld & $enq|nE ar€tr gtounci - -cfd f;o{rf$ *r€tef c$liJmn lefi. !-)v'lJV noit'comFlet* tffcqJgh 3rd floof. insp€(icr; BF(G r1q4!,n: PA PARTIAI- iVrFrROV.qI lioitllr sftle r:i 4ti & 5th fk'cvs aice*l 'ihna*rilng d.*li, w€lef c,riuprr' lasi fri$r*clnr'.' tut Ailtiori. F.$ Flrfl?Oiif f, APPr{(ivEr) REMNNDER CF DUUJ FxCgPT FOtt Lfir5; *J',l,nttJ.5O1 & 393ln$Fidor. GF(G {rtrrii. l*l h,gf ReADY FoF lr'sFFCTlOf\l hb{ reldv. tJnfB 4&L 4$i. r,,01 & 5O3 nkd rerd/ for lnsoectt . iror- aF.pf('ve"d.in$rcrbf: iriivis ictil'ln. Fd PAF| ndI qPPfir-t/r'L rtdsr c.lomn t86t urllls {o1.{s3,s01,503 irBsertor: GFS ,{t'tr;n 08/13/01 Commsnls: 0914/ol Commoftls: tl8r24i,J1 fsmmelnii' fl,,l8V01 Commgrrts: 0'9,?Sit]1 Cofltrn€r 6: -10/o?iitl{:+rnmc ls: 10/O.ti0i agnurenlg: 10r17iftl Comm6nt$i 1t,/01/o1 Action. FA PARriAl. APt{tt)vp.j- PA T.AJI I'[AL .\FPFI(}VAL lP AFPRO'VED RSFTI"3i VondFro arc|s.. +6 fbofs- teale? ioiurnn tsEi. lrrsFactEt odavh Artt$n: .Run fd:1,!32 i\ ii It 5:59 am--.__**----eommffii: 11tZ7tO1 Cofimartl:0Er*rlr Comfiterfs: 0A/2/$01 Commsrltr: 09/1a/01 Commcllr: 100lU01 Co0rmanl3: 10190{ Co$sn€rfi: 1{}rzot Conunonb: Itio1r01gotntla'l0t: Itfri: 2.tO tld13/01 Colm€'tb: (xy1l}01 12/06/01 Qomm|ntor 12'O7/O1 Comm€n|l: 13/10/0{ comnofili: t$E€TEDWrfl'lil;#f&e Inspectlon Request & ff)3 r8l(Lf rrwlst cdurffi t€sl 2?s 227 rflrqh Inssecdons for tl)e $o+|4t- .Actlon: APAPPROI/ED 325.327 AF{fiOVED TESlEDWITH 5* AIR1EST- epgovod*hr}tctd|l €RB Ad|on: PA PARTIAL APPROVA! UlffimFlooB 1€. MrifriDh oauo.e O 100 !61. It!|OtrTOr: GRG - *#N: PAPAFITAI- AFFROVAL liJals comofetr woqnd lhrouoh 3rd !$rel. I rl0 FBI t€sis.hsooctor:'GRG - Actorr: PAPARTTALAFPROV' t Adfu iltfct & ..ltlithg ac'e ttnougrh 3rd tloor, 100 pol l/Vabr norr cafflFl€ts 1d ioo. - A{d fuor, brtnotondrm||oor. Incgsdd.r: GRG Adlon: IPAPARTIALhPPROVAL I /nh 0oor; I oruoc hr aach 4 room3. tfi) Dri.frrpcaoc -cO5rai 'Acdoir: PAPART&qLAPPROVAL i ;rdlr mthr fof qr(4gld hwl undat ib€tt pf66s|Jrs +.ihrosdor: ART Actofi: PA PAFTIAL AFPROVAL \| n*u*,' pn 3rdiloor, ?0 psil€st. Aetfrm: FA PAft f$L APPROVAL . PAPARTIAL APPR(}IIAL !-nq rT--'! . lil i,: Run fd: ].L32 rElI tlllilt IOf q[t4ltl0 lllll U'XFI tUHr pr8$ruf€ +'r hNEdOT: AfiT AcOOfi: PA PAFTIAL AFPROVAL oth-iloor, rlc,fi tor Ltnnr EO'! & 603. }!medor: , AfiT Ah'thor, orc,illtrfrDodfi:' gRGlrpgcior:' dRG Acti{ofl: PAPARTULAPPROVAL 6tr'lhot onlv, *trttno Dr.rlum.hrnctof: 'gevb - Aption: AFAPFROVED 1tl0oor btrulry rmm rnd unlE 501 & 503 tr|dar dra.t p{.ss te Ttb rr thc fd o{ tho rouni\ vf,tsr lftssccuons h{ the pIolecllns.clofi cI]AvlS - Actbn' APAPRdT€D UMTI} 2253?7 3?6,327 TESTED WITH 90il Ail?TEST .t ':! Acilon: PA las Hslbm: 250k6o+'o*J boah cs4rqF*, vO:n:r- ufffih. Commenb: frun: 25 PLI[FRnpl 1zO481 Comrfi€n8: w'f9s"s\fffiRnr r,ct8 column t|si on rod r'll €xi€S 2 dl W. eidthbt sdll'ndio lo-be connsclid & GRlj Cf,AiiS TJNIT r$l1T t}lrT 2f\{}ruOOn ul{T2{ tlL oTlfiR t lrT$ I|!I!e?r: c$vl!Acdon: PAPARTTALAPPRS/AL t 1$ lloor unns'4h floor unt}n 1 q,1 Q{,jl06,]08.1 1O,1 12,1 t 4,1 1 6 t 18.1 3t, rpproved 1 04,1 ?O ln|all kilblrcn slrdrr dh ooot unta €$ o.k. comole|3 caolklno .rhf b|'n qd o{ all unlblmo.r.tsfr cdovlr Aclion: PA PAFrTIAI APF f.t ii , : l dh flool ul lnlolrf.tsfl \:'LEVEL l n ftot unla €|| o.r. cofilolflS ca(,ftr|o aru fifir q{ o{ all urus}lmo.r.tsfr cdollr Aclion: PA PAFrTIAI APFFIOVAI \:'LEVEL UMTS I.I[T022P16 II{8TAIL TRAF PAD AIIB GRAB 6ARS FOft ADA UNTTS Liln0t4 ltlsTrad.L IilTCHEN Shd(rlL oTlfiR t lrT$ csMptETED FFpocbf: GRG Actton: SJPARTNI AFPROVAL f'$&6rltba|t,Otcepf 6fi llS03. uanl$tofe llhvsnoty€tlldallerion6thtloor. V|nnybpe& hvl. cau4ffU & o'nr€i mlr*flarnour llcms rvlll lr trchccr*l oi tlnre of T.C.O lnsfcclhn. n/a?fil REPTl31. F-i- .\ i i' tl'.tr! :t',j. i+ T4-Zt6i- - -tnrlilCUrrn ne{ue.slftepoiltng_---fl:59-rm . - - vRtt-. to : T0l6rFJ oF - idequ€sla,J hspeci [JriE, F'tjat, Decerillier i {. 20i1 lnsncctlofl f.rea: GRG Stte Addrese: 71; W l-l':lft5hEAll cfi dA,L Page l? .r'dMtv' BCI-O ! r'l fvm. A-CCMlt't C"orist TvD€ Q14rj;. iiliy; i'l r Pqiier ?101i)llr0700l Otrt F,er: l-lilc A.CCUlfilTftf|.1 PROpE!?TiE$ lr,lc Conblclcr: BELFCR.nMCATADdk!{it' BELFOF:-nMCAT Oescriptr+rr FIR€ FE$TORATIOIJ 7{' PHASE ll &.ttltllNG Comtncr,t: Roc fae* lroid - LCAMPFFLLAr ildvundrli $lill oqrg $?80 for Rer. Fee* + 78& sq. it. - LC&MFBELI' Cfinrne$t Perfl ri! hqs boen p*id for on S; i I /ll't .LC,4h,lPBHl-t. Cotmr|eni: 5/O7rti1 ROUTEP TO GEOfiGF- tf{fJ GAI?Y - LUI"I,IPSELL ('orrOmorrfrtLr/ ft ??hooElt)Fssssced&spcsssrusr It e6tuspfcio!{ efd6,g bQtttem. 54{: Br^fiG-FffpTEfn\P C//a psal:estedTinr* 'la.DrjFl{- '11 /,. Fcquta{g Fi:.Fffi-RMCAr Iv Phona 3?ir94?-94fr t6l* Comm$nl$. 39$ 736f; REQSTED f$Ci A5ilgn€d To: c L)AVIS Ent$'ed ts), DFLOPES x- ActlDn: TirE E,r#. Kr7vcot htc cuJsrtucttcl,rl tvrffMt2ll4(J rcan Ecrc.,rrrcQ u.e6r$.lt ,r il rr ,r POOF ?trutr sr'/fl\Lt TD F.EuKATL Q.trlyt t{or.trDi. CD{1r+OE tsoA {?ap Dpr,fiMl'+6€ IirARf,liilf'T fittll$E lli Iljft,tvr -, wltllrtE- $ub TvP€. A{]IJE|itbe: tl - FFt t:'ncr€. S'"C-94+g4Si PhoFs. 37t1.3{9.94$'r cutPCeouil tN wirLl Y@YV? ,NSrrtzr- fuitr ttc.,lmil|@^ B*.1: ff{cfs3 sty?S ( 5,srrrz. g'c^rS 6lT?i W9 oxr dp+t vuvq-' ^ ufcgagSfi^lorcr'W'frcfO(S Kruo,aa tltt Cr*t.iltn1;.tttu; pf?uA Cf1';lQ- fc'')tt4L ftFTfg FlNtAL CII'*.t\t Ps C*vePtttzs@ €t+cflt{ftL gbye ^,^ {>,,...8f;at;; ?ri'|.o - lE,l7Vfii*',iolJ6', N! ry,t'c ?QE A@Njt - ,-,b,rcrg lf',g lrfi ou{L 2W L:^^).:, ffi* i6-qfff"F$il-ffi6i** WEA ke spaSL 11Itam. 20 Ellcc.F(\rr,d6timist93i ve'- - (r lll l/..,1 ! hem: 30 ElDerTantirtgn'peclci: Gft30"'* Acio,l. 1rapap1ffi,fidk# Cornments: V€ntllaton snat elrcklsur€g ^trtd F[mr l5 icr)rns"].i OAl4Ol lniDector: GFG Actlofi- PA P,lFTlAl.. APpRfJvAt. i:omne ntr: 2rd floot +rriv. t$il17rO1 lmFBcicr: bRG 4c$trn: pA PART|A|' AFPR0\/.ALi omn'Fnli: 4ti flilor )ntv. 1Qr15O1 h3D'cctor: 'GRG ,j\dh:n: f:A P.4FT[AL. AFI]RQi/AL Cgnm*nts: S$ flr-* onty LoorsC at 6th lk$r. E*fiergll'/ i'q, tdrt alectlr.rl vd?rk l..t:t ,*srtad & fic,rough ebcths! ;mpscJcn approvrl y€t. ri) rrc fr€niinq aFof o'/Bl. 1S/3i/91 lrcpsclcr. CDA'JIS /rr:irlr,4FjPPRO!'E} C,:fnfienr$: mflUP{G FOF 6Tl: FL'3OF C.X tlern: S{l BL UCr-lnsui{ttton ti& l4iirl lh$Decrl.,,f : GhG .q.;[{,n: i:q FAFil}l- aFPFOVAL Co{rnefirs: 2nd Floor Or$(. 11iO; tLri inrpGsloi. GRG A.ctftrn. FA PAftTFL .\FmOUrl'L Comrn6nls. CBillng Ins{ltir}on & vEpfl rfltrro€r $w* comsr & fl,. crlnJ sth llodr lntl E ond 3rd ioor. il€m- e'J Blf)G.Shsarock Naif CgrO?,C1 htr0€ctr}f GR$ ,rc!ron. P.ApARIIALAFFRtfvAL Cr:ntm+nlr. hrstl* l8y€r rltlf'vall, uer1tJlatkln $hall, gn lsoure$, lrrd tk:r,.-li ,ltlil g(}t : iflr€l$ on .nJtlld6 of slo*f {iarrlm llem: 7f,1 tsLff -Misc. - * Sppou,ed " $48,P1!rbEregs! l3tf,rus lSSl.rED ;nsF fua*r: GRG ON t /ot REpTl3l"Rnrr -ttir LL32 v t? a L h o9t25t01 Commcrfi: 10/r5rol commaf{!: 1081/n{ Commsnf}; 11E7tO1 Comm€ntt:btr: 90 ELDGFand 12tilt01 Cfim€ntr: INrMdOr: GRG AcItoN: PA PARTIAL APPROVAT Fti'erillro 6 cofi*bf slls & bd\|.i.fl ousst toorF. rtc o{ zfi tloof E all d 3rd tho.. hrapecto'i .G'RG ActIbn. PA PART!{L APPROVAL rffi'tloor. aX oxcafi W, md W. of sttlrwrl. nlEsbDottlo at bF ot ivllh, ifchtloslor: cDAvls Acton: AFAPPRO'"|ED FIHES FhB AT TOP OF WAttS/CElLtMi PAl.l A$SEMBLIES ONLY UlllTS !{17,509,51t;013.6t?,515,518AtlDCOnlffiR Oli 5TH FLoOF Oll NORTHSDE TO uNfTS{r7 Of\LY.n',.THIS DOES $IOTS{CLUC€ OTI"€R PERNEAA & Cc.. ilamr d fhns otT AIIOUVEN TNTIL FLILL TCO }NSPECTIOI.I rotqJU(ct^ir{r \rt { i{l r-(..H t,(Qt\l\ 9!{r..t-t 600 l: S[,$ff]3*n*. f:s kEq{cn€. ewtcD Lr5c "u{p (-'rq hf U{$e O KLrwon',q U(f (t{rl' fvrQr.usr trc,Ytt tYrls$cr Entu ( ttrt'ill l.Eon,Df A{e'lffK[1' ', tlusf Cfiqorr' Ccxnmerti: ALL EXITS 'lr 6rY\Apn{ llcm: 6{O BLDGF|n.IC/C .4Fr rRrlb c\o) rYF r \ot ., f f ,"'?t2Lcrra4 Str,$f1$ \e [6rDq $ bb6oqe*J T,Ur$, -'I .11l,'$.i. conD(JJ.',t.r4,r\ it, ! I i i t t 2 REPTl31 Run Id.: L1"32 I ,ftT4Te01- --lnspecnon-Rquelr Reportins6:59-q!.|- - vnuu co ;Tov!!N cF : ' Page34 ': 'iri .. I d6nct'fYB.aprida' tilrrvnor: Contiaclor ApF.llcant: De$crlptfcn. Nglice: l-lolic€ ACOM 97tr94$0299 970-94$-diS3 Stalus: ln€p.Ame: I9gUED €D ArFD h:lQnii{SEn R6qu€Bhd lrTi$e{rt Date: Inspectldr *ree: Slte Addres6r t{01-O0q4 fvft: S.UECH. Occupahl-y: ?1014:?07001 Frlrlar. Decflmber 14. ii061 GN 7{5 VJ LiSNSI.iEAE CR VAIL Ft|ASe ilr . rtrARRlc'l iiorEL I.IMC ACQUISITICN FRSPEi{TIES'IIC EllCOhrpASg MECI{CNIC*L SER\nCE$ Ph{ri€i ENCOII/FA8$ MECHAII|AL,9EFVICE$ Phc,r,e INSTALL FMAC SYIITETJ FOR FIRE FROTECT}OII56 60l-0111 tor rtarnp€d mgcforlhsi plam. - GG.otlflELL Ioutsd to Gary t()| Epprovall - OFLORES Errers{J f!v: fiFLCl?ES K Tlrno €xfi: l4tsnrr q uturT DnUrPEe dOfT tlern: 2O0 IN5TfrLL6D PM PCp/J Item: 310 r\ JkLu/ APPeo'4Ecass-stsg tnFnecgsn(g ( i ., ,O.l {l<}l Item: 390 tllECH#inat \ u rra v' / Recuested llmel tJI:00 PM Requeator: EFICOMPAS$ n EC|fANON. SER1JICES t phc.rii: 9?F94*1747 -ol. 303-44$ Comm€nl3: 3967366*bgl*: cEr{MS 8ft.m,.rcrl.lo kW Pravrer-o lnunac{&illFlstory MFCH.FodEh. - ADfrrrr,/€d' DBl1;O'i- lrnpoctor: C'RG' ' AiJion. pq PARTIAT- APPFOVAL Comrfi€nts: lllfidfi & portic'rrb lnu & 5rd fluo, rrniy. fsn.{eil 'rnlts. dr cls er.hausi.s c{xnFlcts erceFt |nai.Je cbaot on lct llcor. RsofiE 2Or gnd 3ti1 nc+.r qiso comslst€ o0r3{/ijl lnsDestot: GRCr ArSor'; irAPAFfiAt"ApfficVAL ComlrrEnit: /frh i{ror onw, Exhcusl .luct$. C-onlilt;}ecJ usnc ?:"+ venJcsl r*anslon o{ indlvldurl fjuct Inio mahl crlnust .luclB a3 pef E{csFtloo {1 1o 5sg. ?1 3 1 't (3.}. 1gJ7 lJ€K. !o ftre dtanrpsfs ere l€T fqrlrad as lff ivHual frotel rooin srhru.rt cklcls rnEf tir€ rlrs{i vsff.al €firausl clucts. Mav sdll noor, finohB arifrrD.d* rt ttrii€ loca#onr un|€s Elcastlon l$ S{|c. : I I t(r{3.i b nlet. 09/19i01 lnsoic,tor: CI}AVI$ A,rtk,n: PAPARTIAI ,qF;',fiOVAL COMm€nis: ABOVE LID ROIR}H $'I FI]t? EX. VENTS Ai.Jtr' FAN ';OIL IN$TAIL4IION$ AT TT{€ COI'lt:EEtlC€ FCOM LE\IEL F€FEF rCJ F|ELD PLAbIS FCR EXACI LOCAnONS 0gi2?101 lffiFsclsr: GFC Aati6n: PA PAfiTIAL APmOV,ctr Comr,tc s: 8th thor. erceF? "!'lmbsr!Fp1un't W. inal. v6nt d$.t3 snd farlcc,r| uniis srd rftl o('C', contdurc. otrdB t€Ytl. I10i?4/01 lnepector: GRG ./ Aclon: p.P APPFCVEC' Commsn$: l.l3rv rasl6csm6nt bdl€r nua oo i,p 10 |asf o€cfr. Tcrmrfielkn thrguch roEt I'o b6 dorl6 laler trl cofllurrctlon Wth r{,lrsf lgaldrr, €lc Of( lo ij,rrslrugf :-i]f sfrsfl tranlrlit for n€w flu€l1'15r0i ln6D€ct+r: GRG ndion FAFAFTIAL AFETFICVAL -i CDmm€nlc: N€iv t\.dler ilu€ srrvtnq ! s:outr i'rribrs on us lhroilcl ruof c{ 6th llctr = OK Prevla{Jslv looked atfrl' te{rrise*r bcllet ro&r 6nd SS, tlaof . Will ttilr n€iic to iffiD€{t flnar len inatiorr oi tfui In$ld€ ne\tr 'turGi. " MECH-F€aUno 07/?3/01 INTP*TCIOT: GRG A.rttcfl: PA PARTIAL AFPROV4J^ Co!!rl€nr.4: '?'la:/g'l {Blov, I t 0'€-r hy,lronic plplng. Cfiltbd urotor arrrJ ir,rt wui€{ p(esit-rre lsrts @ ICO p3l. 0&03i'} | lnj&sclor GRL: ' ' A;tton. PA pAFTU'L AppROvLL FEPT131.Run Id: LL32 | -r-- -'- - ' -* EX'CT TOCATION ALt LITG$ U|\I[IE,R 8{ts $TATIC TE$T tg01lB1 hrD.cbr: 6R(i Actlon' pAPARTIALAPmOVAL "1m' a:H*lF 1fr*tx nidnF tio"csldi "$xi,HfrfT#osfie t* *' CrrnnE S; 6ilr-lbor, hot sdir 6(X. chill€{, {ffi 77T. PLM&CasPhlm lilECl-FErhruil Flood* 07/1301 In*paclor: GRe AcUon" PAPMIUIAPPROVAI Corrnenb: 8 a$ilrl Brrt ducB on olev. 100 4 6 exhNrd vent ductr on elev. 110. Ol( b onchri/co1'|f dJcb rrtth stlq|t mn consfur[9o, U9?7I01 IffiPsIoI: GRG Acthn: FI PAFTIAL APPROVAL Comn€nts: 5Sr fhor \r€1r| diclg, all orcspt Tlmb3rlina unlB.t(ytt/0r !!pp!cbt;- ART Actlon: Pt PARTIAL AFPROV'( Connnedr' E|h'tcfFa6lh fioor & rool, drc{s ild unll bmklllloni. [|ECl-lSuDDN fiECl+MGc.' UECI-FFlnaf 11/01/0t connr|$s: hIOTTFIED [rrn: 315llrm: 3?0 nsn: 33O frarn: 340Lrn: 390 I t210401 CornmerYls:F*.lAl 'ce9tlu B tor rccegtanco ot mechanhal flnsl Aclbfl: PAPAFITII'i1,PP66Y4a 'l' E 3FD FTOOR UI''IITS HEATII\,G AAD VENTN.ATEil T.I T AT TIME,OF TCO REGU€ST FOR IGAT SYSTEM l$ THE SArriE .2(n.u1,21e.21d214 Bsur4c,(p K tb06{ l-fl'+rcrrt*r\ ntr|fir Dd{V bs{F 'ALL 1?/06/0{ Conm6nlr: 12tO7tbl Comtn€rti: 1A1AO1 comm€nE: Itn9.cb.: sdsvb Actlorr: PAPAFTIALAPPRCVAL a[ l* ltoor tnd /frh th'6r unfi$ cofipbta rubrn[ bolonc|l1F r€Dolt for h6at.hcf $ntci, oDd \ilntHoi sy\st€m3 d lrlro ol TCOllr$.chr: CDA\nS Action: PAPARiIAL APPRCVAI TI'LEVEL L,MTS COMPI".ETED T PROI/IDE RAt"I€UCEREPORT FOR HEATllJ(i.VEr{T[rTlOfI AND l'€T V'I'ATER SYSTEM lmD€ciofi [GRE" I i J, t tcrtrr r AeipO:\pA PAffTlilr AFPRO\aL ;t"BSH!Iii#"t'lbHl,#ffi Ui*gSJStKttffi )" o*rob"'uncdo{rrrB' Eln l,rTrl 2 ft:n Id: 1-L3,2 F .., f, ?-t JTSE;e'-of-Inspc'ctton Requesr fteoofttng - -- .Vd{L e0-: IS!1iJ AF .":'19 am srueglsd-l$5l. rf,e-$i.j ft.equcshd lmprrct Fale. Thrrrsday, r..1e,:enib+t 0d. 2001 kttpectir? srea; GRG $llE AdCresi: 715 SJ L.lets$HEAt CR {AlL A8l0_!Elolmaupit A€tivitlr: P0l-0#7 Tvpa $pl.lvt3 ir:tl fyp6: ,liilhl(:orut Ty?i: ,3ccrrocn'v. iltt Paiiel: ?1Dl(r72u7{XJ1 L'hturte[ HMr- ACOUISIT}?II PF(}PEnTIHS NC ConlrEclor: TOfAi PLUMBI\,G Phr:na 'l9j-3113-7'ii'l SDgticenl: T oTAL PLUMBI'JG Fhon€ 3!3-39i1 .f? .'1 Dercripricn: FIRE FESTCRAnON ttl FHASE tsUlLPlMl li! @ yArL ilqAFRlOfi MTtr REg:; T .1{alin: ISSUED Inrp Arla: GRG Item: R€qu6ster: Commentg: Asslonec To:- Acllon: uM{T !gt^ ot<rLrr' cJK t o c/ lvrlsriltr_ lob 6 t( lob oEtto oE rl& orc uq 6ttlb arL Its" o.L9;"t ilit^E*r".Etrs*tr 290 PLfilB-Fir?4I't$ ir{L F,LUniElti€ 0a2c/01 Fl6(l.J6st*ci linre; ii8:iio AI* itrons;',3S3--19,]-7? it Elrlsred gr: IIFLI3RES K qol o lc Llos o1.tos - 04 'lot - o< tesr Or LITH L6+tt L l t{,t Actv-'n: AF APPR$1./ED SW",*b tr";rA fvltusr( Itsm: 210 item. 22C "- Appi$'rid '-.;Fl3 Cc$mcrn$: Lor,vDr l€vel ?8".tr oflh. llualsr c,Jtumr| trst on each sbch FLM&.Rr;.xrh4l.'/1/.Yo7'li;of lnrc+cii " APPro!'€d "at:tnt,. PA FAPTIAI. P.FPFQI/AL07']ii0f ln$+ciil: CC,lJl.ir n€nl$ GFOLTNB t.E\tEi" TCC{t rn€nl$: GROLzuB t.E\rEl. T0 TFllRtr LE"/EL PWV li.J$F[CTff" OA/'lir/*1(]omrn6 s: 0fti1,#O1 Commatlts: cE/1Ei01 Comr$erds. trl/-:lclol C{imrrr+nl:i . 10/0?/01 Caltlrnents. 10/041il': [o0l.ngn$, 1O/1?rCl Cotn oents: J 1/O 1/Ll I lrFp{rdor: GR{i Aitiori: PAPARIIAAPPI?OVALgga$fi st{h o{ 4tfl & 5h tloar$ exieDt Timbsriins {ni!$, v?flef column tect- lns!€cto{: Ai p.cllon iUF: A'3FF*|ED AFFi{OUbP R€MAlf.lCE}t CF CiWd EX(;E|5*I" Fl:)F i.ll'll'I $ .{O1 403, fi{l 1 & 5$3 h$Dector: GRfi ..rrii.rr'r. NR i')Oi REAO'i FOR tN$PEC.Tl3t"l tJot rcaCv - Unft' 4ui, {03, ic'l & 5O3 'rrLt had), kr rnscectt$n, nc{ utroroy&'!.hnF€ct(i ctlai4s rv:ion. eA. FAF I Ld'l. APPRf-rvrL |}ilsl c'olurflfi t€gr unlfg 401.4$3.601-503 Ins'pectcr: GRG A,itkxl. FA Frl.RTlAl- AIsPRC'VAL rr'ondlnq aret3, 45 ft{r'r. waltl cL'ltrmn !B!,. trnp${.ti{: cr}rvlr ,4;tion. /i,F Ai:PROVED UNng 6.8,1?,1,{..t6.1S,?tr,1C}6.108,r 1!,'l 14.1'16,1'l8,1106?tg SOFC,AtlC' E\tE}.|) FOUR DfiFERENT AIRTEST$ PTRFCT{€b Wf.'H A.lL HA."JE : # ,\iR Illogoi.cr sRG ActK,n: FA trARTFL /\PPRCJVAL 'nntsflin€' roorns 00l, 004. i{2, tii4 10:. 1 M. 1?it. "i ?4. tsz, 2w, ?22. 124 Dtw. Inspcctor: CRG Aflion: FA PAflTlAL AFPRCVAL Grourd ldvol comp|its, 1$l tevar al| bi !t rytatd. {e!ldlnq & leuridrs, 2rd l€wtl 6ll bL'tt2O3. nntd/vefldlfig & uilt oa o,-lding ? gori|l ltr'rrt @ E *Ill 3rd lauol all buf tol . :lO3 & rirtd/vBrdhg. Wrler cdumh tests t1&,3dr01 tn6p'lrctor: GR{i A{. cn: PA PAFnAI APPRO!'Ai- Comm6nr$. A.tr1b.j nltld & soitdlng grQes glrl{l+td - 3r.l tlc,or$, lualei coturnn rasl Lrtt/,r no+r compt.|'io through 3rd flmr. 'lsl* 4thflori!gc" kren+>u9*1[C REPT:.31 Run Id: 1095 o i I L f, 12-06-2001 InspcGton Requqet Roponing _7-.1"9_am__Cofin|.n$: lC toor hunc[r, rmm ond uhltr 5O1 & 5O3 rffibr $rbr rrlumn hst $h h tho lort df €ll DWV rourh |ns$ecllons for tho pto{ect 11t27!Di fi6D*tof; CDAvlS - '.Adon: APAFFdOIEO cornrneob: rJir$ ae6 ,27,3a5.3?7 APFROI/ED TESTEO W'TH S AnTEs-l Pago 33' ,, PLlFGos D7B1/01 hoFqilq[:l6$[4q t,.f"A'{.Iiifu:-PAPARTIAt APPfrOVAL comm"nb: lft ElDESansl'FBlftB I,#IUiEATEL W'tR 6tr AIRTEST 0&1301 hlDr€rorl \Grc\ - r\ I Ar,flon NRl{OTRElSYFORlNsPEcTfff,il Corur€flb: ftfp_m?ts q"t "{.o|1. bnt g3ngo had draDfed. Cdl tor r€ln$pocton $,hon alr pttt.lro b hnt: 23t) lbn; 240ttloC lifi 'f?.*\\F Clttlcl Q( ,JT A\C [3mr ?90 081!YO1 Cornnnl3: 11,'29/Ol Cotnns r: PLil*fioal rzl04,tol Cornrn€nts: PLU&RouqfVWth " Asrovrd "tw130f fElecbr: ORr.+ Actbn' PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Commcnlr: ll,65f on Fhor8 t-3. MulSDh oruo.s 0 10O oel. {tgj 14rol In }.ctor oRG - Ac&n: pA FArtTllL AtPF.o'vAL Commsrtr: Wibi cornolda qrorrnd throrroh 3rd lrwl. 100 Dal te6&. 0W24Ol lrumdor'Gfi|d - Aclion: FAPARTTALAPPROVAL Co{milnb: Addgdfi.tdE vendlngrromthru€fi 3rdfuor, {0Op'5t. Wcbr nowcompn 1ri fioor - 3n|.[oot,. but nor 0found noor 09i18OJ lnrDffldr GRG Aeuon: pAPARTIALPPROV/\L CotnnlFflh: dfi-lloor. 1 oarne oer eoch 4 roome . 10O Dsi. l0/tlst)1 hrpoctor -cdfo6 nctuir: PA PARTru APFROVAL Coilurefli|: ualnr |I|rlne for Enoufd hr/al undar $eGl paetsut€ lW16/Ol Froostot: ART A:dori: FAPARTIALIPpRWaI Coffnsfit$: Stl lbor. flccd for UnlE 601 & 603. lo17lt01 lr|lp€ciff: 6RG dcllon: FAPAFTIALIFFfiO'VAI Co!t!'E ltr: p&-thgr omf.pdmg p{6rurs. 1tl01,0{ h|DGtor: 'c(hvb - Aciicn: APAFFROVED Comm6ntr$: 1i.[0or.bundryroom rnd onib S01 & 5O3 $dsrltra.t PIedln [00r Funory r00m rm 0nits iol 6 s03 q{rd8f rilre3l pletc|Jl6 Thlr ts lhi |rd o{ tri rordl ,*rlsr lnrofcdor}t for thr DrolDct hrpoclo{: CDAMS - fwdon: APATTFROVEO11t27D1 hrpsabr: CDAVI$ - lwno.r: iFAPFR Commertr: U!FS?2SJ27.326.327 TESTED WIT}I 90f ARTES',326,327 TESTED WTTTI 9OI ARTEST \\-O $rFEg qgggroor,n*Tui *$!I["\Jrr (lgr f t"r'r- C\osrxc 260 FLME-MbG.::t,:----- ---otiiiloi hcn cror cDAv!$ rlglhpn: PAsAFTtALru'PRovAL 1t ip Y !\ Cornrnants' STbRM DRA}N$ {6} tr[$PeCT?QSR{t T|{E€q(RTH FLOoR ALL U&[)€R WATER Co|-Ltll.l tocl rry1Ci$rr K,6lE$nettlr1F r\.ci a{ . r-r.- Or( otrtrr i.i oK c'OK gRG -gA{Of' .P*IAFTIA,. APPRCVAL tt')rm & o{rqrfloir, 4huE{fitlod!, F|Dlrlqolumlltlq!._ I hltton:Glr}1 AFPROVALF ffir|(, lfi,\rn.( t€st on root, Bll exc6B 2 0t W. rnd thd $ttll D€€d to b€ conmcbd E IrilOg{to{: CDAUIS Acibn: PA PARTIiAL AP'PRCVAL zt\D & 3RD FLCOR UMTS OiILY IJ}IIT 2?7 NSTATL INCHEN $IN|( U{lT E1O COfiRECT'TRAP ARM REVERSE FLOI/Y LhllT 26 * g16 hlo'T READY FOn lSl€FCTKlf.l I.f,rffT 2O4 INSTALL KnCXEN SINK lt\dT 2G lN,STtLL TR P pAm FOfl ADA UiST UNff 213 CORRECT TNAP ARII, REVERSE FLOI,I, FEST OF ufttTs Ail 2NU FLOOR COlr{)tETE AND APpROVED DD ftIOT I/TS}UALLY hISPECT 3RD FLOOR Fi3WEIIER THE LIST IS THE SAT,E AS FOR T}|E zNDFLOOR ltvlt|{ffuldrrf:F(ORQ -. .+lion: PAPARTIAI APPROVAL Run lil: 1095REPT131 'i lZOSZmii- ---- tnipcctlffi nequest RCpoitlnq-H.9-an-..- ----vett--c:o--rpslrn bp --.- Rcg{rcsted lostr€cr ffot€r frfonila}, Oe<rfirbrr 03. ?001 lnspec{on Ar€a: GRG SIE Addr€ss: 715 lY LTCINSHEAO CR VAL ll'tARRIOTt PHASE lll Page 1 \t\ \\. ArFrD In|lgrfir.doq A.tlvty: BOl-01 l1 com{ rype: A.{'iOltM R1 Strhr*: lnsp fueo: ISSUED GRG \, Pairsl: Orvfier: Contractor: ADglhad:, tjrdrildion:-. Cornancnt:--PommeFt: Comn€nt: Cilnmafit: Reoue6te{ln|o€cdgr{.f I u //pF lbr i Rae€Cor: Conimentr: A.|lgncd To:- Ac{on: Acc ,.lr.t rr {s r NSrY?-cF4 H ;;*d# m,#,x' vffi*),#.oo^,. rot - !^prrr'rkcr €5 frl -:Jr:,trffi - (omRfiz' Cc,*rI@ @D FxH . PurtFS au S9fttrt, Jor':' )rr -*l*-€ ft-54:huaui*'' 6ao - g,PPrrtr oua.- A-,a't?S ';: - I ' ltl --jip'u-&ct(\ \ E-e i^, r.r._ or,-/rAr| )t)'-*N.IyyrS ;. i Eilarcc By: TlrD. til-ffiiilW {'{ c6(5 irir- spe,ut<L&> aL5' * 9gNEt EQ7,..i itff-spCiltutrris.. ?os ' frryrur- rrugrric g r'rrza'fia n* - .,^ - .Ins,cctrqrHrsron'rtt -*gll\i*qs 3g!L Ftatt uu{-'> )rut e Lnr: 226 FIRE DEPT. hIOTFICATION&m: 1O EIDSF1x)ltno3rS..l llrm: 20 B{-crc*Founfrtb|vsbrtItsn: 3O BLDG'Fromtm - ADp.orFcl - . O8/t,2{,1 _I'EO.Cbf, GRG- Acdon: PAPARTBIAPPROT/AL Cornmentt: Vcntbtlon ihan oocheurrg znd Fbor f2 roorns.). wtl4to1 r*D.r'toe GRG AM- pAPART|AI 1pp69v11. Comflrntr: lrd toortrW 08117101 tfto.dor:'.bRc Actfon: PAPARTIALAf'FROVAL Commenb: .ltr'tbor onfv.tO/1581 tntrFrctoc -GRG Acdon: PAPARTIALApPROVAI Conrmcns: ffii'f,oo? o[rly. Lool(.d Nt 6$ {loor, g8ner'ly OR, but elcctrhel rrcrk Jud 3'!rld & no rryil! clrtrlctlh6oactton morwd rrr. ro no tmrtnq lgDroval. 1$31/01 hca€dor CDAVIS" - Action' rpdppp6ggg Coflmsnb: ffiAil$lc FOR 6TH FLOOR O.K 50 BlfrGhsulrdofl0fl1441 hrpcctol: GRG Acltoft: PAPARTIALAPPf]OI/AI Cofisn€nts: 2ld Fhor Of&.ltio?rot lorD.dlof: GRG l+.'tlon: FAPARTIALAPFROVAL Qgqm€nB: C{UnS inidauon & Yapo( 16rd.r. SW comar & W. rnd. 5,$ floor crd E. rnd. Jrd floor. 60 BlDGsh€ofiektld OB/OZiot h!.clor: €RG A{il6n: FA PAfiTfAL APPROVAL,' Corf,n€nB: lntld. hy€{ dryif,lt, t.rnilteuoo illdt aftclorur€o, ?nd fhor. tklll g3t ? hwfs oo oubkh 0f *r.l; ltm m. 70 BLOGMbC. - * A!,prof,d " REPI131 Run Id.: 1089 I -J In$pe#tton Reqqgst (}nnnxrnlB: rl9/25/01 CofirrcfltD; 09/2ttt1 commsnlt: 09/2S,01 CommcriLi: !0/15/01 Comlxnt8: 103'r 0l Cofirmfilt3: Ffa:ilop9hg at top ol retrd n rlB. lnd floor onty. Somc ac€i rol ( or4ple$. i.a. lrYll n€iit lo oo back to lffio€cl romErrdrr cl llrbstoootno for znd iloof . lmpncor: GnG Acton: NO NbTFIED Arlkfl: PA P Ac0on: ilo |\|CITIFED $W oilt o{ lhor. Loohod oi behroom $FCl orJdet bcatians. ln$DGctorr GRG . 11107,01 lnspccbr: GRG Actian; PAPARn{APPFOVAL _q[qronts: FtA ss{}tg. SW co.ne.5th floor and en$re 6lh floor. Exh{hg $r8f6mrt$ ln erhring sleir tourRr$, trhlch a{a r}ot b€lfig touchsd o$ F\rrl ol lhis proFcl, msy ItltDlt! dD 13 lmpcclof: GRG .{cri(}r): PA PAFIAI T.P,PROVAI Flr6l'fino (D co?r{dof wrlh & b€hr,G€n o$efl rcocrs. re,i ot Znd ncs e o[ cf 3rd tloor. hsDfc!or'.- -GRc ,Actfon: PA PARTIiiL APFROVAI 4th tloor. a[ excaot W. 6rd W ot rtrhrcll. fre$oprrn{r at toD6 of vf6ll$. €tc hrDcctor CDAVS Actloft: AFAPPR0VED FIRESAATIG AT TOP OF WALI-S,,CELI}IG PAN ASSEiiBLES ONLY uiuTs xo75€,511,513,517.515.51A ANDCORTDER Oil oTt-t FLOO8 CN NORiH srDE TO rtffT 507 ot{LY THIS DOES I{OT [',lCLUf,e Ol]lEt? PERNETRATIONS THAT ARE STILL UNPATCHED 'f,{', ,jrrr l_.!1:n'^[V, r,tLL{ \,,i .^r- t*r. li.: it_l ,:-i \r"\,\... \. \, i -. \.'^.--.\ i: tk-14. ,.tsiT!l# .\l-tir ,^- ^ !ir, .'{ kr{. *itld;',^J{I, l t:,r ,t--?-^-I l, : t t .- ;. '. !;( 1^ .-..'-l \\.(it., - t,:. ,i 'r c.tl,n "' . ;1.,,",+S '[' , i.-. :./,: ,:.. i ' I-' j '' 1i 'l 'f't'"t' t.:. ; ^':- r' l-tt P' lll Elof,r.Fintl Vrc qvl tL {+? r he$5 itrr? l\ :i 'I ! \ 't ' .' : \,!\\ I qii,i1';,5\ u r**. REpr131 Run Id: 1089 tf:-'';l Rcoucsbd Insp€ct llrb:' lnctcduqr Are,s: Sttr Addrccs: llonday, Dcccmber 03, 2001 GD 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL PHASE Ig .TARRK}T HOTEL ArP{D lnftrm.0on AE tfrv: CondTnF: Pdtel: Orvner: ConbEcbrl ADogcant hrcdDlhn: t{odc.:ildh.: riol{o84 210107?07m1 rfirc AcoulsnrcN Twr: &lfECH Occupcihr {i€!'44"1.,' ,, 8bt$: ISStJED lncp Ar€.: GD Sc 801{1l l for Carmod m€c}taolcrl slilE. - ra'ilrd to Gaytu rpprdvdl - DFLoR€S I ErcOilPASS MECHTI1SCAL r EI.TCOMFAS$ lff CftAt\SCAL { hISTALL FIVAC SY8TEil FOR Conm.nls: t$ logr & portofi cldat dl lrl.lbof . Phcrie: 9flf949{259 Phone: 97tr949t)?59 6'l:00ffi 97(}94*1?47 ?506 -or- t[F4lB tArt1-',[ - . Er{graddf 'CDAMS K -;r I ; ''- :I17 -: f ^|:ntr ntArsffr r 6€rcL.S g ot- o ? ,^tb iab ."r .-'fl ?A5 4t.r8 - o'<;:-i? fo i-;* tlryr:9aLctrS :OL 7tb - /^rsnli 62r(tEg J.05 riusrnc 6e4t g-tLl- lN6ry _ 64t*,, U J67. - ppJr,}ttC 4l2rCr,,rS .ayl- tsl6rr,.rtr- 6|,ti !s. Jtl _- iE" , i,i 6/?wc(9 ; . . "-. i",...,,.n rt =,eK lfrft Furt9M ?u"t Lro -, 4€fa€s{io - oZ f;6 - No.' afr'wq Co4. O A lnsoec{on Hirbry fis'r: 2oo hrEg*9,*p'i 5,7' ,s,%frcd&jtt- 6Ptcw> :!P$0v3d* znd & 3rd f$o( onty - tan-cc,ll unilc, ducts, .xhEusts cottlphb .xcspl mddl . ord. vcnt dtrtt arrd flrrrcoll unilr srd raot of 'C', coflbfGnco -'rld .{," . &:6f,t''. 0&su0l Co,tnnanb: wrgo{ eommcntB: @n7n1 Comrnentr: Itv?{ol Cofifirgrts: t 1/t5/01 Comnants: Inegdor: cFg Acfop; PA;PAR'.tth-hr orfr. Etdrausr dec$. C.ofirm.d r|r|no 22'+ \nrlical €n n||ono$ n3t duclr as os Ercrotix fl b Sec. 715.11{3.). 1997 uBC, to fio$an3t ducb as p6 Exfiptix fl b Sec. 715.11{3.). 199? t Bc, to frr€ drmp€rs rre l{O1 rrulrsd ai lndh'ldrEl tl($l roorn cnrawt ducts anlsr tha ff6ln Ertkrl rxhltlst ducb. lfilvrlqdrc.t ai ]ndh{ikEl hohl room eluust .lucts lnlsr th. .rnln EBFII l]q{tlt duF }.iy !ilSmil rrno*r frnrpcrs d Itrfr. to€r0onE unhrs Etc|!{bn b Sac. 713.to(3.) i3 trr*lnrfldFn ccA\,lst ac{on: PA PAFTllf, AFPROVALInrp.drrn cGA\nst Fc{on: FA PARTllf, AFFROVAT ABOJE tlfi F.OIJ6II IN FOR EX. V€}ITS AND FA}, COIL NSTALLAT COf\FEruTC€ ROOM LEVET REFER TO FIELS PLANS FOR EXACT ABTNJE TM RC,IJOTI IN FOR EX. V€I{TS AND FA}' COIL NSTALLATIOIIS AT THE COf\FEruTC€ ROOM LEVET REFER TO FIELS PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATPI.IS INSDACiO(: GRG ACdOfi: PAPARTHIAPFROVAL 5th'lbor, orc.H'Tlnnbcrtn€' unl W. ord. vcnt dtrtt arrd fhl}'coll unilr srd raot of 'C arsde hv€|.h&oedoI: GRG ActION: APAPPRCI/ED ilciv mbcsneot lothr lttn on up to root dcrJ. TorrlttE bn thlot uh rmf b be thna hter ln con{rnclbn wilh turd Frlrrfc, st' . OK lr.] crotrnrcf 2-hr $|an fram]riq for tlcw true. hsriector: GRG Arthn: PA PARTIAL APPROVALi** bol|.r llue reMm 2 $um bo,fielc ('r up lhrBttgh rDof ol Slh lloo{ = oK. P|cv|oulty loolt d d ftrt bdlv.en bolt rc&n tnd 6lh floor. WilIsill-nodd b iorpo€t RnEl I'stm|ndotl of lus ltEldr t|.w 'tfid.' frcm: 310 lGCtl-hhdno078301 f;r*prcror: cRG Conmenb:'f '|r\d iderr;,lr10.si bfiFol$c(}B/O301 lnDpcdor: GRG : 1616a1' p{PgT|A1 APFRoIAI Dhp. Chlll€d $frt rncl hof tvator prt6$r. ffi 0 10O pd.' ,AiIion: PA PARIIAL APPROVAL os, or REPT131 -._--__1= Run Id,; 1089 7;19 am Inspectlon Request - --domnnins znoE&?t -- iminiifin-'Eott fn-ns?frE]raurt oucd, att'dxcepl noom 0f'lOTlOl h*eclor:' GRc Acfion: PAPAFTTIALAPPRCVAL0U07/Ol lEp€crol^ lEGCo menb: '3"hvd C3_' roors) hydronlc dplnS. 2 gaug€s @ tm p,sl tb{ hot $,aler & chl$ed rdor, r€sp€dhnry: lma).dor: ' GRG Acilon: PA PARTI,AL AI'PROVAL 1d tloor cJ|l[€d ryEtor & hoat lln€s. 2 oauocg O lm pd. InED.ctof: GRG &TIin: trAPARTIAI- APPROVAL 4ffi-{bor ofily, copper hydro lh6 to t|n coil rtrlib, hol & chrll€(t, 2 gaug€s O lm pei. lncp€ctot: 'CDAV'IS AcUon PAPART!\LAPPROVAL HEAT tll.lEs/l0r WATER AT COl.lFREl.rCE ROOI, LEVEL REFER TO FIELD Pl-Al.lS FOR EXACTLOCATPN ALL TINES UNDER EI)' STATIC TEST 1OO1lO'l lmpcctor: GRG Af,{on: PAPARTUTL A'PRO\,AL Coflun€nG: RdntDdg ot hKrronir ddino for'C' orade hv€|. H on cNlH tlt€r O 10o p6l. 1911/01 IrEiclor: ARt - r{Lton: PA PARTUAL AItPROVAL-lU1t/OJ l4_cPlrctor: Co,flments: 6th-floor, hc,l |Lter 6(F, chlllcd naler 7if P.LJi4FQc! PldIJLME-C€3 P|DINO MEcH-Exhaubt lloods oat6/01 Commonb: 083y01 Comnronts: 09/1got Cort|mdds: llam: 315 Item: 32O ie,m: SX) ll€m: 34t nam: SX) O7|1UO1 Inspeclor: GRG Acfron: PAPARTIALAPPROVAL Corrnents: 8 cllrwt vsnt ducb on €lev. l0o & 6 €xhaust rent ducls on €lev. 110. Ol( to mdocdcowf drcli \il|h Bhd YJail corElruclhfl. @l27lo1 lr}rpscro.: GRG A.oon: PAPARTIALAPmOVA Coflrm€nls: 5|h lbor Vrnt docis. r[ erc.pt Tlmbs.lln€ unrls. 10/1{/01 lrlspocbr: ART Action: PAPARTIALAPPROVA Commentg: 50r'0oor, 6Ur noor & rooi, drcts .rid unll t€rmhstbrls. ilECFlSr4pfyAr llEcl+Mitc. MeCH-Firf,l l1lo1/Ol lrtlpoctor: cdavb Actlon: i,lo l,lOTlFlED Commdts: lhahmhal flnrl wlll nol bs p€rtofrned unlll all aspacls of condruc{on under lhb p€rmt b colnpl€td Conbactor no$[€(t amf nBnt over procseduroc tor acc€pEnce of m€chanlcal thtl REPT131 Run Id,: 1089 o\ d l_-.\_\ 12-03-2001 Inspectlon Request Reportlng_7'1eam_ _ _uA|t.so_iro}Iu-0E_.__.______ I il$07l01 tnrDoctor:' ERGfr,-{-a-a^ .!a,l-,^l Ji5 , ofti rxtuurt ducts oll F,(c€pt RorAdirfl: PA PAFTIAL APPf,C\,"AIcffiiemi's: ;friEiil t'a-]t i&nrs) hydrcnio ptFing. i iiEir#s'6! i tfr' pit 'n# 6ot faef d cht[od ,,.ot€f , Acton: PA PARTUAL APPROVAL rerloetivrlY. Ogl6/Oi lmir*to,.: - GRG Commants: l llltoor ch||lrd wErsr & hcd ltri€c.2 oruo6s d[ tfro Dsl txt'3o/Ol lncD€clor: GRG ,{ctkft: FD PARTHL APPROVAT Corirm.r,ts. 4ilr'thor fiily. (oppar trydro tlna6 trJ far coil unils. hot & r:hllkrd, 2 gaug€s 0 lcn pil 08i1g0l lnso€clor: CDA\45 Aruon: FAPI{RT'\LAPPROVA.L CO{lsNENIs' IEAT I.II'IES/HOT WATFR A7 COI.IFRENCE ROOM LEVEL FEFE'i TO FEID PI.ANS FOR EXTCTLOCATION AtL Llf.ES UNDET( 8W STA'l'lC. TEST 1(y01J01 lnrpeclor: GRG Actlon: I?APAQTIIUAFPROVAL Coffmcntc: Rainclmbr 0,1 hvdronlx Dbino tor "c' cradc levol.lest ofi chlllsd rr.sl€r (D 10O psl. 1{y11t01 hlD€ctof] AnY ' ,{Etion: FAPAfiTIAIAPPROVAL- Cofttrn€nts: 6$'noor. t$t u€ter SOt. ctwed lvcter ?7t. PLMFG6e Plg|no ItiEGl't-Exfnu-rt Floods Itsrn: 315 item; 320 lcm: 3iX) llom: 34{) Itrm: 39O , APPRO\,'AL ort €lev. I ?0. 0|( to emlor€/cr/rrat ducb ,i A t'f [!EeH-Ftnol 11/01/Oi lmpectDr: cdails ^ Acton: |,lO hYJllflED .,r' Cgrnmint$r hrr'chanical ttnal nlll nst ae,$€-_ltfirnqd *ftt alt ospscb +l consffucllDrr und€r thi! Darmit b ' compietbdnrr4r#T'Gfifru"%"fl iiH{,T+TlTffi f "'f ,1n'!'L-hankarnnai '!it. n7 - t^r>i1&.( 3t0 'ak i-':.{,)L5 ' I .r.r'-, ?TC (.:,f'k".{- . , 5}bf . \$Wi t ;1,1,s ; .t j:' rit. lf t } t. i- /'r, t', rliic- .-t,,.;tt1e. l.;., ; l) {-;t't( \ (' 2 1,' : eo9 - olc*lia ' ti(,', i':' tirl'/ Qa+Ctr .,r 1l-'t-( ?r*. 4k ; '*ii: i {',+''. p t'': - QFr r.Lf "". b,;lL!,i t , A i' 'r., i'.ltt, ._-. I- ', \.. REPTI.31 Run Id: 1089 r t_ :I 12-0$2901 lnspecton Reqqegt FsEo 12 litfl€6hd lnsp€c't Drte: ffondry, D*:cmber 03, 2001 Inrp€dtion Area: GRG Sltr Adtlrcts: 715 YU UONSHEAD CR VAjL A&Ebgeq$on _ ^Srtf P01.0O47 _ Tvpe: EFPLT'IB Sub"l-!p€: ACc$i SS.rs: ISSUEO Conen T$n: - Occupanc l'. {J*: lniP,Cree: GRGmc.l: 21{XO??O?OO| Own r: tfii,lc ACOU{SlTlOil FROPEFTIES h|c Co,fltraclor: IOTAI', PLUtlEll.lG Phone: 3o339$7?71{, Apdklnt TOTALPLUIiBhIS P}ond 30}33}7271' Dricfldon: FIRE RESTORATIO|{ hl Ff{ASE BlJltDll'lo ffi e VflL-UARRDTI MTN RESORT- A ppr^n-,Fmucfmd.tnco€c{ond$} O ^.fi- Yttf,,.o f Era ru. r-r-rFUF ' I IAcdon: 'Ttrnr EXo-: ',. ' t- ' ' uurf 2?L oc i I,C69- o!( 'i,.,.Ilct r. SrufCUHrr F:? ry:Itftr ,4,f.s,&r|c a6l'.-ot< --5rb eto - 1atprrRil @ E*q(fit ltEor432 F(ouJ { r ;';,.,," ,?ig, l3!o^*"1 , :/J' "ft*ntuQ k,c*tr*r$.t€M a'^'t/, Aot ''p9{ - ,,t r,-lq#ecqqpHsm/ il.|n: zto PlMFundarqroqnd " Alorov€d - _ 06120O1 }r|Oedor: qRq " AEthn: AP Comrnenl*: tori,3f lry€l ?4.8' onfu. Wtht cokJnn tosi on osch ctac&. -lirnu 220 Ptl&Rdph/D.W-V. " Ai,oro{€d " 07/31/Of lrsg*tfir COer.rsl ' , Ac$on: FA PARTTAL APPROVAL COM|t|fitI; GfiOUND LEVEL TO T'.ffitr TEVEL DVW hISPECTED UNITS 6,8,12,14,16,t8,20.1{16,r08.1 12,1 14.1 r6,1 18,205.?19 gODO AND EVEM FOt,R DIfFER€NT AffiTESTS PERFOi'ED WITH AtL I{A\JE 6.r AIR6/13$l hroccior: ORG Aclion: FAPTIRnALApPROVALQoiln nb: 'Tlmbsllne*roonp{r02.0O4,012.0e4, 102, 104. 122,124,2t}2r204.2e2.424onlyc.o!t!n nb: Tfmbstlns* roonn 0Ol. 0O4, 022. 0e4, 102, l lt4. 1?2, 12.4, 2!4 G84, 222. A24 only. B/14O1 IffPodOI: GRG Actbn: PAPARTTAL'AFPROVAI Con n€ott: Gl'ourirt lstr| cotylilo$, tst levcl Cl bul mau. vandln0 & laundry, zrd |€'y€l all butt?ff!, rrlCiv*tdlng & ufif b€ ddng 2 dorm tlrt€s lB E end.3rd lrvu4 rn h'ut 3Ol, g)3 t mrld^,eftnno. WdGr ('lurnh t cn ucrtrd.lnfl€c{ond$} -,A,l HTf T t- **,JH: ffiffifrl"' f'frL\tt'l--;ttl*4ues*do.me: 3f;r1#rr,Corimoril.: 2ND^TSXIRD UMTS oNty \ I . .)l toY- ' , i. Aolgpd.To: CDAUSI l- _ r, Y-l -i ' EnteredBy CDAr,/lS K ii{ fr-:* o"'s'Fi!:rr- f;S'- o'" A.A.r\-.- .{ &atb or+ rtt)ri.-frft]*.lr"n+ Pftt5 .a [,\{3!'u oL t,f-ortn*n @ tc,rs:6rti' n:;!'!*'ff'- rt 'ryb FUp{ 0S?4Ot h.Ddor: GRG Ac{on' PAPARIpl-6pefOVAL Co,mm€n!3: f,tll€d mdd & vor[lng lmcs ground - 3{d tloo[r, rrtir column lolrt. frWV nos cornphf. [iro{r!il| 3rd toor. Ogi 'A/O1 . IED.ctof: ORG A. 'on: PA PANTIAL APPROVAL Conrn€ntB: Srtffi n|th ot 4th ll fifr iloor3 exced TimhsrHno unitE, lvatar, colr.Hm te$t.(xyz(yol fil.0'.dor: Art ' A[fkn: APAPPRO'JED Coorrnonb: APFROVED REi,UINDER OF Cryw EXCEF FOR UMTS {O1,4x} 5ol a 503 IUfJF.tOl hlsDoclon GRG Ar*on: NR tlOT READY FOR lliSFECTlOt'l Co.nmcntr: tJol rc.dy - t nib 4tl1 . {}3, 5O1 & 5O3 nlol rccrly b| lNp€ctlon, not €pp|oved. 1(y0iti01 llto.ctoi: cdavi! Aclbr'. PAFARTIAL APPROVA,| CofirnenB: r*r cofumn hdr |l]ilr 4fi.ln3.501.503 1O17/Ol hcrdtnor: GfiG Ac'ton: P*FA{TI{.|.APPROVAI Comm.ntg: ldtrdlU anct, +6lloo.s. urtbf column tcgtll/Ot/Ol lnrpccbt. cd.rrb Action: APPPRO\GD I Run Id: 1089 iREPT131 l - i,!l B 5"';'; "ffib ffifu .ffiild;,$nrymmrr6r-ae6Qnsadr Lr.'',-, n"\"'-l i2-03-2001 lnsoecflon Reomst Repoltlnc 7:19 am _--;- ____ .. -_ltAlL,.CA".. fOWU bE -. -'--ffi;ii: -iiltttil Funriw iirm firdUiitb Eoie$3 "finiter-ilrtei caihrn tctt lHr b St€ bt d rll Olfi/V rc$afi FtEE€ctlon$ tor rh€ Drol€dIililft1 ln$.ctor: CDAVIS - Arlion. APAPFf,o\Ett rttt$ F Bt€ f,3t oI tlt uvvv rc${fi tr}si€cuon$ rot rn€ Dfol€!'rIililft1 ln$.ctor: cEAVlS - Arlion. APAPFf,o\Ett Conun€nt3; t lfi$ 2!5 :27,325.3?? ApPROWO TE$TEr'WITH 51 AlRlE.$1 it6n: 23) Pllr/FRounMryator '- Ap$cy.d " i-cFt3/of -hA!L-a{or: GRG Acticn: I'APARTiALAPPRoVAL CofimentD: Waiff on Flo(xs 1-3. ilunlr,|i oouqcs & 1(r0 Dsr.o8rl4,ol FtsDfttor. GRG - rcEon: FAF.AfrTlAl AFpROVAL cofnm.rdr. lrvdin rDrfiddo qrc.und th{ot ,qh }d levrl. 10O rni teafs 092.1/01 hcpftlor: GRG - Aitlon. FA PAflTlAl- APPFfiv'Al Coflm6ntB; Addcd mr|d e wnqling 6[las lhror.Edr 3rd itoot, lcl:pai. Wster now comPl€ie {sifloor - 3d {bor, but not Ofo{rnd Socr. - og1&r01 hep€ctd: GRG /!c{co: PAPARI'IALAFPROVAL furnmenls: d0r taor. I E r|{€ p€r e€(h 4 roorDs. 100 psi. lw(XJcl lr|soeclor. -odivii Adc'i: FAPARTI{APFRoI/AL Comnrenir: wder rdnc for otoufti ls/il urd${ sf6al ffe$sureComtrsnG: wder nrairw iol otouril lc,rel u{do{ slrtal D{emure1ty1€r0l lr*pqctor: ART Actton: PA PAFTIAL APPROV.{ Co{r|nents: 5t1 lloo!, .xceel tbr t hs 501 & 503101?,01 In$rctin: gRg Actiofl: FAPARTIALAPPROVAL Co{finants: €lh irrof oflly. fi)aking F{cgsi'J|r. l ll0{rol Insoclor: cdavla Action: AP APPRIVEL Comme ntF: ld tloor lilndry room and unlt8 5O'l S 503 undcr €Oo€l pf€sswe flcm: 240 PLM&GasPlptrs * AsDroved- i i \ l*.' 07i31/01 'hrsFeaor: convts Acrbn PAPAfitfliAtaPPFO\Fr\t'J\r{-v- \r-\-J, comnrnts: WELDESGASPIPhIGIiAINTES]€fjWm|6dAIPTE$T' : [r ' \ -\ ,'.' .,? l\ - I ['ffil# ffi ffi r*ffiWqtq,fu s,.ry'Jff l3i W* iiryi:rs'ffi ",,{L}" n . !,* rz" u ' \.t l\ conr!€nri Gos t{pint cgEerebhror{trflid ftro{,.?O p6t-tFl ___^. --. ' r + L '-' \' : \o - g4rerygl&fiHnffie&mfi?dlhhteeu'lom$tlE**"*AFP*ov€D -\ J ! i"-'ifu "'-"*"*u"$'$i,Jo'*to* ueqftlpe{flfipFLAcEE -'i: \} , -.-.tl.mi.'s*pplrFMr*c. -rt'r\-t.1( 'i".lP hfcnr 3te OK"#,tt,ot tns0,ectc[ CoA'ilSL^". .'-rAcf,orr:-EA.P,cRTlAtAPFRoVAL''i (- . - ? r e o K m.nB,: ?JSt' DRATNS (6t H*fT3'HlRtltt+€ F1NIFQH/FLEOF-4|L trt{Den WArER coLUMN{-' ic*l:'' l:i *mgg$rp"xffiH*ffir#,-*l*:,*;lffii;Ji;:f$it*ffi*' '- "l)rllt Xff' C|( 1tyls01 tntp{c'tar: Ot?G ticDin' PAPAFTIALAPFROV{ Cornrn8nb: Rsif ihahs, $.gter cohrmn l€st ofi ro0{ all sxcoFl 2 d W. snd $lil sl.lll n€€d lo ba conn€cl€d & !bm: e€0 PLMFFlnal .|w ,, ^l t i.''$r" ' l\"th(t'" .,{ li-'u'l/r IJi".'Ll/r/t;q4r-- * REr{t131 Run Id: 1089 -/ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 O DEPARrMENroFcoMMUN,r"?urroPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 80l-0016 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: MARRIOT STORAGE AREA Applied. . : 02/05/2001 ParcelNo....: 210107207001 Issued...: 02/09/2001 ProjectNo. : QA6$-ODL?-- Expires.. .: 08i08/2001 owNER IIMC ACQUTSTTTON PROPERTTES TO2/O5/2O01 Phone: c/o II{ARRIoTT IMTERNATIoNAIJ ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: CONTR,ACTOR MARRIOT MOI]NTAIN RESORT AT VO2/O5/2OOL PhONC: 715 W LIONSHE,JAD CR VAIIJ CO 8 L557 License:354-B APPLICANT MARRIoT MotlmArN RESoRT At v02/os/2ooL Phonez 970-4?9-5979 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL eO 81657 Li-cense: Desciption: Remodel H.R., loss prevention, shipping, security Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $5.200.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplac€ Information: Restricted: # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 :l *t aa l * a*l +*ta+*,aa* +a* *at +a * 't t:rtl * Buifding----> 9105. OO Restuarant Plan Reyiew-> $0. oo Total Calculaled Fees-> 928r.25 Plan Check--> 96 8 . 2 5 DRB Fcc----------> $o . oo Additional Fees-'-----> S0 - 00 Investigalion-> 91O5.OO Recreation Fee------> $0.00 Total Pemit Fee-----> S281.25 Wilt Call---> 93 , oo Clean-up Deposit-----> $o . o0 Pa)'rnents---------> 9281 - 25 TOTAL FEES---------> S2S1.2s BALANCE DUE-----> $0 - 00 Approvals:f€em: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARII,IENI o2/o5/2OOL KWARREN Action: NO ROUTED TO GARY FOR REVIEW o2/o8/2ooL eF.e Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJAIiINING DEPARTMETiIT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 P('BI-,IC WORKS il;;;;;ffiffi;l;;:ff;;;;R;ffiilffiffi ;"rJ'*"*""0'**'*"***''i+*'+..+'|''+*++r+''*'',.'+"..*' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM.5 PM, Send Clesn-up Deposit To: N/A CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PACE 2 {.*d.*****,f*,}** ****:* *********,t*'* **,}* * ** ** * **++****** **:}*:f '}** * **:* * * ** * + * *!N * * 't,}{.:t *********:*****,}*,t **,}:t****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 80l-0016 as of 02-09-2001 Status: ISSUED :f,i l' 'i ** *{r,}'}:* *'l:t{' 'i *!3'}'l* * * ** * + * *:}'t***{.,}'1.{.,}****** ** ****** * ** * ***** *!F** * ** * * * ** * * * ** * ** ** * * {.*d( * *,} '}:} {. 'l '1. * '} *'1.*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 02/0512001 Applicant: MARRIOT MOUNTAIN RESORT AT VAIL Issued: 0210912001 970-479-6979 To Expire: 08/08/2001 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: MARRIOT STORAGE AREA ParcelNo: 210107207001 Description: Remodel H.R., loss prevention, shipping, security Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0004541 Any doors between offices/rooms and exit corridors must be approved 20-minute-rated smoke-and-draft-control assemblies. Cond: CON0004542 Doors into required 2-hour fire-resistive stair enclosure at base of employee entrance stairs must be approved, 90-minute-rated selCclosing and latching assemblies. Cond: CON0004543 All work is to otherwise be in accordance with the minimum requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the Town of Vail. Cond: CON0004544 Investigation fee is to be assessed in accordance with sec. 107.5,'97 UBC, for work commenced without the required permit and in progress inspections. Cond: CON0004545 When new elechical lines, outlets, switches, etc. are added, work must be done by a state-licensed electrician & a separate electrical permit is required. Cond: CON0004546 Please coordinate with TOV Fire Dept. on relocation or additions of fire sprinkler heads and/or alarm system detectors or other components. Call Mike McGee or Mike Vaughan at479-2135. r.rtr r r *r + r.,i r i rr. r r + + + + + + | ****,r O* t*+* * * *********f * * | *+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * | * * * *+'l+rriir | ,, it++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-13-2001 rt 12:39:14 0211312001 Statement ********** * + * f, i. * * * * * * * t + * * t t + * + * + | * * ********* ******** * ** * * * t * * *:i * * * * * l. * * * *,i * * * * * * ** * *+****** Statement Nunber: R000000437 tunount: $281 .25 02/09/2O0102:05 PM Pal.ment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: check # 22234435 Permit No: 80L-0016 Trpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT ParceL No: 2!O]-O'I2O7OOI Site Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ Location: MARRIOT STORAGE AREA Total Fees | 528]- .25 This Palment: 528L,25 Total ALL Pmts: 9281.25 Balance: 90.00 ******* +**** **** ***,t*,i** * **** * * * ** * * **** * * * **1.*'i***** * * *t * * ****'!**+ * ********+ * * * *** *++t+*** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDlNG PERI"IIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES PN OO1OOOO3153OOO INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG) l^lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 105.00 68.25 105.00 3.00 tl TOVT]OPYilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPUCATION BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Buildino Permit #: TOWN OF VAIL BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! o WIIL NOT CONTMCTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: HoiWr'.tt nnz* Jt-:- Q.t-t)- Town of Vail Reg. No.: 5t t]'B Contact and Phone #'s: Qz. V71 6911 Contractor Signature: S E U, M wAtlgA Do€&/,r- VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ Eooo'o'ELECTRICAL: $ 2@'og OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ y'MECHANICAL: $ f rorAl:$ 52,6O0e- REFTJF{D CLEAI\TUP DEPOSIT TO: ^/rt tur Parel #at 970-328-8&m oruisit Hffi#zbl. cnz -o1- oor Job Name: llonsz..fu* -O.fh. + u#fTL Job Addressi 7/S Ui.! l,--/ Cch Legal Description I Lot: I Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: flosl^ C-zr g.Address: .?lS la'rys1,.g--J CeF Phone:g7o *26 *?trf Architect/Designer: _-Address:Phone: Engineer:5<,1qraa u-ret+I,c.r I nddress: 719 Lala,aLvt4 62\- ll Phone:7z.ty.z1 61tl Detailed description of work: Ral.C.-e da/g - SriA 5 frr\ts&-. h--.-d I * Yt-1*t o v<,- 1-k44'- o.Ft"t Tl b- *-(.enh- - $pl^L1 olJ Qrp.[- AAd swr6r.J-.1 c.-{j WorkClass: New() AddiUon( ) Remodel (,{) Repair( ) Demo(,O Other( ) WorkType: Interior (y) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU e"\ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ff) Restaurant ( ) Oher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildingt No. of Accommodation Unils in thb building: Hoh/ *!, No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBuminq( ) No/TyDe of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Uistl ffiffitpF&*. **it*t***t***n****lt!t*r**i***r***rr*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*************,r'r*+***?r.*r*t*'t'rt*r***r.*I Frd 05 z0rlr, F: /a/eryone/turms/Hdqperm ,fu4 5e" pelo)- B0l- \--ri'l L.s--s- t/ lClJJo le uI$or 'l 7). --- - ---1---;1--\'-ia:- -:t-.-.:.--F* r. -t) tt ,li -{+i TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 orrotrr*T oF coMMLrNrrY DEVELootR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0020 Job Address: 7-l5 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [ncation.....: MARRIOT STORAGE AREA Applied. . : 02/1212001 Parcel No...: 210107207001 lssued . . : 02/l2l200l ProjectNo : ?QAOI 4oL7- Expires. .: 08/ll/2001 owNER HMe ACQUTSTTTON PROPERTTES TO2/L2/2001 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAI, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: CoNTRACTOR RTVTERA EITECTRTC, rNC. 02/L2/2OOL Phonez 9'7O-949-6095 2TO1 W. COLI-,EGE AVENUE ENGT,EWOOD, CO I0r_r.0 L,icense:145-E APPLICANT MARRIOT MOITNIAIN RESORT AT vO2/L2/2O0a Phone:. 970-479-6979 715 W IJIONSHEJAD CR VATIJ CO 815 s7 License: Desciption: HOUSEKEEPINGELECTRICAL Valuation: $750.00 t t* tl lll +l l 't l* l'ta*.1*i* *l * ** *'t jl * t * l Electrical----> S5o. oo Total Calculated Fees-> $53.00 DRB Fee_.-___> SO . OO Additional Fees_____-> S0 - 00 lnvestigation--> $0. oo Total Permit Fee---'--> $53.00 Willcall-----> S3 . OO Payments------------> $53.00 TOTAL FEES-> $53.00 BALANCE DUE----> $O. OO :3:t t't t{ ttt ra r ta t rr Approvals:Itern: OSOOO ELECTRICAL DEPARl'It{EliIt o2/L2/2ooL JEII Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. l *'t *'t t* ++a,trrta*t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. o OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET * r*+ * r r + r * + + a r * r * r r. rr rra+* * * f a t**.+r ++ r r.r++..+ | r+a+ir*+rrr*.r*afr *...r*r+*r*+:r +r+rr TOIVNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€rn€nt t***+tl ff l at*l*'l'l'l'lfl i {r* *l t t *ft *t *tt * ***l* ** + ** * *|t'f* '}* * | * f* * *f 't |' * + !il | +{' '}* * I *'t{t* + t * t+ + * * | | **'} SeaeenreDt. I[r:rnber: ROOOOOO44S Amount: S53.OO 02/:.2/}OOLO3:41 PM Payment Method: Check rnit: LC Notation: #2410 Riveria Electric Permit No: 801-0020 fype: ELESrRfCAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: ?LOLO72O7OOL Site Addreee: 715 W ITIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ IJocation 3 I,|ARRTOT STORAGE AREA Total Fees: $53.00 Thia Palment: $53 .00 Total AI,IJ PmtE: 953 . O0 Balance: $0.00 t*arfatt++*a+laaa+t++t++ft*ttatt{rt'a't++a'ltft'*++*t++***a*{'{r**tl't+****!t*t*******!t**'tl't++**tl{'*'} ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY PO},IER PERMITS lic OO1OOOO3112BOO TIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50 .00 3 .00 bol-ooO ^pptlc rxof, tfilr- r{oT BE AcxEprE n, ncorPffi iw Eullding P*mit #:-8-0t-3!e_ Electiel Prennit #:eTHElDPffiB) 75S. trertrrsRd.V:ti[ Colordo 11657 eol - oozo at tYidt * Parcd f (ncquind if rcbldg. pcrrnft# isproviled abou€) rob r,fanE: l/uwr"+t- l,lt.,**ril awv+robAddrcss: ,tg bM h;t lwtade_ tlrtegat Desoiption I toC I god$ I Fllttg:Subtllv{sion: @ lraoress:4lg ErgftEen Add|€si:Phorn: *^t. sa'l"h N'*e workcbss: t{errr( ) Addtr",t1 I n -O.t<t{ *ry*i rtttpPcnNer( ) odt€tr() wortType v:dFntrf-t4 FiErir.( ) ffii( )Does an EllU ad* * tfiis hcadon: Yes ( ) t{o ( ) T'/p."fBkfS" Srd"+"ttily( ) Dupae(( ) Uuri+arrly<IA"unerUat t rcsuram( I Ofrett"'f M€U !lo. of Erisfirg D|u€fing Units h ttlB tluildirrg:llo. dAccortfildatitl Units In tils htlldlng:' Istfils oennitfrr a hottlb: Yes c ) w6 YEI-I__rloll corpLEIE sQ. FEET FOR I{EW DUII"E and YALUATIOilS FOn ALL OTI{EnS 0rbo3 i HrE iitrs) COilTRACTOR NFOTilATIOI{9)- Er-EcrRtcALvALt ATIor.r; + 15o'LAltouilT oF sQ FrrN STRIJCTURE: €lertrical ffiacbc , .-0-,,tt.rri g€&,;Town of Vall Reg. llo.: ftLL ffiaai nrni *t:6tid(vt 1+1 -hQE- 'rrJn.{'I ilV8l:il lt)0Z'Zl qal F/runnnemZ 'dr--lf Zt oh J I lJ.tslll vul l/\ lu Rl*.ERAELEcrRrc-'ul, H**Ws+:l cb#0. t4 , w 0'd Itz0'0N c I)1 tclll vul lA I u IrlvSl:ll TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACEROAD vAtL, co 81657 970-479-2138 orro?" r*T oF coMMUNrrY DEVELortit NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0021 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: MARRIOT STORAGE AREA Applied. . : 02/12/2001 Parcel No...: 210107207001 Issued . . : 02/12/2001 Project No : ? Q5b\ - OOLZ- Expires . .: 0811112001 owNER HMC ACQUTSTTTON PROPERTTES tO2/L2/2001 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT I}ITERNATIONAI-, ONE IqARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHTNGTON DC 20058 License: CONTRACTOR RIVIERA EIJECTRIC, INc. 02/L2/2ooL Phone: 970-949-6095 2LO7 W. COI,LEGE AVENUE ENGIJEVTOOD, CO 8 0110 License: 146-E APPL,ICAI{T MARRIOT MOITNrAIN RESORT AT V02/I2/2OOL Phone: 970-479-6979 715 W IJIONSHEAD CR VAIL CO 81557 License: Desciption: ACCOUNTINCOFFICE Valuation: $4,600.00 * tt +l *a l la* 't t+ a'l * Electrical-------> DRB Fee---> Investigation---> will call----> TOTAL FEES-> s90.00 $0.00 90.00 s3.00 993.00 $93.00 $0. 00 $93 .00 $93.00 s0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----_.> Total Permit Fee-----> Payments-----------;' BALANCE DUE_---> *a*aa* *a't +*:r r rr*:* Approvals:Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMSMI o2/L2/2OOL JR!4 Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI_,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. r+a'|:|a**a,t*a aa*:* **aalat *:iaa'la **ll'l 'll l:l'l*tltt,t+'ll:|lla lt'r a* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2118 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET i trr rrrrri rrrrr rrrrrr I rr r I t ra I r * rtar + + + rr +*+ + ++r + + | f I r* t *r t | * r t a rf r t t r, I r r r I r r tr r rr I i TOWNOF VAIL, COLOMDO StateNnent. 'l'.'i'}**aata*fl+t'l*l*aa*+**aa+l't't******++**t*+*a*ft*+t**t++aa+****+*++*+f*f**t*l*ft+'i'ii*taaail Statemene Number: R000000446 Anoune: $93,00 O2|L2/20OL03:38 PM Pa:ment Method: Check fnit: LC Notation: #2410 Rlveria Electric Perrnlt No: 801-0021 Type 3 ELECIRICAIJ PER!4IT Parcel No: 210107207001 Site Addrese: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ Irocation r I'IARRfOT STORIGE AREA Tota1 Fees: $93.00 Thie Palment,: $93.00 Total ALIJ PmtB: $93.00 Balance: $0.00 la*aa*t*a*att*t**tft*+atata**at*ft1*tt*+a**tt***a+*t1a+t**{r**'}t+*t**l'*taa***l*'t'}*f+{'t++l*alt ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY PONER PERMITS I^JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 90.00 3.00 APPTJC'TTIOiIWI!.I- I{OT 8E ACCEPTE IF ITIGOHPLETE OR UTIgGilED ffiect #: Buildittg krnit #r Herfi<zl Pcnnit #: Tnnlr corpLETE sQ. FEET FOn XEW BIIILDS and YATUATIOI|S FIOR AtJ. OTHEnli Gsbof & ltlaErbb) 751[ Froutrei Rd. Veil, Golordo't1657 Orfrirt f (REquir€d if no bl€r pennft;l ) Jobrddress: ,ll5 UJg{;rob r{re: il,l+,/fd flr*"f du,^J'li^fg o#'Lc''*k l''itl orr,fkjs vl'or|aass: t{ew() Adddqr() Rendel f,4nry*C> renpPonrer() odter() DeanEHuad*athislocdion: Yas( ) ilo( )lrJorltType: tter:tr(4 EEbr(-.) Bdr( ) TrpedBdg.: sndFfrmily( ) Udex( ) nifrr{V( ) Ccrunerel( ) ncaunn( ) OtprttQ No. of Acornrpdatirn UniE ln tils bulkllnE:tlo- of Edsting ntdlitts UniB in tt||s briHirtg; AilOUNTOF SQ Frtrt STRIJCTURE: 4'j' alla*1 * 6415 ggnan)rc: p1*;*r'nl' dh-t?U t' ol{C IUIJ]I] VU] I/\ IU ftv6l:ll l00z'zl qol \J-U J,/ r# h - ..-1, ,rlr, a*;.rrllrumrI vuttrtlu "llv6l:ll l00z 'zl q0J ''tdl*d q'd ltzt'0N o EPARTMENT o PMENTTOWNOFVAIL D 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 OF COMMUNITY DEVELO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0030 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: PHASEIIREMODELANDRENOVATION Applied..: M/12/2002 Parcel No...: 210107207007 Issued. . : 04/19/2002 ProjectNo : (AfOt - 0<iF3 Expires. .: 70/16/2002 owNER HMC ACQUTSTTTON PROPERTTES 104/L2/2OO2 Phone: C,/O MARRIOTT INTERI.IATIONAL ONE I4ARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAI-, TECHNOIJ04/I2/20O2 Phone : 97o-949-5095 2LO7 W. COLI,EGE AVENUE ENGI,EWOOD, CO 8 0110 License: 146-E APPI-,ICAI{E ENCOMPASS EIJECTT.ICAI TECHNOI-'04/L2/2OO2 PhONE: 970-949-6095 2LO7 VI . COLI-,EGE AVESIUE ENGI.,EWOOD, CO 8 0110 License: 146-E Desciption: REMODEL OF GUEST RMS, MECH AND FA UPGRADES Valuation: $500.000.00 Electrical---> 59,55?. O0 DRB Fee-> Investigation---> WillCall----> FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-> 98, 560. 00 Additional Fees------>90. 00 Total permit Fee__> $8, 560. 00 Payments-> S8, 550 . 00 $0. 00 90.00 $3.00 TOTALFEES-> S8,550 - OO BALANCE DUE->so.0o Approvals:I€eh: 05000 EIJECTRICAI, DEPARTMENT O4/I8/2OO2 CDAVIS ACtiON: AP PER ERNST G. SEE CONDITIONS IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTME}I]T CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: CON0005239 THE E],ECTRICAIJ ROOM MUST EITHER HAVE TWO EXITS WITH DOORS SWINGING TOWARD THE PATH OF EI TRAVEIT oR HAVE DOIIBIJE TIIE REQUIRED ACCESS CIJEARANCE IN FROMr OF AND BESIDE THE PAI.IESL PER TABL, PAGE ?0-43 /42 !999 NFIC DECLARATIONS .t I hercby acknowledge thar I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the information require{ completed an accuraE plot plan, and strte that all the information as rcquircd is conect. I agree to comply witr ttre information and plot plan, to comply wib all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stiusture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI.JR HOURS IN AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OmCE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURGOF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AI.ID OWNEF * **f *+****** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ***** * * ***,t t* **{r'1. * :+ * + ,l {. * * * * * {. '} * * {. * * * * * * * * * * i * * * * {. + + + * * + * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on04-12-2002 at l5:ll:32 0411212002 Statement **** **'i'i*** *****f*******++***+**+*++*+t+******{'**+f**{ri.***********+{t*+*****f***+++*ff******f Statement Number: ROOOOo2145 Amount: $8,560.00 04/L2/2oo2t3:11 PM Palment Method: check Init: DF Notacion: cHEcK # 99770 ENCOMPASS ELECT Permit No: 802-0030 fype: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOLO72O7OOl Site Address: 715 W LIONSHEiAD CR VATL . Locati.on: Total Fees: 58,560.00 This Palment: $8,560.00 Total AIrIJ Pmta: $8'560.00 Balance: 50.00 +*+*+**{'*+++,t**f{'********+1*+*++f+*++t***+***++++*****t+*****+i *************++********+****+ ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY POI^JER PERMITS t.lc OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 8, 557 . 00 3.00 APPLICATIOII, WI|I i{OT BE ACCEPTED IF IIICOMPLETE-OR Proiect #: o a Buifding Pennit #r -%2 -,>O-zf Electrical Permit #: 97 v 479;.fu .(\rspecrions)mwNYrn 75S. Frcn@cRd-Vail, Coloriiio" 81657 &tract forPatel# COI{PLETE SQ. FEET FIOR IIEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (labor & }rateriats) no bldg. permit # is.prodrled,aboy€) lob l,lame: \/\11--ft62-at o-Ur Tlur r u-9 r'''t; 3l" RfNlopgL-lobMdress: ?t5 u^, , UtOr-isttgx6, Lirz-. VAte 3t ksl Orners Narne: VArL p€-* CI-{&{A' f.l$iz.,rgc-A Phone 4e2- Ztlb-1co 6w 4;rt lz<)c) F,(=,F{€-Cr+Ap c.A- { FA WorkCtass: t{ew( ) Addition( ) Remodel (>d Rqair( ) Ternppor,ver( ) Other( ) Work Type: InE ior L{ Fxtenbr ( ) BoUt ( )Does an EHU odst at this locationl Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: singFfamiV( ) Duple:(( ) Multi€mity( ) cornmerciat( ) Redaurant( ) odrcr$(l t].rq-'_- No. of Existing Dudlirg Units in thb building:No. of Accomrnodadon Units in $is building: 11 Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No a Fre Alarm Exist Yes (Does a fire Sprinlder System Exise Yes AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRTJCTURE: (eS , Z-ELECTRTCALVALUATTON: * u3G, aO COilTRACTOR ITI FORIIATION Electical Contra6r: fl,; 1,6 sqftgs D-etc.ptotxt-. Iown ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 4.lC t- g- oq <Ptcr(@Pe 4clS-3tat Contmcbr Signatrre:<,6..) F,/ev6/rn./ftms,/cFmF.n ;, TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S, FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2t3s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F02-0013 -,,^7 rK\?^ id'-ca|S e\-'\r'{/"''l lsy-ooob Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 0413012002 Parcel No...: 210107207001 Issued. .: 0512812002 ProjectNo : t R56\ i; \E3 Expires. .: ll/24/2002 owNER rrMc AcQUrsrTroN PRoPERTTES tO4/30/2O02 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIOIiIAI, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHI}TGTON DC 20058 License: APPr.,rCAliIT WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTT} /30/2002 Phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOtrtH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 License:338-S CoNTRACTOR I{ESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTTO4/3O/2OO2 Phone: 303-792-OO22 7025 SOIITH TUCSON WAY $IGIJEWOOD' CO 80112 I-,icense: 338-S Desciption: ADD/RELOCATE FIRE SPRINKLER Valuation: $42.000.00 Mechanical--> $840.00 Resluarant Plan Reyiew-> Plan Check--> S2r0. 00 DRB Fee--------> Investigation-> Will Call--> FEESUMMARY'l:t*+:lt**:rrt'+**trtt*'lt**t:.*:l*'rit**ttt:rt*ll**a*"{r**r*t*:rt:}r go . oo Total Calculated Fees--> $1, 053 . 00 $0. 00 Additional Fees-----.> s108 . s0 $0.00 TOTAL FEES--------+ S1,O53.OO Total Permil Fee-----'> $1,161.s0 $3.00 Pa)ments--> $1, 161 . 50 BALANCE DUE--------> s0 . 00 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEI{Ir Item: 05600 FfRE DEPARII'|EIII O4/30/2OO2 Mccee Action: AP Approval is limited to lst through sth floor. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 -ll-1.o.?.:].;-.ll*"3..]-T::-",:l-::T-.T:.:::-'i:::--:.-",::,"-1-.:::-:::-:-.::y-"-:l..flli;..-.,-.*:,,,.,,*,*,{,.,},,+,+*,},, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fi.rll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS TOR INSTD,CTION SEAII BE MADE TU/ENTY.FOTJR UOI'RSi IN ADVANCE BY TELEPEONE AT 47}2135 FROMS:00AIVI-5PM. COTTNECfON FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI o ARTMENT o PMENTTOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81.657 970479-2138 DEP OF COMMUNITY DE\TLO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0053 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: PHASE 11 RENOVATION AND REMODEL Applied . . : 04/12/2002 Parcel No...: 2101.07207001. Issued . . : 04/19/2002 Project No : ( (-iOt-Olv.n Expires . .: 1'0/1'6/2002 owNER HMC ACQUTSTTTON PROPERTTBS IO4/1-2/2OO2 Ptrone: C,/O MARRIOTT INTERNATTONAI-, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 Iricense: coMfRAcToR coMMERCrAr, DESTGN ENGTNEERTN}4/L2/?1O2 Phone: 970-245-0595 1OO3 IIIIITTERS AVENIIE GRAND iTTJNCTION, CO 815 01 License: L92 -M APPLICAIIT COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINO4/L2/2OO2 Phone: 97O-245-O59s 1OO3 WINTERS AVENTJE GRJAND iII'NCTIOII, CO 81_5 01_ I-,icense z L92-l'{ Desciption: removing existing baseboard heat system and installation a 4-pipeverticalfancoilsystemwithbothheating&cooling, - *, q(11, O(b.- Valuation: 1,256,000.00 U&t^^4,Ffu^ L,J@2- t4t\zt 44 nlt)rf r 1 I . gJ!--.,rcl- l--c- uc feaf uq^* Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: *"*. FEE SUMMARY Mechanical--> 525,r2o.oo RestuarantPlanReview-> Plan Check-> S6,290.00 DRB Fee------> So . o0 Total Calculated Fees-> 531 , 4 03 . 00 So . oo Additional Fees--_->$0.00 Investigation-> Will Call--->$3.00 BALANCE DUE--->90.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMET{T O4/L8/2oo2 cdavis Action: AP see conditions Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BL,DG. ) : FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE- Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 IJMC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 199? IMC. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AIIAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED III MECHANICAI-' ROOM PRIOR So.o0 TOTAL FEES_______-> S31,403.00 Total pennir Fee___> 931,403.00 Payments---_------t 931, 4 03 . 00 TO AN I}TSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: CON0005240 PROVIDE CIITSHEETS AND INFO ON SMOICE/FIRE ARE TO BE ACTIVATED PER I'BC SEC 713.10 & 605.3 DAMPERS BEING 713 .11 Ar.ID 97 INSTALLED AND HOW THEY IIIrtC SEC.605.1,505.2 & DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OFOWNER ORCONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 041tl/02 TUU l,l:29 FAX S702451 015o Con|er.clal Desj!g_-e-@ooz Buildine Pem*t #:392=9925- it€dunlcalM.f,! permtt rvitl notfaccepted urldlotit the tullo|ving: Provlde l{*hanlcll Roon byout druwr b olErhenlcal brrdm Vsrt RCIUtEDTO: -'-- RornEoa=ltlaz**- "ilorF -----**:: rHedl|e)OOMPTETEV ContactanO Phone fl: (970) 986-5215 c teve Ki.ng (970) 245-0595 offtce lrtEcHAl{tGAL: $ 1 t56' o0o ortuat JobAddr€ss: 715 w. LL.NS'EAD CIR.]Oh NAMC: VAIL MARRIOTT }JMODEL Phmt (3ot) 380-ziffi-o' FERutlooD RD., DEPT 918 ffi REMovINc EXISTING BASEBOARD EEAT-SYSTEM AND TNSTAJ.LIN A a*irrn vnnircu, FAu corL svsrrll mrH Borf, HEATTNG & cooLrNG WorkClass: Nerr() Mdltbn( ) Aeraton(d Repah( ) od}er(d nruposL' D"e. a" E{U *htatU,e bcatoo: Yes (X) No( )eoitert-ocation, Ingior(nl E(tetur( ) Ottler( ) f I Conmcrd.t ( ;) REstarrant l ) oE er ( ) tlo. otecommoaation UnlE in tiF htlEhg: No. of Exbffng Dwelling Units ln $b bttildlng: L25 i a wood bumhg fireplace to an l.*.;( * rl.****ltli{t*|ltt*t}****,}**|ltt*rtitlrS**rt!i*ltf t*trt**rt!t|l*tr*** rum0r 75 S. Frcntagc Rd. ValL Cobrrdo 81657 oo Building Permit # :---E-Q2J!25- Mechanical Permit #: Permit will not be acceptert wi$out the following: Provlde Mechrnlcal Room byout drtwn to lcrlc to Include:o ltlcclrenbal Room Dlmenrionro Comburtlon Alr Duct Slze and Locatlon o Fluo, Vent and Gar Unc Sizc and toclUon o llcat Lcr Ca lculatlomo EqulpmcntGut/Sp*Shcet (970) 986-5215 cel Steve King (970) 245-0595 0fficeCOMMERChtb-DESTG.1!-EN MECIIAIIICAL: f JobAddress: 715 w. LTSNSHEAD crR.Job Name: vArL MARRT6TT REMSDEL 301) 380-792IO4OO FERNI^IOOD RD., DEPT 918 . ALVINE & ASSOC REMOVING EXISTING BASEBOARD }IEAT SYSTEM AND INSTALLIN A 4-PIPE VERTICAL FAN COIL SYSTEM WITH BOTII IIEATING & COOLING Work0ass: New() Addition( ) AlteraUon(S Repair( ) Other(d REIIqIEL Does an EHU odst at tfib hcafion: Yes (X) No ( )Boiler Location: Interior (xl brterior ( ) Other ( ) TypeofBldg:sjimle.famfy( ) Dnplex( ) Mulu-fan$V( ) Commerdal(1) Restaurant( )Ott€r( ) No. of Accsnmodation Unlts in thls bullding: n5No. of Existing Dwelling Unlts ln this buildlng: L25 Itonype of Flreplaces Pmped: Q6s Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs 6A) Wood/Pelht ( ) Wmd Burning (NOT ALLOWED) thb a mnrasion from a to an EPA Phase tr dwi,ce? Yes ( ) No (x @MPLETEV Olfte IMORMATI & Materials) oN Ly* rl rr * * * * * * * !* * rl l. *,r * * t * l'|* l. rt t( * t* tr,rrt * rt rts rt * * rt i. rlr ri {. * rr ||. ic,r * r} rt * * {. r} FoR o FFICE F:/ Gvortor|G/fo mr/tncdDcrtn d."Commercial Deeign Engineering, Ltd. Mechanical Contractors April12,2002 Town of Vail Dept. of Community DeveloPment 15 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Charlie Davis Re:Vail Marriott Resort Remodel CDE's Job#5720 Dear Charlie: Many thanks for assisting us with a potential roadblock in this project's permit applications and issuance. I'm attaching the originals of our application as requested. We are prepared to visit your office and pay for our permits at the appropriate time after plan review. If we could hear from Doris on the permit costs based on stated valuation, we can have the check prepared in advance of coming to your offrce. (next week) Currently, Hyder has us on their schedule for the first inspection as soon as April l8'h. GN ENGINEERING,I.TD. - Hyder (fax only) "The Onlg Reoson We Are in Business is to Create o Hoppy Customer." 2710 DEIrA PLACE, COLoRADO SPR|NGS, CO 80910po. Box 2440, coLoRADo SPR|NGS, CO 8090r OFFICE PHONE: 719 / 390-0555 FA)(: 719 /390-9448 E-MAIL: CDELTD@AOL.COM @ ,5-,lccN 1003 Wll.lTERS AVENUE, GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501 PO. BOX 2418, GRAND JUNCTTON, CO 81502 OFFICE PHONE: 97O /246-0595 FAX:970 1245-1015 E-MAIL: CDEGI@AOL.COM f \jobs\5 7205\rubmittllsulrun iubmiAw6tbut | .820 L. King file (l) Doug Thompson o DEVELOPMENT o DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NIryTOWN OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0148 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 715 WLIONSHEAD CIRCLE Applied. . : 07/1712002 ParcelNo...: 210107207001 Issued. . : 09/0412002 hojectNo ' ?(J0 \-O q&3 Expires. .: 03/0312003 OIVNER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES TO7/A7/2OO2 PhONE: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAJ, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASIIINGTON DC 20058 Li.cense: CoNTRACTOR COMMERCTAL DESTGN ENGrNEERrlr}T /L7 /2002 Phone: 970-245-0595 1OO3 WIIITERS AVENT'E GRA}iID iII'NCTION, CO 81501 Iricense z ]-92-M APPIJTCANf COMMERCTAL DESTGN ENGTNEERTNOT /L7 /2002 Phone: 970-245-0595 1OO3 WIMTERS AVENI'E GRJAND 'JI'NCTION, CO 815 01 License. L92-tq Desciption: SITE SNOWMELT FOR TOWERS I & 2 Valuation: $136,000.00 Fireplace Information: Resricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *')****.t||t.ilt,|.t+t+,t|+'.+.'|+.+t,'t,t+t|+.|+.+|ll|l||t.|*.l|i|tt*.*,t**t*FEEsUMMARY*|+.*.****i|**** Mechanical--> 92, ?20 . o0 Restuar8nt Plan Reyiew-> $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> S3 , 403 . 00 Plan Check--> g690 . OO DRB Fee--_----> $0. oo Additional Fees-_----> $0. 00 Investigalion-> gO , OO TOTAL FEES--> 53,403. 00 Total Permit Fee----> $3 ,403 . 00 Will Call---> 53 . OO Payments---_------; $3 ,403 . 00 BALANCE DUE----> $O. OO Item: 05100 BUILDII{G DEPARI'!{ENI 07/29/2002 cdavis Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN| CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED fO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEe. ?01 OF THE 1997 t,l'lc, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond r 23 (Bl,Dc.): INSTAL,L,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MATiIUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I,MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): C'AS APPLIANCES SIIALL,, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOITNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOUIUING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE AIiIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAII.IAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONfAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,,ERS SITAI,I, BE EQUIPPED WTTI{ A FI.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: CONO005457 The fucure proposed boiler (3) can not be installed due to the fact the lack of volume in room Any and aLl code upgrades to exisiting building systems are required DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with alt codes, design review REQI.'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS 138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TURE OF OWNER O CO FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET o BE 805 v VENIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHAIJL, oF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE L997 IMC. Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the ffiApli;il'E thereto. , ++{.1+*+*t*****+*+*+**t***** ********t**************** l.t*+ir.**+** * * ** *****{.,t't**,1.*****+**t***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 09-04-2002 at 12:29248 0910412002 Statement ***+***+*++*******+**+******l***+*****+******++*++++{.*+:}*******{.*,}**{.{.'t*** ** ****** ** ***+'t**,} Statement Number: R0OOO03O11 Amount I $3,403.oO 09/04/2oQ2!2:29 PNr Pa)rment Method: Check fnit: LC NotaCion: #814 8 9 /Conunercial Design Engin Pernit No: M02-0148 Ilt)e: MECHANICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOLO72O7OOL Site Address: 715 W IJIONSHEAD CR VAIL LocaLion: 715 WIJIONSHE,AD CIRCIJE Total Fees: $3,403.00 This Payment: $3,403.00 Total Ar,L Pmta: $3,403.00 Balance: 50.00 * * * * * * * * * + + * 't *** {. * * '} * d. * * * * * * + + * * * {.** +* * *'}* id. | *r} * t++ * + + ** * ******:}* +* * * * ** * * * *+ + + + ** * * * +* **** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunnent Pmts P OOIOOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 2.720.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 680.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO I{ILL CALL INSPECTJON FEE 3.OO TOWtl0?yilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 will not be acce nical Roo I Room Di Air D n C-alculationi COMPLETE VALUATION FOR INFORMATION ECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials) o Equlpment Cut/Spec Sheets contact and Phone #'s: (970) 245-0595 (970) 986-s215 (ru- @nbct Offie at or for Pat@l # Job Name:VAIL I4ARRIOTT-SNOi,JMELT Job Mdress:715 W. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE Legal Decription ll Lot: ll Block ll Filing:SuMivision: ownes N"t"'no* MARRtorr .o*$Address: l3i39"Xl*Y3oor*RiTDEPr eru ll Phone: Engineer: ^r'r\TE .r ^ce^. ll Address:AtlP;^ooH9tASRoN?THE I'ALL trPhont' ,onr' Detailed description of work: SITE SNOWMELT FOR TOWERS 1 & 2 WorkClass: New(x) Addition( ) Aheration( ) Repak( ) fther( ) Boiler Location: Interior (" ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU orist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( x) Type of BHg: Singlefamily ( ) Duplex ( ) t4riti-family ( ) Commercial (i Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: N/r No. of Accommodation Unils in thb building: 7 t1 No/TvoedFireohcesExistinq: GasAooliances( ) GasLms( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurnino( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( x) F: / cveryonc/f onns/rncchpcrm nLo.a url CJ^",,-['rq-. 'W gudnl^^7. "!.tvloz?<- TO\^.TN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2738 o.o,trr* oF coMMUNrrY or*toot* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0242 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location.....: 715 W LIONSHEAD CIRCLE ParcelNo...: 21.0107207007 $3.00 [4..-.-^^o<d-stI6 I Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 1l/07/2002 Issued. .: 11,/73/2002 Expires. .: 05/12/2003ProjectNo : Pag\_6{s} owNER HMC ACQUTSTTTON PROPERTTES Itt/O7/20O2 Phone: C/O MARRTOTT INTERNATIONAI, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERINTT/ o7 /2002 Phone: 9?0-24s-0s9s 1OO3 WINTERS AVENT]E GRAIID .]I'NCTION, CO 81501 L,icense:192-M APPLICAI{flT COMMERCIAI DESIGN ENGINEERINII/ 07 /2OO2 PhONE : 970-245-O595 1OO3 WINTERS AVENUE GRJAI{D iII'NCTTON, CO 815 01 Iricense : 792 -tl Desciption: RE-INSTALL CARBON MONOXIDE EXHAUST SYSTEM Valuation: $48,283.00 Firmlace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pelleb *r**ft FEE SUMMAI{Y Mechanical-> 5980.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> S24 5 . 00 DRB Fee-.------> So . oo Total Calculated Fees--> S1, 228 . 00 so. oo Additional Fees->90.00 lnvestiga tion-> Will Call-->Payments---> S1, 22 8. 00 BALANCE DUE->$0-00 ftem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT LL/L2/2OO2 GCD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:. 22 (BLDG.): CoMBUSTIoNAIR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF THE 199? IrMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CIIAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES-- > S1, 228 . oo Total Permit Fee------> 51, 228 . 00 Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIAIICES TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED vv SHAI,L BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SI{ALIJ rN sBc.805 oF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF rHE L997 tMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF TT{E 1997 T,II'C AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOI]MIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. [NI-,ESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTTNG ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PI-,ANS AND CODE AIiIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED fN MECIIAIIICAI-, ROOM PRrOR TO AliI INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOII,ERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUTPPED WITII A FI.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. AO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiort filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plao to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJ'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR PM. 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET #z rcWNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontago Rd. Vail, Colorado -&1657 CONTMCTOR INFORMATION @MPLETE VALUATION FOR CAL PERMIT tabor & Materials) @nbd *tt:i*tlttt*ttrttt*:t'****tF:fi:tttr*!tr*FoR oFFICE USE ONLyrFr**,****r****:Frr****rt:r*!i***,*,r**,r Permit will not be accepted without the following: Mechanical Contractor: COI.OTERCIAL DESI Contact and Phone #'s: (970) 2454595 STEVE KING (970) 9e6-5215-6t MECHANTCA(: g 48,283.00 Offie at 970-3288640 or uisit forPatel #Lg ,! J lotow* Job Name: vArL MARRrorr REMoDEL JobAddress: 715 t.l. LToNSHEAD crR. LegalDescription lLot: laro*, lrimg Subdivbion: 918 [ Phone: 3Ot 380-792sO,vners Name: go"g U".rfott Address: I0400 -BETHSFDA FERNWOOD ROAD. DEPTt{n ,nRl7-r I Ro Engineer: ALvTNE eNcrNEnnrNe Addresli -l!02 DouGI.AS ON TrrE MALL - nMAlf 1r rrE <Q r n,)Phone: 402-346_7OO7 Detailed descriptbn of wo*: REINSTALL CARBON }'ONOXIDE EXHAUST SYSTEM - WorkClass: New() Addition() Aftention(l ryq9,f() fther()+-Boilerlocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) OtrerI lJooesanenuexftatthislocatirn: yes( ) ruot I_-f, Tvpeof8tdg: single-famiv( ) Duptex( ) uurrramnvK) commen:at:i nomnntt ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thb buiHing: 78 No. of Accornmodation Units in this buiHing: 78 No/Tvpe of Fireolaces Existinq: liances ( t Gas Loss (g:) wood/pellet ( ) wood Bumino ( ) No/type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas foSs tA t WooOlpeffet ( I WooO Srrrning (NOf ALLOWeOI . Is thb a conversion fronr a wooO F: / cvcryonG/f otrnr/mcchpcrnt d,"Commercial Deeign Engineering, Ltd. :fiffuruffiTOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontagr Vail. Colorado 816 Mechanical Contractors RE: VAIL IIARRIOTT REMODEL WE ARE SENDING YOU ENCLOSEIUATTAGHED VIA: THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: November 5,2@2 JOB NO.: VAIL MARRIOTT 715 LIONS HEAD CIR vAtL, co 81657 USPS: PRIORITYilIAIL 11tO5/Oz CERTIFIEDTEST, AIUUST, AND BALANCE REPORT REiIARKS: FORYOURREVIEW THANKYOU, tllaria Prlnce Admlnlstrative Assistant GOPYTO: file REGEIVED BY: 27TO DELT{ PIACE, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO EO9IOpo. Box 2440, coLoRADo spRtNGs, co 8090r OffiCE PHOI.IE: 719 / 390-0555 FAI(: 719 / 390-944E E-MAIL: CDETTD@AOI.COM SIGNED: DATE- Retum or fa< this form to CDE for recdpt corfirmation. "The Only Reoson We Are in Business is to Creote a Haopv Customer.'' @ ,s-.lcch. IOO3 WINTERS AVENUE, GMND JUNCTION, CO 8I5OI P.O. BOX 2418, GRAND JUNCT|ON, CO Er502 OFFfCE PHONE: 97O 1245-0595 FAX: 970 1245-l0li E-MAIL: CDEGI@AOL.COM o oo CERTIFIED TEST, ADJUST, AND BALANCE REPORT PROJECT: VAIL MARRIOTT REMODEL PREPARED FOR: COMMERCIAL DES'GA' REPORT'SSUE DATE: ARI PROJECT NO.: 02581 PREPARED BY: 5609 West 6th Avenue Lakewod, Colorado AO2l 4 Phone: (303) 232-St4S Fax: (303) 232-1238 *mail: ainight@aol.nm web ste; ainpht.am o o TEST, ADJUST, AND BALANCE REPORT THE DATA PRESENTED IN TH'S REPORT IS AN EXACT RECORD OF SYSTEfr PERFORUAT,ICE ANDWAS OBTNNED IN CONPIJATTCE VWTH NEAA PROCEDURAL STA'YDARDS. ANY UARIANCES FRON THEDES'GIV REQI"REIIIE'YXS ARE NOTED THROUGHOUT THIS REPORT. TT'ERESULTS SHOWN AND IHFORNANOil PRESENTED ITI THIS REPORT IS CERNHEDTO BEACCURATE AND CONPLETE TO THE STENT POSS'8LE 8Y EQUPNENT AND PROCEDIJRES USEDTHROUGHOUTU"S SURVFT. THE FTNAL AIR D'STRIBUNOT SYSIEI' IIEASUREf,'EA'I1S A RE IN COffiP'JANCE WITH NEBB'PROCEDURAT SriAflDAlrrs FoR tEsTrrvc, AtNUSnNc AND BALANC//N? OF EttwRoNtltENrAL SysrEils.AND THE PROJECT SPECIHCANONS. "ERNNE#>=: THE F'NAL HW)RONIC D/iSTHBUNOil SYSTEtrT'EASUREfrENIS ARE IN COMPLANCEWITH TTEBB.PROCEDURAL STAflDARD_S-FOR TESTIII,C, ADJUSNflG AND BAIANCING OF Efi/rNRONNEilTAL S}IS7ET'S'NI D TH E PRA' ECT S PECTHCANONS. DAre:)!)'?1t'or-, CERIIFIED BY:DATE: AH TECHNtCtAt(s); rfi&( STRUBLE AH NEBB TAA SUPERV'SOPc DARLOD K FOX REG. NO.2589 CERNHCANON ilPIRATION:12Tt1/O3 NR.R'GHT WARRMITS THAT THE NR AND HYDRONICSYSTEfl EVAL UATED DI'H'IG '}"S SURVEYts oPERAnNG ATTHESPECIF//EDLEVELSASSHOWNWTTH//N TH/,S REpoRT, AT AND OtJLyATTH/,SnNE.NR.RIGHTHAKES NO OTIIERWARRANNES,STATED ORINPLIED, CONCERTIINGTHECO,mNUEDPERFORNANCE, OPERANON OR SAFETY Ii THE USE OF THIS EQUPNENT PAST THE NNE 58@ IfrEST 6TH AlENttE, |AKEWOOD, COLORADO 50211, 4HONE:(JOJ) Zg2 ftr}i TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENT COVER PAGE TAB CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS. BALANCING NOTES AIR APPAMTUS TEST REPORT RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT . RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT . AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT RECTANGUTAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT . AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT AIR OUTLETTEST REPORT AIR OUTLETTEST REPORT PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 't7 BALANO{G NOTES PROJECT: VAIL MARRIOTT REMODEL RE: CORRIIX)R MAKE{rp AtR THE AREAS ABOVE THE I-AY-IN TILE CEILING IN THE CORRIDORS WERE FILLED WTHMISCELISNEOUS PIPING SYSTEMS, ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, AND DUCTING SYSTEMSCOMBINED WTH HIGH DOMED CERAMIC CEILING TILES ALLOWED A VERY LIMITED ACCESSAREATO SOME DAMPERS. MAINTAINING ATOTALAIRFLOWTO EACH CORRIDOR WAS IMPORTANT, WHICH RESULTED INSOME DIFFUSERS REPORTING HIGHER OR LOI/VER HOWEVER, THE TOiAL REQUIREMENTFOR EACH FLOOR WAS MET. RE: RESTRoOM EjXHAUST ALL EXHAUST GRILLS ARE EQUIPPED WITH THEIR OWN DAMPER ATTACHED AND ARE VISIBLETHROUGH THE GRILL FACE. THE DAMPER IS EASILY ACCESSIBLE TO ANYONE. IF A PERSONSHOULD OPEN OR MOVE THE DAMPER THE EXHAUST SYSTEM W|LL BE OUT OF BALANCE. -0.11"-0.69"-1.80' SF @ o AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT +0.40" PROJEGT: VAIL MARRIOTT REMODEL AIR HANDLER UNIT DATA MANUFACTURER I HEATEXINC. MODEL E-RHXC-1&10000 SER1AL 202051 FAN TYPE RTU RATING 10000cFM UNIT: ERV-I MAKE-UP AIR MOTOR NAMEPI.ATE DATA MANUFACTURER MARATHON HP R.P.M.10.0 1760 PHASE FRAME 3 215'l s.F.TYPE 1.15 TDR VOLTS AMPS 208-230t460 2E.sl6.4t13.2 THERMALLY PROTECTED STARTER DATA MANUFACTURER lrnCronypncKAcE MODEL SIZE/THERMAL NO. ,NGE sETAT(AMPS) REQ. THERMAL RATTNG (AMPS) DRTVE DATA MOTOR DRIVE 2VP56 MOTOR BORE 13tE" FAN DRIVE 2A54858 FAN BORE 1 11116" NO. BELTS &SIZE 2-873 CENTERUNE 29" DRIVE CHANGE AIRFLOWDATA SUPPLY CFM 10270 OSA CFM 100% RETURN CFM TEST DATA INITIAL FINAL FAN R.P.M.1490 1490 VOLTAGE 20/,r205t205 20sr20a207 AN'PERAGE 22.7t22.7t23.3 21.0t20.5t22.1 HT XGR cotL NOTES: PAGE: 05 PROJECT: LOGATION: VAIL MARRIOTT REMODEL RECTANGUI-AR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT SYSTEM: ERV-1 MAKE-UP AIR DUCT S. P. (in w. g. | 0.8,f" BETWEEN 6TH & 7TH FLOORS AIR TEMP DEG. F. _ stzE 36 x 30 MEASURED FPM €5q- CFM CFMBYFANLAW#2 _NUMBER OF READINGS 30 FINAL S. P. (in w. g.) NOTES: THIS TMVERSE COMBINED WITH THE 7TH FLOOR TMVERSE EQUALS ATOTAL UNIT MEASURED FLOW OF 9420 AND E5O=10270 rOrNI CN.U. PAGE: 06 PROJECT: LOCATION:7TH FLOOR VAIL MARRIOTT REMODEL RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT SYSTEM: ERV-1 MAKE-UP AIR AIR TEMP DEG. F,DUCT S. P. (in w. q. ) 0.60" OUCT stzE_14 x 10 sQ FT 0.97 REQUIRED FPM _ CFM - MEASURED FPM 875 CFM 850 CFMBYFANLAW#2 _NUMBER OF READINGS 12 FINAL S. P. (an w. g.l PAGE: 07 o PROJECT: VAIL MARRIoTT REMoDEL SYSTEM: o AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT ERV-1 MUA SYSTEM TERMINAL DESIGN INITIAL FINAL NOTES NO TYPE szE AK VEL CFM VEL CFM VEL CFM FIRST FLOOR 1 CD 24X24 250 170 2 CD 24.)<24 250 310 TOTAL 500 480 zND FLOOR 1 CD 241\24 250 250 250 2 CD 2$Q4 240 3 CD 2QQ4 250 235 TOTAL 750 725 3RD FLOOR 1 CD 2Q<24 220 210 2 CD 2$Q4 ?20 210 3 CD 24r<24 220 250 4 CD 2Q<2.4 I-220 150 5 CD 24)(24 220 190 6 CD 24><24 220 200 7 CD 24X24 220 265ICD24X24?20 265 9 CD 24,<24 220 230 TOTAL 1980 1970 4TH FLOOR 1 CD 2QQ4 220 220 2 CD 24X24 20 200 3 CD 24rQ4 220 220 4 CD 2$<24 220 220 5 CD 2Q<24 220 240 6 CD 2Q<24 220 230 NOTES o PAGE: 08 PROJECT: VAIL MARRIOTT REMoDEL AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT SYSTEM: ERV-1 MUA NOTES THE CONDOMTNIUMS ON THE 6TH & 7TH FLOORS ARE NOT INCLUOED INTHE CONTMCT. PAGE: 09 o o AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT UNIT: ERV-I EXHAUST AIR +0.40' a -0.52"-1.52" EF @ PROJECT: VAIL MARRIOTT REMODEL AIR HANDLER UNIT DATA MANUFACTURER I HEATEXINC. MODEL E-RHXC-1&10000 SERIAL 202051 FAN TYPE RTU RATING 10000cFM MOTOR NAMEPLATE DATA MANUFACTURER MARATHON HP R.P.M.7.5'1760 PHASE FRAME 3 2137 s.F.TYPE 't.15 TDR VOLTS AMPS 20v230t460 21.+19.619.8 THERMALLY PROTECTED STARTER DATA MANUFAcTURER lrncroRyeAcKAGE MODEL SIZE/THERMAL NO. NGE SETAT(AMPS} REQ. THERMAL RATTNG (AMPSI 1 11t16' AIRFLOWDATA SUPPLY CFM 10391 OSA CFM 0 RETURN CFM 't00% TEST DATA INITIAL FINAL FAN R-P.M.1430 1430 VOLTAGE 20/,nOil205 205no8t207 AMPERAGE 19.8t19.an0.4 18.0/18.1/19.5 o NOTES: PAGE: 10 PROJECT: LOGATION:TOTAL VAIL MARRIOTT REMODEL RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT SYSTEM: ERV-1 EXHAUSTAIR DUCTS. P. (in w. g. ) {.s11AIR TEMP DEG. F. _ stzE 34 x 34 sQ FT 8.03 REQUIRED FPM 1245 cFM 10000 MEASURED FPM 1394_ cFM CFM BY FAN t.AW# 2 ---NUMBER OF READINGS 36 FINAL S. P. (in w. g.) PAGE: 11 o o AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: vArL MARRToTT REMopEL SYSTEM: EeV-1 EXHAUST SYSTEM TERMINAL OESIGN INITIAL FINAL NOTES NO TYPE stzE AK VEL CFM VEL CFM VEL CFM RM 128 'l ER 6X6 50 45 RM '29 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM '30 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM '31 1 ER 6X6 50 50 2 ER 6X6 50 45 RMl32 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RMl3if 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RMI36 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RMI3E 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 22E 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 229 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 230 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 231 1 ER 6X6 50 50 2 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 232 ,|ER 6X6 50 45 RM 2*I 'l ER 6X6 50 50 RM 23,0 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 235 1 ER 6X6 50 5s RM 236 1 ER 6X6 50 15 RM 237 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 237 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 239 1 ER 6X6 50 5s RM 32E 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 329 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 330 1 ER 6X6 50 50 NOTES PAGE: 12 o PROJECT: VAILMARRIOTTREMODEL o AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT SYSTEM: ERV-I EXHAUST SYSTEM TERMINAL DESIGN INITIAL FINAL NOTES NO TYPE stzE AK VEL I CFM VEL CFM VEL CFM RM 331 1 ER 6X6 50 50 2 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 332 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 333 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 33,,1 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 335 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 336 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 337 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 33E 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 339 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 34I 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 342 1 ER 6X6 50 55 Rll 34:l 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 3il4 1 ER 6X6 5{),{5 RM 345 1 ER 6X6 50 55 Rri 346 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 347 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 349 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 35I 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 352 I ER 6X6 50 45 RM 353 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM a5,.l 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 355 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RIrt 357 1 ER 6X6 50 45 2 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 359 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 36,I 1 ER 6X6 50 NOT IN PHASE I NOTES PAGE: 13 PROJECT: VAIL MARRIoTT REMoDEL SYSTEM: o AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT ERV-1 EXHAUST -- SYSTEM TERMINAL DESIGN INITIAL FINAL NOTES NO TYPE slzE AK VEL I CFM 50 VEL CFM VEL CFM RM 363 I ER 6X6 NOT IN PHASE RM 42E 1 ER 6X6 50 50 45 50 RM 429 1 ER 6X6 RM 430 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 4itl I ER 6X6 50 45 2 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 432 1 ER 6X6 50 50 50 RM 433 1 ER 6X6 5{t RM 43'l 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 435 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM '036 I ER 6X6 50 50 RM 4I7 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM,l^:lE 1 ER 6X6 50 5o 40 RM 439 1 ER 6X6 50 RM '141 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM '142 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM {4:I 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 444 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM,l45 1 ER 6X6 50 50 45 RM {46 1 ER 6X6 50 RM 447 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM,l49 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 45'1 ER 6X6 50 55 45 RM 452 1 ER 6X6 50 50RM 453 1 ER 6X6 50 RM 454 1 ER 6X6 50 50 NOTES PAGE: 14 o o AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: VAIL MARR|oTT REMoDEL SYSTEM: ERv-l EXHAUST SYSTEM TERMINAL DESIGN INITI,AL FINAL NOTES NO ITYPE slzE AK VEL CFM VEL CFM VEL CFM RM 1155 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 457 1 ER 6X6 50 45 2 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 'f59 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 46I 1 ER 6X6 50 NOT IN PHASE RM 463 1 ER 6X6 50 NOT IN PHASE RM 532 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 533 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 534 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RIrt 535 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 536 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 537 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 53E 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 539 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 54I 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 542 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 5€1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 5{4 I ER 6X6 50 55 Ril 545 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 5,16 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 547 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 549 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 55I 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 552 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 553 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 5'[1 ER 6X6 50 50 NOTES PAGE: 15 o AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: VAIL MARRIOTT REMoDEL SYSTEM: ERV-1 EXHAUST SYSTEM TERMINALffittl RM 555 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 557 1 ER 6X6 50 50 2 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 559 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 561 1 ER 6X6 50 NOT IN PI-IiASE RM 563 1 ER 6X6 50 NOT IN PHASE RM 6.11 'l ER 6X6 50 45 RM 642 1 ER 6X6 50 40 RM 643 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 644 I ER 6X6 50 50 RM 645 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 6,15 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 647 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM GsI I ER 6X6 50 50 RM 652 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 653 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 654 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 655 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM G57 1 ER 6X6 50 55 2 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 659 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 66'1 ER 6X6 50 NOT IN PHASE RM 663 1 ER 6X6 50 NOT IN PI-IASE NOTES THE CONDOM]NIUMS ON THE 6TH & 7TH FLOORS ARE NOT IN CONTRACT PAGE: 16 AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT: VAIL MARRIOTT REMOQEL SYSTEM: ERV-I ExHAUST SYSTEM TERMINAL DESIGN INITIAL FINAL NOTES NO TYPE s|zE AK VEL CFM VEL CFM VEL CFM RM 751 1 ER 6X6 50 55 RM 752 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 753 1 ER 6X6 50 50 RM 754 1 ER 6X6 50 45 RM 755 1 ER 6X6 50 50 NOTES THE CONDOMINIUMS ON fiE 6TH & 7TH FLOOR ARE NOT IN CONTRACT. PAGE: 17 F Eil ttt 5- -..t E:E -'l(9 SX o v,ac) -lu- Fw -,-E;o O' o- t t o t* t) 62mcccqlra---- -r\DF3>A &(f <3Jb- azOtJtJ;|(.rl I I I t- I Il-- o o o a' It t o l- [-<3 e. -.tg;: €ef d-. -t15F3SO M,Oa_.t t_r_ (} &, -)_.r* r'-- -.It I o' o Ft-g ffi"r<=Ea- J<osx ocI I t-r- F.cd -r( R o o I o' o I o t- E e,O/'S<JEE JtDE3)>A dOa-Jl-r- F_tr- LL o o t O. (.,.. ^-.U o o I o o l' \'*" .-.v l- ()e,gt'-l<-:lEEIJrsl s=l ec) 5L -Fx rtl _H HEgE.-..-5 EqErtEE o t--t-g *n EE JOe3>Q ol crl fln EITI fitfl @ I o f ( o 'f !E oorl0/L6/02 I'uE 12:08 FAI 9?02151015 couerclsl De61&----- v Commercial [}esign Engineering, Ltd Fud._ TO: FROM: SENOER: STEVEKII{G AT: COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERING ADDRESS: 1OO3 WINTERS AVE, GRAI'ID JI'NCTION' COLORADO 8150I 8A)(PI{ONE: (970) 245-101s AT: TOWNOFVAILATTENTION: CHARLIEDAVIS DATE&TIME: lOtTst}Z 12:23 PMFA)(NUMBB: 970479-2452 VOICEPIIO}.IB: (970) 245-0s95 MESSAGE: RE: VAIL MARRIOTT - TOWER 2 i FLOORS 6 & 7 flffi t^AtBSl+NDAf 'RRID'RS ffi #Sqr9fr?,9oo#"Rlt'HISlSn'"ilcLUDEsrrIE6&"tffi ,rl 11'r Fv- !0/+!/03 TIJE 12:[.0 FAI s702r51015 Col[erclel De61@ YlA,Fl( @oozv3o AIR'OUTLET TEST REPORT P^GE \$s @ooro AIR TEST REPORT , ffistcopv yff.rq.g 08/2O/O2 I'tlE 13:37 FAX 9702451 Correrclal Deslsn015 o BD-6cl25 G oor -oo d",_ Commercial Design Engineering, Ltd TO: ATTENTION: CHARLIEDAVIS AT: TOWNOFVAIL FAXNI,[vtsER: 970479-2452 DATE&TIME: 08n01021:35 PM # PAGES: t0 FROM: SE}IDER STEVEKING AT: COMMERCIAL DESIGN ENGINEERJNG ADDRESS: 1003 WINTERS AVE, GRAI.ID JUNCTION COLORADO 8ls0l FAXPHOM: (970) 24s-l0rs VOICEPHOM: (9?0)24s-05es MESSAGE: RE: VAIL IUARRIOTT (TOWER2) I\/E ATTACHED AIR RIGHTS PENCIL COPY OF TIIEIR TEST AND BALA}ICE EFFORTS TO DATE. THIS INCLUDES FLOORS I TI{RU 5. AS YOU ARE AWARE, FLOORS 6 AND 7 WILL BE COMPLETED SHORTLY. AT THAT TIMB, A COMPLETE AND OMCIAL REPORT WILL BE FILED WITH YOI'R OFFICE AT TI{AT TIME. CC: DOUG THOMPSON - HYDER PROJ. MGR JOHN DELANEY - ALVINE ENGINEERING CTEATED mIIl WINCI)VE l-lo / & ooz PAGE 6L :l:{1::.'.:..':'.:*.l.'.:'...,;!j..::ii'li ri' ''riji Wn#:hcelrr'r -ru!s, ,;;1 '';'ii: '.. e -*.t: coPY f*fi#;t,=i"l*.u 5 or-'G.qFqPt*ffi'uF s urrruv A 1\: ....:j.,..: :: . _ -#;; Jr.i' . ill* uil,'y r+*, drv^*, r.r lp 6 p?.aols.tfi|?; Fx*n'rs't:i I H$Ef,. r.ltEj B-F}{INN t^r o r,nc'r:' ffi'ap;Artr zfle :, ;rfiui rrS\.$ff rrunLrz ED- t:1i;il'^ tt, .. t' .,,,,i..1,. r.'.;..' j. ... , ,iiilr,ii+;..: :;:-" :', '' . ',' - ' .jj+,:rli'-.:1. , -. ..lt. :.': .'.!':..t '' .',.,;t,', ffi. . I :.... , ,,r:, ii,.. AtJ / o @oo3 PAGE A2 O8/2O/02 I'uB 13:tg FAX 9702451015 Connerclal Deslan B oo4 PAGE A3s?!:::?t2s93,4'L3t 11 ,, :|t*',cttO.,..;...,,1. ,,,, , r'lAR<l-i' i$;' ,,:li1r-'.,, -'';t'i+','. .'i''io5i', tr$f c0flT NAUIE$ O8/2O/OZ TUE 13:41 FAX 9702451015 sa/L3l2ga2 13:34 3039862413 Cotrnerclal Desi.an @oos PAGE A4o Avrures FA6E 8ESTO{J"i g8/29/OZ TUE 13:43 FAX 9702451015sBllY2AA2 13:34 3a39a624L3 - Conuerclal De8lan MA,RK @ 006 PAGE A5o rEtflnqgr ffiSTCOPY Atl$rs.g PreE' l:l 08/20/OZ I'UE l$:45 t'AX 9702451015 AAlL9|2BA2 13:34 3639862413 PACE U ooz g6 AIROTITTET BEST MP"Y AVAILASLE ?ASe l.a o8/20/o2 'lUE 13:46 FAI 9702{51015 sBlLglzSS2 13:34 3e,39A624L3 _Courerclal Deslan MAR< Boos PAGE 67 P 6e' f.) 0E/ZO/OZ TUE 13:{8 FAX 9702451015 :iii:'*XLiT' l, i,r,r'l'l'*0"O Comerclal De6lgn MAFIK @ ooe PAGE gAo Afft.ouruT TESf'ITEPORT PAGT l-'l G 01o PAGE E9 TEST REPORT ffiffi d,"Commercial Design Engineering, Ltd. Mechanical Contractors May 14,2002 Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 15 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Charlie Davis 2710 DE[D{ PLACE, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80910 PO. BOX 2440, COLORADO SPRTNGS, CO 8090r OFFICE PHONE: 719 / 390-0555 FAX: 719 l390-9448 E-MAIL: CDEXTD@AOL.COM Vail Marriott Resort Remodel CDE's Job#5720 Subject: Mechanical Permit M02-0053 - Requested Supplemental Information Dear Charlie: Taking a moment, I wish to again express and extend our appreciation to you and your department for the continued team effort making this challenging project progress successfully. Your department's plan review specifically requested to (Provide cutsheets and info on smoke/fire dampers being installed and how they are to be activated per UBC Section 713J0 and 713.11 and 97 UMC Section 605.1 thru 605.3 inclusive". The enclosed packets of information are offered in response to this request. Please note the attached Sequence ofOperation is provided through Encompass (Electric's) fue alarm submittal currently under review by Schirmer at the requirement of Mike McGee. Please advise the undersigned if I may need to be of further assistance in this matter. GN ENGINEERING. LTD. |nF;a IOO3 WINTERS AVENUE, GMND JUNCTION, CO 81507 p.o. Box 2418, GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 OFFfCE PHONE: 97O / 245-0593 FAX: 970 1245-1015 E-MAIL: CDEGI@AOL.COM i\ob$7205\rubmittabvcbrm submit\w€stburl.820 Re: 3tl#'ntdnt**n ry-Wy[xin Business is to create o Happv customer." @ A*,rcN Western Slope E--ceweo rlAY 2 0 2002 TOV-Coq.DEV' P. 2/2 \ lg;slff;g;sill ffiffi i F >q nt ET o eIo e F E I E b I F t.o E ;aa{ Eat 5!o.6 Eo EE EF o Hf o t I o { 5 {. -/1.5ilrx I *ll EI 3 is;i Frl;s N0.7577Ap r . I I ztJlJt\ /:i4AM \|lIVIERA TLIL:IRIU F> zood !tE EE69 ?Q e, r'E;6-e, E8t-y' :p?o ge ?5 !d.s!,-9gl o z =56 ld Ez I- E o!J ,k ? ;o Eo ..'z Ez I:or ?l el zl Ei': \ RUSKIN' 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 765-89ss FSDR2s COMBINATION FIRE SMOKE DAMPER UL555 and UL555S Leakage Class I Classified FOR USE IN DYNAMIC AND STATIC SYSTEMS APPLICANON The FSDR2s is a'tIue round" Class lleakage rated combination fire/smoke damper designed for use in metal. wood or concrele fire and smoke raled partitions and concrete floors. Th€ FSOR2S is the ideal choice when round duct b used on a proj6ct. The damp€r is raled tor maximum velocity of 4,000 hm and 4" (iO2) stiatic pres- sure. The integtal frame and uniquo "cinch phte. design provid€ a Iow crst, easy to install, high performing damper. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FRAIIIE/SLEEVE 20 gage (.9)galvanized steet, standard 17. (432) tong. Frame/sleeves available up to 36. (914) in length. See mini- mum sleeve length chart on page 2 for assistance in choosing correcl trame/sleeve lenglh. BLADES Two-piece 14 gage (1.9) €quivalent thicknoss galvanized steel. BEARINGS Stainless stael sleeve, pressed into frame. BI.ADE SEALS Silicooo odge typa sandwiched betwo€n two pi€ce blade. Full circumfarsnce smoke seal to 450'F (232.C). UNKAGE Jackshafl to blade. AXLE r/2" (13) diameter. CONTROLLEO CLOSURE DEVICE (HEAT.ACTUATEOI 165'F (74'C) is srandard. Zl2"F (.tOO.C) or 2AS.F (141.C) are available at no additional cost. DAMPER SIZES MtNtMutrt stzE 6', diamstgr (152). MAXIMUII SIZE Verlical/ Horizontal lnsbllation - 24. diamebr (610 ).See pge 2 for dimensimal information. OPTIONS. TS150 Flrestst tor reopenable operalion in dynamic smoke managemenl syslems. DSOF Flow Duct Smd€ Oetecior - Consult Ruskin. SPl00 Swltch Packags to ramotely indic€te damp€r blade posi- lion. SloeverFr.mr of \€rious l€ngths to insuro figld complianc€ rrith UL krsialation requkements. Access Door tactory mounied in common sleeve to hsure oom- pliance wih UL installation reeuirements. CP control panels tor tast purposes or smok6 management syslams. Model FSOR2s meels the requiremenls for fire, smoke and combination llre/smoke dampers eslablished by:. National Flre Protection Association NFPA Standards 90A, 92A, 928 and 101. BOCA Nationel Building Cod€s. ICBO Uniform Building Codes. SBCCI Sfandard Building Codes. ICC lnlornational Building Codes. CSFlil Cslitomia Stete Fire Marshal Fire Oamp€r Listing (#3225-245:102) and Smok€ Damper Listing (#3230- 245:1 10). New York City (8SA Listing #176.82-SM) UL CLASSIFIED UL555 Listing R5531, UL555S Listing R10525 FEATURES The FSDR25 oflea:. EFL (Electdc Fuse Link) or PFL (Pneumatic Fuse Unk) h6at- acluated release devices permit controlled (rather than instantraneous) dosure through lhe damper actuaior. The EFL and PFL allow the damper to automatically reop€n afle, a lesl, smoke detection or Dower failure condition.. EFL is standard on dempe.s with elect.ic actuato.s.. PFL is slandard on dampeF with pneumatic actuators.. EFL's may b€ ordersd on damp€rs wih pnEumatic aduators but require an additional EP switch. J. NOTES Units furnishsd approximatoly Us' (3) sma er tr|an given size. Dimensions shown in parenlhsses ( ) indicate millimeters. Dampers approved for airnow in any dircction. sFC Fsofu.$t01R€pl-!. Fso6699 aL sfatED spEcEtcat oNs aRE suBJEct fo cHAnG€ wmaout NoncE oR ooLraanoi|'.ORus|n 2001 DIMENSIONAL IN FORMATION MINIMUM SLEEVE LENGTH Note: 36' (914) maximum sl€€ve length. G ENERAL INSTALLATION IN FORMATION The "L" dimension is the dimension the sleeve. on the actualor side of the damper, can extend beyond the wall or floor in a slandard installation. The .L,, dimenslon is designed to provide lhe installer with inlormation to make inslalla- lion easier. The lable b€low grovides a range tor the 'L' dimension. "L'DIMENSIONS NOTE: Tha 2" (51) dimension is tor duct connections. The'L, dimension indudes lhs 2" (51) for duct conneclion. Wall/Floot Thickness Min. Slesve L€ngih 4" (1021 s' ('127'l 6" ( 1s2) 7" (178) 8'(2o3) e" (22e) 10" (2s4) 11" (27s1 12" (305) Over 12' (305) Thru 2a" (609) 17" (432\ 17" (432) 20" (s08) 20" (508) 20' (508) 22" (sse) 22" (ssgl 23" (s84) 24'(610) Add 1' (25) for every inch ol wallrfloor dBpth WALL THICKNESS (102)(1271 (152)(178)(203)1229't 10' 1254| Minimum Standard Maximum 81/4" 9' 10" 81/4" 10' 8l/1" 9" '10" 8r/a" 9" 10" 8l/a' 9' 10" 81/a" 9' 10" 8r/.' 9" 10" Expandod METAL/WOOD/MASONRY WALL OR CONCRETE FLOOR INSTALLATION RETAINING'CINCH" PLATE o.p Eloctronlc Fura Unt (EFL) Chch lrsvh. Eoth Si&r Approvtd Actrtoa Noto: Diameter ' 6" (152): plale size rr- (13) Xlnlmum OvaAp ot W.U/Floor Op.[ing A squaro opsning in wood or metal stud walb or masonry walls and floors shall be a minimum of 1' (25) and a maximum of 21lf (O4) larger than the damper diameter. See wood stud and metal stud framing for fre dampors inslaltation instructjons su}.plemenl for c.omplete traming details. A round opening in masonry walls or lloors shallbe a minimum of 1'(25) and a maximun olZrf:f (64) targer than the dampe, diameter, Faclory supplbd retaining "cinch'phtes hold th8 damper within th€ wa opening. The plales musl ovedap the op€ning a minimum of lil, (i3). Th6 plats fits snugly around the int€gral sleave. The plat€s are fastened dirgcdy lo the wall or lloor. - 'REFER TO THE FSOR2s INSTALLATION INSTRUC. TIONS FOR COMPLETE lNSTALLATION OETAILS. SUGG ESTED SPEC!FICATION Furnbh and install at locations shown on Dlans. or as described in schedul€s,round combination fire/smoke dampers meeting ot erceeding the follo ,ing specifications. Framas shall be a minimum or 20 (.9) 9a9e galvanized steel and the blad€ shall be two piece. equivalenl to l4 (1.9) 9a9B minimum galvanized. Eearings shall b€ stainless steel sl€ev€ turning in an extruded hole in the frame. (Galvanized bearings shall not be acceptable). Elade seals sha be silicone edge dssigned to vrrithstand 450'F (232'C) mechanica y lastened and fully encompassing blade edge. Dampor must have an inlegral 20 (.9) gags sle€ve and 20 (.9) gage r€taining phte for damp€r mountjng. Squar8 to round transitions are unacceptiable, Each combination fire/snoke dampef shall be dassified ior use br fire resislanca ratings of less than 3 houE, in accordance with UL standard 555, and shall furlher ba classifiad by Underwriters Laboratories as a L6akag6 Rated Dampsr for use in smoke contml systems in ac€ordanca with lhe latest version of UL555S, and bear a UL label attesting to the same. Damp€r manufacturer shall have lested and qualified with UL, a compl€le renge of damper sizes covering all dampers, required by this specfication. Testing and UL qualifying a singl€ damper siz€ is not aoceptable. The leakage rat- ing under UL555S shall bs leal€ge Ctass | (4 cfm/tt. at 1" w.9. andI cirn/sq. tt. st 4'w.9.). Damper shall b6 list€d. with Catifomia State Fira Marshal. In addition to the lsakage ratings already specified herein. the dampeF and their aciualo.s shall be qualified under UL555S to an efevated lemperalurc ot 25O'F (121'C), 350'F (177'C), or 450.F (232'C) depending upon the acluator. Appropriate electric/pneu- matic actuators (spscifisr select one) shalt be installed by the damper manufaclurer al time ot damper tabrication. Elect.ic actua- tors, faclory inslalled on dampers, shall have been tested for pro- longed periods ot holding (minimum I year) wilh no evidence of reduced spring retum perfomanco. Damper and actuator shall be supplied as a single entity which me€b a[ applicabte UL555 and UL555S qualitications for both dampers and actuators. Each damper shall be rated for leakage and airflow in eith€r direction through the dampsr. Eacft combinalion firelsmoke damper shall be equipped with a 'controlled closure" quick delect heat-actuated release device to prevent ducl and HVAC component damage. lnslantaoeous damper closure is una€eptiable. DamDers shall be Ruskin modelFSDR2U. o .- (Consull Ruskin for detailed CSI MasrerFonDat Specfication.) o mo.-Orrvairr.l(lr- Cly, aPCaCll Itlt, tlt.?'l?t FAXOTqTG.Gr!r.i-aoo'|lRUSTflN' RUSKTN' 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7475 FAX (816) 765-8955 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FSDR25 COMBINATION FIRE AND LEAKAGE RATED DAMPER Within Square Opening in Metal or Wood Stud Framing in I Hr. rated drywall partitions or in 1 and 2 Hr. rated masonry floors and ceilings or walls APPLICATION The FSDR25 rouod comtination fire/smoke damper is designed to operate rvith blade running horizontally. Dampers can be vertically or horizontally installed with lh6 leading edge of the dosed blade within the nall in accordance lvilh NFPA-9oA. To ensure optimum operation and perfonnance, the damper must be installod so it is round and fiee trom racting. Oo not compress or stretcfi the damper frame into lhe duct or openang. MOUNTING Verti€al or Horizontal. MINIMUM SIZE 6" (152) diametsr. MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SUE 18' (457) diameter. INSTALLATION SUPPLEMENTS Rsf€r to ths appropriate Ruskin installation operation instruclions supdements for special requirern€n ls: . S€aling of Damp€rs in Fire Ralsd Walls or Floo6 . Metal Slud Framing tor Fire Dampers in Drywall Parlitions . Wood Stud Framing for Fire Oampers in Drywall Parlitions Note: Dimensions sho^,n in parentheses ( ) indicate millimetsrs. RETAINING "CINCH" PLATE L Erpansion Gap A square opening in wood or metal slud walls or masonry walls and tloors shall be a minimum of 1" (25) and a maximum of 2ll2'(&4) larger than the dampet diameler. A round opening in masonry $/alls or floors shall be a minimum of 1" (25) and a maximum of 2th" (64) larger than the damp€r diameter. THE RETAINING "CINCH' PLATE MUST OVERLAP THE OPENING A MlNlMUii OF r/2' (13). 2. Damper Sleeve The sleeve is iotegral to the damper and shall be of equal to or heavier than the gage of lhe duct as described in NFPAgoA and as defined by the approptiate SMACNA duct construction standard. 3. Damper Orisnlation The leading edge of the blads in the closed position must be withh the dane of the wall. Verlical installetion is illustrated and horbontal is similar (see GsnBral Inslallaton). The damper.may b€ installed with up to a 30 degree variance of the axle b€ing horkontal (see Blad€ O.ientalion seclion). 4. Relalning "Clnch" Plates DO NOT PLACE CINCH PLATES IN GROOVE Remove bolt from one glate and work across lhe sleeve twisl- ing it over lhe axle. (lmporlant: Cinch mechanism should face actuator.) Plac€ dampsr in the wall. Secure remaining plate on opposite side of wall. The plales are designed to grab and hold the sleeve while mounting flush against the wall or floor r€taining the damper sscurely in the opening. The plates must overlap the opening a minimum of t/2" (13) (see 'Cinch" Plate section). For rnasonry openings secure the "cincfi" plates to the wall/fbor with appropriate length masonry sctews. For wood/metal slud applications secure the plales to wall using #10 sheet metal screnrs of appropriate lengths so as to have the mairr body of lhe screws engage wood,/metal studs or runngrs (see Genenl Installation). 5. DucUsleeve Connectlons Round break-away conneclions must be ussd. Eilhsr a 4'(102) wide drawband or #10 sheet metal screws spaced equally around lhe circumference of lhe ducts as follows:. Duct diamoters 18" (457) and srnaller - 3 screws. Noto: lthsn optimal s€aling of lhese Fints is desired, lh€ following sealants may be appliod in accordance with the ssalanl manufac- turer's instructions; Hardcasl, Inc. - lron Grip 601, Precision - PA2064Tor ECO Ducl Seal rl4-52. Do not place plales in groove Figure I SEE OETAILS ON UL CLASSIFICATION MARKING ON ENCLOSED PROOUCT ff.FsoR2tz9gR.pf.crs ft-FSDR2St 198 ALL sfA'lEO SPEc/,ncAnoNs ARE sUBJEcl lo CHANGE wlfHouf xoncE oR ogLlGA]rl(].N. orltr3tn umuialudng tglxl GENERAL INSTALLATION In 1 and 2 Hr. Rated Masonry Floors and Ceilings or Walls ITEM DESCRIPTIO}I '1. FSDR25 Round Fire Damoer 2. Relaining Plate,20 ga, steel 3. Duct 4- Masonry Wall Construction 5. #10 Concrete Anchor 6. 4" Draw Band Figuro 2 Figure 3 Wthin Square Opening in Metal or Wood Stud Framing in I and 2 Hr. Raied Drywall Parlitions ITEII DESCRIPTON 1. FSDR25 Round Fire Damper 2. Retaining Plate,20 ga- steel 3. Ducl 4. MetalStud Wall Construction5. Wood Stud Wall Construc{ion 5. #10 Sheet Metal Screw 7. 4' Draw Band Flgure 4 Figure 5 INSTALLATION ANO TIIAINTENANCE To ensure optimum operation and p€rformanca, ths damper must be installed so il is square and free fiom racking. Do not compress or slrelch lhe damp€r fram€ into the duct or op€ning. Lift or handle the damp€r using slseve or frame. Do not lifl damper using blades or aclua- tors. Eacfi fire/smoke damper should b€ examin€d on a rogular basis to ensure it is not rusled or blocked. lt is recommended h€ damper be opersted (the actuator cycled) at least onoe ewry 6 months. Care should b€ exercised to ensure ftat such tests are pErformed sately and do not causr system damage. BLADE ORIENTATION fdigt f rio&?qfa.'Ai (Marlmum) 30' OFF HORtrONTAL (Maximum) NORIIAL RUSKTN= 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas Cily. MO 64030 (8161761-7476 FAX (816) 765-8955 FSD36 COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER ltA HOUR UL555 RATED, UL555S LEAKAGE CLASS II APPLICATION The FSD36 is a combination tire/smoke damper built with triple V- gtoove blades and controlled closure technology thal provides point-of-oaigin fire containment and operational ,lexibility in stalic and dynamic smoke management systams. The FSD36 may be installed vertically in walls or horizontally in concrete fioors in HVAC systems with velocities to 2,000 fpm and pr€ssures lo 4" w.g. (consult Ruskin for proper application it velocity and prossure €xceed those listsd abovo). STAiIOARD COIISTRUCTION FRAME 5'x l6 (127 x 1.61 gage galvanized hat-shaped steel channel structurally sup€rior lo l3 (2.3) gege channellrame. BLADES (PARALLEL OR OPPOSED ACTION} 6" (152) wide, 16 (1.6) 9a9e equivalent thickness galvanized steel. Triple V€roove shaped appmximately 6' (152) on center. 8 EARING S Stainless strelsl€eva pressed into lrame. JAXB SEALS Stainloss ste!1, lleribl! metal comprassion type. ELAOE SEALS Silicone sdge lyp! for smok. seal to 450'F (232'C) and galva- niz€d slreltor llam€ ssalto 1900'F (1038'C). LINKAGE Concealed in liam€. C O NTRO LLED C LOSURE DEVICE (HEAT.ACTUATED) 165'F {i4'C) standard. 212'F ('|00'C) or 285'F (t4t'C) ar€ stso availablE Ct no addilionalcost. DAMPER SIZES ifiNritut{ stzE 5'w x 7'h (127 x 1781. Dampers under 6'w (152) ar€ Lsalago Class lll. (S6e nolc 3.) MAXIIIUM SIZE Vertical Installalion - 126'w x 122'h (3200 x 3099). Ho.izontal Instsllation - 144V x 96"h (3658 x 2438). OPTIONS TSl50 Flresiit for reopenable op€ration in dynamic smok6 managcment syslsms. DSD Duct Smoko Detector (No flow or flon, rat€d). SPi00 Switch Packrge to remotely indicate damp€r blade po6i- lion. FAST &rgle ior one angl6 installation. G St!y'a fo( gdlle applications. GA, Grlllo Access Type tor through the grille access to actuator and conlrol devices (s6e FSD36GA model). OW, Oul of WallrFloor typ6 for through penstralions (Se€ FSD36OW model). RA, Integrrl Retdnlng Anglo Typs tor Toot proofl one sid€ installation (model FSD36RA). Sleevss of vadous lengths and gag€s. Access Doors tactory mounted in @mmo'l sEeva. MCP Conkol Panels for test purposes or smoke managemeol syslems, Firestop Caulk for installaticfls without aogles. Stainless Stesl Const ucdon Model FSD36 maets lhe requiremenls for fire, smoke and combination firey'smoke dampers established by: . National Fire Prolection Associalion NFPA Slandards 9OA. 924. 928 and 101 . BOCA National Building Codes . ICBO Unitorm Building Codes . SBCCI Standard Building Codes . ICC lntemational Bullding Codes . CSFM Callfomla Staie Fire Marshal Fire Dampsr Listing (*3225-245'.O05 aod Smoke Damper Listing (#3230- 245:109) . New York City (BSA Lbling #176{2-SM) UL CLASSIFIED UL555 Listing R5531, UL555S Lisling R10525 FEATURES Tha FSD36 ofiers: . EFL (El€ctric Fuse Link) or PFL (Pneumalic Fuse Link) heat- actuated Jelease devices permit cont]oll€d (rather than instania- neous) closure through the damper aclualor. The EFL and PFL allow the damper to automatically reopen atter a tesl, smoke detection or power failure condition. . EFL is standard on dampers with eleclric acluators.. PFL is standard on dampers with pneumatic actuatoG.. EFL'S may be ordered on damp€rs with pneumatic aduators bul roquire an addilional EP switch.. Oual dirsction airflow. . Actualors mounted eifter oul or in aiGtream. NOTES '1. Oampsr are fumished approximately t/a" (5) smaller than given opening dimensions. 2. Dimensions shown in parentheses ( ) indicale millimeters. 3- Consull Ruskin for dampers lsss than 7'(178) high without using B style transitions. I H.ighr I Sp.c FSO3&'lozR.pl.c.r FSOlfFtOl ALL SfAfED SPECIFICANONS ARE SUAJECr fO CHANAE WE'lOUf NONCE OR OBLIGAfION,€ Rusrn No€mDer 20m AMCA LICENSED LEAKAGE AND AIR PERFORMANCE DATA iln ctR Ruskin certities that the Fso36 shown hereon is ticensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratjngs shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA certified Ratings Program. The AMCA cenified Ratings seal applies lo both air leakage and air pertormance for the parallel blade FSD36 and to air pertormance ooly tor the opposed blade FSD36. Air leakage is based on operation between so'F and 1(x'F. only dampers furnished with factorv installed actuators are lioensed to bear the AMCA seal. To determioe lhe AMCA Licensed air pedormance: Locate lhe applicable feet por minub face vebcity on th€ bottom ot lhe velocity vs. pressure drop chart below. Movo up the chart to {re mostappropriatE sizB damper lin€. From the inl€rsEclion point, move lefl to determine the pr€ssure dmp on the left side of the dlart. VELOCIIY vs. PRESSURE DROP 0.1 .09 .08 .07 .06 J 4 6 789 2 500 | 000 FACE VELOCITY - FEET/MINUTE AMCA Fig. 5.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.4 -oio u.lIoz oEo UJEf ata,utto. .05 .04 .0J .02 9 | 0000 SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR LEAKAGE CLASS II MINIMUM SINGLE SECTION irAxrMuM MAXIMUM MULN.SECTION SINGLE SECTION VERTICAL MOUIiTT HORIZONTAL MOUNT 12'w x 9Tl (305 x 229) 36'\w x 48'h (914 x 1219) 72"w x 48"h (1829 x 1219 ) 721,v ,( 48"h (1829 x 1219) // /t 4 A7lfr/I { /,4 A /r/,/!/s I {l,] I {,,L t {l t00 5000 SPACE ENVELOPE T-T -t l_,_J DAMPER SLEEVE DIMENSIONAL DATA Externally mounted actuators require space outside the damoer sleeve. The "S" dimension is the "side" clearance, the,,T" dimen, sion is the "top" clearance and lhe'8" dimension is the,,bollom" clearance required tor lhe various acluatoE approved tor use wilh Ruskin fre/smoke damp€rs. Actuators and accessories are factorv mounled on the right side when viewed from the acluator side of the wall or floor. Ruskin fire/smoke dampers can be rotated or turned over to accommodatB the application. It the aclualor must be mounted on top or botlom, select the FSD60V. For actualors nol shown. refer to the Actuators And Accessories Space Envelopes For All Firq/Smoke Dampsrs dala sheet. NOTES: l. The 'H' dimension represents the required height to eocompass lhe acluator and accassories wilh nothing protruding above ot below the damper. 2. For every inch damp€r is less than "Ff dimension add one inch to "B' or "T" dimonsion. ELECTRIC ACTUATORS WITH EFL ACTUATORS H s T B H2000 and H2024 12" (305)4' (1021 0" (0)l.r rri MS4209. M58209 12" (30s)4- 11021 0" (0)N/A GGD221. NF120. 24 14" t355)5'(1271 N/A 0" (0) ELECTRIC ACTUATORS WITH TSI5O OR SPlO(r ACTUATORS H s T a Hm00 and Hm24 12. (305)4" (102)0" (0)N/A MS4209, M58209 12" (30s)4' ( 102)0" (0)N/A GGD221. NF120. 24 14" (356)t (1271 0'(0)N/A Th€ drawing and conesponding table show the position of tho damper when mountad in a factory sl6gve. The standard mounting locations provide enot€h spaca tor 0|e mounting of actuators, conl trols and allo$, space fo. inslallalion of retaining angles and dud conn€ctioos- Ihe midmum faclory sleeve length is lf (432). Con- sult Ruskin for shodor sleeve lengths. Th€ siandard location of a damp€r mounted in a factory sbeve (,L,, dimansion) is shown al righl. The dampef can b€ positionad at 9-t!91 locations within a range ot r (178) or .tor/2" (267) and 9. (229) to 121/1 (318) depending on siz€, actuator and options. NOTE: The entiro damper frame is not ]3quirsd to be installed vyithin th€ wall. The damp€r bladas, whsn dosed shorrld be contained within the wall. iil li'@;;-l Hl --6-tl'.| -ijio"'i"" i[_ All dampqrs ydth EFL or PFL All dampsE with TS150rSPl00 or SPl00 Eloctaic Ac{ualors Pnaumroc Actuators Over I0" 1251't High r0" (2s4) High Nnd Undor Over 21" (533) High or 3T (813) Hish wrGGOzzl 21'(533) High and Under or 3?' (8r3) Hish end Undor wrcGD22l 331./A27lP)331-2961(Pl 33r.3060{Pl Over 28" 0rr) High 2E (7r 1) High & Under Over 32" (8r 3) Hlgh 32' (8r3) High & Under Over 40' (1016) High 40'(r016) High & Unde. Minimum Maximum 7'(178) 7 '/!' (18 t) 9'(229) 10lh' (2671 1OVr' (2701 12 '/2' (318) 7'(r78) 7rh' (t 8t ) s'(229) I or/2' (267) 10sh'(2701 121/2'(318) 7'(1781 ?1/r'(181) 9'(229) r0uI{267) r05tu'(270) l2'h'(318) ?'(r78) 7 Vr' (l81) s'(2291 10'/2' (?67) 10r/r'{270} l2V2'(318) 7' (178) 7't8'{181} 9'(229f l0Vr'1267) l(}Xr'{2701 |2'l2'{318) DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION MINIMUM SIZES Nominal 5'w x 7"h ('127 x 178) Actuaf 43/a"w x 63/a'h (121 x 171, Oampers with heights (g dimension) less han f (178) rcquire Sty'e B Uansi- lions and a slsevs. Th€ damper itsatt ramains 7" (178) high. Consult Ruskin for spacial construc on on dampors l6ss than 7'(178) high withoul using a transition. SPECIFICATION MAXIMUM UL CI.ASSIFIED SIZE Single Seclion: 36v x 48'h (914 r 1219) Multipl€ Soction Assembly Vertical lnstallalion - 126'\,v x 122"h (3200 x 3099) Horizonlal Inslallation 1441,v r 96'h (3658 r 2a38) For dampers axceeding these dimsnsions consult Ruskin. ROUNO, OVAL OR TRIANGULAR OUCT TRANSITION CONNECTK'N FSO36 dampers supplied with round conn6c- lions (R for low pressure, CR for medium pres. sure or WR welded for high pressure) ar€: Minimum 4'(1102) in diameter Marimum verlical 120" (3&fg) in diameter Maximum horizontal94" (2388) in diametel The square siz6 ot the damper wifi be 2. (51) larger lhan the diametor dimension ordered. FSD36 damp€rs supplied with rsclangulat conneclions (C tor lo\,v to medium pressuta or WC welded for high pressure) are: Minimum 6'w x 41 (152 x 1O2l Maximum vertical 124'w x 120"h (3150 x 304S) Maximum horizontat 142'w 94,h (3607 x 2388) The square size ot the damper $,ill be f (5f) largsr than the width and h€ight qt the damper A x I dimensions. FSD35 dampers supptiod with oval connec- tions (LO for low pressure, CO lor medium qr€!!ul6 or WO weldad tor high pr€ssurdwilt b€ 2. (51) largar lhan fis width and height of lhe damperA x I dimonsions. Cornbination fre/smoke dampers mseting or. exce€ding the folloriv-ing specifications shall bs ftJmished and insta Bd;t locations shown on plans or as desc.ibod in sdt€dules. Dampers shall meet the rsquirsments ol NFPAgOA,92A and 92E| and shafl be classified for use lor firo r€sistianc€ ratings of less than 3 hours. in accor_ danc€ witr| UL555. Dampers sha furth€r ba dassmsd as Laakaoe Rated Dampers for use in smoks control slstems in accordan; walh tha latest version ol UL555S. The leakage rating under UL555S shall be leakag€ Class (10 cfrn/sq. ft. at i, w.g). - In addilion to lhe bakage ratings already specifed harcin, the d,ampers and heir actuators shall be quatifu undor ULSsAS to an slevalsd tamp€ratura of 250.F (121.C), 350.F (i77.C) or 4SO.F(232'C) depending upon the actuator. Appmpriate ebtfic/pneu_ malic acluators {rpeclfler E.lsct on!} Ehall b€ installod by the damper manutaclurer at tirn€ of damp€r fabakation. Electric ac{ua-tors, taclory installed on dampors up Io E squaro fe€t. shal haveb6en lestad for prolongad pBrlods ot holding with no evidence of reducad spring relum pedormanc€. Dampsr and actuator shal b€ supplied as a singtE sntity whbh meets at applicabte UL55S and UL555S qualifications for both dampcrs and acluators. Each damper shall bo rated for leakage and airflo| in eithsr direction through the damper. Each combination fire/smoks damp€r shell be aquipped with a 'controlled closure' quick dst€ct hsat-actuatad r€leas€ dovice to pGvent duct and HVAC compon€nt damage. Instantaneous damp€r dosure is unacceptablg. Oamper trsme shall be minimum 16 (1.6) gage galvanized stesl formed hlo a slructural hat channel reintorced at comBrs. Damper blades shall b€ single skin galvanized steel 16 (1.6) gage mioimum with thIee longitudinal grooves for reinforcement. Bearings shall be stainless steel sleeve tuming in an exfuded hole in the frams. Blade edgc seals shall b6 inilatable silcone coated fbergtass and galva- niz6d sle€l madtanicaly locled into blade edga (adhesive or dip on seals not acceptable). Jamb seals shall b€ stainless steel compres. sion typ€. Each damper shall bs supplied tvith a faclory mounted aleeve of 17" (432) minimum length. Oampcrs shalt be Ruskin model FSD36. (Consult Ruskh for delail€d CSI l,tastbrFomra! Specification). 39@ Or. Gr€av6 Rd. Ka 3as city. fro 64030 18r5) 76r-7a76 FAX l8 16) 765.8955RUSKTN^ RUSKIN' 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 76s-Q9s5 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FSD3s, FSD36(C), AND FSD37(C) COMBINATION FIRE and SMOKE DAMPERS 1rl2 HOUR UL555 RATED APPLICANON Models FSD35, FSO36(C) and FSO37(C) combination fire and smoke dampers are designsd to operale with blades running hori- zontally. The slandard application is with the leading edge of the closed blades wilhin the wall; howBver, these combination fire and smoke dampers can be manufaclured to be installed outside lhe wall or foor. FSD35, FSD!6, FS0t7 IAXTIUI Ut CLASSTFTEO STZES _ PARALLEL BLADE Single section vertical or ho.izontat inslallation 36\f x 481| (914 r 1219). Multiple section assembty vsrtical installation 90'w x 481r of 36'w x 9it (2286 x 1219 or 914 x 2311). Muftiple seclion assembly hodzontal instathtion 90'w x 48'h (2286 x 1219). FSD35'OB, FSD37/OB MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIEO SIZES - OPPOSED BLADE Single section verlical or horizontal installatiofl 36"w x 48'h (914 x t219). Mulliple s€ction assembly vertical installation 120v x 951r (3048 x 2438). Multple section assembly hodzonlal installation 144k x 96t (3658 x 2438). FSD36/OB MAXIMUM UL CLASSTFIED SIZES -OPPOSEO BLADE Single seclion vertical installation 42\v x 61'h (1067 x 1549). Single seclion horizontal installation 361r/ x 48"h (914 x 1219). Multiple section assembly vertical installalion 126L, x 122"tr (3200 ,( 3@9). Multiple ssction asssmbly horizontal instathtion 144'w x 961| (3658 x 2438). FSD36C, FSD37C IUAXMUM UL CLASSFTED STZES -PARALLEL OR OPPOSED BLADE Singla ssction verticat or horizontal installation 24\w x 241t (610 x 610). FSD35SS, FSD36SS and FSD3TSS UAX Uil UL CLASSIFIEO SIZES - OPPOSED BLADE Multiple soclion assembly vsrtical installation 901,v x 48'h (2286 x 1 21 9) . Dimensions shown in parentheses ( ) indicate millimeters. New York Cny ASA No. I 76-Bit-Slt for FSO35, 35. N€w York Clty trtEA No. 394-93.1u for FSO37. ALL SIA7EO SPECIF'CANONS ARE SUAJECT fO CHAN6/E WTHOU| NOi/fE OR OBL/r,ANO . INSTALLATION SUPPLEMENTS Rsfsr lo lhe appropriate Ruskin installation instructions supple- msnts for special requirements: . Transfer Openings and Duct Teminations . Mullions for Dampers in Oversized Wall Openings . S-and-Orivemats No. 14880 . Flangsd System Br€akaway Connections . TS150 FiBStat System with High Limit TamperatuG Sonsor. Elecbic ELF Controll€d Closure Devrce . Pneumalic PFL Controlled Closure Oevice . Fira and Combination Fire/Smoke Oamper Insta ation in Concfets Floor with Steel Deck. . Extension of Fire and Fire/Srnoke Oamper Sleeves. Cslifon{a Stata Fire Ma6hal Listng No. 3ZSZ45:005 and 3230. 2ll5: I 09 for FSD35, 36. eR'Ern 2002 "tr SEE COMPLETE MARKING ON PROOUCT ll-FSDJr6ioZ R.gbc€! [-FSO36- t22(m |. O p!n in9 Clsar.nc. The openiflg in the wall or lloor shall be Iarger lhan the damperi sleeve assembly lo permil inslallation 0r €xpansion. For two angl€ inslallalions the opening shall be a minimum ot t/t'per foot (3 p€. 305) larg€r than lh€ overall ri2e of the dampef/sl!eve assembly. The marimum opsning siz€ shall nol erc€€d l/s'psr foot (3 per 305) plus 2'(51), not shall lhe openiog be less lhan r/r'(6) laeer than the damper/sl€eve ass€mbly. For onr angl€ inslallalions, lhe opsning shall be a minimum ol r/.'(6) to a marimum of l'(25) larger than lhe ov€rall size of lhe da m per/sl€ev. assem b t. 2. Faslto?rs.nd f,ultiple Srction Ass!mbly Wh€n joining rnultiple damper assembli€s or frslening the damp€r to lhe sleEve, dampers shall be fast€nsd wilh l/4-20 (M6) bolls, number 10 (M5) screws, or t/r'(13) hng welds slaggered int€mif lenlly on bolh sides. SDace fasl8ners 6'(152) on cenlst and a mar- imum 2' (51)hom lhe €nds of lh€ joining seclions ot hom Each cor- ner. lVhen joining mulliple danper assenblies. a conlinuous lis'(3) bead ot Dow-Cornrng 999-A. Dow.Corning silastic 732 RTV, 0r GE RTV 108 s€alanl shall be applied on the mullion ioint. Press thr sur- face ot lhe seabnt in phce lo dispel any aar. Anolher bead of lhe same sealant shall bs spplied bslwe€n the damp€r and sleeve in lhe sam€ manner. Only 0nc side of lh€ damprr rcquir€s caulking. Nole lhe slalanl is nol requhcd whon danpeJs ar€ sup!lird lor lir€ damler applicalions only and are nol required lo be 16akag€ raled. Mulliple seclion high vsrlical mounl damp€rs include a til gags r 5' 12 | l21l wide sleEl mullion plal€ sandwiched betwsen lh! damp€r lrames where reourred. The mullion olale musl b€ lhe same materi- alas lh€ dampers. 3. Dam p6 r Sl!cYe Sleeve lhiclnsss must be €qual to or thickar lhsn lh€ ducl connecl. ed lo it. Sle€ve gage requifenenls are lisled in th€ SMACNA FirG, Smok6 and Radialion 0anpet Inslalhtion Guids lor HVAC Systrms and in NFPAgoA. ll a brcala*ay style ducl/slBsve connrction is nol us!d, lhe slesve shall be a minimum ol l6 g89a ('|.6) fot dEmDers up t0 36'(9,|4) wid€ by 24'(6101 high and t4 g89e (1.9) tor dampers ercoeding 36' (9141 yvide by 24' (6101 high. 0ampcr sleeve shall nol exl€nd more lhan 6'(152) beyond lhe tire wall or pa ition unless dampsr is equipped wilh an actuator and/ol faclory inslall€d acc€ss door. Sl€eve may ert€nd !p to 15. (406) bsyond the fire v{all 0r partilior on sides €quipped with actualor and/or fac. tory anslall€d arcess door. Sl€sve shall lerminate al both sidas of wall silhin dimensions shown. il. Dan p!r 0,ient.lion Damp€r is drsign€d t0 op6rala wilh blades running horizontally end musl bs inslalled with leading €dg! of closed bladss within the wall or lloor whcn lhsy ara in ths closed posilion. l,rsE 'llount With Arrow Up'labelas a guid! tor propsr dampat orienlation. Horizontsl mounl danp€rs may be insiallod wilh aclualor sbovs or bslow lh! tloor- 5. llo0nting Angle3 lilounling anghs shall be a minimum ol I l/2' r I lh'r 20 gage st8rl (38 r 38 r 1.0). For openings in metal slud, nood stud 6nd con. crelernasonry walls ol sizcs 90'r l9'or 49'r 90'(2286 r 1215 or l2a5 x 2286) 8nd lesE nounting sngl€s ale only rrquired on one sids ol lh€ uall snd musl be altachrd to bolh th6 slsev! and th€ wall. l,!ounling angles may be installrd directly lo th! metal stud undet lh€ wall b0ard on n€lal stud wall installatbns only. Larg!r 0penings and lloor inslallrlions t!quir€ mounting angles on bolh sides 0l the partilion and musl bs allach.d only t0 th! sl€rv.. Mounling anghs nusl overlap th. paiilion I minimum of l'(25). 00 nol w€ld or faslcn anglss tog€ther et corncrs of dampers. Angles nusl overlap th! parlilion a minimum ot 1'(25). Ruskin fire,lsmole dampers mey be install€d using Ruskin FASI anglc tor on€ angle instellation or Rustin PFt A tor two anglc installations. .. Iounting Angl! Frst!nrrs Mounling angle laslcoers shall be f10 (M5) bolts or scfews, tl0 sel{.lapping concrele anchots or c0ncr!le scr€ws, l/a'(13) l0ng lacl welds or 3/ri'(3) diam6ter ste€l riv.ts.b. o!ntiog Anglc Frrt.n!r Sprcing F0r one angle inslallalions thr sle?ve fasteners shall be spaced al 6'(152) o.c. and th! uall fasi.ners shsll b€ sfacrd at 12' (305) o.c. rith a minimum of 2 lasl€ners on ssch sid€, to! and bollom. Screw lasl!nrls used in metal stud musl €ngaC€ lhe n€lalslud a nininun ol t/z' (13). Scrsr fasteners used in wood slud musl €ngage lhe rvood slud a minimum of 3/r'{19). Screw faslEners used tn masonry v{alh musl engagE lhs wall a mini- Prl 's'sU? tl sl^ltotxc s mum of 1l/2' (38). For two aIgle installalrons lhe faslenets shall be spaced al 8'(20310.c. 5. 0uctrslseve Connections r. B real-avay 0ucUSleeve Connections Rectangular ducts m usl use one or mofe of lhe connections depicled b€low €--E- 0ou8r.€ 's'suP fisr0E suP Jo I sTAl0rxG s {^[r.l !lA[D[a6 s llrr R.inlotc.dl (6l/l:t 0RrvE slD Jot{I A marimum of lwo fl0 (M5) sheel melal scrervs on each side and th€ bottom, locel€d in the cenlar 0l lhe slip pockel and pens. lraling bolh sides ol lh€ slip poct€l m8y be used. Conn€ctions using lhes€ slip joints 00 lhe lop and boltom wilh lhl ddve slips up l0 20' (508) long on lhe sides n ay also be used. b. RouId rnd 0val Br€.t.away Conncclions Round and llal oval break-away conn€clions m ust use eriher a 4' (102) widr dravband or {10 (U5) sherl melal scrervs spac€d equally around lhe circumler€nce of lhe ducl as tollows: . Duct diam€lers 22'(559)and smaller - maximum 3 scr€ws. . Duct diam6lers over 22'{559) and includiog 36'{914) - maximtn 5 screns. 'Ducl diamel€rs over 36'(914) and up to and including lgl' (4851) lolel psrim eler - maximum 8 screws. F0r llal oval ducts, the diamEter b considered the largesl (major) dimBnsion ot lh€ duct. These connections are d€picled in lhe SMACT{A Fi.e, Smoke, and Radiation Dsmpe.Installation cuid.. Not€: When oplional sealing 0l lhese ioints is desired, th€ lof lovring sealanls may bE applisd in accordance wilh ihe s€alanl m anufaclure r's inslruclions: Hardcasl, Inc. - lror Grip 601 Pr€cision - PA2084T Eco Ducl Seal4l-52 c. Fhng.d Bt!at.rr.y Sttla 0ucUSle.v. Connlctlon3. Flang€d conn.clion syslems manutaclured by Duclmate, flerus or Ward ars approved blcak-away whsn inslalled as shown on the Flanged Syslem Br€alaway C0nn€clions Supplemenl. TDC and TDF,oll.torned flang.d conneclions using 3/r'(10) slrcl Dolls and nuls, and m€lal clrats, as l€sl!d by SMACNA, ars approved break-away conneclrons shen installed as shown on the Flang€d Syslem Sreakaway Conneclions Suppl€menl. d. l{on.8real.rnry 0uctlsleeve C onn ectio n5 ll other ducl/61€rys conneclions are osed, lhc sleeve shall be 8 minimum ol l6 9ag6 (1.6) lor dampers up to 36'(914) rvide r 24' (610) high and '14 gage (2.0) for dampers 36' (914) rvide r 24' (610) high. 7. Actu.tor Connactlons El€cttic and pneumalic actuators are to be conn€cled in accordarc€ i . with wiring.nd piping diagrams d€veloped in compliance wilh applicable codes, ordinances and regulalions. 6. lnstillation .nd Uainlrnerce Th€ damper nusl be inslalled so il is square and lre€ hom racking. Do nol c0npress or strelch lhe damper hane inlo lhe d!cl or open. ing. Litl or handle the damper using slesve 0r ftamr. 0o not lill damper using blader or actuators. Each lire,/smole danp!r should be Eranined on a rrgular basis lo ensure il is nol rusl€d or blocked. In addition, each danp€r should be lesl€d p€ri0dically, ( FPA rec- ommcnds annrally or semiannually, d€psnding on lh! applicatbn) lo €nsurc il will ,erlorir as intended. Care should be erercised to €nsute lhal such tesls are Derlormed salelv and do a0l caus! svs- lem dama9€. tErlE0's'lUP stlro G s (Anil. R.inlorc.d) a -1-STAXDUTC 5 lArtl. Rrirfor.r dl VERNCAL INSTALLANON DamPer may be installed with actuator on either side of lhe partition in accordance with the air flow label on the damper. rn. (5) Mlnl't|um 'A'(61lllnlmum FAST ANGLE (ONE ANGLE) INSTALLATION Angle may be installed on eilher side of the parlition. ITEM OESCRIPTION 1. Acluator (location rnay vary). 2. Oplional FireSht or SP-100. 3. Auxiliary OperatirE Jactshatt 4. Damp€r 5. Or/€r.C6ntsr Link TWO ANGLE INSTALLATION Angles are required on both sides of the partition. ITEM 6. Sleeve DESCRIPTION 7. Caulking Material (may be on either sue of damgrer frame). L Mounting Angles (PFMA, FAST or conventionat anglss) 9. Ouct/sleeveconnBclion. 1' (25) ltlnLnum t6'({6) ilaxlmum I' (25) inlnurl TYplq.l. ot|||||p o|| dl Sialc. o{ P.r00m W|I HORIZONTAL INSTALLANON r 6' (.05) llDdnum 6'l1s2) ll|rrimum I ITEI' DESCRIPTIOI,I 1. Actuator (location may vary). 2. Optional Firestat or SP-100. { 3. Auxiliary Oporaling Jackshaff 4. Oamp€r 5. Over.Csnler Link 6. Sleeve 7. Caulking Material (may be on either sUe ot damper trame). 8. Mounting Angles (PFMA, FAST or conventional anglss) 9. DucLlsleeve connoction. TWO ANGLE INSTALLATION Angles are required on both sides of the floor. RECOMMENDED FRAMING FOR OPENINGS IN WOOD AND METAL STUO WALLS 1, 2. INSTRUCTIONS Frame wall openings as shown. Double vertical sluds ara not required lor opeoings 36"ry x 36'h (9'14 r 914) or smaller. Full lenglh studs are not lequired nexl to the damper if the spacing from the damper to the full lenglh stud does not exceed the maxi- mum slud spacing. The opening may be tramed with studs that are attached to tutl length studs (see figure 2). All conslruction and tasteners musl meet the requirements of lhe appropriate wall design and/or local codes. Consult the authority havinq iurisdiction lor other acceptable traming melhods. 4. Fl9ur6 2 MaLl Slud Cooairucdo|| Metal Stud Framlng Shown Woodan Std Cooatdctloo ||t rod .arJ6 cotrttrtogt9.r.I r$016 n|nl co!-.l noc.l .trd !rt--. 24" (61 0, O.C. lr.x. Flguro I MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZE (Vertical lnstallation) FSD3608 MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZE (Horizontal Installationl FS0360B Seo Not.r l,2. Notes: 1.AI multiple section dampds are construc{sd ot equal singls section sizes no grsaler than tha maximum sing'ta secti-on sizes indicatsd above. 2. Iwo s€c1bn high dampers r€quire a 14 gage r6inbElng phte unless overall heifht is tess th3n 9i" (Z3il)and width is tess lhan 32" (613). 3. Horizontal damp€rs ov€r 3 soclions wiile and I section hillh rBguare a 14 gag€ r€htordng phte. E No. iELTU IE|.(A o ZUUZ\ / :i4AM 3ia E'ffE s5/# i gsY 5iFec.-He a r$$ i FF;s Ap r.ll RUSKTN^ 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAx (816) 76s-895s FSDR2s COMBINATION FIRE SMOKE DAMPER UL555 and UL555S Leakage Ctass I Classified FOR USE IN DYNAMIC AND STATTC SYSTEMS APPLICATION The FSOR2s is a'true round" Class lleakage rated combination fire/smoke damper designed for use in metal, wood or concrele fire and smoke raled partitions and concrete floors. The FSDR2S is the ideal choice when round duct is used on a proiect. The damper is raled for marimum velocity ot 4,000 hm and 4,,(102) static pres- sure. The integral frame and uniqus',cinch ptate. desen provide a low cosl, easy to install, high pertorming damper. STANDARD CONSTRUCNON FRAIIE'SLEEVE 20 gage (.9) galvanizad stset, standard i7, (432) long. Frame/sleeves available up to 36. (914) in l6n9th. See min! mum sleeve lsngth chart on page 2 for assistance in choosing correct frame/slaeve length, ALADES Twcpieoe 14 gage (1.9) eguivalent lhi*ness galvanized sleel. BEARINGS Stainless steel sleeve, prassed into trama. ALADE SEALS Silicone edge type sandwidEd betwsen two pioca blads. Futt circumferanca srnoka seal to 450.F (232.G). LINKAGE Jackshafl to blade. AXLE r/2" (13) diameter. CONTROLLED CLOSURE DEVICE (HEAT.ACTUATED} 165'F (74'C) is standard. 212.F (.tOO.C) or 285.F (i4t"C) are a\€ilablo al no additional cost. Model FSDRzs meels the requirements for fire, smoke and combination fi relsmoke dampers eslablished by:. Nation.l Flrs Protection Association NFpA Stafldards 90A. 92A. 928 and 101 . BOCA Natlonal guilding Codes . ICBO Uniform Building Codes . SBCCI Standard Bullding Codes. ICC htemational Building Codes. CSFM Califomia Stats Fire Marshal Fire Damper Listing (#3225-245:1021 and Smoke Oamper Listing (f3230- 245:'1101 . New York Glty (BSA Listing #176-82-SM) UL CLASSIFIED U1555 Lisling R5531, UL555S Listing R10525 FEATURES The FS0R25 offe$:. EFL (Electric Fuse Link) or PFL (Pneumatic Fuse Link) h€at- actuated release devices pormit controlled (rather than instantianeous) dosure through the damper actuator. The EFL and PFL allow the dampor to automatically reopen after a lesl. smoke delGction or power failure condilion. ' EFL is standard on dampErs with electric actuators.. PFL is strandard on dampers wih pn€urnalic actualors.. EFLb may b€ ordered on dampers with pneumatic acluatoas bul requir8 an additional EP switdt.DAMPER SIZES XINIMUM SIZE 6' diametor (152). fAxmuit stzE Vertical / Horizontal Instelation - 24" diam€ter (6.t0 ).See page 2 for dirn€nsimal intormation. OPTIONS. TSt50 Flr8stet tor reopanabls operalion in dynamic smok€ managemsnt systerns.. DSDF Flow Duct Smoke D.leclor - Consult Ruskin.. SP100 Swlkh Packrgs lo Gmotely indicats damper blad€ posi- tbn.. Sle.wrFrrmc of various lcogths to insura ll6ld complianc€ with UL hstallalion raquiroments.. Accass Ooor tactoay mounted in common slssvr to insure com- pliancs with UL inslallation requir€ments.. MCP control panels lor tast purposes or smoke management systems- NOTES 1. Unlls furnishEd approximately J/s" (3) smaller than giv6n size. 2. Dimensions shown in parentheses ( ) indicate mi imeters. 3. Dampers appro/ed for airfow in any dir€ction. sp'c FsDR2ttotrRsplacs FsoR2t69o aLL stafED sPEdFrcanous aRE sugJ9cr fo cHANaE Mwout Not cE oR oBLEATtoN.ORu3th 200r DIMENSIONAL I NFORMATION Wall/Floor Thickneas Itin. Sleeve Length 4' (102) 5" (r27) 6'(1s2) 7', (1781 r (203) 9" (229'l 10" (254) 11" (279) 12" (305) Over '12" (3O5) Thru 24' (6Gl) 17" (432) 17" (432) 20" (508) 20'(508) 2o', (508) 22', (55e) 22', (55e) 23'(s84) 24" (610) Add 1' (2s) lor rvrry inch ol wall/tloor deplh MINIMUM SLEEVE LENGTH NolE: 36" (914) maximum slaeva length. G ENERAL INSTALLATION IN FORMATION The "L" dimension is the dimension the sleeve, on the actuator side of the damper, can extend beyond lhe wall or floor in a standard installation. The .1" dimension is designed to provide the inslaller wilh infonnation to rnake installa- lion €asier. The table below provides a range for Ihe "L'dimension. .L" DIMENSIONS NOIE: The 2" (51) dimension is for duct connections. The'L'dimsnsion includes lh6 2" (51) for ducl connec-tion. WALL THICKNESS (102)1127l-(r s2)(r78)(203)(22e'l 10" (254) Minimum Standard Maximum 8114' 9', 10' 8rl1' s 10' 811a" 9', 10' 8r/." 9" 10' 8 r/4" v 10" 81/a'81lt' v 10' METAL/WOOD/IUASONRY WALL OR CONCRETE FLOOR INSTALLATION RETAINING "CINCH' PLATE E)gaorbn G.pbtor, Dl||t.ttdo.r Ehc&oilc Fu|. Unt (€Fr) Cloch O.l.lct Eolh Si.br Ap0rorrd Note: Diameler + 6 (152) : plate size rh- (13) Minimufi Ov.aLp ot W.luFloor Op.ri.tg A squaro opening in wood or metial stud walb or masonry walts and foors shal be a minimum ot 1' (25) and a maximum of 2Vf (6,4) larger than ths damper diameter. Sea wood stud and metalstud traming for fre dampers hstaltation insiruclbns sup plement for compbts framing details. A round opening in masonry walls or lloors shall be a minimum of 1" (25) and a maximum of 2r,/1" (64) targ€r than the dampef diam"ler. Faclory supplied retaining "cinctr'plat s hold the damper witNo the wafl openirE. The platgs must overlap the opening a minimum oi rfi (lg). Tha ptate fts snugiy around the integral sleeve. The platgs are lastened dirac0y to ths wall or floor. -REFER TO THE FSDR25 INSTALLATION INSTRUC. TIONS FOR COTIiPLETE NSTALLATTON DETAILS. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION Fumish and install al locations shown on plans, or as described in schedules,round combination fire/smoke dampers meeling or exceeding the followiog spscjtications. Frames shall be a minimum ot 20 (.9) gage galvanized sleel and the blade shall be two piece. equivalent to 14 (1.9) gage minimum galvanized. Bearings shall be slainless sleel sleeve turning in an Bxtruded hole in the frams. (Galvanized bearings shall not b€ acc€ptable). Blade ssals shall be silicon€ edge designed lo wilhstand 450'F (232'C) mechanicatty faslened and fully encompassing blad6 edge. Damper must have an inlegral 20 (.9) 9a9e sleeve and 20 (.9) gage retaining ptate for damper mounting. Squar€ lo round lransitions are unacceptable. Each combination fire/smoke damper shall be classitied for use for fir€ resislance ralings of l€ss than 3 hours, in accordance with UL standard 555, and shall lurther be classifisd by Underwriters Laboratodes as a Leakaga Rated Oamper for use in smoka cootml syslems in accordance with th€ lalest version of UL555S, and bear a UL label altesling to the same. Damp€r manufaclurer shall have tested and qualilied with UL, a complete range of damper sizes covering all dampers, required by this specification. Tesling and UL qualifying a single damp€r siza b not acceptable. The leakage rat- ing under UL555S shall be lsakags Class t(4 cfrnrft. at 1" w.9. and 8 c{m/sq. ft. at 4'f,r.g.). Damper sl|a[ b€ listed, with Califomia State Fire Marshal. In addition to lhe leakage ratings already specified herein, the dampers and lheir aduators shall be qualilied under UL555S to an elevatad t€mperature of 250'F (121'C), 350'F (177'C). or 4S0'F (232'C) d€panding upon the actuator. Appropriate etectric:/pneu- matic actuators (specifier salect one) shall be installed by the damper manufaclurer al time of damper fubric€tion. Electric actua- tors, factory installed on dampers, shall have been tested for pro- longed periods of holding (minimum I year) with no evidence of reduced spring retum psrtomance. Oamper and actuator shall be supplied as a single €ntity which m€ets a[ applicable UL555 and UL555S qualitications tor bolh dampers and actuators. Each damper shall be rated for leakage and airilow in either direction through th€ dampsr. Each combinalion fire/smoke damper shall be equipped with a "controlled closure'quick delsct heat-actuated release device to prev6nt ducl and HVAC componenl damage. lnslantaneous damper closure is unacceptable. DamDers shall be Ruskin model FSDRzS. . . (Consult Ruskin tor detailed CSI MaslaFormat Spocification.) 3SQ Or. G.t !i6 Rd.Kilta Ct', rO 54030 (r161761-7t78 FAX €rq ?65S55RUST{N' RUSKTN- 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 765-89ss INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FSDR25 COMBINATTON FIRE AND LEAKAGE RATED DAMPER Within Square Opening in Metal orWood Stud Framing in 1 Hr. rated drywall parlitions or in I and 2 Hr. rated masonry floors and ceilings or walls APPLICANON The FSOR25 round comtination tire/smoke damper is designed to operate with blad6 running horizontally. Oampers can be vertically or hotizontally installed wilh th€ leading edge of lhe dosed blade rvithin tha wall in accordanc€ with NFPA-9oA. To ensure optimum op€tation and performance, the damper must be installed so il is round and Jree from racking. Do nol compress o, stretcfi the damper trame into lhe duct or opening. MOUNTING Vertical or Horizontal, MINIMUiI SIZE 6" (152) diameler. MAIIMUITI UL CLASSIFIED SIZE 18" (4t) diameter. INSTALLATION SUPPLEMENTS Reler to the appropriate Ruskin insiallation operation instructions supdements for sp€cial r6quiremsnls: . Sealing of Damp€rs in Fire Raled Walls or Floo|s . Metal Stud Framing for Fire Dsmpers in Drywall Parlitions . Wood Stud Framiog for Fire Dampers in Drywall Partilions Note: Dimensions shown in parenlheses ( ) indicate millimeteF. RETAINING'CINCH" PLATE 1. Erpansion Gap A square opening in wood or metal slud walls or masonry walls and floors shall be a minimum of 1'{25) and a maximum of 2tl2" (g) larger than the damp€r diameter. A round opening in masonry walls or floors shall be a minimum of 1" (25) and a maximum of 21fr" (44) brger than lhe damper diameler. THE RETAINING "CINCH' PLATE MUST OVERLAP THE OPENING A Mli{lMutrl OF r/2" (13). 2. Damper Slssve The sleeve is inlBgral to lhe damper and shall be of equal to ol heavier than the gage of the duct as described in NFPA9oA and as detined by the appropriate SMACNA ducl construction stiandard, 3. D.mp€a Orlentatlon Tha leading edga of the blade in the closed position musl be within lha plane ot the vvall. Vertical installation is illuslraled and hodzonlal b similar (see General Inslal|3tion). The damper may b€ install€d with up lo a 30 degree variance of the axle being horizontal (ses Blad,e Orienlation seclion). 4. Retaining "Cinch' Pl.tes DO NOT PLACE CINCH PLATES IN GROOVE Remove bolt from one plate and work asoss lhe slseve twisl- ing it over the axl€. (lmportant: Cinch mechanism should tace actuator.) Place damper in the wall. Secure remaining plate on opposito side of wall. Th€ plates are designed to grab and hold the sleeve while mounling flush against the wall or floof retaining the dampe. sacurely in lhe opening. The plat€s must overlap th€ opening a minimum of l/2'(13) (see'Cinch" Plat€ seclion). For masonry op€nings secure the 'cincfi' plales to thE walufloot wih appmpriats lenglh masonry screws. For wood,imstal slud applications securs the plates to wall using #10 sh6et m6lal sclews of appropriate lenglhs so as lo have the maior body of the screws engag€ wood/metal sluds or runners (see General Installation). 5. Ouclrslesve Conn€ctons Round br8ak-away conneclions must be used. Eith€r a 4' ( 102) wide drawband or # 10 she€l metal screws spaced equally around tha cir@mferencs of the duds as follows:. Ducl diameters 18' (457) and smaller - 3 screws. l,lota: yvten optional s€aling of thesd Fints b desired, the lollowing sealants may be applied in acclrdanc€ with the sgalant manufac- ture/s instruolions: Hardcast, Inc. - lron Grip 601, Procision - PA2084Tor ECO Ducl Seal 44-52. Do not phce platss in groove Figure I SEE DETAILS ON UL CLASSIFICATION MARKING ON ENCLOSED PROOUCT f t-FSOR:Itit99rRe9ta.6 fr.FSDR2$! 196 ALL STArEO SPECIFICA?O s ARE SUAJE'I to CHANGEwnHOUf NO1CE OR OBLIGA'IOH. ORGrn r,|a.ur*un.E 1999 GENERAL INSTALLATION In 1 and 2 Hr. Rated Masonry Floors and Ceilings or Watls ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. FSDR2S Round Fira Oamper2. Relaining Phle.20 ga. steel 3. Ouct 4. Masonry Wall Construction 5. #10 Concrele Anchor6. 4'Oraw Band Flguro 2 Figure 3 Within Square Opening in Melal or Wood Stud Framing in 1 and 2 Hr. Rated Dryyvall Partitions ITEM DESCRIPTION t. FSOR2s Round Fire Damp€r 2. R€taining Plale,20 ga. steel 3. Duct 4. Metal Slud Wa[ Conslruction 5. Wood Slud Wall Consuuclion 6. #10 Sheet Metal Sca€w 7. 4' Draw Eand Flgura 4 Flgure 5 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE To ensure optimum oparation and pertormanc€, tho damper must be installsd so it is square and fee fiom racking, Oo not @mpress or slt8tch th€ dampor frama into th6 ducl or opaning. Lift of hendle the damp€r using slasve or fiame. Do not lifi damper using bhdes or actua- tors. Eacfi lire/smoke d€mper should b€ examin€d on a r6gular basis to ensure it is not rusted or blocked. lt is recommendsd dre damger b€ operated (thc actuator crcled) at leasl onc. svery 6 monlhs. Care should ba oxercised to ensure hat such tasts are perlormed safety and do not cause syslam damag€. BLADE ORIENTATION ad! oFf $owgt$Ar. (Marlmum) 3OC OFF HORIZONTAL (Maximum) NOAMAL RUSKIN' .q--.-.a,''"'--.--.- - - "+tr "&t::'ft. AMCA LICENSED .l{' "-to,. See Paoe 2 'i\t1-...........,,. .+:.r.'.r's- ''. ^.,,,*,.. . r1:..*--,ii/ 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 761895s FSD36 COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER lIh HOUR UL555 RATED, UL555S LEAKAGE CLASS II APPLICATION The FSO36 is I combination fire/smoke damper buill with triple V- groove blades and controlled closure technology that provides point-ot-origin fire containmenl and operational flexibility in stalic and dynamic smoke managemenl systems. The FSD36 m8y be installed vertically in walls or horizontally in conctete foofs in HVAC s)rstems with velocilies to 2,000 fpm and pressures to 4" w.g. (consult Ruskin tor proper application if velocity and pressure exc€ed those list6d above). STAilDARD CONSTRUCTION FRAfl E5'r l5 (127 r 1.6) gage galvanized hal-shaprd steel channel structurally superior lo 13 (2.3)9a9e chann6lfrsme. BLADES (PARALLEL OR OPPOSED ACTION) 6" (152) wide, 16 (1.6) gage equivalent thickness gatvanized steel. Tripls V.groove shaped approximately 5" (152) m canter. BEARIl{GS Slainless steGl sle€ve pt€ssed into frame. JAI{ B SEALS Stainless steal, tlexible mrtsl compression typ0. BLA DE SEALS Silicone sdg€ type for smokr scal to 450'F (232'C) and galva. nized sisellor llame sealto 1900'F (1038'C). LINXAGE Concealed in trane. COTITRO LIED C LOS URE DEVIC E (HEAI.ACTUAIED} 155'F (74'C) standard. 212'F (t00'C) or 285'F (141'C) are atso available dt no 6dditionalcost. DAMPER SIZES MINIMUM SIZE 5w x 7'h 1127 x 178r. Dampers under 6'w (152) ar8 Leakags Class lll. (Ss€ note 3.) MAXS,lUtl SIZE Vertical hstallation - 126'w x 122"h (3200 x 3099). Horizontal Insbllation - 1rl41,v x 96'h {3658 x 2438). OPTIONS. TSl50 FlreStat lor reopenabl€ operation in dynamic smoke mana96m6nl systems.. OSD Ducl Smoke Detector (No flow or llow rated).. SPl00 Swltch Package to r€motoly indicata damper blad€ posi- lioo.. FAST Angle for one angls installation. ' G Style tor grillo applications. ' GA, Grllla Access Type for Ihrough the grille access to actuatot and cmtrol d€vices (se€ FSO36GA modet). Olry, Out ot WsllrFloor typ€ tor through penetrations FSO36OW model). RA, Int€gral Ret.ining Anglo Type for'fool proof one installation (model FSD36RA). Sleeves of various bnglhs and gages. Access Ooort factory mounted in common sleev€. MCP Control P.nels tor test purposos or smoke managemenl syslems. FlreStop Caulk tor installations yvithout anglss. Stainless Steol Construciion Model FSO36 meets the requirements for fire, smoke and combination fit€y'smoke dampers established by: . National Fire Protection Associ.tion NFPA Standards 90A. 92A. 928 and 101 ' BOCA National Euilding Codes . ICBO Uniform Bullding Codes ' SBCCI Standard Bullding Codes . ICC International Euilding Codes . CSFM Calito.nia State Fire Marshal Fire Damper Listing (*3225-245:O05 and Smoke Damper Listing (#3230- 245:109) ' New York City (BSA Lbting f176€2-SM) UL CLASSIFIED UL555 Listing R5531, UL555S Listing R10525 FEATURES The FSO36 offers: . EFL (Eleclric Fuse Link) or PFL (Pn€umatic Fuse Link) heat- actualed release devicas pemil conlrolled (rather than instanta- neous) closure through the dam!,er aclualor. The EFL and PFL allow the damper lo automatically reopen afler a tesl, smoke deteclion or power failure condition.. EFL is slandard on dampers with eleclric actuators. ' PFL is standard on dampers wilh pneumatic actuators- ' EFL'S may be ordered on dampers wilh pneumatic aclualors but require an additional EP srvilctr.. Oual dircction airflow. . Acluators mounted €ilher out or in airstream. (See sid E ]r I I I H.ight ".1 NOTES 1. Oamper ara furnished approximately 1,L" (6) smalter than given opening dimensions. 2. Oimensions shown in parentheses ( ) indicate millimelers. 3. Consult Ruskin for dampers less than 7" (178) high wilholt using B sty'e transitions. Sp.c FSOIGlOZR.thc.. FSO!&!0l ALL SfAfEO SPEC|frCAIIONS ARE SU9JECI fO CHANGE WnUOUf HOrCE OR OELtGAftON ORtath Noveober 2002 AMCA LICENSED LEAKAGE AND AIR PERFORMANCE DATA ltR etR Ruskin certifies that the FsD36 shown hereon is licensed to bear the AMCA Seat. The ratings shown are based on tests and proc€dures performed in accordance with AMCA publicatioo s11 and comply with the requirements of the AMGA cenified Ratings Program- The AMCA certified Ratings seal applies to both air leakage and air perfornanca for the parallel btad€ FsD36 and to air perto.mance onty for the opposed blad€ F5036. Air leakeg€ is based on operation between sO.F and 104.F. Only dampers fumished with tactory inslalled acluators arc licensed to bear ths AMCA seal. To datermine lhe AMCA Lacansed air pedormance: Locete th8 applicaue feet per minuta face velocity m the bottom ol the velocity vs. pressure drop ciud below. Move up the dtart to the rnost appropriat€ siza damp€r line. From tho interseciion point, move lelt to determine the prassure drcp on the teft side of the cfian. VELOCITY vs. PRESSURE DROP 1.0 0.9 0.E 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.4 nl -ot an uJ C'z o-oe,o uiEl at,o uJt o- 0.t .09 .08 .o7 .05 .05 .0a .03 6 7 E9 500 | 000 FACE VELOCITY - FEET/MINUTE AMCA Fig. s.3 E9 10000 SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR LEAKAGE CLASS tl MINIMUM SINGLE SECTION MAXIMUM SINGLE SECTION MAXIIIIUM MULTI-SECTION VERTICAL MOUNT HORIZONTAL MOUNT 121Y x 9"h (305 x 229) 36'w x 481| (914 x 1219) 721,v x 48'h (1829 r 1219 ) 72'w x 48'h (1829 x 1219) /t/r -/f/'r {f A /./,h /+ t/ t I r)/l I / {,L I I,/ r00 5000 SPACE ENVELOPE L_i_ Externally mounted actuators require space outside the damper sleeve. The "S" dimension is the "side" clearance. the ,'T,'dimen- sion is the 'top' dearance and the "B' dimansion is the "bottom" clearance required for the various actuatoF approved for use with Ruskin fire/smoke dampers. Actuators and accessories are factorv mounied on lhe righl side when viewed from lhe actuator side of the wall or tloor. Ruskin firelsmoke dampers can be rolated or turned over to accommodate the application. lf the acluator must be mounted on top or bottom, select the FSD60V. For aclualors nol shown. refer to the Ac{uators And Accessories Space Envelopes For All Fire/Smote Dampers data sheet. NOTES: '1. The 'H'dirnension represents th€ required height to encompass the acluator and a@essories with nothing p,otruding above or below lhe damper. 2. For every inch damper is less than 'l-l'dimension add one inch to "B* or "f dimension. I "_J DAMPER SLEEVE DIMENSIONAL DATA ; lioior with rEFLo(rsr50 ELECTRIC ACTUATORS WITH EFL ACTUATORS H s T B H2000 and H2024 12" (305)4" (1021 0" (0)h'A M54209. M58209 1z',(305)4' (1021 0'(0)N/A GGD2?'| . NF120.24 14" (356)5" n27\N/A 0" tol ELECTRIC ACTUATORS WITH TS150 OR SPlOO ACTUATORS H s T B H2000 and H2024 12" (305)4" (102)0" (0)N/A MS4209, M58209 12" (s05)4'(102)0" (0)N/A GGD221. NFl20, 24 14" (356)v t127\0'(0)N/A The drawing and corresponding table show the position of the damper whsn mounted in a factory st€erre. The standard mounting locatjons provide €nough space for the mounting of actuators, con: trols and allow spaco tor installation of retaining angles and ducl collectims. The minimum factory sleeve tength is 1?" (432). Con- sult Ruskin for shorler sleeve lenglhs. Ttre standard location of a damper mounted in e factory steevs ("L,' dimsnsion) is shown at right. The damper can b€ positionad at olher lo4ations within a range of 7" (iZB) or .l O1/2. (267) and 9' (229) to 12rl/ (318) depending on size, actuator and optio;rs. NOTE: The antire damper frame is not requked to bo insfa ed within the wall. The damper blades, when dos6d should be conliained within the wall. iir i lio,ii; Fl --C----l li| -iti@"T* ii.t- All dampers with EFL or PFL All dampors with TS15USP100 orSPl00 Elecldc Ac{urtors Pneumailc Aclualors Ovar l0' l2s4l High 10" (254) High rnd Under Over 2l' (5331 Hlgh or 3?' (813) Hish rY/GGD221 2r' (533) High end Undet or 32" (813) High and Under wrcGD22l 33r.'627(pl 33r-2961(P)331.3060(Pl Over 28' Flrt High 28" (711) High & Undsr Over 3?' (E13) High 32'(8r 3) High & Under Over 40" (10r6) High 40" (1016) Hlgh A Under Minimum'r Maximum 7'(1i8) 7'h'(18t1 9'(?29) 10'/r'(267) 105h'(2701 121i2'(3181 7',(r78) 7'lr'(181) 9'(22s) 101/2' (267) 1orh. (2 701 l2'h'[3l8l 7' (17 81 71/r' 1181) 9',t229) l01h'(2671 t05h'(270) |2rl2'{318) 7'(178) ?'ft'(181) e'(229) |0'/2'(267) 10stu' (2701 12t/r'(318) 7'(r781 iVr' (181) I'l22sl 101h'{26i} r0rh'(270) l2'l2" {318) DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION 7" (1781 mlh. tNIMUM SIZES Nominal 51,v x 7't (127 x 17Bl Actual43/4"w x 63/4'h (121 x 171) Oampers with heights (8 dimonsion) less h8n 7. (178) r€quire Style B fansi- tions and a slsave. Th6 damper itself remainE 7'(178) high. Consult Ruskin tor sp€cial consirudim on.damporc lcss than 7. (178) high wrthoul using a lransilion. SPECIFICANON MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIEO SUE Single Section: 35\v x 48"h (914 x 1219) Mulliple Section Assembly Vedical Installation - 126"w x 14"h (3200 x 3(xrc) Florizontal Installation 1,t4"w x 96"h (365E x 2438) For dampers €xcaeding these dim€nsions consult Ruskin. ROUNO, OVAL OR TRIANGULAR DUCT TRANSITION CONNECTION FSO36 damp€c supdied with round connec- tions (R tor low pressure, CR lor medium pres- sure or WR welded for high pressure) are: Minimum 4'(1102) in diameter Maximum verlical 120F (3048) in diam€ter Maximum horizonial 94' (2388) lr diametet The square siz€ of the damp€r wifl be ? (5i] larg€r lhan thE diameter dimension ord€rsd. FSD36 dampBrs supplied with rectangulat connections (C for low to mgdium prsssure or WC welded for high pressue) are: Minimum 6'w x 4t (152 x 102) Maximum vsrticat 124'w x 120"h (3150 x 3048) Maximum horizontat 142'w 94,h (3607 x 2388) The square size of tha damper nitl bs 21" (Sl) larger lhan the width and height of th€ damper A r B dimensions. FSD36 damp€rs suppli8d with oval connec- lions (LO for low pressur6, CO for madium pr6!:rye or WO wotd€d for high pr€ssu.e)witl b€ f (51) hrger than ths width and heiglit of the damper A x B dimensions. s'Fzn I,".\ Combination fire/snroke dampers meeting or exc€eding the to ow-ing sp€citications shall be fumishcd and install.d;t locationsshom on plans or as describad in sdtsdules. Oampers shal m€€t the r€quiremlots of NFPAgOA, 92A and 928 and shall be classiliedfor usa lor iira rssistanco ratings of less lhan 3 hours, in accor- dance vrith UL555. Dampers shall further be da$ilied es L3akag€ Raled Oamp€G for use in smoks conlrol systams in accordanianith th€ lalast vsrsion of UL555S. The lsakags rating under UL555S shall ba l€akags Ctass (10 cttn/sq. fr. at i. w.9). In addilion to the toakage ratings al/eady spscified herain, lh€ darnt|ers and heir actualoG sha|| ba quatified und€r ULs5SS to anelevatsd lemp€raturE ot 250.F (i21.C), 3SO.F (177.C) or 450.F(232'C) depending upon the actualor. eppropriite electric/pneu.malic actuaiors (specltlor sclect on3) shall bo installad by th6 damper manufacturer at tirn€ of damp€i fabrkalion. Electdc iaua-tors. tacloty hstallsd on demp€G up lo E squara tB6t. shall havebeen testsd for Folonged peri(ds ot hoHing with no evidence of reducad sp.ing ratum ptrformance. Oamper and aGluator shall b€ lypeigg a" a 6in9l€ entity which m€€rs at appticabta uL555 andUL555S qualitications lor both dampsrs and sctualors. Each damper shall b€ rated lor leakagE and airilo|, in Bither direction lhrough tho damps.. Each combination liro/Emoke dampsr shall bs oquipp€d with a 'conlroll8d closurs" quick detect heat-actueted fel€ase dovic€ to prevenlducl ard HVAC compon€nt damage. Instantansous damp€r dosure is unacc8pteble, Damper trams shall be minimum 16 (1.6) gage galvanized steel toamed into a slructural hal channel r8infoaoed at com€fs. Damper blades shall be single skin galrranizsd st3et .16 (1.6) 9a9e minimum with lhree longitudinal groo\€s for reintorcem€nt. Bearings shall b€ stainlGs sleslsleeye luming in an €xtruded hol€ in lh6 frame. Bhde cdgc seals shall b. infatable silicone coatod fibsrglass and gatva- nized sleel mecfianic€Iy locked into blade edge (adhesive or dip on s€als not aoc€ptable). Jamb seats shal be sbintoss st6et @mDros_ sim type. Each damper shall be supplicd with a faclory mounted sleeve of 17' (4321 minimum length. Dampe6 sha b€ Rusldn model FSO36. (Consult Ruskin tor dalailed CSt l,las|f,Format Specifi cation). 3900 or. G.6.vr. Rd.Klra Cfr. l|o 6a030 (815) ?6r-7.76 FAX (r16) 765d)55RUST{N' RUSKIN' 3900 Dr. creaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (8161 761-7476 FAX (816) 76s-99s5 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FSD35, FSD36(C), AND FSD37(C) COMBINATION FIRE and SMOKE DAMPERS 1rl2 HOUR U1555 RATED APPLICATION Models FSD35, FSD36(C) and FSD37(C) combination fire and smoke dampers are designed to operais wilh blades running hori- zontally. The standard applicalion is with th€ teading edge of the closed blades within the wall; however, lhese combination tire and smoke dampers can be manufaclured to be installed outsi(b the wall or iloor. FS035, FSD36, FS03t rAXtIUr UL CLASSTFTEO STZES _ PARALLEL BLADE Single section vertical or horizontal installation 361'v x 48'h (914 x 1219). Multiple sectjon assembly vsrtical installation 901y x 48'h or 36'w x 911 (2286 x .1219 or 914 r 231i). Multiple section assembly horizontal installation go'w x 48'h (2286 r 1219). FSD35/OB, FSD37'OB iIAXtMUM UL CLASSIFIEO SIZES - OPPOSED BLADE Single section vsrtical or hodzmtat installation 36'\v x 48"h (914 x t2t9). Multipl€ s€clion assembly vertical installation 120\^, x 96"h (3048 x 2438). Multiple section assembly horizontal installation 144"w x 96h (3658 x 2438). FSD36/OB ITIAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZES -OPPOSED BLADE Single section vertical installation 421,v x 61"h (1067 x 1549). Single section ho.izontal installation 36\v x 48'h (914 x 1219). Multipl€ s€ctbn assembty verlical insta ataon 126'w x 122"h (3200 x 3099). Mulliple seclbn assembly hodzontal installation 144'w x 961r (3658 x 2438). FSO36C, FSD37C MAXtaUtrt UL CI_ASSIF|ED STZES _ PARALLEL OR OPPOSED BLAOE Singl€ seclion vartical or hodzontal installation 241r x 24"h (610 x 610). FSD3sSS, FSD36SS rnd FSD3TSS AXmU UL CLASSIRED StrES - OPPOSEO ELAOE Multipls s€ction assembly vertical insta ation 90\v x €'h (2286 r 1219). Dimensions shown in parantheses ( ) indi:ate millimaters. New YoIk City BSA No. 17&82-SM for FSD3S. 36. New York City MEA No. 39/L93-M tor FS037. ^LL SrATED SPEC.EICAIIONS ARE SUAJfCT fO CEArlcE WlTHoUt NOT//.CE OR OALtcAnON. INSTALLATION SUPPLEMENTS Reter lo lhe appropriale Ruskin installation instructions supgle, m€nts for special requiramants; . Transfer Openings and Duct Terminations . Mullions for Oampers in Oversized WallOpenings . $and-Orivemale No. 14880 . Fhng8d System Breakaway Connections . TS150 Firestat System with High Limit Temperature Sensor . gec{ric ELF Controlled Closure Devrce . Pneumatic PFL Controlled Cbsure Devic6 . Fire and Combination Fire/Smoke Oamper Inslallation in Concret€ Floor with St6el Oeck. . Extension of Fire and Fire/Smoke Oamper Slesves. Calltomia Stite Fire Marshal Listing No. 32:2U245:,OOS rnd 3230. 245:109 to. FSD35. 36. oRusrin 2002 "6 SEE COMPLETE MARKING ON PR@UCT IFFSD!&IO? Rerhc.r [fSO3et22000 l.0penlng Clcef.nc! The opening in the wall or lloor shall be latger lhan lhe damper/ sleeve assembly to permil inslallation or erpansion. For two angle installations lhe opening shall be a minimum of l/!'per l0ol (3 per 305) larger lhan lhe overall si2c ol the damper/sleeve assenbly. The marimum op€ning siz! shall not excsed l/r'prr fool (3 per 305) plus 2'(51), nof shall lhe opening be less than l/r'(6) larger lhan lhe damper/slesv€ ass!mbly. Fot ona 6ngl€ inslsllations. lhe opening shall be s minimum of 1/.'(6) lo a narimum of 1'(25) larger lhan lhe ov€rall size of lh€ dam p€r/sl€€ve ssssm bly. 2. F.stsn!rs.nd Iultlph Srcllon Ars!nbly When ioining mullipls damper assemblies or fasl€ning lh. damper lo lhe slerv€, dsmplrs shall b! fssl€ned wilh l11-20 (M6) bolls, number 10 (M5) screws, or t/z'(13) long wrlds slag0ered int€mil- lenlly on bolh sbrs. Spac€ tastsn!rs 6'(152) on cenl6r and a mar- imum 2'(51) from lh€ lnds of lh€,oining saclions or flom rach cor- ner. When joining m ulliple danp!r assrmblies, a conlinuous l/r' (3) bead of 0ow.C0rnrng 999-A, Dow-Corning silastic 732 RTV, or GE RTV 108 sealanl shall be applied on lh! mullion joint. Prcss the sur. face ol the seabnt in plac! to dbpel any Eir. Anothaf Dead ol lhe sane sealanl shall bc sppliod blhve€n lhe damp!r 8nd sl€€vc in the sams mann€r.0nly onc siic of lhc dsnp€r requir€s csulking. Nole lh! s€alanl is not required then dampers Irr supplhd fot titE damp6r applicalions only and 8ru not required lo be leakag. raled. Multipl€ seclion high v!rlical mounl dempsrc include . l4 gage r 5' (2 r 127) widc sleel mlllbn plal€ sandwiched b€tween thr damDer hames v{hEre required. The mulli0n plale nust b! lhe same natsri- alas the damDers. 3. 0 rm prr Slarve Sleevc thiclness must b€ equalto or lhick8r lhan thr ducl conn8cl- ed to il. Slsrve gEg€ roquit€menls arc list€d in th€ SITACNA Fir€, Snol! and Radialion Dsnp!r In3tallalion Guid€ lor HVAC Systrms and in l{FPA90A. ll a bt€akaway rlylr ducusksv€ conneclion is nol usad, lhc sh€v! shall br a mininun ol 16 gagr (1.6) lol dampcrs up r0 36'(914) wirt. by 24'{6t0) high 8nd t4 eege (,t.9) tor dampars lrccsding 36'{914) uidc by 24' (610} high. Danpsl sl€eve shsll not srtend mor! lhan 6'(152) beyond the li€ wall 0r parlilion unl€ss dampcr is squippsd uith an actustor end/ot taclory inslall€d access door. Slslv! n8y exlsnd up to l6'(406) b€yond lhe lire wall or pa ition on sides equipp€d with actuator and/or fac- l0ry iostall!d accsss door. Sleeve shsll terninats at both Eides of wall wilhan dim€nsiors shown. 4. Drn p!r O tialtrlion 0amper is design€d to opsnte with blrdas running hotizontally and must b! installed wilh lcsding €dgs of closrd Dladcs tilhh li€ wall or floor whrn lh€y ar! in lhe closcd position. Usr 'Mount With Arrou U p' lebcl ss a guile tor proper dsm p.t oriantstion- ll orizontal m0unl damprrs may b€ inttall€d with aclurlot abovo 0r bclow th€ tloor. 5. Iorntlng Anglet Mounting angks shall be a minimum 0f llrz'r ll/2'r 20 gage stsel (38 r 38 r 1.0). For openings in nstst stud, wood stud and con- crslstmas0rry rvalls of sizes 90'x 49'or 19' x 90'(22E6 r 1245 or 1245 r 2266) 8nd lss! mountine anghs ar. only r.quirsd o|| one sidc of the wall and must br 8tlachrd to both th! stlev. and lh€ wall. llounting angbs nay bc install€d dhlclly lo lhr mrtal stud under lhc wrll board 0n nllal slud wall installatbns only. Largcr openings snd tloor instsllalions asquire mounting angl€3 0n bolh sidgs ol lhr parlition rnd must b€ rttachld only to th€ shcve. li,lounling angles musl oyc,bp thc Cartitbn 8 minimum ol l'125). 0o not wsld or tastrn aogl€s tog€lhrr al corns(s ol damprrs. Anghs nu3l ovlrlap th€ partition a ninimun ol l'(25). Ru3tin fir€,smota d8mp.rs mEy br instelhd using Ru3tin FAST angt! for one angle instalblion or Ruslin PF[,lA for tro angh instelhtions. E. I ountin! An!ls F.ttcn.rs Mounting anglo lastrners shall be i10 ( 5) bolts or scrlws, fl10 s€lf.lapping concrel€ anchors ot conc16lr scfaws, t/2- (13) long lact uelds or qto'(3) dianeler slr€l rivct3. b. llornting Angb Frrt!nrr Sprcin! For on€ angle installslions thr slely! tastcnats shall b! spacad al 6'(152) o.c. and the wall lestsners shall b! spscrd al 12. (305) o.c. u h a mrninum ol 2 fastenrrs on ssch sid!. lop and bollom. Scron faslrners us€d in mrtsl slud nusl engage the mllal slud , minimum ol tlz'(13). Scraw lastlners used in uood slud musl cogage lhe wood stud a minimum ol s/r'{19}. Screw lasleners us€d in nas0nrt walls must engage the vtall a mini- num of 11/2" (38). For two angl€ installations the fasl€ners shatl be spac€d al 8'(203) o.c. 6, Duct,SleeY€ Conn€clions e. Br€al.avay 0ucUSleeve Connections Reclangular ducts m usl use 0ne 0r more oflhe cooneclions deplcled bElow €--€-ttffs'sr.? HEtrEo 's' su?JJ sTllotxc s sl^tol c I lAr9l. R.blor..dl aE@- STAX0 G S llrtl.l.hlor..dJ t)ouEt t 's'tt? g'l _:5 sl^r0H6 s l^rt.l (-\l:, 0RtvE st tP J0ttl (-ti-r fisloE st? J0rt A narimum ol lwo f10 (Msl sh!€t m.tal scrers on each side and lhr bollom, local€d in the csnler 0l lhe slip pockel and pene. trating both sides ol lhe slip poctel may be used. Coonsclions using lhese slip Fints on lhe lop and boltom vilh llal driv€ slips up l0 20'(50E) long on lh€ sides may also be us€d. b. Round and Oval Brarl-af,ay Connactiors Round and flat oval bresk-away conn?clions m usl use either a 4' (102) uide drawband or fl0 (tl5) sh.el m€tal scr6ws spacrd equally around lhs circumt€renc€ ot ih€ ducl as tollow6: . ouct dbm.t€rs 22'(559) snd snaller - marimum 3 screws. . Ducl dianslsfs ovsr 22'(559) and including 36' (914) - malin un 5 scrrws. . Duct diamelsrs oyer 36'(914) and up lo and including 191" (4851) tolal psrimsl€r - marimun 8 screws. For flal ovalducts, th. diameler is consirered lhe lalgest (mapr) : dimension ol the ducl. These c0nneclions are de0ict€d in th€ SMACNA Fne. Sm ote, and Radiatior O8m per Installatrcn Guide. llotc: When optional sealing ot lhes. Fints is desirrd, ths l0l- lowing sealanls may be applied in accordance wilh lhe sealant m anulaclur€ r's inslruclions: Hardcasl, Inc. - kon Grip 601 Prucision - PA20E1T Eco 0ucl S€a141.52 c. Fhngrd B?r.k.rr.y Stylr DucUSlerve Connlctiorr. Flang€d conncction syslsms manutactured by Dlctmate, Ncrus or Ward ar! approyld br!ak-aw8y fhrn inslslsd as shorn on th. Flangsd Syslrm Bfealaway C0nnrclions Supplenenl. TDC and TDF rolltormed tlang!d connrctions using 3/r'(l0l steel bolls and nuts, and melal cl€als, as lcsled by SMACNA, aru approved br6al.8vay connrclions when installed as shown 0n lh! Flan0sd Systsn Br!akaway Connections Sup!lement. d. llon.Errak.rway 0ucllsls!v! Connlctions lf olhsr ducusl€cvc connectbns are us€d. lhe slseve shall br a mhimum ot l6 9s9e (1.6) for damp€rs up to 36'(914)wid€ r 24' (6101 high rnd 1a gag! {2.0) lor danpsrs 36'(91{) wlje r 24' (610) hi9h. 7, Aclu.lor Connrctlonr El€clric 8nd Oneumtlic sctualors ar€ lo b€ connactad in 6ccotdance , - nith vriring and piping diagrams dav€lot€d in compli8nc€ with applicabb codcs, o.dinancss and regulalbns. l. Installation and ll a int! nrn cr Th! damper musl be inslelled so il is square and free lrom racling. Do nol compress or slrolch lhr damper kame into lha duct or open- ing. Lifl or handl€ the drmp€r using sleeve or frame. 00 not lill damp€r using blad8s or actustors. Each lire,lsmok€ damper should b€ sxamined on a r0gular basis to !nsur€ il is nol rusled or blocked. In addition, each damp.r should be tesl€d periodically, ( FPA rec. ommend3 arnually ot s6miannually, d€psndin0 0n the applicatron) to lnsura I will oerform as intcnded- Care shouH be erercised lo !nsure that such lesls are pedotmrd safely and d0 nol caus! sys- ten oanage- stAt{0t{6 s Fr n.-|lor.rdl VERTICAL INSTALLATION Damper may be installed with actualor on either side of the parlition in accordance with the air flow label on the damper. lr" (6) lllnlnum %" (€) Mlnlmum FAST ANGLE (ONE ANGLE) TNSTALLATION Angle may be installed on either side of the partition. TEM DESCRIPTION 1. Acluator (localion may ,rary). 2. Oplional Firestat or SP-100. 3. Auxiliary Operating JadGhaft 4. Damper 5. Ov€r4€nt€r Link TWOANGLE INSTALLATION Angles are required on both sides of he partition, TTEM 6. Sle€ve DESCRIPTK)N 7. Caulking Malerial (may be on eith€r side of damperframe). E. Mounling Angles (PFMA, FAST or convsntionat angbs) 9. DrcVsleev€ coon€c1ion. l" (251 nnknwn lY!*crl Ovedrp HORIZONTAL INSTALLANON l'(25) flinkDqr rYdc{.9rcdrp on .ll Sldc! ot P.r!{qr WrI 1r. (61 allnlmum 16',(405) lrrxlmum I I 6', (r54 l&rimum I ITEI{ DESCRIPTION 1. Acluator (loc€tion may vary). 2. Optional Fireslat or SP-100. i 3. Auxiliary Opsrating Jad€haft 4. Oamper 5. Ov€r-Center Link 6. Slaeva 7- Caulking Material (may be on either sire of damper frame). 8. Mounling Angles (PFMA, FAST or conventional anglss) 9. Ducvsleeve conneclion. TWO ANGLE INSTALLATION Angles are required on both sides of the floor. 2a'(610) O.C.llax. RECOMMENDED FRAMTNG FOR OPENINGS tN WOOD AND METAL STUD WALLS 1. 2. 3. INSTRUCTIONS Frame wall openings as shown. Double vertical studs are not .equired for openings 36"w x 36"h (914 x 914) or smaller. Full length studs are nol raquired n6xt to f|€ damper it the spacing from the damper to the full length slud does not exceed the maxi- mum stud spacing. The opening may be tramed with studs that a/e attached to full length studs (see figure 2). All construclion and fasteners must meet the requiremenls of the appropdate wall design and/or local codes. Consult the authority having jurisdiction for olher acceplable framing methods. 4. Flgure I Flgure 2 lltrl ti|d co|3trucdon Metal Stud Fa.mlng Shown Yrooaan ttj.t Co€frucdo.r MMIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZE (Vertical lnstallationl FSD36OB MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZE (Horizontal Installationl FSD36OB unless ov€rall height is less than 91" (2311) and width is less than 32" (813). 3. Horizontal dampers ovor 3 seclions wide and I section hbh requirg a 14 gag€ reinforcing phte. S.. NoLr 1,2, l{otes: 1-All multiple section damp€rs are construclod of equal singl€ section sEos no greatar than ths marimum singie sectiion sizes indicated abow. 2. Trc ssctim high damp€rs rEquire a 14 gage reinturcing platg B i57i P.2/2 \ IffiffFffFffggiiI rirFFEgEgFi;;trFi NOIUUZ\ / :J4AM \t(tLrtj rtKA .o oaD !t J !{E o s. \i F clt.0 E E:a{ 499-6E.o.6 Eod9 EE {fl*:l J { :3Q 3 ,i{ q I iqn g llg e3 H F! $ig Apt. I RUSKTN' 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 54030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 76s-89ss FSDRzs COMBINATION FIRE SMOKE DAMPER UL555 and UL555S Leakage Class I Classified FOR USE IN DYNAMIC AND STATIC SYSTEMS APPLICANON The FSDRzs is a "true round" Class lleakage rated combination fire/smoke damper designed for use in metal, wood or concrete fire and smok6 rated partitions and concrele floors. Ths FSORzs is the ideal choice when round duct is used on a project. The damp€r is rated for maximum velocity ot 4,000 tpm and 4" (102) static pres- sure. The integral frame and unique'cinch plate. design provide a low cosl, easy to install, high perlorming damper. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FRAME'SLEEVE 20 gage (.9) galvanized steet, standa.d 17" (432) tong. Frame/sleeves availabli up to 36'(914) in tength. See min! mum slesve lenglh charl on page 2 for assistance in choosing cor.ect frame/sleeve length. ALADES Two-tieos 14 gag€ (1.9) oquivalent thickness galvaniz€d steel. BEARINGS Stainless stael sleeve, prossad into frams. BI.ADE SEALS Silicons sdgs typa sendwiched b€l$,€en two pigce bta&. Full circumterenco snoke seal to 450.F (232.C). LINKAGE Jackshatt to blada. AXLE r/2" (13) diameter. CONTROLLED CLOSURE DEVTCE (HEAT-ACTUATED) 165'F (74'C) is srandard. 2iZ.F (100.C) or 28S.F (1i1.C) are arrdihble at no additional cosl DAMPER SIZES MINIMUM SIZE 6' diarn€tor (152). xAxtflufl stzE Vertical/ Horizontal Installation - 24" diam€ter (6.10 ).See paga 2 fq dimensionsl intormatim- OPTIONS TSl50 Flrestai for reopgnabl€ oporation in dynamic smoke managdn€nt systsms. DSOF FlorN Duct Smoke Dotador - Consutt Ruskin. SPl00 Srvltch P.ck.gs to ]? notely indicats damp€r blad€ posi- lion- SlclydFrrma of various longhs to insura feH complianc€ with UL installalion r6qukomonls. AccCss Door tactory mounted in common aleeva to irsurE com_plhnce with UL inslallation requirom€nts. MCP conlrol panels for tost purposas or smokg manaoemenl s)rstoms. NOTES 1. Unils furnished approximatsly 1/E" (3) smatler than given sizs. 2. Oimensions shown in parsnthases ( ) indicate millimaters. 3. Oampers approved tor airllow in any directjon. Model FSDRzs meets the requirements for fire. smoke and combinalion fire/smo&e dampers established by:. National Fir€ Prot€ction Assoclation NFPA Standards 90A.92A. 928 and 101. BOCA N.tlonal Buildlng Codes. ICBO Uniform Bullding Codes. SBCCT Standard Buildlng Codes. ICC lnternauonal Suilding Codes ' CSF[ljl Calltom|| State Fire Marshal Fire Damper Listing (#3225-245i1O2\ and Smoke Damper Listing (#3230- 245:11O). Naw York Clty (BSA Listing #176.82-SM) UL CLASSIFIED UL555 Listing R5531, UL555S Lisring R10525 FEATURES The FSDR25 qffe|s: . EFL (Electric Fuse Link) or PFL (Pneumatic Fuse Link) heat- actualod release devices p€rmit conlrolled (rather than instantanaous) dosure lhrough the damper actuator The EFL and PFL allof,, the damper to automatically reopan afler a test, smok€ delection or power tailure condition,. EFL is slandard on dampers with electric actuatoJs.. PFL is standard on dampars with pneumalic acluators.. EFL's may be ordered on damp€rs with pneurnatic acluators but rsquire an addilional EP switch. sF.c FgDRiltTofrR€pfacd FSDR2$699 ALL sfafED specrircar,ovs aRE svEJEct fo cBANcE wrHouf NoncE oR oaLE rtoN-ORtt3In 20Ol DIMENSIONAL IN FORMATION Wall/Floor Thlckness Min. Slesva Leoglh 4" (102) s' (127) 5" (1s2) 7'(178) 8" (203) e" (2e) 10' (254) 't1'(2791 1z',(305) Over 12" (305) Thru 2a' (6Gl) 17" (4321 17" (432',t 20" (508) 20" (s08) 20' (508) 22" (559) 22" (5s9) 23" (s84) 24" (610) Add r' (25) lor €very inch ol wsllltloor dEpth MINIMUM SLEEVE LENGTH Nolo: 36* (914) maximum sleeve length. GENERAL INSTALLATION INFORMATION The "L" dimension is the dimension the sl€eve, on the actuator side of the damper, can exlend beyond the wall or lloor in a slandard installation. The'L" dimension is designed to provide the inslaller \flith informatioo to make installa- lion easier. The lable below Drovides a range for the "L. dimension. .L" DIMENSIONS NOTE: The 2'(51) dimsnsion is for duct conoections. The "L'dimension includes the 2'(51) tor duclconnec{ion. WALL THICKNESS 4' (102)11271 (r521 (r781 (203)(22e1 10" (254) Minimum Standard Maximum 8rft' 9" 10' EVr" 9' 10' 811." g', 10" 8l/a" 9" 10" E Ua' v 10" 8V1'81la' 10" METALMOOD/MASONRY WALL OR CONCRETE FLOOR INSTALLATION RETAINING "CINCH' PLATE Etg.ndon G.P Llyoul Oltnrntlon ELclronlc Fu.. Unf (EFL) qmh O.Ylc. Bo$ sl.r!. App(oYad Acbrtor l{ote: Oiamete. + 6" (152) : plate sizg !rr'(l3l lllnlmum Ovrrlap ot W.lUFloor Opcnlng A Equar€ opBning in vrood or metal stud walls or masonry walls and lloors shalt be a minimum of l" (25) and a maximum ot2llf (64) larger 0lan he damper dbmeter. Se6 wood stud and m€tal stud traming ftr fire damp€rs instalhtion instructilns sup. pl8ment tor complele framing dslails. A round opening in masonry walls or noors shall be a minimum of 1'(25) and a maximum of 21n'(64) larger 0ran the dampst diarneler. Faclory supplied .staining'dnch" plales hold the damper within the wall opening. The dates must ovorlap th€ openhg a minimum of lA. (13). Th6 prlate fits snugty a,ound the integral sleeve. The plates are fastened direc[y to the wall or floor. REFER TO THE FSOR2s INSTALLATION INSTRUC. TIONS FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION DETAILS. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION Fumish and install al locations shown on Dlans. or as described in schedules,round combination tire/smoke dampers meeting or exceeding th€ tollowing specilications. Frames shall be a minimum of 20 (.9) gage galvanized steel and the blade shall b€ two piece, equivalent to 14 (1.9) 9a9s minimum gatvanized. Bearhgs shall be stainless sleel sleeve turning in an extruded hole in the trame. (Galvanized bearings shall not b€ acceptable). Blade seals shall be silicone edge designed to withstand 450'F (232.C) mechanically fastened and fully encompassing blads sdge. Damper must have an inlegral 20 (.9) 9a9e sls€ve and 20 (.9) gage retaining ptate for damper mounting. Square lo round transitions are unacceptable. Each combination firelsmoke damper shall be chssilied tor use itr fire resistance ratings of loss than 3 hours, in accordance wih UL standard 555, and shall further b. classified by UnderwritErs Laboralo,ies as a L€akag€ Rated Oamper for use in smoke control systems in ac€ordance with tha latast version of ULsSSS, and bear a UL label attesting to th€ same. Oamper manufaclurer shall have tested and qualified with UL, a complete rang€ of damp€r sizes covering all damp€rs, ,equirgd by this specification. Testing and UL qualitying a single dampsr size is not acceptable. Thc leaiage ra! ing under UL555S shall bs l€akage Ctas.s | (4 c{mft. at 1, w.9. and 8 cfrvsq. ft. at 4'w.g.). Damp€r shatt b€ tisted, with Calitornia State Fire Marshal. In addition to lh€ leakage ratings already specified herein, the dampers and their acluators shall be qualified under ULssSS lo an elevated lempe.ature of 250'F (121'C), 350'F (177.C), or 450.F (232'C) depandirE upon the actuator. Appropriate etectricJpneu- matic actuators (speciti€r sel€qt one) sha be instafled bv the damper manufaclurer al time of damper fabrication. Electric attua- lors, factory iflslalled on dampers, shall have been tested tor oro- longed periods ot holding (minimum I year) with no evidence of reduced spring retum pgrformance. Oamper and actualor shall be supplisd as a single entity which meets all applicable UL555 and UL555S qualifications for both dampars and acluators. Each dampsr shall be rated for leakago and airflow in €ither direction through the damper. Each combination {irelsmoke damper shall be equipped with a "controlled closure" quick detecl heat-actuated release devic€ to prevent ducl and HVAC component damage. Instanlan€ous dampet closure is unacceptable- Dampers shall be Ruskin model FSDR25. , . (Consult Ruskin fo{ detail€d CSI Arasrerformat Specifcation.) l8O.q-r-RC.l(r:- Ct, nO aaoo(tro rsr.ta?3 FAX Otq tcatgtRU$(TN" RUSKTN' 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAx (816) 76s-895s INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FSDR25 COMBINATION FIRE AND LEAKAGE RATED DAMPER Within Square Opening in Metal orWood Stud F.aming in I Hr. rated drywall partitions or in 1 and 2 Hr, rated masonry floors and ceilings or walls APPLICATION The FSDRZS round combination fire/smoke damper is designed lo operats with blade running horizontally. Dampe6 can be vertically or horizontally installed with lhe leading edge of lhe dosed blade within lhe wall in accordance witr NFPA-goA. To ensure optimum operation and perfomance, the damper must be installed so it is round and fee from rac&ing. Oo not @mpress or slrel€fi lhe damp€r frame inlo the duct or opening. MOUNTING Vertical or Hodzontal. MINIMUM SIZE 6' (152) dhmeter. MAXIIIU UL CLASSIFIED SIZE 18" (457) diameter. INSTALLANON SUPPLEMENTS Ret€r to tha appropriale Ruskin installation operafon Instructions supplernents ior sp€cial req uirsments: . Sealing ol Dampers in Fi|€ Rated wdb or Floors . Metal Slud Freming for Firs Dampers in Orywall Partitions . Wood Stud Framing tor Fire Damp€rs in Drywall Partitions Nots: Dimensions shown in par6nth6sas ( ) indicate millimelels. RETAINING "CINCH" PLATE .)>!'{k sEE DETATLS oN / I l, \ uL cLASsrFrcATroN \ YL/ MARKTNG oN ENcLosEo PRODUCT 1. Expansion Gap A squarg opening in wood or metalslud walls or masonry walls and floors shall be a minimum of 1" (25) and a maximum ot 2!/t' (O4) larger than the damp€r diameter. A round opsning in masonry walls or lloors shall be a minimum of 1' (25) and a maximum of 2ll2" (fl) larger than the damper diameter. THE RETAINING "CINCH" PLATE MUST OVERLAP THE OPENING A MINIMUM OF rr2' (13). 2. Dampor Sleave The sleeve is integral to the damper and shall be ot equal to or heavier than the gage ol the duct as described in NFPAg0A and as detined by tha appropriate SMACNA ducl consfucliofl siandard. 3. O.mper Orlentation The leading edge ol lhe blade in th6 closed posilion must be within the plane of lha wall- Vortical instiallation is illushaled and horizonlal is similar (see Gonoral lnstallatioo). The damp6 rnay bo installed with up to a 30 dsgree variance of the axls b€ing horizontal (sas Blade O;ientation seclion). 4. Retalning 'Clnch" Pl.tes DO NOT PLACE CINCH PLATES IN GROOVE Remove bolt fmm one plate and work across lhe sleeve twisl- ing it over lhe axle. (lmporlant: Cinch mechanism should face actuator.) Place damper in the wall. Secure remaining plate on opposite side ot wall. The plates are dssigned to grab and hold lhe sleeve whil€ mounting fush against lhe wall or floor relaining the damper securely in the opening. Ths plates must ovedap the op€ning a minimum of t/2" (13) (see "Cinch" Plato s€dion). For masonry openings secure the 'cindr' plates to the walufloor wih appropdate l€ngth masonry screws. For wood,/m8tal stud applications secure the plat€s to wall using f10 she6l metal soews of appropriate lengths so as to have the maior body of the screns engage wood/m€tal studs or runners (see General Installation). 5- Duc-trsloove Connscdons Round break-away conneclims must be used. Eith€r a 4' ( 102) wids drawband or #10 she6l m€tal screws spaced aqually around th€ circumfercnce of th6 duc{s as lollows:. Ducl diamstets 16' (457) ar|d snall€r - 3 sctBws. Nota: Wtsn optbnal ssaling of thsse ioinls b desired, the bllowing sealants may b6 applied in accordanc€ wilh the sealant manufac- ture/s instructions: Hardcasi, Inc. - lron G.ip 601, Prscision - PA2084Tor ECO Oucl S€a|44-52. Do nol place plales in gmove Figure I SUBJECr fO CHAIIGE wlfHollf XO1CE OR OAUGADOT. OR6rri iJlamrttclutitE l99sALL ST IED SPEC'F|CANONS ARE GENERAL INSTALLATION In 1 and 2 Hr. Rated Masonry Floors and Geilings or Walls ITEM OESCRIPTION 1, FSDR2s Round Fire Oamper 2. Relaining Plate,20 ga. steel 3. Duct 4. Masonry Wall Constructbn 5. #'10 Concrote Anchor 6. 4'Oraw Band Figure 2 Figure 3 Wiihin Square Opening in Metal or Wood Stud Framing in 1 and 2 Hr. Rated Drywall Partitions ITEM DESCRIPNON 1. FSOR2s Round Fira Damper 2. Retaining Plate.20 ga. steel 3. Duct 4. Metal Stud Wall Construction5. Wood Slud Wall Const uction 6. #'10 Sh6st Metal Scr€w 7. 4' Oraw Eand Flgure 4 Figure 5 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE To ensura oplimum operation and perfomance, the damper must be instatled so it b square and free fro.n racking. Do not compress or stretch tha damper lrame into tha duct or opening. Lin or handls the damper using sleeve or trame. Do not lift damper using blades or actua- to.s. Each fire/smoks damp€r should be examined on a r6gular basis to ensure it b nol rusted or blocked. lt is recommended lhe dampor bs operaled (lhe actuator cyded) at lcast once every 6 rnonths. Care should be sxercised to ensure lhat such tesls are psrfomed safely and do not caus€ systsm damage. BLADE ORIENTATION to-4Ff ltowsmr& ( arimum) 30' OFF HORIZONTAL (Maximum) NORMITL RUSKIN'AMCA LICENSED See Page 2 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 54030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 76s-89ss FSD36 COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER l Vz HOUR UL555 RATED. UL555S LEAKAGE CLASS ll AP PLICATIO N The FSO36 is a combination fire/smoke damp€r built v{ith triple V- gfoove blades and conlrolled closur€ technology that provid€s point-of-origin tire containmenl and operational flexibility in slalic and dynamic smoke management systems. The FSO36 may be inslalled vertically in walls o( hodzontally in concrete noors in HVAC syslems with v€locities to 2,000 tpm aod pressures to 4'w.9. (consult Ruskin for pr@€r applicatim if wlocity and presswo exca€d thosg lislad abovs). STANDARD CONSTRUCTIOI{ FRAXE 5'r l6 (127 x '|.6) gage galvanized hat-shaprd.steet chennsl siruclurally superior lo 13 (2.3) gagr channclframe. BLADES (PARALLEL OR OPPOSED ACNON) 6' (152) wide, 16 (1.6) gage equivalent thickness galvanized . steel. Tripl3 VSroove shaped appm{malely 6" (152) on center. BEARIIIGS Slainllss st8!l sleeve oressed i[to t,sms. JAT B SEALS Stainl€ss slr!1, fl€xiblc metel comprrssion typ:. BLADE SEALS Silicons cdgr typ? for smole ss.l to 450'F (232'C) end galva. nized slsel for flems sealto 1900'F (103E'C). LI}IKAGE Concealed in trame. CONTROTLEO C LOS URE DEVICE (HEAT.ACTUATED) 165'F (71'C) slandard. 212'F (100'C) or 285'F (t4t'C) are elso available dt no additionalcost. DAMPER SIZES MDIIIIUM SIZE 5,w x 7'h 1127 x 1781. Damp€rs und€r 6rw (152) ars Leakage Class lll. (Scc notc 3.) mAxtr{uH stzE Verlhal Inslallalion - 126'w x 1221| (3200 x 3099). Horizontal Installation - 144'w x 96"h (3658 x 243E). OPTIONS. TS150 Flrest t tor reopenable opsration in dynamic smok€ managanent systems.. DSD Ducl Smoko Ds&stor (No florf, or f,ow Eted).. SPl00 Swltch P.ckrga to r€motoly indicate damper btade posi- lion.. FAST Angle tor one angls installation.. G Style for grille spplications.. GA, Grllle Accatr Type tor through lhc arllle access to actuator and control d6vic6s (s6e FSD36GA model).. OW, Out of ntrllrFloor type for through penetrations (Ss€ FSD36OW model).. RAr Inisgrd Retdnlng Angl€ fype for'tool proof'ono side inslalation (mod€l FSO36M). ' Sleves of various lenglhs and gagss,. Accoss Doora factory mounted in common sl€ave.. MCP Gonbol Panels for test purpos€s or smoke managemsnl s!6lems.. FlreStop Caulk for installatbns u,ihout angles.. Siainleis Stool Construcdon Model FSD36 meels the requirements for fir€, smoke and combination tire/smok6 dampers astablished by:. Nalional Fl.e Proleclion Asaociation NFPA Standards 90A. 92A. 928 and 101 . EOCA Nalional Suilding Codes. |CEO Unlform Building Codes. SBCCI Standard Building Codes . ICC krtamational Building Codos. CSFM Crllfomia State FlrB Marshal Fire Damp€r Listing (#3225-245:005 and Smoke Damper Listing (#323G 245:109) . New York City (BSA Lisling #17642-SM) UL CLASSIFIED U1555 Listing R5531, UL555S Lis$ng R10525 FEATURES Tho FSD36 offars: . EFL (Electric Fuse Link) or PFL (Pnsumatic Fuse Link) heat- acluated r6l€as€ devices permit contrdlgd (rather than instanta- neous) closur€ lhrough lhe damper ac.tuato.. The EFL and PFL allow the dampsr to automalically roopen afler a lest. smoke det€ction or power failure condition. . EFL is siandard on dampers wilh sleclric actuators. ' PFL is standard oo dampers wilh pneumatic actuators.. EFLb may be ordered on dampers wilh pn€umatic actualors but require an additional EP swildl.. Dual direction airflow.. Actuators mountBd €irher out or in airstroam. I H.ight l NOTES 1. Oamp* ara turnished approximatoly l/4'(6) srnaller lhan given opening dimensions. 2. Oimensions shown in parentheses ( ) indicate millimeters. 3. Consult Ruskin for damp€rs less than 7" (178) high without using B sty'e |ransitions. Sp.c FSOS5.|ozrn.dr,.. FSO35-!01 ALL SfAfEO SPEC/NCANONS ARE SUEJECT fO CHAHEE WfiHOIIf NONCE OR OBLrcANOX.ORsshin Noveite. 2002 AMCA LICENSED LEAKAGE AIR PERFORMANCE DATA o AND ntR nlR Ruskin certifies lhat the FsD36 shown hereon is licensed lo bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are bassd on tests and procedures pertormed in accordance with AMCA Publication 5l'l and comply with the requiremenls ot the AMCA C€rtified Ratings Program. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal appties to both air leakage and air p€rformance tor the parallBl blade FsD36 and to air psrformance only for the opposed blade FS036. Air l€akage is based on opsralion between 50'F and l(X.F. Only dampers fumished with factory installed actualors are licsnsed to bear the AMCA seal. To determine the AMCA Lio9ns€d air pettornance: Locate ths applicaue teet p€r minute tace velocity on the bottom ot the velocity vs. prcssure dror| clErt below. Move up lh6 cfiart to lhe mct appropriate saz8 damp€r lin€. From the iniarsedion point, move lstt lo detsrmine lha pressure drop on the lsft sk e of the dtart. VELoCIIY vs. PRESSURE DROP 6 7 69 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 .09 .08 .07 .06 .05 .0{ .02 -(,to UJIoz GoEo uttrf at U'ultr o- 69 t0000500 t000 FACE VELOCITY - FEET/MINUTE AMGA Fig. 5.3 SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR LEAKAGE CLASS II MINIMUM SINGLE SECTION MAXIMUM SINGLE SECTION MAXIMUM MULTI-SECTION VERTICAL MOUNI HORIZONTAL MOUNT '12"w x 9'h (305 x 22 9) 36'\ry x 48'tl (914 x 1219) 72"w x 48'h (1829 x 1219 ) 72"w x 48'1r (1829 x 1219) // /tf/,/ f, '/ / f/A /./,/t /+ {/ t {L A ,l / f I{, & f/ 5000 SPACE ENVELOPE T I Extemally mounled aclualors require space outside the damDer sleeve. The "S" dimension is the "side' clearance. the ''T" dimen- sion is lhe'top" clearance and the "B" dimension is the ,,bottom" clearanc€ roquired for the various actualors approved for use rvith Ruskin fire/s.noke dampers. Actuators and accessories are taclory mounled on the right side when viewed trom the actuator side of the wall or floor. Ruskin firelsmoke dampers can be rotated or lurned over lo accommodale the application. lf lhe actuator must be mounted on top or boltom, select the FSD60V. For actuators not shown. rsfer to the Aqtuaiors And Accessories Space Envelopes For All Fire/Smoke DamperE data sheet. NOTES: 1. The A|" dimension r€presents the required height to encompass the aduator and accessories with nothing protruding above or below lh6 damper. 2. For every inch damper is less than "H" dimension add one inctl to 'tl" or 'f dimension. DAMPER SLEEVE DIMENSIONAL DATA ELECTRIC ACTUATORS WITH EFL ACTUATORS H c T B H200o and H2O24 12" (305)4" (1021 (r (0)t'l,E MS4209. MS8209 12" (305)4- l102l 0" (0)N/A GGO221. NF120. 24 14" (356)5' n27\N/A 0" (01 ELECTRIC ACTUATORS WITH TSl50 OR SPlOO ACTUATORS H s T B H2000 and H2024 12" (305)4" (102)0'(0)N/A MS4209. M58209 12'(305)4" (102)o (0)N/A GGD221. NF120. 24 14'(356)5" n27l u (0)N/A The drawing and corespondhg table show the position of the damper when mountod in a tactory sleevo. The standard mounting locations provide snough space br the mounting of acluators, con. trob and allow spacs for installation of rsiaining angl€s and dud conn€ctions. The minimum fadory sl6eve lcngth is 1f (a32). Con- sull Ruskin for sho.lEr sl€eve l€ngths. The slandard location of a dampor mountad in a factory slqave (L" dimension) is shown at right. Ths dampsr can be positioned at olher locations within a range of 7. (178) or 10r/2. (267) and 9. (229) to 121/2' (318) d6p€ndin9 on slze, actuator and optims. l{otE: The entiG damp€r famo is not r€quired lo be install€d within th€ wall. Th6 damp€r blades, wtlen dosed sfiould be contahod within the wall. All d.mpsrs wllh EFL or PFL All damp€rs with TSl50rSP100 orSPl00 Elecidc Aciurlors Pneumatlc Actuators Over I0" (254) High r0'{254) High and Undet Ovcr 21" (s33) High o? 32" (813) High wrGGDzzl 2r'{533) High .nd Undet or 3T (Er3) Hish and Under wrcGD22l 33r-4827(P)331-2961(P)331-3060{P) Ov€r 28" 0rr) Hlgh 28" (7r r) Hlgh & Under Over 32' (8'r 3) Hlgh 32' (8r3) High & Under Over 40" (10r6) High 40" (r0161 Hbh a Under Minimum Maximum 7'(r781 71h'(t8tl e'(229) l0'/r'(267) t05h'(270) 12 r/2' (318) 7'(178) 7V!'(tEl) s'(229) 10Vr'(267) 10rh'(2701 121/2'1318) 7'(178) 7rh'{'181) g',(2291 10'/2'(267) 105h' (270) 12rh',(3r8) 7' (r 78) 7t,r'(t8l) e'(22s) l0U?'(267) losft'(2701 12vr'(318) 7'(178) ? Vr' (181 1 9'{2291 1012" (267 ) | 05tu' (270) 121/2'{318} DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION INMUM SIZES Nominal 5"w x 7"h (127 x 178't Actual43/."w x 63/4"h (121 x i71) Dampers with heightrs (B dimenslon) less than f (178) rcquire Style B transi- lions and a sleeve. Ths damper itsslf .smainE 7' (l7E) high. Consult Ruskin for sp.cial oonstruclion on dampers lsss lhan 7. (17E) high withoul using a Iransition. SPECIFICATION MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZE Single Section: 36\r x 48"h (914 x 1219) Mulliple Section Assembly verlical Installalion - 126"w x 122"h (3200 x 3099) Horizontal Instalbtion 144\ x 96'h (3658 x 2438) For dampers excaeding thess dimensions consult Ruskin. ROUND, OVAL OR TRIANGULAR DUCT TRANSITION CONI{ECTION FSD35 dampers supplied with muno connec- lions (R for low pressure. CR for medium pres- sura or WR welded for high pressurc) are: Minimum 4" (1102) in diameter Maximum vertical 120" (3048) in diam€ter Maximum horizontal94' (2388) h diameter The sguarg size of the damper will be 2, (St) larger than hE diameter dimension ordered. FSO36 dampers supplied with r6ctangular connactions (C foa low to medium p(essure or WC wsl&d ftr high pressurs) are: Minimum 6"rv x 4"h (152 x 102) Maximum vertical 124"w r 120"h (3150 x 3048) Maximum horizontal 142'!v 94"h (3607 x 2388) The square size of the damp€r wilt be 2'(51) larger lhan the width and height of the damper A x B dim€nsions. FSO36 damp€rs supplied with oval connec- tions (LO for low pressure, CO tor m€dium p.elsule or WO welded for high pressurs)will be 2'(51) hrger than he width and height ol lhe damperA r B dimensions. i'rza I,t.\ Combination fira/srnok€ dampers meating or excesdhg the fo ow_ing specificalions shall be fumishad a;d installsd it locations shown on plans or as dsscribed in scrtedules. Dampers shelt m€€t the rsquiremenls of NFPA9oA, 92A 8nd 928 and shafl bs classifiadfor use for fire r€sistance ratings of l€ss lhan 3 hours, in accor- 9*9 lilh UL555. Dampers sha turther be dassified as L8akag€ Ral6d Dampers for use in smoke control sFlems In accordanLwilh the latesl version of UL555S- The loakags rating undor UL555S shall b€ laakago Ctass (i0 cfnrlsq. tt. at 1, w.g). - In addition to the teakage ratings already specified herein, thg damp€6 and their acluators shal be qualified urder ULsSsS to an elavaled temp€rature of 250.F (i2j.C), 3SO.F (177.C) or 450.F(232'C) depending upon the actuator. Appropriate etettrictpneu- matic acluatoG (spscltior 3dscl ona) shall b6 instialled by th€ damper manutaclurer at tim€ of dampt iabricattm. Electric aclua_ tors, taclory irstallnd m dampers up b 8 squara teo! shall havo been tcsted tor p.olong€d pariods of holding with no evidsnce of teduced spring retum pgrfomance- Damper and actuator shall besuppli€d as a singte entity which meets at applicable ULsSS andUL555S qualitications for both dampars and acluator5. Each damper shall b€ ralsd for leakage and airflow in either direction through the damp€r. Each combination ilro/smoke damper shall ba 6quipp€d with a 'conlrolled dosure' quick detect haal-aotuatod release devic€ to prer/onl dud and HVAC component damage. Instanlaneous damp€r dosure is unacceptable. Dampsr tram€ shall be minimom 16 (i.6) gage galvanized st6sl formed hto a structural hat channel reintorc€d at comers. Oamoer bladgs shall b€ singls skin gatvanized steet 16 (1.6) gage minimlm wilh thre€ longiludinal grooves for reinforcement. Bearings shall be stainlcss steel sleeve tuming in an extruded hole in the frame. Blade edge seals shall be iniatable si[con€ coatsd fibelglass and galva- nized steBl mecfianicaly locked inlo bhde edge (adhesiv€ or dip on seals not a@€ptable). Jamb seals shall ba sbinless sle€l compres- sion iype. Each da.rpsr shall bs supplied with a faclory mounted sfeeve ol 17" (432) minimum langth. Dampers shall be Ruskin modcl FSD36. (Consult Ruskin for d€tailed CSt MasferFomatspecificailon). 30 t)r. G...v6 Rd. K.asd City, MO 6a030 (8rq 761-7a75 FA)( (E16) 753-8955RUST{N' RUSKTN' 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 76s-995s INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FSD35, FSD36(C), AND FSD37(C) COMBINATION FIRE and SMOKE DAMPERS 1rl2 HOUR UL555 RATED . APPLICATION Models FSO35, FSO36(C) and FSD37(C) combination fire and smoke dampeF are designed io operate with blades running hoJi. zontally. The standard application is with the leading edge ot the closed blades within the wall, however, these combination tire and srnoke dampers can be manulacturad to be installed outside the wall or floor. FSDrs, FSDt6, FSDt? TAI|IUI Ut CtASStFtEO STZES _ PARALLEL BI.ADE Single secllon vsrtical or hotizontet instellatbn 36'w x 4E1| (914 x 1219). Mullipl€ ssclion assembly vertical instalhtion 9onv x 48'h or 36'w x 911 (2286 x 1219 or 914 x 2311). Multiple section assembly hodzontal installation 90'w x 481 (2286 x 1219). FSD3s'OB. FSD37'OB IIIAXIIUI{ UL CLASSIFIED SIZES - OPPOSED BLADE Single sec{ion vgrtical or horizontal installatbn 36\v x 48'h (914 x 1219). Mulliple secton assembly vertical installation 120\Y x 96h (3(x8 r 2438). Mullipls section assembly horhontal installation 144"w r 96-h (3658 x 2a38). FSD36'OB MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZES - OPPOSED BLADE Single section verlical installatjon 42'w x 61"h (1067 x 1549). Single s€clion horizonUal installation 361fl x 481 (914 x 1219). Multipla seclion assambly vertical installatim 1261f x 1221| (3200 x 3Gt9). Multiple section assembly horizontial instalh[on 1zt4\ x 961r (3658 x 2438). FSD36C, FSD37C ]{AI!MU[ UL CLASSTFTED SIZES -PARALLEL OR OPPOSEO BLADE SirEle sec{ion vertical or horizonhl hstallation 24\v x 241 (610 r 610). FSD35SS, FSD36SS rnd FSD3TSS AXIUM UL CLASSIAED StrES - OPPOSEO ELAOE Multiplg seclion assembty vertical instalatim 90'wx/|8h(2286x1219). Dim€nsbns shown in parsntheses ( ) indicate millim€ters. INSTALLATION SUPPLEMENTS Refer to the appropriale Ruskin inslallation instructions supple- ments for special r€quirements: . Transfer Openings and Duct Termhations . Mullions lor Dampers in Ovsrsized Watl Openings . S-and-Drivemato No. 14880 . Flanged SFtem Breakaway Connections . TS150 Fir€Stat System with High Limit Temperatura Sansor . Electic ELF Controllad Closure Device . Pneumatic PFL Controlled Closur€ Oavice . Fire and Combination Fire/Smoke Damper Installation in Conctete Floor with Steel Oeck. . Ertension of Fire and Fire/Smoks Damper Sleaves. Californla Staio Fir6 Marshal Listing No. 322$2115:005 snd 3230. 24.1i:!09 for FSO35, 35. NBwYork Clty BSA No. 176-82-SM tor FSD35, 38. New York Ciry EA No. 39+93{tf for FSD37. ALL SfAfEO SPECIF CAnOdS ARE gtSJECf rO CHANaE WfiHOUf NOillCE OR O8/!tGAnO#.. "6 SEE COMPLETE MARKING ON PROOUCT ll.FsolG't0z Rrotacrs .FSO3&t220d)ORGrn 2002 1. O penlng Cle.t.ncs Th€ opening io lhe wall or floor shall be larger than lhe damper,/ sleeve ass8mbly lo p€rmil inslallali0n ot expension. For lwo angle inslallalions lhe opeoing shall b€ a minimum of rh'p€r lool (3 per 305) la.ger lhan th€ overall size ol thc damper/sleeve assembly. The maximum op€ning sizE shall nol ercerd lh' per foot (3 per 305) plus 2'(51), nor shall the op€ning be l€ss lhan lA'(6) larg€l lhan ih€ damper/sleev€ assenbly. For one angle inslallalions, lh€ opening shall be e minimum of 1/.'{6) lo a marimum 0f l'(25} larger ihan lhe ovs ra ll size 0t lh€ dan p€ r/sleevr sssem bly. 2. F!sl!ners.nd Iulliplo S.ctlon A!rtnbly Whsn ioining multiplr damter 8ss€mbli€s or lasleniog lh€ danper lo th€ sle€v€, darnprrs shall be tasl€rrd wilh l/4-20 (MO) bolls, numb€r 10 (M5) scref,s, or t/z'(13) long welds staggered int€mil- t€nlly on bolh sides. Space faslsnets 6'(152) on c€nlsr snd I mar- imum 2" (51) from lhe ends 0f the ioining seclions or from each cor- net. lfhen ioining multipl€ damper asscmblies, a conlinu0us l/r'(3) bead of Dow.Cornrng 999-A, Dow-Corning silaslic 732 RTV, or GE RM08 sealanl shaI be spplied on lho mullion ioinl. Prsss lhe sur- lac! ot th€ sealanl in place lo dispel any air. Anolher bsad of lhe same sealant shall bE applild belwccn the damplr and sleevr in the same msnnEr. Only one sidr ol lh6 damp!t requir€s csulting. N0l8 lhe sealanl is nol required uh€n dampers ars suppli€d lor lire dampor applications only and Irs not rlquir€d lo be leale96 ralad. Mullipl! seclion high verlical mount dampers include a 14 gage r 5' 12 x l27l ride sleel mullion plate sandwiched b€lwe€n lh€ damprf lrames rh€re tequired. The mullion plate musl b€ the same nateri- alas lhe dam p€rs. 3.0amp€r SleeY! Sleey€ thictn€ss musl be oaual lo or thicker than lh€ ducl connscl. ed to il. Sl€eve gag€ rcquiremsnts rr€ lisled in ths SMACNA Fir!, Smols and R.diation oamp€r Installation Guad€ tor HVAC Systems and in NFPAgoA. ll8 b?6alaway stylc ducusllrvE c0nnlction is not us8d, lhe slcsvs shrll be a ninimum of l6 989. (1.6) l0t damp€rs up l0 36'(914) vrid6 by 24'(6t0) high and t4 gags (t.9) tot danp!rs exc.eding 36' (914) wid€ by 24'(610) high. Danp!l sleev. shall nol extend more lhan 6'(152) beyond th€ lit€ yiall 0r partition unless damper is equipp€d wilh an acluator and/or factory install€d sccess door. Sle€v€ may ertsnd up lo l6'(,106) beyond lhe fire wall or partilion on sides !quipp0d with actuator aod/or lac- lory installEd access door. Sle€ve shall lerminato at both sid€s ol wall wilhin dimensions shown. a.0smp!r 0rient.tion Dampsr is d8siened lo oDerat6 with bladls running horizontalt 8nd musl b€ installod with lsading €dg. ol clos.d blad€s rithin tis w6ll or lloor whln lhey arr in the clos€d position. Us€'Mounl With Arrow Up'labslss I guid6 tor prop!r dsmpcr ofianlation. Horizonlsl mosnt dampers rnay b€ inslall.d uith actuator sbovs or brhw the lloot. 5, fiountlng Angles Mounliog anobs shall be a nhimum ol I rh' r 1lr2' r 20 gaoe st€€l (30 r 38 r 1.0). For op.nin!3 in m€t.l slud, *ood stud and con. crele/mason.y watrs of sizes 90' r 19' or 49' r 90' (2286 r 1245 or 1245 r ?205) and less mounlin! an9h3 rrs only r€qtirrd on one sids ol the iall 8nd musl be sttachrd to both th. sl€evr and thr wall. llounthg 6ngl€s rnay b0 inslelhd dirrctly lo th! mrlal slud undrr lh€ wall board on mrlal stud yall ioslalletions only. Larg!t openings and floor inslallalions r€quir! mounting angles on both sid€s ol lh€ perlilion and musl h€ ettach€d only to ths sleeve. Mounling aoglca nusl overlap lh. p.rllbn a ninimum of 1'(25). Do nol w€ld or faslan angles togethar at colnrrs of dampers. Anglos must oysrlap thr partition a minimum of l'(25). Ruskin firelsmok! damp!rs nay be install8d using Rrslh FAST angl. for one angl€ inslalbtion or Rustin PFMA tor two angh inst.llations. .. llounting Angl! Fr3t!n!rs Mounting angle fasleners shaI De tl0 (M5) bolts or scrlws, #10 sell.lapping concrrlr anchots or concrele scr€ws, l/2- (l3l long lach welds or slrE (3) diamet!r sleel rivrls. b.Iornling Ang l€ Farl.rer Sp.clng For onr angle installalions th! slcevG fasteners shall be sDaced at 6'(152) o.c. and lhe ryall taslrnlrs shall br spac€d al t2' (3051 o.r. with a minimum of 2 f8strn€rs on rsch side. loD and boltom. Scrru lasl€nets usrd in mGtsl slud nust engage lhe m.lalslud a minimum ol l/z'(13). Scr.w fest!n€rs used in wo0d slud musl engage lhe y{ood stud a minimum 0f l/r'(19). Screw laslenrrs used in masonry walls musl engag€ the wall a mini- mum ol 11,/2'(38). For tvro angle installalions the lasleners shall be spaced at 8'(203) o.c. 6. Duct/Sleeve Connections a. I real.ayray 0ucUSleeve Connectionr Reclangrlar ducls musl use 0n€ 0r more ol the conneclions depicl€d below €--9 00u8t t '3'suP u.: tti sTArouG s lAr.T.l L.-r/:., DR|VE S P J00tt -5i usroE sUP Jorxl a_+ tTALDWG S l8.r Rrin loro. dl xErtED '5'sUP -__Jt€ st^lDtltG 5 lArih Rrhlo.c,dl aM- srA[0txG s lAr!1. R.i.lrrc.d) 2tAtt's'3ut I--€5- slAxlrlrG s A marimum ol two {10 (M5) sh.al melal screws on €ach side and the botlom,localed in lhe c€nler ot lhe slip poclel and p€ne. lfaling bolh sides of lhe slip pockel may be used. C0nnsclions using lh€se slip Finls on lhe lop and boltom uilh llal diye slips up lo 20' {508) long on lhe sides m ay also be used. b, Round and Ovel Brerl-aw.t Connrctions Round and llal oval breat.avay conneclions nusl use eilh€r a 4' (102) wide drawband or #10 (M5) she!l netal scrcws spsced equally around the circumlerencE of lhe ducl as tollows: . Ducl diamelets 22'(559) and smaller - maximum 3 scrrws. ' Ducl diam€t6rs over 22" (559) and including 36'(914) - marimum 5 screws, . Duct dismel€rs ov€r 36'(9141 and up lo and including 191' (485lllot8l p6rim Eter - n axim um 8 scrervs. For llal ovalducts, the dhmeler is considered the brgest (major) : dimension of lhe ducl. These conn€ctions are depicled io lhe SMACNA Fire, Smoke, and Radialion D am per Inslallalion Guide. Not!; When oplional sealing of lh€se joinls is desied, th€ ,ol- lovring sealanls may be applied in accordanc€ wilh lh€ sealanl n anufaclrrer's inslluclio ns: Hardcasl, Inc. - lron Grip 60'l Pr.cision - PA20C4I Eco Ducl Seall{.52 c. Fbngrd Ircel.rrvrl Slyla 0ucUShcv! Connlction!. Flanged conncclion syslcms manutacturrd by Duclmale, Nrrus or Ward are approvld br€ak-swsy whrn inslallsd as shown on lhe Flanged Sysl€n Srealawsy C0nn€clions Suppl€nenl. IDC and TDF roll-form !d llanged connoclions usin9 3/r'(l0l slrel bolts afid nuts, and melal cleals,.s lesl€d by SMACtIA, srE approvsd bt€ak.aw8y c0nn€clions wh€n ioslsllcd as shovrn on lhc Flanged Syslen Sreakaway Connections Supplement. d. ll on.B rc.t.aw.y DucLlsle€vc Conn€clionr lf oth€r ducusl€!v€ conneclions ara usld, the sheve shall b0 e minimum of 16 gag€ (1.6) lof dampets up to 36'(914) wid8 x 24' (610) high .nd 14 gags (2.0) lor dampsrs 36' (9141 wiJe x 24' (6r0) hbh. 7. Actualor Conn!ctionr Ehclric and on€umslic 8ctustofs are l0 be connrcl!d in accordance ! , wilh wiring and pipiog diagrams daveloprd an compliance wilh applicable codes, 0rdinanc!s and regulalions. 8. ln3lrllatioI and Iaintenanc! Thc damper nusl b€ installed so it b square and kee ftom rackiog. Do nol compress or stretch lhe dam!er lrarn€ into lhe ducl or op€n- ing. Lifl or hsndle lhe damper using slesve or lram€. D0 nol lill damp€r using blad€s ot aclualors. Each tire/smoke damper should De aramined on a rsguler basis lo ensure il is nol rusted or bloclad. In eddilion, €ach damprr should be l€sled 0sriodically, (NFPA r?c- omm!nds annually or semiannually. dep€nding on lhe applcalionl lo ensu.e il will p€rform as intcnded. C8re shouS be errrcisld lo ensufe lhal such lesls ar€ pe ormed s8fely and d0 not causs sys- lem damage. VERNCAL INSTALLATION Oamper may be installed with acluator on either side of lhe partition in accordance with the air flow label on lhe damper. ra, (6) ,rlnlm|lm %" (6) mlnimutn FASTANGLE (ONE ANGLE) INSTALLANON Angle may b€ inslalled on either side of the partition. ITEM DESCRIPTION'|. Acluator (location may vary). 2. Opllonal Firestat or SP-100. 3. Auxiliary Oparating Jad€hafl 4. OamD€r 5. Over-Center Link TWO ANGLE INSTALLATION Angles are required on bolh sides ol the partition. ITEM 6. Sleevg DESCRIPTION 7. Caulking Matorial (may be on €ith€r slde ofdamperframe). E. Mounling Angles (PFMA, FAST or convenlional angtes) 9- Ouct/sleev€ coonadion. HO RIZONTAL INSTALLATION 1'(251 inlmun TYplcd OYld.g oo dl SLtr'' ot Pd m Wri ra. (61 la{mu|tr 16. (&5) lhl||num It 6'(r5:l) lLdmum I ITEIII DESCRIPTION 1. Acluator (localion may vary). 2. OglionalFirestat or SP-100. i 3. Auriliary Operaling Jactshaft 4. Damp€r 5. Ovrr-Cant€r Link 6. Slaeve 7. Caulking Material (may be on eith€r sids ot damper trame). 8. Mounting Anglos (PFMA, FAST or convsntional anglos) L Ducl/sleeve connsction. TWO ANGLE INSTALLATION Angles are required on both sides of the floor. RECOMMENOED FRAMING FOR OPENINGS IN WOOD AND METAL STUD WALLS INSTRUCTIONS 1. Frame wallopenings as shown. 2. Oouble vertacal studs are not .gquired Jor openings 36'\w x 36'h (914 x 9'14) or smaller. 3. Full length studs are nol required next to the damper if the spacing from the damper to the tull length slud doss not exceed the maxi. mum stud spacing. Th€ opening may be framed with studs that are attached to futt length studs (see tigure 2). 4. All construct'on and fasteners musl meet the requirsments of the appropriate wall design and/or local codes. 5. Consull lhe authoity having iurisdiction tor other acceptable traming mehods. Figuro 2 f,.l.l ald conrlrucdo{r Motal Stud F amlng ShoYYn Woodao 6ard Cottatrrrctloo -t 2." (6101 O.C. llax. Figure I MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZE (Vertical lnsiallation) FSD36OB MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZE {Horizontal Installation) FSD36OB unless ovsrall height is less than 91, (2311) and width is less lhan 32" (813). 3. Horizontal dampeG over 3 saclions wide and 1 sac-tioo high require a 14 gage r€inforcing pht6. S.c Notes 1,2, llotes: 1. All muldple sBclbn dampers are constructed of equal singls agction sizes no greater than he ma{mum singte section sizes indicated above. 2. Trrc ssction high dampers r€quir€ a 14 gage rsinforcing plate B P, 2/2 \ =3 q) eIo@ l,lo, /577AP r , I I zulJz\ /:J4Altl \K IV IE|iA ILIU Ifi IU lrJ I-'z.ood (/'lq) Ee69 ?€p, x-Hi6-e E8 og 2P9ogr '': cr8 _d d, -( t,,-atlEtrI j- E o 3 ? t4 o E (,z E1 P: I:pl <l e. zlgit: o 2o F H Ez cl UI o -{, VE F (o I Ft N 3 F ot.o & ;aa1 EI'v.a.Ga6 ga G= EE { k'Fl rtt\i{ H -? qt:c LI<tct is'i i HFtgs RUSKIN' 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 76S8955 FSDR2s COMBINATION FIRE SMOKE DAMPER UL555 and UL555S Leakage Class I Classitied FOR USE IN DYNAMIC AND STATIC SYSTEMS APPLICANON The FSDR2s is a "lrue round" Ctass I leakage rated combination fire/smoke damper designed for use in metal, wood or concrete fire and smoke rated paditions and concrele floors. The FSDR2S is the id€al choice h,hen round ducl is used on a proiect. The damper is raled tor maximum velocity of 4,000 hm and 4,,(102) static pres- sure. The integral frame and unique'cinch plale'design provide a low cost, easy to instrll, high p€rforming damper. STANOARD CONSTRUCNON FRAME/SLEEVE 20 g69e (.9) galvanizgd steet, standard if (432) long. Frame/sleeves available up to 36'(914) in length. See mini- mum sleeve lsnglh chart on page 2 for assistance in choosing conect frama/sleeve length. BLADES Two-piece 14 gage (1.9) equivalent thiclmsss galvanized steel. BEARINGS Stainless st8el sl6evs, pressad into trame. BLADE SEALS Silicon€ edge type sandryicfi€d b€twe€n two pi€ca bhde. Full circumference smoke seal to 450.F (232.C). LII{I(AGE Jackshafl to blad6. AXLE l/2" (13) diameter. CONTROLLED CLOSURE DEVICE (HEAT.ACTUATEO) 165'F (74'C) is standard. 212'F (1oO.C) or 285.F (141.C) are available at no additional cost. DAMPER SIZES MINIMUM SIZE 6'diametsr (152). MAXIMUM SIZE Verlical/ Ho,izontal Installation - 24, diamet€r (610 ).S€e page 2 for dim€nsional information. OPTlONS. TSl50 Flrostat ror reopenable operation in dynamic smoka management syslgms. ' DSDF Flow Duct Smoko OetEdor - Consult Ruskin.. SPl00 Swltch P.cklga to rBmotety indicate damp€r btade posi. lion.. SlosydFrams ot \.arious lenghs to insure field compliance with UL installation requiremants.. Accesr Doot tactory mounbd in common sleeve to insuro com. dianca wilh UL installation rBquirements.. MCP control panels for lest purposes or smoke management syslsms. NOTES 1. Units turnished approximalely Vs' (3) smallsr lhan given size. 2. Dimensions shown in parenthsses ( ) indicate mi imeteE. 3. Oarnpars approved tor airffow in any direclion. Model FSDR2s meets the requirements for fire, smoke and combination fire/smoke dampers established by: ' Nallonal Flre Proteclion Association NFPA Standards 90A. 92A. 928 and 101 . BOCA Natlonal Bullding Codes . ICBO Uniform Euilding Cod€s . SBCCI Siandard Euildlng Codes. ICG Intemational Building Codes . CSFM Callfornl. State Flre Marshal Fire Damper Listing (#3225-245:102) and Smoke Oamper Listing (f3230- 245:110). New York City (8SA Listing #176.82-SM) UL CLASSIFIED ULs55 Listing R5531, UL555S Lisring R10525 FEATURES The FSDR25 oflels:. EFL (Electric Fuse Link) or PFL (Pnsumatic Fuse Link) heat. actuated release devices permit controlled (ralher than instantaneous) closure lhrough lhs damper actuator. The EFL and PFL allow lhe damper to automatically reopen after a test, smoke detection or power failure condition. ' EFL is standard ofl dampers wi0t eleclric actualors.. PFL is standard on dampers with pneumatic acluators.. EFL'S may be ordergd on damp€rs with pneumatic actuators bul require an addilional EP switcfi. Sp.C Fs0Rlt?0frRetfe,€! FSDR25699 ALL StAfeO SpECtF CAnOXS ARE SU*JECi fO CHAI,CE WmrOUr NOftCE OR OAL,G,AfION_ORutrn2ml DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION Wall/Floor Thickness Min. Sleeve Length 4" (102) 5" (127) 6" (152) T (178'l 8', (203) s l22e) 10" (254) 11" (27s1 12" (30s) Over l2' (305) Thru 24' (6@) 17" 14321 '17" 14321 20" (508) 20" (s08) 20" (508) 22" (55e) 22" (5ss) 23" (584) 24' (610) Add 1' (25) lor rvery inch ol wall/lloor depth MINIMUM SLEEVE LENGTH Note: 36'(914) maximum slaew length. GENERAL INSTALLATION INFORMATION The'L" dimension is the dimension the sleeve, on the actuator side ol the dampsr, can exlend beyond the wall or floor in a standard installation, The'L" dimension is designed to ptovide the installer wilh informalion to make installa- lion easier. Ths table below grovides a range tor the "L" dimension. "L'DIMENSIONS NOIE: The 2" (51) dimension is for duct conngclions. The "L" dimensron hcludes the 2" (51) for duct connadion. WALL THICXNESS c' (102)1127l.(152) T' (r78){203} 10" (254) Minimum Standard Maximum 8114' 9' 10- 811t" 10" 811.' 9' '10' 8 r/4" v 10" I U4" 9f. 10" 8r,/4" I 10" 8l ia" 9" 10' METAL/WOOD/MASONRY WALL OR CONCRETE FLOOR INSTALLATION RETAINING'CINCH' PLATE Erprnrlon orp EbctronicF|||Unl (EFLI Cloch ltlvlcr Both sidc. Apgro{ad Actr.lo. Nole: Diameter + 6' (152) = phle size Ur'(l3l l{inimum Ov.rbp o,W.luFloor Opcni.|9 A square opening in wood or melal stjd walb or masonry walls and foors shall be a minimum of 1" (25) and a maximum of 2tl/ (6C) larger tran the dampcr diameter. See wood stud and melal stud framing for fire dampers inslallation insiructions su9- plement for complsle haming deliails. A round op€ning in rnasonry walls or floors shallbe a minimum of 1" (25) and a maximum ol2rfl (64) hrgsr 'tan the damper diameter. Faclory supplied rohining 'cindt' phtas hold the damper within the wall opefling. The platEs mus{ ovedap the opening a minimum of l/y (i3). Th€ plato fits snugiy a.ound the int€gral sle€ve. The plates arc fasten€d directy lo the re or floor. REFER TO THE FSDR25 INSTALLATION INSTRUC. TIONS FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION OETAILS. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION Furnish and install at locations shown on plans, or as described in schedules,round combination firelsmok€ dampers meeting or exceeding the following specificalions. Frames shall be a minimum of 20 (.9) gage galvanized sleel and lhe blade shall be two piece, equivalenl to 14 (1.9) gage minimum galvanized. Bearings shall be stainless ste€l sleeve luming in an extruded hole in the frame. (Galvanized bearings shall nol b€ acceptable). Blade seals shall be silicone edge designed lo vr,ithstand 450'F (232'C) mechanically faslened and fully encompassing blade edge. Damper must have an integral 20 (.9) gage sleeve and 20 (.9) gage retaining ptate tor damper mounting. Square to round lransitions are unacceptable, Each combination fire/smoke dampsr shall be dassifi€d tor use br fire resistance ratings of l€ss than 3 hours, in acsordanca with UL standard 555, and shall furthsr be classified by Underwriters Laboratories as a Loakage Rated Oamper lor use in smoke control sy:stems in accordance wilh the latesl version of UL555S, and bear a UL labe{ attesting to the same. Damps manulaciurer shall have lested and qualified wilh UL, a compl€te rang€ ol damper sizes covering all dampers, required by this specification. Testing and UL qualifyiog a single damper size is not acceptablo. The leakage rat- ing under UL555S shall b€ leakago Class | (4 cfrn/tt. at 1" w.9. and 8 cfm/sq. ft. al 4" w.g.). Damp€r shalt be lisi6d, with Califomia State Fire Marshal. In addition to lhe leakage ratings already specitied herain the dampers and their aclualors shall be quamed unde. UL555S to an elevated lemperature of 250'F (121'C), 350'F (177.C), or 450"F (232'C) depending upon the actualor. Appropriate etectric/pneu- malic aclualors (specifier seloct one) shall be inslalted by the damper manufacturer at time ol damper fabrication. Electric actua- tors, factory installed on dampers, shall have been lesled tor oro- longed p€riods of holding (minimum 1 y€r) wilh no evidence of reduced spring relum pertomance. Dampar and actuator shall b€ supplied as a single entity which me€ts al applic€ble UL555 and UL555S qualifications tor both dampers and acluators. Each damper shan be rated for leakage and airlloU in either direclion through lhe dampsr. Each combination fire/smoke damper shall be equippad with a "conlrolled closure'quick detecl heat.actuated release devic€ to prevent ducl and HVAC component damage. Inslantaneous damper closure is unacceptable. Oampe.s shall be Ruskin model FSDR25. r , (Consull Ruskin for detailgd CSI MasterFormat Specification.) 3gb D.. cnet €. Rd. Xrn 6 Cty. MO 640a, (l|6) 761-?.78 Fr,\ (8 tSil ?65-8955RUST{N- RUSKTN^ 3900 Or. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 76s-8955 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FSDR2s COMBINATION FIRE AND LEAKAGE RATED DAMPER Within Square Opening in ltrletal orWood Stud Framing in 1 Hr. rated drywall partitions or an I and 2 Hr. rated masonry floors and ceilings or walls APPLICATION The FSDR25 round combination fire/smoke damper is designed lo operate with blade running horizonlally. Dampers can be vertically o( horizontally insialled with th€ lBading edge of lhe dosed blade rvithin the wall in accordanco with NFPA-gOA. To ensure optimum op€ration and perfomance, the damper must be installed so il is round and tre€ from rac*ing. Oo not compress or stretdr lhe damper frame into the ducl or opening. MOUI{TING Ve.iical or Horizontal. MtNtMUt\t srzE 6" (152) diameter. lrlAXlMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZE 18'(457) diameter. INSTALLAT]ON SUPPLETIIENTS Rafer to the appropriate Ruskin inslallatlon operation inslrudions supplem€nts br sp€cial requirsments: . Sealing ol Dampers in Fire Rat€d Walls or Floors . MEtal Stud Framing for Fire Dampers in Drywall Partitions ' Wood Stud Framing for Fire Oampers in Drywall Partitions Note: Dimensions shor,vn in parentheses ( ) indicale millimeters. RETAINING "CINCH" PLATE 1. Expansion Gap A square opening in wood or metal slud walls or rnasonry walls and tloors shall be a minimum ot 1" (25) and a marimum of 2Uz" (64) larger lhan the damp€r diametsr. A round opening in masonry walls or ffoors shall be a minimum of 1' (25) and a maximum of 2rl2" (g) latger than the damper diameter. THE RETAINING 'CINCH" PLATE MUST OVERLAP THE OPENING A MINIMU OF r/2" (13). 2. Damper Sleeve The sleeve is integral to the damper and shall be of equal lo or heavier than the gage of lhe ducl as describod in NFPA9oA and as detined by the approptiate SMACNA duct cotrsttuction standard. 3. Dampor Orlentation The leading edge of lhe blade in lhe closed posilion musl be wihin th€ plane ot th3 wall. Vertical installation is ilustralsd and horizonial is similar (sae General Installation). The damper may be instalhd with up to a 30 degree variance of the axle being hodzontal (s6€ Blado Odentation seclion). 4. Retalning 'Cinch" Plates DO NOT PLACE CINCH PLATES IN GROOVE Remove boll from ona plate and work actoss he sleeve twisl- ing it over the axle. (lmportanl: Cinch m€cfianism should face actuator.) Placs damper in the wall. Secure remaining plale on opposite side of wall- The plates are designed to grab and hold the sle€ve while mounting flush against the wall or tloor reiaining tha damper securoly in the opening. The plates must ovedap lhe opening a minimum ol t/z'(13) (s3e'cirrch" Plate s€ciion). For masonry openings seoure tha 'cindr' plates lo lh8 rvalmoor with appropriate lengh masonry scrsrvs. For wood/metal stud applications secure lhe platss to wall using #10 shoet m€tal screws of appropriata lengths so as lo have ihe maior body of lhe s6ews angage v/ood/melal studs or runners (sea General lnstallation). 5. Ducuslaeve Connecdons Round break-away conneclions must be usad. Eilher a 4'(102) wids drawband or #10 shset metal screws spac€d equally around the circurnler€nce of the ducls as follours:. Duct diameteG 18'(457) and smalbr- 3 scraws. Nob: Wl|en optional sealing ot lhese ioints b dosirsd, ths bllowing sealants may ba applied in a@o(danca v{ilh lhe soalanl manufac- ture/s instructions: Hardcasl, lnc. - lron Grip 601, Procision - PA2084Tor ECO Duct SBal .14-52. Do nol place phtes in gmov6 Figure I SEE OETAILS ON UL CLASSIFICATION MARKING ON ENCLOSED PROOUCT fIFSOE!'299rR€pte€. ff.FsoR2$rrgo ALL SrAIED sPEcrnCAnONS ARE SUSJECr tO cUAtrcE WTHoUf NOnCE oR (BUGATION. €Ru*h Uat|lbdrnn9 1999 GENERAL INSTALLATION In 1 and 2 Hr. Rated Masonry Floors and Ceilings or Walls ITEM DESCRIPTION1. FSDR?S Round Fire Damper 2. Retaining Phte,20 gE. steel 3. Ouct 4. Masonry Wall Constructon 5. #10 Concret€ Anchor 6. 4" Draw Band Flgure 2 Flgure 3 Wiihin Square Opening in Metal or Wood Stud Framing in 1 and 2 Hr. Rated Drywall Partitions ITEII DESCRIPTK'N 1. FSOR2s Round Fire Oamper 2. Retaining Plate,20 9a. steel 3. Ouct 4. M€tal Stud Wa[ Cqrstruction5. Wood Stud Wall Consfuclion 6. #10 Sheet Metal Screw7. 4'Draw Band Flgurs 4 Flguro 5 INSTALLATION AND TAINIENANCE To ensure optimum opetation ard Performance, th€ damper must be installed so it is sguare and fise from racking. Do not @mpress o( stretch thc damper fram€ into lhe duct or opening. Lift or hsndle th€ damp€r using sle"ve or trame. Do not In damp€r using bbdes or actua- tors. Each fita/smok€ damper should ba oxaminsd on a rogular basis io snsure it b not rust8d or blocksd. lt is recomm€nded [te damp€r bsoparat.d (&e actuator cyded) at least once €vsry 6 flionths. Caro should be cxercissd to ensurs lhat sucfi tesls ar6 perlom€d safely and do not causa system damags. BLADE ORIENTATION a{rgFf }tQF gmu" (Maximum) 30' OFF HORIZONTAL (ltlarimuml NORUAL RUSKIN' v ..r-7r'v. 'a*!+.'1..,.,.. - - iA "'-xr.)t, AMCA LICENSED ,tii'''"\ii See Page 2 ,,:fil""- ;'.,,, -..rrc'-E!iiz 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas Caty, MO 64030 (816) 76't-7476 FAX (816) 765-89ss FSD36 COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER lVr HOUR UL555 RATED. UL555S LEAKAGE CLASS ll AP PLICATIO II The FS036 is a combination fire/smole damper built with triple V- groove blades and controlled closure lechnology that provides poinFot-origin tire containmenl and operalional flexibility in slatic and dynamic smokg management s!6tems. The FSD36 mey be installed vertically in walls or horizontally in concrele floors in HVAC systems with velocities to 2,fi)0 fpm and pressures to 4' rv.g. (onsult Ruskin br propor applicatim if velocity and Fessure erceed hose listed above), STANDARD COI{STRUCTIOI{ FRA I{ E5'r l6 (127 x 1.6) gage galvsnized hat.shspGd steel channrl stfuclurally supcrior to l3 (2.31 gsge channelframe. BLADES {PARALLEL OR OPPOSED ACTION) 6" (152) witle, 16 (1.6) 9a9e equivalenl thickness galvanized steel. Triple V€roove shaped approximately 6" (152) ofl center. EEARII{GS Stainless steel sleev€ pressed into frame. JAIT B SEALS Stainbss steEl, fl€xibl! metal com p16ssion type. BLA DE SEALS Silicone €dge typ6 for smok€ seal to 150'F (232'C) and galva. ni2ed stseltof llame slallo 1900'F (103E'C). LINKAGE C oncealed in frame. CO ITRO LLEO C LOS URE DEVIC E (HEAT.ACIUATEO) 165'F (74'C) slandard. 212'F (100'C) or 285'F (14t'C) are slso available dt no sdditionalcost. DAMPER SIZES Mml uu stzE 5'w x 7t 1127 x '1781. Dampers under 6"w (152) are Leakage Class lll. (Soe not3 3.) itAxtl$Ut{ stzE Vertical Insliallaton - | 26'w x 122'h (3200 x 3099). Horizontal Installation -'144'n, x 96"h (3658 x 2438). OPTIONS. TS150 Flrestrt tor reop€nable oparation in dynamic smok€ managoment systams.. DSD Duc{ Smoke Detector (No ilow or iow rated).. SP100 Switch Packags to rsmotely indicate damper blade posi- lioo.. FAST Angle tor one angle instalbtion.. G Sqd€ tor grille epplications.. GA, Grille Accsss Typ€ tor through the grille access to actuator and control d€vicas (see FSD36GA modet).. OW, Out ot UrellrFloo; type for through penetrations (See FSD36OW model).. RA, Integral Retalnlng Angle Type tor'fool proof'one sid€ installation (modsl FSO35M).. Slecves of various longths and gages. ' Access Ooors taclory mount€d in common sleeve. ' l{CP Conbol Prnels tor test purposes or smoke managemenl sFtems.. Flrsstop Caulk for hstallations wihout anglss.. Strinless Steal Construcdon Model FSD36 meets the requirements for tire, smoke and combination lire/smoke dampers astablished by:. National Fire Protection Association NFPA Standards 90A. 92A. 928 and 101 ' BOCA National Building Codes. ICBO Uniform Bullding Codes. SBCCI Standard Building Codes. ICC InGm.tional Building Codes. CSFM Califomia State Flre Marshal Fire Damper Listing (#3225-245:005 and Smoke Damper Listing (#3230- 24 5:109) ' Nsw York City (BSA Lisling #176-82-SM) UL CLASSIFIED UL555 Listing R5531, UL555S Listing R10525 FEATURES The FSD36 olfers:. EFL (Electric Fuse Link) or PFL (Pneumatic Fuse Link) heat- actualed release devices permit contmlled (rather than instanb- neous) closure through the damper acluator. The EFL and PFL allow the damper to aulomalically reopen afler a lest. smoke detoction or oower tailure condition.. EFL is standard on damDers with eleclric actuators.. PFL is slandard on dampers wilh pneumatic actuatoF.. EFL'S may be ordered on dampsrs with pneumatic actuators but r6quir6 an additional EP swilcfr.. Oual direclion airflow.. Actuaiors mounted either out or in airstraam.I j I H.igm NOTES '1. Oamper are turnished approximately l/." (6) smaller than given opening dimensions. 2. Dimensions shown in parenthases ( 3. Consull Ruskin for damoers less using B stte transitions. ) iodicate millimeters. lhan 7" (178) high vrithout Sp|c FSO3&I OzR.plac.r FSO!&!01 ALL SfAfEO SPECIFICANONS AEE SUAJECr fO CHANGE WfHOUf NONCE OR OAL'CArION.ORl/3\. Nor€o$er 2002 AMCA LICENSED LEAKAGE AIR PERFORMANCE DATA o AND ntR ett Ruskin cerlifies that the Fso36 shown hereon is licensed to bear the AMCA seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 51i and comply with the requirements of the AMCA certified Ratings Program. The AMCA Gertified Ratings seal applies lo bolh eir leakage and air performance for the perallel blade FSD36 and lo air pertormance only tor the opposed blade FSD36. Air leakage is based on operation between 50.F and 104.F. Onty dampers fumished with tactory inslalled actuators are licensad to bear the AMCA seal. To delermine the AMCA Licensed air pedormance: Locab r|6 applicable test p€r minute face velocity on the boltom ot the velocity vs. pressure drop cfiart below. Move up the dtart to h€ most appropriala size damper line. From the inters€clion poinl, movs l€fl to det€rmine the pressure drop on the teft side of the dtart. VELOCIW vs. PRESSURE OROP 6 7 09 500 1000 FACE VELOCITY - FEET/MINUTE AMCA Fig. 5.3 t.0 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 .09 .0E .07 .06 .05 .04 (9to UJ ()z 0-o E,o UJEfou,]u E, o- 89 r0000 SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR LEAKAGE CLASS II MINIMUM SINGLE SECTION MAXIMUM SINGLE SECTION MAXIMUM MULTI.SECTION VERTICAL MOUNT HORIZONTAL MOUNT 12"w x 9"h (305 x 229) 36"w x 48"h (914 x 1219) 72"w x 48'lr (1829 x 1219 ) 72"w x 48'h (1829 x 1219) // /.rf/ '/,/y flr /: /.{,tt ls t/ ) t f I T I { ),/ / , r00 5000 SPACE ENVELOPE T- T I Externally mounted actuators require space outside the damDer sleeve, The "S" dimension is lhe "side" clearance. lhe "T" dimen- sion is the "top" clearance and lhe "E dimension is lhe "bo[om' clearance reguired for the various actuators approved for use with Ruskin fire/smoke dampers. Actualors and accessories are factory mounled on the right side when viewed from the actuator side of the wall or lloor. Ruskin fiJelsmoke dampers can be rolated or lurned over lo accommodate the application. lf lhe actualor must be mounled on top or bottom, selecl the FSD60V. For actuators nol shown. refer to the Actuato.s And Ac€cssories Space Envelopes For All Fire/Smoke Dampers data sheet. NOTES: 1. The'll" dimension repGsents the required height to encompass th6 actuator aM accessories with nothing protruding above or b€low lhB damp6r. 2. For every incft damper is less than "tf dimension add one indl to "8" or "T"'dimension. ; otor wlth rEFLaIslso a I I IL DAMPER SLEEVE DIMENSIONAL DATA ELECTRIC ACTUATORS WITH EFL ACTUATORS H s T B H2000 and H2024 12" (305)4" (102)0" (0)l.!rE MS4209. MS8209 r2" (30s)4" (102)0' (0)N/A GGO221.NF120.24 '14" (356)5" I'127\N/A 0" f0) ELECTRIC ACTUATORS WITH TS150 OR SPlOO ACTUATORS H s T B H2000 and H2024 12" (305)4" (102)0'(0)N/A MS4209. MS8209 12" (30s)4'(102)0" (0)N/A GGD221. NF120.24 14'(356)5" n27l 0 (0)N/A The drawing and corresponding table show the position of the damper when mounted in a factory slseve. The standard mounting locations provire enough space for the mounting of actuators, con- Itols and allow space lor installation of rotaining angles and dud conneciions. The minimum faclory sl€€ve length is 1f (432). Con- sull Ruskin tor shoner sleeve lengths. The standard location of a damper mounted in a factory slesve (.L, dimension) is shown at right. ThE damper can ba positioned at other locations within a rangs of 7" (178) or 101/2, (267) and 9" (229) lo 12112'(318) dspending m sizo, actuator and options. NOTE: Th€ entir€ damp€r lrame is not requirad to b6 installsd within th€ wall. The damper bladss, rvhon dosed should b6 contained within the wau. i'i|-- I tlilr lir@ 3' -r l-:-lo",H il-r-+-O I i .rii;oT" itl @ All dampers whh EFL or PFL All dampers with TSl50rSP100 orSPl00 Eloctdc Actualors Pnoumatlc Actuators Over 10" 1254'l High 10' (2s4) High rnd Under Over 21" (s33) Hlgh or 3z' (813) High wrGGD221 21'(s33| High and Under or 32.' (813) Hlgh rnd Under wGGO22I 331-1827(P)33r.296r(P)33r-3060(Pl Over 28' Frr) Hlgh 28" (7111 High e Undor OvEr 32" {813) High 32' (813) High & Under Over 40" (10r6) High 40'(10t6) Hlgh & Undsr Minimum "L' Maximum 7'(r78) Trir'l18tl s"(229) 101/r'(267) 105/!'(270) 12lh'(3t8) 7'(ri8l 7'h'(t8tl e'(229) 10Vr'(267) 105/r'(270) 12'l2'(3181 7'(r78) 7rh'(18r1 9',{2291 10'h'(257) 105h' (270) |21/2'{3181 7'(1781 7Vc {181} s'(229) r0rh'(267) 105h'(270) 121h" (318 ) 7'(r78) 7U!'{181) e'(229) 101h'(26?) l0rh" {2701 r2 vr (3r8) DIMENSIONAL IN FORMATION 17,. l13ll'\qO+2" or O r51) MINIMUM SIZES Nominal 5"w x 7"h (127 x 17A) Actual43/41v x 63fi"h (12i x 171) Dampers with h6ights (B dimension) less than f (178) requir€ Style B transi.. tions and a sleeve. The dampor its€lf remains 7' (178) high. Consull Ruskin for special construclion on dampers lass than 7' (178) high wihout using a transition. SPECIFICATION MAXIMUM UL CLASSTFIED SIZE Single Section: 36"w x 48'h (914 x 1219) Multiple Section Assembly Vertical Inslallation - 126V r 122'h (3200 x 3099) Horizontal lnsiallation 144"w x 96'h (3658 x 2438) For dampers axceeding thsse dimensions consult Ruslin. ROUND, OVAI OR TRIANGULAR DUCT TRANSITION CONNECTION FSD36 dampers supplied with round connec. lions (R for low pressure, CR for medium ores- surs or WR welded tor high pressure) are: Minimum 4" (1102) in diameter Maximum vertical 120" (3048) in diameter Maximum horizontal94" (2388) h diameter Tho square size of the dampor wilt bs 2. (51) largar lhan the diameter dirn€nsion ordered. FSD36 dampsrs supplied with rectangutar connections (C for low to medium pressure or WC welded for high pressure) are: Minimum 6"w x 4"h (152 x 102) Marimum vertical 124"w x i20"h (3150 x 3048) Maximum horizontal 142'w 94"h (3607 x 2388) Ths square size of thg damper will be 2" (51) larger than the width and height of the damper A x B dimensions. FSD36 dampers supplied with ovar connec- tions (LO for low pressur€, CO for madium presgqrg or WO walded tor high pressure)wil be 2- (51) larger than he width and haight ot the damperA x I dimensions, Combinatbn fire/smoke dampeF meeting or exce€ding th6 tollo r. ing sp€cifications shall bo furnished and instalted;t locations shown on plans or as descdbad in scrtedulas. Dampsrs shall m6€t lhe requirements of NFPA9oA, 92A and 928 and shall b€ ctassifiedfor use for firs resistanca ratings of l€ss than 3 hours, in accor- dance with UL555. Oamp€fs shall furthsr be dassmed as Laakage Raled Oampers for use in smoke control sFtams in accordan;with the latast version of UL555S. Th€ leakage rating under UL555S shall bs toakage Ctass (10 cfm/sq. tt. at i, w.g). - In addition to the leakage ratings already specilied herain, th6 dampers and their actuators sha! b6 quatified undar ULsS5S to an elevated temp€ralur€ of 250'F (121.C), 3SO.F (127.C) or 450.F(232'C) depending upon the actuator. Appropriato etcitricJpneu- matic actualoG (speclfier Delect onol shall be inst3lled by the damper manufaclurer at timg of dampor fahication. Elect ic adua_tors, factory install€d on dampsrs up to I square fe€t. shall havebe€n tested tor prolonged pcriods ol holding with no evidence of r8duced spring retum p€rfoamance. Damper and actuator shall beslfpqigg as a single entity which meets ai applicabte UL5S5 andUL555S qualifications for both dampors and actuators. Each dampsr shall be rated lor lsakage and airllow in aither direction through th€ damper. Eaci combination fire/smok€ dampor shall b€ equipped with a 'controll€d dosure' quick detect hsat-actuated release devbe to pfe\€nt duct and HVAC component damags. Inslantaneous dampef dosur€ is unacceptable, Damper fram6 shall b€ minimum 16 (1.6) gage galvanized steel tormed hto a struclural hat channel reinforced at comers. Damoer blades shall bs single skin galvanized steet 16 (1.6) gage minimum rYith thres longitudinal grooves for reinforc€ment. Bearings shall be stair$sss sleel sle€ve luming in an extruded hole in ths ftame. Btade €dg€ seals shall be hiatable siticone coated liberglass and gaha- niz8d ste€l m€dtanicaly locked into blade edgs (adhesive or dip on seals not acceptable). Jamb seals shall be slainlsss stael compres- sion type. Each damper shall be supplied with a hctory mountsd sfeeve of 17" (4321 minimum length. Dampers sha b6 Ruskin model FSD36. (Consult Ruskin for detailed CSI MasterFoanatspecification). 3900 t)'- Gr6sv.a Rd. KarEec Cty. t/|() 64030 (816176t-t476 FAX {8 t 6} 76$!Ss5RUSI{N- RUSKTN' 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd.Kansas City, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 76s-895s INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FSD3s, FSD36(C), AND FSD37(C) COMBINATION FIRE and SMOKE DAMPERS 1r/2 HOUR UL555 RATED APPLICANON Models FSD35, FSO36(C) and FSD37(C) combination tare and smoke dampers are designed to operate with blades running hori_ zonlally. The standard application is with the leading edge of the closed blades within the wall; however, these combination fire and smoke dampers can be manulactured to be installed outside the wall or floor. FSDt5, FSDt6, FS0t? AXt[UI Ut CtASStFtED STZES _ PARALLEL BLADE Singlo s€ction vertical or horizontal instalhtion 361a x 4E'h (914 x 1219). Multiple socljon assombty vertical installation go"w x 48'h or 36"w x 91"h (2206 x .t219 or 9i4 x 2311). Multiple section assembly horizontal inslallation 90\y x 48"h (2286 x 12t9). FSD3s'OB, FSD37/OB iIAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZES - OPPOSED BLADE Singls section vertical or horizontal insLallation 36\lv x 48"h (914 r 1219). Mullipla s€clion ass€mbly verticat insialation 120"w x 96'h (3(xE x 2430). Mulliple section assembly horizontal installation 1/r4k x 96'h (3658 x 2439). FSD36'OB MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZES - OPPOSED BLADE Single section vertical installation 421.v x 611 (1067 x 1549). Single section horizontal instalation 36"w r 48'h (914 x 1219). Muldple section asssmbly verlical hstallation 1261Y x 1Zt FmO x 3@9). Mulupl€ s€clion assombly horizontal installalion 1/knv x 96'h (3658 x 2439). FSD36C, FSD37C [AXmUr UL CLASSTFIED STZES _ PARAILEL OR OPPOSED BLADE Single ssction vartical or horizontal insta atbn 241,v x 241 (610 x 610). FSD35SS, FSD36SS !nd FSD3TSS MAX[rtUM UL CLASSIFIEO SIZES - OPPOSED BLADE Multipls section essombly vartical installation go'w x 481 (2286 x 1219). Oimensions sho,vn in parenthases ( ) indicats millimelers. INSTALLATION SUPPLEMENTS Refer to the appropriat€ Ruskin installation instructions suppte- ments for special requirem€nts: . Transfer Openings and Ouct Terminations . Mullions tor Oampers in Oversized Wall Openings . S-and-Orit/emate No. 14880 . Flangsd Syslem Breakaway Connections . TS150 Fireslat System with High Limit Tsmperature Sensor. Ebchic ELF Controlled Closure Dsvica ' Pneumatic PFL Conkolled Closur6 Device . Fire and Combination FirelSmoke Oamper Insla ation in Concrete Floor wilh Steel Dect. . E dension ol Fire and Fire/Smoke DamDer Slasves. Calitornl. Slate Fire t arshal Listing No. 322t24ft:005 and 3230. 2'15:109 tor FSD 35 36. New Yofi Clty BSA No. I 76-82-SU for FSD35, 36. New York Clty MEA No. 39+93.1U for FSO37. ALL STAfeO SPFC/ACAnONS ARE Sllg-tEct rO CHANaE mfHatrf Notlf,;E oR oeL6,AnON.ORusrio 2002 "tr SEE COMPLETE MARKING ON PROOUCT llFSo3Sl0Z Rcplaes -FSO3& 1220q) l, 0 p€nlng Cleafancc The op€ning in lhe wall or lloor shall be larger than the damper/ sleeve asssmbly lo permil inslallalion or expansion. F0r ltvo angle Inslallalions the opeoing shall be a mininum of tir'per lool (3 per 305) larger lhan lhe oversll siz€ Df lhe damper/sle€ve ass€mbly. The marimun op!ning size shall ool erceed 1/!'pcr fool (3 per 305) plus 2'(51), not shal the opening be l€ss than r/.'(6) larger lha0 lie damper/sleeve ass€mbly. Fot 0ne angl€ installalfuns, the op€oing shall be a minimum ol 1/.'(6) lo a narimum ol l'(25) larger than lhe ovetall size of lhe da m perlsleevr assem bly. 2. Frst!ncrs rnd llultlpl! Srction Arstmbly Wh€n joining nultiple damper assemblies or faslening lhe dampEr 10 lhe sleove, dampers shall be fsslened with l/4-20 (M6) bolts. nurnbsr l0 (M5)scrervs, 0r r/2'(t3) long v€lds staggefed inlemll- lenlly on bolh sides. Space fast€n€rs 6'(152) on cenlsr and a mar- rmum 2' (51) hom the ends of the,oining s€clions 0. lrom each cor- ner. When ioining mullipl€ damper assemblies, a continuous 1/0'(3) bead of Dow-Corning 999-A, 0ow.Corning silaslic 732 RTV, or GE RTV 108 sealant shallbe applicd on lhe mullion joint. Press lh€ sur. lace ol lhe sealanl in place to dispel 8ny air. Anoth€r bead ot lhe same sealanl shall b€ appfi€d betrveen the darrpEr and sl€eve in lhe Eam€ msnn€r. 0nly on€ side of the damper faquites caulting. ole lhe sealanl is nol required wh.n dampers ars supglicd for fire damp€r applicalions only and ar! not rcquired lo be loatags raled. Mullipl€ seclion high ve icsl mount dampers includ! I 14 gage r 5' (2 1127|wide sleel mullion plale saodwiched betwe€n lhE dampel Irames where requir€d. The mullion Dlat€ must ba lhe sam€ nateri- al as the dam pers. 3.0anDcr Slseve Sleeve thickness must be €qual lo ot lhicker lhan the docl connect. ed to it. Slsrve gage r€quir.msnls are fislsd in th€ SMAC],IA Fire, Smoke and Radiation Damp€r Instalhlion Guid€ tor HVAC Syst.ms and in NFPAg0A. lf e brlakawsy slyle ducusl€eve conn€ction is not us€d, lhe sh€ve shall br a minimum of '16 gage (1.6) tor dampers llp lo 36'(9'14) wid! by 24'(610) high rnd t4 gage (t.9) tor dampers excceding 36'{911) wide by 24' (610} high. Dampst sleev€ shall nol €xlend mors lhan 6'(152) beyond th€ tire wall 0r partilion unless damp!r is equipped wilh an scluator and/or lactory installsd access door. Sleeve may ext€nd up to 16' (406) beyond lhe fire wall or partilion on sides €quipDed with actuator artdlot tac- tory inslalled access door. Sle0ve shrll termi0ale at both sid€s 0l wall within dinensions shown. 4. DamDsr 0riant.tlon Dampef is d!signed lo op€rats with blades running horizontally and m ust be inslrll€d vrith loading sdge ol closrd bladss within the wall ot rloor whrn thoy ar. in th€ clossd position. Uss 'li.lount With Arror Up'lab€l as a guidc tor proper damper orhntatbn. Horizontal m0unt dampers may be inslsll€d uilh actugtor sbovs or bsbw the floor. 5. Iouoling Anglos llounling anoles shall b€ a ninimum ot l1/2'x tl/t'r 20 gage stEel (36 r 38 r 1.0). For op€nings in m€tal stud, wood slud and con. crele/masonry walls ol sizcs 90'x 49'or 19'r 90'(2286 r 1245 ot 1215 r 2286) and less mounting anghs ar. only r€quiled on one sids of lhe wall snd nurt br attachld to both th€ sleeys 8nd the wsll. Mounting anglEs may b€ install€d dir!c y to ths m!lal slud under lhe wall board on melal stud rall installations only. [arge] op€nings and floof inslallations r€quire mounting sngles 0n both sides of lhe psrlilion and must be attach.d only to the slesye. ounting 8n9l!s rnu3l ov€rlap thc partition , minimum of 1. (251. 0o nol ueld or teslen rnglrs logolher at corners ol danp!rs. Anglls musl ovsrlsp lh€ pa ilion a mininum ol l'(251. Ruslin fire/snote danp€rE mat be inslallsd using Rustin FAST anglE lor one angh instNllalion or Ruskin PFIrA tor two anglE installations. a. ll ountiog Angle Faitaners Mounling angle fasl€rlcrs shall be ll0 (M5) bolts of screws. #10 self.tapping concrrle anchots or concrele scrlws, r,lz'(13) long tack rv!lds or 3/ro' (3) diamElet steel rivets. b. llounling Anglc Frstener Sprclng For one angle inslallalions the sleeye lasteners shall be spaced al 6'(152) o.c. and thc wall fasien€rs shall be sDacld at t2' (3051 o.c. with a minimum of 2 lasten€rs on sach side, top and bolton. Screw fast€n!rs used in m6lrl slud must !ngage the metal slud I mintunum of l/2'(13). Scrow fasl€ncrs usld in wood slud musl engage lhe wood slud a minirnum ol 3/|'(t9). Screvy laslen€fs used in masonry walls musl engage lhe wali a mini. mum ol 1l/2'(38). F0r two angle inslallalrons the fast€ners shall be spaced at 8'(203) o.c. 6. DucUSlerve Coonection! a. 8 rerl.ryrry DucUSlesve Connections R eclangu lar ducts m usl us€ on€ 0f m ore of lhe coon€ctio ns deoicled belovr-€--sPrAlil'5'stP llErIE0'S'SlrtJJJ D0uEtt 's'sUP rxsrDt sup .,oltl st^rorlc s sT^)tol}|c s slAilota,rc s t^tT.t lllilDtilc s (Aiil. R.turlof..dl llrr Rrinlorc.dl stlI0 G s Itrtl. R.i.lo.c.dl 0RtvE sr. rP Jo |l A n8rimum of lwo #10 {M5} sheet m6lal sctews on each side and lhe botlom, localed in lhe cenl€r 0l the slip pockel and penc- Iraliog both sides ol lhE slip pockel nay be used. Connsclions using these slip joinls on the top and botlom with llat drive slips up lo 20'(508) long on lh€ sides may also be ussd. b. Round rnd Oval Bieal.sw!y Connestions Round and tlst oval breal-arvay conn€clions musl use €ilher a 4' (1021 wide drawband or t'10 (M5) sh€et mclal screws spscsd equally around thr circumferenc6 ot lhe ducl as lollows: ' Ducl diametsts 22'(559) and smaller - maximum 3 screws. . Ducl diamolers over 22'(559) and in.luding 36'(914)- marimun 5 scretvs, . Ducl diam€t6rs over 36'(914) and up t0 and iflcluding 19l' (4851) lotal p€rimeler- maximum Sscrews. For tlal oval ducts, the diamelsr is considered the largest (maior) : dinensioo ol lhe ducl. Th€se coonEclions ar€ depicled in lhE S MACN A Fir€. S mole. and Radialion Dam Der Inslallalion Guide. Not€: When optional s€aling ol lhese irints is desired, the fot lorving sealants may be applicd in accordance wilh thr sealanl m anufaclurer's inslructions: Hardcast, Inc. - hon Grip 60'l Precision - PA2084T Eco Ducl Seal4i0-52 c. Fl.ng.d 6rr.k.rr.t Styla 0ucUSl..v! Connrctions. Flanged connlclion systems manutactured bt Duclmate, llerus of Ward ars approved br!aft.8way whan inslalled as shown on lhe Flanged Syst€m BrEakaway Connrclions Supplemenl. TDC rnd TDF roll-formed flanged connsctions using 3/r'(10) stecl bolls 8nd nuts, and melal cleals, as llslcd by SMACNA, ar! approyed Drea[.away c0nneclions wh€n inslalled as shown on lh€ Flanged Syslem EreatEway Conneciions SupDlemenl. d, Non.8 rtat.aw.y 0lclrsllevr Connlclions lf olher duclrsh€ve conneclions ars used, lhe sleeve shall bs a minimun of l6 989€ (1.61 lor dsmpers up lo 36'(911)widE r 24' (610) high and 14 gago (2.0) tor dampsrs 36'(914) ui{te r 24" (610) hi9h. 7, Actu rlor Conn!clions Ehcttic and oneumalic aclualoG are lo be connected rn accordanc€ , yvilh wiring and piping diagrams developrd in compliance with applicablo codes, ordrnanccs and regulations. E. lnslallation and llaintenance Thc damper musl be ioslalled s0 il h square and ftee lfom racling. 00 nol comprsss or slr€lch lhe damp€r lmne into the ducl or open- ing- Litl or handle tha damper using sl€eve 0r frame.0o no{ litt dampef using blades or acl!ators. Ea6h ti.e/smoke damper should b€ eramiold on a regular basis to eflsure il is nol rusted or blocted. In addition, each damper should be lesl€d periodically, (NFPA rec- ommends annually or semiannually, depanding on lhe applicalion) to cnsure it will p€rlorm as inl€nded. Care should be €rercised lo ensure lhal such lests are perlormed safely and do not cause sys- tem damage. VERNCAL INSTALLANON Damper may be installed with actualor on either side of lhe partition in accordance with the air flow label on ihe damper. 1'125, Mlnh|t,m lYglcd Ovs.lrp' on.ll Sld.3gt Prrudo.r W.ll ra. (6) ,alnlmum %" (6) lrlnimum ,H'ffiJ 5" (152) l{rxhum FAST ANGLE (ONE ANGLE) INSTALLATION Angle may be installed on either side of the partition. ITEM OESCRIPTION 1. Acluator (location may vary). 2. OplioRal Fir€Stat or SP-1O0. 3. Auxiliary Operating Jackshaft 4. DamD6r 5. Ovor-Center Unk TWO ANGLE INSTALLATION Angles are required on both sides of the partition. ITEM 6. Sl€€ve DESCRIPTION 7. Caulking Matarial (may be on eiiher side ofdamper frame). 8. Mounting Angles (PFMA, FAST or conventional angles) 9. Oud/sleeve conn€clion. 1" (25) Mlnlrnum lyplcrl Ovedlp m rll Sld.t ot Plrllu,on W.ll HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION ITEM OESCRIPTION l. Actualor (location may rrary). 2. Oplional Firestat o. SP-100. i . 3. Auxiliary Opsfating Jaclshaff 4. Oamp€r 5. Over-Csnt€r Link 6. Sleevo 7. Caulking Material (may bg on either s'td€ of dampsr frame). 8. Mounting Angles (PFMA, FAST or conventional anglas) 9. Oucusb€ve connection. IWO ANGLE INSTALLATION Angles are required on both sides of the floor. r 6. (.o5) Hrrlmum I I 6" fls4lJltrirnutn I RECOMMENDED FRAMING FOR OPENINGS IN WOOD AND METAL STUD WALLS INSTRUCTIONS 1. Frame wall openings as shown. 2. Double vertical sluds are not required lor openings 36"w x 361| (914 x 914) or smafler. 3. Full length studs are not required next to lhe damp€r if the spacing tom the damper to the tull lenglh slud does not exceed lhe maxi- mum stud spacing. The opening may be tramed with studs that are aflached to full length studs (see tigure 2). 4. All construclion and lasteners must meet the requiremanls of the appropriale wall design and/or local codes. 5. Consult lhe authority having iurisdiction for other accaptable ftaming mehods. O.C. Maa Flgure I Flguru 2 lr.td Stud comtruotbn h.dd.!d cqrtreL(\ a4aad rd trrtgr iaa(,rd !. cot-.t 116 itt.5 otal Stud F amlng Shown Wood..| a|ud Cao.trucdoo MAXIMUM UL CLASSTFIED SIZE (Vertical Instattationl FSD3608 MAXIM UM UL CLASSTFIED SIZE (Horizontal Installation) FSD360B unless overall heighl is less than 91" (2311) and widlh is less lhan 32' (813). 3. Horizontal damp€rs over 3 seclions wide and 1 section hi{lh requiJe a 14 gag€ roinforcing plate. S.e llol.r 1,2, Notss: 1-All multiple seclion dampers ar€ constructsd of equat single section sizes no greater than the maximum single section sizes indicated above. 2. Two secti{rn high damp€rs rsquir€ a i4 gaga reintorcing plate S.c Not a 1,3 TO\^/N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 Plumbing-> $12,3?5.00 RestuarantPlanReview--> Plan Check--> 53 , 093 .7s DRB Fee---------> osptNarNr oF coMMrrNrrv oevsropttvr 90.00 Total Calculated Fees--> S15,471.75 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLLIMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0023 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: PHASE II REMODEL AND RENOVATION Applied . . : 04/72/2002 Parcel No...: 210107207001 Issued . . : 04/19/2002 ProjectNo: ?tCfOr'- 0tL?7 Expires. .: 70/1'6/2002 omIER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTTES LO4/!2/2OO2 Phone: c/o ruennrorr TNTERNATToNAT-, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 wAsltrNGToN Dc 200s8 License: CONrRACTOR COMMERCIAI-, DESIGN ENGINEERIN}4/1-2/2oO2 Phone: 97o-245-0595 P.O. BOX 2418 cRjAND 'IUNCTION, CO 81502 IJicense z 228-P APPI-,ICANT COMMERCIAI, DESIGN ENGINEERINO /L2/2OO2 PhONE: 970-245-0595 P.O. BOX 2418 GRAND 'TUNCTION, CO 81502 License : 228-P Desciption: REMODEL OF EXISTING BATHROOIvIS Valuation: $825,000.00 Firer:1ace Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas togs: ?? # of Wood Pallel *H*** FEE SUMMARY SO. oo Additional Fees------>$0.00 Investigation-> Will Call-->$3.00 BALANCE DUE---->s0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENIT o4/t8/2oo2 cDAvrs Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond : 1-2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plart and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and 90.00 TOTAL FEES----------> $1s,4?1.?5 Total Permit Fee------> S15,471.7s Paymentsr---------> $15,471.75 plotpla+ to complywith"n fo*noraioR", and state lawg andtobuild tlrt""uu?ure accordingtothe townszoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Townapplicable thereto. REQIJESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOT]R PM. OR ATOT'ROFFTCE FROM &OO AM.5 01/LT/02 TIIU 14: 30 FAX S702451016 coElerclal Deslrm Ea oog MVNOP 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COMPLETE VALUA FOR PtUuBIt{G PERIIiIT (fabor & llabrbls) 625, ooo **r*******t****i***tt**.*****t*******t*.FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***t****'*l*t**l*t**t:"t't'*t*ttr'**' O{'rdr F€€3:omniii*rredl DRB Feesr Geotcd lu: Planner Slqn-off: ROUTEDTO: DATE ROUTED: DATE DUE: ConE ct AffiG or YEit # ParCel # (Required if no bldg. permit * is ptoli{ed abore) 2,o t oZl aZ OO I Job NameI VAIL MARRI0TT REUODEI,JobAddress: 715 11. LI9NSEEAD cI&cIJ Legal Desoipuon I toc I ruac I nrng:Subdlvislon: owners Name: Eosr ltARRrorr Detailed description of work: REUoDEL 0F ExrsrrNc BAtHnooMs WorkClass: "Nerry() Addition( ) AlteoUon( ) Repair( ) Qtnerk) qqopll Typeof Bldg.: gngle-hmily( ) Duplex( ) Mulfl-famity( ) commercjal (R R€sbucnt( ) otfler( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L25 No. of Accornmodation UniE in tfib buildlng: 125 -iiii repiace b an EPA Phase ll device? Y6 ( ) , No ( ) p/P' F/a€ryone/tonndplrnbperm G ooro1/L!/02 TIIU 14:29 FAI 9702451015 conlerclal Deslttr o TO: ATTENTION: CHARLIEDAVIS AT: TOWNOFVAIL DATE&TIME: I # PAGES: Mn1ft2,3:13 PM | 3 FAXNUMBER: q70479-2452 AT: COMMERCIAL DFSIGN ENGINEERING SENDER: STEVE KING ADDRESS: l0O3 WNTERS AVE, GRAI'ID JI'INCTION, COLORADO 81501 VOICB PHONE: (970) 245-0595 FAX PHONE: (970)z4s-rors MESSAGE: RE: VAIL MARRIOTT RESORT REMODEL 7 I 5 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE JEFF WITH HYDER CONSTRUCTION DISCUSSED TI{E MISSING APPLICATIONS pnOrr{ rgg SUBCONTRACTORS ON THIS PROJECT. IT WAS OUR INTENT TO DROP OFF THESE APPLICATIONS A}'ID LEAVE OUR-eFIECK FOR SaLan lr iOun besr YESTERDAY. DLJE To MINOR cONFUSION' WE DID NOT ACCOMPLISH THIS. PLEASE ACCEPT TIIESE FAX COPIES OF OUR RESPECTIVE APPLICATION i'oRM$ rr oesinro ll.ID aousnn BY You, wE wILL MAIL Tlm ORICINALS. T}IANKS FOR YOIJR ASSISTANCE ANID A}IY CLARIFICATIONS WE TVIAY NEED TO BEADVISEDABOUT. CC: DoUG THOMPSON - HYDER CONSTRUCTION CnEATED T{TrH v|NooVBR 3 r! ApprrcATroN *f*ot BE AccEprED rr rn.orr.rrg f,it"* Building Permit #: noc-nnrr Plumbing Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) MWT] OPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: COMMERCIAL DESI Contact and Phone #'s: 97o) 986-5215 Cell- PLUMBING: $ 625,000 COMPLETE VALUATI FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Contad Assssrc Offrce at 970-328-864O or yisit # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name: VAIL MARRIOTT REMODEL JobAddress: 715 14. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE Legal Description Lot:Block: ll Filingr Subdivision: owners Name: Hosr MARRrorr llf$.9{."tsir1of99"E"u*fl0ffi }Bgtrot'fl rhone: (mD i!80:7125 Enqineer:- AI TTTNE AddresslI02 DOUGLAS OMAI{A. NE 58102 ON THE MALL Phone:( t!n,?\& Aqqnn al Detaileddescriptionofwork: REMoDEL oF EXISTING BATHRooMS WorkClass: New( ) Addibon( ) Altention( ) Repair( ) Other(x) REMoDEL Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex ( ) MulH-fami! ( ) Commercial (X) Restaunnt ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: LZ5 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 125 Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireptace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) Xo ( ) N/r$ for Parcel ****** * ** ******* ** * *********** ** ** * ** **FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Otlrer Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Sion-off: F/everyoneformVplmbperm o /----\ A\1,\'r'v\I+V*J N$li{lmy HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forresl, Direstor, (970) 47s-213s ,.j. : .Crr'*[.l ttrat appties. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmenbl_ Housing_ Admin -_-__Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was yourinitial conbctwith ourstafiinrmediate_ dow_or : no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, horv long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was tttis your first time to fle a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ IVA 6. Please rate fie performance of the stafiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knorledge; responsiveness, avallabillty) 7. Overall efiectiveness of fte Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is tfre best time of dayfor you to use ttre Front Service Countef A Thank you br taking the time to compiete this survey. We are *. commited b irnproving our service. TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 8r657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT oF coMMLJMrl -rrontr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D00-0038 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . ' : ISSUED [ocation.......: PHASE III - MARRIOT HOTEL Applied . . : I l/30/2000 Parcel No.--.: 2lolo720700l Issued " ' : l2/o7l2ooo ProjectNo. : QglOo 'o3io Expires ' ' ': 0610512001 OI{NER HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES rLL/30/2000 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAI, ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: CONTRACTOR BELFOR-RMCAT 7L/3O/2000 Plrone: 5762 LAMAR STREET ARVADjA, CO P.O. BOX 1532-VArL, CO 80002 License: 405-B APPLICAIIT STIIi'ACK DBA BELFOR-RIt{CAT DBA11/30/2000 Phoner 970-949-9490 5762 I,AII{AR STREET ARVADjA, CO P.O. BOX 1532-VArr,, CO Pc,4242,916 Ctrambers Rd.Ste B,Eagle 81531 80002 Iricerrse: Desciption: DEMO FORNON STRUCTURAL MATERIALS AND TO CUT ACCESS ROAD FORVEHICLES AND MATERI,ALS Occupancy: Rl,A3,M Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $400,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Informrfion: Rostricted: f ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 #of WoodPellet 0 'l:|il*tll:|lttllalaatllla:a'l**af lala,la* Building-> g1,94o.oo Restuararrt Plan Rcview-> 5o.oo Tolal Calqrlatcd Fecs-> 52'643.00 plan C.hed<-> So,oo DRB Fee-> 92oo.0o Addilional Fees-> S20.00 Inv€stigation-> So. oo Rccreation Fee--> $o . oo Total Permit Fee > 92.553 ' 00 Will Csll-> 93 .00 Clean-up Deposit--> S5oo . oo Payments-> 92. 653 ' oo TOTALFEES-> 92,643. oo BALAIICE DLIE-> S0.00 ttattttl,*taaa'aa'tatl+a'tt*rrrrtrtrr||t Approvals:If6n: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT Lt/30/2000 KIIARREN Actsionr NO ROUTED TO GA'RY, I,EONARD, MIKE VAUGHATI 12105/2000 GRG Action: AP OK to issue if Planning requirementss met & Planning sigrnE off. Item: 05400 PI-,AI{INING DEPARTM L2/07 /2000 K!{ARREII 1-2/0s/2000 Ls PI,AN SI]BMITTED AND RON, AL,SO WIIJIT PIII Action: AP AIiIN RECID Action: AP AcCiON: COND APPROVED PMiIDING o CIIECK FOR TJAI|DSCAPING BOIID L2/6/O0 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIf,I L2|OL/?0OO nvaughan ltem: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS L2/OT/20OO KleARREir RECEIPT OF FLAGGING PIJAT{ Action: AP TRAFFIC COIffROL REVIEI{ED. HAVE DISCUSSED ISSITED WITH IteM I O5?OO EIIVIRONMBITAI, Item: 05900 I-,IQUOR IlgTO SYSTEM I]IIDER COIIDITIONS. HEAI-,TII attt:tlaaaallalaa:F See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot pla& and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI.'R HOURS IN ADVANCE Send Clean-up Dcposit To: BELFOR 138 OR AT Ot R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE PHOa PAGE2 *'t***'l.**'t'}+l''i'*{.*'t*'i'i***'t**'t**'t*!t*:t'|t**++*********'i*'t*****,r**'|t**'t******'!:}*******'t****!t't|}*'*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D00-0038 as of 12-07-2000 Status: ISSUED *'f i *+**'t** * ** ***'t!t* * * * ** * * '* ** ** ** ** * * +* * *'*'t* * * 'i +++ +* * * * * * * * * ** {.** * * * +* * * * * * * * * * *'i'*'t* * {t 't * +** *t 't * 'tti {t * ** t*'t Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: ll/3012000 Applicant: STIMACK DBA BELFOR-RMCAT DBA BELFOR Issued: 12/0712000 970-949-9490 ToExpire: 0610512001 JobAddress: 715 WLIONSHEAD CRVAIL Location: PHASE III - MARRIOT HOTEL ParcelNo: 210107207001 Description: DEMO FORNON STRUCTURAL MATERTALS AND TO CUT ACCESS ROAD FOR VEHICLES AND MATERTALS Conditions: Cond: I FIRE DEPARTMENTAPPROVAL IS REQUIREDBEFOREANYWORK CAN BE STARTED. Entry 12105/2000 By: LS Action: AP NO STAGING OF EQUIPMENT ORMATERTALS ON TOWN OFVAIL RIGHT OFWAYORSTREETS. FLAGGERS ARE REQUIRED TOWEAR ORANGEVESTAND HAVE STOP/GO PADDLES. NO TOV BUSES WILL BE DELAYED MORE THAN 5 MIN. W. LIONSHEAD CR. AND S. FRONTAGE RD ARE TO BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED ON A DAILY BASES.Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0004504 CONSTRUCTION FENCE MUST BE GRXEN. Cond: CON0004505 STAGING WILL CHANGE IF DEMO STARTS ON THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING. CONTACT LEONARD IF THIS OCCI.JRS. 479.2198 Cond: CON0004506 NO STAGING OF EQT'IPMENT OR MATERIALS ON TOWN OF VAIL RIGHT OF WAY INCLI.]DING STREETS, FLAGGERS ARE TO HAVE ORANGE VEST AND STOP/GO PADDLES DURING TRAFFIC CONTROL OPERATIONS. NO TOV BUSES ALLOWED TO BE DELAYED LONGER THAN 3 MIN. W. LIONSHEAD CR. AND S, FRONTAGE RD MUST BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED ON DAILY BASES. *'}*'i'l:t'l''|l+ Stetemenl *+ * + *rli t+:lr+****+ t*a'it * *'arr *rt** 'ir|'t"i*'* ** | t**d.** i +*t'i*'t' *i* i*!t***'t* 't*t*'t***t't*+**i't*'|**lt*+*a{':lt'l* Anburrt: $2,653.00 L2/OL/200oo2:52 PMStatement Number: Palment. llethod: R000000258 Check Notation: Init; KT *2384lstin|ack Conecmclion fot Belfor Permit Nor Parcel No: Site AddreBs : IJocation: Ttris Payment : D00 - 003I 210107207001 715 II IJIONSHEAD ER \TAII.I PHASB III - TARRIOT llOTEIr CLIANUP DEPOSITS BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES lt|lILL CALL INSPECTIO'I FEE Type : DBUO. OF PART,/ALL BITDG. $2. 663 .00 *'|** *'itt+++tt*{':t*tli!i*tt+tr}+*++'i***'t*t'{r'i f t tt+'tri't***t'}+++titf ++'i*f *f tta*'l* '}+t+{'l'l**+tltt* a+i* ACCOI.JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descri oti on Total Fees: Total ALL PTntB 3 Balance r Current Pmts 500 .00 1 .940 . 00 220.00 3.00 92,663 .00 s2,663.00 $o. oo AD D2^DEPO8 BP 00100003111100 0R 00100003112200r{ 00100003112800 ApplrcArroNl-. no, BE AccEprED r*n.o,,o.rrfh #ig{&:ro,3o_ fui|ding+crmit*r ffdi'6'1s'S'6tffib Bg T0/trtl0Pvtn 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, ColoraZo 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical" plumbing, mechanical. etc.! Contact Assessrc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # ZtOt- OnL - 01. aol 'ifH:;,- t/A,/ M,., rr rrr Arr P ^='-. Job Address: Co 2/G6]?if r,\. l-r.--,.r.<ttPAn Or-'nlr- l4l*.';rn Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners *u "t /lro,n+Ahl&et :w'uthste / ocnl fi,,/tL(,enone: e70 _l7q _bqbA A'=h*"dffi, z*'r,P3!'. # wo, "/,a Address: Sq*c a, /r?,r.-Phone: ,n9rn*r, rl r, /("rr f1,iZ iiro Address:rgg1 S /o-lv-.r/ *./=?ffPhone: %t -Z4l-.Vy7a Detailed descriotion 6f work:-gU'(ee-+,oe_ ?. r.a,,J,,-.q, A vrT4r?v D+\-\).(skqnral #aoue -tJ ferndii-d),nira .t"lv i)/V'i,y /4a/-/F/nnat urf#iazs Work Class: New ( )Addition ( )Remodel ( )Repair ( )oemo 1$ other ( )" t Work Type: Interior (p Exterior ( f, Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.; Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial $Q Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 0 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildine: 12 g Noffypeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAooliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) No/Type ot Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes('.J No( ) , ll OoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes(\./' No( ) )+ f 'az (,.o.,<?nt.-'tc ,,1 (2,^ /- 2 .- tr ll /iol coMfr-Ef; T^rrffi#6;;i il1rur.otNc pERMrr (Labor a uateriar5 BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $"vrfidi,';' i-t il ilft t E t^o, u, PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAL: S €T ( 1at, o^t REFUNDCLEANUPDEPOSITTO: $A-COA CDBN)ST\mtrr. c-orffT?rlrTlr,r.t \.-- 3.8&\Ajj: nd 'srnL\Zlr EAQE. co. 8lLo3l 'AZA,L CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractor: m;;;'['/"n, rn,/-' l,+.Town of Vail Reg. No.: tlof-> Contact and phone #'s: of":* f ru g/Z flq,{ 2+.'n7 . ')4 Contractor Signature: -il 2.4_\7:;-i,r,; i-1".[ p*;ffi ry?o279t 3 ,sq * 116* r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FoR OFFICE USE oN LY* *. - 3Y. ; f,* ;ffi * * * * ** * * * * r. * * * * W N0V 3 0 r0rlL) TOV-COM.OEV. ** ********r.*Ts1 Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 IOI,|1N Department of Community Development Project Name;qrftD 'al /o,^l - fr,.Tz-.lt",J Dt,-to, Project Address:, "r/",la / This Chrcklist must be ompleted before a Building Permit aoolication is acceoted. y' Rtt pages of application is complete { nsbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring - ,tf , Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi tamtly) ot f:zzQ { funfloor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and o/. nln. /Y/- tJ/ Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form d - Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex / Compfete site plan submitted - an F, /c d, Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist)// Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster.parkino or materiat storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc witrout written approval Commercial) '* window and door schedule -- f t^^/ f Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) p,: f.'a' n "/) 6 Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) ,a 4 ',-(-- # Soits Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection r -/ (-{a,tt/* Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetralions indicated e,> 1 ..-{,^ * Smoke detectors shown on olans op l-4 ^ ,,F Smoke detectors shown on pt"n ,, N)EF Smoke detectors shown on plans o,t" l^zb f . /g Types and quantity of fireplaces shown 0/ 't *'L Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittal: F : /everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: lLZtoo mru0F BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permiG will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projectrs should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Date:il-n"w F : everyone/formtbldperm3 TVWNOF WHEN A'PUBLTC WAY PERMTT" IS REQUTRED OF THE FOLLOWING QUEfiONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A YES No/ v PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'': o Is this a new residence? reo ,/eQule+a+ufcror Ine Krgnt-ol-vvdy, 9Psetnen6 or , . , Iv \-\o-9 5T46,12 o-.1 €e!,(Mrlf *,tl fu'"Pfi's' it Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES--i4- NO- Isay drainage :.rf*done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, orlublicproperty? Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES- NO \/ Is the Right-of-Way, giements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO Y If answer is NO, is 4parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NO V If you anslvered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. Company Name Dt-o pubrlcpropertyt YEs__Y_qy+ 9f4a,,t2 4.( €Q!,(Mr*T *,,,t I Is any utitity work needed? yEs- ;-{ Ft '>'J s t/' - s< c- AH4c had / snliY ulSc o ( 7u gtrc F(r's) Is the driveway being repaved? YES- NO / tu,ll B. fre Fa" l'"t2 Aa" Y 91 A Job or Project Name: Date Signed: 7t,Al F :/weryone/forms/ bl dperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifi7 (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew, The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permif'. ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. / l-.27-=>o. Date Signed I have read and F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certiflcate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: ,{ f/,\r, Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 6p &tftr. h",l Dtnl' Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSTTS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Y Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. il Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. d Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or c.ruses another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. V Notice and Penaltyl It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-l AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUTIDMENT AUTHORIZED Sf No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord, 2(1968) 5 1) r Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Stafutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause I to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($i0) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) g 1) Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: / [' t' 1- "O F:/everyone /forms,tr ldperm 7 9ezrtcz.S BETFoR fol FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION Site Specific: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort l li30l00 The Superintendent and all Subconfiactors shall carry out provisions for fire prevention and protection set forth hereafter: a. Housekeeping: Good Housekeeping with provisions for prompt removal and disposal of accumulations of combustible scrap and debris, shall be maintained in all areas of Phase III at all times. Self-closing metal containers shall be used for disposal of waste saturated with flammable liquids. b. Codes and Regulations: Comply with the requirements published in the current revisions of the National electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code, and the National Fire Protection association standards c. Smoking: Smoking will not be allowed anywhere on the Marriott grounds. Other sources of ignition shall not be permitted in areas where flammable or explosive materials are stored or are present. All such areas shall be conspicuously posted: NO SMOKING OR OPEN FLAMES. d. Fires: Fires and open flame devices shall not be left unattended unless protected with automatic temperature control and cutoff devices. e. Hotwork: Hotwork that can or may produce sparks or flame shall only be performed with a fire extinguisher within 30 feet. f. Cleaning and degreasing: Gasoline and liquids with a flash point below 100 degrees Fahrenheit shall not be used for cleaning an degreasing. g. Building exits: All buildings and facilities in which employees are required to work shall have at least two well-marked and lighted exits. The two exits shall be arranged to minimize the possibility of both exits being rendered inaccessible by one fire or emergency condition. h. Fire Extinguishers: Distinctly marked fire extinguishers rated 2A40B:C or greater shall be suitably as follows: a. One for each 3,000 square feet of building area or major fraction thereof. Travel distance from any point ofprotected area to nearest extinguisher shall not exceed 100 feet. b. One or more on each floor of buildings with at least one located adjacent to each stairway. c. At least one located outside but not more than 10 feet from the door opening to any room used for storage ofmore than 60 gallons of flammable or combustible liquids d. At least one located not less than 25 feet, nor more than7i feet from any outside flammable or combustible liquid storage area. e. At least one within 50 feet of wherever more than 5 gallons of flammable mr,celvg.n or combustible liquids or 5 pounds of flammable gas is b_ei 1r.,, 0 i 7ltl0 Locedon U Proposal WcctEnd Bceriorf,loor Ieawas cgess Stair Access Lckfrrom outsidc to prcved public stairwell aoocs{I. kavc egress aooess. hoject Supcrintenfutt and FacilitY F-ngrncs bave kcYs to Eccgss. BsllRoomExit kaw as egress Constrrrct tcmporary wdt to tbc €ast ofthe egress Point to prsv€,utoocupoffiftom traveling into co'nstuction area Exitwillbsto &s wcstdoor. Eest End BceriorDoor Leave as egress No enfance from outsid€, oanic hrdwale on imcriqq. East Doon fronnBallrcom Sccure Elevator scccss. Br4 leads to b6ch hallwav/cons8uction arca Stair well acccss Socurc to prF\E[t scc€ss to stairs. Ieorre peoio hardware on stairilcll side. FlrstFhor Slidlng chEs doorc Caution tapc or plywood.Constrrrtiononly zone. S@nd f,loornearSqlcr Oftcc. Secur€ Door.Notmarkcdas anexit Second floor cast end adjoining ottterwiog. S€cure wi& IiD approval.Occupied si& is marked as aaorit,but is cunendy locked by lfaniott oersomel. \*=TE :\r* \tV *$ a > tr aN 1a\v) I __.!l a,.*****--.9...s .___g i']\ Ii st\q\ujqaj'si {t I 6\\\$ o( o I sot,f\ VI a Tq F{ I I {al \ qA ! sN !a6 ^A7lI\, ,g I \{J .\ rt(] =qL :\r' LsJ-q I or{ \7 .-f s bL ?Y -:v\Yg v \{ucS I ] \- 3 N % J N-t--{ !s\\ \- *sa:stG* s @ s-i- 1 $ rl \ \ t\\\oL\ \r $t -Lo a tl) a t\Itj -l- t\) q ts A_ \$\ R * UL) ?rtft,, /,""'t Drno QaO (]oo14,,/t'r i(0,',"1 Sfld,te Vr, I 7/ail The ball shall be attached to the loadline with a swivel connection to prevent twisting of the loadlinc and shall bc attached by positivc means 30 that the weight csnnot accidentally disconnest. when pulling over walls or portions of walls, all steel members atrect€d shall have been cut frec. All roof comices or other ornamental stonework shall be removed prior to pulling walls ovcr, DEflNTTTONS Floor arch: the masonry arch shaped filling between steel floor beams or girdcrs, whatevcr the type offlooring system. e. f. Ar*J 7a s,fo s,tc ,7 .u{''' ' tlolt (ntfon"r . gcf t/'cL L*"1 ' Frll f,ut- Ovrt*tg !o^.,rnnrt,ol $aqrr 6! vaa''lurutta' I clrt^l UP PfcsorJ - r,to en/oyccs *,ll oo '"1''J' o( 7h'* fr B^'k/''J ' EtttTT L* E rtfttbr votV ?f arr'r'*'rAtr. - 9ur tpcn,. o + trs gn,lrl,ra r" \\ Bc f ,r,1r"1r,1 sx'/r*Q- , E t,{. il. o*0,* f Or^b e*^ w,t\ B- Sct ,l f^,1 (zl ur,.4r oA trr -Nl'"^. ' tr)o 9nok,,r2 lLo,irr,y /0,..f ,.tl Bt td ol{,.f ' *^'( esrl*l'tl"f ,i ,,fo b I 6 | vra^.r.off . Qrr,2*nI,l L.n.t^ 9e 'aL (onrsT"ncftoJ fl cc tss nn,[ lo*,a!"- Qeo*.gf +r" f N-c",,+' t^,\\ B" Fs y.t,u5 n'll 0 c .l (,!ru's5 Pc'n"Ts I gorn,,lt ol fff o''lJ'# ?nof.rL.o|r 6 9U S,r[" oo i RHCEIVED I.3tt\-s th. II: ar.tItrt r.lt )-+ t fieilove T9# nlti,/ l.firgY o' *r"!nrJ CAq,,t L,aK QpV vtb f,qc6t JT'nl ao Oae ta o (h'so ff hill,rp fcno,sf,K:,0 $s Rr s{ ao a t * Rlrtl Ol F I,A $q- oLs_ rH { 'L $ l, t F {r F6H#Ht$1f;n L,r.u fl 1 Z0r)U , oudbi{YmT0v-cCIn4.DEV. BErFoRd DEMOLITION SAFETY lll27l00 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Surueys. a. Prior to initiating demolition activities the following surveys shall be accomplished: i. an engineering survey - by a competent person - of the structure to determine the stnrcture layout, the condition ofthe framing floorq walls, the possibility of unplanned iollapse of any portion ofthe structure (any adjacent structure where employees or pioperty may be exposed shall be similarly checked), and the existence ofother potential or real demolition hazards; ii. an asbestos survey, in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1l0l. and a lead zurvey in acsordance with EPA and State requirements. shall be conducted by ScaLfled pefer4s (meeting the EPA model accreditation plan training requirements for the i'Inspector" category as specified in 40 CFRPart 763 for asbestos and 40 CFR for !d) to determine the presence and extent of asbestos containing materials in the structure and its components; and b. The Project Superintendent shall be provided written evidence that the required surveys have been performed. c. All employees engaged in demolition activities shall be instructed in demolition safety so that they may conduct their work activities in a safe marmer. L.2 Utilities. All etectrig gas, water, steam, sewer, and other service lines shall be shut ofi, capped, or otherwise controlled outside the building line before dernolition is started. a. In each case, any utility company which is involved shall be notified in advance. b. The Project Superintendent shall obtain engineering drawings (e-S,-sie-d!4s,!g!i!y plans) which indicates the location of all service lines and the means for their control. c. If it is necessary to rnaintain aoy power, water or other utilities during demolition, such lines shall be temporarily relocated and protected. d. Ifthe project includes the abandonment or demolition of existing gas lincs, ensure thst the existing lines are accurately located and that procedures and installations are accomplished in accordance with the American Gas Association's "Guide for the Gas Transmission and Distribution (GTPC)." 1.3 HazardousMaterials. a. It shall be determined if any hazardous building materials, hazardous chemicals, gases, explosives, flammable materials, or dangerous substances have been used in any building constructio4 pipes, tanks, or other equipment on the property. b. When such hazards are identified, testing shall be conducted to determine the type and concentration ofthe hazardous substance and test results provided to the Project Superintendent and Director ofHealth and Safety. Such hazards shall be controlled or eliminated before demolition is started. 1.4 Wall and tr'loor Shoring and Bracing. When employees work within a structure to be demolished which has been damaged by fire, flood, explosion, or other causg the walls or floor shall be shored or braced as necessary. 1.5 Work Progression. a. Except for cutting holes in floors for chutes, holes through which to drop materials, preparation of storage space, and similar preparatory work, the demolition of floors and exterior walls shall begin at the top of the structure and proceed downward. b. Each story of orterior wall and floor construction shall be removed and dropped into the storage space before commencing the removal of exterior walls and floors in tlre next story below. 1.6 Gless Eazards. Hazards to anyone from the fragrnentation ofglass shall be controlled' 1.7 Floor Loading. Mechanical equipment shall not be used on floors or working surfaces unless such floors or surfaces are of sufficient strength to support the imposed load. 1.8 ProtectionofEntrrnccs. Employee entrances to multistory structures being demolished shall be protected by sidewalk sheds, canopies, or both. a. Protection shall be provided fiom the face of the building for a minimum of 2.4 m (8 ft). b. Atl such canopies shall be at least 0.6 m (2 ft) wider than the building entrances or opanings (0.3 m (l ft) wider on each side), and shalt be capable of sustaining a load of 1035 kPa (1s0 psi). 1.9 Structure Acccss. Only those stairways, passageways, and ladders designated as means of access to the structure shall be used. a. The designated means of access shall be indicated on the demolition plan: other access ways shall be indicated as not safe for access and closed at all times. b. The stairwell shall be covered at a point no less than two floors below the floor on which work is being performed. c. Access to a floor where work is in progress shall be through a separate lighted, protected passageway. f.l0 Inspections. During demolition, continuing inspections by a competent person shalt detect hazards resulting from weakened or deterioratJd floots, walls, or looiened material: no employee shall be permitted to work where such hazards exist until they are corrected by shoring, bracing or other means. 2.O DEBRIS REMOVAL 2.1 Chute Openings. Any chute opening into which debris is dumped shall be protected by a guardrail I m (a2 in) above the floor oiother surface on which personnel stand to dump the material; any space between the chute and the edge ofopenings in the floors through which it passes shall be covered. 2.2 Floor Openings. When debris is dropped through openings in the floors without chutes, the openings and the area onto which the material is dropped shaliUe enclosed with banicades not less than I m (42in) high and not less than 1.8 m (6 ft) back from the projected edge ofthe opening above. a. Signs warning ofthe hazard of falling materials shall be posted at each side of the debris opening at each floor. b. Debris removal shall not be permitted in lower areas until debris handling ceases on the floors above. 2.3 Debris Chutes. AII material chutes, or sections thereof, at an angle ofmore than 45o from the horizontal shall be enclosed, exc€pt for openings equipped with closures at or about floor level for the insertion of materials. a. The openings shall not exceed 1.2 m (48 in) in height measured along the wall of the chute. b. Such openings, when not in usg shall be kept closed at all floors below the top floor. c. A substantial gate shall be installed in each chute at or nearthe discharge end: a competent employee shall be assigned to control operation ofthe gate and the backing and loading of trucks. d. When operations are not in progress, the area sunounding the discharge end of a chute shall be closed. e. Where material is dumped fiom mechanical equipment or wheelbarrows, a toeboard or bumper, not less than l0 cm (4 in) thick and 15 cm (6 in) high, shall be attached at each chute opening. s. h. Chutes shall be designed and constructed of such strength as to eliminate failure due to impact of materials or debris loaded therein. The storage of waste and debris on any floor shall not exceed the allowable floor loads. Storage space into which material is dumped shall be blocked ofi except for openings for the removal of materials; such openings shall be kept closed when material is not being removed. Floor opanings shall have curbs or stopJogs to prevent equipment from running over the edge. Any opening cut in a floor for the disposal of materials shall be not longer in size than 25;/o;fthe;gIlegate ofthe total floor areq unless the lateral supports ofthe removed flooring temain in place; floors weakened or otherwise made unsafe by demolition shall be shored to carry safely the intended imposed load for demolition. WALL REMOVAL Masonry walls, or sections of masonry, shall not be permitted to fall upon the floors of the building in such masses as to exceed the safe carrying capacities ofthe floors. No wall section which is more than ten feet in height shall be permitted to stand without lateral bracing, unless such wall was designed and constructed to stand without such lateral support and is in a condition safe enough to be self-supporting. No wall section shall be left standinc without lateral bracing any longer than necessary for removal of adjacent debris interferine with demolition of the wall. Exception to this requireqtqnt will beallowed for such wall sections which at'e designed and constructed to stand without lateral zuooort. Employees shall not be permitted to work on the top of a wall when weather constitutes a hazxd. Structural or load-supporting members on any floor shall not be cut or removed until all stories above such a floor have been demolished and removed: this shall not prohibit the cutting of floor beams for the disposal of materials or for the installation of equipment, providing the requirements of 23.8.09 and 23.D. are met. Floor openings within 3 m (10 ft) of any wall being demolished shall be planked solid, except when employees are kept out of the area below. In buildings of skeleton-steel constructior\ the steel framing may be left in place during the demolition of masonry. Where this is done, all steel beams, girders, and strustural supports shall be cleared of all loose material as the masonry demolition progress€s downward. Walls which serve as retaining walls to support earth or adjoining structures shall not be demolished until such earth has been braced or adjoining stnrcfirres have been underpinned. See 1.5 above. Walls shall not be used to retain debris unless capable of safely supporting the imposed load. L J. 3.0 b. 4.0 FLOOR REMOVAL a. Openings cut in a floor shall extend the full span of the arch between supports. b. Before demolishing any floor arch, debris and other material shall be removed ffom such arch and other adjacent floor area. i. Planks not less than 5 cm x 25 cm (2 in x l0 in) in cross section, full sized undressed, shall be provided for and shall be used by employees to stand on while breaking down floor arches between beams. ii. Such planks shall be so located as to provide a safe support for personnel should the arch between the beams collapse. iii. Straddle space between planks shall not exoeed 40 cm (16 in). c. Safe wallovays, not less than 45 cm (18 in) wide, formed ofwood planks not less than 5 cm (2 in) thick or ofequivalent strengtlr" shall be provided and used by personnel when necessary to enable them to reach any point without walking upon exposed beams. d. Stringers of ample strength shall support the flooring planks: the ends of such stringers shall be supported by floor beams or girders and not by floor arches alone. e. Planks shall be laid together over solid bearings with the ends overlapping at least 0.3 m (l ft). f. When floor arches are being removed, employees shall not be allowed in the area directly underneath; the area shall be banicaded to prevent access and signed to warn ofthe hazard. 5.0 STEEL REMOVAL a. When floor arches have been removed, planking shall be provided for the workers razing the steel framing. b. Steel construction shatl be dismantled column-by- column and tier-by-tier (columns may be in two-story lengths). c. Any structural member being dismembered shall not be overstressed. 6.0 MECHANICALDEMOLITION a. No person shall be permitted in any area which can be affected by demolition when balling or clamming is being performed: only those persons necessary for the operations shall be permitted in this area at any other time. b. The weight of the demolition ball shall not exceed 50% ofthe crane's rated load, based on the length of the boom and the maximum angle of operation at which the demolition ball will be used, or it shall not exceed 25o/o of the nominal breaking strength of the line by which it is suspended, whichever is less. c. The crane boom and load line shall be as short as possible. the mj mueller co., inc. 2L Novenber 2OO0 Irlr. Michael iI. Mccee Town of vait Flre Department 42 WeEt Meadow Drive Vail , CoLorad,o 8L657 Subiect: Structural InEpection of Burned Building lilarrLott Hotel Reaort, Phase III Vail , colorado Dear Mike: At your requegt, thls office has conducted a viEual inspection of €fre'iire dirnage'at-itre above referenced building. The pulPgse of rii; fi;;;ti;i is- to determine the structural elenents that have been damaged, and tL coordinate tenpora-rV- igplgvemente to maintain IG; ;"36-ft'1n and around the darnlageO -truilding. The followlng items are to be noted: a) EXISTING coNDIMoNS The exlsting bui-l-ding is a 5 and 6 story buildinq 7o'-x 190" The bulldinl is ste6t frane supported on a Poured-in-place concrete foindation. Floore are tlpically constructed watn bar joist and a 3 L/ztt concrete tgFilqg' Rooms are located on tlre 6outh or the norttr of the Uirlfaing' Haltways e+e1* east-west tittt a stairtolter at each end' An elevator shaft is located-lljicent to the eaEt stairs. construetion docu:uents tnirn6a phase II) as prepareg -b!r RUOFF/WENTWORTH ARCITITECTS, AIA dated 3-15-82 weie available for review. b) PA1IH OF TIIE FIRE lthefireappearatohaveoriginatedinttrevicini.tyof-!|efloors of n6ons 318 and 320, iear or on, tlre exterior of the fuffaing. The fire ran irp the building in a v shaped ;#igd"tion burning 2x6 aetfing on- the decks, and woo9 on tfre literior of the fiuilcling. The decks are prot-ected by a Large rooe oveifrang with a flat soffit below. The fire burned thr5ugh the roof s-offit and followed the bottom of the 3:12 iJ"i--pft"ft t" the upper deck. At the east side of the Uuiiafng, the fire fol-llowed the 5th floor roof to the elevator ana stii'r iower. While the fire progressed to the roof, lo"titrg enbers were continuously falling and igrniting the decks beneath the Point of origin. cMl architectural and structural engineering o p.o. box 2747 vail, colorado 81658 47G2627 476-2637 lFAXl Page 2Mr, Michael J. Mccee2l Novenber 2oOO c) STRUCTT'RAL DAUAGE CAUSED BY THE FIRE The flre consuned the exterl-or of the bullding above the 3rd floor on the south eide of the building. lFhe roof was heated to a point that deformed the 2 nain steel beams that run in an east-weEt direction, and the bar joist of_ tlre roof above RoomB 505 thru 524. The conbuEtible material beneath the metal roofing Ls general.ly burnt away exposing the bottou face of the metal roof. The 6th floor deck ls sLlghtly below the upper portion of the roof over tlre 5th floor roornt. The small oi?eet-, allowed the heat and flanes to dayLi-ght' wlthout continuing to the 6th floor on the other Eide of the accees deck. The 4th and 5th floor declcs, and some of the 3rd floor decke on the south side of the bullding have had the 2x6 wood decklng compJ.etely burnt off tbe steel . The supporting steel neurberi of ine decfs, were exposed to high enough tenperatures that some of the steel menbers are deforned. A hole waE cut in ttre drywalL of the ceiling of Room.418 and found that the Lnterlor lortion of tlre Eth floor was intact and Eound behind the exteiior wall . The elevator ehaft rsas expoEed to high temperaturee and may bave damaged the elevator cables in addition to the surrounding walls and roof. d) TEMPORARY LIFE SAFETY CONSTRUCTION ThlE offlce does not know when ttre reconstruction of the bullding will take place. In the interest of life safety untll reoonstruction, the followlng iterns must be coupleted in a tlnely nanner before the lower levels of the building can be nade habitable, they are: I) SUOKE AND WATER DAri[AGE-fhe proposed halritable Epaces including all interior and exterior finishes danaged by the fire, smoke, heat or water beneath the fire, rnuet be cleaned or repl.aced to prefire conditions- II) ExgERIoR OPENINGS-AII. damaged doors, wlndows and walls must be covered with ply,rood or approved egual . III) 5TH FI.,oOR RoOF-The existing metal roof hqt had the- supporting diaphragm, between the metal- roofing and ttre Uai- joist, furnt away. The netal roofing is supported only by the clips between the pieces of the uetal- rooilng-. If this roof iE supposed to survive untiL replacenent Ln the spring, the metal roofing nust be replaced with a waterproofed plywood diaPhragn. fhe defor:ned steel beang and bar Joist are capable of supporting a naJority of the design loads. Snolt depths in excesE of 3 feet must be removed. Paqe 3 l.lr. l.fichael J. Iltccee 21 Novenber 2O0O Iv) PERIuETER oF THE BuILDING-Large quantitles of fire aeuiis, "" tft" ground and on portions o-f the structure' muet be cleanedirp ancl properiy dispoeed' A1-1 Partially Eecured items on tlre exteiior of the building must be renoved or ProPerlY secured' v) FIIrURE INsPEcTfoN-This office, oT th,e Town of Vail' must' inspect a"a aPprove the site, pli?T-to openLng -tft9 |9wer Levels oi ine'sbutfr slde of tire luifaing, for habltation' e) I'USURE CONSTRUCTION A1lthedamagedstructuralelenentsthroughoutthebuilding must be rep].iced. The serviceE of a llcensed structural engfn""t nult be used to coordinate all repairs' This office recommend" ttt"l-tne exterior deckE be reconstructed wittr non- conbuEtible materials (see origlnal construction doqunenls). Exterior f,inlshes shbuld be- made I'tith non-conbustible rit"ii.rt (-tneJi use would have dranaticarr{. I"919:-d -!l:damage by tiris fire). The entire 5th floor on the soutn sade of the building, an6 th" top of the stair and elevator shaft, must be reconS€rusted. The 5th f100r acceas deck nust be selectivel.ydemolishedtodeterminetheextentofreconstruction reguireO. A11 electrical , nechanical' fire' pigrnuing ana--asloiiated sy'tems, in-tlre bul-lding are tg bg inspect6a an6;6;;;;d by dthers. code upgrades as determined ry tne rown or ll.air nuifding Department must be conpleted. In conclusion, the [Te[porary Life safety Isguesft previously mentLoned muat be conple€ed pilor to allowing habitation of the rooms on the 2nd, grd ana eih tevels on the south slde of the bullding. The itene defined l-n rrFuture constructlontr must be c"npi"i6a prior to habitation of the rooms on the 4th and 5th levlls on the Eouth side of the building. ThiE fire is a textbook example of why non-conbustible nateriils should be used on the exteiior of ndfti-Ievel conmercial constructlon. ff excessive or unuEual moven"nt is aetected in the building during !h9 cleaning and trlife safetyrr portions of the repair, the appropriate actlons witl have to be-talen to maintain public safety' Thls inepection and report have been.coupf."t99 in accordance with generall! accepted engineering.practices in ttris area for use by the client in deternining inneiiite repairs. for Public safety.- Th9 conclusions and reconrnen-dations sulrnitted in this rePort a-re based "po;- iJvitr of the original constructlon docurnents and visual iirspection of the darnage-ct building. It iE to be understood that Page 4Mr. l{ichael J. IrlcGee21 Novenber 2O0O onry a llnlted amount of structure iE visible in the completed.buirding. -rhls inspection and report do not warranty the blranceof the building against future lepairs for hidden- or inactivep€chanLgmg, or confornance with any past, preeent or future,bulldlng or zoning codes. The generlr -con€raltor iE responsi-bl6for_ the . mean-Er- methods, techniquee, seguences, proledures, worlcmanshlp ana Job-slte eafety associatea with this prbJect. Ariconstructlon must aompLy with the building and zoning codes asadopted by the Town of VaiI. If, you have any questions regardlng this inepection and report, orrequlre additional eervicee, please contact this office at theptrone nurber ehown on the cover sheet. cc: !{r. Gary Goodell-TOV Buitding Official uNDERcRouND uotrons |'.{f f |.lVl ldl4$U f Ul'lLt." l. l;t:tltsfi ldt EU't 1-rl'l I rck$t l{br'3 gl!'s1i 1611 tJrrgrndl L&l I lrdte, L,1 ;r1 "'7 rltUr rlffsF Requect erl For tratnr I I r11?zldti I tr$r 970-255-7535 btat6 i uu L$unLy I k|.|tll.k. Hdclr: / li . l-ttt'€r.k r r- l. ljhlitilt FrL' Lllr t r'1cls ! r4$b9UttHSL, d r i I yp€ 0 | i,l0rk I tf.ltr t 1.. |r Hb Locst I uTl ! Ltn." ul{ b/ lrtr,, Lll- uL,l,rL' | | ll }' ! l" LHti L&npar'ry : t lJHlrtr rJbr l. At..HvFr I lt'lt-, Leli6r' ( lhU J UllHl.'lt-Jl'l Hlt Li,i1t r trr"rhlHl-l| Jtrlil'irriJl,l Lr$ne Y'i.li' ! tlLi.t-l-F Ul( LlJhltt I lt*m*r- l. s l l'le m ff er'a !H I tdbdrJ t iru Fiulil"h{t, rrl'l rr l0r1 r l.:i xl.l t.lfr r ut ll kr{J! I3 Hf.l l'tr'* l'lrj} l(:{1 r vl{ i:t L,rtyr vl{ll. u It I'r r !r r Jfr lllL ltlHlil?lt,J I I litrltt.. tr(.t..trri:) Flrrrne , \'.! l\4t +t'Jk)' l,,i':+ t'hu,t'-. i r't /St;'.'tur 'r.1ul l,leelr i lq LeUd I s l- l,l trl"rLN l-'Fl I hl I IHVI : L.tjl.!l.t r LllLLrL.$.r rpbf4vtrl t fr$Nbtfd :U:rhrlul.J LOCATOR€ NAME ) a -Oo Slgnature of poreon on iob eile l|/t|/00 L2:17 FtI tol tto Fn[tt : SEFI I',G6A cI.Af,Is sEnvr(tss omP Ff!( t(L : 3ot 4F {En Eool/oot e, m 12:4F Fr[ tlt!o Decobc(2.2004! ilft, S.UnW.libr DircctorofEgfuraiqg Veill{enid 715 Wqt LionshErd Clrslc vi4 co Rs fubstoclrrpsdq Dcrlft-l|rt&G & Dcccoibr l. 2OOO| tIRS/Darcr & lrfioorc'r cuc.cto'' Ch'E Wcd, bo. of ArroF @ ooo.bciErt a rrl$rl ingcUm of 'Ph$3 f of tb rticot Drugt'ryr|hict t|3 rmrdy boco dtlrpd by fm. Tls prporr dtbc r'rupccrim nnr to vigltll'r dfim th$ flmr tllc mrstis, i<fnthsC ii L*err$Lrlrgs e*eeol Srsvey RE[dt ddad Att$s 22' l99l nrd iqDancs & Mosc'! A$cst6 tmpc4im UUCr d"rd }frrelr 3L t995, rd rtoorrcd 11ltltt of rn r5$g5ftc rbcrrrcC pojrtf || d6on*d h DlDr e Moq!'r Adbc$t Ababud RGFdt d.ted July 3, 199J. ir no blfpr prctctr Ii,&. RodSr&r,oAIlERAsridcdrod@{ocrdrsm inrpecc.ootdttctcdttc inspetioa o4ccorbcr l. 2IXXL l&- SbdrrvirdbiDstocfdte gtar i&dralotc rthchedrhccrs in urt&btroctlo nrlio tud pwiously b.E tr*d, Floctilc nroc unr nc virrrelly oftrrlfrrcd ia freeoarlg* udh fu aUoUrge:pUo 2dfloorrrodngscr rd 6lr floorvodi4uer In 6prc nro rrue+ lcw nrg rflc hd b.ia Li4 rad sbar tilc *so rsrpvcd romc old mrstt wer visible m rie crlugtc flor. tib othc polotlel rs€@{6ftd{g nrgirb Urt iad rd ptwiorsly bear rnplcd ucrc obrcnrcd in Ptrr! IIL Eered u tlro noa-AlabL artse of6c floor tte Essdc, Orir nruirl docrn*nad obc rcoorrcdpiuororrrdim c deoolirion activitie+ Thcafon, ru fiutcr rccloa ir rurancd. Ily3g hrvr rqr qgsdo;a b 13srdb ltir mg. orpqsip 11rydditi6d roUnnticn d€esc do not bcsitrE to call- Siwdy. Aficlucot lt8Sddot ,Ol |,hFr-r A'r,tu!. &na ?bi$tl. XD Slt{_arro rrr g6..aa.,!u5 F Sol'.atrolo I HF.GEIVED lrru 0 4 2000 Tnv-c0n4.DEv. Mis$sdt woff E-MAIL MArLBox@cRr Gilbert F. McNeish 303-839-3722 George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Gnrr"rsH,rw & Hannrxc A PROT'ESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LA.w SUITE 3800 WELLS FARCO CENTER 17OO LINCOLN STREET DENVER, GOLORADO AO2O3-453A TELEPITONE (3O3) 439-3AOO TELECOPTER (303) 839-3838 April20, 2001 gmcneish@grimshawharring.com www.grimshawharing.com Via Facsimile 97 0-479-2452 Re:Vail Planning and Environmental Commission Meeting - Hearing Scheduled for Aprll 23,2001 - Vail Spa Condominium Association Appeal - Marriott Hotel Application /Exterior Alterations Dear George: I am writing on behalf of the Vail Spa Condominium Association regarding the above captioned matter, specifically to confirm that Vail Spa formally withdraws its appeal regarding the Maniott Hotel application for exterior alterations (Phase III) scheduled for hearing before the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission on April. 23,2001. Please take the necessary steps to remove this matter from the Commission's asenda. Thank vou. Very truly yours, GRIMSHAW & HARRING, A Professional Corporation Gilbert F. McNeish Al and Lorna Hauser, Vail Spa Condominium Association (via fax) Karen Ehrlich, Host Marriott (via fax) Henry Pratt (via fax) G:\ l3 l5 3\ l\Lrutherletter cancel meetign. wpd IOI4i]VM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of @mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.4A.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Prcject l{ame: Maniot Hotel Phase III DRB ilumber: DR8010037 Project Description: Exterior Modications to Phase III, Marriott Hotel Pafticipantsr OWNER HMC ACQUISnON PROPERTIES 10212612001 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTIDR DEPT938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT HENRY PMTT 021261200t Phone: 475-1147 Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects 1000 S. Frontage Rd W, Vail, CO 81657 License: ProiectAddress: 715 W UONSHEAD CRVAIL Location: legal Description: Lot: @.D Block: Subdivision: MORCUS SUB. Parcel Number: 210107207001 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Motion By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Acevedo Vote: 3-0 (Blumetti recused) Date of Apprcvaa. 041201200L . Gonditions: Gond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. EnVy: 0412012001 By: George Action: COND See the list of three conditions linked to this activity number. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 TOI4'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Marriot Hotel Phase III DRB l{umber: DRB010037 Prcject Description: Exterior Modications to Phase III, Marriott Hotel Pardcipants: OWNER HMC ACQUISmON PROPERTIES 10212612001 Phone: C/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT HENRY PMTT 02l26l2OOL Phone;476-1147 Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects 1000 S. Frontage Rd W. Vail, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: Legal Descriptionr Lot: C&D Block: Subdivision: MORCUS SUB, Parcel Number: 210107207001 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Acevedo Vote: 3-0 (Blumetti recused) Date of APProvalz O4l2ol200t Gonditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Entry: 0417012001 By: George Action: COND See the list of three conditions linked to this activity number. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $5O.OO sllv?4C6H Slrtbug 0:t'l =5& clE om 3lU ul Lr- 7: -ci ula r'j Eo :1 -1 H c-l I J 'ilI n, oi L HFdUllL llllt ;:ItrEflltr *lj rril 'ltiilt-tliit f I "ru_i I =i'lE l;l r ii sl ^l rlil. :l: : + -l El h ht !i I I :l J j q-l ri zl -t; ol-rol,i s rl ll 003u sfioot lUoSlU vuvfl 1l VA €li*; !. rit. t-t €=t- tH aitnJ-----t I | "lt--.|t -luqJ z :l J <l IololI.| H Tl zl J? J: oo d o /:\ /i'\ b\!/ \!, I6o6'e =tr tu.J 2 ${1d tr /n-\ fn\l/ \t/@/Ot\E,/ $q o ! \ L__J 4 5 H |;1 It5t > L -.1 t I lll $I I til I T nll tir @ l,.l LI tl Htt. @ J l-nl 3L:.] I to@@ -g T {tF o\], J tu tuJ Iz J IL o oo @o o olltl ""- qlll o, elli Jll luil>ll lutlJll I lb f lliJ tLlll /a\ /i\\z \7 l /:\ /a\\? \f/ lL:- AUI- ntl ,tl c, I o, o@ @o@@ It.lr|jl$ Is @e t;lfl ;E 6 I 2 F^1txt E I t LI] H ! I I $ tJ|j] ;E r-ctLll I t;tul o I B t H t6tt'l ;lott"l ft"ll.l tud @il[[ A -.O20-{l -o J I tuJ Iz I IL tlj oo@ @o ffi @iltrffi Ao \.t-l4rt _l riI I tu tuI Iz J IL ' /-:\ /n=\ /6'\ /n\t/\, \l/ \1/ o @oo@ W @ilIffi 4\'o \1-l6+t\ it(o Jlu luJ Iz{J IL L:,] ,G\ /fi\\Y/ \v-l@@ 2 lil ri |;] IElr 6i ;I & I t I il|jl TJtjj nfl ; L:I t;]ul E ? \) fr I R I -9l"l ! EH w @il[ffij /'].\9!7vz I Ft(rl J tu tuI Iz I tL tt,l ,/:\ /F\ f6\ /n\1, \l/ \J/ \7 @@@@ o o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COM PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, April9,2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME o MlsstoN MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bemhardt John Schofield Brian Doyon Doug Cahill (left at 3:30) Dick Cleveland Site Visits : 1. Ferry residence - 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle2. Mill Creek Court - 303 Gore Creek Drive3. Donovan Park - Intersection of Matterhom Circle and S. Frontage Road George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. Swearing in of reappointed PEC members John Schofield, Doug Cahill and Chas Bemhardt and appointed PEC member Dick Cleveland. - Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. 2. Election ot 2Q01 Chair - Galen Aasland Vice-Chair - Chas Bemhardt Marriott Discussion: George Ruther presented the situation of the Maniott's Design Review application and the recent appeal by the Vail Spa. Typically, an appeal of an application stays all activity in relation to the project, unless the staying of such application will presenl an imminent peril to the property. As the Maniott was substantially damaged by the fire earlier this year, staff has determined lhat a stay of the application would present an imminent peril to the property. Staff is recommending that the PEC uphold the staff decision that the application not be stayed, in accordance with the Town Gode. A letter has been submitted by the Vail Spa, stating that notice is required for this type of action. Tom Moorhead, Town Attomey, stated that notice is not required for this action. John Schofield asked if the applicant had standing. Tom Moorhead stated thal whelher or not the applicant has standing, the administrator has the abilig to make this finding. Galen Aasland asked about lhe notice that has been given to the Vail Spa. Dick Cleveland asked about the definition of "imminent peril." Tom Moorhead stated the applicant for the Marriott will speak to that. Henry Pratt presented the existing conditions of the Maniott, including the status of steel beams which are supporting the entire east half of the structure, which cannot be fixed without a building permit. John Schofield l. t. MEMBERS ABSENT Diane Golden \:('' {" l2:00 pm 1:00 pm Driver: questioned what the effect of a large spring snowfall would have on the safety of the structure. Henry Pratt stated that the cunent structure would be in danger with a large heavy snowfall. Doug Cahill slated that he supported the staff decision. John Schofield staled that he believed the cunent slatus of the building, should the application be stayed, was an eminent peril, and believed that expediting the reconstruclion would be a benefit to the health, safety, and welfare of the community. Dick Cleveland also stated thal he supported the administratofs decision and recognized that mitigation of the safety hazard was necessary. Chas Bemhart stated that he believed that the PEC's role was lo ensure lhe health, safety, and welfare of the community and he agreed with the administratois decision. Galen Aasland asked about the process. John Schofield moved to uphold the staff decision that the Maniott did not constitute a major exterior alteration. George Ruther clarified thal that was not the decision being made today. John Schofield struck his motion and moved to uphold the finding of the administrator that staying the design review application of the Maniott would present an imminent peril to the properly. 3. Report of a staff action on a minor amendmenl to the Golden Peak Development Plan, to allow for the addition of a skier lunnel, located at 490 Vail Valley Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail ResortsPlanner: Brent Wilson STAFF APPROVED 4. Report of a staff action on a minor amendment to Special Developmenl District #,4, to allow for the conversion of an exisling indoor tennis court to a spa, located at 1295 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, Development Area A. Applicant: L-O Vail Hotel Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs STAFF APPROVED CALL-UP OF STAFF APPROVAL MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:6-0 1. That the applicant remove all storage from parking spaces prior to submittal of the building permit.2. That thl'applicant retum to the PEC at the April23d meeting with a parking management plan. 5. A request for a conditional use permit, lo allow for a Type ll Employ--ee Housing Unit, located at 0097 A&B Rockledge Road/Lots 3A & 38, Block 7, Vail Village 1- Filing. Applicant: Bennett & Jacquie Donance, represented by Resort Design CollaborativePlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:6-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Community Development Department shall receive proof from the applicant that a Type ll Restristive Covenanl has been recorded wiih the Eagle County Clerk and Recordefs Office, thereby ensuring thal the employee housing unit will be permanently restricled for employee housing. r ._. ._.o' 6. A request ,or. " ut" from Section 12-6D.6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an addiiion in the front setback, located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Mllage 7'h Filing. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by RKD ArchitectsPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE:4-0 (Aasland abstained) APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. Pursuant to Title 14 (Development Standards), Vail Town Code, proposed balconies may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-half (1/2) lhe minimum required dimension into a required selback area. 2. That the applicant submits a revised duplex plat for review and approval by the Department of Community Development lo reflect the proposed changes to the building footprint. The approved revised pla{ will be recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder by no later than April 9,2OO2. 3. That the applicant submit a cunent stamped ILC prior to building permit. 4. That the encroachment not exceed the 2 ft into the front setback as recommended by staff. 7. A request for a worksession io discuss the rezoning of the Mill Creek Court Building from CCI to a zone district or special development district lhat would allow ofiice and residential uses on the street level, located at 303'Gore Creek Drive/Lot 1, Block 5A, Vail Village 1{ Filing. Applicant: Mill Creek Court Condominium Association, represented by Larry EskwithPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 23,2001 8. A requesl for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on the adoption of the Eagle Valley Regional Trails Plan. Applicant: Eagle County Regional Transporlation Authority, Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE: $0 RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVALWTH 1 GONDITION: 1. Pursuant to the findings in the staff memorandum with a request to forward all PEC commenls to the Town Council and lhe Eagle County Regional Tranportation authority. 9. A request for a final review of a condilional use permit, to allow for lhe conslruction of Phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the inlersection of Matterhom Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Chas Bernhardt SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 3-2 (Schofield & Cleveland opposed) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant submits revised plans to the Community Development Department for the review and approval of the PEC of the following items: . That the cold roof design be reevaluated.. That a covered trash enclosure be provided. : +i :l ffi", frlT :l flfi iffiiT::i i:;flls. ?: B cond iri o n s r That snow removal provisions (10%) are used.. That the applicant retum for review of a management plan for the site. That the building height be reduced to 33 feet. 10. A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 1 1 , Design Revierar, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: John Schofield VOTE:6-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 23,2001 11. A final review of a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for a rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two residential lots and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan, changing the land use designation from Public/Semi- Public use to Low Density Residential, located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Parl of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th'Filing. Applicant: Boothfalls Homeowne/s Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russell Fonest TABLED UNTIL APRIL 23,2OO1 12. Approval of March 26,2001 minutes 13. Information Update The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Communig Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please eall 47*2138 for information. Sign language interpretatjon available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for he Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Developmenl Departmenl on the Phase III roof, irrespective of whether such attachments are temporary or permanent in nature; subject, however, to the provision that lightning rods with necessary appurtenances, including wires, shall be permitted. I fn ." shall be no exterior lighting of, or on the turret structures on the Phase III roof. I Compliance with these conditions shall be subject to all codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations (federal, state and local) goveming Marriott's hotel at Vail. In the event that any condition contained herein conflicts with any code, ordinance, rule or regulation (federal, state or local) Maniott shall comply with the code, ordinance, rule or regulation and such compliance shall not be deemed a violation of the conditions referred to herein. Second, Vail Spa has agreed that ifthe above conditions are imposed by the DRB as part of its final approval of the Marriott application, Vail Spa will withdraw its appeal scheduled for hearing before the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission on April 23,2001, and will further agree to waive any and all rights ofappeal it may have concerning the pending Marriott application. Please present to the DRB at its hearing concerning the Marriott application today the three conditions ofapproval noted above, and request on Vail Spa's behalf that these provisions be made conditions of approval to the Marriott application. Henry Pratt will confirm that these conditions of approval are acceptable to Marriott, and that they are necessary to effectuate the settlement agreement which Vail Spa has reached with Marriott. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me immediately at 303-839-3722. Tba*you for your assistance in effectuating Vail Spa's settlement with the Maniott regarding concerns associated with Marriott's application pending before the DRB. Very truly yours, GRIMSHAW & HARRING A Professional Corporation Gilbert F. McNeish cc: Al Hauser (970) 476-5548 Karen Erlich (3 0l )380-6332 Henry Pratt (970) 476-1612 fi le ://C:\Windows\TEMP\GW) 00002.HTM Page 2 of3 04/t812001 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Memorandum Planning & Environmental Commission George Rulher, Chief of Planning April 9, 2001 Review of Zoning Administrator's Finding of lmminent Peril to Property On April 2,2001, the Vail Spa Condominium Associalion, represented by Gilbert F. McNeish, of the law firm of Grimshaw & Harring, P.C., submitted an appeal of an administrative decision. A copy ol the appeal form is attached for reference. The appeal has been scheduled for review by the Planning & Environmental Commission pursuanl to the procedures outlined in Section 12-3-3 B(3), Procedures, of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. However, in accordance with the provisions provided in Seclion 12-3-3 B(4), Effect of Filino an Aopeal, the Zoning Administrator has found and cerlified lhat a stay of all permit activity poses an imminent peril to property and persons, and as such, the appellant's appeal shall not stay further permit activity and proceedings. The basis of the Zoning Administralor's finding is that further delay in lhe reconstruction of the fire damaged property exposes the significantly demolished structure to unpredictable weather conditions (i.e., heavy/wet spring snow falls, rain, high wind, etc.) causing further decay, increased structural loads, and an increased likelihood of further damage to persons or property. As required by Section 12-3-3 B (4), the Commission shall review such certificalion and the grant to deny a stay of proceedings. Such determination shall be made at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning & Environmental Commission. As the appeaf was filed on April 2,2001, the April 9, 2001 meeting is the next regularly scheduled meeling of the Planning & Environmental Commission. {,7 *""'*o'o'"' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail,co.us Building Safety & Inspection Semices Teum April 9,2001 Mr. George Ruther Chief of Planning Town of Vail Communify Development Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. CO 81657 Re: Need for Expedience, Marriott Hotel "Phase III" Reconstruction (Post Fire Damage) Dear George: This letter is to address the potential for further delays in the reconstruction of the Marriott "Phase III" wing that was severely damaged by fire on November 18, 2000. All of my discussions with structural engineers, contractors and other representatives of the owners have been undertaken with the assumption that the reconstruction wiil occur as soon as possible. As the chief building official for the Town of Vail, I have concerns that continued exposure of the structure to our unpredictable spring weather couid pose an imminent threat for further serious damage to the property as well as a potential threat to hotel guests occupying other portions of the complex and/or construction workers employed on the project. As you know, this wing of the building has been essentially stripped down to its structural frame. The building currently has no roof or southem exterior wall. These concerns lead me to urge the owners and others involved in the reconstruction project to move forward as soon as possibie, pending, of course, the submittal, review and approval of the construction drawings for the project and the issuance of the required building permit(s). If you should need additional infonnation, please contact me at (970) 479-2321. Very Truly Yours, Gury R. Goodell, C.B.O., Chief Buildins Official GRG:grg {p *'n"""o '^'"* THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vailon Monday, April 23, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, located at 75 South Frontage Road. In consideration of: ITEIVVTOPIC: An appeal of a determination by the Zoning Administrator thal pursuant to Section 12-7H-7 ol the Vail Town Code the proposed improvements to the Marriott Hotel, by definition, do not constitute a major exterior alteration and as such do not require that the Planning & Environmental Commission review the application/ 7'15 W. Lionshead Circle/Lots C&D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by Gwalhmey, Pratt, Schultz 715 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Appellants: Vail Spa Condominium Association 710 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 ACTION REQUESTED OF PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION: Uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the Zoning Administrator's decision. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town of Vail Zoning Administralor has made the determinalion that the proposed improvements to lhe Marriott Hotel do not have "substantial otf-site impacts" pursuant to the Vail Town Code and as such do nol constitute a "major exterior alteration". The Appellant, Vail Spa Condominium Association alleges otherwise. A copy of the Vail Town Code, the Design Review application, and the appellant's appeal form are on file and are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the Town of Vail Community Development Department, localed at 75 South Frontage Road. For additional information, contacl George Ruther, Chief of Planning at (970) 479-2145. Gilbert F. McNeish 303-839-3722 Zoning Administrator Town of Vail c/o George Ruther Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Gntusnew & Hannrnc l\ PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE SaOO WELLS IARGO OENTER 17OO LINCOLN STREET DENVER, GOIORADO AO2O3-4534 TELEPHONE (303) A39-3800 TETEGOPIER (AO3) 839-3834 E -MAI L M.A.rLBox@Gar MSBAwtta.RRrNc.coltr April2, 2001 gmcneish@grimshawharring.com www. grim shawharring.com Via Facsimil e 97 0-47 9 -2452 Re:Maniott Hotel Alteration Dear George: Attached is an appeal by Vail Spa Condominium Association of the Zoning Administrator's determination that the proposed alteration of the fire-damaged Marriott hotel does not have substantial off-site impacts (Vail Town Code, Section l2-7H-7). By filing this appeal, Vail Spa does not waive its rights to raise any other appeals, now or in the future, with respect to the proposed alterations, whether under the Vail Town Code as existing or under the proposed amendment to Section 12-7H-7 . The required envelopes will be dropped off at your office this afternoon. It is our understanding that, pursuant to Section 1 2-3-3(BX4) of the Code, this appeal stays any further proceedings on the proposed alterations and that the application will be removed from the Design Review Board agenda for Wednesday, April 4, 2001 . It is also our understanding that this appeal will be heard within the next 30 days by the Design Review Board, following proper notice. If either of these understandings is inconect, please let me know. Additionally, you asked us for comments on the proposed amendment to Section l2-7H-7. At this time, we are still reviewing the amendment; however, we believe that the proposed Marriott alterations have substantial off-site impacts. Therefore, even if the amendment passes, the nature of the proposed alterations implicates the more stringent design review procedure for major exterior alterations. ----------+ @Etlffi o.t z JL ILoov Ir-- It.rT tl I t - -!'1Itrr lfrlTrLi rTtbl IllLIT 1_ _1-l1tllltllliir[|ttltl[Irl ----- I J--_------ trtlt oo T $ rntu(n {I tL Izo F { tuJ tu -Fvoz A tu (r)o tLo v. fL / o o TItfft @-o- s E r$ -l tu lf,) s tL Izo F tuJ t.|l Fo tu A tu tf)o tLov tL tr / tl s E "\ / o o :r 9lE I'GGE Iffi o- cr- = luo I tL Izo F { luJ tu IFlo tn A tu(n o tLov tL tilti9-Ttro 6' T = tu(n I tL Izo tr '>tuJ tu F $) tu A tu(f) o tLo DL tL / lilr o .o T @- @- o-zo tr \) tuo oz t'-J tD-roftDr A_ UH dsurL o-- @-o- / oo Irl lt rlr I cn i -'ra|\ i I I I I ) I I i i { i I I o- o- tuo -tL Izo F tuJ tu TF v_oz A tuooLov tL H o e o- llit o ID n= lu(n {I tL Izo tr tuJtu Fo tu Atuoo tLo v. tL @- o- (}- n- @- o-l tl o_\ uiJ \)o = tu(n T IL Izotr luJ tu IFfo(n Aluoo tLo v_ tL ri\- o-- 19- ; @-l I I I qr-o- o s. $ tuo I tL Izo tr s tuJ tu Fo lu A tuoo tLo v. tL @* @- rllri Grimshaw & Haning, P.C. A Professional Corporation Attomeys at Law Suite 3800 Wells Fargo Center 1700 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203-4538 Telephone 303-839-3800 Telecopier 303-839-3838 E-MAIL mailbox@grimshawharring.com Gilbert F. McNeish gmcneish@grimshawharring.com 303-839-3722 www.grimshawharring.com April 18, 2001 IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REQUESTED George Ruther, AICP Via Facsimile 970479-2452 Chief of Planning Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 | Re: Marriott Hotel - Proposed Exterior Alteration (Phase III) - Design Review Board - Conditions of Approval Dear George: I am writing to you on behalf of the Vail Spa Condominium Association ("Vail Spa") concerning the proposed exterior alterations to the Marriott Hotel pending before the Vail Desigr Review Board ("DRB"). I have been engaged in discussions with George Pratt and Karen Erlich with Host Marriott concerning this matter, and an agreement has been reached with Marriott conceming Vail Spa's objections to the current Marriott proposal. First, Maniott has agreed to accept the imposition by the DRB of the following conditions of approval to its application conceming the proposed exterior alterations now pending before the DRB for final approval: D There shall be no flag poles, flags, pennants, wires, telecommunication facilities (towers or antennas) or any other structures or extensions of any kind attached to any part of the two new turret elements fi le:/iC:\Windows\TEMP\GW) 00002.HTM < f nlor Page I of3 04/18/2001 George Ruther April2,2001 Page2 Please let us know when the appeal ofthe Zoning Administator's decision will be heard by the Design Review Board. Very tuly yours, GRIMSHAW & HARRING, $, Professional Corporation ry^ Gilbert F. McNeish cc: Al and Loma Hauser Enclosure Gl l3 l5 3\ l\Appcal Cwcr Lener.wpd re.4lllAR-39-ol FROM . TOV -DEV-OEPT,-c oMo APPEALS FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AFI APPEAI OF A STAFE DESIGN REVIEIV BOARD OR PLC.I{NING AI{D ENVIRONMENTAL COMMIS$ION ACTION ACTION/DECISION BEING APPEAIJD DetenrLirntion of the Zoning Adnini stration, tD ' a1a4?a2462 FAGE 2/ 3 A. to Section L2-74-7 of the VaiI Ibn^rn Code that the alteration of ttre Ivlarriott Hotel does not have " sulcstantial March 21, 2001DATEOFACTION/DB. c. D.NAI4E OF A.PPELLANT(S):Vail Spa Cordcrniniun Association NAME OF BOARD OR FERSON REI{DERrr,\rc Tttrj DECISTON/TAKING 6g11gyy, zoning Adninistrator, Itcnm of Vail MAILINC 710 W. Lionstread Circle, Vail,co 81657 E. PF1ySI6ALADDRESS TNVATL: * -pnOxe,_9rc:jZ6-m3__- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF APPELI"$,IT'S PROPERTY IN y41g; VaiI Spq Corrlqninir.uns, Vai1, Gilbert F. I"lclleish Grimstraw & Harring, P.C. Attorreys for VaiI Spa Cordominiun Association 1700 Lincoln Street, Srdte 3800 b^^^, _c,, Denver, CO 80203r 45s' r vr 3 303-g39-3800 MAR-3O-Cl1 1Ei,4l FRoM : TOv-CoM-DEV-DEPT .1D,E|7!14?92452 FAGE 3/3 Yes tf yes. plcase pnovide de folloqring infordrdion:F.Docs 6is appcal involve a ryecific porQct of land? arcyouanadjacatprop€rly gwo€r? YCS X_ If no, give a dsail€d atglarratim of how you a,re aa "aggrirved or ad. versely affected, person." 'Aggriarcd or advcrsdy affectcd pctsotl" frcrhs any pcrson who will sufcr an advcrsc effecs to ao interest protec-tcd or firthcred by this tidc. The allcgsd advose iatcrcst may bc sbarcd in cottsroo witb othcr memben of tbe comrauniry at largc. but sbatl excecd in degrce &e ganeral hrcrest in commuity good sharcd by all pcrsons- hovide the namcs and ad&esses (bo'th pcrsor's uraiiing address and pmporty's physical addrcss in Vail) of all o'vmcrs ofpropemy wtich arc the subjcct ofthc appcal and all adjaccor p.op.itv i*".o (including properdes scparatad by a dgbt'of-way, sftarq or o{her irucrverdng ban'iers). etso pioviie a<idresca aaa *lmpca covaopcs fo:cacb p'ropcrry ouncr on the list See attached.. On scpararc shcets of papcr, rycciff ttc procisc Bailrc o'f the eppcal. Please citi sijccinc codc scctions haviagrclwancc to tbe action beiag a,pp€alcd see attached . FEE:.$0.00 G. H. Page 2 of2 2. G. l. 4. ). Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and property physical address in Vail) ofall owners ofproperty which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right of way, stream, or other intervening baniers). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list. HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES INC 715 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 mailing address % MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938.0I WASHINGTON, DC,2OO58 Enzian at Vail Inc. 620 W. Lionshead Circle mailing address c/o Oaketon-Kostner Corp. 7721N. Kostner Ave Skokie, IL 60076 Enzian at Vail 215 Corp. 620 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 mailing address c/o Destination Resorts 610 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Antlers Condominium Association 680 W. Lionshead Pl. Vail, CO 81657 Lion Square Condominium Association 660 West Lionshead Place Vail. Colorado 81657 3. 6,Town ofVail Gore Creek" Tract B Vail/Lionshead Third Filing mailing address 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Montaneros Condominiums 641 West Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Vail Associates West Day Lot mailins address P.O. Box 959 Vail, Colorado 81658 Vail Corporation Gore Creek" Tract B mailing address PO Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Nancy Shapiro Adam 765 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 mailine address 4975 E. Preserve Greenwood Village, Colorado 80124 Parsons Family LLC 745 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 mailine address PO Box 497 Edwards. Colorado 81632 1 8. 9. 10. ll. 12.Colmar LLC 725 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 mailins address 251FowlerRoad Far Hills, NJ 07931 Roger V. and Sally M. Cadol 725 Forest Road mailins address 9850 E. Progress Cir. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Millers Lionshead LLC 695 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 mailing address 127 7 0 Meit Drive, Suite 400 Dallas, T){7525l TEXAS TELEVISION INC 695 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 mailing address PO BOX 16290 HOUSTON, TX,77222 JOHN S. & STEPHEN B. ENGLEMAN AND MARY M. HATHORN 655 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 mailing address C/O MARY M HATHORN 54I ELY RD ELY, VT, O5O45 13. 14. 15. 16. 11Lt.Jerard F. and Joan S. Maher 625 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 mailing address 251 Fowler Road Far Hills, NJ 07931 Thea J. Rumford Living Trust 675 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 18. H. On separate sheets ofpaper, speciff the precise nature ofthe appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. The Vail Spa Condominium Association appeals the determination of the Zoning Administrator, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7 of the Vail Town Code, that the proposed alteration of the fire damaged Maniott Hotel, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle in Vail, does not have "substantial off-site impacts." The proposed reconstruction has substantial impacts on the Vail Spa because it will substantially impair views from the Vail Spa. G:\ l3 I 53\ | \S€ctior H of Appe{l.$Dd SENT 8Y:GRIIISHATI & HARRING' PC; 4. 2-01 ; 3:sSPil ; O:----'=--? 3038393800{s?01?82{52;S 1 Gilbert F. Mcl.leirh 301-839.1722dins Gnnasnaw & Ilmnwq P.C. 1700 Lincoln Strcct, Suite 3800 Dcnvcr, Colondo 8020J Pbone 30t339-3806\ fer 303-839.3838 CONFIDENNAL FAI( Client No. l3l53h DATE: April2,200l llard Copy 0o Follow: No TO: Ocorge Ruthcr FAX No.: (970)479-2A52 RB: TOTAL PAGES (includingthis Coveg: l0 If incompleto, plea* call Au&E1 O, Bruggcr t 3 0 3 8{9-3 87 0 COMMEIITS: < Thf frr rnd lhc r.srnplryll doaurpru gt hh|ncd mly tbr th. rr ot th. lndlvldu.l or antty b rhhtt th.y rtr |cd|r|r.rt. rnd rn y contlln lDtomr{ort th* b prlvlllgrd, contld.ntd. lnd ili|nptlhn dLdorun undl epptlorih trw. llhc rrrdrr olthbllr.nd thr rocomprryhg doemrnb lr not tha hffi n4Lnt of u|r .doy.. o' rg.nt arpiintutr tor octlrrrtg ht nr||rgo b tlnlF drd trddGnt, you.r.lrnby nodfird thn rnydlrail*uuon, oritouuon orcopylng ittrtr onrnruntilldb drtdty piilb63d, rf you hsvr racoivrd thE comtnunlc.thn ln tnor, plo$. nclry u| hm.dlrdy by blrphona, rnd nhm th| odglnrt'tu ]d thrrcco||fryhe dcurr|n|| b t| .t ti. rborr. lli.d rddF.. v|r U.8. Md. fnrni Viu. NOTICE OF CONFDENTIruTY uENt by:ofiI[rsHAttt 6 HAflfilN0, P0i 4- 2-0'l ; 4:00Pll ;a Cilbcrt F. McNcirh 307.t393TX2 30 3839 3800{ Gmrrsurw & llnanrwo A Pl9laSatol|Al, c oFPoR.rrtolr lTtonNsrE rr LAw slgtTl SAOO wEt'Lg lfnoo ctNrtR l?oo utt@r.x srniarDtrvtn, oolon Do €ogoa.€g€ IILEPEOIIE lgog) 6s0'9800 trtrIooPrEn tB(xrl 80o.0€[!EE.L^lLr rEaodlorrta8/\rr rruro,oor 4-.- Apdt 2,2001 ?,orri\g Administsalor Town of Vail do George Ruthcr I Vre F.acrimils o?0.479-2452 De,prtnentof CommuaityDarelopmcot I 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: ManiottHotclAlhation Dear Gcorge: Attached isanspp€al by Vail SpaCondominirurAssociationofthc ZoningAdminighatorrs detarmination that tbo ptoposed altpration of thc fire.damagod Manio$ hotcl does not have substsntial off.sitcimpacts (VailTovrnCodc, Section l2-TH-7). By filingthis appeal, Vail Spadoes not waive its rigbts to raigo any otler apperls, now or in the-fufile, with respcct to the poposed altorationc, whstlrcr undcr thc Vail Town Code as cxistingt-rurdec the propoeed amcndncnt to Section 12.7H-7. The required envetopes will bc dropped otret yoru offrcE this afternoon- It is otu undentanding tbat pursuaut to Section 12-3-3(BX4) of the Code, this appoal rtays any furthar pocccdlngs on the proposed altcrations andthatthe applicationwill bcrcmovtd fiom Orc Design Reviow Board agenda for lVednesday, April 4, 2001. It is also our u"derstanding that this appenl wiU be hsard within thc uext 30 days by thc Dcsign Revicw Boar4 following g,oper notice, If either of thcsc undcrstrdingt is incornct, pleasc letme know. Additionally, you asked us for comm€ds oD the proposcd aurendment o Section 12.7H-7. At this tirne, we are still reviewiug the anreadmen! howerrer, we believc that tho proposcd Marriott altcrationr havo substarrtial off+itc impactc. Itorefoir, o'cn if the aurcndmont passes, tho nature ofthc ptoposod alter*ione implicstrsthc mor€ rtingerrf dceignrwiowprocodure formajor ortcrior alterationg. REc',oAPR 022001 grlmsi$@grirDshewharring,cout wf, ,s'.gilnduwhffftg.cotrr s?04?92452iS 2 3-., SENT BY:qRIilSHAtI & HARRING, PCi 4. 2-01 i 4:OOPT ;t L, cc: Al end Lomall,ausu Enclosurc 4-'- George Ruther April2,2001 Page 2 Ploasc ltt us Ltrow whcnthe appeal ofthe Zoning Adninistalor's decision will bc hccd by tho Desigr Rovie,rr Board Vory tuly yours, GRIMSHAW & HARRINO, $ Profcssiond Corporuion 9?01?92452;f 33038393800{ {-- Or\lll'l\l\A!!cd C.!|v* LltE uDd srNt uY:urlll{sHAlt &3038393800-tru'!'rt'uHARRING, PC; 4- ?-01 i 4:OOPII-*-e i 9?04?92452i* 4rA|.r grit AP4n4I+e FOnM RIQI,!nED ron nHNG rN AFTIAL Or A gl^I1r,J)f,slcN REvtEW EOARD ORPLANNINC AI{D INVIRONITEII?AI COilIE$JNION ACIION ACTION/DECI3IONEED{O glrsuant to section 12-74-7 0f ue vail rbnn oode, tiat ttrB Ett)osd albratiqn of .tJp l.tEJnrio'LJ Eortel dres nort, ha\E ,'aubgtantlel B. c, DAIEOF IthEh 2L, 2001 NAIVfl OF EOARD OR rrB$X{ RIhIDERING nC DECISIO}IVIAKNC Xtoln of \All Zcring lfu-nigtrator, N$r,E gFAPPEIJ,AXT(9! MAIUNO FI{YSICALADDIE$S NV E. eiruah*r & Harring, p.C. Attcn-rye for Vail .$a ocdcnrirriunlesosiatiqr 1700 r.irmln Stieet, Suite 3gO0Erver, O 80203 303-839-3800 <... LEGALDESCRIPTIONOFA}FE.LI.ANT'SPROPERTYNYIfu VAiI 6bq MCrNiTriUNE, VAil, ctfbert F. Ir3tilelstr FrgE I sf2 SENT 8Y:GflIiISHAI & HARRII{0, PCi 1- 2-01 ; 1:OIPII ;rAE-:r5-5r rlral FFoir Tev-u-DBv-DaPr. Docr tir app:rl bvoftrc e ?acilc trtd of l1ld? Yes [pa plarc pwiAcai nUorl4 i 6.61*. rrcpurnrdjr.cGpopcrymr? ycf )t uO_ lfnq giw a &ilild oghrrdo dlow yor ut at rtt$dcvcd c r{v:rcly rfictod gaoa." .Aggricvrd g, rdtcrgv ulcct Pqlcn" Scor 6y paron rao vill ru& n rdrcrrc c[Fc lg u inr*cn poteacd c lfficnd by fir tidc. llc rthlrd rdvcro iucn* nry bc drart io cmol rrittr chcr ncnbclr of bmrdy ttrgs hn'rEt acecd h dfglo rl.|rrcrl burth cmuaiVlood rtrcd by rlt prrroa 3038393800+rD.E"r.lUEe 9704?82452;t 5FAEE '/3 4-. c. K llwidctb ua:rrldrd&crcr (bstprsor'! ureitia3 ntr{rsadpopcty'rptydcd nrdns ilvgt) of dlo*aoa drqstv wriich l=tb arbjcoc dttr srpcrt na t[ rqrsd ffi [ilog"aio, F#;;-rqn$rd by r dgbr{F*r:r,.ran, f, d.r btd4oh8 hdclr), er6 prrriL *aqid |ltd;fi-&oocr fo,arclFplrryonaccrtolic s* u"t orca. {- on $Frc!&c.fl o(trrcrr Tcd& totrEisnosG altrr .lpd n..el uiqkric ao.rQ rcrioor [fv|!tsdcrrm ro rb! aadh bchg m6hd_ EEE: so.oo attachd' Pqc2of2 a- I'ENT 8Y:ORIiISHAII & HARRING'4- 2-01 ; 4:01Pil ;3038393800+s?041s2452;# 0 l. g--,. hovids tho nancs aod ddrcsscs (both pcrcou's mailing rddrcss ond propetty phyrical addrese in Vail) of all orvrers ofproffiy nrhic,h arc tbe urbject ofthc app€cl and Ell adjaa€ut property ownetl (includfu pmpatier separatod by a dCht of wan ste8n, or other ht!il€oitrg bsni€so), Alro prcvide a&Lcsse4 sd danped cnvclopcs for cach fopcrtf owncr on tle lisL HMC ACQIJISMON PROPERTIES INC 715 W. Lionslrcad Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 mailing addpsg % MARRIOTT INTERNANONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DNPT 938.0I WASHINOTON, DC,20058 E"ziaa at Vail Inc. 620 W. Lionshcad Circle nailingg4drcss c/o Oaketon Kostner Corrp. 772lN.I(ostrcrAv€ Skokie,IL 60076 Eozial at Vail 215 Corp. 620 W, Liouhpad Circle Vail, Colondo 81657 4-'- qailint addrcrr do DestinationResorb 610 W. Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado E1657 Autlcrs CottdstrriDiwn 680 W. Lionshcad Pl. Vsil, CO 81657 iuiol Lion Squrrr Coudominiu Arsociation 660 Wcst Lionshead Placo VaiL Colsndo 81657 {.-- PC;o G. SENT oYTGRIISHAI & HARRING' P0; 4- 2-01 ; 4:0lPll i 3038383800i 9704?S2452;* ?oo 6. Tormof Vail Gorc Choek, TrsstB Vsiutiqrsbmd Third Filirg ffi*"ra 4-' Vail. CO E1657 7, MonhasosCondominiuns 641 Wcst Limshoad Circle. Vail, Colorado 81657 8. VailAssociatcg We$DBytot mriting adCross P,O. Box 959 Vail, Colorado 81658 9. Vail Corporation GoreCreck, TractB mailiug addfst PO Box 7 Yait, Colorado 81658 4- - 10. Nanoy Shapirc Adan 755 ForestRod Vail, Colorado 81657 mailingfddress 4975E. hes€rve Grccnwood Villagc, Colorado 80124 11. Parsons F{nilyLLC 745 Folcst Rosd Vail, Coluado 81657 rrqillng addrers PO Box 497 Edwuds, Colorado 81632 <_ uhlt l DY; uHrl{SHAfi I HAltttINu,4- 2-01 ; 4: tJzPl ; ColnarLLC 725 ForrgtRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 nqilin$addrEf 251 Fowlc Road Far Hills, NJ 07931 Rogor V. end Satly M. Cadol 725 ForutRoad mailino qddnsg 9850 E" hogrces Cir. Greenwood Vi[age, CO tOlll MiUers Lionshead LLC 695 Forest Road Vail, Colorado t1657 mailtng eddress 12770lvlcrit Ilrive, Suitc 400 Dallas, Tt( 75251 TD(AS TELEVISION INC 695 ForcstRord Vail, Colotado 81657 nniling addrcss I PO BOX 16290 HOUSTON, W77'A2 PC;o 3030393800-,9104?92452;$ 6 12. 13. 14. i-- 4*- 15. 16. JOHN S. & STEPHEN B. N.IGLEMAN A}.ID MARY M. HATTIORN 655 ForcstRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 mailing +ddrcss C/OMARYMHATHORN 54I ELYRD ELY, VT, O5O45 4-- I sEm By:GRIirsHAr & HARRIT{G, pci r- z-01 ; 4:0zpr ; 17, JcrirdF. rud Joan S. Mahsr 625 ForwtRoed Vail, Colqrdo 31657 psiling iddruss 251FowlaRoad Far Hills, NJ 07931 18. TbcE J. Ruurford Living Tnut 675 Forlst Road vdl ColoraAo t1657 3038383800+ S?01?92452;f S {__ o {-- {-_ SENT 8Y:GRIIISHA$/ & HARRING'PC;o 1- 2-01 ; 4:02Pfl ;3038393800+9?047S2452;Sr 0 H. On separde sheets of paper, speciS the precise nsurc of the appcsl. Pleasc oitc spccifc code seotions haviug relevance to thc action being appealed. The Vail SpE Condomininn Association appcals thc dctcrurination of the Zoning Administrqtor, pursuaot to Sestion 12-7H-7 of ttre VailTown Corle, that the proposcd altcration oi the fire dsmsSed Mariott Hotel, locatcd at 715 rilcst Lionshead Circlc in Vail, docs not bave 'subsiutial ofr-sitc impacts." The proposod rcconshrction has substaotial impacB on the Vail Spa bccaue it will subotantially impair vicws ftom the Vail Spa {,- - {-.- O:\1! l5t\l\lEods tr dAtil.gpd 4-_ 30 March 2OO1 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: response to DRB loquests re: application for Marriott reconstrustion Dear Mr. Ruther, Please find attached the following submittal items. Proposed building elevations on 1 1x17 paper. Proposed floor and roof plans on 11x17 paper. Plans are now finalized and show actual amounts of new floor area being added. North/south section. The following is a list of client initiated changes to the elevations and plans subsequent to the DRB hearing on the 21"t. 1. Predominant fenestration has changed from 8' French sliders to 5' French sliders with 18" x full height fixed windows on each side of the slider. Windows on the north side have been made larger to fit the width of the fenestration above. Windows in the west turret on the north elevation have been removed. Some minor existing windows on the south and west elevations have been moved/removed due to conflicts with the new interior layouts. 2. Full depth balconies have been added where the existing structure permits. This reduces the number of French balconies on both north and south elevations. 3. The stucco "base" on the south elevation has been extended across the balance of the south elevation and extends into the building corner on the west side. 4. As discussed in the previous DRB hearing. a small section of the new roof has been removed east of the tower element at the north east end of the building. 5. Due to fenestration changes and code requirements for glass size, the roof elements on the south west corner have been revised. See item #4 below. 6. Top floor plan has been revised to reflect interior upgrades at that level. o o George Ruther- Marriott DRB response 30 March 20O1 page 2 In response to the issues raised by the DRB at the conceptual review of March 21st, please accept the following information. 1. The mansard roof on the north elevation can indeed be made less steep. We have revised the slope from 1:10 to 1.5:10 (the max the structure will allow). The dormers have also been made deeper to fit the new slope' 2. As suggested by the DRB, additional stucco trim has been added to all windows and doors except those on levels 132 and 147. This trim cannot be wood by code and the color will be as close tgr the proposed wood color as possible. The trim configuration is the same as was approved in 1999' 3. As suggested and as made possible by the pending change in roof materials (see below), we have changed the vertical walls at the top floor south side to a mansard. This allows all surfaces above the new eave line to be treated as roof. We investigated and priced carrying the mansard roof around the southwest corner of the building above level 132. This mansard, as stated in the meeting on the 21"t would be over 26' high and would require new framing and structure deep inside the building. The costs and logistical difficulties of getting a new 30' beam this deep into the building make the request for a mansard in this location unreasonable. We have left these walls vertical. 4. At the southwest corner of the building below level 132, the size and the detailing of the small gable roof forms have been changed. Fascia depth has been beefed up and support brackets added. One roof is now larger than the others to accommodate wider fenestration and to give more variety to the elevation. Parapet height at the level 132 rool has been increased by 6" to accommodate the roofs. 5. I am in the process of getting metal roofing approved by the Owner as an alternate to the previously proposed asphalt shingles. The color will be a painted steel with the look of weathered copper. Details are being discussed at this time and color samples are en route, We will present this change at the meeting, 6. The color palette is also being discussed. Any changes will again be presented at the meeting. We look forward to a// issues being resolved on the 4th and to final approval on the 17'n, GIA&ATHMEY PRATT Sincerely, Henry R. Pratt. AIA TZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. SEITT BY3GRIIISHAII & HARRIilG' OilbcrtF. Mcl.lcbh 3f'3-81U37X' PCio 3-16-01 ;?:40Pll i Gntusnrw & Illnnruo r' PROrISS IOITAL OORPORArION ATIOR}| ETS Ajr LAW smTl Seoo WEIJA EASOO OE AIR Iroo uxoolJ{ STESET DtNvER, COIOSADO OO?O3-4ltSo TELlPEotrl (go3l 6ge-06oo TSLECoPIBR |SOO 899-9896 E- alIL x^n.losaoatrtratlAlltrc€oE 3038393800{9?01?92452;S 2 gn dri3h@gdur$tv,brrilg,con wur*'. grinr&erfr r,riug.com 4- March 16,2001 Goorgc Ruther, AICP ChicfofFlanning Departncnt of Cnmmuity Dovalopmeut Townof Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colotado 81657 Via Facrimile 97G479-2452 Re: Maniott llotel - hoposcd Extcrior Altcr*im ' Dcsign Revicw Board Dear George: I am uriting to ),ou on belralf of tbe Vail Spa Condominium Associstion ('Vail Spd) conocrning thc proposcd cxterior altcrations to the Marriott Hotcl pending before the Vail Dceip Rcvicw Board (DRB').4-, .. When thie matt€r was fint considened by thc DRB on Wednaedsy. N4arch 7, 2001 for oonccptual rcviow, I indioatcd to thc DRB that of the exterio'r alteratious whioh dwiatod from Marriott's 1999 €xtsior plan (the "1999 Plan") prwiously approvcd by thc Town. Vail scnsitivo to any l ch cauees an additional obauuction to otieting viewg fiom V&il Spa when oonpsrod to the 1999 PlaD. While wc have not received the new matcrials which thc DRB aslccd Marriott rcprcscntativcs to zubmit for the no$ DRB hesring on Woducsday, lvfar€h 21, 2001, wo havo had an opportunity to rcvicw tbc proposal based on thc materials and comrnents preseilrted by ldarriott'e repreecntativc, arohitcct Honry Pra( at thc DRB's conceptual rwicw mcoting. Bascd on our lcniew of thoso materials and tho rcprcscntations made by Mr. hatt, Vail Spa has the following obscrvations ard conclusions: 4- SENT BY:GRIIISHAII & HARRING'3-16-01 ;2:40Pil;30383 4..- g?04?s2452i* 3 George Ruthcr March 16,2001 Page2 l) Thc current proposal to make ext€rior dtc,rations to the Marriott now insludcs two new largc turrct sEuctur€s Ebovo the cxisting roof lino which are not part of the approved 1999 Plan. 2') Each proposed turret departr signrficantly in tenns of height atd confguatiou from the rcof desip which was aprpoved under the 1999 Plan. Ths wsst turrEt Eppcars largcr and ie eEveu foot higher thnn that which was approved in 1999, aud ths cast tunot app€ars sigrificantlyluger and is 22 fcct highathanthc sbuchrc approved in 1999. As a result, therc is a substantial inorcasc in obstuction to thc vicw fiom Vail Spa to the mountain whcn oomparcd to the 1999 Plau. I 3) lbo inoreascd silhouette of the proposed east hrret gtnrcture whsu comparcd to the 1999 Plan at lcast a 50% or morc ltr Vlew mountain for Vail Spa. Marriott's ncw is reprcsearted by Mr. Pratt as a 4 reduction in ovemll mass of tho east shoturt nfien compared io the 1999 Plan, but byanyrpasonablemcasure, euchrrductioDinovcrallmass ie notmcaningful forVail Spa whe'n the increasc in height and tho fomr of thc proposed tuttet causE a srlbstantial colarge,me,nt in thc stucture silhouette which obscuce the moutain vtew. 4) Mostimportrntly,thenewproposalbyManiottforexterioraltcratione fundauentally violaies tlre sculsneut aer,egm€nt (thc "Scttlement Agreomeuf ) cntercd inlo betwp€o Host Marrioft Corporation and Vail Spa dated Scptenrbcr 1, 1999 (copy attacbcd) which lead to the appoval ofthe 1999 Plao, h 1999, Vail Spa appcaled the Town's approval of Marriott's Spccial DwelopmentDistict ('SDD') applicetion, including orterriorrcaovationdeeiguplanr, inthcEagleCouutyDishistCourt(cascnumber99- CV-411), After firther negotiations with Marriott Vail Spa agrced in good faith to disniss that cace in reliqrco upon thc 1999 Plan and thc tercrs of the Settlement Agreement. 5) Thc 1999 Plan as rcflectcd in the Settlem€Dt Agrecmcot was thc rezult of long sometimes difficult,yetproductivc settlemenlnegotiationswithMarriottconcerning exterior building dosigr matters. Thsfe ig ndcomppllinq reason ot justifisation which should oermit Marriottto rcneqe on thEirorior commimcnts to the Town and Vail Soa ad to fuudancntdlv deviate from thc I 999 Plan as sugeegted itr their ncw proposcd cxterior alterations with rcspect to the turret feafiups on the botel rooffop. The firc to tho hotol is si not an acccptable iustification !o fundamcntally the 1999 Plan. The Towu, and thc DRB, must not permit Marriott to avoid thsir oommimeils under tho Settlemcnt Agreemeut, and, in cffect, attarpt to terminate that agreemerrt, PC;o 93 80t SENT 8Y3(iRIIISHAW E HARRINO,3038393800-l 9?01?S2452if 4 GeorgeRutlcr Mach 16,2001 Page 3 In oouclusion, Vail lvlsrriottto dcviatc the in tho 1999 Plan and rclated Agreement. In Vail Spa's view, any attcrpt to modi& the 11199 Plgr contaryto the Settlement Agrccmeot aswell astheUonsheadRcdwelopmentMastsrPlaq ad all rclorrant dcsign rEvisw proccs;€s md stsndsrds, Thus, that aspcct of Mariott's na'propoeal whioh reletes to the two rooftop turrst fcafires must b€ rcicctcd bv thp DRB. Thank pu. Verytulypur6, GRIMSHAW &HARRh[q PCi 3-r0-01 i 2:41Pll; O bfffitrA Gilbed F, lvlsNeigh Dcsigp Rwiew Board Al and Loma Hauscr, Vail Spa Condominium Assoaiation HcnryPratt 4-.- Gnll Itl\lllfi ft lrhf&t4rDd (-, SENT BYsGRIIISHAU/ & HARRING'PC;o3-10-01 ; 2341Pll ;30303s3800+s704?92452;S 5 IVft. GilbertF. McNeish C.rrimshaw & Haniug 1700 Lincoln Stroet, Suite 3E00 Denvcr, CO 80203'4-.- Rc: Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, Amcnding Maniritt Spesial Developurent DistictNo. T DearMr.McNeish: This lett€'r is intcnded to formalize the agrcement between Vail Spa Condominium Assooietion (,'vail spa,') and Host Marriott, L.P. ("HMC") that was reached last week' Agree'mcnt 1. HMC agrees to promptly submit and diligently pursue, in goo! faittu an apptioation to the Towu of Vaii to amcad Spocial Developmcnt Distict No' 7' Man'iqtt's Mormt"io ncsort at Vail, whichrcflacb the changes illusEatcd on the attached Exhibit A and set forth in this Bgr€€NneoL HMC and the Vail Spa agree that the cbanges set forth in the attashed Exhibit A rrJthis agreement do not alter the basic intJeut and character of Special Development Distict No. 7 and are consistcnt with the desigr oritcria set forth in Chapter 9 of the Town of vail zoning Regulations. HMC agrccs that its applioation shall bo mado in the form of a minor amc,ndmJto a Special Dwelopment Distict as sor fortlr in Section 12'9A of tho Town of Vail ZoniqgRcgulations. 4- - .. . Z. Vy'ifh respoot to the modification of the pyrramid sbilsture on page I of Exhibit A' HMC agrees that thc amcudrnent application shall redrrce the hcight and mass of the pyranitl stuatui as generally relected on fxniUit A. It i6 inecrdcd tbat this amendment will carue thc heigbt of th;p]'ramid structtsc to be lowered by 7 fcet, thercby resulting in an overall reduction i" i"ru of tne pyrunia shuchEe. of app3oximately l0%. HMC agrces that its applicatiouwill iacluilo oonditions that therc shell be no IIag poles, flags, pe'nnants, wires, towers' antennas, or any other shrctur€s or oxteusious of aay lrind attashed to Eny pert of the pyramid sEucfirre' irrespectivc of whether such attapluuqrte de tenporaly or pelmanent in natus' HMC agfcos that its application will also inolude conditions that there shall be no orterior li8hting of or on the pyrarfd stusfirre. I.I'I HOsT MARRIATT o o I I O I A? I o aa Scptember I, 1999 CHTIITOFX?I B. TswNrEnI, 3rxrEa Vrcr Faaalotll?. Bat{aaaL 9OUXr'L Ai'O gorPo'at'! E'6i'r"r fo40o F!rirwoDo RE^o. otat. tag t!r'r!'D^' Mo 20ot 7'l I o9 agr'tBO"'5''1 F r !ol'!ao'tlts l|.t:rrll: cxallatotrsE.TosxrtxIt@tt^"lorr' Eoi' PCioSENTBY: GRIIISHAW & HARRING'3-16-01 ; 2:4lPll ; Gilbert F. McNeish Septembu I, 1999 Page2 3 03 83 93800+I 9704?82452iS 6 4- 3. With respcct to thc modification of the northwest elwator towcr of fte Gore Cfeek Club on prge 2 of Exhibit A, HMC agreas that the anmdmcnt application shall reduce the height and mase of the clwator tower qs generally rcflcctcd on pege 2 of ths Exhibit A' It is intcniled that thc urendnent will lowcr the height of the eleva0or tower by epFoximatoly 3 fcot. HMC agrecs that its application will includc conditions that there shall be no llag polo$ fiags, pennauts, wires, towctrd, mt nnas, or any othcr stnrctfics or ortdrsions of any kind attached to any part of the elwator towcrr, ircspeotive of whothcr such attaohmcnts 8rc t€mPorary or pe,rmanent in uature. HMC agreeo tbat its applicadon witl also include conditions that there ehsll be uo extaior liglting of or on tho olevator tosf€r. 4. With rcqpect to the modification of the arca bctwoen the cxisting Manio$ ctruchrtt and tlrc Gore Ctcelc Club and the pedcstsiau walhrays on thc Marriottpropcrty as rcflected on pago 3 ofBrhibit A, HMC agreco that thc anendmeot ryplication shall add the additional walhrayo and landrcaping as generally reflected on pagc 3 of Exhibit A. HMC agrees that the additional walkways ahall have adequatc lighting and that provisisr will be made for regular snow rrcaoval.. HMC agrccs that the additional laudsceping feafurco along the walkrvan as-cxtcnded, shall be generally similu in character, quaity nld guantiry to other on site pedesbian walkrnrays, shall be suffisient to dwolop I s€nse of continuity between and connwtiou with ttre iutcnsivcly landsoapcd intcrior of the Mardott property and lVest Lionshead Circlc' md shall be dcsiglcd to crcatc au iuviting pedestiau envirorunent. 5. HMC'g obligation to comply with paragraphs 2,3 and 4 above shsll be subject to all oodes, ordinancee, nrleq and regulatioas (fedcrat st8te and locsl) goverrri4g Marriott's Morurtain R.eeort at Vail. In thc evenrt that any contlition oontained herein conflicts with any code, ordinancc, mle or rcgulation (fodcnal, statc, or local), HMC shall comply with thc codc, ordinauca, nrle or regulatiJn and euch compliancc shall not bc deemcd e brcach of this agr€€0rent 6. HMC and Vail Spa agreo that, if accqtrble to the Town of Vail only thoee portions of thc dwclopment plans that have been reviscd to rcflect the chaqgcs contcnrplatcd by thie Agreemcnt need to be submitted a5 part of ths minol amendmenl applioation. ( SENT BY:ORIITSHAT' & HARRING, PE 3-10-01 ; 2:42P1I ; .J 3038393800-)9?04?S2452;* 7 Gilbe,rtF. McNeish Scptemb* t, 1999 Pagc 3 7. Within trve (5) dayo aftcr thc datc upon which the amendments contccplated by this lotten agreerneut becomc firlly cffective urd a Snalpart of Speoial Dwelopmmt Dietrict No. 7, vail spa agrecs to dismiss, with prejudicc, case No, 99 cv 4l l in Eaetc Coung Dietiot Court, State of Colorado,{-.. The terrns set forth abovc are agrwd to by vail spa condominium Assciation on thicz,r day of 1999. Signcd and agreed to this rtay by fl t A Ftc.t A H ^u tElz. (print name), who bas the authority to aot on behalf of Vail Spe Coudominiuur Aseociation. ,. :aa/a"P---'- Nane General Men;rga.r Title 4-.. 4-'- 2:42Pfl ;3038393800{9701?S2452;* NO.OI9IP,24EJf nII mil ON- PHA9E III'1.IE3T ELEVAT EXHIBIT A Page I SENT BY:GRIISHAI & HARRING, P!!.3-10-01 ; 2:43Pll ; 30383s3800'r g?04?s2152;* gI.U |*ElsAtre. t?, 1999,'. lr34Plrl5r'rT l.lEST PnRTT€R9rffrFr'rtt.t.lr'r'+tj*{*f|o ' 6tf-np' S4E I I . aAl'L ':,..7' ; '"- -"+FE '+ffi . r', NORTH ELEVATION IEALE lLr r lr'of E)(HIBIT __ lage 2 | -..4-- SENI BY:GRIi|SHAUI & HARRINO' Pqi 3-IE-OI . AJC,t?,1999 1!36P!l tfr, r*, **'':" " "t'l**'erp t+at'.F *rlrtlgggoo.9?04792452 if10 .,1i1!' I aaNF€RENC€ 1€NTERI rtr, aa.F<. -r. t 'a I I 1 rl llffll a,r't, ' i "i,' l'\t ' '# t,\ | | ,i EIHIBITA-Page3 .tltp)l Gnrusrraw & Hennrwc A PROI'ESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LA.w SUITE 3800 WELLS EARGO CENTER 17OO LINCOLN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203-4538 TET.EPIIONE (303) 839-3AOO TELEGOPTER (gO3) 839-3838 E-MAIL l{A.r LBox@ GR r MsE^wlIARRtNG.colt Gilbert F. McNeish 303-839-3722 gmcneish@ grimshawharring. com www. grimshawhaning.com March 16.2001 George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Depadment of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Via Facsimile 970-479-2452 Re:Marriott Hotel - Proposed Exterior Alteration - Design Review Board Dear George: I am writing to you on behalf of the Vail Spa Condominium Association ("Vail Spa') conceming the proposed exterior alterations to the Marriott Hotel pending before the Vail Design Review Board ("DRB"). When this matter was first considered by the DRB on Wednesday, March 7, 2001 for conceptual review, I indicated to the DRB that Vail Spa would be primarily concerned about any aspect of the proposed exterior alterations which deviated from Marriott's 1999 exterior alteration plan (the "1999 Plan') previously approved by the Town. Vail Spa is especially sensitive to any height increase for rooffeatures under the new proposal which causes an additional obstruction to existing views from Vail Spa when compared to the 1999 Plan. While we have not received the new materials which the DRB asked Marriott representatives to submit for the next DRB hearing on Wednesday, March 2l , 200 I , we have had an opportunity to review the proposal based on the materials and comments presented by Marriott's representative, architect Henry Pratt, at the DRB's conceptual review meeting. Based on our review of those materials and the representations made by Mr. Pratt, Vail Spa has the following observations and conclusions: . ./ George Ruther March 16,2001 Page2 1) The current proposal to make exterior alterations to the Marriott now includes two new large turret structures above the existing roof line which are not part of the approved 1999 Plan. 2) Each proposed tunet departs significantly in terms of height and configuration from the roof desigrr which was approved under the 1999 Plan. The west turret appears larger and is seven feet higher than that which was approved in 1999, and the east turret appears significantly I wger andis22 feet higher than the structure approved in 1999. As a result, there is a substantial increase in obstruction to the view from Vail Spa to the mountain when compared to the 1999 Plan. 3) The increased silhouette of the proposed east turret structure when compared to the 1999 Plan represents at least a 50%o or more increase in view obstruction of the mountain for Vail Spa. Maniott's new proposal is represented by Mr. Pratt as a reduction in overall mass of the east structure when compared to the 1999 Plan, but by any reasonable measure, such reduction in overall mass is not meaningful for Vail Spa when the increase in height and the form of the proposed turret cause a substantial enlargement in the structure silhouette which obstructs the mountain view. Most importantly, the new proposal byMarriott for exterior alterations fundamentally violates the settlement agreement (the "Settlement Agreement") entered into between Host Marriott Corporation and Vail Spa dated September 1,1999 (copy attached) which lead to the approval ofthe 1999 Plan. In l999,Yail Spa appealed the Town's approval of Marriott's Special Development District ("SDD") application, including exteriorrenovation designplans, inthe Eagle CountyDistrict Court (case number99- CV-411). After further negotiations with Marriott, Vail Spa agreed in good faith to dismiss that case in reliance uDon the 1999 Plan and the terms of the Settlement Agreement. The 1999 Plan as reflected in the Settlement Agreement was the result of long, sometimes difficult, yet productive settlement negotiations with Marriott concerning exterior building design matters. There is no compelling reason or justification which should permit Marriott to renege on their prior commitments to the Town and Vail Spa, and to fundamentally deviate from the 1999 Plan as suggested in their new proposed exterior alterations with respect to the turret features on the hotel rooftop. The fire damage to the hotel is simply not an acceptable justification to fundamentally change the 1999 Plan. The Town, and the DRB, must not permit Marriott to avoid their commitments under the Settlement Agreement, and, in effect, attempt to terminate that agreement. 4) 5) George Ruther March 16,2001 Page 3 In conclusion, Vail Spa obj ects in the strongest terms to any proposal by Maniott to deviate from the height and silhouette of the rooftop features in the 1999 Plan and related Settlement Agreement. In Vail Spa's view, any attempt to modif the 1999 Plan conceming these features is contraryto the Settlement Agreement as well as the Lionshead Redevelopment MasterPlan, and all relevant design review processes and standards. Thus, that aspect ofMarriott's new proposal which relates to the two rooftop turret features must be rejected by the DRB. Thank you. Verytrulyyours, GRMSHAW & HARRING, 6WA" Gilbert F. McNeish Design Review Board Al and Loma Hauser, Vail Spa Condominium Association HenrvPratt Gr\13 I 53\l \Lrutherletter2.*Dd ETEt.E'{ Ht]sT MARRIOTT September 1,1999 Mr. Gilbert F. McNeish Grimshaw & Harring 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3800 Darver, CO 80203 Re: Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1999, Amending Marriott Special Development District No. 7 DearMr. McNeish: This letter is intended to formalize the agreement between vail Spa condominium Association (,,vail spa") and Host Maniott, L.P. ("HMC') that was reached last week. Agteement l.HMCagreestopromptlysubmitanddiligentlypursue'ingoodfaith,an application to the Town of Vail to amend Special Development District No. 7, Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail, which reflects the changes illustrated on the attached Exhibit A and set forth in this agreement. HMC and the vail spa agree that the changes set forth in the attached Exhibit A and this agreement do not alter the basic intent and character of Special Development District No. 7 and are consistent with the design criteria set forth in chapter 9 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. HMC agrees that its application shall be made in the form of a minor amendment to a Special Development District as set forth in Section 12-9A of the Town of Vail Zonng Regulations. 2. with respect to the modification of the pyramid structure on page I of Exhibit A" HMC agrees that the amendment application shall reduce the height and mass of the pyramid structure as generally reflected on n*itiuit A. It is intended that this amendment will cause the height of the pyramid structure to be lowered by 7 feet thereby resulting in an overall reduction in riass of the pyramid structure of approximately l0%. HMC agrees that its application will include conditions that there shall be no flag poles, flags, pennants, wires, towers, antennas, or any other structures or extensions of any kind attached to any part of the pyramid structure, irrespective of whether such attachments are temporary or permanent in nature' HMC agrees that its application will also include conditions that there shall be no exterior lighting of or on the pyramid structure. CHRtsTopHER G. TowNSEND s'NroR vrcE PREstoENr' GEN€RAL CouNsE! =€ca"aFY fO4oO F€RNwooo Roao. E)Ecr- 923 E'EaH€so^ MO 20€l?_l l09 30t-3e1-'75''|4 Far 3ol 3Elo_35E|€| cHRr sroPsER ' rowN s'N o(qM ^r ero t r ' co - Gilbert F. McNeish September 1,1999 Page2 3. With respect to the modification of the northwest elevator tower of the Gore Creek Club on page 2 of Exhibit A, HMC agrees that the amendment application shall reduce the height and mass of the elevator tower as generally reflected on page 2 of the Exhibit A. It is intended that the amendment will lower the height of the elevator tower by approximately 3 feet. HMC agrees that its application will include conditions that there shall be no flag poles, flags, pennants, wires, towers, antennas, or any other structures or extensions of any kind attached to any part of the elevator toler, inespective of whether such attachments are temporary or permanent in nature. HMC agrees that its application will also include conditions that there shall be no exterior lighting of or on tJre elevator tower. 4- With respect to the modification of the areabetween the existing Mariott structure and the Gore Creek Club and the pedestrian walkways on the Marriott properfy as reflected on page 3 of Exhibit A, HMC agrees that the amendment application shall add the additional walkways and landscaping as generally reflected on page 3 of Exhibit A. HMC agrees that the additional walkways shall have adequate lighting and that provision will be made for regular snow removal. HMC agrees that the additional landscaping features along the walkway, as extended, shall be generally similar in character, quality and quantity to other on site pedestrian walkways, shall be sufficient to develop a sense of continuity befween and connection with the intensively landscaped interior of the Marriott property and West Lionshead Circle, and shall be designed to create an inviting pedestrian environment. 5. HMC's obligation to comply with paragraphs 2,3 and 4 above shall be subject to all codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations (federal, state and local) governing Marriott's Mountain Resort at Vail. In the event that any condition contained herein conflicts with any ' code, ordinance, rule or regulation (federal, state, or local), HMC shall comply with the code, ordinance, rule or regulation and such compliance shall not be deemed a breach of this agreement. 6. HMC and Vait spa agree that, if acceptable to the Town of vail, only those portions of the development plans that have been revised to reflect the changes contemplated by this Agreement need to be submitted as part of the minor amendment application. Gilbert F. McNeish September l, 1999 Page 3 7 ' Within five (5) days after the date upon which the amendments contemplated by this letter agreement become fully effective and a final part of Special Development Diskict No. 7, Vail Spa agrees to dismiss, with prejudice, Case No. 99 CV 4ll in Eagle County District Court, State of Colorado. The tenns set forth above are agreed to by vail spa condominium Association on this , 21 = day of septembsr . 1999. Signed and agreed to this day by (print name), who has the authority to act on behalf of Vail Spa Condominium Association. General Manag,ar Title .a19IP.2,/4-oPARTNERmN0 : glAuc,17,19991 1:34PilrF 'r I^IEST l2 a,l6 ON- FHASE II F.^-:'.KfH::-_..-... _-.-t_ :r!!rml r\EgT ELEVAT EXHIBIT A Page 1 oo =T l,.lEST PfiRTNERSF F aE''*r'4'+ lrI.r !til'r'-'1'..l.- ':riB'?F rNO .@l,wP.3/4ffi'Eri{.r$r:*!(*AUG . 17 , 1999 -'tt 1:34Pl.F'.r',c|!'r '.% --..-6-Y lqrca '+ffi Y 'IitF NORTH ELEVATPbI EXHIB IT Pana 2 %AiLa l1C' = l'-on . nuc. L7. L999 ' ' -*"\'-r'" -*.''^1*-.'i.J-_'i \ coNF€RENcq cENrERl EXHIBITA-page3 15 March 2OO1 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: submittal and response to DRB requests re: application for Marriott reconstrustion Dear Mr. Ruther, Thank you for your letter of March 8 detailing our submittal requirements and the comments from the March 7s DRB hearing. You will please find attached the following submittal items requested. r . Building elevations- with the north elevation showing the future proposed porte cochere and the previously approved (but no longer proposed) Gore Creek Club. r Existing and proposed floor plans on 1 1x17 paper. Please note that bath layouts are not fixed yet and may change. This will not affect the key count. r Photo overlays are not being submitted now. Accurate 3D base information is very time consuming to generate and the overlays will be presented at the meeting on the 21"r. o The exterior materials list is being resubmitted. A sample board and/or material samples will be presented at the meeting. o North/south section.. Roof plan. o An exterior lighting plan is not attached. The UBC requires a light at each exterior door. We propose to install fully shielded step lights in the walls at 30" above the balcony deck. A cut sheet is provided here but the light fixtures do not show up on the elevations. These lights will be painted to match the stucco. . Letter describing compliance with the Lionshead architectural design guidelines. r Staking of the turrets will not be possible for the pre-meeting walk-through on March 21"t, Per our discussion, we will mark the heights of the turrets using poles and will photograph them from several vantage points. These will be presented at the meeting. lf this is a problem, please let me know. In response to the issues raised by the DRB at the conceptual review on March 7b, please accept the following information. George Ruther- Marriott DRB response 15 March 2001 page 2 The Board's request for volume calculations is quite unusual. I understand that they are looking for a way to justify the added height of the "landmark" elements in the new design with a comparison to the previous design, but to do so using a guantative comparison of volume is setting a dangerous precedent that is neither referenced nor inferred in the Design Guidelines. Please refer to the top paragraph on page 8-20 of the Architectural Design Guidelines to find that there are no numerical height (or volume) limits for chimneys and towers. Furthermore, there is no mention anywhere in these Guidelines that the height of these elements should somehow be tied or related to the Absolute Maximum Height. I also note that in the 1999 proposal for Phase 3, it was new roofs above the existing roof level that were approved. In this proposal, it is a chimney tower and revised elevator penthouse roof/tower that are being proposed. That said, the numbers requested are: West roof: West tower: East roof East tower: West roof: West tower: East roof & elev penthouse: East tower: 1999 volume abv existing roof 2OO1 volume abv existing roof : 1999 volume abv existing roof 2OO1 volume abv existing roof 1999 volume above 82'-6" 2001 volume above 82'-6" 1999 volume above 82'-6" 2OO1 volume above 82'-6" = approx. 11,072.7 lf: approx. 2,959'0 ft3 = approx 3,664.8 ft3 : approx 3,628'9 ft3 : approx. 2,584.3 ft3 : approx. 1,212.7 lf = approx 5,761.1 ft3 = approx 8,753.7 ft3 Please note in the last set of numbers that approximately 3OOO ft3 of the 8753.7 ft3 occurs below the top of the existing elevator penthouse. This distortion is not found when you compare the amount of new volume proposed above the existing roof in 1999 and 2OO1 (the top numbers). Also note that the volume calculations for 1999 do not include the volume of the large-overhang mansard roofs which are not being proposed now. lt is for reasons fike this that I prefer that the DRB make a subjective comparison of volumes then and now instead ol a quantitative comparison. As discussed with you on Friday, March 9th, I have looked carefully at the possibility of making the walls of the top floor slope in the style of a mansard roof . This is not a problem on the north side between the vertical elements and I have modified the drawings to show this. This is a significant problem on the west and south sides where this wall will in some places be two stories high and will be completely blank. lt would also interfere with the other roof form that wraps the building. These two story portions of a new mansard wall would require new structure to implement and therefore this is not a reasonable request by the DRB. A mansard approach also does not make sense on the recessed top floor at the south side where the asphalt shingles will be in direct contact with hotel guests using the south roof decks, For these reasons, I have not changed the drawings. On Friday we also looked at possible designs for roof of the south-west corner of the Phase 3 wing of the hotel. The design I showed you is indeed a significant improvement to the design of this corner. But again, this would require significant new structure and would provide little benefit to the public or neighboring properties. This corner of the hotel is behind the parking structure and does not front on any significant public way so cost of this improvement is not warranted. As I have stated previously, if I am given extra money to spend, I can think of better places to put it that would provide far greater public benefit. I will make minor modifications to the detailing of this portion of the building. A detail drawing of the railings will is attached hereto. For the record, we are proposing clear-coated raw steel (pewter color per the sample shown last meetingl with 2" dia top rails(s) and posts, 1" dia bottom rails, and Tz" square solid vertical pickets. Certain railings wilf omit the second top rail and have %" by 3 % " diagonals at the inside face. The comments about our long unbroken eave line deserve a brief response. On page 8-2O, you will note that the actual wording is to "avoid monotonous, unbroken tidge lines" and there is no such prohibition against continuous eaves. lt is our opinion that this eave is actually a positive attribute since it ties the building together as it changes form on the various elevations. Since the proposed vertical elements in our design do indeed break up the ridge line, we feel that the proposed design complies with this design guideline. In response to the comments about the need for more dormers at the top level, I have added additional dormers to the north elevation. With regard to the configuration of these dormers, I still feel that projected dormers are more in keeping with the intent of the Design Guidelines as they relate to this design and would prefer to retain them. I will present both options to the DRB on the 21"t with photographic evidence intended to support my position. In response to the suggestion for windows in the vertical element at the east end of the north elevation. I would like to offer that the necessary control joints in the stucco will provide some visual interest in this area. As stated in the first DRB meeting, I feel that windows would work against us when the realities of what will exist behind these windows, i.e. housekeeping storage, is factored into the equation. lalso repeat my assertion that this element is above and behind the porte cochere and have now shown it on the elevation. With regard to the Board's suggestions on changes to the color scheme, I would like to point out that the intent is for the building to have a traditional, more simple alpine feel with the color coming from the roofs and the architectural details- an approach very similar to the critically acclaimed (and far more expensive) Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus. I also feel that the Sonnenalp Austria Haus is poor comparison because our building structure is already built and the context for the Austria Haus is far more pedestrian and urban. See below for photos showing famous alpine hotels which illustrate my point. This approach is certainly within the intent of the Design Guidelines (see I will implement the Board's suggestion to increase the color intensity difference in the colors of the fagade and the main body of the building by darkening the color of the stucco at the building shell. However, I am not in agreement on applying a third color to the vertical elements. I worry that by coloring this stucco to look like something different we run the risk of dating or cheapening the look. BIIIDIII9I{AIEBIAIS: Roof Siding UPEQEJAIEBIAL: |lerr.{ nn'{ Asnrrur EIFg COLOR: Ds. 4g't == - --DFtvrT "3OFFE tdtfltE5l'Jii "ac,re tl*'l€" tl}*Tctl AqbT gTD^rg \Ar00D oR tlF5 ElFg, oR. hhile Aturn CLAD F|FS pR \ toop 9e uJldFt s tA rShl€ STEEL IYITL MTL tlsJ€ thJF l.DrE tr0Ne 'Tb-P Llc?*T3 cReorb 'rqr+grrut ^ qraR crhr r.p;n$ urrJDltJ9 MA'tctl Abs tnFTlL 5E€ q,1. 9HeET * Please speciry the manufactlrer=s color, number and attach a small color chlp ** All o<terior lighilng must meet the Torvn=s tighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If o<terior lighung ls prcposed' please lndicate the number of ftxtures and locatlons on a separate llghUng plan. Identlff each flxture.type ind provide the height abore gradg lumens outprt, luminans area, and attadr a oft sheet of the llghting ffxtures, X*X UtF oF W0oD r'l$f AurhFb lf,l UEa-, tlo\AtEvEP' ttgF- O? t^,@b t.)rril Mhl. Trhcr{6gE 7 (o" MA.l BF lr,rorar!. AWAmrcT other wall raateriar(SoUllt 4 *tf* Fasda Soffits Wndovs fi* wndowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues- VEl.tTF Flashlng Chimneys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retalning Walls E*erlor Ughting Odrer FduNlg FPon'T?v CH15p py'rtDre.Q oFFtuAL. WITH THERMAL PROTECTOR, OIE CAST TRIM. FLAT UNBREAI(ABLE LENS Al.lD TArrtFEnPn@F sE!\,s. rteaEr II€aNDFSCENT 2ofl T6 h t-at',lPs GUt-oZ7). ETAMP LCATg.l U5rED.rtezrlr INCANDESCENT 2O,t T6 ,{ LAfr,lPs GtALOza. wErLa rnl usrED. flteatt|. 7W COMPA T FLUORESCENT ur,rPs (HALo 267). WEr L@ATloN LISTED. HouslNG: 7'h'Lx 3l,1w x zYlH TR|M: 8'lL X 3'llH W]TH THERMAL PROTECTOR, OIE CAST TRIM, GI.AFE REET..EIG g{AIE AND TAMPERFROOF SCRE:WS. t''',fi INCANDESCENT 2OVV T5 )A UMPS (HAt-a Z7). DAMP LOCATION USTED. IP RATED. HII INCANDESCENT 2O$/ T6 h UMPS 0-lAr-o 27). wEr r-€ATloa{ usrD,rtt2arr. 7W COMPACT FLUORESCENT LAMPS (HAr3 267). WET I-OCATION LISTED. HousfNcr TYIL x 3th\l x zlliH TRIM: 8?,{1- x 3%'H abr llgh 25W AI9 IIMP. L.OUVERED TRIM. P YVIRING CONNECTIONS ARE MADE IN FDCTURE. P HouslNG: B-Lx Syz!||r' x 4b',H TR!M: gr,l'L X 57.'H IP RATED. soltlt 25W AI9 I-AMP. FXruRE IS PREWIRED TO JUNCTION BOX. U.L. USTED FOR FEED THROUGH APPL|CATIONS. I..OWERED TRIM, P HoustNG: ll%'L x 3%,Yv x sE"H TR|M: g,t'L x sY.'H IP RAIED. sPrilAr. PR0[lJil$||At0 il[l|Ilil[ o RAILIN63 AT LVL 132'-2' 2" NOM TOP RAIL h, SA VERT BARg Vt" x ? th" DIAOONAL9 AT INgIDE OF PICKETS l" NoM BOT|OU RAIL I OIRPO31 2" NOM TOP RAIL tt'*. VERT BAR9 trt" Nou coRNER t CTR ?O9T5 I'NOM BOTTOM RAIL 2" NOM TAP RAIL h' x). VERT BARg Ih' NOU CORNER T C1R PO3T3 I" NOM BOTTOM RAIL RAILIN63 AT OTHER LEVEL3 FRENoH B.AL.-ONY RA ILIN63 George Ruther- Marriott DHB response 15 March 2OO1 page 3 Thanks for the help and we look forward to settling all Sincerely, GWATHMEY P,RATT 'CHUITZ ARCHITECTS, P.C.I / i//-/A1l'/,/l Henry R. Pr€r.-'tt, AIA issues on the 21"t 15 March 2OO1 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Master Plan Guideline compliance re: application for Mardott reconstruction Dear Mr. Ruther, As requested, please accept this letter which details compliance of the proposed Vail Marriott Phase 3 reconstruction with the Design Guidelines in the Lionshead Master Plan. As I have stated all along, this is not a redevelopment as envisioned in the Master Plan. lt is a loconstruction subsequent to a fire. The difference is significant because ol the unplanned loss of service and business interruption. This loss is magnified since this wing constitutes a large percentage of the total key count at the Marriott and the rooms were the newest and most flexible in terms of the ability to create suites of rooms. Inreferencetosection5.l3.l of theMasterPlan;tomyknowledgenonewdevelopmentis currently being planned on or at the location of the existing parking structure. This application therefore neither promises nor implies that any upgrading of the other buildings in the Vail Marriott Resort complex will take place. Additionally, there are no site considerations associated with this reconstruction and none are proposed in this application. The reconstruction schedule does not allow the time or the budget to even attempt to fully comply with the Design Guidelines. However, in section 5.13.3, the Master Plan clearly acknowledges that full compliance is unlikely and should not be used to discourage exterior renovation. fn section 8.3.1 it goes further to say that "any meaningfuf' elforls to enhance existing buildings to meet the design intent should be seen as positive progress. Simply put, we are not expected to meet the full extent of the Design Guidelines nor should we be penalized in any way for do so. George Ruther- Master Plan Compliance March 15, 2OO1 Page 2 In the vision statement at the beginning of chapter 8, it talks about the architecture of Lionshead becoming "timeless" and based on "historical alpine references". Furthermore in section 8.3.3 roofs and building surface treatment are listed as high priorities. The primary elements in the proposed new design for Phase 3 are the roofs. The fire has provided an opportunity to construct a simple 9:12 roof around almost all 4 sides of the building. This new roof also is at a lower level than the existing flat roof parapet and serves several purposes- to lower the apparent height of the building and to tie together the different blocks of building mass as this roof traverses around the building. We are also proposing to add turret structures to the top of the elevator penthouse and at the boiler stacks. The style of these turrets is intended to promote the impression of an alpine setting. The other high priority in 8,3.3 that we can readily address is building surface treatment. The new design replaces the vertical wood siding (it is not T1 -1 1 ) with EIFS stucco. This stucco can be articulated in different ways to change the look of the building and break op the monolithic appearance. Windows. mostly sliding doors, are proposed to be replaced with larger units that have a French door appearance. And finally, the apparent mass of the building is being reduced substantially by removing the existing outer skin and allowing the balconies to express themselves openly and honestly. The balcony railings are now more transparent and provide another opportunity for color and detail. In doing all these things we are addressing high priority goals of the Master Plan. ln constructing the new 9:12 roof, we are complying with the wishes of section 8.3.4'2' In replacing the existing doors and windows, we are complying with the wishes of section 8,3.4.3, To the extent that we can, we are enhancing the window detailing with wood headers. To meet we are replacing the vertical wood siding siding with EIFS wich not only upgrades the appearance but improves thermal performance. To meet we are providing increased detail at the balcony railings, the eave lines, the turret detailing, and by the addition of wood beams and brackets where appropriate. Section talks about building form and massing. We do have an existing structure in place but we are proposing to alter the mass and form of this building significantly. The new roofs, the shifting of the top floor more toward the building center, the increased emphasis on existing vertical elements, the creation of new vertical elements, and the removal of the outer building skin all combine to change the form and mass away from the monolithic shape that stands there today. These all work to satisfy the goals of George Ruther- Master Plan Compliance March 15, 20O1 Page 3 Section addresses building height. Finished grade (the basis for measuring eave heightsl for the north and south elevations of the Phase 3 wing is so different that they must be evaluated differently, On the north side the mass of the convention center sits in front of the building mass. The initial eave height is actually at about 13'. The building then steps back almost 75' to where the Phase 3 tower actually sits. The existing flat roof parapet has an eave height of slightly more than 69'. The proposed new roof has an eave height of slightly more than 53' so this roof brings this fagade into Master Plan compliance. We are making another change to the building mass which will step the third face of this elevation back another 7'. lf the goal of these height rules is to articulate this fagade, the changes we are proposing do just that. On the south side the building eave heights remain the same as before but the proposed new roof and changes to the top floor make the height articulation more dramatic and more noticeable. Underthe heading of "Wall Surface Criteria" on page 8-18, there is a requirement that no face of a building extend more than 35' vertically without a step back. Due to the outer skin on the existing building, it does not comply on any face. By removing this outer skin (the exoskeletonl we are able to make significant and substantial strides toward meeting this rule on three of the four elevations {and the fourth, the east, is blocked by the Phase 2 building anyway!. In this case we cannot fully comply with letter of the rule but we do completely satisfy the goal of preventing "large, unbroken planes in the middles of building faces". Based on an interpolated existing grade at elevation 8120 (elevation 83 on our drawings), the existing flat roof height is at approximately 76'. This is also the Average Maximum height. Existing structure prevents us from changing this. The existing elevator penthouse is exempt from this calculation as defined at the top of page 8-2O. Even so it is an eyesore. We propose to reduce the lateral mass and cover it with a turret style roof. At the east end of the north elevation we are propsing another turret to conceal the boiler vent stacks. These proposed new turret elements (one a chimney, the other a modified elevator penthouse) qualify as "special landmark building elements" under the definitions on page 8-2O. As such they are exempt from numerical height limitations in the Master Plan. They also serve to satify the list of goals at the end of the top paragraph on page 8-2O; they break the ridge lines and they provide visual interest by means of varied peak heights and roof forms. These elements do therefore comply fully with the rules and intent of the Master Plan. It would be hard to say that the existing Phase 3 building has a distinguishable base middle and top. The changes we are proposing go a long way to meeting the intent of section On the north side, the conference center remains the base and our new roof line clearly defines a middle. The articulation of the top floor is intended to give the impression of an attic level within the roof, atop. On the south side , we propose to use EIFS in a darker color to provide a base, We have a clear middle and again above the new roof we can see a penthouse level, a top, George Ruther- Master Plan Compliance March 15, 2OO1 Page 4 The Phase 3 wing is not a part of any real pedestrian experience and the south elevation is not a "street level wall". Therefore we are not required to meet the 30' rule defined on page 8-22. Our building middle does however satisfy the parameters on page 8023. They are quiet but not "banal". The articulation comes not from building mass changes but rather from balconies of varying lengths. balcony railings with varying patterns, window headers and variations in fenestration. The proposed design certainly meets this Design Guideline. ln terms of general wall materials, we comply with the master plan. The existing stone veneer at the north west corner of the Phase 3 wing satisfies the design intent for materials and the changes we are proposing for the south side, including the expression of arches improve the expression of base there. Our middle materials are predominately stucco with wood beams and brackets (or wood colored stucco- we have a code issue here that is ignored by the Master Plan and will be a problem for all other large Lionshead redevelopments). We are proposing to replace the existing bronze aluminum storefront sliding type doors with two types of clad aluminum French doors with insulating glass and a custom color. The majority of doors will be French sliders but we will also install some true French doors at locations where windows are being upgraded to doors with a French balcony, These doors and how they are placed meet all the requirements of section Existing structure is the controlling factor with regard to the proposed balcony design for Phase 3, However the balconies do vary in with in the new design and the high parapet guardrail walls topped with pipe rails are being replaced with a more open and honest expression. Guardrail material is clear coated steel for a weathered pewter color and we are proposing two different designs depending on location. This is within the intent of section Section states that roofs in Lionshead should attempt to emulate the gabled roof forms of European alpine villages. The existing monolithic flat roof of Phase 3 does not comply with this intent and the existing structure makes any significant changes difficult. This is why we are proposing to add a 9;12 roof that runs around three sides of the building and to add the turrets at the boiler vent and the elevator penthouse. And as requested on page 8-33 we are adding the expression of structure to the newly expressed eaves. Since these roofs are all secondary roofs the 24" overhang complies with the Guidelines. The proposed material, heavy duty asphalt shingles, complies with the Guidelines as well. Snowguards will be installed on the west and south sides since thses are the only places where life safety is an issue. The design will comply with the guidelines. George Ruther- Master Plan Compliance March 15, 2OOl Page 5 The paragraph on dormers in section allows quite a bit of latitude in their design. I have proposed gabled dormers at the top floor north side and the DRB has asked to see recessed dormers. I will present alternatives of each type at the next meeting but both types apparently comply with the guidelines. I prefer the gabled type because they are most consistent with the type of roofing proposed and are more compatible with the intent to express an attic space. They also fit better with the Guideline intent for gabled roof forms in Lionshead. Relative to section, all fireplaces at Phase 3 will be direct vent gas appliances as required by the building code. Since a chimney defect caused the fire, we are proposing that all fireplace units be vented through the wall. Unlike the Austria Haus where these wall terminations were painted to match the wall and have subsequently become discolored with soot, we propose that they be painted to match the doors. We therefore have no real chimneys at the roof except the boiler vents. These are being concealed inside the turret and the only evidence of exhaust will be the open grating in the turret roof on the east side- the least visible. Section requests that detail be added to the architecture of Lionshead to give a sense of "heritage, culture, and artistry". Opportunities to add detail at Phase three are limited to the roof and the building middle. The addition of or expression of structure is where we take steps to address this Master Plan desire. The articulation of the balconies, in strong contrast to the existing design also address this goal. The steps we are proposing therefore comply with the intent and the limitations defined in this section. Finally, as related to the issue of color as addressed on page 8-25, we feel the proposed palette complies in both the intent and the letter of the Guidelines. Our proposed palette is simple and subtle, reminiscent of the hotels to be found in alpine resorts and compatible with the mountain environment (see attached page of photos). We feel that the use of several strongly differentiated colors will create a "patchwork" look that is prohibited by the Guidelines. Our accent colors are those of weathered wood and the gray of pewter steel of the railings. The roof will also be the weathered deep gray of a stone roof. The base color on the south side will match the stone that currently exists at the west end and at the Hotel entrance. These all combine to create a building that is not loud and which has the timeless traditional feel of an alpine hotel- returning again to the primary intent of the Design Guidelines as expressed in the Vision Statement. Sincerely. Pratt, AIA TZ ARCHITECTS. P.C. TOWNOFVNLIT 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Fr'.x970479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET ro: Ail dc ilaish COMPAIIY NAME: FAX Tf, LEPHO}I.E ITIUMBER: FROM: DATE: <lqlat TIME: # OF PAGES IN DOCIIMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET)_I- RESPONSE REQI]IRtrD? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ['AX # MO-A79-A52 TOWN OF VArL COMMUNIIY DE\I[ LOPMENT TELEPHONE #_qm<zg-Z,E!_ SPECIAL COMMDNTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYOND\FORM S\Faxshect 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970479-2138 Fex970-479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: F'AX TELEPHONE NT]MBER: FROM: DATE:TIME: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET)_ RESPONSE REQUIRID? SENT BY TOWiY OT'VAIL COMMUNTIY DE\{ELOPMENT FAX # g7G'479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPEOITIE #-:ZU<29.2138- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYONE\FORMS\FaxShect N tu tuI \)o : tu(n T tL Izo F tuJ tu IFlo (|) A tu tt)oLo M fL rlll*tIir Depotment of Community Development 75 South hontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 8,2001 Mr. Henry Pratt Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Archilects 1000 Soulh Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Design Review Board Application for the renovation of the Marriott Vail Mountain Dear Henry, Thank you for appearing before the Town of Vail Design Review Board on Wednesday' March 7h for the conceptual review of the proposed renovations to the Marriott Vail Mountain Resort. The purpose of this lelter is to provide you with a written list of materials that must be submitted to complete your application and lo provide you with a summary of the comments shared by the Design Review Board members' Pursuant to Section 12-7H-7 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations, in part, the alteration of an existing building shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Zoning Regulations. According to Chapter 11, Section 12-11-4, Materials 1o be Submitted: Procedure' prescribes the materials that shall be submilted to the Administrator for the review ol a Design Review application. Upon review of the submittal requirements, I have determined that there are a number of items lhat are not relevant to the review of the Marriott renovation proposal. Therefore, I am waiving the requirement to submit the following items; o Survey. Title Reporto Dralnage Plan. Utility Verification Form. Landscape Plan. Sign Plans. Erosion and Revegetation Plan. NPDES Permit {p **uo"o . Phasing Plano Site Plan You are required to submit the lollowing items; . Building Elevations (w/ Gore Creek Club on the north elevation) r Existing and Proposed Floor Plans for those areas of the hotel that are atfected by the renovation. Photo overlays comparing the proposed changes to the 1999 approved plans. r An exterior materials list and sample boardo A N/S section drawing(s)r A Roof Plan with proposed elevations. An Exterior Lighting Plano A wrilten letter describing how the proposed plans comply with the architectural design guidelines as described in the Lionshead Redevelopment Masler Plan.. Staking atop the building to illuslrate the proposed turret heights and configurations. On March 7rh, the Design Review Board provided input with regard to the proposq! renovation plans. Below is a list of the commenls ancl/or questions raised by lhe Board. Please be prepared to respond to each of the following comments or questions at the March 21, 2001 , meeting of the Design Review Board; o What was the volume ol the building above 82' in height on the approved plans and how does it compare to the volume of the building above 82' in height on the proposed plans?. Please explore the option of constructing a mansard-style rool in place of the proposed vertical stucco wall.. Please explore design options for the southwest corner of the hotel and alternatives to the proposed flat roof design. A slight change in exterior materials or materials application may be approvable.r Please provide a detail drawing (typ.) of lhe proposed balconies and railings.. The color scheme as proposed needs to be improved. Please review the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan for direction and acceplable color applicalions.. The proposed turrets atop the holel are well designed and proportionate to the size of the structure.. The introduction of the darker-colored, arched relief in the first floor on the south elevalion provides the needed foundation and base design to the hotel'. The overall length of straight eave line on the north elevation should be inlerrupted if possible.. The removal of the exterior wood structure from the hotel is a positive benefit of this proposal. You are currently scheduled for design review on Wednesday, March 21, in the Vail Town Gouncil Chambers. Should you have any questions with regard to the information addressed in this letter, .ts always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easif y al 97 0- 479-21 45. Sincerely, rj**,*l'-R..'tt,a George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail =ll illtuu;on o *l -s-ta-+-uckry.,t- -P^-P-*"J -anye-L"uJz -Aa-'- r.rotkJi-,' j-tr ,a-la/tj/b/) t-zlaLL'J .-"n ^-w. * -p _-/t eut -4,?r_u^j1 _hrf/rJ 7 - t-c4-t/-t/1-./7)41 ,-l JI*:4J i ;rf^^j on _uztu) -4-441 B. s Y ,r--LL-*e*-4-4-r' -h-t-XlJ -t-t-*J --/ gZ + -+- h-o-l -lL,as .J-h--- .-+,A h-tqrt-,--, f L_LL fut .,.-nau) -4160( 1' ja-lJ'4 Il.6 .-ta7t-,o,.. + *t-Lu,rrt^- * ,'4'l'b-1JLnt,.rJ 4, J*ro 4J-^,".1 -ra-o4Llh ; f@;^L' *-tv.to.u-aL -&uU f!-- -f -*t"r^t-*r',- ,o-l -<-nUl q.t-/ -a-../t/tl^4 Jrnj*@ -/'o-4JU J*tru"'- I -' tlu-'a'L-'at ) --h.aLL4 -ut rt-ta JJvL4,?rC\ .-,o-r,oJt' o * qrnnznn-a'a,^l *gt^..n f -A^l^-"n, l*-t -4^J -"kkJ flf X -it-t nlrlhafu t '4,p-rrd d-<n*in -fu;,-'- crt't -'a'szt-LlL^4ta/ 4'azvrmr-4''t TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 Fu:970-479-2157 www.ci.vail.co.us TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council, Staff and Community Members Lorelei Donaldson, ro*n 61.rP@ March 6, 2001 Microphone Use in the Town Council Chambers It has come to the attention of the staff and outside transcribers, during the course of having to transcribe and listen to some of the Town Council meeting tapes, that the quality and audibility of the Town Council work session and evening meeting tapes are poor and difficult to understand. It is very important that everyone, including council members, staff and the public speak into the microphones clearly and speak within six (6) inches from the microphone. This will alleviate some of the distortion, echoing, and audibility issues we are exPeriencing. fiank you for your cooperation and understanding of this issue. Please contact me if you have any questions at 479-2L36. {g *ot"uor r"" J--l .^-/ ot",,t P *f 4-,^.-,- fri 4 z. CL' *]U\ 'z'c-J/ --J'.-''ul-""t *-ta^ol * J-a-trtlr.t* -rt--J P-Lr'J-'c'4'o *r-"JJ -.tl-*n:a -t'a€*t.t -o-14-^^-,r..,+;1^.- ,apLr-A -.<)tnn4.,- I j---.- t"l', -'rtr-a'*qh"- -)u-e''<'<t < J-i+lt-' -,c-ol'e/) h -n"r^rr-^,-.'- -a]'-fj/l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 Fu:970-479-2157 www.ci.vail.co.us TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM VailTown Council, Staff and Community Members Lorelei Donaldson, town Clerk@ March 6, 2001 Microphone Use in the Town Council Chambers It has come to the attention of the staff and outside transcribers, during the course of having to transcribe and listen to some of the Town Council meeting tapes, that the quality and audibility of the Town Council work session and evening meeting tapes are poor and difficult to understand. It is very important that everyone, including council members, staff and the public speak into the microphones clearly and speak within six (6) inches from the microphone. This will alleviate some of the distortion, echoing, and audibility issues we are experiencing. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding of this issue. Please contact me if you have any questions at479-2L36. {j*urwo 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 &z o'\'r', |rfftt'l^ COMMT]NITY DEYELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET COMPAIIY NAME: FAx rELEpHor\iE NUtaER 5o3 . 6=q'58<9, nnov: &au*- RtnH., f.o.v . DATE: Z IZAIoI TIME: # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLI]DING COVER SHEED__Js- RESPONSE REQIIIRED? SENTBY TOWN OFVAILCOMMUI\I TYDEVELOPMENTFAX# 910479-U52 TOWN OF VAIL COMMIJNTIY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #_ 9?A4?9-2!!8 SPECIAL COMMEI{TS AND NOTf, S: F:E VERYONE\FORMS\FaXShoeI o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FA)t970-479-2452 COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO:. ....jr-ji;,rj,,,, . ;a', COPIPANYNAME: FROM: ,", i,, r DATE:TIME: # oF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLTIDING COVER SHEET) RESPONSE REQTIIRED? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT x'AX #---9M79452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE #--gzalzg-213E- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F: EYERYONE\FORMS\Fodheef ilt,,.t',iii;il':; ,: --Ou i:-'l:tttr.trq Sl*tf at .1,::i ;l :,3,3 APPLIC"qTION FOR Df$IGH RHVIHW APPR.OVAL 1_, r, t! I;s4llllt-Gfl a rlQN !hrs tpFlicaiiofl ]s filr any pr{ilei:rf f{qsirirtg Se:i qri Revif:,,v fr[)provai. Arty pn:1ect reqlirirrg desrqn rrlviqw r ust ier::ive *e;iUn Revierv alrprovdl prior t* subrfittrng ior a buidinq per+:it. ici rptl-ifi{ rr,fornrari,) , s€e the sllbmtttal fequrre''fletlts f*t the pdlticular apprcval th,lt is |equeitert. Tl,:e appiiceticlr {i-r rrot iH o.crrFted until ell the required ,ttf ortnttiort is $ubf nift{:tl. I he p|cilect rray a lsr: nlanl t he reviEl$reii tiy tlre lown tiluncil finrjior t e {ttuflning *nd -t1\/ rrilnfienta I Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building pefmit is issued and co*struclian is started. DEScRr.FiroN oF Tftf RrQuESf r Mqqqglnlll Tb HtlE*Ei-qg-q-EfdeFg- e-lJt.4 f"} -.F.r.J " IOCATTflTI OF FROFOSAL:L*r: C*D BLOCK: F:r tfJG:MoRC{rt, srjts lHysrrjl nuDRrss;_ -l|€ ,sI, lrqtl"--t_tlsD --el.E!!F pARcEL *: AIQ t -OJ&-AZAI (Contact Eaqle Co. .4sses$s6 Offlce et 970 3;lB'8640 fcr gen:el #) ZONTNG: gDF*1 \AFri cf- DWNrR(!;) ltMq-TE?^JPT'A(EL rlAlr. rNG ^')DRESS: Yl+gg\gTr DeU/s. DErI- 1qJ po -oz -WAALrr.JCrlU.-l. l.{- Z* Eb : - pirrrf ;:l pr: Z-bo:9V+ - owNER(s) SIGNATURE(S): _ . ^{AilF or AprrucANr, (wsrpve{ RArf SorVr-rZ A,o*rfga+- rrArlricADrlRr,;s: lpb Et, F.34^rI,lq€ ED,-- t , .:. VA{-L - htu7a - - .",. - r,u.#,--41-b-iil4:1-**----- - :1. L'' ' ,.1 I Best copy .,\l'ailable IYPE If t"' I OF fi,i-VIEW AI.ID I:IE: l\lew Construction - $200 (lunslriir:iinn of ;r ir er,,, Duit,linci. Addition - S50 .lrrcludr:ri arry adrii*arr inrlr:trt: srlurre foofirrlr: is ar.ided to any nxkl*ntiai ,..1r cc fir iT:€:ir. irt i br rld inq. Minor Alteration -$20 ltcit,tdet rittirnr t-hanq{r$ lr b;iildiir,lti iirr(: s;tfl rnlp't$vtrr]ti:tt.$, tiuch ,r,t. rercolinc;, fr')i,rii!-rir, i,i ir'r,j t'ov addjlltr:;. la,:r jtt:acitlq, f+lfltitrt.;,'irtl I i. l.+irr:tii l.',,;ii:, r.t :-i,. DP.lr :ertc :)r'r tt l-,e PL[A$E SUBMIT ltjlS APPLICAT]ON, ALL SUfiMITTAL REQtJIREtdt N'l'S AND THE FE€ T() T!-lE DEFARTMENT OF Coiltr"'IUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT, 15 $ou'Ti{ FROHTrlffiE ROAH, VrlIL. Cil&-0ftr4rio 8t{iS7. a/o l, , +[ i- i, i it'.'),. PSter-@s 0460 / -il31 2-24-01 ; 3:s€iPM;Merr'..tlor ror.;3o 13go 19aa * 2/ 2 GENERAL INFORMATION This apCicatim ls for any poject requiflng Des|q RqeT approval' Any proFct rcquiring decan radew must receh,e Deggn nor,"t .pp-uiii-iot t- *uitiun6 rot " u'ilO'iri po.t" t"t tryf igation' see the submittal rcqulrements fior u,. p"rmr.i.ilpi,"-r th;t'it d"*td-' n"iplr"tuol qpot F *Trytd until all the t€quired infornutlsr ls submltted. The proiect may also need to be t*f.ilt 5y the Torvn Council andor the Plannlng and Environmental cf mmlsgon. *[-n-ti"ffi aoaa app1orat q1i o6 year acr flnd approval ;11rles a bulldng pcn-t b tsnrd aillonsEuction 15 lralrq Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479'2L38 APPUGATIO'I FOR DESIGTI RNNEW APPROVAL DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. c. D. E. F. G. LocATroNoFpRoposAL: uor, C{D BLocK:-aunc' Moeelg gt'& Ml.4EOF MAIUNGADDRES"T )oments) Constructlon d a nerar bulldlng' inir"i[.-Jny aoditlon where square fo&ge ls added b any residental or @mmerdal building' ilild*;id;hingcs o uunoings and slte lmprcvem€nts' such il;;ffi;eaffi;; wtndovrr adiitions, landscapins' fences and retalnlng walls, etc' DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submtttat. later, ryfen applylng- br a buildingpermit . please tdentiry the accurate vatua$wr or ue proiH. #iffi ;ri;iiwiii aodn tire t" acordng to the project valuation' PErtE gr$fi THrSi APPUCAUOil' {rlr^!-uPwrru REQI',TREHETCTS AllD THE FE TO rfri ori"rrlrtet'n or lpIIUt{rfY Da',CL{t?frE fr' zs sormr'ffirrler RoAD' vArl' ooloRloo 8165t' nb4 TYPE tr F. tr H. t\tAME OF APf'LICAT{T: MAIIIITIG ADDRESS: OF REVIEW AND FEE: XrwCot#lxfon- 02OoAddldon- +5o lrllnor AlbraEon - t2O --- I Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479'2L38 -l -l f l urron HreRATroNs ro rHE ExrERroR oF BurlDrlrcs I$Tfl\Tflf t/illL7 | AnDsrrErrlPRoltElrlEilns GENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMTTTAL REOUIREMENTS { Photos or sketches which Elggly convey the existing conditions. / ,n*"or sketches which glggly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). V All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. { Condominium Association approval (if applicable). IIA ! If the intent of the proposal is not cleady indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. o BUIIDINf:-MAtrE&lAtS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr .. Doors Door Triui Hand or Dcck Rails IFlucs/VENTb I Fldslrings Chiruneys Trash Enclosures Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS FL E1F+ AUJrqdUn CIAD €'TEEL ETa- Dresr Yr}-rr ,YFR NOU€ [,0[16 l.|od6 l\rod6 TYPE OF MATERIAL: AgPt\luT Cthrrqt€t 9 :jtUc,c o,/gtpa glocr f,rce e@.Q,B:r - 1tt* t. vJoou [lf nu-ooeU\oR AF9,. . .. rl If{sp€P"g orrLl r u,oob/ElF5 AW NorJg MATu+ A\)AC]E$T nfiT t- TtsD + Please speciff the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ++ All cxtcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ord.inance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposcd, plcasc indicate thc nurnbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Idartiff each fixturc typc and provide the hcight above gnde, lunrcns output, lundnous arca. and attach a cut shcct of the lighting fixrures. L ncated o/y / DR}(vrt * lot €rrER t AITE .DPlVrT S 'pt B€ITF U*rrE erp * zr z16 (Cchl crpo) n4me-U frftrc (peor.lu\ h cj*ecrAL aeA^l--.--.--.---..-: l Nrtqt Prtore (e{rourd) Cr\APcrtl- C7QA.4 ----------l I Cr€A.R- C.oNf |ft4)IEP- MrnoA cHAecrAL q4 I PROPOSED LANDSCAPING NA - Nor.ts Wo?o*t . Bohnical Nanrc Contnron Namc Ouantity Sizcr PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: ' +Minintum riquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipcr .. conifcrous trccs -.6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons - Tvpc Squarc Footarc GROUND COVER c.ln SEED , IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTFIER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis. fenccs, swimming pools,'etc.) Ptease speciff. Indicate top and bottom clevations ofrctaining walls. Maxinnrnr height of walls rvithin the front sctback i. 1feet. Maximum hcight of rvalls elscrvhcre on the propcrty is b fcet. 23 February 2O01 George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: DRB application to revise Marriott Phase 3 reconstruction Dear Mr. Ruther, As requested, I am submitting this letter outlining the changes and improvements we are submitting for the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort Phase 3 reconstruction. I think it is extremely important to keep in mind that these changes need to be evaluated relative not onfy to the existing wing but also to the design approved two years ago in Ordinance #1O, series of 1999. lt is also paramount that everyone understand that the budget is constrained by the insurance money which only covers replacement of what was there before the fire. As in 1999, we are proposing to remove the exoskeleton frame on the north, west and south elevations. And once again, we are proposing to express the balconies with a minimal depth of structure and with open railings and vertical pickets. Beyond this we are also showing non-structural beams and brackets (of wood if approved by the Building Official, of wood color stucco otherwisel supporting the balconies and overhangs. The fire has given us an opportunity to do some things with the roof that were not possible two years ago. 1 . We now propose to shift the entire top floor (the 6'hl to the south. At this time, this shift does not provide any additional GRFA. The 6'n floor overhang on the north elevation will be pushed back approximately 8' and a modest 8:12 roof will be installed across the entire elevation. Corridor windows on the 6th will now be expressed as dormers- material and color to match the walls, On the south elevation, the large sloping 3:12 metal roof that was destroyed in the fire will be replaced with a flat roof that has an 8:12 rool at the edge. ln terms of appearance, the 6th floor will now appear to be an attic level that sits above the roof and is set back on the three viewable elevations (N,W,S). This approach is very much like the top floor of the Vail Spa and we propose a dark color stucco as was done at the Spa. I will also note that this moving back of the north wall of the 6th floor will have even less impact on the Vail Spa than the existing building and far less impact than the design approved in 1999. George Ruther- Marriott DRB application 23 February 2O01 page 2 2. The 5th floor on both north and south elevations, sitting just below the new 8:12 roofs, will now be treated as a continuous balcony and the railings will be detailed differently. In terms of the Lionshead Master Plan Design Guidelines, the building will now have a base (the convention centerl, a middle (the balconiesl, a top (the 5'h floor balcony and its roof) and an attic level above the roof that is set back from the elevation faces (the 6'h floor). 3. To break up the north elevation, we are now proposing a small square turret near the west end of the fagade. The mass and volume of this spire are far less imposing than the roof form approved in 1999. To make this work, we will need to enclose space outside of the exit stair and outside the existing building envelope, but this space will not have floors and should not trigger a minor amendment to the SDD. 4. The elevator penthouse on this wing has always been considered the crowning ugliness on an ugly building. While the need for the penthouse and the spatial requirements for the elevator equipment have not changed. we do now have the ability to reconfigure it somewhat. We are proposing to lower the height of the box and reduce the volume significantly by lowering the roof over the stair that accesses the roof. We are also proposing to "hide" much of the elevator overhead inside another turret. The spring point of the turret roof will be 4' lower than the existing top of penthouse parapet and the shape of the spire is designed to minimize it's mass. This design is again a significant reduction in mass and volume from the 1 999 scheme and provides a solution to the problem of the elevator tower. This will also improve the appearance of the hotel as seen from the Mountain. And by reducing the mass of the elevator tower and placing the new volume further to the south. the impacts on the Spa are again signif icantly reduced. 5. The existing 6' wide sliding doors at the hotel rooms are proposed to be replaced with doors that offer more glass and better views. Where rooms did not previously have balconies, we are proposing now to have doors (instead of windows) and shallow "French" balconies. On a two dimensional elevation this will appear to make the elevations more regular and repetitious, but in reality, the differences in balcony depth will still allow the elevation to move in and out across the face of the building. Finally, the color scheme being proposed is quite simple and timeless. White stucco skin with a warm coffee color stain on the wood beams and brackets. The roof materials are still subject to cost analysis, but will fall somewhere between asphalt shingles (approved in 1999) and copper. For now we are proposing the asphalt shingles, Doors and windows will be a dark gray and the direct-vent fireplace vents on the walls will be painted gray as well (looking at the Austria Haus, I think this is better than trying to hide them by matching the wall color- they appear to quickly get stained by the soot in the exhaust gasses). George Ruther- Marriott DRB application 23 February 2OOl page 3 I hope this helps. In ord€r to have any chance of getting the building open by Christmas 2001, we need to get this approved as quickly as possible so that reconstruction may begin, Sincerely, GWATHMEY PBATT S Z ARCHITECTS, P.C.kl Henry R. Pratt, AIA c)-|llE>, f\I - rrc fifiElr filr rr rlli xli"fll 8li rll -ll-il Hil sil Ltl rllztl 0ll tril fili dllrli 8ilzll ftil rDll9oil; $lt; fli$ iij,,---.r ------i -----,;,E=ri rEdi ;Efr: L ._-. Iffir i fl=€ If FIE (F 'l,A INiN n T II io,s- 'it(\ dt (.f { H -$ r Ho $L -) otr { tu d F :fo(n A H ol-Ll0l rl (D-- =u r,f) sL Izotr s ul --+ UJ h t ooL P TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StaiEorootf*'l'|**ft*X**lf***l'tfllit*tlalt'll+tf*tl*****l*l**'irtft*ft**tt*tft'3r+ttr*r+i*rr*t*fr*titt**ir* gtatement Number I ROOoOOO4?S Amoultt: g50.OO OZ/2Gl2OOL:-L:29 Nrt Payment lt{ethod: Check Init,: JAR Notatlonr 5956 Dermit No: Parcel No: Site Addreag : IJocation: ThJ.s Payment : DR801003? 2LOLO'I207007 715 fl IJIOilSHEAD Ty4re: DRB - Addition of GRFA CR VAIIJ 950.00 **l**ltl tf ****r|*l **:tt *rt tf t t't*t* *:it'|* * ari*,i** *r '* t* ** *{r+**a* *lt ,}*,t,},t {tt * * lt* ** *,}*+*,t,t,} ***,t t***f *,tf, ACCOI.]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current ffi.s DR 00100003112200 DESIGII REVIEW FEES 50.00 Total Fees: Tota1 ALrLr Prnte : BaLance: $50 . oo 950.00 $0.00 zo F I 0, =L 7 rn Ett!a E: ilmoa lJ- 8Nj N N T rl e # I I *___-i:F{l i ;|..-f';b.{ | it:li : I c,f + $I I ill rI) sL Iz0 5 Hi lrr i $l A IU rf)oL P i-*- a a o r.{ H fi Ho Fa tN s aJ N t ll _* ri{ 7 t} f o H CI sL Izo 3 H h ft(r)oL PILI f,$l J { N o I ll -* u] --t,{ hl --E-j- Efr-t,t-.1tt;tt ' ,b-l i i I I i I iI;-;-"+: ^ -"* -1* *-"- a(B_ @-- ffi-I I i (D- o t il P xl 7 s IL P *+1 + l$$ +il Izotr I l tli . ---- ---+ -- la i---*--i I Gnrlrsnew & Hrnnrr.rc A PROFESSIONAL GORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT I.AW surrE 3800 WELLS EARGO OENTER ITOO LINCOLN STREET DENVER, COLORADO aO2O3-4534 TELEPHONE (303) 639-3A00 TETECOPIER (303) 839-3838 E.MAI L MArLBox@cRr MsttAwHA.RRrtlo.coM Gilbert F. McNeish 303-839-3',122 gmcne ish@grim shawhaning.com www. grimshawharring. com January 30,2001 George Ruther Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Y ia F acsimile 97 0 - 47 9 -2 452 Re: Marriott Hotel Redevelopment Dear George: Thank you for your recent voice mail message concerning the status of the Marriott hotel redevelopment matter. Based on your message, it appears that the Marriott's culrent proposal is to rebuild the structure rather than initiate the improvements approved by the Town through the design prcicess in which we participated on behalf of Vail Spa Condominiums. However, you also indicated that the Marriott may amend its proposal, so the hotel's final strategy is apparently yet to be determined. As I have indicated to you earlier, Vail Spa remains concerned about design considerations relative to the recievelopmenr of the facility and their impact on the negotiare<i design seitlement between Vail Spa and the town. It was not clear to me from your message whether or not the Maniott's plans for redevelopment of the hotel have been formally submitted to the town for review and approval under the process which you described through the non-conforming use section ofyour code. Vail Spa is interested in monitoring all aspects of that application process. Accordingly, I request that you send to me a complete copy of all application materials submitted by Maniott to the town concerning the rebuilding of the hotel facility and related amenities so that Vail Spa can determine ifit has any interest in actively participating in the application review process. Ifthat formal application has already been made, please forward to me copies of all materials in that application as well as relevant staffanalysis and reports. If the application has not been submitted, please forward those materials to me upon its submittal. George Ruther January 30,2001 Page2 Again, thank you for the update. I look forward to hearing from you in response to my request. Very truly yours, GRIMSHAW & HARRING, GilbertF. McNeish cc: Al and Lorna Hauser Gll3 153\l\Lruthedctter.wpd Gnrr'rsrr,tw & Hennrwa A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT I.AW SUITE 3800 WELLS Ih.RGO OENTER 17OO 1JNCOLN STREET DENVER, GOLORADO 80203'4638 TELEPITONE (3O3) a39-3aOO TELECOPTER (3O3) 439-3834 E.MAIL ITAI LBox@GRl M SE.A\'.II.A.RRING.GOI{ Gilbert F. McNeish 303-839-3722 gmcneish@grimshawharring.com www. grimshawharring'com November 22,2000 Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re:VailMarriottHotel-DesignReviewApprovals.RecentFireDamage Dear George: I am writing to follow-up my telephone message to you yesterday concerning the recent fire damage to the Maiiott Hotel. based onthe preliminary reports which I have received, it appears that the hotel sustained extensive damage particularly to the upper floors due to the hre' Because ofthe nature and extent ofthe fire damage,it also appeals that substantial reconstruction ofat least a portion of the hotel facility will be req-uired. It is not clear what, if any, impact this situation and the work required will have on the design review approvals which we helped negotiate last year on behalf of the Vail Spa Condominium owners' Due to the uncertainty ofthis situation, I hereby request that you keep me advised,ofanY changes, amendments or mociifications which may be proposgti to. the Nlaniott's speciai Deve'iopment District or to the approved design plans for any of the Marriott facilities' Please also advise me of any other town app.ovals sought by Marriott which may alter the approved design plans for the Maniott facilities as approved by thi town consistent with the settlement agreement between Vail Spa and the town. I look forward to hearing from you as Marriott formulates its plans to rebuild the hotel facilities resulting from this unfortunate event' Thank you' Mr. George Ruther November 22,2000 Page2 GFIvI&ad cc: Al Hauser Loma Hauser G:\13 l53U\Lnardon ff rc.wpd Very truly yours, GR]MSHAW & }IARRING,