HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS COMMON PERMITS 1972-1981 (2), ,l ,,^.DATE -----i. '-- TIME RECEIVED- ! ornrn MON COMMENTS: i r, ".INSiPECTIG'N F|EEUEST . /,TOWN OF VAIL flpnnrrru LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED florsneeRovED CORRECTIONS: THUR FRI-AM .PM EJ nppRovED UPON THE CORRECTIONS , ,F" . DATE D nerNsPEcr FOLL ING ,a,,- ra IN=iPECTION i1 .FIEBUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME RE IVED- n ornEn TUE E}nppRovED Bupon rHE FoLL CORRECTIONS CALLER WED '.' NG CORRECTIONS: I orsner RovE D ! nerNsPEcr ! pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION evr ,ivrTHURFRI "--a PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ETIGLE do solemnlY swesr that I am OF ETIGLE o print€d, in whole or in part and publish-ed in the County of Eagle'.State of |oloraio, and has a general circulition thereini that said newspaper has. been il;ffi; "i'niinu"*trv'"" a unint"t*pt"aly in said Countv of E'rgle for a period of more than rrtty'two "on.."uiiuu weef s n"xt prior to thc fiist' publication of . re ;;;-i;g;i "notice or aav"iiisem"nt; that s;id n-ewspBper hlts been admitted to the United States mails ",,".on-i..f"ri matter under the nrovisions of the Act of r\Iarch 3, l8?9, or "nv u."naii"ii.;";;;i;;;a ihat saiil newspaper is a.weekly ".*-"ro..-J"fy qualifred to, puUtittting legal notices and advertisements within the meanini of the laws of the State of Colorado' That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of I consecutive insertions; and that the first pubication of said notice was in the issue ol said newspapet dated JU rg tJ A 'D' $-17 and that the last tre"EbEle RietEce NoTlcE tS HEREgY GIVEN lhat /vlt' But Benedic?, reptesenllng..Anllerl a;;donln:.rmr and lire Owner, Dr' Wo'l9ang p se;lr, tas requesleo a vatian(e llom i*iiiti i.cos ot ine zoning ordinanc€ in ii.i io consrrucl a loll in excess ol lh' iiliwaOre CpFa (Grois Resldenliol Floor iil.r-in- l co'n-erciol core 2 tone' said ;;;;ri; i' tilatea on Lot 3, slock l. v6ll LloirsxiaO Thitd Filing. Applicalion hal iJn?i-oi ;n i..o.cu ca wilh sc€llon 2) 500 ir'ir,i io.r"g ordinanco, ordln'nce No 8' Series ol 1973, as E.n€noeo.. ..-a- Pultic H€ar;ng will be held In "c.itif"*" wilh lhe provision3 of.s-ecliolt ?1 500o1the ZoninC Otdlnanceon JUry " rt"-lefori fne vatt Planning commisslon wno* i"iiiiii;tti b! t.atEmilied to lhe Town i-oii"ii rot rin"l clecision. said heatlng will ii riiri li g,oo 9.m. in the vall Mun:clp'l Bull.lln!. TOWN OF'VAIL'. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT Dian' S' Toughlll Zoninq Adminislr'lof PubllShad in Tht v.ll Trltl o.i Juna lt, lt7' said notice was in the issue of said newsPaPer dated ^.D.rs77- In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this day of -14*JUIY A'D.19J-L in and the ty of Eagle,Subscribed and swom to before me, a notary pu State of Colorado, ttris / f aay of - .n.fl publication My Commission exPirer Notaty Publlc PUBLIC NOTICE IIEREBY GMN that Mr, Bud Benedict, repref ondominiums and the owner, Dr, ffolfgang P. iS"iUt, ariance from Section 9.605 of the Zoning Ordin- construct a loft in excess of the al1owab1f ential Floor Area) in A Commercial Core 2 rty is located on Lot 3, Block 1, Vait Liohs- , Application has been made 1n accordance OO of the Zouing Ordinance, Ordinance No. N, s amended, Hearing will be held in accordance with thf tion 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance on .luttr ?, aLl Planning Comnission whose decision will the Town Council for final decision. Said eld at 3:0O p.n. in tbe Vail Municipal Building. MUNITY DEVEI]OPMENT i7 NOTICE I sentlng Antlers has reQuested a 4nce in order t 'Gm'A (Gross Res zone. Said pro head Third Flli with $ection 21. Series of 1973, A Publi provisions of S 1977 before the be tr.ansnitted hearing rr111 be DEP OF VAIL Diana S. Toughi Zoning Adrninist I ator . Publiebed in th Vail Trail June 1-7, L977 t- v APPLICATION TOR VARIANCE And/0r CONDITIONAL USE' PERMIT Ordinance No. 8 (Series of 1973) cat lon Dafe .Jun.e.14 Hearins Ps6 $]00'00- 16'1T 11ulultt w\ APP I H€ar Fina For t Fi lid C lea r ng Da 1e .Jun.e L4, L977977 Pub licaf ion Date June 17r il977____w_+ JuLy 7, L977 | Decision date for Town Counci I Bud B enedi ct (App I icant) Colorado do h reby request permiss Commi July 19, L977 fultt w sion to request the Vail'Phone 47 6- 247 I. (C ity ) ion to appear be fo re the Vail Planning f o I low i ng: f) Var!an,'e f rorn A.rticl€-, ,".rton t/. ("o 2- ng Change f rom--to_ing Variance it lona I Use Permit fc allow Zone. ) ) ) Zon I Park Cond in I tor Regu re permrs etion of this loft wou d reloc from the living room to the loft. What Un it #4Il is rated as a two be oon two bath condomi.n with approximately 1000 sq. ft when in fact due to its desi n, there .is only one Iof t bedroom and the living room ed as a second bedroom. This creates an inadequate and satisfactory con<lition and makes the unit clif f icult e following described property: Lot/tract_, Block Number Antlers Condorniniun #411, 68O W. Lionsheail P1. y state purpose and intenf of fhis application o you feel is the bas is for ha rdship in ih is case? ondomrnl_ums gnature nt .. Li,r rl | \.''i/ KLt***''t' ot'-o-- lo DR. AND MRS.W0I-,FGANG P. S /.J6o) bayorooK lane Oak Brook,I11. 6052Lrel. (3L2) -654-3529 I'o h t-o/ fiI \-. ry' o EIBT April 29,L977 Mr.Bud Benedict General ManagerAntler T-,lonshead P.0.Box 280Vail-, CoI.81657 Dear Mr,Benedict: We are ind.eed sory that the foss of your father came at a very busy tirne for you. Wp met with Chuck; he is a very fine man and we re- gret he can not stay on as Ass.Manager. The points we cliscussed should be repeated once more by this letter: FTREWOOD:1t should be snaller to give our guests a chance to start a fire at least,in that troybled fireplace.some wood. piecer are so largb they d.o not even fit in. The wood should be storecl along the cement wbl] instead along the railing; it is never dry enough to get a real1y gobd fire golng. The rail-1ng id damaged each time the wood is stored alo*rgside. This year we could not repair the " 2 x z - we found down belolV; please have the maintainance marr do it. FTREPIACE GRATE: h{s to be placed properly on the east i_ron baser the longer side bel-oncS in the front, the shorter side in the back so that the grate i-s pushe{ al-l- the way back and the smoke goes direct in the chinney and the f14e heats the Fl-u faster. we talked to Maids about this; Please make 4 note on ouyunit in regards to this. 0PEN wrNDOws: the {oub1e windows were open again at our arrj-val r pro- bably the party which complained about smoke had to air the unit and ever since the winQows were never properly closed! Our ElectricBill could be rea11y louler with properly preserving energy. This was also pointed out to the Maids"/ Another idea sprung+uprwhen we conversed. with the Maids: A11 units below ouf unit have the smoke problem at the same time our fireplace has a dodndraft. Maybe the downdraft is caused by the adjacent higher building strtrcture and our chimney should be brought up to the heights of the wall of the " ?oo " units. can anything be done about this? over! i -2- overhang (roof) above the bal-cony would be help- directly on our railing and splashes over the paint already peeling,over the firewood, windows and alf is impossible for suests to sit 1n a chair for re- with remodeling seernsto be the Variances, Alsor a GUTTER on the fu1|. The water fa]ls on the walls which is over the balcony; ilt laxation. We have tiad our meeting with Mr.Kel-fer and were fl-oored by the $4.000.00 increase we have to pay over the fast years estj-mate. We asked why he could not h{ve done it in 1976 because we were seriously interested. He said that there must have been a faek of commrrnication or so. fhis is too badt ! We desparlately tried during our restricted time to have more Bids comming in, brlt only one man coul-d be contactedr"Eert" Kamissoul-i or so he has his carpent(r shop in Edwards above the T,iquor Store and he w111 call you; we have dxplained our wishes to him, please assist him with r euestitns. The main problem any furthe ----.---- and Paul Kell-er sudeested you 100.00 to us when you talk to the ry to obt epe ; p_LeaSe board. We enclose a copy for the re- To convi4ce the Building Inspector that our circul-ar staircase is only a second fi]re exit, one stould l-et him enter upstairs through the ff "BERT" will- not have the Bid in by now, please have Paul Keller go ahead af{er the Village agrees. sliding door and hq should be explained that the sliding door is even wider than the doorf downstairs!! A new circular staircase costs $800.00 nodellng of our unlt whi-ch should be signed by the contractor who will do the io and should be avoided. Would yor{ please assist us and get the remodeling on the go our onversa-Eaon.now; Keller can do it in May as p B r tl.uilfr- e6o"3 lL.. €6;s /L " et{t f " e6{3 'l tt Q- zg714?eaa( t l"r,-t- @ 0;g " e6t7f ., eTaz / /d.t* @ e6( ?s3( 7f 34 o-e2'l 1?v8 ro6{ n'22'/ c-*2 t c'f?4 *t aE-_;/,Ail fb 7 /t( f& A + /'6rQ 6,; z./3C 4 rz.?sC f * 6:.az{ e r a.?,tt *1.06( A F f-Lz-t 1ff,,a.l n *f,.ft4 *2. t zt 34* qL * T 71 ,,VL*t 4t, 1o , .+"o il H:il:fl:iJ:''*sE'T' OaJt Brook, fl-l. 6052L rel. ()Lz) -654i629 REM0QE1TNG UNrT ll.t.l ANTIER IToNSHEAD Move stairs and pa+eL walls (-) Remove existing highwall Insta11new],oftB6d'room€c)withrai1ingwa11instead.so1id. New owners clost ofi South Wa1I with d.oor at east end. New wa11 of existipg loft bedroom with wi-ndow opening all the way to the east watr-l; PELLA DooRS -folding- behind this window opening should open tol both sides, with railing as in unit fOJ. Re-spray complete High-ceiling. New small closet ip loft bedroom(like unit ?06. New 8r X 16t foldiprg wood pEll,A D00R for 11ving room (sirni_Iar to unit ZO4). No post. Lower new loft floor to lowest carrying beam. hight permissible and,,hang,' on stronger Dark Cedar Paneliqg(not oblique) for entrance to fireplace and along rmder Breakfagt-Bar to Bathroom Vanity (fite ?O4), Ma.ke folding bencl with rack and pegs(tite ZOU). Set Cafe-Doors 1 foot higher and right side up. Book shelves as ?a,tr or /oll, panel walr behind and waterproof .In South-West Corrler:Kingseize bed (fife ?04),Electric Outletis:rBookshelves,at railing wa.ll in new 1oft, and West Wall in cen'ceri new owners cl_oset. Put carpet from dgwnstairs in new loft area (Sgfn REST$. Use Cedar-Panelin$ as discussed ( not oblique). Darkbrown new rug downstairs. Bedspread,Mattresp and painting done by Mr.Benedict and 0wners. Tmndelbeds and Dfesser go in new upstair loft. Please ro11 up lafge wallhanging. Put plastic cover over window shades. Take down HANGTNGT POTS from picture wlndows and store hanging up during constpuction. only o Ln" '' MEMORANDUM PLANI{ING ISSION DEP OI' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE; July 7, L977 RE:ANTLERS NdQUNSI FOR GROSS BESIDENTIAL T'LOON AREA VARIANCE UNIT #411 Bud Benedict, representi-ng Dr. and Mrs. IYolfgang P. Seibt, has applied for a grdss residential floor area (GBFA) variance in order to allow cqmpletion of loft area of approximately 2lO sq. ft. The existing Antlers is presently a legal non-conforming building; allorvable GBFA is 41 ,400 and existing building contains 5I ,2L6. ITlth thq addition of 210 more sq. ft. of GRFA, the building is apprdximately 247o over the maximum allowable. There are extenu4.ting circumstances or hardship that should be considered; howeter, they are of an economic nature which may not be considered by the Planning Commission. The project was started without { building permit by an unlicensed contractor- The remodeling cd.me to the attention of the Buildj-ng Inspector who put a "Stop JTork" order on the job. Before the "Stop lVork" order was issuedl the contractor had completed most of the neces- sary work and hau been paid a substantial sum by the owner. The loft area, as j-nFtal1ed, does not meet Uniform Building Code requi rements, A. CONSTDERATTON OFi FACTORS (18.62.060) 1. The felationship of the requested variance to other exislting or potential uses and structures in the vicifrity. The requJested variance would make no modification to the exterior of the building. There are 10 more identical units in the Antlers luilding a1one, which could potentially add 2,500 additional squane feet of GRFA if this variance were approved.. A number of othQr buildings in the Lionshead area have existing Loft areas whictl could be enlarged or high vaulted ceilings that could allorv lofl]s to be added. 250 sq. ft. does not seem to be a great deal ofifloor area; horvever, it is the approximate size of a standa:'d l{dge room and multiplied by many similar GRFA additions to shdrt-term units, could mean additional people. There hdve been no other GRFA variances granted for short-term unitE, nor any GRFA variances granted head area. Theionly GRFA variances ever granted making a long-tdrm unj-t more 1iveab1e, and many in the Lions- have been for others have been denied. Antlers Pa'ge 2" B.FINDINGS: o 2. The dinter regul unifo or togrant Due .to thpermitted, we doprivilege. Denia compatibility and variances have be 3. The q ai.r, traff We forese egree to which relief from the strict or literalpretation and enforcement of a specified ation is necessary to achieve compatibility and rmity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, attain the objectives of fhis ordinance without of special privilege. e extent that this variance wil-1 exceed the GRFAfeel that this would be a grant of special I of the variance would be necessary to achieve uniformity of treatment as no other GRFA en granted in the vicinity. ffect of the requested varianse on light and distribution of population, transportation and ic facilities, public facilities and utilities. e no adverse impacts on these factors, he variance w1ll constitute vilege inconsistent with the roporties calssifed in the same tion of Factors. There have ed in this area, and no variances space. See been no othegranted for 2. the granting of t nt oI special pri ations on other p ict. 2 under Considera A varlances grant ional short-term L the granting of the variance could be detrimental e public health, safety, or welfare or materially ious to properties or'improvements in the ity. See Item 1 under Consideration of Factors. The granting of this type of Varlance could lead to a proliferation of additions to non-conforminq buildings. 3. That lthe variance is not warranted for the following reason.S: ' a. The strict or literal interpretatj-on and enforce- ment of the specified regulation would not result in pfacticat difficulty or unnecessary physical hard- ship inconsi-stent with the objectives of thls title' b. That there are not exceptional or extraordinary circ{rnstances or conditions applicable to the site of tlhe variance that do not apply generally to other prop$rties in the same zone,c. The strict or tlteral interpretation and enforce- ment of the specified regulation would not deprive . the {.nnlicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sam'e district. Thattot inJ v]-cr- , I .l ooAntlers IPage 3 I I I The onl-yl extraorarnary circumstance, or practieal diffi-culty l"s a finanpial one and the Zoning Ordinance specifically states that ?'Cosf or inconvenience to the apiplicant of strictor literal complfance with a regulation shall not be a reasonfor granting a vfriance." ?he Builping Official has stated that in order to make the eonstructlonlmeet the Building Code, the entire new l-oft would have to be removpd and resonstructed using either steel or concreterather than woodl as now exj-sts. I IThe Depaftment of Community Development strongly recom- mends denial of phe requested vari.ance on the basis that no hardship exists. I { I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'l I I I i I I I I I I I I -1; I I l I I I I I.l I I I I I I I I o NT L€Rs.ilO o N'H€frD Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone (303, 4762471 Tonn of Vail- Vail-, Colorado 81657 June 14, 1977 !{e respecEfully subnrit tlre fo1lor,,ring inforrnaLion in our request for variance in Inrit #41-1, Antlers Condornlnir.lrs, 580 If. Lionshead Place, Vai1, Colorado: 1. The rel-ationsh-ip of tlre requested variance to otlrer ercisting or potentiaL uses and structures in the vicinity -In or:r bui-l-iLing tlrere a:re ten otlrer conparable units with the sane problern, tint being che r:nits a:re rated as a tr,,p bedroorFl:v{o battuoon ondonin:irm when in realitlz ttrey consist of one loft bedrocrn and f.iving roqry'dininq rrcom area. These units have approxi-rnateLy 720 square feet on the lrain floor which consists of a living room, dining room, kitclen, and bathroom, and with apprcxi:nately 250 square feet in the er<isting loft area wh:iclr oonsists of one loft bedr.ocrn, closeLs, and a second batftrocrn. tLrese units are tl,,,r) story uniLs with a very bigh openeiling over the 720 sgr:are feet area. .The only obvious way to use the wasted space and to malce tlrese un-its onform to tle standard conceptof the tuo bednoont-tro battr:rccrn ondonrini.rm r,vould be to renpve the sleeping area frcrn tlre living room and to transfer this sleeping area to the 1oft. There are, to my lurcrvdedg,ef no other condcrninir-uns in Vail onstructeil in this manner. Tlrer:efore, I can see of no other oplexes requesting rariance of ttr:is Qpe in the future. 2. The degnBe to wtrich relief fron the strict or literal interyretation and enforcenlent of a specifieo regulation is necessary to achierre conpat- ibitity and r:niforrnity of treatrent arnong sites in the vicjrrity, or to attain the ohjectives of the zoning ordinance wiUrout grant of special privilege -In order to achieve the idea of a tr,,lrc bedroonrtvp batturccrn wmlcination it is irrperative that we be granted this,variance thr:s brirrging about tte true ti,'C bedrrcom concept and enabling this unit to be a npre livable and ncne pr.oductive crcndcndniun 3. Ttre effect of tte requesLed variance on 3-ight and air, distrj.bution of population, transporbation and traffic facilities, pubJ-ic facilities and utilitids, and publ-ic safe{ - Due to the fact ttnt we v'ould rrot be housing arry addilional people than rtcul-d norrnally be staying in a trro br:dr.oonrtr"o bai:he.oom condcrniniun, I feel we vlculd trave no effecb on tire aborre rentioned. Box 280 4T U4rL PA@ 2 l€guesting a . fhe internal porti-on of ttre crcnConin:Lr.un oonsisting of A plastic folding partition, the e:<isting elosets and stairr*ay,tle loft and An estifiated and electrical canponents have been rencrred and and sta-inray framing har.re already i:een installed. take to t of v&lat has alreadlr been done and what it r^ould tlre unit to its oriqiluL condiLion r"nuld be appr"orimately $3,500.00.original worll was to have been done by l{r. PauL ibll-er and the orvner IGller apply instructed Bud Ilenedict of ttre Antlers to help l.lr. and hopefi.tllv secr-re a vari-ance so ttnt tl.is workould be done. Tire contraqtor that ultinratelv did the v,prk starte<i ttuls vacrk witLput secr.rring either a varianc-e or a building pernLit which was condrary to tte oidners instr:ctions. The contractor did tfie htilk of this r,iork wir:iLe 1"1r. Benedict was out of tcrwn and wittpub tuls l<ncwledge. I nealize tlnt, this is a scner,,rtlat sei-f-inposed prcblem. Ib!€ver, I do not feel tl1at tlre crwner of the r:nit shouLd be penalized because oftte irndequacr.les of the gereral @ntractor and it is lroped that due totle extrene hqrdship, Lh:i-s variance w:Ll-l- be granted. Please note tqat. the renting of this tlpe of unit has been difficutt and the gross incrcrne has been negligiJrle in respecb to tle jrritlal invesErent an4 by clranqing tlr-is urrit to conform fiDre nearly to tlre concept of a tl.'ro lrcd:rccrn uouJ-d greatly entrance tlre rentabiliQr and ttrus $re retufn to the ov[ter. l"lanager rAntlers Condotr-iniun Association BB: jo i. RespectfuJ-l-y, N,/ 6^.^ Bud Benedict t^.i- o Townof Vail rX.F:CTRICAL N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation 408 Date of Application-.-- - 5*-*-. ?-......_.._..._........r s..1?-.-.. -........ t...... #4 ;..Q.t.. "..... Electricalcontractor.../,/.4d......{u"z-***..-fu!----. I // APPRovAT's ,]ffi/nn* UU *//, cht.l Eulldllt offlclal THIS FORM I3 TO BE POSTED OT{ JOB SITE DURII{G GOI{STRUCTIOH 24 HOTJRSI AI)VANCE NOTICE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Received By lll .i rfiE c. f. retarlr ao., 4ltpt1 .\ N oir{J Y Zt dzA{,?Vd Fv t z\J* <3aza < E5 Qrrta 2 =lcti\ 9< ,- < & o n'a =<{ },1 F O F F F F z z : F +orl IE qr 7D t! ztr( !q LuE o J ur F J F F r! J aF F Fzul Eul ul a t 5l- =r=ulolroO =,2- -=o]P Ib- f'o NOtrvnlvA lE-t ,'9: \l!N z ( -l ov' 2 9 ]l 9o :z:< ul >o .Fi tt z F. Eo |llo J ut >\\ Town of Vail I:I.F:CIRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 401 rt tJ Electrical contractor.--.. . -/ue*l--.- -. -E *--e-( T-4-&r. -k-9., APPROVALS Chld Bu|ldlrt Omclal THIS FORIS 13 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING COilITRUCTIOT{ 24 HOIjRS ADVANG NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTTONS Received By. JOB NAME PM CALLER rNsPEeroN FtEeUtEsr flpnRrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION E orsappRovED G CORRECTIONS: f] nerNsPEcr nue necelvEo D onren |dAPP ROVED E uporu THE FoLLowl CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR INSPECTON F|EBIJEST WN .2t ', VAILo ,, -,iJOB NAME /'.'.:DATE TIME RECEIVED '.4..,' CALLER. E panrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR florsnenRovED NG CORRECTIONS: AM PM ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR FRI El,sppRovED I upotrr rHE FoLL CORRECTIONS f]orxen MON COMMENTS: DATE TIME RECEIVED , - n ornen E[*wiove o fl upol't rHE FotL CORRECTIONS INSPEC i..)A-,,1. .,.: ..jatF, !-"';. HECTUESiT VAIL /_ TOWN OF JOB NAME n pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ! orsaeeRovED NG CORFECTIONS: ?;;;#e/f' FBI .fl INSPECTOR TOWN OF BUILDIIVG vA tI PEFIMIT EXITS REO. J.BNATIE Au1i\gcs dr <?Cy' DArEoFAPPLlcArroN /Llall ZZ t"17 NEW () ALTERATION (/T ADDITION REPAIF I I USE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF ALDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PAR KING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STORIES NO. OF LI VING UNITS MAIL ADORESS E OF HEAT WATEF I ) FORCED AIR { ) ELEC lf,) UNIT COVERING 1. TypE oF coNsrRucrr oN I n lr rv t@ 2. occuPANcY cRouP a B c D z r e 1fir t DtvtstoN 1234 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FIRE SPRI NKLERS COMB. STANDPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE ERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK,;ril '' it;.].r* ,*r4ll ABEA SEPARATION OCCUFANCY SEPARATION t; TOTAL FLOOR AREA rOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE DATE I TIEREBY E TIIAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPL WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGAREING BUIIDTNG CONSTH UCTION. URE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTON T0w]{ 0t l,Att ElUILtrrING PEFIMIT z F J BUILDING 7oo oo PLUMBING -o TYPE OF OCCUPANCY AMOUNT EXITS BEO. o MECHANICAL -o ELECTRICAL ao o, ,o, "o',A*\€,rrs :f 3 O I OTHEH *>4* oArE oF APPLrcarroN lvlo-r, z3 rgJJ TOTAL 7b oo TOTAL FLOOR AREA a. uJz = r'rarureft/\41a* G\ *^ .CLASS OF hrORJr/TOTAL LOT AREA MAIL ADDRESs 3f La SO C-.rcC'f [. NEW{) ALrEFAr,q" p/*o,r,on | ) RE.ATB( }FLOOR AREA RATIO .,r" DC"tU,erf U€f1?ZA /f/F- f.JS€ offiurlDncGry ,tr.COVEF ED UNCOVER€D a( F z< OF ror. Q6qg.r Be,,tc-.Lt SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING "o,. ooo"..r- B.cx ea?NO- OF STORIES SETAACKS OFF ST. LOADING crrv \)crir\ ,n.tt76'Sl3t NO. OF LIVING UNITS FRONT EASEMENTS UJF NAME I ) 6 rttl couoo. l{ lr-ooce l-SIDE (R)(L) MAIL ADDRESS so.FT. COMMERCIAL REAR VARIANCE DATE CITY PH. TYPE OF HEAT *ATER( | Foac€DAIR( ) ELE./) uNrrr l i.;12 u, UJ UJJ6 .ot ,,j, ,t* /, ,rtro \// $rr COVERING TRACT Exr.wALLs H/6r eoor kt*l trur. wnr-r-s q[6 lo.k I FEES ,:KY 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II tII IV ' { 2. occuPANcY GRoUP A B c D e r cqp r r DfvrstoN't234 BUILDING PERMIT /1) "4 ry; SPECI FIED YES NO PL.AN CHECK FEES ffiFIRE SPRI NK LE RS X PLUMBING WET STANDPIPE X MECHANICAL ;6^qt(, ,.u"r.orr( (17-DRY STANDPIPE X ELECTRICAL ffi, COMB. STANDPIPE X CLEAN UP DEPOSIT :,ffiSMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE x OTHER .'7 GENERAL D€SCRIPTION OF WORK R,- iLI .[ , .r.l,t* - .rlt= AREA SEPARATION 't ,or{/- I -i->I\i)OCCUPANCY SEPARATION ,{, "oil*rt IcKN.|Wr,Ftt#cuea\i,+( ? leAlroo."ts.SOIL TEST X READ THIS APPLI ABOVE IS CORR WITH ALL TOWI CA-TTON AND S' ECT AND AGR q ORDINANCI IATE THAT TIIE J SURVEY 6 EE TO COMPLY :S AND STA?E ;ONSTRUCTION. SPECIAL INSPECTOR K LAI{S REGARDING NG PLAN NUMAEB Lrna-- f ,)--,arzr,tx r 1.. -\*ortl- iI hr \ ,**\ 5^l* tJ-'+\ I I I l 25 rF.\:5>c-.o*Lo 4e..'- F..*^-.a- €Et<<_ .lro.-K 5 F.y-Jt I cte...ttuo - 3 za' 3co=- .r50"4zoo*o* j 6 o.ooS-;{o 6o.oo S-<r.oo E. .to' tl** CD e'?'!l-4* to r'{@- 6{, {\.rr*.^a o@r6s-0t - o \-7< \."^e-- Town of Vail nI.f,:Cf,IUCAL PERIT{IT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid--. 4L3 $...-..-.-..-....-..1-.-..... -[ 8 .../.15..1....... $. .d!.?,. ..... It&L $.........{2. : +..... -.. s......,4.t2.*. rcaxame....ArLz4f-.-|-fl ./......./.t*oor.uC*u.^..6-*.ur*) ,) . Electricat contractor-.-.- ...-/-J-*A-......e.(&tZt-C-,..-5..t1-c*-'-..--.------.---..-....,. APPROVALS cblcf Bu||dt!3 otflclal Date THIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED O]tI .,OB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION 24 HOIJRS AJ}VAI\TCE NOTICE REQ{JIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Received By Town of VaiI ELECIRICAL PEtsMIT toa xame...../e-r.a1,&s...-4..J..4..t..-'.r(t.az-a.Le.u(*uo- -S"nr.;lr) Date of Application--.------Jutt- /0 Electricat contractor----. --.--flt -- - E-* c-T4,Lc,-.-----L-t/.(--,-.--..--.--....-..... APMOVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fe€ Inspection Fee Total Fee Received By $.-...........-.....-1..-.... $.......,/..?.g t $......-d.a.2l s.....82 .... 412 ab9 ?-- chrd Eutldhr ottrctar THIS FORilI 13 TO BE FOSTED O]I .toB 3lTE DURII{G COI{STRUCTIOII 24 HOT'RS ADVAI\ICE NOTIG REQI'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS 'rHr r. r. |roc!tE! a!., ot||vlr lloa52 rNsPEcrlN TOWN OF FIEB{-'E€iT VAIL VED- JOB NAME , CALLER E orxEn COMMENTS: n plnrrnt- LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI f,l appnov e o |-r.,LI UPON THE FOL CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED NG GORRECTIONS: AM PM fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR a rNseecr(bru FIEGI'UE'SiT VAILTOWN OF DATE TIME RE EIVED E ornrn COMMENTS: E]app RovED El-wort rHE FoLL CORRECTIONS .: JOB NAME PM CALLER TI PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR n orsnppRovED ING CORRECTIONS: PM ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR a,/ ,,// nuso=.rG* Reeijtssr TOWN OF VAIL I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION DATE TIME RECElVED flornEn CALLER .a MON COMMENTS: WED THUR FR PM ELa"sP"B-ovr s Efupon'r*c rot CORRECTIONS DATE flarsAPPRovED NG CORREGTIO}IS: , /o:s o f].nerNSPEcr IMSPECTOR Townof Vail TrI,F:CffIICAL PERMIT 4 /0.f/ LIJ/ na Nane-.... h.tla,p-.. :.,&*o. d-L...U"'e..... ./ l-!'. *. py'.. Electrical Contractor L..r.t Date of Application.... -....--..//urt'....-4.7-.......-.---..-....-.-.....--..rg-..7-A ,#,/t Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Pemit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 339 $-.--.-........-..-...:..---. $....h.&.'.$..t1. .. 46.& APPROVALS Old Butldht Offlclal THIS FORil Ig TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOIJRSI ADVANCE N(yNCE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date Paid-.-.-.- T|l: a. f. t|caaaa|' ro., T0WN tlF VAII EIJILtr,ING FEFIMIT DATE OF APPLICATION NEW II ALTERATION I,,.TADDITION I I NEPAIR ( I HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER{ } FORCEDAIR( } ELEC{ }UNIT{ } LOT BLK FI LING INT. WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLERS ELECTRICAL COMB. STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT NEFAL DFSCBIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPAHATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION PLAN NUMBER TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEBED APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK T+ 0 I AT I HAVE ATE THAT THEREAD THIS APPLIC ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. W o tNsFECloN TOWN OF FIECllTJEST VAI Lt, /r,, , DATE -/ \, I, TIME RECEIVED flprnrtnl.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION THUR E otseppRovED NG CORRECTIONS: AM PM ! nEr NsPEcr FRI INSPECTOR ,' DESIGN REVIE1II BOARD DATE OF IIEETING: MEMBERS PRBSIINT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOA VOTE: FOR: APPEOVIID: DISAPPROvIiD: sEcoNDED n, h sl' {' AGAINST: SUITIMARY: ei*r-D.*!I-- -:i 8 6 do 3 a E = TIcII E €oO g, -glH? -q2 le \T \\N\\rl\st\\ .o -,e? E il t1a2+ eLl:],^IntNtwQdN02 +>3-t-LNv -r.p. em92 a ' aoQt^qa'f'nw:&.Ez-anuna q.ron.4Pzta_. az QP ----t/€tL ltota> \€1aro2 t olaNt/6 dt*tw',t\tf''Er/r Tt2frei 1rl\l q ln asrG t *Aa ,ili-|r'rt) -Drt .o 'ia) a n,naA *"\Ae 9L 4ttLt1o.a a<rrli -.--. &ta Etn, ?rTt r?2-*zt aanry lM e-a'a r€.tuiti| iTtt ln .) la 4mt 1 .1rtt\,.Faddu 9.^ P.3 I t \ \ "J \ , q Ps ^,''sry^ o z tr J DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WONK NEW ( } ALTERATION fT ADDITION { I REPAIR () USE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS WATER FOFCEDAIR( IELEC( IUNIT( I LOT.], BLK/ FILING EXT. WALLS INT. WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTAUCTTON | || [t @V IHF 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP a B C o E F @t, J DtvtstoN 1234 BUI LDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FIRE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE RAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION 0\ TOWI{ OF EIUILElINGi t|A tt PEFIMIT VARIANCE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND ACEEE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDTNANCES AND STATE LAWS EEGARDINC BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA BATIO EASEMENTS tt . t" at.I ura y" Hrr-rt HLt Nov I tg73 Jerry Al Box lOOVail, C0 d1551 Dear Slr: consid comnoaunits on been foia doing ficld rork. ce/ Dean ve glven our approval, based on structuralions, to providc a door opening in thccast concr€tc panel betreen tro apartuent he flrst floor. This inforuation has ROBERT D. KRAUSE ENGlttEERlilc OOilPANY STRUCTURAL EIIOII{EEfig 0ctober 30, L973 to the architcct and eontraetor wtro eh Very truly yours, /7,a*7'eRobert D. Krause To the city of ail: Enclosed pl e #36,000.00 wo of dingthe Antlers bui October 26, L976 find various photographs of the approximately external J-andscaping and improvements done to in the last 24 months. tie build-up pJ-us trees' South-side plus grassrSouth-side ties plus landscapingrEast-side dge and pedestrian rarnpr East-side 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. Railroa Top soi Railroa Foot br Patio,t-side Stone Railroa 2t by 2l Five Grass s apProa Attracti Lighted k-way and bridge, SoutheastL corner ties and extensive landscapingr North-side wooden railing around parking lot y landscaped planters on upper parking lot and numerous trees, shrubs and bushes on NortheaS€:- Antlersr logo and sign on North tolter sign at the Northeast approach" To 1. 2. be :D .t 11 !!i ' "'" ' ,rA! =-.ffi :i i?k, ;_ .i .f*..41i, it* .r :;-l .==-:.'a=4F Fr-' Firy*,,-, S; r".sl'ib--#E.. -r& ;lilliriir #_tl nil;I1i #'-'- -:'r' -ti_ ';S'r'- 'r-t"...:f - ' :'.. ffiffi -1E *.1 ? Fht tvr E,rsrt rYr E9ff /FllI I Errl b FEFrtv TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME -. ,, OWNER ADDRESS CONTRACTOR PHONE -' USE OF BUILDING: CLASS OF WORK: I.J NI W I noorrronr E neuooel E n.rot* DESCRIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER -,' ./ t .,,t MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $ ,I ,r'-VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE fl eppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $p z F J TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO. ELECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WORK NEW(' ALTERATION ADDITION{ )REPAIRI) USE OF BUILDING COVERED SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING 1 NO. OF STORTES OFF ST. LOADING , NO. OF LIVING UNITS M,AIL ADORESS SO, FT. COMMERCIAL E OF HEAT W,ATER I ) FOBCEO AIR { IELECI IUNIT(} LOT ALK FILING COVERING EXT. WALLS INT. WALLS I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G'H I J olvtstoN 12 3 4 BUI LDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE MECHANICAL 3. USE ZONE DRY STANDPIPE COMB. STAN DPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION TOIAL OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR TOWI{ OF EItJ I LDI IUG tlAtt PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEBED APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL I 'i ;LUA PERMTT # I HEREtsY ACKNOWLEDGE TIIAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATI] TH-AT THE ABOVE IS CORRI]CT AND AGREE TO OOMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCDS AND STATE LAWS RECARDING BUILDING CONSTRIJCT]ON. SICNA'I'URE OF OWNER OR CON'TRACTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO.N9 10t department of community development trtrT a BUILDING ELECTRICALuMECHANICAL NAME: PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY ER ARCHITECT t r, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 'I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAT DESCRIPTION 9(WOQK : r------tJ lAt , l-l a{ rlTl1/6U PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT NEWO ALTERATION ADDITIONALO REPAIR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS ACCOMMODATION UN G.R,F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HETGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEES NING NOTES: tu.ry#?8i INSULATION MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTO MECHANI CONTRACTOR I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATTON AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPI,Y WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS RECARDING BUILDING CONSTR TICTION. crrY PH.RACTO VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: RECEIVED=- AIVI PM CAL LE R n orHen 'iNspecr(bru REGrr,l,est TOWN OF n pnRrrar LOCA TION VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME IUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: . 3IIJILDING,o l*-'ltl-T Fooh16 , :iotlro+aot : _ ,- .s.8..tfi]q.q...,. " . - .,itt ''.., ,1 , ' .. .,. :r, . .. .r.,,4W .. *;;^., ^.iii^, i ..'. , r".: . ,:. sTi$rDt 'a a.. ar.xrr.r, E.: ?gi* : j:, ROtfi *1",') :' : 'i.. i:.*., .i'..::, ,r*A t:: :i. .i ::i ._:i.i: ., r,.i .., ",,,.. ,ir,t,:,FTIAT, : ' ..'., - ,t : r ' ,, 'r ''..':),a: ' ,., ,.....i r,r ; rl '.-_. f nppRovED tr uporu rHr CORRECTIONS ! orsnnPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I IREINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR .a '.'rNsr=.to*F|EGIL}EST TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAI\1E RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen E panrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: .1... . " zuILDINGi: TT'-: FSTIt't6 'q-xq , ,f,!g ': . ::, LOqATI tlirli|]wltt ,t .l fi!a{i .t.... ;' .''::l::.:.r .,i :: fARTIAL :t .,. , . '. .: ..-.',';! l. :,, i:i l:"...: ' ''. ,tl. . .,1 - ---] I nppRovED fl uporu ruE CORRECTIONS u DTSAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr DAT E INSPECTOR ' r ".'!llt I INSFECTION RI.c TOWN DATE INSPECTION: B NAME MON CALLER TUES @ THUR PMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: APPROVED N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEFL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FHAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: lNSPEcroR l? { lf;',,-"/---',-DATE 5 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE BUILDING TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL -L(!.1.f3O DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WORK MAI L ADDRESS NEW ( I ALTERATION ( I ADDITION { ) REPAIR ( } I.'SE OF BUI LDING COVEREO SO. FT. OF BLDG-H€IGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PAHKING MAIL ADDR ESS OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAI L ADDR ESS SO. FT, COMMERCIAL T€R () FOFCED AIR ELEC UNIT LOT BLK FILING 1, TYPE OF CONSTFUCTION I II III IV V IHR 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMI T SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FI RE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE 3. USE ZONE DRV STANOPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION BUF; /- yn, IOWN OF ILE,II\IG lr{d. t|Att PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEN€D DATE APPLICATION ACCEPiEO ffi,:J? PLAN CHECK LAWS RE(iAITDING BUII,DING CONS'I'RI'C'IIO\. 5"triN,1l uJa! ||t l|\\'I[:ll irlt r',,\ Ill \(;g(tli D oruen MON COMMENTS: I uporu rse CORRECTIONS D pnnrtnl READY FOR INSPECTION WED THU,R E otsnpp RovE D OWING CORRECTIONS: IINEiPECTN of'- ! nerNsPEcr -' zdtaFIE.IIJEST -.+vArLJ"? s J? rTOWN *14,'1 ' I' rr r'i.\'** FRI El-.,+P?Fg\reo DATE :i't? _* _7 e8rt1 $ TIME RECEIVED ', ,, 1 .\ E ornen PM CALLER E pnnrtnr-LOCATION:-J '--,.j . ''; MON COMMENTS: APPBOVED E uporu rHE FoL READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR flotsnppRovED OWING CORRECTIONS: AM PM f] nerNsPEcr FFI CoRRECTTONS ;i";...t.;r.;.i i,1..!.',t:/:) ' 'i-*..'fta f.inbrt/varl DATE iruseecr(}ru TOWN OF FIEGIUEST t JOB NAI\IE TIME RECEIVED- AIVI PM CALLER f, orHrn I panrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM I eppRovED tr uporu rHe CORRECTIONS I orsappRovED FOL LOWI NG COR RECTI ONS: ! nrrNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rit F I/-3-, POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE aerc /- 3 - Z7 READY FOR INSPECTION: /'T --'f'7) o rNslcrrory nEoUes TOWN OF VAILn\ -oBNAME tLt'{ Zaf - tt<,, ' oALLER -7D / MON TUES 6E,THUR FRI -==- AM PM LOCATION: ( r -t({a' -,,*)a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL -tr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL - n_ ' --'-""' f 'lszFtrunl -hat- t-,/- PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH -B CONDUIT -tr MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR Fl tr FINAL tr FINAL KPPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE "7 T-i,, F F o z, F (, =uta{ ;EiE= =E--=-rl = EFF<'FiP.-I a2xa2i:?==zY'x-:iFFocoodo<UHZYrFSiinr5!;;<u < HI9:;I i " <d Q> -a)<ct=lrlA=<e<'J L:E J vI I z .J z kg(JL -i IJJEoo-o o ul c! u,r I2l (Jz cc Fzlll E UJ F cc{ cc J [r cc F 7 F F cc d aF F L Er ul o o z--oJ -f E -l lro l =, =ol- NOIIVN]VA =o =@ z trqqn6 9o;> :zo- o-o>u ;.i o o 3 3 Q z c EI F z >,H:Ei<F1<: =r-aFF-<9,,9 < -9 zt- Fiq -iThEi;UX^9Yrrd><iz 5<azaAzzA)>,?<45vF!.ooo<b<oaz;riSi:c0x;9: ;<OHiT:Eli" <t a> -l,<ol3a o =<4 <;t,) F E UJ - z J 2 <H(JLlutc z:) uJ 2 s ; <t cc UJ tc J tl- ulE F J F ul cc ) J F Fz 0J lI| llJ L a: =r= lrl o z I oIl E l!e =, =e 6 i! E t 3 z F Itl ltlz tr --r as z -A 2 Fs*d6Ftcqo =>XO:z >o ;(.i d :. zc o o c ) z i :c.l i: tL:F.F..oao rPF?A irL!tvi^3!rrai<i> >?" ci|l F F On -'id r: a0=::-: :<o- < li"<ri> _(/)< o t3airt<E{3i cc J Y I(J z J z F: i u,l o- (J o (r (Jzf, u.l()zg F Fzl! E Ltl F a! L!t cc ) cc F J F F- tuE E d J F F ! .E =ff-o IJ z I o Jf o l+et ,= =et- n a NOIJ-VN']VN v tc I z F ao ulo a 2 CC- -ou"ul :Q 2 F cro qt(l =>-z ufo-O>o -d I lp fr oIJz P uJt- ulozg cr -"- \"-; €\ iN \''--{ l"-, \'ls'ilQt I .\.-$gl ": .. lrl r,t )i uJ tuF X ut tll J ulc F 1 FoF F u,l cc tt zr! E UJ UJ N'\i :rqE -<Y < :. y ?)e lt]F: h: lX<: lvFF I!:."o l:a7 ldz? l=o2 16aQ l()lr1 Q tld9,. iloi2 {. lc;= t laE+ f..,.13 o o | !l q, o ,\'tl c = Zt .--| rr1aE "ls-. f rl.i < d t'.I;Fg i iI = < i -tf = rl l o rll IJJ IJJ ui rl \ t qE< 5<aazzzg"gF, t.9<O,<OLl aEd :<c)69"- *Fr'la><o d< Fz : F E UJ z ) v, u,lq,lttv UI z z .o E JG Iz oul E F ulJul o IJJ z !lJ t uJ Fo oz G o lto ut4 F z Y d F ltt! (9z ) u. J oF H -l l-| ;l 11o a utE z ; \o\< Jlz l-liltEIqll5l"t-t;Iult1 I l.- I| '.1 r! | .l r\\ I \ z 6 = 6 !,1(t I Y(J ? tutt) 3l I :lzl -q olqrl Jiutl aloI uj ltrt.^IF I|rJ EIt tr'tlxil;= t>IF I I z IJJ t!o $\ I z )i .X x X !X r t'l. z F (, ul z G II !J llJ Xtl 'il tu fl t { I o i f q I \*i L: L{ I i L ut J \ ci zoo I I J a = Xr! tlcl :'l )rol [.] 5 't ati, J l-lzl- I o ui ll- 6 ul4 cn v) uJ z a ur !Jo z F ul = llJd z ul d z qi EIJ uJ zul lt o lrJY 2 z F{ UJ uJ IE F ac gl o2 IJt) Fa uJ F J i ? () IJJ z lrlt-tolulo.t@ ''il r! ii1 i:l,\ CO FE .i ul G,oF t!o z o =z z zJ tJ. ; z s c( IJJ =2 Ftt cith Iz o , !0 o z6 =fJ a9z gJ E J 9 cgF ulJ u,, c IIJI F F F NO|lVn'lvA l&eo 122 =n6'iF=l o Tra 7r tuo -l > ]r* $vl il trl a 4 E f\l'lrl ol-l I r,tr rrll'\| I AI\I\tK z ll-i<lol- l<lttlol!JIFt<l6 -}l -\l .il rli i'..1i r. 'dtKltl\l N ttt-\ ItulIEt<lz T h ri', ( :_l -1i n $r IE t3 i<E . rl N '-i }\*,\,ljr ,]l ^i Itl'r [{l$IFIU 5l v,l +,1: r'r l * lI nr4 : ^iu ir1..It tPiEt<t2 { l"tf- ( tp laul o J E tc i F hd' Iil l ) -1 ul =z IIJ E F 5J "lzl-il tt F.] I ''il- lu; tq F g F fdr- |\-\ |Vb\ *lt o' .l - ur -l =62^l 6l_ d ,l zlolFIlo q Ild 6 Ill-tr1t2: I 2llb f IIr a Ill t Il-..i I I I I I I Fl t, llltulztolN l!ltol:.ta) J Ya-.4:tc\o.-3-1 tt 'J z*#| tr *--r 2.--a' 2Nrt ,4 tl ! L]l llt:t: IIJE2 z 2 J 81NMo UOICVUl. .N()3 l-3:trlHcu!'cs30 'lv9l-l a t" a + F =ul Fo{ z () z B Q F z ?-\ '\ t'E \XF 4r$i \ li t.. u,t(Jz s (tFz uJ =uJ ul F !u Jlt ul G F J FoF ll, G J tI. s oF 6 i t .E =r= lllo lJ-G'O t-Z 1_ ._ =oErl-- f n ', e- rll (i Fz J 3 z 3 o F z lHSt=<Fo.?err->iF - < o l,(,ra P < ". ? z NFT'<9-t{'t 2EilE5;q2:iE =<AZA=zzA)z=-.! -VF.SOra <oalz;>i:i:ni6!;;<Ofis...1 IIt"<r <ci-t'l 4=<tr<;l F E llJ JrIz J z F: -i r!;o o uJ CC zl IJJ 2 1 Fz llJ 2 UJ ul UJ F J J F F tr cc qJ CE cc J tr aF F t .E =tr=H o z t- 0 Jf tr tre =, =6F 6 lI E z F (J llt J uJz >a., \llN r.l 9_.0; z trO4 ooz- -2*< o-o>(J FN .LC 3J- IHSU V C !- F 4 c :- 9HlEz<l.a->- =r-Eil-iohr'ra ; < ) za. i:rr 4irr.ril! ; ^ o : ,. ==.4.:- z <a) ='aza z=-q?Y F F Ocq <o-jz=ri:i:c4f:-J:;<u < H:9:;I i " <c O>*!, trla4=<C< >,r = o I(J z -) z <H(')L-i uJio u,t c! z F o (J2 s F tr F J J F F IC J F F Fz: uJ UJ ! .E =tr= olll l*ero =,2 =ql-- l E zli<' ; 5l E NOtMlVn >l > o1 z z F (J -)<t. 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A Q 0z oJ l oz 6 E Jo J Iz ogl = J g F lJl Jul UJ Fo c -n 3 a3 Fz NO[Vn'lVA F .E =tr=dBtretg =,2 =qt- rr--f o a n ft ,lr b q, 4 uJ E z d) r i ftt N urq- z F f o. tt uJ o 4 fj $ 4 (,f 4 IJ,J E z ,.J*+ I *f L I'tla *t lv1 vtul 9i] al El rt t {.;.,-r '^li/ C ":) ,"1 F o "v ; + ) tt \IJ a UJ E 2 r, |,1 I (l , 1n) .J YT lil .{i h t ..< ul E z ulcoo J a I F j,s \ zf E o 1;fi F EF ir\It \ t YO"(t :*Gl z Fqi =^Fac2tJ i=od o.O>() - r'j I I I I i l I ,',,.1 :\ '1\/ :-l'-'1 2 I: d .: Y 9.'. II' z O - -.(*- '.1 E O .--4q, 16 ./ <c ulzf{ t- ' .+r, rl t1 f -l ul lq E z z J4 U3N AO HOJ.3VUJ. -NOC I3]IIHf,UV '3S3(| -lv0f 'l II '- € c O Fz o c c z >Ilk: rr.EdF*<Po9 < l- i z t- <:1 .^.:i;Eii 6 F^t)!,r424i2 =<cza7zz^)z: - rlxFr.Ctro<o<oHz;>i;zxtr1:y: :<o - <49.,'tp Ii" ola> -U)<oi;a o:<!(<8,.1 E E ll, cc Yo UJ z z oi!iuJ;o49 UJ zgF ulE cc J rll cr F J F F IJ F F z UJ ul UJ i a! € i ! 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J 6 lt LLeO =,2 =qf- -'f E NOIMtVA rrt \ll-N zo9 z Fqq d.6 vroz^> 1Z:< o- c)>o - a\i 6<) troh i. :,) o z o t F z ,!,)t-I :r-a!.i*<9r: .{:.yzr- < :.1 .- ^i!r;firi=24e 2227j:o<;iid-EEO<O4e4zY>l3i:o:: y::9:5'i '=1 -o rl: Ii"o-Q> -.,,,)< o r3acI<tr<-,.1 + =E J 4 G G v U z J z :!{ o-o UJ cc zl Fz E ul uJE F J J F F z sE F cc J J J F F L :rl! o o z -o Jf E I lJ-o =, =ctF 6 a , z uJ4 F z v F tt z o F E F IJJ l 2 ) J FoF F =E ut z =l UJ v uJ z EF uJ Jul cc 3 2 J o F zl tr IJJ =cg UJ oo F z IJJ LIJ 2 F to o.- z crt E u,l J z u, rll 2. z F ltl z tr t 4 uJ z <t J J Fz o uJ II (J ul o E v =CE urg uJ-oz F F UJ E J ; z Ft! d Jo F lJ- th uJ cc F ctz =z z : J z oz 6 ) rEF E ql :lzz J vE =tt z F E lll CC uJz >oF, =-zo: z^ z trqqd.6 9s-> :z o- (J>U z N UJ z = IL F c ) a Eo J a 2 J @ J >o-O() c3iJ Fz z- F z 3H!lr<F3<:Is>FF_ <a a\)iO 3 < :. P Z F irfiirsiaoYrrQ>,<rzi<ozd ^zz:')z!-e-Y l. L Olqo<b <QFIZ;r;St:.!i:9= ;<u <+=9iE- E -. < e O>*c,,"<on-Fl!q=<fi<'l F =ul Y ul z z <g ;U o l! 2 |ll z s zul: Lll ul F (r qJ E u,t FI F lu cE d J F i aI ! =ff o l&oO =?=oE'I -f E NO rtvn'lvA ts >(,o \ll(r IJJ z,r9 2 trq+;6 oo =>:z*< >o ;ni v 3 z llJ ) uJz CLoL) Fi, F (,) :rlz o o z >IlF.:{Fg<YIr.a FF_<P.r': < :. ! z FtrF:. <(, ',rLld1?:F^o!,r42<iZ!<ozE =zz:i)>9<45YFFcEO<O >i:l:a=:y: ;<u- <r!1(/1{!i IFrcao> *o<o*Bar4 x<d< ;:,r F E uJ r lJl I z) z >u -r! o-9 ul cc uJ ztr 2 F o F2 zul UJ F It ulF J F F (r cc J a F I tr lrl o t! z -oJ -l o = LLo =, =C5t- a NOrl'VnlVA cc = z tr ul IJJz IJJ I\t >(9ct \lJ-N <.r 9 2A z F9* 9t9A> :z:< o-o>o ;ni 1 ffifr*-ffiti;;i:"r,-_-__-___? i A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED II; AI,TAIR VATL I;i:i, IREsuBDrvrsriox or..rgll_4,_r,i,-onii 7r BrGiroRs sr,nDi'rsr0xTHIRD ANOTiTOI'I A:I'gNDED Or..ir'Ib..iILED FO". RECORD IN TiIEoFFIcE or rlxn cLERK axn niioinrr., naclr-couNTyr coLoF.l{!6,BErNG uoRr h,aRrrcuLARLy oiiiiir-iu n s FoLLorrs I.l' BECTNN]rrc lr. TnE NO].".TiiEAST CorlrE,., o- sAri. RIsLr]r_Drvrsron orl Lors-ir5,6, rtriii-i"ruiNc riir liorr?rEAsr coRNERoF sArD lorl a. lt,so driuC I roiir 0N Trin souur Rrcrrr_op-l{Ay or spnuce r'rAyr A nrrti-idor 'LATTI.D Rrcilr-oF-r.,AyrN sArD nrc]uoni..'suuoivrsror,ri-ruincu N 53o1g,30,, ,.j Ar,oticsAlD sours lnrcuTlgF_rlAy, a iriiaicE oF r90.00 rEErirlrEr.rcE s 3cl.4l '30"_, a iriri;;;";, 5E,00 Ff,Er; ,rrNcEN 53" 18 r 30"1 r., A Drsrlr,tcn -or--iiiob orrr; TtiENcE s 36 "41 ,30, IA Drs.TANcr br oo. 85 Fr.rET io e'noiNr oN A cuRvn oN ruENoRTITERLy Rhcrtt_or_.r,-Ay 0F u. i. H ic',rav No . 6 ; Trr ENCE28.96 re er hLoxc_s,'rD cuRvE ro ir:r: LEFT 'Avrrrc A .ENTRALANcLE 0F 00035r45"r a nai'ius'nr,^l 784.97 FEET AND A:1911_rtiar [uens_s 53o00'38;; i zi.e6 FEEr DrsrA]ir.THENCE COUrI'ourrc ALONC Saio *o*iu Rrc]ir-oF-r.rAy srrr.r.r,ro,A DrsrANcn br erg. oa ruri-'io ;;;'sourugAsr coRNER orsArD Lor 4i THENCE N 36o41;:o;"n A DrsrAt:cE oF 125.00FEET To THE: poTrir-0r rEcrNxirr-c, coNTAINT tic 2823E s0uAREFEET oR o,ohs AcREs, lroRE oR L[ss, II, Roy A. sAMpLE, BEING A REGTsTEnED LAND suRVEyOrrrN TilE srATt or coloRaoo, co iirinrrv cERTTFT rlrnr riiEABOvE oriscntprro' r.rAs rniriun--ii""E r uo r s coRRricT TOTHE BEST oF'My - I sg&.qq"#a... rf.zl ,..,l'rl ATTAIR .(i.}-,Jli fo.r.r"4 c ,'yl: 90 %\&r.,,..,.*oXsA-r,xffi A TR4CT oF LAND fitTtiATuD l;; ALTAIR r,,AIL IN:i, A RE_sunDrvTsrrilr nr, t.:]l-1 r 5 r!,,tln -i, $rcirot).i srir,,rD,li-slol:,TltrRD euutrrorr Ar'rl:NDID ilat as rilr:n F0R RraconD rN TilE 9Il-1!E gI.1TilE CLEp.5 AND RIC0!]DERt IAcLr corrilry, coL0iADolBEINC uoR$ nrrl,.tIcuI.AnLy nEscnrnrri AS r:ot,l()lrs: BECINNINC AT TIiE NORTIII EST CNIIiXR OE SAID RESU]]DTVIS ION:l_lol'l_415,6, AND 7, BEriic Ti{E Nonrrir,rnsT coptirq ol_rfiru Lur {, ALS0 BEINC TiiE INTE}iSIicTIOt( 0F Titi EAsTRIGIIT-OF-'JIIV OI' LUPINE DRIVE, A. irFTY rOOT RIIlIIT-Or.I]N.YAND_spRUc$ r.llv , A FrFTy r0o? RrcitT_oF_l.,iy, Boril AsPLATTITD I4l SAID BIcllORli SUBDIvrsI0lI; TitENCIt s 16o39,20,, WA^DI_ST,\:icli 0;r 124,L9 FUIT T0 e i,oiri. oN A CLTRVt Ol, rri gNoRTli nrci!r-or-.JAy oF u.s. Hr.ullrty;,ro.6r ALso BETiic rlrESOUTiJIiEST COR;iER_OF SAID LOT 7i TII[I,iCE 259.30 FEET ALONG:1Il - cylv+ ro TIE LEFr iiAv]Nc a cnnrnAl ANcr,r o,.5"20'64", iA RADrus or 2784.97 rEjjr AltD A citoRD TIiATBEARs s n$. 44, JL" E r59.:o-i;Ei-orsrAr(T; TiiENcEN 36p41'30" E A DrsrANcE ot, 66.g5 rtEti TunNcE s 53"1g,30* E1-Dlltltjct oF 67.00 pul:T; rrr:Nis N 36o41,30,, E A DrsrANcf,9I-19:00 f EEr r0 A porNr oN rltE NoRri: LrN!: oF sArDREsuBDrvr$ioll or Lors 4r5r6, AtiD-7, ALso ot( TuE sourtrRrclrT-0F-il'av or slro spnucr'ueii rirrNcE ALoNc sArxI91II LrNli AND sArD souTil Rrfiir_oF_tiAy FoR Trrx rol.Lo!,,rNc?HREE (3) icounsns: 1) zl N 53"19 t30rl llr A DTsTANCE {'0I NT 0F CURVATURE,3 L97 3 or 268.11 FriET To A o!- 8.75 FEET TO THE lcRIts, ltoRE oR A RECiSTiiRID I,A}iD SURVETOR !iER}:BY CERTTTY llIAT TiiEBr' l.lu ANI Is coRRECT To N0. bt,l-q-FEET AL.NG A cuRvri ro ?HE Rrc'r HAvrNcA CENTRAL ANGLI o]. 6o54r30" ano n RADIUS or161.07 FEET T0 A poINT 0F CURVATUREi l'tARclt 2 0, Sk.u*,'qKA-Nffii \ - Torrn of Vail ELESTRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 5L2 $.-.......-..-...-..--------. $... -.{.fQ.,.&........ $................-..---.-.... $-........................... , ' -,1 '71--' '/ Date Paid......- / /.4 ;. Daai'az, Err ltYReceived sv. - -. -..... / -?-..0... -,\Ea;E,y,E r " r. -..-..-.. r-_^- K ( ;4 t{ i V IobNane..-&'*<ttA*.-.....-*.rL^zt*r..../-."*-t1............ LA ./' /' ElectricalContractot-.--/-k*)---th-tfu 2n-x.{.2-c-.,.-.--. u'. , t. ,/) nppticant... -. {}.&"Jr2 {-'.. i/L44rtutu -- Sl6aniro APPROVALS THIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED ON dOB SITE DURI]IG COI{STRUCTTOil 24 HOTJRS AI)VANCE NOTICE REQT,]IRED FOR INSPECTIONS rFr a... Hoaatil 30., o rNs"=.lbru rOr,riru OF HEEUEEiT VAIL TIME.RECEIVED I orxrR El+,prroveo LI UPON THE FOL CORRECTIONS JOB NAME ,/, PM CALLER fl penrrnl LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI :"::). ,'7 ' d'z E otsnppRovED OWING CORRECTIONS: -nM pvr D nerNsPEcr INsiPECIclN FIEEIJEST | -r: TOWN OF VAIL i'lJ', ;-'s ,"': **;; IVED CALLER I panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR lNSPECTION WED fl ornen MON COMMENTS:1 * n D nerNsPEcrAPP ROV E D I uporrr rHE FoL CORRECTIONS [f or saee RovED OWING CORRECTIONS: DATE TtltryN OI VA IL BUILDING PEFIMIT EXITS REO. ELECTRICAL DArE oF APPLrcArroN // ' / L le NEW{) ALTERATTON O/ADDTflON t ) REPATR ( | USE OF BUILDING HEIGHT IN FT. MAIL ADORESS NO. OF STOR I ES NO. OF LIVING UNITS AIF I ) EL€C( } UNIT( } Lor 3 "t* Z ntrne VL 3g 1. rypE oF coNsrRucrroN t (Aut rv v I HR 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D . a .6) r DrvtsroN 12 3 4 BUILOING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPEINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE3. USE ZONE COMB. STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT AREA SEPARATIONERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEM€NTS VARIANCE APPROVAL WIT}I ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDTNG BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. !11;r^t1",!,t'r1r,ts t . " ^ "''"x,11"##ffi ffll "l.ili" I i i Ji/r i ABovE rs ..RRECT AND AGREE "o "o"""J\- rNseecloru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL D,ATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHEn E paRrrar.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E nppRovED I uporu rue CORRECTIONS ! otsAPP RovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nrrNsPEcr DAT E INSPECTOR G ornen MON COMMENTS: APP ROVE D ! uporrr rHE FoLL CORRECTIONS JOB NAME /,- ED-IAM PM CALI.ER THUR E orsnppRovED NG CORRECTIONS: I pnnnal. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION INSiPECION FTEEUEST TOWN OF VAIL : o i,6E ! i''':; .----<\FRI ,'. '-" AM ('f{.--l n nerNsPEcr i 1.it !1.) T0I|,1{ 0t vAr[ EIUILEIING PEFIMIT DATE oF APPLlcaTloN // . 4 le CLASS OF WORK TION 0,fADDlTlON ( | REPAIR ( ) USE OF BUILDING COVERED HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST. LOADINGMAIL ADDRESS NO, OF STORIES NO. OF LIVING UNITS FORCED AtR ELEC I I UNIT LOT . ' BLK 2, FILING BUILDING PERMIT1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON r 611 rrr rV v I HR 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c o E F .6 J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPBINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL3. USE ZONE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE AREA SEPAFATIONL DESCRIPTION OF WOHK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EAS€MENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPROVAL L'7,7 ,$iv:!,ivitDST I READ THIS ABOVE IS WITH ALI, AND AGREE TO COMPLY ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS RE SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR rNseec{oru TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE 1 ' TIME RECEIVED ! orurn JOB NAME CALLER MON COMMENTS: ElappRovED fl uponr rHE FoLL CORRECTIONS ! panrtnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E orsnpp RovED NG CORRECTIONS: FRI-AM PM fl nEtNsPEcr INSPECTOR t Town of VaiI F'J,FCIRICAL PERMIT ror Name.....y'.:e ru.e.cs-...(/-u......./.r*oor.t G*n /!r* rt,) N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....--.....-. $.....................f ..-... 484 $.....-.......-......t..-.-.. $..... d,f.. t,.&")....... APPROVALS Plan Checker o,tu y*a-.....r/.L.fu .l-..)..... l Received rr......u-r-.... xe4.m za ta /-a /z-:/ TIIIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED Ot{ JOB SITE DURING GOilSTRUCTION 24 HOIjRSI ADVANCE NOIICE NEQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS r{E !. r. Hcr!tat a!., oallvll 3r0452 Iil\tsPEcfDN TOWN OF FIEBUEsiT VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED-PM CALLER E orHen n pnnrrnu LocATroN MON COMMENTS: READY FOH INSPECTION WED THUR E or sapp Rov E D NG CORRECTIONS: FRt AM PM fl nerNsPEcrE nppRovED D UPoT'I THE FOLL CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOH I MON COMMENTS: TI OTHER fl pnnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E orsnppRovED CORRECTIONS: FRI. AM PM !REINSPECTSnrr B,ov E D [J UPON THE FOLL CORRECTIONS l" /' _ Petmit*'000303 I,AIL WATER AI{D SAilITATI(II{ 1ftiu, IlISTRICT WATER AI{D SEWER TAP PERMIT BE ISSUED UNTIL T NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL SCRIPTION lur TAP PERMIT WI LL HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMEER OF UNITS Date Billed GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Meter Size.5 t"a x $i|00.00 = Amount Y/O t Elate Paid fr f A--p',- Finance d[rector 8ldg. Dopt. - Whlte; - WatF and Sanltation - Groon; - Public Workr-Canaiy; - ContrEctor - Pink; - Accounting - Gold€nrod Ut/-r6747 Oo".rotfgang & rlse seiut? 6J Baybrook Lane TeL,JtZ-654-3629sept.15,1ezz A +V.!ryllrs.Diana Toughiillbi"""ii"J seJi"rc""v lt ilqTovm 0f Vail 1 I y'r'./ Post 0ffice Box, 100 U/ Yail, Colorado | 81,657 / I ,I Dear Hrs.Toughillr fhe attached }{tter i.s rather interesting. The planning office ap- proved the ext{'a 5-11 foot enlargenent of the porches for units 10J- 112. We would ]ike to know on what grounds since we were told no ad- dltional foota$e on units is granted by the variance connittee. what will happen upper units will ask for enlargement of their baLco- nies llke out redwood ftooring or rairinge whrchPctd$ffteqffiea for laundry (as ln nurope) etc.. The inprovement is questionable since the-porc$es and barconies can easily become ugly storage places for oId furnitrfres, bicyeles,barbeque equipnent etc. srrd protrude out of the buirdin$. The enlarged porches arso become vulnerable to bur- ning fire woodlbeing tossed donn as it happened the last 2 years, be- cauee t|-10 firf places do not work properl.y and guests beeane frantic in the smoke up in pretty d just threw them out over the baLcony. This eould end damage suite if someone just sits on a poreh and is struck by an olject from above. That is the reason we wote against it. fiIlL€RS'LlOt\SH€frD Box 280 Veil, Colondo 81657 Phons {303} 4762471 l}ear Thc ers of thc first fLoor unLts /lfCJ - /112 ore roquesting yourL of a proposed lmprovernent 1n the connon or€&r 'Ihe area l_nYO edge irra six feet. As presentl thls arca is filled wittr larga (/*nto 8tt rocks. the omors on tho fl.rst floor proposo to deck this area south tho porches of the rrrrits. A rail r"r111 al-so erbencl from tire ed is the south sl.de (creok side) of ttre bullding fron thof their un-lts to ttre first rov of the rallroad tlesl approtc- n rsduood looving the qdstlng landscaping Ln place.'Crn tho edgo of tho decking would bo a rail sinilar to that prosently to the ral1 on the Eouth edge of ttre deckiag along eacheo The cost of this inrprovenent r.rould be born solely byfirst floor unlts and u'ould irnount to approxlnatel.y $900.00 buil unit the per + thisofV r1c so can no co the has becone nore lnportent vrith the conpletlon of thspool. IfIf nent Septenber 4, I9Tl. A CHANON ff IHE COMMON ANEA ATONG ITIE SOIMI SIDE OF THE B{NLDNJ,] I roposal has boen approved by tire plaruring offlce of thc CityI and by tiro Roard of Directors of the intlers Condoulniruntion. ltro Boald felt that this lml.rrovensnt vou-Ld nignlft-improvo tho appearance of tho.south slde of t,lro buttdlns aTprgve tho appearance of tho.south slde of tho bulldlng atto 'tlro geneaL ounerohlp. ltro appearoncs of thls slde of aPprove thls propoeeil chongel no action by you ls requ_iroci. opposer please eut offl eign, and return the attaohsd state- dT U,4lL lnwn r Dear o l|fll box 100 vail.81657 (3031 4 6-5613 Timothy H. Be Cosgri.f f ,& French P.O. Box 11Leadville, Co office of the town manager September L4, L977 should request a building permit and all in aceord with the Uniform Buiding Code Bill Pierce, the Building Official . In answe wouLd be willin the Seibtl regulations.to.allow to tthe space as Their co construction as was discus tractortbe ed with 8C'461 Re: Unit No. 4lL, Antlers Condominiums to your letter dated August 23, thq Town of Vail ng to issue a building permit to lower the ceilingunit without requesting a variance from the zoning As we discussed, the only aecess we would be willingis space would be a trap door so that they may use torage. If you h ve any further questions, please contact me. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT S.. Toughill Admi-nistrator DST/di Zoning a I LAw OFFrcEs Coscntrr, Duxtr & FRENcH P, O. Box tr LeaovtLue, CoLoFADg eo46l (3O3} 4e3-rAAs PETEF COSGRIFF JOHN W. DUNN,ROBEFI fl. s. FRENCH STEPIIEN C. WEST TIIIOTI{Y H..3EFRY ERECXENRIOGE OFFICE: P. O. BOX 5AA BRECK ENRIDG E, COLOFADO EO4A.+ (3o3) 453-asol Ms. Diena T Tovm of Vail.Val-L, tO 8 'Dear Diana: August 9, L9 a letter lower the THB/ns cc: Dr. no need to t a varlance from the zoning regula- tions of Town of Vail-. Your t ettention to this matter will be greatLy app iated. Very truly yours, August 23, L977 657 t No.41L, Antlers Lionshead um Complex to our tel-ephone conversation of 7, I would ask that you for:nrard to me cating that so long as the Seibt.s merely l-ing in the conpLex, that there will be Timot Wolfgang Seibt I I I I I I I & $". I I I i I I I I I I I I I I CoSGRIFF, DUNN & FRENCH TOWl{ OF E|UILDII\IG t|A IL PEFIMIT o TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS UNCOVERED VAFIANCE APPLICATION PERMIT WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE EXITS REO. ELECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WORK MAIL ADDRESS NEW II ALTERATION (J-AOOITION I ) FEPAIR { I SO. FT, OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STOBI ES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL AIRI)ELECI )UNIT( LOI.') ;JLK ,/ FI LING INT. WALLS %./ 1. TypE oF coNSTBUcrloN r 6) rrr rv v I HR 2. OccuPANcY GRouP aECDerqlr.r DrvtstoN 1234 AUIL DI NG PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FE ES FIRE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE COMB. STANDPIPE CLEAN UP OEPOSIT ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPAFATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION ffi,itl."r,:.',-]?, READ rHrs AppLrcArroN AND srAr:]i1T-l:.: l<! Ai l"l ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY SIGNATURE OF a Town of Vail FI.F:CTRICAL PmI{IT Date of Application........"--.....-Q-.eff '.-{-.-..-...........-..-.-.-..-..--..ts-..?.1...:.......,. Electrical Contractor tr^ --1^tttcr,4t(.r -J-.4Jc. rcaNat,e.Ila*.-../"0*rr."...=...Au-*ces....t.*0..,......8.r-n-e.!(?- APPROVALS THIS FORM I3 TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURII{G COT{STRUCTION 24 HOTJRS ADVANCE NOrICE REQI'TRED FOR INSPECTIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 464 $--............-..-...!"..--. t......d.{..0.. &:...... I Date Paid.--..-. -..----...r-.-. i Received By---..---.-......--..---.-...-......-.,-...1...-. I $..-...,..-...--.....-f ..-... rar !. a. ,ra:rla! Bo,. oErvrr rr|,.52 Ill tNsiPEc|}clN TOWN OF t: FIEGIUEST VAIL ''i'; DA,TE TIME RECElVED JOB NAME AM PM CALLER Q ornen E pnnrtnt.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR COMMENTS: [J appRovED E orseppRovED NG CORFECTIONS: E nerNsPEcr fl upor'r rHE FoLL CORRECTIQNS ..' - ..-:'.' Totvt{ 0t BUILtr,INGi l,A tt PEFIMIT a UNCOVEFED APPLICA PLAN CHEC PERMIT # 'ro EXITS REO. ELECTRICAL DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WORK NEW{ I ALTERATION}'{ADDITION { I FEPAIR USE OF BUI LDI NG SO. FT, OF BLDG.OFF ST. PAR KINGHEIGHT IN FT. NO. OF STOR I ES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVI NG UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL RCED AIR ( IELECI IUNIT( I 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTI ON I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLEBS DRY STANDPIPE COMB. STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT AREA SEPARATIONERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE P#/J C READ THTS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY ANCES AND STATE G CONSTRUCTION. rh'p'rn""/v6' aKrpT cvlrqxef:C> irt flt,{Jf' Jcn jc (Lvz)RF.fE o /tmcbtt / uptr l5 LoL, Lof, Town of Vail ELEC1IRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 258 $...-................i....... $...-.f..&..d....... s..... LQ.:P.:,"..... e f,8'6t) \.-...-..........-7 Date Paid...--.. n lob Name-../!e r.+I.45.. :. -. - -.J-!.--1' -.!. 95,. -c. -o-l-.. 4. -,. !. Date of Application...- ........./-7./.A.s.-.*n.-..........-.................-..Is..2 9....--..-..... Electrical Contractor ,lY't t'/ "4aWlicant.fr ',rrt*/*-t..-.tr..:..fu22+*,--.--- APPROVALS Bulldlnt THIS FO TO BE POSTED ('1{ .,OB SITE DURIT{G GONSTRUCTIOI{ 2I HOTJRS ADVANCE NONCE REQTJIRED FON INSPECTIONS tdr c. r, rioacrrr c!,, otlvtr 11045, tNstrEcfrN TOWN OF FIEBUEsiT VAIL DATE I TIME RECEIVED I oruen @"aee Rov E D E uporu rHE FoLL CORRECTIONS CALLER f] pnnnnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E orsnppRevED NG CORRECTIONS: f] nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR 0F tlAtt EIUILEIING PEFIMIT T0tftN TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVE R E D DATE oF APPLf CATf oN f f l4\,/ E=\ t9 NEW{) ALTERATION.PIF. ADOITION { I REPAIR ( } SO. FT. OF ELDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PANKING OFF ST, LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL AIR( IELEC( } UNIT LOT 1 ELK ' FILING 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J otvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PL.AN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPAHATION PEBMIT # ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE EGARDIN(; BI,LDING CONSTBUCTION. , e DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF MEETING; MEMBERS PRESENT: VOTE: FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVDD: SUIIIIIARY: rNsFEc?frrru TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL onrelj,' .;:- TIME RECEIVED E orupn JOB NAME PM CATLER OWING CORRECTIONS: n pnnrtel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMMENTS: AM.PM fl nerNsPEcrAPP BOV E D El uporu rns CORRECTIONS florsnerRovED INSPECTOR l/A IL ryll.cllNci PEFtMlr csP\ UNCOVERED : :r.rfi+t AL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA BATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE '4a.t', OATE &9rdt-< ,4 f<) EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLTCATIOI{a a-zf4)f / X 19 CLASS OF WORK NEW{l ALTERATTON ( ) AODlTrON,rnl REpArR I I USE OF BUI LDING so. FT. oF BLDG. 2 OF F ST, PAB KING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STOBIES OFF ST. LOADI NG NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAI L ADDRESS so. FT. coMMERCIAL Z WATER{ ) FORCED AIR ( } ELEC{Y) UNIT{ } LOT ALK FILING .wetts Ztrv c. &tlL 'Nr.watts I.4 2.)' 417 t-LL I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DrvtsroN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIF!ED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRI N KLE RS WET STANDPIPE 3. usE zoNE a .' - . t7 DRY STANDPIPE COMB. STANOPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSUBE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTOR pennntt # AND AGREE TO COIIPLY ANCES AND STATE UILDTNG CONSTRUCTION- .4>I .t- Jo oF O Fzoo 7,o t z ; 331s1 ii:s3F*<Qo)P <t :- y z FtiF <c,)z B'EIi 5io9!e '1 Z - <a =<aza=zzA);a<43:iFr.ocO<O<Ot'lZ; hFE6E :<OAg,'iE Itrcc <o*3olas<d<F,r = I z J z 2U -\F..: ::i o- l, o UJ !glu o(Jzl IuF ul z st! tr cc !c o) ut <{ F t- llJ !c J t! J F FzL! E uJ ! r ltl 0. o z I oJ'-trf o -l< lro =, =ot- INSPECTION RECORD (For Department Use Only) Phone 476-23 l0 advance nolico required for inspections ,Cro** rs ro BE PosrED oN JoB JITE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR t hours COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE CORRECTION ORDER LEFT STOP ORDER ISSUED:RELEASED: CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSU€D FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOOM VENTILATION FIREPLACES I\IAL L COVERING (INT} WATER SUPPLY & DIST. AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM SERVICE ENTRANCE REMARKS: NOTE: THrs caFo rs ro HAVE BEEN BE RETUFNEO TO THE BLDG. DEPT. MADE TO AUTHOFIIZE ISSUANCE OF AFTER ALL REOUIFED INSPECTI ONS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TYPE OF OCSUPAI|CY JOB NAME DATE OF APPLICATION NEWII ALTERATION ( } ADDITION (I REPAIR { ' OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I t lV V IHn 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H t J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 SPECI FI ED FIRE SPRINKLERS CLEAN UP DEPOSIT ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOBK lnto ror ttrr r oorr enl r.rt roqr T0tTlf 0F BUILE INGi VA IL FEFIMIT R,EAD THIS APPLICAfION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS COBBECT AND AGREE TO COMPIJY TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT ABEA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEREO DATE A42-'f4-'<n € ,r*urtt /73 \Tg-+? l,ec- T I ITAVE LAWS NEGARDING BSITJDING SIGNATUBE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR Saqe, Dave BJECT; ANTLER's - conference room and landscaping -r< BERS PRESEIIT: Rvoff . Bill / =Abbott-t bdlev € -'Hanlon. Bill Ly' -ry' Parker, Lou t-r'/ DESIGN REVIEI.I BOARD TE 0F l4EETIllG: Auqrst 22. 197-4 ACTION TAKEN BY B SECONDED BY tuTI0l.l to approve b TE: FOR; ROVED: SAPPROV ED: IS4ARY: J} O PBOOF STATE OF GCILOBADO COUNTY OF EAGLE r PUBLICATION s3. o ) ) ) r, A,r"g*, h]of do soremnry swear that r m of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper in whole or in part and published in the gOrOrEr'O, ano nts a general clrcutanon tnercm; tnat saro newspaper Das b€en published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of morc than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the fint publication of the rnnexed legal notlce or advertisement; that .said newE aper has been admitted to the United Sta0es mails as second-class matter under the orovlsions of the Act of March 3, 18?9, or any amendnents thereof, and that saii newspaper is a weekly Dewspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertieements withln the meaning- of the lars of the State of Colondo. That the annexsd l€gal noticc or advertisement ras published in the regular and eotirc irsue of every number of said weetly nssryE er for the period of t conseeuflve insertions; and that the ol said lotice was in the ksrre ot said newspaper datdd $tlLY J{o A .D. $X!-and that the last publieatlon of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated -Itt LY aro ^.D.1s1{a " *'"":.Jli*:; ' ** '"*'t'.:. *#.* ur" ---M- a'v * Subscribed and smorn to before me, a notary pu State ot Colorado, *;s J12, 6* o1 lint pubkation { J{o d lor thdCounty of Eogte, My Commlssion erpires 7Tla.-t-. la ts2!a Jufy 23, 1974 Diana Zon I ng Ing var non anc con 2t, in heafin Tow TOI'l A la -c € fe 40 fh rd dl n N t{ n n o N IS HEREBY 6I Condclmi n i um accord w I thparklng as r(Serles of l9 room facility ic Hearlng wi ho zon I ng ordtlunlclpal Sue fhe Town ofll be transmlt. L ught I t n I strator I e r c u f a tI v v HOTntl nce ov8 Nc. 16n AP0o eV be ng5 of OF s.qA NOT ICE OF PUBL IC HEAR II.IG VEN THAT l'1rr, Bened lct, r€p resent* Assoc I at I on, has app I I ed for a$e*tion 19,200 in ordor to al lotl equlred by Secflon 9.610 of Ordin-lFt In order to construct a and move parklng to a new locaflon. I be he I d in accorciance w I th Secf lon nanca on Augus* E7 rl974 at 3:00 p,n'r, lding. Said varlanca wl I I beVall Planning Commlsslon and tsd to the Tonn Councl I for The ) o-/i 4.a n^a{: ./1 -u. !{W)1 t i,ri,,i, Xv^t-l r , t--/a .f -// / | li,, i. ./ -ffi./." o \1 -/O-.)d iI/f[ ,f /J{tt f / r. 3//,i ,4 -./7-// l,/u ll aL/" l,/LL\4 A'f" /iL./^L u L-tt | -' L/ / ./ ,/ ,/ 'J - U -, rlu \J n NII/'/ , /, ( ''- r /, \- I fi, /<re /c 4,() , /t ( )Le z*aTdzzr'/ut{:-€"i--4tt':l*y,7- App li Heari Flnal cation ng Da te APPL ICAT ION FOR VARIANCE And/0r COND IT IONAL USE PERM I T 0rdinance No. 8 (Series of 1975) Dare JuLy 22, L974 rUD I I cation Da te Heari 19 Fea Declslon dafe for Town Counc I I | (we) Antlers Condominium Assnrt(Applicant) Colorado VaiI 476-247Lrnone(5tate)(city) 4Variance t rom l,rticleQ , Zon ing Change f romParklng Variance Conditional Use Permit to allow i n Zone. do hereby request pernission to appeaF.bgfore the Vai I Plannlng Commisslon to request the following: r Sect ion to W,For the following descrlbed property: Lot/tract 3 , Block Fl ling Number Third to build a con I Clearly state purpose and intent of this applicationj{g;!gf,g11l_ ference room and common restroom facilities. In order to do so vre neel$ existing code, [s Fer specks and Fl"otoes. 'Fhis areo wirl be attractively enfra@ion. What do you feel i! the basis for hardship in this case?llgiSg_3_ T2 unit condomi+i room facilitieslin order to do any sunmer and off season business. The location we h economical placE. however' it is tdo-ercerrshrc-ant-i I appearance of the proposed parking This proposed c4ange will keep our parking on the lower level and'will be barely r,fisible in the sunmer and probably not at allvisible in the winter. 'l fYature of Applicanf [(r 60\*.V6 T0wt{ 0F l'Atr EIUILE'INGi PEFTMIT o I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE TIIAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICAT!ON AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS COBRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN OR,DINANCES AND STATE JOB NAME DATE OF APPLICATION NEWI' ALTERATION ( } ADOITION ( I REPAIR( I USE OF BUI LDING OFF ST. PARKING OFF ST. LOADING i'lo. OF LIVING UNITS I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABCDEFGHIn tJ Df vlsfoN 12 3 4 SPECI FI ED TOTAL FLOOR AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENfS VARIANCE UNCOV€RED UCTION. d-drq.G 'rr&'-.il . -.. $*rtiftrutr uf (Drrufunrg @srurr (Df liluil uililing Erpurtnrnt TIIIS CT:RT'IFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYING TITAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE I+'AS IN COIIIPLIANCE WITH TIIE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUILD ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR TIIE FOLLOIIING: ANT LERS AT L I ON SHEAD Use Classification H and Group Building Permit No.l 4l4 Type Construction Fire Zone 5 g3g 2... CC I I Owner of Build Ant le rs Assoc iates ing Address Block l, Lof 3, Vall LionsHead Third Fi llng Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Frvlr €r VA,u Locnltot'.,1: lNrPEcTloN ,Joe NAME r<EAuErT q..ALL€,r?. tr _tr D -Fouuatltott F.RAMIN6- -._ )9 Frxau il 6.r<n^u * ir.i,t .-.-. r- ! tr E ?arr<y,at. Loc.raronr Tue \vE? ftgg) Fer 3 4r:Atvt DTttA??f?ovEV doeresaroruai El t7erru+ ?ec7 I V, I I I I 1.1 +?€c:r614 o F.t * or V,q.rr- f N tTECTtoN resauErT I doe Na-vrE & T*= KEcErrzep i A.r',r prvl fJ on-rere 11L-,Ovtvrenle : '. Ca"ue.ra. E /a<1,a". Locaaro* l roN l?9o AM(a) I''' I Mont I TLrE l DAlZ?KoV : Loee€cTloN9I Fane AV,tqf?r?ovE?D lflef ;rt6fec7 H. o o"n" -@g e{ /8"' @ f,acu *;!AQP l/6:v;;\ isg l3'o | + tO .fi?. €l_"1$ o Ft*'* oF- lN tPEcTtoN D+TE -r/^-4,- lZ ,)oe N.avre Ilt.,/E i<ECEIVEP-AII Prv\C.a.uue.ra. r<EAuErT /v.**.,. $ Z^=1,o. Loc,+1roxr: tTrun etFre n Rouer+ f, l1a*oe,rr. E lZ.r<1r,o.r- LocaTloF=r: tvlEct-l+ttrcAL D Vetrlt,-,qto*t I Hea.1"re C Aoy+raaa A?o=1i'^t- Logalrors'. D Foo1.lc- n Fouuraltonr tr FravrrHc- dFttno.t E P.orcp^u LocaltoNt : fl opee E fnr<1''o,". Loca'o* Mont Vganz v Fo.g I- x +fr <\ r o N -^.Tue (vEV ) THUK Fer\-/^''to o"@ Cor.nnaeNl+: r\. il l7?Rove? c7?rez+*-'aa 4-J 3 DStiA?7r?ove?FffstNr$rscy 3a-= I ir l'lovennber l6 , lgTZ l $4ounfa I n Constructor*P. O, Box l588 IVall, Colorado SubJect: Ant le1i"s ProJect Dear Bob: Due to the ensulng comFletion of r$sfry resldentla I and comm€r-clal f aci I f tlesivrrthtn the Tclvn of vit t, ths noed for occuponcyapproval ls drawlng nesr. ln ordor to expedlte the ffnalfnspectlon and issusnce at 6 cortlflcate of oecupency, al Ifnspection reports, concrete tests, I lcenges, feed ano permltsnrugt be subnf+tbd to fhis offfce before a flnal rnsfectlon lsr€q ues te d . To dater w€ have r€celved no Inspectlon reports for thls prcJectand only on6 concrete test, A tinat tnspec+i"; wiit not bemade unti I thes€ ffeme are submltted; ani In accordance wlthsection 306 (a) j.ttt',to bul l.ding or structure ln Groups A tc H,lncluslva, ehal]t ne used or occupied...untlf the iluilof ng ol-flcial has fssubd a Cerfl flcafe'ef Occupsncy therefor as provldedhsrefn". In ?rpordanco wrth secffon 205 ttAny parson, firm, oicorporatlon vlolatlng any of the provislons of thls cooe shel Ibe deemed gul lty of B rnl sder$eailor. , .rt I f you have quesflcnsfeel f ree to ceintact Yours tru I y, TOli{N 0F VA I L r€gsrd I ng 'the requ I redth ls departrnenf . submlffals, ploase Jarry L, Bul ldlng AldrfahOfflclial r u,l +gl cc: Dean-Hunf Assoc I ates -N\\///i/lxlil|ll|lltiiiilliililii|ii|l|llf]illj[i||ilfi|llliiilltll|lililitli|/llli|llllltilllliilllil-\\\)rt -2,-/:S m -"4 -w:= 0 october 6, tg?z -:F{_-;= t\ :-:::". fn !lr. Jerry Altbloh -A A" Bulltltng offlcitl : -il Fi gl3{ sirl:l1eox roo =-; (l) valr. cotoraao aissl - - va rrr +' nf -rtqli ::il Ei gl3{ sirl:l1eox roo =] r €) va1l, Coloredo 8t65? :- :-Eo -\ =\- --dM #tEI 6ef : ; _7q {D Dear }1r. Aldrlah i - ---:1 - 4j F v JJS4I rrt-. AI\lI-IGttl -Fr Eli;-.1 ' -fl I In r€ply to the I.C.B.O. letter of Septcn&r 2L, :_-l - r t3tfr;-*rll"rSfllill;"lmlffT' r would l're =CJ t ?+a-a r l,-a.r' a. ;^ ^^-*--. E tA 0 Itens 1 through 3: No connent. -r 's6" r =0lt| Fr Iten 4: Tlre orlglnal etructural calculttlone = 0 rjr rer:e basett on 30 lbs. and on July -?1r -L97?t ={v1 /n acld.ltlonal- calculatlons tere submtttett rtth ) lJ lbs. Please refer to these calculatlone.a )) t97. rlgaEg rgll'r r,(J urrl':'(' s.lr(.i(.r.rurLrrr|'. = CIh? . ^ Iten 5: Thls was taken lnto conslcleratlon ln :[11 - ul our onlglnal destgn and eaLculatlong, and. ls - ^__ ) f-nkarr ^t,". Af 3 nE- ,{ rJrrr- urr8lrurl, usl'r 4 rlrlrr qclJ-Ijrrrcl e rvrr.r , cu.rl ro E roZ 6, taken care of. -^ = t l!9r,9i lrtllg?ll"s tltlltl^llong-rrhh = t-tJ 6 IIEE fJ: !.ll,rl(,aurll5 u.t l,l'rl.tl , .rlqrl6 tr|lB = l0H 4 conplete detatltng, res subnltted, and I -_FE lrt A untlerstand that Coiorad.o Preetreesed ls an =VJA : _-,___5 * approved. fabrlcetor. The bean ls co*ect as = = snorm. ='r\vl.vw..'.ay := W O ^ ftens ? through 9: llo connent. :- ...!r:r- -- ; Iten i0: CoaDlcte dctills on statls rece :!--- t-'12 I r{ subnltted. together rlth rprestressedr cal- =:-r'-|subnltted. together rlth rprestressed.r cal- =.-culattone. the stalr sectlons are stanrdarcl :-l Fl<Eq = I H sectlons by Colorad.o Prestreesed.. =ffl L H r&-- ... t-,^ ^-^ ^^---r-r-- -.+r- {.r-^ a-r-rsa.r ]-E--E F ! :3;#l: r{e are conplvrns rtttt ttrT,*fi*1 =t e.sra-ar* / 'lv -*q -- = ; -v".rv,_:.-_/-_-_4_ ?: +, .6\ ==d7'.a)n/\\&-/-4Eouf: %,ffi,,tnrillullrilillilillnrililrffifilltrilnlniilirrtlnirlllnrffrilill tiulut/riltjilt=fi ./ --(,,'**N il,ili\\\\\\"llll[l I lll\r' \ \v +.n lt1 UIaid: ftErAiue NAi- Arttftefs coNb4, LtoAt Stf EA D ,.V fr(L I\9 \ t!s$ \ t" i. <D (K d= &"\--.'''t-*r.-. ,) AVJ+/ tw ot7 'oqNoQ sdJl LNY ttvnn zNtntlllY ) advD" bl*\ ^t* \}.x i',;-----:::advgt Hsl I 'l \t \ t\os \ i. <D ,'{ d= I i I i I I jt'-r(Ez S Z( NVq -* -7t4, Le:t: ts"(I? flrt6 = 40 - 61, 654 S.E X lZ= ?826 Z S{ri. iI,{x tt = 255 fatestotT Ate-ea 44x t'l - ta = ffi el)-c.s Zl /? utt'zs Co' 12 (,ttttts e t s{oL* e z5T t= 78jA2sttze '= ,17f + St',,L o 25{ * r1lc8.{'145 = &o %Etsft<eosf, e* 1 ' 5n8= 7z-a 8 utrtrs cLS3 4 ffi+ 4 c)r.tczs "(*.#}=zltg 't- t,,;''@46a L Pte&rJ6-4 uuit e 'Ir7r.26t looz) $ vuuz> @ 6tS (e* ,o*t*'6 -- ( c'tJtts'*rL1.{n'{"*TITtaa' lo&{ .,E,TE + ia;e a6Q +4taPrr(rz*,i 'o= u)=ftna) - Ay) I v.)L-7s ca 6{"ft'; e 5zz+ 21.6 less cA"-'. qo 6i '-- ?3-7 f 8.zeuPr'-rS Cq Lorr @ *.Lr =198 ')<- "2, -r 14:-2AE 3F l7- ---.'w Ur;t lO 62 8474W4 t Lazzzl . &7. 84cart//e'to-tA--<- F<@4a Psz',p ?rtpzrpr €&sr -, lL uttrs o t.2{= /{gbNt- k tr a = jS 7&p-O- tt u k = tS Foo&-{4 - g u ca iooc e -- loFtt{t- 5 ,^ S irz6- =;oSt*t{ - 5 l( (9 '( .= .r e\5etle$rfl-g v @ toocie. ic)t-F sJt^, b$r^,,i - l ^ lg L@'4' -4 lnP- f,.A.,€- (6sz s.n) (r,?s-) p^i* Cr.zS) 1o.t^.*-Y ft+€z*tte s&€irs e43 (t xe) looo Eers Qz- x-zs-) Soptember 2?, l972 Mr. Bob ll | | son Hounta I n ConstrucforsP. 0. Box 157? Val |, Colorado SubJccf: Ant lers Condomln I ums Deer Mr. l{ | | son : An ungchcduled Inspectlon ras performed upon your bul ldlng by the undorslgned on Septembar 26, 1972 due to your non- cal lod lnspectlon record. Thc lnspectlon revsaled a serlousvlolatlon of Sectlon 180 I of thc Unlforrn Bulldlng Code, 1970 Edltlon Tho clfed vlolation pertalns to the combustible spray-on Insulatlon appt led to the cxtorlor walls throughout the strucfuro. The sorne rnoterlal was found to be appllod tothe roof, *hlch ls also requlred fo be noncorabustlble, f I re-resl stl ve constructlon. Upon rece lpfr of fh ls combus,flble materlolally opp.roved by the Sald matcrlal must be notlce you are hereby notlfled that ollls to be removed oxcept those speclflc- Toxn of Val I and Board of Appeals. romovod rlfhln tbr-( l0) worklng doys not I ceupon r6co I pt of th I s Requlred lnspectlong ag por Sectlon 504 (d) have not been requested prlor to clors16, tr9r have speclal lnspactlons as p6r Sectlon 505 (s) boen mads as requlred. A Cortlftcate of Occupancy rl ll not be granted untll vtola-tlons have bsen correct6d and bul ldlng rneets mlnlmum requlre- nonts as per Unlform Bulldlng, Mechanlcal and Plurnblng Codes. lf ls suggested that a maotlng between you, Mr. Hund and rnyseIf be arranged at your earIIest convenlence to discussthe al ledgad vlo latlons and correctlon procedur€s. 1972Scptember 25, Mr. T. J, KoyInternatlonel 5360 South llobjhlttler, Cal S ub Ject r Ant n l.um, on, flce I I t t972 Condom s t ruct to be ing I tect. thls o Antlersletterl. tura I con lapp6arsr€sent be sf . the Arch opted by, A€ ur uc nt al p Pnt fh cc h u th qu ru on Yat t &n l.r ac matsu Conference of Bul ldlng 0fflclols kmen Mll I Road forn la 9060 I : ors - Plan Check f8531 atsu: t pf of your lettar data.d Sepf embe r 2l , recls dsthl lro Oftt ducrll al ,23 rt yo str fme rY at 50 tme wl s?r tme rY at 50 tme wl sa fo to ng par fo ls tq P3r 9ed 0l ck d6 rl 0e nt nd on De ug 74 en an l'o D cu ,7 h trl 3 m t 3 3 , I it ma v qs nl r6 v b9 on $t cg Ic b c t b ne ma du 3 m€ atl 3. 3C 7, rE nc !l b rc pl e b I tl f an ur on a!l d r op le d il at of ta r p e I t f a the struct51. Rofcr spectlon wf saflsfle rlnd load€r€ In myfor poss I bt satlsfle e ltems vl r clarlf Ic va I uat0on your ass I r ch lal m€n i I P slf sey edl mein i h ers I Flo i cdi I I ori ltl I L; ; Iddt f lic , I I € G e d I 5 € u a G o o I € G e d o e F d l ri l I DEar Mr. Koy lie are In rapertoinlng t p len check # : o t L d f cl 5 h€ IU il g€ ol ou ru v Et' orn 5 r atAT om I st c€ t ly AI AI 0f v o o r s ef I 6 s v t F L n Pe he af va 6 d gg nv 0 I .s a .T r 6 a and Oan hee orl h ank ou rg ot{N errf ul ld t s A 0 International Conference of Building Cfficials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFOR.NIA 90601 (213\ 699-0s41 September 21-, L972 OFFICERS PTIESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PREgIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CAL]FORNIA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA" WASHINGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5J6O S. WORKMAN MILL RO. WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL RD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYL.RD c. DowD 1. DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN ,DONALD A. ERICKSON D I RECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MTNNEAPOLTS.MTNNESOTA 4. BILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR PTERCE COUNTY CTACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR A MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. \/11HITE BUILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VINCENT R, BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DrcK T. JoRDAN 7 ,DIRECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMEN'T AUSTIN, TEXAS 10.RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA PLan Check No. 8531 Antlers Condominium STRUCTT]ML RECHECK Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail ?ost Office Box 100 Vail, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: Revised structuraL data for the above project has been re- viewed for conformance with our letter dated May 25, L972, to Mr. Struble. The folLowing co$ments are keyed to that letter. STRUCTT'ML CO1VIMENTS : Conunent remains for vour information. and 3. Couunents satisfied. Comment remains. Connections should be clarified, Cornrnent remains. Conment partially satisfied, Dimensions of beam on Page L2 (parking garage) in calculations do not agree with Sheet 23 of 25 of drawings. This shouLd beclarified. A1so, the strand cover on beams and tees for two-hour fire-resistance should eomply with Tabl-e No. 43-A and slab thickness should eomply with TabLe No. 43-c. 8 and 9. Cornments satisfied. Cormnent remains. This refers to stairs in stairway, we can find no calculations. OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOR D. R. WATSON \t " l.il' :i' 'i i', Ab l,gia #Fr";, -2- l-1. Comment remains. This refers to rail-s in garage. Should comply with Section 171-4 and be designed for loads stated in Section 2304. A11 data is being held pending receipt of further instructions from you. If instructions are not received, data wilL be returned in 90 days in conformance with Section 302 (b), ?lease feel ftee to contact us if there are any questions. Yours very tru1y, LDING OFFICIALS Koyamatsu ?lan Check Engineer TJK:VFM:hb IMERNATIOML CONFERENCE .t r. -l'. lnte[national Conference of B u aESEflRtH tSmmlITEt nst0mf,nEr!8ilTt8n ild ing Officials Report No. 1883 Nouentber, 1971 ALBI FIRE,RET.{RDA\T P.{I\T )iO. I07..{ ALBI }I,I\UF.\CTT:Ri\C C()RPORATION A SUBSIDI.{RT CO}IPANI OF CITIES SER\'ICE P. O. BOX 6l{5 sAN llATEO, C"{,LrFOR}-I.{ 9{{0:l ALBI }IA]{UFTCTURI\C CORPORATION 96 E. }TAIN STREET nocxvll-I,E, co.\IiECTICUT 06066 l. Introduction: .{,t the recuest of -Ubi \lanufacturins Coroor- ation, Cities Senrce Corrrpenv. Sirn \{.rteo. Californir. ihe Reseirch Committee of the Internation:ri Conference ,ri Brrii<iing Oiiicr.rls has nrade it re-e.\iuninithon or the tesi i1s1. sui-.nritteti in connc,ci;onwith the use of Fire-Retardant Paint No. 107-^{. II. Description: Ceneral: Alhi \o. 107-A Fire-retardant paint is designed for interior applicadon over Dousias fir anri ceilulose fiber acoustical tile. The insreciients of .\lbi \o. 107--{ are oi aproprietaqv nat'.lre. Containers are lnheled bv Un.1".tu.r,ers- L,rb- oratories, Inc..- shorving the rerlrrirerl total srrrface coverage anti flame-spreacl characteristis t-or various lppiieations. Application_: The standard cainting ptocedures for svnthetic paints are.,follosecl u'hen irppiwrne .flhr -\o. l0i-.\ to woori sur- taces or tile. Surlaces nlnst be ciean and iree ironr iiiri. greese. oil, sasrlust. loose parnt. *'hite rvash, caicimine. etc. Srrri,rcei mrritbe reasorrablv rirv ancl free oi rltoistrrre..\lbi No. 107-A r.ry 6e apnlied 01€r r.l\r wrlci or over I thinneci prinrer. The paint is rrp-plied hy spral'. brush, or roiler in.ir one-coir.rppiicatron to prorrde total coveraqe as set forth in T.rirle \o. I. Field Test: \\'hen it is riesireci to test tht, coatins to cietenrrneib e{e-ctiveness,_the Iollo*rng procecllre rs recorrrnrenci..i, ,i i*oialcohol, gas or -bi.rtane torch ii appiied iiirecti-u- to the .\lbi oro-tectecl surf .rce for a perroci of L0 ,;cconcis to i f seconris o*.er ,r4-square-inch area. The inrumescent r-nat or heat i arner shorrlclform inrmedjaleif 1o a.thicltness of r: inch to i" rnch ior a Clrrss-i nilme-SpreaCl clasSrhCAtlOn. lII. Evidence Submitted: .\pplication instructions and flame-spread tests conducted in ,rccoiciance wrth U.B.C. Standard )io.42-l are submitted. Recommendation IV. Recommendation: Thgt Albi Fire-retardant Paint \o, 107--{ when applied as set forth in Tablc No, I to Douslas i:ir or acorrstic;rl tile is a satisfactory method to obtain a ffame-spread classiiication of I provided: l. Painted Dougl*s fir or acoustical tile shall be installed onlr' in interior locations. 9. Field tests as described in Part II of this rcport shall be made when required bv the Building Official. This recommendation is subiect to annual re-exanrination. rThe acotrstical tile has the trbulated flame-srrread chriicterrstics \ihen :tttached directlf, t') solid n,rno'rnbrrstrble srrrt.tces. The -{ii;i li,r. !i)1--lpaint is applied io celhrlose liher trle over the stuch-t\'-,r i::ctirrv ririrh.The tile shall have the follrrrrrnq pr,)perties: nominrriv i.-rntir thrrk, average u'eiqht of 73! lnrrnds per 100() square [et't, xver(lg!' qirr]s! r'rse strength of forrr porrnds (6-inch by ll-inch sanrples brokqo.rrr l0-inch cent€rs ). :One oversat of Albi No. 14.1 is applied over the Albi \o. i07-A at r rate of .150 square feet per gallon. -t- -- **1", lc-"? KU. 4 ;' ',,\$r"/'' gt/^ LJ Ld" v r\[ f4'qj \ \4t Q-1 TABLE I{0. I - II.AME.SPREAD CHARACTERIS''ICS DouBus flB AC0US- II CAI 'I LE' Total srrrface cnverage ( ir quare feet per gallon ) 175 150 l50l 100:l 150 FIame-spread 20 l5 ID l5 1D Smoke densigv 0-5 o o 5-i0 APPuCAil0il Rate per coat ( in square feet per gailon ) lrD 150 IJU 200 150 Number of coats I If I Total nrinimum thickness iin mils ) t-6 8 ti-9 81/x-9 ri-i2 8t!-9 t\u t h(r Pags I of I August 8,, 1913 tors llsqn Construc r562 , *rado I Ant I ers Mr. Bob !{ Mounfa I nP, O. Box Vel l, Col Flraplacc Flues and Anf lers-Electrlcal Systern5 ubJect I Oear Bob: At present tse flreplace The prsssn* tluog are 22no case be al lored. P I ease g I ve the abovaa'ddlf*onal rcrk sn the f l,uea at Anf lors do aot mEat Code.ga$o.slngle *alf ducf r*hf ch wlll f n satfers your attenflon 6r fhey rI II affect bul ldlng. 14lnimum requlremants cof l for lCI gags standard gage Et€ol.In fhls caso], cleuraneo fo canbustlble'raaferlals musf be lSrt :or a rodueed clearanc€ ls al lowed as for vent connectors.Fer Tabfe 5-$, Unlform Bulldlng Gode, Votune il, fhls lsallowed xlfh prop€r Insulatlon. Thls f s In addltion to the twohour shaff enclosure r6qul renent, The 61sler way to,go ls a type L (trtplo wall vent) or an ap-proved InsuIf*ed f Ir:*pIaee venf. Ed. Hcmmer, the State Electrtcal Inspector, has also advlsed methaf ha has furned down electrfcal work for o second tlme andhes asked me not to approve framl ng unti I the rnaffer I s correctedand he contaFtE na agaln ulth hls approval. Thlr I rfll do. Yours truly, T0wir 0F vA I dv, cc: Ti n. A-A Robert K" McNrl I I Bul lding Department L] .: shoip Elejetrtc i h'It Eci StrirbbelBulldlng InepeetorClty of Vail, Colorad.o Dear 51r: I have on this d.ate terrnlnated.wLth }4ountala Contructorts Inc, ,lnspect wor"k for Robert Wl1son,Jlm Cunnlnghan. July 3L,!972 ny assoeletlon and wlll no longer Bob l"ealer, or truIy, Sanlel L, $helev *oYe#*lnSS * ".i$4,i' ",; 3 ir 1,,f1',,*",. u i),* I , i*rrr j,'" lf., r: iq.;. e 'ry !;. i -#*F h il fF+0.. .' ?*b rt-g';,', A .s*r, E..;S 3;" {'l': I ,& .- .-. i 1.. r '- -i ,f.*I r, t.. ..r: r:;'.,; ' ,'h.t i 'j* * 1 1 t,.'t il '-:,!:., j 1i,:,i .".;r ti:r': ii';,'1; IiII,.. , ?l ,, i;:; ' : .'., l\! ..' .:' .,'i.:.. _. -.: , :. :"1' :,i'1.'fl;iliri:l+ -, 7 '1.*. :'i '. i I : '' i..l{ "! " t,.l.4, :'".: * !,# a!l r..l' BE$T 0OFY 'l:lt:' /// t MECHANICAL wffTroN Applicant to complete Jurisdiction of numbered spaces only. r^,//tr t[ser rrrrcxeD sH€Er] hnr// e, MAIL AOORESS.toQiAle CONTRACTOR MAf L ADORESS ,_/- , P{ONE LICENSE NO. ARCHITECT OR OESIGNER MAIL aDoREss /z PHoNE ENGINEER MAIL AODRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. MAI L ADDRESS BRANCH USE O,F BUILOING 8 Ctass of work: D(ruew n AD0lTl0N tr RttenRttotrt tr REPAIB ,//(Type of Fuel: Oit n Nat. Gas D lPC. fl PERMIT FEES Type of EquipmentSPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Refrigeration Units-H.P. Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. PLANS CHECKE D 8Y Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea.APPROVED FOR JSSUANCE BY Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M Unit Heaters-B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Evaoorative Coolers Ventilation Fan Air Handlino Unit- 1 ', IT,TOTAL FEE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY - AUDIT PINK APPLICANT GOLDENBOD _ TEMP. FILE tnternational Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 Q13\ 699-0541 OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPARTM ENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T.-H. CARTER 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL RD WHITTIER. CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5350 S. WORKMAN MILL RD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOV\/D OIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON D IRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASH I NGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORN]A JACK D. WHITE BUILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALI FORNIA July 7, 1972 ?1an Check No. 8531 Antlers Condominiums Ed Strubl"e Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vail, Col"orado 8L657 Dear Mr. Struble: This is to confirm our telephone eonversation on July 3 concerning exterior wall- construcrion on the subject pro-ject. In accordance with our letter dated April- 24, L972,this buil-ding was reviewed for conforrnance with Type 1construction. Accordingly, the exterior walL construction should be of noncornbustible materials. Where the exterior wa11s are nonbearing and located more than 40 feet from aproperty line the wal1s need not be of fire-resistive construction but are required to be of noncombustibl_ematerials. Metal studs and gypsum waLlboard are considered nonco'rnbustible but the CeLlotex to which you referred con-stituting the exterior waLl finish shouLd be justified as a noncombustible materiaL to comply with Seetion 415. The item discussed above was supposedly covered in our Conrnent No, 4 of our letter dated January 25, 1972. Itprobably shouLd have been re-emphasized in our letter dated LprLL 24, L972. I hope this has not caused undue probLems during construction, Please contact this office if there are any questions. Yours very tru1y, TMERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFF]CIATS TJK:hb cc: Eugene Hunt OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. SARTER MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOR D. R. WATSON €cErB flretrr %*d .,$\\l//llt//tilil||| -tN\\tt,/ilriulfll|| =o=0: ,-l-+N :scit:orbHEI o(t2g9 !.rsil E=s -CJFogu) r'{ u2a llilliiliifiillliiiitilifit r | fli ililtilriiiriitf riliiilll/llliiiliill ijiiffiiiIiii1iiii /itit llli/iliit/ July 7, 1972 ltr. Ed. StnrbLeClty Bulldlng Officlal Torn of VallVetl, Colorad.o 81657 Antlers Cond.onlnlums Hr. Struble, In reference to our meetlng on JuJ.y 5, Lg?z trn your offlce, actlon wtIl be taken in accord.ance wlth our d.lscusslon on thefollow1ng ltens. 1. The vent at the elevator towerroof w111 be enJ.arged. as per I.C.8,0. reconnend.atlon. t 2. liaxlnun openlngs at stalr andI balcony ralllngs w111 not be ex* ceeded. ', 3. The plywood. sld.lng on the btrtld.-lng exterlor wl1L be flreproofed.ln aceord.ance with U.B.C. Stand.ard.s. 4. The trCeletexr sheathing will be1 onitted. fron the stmcture as dts- cusged.. 5. The d"oor lnto the sauna area,Door No. 105, wllL be relocated. tothe south walL ln lieu of the westwall as presently shown. 6. The trash chute sprlnklens wllltaken und.en ad.vlsenent and w111 beprovlded lf no other alternatesolutlons aFe feas1b1e.s10 Be: Dear ,% --=:: = = =:- =-= -:::= = 4 t =-s -CI-CI=s=--'=n=n=N:- =n=0Ero:-_ ::: :*-_: =: -.-- : -: =-== ==: === "N be lilil l llil l ltil illriil E{z -r-r-lt-| & 2 frfrt 0' t{ 0 J 0' 5p ?t2e +r.c) Eq.EC F -c)gr 6€ fi d fi -\ f?t {r.Y l{iilrlllilfilliliililr | iliilI I lil lll illli : : <t:=l =,_ ( ",ry/{lilil illlil lliillililllilliililflllil lliilil ll ililll lllllliillll llllilil{l/lilllllllifil In ad.d.ltion to the d.lscussed. lteas, I nad.e anlnspecttonr of the Job and. found. th6 proJectprogresslng veny watt, and. connend.edl- th; GeneralContractor on hls eff6rts. I rould 11ke to, agaln, thank you for your tlmeand efforts on thls proJect. EH,/rrn icc: Bob HlLson ALLan Van FLeet Sincerelyrl International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 June 28, 1972 (213) 699-0541 OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIA* COLORADO 6PRINGS, COLORADO EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WA5HINGTON TREAsURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S, WORKMAN MILL RD WHITTlER. CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S, WORKMAN MILL RD WHITTIER. CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF INSPECTION5 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR PIEFCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BUILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA Ed StrubleBuilding Official City of Vail Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: The plans for the above project have been rechecked for nonstructural comments in accordance with our letter to you dated April 24, L972, and Mr. Huntrs letter dated May 5, L972. A new set of plans have been submitted. The following comments are in the same sequence as Listed in our April 24 letter. GENERAL COI4MENTS: We are assuming that our assumptions are to your sat- isfaction. NONSTRUCTURAL COMMENTS : Comment satisfied. Comment satisfied if the required hourly fire- resistive rating is specified on the door sched- ule. The Code does not recognlze label A' B, etc. Mr. Huntts letter of May 5 states that this has been satisfied with the City of Vail. This should confirmed to your satisfaction. Comments satisfied. Comments satisfied. I. 2. 3. A OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER "iit'JI".:'BliJ;. TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Plan Check No. 8531 D' R' wArsoN Antlers Condorininiums L970 Uniform Building Code NONSTRUCTURAL RECIIECK be -2- 6. Comments satisfied. 7. (a) Comments satisfied. (b) Cormnents satisfied. (c) Partially satisfied. Details of guardrails on gar.age structure should be provided for clarification. (d) 1), 2l , 3) and 4) Conunents satisfied in accordance withyour letter of May 8, L972, to Mr. Ilunt. B. Comment remains. A minimum of 3 square feet of venting isreguired. Section 1706 (c). Revised plans indicate I squarefoot provided. 9. Comment satisfied. 10. Comment satisfied. Plans are being held for structural recheck. Please let us know if there are any guestions. Yours very tru1y, TNTERNATIONAL CONT'ERENCE OF BUILDTNG OFFICIALS Wud-&4* TJK :Vf'M: hb : pr cc: Mr. Eugene Hunt 2 June L972 Ed Struble Town of Vail P. O. Box 531 Vail, Colorad.o 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: This date, we have employed complete the inspections on Very truly yours, a Structural Engineer, Mr. the Antlerrs Condominiums. Dean Wells, to ANTIIERS ;{,il\lt Allan G. O\^Iner ASSOCIATES '', t ' ,' \" -t :i!a '-r -....t' .r--. Van F1eet r \-ti \ - 1----.-__.\\. \, Lawrence Dean Wells P. E. No. 7802 p o box 69 i vorl aar orarraJar 1a1i:-,1 i la cilnoire ':,r t2. t lO 2211\ Internation al ^(Lonterence of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MIIL ROAD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90501 Q13\ 699-454-l OFFIqERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORAOO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENOENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALI FORN IA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TREASURER VINCENT R, BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON. CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. BUKE BUILDING OFFiCIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL RD WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 5. WORKMAN MILL Rb. WHiTTIER, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWO DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CH IEF BUILDING INSPEgTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASH INGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VIGTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BUILDING COOE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VEFNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXA5 RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA. CALIFORNIA Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Struble: Structural data for the above project has for conformance with the Uniform Building coflments are as follows: STRUCTURAL COI4IvIEMS : been Code l. Special- inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the following work: (a) Structural concrete where the design is based on an ultimate compressive strength in excess of 2000 pounds per square inch. (b) AlL wel-ding except where done in the shop of an approved fabricator, (c) Prestressing work. Reinforcement for walL panels should be shown. HorizontaL connections of precast wa11 panels should be shorm and justified wirh caLculations. Note Ehat a Cn factor of 0,20 is required. Wind loads used in calculations are based upon 30 pounds per square foot and we understand that you suggested 35 pounds per square foot. This should be clarified to your satisfaction, 2. 3, May 25, L972 *r,k,1u! Plan Check No, 8531 Antlers Condominiums 1-970 Uniforrn Building Code STRUCTTTRAL REVIEW reviewed and our OFFICES OF THE EXSCUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BII.IR TECHNICAL OIRECTOR D. R. lryATgON 5. 6, -2- Stress concentrations due to prestressing, temperature and long term shrinkage should be considered in the longitudinal directions at the condominium and al-so in the parking struc- ture. See Section 2626 (d). Detail-s on stressing method and hardware a1-ong with justifying daLa are required on prestressed concrete work, This data shouLd be submitted and approved prior to ordering of materiaL. Note that aL1 tendons should comply with Section 4303 (c) for fire-resistive purposes, The work should aLso be done by an approved fabricator. 7. Numerous connection details are provided with the cal-culations but the plans do not show where tbey are used nor are they justif ied with calculations, 8, We note that the lateral forces are distributed by tributary areas, and not by regidity of the resisting elements as re- quired for a rigid diaphragm. Also, hori-zontal torsional mo- ments as required by Section nM G) have not been considered. 9. A soils report justifying the 5000-pound per sguare foot bearing value used in design should be submitted for review. Section 2904, 10. Justifying ca1-culations and details should be provided for stairways. 11. Handrails should be provided in accordance with Section 1714. May we suggest a valuation of $112331740 since there was none speci- fied. ?lease inform us of your decision so thet an invoice can be issued to cover our services. A11 data is being held pending further instructions from you. Tf instructions are not received, data will be returned in 90 days in conformance with Section 302 (b). In conformance with existing with anyone other than from cifically granted by you. PLease feel free to contact policies, we wi1-1 not discuss this letter your department unless permission is spe- us if there are any questions. Yours very truly, INTERNAT IONAL C ONFERENCE LDING OFFICIALS ,*{ Koyamatsu PLan CheckTJK:hb 7 [n'n{[| g u&l fxW Ed Strub leBuilding Of f icial .dw d'r% box l oo | 972 vail, colorado sr657 303.476-5613 May 24, Gent I emen: V,le have not yet received a letter f rom your f irm in- formi ng us fhat you have h i red an on-s ite i nspectorfor the fo I I ow i ng phases of construct i on: Concrete, l'4asonry, Strucf ura I welding, Reinforced Concrete (pre- cast). Please comply with this regulation (Section 305 of the Uniform Building Code) immediately so that we may receivereports as work is commenced-. Yours fru I y, TOV^/N OF VA I L -N\l//l/i//lxlijllilttllfiIiilijll|ll||iijlll|l{i|ill|liilljIllii|iiljlilljlil-- a :== :Fr:t\-: L- ]] -dl-.(n-A rtz " t{ay lj, tg?, == q2 ilay lj, 1972 =tr-.k I =IE o H;;Tto'rrubre ==(t2 tr .9 vatt, colorad'o 8t657 - =trEl 6€X = -t.] 0 Bc: Ant1er-s Oond'onlalums --F{-F;_C Vall / LXonshead. :>r--H-'a =:,;- Dear Erl,r-i P :. = K I roula l.lke to thank you for your pronptnees = Sg H on our stalr toren dllenna whlch hae non been = CI(t) r'{ settled.. I an enoloslng the lnltlaled. sketch = d(t) s vou asked'' = t ad q Te have been revXslng our d.rarlngs as per our =-:-l J eonvensetlons rlth I.c.B.o: ana ilrrr sind. your = 0Ot eet shot'tly. = t0t{ F{ q In reply to your lettcr of }tay 12, t972 eonecrnlng ;- e the ptas nevler, I roul.dl llhe to nake the fol.lorlng = n14 d cmments:--n!-l j - :v - O Itens no. 1 and. no, 2t llF, Van Fleet = l0 H - --!tr - L. ---_=itr Ca f; r[1]' see to theee ltems' :+J " Iten no. 3z (eane as ns.l) tte 1111 also =^e, C) be on the- Job slte at cnrolal polnts ln : fiil Cl) ^ the oastmctton end rt1l oogtr yotr rlth - - {J q tnsoeotlon nePorts. =tTtt-- fr lten no.ll: He have to date visited the =ErF'-tr- ) prefabrleatorres:facllltles nunerous tlnes =<E q ina rn-iiglrt or-irretn work both ln caltber : r= - d and. past Sots aek you to approve then for -Ff c fabnteatlon as per Sectlon 305r para8reph C. =l-f rf H try' =:E bv p rten no. jt Tlrls lten ehould. have been == =-- Il eleared. ritfr your offlce by now. PLease let :.-: ue knor lf you have further problens. = -.rl:-= n Iten no. 6t $e conform, =:4'- N ,ilriliilrir{iiriliil*,*,,r*l l'',ri*rfl,,,,,'ririlli,,,ilillr llil*ifl i*l\,N'a/Z/tlrt'h,tr.,.n , | .-tr.//////,imn|]|||||','''',llinii$ililtii|lliiill|t|lllllNl|ll|ll|lilillfllllli|llll|illf ' //// /// / It nlt n I tw | | | it I '4/ ttil$|tutr il lll\l Iten no.drarlngs. Iten no. and rlll ftrank you for your 7: {trls rllL be sent rlth revlsed. 8: l{e rtlL do sonething 6n thts f orward" d.r.awlngs. attentlon on the proJect. Ell./nn encLoeure $lnoereLy, t -l ' I\\-\\\. \- \\.\.\ -\ \ -\lISU 1\:. ^ \ _-\r: - \ K \)xl\ltiN R\NN t \ r \ ua\ N\\v\$\ N\N ,il :9rtr E. {:5J.{;:i!1't *l.it*J *N -\l\':: :' b9*76 < iii:y 12, l9?? i:r:gene L " tiunt- 20 I Trum*n r{' L' Albuquerquest f'ttlw t"lexi co iutiectl Anf lers Project - Vai t ' Colorado jear'-ir' lrufit: Tir* gsl lrswinil r*viav o{-sui: jec* ouif !lny perforn"re'i':y this ef f lce csncarn $rr t I l cce I crdi nan[es guch a1 polii ng ' setb*cks ' 6fc ' iitt cc,rriiunicatirrn* regardl;;"lf"lE* lettef-;;uf i'Uu fa this *f f ice' F.ny c$*,rliunica;;;;; r*[urdr;; ;;;; -l.liteiiir*r un9 lnsineerinil *tan eheck snoutc be ot.eet:a'ii'rlc-*.o'-;itn *opi*'* tCI this ,llrrr.rr*i.f h*s been i ssued to rdountar n Gonstruefors sub jecf i: tart t, Cn*pter 3 at the uir il.o-Bul ldine Coae' 1970 Edition as acopted u*s uinn{i*C by +ne'ioxn ot Val I '" ;;-nlnlewlng yCIur p l*n* and riccum.en?*'oiif., regard to"l,,rr"in."l drOinunces' I have fhe fc{ I +r'r i ng eoriments : Ltlesubmitadeelarafisnotlanetalloeaflnn'A:oYoeftheaxisring sni"urarion ig-b*iis-**nt ;;';;';*t; nib"*iates vrith correcti ons noted I n red ' ?.. pleage suirr*lf YCIuf .Dondominium il:"laratlon as::qulred by cotoiado Revi sed srat;;;'"i'ie-r5-s tl'lt'tt Tswn of vail 66 we I I ae to tn& $tate eo that we ri{aY deternri ne ownsr*h i p of csli.lilon ereas' 16Sponniuttity for r*aIntgn&nc€' efc' 3'lnaddordancewithSec*ion305(a}.and{b},fh9o!}n€rghall emntcy -* sFeci*t. i"-F;;;;; ;;; shat;";.'Btiu*nf -at al I tit*es ciuri n-c ccnstructinn tl"iiu ?"i r"* ing typ*;s *f work: a. L:oncrete, inclusinS rYiltol:1T:nt b. rqueon?yl' in"luaing relnforcer*ent c. gtrucftr* I stee I ;: Frecasf concrefe Trris Inspecfor shall no1 be Bnyon€ e.m3].ove'd bv the daing the *o,.lo *"a 'hall b; ipi'i:"*!'?Y'ihis off ice comcrsncerilent l*-*oti' iouuf *oJ"' liu shall report ta contractorprlor to tire Fuilding Fage 2 lugene L. rlunt i'la1 12, 1972 0f*icial in wrlting nottrng any Cade vlolatlons and otherrequired Informafion. 4" Your attention ls di recfsd to Section 305 (c) rogarcii ng of f - s i te fab r i cators . 3, The scufheast corner of the easf wing is in violatlon of ?he l5f sefback requirement. Flease be Infornuod thaf this wi l I requi re a vsriance. Appllcation Ehoultl be made thrcugh thls of f lce. A forr* for a v6riance appllcatlon ls €nclosed. 6. el ghty-f i ve (S5) parki ng Epaces and one I oadi ng berth srerequired. The size of the loading: berth slrall be l2r x 25t. 7, $ubmif a drawing of the bage$ent parklns shor*ing ths spaces, s i ze of park i ng a I s les end nunrber the spaces, '4" f n reviewlng the plan check letter f ror.r l.*.{i.S,, I see thattiiey hava ta i led to rr]*nt ion the f act that afi arnandment tothe Csda by Ordin&nce t{o. 6 (series sf t9?t} sfetes fhat scircular sfair c6n only be used fo serve an araa v+ith a$upcrflciaf floor ar€a of not Eors thEn l?0 squ€re feet.Your loft ar*as ar& closer to lE0 sqlrarB f*st; fherefore,you wl I I be required fo eithar reduce ?hs superflcfal floor area af tha ioft or install a sfaRriard sfair vrhich f s a nraxl* riuff of 8!r rlss and a mlnlmum of gtr run, at least SSrt r*ltle. P{ecse subrnif the strove rsquired Inforrriatlon e$ soon as pos$ible in *ri.l*r tc avold any f uf ure mlsundersfandings, lf thls of f icecsn be erf any ass istance at any tir:re 16g&rd tng fh ls proJee f ,ploaso donrt hesitafe to confact us. Yours tru I y, TOWiI 0F VA f L Iri Strub le Euilciing tlff icial ciw €nc I osur6s cc; Ant I ers Assoc i ates Flount* | n Constructors i!'..'l:::.:1j:|.':.lj]]l|:]:i-].]..]'i.::.j,:l;:j]?i]:lIi.i11'.i'i]s]'i]-::,i:j:i!..':-].''j.'1liI1 T(; oF vArL - BUTLDTNG DEPAR''- -jNT nj'fa i,,, i; ',r',:'..' Permit No'- t "i i - Job .. .l ' . .:'1 ,1.:..t,' :"''' j '- ' ."., .; , ]; 'i : i:i'r'.'-'i i: r - i" '.t"': ' , ,.,,,.,.,,,.. .:',;..,i. j" a:::j..i. 'r ' ti .:,.:1' .: ,.1-i :i ,1".';t .ii'r$. ':'n .7-' t;' : ;.", - ... f.i :' t :,i;. ,,:' {; rf;; I f- .'"-.4,. "1t'.';.1:: ;.\;l :::- u'"r;;'li:: ,ro,, i.t:: :' Je:ri. i*l t'r'"'ilii':' ;1 -l ';;"1-i' ::;' :': ri: :':r: I i.'i;:11: rl r':e TC OF VAIL l.i , r -:lrr.- : rf:l r.1. - , : 1t l, ..la : BUILDING DEPAR', -NT Permit |f9. r:: " ';r:'::' _ ::::; i rrj' iita: Date Job t:.. ,. Above items shall be cornected B[$T G0irt Al|AIf;&5 ".1-"."" 1 rnr,t UWrt U-f .iII:TA ,r1..: :r.itj.t}r!:r${:.iisf i,::i::.,::riil!::i:t;T,,1.,,-,..t.r..: ri - ..r1r.:;,r. VAIL . BUIL:DTNG DEPAR1 NT"t .t :'.,Permit No. Job t I "l'ii-..*,.:r .::1; -,!.,'l .$ j :,.1:r C*ai'i ;..+". ,i "'&- :.:t j .ri . J?ui ":,.+"r;.rq''" , 1: ;i,h* ;.i," l'' i..i;'.t ., ,' ' -.. t* ,' .""'' ''i''",.;;... :r,";-;.;**l;;r;;,,:,..- .:! '" Above items sha1l be conrected :i' ,i 'j, 'i.- - :r ,)Jr. ii.....r': 1:;j .':r: ,:t:lil'i.:i:{tfff ':l:;i ?0h.. ,OF VAIL BUILDING DEPAR1 NT Date _, *PermitNo.=-- i .i ::::- :.: '').'. ...i;.ti. tl ,....: i."'fu.:i:' ii ''.' 'r-1.:'r ''r*. . -. ; :1 r:;. #': i,l.;:.. F ,t;-11".:-Ji{.i;{,.1,..:t,.':.: "':i' ,'.; :"",1i1','j.j -,, ,.',:", i*,i.", .', .,'..,-, j1,r-.li{,;.'.., ..r-"T-i.t:.i; t,' ,:"..,..:1f.: '.:..'.1!'';.:iii:. ,:,i 1,: -* i'N^o i ,;; ,.4,r.,,;:f.:jl Above items shall be cornected n-+ ^ JOD r,.:';ii:,::'': li .,'":: ';:'"'i"'*'t:!rf'l'li::l':: -i::l' i:::'::":""' 0! VAIL - BUILDING DEPARTT' '^'lT '' 7.'' . .,., il,.,r..."ii i.,1 ;lt;i,r." " ,aii, *il$T tffpY A\jAf;.T&F /, i':A'L:4 L /: fj-'77.a--*'t,' /4*"*A t'. /------ /"FX r. 0r'w! Sa/€ct- 6r F4€e* Pe'r'fi#P*a't'T f /4rry Fs fta<*a ad€F* s r-Fee- s.8.,t,p'y - S7r,n &'z'- s7 ' lt"- tA'aI L"-' ; Taa*il zf-"ft ' ./ 1Fo,-' & Se" U""4/"4 4^ll b* y'e- -'/* *,h/ -ff { 14'",')4<-*'' 4 , o &,^ th*- *'f , 'u**x"/ lrt ,*-;; {&64 'ou{ 4*- fu-&z'"^ 1:€2"4tt-''{' 6x kLe^- 24-- 3. T01^lN 0r vAlL (1) (2) Required Information Prior-to the Issuanee of a Building Perrmit Contraetorg Licenge' Complete plans and specifications including a plot plan showing building setbacks_"rra-t."es6ary ait"nsions and ;;i;;-of lot t6 determine lot arrea ' Cornplete (type or print) and sign Supplernent tAt CompLete (type orr print) and sign Building Permit appiication. CompleteandeignDec]-arationofA}}ocation(ifrequired) Total square footage of each floor' Floor area ratio (ratio of the total floor area to the lot area). ( 3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Number: of nesidential units and/or motel units' (9) Parking Plan in scale showing numbered spaees' Ftray 8, t97Z i{r, I ugene i{unt iiean-it unt iissr-lc I ntes2Bl Truolan N, [, A I b uquerqu€, l.lax Ftex i cs Subjecf; Antlers Associates 0ear Fir. itunt: This ls to ecnfirm f*lephono conv€rsaftsln and fte€tinS of t":ay 5, 197? ref;srdlfrg the Antlers ProJeet In Vall. The iiul ldi ng Depart*;ant ui ll be r*i I ling fo aecept ycur esn*?sr sfair as an exterior steir pr€vlded both fhe baleanyside dnd *h,e *xtarior elde of the stalr ls a mlnl*runi of 655open, Thls corlFlieg itith vsur sksteh r*hlch is enclosed forfou to Initial. Pleas+ f nifial the gketch s$d return for oirr f iles and sub* mi t rev lsed drar.l Ings of the sta lrs. I f !{s e an be sf f urtherassistafi€E, pleeeo eontaet uB. Yourg tr"ti ly, T0i{id OF YAI L Id 5truble Eul lding 0ffleiat dw fnc I ogu16 cc: 1.C,8.0. i'i: r"l ;,,5i:i ,.i ..4 '-.. l,tf.V .1-, o : c?? .'.11 , .l.t * 'l , ii i:.rti,n1* $:1 'l r":; qr ;' i'll" ii:r i"hi: e' lr i.r:.1;i 11 f; i:: i:". ;.::ttf:l"n* * i f,l]t.:. il{ri"r,:..i ,lr: .,: -,: i -]',.i!g ;,':.,'i*:,:1:rrl:t*i:i-:.L ":;;::'-li '.,jl , i; i: i u.:r. riir -1" rf *t.:i.L;:: t)i":{.*:. ii:::; jt:.tr"1.9t.rt COI:d,OniillUn* .'''-! ill_: {tj:ce}r i,.rlnh*r *11:1 Ii*;:i" .,1'" ii fi,,!.A?;:t*f tIo | :r* ; , i,' . ..,tt.,. it. fiflll{l lilii r ll Illjjil/fiijji-j i, 'illir. **]1{}:tci:* r-,}1 ilq*; st:not:;.r,..;;J.i:s:,t ',41] , lr."ri r,.r,ll fi.scurserl., :rj.j."l.!o uri,i i'rtl tia:!.j F itini$liil i,rLr.j.,t,1: r,i,:: c" *,vii"!: I,rn$.f.{-i r,.iJ. i;h. j,' , J),.J iJ.j l:*'...ctr,*ii Or_:T. t:,t.l"1i1j gl1 *iltli:,i J. i: 'i:ii 11.3r,qri{;'':,1.;;' }ygf r}r}i;l:iJ. ;1:r.{. il rr::,*i't;ro{., ti:,: ;rris"i j" 1: i.q:'ru,r} )' r.r{j.,i j :".:lltl.l l;l:: i:i*:t i:+"*n.:}tj fi;"* ilii'' t i..+,"r^ $ F,'.!,!"1 .. j " ':'J:t s * *r,.r,r '-* g' *.1 :.la:"** *j:r*i.;;rh f]:r'l'tll'rl'X *f ti;:J.-!.. ii,: g1'e Ugi::{ f,i,,}ii: * 6: sT}ii{r fj:: **ri-j"tj.*rt to cui' !t,r)n.:pf-,r" :, " ;iieid{:}p :"iii:_*:i j_n j.i*n cf L,,.s*r* {:.1"{:r:ti$f:i H.itsil" l"i:*rcfr:i.* *hig cl.cres nfit eF,:il"1,, , . ih ;if* ii$:l.n.E _ rr-r i,Str:'ilS f nC , rt f f *e flf Artd.:.1f, f |1'-.q.:li:9r., irui-ir.lIng ,t.bi.rn*.ard Uc. a263,clatiei.;" (,r:tolr:i , 1.$liJ t;t: ;r*:" ;fout: I j..gtl"nf . '"r1 iflla.rj 11r + .i ila! .tr l" ".i ! i"\ l, l r,1r1i") i tO *J "1 ril..: r;Er :.";l:e i n '"'ite . f *1.-! tt.:i,.:],.T il:r:i1*l: ,11 :",] J.n 1,,;;,1.. tr.; :ir,lll:* .J i,: f i;sl. *,i1 f..*. i]f :"'hr",ui:i* , i.l"li 1.,i;i,{: iJif.i c j :i: .'j'1r;1 r"r$ 1/i';i.i, i).r-ri;r-'rJ ;nr;:lri5 ,,?J:, .\i,'t',,c0 il:-.1 -r:trl {:+n-i't:,:t,ii:ri*.i:* *}:{: r,}*r.jlir,,r-1 nf ..i:,r;,r ;, 1g i '1, , .,.1 r*.J i"; i'1 i:; ir .j ir ,i "'.; ;..\{ l .' r -1 i. ' : '7' i : l', ..,. -. :':',,. .:' , , ; iiilil irii i[;lii, filllllllj i i i]lrili :lllil ilfill I .lo ii. Tn acc*r*enec rsj_th o*r d.is*us*i*n, the*r,:it'r-:,"on**rO i.s :rct y1{rss$$,?t}:y f,oy the i.rarki."rp:ntr.uctrule in -',r:l.,:u of i"ts lcsa*to; arlel o,ren (.; +nstru*ti.cn 7. {'e} The stairs *re i.::,: t.l$nf*rnan*{?, $eelecti.on $*14. {i:} Jn scrf$rm{incs, ,"jee n*ie oi: ;,iccti*n^ a t.J_ ie, ic) l'j* are in eonform&nce lrltl.i the requiren*nt",see Sectlon 4, Sht. A-13. {* } 1 , *, j, o"n.iL l.t"; s*i.i.rs wilL tre rol,i.ref.,*s* alt,r,*hed" plc-n*, {e} Ad"tliili*.::n1. sl"gu.s rill-l nct he i,ertr,lired.a* rli,rc*ssed, ns a sr-iffir.ient nurrher of Sirrht;s l"r,*trf* b*en pr"ovid.*rt for. S, ii'*e v*nL l:$.s boen en}_*.t,;ni: tc ccnforrr, :lr{ij,: r.ei'lged. plann $ht. nur:Lr{:f j,j*q, i'. ilnvr: bcen r"adec1, $eq rcvj.sed_ plan. '.t" I'i;r1n6 *l:.a.sse t*llL b,n c$r{,i drillcd l:,net;::.i:li;*,in se* d**a13 *,*.b*.chr,{l, A. l ,.rther charr;t::t-nf,frtt*ti-*:n wll1 be 2il fryp*rtt: r:*ar'*- I'Le nCI:1U,fr .11",tiiixrNi;w*1J. r, ?.HR *ons.hirlrsNlon ;.:i-s'i",tr"rr;'r..i" cnlculat!_oRs i:a?e been for:;,*r*-ed .,.:-a lia:^1" ': j.,i-cnit ;rolt f*n tffonis on ,:l:* Brcj*ci, 3 i t-" :'c 13' l/{,: " e ":'--,lr.r l, !;'rqi ,,"I. i, : "i : ,:iri. $' ";rirl - , llcli,;:n sJ' ",i,1li.tr : ./:::-1 t CI 0 $ t0 l0 trl t0 0 l0 :.__ =-: =: =- = - = =7?2 an tnspeetlon ras =recklng foottngs t *1- enoraL progress of = =e and. ln accond.ance =c proceed. rlth the u iras saheduled for = =. to be noving -- =:::=.- : : = _=-,1*-.*- ,/ -;= L- / =:=/ =: :::.:::: : -: _:= =: I I I ilill I llll ll illil I I fiil I lill/lill i I lil i il i lill I I llil I llil I lliiil\\NI liill il I iill lllllll I liillt N\ ////il/t Iililt r I ltill il I ]illt ilt I tilll I I I lil tti I I r I ili I I itililit i illtililtlll ril I tflill I lrilil/lxilt r tiljil illl I lill I Jilil I lililiil I jillll ililtl'ilJillt%L5s =aAA F-r k-1(l)Lrl Fl -ct)= Err 63 ]FlEAe tsl CJe(t2 rt) E-zt- -Ern+r ^g. G)ffia!F - -arl1-'-_r- -c)F{ 9{e6g : : -=-- ---/;zz-"4/llllt QUrs, :!' t_ '..'.\t '-'4- \ ""-,,.- "c llllillllMilIluililil || ililtii i blay 5, t972 Irlr. Ed. struBulldlng 0f Town of Va$. Box 100ValL, CoLor Dear ilr. Sit On the aftp nade on thefootlng rellthe proJect Stee} and if , wlth p1ans.' footlng por llay 5, t97i? fhe rest dfI along wel"l. l srncerery y Eugene L. !t *t#>-*.-7n./ EH/.tin./ ililllitiilt i tilil ililitiliillil il 0 r-l t. 0 0 0'r{ X 0)d rH F 0 d 0 J o h 0 J o Jp Fl d CIi dH d fi 5 ${ {J r{ 0 N ilili =0: n Ct) q 9 ir. Ed. struble, E.lS il ft*lulfuugEfciatt< t-r-4 Box i00 k -O vall, CoLorado 8L657 tsl Dear ilr, Sitnrble rra R = fr On the aftprnoon of ltay 4, 1972 an lnspeetlon nasu l nade on the above pnoJeet, ehecking footlngs, (t2 H footlng rellnfoneenent, and. generaL progress of fn the project. ala 0) Steel. and forns were ln place and ln accordance -r ). wlth pJ.and. Autihorlzattbn to proceed. rlth the0' footlng pdur was glven and lt uas saheduled forh llay 5, t9V?,?1 o-"- ). The rest Qf the Job appeared to be noving14 U along well.r.-J - A.I.A. ^s. c) WS q Eugene L. ,=.!,-F . s: 7t- =-'7g _Je-*<Zet< z'\L J!\ f, -= V "t c-trt.-lr-l - I E.tu'nm t--(:l =cl ${ -P Aprlt ?5, 1977 l'4r. Iugeoe L. Hunt iiean*l"iunt Agsoc i ates 20 t Trunan i'J, [. A I b uqu€rf{uc, }'iew f{ex i ca Subjec*i Anf{ers Prciecf; Y*i l, Ccloredc Usar t{r" i"iunf: I received a call fran 1.C,8.0. thls morning rs- questing sfrucfurel cal*ula?lon9 on *he Anflers pr6,ject so fhoy can cor*plete your flnal plan chsck' via would appreciate lt lf yos coqld furnish this infsrnmatlon to 1.c.8.*. E$ soon Es po5$lble so that the projec? r*l I I not be held up' Wl I I You pleaee turnieh cCIpies for fhis offlee slso- Yclurs truly, TC!{ri 0F VAIL Ui ana *iyganfiiuilding ilepartr*ent t ,'-,: International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 April 24, L972 lzr:i ogs-054r , n'' 'i'tlOFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICiAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE-FRE5IDENT EUGENE B, FESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALI FORN IA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CH IEF BU ILDING ]NSPECTOR YAKIMA, V/ASHlNGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON. CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL RD WH]TTIER. CALIFORN]A MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL RD WHITTIER. CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M INNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P" HORN CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BUlLDING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CIIY, MISsOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN D I RECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA. CALIFORNIA Ed Strubl-e Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr, Struble: , r'l'" Plan Check No. 8531 Use: Antlers Condominiums Type of Construction: I Occupancy Cl-assification: H and F-1 Fire Zone No. 3 Stories: Six Fl-oor Area: H - 61,000 Sq. Ft. F-l - 30,000 Sq. Ft. Total - 9L,000 Sq. Ft. Occupant Load: 455 Val-uation: $1, 233,740.00 (Suggested) 1970 Uniforrn BuiLding Code Seismic Zone No. 1 EXECUTIVE DIRECTORT. H. CARTER MANAGING DIRSCTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOR D. R. VI/ATSON i ,,{ ,,; t' t:' .. Lto -.1 ,f .' r'' ir!l i_. ii ,it,'r ;:t:- i Data for the above project has been reviewed for conformancewith the Uniform Buil-ding Code and our conments are as fol- lows: GENEML COIIMEMS: For review purposes the project is assumed to be in Fire Zone No, 3, and Type I construction is intended so that the building meets area requirements. N_O\S TRUCTUML C OI4MENTS : 1. A fire-resistive occupancy separation of three hours in conformance with TabLe No. 5-B and Section 503 is required between the F-1 and H Occupancies, Refer to the separation of the parking structure at the office, vestibuLe, and e1e- vator. A 6-Llz-Lnch thick eoncrete waLl is required. 2. Rooms in which rubbish chutes terminate should be separated from the H Occupancy with a one-hour occupancy separation. Section 1706 (c). Since the trash room is contiguous with an occupaney separation, a three-hour separation is reguired from the parking structure. Section 503 (c)-2, Note that doors Nos. 205, 207, 208, 109 o LO7, L02 and 101 should be a three-hour f ire-resistive assemblv, *f { 3, -2- Openings in exterior wa1ls within 20 feet of property f.ines should be protected with three-fourths-hour fire assemblies. section 1-8-03 (b). Ref er to openings on south, west and east - wa11s.t.|"*--.'.-;,,.t.-/n-{,.1)-l-,.i'..*r::.-;,',|..'..l'.l-.4.*i..u,./.t- . h'. i. L.._ r-,*?i /r n, Doors and /panels of shower {nd bathtub enclosure should comply with Sectitn 1711 (c to e). 5. 6, 7, Justifying test data in research recommendation places. Exhaust venti]-ation at Eion 1105. Exits: conformance with Section 106 or an ICBO is required for the prefabricated fire- or near fl-oor level is required by Sec- (a) Risers on stairways should not exceed 7-LI2 inches and runs should not be less than 10 inches. Details should be shown. Section 3305 (c). (b) Handrails should be placed not less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above the tread. Section 3305 (i). (c) Guardrail-s for stairs, balconies, and landings should con- form with Section L7L4. Note that maximum cl-earance between intermediate rails is 9 inches. Refer to rails on balconies, mezzanines and parking structures. (d) Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3308. This includes stairwavs No' 1 and No, 2. 1) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures. Note elevator doors and trash doors in the enclosure' 2) Doors should be labeled one-and-one-haLf-hour fire assem- b1ies. 3) Exit. enclosures should include a corridor on the ground fLoor extending to the exterior. Fire-resistive construc- tion shoul-d be as required for the exit encl-osure, in- cluding protected openings. Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. ELevator door opening in en- cl-osure is not permitted. -3- 4) One of the enclosures shouLd be a smokeproof enclo- sure in accordance with VaiL Ordinance No. 6, Amend- ment to Section 3309 (b). (e) Exit signs in addition to exit f.ights shoul-d be provided. 8. Venting is required for elevator shafts extending more than two stories. Section 1706 (c). A minimum of 3 squre feet is required. 9. Dry standpipes are required in buildings four or more stories in height. Section 3803. 10. CLarifying detail-s of eonstruction for two-hour construction of al-l plumbing and duct chases should be provided" Al-so de- taiLs for ttash chute enclosure should be furnished to show required fire-resistive assembl-y for openings into the enclo- sure and for two-hour wa11s of enclosure. A structural review wilL be completed when calculations we requested in our letter dated March L6, L972, are received. Please feel- free to contact us if Lhere are any questions. Yours very trul-y, IMERNAT IONAL C OMERENCE OE BUILDING OFFICIALSRBUITDING OFFICIALS , -4'- : l' ' fr*L dl dv fl&'LJ ' r-- '/ ',,"' I f.rtl, {oyamats,t Chief Pl-an Check Engineer TJK:VFM:hb INTTRNATIoNAL Cor'TFERENcE or BuILDING CrrlclAls NEW ADDRESS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNId 90601 TELEPHONE (213) 699-0s41 March 16, L972 OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALI FORN IA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE bIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES PASADENA, CALI FORN IA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. EIHR 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES PASADENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONg KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEFARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M INNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CH IEF BUILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGTON qHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL couNTY oF ALAMEoA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JAGK D. \^|HITE BUlLOING COOE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPEFINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN D I RECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA Plan Check No. 8531 Antlers Condominiums (Job No. 72-4L) Ed Strubl-e Building Official City of Vail Box L00 Vail,CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. Strubl"e: This is to acknowledge receipt of data on March 15for the above project which will be reviewed andour comments forwarded to you as soon as possible" However, to properl"y revier^7 structural plans wewill need calcu1at.ions that jr.rstify the structural system in supporting vertical 1oads, and resisting wind and/or seismic loads" This ineludes the foundat ions " P1ease make reference to the above number when send-ing in additional .laLa. May we thank you for your interest in our services Yours very truly, INTER.NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICTALS TJK:hb cc: Eugene L.Hunt, A.I.A. A Nonprofil Service Orgonizolion lor lhe Moinlenonce oI the IJNI1ORM EUILDING CODE ond Re/ofed Ordinonces ond Offering Specio/ Services lo Aclive Closs A Menbers OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING OIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOR D. R. V!,ATSON tsu f Plan Check Engineer ctz fEI E{ -lCJe(t) ct2 G'?lFl Gg E{zr- -tFl -o = EIlF phrone 5 e55 4ae4 rt2 F{ cl)FlH Fl -63rlg 0 0 r-l tr. 0 0 0 X 0d H B 0) c 0 5 o' F{ 0) 5 0'r{) .0 F{ d 0 g c d fir{ k +) r{ 0 tt] Itlarch 1J, t97Z I'1r Ect Struble Bu11dlng OffletaLCtty ofi Vall Box 531iVat1, Colorad.o Bt65? Re I Antl.ers Cond.omi.nlums Job lilo.72-Ut Dear l'ln1 Struble, I an atltachtng our Letter of 3/13/ZA to I.C.F.O.wlth refenence to the above proJect. As d"lscprssed. by phone, w€ ane nead.y to go lntoconstructlon and. would. appneclate any heLp your d.epartment can glve us. Thank you for your attentlon on thls" lde lookforward to wonklng wtth you thls sprlng and. sumner. eLh,/sd. rt2+Jc) cl)+Jo- t4 -c)F{ c€ SlncereLy yours, L.Hunt A.I.d. v2 FrI E{ Fr{ CJeU) ct2 E5l-l -6B E-{zt- -l+lH @z frla 1rl:one 5 455 4ae4 f0l0| '-lJt= m rt2F{0€)0Eil tri 0)6ifi r=g F 0 g a {J CJq) {rJo- Ft -c)F{ 63 Farch tl, 1972 fntcrnatlonal eonfarcnec of hrlfd'lag 0fflelah 5360 Uorirnsn l,lttl Bord,,Hlrlttlcr, Callfornie 9660f Eo: lntlant C*r0oalnlunr "To$ l{s"?Z-bl Gcntlencn, l$e ars rubnltttng hc*rtth srr ctt of drarlngr cnd, s,psotf lortlurc on thc. abava Frojmt fonValL,/Llqrchcrd, Tall * 0ol6ludo, l{a are subulttLa6 d.lrcct ts ycur off,noss uponthc olty sf vetl I s rosorp*ndctlor tn or{,ar toarped,lte thc tmll&tn* parott. Uc rqrltt Ilkc to gat und.cr nay prlon to tnrllllt, ao rorl& appisotrrta rnt halp you osn'glraus rlldtllc to thE ptrerr ohasle tl,no * $ren* ylou for tcur attentlsn qn thlr. 0) 5 o' t{ 0)r{ o'r{J .oFl d 0) f, fi d al Hr{ h {J rl 0 N $lac*al.y yargf Eugcnc L. lfrnt A. I .A. eE/ge $tnrblcCttt of Vell ath/ad INTTRNATToNAL CoNFERENCE oF BuTLDtNG CrnctAls 5e geuTH tes neBtEg - €9 l-r?re - PnsngENA,cALlFoRAllA-ollal NEW ADDRESS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 TELEPHONE (213) 699-0541 March L0, L972OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PTESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SU PERI NTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY FOMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TREASURER VINCENT R, BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR FAST PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOs ROBLES PASADENA, CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 50 SOUTH LOS ROELES PASADENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOV\/D DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF I NSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BTLL P. HORN CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOF MOUNTAIN VIEW. CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL couNTY oF ALAMEbA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BUILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSA5 CITY, MISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN OIRECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS R,A.Y J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BAREIARA, CALI FORNIA OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHN'CAL DIRECTOR D. R, \^,ATSON Antlers Development Condominiums Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Srruble: I am enclosing a copy of our letter as discussed in our conversation this date, The letter is in answer to the raised in Mr. Eugene Hunts letter of February 3, 1972. Pl-ease feel free to contact this office if there are anv te lephone questions questions. Yours very tru1y, INTERNATIONAI. C ONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIA],S -.- -4*-*--J- ' .T. J. Koyamatsu fChief Plan Check Engineer TJK: pn Enc: As indicated cc3 Mr. Eugene Hunt A Nonprofil Service Orgonizolion lor lhe Moinlenance of lhe IJNIFORM BUILDING CODE ond Relaled Ordinonces ond Off ering Specio/ Services lo Aclive C/oss A Mem6ers r,'.'i:ttLt*,t t -\- lNrERNATIoNnl CoNFERENCE oF BuTLDTNG orflctAls NEW ADDRESS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 TELEPHONE (213J 699-0541 February 29, L972 OFFICER9 PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS' COLORADO FIRST VICE.PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT NEV\/ELL POCK CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON. CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS. MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES PASADENA, CALI FORN IA MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES PASADENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY qHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER EUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BUILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DI RECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALI FORN IA Nonprofit Service Orgonizqlion for fhe Moinlenonce of lhe ond Offering SPecio/ Services lo Antlers Development Condominir.rms Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Col-orado 8L657 Dear Mr. Struble: In reference to Mr. Eugene Huntts letter of February 3 concetning the above project, our response follows: 2. Section 1804 (b) states that a mezzanine floor cannot cover more than 33-L/3 percent of the area of any room. The assumption that room is synonymous with the area of the entire unit on the lower floor would not be correct. Reference is also made to the definition in Section /+L4. A mezzanLne is intended to be a sma11 intermediate floor within a room. The entire area under a mezzanine floor should be visible from the fLoor in which tlne mezzanine is located. In refer- ence to the floor plan below the mezzanine on Sheet A6, note that the kitchen and bath are separated rooms. tr{e have been permitting a bathroom as indi- cated. Kitchens have also been permitted but only if sufficientl-y open to the basic area of the room in which the mezzanine is located. The opening between the kitchen and the l-iving roorn appears to be far less than 50 percent of the total wal1 area. Additionally, the closets with folding doors and extended side parti- tion of the closet serve to provide further visual obstructions. In consideration of this we do not feel that the intermediate floor qualifies as a mez- zanine within the intent of the Code. OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOR D. R. WATSON UNIFORM BUILDtNG CODE ond Re/ofed Ordinonces Aclive Closs A Members 6. (b) 7. (a) Please JN:hb l'l**r -2- Section 1109 can only be used in conjuncEion with an F-3 Occupancy. Parking garages qualifying as this type of occupancy can only be used solely for that purpose. Reference is made to Section 11-09 (a). This prohibits any type of structure under the garage. It wouLd per- mit structures containing other occupancies adjacent to it provided there hras a cornplying area separation wall in compliance with other sections of the Code. ALL stairs as presently shown on the prel-iminary plans are considered interior. Note the enclosing walls and apparent roof over the stairs. For a sLair to be con- sidered an exterior type, at least two adjacent sides of the stair tolnrer must be entirely open except for handrails. No roof would be permitted over Lhe sLair structure. The intent here is to avoid as much as possible the conditions where smoke and fumes as welL as heat could coll-ect. feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Yours very truly, IIIIER}IATIO}{AL CONFERENCE BUILDING OFFICIALS ohn Nosse Research Engineer rt) FII E-{ F{ CJev2v2 rE ?l -c€ Hz l-Hl+{H @z frla plro:re 5OE e55 48e4 v29{q) Flf{ FlH 6B Fle 0 0 l-l b. 0 0 0.rl i( 0 fi B 0) c 0 3.tt 0) 3..t p r{ d 0) f, c d fij h +J r{ 0 N fobrtraily 3, 19?2 llr. T.J. f,oyrnatcu ctricr - nan EhJci-nrglnccr Interrrattsnsf Ca$urcnoc of htl'6Xns Offletrala $0 $wtttr I,*r BoLlat Para&dn*; Ee3'lfotnrla 8er AntlanE Scvelslocnt 0oa&ml^nltru;* lIell, 6olorr'ds Sear llr. ltoy*wteu. I noulia }:iha ts thrnl you fgr totrr tlr .6pt rarlsrof the pncllmlaarlcc on tha aboYe lrotcet. Horever-, re do hgvs rcvcnal quaetlonr celatlvs to ymir smagats" Ttra follorlng ere ln thc !a,ac order o! youP tettst {ta?€dt Jnnuarly 2i, 19?e. lloR*struatural Smcnts I (t) +Jc) ct)+iorla -c) F.{ 6B 2. frle ftoor Ef fiosantnc la 3l*6 aq. ft. rltllc ths unl,t atxt& lc ?3? rq. ft. eo *qrLd, havE a$ 811*mbLe srsa of 3S5 rq. ft. ,t{lththasa ft$rrras m Oo not rm&arstrnd th; son*uont. tf; chorr a olcar cclllng hslebt of ' 8f 0* anrt 1111 not gp bclor ?16r. 6. (bl Is vsntllatton mquirco tf, ra empl!' ] rlth trct.i.on 11s9? ?, {k} l* rleorn. rc hrve no lntcrtor rtcirrr snil, do !*,t ltnilcratcn{ thl omant' tlbl 8*rts gtctr st rhomr ne f,n orrior and' rl11 sorrtct lt* $lneaFeXy* Sugena llunt, 4.1.8. sl#no CC Sd, StnrbhSutlf.lng &fflotnlClty of VelI Eox 531 r#-,,fu OFFICES OF THL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING DIRECTOR JAMES E. EIHR ".3't.iii+aElf" Antlers Development Condominiums PRELIMINARY REVIEW 1970 Uniform Building Code INTTRNATToNAL CoNFERENCE oF BuTLDtNG CrnctAls 694-J3IO . PASADENA,CALIFORNIA 9IIOI January 25, 1972 OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORAOO SPRINGS, COLORAbO FTRST VICE.PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT NEWELL POSK CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH gUPERINYENDENT OF EUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAgT PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILL:NGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECIOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOs ROBLES PASADENA, CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRECAOR JAMES E. BIHR 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLEs PASADENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD OIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DONALD A, ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAFOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL couNTY oF ALAMEDA HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BUILDING CODE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, MIgSOURI VINCENT R, BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALI FORN IA DISK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES Nonprofil Service Orgonizolion for lhe Moinlenonce ol the UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ond Offering Specio/ Services fo Acfive C/oss A Mernbers 1. Our review is based on a seven-stoty, 72-unit condominir:m of Type I construction as noted by Lhe architect. 2. Fire Zone 3 has been assumed. 3. Assr:mption is made that the question of individual owner- i, ship of dwelling units in a building has been resolvedr to your satisfaction to allorr the assunption of a single building ol,f,ner in reference to the Uniform Building Code. NONSTRUCTUML CS&.IENTS : 1. A11 openings in exterior'waLls within 20 feet of the pro- perty line should be protected with forty-five-minute labeled assembl-ies. This involves openings on the east, west and south elevations, including balconies. Ed. Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 631 Vai1, Col-orado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: PreLiminary plans on for compliance with ments folLow: , , GENERAL COI"II"IE\TS: the above project have been reviewed tbe Uniform Buil-ding Code. Our com- n ond Reloled Ordinonces 2- 2. Reference Sheet A-7 and SecLion on Sheet A-9. Mezzanines are Limited to one-third of the area of the room in which they are located and additional-ly require a cLeat height above and be- 1ow of 7 feet. Mezzanine as now indicated does not courply. 3. F1oor openings should be in two-hour fire-tesistive shaft enclo- sures complying with Section 1706' (a) pLumbing, mechanical- and vent chases should be in enclosing walLs cornplying with Tabl-e No. 43-8. (b) Openings in shaft enclosures should be protected with labeled one-and-one-haIf-hour assemblies, Thls includes fire dampers for ducts, (c) Rubbish chures should also conply. Additionally, no direct opening into a corridor is a11owed. Section 1706 (c) ' (d) Details of the rubbish chute enclosure at the second floor should be detailed. The trash room shoul-d not be considered a part of the shaft encLosure. 4. Reference exterior elevations. Use of courbustible siding should comply wirh section 1705 (c) and as amended by the city of vail buiLding ordinance. 5. Windows used for required ventilation of tesidential units should open to an area complying with the Exception under Section 1305 (a) " (a) Kitchen windows fronting on the center core and at the west end do noc ccmply as now shown. (b) Balcony railings cannot be solid under Exception 3. 6. Reference apparent basement parking area indicated on the build- ing cross-section on Sheet A-9. (a) A three-hour occupancy separation is required between the parking area (F-1 occupancy) and the main structure (tt occu- pancy). (b) Ventil-ation should eornpl-y with Section 1105. 7. -3- AlL areas including basements should with Section 3802 (b) or be equipped TJK:JN: hb cc3 Dean-Hunt and Associates have openings comPl-Ying with fire sPrinklers. Yours very truly' INTERIr{AT IOIIAL C ONFERET{CE oF-QUILDING OFFTCIALS B. Exits. (a) ALl stairs should be enctosed as set forth in section 3308' 1) AL1 stairs shouLd be encLosed in fire-resistive con- struction. Section 3308 (b) ' 2)Stairsextendingbelowgradeshouldhaveabarrier as set forth in Section 3308 (e) ' (b) Reference sheets A-3 and A-4. A question is raised on the stair up to and down to grade at the east end' It would appear ihac the stairs must be offset, horizontaLly. (c) A smoke proof enclosure is required in conformance with Section 3309. As now shown, the east stair appears to comply based on Section 3309 (f)' Ilowever, comptiance withSection330g(e)isstil]-reguired.Nofurther comnentsappearnecessarybutreguirementswil.lagain be reviewed-when final plans are submitted. This assumes that the sEair enclosure wil1 be protected with two-hour f ire-resistive Protection. prel-iminary plans are being heLd for future reference' Pl-ease feel free to contact us if there are any questions' {'7 2- /t '{ -l2{1 il[\ 4'-t * 'ilgygtlt - O Society of American Registered Architects, 1966 SOCIETY OF . "$ REG4. *t" ./\tar ? f"^4!c\t A}I,A DOI] U M.EjN'I"I'L-I 1E-t'6 AMERICAN REGISTERED ARCHITECTS TRANSMITTAL LETTERarto ,i'a l& --'); l.' t; t., *r ; a l82l Jefierson Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 t ou.. . .=,f6t).'.. l.C>t.lflZ Job Rereren"" Ir,rr UeJ?.g fu&......... ro, MR, W Hmpw,Ant-/ Voa?Affi Architect Job No. Enclosed herewith are the following: t aA p? PRe*r wN,r,,4 Prz.r"rrwc' = For the following purpose: .....,12. Approval Correction Signature Comments Records Distribution Remarks: b.Uq. .. .a.r*:l aa f^,9 rh.,Q-r. . .1.llJDfW &ttac*eD *lut* ;,;;;Jffi-dr*{ Qta 1 PAGE ONLY igl AttlsoN ENGINEERING ArrrsoN Post Office Box 4l I I ENGINEERING Albuquerque. New Mexico 87106 , lNc. Tefephone 266-2233 20 Decernber 1971 Town of Vail Building Departrnent Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE:BUILDING CODE PLUMBING CODE MECI{ANICAL CODES Gentlernen: Vfe are enclosing our cost of the referenced Decernber I97I. Thank you for your prornpt attention in this rnatter. Sincerely, ALLTSON ENGnNEERTNG" rNC. check in the arnount of $23.00 to cover the codes that you mailed to our office on l0 /\(lna"latYD, UAngela M. Casforia Secretary Enclosure: Oheck T}ta**r;*F\'r,ru; lA, d {ssoc.FROM T}.* TOWN OF VAIL ?*t *a*.k ur'nA-AJ N . €EOX 631 vAlL, coLoRAm 8165? .{76-5613o{ lett *eur*f'Jsl.kxr ro .S'sis,r*r A-L' Q {gc*r*DATE:DEc- ilJ:- A {.i} FY *F Tr.{ I S {i,lr U *rr* * }"}c. L{} A € C} '.J-, t*T-Fl { *u g- *:R.t' * L I f,AS CIF :fuu C* I>leoje. c'T S,€-}J*r {1o )o*t*l ttJ o6s €C t","f Ptu*^ f L*. L Enqrta"ea{- # \E A\\r-r\\elR(yt' poF- T1-\an^ r*rcre.K */Vc:or Dr€**.cruf al.J c*f€ R.tQ*r'*i-,, {pe.o } s(*r* Ar-}:rue€s u€ug L o f rlt'GFl -T cd} , :Ii}SICNED €p B t*oc . *s"ft.,rn*.* GRAYARC CO., TNC., BROOK'YN, N. Y. tt232 *i'riir'.': iiii:: c,Jf"J-"iliiii:.;td i:i]li Af'jg,!'!irt. Sliia wiliin Al'.i$ pli\iK c*;r!li \rfil"ll {Ap.Bltl]S l!.i]Ar{f. ,,l\, n!' 4v. !/ I,V-.,''t4 ileccni"ier lC, | 97 | Al I isc* !.ngi n*ering Company 25AZ Gcrfiold 3.8, &Ibuquereu6, i{ew Hexico Gsnt I eman; I am s'end i ng toduy under separate cov6r the Bu i I d I ng Ccde , P I umb i ng eodo *nd Fiee han I cs I SadaE ihat y$tl requosted bv phone this nrorning. Vli I I you ptea** senci iJs yeur cheek in ?he a*:leunt of $23.00 fo esvsr ?hacoct of *hese three itsms. I arn al*o enclosing d copy af our emrnends|*nfg ts lhe codes lrhich epply to work r+lfhin the clty llmit*gof Vai l. I anr also sonding a copy 6f our eontraetsrrslic+nsing oril inefiee and an appl lea?lon lor a I iegnse, lf you need fsrthEr infornation resardlng ronlng,iruilding, etc. please feel frce ?o cell. Yours tru I y, Tglilli gf VA I L il i ena Hygant i3u i ld I ng Uepartr**rtf Enc I sg i.! reg BUILDING PER^rtlT APPLICATION TOWN OF VA I LJurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PERMIT FEE Max. Occ. Load OFFSTREET PARKING SPACE covered gEg Fi Fire Sprinklers Required flys5 Dno t€rzcrq Not Required B ADDF EsS Vai l/LionsHead - ANTLERS r LEGAL loEscR, TRACT Vail/LionsHead - tf]see rrrrcxeD sHEEfl Th i rd F i I i n OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE2 Antlers Asscciates; F. O. Box 69; Vail, Colorado 4j6-2255 3 Mountain Constructors MAIL AOOREsS P. C. Box 1362; Vai l. Colo ARCHITECT OR DE5IGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHOil€ LICENSE NO,4 Duan-Hunt Associates 205 Truman il.E., Albuquerque, N.M. 255-4864 ENGINEER MAIL AODRES5 PXONE LICENS€ NO.5 Robert Krause P. 0. Box Zl3lzSanta Fe N.M. ?Qi; LENDER MAIL ADORES5 c-" Je lta rnortgage companiT 5500 E. ya le Ave. Denven. co U5E OF BUILDING7 Condominiums 8 C|ass of work: E NEW D ADDITION D ALTEBATION tr BEPAIB f] MOVE tr nemovr I 0escribework: Construct precast concrete buiIdin 10 Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuation of work: $| .233.1,4 PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bldg. (Totat) sq. Ft.Y/heo in v&olation sf APPLTCATTON ACCEPTEOIY "^"7.*C..&APPROV€O FOR ISSUANCE BY: /' t ,',/924 No- of Owelling Units NOTICE SEPARATE PEBMITS ABE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANDI VOtD tF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR AEANDONED FOR APERIOD AF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COM. MENCED. HEALTH OEPT. FI RE DEPT, SOIL REPORT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR PERMIT VALIDATION Tota | $2540.75 PINK - APPLICANTCANARY _ AUDIT GOLOENROD _ TEMP. FILE BUILDING TAPPLICATION Jurisdiction of. Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.lL{ { :z !tcfPo|la e l0ool* D(+ o& TRACT Vatl Llonshead -(LIsEE ATTACHED SHEET)Tbird Ftling OWN EFI2 Aotl"ts Agsoelates MAIL AOORESS P.O.Box 69 ztP 81657 PHONE 476-2255 coNTRAcToR MAIL ADDRESS FHoNE LtcENsE No.3 Bt"k"l Constructi.on Conpany 2291 So. Kalaaath 5t. 936-4886 '^^';J;;;t T""o"r"t." MAIL AOORESS PHONE Trrrmen X.E. r Albuquerque, t{.X. LICENSE NO. 255-4864 G-933 ENGINEER Bobert Krause MAIL ADDRESS P.O.Box 2131. Santa Fe, !I.X. PHONE 983-3107 LICENSE NO. t893 u"- o"ra" MAIL ADDRESS Co. 55OO E. tele Avo. 7 coadonluiues 8 Class of work:F NEW tr ADDITION f]RTTrnRrIon I] MOVE tr REMOVE Describe work: Construct st eoqcrete bull<llag 10 Change of use from Change of use to l l Valuation of work: $ I , 2"41 ,*l 4S {3-Ad. aa lr36a.6V PERMTT ree $l:;26H&' SP€CIAL CONDITIONS: size ot Brde.5g 66?- (Total) Sq. Ft. t Fire Sorinklers Required !ys5 DNoAPPLICATION ACCEPTEO g('"60 OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMTTS ARE REOUTRED tOR ELECTRTCAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVEFINING THIS HEALTH OEPT. FI RE DEPT. SOIL REPORT oTHER (Speclfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR PERMIT VALIDATION CASH rJz-t- ' 7'i CANARY _ AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENROD - TEMP. FILE STATE OT COLORADO COUNTY OT EACLE DECTARATION 0F LAl,lD ALLOCATION . Ir 411an g=, vap= Flgg!, , , being finst duly sworn upon oath depose and say that the-Toll,owfng statements ane true and connect acconding to rny best knowledge, infonnation and belief o to wit; 1. That this stateraent is made in conjunction with the filingof an application for" a building penrnit to the Town of Vail and to comply with the requirernents of Anticle VIf, Section 3, 0rdinance Nunber: ? (Series of 1969) Zoning Ordinance fon the Town of Vail as amended by Ordinance Number 8 (Series of 1970) and Ordinance Nunben 15(Series of 1970). 2. The descniption of the building site for the proposedbuilding is as follows: Block 1, LoL 3, Vail Lionshead - Third Fi1raq(Description may be atta " deseniption). contains 51750 square feet, )) ss. ) 3. and the The propqsed bui3.ding siteexisting building contains squat"e -fAet and the pnoposed addition contains ---EEffie fegt; the total Uui}dingsquare feet is 61,-16R - as ilEfffiA in the aforesaid Zoning Or.dinance as amffifi--- r*. The pnoposed building and/or existing building and addition as it relates to the building site area, conply to the Floor Area Ratio for the zoning which applies to the building siter EB definedin the aforesaid Zoning Ondinance as amended. \l t STATE OT'COLORADO } ) COI.N{TY OT EAGLE ) the foregoing sworn to-befgne me,trris Jf U d"i My Comrniseion Expine ( Seal) ss. affidavit and declarat a Notary PubLicn by af, Allan G. Van Fleet Antlers Associates a ) :--- PLUMBING PERMITAPPLICATION ,3 Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 'l,fl"- ,.-* tfis ee lrrlcx eD sHE Er] MAIL ADORESS ZI P PHONE st'a,'I F{, C"n ?+hfz; |#','^'^o"'7q /-3? pz''";V;, ARCHITECT OR OEsIGNER MAIL ADDRESS E LICENSE NO MAIL AODRESS PHONE LICENSE NO MAIL AOORESS ARANCH U5E OF BUILDING 8 class of work: E6ir* tr A00tl0N il RttrRRttol D REPAIR Describe work: pTlo Type of Fixturr or ltam WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OIsP. OISHWASHER PLANS CHECKEO BYi E'.,. L7 LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR'-SINK OR DRAIN cAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. WHE]N PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE) TH'S IS YOUR PERMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR CAN,ARY _ AUDIT CASH PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENROO - TEMP. FILE a7 toN /q4"4 M.O MECHANICAL Applicant to Jurisdiction of numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH . LEGAL loEscR.{[see lrrlcxeo sHEET) MAI L ADDRESS MAIL ADDRES9 LICENSE NO, /, E.S l.-r2'-,,9;7 Pe ARCHITECT OR MAIL AODRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL AODRESS LICENSE NO. LENOER MAIL AOORESS BRANCH U5E OF BUILDING 8 Class of work: iffruew tr A0DtTtON n RttenRttOttt n REpAtR C-J Type of Fuel: Oit D Nat. Gas I lpC. ! PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Type of Equipment Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Ref rigeration Units-H.P. Ea Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. PLANS CHECKE D BY APPROV€D FOR ISSUANCE BY Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M NOT IC E THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUEAND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRE5UME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGIIAIURE OF CONTRAgTOR OR AUTHORIZEO AGENT (DATE) Unit Heaters-B.T.U. M Evaoorative Coolers Ventilation Fan Air Handlino Unit- TOTAL FEE ffi"v retit/\b' WHITE - INSPECTOFI CANARY _ AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLDENBOD _ TEMP. FILE TO!.JN OF VAIL BUt LDING PERMIT SUPPLEMENT IAI PRO J E CT Aatlers/Llsnghead Condoslnlus The signatures below certify thatthe 1970 Uniform Building Code, as Town of Vai l, Colorado, have been adhered to: the fo I I ow i ng exce rpts f rom amended and adopted by the read, understood and wi | | be Sect i on 302 ( a ) App roved por altered without written lans shal I not be changed, modified, authorizstion from the Bui lding 0ffici lding permit does not give al Secf ion 30? (-g) The authority fo violate Ord i nance and sha I Iafter requ i ri ng the issuance of a bui any provisions of this code, etr any other lding 0fficial from there-not prevent the Bui correct i on of same . Sect i on 304 (b) The Inspection i n fu | | and posted consp i cuous I yby the Buitding Department. Dooff by Bui lding Inspector. Secfion 306 (a) (d) N0 BUIffiRARrLy A CERT I F I CATE OF OCCUPANCY 0l^dinance l? (1967) Before card shal I be read, fi I led out i n the wate rp roof ho I de r f u rn i shed not cover up any work nof signed LDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHER UNTIL THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ISSUED AS PROV I DED FOR HERE I N. any s i gn ( temporary or permanent) shall be approved by the Town of Vailmay be used Sign Review 0rdinance 2 or posted, i t Cornm i ttee ( 197 | )Gene ra I i th the Contractor and ALL subcontractors Town of Vai I prior to the start of ? /A.r4-,( (t***1 6..'E-:24-Z--//1y'-r'i-Zie*>--. SGfet Construction Conpany shall be any work ,"t) ,ft't"'in: i'{,} . I icensed w '/',.-t-,,/ ///:, r 1' t , daqqs E, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE SS. The foregoing affidavit and sworn fo before fr€, a Nofary uut'trn/,---dffie r._ this l4_tb ,day of lvly ComariB-s i ory Exp i res (SEA[) By: RoQert P. Wllson * Con t racto r declarationPublic, by was du I y subscr i bed and Jenes F. llurfln Itl 72- ..lfiereb Jan. ll 1975 lfllson F1 O Fz O z F rd FT z q z Fi L) D F @z o (.l z d tl z ri a B H>o Fg< kA Fr<QoF9 .-YZFF< @€n 2<e<az2zAo<E tsFv<Oor4z:tr8Fx9<o-2o4 Ea<a>- c<3 14 F Ei Fl B z O z io1uXF rULO \-{ ) i? r{} E A s 0 F uJ u u oz u zg ot-z uJ2 UJ u q U J L F F r L UJ - CQ f\\ \ \ h* L ,E =r=HLl-oo =,2 =qlrl-I .f E NOtl.VntVn u z - tE1 E$ >(9(f, \llN UJ zo9-o z tr == Ftroo =>:z6f UJ >oFO ;ni i.t.. Y Or = tr'I*rHt r 4..- z F. (U r*"f c,c-.,-t\,.* .\. .. - n ^- '^ l*:\.,al Doliaicit cr.r-ic *t.." l*' .rJ-:..u . I RaCIf i r c- J zi\\::v /'--i\ \:aJs si tl*li 'r,.'.t, i'-r1- Loc-K 9 i J'i, -lou)i.,hir 3 Cl{ -!r-,\\ Sru iu*1' \**iY. S,J.s *"'(ru.rr1il'','i i: ltl w RAL,.el:'qi.: $cpR {rD''t" C'ifr?':' i'-irl iti}\b LcqX S;Jg'TO Lut'rQ$. io$ Bc'*rosr..r Neu.r dcsF,, Loc-K $iqie TouJArd 3,OB SoliJ F\*oil. Cr\S$ \ F{.l'e.<l I5o?-l .--'I To Cei 1r tit q' P.rr"i{ i-ecl r"r: o-\ t n- C ii* S-ru J d eJ ,/:i'/olir][r-i it- ! ,/-lii ol- lif" r -l{ 'r \.-^ll|| x ljll /'\ i: | | 1 ./^l\-'ir *i ir) L I I !-,n I nt 1i o y6v,31) "t .i-*e-t ! ':- ; -^' \, \- ewr .JJ* rr ltE+--1 | s: ,S7'e- ) ert mcCi\ € -\. - €csvct\ ( "\.f\ . (Irt \tt T i.ir' \/,-,-\/ a ,i | - '\.:''tt \ t i | \ eo.Olll I e /': -.. --:::) ',,,yifi--::11,:, l'.glYr ii S- ffi'!i% liii!i1,1 .ru.lF !r '" NY ;::=: (pK t. i ,fJ I 10 X t";r 1-li{lt-t!t{II HLttltiti p6lucowf it_\ .-.-.-'- i I \ M *,u fteg7-t /ie*ra-n*e>sr i lvt't \I I \ 2,- _?* 4-' -Y-*-'--2''\ fusruew -Lto,rs,-L*vwo /t'4I l0r pAucau"i ? @e?epp+ I I I Ig\. l ,,) f\, \. I\trfi#*-+/"{ / r'tT -, i{i {oV r ,rd{ dr-€,\ ' \^/J ,{r'V,_f #\t Ststl ir"i Srr.{rsr$}s JOHI"I P. MOORE ATiORNTY CENERAL TO: ALL POLITICAL I"iUbJTCIPALITIES DEPI{FITMEN'| CIF LAW OFFICE OF 7HE ,A,?TORNEY GEN€RAL ] O.{ 5T,ATE CAP,TOL DFNVIR, COLORADO 80?03 October 24, L973 SUBDIVISTONS, SCHOCL DISTRICTS ANDOF TI_IE STATE OF COLORADO JOHN E. BLSH DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL h/ARNING OF' DA}IGAR - UR"GENT Lhis offi-ce has received inforrnati-on that tire SLate of Arizonatlas rrred a complaint in the U:rited sb,ates DisLrict Cour.L and thattire lrederal Trade Corn"inission has aLso initial.eci action, both of wirichalJ-ege that there may be an e><trenrely seriou-s fire haeard in .t-he useof certain pollzu-ret*hane foam proclucis as inter-ior insulation materialwhere such insulation is not Ldecuat.ely protcctecl f::om exposure toi-gnition. tunong the products whi,:h ,llr!, b* inclucled in this category "selectrofoam', (which is pr-rt out by ppc) i"Coro*l-oam" (put out by Cooks);"l4onofoarn', (put out UV elintkote);"Sealzit 2025,' (but out by Flinii:kote) ;"c.P-R. 16B" (put out by c"p"R. Diirision of upjohn);"fsonate:: (prt cut fV C.p.11. Dj.rrisicn of Upjohn);- "Kode 25" (put out UV c.p.R. Division of upjohn) j :. . AII political sub<livisions, school cLisLr:icts or municipalit.iesowning or havingr ? property -interest in br-ri.lclings or structuresv;hich contain rigi-cl polyurettrane foam insul-;rtj-on on tireir j.ni:er:iorsurf aces, such as walls , ceilings and itt"-i" space s, are arfvj-secL thatthis insulation is believed to col.liirrruril A|.1 it,;TRitilii FrRE F:trzAnD ANDTiiAT rir r!l rs-lSrlfID, rr cAi\ Itij-tu; -','/rt,' ;;r;;iga;urttraL'r.y r;l.rrlltrtti..JSITy.tII- pofTET *d*.ffi;;j;[ffit;:Tile.s rxvnlnso:r: l:aving property in"i:eres;ts Ln buildinr;s o:: st::uctu;:es si) i;rsr-r.lated ii:',tt:g:g P,#lgry*ix!.Li{a*:g_s:rnp_s ro E},rsLlRE l,HAr I'io rrli\i"Iirs, spAp.}1s,11!\-rrt irrJj)'r -L'u i1!-i5b Ut{ u'1'liii-tt PO.ilSIBi,ii SOU}j,C;i5 Cir l:GNITION, tiUClI AS nI,ECTRICALslior{Ts' I^/'ELDri"lG' SoiDlliLrNG oR. tlATiiir.rAl CUTT'rl;G DiivrC.[s ARi] r.,eir.lrTrEDTc Coi"lll Ii"iTo COI'JTACT' I'iiT'Li SUCII IidSLjI.ATIOi\i. TiiIS IS OF V-t.fAI-, t.i,lpoil?ANclrt{Il5ir": BUrLD'--Ncs Aiic occuPigir i:y Etipt,oy[rs oR*]nl.iur:rRs oi;, ffi' *916.;-:- l,-.. i -- 111, qglitical subci j-vi.sions, sci:oo1 ciisLricLs and raunic-i-paLitieslrcr'vrrrg ^lLll--Lorngs or structures go irisr.rlatecl. ar:e reqr.restec to inmediatelynotify the unclersignecl as to Lire nature and lccation of sucir br,rild.inqs'l::".:st-:uctitres, the date on rEhich 'ti:ese procluc t-s lrere ins-L-alle cl (acrcasc monl-ir a1d year, if possible), ancl nanre of contractor r,iho pe::formeclrne rnst.rllation. :$ t':1.r1..7 "y'ou.rs, ',,1. t,';'fr:.:, :!? ?"fr* -i JPI'1: Iivii( : ms f.torn(:y General rNsPEJo* FTEBIJEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER JOB NAME f]orHen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE flpanrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM n apPRovED fl ot SAPPRovED ! ner NsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR F F t Ei F F 'fl * --- !\l;.s :1-x a-)F NOIIVN-IVN u .zo - T .^€\ov>\v-q I v '. sl!N llJ zAo= -o z F FCC2o ^>:z:<VLuJl >(J -hi IC3IIHCUV UT z J Fr O Fzo(J z 5 FT z a >' trlF]F Fi<>Foq Y.Z IA 'D-iz QZza<E otiz4F^-O .^ ,1 <F (@.', >.-- )-'€u \42 - -9 |] q E Ei oU U z r z ; F U r U F : F - u tt - F QFzU =lrJg, U L =tr=Hl+.oo =,2 =ql--.I f gl F z O z Fl 5 z H a J assateiates, inc. 1767 H IGH STREET DENVER, COI"ORADO 802I8 (303)388-5686 DANIET J. HAVEKOST pres. BROOKS H. WATDMAN vice-pres. PAUI H. HATVERSON s e c y.- t I e q 3 , cltBERT F. McNEISH os30c. RODNEY A. LANE o5soc. BRUCE A. JONES o!soc. a rch itectrr re r plannirrg ' urltan design Mny r,197 3 MR. JennY AloRlcn Cnrer Butlorue 0rrrcIAL TowN oF VRIUVerl, CouoRRoo I 1657 RE: ReMeorau MEAsURES FoR ANtteR's #To6, VAI -tLtoNsHEAD RereReucr: Youn LETTER oF APRIL g, tg73 AND ouR LETTER oF APRIL 18, 1973. DEAR Mn. AToR I cTI: Turs IS ro coNFIRM THE DocUMENTS As pER youR AGREEMENT WITH DNN HRVETOST AS COVERED IN OUR LETTER OF APRIL 18, 1973. As PER CIuR pHoNE coNVERSATIoNS oF AeRIL 3orH AND Mnv 4TH,I RIVI HEREW I TH ENcLoS I NG TWo PR I NTS oF THE REV I sED DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE FLOOR AND THE DRAWINGS, I eeLIEVE, REFLECT ALL THE cHANGES REoUESTED BY YOU. I Musr ApoLoGizE AGAIN FoR Nor GETTING THEsE DRAWINGS To you BEFoRE Mnv 1sT, BUT sINcE THE UNIT HAS Nor BEEN occuplED AND DUE To CIuR woRK uoAo, I cCIuLD Nor FIND THE TIME To GET IT AccoMPLTsneo. 1 HoPE THAT IT DOES NCIT FURTHER COMPLICATE MATTERS WITH REGARD TO CLEARING UP THIS SITUATION. Oun coNTRAcroR t,lILL Not,rl BE GETTING pRIcES oN THE woRK AND WILL DO IT IMMEDIATELY AFTER HE RECEIVES A PERMIT FROM YOUR OFFICE. Sr NcrREuy , HttrtH AssocrATES INc., ErqpLoyEes PRorrr SnnRrruc TRusr --7\ . tf /r-l- .? tl -il\7/44,2-f,/. fulana-Pnul H. HnuvensoN, TnusteE PHH: TJ Ettc. '' Qorrsss' # Qeo, l, telJp,rf4lrtJ /Utd da * /2aa f#/ g = S\"fg ttlS Eg\rfs eK. (... i!t.'i. 4.. ' .(LcpB. #q\*t nEswU l* fa w 4 FA;I^M fLo* !-,{-,s *ofsf l C.L, s /o F5/ J "/.T.L,* 5O Fef 2.O { Usg 4 "x 8u ,', 4"X 8*f , K l,K ttlpar = l,or\E' = Z,g Ff X 4- Q,5 y /?reo =85uf$= lt-€f /2ao !2c0R #,€A4,/ PFS/0N (Foup,^td oao? efu) oF f 'x8" Ft,$&us UsE f"xfz" $'= qq,q ar3 ,'. *o x lz" E rau 0K, l,', K ,)e /,5& iitr,ur = (t,Exz)t(sx+) =6,5tr(. $= & B 4z .IJz?"c. = As Nsf /2o0 13 Ea*t - fo - jttgt-* caUatecn*r"rlf_ n+S( utttu LoAputa * l,a K @ +- ,t (*o B€ee77@ oF Faes #epaS e f e oa As€ 8 2 "Y /2'.s $ s f/, bqL /^13 Ailcthp &ou13 fo (o' feesaur 4a/Jc. a*LL /lEE 2 - t4'/ Pep4eao Expt^,/srad fiot-Ts e ?Lo" o/c At,-ou*g{e mAD FeR fuuf poeFw*t6uLA& w 6FAd : / tZa # USe 4 PoLTs F€R 1ooe ^ail57pg*Tt oil f Lec+7-E @. AffpasT*t+'?8 LoCA-nCInl 8f {tooQ &spus. {Loct oeepra pEsrcf,l 7so Fanerla* ,39 ,- {t,dI rl " T1pauF { €Wus cloo? Lo4p = z;s #/F o€c*, e 4!p"a7t wry( tr€Fte.crpal &o 7i{/a'46O ACYU,4L L0/4A s 50 #/F 'xFax lo' = i ii:,,t) I: )urrres *.roo,l.&tlPol4t,{ /"Ur/!JOB NO. t!.*4'XSAXlO'= FLo.og fi€if,r,t p€*#N fr rt; *r 4'q{t til{ f '-o'L,L,= 4afsf lp.L,: /a Fal J "hT.L.- 5A Fe/ 2,o K {o * l2ao Fsl l/sp 4"x &' $ = 33,79 P3 ,,, t, X g, frffittS aK. /?ao Doog #€AN .PsxrcrV (Fcwtrtc oaer sp} I, K tflp*, = 9=tL /,'t K I,K l,r*{.€' = e,F FlrK,r] tlolr- /,sE Q,5 y /?ras = Q€ ttf rtftu Lt4#tM * l,o { Ettc FeltstN aF f 'x6" Ft $&as Hi,,_ 3!._ ,_" _ti* -. fat,ift Use f"xlz* $= ,'. *' x /2" B F/a*t qq.q w3 oi{. ftiaur = (t,Exz)*(E*+) =4.sFrK, $ = -ry- :, ry_/_(,1?aCI. = as Ngf /2ao lS saw * ro - wt LL (auil€drl#lJ Ar F&sr kr,qLe LoAprpa * l,o K G 4e e/c (an ErecUn] of p4e* #epuS a 7sg € - 2'y/z'; Is7/,b* /N3 Ailctke 6ou7'.9 To (o" Peq,au7" eooe' U*LL ()sE 2 - V+./ Fep4eae ExTatsraat frotrs e ?Lo" Q/c At,-au*gte taAD FeK Seuf PcRpeFtpt€uLA& T? fiRAlil : / tZo # feol) (,tSE 2 Pot-75 FR 6^op ^ails,7py"f t ail f LaeTe e- Aqfpaflt"ft}fg Lo;fvftoN pf TtooQ p*us. FLocr p{cstrU eE-s,q* t,"T11s1u€ {6Qeu6 u/oop P€cr- e 1Lp"or|' wt& F{Fcecrla^l *, trtla'uAfld€ Lofrp = 263 #/F AcYUAL Lonp = 50 /4/f