HomeMy WebLinkAboutB04-0195 PRECAST CALCULATION & PLATES0r\orcr6 Connrnon Lvcc- Ccce-lLq^ c-Q- (cacat\ Cakvk\tdl GnA subN,t\d -Hsugfand & Assoclates- Tne p|an has b€en reviewed by: tp mmobcalhthe rsqtit€mertsgf: --.- PRECAST CALCT]LATIONS offii€E 6oeY gfirnts*ro ErunnsnrsconnEcrEo Vf'ot?fRErBcrEIt InrvlsunroREsutMtr IsunnnsrecrFtEl rrEM ctra&tE ! tnay t\or Gaura|.oori?orxancr f,r fl|C D?31cioqrct?T o? TIt ttolct anD c3lrEt[ oof,ruaiact ttTH ffl3r\oalAnofi GtvDIr tx fit ooitl^ct D(rur:rta rlv rcrtorswi ll SUuE,ct ?tt t||t IDQUtlErrNrs (,? flta tlltrs AiD|llc cAnofis cqrtl^ctol l3 tfstonsrat.E Fol D|[riB|of!fxlc|| l||All. tE confll[tD aiD cotl:L^rf,D rtT mE JOt Stttttaaltc^nor ?t(relsEa al{o ttctfnlQuts ot colrnucrroxioqtanlaT|lx| or rts wotx tv|tr ?IAT o? al.r afltr tt^Drrt/riD tlllllllt CrOlV tcltoria^nc[ o? H|s,ltran* Monroe & Newell E.t|l.G|r,1|c. Gore Creek Residences Job No: 0429 SUBMITTAL #3 GINAL SUBMITTAL) lt2U05 Prepared by; JWK with FDG Inc. Prepared for: Stresscon Corporation t{.r'rc (g+vtcoeo fr1- uo6er{ ri *rl€f,'ra) th" *d of fabricator's professional engineer applies only to Stresscon's fabricated products, which werc designed to meettle struc$rizl criteria provided by the Engineer of Record. It is requested Oat the fLgineer of Record check this work for conformance with thc design concept of the project, and compliance with the information given in the contract documents. This cover sheet references the following calculations per the index of sections as indicated in section i of this zubmittal. Each section, as listed in section i, has a separate index that describes the various designs within that section. INDEX SECTION i Sheet I ofi JwK Date: 917/M Job No: 0429Job Title: Gore Creek ResidencEs INDEX OF CALCTJLATIONS SECT.DESCRIPTION 1 General Index 0 General Design Notes, Loads, Codes, and Manufacturen Data I Lateral Analysis Bearu 4 Spandrels 5 Columns 6 Wall Panels Flat Slabs 8 Connections 9 Unknown (generally not used) 10 Repair Details (as required) Job Title: Gore Creek Residences GENERAL NOTES SECTION O Sheet I of 0.i JobNo: 0429By: JwK Date: 9/13/04 INDEX OFGENERALNOTES SECT.DESCRIPTION Pages 0.0 Design Summary, Loads and Applicable Codes ') 0.1 Material Specifi cations I 0.2 Design Approach 1 0.3 Suppliers Data Sheets (as required) DESIGN SUMMARY SECTION O.() Sheet I of0.0 Job Title: Gore Creek Residenccs JwK Date: 9/13/04 JobNo: M29 DESIGNSUMMARY APITICABIE-COIIES rBc 2000 ACI318 PCI DESIGN HANDBOOK, 5th Edition AISC, NinthEdition SIIEET 2 Stresscol Corporatiol P.O. Bor l5l2g 7|S/3S0-6011 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Far: 7t9/3SO-5581 Colorado Springs, C0 O0ggO Dcnver ltne: g00/629-1329 By: JWK/FDG Ect(\ .i rii = oo(\l r, e,.,, (rl tJ E cti '!bo E Ef !,0a I Iao IlrJota! e bo Jan c.9 o Iao or ot o! a\a o a.o', ./' dt (9o oF 0.0 L0AD CONDITIONS: (PROVIDED BY ENGTNEER OF RECORD) LOADING CONDITION #1 AND #3: W1 = 190 PSF D.L. + 1OO PSF L.L. W2 = 460 PSF D.L. + 100 PSF L.L. W3 = 240 PSF D.L. + 100 PSF LL. (LoADS D0 NoT |NCLUDE wEtGHT oF STRUCTURE) LOADING CONDITION #2: Wl = 240 PSF D.L. + 100 PSF L.L. (LoADS D0 NoT TNCLUDE WEtcHT OF STRUCTURE) LOADING CONDITION #4: w1 = 240 PSF 0.1. + 100 PSF LL. W2 = 360 PSF D.L. + 100 PSF LL. (LoADS Do NoT |NCLUDE wEtcHT oF STRUCTURE) V c)16'-d \o. 26',-4;' A W2 WI WJ 5',-d s'-d VARI lu.Atu -o to'-+ vt2 W1 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 0.1 Sheet I of 0.1 Job Title: Gore Creek Residences By:JwK Date: 9/13/04 Job No:0429 MATERIAI. SPF.CIFICAI'IONS ru.O.Ml. SEuctural Steel (shapes and plates) A36 min. yield 36 ksi. 2. Structural Steel Tubes A500 min. vield 46 Isi. 3. E70xx Elechodes 4, Grade 60 mild reinforcement 5. Grade 270low relaxation prestessing stand 6. Welded reinforcement (A706 or prehearcd per Carbon Equivalent) 7, Welded Wire Fabric (WWT) nin. yield 60 ksi. E. Bolts, Anchor Bolts or threaded parts A307 see PCI Table 6.15.9 for capacities 9. Coil bolt capacities per PCI Table 6. 15. I 0 10. Coil or ferrule insert wire capacities per PCI Table 6.15.1I 11. Bearing Pads - Cotton Duck , Random Fiber Reinforced @OF), or AASI{TO grade plain Neoprene. 12. Headed Anchor Snrds (H.A.S.) Grade 60 lai 13. Deformed Bar Anchors (Stud weldable deformed bars -D.B.A.) Grade 60 min. DESIGN APPROACH SECTION 0.2 Sheet I of 0.2 Job Title: Gore Creek Reside,nces Date: I 0/1 8/04 lob No: DESIGT{ APPROACII Goeral: Use Phi factors and Load factors per ACI 2002 Appendix C All concrete desigr will follow USD. Typical load combinations are as follovys: l.4DL+1.7LL l.4DL+l.7LL+l.7SL l.05DL+1.275LL+t.27 sWL 0.9DL+/-1.3WL 0.9DL+/-1.0E Phi Factors: Flexrne: Phi = 0.9 Compression: Phi = 0.7 Sbear: Phi=0.85 Bearing: Phi = 0.7 Lrteral Deelgn: Sher wall panel and conaections desiped using USD based on unfactored soil load of 2. I 5 klf at the top of the north cast- in-place wall as given by stuctural engineer of record. By:JWK Lateral DESIGN SECTION 1 Sheet I of l.i Job Title: Gore Creek Residenoes By: JwK Date: 1119/05 JobNo: 0429 Lateral Analysis Index Submittals SECT DESCRIPTION PAGES lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1.0 Lateral Loads 5 x x Strtrscon Corloration P.0. Eor 15129 7f9/390-504f SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences Fer: 7f9l300-560{ Colorado SpriDir, CO 80935 Dcnvcr ltuc: 308/S2g-tg2g By: JWK/FDG SIIEET I DtftBz9/1a/04 oF 1.0 E f = oo(\l F- o. rJ E ctr =a oj iItlI I 8 a LJotc{ o o Y _9 o E c ot6l o Ao 5 oe LATERAL LOADS: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ASSUMED DIAPHRAGM ACTION: UNI-DIRECTIONAL NAruRE OF GROUTED CHORO STEEL AT GRID B ACTS AS RBNFORCING TO RESIST POSITIVE MOMENTS BETIVEEN SHEAR T/ALL SUPPORTS 1/ SI.AB DIAPHRAGM ACTS AS A BEAM SPNNING CONTINUOUSLY OVER SHEAR WALL SUPPORTS LOADING, AS WELL AS SOLIDLY GROUTED JOINTS, TRANSFERS I.ATEML LOADS 1HROUGH BEAMS, INTO 9, SI.ABS OVER SHEAR WALLS UNIFORM I.ATERAL SOIL LOAD ACTS UNI-DIRECTIOMLLY AGAINST DIAPHRAGM AT GRID A TI/ELDED CONNECTIONS BEMEEN 9" SLABS AND WALLS TMNSFER LOADS INTO SHEAR WALL SUPPORTS P/C SHEAR WALLS 9" S|-ABS IT BFAM AND COLUMN LINE 12' SLABS KFfED AND GROUTED JOINTS EETWEEN 1/ SLABS TRANSFER SHEAR EETWEEN SLABS TO INSURE DIAPHRAGM ACTION GROUTEO CHORD STEEL AT GRID A ACTS AS REINFORCING TO RESIST NEGATIVE MOMENTS ACROSS SHEAR IVAI.L SUPPORTS l| 11 SERVICE LOAD PER FOOT OF WALL ALONG GRID A = 2.15 K/Fi LATERAL LOAD (PRoVIDED BY E.o.R.) ULTTMATE LoAD = 1.7(2.15) = 3.66 KLr CHORD STEEL: ASSUME A 9 SPAN CONTINUOUS BC{M SPAN 1 ^, 110 FT SPAN 2 ^' 90 FI SPANJTll5FT SPAN 4 t 100 Fl- SPAN 5 ^, 125 FT SPAN6E 65FT SPAN 7 I .I 10 FT SPANS! 75FT SPAN 9 a' 30 FT FDG, Inc. Gore Cleek Residences Bcan, 3,01, (C)2001 BI JACOUES & AStfAD, INC. INPUT DATA SHEEI 2 OF 1.0 DATE:9/15/2004 PAGE: 1 BI3 JllK Er 4030 ksi Elenent Data Elenent It (in^4) 1 ?8851460482 78861460483 78851460484 78861460485 78861460486 78851460487 7885146048 8 78851460489 78861{604A Load Case Descrlption No. of ilts.- 10 No. of Elenrents= 9 Joint Data JointI 2 3I J o 1 8 9 10 x(fr) 0.00 110.00 200.00 315.00 415.00 540.00 605.00 715.00 790.00 820.00 .7oint Restraint PINNED PINNED PINNED PINNED PINNED PINNED PINNED PINNED PINNED PINNED Load Case ( 1 Di stributed Deecripti6n Lateral Load Loads Load Case 1 w1lk/ft', 3. 660 E2(k/fr) 3.660 x1(ft)x2 ( fr) 0.00 820.00 i I: \,tobs \042 9 \Engrg\ 01-Lateral Design\04298-01-00-Lateral Loads.bcn FDG, Inc, Gore Cleek Residences Bcan, 3.01, (C)2001 BY ,JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. LOAD COMBINATION 1 Ele. X # (ft) SHEET 3 OF 1.0 DATE':9/L5/2004 PAGE: 2 BY: JWK PT #1 =7sFT Shear Force (k) -164.90 0.00 237 .1A -174. 18 -0.00 1_55.22 -207 .08 0.00 2r3.82 -176.06 -0.00 L89.94 -234 . L8 -0. 00 223 . 32 -135.92 -0.00 10r.. 98 -Ltz. !z 0.00 2LO .48 -L I5. t9 0.00 100.71 -78.90 Moment ( k-in) -44579--aFjd7z- 480 42 --LO9il 3?800 37800 -32498 42452 42452 -8364 50779 Combined Loads = Joint Reactions and 1.000 * rc I Displacements Joint # 1 3 5 7I 10 x(ft) 0 .00 110.00 200.00 315. 00 415.00 540.00 505.00 715.00 790.00 820.00 Rx (k) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Ry (k) -154 .90 -411 .88 -JOZ.Z9 -389.88 -359.24 -z>.t . !v -384.28 -rrv.o_L -30.90 Mz ( k-in) Y-disp. (in) 0.0000 0.0000 0 .0000 0 .0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 .0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50779 -39121 42638 42538 r2352 29401 2940t - 3110 4 4L526 4r526 -7988 8539 863 9 0 0 0 0 0 Rotat. ( rad) 0.000001 -0.000000 0. 000000 -0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 -0. 000000 -0.000000 Element Forces and DisDlacement.s 1 tI 4 4 FT FT FT FT I 3 5 5 o 6 b 8 8I 0.00 45.06 1r.0.00 1r.0.00 200.00 200.00 255.58 5If,. UU 315.00 363. 10 415.00 415.00 478.98 540.00 540.00 57'7.r4 505.00 605.00 557.49 7r-5,00 ?15.00 '?62.48 790.00 ?90,00 AxiaI Force (k) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0. 00 0,00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0,00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0 ,00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 Y-displ. (in) 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0 .0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0 .0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 INFLECTION INFI.ECTION INFLECTION INFIJBCTION INFI,ECTION TNFLECTION INFLECTION INFI,ECTION ]NFLECTION = 155 = 230 = 280 = .555 PT #2 PT #3 PT fl4 PT #5 PT #6 PT #7 FT FT FT PT #8 = 450 FT PT #9 = 5L0 FT 7 7 INFI,ECTION PT #10 = 530 INFLECTION PT *L1 = 580 INFLECTION PT #12 = 755 INFIJECTION PT #13 = ?75 INFLECTION PT #14 = 810 FT FT I : \,Jobs\0429\Engrg\0L-lateral Design\04298-01-00-!ateral Loads.bcn t' rDG, Inc. SHEET 4 oF 1.0 core Creek Residences DA'IE: 9/75/2044 Bcan, 3.0]., (C) 2OO]. BY JACOUES & ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 3 BY: JWK 9 811.56 0.00 9 820.00 0.00 -1565 0.0000 0 0.0000 0.00 30.90 I : \,Jobs\042 9\Engrg\ 01-Lateral Desiqn\04 2 9E-0 1-00-LateraI Loads . bcn SHEET 5 or 1.0 Sbesrcol Corloration P.0. Bot 15129 ?r9/3s0-604r SUBJECR Gore Creek Residences Far: 7191390-6564 Colorodo Springe, C0 E0935 Dcavcr Liuc: 303,/623-1323 BY:JwK/FDG Eot\ cd di = oo<1 @_ I o di 6 qr '! !oc E oq oo I 0 I arJ<tt<! cor 6 t 0 I o or c|r o!6l o o:> (to Dt:rE':9/17 /0a I-ATEML LOADS: FROM COMPUTER RUN: Mu u* @ SHEAR WALLS = 50779 K-lN = 4230 n--K (STEEL AT C.l.P. SIDE 0F DIAPHRACM) d=26.33-1-.5=24.83n 4230/24.83 = 170 K 170l.9(60) = 3.14 lN2 usE (4) #8 CHoRD STEEL Mu MAx BETWEEN SHEAR WALLS = 4+579 K-lN = 3715 FT-K (STEEL AT P/C BEAM SIDE 0F DIAPHMGM) 3115/74.83 = 150 K 1s0/.9(60) = 2.77 tN2 usE (4) #8 0R (3) #e CHoRD srEEL CHICK DEVELOPMENT OF CHORD STEEL iN GROUTED JOINT: TNTERFACE AREA = 12.0 rN./rN. TENSION TO DEVELOP = J.14(.9X60) = 170 K SECTION 4.J OF THE PCI MANUAL FOR THE DESIGN OF HOLLOWCORE SLABS ALLOWS A SHEAR STRESS OF 80 PSI TO BI USID TO DFIERMINE THT LONCITUDINAL SHEAR DESIGN STRENGTH OF A GROUTID KEY AREA REQUIRED = 170(1000)/.8s(80 PSI) = 2500 lNz DISTANCE T0 DEVELOP = 2500/12.0 = 208 lN. = 17.4 FI DISTANCI BETWEEN INFLECTION P0INTS AT MAXIMUM TENSION = 80 Fr 80/2 = 40 FT > 17.4 ff .'. 0.K. SHEAR FRICTION: A, = \'l u/ 6t P.= 170l.85(60)(2,9) = 1.1A9 IN2 (ASSUME CONCREIE TO CONCRilE WITH ROUGHENED SURFACE) usE (4) #s ovER MAXTMUM 0F 40 FT = (1) #s @ EA. SLAB Jo|NT MAXIMUM SHEAR TRANSFERRED ACROSS SIAB-TO-SLAB JOINT V,, = 238 K SHEAR FRICTION: A" = Yu/of,y" = 238l.S5(,60X2,9) (ASSUME CONCRilE TO CONCRTTE W/ ROUGHENED SURFACE) = 1.609 lN2 (THrS CLAMPTNG STEEL rS PRoVTDED By THE CHoRD STEEL) ALTERNATIVELY, CHECK GROUTED AREA TO RESIST SHEAR: SECTION 4.J IN THE PCI MANUAL FOR THT DESIGN OF HOLTOWCORE SLABS ALLOWS A SHEAR STRTSS OF 80 PSI TO BE USED TO DTTERMINE THE LONGITUDINAL SHEAR DESIGN STRENGTH OF A GROUTED KEY vo,r = .85(80)(12)(2+.75)(12) = 242 K > 238 K'1 0.K. (NoTE: TH|S tS C0NSERVAT]VE, AS CASTELT-AT|oNS rN SLAB iotNTS, MlH RESULTING SHEAR FRICTIoN EFFECTS, HAVE NOT BEEN ACCOUNTED FOR) Beam DESIGN SECTION 3 Sheet I of3.i Job Title: Gore Creek Residences Bv: JIYK Date: 1/19/05 Job No: Beam Design Index Submittals SECT DESCRIPTION DESIGN Pgs 1st lno 3rd 4th 5th 3.0 Reference Summaries 7 X X 3.1 Grid B Beam Designs J. l.l Light Design BA 6 x x 3.1.2 Heavy Design BB 6 x X 3.1.3 Special Design J.I.J.I Load Condition #1 7 x x 3.t.3.2 Load Condition #2 arld lA BC 6 x x J. I.J.J Load Combination #3 and tt4 6 x X 3.2 Grid C Beam Designs BD 6 x x J.J Ledge Desip I X x 3.R Design Summaries 3.R.1 Design Sheet BA I X x 3.R.2 Design Sheet BB I X x 3.R3 Design Sheet BC I x x 3.R.4 Design Sheet BD I x x 0F 3.0 7 LS /3SO-5011 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences ?1el390-5504 Telet Fal: Stregseon Corporrtion P.O, Bor 15129 SHEET 1Colorado Spri4r, CO 80996 Dcnver Linc: S0g/6m-fgm By: JWK/FDG oN c; =F roooC\. - di lO t! oE E =ao c !D Eo ID Ioo Ir)o I otc-{ o or o c ID aal I o Ctt ot ot6l o A.' l;j <,o z.z. EP8!-??;EH H 6lt@l - oB ='i--HfiN9(^"NF^"cotrtr @ afr= EEf;d -dEoe5H= So-g :TdE='too=oau-Fo-(.] o3 =---fiP EPPo c.J Lr) aO tO I E. :f U) t-lJ z tJ-lE tr-J LL LIJV L.lJ co r@s6:d-8= FeE z. Hg8()J IEJPP= * i.j @ ({ ci..j ct oF 3.0 Sfurceocon Corporation P.O. Bor 15129 719/390-504r SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences ?19l3e0-556,r coloraito sprlngr, C0 oosg6 Dcuvcr Line: 3$/azg_tslg By: JWK/FDG Telc: Far: SHEEf, 2 E d,i = t) N co !.J = ot'!i E tv, {, c,e a) a,E Eo @ Ioo I I a! .9 i,o c ooab ctr ot6l o -Eo rJ (J : F c{ .rj aO E.(, I E. fa t.rJ(-)z. l-iJV. t_.LtLLJE. L! co ,t-,ez :oF7 ,7,6F= e." =eP6 c{sl r.) d z.2 Fe8 *rfifi i5l C\ r3 fi; IHeJ =>6s= o--6zi F HEJU -d?oP5H= T3Ea*F^" ai Xtr@ Streggcon Corporatlon Tele: ?fg,/gg0-5041 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences DATE: 9/10rl04 P.O. Bor 15129 Far: ?tgl3S0-Eb6l Colorado Sprin3e, C0 80935 Dcrvcr Linc: 303/623-1828 BY: JWK/FDG STTEET 3 oF 3.0 .-: ut==aE= EEEdndE a P5 H= $=' idHfi f\XadiYtr@ lrJ d3>o- a <.r EE Stresscon Corporrtion Telc: ?tg,/ggo-ooil SIIEJECa: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Eor 15129 Far: ?fg,/Sg0-5564 Colorado Sprirya, C0 80035 Deavcr Liner 303/64-f3$ BY: JWK/FDG SHEET 4 0F 3.0 z. Hi8+ oJ 3fe 3 €=3@"t^E E- <5 8Po z.z.de8 ro;(E<<;PHH n&+(o -lo, \ efr= @ IFa;E LJ dd #3; Eo6PPo t6ll@l q c! |.\.d z.z. EP8ro BF H# =>eH= -FH'f;d lssEa €='dHe tPPo ?lg/Bg0-so{r SIJBJEGa: Gore Creek Residences DIIE: 9/10/0a Ir:: ?191300-5564 Colorado Spri.ogr, CO 80035 Denvcr llne: 303/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG SHEET 5 Stresgcon Corporatioa P.0. Bor 15120 rrF ln E0F o di = (l.)oocl .> l.^t .cI '! o E Ea o c e Eoitttl Ioo Ino lrJqt6l o ctr oo € a,ao I 0 c o!(! o .a.o di PE SHEET 6 Dt:tk 9/10/0a or 3.0 ?t9,/3go-50,u SUBJECT: Gore Creek ResidencesSheascon Cor1oration P.O. Bor 15129 Far: ?fgrl990-5584 Colorado Sprtugc, CO 80935 Dcavcr llnc: 303/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG E0ot di = oo(t c F ,6 !! o EEa c E E Eoa, Io I o I 0t<l o col o Eo co I o <tr lrJ 6l o a2 uj (9 -l 9t-lc!l u-jl-l 6la-\l (Yl()l ll -lr/l<l>l>lllal -l()l frlrlii-l FI -l>l<turl col z. H$8if ()J 3He3ln1/,/I/ntf t\\flil-* 3-,91 - ill "t-,92 I !rl-d8.1 ll-rlllr+i Il_ \il] l/- ll e$ii-rl ' */ -t" ilil I-\--fl\= [.,^r lges ll<Jl ra,'rer 3F#H ill 11- i\ \f tI tsl I il //l ilT\5 'o _lc{c\ Irart(Dl t6llcol \\19 l6H=t(Dt | ^.^-f,\tr/ -FEHU lecE=Td ili lt [?Irotc{ €-,91 @ @ ==na. ;FeJ l.!+I ..)ll tt------{o'Ig \c'/l'. 7-l o dd6 €='q/idHA \ [HeJ\ \ I t-t| ^.8 ->-cL @ *sx b c{ T I-t b I(o 5 "01-,Ll "v-,92 0F 3.0SHEET 7 SLresacon Corporation P.0. Box 15129 Tele: 7f9,/390-504f SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Far: ?19/390-5564 Colorado Sprln3c, CO 80935 Dcnvcr Liae: 309/825-tgZS BY: JWK/FDG E<,ot\ €; ,:i = ()oo di '3 tEbqcc o c o u. Eo ct) I a I o I (D Crl o .9 o Eo ao Ir,)0 qt6l I o 14 E (9o l,A)t.Dt (,v P:E':|dffe $H P; z.z.ge8 caE?c) uJ uJr!(Dm ==5Sz66= F=a-fido.dEoP5H = Esc8Po LrJc3>cL oz <reff z.z.r8 O -.rJP5 =tr(D E. lr.- +ri @ Eo-6l r,/1 l.' rij = 8 odo oa 5 or'3 .9 ra,6 .Eor I I o I o I C\ o 6 Eo .D I E C'!CIJJ orqj o o Z g oo Shcsscon Corporrtion P.O. Bor 16129 ?t9rl390-50 SIJBJECI: Gore Creek Residences Dt{r*8/31/0a Far: 7191390-5604 Colorarlo Springr, C0 80935 Dcnver Line: 303/623-f3$ BY:JWK/FDG SHEET 1 oF 3.1.1 lT BEAM LIGHT DESIGN "BA": (GRID B B[AM) MAXIMUtil SPAN 0F LIGHT DESIGN lT BEA[,] FOR LOADING CONDIT|ON #1 = 17'-1" q T0 Q.0F COLUMNS Q. T0 Q. 0F BEARTNG = 17.08 - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)1= 16.a6 FT LoADS FRoM A T0 B = [[340 pSF (D/r. = 240/100)](20.6)r/2 + [s60 psF (D/L = 460/100)](sx23.1)l/ZS.a + [11s pSF DLI(24.75/2) = 6.77 KLF (D/L = 5.4e/1.28) LOADS FRoM B T0 c = [s60 psF (D/L = 460/100)](16.6712) + [86.3 PSF 01x14.67l2) = 5.30 KtF (D/L = 4.46/.84) ADD POINT LOAD OF 1/2 0F [1.5 KLF (D/L = .5/1)](14 Fr) + 1/2 0F 13 K (D/L = 2/11) T0 "C" siDE 0F GRID FoR C.l.P. WALLS AND Po|NT LoADS ABoVE -- 17 K (D/L = 4.5/12.5) TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = 12,07 KLF (D/L = 9.95/2.12) (NOT INCLUDING SELF_WEIGHT) + POINT LOAD OF 17 K (D/L= 4.5/12.s) @ MTDSPAN MAXIMUM SPAN OF LIGHT DESIGN IT BEAM FOR LOADING CONDITION #2 = 2O'-0" q TO O OF COLUMNS q T0 q 0F BEARTNG = 20.0 Fr - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)l = 1e.38 FT LoADS FRoM A TO B = [340 psr (D/L = 240/10A))(25.6/2) + [115 PSF Dr](24.75)/2 = 5.77 KLF (D/L = 4.4e/1.28) LoADS FRoM B T0 C = [340 psr (D/L = 240/100)](22.1/2) + [863 psF D11Q1.25)/2 = 4.67 KLF (D/L = 3.57/1.10) NO C.I.P. WALLS OR POINT LOADS OCCUR AEOVE AT THIS CONDITION TOTAL LOAD 0N BEAM = 10,44 KLF (D/L = 8.06/2.38) (NOT INCLUDING SILF-WEIGHI) MAXIMUM SPAN OF LIGHT DESIGN IT BEAM FOR LOADING CONDITION #3 = lO'-IJ' O TO q OF COLUMNS E T0 Q" 0F BEARING = 20.0 - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)l = 1e.4 FT LOADS FROM A To B = [[340 psF (D/L = 240/100))(20.62)2/2 + [560 PSF (D/L -- 460/100)](s.00x25.1)l/25.6 + [11s psF DL](24.15/2) = 6.77 KLF (D/L = s.4s/1.28) LOADS FRoM 8 T0 C = [s60 pSF (D/L = 460/100)](16.6712) + [s6.J pSF DL](14.67l2) = 5.30 KLF (D/L = 4.47/.83) ADD POrNT LoAD oF 1/2 oF 11.5 KLF (D/L = .s/1)l(14 n) + 1/2 0F 13 K (D/L = 2/11)) T0 "C" S1DE 0F GRID FOR C.I.P. WALLS AND POINT LOADS ABOVT = 17 K (D/L = 4.5/12.5) ToTAL LoAD 0N BEAM = 12.07 KLF (D/L = 9.96/2.11) (NoT TNCLUDTNG SELF-WE|GHT) + Po|NT LoAD 0F 17 K (D/L = 4.5/12.s) AT MIDSPAN MAXIMUM SPAN 0F L|GHT DESTGN tT BEAM FoR LoADTNG CoND|T|oN #4 = 19',-63/4" Q. T0 q OF COLUMNS Q r0 q 0F BEARTNG = 1e.56 - 21.5/12 + 6.s/2(12)l = 18.e4 FT LoADS FRoM A T0 B = [460 pSF (D/L -- 360/100))(2s.6)/2 + [1rs psF DL](24.75/2) = 7.J1 KLF (D/t = 6.03/1.28) LoADS FR0M B T0 C = [340 PSF (D/L = 240/1A0)](16.67/2) + [86.3 PSF DL](14.67l2) = J.47 KLF (D/L = 2.64/.83) N0 c.r.P. WALLS 0R Po|NT LoADS oCCUR ABoVE AT LoAD CoND|T|oN #4 TOTAL LOAD 0N BEAM = 10.78 KLF (D/L = 8.67/2.11) (NoI INCLUDING SELF-WEIGHI) 8Y OBSERVATION. LOAD CONDITION #J WILL CONTROL FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. DESIGN DATA Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Beam Length = 19.40 ft Design Bearing Lengths: Bot. width : 30,000 inTop width = 0.000 in Stem HeighE = 12.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on Sj.mple Span = 19.40 ft Y ^^* a r^s! -lvvv u !e!Lg Left = 0.000 ft Bot. thick = 12.000 in Fla:rge thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in above section dimensions )sb = 2655.00 in-3Yb = L1.0769 in Topping type=NORMAI WT._ 1E^ ^^ pcfrvHyf rrY eds : 0 E-0 6 Re1 . humid = 60.00t Beam f'c = 5.000 ksi Ec modifier = 1.000 Flexure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1.400 Depgh used =NON-COMP At Release =0.700f'ci P i dhi r-rhl_ Loop G Right= A Ri.rhi= st Web width = 22.000 in 'Fh^ r-hi ^1, - n Ann irPg. Lrlre^ : v.|./uu rn Sect j.on Type=IT BEAM sHEEt 2 0F 3.1.1 DAtEz 9 / 8/2004 PAGE: 1 BY: JWK 0.00 f t 0.00 fr 0.000 f r 24 .000 in zz Ib -a t rn-5 L2.923L ln Area : I=624.O00 in-z 29420.3! in-4 e shu Shear Harping Profile: X(ft) From Hstr naa^Finfi^h Left End (in)Left End of Beam----- 0.00 2.38Right End of Beam----- 19.40 Z.3B MiId Steel Miscellaneous: Beam type =NORI4AL WT. Beam weight = 150.00 pcf UU = Z.Jf,UVol/Surf = 5.7?8 in Beam f'ci = 3.500 ksi Eci modifier= 1.000phi Factors : Load Factors : qha: '. nhii^hc . AIIow. Concrete Stress: Stress Block:PARABOLIC Shear : fyv = 50,00 ksiFlexure : fy : 60.00 ksiEnild : 29000 ksi No. of Bars BarLayer in Layer Size t48 Load Type P/C Self Weight Non-comp. Dead l,oad Composite Dead Load = 550 E-06 Strain Curve=PCI Handbook Topping f'c = 4.000 ksi Camber MuIt.:1.000 = 0.850 Live load = 1.700 f 'c used =BEAM At Final :12.000sqrt f 'c Prestressing Strands (Strand Type = LOW REIAXATION) 41.0 K/STRANDEff. PulI : 0.700xfpu Strand diam.= 0.6000 in EsErand =28322.44 ksiStrand fpu =270.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0.2L70 in-2 LtMutt : 1.000# Str. lev. = 1 # of Strand = 14.00 LdMu]-t = 1.000losses: PCI Comm. Report (RATIONA],) Strand Trans formed -> NO fvh LdMul-t Area of SteeI (in-2 ) 3.160 Magnj- tude of LoadBeginning Ending(k/fr) (k/fr) Eccent. Area of(in) P,/S (in-2) 8.70 3.03808.70 3.0380 fyJ- = 60.00 ksi Distance From Left End BotEom Beginning Ending(1n) (ft) (ft) 0.00 19.40 in design moment . = 50.00 ksi = 30.00 ksi = 1.000 Dist. from of Section 21.00 NoTE: MiId stee] transformed for section props and used Distributed Loads (non-factored) 0.550 9.950 0.000 0.550 9.960 0.000 19.40 19.40 19.40 0.000 0.000 0.000 Distance From (fr) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fh/l i hd Er--6hl- /fl.\ rih\ I : \Jobs \042 9\Engrg\03-Beam Design\0429E-03-0 1 -0L crid B light Desi gn. bem i FDG, Inc. SHEET 3 OF 3.1.11'.. 6ore creek Residences DATE z 9/8/2004 BEAn, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 2 BY: JWK Live Load 2.110 2.1L0 0.00 19.40 0.000 At Release onLy: suction = 0.000 k/ft Core Material = 0.000 k/ft Concenlrated Loads (non-factored) Magnitude Distance From EccenE. Load Type of load (k) LefE End (ft) (in) Non-comp. Dead Load 4.50 9.70 0.000 Live Load 12.50 9.70 0.000 NOTE: 0.00t of all distributed and concentraEed live loads are sustained. NoTE: Eccent. must be assigned for program to cal-culale design torsion. NoTE: Patterned loading, if desired, must be assigned by the user, Loading Eccent.ricities and Distribution lengths for ledge and Hanger steel NoTE: Assigned 9lu and Pu will override distributed and concentrated Loads l-isted above for ledge and hanger steel design. Assigned wu = 8.050 k/ft Ecc. for Wu =+ 13.50 in (Right Side) - 7.990 k/fr =- 13.50 in (Lefr side) Assigned Pu = 0.00 kips Ecc. for Pu =+ 0.00 in (Riqht Side) = 0.00 kips 0.00 in (Left Side) Nu/Wu,Nu/Pu = 0.20Distribution: Interior= 0.00 ft End = 0.00 ft Hanger Steel Additive -> NO Ledge Fully Supported -> NO Width, Bt = 0,000 in Spacing, S = 0.00 in Dist., De : 0.00 in Bearing Pl-ates Nu = 0.20*Pu Height: 0.00 in Bearing Pad Thickness = 0.500 inEff. B!9. Surface: Width = 18.00 in Length = 5.000 in Plate Rebar: Angle : 10.00 deg fy : 50.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestressinq strand assumed -> YES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * OUTPUT * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * * * * * INITIAL STRESSES (psi, at release) A) DL bearn + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported at 0.00 ft from LEFT end and 0.00 ft from RfGHT endx(ft) From Initial- P/s Init.P,/s + BM Aux. steel area LefE End Top Bot. Top Bot, (ACI 18.4.1) r.94 -818 1924 -'754 1875 1.95 TOp<---2.50 -1030 2465 -953 2405 2.42 rOP<--- 3.88 -1003 24s2 -910 2367 2.22 rop<--- ::l *o- 5.92 -1004 2454 -gg1 2343 2.L2 TOp<--- \Arr = J ' r'' rrrz' 1,16 -1005 2456 -854 2328 2.06 TOp<--- 9.70 -1005 2455 -858 2323 2 .04 TOp<--- NOTE: Required frci = 3500 psi based on assigned minimum. STRAND STRESSES (Based on f'ci=3.500 ksi, f'c=5.000 ksi, by PCI Conunittee) at at DL andX(ft) fron Tensioning Release Sust. !L Final* P/S Loss P/S Loss Left End ksi ksi ksi ksi ksi * 0.00 189.0 1.?0.6 0.0 0.0 189.00 100.001.94 189.0 171.4 L2r.2 122.2 56.78 35.33 I : \Jobs\ 042 9\Engrg\03-Beam Design\o4298-03-01-01- crid B Light Design.bem tu(', tnc. Gore Cleek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACoUES & ASWAD, INC. J.dz t. t6 9.'70 *NOTE: Final FINAL STRESSES 159.9 r-61.8 IbJ.b Ibb.J 166.0 169.2155.9 L10 .4 SHEET 4 OF 3.1.1 DATEz 9/8/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JWK 14.39 12.01 .LU.JU 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 strand (ps i ) 171.9 L72.7 I72.2 L72.2 z I . L> 22.7r r-9.85 lu. bl stresses include elastic regain for Live Load, X(ft) From EP + BMLeft End Top Bot, + Sustained LL Top U r02 158 5rv bz9 s92 110 9 L280 1405 L483 IJIO Bot n 3 51, 749 84l" 504 2L5 -2't -223 -3'72 -4'75 -531 0. K. 0 .00 0.97 L .94 2,9r J.66 4.85 3.62 o. rv o. /J 9.70 0 -3 57 -709 -883 -6 /{ -972 -8? I -a tv -870 -87 0 -871 0 870 7727 22L8 2238 2258 227 6 2290 230I zJva zStJ Bot YOt- 888 o/+ 49"1 358 zJ I ! Y.l 168 FP + DI,FP+DL+Tpg Top 0 z5u 398 656 1055 LOYZ r926 2L05 2227 2294 NOTE: Allowable bottom tension stress =12.00*sqrt (f'c) = -84 9 ULTIMATE MOMENT ( k-in ) Required Mu Provided phi*Mn x ( fr) Left 0.00 0 .97 1.94 J. O.l 4.85 2.62 0, t> 7,76 6, tJ byFrom Fact'd 1End Loads (ACI by Dev.Length if Over-Strain- Linits Reinforcedcompat. (AcI ch.12) (ACI 18.8.1) 0 3170 (3) 5084 (3) 9079 (3) 10554 (1) 11585 (1) 12489 (1) 12961 (1) 13063 t3051 13061 0.K. by .2*Vlct 18.8.3) 0 2L38 4069 5790 730 4 8610 9107 1059 6 LL277 1 17qn 12074 (1): Development Length controLled by strand.(3): Development length controlled by both strand and rebar. -- Required Reinforcing --3T::i:_:::li_T 1Y:::lT 97 37 'Trr t r r^j k-in kips forVcw Avcikips Ln-2 / ft X(ft) From D VuLeft End in. kips 1.00 2t.62 I74.2I1.94 2r ,62 155. 88 2 .9L 2L.62 138. 993.88 2L.62 121.104.85 2L.62 103.215.8? 2L.62 85.33 0.0 305 151 0.0000.0 250 20r 0 .0000.0 r-98 227 0.0000.0 14s 233 0.0000.0 111 239 0.0990.0 8? 243 0.12'7 for forAvcw Avminin-2/tt i-n-2/fE 0.409 0.038 (2) * 0 .000 0.073 (2 ) * 0 .000 0.0 94 (2 ) * 0.000 0.094 (2) * 0.000 0.094 (2) * 0.000 0.094 (21 * I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Design\O429E-03-Ol-Ol- Grid B Light Design.bem i FDG, Inc. SHEET 5 OF 3.1.tr. Gore Creek Residences DAIE:. 9/8/2004 BEAN, 3.04, (C) 2OO3 BY JACQUES 6 ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 4 BY: JWK 6.79 2I .62 61 .44 0.0 58 247 0.106 0.000 0.094 (2)" UsE #4 TrEs,7.'16 2\.62 49.55 0.0 57 250 0.010 0.000 0.094(2)" (1) @ 2",8.?3 zL6Z 31.G6 0.0 57 zsz 0.000 0.000 0.094(2)* (3) o 1ou,9.?0 21..52 -1.3.78 0.0 57 253 0.000 0.000 0.000 REMAINDER @ 12n (A].,SO, SEE(2): Minimum based on ACI Eq. 11-14. IJEDGE DESIGNNoTE: Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel for ledges & pockets.FOR ADDITIONAIJNOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a tota.l- web width =22.000 in. REINFORCING)*NOTE: Spacing must not exceed the lesser of 24(in) or 3/4*h= 18.00(in) . NOTE: No significant torsion was found (ACI 11.5.1). NOTE: Design assumes web reinforci-ng is carried as close to compression and tension surfaces as possi.ble per ACI 12.f3.1. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rational approach ;rnd PCI Conmit.tee Reconunendations for losses.frci = 3.500 ksi, frc : 5.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 3587 ksi, llc = 4287 ksi, Camber MuIt.= 1.000Modified : Cu = L.428 eshu = 312 E-06 NOTE: Negative vaLues indicate camber. Midspan Position (in ) Release : PS( -0.27)+BM DL( 0.02) -0.25 Creep Before Erection -0. 15 ErecLion: PS+BM DL -0.40 (@ 4 weeks) DELTA TL = 0.421 = I/554 Change Due to Non-Comp.DL O.24 < l/240 O.K.: PS+BM DL+Non-Comp.D! -0.16 Change Due to Comp.DL+SustLL 0.00: PS+Al-l DL+5qs1.11 -0.16 DELTA LL = 0.18'r = L/!293 Long Term Creep 0.10 < L/360 o.K.Fina1 : PS+All DL+Sust,L! -0.06: PS+AII DL+IL 0 .02 NOTB: Beam has cracked unde r positive moment, deflections are based on a bilinear noment-de fLection relationship (ACI 18.4.2). MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial prestress force = 574 kips Final prestress force = 518 kips Concrete strengths used in design: Release strength f'ci= 3500 psi Fj-nal strength f'c: 5000 psi Beam is NORMAL WEIGHT concrete. Piece weight = L2.61 kips. Estj-mated shortening between supports at erection time : Curvatureat C. c. Effect TotalTop 0.10 -0.18 -0.07 <<<Length corlection not to exceed this valuec.G 0.10 0.00 0.10BoL 0.10 0.15 0.26 HORIZONTAL ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT & BEARING STRESS ON BEAR]NG PAD Confinement for prestressing strand assumed -> yES Factored Reaction: Pu : 192.7 kips pw = L31.9 kips at IEFT supportReact. Components: Pdl,nc: 105.2 kips Pdl,c= 0.0 kips P11: 26.7 kips Factored Shear : Vu : 192.5 kips Nu : 38.5 kipsCalcul-ated : Height: 24.00 in Bearing Surface Width = 18.00 in I: \Jobs\042g\Engrg\o3-Beam Design\04298-03-01-01- Grid B Light Design.ben SHEET 5 0F 3.1.1 DATE! 9/8/2004 PAGE: 5 BY: .lTlK FDG, Inc... Gore Creek Resldences Bean, 3.04, (cl 2003 BY JACOIJES t AswAD, INC. Reqd. Horlz. Steel BearJ.ng tflthout With Factored Brg. Brg. Pad su99. Lengch PlS P/S Stress Stress Pad tlPe (in) (in-2) (in-2) (ksi) (ksi) 6.0 2.00 0.17 1.784 L.22L l2l MAsrrcoRD NoTE: As detalled bearing lengths must be longer than mininum used in calcs to allot', for as-built tolerances. Suggest rninimum added length be L/2 in. + dLfference in shortening between top and bottom of metdber. NoTE: Reactions ale used for conclete bearing strength check and bearing pad design, shear is used for design of Avf. Pad Ti'pes: (following PCI Handbook sth Edition)(2): Randon Oriented Fiber (ROF) 10 OF 14 STRAND CONFIMD: -L7 + Glr4l (2.00 - .17) - .593 IN2 usB MrN. oF (3) #5'S I : \.Iobs\ 0 4 2 9\Engrg\ 0 3-Bearn Deelgn\04298-03-01-01 crld B Light Design.bem Ed q! = o<r{ qto (, 6 , Crtc) cctr o Eo ooI Iclo I o I o I c\i a .g It,6 E {, a!1 I EE'lc <Dol o o 3 (9 e Strerscon Corgoratiou P.O. Bor 15129 719,/390-5041 suBJEdI: Gore Creek Residences DNtEtE/31/04 Fer: 7LS/390-6661 Colorado Springs, CO 80935 Dcuvcr Linc: A0g/629-1323 BY: JWK/FDG SIIEET 1 0F 3.1.2 rT BEAM HEAW DESIGN "BB": (cRlD I EEAM) MAXIMUM SPAN 0F HEA\rr lT BEAM FOR LOADING CONDITI0N #1 = X'-a" Q T0 Q.0F COLUMNS q T0 q 0F BEARTNG = 23.0 - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)l -_ 22.4 F1 LoADS FROM A T0 B = [[340 PSF (D/L -- 240/100)l(?0.6),/2 + [s6o PSF (D/L = 460/1o0)](5x23.1)l/2s.6 + [1ls pSF'DL](24.7s/2) = 6.77 KLF (D/L = 5.4s/1.28) LoADS FROM B T0 c = [s60 psF (D/L = 460/100))(16.67/2) + [E6.J pSF DL](14.67l2) = 5.30 KLF (D/L = 4.+6/.84) ADD POINT LoAD 0F 1/2 0F 11.5 KLF (D/L = .5/1)l(14 rr) + 1/2 OF 1J K (D/L = 2/11) TO "C" S|DE OE GRID FOR C.I.P. WALLS AND POINT LOADS ABOVE = 17 K (D/L = +.5/12.5) TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = 12.07 KLT (D/t = 5,95/2,12) (NOT INCTUDING SELF_WTIGHT) + POINT LOAD OF 17 K(D/t= 4.5/12.s) @ MTDSPAN ALL BEAMS AT LOADING CONDITION #2 ARE EITHER LIGHI DESICN OR SPECIAL DESIGN I/AXTMUM SPAN 0F rT BEAM FoR LOADING CONDITION #j = 23'-0' Q. T0 Q. 0F CoLUMNS Q- T0 C.0F BEARING = 23.0 - 2l.s/12 + 6.s/2(12)l = 22.4 FI LOADS FRoM I T0 B = [[340 psF (D/, = 2a0/rca)1Q0.62)r/2 + [s60 PSF (D/t = 460/rc0)](5.00x23.1)l/25.6 + [1ls psi Dt](24.75/2) = 6.77 KLF (D/L = 5.4s/1.28) LoADS FRoM B T0 C = [s60 pSF (D/L = 460/100)l(16.67/2) + [86.3 pSF DL](14.67l2) = 5.30 KLF (D/L = 4.47/.83) ADD PoINT LoAD 0F 1/2 0F 11.5 KLF (D/L = .5/1)l(14 FT) + 1/2 0F lJ K (D/L = 2/11)) TO "C', S|DE OF GRID FOR C.I.P. WALLS AND POINT LOADS ABOVE = 17 K (D/L = 4.5/12.5) TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = 12,07 KLF (D//L = 9,96/2.11) (NOT INCLUDING SELF-WEIGHT) + PoINT LoAD oF 17 K (D/L = 4.5/12.5) Ar MTDSPAN MAXIMUM SPAN 0F tT BEAM FoR LoAD|NG CoND|T|oN #4 = 22'-5tA" 0 T0 q 0F COIUMNS Q. T0 q 0F BEARING = 22.4 - 21.5/12 + 6.s/2(12)l = 21.8 FT LOADS FRoM A T0 B = [460 pSF (D/t = 360/100)](25.6)/2 + [115 pSF DL](2+.7s/2) = 7.J1 KLF (D/L = 6.03/1.28) LOADS FROM B T0 c = [340 pSF (D/t -- 240/100)X16.67/2) + [86.3 psr DL](14.67l2) = 3.47 KLF (D/L = 2.64/.8s) N0 c.r.P. WALLS 0R potNT LoADS oCCUR ABoVE AT LoAD CoND|T|oN #4 TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = 10.78 KLF (D/L = 8.67/2,11) (NOT INCLUDING SELF_WEIGHT) MAXIMUM SPAN 0F lT BtAl\,i FOR LOAD|NG cONDlTl0N t3 & #4 COI/BINATION = 2J'-0" Q. r0 Q, oF COLUMNS 0 T0 q 0F BEARTNG = 23.0 - 2[.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)] = 22.4 Fr L0ADS FROM A T0 B = 7.31 KLF (D/L = 6.03/1.28) (SEE CONDITION #4 ABOVE) LoADS FRoM B T0 c = s.30 KLF (D/L = 4.47/.83) (SEE coNDlTtoN #J ABOVE) T0TAL LOAD 0N EEAM = 12.61 KLF (D/L = 10.5/2.11) (NOT INCLUDING SILF-WE|GHT) + POINT LOAD 0F 17 K (D/L = 4.5/12.5) AT MTDSPAN BY oBSERVATToN. L0AD CoNDnoN #3 & f4 C0MB|NAT|0N W|LL CONTROL FDG, Inc. Gore Cleek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES 6 ASWAD, INC. DESIGN DATA Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Bean Length : 2?.40 ft Design Bearing Lengths : Bot, widEh = 30.000 in Top width = 0.000 in st,em Height = 12.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on Area : 624.000 in-2I = 29420.3L tn-4 Miscellaneous: Bearn type =NORMAL !il. Beam weight = 150.00 pcf Cu = 2.350Vol/Surf = 5.778 in Beam f 'ci : 4.000 ksi Eci modifier= 1.000 hhi Fi ^i ^Fa Load Factors : Shear Options : AIIow. Concrete Stress: Stress BIoCk=PARABOLfC Simple Span = 22.40 ft Loop @ Left : 0.00 ft G Left = 0.000 fE Bot. thick = 12,000 in Flange thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in above section dinensions) sb = 2656.00 in-3 Yb = 11.0769 in Topping t.ype=NORMAL WT. Topping wt. = 150.00 pcf eds = 0 E-05 ReI. humid = 50.00* Beam f'c = 5.000 ksi Ec nodifier = 1.000Flexure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1.400 Depth used -NON-COMPAt Release =0.700f'ci Right Cant. = Loop G Righl= G Right= St Yt Web width = 22.000 in Tpg. thick = 0.000 in Section Type=IT BEAM SITEET 2 OF 3.1.2 DATE.9/8/2004 PAGE: 1 BY: Jlilx 0.00 fr 0.00 fr 0.000 fr 24.000 in 2276.57 in-3 !2,923L in eshu = 650 E-05 Strain Curve=PCI Handbook Topping f'c = 4.000 ksi Carnber MuIt.= 1.000 shear = 0.850 Live Load = 1.700 f rc used =BEAMAt Final =12.000sqrt f 'c Prestressinq Strands (Strand Type : LO!{ RELAXATION) 42.0 K/STRANDEff. PUII : 0.?16xfpu Strand diarn.* 0.6000 in Estrand =28322.44 ksj- Strand fpu =270.00 ksi Alea ea.str.= 0.27'70 in-Z LtMult = 1.000 # Str. lev. = 2 * of Strand = 18,00 LdMult = 1.000 Losses: PCI Comn. Repolt (RATIONAL) Strand Transformed -> NO Strand level : 1 2Left end patt. : 2.38 2.00 Right end patt.: 2.38 2,00 No. of Strand : 14.00 4.00 Harping Profile: X (ft) FlonDescription left EndLeft End of Beam----- 0,00 Right End of Beam----- 22.40 Mild Steel Hstr Eccent. Alea of (in ) (in) P/s (in-2) 2.82 A.25 3. 90 50 2.82 8.25 3. 9060 fyl = 60.00 ks j. Distance From l-ef t End Botton Beginning Ending(in) (ft) (ft) 0. 00 Shear : fyv= 60.00Flexure:fy:60.00Emild = 2 9000 No. of Bars BarLayer in Layer Si ze | 4 10 fvh fs LdMult Area of Steel ( in-2 ) 5. 080 ksiksi ksi = 60.00 ksi = 5U-UU Ks|I- = 1.000 Di-st. from of Section 21.00 NOTE: Mild steel transformed for section props and used in design mornent. Distributed Loads (non-factored) Magnitude of Load Distance From Left Beginning Ending Beginning Ending Eccene. I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Des ign\ 0 4 29E-03-0L-02 Grid B IT Load Case 3 & 4.bem FDG, rnc. SHEET 3 oF 3.1.2 Gore Creek Residences DATE: 9/8/2004 Bean, 3.04/ (C)2003 BY JACQUES 6 ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 2 BY: JWK l,oad Type (k/fr) (k/fr) (fr) (fr) (in) P/C SeIf weight 0.650 0.650 0.00 22.40 0.000 Non-comp. Dead Load L0.500 10.500 0.00 22.40 0.000 Composite Dead Load 0.000 0.000 0.00 22.40 0.000 Live Load 2.110 2.LL0 0.00 22.40 0.000 At Release Onl-y: Suction = 0.000 k/ft Core Material = 0.000 k/ft Concentrated Loads (non-factored) Magnitude Distance From Eccent. Load Type of Load (k) Left End (fr) (in) Non-comp. Dead Load 4.50 1t-.20 0.000Live Load 12.50 L\.20 0.000 NoTE: 0.00? of a1l distributed and concentrated live loads are sustained. NOTE: Eccent. must be assigned for program Eo calculate design torsion. NOTE: Pat.t.elned loading, if desired, must be assigned by the user. Loading Eccentricities and Disr-ribution Lengths for Ledge and Hanger Steef NOTE: Assigned Wu and Pu wiLl oveffide dj.stributed and concentrated Ioads listed above for ledge and hanger steel design. Assigned 9lu = 8.050 k/ft Ecc. for Wu =+ 13.50 in (Righr Side)= 7.990 k/ft =- 13.50 in (Left Side) Assigfned Pu = 0.00 kips Ecc. for Pu =+ 0.00 in (Right Side) = 0.00 kips 0.00 in (Left. Side)Nu/Wu,Nu/Pu: 0.20Dist.ribution: Interior= 0.00 ft End = 0.00 ft Hanger Steel Additive -> NO Ledge Fu1ly Supported -> NOWidth, Bt = 0.000 j.n Spacing, 5 = 0.00 in Dist. , De : 0.00 i.n Re: ri na Pl:r-ae Nu = 0.20*Pu Height: 0.00 in Bearing pad Thickness = 0.500 inEff. Brg. Surface: Width : 18.00 in Length = 5.000 inPlate Rebar: AngJ-e = 10.00 deg fy = 60.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestressing strand assuned -> yES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * ouTpuT * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * INITIAL STRESSES (psi, at rel-ease) A)DL beam + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported at 0.00 ft from LEFT end and 0.00 ft from RIGET endX(ft) From Initial P/S Init.p/S + BM Aux. steel areateft End Top Bot. Top Bot. (ACI 18.4.1) 2.24 -1l-10 2193 -t-038 2128 2.52 TOp<---2.s0 -L225 3110 -1146 3039 2.i6 rop<--- (4) #104.48 -11-28 3055 -1.008 2944 2.26 TOp<--- (As = s. 06 IN2)6.72 -LL24 3055 -966 2909 2.r2 TOp<---8.95 -LL25 3057 -944 2889 2.05 rop<---11.20 -1125 3057 -937 2883 2.02 TOp<--- NOTE: Reguired f'ci:4341 psi at X = 19,90 ft, based on fconc/0.700. STRAND STRESSES {Based on f rcj.:4.341- ksi, f'c=5.00C ksj., by pCI Ccmmittee) at at DL and I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Design\0429E-03-01-02 Grid B IT Load Case 3 & 4.bem X(ft) from TensioningLeft End ksi FDG, Inc. Gore Cleek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES e ASWAD, INC. SHEET 4 0F 3.1.2 DATE:9/8/200A PAGE: 3 BY: JVIK P/S Loss P/S Loss ksi t L93.32 100.00 51 .36 26.57 28.03 14. s0 22.65 LL.72 19.25 9.91 L7 .96 9.24 Release ksi Sust. LL ksi + Sustained Final* ksi 0.0 L42.0 1 6q ? L10.7 T74,L 0.00 z.z4 4.48 o. tz o. vo rL.20 1 q? ? IYJ.5 rv5.5 193.3 IYJ.5 IY5.J 173.1 0.0 174 .0 140.8 174.8 L63,2 175.0 167.8r.?5.1 170.6 11 5 .2 r1L .1 *NOTE: Final strand stresses include elastic regain for Live Load. FINAL STRESSES (psi) X(ft) Fron rP + BMleft End Top Bot 0.00 0 07.72 -49't 12562.24 -955 24893.36 -L022 2787 4 .48 -9'7 9 28005.50 -974 2829 o.tz -tt5 zatf,b7.84 -972 28788.95 -972 289510.08 -973 290511.20 -974 29L3 tr'? uLt Top 0 Lf, I 25L 642 1058 t4t2 1?04 1933 2100 2205 2246 Bot U b6 / 7420 r2g7 vJf o9J 403 ZLJ It -5 -39 LL FP+DL+AlILI Tpg Top BoC 00 5Zr f,95 558 1148 1071 9011590 448 2044 53 2425 -258 z | 5L -JL I 2962 -7t23118 -8443199 -9r.3 0.K. NOTE: Allowable bottom tension stress =12.00*sqrt (f'c) = -930 Psi ULTIMATE MOMENT (k-in) Required Mu Provided phi*Mn x(ft) Left 0 .00 7.L? J.5b 4 .48 5.60 o. tz 't ,84 8 .96 10.08 L\ .20 2930 )3tz 7 924 9988 Lt7 52 L324] !4444 15 352 15v /u r 5300 X (ft) Fron D VuLeft End in. kips r2r39 ntr \ta.i k-in kips forvcw Avcikips !n-2/ft if over- Rein€orced (ACr 18.8.1) for for Avcw Avninin-2/tE in-2 / ft 0 .622 0 .049 (21 * LoadCase3e4.bern by by by Dev. LengthFrom Fact.'d 1,2*Mcr Strain- LimitsEnd Loads (ACI 18.8.3) compat. (ACI Ch.12) 0 450? (3) 8523 (3) L23r2 '3',)t4254 (31 lsss8 (1) L6213 lL't L637 4 153 80 163 83 16385 0.K. (1): Devel-opment length control-led by strand.(3): Development length controlled by both strand and rebar. :T:i_:i=_T1Y:::::: __ Required Reinforcrnq __ 1.00 21. r.8 209.s8 0.0 367 181 0.000 I: \Jobs\042g\Engrg\O3-Beam Design\ 0 4 29R-03-Of-02 crid B IT FDG, Inc, Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACoUES 6, ASWAD, INC. SHEET 5 0I' 3.1 .2 DATEz 9/ I /2004 PAGE: 4 BY: JWK 0.000 0.535 0.055(2)r UsE +4 TrES,0.000 0.000 0.109(2)* (1) @ 2u,0.000 0.000 0.L22(2) " (2) @ 6',0.r27 0.000 0.722(2) * (z) o e',,0.230 0.000 0.722(2t* REMAINDER @ 12',0.236 0.000 0.722(21* (A!sO. SEE0.190 0.000 0.L22(21* LEDGE DESTGN0.051 0.000 0.1.22 (2') * FOR ADDTTTONAL0.000 0.000 0 .L22 (21* REINF9RSTNG)0.000 0.000 0.000 r.t2 21.18 207.282.24 21.18 185.783.36 21-.18 164.28 4 .48 2LL8 r42 .'t 85.60 21.18 12r.286.72 2I .),8 99.78 7 .84 2I .I8 78 .288.96 2L.1,8 56.7810.08 21.18 35.28LL.20 21.18 -13.78 0.0 355 1870.0 295 2470.0 2LL 2690.0 155 2180.0 1r-8 285 0.0 92 29L0.0 t2 296 0. 0 51 3000.0 6L 3020.0 61 304 (2): Minimum based on ACI Eq. 11-14. NOTE: Reqd. reinf, does not incl_ude suspension steel for ledges & pockets. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total web width =22.000 in.*NoTE: Spacing must noc exceed the lesser of 24(in) or 3/4*h= 18,00(in). NOTE: No significant torsion was found (ACI f1.5,1). NOTE: Design assunes web relnforcing is carried as close to compressionand tension surfaces as possible per ACI L2.I3.L. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rationa] approach and pcr committee Recommendations for losses.f'ci = 4.341 ksi, f'c = 6.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 3994 ksi, Ec = 4696 ksi, Camber Mult.= 1.000Modified : Cu = L.428 eshu = 312 E-06 NOTE: Negative values indic:rte camber. Midspan Position(in) Re]ease : PS ( -0.39)+BM DL ( 0.03) -0.37Creep Before Erection -0.22Erection: PS+BM DL -0.5g DELTA TL = O'77rr = )'/349 (g 4 weeks) - < L/240 O.K. Change Due to Non-Comp. DL 0.41: PS+BM Dl,+Non-gornn . O" Change Due to Comp.DL+SustL! 0.00: PS+AII DL+SusE. LL -0.18 DELTA LL = 0.37n = 7/726 < I/35O O.K. Long Term Creep 0.20Final : PS+All, DL+Sust.LL O.O2: PS+AII DL+LL 0.19 NOTE: Beam has cracked unde: positive moment. deflections are based.on a bilinear monent-defl,ection relationship (ACT Lg.4.Z). MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial presLress force = ?55 kips Final prestress force = 6g5 kipsconcrete strengths used in design: Release strength f'ci: 4341 psi Final strength f ,c= 5000 psi Beam is NORMAL WEIGHT concrete. piece weight = 14.56 kips. Estimated shortening bet'reen supports at erection time : Curvatureat c.G. Effect TotalTop 0.14 -0.23 -0.09 <<<Length correction not to exceed this valuec.c 0.14 0.00 0.14Bot 0.14 0. t 9 0.33 HORIZONTAL ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT & BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinement for prestressing strand assumed -> yES I:\Jobs\0429\En9rg\03-Beam Design\04298-03-0t-02 Grid B IT Load Case 3 & 4.bem ['DG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Bearn, 3,04, (C)2003 BY ,tACetES r AStfAD, INC. SHEET 5 0F 3.1.2 DATEz 9/8/2004 PAGE: 5 BYr JwK 15?.0 kips al LErT suppolt0.0 kips PII- 29.9 kips 45.8 kips Surface Width - 18.00 tn Brg. Brg. Pad Sugg. Stress Pad tl,pe(ksi) 1.454 (3) COmOt{ Factored Reaction3 Pu = 228.8 kips pw React. Conponent,s: Pdtrnc- 12?.1 kips pdlrc= Factored Shea! : Vu = 228,8 kips NuCalculated : Height= 24.00 in Bearing Reqd. Eoriz. Steel Bearlng Length (in) 6.0 tfithout With FactoredPlS P/S Stress(in-21 (in-2) (ksl) 2.74 0.27 2,LLg NorE I As detalled bearing lengths must be longer than mininu!,n used Ln carcsto allow for as-built tolelances. Suggest mininum added length beI/2 tn. + difference in shortenLng beiween top and bottom of member.NorE! Reactlons are used for concr€te bearing strength check and bearingpad deslgn, shear is used for deslgn of Avf. Pad llpes: (following pCI Handbook sth Edltlon)(3): Duck layer reinforced ( 14 OF 18 STRAIID CONFIIIED:.27 + ([/ae, Q-74 - .27, = .819 IN2 usE MrN. oF (3) #5'S r: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Deslgn\ 042 9E-03-o 1-02 Grld B rr Load case 3 & /t.bem ?10/3s0-504f SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Fer: ?10/3S0-6561 Strerscon Corloration P.O. Eot 15120 SHEET 1Colorado Sprilgr, CO E0935 Dcnvcr Linc: $O}/OZX-'SA Byl J|VK/FDG oo) i; rJ = oo<\l ot_o o, diF. 6 .0i ]'.P c.9 o6 E0odt ='6 {t vl I o I o Io I a IlrJ<tt<! o .9 6 E0.{,(o I o or .DGIo -o uJ (2 E oF lr BEArr.,r SPEC|AL DESTGNS: (cRtD B BEAMS) LoAD COND|T|oN #1 : BEAM FRoM GR|D B-5.2 TO GR|D B-7.7: SPAN = 24'-772" 0 T0 q OF COLUMNS Q. T0 Q. 0F BEARING = 24.625 - 2[.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)] = 24.0 Fr LOADS FROM E.O.R.: W1 = 7.8r KLF (D/L = s.66/2.1s) + .115(24.js/^ + .086J(14.67/z) = s.a7 KLF (D/L = w2 = 8.64 KLF (D/L = 6.4s/2.15) + 1.42 +.6J = 10.6e KLF (D/L = 8.54/2.1s) ADD POINT LOAD OF 17 K (D/L = A.5/12.5) AT MIDSPAN FOR C.I.P. LOADS AND POINT LOADS (LoADS D0 NoT TNCLUDE SELF-WE|GHT 0F BEAM) FROM COMPUTER OUTPUT: DESTGN l(PE "BB' tS ADE0UATE -7 -11 ,/a 1E\ ABOVE FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. DESIGN DATA SHEET 2 OF DATE:9/10/2004 PAGE: ]- BY: JWK RighE canr. = 0.00 fL Loop € Right: 0.00 ft e Right= 0.000 ft Web width = 22.000 i"n Tpg. thick = 0.000 in Section Type=IT BEAM Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Bean Length = 24.00 ft Design Bearing Lengths: Bot. width = 30.000 in Top width = 0.000 in Stem Height = l-2.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on Simple Span = 24.90 fE r^^-ar^5r-Ann€LOOp Ld r,erE = u.uu rE e Left = 0.000 ft Bot. thick = 12.000 i.n Flange thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in above section dirnensions )Sb = 2656.00 in-3 Yb = 11.0769 in Topping t.ype=NoRMAL wT. Topping wt. = 150.00 pcf eds = 0 E-0 6 Rel. humid = 50.00t Beam f' 6.000 ks i- Ec modifier = 1.000Flexure = 0.900 Dead load = 1".400 Depth used =NON-COMPAt Release =0.700f'ci 624.000 in-2 29420.31 tn-4 St YI 24 .000 in 227 6.57 in-3 rl.9l3L rn Miscellaneous: Beam type =NORMAI, WT. Beam weight = 150.00 pcf Cu = 2.350VoI/Surf = 5.778 in Beam frci = 4.000 ksi Eci nodifier= 1.000 hh i E i^r-^rc Load Factors : qha.r nhi i ^hcAllow. Concrete Stress: Stress BIoCk=PARABOIIC eshu = 550 E-06 Strain Curve=PCI Handbook Topping f'c = 4.000 ksi Camber MuIt.= 1.000 Shear = 0.850 l,ive Load = 1.700 f In rrcad =RRAM At Final =l-2. 000sqrt f'c Prestressinq Slrands (Strand Type = IOW RELAXATION) 42.0 K/STRANDEff. PuI1 = 0.716xfpu Strand diam.= 0,6000 in Estrand =28322.44 ksi. Strand fpu =270.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0.21?0 in-2 LtMuIt : 1.000 # Str. Lev. = 2 + of Strand : 18.00 LdMuIt : 1.000 losses: PCI Comm. Report (RATIONAL) Strand Transformed -> NO Strand Level : 1 2Left end patt, : 2.38 2.00 Right end patt. : 2 .38 2.00 No. of Strand :14.00 4.00 Harpj-ng Profile: X (ft) aron Description Left End Left End of Beam----- 0.00 Right End of Bearn----- 24.00 MiId Steel Hstr Eccent. Area of(in) (in) p/S (in_2) 2.82 8.25 3. 90 60 2.82 8.2s 3. 90 50 fyl = 60.00 ksi Distance From I,eft End Bottom Beginning Ending(in) (ft) (ft) Shear : fyv = 50.00 ksi fyh Flexure : fy = 60.00 ksi fsEmild = 29000 ksi LdMult No. of Bars Bar Area ofLayer in Layer Size Steel (in-2) r 4 10 5.080 = 60.00 ksi = 30.00 ksi = 1.000 DisE. fronof section 21.00 0.00 24 .00 NOTE: Mild steel transformed for section props and used in design moment. Distributed Loads (non-factored) Magnitude of Load Distance From Left Beginning Ending Beginning Ending Eccent. I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Desr"gn\0429E-03-01-03 Grid B IT toad case 1.bem FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. Load Type (k/ft) (k/ ft ) P/C Self weighr 0.650 0.650 Non-comp. Dead Load 7.120 'l .'120 Composite Dead Load 0.000 0.000 Li.ve Load 2.L50 2 . i-50 Non-comp. Dead Load 0.820 0.820 At Release Onlyi Suction = 0.000 k/ft Cor€ Concentrated Loads ( non- factored) SHEET DATE : PAGE : (ft) (in) 24.00 0. 000 24.00 0.00024.00 0. 000 24.00 0.00024.00 0.000 0.000 k/fr 9/ r0 /20042 BY: JWK (ft) 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 12.00 Malerial- = Load Type Non-comp. Dead Load Live Load Magnitude Distance Promof Load (k) Lefr End (fr) 4 .50 LZ. JU 12.00 12.00 Eccent. (in) 0.000 0 .000 NOTE: 0.00t of all distributed and concentrated Live loads are sustained. NOTE: Eccent. must be assigned for program to calculate design torsion. NOTE: Patterned loading, if desired, must be assigned by the user. Loading Eccentricities and Distribution l,enqths for Ledqe and Hanqer Steel NOTE: Assigned Wu and Pu Ioads listed above Assigned Wu = 8.050 k/ft = 7.990 k/ft Assigned Pu = 0.00 kips = 0.00 kips wi.Ll- overridefo: ledge and Ecc. for Wu =+ Ecc. for Pu =+ disEributed and concentrated hanger steel design. 13.50 in (Right s j.de) 0.00 in (Right Side) 0.00 in (Left Side) 0.00 f r !'u11y Supported -> NO 0.00 in Dist., De Nu/Wu,Nu/Pu = 0.20DistribuCion: Inlerior= 0.00 ft End Hanger SteeL Additive -> NO Ledqewidth, Bt = 0.000 in Bearing Pl-ates Spacing, S =0.00 in Nu = 0.20*Pu Height= 0.00 in Bearing pad Thickness = 0.500 inEff. Br9. Surface: Width = 18.00 in Length = 6,000 in PLate Rebar: Angle = 10.00 deg fy = 50.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestressing strand assumed -> yES * * * * t * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * * * t * * t * * OUTPUT * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * INITIAL STRESSES (psi, at release) A) DI, bean + core materiaL (if any) + suction (j-f any) Beam is supported at 0.00 ft from LEFT end and 0.00 ft from RfGHT endX(ft) From Initial P/S Init.p/S + BM Aux. steel areaLeft End Top Bot. Top Bot. (ACI 18.4.1) 2.40 -1181 2988 -1098 2914 2.65 rop<___2.50 -L225 3110 -1140 3033 2.74 TOp<---4.80 -7L23 3053 -985 2925 2.t8 rop<---'7.20 -tL24 3057 -943 28A8 2.04 TOp<--- (4) #109.50 -rL25 3058 -918 2866 1.95 rop<--- (As = 5.05 rN2)12.00 -7125 3059 -910 2859 1.93 TOp<-_-74.40 -Lr25 3058 -918 2865 L.96 rop<___16.80 -11.24 3057 -943 2888 2.04 TOp<___19.20 -L!23 3053 -985 2925 2.I8 TOp<___21.50 -1225 3110 -l-140 3033 2.74 TOp<___ I: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Design\04298-03-01-03 Grid B rT Load Case l..bem FDG, Inc. Gore Cleek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACoUES & AS!'IAD, INC. 21.60 -1t81 29SS -1098 29t4 2.65 NOTE: Required f'ci = 4333 psi at x = 21.50 ft, based on STRAND STF.ESSES (Based on f'ci=4.333 ksi, f'c=6.000 ksi, by SHEET 4 OE 3 .1.3.1 DATE:9/LO/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JIVK toP<--- fconc/0.700. PCI Connittee) at. at Dt andX(ft) from Tensioning Release Sust. L!Left End ksi ksi ksi 173.1 0.0 L'tA.L r49.4 174.9 151.6 175.1 165.8 L'15 .2 158 . 5175.3 169.6 r75 .2 158.8 1?5 . I 166.3 174.9 L62.t L74.L r49.7 173.1 0.0 FP+DL Tp9 --: U 46 47 457 833 rtf,5 L420 rb55 r792 1897 L949 L'ZL 1689 r4g4 L220 89'7 514 92 72 0 Final * ksi 0.0 150.7 154.0 IOY.I 1?3.9 L72.7 169.6 rb.t. f, 151.0 0.0 0 --- 834 L702 t44r LL25 853 645 472 342 257 zLo 237 307 425 592 808 LU tZ IJY9 lbbf, 8130 --- 12.00*sqrt (f'c) = Provided phi*Mn P/S loss P/S Los s ksi * L93.32 100.00 42.59 22.03 29.2'1 15.14 24.20 12,52 20.9L L0.82 19.39 10.03 20.6L 10.66 23.',75 L2.29 28.52 14.91 42.28 2L.81 r.93.32 100.00 0.00 2 ,40 4.80 1 .20 :t. ou 12.00 14.40 16. 80 10 ,n 2L.60 24 .00 rvt.5 IY5.J 193.3 193.3 193.3 rv5.5 IY5.J I'J.J 193.3 *NOTE: Final strand stresses include elastic regain for Live Load. FINAI STRESSES (psi) X(ft) Frotn FP + BMleft End ToD Bot + Sustained lL FP + Top Bot TPg DL + A1I LLTop Bot 00 z5J OO:' 398 1390 945 999 !44r 568 L817 200 2244 - 110 2544 -363 lI tJ -J)t293't -6963031 -775 0. K. 296t -1L528L7 -5942600 -4102308 -164 194 3 r44 150s 5151002 952 442 135426L 548 00 -930 psi 0.00 I.20 2.40 3.50 4.80 5.00 1 .20 8.40 9. 50 10.80 12.00 L5.ZV 14.40 15.50 16.80 18 .00 L9.20 20,40 zL.ov 22 .80 24.00 00 -s23 r.3 30 -1002 2533 -991 2750 -949 2758 -943 2785 -939 280't -936 2825 -934 284L -934 2852 -YJf, ZU bU -v5) z6J5 -936 2946 -vst 2655 -942 2875 -946 27 93 ->32 1t OO -994 27 57 -1004 2639 -524 1333 00 NOTE: AIIowabIe bottom tension stress = ULT IMATE I,IOMENT ( K-in ) Reguired Mu bv bv X (ft) From fact'd 1.2*Mcr Left End Loads (ACI 18.8.3) 0.00 0 Dev.Length if Over- Limits Reinforced (ACr Ch.12) (ACr 18.8.1) by Strain- compag. I: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Desj.gn\04298-03-01-03 Grid B IT Load Case 1.bem Fn.: rn^ SHEET 5 0F 3.1.3,1 Goxe creek Residences DATE: 9/Lo/2004 Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. PAGEr 4 BY: JWK r.2o 2772 4769 (3) 2.40 52'78 9120 (3) 3.50 75r.8 12681 (3) 4.80 9492 1461-r (1) 5.00 11201 15825 (1) 7.20 L2545 15359 (1) 8.40 13823 16370 9.50 14735 15373 10.80 15381 163?5 12.00 !5762 1.2050 163?5 0.K. 13.20 15470 l-637 5 14.40 148 93 t6372 1s.50 14031 16369 15.80 12883 16363 (1) r.8.00 rL449 15838 (1) 19.20 9731 14530 (1) 20.40 7726 12701 (3) 21 .60 s435 9137 (3) 22.80 2g6L 4778 (3) 24.00 0 0 (l): Development length controlled by strand.(3): Development length controlled by both strand and rebar' Ty::i:_::::i_::lr::::l:: __ Required Reinforcins _- for for for x(ft) From D Vu Tu Vci. vcvr Avci Avcw Avmin Lef! End in. kips k-in kips kips in-2/fE i.n-2/fE in-2/ft 1.00 2L.L8 186.32 0.0 366 l?9 0.000 0.37't 0.049(2)' 1.20 2L.L8 183.25 0.0 347 190 0.000 0.243 0'0s9(2)* 2.40 ?L.LS 154.80 0.0 29r 253 0.000 0.000 0.LL7 (2r* 3.60 21.18 146.35 0.0 199 261 0.000 0.000 0.122 121*use #+ ttps, 4.80 21.18 L27.90 0.0 145 215 0.040 0.000 0.122(21* (1) @2u,6.00 ?L.LA 109.45 0.0 113 282 0.150 0.000 0.t22(21* (2) o 1Ou 7.20 21.18 91".01 0.0 89 288 0.170 0.000 0.!22(2', * REMATNDER o 12" 8.40 21.18 72.56 0.0 7! 293 0.139 0.000 0.122(2],* (al.so. SEe 9,50 21.18 54.11 0.0 51 297 0.022 0.000 0'122(2t * LEDGE DESIGN 10.80 zL,Lg 35.5? 0.0 61 299 0.000 0.000 0,122 12) * s'on aDDTTToNAL 12.00 21.18 u.22 o.o 61 301 0.000 0.000 0'000 RETNFoRCTNG) L3.20 21. 18 -30. 15 0.0 51 300 0. 000 0.000 0.L22 (21* 14.40 2L.r8 -49.98 0.0 61 29't 0.000 0.000 0-!22 12)" 15. 50 2L.r8 -69.8r. 0.0 68 294 0. 138 0.000 0.L22 l2l "15.80 27.LA -89.53 0.0 8',7 289 0.178 0.000 0.122(2)* 18.00 2L.L8 -r09.46 O.O 111 283 0.169 0.000 0.I22(21 * rs.2o 2L.L8 -L29.28 0.0 145 276 0.070 0.000 0.L22(21* 20.40 21.18 -149.11 0.0 198 26']. 0.000 0.000 0.L22(21* 2r.60 2L.Lg -168.93 0.0 290 253 0.000 0.000 0.117(2)* 22.80 21 .L8 -188.76 0.0 347 190 0.000 0.301 0.059(2)* 23.00 21.18 -r92.06 0.0 356 180 0.000 0.437 0.049(2)* (2): Minimum based on ACI Eq. 11-14. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel for ledqes & pockets. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total vreb vridth -22.000 i-n. *NoTEr spacing must not exceed the lesser of 24(in) or 3/4*h: 18.00(in). NoTE3 No significant torsion was found (AcI f1.6.1). NoTE: Design assumes web rej-nforcing is carried as close to compression and tension sulfaces as possible per AcI L2.L3.L' PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Design\0429E-03-01.-03 Grid B IT Load case 1.bem / EDG, rnc. SHEET 6 oF 3'1.3.1\.. core Creek Residences DATE: 9/10/2004 Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACOUES 6 ASvfAD' fNC. PAGE: 5 BY: .lWK Based on : Rational approach and PCI CoNnittee Recommendations for losses. f'ci = 4.333 ksi' f'c = 5.000 ksi and ACI-209 Eci = 3991 ksi, Ec = 4696 ksi, Camber Mult.= 1.000 Modified : Cu = L.428 eshu = 312 E-06 NOTE: Negative values indicate canber. Midspan Position ( in) Release : PS( -0.45)+BM DL( 0.04) -0.42 Creep Before Erection -0.25 DETTA TL = O.'17" = I/374 Erection: PS+BM DL -0.55 < !/240 O.K. (G 4 weeks) Change Due to Non-comp.Dl 0.42: PS+tsM DL+Non-Comp.DL -0.25 Change Due to Comp.DL+SustlL 0.00 L'E!.I'A !L = u'5o = r/ovv : PS+AII DL+sust.LL -0.25 < I/360 o'K' Long Term Creep 0.18Final : PS+AlL DL+Sust.LL -0.07: PS+AlL DL+LL 0.11 NOTE: Beam has eracked under positive moment, deflections are based on a bilinear moment-de flection relationship (ACI 18.4.2). MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial prestress force = ?55 kips Final prestress force : 6?9 kips Concrete strengths used in design: Release strength f'ci= 4333 psi Einal strength f 'c: 5000 ps j. Beam is NORyTAL WEIGHT concrete. Piece weight : 15.60 kips. Estimated shortening between supports at erection ti.me : Cuxvatureat C. G. Effect Total Top 0.15 -0,24 -0.09 <<<Length correction not to exceed this val-ue c.c 0.15 0.00 0.15Bot 0.15 O,zL 0.35 HdRIZONTAI, ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT & BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD confinement for prestressing strand assumed -> YEs Fact,ored ReactLon: Pu - 201,? kips Pv, * 137.2 kips at LEFT suPport React. Components: Pd1,nc= 105.2 kips PdI,c= 0.0 kips PII= 32.1 kips Factored Shear : Vu = 201.7 kips Nu = 40.3 kips Calculated : Eeight= 24.00 in Bearing Surface width = 18.00 in Reqd. Ilori.z. SteeL Bearing without with Factored Brg. Brg. Pad Sugg. LengEh P,/S P/S Stress Stress Pad type(in) (in-2) (in-2) (ksi) (ksi) 6.0 2,L7 0.00 1 .858 L.2'tO (2t MASTTCORD Factored Reacti.on: Pu - 208.5 kips Pw : I42.L kips at RIGHT suppolt React. Components: Pdl,nc= 110.1 kips Pdl,s: 0.0 kips PIl= 32.1 ki-ps factored Shear : vu = 208.5 ki,ps Nu : 41.7 kips calculaEed : Height- 24,00 in Bearing surface widEh = 18.00 in Reqd. Horiz. Steel- I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Bearn Design\o429E-03-01-03 Grid B IT Load Case l.bem t FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residenceg Beam, 3.04, (c)2003 By ilAcouEs & AswAD, INC. SI|EET 7 0F DATE. 9/L0/2O04 PAGE:6 BY: JTIK Bearing Without With Factored Brg. B!9. pad Su99.Length P/S p/s Stress stress pad type(in1 (in-2) (in-21 (ksil (ksi). 5.0 2.3L 0.00 1.931 1.31G l2') MAsTrcoRD NorE: As detalred bearlng Lengths nust be longer than rnLninurn used in calcsto allow for as-built tolerances. Suggest mininum added length be'L/2 Ln. + dlff,erence in shortenlng beiween top atrd bottom of member.NorE: Reactions are used for concr€te bearlng strength check and bearingpad design, shear is used f,or deslgn of Avf. Pad Tlpes: (followlng pCI Handbook sth Edition)(2): Random Oriented Fiber (RoF) . 14 0F 18 STRtlfD CONFXI{ED: (4/]-B) (2.31) = .513 IN2 usB urN, oF (3) #4rS I: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Design\O4 2 9E-O 3-01- 03 crid B IT Load Case l.bem Strcsscon Corporrtion P.O, Bor 16129 Colorado Sprlag!, CO 80935 Tele: ?rSlS90-5041 Far: 71.9/300-5604 Dcnvcr llnc: 3O3/825-LS2S SIIBIECI: Gore Creek Residences Dt{tE:8/31/04 BY: JWK/FDG SEEET 1 oF @ di =F 86l o l.,J ct oi'!+ !co <! ol !,6 EI!,.D E a,C\v, Io{o I I o o t ot6l o cctl o Eo{)@ o a'r Ol(1 o o tj G(,o rT BEAM SpEC|AL D[S|GNS: (cRtD B BEAMS) L0AD COND|T|ON #2: BEAM FROM GRID B-9 T0 GRID B-10: MAXIMUM SPAN 0F lT BEAM FOR LoADING COND|T|ON #2 = 27'-8y2" q T0 q 0F C0LUMNS Q. T0 Q.0F BEARING = 27.71 FI - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)l = 27.1 FI LoADS FRoM AT0 B = [J40 PSF (D/L= 240/100)](2s.6/2) + [11s PSF DL)(24.7s)/2 = 5.77 KLF (D/t = 4.4s/1.28) LOADS FRoril B r0 C = [J40 pSF (D/L = 240/100)](22.1/2) + [86.3 pSF DL](21.25)/2 = 4.67 KLF (D/L = 3.s7/1.10) NO C.I.P. WALLS OR POINT LOADS OCCUR ABOVE AT THIS CONDITION TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = 10,44 KLF (D/L = 8.06/2.J8) (NOT INCLUDING SELF-WEIGHT) LOAD COND|T|ON #4: BEAM FROlt/ GRID B-25 T0 GRID 8-26: MAXIMUM SPAN 0F lT BEAM FOR LOADING CONDIT|ON #4 = 27'-1CJ'Q- T0 Q.0F COLUMNS Q. T0 Q- 0F BEARING = 27.83 - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)l = 27.2 n LoADS FRoM A T0 B = [460 pSF (D/t = 360/100)](25.6)/2 + [1ts pSF DLX2^.]5/2) = 7.J1 KLF (D/L -- 6.03/1.28) LoADS FRoM B T0 C = [J40 pSF (D/L = 2+0/100))(16.67/2) + [86.J pSF DL](14.67l2) = 3.47 KLF (D/L = 2.64/.83) N0 c.r.P. WALLS 0R porNT LoADS oCCUR ABoVE AT LOAD C0NDIT|0N #4 TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = 10.78 KLF (D/L = 8.67/2.11) (NOT INCLUDING SELF-WEIGHT) BY 0BSERVATIoN, LoAD CoND|TION #4 wlLL CoNTRoL USE NEW DESIGN TYPE "BC' FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INC, DESIGN DATA SHEET 2 0r DATE" 9 / LO /2004 PAGE: 1 BY: .IwK Left Cant . = 0.00 ft Beam Length = 27.20 fE Design Bearing Lengths: Bot. width = 30.000 inTop width = 0.000 in Stem Height = 12.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on Area : 744,000 in-2I : 46791 .23 !n-4 Miscellaneous: Bean type =NOR!{AL WT. Bean wej-ght = 150.00 pcf Cu = 2.350Vol/Surf = 5.414 in Bearn frci = 4,000 ksi Eci modifier: f.000 nh i Fr nl'a rc Load Fact,ors : Shear Opt.ions : Allow. Concret.e Stress: Stress BIoCk=PARABOTIC Simple Span = 21 .20 fE Loop e Left : 0.00 ft e Left = 0.000 ft Bor. rhick : 16.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in above section dimens ions )Sb = 3508.28 in-3 Yb = 12.9677 in Topping t.lpe=NORMAL VIT . Topping wt. = 150.00 pcf eds = 0 E-0 6 ReL. humid = 60.00t Beam f'c = 6.000 ksi Ec nodifier : 1.000Flexure : 0.900 Dead toad = 1.400 Depth used :NoN-COMP At Release =0.700f'ci Right Cant. = 0.00 loop G Riqht= 0.00 0 Right= 0.000 r{eb width : 22.000 in Tpg. thick : 0.000 in Section TyPe=IT BEAM ftftft Height st YT 28.000 in 3LL2.72 rn-3 15.0323 in eshu = 650 E-06 Strain Curve:PCI Handbook Topping f'c = 4.000 ksi Camlcer MuIt.: 1 . 000 shear = 0,850 live Load = 1,700 f rc used :BEAM At Final =12.000s9rt f 'c Prestressing St rands (Strand Type = LOW RELAXATION) 41.0 K/STRANDEff. Pull = 0.?OOxfpu Strand diarn.= 0.6000 in Estsrand :28322.44 ksL Strand fpu =270.00 ksj. Area ea.st!.= 0.2L70 !n-2 LtMult = 1.000 # Str. 1ev. = 2 t of Strand : 20.00 LdMult : 1.000 Losses: PCI Comn. Report (RATIONAL) Strand Transformed -> NO Strand Level : 1 Left end patt. : 2.38 Right end patt..: 2.38 No. of Strand : 14.00 Shear : fyv = 50.00 ksi Flexure : fy : 60.00 ksi Enild = 29000 ksi No. of Bars Laye! in Layer 14 NOTE: Mild steel Distlibuted Loads Bar Area of Size SteeI ( in-2 ) 10 5.080 2. 00 2.00 5.00 Earping Profile: X (ft) FromDescription Left EndLeft End of Beam----- 0.00 Right End of Beam----- 27.20 MiId Steel Hstr Eccent. Area of(in) (in) P/S (in-z )2.98 9. 99 4.3400 2.98 9.99 4,3400 fyl = 60.00 ksi Distance From l.eft End Bottom Beginning Ending (in ) (ft) (ft) fs tdMuIt = 60.00 ksi = 30.00 ksi = 1.000 Dist. fron of Section 25.00 0.00 27.20 transformed for section props and used in design monent. (non-factored) Magnitude of Load Distance From Left Beginning Ending Beginning Ending Eccent. I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Design\0429E-03-01-03 Grid B IT Load case 4.bem FD6, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C) 2003 By Load Type P/C Self Weight Non-comp. Dead Load Composite Dead loadLive Load (fr) 27 .20 27.20 27 .20 27 .20 = 0.000 k/ft JftrJrrr J \-rl J.r.5.z DATE: 9/ 10/2 004 PAGE: 2 BY: JWK ( in) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 At Release Only: Suction = 0.000 k/ft Core JACQUES & ( k/fr ) v. t tJ 8. 570 0.000 2.110 ASWAD, INC. (k/fr) 0.775 8.670 0 .0002.tL} (fr) 0 .00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 Mate ri a1 NOTE: 0.00t of aI1 distributed and concentrated Iive loads are sustained. NOTE: Eccent. must be assigned for program to calcufate design torsion. NOTE: Patterned loading, if desired, must be assigned by the user. Loading Eccentricities and Distribution Lenqths for Ledqe and Hanqer Sbeel NOTE: Assigned Wu and Pu wil,I override distributed and concentraEedloads listed above for ledge and hanger sEeel design.Assigned Wu = 8.050 k/ft Ecc. for Wu =+ 13.50 in (Righr Side):7.990 k/ft =- 13.50 in (Lefr side) Assigned Pu = 0.00 kips Ecc. for Pu =+ 0.00 in (Right Side)= 0.00 kips 0.00 in (Left Side) Nu/Wu,Nu/Pu = 0.20Distribution: Interior= 0.00 ft End = 0.00 ft Hang'er Steel Additive -> NO Ledge Fully Supported -> NOWidth, Bt = 0.000 in Spacing, S = 0.00 in Dist., De : 0.00 in Bearinq Plates Nu : 0,20*Pu Height: 0.00 in Bearing pad Thickness = 0.500 inEff. Brg. Surface: Width = 18.00 in Length = 6.000 inPlate Rebar: AngLe : 10.00 deq fy = 50.00 ksiConfinement for non-debonded prestressing strand assumed -> yES * * * * * * * * 1| * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ouTpuT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * fNITIAL STRESSES (psi, aE release) A) DL beam + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam i.s supported at 0.00 ft from LEFT end and 0.00 ft from RIGHT endX(ft) From Initial p/S Init.p,/S + BM Aux, steel areaLeft End Top Bot. Top Bot. (ACI 18.4.1) 2.50 -L236 2957 -1151 2874 3.38?.72 -L226 2945 -1134 2862 3.305.44 -1141 290L -986 2156 2.67 8. L6 -1143 2904 -938 27L5 2.4110.88 -1144 2901 -910 2690 2.3513.60 -LL44 2907 -901- 2682 2.32 NOTE: Reguired f'ci = 4105 psi at X = 24,'t0 fe, based on STRAND STRESSES (Based on f'ci:4.105 ksi, f'c=6.000 ksi, by TOP<-- -TOP<--- (4)TOP<--- (as TOP<--- TOP<--- TOP<--- fconc/ 0 . 7 00 . PCI Conrnittee) *10 = s.06 rN2) X (fE) from TensioningLeft End ksi DL and Sust. LL Final * ksi ksi Release ksi L'7 O .2 171 .0 t'7 1 .2 171.3 H/ b r,os s ksi 1.89.00 35.43 28.23 23.38 20.48 Load Case H/ 5 I,OSS t 100.00 .t6. /tr L4.93 L2.37 10.83 4.bem 0.00 2.'72 5.44 o. ro 10. 88 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 l-89.0 752 .5 1qq n lo5 - l _tb5 - 6 0.0 153.6 150.8 1"65.6 1"68.5 I :\Jobs\o429\Engrg\o3-Bean Design\0429E-03-01-03 Grid B rT (FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES C ASWAD, INC. .4 L66 .7t7l rbv-)19.51 *NoTE: Final strand stresses incLude elastic resain for l,ive Load. FINAL STRESSES (psi) SHEET 4 0F 3 .1.3 .2 DATE:9/10/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JWK L0.3213.60 189.0 Ylfil Frarn rD + TIM Left End Top Bot 0.00 0 01.36 -591 I42L2.72 -1038 2sS94.08 -981 2593s.44 -954 26016.80 -945 26288.16 -931 26459.52 -932 265810.88 -928 2667L2.24 -925 267313.50 -924 267 5 + Sustained LL ToP 0 -zz ,7 830 114 5 I404 1505 1748 1834 rdbS +DL+AIILt Top BoE 00 117 7 99 262 1428 805 968 t264 578 1555 249L974 -19zzzz -zza2400 -377 zf,uo -9i)/2542 -497 0. K. : -930 psi FP + D], Tpg ::_ --- BoE 0 tzL 1555 L286 J IJ 715 502 55 / zLt l.t t' FP Tpg r:: --- NOTE: Al.Lowable boltorn tension stress :12 . 00* sqrt ( f'c) UTTIMATE MOMENT (k-in) Required Mu Provided phi*Mn Ylfnl Le ft 0 .00 l..5b 2.12 4.08 5.44 6.80 8.15 9 .52 10.88 L2.24 IJ. bU 0 35 44 6'tL6 vDl4 r.1939 13991 IJb /U LO:r/O 17909 L8469 18655 byFrom Pact.I dEnd Loads by by 1.2*Mcr Strain- (ACI 18.8.3) compat. 0 Dev. Length Limits (ACr Ch. 12 ) 6902 (3) 14116 (3) 17704 (3) 2020s (1) 21.571- (r,) if Over- Reinforced (ACr 18.8.1) for (1-): Development length controlled by strand.(3): Development Length controlled by both strand and rebar. -- Required Reinforcing --3i]Ti:-:::T-T IY:::]:: X (ft) From D VuLeft End in. kips 1.17 25 .02 209.001.36 25 .02 205.752.72 25.02 182.894.08 25.O2 160.035.44 25.02 25.02 114.318.16 25 .02 91 .4 5 9.52 25.02 68.58l-0.88 25.02 45.72 I: \Jobs\ 04 2 g\Engrg\ 03-Beam 2I7 92 21800 2L7 99 218 0115513 21802 0.K. 0.0 453 0.0 4340.0 3410.0 2240.0 154 0.0 t250.0 98 0-0 76 v.u lz forTu Vci Vcw Avcik-in kips kips !n-2/ ft Avcw Avmin!n-2/fE in-2/ft 0.308 0.0s8 (2 0.202 0.068 (2 0.000 0 -125 (2 0.000 0.L2s (2 0.000 0.L25 (2 0.000 0 .L25 t20.000 0.L25 120.000 0.L25 (2 0.000 0.r25 (2 for 207 0.0002L7 0.000275 0.000298 0.000317 0.000 334 0.07434'7 0.080 358 0.038355 0.000 USE #4 TIES,(1) @ 2n, REMAINDER @ 12I' (AI,SO, SEB LEDGE DESIGN FOR ADDITIONAL RE INFORCING ) Design\04298-03-01-03 Grid B IT Load Case 4.bem { PDG, Inc. SHEET 5 oF\,. Gore Creek Residences DATE: 9/L0/2004 BEAM, 3.04, (C)2003 BY .IACQUES & ASIIAD, INc. PAGE: 4 BY: J!{K 12,24 25.02 22.96 0.0 72 3?O 0.000 0.000 0.00013.60 25.02 0. 00 0 .0 12 371 O.0oO 0. O0o O. OO0 (2): Minimum based on ACI Eq. 1l-14. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel for ledges & pockels. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total web width :22.000 in.iNoTE: Spacing must not exceed the lesser of 24(in) or 3/4*h= 21.00(in). NOTE: No significant torsion was found (ACI 11.G.1). NOTE: Design assumes web reinforcing is carried as close to compression and tension surfaces as possj.ble per ACI 12.13.1. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rationar approach and pcr committee Recorunendations for losses.f'ci : 4.105 ksi, f'c = 6.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 3884 ksi, Ec = 11596 ksi, Carnber Mult.= 1.000Modlfied : Cu = 1.408 eshu = 299 E-OG NOTE: Negat.ive val-ues indicate camber. Midspan Position (in) Release I PS( -0.50)+BM DL( 0.05) -0.45 Creep Before Erection -0,2GErection: PS+BM DL -0.?1 DEL,TA TL, = O-74n = l/441 (G 4 weeks) < I/240 o.K. Change Due to Non-Comp.DL 0.45: PS+BM DL+Non-Comp.DL -0.27Change Due to Comp.DL+SustLL 0.00 DELTA LL = 0.30r = 1/1088: PS+All, DL+SuSE.LL -0.2i < I/3€O O.K. Long Term Creep 0.19Final : PS+AII Dl+5ss9.trtr -0.08: PS+AII DL+LL 0.03 MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial prestress force : 820 kips Einal prestress force = 736 kipsConcrete strengths used in design: Release strength frci= 4105 psi Final strength f'c= 6000 psi Beam 1s NORI'IAL WEIGHT concrete. piece neight = 21.08 kips. Estimated shortenS-ng between supports at erection time : Curvatureat C. c. Effect TotalTop 0.15 -0.27 -0.1.1 <<<Length correction not to exceed this val_uec.G 0.15 0.00 0.15Bot 0.15 0 .23 0. 38 HORI ZONTAL ANCHOR RETNFORCEMENT 6 BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinement for prestressing strand assumed -> yES Factored Reactionl Pu = 228.6 kips pw = 15?.1 kips at IEFT supportReact. Components: Pdl,nc: 128.5 kips pdl,c= 0.0 kips pll= 28.? kipsFactored Shear : Vu = 228.6 kips Nu = 45.7 kipsCalculated : Height= 28.00 in Bearing Surface Width = 18.00 in Reqd, l{oriz. Steel Bearing Without WiEh Factored Brg. Brg. pad Sugg.Length p/s p/S stress stress pad iype I : \,.tobs \ 042 9 \Engrg\ 0 3-Beam Design\o429E-03-Ol-03 Grid B IT Load Case 4.bem ( SHEEI 6 0F 3,1.3.2f FDG, hc. Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 BY.'ACoITES & AslfAD, INC. PAGE: 5 BY: JtfK (1n) (in-2) (1n-2) (kst) (ksi) 6.0 2.44 0.00 2.LL1 1.455 (3) corroN DUCK NoTE: As detailed bearl.ng lengths must be longer than mininum used ln calcs to alloy for as-built tolerances. Suggest, nlninum added length be L/2 in. + difference in shortening bett{een top and bottom of nember. NO(IE 3 Reactions are used for concrete bearlng strength check and bearing pad deslgn, shea! is uEed for.design of Avf. Pad Types 3 (following PCI Handbook sth Editlon)(3): Duck layer relnforced 15 OF 20 STRAT{D CONFINED: $/20) (2.44) r .488 xN2 USE rr{IN. OF' (3) +4'S ( I : \Jobs\042 9\8ngrg\03-B€an DesLgn\o42 9E-03-01-03 Grid B IT Load Case 4.ben E F @ lrl = (\l ao' o FJ E >9 ! o |.) 9r a E0 .D <h Io Ir.)o I o I o I (\{ o c.9 o Eo aal I o E0tc ot(\ o :: 5 (J P thcsscon Corporrtion P.0. Bor 15129 Colorcdo Sprtrya, CO 80935 ?19/390-5041 SIJBJEC"I: Gore Creek Residences DtitE 9/9/04 Far: ?10,/300-560{ Dcnvcr Linc: SOS/823-1323 BY: JWK/FDG SEEET I oF J.1.3.3 lT BEAM SPECIAL 0ESIGNS: (cRlD B BEAMS) LoAD CoMBTNATT0N 0F #3 AND #4: BEAM FRoM cRtD 8-28.9 T0 GRID B-JO: MMIMUM SPAN 0F lT BEAM FoR LoA0|NG CoND|T|0N fi e, #4 CoMBTNATToN = 25'-10yi' Q T0 q 0F CoLUMNS Q T0 Q 0F BEARING = 25.e0 - 21.5/12 + 6.s/2(1?)l = 25.3 Fr LoADS FRoM A T0 B = 7.31 KLF (D/L -- 6.03/1.28) (SEE SrCTtoN L0ADS FRoM B T0 C = s.30 KLF (D/t = 4.47/.8J) (sEE SECT|ON 3.1.2) TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = I2.6I KLT (D/t = 10,5/2,11) (NOT INCLUDING SELF-WEIGHI) FROM COMPUTER OUTPUT, DESIGN TTPE "BC' IS ADEQUATE FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES e ASWAD, INC. DESIGN DATA Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Beam Length = 25.30 ft Design Bearing Lengths : Bot. width = 30.000 inTop $ridth = 0.000 in Stem Height = 12.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on Area = 744.000 in-2I = 45'l9t ,23 !n-4 Miscel-Ianeous: Bean type =NORMAL WT. Beam weight = 150.00 pcf Cu = 2.350Vol/Surf = 6 .414 in Beam f'ci = 4.000 ksiEci modifier= 1.000phi Factors : load Factors : eha:r nnr-ianc 'Allow. Concrete Stress: Stress B1ock=PAFABOLIC Sinple Span = 25.30 ft Loop G Left = 0.00 ft G Left = 0.000 ft Bot. thick = 16.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in above section dimens ions )Sb - 3608.28 in-3Yb = 12.9577 in Topping tlpe=NORMAL vlT. Topping wt. : 150.00 pcf eds = 0 E-0 6ReI. humid = 60.00* Beam f'c = 5.000 ksi Ec nodifier : 1.000Flexure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1.400 Depth used =NON-COMPAt Release =0.700f'ci Right Cant. = Loop G Right= A Pi.rhl'= Web width = 22.000 in Tpg. ehick = 0.000 in Section Type=lT BEAM SHEET 2 OF DATE: 9/10/2004 PAGE: 1 BY: JWK 0.00 fr 0.00 ft 0.000 fr 28.000 in 37L2,72 !n-3 I5 . USZJ ]-N St YT eshu = 650 E-05 Strain Curve=PCI Handbook Topping f'c = 4.000 ksi Canber MuIt.: 1.000shear : 0.850 Live Load = l-.700 f 'c used :BEAM At Final =12.000sqrt f 'c Prestressing SErands (Strand Type = LOW RBLAXATION) 4],.0 K/STRANDEff. PuIl = 0.700Xfpu Strand diam.= 0.6000 in Estrand =28322.44 ksi Strand fpu =270.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0,21'10 in-2 LtMult = 1.000* Str. Iev. = 2 * of SCrand = 20.00 LdMult = 1.000 Losses: PCI Conm. Report (RATIONAL) Strand Transformed -> NO Strand Level : I 2Left end patt. : 2.38 2.00Right end patt.: 2.38 2.OO No. of Strand : 14.00 5.00 Shear : fyv = 60.00 ksi Flexure : fy = 60.00 ksiEnild : 29000 ksi No. of Bars BarIayer in Layer Size L410 Halping Profile: X(ft) FrotnDescription Left EndLeft End of Beam----- 0.00Right End of Beam----- 25.30 Mild Steel Hstr Eccent. Area of (in ) (in) P/S {in-2) 2 .98 9. 99 4.34 002.98 9.99 4.3400 fy1 = 50.00 ksi Distance Fron Left End Bottom Beginning Ending(in) (ft) (ft) 0.00 25.30 Eccent. Case 3 & 4.ben fvh fs LdMult Alea of Steel ( in-2 ) 5.080 = 60.00 ksi = 30.00 ksi = 1.000 Dist. from of Section z).vv NOTE: Mild steel transforned for section props and used in design monent. Distributed t,oads (non-factored) Magnitude of Load Distance From Left Beginning Ending Beqinning Ending I : \Jobs\042 9\Engrg\ O3-Beam Design\0429E-03-01--03 Grid B IT Load FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3. 04, (C)2003 BY Load Type P/c seff weight Non-comp. Dead Load Composite Dead Load Live Load JACOUES E (k/fr ) 0 .7't 5 10.500 0.000 2.110 ASWAD, INC. (k/ fr ) 0.775 10.500 0.000 2,IIO Stll--E r J Ur J.1.5.5 DATE:9/L0/2004 PAGE: 2 BY: JliK (ft) (ft) (in) 0.00 25,30 0.000 0.00 25.30 0.000 0.00 25.30 0.000 0.00 2s.30 0.000 Material = 0.000 k/ftAt Release OnIy: Suction = 0.000 k/ft Core NOTE: 0.00* of all distributed and concentrated live loads are sustained. NOTE: Eccent. must be assigned for program to calculate design torsion, NOTE: Patterned loading, if desired, must be assigned by the user. Loading Eccent.ricities and Distribution Lengths for Ledge and Hanger SEeeI NOTE: Assigned llu and Pu will override distributed and concentrated loads listed above for ledge and hanger steel design. Assigned Wu = 8.050 k/ft Ecc. for Wu =+ 13.50 in (RighL Side) = 7.990 k/ft =- 13.50 in (reft Side) Assigned Pu : 0.00 kips Ecc. for Pu =+ 0.00 in (Right Side) = 0.00 kips 0.00 in (Ieft Side) Nu/Wu,Nu/Pu : 0.20Distributsion: Interior= 0.00 ft End = 0.00 ft Hanger Seeel Additive -> NO Ledge fully Supported -> NO Width, Bt = 0.000 in Spacing, S = 0.00 in Dist., De = 0.00 in Bearinq P1ates Nu = 0.20*Pu Height= 0.00 in Bearing Pad Thickness = 0.500 inEff. Brg. Surface: Width = 18.00 in Length = 6.000 in Plate Rebar: Angle = 10.00 deg f.y = 60.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestressinq strand assumed -> yES * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * + t * * * * * * * * * t * * * ouTpuT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * i * * * * * INIT]AL STRESSES (psi, at release) A) DL beam + core materia.l- (if any) + suction {if any) Beam j.s supported at 0.00 ft from IEFT end and 0.00 ft from RIGHT endX(ft) From Initial P/S Init.P/S + BM Aux. steel areaLeft End Top Bot. Top Bot. (ACI 18.4.1) 2 .53 -L235 29505.06 - 1141 2899 7. s9 -Lt42 290310.12 -1143 2905L2.65 -L143 2905 NOTE: Required f'ci = 4l-1,3 psi at at DL andX(ft) from Tensioning Release Sust. LLLeft End ksi ksi ksi -1155 2878 3.40 TOP<--- -1006 2174 2.15 ToP<--- (4) *10-955 2'739 2.58 TOP<--- (As = S . 06 IN2 )-94I 27t7 2 .48 TOP<--- -933 27L0 2.45 TOP<---at X = 22.80 fE, based on fconc/0.700. STRAND STRESSES (Based on f'ci=4.113 ksi, f'c=5.000 ksi, by PCI Committee) 0.00 2 .53 5.06 7.59 t0.L2 L2.65 189.0 189.0 189.0 1.89.0 189.0 189.0 170.1 170.9 T7I .7 T7I .2 T7L.2 0.0 752.'l 159.4 l-63.8 l-oo.f, I57 .4 Fina I * ksi 0.0 153.5 r61 .0 165.9 168.8 169.8 P/S Loss P/S Lossksi. t 189.00 100.00 Jf .Jf, td. /l- 28.03 14.83 23 .t3 L2.24 20 .20 10. 69!9.22 10.17 LoadCase3&4.bemI : \Jobs\0429\Engr9\03-Beam Desj-gn\o429E-03-01-03 crid B IT { FDG, Inc. SHEET 4 oF cleek Residences DATE z 9/Io/2004 BCAM, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES s ASWAD, INc. PAGE: 3 BY: JvIK *NO?E: Final strand stresses include elastic regain for Live Load. rINAL STRESSES (psi) X(ft) From FP + BM LefE End Top Bot 0.00 0 0 L. zb -557 13 312.53 -1058 26063.79 -1009 26115.06 -9'7't 26306.32 -972 26557.59 -967 26758.85 -954 269010.L2 -952 270L11.38 -960 210812.65 -960 2710 DL + AII LLTop Bot 00 150 702 263 L429811 968L258 5761559 2481979 -2L zzaa - 15v?405 -380 zJrz -+by2548 -499 0. K. -930 psi FP+DL + Sustained ToP 40 507 893 !219 1485 16 94 L842 IYJI Bot 807 L626 L244 920 650 430 zJ6 136 hz 38 NOTE: Allowable bottom tension stress : ULTIMATE MOMENT (k-in) Required Mu L2.00*sqrt. (f 'c) = Provided phirMn Y/fr-l 0.00 I.ZO 2.53 3.79 3.Ub 6.32 7.59 8.85 t 0 .12 11 .38 L2 ,65 3534 6596 9486 11904 13 950 LJOZI+ L6926 1/ttf b 18414 18500 by by byFrom Fact'd 1.2*Mcr Strain-End Loads (ACI L8.8.3) compat. Dev.length if Over-Limits Reinforced (ACr Ch. r.2 ) (ACr r.8.8.1) 647s (3) 1359r (3) 17090 (3) 19580 (1) 21252 (11 2L7 95 ZL I>O 2r800 2180 4 21805 0. K. (1) r Development length controlled by strand.(3): Development length controlled by both strand and rebar. Ti:l:i:_:::T_Tl:::T:T __ Required Reinforcins __ X (ft) From D Vu LefC End in. kips 1 . 17 25 .02 222 .46L.26 25.02 220.552.53 25 .02 t-96.043.79 25.02 171.545.05 25 .02 147.035.32 25.02 L22.537.59 25.02 98.028.85 25.02 73.5210.12 25.02 49.01 1.1.38 25.02 24.5L r-s 6 35 Tu Vci Vcv{k-in kips kips 0.0 453 2090.0 442 2L40.0 354 2750.0 239 2980.0 114 3180.0 133 3340.0 103 3480.0 80 358 0 .0 72 3660.0 72 370 for for forAvci Avcr., AvminLn-2/ft in-2/ft in-2/ fE 0.000 0.420 0.058 (2) * 0.000 0.362 0.063(2)*0.000 0.000 0.L25 (2) "0.000 0.000 0.12s 121*0.000 0.000 0.L25 (21 * 0.090 0.000 0.L25 121*0.098 0 .000 0 .L25 (21 * 0 .054 0 . 000 0 .L25 (21 * 0.000 0.000 0.125(2)*0.000 0.000 0 .000 USE #4 TIES,(rl @ 2',(2) @ 10{, REMAINDER @ 12 I' (ALSO, SEE LEDGE DESIGN FOR ADDITIONAL REINFORCING ) I: \Jobs\0429\En9rg\03-Beam Design\o4298-03-01-03 Grid B IT Load Case 3 & 4.bem i FDG, Inc. SHEET 5 OF 3 .1 .3.3' Gore Creek Residences DATE: 9/L0/2004 BCAM, 3.04, (C)2003 BY .]ACQUES & ASWAD, INc. PAGE: 4 BY: JWK L2.65 25.02 0.00 0.0 72 3.12 0 .000 0.000 0.000 (2) : Mininum based on ACI Eq. 1l-14. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel for ledges & pockets. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total web width =22.000 in.*NOTE: Spacing must not exceed the Iesser of 24(in) or 3/4*h= 21.00(in). NOTE: No significant torsion was found (ACI 11.G.1) . NOTE: Design assumes web reinforcing is carried as close to compression and tension surfacea as possible per ACI 12.13.1. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rational approach and PCI Committee Recommendations for Iosses.f'ci = 4.113 ksi, frc : 6.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 3888 ksi, Ec = 4695 ksi, Carnber Mult.: 1.000Modified : Cu = 1.408 eshu = 289 E-06 NOTE: Negative values indicat.e camber. Midspan Pos ition(in) Release : ps( -0.43)+BM DL( 0.04) -0.39 Creep Before Erection -0.23Erection: PS+BM DL -0.63(0 4 weeks) DELTA TIJ = 0.5?tr = L/453 change Due to Non-Conp.DL 0.41 < I/240 o'K' : PS+BM DL+Non-Conp.DL -0.22Change Due to Conp. Dt+SustLL 0.00: PS+AII DL+Susg.11 -0.22 DELTA IJL = 0.261 = 1/1168 Long Term Creep 0.19 < l/360 O.K.Final : PS+AII DL+Sust.L! -0.04: PS+AII DL+LL 0.04 MISC. PRODUCTION INEORMATION Initial prestress force = 820 kips Final prestress force = 737 kipsConcrete strengths used in design: Release strength f'ci= 4113 psi Final strength f 'c= 6000 psi Beam is NORMAL WEIGHT concrete. piece weight : 19.61 kips- Estinated shortening between supports at' erection time : Curvatureat C.G. Effect ?otalTop 0.14 -0.25 -0.11 <<<Length correction not to exceed this va.Luec.c 0.14 0.00 0.14Bot O .I4 0 .22 0.36 ITORIZONTAI ANCHOR REINFORCE},TENT 6 BEASTNG STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinement for prestressing strand assumed -> yES Factored ReacEion: Pu = 245.1 kips pw = 159.3 kips at LEFT supportReact. Components: Pdl,nc= !42.5 kips pdl,c= 0.0 kips pll= 25.? kipsFactored Shear : Vu - 245.0 kips Nu = 49.0 kipsCalculated : I{eight- 28.00 in Bearing Surface $lidth = 19.00 in Reqd. Horiz. Steel Bearing Vlithout liith Factored Brg. Br9. pad Sugg.Length P/S P/S Stress Stress pad type(in) (in-2) (in-2) (ksi) (ksi) I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\O3-Beam Design\04298-03-01-03 Grid B IT Load Case 3 & 4.bem / fDG, Inc.\ Gore Creek ResLdences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES E ASWAD, INC. SHEET 6 0F 3.L.3.3 DATE: 9/10/2004 PAGE3 5 BY: JT|K ( 6.0 2.76 0.14 2.269 1.568 (3) COTTON DUCK NO?E: As detalled bearlng lengths nust be longer than roinfunum used in calcsto allor for as-built tolerancea. SuggesE. ninimurn added length bel/2 tn. + dlfference in shortening bethreen top and botton of member. NOTE: Reactions are used for concrete bearing strength check and bearing pad design, shear ls used for design of Avf, Pad Tlrpes: (following PCI Handbook sth Editionl(3): Duck layer relnforced 15 OF 2 O STR.ESID COIIFINED :.M + la/20) Q.76 - .L4l = .564 IN2 ItstE t{IN. OF (3) #5'S I: \ilobs\0429\Engrg\03-Bearn Design\0429E-03-01-03 crld B IT Load Case 3 & 4.ben Streggcon Corporrtion P.O. Bor 16129 Colorerlo Spriage, CO 80935 Tcle: ?1.9/3S0-5011 Far: 7lS/390-5564 Dcnvcr Line: 303/823-f323 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences DArE:9/3/04 BY: JWK/FDG OF J.2 E ln o; rii = (l @ JI , F.lz6 c'! =o 'g(J c.9 Eo co I<\l I I ot(\| o cc'r 6 co @ o o! 0r trJ (ttcl o 40 rrJ t- SHEET 1 lT BEAM DESIGN: (GRID C BEAM) NOTE: FoR GR|D C BEAMS, LOAD CoND|T|oN #1 rS IDINTTCAL T0 LoAD C0NDIT|oN #3, AND LOAD CoND|T|oN #2 tS |DENT|CAL T0 LoAD CoNDII|oN #4 MAXIMUM SPAN 0F rT BEAM FOR LoADTNG COND|T|ON #1 0R #3 W/0 porNT LoADS = 32'-15/a" Q. T0 q 0F CoLS. Q_ T0 Q- 0F BEARTNG = 32.1 - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)) = 31.5 FT LOADS FRoM B T0 C = [s60 pSF (D/L -- 460/100)](16.67)/2 + [86.3 pSF DL](14.67l2) = 5.30 KLF (D/L = 4.47/.83) LoADS FROM GR|D "C" SCUTH = [s60 pSF (D/L -- 460/100)](6.s/2) + [86.3 pSF DL](s.s/2) = 2.06 KLF (0/L = 1.73/.33) TOTAL LOAD 0N BEAM = 7.36 KLF (D/r = 6.20/1.16) (NOT lNctUDlNc SELF-WE|GHT) MAXIMUM SPAN 0F rT BEAM FoR LOADTNC CoND|T|0N #1 0R #3 W/ Po|NT LOADS = 30'-1%" q T0 Q 0F COLS. q T0 Q, 0F BEARING = 30.1 - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)l = 2s.5 FT LoADS FRoM B T0 C = [s60 pSF (D/L = 460/100)l(16.67)/2 + [86.J psF DL](14.67l2) = 5.30 KLF (D/L = 4.47/.83) ADD PoINT LoAD 0F 13 K (D/L = 2/11) T0 "8" S|DE 0F GR|D FoR polNT LOADS ABOvt ADD UNTFoRM LoAD 0F 1.5 KLF (D/L = .5/1) ALoNG FULL LENGTH FoR C.t.p. WALLS AB0VE LoADS FRoM GR|D "c" s0uTH = [S0o esr (D/t = 460/100](6.25/2) + [86.3 psF DL](s.2sl2) = 1.e8 KLF (D/L = 1.66/.32) TOTAT LOAD ON BEAM = 8.78 KLF (D/L = 6.63/2.15) (NOT INCLUDINC SELF-WEIGHT) + POINT, LOAD OF 13 K (D/L= 2/11) @ MTDSPAN ALTERNATE LOADINC AT THIS LOADINC CONDITION: SPAN = 29.e - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)) = 2e.3 FT. LOADS FRoM B T0 C = 5.30 KLF (D/L = 4.47/.ffi) ADD POINT LoAD 0F lJ K (D/L = 2/11) FoR POINT LOAD ABOVE ADD UNIFoRM LOAD 0F .7s KLF (D/L = .25/.50) AL0NG FULL TENGTH FoR C.t.p. WALLS ABOVE LoADS FRoM cRlD "c" S0UTH = [S0o csr (D/L = 460/100](s)(107sl1J2s) + [2e0 PSF (D/L = 1s0/1oo)l(8.2s)(4125/13.2s) + [86.J psF DL)(12.25/2) = 3.55 KLF (D/L = 2.88/.670) TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = 9.bO KLF (D/L 7.60/2.00) (NOT INCLUDING SELF-WTIGHT) + POINI LOAD OF 13 K (D/L = 2/11) @ MIDSPAN (NOTE: By oBSERVATTON, rHtS CASE wtr_L C0NTROL ovER 29.5 n spAN) MAXIMUM SPAN 0F rT BEAM FoR LoADTNG COND|TIoN #2 0R #4 V0 porNT LoADS = 21'-10', q T0 0 0F CoLS. NOT[: N0 POINT LOADS 0R LOADS FR0M C.l.P. WALLS ABOVE OCCUR AT LOAD COND|T|ON #2 OR #4 Q. T0 Q.0F BEARING = 21.8 - 21.5/12 + 6.5/2(12)l = 21.2 FI LoADS FRoM B T0 C = [340 pSF (D/t = 2+0/100))(16.67)/2 + [86.J pSF DL](r4.67l2) = 3.47 KLF (D/L = 2.64/.83) LoADS FRoM GR|D "C', SoUTH = [340 psr Q/L = 240/rc0)(11.0/2) + [86.3 pSF DL](10l2) = 2.J0 KLF (D/L = 1.75/.55) TOTAL LOAD ON BEAM = 5.77 KLF (D/L = 4.39/1.38) (NOT INCLUDING SELF-WEIGHT) BY oBSERVATToN. LOAD|NG CoND|T|oN #i 0R #3 wtTH potNT LoADS W|LL CONTRoL .E UU. INC. Gore Creek R€sidences Beam, 3.04, (C) 2003 BY JACQUES e ASWAD, INC. DESIGN DATA >nLLr z vE 5.2 DATE3 10/18/2004 PAGE: 1 BY: JWK Right Cant. = 0.00 ft Loop G Right= 0.00 ft G Right= 0.000 fE weD wl(lcn = zz.uuu an Tpg. thick = 0.000 in SecLion Type=IT BEAM Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Beam length = 29.30 ft Design Bearing Lengths: Bot. widrh = 30.000 inTop width = 0.000 in Stem Height = 9.000 j.n Non-Conposite : (Based on Area = ?58.000 in-2I = 47286.81 in- 4 Miscellaneous: Beam type =NORMAL WT. Beam weight = L50.00 pcf arr = ? ?qn Vol/Surf = 6.621 in Beam frci : 4.000 ksi Eci modifier= 1.000phi Factors : Load Factors : Shear Options : AlLow. Concrete Stress: Stress Block=PARABOLIC Simple Span = 29.30 ft Loop 0 Left = 0.00 ft G Left = 0.000 ft Bot. thick = 19.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0,000 in above section dimens ions )Sb = 3507.10 in-3Yb = 13.1094 in Topping type=NORMAL WT. Topping wt. = 150.00 pcf .eds = 0 E-0 6 ReI . humid = 50.00t Beam frc = 5.000 ksi Ec nodifier = 1.000Fl-exure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1.400 Depth used =NON-COMPAt Rel-ease =0 , 7 00f'ci eshu = 550 E-06 Strain Curve=PCI Handbook Topping f'c = 4.000 ksi Canber Mult. = 1.000shear = 0.850 Live Load : L.700 f 'c used =BEAM At. Final =12.000sqrt f'c St Yt 28.000 in 31?5. 61, in-3 14.8905 in Prestressing Strands (Strand Type : LOW RELAXATION) 41 . O K,/ STRANDEff. Pul-l = 0.700xfpu SErand diam.= 0.5000 in Estrand =28322.44 ksi Strand fpu =270.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0.2L70 in-2 LtMuIt = 1.000 # SEr. lev. = 2 # of Strand = 20.00 LdMult = 1.000 Losses: PCI Cornm. Report (RATIONAI) Strand Transformed -> NO Strand Level : I 2Leff Fn.l nal'i' ? 38 2.00 Right end patt. r 2.38 2.00. No. of Strand : 14.00 5.00 Harpj-ng Profile: X (ft) FronDescription left EndLeft End of Beam----- 0.00 RighE End of Beam----- 29.30 Mild steel Hstr Eccent. Area of(in) (in) P/s ( in-2 )2.98 10.L3 4.34002.98 10. 13 4.3400 fyl = 50.00 ksi Distance From Left End Bottom Beginning Ending(in) (ft) (ft) Shear : fyv = 50.00 ksi Flexure : fy = 50.00 ksiEmi-Id = 29000 ksi fyh IdMuIt = 60.00 ksi = 30.00 ksi = 1.000 Dist. fromof Section No. of Bals Bar Area of Layer in tayer Size Steel (in-2) 25.00 0.00 29.30 NOTE: Mild steel transformed for section props and used in design moment. Distributed Loads (non-factored) 10 5.080 Magnj-tude of Load Di stanceBeginning Ending Beginning I: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Beam Design\ 04 298-03-02 crid C I.oads . bem From I,eft I'n.i i nr F^^ani _L -L LOaC1 UaSe r W1tn Poanl: FDG, Inc. SHEET 3 OF 3.2 Gore creek Residences DATE: 10/18/2004 Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 2 BY: JWK Load Type (k/ft) (k/ft) (fr) (fr) (in) P/c Self e{eight 0.800 0.800 0.00 29.30 0.000 Non-comp. Dead Load 7.500 7.600 0.00 29.30 0.000 Composite Dead Load 0.000 0.000 0.00 29.30 0.000 Live Load 2.000 2.000 0.00 29.30 0.000 At Release Only: Suction = 0.000 k/ft Core Material : 0,000 k/ft Concentrated Loads ( non- factored) Magnitude Distance From Eccent. Load Type of Load (k) Left End (ft) (in) Non-comp. Dead Load 2.00 14.55 0.000 Live Load 11.00 14.65 0.000 NOTE: 0.00* of all distributed and concentrated live Loads are sustained. NOTE: Eccent. must be assigned for program to calculate design torsion. NOTE: Patterned loading, if desired, musE be assigned by the user. Loading Eccentricities and Distribution Lengths for l,edge and Hanger Steef NOTE: Assigned Wu and Pu will overrj"de distributed and concentrated Loads listed above for ledge and hanger steel design. Assigned Wu = 8.050 k/ft Ecc. for Wu =+ 13.50 in (Right Side) = 7.990 k/fx =- 13.50 in (Left side) Assigned Pu = 0.00 kips Ecc. for Pu =+ 0.00 in (Riqht Side) = 0.00 kips 0.00 in (left Side) Nu/Wu,Nu/Pu = 0.20Distribution: Interior= 0.00 ft End = 0.00 ft Hanger Steel Additive -> NO Ledge Fully Supported -> NOWidth, Bt = 0.000 in Spacing, S = 0.00 in Dist., De = 0.00 in Bearinq Plates Nu : 0,20*Pu Height= 0.00 in Bearj-ng Pad Thickness = 0.500 in Eff. Brg. Surface: Width = 18.00 in Length = 5.000 in Plat.e Rebar: Angle : 10.00 deg fy = 60.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestressinq strand assumed -> YES * * * * * i * * * * * r * * * * :! r :r :r * * * * * * * t * * * * * * ouTpuT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * INITIAL STRESSES (psi, at release) A) DL beam + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported at 0.00 ft- from LEFT end and 0.00 ft from RIGHT endX(ft) From Initial P/S Init.P/S + BM Aux. steeL areaLeft End Top BoE. Top BoE. (ACI 18.4.1) 2 .5C -1258 295L -11 64 ?865 3. 45 TOp<---2.93 -1238 294L -1130 2842 3.30 TOp<---5'86 -l-165 2904 -983 2730 2'5'7 rOP<--- (4) #10 8.79 -1168 2g1g - 92-t 26gL 2.45 Top<--- (As = s.06 IN2) LL.72 -1159 29tL -894 265L 2-3L TOp<--- 14. 55 -1170 291,2 -883 2641 2 -2'7 TOp<--- NOTE: Reguired f rci :4093 psi at X = 26.80 ft, based on fconcl0.700. STRAND STRESSES (Based on f'ci=4.093 ksi, f'c=5.000 ksi, by PCI Committee) at at- DL and I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\03-Bean Design\0429E-03-02 Grj-d C IT Load Case t with point Loads . bem !uL', lnc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. X(ftl from Tensioning Release Sust. LL Left End ksi ksi ksi Final* ksi 0.0 189.00 154.3 34.66 r62.L 26.90 L57 .5 2r,52 170.8 18 .18 Ltz.r ro.oo regain for Live Load. P/S Loss ksi FP+DI+Tpg Top 0 111 5.i2 925 I428 1859 22L8 ?504 ztLt 2858 2925 SHEET 4 OF 3.2 DATE:10/18/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JWK P/S Losst 100.00 18 .34 t4.23 -LI.JY Y.Ot 6 . >Z 0.00 2.93 5.86 L79 lL,12 r.4 . 55 0.00 01,.46 -640 Z.'J -.LUJY4.39 -97"15.85 -9577.32 -945s.79 -935L0.26 -929LL.72 -92413.18 -92214,65 -922 0.0 153.0 L59.7 L54.2 rbb. v l'b /. v elast,ic 189.0 r89.0 189.0 1eo n 189.0 189.0 rov. -L I /U.5 171.1 1 1'1 ^1?1 q I/I.b Final stland stresses include FINAT STRESSES (psi ) X(ft) Fron FP + BM Left End Top Bot + Sustained I,L Top 0 -68 11 456 848 1171 1435 1643 L I tZ 1884 1915 A1} LI, Bot U bf,l 1327 815 J6l. 10 -298 -545 -'728 -85 0 -909 0.K. psr L524 2581 2582 2602 zolz 2639 2 553 2664 zolL th Ia FP+DL Bot 101 I t623 L24L 92L 651 430 z5 I 133 58 32 NOTE: Allowable bottorn tension stress = ULTIMATE MOMENT (k-in) Required Mu 12.00*sqrt ( f'c) = -939 Provided phi*Mn x (fr) Left 0.00 L.46 2.93 4.39 5.85 7 .32p .7a r0.26 LL.72 13.18 14,65 0 3898 1406 10523 13250 IJJSb LI)JZ 190 88 20253 2r028 214L2 by byFrom Factrd 1.2*l4erEnd Loads (ACI 18.8.3) by Dev. Length Strain- Linitscompat. (ACI Ch.12) 0 7 404 l3') 14740 (3) 18415 (3) 207s9 (1) 2L'178 (1\ 2r7 98 21800 2t804 21808 21809 0.K. if Over- Reinforced (ACr 18.8.1) for forAvcw Arrminin-2/fE in-z / tL (1) : Development length controlled (3) : Development length controlled VERT ICAI SHEAR REINFORCING -- P6dli rarl Painfarrinr -- X (ft) From D VuLeft End in. kips 1.17 25.02 2r5.L6 15806 r u vcl k-in kips by strand. by both strand and rebar. forVcw Avci-kips in-2/ft 0.0 456 195 0.000 0.452 0.058(2)* I : \Jobs\ 0 42 9\Engrg\ o3-Beatn Design\04298-03-O2 crid c IT Load Case 1 with Point Loads . bem FDG, Inc. SHEET 5 OF 3.2 Gore Creek Residences DATE: 10,/18/2004 Beam, 3.04, (C) 2003 BY JACQUES e ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 4 BY: JwK t.46 25.02 210. 63 0.0 428 20't 0.000 0.330 0.013 (2) * 2.93 25.02 188.43 0.0 322 258 0.000 0.000 0.125(21* USE #4 rrES, 4.39 25.02 166.22 0.0 2L3 301 0.000 0.000 0.125(2)* (l) @ 2", 5.85 25.A2 144.01 0.0 157 340 0.100 0.000 0.L25(2) * (2) @ l-o't, 7.32 25.02 121.80 0.0 r2t 3.t2 0.178 0.000 0.L25(2\ * REMATNDER @ l_2'' 8.79 25.02 99.59 0.0 95 400 o.!75 0.000 0.L25(2\ * (AISO, SEE t0.26 25.02 77.38 0.0 75 42I 0.130 0.000 0.125(2)* LEDGE DESIGN t|..t2 25.02 55.17 0.0 72 437 0.000 0.000 0.125(2)* FOR ADDTTTONAL 13.18 25'A2 32.96 0.0 12 448 0.000 0.000 0.L25 12' * RETNFORCTNG) l-4.55 25,02 -10.?5 0.0 '72 4s3 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2): Minimum based on ACI Eq. 11-14. NoTE: Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel for ledges & pockets. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total web width :22.000 in.*NOTE: Spacing must not exceed the lesser of 24(in) or 3/4*h= 21.00(in). NOTE: No significant torsion was found (ACI 11.6.1). NOTE: Design assumes web reinforcing is carried as close to compression and tension surfaces as possible per ACI 12.13.1. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rational approach and PCI Committee Recommendations for .Losses.f'ci = 4.093 ksi, f'c = 6.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 38?8 ksi, Ilc = 4695 ksi, Camber Mult.: 1.000 Modified : Cu = 1.403 eshu : 282 E-06 NOTE: Negative values indiceite canber. Midspan Position(in) Release : Ps( -0.58)+BM DL( 0.0?) -0.52creep Before Erection -0.30Erection: PS+BM DI, (G 4 weeks ) -0.82 DELTA TL = l-.03r = L/341 change Due to Non-Comp.DL 0.53 < L/240 O,K. : PS+BM DI+Non-Comp.DL -0.29 Change Due to Comp.DL+SustLL 0.00: PS+All DL+Sust.LL -0.29T..\nd.parm r.r6ah n ,? DELTA LL = 0.50" = l/'7O3 sir"i" -i-;sii,ii'or,*sust.r,r, -0.06 < r/360 o'K' : PS+A].I DI+LL 0.2L NOTE: Beam has cracked under positive moment, deflections are based on a bilinear moment-deflection relationship (ACI 18.4.2). MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION InitiaL prestress force = 820 kips Final prest.ress force = 747 kips Concrete strengths used in design: Release strength f'ci= 4093 psi Final strength f 'c= 5000 psi Beam is NORMAL WEIGHT concret.e. Piece weight = 23.44 kips. Estimated shortening between supports at erection time : Curvatureat c, G. Effect Total.Top 0.15 -0.28 -0.12 <<<Length correction not, to exceed this valuec.G 0.16 0.00 0.16Bot 0.16 0.25 0.41 HORIZONTAL ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT E BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinement for prestressing strand assumed -> yES I: \,Iobs\0429\Engrg\03-Bean Design\o429E-03-02 crid C IT Load Case 1 with poinr Loads . bem FDG, Inc. SHEET 5 OE 3.2 Gore Creek Residences DATE: 10/18/2004 BEAN, 3.04, (C) 2OO3 BY JACQUES S ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 5 BY: JWK Factored Reaction: Pu = 232.8 kips Pw = 158.9 kips at LEFT support React. Components: PdL,nc= 124-1 kips Pdl,q= 0.0 kips PlI: 34.8 kips Factored Shea! i Vu = 232.8 kips Nu = 46.6 kipsCalculated : Heiqht= 28,00 in Bearinq surface Width : 18.00 in Reqd. Horiz. Steel Bearing without Wit,h Factored Brg. Brg. Pad Sugg. Length (in) o.u P/s P/S Stless Stress Pad type(in-2) (in-2) (ksi) (ksi) 2.56 0.00 2.L56 7.47L (3) COTTTON DUCK NOTEr As detaiLed bearing Iengths must be Ionger than mininum used in cal-cs to allow for as-built Eolerances. suggest minimum added length be l/2 !n. + difference in shortening between top and bottom of member. NOTE: Reactions are used for concrete bearing strength check and bearing pad design, shear is used for design of Avf. Pad Tt4pes: (following PCI Handbook 5th Edition)(3): Duck layer reinforced 15 OF 20 STRAND CONFINED;(4/20) 12.56) = .512 IN2 USE II{IN- OF (3) #4'S I : \Jobs \0 42 9 \Engrg\ o3-Beam Desj.gn\ 0 4 298-03-02 Grld C IT l,oad Case 1 with Point loads . bem Shcsrcou Corporrtiol P.O. Bor 15129 Colorado Springr, CO 7r91390-50411 ?rs,/390-5504 Tcle: Far: SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences SEEET 1 Dt{tE- 9/9/Aa oF 3.380935 Denver Hnc:so3/Bm-rtzg BY3 JWK/FDG E n |.ii = ooc\| o o, di E ='Ei.9 6 ! -9I o I o I crta\ a c a eo o Eorq <trr\ o I (J e LEDGE REINFORCING DESIGN BY PCI sTH EDITION Lanbda 1.0 Stone,.85 Sd-Lt,.75 LtWt Calculat6d Eff . Shear-f rictbn PhlVn=i 47.60 PhlVn=l 24.52: fltl-v tt=-i , . -l 1",.31 : [,pt 4.6.3 4.6.4 ACt10.5.2) 6.14.4) LongltudlnslToD & Bottom .4 For concr€la to concrete, cast .0 For concrete lo hardened concrelg, w lth roughened surface 6 For concrels to concrgte 0.7 For concr€t6 lo stsel - 7J,=1- t _Cb_S,e-g -S.9rjgp-:...9r-l!g.,I9.nbn. tjs€ 0 For Cas6s Of I,lo Oosed Stirrups h Ledgs & L€dgs hctuded I 10.62 Kips 24.00 h ! '12.00ih 22.00rh 5.25 ln oe 20.00 ln i4oditlcatbn Factor iio;;il Raiio i;n;;12.00 h ol 11.00 h . 4.5.1a) s<bt+hl i(q.4.5.2a) s<bt+hl (q. 4.5-3) 6,14 St66l 4.5.2T'12: h A"h '. ""1"ddirit," t" .h;;G"L";i;lrt - 12,ln VARIES, 2O'-d' MAXIMUM O. TO Q. OF BEARING STRESSCoN - DATA SHEEr / TNVERTED TEE EEAM BEAM wPE: @COCQ e.o' size: ro r t+ SP L0ADING: (0.1. wgt. of P.C. member UVE LOAO REDUCTION Trib. Areo0.08x( -150) = % 23.1x(1+DLlLL) = % Use: LL Red. = I .650 KLF] included in progrom) KLF KLF s.D.L. L.L. VARTES (SEE SECIoN 3.1.1)VARIES KLF 1OO PSF KLF PRECAST SECTION: Unit Wgt.IJU PCF; f'c (28 doy)5000 PSI #4 CLoSED SI|RRUPStaT 3 O Id EA. END BAL @ 12' 0.C. Top Steel =-l-- f I = 4 -# 4 j 2 f. #4 LEoGE REINF..1@1 3 0 ld tA. ENo BAL O 1Z 0.C. ;Fo >9 14 - 0.6' dio. Stronds @ 41 KpS EA. = q-'a KIPS oEslGNluulB8Y conc. SToNE f'ci : fn J500 rJl 5000 PSI Wffi AT REIEASE AT ERECTION AFIER TOPPING = 4 'lB =oz, tr -l N/A o$n: 9/3/04SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences BY: JWK/FDG Strerrcon Corloratiol P.0. Eor 15129 Coloreilo Springs, CO 80935 Telc: ?191390-604r Fa:: 7191390-5564 Dcnver Liqe: 303/623-1323 SEEET I oF 3.R.1 ot\ qr LJ = oo<\ €- oo 6 ora e0 E E- G a .D ro I o IEo It)o ILJot(\l o c 6 c o{,(D 19o o! c'rc otcr o !|o Z l4l <,6 Streescon Corporation P.O. Bot 15129 Colorado Springr, C0 B0Sgo 7t9/390-5041 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Fa:: 7L9/3SO-5504 Denver Llnc: 303/623-1323 By:JWK/FDG SHEET 1 Eo ''!l Ot =F oo6l @ o L.lts6 0rt!t.'0 E EIul .9 a F I6l IEo I o I <\l o or qto Eot I o P9 ctrsl o ao g xE 0F 3.R.2 VARIES, 24'-772'' MMIMUM q TO O OF BEARING STRESSCoN - DATA SHEE| / TNVERTED TEE BEAr,r BEAM TYPE: @OOOQ n.o' Size:l!-r 24 SP LOADING: (0.1. wgt. of P.C. member LIVE LOAD REDUCTION Trib. Areo 0.08x( -150) = IL 2J.1X(1+DLILL) = % Use: l.l Red. = f KLF] included in progrom) KLF KLF 5.9.9. VARIES (SEE SECT|0N 3.1.2)KLF L.L.1OO PSF VARIES KLF PRECAST SECflON:Unit Wgt.150 PCF; f'c (28 doy)6000 PSI #4 CLoSED STTRRUPS1Az" 2 A t, 2 O tr, EA, END ML @ 1Z 0.C. Top Steel =__4 - # l0 = 4 -ll 4 #4 LEOGE REINF, 1 0 /, 2 A d, 2Od,EAENO BAt @ 1/ 0.c. 1\ ci >9 18 - 0.6" dio. Stronds @ 42 KtpS EA. =756 KIPS DESIGN SUMMARY conc. SToNE f'ci : fc: 4J50 PSI PSI6000 CAMBER AT RELEASE AT ERECTI0N = AFTER TOPPING = vi -/8 N/A SEEBT 1 Si.resrcon Corporation P.O. Bot 15120 ?r9/3s0-504t SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Fer: 7|S/3S0-5661 Coloredo Sprln3r, C0 80935 Dcnvcr Linc: g0g/02S-t.OZ3 By: JWK/FDG Eoc{ d di = oo(\' @- to diF 6 =!eo E Et L c.9 .,o <J(D (D I|.o IEo I o I ot6l I c.q o Eo Q) I <) c <Dol o 4ot2 ,ii (Jo oF 3.R.3 STRESSCON - DATA SHEET / INVERTEO IEE BEAM BEAM rrPE: @COOQ e.orn size: ro r 28 SpAN. VARIES, 27'-1d' MAXIMUM q T0 Q. 0F BEARING LOADING: (D.1. wgt. of P.C. member I .775 KLFI included in progrom) LIVE LOAD REDUCTION Trib. Areo 0.08( -lso) = % 25.1x(1+01/LL) = % Use: LL Red. = I KLF KLF s.D.L. L.L. VARTES (SEt SECT|oN J.2)VARIES KLF 1OO PSF VARIES KLF PRECAST SECTION: Unit Wgt.IJU PCF; f'c (28 doy)6000 PSI #4 LEOGE REINF. 1 I2",20t0" BAL @ rZ 0.c.Top Steel =_l_- # 10 #4 CLOSED STIRRUPS 1 g 2", 2 0 1d, BAL O 1Z 0.C. 6 str. to c.i tl >9 20 - 0.6" dio. Stronds o 4l KrpS EA. =820 KIPS DESIGN SUMMARY conc. ST0NE f'ci : fc: 4150 PSI 6000 PSI CAMEER AI RELEASE AT ERECTION AFTER TOPPING = -/1 VARIES, Jl'-6' MAXIMUM Q. TO Q OF BEARING STRESSCON - DATA SHEFT / INVERTED TEE BAM BEAM IYPE: @OOCQ a.o. size:-J9-r 28 LOADING: (D.1. wgt. of P.C. member LIVE LOAD REDUCTION Trib. Areo 0.08x( -150) = % 23.1x(1+DLlLL) = % Use: LL Red. = % Ktf] included in progrom) KLF KLF s.D.L. L.L. VARTES (SEE SECTToN 3.2)VARIES Kr.f 1OO PSF VARIES KLF PRECAST SECTION: Unit Wot.150 PCF; f'c (28 doy)6000 PSI f4 LEOGE REINF. 1g/, 2 0 rd 0.c., BAL @ rZ' 0.C.Top Steel =_4 -# l0 #4 CLoSEo STTRRUPS1e /'. 2 0 ld 0.c., 8AL O 1Z 0.C. joz, l- I6 str. to c.i 20 - 0.6" dio. Stronds o 41 KIPS EA, =820 KIPS DESIGN SUMMARY conc. SToNE f'ci : fci 41 00 PSI PSI6000 CAMBER AT REI.fjSE AT ERECTION AFTER T0PPING = /2 18 N/A Strerecol Corporatiol P.O. Bor 15129 ?19,/s90-6ul SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Dtijth 9/9/04 Fe:: ?fSrl390-5564 Coloredo Sprtagr, C0 E09tt5 Dcnver Liac: A0S/6zA-tSZg By: JWK/FDG STIEEI 'I 0F 3.R.4 Eqt\t(tt di = oo(\l €- a 0r- i0 E Et <t> c.9 o o aoE I IEo I o I <D<\o or 6 E0o.D I o sor6 otN o a0- g (, e Spandrel DESIGN SECTION 4 Sheet I of 4.i Job Title: Gore Creek Residences Date: l/19/05 Job No: Spandrel Design Index Submittals SECT DESCRIPTION DESIGN Pgs lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 4.0 Reference Surnmary I x x 4.t Spandrel Design SA 3 x x 4.R Design Summary 4.R.1 Desip Sheet SA x X Slresgcon Corporation Telc: z19rlsg0-d04t SIJEJECT: Gore Creek Residences P.o. Bor 15129 Fer: ?rglgso-S564 Colorado Sprta3r, C0 80935 Ilcnvcr IInc: 803/823-13,2l BY: JWK/FDG SIIEEf, I oF 4.0 >-la(l<l>I>l --_rlal L!l(Jl z.lL!l ffil frl(Yl -l 'lLrJl(al-lz.l<lo_lal ilz.tz.^. "i8= trE{ OJ iHe3o tr t;tl\2 ___, Lr L4lE.3etr u1 a-@u1 SFe Lr \tr =\-8ic\l (JJ ;Fe3 "lnr'l 9 Ie ri+x<=a;Xdo HU FJ?I xpaciEEz ) rrrrF- -tF - til-----nr|- 7191390-5041 STEJECI: Gore Creek Residences 719/SS0-6661 Tele: Far: She$con Corloration P.O. Bor 15120 SEEET 1Coloredo Sprh3r, C0 00095 Dcnvcr Linc:309/S2S-1gZg By: JWK/FDG oo o di =F oo(\l (D o l,J o I d q,o EEc0A. I o I o I 9r6l o cctl 6 E! 0a- I o 9r olc ot<\l 6 llo r.i E 9{E oF 4.1 SPANDREL DESIGN "SA': Q. T0 q 0F SPAN = 23'-7', - 1.0/3 - .8JJ/J LOADS: SELF WEIGHT: = .1s[8.s83(.667) + .33J(2.0)] = .958 KLF DL LOAD FROM SUPPORTED SLAB: = [460 PSF (D/L = 360/100)](s n./2) = 2.07 KLF (0/L = 1.620/.+5) LOAD FROM CANOPY: = [12s PSF (D/r = 25/100)](6 Fr) = .75 KLF (D/L = .1sl.60) L]VE LOAD AT TOP OF BEAM: = (100 PSF LLxl.s n) = .15 KtF LL STONE VENEER: = (200 PCF DLx.667 nX3.67 + 8.6)= 1.65 KLF DL TOTAL LOAD: = 5.6 KLF (D/L = 4.4/1.2) w, = 1.4(4.4) + i.7(1 .z) = 8.2 KLF 8.2(23)'?/a = 542 FT-K 8.2(23/2) = e4.3 K d ^: '103 - 3 = 100 lN. As nEo r s42(12)/.9(60)(.9X100) = 1.J4 tN2 TRY (4) #6',s & CHANGE d T0 98.5 tN.: T = 1.77(60) = 106.2 K c = .8s(5X8)o = 3ao o = \06.2/34 = 3.12' oM" = .9(106.2x98.5 - 3.12/2)/12 = 7t2 FI-K > 542 FT-K ... O.K. usE (4) #6',S Ar BoTTOM CHECK CRACKING; M. = 370 ff-K fr = 370(12X1000)/[8(10J)r/6] = Jta pSl f, = 5/5000 = 354 PSI > 314 PSI .'. No cRAcK coNTRoL REINFORCING ts REQUTRED SHEAR: V" = 2f'"b,d = 2/5000(SX98.5) = 11 1.+ x oV" = .85(t11.4) = 94.7 K > 94.3 K; USE MINIMUM REINFORCTNG ONLY,\ = 50b,s/f, = s0(8)(12)/(60,000) = .0800 lN2/Fr lr--l SPANDREL DESIGN ''SA': TORSION DESIGN: e 0F LOADS FROM CANOPY = 4 + (2/3)(6X12) = 52 lN. (C0NSERVAIIVE) w 0F LoADS FRoM CAN0PY = .75 KLF (D/L = .15l.00) W, = 1.4(.15) + 1.7(.6) = 1.23 KLF T" = 1.23(52)(2Jl2) = 736 6-1t CONSERVATIVELY, IGNORE COUNTER-EFFECT OF LOADS FROM SLAB FOR TORSION 4" = 8(103) + 4(20) = 904 lN2 P.o = toi + 12 + 20 + + + 8J + 8 = 2Jo tN olf'.A"e2/P"o,=.85J5000(904)2/23o = 251 K-tN < 736 K-IN.1 MUST pROVIDE P^ = 2(100) + 2(6) = 212 1x \r. = 6(t00) = 600 lN2 [(V,/b,d), + (T uph/ 1.7Ao6\2)\t = l[(e4.r)/8(ss.s)]2 + [zro(zr2)/1.7(6oo)\z1n = 282 pSl DESIGN TORSION REINFORCING 6(u"/bd + Blf'") = .ss[l11.4/8(98.5) + 8is00o/1000] = 6s1 pst > 282 pst .'. o.K. Tn = 2AoA,f,vC0IO/S = Tr/o = 2(.8sX600h(60)(c0I4s")/s = 61,200A",2S \/s = r"io(6t,200) = 7J6l.85(61,200) = .0141 tN27rr'r = .170 tNz/n SUMMMARY: @ BEARING: { = .170 lN2/n @ 2'-6" FROM BEARING: T = @ 5'-0" FROM BEARING: T] = @ 7'-6" FROM BEARING: T, = .135 |N2/FT .096 tN2/FT .059 |N2/FT < MIN|MUM SHEAR REINFORC|NG s87 K-rN, 4 = 416 K-tN, At = 256 K-tN, A\ = TONGITUDINAL REINFORCING FOR TORSION: 4 = ({/s)Pncoro = .0141(212) = 2.99 lN2 (CONTROLS) A, u,n = SJf'"{o/f ,t - (At/S)Ph = 5is000(e04)/(60,000) - 2.ee = 2.J4 rN2 25b*/tw = 25(8)/60,000 = .0033 tN2 < .0141 tN2 ; O.K. A = 2.99 lN2 LEDGE: A* = \m/of"6t/6 = 12/8'= 1.5, h,/h -- 2o/1a3 = .1942, b = 8L m = 1.44 A"n = (J.oJ KLFX1.44)/.85(60) = .08s6 tNr/FT A* = A,r = Yue/Ztf"d, = 736/2(.85)(60X6I = 1 20 tN2 h, = 91 tN..r 1.2017.58 =.1582 tN2/n FoR FIRST 8'_0,'OF SPANDREL Sheescot Corloration P.0. Bor t5129 Colorailo Spdngr, CO Tcle: 7t0l8S0-504r Far: 710/3S0-6681 80935 Dcnrer l,lnc: 303,/623-1323 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences DA:|B 10/19/04 BY: JWK/FDG SSEET 2 oF 4.1 Eor)q! = oo6l qt o rJ = or] 6 o Eac04ln o a trJ att<\ o .9 o E1t o vl I o qr 6l o lrJ) <Jo <'€ UJ oa<t a o lijF E c'r ' .9 E o vl I o o lrl ctr <\a o Cor E!cod <,tl I o gl 9lcUJ ot(! o llo 14 .Jo Stregscon Corporation Tcle: 7tg/sso-6o1L SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bor 15129 Fet: ?tg,/g00-6664 Colorado Springs, C0 809g6 Dcnvcr [,lac: g0gr/6ps-tg2g By: JWK/FDG SEEET J SPANDREL DESIGN ''SA': SUMMARY OF VERTICAL AND LONGITUDINAL REINFORCING: F|RST 2'-6": AJ,? + \ = .210 tNz/Fr EA. FACE (CONTROLS) (USE #4'S AT 10')A,/2 + A"n = 126 lN2/Ff EA. FACE A,/2 + A* = .200 tNz/Ff EA. FACE NEXT 2'-6': A"f2 + At =.175 tN2,/Fl eA. FA6E A"/2 + A.n = .126 IN?/FI EA. FACE A"/2 + t* =.200 |N2/FT EA. FACE (CONTROLS) (USE #4'S AT 12") NEXT 2'-6' A"/2 + \ = .1Jo lN2/fl' EA. FACE \/2 + a,n = .126 tNz/Fr EA. FACE A"/2 + A_ = .200 |N2/FT EA. FACE (CONTROLS) (USE #4'S AT 12") REMAINOER OF BEAM: A"/2 + t, = .099 tN2/il EA. FACE A"/2 + A"h = .126 tNz/n EA. FACE (CONTROLS) (USE #4'S AT 18') LONGITUDINAL: 4 = 2.Sg INz SHARED BEMEEN FACES (CONTROLS) (USE MIN. OF (10) #5'S)2A,, = 2.49 tN2 SHARED BrrWEEN FACES 0F 4.1 SUBJECT: Core Creek Residences D|'jIE:10/19/04 BY: JWK/FDG SHEET 1 oF 4.R.1 SLreggcon Corporrtiol P.O. Bor 15129 Colorado Springa, CO 80935 Tclcr 7t0/390-604r Far: 7lS,/500-6564 Dcnver llnc: $O3 / 825- 1323 E g.l <! rlj =F oo(v Ot_ o di E or,oi F 'E 5U'' '6 o at7 E go.L<t, I o Ie.o I o UJ0ta! I a|l E u, o cn 0rc <tt(! o €o u (9o 2J'_O' MAXIMUM Q. TO q OF BEARING STRESSC0N - DATA SHEfl / SPANDREL BEAtr,l BFAMr/PE:@oooo LOADING: D.L. wgt. of P.C. member WE LOAD REDUCTION Trib. Areo 0.08x( -ls0) 23.1x(1+DL/LL) Use: LL Red. % % KLF KLF s.0.1. L,L. = 3.44 g6 - 1.20 61-6 PRECAST SECTION: Unit 'flgt. IJU PCF; f'c (28 doy)s000 p51 (2) #s coNT. @ TOP F I Acp -l(o ui L.J #4 T|ES, (1) @ 2", (3) @ 1d, REMAINDER @ 1Z' #5 CoNT. (sL0PES) (6) #s coNT. rA. FACE, SPACE EVENLY AND SPLICE EA. S[r w/ #s x 2'-0" z-v @ EA. END OF SPANDREL (4) #6's CONT. #4 TIES, SAME SPACING AS MAIN TIES stP kgTi DESIGN SUMMARY conc. STONE f'ci : fr. PSI 1" CLR., ryP. 3500 PSI #s CONT. Column DESIGN SECTION 5 Sheet I of5.i Job Title: Gore Creek Residences By: rwr Date: l/19/05 JobNo: 04.29 Column Design Index Submittals SECT DESCRIPTION DESIGN Pgs lst 2nd 3rd 4rh 5th 5.0 Reference Summaries 7 x x 5.1 14" X 20" Column Design CA J X x 5.R Design Summaries 5.R.1 CA Columns CA X x ShesEcol Corporation Teler ?tg/gg0-504f SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bor 15120 Fer: Zf0lSg0-55S4 Colorailo Springr, CO 80035 Denver Linc: 90g/62g-192g By: JWK/FDG SIIEET 1 !.J(L<-tsdN.; (u o-;jP5 \UJ lrFc{ sF3 @ EFIJgFs TJ 3(L UJu) (D Strerscol Corporrtion Telo: ?to/g90-6041 sUBJEgt: Gore Creek Residences P,0. Bor 15129 Far: 7tg/SS}-Snotr Colorado Spriryr, C0 8093t Dcnver Lire:303/023-1323 BY: JWK,IFDG LrJ EFt! EHg df-tsd $ra -k@- f sHSa h rEH l sF3 ix Strcsgcon Corporrtion Tele: ?1g,/gg0-b04t SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bor 15120 Far: ?t9/ggO-SS6{ Colorado Springr, CO 80935 llcuvcr Ltnc: 303/023-1323 BY: JWK/FDC u.l o-< ->F,c{,^(tso-;P3 ,&+o (o .&+ro I bt|r)F ar' 5>(L trl 8tr3 fto: xq=trd6 lrJ ^.ki o--F LrJE. U)e6 lrl,FrL<Fd EO-e6 '4o o.l tr) @ c! c{ rf, 6 Shcrscon Corporation Tcte: lrs/ggo-sott suBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Fer: ?1S/Og0-Sb64 Colorarlo Springr, CO 80935 Denvcr Itnc: g0$/62g-fg2g By: JWK/FDG slmEr 4 t<l ci rf;d EF L.l sF3 trJ.FcL< tso- (E (Le6 33: HF8 lrl cL<-Ed(\J.,i oa cL 'je6 Stresscol Corpontion Tele: ?lg/000-b0{r suBJECTT Gore Creek Residences DIitEt 9/22/04P.0. Dor 15120 Far: ?19/390-5564 Coloredo Sprtngr, CO 00ggd Dcnvcr [,iac: 3OS:/623-tSZg By: JWK/FDG SHEET 5 oF 5.0 ( c o r, ti = oo<\| f\6l A .ij o or,'r!l a".' Ec'1 E c 36 I<\lo Ioo Irno IlrJ 6a o c.9 o c EEo(-) Iu)o orq GI llo-, ,.i <,o !d 3 CL ulUIfi lrJ l€J 'gFc! Etr3 (L F E.elo @ 'i6C! Ib c\,1 ,6'@g -lc't UJ 3 lrJa (I) -ftoR s r5E (L E<) t! cL<-FdC\l,;&(L;P6 "ico t6l 4F .lC! Stresscon Corpontion Tcle: ztg/sso- }lt suBJECr: Gore Creek Residences wrEz 9/22/04P,0. Bor 15129 Fer: ?rglg9O_SS0{ Colorailo Sprir3e, C0 80935 Dcnvcr Lloc: SO3/SZg-lg2S By: JWK/FDG SHEET 6 or 5.0 di ct oli:}rq b<tEI I L eo a, q,E c E 6(-) I<\|o Ioo Ita)o I <ttC\| ID 5o() Ira)o g C|!c ot6l o -o d,i (,o IJ o-<-d do-e6 IJF5o- Lr.JU'f; ftosv trJ FFE E c! c{ |r) tr; (\J |r) @ |r) I (o(\l -R@HixH =dEd 6 stresscon corporatiol Tele: 7tg/sso-5011 sIIBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Dtrgz 9/22/04P.0. Bor 15129 Far: 7t0l300-556r Coloredo Sprln3a, CO 80996 Dcnver Une: g03r2g-fg2g By: JWK/FDG SHEET 7 oF 5.0 Eo-:6l rii = ooaa @_ l)o l.i ci ,' Fo€ 5a (,ca, ra) E Egoc) It:o Ioo Irr)o I!J <D(\l o c E,r o cc 5 (J Irt)o q'r ctrJ .D$l o Z ,.i (tp trJ EF Cts O.e6 .kid ,;E (n;PS c.i rr)d c{ ft@R E<=trd6 n GI |r) C; F5lrj FH(, 4t ftoRv trl FF8 .uJ I -'Fc{ sF3 @ F? c! rrt co t3_: sFf Strcrecon Corlorrtion P.O. Bor 15129 Coloredo Sprt4r, CO 80ggb Tele: ?10/SS0-5041Far: 7|S/5S0-6561 Dcuvcr Llnc: 305/823- l32t SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences BY: JWK/FDG SEEET 1 D$n 9/13/04 0r'5.r EoI. = oo <\a o.rt . tJrE cn.9cct! a c E5o(-) E.9o. I o IU)o ItrJ0, <\a o c9r 6 c E!o(J tato s C't (tt6l o ll,o :14 <5o TYPICAL COLUMN DESIGN: MAXIMUM REACTION FROM ONE BEAM Pu = Z4i K (SEE SECTTON J.1.J.3) CONSERVATIVELY, DESIGN C0LU[,|N FOR "Pu = 569 K (MAXIMUM REAcTtoN DoES NoT occuR FhoM BoTH BEAMS AT ANy coLUtvN) 14" X 2t P/C COLUMN t/PtCAL: MINIMUM ECCENTRICIry = 0.6 + 0.0Jh =.6 +.0J(14) = 1.02 tN MAXIMUM MOMENT DUE TO MINIMUM ECCENTRICITY = 5OO(r.02) = 519 ''-* MINIMUM REINFORCING: .01(14X20) = 2.80 tN2 TRY (4) #8's_(A, = 3.14 tN2) oP"L+1.- 8.0[.95f'"(Aq - \)'+ r3,1 = .8-(.7)[.8s(sx280 j r.14) + 6b(j.14)]= 764 K > 500 K .1 O.K. LoAp cAsE 4]j (MMTMUM LOAD V MOMENT DUE TO M|N|MUM ECCENTR|CmT) Kl, = 19'-6' P^=398/490=.812 P; =sOoK M" = 510 lN-K !%ggEe (MAX|MUM MoMENT DUE To UNBALANCED LoADING) CONSERVATIVELY, USE WORSI CASE LOAD ON ONLY ONE SIDE OF iOLUMN Ktu - 10'-6" F^=199/245=.812P,=250X M, = 250[.5 + .75(6.5)] = 1344 tN-K TIE SPACING: LEAST OF: 16(8/8) = t0 tn 48(s/8) = 18 lN 14 tN SPACE TIES AT 14' O.C, FDG, Inc.core Creek Residences Corqrmem, 3.01, (c)2003 By SATMONS TECHNOIOGIES, DESIGN DATA INC. SHEET 2 OF 5.1 DATE z 9 /t3 /2004 PAGE: 1 BY: iII{K Bbot = 0.oO in Tbor = 0.00 ltop - 0.00 in Trop = O. oOSection nt)e: RecEangular - Area = 280.oo in-2 ybot = ?.00I = 4523 in-4 yEop = ?.00 f'c = 5.000 ksi Ec = 42g7lpr = 270.00 ksi Es = 29000fy = 50.00 ksi fp,eff = 1s4.oo I = 4.04 in klu C1tl(fE) 10.50 1. 00 0.81 o. o0 5oo. o10.s0 1.00 o.8L o.0o 250.0 In det.ermining the momenE rnagmifier,ot the memlf,er was det.ermiied using capacity ReducE ion Factor, phi:BaLanced condition: pu - 302.3 Pu = 302.3 in Bhreb inE = 20.00 IN INin ksi ksiksi sbot = 653.3 in- 3 SEoP = 653.3 in-3 ecu = 0.0030eae = 0.0C55 bet.aL= 0.80 Reinforcing Data: Depth Area prest.ressed SErand(in) (in-2) or Mil-d Sreel 2.75 1.580 Mild Sheel11.25 1.580 Mild SEeel (4) - ggrg *t***fl*li**i*t****:l*il****t**i**t*t OUTPIII * * I I * * r * * t * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * FACTORED IJOADS App. App. Mom.Bd vlrb/M2b in Mu Maqn . Mc(k) (k- in) (k-in) AIlow. Mu (k - in) ]-779 11 ra'7s4 510L344 1.00 ]-344 the fl-exural st iffnessACr Eq. 10-L1. Mu = 1877 k-in (+Mu) Mu = -l-877 k-in (-Mu) kips kips 510 1.00 A1low. Allow,Pu +Mu(k) (k-in) 420 -8 18s3459.0 ta28497.3 1783535.5 L'125 5?3 .8 1553 oLz.v I)b5650.3 1460 588 .5 133I726.9 !L97765.L 103 7 Ecc. AlLow. Ecc,+ -Mu(in) (k-in) (in) 4.4 -1853 4.44.0 -1828 4.03.5 -1783 3 .53.2 -L'725 3 .22.9 -1653 2.92.6 - l-555 2.62.2 -1450 2 ,21.9 -1338 1.91.5 -1L97 1.5r..4 -1037 1.4 0.1*frcaArea= 140. o kips phi = 0.90 - O.20*(Applied pu),/ ( t4o.o),for (+Mu)phi = 0.90 - O.2o*(App1ied pu),/ ( 140.0),for (_Mu) but phi not, less Ehan 0.ZO Max desigrn axial load Btrength: phiipn(max) = 765. 1 kips, Eq. 10_2 UIJTIMATE I,OAD INTERACTION DIAGRAM Alloer, Al1ow. Ecc. AIIow. Ecc.Pu +Mu + -Mu(k) (k- in) ( in) (k- in) ( in) 0.0 968 -958-1090 28.5-t207 1s.8 -l?1" 1r E -L432 9.4-1573 A.2-1596 7.4-1800 6.7-1877 6.1-1875 5.4-1867 4.9 38.3 109076.5 L2071L4.8 1317153.0 L432191.3 1573 229 -5 1695267.8 1800305.0 L877344.3 187s382.5 L867 2A.5 15.8 9.4 8.2 7.4 6.7 5.1 5.4 r : \,tobs\04 29\nngrg\os -column Design\042 9E- o5 - or. - corumn Design. emp Stresscon Corloration P.O, Bor t5l29 Colorado Springe, CO ?r9l380-5041 7r0l3s0-5564 Linc:30$/823-1323 BY: SIJBJECTI Gore Creek ResidencesTclc: Farl Denvcr DAIE:e/1s/04 80935 SHEET 3 o c rJ I(t rli 5 t! 6 E 6O 'a I o I|r)o IlrJo, o .9 c E56(J I .D(l a o s E JWK/FDG COLUMN INTERACTION CURVE DATA I I TypicalGolumn 900.0 800.0 700.0 600.0 500.0 400.0 300.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 o,s.- o oJ sx Puj Mu- 500i 5{o * I 500 1000 MOMENT (k. in) 3813: 1090, 76.5 1207' 114.8, 1317 153.0 1432, 191 .3 . 1573 i .. z:29"5; .16-96 j i --262.8 -_1800 *_-_3Q6,p*,*_,1,877 344.3, 1975:, 392.5 r 1867 , 420.8 1853 459.0 i 1928' 497 .3 1783, 535.5 1725, 573.8, 1653' 6i|2,0, 1565 650.3 1460 , . 7?9,,8-:. 11e7' ._ 765.1 , 1037, Stresscon Corloratiou P.O. Bor 15120 719/3S0-6011 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences colorrdo spriass, co 80s35 Dcnver Lirc: soalftii_liii By: JWK/FDG Tclc: Fer: SEEET .I Eo.oreal lrJ = oo(! od(\l o !41 E 9rt!e.o E E5vl o! .Eeo ,g d c E Eo IEo lt)o Ot<! o col :iEI!lflol 'd|lhlcl9l'O, I fl:lol REINFORCING SUMMARY 14', x 20" coLUMN @ f'.i = 3000 PSI f'" = 5000 Psl NOTE: sEE SECT|oN FOR LIMNC LOOP PROJECTING FROM TOP OF COLUMN (3) #3 nEs o 3', O.C. AT TOP & BTM. OF COLUMN a a WaII DESIGN SECTION 6 Sheet I of 6.i JobTitle: Gore Creek Residences By: Iryt(Date: l/19/05 Job No: Wall Design Index Submiuals SECT DESCRIPTION DESIGN Pgs lst 2nd 3rd 4th )th 6.0 Reference Summaries 8 x x o.r Shear Wall Desisns WA,WB 8 x X 6,R Desip Summaries 6.R.1 WAWalls WA I x x 6.R.2 WB Walls WB I X x DXIEz9/20/04Tele: 7tg/ss0-6o1L SI,BJECI: Gore Creek Residences Far: 7[S/3S0-6661 Dcnrcr Line: 303r/623-1323 BYr JWK/FDG Strerscoa Corporatiou P.O. Bot 16129 Coloredo Sprtngc, O0 E0935 SHEET 1 oF 6,0 Eo et rlj = (a)oo<\| co riiF 6 -'tta0c €5vt {t o o;l I I o I@o Ilr, CDc.{ o c 6 I ct- I o ('r or otql 4o E(,o SHEAR WALL AT GRID 5.2 REFERENCE SUMMARY: FOR PII.ASTER CAP PLATE --a.Z.S FOR CONN. TO sw (MtN. 0F 6 CoNNS.) 8.6.4 FOR BEAM BRc. PTATE ( wA ) IN WALL L_J \l \i\ I \- FoR P/C i WALL T0 |c.r.P. IWALL I FOR CONN. TO c.t.P. FooT|NG (MrN. 0F 6 c0NNs.) Dntu9/20/04 op 6.0SEEET 2 sLres8con corl0retion Tele: 7ts,/390-504r SUBJECT: Gore Creek Resioences P.O. Bor 15120 8ar: ?1.0,/300-5564 Coloredo Spriage, CO 80935 Dcavcr Linc: SOg/SZg- tgZS By: JWK/FDG lrJ. ''E boa EtU' It c o-I(lo Ioo I@o ol <Yo .9 6 Io- I(oo ql ct dtct o 4r lrJ C'o SHEAR WALL AT GRID 1O REFERENCE SUMMARY: FOR PII..ASIER CAP PI,ATE \\-- 8.7.4 FOR CONN. TO sr.AB (MrN. 0F s coNNs.) DI,IE:9/20/04 0F 6.0SEEEf, J ShcsEcon Corporotion Tclc: ?ro,/3go-5041 SU8JECT: Gore Creek Residences P,O. Bor 15120 Far: 7 LS /3S0_5681Coloredo Sprin3r, CO E0O3O Dcnrcr Liac: 3/OS/BZS-LSZ} BY: JWK/FDG FJ o 0r '.E'-0 E EIU' cc E o:= I<\Io Ioo I(oo IlrJot(! o ctt o .po- (0o gIr-i ctt(l 4o trl (, E SHEAR WALL AT GRID 14 REFERENCE SUMMARY: 8.5.2.r FOR PILASTER CAP PLATE o.o.J FOR CONN. TO FTG. O PII.ASTER (1) #e w/ #r r NMB i \ FoR coNN. | \ To stAB (MtN. I \ oF6coNNS.) | \-- 8.6.4 nlrr_I FoR BEAM { wn ) Fat.eb*I PRG-.PIATE \\___J, To BEAMSI IN WALL FOR CONN, T0 c.r.P. FooTrNc (MrN. Strearcon Corporation Tete: ?t0/aso-6041 SUBJEGII: Gore Creek Resioences Dtttgtg/27 /04 P.O. Bot 15129 Far: ?19,/900-5564 colorado Springr, C0 00995 Denver l,lnc: g0g/szg-lgzg By: JWK,/FDG SEEET 4 0F 6.0 Eq eo! rJ = ooc{ !'J ci ' cri'!6o€ E!U' o9 ra, a,e. o:} I(llo Ioo I(oo Ilrlot<\r a c.9 E .9o-I@o crr otc olrl o .6o Z r^i (9o SHFAR WALL AT GRID 19 REFERENCE SUMMARY: FOR CONN. T0 st AB (MtN. oF 3 CoNNS.) FOR PII-ASTER CAP PI.ATE 8.6.5 FOR CONN. TO FTG. @ PII,ASTER (1) #e v #r1 NMB SEE SLAB REF. SUMMARY FOR CONNECTIONS T0 c.r.P. WALL FOR CONN. T0 c.t.P. WALL (MrN. 0F 4 CoNNS.) -FOR CONN. TO BEAMS (we) \__J 8.6.1--t FOR CONN. \ T0 c.t.P. \ FooING (MrN.\ 0F 4 CoNNS.) \ ?19/390-5041 SUBJECa: Gore Creek Residences Dt{taz9/27 /0aFer: ?10/300-6504 Colorado SprLngr, C0 80935 Dcnver [,lnc: 303/6$-f gm BY: JWKriFDG SEEET 5 0F 6.0 Strerrcon Corloration P,0. Bor 15120 co r., ot di = ()oo<\ di o ='o 0 EE 5'a o a, tt,E -0-I o Ioo !c'o I ot<l a c.9 o -9. :! .oo 9r C'Tc, ot6l o 6o2 q (9o SHIAR WALL AT GRID 2J.2 REFERENCE SUMMARY: (2) #s's w/ #11 NMB',S FOR CONN. To sw (MrN. 0F 5 CoNNS.) 6) Y ShesEcon Corporatiol Tctc: ?to/ggo-do4f SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P.0, Bor 15120 Far: ?fg,/Sgo-5f04 Colorado Springs, CO 00S35 Dcnvcr ltuc: 303/6m-f38 BY: JWK/FDG SSEET 6 oF 6.0 SHEAR WALL AT GRID 25.2 REFERENCE SUMMARY: FOR CONN. TO BEAMS FOR PII-ASTER CAP PLATE \\- 6.7.4 FOR CONN. T0 st AB (MtN. 0F 4 CoNNS.) 8.6.5 FOR CONN. T0 c.t.P. FOR CONN. TO c.r.P. F00TtNG O THIS LOCATION (2) #s's w/ #11 NMB'S FooTrNc (MrN. 0F 4 CoNNS.) 8.6.J.1 FoR P/C WALL TO c.t.P. WALL SEEET 7 Strcrgcon Co4rorrtion Tcle: ? tg/SSO-6O11 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences P.O, Bor 15129 Far: 7tS/gSO-6661 Colorado Springc, CO 80S35 Dcnvcr Linc: 303,/623-f323 BY: JWK/FDG di 't e.0 Ec an o co - IFo Ioo I<oo IlrJ <Dct c q,6 Io- I(oo 9lg <D<l o -cto di E (9o SHEAR WALL AT GRID JO REFIRENCE SUMMARY: SEE SI.',AB REF. SUMMARY FOR CONNECTIONS T0 c.r.P. IYALL FOR PITASTER CAP PI,ATE FOR CONN. TO FTG. @ PII-ASTER (1) #e w/ #1r NMB FoR P/C WALL TO c.t.P. WALL 8.7.5 FOR CONN. TO SL,AB (MrN. 0F 4 CoNNS.) FOR CONN. TO c.r.P. FooT|NG (MrN. 0F s c0NNs.) ssBEr I or 6.0 Shesscon Corporrtion relc: ?rs,/g0o-6041 sUBJECT: Gotu QlggL_!.ridg19- P.O. Bor 15129 Fer: 71911390-656{ Colorailo Sprtng:, CO 80935 Dcnvcr Linc: 303/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG ]!t;o E Ea ., e Eo oi} IFo oo I(l)o It^J(tt o .9 a I ct- I(r,o E9rq qt(\I c) .oo 1 tii (ta SHEAR WALL AT GRID 33.5 REFERENCE SUMMARY: FOR CONN. TO FTG. @ THIS LOCATION (r) #e w/ #11 NMB FOR BEAM TO SLAB (MIN. BRG. PLATE OF J CSNNS.)IN WALL Streggcon Corporriion TcIc:710/390-504f SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bor 15129 Far 719/390-56S4 Colorado Sprlnge, CO 80935 Denvcr Liae: 303/623-1823 By:JWK/FDG SEEET 1 oF 6.1 SHEAR WALL AT GRID 5.2 DESIGN: 5\t',, !'t{}l''}_)oio'n'(11s) + 173(22) + ru?2) Tu I 31.+ K 31.4/.9(60) = .581 tN2 usE (1) #e rN #11 NMB (cu = 23a x) ' u BFArl -.s[(20l2x8.06 + ( + (105)l = 173 K ntiilbG.u: + o.8o) .t&t?ao.oo + o.Gs) r=97K iT::" FoR Mr) | kHt;'.n,srrx22.s)il'-o l. = 29.1 K ------> r'-c$ Vu=412K $tre$con Corporation Tclc: ?rorlggo-504r SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences DnEzg/2}/Oa P,O. Bor 15129 Fer: ?fS,/gOO-6664 Colorado Sprin3s, C0 80935 Dcovcr Linc: 303r/023-1323 BY: JWK/FDG SITEET 2 oF 6.'l SHEAR |I/ALL AT GRID 10 DESIGN: to Ih I!s, 36_{13) = 28.s(10) + 160(1e) + Tu(1s) 19Tu+3325=4810 Tu = 78.+ K 78.4/.s(60) = 1.45 lN2 usE (2) #e's rN #t 1 NMB'S (cu = 267 K) Vu=362K ll=] -lj_ =J l n D_{'u Bfat - .s[(27.7 / 2)(8.06 + 0.77s) + (12.7/2)(8.06 + 0.65)l = 160 K 'u f,[ - .e(. 1 sxl 1.sx.833x5.33) + .e(.15x1 J.3)(.833x14.4) = 28.5 K 19',-0' I I i1 3p6I I i., J \l=-162x cu TU r'-lf 18' Streucor Corporation Tctc: ?tg/gg0-b041 suBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Dtithg/20/04 P.0. Bor 1.5120 Far: ?10,/990-5664 Colorado Sprin3a, CO 80935 Dcnver Linc: 303/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG STTEET J oF 6.1 SHEAR WALL AT GRID 14 DESIGN: I!r' 310-(114) = _1-01(2.J3) + 24(10) + 181(1e) + Tu(1e)'lgTu+3910=4450 Iu = 28.2 K 28.2/.e(60) : .522 tN2 usE (1) #9 tN #11 NMB (cu = J3a r) Pu eE^rrz =D - .el(22.2/2)(s.s5+0.6s)'u Surl - , t.c., t^\t^tsu BErrt = .d5T:i/z)(a.z + 0.80) + (Lq'72xe'es + 0'6s)l ='101'K' = 181 K lt.ibri, lt.u.rl r, n.nl = 24.0 K rl .+ 'l : ,i :r'eLql' f Vu=390K n&+ SSEET 4 Streascol Corloraiiou P,O. Bor 15129 Telc:7lS,/390-504f SUBJEGa: Gore Creek Residences Far: 71011390-6584 Coloredo Spriagr, CO E0935 Dcnver llac: 303/SZS-I3$ BY: jWK/FDG Eo oo = I(! o llJ E E|l 'It ct o o:- o cv, I6lo I o I@o I ot(\ c o E- I(oo 9iqr <D(\l o A t,j (t tr oF 6.1 SHEAR WALL AT GRID 19 DESIGN: o-'U EFIT - .s(16.8/2x4.3e + 0.80) = 39.2 K ASSUME l/J OF THT SHEAR LOAD IS TRANSFERRED DIRECTLY INTO THE C.I,P. FOUNDATION WALL: (2/3)(425) = 28J K 283/17 = M|N|MUM 0F 4 CoNNS. T0 THE p/C WALL (1/3)(425)/38.5 = M|N|MUM oF 4 CONNS. (ONE S|DE ONLY) rO THE C.t.p. WALL + 0.6s) + 0.65)l IM.: 425(11) = 1a.8(5.08) + 14.8(11.17) + 123(1s.7s) + 176(19.5) + Tu(19.5) 19.5T,,+3870=4600 Tu ="J7.6 K I 37.6/.s(60) = .70 rN2 lN usE (1) #s tN #11 NMB t DESIGN VERTICAL PANEL TO C.I,P, JOINT SO THAT WALLS ACT TOGETHER PANEL TO C.I.P. CONNECTIONS MUST RTSIST; 12.3 + '|76 + 37.6 = 226 K VERTTCAL SHEAR (CONSERVATIVELY |GNoRE FoR Mor) Puru=- .e(.15x10.83) (.833X12.17) = 14.8 K 11.ibri, .rlr.rrrxs. 1 8) = 12.3 K Vu=425K r4E I e.,t SHEAR WALL AT GRID 2J.2 DESIGN: {.. I*l I IMc:- 360(12-.8) = 352(12) + 119(22.5) + Tu(22.5) 22.51u+3100=a610. Tu = 67'l K 67.1/.9(60) - 1.24 rN2 usE (2) #s rN #11 NMB',s Cu=221 K Pu e€rtl = .s[(11.80/2xs.e5 + o.6s) + (13.11l2xe.s5 + o.6s)l = 119 K li:'bri.or.r3rx2r.o) '5'-q SI{NET 5 D!:IEz9/21/04 oF 6.1 Shesscon Cotloration Tele: 7tg/sso-6011 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bor 15129 Far: ?19/399-6564 Colorado Springr, C0 80S35 Dcnvcr Linc: 300/6ZS-fBm BY: JWK,iFDG E t..,<t rii = |l')ooc{ c0 ' lrJ = a|r- i'.9 ID6 o;- o vl I<\lo I o Iaoo I O)N o .g !! ;= @o Eor <Dol o o )<tr SHEAR WALL AT GRID 25.2 DESIGN: v,295 cu IM": 295(12) = 24.8(11.5) .Ztl,+tSeS=3540' Tur = 74'0 K 74.0/.s(60) = 1.J7 lN2 usE (2) #s's tN #11 NMB'S Cu=269K DESIGN DOOR HEADER AND SILL Vu=269K vc = 2(1s000)(10)(53) = 7s K Vs aeo. = 269/.85 - 75 = 241 A\ = 241(12)/(60Xs3) = .sos usE #4 T|ES @ 4' 0.C. (\ = r70(10) + 21Tu TO TRANSFER SHIAR FROM WALL K tN2 /Fr 1.18 tN2/n) CONNECTIONS: l XX \80 1o'-0" i, ttr) 4 ll tl ee -lc{fltl .gIET/zXo.os +.e) + (2r.83/2x6.63 + .8)l =170K I I k.ru,="rry11,.,.u11r,y - (r.r3x7.o)ll-J = zo.t * 21',-q 1 -o ATI 3l R -ils'{ -l@ J --6 -l 3'-5' ', illt!.l Dxrtu}/27 /04Tele:?f9/3S0-50{1 SUBJECIT Gore Creek Residences Far: 7[S/3S0-66A1 Dcuvcr [,lac: 303/625-132S BY: JWK/FDG Stresrcon Cor1oration P,0. Bot 16129 Coloredo Springs, CO 80935 SIIEET 6 0F 6.1 Eo(o- =(,oo o [i E CDiq -c 'or o o;} o I<!o I o I!()o I CDc{ o .9 a I - Iaoo 0r or (D ca o Ao 14 E Stresscon Corporation Tcle: ?lgrlsg0-so4r SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P.0. Bor 15129 Far: ?191000-6584 Coloredo Sprl4:, C0 80936 Dcnver Liuc: g0S/629-fSZg By3 JWK/FDG SHEET 7 SHEAR WALL AT GRID 30 DESIGN: Iyc' 38.s]l^3 7) = 2?.1(12) + 241(1e) + Tu(le) 19T,1 +4840=5270ru: 22'6 K 22.6/.e(60) = 0.42 lN2 usE (1) #e rN #11 Nr/B Cu=286K Vu=385K .<a_ Flco -l 'u B€An - .s(25.s/2x10.5 + 0.77s) + (21.8/2\(10.s + o.6s)l =241 K | .g1i5tr+.+tr,asr) 12'-d' l. (8.6) + .s(.1s) SEEET 8 Sherscol Corlorrtiol Tcle:?19/390-5041 SUBJEGT: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bor 16129 Far: 7lS/390-6561 Colorailo Springr, CO 80035 Dcnvcr Lture: g0g/62g-fg2g By: JWK,/FDG E |r) rJ) ct di = rt)ooot o riF a or '9 B o- o E Ia\o I o too Ilrl 'ttcl o or 6 Io:= I@o qr orc clt(! o 4 2 di E <9 or 6.1 SHEAR WALL AT GRID JJ.5 DESIGN: IM.: 180(12.6) = 98.6(9.s) + 26.2(10.s) + 7.7(2j) + Tu(20)20t,,+1370=2270 T, l+5K 4sl.s(60) = 0.83 lN2 usE (1) #e tN #11 NMB Cu = 178 x D-I U PIRP WAI - ior'-n" '9(8's) = 7'7 11izl -V ltftri,,u.r, + o.so) = 98.6 K D-'utA[ - .e(. 1 5X I 1 .sX.833X20.2s) = 26.2 K Vu=180K 21',-Z! Streucou Corporation P.O. 8or 15129 ?r9rl300-5ur SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences Far: ?[S/3S0-6661 Colorado Springs, C0 80935 Dcnvcr Liac: g0g/S2g-l8gg By: JWKiIFDG SEEET 1 DtilEz 9/27 /A4 oF 6.R.1 STRESSCoN - DATA SHEff / WALL PANEL wA-L ilPE: @()O()Q *o', Thickness: l-0'(3) #r nEs @ y O.C. AT TOP & BTM. OF PII,ASIER A (AT PTLASITRS) (2) #s TR|M BARS TYPICAL REINFORCING: #4's @ 12' o.c. EA. WAY, 2'' FROM TA. FACE ixTEN0 (2) #s TRIM BARS MIN. OF 2'-O' PAST EDGT OF PANEL AT ALL BLOCKOUTS rA. EDGE (l EA. FACE) l/PICAL (4) #8 VERT.REINFORCING, SEE ABOVE DESIGN SUMMARY #3 T|ES @ 14: 0.C.Conc : lcr : fc; STONE PSI STCIION A-A DXflE: 10/18/04 oF 6.R.2SIMET 1 Stregscon Corloration P.O. Bot 15129 Colorailo Sprtngr, CO 80S36 7 t9/390-501t SUBJECI: Gore Far: 71913S0-6604 Ilcnver lluc: 3}3/s2s-1323 BY: JWK/FDG Eoa 9! di = |J) o(\l cC' |J =1'b-, o E E:t c.9t o;= I o I(oo I o)ol o c.9 o .9 ;! I(o 0l or.q o! o .oo Z di o STRESSCON - DATA SHEET / WALL PAI.IEL wALL rrPE: @OOOQ *0" Thickness: 1o' EXTEND (2) #s TRIM BARS MIN. OF 2'-O' PAST EDGI OF PANTL (3) #3 TrEs o J O.C. AT TOP & BTM. OF PITASIER AT ALL BLOCKOUTS (2) #s TR|M BARS TYPICAL REINFORCING: #4'S @ 12' 0.C, EA. WAY, 2'' FROM EA. FACE PRoVTDE #4 CLoSED T|ES @ 4' O,C. AT HEADER AND SILL OT DOOR BLOCKOUT. EXTEND DISTRIBUTION OF TIES MINIMUM OF 2'-0,' PAST EACH EDGE OF BLOCKOUT EJ +lc.{ (4) #8 vERr. OESIGN SUMI,IARY Conc : f'ci : fc: #3 nES Or{ 0.c. STONT PSt SECTION A_A Job Title: Gore Creek Residences Slab DESIGN SECTION 7 Sheet I of7.i JobNo: 0429By: rwr Date: ln0l05 Slab Design Index Submittals SECT DESCRIPTION DESIGN Pgs lst 2nd Jro 4rh 5th 7.0 Reference Summ,aries '7 x X x 7.7 12" Slab Design 7.1.1 Tlpical 12" Slab Desigrr SLA 13 x X '7.2 9" Slab Desigrr 7.2.1 Typical 9" Slab Design SLB 6 x X 1)7 Normal Span 9" Slab w/ Point Loads sLc 6 x X 7.2.3 Typical Long Span 9" Slab SLC SLD li x x 7.2.4 Mildly Reinforced 9" Slab SLE J x x 17<Special 9" Slab Design (Grid 5 to 5.2)SLD 6 X x 7.2.6 Check Thiclness of Boiler Room Slabs sLc I x x t.)Blockout Guidelines I x 7.R Design Summaries 7.R.1 12" Slab Desip Summary SLA I x x X 7.R.2 7.R2.1 9" Preshessed Slab Desip Summary SLB I X X 7.R.2.2 9" Prestessed Slab Design Summary SLC I X x 7.R.2.3 9" Prestessed Slab Design Summary SLD i x x 7.L2.4 9" Mildly Reinforced Slab Design Summary SLE 1 x x (n trJ FE5= :Eq!-(DO<z.-> 6o 6 =,., .H=xEc HUEE=1zt.n = <. <. = c'J rr) t-- aOE(, I E la L! C)z.t-!u. LlJ t-l--t!t m v) =-=.'iE Iff eH T Floan o c;e, au anz1F xdP ftrPT,- + -:z o =i=2;liSoE e.o c\ \@ J -JF* c.r @ ;e@(D otoe. l - r.)@c\ (, e. u.o - F. c; SIIEET 1 DI{IEt 9/10/04 oF 7.0 ?r9l380-504f SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences ?10ls00-5504 Tclc: ferl StreracoD CorloraHon P.0. Bor 15129 Colorado Sprln3a, CO 80036 Dcnvcr Line: 3OS/EZA-ISZB By: JWK/FDG c o!t rl?ql ri = roo 6l o_(\l 't r|rJ = ol 'Ei, .9'E E (h {,oc9 a, ao6 Ioo IF\o I ot o./C.9 o .o -9 r\o./or ctc.-oic{ o./-o'. ,il E (to -DATE:9/13/04 .-"-.-.-- Shesscla Coryorrtion p.O. Bor tSli; Tele: ?rs,/Ag0_504r colorr'^ G-J- oar: 7ra /!16^-..-, SUBJECI: Gore Cleek Resioencescoloredo spriaga, co g0ga5 ;::-- ,,_ 7rs/39o-5ss1 <e: 303/823_13l}3 By: JWK/FDG u-9o<3\9oo=4L-qVo 3g8i e=-9s= F5*cc H"*E€a: .J =-=;itrooru- t-- </) FaPiu't c.r @ -.<.t 5';oa<oo= a, <-> t;Edtro E ta)toqt di =Ioat d<1 co ti a 'b(' 5- E (4 .,, Ego E, 6 Iotattl FI $J o Cor 4 IFo ec,tcL,l ctt.\tl ol6ltl FI E.P 593tJ- <,n U) F) N @ DxfFj 9/13/04 Stresscon Coqrorrtioa P.O. Bor t5t2g Telc: ?19,/S9O-00.U Far: 7tS/gg0-6fi1 Gore Creek Residences Coloraito Sprtngr, co o0ga6 Dcnver Unc: sosTaza_7iii By: JWK,/FDG SHEET 3 E0aotl) ct rii = ta,oo(\ (\ c0 ,di k6 9i '!b 'GE (n ID Gg., a,e. 4o6 oo IFo lrJotC\| o or o -9 F.o a,i c <t!.\I! ao J (9o (./', LrJ -2e49e 6- :E g=*(D(]< 2..> 6o=2. "FFeec HUE*=: F (D (D att a.t) CN |JJF5 CL o5 Q) (.:|. <) qSg iqr 5. .- dxo ig,2 6 fr$:o:6>F P qER::F-odtrEz Sherscon Corporation P.0, Bor 15t20 colorado Springr, co oogas Dcuvcr Unc: aotfiii_iiii By: JWK/FDG 7lS/39O-601t SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences DATE 9/13/04?19l300-5504 Telc: Far: oF 7.0 E F.q? @ di =F u1oo oa\| co tl 3 gl 't a"IC E ln C ., G al -9an Ioo IFo I otCt 'di o o -9vl INo 9l P ot(Y o ao .ii I r!l (9 1el th F35H-txer.r (9 )< -FrP:=*@aI. 2..> oo^z FFss"*H-F6od2#2*.7= q-o ->-F.l-ixt?@V-@6 o P6 -(o\pco cEl ct--Heci-9( 'i9("dtr@"v-,92 @ +a=x8A: ItrP=,- = = iar= *g5tr <i c) cqH6. s;€ at X@ =5oan (9 <iJg= E. P c! frd D^rEz 9/13/o+ oF 7.0 Stresscoa Corporrtion P.O. Eor 15129 ?f9/390-5041 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences 7r9l390-5564 Colorado Sprin3r, CO A0ggS Dcnvcr ltac: gOg/6ZS-t3Zg By: JWK/FDG SHEET 5 Tele: Far: c 0ou) .(t l! = u)oo<! (\l co l^J 6 oi.!tbo E E UI co e 4 -9 Ioo IFa IlrJ o .9 6 As IFo or orc ctl(l o -cl t^I (,o t tJ.J 565d:x5 e r,-E 9 =-@o< gEE= c HsEEe: C! aO t >-la,/'l?l>l>l:fl-lt!l()l z.l L!.ll(Yl !-rilL-i- |trJl*l ml<ltl col (D 5an oe.=P6 -@ip@@ EP F3"iF\d ,i-,92 16.r= :>fr r.L F (/t F- fo(n e (9 (D t0 c,l 1\r <; Stresscou Corporation P.0. Bor 15129 Coloredo Sprl.ngr, CO B0gg5 Tcle: ?f9,/390-004f Far: 7LS/ggO-5661 Denrer Linc: XO3. / 62g- lgZS SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences BY: JWK/FDG SHEET DrIB. 9/13/04 oF 7.0 Eoa,(l at [i = oo6t a\ co r;j E ]Ebo E EJ at(,c!l' .t a,oa -g vt Ioo It\o I olql o .9 o o6 a-o 9t crr e,r(! o Boz ti (Jlol u? r- ct -H+ P.-l * t- tt>IHsu -*es;5citsO t/, da= * jE.t Pp9l rf VrO:2.= Fj=F =<;593 F E=P6 c'r @ iH3 do Ee q(9 Ps <\t c{ N at 9P -, cD55L'- ( (II 5 aJ1 fo F. =-=o ab5 5F e#fr3 fE5: iEg!-(I)(r fifcse HsEEa: 3EEe6ez.<)a E..ao oa6 q r-d "0t-./t .t-,sz ?^ -lc!ln c!.r t- -.1L-<<= 1q r- ad z.Ltt oFBa <= n)c\l e66= F6 ^A*lc{lrlLrl 6Eb(J I @ <i c\'l e. .D E .: r'-q; Streggcol Corloration Telc: 7 Ls/gso- ol] suBJECT: Gore creek ResidencesP.O. Bor 15120 Far: ?tg/Sg0-5561 Colorado Sprlryr, C0 Boggd Dcnver Liae: gOg'/SZS-lS2S By: JWK,/FDG SIIEEf, 7 fo F |r) LO n-l-l-lrl >-l(\/ |<l>l>l--r Ial I L!,1(-)l z.lL!lt)/ | l-.llLr- |L!ln/'l Icot 1l6l fr -29,4 Fggs E=ugc HuE4='1 d Ri'*S 6i +- '- eEoEfi>Yt E *EE=s HH ?E.l= ar3\E*s ort- (, z.z,oo E. P z.z.o(J u-o = =6.4 :bfroo-t! FU) do6e g<9 Po cY c{ F- cd t=E;H l4oF>-F ixtQ@V.dd DeilezS/27 /047lS/590-5011 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences ?10/390-6564 Telel Farl Shcsscol Corporation P.O. Bor 16129 SEEET 1 oF 7.1.1Coloredo Sprl]rgr, c0 O0ggO Dcnvcr Unc: sos:/szs-ttzl Byr JWK/FDG Eo. It) di = ooal ctto o. tn t! o or]P or IDa -9 .e (\l o'a I o I o IFo I <D6l o .9 a 406 IFo C|r qrc ot CJ o - lrl ><tr l/PrcAL 12" SLAB DESTGN: (26'-4' cRtD TO GR|D SPAN) LoADS: (FROM ENG|NEER 0F RECORD) L0ADTNG COND|TI0N f 1: wl = 560 PSF (D/L = 460/100) W2 = J40 PSF(D/t: 240/100) (NoT TNCLUD|NG SELF-WEIGHT) LoADtNc CoND|T|oN #2: W1 = J40 PSF (D/L = 240/100) (NoT TNCLUD|NG sELF-wElcHT) 8Y OBSERVATION, WILL NOT CONTROL FOR THIS DESIGN L0AD|NG CoND|TIoN #3 ts |DENT|CAL TO LOADTNG COND|TION LOAD|NC COND|T|ON f4: #1 w1 = 460 PSF (D/L = 360/100) (Nor TNCLUD|NG sELF-wEtcHT) 21',-4' 71.9rl390-50,!tl SIJBJE6T: Gore Creek ResidencesTclc: Fer: Stresscon Corporatiol P.O. Bor l6l2e Eo(D 9!qt LJ =F o6(\ <\l C! alt !J E ol]9G.9t agv, .d 6l C'.gc F I o I o IFo It! <D.J o c.qt o -9It It\o or orc (D oa o 4lo g lr- E Dt{tBz8/27 /0a 710/300-5664 Colorado Sprla3r, C0 80935.Dcnvcr Ltnc:3Og/SzS-t 2g By: JWK/FDG SEEET 2 0F 7.1.1 I/PICAL 12" SLAB DESTGN: (C0NT|NUED) rN TH|S CASE, LoAD CoND|T|oN #2 wtLL NOT CONTROL TTPICAL PANEL IS NOMINALLY 9'-O' WIDE coNDlTrON ff1 & ff3: W10,. = 466191 = 4.14 KLF w1|.. = 169i91 = .900 KLF w2* = 24sie1 = 2.16 KLF W2r. = 19919; = .900 KLF c0NDtTtON fa: wlo.- = J60(9) = 3.24 KLF w1,, = 19919; = .900 KLF Q. T0 q 0F BEARING = 26.33 - j1/12 - 1/12 - .s(3/12) - 6/12 - 1/12 - .5(3/12)= 24.5 FI CHECK CONDITION #1 &#3 FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD/ INc. DESIGN DATA Right CanE. = Loop @ Right= A Ri.rhf = Web widLh :108.000 in Tpg. thick : 0.000 in Secti.on Type=RECT BEAM SHEET 3 OF 7,]..1 DATE z 9/9/2004 PAGE: 1 BY: JWK 0.00 fr 0.00 ft. 0.250 fr l-2.000 in 2592.00 in-3 5.0000 in Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Simple Span = 24.50 ft Beam Length = 24.50 ft Loop @ Lefr = 0.00 ftDesign Bearing Lengths: G Left = 0.2.50 ft Bot. width = 0.000 in Bor. rhick = 0.000 inTop vridth = 0.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 inStem Height = 12.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on above section dimensions)Area = 1296.000 in-2 Sb : 2592.00 in-3I = 15552.00 in-4 yb : 6.0C00 in Miscellaneous: Beam type :MOD. LT.WT. Beam weight : 1l-5.00 pcfLt.I{t. mod. = 0.750 (p/c) = Z.5JUVoL/Surf = 5.400 in Beam f 'ci = 3.500 ksi F^i 6^.lia.i^*- 1 .\^^ phi Factors : Load Factors : Shear Options :Allow. Concrete Stress:Stress Bl.ock=PARABOLIC Topping type=NORMAI WT. Topping wt. = l-50.00 pcf eds = 0 E-0 6 ReI . humid = 60.00t Bean frc = 5.000 ksi Ec modifier = l-.000Flexure = 0.900 Dead load = 1.400 Depth used =NON-COMPAt Release :0.600f'ci eshu : 1000 E-06Strain Curve=Pcf Handbook Topping f'c = 3.000 ksi Camber MuIt.: 1.000Shear = 0.850 LJ-ve lJoad = l. /UU f 'c used =BEAMAt Final :12.000sqrt f rc Prestressing Strands (Strand Type = LOW RELAXATION) 29 K/STRANDEff. Pull = 0.700Xfpu srrand diarn.= 0.5000 in Estrand =2g322.44 ksiStrand fpu =270.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0.1531 in-2 LtMuIt = I.000# Str. Iev. = I * of Strand = 17.00 LdMuLt : 1.000Losses: PCI Comm. Report (RAI,IONAL) Strand Transformed. -> NO Harping Profile: x(ft) Fromn6 e -r.i hl-.i ^-lsrLlrpLrvll Left EndLeft. End of Beam----- 0.00Right End of Beam----- 24.50 Mild S t.eeI Hstr Eccent -(in) (in )2.00 4.002.00 4.00 Area of P/S ( in-2 ) 2 . 6027 Shear Emi Id : fyv : 50.00 ksi = 29000 ksi fvh LdMul t. = Magnit.ude of Load Beginn j.ng Ending(k/ft) (k/ft) 60.00 ksi 1.000 Di.stance From Raai nn i na ( ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 fyl = 60.00 ksi Ending Eccent.(ft) ( in1 24.50 0.00024.50 0.00024.50 0.00024.50 0.000 3. 88 0.000 0.000 k/ fr Distributed Loads (non-factored) Load Type P/C SeIf Weight Non-comp. Dead Load Composite Dead LoadLive Load Non-comp. Dead Load At. ReLease OnIy: NOTE: 0.00t of Suction = 0.000 k/ft Core Material = 1.035 2.r60 0.000 0.900 1.980 1. U J:) Z.IOU 0.000 0.900 1.980 aLl distributed and concentrated live loads are sustained. r:\Jobs\042g\Engrg\07-slab Design\04298-07-or-01-Typical 12 in srab Run 1.bem FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES 6 ASV{AD, INC. Bearing Plates at at DL andX(ft) from Tenslonihg Release Sust. LIlLeft End ksi ksi ksi Nu = 0.20*Pu Height= 0.00 in Bearing pad Thickness = 0,375 inEff. Brg. Surface: Width =108,00 in Length = O.O0O inPlate Rebar: Angle = 1,0.00 deg fy = 60.00 ksiConfinenent for non-debonded prestressing strand assumed -> NO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l * * * * :t * + * * * t * * * * * * * * ouTpUT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * r INITIA! STRESSES (psi, at retease) A) DL beam + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported aE 0.00 ft from LEET end and 0.00 ft fron RIGHT endx(ft) Eron rnitiaL p/s Init.p/s + BM Aux. steet areaLeft End Top Bor. Top Bot. (ACI 18.4.1) 2.08 -359 LO77 -247 965 0. o02.45 -359 LO77 -230 948 0.9? TOP<___4.90 -361 1082 -131 852 0.007.35 -362 1085 -60 783 0.009.80 -362 108? -17 742 0.00L2.25 -363 1.088 -3 .728 0.00L4.'10 -362 1087 _77 7 42 0. 0o17.15 -362 1085 -50 ?83 0.0019.60 -361 1082 -131 852 0 . O022.05 -359 rO77 -230 948 o.g7 rop<___22.42 -359 7077 -247 965 o. O0NOTE: Required f'ci = 3500 psi based on assigned nj-nimum. SHEET 4 0F 7.1.1 DATE z 9 / 9 /2004 PAGE: 2 BY: JWK P/S Los st 100. 00 11.15 9.24 ? 01 7.13 6. 89 7 .20 8. 05 9.44 1t-.38 100.00 PCI PRACTICE ALLOWS 6(ftc)l/z = 355 PSI THROUGHOIIT THE MEMBER. THEREFORE, NO TOP REINFORCING IS REQUIRED. STRAND srRESsEs (Based on f'ci=3.500 ksi-, f,c:5.000 ksi, by pcr cornmittee) Finalr P,/ S Loss ksi ksi 0.00 2.45 4.90 7.35 9.80 LZ,Z3 L4.10 l' / .l.f, 19.50 ZZ.UJ 24.50 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 1qo n t17 .9 178.8 Lt>.b 180.1 180.4 l an q 180,4 180.1 t'r:r.o 178.8 17? O 0.0 LO I . Z 110.2 Ltz.5 lr5.b Lt5.> 173.4 166.8 0.0 171.5 174.0 1?5.5 1?6.0 L75.4 173.8 L?L.2 rb /. f, 0.0 189.00 21.08 J,.t.vb 13.48 13.03 l.J.bl 15.21 17 .84 21.50 189.00 *NOTE: Final sErand stresses inc]ude elastic regain for Live Load. FINAL STP€SSES (psi} X(ft) From fP + BM LefE End Top Bot FD -r nt + Sus tained LL FP+DL + AI1 LLTop Bot 00106 289228 447443 24062L 6877L -77894 -195 Slab Run 1 . bero 0.00 L. Z5 z.:tJ 3.67 4.90 6. 13 /. J5 0 - rz.9 -zv6 -IJ6 - 114 -78 -48 0 524 662 840 772 '1 41 Top 0 115 265 42r J3 t 631 Bot U 348 s59 ?qq 268 158 b5 I : \.tobs\0429\Engrg\07-Slab Design\04298-O?-01-01-Tvpica1 12 in t u(J, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACOUES & ASWAD, INC. SHEET DATE 3 PAGE : v6d -ztto1,054 -3501no2 -?a?1104 -3911085 -380 J.UgL -55b vb6 -zbo861 -169137 -44580 107 JYJ Z6J 183 490 77 3t',l00 = -849 psi 5 0F ?.1.1 9/9/20043 BY : JWK o. K. 9.80 L1 .02 LZ.ZJ 13.48 L4 .10 I5.9J t / . -Lf, 18.38 19.50 20.83 22.05 23,21 24 .50 -7 5 b J -7 -24 -77 -r-14 -157 -207 -r29 'to4 783 79L 777 14L 683 604 503 380 z5b 70 !'l n 't27 I LZ 704 ?01 /u5 1L2 725 745 170 80 r. UJU 880 5230 --- -1 -49 -77 -84 -'l L -36 L' 94 190 307 445 bu5 3710 --- 12.00*sqrt(frc)NOTE: Allowable bottom tension stress = ULTIMATE MOMENT ( k-in ) Reguired Mu Provided phi *Mn X (ft) FromLeft End 0.00 L.23 2.45 3. 5? 4.90 O..LJ 7.35 5.J' 9. 80 LL.02 12.25 13.48 L4.70 15. 93 r / . LJ 18.38 19.60 20 .83 ZZ.UJ zJ. z I 24 .50 by Factrd ILoads (ACI 114 8 2L37 2969 4242 47 L5 5 081 5 339 5489 5530 5464 5289 5006 4 515 41r.6 3509 27 94 1 971 103 9 n by . 2 *Mcr 18.8. 3) by Dev.Length if Over-Strai.n- Limits Reinforcedcompat. (Acr ch.12) (Acr 18.8.1) 5781 57 91 5781 57 814535 5781 o. K. 57 81 5781 5?81 5781 2073 (1) 4043 (1) 4904 (1) s490 (1) 5772 (t',) 5?71 (1) s485 (r.) 4897 (1) 403s (1) 2068 (1) (1): Development length controlled by VERTICAL SHEAR REINFORCING strand. -- Regui red Reinforcing --for for forVci Vcw Avci Avcw Avminkips kips !n-2/fE !n-2/fE in-2/fE 531 201 0.000 0.000 0.000210 227 0.000 0.000 0.ooo184 264 0.000 0. 000 0.000r.35 310 0.000 0.000 0.0009't 311 0.000 0.000 0.00097 312 0.000 0.000 0.000 X (ft) Fron D VuLeft End in. kips 0. 13 10. 00 79.0s 0. s0 10.00 79.05L.23 10.00 72.692.45 10.00 6r.94 3 -67 10.00 51.194.90 10.00 43.27 Tu k- in 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 r:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-srab Design\0429E-07-01-01-Typicar 12 in srab Run 1.bem r u\J, lnc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQTJES e ASWAD, rNC. SHEET 6 0F 7.1.1 DATE | 9/9/2004 PAGE: 4 BY: JliK 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6. 13 10. 00 35.927.3s 1"0.00 28.568.57 10. 00 2I .2r9.80 10.00 13.86 r1 .02 10. 00 6. s0L2.25 10.00 -0.8513.48 10.00 -8.2L14.70 10.00 -15.5615.93 1.0.00 -22.9L 17. 15 10.00 -30 .21r8.38 l-0.00 -37.62 19. 60 10.00 -44 .9120.83 10.00 -s2.3322.05 10.00 -59.6823.27 10.00 -57. 0324.00 10.00 -?1 .3924.38 10.00 -7I.39 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.c 0.c 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 u.u 0.0 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 97 313 97 3L4 91 314 Y I Jl'J97 3r5 ' I JIf, 97 315 91 315 97 31497 31497 31397 3L299 311 1?a ?nq 186 26427L 227 645 207 (2): Minirnum based on ACI Eq. 1l-14. NOTE: Avmin not required for phi*Vc > Vu > phr*yc/2 (ACI Reqd. reinf. does not incrude suspension steeL for l-edges & pockets, NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total vreb width =L08.000 in.NOTE: No significant torsion was found (ACI 11.6.1).NorE: Design assumes web reinforcing is carried as close to compressionand tension surfaces as possible per ACI 12.L3.I. ::yT:_::_yll:yy_TittcAr, AND roNGrruDrNAL wEB REINFoRCEMENT REourREMENrs NorE : rhe sp"ciriea se";;-;;-il;-;;;-;;;"-;-;;;;;;-i;;;":----------For Vertical Reinf, select from columns (Il , l2l, (3) or (4) z lin-2/ftlFor Longitudinal Reinf, seLect frorn columns (A) or (B) : (in_2) X(ft) Fron PhLeft End in 0.L25 0.500 L -225 2.450 4.900 6.L25 7.350 8.575 9. 800 12.250 IJ.9/J 14.700 L3. iZJ 17.150 t5.5/J 19.500 zv .6zJ 22 .050 23 .27 5 24.000 z+. 5 | ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1) Ash <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0-000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> (2t (3) Av/2+At Avl2+Ash (1) (A) Av/2+Awv AL/2 (B) AwI 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000n nnn :.::: NONE REQUIREDU.UUU 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0. 000 0 . 000 Awv=AwI= 0.000(left), 0.000 (right;=y6lggcal and. longitudinal web reinf. forbending due to torsional equil. reactions (1edge face,in_2), based on: I:\Jobs\0429\Engrq\07-Slab DesiEn\04298-07-01-01-Typica1 12 in Slab Run t-.bem f' FDc, rnc. SHEET ? oF 7.1.1' Gore Creek Residences DATE: 9/9/2004 Beam, 3.04, tC)2003 BY JACQUES e ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 5 By: JWK Tu = 0.0 k-in at teft End, : 0.0 k-in at. Riqht Endds = 53.750 in Hs = 9.600 in Ash=Hanger reinforcement (1ed9e face only). NOTE: The above values for steel are for one face only. Columns (2) e (A) should be applied to both faces. AL1 other columns need only beapplied to the ledge face. <3>NOTE: Section does not. have a ledge, or is defined as a Genexal Section. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rat.ionaL approach and PCI Commiltee Reconmendations for losses.f'ci : 3.500 ksi, f'c = 5.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 2408 ksi, Ec = 2878 ksi, Camber MuIt.= 1.000Modified : Cu = l-.443 eshu = 502 E-06 NOTE: Negative values indicate canber. Midspan Position (in) Release : Ps( -0.54)+BM DL( 0.22) -0.31 Creep Before Erection -0.18Erect j.on: PS+BM DL -0.49(G 4 weeks ) Change Due to Non-Comp.D! 0.41 DELTA TL = 0.83n = L/35a: PS+BM DL+Non-Comp. DL -0.08 < 1/240 O.K. Change Due Co Conp.DL+SustLL 0.00: PS+AII DL+Sust.LL -0.08Long Term Creep 0.26Final : pS+AlI DL+Sust.LL O.l8 DELTA LL = 0.421t = I/70O : PS+AII DL+LL 0.34 < L/350 o.K. MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial prestress force : 492 kips Fj.naJ- prestress force : 458 kips Concrete strengths used in design: Release strength f'ci= 3500 psi Final strength f ,c: 5000 psr Beam is MODIFIED LT.WT. concrete. piece weight = 25.36 kips. Estimated shortening between suppolts at erection time : Curvatureat C.G. Effect TotalTop O.Lz -0.09 0,03 <<<Length correction not to exceed this vaLuec.G 0.L2 0.00 0.L2Bot O.Lz 0.09 0 .2I HORIZONTAL ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT E BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinement for prestressing strand assumed -> NO Factored Reaction: Pu = 83.4 kips pw = 57.2 kips at LEFT supportReact. Conponents: Pdl,nc: 45.2 kips pdl,c= 0.0 kips pll= 1l.0 kipsFactoled Shear : Vu = 83.4 kips Nu = 16.7 kipsCalculated : Height= 12.00 in Bearing Surface Width =108.00 in Bearing Avf Eactored Brg. Brg. pad Sugg.Length Reqd. Stress Stress pad Tl4)e(in) (in-Z) (ksi) (ksi) 3.0 0.82 0.258 0.]-77 (1)3.5 0.82 0.22L 0.1s1 (1)4.0 0.82 0.193 0.132 (r.) I:\.tobs\0429\Engrg\07-SIab Design\04298-0?-01-0I--Typical 12 in Stab Run 1.bem j FDG, Inc. core Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES e ASWAD, INC. SHEET I OF 7.1.1 DATE:. 9 / 9 /2004 PAGE: 6 BY: JWK 6.0?n o.82 v.62 0. 82 0.r29 0.110 0.106 (1) 0.088 (1) 0.076 (1) 0.157 0.134 0.118 0.094 0.078 0.067 Factored Reaction: Pu = 74,4 kips pw = 50.9 kips at Rrcltr supportReact. Components: Pd1,nc= 39.7 kj.ps pd1, c= O.O kips pI1= f 1.0-:<ipsFactored Shear : Vu = ?4.4 kips Nu = f4.9 kipsCalculated : Height= 12.00 in Bearing Surface Width =108.00 in Bearing Avf Factored. Brg. Brg. pad Sugg.Length Reqd. stress stless pad Type(in) (in-2) (ksi) (ksi ) 3.0 5.f, 4.0 ?.0 0.73 n 'l? 0.73 0.?3 0.73 0.73 0.230 0.197 0,r72 0 . r.38 n 11q 0.098 (1) usE(1) coNTrNuous ( 1) KoRoI,ATI{ oR(1) MoPRENE(1) STRIP (1) NorE: As detailed bearing lengths rnust be longer than minimum used in calcsto allow for as-buiIt tolerances. Suggest minimum added length beL/2 ln. + difference in shortening between top and botton of member.NorE: Reactions are used for concrete bearing strength check and bearingpad design, shear is used for design of Avf. Pad Types: (following pCI Handbook sth Edition)(1) : AASHTo Grade Neoprene (60 durometer) or Rand.om oriented Fiber (RoF) I:\Jobs\0429\Engr9\07-Slab Design\O429E-O?-01-0l-Typical 12 in Slab Run l.bem CHECK AGAINST LOAD FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, DESIGN DATA CONDITION #4 = z4.JV tL = 0.00 ft: 0.250 fr SHEET 9 0F 7.r-.1 DATE:.9/9/2004 PAGE: 1 BY: JWK 0.00 f r 0.00 fr 0.250 fr 12.000 in zJ9Z -Ul.J tn-5 6.0000 in Left cant. = 0.00 ft Bean Length = 24.50 fE Design Bearing lengths : Miscellaneous Beam type Beam weightLt.Wt, mod. UU Pi dhl- a:nt Loop G Right: G Ri-ght= st Simple Span Loop 0 Le ft G Left Bot. width = 0.000 in Bot. thick : 0.000 inTop width = 0.000 in Flange rhick: 0.000 inSten Height = 12.000 j.n Haunch thiek= 0.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on above section dimensions) Area = 1296.000 in-z Sb =. 2592.00 in-3I = l-5552.00 in-4 Yb =. 5.0000 in Web width =108.000 in Tpg. thick = 0.000 in Section Type=RECT BEAlvr =MOD. LT.WT. Topping type=NORMAL WT. = 1l-5.00 pcf Topping wt. = l-50.00 pcf = 0 .750 (p/c ) VoIlSurf Beam f rci Eci modi fier= phi Factors Load Factors Shear Options 5.400 in 3.500 ksi 1.000 eds = 0 E-0 6ReI. humid = 50.00* Beam f'c = 5.000 ksi Ec modi f i-er = 1.000Flexure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1.400 Depth used :NON-COMP At Release =0.600f'ci eshu = 1000 E-06 Strain Cu.rve=PCI Handbook Topping frc = 3.000 ksi Camber Mult.= 1.000Shear = 0.850 !]Ve LOaO = I. /UU f 'c used =BEAM At Final =12.000sqrt f rcA1low. Concrete Stress: Stres s BLock=PABABOLIC Prest.ressing Strands (Strand T1'pe : LOW RELAXATION) 29 K/STRANDEff. Pull = 0.700xfpu Strand diam.= 0.5000 in EstrandStrand fpu :2?0.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0.1531 in-2 LtMuft'* Str, 1ev. - l, + of Strand = 21.00 LaUuftLosses: PCI Comm. Report (RATjONAL) Strand Transformed -> Harping Profile: x(ft) From Hstr Eccent. Area ofnac^rih+i^-v=oerrrur\J,, Lefr End (in) (in) p/s (in_2)Left End of Beam----- 0.00 2.OO 4.00 3.2151Right End of Beam----- 24.50 2.00 4.00 3.2151 MiId S teel Shear UMI IO Load Type P/C SeIf 9leight Non-comp. Dead toad Composite Dead load Live Load 1.035 3.240 0.000 0. 900 k/fE Core 0 .00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 Material = 24.50 24.50 24.50 24 .50 0.000 k/fr Ioads are L2 in S Iab =28322.44 ksi = 1.000 = 1-000 NO Eccent. (in) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 sustained. Run 2.bem : fyv = 50.00 ksi fyh = 50.00 ksi = 29000 ksi LdMuIt = l-.000 fyl = 50.00 ksi Distributed l,oads (non-factored) Magnitude of Load Distance From leftBeginning Ending Beginning Ending(k/fr) (k/ tt) (fr) (fr) 1.03I, 3.240 0.000 0.900 At Release Only: Suceion = 0.000 i NoTE: 0.00t of all distributed and concentrated live Bearing Plates I : \Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-Slab Des ign\ 042 9E-O?-01-01-Typical FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INc. SHEET 10 0F 7.1.1 DATEz 9/9/2Q04 PAGE: 2 BY: JWK Nu = 0.20*Pu Height: 0.00 in Bearing pad Thickness = 0.3?5 inEff. Brg. Surface: Width =108.00 in Lengrh = 0.000 in Plat.e Rebar: Angle = 10.00 deg fy = 60.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestressing strand assumed -> NO *t*****i********t*t*****l****f,**** ouTpuT * * * * * f, I t * * * * * i * * , * * * * t * * t * * * t * * r * * * INI?IAI STRESSES (psi, at release) A) DL beam + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported at 0.00 ft fron LEF! end and 0.00 ft from RIGHT endX(ft.) From Initial p/S Init.p/S + BM Aux. steel areaLeft End Top Bot. Top Bor. (ACI 18.4.1) 2.08 -438 131 42.45 -438 13154.90 -440 13207.35 -44r L3249.80 -442 L32712.25 -442 L321 NOTE: Required f'ci = 3500 psi -325 L202 0.00 -309 1185 1 .38 -2L0 1090 0.73 -139 LO22 0.00 -97 981 0.00 -83 968 0.00 based on assigned minimum. TOP<--- TOP<--- Final* P,/S Loss P/S Lossksi ksi. t PCI PR,ACTICE AIIIJOWS 6(f'c)L/z = 3s5 PSI THROUGHOUT THE MEMBER. TI{EREFORE, NO TOP REINFORCING IS REQUIRED . STRAND STRESSES (Based on f'ci=3.500 ksi, f'c=5.000 ksi, by pCI Committee) at X (ft) from TensioningLeft End ksi at DL andRelease Sust. LI,ksi ksi 0.00 2.45 4.90 ? ?E 9.80 L2.25 *NOTE: final 0.0 IbJ. J 170. 1 1?3.3 r/5.5 L75. 9 rega.in I6Y.U 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 L75.7 Lto.l L77 .9 Lt6-5 r-79.4 0.0 154.8 rb6. / I/I.b 1?? ? LIJ.9 strand st.res ses include elastic 189,00 100.00 25.+v L2.45 18.94 10. 0215.69 8.30 J.J, rr* I.Zt 13.09 6.93 for Live Load- PINAI, STRESSES (psi) X(ft) Eron FP + BM l,ef t End Top Bot 0,00 L.23 2.45 J.O/ 4.90 b. lJ 7.35 q en 11.02 12 .25 0 -z6L -233 -Ltz -IJ I -L28 -106 -90 -80 -77 0 652 |LO2 LO67 1035 1009 988 97L 959 >JZ vtru Top 42 124 34 r. 529 68'l 817 9r.9 991 10 34 1049 Bot 0 439 597 493 315 155 42 -53 -r21 -loz -J- / O FP+DL Tpg + Sustained !! tE DI + A11 ttTop Bot 00101 379 ZJ I J6J JUU J5J tzJ llf922 -69ruou -zzv LZUJ -J5 bL29L -42LL344 -4't 2 13 51 -488 0.K. -849 psiNOTEr Alloh'able bottom tension stless = ULTIMATE MOMENT (k-in) Required Mu 12 . 00 *sqrt (f rc) = Prov j,ded phi*Mn I: \Jobs\0429\Enqrg\0?-Siab Design\0429E-07-01-01-Typical 1,2 in Slab Run 2.bem FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. SHEET 11 OF 7.1.1 DATEz 9/9/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JWK Dev. Lengt.h if Over-Limits Reinforced (ACr Ch.12) (ACr 18.8.1) 2497 tLl 4872 lL) s922 (L) ooz, tU 6960 (1) x(fr) Left 0.00 L .23 z.ttJ 5.b/ 4.90 7.35 8.57 9.80 LL .02 LZ. Z) by by byFrom Factrd 1.2*Mcr Strai-n-End Loads (ACI 18.8.3) compat, 0 L286 2436 5.t )r 4 330 507 5 5684 615 7 5496 6699 57 66 530 9 595I 6968 ovolt 596 9 6959 0. K. (1): Development length controlled by sLrand. -- Required Reinforcing --TT]:i:-:::T-YIY:l:T: X (ft) From D VuLeft End in. kips 0.13 10.00 88.300.50 10.00 88.301.23 10.00 82.85 2 .45 10.00 73.65 3 .67 10.00 64.444.90 10.00 55.246.13 10.00 46.037.35 10.00 36.82 8 ..57 10 . 00-r 2'7 .629.80 10.00 18.41II .02 10.00 9.2r12.25 10.00 0.00 0. 0 653 2080.0 293 2320.0 209 2780,0 155 3330.0 1r- 0 3350.0 91 3370.0 97 3390,0 97 3400.0 97 ' 3410.0 97 3410.0 97 3420.0 97 342 for for forAvci Avc!., Avminin-z/ft in-2/fE i-n-2/fE 0 .000 0.000 0. 0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0 .0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0r 000 0.000 0. 0000:000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000,000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0 ,000 Tu k-in Vci Vcw kips kips (2) : Mi.nimum based on ACI Eq. Ll-14. NOTE: Avnin not required for phj-*Vc > Vu > ph!*ve/2 (ACI Reqd. reinf. does not i"nclude suspension steer for ledges & pockets. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total sreb width :108.000 in.NOIE: No significant torsion was found (ACI L1.6.1). NOTE: Design assumes web reinforcing is carried as close to compressionand tension surfaces as possible per ACI 12.13.1. SUMMARY OF MINIMUM VERTICA], AND TONGITUDINAL gfEB REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS NOTE: The specified section type does not have a bottom ledge.For Vertical Reinf, select from columns (I,,, (Zl, (3) or (4) : (in-2lft) For Longitudinal Reinf, select from columns (A) or (B) : (in-2) X (ft) Fron Left End 0.125 0.500 r.225 z..lJU 3.575 4.900 6.t2s Ph in 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U.U 0.0 0.0 (1) Ash <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> (21 Av/ 2+At 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0. 000 0.000 (B) Awl 0.000 0.000 NONE REQUIRED (3) (4) (A) Av,/2+Ash Av/2+Awv AL/2 I:\.Iobs\O429\Engrg\0?-S1ab Design\O429E-07-01-01-Typical 12 in SIab Run 2.bem I FDG, Inc. SHEET 12 oF 2.1.1\ Gore creek Residences DATE: 9/9/2004 BEAM, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUE S & ASWAD, INc. AGE: 4 BY: JWK 7.350 0.0 <3> 0 . o0o <3> 0.0008.575 0 .0 <3> 0 . 000 <3> o .0009.800 0.0 <3> 0.000 <3> 0.00011.025 0.0 <3> 0.000 <3> 0.00012.250 0.0 <3> 0.000 <3> 0.000 Awv=AwI= 0.000(left), 0.000 (right) =Vertical and longitudinal web reinf. forbending due to torsional equil. reactions (ledge face,in-2), based on:Tu = 0.0 k-in at l,eft End, = 0.0 k-in at.Riqht Endds = 53.750 in Hs = 9.600 in Ash=Hanger reinforcement (Iedge face only). NOTE: The above values for steel are for one face only. Columns (2) & (A) should be applied to both faces. All other columns need only beapplied to the ledge face. <3>NOTE: Section does not have a J-edge, or is defined as a General Section. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rational approach and pcr committee Reconunendations for losses.frci = 3.500 ksi, f'c = 5.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 2408 ksi, Ec = 2878 ksi, Camber MuIt.= 1.000Modified ! Cu = 1.443 eshu = 502 E-0b NOTE: Negat.ive values indicate camber. Midspan Position ( in) ReLease : ps( -0.65) +BM DL( 0.221 -0.43Creep Before Erection -0.26 DELTA Tl, = 1.21tr = L/243Erection: PS+BM DL -0.G9 < I/24o o.K. (G 4 weeks) Change Due t,o Non-Conrp. D! 0.58: PS+BM DL+Non-Comp. DL -0.10 DELTA LL = O.62n = I/a74Change Due to Comp.D!+SustLL 0.00 . 1t1<^ t1 w: PS+AII DL+Sust,LL -0. f0 Long Term Creep 0.3?final : PS+A1l DL+Sust..U 0.27: PS+A1l DI+LL 0.52 NOTE: Beam has cracked under posit,ive moment, deflections are basedon a biLinear mornent-def lection relationship (ACI 19.4.2). MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial prestress force = 608 kips Final prest.ress force = 56G kipsConcrete strengths used in design: Release strength frci- 3500 psi pinal strength f 'c= 5000 psi Beam is MODIFIED LT.WT. concrete. piece weiqht : 25.35 kips. Estimated shortening between supports at erection time :Curvatureat C. c. Effec! TotaLTop 0.13 -0.L2 0.01 <<<Length colrection not to exceed this valuec.G 0.1-3 0.00 0.13Bot 0.13 0.12 0 .25 HOR]ZONTAL ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT & BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinement for prestressing strand assumed -> NO \'' Factored Reaction: pu : g2.1 kips pw : 63.4 krps at LEFT supportReact. Components: pdl,nc= 52.4 kips pdl,c= 0.0 kips plt: f t.-0- Xips I: \.Tobs\0429\Engr9\07-SIab Design\0429E-07-oL-Ol-Typical 12 in Stab Run 2.bem (FDG, Inc. Gole Creek Residenceg Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY,JACQI'ES & ASnAD, fNC. SHEET 13 0F 7,1.1 DAtEt 9/9/2Q04 PAGE: 5 BY: JtlK Factored Shear : Vu - 92.1 kips Nu = 1g.4 ktpsCalcuLat,ed : Height- 12.00 in Beallng Surface l{idth =108.00 in Bearing Length (ln) 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0. 6.0 Avf Reqd. (in-2 ) 0. 91 0. 91 0. 91 0.91 0. 91 0. 91 Factored Stress(ksi) o.284 0.244 0.213 0.1?0 o.L42 v-Lzz 0. 196 0.168 0.L47 0.117 0.098 0. 084 Brg. Brg, Pad Sugg. Stress Pad Tlpe (kEi) 111 usE coNrrNuous)i{ r@Ror,Arrr oR ;;i NEoPRENE ii; srRrP (1) I NorE: As detall€d bearlng lengths nust be long€r than ml.nfunum used in calcsto allow for as-built tolerances. Suggest mininun add€d length bell2 tn. + difference in shortening between top and botton of metnber.NorE: Reactions are used for concrete bearing stlength check and bearinqrpad design, shear ia used for design of Avf. Pad ?]lpes: (followlng pCI llandbook Sth Edltlon)(11: AASHTo Grade Neoprene (60 durometer) or Random Oriented Fiber '(ROF) "i ( I: \Jobs\042 9\Eng!q\07-Stab Design\ 042 9E-07-01-01-Tlpicat t2 in Slab Run 2.bem TYPICAL 9" SLAB DESTGN: (MAX|MUM 17'_10' cRtD LOADS: (FROM ENGTNEER OF RECORD) L0ADTNG COND|T|ON f 1: T0 cRrD SPAN) Wl = 560 PSF (D/L = 460/rc0) (NoT rNCLUDtNc sELF-wEtcHT) LoADtNc CoND|TIoN #2: W1 = J40 PSF (D/L = 240/1oo) (NoT TNCLUDING StLF-wEtGHT) I nAnllln nn NlnlTrnt\l ll1.vvIlL,|||w|.|'!!,. wl = 560 PSF (D/L = 460/100) (NoT TNCLUD|NG SELF-WEIGHT) LoADTNG C0ND|T|oN f4: lN THIS CASE, LoAD C0ND|T|oN #1 wtLL CONTROL I'PICAL PANEL IS NOMINALLY 9'-0" WIOE c0NDrTr0N l1: WloL = a6619; = 4.14 KLF w1|.,- = 169191 = .900 KLF Q IO q OF BEARING = 1Zq! - 2[11/12 + 1/12 + .5(3/12)] = 15.58 FT Wl = 340 PSF (D/L = 240/10a) (NoT rNcLUDtNc sELF-wEicHT) DXIEI.8/27 /0a Stresscol Corporation P,0. Bor 16120 7lS /3S0-6011 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences 7191300-6564 Coloredo Spriag!, C0 A0gg5 Dcnver ll,rc: g0gr/62g-f32g Ey! JWK,/FDG Tclet Fa:: oF 7.2.1SEEET 1 Eo t1 ctt lrJ = oo6l o orf ui a CD '!t .g 6 a3</) .d ctt o I o I6lo Il'1o It!oia'l o cctr ro6 6 IF.o ot a,r ot6l o o lrJ (Jo FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C) 2003 By JACQUES & ASWAD. INC. DESIGN DATA Bot. width = 0.000 inTop width = 0.000 in Stem Height : 9.000 in Non-Cornposite : (Based on Area : 972,000 in-2I = 5551.00 in-4 Miscellaneous: Beam tlpe :MOD. LT. WT. Beam weight = 115.00 pcfLt.wr. nod. = 0.750 (p/c)Cu = 2,350Vol,/Surf = 4.154 in Beam f 'ci = 3.500 ksrEci modifier= 1.000phi Factors : Load Factors : Shear Options :Allow. Concrete Stress:Stless Block=pARABOLIC Bot. thick = 0.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 rn Haunch thick= 0.000 in above section dimensions )sb = 1458.00 in-3Yb = 4.5000 in Topping type=NORMAI WT. Topping wt. = 150.00 pcf eds = 0 E-0 5Rel. hunid = 60.00t Beam f'c = 5.000 ksi Ec modifier = 1.000Flexure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1.400 Depth used =NON-COMPAt Release =0.600f'ci Right Cant. = Loop G Right= A Pi dht= Height St Web width =108 . 000 in Tpg. thick = 0.000 in Section Type=RECT BEAIi SHEET 2 OF 7.2.1 DATE:10/18/2004 PAGE : l- BY : JWK 0.00 fr. 0.00 fr 0.250 fr. 9.000 in 1458.00 in-3 4 .5000 in Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Sj.nple Span = 15.59 ftBean length = 15.58 ft Loop 0 Left = 0.00 ftDesign Bearing Lengths: @ Left = 0.250 fr eshu = 1000 E-05Strain Curve=PCI Handbook Topping f'c = 3.000 ksi Candcer Mult. = 1.000 Shear = 0.850Live Load = 1.700 f rc used =BEAMAt FinaL =12.000sqrt f ,c Prestressing Strands Eff. Pull Slrand fpu # Str. lev. Losses: PCI (Strand Type = LOW RELAXAT ION ) 2 9 K,/ STRAND Harping Profile: X (ft) Eromna<^rih+i^^le.vrrPLrvu Left EndLeft End of Beam----- O.OORight. End of Bean----- 15.59 Mild Steel =28322.44 ksi = L.000 = 1.000 NO Hstr Eccent. Area of(in) (in) P/s (in-2)2.OO 2.50 2.4496 2 .00 2.50 2,4496 fyl = 50.00 ksi = 0.700Xfpu Strand dian.= 0.5000 in Estrand =270.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0.1531 in-2 LtMult-1 tof Strand i 16.00 ' Ldl"lu1t Corrur. Report (RATIONA!) Strand Transformed -> Shear EmiId Distributed Loads (non-factored) Magnitude Beginning I.oad Type ( k/f t.) P/C SeIf Weight 0.].76 Non-conp. Dead load 4,140 Conposite Dead load 0,000Live Load 0.900 At Release Only: Suction = 0.000 NOTE: 0.001 of aII distributed Bearing PIates fyh = 50.00 ksi LdMult = 1.000 of Load Distance Fron leftEnding Beginning Ending Eccen!.(k,/ft) (ft) (ft) (in) : fyv = 60.00 ksi = 29000 ksi 0.776 4.L40 0.000 0. 900 k/ft Core 15.58 0. 000 15. 58 0. 00015.58 0. 00015.58 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Material : 0.000 k/ft and concentrated live loads are sustained. r:\,]obs\0429\Engrq\o7-stab Design\ 04 298-07 -oz-oL-Typical 9 in srab Run.bem Nu = 0.20*Pu HeighC= 0.00 in Bealing pad Thickness = 0.3?5 inEff. B!9. Surface: Width =108,00 in Length = 0.000 inPlate Rebar: Angle = 10.00 deg fy = 60.00 ksiConfinement for non-debonded prestressing strand assuned -> NO * t * * t * t * I * * * * I * * * * * * * * * t * t t * r * * i * t ouTpuT t i * i * t * * * * * * t * I * * * * * * * * * t * * * t * * t * * * INITIAL STRESSES (psi, at release) A) DL bean + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported at 0.00 ft from LEFT end and 0,00 fE. from RIGHT endX(ft) From Initial p/S Init.p/S + BM Aux. steel arealeft End Top Bot. Top Bot. (ACI 18.4.1) r u(J, rnc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. 1.56 -22E 8942.08 -299 119?3.t2 -300 11984,67 -300 12006.23 -300 12017.79 -300 r20r NOTE: Reguired f 'ci = 3500 psi -154 825 0.00-209 1107 0.00 -175 1074 0.00 NONE-137 L037 0.00 REQUTRED-114 1015 0.00 -106 1007 0.00 based on assigned minimum. Final* P/S Lossksi ksi SHEET 3 OE 7 .2,7 DATE:10/18/2004 PAGE: 2 BY: JWK P/s Losst STRAND STRESSES (Based on f,ci=3.500 ksi, f,c=5.000 ksi, by pCI Comnittee) at aE DL andX(ft) fron Tensioning Release Sust. LLLeft End ksi ksi ksi 0.00 1.55 3.L2' 4.61 6 .23 *NOTE: Final FINAI STRESSES 189.00 100.00 65.20 34.50 2I .44 11.34 lo 1E 1n ',!? L7.78 9.4L Lt.JZ y.lb 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.01eo n 189.0 I77.5 178.0 1?a ? 178.6 L78.7 1?8.7 0.0 L23.4 155.8 168.8 170.0 170.5 0.0 LZs .6 167.6 169. 9 L7L,2 L7L.7 strand stresses include elastic regain for Live load. (psi) X(ft) Erom FP + BM left End Top Bot + Sustained LL Bot n 183 390 490 340 a L:t 110 30 -28 -oz -74 ATI LL }JOE 0 140 309 375 l-vb 45 _79 -175 -285 -299 0.R. psi 0.00 u. /t' 1 q< z .5q J.LZ 3.89 {.b/ 5.45 0.45 ? .01 7 .79 -13 8 -180 -l.f, / -IJ'' -LZ5 - 110 -LVZ -vb -oq 0 379 loz 10 17 10 02 989 979 9'70 95s 951 960 Top U LZt 234 59 1 504 b5 / 746 65r 891 1Z I 939 FP+DL FP+DL+ 'F^^ |l ^n-t Y rvP 0 L72 315 452 648 806 935 1035 IIU / 1150 1164 NOTE: Alfowable bottom tension stress = t2.OOrsqrt(f'c) = -949 ULTIMATE MOMENT (k-in) Reguired Mu Provided phi*Mn I: \Jobs\0429\En9rg\O7-SLab Design\O4 29E-07 -02-OL-TypicaI 9 in Slab Run.bem tuG, rnc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACeUES 6, ASWAD, INC. SHEET 4 0F 7.2.1 DATE:10/18/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JvlK if Over- Reinforced (ACr 18.8.1) by by by Dev. LenqrthFrom Factrd 1.2*Mcr Strain- LimitsEnd Loads (ACI 18.8.3) conpat. (ACI Ch.12) x (fr) Left 0 .00 0 .78 2.34 5,LZ ? Aq 4 .67 5.45 6.23 7.01 n 582 1103 t562 1950 zzt I 27 87 294L 3 032 3053 0 I66 (1) 1570 (1) 2s33 (1) 2913 (1) 3218 (1) 34s0 (1) 3506 (r. ) 3576 (1) 3575 3676 0. K. (I): Developnent length controlled by strand. -- Required Reinforcing --T::1:i:_:::T_Tl:::::1: for for forVcw Avci Avcw Avminkips !n-2/fE La-2/ft in-2/ft z I ).) Tu Vci k-in kips X(ft) Fron D VuLeft End in. kips 0. 13 7 .20 52.38 0. 38 't .20 62.380.78 't.20 58.981.56 "t .20 52.432.34 7.20 45 .873.r2 1.20 39.323.89 7 .20 32.774.67 7.20 25.2L5.4s 7.20 19.656.23 7 .20 13.117.01. 7.20 5.557.79 7 .20 0.00 0.0 370 1500.0 189 L62 0 .0 133 1810.0 I04 2L10.0 85 2420.0 '10 2430.0 70 2440.0 70 2440.0 '70 2450.0 70 2450.0 70 2450.0 70 245 0.000 0. 000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0 .0000.00tr 0.000 0.0000.000 0. 000 0 .0000.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 (2): Mininum based on ACI Eq. 11-14. NOTE: Avmin not reguired for phi*Vc > Vu > ph)-*\,te/2 (ACI 11.5.5.l. (c) ) . NOTE: Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel for ledges & pockets. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total web width =108.000 in. NOTE: No significant torsion lras found (ACI lf .6.1-). NOTE: Design assumes web reinforcing is carried as close to compressionand tension surfaces as possible per ACf 12.13.1. SUMMARY OF MINIMUM VERTICAL AND LONGITUDINAL WEB REINTORCEMENT REQU]REIVENTS NOTE: The specified section type does not have a bottom Iedge.For VerticaL Reinf, select from columns lI',, l2), (3) o! (41 | lln-z/ftjFor Longitudinal Reinf, select from columns (A) or (B) : (in-2) X (ft) From PhI,eft End in V. LZJ 0.375 0.179 1.558 2.551 3.116 3.895 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1) Ash <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> tzt (3) Av/z+At Avl2+Ash (4) (A) Av/2+Awv AL/2 0.000 0. 0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (B) Awl- 0.000 0.000 NONE REQUIRED I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\o?-sl.ab Design\ 04 29E'-07 -02-Of-Typicat 9 in SIab Run.bem i FDG' Inc' 'HEET 5 oF 7.2.1'. Gore Creek Residences DATE: 10,/18/2004Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACoUES E ASWAD, INC, PAGE: 4 By: J$tK 4.674 0.0 <3> 0.000 <3> o.oo05.453 0.0 <3> 0.000 <3> 0. 0005.232 0.0 <3> o. o0o <3> 0. oo07.011 0 .0 <3> 0.000 <3> o. 0oo7.790 0 .0 <3> 0.000 <3> 0. 000 Awv=Awl= 0.000(left), 0.000(right)=\7s61ical and l0ngitudinal web reinf. forbending due to torsional equil. reactions (Iedge face,in-z), based on:Tu = 0.0 k-in at Left End, = 0.0 k-in at Right, Endds = 53.750 in Hs = ?.200 in Ash=Hanger reinforcement (ledge face only) .NorE: The above varues for steer are for one face only. corumns (2) 6 (A) should be applied to both faces. All other columns need only beapplied to the ledge face. <3>NOTE: Section does not have a ledge, or is defined as a General Section. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : RaElonar approach and pcr conmittee RecorLnendations for losses.f 'ci = 3.500 ksi, f'c = 5.000 kgi and ACr-209Eci = 2408 ksi, Ec = 2878 ksi, Carnber MuIt.= 1.000Modified : Cu = f.523 eshu = 593 E-0G NOTE: Negative values indicate canber. Midspan Position (in) Release : ps( -0.30)+BM DL( 0.07) -0.23Creep Before Erection -0.14 DELTA TL = 0.53tr = I/353Erection: PS+BM DL -0.37 < l/240 O.K.(0 4 weeks) Change Due to Non-Comp.DL 0.29: Ps+BM DL+Non-Comp.DL -0.09change Due to cotnp. D!+sustr.L o.oo DELTA L',L = 0 '24( = L/17g : ps+ALr DL+susr.LL -0.0g < 1/350 o'K' Long Term Creep 0.19Final : PS+All DL+Sust.LL o.1o: PS+All DL+LL 0 .16 MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION InitiaL prestress force = 453 kips Final prestress force : 421 kipsConcrete strengths used in desiqn: Release strenqth f'ci= 3500 pii Final st.rength f ,c= 5000 psi Beam is MODIFIED LT.WT. concrete. piece weight = 12.09 kips. Estimated shortening between supports at erection time :Curvatureat C.G. Effect TotalTop 0-09 -0.07 0.02 <<<Length correction not to exceed this valuec.G 0.09 0.00 0.09Bot 0.09 0 .07 0.17 HORIZONTAI. ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT & BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinement for plestressing strand assumed _> NO Factored Reactionl pu = G5.5 kips pw = 45.3 kips at LEFT support1,._ React. Components: pdl,nc= 38.3 kips pdl,g= 0.0 kips pll= Z.b- tips- factored Shear : Vu = G5.5 kips Nu = 13.1 kipscalculated : Height= 9.00 in Bearing surface width =108.00 in 1:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-s1ab Des iqrn\O 4 2gE-o7 -02-oL-Typicar 9 in stab Run.bem FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam. 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES 6 ASY|AD, INC. SIIEET 5 OF 7.2.L DATE: 10/18/2004 PAGE: 5 BY: awlK Bearing LengUh(in) 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0?n Avf R€qd. (in-2) 0.54 0.54 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.54 0.202 0.1?3 0.152 0.121 0.101 0.08? 0.140 0 .120 0.105 0.084 0.070 0.060 Factored Brg. Brg, Pad Sugg.Stless Stress Pad Typelrsil 1rsl) (1) usE(1) coNTrNuous(1) KOROLATS OR(1). ![EopRE![E(1) sTRrp(1) NorE: As detalled bearing rengths rnust be longer than minimum used in carcsto allow for aa-bulrt torerances. suggest minr.mum added length beL/2 i-n. + difference in shortening beiween top and bottorn of member.NorE: React.ions are used for concrete bearing strength check and bearLngpad design, shear is used for deslgn oi avf. Pad Tlrpes: (following pCI Handbook sth Edition)(1): AASHTO Grade Neoprene (60 durometer) or Random Oriented Flber (ROF) \, ilri it \ tl, Ir\,Iobs\042g\Engrg\o7-Slab Design\o4298-O?-02-01-Typical 9 in Slab Run.ben NoRMAL SPAN 9" SLAB W/ Po|NT LOADS: (16'-8" cRtD TO cRtD SPAN) FIND WORST CASE LOADING: ASSUME 13 K (D/L = 2/11) potNT LOAD AT CENTER 0F SPAN, AS WELL AS 1.5 KLF (D/L = .5/1) LTNEAR LOAD AT CENTER OF SPAN lN ADDTTToN T0 ilncAL coNDtTtoN #1 LOADTNG = 560 pSF (D/L = 460/100) (MAcNtruDE oF LoADS pRovrDED By ENGTNEER oF REcoRD) NOTE: THIS ASSU|/PT|ON lS CONSERVAT|VE, AS POTNT LOADS AND LTNEAR LOADS CONCURRENTLY AT THE MIDSPAN OF ANY PANEL ON THE PROJECT. DO NOT ACT Q. TO Q. OF BEARING = lqqz - 2[11/12 + 1/12 + .5(3/12))= 14.42 Ff wl = 560 PSF (D/L = 460/100) (NoT TNCLUDTNG sELF-wEtcHT) I'/PICAL PANTL IS NOMINALLY 9'*O' WIDE Wlo,_ = a6919; = 4.14 KLF w1.. = t9619; = .900 KLF P1oL=2+.5(9)=6.59x Pl|.. = 1l + 1(9) = 20.0 K Strcsscon Corporrtioa P.O. Bor 16129 Tcle: Farl ?19l390-50ttl SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences DArE: E/J0l04 7r9l390-5664 Coloredo Sprlngr, Co 00935 Dcnvcr [,inc: g0g/s23-rgm By: JWK/FDG SHEET i oF 7.2.2 E I di = oocl o orf 6 or '!t E0o co =' o c ot cIo<t, 0 Eoz. I(\lo I a\ao I FTaf I or<1 a c <tr ID6 5 -9 It\o F,r orClrl <Dol 4lo (9o fDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3,04, (C)2003 By JACeUES e ASWAD, rNC. DESIGN DATA Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Simple Span = 14.42 tL Beam Length : L4.42 fE Loop e left = 0.00 ftDesign Bearing Lengths: e left = 0.250 ft SHEET 2 0F 7.2.2 DA\E | 9/2/2404 PAGE: 1 BY: JWK Right Cant. = 0.00 ft Loop G Right.= 0.00 ft G Right= 0.250 ft Web width =108.000 in Tpg. thick = 0.000 in Section Type=RECT BEAM Bot. width = 0.000 inTop width : 0.000 in Stem Height = 9.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on Area = 972.000 in-2I = 5561 .00 in-4 Miscell-aneous Beam tl|tr)e Beam weight Lt.Wt. nod. Cu Bot. thick = 0.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in above section dimensions )Sb = 1458.00 in-3Yb = 4.5000 in :MOD, tT.WT. Topping rype=NoRMAL wT. = 115.00 pcf Topping wt. = 150.00 pcf = 0.750(p/c) Height ST Yt Y. UUU IN 1458.00 in-3 4.5000 in voI/Surf Beam f rci Eci modifier=phi Factors Load Factors Shear Options Shear : f1rv = EMIICT Distributed Loads 2.350 4.154 in 3.500 ksi eds = 0 E-0 5 ReJ.. humid = 60.00t Beam f'c = 5.000 ksi Ec modifier = L.000Elexure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1.400 Depth used =NON-COMPAt Release =0.600f'ci eshu : 1000 E-06Strain Curve:Pcf Handbook Topping f'c = 3.000 ksi Carnber MuIt.= L.000Snear = u. u5u !1Ve .LOad = l./uu f rc used =BEAMAt Final :12.000sqrt f 'c Prestressing Strands (Strand Type = LOW RELAXATION) 29 K/STRANDEff. Pull = 0.700xfpu strand diarn.= 0.5000 in Estrand =28322.44 ks!Strand fpu =270.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0.l.53L in-2 ltMutt = 1.000*,Str:]ev. = 1 . * of .strand - 21.00' 'lAUurC = 1.000Losses: PCI Comm. Report (RATIONAL) Strand Transformed -> NO Allow. ConcreEe Stress: Stress BIock:PARABOLIC Harping Profile: X (ft) FromDescrj.ption Left End.LefC End of Bean----- 0.00Right End of Beam----- L4.42 MiLd Steel Hstx Eccent. Area of(in) (in) P/S (in-2) 2.OO 2 .50 3.21512.00 2.50 3.215r fyl = 50.00 ksi.60.00 ksi fyh : 60. O0 29000 ksi rdMult = 1.000 (non-factored) ksi Magnitude of Load Distance From teftBeginning Ending Begj.nning Ending Eccent.r,oad Ttpe (k,/ft) lk/ttl (ft) (fr) (in) P/C self weight O.7i6 O.j'16 O.OO L4.42 0.OOONon-comp. Dead Load 4.140 4.140 0.00 14.42 0.000composite Dead Load 0.000 O.OOO 0.OO L4.42 0.OOOLj-ve Load 0.900 0.900 0.00 L4.42 0.000 At Release Only3 Suction = 0.000 k/ft Core Material = 0.000 k/fc Concent.rated Loads (non-factored) Magnitude Distance From Eccent. r:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\o7-slab Design\o4 29E-07 -02-02-Typicar span 9 in srab with point I,oads . bem FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C) 2003 By ,IACQUES & Load Ttpe of Load (k) SHEET 3 0E "t .2 .2 DATE z 9/2/2004 PAGE: 2 BY: JWKASWAD, INC. Lefr End ( fr) Non-comp. Dead LoadLive Load 6.50 20.00 '1 .2L I i rl\ 0.000 0.000 NoTE: 0.00t of alL distributed and concentrated live Ioads are sustained. Bearing PIates Nu = 0.20*Pu Height= 0.00 in Bearing pad Thickness : 0.375 inEff. Brg. Surface: Width =108.00 in Length = 0.000 inPlate Rebar: Angle = 10.00 deg fy = 60.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestressinq strand assumed -> No * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * r * ouTpuT **********r* * * * * * r * * r * * * * * * * * * * * *** INITIAI STRESSES (psi, at release) A) DL beam + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported at 0.00 ft fron LEFT end and 0.00 ft from RIGHT endX(ft) Fron Initial P/S Init.?/S + BM Aux. steel arealeft End Top Bot. Top Bot. (ACI 19.4.1) L .44 -267 10 6I -20'7 1001 0 . 002.08 -386 1544 -304 1462 0.002.88 -386 1546 -280 1439 0.744.33 -387 1548 -247 1408 0.605.77 -387 1549 -228 1389 0.s27.2L -387 1s49 -22L 1383 0.49 NOTEr Reguired f 'ci = 3500 psi based on assigned minimun. :lY:_::T:sES (Based on f 'ci=3.500 ksi, . f 'c=5.000 ksi, by pcr conmj_rree) at at Dt andX(ft) from Tensioning Release Sust. LL Final* p/S Loss p/S LossLeft End ksi ksi ksi ksi ksi t TOP<--- TOP<--- TOP<--- TOP<--- PCI PRACTICE AI.,LOWS 6 (f'cl]-/2 = 355 PSI THROUGHOUT THE MEMBER. THEREFORE, NO TOP REINFORCING IS REQUIRED . 0.00 r.44 2.88 d ?? 5.77 189.0 r89.0 189.0 189.0 1Cq n 189.0 0.0 7t2 .0 153. 8 165.8 158.9 J, IU.J L74.6 0.0175.0 LL1.0L75.2 161.9175.4 163.9r-7s.5 165.3175.6 165.0 189.00 100 . 0076.95 40 -7225.16 13.3122.24 LL .7720.10 10. 64 18 .75 9 ,92 for Live Load.*NoTE: Final strand stresses include elastic reqain FINAL STRESSES (psi) X(ft) From FP + BMLeft End Top Bot FDfNTT FP+DL+ rF^d t'F^^ -l,>.vl: 0 r t-t l5u 513 750 toa Ll,It LSLZ 14 51 l-555 Sustained LL AI]. LL Bot L19 5E'5 559 J5al 133 -46 -zv ! -JJ{ -443 Sl-ab with Point 0.00 L.44 a. Lo z.dd 3. 61 4.33 c oq 6.49 0 -187 -27 3 -1J) -240 -228 -ztt -2I3 -2L0 0 453 >zt 134 5 IJJY 1334 13 31 r.3 30 13 30 13 32 Top o vo 1?0 23't 389 520 531 722 79L 8 41. Bot 0 zlJ c?( 695 472 389 5ZO z6z I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-Slab Design\ 04 298-07 -02-OZ-TypicaI Span 9 in Loads . bem T Ub, INC. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. 7 .2L -zv> IJJb SHEET 4 OE 7 .2.2 DATE z 9/2/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JWK 1555 -529 0.K. = -849 psi 859 257 tension stress = 12.00*sqrt(f'c)NOTE: Allonab1e bottom ULTIMATE MOMENT (k-in) Required Mu Provided phi*Mn x (fr) 0.00 0.72 1.44 z.L6 2.88 3. 51 4.33 5.77 5.49 1 )1 0 685 I5I d 18 98 2425 2900 3323 3 593 4 011 qz to 4488 by by byFrom Fact I d 1.2*Mcr Strain-End Loads (ACI 18.8.3) cornpat. Dev. Length if Over-Linits Reinfdrced lAcI ch.12) (ACr 18.8.r-) 0 1021 (1) L962 (rl 3071 (1) 3s43 (1) 3929 (1) 4231 (1) 44s1 (1) 4s84 (1) 4 615 4615 0. K. X (ft) From D VuLeft End in. kips 5 525 Tu Vci k-in kips (1): Development .l_ength controlled by strand. -- Required Reinforcing --:i:::li_ :::T_i::Y::::T for for forVcw Avci Avcw Avminkips in-z/ft !n-2/ft in-2/ft 0.13 7 .200.38 7 .20o.'12 't .20L.44 1 .202.L6 1 .202.88 't.20 3.51 7 .204.33 7 .205.05 7 .20 5 .77 1 .20 6 .49 7.20 7 .2t 1 .20 ?9.05 /Y.UJ 75.L4 10.07 64.01 51 .94 51.88 45.81 JY. /J JJ. Oat 27.52 -21.55 0.0 398 13t 0.000 0.000 0 .0000.0 208 L6't 0.000 0.000 0 .0000.0 157 188 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0 L2't 23]- 0.000 0.000 0. 0000.0 r.r-1 269 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0 86 2'11. 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0 7I 272 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0 70 273 0.000 0.000 0. 0000.0 70 27 4 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0 70 275 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0 70 275 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0 70 27 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2): Minimum based on ACI Eq. 11-l-4. NOTE: Avmin not required for phi*Vc > Vu > phi*Vcl2 (ACI Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel for redges & pockets. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total web width =10g.000 in. NOTE: No significant torsion was found (ACI 11.5.1.).NorE: Design assumes web reinfolcing is carried as close to compressionand tension surfaces as possible per ACI 12.!.3.1. :gT:-:LY3:yi_-:rtcAL AND LoNGrruDrNAL liEB RETNFoRCEMENT REQUTREMENTS NOTE: The specified section type does not haveFor Vertical Reinf, select from columns lL,), (21For Longitudinal Reinf, select from columns (A) (1) Ash I: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\o7-SIab Design\o4 29E-07 -02-02-Typical Span 9 in StabLoads . bem (2) (3)Av/2+Ar Avl2+Ash a bottom ledge . , (3) or 14): lin-2/ftlor (B) : (in-2 ) (4) (A) Av/2+Awv AL/z X (f t,) From PhLeft End in (B) wilh Point FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES SHEET 5 0E 7 .2.2 DA'[E:.9/2/2004 PAGE: 4 BY: JWK 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NONE REQUIRED 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 = 547 kips psi 0.125 0.00.3?5 0.00.721 0.0L.442 0.02.L63 0.02.884 0.03.605 0.04.326 0.05.047 0.05.768 0.05.489 0.0 7 ,2L0 0. 0 <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> & ASWAD, INC. 0.000 <3> 0.000 <3>0.000 <3> 0.000 <3> 0.000 <3> 0.000 <3> 0 .000 <3> 0.000 <3> 0.000 <3> 0.000 <3>0.000 <3>0.000 <3> Awv=AwI= 0.000(Ieft), 0.000 (right)=Vertical and longitudina] web reinf. forbending due to torsional equil , reactions (Iedge face,in-2), based on:Tu = 0.0 k-in at Left End, = 0.0 k-in at Riqht End \.. ds = 53.750 in Hs = 7.200 inAsh=Hanger reinforcement (Iedge face only).NoTE: The above values for steel are for one face only. Columns (2) & (A)should be applied to both faces. AII other columns need onlv beapplied to the ledge face. <3>NorE: section does not have a ledge, or is defined as a General section. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Eased on : Rational approach and pcr coNnittee Recommendations for losses.f rci = 3.500 ksi, f'c = 5.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci : 2408 ksi, Ec = 2878 ksi, Camber MuIt.= 1.000Modified : Cu : 1.523 eshu = 593 E-06 NOTE: Negative vaLues indicate canber. ' Midspan Position(in) Rel.ease : PS( -0.33)+BM Df( 0.0S) -0,28Creep Before Erection -0.1?ErecEion: PS+BM DL (G 4 weeks ) -0.45 DEIJTA TIr = 0.53n = I/326 < L/240 0.K. Change Due to Non-Comp. DL 0,25: PS+BM DL+Non-Comp.DL _O.20 Change Due to Comp.D!+SustLL 0.00 DELTA LL = 0.28r = 1/618: PS+AII DL+Sust.LIJ -0.20 < 1,/360 O.K.long Term Creep 0.10Fj-nal : PS+Al-l DL+Sust.Li -0.10: PS+AII DL+LL 0.08 NOTE: Beam has cracked under positive noment, d.effections are basedon a bilinear moment-defLection relationship (ACI L9.4.2). MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial prestress force = 608 kips Final prestress forceConcrete st.rengths used in design: Release strength f'ci: 3500 psi Final stlenqth f rc: 5000Beam is MODIFIED LT.WT. conirete. piece weight = 11.1.9 kips. Estimated shortening between supports at erect.ion time :Curvatureat C. c. Effect Tot'al"Top 0.10 -0.10 0.00 <<<Length correction Dot to exceed this valuec.c 0.10 0.00 0.10 I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-SIab Des iqn\ 0 4 29E-07 -02-OZ-TypicaI Span 9 in SIab with point Loads . bem EDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES e ASWAD, INC. Bot 0.10 0.10 0.19 HORIZONTAL ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT & BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinernent for plestressing strand assumed -> NO JrltiEr o vE t.z.z DATR: 9/2/2004 PAGE: 5 BY: .lWK Factored ReacEion: pu React. Components: pdl, nc=Factored Shear : VuCalculated : Heiqht= Bearing AvfLength Reqd.(in) ( in-2 ) 82.2 kips Pn = 55.2 kips at LEFT support 38.7 kips Pdl,q= 0.0 kips PIl= 16.5 kips 82,2 kips Nu = 16.4 kips 9.00 in Bearing Surface lridth =108,00 in Brg. Pad Sugg.St.ress Pad Type (ksi ) o.u 0.81 0.81 0.81 u.6r U. UI 0.81 0.170 0,146 0.128 0.102 0.085 0,073 Factored Brg. Stress(ksi) v. z a.t 0.2L7 0.190 0. 152 0.L27 0. 109 lil usr ;;i coNrrNrrous ;;i KoRor,ArH oR ):: NEOPRENElii srRrP NorE: As detailed bearing lengths must be ronger than minimurn used in carcsto allow for as-built tolerances. Suggest mj.nimum added length beL/2 !n. + difference in shortening between top and bottom of member.NorE: Reactions are used for concrete bearing strength check and bearingpad design, shear is used for design of Avf, Pad Types: (following pCI Handbook 5th Editionr(l'): AASHTo crade Neoprene (c0 durometer) or Random oriented Fiber (RoF) r:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-slab Design\o4 29E-07 -02-oz-Typicat span 9 in slab with point Loads . bem Stresrcon Corlorrtiol P.O. Bot 16120 Colorado Sprtnp, C0 80935 Tele:719/3so-501t SUBJEGT: Gore Creek Residences Far: ?1911390-5564 Denvcr lhc: 303/825-tS2S BY: JWK,/FDG DArE:8/30/04 oF 7.2.3 LONG SPAN 9'' SLqB DESIGN: MAXIMUM LoNG SPAN FoR LoAD C0ND|T|ON #2 = 21'-0" q TO Q. OF BEARING UNIFORM LOAD: (FROM ENGTNEER 0F R[C0RD) w = 340 PSF (D/L = 240/i00) (NoT TNCLUDTNG SELF-WE|GHT) TTPICAL PANTL IS NOMINALLY 9'-0" WIDE Wl* = 2a9191 = 2.16 KLF w1.... = 19s191 = .900 KLF MAXIMUM LONG SPAN FOR LoAD C0ND|TION #3 = 1S'-0' Q, TO Q. OF BEARTNG UNIFORM LOAD: (FROM ENGTNEER 0F RECORD) w = 560 PSF (D/L = 460/100) (NoT rNctuDtNG sELF-wEtcHT) WPICAL PANEL IS NOMINALLY 9'_O'' WIDE Wlo. = a60(9) = 4.14 KLF wl.. = 16619; = .900 KLF SIIEEf, I Ed ci = 8N a{o o.{, l.J o a'r.!a,9 ID Eo6 .e (D ctvl cq Io 6lo IF-o I l4Ja<\l o .9t !l!at) IF.o C|r 0rclrJ €t<Y o ao dJ E FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Bean, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INC. DESIGN DATA left Cant. = 0.00 ft Sinple Span = 21.00 ft. Beam Length = 21.00 ft loop G Left = 0.00 ft Design Bearing Lengths: C teft = 0.250 ft Bot. width = 0.000 inTop width = 0.000 in Stem Height : 9.000 in Non-Composite : (Based on Area = 972.000 in-2I = 6561 .00 in-4 Miscellaneous: Bean t.lrpe =MOD. LT . WT . Bean weight = 115.00 pcflt.Wt. nod. : 0.750 (p,/c) Cu : 2.350vol/Surf : 4.154 in Beam f 'ci : 3.500 ksi Eci modifier: 1.000phi Factors : Load Factors : Shear Options : AI1ow. Concrete StEess: Stress ELoCk:PARABOLIC Bot. thick = 0.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in above section dimensions )sb = 1458.00 in-3Yb = 4.5000 in Topping type=NORMAL WT. Topping !^rt. = 150.00 pcf eds = 0 E-0 6Rel. humid = 60.00* Beam frc = 5.000 ksi Ec modifier = 1.000FLexure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1,400 Depth used =NON-COMPAt Release =0.500f'ci Right Cant. = Loop 0 Right= @ nign;= HeighE St Yt Web width =108.000 in Tpg. thick = 0.000 in Section Type=RECT BEAM SHEET 2 OF 7.2.3 D\TEz 9/2/2004 PAGE: 1 BY: JWK 0.00 fr 0.00 fr 0.250 ft 9.000 in 1458.00 in-3 4 . 5000 .in eshu = 100 0 E-0 6 Strain Curve=PCI Handbook Topping frc = 3.000 ksi Camber MuIt.= 1.000 Shear = 0.850 Live Load = 1.700 f 'c used =BEAMAt Final- =12.000sqrt f rc Prestressing Strands (Slrand Type = I,OW RELAXATION) 29 K/STRANDEff. Pull = 0.700xfpu Strand diarn.= 0.5000 in Estrand =28322.44 ksi-Strand fpu =270,00 ksj. Alea ea.str.= 0.1531 in-2 LtMuIt = 1.000* Str. 1ev. = 1 {f of Stiand - 19.0O Ldtrulr : 1.000Losses: PCI Corm. Report (RATIONAL) Strand Transformed -> NO Harping Profile: X(ft) From HstrDescription Left End ( in)left End of Beam----- 0.00 2.00Right End of Beatn----- 21.00 2.00 Mild St.eeI Eccent. Area of(in) P/s (in-2 )2.50 2 .90892.50 2.9089 fyt = 60.00 ksifyh = 60.00 ksi LdMult = 1.000 Distributed Loads (non-factored) Magnitude of Load Distance From Left Beginning Ending Beginning Ending Eccent.Load Type (k/fr) (k/fE) (fr) (fr) (in) P/C Self weight 0.775 O.'t76 O.0O 2l-.00 0.000 Non-comp. Dead Load 2.160 2.L60 0.00 21.00 0.000 Composite Dead Load 0.000 0.000 0.00 21.00 0.000Live Load 0.900 0.900 0.00 21.00 0.OOO A! Release Only: Suction = 0.000 k/ft Core Material = 0.000 k/ft NOTE: 0.00t of all distributed and concent.rated live loads are sustained. Bearing Plates r:\,robs\0429\Engrg\07-srab Design\ 04 29E-a7 -02-03-!onq span 9 in slab condition 2.bem Shear Eni-Id : flrv : 60.00 ksi:29000 ksi r uu, J,nc. Gole Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, rNC. FinaL* P/s Loss ksi ksi SHEET 3 0E 7 .2.3 DATEI 9/2/2004 PAGE: 2 BY: JWK P/s Losst Nu = 0.20*Pu Height= 0.00 in Bearing Pad ?hickness = 0.375 inEff. Brg. Surface: Width =108.00 in Length = 0.000 inPlate Rebar: Angle = 10.00 deg fy : 50.00 ksi ConfinemenE. for non-debonded prestressing strand assumed -> NO * * * t I * * t * * i * i * * * t * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * ouTpuT * * * * t * * * r * * * a r * * * * * * a * * | * * * * a * t * I * * INITIAL STRESSES (psi, at release) A) DL beam + core mat.erial (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported at 0.00 fC from IEFT end and 0.00 ft from RIGHT endX(ft) Fron Initial P,/S Init.p/S + BM Aux. steel areaLeft End Top Bot. Top Bot. (ACI l-8.4. L) PCI PRACTICE ALLOWS2.LO -352 1409 -225 1282 0.55 Top<--- 5(f'crr/z = 355 pSI 4.20 -353 I4I4 -r28 1188 0,00 THROUGHOUT THE5.30 -354 I4L7 -58 Lrzt 0.00 MEMBER.8.40 -355 14t 9 -L't 1081 0.00 THEREFORE, NO TOp10.50 -355 L420 -3 1068 0.00 RETNFORCTNG rS NOTE: Required f'ci : 3500 psi based on assigned minimum. REQUIRED. STRAND STRESSES (Based on f rci.=3.500 ksi, f'c=5.000 ksi, by pCI Comnittee) X (ft) from TensioningLeft End ksi 0.00 2.to 4.20 6. 30 8.40 10.50 iNOTE: Final Release ksi 175 .8 175.5 L17.l L77,6 L77.8 r77 .9 DL and Sust. LL ksi 0.0 tor. f, 156.9 168:3 158.7 0.0 L62.3 155.1 r.58 . 8 170.4 171.0 189.0 r89.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 r-89.0 r.89.00 100.0026.67 14.11 22.89 12.7t20.18 10.5818.56 9.8218.02 9.54 strand stresses include elastic regain for Live load. FINAL STRESSES (ps i) X ( f t) Frorn FPLeft End Top 0.00 01.05 -962.r0 -L973.15 -1484.20 -1065.25 -? 05.30 -4L7.35 -188.40 -29.45 810.50 11 + Sustained LL PP+DL+Tpg Top U r oo 303 s60 165 >tL LLZz LZ9J 13 31 L56Z 1399 AIl LL Bot 0 JZZ 424 2L2 5Z -ll) -229 -5-LI -360 -375 0. K. +BM Bot 586 lrbv 1132 1100 1073 10 51 1034 r022 1015 TOL2 FP+Dt Tpg -:- -:: ToP 90 156 352 52L 665 782 874 939 978 991 Bot U 400 816 oJt 473 J56 228 8l 45 5Z NOTE3 AllowabLe botton tension sEress =12.00*sqrt (f 'c1 = -349 ULTIMATE MOMENT ( k-in ) Reguired Mu Provided phi+Mn by I : \Jobs\0429\Engrg\0?-SIab bv by Dev. Length Over- Slab Condition 2.bem if 9inDesign\04298-07-02-03-Long Span FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Beam,3.04, X(ft) EronLeft End 0 .00 1.05 a.Lv 3.15 4.20 5.25 O. JU 8.40 9.45 10.50 Factrd 1 Loads (ACI 0 709 134 3 190 3 238 8 2799 313 4 3396 5J6Z 3694 3731 Resi-dences (c)2003 BY iTACQUES & ASWAD, rNC. .2*Mcr Strain- Limits 18.8.31 compat. (ACI Ch.12) U 1329 (r) 2'167 lll 3379 (1) 3834 (1) 4131 (1) 4253 4253 42533083 4253 0.K. SHEET 4 OF 7.2.3 DATET 9/2/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JWK Reinforced (Acr r-8.8.1) (l): Development. length controlled by strand. -- Required Reinforcing --T:]Ti:-:::T-T:Y:i:]T fox for forVcw Avci Avcr., Avminkips in-2/ft in-2/ft in-2/fE Vu kips X(ft) From DLeft End in.Tu Vcik-in kips 0.0 3900.0 200 0.0 131 0.0 108 0.0 't7 0.0 700.0 700.0 70 0.0 700.0 700.0 700.0 70 0.13 7.20 57.110.38 7 .20 57. 11l-.05 7 .20 53. 312,L0 7 .20 47.383.15 7.20 41.464.20 7 .20 35. 545.25 7 .20 29 .6I 6. 30 7 .20 23 .697.35 7 .20 L7 .77s.4c 7.20 11.859.45 7 .20 5. 92 10. s0 1 .20 0. 00 1sr- 0.000 0.00015s 0.000 0.00020r 0 .000 0.000258 0.000 0.000259 0 .000 0. 000260 0 .000 0.00025r 0.000 0.000262 0.000 0.000263 0.000 0.000263 o. c00 b. ooo254 0.000 0.000254 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 - 000 0.000 (2): Minimum based on ACI Eq. 1.1-14. NOTE: Avmin not requiled for phi*Vc > Vu > ph!*Ve/2 (ACI 11 .5.5.1(c)). NOTE: Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel for ledges & pockets. NOIE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total web width =108.000 in. NOTE: No significanE t.orsion was found (ACI 11.5.1). NOTE: Design assumes web reinforcing is carried as cfose to compression and tension surfaces as possible per ACI 12.L3.L. SUMMARY OF MINIMUM VERTICAL AND LONGITUDINAI, WEB REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS NOTE3 The specified section type does not have a bottom ledge. For Vert.ical Reinf, select from columns (1'), (2,1, (3) or (41 | in-2/fE,For Longitudj-nal Reinf, select from columns (A) or (B) : (in-2) X (ft) Fron Ph Left. End in l2', (3) Av/2+At Av/2+Ash (4) tA)Avl2+Awv AL/z 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (B) Aw1 0.000 0 .000 NONE REQUIRED 0.375 1.050 2.100 3.150 4.200 f.ZfU 6.300 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1) Ash <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> I:\Jobs\0429\Engr9\07-S1ab Des ign\ 04 298-07 -02-03-!ong Span 9 in Slab €ondition 2.bem I FDG, rnc. SHEET 5 oF ?.2.3i.. Gore creek Residences DAIE: 9/2/2004Beam, 3.04, (C}2003 BY JACQUES & ASWAD, INc. PAGE: 4 BY: .]wK 7.350 0.0 <3> 0. 000 <3> 0. 0008.400 0.0 <3> 0.000 <3> 0.0009.450 0.0 <3> 0. ooo <3> 0. oo010.500 0.0 <3> o.ooo <3> 0.000 Awv=Ar,rl= 0.000(left), 0.000(right)=Vertical and longitudinal web leinf. forbendlng due to torsional equil. reactions (1edge face, in-2), based on:Tu = 0.0 k-in at Left. End, = 0.0 k-in at Riqht Endds = 53.750 in Hs = ?.200 in Ash=Ilanger reinforcement (Iedge face only). NOTE: The above vaLues for steel are for one face only. corumns (2) e (A)should be applied to both faces, All other columns need. only beapplied to the ledge face.<3>NoTE: section does not have a ledge, or is defined as a General section. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rational approach and PcI Conunittee Recommendations for losses.f'ci : 3.500 ksi, frc = 5.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 2408 ksi, Ec = 2B'tB ksi, Canber Mult.= 1.000!,todified : Cu : 1.523 eshu = 593 E-oG NOTE: Negative values indicate canber. Midspan Positi-on (in) Release : PS( -0.64)+BM DL( A.22,t -0.43Creep Before Erect,ion -0.26 ,1,:":i:l1.ps+BM DI, -0.58 ?tl)1.T".:.1.001 = r/2s2 (e c weeKs ) Change Due to Non-Comp. Dt 0.50: PS+BM Dl+Non-Comp.DL -0.19' Change Due to Cbnrp. Dl+.juetl;! 0.00: ps+Arl Dr+susr.tl -0.19 o"lTl-1"^=.,0 'sL', = r/4e4 ],ong Term creep o.3o < r/ror'' \J'A' Flnal : PS+All Dl+5usg.1tr 0.11: PS+AII DL+!L 0.32 MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial prestress force = 550 kips Final prestress force = 497 kipsConcrete stlengths used in design:Release strength f'ci= 3500 psi Final strength f 'c: 5000 psi Beam is MODIFIED LT.WT. concrete. piece weight = 16.30 kips. Estimated shortening between supports at erection time :Curvatureat C. G. Effect Totaltop 0.14 -0.11 0.03 <<<Length correction not to exceed this valuec.G 0.14 0.00 0.14Bot 0.14 0.11 0.24 HOR]ZONTAL ANCHOR RETNFORCEMENT & BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD Confinement for prestressing strand assumed. -> NO Factored Reaction: pu = 59.2 kips pvr : 40.3 kips a! LEFT supportReact. Components: pdl,nc: 30.9 kips pdl,s: 0.0 kips plI= S.a- tips\,. Factored Shear : Vu : 59.2 kips Nu : 1l.S kips- calculated : Height= 9.00 in Bearing surface width =108.00 in I:\,Jobs\0429\Engrq\0?-Slab Design\ 04 298-07 -02-03-Long span 9 in Slab Condition 2.bem FDG, Inc. Gore creek Resldences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 BY i'ACQUES s AS!|AD, INC. SHEET 6 0E 7.2.3 DATE. 912/2OO4 PAGE: 5 BY: itWK Bearing Length (in) 3.0 3.5 {.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 Avf Reqd.(in-2) 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 Factored Stresg (ksl) 0.183 0. 157 0. 13? 0.110 0.091 0.078 0.L24 0.107 0.093 0.0?5 0.062 0.053 Brg- Brg. Pad Sugg. Seress Pad Tlpe(ksi) lll usE;ii colrrrNnous;ii KoRoLArrr oR ;ii NBoPREM iii srRrP NOTE: As detailed bearing lengths must be longer than mLnimum used in calcsto allor for as-built tolerances. Suggest rnininum added length bet/2 Ln. + difference in Ehortening between top and bottom of nember. NOTE: Reactions ar€ used fo! concrete b€arj"ng strength check and bealingpad deslgn, shear is uaed for deslgn of Avf. Pad Tlrtr)es: (folloiring PCI Handbook 5th Edltlon)(1): AASHTO Glade Neoplene (60 duf,ometer) or Random Oliented Fiber (ROF) I: \Jobs\0429\En9rg\07-S1ab Deslgn\0429E-0?-02-03-Long Span 9 in Slab Condition 2.bem CHECK AGAINST LOAD CONDITION #3 FDG, Inc. SHEET 7 oE .7.2.3 Gore Creek Residences DATE: 9/2/2004 Bearn, 3.04, (C)2003 BY JACQUES 6 ASWAD, INC. PAGE: 1 BY: fiIK DESIGN DATA Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Sinple Span = 18.00 ft Right Cant. = 0.00 ft Beam Length = 18.00 ft Loop 0 l.eft = 0.00 ft Loop G Right= 0.00 ft Design Bearing Lengths: G Left = 0.250 fr 0 Right= 0.250 ft Bot.. gridth = 0.000 in Bot. thick = 0.000 in web widrh =108.000 inTop width = 0.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 in Tpg. thick = 0.000 in Stem Height : 9.000 in Haunch thick= 0.000 in Section Type=RECT BEAM Non-Composite : (Based on above section dimensions) H€iqht = 9.000 inArea = 972.000 !^-2 sb = 1458.00 in-3 Sr = 1458.00 in-3I = 6561.00 in-4 Yb = 4.5000 in yr = 4.5000 in Miscel-laneous : Beam type =MOD, LT.WT- Topping type=NORt4AL WT. Beam weight = 115.00 pcf Topping wt. = 150.00 pcf!t.Wt. mod. = 0.750 (p/c)Cu = 2.350 eds = 0 E-05 eshu : l-000 E-06VoL/Surf = 4.154 in ReI. humid = 60.00t Strain Curve=pcl Handbook Beam f rci :3.500 ksi Beam f,c = 5.000 ksi Topping f'c:3.000 ksiEci modifier= 1.000 Ec modifier = 1.000 Camber Mult.: 1.000 Phi Factors : Flexure = 0.900 Shear :0.850 Load factors : Dead load = 1.400 Live Load = 1.700 Shear Options : Depth used =NON-COMp f'c used =BEAMAlLow. Concrete Stress: At Release =0.600f'ci At Final :12.000sqrt f'cStress Block=PARABOLIC :::::::::1::_::::::: (srrand rvpe : row RELAXATIoN) 29 K/STRANDEff. Pu11 = 0. ?O0xfpu Strand dian.= 0.5000 in Estrand =28322.44 ksiStrand fpu :270.00 ksi Area ea.st!.= 0.1531 in-2 LtMuIt = 1.000# Str. lev. - 1 * of Strand = 26.00 LdMutt : 1.000Losses: PCI Conrn. Report (RATIONAL) Strand Transformed -> NO Harping Profile: X(ft) Fron Hstr Eccent. Area ofnaa^ri hf i ^^ueeeltt,Lrvrj r,efr End (in) (in) p/s (in_2).Left End of Beam----- 0.00 Z.OO 2.50 3.9906Right End of Beam----- 19.00 2.OO 2.50 3.9806 MiId Steel Shear : fyv = 50.00 ksi fyh : 60.00 ksi fyl = 60.00 ksiEmild : 29000 ksi LdMuIr = 1.000 Distributed toads (non-factored) Magnitude of Load Distance From Left Beginning Ending Beginning Ending Eccent.Load Type (k/fr-) (k/ft) (fr) (fr) (in) P/C Self Weight 0.7't6 O.jj6 0.00 19.00 0.000 Non-comp. Dead Load 4.140 4. j-40 0.00 18.00 0.000 Composite Dead Load 0.000 0.000 0.00 18.00 0.000live Load 0.900 0.900 0.00 19.00 0.000 At Release Only: SucEion = 0.000 k/ft Core Material : 0.000 k/ft NorE: 0.00t of all distributed and concencrated live loads are sustained. Bearing Plates r: \Jobs\0429\En9r9\07-slab De s ign\ 0 4 zgl-o-t -oz-T3-!ong span 9 in stab condition 3.bem FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Bearn, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACoUES & ASWAD, INC. A)DL beam + core naterial (if any) + Beam is supported at 0.00 ft frorn x (ft) From Initial P/SLeft End Top Bot. SHEET 8 OF 7.2.3 DATE. 9/2/2Q04 PAGE: 2 BY: JliK Nu = 0.20*Pu Height= 0.00 in Bearing Pad Thickness = 0.375 inEff. Brg, Surface: Width =108.00 in Length = 0.000 in PIaCe Rebar: Angle : 10.00 deg fy = 60.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestressing strand assuned -> NO * * * * * * * | * * t t * * * * * * * * l} * * * * * * * :l * * * I * OUTPUT i******i********t*t******l*******tt INITIAI STRESSES (psi, at release) sucEion (if any) LEFT end and 0.00 ft from RIGHT end Init.P/S + BM Aux. steel area Top Bot, (ACI 18.4.1) 1.80 _406 L626 _313 1533 0.00 pcr pRAcTrcE ALLows 2,OB -41-L t8B3 -3G5 L.177 1.01 rop<--- 6(f'ell/2 = 355 PSI 3.60 -472 1886 -306 t72L 0.?5 TOp<--- THROUGHOUT rHE 5.40 -472 1890 -255 1672 0.55 TOp<--- 111,i-il:7.20 -473 Lss2 -225 1G43 0.44 rop<--- TITES9IE:^IR9YIDE9.00 -473 1893 -2L4 1634 0.40 rop<--- :0s4 rN? FoR FrRST NoTE: Reguired f 'ci = 3500 psi based on assigned mininum. 4r-0n oF EA' EtiID STRAND STRESSES (Based on f'ci=3.500 ksi, frc=5.000 ksii by pCI Committee) at X (ft) from TensioningLeft End ksi Release ksi L7I.7 I72.3 L72.7 173.0 t73.2 173.3 DL andSust. LL ksi 0.0 I tC R 159. 9'{62.6 154.3 164.8 Flnal* ksi 135.0 161 .0 164.0 l-ob.q P/s Loss ksi 189.00 52.97 28.04 /4 .99 z5.rb 22 -55 FP+DL+Tpg Top 0 183 327 555 801 IUIU l- L 8l- 1314 1408 1465 1484 P,/S tosst 100.00 28.02 14 .83 13.22 LZ. ZO 11.93 0.00 1.80 3.60 5.40 't .20 9.00 1eo n 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 *NOTE: Final strand stresses include elastic regain for Live Load. FINAI STRESSES (psi) x (ft) FromLeft End 0. 00 0. 90 J.. OU 2.10? <n 4.50 5.40 6.30 7 .20 8.10q nn +BM Bot 0 594 L392 1504 L592 LJ6Z 15?4 1557 15 53 If,bU l EqO lr i ULrFP Top + Sustained LL A1]. LL Bot 0 374 788 747 f,! / 512 TbJ 38 -50 -103 -121 O.K. n -15, -27I -302 -250 -230 -2L5 -204 -rvb -196 Top U !zo 2L9 402 /5f, 929 10 41 1120 11 6R 118 4 Bot 0 431 896 900 709 54? 415 311- 255 194 r't 9 NOTE: Allowable bottom tension stress =12.00*sqrt ( f'c) = -849 I UITIMATE MOMENT (k-in) Requiled Mu Provided phi*Mn I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-Slab Design\O4 298-07 -02-03-Long Span 9 in SIab Condition 3.ben Fn/: Th ^ Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACoUES & ASWAD, INC. SHEET 9 OF 7.2.3 DAIE:9/2/2004 PAGE: 3 BY: JWK Dev.Length if Over- Linits Reinforced (ACr Ch.12) (ACI 18.8.1) 1501 (1I 2854 (11 4063 (1) 4551 (1) s077 (1) 5348 (1) x (fr) Left 0.00 0.90 1.80 3.60 4.50 5.40 6. 30 7 .20 8.10 9.00 by by byErom Factrd 1.2*lict Strain-End Loads (ACI 18.8.3) compat. 0 777 r472 zuof. 26L1 JUOO 34 34 372L JJZ2 4048 4089 3876 5443 5444 5444 5445 0.K. X (ft) From D VuLeft End in. kips 0.13 't.20 72-560.38 1 .20 72.560.90 't.20 58.14 1. 80 1 .20 60.572.'r0 7.20 53.00 3. 60 't .20 45. 434.50 7.20 37.865.40 7.20 30.29, - 6.30 7.20 22-7r 7 .20 7 .20 15 . 1.48.10 7.20 7.51 9. 00 7.20 0.00 Tu Vci Vcwk-in kips kips (1): Development length controlled by strand. ::::::i:_:::ii_Tly:1::T __ Req.,ired Reinforclns __ for for forAvci Avcw Avminin-2/fE in-2/ft !n-2/ fE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0. 0000.000 0.000 0. 0000.000 0.000 0.000 0 . 000 0 .000 0. 0000.000 0 .000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 X (ft) FromLeft End 0. 125 0.375 0. 900 1.800 z.luu 3.600 4.500 0.0 4070.0 2240.0 1500.0 1330.0 t-010.0 170.0 700.0 100.0 7o'"0.0 700.0 700.0 70 If,5 171 209 274 298 300 301 5VZ 303 303 303 (2): Minimun based on ACI Eq. 11-14. NOTE: Avmin not required for phi*Vc > Vu > phi*Vc/2 (ACI 1f.5.5.1(c)). NOTE: Reqd. reinf. does not include suspension steel fo! Iedges & pockets. NOTE: Reqd. reinf. is based on a total web width =108.000 in. NOTE: No significant torsion was found (ACI 11.6.1). NOTE: Design assumes web reinforcing is carried as close to compressionand tension surfaces as possible per ACI 12.13.1. SUMMARY OF MINIMUM VERTICAI, AND LONGITUDINAL WEB REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS NOTE: The specified section type does not have a botton ledge.For Vertical Reinf, select from columns Gl , l2l, (3) or (4) : (in-2lft)For Longitudinal Reinf, select from columns (A) or (B) : (in-2) \ Ph l-n 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 (1) Ash <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> <3> (2t (3)Av/z+At Av/2+Ash (4) (A) Av/2+Awv AI/2 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0. 000 Span 9 in Slab (B) AwI 0.000 0.000 NONE REQUIRED Condition 3.benI : \Jobs \ 0 42 9\En9r9\ 07-Slab Design\ 0 4Z 9E-O? - O2 - 03-rong FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES & AswAD, INC. SHEET 10 0F 7.2.3 DATE:9/2/2004 PAGE: 4 BY: JWK 5.400 0.0 <3>6.300 0.0 <3> 7 ,200 0.0 <3> 8. 100 0. 0 <3> 9. 000 0. 0 <3> 0.000 <3>0.000 <3>0.000 <3>0.000 <3>0.000 <3> 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Awv=Awl= 0.000(left), O .0 00 (right) =ys3gical and longitudj.nal web reinf. forbending due to torsionaL equil . reactions (ledge face,in-2), based on:Tu = 0.0 k-in at left End, = 0.0 k-in at Right. End' ds = 53.750 in Hs = 7.200 in Ash=Hanger reinforcenent (ledge face only).NOTE: The above values for steel are for one face only. Columns (2) & (A)should be applied to both faces. AII other columns need. onl"v beapplied to the ledse face.<3>NorE: section does not hive a redge, or is defined as a cenerar section. PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : Rational approach and pcr committee Recomrnendations for r-osses.frci = 3.500 ksi, f'c : 5.000 ksi and ACI-209Eci = 2408 ksi, Ec : 2B1B ksi, Canber MuIt.= 1.000Modified : Cu = 1.523 eshu = Sg3 E-06NOTE: Negative values indicate camber. Midspanposition (in)Release : PS( -0.62)+BM DL( 0.12) -0.51Creep Before Erection -0.31Erect.ion: PS+BM DL -0.92 DETTA TL = 0.87' = L/248(0 4 weeks) < L/240 O.K. Change Due to Non-Comp. DL 0,51: PS+DM Dl+Non-Comp.D! -U.31Change Due to Comp.D!+SustLL 0,O0: PS+Al1 Dl+5usg.trtr -0.31 DEL'TA LIJ = 0'36" = I/5o0 tong Term creep 0.25 < 1/350 o'K' Fina1 : PS+A]I Dl+5ust.trtr -0.0GI PS+411 Dt+L! 0. 05 MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION rnitiar prestress force = 752 kips Finar. prestless force = 853 kipsConcrete strengths used in design: _ Release strength f,ci= 3500 psi Final strength f'c= 5OOO psiBeam is MODIFIED LT.WT. concrete. piece lreight = 13.9? kips. Estimated shortening between supports at erection time :Curvatureat C. G. Effect Tota1Top 0-L4 -0.14 -0.00 <<<!ength correction not to exceed this valuec. c 0.14 0. 00 0.14Bot 0.14 0.14 O.ZS HORIZONTAI ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT 6 BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD------------Confinement. for prestressing strand assumecl -> NO factored Reaction: pu React. Components: pdl, nc=Factored Shear : vuCalculaEed : Heiqht= 75.7 kips Pw 44.2 kips Pdl, q= 75.7 kips Nu 9.00 in Bearingr 52.3 kips at LEFT support0.0 kips PII= 8.1 kipsl-5.1 kips Surface Width =108.00 in I: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\o7-Slab Des ign\ 0 4 2gE-07 -O?-}3-!ong Span 9 in Stab Condition 3.bem FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 By JACQUES E ASWAD, INC. SHEET 11 0F 7.2 .3 DATEz 9/2/2004 PAGE: 5 BY: ,llfK Bearing Length (In) 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 Avf Reqd. (in-2) 0. 75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0 .75 0.75 0 .234 0 .200 0.175 0.140 n 117 0.100 0.162 0 .138 V.LZL 0.097 0 .081 0.069 Factored Brg. Brg. Pad Sugg.Streas Stress Pad Type(kst) (ksi) (1)(1) USE(1) coNTrNuous (1) KOROLATH OR (1) NEOSRENE (1) STRIP NorE: As detalled bearing Lengths must be longer than mininum used in calcsto arlo}r for as-bulrt torerances. suggest minim'm added rength bel/2 tn- + difference in shortening ueiween top and bottom of m€niber.NOTE: React.lons ale used for concrete bearing strength check and bearlngpad design, shea! is used for design of Avf. Pad Types: (following pCI Handbook sth Edltion)(1) 3 AASHTo crade Neoprene (d0 durometer) or Random oliented ribe! (RoF) I r . .t{., rr ". }l *l r: \Jobs\ 042 9\Eng!g\07-slab Design\042 9E-o?-02-o 3-Long span 9 in slab condlt,ion 3.bem SEEET 1 Shegscoa Coryoration P.O. Bor 15129 Coloredo Springs, C0 000ga Tele: ?191300-6041 far: 719,/300-5564 Dcnvcr Lire: 303/623-1323 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences BY: JWK/FDG 4(\lort fi =F o6(\l c.io cl lrJ = 0i-9c.9 Q'o -9 L ,d ot 'ro eo e, -h ==I o I<!o Fo t!ot6l o '6 6 a -9 If\o 0rc <! o l|o (,o oF 7.2.4 MILDLY REINFORCED 9'' SLAB DESIGN: IMPOSE 12'-O MAXIMUM SPAN FOR LOAD|NG CONDIT|ON ff1 & f3: w2W1 8'-1;"3',-14' 12'-d' MILDLY REINFORCED PANELS: w1 = 2e0 PSF (D/L = 1e0l100) (NoT TNCLUDTNG SELF-WE|GHT) wl, = 1.411e6) + 1.7(100) = 4J6 W2 = 560 PSF (D/L = 460/100) (NoT TNCIUDTNG SELF-wEtcHr) \4/2u = 1.41466) + t.z(too) = at+ SELF-WEIGHT = 115(.75) = 86.J PSF DL SELF-WE|CHT' = 1.4(86.3) = 120.8 PSF PSF FROM COMPUTER OUTPUT: MU = 11,500 rr-# PER il (CONIROLS) LOAD|NG cONDtTtoN {2 & fra: w = 340 PsF (D/L = 240/100) (NoT TNCLUD|NG SELF-WE|GHr) wu = 1.4(240) + 1.7(100) = 506 PSF SELF-WE|GHT = 115(.75) = 86.3 PSF DL SELF-WEIGHTu = 1.4(86.3) = 120.8 psF Mu = (s06 + 120.8)(12.00)2/a = t1,280 FT_# pER n CONSERVATIVELY, PLACE 1.5 KLF (D/L = .5/1) LINEAR LOAD AT MIDSPAN FRCM C.I,P. WALLS AEOVE Pu = 1.a(.5) + 1.7(1) + 2.4 KLF Mu = 11,500 + 2,400(12.0)/4 = 18,700 Fr-#/n \ neo. o 18.7(12)/.s(60)(.sx7.s) = c.616 tNz/n TRY #5'S @ 6" 0.c. (\ = 0.61 tNr/n) T = 0.61(60) = J6.6 K C = .85(5X12)o = 51o o = J6.6/51 = 0.718 lN oM" =.9(36.6)(7.5 - 0.718/2)/12 = 19.60 n_K/rr > 18.70 FT_K/Fr: O.K. CHECK CRACKING: SERVICE MoMENT = 7,8J0 + 1,5A0(12)/4 = 12,330 n_# Ir^-= IIs^^=_^1?,^31911?1L12(s)r/61 = e13 psr > 5s4 pst ... RE|NF0RCTMENT REQUTREDUST EXPOSED TO WIATHER, NON-ChIICAL APPEAMNCE;. W =.013 IN - ASSUMEj=.9ANDk=.J d = 9 - 1.5 = 7.5 lN (d. = 1.5 lll) kd = .3(7.s) = 2.25 lN hr = 7.5 - 2.25 = 5.25 tN hz .= 9 - 2.25 = 6.75 tN hr/ht = 1.266 USE BAR SpActNG 0F 6" ... A = 2(1.sX6) = 18 tN2t, = */l(t.a x 10-5Xh.,/h,Xd^A)r/r)l = .at3/(7.6 x 10-sX1.286)[r.51re;liz: = 44.j KSIA. = M/.9f.d = 12.33(12)/.9(44.3X7.s) = .495 tN2,/FT As PRoV|DED = .61 tN2lFI ... O.K. FDG, Inc. SHEET 2 OE 7.2.4 Gole Creek Residences DATEz 9/2/2004 BCAN' 3,0T., (C)2001 BY JACOUES 6 ASIIAD, INC. PAGE: 1 BY: JWK INPUT DATA E= 100 ksi No, of Jts.= 2 No. of Elements= 1 Element Data Joint Data ELenent I# (in^4) r 100 Load Case DescrJ-pti on Joint X Jo int # (ft) Restraint 1 O. OO PINNED 2 L2.OO PINNED Load Case Description 1 Loads Distributed Loads Load li1 w2 x1 x2case (k,/ft) (k/ft) (ft) (ft) 1 0.557 0.557 0.00 8.131 0.935 0.935 8.13 1.2.00 I:\,lobs\0429\Engrg\07-Slab Design\9 in Slab Condition 3.bcn / fDG' Inc. \ Gore cleek Reaidences Bcan, 3.01, (C)2001 BY JACQUES e AS!|AD' INc. IOAD COIAINATION 1 Cornbined Loads - 1.000 * lC 1 iloint Reactiong and DisPlacenents I CHECK: { .5s?(B.tzs) + .93s(3.8?s) = B.1s K/FT ' s's8 + 4'5? - 8.15 K/FT o.K. SHEET 3 0E 7.2.4 DAIEl. 9/2/2004 PAGE: 2 BY: JlilK Jolnt x Rx RY Ylz Y-disP' Rotat ' t (ft) (k) (k) (k-in) (in) (rad) 1 o.oo o.o0 -3'5S 0 0.0000 0'65{780 2 1'2.OO O.0o -4.51 0 0.0000 -0 '692200 Element Forces and DisPlacements Ele. X Axial * (ft) Force Shear Force ltoment Y-displ' (k) (k) (k_in) (in) 1 o.oo 0. oo -3.58 0 0 ' 0000 I 6 .42 0 . oo o . 0o -138 29 .9897 1 12.00 o.0o 4.31 -0 0 ' 0000 I : \,Iobs\ 0rl2 9 \Eng!g\ O ?-s1ab Deslgn\9 in slab condition 3.bcn Stresscon Corloration P.O. Bor 15129 ?19/390-5041 suBJEC"f: Gore Creek Residences 710/390-5584 DtttB: 9/7 /0aTcle: Far: Colorado Sprlugs, Co 80935 Deuvcr llnc:303/s23-fgm BY: JWK,/FDG STIEET 1 oF 7.2.5 E4 (! di =F oo(\| ao_o 4 vl dJ o ol]9 !'c(, C' .o -9an .d CD o'6 A Irtto I6lo It\al I <t a c.9t Ia Fo oi Erc ctt<l o ll ril (t e SPECIAL 9' SLAB DESIGN @ GRID 5 TO 5.2: Q, T0 Q. 0F BEARING = 20'-10' MAXIMUM LOADING: (PROV|DED BY E.O.R.) Wl = 340 PSF (D/t = 240/100) (NOT INCLUDING SELF-WEIGHT) TYPICAL PANEL IS NOMINALLY 9'-d WIDE wlo|- = 24619; = 2.16 KLF wlr. = 196191 = .900 KLF w2o,- = 46919; = 4.14 KLF w2r,_ = 19919; = .900 KLF W2 = 560 PSF (D/L = 460/100) (NOT TNCLUDING SELF-WEIGHT) THOUGH DEFLECTIONS AT THIS SPECIAL CASI ARE LARGER THAN OPTIMUM, THIS PARTICULAR SLAB IS SUPPORTED ON ONE EDGE BY A SHEAR WALL, AND ON THE OTHER EDGE BY AN UNDER-LOADED SIAB. PROVIDE TRANSVERSE REINFORCING TO CARRY SOME OF THE LOAD TO THE EDGES OF THE SI.AB AND ASSUME THAT DEFLECTION WILL BE MINIMIZED BY THE ADJACENT SUPPORTING ELEMENTS. FDG, Inc. Gore Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C)2003 3Y JACQUES 6 ASVIAD, INC. DESIGN DATA SHEET 2 0F 7 -2.5 DATE:. 9/'7 /2004 PAGE: 1 BY: JWK Right Cant. = 0.00 fL Loop G Right= 0.00 fE e Right= 0.250 ft l{eb width =108.000 in Tpg. thick : 0.000 in Section TYPe=RECT BEAM Left cant. = 0.00 ft SimPIe Bean Length = 20.83 ft l,oop G Design Bearing Lengths: G Span = 20.83 ft Left : 0.00 ft Left = 0.250 ft Bot. thick = 0.000 in Flange thick= 0.000 in Haunch thick= 0 ' 000 in Topping type=NOR!4AL wT. Toppj.ng wt. : 150.00 Pcf eds = 0 E-0 6 ReI. humid = 60.00t Beam f'c = 5.000 ksi Ec modifier = 1.000 Flexure = 0.900 Dead Load = 1.4 00 Deptsh used =NON-COMP At Release =0.500f'cr Non-Composite : (Based on above section dimensions) Area : 9'72.OOO \n-2 Sb = 1458.00 in-3 I = 6561.00 in-4 Yb = 4.5000 in Bot. width = 0.000 in Top width = 0.000 in Stem Height = 9.000 in Miscellaneous: Beam type =MOD. LT. WT. Bearn weight : 115.00 Pcf Lt.lvE. mod. = 0.750 (p/c) Cu = 2.350 Vol/Surf : 4.154 in Beam f 'ci = 3.500 ksi Eci modifier: f.000 hlr i F.^l- ^ r< Load Factors : Shear Options : Allow. concrete stress: Stress BIoCk=PAAABALIC sb YI 9.000 in 1458.00 in-3 4.5000 in eshu = 1000 E-05 Strain Curve=PCI Handbook Topping f'c = 3.000 ksi Camber Mutt. = L.000 Shear = 0.850 Live Load = 1.700 f 'c used =BEAM At Final =l2.000sqrt f 'c Prestressing Strands (Strand TyPe = LOW REIAXATION) 29 K/STRAND Eff. PuII = 0.700Xfpu Strand diam.= 0.5000 in Estrand Strand fpu =270.00 ksi Area ea.str.= 0.153f in-2 LtMul't * S!r. fev. =..1 * of 5+.ranC - 26 .OA LdMult- Losses: PCI Conun. Report (RATIONAL) Strand Transformed -> Harping Profile: x (ft) Fron Description Left End Left End of Beam----- 0.00 Right End of Beam----- 20-83 Mild Steel :28322.44 ksi: r.000 = 1.000 NO Hstr Eccent. Area of (in) (in) P/s (in-2) 2.00 2.50 3.9805 2 .00 2.50 3. 9806 fyl = 50.00 ksiShear Emi ld : fyv = 50.00 ksi = 29000 ksi fyh = 50.00 ksi LdMult = 1.000 Distributed Loads (non-factored) Magnitude of Load Distance From Left Beginning Ending Beginnlng Ending Eccent' load rype &/f:-\ (k/ft) (ft) (ft) (in) P/C Self weight 0.776 0.1'75 0.00 20 '83 0'000 Non-comp. oeid load 2.L50 2.160 0.00 20'83 0'000 Composile Dead load 0.000 0.000 0 ' 00 20 ' 83 0 ' 000 Live Loacl 0.900 0.900 0.00 20 ' 83 0 ' 000 Non-comp. Dead load 1.980 l-.980 1.96 15'95 0'000 At Release OnIy: Suction : 0.000 k/ft Core Material = 0'000 k/ft NOTE; 0.00* of all distributed and concentrated live loads are sustained. I: \Jobs\042g\Engrg\07-slab Des ign\ 0 4 29E!-07 -02-05-sPec ial 9 in Slab'bem FDG, Inc. core Creek Besidences Beam, 3.04, (C) 2003 BY .IACoUES & ASWAD, INC. Bearing Plates at at DL and X(ft) from Tensioning Release Sust. IL Left End ksi ksi ksi Nu = 0.20*Pu Height= 0.00 in Bearing Pad Thickness = 0'375 in Eff. Brg. sulface: width =108.00 in length = 0.000 in PLate Rebar: Angle = 10.00 deq fy = 60.00 ksi Confinement for non-debonded prestlessing strand 655urngd -) NO * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * t * * I * * i * * * * * * * * * * i * ouTPUT * * * * * I * t * * t * * * * * a * * * * * t * t * * * * * * * * * * INITIAL STRESSES (psi, at release) A)DL beam + core material (if any) + suction (if any) Beam is supported at 0.00 ft from LEFT end and 0.00 ft from RIGHT end x(ft) From Initial P/s rnits.P/s + BM Aux- sEeel area Left End ToP Bot. ToP Bot. (ACI 18.4.1) 2.08 -47r 1883 -346 1759 0 - 00 4.L7 -473 !-890 -25L 1658 0.53 TOP<--- PCI PRACTICE AIJLOWS 6.25 -4'74 1895 -183 1604 0'30 ToP<--- 6(ftc)r/2 = 35s PSI 8.33 -474 1897 -L42 1555 0.00 TI{ROUGHOIIr rHE 10 . 41 -4? 5 18 98 -128 1552 0 . 00 MEMBER - 12.50 -414 1897 -I42 1565 0.00 THEREFORE, NO TOP 14.58 -414 1895 -183 1504 0.30 ToP<--- RETNFORCTNG rS 16.65 -473 1890 -25I 1668 0.53 roP<--- REQUTRED. 18. ?5 -47L 1884 -346 17s9 0.00 NOTE: Required f'ci = 3500 psi based on assigned minimum. STRAND STRESSES (Based on f.ci=3.500 ksi, f'c=5.000 ksi, by PcI conunittee) st{EET 3 0F 7.2.5 DAtEz 9/7 /2004 PAGE: 2 BY: JWK P/S Loss tFinal* ksi 0.0 rf,d.l- 163.8 t57.7 170.0 1.10 .7 169. I L67 .2 153. 0 15 /. b 0.0 P/S Loss ksi *NOTE: final strand stresses include elastic reqain for Live Load. FINAL STRESSES (psi ) 0.00 189.0 2.08 r89. 0 4.t7 189.0 6.25 189.0 8.33 189.0 10. 41 189.0 12. s0 189.0 14. 58 189,0 15.65 189.0 18.75 189. 020.83 r.89.0 X(ft) Fron FP + BM Left End Top Bot t'1]-.7 0.0 L72.5 157.4 173. I L62.3 1?3.5 165.9L73.7 L57.9 173.8 168 .5 L73.7 161 .6 1?? q 1(q ? r/5-r lor.o L72.5 155.8!'tr.1 0.0 FP+ TPg ".. D], + sustained LL 189.O0 " 1oO.O0 30.85 !6.32 25.25 13.36 21.30 !L.27 18.99 10.05 r.8.30 9.68 L9.25 10.18 2r.82 11.55 26.00 L3.i6 31.39 16.61 189.00 100.00 0.00 1.04 2.08 3.L2 4.L7 5 .2r 6.25 t -29 tt.55 00 -150 798 -307 t502 -263 1583 -225 15 57 -L95 lJ )Z -1 A1 1 qAn -145 1531 -L5Z LJZ+ ToP U 169 311 894 LI2L J.JUO r441 1547 Bot n 479 985 595 447 zJa 58 -oJ -lf,q FP+DL + AlI LL Top Bot 00245 403 455 840 829 492 11q1 1 0n L422 -63 1 64 3 -2'101813 -4281932 -540 Slab. bemI: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-S1ab Design\ 04 298-07 -02-05-Special 9 in FDG, Inc. Gore creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (c)2003 BY JACQUES e ASWAD' INC' SHEET DATE: PAGE: 200r -604 2018 -620 1985 -589 1901 -s10 L'766 -384 1580 -2Lr 1343 10 1050 275 '7 42 572 391 900 2t2 433 0-0 = -849 psi 4 0F 7.2.5 9/'1 /20043 BY : JVIK o.K. 10 .41 11.46 12.50 13.54 14 .58 IJ. bZ 16.66 !7 ,7r 19.79 20.83 -r23 L520 -r20 1518 -r22 1518 -131 1521 -145 1527 -r.65 153s -101 l CAq -223 1558 -267 1576 -305 1596 -L49 795 0-0 IbU5 IbIO 1587 ItrIJ 1400 LZ.r Z r042 803 5J / 246 -Llo 0 - zv6 -2L8 -191 -L25 -19 r27 3L2 532 Ill 10 45 509 -0 12 .96*sqgg ( f'c)NOTE: Allottable botEorn tension stress = ULTII.{ATE MOMENT (K-J.N) Required Mu Provided Phi*Mn bY bY x(ft) From factrd 1.2*Mcr Left End Loads (ACI 18.8'3) 0.00 0 1.04 974 2.0e 187 4 3 .L2 267 9 4.L7 337 4 5.2r 3960 6.25 4436'7.29 4803 8.33 5050 9.37 52C8 10.41 5246 3957 11.46 5175 12.50 4994 13.54 4'104 14.58 4304 :-5.62 37 95 15.66 3184 L1 ,7 | 2498 18.75 1739 19.79 906 20.83 0 by Dev.Length if Over- str-ain- LiniLs Reinforced compat. (ACI ch.12) (ACI 18'8'1) 1730 (1) 3288 (1) 4381 (1) 4957 (1) s319 (1) 5446 5445 5445 5446 5447 0. K. 5446 5445 5444 544 5 s 314 (1) 4948 (r) 4370 (1) 3278 (1) L'724 lL',) n by strand.(1) : Deve.Lopment length controlled VERTICAT SI{EAR REINFORCING Vci vcw kips kiPs -- Required Reinforcing -- for for for Avci Avcw Avmin i^-2/tE id-2/fE in-?/fEX (ft) Fron D Left End in. 0 .13 't .20 0 .38 7 ,20 1.04 7 .20 2.08 7 .20 3.L2 7 .20 4.L7 7 .20 3.2L 't .20 6.25 7 .20 Vu kips 78.75 74,99 oo. / , 60.01 51.25 42 .49 33. 73 Tu k-i.n 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 418 zz0 l5+ >J IL 70 70 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 153 0 . 000 r12 0.000 220 0.000 295 0.000 299 0.000 30r 0.000 303 0.000 305 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O. OOO NONE REQUIRED 0.000 0.000 I : \Jobs\0429\Engrg\o7-Slab Des ign\o4 2gE-07 -02-05-sPecial 9 in Slab'bem FDG, Inc, Gore Creek Residences Bearn, 3.04, (c)2003 BY JACQUES & AS!{AD, 0.0 70 0.0 ?0 0. c ?0 0. c 70 0.0 70 0.0 70 0.0 70 0.0 70 0.0 70 0.0 ?5 0.0 94 0 .0 133 0.0 156 0.0 225 0.0 4r7 SHEET 5 OF 7 .2.5 DATE': 9/7 /2004 PAGE: 4 BY: JWK 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 '7 .29 7 .20 24.96 8. 33 '7 .20 16.20 9.3'1 7.20 '7.44 10.41 7.20 -r.32 11.46 7.20 -10.0812.50 7 .20 -18.85 13 . 54 1 .20 -27 .6L 14.58 7 .20 -35.37L5.62 -t.20 -45.1315.66 7 .20 -51.94 1,-t .'1r 7 .20 -51 .82 18.75 7.20 -63.59 19 . 7 9 't .20 -69 .57 20.45 't.20 -73.3320.'t0 -t.20 -73.33 INC. 306 307 307 307 307 307 304 302 300 298 295 220 171 153 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (2) : Minimum based on ACI Eq. L1-14. NOTE: Avmin not required for phi*Vc > vu > phi*Vcl2 (ACI 11 '5'5'1(c))' NOTE: Reqd. reinf. d.oes not- include suspension steeL for ledges 6 Pockets' NOTE: Redd. reinf. is based on a total web width =108'000 in' NOTE: No significant torsion was found (AcI 11'6'1) ' NoTE: Desagn assumes web reinforcing is carried as close to comPression and iension surfaces as possible per AqI 12'L3'1' PREDICTED DEFLECTIONS Based on : RaEional approach and PCI Conunittee Recornendations for losses' f'ci = 3.50b ksi, f'c = 5.000 ksi and AcI-209 Eci = 24Oa ksi, ec = 2878 ksi. Camber MuIt': 1'000 Modified : Cu = 1.523 eshu : 583 E-06 N0TE: Negative values indicate camber' MidsPet PosLtlon(in) DL( 0.21) -0.53 -0.40 -1.03 DELTA TL' = 1'82' = L/L37 Release : PS( -0.84)+BM creep Before Erection ErectioN: PS+BM DL (0 4 weeks ) Change Due to Non-ComP'DL 0.85 : PS+BM DL+Non-ComP.DL -0-18 Change Due to ConP.DL+SustLL 0.00 DELTA LIr = 0.9?' = I/258 : PS+AI] DL+Sust. tL -0.1-g long Term CreeP 0'57 Final : PS+AII DL+Sust.LL 0.40 : PS+AII DL+LL 0'79 NOTE: Beam has cracked under positive moment' deftections are based on a bilinear momeni-deilection relationshiP (ACI f8'4'2) ' MISC. PRODUCTION INFORMATION Initial- prestress force = 752 kips Final prestress force = 679 kips Concrete strengths used in design: Release stre;gth f'ci= 3500 p;i Final strength f'c=.5000 psi Bean is MODIFIED LT.WT. concrete. Piece weight = L6'17 kiPs' Estimated shortening between suPPorts at erection tlme : Curvatureat C. G. Effect Total Topo.ro-0.150'01<<<!engthcorrectionnot'toexceedthisva.]-uec.G 0.16 0.00 0.16 I: \Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-Slab Des ign\ 0 4 298-01-02-A5-Spec ial 9 in Slab'bem DEFLECTIONS FOR THIS DESIGN ARE LARGE. EXPLORE THIS DESIGN FURTHER. FDG, Inc. core Creek Residences Beam, 3.04, (C) 2003 BY JACQUES e ASWAD, INC' Bot 0.16 0.16 0 '32 HOR] ZONTAT ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT & BEARING STRESS ON BEARING PAD SHEET 6 OE 7 .2 '5 DArR z 9/7 /2004 PAGE: 5 BY: JwK ConfinemenE for prestressing strand assumed -> No Factored Reaction: Pu = 80.9 kips Pw = 55'8 kips at LEFT suPporc React.. components: Pdr,nc= a6. kiis PdI,c= 0'0 kips P11= 9'4 kips Factored Shear : Vu = 80.9 kiPs Nu = 16'2 klps calculated : Iteight= 9.00 in Bearing surface width =108'00 in 0.250 0.214 0.187 0.150 U.LZJ 0.107 Factored Reaction: Pu = ?5.4 kips Pw = 51'9 kips at RIGHT support usE React. components: PdI,nc: 42.5 kiPs PdI,c: 0'0 kips P11: 9'4 kips CoNrINUoUS Factored Shear : vu = 75'4 kips Nu : l-5'1 kips KoRoITATH oR calculated : Height: g.6O i"' Bearing surface Width :108'00 in NEoPRENE STRIP Bearing Avf Length Reqd.(in) (i.n-2) 3.0 0.80 3.5 0. 80 4.0 0.80 5.0 0.80 5.0 0.80 ?.0 0.80 Bearing Avf Length Reqd.(in) ( 1n-2 ) Factored Brg. Brg. Pad Sugg' Stress SEress Pad TYPe (ksi) (ksi ) 0.L72 (r) 0.14? (1) 0. r29 (1) 0.103 (r) 0.086 (1) 0.074 (1) Fact.ored Br9. Brg. Pad Sugg' Stress Stress Pad T)T)e (ksi) (ksi) 0.160 (1) 0.13? (1) 0.120 (1) 0.096 (1) 0.080 (1) 0.059 (1) 3.5 4.0 f.u 5.0 7.0 NOTE: As detailed bearing lengths must be longer than minimum.used in calcs to alLow for as-buil-t tolerances. suggest minimum added length be !/2 !n. + difference ln shortening belween top and bottom of menber ' NOTE: Reactions are Used for concrete bearing stlength check and bearing pad design, shear is used for design of Avf' Pad Types: (following PcI Handbook 5th Edition) (1):AASIiToGradeNeoprene(60durometer)orRandomorientedFiber(RoF) o.74 .,0. ?4 i 1a 0.74 0.'14 0.74 0 .233 0.200n 1?q 0.140 u. Lro 0.100 I:\Jobs\0429\Engrg\07-StabDesign\0429E-07-02-05-Special9inSLab'bem Streggcon Corloration P.O. Bor 15129 Telc: Far: ?1911390-5041 sIIBJECI: Gore Creek Residences Dr$E: 9/7 /0a ?r0,/390-6564 Ea ci = I6l Fo da, rl 6 9l1?lEI8lGl arl 0laol dl c, x E A -gv, c() Iroo Ia!o Ia\o I clt C\| o e.9 E ,o9 Fo g cttclr,l CDo! ? A rii oa Colorailo Spri4e, CO 80935 Dcrvor linc: 309r/623-1323 BY:JwK/FDG SEEET 'I CHECK THICKNESS OF SLABS OVER BOILTR ROOM: Q- TO Q. OF BEARING = 2Q'-83/a" MAXIMUM LoADTNG CoNDITIoN #2 (PR0VIDED BY E.o.R.) W = 340 PSF (D/L -- 240/1oo) (NoT INCLUDING SELF-WEIGHT) \liu = 1.4(240) + 1.7(1oo) = so6 PSF FoR e'-0" SLAB, w,, = s06(9) = 4.55 KLF ul/ sELr wElcHr Foh E' sLAti, wu = 4'5s + 14('75X'11sXe) = 564 KLF Mu = 5.64(20.2)21a = soz FI-K = 3625 IN-K SEE SECTION 7.2.3: 9" LONG-SPAN SLAB DESIGN IS ADEQUATE ... USE 9" SLABS OVER BOILER ROOM oF 7.2.6 Strcsscou Corporrtion P.O. lor 16120 Colorado Sprinjr, CO ?10/3e0-604r ?19,/390-556.1 Linc: 303/623-1323 BY:JwK/FDG SUBJECf,: Gore Creek Residences DlrE:1/20105 oF 7.3 Tele: Far: 80935 Dcnvcr Sf,EET I d(o .i =F r4l oa{ oa\ c tj a orl]lPI otE tgto -o o Ei A _9an Ir.1 Fo I or6{ o .9 a -oo I Fo eorc ctt6l o tij (J e SLAB BLOCKOUT GUIDELINES: .]./PICAL AREA DRAIN BLOCKOUT: FOR AREA DMIN BLOCKOUTS: NUMBER OF STRAND LOST: DESIGN l/PE SLA: 3 STMND DESIGN T/PE SLB: 3 STRAND DESGN ftPE SLC: 3 STRAND DESIGN TYPE SLD: 4 STRAND FOR I'o CORE DRILLED HOLES: NUMBER OF STRAND LOST: DESIGN TYPE SLA: 2 STRAND DESICN TYPE SLB: 2 STMND DESIGN TYPE SLC: 2 STRAND DESICN l/PE SLD: 2 STRAND GUIDELINES FOR CAST-IN AREA DRAIN BLOCKOUTS: tN DESIGN l/PE SLA W/ AREA DRAIN, BLOCKOUT MUST OCCUR WITHIN THE FIRST 4'-o' 0F THE LENCTH 0F THE SLAB rN.DES|6N TYPE SLB W/ AREA DPAIN, CHANGE DESIGN TYPE T0 SLC in oEiro.r wpE slc w/ AREA DRAIN, cHANGE DESIcN TrPt ro sLD tN DESIGN TYPE SLD W/ AREA DRAIN, BLOCKOUT MUST OCCUR WITHIN THE FIRST 4'-0' oF THE LENGTH 0F THE SLAE GUIDELINES FOR ^' I'd CORE DRILLED H0LES: tN DESIGN TYPE SLA W/ CORE DRILL, HOLE MUST OCCUR WITHIN THE FIRST 6'-0' oF THE LENGTH 0F THE SLAB tN DEStcN TYPE SLB W/ coRE DRILL, HOLE MUST oCCUR WITHIN THE FIRST 7'-0' or THE LENGTH 0F THE SLAB TNDESIGNIYPESLCW/CoREDRILL,HOLEMUSToCCURWITHINTHEFIRSTl'-6'OFTHELENGTH0FTHESLAB lN DESIGN l/Pt sLD w/ coRE DRILL, HOLE MUST OCCUR WiTHIN THE FIRST 6'-6" OF THE LENGTH 0F THE SLAB IMPORT/NT NOTE: THESE GUTDELTNES ASSUME IHAT NO MORE THAN ONE AREA DRAIN BLOCKOUT 98 -ONE DRILLED HoLE occuRs EACH SLAB. IF AN ADDITIONAL HOiE IS NTOUINEO IN TH. SAME SLAB, IT MUST BE IN THE SAME TMNSVERSE lOinrrOr'r nS rHr nnSr HOLE, AND LgcATtD L6NGITUDINALLY AS DESCRIBED ABSyE' Strcgrcon CorPoration Tclc:?19/390-604r suBJECT: Gore Creek Residences DXIB. 9/1/04 P.O, Bot 15129 Far: 7191300-556{ Colora<lo sprinre, co E0935 -D"ot " uo", goi/62s-Ls2g BY: JWK/FDG STRESSCON - DATA SHEET / SOUD SLIS SI,AB rrPE: @OCOQ srou size: lZ- SSEBT 1 oF 7.R.1 L0ADING: (0.1. wqt. of P.C. member LIVE Trib. Areo 0.08x(-150) =% 2J.1x(1+DL/IL) = Use: LL Red. = LOAD REDUCTION 1.0J5 KLF] included in Progrom) -KLF -KLF 5.9.1. vARlES (SEE SECTIoN 7.1.1) = -sllle-XLr 100 PsF = 0.900 KLF PCF; f'c (28 doY)5000 PSItt3 EA(oI<t r,il = o(l 6t Bz. I^J o PRECAST SECil0N: Unit Wgt. PLACE #3 STRAIGHT BAR ACROSS STRAND TO SUPPORT LTGS OF U-BARS AT SLAB ADJACENT TO SPANDREL BEAM, PROVIDI #4's TRANSVERSE @ 1Z' o.c. Ar rop, rulr LENGTH oF sLAB #3 U-BARS x -^ AT EA. END OF Y SLAB. PLACE :- LEGS AT MAX. 0F 1',-6' 0.c. qr '9 9 c-<n c <t!t !U' .d <{ Io I&,o IF-i3 I ol(l e ctt ll 6 SEE SECTION FOR REINFORCING AT ANY CANTILEVERED SLABS LIGHT WEIGHT 9'-d' IYPICAL NOMINAL WIDTH a1 - 'l/2" dio. stronds O 2e KtpS EA. =KIPS Ia\Is q ot<! o ao1 T a9e Conc : f'ci : fn roBE8 AT RELEASE = AT ERECI0N = I'FIER T0PPING = -/1 -A PSI PSI NOTE: r.rUr'refn OF STRANDS lS BASEO 0N AN APPROXIMATE 5" ON-CENTER SPACING. FOR SLABS OF WIDTHS DIFFERENT THAN 9'-d, THE NUMBER OF STRANDS SHALL BE BASED UPON THAT SPACING. HANDLING: zupponr SLAB (ullTH BLOCKS oR LIFTERS) gl',iry-lv]]!! THL rlRsr r'-u oi rncrr ilro rinoucHouT THE DURATIoN oF SToRAGE, HANDLING, AND ERECTION. 7E NOTE: DESIGN,SUUUASI G{FEEG€otrg Strestcon CorPoralion P.0. Bor 15129 Colorarlo SprinP, CO Tele: Far: 80935 llcnvcr ?lsl3e0-5041 719,/3S0-568r Linc: 303/623-1323 BY: JWK,UFDG SSEET 1 DATE: 9/13/04 or 7.R.2.1 E r{) ci ii = oo(\I @'c{ o 9J E orlil EIEI5l.l -latl t a -9a .e <tt INo IGo IF.o I otN o .9 a -cl -9tn IF-o E0relrl ol o bo 1 T <)o SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences STRESSC0N - DATA SHEEI / SoLID SI,AB sw rrPE: (9OOOI) srou Size: 9- gp6. 16'-8' GRID T0 GRID LOAO|NG: (0.1. wgt. of P.C. member 0.776 KLF] included in Progrom) LIVE LOAD REDUCTION Trib. Areo 0.08x( -150) = % 23.rx(1+DLlLL) = % Use: LL Red. = % KLF = -Kl'f 5.9.1 VARIES (SEE SECTION 7'2-1) - VARIES 66 L.L,1OO PSF = 0.900 615 115 PCF; f'c (28 doY)5000 P5l PRECAST SECTION: Unit Wgt' PLACE #3 STRAIGHT BAR ACROSS STRAND TO SUPPORT LEGS OF U-BARS #3 U_BARS X =Ar u. ruo or f SLAB. PLACE :- LECS AT MM. oF 1'-6' 0.c. e'-d'TYPICAL NOMINAL IiIIDTH NOTE: SEE:sEcrtous 8.7.i.2, AND 8.7'5 FoR L00sE sTEEL AROUND EMBED PLATES IN 9,' SLABS ID - 1/2" dio. Stronds gESIENSUU4EX @ 29 KtpS EA. = 464 KIPS NOTE: IULIEEN OF STRANDS IS BASED ON AN APPROXIMATE 6Yi' ON-CENIER SPACING. FOR SI-ABS OF WIDTHS DIFFERENT THAN 9'-0,, THE NUMBER OF STRANDS SHALL BE BASED UPON THAT SPACING. Conc : fc: LIGHT WEIGHT 3500 PSI PSI CAMBER AT RELEASE 71 HANDLING: supFonr sLqe (wffH BLocKS oR LInERS) g|ry-y.[!l} THE FIRST l',-o' oF rntu iNo iinouclouT THE DURAIoN or sronlcr, HANDLING, AND ERECTION. AT ERECTION = Ui AFIER TOPPING = N/A Strerrcon Corporrtion ?19/390-504t SUBJBGA: Gore Creek Residences DlrE: 9/13/0a P.0. Bor 15120 Far: ?f0,/300-5664 Colorado Spriryr, co 80s36 D"tl"o" Ho"t sos:/s23-l1zg BY: JWK/FDG SIIEET 1 oF 7.R.2.2 edrp ei .ii =F oo(l €N o d E (rl YI2l.:a IEI Icl-9 o AI .a <D I(!o IG,o IFo lrJot(\,1 .9 a a -9 IFo6oi <D(\l o .oo Z c (9o STRESSCON - DATA SHEff / SOTID SIAB sLAB r/PE: €9|)OO|) srou Size: -9-- SPAN:VARIES L0ADING: (0.1. wgt. of P.C. member 0.776 KLFI included in Progrom) = -KLF LIVE Trib. keo LOAD REDUCTION o.o8x( -1so) = % 23.1X(1+DL/LL) = % Use: LL Red. 5.9.1. VARIES (SEE SECT|ON 7^2.2) = -KLF VARIES AF 0.900 615lOO PSF PRECAST SECTI0N: Unit \{gt.115 PCF; f'c (28 doY)PSI PLACE #3 STRAIGHT BAR ACROSS STRAND TO SUPPORT LEGS OF U-BARS #3 U-BARS X . Ar rn. ruo or i SLAB. PLACE :- LEGS AT MAX. 0F 1'-6' 0.c.9'-d'ryPICAL NOMINAL WIDTH NOTE:Sir srcrtorus 8.7.1 .2, AND 8.7.5 FoR L00sE sTEEL AROUND EMBED PLATES IN 9'' SLABS .,1 - 1/2'dio. Stronds @ 2s KtpS EA. =609 KIPS aEscx-_sluMAEY NO]E TIUI,IATN OF STRANDS IS BASED ON AN APPROXIMATE 5'.ON-CENTER SPACING. FOR SLABS OF WIOTHS DIFFERENT THAN 9'-0", THE NUMBER OF STRANDS SHALT BE BASED UPON THAT SPACING. Conc : lcr : fc: LIGHT WEIGHT PSI 5000 PSI EAMBA AT RELEASE AT ERECTION - W' HANDLING: srppoRT sLAa (wlTH BLOCKS OR LIFIERS) OF TACH END THROUGHOUT THE DURATION TRECTION. ONLY WITHIN THE FIRST 1'_0" OF STORAGE, HANDLING, AND AFTER TOPPING =N/A Stresscon Corlorrtion ?t9/3g0-50{r sUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences DXIE: 9/1a/0a P.O, Bot 15129 Far: 719/3S0-6604 Colorailo Spri4r' C0 80gs6 DJlt"" Uo"' 303/623-134 BYr JWK/FDG SEEET 1 oF 7.R.2.3 Eeroi <\a = 56l @_(\l o tJ E EI =l ..1tr I -lAo .d o) I6lo IEo It\at UJqra! o gr {,6 A 6 I5 Eor 0t6l o 0o ct:. (,o STRESSCON _ DATA SHEfl / SOUD SLAB SuneTTPE: @OOOI) srousize: -e-- L0ADING: (0.1. wgt. of P.C. member LIVE LOAD REOUCTION Trib. Areo 0.08x( -150) = z 23.1X(1+DL/LL) = % Use: LL Red. - % 0.776 KLFI included in Progrom) = -KLF = -KLF 5.9.; vARIES (SEE sEcTloN 7.3.2) = VARIES 66 1OO PSF = 0.900 66 tl3 PCF; f'c (28 doy)5000 PSI PRECAST SECTION: Unit Wgt. 12X6-W1.4XW2.9 W.W.R. FOR FIRST 4'-O'' OF EA. END OF SLAB, AT TOP TYPTCAL NoMINAL wIQI! #3 U-BARS X . Ar re. rruo or 1 SIAB. PLACE :- LEGS AT MAX. 0F 1'-6' 0.c.s'-d PTACE #3 STRAIGHT BAR ACROSS STMND TO SUPPORT LEGS OF U-BARS NOTE:#ir sEcrtons 8-7.1.2, e.7.t-4 AND 8.7.s FoR L00sE srEEL AROUND EMBED PLATES IN E' SLABS 26 - 1/2" dio. Stronds O 29 KlpS EA. =754 KIPS 0Estcx_suuMARY NA]E: I.I---:UI'.,|AEN OF STRANDS IS BASED ON AN APPROXIMATE 4' ON_CINTER SPACING. FOR STABS OF WIDTHS DIFFERENT THAN 9'-0,,, THE NUMBER oi irnlr.ros sHALL BE EASED uPoN THAT sPAclNG' Conc : 'I Cr : fc: LIGHT WEIGHT 3500 PSI PSI5000 CAMBER AT RELEASE = V; AT ERECTION - 7/E' HANDLING: SUFffiST.NE (W|TH BLOCKS OR LIFIERS) gILI-!]ITry THE FIRST 1'-O' oi'EAiii ir.to riliou*rouT THE DURATIoN oF SToRAGE, HANDLINc' AND ERECTION. AFTER TOPPING =N/A SLrcrrcon Corlnration Tele:?10,/390-6041 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences D^rE 9/14/04 P.O. Bot 15129 Par: ?19,/300-5664 Colorailo Sprlnge, CO 60935 Dcnvcr Unc:303/623-1323 nV: !t!XZ!!!SEEET 1 oF 7.R.2.4 Eoctn rrJ = |r)oo6l co-) diE 9lpl8l'clEI€l tnl Iclctr I i, l6 Ao6 .d qt Ial0 I o I|.\i3 I gr(\I o c.9 6 6 IFe Eorc g, o o1 ; o6 STRESSCON - DATA SHEfl / s0LlD STJAB SLABffiE: (9OOOI) srousize: -e-- SP LOADING: (D.1. wgt. of P.C. member LIVE LOAD REDUCTION Trib. Areo 0.08x(-150) = 23.rx(1+DL/LI) Use: Ll- Red. .t % KLF] included in Progrom) = .-KLF = -KLF 5.9.; VARIES (SEE SEcTloN 7'2'4) - VARIES 66 1OO PSF - VARIES 6;g PRECAST SECTI0N: Unit Wgt.1.15 PCF; f'c (28 OoY)PSI itc{ #5 l{cRlz. @ 6" 0 c. - PARALLEL TO DIRECTION -#4 HORIZ. @ 12" 0.c. FenpENotcuLcR To DlREcTloN OF SPAN OF SPAN, SUPPORTED BY #5'S - l,/2" dio. strondsU 6 o KIPS EA. =KIPS oEslcN_suuua,ry NOTE: dEisrcrtoHs 8l.1.2, AND 8.7.5 FoR L00sE srEEL AROUND EMBED PLAIES IN 9'' SLABS NOTE: liTuture-wntriR oPENlNcs, PRovlDE RrINFoRCING THUS: Conc : lcr : fc: LIGHT WEIGHT 3500 PSI MtN. oF (4) #s's FULL LENGTH TA. #4 HoRrz. @ 12" 0.c., T{P. PSI SIDE OF OPNG. IN DIRECTION OF SPAN I lDrREcTloN 0F SPAN CAIIBER AT RELEASE = AT ERECTION AFIER TOPPING = MtN. 0F (3) #4'S FULL WIDTH EA. SIDE OF OPNG. PERPENDICULAR TO SPAN #5 HoRlz. @ 6" 0.c., l/P. N/A CONNECTION DESIGN SECTION 8 Job Title: Gore Creek Residences By:JWK Date: _!!!Q!- Sheet 1 of 8.i JobNo: 0429 Connection Design Index Typical Bearing Plate Bearing Plate at Cantilwer Beam !o Coluum Connections Typical Beam to Colurnn Beam to Column at Beam Cantilever Beam to Beam Connection Beam to Cast-In-Plac e Wall Spandrel Connections Spandrel to Casrln-Place Wall Connection to Parallel Wall Connection to Perpendicular Wall Spandrel Bearing Plate in Cast'In-Place Wall Colurm Connections Single Cap Plate Double Cap Plate (Not at T'op of Column St€p) Double Cap Plate (At Top of Colunn Step) CONNECTION DESIGN SECTION 8 Sheet 2 of 8.i Date: l/19/05 Job No:0429 Job Title:Gore Creek Residences By: .rwx Connection Design Index Submittals lst 2nd 3rd 4th 5th SECT DESCRIPTION PAGES 8.6 Wall Connections Wall to Footing Not Used Wall to Cast-In-Place Wall Typical Shear Connection Shear Connection Bearing Plate in Wall for IT Beam NMB Connection to Footing Slab Connections Slab to Cast-In-Place Wall I Slab to wall on Grid A J x x 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 I x x x 1 x x 8.6.4 I x x 8.6.5 8.7 8.7.1 2 x x x 8.7. i.1 I x x Slab to Wall South of Grid C Slab to Wall (Non-Bearing) slah r^ cest-Tn-Place Shear Wall I x x I x X qlah r^ c'ar-In-Place Wall at East Stair I x X E.7.1.5 Slab to Wall North of Grid A 9" Slab to Wall on Grid A a" qnd I ?" Slabs Bearine oo Wall at Grid A I x x J x x xlx c".tilewer Slah at Wall on Grid A I x x Slab to Beam Slab to Beam at Grid B Slab to Beam at Grid C Slab to Slab Typical Details I Shb to I'recast wall I qt,t t ,, Ftecast Wall at Slab Joint 8.7.2 J x x 9'7 J I x x 8.7.3 J X X x x 8.7.4 x x 8.7.s Slab to Span&el t x X 8.7.6 Sbcrscon Corporation P.O. Bor 16129 Coloreilo Sprlqr, C0 80935 Denvcr l'ine: 303r/023-1323 BY:JwK/FDG Telcl ?19/300-6041 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences DAitEz9/ 14/0a ?10/390-5564 SEEEf, 1 0r EoI o; di =F I(! to' diI EI0l3l bl3l EI,9 1Ell TI -lol:o I oJo tot<! 9 .9 a € € Eo(J @?Eor ,5 ot6l e !lo c ,lti TYPICAT BEAM BEARING PLATE: NOTE: A SIMII-AR PTATE WILL BE REQUIRED AT BEAMS WI1H BEARING LENGTHS MORE THAN 7'. USE SAME REINFORCING, BUT WIDEN PLATE TO REQUIRED BEARING LENGTH. NOTE: A SIMII,AR PI.ATE ULL BE REQUIRED AT SKEWED BEAMS. USE SAME Pt,AiE ANO REINFORCING, BUT SKEW RSNFORCING TO RUN LONGITUDINALI-Y IIONG THE BEAM IENGTH, BEf$'EEN BEAM STRANDS. ltflmJ,i'?J RUN, sECTroN usE (3) #s's PADS: USE7zX6X1'-6" USt72X6X1'-6' MASTICORD PADS AT BEAM DESIGN TYPE BA COTTON DUCK PADS AT BTAM DESIGN T/PES BB, BC, AND BD NOTE: THE PAD SIZES SHOWN ARE MINIMUMS. IF BEAM BEARING IS LONGER THN /, A $RGER PAD MAY BE USED P-Y2X7 X2'-/ (s) fs's x ..".; CANTILEVER BEAM BEARING PTATE: q oF coL.) 1'-2' 14 X 2'-/' PAD: USE 7Z X 12 X 1'-6'' MASTICORD PAD ni wEioro coNNEcTloN, D0 NoT usE PAD 0R sHlM E-thxJlCr.a'0' t++||l ITT io GI I <! to to io o Shes;con Corlorrtiol Tcler ?19,/390-6041 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P.o. Bot 15129 Far: ?t9l390-6564 colorailo Sprl4r, co 80935 lobt r Lio", Soi/625-ls2} BY: JWK/FDG Sf,EET 1 0F E.3.1 .2 orl;l;l EIrl gl =l,qlYI.\tl9l ct Ii)o I(oo Il4l <D6l o 0r a .9 co<) Ia E0tc (t! <\l o Ao Z H (J e TYPICAL BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTION: GROUT JOINT ANO LIFTING STRNO IN SOLID FULL HETGHT ----,.- r-tl'NF ll tl LIFTING STRNO LOOP, PROJECT 1'-9,, FROM TOP OF COLUMN CAP PLATE OR PLATES. " sEE SEClloN 8,5.2 AT,SINGTT CAP PI.ATE, PROVIDE HOLES FOR UFTING STRAND BEARING PPOS, SEE SECTION 8.3.1 BEARING PLATES, SEE SECTION 8.3.1 91 -lc! Eo b I t,r uilrlEs Q Stresscon Corporatiol Telc: ?19/390-3041 SIJBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P,O. Bor 15f29 Far: ?f9,,/390-6684 Coloredo Sprtngt, CO 80935 n"*c" fioot S03,/02S-f38 BY: JIIK'/FDG SEEET 1 oF 9lql EI EI5l CIEI€lol:l crlol6lrl o I(\lo I o I@o !o,<\l 9 .9t eo c oc) I 9g cg CD(1 o ao Z ) I Stresscon CotPorrtioa ?tg/390-6041 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences ?10,/390-6664 Tclc: Far:P.O. Bot 16129 SEEET 1 0r coloreilo Spriagc, co 80935 nIt". uo"' 3$762s-rsm BY: JWK/FDG BEARING PI.ATE, SEE SECTION =s F <f -lc{ 9l EI +l3lEl il EI +lAlloltl6tl9lIroo Iaoo Il4lot6l o .9 .,a ,<)tcc o<-, I@2EctlClrJ <tt(1 o 4oz lrJ (96 Stresscon Corporatiol Tcle: ?f9/390-5041 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bor l5l2g Far: ?10,/390-5564 Colorado Spriryr, c0 80935 n"olt"" uo"t 303/62s-1323 By: JWK/FDG SEEET 1 or 8.3.3 TYPICAL BEAM TO BEAM CONNECTION: r\lnTf. t*srurum pLATE wtLL BE REQUTRED AT sKEwED, BEALIS' iisE"'snrii'pLAiE at'tD REtNFoRclNc As sTREsscoN STANDARD ir,ATi i-s, aur sxEw REINFoRcING To RUN LoNcITUDIMLLY ALONG lHE BFAM tfNGTH. L5X3X yE x o'-tr (STRESSCoN STD. 1l C! o b I c{ uiLrl Streggcon CorPoration Tcle: ?19/3S0-6041 SUBJECI: Gqre Creek Resldences P.0. Bor 15120 Fer ?f9/390-6504 Colorailo spriDgr, co eos35 'oil"", uo"' iosToes-tazs BYr JWK/FDG SEEET 1 0F 8.3.4 ?l =lslil:l';l Flgl ctl 'cl+l o I o I@o ItrJot<\a ? o I I@o sg 66l 3 401 E E BEARING PLATE, SEE SECTION =t! CD -r BEARING PI-ATE IN C.I.P. WALL FOR IT BEAM: :-lk+-_- It/ALt PI.ATE. SEE BELOW BEARING PAO, SEE SECTION 8.3.1 STEEL PI.ATE BELOW BEARING PAD. SAME SIZE AS PAD. SHIM PLATE TO ACCOUNT FOR BEAM SLOPE & WELO TO WIJ.L PTATE BEFORE APPLYNG BEI.RING PAO. L E X 4 X t{' IINGTH- VARTES BASED UPON SIZE 0F WALL NOTCH / (4) #s x 2'-d .+_--g_::nl c 14 l DAr[: l0l19/04 oF 8.4.1SEEET 1 Streucol Corporation P.O. Bor 15129 Colorarlo Sprht!, CO Telc: ?1913S0-6041 Far: ?f9,/S90-5564 00935 Dcnver Linc: 303/629-1323 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences BY: JWK/FDG E o t! =F oo(\l ({ (.t o 0rtr!l o(L gl'tr1ol.tI I E o ln o I o I@o I UJol(! 2c.9 a i,ccoO I@2P cDq .DN ? .6 1 T '?E TYPICAL SPANDREL BEARING PLATE: R, ue,r = 94'5 K (SEE SECTIoN 41) N = .2(9+.3) = 18'9 K h- = 103 lN. A,. = bh = 8(103) = 824 lN2 r finna -- A) L K r":;.'= .eiiez+) = 700 K > e4.3 K ., o.K. i- =' toooa.p/Y,, = 824(1.+)/e4.3 = 12.23 Mirx. z = 3.4 .'. USE 3.4 t.., ='i,./ottt. = e4.3/.8s(60)(3 +) = .5ao 't2A; = N;/or; = ras7.es1oo) = .371 rNz \, t An = .915 lN' coNFtNED STEEL = (4) #6'5 = 1.77 lN2 .'. USE usE (2) #s's PMCTICAL MINIMUM PADS: v = 5.6(23/2\ = 64.4 K r.,riNtuut',t bElnrNc AREA = 6' X 8' = 48 lN2 COMPRESSIVE STRESS = 64.4/48 = 1.34 KSI .'. USE 7r' X I X 0'-8' MASTICORD PADS SHIM AS REOUIRED sEE 2 0F 8.4.1 Streaactn Cotloration P.O. Bot l5l2g Far: 7f9,/300-6664 Colorado Spriryr, co 60985 nil""" Lio"t OosTOzs-rszs BY3 JWK/FDG SEEET 2 oF 8.4.1 TYPICAL SPANDREL BEARING PLATE: HI-l o'l}I9lfl glsldl IrDl ol &ln I5 I o I aoo IUJql a{ o c.g o € cco() I@o E a,r ,5 0t o oo g (9e Tele: ?19/390-6011 sUBJECI: Gore Creek Resldences IIATE:10,/19/04 Shesacol Corporation P.O. Bor 15129 Colorerlo Sprlryr, co 80935 nil"", r,itl., s0sTczs-tses BY: JWK/FDG SPANOREL TO C.I,P. CONNECTION AT PARALLEL WALL: FIND TORSION: FROM SECTION 4.1, T AT END FROM CANOPY = 736 K-lN USE WEIGHT OF SLAB"TO COUNTER-ACT CANOPY TORSION: W oF SLAB = 2.07 KLF (D/L = 1.62/'+5) w,. =.9(1.62) = 1'46 KLF e'OF SLAB LOAD = 4 + 4/3 = 5'33 l\ T. = 1.a6(5.33)(23/2) -- 8e.5 K-lN T" ro o. = 736 - 89'5 = 6a7 K-lN USE CONNECTIONS TO SLAB TO RESIST TORSION: SEE SECTION 8,7.6: CAPACIT/ OF CONNECTION IN TENSION: (2) #4 -- .e(60X2X.2) = 21.6 K 3' oF Y;' wELo = J(5.s7) = 16.7 K (a) ,/z" a x 0'-4' H.A.S. @ SPACING 0F J" EA. WAY = USE 16.7 K CASE 1 Stud Design Per PCI Concrete Strength (ksi) 5'000 Unit Weight (Pc0 150 h (panel thickness inches) 8.00 Pu (kiPs) 19'3 nt (no. of studs in tension) 4 Pattem (x) 3'00 Pattem (y) 3.00 . Lamba 1.00., Case 'l(not near fiee edge) ?t 911890-60{1 sIIBJEGT: Gore Creek Residences DAIE:10/19/04 ?19/300-6564 SEEET 1 0F Tcle: Fax: Ee: =F I(! 6l o fi E ortE =:- E eo o 0<) 6 o E!t ocl<n I I Ic{o o Ioo I 19.3 K dc CONFINED (Y/N) Stud Size (d. in') Nom. Length le (in) Fy (ksi) VU (kips) nv (no. of studs in shear) de (inches) dc (inches) b (inches)"Vu Cw= Ct= Cc= ri gVs per grouP = gYc per group = gVc as sum of single = Concrete Interaction (PutqPcfT + (Vu/gVcf2 = 23.86 Kips 1743.59 KiPs 28.31 Kips 0.99 <= 1 OK 0.5000 4.00 50 0.0 3 200.00 12.50 0.00 I 0.820513 1-r-+--+Yl | | -{-.-d.-.-4+* + Ir lrlot6l o cgr a c .9 co() Iaoo Eor qt6l o 4o g (Jo gPs per grouP = 35'34 KiPs gPc per grouP = 19.39 KiPs gPc as sum of single = 48.34 KiPs Steel lnteraction (Pu/gPs)^2 + (Vu/gvsf2 = 0.30 <= 1 OK TORSION RESISTANCE OF SLAB CONNECTIONS: 16.7(10) = 167 K-lN PER CoNNECTIoN MINIMUM OF 8 CONNECTIONS i, =lazzltroz) = 668 K-lN > 647 K-tN... USE NOMTNAL CONNECT|oNS AT ENDS 0F SPANDREL A I i o i Streslcon Corporation P.0. Bor t5129 Coloredo Sprb3e, CO 80035 Dcuvcr Unc: 303r/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG SPANDREL TO C.I.P. CONNECTION AT PARALLEL WALL: ?19/s90-5011 SUBJEGT: Gore Creek Residences DAIt:10/19/0a 7ts/s00-6561 SEEEf, 2 oF Tclc: Far: 2 4l 2 24f 2 Ct <Da rij = 8<! <\t o l.J E il EI ol ol !Ico I o 6lo Io I@ct I o,ql o cc'r a Go co(J I@2Eora clta{ o o ril cta L8X4X%X0'-d w/ (2) #5 x 2'-d & (2) BENT #5's (sEE SECTIoN 8.4.3) P.7rX6X0'-6" w/ (4) #4 x 1'-d (STRESSCON STANDARD PIATE 33) P.7rX6X0'-6" w/ (2) #4 x 0'-6' & (2) BENT #4 (STRESSCoN STANDARD PLATE 31) LEX4X%Xo'-d wl (2) #5 x 2',-d & (2) BENT #s's (sEE SECTIoN 8.4.3) L00SE P.7rx4x0'-c SECTION B-B Sbeslcon Corloration P.O. Bot 15129 ?lgrl390-504r sUBJECI: Gore creekTele: Fa:l DXrtu10/20/04 og,/390-5584 Colorailo Sptingr, cO E0935 Dcuver llnc: 303/623-1323 BY:JwK/FDG SEEEf, 1 Ee c(\l di =F oo6l ..(l 3 ',J = il EIcl dl.?l 6tl ?No I o II Ilrla,a\l o .9 eo c, 6o I@o ec,r E q,t I1 H ctE SEE SECTION 8.4,2.1: Or[V HOI'IINt CONNECTIONS ARE REQUIRED L00SE R 7r x 4 x 0'-4;' 24f 2 P.7gX6X0'-6" w/ (+)W ox 0'-4j' H.A.S. (sEE 3 0F L8X4X%X0'-d w/ (2) #5 x 2'-d' & (2) BENT #s',s (sEE SECnoN E.4.J) SECTION A-A o Strcs;con Corporation ?1911390-604r suBJECT: Gore Creek Residences P.o. Bor 16129 Far: ?19,/390-6584 Coloreilo spriry!, co 60935 uli""" Ltoo, 3G762s-1323 BY: JWK/FDG EEARING PLATE IN C.I.P. WALL FOR SPANDREL: L SHIM AS REQUIRED BELOW PAD WALL PI-ATE, SEE BELOW ol}Til ?l #tsl'El itIol EI!lcloleat I o I o I@o IlrJc,t.\l o .q 6 e .9 cco() I@o Eorc qtc{ ? 60 6J (, E BEARING PI,ATE, SEE SEC1ION 8.4.1 (2) #s x 2'-d (2) #s x _n___::!. t'l $ Streracon Corporation ?10,/390-504r SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P,0. Bor 15129 Far: 7fS,/390-6664 Colorerto spria3r, Co E0035 O"ot* Uo"t 30s/62S-1323 BY: JWK/FDG cnl}IPI FI-l(rl EI -lE =o C) I o Irt1o Ioo l4la<!a .9 o c.e cCoQ I(oo sql ot(\l o 7_ ul <Jo IYPICAL COLUMN BASE PLATE: (4)cx4' X 5" TALL ELOCKOUTS, MAIN COLUMN REINFORCING AND TIES (4) 1"0 A307 ANCHOR BOLTS E1X14X1'-d w/ (8) #4 x 1'-6" GROUT SOLID AFfER SETTING COLUMN L -:oE(L Q)nx 3 X 0'-J PLATE WASHERS Y2X4 x 0'-4' PLATE WASHER =A:A= tg9l (a) tldo HOLES Strcslcon Co4rorrtion P.o. Bor 16129 Far: ?101390-5564 Colorailo Spriryr, C0 E0035 Dcnvcr Unc: 303/823-f323 BY: ?19,/390-6041 sUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences 9l3lfltlc)l EI:'l6lol atl cDIcl at> I o I<1o I o Iclo ItrJot(r. 2 E c.9 eco(.) I@o 0r 6(1 o oo g ctti SINGLE COTUMN CAP PLATE: LIMNG STMND LOOP PROJECNNG FROII TOP OF COLUMN P.%X14Xl'-tr w/ (8) #4 x 1'-d (NOTE: PLATE MAY BE sLoPE0) MAIN COLUMN REINFORCING ND TIES PROVIDE HOLES FOR LIFNNG LOOP TO PASS THROUGH i Stre$con Corporrtion Tclc: ?rs/390-5041 suBIDc[: Gore Creek Res]dences P.0. Bor 15129 Farr ?19,/300-5564 Coloratlo Sprlaie, Co 80S35 O*t " Uo.' 303r/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG LIFTING SIRAND LOOP PROJECTING FROM TOP OF COLUMN Ethx6h x 1'-s w/ (+) #4 x l'-6' (NOTE: PLATES ARE SLoPED) MAIN COLUMN REINFORCING ANo TlEs Stresscon Corporatiou P.O. Bor 15129 Far: ?191300-658'1 Colorarlo Spriryr, CO 80935 Dcnver Lire: 303/623-1323 BY! ?19,/390-504r sUBJEct: Gore Creek Residences ?l it5l ol(rl ol -oltlot6 It,o I<\lo Iu)o I@o IlrJot6a o .9 o o ccoq) I@9 ts'crrJ ctt o Do Z 'iJ E HIGHER ELEVANON PORTION OF COLUMN ts ALWAYS 6ta' rillDE LIMNG STMND LOOP PROJECTING FROM TOP OF COLUMN Plhx6k X 1'-s vt/ (4) 14 x 1'-6" (sEE 8.s.2.2) (NOTE: PLATES MAY sLoPE) I$IN COIUMN REINFORCING ND TIES ?19/390-3041 SIIBJECI: Gore Creek Residences DErEzg/21/04 Trfr/ss0-6581 SEEET 1 oF 8.6.1 Tcle: Farr Stresscon Corporatioo P,0. Bor 16129 Coloreilo Spriagl, CO 80935 Dclvcr [loc: 303/023-1323 BY:JwK/FDG c of\- oo(\l (\ d tn w,eio tl9lqtl ol! oi} I o I(oo I6o It! <tttlo cor o .9 co() I@o Eqrc <DN o lro Z dl F WALL TO FOOTING CONNECTION: CAPACII{ OF ENTIRE CONNECTION: Jp ** = 98,1 5vu aLow = / /.u n (2)Lsx5x % x r'-d w/ (10) #5 (sEE 3 oF 8.6.1) 102r-t 2 LOOSEP.%X4Xo',-ld FIND CAPACITY IN TENSION: REINFORCING IN WALL: (3) fs: Tu Ar = .9(.91)60 = 4e.1 K tA. FASE WELD: rc" oF y;'WELD = 10(s.s7) = 55.7 K EA' FACE H.A.S. IN FOUNDATION PLATE: (s) %"0 x 0'-6" H.A.S. Tu mr- = 34.2 K EA. FACE (C0NTROLS) CASE 1 Stud Design Per PCI Concrele Strength (ksi) 3.000 Unit Weight (Pcf) 1s0 h (panel thickness inches) 12.00 Pu (kips) 34.2 nt (no. of studs in tension) 3 Pattem (x) 0'00 Pattern (y) 1 1.00 Lamba 1'00 Case 1(not near free edge) rl-T -'Y'- -YYl !! -{-.-d.-.-4!xl-i:--+ gPs per grouP = gPc per grouP = pPc as sum of single = Steel Interaction (Pu/gPsf2 + (Vu/gVs)^2 = 59.64 Kips 34.27 Kips 63.18 Kips 0.33 <= 1 OK gvs pel group t gVc per group = gVc as sum of single = Concrete lntoraction (PulgPc)2 + (Vu/gVcf2 = == I dE dc CONFINEO (Y/N) Stud Size (d. in.) Nom. Length le (in) Fy (ksi) VU (kips) nv (no. of studs in shear) de (inches) dc (inches) b (inches) ,l- -r -t-t ttloldivi c.r.P. FooT|NG BY OTHERS Cw= Ct= Cc= 0.7500 6.00 50 0.0 a 24.00 12.50 0.00 ,| 0.820513 ,| 53.68 Kips 56.14 Kips 49.34 Kips 1.00 <= 1OK P%X14X1'-t w/ (8) Yi 6 x 0'-6' H.A.S. (SEE 3 0F 8.6.1) Stregscon Corporation P.O. Bor 15129 719/3eo-5041 ?19/s90-556,r SUBJECT: Gore Creek DXtEz9/21 /04 SHEET 2 oF 8.6.1 Tele: Fer: Colorado Sprinla, CO 80935 Denver Llne: SO3/623-f323 BY:JWK/FDG CHECK TWISTING OF PLATE IN PANEL: WALL TO FOOTING CONNECTION: FIND CAPACIT/ IN SHEAR: REINFORCING IN WALL: SHEAR FRICTION: Vu = ArOfno. p- = 1000M-.p/V,, lSsuvE r 46 K FoR ,,, p. = looo(1.0)(10)(12)(1.4)/40,000 = +2 > 3'+ ;' USE 3 4 Vu = 1.s3(.8s)(60x3.4) = 265 K > (10)(12) = 120 K "' USE 120 K Vl = iog.z x P-. = 1.54 Vu = 120 X cbrusrRvntvErv, usc 109.2 K EA. FAcE (wlLL NoT coNrRoL) 150.7 K-lN 40.6 K EA. FACE E o:: F (! N o- f^l o oililgl olot"l o- I I o @o t! c.l a o :t o @ qr c|tc It6l o lrl <Jo M,, = 3.71V,, M; = .s(.31)(6oxe) = Vu lrr- = 1507/3'71 = CAPACITY oF "c" wELD: vu o,'. = 38 5 K EA FACE (coNTRoLs) e = Dsrp. dbl from cg of group to force roirG i,Z,g,l are nEasured f rom bottom laft coq!l9El9gu:: i.o rd=vert dinEnsion ' Mx= 0 00 CAPACITY oF STRIAGHT wELD: V, ru = 10(5'57) = 55'7 K EA FACE SLreogcou Corporrtlon lcle:?r9,/390-50{1 SLBJECI: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bot 16129 Far: 7LS/3SO-5661 coloredo Sprines, c0 E0g35 ncnv"r uoer 3osr/623-1323 BYi JWK/FDG S}IEET 3 Ectcltq! : F I(! a.l o. an E orl 'l9l o o C'- I o I(oo I@o I otc{ o or a,o o cCo dt9cD orfi/<tt6l o Ao ril oF 8.6.1 WALL TO FOOTING CONNECTION: FIND CAPACITY IN SHEAR: STUDS lN F0UNDATION: V, EDGE OF PANEL) CASE 1 Siud D€sign Per PCI ConcIsts Strength (ksi) Unit Weight (pct) h (panel thickness inches) Pu (kips) nt (no. ot studs in tonsion) Pattem (x) Pattem (y) Lamba Case l(not n€ar fr€3 edgs) tl-t.--e.-'-9Yl i i -.t-.-d.-.-olvlH;i gPs per gmup = gPc Per gtouP = gPc as sum ofsingle = Ste€l Interaction (Pu/pPsf2 + ryu/9vs)^2 = K EA. FACE (BACK RoW dc coNFINED (Y/N) Stud Size (d in.) Nom. Longth ls (in) Fy (ksi) VU (kips) nv (no. ot studs In shea4 do (inchss) dc (inchEs) b (inch€s) OF STUDS NO CLOSER THAN 24' FROM- 4qlA[ 3.000 .150 12.00 0.0 ,l 0.00 11.00 1.00 0.7500 6.00 49.3 24.00 12.50 0.00 1 0.820513 1 Cw= fvs per group 9Vc p€r group = pvc as sum ol single = Concrete Int€raction (Pu/9Pc)? + (vu/rvclz . SHEAR WALLS: flr: v,, = 412 K, 412/71-= 6 C0NNECTI0NS #2. v,, = 362 K, 362/77-= 5 CONNICTIONS #l: v., = 390 K, 390/77-= 6 C0NNECTIONS #+: V., = 425 K, 425/71-= 6 C0NNECTIONS #5: v,. = 360 K, 360/77-= 5 CONNECTI0NS #6: V. = 295 K,255/71" "= 4 CONNECTI0NS fi7: Y,, = 385 K, 385/77-= 5 CONNECTI0NS #8: V,, = 180 K, 180/77'= 3 C0NNECTIONS 59.64 34.27 63.18 0.84 Kips Klps Kips <=1OK 53.68 Kip3 56.14 Kip3 49.34 Kips 1.00 <= 1 oK E% x 14 x 1'-/ (8) Yi6 x 0'-6' HA.S. (6) #s x (2)15x5 x%x1'-d StrcsEcon Corloration P.0, Bor 15129 Telc: Far: ?ts/390-5041 sIJBJBCT: Gore Creek Residences smE"T I DIttEz12/2A/Aa oF Colorarlo Springe, C0 80935 Dcnvcr Linc: 303/623- 1323 BY: JWK/FDG EoclF'ci trJ =F I<l d<t a,o l.J E 9l9l =l:l6l ol ol-l |' F I o I o I(0o II IlrJctt(\l 9 ctr 6 co E coO I@o E CD a6l o €1 g <,o WALL TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION - SHEAR: CAPACITY OF ENTIRE CONNECTION: ly "*'' = !!l fvu aa0w = //.u ^(SEid.o.t FoR cALcutATtoNS) R%xt4x1'-2 w/ (a) Vio x 0'-6' H.AS. (SEE 3 oF 8.6.1) LOOSE P. % X 4 X 0',-1d L00SE P.7a X 4 X 0'-1d 2 T 101 L 2 2I 110I 2 E % x s x 1'-l w/ (3) #s & (2) Wo H.AS. (SEE BELoW) 1d' P/c (z)'ta x 0'-{ H.A.S. P.%x5x1'-t Sherscon Corloratioa P,O. Bor 16129 ?19,/3S0-6664 Colorado SPrlng!, CO 80935 Dcnvcr Liac: 303/623-1323 BY: Tclc! Fe:: DArE: l0l1/04 0F 1 oo fi = 86l @- o ui 6 orlil€l9lalvl -l o-q, a o-I6lo II I(oo I@o It!It6a 6 ot o c .9 Cco() Ioo Eor <D c..,1 o € Z 5 <9o ?rs,/390-5041 sUBJECT: 6ore Creek Residences WALL TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION - SHEAR: CAPACII/ OF ENTIRE CONNECTION: Tu** = 99? l.VuAttow = //.U K (2)Lsx5x % x 1'-dv (10) #5 (sEE 3 0F 8.6.1) L00SE R. 7a x 4 X 0'-1d 2 T 101 L 2 2I 110 _t 2 (2)L5X3X % x r'-o' rvl (6) #5 (sEE 2 oF FIND CAPACIW IN TENSION: REINFORCING IN WALL: (3) f5: Turu =.9(.91)oo = 49.1 K EA. FACE (CoNTRoLS) WELD: 1d oF %" WELD = 10(5.57) = 55.7 K EA. FACE Strerrcol Corporrliol P.O. Bor 16129 ?r01390-604r 7r0,/390-6664 Tclc: Far: SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences DI{tEz 10/ 1/04 oF Coloreilo Sprtlp, CO 80935 Deavcr tinc:303/S23-1329 BY: JWK/FDG WALL TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION - SHIAR: FIND CAPACIW IN SHEAR: BY OBSERVATION, WELD WILL CONTROL: SEE SECTION 8.6.1 Vr,r.r- = 38'5 K EA' FACE SHEAR AT THIS LOCATION = 230 K 230/38.5(2) = 2.ee USE MINIMUM OF J CONNECTIONS DUE TO NATURE OF THIS CONNECTION, USE 4 CONNECTIONS SEEET 2 E <\an r.ii =F 8(\l 4l o l.l E 9l!ltl8lsl<nl ctl-l Io-(J o : IG'o IrOo I(oo I@o Ilr.lCrc{ z.9 a co Cco() I@2g E'rc 66l 9 Aoz H E Sherccon Corloration ?19/390-604r sUBJESI: Gore Creek Residences P.0. Bot t5t29 Far: 7191390-5564 Colorado SprtnSs, CO EOg36 Dcut"r Unet 303r/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG qrltl!lEIctli)lcol EI-l -l =.E {, d cn ot I o I<oo I@o I 0tct o .9 iDo co c C) @o g otq ctt(\ o D 1 g E BEARING PLATE IN WALL FOR IT BEAM: E7zX10X2'-Y w/ (8) #4 x 1',-6' (NOTE: PTATE MAY BE SLoPED) 1t P/C P.O. Bor 15128 Coloreilo Sprlryr, C0 ggN Tclc: ?10/390-5041 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences DATB10/1/04 Fer: ?rel390-5564 80935 Dcaver Ltnc:903,/629-1323 BY: JWK/FDI Sbesscon Corporatiol WALL TO FOOTING NMB CONNECTION: #9 REBAR GROUTED |NTO SLEEVE AND CAST INTO PNEL #9 REBAR CAST INTO C.I.P FTG. ND PROJECTING AS SHoU\. HOOK AS REQ'D. TO FULLY DEVELOP BAR c.r.P. FooT|NG BY OTHERS tr-?F"tr55tr4 StrceaconCorporrtionTctc:?19/390-504lSIJBJEGT:GoreCreekResidencesDutl;g/17/04 P.O. Bot 15129 Fer: ?19,/390-5564 ,rF R 7 1 II;i;.lli .,ili.* co 00ss5 iH"." uo", fi;i;il-ffi BY3 J*K/FDG sm'tr 1 o18zll SLAB TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION AT GRID A: AT BUTT ENDS OF SI.ABS: NOTE: SEE NEXT PAGE FOR DETAIL AT SLAB JOINT GROUT VERTICAL JOINT SOUO GROUT, CONT. UNDER SI.AB AT BEARING NOTE: SEE SECTION 1,0 FOR CHORD STEEL DESIGN SHIM AS REQUIRED AT 7r POINTS UNIIL ORY PACK IS APPLIED 9lrql 3l :l:EI ol .C|Iol(t I o I o IFo II IlrJ<t,6l o c.9 o o .J c o I@o E(trc ot(1 o tilJ (9 e Stresscol Corporetion P.O. Bot 15129 Far: ?f0l390-5564 Coloredo SprinF, CO s0935 ncnv"r Uo",303/623-f3ffi 8Y: JWK/FOG smEr 2 oF orl]l9l ol-l Io-l(Jl <I !t (9 o A.9 I o I o IFo I@o I CD6lo .9 a,o c.9 c o I@o Ec'rc ot<\l 9 o nI o Telc: ?19,/390-5041 SUBJEC'I: Gore Creek Residences SLAB TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION AT GRID A: AT LONGITUDINAL JOINTS OF SI-{BS: GROUT BAR SOLID INTO JOINT AFTER INSTALLATION GROUT NOT SHOWN tN St cE Jo|NI FOR CLARITY #5x EM8E0 #s f DEEP lt{to 7r", H0LE USING THE HILTI HIT HY 150 INJECTION ADHESIVE ANCHOR SYSTEM 2'-t-__lr'-v GROUT, CONT. UNDER SLAB AT BEARING CHORO STEEL NOT SHOWN IN lHrS VIEW FOR CI.ARITY SEE 8,7.J,1 FoR LoNGm,Dll,lAL J0mTs CENTER REBAR ON SLAB JOINT tl I rd c.r.P. I1 MJ-L BY I OTHERS DRILL 7r"o I HOLE AFTER SI,ABS \ HAVE BEEN EREC1ED \ AND JOINT LOCATION \ IS ESTABLISHEO \2oo >t-< ?.u@0 I \1 '', .l '. t, ', i'. [.: PLAN VIEW Strerscon Corporaton Telc: ?tglgg0-5041 suBJEdt: Gore Creek Residences DATE:9/16/04 P,0. Bot 15129 Far: ?rS/g90-0664 Colorado Sprb3r, C0 80S35 Dcuvcr lbc:303/029-f323 BY: JWK/FDG SEEET 1 oF SLAB TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION SOUiH OF GRID C: AI BUTT ENDS OF SLABS: GROUI BAR SOLIO INTO BLOCKOUT AFTER INSTALLATION TIE HAIRPIN TO BOTTOM STEEL IN SLAB EMBED #5 S DEEP rNTo 7r'6 HOLE USING THE HILTI HIT HY 150 INJECTION ADHESIVE ANCHOR SYSTEM GROUI CONT. UNDER SLAB AT BEARING SHIM AS REQUIRED AT 7+ POINTS UNTIL DRY PACK IS APPLIEO 1',-6" il+ HAIRPTN * (- AROUND EACE - HOLE AFIER SLAB HAS BEEN ERECTED AND BLOCKOUT LOCATION IS ESTABLISHEO lllr c.r.p. I l WALL BY1 OTHERS PLAN VIEW Stresscol Corlorrtion P.o. Bor 15129 Far: ?f9l390-6584 Colorrrlo Sprln3r, CO e0935 Dcuver Liac: 303/625- 1323 BY: ?19/390-5041 suBJECt: Gore Creek Residences oF 8,7.1.3 <rr Itl Yctl C' 6 coz. 0 .5 0 Ao I o I o IF.o Ictcl IlrJqt(\{ o .9 a,a .9 3coo I@o cD ql a(\| o Ao Z 4 oo SI.AB TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION AT NON_BEARING LOCATIONS: sEE SECTIoN FOR IYPICAL SLAB EDGE GROUI VERTICAL JOINT SOLID 1" DRY PACK GROUT, CONI. UNDER SIAB Stresscon Corloration Tcle:?191390-6041 SUBIECT' Jore Jt.!!-letidtntus DArE:10/1/04 P.O. Bot 15129 Frr: ?f0/390-6564 Coloredo Sprtryr, CO 80936 Dcavcr tlne: 303r/E2S- 1323 BY:JWK/FDG SEEET 1 oF 8.7.1 .4 EoF + = oo6t @ o dl o oilalPI oi- (t +q) o .o -s I o I o IFo I@o IlrJqt <\| ?c C'r Co ta,ceoc) Ia(lo s E|rq (\l o .clo ) (t SLAB TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION AT SHEAR WALL: Vu Ar FOR ENTIRE CONNECTION = 38.5 K NOTE: CENTER SI.,AB PIATE 7i OUTSIDE OF EDGE OF WALL BELOW R%X6x1'-t w/ (3) Yi o x 0'-6" H.A.s. & (2) #s (sEE 2 oF 8.7.s) sEE SECfloN FOR I/PICAL SLAB EDGE GROUT VERTICAL JOINT SOLID 1" ORY PACK GROUI, CONI. UNDER SLAB \zlo (1 EA. #4 HATRPINS EA EMBED PLAIE HARIPIN AROUND oUTER H.A.S.) 1',-6' (- 1'-6' L5X5X % x t'-Y w/ (5) #s (% or PuuE oN 3 0F 8.6.1)LOOSEP.%X4Xo'-ld SHEAR WALLS: GRID 1: V,. = 165 K, 165/38.5 = 5 CONNECTI0NS GRID 19: v, = +25/3 = 142 K, 142/38.5 = 4 GoNNECTIONS GRID 35: V; = 51 K, 31l3S.5 = 1 CoNNECTI0N SLrcsrcon Corporrtion rclc: 7tg,/ss0-6041 suBJECT: Gore creek Residences P.o. Eor 15129 Far: ?10,/390-6584 Coloredo Sprtagt, C0 80935 Itcuver Littc: 303r/623-f323 BY: JWK/FDG qrl 'l9l ctl I 0ltrl I 6 0 4l _s I()o I o It\o Ioo I l4Jo,6l o c0r 6 o c 0(J dt2(tr qlclrJ ot6l o o Z 5 a9o SI-AB TO C.I,P. WALL CONNECTION AT EAST STAIR: GROUT VERTICAL JOINT SOUD GROI.IT, CONT. UNDER SLAB AT BEARING SHIM AS REQUIRED AT 7r POINTS UNTIL DRY PACK IS APPUED Strcsrcon Corporrtion P.0, Bor 16129 ?19/3S0-50{f SIJBJECT: Gore Creek Resldences 710l390-6664 Colorailo Spriryr, CO 80935 Dsav* Lloc: 303/623-1323 BY:JWK/FDG Tclc: Fu: DXIE:l1/23/04 0F 8.7.1 .6SEEET 1 E0(oroo di = oo(\ d o = E 9l9l<l Iol ol IEI olz. l E- o-6 0 D .9u,t I(oo I o Fo II I ot<\o .9 o c € Eo(J Ioo E9 ot<! ? Ao g (9o SLqB TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION NORTH OF GRID A: LOOSEL4X4XTsXo'-3 w/ #s x 1'-1" { V1 aU' UJ C)u.JE. c{ #5 X 1'-1", CTR. ON NGLE GROUT JOINT SOUD P.7rX6X0'-6' w/ (2) i4 x 0'-6' & (2) BENr #4 EMBED #5 5" DEEP INIO 7r"o HOLE USING lHE HILN H|T HY 150 INJECTION ADHESIVE NCHOR SYSTEM DRll.I 7r', HOLE AFTER SLABS HAIE BEEN ERECTED ANO PLATE LOCANON IS ESTAELISHEO (STRESSCoN STNDARo PI-ATE 51) AUGN W/ PI.ATES AT OTHER END OF SLAE I. DRY PACK GROI'T. CONT. UNOER SI-A8 AT BEARING SHIM AS REQUIRED AT 7r POINTS UNTIL DRY PACK IS APPLIED 9" S$B TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION AT GRID A: LOAD ON BEARING /NGLE: USE MAXIMUM SPAN = 12'-0' w: USE 290 PSF (D/L = 190/100) + 86.3 PSF DL SELF-WEIGHT w,, = 1.a(190 + 86.3) + 1.7(100) = 557 PSF P,, = 557(12/2) = 5.3+ KLF AT BEARING FOR CONNECTI0N DESIGN, USt 1 15(J.34) = 5.84 KLF USEe=1+(2/3)3=3lN. SPACE CONNECTIONS TO C.I.P. @ 2'-O' O.C.: ULTIMATE MOMENT ON BEARING ANGtt- = 3.84(2XJ) = 23'0 K-lN or. = .g(J6Xa)(/4 = 64.8t2 t.h = (23.0il64.8)h = .596 lN ... USE 7A" CONTINUOUS ANGLE PLATES IN WALL: vu = 2(3.8a) = 7.68 K Mu = 2(11.52) -- 23.0 K-lN ON 8'' OF ANCLE USE 8" OF 7;' WELD TOP AND BOTTOM WELD: b inch = , 8.0 rd=vert din€nsion lr,lb<=l 111.42 e = 9erp. dist from cg of group to forcs Points 1,2,3,4 are neasured from bottom l€tt countercloclQv b€ Tele: ?rS/300-504r Far: 7f0l390-5564 80936 llcnvcr t,lne: 303/623-1323 SUBJECI: Gore ResiCences BY: JwK/FDG SEEET 1 oF DIitErll /23/04StresrcoD Corporation P.0. Bor 15129 Colorailo Springr' C0 E r.) ci rii =F oo(\l c{ o = 1.1 = 0rlEI =lol-l Io-lc)l I<l I!1't<, o a .E ct) IFo I o Ir-o @o Irlor6l o .9 a c .9 o I <D E <n(\a o ao 5 <9e Strerscon Corporrtion P.o. Bot 15129 Colorailo Sprhgr' CO Tclc: Far: 80935 Denvcr ?lsrl390-5041 ?19l3So-5564 Linc: 303/823-1323 SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences DAitEzll /23/A4 BY: JWK/FDG SSEET 2 oF EA <i0 q-{ c{ =F- 6o(\l (\ oz, l..J E ctl 'l0l I 61 !t <, o o.9 U7 .E cb IFo I o Fo Ioo lrlql(\l o ql eo (, o I@ or lrJ ot(! o ..Io1t (9o 9,' SLAB TO C.I.P. WALL CONNECTION AT GRID A: H.A.S.: CASE 1 Stud Design Per PCI Concrete Strength (ksi) Unit Weight (pcf) h (panel thickness inches) Pu (kips) nt (no. of studs in tension) Pattem (x) Pattem (y) Lamba Case 1(not near free edge) dc CoNFINED (Y/N) Stud Size (d. in.) Nom. Lengih le (in) Fy (ksi) VU (kips) nv (no. of studs in shear) de (inches) dc (inches) b (inches) VuI'trllloVi lu gv. p.l g.rp = gVc per group = gVc as sum of single = Concrete Interaction (Pul4Pcf2 + (Vu/gVcf2 = 3.000 1s0 5.00 3.8 2 6.00 6.00 1.00 Cw= Ct= Cc= 0.5000 4.00 50 7.7 4 120.00 24.00 6.00 1.014286 0.512821 1Li_j+\ gPs per group = gPc per group = gPc as sum of single = Steel lnteraction (Pu/gPs)2+(Vu/pVsf2 = usE (4) 7zi'o x o'-4' u.l.s. 17.67 Kips 22.35 Kips 18.72 Kips 0.11 <= 1 OK IN A d' X 6' PATTERN 31.81 Kips 397.91 Kips 29.24 Kips 0.11 <= 1 OK 9'' SLAB TO C.I.P, WALL CONNECT1ON AT GRID A: sEE 8.7.1 .1 FOR BEARING OF 12" SI.AB & CHORD STEEL e%x8xo'-d w/ (4) Wo x 0'-4' H,A.S, SEE BELOW SPACE AT 2'-d O.C, 1i ot!I ?-?ll €--@ P.%X8xo'-d GROUT VERTICAL JOINT SOLIO E%X6X0'-6" w/ (2) #4 x 0'-6" & (2) BENT #4 (STRESSCoN STNDARD PI-ATE 31) SPACE O 8',-d 0.c. ll| 1d' C.t.P. I1 WALL BY 'I OTHERS Shesacon Corlorrtion tclc: ?ls/3s0-5041 sUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences DNtr;l1/E/A+ P.O. Bor 16129 Far: ?10,/390-5664 Colorailo Sprir:r, CO 60935 Deavcr Linc: 303,/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG SBEEf, 3 oF ilol Io agvl .E ot IFo I o Ir\o Ioo Il4,la(\{ o c't .s {, coo I@o or o,<! Do 5 x o ogE Stresscon Corporrtion P.O. Bot 15129 ?lel8e0-5041 SUBJECT: Got. C,'991-19!idry Coloredo Springr, C0 80035 Dcovcr llne: 303r/023- 1323 BY: ?r91300-6664 JWK/FDG Dxt&zll /24/04Tcle: Far:SEEET 1 oF { Eo o or di = o<t o_ o2 v)k6 tl!l 6l I -1 <, o .oo6 ; !co .E (! II I o IFo I@o IUJ 6l ?c.9 o co IDcco(J Iclog 9lg (tt a.{ o o g E <5A 9,, AND 12' SLABS TO C.I.P. WALL AT GRID A: GROUT VERIICAL JOINT SOUD GROUT BARS SOUD LOoSEn%X3X0'-{ w/ #5 x 2'-0" sEt PAGE 2 0f 8;1.2.1 INTO JOINT 1/ sL{B GROUT NOT SHOWN IN SLAB JOINT FoR Ct-AR|lf a(nL! UJE C! (D 5 u1 b -l co5u) o) sEE 2 0F FOR GROUTED MR CONNECTION AT JOINTS I'' DRY PACK PlrX6X0'-d' w/ (2) #4 x 0'-6" & (2) EENT #4 (STRESSCON STANDARD P|-ATE 31) ALIGN v EA. I/ SLAB JOINT ON OTHER SIOE OF C.I.P, WALL SHIM AS REQUIREO AT % POINTS UNTIL DRY PACK IS EPPUED GROUT, CONT. UNDER SI.ABS AT BFARING sEE I 0F FOR €HORD STEEL rl I rd c.r.p. I1 WALL BY 'I OTHERS CANTILEVER SIAB AT C.I.P. WALL AT GRISI LOAD COND|T|0N f3: W = 240 PSF D[ + 1OO PSF LL + 1i5 PSF DL SELF-WEIGHT w,, = 1.4(240 + 115) + 1.7(100) = 667 PSF Mu u* = 667(3.5)2/2 = 4og Ff-Kln l" ",^ " 4.09(12)/.9(60)(.9X10) = .101 lN?/FT rnv-]+'s @ 12" o.c. (\ = .20 tN2/.r): T = 60(.2) = 12 K C=.8s(5x12)o= 510 o =.235 |N or',r" = .rj(izxio - .235/2)/12 = 88e FI-KIFI > 4.0e n-Kln "' 0'K' (D .J U) -l PACK EXt-ENp #4'S MlN. 0F 1'-6,' PAST INSIDE FACE OF WALL BELOW d I (\I #4's o 1z o.c. ": 'aY,a _ PRT9TRESSING STRANOS, SEE SECTION 7.R.1, DESIGN I/PE StA _ SEE SECTION FoR CHORO STEEL .'t- 1" DRY PACK--..Z GROUT, CONT. UNOER SLAB AT BEARING / SHIM AS REQUIRED --l AT % POINTS UNTIL '/ ./ o /to \ : lo I ,r" OTHERS Strecscor Coryoration P.O. Bor 1612S Coloredo Sprtrye, Co 80935 Dcnver llnc: 303,/623-1323 BY:JvvK/FDC Tcle: Far: ?19,/390-5041 SUBJECT: Gore Res id en ces DxtE 11/24/04 7rs/990-566+ SEEET 1 or 8.7.'l .9 E ID: = o (\l 6l oz. ni 6 sl o-l I<l -l(t 0 € g co(J II Io I E I€o I UJcrt <\a o .9 6 €ogco() I@o Eorc ot <\a o 6o Z g (,o SEEEf, 1 Dxrnz9/15/0a oF StrcsEcon Corporrtiou P.0. 8ot 15128 ?19/390-6041 sUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences 719,/300-6564 Colorrdo Spriagr, co E0935 Dcuvcr Liac: 303r/62s-r38 BYr JWK/FDG Tclc: Fer: Ed€6l rii rii =F 8(1 or-<\ a! riiF o <ttt9 Eo dl o ! (J a -9 I o Ia\o IFo I@o ItrJor(\l 6 or ID6 g .9 c o() Ioo oiclrJ ot<! o ao 'g (9 SLAB TO BEAM CONNECTION AT GRID B: AT BUTT ENDS OF SIABS: NOTE: SEE NEXT PAGE FOR DflAIL AT SLAB JOINT 1'-1d' GROUT VERTICAL JOINT ND NOTCH SOUD (4) #8',s CoNT. STAGGER ALL SPUCESGROUT VERTICAL JOINT SOUD APPROXIMATELY { X 6W CONT. NOTCH, FORM TO CREATE A ROUGH INTERFACE w/ GRoUT POUR NOTE: SEE SECTION 1.0 FOR CHORD STEEL DESIGN SECTION PLAN VIEW Stresscon Corloratioa Tcle: P.O. Bot 16129 Far: Coloredo Sprtnjr' CO 80936 Ilcnvcr 7t9l390-504r 7r9/ss0-6661 LiDc:303/023-1323 BY:JWK/FDG SIIBJECI: Gore Creek Residences SEEET 2 E4 '')dt lii = oo c.{ ('|(\l a, tJ 6 qrl tlEI I o 6 6 p (9 o .a -9 I c, I(!o IFo €o IlrJOtGI ? 0r co cco I€ aq o)(\l o oz rii <5o 0F SLAB TO BEAM CONNECTION AT GRID B: AT LONGITUDINAL JOINTS OF SLABS: RYaX6X0'-6' w/ (+)W ax0'-{ H.r\"S. (sEE 3 oF sEE 1 0F fOR CHORD STEEL AND NOTCH -lsl-l '_l_ LOOSE R. 7e X 3 X 0'-4:, TrP' WELD TO BEAM PI-ATE AFIER STABS ARE SET, BUT BEFORE CHORD STEEL ND GROUT #s x 2'-0" CENTER ON PI-AIE IT BEAM (HEIGHT VARIES) SECTION PLAN VIEW Streg!con P,0. Bor Coloraalo Corporatiol 15129 Sprinje, CO Tclc: Far: 80935 Denvcr ?19/390-50,t1 ?rsls90-t58{ rinc: 303/623- 1823 SUBJECI:Dtitq.9/24/0+ BY: JWK/FDG SHEET 3 oF Eo oI di F IC! ao<l eov, lrl 3 0ra9 Eooao oo p (9 o Ao6 I o Ialo Fo I@o lrJotC{ o ID6 ccoo I@o ctt <tt o!GI o .oo g E(,6 Gore Creek Residences SLAB IO BEAM CONNECTION AT GRID B: BEAM PI-ATE: e x %xo 0'-6" CHECK SHEAR AT SECTION REDUCED FOR NOTCH: SEE l l OF SECTION 7'1.1: V,, v^t AT BEARING = 88.3 K/9 FT = 9'81 K/FT HEIGHT OF SECTION AT FACE dF.-FEARING = 5 IN, dvc = .85(2)(5000)'t(12X5) = 7.21 K/FI < 9.E1.K/FT..' USE SHEAR FRICTIoN REINF0RCING (A"'u," NoT REQUTRED' tN SLABS - Acl lt 5 5-t (o) AND (c)) I.rdrEI rrrrs CALcULATIoN IS CoNSIRVATIVE, AS IT.OOES NOT ACCOUNT FOR ANY SHEAR CAPACII/ GROUTED NOTCH A* = Y"/6f y"' t , ='t'4",1"/v" = '75(5)(12)1.4(.75)/9.81 = 4.81 > 3'4 '1 USE 3 4 A"r = s.81/.85(60X3.4) = .0s66 |N2/FI USE #3 U-BARS, WITH LEGS EVERY 1'-6' (MIN. OF 5 LECS IN 9'0" WIDE PANEL) OF THE t I Strcscol CorporationUtrGltcoll Uor?olauoD Tele: 719/390-504r sut P.O. Bor 15129 Far: ?19,/390-5584 Colorado Sprirye, CO 80935 Dcnver Linc: 303,/023- 1323 BY3 ?rel3eo-504r suBJEGa: GoE Jt"4-I-re SEEET 1 or '9 Eo (.' :9o o .a -9 IC!o Ia{o I Fo I@o IlrJot<\.o ,9 o c .9 C) I@oI <DG olc{ o o Z g <)e SLAB TO BEAM CONNECTION AT GRID C: AT BUIT ENDS OF SLABS: NOTE: SEE NEXT PAGE FOR DTTAIL AT SL,A8 JOINT GROUT VERNCAL JOINTS SOLID Yi x 3' coNT. KOROUTH 8RG. STRIP PI.AN VIEW oF SUBJECI: Gore Creek Residences?19,/390-604r ?19,/390-6664 Tclc: Fer: Stresscon Cor-poration P.O. Bor 15129 Colorailo Springr, CO smm 280935 Dcnvcr Ltac: 303,/623-1323 BY!JWK/FDG E + Qo @o o 9r o olt!c\o at@ <J 0'c<t 0 A -9 I(\o I(!o IFo Ioo IlrJot <\ao 0r co c oo €o./cti c|l ./o)alo... -cl '/' |il E SECTION #5 x z',-t, CENTER ON PI-ATE LOOSEP.%X3X0'-4"WP. WEI'.D TO BEAIYI PLATE AFIER SI,\BS ARE SET, BUT BEFORE CHORO STEEL AND GROUT 1\, 6" SLAB TO BIAM CONNECTION AT GRID C: AT LONGITUDINAL JOINTS OF NORTH SIDE SLABS: P.%X6X0'-6" w/ (+) t/i o x 0'-4: H.A.S. (sEE 3 0F -lsl --l1_ SEE 8.7.J.1 FOR LONGfTUDINAL JoTNTS I I I V_---=_l "+1'tl 0ENTER PI-ATES oNJ I SLAB JOINTS I I I I I . i6" I:1ll*ol| -lJ----t ,, :!r //./A I I I I I I I :4 LNOTCH CORNERS 0F 9" S|-ABSy1,x6'x 37e' DEEP T0 ALLOW FOR INSTALTATION OFI L00sE P. PIAN VIEW Strc$col Coryoration P.O. Bot 16129 ?rs,/390-660{ Colorailo Sprlagr, C0 80935 Denver [,ine: 303/623-1323 BY3 JWK/FDG Tele: Ferl SEEET J Eqou')+ di = I a\a ao a di 5 9rlilEIol*l lC) p o ItI I(\le Iolo It\o I6o I <tt(\l It c'r t co cCoc) IG'2Eor trJ66l o o Z g (9 e ?rs/390-5041 SUBJECT: Gore Creek Resldences oF SLAB TO BEAM CONNECTION AT GRID C: AT SLABS SOUTH OF GRID C:SEESHEETSl&2OF FOR CONNECTIONS ON NORTH SIDE OF BENI GROUT !€RTICAL JOINTS SOUO LOOSE P. % x 3 x 0'-5- P.%X6Xo',-d' w/ (+)W ox0'-{ H.As. (sEE 3 oF SPACE PLATES A MAXIMUM OFg',-d 0.c. P.%X6Xo',-6' w/ (2) #+ x 0'-6' & (2) BENT #4 (STRESSCON STNDARD PLATE 3I) PLAN VIEW Strcrscon Corlorrtion Telc: ?1911390-50{1 P.O, Bot 15129 Fer: ?f9,/300-5564 Coloreito SDrfnF, CO 80936 Dcnvcr Unc: 303/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG ctr It!t o6 o .o -9 o.9dr I I o Il\if Ioo I <rt(\l o cct! a o o(J I@o6a'tc or(\a+9ao1 5 (,o Telc: ?19,/390-50{1 SUBJECT: Gotg Jt.9!-Rtti!9nt* TYPICAL SLAB TO SLAB CONNECTION: MAXIMUM SHEAR TO BE TRANSFERRED V,, = 238 K Yu = 2+2 K "' 0K. (sEE SECTToN 1.0) 12,, SLABS: CHAMFERS cRour Jorf SOUD FULL TENGTH I ".ll'' "" o'. I t1a| "/1l" 6' /a| ti lt '€s s :t:f .l ;a t$ '. .* JOtm--J I t -'-tr c 1'. SECIION,- SSEET 2 Strecscon Cor}oretion TcIc: ?19,/390-504r SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bor 15129 Far: ?rS,/390-5564 Coloredo Spring+ CO 80935 Dcnvcr Lilc: 303r/628-1323 8Y: JWK,/FDG cti'jP \A'-s A q, E -9e :ct aoo It\o I@o ILJdt(\ o 0r rlt6 c0 o(-) I@o./ctr otc./ 6l o/ Ao :1 rii (, E ilPICAL SLAB TO SLAB CONNECTION: o" DaFqTQrqqFn ql ARs.:l______L-.:s:L:.::$zrz!g-:r: CI-IAMFERS GROUT JOII\ SOUD FULL IfNGTH I a- : I1..4. r IIl'' o1 /l 4\". a l&+' i.) ----,-r-ia {l_ a l'I'Ai .l JotM-J lf'rl' L'/ cH,a .1" SECTION SEEET J Strcs8col Corporation Tclc: ?tg/goo-6(xf SUBJECA: Gore Creek Residences P.0. Bor 16120 Far: ?fg,/900-5004 Colorado Spriryr, CO 80S36 Itcaver Liacr 303r/623-1323 BY: JWK/FDG di 6 ort'E li -9 ! -9 o 6. T o t ct IFo Iaoo I or$l o .9 e .q ao(J Iclo Eorc 6t(\l o o '.1E <J CAULK AS REQ'O FOR APPLICATION OF MEMBMNE 9" MILDLY REINFORCED SLABS: TYPICAL SI-{B TO SLAB CONNECTION: Strescon Corporation P.0. Eor 15129 ?19l390-50{1 ?191390-5684 Colorarlo Spriaga, co 80935 Denver Liac: 3cf,:/623-1325 BY: JWK/FDG SLAB TO PRECAST SHEAR WALL CONNECTION: Vu Ar FOR ENTIRE C0NNECTION = 77.0 K P.%x14 w/ (8) ,i H.A.S. (SEE SIJEJECT: 1" DRY PACK GROUT, CONT. UNDER SLAB NOTE: IF STUDS THE EDGE HAIRPINS, 8.7.5 T0 rltl| 1d' P/c I1 SHEAR ' ,WALL Vuu = 42.7 K EA. dc CONFINED iYiN}. 5.000 Stud Size (d. in') 1 15 Nom. Length l€ (in) 9.00 Fy (ksi) 0.00 VU (kiPs) 3 nv(no. ofstuds in shead 0.00 de (inches) 11.00 dc (inches) 0.85 b (inches) Cw= Ct= Cc -- Tele: Far:oF 8.7.4 x 1'-t o x 0'-6" 3 0F 8.6.1) I-'-q i 0 I C (2)L5xsx % x r'-d E ra! di =F ooc{ @ FJta ctrt o- o g o- aottt I IF. Io I ot<\t o or co () I@ E c (D(t o ui v (10) #s (sEE 3 oF 8.6.1) LOOSEP.%X+XO',-tu tt 1,, IU CAPACITY OF STUDS IN SLAB: CASE 2 Stud Design per PCI Concrete Strength (ksi) Unit Weight (pc0 h (panel thickness inches) Pu (kips) nt (no. of studs in tension) Pattem (x) Pattem (y) Lamba Case 2(near one ftee edge) gPs per group = pPc per group = gPc as sum of single = Steel lnteraction (Prl/gPs) 2 + (Vu/gVef2 = NOTE: BACK ROW OF STUDS N0 CLOSER THAN 24' 18' FROM EDGE OF SLAB W/O U-BARS TO CONFINE ii gVs per group = qVc per grouP = gVc as sum of single = Concrete Interaction OK (Pu/gPc)i2 + (Vt^t/gVc) 2 = TO EDCE OF SLAB AND SIDE STUDS EDGE OF SLAB FACE N 0.7500 6.00 50 42.70 3 24.00 18.00 0.00 1 0.6't5385 0.925 59.64 Kips 18.80 Kips 69.34 Kips 0.63 <= 1 53.68 Kips 42.74 Kips 54.14 Kips 1.00 <= 1 OK NO CLOSER THAN Gore Creek Residences DATE:9,/16/04 SHEET 1 ARE CLOSER 1HAN 1d, oF srA8, USE (2) #4 AS SHOWN IN SECTION CONFINE STUDS I-9 i.-o I SEEEtr 2 Dxf5;z9/17 /04 0F 8.7.4 Strcrscol Corporation P.O. Bor 15129 Colorado Springe, CO Telc: Far: 80035 Dcnver 719,/3S0-5041 ?10/3So-5564 Uac: 303/823-1923 8Y: JWK/FDG SIIBJECI: Eo@a ui =F I<! dr'(1 d rl 5 or ' ol- o g o- o A 6 I l-e I6o Ilr,ot(\ o o .9 co(-) I@.-9lq! arJ./att<{ o./ |'. Ll (,6l! Gore Creek Residences SI.AB TO PRECAST SHEAR WALL CONNECTION: SEE SECTION 8.6.1 FOR: CAPACITY OF STRAIGHT WELD: Vu r. = 55.7 K EA. FACE CAPACIIY OF "C" WELD: Vu or.r- = 38.5 K EA. FACE (CoNTRoLS) SHEAR FRICTION lN WALL: Vu * = 54.6 K EA. FACE TWISTING lN WALL PLATE: Vu ru- = 40.6 K EA. FACE SHEAR WALLS: fi1: Y" = 412 11, frZ: Y" -- 362 K, #3: v, = 396 6, #4: v" = 425 '4, #5: V, = 366 6, f6: V" = 295 6, f7: V =385K, f8: V" = 166 1, +12/77 362/77 ssj/77 425/77 360/77 295/77 \Aq /77 1E0/77 6 CONNECTIONS 5 CONNECTIONS 6 CONNECTIONS 6 CONNECTIONS 5 CONNECTIONS 4 CONNECTIONS 5 CONNECTIONS 3 CONNECTIONS CHECK CAPACIT/ OF STUDS WHEN CONFINED AT EDGE OF SLAB: CASE 2 Stud Design por PCI Concr€te Strongth (ksi) unit w€lght (pc0 h (pan€l thickness inches) Pu (kips) nt (no. of studs in tenslon) Pattem (x) Pattem (y) Lamba Case 2(near one Fee edge) 5.000 l{< 9.00 0.00 i, 0.00 11 .00 0.85 dc CONFINED (Y/N) Stud Size (d. in.) Nom. L.ngth lo (ln) Fy (ksi) VU (kips) nv (no. of studs In shear) de (inches) dc (inches) b (inches) 0.7500 6.00 46.20 24.00 1.50 0.00 1 0.61538s .l I-'-Y' i 0 I Cw= Cc= gPs per grcup = gPc per goup = gPc as sum of single = Stoel lnteractlon (Pu/gPsf2 + (Vu/pvsf2 = 59.64 Kips 18.80 Klps 69.34 Kips pvc per group = gvc as sum ofsingle = Concrst€ Inleraction 53.68 Kips 46,21 Kips 54.14 Kips 1.00 <= 1OK0.74 <= 1OK (Pu/gPcfz + (Vu/gvcr2 = Vu or-r. = 46'2 K > 38'5 "' o K' IF FIRST ROW OF STUDS IS CLOSER THAN ld TO THE EDGE OF SLAB, USE U-BARS TO CONFINE PLATES Stresscon Corporation P.0. Bot 15129 Colorado Spriaga. C0 R.7s Xv (3) H.A.S. & SIDE OF (sEE 2 oF 8.7.5) (2)Lsx5x SUBJECT: Gore Creek Residences DtiIEz9/29/Aa BY: JWK/FDG SHEET 1 oF 8.7.5 SLAB TO PRTCAST SHEAR WALL CONNECTION AT SIAB JOINT: Vu ar FOR ENTIRE CONNECTION = 77.0 K NOTE: CENTER SLAB PLATES 72" OUTSIDE OF EDGE OF WALL BELOW (2) #4 HATRPTNS @ EA. EMBED PLATE (r HARTPTN ARoUND EA. oUTER H.A.S.) t-o LOOSER.7aX4X0'-10' EA. FACE NOTE: BACK ROW 0F STUDS NO CLOSER THAN 24' TO EDGE OF SLAB AND SIDE STUDS MUST BE CONFINED USING U-BARS Telc: Fax: g09g6 Donvcr r.ine: 6 X 1'-l 7r9l390-5041 ?r9l390-6664 303/623-r323 7+"0 X 0'-6" (2) #s EA. JOINT SEE SECTION FoR TTPICAL SLqE TO SI-AB CONN. 1'' DRY PACK GROUT, CONT. UNDER SLABS Vuu = 462 K 6' cE)5a (tl 'o I o = % x t'-ov (10) #5 (sEE 3 oF 8.6.1) o !u -9a I()o IF. I@a I!J o '6.t c 't co I ao q! ol ol a o 5 5.000 115 9.00 0.00 3 0.00 1 1.00 0.85 CAPACITY OF STUDS IN SLAB: CASE 2 Stud Design per PCI Concrete Stcngth (ksi) Unit Weight (pcf) h (panel thickness inches) Pu (kips) nt (no. ol studs in tension) Pattem (x) Pattem (y) Lamba Case 2(near one fiee edge) @Ps per group = gPc per group = gPc as sum ofsingle = Steel lnteEction (Ptl9Psf2 + (Vu/gvs)" 59.64 Kips 18.80 Kips 69.3 Kips 0.74 <= | OK dc CONFINED (Y/N) Stud Size (d. in.) Nom. Length le (in) Fy (ksi) Vu (kips) nv (no. of studs in sheai de (inches) dc (inches) b 0nches) Cw= Cc= gvs pef group t gvc per group = pvc as sum of singl€ = ConcBle Interaction (Pu/gPcP + (Vu/9VcfZ = 53.68 Kips 46.21 Kips 54.14 Kips 1.00 <= 1 OK 0.7500 6.00 46.20 5 ?4.00 1.50 0.00 1 0.615385 1 SLAB TO PRECAST SHEAR WALL CONNECTION AT SLqB JOINT: SEE SECTION 8.6.1 FOR: CAPACITY OF STRAIGHT WELD: Vu ou- = 55.7 K EA' FACE CAPACITY oF "c' WELD: Vu ru- = 38'5 K EA' FAcE (CoNTRoLS) SHEAR FRICTI0N lN WALL: Vu * = 54.6 K EA. FACE TWISTING lN WALL PLATE: Vu ^r = 40.6 K EA. FACE SHEAR WALLS: #t:v,, = 412 K, 412/77 = 6 CONNECTIONS #Z: v',, = 362 K, 362/77 = 5 CONNECTIOir,S $3: v" = 390 K, 390/77 = 6 CoNNECTI0NS #+: v- = 425 K, 425/77 = 6 CoNNECTIoNS #s: v- = 360 K, 360/77 = 5 CONNECTIoNS #0, v" = 295 K, 2s5/77 = 4 CoNNECTTONS #7: v',. = 385 K, 385/77 = 5 CONNECTIONS f8: v, = 180 K, 180/17 = J CONNECTIONS (3) 7io x 0'-6" H.A.s. (2) #s x 5" s" c__ 2',-7' (BEND BAR uP yi)P.%X6 x 1'-t Streslcon Corporation P.O. Bor 15129 Colorerlo Sprtaja, CO ?l9rlg90-6041 ?r9,/390-5604 80935 Dcaver tlnc: 303,/623- 1323 BY:JwK/FDG SIIBJECI: Gore Creek Residences Dt$E:9/29/0+ SEEEf, 2 oF 8.7.5 Tcle: Far: C!roo rii lrJ =F I(\I @ o fi 6 ('tltltt il ctl EIvrl ol I o- 3 -o.9v, roo Fo I@o IUIola{ cor ID6 E .9 c o(J I@o E cD <tt(\l o aoz '.iE e ) DNttu10/11/O+Stresrcon Corporation Tclc: 7ts/sso-6o1t SUBJEC'I: Gore Creek Residences P.O. Bot 15120 Fer: 7LS/1SO-6661 Colorailo Spriryr, CO 80935 Dcnvcr Llnc: 303r/023- 1323 BY: JWK/FDG SEEET 1 0r 8.7.6 E (o6l rii = (\l 6l rij 6 :}q EE 0eln o a -9vl I(0o IFo Iaoo Il!o, o o6 co, o I@o Erqr otaa I oz -t.| (,o SLAB TO SPANDREL CONNECTION: NOTE: SPACE O 2'-d 0.C. P.7aXGX0'-6' w/ (+) !z' o x 0'-4" H.A.S. (sEE 3 0F E.7.2.1) GROUT VERTICAL JOINT SOUD RlrX6X"0'-6' w/ (2) #4 x 0'-6" & (2) BENI f4 (STRESSCON STANDARD PLATE 31) I" DRY-PACK GROUT, CONT, UNDER SLAE t rijt ! t5 d ll E I df Creek Residences Vail, Colorado land & Associates-- '{ffi'flqfr.*"J0B#: 04-39 I 0 UBMITTAL NO.3 LATES Qft€EBa/on;" ,eory FINAL ffi ltillTi','l)"',ril',,p,"^f"1?l?i'Jii,."ffi llnt/tlllcallolr pno( Ess0s AnD TDc[lrffi*tiffi:S*:l;lfffi- -i) U D [Ul I TTA L 1-21-05 lrlortroe & Ne..r e.l E t|r.ttr h- ty A"a\tL Er,d::rccr, rrlc. oorr lloglo< sv t-t,.q(.(- (z r^ea; DRAWING INDEX Production Plotes Erection Plotes Controctor Plotes 101-128 502, 503 & 516 3910-A Thru 3910-H E7:E'/EE;t'F':]Nlrr-r-t- AND STRUCTUF#.L PRECAST CONCRETE-JaARCHITECTURAL JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES R.: fiz IABOR: $ts f;: 04-3e 1 0 #5x (3) #5's x 7 X 2'-2" 101 =o- to6a+ lrl =F rft 8(\a (\I -s iil E cDt!l.i|r -9o- I o)s{ ct -oFL'UJe.lrJ lrt d tt) ol 96-clo s g G 'l JQS; GORE CREEK RESIDENCES P.: rzz f: 0a-3e 1 0 #5 x 25'-0" H.A.S.: IABOR: $1s 7 X 2'-2" 102 JQB: sQ&E CREEK RESIDENCES f: 04-5e10 fs x 6'-10" s"C- 2'-7' (BEND BAR ue s/+') 103 P.: $a H.A.S.: I-ABOR:$s (3) \o x 0'-6" H.A.S. P.7aXGx 1'-2" JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES f : 04-3e 10 (+) Vz" o x 0'-4" H.A.S. P,: g4 H.A.S.: I-ABOR: $s $e 10+ JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES f : 04-3e10 (6) #5 7a 2'-2" (4) #5 x 2'-2" P.: $zr frs x z+'-2" H.A.S.: LABOR: $zs fi $+o (2)Ls XU6X X5 1'-0" 105 JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES P.: $ta f : 04-3e10 H.A.S.: I.ABOR: $17 $ss (B) sA'e x 0'-6" H.A.S. P- 3/a X 14x 1'-2" 106 JQ[}; coRE 0REEK RESIDENCES (8) #4 x 1'-6" f;4 x 12'-0" H.A.S.: I-ABOR: R.: $+o P- Y2 X 10 X 2'-9" 107 JQ$; GoRE CREEK RESIDENOES f9 x 8'-6" P: H.A.S.: TABOR: #e x 8'-6" f:04-3e10 =G 10q! rii =F (tI(\l (\l 2{ t.t = ctl '!t.iIt C'd I (DN o =oE(, e,lrl U'Fd v, GI ot(\I o 6 -clo Z g E F #11 NMB SPLICE SLEEVE 108 JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES R.: $tz f : 04-3e10 #s x 14'-0"H.A.S,: LABOR: $zo $rz (2)Lsx3 x % x 1'-0" 109 JQ$; GORE CREEK RESIDENCES f : 04-3e10 P-YzX14X $41 't 10 P,: $s+ #4 x 12'-0" H.A.S.: IABOR: g7 (8) #4 X 1'-6" 1" o HOLES FOR LIFTING LOOP TO PASS THROUGH t-r.)$ o -l nffi a 7+'CHAMFERS JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LABOR: $t t =q tto6l ril =F (tIN ol =4 E Ctrt9oo o .L I (D C\| o z.o Elrlc.trl Eo.6I- gl 1\l o 3o Z g Ei 8 f: 04-5e10 (e) #s x 1'-11Y2" P- Y2 X 14 X 2'-2" 111 #s x 17'-7y2" H.A.S.: P.: $44 c --c I-l -l # + I-f t rO c1 I C-l| @ @ rO 5"+"+"3" JQS; cOnE CREEK RESIDENCES f:04-3e10 (8) #4 x 2'-o' f4 x 16'-0" H.A.S.: I.ABOR: 112 JQ$; GORE CREEK RESIDENCES f: 04-3e10 (+) #4 x 1'-6" 7+" CHAMFERS 113 #4 x 6'-0"H.A.S.: $20 P- Y2 x 6U x 1'-8" P.: $to |-ABOR: $+ =o- @(\I lrl =F E(\| GI 1 lrj E E|r '!clo ot I (DN!l6 oF HGlrl n =G6 ct6slo 3I:: g EI JQ$; coRE CREEK RESIDENCES f: o4-3e10 LABOR: $ts (3) #s X r----'r DIMS. AS I I sHowN I I 10"+" P.: $++ #5 x 25'-0" H.A.S.: E- Y2 X 14 X 2'-2" I I I -t I ro IN Ih co I n 2'I 1r+" 111 1'-2" 11+ JQS; GoRE CREEK RESIDEIICIS R.: $t s #5 x B'-2"H.A.S.: IABOR: $a 1'-0" 115 E- y2 X 10 X 1'-0" 4"8" aN o(o lo" JQ$; GoRE cRFf,K RESIDENCES f: 04-3e10 #s x 2J'-0" H.A.S.: I-ABOR: (3) #s X r-r D|MS. AS | | SHOWN ' ' $15 P-Y2x7X2'-2"\,c,1" 116 if*-. co I @ JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES P.: $zz f: 04-3e10 E-thx7 x #5 X 20'-6"H,A.S.: LABOR: $15 $rz (3) #s's x ! n:s+ I€ 117 JQ$; GORE CREEK RESIDENCES P.: $zz #5 x 23'-0" H.A.S.: LABOR: $is $rz (3) #s X r---r D|MS. AS | | SHoWN I I 118 =G aoa\l ':j=F artI<1 c{ =g ntt- E C't.tt .io o o- I (D C\| ct z.o IJ GUJ =6- tttg ct (t) N c)I4lo :: 5 14- (9o JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES R: $zz f: 04-3e10 (J) #5's x #5 X 25'-0"H.A.S.: LABOR: $15 $:u (3) #5 X r----r DIMS. AS I I SHoWN I I ri" 119 JQS; coRE CBEEK RESIDENCES f: 04-3e 1 0 #5 x 25'-0" H.A.S.: LABOR: (J) #s X r-r DrMS. AS | | SHOWN I I 120 $ts (5) #5's x JQ$; coRE CREEK RESIDENCES P.: tzz #5 x 25'-0" H.A.S,: l,AB0R: $rs (3) #s X r-.r D|MS. AS | |sHol/vN I I -6N I h,' 121 JQS; conE CREEK RESTDEN0ES #5 X 25'-0" H.A.S.: I.ABOR: (5) #s X r----r D|MS. AS | | SHOWN ' ' 122 $rs (3) #s's x JQ$; GORE CREEK RESIDENCES (5) #5's x f: 04-3e10 #s x 2J'-0" H.A.S.: I-ABOR: $rs P.: vz $rz (3) #5 X r--r DIMS. AS | | sHowN | | 123 JQB: sa&r CREEK RESTDENOES f : 04-5e10 (3) #5's x #5 X 25'-0" H,A.S.: IABOR: 124 R: $zz JQS; GORE CREEK RESIDENOES #5 X 25'-0" H.A.S.: I.ABOR:$1s (3) #s X r-r D|MS. AS I I SHOWN I I (3) #s's x 125 JQB:IaEE CREEK RESIDENCES P.: fizz f : o4-3e10 #s x 25'-0" H.A.S.: |-ABOR: $rs $sz 126 (3) #s X r---r D|MS. AS | | SHOWN I I (3) #5's x JQ$; coRE CREEK RESIDENCES P.: $rB #5 X 23'-0" H.A.S.: |-ABOR: $rs 127 $sr (3) #s X r-r D|MS. AS | | SHOWN I I g"4" P- U2 X 14 X 2'-2" =ililil l|l I rO IN Ih Io I r., z'z'1rl " 'l1 1'-0" =o- l0 di =F r.lI(\I ..(\| 1 FI z ctit!l cio CI o- I ol.\l 9 aF H6 9r e U' b6 o .B 2 gc F JOB:GORE CREEK RTSIDENCES $z f:04-3e10 #5 X 7'-0"H.A.S.: I.ABOR: (3) #sx 2'-4" $s (z) Vz"ox o'-4" H.A.S. 128 JQ$; GORE CREEK RESIDENCES P.: $ #5 X 3'-0' H.A.S.: LABOR: $ 502 JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES #5 X 2'-0" P.: H.A.S.: I.,ABOR: f: 04-3e10 $s $s f El rol I lr, =F |rtIN 3 Ll E |!|rtt cio t!t I Otsl ct c6l4lEld v,5o- U' x dtslo 6I3i tltJG F 503 =o- aoq! rrl =F rrlI(\| (\l 2g H ctl 'atlio o CL I (tt$l oIoFIElrl Jo-6g 2ctl(\l o6a:: g E E JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES R.: $s f: 04-3e10 #s x 1'-1"H.A.S.: IAB0R: $r x 0'-3" "[ 516 JQ$; GORE CREEK RESIDENOES R.: H.A.S.:f : 04-3e 10 LABOR: (z) l, x 3 X 0'-3" PI.ATE WASHERS 1"0 X 1'-9" A3O7 ANCHOR BOLT Yzx+ x 0'-4" PI.ATE WASHER 391 0-A JQ$; GORE CREEK RESTDENOES f: 04-3e10 P-laX14x 1'-2" P: H.A.S.: I.ABOR: $ta $tz $ss (a) \6 x 0'-6" H.A.s, 39 10-B JQS; coRE CREEK RESIDENCES (2) #s x 2'-2' P.: $t t #5 X 12'-1" H.A.S.: LABOR: $ro -1 $zt X5X 1'-0" 3910-C JQB: cQEr cnEEK RESIDENCES P.: $tz f:04-3e10 #5 x g'-+" H.A.S.: LABOR: $a $20 l--'l__ J9 1 0-D (2) #5 x 2'-o" JOB:GORE CREEK RESIDENCES f: 04-5e10 $ts $+o il ao c! |jj =F rft8({ J(! 1 ct 9!trio atd I CD(\| o€ctF(, H6 Jo- a(9 E CD o 6 2 ur -J F #s X 18'-8" H.A.S.: LABOR: fiL8X4X Vz X t'-A" (4) #5 x 2'-0" 39 10-E JQ$; conE cREEK RESTDENCES f: 04-3e10 (6) #s x 2'-2" #5 x 24'-2" H.A.S.: I.,ABOR: t-] (4) #s x 2'-2" 3910-F $zs (2)Lsx5 x % x t'-0" JQ$; cone CREEK RESIDENCES P: $ i tatc! ut =F |rtI(\l J(\l lrJ E € {IL I cr,c{rtct€9 E H 6,d an * gl N 9lol!l 9l:l Hl FI f: 04-3e10 #g x 4'-4" H.A.S.: LABOR: $ 391 0-G $s JOB # ; GORE CREEK RESIDENCES P: $o : 04-3910 H.A.S.: I.ABOR: P,%X x 0'-8' =q (o a\l di =F rat (.Y - lrJ E I.(, cta, C' d I GD(\I!io € 5 c*llr.l I./lp1 | EI gl el '''lFI FI (+) ltz"o x0'-4" HA.S. J910-H