HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOV PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN BUILDING EXPANSION-RENOVATION PROJECT MANUAL 4-12-1997oo oFifit'ij[opv TOWN 1309 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 303- 479- 2158 FAX 479-2166 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORI(S ADMINISTRATION BUILDING EXPANSION/RENOVATION TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO PROJECT MANUAL April2l, 1997 ltrlITI I!!!!nxl DEsrcN llAt I lss? ritirlriui ii[]i OF VAIL I I I I I I I I I t t I RNL Project # 7554.01 Fax - (910')479-2166o Town of Vsil 1309 Vait Valley Drive Vail, Colorado 8f657 I I l I Susic Henert - Desigrr Coordinator....................... .(97oY79'2u4 Andy Knudtren - P1anner........... ....(970)479-2138 Grcgg Berry - Iandscape Architect................ ........(910)479'2337 Vail Building Department Grry Moren -...'...(970Y79'2L3E Architects RNL Design... .....(303)295-1717 Dick Shilfer, Project lvtanager Lrure Yenoviek, Project Architect Aseoclate Architect Fax - (303)2924845 Morter Architects .'(970X?6-5105 143 East lvleadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Jim Morter Jennifer ll,ecker Civil Engineering Carter Burges... .....(303)820-5240 216 Sixteenth Street lvla[ Suite l7m Denver, Colorado 80202 Ialic Andrc3on - P.tr- Steve Long Structural Englneerlng Fax - (303)820-2402 Monroe & Newell Engineers......... ..............(970)949-?768 (Avon) 70 Benchmart Road. Suite 204 P.O. Box 1597 Avorl Colorado 81620 Peter Monro€ - P.E. Mechanical Engineering Fax - (970)949-4054 RNL Deeign... .....(303)295-1711 Phil Rowlend -P.E. Electrical Engineering RNL Deeign... .....(303)295-l?U Dorg Engel P.E Equlpment Consultant Idaintenance Design Group....... .....(303)820-5270 216 l6th Streel Suite 1600 f,)enver, Colorado 80202 Don Leidy Contractor Jl Vie1e............. ....'(970Y76-3082 1000 South Frontage Rd. Suirc 202 Vail, Colorado 8165? Craig.{. Bruntz Fu< (970],,476-3423 1-7554.01 Directory - I I rlI tr I I t I I 1 I I I t fl I t l I 01010 01020 01030 01035 01040 01045 01050 01075 01090 0l100 0l120 01200 01300 01400 01500 01580 01600 01631 01700 01710 01720 01730 02010 02070 02110 02200 02222 o25t3 02520 02580 02700 027t0 02701 02810 02933 02953 o29s5 VAIL PI]BLIC WORI(S FACILITY PHASE I. ADMIMSTRATION BT]ILDING TABLE OFCONTEI{TS PROJECT DIRECTORY TABLE OF CONTENTS CONDITIONS General Conditions @eference Statement) Supplementary Conditions DIVISION I . GENERAL REQI]IREN,IENTS Summary of Work Allowances Alternates Modifi cation Procedures Coordination Cutting and Patching Field Engineering Specification System Reference Standards Special Project Procedures Alteration Project Procedures Project Meetings Submittals Quality Control Temporary Facilities and Controls Project Identification Sign Material and Equipment Product Substitutions Contract Closeout Final Cleaning Project Record Documents Operation & Maintenance Data DTVISION2- SITEWORK Subsurface Exploration Selective Demolition Site Clearing Earthwork Excavating Backfilling, and Compacting for Utilities Asphaltic Concrete Paving Portland Cement Concrete Paving Pavement Marking Sewerage and Drainage Subdrainage Systems Drainage Structures Irrigation Systems Seeding Trees, Plants and Ground Covers Tree Relocation #!teq / a'rlr,lprD G- \?RICI#IRD G. ?1,\ -/^r"\w l-7s54.01 TOC-1 o DIVISION 3 . CONCRETE I lr I t I DMSION 7 - TI{ERMAL A}.lD MOISTLJREPROTECTION 03300 03560 10150 t0522 DIVISION 4 - MASONRY NOT USED DTVISION 5 - METALS 05500 Metal Fabrications DMSION6 -WOOD Al.lD PLASTICS 06100 06200 Rough Carpentry Finish Carpentry 071l0 07160 072r0 07270 07510 07511 0760007900 Joint Sealers DTVISION 8 - DOORS A}{D WINDOWS Sheet Membrane Waterproofing Bituminous Dampproofi ng Building Insulation Firestopping Built-Up Bituminous Roofing Built-Up Bituminous Roofing/Cutting and Patching Sheet Maal and Flashing Concrete Work Cementitious Floor Patching Metal Doors & Frames Wood Doors Access Doors Wood Windows Finish Hardware i:w] jrsED ,! I I I I ! 08100 08210 08305 0861l 08710'-*- -r.-'08E00 -'....,..Glazing t DrvrsroNe -rhustns l!' t? 1,'. 09250 09510 09650 09678 09680 09900 .' ', Gypsum Boardi Acoustical Ceilings Resilient Tile Flooring Resilient Wall Base and Accessories Carpeting. Painting I I t t I I I I 'DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES Toilet Compartments Fire Extinguisher/Cabinets Accordion Folding Partitions Toilet and Bath Accessories I -EQUIPMENT c, .'/'". ,+ l-7554.01 t ,l t t t I I I I I I I 15010 15060 15100 t5250 15300 15400 15410 r5440 15510 l55l I 15555 15800 15830 15850 15950 15990 t DIVISION 12 . FTJRNISHINGS NOTUSED DTVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION NOTUSED DIVISION 14 - CONVEY-ING SYSTEMS NOTUSED DIVISION 15 -MECHAMCAL Basic Mechanical Requirements Pipe and Pipe Fittingi Valves Mechanical Insulation Fire Protection System Plumbing Pipe and Pipe Fittings Plumbing Equipment Plumbing Fixtures and Trim Hydronic Piping Systems Radiant Heating Piping Boilers Air Distribution Heat Transfer Units AirHandling Controls Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Systems I l t I I I I DTVISION 16 . FI FCTRICAL 16100 16485 l65ls Electrical Materials and Methods Motors Lighting Fixtures END OF TOC L-7554.0r TOC-3 I I t I I t I I T I I I I t I I GEI\TERAL CONDITIONS I t t The Fourteenth Edition, dated 1987, of "The General Conditions of the Contract for a;^ttr"tiro:, ala nocriment A201, is published by the American Institute of Architects is hereby made a part of these specifications. Each Confractor shall be oblieated to and shall specifically consent to the provisions- of these General Conditions, as modified by the Supplementary Conditions and Division l, to the extent of the work to be performed under the Contract. l-7554.01 GC-l I l I I I I t T I l I I I, I t SUPPLEMENTARY COIIDITIONS The following supplements modiff the "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction," AIA Document A201, Fourteenth Edition, 1987. Where a portion of the General Conditions is modified or deleted by these Supplementary Conditions, the unaltered podions of the General Conditions shall remain in effect. ARTICLE I; GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.2 Execution, Correlation and Intent Add the following subparagraph to 1.2.3: In the event of conllicts or discrepancies among the Contact Documents, interpretations will be based on the following priorities. l. The Agreement. 2. Addenda, with those oflater date having precedence over those ofearlier date. 3. The Supplementary Conditions. 4. The General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. 5. Drawings and Specifications. In the case of an inconsistency between Drawings and Specifications or within either Document not clarified by adddndum, the better quallty or greater quantity of work shall be provided in accordance with the Architecfs interpretation. ARTICLE 3; CONTRACTOR 3.4 Labor and Materials Add the following Subparagraphs 3.4.3 and 3.4.4to3.4: 3.4.3 After the Contract has been executed, the Owner and the Architect will consider a formal request for the substitution of products in the General Requirements (Division I of the Specifications). 3.4.4 By making requests for substitution based on Subparagraph 3.4.3 above, the Contractor: .l Represents that the Contractor has personally investigated the proposed substitute protuct and determined that it is equal or superior in all respects to that specified; .2 Represents that the Conhactor will provide the same walranty for the substitution that the Conhactor would for that specified; I t I I l-7554.01 1987 SC - I .3 Certifies that the cost data presented is complete and includes all related costs under this Contract except the Architect's redesign costs, and waives all claims for additional costs related to the substitution which subsequently became apparent; and .4 Will coordinate the installation of the accepted substitution, making such changes as may be required for the Work to be complete in all respects. 3.6 Taxes Add the following Subparagraphs through to 3.6.1: As a municipal government project the Project is exempt from Sales Tax and the any "USE TAX'. 3.6.t.2 Tax ExemptNo. is The Contactor and subcontractors shall apply to the Colorado Department of Revenue for a Certificate of Exemption indicating that their purchase of construction or building materials is for a public project. Complete copies of Applications for Exemption Certificates with the approval of the Colorado Departrnent of Revenue noted thereon shall be delivered to the Owner prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. Secure copies of approved Application from each subcontractor and fumish one to the Owner. Bidder shall not include the exempt Sales and Use Taxes in the Bid. ARTICLE 5; SUBCONTRACTORS 5.2. Award of Subcontracrc and Other Conhacts for Portions of Work Add the following Subparagraph to 5.2.1 later than 30 days after the date of cornmencement, the Contractor shall furnish in writing to the Owner through the Architect the names of persons or entities proposed as manufacturers for each ofthe specified products proposed for installation on this project, and, where applicable, the name of the installing Subcontractor. ARTICLE 9; PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.3 Applications for Payment 9.3.1 Add the following sentence to Subparagraph 9.3.1: The form of application for Payment shall be a notarized AIA Document G702, Application and Certification for Payment, supported by AIA Document G703, Continuation Sheet. Addthe following Clause to 9.3.1: Until the Work is 50 percent complete, the Owner shall pay _ percent of the amount due the Contractor on account of progress payments. At the time the Work is 50 percent I I T I t I t I I t I t I t I I t I I1987 SC - 2 r-7554.0r I T I v remaining I I t I l t I I I t t I l t I t The payment shall be suffrcient to increase the total pa_yments to 95^percent of.the Coniait Sum, Iess such amounts as the Architect shall determine for incomplete Work and unsettled claims. ARTICLE l0: PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY l0.l Safety Precautions and Programs Add the following Subparagraphs 10.1.5 and 10.1.6 to Paragraph l0.l 10. I .5 If reasonable precautions will be inadequate to prevent foreseeable-bodily- injury o1 delth to persons r6sulting from a material or sub-stance encountered on-lhe- site by_-the Contactor, the Con[actor shall, upon recognizing the condition, immediately stop Work in dre affected area and report the'conditioi to tfe Owner and Architect in writing. The Owner, Contractor and Aichitect shall then proceed in the same manner described in Subparagraph 10.1.2. 10.1.6 The Owner shall be responsible for obtaining t}re services of a licensed-laboratory to veriff the presence or absence of the material or substance reported by the Contraclor and, in the-event such material or substance is found to be present, to veriff that it has been rendered harmless. Unless otherwise required by the Contract Documents, the Owner shall furnish in writing to the Contractor and Architect tle names and qualifications of persons or entiiies who are to perform test-veriffing-the presence or absence ofsuch riraterial or substance or who are-to perform the task ofremoval or safe containment of such material or substance. The Contactor and the Architect will promptly reply to the Owner in writing stating yhettrer or not either has reasonable bU;eitiohs t6 ihe persons or entities proposed by the Owner. If either the Conhactor or Architect has an ribjection to a persoh oi entity proposed by the Owner, the Owner shall propose another to frhom the C6ntractor and Aichitect have no reasonable objection. ARTICLE 1l; INSURANCE AND BONDS I1.1 Contactor's LiabilityInsurance Deletethe semicolonattheendofClause ll.1.l.l andadd: , including private entities performing Work at the site and-e1gmpt.fr.om the ooverage on-account of num-ber of employees or occupation, yt.,ich entities shall maintain voluntary compensation coverlge at the same limits specified for mandatory coverage for the duration ofthe Project; complete and thereafter, the Architect will authorize paid in tull. 9.8 Substantial Completion 9.8.3 Add the following s€ntence: partial payments to be l-7554.01 1987 SC - 3 o semicolon o and add: t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I . I .1 .2 Delete the at the end of Clause or Dersons or entities excluded by statute from the.requirements of clauseI I'I'I'1 ilifi;;;[btiii. -Cont"rt Doiuments to provide the insurance required bv that Clause; all major divisions of coverage and be on a l.Premisesoperations(includingX,CandUcoveragesasapplicable). 2' IndependentContactors'Protective' 3' Products and Completed Operations' 4. Personal Injury Liability with Employment Exclusion deleted' 5.Contractual,includingspecifiedprovisionforContractot'sobligation under ParagraPh 3'18' 6. Owned, non-owned and hired motor vehicles' T.BroadFormPropertyDamageincludingCompleteoperations. I I . L I .9 If the General Liability coverages are provided by aSommercial General Liability roticy on-ailffi-iii,a" u"rii ttt" p6ii"i darc 6r Retoactive Data shall predate the contraiti ff;;;;d;ti"rc oi ttt"'policy or applicable extended'reporting period "#ilil'nole.aifftriL" tt "E*tiriatiori aate'dr coverases required to be marnrarned after final payment" t"tlili"d i" *i"rdance with Sublaragaph 9'10'2' Addthe following Clause ll.1'2'1to ll'l'2 ||'|.2.|TheinsurancerequiredbySubparagraphll.l.lshallbewrittenfornotlessthan the following limits, or greater if required by law: l. Workers'ComPensation: a. State: b. ApPlicable Federal (e.!., Longshoremen's): c. EmPloYer'sLiabilitY Statutory Statutory per Accident Disease, Policy Limit $- Disease, Each EmPloYee t I I t1987 SC - 4 t-7554.0r 2. 4. I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I l I I I oo comprehensive or commercial Liability (including Premises-operations; Indqiendent Contactors' Protective; Products and Competed Operations; Broad Fomt Fropery Damage): a. Bodily Injury: $ c. Products and Completed Operations to be maintained for years after final payment. $ $ $ b. Property Damage: $ $ $ Each Occurrence Aggregate Each Occunence Aggregate Aggregate Each Person Each Occurrence d. Property Damage Liability Insurance shall provide X, C and U coverage. e. Broad Form Property Damage Coverage shall include Completed Operations. 3. ContractualLiability: a. Bodily Injury: $Each Occunence Aggregate$ b. Property Damage: $Each Occunence Aggregate$ Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $Aggregate 5. Business Auto Liability (including owned, non-owned and hired vehicles): a. Bodily Injury: l-7554.01 1987 SC - 5 b.Property Damage: $Each Occurrence If the General Liability coverages are provided by a Commercial Liability policy, the: I I I I I I t I T I I t I I I I I I 3 6. a. General Aggegate shall be not less than $ shall apply, in total to this Project only. b. Fire Damage Limit shall be not less than $ one Fire. Medical Expense Limit shdl be not less than $ and it on any on any one person. Umbrella Excess Liability : over pnmary rnsurance. retention for self-insured hazards each occurrence. I 1. 1.3 Add the following sentence to Subparagraph I l. 1.3 : If this insurance is written on the Comprehensive General Liability policy form, the Certificates shall be AIA Document G705, Certificate of Insurance. If the insurance is witten on a Commercial General Liability policy fomt, ACORD form 25S will be acceptable. ll.2 Owner's Liability Insurance I L2.1 Delete the last two sentences of Subparagraph I I .2.1 and substitute the following: The Contractor shall purchase and maintain insurance covering the Owner's contingent liability for claims which may arise from operations under the Contact. ll.3 Propertylnsurance ll.3.l.l AddthefollowingsentencetoClause ll.3.l.l: The form of policy for this coverage shall be Completed Value. I1.3.1.3 Add the following s€ntence to Clause The property insurance is written with a deductible of $ occrurence with a deductible aggregate of$_ Delete Clause 1 I .3.1 .4 and substitute the following: I I .3. I .4 The Contractor shall provide insurance coverage for portions of the Work stored off the site after written approval of the Owner at tlre value established in the approval, and also for portions of the Work in transit. 1987 SC - 6 l-7554.01 I T I Add the following sentences: The form of policy for this coverage shall be Completed Value. If the Owner is damaged Uy'ttre faitwe of the Co-ntractor to maiitain such insurance, then the Contractor Shall bear all reasonable costs properly atnibutable thereto. ll.4 Performance Bond and Payment Bond Delete Subparagraph I1.4.1 and substitute the following: 11.4.1 The Contractor shall fumish bonds coverine faithful performance of the Contact and payment of obligations arising thereunderl Bondi may !e obtained thlough lfre Cdntractor's usual-source and the cost thereof shall b€ included in the Contract Sum. The amount of each bond shall be equal to - percent of the Contract Sum. The Contractor shall deliver the required bonds to the Owner not lat,er than three days following the date the Agreeinent is entered into, or if the Work is to be commenced piior thereto in reiponse to a letter of intent, the Contractor shall, prior to the commencement of the Work submit evidence satisfactory to the Ownerthat such bonds will be furnished. The Contactor shall require the attomey-in-fact who executes the required bonds- on behalf of the surety to affix thereto a certified and current copy of the power of attorney. Add the following Paragraph 13.8 to Article l3: 13.8 Equal Opportunity 13.8.1 The Contractor shall maintain policies of employment as follows: 13.1.1 The Contractor and the Contractor's Subcontactors shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, or national origin. The Contractor shall take affrrmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following : employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitnent advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the policies of non-discrimination. The Contractor and the Contractor's Subcontractors shall, in all solicitations or advedisements for employees placed by them or on their behalf, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex or national origin. ARTICLE 14; TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF THE CONTRACT Add the following Paragraph 14.4 to Article 14: I I I t l I I T I I I I t I I T l-7554.01 1987 SC - 7 o I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I 14.4 Termination by the Owner for Convenience 14.4.1 The Owner may, at any time, terminate the Contract for the Ownels convenience and without cause. 14.4.2 Upon receipt of written notice from the Owner of such termination for the Owner's convenience, the Contractor shall: .l Cease operations as directed by the Owner in the notice; .2 Take actions necessary, or that the Owner may direct, for the protection and preservation of the Work; and .3 Except for work directed to be performed prior to the effective date of termination stated in the notice, terminate all existing Subcontracts and purchase orders and enter into no further Subcontacts and purchase orders. 14.4.3 In case of such termination for the Ownet's convenience, the Conbactor shall be entitled to receive payment from the Owner on the same basis provided in Subparagraphl4.l.2. ARTICLE 15; OTHER CONDITIONS AND SERVICES l5.l Contractor Review I 5.1 . I Prior to the execution of a contact between the Owner and Contactor, Owner shall cause the Contractor to make a thorough and detailed review of the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the constuction drawings, specifications and any addenda or amendments tlereto. Following such review, the Contactor shall represent and warrant in writing that the Project may be constucted in accordance with such Constuction Documents. If the Conhactor finds any alleged enors or deficiencies in the Contract Documents during its review, the Contractor shall specifically list in writing all of the alleged enors or deficiencies. The Owner shall promptly provide the Architect with the Contractor's Listing ("Listing") before any constuction work is commenced by the Contractor. Upon being presented with the Contractor's Listing, the Architect shall at no additional cost or expense to tlte Owner, promptly revise Contract Documents or, in its discretion, issue addenda" in order to remedy any alleged errors or deficiencies which are found by the Architect to be meritorious. The sole and only right of the Owner against the Architect regarding the Contractor's Listing shall be the prompt correction of the alleged errors or omissions by the Architect. At the time of execution of a general construction contract between the Owner and Confactor, the Owner shall cause the Contactor to represent and Warrant that the Project is "buildable" within the established budget and time schedule set forth within the general contract, using normal construction techniques. 15.4 The Owner shall also cause the Contractor to represent and warrant that: .l The constuction schedule and budget include reasonable contingencies and reserves for design and plan revision, modifications, coordination, clarification or interpretation which may reasonably be anticipated on a Project ofthis type. 1987 SC - I r-7554.0r rt' z ;Sffii:li.*H#.;f"i|#i} ffff,lff"d:_;3,''':PtiTf,,i: I interpretation, coordination, claiificalion or modification as actual -1 constuction presents them in three dimensions during the constuction ' phase. I END OF SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS I t I l-7s54.01 1987 SC - 9 I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I . sEcTroN 0r0r0 SUMMARY OF WORK PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Title of Work, and type of Contract. 2. Work by Others. 3. Work Sequence. 4. Use of Premises. 5. OwnerOccupancy. 6. Pre-OrderedProducts. B. Owner-Furnishedltems. I.O2 DESCRIPTION A. The Project consists of a building addition and renovation of existing building for the Vail Public Works, Town of Vail, Colorado. l. Project Location: Vail Public Works 1309 Vail Valley Ddve Vail, Colorado 81657 2. Owner: Town of Vail 1309 Vail Valley Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 3. Contractor: J. L. Viele Construction, Inc. 1000 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 B. DesignRequirements: l. The intent of this Section is to generally summarize the nature and extent of work to be performed without in aiy waa limiting the specific requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. The Contractor shall provide all labor, plant, supplies, equipment, services, facilities and appurtenances which are indicated or reasonably implied !y the Drawings, or as specified, or that are required for the work described in the Contract Documents. t I I l-7554.01 01010-l o I I l I I I I I t I I I I t I I T I I I.O3 CONTRACTMETHOD A. Construct the work under a single lump-sum, fixed price contract. 1.04 WORK BY OTTIERS A. Work of the Project which will be executed subsequent to completion of work of this Contract, and which is specifically excluded from this Contract except as noted below: l. Furniture and furnishings. 2. Exterior and interior signage. I.O5 OWNER-FURNISHEDPRODUCTS A. The Owner will furnish the kitchen appliances for installation by the Contractor. The Work includes providing support systems to receive Owner's equipment, and mechanical and electrical connections. 1. The Owner will arrange for and deliver necessary shop drawings, product data, and samples to the Contactor. 2. The Owner will arrange and pay for delivery of Owner-fumished items according to the Contractor's Constuction Schedule. 3. Following delivery, the Ov,rner will inspect items delivered for damage. 4. If Owner-fumished items are damaged, defective, or missing, the Owner will arrange for replacement. 1.06 woRK SEQUENCE A. Project Development Schedule including the various phases of constuction is available for reviewing in the offices of the Owner, Architect and Contractor. B. Schematic outline of project phasing,is summarized as follows: C. Projected phases ofoccupancy are outlined as follows: l. Phase l: Constructionofbuildingaddition. 2. Phase 2: Renovation of existing facility. D. Construction Work in stages to provide for continuous public access. Do not close off public usage of facilities until use of one stage of Work will provide alternate access route. I.O7 CONTRACTORUSE OF PREMISES A. Contractor shall limit use of premises for Work, for storage, and for access, to allow: l. Work by other contractors. 01010-2 t-7554.01 loo I 2. Owner Occupancy: Allow for Owner occupancy and use by the public. t IJ. Driveways and Entrancds: Keep driveways and entrances serving the premises clear T and available to the Owner, the Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. I 1. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. ' 2. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of- materials and equipment on-site. C. Use of the Existing Building: Maintain the existing building in a weathertight t condition throughoutthe consEuctionperiod.I l. Repair damage caused by constuction operations. I 2. Take all precautions nec€ssary to protect the building and its occupants during the construction period. I l.o8 owNERoccuPAlrcY r A. Full Owner Occupancy: The Owner will occupy the site and existing building during a I portion of the constuction period and then occupy the building addition duringI' renovation of the existing building. | 1. ffJtrjffifffi:3#::during construction operations to minimize conflicts I 2. Perforur the Work so as not to interfere with the Owner's operations. - B. Schedule and substantially complete designated portions of Work for Owney's I occup€mcy prior to Substantial Completion of entire Work. _ C. Projected phases ofoccupancy are outlined as follows:II l. Phase l: Construction of building addition while Owner occupies existing facility. t 2. *ffiil"?H1.Tl!"fi:?li#sting facility and occupy newaddition, contactor I D. Execute Certificate of Substantial Completion for each designated portion of work priorI to Owner occupancy. Contactor shall allow: t l. Access for Owner personnel. 2. Use ofparking facilities. I 3. Operation of HVAC and electrical systems. I I t-7554.01 0r010-3 oo E. On occupancy, Owner will provide, for occupied areas: l. Operation of HVAC and electrical systems. 2. Maintenance. 3. Security. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NotUsed PART3 -DGCUTION NotUsed END OF SECTION I I I I I t t I0101041-7554.01 t I t PARr l -.ENERAL I l.ol SUMMARY sEcrIoN 01020 ALLOWAI\ICES A. Section Includes: I l. Include in the Conbact Sum all allowances stated in the contract documents. r- 2. Designate in the construction progress schedule the delivery dates for Products I specifiedundereachallowance. 3. Designate in the Schedule of Values the quantities of materials required under -\ each unit cost allowance. I I.O2 ALLOWANCESFORPRODUCTS I A. The amount of each allowance includes: l. The cost ofthe Product to the Contractor, less any applicable trade discounts.n a 2. Delivery to the site. lJ 3. Handling at the site; including unloading, uncrating, and storage. 4. Protection fiom the elements and from damage. I 5. Labor for installation and finishing. 6. Conhactor's and Subcontractor's overhead and profirII B. In addition to the amount of each allowance, include in the Contract Sum the ^ Contractor's costs for: f 1. Other expenses required to complete the installation. - C. The amount of each allowance for work specified in the respective specification I sections. I.O3 SELECTION OF PRODUCTS TINDERALLOWANCES I A. Contractor's Duties: 1. Assist Owner in determining qualified suppliers or installers. 2. Obtain proposals from suppliers and installers when requested by Architect. 3. Make appropriate recommendations for consideration of the Architect. I ! I t r-7ss4.0r 01020-l I.O4 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY FOR PURCHASE. DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION A. On notification of selection, execute purchase agreement with designated supplier. B. Arrange for the process Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, as required. C. Make all arrangements for delivery. D. Upon delivery, promptly inspect products for damage or defects. E. Submit claims for transportation damage. F. Install and finish products in compliance with requirements of referenced specification sections. I.O5 ADruSTMENT OF COSTS A. Should the net cost be more or less than the specified amount of the allowance, the Contract Sum will be adjusted accordingly by Change Order. l. The amount of the Change Order will recognize any changes in handling costs at the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit, and other expenses caused by the selection under the allowance. 2. For products specified under a unit cost allowance, the unit cost shall apply to the quantities actually used with a nominal allowance for waste, as detennined by receipted invoices, or by field measur€ment. B. Submit any claims for anticipated additional costs at the site, or other expenses caused by the selection under the allowance, prior to execution of work. C. Failure to submit claims within the designated time will constitute a waiver of claims for additional costs. D. At contract close-out, reflect all approved changes in contract amounts in the final statement of accounting. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOTUSED PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI SCHEDULE OF ALLOWANCES A, Section 09665 - Resilient Sheet Flooring: Allow the sum of $ foot. B. Section 09680 - Carpeting: Allow the sum of $17.00 per square yard. I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I T I T Iper square 01020-2 END OF SECTION l-7554.01 B. B. c. D. F. t I t I I T I I t I I t I I I t J I I SECTION 01030 ALTERNATES PART I - GENERAL l.0l SUMMARY r.02 PROCEDI.JRES PART 2 - PRODUCTS Section Includes: l. Identification and description of Altemate work' Related Sections: l. Bid Documents: Quotation of cost of each Alternate. 2. Owner-Contractor Agreemenl Alternates accepted by Owner for incorporation into the Work. 3. Sections of Specifications identified in each Alternate. Bids on all alternates specified hereunder shall be submitted as indicated on the Bid Form. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all alternates. The additive or deductive amount of each alternate shall represent the true value of the part of the work covered by that altemate, in- clu{ing all general, mechanibal and electrical work unless specifically noted otherwise' Bid amount shall include any residual work to be done in lieu of the altemate as defined for a complete inslallation. Such residual work may involve other general, structural, mechanical or electrical work. State the anount to be added or deducted from the Base Bid for the difference in cost between the work described under each Altemate and the corresponding work specified under the Base Bid. Altemate bids shall reflect the increase or decrease in cost of all work of every nature which may be affected thereby, and no subsequent claims for exlras by reason of the Coritactor's failure to observe this requirement will be considered. Except as otherwise described or approved, material and.yo$malship required by the Altemate shall conform to the requirements specified under the various S-ections of the specifications for similar items of work' The methods of constuction, materials, finishes or details of installation required by the Alternates differ from the requirements shown on drawings- or spicified for corresponding items, the alternative materials and workmanship shall have the approval ofthe Architect. r-7554.01 Not Used 01030-t o I I T T I I t I PART 3 . DGCUTION 3.OI SCIIEDULE OF ALTERNATES A. Add AltemateNo. l: Exterior Siding. l. BaseBid: Existing exteriorwood sidingtoremain. 2. Alternate Bid: Remove existing wood siding, provide new infiltration barrier and wood siding as specified in Section 06200. B. Add Altemate No. 2: Mechanical HVAC Swamp Cooler. l. Base Bid: No swamP cooler. 2. Alternate Bid: Provide swamp cooler as specified in Division 15 and associated ductworlg water piping and electrical connections C. Add Alternate No. 3: Interior Restroom Finishes. l. Base Bid: Painted gypsum board walls with vinyl composition tile floors and resilient floor base. 2. Alternate Bid: Ceramic tile wainscot at walls indicated on the Drawings, ceramic tile floors and ceramic tile cove floor base' END OF SECTION I T I t I I I I ! T I01030-2 l-7554.01 I t I PARr l -.ENERAL I 1.01 SLJMMARY A. Section Includes: I 1. Procedures for: | 3: f,1ffi,3;3:'t c. Field Orders.d. Directives. I B. Related Sections: I General Conditions of the Contact.Il| 2. Section 01300 - Submittals. I I.O2 PROCEDUREDESCRIPTIONSrA. Modifications shall be processed by written process only in conformance to the Generalr Conditions. - B. Change orders: I l. Construction Change Authorization.I 2. Contactor's Proposal Requests. III 3. Instructions, Field Orders, Directives. . 1.03 MINORCHANGES IN THE WORK A. The Architect will issue supplemental instructions authorizing minor changes in the t Work, not involving adjustment to the Contract Sum or Contract Time, on AIA I Form G710, Architect's Supplemental Instructions. I 1.04 CHANGE ORDERPROPOSAL REQUESTS t A. Owner-lnitiated Proposal Requests: The Architect will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that will require adjustrrent to the Contract Sum or Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised Drawings and Specifi cations. l. Proposal requests issued by the Architect are for information only. Do not consider them as an instruction either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change. t 1-7ss4.0r SECTION 01035 MODIFICATION PROCEDIJRE,S I t I 01035-l B. 2. Within 20 days of receipt of a proposal request, submit an estimate of cost necess.rry to execute the change to the Architect for the Owner's review. 3. Include a list of quantities of products required and unit costs, with the total amount of purchases to be made. Where requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. 4. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. 5. Include a statement indicating the effect the proposed change in the Work will have on the Contract Time. Contractor-Initiated Proposals: When latent or unforseen conditions require modifications to the Contract, the Contactor may propose changes by submitting a request for a change to the Architect. l. Include a statement outlining the reasons for the change and the effect of tlre change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contact Sum and Contact Time. 2. Include a list of quantities of products required and unit costs, with the total arnount of purchases to be made. Where requested, fumish suwey data to substantiate quantities. 3. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of tade discounts. 4. Comply with requirements in Section uProduct Substitutions" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for a product or system specified. Proposal Request Fomr: Use AIA Document G709 for Change Order Proposal Requests. CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE Constuction Change Directive: When the Owner and the Contactor disagree on the terms of a Proposal Request, the Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive on AIA Form G714. The Construction Change Directive instructs the Contractor to proceed with a change in the Worlq for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. l. The Constuction Change Directive contains a complete description of the change in the Work. It also designates the method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or Contact Time. I I I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I T I C. 1.05 A. t-7554.0r 01035-2 I I . After completion of the change, submit an itemized account and supporting data I necessaxy to substantiate cost and time adjustments to the Contract. I 1.06 CHANGE ORDERPROCEDURES A. Upon the Owner's approval of a Proposal Request, the Architect will issue a Change I Order for signatures of the Owner and the Contractor on AIA Form G701. - Pi\RT2-PRODUCTS I Notused PART 3 - EXECUTION t Notused I ENDoFsEcrIoN I t I T I I I I I I I l-7ss4.01 0r03s-3 ot ! SECTTON 01040 COORDINATION I PART1 -GENERAL I r.0l SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: I l. Coordination of Work of Contract. B. Related Sections:I t l. Section 01010 - Summary of Work. I 2. Section 01600 - Material and Equipment. I 3. Section 01700 - Contract Close-out. t r.02 DESCRIPTION A. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and work of the various sections of Specifications t to assure efficient anii orderly sequence of installation of construction elements, with I provisions for accommodating items to be installed later. I B. Coordinate sequence of Work to accommodate Owner occupancy as specified. - l.o3 MEETINGS I A. Hold Coordination meetings and pre-installation conferences with personnel and! subcontractors to assure coordination of Work. I 1.04 COORDINATION OF SUBMITTALSIA. Schedule and coordinate submittals specified in Section 01300. I B. CoordinaG work of various sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing, connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment. I C. Coordinate requests for substitutions to assure compatibility of space, of operatingt elements, and effect on work of other sections. I I.O5 COORDINATION OF SPACE I A. Coordinate completion and cleanup of work of separate sections in preparation for I Substantial Completion of defective work and work not in accordance with Contract I Documents, to minimize disruption of Owner's activities. B. After Owner occupancy of premises, coordinate access to site by various sections for I conection of defeitive worli and woik not in accordance with C6ntact Documents, toI minimize disruption of Owner's activities. I C. Assemble and coordinate close-out submittals specified in Section 01700. I I l-7554.0r 01040-l I o PART 2 . PRODUCTS Not Used PART3.DGCUTION NotUsed END OF SECTION 01040-2 l-7554.01 I I sEcrIoN oto4s CUTTING AI\ID PATCHING I PART I.GENERAL I r.ol SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Cutting, fitting, and patching of the work required to: I l. Make the several parts fit properly. ., 2. Uncover work to provide for installation, inspection, or both, of ill-timed work. fl 3. $:ffi:*fu replace work not conforming to requirements of contract I 4. :r3ff;lffihTrs of non-structural components for installation of piping and I B. Related Sections: l. Section 01010 - Summary of Work; Work by Owner or separate Contractors. | 2. Section 02070 -Selective Demolition. I r.02 DEFIMTIONS - A. Cutting and Patching: I r' 3JttJffg"?*:"*iir[*l':1H*T,,l"rude cutting and patching or previouslv I 2. Also defined to exclude cutting and patching during the fabrication and I installation of manufactured units. I B. Selective Demolition: ! l. Defined as a related, but separate category of work, which may also require cutting and patching. T I.O3 SI.JBMITTALS t A. Submit written request in advance of cutting or alteration which affects: l. Structural integrity ofany element ofProject. I 2. Integrity of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant element. I 3. Efficiency, maintenance, or safety of any operational element. I 4. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements, I 5. Work of Owner or separate contactor. I l-75s4.01 olo4s-l o I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I B. Submittals shall comply with Section 01300. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform all cutting and patching in strict accordance with pertinent requirements of the Specifications and, in the event no such requirements are determined, in conformance with the written direction of the Architect. l. Use skilled workmen to perform all cutting and patching work. 2. Use methods least likely to damage existing surfaces and materials to remain, while providing proper surfaces to receive installation ofrepair, patching, and/or new work. 3. In addition to requirements specified, upon the Architect's request, uncover work to provide inspection of covered work and remove samples of installed materials for testing. 4. Do not cut or alter work performed under separate contact without the written permission of the Architect. B. Visual Quality: l. Do not cut and patch work exposed to public view, on the exterior and interior of the building in a manner that will result in an unacceptable appearance as determined by the Architect. 2. Do not cut and patch work in a marmer that will result in obvious appearance that cutting and patching work was done. 3. When cutting existing stuctural concrete, do not extend saw cuts beyond the comers of the required opening on either side of the opening. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Provide materials which: l. Are equal orbetter than work being cut orpatched. 2. Possess performance characteristics and visual effect similar to original material. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Before proceeding, inspect conditions, including elements subject to movement or damage during cutting, excavating, backfilling, and parching. B. After uncovering the work, inspect conditions affecting installation of new work. C. Ifuncovered conditions are not as anticipated or ifconstuction is not as indicated on the Drawings, immediately notiff the Architect for fruther instructions. I I 01045-2 r-7554.01 I I I I T t I I I I I t I t I t t I I 3.02 PREPARATION A. Take all necessary action required to protect adjacent existing surfaces from damage due to the work of this section. B. Take all precautions necessary to protect surfaces and materials, n€w work, and the work of this section from damage due to adverse weather conditions. C. Provide temporary support of work to be cut and adjacent work to prevent failure or damage due to the work of this Section. D. Properly prepare substate surfaces exposed during cutting.as required to-receive the work of -this or other sections of these specifications in strict compliance with manufacturer's recommendations and these specifications. 3.03 CUTTINGA}IDPATCHING A. Perform all required cutting and patching as required or reasonably implied under pertinent sections of these specifications. B. Perform cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damage to- other portions of the-work and will provide proper finished installation complying with the specified tolerances and finishes. C. Comply with the requirements of applicable sections of Division 2 wh9r9 cutti-ng-and- patcfirig required eicavating and Sackfilling. Execute excavating and backfilling by methods which will prevent settlement or damage or other work. D. Employ original Installer or Fabricator to perform cutting-and-patching excep where work is pre-existing. E. Restore work which has been cut or removed; install new products to provide completed Work in accord with requirements of Contract Documents. F. Fit work afutight to pipes, sleeveso ducts, conduit and other penetrations through surfaces. G. Patch with seams which are durable and as invisible as possible. Comply with specified tolerances of the work. H. Restore exposed finishes of patched areas; and, where necessary extend finish- restoration onto retained work adjoining, in a manner which will eliminate evidence of patching. END OF SECTION l-7554.01 01045-3 I I I ' SECTION 01050 FIELD ENGII\IEERING - PARTI-GENERAL r l.ol sUMMARY t A. Gencral: This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for field- engineering services including, but not limited to, the following: t l. Land survey work. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this I Section: I l. Division I Section "Coordination" for procedures for coordinating field I engineering with other construction activities. r 2. Division I Section "submittals" for submitting Project record surveys. I 3. Division I Section "hoject Closeout" for submitting final property survey with Project Record Documents and recording of Owner-accepted deviations from ! indicated lines and levels. I I.O2 SUBMITTALS Ir A. Certificates: Submit a certificate signed by the land surveyor or professional engineer r certiffing the location and elevation of improvements. Ir B. Final Property Survey: Submit l0 copies of the final property survey. I C. Project Record Documents: Submit a record of Work performed and record survey data as required under provisions of "submittals" and "Project Closeout" Sections. I 1.03 QUALTTYASST.JRANCE I A. Surveyor Qualifications: Engage a land surveyor registered in the state where the t Project is located, to perform required land-surveying services. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) I I I I r-7ss4.0r 01050 - l o t I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I t I I PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Veri$ layout information shown on the Drawings, in relation to the property survey and existing benchmarks, before proceeding to lay out the Work. B. Existing Utilities and Equipment: The existence and location of underground and other ufilities and construction indicated as existing axe not guaranteed. Before beginning sitework, investigate and verifr the existence and location ofunderground utilities and other construction. l. Prior to constnrctiorL veriff the location and invert elevation at points of connection of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water-service piping. 3.02 PERFORMANCE A. Work from lines and levels established by the property survey. Establish benchmarks and markers to set lines and levels at each story of constuction and elsewhere as needed to locate each element of the Project. Calculate and measure required dimensions within indicated or recognized tolerances. Do not scale Drawings to determine dimensions. l. Advise entities engaged in constuction activities of marked lines and levels provided for their use. 2. As constuction proceeds, check every major element for line, level, and plumb. B. Surveyor's Log: Maintain a surveyor's log of conhol and other survey work. Make this log available for reference. l. Record deviations from required lines and levels, and advise the Architect when deviations that exceed indicated or recognized tolerances are detected. On Project Record Drawings, record deviations that are accepted and not corrected. 2. On completion of foundation walls, major site improvements, and other work requiring field-engineering services, prepare a certified survey showing dimensions, locations, angles, and elevations of construction and sitework. C. Site Improvements: Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes, and invert elevations. D. Building Lines and Levels: Locate and lay out batter boards for structures, building foundations, column grids and locations, floor levels, and control lines and levels required for mechanical and electrical work. 01050 - 2 l-7554.01 I t t I I I I t I I T T t t I I t I I F. Existing Utilities: Fumish information necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other appurtenances located in or affected by construction. Coordinate with local authorities having jurisdiction. Final Property Survey: Prepare a final property survey showing significant features (real property) for the Project. Include on the survey a certification, signed by the surveyor, that principal metes, bounds, lines, and levels of the Project are accurately positioned as shown on the survey. L Recording: At Substantial Completion, have the final property survey recorded by or with local governing authorities as the official "property survey." END OF SECTION l-7554.01 01050 - 3 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t T I I SECTION 01075 SPECIFICATION SYSTEM PART I - GENERAL I.OI WORKINCLUDED A. Specification system format. B. Languagedescription. I.O2 RELATED WORK A. Section 01090 - Reference Standards. I.O3 DESCRIPTION A. These specifications have been derived from automated specification systems,.and include -minor deviations from format and baditional writing forms. Such deviations must be recogrrized as a normal result of this production technique, and no other meaning will be implied or permitted. B. Imperative language of the technical sections is directed to the Contractor. The term "piovide" used-repeatedly in the text is defined to mean..."fumish and install, co-mplete, in place and readi for op-eration and use unless specifically indicated otherwise." C. Specifications are of abbreviated, simplified or steamlined typJ and include incomplete sentences. Omissions of word.is or phrases such as "the Contractor shall" "in co'nformity thetewith," "shall be," "as notel on the Drawings", "A", "The", are intentional. Supply omitted words or phrases by inference in same r-naqner as they-are when "Note" o&-url on Drawings. Supply words "on the Drawings" by inference when "as indicated" is used with sentences or phrases. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not used PART 3 . E)GCUTION Not used END OF SECTION l-7554.01 01075-l I t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I SECTION O1O9O REFERENCE STANDARDS PART 1 -GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Applicability of Reference Standards. 2. Acronyms used in Contract Documents for Reference Standards. Source of Reference Standards. I.O2 DESCRIPTION A. This section specifies requirements for the compliance with goveming regulations and imposed codes and standards, including the obtaining of permits, licenses, inspections, releases and similar documentatio& and including the furnishing of notices, certifications associated with regulations, codes and standards. "Regulations" is defined to include those rules, conventions and agreements within the construction industry which effectively control the performance of the work, regardless of whether lawfully imposed and enforced or obeyed. 1.03 QUALTTYASSURANCE A. For products or workmanship specified by association, trade, or Federal Standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable codes. B. Publication Dates: Comply with standards in effect at the date of these contract documents, excep where a standard of a specific date or edition is indicated. C. Codes and Governing Regulations; l. General: Compliance with federal, state, county, city or local codes and goveming regulations, as applicable to the work" is either required by law or imposed hereby. 2. Uniform Building Code; by ICBO, (latest edition) as adopted by Municipal Ordinance. 3. National Fire Codes; by NFPA (latest edition). 4. Regulations by utility companies supplying utilities to the project both temporarily and permanently. 5. William-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; Public Law 9l- 596. Paxt l9l0 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Chapter XVII of Title29, Code of Federal Regulations. Part l5l8 - Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Chapter XIII of Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations. a, b. l-7554.01 01090-r o State Energy Conservation Code. State Planning and Design Criteria to Prevent Architectural Barriers for the Aged and Physically Handicapped. Uniform Mechanical Code (Latest edition); by ICBO, as adopted by Municipal Ordinance. National Electric Code (Latest edition) as adopted by Municipal Ordinance. Uniform Plumbing Code (Latest edition) as adopted by Municipal Ordinance. I.O4 REFERENCES A. Standards l.The industry standards applicable to the work are indicated in appropriate individual sections of these specifications, either by their names and the names of the trade associations, government agencies or other producers of standards, or by well-recognized abbreviations thereof. Refer questions on the meaning of abbreviated designations to the Architect for clarification before proceeding with work affected thereby. Explanation of Application: It is a requirement that each entity or person performing the work be expert in that portion of work, and be completely familiar with the industry standards applicable to that portion of the work. Therefore, copies of applicable standards have not been bound with these contract documents; but are, nevertheless in full force and effect. Obtain copies from the publication source, where needed for proper perfonnance ofthe work. AISC: American Institute of Steel Constmction Inc. l22l Avenue ofthe Americas NewYork,N.Y. 10020 AISI: American Iron and Steel Institute 150 East 42nd Street NewYork,N.Y. 10017 AITC: American Institute of Timber Construction 333 West Hampden Avenue Englewood,CO 80110 ANSI: American National Standards Institute (Successor to USASI and ASA) 1430 Broadway NewYork,N.Y. 10018 Qr2)3s4-3300 APA: American Plywood Association - The Engineered Wood Association l19 A Steet Tacom4 WA 98401 ASAHC: American Society of Architectrual Hardware Consultants See Door and Hardware Institute I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I T t I 6. 7. 9. 10. 8. 01090-2 r-7554.01 I I I I I I I I I T I t I t I I T I I ASHRAE: ASME: ASTM: AWI: AWPB: AWPI: AWS: BHMA: BIA: CSRSI: DHI: FGMA: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 345 East 47th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 American Society of Mechanical Engineers 345 East 47th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 American Society for Testing and Materials 1916 Pace Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Architectural Woodwork Institute 5055 South Chesterfield Road tulington, VA 22206 American Wood Preservers Bureau 27 7 2 South Randolph Street Arlingtorl VA 22206 American Wood Preservers lnstitute 27 7 2 S outh Randolph Street Arlington, VA 22206 American Welding Society, Inc. 2501 NW 7th Steet Miami, FL 33125 Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association 60 East 42nd Street New York, N.Y. 10017 Brick Institute of America (Formerly SCPf 1750 Old MeadowRoad Mclean, VA 22101 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute 228 North LaSalle Steet Chicago,IL 60601 Door & Hardware Institute l8l5 N. Ft. Meyer Drive Arlington, VA22209 Flat Glass Marketing Association 1325 TopekaAvenue Topek4 KS 66612 Factory Mutual Engineering Corp. I 15l Boston-Providence Turnpike Norwood, PA 02062 l-7554.01 FM: 01090-3 o I I I I T I t I T I I I I t I t I t t FS:Federal Specification (General Services Administration) Building 197 WashingtonNavy Yard SE Washington, DC 20407 National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers 221 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60601 National Builders Hardware Association See Door & Hardware Institute. National Bureau of Standards (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) Gaithersbrng, lvD 2023 4 National Concrete Masonry Association 6845 Elm Steet Mclean, VA 22101 National Electrical Code by NFPA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 155 Ea* 44th Steet NewYork,N.Y. 10017 National Fire Protection Association 470 Atlantic Avenue Boston, MA 02210 National Woodwork Manufacturers Assoc., Inc. 400 West Madison Street Chicago,Il 60606 Occupational Safety & Health Administration (U.S.D€pt.of Labor) Govemment Printing Offi ce Washington, DC 20102 Portland Cement Association 5420 Old Orchard Road Skokie,lL 60076 Product Standard ofNBS (U.S. Dept. of Commerce) Government Printing Offi ce Washington, DC 2M02 Steel Deck Institute 135 Addison Avenue Elmhurst,lL 60125 Steel Door Institute 2130 Keith Building Cleveland, OH 44115 NAAMM: NBHA: NBS: NEC: NEMA: NFPA: NWMA: PCA: SDI: PS: 010904 SDI: l-7554.01 I I I I I I T I I t t I I I I I t I I SJI: Steel Joist Institute 2001' Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202 SMACNA: Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractor's National Association. Inc. 8224 Old Courthouse Road; Tysons Corner Vienna, VA 22180 TCA: Tile Council of America, Inc. P.O. Box 326 Princeton" N.J. 08540 UL: Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. 207 EastOhio Street Chicago, OH 6061I WWPA: Western Wood Products Association (Grading Rules) 1500 Yeon Building Portland, OR 97204 3. Trade Associations, Standards and Abbreviations: References in the Contact Documents to publications and recommendations, by eitler name or abbreviation thereof, include but are not limited to the following trade associations, technical societies, government agencies, recognized authorities and standards: AAMA: AmericanArchitecturalManufacturersAssociation 2700 River Road, Suite I 18 Des Plaines, IL 60018 (312)699-73r0 AAN: American Association ofNurserymen, Inc. 230 Southem Building Washington, D.C. 20005 AASHTO: American Assoc. of State Highway & Transportation Offrcials ACI: (Also AASHO) 341 National Press Building Washington, D.C. 20004 American Concrete Institute Box 19150 Redford Station Detroit MI 48219 AGC: The Associated General Contactors of America 1957 East Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 AI: The Asphalt Institute Asphalt Institute Building College Park, MD 20740 l-7554.01 01090-5 AIA: The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue Washington, D.C. 20006 NSPE: The National Society of Professional Engineers 2029K SteetNW Washington, D.C. 20006 B. Trade Regulations: I II I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l.General: The manner in which standards and trade association recommendations fruui UJ"n ,p"cified, and the manner in which the contract documents have been r"Uairiaia i"a organized, are not necessarily for the purpose ofaccommodating iua" r"ortution ui'a jurisdictional agreemenis among-trade unions and councils, "oi-ir--tttir int nO"d to ioterfete -witn me Contractor's proper handling of assienments, conflicts and rulings. Comply with trade regulatiols in the manner ;hfi-h ;U-;";id d"layt and c-iaims, aid which will ensure that the work is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. iteconcile conflicts promptly as they arise. Losses. delays. claims and additional costs which result from inadequate or itnpiop". ttriOling (by the Contractor) of conflicts with trade regulations will not betorisidered as Sasis for change orders. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 . E)GCUTION Not Used END OF SECTION 01090-6 l-7554.01 1. l. I I T I I I I I t I I I I t I T I T t . SECTION 01100 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: t.02 A. An essential condition ofthis Contact shall be the scheduling and conduct ofall phases of construction operations in such a nuurner that the Ovvner's o-perations wittrin ttre building shali be unintemrpted at all times, except for such limited intem-rption as is required. Contractor shall repair at his own expense all damage done to Ow4erls property, unknown utilities-and adjoining public property as a result of Contractor's construction activities. Related Sections: l. Section 01500 - Temporary Facilities and Contols. PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS Access and use of site: l. Contractor shall use the designated site access for construction ofEces and material storage in such a manner that access to existing building remains accessible at all times for use. Confine operations to as limited a use of the existing building as possible, A route ofaccess to and from the work for employees shall be agreed upon and it shall be the Contractot's responsibility to see that the agreed route is maintained in order to prevent unwarranted or unnecessary traffic through the existing building. B. Owner Notice and Approval: PART 2 - PRODUCTS All arrangements and scheduling in connection with the work of this Contract shall be made with and subject to the approval of the Architect and the Owner. All work under this Contract which will require intemrption of service of the existing building shall be scheduled to suit the need and convenience of the Owner's operation, and arrangements shall be made with the Owner and the Architect at least two (2) days in advance of the start of such work. 1-7554.01 Not Used 0l100-l o I I I I I t I t I I I t I t I I T I I PART 3 - DGCUTION 3.OI RENOVATION A. Constuction activities of all areas to be constucted in existing facilities shall be completely separated from rest of the building by dust-proof enclosures erected by Contractor. B. All surfaces in existing facilities not indicated to be remodeled, or removal of existing items by any Contractor, shall be repaired by the responsible Contractor to match existing adjoining similar surfaces. 3.02 CLEANING A. All areas within existing facilities, which are not within enclosed areas to be constructed used for access to work areas shall be completely cleaned of all debris and made "broom-clean' at the end of each day's work. B. Dust which p€rmeates areas of existing facilities because of improperly constructed dust-proof barriers shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Completely clean all such areas to the satisfaction of the Owner at no additional cost. 3.03 CONSTRUCTIONSEQUENCE A. In order to accommodate the unintemrpted operation of the existing building during the various phases ofconstuction, the sequence ofconstuction operations shall be as follows: Basically, the sequence concept is to: (l) prepare the existing facility to function during the building addition through substantial completion; (2) thence occupy the newly built portion; and (3) upon completion, finally reoccupy the renovated portion. Some overlapping between the several construction operations will occur, and where possible, permission maybe granted to start certain portions of the work before the previous operations were completed in their entircty. Such detail scheduling shall be done as the work progresses, provided that the Owner's operations remain unintemrpted. Where it may not be possible to complete certain mechanical and electrical services in connection with making the work complete and ready for occupancy, temporary services as directed and as approved shall be installed to permit occupancy by the Owner at the earliest possible date. The construction sequence and related Drawings are intended to aid the Contractor in bidding and in scheduling his work. Deviations of sequence may be made upon approval of the Owner and the Architect. L 4. END OF SECTION l-7554.01 01100-4. I I sEcrIoN otl2o ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDIJRES I PART I.GENERAL I l.0l SIIMMARY A. Section Includes: t l. Renovationcoordination. 2. Cutting and patching. I 3. Protection. I B. Related Sections: - L section 01010 - Summary of Work. I 2. Section0l040-Coordination. 3. Section 0l100 - Special Project Procedures. I 4. Section 01500 - Temporary Facilities and Contols. I 5. Section 02070 - Selective Demolition. I.O2 PROJECT/SITECONDITIONS I A. Refer to Section 01100. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I Notused I PART3-EXECUTION r 3.ol ALTERATIoNS I A. Coordinate work of trades: l. Schedule elements of alterations and renovation work. I z. ;*"il"J";r*;"fr1f.,ff;ff. n ""r* to provide access or to auow I 3. 3#it;frigi.and refurish existing items to remain, to the specified conditions for I 4. Coordinate power outages and major intemrptions of progress of constructiont work with the Owner. I I r-7s54.01 0l120-l B.Alterations, Cutting and Protection: l. Assign to tades qualified to perform the work. 2. Cut and remove minimum necessary, and in a manner to avoid damage to adjacent work. 3. Cut finish surfaces such as masouy, tile, flooring or metals by methods to terminate surfaces in a straight line at a natural point of division. 4. Protectexisting finishes, equipmentandadjacentwork. Coordinate with Owner's use of the facility: l. Coordinateconstructionphasing' 2. Schedule intemrptions of building utilities for hours when building is closed to normal operations, i.e., weekends, evenings, etc. 3. Sequence of Construction and Remodeling: See Drawings and Section 01010 Summary of Work. Products for patching, extending and matching: l. Provide same products or types of construction as that in existing stucture, as needed to patch" extend, or match existing work. 2. Presence ofa product, finislU or type ofconstuction, requires that patching and extending shall match. Patching existing facilities: l. Facilities damaged or removed due to required construction work, shall be patched, repaired, or replaced. Transition from existing to new work: l. Make a smooth and workmanlike transition. 2. Patch work shall match existing adjacent work. Dust Contol: l. Control dust created as a result ofconstruction operations. Fire Protection: l. Maintain good housekeeping practices. 2. Suitable storage space. 3. Provide fire extinguisher at each location where cutting or welding is being performed. I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I t I T T c. D. F. G. 0tt20-2 t-7554.01 I I 3 02 CLEANING I A. All aleas within existing facilities, which are not within enclosed areas to be constructed used for acces-s to work areas shall be completely cleaned of all debris and I made "broom-clean" at the end of each day's work. B. Dust which permeates areas of existing facilities because of improperly constucted 11 dust-proof bdniers shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Completely clean all I such areas to the satisfaction of the Owner at no additional cost. END OF SECTIONI t I I I T T I I I I I t I I l-7ss4.01 0l120-3 I I T o SECTION O12OO PROJECT MEETINGS PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section includes: l. Pre-constructionmeeting. 2. Progress and Coordination meetings. 3. Specially called meetings. I,O2 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. General Procedure: l. Prepare agenda for meetings. 2. Distibute written notice of each meeting four days in advance of meeting date. 3. Make physical arrangements for meetings. 4. Preside at meeting. 5. Record the minutes; include significant proceedings and decisions. 6. Reproduce and distibute copies of minutes within two days after each meeting and send to: a. Participants in the meeting.b. Parties affected by decisions made at the meeting.c. Consultant (2 copies). 7. Representatives of Contractors, Subcontractors, and supplies attending meetings shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalfofthe entity each represents. B. Pre-constructionMeeting: l. Schedule within ten days after date of Notice to Proceed. 2. Location designated by the Owner and convenient for all parties. 3. Attendance: a. Ownet'sRepresentative.b. Architect'sRepresentative.c. Consultants, as applicable,d. Contracto/sProjectSuperintendent.e. Major Subcontractor(s).f. Others as appropriate. t I a I t f, t I ! 0 T t t I I I l-7554.0r 01200-t 4. SuggestedAgenda: Distribution and Discussion of:l) List ofmajor subcontractors and suppliers.2) Projected construction schedules.3) Critical work sequencing.4) Major equipment deliveries and priorities. 5) ProjectCoordination.6) Designationofresponsiblepersonnel. Procedures and processing of:l) Field decisions.2) Proposal requests.3) Submittals.4) Change Orders.5) Applications for payment. Adequacy of Distribution of Contract Docrunents. Procedures for Maintaining Record Documents. Use of Premises:l) Office, work, staging, and storage areas.2) Owney'srequirements. Temporary construction Facilities, Utilities, Contols, and Construction Aids. Safety, Fint-aid, Security, and Housekeeping Procedures. Administrative Procedures and Documents as Required by Owner. C. Progress and coordination meetings: l.Progress meetings shall be held weekly for the duration of the project. Meetings shall be scheduled for a minirnum of two hours and extended as required. The Owner's Representatives will attend all meetings. Attendance: Owney's Representative. Architect's Representative. Consultants, as applicable. Contacto/s Project Superintendent. Subcontactor as appropriate to the agenda. Suppliers as appropriate to the agenda. Others as appropriate. 3. SuggestedAgenda: Review of work progress since previous meeting. Field observations, problerns, and conflicts. Problems which impede Construction Schedule. Review ofoff-site fabrication and delivery schedules. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule. Revisions to Construction Schedule. Coordination of schedules. Progress and schedule during succeeding work period. Review submittal schedules and expedite as required. Maintenance of quality standards. Pending changes and substitutions. c. d. e. I T t I il ! I I I t I N I I f. c. h. 2. a. b. c. d. e, f. g. a. b. c. d. I t I t l e. f. e. h. i. j. k. 01200-2 t-7554.01 o t l. Reviewproposedchangesfor: I Q Efrbcion Constriction Schedule and on completion date.2) Effect on other contacts ofthe Project. II PART2.PRODUCTSI Not Used t PARr3 -E)GcurIoN I NotUsed I I T t t I I I I I 0 T I I r-zss4.or END OF SECTION 01200-3 I J I PARrr -.ENERAL | 'o'o 'l],H"1,"0",' SECTION O13OO SUBMITTALS I l I 1. SubmittalRequirements. 2. Shop Drawings. 3. Product Data. 4. Samples. 5. Manufacturerslnstructions. I B. Related Sections: \l 1. Section 01010 - Summary of Work' t 2. Section 01370 - Schedule of Values. I 3. Section 01400 - Qualtty Contol. ! 4. Section 01600 - Material and Equipment. | 5. Section 01631 - Product Substitutions.'- 6. Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. I 7. Section 01730 - operation and Maintenance Data' ,a C. Work Not Included: I l. Submittals which are not required by the Contract Documents, nor required by f ffifrl""1.."difications to thi Contict Documents, will not be reviewed by the tI,- t 2. It is understood that the Contactor may require his subcontractors to provide drawings, setting diagrams, and other informa-tion exclusively for the purposesof coordiriating ttie work. Such data shall remain fansactions between the Contractor and subcontractors and will not be reviewed by the Architect. I r.o2 suBMIrrAL REeuIREMENTs A. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such sequence t as to cause no dehy in thi work. t-75s4.01 t I 01300-l o submittals I I t I I I t I I I t I I T I t I I ,f, B. Number of required: l. Shop Drawings: ' Submit one reproducible tansparency and two opaque reproductions. 2. Product Data: Submit two copies; one will be retained by the Architect. 3. Samples: Submit number stated in each specification section. C. Submittals shall include, but not necessarily limited to the following: I . Date of submittal and dates of any previous submittals. 2. Project title and number. 3. Contractidentification. 4. Names ofi a. Conhactor.b. Subcontractors.c. Suppliers.d. Manufacturers. 5. Identification of product, with the Specification Section, Article, and Paragraph Numbers. 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. 7. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the work or materials. 8. Identification of deviations from Contact Documents. 9. Identification of revisions on resubmittals. 10. Contractor's review and approval. 11. An 8 inches x 3 inches blank space in lower right-hand corner for Contractor and Architect stamps. D. Timing of Submittals: l. As specified in Section 01310, the Progress Schedule, prepared for the work shall include an itemized listing of the required submittals with submission dates. 2. Schedule shall allow not less than 5 working days for Architect's review, and an additional 5 days each for the Ownefs or Architecfs consultant's review, not including time necessary for delivery or rnailing, and shall cause no delay in the work or the work of any other Contractor. 3. Extension of Conhact Time will not be granted because of the Contractor's failure to make timely and conectly prepared and presented submittals with allowance for the checking and review periods. 01300-2 l-7554.01 I I E. Submittal Log: ! l. Maintain an accurate submittal log for the duration of the work, showing current status of all submittals at all times. l| 2. Make the submittal log available to the Architect for review, upon request' I F. Schedule of Submittals: t l. Prior to the first payment request, submit to the Architect a schedule of r submittals identifyiirj each submittal by material or product, specification t section, and anticipated date of submittal. 2. Submittal dates shall be identical to those entered in the Construction Schedule. I | 3. This schedule shall be kept current and reissued on a periodic basis. i G. Grouping of Submittals: Unless otherwise specified, make submittal in groupg I containiig all associated items to ensure that information is available for checking each item when it is received. t H. Deviations:,l 1. At time of submission, give notice in writing in the submittal of any deviation from the requirements of Contract Documents. I 2. Indicate or describe deviations including other changes required to correlate the a work. I! 3. State in writing variations in costs caused by the deviations and assumption of I the cost ofthe iieviation and related changes ifdeviation is accepted. I 4. Tabulate deviations by Specification number and title. n I. Contractods Review and Approval: Each submittal shall bear Contractor's review and !, approval stamp certiffing that the contractor: a 1. Has reviewed, checked, and approved the submittal and has coordinated the | trffilff requirements of fhe work and the Contract Documents including I 2. Has determined and verified quantities, field measurements and construction t criteria, materials, equipment, cdtalog numbers, and similar dat4 or will do so. I 3. States that the work covered by the submittal is recommended by Contractor. r 4. That the Contractor's warranty will fully apply. I 5. The Conhactor's stamp shall be dated and signed by the Contractor in every case. J. Conections:f t l. Make all required corrections and resubmit required number of conected submittals until accepted. I fI!t a t-7554.0r 01300-3 I L. 2. Direct specific attention in writing to revisions other than the corrections called for on the previous submittals, and state in writing all variations in costs and assumption of cost of related changes the same as is required for deviations in paragraph "Deviations. " Check of Returned Submittals: l. Check the submittals returned for conection and ascertain if the Conections result in exFa cost above that included under the Contract Documents, and give written notice within 5 working days if, in Conhactor's opinion, such extra cost results from corrections. 2. By failing to so notiff or by starting any work covered by a submittal Contractor waives all claims for exta costs resulting from required Corrections. Review and Acceptance: l. Submittals will be reviewed with reasonable promptness, but only for conformance with the design intent of the project and with the information given in the Contract Documents. 2. The acceptance of a separate item as such will not indicate acceptance of the assembly in which the item functions. 3. Acceptance of submittals shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for any deviation from requirements of the Contact Documents or for any revision in resubmittals unless the Contactor has grven notice in writing of the deviation or revision at the time of submission or resubmission and wriffen acceptance has been given to the specific deviation or revision, nor shall any acceptance relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the submittals or for accuracy of dimensions and quantities, the adequacy of connections, and the proper and acceptable fitting, execution, functioning and completion of the work. Incomplete Submittals: Incomplete submittals, including those not correctly transmitted, not correctly titled and identified, or not bearing Contractor's review and approval stamp, will be returned to the Contractor without review. Intenelated Submittals: Except where preparation of a submittal is dependent upon the approval of a prior submittal all submittals pertaining to the same class or portion of the work shall be submitted simultaneously. Expense: Costs for the preparation, correction, delivery, and return of the submittals shall be bome by Contractor. DISTRIBUTION Distribute reproductions of Shop Drawings and copies of Product Data which carry the Architect stamp of review to: l. Project site file. 2. Affected Contactors. Distribute samples which carry the Architect's stamp of review as directed. I T I t I I I t I I I I Ii I I T I t N. o. 1.03 A. B. 01300-4 r-7554.01 I I I I I I t o and others I I I I I I I T I l I I C. Provide additional distribution to governing authorities proper performance of the Work. as necessary for the PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI SHOP DRAWINGS A. Scale and Measurements: Make Shop Drawings accurately to: l. A scale suffrciently large to show all pertinent aspects of the item and its method of connection to the work. 2. Include technical and performance data as necessary to illustrate the Drawings. 3. Copies of Drawings marked to show Shop Drawing information are not acceptable. B. Correction and Acceptance of Shop Drawings: 1. The Architect will indicate the corrections, notations, or acceptance and retum them to Conuractor. 2. Resubmit in same manner if Shop Drawings arc not accepted. C. Composite Shop Drawings and Field Layouts: l. Prepare and submit composite Shop Drawings and Field Layouts as required to solve tight field conditions and when required to coordinate the work of several trades. 2. Include dimensioned plans, elevations, sections, and details and given complete information particularly as to kinds and types of materials and equipment, size and location of sleeves, inserts, attachments, chases, openings, conduits, ducts, boxes, and structural interferences. 3. Coordinate these composite Shop Drawings and Field Layouts in the field for proper relationship to work ofapplicable trades based on field conditions. 4. Contractor shall have competent personnel readily available for coordinating, checking, and supervision ofField Layouts. 5. The procedures for submittals and resubmittal, and final Distibution shall be as specified for Shop Drawings. 2,02 MANUFACTURER'S DATA AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS A. Where contents of submitted literature from manufacturers includes data not pertinent to the submittal clearly show which portions of the contents are being submitted for review. B. Submit product data to veriff conformance with the Specification complete with material list, catalogs, brochures, technical performance data and manufacturers installation instructions when required by a Section of this Specification. C. For products specified only by reference standards, list for each such product t-7554.01 01300-5 o I I I I I I t I I 7 l t I I t ]: L Name and address of manufacturer. 2. Trade name. 3. Model or catalog designation. 4. Manufacturer's data a. Referencestandards.b. Performance test data D. Where work is required to be installed in accordance with the product manufacturels directions, submit and distribute the necessary copies ofsuch instructions. 2.03 CERTIFICATES A. Deliver all certificates to the Architect. B. Each certificate required under the Contact Documents shall be signed by the individual officer, oi the agent lawfully authorized to execute the certificate by title, description, or other acceptable evidence. C. All certificates shall be sworn and notarized as to the correctress and validity of the cont€nts, and duplicate copies shall be notarized to be tnre copies. 2.04 SAMPLES A. Provide samples, when required by technical sections of this Specificalion or requested by the Archiiect, identical to the precise article proposed to be provided' B. Number of Samples Required: L Unless otherwise specified, submit samples in the quantity which is required to be retumed, plus one which will be retained by the Architect' 2. By.prearrangement in spgcifief cases, a single sample. may be submitted for revrew and, when acceptid, be installed in the work at a location agreed upon by the Owner and the Architect. C. Offrce Samples: Sufftcient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: l. Functional characteristics of the product, with integrally related parts and attachment devices. 2. Full range ofcolor, texture and pattern. 3. Identifr each sample, giving full information. D. Field Samples and Mock-uPs: I . Provide material for erection at job site, FOB job site. 2. Size or area: That specified in the respective specification section. 3. Fabricate each sample and mock-up complete and finished. t I I01300-6 t-7554.0r I 2.0s coLoRS AND PATTERNS t A. Unless the precise color and pattem is specifically stipulated iq the Contact i Documents, -and whenever a clioice of color or pattem is available in specified I products, submit accurate color and pattem charts to the Architect for selection. PART 3 . E)GCUTION - I Not used. I END OF SECTION ; I l I ! I I t I I , I I I t r-7ss4.or 01300-7 t I t I l I SECTION O14OO QUALTTYCONTROL PART 1 - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. TestingrequiredofContractors. 2. Contractor's quality control systems. 3. Manufacturer's Field Service. 4. IndependentTestingAgencyServices. B. Related Sections: l. Section 01300 - Submittals. 2. Section 02200 - Earthwork. 3. Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving 4. Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete. I.O2 TESTING - GENERAL A. The term "testing" as used herein is defined as testing and/or inspection. B. The Contractor shall provide such equipment and facilities as the Testing Aggncy 41y require for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples. The Contractor shall not use any materials or equipment represented by sampJes until tests, if required, have been made and the materials or equipment found to be acceptable. Any product which becomes unfit for use after acceptance shall not be incorporated into the work. C. All materials or equipment proposed to be used may be tested at any timg during their preparation or use. The Contactor shall furnish the required samples without charge and shall coordinate testing with the Architec! Engineer and Testing Agency to allow sufficient time for testing before placing orders or starting work. Products may be tested either prior to shipment or after being received at the job site. D. Tests shall be made by an accredited testing agency with a minimum of 5 years experience in the specific type of testing to be perfomred. Except as otherwise provided, sampling and testing of all materials and the laboratory methods an{ teslng equipment shall be in accordance with the latest standards and tentative methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). E. Where additional or specific information concerning testing methods, samples sizes, etc., is required, such information is included under this section of the Specifications. I I I I I t l t I t T t I l-7554.01 01400-1 o REQUIRED I I I I t t J l I I I T T t t 1 I I I 1.03 A. TESTING OF CONTRACTORS The following testing shall be performed at the expense of the Conhactor installing the material being tested: l. Material or Method Substitution: Any tests of basic material, fabrication equipment or method offered as a substitute for specified items or methods on which a test may be required in order to prove its compliance with the specifications. 2. Product Performance Verification: The supplier ofproducts specified based on performance criteria shall, at the request of the Architect, inspect the installed product and certifu conformance of the product to specified criteria under the installed conditions. Corrective measures resulting from any test that fails shall be paid for by the installing Contractor/Subcontractor and shall be subject to the following conditions: l. Quantity and nature of additional testing, if required, will be determined by the responsible consultant. 2. All additional tests shall be taken in the presence of the responsible consultant or his representative. 3. Proof of noncompliance will make the installing Contractor/Subcontractor liable for any corrective action which the responsible consultant feels is prudent, including complete removal and replacement of defective materials. 4. Nothing contained herein is intended to imply that the installing Contractor/Subcontactor does not have the right to have tests performed on any material at any time for his own information and job control so long as the Owner does not assume responsibility for costs or for giving them consideration when appraising quality of materials. I.O4 TEST REPORTS A. Reports of all tests shall be distibuted by the testing agency as follows: l. Copy - Contractoy's Project Manager. 2. Copy - Contractor's Field Superintendent. 3. Copy - Applicable supplieror Subcontractor. 4. Copy - Owner. 5. Copy - Applicable Engineer. 6. Copy - Architect. 7. Other copies - as directed. 1.05 CONTRACTOR',S QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM A. General: The General Contractor shall establish a quality control system and shall B. 01400-2 r-7554.0r a. b. c. d. c. B. I I I I I I t I I I I t I t I I l I I L06 A. perform sufficient inspection and tests of all items of work, includin^g that of. his Subcontractors, to ensure conformance to the Contract Documents for ryqteri_als, workmanship, construction, finish, functional performance and identification. Contractor's'quality control system is the means by which he assures himself that his construction iomplies with ihe requirements of the Contract Documents. Controls shall be adequate to cover all construction operations. B. Pre-ConstructionConference: l. Contractor shall schedule and conduct a pre-construction conference to review the detailed quallty control and construction requirements for each of the materials and/6r syitems listed below, not less than l0 working days prior to commencement of the applicable portion of the work. a. Foundations.b. Cast-in-placeconcrete.c. Soil compaction. 2. The Contractor shall require responsible representatives ofeach parfy concerned with that portion of the work to attend the conference, including but not limited to the following: Contractor superintendents. Materials supplier(s) or fabricator. Installation Subcontractor(s). Agency responsible for Contactor-fumished testing. 3. The Architect, responsible Engineer and Owner's Testing Agency wi-ll le-pleqent and shall be notified by the Contractor at least 5 days prior to the scheduled date of each such conference. 4. Minutes of each conference shall be recorded by the Contractor and shall be distributed by him in typed form to each party in attendance within 5 -days of the meeting. Oire copy of Aese minutes sliall also be transmitted to the Owner's representative and to the Architect for information. Records: Conhactor shall maintain correct records on an appropriate form for all inspections and tests performed, instructions received from the Architect,.respoglible Enlineer or Testing Agency, and actions taken as a result ofthose instructions. These rec-ords shall incluiie tf,e rdquired inspections or tests, nature of defect, and corrective action taken. Contractor shall document inspections and tests as required by each section of the Specifi cations. MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES When specified in respective Specification sections, Contactor shall require supplier or manufacturer to provide qualified personnel to observe field conditions, conditions of surfaces and insiatlatiorL-quallty of workmanship, testing, and to make appropriate recommendations. Manufacturer's representative shall submit written report to the Architect and responsible Engineer listing observations and recommendations. l-7554.01 01400-3 I.O7 INDEPENDENTTESTINGAGENCYSERVICES A. General: The Owner will employ and pay for the services of an independent Testin-g Agency to perform the following inspections, tests and other services. Services shall be- performea in accordance with requirements of governing authorities and with specified standards. 1. Contactor shall cooperate with Testing Agency personnel and shall fumish tools, sample of materials, design mixes, equipment, and assistance as requested. 2. Contractor shall provide and maintain, for the sole use of the Testing Agency, adequate facilities for the safe storage a{r4 -proper curing of concrete.t"$F cylinders on the project site for the first 24 hours after casting as. requirgd pf ASTU C 31, Mdthdd of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the field. 3. Contractor shall notiff Testing Agency 24 hours prior to expected time for operations requiring testing or inspection services. 4. Contractor shall make anangements with the Testing Agency and pay for additional samples and tests made for the Contractor's convenience or for retesting of failed samPles. 5. Retention of an independent Testing Agency by the Owner shall in no way relieve the Contractor of responsibility for performing all work in accordance with contact requirements. 6. The Testing Agency inspector shall familiarize himself with all . applicable portions of *re Contact Documents pertaining to his area of investigation prior to performing his services. B. Soil Material and Soil Compaction: l. The Testing Agency will prepare one optimum moisture-maximum density curve for each type bf soil encountered in subgrades under.paved areas or ar€as to receive compacted fill. Maximum densities are to be detemtined in accordance withASTMD 698. 2. Each type of borrow material will receive: a. Mechanicalanalysis.b. Moisture-densitycurvedetermination.c. Plasticityindexdetermination. 3. Compacted fill under structural slabs and subgrades rmder compacted fill or paved areas shall be tested as indicated below. General site testing frequency -stratt Ue determined by the Ovmer's Soil Engineer. a. The top 12 inches of subgrade resulting from excavation shall have the maximirm density at optimum moisture. Make at least one field test per 500 square feet ofare4 but in no case less than three tests. b. In eaih compacted fill layer, make one field density test for every overlaying 500 square feet of area" but in go gqe less than three tests. Perforin fr'eld deniity tests in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 2t67. I I I I I I T t I I I T t t I 3 I t I014004r-7554.0r I I I I t I I I t I I I l I I t I I t 4. The relative density of a cohesionless, free-droining soil, ex_pressed .as a percentage, is definei as its state of compactness with-respect to the most loose 'and -oricompact states at which it can b-e placed by laboratory procedures. The relative densitv will be based on the following formul4 wherein the maximum density is the irighest dry unit weight of the soil, minimum delpltr is^lowest dry unit weigtrt of tf,e soil, ind in-place densrty is the dry unit weight of the soil in place: a. Relative Density (percent) = Max. Den. x (in-place den. - min. den.) x 100 In-place den. x (max. den. - min. den.) C. Concrete Work: 1. Concrete inspection and testing will be made in accordance withbuilding code requirementq and Contract Documents, and will include the following: a. Testing concrete for stength, slump, air content" temperature, and weight- b. MakinE and testing coicrete cylinders, including fumishing cylinder containers for specimens.c. Inspection at the batching plant.d. Trdnsporting and storin! of all specimens involved in testing and inspedtion. aest cylinderJare to be transported to laboratory not later than 24 hours after casting.e. Inspection of mixing and placing of concrete at the site, including recbrding of: amount and l6cation of concrete placement, truck number and amo-unt of water added to each load of concrete tested, time of transit, time mixed on job, time placement was completed, and any other pertinent information.f. Slump Tesf Test each truckload of concrete delivered to the_Site. If -slumps greater than the upper limits specified in the Schedule of Concrete Mixes inEection 03300, the concrete iri that truckload will be rejected. g. Air Content: Test each truckload of concrete delivered to the Site. If air content is less than the lower limits or greater than the upper limits specified in the Schedule of Concrete Mixes in Section 03300, the concrete in that truckload will be rejected. 2. Test Specimens: a. The Testing Laboratory will take specimens of each class of concrete from different ldcations or the job as- following: At least one set of four cylinden for each 50 cubic yards or fraction thereofofall concrete, but not less than one set for any one day's operations.b. For concrete placed by pumping, test specimens and concrete used for determinationbf stump, air content, and weight are to be taken at the point of placement of concrete into the fomrs.c. Samples will be obtained in accordance with ASTM C 172. d. Mfing, curing and subsequent handling of lest cylinders,- except- -asmodifiEd herein, shall be in accordance with ASTM C 31. Testing sltdl be in accordance with ASTM C 39. t-7554.01 01400-s o I I I I I I I I T t I I I T t t I I I J. The cylinders shall be placed in laboratory storage under moist curing conditions at approximitely 70oF within 24 hours after molding, and maintained ther6iir until tested. Tests will be as follows: l) One cylinder shall be tested at 7 days for information' 2i Two tylinders shall be tested at 28 days for acceptance. The' acceptahce test results shall be the average strength of these two cvlinders.3) One cylinder shall be tested at 56 days for information' Test Reports: Reports of cylinder tests shall be submitted as specified,in Article L04 above within five days of laboratory testing. Test reports shall, as a minimum, include: a. Project data including prgJeqt rlgme- -anq address, concrete supplier's delivery ticket numbei and -mix identification number, Testing Agency's test or iylinder identification number, and location-o{Po*, b. Results'of field testing at time of sampling including date and time of samplins. amount of water added at siie prior to sampling, ambient air temieraiue and concrete temperature, conciete slump and air content, and conirete wet unit weight. c. Results of laboratory iesting including date test specimens were transported to laboratory, date-and age of conCrete at time of testing, compressive strength of -each cylinder-tested, ave,ragg compressive steng$ of tested cyHnders, and specified design strenglh ofconcrete represented by the test. Additional Testing: Contractor shall bear the cost of testing and inspection resulting as a consequence of the following: a. Work not in compliance with the Contract Documents. b. Testing requested by the Contractor or Subcontractor such as additional cylinders for early breaks, etc. c. Testing to veriff-the adequacy of work done without prior notice, without prop€r supervisiorL or contary to standard constuction practice. Reinforcing Steel Inspection: Concrete reinforcing shall be iqgpegtqd prior to closing ofEoncrete form work or placing ofconcrete.- Inspect all reinforcing fo.r confoinance with contact reqirirements. Submit written reports of all insnections such in accordance wilh Article 1.04 on a weekly basis. Such reports shall included a description of each area inspected, deficiencies noted, and corrective action undertaken to resolve such deficiencies. Deficiencies observed shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Contractor's Field Superintendent arid Reinforcing Placers Foreman. In tle event deficiencies are noi correcte4 or if an interpre-tation of the contract documents is required, the Stuctural Engineer shall be immediately notified. Monitoring of Batch Plant Quality Contol: The Tgstin-g Agenpy will maintain a continuouJ record for each class of concrete showing the results of each 28-day acceptance test, the moving coeffrcient of variation of the last 30 acceptance tests, and the moving averige stength of the last three (3) recorded. .Records will-be maintained at tfre 3oU site and will be submitted to the Architect and Structural Engineer on a biweekly basis and within three working days of the close of the ieporting period. Coeffrcient of variation shall be computed in accordance with ACI 301 equation (3-l). 4. ). 6. 01400-6 l-7554.01 I I PARr2-PRODUcrs I PARr3 -E)GCUTIoN Not UsedI I t I I T I I I l I I I I I t r-7ss4.01 oo END OF SECTION 01400-7 I IIr sEcrIoN 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AFID CONTROLS PART I - GENERAL I l.or suMMARYa A. Section Includes: I 1. Electricity, Lighting. - 2. Heat, Ventilation. u 3. Telephone Service. I 4. water. 5. SanitaryFacilities. I 6. Barriers. | 7. Enclosures. - 8. Protection of installed work. | 9. Security. 10. Water control. I I l. Cleaning during construction. t 12. Field offices and sheds. t B. Related Sections: I l. Section 01010 - Summary of Work. 2. Section 01700 - Contact Closeout. t r.02 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION - A. Provide temporary facilities and services at the time first needed at the site and I maintain, oir-a, and modif the facilities as needed througbout the constructionIt period and do notremove until no longerneeded. I B. Payment forutilities: 1. Utilities provided by Crty (electicity, water, sewer) will be at ng cost to Contactor. - 2. Utilities not provided by Crty (portable heater fuel, telephone) will be paid by I Contractor. I r-7ss4.or 01500-l 1.03 A. QUALITY ASSIJRANCE All temporary facilities'and controls relating to protgction of life, health,- qnd pubJi-c welfare shall conform to applicable provisions of all local, state and federal laws, with latest amendments. Use qualified tradesmen for the installation of temporary facilities. Locate facilities wherd they will serve the total project construction work adequately and result in minimum interference with performance ofthe work. Relocate, modiff, and extend facilities as required during the course of the work to properly accommodate the entire work of the project. POWER AND LIGHTING Provide all temporary power distribution, devices and lighting. Provide necessary personnel, on overtime if necessary, to turn lights on and off at beginning and end of day's work. C. All temporary electrical work shall meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code. D. Provide 208 V. outlets and I l0 V. 60 cycle outlets in each building. Locate outlets on movable panelboards for relocation from time to time. Protect each outlet by individual GFI breakers. E. Preliminary lighting of any enclosed area must be accomplished prior to installation of temporary ligfting. Preliminary light must be a minimum of 5 footcandles per square foot ofenclosed space. F. After enclosure of the building, provide temporary lighting for finish work in each room as the work progresses. G. Permanent lighting system shall be used for temporary lighting as quickly as possible. H. Maintain lighting and make routine repairs. I.O5 HEAT, VENTILATION A. Provide as required to maintain specified conditions for construction operations, to protect materials and finishes from damage due to temperature or humidity. B. The permanent heating system in whole, _or in part,shall notbe used for temporary heat with6ut the written permission of the Owner. If permission is granted, replace all filters before Owner accepts building. Any operation of any part of the new permanent heating system shall not constitute acceptance of the system. C. Provide ventilation of enclosed areas to cure materials, to disperse humidity, and to prevent accumulations of dust fumes, vapors, or gases. D. Portable heaters shall be standard approved units complete with controls' E. Pay costs of installation, maintenance, operation and removal, and for fuel consumed by portable heaters. I I I T I I B. c. 1.04 A. B.I I T t I ! I I I I I I t01500-2 t-7554.01 I T I T I I I t I I I I I ) I.06 TELEPHONE SERVICE A. Provide telephone servicrc to field office. l. Standardtelephone. 2. Cordless telephone. 3. Facsimile telecopy machine with dedicated line. 4. Provide bell on exterior of field offices. B. Pay costs for installation, maintenance and removal, and service charges for local calls. C. Toll charges shall be paid by the party who places the call. I.O7 WATER A. Extend branch piping with outlets located so that water is available by use of hoses. B. Provide adequate supply ofpotable drinking water. I.O8 SANITARYFACILITIES A. Comply with governing regulations, including safety and health codes for the type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities. B. Install sanitary facilities in available locations which will serve the needs of personnel at the project site. C. Toilet rooms in existing buildings or in new constuction will not be available for use by construction personnel. I.O9 BARRIERS A. Baricades, Waming and Lights: l. Provide taffrc barriers where required to contol vehicular and pedestrian taffic around the site. 2. Comply with recognized standards and code requirements for the erection of adequate barricades wherever needed to prevent accidents and losses. 3. Paint and provide illumination and flashing lights as appropriate to conditions. B. Provide as required to prevent public entry to consfuction areas and to protect existing facilities and adjacent properties from damage from construction operations. C. Paint with appropriate colors, graphics, and waming signs to inform personnel at the site ofthe general public where exposure exists of the llazard being protected. D. Provide lighting where appropriate and needed for the recognition of the facility, including flashing red lights where appropriate. E. Provide barriers aroundtrees andplants designatedto remain. I t I I I t-7554.01 01500-3 o I I I t I I T I I I I t t I I I I I I I.10 ENCLOSI.JRES A. Provide tempomry weather-tight closures of openings in exterior surfaces: l. To provide acceptable working conditions and protection for materials. 2. To allow for temPorary heating. 3. To prevent entry ofunauthorizedpersons' 4. Provide doors with self-closing hardware and locks' I.II TEMPORARY FIRE PROTECTION A. provide and maintain fire extinguishers, fire hoses and other equipment as n€cessary for proper fire protection during construction. Such equipment is to be used tbr tire protection onlY. B. Comply with the applicable recommendations of NFPA No. 10 "Portable Fire fxirigiisners" for &bh area of each construction activity _wherwer combustible materi'als, flammable liquids, and similar exposures to possible fires are present. C. Locate extinguishers where most convenient and effective for the intended purposes. Store comUuitible materials in recogrrized fire-safe locations and containers. 1.12 SCAFFOLDSAI.IDRLINWAYS A. provide scaffolds, runways, guard rails, plaforms, and similar temporary consfuction, as may be necessary for the perfomrance of the Contract. Facilities shall be of type and arrangements a! reguired for their sPecific use;- shall be ruUrt-ti"tty construitid, and ryell secured, shall comply with applicable rules, regulations'and State and local codes. LADDERS, RAMPS AND STAIRS provide ladders, ramps, and temporary stairs for access to all levels of the construction for general access by all trades. Individual contractors and subcontactors shall fumish their own stepladders, scaffolds, staeing. work platforms, and other facilities for use of their workmen and as necessary to [re Eirpeaiti6us completion of their work. Provide requircd railings, closures, temporary partitions, safety protections, and waste "[ut"t ^ niquired by afplicable safety laws anii regulations and as necessary for safety ofall personnel. D. permanent stairways may be used for such purposes if adequately protected against damage. E. Open wells and shafts shall be enclosed as required by the Deparfnent of Public Safetv. B. l.l3 A. B. 01500-4 l-7554.01 I I I t I I I I I ! I I I t I I l I I I.I4 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED WORK A. Provide temporary protection for installed products. Control traffrc in immediate area to minimize damage. B. Provide protective coverings at walls, projections, jambs, sills, and-soffits of-openings. Protect finished floors andltairs from traffic, movement ofheavy objects, and storage' C. Prohibit taffrc and storage on waterproofed and roofed surfaces, on lawn and landscape areas. I.I5 SECIJRITY A. Provide security program and facilities to protect Work, and Owner's operations from unauthorized entry, vandalism, and theft. I.16 WATERCONTROL A. Grade site to drain. Maintain excavations free of water. Provide and operate pumping equipment. I.I7 CLEANING DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Contol accumulation of waste materials and rubbish; periodically dispose of off-site. B. Clean interior areas prior to start of finish work, maintain areas free of dust and other contaminants during finishing operations. I.I8 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS A. Office: Weather-tight, with lighting, electical out-lets, hgating,. .cooling, and ventilating equipmeni, ana equipied viittr fu.nitue. Provide, in addition, space for project meetings, with tables and chairs to accommodate 6 persons. B. Storage Sheds for Tools, Materials, and Equipment: Weather-tight, with heat and ventiiition for Products'requiring contolled-conditions, with adequate space for organized storage and access, and lighting for inspection ofstored materials. I.I9 OPERATIONS ANDTERMINATIONS A. Supervision: Enforce sbict discipline in the use of temporary facilities at the project sit6. Limit availability of facilitils to essential and intended uses, so_as to minimize waste and possibility of abuses and the resulting unsanitary and hazardous or dangerous conditions. B. Maintenance: Operate and maintain temporary facilities in good operating -conditio-nsthrough the time of use and until removal is authorized. Protect from damage by freezing temperatures and similar elements at the site. C. Termination and Removal: At the time the need has ended for each temporary facility, or when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or at thrc timeof Substantial Completibn" proinptly remove the facility unless requested by the Consultant to be rerained for a longer period of time. Completion or r€store per-mqggnt work which may have been delayed br otherwise affected by the tgmpg*ry &tciltty. Replace work which cannot be sitisfactorily restored. Except as otherwise indicated, t-7554.01 01500-5 o I l I I I I I I t I I I t I I I the materials and equipment of temporary facilities remain the property of the Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI CONSTRUCTIONFENCE A. Provide 8'-0' high chainlink fence around entire perimeter of the building addition project l. Fabric: 2" x9 gage diamond mesh. 2. Posts: Set at l0'-0" maximum spacing, set in concrete. B. Gates: l. 2-leaf swinging vehicle gate, l2''0" wide. 2. Single leaf pedestrian gate, 3'-0" wide' C. Provide emergency exiting through the construction barricade of new and existing building during duration ofthe project. PART 3 - E)GCUTION NotUsed END OF SECTION I I I01500-6 l-7554.01 I I I PARrI -.ENERAL I l.ol SUMMARY . sEcrIoN 01580 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGN A. Section Includes: J l. ProjectldentificationSign. 2. Maintenance. | 3. Removal. I B. Related Sections:t l. Section 01010 - Summarv of Work. Section 01500 - Constnrction Facilities and Temporary Contols: Field offices1 2' lfitilulltoo - consl I r.o2 euALrrYAssuRANcE!A. Design sign and stucture to wittrstand 100 miles /hr wind velocity. I B. Sign Painter: Engaged as professional sign painter for not less than three years. I C. Finishes, Painting: Adequate to withstand weathering, fading, and chipping for I duration ofconstruction. I.O3 SUBMITTALSI t A. Submit shop drawings and product data under provisions of Section 01300. I B. Show content, layout, lettering, colors foundatiorL stucture, sizes, and grades of I members. PART 2 - PRODUCTr- 2.OI SIGN MATERIALS I A. Structure and Framing: New or used, wood, sbucturally adequate. T B. Sigrr Surfaces: Exterior grade plywood with medium densrty overlay, minimum 3/4 I inch thick, standard large sizes to minimize adequate joints, - C. Rough Hardware: Galvanized, aluminum, or brass. I D. Paint and Primers: Exterior quality, two coats. Colors designated by Architect.! E. Lettering: Exterior Suality paint, contasting colors designated by Architect. I I l-7ss4.01 01580-l o I T I t I I T I t I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install project identification sign within 30 days after date frxed by Owner-Contractor Agreement. B. Erect at designated location. C. Erect supports and framing on secure foundation, rigidly braced and framed to resist wind loadings. D. Install sigp surface plumb and level, with butt joints. Anchor securely. E. Paint sight-exposed surfaces ofsign, supports, and frarning. 3.02 PROJECTIDENTIFICATIONSIGN A. One painted sign of construction, design, and content shown on drawings, locations designated. B. Content: l. Project title, logo and name of Owner as shown on Contact Documents. 2. Names and titles of Authorities. 3. Names and titles of Architect and consultants. 4. Name of Prime Contactor and major subcontactors. C. Graphic Design, Colors, Style of Lettering: Designated by Architect. 3.03 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain signs and supports clean, repair deterioration and damages. 3.04 REMOVAL A. Remove signs, framing, supports, and foundations at completion of project and restore the area. END OF SECTION 01580-2 1-7554.01 I sEcrIoN 01600I r MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT I' PARTI-GENERAL t r.ol SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I l. Products. 2. TransPortation and Handling.II 3. Storage and Protection. I 4. Manufacturer's Instructions. 5. Product OPtions. I 6. Products List. 7. Substitutions. I 8. Systems Demonstation. I B. Related Sections: !- 1. Section 01010 - Summary of Work. I 2. Section 01090 - Reference Standards. 3. Section 01400 - Qualrty Contol. | 4. Section0l63l -ProductSubstitutions. I 5. Section 01730 - Operations and Maintenance. r r.oz PRoDUcrs I A. Conform to applicable specifications and standards. B. Comply with size, make, type and quality specified, or as specifically approved in wdt- I ing by the Architect. C. Manufactured and Fabricated Products: I l. ffi:ttr;J*cate and assemble in accord with the best engineering and shop ! D. Xrufffif like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gauges, to be inter- I l-7554.01 01600-lI O I t t I T o dentical,bv the same manufac-l. Two or more items of the same kind shall be i turer. 2. Products shall be suitable for service conditions. 3. Equipment capacities, sizes and 4imensions shown or specified shall be adhered to'unless varidtions are specifically approved in writing. E. Do not use material or equipment for any purpose other than that for which it is de- signed or is specified. I.O3 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Arrange deliveries of products in accord with construction schedules, coordinate to avoidionflict with wor[< and conditions at the site. Transport products by methods to avoid product damage;-deliver in undamaged condi- tion in manufacturer's unopened containers or packaging, dry. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling or damage. Promptly inspect shipments to assure that products comply with requirements, quanti- ties are colrect, and products are undanraged. STORAGE AND PROTECTION Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instuction, with seals and labels in- tact a;d legible. Store sensitive products in weather-tight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturey's instruction. For exterior storage of fabricated products, place on sloped supports above.ground. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering; provide venti- lation to avoid condensation. Store loose granular materials on solid surfaces in a well-drained area; prevent mixing with foreign matter. Arange storage to provide access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are un-damage-d, and are maintained under required conditions. I.O5 MANUFACTURER'SINSTRUCTIONS A. When Contract Documents require that installation of work shall comply witJr manufac- turer's printed instructions, obtain and distribute copie-s.of such- instructions to parties involved in the installatiorl including one aopy to Architect and one copy to the Con- tractor. l. Maintain one set of complete instructions at the job sirc during installation and until comPletion. B. Handle, install, connect, clean, condition and adjust products in stict accord with such instuctions and in conformity with specified requirements. B. c. I T I I t I T I D. 1.04 A. B. C. D. I I I T I I01600-2 l-7554.01 I T I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. 1.07 A. 1.08 A. B. l. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with manufacturer's in- structions, consult with Architect for further instructions. 2. Do not proceed with work without clear instructions. C. Perform work in accord with manufacturer's instructions. Do not omit any preparatory step or installation procedure unless specifically modified or exempted by Contact Documents. 1.06 PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Products Specified by Reference Standards meeting those standards. B. c. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers with a Provision for Substi- tutions: Riquest foi substituiion for any manufacturer not specifically named may be submitted only at the time specified. Products Specified by Naming Several Manufacturers: Products of named manufactw- ers meeting specifications: No options, no substitutions allowed. Products Specified by naming Only One Manufacturer: No options, no substitutions allowed. PRODUCTLIST Within 15 days after signing of Subcontactor Agreement, submit complete list of major products proiosed for use, with name of manufacturer, tade name, and model number ofeach product. SYSTEMS DEMONSTRATION Prior to final inspectiorq demonstrate operation of each system to Architect and Owner. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation, adjustnent, and maintenance of equipment and systems, using the operation and maintenance data as the basis of instruction. or by Description Only: Any product PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - DGCUTION Not Used END OF SECTION t-7554.01 01600-3 B. t.02 I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t t I I . SECTION 01631 PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS PART I - GENERAL 1.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Administrative and procedural requirements for handling requests for substitutions made after award of the Contract. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 01090 - Reference Standards: Applicability of industry standards to products specified. 2. Section 01600 - Materials and Equipment: Procedural requirements goveming the Contractoy's selection ofproducts and product options. DEFINITIONS Definitions used in this Article are not intended to change or modiff the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents. Substitutions: Requests for changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction requiied by Contraci Documents proposed by the Contractor after award of the Contract are coirsidered requests for 'isubttitutions." The following axe not considered substitutions: l. Substitutions requested by Bidders during the bidding period, and accepted prior to award of Contract, are considered as included in the Contract Documents and are not subject to requirements specified in this Section for substitutions. 2. Revisions to Contact Documents requested by the Owner or Architect. 3. Specified options of products and construction methods included in Contract Documents. 4. The Contractot's detemrination of and compliance with governing regulations and orders issued by goveming authorities. SUBMITTALS Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution for consideration. Submit requests in the form and in accordance vrith procedures required for Change Order proposals. Identifu the product, or the fabrication or installation method to be replaced in each request. Include related Specification Section and Drawings numbers' Provide complete documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions, and the following infomntion, as appropriate: 1.03 A. B. l-7554.01 01631-l l. Product Data, including Drawings and description of products, fabrication and installation procedures. 2. Samples, where applicable or requested. 3. A detailed comparison of significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include elements such as size, weight, durability, performance and visual effect. 4. Coordinate information, including a list of changes or modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by the Owner and separate Contractors, that will become necessary to accommodate the proposed substitution. 5. A statement indicating the substitution's effect on the Contactor's Constuction Schedule compared to the schedule without approval of the substitution. Indicate the effect of the proposed substitution on overall Contract Time. 6. Cost information, including a proposal of the net change, if any in the Conhact Sum. 7. Certification by the Contactor that the substitution proposed is equal to or better in every significant respect to that required by the Contract Documents, and that it will perforrr adequately inlhe application indicated. Include the Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time, that may subsequently become necessary because ofthe failure ofthe substitution to perform adequately. C. Architect's Action: Within one week of receip of the request for substitution, the Architect will request additional information or documentation necessary for evaluation of the request. Within 2 weeks of receip of the request, or one week of receipt of the additional information or documentation, which ever is later, the fuchitect will notifr the Contactor of acceptance or rejection of the proposed substitution. If a decision on use of a proposed substitute cannot be made or obtained within the time allocated, use the product specified by name. Acceptance will be in the form of a Change Order, when time or change in Contract arnounts are involved. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI SUBSTITUTIONS A. Conditions: The Contractor's substitution request will be received and considered by the Architect when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, as determined by the Architect; otherwise rcquests will be retumed without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements. l. Extensive revisions to Contract Documents are not required. 2. Proposed changes are in keeping with the general intent of Contract Documents. 3. The request is timely; firlly documented and properly submitted. 4. The request is directly related to an "or equal" clause or similar language in the Contract Documents. I T I T t I T t I I I I I t I I I t T0163r-2 r-7554.01 I o r 5. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within thet ffilH'tJ'ff;#.#T",T,ffiu"?"1*1il"f inxlj',ff fi[$:"l;;f,if:l coordinate activities properly. l| 6. The specified product or method of construction cannot receive necessary approval by a goveming authority, and the requested substitution can be approved. 7. A substantial advantage is offered the Owner, in terms of cost, time, energy conservation or otler considerations of merit, after deducting offsetting r responsibilities the Owner may be required to bear. 8. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided in a manner I that is compatible with other materials, and where the Conhactor certifies that I the substitution will overcome the incompatibility. I 9. The specified product or method of construction cannot be coordinated wittl | :*T**[?*,S1where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution I 10. The specified product or method of construction cannot provide a warrantyJ required by the Contact Documents and where the Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution provide the required warranty.If B. The Contactor's submittal and Architect's acceptance of Shop Drawings, Product Data or Samples that relate to constuction activities not complying with the Contract I Documents does not constitute an acceptable or valid request for substitution, nor does I itconstituteapproval. PART 3 - DGCUTION I Not used. f END oF SECTION ! I I I I I I | 1-7ss4.0r 01631-3 I r sEcrIoN 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART I . GENERAL I l.ol sTJMMARYt A. Section Includes:I I l. Substantial Completion. ;; 2. Final Inspection. I 3. Closeout Submittals. I 4. Final Adjustment Costs.I 5. Warranties. f| 6. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials. I B. Related Sections: I l. Section 01010 - Summary of Work. I 2. Section 01500 - Temporary Facilities and Controls.I 3. Section 01710 - Final Cleaning. I 4. Section 01720 - Project Record Documents. { Section 01730 - Operating and Maintenance Data.Ir r.o2 sUBSTANTIAL coMPLETToN I A. The Contractor shall submit written certification that projecl or designated portion off project, is substantially complete and shall request, in writing, a final inspection. I B. Should the Architect determine that the work is substantially complete, a punchJist I will be prepared listing deficiencies that need to be corrected before final acceptance. A notice of substantial completion with the deficiencies noted will be issued. I C. Should the Architect determine that the work is not substantially complete, ther Contactor will immediately be notified, in writing, stating rreasons. After Contractor completes work, a certification and request for final inspection shall be resubmitted. I D. Comply with procedures stated in General Conditions of the Contact for issuance of Certificate of Substantial Completion. I E. Owner may occupy designated portions of the Project of the purpose of installation ofr! equipment, under provision stated in Certificate of Substantial Completion. a I 1-7ss4.01 01700-l o CCEPTANCE I I I I I I T I I I I l I I I t I I I I.O3 FINAL A A. Contractor shall submit written certification tlrat: l. Contract Documents have been reviewed' 2. Project has been inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. 3. Work has been completed in accordance with Contact Documents. 4. Equipment and systems have been tested in the presence of Owner's Representatives and are operational. 1.04 CLOSEOUTSUBMITTALS A. Submit before final payment request. B. Project Record Drawings: Refer to Section 01720. C. Maintenance Manuals: Refer to Section 01730. D. Evidence of Payments, and Release of Claims: The Contractor is required to submit the following before his frnal Application of Payment: l. Contactor's Affidavit of Payments of Debts and Claims: AIA G706. 2. Contactor's Affidavit of Release of Liens (Claims): AIA G706A, with: a. ConsentofSuretytoFinal Payment AJAG707.b. Contractor's release of waivers of claims.c. Separate release of waivers of claims for subcontractors, suppliers, and other with claim rights, against property of Owner, together with list of those parties.d. Project Record Documents, and certification as to accuracy. 3. All submittals shall be duly executed before delivery. E. Warranties and Bonds: As specified in individual sections. F. Spare Parts and Materials: As sp,ecified in individual sections. G. Keys and Keying Schedule. H. Spare Parts and Materials. L Evidence of Payments and Release of Claims. I.O5 FINAL ADruSTMENT OF ACCOI.JNTS A. Submit final statement of accounting to the Owner. B. Statement shall reflect all adjusfiients: l. Original Contract Sum. 0t700-2 t-7554.01 I I 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: ll a. Previous change orders.I 3: 8frfi'j:T;"",! d. Deductions for uncorrected work.e. Deductions for reinspection payments. I I.06 PREPARATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT .1 A. Issuance of a Certificate of Final Payment is subject, but not limited, to the following I conditions: l. The Contractor's Project Superintendent shall remain in attendance,-full time on I site, on the project until ill punch list items have been completed to theI satisfaction of the Owner and the Architect. I 2. Project Superintendent as referenced herein is defined as the Contractor's General I Suierinlerident who has served on site, on a full-time basis during the duration of the project. I r.07 posr-coNSTRUcrIoN INSpEcTIoNI A. Prior to expiration of one year from date of final acceptance, the Architect will conduct I 6-month arid I l-month inipections to determine whether corrective work is required. I B. Contractor will be notified in writing of all deficiencies. t C. Corrective work must start on noted deficiencies within l0 days of receip of notification to Contractor. I l.o8 PRoJECT RECoRD DocuMENTSa A. Refer to Section 01720 - Project Record Documents. t B. Store documents separate from those used for constuction. I C. Keep documents current; do not permanently conceal any work until required I information has been recorded. D. At contact closeou! submit documents with transmittal letter to the Architect t containing date, Project title, Contractor's name and address, list of documents, anda signature ofContactor. I 1.09 MTSCELLANEOUS KEYS, SWITCHES, ETC.r A. At the completion of the project, all loose keys and wrenches shall be accounted for I and tumed over to the Owner, including: t l. Hose bibb keys. I 2. Adjustnent keys and wrenches fordoorclosers andpanic hardware. ! 3. Keys for electrical switches, electical panels, etc.II I l-7554.01 01700-3 o I I I I t I T I I I I t I I I I I I I l.l0 WARRAI.ITIES A. All wananties for all equipment shall be included in the O & M Manual' B. The Contractor and each subcontractor shall remedy any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship and pay for any damage to other work resultingtreryfrom, which shall app€ar in his work within a period o_f one year from the date of Notice. of Acceptance airil in accordance with the terms of any special wananties provided in the contract. The Owner shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptress. C. Upon completion of his work, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architect in duplicate, a unitten warranty based on the provision of this Article properly signed and notarized. Warranty shall be addressed to the Owner. D. Execute Contactor's submittals and assemble documents executed by subcontactors, suppliers, and manufacturers. Provide table of contents and assemble in binder with durable plastic cover. E. Submit material prior to final application for payment. For equipment put into use with Owner's permission during construction, submit within 10 days after frst operation. For items of Work delayed materially beyond Date of Substantial Completioru provide updated submittal withiir ten days after acceptance, listing date of acceptance as start of warranty period. I.II OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Refer to Section 01730 - Operating and Maintenance. B. Mechanical - By Mechanical Subcontractor: See Division 15. C. Electical - By Electrical Subcontactor: See Division 16. 1.12 DEMONSTRATIONS A. Refer to Section 01730 - Operating and Maintenance. B. Mechanical - By Mechanical Subcontactor: See Division 15. C. Electical - By Electical Subcontactor: See Division 16. I.I3 SPAREPARTS AND MAINTENANCE MATERI.ALS A. Provide products, spare parts, and maintenance materials in quantities specified !n each Section,-in addition to ihat used for construction of work. Coordinate with Owner, deliver to Project site and obtain receipt prior to final payment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NotUsed PART 3 . DGCUTION NotUsed 01700-4 END OF SECTION t-7554.0r I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I SECTION 01710 FINAL CLEAI\ING PART I - GENERAL I.O1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Clean-up during construction. 2. Final clean-up procedures. B. Related Sections: l. Section 01500 - Temporary Facilities and Controls. 2. Section 01700 - Contract Close-out. I.O2 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Clean-up during construction: l. The project shall be kept free from all surplus material, waste material, dirt and rubbish caused by constuction operations. 2. Leave the work clean and spotless, unless more exact requirements are required. 3. In case of dispute, the Owner may remove all such items and charge the cost of such removal to the Contractor. B. Subcontractorclean-up: l' Each subcontactor shall perfomr daily clean-up forthat respective trade. 2. Transport rubbish to an on-site location designated by the Contractor who will arrange for its removal. C. Cleaners: With the exception of clean-up of the site and cleaning specifically assigned, under various sections ofthe specifications, all final clean-up ofexterior and interior of the building shall be done by professional cleaners. l. Exterior: In addition to items specified below, any new surfaces on exterior, concrete, metal, etc., shall be carefully and thoroughly cleaned. 2. Glass: Both sides of all glass in work areas shall be carefully *U ,ltorcrrghly cleaned by professional window cleaners and left absolutely clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. 3. Hardware: Clean and polish all hardware and leave clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. l-7554.01 01710-l o t I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t 4. Plumbing: Clean and polish all plumbing fixtures, fittings, and exposed plated piping. Leave clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. Remove all labels. 5. Electrical: Clean and polish all electric fixtures, fittings, including glassware, switchplates, etc., and leave clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. 6. Equipment: Carefully and thoroughly clean all items of equipment, mechanical, electrical, cabinets, ductwork, etc. 7. Floors: Thoroughly clean all floors. Mop resilient floor coverings with warm water and mild detergent asi recornmended by manufacturer of the tile, then thoroughly machine buff. Vacuum and clean carpeting. Damp mop or scrub concrete floors as required to leave them thoroughly clean when site or building is tumed over to the Owner. D. Completion: The entire work inside and out, and the entire premises shall be in first- class, clean condition upon completion before being accepted by Owner. PART 2 . PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION NotUsed END OF SECTION 017t0-2 t-7554.01 I SECTION 01720I PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS ! PART1 -GENERAL t l.ol sUMMARY A. Section Includes: I 1. Record document definition. '' 2. Recording and content. t 3. Maintenance requirements. | 4. Submittal requirements. B. Related Sections t L Section 01700 - Contact Closeout. I 2. Section 01730 - Operating and Maintenance Data. I r.o2 DEFTMTT.NS I A. Project Record Documents are intended to indicate all changes and deviations from I oriCind contact documents and permanently record the "As-Built" condition of material, equipment and structure. I B. Project Record Documents include the following: I Confract Drawings.Il| 2. Project Manual. I 3. Addenda.r 4. Change Orders. I 5. Modifications and Clarifications. 6. Approved Shop Drawings. D 7. Approved Product Data. I 8. Manufacturer's Certifications. I 9. Project Test Results. I l.o3 srJBMrrrALs A. Submit project record documents in conformance with Section 01700.I I l-7ss4.01 01720-l o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I B. "As-Built" drawing submittal shall be approved prior to final payment. I.O4 QUALITYASSURANCE A. RecordingRequirements: 1. Use different colored pencil or pen for each system. 2. Provide color legend. 3. Provide symbol technique identical to contract drawings. 4. Record data prior to permanently concealing work. B. MaintenanceRequirements: L Record documents shall be available for inspection by the Owner, Architect and Consultants. 2. Update record documents weekly. 3. Maintain separate set of documents for record use. 4. Maintain documents in clean, dry, legible condition. C. Record Drawing Content: L Record detail and dimension changes. 2. Locate concealed work including: a. Interior and exterior utilities.b. Valves.c. Dampers.d. Contols.e. Junctionboxes.f. Cleanouts.g. Access doors. D. Record Specification Content: l. Manufacturer, catalog number and trade name of product installed. 2. Changes. 3. Pertinent data not originally specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NotUsed PART 3 - EXECUTION NotUsed END OF SECTION 0t720-2 t-7554.01 t I sEcrIoN o1z3o T OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART I - GENERAL I l.ol ''MMARYA. Section Includes: I 1. Format and content of manuals. I 2. Instruction of Owner's personnel. I 3. Schedule of submittals. I B. Related Sections: l. Section 01300 - Submittals: Submittals procedures. I 2. Section 01300 - Submittals: Shop drawings, product data, and samples. I 3. Section 01400 - Quallty Contol: Manufacturer's instructions. l| 4. Section 01600 - Material and Equipment Systems demonstration. I 5. Section01700-ContactCloseout: CloseoutProcedures. 6. Section 01700 - Contract Closeout: Project record documents. I 7. Section 01700 - Contract Closeout: Warranties and bonds. r 8. Individual Specifications Sections: Specific requirements for operation and I maintenance data. I r.o2 QUALTTYASSURANCE f A. Prepare instructions and data by personnel experienced in maintenance and operation ofdescribed products. I l.o3 F.RMAT I A. Prepare data in the form of an instructional manual. I B. Binders; Commercial qualrty, 8-ll2 x I I inches, three-ring binders with hardback, cleanable, plastic covery one inch maximum ring size. When multiple binders are I used, coneiate data into related consistent groupings. C. Cover: Identiff each binder with typed or printed title OPERATION AIrlD I MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS; list title of Project identiff subject matter of I contents. r D. Arrange contont by systems, under section numbers and sequence of Table of Contents I of this Project Manual. I r-7ss4.ol ol73o-1 o I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I F. G. Provide tabbed fly leaffor each separate product and system, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. Texf Manufacturer's printed data" or typewritten data on 20 pound paper. Drawings: l. Provide with reinforced prmched binder tabs. 2. Bind inwithtext. 3. Fold larger drawings to size of text pages. CONTENTS, EACH VOLUME Table of Contents: Provide title of Project; names addresses, and telephone numbers of Architec! Engineer and Contractor with name of responsible parties; schedule of products and systems, indexed to content of the volume. For Each Product or System: List names, addresses and telephone numbers of subcontractors and suppliers, including local source ofsupplies and replacement parts. Product Daa: Mark each sheet to clearly identify specific products and component parts, and data applicable to installation; delete inapplicable infomration. Drawings: Supplement product data to illustrate relations of component parts of equipment and systems, to show contol and flow dia$ams. Do not use Project Record Documents as maintenance drawings. Typed Text: As required to supplement product data. Provide logical sequence of instructions for each procedure, incorporating manufacturer's instructions. Wananties and Bonds: bind in copy of each. MANUAL FORMATERIALS AND FINISHES Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: Include product dat4 with catalog number, size, composition, and color and texture designations. Provide information for re-ordering custom manufactued products. Instuctions for Care and Maintenance: Include manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. Moisture-protection and Weather-exposed Products: Include product data listing applicable reference standards, chemical composition, and details of installation. Piovide recommendations for inspections, maintenance, and repair. Additional Requirements: As Specified in individual Specifications sections. Provide a listing in Table of Contents for design data with tabbed fly sheet and space for insertion ofdata. 1.04 A. E. F. 1.05 A. B. C. D. B. C. D. E. 0r730-2 t-7554.01 I t I I I t I I I I t t I I I I t I t 1.06 MANUALFOREQL/IPMENTAND SYSTEMS A. Each Item of Equipment and Each System: Include description of unit or system, and component parts.- Give fiurction, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conclitions. Ihclude performance curves, with engineering data and tests, and complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. B. Panelboard Circuit Directories: Provide electical service characteristics, controls, and communications. C. Include as-installed color coded wiring diagrams. D. Operating Procedures; Include start-up, break-in, and routine normal operating instructions and sequences. Include regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and emergency instructions. Include summer, winter, and any special operating instructions. E. Maintenance Requirements: Include routine procedures and guide for trouble- shooting; disassembly, repair, and reassembly instructions; and aligrunent, adjusting, balancing, and checking instructions. F. Provide servicing and lubrication schedule, and list oflubricants required. G. Include manufacturer's printed operation and maintenance instructions. H. Include sequence ofoperation by contols manufacturer. I. Provide original manufacturey's parts list, illushations, assembly drawings, and diagrams required for maintenance. J. Provide as-installed confol diagrams by controls manufacturer. K. Provide Contractoy's coordination drawings, with as-installed color coded piping diagrams. L. Provide charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve, keyed to flow and control diagrams. M. Provide list of original manufacturer's spare parts, current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. N. Include test and balancing reports. O. Additional Requirements: As specified in individual Specifications sections. P. Provide a listing in Table of Contents for desigrr dat4 with tabbed fly sheet and space for insertion ofdata. I.O7 INSTRUCTIONOFOWNERPERSONNEL A. Before final inspection, instuct Owner's designated personnel in operation, adjustment, and maintenance of products, equipment, and systems, at agreed upon times. For equipment requiring seasonal operation, perform instructions for other seasons within six months. t-7554.01 01730-3 o I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I B. Use operation and maintenance manuals as basis of instruction. Review contents of ;;"i *ith personnel in detail to explain all aspects of operation and maintenance. C. prepare and insert additional data in Operation and Maintenance Manual when need for such data becomes apparent during instruction. I.O8 STIBMITTALS A. Submit two copies of preliminary-draft or proposed formats and outlines of contents Uifore start of Work. Architect will review iiraft and retum one copy with comments. B. For equipment, or component parts of equipment put_into s^ervice during construction and oierated by Owner, submit documents within ten days after acceptance. C. Submit on copy of completed volumes !n frna! lo* -ll days prior to final inspection. iopy witt te iEtumea arter lnal inspection, with Architect comments. Revise content of d6cuments as required prior to final submittal. D. Submit two copies of revised volumes of data in final form within ten days after final inspection. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - E)GCUTION NotUsed END OF SECTION 0r730-4 1-7554.01 t I t I I I I I t t T I I I I T sEcrroN 02010 SI'BSURFACE EXPLORATION PART I . GENERAL I.O1 STIMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Reference to Owner-provided Soil and Foundation Investigation. 2. Interpretation and use. 3 . Examination of site. B. Related Documents: l. Geotechnical Data: Owner's Soils Report. 2. Section 01400 - Qualtty Control. 3. Section O22OO - Earthwork: Soils engineering services requirements. I.O2 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Owner-provided soilsinvestigation. l. The Owner's Soil Engineer, Koechlein Consulting Engineers has created a Geotechnical Report dated 9128195. 2. Responsibility and payment for soils engineering services for quality control, and earthwork shall be included in the respective sections. B. DesignRequirements: l. The Soils Report was prepared for design purposes in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. 2. No other warranty expressed or implied is made as to the professional advice included in the report. C. PerformanceRequirements: l. The exploratory borings were spaced in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the subsoil condition. 2. Erratic soil conditions may occur between test holes. If such conditions are found during construction operaiions, the Architect and Owner shall be notified. I.O3 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall examine the site before submitting Bid to determine character of materials to be encountered and all conditions which will effect work" time and cost. t I I l-7554.01 02010-l B. Bench marks, monuments, and othcr rcference pointg shall be provided rnd mafunaitpd by the Contractor. PART 2.PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 . HGCUTION NotUsed END OF SECTION 02010-2 t-7554.01 I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I SECTION O2O7O SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: L Extent of selective demolition work is indicated on Drawings' B. Types of Selective Demolition Work: l. Demolition requires the selective removal and subsequent offsite disposal of the following: a. Portions of building structure indicated on Drawings and as required to accommodate new construction.b. Removal of interior partitions as indicated on Drawings' c. Removal of doors and frames indicated "remove'"d. Removal of built-in casework indicated "remove,"e. Removal and protection of existing material, fixtures and equipment items indicated "salvage" or reused' I.O2 STIBMITTALS A. Schedule: 1. Submit schedule indicating proposed methods and sequence of operations for selective demolition work to the Owner for review prior to commencement ot work. Include coordination for shut-ofl capping, and continuation of.utility services as required, together with details for duit and noise control protection. a. Provide detailed sequence of demolition and removal work to ensure unintemrpted progress of Owner's on-site operations' I.O3 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Occupancy: l. Owner's personnel will be continuously occupying. areas_of -the building immediat6lv adiacent to areas of seleclive demolition. Conduct selective demolition'worli in mantter that will minimize need for disruption of Owner's normal operations. Provide minimum of 72 horus advance notice to Owner of demolition activities which will severely impact Owner's normal operations. Secure Owner's approval of all activities whictr witt impact normal operations. B. Condition of Stuctures: l. The Owner assumes no responsibility for actual condition of items or structues to be demolished. l-7554.01 02070-l C. D. a. Conditions existing at time of commencement of contract will be maintained by the Owner insofar as practical. However, variations within structure may occur by the Owner's removal and salvage operations prior to start of selective demolition. Partial Removal: 1. Items indicated to be removed but of salvageable value to the Owner may be removed from structure as work progresses. Transport salvaged items from site as they are removed. a. Storage or sale of removed items on site will not be perrnitted. Protection of Persons and Property: I . Provide temporary banicades and other forms of protection as required to pr-gtgct Owner personnei and general public from injury du9 to selective demolition work. Remove protective devices at completion of work. a. Provide protective measures as required to provr4e free and safe passage of Owner iersonnel and general public to and from occupied portions of building. Traffic; L Conduct selective demolition operations and debris removal in a manner to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. a. Do not close, block or otherwise obstuct streets, walks or other occupied or used facilities without written permission from authorities having jurisdiction. Provide altemate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by governing regulations. Explosives: l. Use of explosives will not be permitted. Utility Services: l. Maintain existing utilities indicated to remafur" keep in service, and protect against damage during demolition operations. a. Do not interrupt existing utilities serving occupied or used facilities, excepl when authoriz.ed n writing by authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during intemrptions to existing utilities as acceptable to the Owner. Pay special attention not to disturb computer power systems or associated grounds. Environmental Controls : l. Use water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in air to lowest practical level. Comply with goveming regulations pertaining to environmental protection. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I E. F. G. lI. 02070-2 t-7554.0r t I I I I I t T t I t I I I I t I I I a. Do not use water when it may create hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice, flooding and Pollution.b. Referto otfier sectiJns ofbivision-2 for asbestos-containing materials. PART 2. PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Prior to commencement of selective demolition work, inspect areas in which work will be performed. Photograph existing damage. to structue surfaces, equipm€nt or-to sunbunding properties which could be misconstrued as clamage resultlng Irom selective dimblition work; file with the Owner prior to starting work' 3.02 PREPARATION A. Provide interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or support to -pr.event movement, settlement or collapse of structures to bt demolished and adjacent facilities to remain. l. Notiff the Owner immediately if safety of structure is endangered. Take due precautions to properly support structue' B. Cover and protect fumiture, equipment and fixtures to remain from soiling or.damage when demojition work is perfo'rmed in rooms or areas from which such items have not been removed. C. Erect and maintain dust-proofpartitions and closures as required to prevent spread of dust or fumes to occupied portions of the building. l. Where selective demolition occurs immediately adjacent to occupied_po{igqs oJ the building, construct dust-proof partitions of miilmum 4 inch studs, 5/8 inch aq,*ult (io-iirts tapeA) on occupi6d side,.lD inch fire-retardant plywood on deimolitioir side, arid fill partitioncavity with sound-deadening insulation. 2. Provide weatherproof closures for exterior openings resulting from demolition work. Locate, identifu, stub-offand disconnect utility services that are not to remain. l. Provide by-pass connections as necessary to mainlain continuity of service to occupied irrias of building. Provide miniinum of 72 hours advance notice to the Owner if shut-down of service is necessary during change-over. DEMOLITION Perform selective demolition work in a systematic maoner. Use such methods as required to complete work indicated on -Drawings in accordance with demolition schedule and governing regulations. D. 3.03 A. 1-7554.01 02070-3 o I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I l. Demolish concrete and masonry in small sections. Cut concrete and rnasonry at junctures with construction to remain using power-driven masonry saw or hand tools; do not use power-driven impact tools in buildings. 2. Locate demolition equipment throughout structure and promptly remove debris to avoid imposing excessive loads on supporting walls, floors or framing. a. Do not throw any debris or salvaged material from above grade floors of building to gade. Construct chutes as required to conduct debris safely to grade disposal areas ofrefuse containers. 3. Do not cut or alter any stuctural member without the Ownefs authorization. B. If unanticipated mechanical, electrical or stuctural elements which conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure both nature and extent of the conflict. Submit report in writteq accurate detail. Pending receip of directive, rearrange selective demolition schedule as necessary to continue overall job progress without delay. 3.04 REUSED MATERIALS A. Reused ltems: l. Where indicated on Drawings or in Specifications, carefully remove indicated items, clean and store until ready to prepale for reinstallation. 2. Items to be reused for reinstallation as follows: 3.05 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISIIED MATERIALS A. Remove debris, rubbish and other materials resulting from demolition operations from building site. Transport and dispose of materials offsite in legal manner. l. If hazardous materials are encountered during demolition operations, comply with applicable regulations, laws, and ordinances conceming removal, handling and protection against exposure or environmental pollution. 2. Burning of removed materials is not permitted on project site. 3.06 CLEAI{ING AND REPAIR A. Upon completion of demolition work, remove tools, equipment and demolished materials from site. Remove protections and leave interior meas broom clean. B. Repair demolition performed in excess of tlat required. Return structures and surfaces to remain to condition existing prior to cornmencement of selective demolition work. Repair adjacent constnrction or surfaces soiled or damaged by selective demolition work. 020704 END OF SECTION l-7554.01 I I sEcrIoN 02110 SITE CLEARING I PARr l -cENERAL I.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: I 1. Clearsite ofplantlife and grass' r 2. Remove root system of tees and shrubs' I 3. Remove surface debris' 4. Stripping and storage of existing topsoil' I B. Related Sections: I l. Section 02200 - Earthwork' I I.O2 REGULATORYREQUIREMENTS I A. Conform to applicable code for disposal of debris' PART2. PRODUCTS I 2.or roPso* I A' "Tll",l#,"f;r3"r1sil ;:'f;#T',#f',.f,o'J*:"ofrlll"J:m,':r'ffi:'J ^ffidfI atud;t"t to proper developmurt of vegetative growth' I PARr3 -DGcurIoN 3.OI CLEARING I A. Clear areas required for access to sik and execution of Work' I B' Remove trees and shrubs within marked areas' I l. Grub out stumps, roots, and surface rock' tc.Clearundergrowthanddeadwood,withoutdistrrrbingsubsoil.3.02 TOPSOIEXCAVATION I A. Remove all sod, topsoil, organic earth to 6 inch depth, stock pile topsoil as designated ' on Drawings or dirEcted by Architect' I 3.03 PRorEcrIoN A.Protectplantgrowthandfeaturesremainingasfinallandscaping. I I l-zss4.ol 021l0-l B. Protect bench marks and existing work from damage or displacement. C. Maintain designated site access for vehicle and pedestrian traffic. 3.04 REMOVAL A. Remove debris from site. END OF SECTION 02tt0-2 t-7554.01 t l':ffi:'# ' PARTI.GEMRAL I l.ol SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I 1. Extent of earthwork is indicated on Drawings. 2 Removal, stockpiling and placement of topsoil.It 3. Preparation of subgrade for building slabs, walks, and pavements. I 4. Removal of material encountered to subgrade elevations indicated. 5. Disposal of materials removed. I 6. Erosion control. B. Related Sections: | 1. Secion{2010 - Subsurface Exploration: For Contractor's information and t 2. Section o2l l0 - Site Clearing. I 3. Section 02222 - Excavating, Bacldlling and Compacting for Utilities. I t.oz euALITY AssuRANcE I A. Prior to the start of construction, meet with a representative of Soils Engineer and the I Contractor to discuss site preparition, grading spicifications, equipment to be used, and any unusual soil conditions or special requirements. I B. Codes and Standards: Perform excavation work in compliance with applicable- requirements of governing authorities having jurisdiction. I l. Uniform Building Code Compliance: Comply with applicable portions of the I Uniform nuilding Code pertaining to grading excavation' I 2. Geotechnical Report Compliance: Perform excavation, backfill, and fill work in I compliance withiecommendations of Geotechnical Report' (' Testing and InsPection Service:rv'I l. A testine laboratory to perform soil testing and inspection service for quality l;:liltimlt",*n:.earihworkoperationsihallbeemplovedbvthecontractoq I I r-7554.0r 02200-l o I I I I T I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I.O3 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Locate existing underground utilities in areas of work. If utilities are to remain h place, provide adequate means ofsupport and protection during earthwork operations. l. Should uncharted, or incorrectly charted, piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult utility Owner immediately for directions. Cooperate with Owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction ofutility Owner. B. Protection ofPersons and Property: Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with warning lights. l. Operate waming lights as recommended by authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlements, lateral movement, undermining, washout and other hazards created by earthwork operations. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.OI SOILMATERIALS A. Definitions: l. Satisfactory soil materials are defined as those complying with ASTM D 2487 soil classification group GW, GP, GI\4 GC, SW SP, SM and SC. 2. Unsatisfactory soil materials are defined as those complying with ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups ML, MFI, CL, Ctt OL, OH and PT. 3. Bacldll and Fill Materials: Satisfactory soil materials free of clay, rock or gravel larger than 2 inches in any dimensio4 debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetable and other deleterious matter. PART 3 -E)GCI/IION 3.OI EROSION CONTROL A. Comply with applicable requirements of governing authorities-having-jurisdiction with respect to erosion control procedures. l. Submit to Owner, at least 72 hours in advancg a plan detailing erosion control procedures to be employed during and after construction that will disturb the site soils. Do not proceed with construction until plan has been approved by the Owner. 3,O2 TOPSOL A. Topsoil shall be removed and stockpiled for use after grading has been completed. The stockpile areas shall be within 1,000 feet of the center of the construction area. Stockpile areas shall be designated by the Contractor. 02200-2 l-7554.01 c. D. F. G. H. t I I I t I t t t I I I T T I t T I t o o the Owner c. 3.03 A. B. B. Excess topsoil shall be on site in an area designated by within 1500 feet of the center of the construction area' Topsoil shall be placed to a depth of 4 inches in all areas not to receive surfacing or structures. EXCAVATION Excavation is unclassified, and includes excavation to subgrade elevations indicated, regardless of character of materials and obstructions encountered. Unauthorized excavation consists of removal of materials beyond indicated subgqadg "lJr"iio"j or dimensions without specific direction of Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial worli directed by Architect, shall be at Contractofs expense. Additional Excavation: If unsuitable bearing materials are encountered at required subgade elevations, carry excavations deeler and replace excavated material as directed bv Architecl. L n.rou{ of unsuitable material and its replacement as directed will be paid on basis of contract conditions relative to changes in work. Stabilitv of Excavations: Slope sides of excavations to comply with local codes and oiOinatices having jurisdiction. Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because ofspace restrictions or stability ofmaterial excavated. l. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in safe condition until completion of bacldlling. Dewatering: Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water from flowing into excavation-s and from flooding project site and surrounding area. l. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent softening of foundation bottoms, undercutting footings, a1$ soil changes detrimei'tal to stabilitv of subgrades and founilations' Provide and maintain pumps, well points, sirmps, suEtion and discharge ^lines, and other dewatering system components necessary to convey water away trom excavatlons' 2. Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other diversions outside ixcavation limits to convey rain-water aird water removed from excavations to collecting or run-off areas. Material Storage: Stockpile excavated materiats until required for backfill. Place, grade and shape stockpiles for proper drainage. l. Locate and retain soil materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip line of trees indicated to remain. Excavation for structural fill shall be to the limits indicated on Drawing. Excavation for Pavements: Cut surface under pavements to comply with cross-sections, elevations and grades as shown. Waste areas shall be l-7554.01 02200-3 o I I t I I I t I I t I I I I I T T I t 3.M COMPACTION A General: Control soil compaction during construction providing minimum percentage of density specified for each area classification indicated below. B. Percentage of Maximum Density Requirements: Compact soil to not less than the following percentages of maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM D 698. l. Roads and Paved Areas: Compact top 12 inches ofsubgrade and each layer of bacldll or fill material to a minimum of 95 percent manimum density. 2. Lawn or Unpaved fueas: Compact top 6 inches of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material to a minimum of 85 percent maximum density. 3. Walkways: Compact top 6 inches of subgrade and each layer of bacldll or fill material to a minimum of 90 percent mo<imum density. 4. Structural Fill: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each layer of bacldll or fill material to a minimum of 95 percent maximum density. C. Moisture Control: Soils shall be placed with moisture content of plus or minus 2 percent of optimum moisture. Where subgrade or layer of soil material must be hoisture coniiitioned before compactioq uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade, or layer of soil material, to prevent free water appearing on surface during or subsequent to compaction operations. l. Remove and replace, or scari$ and air dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. a. Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction may be stockpiled or spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by discing harrowing or pulverizing until moisture content is reduced to a satisfactory value. 3.05 BACKFILL Al.lD FILL A. General: Place acceptable soil material in layers to required subgrade elevations, for each area classification listed below. l. In excavations, use satisfactory excavated orborrow material. 2. Under grass areas, use satisfactory excavated or borrow materid. 3. Under walks and pavements, use satisfactory excavated or borrow material. B. Bacldll excavations as promptly as work permits. C. Ground Surface Preparation: Remove vegetatioq debris, unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deieterious materials from ground surface prior to placement of fills. Plow, strip, or break-up sloped surfaces steeper than I vertical to 4 horizontal so that fill material will bond with existing surface. 022004 l-7554.01 I I T t I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t l. When existing ground surface has a density less than that specified under ,'Compactionn- f6r particular area classification, break up ground surface, pulvefize, moisture-iondition to optimum moisture content, and compact to iequired depth and percentage of maximum density. 3.06 GRADING A. General: Unifornrly grade areas within limits of grading under this section" including uaiu""nt transition irias. Smooth finished surfacCwithin.specified toterances, compact wiitr uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are indicated, or between such points and existing grades. B. Grading Outside Building Lines: Grade areas adjacent to building lines to drain away form structures and to prevent ponding. l. Finish surfaces free from inegular surface changes, and as follows: Z. Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Finish areas to receive topsoil to within not more than 0.10' above 6r below required subgrade elevations. 3. Walks: Shape surface of areas under walks to line, grade and cross-section" with finish su*aci not more than 0. 10' above or below required subgrade elevation. 4. Pavements: Shape surface of areas under pavement to line, grade and cross- section, with finiih surface not more than ll2 inch above or below requtred subgrade elevation. C. Compaction: fi1fter grading, compact.sub-grade.surfaces to-the. depth and indicated p"rcdntage of maximuirn or riiative'density f6r each area classification. 3.O7 FIELD QUALTTY CONTROL A. Quality Control Testing During Construction: Allow testing service-to inspect and olptoi" subgrades and fiU hyeribefore further construction work is performed. l. perform field density tests in accordance with ASTM D 155-6 (sand cone method), ASTM D 2167 (ru5ber balloon method) or ASTMD.2922 (nuclear.method), as applicable. Wtreir RSnrA D 2922 is used, the calibration.curves shall be checked aii uOjurt"A using only the sand cone method as described in ASTM D 1556. ASTNI i igzz risultjin wet unit weight of soil and when using this method ASTM D 3017. The calibration checks of both the density and moisture gages shall be made at the beginning of a job, on. each different type of matenal encountered, at intervals as directed by the Architect' 2. Paved fueas and Building Slab Subgrade: Make_ at_lgast one field density test of subgradJ f"r Ctiry 2000'sq. ft. of pived area or building 9la.b, b3t in no case less than 3 tests. ln ri"ch comiacted lill layer, make one field density tests for every 2000 sq. ft. of overlaying building slab or paved area, but rn no case less tnan J tests. B. If in opinion of Architect, based on testing -s-ervice reports and. inspection,. subgradg. gr fills which have been placed are below specified density, provide addltlonal compafilon and testing at no additional expense. l-7554.01 02200-5 o I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I T I I 3.08 A. 3.09 A. B. c. MAINTENAI.{CE Protection of Graded Areas: Protect newly graded from traffic and erosion. Keep free oftrash and debris. l. Repair and re-establish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted areas to specified tolerances. Reconditioning Compacted Areas: Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather, scari$ surface, re-shape, and compact to required densrty prior to further construction. Settling: Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during general project warranty period, add backfill material and compact. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of surface or finish to match adjacent worlg and eliminate evidence ofrestoration to greatest extent possible. DISPOSAL OF EXCESS A].lD WASTE MATERIALS Removal to Designated Areas on Owner's Property: Transport acceptable excess excavated material to designated soil storage areas on Owneds property. Stockpile soil or spread as directed by Owner. Waste area shall be within 1500 feet of the center of the construction area, in an area designated by the Owner. Waste areas shall be covered with a minimum of4 inches oftopsoil. END OF SECTION 02200-6 l-7554.01 I 3 t sEcTroN 02222 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING FOR UTILITMS PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Excavatiorq bedding and backfilling of utilities. 2. Extent of earthwork is indicated on Drawings. B. Related Sections: l. Section 01300 - Submittals. 2. Section 02010 - Subsurface Exploration: For Contractor's information and reference. 3. Section 021l0 - Site Clearing. 4. Section 02200 - Earthwork. I.O2 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Locate existing underground utilities in areas of work. If utilities are to remin in place, provide adeqriate meins of support and protection during earthwork oPeratrons. l. Should uncharted, or incorrectly charted, piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult utility Owner immediately for directions.. 9q9q"."1. with bwner and itility compani-es in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction ofutility Owner. B. Protection ofPersons and Property; Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with warning lights. I . Operate warning lights as recommended by authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlements, lateral movEment, undermining, washout and other hazards created by earthwork operations. PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.OI BEDDINGMATERIALS A. Processed sand and gravel free from clay lumps, organic, or other deleterious material, and complying with the following gradation requirements: t I I ,t t fl il l t I I I I t I I 1-7554.01 02222-l o U.S. Sieve Size Percent Passing Ov weieht) I il I I t I I I n I T 3 I I l 1 t I I 100 90 - 100 20 -25 0-10 0-5 A. Excavated material shall be free from hard rocks having any dimension greater than 6 inches, and frozen eartlL debris and roots larger than 2 inches, as approved by the Architect. 2.03 SELECT BACKFILL A. Excavated material shall be free from hard rocks having any dimension greater than 4 inches, and frozen earth, debris and roots larger than I incll as approved by the Architect. PART 3 . DGCUTION 3.OI SUMMARY A. Set the control system for project, all lines, elevations, and grades fro utility and drainage system work. Take care for maintenance ofbench marks, property corners, monuments, or other reference points. B. Maintain existing utilities, active utilities, and drainage systems in operating condition when encountered in utility installation. Repair surface or subsurface improvements shown on the Drawings. C. Verify locatiorL size, elevatioq and other pertinent data required to make connections to existing utilities and drainage systems as indicated on the Drawings. Comply with OSHA Statg and local codes, lawg and regulations. D. Construction, inspections, and monitoring shall comply with OSHA State, and local laws, ordinances, and procedures including construction methods, materials and safety procedures. Design and submit addition4 trench safety desigrl monitoring, and inspections to comply with OSHA, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations. 3.02 EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, Al.lD BACKFILLING A. Perform excavation as indicated for specified depths. During excavatioq pile materials suitable for backfilling in an orderly manner far enough from bank of trench to avoid overloading, slides, or cave-ins. Work method shall comply with OSHI{ procedures and regulations. B. Remove excavated materials not required or not suitable for bacldll or embankments and waste as specified. C. Prevent surface water fiom flowing into trenches or other excavations by temporary grading or other methods, as required. Remove accumulated water in trenches or other excavations by pumping or other acceptable methods. Comply with OSHA regulations to ensure protection for workers. I inch 3/4 inch 3/8 inch No.4 No.8 2.02 BACKFILL 02222-2 r-7554.01 I I I I t t I I I ! I I I t I I I t I D. Open cut excavation with trenching machine or backhoe. Where machines other than i;fi;r-;;;G;i:iyp" ii"nitine #achines qre us.ed,.do not use clods for bacldll. Dispose of unsuitable material and provide other sultable matenal. 3.03 TRENCHEXCAVATION A. Contact local utility companies before start of excavation' l. Dig trench at proper width and depth for laying pipe, conduit, or cable. Z. Cut trench banks in accordance with OSHA requirements and remove stones as necessary to avoid Point-bearing. 3. Overexcavate wet or unstable soil from trench bottorq if encountered, to provide suitable base for continuous and uniform bedding' B. Trench side walls shall be inspected, monitored, sloped, shored, sheetql.-braced or otherwise rupport"A Ui means bf suffrcient strength in accordance with OSHA' State, and local lawi, ordinances and regulations to protect the workmen within them. C. Accurately grade trench bottom to provide uniform bearing and support ficr :Tl Tgill of pipe oriu-ndisturbed soil or beddinS.pltqrid at every point along 9"1i'..t-PlCt!-ti::!1 where necessary to excavate for bell holes, proper sealing of plpe Jolnts' or otner required connections. l. Dig bell holes and depressions forjoints after trench bottom has been graded. 2. Dig no deeper, longer, or wider than needed to make joint connection properly' 3. Methods, materials and inspections shall comply with OSHd Statg and local laws, ordinances, and regulations. D. Trench width requirements below the top of the pipe shall comply with OSHd State, and local laws, oidinances, and regulations. Other trench width requtrements ror prp€. *nauiq oi ca6le shall be the least-practical width that will allow for proper compactton of trench bacldll. E. Trench depth requirements measured from finish grade or paved surface shall meet the following iequirernents or applicable codes and ordinances: l. storm Sewer: Depths, elevations, and grades as shown on the Drawings. 3.04 SIIEETINGAI'{DBRACING A.Providesheetingandbracingwhennecessary,intrenchesandotherexcavationswhere orotection of*6rttn.n ir i.ibit"a. Sheeting iray be removed after excavation has been 6;;i.litiffi-;;tr;diF to pioi""i against iamiging or injurious gaync' Methods, -"tl?iri *Ji"rp"liti"* lttat "ornfity with oSEd State,-and local laws, ordinances, and regulations 3.05 PIPEBEDDING A. Water Lines, sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer: Accurately cut trenches for pipe I "?4111that is instafied to d-esignated elevations and gades to line and grade 4 rnches below bottom of pipe and to width as specified. l-7554.01 02222-3 o t T t t I I I I 3 I I I I r I I I t t 3.06 A. B. l. Place 4 inches of bedding material, compact in bottom of trencll and accurately shape to conform to lower portion of pipe barrel. 2. Bedding to extend up to a height equal to one hdf the diameter of the pipe above the invert ofthe pipe. 3. After pipe installation, place select backfill and compact in maximum 6 inch layers, measured loose, to at least l'-0" above top ofpipe. TRENCH BACKFILLING Criteria: Do not backfill trenches until required tests are performed and storm drai4 conduits and utility systems as installed comply with specified requirements, and are accepted by applicable governing authority, ifany. l. Bacldll and compact, as specified, to properly correct condition in an acceptable manner. Bacldlling: After pipe or conduit has been installed, bedded, and tested as specified, bacldll trench or structure excavation with specified material placed in lifts or layers not exceeding 8 inches of loose material. Compact to minimum density of 95 percent of optimum density in accordance with ASTM D 698. Compaction: Exercise proper caution when compacting immediately over top of pipes or conduits. Water jetting or flooding is not permitted as an accepted method of compaction. Methods and constructions shall comply with OSHA Statg and local laws, ordinances, and regulations. c. D. END OF SECTION 022224 l-7554.01 I I o sEcrroN 02s13 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING T t PARrI -cENERAL 1.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: 1. Full-depth asphaltic concrete paving surface course and base course for all onsite work. I.O2 RELATED SECTIONSil I A. Section 01400 - Quality Control. I B. Section 02200 - Earthwork. t C. Section 02580 - Pavement Markings. t 1.03 REFERENCEs A. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction: Deparhnent of I Transportation, State of Colorado, 1991 (CDOT Specs). l. Section 401 - Plant Mix Pavements - General. 1 2. Section 702 - Bituminous Material. 3. Section 703 - Aggregates. I B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Standards in Building Codes: I l. ASTM D3549 - Test Method for Thickness or Height of Compacted Bituminous I Paving Mixture Specimens. e 2. ASTM D 3203 - Percent Air Voids in compacted, Dense and Open Bituminous t Paving Mixture Specimens. 3. ASTM D 2172 - Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Pavi.g ! Mixtures. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Perform work in accordance with CDOT Specs. I B. Mixing Plant: Conform to CDOT Specs, f C. Obtain materials from the same source throughout project construction. I I I l-7s54.01 02s13-1 I o I I T I t I I I I I I I.O5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Asphalt Mix Design for CDOT Grading C and Grading CX. B. Submit certification for Class 6, ABC. 1.06 EIWIRoNMENTALREQUREMENTS A. Do not place asphalt when subgrade surface temperature is less than 40 degrees F, or surface is wet or frozen. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Asphaltic Cement Comply with Subsection 702.01, CDOT Specifications, Viscosity Grade AC-10. B. Aggregates: l. Use locally available materials and gradations exhibiting satisfactory record of previous installations. 2. Bituninous Base Course Aggregate: Crushed stone, cnrshed gravel, crushed slag, and sharp-edged natural sand, Subsection 703.04, Grade C, CDOT Specs. 3. Bituminous Surface Cor.use Aggregate: Grade CX, CDOT Specs. 4. Mineral Filler: Finely ground particles of limestone, Portland Cement or other inert material complying with Subsection 703.06, CDOT Specs. 2,02 ACCESSORIES A. Tack Coat Emulsified asphalt, Grade CSS-lh complying with Subsection 702.04, CDOT Specs. B. Reclaimed asphalt will not be allowed. C. Equipment used for paving shall comply with Section 401, CDOT Specs. 2.03 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Submit proposed mix design for approval prior to commencement of work. 2.04 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE A. Class 6, Aggregate Base course per Section 703, CDOT Specifications. PART 3 . E)GCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verifr that compacted subgrade is dry and ready to support paving and imposed loads. B. Veriff gradients and elevations ofsubgrade are correct. I t I l l I I I025t3-2 r-7554.0r I t I I U t I t I I I t I I C. SurfacePreparation: l. Provide grade and location stakes under this Section as required for asphaltic concrete paving work. 2. Fine Gradine: For areas covered by ffs Section, finish fine grade to accurate levels so speiified minimum thickne-ss of paving can be maintained with accurate and uniform finish levels as indicated. 3. Scarifi subgrade to eight (8) inches minimum, moisten.subgrade to opjimum moisnire coitent and relcorirfact to 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density within 2 percent of the optinium moisture content as determined by ASTM D 698. 4. Proof Rolling: Operate heavy, rubber tired fiont loader or dirt-filled tandem wheeled auri'p truit over subgrade of paved areas. Where soft spots occur, remove loose materials and repface with ioad base aggregate compacted to level of subgrade at Contractor's expense' 5. Changes in weather such as freezing or precipitation-oc9uni1g aftersubgrade is proof rolled and before asphalt paving operations begln wrll reqrrre re-proor rolling prior to paving. 6. Asphalt paving operations will begin within 24 hours after proof rolling. D, Coordination: l. Cooperate with other tades; arrange timing Jo avoid damage to the work including exterior concrete, grading, utilities, and seeding. 2. Before starting paving, ascertain utility lines, lighting, win1g, piping, curb.work, general grading, and heavy tnrcking are complete so such operations lvtll not damage paving work. 3.02 PREPARATION.TACKCOAT A. Apply tack coat on asphalt or concrete surfaces over subgrade surface at a uniform rate b,itw6en 0.05 gallons ier square yard to 0.1 5 gallons per squre yard of surface. B. Apply to contact surfaces of curbs, gutters and previously constructed asphalt pavements. C. Coat surfaces of manholes and inlets frames with oil to prevent bond with asphalt pavement. Do not tack coat these swfaces. D. Allow tack coat to dry until tacky to touch prior to paving. 3.03 PLACING ASPHALT PAVEMENT A. Place asphalt within 24 hours of applying tack coat. B. Place to maximum of tbree (3) inches compacted thickness liffs. l I t I I t-7554.01 02513-3 Placing: l. Deliver job mix with temperature above 235 degrees F. Place inaccessible and small areas by hand. Paver Placing: Place in strips not less than ten (10) feet wide, unless otherwise acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. After first strip is placed and rolled, place succeeding strips and extend rolling to overlap previous ships. Joints: Make joints between old and new pavements, or between successive days' work, to ensure continuous bond between adjoining work. Construct joints to - have same texnre, densrty, and smoothness as other sections of asphalt concret€ course. Clean contract surfaces and apply tack coat. D. Rolling: l. Begin rolling when mixtr.re will bear roller weight without excessive displacement. Compact mixhre with hot hand tampers or vibrating plate compactors in areas inaccessible to rollers. Breakdown Rolling: Accomplish breakdown or initial rolling immediately following rolling of joints and outside edge. Check surface after breakdown rolling and repair displaced areas by loosening and filling, if required, with hot material. Second Rolling: Follow breakdown rolling as soon as possible, while mixture is hot. Continue second rolling until mixture thoroughly compacted. Finish Rolling: Perfomr finish rolling while mixture is still wamr enough fo1 removal of roller marks. Continue rolling until all roller marks are eliminated and course has attained maximum densrty allowed. 3.04 TOLERAI.ICES A. Flatress: Ma:rimum variation of 0.1875 inches measured with ten (10) foot staight edge. B. Scheduled Compacted Thickness: Within 0.125 inches. C. Variation from True Elevation: Within 0'10 inches. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection and testing will be performed wrder provisions of Section 01400 by the Owner as directed by the Architect. B. Asphalt Pavements: Check compaction and compliancewith design mix by cu4ng tgst plues wher€ directed in accordance with ASTM D 979. Patch core holes. Test for ioripaction minimum of 95 percent of Marshall design density, aggregate gradation voids, and percent asphalt. c. l t t I I I t I I I I 2. J. 4. J. 4. 5. I I t I I I I I02513-4 1-7554.01 C. D. E. I t I l I I ,l t I t J l I I l I I I t F. 3.06 A. 3.07 A. one (l ) test for density ASTM D I 188, ASTM D 2726, or D 2950 thickness ASTM D 3549;;nd air voids ASTM D 3203 per 300 tons of asphaltic material placed' One (l) test for asphalt content ASTM D 2172 and aggregate gradation per 1500 tons of asphaltic material placed. All reports shall include densities to the nearest 0.1 lb.-per ft and compaction to nearest 0.1 pe'rcent. If a nuclear device is used, the report shall contain the method used- @ack scatier o. direct transmission geometry), results of the daily standardization checks and the adiusted manufacturers cal-ibration iurve. The manufacturers calibration curve shall be adjlsted as required by ASTM D 2950 whenever a change in either the material to be tested or the testing equipment is made. Subgrade: Compaction tests shall be taken every 2000 square feet and/or as directed by the Owner. PROTECTION Immediately after placement, protect pavement from mechanical injury until cooled and hardened. AGGREGATE BASE COURSE Place Class 6, ABC in lifts and compact to project specifications. END OF SECTION 1-7554.01 025t3-5 I I SECTION 02520 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING I PART I.GENERAL -I.OI SUMMARY l A. Section Includes: I l. Curbs and gutters. 2. Cross-pans. 1ia I B. Related Sections: l. Section 01400 - Quality Control. I 2. Section o22oo -Earthwork. I |02 QUALTTYASSURANCE I A. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, ,l m*:.Jir", and weather conditions. Retain until completion and tumish copy to I B. Conform to lines, grades, and typical cross sections shown on the Drawings. t l.o3 suBMrrrAls I A. Shop Drawings: Reinforcement, prefabricated sections. - B. Manufacturer's Data: Additives, joint materials, curing compounds. I C. H*ff:fl Proportions of fine and coarse aggregate, water, cement, air content, I D. Placement: Method proposed, if requested.I- I.O4 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Cold Weather: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting. whenI descending air temperature ih sliade and away from artificial heat falls below 3.5 degrees F., and thEre is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, I temperature mix at delivery shall not exceed 80 degrees F. Fog sprayers or special I wetting agents will be required for protection. t PART2-PRODUCTS .IF 2.or READYMDGD coNcRETE t A. AAsHro MrsT I o I r-7ss4.01 02520-l o I t I t I I T T I I I T t t I 1 I I I 2.02 CEMENT A. AASHTO M85, Type II, 565 pounds/cubic yard. 2.O3 AGGREGATES A. Fine Aggregate: AASTITO M 6, 33 to 39 percent total. B. Coarse Aggregate: AASIITO M 80, Size 67,357, or 467. 2.04 WATER A. AASHTO T 26 B. Slump l" to 4" l. Water cement ratio: 0.48 maximum. 2.05 ADMIXTURES A. Air Entraining Agent: AASHTO M 154, plus or minus l-l/2 percent. B. Aggregate Size Air Content - percent 3/8 inch l/2 inch 3/4 inch I inch and larger 8 7 6 5 C. Chemical-Admb<tures: AASHTO M 194. 2.06 QUALITY CONTROL A. Refer to Section 01400 for additional requirements. B. Follow approved mix design. C. Conform to applicable requirements of ACI 301. D. Field dinders shall produce 28 day minimum compressive strength of 3750 psi. Cement content 565 lb/cy minimum. 2.O7 JOTNT MATERIAL A. AASI{TO M I73. 2.08 CURINGMATERIALS A. Burlap cloth from jute or kenaf - AASIITO M 182. B. White liquid membrane - AASI{TO M 148, I gaVl5O sf. C. Sheet Materials - AASHTo M l7l, 4 mil. t-7554.01 02520-2 I I I I t I I I I l I I I I t I t I t PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Check for soft spots by proof-rolling or other means prio,r to setting_forms. Remove soft yielding .ite.ial "and replace.- Compact to specifications. Wet to optimum moisture to? inches deep, not more than l2 hours prior to placement so subgrade will not absorb moisture from concrete. B. Test for crown and/or elevation by subgrade planer to assure specified thickn-ess. If additional material used to bring iubgride to correct elevation, compact to all loose materials. No disturbance inside forms after fine grading subgrade. C. Forms shall be capable of supporting loads imposed by construction equipment: l. Maximum deflection of l/4 inch. 2. Straight and fiee fiom warp, with maximum deviation of surface l/8 inch. 3. Good condition, clean, and strong enough to resist pressure of concrete when placed. 4. Joined neatly and accurately to line and grade, and mechanically tamped to assure firm placement. 5. Oil prior to concrete placement. 6. Form construction joints and blockouts in accordance with Drawings. D. Set dowels, expansion joints, preformed construction joints, and header boards in accordance with drawings. Securely stake preformed baskets to prevent movement. Grease dowels on one side ofjoints with caps on greased end. E. Backfill behind forms as required to prevent water from entering subgrade. 3.02 PLACEMENT A. Deposit concrete near final position on grade with minimum segregation and without dainage of subgrade. Opeiate transit mixer outside forms at all times, except in locations approved by the Architect. B. Place concrete on subgrade in successive batches for full width between forms in manner requiring as little rehandling as possible. C. Spread mechanically to prevent segregation and separation of materials. D. Deposit excess concrete to provide roll ahead of strike off screed for full length of screed. E. Consolidate concrete with vibrators and spade next to forms. Final surfaces shall not have holes or honevcombs. l-7554.01 02520-3 3.03 FIMSHING A. Use equipment des.igned to spreadr. consolidate, screed and. float freshly placed concrete in one pass, providing well consolidated, homogeneous mixture, requiring minimum of hand finishing to meet surface tolerances. Strike hand finished surfaces to tolerances by methods acceptable to Architect. B. Finished surfaces will be tested with a l0 foot straight edge parallel to center line immediately following first floating of surface. Straight edge will be advanced 5 feet and space under straight edge shall not exceed 3/16 inch. C. Final finish pavements after floating and straight edging with canvas belt, other suitable belting 12 inches wide, or rubbing. Work belt longitudinally with crosswise motion. Curbs, gutter and cross pans finished with burlap drag, wood float, or brush to match existing adjacent concrete finish. 3.04 JOINTS A. Contraction joints, minimum depth l/4 thickness of concrete. l. Hand formed with tool, header board, or trowel pushed into surface to move all aggregate from joint. B. Longitudinal joints in conformance with Drawings. l. Fabricated steel or plastic strip held rigidly in place with adequate pins driven into subgrade. 2. Joints constructed by forms with recess and tie bars. C. Construction joints perpendicular to centerline at end of each day's work. Use dowels, bars or load transfer devices in all construction joints in accordance with Drawings. D. Expansion joints with preformed joint filler in a vertical position, deviating not more than l/4 inch from a straight line. Install at all existing and proposed structures projecting through, into, or against pavement, in accordance with Drawings. E. Install joint sealant at temperatures above 50 degrees F. in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Clean all dust, debris, and water from joints. 3.05 CURING A. Apply curing compounds, sheets, or burlap immediately after finishing and water film has evaporated from surface. B. Do not mark or mar finished surface. C. Coat sides within one hour after form removal. 3.06 PROTECTION A. Provide plastic sheeting or other approved material to protect fresh uncured surfaces fiom rain. B. Cold Weather: t I I t I I I I T I t l I T I t t I It-7554.O1 02520-4 c. D. I I I I l I I I I J I t I I I l t I I l. Maintain temperature of concrete above 50 degrees F. for minimum five (5) days from placement. 2. Cover surface with plastic sheeting, straw, burlap and/or canvas if temperature drops below 25 degrees F., within five (5) days of placement. 3. Remove and replace concrete damaged by freezing at Contractor's expense' 4. Calcium chloride shall not be used. After completing concrete operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess materials, and clean work area. Allow no vehicular traffic across concrete for 7 davs or until concrete has attained 550 psi flexural strength. Allow no vehicle loads exce6ding design loading. No equipment is permitted on new pavement until strength attained. END OF SECTION t-7554.O1 02520-5 I t ''^ r""ttoN02s80 PAVEMENT MARKING I PARrI -cENERAL 1.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: I l. Handicapped symbol marking. l1 2. Lane marking. I 3. Parking stall identification. B. Related Sections:t I 1. Section 02513 - Asphaltic Concrete Paving. I t.02 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Mock-Up: t l. Provide samples of the following: a. Traffic lane stripe, l0 linear feet. I b. One parking stall sripe. It B. Approved samples may remain as part of the final work. Rejected samples shall be I removed from the subsfrate. f. PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.OI MATERIALS I A. Lane Marking Material: I I *",'*trffi;tlffiffiH'"ffil;,i$"::fjyiH#$#:,H;r'lf,24eorM t B. Thickness: l. Not less than 60 mills. I c. colors: r L Opaque White. Irl PART3-EXEcurIoN t 3.ol INSTALLATIoN A. Provide 4 inch wide stripes at all parking lanes as indicated. I I r-7ss4.01 02580-l Provide handicap symbols, lanc norldng stripes and traffic control rynbols as indicatd and requfued. EI{D OF SECTION t I t I t t I t02580-2 l-7554.01 t o t sEcrroN 02701 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES I PARr r -.ENERAL I l.0l SLJMMARY I A. This Section includes sewerage and drainage systems outside the building. Systems I include the following: !- l. Metal culvert storm sewer drainage. I B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to thisI' Section. I l. Division 2 Section "Excavating, Backfilling and Compacting for Utilities." - t.02 SUBMITTALS I A. General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract r and Division I Specification Sections. t B. Product data for the following: I l. Storm-water culvert pipe disposal systems.! C. Shop drawings for cast-in-place concrete structures.II I.O3 QUALITY ASSURANCE f A. Environmental Agency Compliance: Comply with regulations pertaining to storm t drainage systems. I B. Utility Compliance: Comply with regulations pertaining to storm drainage systems. I Include standards of water and other utilities where appropriate. I C. Product Options: Drawings indicate sizes, profiles, connections, and dimensional I requirements of system components and are based on specific manufacturer types indicated. Other manufacturers'products with equal performance characteristics may be I considered. Refer to Division I Section "Product Substitutions." I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, ANDHANDLING t A. Handle culvert and other structures according to manufacturer's rigging instructions. I I.O5 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Site Information: Perform site survey, research public utility records, and verify existing I utility locations. I l-7554.01 0270t - | r.06 SEQUENCINGAI{D SCHEDULING A. Coordinate with other utility work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPES AND FITTINGS A. Comrgated-Steel Pipe: ASTMA760, Typel, made from ASTM A444, zinc-coated steel sheet for bandedjoints. l. Fittings: Fabricated to tlpes indicated and according to same standards as pipe. 2. Connecting Bands: Standard couplings made for corrugated-steel pipe to form soiltight joints. B. Contractor's Option: Comrgated-Aluminum Pipe: ASTMB745, Typel, made from ASTM B 744, aluminum-alloy sheet for banded joints. l. Fittings: Fabricated to tlryes indicated and according to sarne standards as pipe. 2. Connecting Bands: Standard couplings made for com.rgated-aluminum pipe to form soiltightjoints. 2.02 CONCRETE A. General: Cast-in-place concrete according to Section 03300. B. Ballast and Pipe Supports: Portland-cement design mix, 3000 psi minimurq with 0.58 madmum water-cement ratio. l. Reinforcement Fabric: ASTM A 185, steel, welded wire fabric, plain. 2. Reinforcement Bars: ASTM A 615, Grade 60, deformed steel. 2.O3 OUTFALLS A. Construct headwall, apron, and tapered sides of cast-in-place, reinforced concrete. B. Riprap: Broken stone, irregular size and shape, weighing 15 to 50 pounds each. C. Energy Dissipators: Construction as indicated, from materials indicated. PART3 -E)GCUTION 3.OI EARTI{\ilORK A. Excavating trenching, and bacldlling are specifed in Division 2 Section "Excavating, Bacldlling and Compacting for Utilities." I I I T I I I I t I I I I T I I t I I02701 - 2 1-7554.01 I I I t t I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.02 IDENTIFICATION A. Detectable Warning Tape: Acid- and alkali-resistant polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, 6 inches wide and 4 mils thick minimum, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility, with metallic core encased in a protectivejacket for corrosion protectio4 detectable by metal detector when tape is buried up to 30 inches deep. B. Anange for installation of green warning tapes directly over piping and at outside edges of underground structures. 1. Use warning tapes or detectable warning tape over ferrous piping. 3.03 DRAINAGE PIPING APPLICATIONS A. General: Include watertight, silttight, or soiltight joints' 3.04 INSTALLATIO\GENERAL A. General Locations and Arrangements: Drawings (plans and details) indicate the general location and arrangement of underground drainage systems piping. Location and arrangement of piping layout take into account many design considerations. Install piping as indicated, to extent practical. B. Install piping beginning at low point of systems, true to grades and alignment indicated with unbroken continuity of invert. Install sleeves, and couplings according to manufacture/s recommendations for installation requirements. C. Use proper size increasers, reducers, and couplings, where different sizes or materials of pipes and fittings are connected. Reduction of the size of piping in the direction of flow is prohibited. D. Install gravity-flow-systems piping at constant slope between points and elevations indicated. Instatl straight piping runs at constant slope, not less than that specified, where slope is not indicated. E. Extend drainage piping and connect to building's storm drains, of sizes and in locations indicated. Terminate piping as indicated. F. Install drainage piping pitched down in direction of flow, at minimum slope of I percent and 36-inch minimum cover, except where otherwise indicated. 3.05 PIPE JOINT CONSTRUCTION A}ID INSTALLATION A. General: Join and install pipe and fittings according to the following. l. Corrugated-Steel Pipe: Join and install according to ASTM A 798. Use standard joints made with coupling bands, except where special joints are indicated. l-7554.01 0270t -3 2. Comrgated-Steel Pipe: Join and install according to ASTM A 798. Use soiltight joints made with coupling bands and gaskets, except where other joints are indicated. 3. Comrgated-Aluminum Pipe: Join and install according to ASTMB 788. Use standard joints made with coupling bands, except where special joints are indicated. 4. Comrgated-Aluminum Pipe: Join and install according to ASTMB 788. Use soiltight joints made with coupling bands and gaskets, except where other joints are indicated. 5. Join piping made of different materials or dimensions with couplings made for this application. Use couplings that are compatible with and fit both systems' materials and dimensions. 3.06 STORM DRAINAGE INLET A}.ID OUTFALL INSTALLATION A. Construct inlet head walls, aprons, and sides of reinforced concrete, as indicated. B. Construct outlet head walls, aprons, and sides of reinforced concrete, as indicated. C. Construct riprap of broken stone, as specified in the Colorado Departmant of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Constnrction. D. Install outlets that spill onto grade, anchored with concrete, where indicated. E. Install outlets that spill onto grade, with flared end sections that match pipe, where indicated. F. Construct energy dissipators at outlets, as indicated. 3.07 CONCRETEPLACEMENT A. Place cast-in-place concrete according to ACI 318, ACI 350& and as indicated. 3.08 DRAININSTALLATION A. Install type drains in locations indicated. B. Embed drains in a 4-inch minimum depth of concrete around bottom and sides. C. Fasten grates to drains if indicated. D. Set drain frames and covers with tops flush with zurface of paving. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I0270t - 4 l-7554.01 I t 3.0e SroRM-WATERDISPOSAL SYSTEMINSTALLATION A. Excavate trenches of width and deptlr, and install system and bacldll according to 1 chamber manufacturer's written instructions. I B. Include storage and leaching chambers, filtering material, and filter mat. I 3.lo FIELD euALITY coNrRoL r A. Clear interior of piping and structures of dirt and superfluous material as the work I progresses. Maintain swab or drag in piping and pull past each joint as it is completed. - I In largg accessible piping, brushes and brooms may be used for cleaning.Ir 2. Place plug in end of incomplete piping at end of day and whenever work stops. I B. Inspect interior of piping to determine whether line displacement or other damage hasI occurred. Inspect after approximately 24 inches of backfill is in place, and again at I completion of the Project. I l. Submit separate reports for each system inspection. I 2. Defects requiring correction include the following: J a. mfr:' Less than tull diameter of inside of pipe is visual between b. Deflection: Flexible piping with deflection that prwents passage of a ball or I cylinder of a size not less than92.5 percent of piping diameter. c. Crushed, brokerl cracked, or otherwise damaged piping. I d. Infiltration: Water leakage into piping. I e. Exfiltration: Water leakage from or around piping. 3. Replace defective piping using new materials and repeat hspections until defects t are within allowances specified. 4. Reinspect and repeat procedure until results are satisfactory. I END.FSE.TI.N I 1-7554.01 ! I t 02701 - 5 I II lT''*"ffi I A. Section Includes: SECTION 02710 SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEMS I L Foundafion drainage tile system, complete with required couplings and accessories. 2. Aggregate setting bed and cover. I B. Related Sections: I Section 02200 - Earthwork Excavation for drainage tile.IT I.O2 REFERENCES I A. ASTM F 405- Comrgated Polyethylene (PE) Tubing and Fittings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.or MANUFAcTuRERS ', A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: I l. Drainage Conduits: a. AvanEDGE; Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. b. Crumpler Plastic Pipe, lnc. c. Fomr-A-Drain; CertainTeed Corp.; Pipe & Plastics Group. 2. Fabric Drainage Panels: a. Plastinet 6261; l$TlMaynardPlastics. b. Enkadrain 9120; l{xm Industrial Systems Co. c. Gundnet Gundle Lining Systems, Inc. d. JDRain-I0O; JDR Enterprises, lnc. e. STRATADRAIN50-l; StrataSystems,Inc. I z.o2 MATERIALS A. Drainage Piping: Perforated, polyvinylchloride type ASTM F 405, comrgated, for I coupleii joinis;4 inch inside diametbr; cdmplete with required couplings and fittings, l. Couplings: Manufacturer's standard, band type. I B. Coarse Filter Aggregate: Clean well graded natural gnvel or crushed stone; free from shale, clay, organic materials and debris. I t I I I I l-7ss4.ol 027tO-l o I I t I I t I t I T I I l I I I I I I C. Fine Filter Aggregate: Clean well graded natural sand; free from silt, clay, loam, organic matters and soluble material' D. Filter Fabric: Nonwoven geotextile fabric of polypropylene (PP) or polyester fibers, or combination of both. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install foundation drainage system with course and fine filter aggregate stone. B. Hand tim excavations to required elevations. Do not over excavate. Remove large stones or other hard matter which could damage drainage tile. C. Place drainage piping on minimum 2 inch deep bed of course fine filter aggregate. D. Install piping beginning at low points of system, true to grades and alignment indicated, with unbroken continuity of invert. Bed piping with full bearing, solidly in filtering materid. Install gaskets, seals, sleeves, and couplings according to manufacturer's written instructions and other requirements indicated. l. Install piping pitched down in direction of flow, at a minimum slope of I percent (1 :100) and with a minimum cover of 36 inches, except where otlerwise indicated. 2. Install according to ASTM D 2321 and manufacture/s written instuctions. 3. Place with perforations facing downward. E. Wrap drain lines with filter fabric or graded granular material to prevent intrusion of fines. F. Ensure complete connection to storm sewer system using unperformated pipe. G. Prior to placing filter aggregate cover, allow Architect to make visual inspection of installed drainag€ tile. H. Place filter aggregate cover in ma;<imum 6 inch lifts, consolidating each lift. Increase compaction of each successive lift. Do not displace or damage drainage tile when compacung. 3.02 DRAINAGE PANEL INSTALLATION A. Install according to manufacturels written instructions and as indicated. Coordinate placement with other foundation drainage materials. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for securing drainage panels to substrate. Use adhesives and mechanical fasteners recommended by manufacturer. Lap edges of fabric and extend fabric around foundation drainage pipe according to manufacturer's recommendations. Protect installed panels during backfilling. t-7554.0r 02710-2 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: Test drain piping with water or visually check piping to ensure free flow before backfilling. B. Remove obstnrctions, replace damaged components, and repeat test until results are satisfactory. END OF SECTION t-7554.0r 027r0-3 I I I sEcrIoN o33oo! I CONCRETEWORK ' PARTI -GENERAL l l.ol sUMMARYtA. Section Includes: I 1. Xffhir"#tF*""tr$rTffi-_:lt.labor, materials and equipment necessarv for I a. Formwork, complete with required shoring, bracing and anchorage. b. [X*JiTr:, complete with required supports, spacers and related I c. Cast-in-place.concrete including footings, grade beams, walls, slabs-on-t d. F#fiH$ l$i., floor slabs and topping. I e. Special finishes for architectural concrete. ! f. Installation of embedded items furnished by others.g. Miscellaneous concrete work such as equipment bases, and splash pads. I B. Related Sections:I _ l. Section 01400 - Qualtty Contol: Concrete Testing. t 2. Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving. I 3. Section 03560 - Cementitious Floor Patching. t r.o2 *.RKTNSTALLEDBUTFURNISHEDByoTHERs t A. Anchor Bolts, Weld Plates, and Bearing Plates and Angles Cast into Concrete:I Furnished under Section 05500 Metal Fabrications. I B. Railing Sleeves: Fumished under Section 05500 Metal Fabrications. t 1.03 QUALTTYASSURANCE I A. Reference Standards: Perform all cast-in-place concrete work in accordance withr "Specifications for Structural Concrete for buildings," ACI 301, unless amended or superseded by requirements of this Section or General Notes on the structural I ariwings. Cripy oi ACI 301 will be available for review at Architect's offrce during-t biddin{period.- Keep copy of ACI 301 in Contractor's field office for duration o-f proJect. I B. Design Criteria: I Concrete: See General Notes on Stucturd Drawings and ACI 301 , Chapter 3.tfl 2. Formwork Design: The General Contractor shall assume all responsibility for H:,:*g;l*-p##"*,s1":is:",f Y.:ff #"'uTff :;#iff ilT#i;'*'u"" I t-7554.0r 03300-l T o I T t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Testing Agency: All testing shall be done by an approved testing laboratory selected and paid by the Owner. Contactor shall furnish testing agency access to work, facilities, and incidental labor required for testing and inspection. Retention by the Owner of an independent testing agency shall in no way relieve the Contractor of responsibility for performing all work in accordance with the contract requirements. Source Quality Contol: The Architect, Structural Engineer and Testing Agency shall be offered unintemrpted ascess to the ready-mix batching plant at all times that the work is in progress. Record of Work A record shall be kept by the General Contractor listing the time and date ofplacement ofall concrete for the stucture. Such record shall be kept until the completion of the project and shall be available to the Architect and Structural Engineer for examination at any time. F. Approval: All formwork surfaces that will provide the finish swface of exposed concrete must be approved by Architect before depositing concrete. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Mix Designs: l. Submit substantiating data for each concrete mix design contemplated for use to the Architect and Sfuctural Engineer not less than two weeks prior to first concrete placement. Data for each mix shall, as a minimum, include the following: Mix identification designation (unique for each mix submitted). Statement of intended use for mix. Mix proportions, including all admixnres used. Manufacturer's data and/or certifications verifring conformance of all mix materials, including admixtures, with specified requirements.e. Wet and dry unit weight.f. Entained air content. C. Design slump.h. Required average stength qualification data per ACI 301 3.9.1 and 3.9.2. Submit s€parate qualification data for each production facility which will supply concrete to the project.i. Average strength qualification data (trial mix data or field test data per ACI 301 3.9.3). When field test data is used to quali$ average stengtlL submit separate qualification data for each production facility which will supply concrete to the project.j. Field test data submitted under h and i above shall include copies of the Concrete Testing Agency's report from which the data was compiled. 2. Separate design mixes are required for each strength and class ofconcrete, each change in type and/or quantity of mix materials including admixtures, each change in slump limits, and each change in entrained air content. B. Reinforcement Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawing specified under Section 01300. Indicate bar sizes, spacing, locations, and quantities ofreinforcing steel and wire fabric, bending and cutting schedules, and supporting and spacing devices. lndicate exact locations of all openings, franing or special conditions affecting the work. Provide 1/4 in. scale elevations of all walls with reinforcing shown. D. E. a, b. c. d. 03300-2 l-7554.01 l. l. I I T T I I I I I I I I I I I I T t I o RAGE,I.O5 DELIVERY, STO A. Concrete: 1.06 A. ANDHANDLING Hauling Time: Discharge all concrete transmitt€d in a tuck mixer, agitator, or other tiansportation devlce not later than l-ll2 hours, or 300 revolutions ofthe drum after-the mixing water has been added, whichever is earliest. Extra Water: Deliver concrete to the job in exact quantities required Uy 4e desigrr mix. Should exfia water be required before depositing the- concrete, the Conlactor's Superintendent shall have Sole authority toauthori"_e the addition of water. Any additional water added to the mix after leaving the batch-planl shall be indicatdd on the truck ticket and signed by the person responsible. Where extra water is added to the concrete, it shall be mixed thoroughly for 30 revolutions of the drum at mixing speed. Water may be added at the site only once to each batch. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Requirements : Cold Weather Placement: When depositing concrete after the first frost or when the mean daily temperatures are below 40 degrees F., follow recommendations of ACI 306. Maintain concrete temperature at a minimum of 55 degrees F. for sections having a minimum dimerision of 12 in., or 50 degrees F.,for sections having a minimum dimension of 12 in. or greater, for not less than 72 hours after depoulting. The concrete may no1 coniain calcium chloride or admixtures co-ntaining more than 0.05 percent chloride ions or thiocyanates. The specified non-chloide accelerator or high-early strength Type III cement may be used when approved by the Structural Engineer. Do not place concrete-without approval-of the Sfouctural Engineer on days when temperature at 9:00 AM is biiow 30 degrees F. Job curei cylinders for verificatio-n of strength and/or the adequacy of the Contracto/s piotective methods may be required by the Structural Engineer. Hot Weather Placement: When depositing concrete in hot weather, follow recommendations of ACI 305. The temperature of concrete at time of placement shall not exceed 90 degrees F. Protect to prevent rapid drying. Start finishing and curing as soon as possible, When the air temperature is expected- o exceed 90 degreei F., the Contractor shall obtain approval from the Structural Engineer of thJprocedures to be used in protecting, depositing, finishing, 9Pd curi-ng the concreie. The specified water reducing retarding admixture may be used upon approval of the S-tuctual Engineer. The use of continuous wetting or fog sprays may be required by the Structural Engineer for 24 hours after depositing or the woik may 6e restilted to evenings or nights, especially in times of low humidity. B. Protection: Protect newly finished slabs from rain damage. Protect finished slabs from mortar leakage from pouring of concrete above. Cover masonry walls, glazing, and other finish materials with polyethylene or otherwise protect from damage due to pouring ofconcrete. l-7554.01 03300-3 o I I I I t I I I I T I t I I I t I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI GENERAL A. All materials in accordance with ACI 301, paragraphs as listed, unless amended or superseded by requirements of following articles or General Notes on the structural drawings. 2.02 CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS (ACI30l 2.1) A. General: Unless otherwise specified, use one brand and type of cement throughout the project. B. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150 Type I. C. FlyAsh: ASTMC613ClassForC. 2.03 ADMTXTT.JRES (ACr 30r2.2) A. General: Unless specified, no admixtues may be used without specific approval of the Architect and Stuctural Engineer. B. Air Entraining Agent: Conform to ASTM C 260. Add ah entraining agent when required as indicted in ACI 301 3.4.1. and as required herein. C. Water Reducing Admixhue: Conform to ASTM C 494, Type A: Euclid Chemical Company Eucon WR-75; Master Builders Pozzolith l22lIE; Protex PDA; or equivalent. The admixnre shall not contain more chloride ions than are present in municipal drinking water. D. High Range Water Reducing Admixture (Superplasticizer): Conform to ASTM C 494, Type F or G: Euclid Chemical Company Eucon 37; Sika Chemical Corporation Sikament; or equivalent. The admixnre shall not contain more chloride ions than are present in municipal drinking water. E. Non-Chloride Accelerator: Conform to ASTM C 494, Type C or E: Euclid Chemical Company, Accelguard 80; V/.R. Grace & Co. Darex Set Accelerator; or equivalent. The admixture shall not contain more chloride ions than arc pt€sent in municipal drinking water. The admixture manU.acQg shall have- long teJm test data proving non-corrosive effect on reinforcing steel using an acceptable accelerated corrosion test method. F. Calcium Chloride: Calcium chloride or admixhrrcs containing more than 0.05 percent chloride ions or thiocyanates are not permitted. G. Certification: Written conformance to above mentioned requirements and the chloride ion content of the admixtrue will be required from the admixture manufacturer prior to mix design review by the Stuctural Engineer. 2.04 AGGREGATES (ACr 3012.4) A. Continuously obtain each type aggregate from same source throughout the project. 03300-4 1-7554.01 I I T I I I I I I I I I T I I I t I I 2.0s STRENGTH (ACI30l 2.3) A. See General Notes on stucturd drawings. 2.06 DURABILITY (ACI30l 3.4) A. Concrete exposed to weather such as paving, site work, Ioading docks, and exterior slabs shall meet the requirements of ACI 301 3.4.1. All concrete subject to de-icers shall meet the requirements of ACI 301 3.4.3 except that lightweight concrete shall be proportioned for i compressive strength ofat least 5000 psi. 2.07 SLUMP (ACI30l 3.5) A. Concrete \4rith HRWR Admixture (Superplasticizer): 8 inches mar<imum less otherwise directed by Stuctural Engineer. B. All Other Structual concrete: 4 inches maximum. 2.08 ADMIXTURES (ACI3ol 3.7) A. All concrete required to be air entrained shall contain an approved air entraining admixture. All ioncrete shall contain the specified water reducing admixture and/o.r high range water reducing admixture (Superplasticizer). All concrete slabs placed at air teirperaires below 50 ddgrees F. shali c6ntiin the specified non-corrosive accelerator. 2.09 SELECTION OF PROPORTIONS (ACI 301 3.8, 3.9 Al,lD 3.ll) A. Mix Desigrr: Cost of concrete mix desigrr by Contactor. B. Selection of Proportions: Use method of ACI 301 3.9. Proportioning based on method of ACI30l 3.10 notallowed. l. Field test records used for documentation ofthe average strength produced by a proposed mix in accordance with ACI 301 shall, in addition to the iequirements there listed, comply with the following: a. The test record shall represent production concrete from a single design mix, produced during the pa* y-ear, and may be composed of 30 or more consecutlve tests.b. The test record shall represent concrete made with identical materials and proportions (including admixtrues) to the proposed ryi*. -c. Th6 test reiord shall represent concrete proportioned to produce.the maximum slump allowed by these specifications, and -for air entained concrete, within plus or miius 0.5 p6rcent of the maximum air content allowed. 2. Mixes proportioned on the basis of trial mixtures shall meet the provisions of ACI301 3. Fly ash, in proportions not greater than 25 pelc€nt by weigh-t of the total amount of cementitioris materials, may be used when accepted by the Structural Engineer. Cement content and/oi water-cement ratio for mixes containing_fly ash shdil be based on the total weight of cementitious materials (Podland Cement plus fly ash). t-7554.01 03300-s o I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I T I I 4. Pumped lightweight concrete mixes shall contain fly ryh in proportions of not less than fperceit nor greater than 20 percent by wlight of the iotal amotmt of cementitious materials and the specified air entraining agent in quantities sufficient for 5 percent to 8 percent total air content by volume. Such mixes may contain the speCified water reducing admixture and/or approved pumping aids. C. Minimum Cement Content: Concrete for slabs-on-grade shall contain a minimum of 520 lbs. of cement per cubic yard of consrete. Concrete for city sidewalks shall contain a minimum of 560 lbs. of cement per cubic yard. All other stnrctural concrete shall contain a minimum of 470 lbs. per cubic yard. D.MixTypeA: l. Location: 2. Cement Type: 3. Max. Aggregate Size: 4. Air Entrainment: 5. Slump: 6. CompressiveStrength: Mix Type B: l. Location: 2. Cement type: 3. Max. Aggregate Size: 4. Air Entrainment: 5. Slump: 6. CompressiveStength: Mix Type E: l. Location: 2. Cement type: 3. Max. Aggregate Size: 4. Air Entrainment: 5. Slump: 6. CompressiveStrength: 7. Max WC Ratio: Footings and Grade Beams Type I 3/4 inch 4percentplus I percent 4 inchma:<imum 3,000 psi Interior Slabs on G'rade Type I 3/4 inch 6 percent plus I percent 4 inchmaximum 3,500 psi Exterior Slabs on Grade Type I 3/4 inch 6percentplus I percent 4 inch maxirnum 4,000 psi 0.45 F. 03300-6 l-7554.01 t t I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I o 2.IO F€INFORCING STEEL A. See General Notes on the structural drawings for types, grades or yield strengths. Use 60,000 psi yield strength if not otherwise ipecified. _ Confo.rm to ASTM^A 615 plus (Si), Oriforired Billet-Steel Bars or ASTM-A 706, Lou,-Alloy_ Steel Deformed Bars irnless indicated otherwise. Epoxy coated reinforcing shall conform to ASTM A 775. All reinforcing bars in topping'slabs over precast, including dowel bars, shall be epoxy coated. Finish: Plain. z.rt WELDED WIREFABRIC (ACI30l 5.2.s) A. Mesh size and gage as indicated on the drawing, Conform to ASTM A 185, in flat sheets. Finish: Plain 2.r2 EXPANSION JOINTS (ACI30l 6.2) A. Fiber Expansion Joint: l/2 inch thickness. Conform to ASTM D 1751. 2.13 ACCESSORIES A. Compressible Fonn Tape: BearNo. 536 vinyl foam or equivalent. B. Cone Ties: ll/16 inch diameter, I inch depth, plastic cone with suitable snap tie. Provide flush plugs, color as selected. C. Chamfer Stips: 3/4 inch 45 degree job cut wood, 3/4 inch 45 degree PVC, l/2 inch diarneter PVC , and 3/4 inch diameter PVC. 2.14 EPOXYADIIESIVES A. With prior approval of the Architect and ,sqqqtutu! Engineer as to methods and procediles, niike structural repairs with Errclid Qheqrlcal ColnPaly E399 !qo11J56, 460,463, or Sika Chemical C6rporation Culma Dur Mortar, Sikadur Hi-Mod L.V., or Sikidur tti-Ir{oa. Where epoiy injection procedures ate used, -an approved low viscosity epoxy, made by the irevioujly specified manufacturers, shall be used. 2.15 BONDING COMPOTTND FOR RESURFACING OR REPAIR A. Euclid Chemical Company Euco Weld; Larsen Products Weldcrete; Sika Chemical Corp. Sikabond, or equivalent. 2.16 CURINGCOMPOLIND (ACI 301 A, Interior Slabs With Resilient Flooring or Carpet or Left Exposed: 'Su.pgr \"?" ot "Super Pliocure" by the Euclid Chemical Company, or "Maste-r Kure'_by ^MasterBuiiders. The compound shall conform to Federil Specification T'I-C-800A, 30 percent solids content minimum, and have test data from an independent lalolatory indicating a maximum moisture loss of 0.030 grams pel_sq..cm. when applied at a coverage-rate of 300 sq. ft. per gallon. Manufacturer's certification required. B. All Other Interior slabs: Dissipating resin t54r€, "Kurez DR" by the Euclid Chemical Company, or equivalent. C. Exterior Slabs, Sidewalks and Curbs: Clear styrene butadiene curing and sealing compound. l-7554.01 03300-7 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI GENERAL A. Install concrete work in accordance with ACI 301, paragraphs as listed, unless amended or superseded by following articles or notes on the structural drawings. B. Use ready mixed concrete confomring to ASTM C 94; no job mixed concrete allowed. 3.02 EXAMINATION A. All foundation bearing surfaces shall be inspected and approved by the Soils Engineer- prior to start of formwirk. Atl formwork surfaces that will.provide the finish surface of exposed concrete must be approved by the Architect before depositing _concrete. Cdmpleted installation of con-ciete reinforcement must be approved by the Structural Engiireer/Testing Agency before depositing concrete. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Underslab surfaces shall be fine graded to smootlr, level surface prior to installation of slab forms. 3.04 FORMWORK(ACI 30l,CHAPTER4) A. Earth Cuts (ACI 301 4.1.3): Earth cuts may not be used as forms. B. Anchors, Inserts, Blockouts, and Built-In Items: Anchor bolts, inserts, form blockouts, and othei items 6uilt into the concr€te shall be securely fastened to fomtwork or held in place with templates. lnsertion into concrete after pouring will not be allowed. 3.05 FORMREMOVAL (ACI30l 4.5) A. Form Facing Marcrial Removal: Form facing material which is removable without disturbing s[ores may be removed when concrete is at least seven (? days old,_ Fping may be rimoved eariier if specilcally pernitted-py_ the Archit_ectlstructural Engineer and acceptable curing compbund is applied to all formed surfaces immediately after form removal. 3.06 FORM REUSE A. Clean all form material suitable for reuse before erection. No form material will be acceptable for reuse if, in the opinion of the Architect, -it will got produce a finished surface required by these Specifications or called for on the drawings. 3.07 WELDING REINFORCEMENT (ACI30l s.3) A. Welding reinforcing bars not permitted except where specifically^indicated. Ptotg"t exposed' bars inteided for tbnding with future consfiuction from corrosion by pr6vidine adequate covering. Use reinforcing conforming to ASTM 706 where welding 6f reinibrcing is reqrfued rurless otherwise specified on the drawings. 3.08 FIELD BENDING OF REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent except as shown on the drawings-or speiifically permitted by the Structural Engineer. I t t I T I I I I I I I I I I t T I t03300-8 1-7554.01 t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t o 3.9 PLACINC (ACI30l 5.5.3) A. On vertical formwork, use approved bar chairs or spacers as required to maintain proper concrete cover and bar position. B. Free fall shall not exceed eight (8) feet in walls and columns, or five (5) feet in other elements. C. Guide the flow of concrete in walls and columns for vertical drop betw-een the tiinfo..i"g with a spout, down pipe, elephant truck, or other appropriate method' 3.10 CoNSTRUCTION JOINTS OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS (ACI 301 6.1) A. Waterstop: Install continuous waterstops between wall pours whenever exterior grade is above interior floor level. 3.r l REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS (ACI 301 CHAPTER 9) A. Allow Architect and Structural Engineer to observe concrete surfaces immediately upon removal of forms. B. Modiff or replace concrete not conforming to required lines, details, and elevations. C. Repair or replace concrete not properly placed res}lting.in excessive-honeycombing and other deibcts. Patch, repair, oireflace exposed architectural finished concrete as directed by the Architect. D. Patching of tie holes is required. E. Repair defects in structural concrete elements as follows: l. Deep Defects Exposing Reinforcing: C$p to sould concrete and clean tnot6ug5y to rem6ve ali loose concrEte and dus!._ epply-tt.ri" coat of .specified epoxyldfiesive. Form and pour, or-dry_pack with.specified non-metallic, non- ;ftnit gt;ui, prior to develoiment of talk-free condition of e-poxy bonder. Strip forms iffer erout has hardenid and provide specified finish. Moist cure or apply specified cliar curing and sealing co-mpound immediately after finishing' 2. Defects Greater Tl;pfr.llzlnch Depth Not Exposing Reinforcing: Chip, clean and apply specified epoxy adhesive.'Dry pack-using specified non-metallic, non- sfifirik 'grout prior t6 development- of tack-free condition of epoxy bonder. Provide specified frnish and cure per 3.13.E.1. 3. Defects Less Than l/2 Inch Depth and Tie Holes: a. For concrete having a specified compressive strength of 5,000 psi or less: chip and clean per 5. t f .E. t ' Dry pack, finish, and cur€ per 3' 13'E' l ' 4. Other equivalent repair procedures pay be used subject to review and acceptance by the lirchitect and Structural Engineer. 3.t2 FORMED SURFACEFINISI{ES (ACI30l, CHAPTER l0) A. Formed surface finishes per ACI 301 10.4. l-7554.01 03300-9 a shall be removed to achieve I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I I B. Shingles resulting from stop/start of slip-form operation finishes as specified above. 3.r3 SCREEDS (ACI30l ll,3) A. Continuous intermediate screed strips set prior to concrete placement are required. For slabs cast over metal deck, place screeds along beam lines. Set screeds and adjust as necessary to achieve proper slab elevation and thickness. 3.14 JOTNTING SLABS-ON-GRADE (ACI 301 ll.5) A. Construction Joints: Form joints as shown on the drawings. B. Contol Joints: Constnrct joins by saw cutting or with specified slab joint form. Make saw cuts as soon as possible after placing concrete without dislodging aggregate to a depth of l/4 ofthe slab thickness. C. Slip Joints: Separate slabs-on-grade from vertical surfaces with non-compressible bond breakerjoint material ""less oth€dse shown on the drawings. D. Interior Slabs to Receive Floor Covering: Construct slabs in as large a placement area as practicable. Locate construction joints on column ceirter lines. Provide control joints at column center lines and at intervals not mor€ than 30 feet each way. E. Exposed Interior Slabs: Locate constuctionjoints on column lines. Provide control joiits at column center lines and at intervals not more than 15 feet each way. 3.15 SLAB FIMSIIES (ACI 301 ll.8) A. FloorfinishesperACI30l ll.8' 3.16 SLAB FIMSHINGTOLERAI.ICES (ACI 301 ll.9) A. Slope to Drain: l/4 inch Per foot. B. Trowel Finish: Formed slabs Class AX - 3/16 inches in l0 feet. Slabs on metal deck Class BX - 5/16 inches in l0 feet. C. Floated Finish: Class BX - 5/16 inches in l0 feet. D. ScratchedFinish: ClassCX- 5/16inches in2 feet. 3.r7 CT RING (ACI30l l2.l) A. General: Apply specified curing compounds immediately after flnal finisling of slabs. Apply in quantities recommended by the manufacturer. See Section 2.24forwage. B. Slabs to Receive Hardener: Use materials and methods recommended by manufacturer. 18 FLOORSEALER A. Appty a second coat of the specified curing -and _sealing compound. Apply to. ftnish crinciete floors as indicated on room finish schedule just prior to completion of construction. Coat surfaces uniformly, leaving no pin- holes or gaps, and at rate not 03300-10 t-7554.0r I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I o o leaveexceeding 500 sq. ft. per gallon. Upon completion, discoloration or traces of excess sealer. 3.r9 FrELD QUALITY CONTROL (ACI 301, CI{APTER 16). A. Delete. See Section 01400 for testing procedtues and requirements. 3.20 EVALUATION AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (ACI 301 CHAPTER 17 AND l8) A. Basis of evaluation and acceptance of work under this section shall be in accordance with the provisions of these chapters. 3.21 MISCELLANEOUSCONCRETEREQLnREMENTS A. All other concrete work indicated on the drawings shall be provided and installed, even though not specifically mentioned herein, to complete the work, including the following: B. Anchors: Install anchors firmished under Section 05500 in accordance with shop drawings for structural or miscellaneous steel. C. Equipment Bases: Install concrete bases for all pumps,_ boilers, tanks, fans transibrrners, floor mounted electrical equipmen! etc., including anchor bo!,tl qd inserts in accordance with setting diagrams firnished by the contactor responsible for installing the equipment. Finisf, all 6ases in a workmanlike manner with a troweled finish. The bases-shall be located and sizes determined by the Contractor furnishing the equipment. D. Splash Blocks: Install 12 inches by 36 inches pr€cast concrete splash blocks under all downspouts or roofdrain leaders emptying onto unpaved areas. E. Light Pole Bases: Form, reinforce, and pour light pole bases as indicated on electrical ati*ings. Coordinate- installation of condiit -and anchor bolts with electrical contractor. END OF SECTION surface clean without l-7554.01 03300-l I I I sEcrroN o3s6o CEMENTITIOUS FLOOR PATCHING PART I . GENERAL I l.ol sIJMMARY A. Section Includes: I 1. Cementitious floor underlayment. r 2. Sealant. - 3. Preparation. I 4. Application. B. Related Work: I l. Section 01045 - Cutting and Patching. I 2. Section 09660 - Resilient Tile Flooring. ' 3. Section 09665 - Resilient Sheet Flooring. I 4. Section09680-Carpet. r.02 QUALIFICATIONS I A. Installation shall be by an approved applicator using approved equipment. t 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGEANDHANDLING I A. AII materials shall be delivered in their original unopened packages and protected from exDosure to the elements. I B. Damaged or deteriorated materials shall be removed from the premises. I PART2-PRODUCTS I z.0r cEMENTITIous 'ATCHING sysrEMS I A. EUCO Thin Coat, polymer modifred patch kit manufactured by Euclid Chemical Co. l. Distributed bv: I a. S*uff"v and Company (777-3435).b. Rio Grande Company (875-2211). I B. Approved substitutions: l. Tamms Thin Patch.I I t-'t554.0r 03560-l o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T 2. Rio Grande "Vinyl Patch". 3. Tamms Floorstone Supreme. 2.02 JOINT SEALER A. Dow Coming 888 SL (self leveling) one component, silicone sealant. B. Approvedsubstitution. l. Tremco Spectem 2. 2. Sonnebom Sonolastic SL l. PART 3 - DGCUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Clean substrate to remove all dirt, deb'ris, oil, grease or other contaminants. 3.02 JOINTSEALERAPPLICATION A. Insert back-up material in floor slab joints to an optimuur depth recommended by the sealant manufacturer to permit proper sealant thickness in relation to joint width. B. Apply sealant in joint and tool flush. 3.03 APPLICATION A. After sealant cure, saturate substate in conformance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Prime substate immediately after saturation process. C. Place topping by paving, pumping or trowel in a continuous strearn of material for uniform, level surfacp. D. Finish and cure in conformance with the manufactueds instnrctions. END OF SECTION 03560-2 l-7554.01 I r sEcTroN 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS I PART I - GENERAL t 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I l. Refer to schedule at end ofthis Section. I B. Related Sections:I L Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete. I C. Work Fumished but not Installed;I l. Anchor Bolts and Weld Plates for Anchoring Metal Fabrications: Install under Section 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete,r 2. Railine Sleeves: Install under Section 02520 - Portland Cement Concrete Paving-. - I.O2 REFERENCES I A. Steel: Meet requirements of AISC "Specifications for Architecturally_Exposedt Structural Steel",'latest edition and AISC "Specificafion for the Design, Detailing, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings", latest edition. I B. Welding: Meet requirements of AWS "Structural Welding Code", Dl.l, latest edition. F ^ tr railings, shall meet requirements of OSHA and UBC.I v. .ur. r l.o3 DEFIMTIoNS I A. Metal Fabrications: Synonymous with miscellaneous metals.r B. Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel: As used under this section, includes all metal I fabrications exposed to view. r C. Structural SGel: Includes steel columns and beams. I l.o4 suBMrrrALSr A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings as specified under Section 01300 for all I custom fabricated items under this section. I l. Indicate profiles, sizes, connection attachments, reinforcing, anchorage, size and type offasteners and accessories. r 2. Include erection drawings, elevations and details where applicable. I 3. Indicate welded connections using standard AWS welding symbols.t r-7554.0r 05500-l l, I 4. Indicate net weld lengths and sizes. B. Coordinate between fabricator and installer before submission to Architect. C. Product Data: Submit product data as specified under Section 01300 for all manufacturer's stock items under this section. l.0s QUALITYASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: Experienced in fabrication of miscellaneous steel. B. Welder Qualifications: Welding shall be done only by certified welding operators crmently qualified according to AWS Dl.l. C. Desigrr Criteria: Stair steel handrails shall be capable of withstanding Code required loads. 1.06 DELIVERY,STORAGEANDHANDLING A. Materials to be Installed by Others: Deliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-place concrete constuction to the project site in time to be installed before the start ofcast-in-place concrete operations. B. Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for the installation of anchor bolts and other similar devices. C. Storage of Materials: Metals which are stored at the projgct site shall be above grognd on pEtforms, skids, or other supports. Protect steel from conosion. Store other materials in a weather-tight and dry place until ready for use. D. Store packaged materials in their original, unbroken package or container. I.O7 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Protection: Protect any adjacent materials or areas below from damage due to weld spatter or sparks during field welding. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Steel Shapes, Bars, and Plates: ASTM A 36. B. Steel Sheets: ASTM A 506. C. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 120, use standard malleable iron fittings. D. Tube: Meetrequirements ofASTMA 500, Grade B, latestedition. E. Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A 307 except steel to steel connections shall be ASTM A325, expansion bolts by approved manufacturer. F. Welding Electrodes: Conform to AWS Dl.l, 70 Series. G. Paint: Tnemec Series l0 metal primer. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T 05500-2 l-7554.01 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I H. Grout Non-shrink, stiffand sand-cement mixture. I. Setting compound: Porok or sulphur, 2.02 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate in accordance with details and reviewed shop.drawings, all miscellaneous items of metal work indicated or as necessary to complete the worK. Veri$ dimensions on site prior to shop fabrication' l. All materials shall be new stock of types and sizes indicated' 2. Make all cuts clean and sharp with wire edges ground gmgoth. ^On completion, the work shall be shaight, rigid and tight, and free from defects ofany nature. 3. Close exposed ends of steel pipe or tubing with welded caps' 4. Fabricate items with joints neatly fitted and properly secured' 5. Fit and shop assemble, in largest practical sections, for delivery to site. 6. Exposed mechanical fastenings shalt be flush, countersunk screws or bolts, un6btrusively located, consiStent with design of structure, except where specifically noted otherwise. 7. Make exposed joints flush butt-type, hairline joints where mechanically fastened. 8. Supply components required for proper anchorage of metal fabrications. fabiiiate anchoras" and ielated compbn6nts of same material and finish as metal fabrication, udesJotherwise specified or detailed. B. Welding: Comply with latest American Welding Society standards. - Miter and.cope interseitions -i weta all around. Remove spatter, grindexposed welds to blend, and contour surfaces to match those adjacent. C. Substitutions: Where exact sizes and weights called for arc not available, secure acceptance of the Architect and Structuil Engineer for suitable sizes prior to proceeding. 2.03 TUBULAR STEEL RAILINGS A. Tubular steel railings, shall be fabricate from round steel tubes with steel balusters in sizes and locations as detailed. l. Schedule 40 or 80 steel tubes as required by loading conditions at locations as detailed. B. Fabricate to designs indicated on Drawings, all welded construction, welds ground flush and smooth. Close exposed ends. C. Railings: Where balusters are set in concrete, provide pipe sleeves 6-inches long and t/4 injh clear ofbalusters; set balusters in sleeves, pack with Porok or hot sulphur. l-7s54.01 05500-3 o I I I t I I I I 2.04 SHOP PAINTING A. Clean ferrous metal of scale, rust, oil, moisture, and dirt in conformance with SSPC SP-2 or SSPC SP-3 before applying paint. B. Apply one shop coat of primer to fenous metal surfaces except galvanized surfaces, mllhined surfaces, surfaces adjacent to field welds, and surfaces to be encased in concrete. Apply two shop coats to fenous metal surfaces that will be inaccessible after erection. C. Provide smooth and even finish shop coats' D. Where field painting is required, apply final shop coat suitable for application of finish paint. E. Painting specified here does not count as a coat for finish painting. PART3 -DGCUTION 3.OI FABRICATIONANDERECTION A. Fabricate supplementary parts necessary to complete each item, through work is not definitely shown or specified. B. Fumish to appropriate tades all anchors, sockets or fastenings required for securing work to other construction. C. Veri8, all dinensions and take all measurements necessary at the site before fabrication of thi various items to ensure fit in the construction. D. Form materials to shapes indicated with shaight lines, sharp angles, and smooth curves. Drill or punch holes with smooth edges. E. Weld permanent shop connections. Continuously wgld qqd grind smooth welds that will E exposed. Conceal fastenings where practicable. Punch or drill for temporary field connections and for attachment of work by other tades. F. Fabricate work in shop in as large assemblies as is practicable. G. Welding shall confomr to the requirements for Shielded Metal Arc Welding of the Standad Code for Arc and Gas Welding of the American Welding Society. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Set metal work level, true to a line, plumb, or as indicated. Shim bearing plates with metal, and gput solid with non-shrink grout. B. Erect stuctural steel in accordance with AISC. C. Weld field connections and grind smoottt" where practicable. Conceal fs5lsnings where practicable. D. Secure metal to masonry with embedded anchors, setting compound, lead calking and sleeves, or cement-sand grouting. Expansion bolts and screws pennitted for light duty services only. I I I I I I I I I I I05500-4 l-7554.01 I o o covered. I E. Metal work, in place, shall be approved before being 3.03 SCHEDULE I A. This Section includes, but is not specifically limited to metal fabrications and I components listed in the following schedule: I l. Refer to the Drawings for items not specifically scheduled' I 2. Provide anchorage and attachments required for installation. t B. Structural steel beams and tube columns. C. Fabricated steel brackets for mill work, lavatories and fixed equipment. I D. Support angles and embed plates for fixed equipment. I E. Steel support and bracing angles as indicated. F. Handrails. I G. All other miscellaneous anchors, sleeves, bolts, brackets, clips, inserts, tubing, barI stock, plates and other items not distinctly specified under other sections, but necessary to comj2lete each item through such workmay not be shown or specified. END OF SECTIONI I I I t t I I I t I t-7554.01 05500-5 I I I t t t I I I T I t I t t I t t I SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY PARTI.GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Types of work in this Section include rough carpentry for: a. Wood framing.b. Framing with engineered wood products. c. Wood gounds, nailers, blocking and sleepers' d. Panel sheathing.e. Fasteners and connectors required for the Work' B. Related Work: l. Section 06200 - Finish Carpentry. I.O2 DEFIMTION A. Rough carpentry includes caxpenby work not specified as part of other sections and which is g6neraity not exposed, except as otherwise indicated. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturet's product data for rough carpentry wood treatrnent in accordance with Section 01300. B. Wood treatment data from chemicd treatnent manufacturer. Include chemical Eeabnent manufacturer's instnrctions for handling, storing, installing, and finishing treated material. l. Preservation Treatnent: Include certification by treatment plant stating type of solution and pressure process used, net amount of preservation retained, and compliance with applicable standards. 2. Waterbome Preservative Treatnent: Include certification that moisture content of treated wood was reduced to levels specified prior to shipment to Project site. 3. Fire-Retardant Treatnent: Include certification by treating plant that treated wood complies with specified requirements' 4. Wananty: Include warranty of chemical featnent manufacturer for each type of treatnent- 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Lumber Standards: Comply with PS20 and with applicable rules of the respective grading and inspecting ag6nbies for species and products indicated including moisture t-7554.01 06100-l o nominal sizes, o content and actual sizes related to the indicated I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I except as otherwise indicated. B. Plywood Product Standards: Comply *ilh !q I or, for products not manufactured unaer pS I provisions, with applicable APA PRP-108 Performance Standard for type ofpanel indicated. I.O5 DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery and Storage: Keep materials dry gt all times. lrolect agqnsj exposure to weathei and contacl with darnp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber and plywood above ground level with unifomrly spaced supports to prevent deformation, and provide air circulation within stacks. I.06 PROJECT CONDITION A. Coordination: Fit carpentry work to other work; scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds and similar supports to allow proper atCachment of other Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTI.JRERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Wood-Preservative-TreatedMaterials: a. Baxter: J. H. Borter Co. b. ChemicalSpecialties,Inc. c. Continental Wood Preservers, Inc. d. Hickson Corp. e. Hoover Treated Wood Products, Inc. f. Osmose Wood Preserving, Inc. 2. Fire-Retardant-Treated Materials, Interior Type A: a. Hickson CorP. "Dricon". b. Hoover Treated Wood Products, Inc. "Pyro-Guard". c. Osmose Wood Preserving, Inc. "Flame Proof LHC-HTT". 3. Laminated-VeneerLumber: a. Boise Cascade CorP. b. Trus Joist MacMillan. c. Willamette Industries, Inc' 4. Parallel-StrandLumber: 06100-2 a. Trus Joist MacMillan. l-7554.01 I I 5. Prefabricated Wood l-Joists: r a. Boise Cascade Corp. I b. Trus Joist MacMillan. I c. Willamette Industries, Inc. ll 6. Air-Infiltration Barriers: ! a. Amoco Foam Products Co. I b. Anthony Industries,Inc.; Simplex Products Division, I c. Celotex Corporation (The); Building Products Division. d. DuPont Company; Fibers Deparrnent. e. Ravenlndustries,Inc.r f. Sto-Cote Products, Inc. I 7. Metal Framing Anchors:I a. Silver Metal Products. Inc. r b. Simpson Stong-Tie Company,Inc. 2.U MATERIALS I A. Lumber, General: Nominal sizes are indicated except as shown by detail dimensions. Provide actual sizes as required by PS 20, for moisture content specified for each use. t 1. Provide dressed lumber, SD4S, unless otherwise indicated' 2. Provide seasoned lumber wittr 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of I dressing. B. Framing Lumber (2 inches through 4 inches thick): For light framing (less than 6 I inches wide) provide the following grade and species: I l. "No. 2 or Better" grade. I 2. Douglas Fir. C. For structural framing (6 inches and wider and from 2 inches to 4 inches thick), provide I the following grade aid species:!l. "No. 2 or Better" grade. I 2. Douglas Fir. I D. Boards (less than 2 inches thick). I L Exposed Boards: Where boards will be exposed in the finished work, provide boards of 19 percent maximum "S-Dry" moisture content or "KD-19" and the following species and grade. t a. Southem Pine "No. I Boards".b. Any species graded "No. 2 Common Boards and Better" per WWPA rules. I I r-7ss4.0r 06100-3 2. Concealed Boards: Where boards will be concealed by other work, provide boards of 19 percent ma:rimum moishre content (S-Dry or KD-19) and of the following species and grade: a. Redwood "Construction Common" (RIS). b. Southem Pine "No. 2 Boards" (SPIB). c. Any species graded "Construction Boatds" or "No. 3 Common" (WCLIB oTWWPA). Miscellaneous Lumber: Provide wood for support or attachment of other work including cant stips, bucks, nailers, blocking,,furring, gr, ounds,- strippi4g and similar members. hovide lumber of sizes indicated, worked into shapes shown, and as follows: l. Moisture Content: 15 percent maximum for lumber items not specified to receive wood preservative treatnent. 2. Grade: "No. 2 or Better" grade light framing size lumber of any species listed by PS 20 for size lumber as required. Provide "Construction", grade boards (RIS or WCLIB) or "No. 2" boards (SPIB or WWPA). Plywood: l. Trademark Identifr eachplywood panel with appropriate APA tademark. 2. Concealed Performance-Rated Plywood: Where plywood will be used for concealed types of applications, provide APA Performance-Rated Panels complying urith requirements indicated for grade designation, spql rating, exposure ihuability classification, edge detail (where applicable) and thickness. 3. Plywood Wall Sheathing: APA rated sheathing. Exposure Durability Classification: Exterior. 4. Plywood Backing Panels: For mounting electical or telep_hone equipment, APA C-O grade designation, plugged in with exterior glue and fue+etardant teated, in thickness indicated, or, if not otherwise indicated, not less than l/2 inch. 2.03 ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS A. General: Provide engineered wood products acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and for which current model code research or evaluation reports exist that evidence compliance with building code in effect for Project. l. Allowable Design Stresses: Provide engineered wood products with allowable design stesses, as published by manufacturer, that meet or exceed those indicated. Manufacturer's published values shall be determined from empirical data or by rational engineering analysis, and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a qualified independent testing agency. B. Laminated-Veneer Lumber: Lumber manufactured by laminating wood veneers in a continuous press using an exterior-type adhesive complying with ASTM D 2559 to I I I I I I I I t I t I I t I I I T I F. 06100-4 t-7554.01 t I I I I I I I I I I i T I T t I I I o produce members with grain of veneers parallel to their o lengths and complying with the following requirements: l. Extreme Fiber Stress in Bending: 2800 psi for l2-inch nominal- depth members. 2. Modulus of Elasticity: 2,000,000 psi. 3. Tension Parallel to Grain: 1850 psi. 4. Compression Parallel to Grain: 2800 psi. 5. Compression Perpendicular to Grain: 400 psi perpendicular to and 500 psi and parallel to glue line. 6. Horizontal Shear: 285 psi perpendicular to and 190 psi parallel to glue line, C. Parallel-Stand Lumber: Lumber manufactured by layrng up wood stands using an exterior-type adhesive complying with ASTMD2559, and cured under pressure to produce members with grain of strands parallel to their lengths and complying with the following requirements: 1. Extreme Fiber Stress in Bending: 2800 psi for l2-inch nominal-depth members. 2. Modulus of Elasticity: 2,000,000 psi. 3. Tension Parallel to Grain: 1850 psi. 4. Compression Parallel to Grain: 2800 psi. 5. Compression Perpendicular to Grain: 400 psi perpendicular to and 500 psi and parallel to wide face of strands. 6. Horizontal Shear: 190 psi perpendicularto and 285 psi and parallel to wide face ofstrands. D. Prefabricated Wood I-Joists: Units manufactured by bonding stress-graded lumber flanges to wood-based structural-use panel webs with exterior-type adhesives complying with ASTMD2559, to produce l-shaped joists complying with the following requirements : L Flange Material: Any material standard with joist manufacturer. 2. Web Material: Oriented-snand board (OSB) complying witlt DOC PS 2 or plywood complying with DOC PS 2, as standard with joist manufacturer. 3. Structural Capacities: Establish and monitor structural capacities according to ASTM D 5055. L-7ss4.0r 06100-5 o Sizes: Depths and widths as indicated, with actual width. 2.04 WOODTREATMENT A. PreservativeTreatnent: Where lumber or plywood is indicated as "Treated", or is specified to be treated, comply with applicable requirements of AWPA Standards. Mark each treated item with the AWPB or SPIB Quality Mark Requirements. Wood nailers for roofing shall be preservative treated to comply with roof manufacturey's standards for Wolmanized or equal treatnent. Creosote and asphaltic preservatives are not acceptable. Pressure-teated Above-ground Items: Water-bome preservatives complying with AWPA C2 for lumber and C22 for plywood. After treatment, air dry or kiln-dry to a maximum moisture content of 15 percent. Treat indicated items and the following: a" Wood cants, nailers, curbs, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers and waterproofing.b. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete.c. Wood frarning members less than l8 inches above grade. Complete fabrication of teated items prior to teatnent, where possible. If cut after treatrnent, coat cut surfaces with heavy brush coat of same chemical used for teahent. Insp€ct each piece of lumber or plywood after drying and discard darnaged or defective pieces. B. Fire-RetardantTreahent: Where fire-retardant or "non-com" lunber is specified, required by code, or otherwise indicated, comply with the AWPA C20 for lumber and C27 for plywood standards for pressure impregnation with fue-retardant chemicals to achieve a flame-spread rating of not more than 25 when tested in accordance with UL Test 723 or ASTM E 84. a. Provide UL label on each piece of fire-retardant lumber.b. Air dry or Kiln-dry treated items to a maximum moisture content of 15 percent. Use chemical formulation that produces teated lumber and plywood with the following properties under conditions present after installation: a. Bending strength, stiffiress, and fastener-holding capacities are not reduced below values published by manufactuer of chemical formulation under elevated temperature and humidity conditions simulating installed conditions when tested by a qualified independent testing agency. I ! I I I I I I I I T I I t I I T t I o flanges not less than l-ll2 inches in4. l. ) J. 4. 6. l. 06100-6 t-7554.01 I I related to treatrnent. c. Contact with teated wood does not promote conosion of metal fasteners.II 2.05 AIR-INFILTRATIONBARRIER I A. Asphalt-saturated organic felt complying with ASTMD226, Typel (No. 15 asphalt I felt), unperforated. I B. Contractor's Option: Air retarder complying with ASTM E 1677; made from 'y polyolefins; either crossJaminated films, woven strands, or spunbonded fibers; coated or uncoated; with or without perforations to transmit water vapor but not liquid water; t! and as follows: t 1. Minimum Thickness: 3 mils. fJ 2. Minimum Water-Vapor Transmission: l0 perms when tested according to ASTM E 96, Procedwe A. t 3. MaximumFlameSpread:2SperASTME84. I 4. MinimumAllowable Exposure Time: 3 months.t n 2.06 FASTENERS I A. General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this Article for material and manufacture. I I l. Where rough carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners with a hot-dip zinc coating per l, ASTM A 153 or of Type 304 stainless steel. J B. Nails, Wire, Brads, and Staples: FS FF-N-105. II t C. Power-Driven Fasteners: CABO NER'272. ll D. WoodScrews: ASMEB18.6.1. f E. LagBolts: ASMEBl8.2.l. I I F. Bolts: SteelboltscomplyingwithASTM A3}7,GradeA;withASTMA563 hexnuts and, where indicated, flat washers. r 2.0'I METALFRAMINGANCHORS ; A. General: Provide galvanized steel framing anchors of structural capaclty, type, and size t indicated and as follows: I I r-7ss4.0r 06r00-7 o ! I I I I il I I i I I 'l I 0 I I ! I I B. c. D. l. Research or Evaluation Reports: Provide products for which model code research or evaluation reports exist that are acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and that evidence compliance of metal framing anchors for application indicated with building code in effect for Project. 2. Allowable Design Loads: Provide products with allowable design loads, as published by manufacturer, that meet or exceed those indicated. Manufacturer's published values shall be detemrined from empirical data or by rational engineering analysis, and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by a qualified independent testing agency. Galvanized Steel Sheet Hotdip, zinc-coated steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653, G60 coating designation; structural, commercial, or lock-forming quality, as standard with manufacturer for type of anchor indicated. Joist Hangers: U-shaped joist hangen with 2-inch- long seat and 1-l/4-inch-wide nailing flanges at least 85 percent ofjoist depth. l. Thickness: 0.052 inch. Top Flange Hangers: U-shaped joist hangers, full depth of joist, formed from metal strap with tabs bent to extend over and be fastened to supporting member. l. Stap Width: l-l/2 inches. 2. Strap Width; 2 inches. 3. Thickness: 0.052 inch. Joist Ties: Flat straps, with holes for fasteners, for tying joists together over supports. 1. Width: 3/4 inch. 2. Thickness: 0.052 inch. 3. Length: 16 inches. Rafter Tie-Downs (Hurricane Ties): Bent snap tie for fastening rafters or roof trusses to wall studs below, l-5l8 inches wide by 0.052 inch thick. Hold-Downs: Brackets for bolting to wall studs and securing to foundation walls with anchor bolts or to other hold-downs with tbreaded rods and designed with first of 2 bolts placed 7 bolt diarneters from reinforced base. 1. Bolt Diameter: 5/8 inch. 2. Width: 2-ll2 inches. 3. Body Thickness: 0.108 inch. F. G. 06100-8 l-7554.01 I t I t i I I 4. Base Reinforcement Thickness: 0.180 inch. H. Wall Bracing: Angle bracing made for letting into studs in saw ked 15116 by 15/16 by 0.040 inch thick with hemmed edges. 2.08 MISCELLANEOUSMATERIALS A. Sill-Sealer Gaskets: Glass-fiber-resilient insulation, fabricated in strip form, for use as a sill sealer; l/4-inch nominal thickness, compressible to l/32 inch; selected from manufacturey's standard widths to suit width of sill members indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Discard units of material with defects which might impair quality of work, and units which are too small to use in fabricating work with minimum joints or optimum joint ilTangement. B. Set carpentry work accurately to required levels and lines, with members plumb and true and accurately cut and fitled. C. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening.as shown and as required by recogrrized itandards. Countersink nail heads on exposed carpen0ry work and fill holes. D. Securely attach rough carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying with the following: a. CABO NER-272 for power-driven staples, P-nails, and allied fasteners. b. "Recommended Nailing Schedule" of referenced framing standard and with AFPA's "National Design Specifications for Wood Construction'" c. "Table 23-I-Q-Nailing Schedule" of the Uniform Building Code' E. Use common wire nails, except as otherwise indicated. Use finishing nails for.finish work. Select fasteners of size'that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish iraterials, V*9.tight connections between mem6ers. lnstall fasteners without splitting of wood. Pre-drill as required. F. Use hot-dip galvanized or stainless-steel nails where rough carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of high relative humidity. G. Do not rip or mill fue retardant treated lumber unless acceptable to manufacturer after treahent of cuts. H. Wood Grounds, Nailers, Blocking and Sleepers: l. Provide wherever shown and where required for screeding or attachment of other work. Form to shapes as shown and cut as required f9r true line and level of work to be attached.- Coordinate location with other work involved. I I T I I l i I I I I I l-7554.01 06100-9 I. 3.02 A. I I t I l N t I t J I I t t I I t I I J. 2. Attach to substates as required to support applied loading. Countersink bolts and nuts flush with surfac€s, unless otherwise shown. Build into masonry during installation of masonry work. Where possible, anchor to fomtwork before concrete placement. 3. Provide permanent gounds of dressed, preservative teated, key-beveled lumber not less ilrrn l-ll2 inches wide and of thickness required to bring face of ground to exact thickness of finish material involved. Remove temporary grounds when no longer required. Wood Framing: L Provide framing members of sizes and on spacing shown, and frame oPenings as shown, or if not shown, comply with recommendations of "Manual for House Framing" of American Forest and Paper Association. Do not splice structural members between supports. 2. Firestop concealed spaces with wood blocking not less than 2 inches thick, if not blocked by other liaming members. Provide blocking at each building story level and at ends ofjoist spans. Installation of Plywood: l. General: Comply with applicable recommendations contained in form No. E304,, "APA Desigrr/Cdnstruction Guide - Residential & Commercial," for types of plywood products and applications indicated. Fastening Methods: Fasten panels as indicated below: l. Sheathing: Screwto framing. 2. Plywood Backing Panels: Nail or screwto supports. AIR.INFILTRATION BARRIER Cover sheathing with air-infiltation barrier as follows: l. Apply asphalt-saturated organic felt horizontally with 2-inch overlap and 6 inch end lap; fasten to sheathing with galvanized staples or roofing nails. 2. Apply air retarder to comply with manufacture/s written instuctions. 3. Apply air-infiltration barrier to cover upstanding flashing with 4-inch overlap. END OF SECTION 06100-10 l-7554.01 t f SECTION06200 .i} FINISH CARPENTRY\I tt PARTI -cENERAL I l.or SUMMARYa A. Section Includes: I r' U',il:ilH&::'$:,1",1'ffi$,sj;tt'exposed wood members commonlv known as tt t Exterior wall siding.f' 3. Interior and exterior trim. |J 4. Plastic Laminate. I 5. Custom Casework.I 6. Countertops including tops required for plastic laminate casework, but not I including tops required for custom casework. I ?. Installation of wood doors and door hardware. I B. Related work:I l. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications; support brackets for vanities. | 2. Section 06100 - Rough Carpenty. -r 3. Section 08210 - Wood Doors. I 4. Section 08710 - Finish Hardware. I r.o2 REFERENCES |'- A. Applicable Publications: The publications listed below fgmr a par_t of the Specification i to ihe extent referenced. Th-e publications are referred to in the text by the basic I designationonly. I l. Architectural Woodwork Institute (Awl)'Quality Standards"' I B. Quality Standards: For the following types of architectural woodwork, comply with the indicated standards as applicable: t 1. Standing and Running Trim: AWI Section 300. I 2. Architectural Cabinets: AWI Section 400. ! 3. Shelving: AWI Section 600. I 4. Miscellaneous Work: AWI Section 700. I r-7ss4.ol 06200-l 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. J. 1.05 A. I t 1 I c I t I I T I ,l I I I I I t I c. D. E. 5. Installation of Woodwork: AWI Section 1700. 6. Formaldehyde Emission Levels: a. Particleboard: NPA 8 comPliance. b. Medium Density Fiberboard: NPA 9 compliance.c. Hardwood Plywood: IIPMA FE compliance. SUBMITTALS Submit manufacturer's shop drawings, product data and samples for finish carpentry and millwork in accordance with Section 01300. Shop Drawings: Showing location of each item, dimensioned ppnq and elevations, hrgb scale details, attachment devices and other components including hardware schldulels). Submit Shop lhawings for all millwork items required. Key Shop Drawings to drawing and section number as shown on the Drawings. Product data for each type of factory-fabricated product and process specified, including details of construction relative to materials, dimensions of individual components, profiles, textures, and colors. Samples for initial selection purposes of the following in form of manufacturer's color charis consisting of actual rmits or sections of units showing full range of colors, textures, and patterns available for each type ofmaterial indicated. l. Samples required include: a. Wood veneers and solid wood.b. Plastic laminate. Samples for verification purposes of the following: 1. Lumber and panel products for non-factory-applied finistu 50 square inches for lumber andS-ll2 inches by I I inches for panels for each species and cu! finished one side and one edge, with one-halfofexposed surface finished. 2. Lumber and panel products with factory-applied finistu 50 square inches for lumber andS-lD inches by I I inches for panels for each finish system and color. DELIVERY, STORAGE A}ID HANDLING Protect finish carpentry materials during transit delivery, storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and deterioration' Do not deliver finish carpentry materials, until wet work, grinding and similar operations which could damage, soil or deteriorate woodwork have been completed in iristallation areas. If, due to wrforeseen circumscances, finish carpentry materials must be stored in other than installation areas, store only in areas meeting requiremurts specified for installation ar€as. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Conditions: Obtain and comply with Woodwork Manufacturer's and Installer's coordinated advice for optimum temperature and humidity conditions for 06200-2 l-7554.01 I I I woodwork durine its storage and installation. Do not install woodwork until these conditions have Seen attain;d and stabilized so that woodwork is within plus or minus- 1.0 percent of optimum moisture content from date of installation through remainder of construction period. B. Field Measurements: Where woodwork is indicated to be fitted to other construction, check actual dimensions of other construction by accurate field measurements before manufacturing woodwork; show recorded measurements on final - shop drawings. Coordinate nrinufacturing schedule with construction progress to avoid delay of Work. l. Where field measurements carulot be made without delaying the Work, guarantee dimensions and proceed with manufacture of woodwork without field measur€ments. Coordinate other construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to guaranteed dimensions. I.06 WARRANTY A. Special Project Warranty for Siding: Submit a written waranty signed by manufacturer and Installer agreeing to repair or replace siding that fails in materials or workmanship within the specified warranty period. Failures include, but are not limited to, deformation or deterioration of siding beyond normal weathering' This waranty shall be in addition to, and not a limitation of, other rights the Owner may have against the Conhactor under requirements ofthe Contract Documents. l. Warranty Period for Siding @xcluding Finish): 25 years after date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANLIFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Plywood Siding: a. AbitibiPrice Corp.; Building Products Division. b. Champion Intemational CorP. c. Forest Tex. d. Georgia-PacificCorp. e. K Plv Inc. 2.02 MATERIALS A. General: l. Nominal sizes are indicated except as shown by detailed dimensions. Provide dressed or worked and dress-ed lurirber, as applicable, manufactured to the actual sizes as required by PS 20 or to actual iizes and pattem as shown, unless otherwise indicated. t I t I ! t I I I T I ; T T I I t-7554.01 06200-3 B. Panel Products: Plywood Siding: Exterior-type, APA 303 series siding, in panel sizes indicated. ^. Thickness: ll2inch. b. Type: 303-6-W, cedar faced, rough sawn, plain with no grooves. Particle Board: 45Jb-density panels for 314 inch and less, thicknesses complying with ANSI A208.1 for Grade l-M-l except that minimums for modulus of elasticity and screw-holding capacity on face and edge shall be 300,000 psi, 250 lb, and 225 lb, respectively. a. For 44Jb-density panels for thicknesses of 13116 inch to l-l/2 inch, complying with Al.lSI A208.1 for Grade l-M-l except that minimums for modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, internal bond, linear expansiory and screw-holding capacity on face and edge shall be 1300 psi, 250,000 psi, 60 psi, 0.50 percent, 250 lb, and 175 lb, respectively. Plywood: APA', A-D Exposure I plywood, thickness(es) as shown. a. Provide hardwood edges where shown. Hardboard: PS 58, Class I (tempered), smooth one side or both sides where indicated, l/8 inch thickness unless as otherwise indicated. C. Ercerior Millwork and Trim: Lumber Trim: Provide finished lumber and moldings complying with the following requirements including those of the grading agency listed with species: a. Species: Western red cedar; I.{I-GA WCLIB, or WWPA. b. Grade: A. c. Texture: One face saw textured, the other surfaced (smooth). d. Lumber for Transparent Finish (Stained or Clear): Solid lumber stock. e. Lumber for Painted Finish: Glued-up lumber or solid lumber stock. Exterior trim is to be solid or finger-joint primed Pine S4S No. I Grade. Back prime facia boards. D. Interior Millwork and Trim: l. Quality Standards: Comply with AWI 300, Custom Grade. 2. Wood Species: All interior wood species noted as "Wood Base", "Hardwood" or "Oak" shall be Red Odg plain sawn. Softwood Lumber and Trim: Any species listed in Architectural Woodwork Quatity Standards, Custom Grade for painted finish for exterior and transparent finish for interiors. Solid Stock: Selected for color and graining. Unless otherwise showr\ provide solid material of the same species as adjacent or abutting exposed, transparent finished veneer. l. 2 I t t I I I ! ) Il I n J. 4. l. I t I t I I I 3. 4. 062004 l-7554.01 a. b. c. d. F. G. t I I I I I T l I 1 I I I il I I I t I o Closet and Storage Shelving l. Shelving: APA B-D Exposure I plywood with solid wood front edge' 2. Shelving and Rod Supports: K & V No. 1195 supports with maximum spacing of 60 inEhes o.c. and Ka v No. 660 rods. Plastic Laminate Countertops: Provide plastic laminate surfaced countertops for casework and vanities specified in this Section. l. Quality standard: comply with AwI section 400 "Architectural cabinets" and its Division 400C "Countertops." 2. Selection for Pricine Purposes: Manufacfurer's standard pattems, wood grains, solid colors and finiJhes as selected by Architect. 3. Countertop Core Material: Particle board, thickness as noted. a. For countertops within 5 feet of sinks or other "wet" area sources, provide "Exterior" grdde plywood or phenolic resin particle board complying with ASTM D 1037. 4. Countertops: Minimum 3/4 inch thick with l/2 inch overhang. Finish top, front and exposed sides with plastic laminate. 5. Backsplashes: Minimum 3/4 inch thich finished with plastic lalninate on front, top ani exposed side edges. Provide top scribe edges where required' 6. Plastic Laminate: a. Square Edge Nosing: NEMA LD3, Grade GP50, General Purpose high- pressure decorative plastic laminate.b. Backer Sheet: NEMA LD3, Grade BK 20. 7. Nosing: Grade GP50 high-pressure decorative plastic laminate. 8. Aprons: Plastic laminate faced,3l4 inch thick plywood or solid wood, in depth or profile shown on the fhawings. Plastic Laminate: Provide plastic laminate manufactured by Formica Corporation, Nevamar, WilsonArt. l. Finishes: Plastic Laminate for Horizontal Surfaces: NEMA LD3 Type GP 50' 0.050 inch thick, General-Purpose Type (high pressure). Plastic Laminate for Efternal Vertical Surfaces: NEMA LD3 Type GP 28, 0.028 inch thick, General-Purpose Type (high pressure). Plastic Laminate for Cabinef Linin'gi: NEIVIA LD3 Type CL 20, 0.020 inch thick. Plastic Laminate for Concealed Panel Backing: NEMA LD3 Type BK 20' 0.020 inch thick, Backer-Type (high pressure)' l-7554.01 06200-5 o I 1 I I I I I I t I I I I T I T I I t 2.03 A. B. C. D. ACCESSORIES AND NAILS Anchor bolts. Steel, size as indicated, complete with nuts and washers. Bolts: Lag, Toggle and Miscellaneous Bolts, and Screws. Type, size and finish best suited for the intended use. Clio Aneles: Steel. 3/16 inch thick, size best suited for intended use; or zinc-coated steil or iron commercial clips desigrred for connecting wood members. Expansion Anchors: Anchor bolt and sleeve assembly of material indicated below with *tiuUitiW to sustairL without faihue, a load equal to 6 times the load imposed when initatea'in unit masonry and equal to 4 times the load imposed when installed in "o""t"ti as determined'by testing per ASTM E 488 conducted by a qualified independent testing agency. l. Material: Carbon steel components zinc-plated to comply with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5. Toggle Bolts: FS FF-B-588, tumble-wing type, class and style as required. Nails and Staples: Size and type best suited_fol the purpose, in accordance with Fed. Soec. FF-N-lbs when applicabie to typ€ us€d. In ganeral, 8 penny or larger nails shall bi used for nailing throdftr I inch thi-ck lunlber and for toe nailing 2 inch thick lumber; 16 penny or largeinails ihdt Ue used for nailing through 2 inch thick lumber. Screws: Select material, t54)e, size, and finish required for each use. Comply with FS FF-S-I I I for applicable requirements. l. For metal framing and shelf supports, provide scnews as recornmended by metal framing manufactuer. 2. Fasteners for Exterior Finish Carpentry: Stainless steel, noncorr.osive aluminum or hotdip galvanized nails, in sufficient- length to penetrate^minimum of l-l/2 inches inioiubstrate unless recommended otherwise by manufacturer a. Provide prefinished nails for face nailing -of-material to receive stain in color to match where face nailing is rmavoidable. b. Countersink nails and fill surface where face nailing is unavoidable. 3. Fasteners for Interior Finish Carpentry: Nails, screws, and other anchoring devices of type, size, material, and finish required for application indicated to provide secure attachment, concealed where possible. a. Countersink nails, fill surface flush, and sand where face nailing is rmavoidable.b. Where finish carpentry matcrials are exposed in areas of high humidity, provide fastene* and anchorages with hot-dip galvanized coating complying withASTM A 153. Adhesives: Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for adhesives. E. F. G. 06200-6 l-7554.01 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I 2.04 MOISTURE CONTENT A. At the time lumber and other materials are delivered and when installed in the Work, their moisture content shall be as follows: L Treated and untreated lumber 2 inches or less in thickness: 19 percent maximum. 2.05 CUSTOM CASEWORK A. Custom (Mill Built) Cabinetry: AWI "Premium" B1ade, Section 400 "Architectural Cabinets'i and its Division 40bA "Wood Cabinets (Transparent and Opaque Finish)" and Division 4008 "Laminate Clad Cabinets." B. Wood veneered casework shall be surfaced with hardwood veneer on the exposed surface. l. Interior sides and doors ofhardwood veneer faced cabinets shall be faced with plastic laminate balancing sheets, putty color, with matte finish' 2. Cabinet doors and drawer edges shall be edged with solid hardwood as detailed, same species to match veneer. C. Wood Species for Exposed Surfaces: Natural birch, plain sawr/sliced' l. Grain Matching: Run and match grain vertically for drawer fronts, doors, and fixed panels. 2. MatchingofVeneerLeaves: Bookmatch. 3. Veneer Matching Within Panel Face: Running match' Frame cabinets and casework in a substantial manner with all necessary blocking, braces, bottoms, etc. Cross supports under countertops shall be sufFrciently heavy tq c".ty m" weighi of a man witlicrirt sagglng. Frame shall be pinned, glued, or screwed togither in accordance with AWI "Premium" Standards. Cabinet backs not exposed to view shall be hardboard. CASEWORKHARDWARE Heavy duty, five knuckle 2-I/2 inch institutional,$?9 hinge. Mill ground, hospital tip, tight'pin f6iture with all edges eased. Hinge to be full wrap around type o^f tempered rtEet .OS: inch thick. Each hinge to havE minimum seven screws No. 8, 5/8 inch F.H.S. M. to assuxe positive door action and alignment' l. Provide two hinges for doors up to 48 inches high and tbree hinges for doors over 48 inches high. B. Adjustable Shelf Standards @remium Grade Cabinets): Ituape & Vogt No. 255 with No.256 supports. C. Adjustable Shelf Supports (Custom Grade Cabinets): Drilled holes at 1-l/4 inch o.c.; duil pin, anti-tip clif -supports rated at 300 lb/clip. D. E. 2.06 A. l I l-7554.01 06200-7 o I T I I I I I t I I I I I T I t I I i D. Door and Drawer Pulls: Surface mounted solid metal wire type, 4 inches wide, US26D or US32D finish. E. Drawer Slides: Knape & Vogt No. 5 I l. F. Drawer and Door Locks: Half-mortise type, disc tumbler and cam bolt, round cylinder only exposed, plated finish, with strike. 1. Provide National Lock "RemovaCore" with a minimum of 50 lock changes. G. Grommets: 2 inch diameter, black plastic with grommet cap. 2.7 FABRICATTON A. Wood Moisture Content: Comply with requirements of specified inspection agencies and manufacturer's recommendations for moisture content of finish carpentry in relation to relative humidity conditions existing during time of fabrication and in installation areas. Provide finish carpentry with moisture content that is compatible with Project requirements. B. Fabricate finish carpentry to dimensions, profiles and details indicated. Ease edges to radius indicated for the following: l. Lumber less than I inch in nominal thickness: 1/16 inch. 2. Lumber t hch or more in nominal thickness: l/8 inch. PART 3.E)GCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Prior to starting work, examine and determine conditions of preceding work for suilability and adequary of performance to ensure compliance with quality of workmanship of this Section. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean substrates of projections and substances detrimental to application. B. Condition finish carpentry to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas before installation for a minimum of 24 hours unless longer conditioning recommended by manufacturer. C. Backprime lumber for painted finish exposed on the exterior- Comply with requiiements for surface preparation and application in Section "Painting". 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Closely fit and accurately set members to required lines and levels, and rigidly secured in place. Where detailed nailing requirements are not specified, nail size and nail spacin! shall be sufficient to develop as adequate strength for the connection without splitting the members. 06200-8 l-7554.0r B. C. D. F. G. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 3.04 A. Do not use finish carpentry materials that are unsound, warped,- bowedr twistg{' improperly treated or fi-nished, not adequately seasoned, or too small to fabricate with proper J olntrng alTangemens. l. Do not use manufactured units with defective surfaces, sizes, or patterns. Provide blocking as necessary for the application ofgypsum board andother materials or building itemi. Cut blockiirg to fit b6tween framing members and rigidly nail. Provide nailers and nailing strips as necessary for the atiachment of finish materials. Run strips in lengths as long- as practicable, butt jointed, cut into wood framing members when necessary, and rigidly secured in place. Provide wood grounds a{i necessary for attachment of trim, finlh, and other work. Run grounds in lengths as long as practicable, buttjointed, and rigidly secured in place. Install funing srips as required at 16 inches on center, run in lengths as long as practicable, butjointed and rigidly secured in place. Install tim with lenglhs as long as practicable and closely frtted joints. Blind nail to the extent practicable; set and frU Ace nailing with non-staining pqtty to match finish. Use screwi for fastening to metal; set and filil same as for nails. Stagger and conceal joints. Cope returns and interior angles and miter at exterior comers. Use scarfjoints for end-to-end joints. Shoulder flat work to reduce warping. I . Match color and grain pattern across joints. 2. Install trim after drywall joint finishing operations are completed. 3. Drill pilot holes in hardwood prior to nailing or fastening !o preJent splitting- Fasten to prevent movement or warping. Countersink nail heads on exposed carpentry work and fill holes. 4. Fit exterior joints to exclude water. Apply flat grain lumber with bark side exposed to weather. SIDING INSTALLATION Plywood Siding: Install panels with edges over framing or blocking. Nail at 6-inch intervals at panel perimeter and l2-inch intervals at intermediate supports, unless manufacturer recommends other intervals. Leave l/16-inch gap between adjacent panels, unless otherwise recommended by panel manufacturer. Leave l/8-inch gap at perimeter and openings, r rless otherwise recommended by panel manufacturer. l. Seal buttjoints at inside and outside comers and at trim locations. 2. Install continuous metal flashing at horizontal panel joints with l/8-inch expansion gap. 3. Apply battens and comer trim as indicated. l-7554.01 06200-9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t B. 4. Conceal fasteners to greatest practical extent by countersinking and filling, by placing in grooves of siding pattem, or by concealing with applied trim or battens as detailed. Do not nail through overlapping pieces. Flashing: Install metal flashing as indicated on the Drawings and as reconmended by siding manufacturer. Finish: Apply finish within 2 weeks of installation. Install siding to comply with manufacnrer's warranty requirements. WOOD DOORINSTALLATION Install wood doors in accordance with Section 08210 - Wood Doors. APPLICATION OF HARDWARE Install door hardware in accordance with Section 08710 - Finish Hardware. Receive, store and be responsible for all finished hardware. Apply hardware in accordance with manufactruer's instnrctions. Fit accurately, apply securely and adjust carefully. Use care not to injure work when applytng hardware. Remove and replace doors so they may have bottoms painted. Installation of hardware items selected from the finish hardware allowance is a part of this work. The location of hardware in connection with doors shall be as follows (unless otherwise C. D. 3.05 A. 3.06 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. shown on Drawings): l. Center door knobs 38 inches above finished floor. 2. Locate upper edge of top hinge 7-lD nches below head of frame. 3. Locate lower edge of bottom luln;geT-ll? inches above finished floor. 4. Space center hinges equal distance between top and bottom hinges. I. Protect hardware until painting is complete. Prior to completion of this Work, examine all doors and other finish hardware installed under this Section; adjust as required and leave hardware in proper working condition. 3.07 ADruSTMENT, CLEAI'{ING, FINISHING A}.lD PROTECTION A. Repair damaged and defective finish carpentry work wherever possible to eliminate defects functionally and visually; where not possible to repair properly, replace woodwork. Adjust joinery for uniform app€:rance. B. Clean finish carpentry work on exposed and semi-exposed surfaces. 06200-10 r-7554.01 T t I T oo Refer to Division 9 Section - Painting for final finishing of installed work. D. Protection: Installer of finish carpenty work shall advise Contractor of final protection and maintained conditions necessary io ensure that work will be with out damage or deterioration at time of acceptance. END OF SECTION finish carpentry l-7554.01 06200-l I I I I I T I I I SECTION 07110 SHEET MEMBRAI\,E WATERPROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: L Work of this Section includes provision of firlly adhered cold applied sheet membrane waterproofing where ihown with protection board and associated ac- cessories. I,O2 DELIVERY A. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original, unopened packaging with all labels intact' I.O3 STORAGE A. Pallets of membrane shall not be double-stacked on job site. Provide cover on top and all sides, allowing for adequate ventilation. B. Store primer, mastic, protection board adhesive, and liquid membrane in a dry area away from high heat, flames, or sparks. C. Store protection board flat and offground on wood plaforms. Provide tarpaulin cover on top and all sides. I.O4 HANDLING A. Handle all materials in a manner that will prevent darnage of any kind. Remove dam- aged material from Project Site and replace with new materials. Follow manufacturer's ricommendations for s-afe handling aid storage regarding personal protection, healtlu and environmental considerations. I.O5 REFERENCES A. Perform Work in accordance with requirements of General Conditions and Division 0l - General Requirements as well as provisions of all applicable laws, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. QUALITY ASSTIRANCE Acceptable manufacturer, materials, inspection, preparation, insl4lation, field quality contrbl, and completed Work are listed in parts 2 - Products and 3 - Execution of this Section in accordance with General Conditions. Installer Qualifications - Waterproofing shall be installed only by factory trained and approved installers. Design Performance - Noti$ Architect before submitting bid of any note, implication, or detail, shown or specified, that will not meet installation or walranty requirements. I I I B. C. T I I t t I I U 1.06 A. l-7554.01 071t0-l l. Otherwise bid submission and contract award shall imply acceptance of warranty requirements, details shown, and specifications stated. D. Special Requirement - When rgquired by membrane-manufacturer, backu^p material srippliers shall submit samples of materials not supplied by membrane manufacturer for written approvals by manufacturer prior to waterproofing installation. I.O7 SUBMITTALS A. Prepare and make submittals listed in accordance with General Conditions. l. Product Data - Submit manufacturey's published specifications, recommenda- tions, and installation instnrction for use intended. I.O8 JOBSITECONDITIONS A. Maintain surfaces to be waterproofed at 40 degrees F minimum. If it becomes neces- sary, due to schedule requirements, to install waterproofing at surface temperatures belbw 40 degrees F use manufacture/s "cold weather" matedal and follow manufac- turer's "cold weatheru application insfiuctions. In no instance shall water proofing ma- terial be installed when surface temperatue is below or will be below 25 degrees F. I.O9 WARRANTY A. Five (5) year term, beginning date work is accepted by Owner, warrant material to be completely waterproof, in addition to guaranty requirements of General Conditions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,OI MANUFACTURER A. W. R. Grace & Co. 2,02 MATERIALS A. Items, accessories, componants, and treatnents specified are as manufactured by W. R. Grace and Col unless otherwise noted. l. Membrane - Bituthene 3000 rubberized asphalt sheet in rolls 36 inches wide. Use Bituthene 3100 for "cold weather" applications. 2. Primer - Bituthene P-3000; P-3100 for "cold weather" applications. 3. Elastomeric Mastic - Bituthene EM-3000. 4. Liquid Membrane - Bituthene LM-3000. 5. Protection Board: a. Horizontal - l/4 inch asphalt impregnated hardboard approved by mem- brane manufactuer.b. Verticd - lnsulation type 3 as specified in Section 07210; minimum thick- ness - 3/4 inch unless otherwise noted. I I t I t T t I T T I I I I I T I t l07110-2 l-7554.01 a 4. 5. 6. I I I T T I t t I l I T I T I t I I I o Protection Board Adhesive : a. PBA-3000. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and conditions under which Work of this Section is to be performed. Do not proceed with Work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Ensure that concrete has been cured a minimum of seven days and is dry before appli- cation of waterproofing membrane. Clean substrate to remove dust, dirt, and debris. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Vertical Surfaces: l.General - Membrane, when in place, shall withstand a minimum static ground water pressure of 150 feet. Priming - Limit application of primer to what can be covered with waterproofing membrane in a giv-en work day. Primed areas not covered by membrane during- work day shall 5e reprimed. Apply primer by spray, roller, or brush at a rate of 250-350 square feet per gallon. If a roller is used, it shall be natural material such as lamb's wool,-having a nap of approximately one inch. Apply primer to clean, dry, frost-free, and dust free surface. Suffrcient primer shall be used on dry surface to condition it to a dust-free state suitable for installation of water- proofing membrane. Allow primer to dry one hour or until tack-free. Membrane Installation - Apply waterproofing membrane vertically in sections of 8 feet in length or less. On higher walls apply rwo or more sections with -upper overlapping lower by at least 2-l/2 nches. Press membrane in place with heavy hand pressure or rollers during application. Sealing Edges - Apply waterproofing membrane over edge of slab or over top of wall. If membrane is terminated on vertical surface, provide a reglet or counter flashing. Press edges with a metal or hardwood tool. Apply a troweled bead of elastomeric mastic to all vertical and horizontal terminations. Sealing Seams - Overlap all edges and end seams at least 2-l/2 inches. ApplY succee-ding sheets with a minimum 2-ll2 lurch overlap and stagger end laps. Roll or press entire membrane firmly and complete. Patch misaligned or inadeqrrately lapped seams with membrane. Slit all fishmouths, overlap flaps, and repair with a patch of membrane and press or roll in place. Seal edges of patch with a troweling of elastomeric mastic. Seal laps within 12 inches of all comers with a troweling or elastomeric mastic. Comer Forming - Outside comers shall be free of sharp edges. Inside corners shall receive a fillet formed with liquid membrane, latex modified cement mortar, or epoxy mortar. Do not use fiber or wood cants. a. Use the following methods for treating corners: r-7s54.01 071l0-3 l) Inside Corners - Apply liquid membrane 6 inches in each direction from corner and form a fillet with a minimum 3/4 inch face or use liquid membrane to form a fillet with a minimum 3/4 inch face and cover with a 12 inch strip of membrane 6 inches up and 6 inches out.2) Outside Comers - Install 12 inch minimum strip of membrane cen- tered on comer.b. Protection Board - Apply protection board on all vertical surfaces subject to damage from other tades. 3.04 QUALITYCONTROL A. Contractor shall make arrangements for periodic Site inspections of Work by mem- brane manufacturer. These inspections shall take place at commencement of Work and during progress of Work. Intervals between inspections shall be determined at precon- struction conference Deviations from requirements of membrane manufacturer, as noted by his inspector, shall be corrected after notification to Architect. 3.05 COMPLETED WORK A. Work shall be undamaged upon completion of succeeding Work. Inspect each area just prior to being covered. Do any additional or conective Work necessary or perform tests as directed to ensure conformance with specified requirements. I T I I I I END OF SECTION I I l t I I I t I T I I T 071t04 t-7554.01 I o SECTION 07160 T BITUMINOUSDAMPPROOFING I PARr l -.ENERAL I.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: I l. Cold applied asphalt bitumen dampproofing. t- 2. Protective covering. I B. Related work: I . Section 03300 - Concrete Work: Concrete substrate jointing method. t r.o2 suB*rrArs I A. Submit product data under provisions of Section 01300' r B. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions under provisions of Section 01300. I C. Submit manufactwer's certificate that installed materials meet or exceed specifiedr requirements. I l.o3 QUALITYASSURANcEaA. ApplicatorQualifications: I l. 3HHrH"if"#:lHr in bituminous waterproofing svstems with 5 vears t 2. List of completed projects comparable to this project is required. I.O4 PRODUCT HANDLTNG t A. Deliver products in manufacturer's sealed containers, with seals and labels intact. - B. Store materials in an enclosed space protected from weather and out of direct rays 9fI d; ;r* Maintain a temperature rairge of 40 degrees F. minimum, 90 degrees F.t maximum. I l.o5 EIwIRoNMENTAL coNDITIoNSIA. Dampproofing shall be applied when the temperature is 40 degrees F. or above. I B. Application at temperatures below 40 de^grees F. sh{l F p"tt-tt"9 only after written uffi"A from the'dampproofing manuficturer and only-after adequate precautions I have been taken to assurE dry andfrost-free concrete surfaces' I C. Do not apply during inclement weather. I I l-7554.01 07160-l o I I I I I T I I I T I I t I I I I I I I.06 PROTECTION A. Protect adjacent work from damage due to type of work included in this Section. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURER A. Sonneborn Building Products. B. Approvedsubstitutions. 2.02 MATERI.ALS A. Hydrocide 600 non-fibrated, asphalt emulsion dampproofing. 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Spray Equipment: 1. Airless spray with a 45:l Graco King pump at 3000 psi with a 50 ft. 3/8 inch I.D. hose. 2. Guq Hydra-Mastic 207-945 with a 619 revers-a-clean spray trp. B. Protection Board: l/8 inch thick asphalt impregnated wood fiberboard, compatible, water resistant. PART3.E)(ECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Veriff surfaces are solid, free of frozen matter, loose particles, cracks, -pits, rough- projeitions, and foreigrr matter detrimental to adhesion and application of dampproofing. B. Do not apply dampproofing to frozsn, dirty, or dusty surfaces unacceptable to applicator. C. Veriff items which penetate surfaces to receive dampproofing are securely installed. D. Beginning of installation means acceptance of subsfate. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean and preparc surfaces to receive dampproofing in accordance with manufacturer's instuctions. B. Apply mastic to seal penetrations, small cracks, and honeycomb in substrate. 3.03 APPLICATION OF DAMPPROOFING A. Apply dampproofing in two coats by brush or spray, allowing fust coat to dry tacky before applying second coat. r-7s54.01 07160-2 I T I t I I t T I I I I I I I c. 3.04 A. l. Fill in all crevices and grooves making sure coating is continuous and free from breaks and pinholes. 2. Carry coating over exposed top and outside edge offooting. 3. Spread around alljoints, grooves, and slots, and into all chases, comers' reveals, and soffrts. 4. Bring the coating to finished grade. B. Backfill shall not be placed against dampproofing for at least 24 to 48 hours after application. 1. Place backfill within 7 days. 2. Take care that backfill is placed in a manner that will not rupture or-damage.the protection board and fikn^or cause the coating or membranes to be displaced on the wall. Seal items projecting through dampproofing surface watertight with mastic. PROTECTION Protect finished dampproofing from damage during backfill operations by adhering protection board with mastic over teated surtaces. Protection board not required at foundation insulation locations. Neatly fit boards arorutd pipes and projections. Backfill against protection board to prevent injury to membrane' B. c. D. END OF SECTION I I I I l-7554.01 07160-3 I I sEcrIoN o72to I BTTILDING INSULATION PART I - GENERAL l r.or suMMARY A. Section Includes: I l. Batt insulation. t 2. Rigid insulation. t 3. Safing insulation. I 4. Fircstopping insulation. 5. Perimeterinsulation. I B. Related sections: I l. Section 07270 - Firestopping. I 2. Section 09250 - Gypsum Board; acoustical insulation. I 3. Division 15 - Pipe and Duct Insulation. I.O2 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit samples of each material or product to be used. - B. Submit samples clearly identified with manufachrer's name, brand name, R value, and I composition. C, Submitinsulationmanufacturer'srecommendations for: I l. Adhesive for use on metal deck or concrete wall installation. t 2. Procedures for use ofadhesive. I 1.03 DELI'ER', sroRAGE Al.rD 'ANDLING I A. Deliver materials to project site in manufacturer's original packaging. B. Clearly identiff manufachrer, contents, brand name, applicable standard, and R value. I c. Store materials offground. I D. Protect against weather, condensation, and damage. I' E. Immediately remove damaged material from site. I l-7554.01 o72lo-rI PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Owens-ComingFiberglass.@attlnsulation). B. Thermal Engineered Systems @att Insulation). C. Schullerlnternational. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Batt, Insulation General: L 25 flame spread and 50 smoke development per ASTM E 84. 2. RatednoncombustibleperASTME 136. 3. Batts shall have minimum R-Value of 3.0 per inch of insulation thickness. B. Foil Faced Batt Insulation: 1. Flarne resistant FSK-25, resilient glass fibers bonded with thermosetting resin to foil facing. 2. Fire classification: 25150 or less rating per ASTM E 84. 3. Penn Rating: 0.5 grain$r.sq.ff/in. of Hg. 4. R-ValueVSize: Forwalls; R-l3,3-12" thick, 16" wide. C, Perimeterlnsulation: l. l* thick "Styrofoam SM" as manufactured by Dow Chemical Co. To be installed in two l" layers. 2. Mastic shall be Contech PL300. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Do not install insulation until the constnrction has progressed to the point that inclement weather will not damage or wet the insulation.- 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Batt Insulation: l. Install insulation between framing members with insulation fitting snugly between framing members. 2. Set reflective, foil-faced units with not less than 0.75-inch air space in front of foil. I I T I I I I I l T t I I I I t I I I07210-2 l-7554.01 t I I I I I I t I I I t T I I I ! T t 3. Cut and fit insulating batts around pipes, conduits, -oullet boxes and ductwork penetrations as necessary to maintain the integrity of the lnsutatron. 4. Where pipes are located in the cavities being insulated, install insulation between the extelri-or face and the pipe and compress insulation, if necessary' 5. Securely fasten flanges of the batts to framing members using only the fastening system iecommendeid by the manufacturer of the insulation material fiJr type ot tiu*ing members in 'wall or ceiling. -being insulated and observing all recomiended spacing offasteners to avoid sagging, voids or gaps' 6. End match insulation neatly, with snug fit or overlapped' 7. Fully insulate small areas between closely spaced framing members. B. Perimeterlnsulation: l. Install rigid insulation by adhering to substrate with adhesive' 2. All joints shall be square and tightly -butted. .Install in .layers with joints .tug!"."a bemeen layers. Provide full corner laps on adjacent .sqfaces af intJiral and extemal comers. At external corners, overlap units at edges and secure at previously installed units wittr 4" long wood skewers, in addition to cementing. 3. Install perimeter insulation against foundation walls as indicated. 4. Use care so as not to damage insulation' 5. Replace any insulation damaged due to construction operations' END OF SECTION L-75s4.0r 072r0-3 I I t I SECTION 07270 FIRESTOPPING PART 1 - GENERAL I.O1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Wall penetrations. B. Related Sections: l. Section 07210 - Building Insulation: Non fire-rated batts. 2. Section 09250 - Gypsum Board: Fire-rated partitions and sound insulation. 3. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers. I.O2 REFERENCES A. Applicable Publications. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. I. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) PUBLICATIONS. a. C 665 - Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housingb. E 84 - Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materialsc. E I 19 - Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materialsd. E 814 - Fire Tests ofThrough-Penetration Fire Stops (IlL Standard 1479.) 2. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCTATTON (NFPA) PUBLICATION. a. No. 70 - National Electical Code I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Firestopping shall consist of providing a material or a combination of materials to form an effective barrier against the spread of flame, smoke, and gases, and to maintain the integdty of the tine-rated construction. B. Firestopping shall be provided in the following locations: l. Duct, conduit, and pipe penetrations through time-rated partitions and fire walls. 2. Other locations where shown. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in conformance with Section 01300. r-7554.01 I I 7 T I I I I I I I I t I I 07270-l l. Manufacturer's catalog data. 2. Installation detail for each type ofapplication. 3. Test data for time-rated construction' l.0s QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Material shall have been tested by UL; or, other approved laboratory to meet required fire resistance ratings of areas receiving firestopping materials' B. Installation and materials shall conform to requirements of ASTM E I 19 and E 814. C. Fire-test data shall include certification by a nationally recognized testing authority or by other supporting evidence satisfactory to the Architect. D. Materials used to seal penetations in time-rated assemblies shall be capable- of p-venting the passage oi flame and hot gases sufftcient.tg igrute cotton waste when !uUi..t A-to ASTM-E ll9 time-temperature fire conditions for I hour; the time detirmined by the assembly rating. I.06 STORAGE, DELIVERY AND HANDLING A. Materials shall be delivered in the original unopened packages or containers showing name of the manufacturer and tlre brand name. B. Materials shall be stored off the ground and shall be protected from damage and exposure to the elements. C. Damaged or deteriorated materials shall be removed from the site. r.07 ENVIRONMENTALREQLIREMENTS A. Do not apply fuestopping materials when temperature of substate material and surrounding air is below 40 degrees f ' B. The 40 degrees F minimum temperatwe must be held 24 hours before, during, and 48 hours after installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. The manufacturers and products listed are approved for use. 1. Dow Coming: 2000 Series Sealant" Foam and Intumescent Wrap' 2. STI: Pensil 100 Sealant,200 Foam. 3. 3M Fire Barrier: cP25 Sealants, Putty MPP and MPS, FSl95 Wrap Strip. 4. USC. 5. Equivalent products ofother manufacturers are approved subject to requirements ofSection 01600. I I I I I I t I l t I I ! I I I I I I07270-2 l-7554.01 I I 2.02 FIRESTOPPINGMATERIALS, GENERAL I A. Commercially manufactured products complying with the following minimum I reqrxrements. I 1. Flame Spread: 25 Maximum in accordance with ASTM E 84. I 2. Smoke Density: 50 Maximum in accordance with ASTM E 84.I 3. Nontoxicity: Nontoxic to human beings at all stages of application and during I fire conditions. t B. Manufacturer's recommended damming materials as back-up for applied firestopping I compounds. ! PART3.EXECUTION I 3.ol PREPARATIoNIA. Clean substrate of dirt, grease, oil, loose material, frost, or other matter which would I affectbondoffirestoooing. I B. Masking - If required to produce neatly finished work, mask edges ofjoints to prevent ,. misplacEment oithe primtr or compound onto adjacent exposed surfaces. I C. Clean concrete surfaces to receive f,uestopping materials of incompatible form releasing agents. I 3.oz INSTALLATI.N I A. Install firestopping at locations shown or specified in accordance with manufacturer's I insffuction and fire test report. B. Cutting and patching of construction and providing sleeves, where required, are shown I in Drawings or specified in other sections. 3.03 FILLING OF VOIDS I A. Firestopping material shall completely fill void spaces^ regardless of geometric configuration, subject to tolerances established by the manufacturer. I B. Firestopping for filling voids in floors in which the smallest dimension of the void is 4t inches bi niore shall sirpport the same load as the floor is dg_signed to support or shall be protected by a permffent barrier to prevent loading or traffrc in the firestopped area. r 3.04 INSULATED PIPES AND DUCTS I A. Insulated pipes and ducts penetrating fire-rated floors and walls shall be insulated with I materials ivhich provide the same pe-rformance as the firestopping material. I B. This material shall extend a minimum of 6 inches on each side of the opening. I C. Vapor barrier of such insulation shall have a perm rating of 0.03 maximum. I I l-75s4.01 07270-3 3.05 FIREDAMPERS A. Fire dampers in ducts and penetrations of time-rated construction shall be fumished and installed in accordance with the requirements in DIVISION 15. 3.06 ELECTRICAL CABLES ORCONDUITS A. Firestopping at penetations of electrical cables or conduits shall also comply with the requirements of NFPANo. 70. 3.07 INSTALLATION OF SEALANT A. Sealant Application - Apply sealant in accordance with manufachrer's instructions, usine hanii -guns or pressure equipment with proper nonle sizn. Force sealant into and agafist sideiofjoini. Avoid pirlling of the sealant from the sides. Fill joint completely with sealant. B. Tooling - Tooling is required to ensure firm full contact with the interfaces o_f the jqin!, Tool jo-ints to foin smooth, unifgrm beads with-slightly concave surfaces. Joints shall be straight, uniform, smooth and neatly finished. Tooling agents shall only be used if recommended by the sealant manufacturer. 3.08 CLEANING A. Strip-offprotective masking tape immediately after compound has been applied. Strip towird ttie joint. Do not reuse masking material. Discard tape carefully to prevent defacing adj acent surfaces. B. Clean off excess comporurd or smears with cleaning material recommended by the manufacturer of the comPound. I I I I I I T t I I I I I I I T I I T END OF SECTION 072704 t-7554.01 I I T I I I PART I l.0l A. SECTION 07510 BUILT.UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING . GENERAL SUMMARY Section Includes: l. Glass fiber felt built-up roofing system. 2. Base flashing and accessories. 3. Aggregatesurfacing. Related Sections: l. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry: Carpentry related to built-up roof system installation. 2. Section 0751I - Built-Up Bituminous Roofing/Cutting and Patching: cutting and patching of existing built-up roofing. 3. Section 07600 - Ftashing and Sheet Metal: flashing and gravel stops. REFERENCES ASTM D 41 - Asphalt Primer Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and Waterproofing. ASTM D 312 - Asphalt Used in Roofrng. ASTM D 2178 - Asphalt Impregrrated Glass Mat Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Manufacturer's Recommendations: l. All products comprising the total roofing system shall be acceptable to the roofi ng membrane manufacturer. 2. The published and written general requirements and specific recommendations of the various materials manufactureis shall become a part of the project specification to the exterit referenced hereinafter. 3. The manufacturer's recommendations will govern the construction when not in conflict with the specific provisions of the project specification. 4. In the event of conflict, the specific provisions of this specification will prevail over such manufacturer's requirements or recommendations' SUBMITTALS Submit product data for membrane and base flashing materials. I I T I I B. r.02 A. B. c. 1.03 A. I I I t I I t I 1.04 A. t-7554.01 07510-t D. 1.05 A. B. B. Provide ttuee (3) copies of the manufacturer's specifications and application instructions for all roof installations used; one (1) copy each shall be furnished to the Owner and the Architect and one (l) copy shall be kept on the job site until the roof installation is complete. C. Submit certification of manufacturer's approval of this specific project regarding warranty requirements. Certification shall be submitted prior to roofing application. Submit manufacturer's certification that materials meet or exceed specified requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE Qualifications: l. Applicator:. Company specializing in built-uptituminous roof application with 5 years experience, approved by roofing materials manufacturer. 2. Roofing components shall be provided from a single manufacturer source to assure compatibility and conformance to manufacturer's warranty conditions. Regulatory Requirements : L Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (JL): Class A Fire Hazard Classification. Preinstallation Conference: l. Convene a preconstuction conference under provisions of Section 01200 one week prior to commencing work of this section. 2. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this section. 3. Review installation procedures and coordination required with related work including the following: a. Review the specifications and details with the Owner, Contactor, Architect and roofing applicator.b. Confirm that the applicator and manufacturer accept the roofing specifications and details as a proper and functional system. If the applicator and manufacturer have any apprehension or concern they shall discuss and resolve them at this time.c. Establish where the roofing project will start and how the installation will proceed.d. Determine what type of equipment will be used for the roofing application.e. Resolve where and how the materials are to be stored on the project.f. Determine the weather conditions under which the roofing applicator will install the roofing system. The Architecl Owner and Contactor must acknowledge that if the weather conditions do require the roofing applicator to stop the installation of the roofing system that pressure will not be brought to bear on the roofing applicator to ignore the pre- determined conditions and continue the installation.g. Establish a program with the mechanical subcontactor as to exactly how and where the mechanical equipment will be transported across the roof area. If two men cannot carry the equipment to the base it shall be placed directly on the base by crane. Under no conditions can any equipment or I I t I T I I I t T I J I T I t ! I T 075t0-2 l-7554.01 I o I materials be transported across roofing without the prior approval of the I h. ffii:i"Tfiff:hd waus must be in place-prior to rhe roorrng operation. I i. Esta'blish a program for controlling alltraffic across finished roofing. I I.06 DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Deliver products to site under provisions of Section 01600',. B. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original containers, dry, undamaged, seals and - labels intact. I C. Store materials in weather protected environment, clear of ground and moisture. I D. Stand roll materials on end. I.O7 E}N/IRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS I A. Do not apply roofing membrane during inclement weather or when air temperature may fall below 40 degrees F. t B. Do not apply roofing membrane to damp or frozen deck surface. C. Do not expose materials vulnerable to water or sun damage in quantities greater than I can be weatherproofed during same day. I I.O8 WARRANTY I A. Provide roofing manufacturer's.ten year waJranty to be furnished upon completion and acceptance of the roofing installation. I B. Wananty in writing the roof, flashing, and sheet metal work against leakage. and otherI defects,due to faihlre in maierials aid/or workmanship for 2 years lgm the date of substantial completion of the building . The Contractor shall repair all damages due to I failures covered above atno costto the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I z.or MANUFACTURERS A. Schullerlntemational,4GNG. t B. Owens-Coming Fiberglass,4l-NG. T 2.02 ROOFING SYSTEMS I A. Built-Up Roofing System: Four-ply, asphalt applied glass-fiber reinforced felts, with I gravel aggregate. I B. Comply with roofing system manufacturer's recommendations for component roofing system materials, as required for manufacturer's warranty, | 2.03 'HEETMATERTALS I A. GlassFiberFelt: ASTMD2lTS,TypeIV. I I r-7ss4.0r 07510-3 l. Schuller Intemational GlasPly Premier. 2. OCF Perma PIY-R. B. Base Sheet: (where applicable to manufacturer's requirement) ASTM D 2626, No. 45; plain. 2.04 BITUMINOUSMATERIALS A. AsphaltBitumen: ASTMD3l2,TypeIII. B. Asphalt Flashing Cement: FS SS-C-153, Type I or ASTM D 2822' 2.05 BI.JILT-UP ROOF MEMBRANE SYSTEM A. Nailable-Deck, Asphalt, Glass-Fiber, Aggregate Roofing: Provide built-up, aggregate- surfaced roof system with asphalt bitumen and glass-fiber ply felts for laying up as indicated: I . Sheathing Paper: Single ply of 5 lb. per 100 sq. ft., rosin-sized, sheathing paper. 2. Base Ply: Single ply of asphalt, glass-fiber felt, complying with ASTM D 2178, Type IV. 3. Ply Felts: Three plies of asphalt glass-fiber felts, complying with ASTM D 2178, TYPe IV. 4. Interply Bitumen: Roofing asphalt, complying with ASTM D 312, Type III. 5. Comply with NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Specification Plate No.32-NAGA, Diagram A. 2.06 AGGREGATESURFACING A. Aggregate: ASTM D 1863; Sound, hard washed river gravel in size and color to match existing gravel, 400 lb/sq. l. Embed ag$egate in flood coat of asphalt. 2. Apply second flood coat and gravel application. Remove loose gravel. 2.07 CANTS A. Fiber Cant and Tapered Edge Strips: Asphalt impregnated wood fiberboard, preformed to 45 degree angle. B. Wood Cant may be used provided they are preservative treated and conform to roofing system manufacturer's recommendations. 2.08 ACCESSORIES A. Roofing Nails: Galvanized or non-ferrous type, size as required to suit application. I I I I t I I I t t I I I I I I I t I07510-4 l-75s4.01 B. C. I t I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verifu deck is clean and smooth, free of depressions, waves, or projections, properly sloped to drains. Veriff roofopenings, curbs, pipes, sleeves, ducts, or-vents tluough roofare solidly set, woodnailing stripsl and reglels are in place. Veriff deck is supported and secured. Veri$ deck surfaces are dry and free of snow or ice. Confirm dry deck by moisture meter with 12 percent moisture maximum. D. Beginning installation means acceptance of substrate. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Protect building surfaces against damage from roofing work. B. Where work must continue over finished roof membrane, protect surfaces. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Install roofing and flashing in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Apply roofing in dry weather and do not apply roofing when ambient temperature is below 40 degrees F. C. Loosely lay one course of sheathing paper, lapping edges and ends a minimum of 2 inches and 6 inches, respectively. Install one lapped course of base sheet according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions, extending sheet over and terminating beyond cants. Mechanically fasten to substrate. Bitumen Temperature: l. Maximum Bitumen Temperature In Kettle: Type III, 475 degrees F. Discard bitumen heated above specified maximum. 2. Minimum Bitumen Temperature At Time And Point Of Application: Type III' 300 degrees F. Do not reheat bitumen. Minimum Rate of Application of Bitumen: t . Between layers of felt - 23 to 25 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. 2. Top coat - 60 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. 3. Aggregate - 400 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. Extend felts up cant strip to vertical surfaces. Mop in one ply of granular surface felt as base flashing. Secure to nailing strips at 4 inches and reglets. I I I I D. F. G. I I I I I I I I t I I l-7554.01 07510-5 oo Solid mop with Type III asphalt heated bitumen between felts and provide complete uniform cbating. Felt shall not touch felt. Lay felts parallel to long dimension of roof' Broom or press felts into heated bitumen providing tight, smooth laminations without wrinkles, b-uckles, kinks or fishmouths; brooming shall follow immediately behind felt laying. K. Complete application of roofing system without pockets or blisters' L. Complete installation of BUR roofing system, including aggregat€, up to line of termination of day's work. M. Install temporary water cut-offs at completion of each day's work and remove upon resumption of work. N. Mop and seal two additional plies of felt around roof penetrations. 3.04 FLASHINGS A. Coordinate installation of roof hoppers, drains, sumps, and related flashings. B. Mop in and seal flashings and flanges of items protruding through membrane. 3.05 AGGREGATESURFACING A. Apply unifomr flood coat of asphalt at rate of 60 lbs./square and while hot, embed robfiirg aggegate at rate of 400lbs./square. B. Evenly distribute aggregate and ensure bond with flood coat. Extend aggregate to bottom edge ofcant strips. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspection and testing will be performed at the Owner's option by fim appointed under provisions of Section 0 I 400. Correct defects and inegularities. CLEANING Remove bituminous markings from finished surfaces. In areas where finished surfaces are soiled by asphalt or any other source of soiling caused by work of this Section, consult manufacturer of surfaces for cleaning advise and conform to their instructions. END OF SECTION I t I I I. J. 3.06 A. B. 3.07 A. B. I I I I I T I I t T I I I I T 07510-6 l-7554.01 I r SECTION 07511 I BUILT.I]P BITT]MINOUS ROOFING/CUTTING AhtD PATCIIING I PART 1 - GENERAL -I 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I l. :H3f"S$"i,lf]ng of existing built-up roofing svstem as required to install I B. Related Sections: r t. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry: Carpentry work relating to roof curbs I installation. 2. Section 07510 - Built-Up Bituminous Roof,rng. 'l 3. Section 07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal: Patch, repair. . 1.02 REFERENCES - A. ASTM D 312 - Asphalt Used in Roofing. t B. FS SS-CC-153 - Cemenq Bituminous, Plastic. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION I A. Roof patching shall be provided where roof penetrations have to be added or removed on thdportiois of existiig roof membrane that are indicated to remain. I B. Roof system, including membrane, insulation and deck shall be.patched wittr materialt to mat'ch existing, adJacent material in gage, appearance, thickness and structural performance which is equal to or greater than the existing.IT I.O4 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit product data under provisions of Section 01300' I B. Submit product data for membrane and base flashing materials. I l.os euALITYASsIJRANcE A. Applicator: Company specializing in built-up rooflng system- application with5. years' I :im;:, hain& aid'approved-by roofing materials manufacturer to applv this tvpe I B. Roofing components strall be provided from a single manufacturer source to assuxe t compaiibility and conformance to manufacturer's warranty conditions. - C. Regulatory Requirements: I t l-7ss4.ol oTsll-l o Hazard Classification. I I t I T I I I I T I I I I I T I I I 1. Underwriters Laboratories,Inc. (UL): Class A Fire I.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to site under provisions of Section 01600. B. Deliver materials in manufacturer's original containers, dry, undamaged, seals and labels intact. Store materials in weather protected environment clear of ground and moisture. Stand roll materials on end. E. Storage of roofing rolls should be at least above 40 degrees F for a period before application. F. Breather type coverings such as canvas should be used to protect materials. I.O7 EI\N/IRONMENTALREQI.NREMENTS A. Do not apply roofing during inclement weather or when air temperature may fall below 40 degrees F. (5 degrees C). Do not apply roofing to damp or frozen substate. Do not expose materials vulnerable to water or sun damage in quantities greater than can be weitherproofed during sarne day. PREINSTALLATION CONFERENCE Convene a pre-constnrction conference one week prior to commencing work of this Section. B. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this Section. C. Review installation procedures and coordination required with related work including the following: l. Review the specification and details with the Contactor, Architect and roofing applicator. 2. Confirm that the applicator and manufacfluer accept the roofing specifications and details as a proper and functional system. If the applicator and manufacturer has any apprehensions or concern they shall discuss and resolve them at this time. All changes to the system and documents shall be put in writing, approved by the Architect and distriburcd to all parties involved. 3. Establish where the roofing project will start and how the installation will proceed. 4. Determine what type of equipment will be used for the roofing application. 5. Resolve where and how the materials are to be stored on the project. 6. Determine the weather conditions under which the roofing applicator will install c. D. B. C. l.08 A. 075t1-2 l-7554.01 I I I I the roofing. The Architect, Owner and Contactor must acknowledgc that if the weather cinditions do require the roofing applicator to stop the installation of the tooftog system that pressire will not be -brougttt to bear on t{9 rgofing applicator to ignire'the predete'rmined conditions and continue the installation' 7. All penetrations and walls must be in place prior to the roofing operation. I.O9 WARRANTY A. Submit manufacturer's certification that proposed procedures and materials will not void warranty. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTI.JRERS A. Match existing system. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verifi roof openings, curbs, pipes, sleeves, dygts,^or-vents through rgof ge solidly set, wood nailinginips] and regids are in place. Verifr deck is supported and secured. B. Beginning installation means acceptance of substate. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Protect building surfaces against damage from roofing work- B. Where work must continue over finished roof membrane, protect surfaces. 3.03 INSULATIONAPPLICATION A. Membrane Repair: l. Cut membrane in staight lines with square comers around openings' 2. Strip aggregate back from cut opening a minimum of 2'-0" in each direction. 3. Apply new membrane over entire opening, including {dpp.a area. ,Memtrane shall-include base sheet cut to fit membrane opening, plus same number ot plles as existing roof. 4. Apply aggregate in flood coat of bitumen. B. Install roofing, flashing, and insulation in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.04 FLASHINGS A. Apply base flashings to seal membrane to vertical elements. T I I I I T t I I I I I I I t t-7554.01 0751 r-3 o accordance I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I B. Install prefabricated curbs and roofing accessories in instructions. END OF SECTION with manufacturer's C. D. 3.05 A. Coordinate installation ofrooftop units, exhaust vents and related flashings. Mop in and seal flashings and flanges of items protruding through membrane. CLEANING Remove bituminous markings from finished surfaces. In areas where finished surfaces are soiled by asphalt or any other souce of sgiting cqused-by work of this Section, consult manirfaciurer of surfaces for cleaning advice and conform to their instructions. 07511-4 l-7554.01 t I I I I I sEcTroN 07600 I) FLASHING AND SEEET METAL . PART I -GENERAL I l.ol suMMARYI A. Section Includes: 1. Facias. 2. Flashings. 3. Counterflashings. 4. Related clips, anchors, and fasteners. B. Related Sections: l. Section 07510 - Built-up Bituminous Roofing. ? Section 0751 I - Built-Up Bituminous Roofing/Cutting and Patching.It 3. Section 07900 - Joint Sealers. t r.02 REFERENCES A. Codes/Standards: I l. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). 2. SMACNA (Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 1987, Fourth Edition). I 3. FS @ederal Specifications). I 1.03 SUBMTTALSIA. Submit samples of both Flashing and Counterflashing materials in conformance with Scction 01300.II B. Samples: Minimum of 12 inches by 12 inches in size. I l.o4 QUALITY AssuRANcE A. Work shall be installed by experienced, fully competent craftsmen and made watertight. I r.os wARRAlrrY A. Sheet metal work shall be warranted for a period of 2 years from date of acceptance. f Warranty shall include replacement at Contractor's expense any defects which occurt during the warranty period whictq in the opinion of the Architect are due to defective matefrals, workmanship, or for failure to allow for expansion/contraction. I I l-7554.01 07600-r PART2 -MATENALS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subjr:ct to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of l. Gravel Stops: a. W. P. Hickman Co.b. Approved substitution. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Galvanized lron: l. Conform to ASTM Specification A 525. 2. Sheet goods shall be 24 gage except where indicated otherwise; cleats and clips shall be 20 gage>, unless otherwise noted. 3. Galvanized coaling comply with G90. Solder: Conform to r\STM Spec. B 32, 50-50. Flux: l. Shall be resin, nnuriatic acid killed with zinc or approved brand soldering paste. 2. Wash offthoroughly after soldering is completed. D. Nails: Use galvaniz,ed nails in contact with galvanized iron; use aluminum nails in contact with aluminurn. E. Screws: l. Use cadmium plated in contact with galvanized iron. 2. Use aluminum in contact with aluminum. 3. Washers shall be neoprene. F. NonhardeningMastic: l. Use elastic caulking meeting FS TT-C-598 Type I. G. Sealant Tape: l. Use self-adhering non-oily, resilient, Shore A hardness of 20-30. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Sheet metal shall be formed to shapes and installed as indicated. Make flashings at angles continuous by soldering. Allow for expansion/contraction. I t I I T t I I I I I I I I I I ! t T B. c. 07600-2 l-7554.01 I I I T I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I B. Fabricate counterflashings as detailed on the Drawings. Provide in at least l0'-0" lengths, lap endjoints 3 inches and interlock. Bottom diip edge ofcounterflashing shall press tight against base flashing. C. Fabricate caps at roof penetrations as per Fig. A ofligure.4-13,.1993 editio_n_(PlaLe.58: 1987 editiori) or as pei Fig. C of Figuie q-t4C,1993 edition @late 66 of 1987 edition) of SMACNA. D. Gravel Stops: Provide Hickman "Drain-Thru Gravel Stop" at end eave locations and "safeguardGravel Stop System Type F" at side eave locations in prefinished colors. l. Color as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors. 2.04 MISCELLANEOUSFLASHING A. Form flashing to shapes indicated in lengths as long as possible. Lock seam or solder joints as indicated or required for a watertight installation' B. Use concealed cleats for securing flashing to adjacent construction, wherever possible. 2.05 FIMSI{ES A. General: Comply with NAAMM Metal Finishes Manual, Sections Amp 501 and 505 for steel finish designations and application recommendations. B. Galvanized Steel Gravel Stop High-Performance Organic Coating Finish: Apply the following system by coil-coating process on galvanized steel sheet as recommended by coating manufacturers and applicator. l. Fluoropolymer 2-Coat Coating System: Manufacturer's standard 2-coat, thermocured system composed of specially formulated inhibitive primer and fluoropolymer color topcoat containing not less than 70 percent polyvinylidene fluoride resin by weight; complying with AAMA 605.2. 2. Color and Gloss: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of choices for color and gloss. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI WORKMANSHIP A. Execute all work in best, substantial, waterproo{, workmanlike manner' B. See Drawings for items and details. C. Flash all projections through roof. D. Shape and install sheet metal cap and counterflashings as directed. E. Furnish those items to be installed by others to the proper trade for installation. F. Make waterproof comer joints by soldering solidly; joints shall be fully lapped. 1-7554.01 07600-3 G. Form to allow for expansion and contraction as required. H. Install sheet metal corrnterflashing over roof base flashing, as required and as detailed. I. Separate dissimilar m,etats with mastic or sealant tape. 3.O2 INSTALLATTON A. Width of laps shall be 3-in. minimum or shall be designed in accordance with SMACNA. B. Securely seal all joints and laps with sealant tape or nonhardening mastic, full width of lap. C. Fastening of all metal., maximum 2 ft o.c., whether fastening of cleats, clips or through face of metal. D. When fastening through face metal, use screw and slotted hole where- fastening is_ not exposed and sCrew wiih washer where faste_ning is exposed. In exposed fastenings, hole through metal shall be twice the diameter of screw shank. E. Calk all reglets (see Section 07900 - Joint Sealers). END OF SECTION I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I T 07600-4 r-7554.01 A. Section Includes: I l. Joints as detailed, indicated or required. I 2. Joints in cast-in-place concrete. 3. Roofflashingandcounterflashing. I 4. Penetrations of floors, walls and roofs. 5. Expansion joints. I 6. Door, windowand louverframes. I 7. Joints between dissimilar materials. r B. Related Sections: T I I PART 1 - GENERAL I l.ol s'MMARY SECTION O79OO JOINT SEALERS 1. Section 03300 - Cast-InPlace Concrete. 2. Section 07270 - Firestopping. 3. Section 07600 - Flashing and Sheet Metal. 4. Section 08710 - Finish Hardware. 5. Section 08800 - Glazing. 6. Section 09250 - GypsumBoard. I I I I I.O2 REFERENCES I A. Federal Specifications: r l. TT-S-0023OC(2) - Sealing Compound: Elastomeric Type, Single Component I (For Calking, Sealing and Glazing in Buildings and Other Structures). 2. TT-S-001543A - Sealing Compound: Silicone Rubber Base (For Calking, I Sealing, and Glazing in Buildings and Other Structues). 3. TT-S-00227E(3) - Sealing Compound: Elastomeric Type, Multiple Component I (For Calking, Sealing and Glazing in Buildings and Other Structues). I.O3 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit product data and samples under provisions of Section 01300. 1-7554.01 07900-l B. Submit samples of sealtant colors. C. Submit manufacturer's surface preparation and installation instructions under provisions of Section Cll 300. I.O4 QUALITYASSI.JRANCE A. ApplicatorQualifications: l. Application shall be do-ne by 1 Joint Sealant Subcontractor with five years experience. Documentation required. 2. Use only qualified workmen thgroughly skilled and- s-pecially ^trgine.d lq the techniques bf calking, who- gn demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Architect" their a5ility to fil.l joints solidly and neatly. B. ManufacturerTechnical Assistance: l. Materials shall be supplied by manufacturer who will provide qualified technical assistance at the Project site. 2. Mixing and app.tication of ryaling compound-shall.be in stict accordance with the minufactrirer's printed directions. -Initial mixing and application shall be under the direct sup6rvision of the manufactuer's representative. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGI] AND HANDLING A. Deliver calking and :;ealing compounds to the job in unbroken,,sealed containers bearing ilre maiufacturels mixing-directions. Store materials in sealed containers in a dry protected areaabo're the ground or floor. B. Protect materials before, during and after installation. Protect the installed work of other tades during insallation. C. Do not use materials tlnt have been stored for a period of time exceeding the maximum recommended shelf life ofthe materials. 1.06 PROJECTCONDITIO}{S A. The joint configuratiorr, the joint surfaces and backing forming the sealant rabbet shall be ai detailed in tne arawings and in accordance with the contract specification. B. Do not proceed with the installation of sealants under adverse weather conditions when joint to be sealed is deunp, wet or frgzen,gr when.temperatures are below or above the "manufactureds recomnnended limitations for installation. Consult the manufacturer for specific instructions before proceeding. PART 2 - MATERIALS 2,OI MANUFACTURERS A. TremcoManufacturing. B. DowComing. I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I T 07900-2 t-7554.01 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I C. Pecora Corporation. D. Mamecolnternational. E. Sonneborn Building Products. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Sealants: L Acrylic type, one component (non-sag), conform to-FS TT-S-00230-, Type II, non-sag, Ciass A, 15 pelcent joint movement, color: Neutral. 2. Silicone type, one component (low modulus), conform to FS TT-S-01543A, Class A, 50 percent joint movement. 3. Polywethane Type, two component (non-sag), conform to FS TT-S-002278,50 percent j oint movement. 4. Polyurethane Type, single component (self leveling) FS TT-S-00230c, Type l, Class A. 5. Dow Coming No. 890 Silicone, compatible with asphalt impregnated expansion joint filler. B. Calking: Oil base type, conform to FS TT-C-598C(I), Type II, Color neutral. C. Colors: As selected by Architect from manufacturers' standard color chart unless specifi cally indicated otherwise. D. Sealant Primer: 1. Suitable to substate surfaces as recommended by the sealant manufacturer. 2. Knowledge of whether the primer is staining or non-staining shall be obtained prior to application. E. Joint Backing: l. Performed compressible, resilient, non-waxing, non-extruding, non-staining strips (polyethyiene foam, i foam, butyl) as recommended by the sealant manufacturer. 2. Backing shall be of sizes and shapes to suit the various conditions and shall be compatible with sealant, primers, and substrates. F. Bond Breaker: As recommended by the sealant manufacturer. G. Cleaning Agent: As recommended by the sealant manufacturer. 1-7554.01 07900-3 PART3 -DGCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Surface Condition: 1. Joint surfaces to receive a sealant shall be sound, smooth, clean, dry and free of all visible contanirpnts. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I 2. Applications on non-visible coating,s or contarninants to surface pri6r to application of sealant shall be controlled by the ionsultatioi -with the sealant manufacturer. of rabbet area Contractor in B. Joint Size: Joint size shall be as detailed or as determined by the Architect based on building movement, sealant capabilities and substrate requirements. 3.02 PREPARATION OF SIJRIACES A. Primer: l. Thoroughly clean joints and apply primer, if recommended by sealant manufacturer, to dry surfaces, 2. Apply primer prior to application ofjoint backing, bond breaker or sealants. B. Joint Backing: l. In joints where the depth of the jgint excgeds- $e required ^depth of the sealant" initall joint backing to provide backing and unifomr depth of sealant. 2. Joint backing shall be installed with approximately 30 percent compression. Do not stetch,-twist, puncture or tear joint backing' Butt joint backing at intersections. C. BondBreakerTape: l. Install bond breaker tape smoothly at back of joint where joint backing is not required or cannot be installed. 2. Sealant shall adhere only to the sides and not to the back of the joint to eliminate three-sided adhesion. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. SealantApplication: 1. Apply sealant in accordance with manufacturer's application manual and in-siructions, using hand guns or pr€ssure equipment, with proper nozzle size, on clean, dry, properly prepared substrates. 2. Force sealant into joint and against sides ofjoint to make uniform. Avoid pulling of the sealant from the sides. Fill sealant space completely with sealant. 07900-4 l-7554.01 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t T I I I I 3. Where an inegular surface or sensitive jointtorder exists, the applicator,shall apply maskinf tape at t "dg9 of the joint to ensure Jolnt neamess ano p?6t6ction. Relmov:e tape aft€r sealant is applied' B. Tooling: I . Tooling is required to ensure firm full contact with the interfaces of the joint' 2.Tooljointstoformsmooth,uniformbeadswith;1iSirtl.1,1-o-,ncavesurfaces'Finish jointj shall be straight, uniform, smooth and neatly tlrushed' 3. Remove any excess sealant from adjacent surfaces ofjoint, leaving the work in a neal clean condition. 4. Tooling agents should only be used if recommended by the sealant manufacturer' 3.04 CLEANING A. clean off excess compound and smears with cleaning nrut..T{ recommended by the manufacturer ;i iii;''ciip"*a.- Liu". work in i condition satisfactory to the Architect. 3.05 SEALANTSCHEDI.JLE A. Joints in vertical Planes: l. Buitding exterior and interior face ofthrouglr expansion or controljoints. 2. Provide non-sagtype polyurethane or silicone sealant' B. Joints in horizontal Planes: l. Building interior and exterior. 2. Provide self-leveling type polyurethane or silicone sealant' C. Joints on interior og 6uitding: Except as indicated in item A above, provide acrylic type sealant. Perimeter of plumbing fixtures and vanities: Provide mildew-resistant silicone type sealant. Set all th,resholds in full bed of oil base calking' Ceramic Tile: Provide silicone sealant at wall and base joints' . See Drawings for typical locations. END OF SECTION D. E. F. G 1-7554.01 07900-5 I t I I I I t I I I I I I t sEcTroN 08100 METALDOORFRAMES PART I -GENERAL I.O1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. General work of this section consists of furnishing and installing all metal door frames as shown and as specified herein. B. Related Sections: l. Section 08210 - Wood Doors. 2. Section 08710 - Finish Hardware. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit manufacturer's shop drawings for frames, and accessories in accordance with Section 01300. l. Submit shop drawings covering each type of door frame, frame conditions, and complete airchorage-details, sripplemenied by suitable schedules covering door frames. Z. Indicate size, gage, and location of reinforcement for hardware on shop drawings. I.O3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, and handle hollow metal work in a manner to prevent damage and deterioration. B. Store frames upright, in a protected dry area, at least I inch or more offthe ground or floor and at least l/4 inch between individual pieces. C. Protect exposed finish surfaces of prefinished items with masking tape. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Hollow metal work shall be manufactured by one of the following: l. Gatewav Metal Products 2. Fenestra. 3. Steelcraft. 4. Amweld Building Products Div. l-7554.01 I I I I I 08100-l 2.02 FRAT4ES A. Sheet steel fior fiames shall be hot rolled prime quality carbon steel except exterior frames which shall be galvanized steel sheets. B. Size and styles are indicated on the Drawings. C. Frames shall be combination buclg frame and trim on exterior, separate frame and trim on interior as detailed. D. Minimum Gages: Frames for interior doors, windows, and window openings shall be not less than 0.060 inch(16 gage) minimum. l. Exterior Frames: Not less than 0.0785 inch (14 gage) thick E. Brake-form steel sheets: l. Provide profiles and shapes free ofwarp, buckles, fractures or other defects. 2. Form 5/8 inch door stops integral with frames. F. Corners and connections shall be mitered and welded with exposed welds ground flush and smooth. G. Anchors: l. Provide an anchor at each jamb for each 2'-6" of door or window height or fraction thereof. 2. Vary anchor types to provide positive fastening to adjacent construction, provide special anchors as detailed. 3. Secure a metal clip angle at bottom of each jamb member for anchoring to floor, with a minimum of 2 fasteners. 4. Wood Stud Anchor: Provide 16 gage Z-shaped anchors. H. Provide 3 holes for each strike jamb and 2 holes for header of double frames for application of door silencers. I. Provide two 16 gage steel spreaders for double rabbeted frames tack welded to the bottom ofboth jambs. J. Glazing Stops: l. Frames to be glazed shall be provided with l8 gage stops to secure glass. Stops shall have all cbrners fully mitered and welded. 2. Install glass in glazing compound in conformance with Section 08800. 3. Glazing stop shall be integnl with frame on the exterior side of the frame. Interioi glaa:ing stop shall be held in place with countersunk oval head security screws. I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I08100-2 l-7554.01 t I 2.03 PREPARATIONFORFIMSI{EDHARDWARE I A. Door frames shall be factory reinforced, drilled, and tapped for mortise template - hardware in accordance with approved hardware schedule. Obtain current hardware I templates from hardware supplier. B. Provide welded-in reinforcing plates for surface applied hardware. I C. Frame Reinforcement: Thickness and sizes for frame reinforcement shall be as follows: t Butt Hinges: 3116 plate 12 inches long by full width of rabbet.II 2. Closer: l0 ga. channel section 12 inches long and full width of frame trim. I 3. Reinforcement for strikes, flush bolts, and all other surface mounted hardware: I l2gage. I 2.04 FINISH I A. Door frames shall be leveled and ground smooth. I B. Apply mineral filler to eliminate weld scars and other blemishes.I C. Provide factory coat of rust inhibitive metal primer including galvanized surfaces. I PART3-E)GCUTTON I 3.0r INSTALLATION OF FRAMES r A. Exercise care in setting of frames to maintain scheduled dimensions, hold head level and maintain jambs plumb and square. t B. Secure anchorages and connections to adjacent construction. I C. Remove factory applied spreader bar before setting frame and apply exact length wood I spreader bars al birtlom and center of door to maintain correct spacing between jambs. I 3,02 PRrME COAT TOUCH-UP t A. Immediately after erection, areas where prime coat has been damaged shall be sanded smooth and touched up with same primer as applied at shop. I B. Remove rust before above specified touch-up is applied. Touch-up shall not be obvious. t 3.03 DOOR SCITEDTTLE A. Dimensions and other requirements for each hollow metal door frame are noted on t Door Schedule of the Drawings. END OF SECTION I I I l-7554.01 08100-3 I I I PARr r -.ENERAL I 1.ol SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I l. Wood doors: Fire rated and non-rated. 2. Flush wood doors with veneer facings. t B. Related Sections: l. Section 06200 - Finish Carpentry: Hardware installation, door hanging. 2. Section 08100 - Metal Door Frames: Steel frames. I 3. Section 08?10 - Hardware. 4. Section 08800 - Glazing. I 5. Section 09900 - Painting: Site finishing doors. I r.02 REFERENCES r A. ANSVNWWDA I.S. Series - Industry Standard for Wood Flush Doors (Includes stendards I.S. l.l through I.S. 1.7), 1985 Edition.Ir B. ANSI A 135.4 - Basic Hardboard. I C. AWI - Quality Standards of ArchitecturalWoodwork Institute, 1988 Edition. D. NFPA 80 - Fire doors and windows. I l.o3 suBMIrrALs I A. Submit shop drawings, samples, and product data under provisions of Sections 01300. t B. Indicate door elevations, stile and rail reinforcement, intemat backing for hardware attachment, and cutouts for glazing, louvers. I c. Samples: l. Submit two samples of each type of door veneer. 2. Sample size: 12 by 16 by l-3l4 inch in size. sEcrroN 08210 wooD DooRs T I I I l-7554.01 08210-r I SURAN I I I I I I 1.04 A. QUALITYAS Conform to requirements of AWI Quallty Standald Section 01300 Premium Grade and ANSI/NWWDA LS. l.l through I.S. 1.7' Installed Doors and Panels: Conform to NFPA 80 for fire rated class indicated. Regulatory Requirements : 1. Provide UL or Warnock Hersey label on doors indicated on door schedule. 2. If any door or frame scheduled to be fire-rated cannot quafiry {o1 app^roplate iabeling because of its design, hardware or any other reasorq advise Architect prior to submission of bids' D. Coordination: L Provide the door manufacturer with all necessary information, including steel buck shop drawings, hardware schedule, floor plans, templates, and samples of hardware required to properly machine doors. Z. Door manufacturer shall coordinate information received so that doors are properly machined and ready for hanging at the site. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLTNG A. Deliver store, and handle wood doors in a manner to prevent damage and deterioration' B. Doors shall be individually packaged for shipment to the site' C. Store doors upright, in a protected.dry are4 at least I inch or more off the floor and at least l/4 inch between individual pieces. D. Protect exposed finish surfaces of prefinished items with masking tape. I.06 WARRANTY A. Specific Product WarrantY: l. Warranty alt doors for one year beginning on the day of acceptance. Z. Submit 2 copies of written agrcement on door manufacturer's standard form sigrred by Manufacturer, Installer and Contractor. 3. The Warranty shall agree to repair or replace defective doors which have warped (bow, cup oi twist; or whichihow- telegmp.hing of core- construction below in ierce rreneers or do not conform to tolerance limitations ofNWWDA and AWI' B. The warranty shall also include refinishing and reinstallation which may be required due to repaiior replacement of defective doors. C. In addition to the above, the warranty for solid core flush interior doors shall be in effect for lifetime of installation' B. C. I t t I I I I I I t I I I082t0-2 l-7554.01 I I D. Manufacturer shall inspect doors after installation and shall note on warranty that no I provisions of the warranty have been voided or nullified and that warranty is in full effect at completion of installation. I PART2-PRoDUCTSI 2.OI MANUFACTURERS I A. Weyerhaeuser Co. specified to establish level of quality. I B. Algoma.rr C. Eggers Hardwood Products. I 2.02 MATERTALSIA. Solid Core Doors: I l. "AWI PC-5" type. I 2. Solid particleboard core. t 3. Hardwood stiles. I 4. TypeFD.I 5. Fire rated as scheduled. t B. AWI Quality Grade: Premium. C. Faces: I l. Plain sliced White Oak, veneer, both sides. I 2. Thickness: l/40 inch minimum. I D. Edee Stiles: White Oak. I E. Cores: l. Particle Board: Core shall be one piece slab partical board with a density of 28 toI 32.a 2. Mneral Core: Equal to commercial standard l7l-58. I F. Stiles and Rails: r l. Vertical stiles shall be 3 314 inches or I l/8 inches fir or cedar with 1/2 inch I ll:*ftX1 laminated edge strip with two coats factory applied primer to match I 2. Top and bottom rails shall be of same construction.I 3. Where mortise closers or other similar densities occur, blocking shall be provided so that all screws fasten into hardwood for their complete length. I l-7554.01 08210-3 I o Fire Rated Door AWI Construction Type:G. I I I I I t I I I I l. Fire Rated Mineral Core Doors: Provide lock blocks. 2. Provide factory prefitting and premachining as required for fire rated labels. H. Adhesives: 1. Adhesives shall comply with ANSI/NWWDA I.S. I series, Type I. I. Wood Fire Doors: L Fire doors, shall be "8" label I l/2 hour construction with finish same as specified for wood doors. 2. Submit certificates stating that the doors meet uB" label constuction in every respect in accordance with Underwrite/s Laboratories, Inc. specifications, for I l/2 hour rating. 3. Fire doors shall carry an embossed Fire Undemriter's Label attached to the hanging stile of door stating they are manufactured to meet I l/2 hour "8" label construction. 4. Wood fire doors will be provided by same manufacturer as wood doors. 2.03 FINISH A. Comply with Section 09900, Painting. B. Seal top and bottom edges ofdoon with tinted seal as soon as possible upon arrival at the site. 2.04 FABRICATION A. Fabricate non-rated doors in accordance with AWI Premium Grade and ANSINWWDA I.S. I requirements. B. Interior wood doors shall be completely sized" bevelled and machined for all hardware except that applied to the surface not requiring cutting ofdoor in the field. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Conditioning: Condition doors to average humidity in installation area prior to hangmg. B. Prefitting: Prefit doors to frames and machine for hardware to whatever extent not previously work at factor as required for proper fit and miform clearance at each edge. C. Sealing: Before installation of hardware, brush apply exterior seal coat to all job site cut or planed surfaces. l. Sealer: Type recommended by muufactruer. I I I I I I t I I 082104 t-7554.01 I I 3.02 INSTALLATION r A. Doors shall be hung in a workmanlike manner taking precautionq_n9t to scratch or mar r the face of the door in any manner. All damaged doors shall be replaced by the I contractor at no additional cost to Owner. B. Cutting, drilling, fitting, or other similar type of work to the doors shall not be I permiti'6d at the;ite excEpt for attachment to irirface applied hardware. I C. Install doors in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. I l. Fit to width by planing and fit to height. In no case shall doors be cut down to opening sizes'sriatler {ran those for w-hich they were manufactured' I 2. Installation: By skilled finish carpenters or factory authorized installers.I 3. lnstaller: Thoroughly familiar with the requirements of the manufacturer's door wananty as cunentlyin eflect and assure compliance with all provisions. D. Clearance: I l. Non-Fire Rated Doors:I a. Jamb: l/8 inch, l/8 inch bevel in 2 inches. I b. Head: l/8 inch.r i: B:Y,H."8:3::^B33Ti"l',t#li or coverings: ri2 inch. lt 2. Fire Rated Doors: (tolerance: minus l/16 inch) I a. Jamb: l/8 inch, l/8 inch bevel in 2 inches. I 3: H"#;"l]Llff*; Doors: r/8 inch.I d. At sill: 3/8 inch at bottom of single doors, l/4 inch at bottom of pairs of doors. T 3.03 ADruSTING AND PROTECTION t A. Adjustnent: t l. At completion ofjob, adjust doors and hardware as required and leave in proper operation condition. I B. Protection: I l. Protect all doors from damage after hung until final inspection. Immediatelyr i""i$TrT."{#i.T:He*"rur*trs of all dirt' dust' and other foreign materials I 2. Advise Contractor of proper procedures required to p.rotect.installed wood doors from damages or deterioration until acceptance ofentire project. t I t r-7554.0r 08210-s C. Replacement: 1. Refinish or replace doors damaged during installation. 2. Causes for Rejection: Chips, scratches or gouges ofveneer. 3.04 DOOR SCHEDULE A. Dimensions and other requirements for each wood door are noted on the Door Schedule. Each door is identified by a door mark as shown on the Drawings. END OF SECTION 08210-6 1-7554.01 I I I PARrI -.ENERAL I 1.or suMMARY SECTION 08305 ACCESS DOORS I A. Section Includes:I! l. Non-rated access doors and frames. r B. Related Sections:r|l l. Section03300-Concrete: Openingsinconcrete. 2. Section 09250 - Gypsum Board: Openings in partitions. 3. Section09900-Painting: Fieldpaintfinish. I t.o2 'IJBMITTAL' I A. Submit product data under provisions of Section 01300' f B. Include sizes, types, finishes, scheduled locations, and details of adjoining work. I C. Submit manufacturer's installation instuctions under provisions of Section 01300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS | 2.0r MANUFACTURERS t A. Babcock - Davis. tl B. Bilco. I C. Karp Associates, Inc. D. Milcor. il 2.02 AccESS lt*rs A. Access Panels - Gypsum Board Walls and Ceilings: Flush, style DW, 16 gage frame, I 14 eaee oanel. s;ivanized steel drn,all bead, concealed spring hinges. Size and I tocaiioin shownoi Drawings. Cam operated locking devices. I 2.03 FINISH A. Factory prime for site Painting. t T I l-7554.01 08305-l PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI INSPECTION A. Verifu rough openings for door and frasre are correctly sized and located. B. Beginning of installation means acceptanc€ of existing conditions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install frame plumb and level in wall and ceiling openings. B. Position to provide convenientacoess to concealed work requiring access. C. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and requirements Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc., for fire-rated access panels. D. Rehang or replace panelsthat do not operateproperly. E. Refinish or replrcs dqmaged or defective panels or frames. ENDOF SECTION I I I I ! I T I ! T t I t l l I I t I08305-2 l-7554.01 I I I t I I T I SECTION 08611 wooD wrNDows T PART I -GENERAL | 1.01 SUMMARY ' A. This Section includes the following wood window types: I l. Awning windows. I 2. Nonoperative (fixed) windows. t B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: l. Division 6 Section "Finish Carpentry" for interior and exterior wood trim that is not included as part of the wood window units. 2. Division 8 Section "Glazing" for glazing requirements for wood windows, including factory - glaz-ed window units. , I.O2 DEFINITIONS l, A. Performance-grade number, included as part of the window designation system, is the actual design pressure in pounds force per square foot used to determine the shuctural test pressure and water test pressure. l. Structural test pressure, wind load test, is equivalent to 150 percent ofthe design pressurle. 2. Water-leakage-resistance test pressue is equivalent to l0 percent of the desigrt pressure with 2.86 lb/sq. ft. as a minimum. I.O3 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTSI! A. General: Provide wood windows engineered, fabricated, and installed to withstand normal thermal movement, wind loading, and impact loading without failure, as I demonstrated by testing manufacturer's standard window assemblies representing t types, grades, and sizes required for this Project according to test methods indicated. I B. Standards: Performance requirements for operating force, air infiltration, water li penetation, structural performance, and forced-entry resistance for wood windows are those specified inNWWDA I.S, 2, "Industry Standard for Wood Window Units." t I'I C. Test Criteria: Testing shall be performed by a qualified independent testing agency based on the followine criteria:I I r-7554.0r 08611 - I 1.04 A. B. I I t t il I T I n I I t l t I 0 t l I D. c. 1. Design wind velocity at Project site is 90 mi./h. 2. Test Procedures: Test window units according to ASTM E 283 for air infiltation, ASTM E 547 for water penetration, and ASTM E 330 for structural performance. performance Requirements: Testing shall demonstrate compliance with requirements indicated in NWWDA I.S. 2 for operating force, air infiltration, water penetration, structural performance, and forced-entry resistance for the type and performance grade of window units required. Where required desiga pressue exceeds the minimum for the specified window grade, comply with requirements of NWWDA I.S. 2, Article 6, "Optional Performance Classifications," for higher than minimum performance grades. L Air-Infiltration Rate for Operating Units: Not more than 0.10 cfm/ft. of operable sash joint for an inward test pressure of 1.57 lbflsq. ft.. 2. Water Penetration: No water penetration as defined in the test method at an inward test pressure of l0 percent ofthe structural test pressure. 3. Structural Performance: No failure or pemtanent deflection in excess of 0.4 p€rcent of any member's span after removing the imposed load, for a positive (inward) and negative (outward) test pressure of 60 lbflsq. ft. 4. Forced-Entry Resistance: Comply with Performance Level 20 requirements when tested according to ASTM F 588. SUBMITTALS General: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division I Specification Sections. Product Data for each type of wood window required, including the following: l. Construction details and fabrication methods. 2. Profiles and dimensions of individual components. 3. Data on hardware, accessories, and finishes. Shop Drawings for each type of window required, including information not fully detailed in manufacturer's standard Product Data and the following: l. Layout and installation details, including anchors. 2. Elevations at l/4 inch = I foot scale and Upicd window unit elevations at 314 inch= I foot scale. 08611 - 2 l-7554.01 D. B. c. D. F. I I I I I I I I ,l t I I I t I I I I t 1.05 A. 3. Full-size section details of typical composite members, including reinforcement and stiffeners. 4. Hardware, including operators. 5. Glazing details. 6. Accessories. Test reports from a qualified independent testing agency indicating that each type, grade, and size of window unit complies with performance requirements indicated based on comprehensive testing of cunent window units within the last 5 years. Test results based on use ofdownsized test units will not be accepted. QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer Qualifications: Firms whose windows have been certified under the NWWDA "Hallmark Program" for wood window units are listed in the cunent NWWDA "Membership and Product Directory" and comply with requirements indicated. l. Provide only wood window units bearing an NWWDA "Hallmark Program" label certi$ing compliance with requirements ofNW"WDA I.S. 2. Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain wood window units from one source and by a single manufacturer. Safety Glass Standard: Provide products complying with testing requirements of l6 CF& Part l20l for Category II materials' Glazing Standards: Comply with recommendations of the Flat Glass Marketing Association (FGMA) "Glazing Manual' and "sealant Manual" except where more stringent requirements are indicated. Insulating-Glass Certification Program: Provide insulating-glass units permanently marked on spacers or at least on one component pane of units with the appropriate certification label of one of the inspecting agency indicated below: l. Insulating Glass Certification Council (IGCC). 2. Associated Laboratories, Inc. (ALI). 3. National Certification Testing Laboratories (NCTL). Product Options: The Drawings indicate sizes, profiles, dimensional requirements, and aesthetic effects of wood windows and are based on the specific window types and models indicated. Other wood window manufacturers whose products have equal performance characteristics may be considered provided deviations in size, profile, and t-7554.01 08611 - 3 v minor o effect. Refer T I I I I t t I t I Il I 1 I I I t I dimensions are "Substifutions." and do not alter tlte aesthetic to Division I Section I.06 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Check window openings by field measurements before fabrication and show recorded measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with constuction progress to avoid delaying the Work. l. Where field measurements cannot be made witJrout delaying the Work guarantee opening dimensions and proceed with fabricating wood windows without field measqrements. Coordinate wall constuction to ensuxe that actual opening dimensions correspond to guaranteed dimensions. I.O7 WARRANTY A. General Warranty: The special waranty specified in this Article shall not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under other provisions of the Contact Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Special Warranty: Submit a written warranty executed by wood window manufacturer agreeing to repair or replace window components that fail in materials or workmanship within the specified waranty period. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Structural failures including excessive deflection, water leakage, air infiltration, or condensation. 2. Faulty operation of sash and hardware. 3, Deterioration of finishes and other materials beyond nomral weathering. C. Wananty Period for Insulating Glass: l0 years after date of Substantial Completion. D. Wananty Period for Wood Windows: 2 years after date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide window units by one of the following: 1. Unfinished Wood Window Units: a. Eagle Window and Door, Inc. (specified to establish level of quality). b. Caradco V/indow Corp. 08611 - 4 t-7554.01 c. d. e. f. g. h. c. F. G. I I t I I I t I I t t I I I I I l I t 2.02 A. B. Hurd Millwork Co. Malta Wood Windows & Doors (Division of Tompkins Industries, Inc-). MarvinWindows. Pella Corporation. Pozzi Wood Windows. Weather Shield Mfg., Inc. MATERIALS General: Comply with requirements of NWWDA I'S. 2' wood: clear ponderosa pine or other suitable fine-grain lumber, kiln dried to a moisture content of 6 to 12 percent at time of fabrication and free of visible finger joints, blue stain, knots, pitch pockets, and surface checks larger than ll32 wideby 2 inches long. 1. Lumber shall be water-repellent preservative teated after machining per NWWDA I.S.4. Anchors, Clips, and Accessories: Fabricate anchors, clips, and window accessories of aluminum, nonmagnetic stainless steel, or hoGdip zinc-coated steel or iron complying with requirements of ASTM B 633 for SC 3 (severe) service condition; provide sufficient strength to withstand design pressure indicated. D. Fasteners: Comply wittr NWWDA I.S.2 for fabrication and with manufacturer's recommendations and standard industry practices for type and size of installation fasteners. l. Use zinc-coated or nonfenous nails and screws for window fabrication and installation. 2. Use brass screws for hardware and accessory installation. Compression-Type Weatherstripping: Provide compressible weatherstripping designed for permanently resilient sealing under bumper or wiper action, and completely concealed when sash is closed. 1. Weatherstripping Material: Molded PVC gaskets complying with ASTM D 2287 or molded, expanded, EPDM or neoprene gaskets complying with ASTM C 509' Grade 4. Glass-Fiber-Mesh Insect Screen: l8-by-14 or l8-by-16 mesh of plastic-coated glass- fiber threads, woven and fused to form a fabric mesh resistant to corrosion, shrinkage, stretch, impact damage, and weather deterioration. Comply with requiremenb of ASTM D 3656. Glass and Glazing Materials: Provide manufactur€r's standard clear, sealed, insulating glazing material that complies with Division 8 Section "Glazing." l-7554.01 08611 - 5 2.03 A. 2.04 A. 2.05 A. B. B. C. H. Glazing Seal: Provide manufacturer's standard extruded, o vinyl, or btrtyl glazing gasket providing weathertight seal. HARDWARE General: Provide manufacturer's standard hardware, necessary to operate, tightly close, and secruely lock windows. Do not use aluminum in frictional contact with other metals. L Provide solid white metal hardware with a special coating finish and plated steel or brass/bronze operating bars and rods. Four-Bar Friction Hinges: Comply with AAMA 904.1. l. Friction Shoes: Nylon or other nonabrasive, nonstaining, noncorrosive, durable material. Gear-Type Rotary Operators: Comply with AAMA9OI.I for rotary operators. Comply with ASTM E 405, Method A, when subjected to operating moments and closing torques indicated in AAMA l0l. L Operator shall operate all ventilators simultaneously, securely closing them at both jambs without using additional manually controlled locking devices. ACCESSORIES Insect Screens: Provide insect screens for each operable exterior sash or ventilator. Locate screens on inside or outside of window sash or ventilator, depending upon window type. Design windows and hardware to accommodate screens in a tight- fitting, removable arrangement, with a minimum of exposed fasteners and latches. l. Screen Frames: Fabricate frames of tubular-shaped, extuded' or formed- aluminum members of 0.040-inch-minimum wall thickness, wilh mitered or coped joints and concealed mechanical fasteners. Provide removable PVC spline/anchor concealing edge of screen frame. Comply with requirements of sMA 1004. AWNING WINDOWS Window Grade: Comply with requirements of NWWDA Performance Grade DP60. Hardware: Provide the following equipment and operating hardware: l. Operating Device: Gear-type rotary operator located on jamb at sill. 2. Hinges: Concealed 4-bar friction hinges (2 per ventilator) located on each jamb near top rail. I t t I I t l I I T I I I t I 3 I I I08611 - 6 r-7554.0r t , oo 3. Cam latch or other latching hardware with lever handle or pull' 2.06 FDGD WINDOWSII A. Window Grade: Comply with requirements ofNWWDA Performance Grade DP60. n 2.7 FABRICATION t A. General: Fabricate wood window units to comply with indicated standards. Include a I complete system for assembly of components and anchorage of window units. - 1. Comply with requirements of NWWDA I.S. 2 for moisture content of lumber at I time of fabrication. I Z. provide frame extensions to permit window unit to fit wall conditions as shown on the Drawings. )- B. Fabricate windows to produce units that are reglazable without dismantling sash a framing. Provide openings and mortises precut, where possible, to receive hardware I and other items. t l. Provide weatherstipping at perimeter of each operating sash' 7 Z. Provide removable insect screen for each operating sash, with location I deterrrined by manufacturer. - 3. Provide glaang stops, nailed or snap-on type, coordinated with glass selection I andglazingsystemindicated.t' 4. Factory-Glazed Window Units: Except for light sizes in excess of 100 united I inches, glaze window units in the shop before delivery, unless factory glazing is J not available from manufacturer. Comply with requirements of Division 8 Section "Glazing" of these Specifications and NWWDA I.S. 2. 'l I 5. Groove Gtazing: Factory-glazed units without removable stops or other I i::['ifi#Siii::tril"H:$.nerd disassembrv to rac'itate repracement or C. Complete fabrication, assembly, finishing, hardware application, and other work before t shipment to the Project site, to the ma:<imum extent possible. Disassemble components I ody as necessary for shipment and installation. Where necessary for fitting at site, I provide ample aliowance ior scribing, timming, and frtting' I 2.8 FINISHES I A. Wood Finish: Provide the following finish on exposed wood in units: t I r-7554.01 08611 - 7 l. Shop-Primed Units: Provide manufacturer's standard shopprime coat on exterior wood surfaces only. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine openings before installation. Verifr that opening is correct and sill plate is level. Do not proceed wittr installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1. Wood frame walls slrall be dry, clearu soun4 well-nailed, free of voids, and without offsets at joints. Ensure ttrat nail heads are driven flush with surfaces in opening and within 3 inches of comer. 2. Coordinate window installation with wall flastrings and other built-in components. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturet's instructions and recommendations for installing window units, hardware, operators, accessories, and other components of the Work. B. Set window rmits plumb, level, true to line, without warp or rack of frames or sash. Provide prop€r support and anchor securely in place. C. Set sill members in a bed of sealant or with joint fillers or gaskets, as indicate4 to provide weathertight constnrction. 3.03 ADruSTING A. Adjust operating sash and hardware to provide a tight fit at contact points and weathentipping for smooth operation and a weathertight closure. Lubricate hardware and moving Parts. 3.04 CLEAI.IING A. Clean interior and exterior surfaces immediately after installation. Exercise car€ to avoid damage to protective coatings and finishes. Remove excess glazing and sealants, dirt, and other substances. B. Clean glass of factory-glazed units immediately after installing windows. 'lVash and polish glass on both faces before Substantial Completion. Comply with manufacturer's recommendations for final cleaning and maintenance. Remove nonpermanent labels from glass surfaces. C. Remove and replace glass that has been broken, chipped, cracke4 abrade4 or damaged during the constnrrction Period. I i I I I I I I t t I t I T t I I I I086il - 8 l-7s54.01 il 3.05 PROTECTION t A. Protect window units fiom damage or deterioration until the time of Substantial I Completion. I t t t I I I I i I I I I I T I 1-7ss4.0r END OF SECTION 08611-9 I T I I t I I I I I I I T I T I SECTION O87IO FI]\[ISH HARDWARE PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. The extent of hardware is shown on the drawings and in schedules 2. Provide hardware for all doors including all items known commercially as "builders hardware" or "finish hardware" including bifold door hardware. 3. Include lock cylinders for locks furnished in other sections where so specified. B. Related Sections: l. Section 06200 - Finish Carpentry; installation of hardware. 2. Section 08100 - Metal Door Frames. 3. Section 08210 - Wood Doors. I.O2 QUALITYASSURA}ICE A. Acceptability of substitute items, refer to Section 01600. B. Standards: l. Hardware Brands: All locks and latch sets must be one brand, all overhead closures one brand, all floor checks one brand, all hinges one brand, all panic devices one brand. 2. Fire-Rated Openings: Provide hardware for fire-rated openings in compliance with NFPA Standard No. 80. This requirement takes precedence over other requirements for such hardware. Provide only hardware which has been tested ani listed by UL for the types and sizes of doors required, and complies with the requirements of the door and door frame labels. 3. Where panic exit devices are required on fire-rated doors, provide UL label on exit device indicatine "Fire Exit Hardware". C. Fasteners: l. Manufacture hardware to conform to published templates, generally prepared for machine screw installation. Do not provide hardware which has been prepared for self-tapping sheet metal screws, except as specifically indicated. 2. Furnish screws for hardware installation, with each hardware item. Provide Phillips flat-head screws except as otherwise indicated.I t T t-7554.0r 08710-l 3. Finish exposed (exposed under any condition) screws to match the hardware finish or, if exposed in surfaces of other work, to match the finish of other such work as closely as possible, including "prepared for paint" in surfaces to receive painted finish. D. Suppliers: L Builders hardware supplier shall be experienced in furnishing and servicing hardware of this type and grade for a minimum period of 2 years. 2. The supplier shall be, or have in his employ, an experienced AHC Certified Consultant who is available for consultation during the course of the work. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Hardware Schedule: 1. Submit copies of the hardware schedule complying with the actual construction progress schedule requirements !o each draft. Hardware schedules are intended for -the coordination of the work. Review and acceptance by the Architect or Owner does not relieve the Conhactor of his exclusive responsibility to fulfill the requirements as shown and specified. 2. Furnish a full set of cuts of the products to be used at the time of the initial hardware submittal. 3. Final Hardware Schedule: Based on the hardware requirements indicated, organize the final hardware schedule into nhardwarc sets", indicating complete designation ofevery item required for each door or opening. 4. Furnish initial draft ofschedule at the earliest possible date, in order to facilitate the fabrication of other work (zuch as hollow metal frames) which may be critical in the project construction schedule. 5. Furnish final draft of schedule after samples, manufactuer's data sheets, coordination with shop drawings for other work, delivery schedules and similar information has been completed and accepted. 6. Wherever needed, furnish templates to fabricators of other work which is to receive finish hardware' B. Key Schedules: 1. Prepare keying schedules for approval, and factory key locks in accordance with approved schedule. 2. Furnish in triplicate, complete schedule of key marking and master key system to Architect prior to final acceptance. C. Requirements for Maintenance: l. Warranty: Fumish 2 copies ofthe following written warranties: a. Mechanical failure of door closures for 5 years. b. Failure ofparts ofall hardware except door closures for I year, I T I 1 I I I I I T I T I I l I t l I08710-2 t-7554.01 I t 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING r A. Provide secure lock-up for hardware delivered to the project, but not yet installed' f Control the handling ina instattation of hardware items which are not immediatelyu replaceable, so that t[e completion of the work will not be delayed by hardware losses, both before and after installation. I B. Tag each item or package separately, with identification related to the final hardware sch-edule, and inchide Uaiic instattatibn instuction in the package. 1 C. Inventory hardware jointly with representatives of the hardware supplier and the'- hardware installer until each is safisfied that the count is correct. I r.o5 PRoJEcr coNDITIoNsI a\ A. Coordinate hardware with other work. I B. Fumish hardware items of proper design for use on doors and frames of thicknesses, profile, swing, security and similar requirements indicated, as necessary for proper th installation and function. Ir C. Deliver individually packaged hardware items at the proper times to the proper locations (shop or project site) for installation. I D. Furnish hardware templates to each fabricator of doors, frames and otherlrork to be factory prepared for the installation of hardware. Upon request, check the- shop I drawiirgi oi such other work, to confirm that adequate provisions are made for the I proper installation of hardware. I PART2-PRODUCTS t 2.ot HARD*ARE LIST I A. Fumish hardware in accordance with the hardware schedule included at the end of thisI Section, and as indicated in the Drawing Door Schedule. Those schedules are intended as a guide to indicate hardware functions. I I B. Provide all items needed for door function including fire-rating and requirements for- fire-rated doors. I C. Mount closers, to all extent possible, out of corridors.I D. Fumish all items in US26D, Dull Chrome finish, except where otherwise noted and as l. follows: I l. Trim plates may be supplied in US32D, Brushed Stainless Steel finish. I 2. Closers: Painted aluminum. r 3. Weatherstrip: Natural aluminum finish. I E. All butts on exterior doors to be non-ferrous with stainless steel non-removable pins. I F. All other butts to have non-rising pins. I .- l-7554.01 08710-3 rJ -, 2.02 KEYING A. Supplier shall submit frnal Keying Schedule with Owner for approval and obtain frnal instructions in writing. B. System: l. Except as otherwise indicated, key to existing Great Grand Masterkey system for the project. 2. All lock cylinders shall be "Removable Core" type. C. Keys: L Furnish 3 change keys for each lock and 5 master keys. 2. The keys shall be made of nickel silver. 2,03 HARDWARE FOR BIFOLD DOORS A. General: Provide manufacturefs standard hardware for interior bifold doors when not fumished as part of complele door package. B. Operating Hardware: Provide manufactrrrey's complete sets consisting of overhead extruded aluminum tack; captive nylon shoe or roller gurdes; rubber bumpers in tack; and adjustable pivots, hinges, and door aligners all desigrred to accommodate the number, size, thickness, and weight of door leaves indicated. l. Provide heavy-duty sets designed for leaves weighing up to 75 lb. C. Trim Hardware: Provide the following items as needed for operating bifold doon: l. Pulls: Aluminum wire type pulls, 4 inches wide. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Mount hardware units at heights recommended in "Recommended Locations for Builde/s Hardware" by DHI for standard steel frames of custom steel frames as applicable, except as othenvise specifically indicated or required to comply with governing regulations. B. Install each hardware item in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Wherever cutting and fitting is required to install hardware onto or into surfaces which are later to be painted or finished in another way, install each item completely and then remove and store in a secrue place duing the finistt application. C. After completion of the finishes, re-install each item. Do not insall surface-mounted items until finishes have been completed on the substate. I t t I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I t08710-4 l-7554.01 D. F. G. B. c. D. I I T I t I I I I I t t I I t I I I I 3.02 A. 3.03 LEGEND (HA) (SC) (No) (TR) (PE) (JB) (I-B) l. Installer may leave hardware items in place during firyqhlng work providing such items are frrlly masked and protectel. Remove finish materials which may penetate masicing, without damage to hardware or its finish or replace as required. Set units level, plumb and true to line and location. - Adjus! and reinforce the attachment substrite as necessary for proper installation and operation. Drill and countersink units which are not factory-prepared for anchorage fasteners. Space fasteners and anchors in accordance with industry standards. Screw thresholds to substrate with No. 10 or larger screws, of the proper type for permanent anchorage and ofbronze or stainless steel which will not corrode in contact with the threshold metal. At exterior doors, and elsewhere as indicated, set each edge ofthreshold in-a seal strip of butyl rubber sealant or polyisobutlylene mastic sealant to completely fill concealed voids -and exclude moistuie. - Do noi plug drainage or weep holes. Remove excess sealant. ADruST AND CLEAN Adjust and check each operating item of hardware and each door, to ensur€ proper op6ration or firnction of'every -unit- Lubricate moving parts with.type lubrication r6commended by manufacturer (graphite-type if no other recommended)' Replace units which cannot be adjusted and lubricated to operate freely and smoot}ly as intended for the application made. Final Adjustment: Wherever hardware installation is made more than one month prior to acceptance or occupancy of a space or area, retum to th9 w-9rk during the-w-eek-prior to acceptance or occupaniy, and make a final check and adjustnent of all hardware items in such space and area. Clean and re-lubricate operating items as necessary to restore proper frrnction and finish of hardware and dbors. -Ra;ust door contol devices to compensate for final operation of heating and ventilation equipment. MANUFACTURER'S ABBREVIATIONS OF LISTED HARDWARE MANUFACTURER Hager Schlage Lock Co. Norton Trimco Pemko Jaybee Lawrence Bros. APPROVED SUBSTITUTES McKinney, Stanley, Bommer No Substitution LCN Qualrty, Glynn-Johnson Reese, Zero, Hager Approved equal Stanley, Hager l-7554.01 08710-5 3.04 HARDWARE SCHEDULE A. Hardware Groups: I t I I t I I I t t I T I T T I I l t l.The following Hardware Drawings. Groups (HW) apply to doors as scheduled on the HWI Mechanical Room EACH DOOR TO IIAVE: 3 EA. BUTTS I EA. LOCKSET I EA. WALL STOP 3 EA. SILENCER Irw2 Janitor Room @ire Rated) EACHDOORTOHAVE: 3EA. BUTTS I EA. LOCKSET I EA. CLOSER I EA. WALL ORFLOOR STOP I SET SMOKE SEAL HW3 Office Doors EACH DOOR TO HA\18: 3 EA. BUTTS I EA. PASSAGESET I EA. WALL STOP 3 EA. SILENCERS TIW4 Restroom Doors EACHDOORTOHAVE: BUTTS PUSHPLATE PIJLL PLATE CLOSER KICKPLATE WALL STOP SILENCERS 1279 4.5 x 4.5 AL53PD SAT x 10-025 wl276CCS 1229I. BBl279 4.5 x 4.5 AL53PD SAT x 10-025 83OI REG Wl276CCS or Wl2l IES S88D 1279 4.5 x4.5 ALI0S SAT x 10-025 wl276CCS 12294 BBl279 4.5 x 4.5 l00l 4" x 16" l0l3 4" x 16" 83OI REG 8" x 2" LDW x 0.050" wl276CCS 1229L 626 HA626 SC626 TR TR 626 HA626 SCEN NO 626 TR PE 626 HA626 SC626 TR TR HA TR TR NO TR TR TR 3 EA. I EA. I EA. I EA. I EA. I EA. 3 EA. 626 626 626 EN 630 626 08710-6 l-7554.01 LB626 JB t I I I t I HWs BI-FOLD DOOR SET EACHDOORTOHAVE: I SET 2EA. I{W6 Vestibule Doors EACH DOORTO IIAVE: BI-FOLDHDWE. PULLS BLNTS PUSHPLATE PULL CLOSER KICKPLATE WALL STOP DOOR SEAL BUTTS DEAD LOCK PUSH/PULL BARS CLOSER KICKPLATE WALL STOP THRESHOLD WEATIIERSTRIP WEATHERSTRIP DOORBOTTOM HD-640 Series 647 BBl279 4.5 x4.5 10001 4" x 16" tt95-2 83OI REG LDWx 0.050" wl276CCS S88D Head and Jambs BBll9l 4.5 x 4.5 NRP B460P x 12-076 l73l x 3" LDW P8301 8" x2" LDW x 0.050" wl276CCS 2554 S88D at head 305CR atjambs 3l5CN END OF SECTION I I I I t I I I I I I t I Exterior Entry Doors EACH DOOR TO }IAVE: 3 EA. I EA. I EA. I EA. 1EA. I EA. I SET HW7 3 EA. I EA. I SET. I EA. I EA. 1EA. I EA. I EA. 2EA, IEA 626 HA626 TR626 TREN NO630 TR626 TR PE 626 IIA626 SC626 TREN NO630 TR626 TRAL PE PEAL PEAL PE l-7554.01 08710-7 I I I PARrI -.ENERAL I l.o1 suMMARY sEcrIoN 08800 GLAZING T I I l, t A. Section Includes: l. Float glass. 2. Safety glass. 3. Insulating glass units. 4. Custom mirrors. B, Related Sections: l. Section 08100 - Metal Doors and Frames. 2. Section 08210 - Wood Doors. 3. Section 08611 - Wood Windows. I r.o2 REFERENcESIA. ANSI 297.1 - Safety Performance Specifications and Methods of Test for Safety I Glazing Material Used in Buildings. I B. ASTM C 1036 - Standard Specification for Flat Glass. I C. SIGMA No. 64-7-2 - Specification for Sealed Insulating Glass Units. I D. FGMA - Glazing Manual and Glazing Sealing Systems Manual. I l.o3 suBMrrrALS I A. Submit product data and samples under provisions of Section 01300. ! B. Submit two samples l2by 12 inches in size, illustrating glass, unit, and coloration - except clear glass. . I.O4 QUALITYASSURANCE ! A. Installer shall have minimum 5 years experience in project of similar size and I complexity. I B. Conform to Flat Glass Marketing Association (FGMA) Glazing Manual: Glazing I installation methods. - C. All exterior glass shall withstand 30 psf wind loa4 both positive and negative. Provide I written certification as to compliance with this requirement I t-7554.01 08800-l 1.05 A. l.06 A. I I I I T I I l B. C. o D. Safety Glass: Comply with Colorado State Statutes, UBC Section 5406, UBC Standard 54-2 andANSI 297.1 with certi$ing label on each piece. E. Insulating Glass: Seal Standard ASTM E6-P3, Test Methods Pl and P2. Provide units manufactured by SIGMA member and bearing IGCC, ALI or NCTL certification numbers. F. Manufacturers: Provide each type of glass and primary sealanUgasket from a single manufacturer with not less than 5 years of successful experience in the production of materials similar to those required. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver products to site under provisions ofSection 01600. Store and protect products tmder provisions of Section 01600. Insulating glass units will be exposed to substantial altitude changes with project site at approxim-afely 8,300 ft. above sea level. Comply with insulating glass fabricator's recommendations for venting and sealing to avoid hermetic seal ruptures. WARRANTY Provide insulating glass manufactuer's written warranty, agreeing to within specified waranty period: 1. Furnish FOB project site, replacements for insulating glass units which have defective hermetic seals (excluding that due to glass breakage). 2. Defined to include intusion of moisture or dirt. 3. Intemal condensation at temperatures above -20 degrees F. 4. Deterioration of internal glass coatings. 5. Other visual evidence of seal failure or performance failue. 6. Provided manufacturer's instuction for handling, installation, protection and maintenance have been adheredto during warranty perid. B. Warranty period is l0 years after seal date perrranently imprinted on unit, but not less than 9 years after date of substantial completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.0r PRIME (NON-PROCESSED) GLASS A. Manufacturers: L Cardinal IG. 2. Ford Glass Div. 3. Libby-Owens-FordCo. I I T I I I I I I I I08800-2 t-7554.01 t r 4. Guardian Industries. r' 5. PPG Industries,Inc. I B. Float Glass: Cleat ll4inch thick except as otherwise indicated. 2.02 PROCESSED GLASS I A. Tempered Glass: I l. Prime glass of color and type indicated, which has been heat-treated to strengthen I glass in bending to not less than 4.5 times armealed strength. 2. Provide tempered glass where safety glass is indicated or where required by I applicable laws and Codes. B. Custom Mirrors: t l. Clear float glass l/4 inch thick except as otherwise indicated. l- 2. Silver coating, copper protective coating and 2 mil thick paint coating; comply a with CS 27. 3. Mirror Edge Treatnent: Provide forms of edge treatment indicated below, with I edges sealld after treatnent to prevent chemical or atnospheric penetration of glass coating: I a. Beveledpolishededge. I b. mg::t" treatment and sealing in factory immediately after cutting to 4. Mirror Hardware: Extruded aluminum mirror hardware, of size and profile I recommended by minor manufacturer, in manufacturer's standard finish, complying with description below: I a. Clear anodized finish. 5. Anchors and Inserts: Provide devices as required for installation of mirror t hardware. ,- 2.03 FABRICATED GLASS LJNITS I A. Manufacturers: I l. Cardinal IG. 2. LOF. | 3. PPG. 4. General Glass Co.t l-7554.01 08800-3 t 5. Thermo-Systems. B. Insulating Glass: l. Factory assembled and sealed units with minimum ll2inch air space. 2. Manufactruer's printed warranty against defects in materials and workmanship and specifically including perimeter edge seals. 3. Assemble from above specified types as indicated or scheduled. 3/4 inch for wood windows, I inch elsewhere or as indicated on the Drawings. Provide units manufactured under provisions of SIGMA and bearing IGCC, ALI or NCTL certification number. Fabricate with double seals, polyisobutylene primary and silicone secondarv preferred. Exterior ?ine: Clear float except rmits for wood windows to be low- emissivity pyrolytic coated on second surface. Interior Pane: Clear, float. Doors, sidelights, and glass, openings within 18 inches of the floor; both panes must be tempered. 2.04 GLAZINGSEALANTS/COMPOUNDS A. General: l. Provide grey exposed gla'ing materials, unless another color is indicated, or unless aiother color is Stecteii Uy Architect from manufactnrer's standard colors. 2. Provide hardness of materials as recommended by the manufactuer for the required application and condition ofinstallation in each case. 3. Provide only compounds which are known (proven) to be fully compatible with surfaces contacted. B. l-Part Acrylic Glazing Sealant: l. Solvent-based, acrylic terpolymer, thermoplastic sealant; 95 percent of solids acrylic; compounded specifically for glazing; complying with FS TT-S-230, Cldss B, Type II. Tremco Mono or approved substitution. C. Sealant Type: Tremco No. 440 or approved substitution' 2.05 MISCELLANEOUSGLAZINGMATERIALS A. Setting Blocks: Neoprene, 70-90 Durometer hardness, with proven compatibility with sealants used. B. Spacers: Neoprene, 40-50 Dr.rometer hardness, with proven compatibility with sealants used. C. Compressible filler Rod: Closed-cell or waterp- roof-jagkete{ rod stock of s.ynthetic rubbir or plastic foam, proven to be compatible with sgalants used, flexible and resilient, \ 'ith 5-10 psi comprcssion strength for 25 p,ercent deflection. I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I T I t I a. b. c. d. e. f. t-7554.01 I o .1 D. Cleaners, Primers and Sealers: Type recommended by sealant or gasket manufacturer. I PART3-EXEcutoN I 3.ol EXAMINATIoN A. Check that glazingchannels are free of buns, inegularities, and debris. I B. Check that glass is free of edge damage or face imperfections. I C. Do not proceed with installation until conditions are satisfactory. I 3.oz PREPARATIoN t A. FieldMeasurements: I . Measure size of frame to receive glass. | 2. Compute actual glass size, allowing for edge clearances' I B. PreparationofSurfaces: I l. Remove protective coatings from surfaces to be glazed. I 2. 3l;l tt*r and glazing swfaces, to remove dust, oil and contaminants, and wipe | 3.03 INSTALLATION .' A. Cut glass with smooth straight edge to fill size required by opening' I B. Vertical edges: ground smooth. Sharp corners eased slightly. C. Maintain l/4 inch clear at top sides and edges of glass greater than 3-0" in width or I height. D. Set all glass with waves parallel to sill. I E. Set all glass on setting blocks as recommended by manufacturers. F. Apply glazing compound, gladng sealanl glazing tape and gaskets- uniformly with I ac'curatdly foined cbrners and by levels. demove excess compound from glass andI sash. Use only recommended thinners, cleaners and solvents' I G. Remove all dirt and stains. r H. Install minors in accordance with manufacturet's recommendations. I l. Install permanent means of support at bottom and top edges with bottom support designed to withstand mirror weight and top support to prevent minor from I coming away from wall along top edges, 't' 2. Attach mirror hardware securely to mounting surfaces with mechanical fasteners I installed with anchors or inserts as applicable. l-7554.01 08800-5 I 3. For continuous bottom supports, provide l/8 x 4-inch setting blocks at quarter poins. For channels or other continuous supports in which water could be tapped, provide two l/4-inch diameter weeps drilled between setting blocks. 4. Provide clips along top of minor. 3.04 CLEANING A. Glazing compound back and face beds +"ll b" straight and smooth without finger marks. Remove excess glanngcompound. B. Clean, polish glass and restore to original condition all adjacent areas soiled during glazing operation. 3.05 GLAZINGTYPELOCATIONS A. All exterior glass is insulated. B. Provide insulated, safety glass in all glazed exterior doors and entry sidelites adjacent to exterior doors. C. Provide single glazing safety glass at vestibule doors and their entry sidelites. D. Provide safety glass at interior glazed doors, sidelites, and within l8 inches of floor. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I08800-6 1-7554.01 I I sEcrroN oe2so GYPSTM BOARI) - PARTI-GENERAL I l.ol SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I l. Gypsum drywall construction. 2. Taped and sanded joint treatment. I B. Related Sections: I l. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry; Wood framing system and blocking. - 2. Section O72lO - Building Insulation; Thermal insulation. | 3. Section 08100 - Metal Door Frames; Hotlow metal frames. 4. Section 08305 - Access Doors; Metal access panels. I 5. Section o99oo - Painting: I r.oz REFERENCES r A. Recommended Specifications for Application and Finishing of Gypsum board, Gypsum Association GA-216. t B. Recommendations for Installation of Steel Door Frames in steel Stud-Gypsum Board fi re-rated partitions, Gypsum Association G A'219 . I c. ASTMC 36 - Gypsum watlboard. - D. ASTM C 630 - Water Resistant Gypsum Backing Board. t E. ASTM C 754 -Installation of steel framing members to receive screw-attached Gypsum Wallboard, Backing Board or Water Resistant Backing Board. t F. FS SS-L-30: Lath and Board Products, Gypsum. I 1.03 SLJBMITTALS I A. Submit catalog data indicating compliance Section 01300. I l.o4 euALIrY AsstrRANcE A. Industry Standard: comply with applicable requirements of GA-216, "Application and I finishin! of Gypsum Boa'rd-" by the'Gypsum Asiociation, except where more detailed or t .ore siringeit requirements are iridicated, including the recommendation of the manufacturer. t l-7554.01 09250-l T B. Allowable Tolerances: l/16 inch offset between planes of board faces and l/4 inch in 8'-0" for plumb, level, warp, and bow' 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver all materials in their original unopened containers, fully identified with the manufacturer's name, brand , type, and grade. B. Store in a dry, well ventilated, enclosed shelter providing protection from damage and exposure to the elements. C. Damaged or deteriorated materials shall be removed from the premises. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Subiect to compliance with requirements,rnanufacturers offering products which may be iircorporated-in the work include the following: L Gypsum Board and Related Products: United States GYPsum Co. Domtar GYPsum. Georgia-Pacific CorP. Gold-Bond Building Products Div., National Gypsum Co. B. All catalog numbers and tade names used in this Section are those of United States Gyp;u-, -unless otherwise noted, and are to establish continuity and a standard of quality. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Gypsum Board: l. 5/8 inch regular, tapered edge gypsum board,48 inches wide and in lengths as long as pricticai to minimize ihe number of joints, Board shall comply with ASTM C 36. 2. 5/8 inch wR Type X, tapered edge gypsum board, 48 inch wide, lelgths gs_long as practical to niiirimize f,'re number ofJoints. Board shall comply with ASTM C 630. B. Channels: l. 7/8 inch metal furring hat channels. 2. l-l/2 inches cold-rolled channels. 3. l-l/2 inches 25 gage,z-furring channels. C. Hanger Wire: l. No. 9 cold drawn ASTM A&1, soft, class 1, galvanized steel wire' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I09250-2 1-7s54.01 D. E. I I I T I Tiewire: 16 gage or clips. Metal Trim: Dw-A-Bead comer reinforcement; No. 200 series metal trim, and Perf-A- Bead. I t I ! t I F. Contol Joint: No.093. G. Joint Treatment: Perf-A-Tape Joint system; joint compound all-purpose or ready- mixed joint compound all-purpose; Durabond 90 or equal. H. Fasteners: Type A and Type S-12, length as required, and 3/8 inch pan head. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine the substrates and the spac€s to receive gypsgm board, and the conditions under which it is to be installeil; and shall nodfy- the Contractor, in writing, of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work' B. Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. INSTALLATION. GENERAL Isolate gypsum board from walls, columns, beams and ceiling by use of No. 200 series metal trim or contol joint. Provide sealant at edge of gypsum board at abutting walls, fl-oors, teams, columns, and ceilings. Seal all cutduts aiiil sound retardant walli, air shafts and plenums' In long partition runs, provide control joints no more than 30'-0" o.c. Provide control jointsin partitions at-lbcations of conitruction change. Verifu control joint locations with Architect. Ends and edges of all gypsurn wallboard shall occur over framing members. End joints shall be staggered at least l'-0". Do not attach gypsum panels across the flat grain of wide-dimension lumber, including joists and headers. Instead, float gypsum panels over these members using resilient channels or provide controljoints to counteract wood shrinkage. Floating construction: where feasible, including where recommended by manufacturer, install gypsum panels over wood framing, with floating internal comer construction. H. Screws shall be staggered on adjoining edges where ends occur on same framing members. I. Drive screws home with the heads slightly below surface in a dimple formed by the crowned face of the driving tool, J. Care shall be taken to avoid breaking the paper surface. 3.02 A. B. c. G. D. E. F. t t I T t I I T l-7554.01 09250-3 L. M. N. o. Provide Dur-A-Bead at all extemal 90 degree comers and Perf-A-Tape at all internal comers and joints. Provide Perf-A-Bead at extemal comers of 120 degree or greater. Apply fasteners as recommended by manufacturer. Provide No. 200-A series metal trim where all edges adjoin dissimilar material and elsewhere as indicated. Finish all exposed joints and screw heads with all purpose compound on interior applications. The building shall be heated well in advance of, during, and following the applications of wallboard, to maintain a uniform temperature in the range of 50 degrees F. and ventilation provided to eliminate excessive moisture. Install specified closures at openings of all fire rated walls or walls enclosing retum air plenums. Reinforpe each interior hollow metal window frame mullion from floor to window frame head at locations where window length exceeds l0'-0"; and where the window frame does not extend to the floor. GYPSUM WALLBOARD INSTALLATION Install gypsum board in accordance with USG Bulletin SA 923, ASTM C 754, and GA-216 as applicable: Have a copy of bulletins on the job. Anchoring of floor and ceiling runners, securing ofstuds to nrnners and spacing ofscrews shall be as required by indicated bulletins and ASTM C 754. Framing of studs at openings shall be in accordance with GA-2 19. t I I ! t : I I ! I I I t I I I I I I P. a. 3.03 A. 3.04 A. D. B. All partitions shall be constructed in accordance with the drawing legend and shall conform to the fire-rating as indicated. One-horu wood stud walls and non-rated walls shall be constucted with single layer 5/8 inch Type X or 5/8 inch WR Type X Glpsum Board each side of 3-518 inches metal studs spaced at 16 inches o.c. conforming to GA-WP-1200. Board shall be screw attached andjoints and screw head finished. Interior ceilings shall be constructed with single layer 5/8 inch gypsum board secured to 7/8 inch metal furring channels unless otherwise noted. Metal firning channels spaced at 24 inches o.c., secured to l.ln inches cold-rolled channels with 16 gage tie wire or clips. 1-ll2 inches cold-rolled channels spaced at 4'-0n o.c. and supported at maximum 4'-0" o.c. withNo. 9 gage wire. Chase walls at plumbing or similar chases shall be constructed wittr single layer 5/8 inch Type X or 5/8 inch WR Type X gypsum board one side of studs spaced at 16 inches o.c. INSTALLATION OF WALLBOARD FIMSHINC General: l. Apply treatnent at.gypsum board.joints (bolh directions), 4anges of trim accessories, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects, and elsewhere as required to prepare work for finishes. 092504 I -7554.01 B. I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t t I 3.05 A. 2. Prefill open joints and rounded or beveled edges, using type of compound recommended by manufacturer' a. Apply joint tape at joints between gypsum b.oards, except where trim accessory rs indicated. Tape in comer bdads and termination metal (except exposed type)b. Afipty i"iltt iompound in three (3) g^oats (not including prefill of openings in 6aie), and sanil between last tw-o (2) coats and after last coat' c. Revievi and coordinate with finish schedules and sections to assure proper conditions to receive finishes as required and specified' d. All exposed gypsum wall board tb be taped and sanded whether or not scheduled to receive finish. Partial Finishing: l. Omit third coat and sanding on concealed work which is indicated for wallboard finishing, including sound,-fire, air, and smoke-rated work' PROTECTION OF WORK Installer shall advise Contractor of required procedures of protection of the gypsum *JiUoaIa work from damage and'deteribration during the remainder of the construction period. END OF SECTION l-7554.01 09250-5 I I sEcrIoN oesto ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS - PARTl -GENERAL I l.0l SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I l. Acoustical tile material and installation. 2. Suspended metal grid systems. I B. Related Sections: I l. Section 09250- GypsumBoard; Suspendedsubstrate. t 2. Section 10652 -Folding Panel Partitions; Ceiling track in ceiling. I 3. Division 15 - Mechanical; Air diffirsion devices in ceiling.! 4. Division 16 - Electical; Light fixtues in ceiling. I r.oz REFERENCES ) A. ASTM C 635 - Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panel t Ceilings. B. ASTM C 636 - Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile I andlav-inPanels. I.O3 SUBMITTALS I A. Samples: I l. Submit three 12 inch square samples of each type of acoustical material to t illustrate color and range ofappearance. ,- 2. Submit three 12 inch long samples of each suspension system member, moldings, I andhangers. B. Manufacturer'sLiterature: I l. Submit for review the manufacturer's product data. ., 2. Submit for review the manufacturer's recommendation for installation of I suspension system. I.O4 OUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Manufacturers: Companies specializing in manufacture of specified ceiling products with three years minimum experience. T I l-7554.01 09510-l B. Installer: Company with three years minimum experience, in ceiling installation for projects similar in scope to this project. C. Fire Hazard Classification: UL tested, listed and labeled as "Class 0-25", smoke developed of 50 or less. I.O5 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Do not install acoustical ceilings until space is enclosed and weatherproof, and until wetwork is completed and dry, and until work above ceilings is completed. B. Ambient conditions of temperature and humidity shall be near those indicated for final occupancy. I.06 EXTRA MATERIALS A. At time of completing the installation" deliver stock of maintenance materials to the Owner. Fumish full size rmits matching the units installed, packaged with protective covering for storage, and identified with appropriate labels. B. Acoustical Units: Fumish an arnount equal to l0 percent of the amount installed of each type, patt€rn, color, but not less Otan l0 units. Do not use for replacement of damaged units prior to building oocupancy or substantial completion whichever occurs later. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI ACOUSTICAL TJMTS A. Manufacturers: Products offered by manufacturers to comply with requirements include the following: l. Armstrong Cork Co. 2. Approved substitution under provisions of Section 01600. B. Ceiling Panels: l. Pattern: Minaboard, Fissured. 2. Type/Size: No. 7558, 24by 48 by 5/8, Lay-in. 3. Finish: Factory applied, white vinyl-latex, washable. 4. NRC: 0.50 to 0.60. 5. STC: 35 to 39. 6. Light Reflecunce: LR-l (Over 75 percent). 2.02 SUSPENSIONSYSTEMS A. Manufacturers: l. As indicated below I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I 09510-2 1-7554.01 I I I T T I I I I I I I I I I o substituti2. Approved ons under provisions of Section 0l 600. B. Grid: ASTM C 635, intermediate non-fire rated components die cut and interlocking; types as indicated below C. Accessories: Stabilizer bars, clips, splices, and edge moldings required for suspended grid system. D. Grid Materials: Commercial quality cold rolled steel with galvanized coating. E. Support Channels and Hangers: Galvanized steel; size ang type to suit application, to rigidty secure acoustic ceiling system i"q!,l4i"g integral mechanical and electrical comfrnents with maximum deflection of 1/360. F. SuspensionTypes: l. Exposed "T". 2.03 HANGERWIRE A. No. 12 gage galvanized soft st,eel wire. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Examine conditions under which ceiling work is to be performed and qotiff Contactor, in writing, ofunsatisfactory conditions] Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Wires shall not splay more than 5 inches in a 4 foot vertical drop.B. c. I I I I Provide I No. 12 gage wire hanger at each corner of each lay-in light fixture in addition to other support wires. D. Provide wall angles at joining with all vertical surfaces, securely fastened in place' E. Ceilings shall have accessibility at any location. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF SUSPENDED SYSTEMS A. Install system in accordance with ASTM C 636, manufacturer's insfuctions and as supplemented in this Section. B. Install system capable of supporting imposed loads to a deflection of l/360 maximum. C. Install after major above ceiling work is complete. Coordinate the location of hangers with other work. D. Supply hangers or inserts for installation as required with instructions for their correct pldc'erirent. -Provide additional hangers and inse-rts as required. E. Hang system independent of walls, columns, ducts-, _pipes-and cgn{yit Where .carrying med'beis are splic'e4 avoid visible displacement of faCe plane of adjacent members. t-7554.01 09510-3 o Where ducts or other equipment plevent the regular spacing of hangers, reinforce the nearest affected hangers and related carrying channels to span the exta distance. Locate system on room axis according to reflected plan. Do not support components on main runners or cross_nmners if weight causes total dead load-to exceed deflection capability. Support fi"xnre loads by supplementary hangers located within inches ofeach corner; or support components independently. Do not eccentrically load system, or produce rotation ofrunners. Install edge molding at intersection of ceiling and vertical surfaces, using longest practical l-eneths. Miter comers. Provide edge moldings at junctions with other intemrotions. Field rabbett tile where bullnose corners or round obstructions occur, providi preformed closers to match edge molding. Fit acoustic units in place, free from damaged edges or other defects detrimental to appearance and function. L. Install acoustic units level, in unifomrplane, and free from twist, warp and dents. 3.03 ADruSTMENTANDCLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical ceilings, q"l"di"g trim, edge molding, an$ suspension members; comply with manufacturers instuctions for cleaning and touch up of minor finish damage. B. Remove and replace work which cannot be satisfactorily cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage. I. J. t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t F. G. H. END OF SECTION 09510-4 l-7554.01 I I sEcrroN09650! l, RESILIENT TILE FLOORING I PART I -GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Includes: I l. Preparation ofsubstrate surfaces.t 2. Application of resilient tile.II 3. Cleaning ofresilient floor surfaces. I B. Related Sections: r l. Section 03300 - Concrete Work; finish trowelling of floor slab. I 2. Section 03560 - Cementitious Floor Patching; repair of existing concrete slabs. I 3. Section 09678 - Resilient Wall Base and Accessories. I r.02 QUALTTY ASSURANCE - A. Installer Qualification. Minimum 3 years experience installing resilient floor covering t material. I.O3 REFERENCES I A. codevstandards: I l. Conform to the following fire test data: I a. Flame spread - ASTM E84 - 75 or less. I l i3f":'1"5:""fiff-i3F;f3.?'li:l' watts/cm2 ormore B. FederalSpecifications: I l. FS SS-T-312 - Tile, Floor: Asphalt, Rubber, Vinyl, Vinyl-Asbestos. 11 2. FS L-F450 - Flooring, Vinyl Plastic. I r.o4 suBMrrrALS t A. Submittals in conformance with Section 01300. ! I I I l-7554.01 09650-l Samples: l. Submit minimum of 3 samples of each type and color or pattern of resilient flooring and base material, including austom cut decorative base. 2. Mark samples with name of Contractor, project identification, and area where materials are to be used. Maintenance Data and Insfructions: Upon completion and prior to acceptance of the work, fumish copies of a list of recommended maintenance products and recommended maintenance methods and procedures. Maintenance Materials: l. Furnish additional flooring covering materials for replacement and maintenance. 2, Furnish materials of each size, color, pattem, and type of material included in the work. 3. Fumish materials at the rate of two cartons for each color and pattem of flooring. PRODUCT DELIVERY A}.ID STORAGE Deliver materials to project site in manufactureds original, unopened containers with labels indicating brand names, colors and pattems, and quality designations legible and intaat. Do not open containers or nsmove markings until materials are inspected and accepted. Store and protect accepted materials in accordance with manufacturer's directions and recommendations. D. Unless otherwise directe4 store materials in original containers at not less than 70 degrees F for not less than 24 hours immediately before installation' 1.06 EWIRONMENTALREQLIIREMENTS A. Spaces to receive resilient floor covering shall be maintained at 70 degrees F minimum- af floor level for at least 48 hours prior to, during, and for 48 houn after completion of tile installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTI-IRERS A. Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers o$e4lg products which may be iircorporateA in tne work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Vinyl Composition Tile: a. Armstrong World Industies, Inc. b. Arzrock Floor Product Div., Arzock Industies. c. GAF Corp., Floor Products Div. d. Kentile Floor, Inc. B. I t I I I I C. D. 1.05 A. I T I I I I I I I T t I I B. c. 09650-2 l-7554.01 I I 2. Approved substitutions underthe provisions ofSection 01600. - 2.02 TILE MATERIAL t A. 12 inch by 12 inch by 1/8 inch vinyl composition tile FS SS-T-312 B (l) Type IV,r Comp. I I B. Pattern: Armstrong Imperiat Texture Premium Excelon Series, Stontex Pattern or I approved substitution. t 2.03 APPLICATION MATERIALS ! A. General: I r' l;il,*irP"i"#1":1ilt"fJ'#:'Je"T",[it:?fi:nded bv manuracturer or I 2. Provide below-grade adhesive for below-grade applications' 3. Primer: Type and brand recommended by floor covering manufacturer' I B. Crack Filler: Type and brand recommended by floor covering manufacturer. C. Wax, Cleaner, or otler Finishing Material: As recommended by floor covering I manufacturer for the particular qv-od of flooring material. PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.ol EXAMINATI'N - A. Examine all work over which tile is to be placed and report to the Contractor, any ald I all conditions which will affect the satisfactory execution of the work or endanger its pennanency. I 3.oz PREPARATIoN A. Remove grease, dirt, and other substances from subfloors. I B. Lay flooring only after slabs are suffrciently free from moisture to ensure complete adhesion. I C. Inspect subfloor for holes, cracks, and smoothness. D. Do not proceed with laying until surfaces are smooth, level, and all holes and cracks I are filleii. E. Starting of floor laying shall indicate acceptanc€ of subfloor, and installer of resilient I floorin! shall be reiponsible for smoothnesi and levelness of finished floor. ! F. Stack tiles in rooms for 24 hours before laying. | 3.03 LAYINGFLooRING A. Apply adhesive and lay flooring, and special items in accordance with manufacturer's t standard specifications. l-7554.0t 09650-3I B. Make joints and seams as invisible as possible. C. Lay flooring with joints and seams parallel to building lines to produce minimum number of seams and symmetrical tile patterns. D. Install symmetrically about center lines of rooms or areas. I . Minimum tile width l/2 inch full size at room or area perimeter. 2. Square grid pattern with all joints aligned. 3. Pattern grain parallel for all units and parallel to long dimension unless otherwise directed. E. Terminate resilient flooring at centerline of door openings where adjacent floor finish is dissimilar. F. Scribe flooring to walls, columns, cabinets, floor outlets and other appurtenances to produce tight joints. G. Immediately after floor covering is placed in a room or enclosed area, it shall be thoroughly rolled with a heavy floor roller designed for the purpose. H. Replace all broken or damaged items immediately prior to completion of the building. I. Tile installed in any indMdual room or area shall be from same color run. 3.04 CLEANING AND POLISHING A. Clean tile as reconrmended by manufacturer of tile used. B. Upon completion, leave floors and base clean, smooth and free from buckles, cracks, and projecting edges. END OF SECTION I t ! I I I I I I T I t I I I I t I I 09650-4 1-7554.O1 I I SECTION 09665 I RESILIENT SHEET FLOORTNG ' PARTI.GENERAL I l.ol SUMMARYrA. Section Includes: I 1. Preparation ofsubstrate surfaces. 2. Application of heat seamed resilient sheet flooring'Ill 3. Cleaning of resilient floor surfaces. I B. Related Sections: I l. Section 01020 - Allowances. I 2. Section 03300 - concrete work; Finish trowelling of floor slab. 3. Section 03560 - Cementitous Floor Patching' I 4. Section 09678 - Resilient Wall Base and Accessories' I I.O2 FLOORINGALLOWANCE I A. Selection and Ordering: Fumish resilient sheet flooring as selected by Architect and in I such quantiti.r * p.olnid"d for under Division I Section "Allowances" and other I general provisions ofthe Contract. I B. Flooring suppliefs responsibilities shall be as follows: I l. Submittals: Submit through Contractor required product data, final flooring schedule, and samples as specified in this Section, unless otherwise indicated. I 2. Construction Schedule: Inform Contactor promptly of estimated times and dates I that will be required to process submittals, to deliver flooring, and to perform I other work associated with furnishing flooring for purposes of including this data in construction schedule' Comply with this schedule.Ia 3. Coordination and Templates: Assist Contractor as required to coordinate r flooring with other work in respect to installation' ! 4. Product Handling: Package, identiff, deliver flooring specified in this Section. I C. Contractor's responsibilities shall be as follows: t l. Submittals: Coordinate and process submittals for flooring in same manner as I I r-7ss4.or submittals for other work. 09665-l 2. Construction Schedule: Cooperate with flooring supplier in establishing scheduled dates for submittals and delivery. Incorporate in construction schedule the times and dates related to fumishing flooring by supplier. 3, Coordination: Coordinate flooring with other Work. Fumish flooring supplier or manufacturer with shop drawings of other work where required or requested. Verifi completeness and suitability with supplier. 4. Product Handling: Inventory flooring jointly with representative of flooring supplier and issue signed receipts for all delivered materials. 5. Installation Information: The general types of flooring required for this Project are indicated in this Section in order to establish Contactor's costs for installation and other work not included in allowance. 6. No adjustrnents in Contract sum will be made for costs other than those covered by the allowances for subsequent increases or decreases in quantity of flooring that do not exceed 5 percent. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Codes and Standards: 1. Conform to the following fire test data: a. NBS Smoke - ASTM E 662 - 450 or less.b. Critical Radiant Flux - ASTM E &8 - 0.45 watts/cm2 or more. Class 1. B. FederalSpecifications: l. FS L-F-475A - Floor Covering, Surface (Tile and Roll) with backing. I.O4 STIBMITTALS A. Manufacturer'sData: l. Certificationsrequired: a. Certiff that pmducts furnished for this project are asbestos free.b. Certifr that products meet or exceed specification requirements. B. Submittals in conformance with Section 01300. C. Samples: l. Submit minimum of 3 samples of each type and color or pattem of resilient flooring and base material. 2. Mark samples with name of Contactor, project identification, and area where materials are to be used. I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I09665-2 l-7554.01 I I t I I I I I I I t I I o Maintenance Data and Instuctions:D. I t I l. Upon completion and prior to acceptance-of the work,.fumish copies of a l],st of recommeniled maintenance products and recommended maintenance methods and procedures' E. MaintenanceMaterials: 1. Furnish additional flooring covering materials for replacement and maintenance' 2. Fumish materials of each size, color, patt€m, and type of material included in the Work. 3. Furnish materials at the rate of two cartons for each color and pattem of flooring' 4. Furnish materials at the rate of twenty linear feet for each color and type of base. I.O5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. InstallerQualifications: l. Minimum 3 years experience installing resilient floor covering material. 2. Installer shall be certified by the solid vinyl sheet flooring manufacturer as competent in the heat welded seaming technique. 1.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials to project site in manufacturer's original., unopened containers with Lbels indicating brarid n"ames, colors and patterns, and quality designations legible and intact. B. Do not open containers or remove markings until materials are inspected and accepted. C. Store and protect accepted materials in accordance with manufacturer's directions and recommendations. D. Unless otherwise directed, store materials in original containers at not less than 70 degrees F for not less than 24 hours immediately before installation. I.O7 ENVIRONMENTALREQUIREMENTS A. Spaces to receive resilient floor covering shall be maintained at 70 degrees F minimum affloor level for at least 48 hours prior to, during, and for 48 hours after completion of tile installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Armstrong. B. Substitutions subject to Owner's intensive chemical resistance product testing for acceptatnce. I I I l-7554.01 0966s-3 2.02 A. B. C. D. E. F. 2.03 A. SHEETFLOORING Gage: .080" nominal. Width: 6'. Federal Specification L-F475, Type II, Grade A: Meet wear layer gage and composition, flexibility, indentation and solvent-resistance requirements. Composition: Homogeneous vinyl with through grained vinyl granules. Pattern: Extend uniformly through entire thickness of flooring. Colors: As selected by Architect. APPLICATION MATERIALS General: l. Provide type and brands of adhesive as recommended by manufacturer of covering material for the conditions of the installation. 2. Provide below-grade adhesive for below-grade applications. Primer: l. Type and brand recommended by floor covering manufacturer. Crack Filler: 1. Type and brand recommended by floor covering manufacturer. Adhesives (Cements): Water-resistant, stabilized type ari recommended by manufacturer to suit sheet vinyl floor covering products and substrate conditions indicated. E, War<, Cleaner, or other Finishing Material: l. As recommended by floor covering manufacturer for the particular type of flooring material. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Examine all work over which sheet flooring is to be placed and report to the Contractor, any and all conditions which will affect the satisfactory execution of the work or endanger its pemunencY. 3,02 PREPARATION A. Remove grsase, dirt, and other substances from substrate. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t C. D. I t I096654l-7554.01 I I I I I I I T I I I T I I t I I T t o only afterB. Lay flooring adhesion. slabs are sufficiently free from moisture to ensure complete C. Inspect subfloor for holes, cracks, and smoothness. D. Do not proceed with laying until surfaces are smooth, level, and all holes and cracks are filled. E. Starting of floor laying shall indicate acceptance of subfloor, and installer of resilient floorin! shall be reipoisible for smoothness and levelness offinished floor. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install in strict accordance with manufacturer's written instructions with a minimum of seams using: 1. Conventional full spread method adhesive. 2. Heat welded searns. 3. Provide integral cove base. 4. Extend flooring material 5" up the wall supported by a cove stick with a 3/4" radius. 5. Cap integral base with an approved cap srip installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Lay flooring with joints and seams parallel to building lines to produce minimum number of seams and symmetrical tile pattems. C. Terminate resilient sheet flooring at centerlines of door openings where adjacent floor finish is dissimilar. D. Install edge strips at unprotected or exposed edges where flooring terminates. E. Install edging strips where edge of tile flooring is exposed. F. Immediately after floor covering is placed in a room or enclosed area, it shall be thoroughly'rolled with a heavy floor roller designed for the purpose. G. Replace all broken or damaged items immediately prior to completion ofthe building' 3.04 CLEANING AND POLISHING A. Clean flooring as recornmended by manufacturer of product use. B. Upon completion, leave floors and base clean, smooth and free from buckles, cracks, and projecting edges. l-7554.01 END OF SECTION 09665-s I I sECrIoN 0e678 RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES I I PARTI.GENERALrI.OI SUMMARY t A. This Section includes the following: I 1. Resilient wallbase. - 2. Resilient flooring accessories. I 3. Resilient carpet accessories. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this t Section: l. DMsion 9 Section "Resilient Tile Flooring." t 2. Division 9 Section "Carpeting." I r.oz sUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division I I Specification Sections. B. Product data for each type ofproduct specified. I C. Samples of manufacturer's standard sample sets in form of pieces cut from each type of product specified showing full range of colors and patterns available. I I.O3 QUALITYASSTIRANCE I A. Single-source Responsibility for Products: Obtain each type and color of product t specified fiom a single source with resources to provide products of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties without delaying progress of the Work. I B. Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide products with the following fire performance characteristics as determined by testing products per ASTM test method indicated I below by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having t jurisdiction. I l. Critical Radiant Flux: 0.45 watts per sq cm or more per ASTM E 648. 2. Smoke Density: Less than 450 per ASTM E 662. I I l-7ss4.01 09678 - I I.O4 DELryERY, STORAGE,ANDHANDLING A. Deliver products to Project site in original manufacturer's unopened cartons and containers, each bearing names ofproduct and manufacturer, Project identification, and shipping and handling instructions. B. Store products in dry spaces protected from the weather with ambient temperatures maintained between 50 deg F and 90 deg F. C. Move products into spaces where they will be installed at least 48 hours in advance of installation. I.O5 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Maintain a minimum temperature of 70 deg F in spaces to receive products specified in this Section for at least 48 hours prior to installation, during installation, and for not less than 48 hours after installation. After this period, maintain a temperature of not less than 55 deg F. B. Do not install products until they are at the same temperature as that of the space where they are to be installed. C. Close spaces to traffic during installation of products specified in this Section. 1.06 SEQTIENCINGAbID SCTIEDI.JLING A. Sequence installing products specified in this Section with other construction to minimize possibility of damage and soiling during remainder of construction period. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I.O7 EXTRAMATERIALS A. Deliver extra materials to Owner. described below, packaged with labels clearly describing contents. Furnish extra materials matching products installed as protective covering for storage, and identified with B. Furnish not less than l0 linear feet for each 500 linear feet or fraction thereof of each different type and color of resilient wall base installed. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.OI MANI.]FACTURERS A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering floor accessories that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limted to, the following: l. Armstrong. 2. Mercer. 09678 - 2 l-7554.01 I I 3. Approvedsubstitution. I z.o2 REsILIENT wALL BASE A. Rubber Wall Base: Products complying with FS SS-W-40, Type I. r B. Style: I l. AtResilientTileFlooringAreas: Covewithtop-settoe. 2. At Carpeted Areas: Straight with no toe. I C. Minimum Nominal Thickness: 1/8 inch. t D. Height: 4 inches except 6 inches in restrooms. E. Lengths: Coils in lengths standard with manufacturer but not less than 100 feet t F. Exterior Corners: Premolded. I G. Interior Comers: Premolded or formed on job. I 2.o3 REsILIENT AccESSoRIES I A. Product Description: l. Carpet Edge For Glue Down Applications: Mercer 705. 2. Reducer Strip for Resilient Flooring: Mercer 633. 3. Resilient Tile/Carpet Joiner: Mercer 150. 4. Ceramic Tile/Carpet Joiner: Mercer 365 with 970 track. 5. Ceramic Tile/Carpet Joiner (altemate): Mercer 153. I B. Material: Solid vinyl. C. Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of colors produced for rubber accessories complying with requirements indicated. 2.04 INSTALLATIONACCESSORIES I A. Concrete Slab Primer: Nonstaining type as recommended by flooring manufacturer. I B. Trowelable Underlayments and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland- t cement-based formulation provided or approved by flooring manufacturer for applications indicated. I I I I I t r-7ss4.ol 09678 - 3 C. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit resilient flooring product and substrate conditions indicated. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Examine areas where installation of products specified in this Section will occur, with Installer present, to veri$ that substrates and conditions are satisfactory for installation and comply with manufacture/s requirements and those specified in this Section. 3.O2 PREPARATION A. General: Comply with manufacturer's installation specifications for preparing substrates indicated to receive products indicated. B. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds per manufacturers directions to fill crackq holes, and depressions in substrates. C. Remove coatings, including curing compounds, and other substances that are incompatible with flooring adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, by using a tenazzo or concrete grinder, a drum sander, or a polishing machine equipped with a heavy-duty wire brush. D. Broom or vacuum clean substrates to be covered immediately before installing products specified in this Section. Following cleaning, examine substrates for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonatiorl or dust. E. Apply concrete slab primer, if recommended by flooring manufacturer, prior to applylng adhesive. Apply according to manufacturefs directions. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Install products specified in this Section using methods indicated according to manufacturer's installation directions. B. Apply resilient wall base to walls, columns, pilasters, casework, and other permanent fixtures in rooms and areas where base is required. Install wall base in lengths as long as practicable. Tightly adhere wall base to substrate throughout length ofeach piece, with base in continuous contact with horizontal and vertical substrates. 1. On irregular substrates, fill voids along top edge of resilient wall base with manufacturer's recommended adhesive fi ller material. 2. Install exterior corners before installing straight pieces. I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I09678 - 4 l-7554.01 I t I I t I t t 3. Form inside corners on job from straight pieces of maximum lenghs possible by cutting an inverted V-shaped notch in toe of wall base at the point where corner is formed. Shave back ofbase where necessary to produce snug frt to substrate. C. Place resilient accessories so they are butted to adjacent materials oftype indicated and I bond to substrates with adhesive. Install reducer strips at edges of flooring that otherwise would be exposed. I 3.04 cLEANING A).ID PRorEcrIoN A Perform the following operations immediately after completing installation:II l Remove visible adhesive and other surface blemishes using cleaner recommended by manufacturers of resilient product involved. l| 2. Sweep or vacuum floor thoroughly. I 3, Do not wash floor until after time period recommended by manufacturer. I 4. Damp-mop resilient accessories to remove black marks and soil. t B. Protect flooring against mars, marks, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures during remainder of construction I period. Use protection methods indicated or recommended by manufacturer of resilient I product involved. l. Apply protective floor polish to resilient accessories that are free from soil, visible adhesive, and surface blemishes. 2. Use commercially available metal, crosslinked, acrylic product accePtable to resilient accessory manufacturer. 3. Coordinate selection of floor polish with Owner's maintenance service. 4. Cover resilient accessories on floors and stairs with undyed, untreated building paper until inspection for Substantial Completion. C. Clean products specified in this Section not mor€ than 4 days prior to dates scheduled for inspections intended to establish date of Substantial Completion in each area of Project. Clean products using method recommended by manufacturer. 1. Strip protective floor polish that was applied after completing installation, prior to cleaning. 2. Reapply floor polish after cleaning. l-7554.01 T I t I END OF SECTION 09678 - 5 I I sEcrroN 09680 CARPETING I PART I -GENERAL I I.OI SUMMARYrA. Section Includes: I l. Carpeting materials. ' 2. Direct glue-down installation. I 3. Carpettypes schedule. I B. Related Sections: I l. Section olo2o - Allowances. I 2. Section 03300 - Concrete Work; Finish trowelling of floor slab. 3. Section 03560 - Cementitious Floor Patching. I 4. Section 09650 - Resilient Tile Flooring. 5 Section 09678 - Resilient Wall Base and Accessories.II I.O2 CARPET ALLOWANCE I A. Selection and Ordering: Furnish carpet flooring as selected by Architect and in suchr quantities as provided for under Division I Section "Allowances" and other general I provisions ofthe Contract. I B. Carpet supplier's responsibilities shall be as follows: I l. Submittals: Submit through Contractor required product data, final carpet schedule, and samples as specified in this Section, unless otherwise indicated. | 2. Construction Schedule: Inform Contractor promptly of estimated times and dates that will be required to process submittals, to deliver carpet, and to perform other I ;"ili:il:11'"il'ii 3ffi1ili,,Tli:i,?n'.J,ii3"*' of incruding this data in - 3. Coordination and Templates: Assist Contractor as required to coordinate I carpeting with other work in respect to installation. 4. Product Handling: Package, identify, deliver carpeting specified in this Section.It C. Contractor's responsibilities shall be as follows: I I l-7s54.01 09680-l 1.03 A. l. Submittals: Coordinate and process submittals for carpeting in same rnanner as submittals for other work. 2. Construction Schedule: Cooperate with carpeting supplier in establishing scheduled dates for submittals and delivery. Incorporate in construction schedule the times and dates related to fumishing carpeting by supplier. 3. Coordination: Coordinate flooring with other Work. Fumish carpeting supplier or manufacturer with shop drawings of other work where required or requested. Verifr completeness and suitability with supplier. 4. Product Handling: Inventory carpeting jointly with representative of carpet supplier and issue signed receipts for all delivered materials. 5. Installation Information: The general types ofcarpeting required for this Project are indicated in this Section in order to establish Contactor's costs for installation and other work not included in allowance. 6. No adjusunents in Contract sum will be made for costs other than those covered by the allowances for subsequent increases or decreases in quantity ofcarpeting that do not exceed 5 Percent. REFERENCES Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI): l. Commercial Carpet lnstallation Standard CRI 104. 2. Indoor Air Quality Testing Progran' ASTM Standards as referenced herein. SUBMITTALS Product Data for carpet materid and installation acc€ssory specifred' l. Submit manufacturefs printed data on physical characteristics, durability, fade resistance, and fire-test-respoffie clnracteristics. 2. Submit methods of installation. Samples for verification of the following products, in manufacturer's standard sizes, showing the full range of color, texture, and pattern variations expected. Prepare Samples from the sane material to be used for the Work. Label each sample with manufacturer's name, material type, color, pattem, and designation indicated on Drawings and carpet schedule. Submit the following: l. l2-inch-square Samples of carpet material required' 2. l2-inch Samples of each type of exposed edge stipping and accessory item. I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I B. 1.04 A. B. 09680-2 l-7554.0r I I I I t I I I I I T T I I t C. Maintenance data for carpet and cushion to include in the operation and maintenance manual specified in Division l. Include the following: l. Methods for maintaining carpet and carpet cushion, including manufacturer's recommended frequency for maintaining carpet' 2. Precautions for cleaning materials and methods that could be detrimental to finishes and performance. Include cleaning and stain-removal products and procedures. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. InstallerQualifications: l. Installer: Firm with not less than 2 years of carpeting experience, similar to work ofthis section. 2. Manufacturer: Firm (carpet mill) with not less than five.(-5) years of production experience with carpit riranufaciuring, and whose published product literature cldarty indicates general compliance of products with requtrements ot thls section. I.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, A}ID HANDLING A. Carpet shall be delivered in unopened and adequately marked containers. B. Store under cover in well ventilated spaces as soon as delivered; protect from damage' dirt, stains and moisture. I.O7 WARRANTY A. Carpet: l. The carpet installer shall be required t9 r-elqy any carpet that does noj provide ,an arcractiie- wrinkle-free appearairce and shali conect any- condition -due to QuQ installation tlrt -uy appelat fo. a period of I year from the date of the completed installation. 2. The manufacturer shall provide a written warranty t{at the material is in accordance with the specifications in a form approved by the Architect. B. WarrantyCertihcation: l. Provide separate written warranties for the carpet and the sealant. 2. Waranties shall be signed by the Contractor, manufacturer and the Installer. I.O8 EXTRA MATERIAL A. The Owner will view all carpet scraps and retain chosen for future repairs. B. Selected remnants, usable scrap and overage shall be packaged, and identified. C. The balance shall be removed from the job site. I J I t l-7554.01 09680-3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. TypeA-Carpet: l. Roll goods, level loop. 2. Application: Direct gluedonm. 2.02 PERFORMANCE A. Flammability: ASTM E 648: Radiant panel test, class L B. Electostatic Propensity: Anti-static waranted safe for offrce use with electonic equipment. C. Tuft Bind: Not less than 2G'lb. average, ASTM D 1335 67. D. Heavy Traffic: Meet or exceed FHA Standards for heavy taffic. 2.03 ADHESIVE A. Adhesive shall be as recommended by the manufacturer for installation over specified substrate and shall be approved by the Ovmer. B. Adhesives: Water-resistant mildew-resistant, nonstaining type to suit products and subfloor conditions indicated and to comply with flammability requirements for installed carpet as recommended by the carpet manufacturer. PART 3 - D(ECUNON 3.OI PREPARATION A. Prior to installation, all minor surface irregularities shall be repaired and the floor shall be thorougily cleaned with all grt and dirt removed. Access floor installer to provide clean, flat, and true conditions for all panels. Start ofwork constitutes acceptance of floor and responsibility for finished result. B. Level subfloor within 1/4 inch in l0 feet, noncumulative, in all directions. Sand or grind protrusions, bumps, and ridges. Patch and repair cracks and rough areas. Fill depressions. l. Use leveling and patching compounds to fill cracks, holes, and depressions in' subfloor as recommended by the carpet manufacturer. C. Remove subfloor coatings, including curing compounds, and other substances that are incompatible with adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone. D. Broom or vacuum clean subfloors to be covered with carpet. Following cleaning, examine subfloors for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonation, or dust. I I T I I I I t T I I t I I I I t I I09680-4 t-7554.0r I I L Concrete-Subfloor Preparation: Apply concrete-slab primer, according to I manufacturer's directions, where recommended by the carpet manufacturer. I 3.02 INSTALLATIONIA. All carpet shall be delivered to the job site in original mill wrappings with each I container having register number tags attached. I B. Where partitions or other items are indicated for installation on top of finished carpet t floor, install carpet before installation of these items. I C. All carpet to run in one direction. I D. Match pattem at seams.I E. At doorways, center seams under door in closed position. I F. Cut and fit carpet to butt tightly to vertical surfaces, permanent fixtures, and built-in fumiture including cabinets, pipes, outlets, edgings, thresholds, and nosings. Bind or I seal cut edges as recommended by carpet manufacturer. I G. Extend carpet into toe spaces, door reveals, closets, open-bottomed obstructions, I removable flanges, alcoves, and similar openings. I H. Install pattern parallel to walls and borders. I L lnstall approved carpet bar where carpet adjoins dissimilar material. I J. Carpet is to be installed over new and existing concret€, r'nless otherwise indicated. r 3.03 cLEANING I A. Perform the following operations immediately after completing installation. l. Remove visible adhesive, seam sealer, and other surface blemishes using cleaner I recommended by carpet manufacturer. 2. Remove protruding yarns from carpet surface' t 3. Vacuum carpet using commercial machine with face-beater element. I 3.04 PRorEcrIoNI A. General: Comply with CRI 104, Section 15: "Protection of Indoor Installation." I B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufachuer and Installer, that ensure carpet is without damage or deterioration at the I time of Substantial Completion.I END OF SECTION I t l-75s4.0r 09680-5 I T I t I I SECTION 09900 PAINTING PART I -GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: l. Complete painting of all surfaces throughout interior^and exterior of building' except as otherwiJe specified or indicatedin the Finish Schedule' 2. Field painting of exposed bare and covered pipe^s an{ ducts,. hangers, exposcd steel and iroriwork,'and primed metal surfacesbf equipment installed under the mechanical and elei:trical work. Coordinate with Division 15 and 16 Installers for color coding. 3. Mechanical grilles, registers, louvers (except aluminum or prefinished items), panel covers and frames for electrical work. 4. Paint equipment mounted on roof and exterior wall including aluminum and factory finished items. 5. Scaffolding required for execution ofwork under this Section' B. Work Not Included: l. Shop priming of ferrous metal items and fabricated components included under their respective sections. 2. Pre-finished items. 3. Metal toilet partitions. 4. Acoustic materials 5. Anodizedaluminum. 6. Stainless steel. 7. Bronze andbrass. 8. Light fixtures, switches and convenience outlets. g. Do not paint any moving parts of operating units, or -over any equipment identifica:tion, peiformancJriting, name or nomenclature plates or code-required labels including: Valve and damper op€rators. Linkages. Sensing devices. Motor and fan shafts. a. b. c. d. I I t t I t I t I I I t I l-7554.01 09900-l o casework, I I t I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I t 10. Do not paint areas behind permanently mounted plywood panelg or fixtures. C. Concealed surfaces not to be painted include wall or ceiling surfaces in the following generally inaccessible areas: l. Foundation spaces. 2. Furred areas. 3. Utility tunnels. 4. Pipe spaces. 5. Duct shafts. D. Related Sections: l. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications; Shop-prime painting. 2. Section 06200 - Finish Carpentry; Finishing of millwork. 3. Section 08100 - Metal Door Frames; Shop-prime painting' 4. Division 15 - Mechanical; Pipe identification taping and stenciled painting. 5. DMsion 16 - Electrical; Raceway identification taping and stenciled painting. I.O2 REFERENCES A. ',painting Specifications" by Painting and Decorating Contractors of Americ4 "Type l, Recommended Jobs". I.O3 DEFIMTION A. The term "paint" includes emulsions, enamels, oil paints, sealers, stains, varnishes, and similar coatings. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Product data for each paint system specified, including primers' l. provide the manufacturer's technical information including label analysis.and instructions for handling, storage, and application of each material proposed tbr use. 2. List each material and cross-reference the specific coating, finish systenq application. Identi$ each material by the manufacturer's catalog number g-e-neral classifi cation. Submit color samples for each kind and color of paint required' Prepare samples on hardboard in duplicate (approximately 8 inches by l0 inches) for approval. and and B. c. 09900-2 l-7554.01 I T T I I D. E. 1.05 A. 1. Natural Wood: Provide two 4-by-8 inch samples of natural wood finish on actual wood surfaces. After approval, one sample of each kind and color of approved sample will be retumed. Do no painting until samples are approved. QUALITY ASSURANCE Applicator Qualifications: Engage an experienced applicator *h9 !F completed oiitine rvrG. applications siriitlar in matirial and extent to those indicated for the ir-j"cittrit have rlSdted in a construction record of successfrrl in-service performance. Single-Source Responsibility: Provide primers and undercoat paint produced by the same manufacturer as the finish coats. C. Include on label of containers: l. Manufacturer'sname. 2. Type of paint. 3. Manufacturer's stock number. 4. Color. 5. Instructions for reducing, where applicable. D. Field Quality Control: I . Review of first finished room, space, or item of each color scheme is required by Architect for color, texture, and workmanship. 2. Use first acceptable room, space or item as project standard for each color scheme. 3. For spray application, paint surface not smaller than 100 sq. ft. as project standard. I.06 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver paint materials in original unopened containers ryrth. tabe_ls and tags. intact, ready-mixed except for minor tinting and ttrinning done on the job. Provide the highest quality, and purpose for which manufactwed. B. Secondary products not specified by name and required for thejob such as shellac shall be "best grade" or "first line" products. C. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperatureJ of 45 degrees F (7 degrees C). Maintain containers used in storage in a cledn condition, free of foreign materials and residue. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t-7554.0r 09900-3 l. Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take necessary measures to ensure that workers and work areas are protected from fire and health hazards resulting from handling, mixing, and application. I.O7 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Apply water-based paints only when the temperature of surfaces_to be -p-ainted and sunounding air temperatues are between 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) and 90 degrees F (32 degrees C). B. Apply solvent-thinned pains only when th9 temperature of surfaces to be_painted and sdiormding air temperature are between 45 degrees F (7 degrees C) and 95 degrees F (35 degxees C). C. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog, or mist; or whert the relative humidity exceeds 85 percenq bi at temperatures less than 5 degrees F (3 degrees C) above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. l. Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated $'itl1in temperature limits specified by the manufactuer druing application and drying periods. I.O8 EXTRAMATERIAL A. Fumish Owner clean, new, one-quart cans of paints used in the work, well marked, indicating location of each color and type material used. One can if less than I ,000 sq. ft.,2 cans if over 1,000 sq. ft. covered. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI MANI.JFACTURERS A. Except as otherwise specified, materials shall be the products of the following manufacturers: l. Devoe and Raynolds Co. @evoe). 2. The Sherwin-Williams Company (S-UD. 3. BenjaninMoore & Company (Moore). 4. The Glidden Company (Glidden). 5. Tnemec Company, Inc. (Tnemec). B. Materials selected for coating systems for each type swface shall be the product of a single manufacturer. 2,02 MATERIALS A. Qualrty: Provide the best quality grade of the vaqous types o! coatings 1s regularty manufachred by acceptable paint materials manufacturers. Paint material containers not displaying manufacturer's product identification will not be acceptable. I T I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I t0990041-7554.01 I I I t I l I I t I T I t I t l, I N I B. No claim as to the unsuitability or unavailability of an-y material specified, .or unwillingness to use specified pr6ducts, or inability to produce first-class work wrth specified products, will be entertained' C. Material Compatibility: Provide primers, finish_ coat materials, and related materials that are "o-pitiUt" *ith one anotirer and'the substates indicated under conditions of ri*i". *a "irpii""tion, * d"*o*trated by the manufacturer based on testing and field expenence. D. Material Quality: Provide the manufacturer's best-quality trade sales paint material. of the various coating tvpes specified. Paint material containers not dlsplaymg manufacturer's prod[ct idintifidation will not be acceptable. E. Colors: Match colors indicated by reference to the manufacturer's standard color designations. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions under which painting will be perfonned for compliance with paint application requirements, Surfaces receiving paint must be thoroughly dry before paint is applied. l. Do not begin to apply paint until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 2. Start of painting will be constued as the Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and conditions within a particular area. B. Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to -ensur-ecompatibility of the total syste:n , for various substrates. On reg\lest, . tumish infoinationbn characteristics 6f fittish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. l. Notifu the Architect about anticipated problems using the materials specified over substates Primed bY others. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that.are noJ tq b.e painted, or prlvid6 surface-applied protection prigr t9 iurface preparation and painting. Remove ihese items, if nEcessary, to completely paint the items and adjacent surtaces. Following completion oi-painting -operdtions in each space or area, have items reinstalled by workers skilled in the trades involved. B. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treafinents, clean the substrates of substanies that could'irirpdr the bond of the various coatingg. Remove oil.and grease pri* to cleaning. Schedirle cleaning and painting.so drrst and other contaminants from lhe cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. C. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be-painted- accordin_g to the manufacturer's instructions for each pariicular substrate condition and as specified. 1-7554.0r 09900-5 l. Provide banier coats over incompatible primen or remove and reprime. Noti$ Architect in writing about anticipated problems using the specified finish-coat material with substrates primed by others. 2. Wood: Clean surfaces of dirt, oil and other foreign substances with scrapers, mineral spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sand surfaces exposed to view smooth and dust off. a. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned knots, and apply a thin coat of white shellac or other recommended knot sealer before applying primer. After priming, fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. b. Prime, or seal wood to be painted immediately upon delivery. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersides, and backsides ofwood, including cabinets, counters, cases and paneling. c. When transparent finish is required, backprime with spar vamish.d. Backprime paneling on interior partitions where wet wall construction occurs on backside.e. Seal tops, bottoms, and cutouts of unprimed wood doors with a heavy coat of varnish or sealer immediately upon delivery. 3. Ferrous Metals: Clean ungalvanized ferrous metal surfaces that have not been shop-coated; remove oil, grease, dirt loose mill scqle, and other foreign subitances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with recommendations of the Steel Stnrctues Painting Council (SSPC). a. Blast steel surfaces clean as recommended by the paint system manufacturer and according to requirements of [SSPC specification SSPC- SP-10, Near-White Blast Cleaningl or [SSPC specification SSPC-SP6, Commercial Blast Cleaningl.b. Treat bare and sandblasted or pickled clean metal with a metal treatment wash coat before priming.c. Touch-up bare areas and shop-applied prime coats that have been damaged. Wire-brush, clean with solvents recommended by the paint manufacturer, and touch-up with the same primer as the shop coat. 4. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized surfaces with nonpetoleum-based solvents so that the surface is free of soil and surface contaminants. Remove pretr€atment from galvanized sheet metal fabricated from coil stock by mechanical methods. D. Materials Preparation: Carefully mix and prepare paint materials according to manufacturet's directions. 1. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreigrr materials and residue. 2. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density; stir as required during application. Do no! stir surface film into material. Remove film and, if necessary, strain marcrial before using. 3. Use only thinners approved by the paint manufacturer and only within recommended limis. I I I I I I t I I ! I I I I t I I I I09900-6 l-7554.01 I I t Tinting: Tint each undercoat a lighter.shade to facilitate identification ofeach coat where multiple coats oi tr," i"r" iraterial are applied. Tint undercoats to match the color of the finish "ooi,-'Uut-liouft sufficient bifferences in shade of undercoats to distinguish each seParate coat. APPLICATION General:Applypaintaccordingtomanufaclurer'sdirections.Useapp|icatorsand t"""'f,"iir"r UTi'i"ii"i ioi *Ustiite and type of material being applied. Do not Daint over dirt, rust, scale, grease,. moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions detrimenial to formation of a durable paint film' l. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes are indicated on the Drawings' 2. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used' 3. The number of coats and the film thickness required are th.e same reeardless of the application meth;;. bo. nol npply 'ut"""ditis !""tt '"'il the preiious coat has cured as ."rorntilnaJll.5;';;ilfuiiur.r. - Sand between applications where ilai"; is -iequired to produce a smooth even surface according to the manuficturer's directions. 4. Applv additional coats if undercoats,, stains, or other conditions show throrryh'r' fiXii''.#;li;;ili "iiir p'ii"i'iitii it;i;'f"'* finish,. color, and appearance' qye special attentionij'*,j[ iil ;;tf""*' f-'g*,g "dg"t' co-"ts' irevices' w-elds' ffi;;;il'1;#;;;;';.;ii"J . o'v'nlm thic-knes-s equivalent to that of flat surfaces. 5.Thetermexposedsurfacesinclude.sareasvisiblewhen.permanentorbuilt-in fixtures, "or,.,""tli ;;;;.;-";;;ior. ri"ned rube radiatiou_qlll"t and similar componenrs u* iilpio'."'t{!"0.;g;iinsJin these areas, as required, to maintain iti" t'ytt". integrityand provide desired protection' 6. Paint surfaces behind movabte equipment and fumiture the same as similar exposed .urr""rJ.- i"ioi. ifr" nnui iittiallation of.equipment,.paint surfaces behind pe'rmanently fixed equipment or furniture with pnme coat oily' 7. paint interior surfaces of ducts, where visible through registers or grilles, with a flat, nonsPecular black Paint. I I t, I I I I I I I I I I t I I 3.03 A. B. 8. Paint back sides of access panels exposed surfaces. and removable or hinged covers to match g. Finish interior of wall and base cabinets and simitar field-finished casework to *atitt errtetlot, "*""pifot casework lined with plastic laminate' 10. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges same as exterior faces' ll. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat' 12. omit primer on metal surfaces that have been shop-primed and touch-up painted' l-7554.01 09900-7 D. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces thatlave been cleaned, preteated, or otherwise-prepared-for-p-ainting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surfacc deterioration, l. Allow suffrcient time between successive coats to permit proper drying. Do not recoat until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and where application of another coat of paint does not cause the rmdercoat to lift or lose adhesion. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according to the manufacturer's directions. l. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for the material applied. 2. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet back, or high-pile sheep's wood as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texnre required. 3. Spray Equipment: Use airless spray equipment with orifice size as recommended by the manifacturer for the material and texture required. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply materials no thinner than the manufacturer's recommended spreading rate. Provide the total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by the manufacturer. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting mechanical and electrical work is limited to items exposed in mechanical equipment rooms and in occupied spaces. Mechanical items to be painted include, but arc not limited to, the following: l. Piping, pipe hangers, and supports. 2. Heat exchangers. 3. Tanks. 4. Ductwork. 5. Insulation. 6. Supports. 7. Motors and mechanical equipment. 8. Accessory items. Electical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Conduit and fittings. 2. Switchgear. Prime Coats: Before applyins finish coats, apply a prime coat of material, as recommended by the manufacture, to material that is required to be painted or finistred and that has not been prime-coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where I t I t I ,l I I t I I t I I F. G. t I t T I H. 09900-8 t-7554.01 t J. I t I t I I I I I B. t I I i I I I I I M. 3.04 A. B. 3.05 A. 3.06 A. evidence ofsuction spots or unsealed areas in fust coat appg_ars, to ensure a finish coat with no burn-througtior other defects due to insufficient sealing. Stipple Enamel Finish: Roll and redistribute paint to an even and fine texture. Leave noi'uid"o"" of rolling such as laps, inegularity in texture, skid marks, or other surface imperfections. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover to proyde-a smooth, oPaqug surface of-uniform'fuiisL 6olor, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting,.trolidays, laps, brush marks, runs, si!s, ropiness, or othei surface imperfections will not be acceptable. Transparent (Clear) Finish: Use multiple coats to produce ! glass-smooth surface film of ev6n lustei. pr6vide a finish free oi laps, cloudiness, color irregularity, runs, brush marks, orange peel, nail holes, or other surface imperfections. l. Provide satin finish for final coats. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texlure, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not iomplying i/ith specified requirements. CLEANING At the end of each work day, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materials from the site. After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by viastrinE'ana scrlping. Ee carefuLnot toscratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. PROTECTION Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or nol against damage by pa!{ing. Correct damaged by cleaning, repairing oi ieplacing, and repainting, as acceptable to Architect. Provide 'Wet Paintu signs to protect newly painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings pro-viaea by others to prbt6ct their work after completing painting operations. l. At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. PAINTING SCHEDULE The following areas shall receive paint finish desigred for high performance and will withstand high humidity: l. Bathrooms. The following schedule for finishing is not intended to mention every particulg ilem which will reieive painter's finish. The kinds of paint and number of coats required on the various surfaces shall be as scheduled. r-7554.0r 09900-9 3.07 EXTERIORPAINTSYSTEMS A. Ferrous Metal: Primer is not required on shop-primed items. I I I I I T t I l. Paint System PS I - Semi-Gloss: Two finish coats over primer. a. Primer: Synthetic rust-inhibiting primer. b. Fint and Second Coats: Semi-Gloss Acrvlic Latex. l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-W: l) Devoe: 2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-w: l) Devoe: 2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-W: l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore: l3l0l Rust Penetrating Primer. 5205 Glid-Guard Tank & Strucnual Primer. IronClad Retardo Rust-Inhibitive Paint #163. Kem Kromik Metal Primer B50N2/B50WI. 16)0( Wonder-Shield Exterior Acrylic Latex Satin House & Trim Paint. 5200 Glid-Guard Lifemaster. 096 MoorGlo Latex House & Paint Trim. A-100 Latex House and Trim Paint. 16)0( Wonder-Shield Exterior Acrylic Latex Satin House & Trim Paint. 5200 Glid-Guard Lifemaster. 096 MoorGlo Latex House & Paint Trim. ,.4'-100 Latex House and Trim Paint. c. Color: As selected bv Architect. Galvanized Metal: l. Paint System PS 2 - Semi-Gloss Acrylic Latex: Two finish coats over primer. Primer: Galvanized metal primer.l) Devoe: 13201 Mirrolac Galvanized Metal Primer.2) Glidden: 5229 Glid-Guard All-Purpose Metal Primer.3) Moore: IronClad Galvanized Metal Latex Primer #155.4) S-W: No primer required. b. First and Second Coats: Semi-Gloss Acrvlic Enamel. I I I I I f, I r t I I c. Color: As selected by Architect. Paint System PS 3; Heat-Resistant, Black, Enamel Coating: For surface temperatures up to 400 degrees F (204 degrees C). Two finish coats over primer. a. Primer Coat: Manufactur€r's recommended metal primer,l) Devoe: 710-3-9930 HT-10 Modified Silicone High Heat Coating.2) Glidden: 5546 Glid-Guard Silicone Alkyd Primer, Tan.3) Moore: No primerrequired.4') S-W: No primer required.5) Tnemec: No primer required. b. First and Second Coats: Heat-resistant Enamel. 7018 Minolac Aluminum. 5547 Glid-Guard Silicone Alkyd Enamel, Grey. Heat-Resistant Finish Black 073. 09900-10 l-7554.01 I i I l t I l I I I I ! I 'l I I I t I 4) S-W:5) Tnemec: C. Paint System PS-4; Stained Wood: l. Flat StairL No Finish: One coat. a. First Coat: Exterior, semi-transparent oil stain. Heat-Resistant Black (8688.{2). Series 39-661 Silicone Aluminum. 9000 All Weather Semi-Transparent Alkyd Stain and Wood Preservative. 97 21 Line Endurance Oil Semi-Transparent Stain. Moorwood Semi-Transparent Stain and Wood Preservative 081. Exterior Semi-Transparent Stain A-14 Series. l) Devoe: 2) Glidden: 3) Moore: 4) S-W: b. Color: Match existing. 3.08 INTERIORPAINTSYSTEMS A. Ferrous Metal: b. Undercoat: Interior enamel undercoat. Primer: Galvanized metal primer.l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-W: l. Paint System PS 6 - Semi-Gloss Enamel Finish: Two coats over primer with total dry film thickness not less than 2.5 mils. Primer: Synthetic, quick-drying, rust-inhibiting primer- l) Devbe: 149i0 Ear-Ox Quick Dry Metal Primer, Red. 2) Glidden: 5210 Glid-Guard Universal.{a;t-D-rl Metal Primer. 3) Moore: IronClad Retardo Rust-Inhibitive Paint #163. 4i S-W: Kem Kromik Metal Primer B50N2/B50WI. l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-W: 8801 Velour Alkvd Enamel Undercoat. 4200 Spred Uttrd Semi-Gloss Enamel. Moorei Atkyd Enamel Underbody #217. Pro-Mar 200 Alkyd Enamel Undercoat B49W200. c. Finish Coat: Interior, Semi-Gloss, Odorless, Alkyd Latex. l) Devoe: 26)C{' Velour Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel' 2i Glidden: 4200 Spred Ultra Semi-Gloss Enamel. 3) Moore: Moore's Satin Impervo Enamel #235' 4i S-W: Classic 99 Semi-Gloss Enamel A40 Series. B. Galvanized Metal: l. Paint System PS 8 - Semi-Gloss Finish: Two finish coats over primer, with total dry film thickness not less than 2.5 mils. l3i0l Mirrolac Galvanized Metal Primer. 5229 Glid-Guard All-Pumose Metal Primer. IronClad Galvanized Metal Latex Primer #155. Galvite B50w3. l-7554.01 09900-l I 1) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-w: c. Finish Coat: Interior, semi-gloss, odorless, alkyd enamel.l) Devoe: 26)0( Velour Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel.2) Glidden: 4200 Spred Ultra Semi-Gloss Enamel.3) Moore: Moore's Satin Impewo Enamel #235.4) S-W: Classic 99 Semi-Gloss Enamel A40 Series. C. Gypsum Board Systems: l. Paint System PS 13 - Acrylic Latex Egg-Shell Enamel: Two finish coats over primer with total dry film thicknesq not less than 3.5 mils. Primer:l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-W: b.Undercoat: Interior enamel undercoat. b. First and Second Coats: 8801 Velour Alkyd Enamel Undercoat. 4200 Spred Ultra Semi-Gloss Enamel. Moore's Alkyd Enamel Underbody #2 I 7. ProMar 200 Alkyd EnamelUndercoat B49W200. 50801 Wonder-Tones Latex Primer. 5125 Ultra-Hide Latex Egg-Shell Enamel. 273 Moorcraft Vinyl Latex Primer Sealer. ProMar 200 Latex Wall Primer B28W200. 34)O( Wonder-Tones Egg-Shell. 5125 Ultra-Hide Lato< Egg-Shell Enamel. 274 Moorcraft Latex Egg-Shell Enamel. ProMar 200 Latex Eg-ShellB20W200. 50801 Wonder-Tones Interior Vinyl Latex Primer - Sealer. 300 Spred Wood Undercoat. Tile-Like Catalyzed Architectural Coatings-High Gloss Enamel #371. ProMar 2fi) Latex Wall Primer. 5l-792 PVA Sealer. I i I I I I I I I I I' I l) Devoe:2') Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-w: Paint System PS 15; High-Performance, Polyamide-Epoxy Coating System: Provide'rwo coats with total dry film thickness not less than 4 mils. a. Base Coat: Manufacturer's recommended undercoat.l) Devoe: 2) Glidden:3) Moore: 4) S-w:5) Tnemec: b. First and Second Coats: High-performance, polyamide-epory coating.l) Devoe: 124>0< Tru-Glaze4 Epoxy Gloss.Z) Glidden: 5240 Chemical-Resistant Epory.3) Moore: Ironclad Chemical and Water Resistant Epoxy 4' S.W:5) Tnemec: Enamel 182. Tile-Clad II Epoxy Enamel862 SerieJB60V70. Series 66. c. Location: Toilet rooms.l) Color: fu selected by tuchitect. I n I 3 T t t09900-12 l -75 54.01 I I I I T I I I I ) I I t I t I I I t o and Hardboard:D. Woodwork L Paint System PS a. Undercoat: l6; Semi-Gloss Enamel Finish: Three coats. Interior Enamel Undercoat. l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-W: E. Natural-FinishWoodwork: l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore: 4\ S-W: l. Paint System PS 19; Rubbed Varnish Finish: Two finish coats over shellac plus filler on open-grain wood. i. First Coat: Cut shellac. b. First and Second Coats: Interior, Semi-Gloss, Odorless, Alkyd Enamel. 8801 Velour Alkyd Enamel Undercoat. 310 Glidden Wood Undercoater. Moore's Alkyd Enamel Underbody #217. ProMar 200 Alkyd Enamel Undercoater 849W200. 26)0( Velour Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel. 4200 Spred Ultra Semi-Gloss Enamel. Moore's Satin Impervo Enamel #235. Classic 99 Semi-Gloss Enamel A40 Series. 4900 Wonder Woodsealer Quick-Dry Sealer. 5035 Ultra-Hide Sanding Sealer. 413 Moore's Interior Wood Finishes Quick-Dry Sandine Sealer. ProMai Vamish Sanding Sealer B26V3. 4600 Wonder Wood Stain Alkyd Satin Varnish. 82 Woodmaster Satin Sheen Urethane Varnish. Benwood Satin Finish Vamish #404. Oil Base Varnish, Gloss A66V9l. l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-W: l) Devoe:2) Glidden:3) Moore:4) S-W: b. Filler Coat; Paste wood filler.l) Devoe: 4800 Wonder Woodstain Interior Paste Wood Filler. 2) Glidden: Glidden Paste Wood Filler.3) Moore: Benwood Paste Wood Filler #238.4) S-W: Sher-Wood Fast-Dry Filler. c.Second and Third Coats: Oil rubbing vamish. Location: Wood doors and wood trim. END OF SECTION l-7554.01 09900-13 I t I I I I t I I t I SECTION 101s0 TOILET COMPARTMEI{TS PART I - GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Metal partitions for toilet cubicles' 2. Urinal screens. 3. Attachmenthardware. B. Related Sections: l. Section 10800 - Toilet Room Accessories. r.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide products from a manufacturer regularly engaged in fabrication of metal toilet partitions of type selected. B. Installer Qualifications: Employ only mechanics with three years experience in installation of metal toil€t partitions C. Inserts and Anchorages: Furnish inserts and anchoring devices which must be built into other work for ihe installation of toilet partitions and urinal screensi. Coordinate delivery with other work to avoid delay. I.O3 REFERENCES A. FS RR-P-1352-Partitions, Metal Toilet, Complete. B. ASTM A 526- Steel Sheet, znc-coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Commercial Qualtty. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings and product data under provisions of Section 01300. B. Cleady indicate partition layouts, swing of doors, _elevations,_anchorage and mounting detaiti, panel coristruction, 6omponents-hardware, finishes and all relevant dimensions. C. Submit samples under provisions of Section 01300. D. Provide sample colors and minimum 3 by 6 inch sized sample of actual base metal. E. Submit setting drawings, templates, and instructions for the installation of anchorage devices built into other work. I I I t I I T t t-7554.01 10150-l PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANI.JFACTTJRERS A. Manufacturers offering products to comply with the requirements specified herein include the following: l. Global Steel Products CorP. 2. MePar Steel Products CorP. 3. Sanymetal Products, Inc. 4. Henry Weis Mfg. Co' B. Provide products of the sane manufastuer for each type of unit throughout the project. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Floor mounted tyPe. B. Galvanized Sheet Steel: ASTM A526; G90 zinc coating, of the following thicknesses: l. Panels and Doon: 20 gage. 2. Pilasters: 18 gage. 3. Reinforcement 12 gage. C. Partition, Screen, Door, and Pilaster core materials: Manufacturer's standard, sound- deadening, double-faced honeycomb, impregnarcd Kraft pap€r core. D. Partition and Door Dimensions: Not less than I inch thick units, unless otherwise indicated. l. 24 inch wide doors, unless otherwise indicarcd. 2. 32 inch wide (clear opening), swing out doors at stalls for use by handicapped, unless otherwise indicated. E. Pilaster Shoes: l. Height: 3 inches. 2. Thickness: Not less than 20 gage. 3. Finish: To match hardware. F. Stimrp Brackets: Manufactureds standard, "T" gt."lJ" type as appropriate, heavy duty accessories, non-ferrous cast alloy with chrome finish. G. Anchorages and Fasteners: Manufacnrer's standard fasteners, finished to match hardware. H. All fasteners shall be "theft'proof'" I T I I I I I I T T I t t I I I T I I10150-2 t-7554.01 I I 2O3 SHOP FABRTCATION t A. Pressure laminate face sheet to core material with all edges sealed with a continuous, - steel locking strip or lapping and formed edges. Miter and weld corners with all welds t ground smoith, br cap with-manufacturer's s-landard stainless steel comer fittings. B. Provide concealed reinforcement for installation of hardware, fittings, brackets, and I required accessories. Reinforce partitions for attachment ofgrab bars, as required. I 2.O4 FLOORMOUNTEDPILASTERS I A. Not less than l-l/4 inch thick units, with galvanized steel anchorage devices forIt securing to floor. Furnish anchorage devices complete with threaded rods, lock I washerl and levetine adiustments nutsl Provide shoes it each pilaster. I 2.os HARDwARE AND AccEssoRIES f A. Provide hardware and accessories for each door in toilet partitions, as follows: I l. Hinges: Surface mounted type, or cutout inset type adjustable to hold door open at an angle up to 90 degi-es, set to hold door open 15 degrees when not ! 3:ilr'fh,iH:'"'"r:3;l?gJ3?3:s#il'jllll3 o'""'or spnns actron cam tvpe to I 2. kff:#f_$.#r: Recessed, latch unit, with combination rubber faced door I 3. Coat Hook and Bumper: Manufacturer's stand unit, rubber-tipped, mounted 14 I inches below top of door except 48 inches above finish floor for handicapped | 4. Door Pull: Manufacturer's standard, surface mounted unit. 2.06 FIMSH I t A. After fabricatioq clean galvanized steel surfaces to remove contaminants and pretreat with phosphate coating. Prime with baked on, rust inhibitive primer and apply two I coats of baked enamel to provide l.5 mil dry film thickness. I B. Colors shall be manufacturer's standard as selected by Architect. I PART 3 -E)ccurroNI 3.OI PREPARATION I A. E;amine site conditions to which work is to be applied. Report discrepancies to Architect in writing. I B. Take site dimensions affecting this work., C. Ensure correct spacing of plumbing fixtures.t, I D. Ensure corect location of built-in framing, anchorage, and bracing, where required. t l-7554.01 10150-3 I INSTALLATI o ON I t I I I I t I I I I T I I 3.02 A. H. 3.03 A. B. c. B. c. D. Install partitions and screens in rigid, straight, plumb and level manner, with partitions and screenslaid out as shown. Where size of cubicles are not shown, layout partitions to form minimum 32 inch wide cubicles. Set units to allow not more than ll2 inch between pilasters and partitions and not more than I inch clearance between partitions and walls. Secure partitions to walls with not less than two stimrp brackets attached near top and bottom ofthe partitions. Provide additional brackets as required for stability. Secure partitions to supporting walls with manufacturer's recommended anchoring devices. Secure pilasters to supporting floors and tighten with leveling device. Set tops of doors level wilh tops of pilasters when doors are in a closed position. Set pilaster units with anchorages having not less than 2 inch penetration into supporting floor system. Hardware adjustments: Adjust and lubricate hardware for proper operation after installation. Set hinges on out-swing doors to return to the fully closed position. Use concealed fastenings whenever possible. Provide anchors, bolts, and other necessary fasteners, and attach accessory units securely to walls and partitions in locations as shown or directed. Install concealed mountihs devices and fasteners finished to match the accessories. Provide theft- resistanifasteners for all accessory mountings. Mount accessory units at locations shown on the Drawings and as directed by applicable codes for accessibility by handicapped persons. PROTECTION, CLEA}.IING A}ID FINAL ADruSTMENTS Protect units during delivery, storage, and after erection so there will be no damage. Replace damaged work as directed by Architect. Perform final adjustments to pilaster leveling dwices, door hardware and other operating partsjust prior to final inspection. Clean exposed surfaces and touch up minor scratches and other imperfections using materials and methods recommended by partition manufacturer. F. G. END OF SECTION I t I I t 10150-4 I -7554.01 I I I sEcTroN 10522 -. FIRE EXTTNGUISHERS/CABIIYETS I PART1 -GENERAL I 1.01 SUMMARY J A. Section Includes: I I type; UL approved. Color: Red. 2.03 FIRE EXTINGI.JISHER CABINET L Fire extinguishers. 2. Fire extinguisher cabinets. 3. Fire extinguisher mounting brackets. I 1.02 SUBMITTALS t A. Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for all devices and I accessories required. ' PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.or MANUFAcTuRERSIA. Manufacturers oftering products to comply with the requirements for devices including r the following: 1 l. Larsen's Manufacturing Company. | 2. J.L.Industries. 3. Potter-Roemer. fJ 4. General Fire Extinguisher Corp. I 5. W.O. Allen Manufacturing Company. B. Materials listed are based on Larsen's Manufacturey's Company. I 2.02 FIREExTINcUISHERS --A. Fire extinguishers shall be l0 lbs., multi-purpose, dry chemical, AM-10, 4A-60BC I A. Mounting Type: Semi-recessed. B. SWle: Cameo Series. I c. ooo. ryp", Clear acrylic bubble, no letters. I D. Door Hardware: Pull handle with roller catch. Continuous, stainless steel hinge. l-7554.01 r0522-lI o enamel I t I I I I T I I E. Finish: Manufacturer's standard white epoxy or baked 2.04 MOTINTINGBRACKETS coating. A. Provide manufacturet's standard mounting brackets for specified type of fire extinguishers. Color: Red. 2.05 MOUNTN{GBRACKETS A. Provide manufacturet's standard mounting brackets for specific type of fire extinguishers. Color: Red. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Examine the areas and conditions under which fire e:rtinguisher cabinets and brackets are to be installed. Notiff the Contactor, in writing, of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely compietion of the work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install in locations and at mounting height required by applicable codes. Secgrely fasten to structur€. squarc and plumb in accordance with manufacnrer's instructions. Unless otherwise rbqdire4 mount top of fire extinguisher at 5'-0" A.F.F' After completion of install*ion, clean all fire extinguisher cabinets and brackets. All extinguishers to be fully charged. END OF SECTION I I I I T I t I I I B. c. t-7554.01 10522-2 t I I PARrI -.ENERAL | 'o'o '"*1,H1** sEcTroN 10650 OPERABLE PARTITIONS I I l. Operable wall system. 2. Necessary accessories and mechanisms including hardware, tracks, hanger rods, stack panel pocket doors, soffit, soffit guide rails. B. Related Sections: I l. Section0lO30-Alternates. rr 2. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications; Track support framing. | 3. Section 06200 - Finish Carpentry; wood trim. I 4. Section 07920 - Joint Sealers. 5. Section 09250 - Gypsum Board; acoustical insulation. 1 6. Section 09510 - Acoustical Ceilings. 1.02 REFERENCES f A. ASTM E 84 - Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materials. a B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). E 90 Laboratory measurement I of Airborne-Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions' - C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). E 557 Recommended Practice I for the application and installation of operable walls. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTIONI I A. Acoustical Performance Requirements: l. STC: 54 in accordance with ASTM E 90 test procedure. 2. NRC: 0.90 (one side only). I 1.04 suBMIrrALs A. Submit shop drawings, product data, and samples under provisions of Section 01300. I B. Submit product data describing partitions operation, hardware and accessories, colors and finishes available. I t I t-7554.0r r0650-l C.Submit shop drawings describing open4g sizes, -track layout, details of track and i"qui."O ruppotts, eleiations of urits,-track-loads, adjacent construction and finish trim, and stacking sizes. Submit two samples of surface finish, 12 by 12 inches, size, indicating quality, color, texture, and weight' Submit manufactruer's installation insfiuction under provisions of Section 01300. QUALITY ASSURANCE Oualification: A single firm shall have undivided responsibility for design, fabrication ind erection. The fgm must be capable of showing successful experience_in Operable Wuti".*trr"tion of the size and type as specified herein for not less than five years. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. E. 1.05 A. B. Limit installed nack deflection under load to l/360. C. Provide for vertical adjusfinent to accommodate stnrcture defection. I.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE A}'ID HANDLING A. Deliver materials to job site and protect unsealed materials from abrasions. B. Identifi each container with material nane and identification nrunber. C. Store materials under cover, protected from weather and constnrction activities' I.O7 WARRANTY A. provide manufacturer's installatiorL one year waranty against defects in material and workmanship. I.O8 MAINTENANCEDATA A. Submit maintenance data under provisions of Section 01700' B. Describe recommended cleaning materials and methods, and spot removal procedures' C. Describe cleaning materials detimental to fabric surfaces and hardware finish. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTTIRER A. Panelfold, Inc. B. Approved substitutions under provisions ofSection 01600. 2,02 MATERIALS A. Moduflex Model 810. l. Manual operation, paired panels. 2. Remote Panel stacking. 10650-2 I I I Ir-7554.0r I I B. Panel Constnrction: I l. Size: Nominal 4 inch thick, approximately 4'-0" wide, height as indicated. | 2. Panel faces: 14 gagesteel. One face perforated. 3. Frames: 14 gage. - t 4. Insulation: Appropriate for specified STC. | 5. Reinforce tops ofpanels to support suspension components. I 6. Trimless vertical edges. I 7. Panelhangingweighl l2psfmaximum.I C. Panel Surfacing: Panels factory surfaced with fabric in color as selected by the I Architect. l. Provide vertical-rib wall carpeting, acoustical absorption 0.20-0.30 NRC; Class I A;"ffi"f!ffi,3i1,Ixl;L;i':JXxlifJi f"'T,[lffi"ol$:?11%ff*" D. Sound Seals:t I y.'"*.*J;1,:-"',ilT:f,'fJ5J;i:i#*,f3'"ff*"#'fi*:Tjl,tT",H*"*'' I 2. Horizontal top seals: Clearance type, automatically actuated. - 3. Horizontal bottom seals: Clearance type, tool operated with 200 lb. downward I pressure. Z-l?inchesclearance. a. Provide electric (cordless) power operator with special bit to set bottom I seals. E. Suspension System: I l. Track: Type5,1 gage. I 2. Hanger Rods: Adjustable steel. I 3. Trolley Assembly: Two for each panel with adjustable steel panel bolts. I 4. Wheels: Radial type steel ball-bearing. PART 3 - EXECUTION | 3.ol EXAMTNATIoN A. Before installation is commence{ inspect the opening. Swfaces shall be clean, smooth I anddry.r B. Veriff that rougb opening is conect and has been prepared by others to conform to I ASTM E 557-75Standard. l-7554.01 10650-3I 3.02 PREPARATION A. Open containers and veriff that all required parts are available and undamaged before disposing of containers. B. Arrange materials in proper sequence to confomt with manufachuer's information and installation instructions. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Confomr to the manufacturer's installation instruction sheets. B. Altemate perforated panel faces in wall assembly as r@ornmended to achieve the NIC 0.90 perfomrance. C. Lubricate all bearing and sliding parts and adjust for smooth and easy operation. D. Apply perimeter calking and tim as required. E. Adjust locking hardware for accurate fit, F. Securely attach and brace partition tack to stucture. Secure and laterally brace back to building stnrctural members. G. Fit, align, and adjust partition assembly level and plumb; provide smooth operation from stacked to &awing position. 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean all wood, metal, vinyl and fabric surfaces to rerrove soil without using abrasive cleaners or solutions containing corrosive solvents. B. Remove debris from work site. 3.05 DEMONSTRATION A. After all adjustrnents, lubrication testing and clean-up, demonstrate and instruct the Owner in the proper operation functions and maintenance procedures. B. Deliver all special tools, operation and maintenance manuals to the Owner. END OF SECTION t t I I I I I I I I ! t t I I T t t I10650-4 r-7554.01 I I sEcrIoN 1o6ss ACCORDION FOLDING PARTITIONS I' PARTI-GENERAL I r.ol SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I 1. Accordion folding partition, wood veneer clad. r Ceilingtrack and ceiling guards.It 3. Manual operation. t B. Related Sections: l. Section 01030 - Alternates. I 2. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications: Steel support framing above ceiling. 3 . Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry: Wood blocking and tack suppod shimming. I 4. Section06200-FinishCarpentry: Woodtrim. I 5. Section 09510 - Acoustical Ceilings: Ceiling. I.O2 REFERENCES I A. ASTM E 84 - Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. B. ASTM E 90 - Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions.l I C. ASTME557 -ArchitecturalApplicationandlnstallationof OperablePartitions. I 1.03 SUBMITTALS I A. Submit shop drawings, product data, and samples under provisions of Section 01300. I B. Submit product data describing partition operation, hardware, accessories, colors, andI finishesavailable. I C. Submit shop drawings indicating opening sizes, track layogt, details of-track.and I required supports, track loads, adjacent constuction and hntsh tnm, staclcng slzes' electic operating components, tack swirching components. I D. Submit duplicate samples of wood veneer 12 by 12 inches. _ E. Submit manufacturer's installation instuctions under provisions of Section 01300.I I t r-7554.0r 10655-l I T I.M QUALITYASSURANCE A. Surface Buming of vinyl Fabric Finish: ASTM E 84; flame/smoke rating of not more than 20 flame spread and 15 smoke developed. B. Sound Transmission Loss: ASTM E 90, minimum STC of 45 tested on 100 sq. ft. opening. C. Limit installed track deflection under load to l/360. D. Manufacturer shall provide certification that partitions furnished are of same construction as those tested for rating. E. A copy of the full laboratory report is to be attached to, and be a part of the certification. F. Manufacturer shall have a minimum of five (5) years of proven manufacture and satisfactory performance. G. Partitions shall be installed by a manufacturer authorized representative. I.O5 N4AINTENANCEDATA A. Submit maintenance instructions under provisions of Section 01700. B. Describe recommended cleaning materials and methods, including spot removal procedures. C. Describe cleaning materials detrimental to wood veneer surface and hardware finish. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTI'RERS A. Panelfold Inc., Miami, Florida. 2.02 MATENALS A. Partitions: Model No. 66, STC 35, manually operated. B. Twin wall partitions panels shall be bolted to 16 gage stegl qry{ suppgrt brackets and suspended from the -steel yoke hinged at the brackets. Multi-fingered extruded vinyl seais shall be installed top and bottom both sides ofthe partition and field adjustable. C. End posts shall have deep nesting.aluminum nose with dual vertical sound seals and shall be equipped with grip pulls, draw-tite latches and aluminum jamb molds, bronze ESP. D. Track and Hangers: Track shall be extruded aluminum. Four ball-bearing wheels shall be installed on 6ach volute. A minimum of four shall be installed on each end post. E. Panel Surfaces: Panels shall be specially laminated engineered wood core, bonded with water-resistant, plastic glue and surfaced with architectural wood veneer; on. 12 inch wide panel moitjls. Genluine wood grains and colors from manufacturer's selection. I I t I I I T I I I I I I T I t I 10655-2 l-7554.01 I I F. Connector Hinges: Panels shall be hinged and edge sealed against sound light and, air f transmission wlltr heavy duty dual-wall]flame-resiitant, extruded y_nyl.- _Hinges shall be! securely locked into and prdtect the panel edges. They shall provide. "Memory-Action" I causing panels to extend and stack equally, smoothly and quietly. Color: Brown. I G. Trim: Ceilinguard head trim shall be supplied. I H. Hardware: Privacy lock one side only. t I. Finish: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors and patterns. t PARr 3 -E)ccIrrIoN 3.OI PREPARATION I A. Openings shall be prepared with adequate grounds to support track and jamb attachment. t B. Jambs shall be plumb and floors level in the path of the door with tolerance of not more - than l/4 inch plus or minus across the entire opening. ! 3.02 INSTALLATIoN A. Partitions shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and I approved shop drawings.I B. Rehang or replace partitions that do not operate properly. I C. Repair or replace damaged or defective partitions. 3.03 CLEAI.IING t A. Clean all wood, metal, vinyl and other finished surfaces to remove soil without using abrasive cleaneis or soiutioirs containing corrosive solvents. I B. Remove debris from work site. I 3.04 DEMONSTRATION I A. After all adjustments, lubrication testing and clean-up, demonstrate and instruct the Owner in the proper operation functions and maintenance procedures. I B. Deliver all special tools, operation and maintenance manuals to the Owner. I END oF sEcrIoN I I I T r-7554.01 10655-3 I I sEcrIoN rosoor TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES I PART I -GENERAL I l.0l SUMMARY A, Section Includes: I l. Toilet and utility room accessories. 2. Handicapped toilet room accessories. I B. Related Sections: I l. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry; Back-up framing. ' 2. Section 08800 - Glazing; Custom Mirrors' I r.o2 suBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturer catalog data in conformance with requirements of Section 0l 300. t B. Submit complete schedule of all accessories for all rooms indicated. I PART2-PRoDUcrS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS I A. Accessory Specialties. B. Bobrick. I c. Bradley. I 2.02 MATERIALS - A. Stainless Steel: Type 304, No. 4 finish. I B. Brass: Cast or forged quality alloy conform to FS WW-P-541D/GEN. C. Aluminum: Cast quality conform to FS WW-P-541D/GEN. I D. Mounting Devices: With bonderized finish. I 2.03 TOILETACCESSORIES I A. Model numbers included for toilet room accessories and miscellaneous are items manufactured by Bobrick, and are listed as a standard of quality. t B. Accessories shall be products of a single manufacturer. I C. Install feminine napkin receptacles at each water closet in each Women's toilet room. I l-7554.01 10800-l I D. Locate soap dispensers, centered over lavatories. 2.O4 FABRICATION A. Fabricate recessed units with seamless one-piece flange on exposed face. B. Locked Dispensing Units: Key alike for all accessories. C. Weld corners, leaving no open miters. D. All equipment except grab bars minimum 22 gage. E. Grab bars, minimum 18 gage and l-l2 inches o.d. PART 3.E)GCUTION 3.01 EXAT{INATION A. Check areas to receive surface mounted units for conditions that would affect quality and execution of work. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Drill holes to correct size and application that is concealed by item, with l/8 inch tolerance. B. Mount surface mounted accessories to concealed anchors. 3.03 ADruST AT{D CLEA}.I A. Adjust accessories for proper operation. B. After completion of installation, clean and polish all exposed surfaces. C. Deliver keys and instruction sheets to Owner. 3.M TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES SCHEDULE A. Items are identified by lower case letters on the large scale drawings. Description Mtg Mode Mtg. Ht Model # a. Toilet paper dispenser b. Paper towel dispenser/waste c. Feminine napkin dispenser $.25 operation, tampor/napkin d. Feminine napkin receptacle e. Mirror 10800-2 surface 28"/top surface 30"/top recessed recessed I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t t B-288 countertop 8-528 and 1066-8 S?"ltop B-3500 B-270 T I I B-290 2436 40"/bot. l-7554.01 Description MtgMode Mtg. Ht Model# f. Soap dispenser S. Grab bars (24" at back, 36" at sides) h. Mop Holder countertop (above lav.) END OF SECTION 36"lcAlne 8-6106 68"/top 9-224 x36 1-7554.01 10800-3 I I I I I I I T t I I I I t I I I t t o SECTION 15OIO BASIC MECHAMCAL REQUIREMENTS PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Basic Mechanical Requirements specifically'applicable to Division 15 Sections, in addition to Division I - General Requirements. B. Related Sections l. Although all Divisions and Sections of these Specifications form a part of the Contract, particular attention is directed to the following Sections: a. Section 01010 - Summary Of Workb. Section 01090 - Reference Standardsc. Section 01300 - Submittalsd. Section 01600 - Material and Equipmente. Section 01720 - Project Record Documentsf. Section 01730 - Operation and Maintenance Datag. Section 02200 - Earthwork I.O2 DEFINITIONS A. Concealed: Not normally exposed to view by building occupants. For example, above suspended ceilings and within walls, partitions, shafts, service spaces and equipment rooms. B. Exposed: Exposed to view or contact by building occupants in such spaces as offices, toilet rooms, laboratories, or as specified or shown on the Drawings. C. Finished Area: Areas other than equipment or utility rooms, rooms without architectural treafinent of floors, walls or ceilings, or as otherwise specified or shown on the Drawings. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Furnish and install equipment to perform under the following conditions: 1. Temperature, outdoor: Summer, maximum 100 degrees F 2. Seismic Zone: 3. Altitude: 4. Wind Load: Winter, minimum -20 degrees F Zonel, (tlBC) 8250 feet MSL 80 mph, Exposure C, UBC 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the fotlowing information in accordance with Section 01300, Submittals: r-7554.01 15010-l I T I I I I I I I t I t I I I I T I I B. C. D. E. F. G. 1. Complete specifications, descriptive, drawings, catalog cuts, and descriptive literature which shall include make, model, dimansions, weight of equipment, and electrical schematics. 2. Complete performance data that will indicate fi.il1 compliance with the Specifications. 3. Detailed information on structural, mechanical, electrical, or other changes or modifications necessary to adapt products to the arrangement or details shown on the Drawings. 4. List of recommended spare parts for equipment specified. Refer to the individual sections of Division 15 for additional specific submittal requirements. Submit Shop Drawings and Product Data grouped to include complete submittals of related systems, products, and accessories in a single submittal. Prepare drawings showing proposed rearrangement of Work to meet Project conditions, including changes to Work specified in other Sections. Obtain permission of Architect before proceeding. Mark dimensions and values in units to match those specified. The use of a manufacturer's name and model or catalog number is only for the purpose of establishing the standard ofquality and general configuration desired. Products ofother manufacturers will be considered in accordance with Section 01600, Material and Equipment. Model numbers, where given, are the latest available to the Architect. However, product update may render some model numbers obsolete. In such cases, sel@t products based on new, succeeding model number, or the equivalent to model numbers of other listed manufacturers. Specifications and installation considerations shall ultimately govern. Operation And Maintenance Data: I . Submit operation and maintenance data under provisions of Section 01730. 2. Content shall include the following, as appropriate to the equipment: a. Generaldescriptiveinformationb. Description ofcontrols, and accessoriesc. Service depot location and telephone number d. Start-upinstructionse. Spare parts listsf. Replacernent part numbers and availabilityg. Operation, maintenance, and inspection data h. Trouble-shootingguidei. Instructions for lubricationj. Instructions for filter replacementk. Instuctions for motor and drive replacemenTL Wiring diagrams 15010-2 t-7554.01 B. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o ASST]RANCEr.05 QUALITY Standards For Materials and Worhnanship: Provide new materials free of defects, installed in accordance with manufacturer'i current published recommendations, using best skill and attention recognized as good practice. l Equipment ldentification: Provide major component of. equipment with minufacturer's name, model and serial number permanently attached. 2. Machinery Stabilization: Statically and dynamicallybalance.rotating machinery-at the factory and rebalanced in the field if machinery is vibrating excessively in the Architect's opinion. 3. Layout: Install equipment and run pipes parallel with or at right angles to the lines of ihe building unless shown otherwise on Drawings. Mechanical Drawings: Are diagrammatic in nature and are not intended to be scaled for dimensions. l. Dimensions: Determine dimensions from Architectwal and Stmcnral Drawings, certified equipment drawings and from the structure itself before fabricating work. 2. Space Requirernents: Provide equipment fumished to fit in allocated space with dire provision for manufacturerls recommended access and maintenance requiriments. Verifi and coordinate space requirements with affected trades and equipment which comprise the Work. 3. Equipment Variations: Drawings show equipment thal is typical in configuration^ a.ra Size for equipment specified. Variatibns may exist amglg slrular pieces of equipment dep-eniing on-the particular manufacturer. Provide additional piping, drictwork and othei materials which may be required to properly install the equipment fumished if it differs from thai shown on the Drawings. Coordinate ctianiges to the stuctural, architectural and electrical desigrr. necessitated by diffeiences. Provide the above services, materials and equipment at no change to the Contract Amount. 4. Piping Diagrams: Piping and other flow diagrams whic.h appeal on the.lrawings ari privide-d wittr thointention of showing eq-uipment, pipe, valves, specialties and oth& appurtenances in their proper interrelation. Provide and connect additional equipnient, pipe, valves, -specialties and appurtenances. requgg{ by . the m^adufacturei oT the equipmeirt furnished for proper operation of his producl, whether or not shown, or as required elsewhere in the Specifications, e.g. drain valves, air vents, and similar items. ln the event of discrepancies between the Piping Diagrams and plans, elevations or details shown on the Drawings, the Piping Diagrams shall govern. 5. Motor Sizes: ln many cases, motor sizes specified or shown on the Drawings are derived from manufacturers' data representing the most efficienl, i.e. lowest horsepower, selection which will attain the scheduled per&rmance characteristics' Although it may sometimes be possible to select a smaller, i.e., less expensive, piece if equipment ttrat perforins as scheduled lut.with_ a--l-arger motor, the icheduled mot^or size, for p:urposes of equipment selection, shall be considered the maximum permissible. l-7554.01 150r0-3 o Requirerrents I I I l I I I I I I I I I T I I T I I C. Regulatory 1. Perform work, furnish and install materials and equipment in accordance with the latest applicable rules, regulations, requirements, and specifications of the codes and agencies identified. If codes or standards are not specified for a particular application, Contractor shall follow standard industrial practice, assuring that the materials or methods used shall conform to local and State codes and shall result in a final installation that will perform reliably for the purpose or use intended. 2. The following list summarizes the organizations whose codes and standards are specifically required in these Specifications. Town ofVail local laws and ordinances. State of Colorado laws and regulations. State and/or federal safety regulations. ASTM - American Society forTesting Materials. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ANSI - American National Standards lnstitute. AWS - American Welding Society. AWWA - American Water Works Association. CISPI - Cast-hon Soil Pipe Institute. NSF - National Sanitation Foundation. SMACNA - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors'National Association. NFPA - National Fire Protection Association. OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act. ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. NEC - National Electric Code. UL - Underwriters Laboratories. AMCA - Air Movement and Contol Association. UBC - Uniform Building Code. UFC - Uniform Fire Code. UMC - Uniform Mechanical Code. UPC - Uniform Plumbing Code. a. b. c. d. e. f. oo' h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. + u. 1.06 A. B. c. D. 3. Obtain required permits and arrange inspections required by codes applicable to this Division. DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Storage Of Materials: Refer to Section 01600, Material and Equipment, and as specified in this Section. To greatest extent possible, factory-assemble equipment specified in this Division. Package and tag parts and assemblies shipped unassembled as required to protect the equipment from damage and facilitate final assembly in the field. Protect machined and unpainted parts from damage by the elements with an application of a stippable protective coating. Deliver equipment and materials F.O.B. factory with freight allowed to the Project Site and include full-value insurance coverage while in transit. Inspect equipment and materials for damage upon delivery and immediately replace or repair such damage to the satisfaction of the Architect. 15010-4 l-7554.01 t T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t F. Store material indoors and in a secure area off the ground in an orderly manner that will allow easy inspection and inventory. G. Store materials subject to temperature or humidity damage in a conholled environment as recommended by the manufacturer. H. Package, ship, and store dangerous and highly combustible materials in compliance with Federal, OSHA, state, and local safety and fire codes. 1.07 PROJECT CONDMONS A. Install Work in locations shown on Drawings, unless prevented by Project conditions. B. Existing Utilities: l. Drawings indicate the general locations, type and sizes of various utilities within the Project site where- known. these irtilities are indicated as accur_ately as possible. Ifutilities are encountered during construction which are not shown on Drawings, immediately notify the Architect. 2. Active Services: When encountered in Work, brace and support existing active sewers, gas, water, electric and other services where required for p_rope1 execution of the Work taking care not to prevent or disturb the operation of active services that are to remain. 3. Inacfive Services: Remove inactive seryices unexpectedly encountered in the Work as directed by approved Change Order. 4. lntemrption Of Services: Where Work makes temporary shutdown of services unavoidable, shut down the services at night, or at such time as approved by Architect. Shutdown shall cause the least interference with the utility company or Owner's established operating routine. Arrange to work continuously, including overtime if required, to assure that services will be shut down only during time actually required to make necessary connection to existing work. 5. Protection: Field locate existing utilities and make arangements with appropriate utility owners prior to performirg excavation. Repair damqge to existing utilities resuliing from the Work. Make repairs to the satisfaction of the utility owners and Architect. C. Protection Of Work And Property: 1. Existing Facilities: Protect existing facilities whether or not such facility is to be rernove-d or relocated. Moving or Gmoving facility shall be done so as not to cause intemrption of the Work or the Owner's bperations. Obtain written permission from the Owner before disruption of existing facilities. 2. New Work: Protect each piece of the Work as it is completed; cover an{ protect fixtures and equipment against damage. At final completion, clean and deliver Work in an unblemished condition. E. Handle materials as reconrmended by the manufacturer, manner that will prevent damage. o with approved equipment in a t 1-7554.01 15010-s 3. Damages: Confiactor shall be responsible for damages caused by his work or through the neglect of his workmen and shall patch, repair orpay for damages. D. Layout and Coordination: 1. Before starting Work, carefully examine the project site and architectural, stnrctural and electrical Drawings to become thoroughly familiar with conditions goveming Work on this project. Contractor shall be responsible for continual coordination of the mechanical Work with other hades to avoid conflicts in installation. 2. Determine exact location of existing utility services. 3. Verify indicated elevations, building qgasge_T_ery, rough-in dimensions, and equipment locations, before proceeding with the Work. 4. lnstall valves and equipment to provide access to parts requiring inspection and service. 5. Notify the Architect of conflicts or discrepancies in Drawings and Specifications. 6. Do not proceed with questionable items of work until clarification has been issued by the Architect. 7. Do not cut or drill beams, girders, footings, or columns for mechanical iterns unless approved by the Architect. 8. lnstall equipment and locate pipes parallel with or at right angles to the lines of the building unless shown otherwise on Drawings. E. Electrical Coordination: Refer to Table 15010-1 at the e,nd of this Section. 1.08 SEQUENCINGANDSCTIEDULING A. Equipment Manufacturet's Responsibility and Services: l. A manufacturer's representative for equipment shall be provided as necessary or as specified to assist the Contractor during installatioru and to provide written certification that the equipment has been installed, complete as specified and in accordance with the manufacturet's directions as approved. 2. The manufactureds representative shall provide the initial start-up of equipment in the presence of the Architect and Owner. a. Provide a prestart check of piping, valves, control devices, contol panels, and equipment.b. Calibrate and adjust equipment and contols for operation at the specified design conditions.c. Provide a record of startup events, noting problems and their resolution. Record set points ofoperational conhols and devices. 3. Upon the completion of equipment startup, provide instructional time with the Ownels personnel to review the operations and maintenance manuals and perform each st€p necessary for startup, shutdowrL troubleshooting, and routine maintenance. The instructional time shall be scheduled through the Owner. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I II15010-6 t-7554.01 I T I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I 4. Upon completion^of the inspections, startup, testing, an! checkout procedures, the equipment manufacturer shall submit written notice to the Contractor, Owner, and th-e Architect that the units are ready for beneficial use by the Owner. 1.09 WARRANTY A. Refer to the General Conditions. PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI EQUIPMENTMANUFACTURE A. One Per Category: Provide equipment in the following categories of one manufacturer or available though one manufaiturer for each category to facilitate ease of maintenance by the Owner. 1. Air filters. 2. Dielectric unions. 3. Plumbing fixtures and trim. 4. Temperature controls, except where othenrise specified' 5. Valves: a. Gate valves.b. Globe valves.c. Plug valves.d. Ball valves. 2.02 MACHINERY DRTVE AND ACCESSORIES A. Sheaves: Belt drives shall have adjustable or fixed pitch driver sheaves with matched, fixed companion driven sheaves. Multiple groove sheaves shall be fixed-pitch and-lave matched companion driven sheaves. When-fixed pitch sheaves are used,. the Architect reserves the iight to direct that speed changes be made if in his opi1uo1, these are warranted afterEnal balancing. Fixed pitch sheaves shall be cast iron, bushed type. B. Belts: Belt drives shall be standard FHP, A, B, C and D sections. l. Smaller Horsepower Application: FHP belt drives may be used for motors less than three horsepower. 2. Belt Selection: Match belts and size for 150 percent of motor nameplate horsepower. 3. Belts For A-B Sheaves: Use B Section belts. C, Belt Guard: Provide belt drives wittr suitable and adequate belt guards that comply with applicable codes, enclosing both the driving and driven pulleys, securely fasten in place and provide with removable covers at each shaft center. D. Direct Drive: Where couplings are specified for direct drive, use steel flexible type. r-75s4.0r 15010-7 2.03 E)GANSION AND TOGGLE BOLTS A. New Concrete Work Where necessary to make attachment of material, fixture or equipment which may be bolted to masonry or concrete walls or floors, embed bolts in masonry or concrete during or prior to pouring for such attachment. B. Existing Masonry Or Concrete: Use drilled-in expansion anchors such as Hilti, or equal. C. Wood Plugs - Plastic Or Fiber Shields: Do not use wood plugs and plastic or fiber expansion shields. 2.O4 ACCESS DOORS A. Responsibility: Locate and provide sizes for access doors specified in Section 08305 for concealed valves, automatic or manual air vents, fire dampers and other mechanical work items that require accessibility for operation and maintenance. B. Provide acoustical ceiling panels with a button or some other means of identification and location of concealed panels. C. Size: Access doors shall be 16 by 16 inches minimum where valves and similar related items are within easy reach of operator, and at least 24 by 24 inches when personnel must pass through opening in order to reach valve or other mechanical device' 2.05 ELECTRICALDEVICES A. Motors: Fumish electric motors associated with the various pieces of motor-driven equipment as follows: I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I l. General: Size according to the loads of normal operation of the equipment under installed conditions. a. Classification: Motors shall be classified into three categories:l) lntegral (trIP): Greater than 3/4 horsepower.2) Fractional (FHP): ll20 to 3l4honsepower.3) Milli (MHP): Less than V20 horsepower. b. Service Factor: Open motors shall be selected with a service factor of 1.15 or greater and be suitable for operation at the design altitude and temperature conditions without operating in excess of the nameplate rated horsepower at a 1.0 seirrice factor.c. Voltage Fluctuations: Motors shall have sufEcient torque to start the load from rest; accelerate the load to full running speed within 8 seconds; and operate without abrupt loss of speed dwing maximum overload condition when actual line voltage is plus or minus 10 percent of voltage indicated on the nameplate.d. Single-Phase Motors: General purpose capacitancestart, induction-run type desigrred for minimum starting current.l) Special Service, Definite-Purpose Or Special-Purpose Motors: Split-phase or capacitor start at the application regddr 2) ftigtr-Stip Or Shaded-Pole Motors: Not acceptable in IIIP or FHP ratings but may be used for MHP ratings. e. Overload Protection: Provide integral ovedoad protection with manual reset. 15010-8 l-7554.01 2. 4. 5. 6. I I I I t I t I t I I I I I I t I I T f. Approved Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with these requiranents, Allis-Chalmers; Csntury; Delco; Emerson; General Electric; Louis Allis; Wagner; or Westinghouse are acceptable. IIIP and FHP Motors: General pulpose, horizontal squirrel cage induction type with NEMA Class B insulation, continuous 40 degree C. ambient. a. IHP Motors shall have a 1 . 15 service factor at sea level.b. FHP Motors shall be selected according to NEMA service factor at sea level. MHP Motors: Design in conformance with NEMA Standards and select for application at altitude and maximum temperature of installed condition. Enclosures: Motor encloswes shall be as scheduled on the Drawings and as specified below. a. Open Drip-Proof Motors: Motors shall meet NEMA Standards for drip-proof enclosure when mounted in a horizontal position and the ventilating openings are so constructed that successful operation is not interfered with when drops of liquid or solid particles strike or enter the enclosure at angle up to 15 degrees from the vertical.b. Totally Enclosed Motors: Motors shall be certified for a maximum temperature rise of 55 degrees C. at a 40 degree C, ambient, shall be suitable for operation at installed altitude and temperature conditions without operating in excess of nameplate cunent, and shall be equipped with a breathing vent and drain fitting at the bottom for removal of accumulated condensed moisture. Seals: Provide motors with dustproof and leakproof mechanical seals at both ends ofboth bearing housings that will guarantee effective grease tightness for the above specified bearing life. Motor Bearings: Shall be as follows: a. Small Motors: Motors smaller than l/6 horsepower shall have sleeve bearings.b. Medium Size Motors: Motors 1/6 horsepower through l/2 horsepower shall be permanently lubricated ball bearings.c. Large Motors: Motors larger than l/2 horsepower shall have serviceable ball or roller bearings.l) Lubrication Service: Zerk lubrication fittings.2) Thrust Desigrr: Bearings shall have full provision for thrust imposed by the specific load.3) Life: Three phase bearings rated life based on AFBMA B-10 ratings.4) Lubricant Pressure Relief: Provide for automatic relief of lubricant pressure and accomplish by either built-in relief devices, or ball-and-spring (automatic) relief fittings at bottom of bearing housing.5) Relieflocations: Pressure reliefs shall be to the outside, and shall be visible from maintenance locations.6) Lube Fitting Accessibility: Must be easily accessible from operating level.7) Extension Tubes: Where necessary, or specified, provide well secured extension tubes to bring service fitting to an easily accessible location. l-7554.01 15010-9 B. Motor Control Equipment Where motor controls and wiring are specified to be provided as part of a mechanical equipment package, they shall be as specified below. 1. Control Transformers: Where conductors of the control circuit for a starter or contactor extend beyond contoller enclosure, a contol power tansformer shall be included with secondary of 120 volts or lower. Protect secondary side wiih a fuse as required by NEC. Ground control circuits except where equipment manufacturers recommend that the control circuits be isolated. 2. Raceway, Wire and Cable: Raceway, wir€, cable and accessories shall conform to the requirements of Division 16, Electrical, and NEC. 2.06 PAINTING AND FINISIIES A. General Painting: Shall be executed under the Work of Division 9, Finishes. B. Pipe and Ducts: Piping and ductwork in the building exposed to view shall be painted as scheduled in Division 9 of the Specifications and/or Drawings. C. Pipe ldentification: Painting for pipe identification shall be as scheduled in Section titled, Pipe and Pipe Fiftings. D. Equipment: Heat exchangers, converters, storage tanks, condensate pumps, condersate coolers, condersate tanks and expansion tanks shall be painted same color as piping systern to which connected. E. Nameplates: Care strall be taken to prevent painting over equipment nameplates. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. lnspect the Work area and identify conflicts with the stnrcture and other trades' work which may con{lict with the installation of the mechanical systems. B. Inspect the Work to ensure the installation and worlananship are in accordance with acceptable industry standards for the work being done and with these Specificafions. C. Materials, equipment, and worhnanship shall be subject to inspection at any time by the Architect or his representative. Correct work" materials, or equipment not in accordance with these Contact Documents or found to be deficient or defective. 3.02 INSTALLATIONANDARRANGET4ENTS A. Component Rernoval: Install Work to permit removal without dalnag3 to other parts of coils, heat exchanger btrndles, boiler tubes, fan shafts and wheels, filters, belt gutr&, sheaves and drives, and other parts which might require periodic replacernent or maintenance. B. Access: Arrange pipes, ducts, and equipment to permit ready access to valves,- haps, starters, motors, control components and similar items and to clear the openings of doors and access panels, whether such items are part of the Work of this or other Divisions of these Specifications. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I15010-10 1-7554.01 I T I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I T C. Offsets, Transitions and Changes In Direction In Pipes and Ducts: Make as required to maintain proper head room and pitch of sloping lines whether or not indicated on Drawings-anil provide taps, air vents, sanitary vents, and similar related iterns, as required to effect such changes. D. Miscellaneous Work It is intended that anything, whether labor or materials, which is usually fumished as a part of equipment specified and which is necessary for complete, operable systems shall be provided as a paxt of the Conhact at no change to the Contract Amount, whether or not shown or described. E. Concealed Piping: Piping in finished areas of the building shall be concealed except where otherwise noted on Drawings. F. Equipment Installation: Equipment shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, unless approval is given in writing by Architect for deviation. G. Conflicts Of Work: Where conflicts of work between trades occur and departure from the indicated arangements are necessary, consult with other trades involved; come to agreement as to changed locations and elevations, and similar related situations; obtain approval of Architect on proposed changes before proceeding with Work. 3.03 SAFETYCONSIDERATIONS A. Piping to be installed across aisles or other main access walkways shall be covered with a proteCtive checkered plate steel ramp, pitched a maximum of l:12 to allow safe wheeled or foot traffic, and painted with a prime coat and two finish coats of safety yellow. Support ramp from the floor and do not rest directly on the pipe. B. Mechanical eouipment shall be installed with suitable access clearances for maintenance or removal of^r'qilaceable parts and components, and with necessary couplings or flanges to perform the maintenance or removal without rernoving the connecting appurtenances. C. No water piping shall be installed immediately over or within a 3-foot (or more, as per NEC requirernents) plan view clearance of electical panel, motor starter, or mechanical control panel. 3.04 EXCAVATIONANDBACKFILL A. General: Excavating and backfilling required by the Work under Division 15 shall be done in accordance with the requirements contained herein. If requirements of Division 2 are more stringent than those specified herein, comply with Division 2 requirements. B. Surveying: Finish and establish lines, grades and elevations. Stake out the work and fumisir liie stakes, one by 2by l0 inchei, and hubs or hardwood pegs, one by one by 6 inches, to stake out the lines and structures to line and grade. C. Excavation, General: Provide shoring required to perform excavations and to protect the Project, ernployees, and public. When unstable material is encountered in excavation, excavation -shall be made to depth as directed by the Architect and backfilled with compacted coarse sand or fine gravel or other suitable material. Duqlg excavation, mat6rial suitable for backfilling stratt Ue piled in an orderly manner a sufficient distance from edge of trenches to avoidoverloading, and to preveni slide.or cave-ins. Care shall be taken not to excavate below the depths indicated on the Drawings. Where excavafion work is required under existing footings, underpin gs required t_o adequately ;upport existing concrete sbrcture in such a manner as to avoid raising or lowering or otherwise 1-7554.01 15010-l I 3.05 A. I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I T I I I D. F. G. J. damaging existing construction. Excavation For Piping: Comply with the requirements of this Section and Section 15060. Do not excavate henches until the pipe to be laid therein is on the Project site and is scheduled to be placed within seven days. Trench walls below top of pipe shall be vertical and the width shall not exceed 6 inches to 8 inches on both sides ofpipe. Trench walls above pipe may be sloped. Pipe shall be laid on solid earth with bellholes provided for hubs. Afterpipe is laid in hench, test and/or insulate if specified before backfilling. Surface Drainage and Ground Water: Divert surface drainage away from open excavation and trenching before commencement of Work. Pile excavated material on one side of excavation in such a manner as to keep surface drainage of adjoining areas unobstructed. Remove surface water or ground water seepage which enters or accumulates in excavation by pumping or subdraining, so that subgrade or pipe bed is restored to original bearing value and conditions. Flexible Pavement, Sidewalks, Curb and Gutter: Where construction requires cutting and replacement of flexible pavement, sidewalks, curb and gutter or similar related items, cutting shall be accomplished so that remaining exposed edge shall conform vertically and horizontally to a straight line. Restore to original condition to satisfaction of Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Maintaining and Protecting Traffic: Maintain barricades, waming signals and lights to protect pedesfrian and vehicular haffic in accordance with the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Provide and maintain traffic detours as may be necessary to keep such haffic moving dwing construction. Provide adequate temporary crossover for pedestrian and vehicular traffic including guard rails, lamps and flags, as required by agencies having jurisdiction. Remove barricades, rails, lamps and the like immediately when necessity for such protection ceases. Backfill Quality: Backfill materials shall be free of rocks and debris. In no case shall frozen materials be used for backfilling, nor shall backfilling be placed on or against frozen earth. Where Work is placed below footings and closer than 45 degree line from bottom of footings, backfill shall be l:9 mixture of concrete. Compaction: Moisten (no puddling), backfill and tamp in eight inch layers, maximum, with mechanical tamper to consolidate to 90 percent of the maximum density obtainable at optimum moisture content. Compact the upper 6 inch layer forming the subgrade for pavement to at least 95 percent of the maximum density obtainable at optimum moisture content for rigid pavements. Backfill density shall be as determined by requirements of ASTM D 698, Standard Procter Method. Repair settled excavations and completely restore property that is damaged during the waranty period. Excess Materials: Excavated material not required or suitable for backfill shall be removed from the Project site and disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. SLEEVES. CUTTING, PATCHING Major Openings: Such openings in the structure for the Work are shown on the Drawings. 15010-12 t-7554.01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I Cutting and Patching: Provide cutting and patching that may be necessary Fl 9" installition of the W-ork. Cut necessary openings in precast concrete panels with the approval of the Architect. Cutting of structural work shall be done with the written cbhsent of the Architect and such work shall be done in accordance with Architect's directions. Cutting and patching work shall be done by mechanics skilled in the appropriate building hade. Sleeves For Non-Fire Rated Walls and Floors: l. General: Set necessary sleeves and boxes for pipe and ducts whether or not shown on the Drawings, before erection of structurE.-sleeves shall be large enough to allow for continuous insulation to pass through the sleeve. 2. Pipe Sleeves: Schedule 40 pipe or plaslic hole form extending- one inch above firiished floor, except for penetrations of fire rated assemblies (see below). 3. Duct Sleeves: 12 gauge or heavier sheet metal extending one inch beyond both sides of wall or floor. 4. Sleeves Through Waterproof Membranes: To be provided under the Work of Division 7. 5. Sleeve Caulking: Caulk pipes and ducts between sleeve and duct or pipe for- Qtl thickness of wal=l, floor of r6of, except for fuewall penefiations. See Paragraph D. below. a. Bare Pipes and Ducts: Caulk with lead wool.b. Insulatdd Pipes: Caulk with one or two part polyurethane caulking compound.c. Sleeves For Pipes Requiring Vibration Isolation: Refer to Section 15245, for vibration sleeves on certain piping. D. Pipe Penetrating Fire Rated Walls and Floors: Encase in adjoining sheet metal cans, minimum 24 gauge, and size for maximum one inch spacing between pipe and can. Pack spacing in either end with an approved firestop sealant. 1. Metallic Pipe: One-part nonslump silicone elastomer calk. Dow Coming Fire Stop Sealant 2000. 2. Plastic Pipe, lnsulated Pipe: Intumescent wrap snip desigrred to expal{ into^ the cavity led after the pipe oi insulation melts. Dow Corning Intumescent Wrap Stip 2002. 3. Other Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, STI Pensil and Hilti Consruction Chemicals are acceptable. E. Escutcheons: Exposed pipes in finished areas shall be finished with chrome-plated floor, wall and ceiling escutcheons. F. Finishing: Restore surfaces to original or satisfactory condition acceptable to Architect. 3.06 CLEANING AND PLACING IN OPERATION A. Project Site: Keep the premises in a clean _and orderly-condition during construction. waste and unusabl^e mat6rial shall be promptly removed from the Project site. B. C. r-7554.0r 15010-13 B. Equipment: Before final acceptance, thoroughly clean or replace strainers, lubricate bearings and clean out drains. C. Filters: Clean permanent filters; replace throwaway tlpe filters with new filters. D. Nameplates: Keep nameplates of equipment clean for easy reading. E. Completion: Upon completion of Work, clean equipment, remove surplus material and rubbish of every description incident to the Work, leaving the Work in neat and clean order and in complete working conditions. 3.07 START-UP AND COMMISSIONING A. Contractor shall be responsible for proper operation of systems, minor subsystems, and services provided under this Division. He shall coordinate startup procedures, calibration, and system check-out with subcontractors and hades involved. System operational problems shall be diagnosed; correctional procedures shall be initiated with the various subcontractors as required to bring out the system into compliance with the design, and the problem then shall be rechecked to veri$ tha! the syst€m operates normally. Remaining difficulties shall be brought to the attention of the Architect. B. Perform tests to the satisfaction of Architect on piping, ductwork, fixtures, equipment, system components, controls, and complete systems as required by this and other divisions of the Specifications. C. Equipment or system placed in temporary operation for testing or for the convenience of Contractor during consEuction and before Owner takes over operation shall be properly operated and maintained by Contractor. D. Provide labor, materials, tools, instruments, air, water, power and supplies of kind required for testing and adjusting of equipment and systems. Cost of gas, elechicity and water supplied through Ownet's meters shall be borne by Contractor' E. Provide a fresh charge of lubricant in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to equipment requiring lubrication prior to start-up and maintain lubrication as required until acceptance by Owner. F. Provide for each piece ofequipment special tools required for the operation or adjustnent of the equipment. Deliver such tools to Owner prior to final acceptance of the equipment. G. Before starting up system, each piece of equipment comprising a part of the gysler_n, whether covered by this or other Divisions of the Specifications, shall be checked for proper lubrication, drive rotation, belt tension" continuity of controls, and other condition wtrictr may cause damage to equipment or endanger personnel. Where required in tle Specifications or by industry practice, a competent service representative hained in s€rvicing the respective equipment for which he is responsible shall be present to supervise the startup and test runs of equipment and systems. H. Test runs shall be made over ttre full desigr load range where possible, or simulated to the satisfaction ofArchitect for other conditions. 1. Tests shall continue for as long as necessary to demonstrate that systerns will operate as designed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I15010-14 l-7554.01 t I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I T I 2. During test runs necessary adjustrnents shall be made,,controls checked.fu-p.oJtt operadon, motors checked foi possible overload, and the entire system checked by Contractor for abnormal condition. L During test runs and prior to acceptance of system, instruct Owner's desigrrated operating personnel in the operation of the system' J. After test runs have been concluded and systems have been demonstrated to be satisfactory and ready for permanent operation, permanent Pr-Pe line strainers and filters shall be ileaned, aii nrcis cleaned 6r replaced, valve and pump packings properly adjusted, belt tensions adjusted, drive guards secured.u] place, lubrication checked and ."it*irt "a if required. Temporary pip-ing, ducting, yi.ing, instrument connections, and siirritar items, shall be removed, anabfenings restored in a permanent manner acceptable to Architect. K. Material or equipment damaged, shown to be defective, not in accordance with the Specifications ^oi not able timeet acceptance test requirements shall be repaired or replaced to satisfaction of Architect. 3.08 EQUIPMENT STIPPORTS AND STANDS A. General: Where supports, foundations, and stands for mechanical equipment are indicated on the Drawings, or specified, or required for proper installation, install as specified herein. B. Elevated Equipment: Where equipment is indicated on Drawings or specified to be floor mounted ori stands or legs, coristruct floor stands with structural steel members or steel pipes and fittings as sho:wn on the Drawings. Brace and fasten with flanges bolted to floor. C. Miscellaneous Support Hardware: Proyide anchors, guides, sway bracing hangers, ties, inserts, and similar related items, required for equipment supports. 3,09 ELECTRICAL EQLTIPMENT AND MRING FOR MECHAMCAL DIVISION A. Unless otherwise specified, motors and controls shall be furnished, set in place and wired in accordance with Table 15010-1. 1-7554.01 15010-15 I TABLE 15OIO-I ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND WIRING FOR MECHANICAL DTVISION I I I I I T I I I I I I I I Itern Equipment motors. Resistance heaters. Motor controls where specified as an integral package. Motor contollers. Resistance heater confollers. Magnetic contactors and rnagnetic starters with overload trip assembly. Integral contol transformers. Cover-mounted control devices. Manual motor starte$ with overload trip assembly. Motor starter switches. Disconnect switches fused and unftsed. Thermal or thermal-nagnetic circuit breakers. Fuses. Smoke detectors and fixed- ternperature firestats in ductwork. Contol power source for temperaure and equipment control panels. Electic temperature contol relays and miscellaneous devices. Electric thermostats. Elecric motorized valves. Electric danper actuators. NOTES: (l) (2) (3) Furnished Under Ir{D(l) MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) ED ED MD tvID(6) luD(6) lulD(6) Set in Place or Mounted Under N{D(1) MD Wired and Connected Under ED(2) ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED ED(5) ED ND(4) luD(4) ND(4) r,ID(4) MD ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) ED(3) MD ED l"D(4) ItD(4) IvD(4) l"D(4) t T I I (4) (5) (6) MD: Mechanical Division 15. ED: Electrical Division 16. If fumished as part of factory-wired equipment under Division 15, wiring and conn€ctions only by Electrical Division I 6. Iffloat switches, electric thermoslats, or other control dwices carry the Full Load Cunent to motor, they shall be firrnished under Division 15, but shall be set in place and connected mder Division 16. Fire dmn-related wiring provided under Division 16; Conrol-related wiring provided under Division 15. Except where fumished as part ofequipment package under Division 15. END OF SECTION 15010-16 l-7554.01 I I I I I I I t t I II t I I T T t I I SECTION I5060 PIPE AND PIPEFITTINGS PART 1-GENERAL 1.OI RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01010 - Summary Of Work. B. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS A. Pipe Specification 1: L Maximum Design Pressure: 175 psig. B. Pipe Specification 4: l. Maximum DesignPressure: 125 psig. 2. Maximum Desigrr Temperature: 350 degrees F. 3. Two Inches and Under: l-7554.01 2. Maximum Desigr Temperature: 200 degrees F. 3. Two lnches and Under (Copper Option): a. Tubing: Tlpe L hard drawn seamless copper tube, ASTM B 88' b. Joints: Solder b/pe with 95-5 solder.c. Fittings: Wrought copper solder joint, ANSI 816 .22. 4. All Sizes, Galvanized: a. Pipe: Standard weight galvanized steel, ASTM A 120 or A 53 Tlpe F' Fumace-butt or continuous welded.b. Joints: Mechanically coupled grooved type or screwed or flanged'c. Mechanical Couplings: Malleable iron, ASTM A197, grooye{ tIP9. d. Fittings: Malleable iron, ASTM A 47 Grade 32510, galvanized with grooved ends or 150 pounds (S) - 300 pounds (WOG) galvanized -malleable iron, banded, ASTM Al97,ANSI 816.3 or flanged 125 pounds (S) - 175 pounds (WOG) galvanized cast iron, ASTM A 126, ANSI816.1.e. Flanges:- Grooved end, galvanized, flanged adapter nipples or Malleable iron, ,tStIvt A 4'7 Grade 32510, adaptor flange, or 125 pounds (S) - 175 pounds (WOG), galvanized cast iron, screwed, ASTM A 126 Class B' ANSI B16.1.f. All bolting shall be galvanized or cadmium plated. 5. Special Requirements: Clean and touch up damaged galvanizing with Ameron "EZ" z:lnc rich coatine. 15060-l a. b. d. a. b. c. d. 4. Pipe: Schedule 40 black steel, ASTM A 53 Grade B, seamless. Joints: Screwed.* Fittings: 150 pounds (S) - 300 pounds (WOG), black malleable iron, banded. ASTM A I97, ANSI816.3. Unions: 250 pounds (S) - 500 pounds (WOG), black malleable iron, ground joint with brass seat. 2-l/2lnches and Over: Pipe Schedule 40 black steel, ASTM A 53 Grade B, seamless. Joints: Butt welded or flanged. Fittings: Standard weight seamless steel, butt-weld t1pe, ASTM A 234 Grade WPB, ANSI816.9. Flanges: Class 150 forged steel, welding neck or slip-on, ASTM A l8l Grade I, AI{SI 816.5. Note:* For belowground, all sizes shall have welded joints. Pipe Specification 7: l. Design Pressure: AEnosphere. 2. Maximum Design Temperature: 180 degrees F. 3. Four Inches and Under (Copper Option): a. Pipe: Tlpe DWV hard temper seamless copper drainage tube, ASTM B-306.b. Joints: Solder tlpe wift 95-5 solder.c. Fittings: Cast brass solder joint drainage tpe ASTM B 584, ANSI 816.4. 4. Up to l0lnches (Cast hon Option): a. Pipe and Fittings: Service weight cast iron soil pipe, tar coated inside and outside, ASTM A74.b. Joints: No-Hub with stainless steel shield and rubber sleeve, CISPI 301.c. Adapters: Transitions from cast iron soil pipe to another pipe material shall be made with appropriate adapters. 5. 12 lnches and Up (Cast Iron Option): a. Pipe and Fittings: Service weight cast iron soil pipe, tar coated inside and outside, ASTM 474.b. Joints: Hub-and-spigot, CISPI HSN compression type with ASTM C564 neoprene gaskets or lead and oakum. Pipe Specification 8: 1. Design Pressure: Aftnosphere. 2. MaximumDesigrrTemperature: l80degreesF. I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I C. D. 15060-2 l-7554.01 t I I t I I I I t I I I I I T t I I t 3. Up to l0Inches: a. Pipe and Fittings: CISPI 301, hubless service weight cast iron soil pipe. b. Joints: ASTM C564, neoprene gasket system or lead and oakum. 4. 12Inches andUp: a. Pipe and Fittings: Service weight cast iron soil pipe, tar coated inside and outside, ASTM A74.b. Joints: Hub-and-spigot, CISPI HSN compression type with ASTM C564 neoprene gaskets or lead and oakum. 2.02 PIPE SUPPORTS A. Hangers: l. Standards: All hangers shall comply with the Manufacturer's Standardization Society (MSS) of the Valve and Fitting Industry, MSS Standard Practice for Pipe Hangers and Supports. 2. General Hanger Types (220 Degrees F. Or Less): a. Adjustable Clevis: MSS Type 1.b. Adjustable Swivel - Split Ring T1'pe: MSS Type 6.c. Adjustable Swivel - Band Type: MSS Type 10.d. Riser Clamp: MSS Type 8.e. Clips: MSS Type26.f. Welded Attachment: MSS Type 22. 3. Steam and Hot Fluid Hangers (Greater Than220 Degrees F'): x. Adjustable Roller Hanger: MSS Type 43.b. Adjustable Roll Support: MSS T1'pe 41.c. Pipe Covering Protection Saddle: MSS Tlpe 39A and 39B' 4. Sanitary and Storm Sewer Hangers: a. Adjustable Clevis: MSS Type l. 5. HangersForCopperPiping: Copperplated. 6. Size: Sufficient for pipe plus insulation or insulafion shields where specified. 7. Approved Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirernents, Elcen; Fee and Mason; Grinnell or Michigan are acceptable. B. Trapeze Hangers: Formed channel sections used in the support of piping_systory qhql-l pe appioximately l-5l8 inch by l-l/5 irch 12 gauge steel. All formed charmels shall be finished with a rust-resisting primer. Nuts to be carbon steel with attached spring and supplied by the charmel manufacturer. C. Insulation Shields: Pipe shields shall be longitudinally split, approximately 12 inches long, 360 degrees, zin6 plated steel around a l2-inch long, 360 degree insulation insert 1-7554.01 15060-3 covered with fire resistant vapor barrierjacket. Insulation insert shall be calcium silicate and shall match insulation thickness specified for piping system. 2.03 PIPEIDENTIFICATION A. Pipe Markers: Pressure sensitive self-sticking type with titles having black upper case letters and Arabic numerals. Comply wittt ANSI A13.1. l. Band and Letter Size. All Sizes In lnches: I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Outside Diameter Of Pipe Covering 314to l-l/2 l-l/2 to 3 Width Of Size Of Legend Color Band and Numerals U2 3/4 8 8 PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI PIPING INSTALLATION - GENERAL A. Storage: Plug or cap end of pipe in storage and store offground. B. Cleaning Prior To Fabrication: Remove all loose filings, slag, sand, dirt, oil, grease or other foreigrr substances from interior and exterior surfaces ofall pipe fabrication prior to installation by brushing, scraping, blowing, swabbing and so on in the shop or field. Protection After Fabrication: Plug cap or othemrise seal all open ends. Orientation: l. Horizontal Piping: Accurately install piping parallel to building lines. 2. Vertical Piping: Install pipingplumb. Methodology: Use full lengths of pipe where length between fittings is less than the mill-random lengths of pipe. Avoid exta joints. Locate groups of pipes parallel to each other. Use only reduction fittings where changes in pipe sizes occur. Unions: Not always shown; however, install at each of the following locations: Equipmort connections, confrol valves, downstream of branch connection valves and where dismantling of pipe is required to permit maintenance, repair or replaconent of equipment. Use dielecric rmions when connecting pipe of dissimilar materials. Adapters: Provide adapters as required to join dilferent types of piping systems. c. D. E. F. G. 3.02 THREADED PIPING SYSTEMS A. Desigrr: Fabricate branch connections.using appropriate standard or reducing tees and laterals. At pipe size changes use tlueaded reducing fittings or swaged nipples. Use bushings only when reducing fittings axe not manufactured in the sizes required. At piping terminations use only threaded nipples and caps. B. Installation: Ream pipe to full bore after cutting and threading. Remove dirt, chips and threading oil. Apply pipe joint compound only to cleaned male threads just prior to 15060-4 t-7554.01 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t T I I I assembly. Where piping fabrication and preparation operations are being performed. at the Proj6ct site, prwide idequate protectio-n over all surfaces, alowing no chips, oil, dirt, compounds and similar related items to drop on unprotected surfaces. l. Sealant: a. Steam, Condensate, Boiler Feedwater, Boiler Blowdown: Anti-seize compound.b. All Other Services: Teflon taPe. 3.03 COPPERPIPINGSYSTEMS A. Solder Joints: Use 95-5 tin-antimony solder ASTM B 32, Grade 95TA, and non-acid flux. Clean and flux piping ends. Wipe excess solder, leaving a uniform fillet around cup of fitting. B. Brazed Joints: l. Use silver alloy brazing filler metal ASTM B 260, Type BAg--1 or BAg-2. Apply non-corrosive hux of type recommended by filler alloy manufacturer. Heatjoints to brazing temperature rising oxy-acetylene torch with tip size as recommended by fitting manufacturer. C. Overheating Protection: Use heat sinks where necessary to protect existiqg joints or equipment -which will be damaged by heat. Remove composition discs from valves before heating and replace when work is cool. 3.04 CASTIRONPIPINGSYSTEMS A. Mechanical Joints: Joints shall be mechanical tlpe conforming to ANSI 421.10 and ANSI A2l.ll. Gaskets shall be neoprene. Use manufacturer's standard bolts and nuts. Coat with rust-preventive lubricant. lnstall in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Use torque wrench to tighten bolts to equal tension. B. Compression Tlpe Push-On Joints: Joins shall be single gasket tlpe conforming to ANSI A2l.l0 -airA eNSt A21.11. Gaskets shall be neoprene. Use manufacture/s recommended lubricant and apply to spigot end during installation. Lubricant shall be non-toxic, shall impart t o tiite or o'do-r to the conveyed liquid and shall have no deleterious effect on the rubber gasket. C. Lead-Oakum Caulked Joints: Joints shall be made up by use of oakum and molten virgin pig lead. Use 12 ounces of molten lead per inch diameter of pipe o-r a dgpt! of one.inch, wfiichever is greater. After lead has cooled, seal and smoothly face the joint. Avoid staining the pipe or bell during caulking. D. No-Hub Joints: Joiats shall be ASA Group 022 conforming to CISPI Specification 301. Clamps shall be stainless steel. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. E. Sanitary and Vent Piping: Use wye or sanitary tees for branch connections. Use long sweep bends for changes in direction. I -7554.01 15060-5 3.05 WELDED PIPING SYSTEMS A. Quality Assurance: Comply with welding section of ANSVASME 831.1, Code for Power Piping, for worhnanship, testing and general requirements. Welders shall be certified by the National Weld Test Bureau, Hartford Steam Boiler and Inspection Co. or other similar acceptable bureau or agency. 1. Architect reseryes the right to require qualifying demonstrations of any welder assigned to the Project by the Conftactor or have welds tested for code compliance. 2. Submit sample welds for inspection upon request. B. Preparation Of Piping For Welding: Bevel piping before welding. Bevel pipe with wall thickness up to 314 inch the standard 37-L/2 degre_e angl-e-. Use. a cutting torch with the pipe in a pipe cutting and beveling machine. Use weld spacing on all butt welds as follows: I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I Nominal Pipe Wall Thickness l/4 inch or less Over l/4 inch, less than 3/4 inch Seacing l/8 inch 3/16 inch l. Remove all corrosive products and other foreign material from surfaces to be welded by scraping, brushing, chipping and swabbing as may be required before any welding is -performed. Such cleaning shall extend back from top-of the bevel on the outside and from face of land on the inside ofjoint at least l/4 inch. C. Welding Process: 1. Pipe Four Inches and Smaller: Perform welding either by means of gas welding, oxy-acetylene, process, or by metallic arc process with coated elechodes. 2. Pipe Over Four Inches: Perform welding by metallic arc prccess with coated elecEodes. 3. Electrodes For Welding: Comply wittt ASTM A 233 and AWS A5.l and be one of the following classes: E6010, E60l I, E6016, or E6020. 4. Gas WeldingRods: ComplywithASTM A251, GA-60. D. Desigrr: Use long radius type elbows at changes in direction of piping. Use weldirrg fittings exclusively except as otherwise specified or shown. Use eccentric welding reducing fittings at changes in pipe sizes when specifically indicated. Use standard tees or laterals at branch connections. Make all rcducing branch cormections using outlet fittings that provide the appropriate branch connections. 3.06 BURIED PIPING A. Cast Iron Piping: Shape tench bottom to grve uniform circumferential support to the lower full length of each section of pipe. Excavate bell holes so that after placement only the pipe barel receives bearing support fiom the tench. Do not_}se spalls, shims_or lumiJto adjust pipe to grade. Lay pipe proceeding upgpde with bells pointing upgrade. 15060-6 t-7554.0r I I I t t I I I I I I I I t t I I t T Lay each pipe to line and grade and in such a manner as to form a close concentric joint with adjoining pipe. 3.07 PITCHAND DRAINAGE A. Water Piping Systems: Grade and valve with 3/4 nch hose end globe valves to permit complete drainage of system. Vent high points in equipment rooms as necessary _with_ autohatic air vents piped to neaxest drain fixture. Vent high points in system outside of equipment rooms with manual air vents as required to relieve air in the system. Refer to Section 15100 for valve and air vent specifications. B. Main Sanitary and Storm Lines Within Building: Install with uniform fall of not less than one inch in 8 feet. Install branches with uniform fall of not less than one inch in 4 feet. Anchor vertical lines at each floor. C. Sanitary Vent Lines: Pitch horizontal vent lines one inch in 40 feet back to fixtures. 3.08 PIPEHANGERS A. General: Provide complete system of support for all piping. 1. Horizontal Lines: Provide as specified and/or shown on the Drawings. 2. Vertical Lines: Provide supports at each floor as specified and/or shown on the Drawings. 3. Spacing: Provide pipe hangers to completely support systems without -sagglng,including hangers at each off-set or change in direction, and at each branch. Spacing-of supports shall be as follows, unless otherwise specified or indicated on the Drawings: MAX.HANGER HANGERRODSPACING DIAMETER(Feet) Qnches) PIPE SZE (hches) Steel Pipe: t/2 3/4 to I l-l/2 to 2 2-ll2 to 3 4to6 8to12 Copper Pipe: l/2 ro l-l/2 2 and larger Cast Iron Pipe: All Sizes, and at joints 1-7554.01 6 8 l0 10 l0 t2 6 l0 ) 3/8 3/8 3/8 t/2 5/8 7t8 3/8 3/8 t/2 1s060-7 4. Support cast iron soil pipe at every joint, except that spacing is not to exceed 5 feet. pr6vide supports at each branch connection, on each water closet bend or elbow and at each tap. B. Trapeze Hangers: Support two or more parallel pipes on frapeze hangers where possible. Seiect to support five times the weight or thrust applied without failure. Non-insulated steel pipe shall have clips at each support. Non-insulated copper pipe shall rest.on neoprene sleeves with a clip at each support. Establish spaclng for smallest size of pipe to be supported in accordance with table below Paragraphs 4., 5', 6., and 7' under Paragraph A. above. C. lnsulation Shields: Install insulation shields on all pipe where insulation is specified at each hanger, clip or other pipe support and at wall, ceiling or floor penetrations, refer to Section 15050, Basic Materials and Methods, in accordance with manufacture/s instructions . 3.09 FLUSHINGANDSTERILZING A. General: Blow out all piping with air and then completely wash out cleaning compounds before final connections ofpiping systems. B. Domestic Water Systems: Sterilize with approved chlorinating agent to provide a dosage of not less ttran 50 ppm after flushing. After a minimum contact period of 24 houn, system shall be fluslie,i with clean water until residual chlorine is no greater llran that of the water supply. All procedures shall comply with AWWA Specification C-601. C. Sewer Systems: Flush and clean sewer lines, remove water and debris before final connection to existing sewer. 3.IO PIPING SYSTEM TESTS 1. General: Tests shall be witnessed and approved by authorities having jurisdiction, where required. Repair all defects and repeat test procedwe until a satisfactory test is obtained. B. Piping shall be thoroughly cleaned on inside before begirming tests. l. Perform tests before any insulation is applied to piping and before piping is concealed or buried. a. Perform these tests on all piping tubing, fittings and joints after fabrication and installation in field.b. Fumish all miscellaneous instruments and equipment that are required for testing'c. Prior to testing pipe systems, remove or otherwise prctect with readily recognizable blanks those components which are not desigrred to withstand Pressures used in testing PiPin&d. buring testing, unless otherwise stated, piping, tuligg, fittings and joints shall safely withstand test pressure without showing failure, leakage, pressurc loss or distortion for specified time period. c. Drain and waste Piping: Test with standing water test of l0 feet of head. I I I T I t I I t I I I I I T I T I t15060-8 1-7554.01 I t I I I I II t I I I I I I I t I t t D.Instrument Air, Plant Air, Fuel Oil and Fuel Gas Piping: Pneumatic test at 1.25 times design working pressure. Test Duration: 1. Hydrostatic Tests: Hold for a minimum of eight hours without loss of pressure. 2. Pneumatic Tests: Hold for a minimum of two hours without loss of pressure' PIPE IDENTIFICATION Pipe Markers: Apply on new and existing above-ground straight pipe runs inside and ouride of Mechanical Rooms after insulation is applied at not over 20 feet spacing, and adjacent to all valves, and at changes in direction, and where piping passes through walls and floors, clearly visible from operating positions. Apply anows showing direction of flow at all Pipe Markers. Identification Tags: Where pipes are too small or not readily accessible for application of pipe markers, fasten l-l/2 inch diameter brass tag with l/2 inch depressed black letters as specified for pipe markers. Identification: Legends and colors shall be as designated for the services listed below: 3.11 A. 3.12 PIPING SCIIEDULE Service Domestic Cold Water Above Ground Domestic Hot Water Natural Gas Low Pressure Steam Sanitary & Vent Above Ground Sanitary & Vent Below Ground Instrument Air Service Lesend Domestic Cold Water (1) Domestic Hot Water (1) Natural Gas (1) Notes: Legend same as Service name. B. C. Abbr. CW FIW NG LPS S,V s,v IA END OF SECTION Color Green Yellow Yellow Pipe Spec. I I 4 4 1 8 9 r-7554.0r 15060-9 II "'#il:'* I PARrI-cENERAL I.OI WORKINCLLIDED I A. checkvalve. t B. Gas valve. I c. Ball valve. I D. Drainvalve. I.O2 SUBMITTALS I A. Fumish manufacturels submitlal data for valves. B. Valves shall be of same manufacturer where possible. I 1.03 'ALVE 'EATS. MATERIALS l A. Suitable for service intended. - PART2-PRoDUCTS I z.or ACcEPTABLE MANLIFACTURERS A. Check valve: Crane, Lunkenheimer, Milwaukee, Nibco, Stockham, Walworth. I B. Ball valve: Apollo, Crane, Nibco. r C. Gas valve: Crane, DeZurik, Stockham' Walworth. ! 2.02 RATINGS I A. Unless otherwise indicated, valves shall be suitable for 200 psig WOG and 250 F. 2.03 CIIECK VALVE I A. Bronze body: Swing disc, solder or threaded ends. r B. Spring loaded, silent tlpe, cast iron body with Buna-N seats suitable for 250 F. Wafer I and disc. of aliminum, ^bronze, or ductile iron. Shaft and springs q/pe 316 stainless steel. 2.04 GAS VALVE I A. Ironbody indoors, bronzebody outdoors. I B. 112,, - 4": UL approved, eccentic plug, conosion resistant bearings, HYCAR plug seals. I I r l_7554.01 15100-l I 2.05 BALL VAIVE A. Two piece bronze body with Teflon seats, fi,rll port, blowout proof stem and positive shut-off, stem extension where insulated. 2.06 DRAIN VALVE A. Ball valve with nipple, cap, hose thread. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide valves suitable to connect to adjoining piping as specified for pipe joints. pipe size valves. B. 2" and smaller: Threaded or soldered. C. Solder or screw to solder adapters for copper tubing. D. Install valves with stems upright or horizontal. E. Provide drain valves at main shut-offvalves, low points of piping and apparatus. F. Remove stems and bonnets from solder end valves during installation. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I T I I I t I t T I T t tl-7554.01 15100-2 I sEcrIoN 15250 T MECHANICALINSULATION I PARr'-.ENERAL I l.ol RELATED SECTIONS I A. Section 01010 - Summary ofWork. I B. Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements. I.O2 SLIBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Submit-shop dr.awings for.each insulation system specified hereinafter to iriclude insulation, jackets-and coveis, adhesives, coatings, sealants and cements. t l.o3 euALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum I five years experience. B. lnstallers: Insulation shall be applied only by mechanics skilled at such work. I c. Regulatory Requirements: l. Fire and Smoke Hazard Classification Rating On Composite Insulation, Jacket and t Adhesive: ComplywithNFPA22s, ASTM E 84 andUl-723 as follows: a. Flame Spread Rating: Not to exceed 25. I b. Smoke Developed: Not to exceed 50. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I z.or FIBER GLAss PIPE INSULATIoN A. Insulation: Rigid molded fiber glass pipe covering having a_density of 4 pounds/cubic I foot, in compliance with ASTIT,iC 542, having a k-factor of approximately 0.23 at 75 I degrees F., aild suitable for temperatures from minus 40 degrees F. to 450 degrees F. I B. Jacket: Factory applied all-service type with self-sealing lap and butt strips. C. Valve, Fitting and Flange Covers: Pre-molded covers with fiber glass insert. I z.oz MANUFAcTuRERs A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirernents,..Armstrong; I f;i#ill::3;lHil"tl3e; Knauf; schuuer rnternational; owens-coming Fiberglas; and t I I 1-7ss4.0r 15250-l PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install insulation in a smooth, clean, manner in accordance with the best accepted practices of the trade. Joints shall be tight and finished smooth. Cracked, chipped, and tom sections shall not be used in the work. B. Surfaces to be insulated shall be dry and free of loose scale, rust, dirt, oil or water when insulation is applied. C. Fit insulation tightly against surface to which it is applied. D. Insulation applied to cold, below 100 degrees F., piping, equipment and ductwork shall be completely vapor sealed and free ofpinholes or other openings. Staples shall not be used. Do not apply sealant or cement until all previous applications of adhesives and cement have thoroughly dried. Restore existing insulation and surface finishes disturbed or damaged during the course of the work in a manner acceptable to Architect. All required tests on piping, equipment and ductwork shall be completed prior to application of insulation. Apply insutation so as to permit expansion or contraction of pipe lines without causing damage to insulation or surface finish. Specified pipe insulationjackets shall be factory applied whenever available. Terminate preformed pipe covering at a sufficient distance from valve flanges to permit removal of bolts. Insulation on flanges shall overlap adjacent pipe covering 2 inches. Valves shall be insulated up to the gland. Insulation shall be continuous tbrough pipe covering protection saddles, or shall buff tightly against insulation protection shield units installed as part ofthe piping work. Pipe line strainers shall be insulated in such a manner as to permit removal of strainer basket without disturbing insulation on the strainer body. Pipe insulation and vapor barrier shall be continuous through sleeves or openings in walls and floors. Do not insulate unions. Where insulation terminates for any reason, taper to pipe and frnish with insulating cement. lnstall all insulation and accessories per the manufacturer's instructions. E. F. G. I I I I I I I I I. J. L. M. N. t T I t t I I I I I T o. P. a. 15250-2 l-7554.01 I t T I I T t I I t I IT I I t t t I I o IPE A. Pipe: Stagger longitudinal joints. Tightly butt the sections and seal longitudinal seams of vapor barrier jacket with vapor barrier lap adhesive in addition to the self s-egling feature. Seal circumferential end joints with butt strips of vapor barrier material and vapor barrier lap adhesive. Above a fluid operating temperature of 80 degtees F., outward clinch staples may be used in place of adhesive. Seal pipe ends, valves, and fittings of cold piping with vapor barrier coating. B. Valves, Fittings, and Flanges: Cover with pre-molded glass fiber covering having same thickness as adjacent insulation. Finish with PVC cover. Seal cover joints on cold piping with vapor barrier coating or vapor barrier adhesive tape. C. Surface Finish: l. Indoor: No further finish required. 2. Outdoor: Cover with a factory or field applied 0.016 inch smooth 5005 alloy aluminum jacket. Lap joints downward to shed water. Finish circumferential joints with prefabricated aluminum or stainless steel straps and waterproof metal lap sealant. 3.03 ELASTOMERIC PIPE INSULATION A. Pipe: Slip insulation over pipe or slit insulation sections and apply around pipe. Seal longitudinal and circumferential joints with foamed plastic contact adhesive. B. Valves, Fittings and Flanges: Fabricate sheet or tubing insulation into covers by butting and mitering jointi as required. Seal all joints with foamed plastic contact adhesive. 3.04 FACED FIBER GLASS DUCT INSULATION BLANKET A. Ductwork shall be covered bv adherine insulation with flexible blanket adhesive. Adhesive shall be applied in 6 inch strii's on a minimum of 12 inch centers. Tightly butt the insulation and lap vapor barrier jacket minimum 2 inches at all joints. Secure laps with vapor barrier lap adhesive. Ducts with a width over 30 inches shall be further secured on the underside with mechanical fasteners on 18 inch centers. B. Terminate and seal insulation where thermometers, controls, damper linkages, flexible connections, test connections, access doors, and similar items, occur in ductwork so as not to interfere with their function and/or replacement. C. Flexible connections shall not be insulated. D. Seal alt terminating edges of insulation by lapping vapor barrier jacket to duct securing with vapor barrier adhesive. Further wrap full circumference with vapor barrier tape set in vapor barrier lap adhesive. E. Surface Finish: 3.02 FIBER GLASS P INSULATION 1-7554.01 1. Indoor: No firther finish required. 15250-3 o FIELD QUALITY CONTR OL I t I I t I t I I T I t I I I I I t t 3.05 A. B. C. Insulation Protection: Protection against dirt, water, chemical or mechanical damage before, during and after installation. Damage: Any such insulation or covering damaged prior to final acceptance of the Work shall be satisfactorily repaired or replaced. Cleanup: Upon completion of the Work, thoroughly clean all floors, walls, ceilings, equipmtnt, ana simitar items of all adhesives, paints, cements, empty containers, scraps arid other miscellaneous materials, leaving said surfaces in the same conditions of cleanliness as they were found. GLASS FIBER PIPING INSULATION SCI{EDULE3.06 3.07 Plumbine Systerns (Inch) Domestic Hot Water SuPPIY to 2 Domestic Cold Water all Plumbing Vents Within l0 Feet of the Exterior all Hydronic Hot Water ELASTOMERIC FOAM PIPING INSULATION SCIIEDULE DUCTWORK Exhaust Ducts Within 10 ft of Exterior Openings Outside Air Intake Ducts Supply Ducts Exhaust Ducts END OF SECTION PIPE SIZE THICKNESS (Inch) U2 t/2 t/2 v2 THICKNESS (Inch) I 1 None None PIPE SIZE THICKNESS(Inch) (Inch) Exposed Handicapped Lavatory Drain, Hot and Cold Water Piping all Ll2 3.08 FLEXIBLE GLASS FIBERDUCTWORKINSULATION SCIIEDULE 152s0-4 t-7554.01 t I SECTION I53OO FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM I PARr r -.ENERAL I 1.01 WORKINCLUDED A. Design and Install Fire Protection System I I T I I nT I.O2 QUALITY ASSLIRANCE t A. Contractor shall be qualified fire protection contractor, regularly engaged in desigp and I installation of automatic fire protEction systems and other fire protection equipment and shall be approved for work by local Fire Deparfrnent. t B. System shall have written approval of local Building Department, Fire Departrnent,r Owner's Insurers, and shall comply with I'{FPA. t C. Materials and equipment shall be new, manufactured in United States, approved byt Underwriters'Laboratories and Factory Mutual. I l.o3 I{YDRAULIC DESIGN tr A. Velocities in pipes shall be shown on hydraulic calculations. Velocities in overhead l. Piping. 2. Supports, anchors, seals. 3. Valves. 4. Fire deparhnent connection. 5. Fire Sprinkler Heads 1. Pipe, fittings, couplings2. Pipe hangers3. Valves piping shall nof exceed 32 feet per second. Velocities in underground piping shall not exceed 16 feet per second. B. Hydraulic calculations shall have signed stamp of registered professional engineer, employed by the Fire Protection contractor, certifying that fire sprinkler syste_m has Ueeh nyararitically calculated per NFPA and goveming gode_q._ Engineer shall be availalile to discuss calculations and shop drawings, and shall be present at all I coordination meetings.I C. Design information shall be permanently affixed to main riser per NFPA 1 3. i r.o4 suBMITTALSI A. Furnish manufactwer's submittal data for the following: t I I r-7ss4.0r 15300-l 4. Supervisory switches5. Fire department connections6. Fire lights and horns7. Fire sprinkler heads B, Submit shop drawings and hydraulic calculations which show layout and details of construction and bear approval stamp of agencies having jurisdiction to Architect. Include items required by these agencies. Agency approval does not alter basic intent of drawings or specifications and contractor's responsibility to comply therewith. C. Purpose of shop drawings and submittals is to demonstrate that Contractor understands design concept, that he demonstrates understanding by indicating and detailing fabrication and installation methods he intends to use. If deviations, discrepancies, or conflicts between shop drawings and submittals and Contract Documents are discovered either prior to or after submittals are processed, design drawings and specifi cations take precedence. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Valves l. Nibco2. Mueller3. Stockham4. Grinnell5. Milwaukee6. Central B. Fire Deparfrnent Connection l. Croker2. Potter-Roemer3. Standard4. Elkhart C. Sprinkler Heads l. Gem2. Central3. Reliable4. Viking 2.02 PIPING A. Underground pipe: Ductile iron, push-on joint, thickness Class 50, 350 psig pressure rating, per ANSI A2l .5 1, tar coated outside, cement mortar lined inside per ANSI l^21.4. B. Fittings for ductile iron pipe: Mechanical joint, 250 psig pressure rating per ANSIMl.ll, tar coated outside, and cement mortar lined inside per ANSI A21.4. I I I I I I T I l I I I I l I t I I It-7554.O1 15300-2 I t t I I !, I I I I I I I t t i I I I 8. 9. 10. ll. 2,03 VALVES A. Fire protection valves rated for minimum 175 psig WOG working pressure. B. Fire service entry valves - indicating type. C. OS & Y Gate Valve 1. 2" and smaller: Bronze body, block pattem, screw over bonnet, solid wedge, resilient seated. 2. 2-l/2" through 12": Iron body, bolted bonnet, solid wedge, resilient seated. D. Check Valve 1. 12" and smaller: Swing pattern, iron body, bolted bonnet, horizontal swing, renewable seat and disc. C. Pipe and Pipe (Inside Building) o Fittings 1. Designed for 175 psig working pressure with manufacturer's name or brand and ASTM standard marked on each length of pipe. 2. Pipe: Schedule 40, black steel, ASTM A-53. Schedule 10, black steel, ASTM A-135. 3. Schedule 40 pipe joints: Threaded joints, welded joints, UL and fM approved mechanical grobv-ed couplings. Grooves shall be rolled or cut and shall be dimensionally compatible with coupling. 4. Schedule l0 pipe joints: Welded joints or UL and FM apprgved mechanical grooved couptihgs. Grooves shall be rolled (cut grooving will not be allowed) and shall be dimensionally compatible with coupling. 5. Grooving shall be performed in shop. Grooving of pipe in field will not be allowed. 6. Plain end or push-on fittings or couplings will not be allowed. 7. Black steel pipe shall have suitable protective coating. Sprinkler piping exposed to weather or used in corrosive atmosphere (where noted on drawings) shall be galvanized. Threaded fittings: 125 lb. cast iron or 150 lb. malleable iron. Flanged fittings: 125 lb. cast iron, short body. Gaskets: Full face, l/8" thick preniium grade red rubber. Flange bolts: Hexagon head machine bolts with heavy semifinished hexagon head nuts, cadmium plated' Welded fittings: Steel, standard weight, black; weld-o-let fittings for 3" or larger. Grooved couplings and mechanical fittings: Malleable iron, 500 psig working pressure, per ASTM A.47, tested and listed by UL and FM. a. Segmentally welded fittings will not be allowed. l-7554.01 15300-3 E. Drain Valve l. Bronze gate, block pattem, screw over bonnet, outside screw and yoke, solid wedge. 2. Bronze angle, fire protection valve, screw-in bonnet integral seat, renewable disc. 3. Fire protecfion trim valves, bronze straight or angle pattem globe, threaded, rubber disc, union bonnet. 2.04 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONMCTION A. 4" x 2-l/2" cast brass two-way inlet body with drop clappers, pin lug swivels, caps qrd chains, cast brass wall plate with Auto. Sprinkler lettering, polished chrome finish. Threads shall match local fire deparfinent requirements. 2.05 ALARMS A. At each location where called for on plans and where required by Fire Departnent provide approved retard type_electric flow alarm switch. Provide alarm bells as iequired b:y goveming code. Flow alarm switch shall have extra set of contacts for exfension by others to central alarm panel. B. Interior and exterior bell or hom: 12,24, or 120 volt, AC or DC. Exterior bell or strobe/horn shall be weatherproof. Locate outside alarms on walls of building l0'-0" above finished grade and above fire departnent connection. C. Flow switch: Vane type, 12,24, or 120 volt, AC or DC. D. Supervisory switches: 12,24, or 120 volts, AC or DC' 2.06 DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY A. Check valves shall have modular check assemblies with center stem guiding. Each check module shall have a captured spring and be accessible through a bolted cover. Valves shall have resilient discs and replaceable bronze seats. Furnish with U.L. and FM approved O.S. & Y resilient wedge inlet and outlet valves, test cocks. 2.07 SPRINKLERHEADS A. Temperature rating on fusible links shall suit specific hazard area with minimum margin of 50o F. B. Finished Ceilings: Standard pendant type with polished, chrome plated finish and matching escutcheon. C. Exposed Areas and Mechanical Rooms: Standard upright tWe with brass, finish. D. Sidewall: Sidewall type with brass finish and matching escutcheon. I 1 I I I I I I I t I t I 3 , i I T Il-7554.01 153004 I t I I t I I t ! ! I i t i I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Fire line entry valve shall have monitoring electrical switch for wiring to fire annunciating panel. B. Interior surfaces of piping and equipment shall be clean and free of dirt, loose scale, rust, other foreign material before installation. C. Sprinkler piping with welded outlets or connections shall be free of welding slag and cutouts, Welded fittings shall not protrude into path of water flow, Owner shall inspect pipe prior to installation. D. Coordinate exterior wall penetrations with Architect. E. Provide access to valves located above finished ceilings. F. Fire protection contractor shall review architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical drawings and modify fire protection shop drawings as required for proper coordination. Any fire protection work which impacts other trades must be reworked to the Owner/Architects satisfaction at no cost to the Owner. G. Coordinate with all other trades, Architect, Owner prior to installation. No compensation will be made for lack of coordination on the part of the fire protection contractor. Fire protection work shall not be installed in same confines as other trades. H. Contractor shall not fabricate or install any components or piping until he has assured himself that the piping can be installed as contemplated in cooperation with contractors of other trades of the work and physical constraints of the related trades. 3.02 SPRINKLERHEADS A. Install piping concealed above frmed ceilings and in joists to minimize obstructions. Expose only heads. B. Protect sprinkler heads against mechanical damage with standard guards. C. On wall near sprinkler valve, provide cabinet containing extra sprinkler heads of each type and wrench suitable for each head type. Stock of spare sprinklers shall be as follows: I . Up to 300 sprinklers installed - not fewer than 6 sprinklers of each type. D. Provide heads in pocketed areas caused by exposed duct, piping, or beams. E. Sprinkler head deflector distance from face of finished ceiling shall not exceed 3-112" . F. Locate sprinkler heads in cerfier of24" x24" ceiling tiles and in center or quarter points of 24" x 48" ceiling tiles. 3.03 FLUSHING A. Before permanently filling [site] fire water system with water and before connections are made to automatic sprinkler risers, flush all parts of system until water runs clear. r-7554.0r 15300-5 3.04 A. 3.05 A. TESTS AND INSPECTIONS Test piping with water under hydrostatic pressure of not less than 200 psig for duration of not less than two hours. IDENTIFICATION SIGNS AND CHARTS Fire protection conhol, drain, test valves shall have standard identification signs, painted fire red with white lettering. Attach signs to valve in conspicuous position. B. Provide framed 8-l/2" x I l" diagram showing location of fire sprinkler alarm zones at riser and at fire alarm control panel. C. Provide sign at riser indicating name and address offire protection contractor. Include design criteria and installation date' 3.06 FINAL INSPECTIONAND TESTING A. Upon completion and testing of installation, qspect system in presence of Owner and representative.of fire deparEnent. Correct defects or coordination conflicts and leave system 1n serylce. B. After system has been inspected and tested, fumish certificate, "Contractor's Material and Teit Certificate Sprinkler Systern - Water Spray System," signed by Contractor, Owner, fire deparfinent. Furnish copies to Architect and Owner, inspecting authorities. C. Sigrring of certificate by Owner shall in n9 way prejudice any claim against contractor foi faulty material, poor workrnanship, failure to comply with inspecting authority's requirements, or local ordinances. END OF SECTION I t I I I I I t I I I i t I I i I I Il-7554.01 15300-6 t I SECTION I54OO PLUMBINGPIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS I PARr'-.ENERALI 'o: ;"":',T:ffi?' l. Sanitarydrainageandventpiping. 2. Natural gas piping. I r.oz eUALITYASSURANcE r, A. Welding materials and labor shall conform to ASME code for pressure piprng and I applicable State Labor Regulations. B. Use welders firlly qualified and lice,nsed by state authorities. Furnish certification from I approved testinf dgency or National C;rtified Pipe Welding Bureau that welders I performing work are certified. ,i C. All piping materials shall comply with local codes. I l.o3 REFERENCE 'TANDARD': I A. ANSVASTM A126 - Gray hon Castings forValves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings. B. ANSVAWS D.l.l - Structural Welding Code. I C. FS WW-P-521 - Pipe Fittings, Flange Fittings, and Flanges: Steel and Malleable kon (Threaded and Butt Welding) Class 150. I PART2-PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPE AND TUBE I A. Steel Pipe: ANSVASTM A53, black. t B. CastlronSoilPipe: ANSVASTM AT4,coatd,serviceweight' J C. Hubless Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings: CISPI 301. ',4 I D. Copper Water Tube: ASTM 888-89, seamless. E. Brass Pipe: ANSVASTM B43, IPS 85 red brass. I F. CopperDrainageTube @WV): ASTM 8306-88. I 2.02 PIPE AND TUBE JOINTS AND FITTINGS t A. Threaded Pipe Fittings: Malleable hon, ANSVASME 816.3; Cast Iron Pipe Fittings, I ASTM A126; Class 125.'-t ) l-7554.01 15400-l I D. 2.03 A. B. B. Cast Iron Pipe Fittings: ANSVASTM A74, ASTM C564, rubber gasket joints. C. Ductile Iron Fittings and Joints: ANSVAWWA Cll0-77 and ANSVAWWA cttt/A2l.rl-79. Copper and Brass Pipe Fittings: ANSVASME 816.22, pressure fittings; ANSVASME B | 6.29, drainage fi ttings. UMONS AND COUPLINGS 2" and smaller: 125 psi cast iron for threaded fenous piping; bronze for copper or brass pipe, soldered joints. Dielectric Unions and Flanges: Epco or equal having proper gasket material for connection of dissimilar metals. Unions, 2" and smaller; dielectrically gasketed flanges, 2-l/2" mdlarger. I Il I t t TC. Pipe Reducers: Use reducers, not bushings, for changes in pipe sizes. 2.04 STRAINERS A. 2" and smaller: Ttreaded brass or iron body, Y pattem with l/32' stainless steel perforated screen. B. Screen free area: Minimum three times area of inlet pipe. PART 3 - DGCUTION 3.OI GENERAL A. Route piping in orderly manner and maintain proper slope. lnstall to conserye headroom and interfere as little as possible with use of space. Run exposed piping parallel to walls. Group piping whanwer practical at common elevations. Install concealed pipes close to building structure to keep funing to aminimum. B. Conceal piping in walls or above ceiling unless otherwise noted. C. Maintain following pipe slopes unless otherwise noted on drawings: 1. Building Drain Piping a. 3" and smaller: l/4" down per I '-0" in direction of flow.b. 4" and larger: l/8" down per I '-0" in direction of flow. D. Make reductions in horizontal water pipe with flat top eccentric reducing fittings. Make reductions in horizontal steam pipe with flat bottom eccentric reducing fittings. E. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe or connected equipment. F. Provide clearance for installation ofinsulation and for access to valves, air vents, drains, unions. G. Install same type piping material specified for inside building to 5'-0" outside building. I I I I I I T I T t I I1-7554.01 15400-2 I A H. Make connections to equipment with unions or flanges. 'Ir I. Use dielectric connecfions wherever joining dissimilar metals in open systems. I 3.02 PREPARATIoN I, A. Ream pipe and tube ends. Remove burrs. Bevel plain end ferrous pipe. I B. Remove scale and dirt, inside and outside, before assembly.- j C. Remove welding slag or foreign material from pipe and fitting materials.rI D. Close ends of pipe immediately after installation. Leave closure in place until removal is necessary for completion of installation. I E. Flush each piping system and prove clean. l, 3.03 STEELPTPECONNECTIONS t A. 2" and smaller - threaded. I B. Die cut threaded joints with firll cut standard taper pipe threads with ll2" wide white I Teflon pipe joint sealant tape applied to male threads only. t C. Use only malleable iron threaded pipe fittings for gas piping. I D. Use long radius elbows for water piping. | 3.M cAST IRoNPIPE coNNECTIoNSl A. Joints for Bell and Spigot Pipes: Neoprene gasketing system with "LubrilFast" liquid I neoprene lubricant. a- B. Joints for Plain End Pipe Above Grade: Stainless steel band tlpe gasket and clamp - mechanical fastener. I,r C. Use hubless piping above grade only. 1 3.05 coPPERPIPE coNNECTIoNSI A. Use 95% tjgi,, SVo antimony lead-fiee solder and ASTM B8l3-91 non-corrosive STM 1.0 I flux on joints. Apply flux on cleaned end of pipe and inside fittings with smooth even t coats. .- 3.06 APPLICATION OF PIPING SYSTEMS IIt' Silaae Material Natural Gas Steel, Schedule 40. I EquipmentDrainsandOverflowt fry#:, type M or DWV, hard t Sanitary Drain and Vent above slab-on-grade' 3HT;".*. DWV, hard drawn; l-7554.01 l I 15400-3 o Service o Material I I I I I I ! t T t I I I I I I I Sanitary Drain and Vent below slab-on-grade Cast iron. inside building. Domestic Water, unburied. Domestic Water exposed at fxtures. Copper, type L, hard drawn. Searnless brass pipe, chrome plated. 3.07 A. PIPETESTING General 1. Test all piping systems. Correct leaks by remaking joints. Remove equipment not able to withstand test pressure from system during test. Consult governing codes for special system requirements. 2. Give ample notice of dates when acceptance test will be conducted. Conduct pressure, performance, operating tests in presence of representativ_e of agencies having judsdiction, Submit three copies of successful test reports to Owner. 3. Test piping before being permanently enclosed. 4. Obtain certificates of approval, acceptance, compliance with regulations of agencies having jurisdiction. Submit to Owner. System Tests 1. Hydrostatic test - water piping: Hand pump system to greater of 100 psig gr 150% of operating pressure. Maintain pressure until system has been inspected for leaks but not less than four hours. 2. After testing a hydronic system for proper operation of automatic devices and confiols, operate system for one week, then drain and wash out with pre-start-up cleaning chemicals. Clean strainer baskets, refill system, leave in proper working order. After system has been in operation for one monfl:, thoroughly check system and devices for water leakage. 3. Compressed air or nitrogen test: Subject piping system to r,equired gas pressure withbil free air or nitrogen. System shall maintain pressure for duration of soapy water test of each joint. a. Natural gas piping: Test pressure of 100 psig for 4 hours or test pressure of 60 psig or above for 24 hours showing no pressure drop except that gaused by temperature changes, Do not use flame or other liquid for testing. Do not repair defects in gas piping or fittings; remove and replace with sound material. Waste, drain, vurt piping: Fill system with water to point of overflow but not less than l0'-0" head. Maintain water level for 4 hours. B. C. I Il -7554.01 END OF SECTION 154004 I I I PARrI -GENERAL SECTION 154I0 PLUMBINGEQUIPMENT I.OI WORKINCLUDED "a;I A. Cleanout. -B. Shock arrester.ra C. Domestic waterheater. f, D. Sanitary sewer service connections. a E. Water service connection. t F. Natural gas service connection.I * G. Chlorination of domestic waterpiping. I H. Wall hydrant. Sl I. Relief valve.r '' J. Reducedpressurebackflowpreventer. t r.oz suBMrrrALSI/-A. Fumish manufacturefs submittal data for: I t 1 I l. Cleanout. 2. Shock arrester. 3. Domestic water heater. 4. Wall hydrant. 5. Relief valve. I B. Reducedpressurebackflowpreventer. - PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.or ACCEPTABLET\{ANUFACTURER' I A. Cleanout, Shock Arrester, Floor, Drain, Wall Hydrant l. Josam 2. Precision Plumbing Products 3. J.R. Smith 1-7554.01 I T 15410-l Wade Woodford Zurn B. Domestic Water Heater l. A.O. Smittt 2. MOR-FLO/American 3. Ruud 4. State C. Pressure-TemperatureReliefValve l. A. W. Cash 2. Watts D. Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer 1. Beeco 2. Febco 3. Watts 2.02 FLOOR, WALL, SURFACE CLEANOUT A. Floor Cleanout: Round, cast iron body wittr recessed bronze closure plug, scoriated polished bronze frame and cover plate, Josam 5600. B. Wall Cleanout: Cleanout tee with raised head brass plug tapped for l/4"-20 thread, flat style chrome plated wall cover plate with holes for ll4" bolt, l/4"-20 threaded bolt with chrome plated flat head Josam 58790. C. Surface Cleanout Cast iron body with raised head brass plug, light duty cast iron manhole cover and 13" diameter ring, Josam 58860. 2.03 SHOCKARRESTER A. Piston type with double "O" ring seal, male thread inlet. 2.04 FLOORDRAIN A. Provide floor drains with P-trap same size as floor drain unless otherrvise noted. B. FD-l Boiler and Mechanical Rooms 1. Round cast iron, medium duty, shallow body drain with flashing collar, tractor tlpe non-tilt slotted grate, bottom waste outlet flashing clamp, Josam 36000. I I I I T I I I I T t t I t I I I I t 4. 5. 6. l-7554.01 t5410-2 I a 2.05 DOMESTIC WATERHEATER - GAS I A. Heater: ASHRAE 90-89 Energy Efficiency Standards, AGA approved, atrnospheric burner, temperature control, safety pilot, P & T reliefvalve. I B. Combustion efficiency shall be not less than 80 percent. . crorage tank: Glass lined, magnesium anode for cathodic protection, three year warranty.I. 2.06 WALL }IYDRANT t l. WH-l: Exposed non-freeze type, all brass with chrome plated face plate, "T" I handle loose key, integral vacuum breaker, selfdraining body and shank, exposed 314" male thread outlet, 3/4" male or female tluead inlet, renewable seat, shank length sufficient to prevent freezing, Woodford Model 60.. ' 2.07 PRESSURE/TEMPERATURERELIEFVALVE I A. Fully automatic, all bronze, test lever and extension, thermostatic element, temperatureI relief setting at 210 F, pressure setting at 150 psig, ASME construction, Watts Model l0L-2. | 2.08 BACKFLOWPREVENTER r\ A. RPBP-II, .at 1. Reduced pressure type, all bronze with two independently operating, springJoaded check valves and one hydraulic differential relief valve with automatic intermediate I annospheric vent. Pressure in intermediate zone shall activate relief valve when.'l there is 3 psi differential between zone and upstream side of first check valve. Relief valve shall remain open until positive pressure differential is reestablished. I Fumish with resilisnt seated inlet and outlet valves, in-line straineg test cocks,| $"tloHiti".ElJ,:HtJJJ,?"ltE""JHft National Sanitary Foundation' u'S'c' ] PART3-EXECUTION a 3.ol INSTALLATToN !A. Lubricate cleanout plugs with mixture of graphite and linseed oil. At completion of f work, remove cleanout plugs, relubricate, reinstall using only enough force to ensure t permanent leakproofjoint. I B. krstall shock arresters, with isolation valve in accessible location, in domestic water I piping system where shown and where hydrostatic shock pressures could occur. 1| C. Provide fow pound sheet lead flashing for vent and/or waste stacks passing through roof. I Extend sheet lead into roof construction at least 12" from pipes. Extend flashing up around pipe, turn into pipe, caulk. T l I t-7554.01 15410-3 3.02 A. 3.03 A. SERVICE CONNECTIONS Before commencing work check invert elevations required for sanitary sewer connectiorL confirm inverts can be connected with proper slope for drainage and cover to avoid freezing. CHLORINATION OF DOMESTIC WATER LINE Sterilize domestic water system after pressure tests have been completed. Flush entire system, intoduce chlorine or hypochlorite to not less than 50 ppm residual chlorine. Let stand for 24 hours minimum. Collect samples from various taps and fixtures throughout system to assure uniform distribution. Test for residual chlorine at point furttrest from where chlorine was introduced. If less than l0 p'pm repeat chlorination process' Flush system with clean water until chlorine content is reduced to I ppm. After flushing has been completed provide laboratory report of bacteriological tests on samples taken from system. Repeat sterilization process until satisfactory tests are obtained and approved by Health Departrnent. System shall not be put into service until such approval has been obtained. END OF SECTION I I I I t I I I I t t t B. C. D. t T Il t I It-7554.0r 154104 I I SECTION 15,+40 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM I PARrI -cENERAL I.OI WORKINCLUDED I A. Plumbing fixtures and nim. t r.02 SUBMITTALS I A. Fumish manufacturer's submittal data for fixtures and trim. I 1.03 GENERALREQUIREMENTS A. Plumbing fixnues and trim shall be new, t5pe "A" qudity. I B. Fixtures shall be white "nless specified otherwise. C. Visible parts of fixture brass and accessories shall be chrome plated or stainless steel. t D. Extemal finishes on lavatory, tub, sink, or shower trim shall not be chrome plated plastic unless so specified. I E. Fixtures shall be product ofone manufacturer unless specified otherwise. .- F. Fumish all fixture trim and appurtenances by same manufacturer. I l.o4 JoB coNDrrroNs I A. Check millwork shop drawings. Confirm location and size of fixtrues and openings I before rough-in and installation. -, PART2-PRODUCTS ] 2.or ACcEPTABLEMANUFACTURERS I A. Water Closet, Urinal, Lavatory 1. American Standard l 2. Eljer t 3. Kohler -' B. Sink t l. Stainless Steel I f,. i,lf'c. Stanadyne t C. Mop Service Basin o t I r-75s4.0r 1. Fiat 15,140-1 D. Electic Water Cooler, Drinking Formtain I t I I T t I I I T o Williams2. Stern- G. Supply and Drain Fittings Cordley Elkay Haws Oasis American Standard Chicago Faucet DeltaWorkforce Eljer Kohler Moen Sani-Stream American Standaxd Brass Craft Deartom Eljer Kohler Wolverine l. 2. +- E. Toilet Seat l. Bemis2. Beneke3, Church4. Olsonite F. LavatoryandSinkSupplyFaucet l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. l. 2, 4. ). 6. H. Food Waste Drsposal In-Sink-Erator National WasteKing Fixture Carier 1. Josam2. J.R, Smitlt3. Wade4. Zum WATERCLOSET WC-l Floor Mounted, Tank T1pe, Siphon Jet 1. Vitreous chin4 floor mounted, siphon jet elongated bowl, close-coupled tank, 2-l/4" passageway, two bolt caps, back flow prev€ntff water contol with volume regulator, flush valve tiplever, 1.6 GPF, loose key angle stops with flex tube supply and wall escutcheorL Kohler Model K-3420. 1.) I I I I I l I I 2.02 A. It-75s4.01 t544U2 I T I T 2. Seat: Tlpe 1. B. WC-l (Handicapped Accessible) FloorMounted, Tank Type, Siphon Jet, Handicapped 1. Vitreous china, 18" high, floor mounted, siphon jet, elongated bowl, close-coupled larlk, 2-ll4 passageway, two bolt caps, backflow preventer water control with volume regulator, flush valve triplever, 1 GPF, loose key angle stops and flex tube supply with wall escutcheon, Kohler Model K-5544. 2. Seat: Type 1. I z.o3 roILEr sEAr I A. t*" tl l. Elongated open front, less cover, high impact solid plastic, commercial weight, stainless steel hinee posts. self-sustainine check hinse. Color shall match fixture, Olsonite Model I steel hinge posts, selfl Model l0-CC. :-sustaining check hinge. Color shall match fixture, 2.04 URINAI a A. UR-l WallMounted, Washout I I I I t I 1. Vitreous chin4 wall mounted, washout, 3/4" top inlet spud, flushing rim, extended stall sides, 2" outlet, wall hangers, open frap-way with visible water surface, back and sidewall wash, 1.0 GPF. Provide hanger plate with bottom bearing plate and support legs, Kohler K4960-T.. 2. Supply Trim: Type l. I 2.0s URINALTRIM - A. Type 1: Urinal, Siphon Jet L Exposed type flush valve, quiet action, all brass, oscillating handle, 3/4" screwdriver angle stop with protective cap, vacuum breaker, 3/4" flushing connection with tailpiece, spud coupling for 314" top spud, wall spud flange, 1.0 GPF, SloanModel 187. 2.06 LAVATORY I A. L-l zo'x 17" oval, countertop 1. Vitreous china, 20" x 17", self-rimming oval countsrtop lavatory, front overflow, fitting ledge, template, sealant. Faucet holes on 4" centers, Kohler Model K-2195. 2. Trim: Tlpe l. I 2.07 LAVAT.RYTRIM t A. Type 1: Center Set Faucet, Open Grid Drain r-7554.01 I I 15440-3 L All brass one piece supply faucet with ceramic cartridge, l/2" male thread inlets on 4" centers with coupling nuts, 3-ll2" spout with 1/2 GPM aerator outlet, 6" single lever handle, Delta Model 523-WFIIDF. 2. Open grd brass drain assembly with l-l/4" tailpiece. 3. Flex tube supply pipes, compression type loose key stops, wall escutcheons. a. 1-114" cast brass union joint P-hap with cleanout, waste to wall, wall escutcheon. 2.08 SINK A. S-1 Stainless Steel, Double Compartnent l. 18 gauge type 3M stainless steel, 19" x 25" O.D., double compartne'lrt 7-ll2" deep, self-rimming ledge-back, thoroughly sound deadene{ 3 -hole punching for faucet, Just Model DL-1925-A-GR.. 2. Trim: Type l. B. MSB-I Mop Service Basin, Terrazzo; Square 1. Pre-cast terrazza,24" x24" x 12" front drop,3u brass drain, nickel bronze strainer, stainless steel guards on exposed sides, Fiat Model TSB-3000. 2. Trim: Wall mounted 24" above top ledge of basin, all brass supply fauceq 10" spout with wall brace, 3/4" male hose thread outlet and vacuum breaker, lever handles, loose key stops in shanks, wall flanges, l/2" fsmale thread inlets. 2.09 SINKTRM A. Type 1: Double Comparfrnent Sink Fitting, Low Profile Swing Spout with Spray l. All brass concealed type zupply faucet with ceramic cartidge, 1/2" male thread inlet with coupling nuts, one piece top cover escutch@n, 8" low profile swing spout with 3 GPM aerator outlet 4" handle, Delta Model 100. 2. One3-l/2" diarneter stainless steel basket tlpe strainer with rubber seat stopper and l-1l2" tailpiece. 3. l-L/Z" castbrass end outlet continuous waste with cast brass, flow directing,l-1l2" tailpiece with 3/4" Y-connection for dishwasher waste. 4. Flex supply pipes, compression type loose key stops, wall escutcheons. 2.IO FOOD WASTE DISPOSAL A. llzlJP,120-l-60, stainless steel grinding chamber, stainless steel shredder, stainless steel stopper with antisplash baftle, sound absgrbjry outer shcll, mo-tor overload protection, plug and cord accessory, 5 year warranty, ln-Sink-Erator, Model 333. 2.II ELECTRIC WATER COOLER A. EWC-I Electric Water Cooler, Wall Mounted I T I t t I t I I I I I I I I l t I It-7554.01 r54404 I I I l, I I I I I I I l. Stainless steel antisplash basin, heavy-gauge painted steel front and side panels (color selected by Architect), high splash-back, brass bubbler, automatic stream confiol and push-button valve, brass strainer, 36" high x 18" wide x 9" deep. Wall mounted with steel backing plate. Capacity: 8.5 GPH, 50 F outlet water temperature at 90 F room temperahre and 80 F inlet water temperatwe. Angle stop with flex tube supply pipe, l-l/2" 17 gauge tubular brass P-trap with cleanout, wznte to wall, wall 6scuicheon. 20A grounded receptacle mounted on inside of back cover. Haws Model HWCAB. PART 3 - DGCUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Set fixtures tue and level so as not to affect installation or cause undue stress on fixture causing cracks or ruptures. B. Protect fixtures against use and damage during construction. C. Install each fixture with tap, easily removable for servicing and cleaning. D. Install wall mounted fixtures with suitable wall cariers. E. Attach floor mounted water closets to floor with hex expansion shield or cast iron closet flanee. Install hoses, faucets, hose connections with vacuum breakers. Install fixtures at mounting height and with clearances as detailed on the Architectural drawings. Install handicap accessible fixtures at mounting height and with clearances per applicable codes. At completion thoroughly clean plumbing fixtrues and trim. END OF SECTION F. G. I I I I I I I I r-7554.0r 1s440-5 t T SECTION 155I0 HYDRONIC PIPING SYSTEMS I PART I -GENERAL 7 1.ol RELATED SECTIoNS t A. Section 15511 - Radiant Floor Piping.I I.O2 SECTION INCLUDEStt A. Pipe and pipe fittings, including valves. I B. Hydronic specialties. It c. HVAC pumps. I D. Cleaning and chemical treatment of systems.a 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE !, A. Manufacturer; For each product specified, provide components by same manufacturerv throuehout. rtvJs: Indicate manufacturer's name and pressure rating on valve body.lB.va C. Tanks and Air Separators: Tested and stamped in accordance with Section 8D of I ANSVASTM Boilers and Pressure Vessels Code.!1.04 SIIBMITTALS t A. Shop Drawings: Submit for manufactured assemblies and include system and controls scnematlcs. I B. Product Data: Provide data on specialties, including manufacturers catglogI information, chemical treafinent materials, chemicals, and equipment. Submit certified pump performance and NPSH curve. I C. Operation and Maintenance Instuctions: Include installation instruction, spare parts lists, procedures, and treatneirt programs, 1 D. Submit manufacture/s field r€port on start-up of treatment systems and include'- analysis of system water after cleaning and heatment. I 1.05 MAINTENANCEt ^ A. Provide one extra set of mechanical seals for pumps- I B. Provide service and maintenance of treatrnent systems for one year from Date of- Substantial Completion. Detail findings in writing. Submit two copies of report after I eachvisit. t C. Provide sufficient chemicals for treatment and tesfing during warranty period. Jl I r-7ss4.0r 15510-l PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,OI HEATINGWATERPIPING A. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Schedule 40, black, malleable iron or forged steel fittings, screwed or welded joints. B. Copper Tubing: ASTM B88, Type L, hard drawn, cast brass or wrought copper fittings, Grade 95TA solder joints. 2.02 EQUTPMENT DRATNS AND OVERFLOWS A. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Schedule 40, black, malleable iron or forged steel fittings, screwed or welded joints. B. Copper Tubing: ASTM B88, Type L, hard drawn, cast brass or wrought copper fittings, Grade 95TA solder joints. C. PVC Pipe: ASTM D1785, Schedule 40, solvent weld joints. D. ABS Pipe: ASTM D2680 orD275l, solvent weld joints. 2.03 FLANGES, I-INIONS, AND COI.JPLINGS A. Pipe Size 2 Inches and Under: 150 psig malleable iron unions for tbreaded ferrous piping; bronze unions for copper pipe, solderedjoints. B. Grooved and Shouldered Pipe End Couplings: Malleable iron housing, C-shape elastomer composition sealing gasket, steel bolts, nuts, and washers. 2.04 GATE VALVES A. Manufacturers: l. Conbraco. 2, Watts Regulator. 3. Lukenheimer. B. Up to 2 Inches: Bronze body, bronze trim, non-rising stem, handwheel, inside screw, single wedge or disc, solder or threaded ends. 2.O5 CONTROL VAIVES A. Manufacturers: L JohnsonContols. 2. HoneYwell. 3. Bell & Gossett. B. Up to 2 lnches: Bronze body, bronze tri4, ri,sing stem and handwheel, inside screw, renewable composition disc, solder ends, with backseating capacity. I I I ! I I I I I I t I I I I t I I t1-7554.01 15510-2 I t I I l I I t I t I I I o handwhee I I I I 1 t C. Over 2lnches: Iron body, bronze trim, rising stem, flanged ends, renewable seat and disc. 1, OS&Y, plug-type disc, 2.06 BALL VALVES A. Manufacturers: l. Conbraco. 2. Watts Regulator Co. 3. Milwaukee Valve Co. B. Up to 2 Inches: Bronze or stainless steel one piece body, stainless steel ball, teflon se-ats and stuffing box ring, lever handle, solder ends. 2.07 PLUG COCKS A. Manufacturers: 1. Dezurik. 2. Henry Pratt Co. 3. Keystone Valve. B. Up to 2 lnches: Bronze body, bronze tapered plug, non-lubricated, teflon packing, threaded ends. 2.O8 SWING CHECKVALVES A. Manufacturers: l. Lukenheimer. 2. Honeywell. 3. Keystone. B. Up to 2 Inches: Bronze swing disc, solder or screwed ends. 2.09 SPRING LOADED CHECK VALVES A. Manufacturers: L Keystone. 2. Metraflex. 3. Val-Matic. B. Iron body, bronze trim, stainless steel spring, renewable composition disc, screwed, wafer or flanged ends. 1-7554.01 15510-3 o 2.IO RELIEF VALVES A. Manufacfurers: l. Watts Regulator Co. 2. Bell & Gossett. 3. Wilkins/Zum. B. Bronze body, teflon seat, stainless steel siem and springs, automatic, direct pressure actuated, capacities ASME certified and labelled. 2.II DIAPHRAGM-TYPECOMPRESSIONTANKS A. Manufacturers: l. Bell & Gossett. 2. Watts Regulator Co. 3. Amtrol. B. Construction: Welded steel, tested and stamped in accordance with Section 8D of ANSIASME Code; rated for working pressure of 125 psig, with flexible diaphragm sealed into tank, and steel legs or saddles. C. Accessories: Pressure gauge and air-charging fitting. 2.12 AIRVENTS A. Manufacturers: l. Amtrol. 2. Bell & Gossett. 3. HoneYwell. B. Manual Type: Short vertical sections of 2 inch diameter pipe to form air chamber, with 1/8 inch brass needle valve at top of chamber. C. Float Type: Brass or semi-steel body, copper float, stainless steel valve and valve seat; suitabld ior system operating temperature and pressure; with isolating valve. 2.13 STRAINERS A. Manufacturers: l. Amtrol. 2. Honeywell. 3. Spirax Sarco. I I T I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I Il-7554.01 15510-4 loo - B. Size 2 inch and Under: crewed brass or iron body for 175 psig working pressure, Y I pattem with l/32 inch stainless steel perforated screen' 2.14 RADIATORVALVES I A. Manufacturers: I l. Bell & Gossett. - 2. Honeywell. I 3. Johnson Controls. B. Angle or straight pattern, rising stem, inside screw ball valve for 125 psig working I pre"ss*", wittr-Uronze UoOy an-d integral union for screwed connections, renewable t iomposiiion disc, plastic wfieel handle-for shut-offservice, and lock-shield key cap andv set screw memory bonnet for balancing service. I zrs HVACPUMPS . A. Manufacturers:- U L Bell&Gossett. - 2. Taco. !r 3. Grunde Foss. I B. General Construction Requirements:I 1. Balance: Rotating parts, statically and dynamically'It 2. Construction: To permit sewicing without breaking piping or motor connections' ,l 3. Pump Motors: Operate at 1750 rpm unless specified otherwise' I 4. Pump Connections: Flanged. I C. In-Line Circulators: l. Type: Horizontal shaft, single stage, direct-connected, with resiliently mounted -. mdtor for inline mountin!, oil -lubricated, for 125 psig maximum working t Press're' ,r Z. Construction: Cast iron casing, cadmium plated steel inlPelfe_r keyed to shaft, I - n"o oil lubricated bronze sleevi bearings, dlloy steel shaft with sleeve, integral a thrust collar, mechanical seal. I 216 cHEMIcAL TREATMENT A. System Cleaner: Liquid alkaline compound with emulsifuing agents and detergents' I B. Closed System Treatment (Water): - l. Sequestering agent to reduce deposits and adjust pH' t I l-7s54.01 15510-5 o on inhibi I I I 2. Corrosi tors. 3. Conductivityenhancers. By-pass Pot Feeder: Two quart with quick opening cap. Provide test kits for: l. Alkalinitytitration. 2. Chloride titration. 3. Total hardness titration. 4. Lowphosphate. 5. Conductivity bridge, range 0 - 10,000 microhms. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Route piping in orderly manner, plumb and parallel to building structure, and maintain gradient. Install piping to conserve building space, and not interfere with use ofspace and other work. Group piping whenever practical at corffnon elevations. B. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe, joints, or connected equipment. C. Provide clearance for installation of insulation, and access to valves and fittings. D. Slope piping and arrange systems to drain at low points. Use eccentric reducers to maintain top of pipe level. E. Install specialties and equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions to p ermit intended performance. F. Support tanks inside building from building structure. G. Provide manual air vents at system high points. H. For automatic air vents in ceiling spaces or other concealed locations, provide vent tubing to nearest drain. I. Provide air separator on suction side of system circulation pump and connect to expansion tank. J. Provide valved drain and hose connection on strainer blow down connection, K. Provide radiator valves on water outlet to terminal heating units such as radiatiorq unit heaters, and fan coil unit. Provide radiator balancing valves on water outlet from terminal heating units. low pressure side of reducing valves, heat c. D, L. Provide relief valves on pressure tanks, exchangers, and expansion tanks. 1-7554.01 I I I I I I I I t I I I l I I I15510-6 I I I I I I I I t I t I T I I t I I I M. Select system relief valve capacity so that it is greater than make-up pressure reducing valve capacity. Select equipment relief valve capacity to exceed rating of connected equipment. Pipe relief valve outlet to nearest floor drain. N. Ensure pumps operate at specified system fluid temperatures without vapor binding and cavitation, are non-overloading in parallel or individual operation, and operate within 25 percent of midpoint of published maximum efficiency cuwe. O. Change line size with reducing fittings. Support piping adjacent to pump such that.no weiglit is ca:ried on pump casings. For close coupled or base mourted pumps, provide supports under elbows on pump suction and discharge line sizes 4 inches and over. P. Provide line sized shut-off valve and strainer on pump suction, and line sized check valve and balancing valve on pump discharge. 3.02 APPLICATION A. Use grooved mechanical couplings and fasteners only in accessible locations. B. Install unions downstream ofvalves and at equipment or apparatus connections. C. Install ball valves for shut-off and to isolate equipment, part of systems, or vertical risers. D. Install ball valves for throttling, bypass, or manual flow control services. E. Use plug cocks for throttling service. Use non-lubricated plug cocks only when shut-offfor isolating valves are also provided. F. Provide 314 inch ball drain valves at main shut-off valves, low points of piping, bases ofvertical risers, and at equipment. 3.03 CLEANING SEQUENCE A. After completion, fill, start, and vent prior to cleaning. Use water meter to record capacity in each system. Place terminal control valves in open position dwing cleaning. B. Add cleaner to closed systems at concentration as recommended by manufacturer. C. Hot Water Heating Systems: Apply heat while circulating, slowly raising temperature to 160 degrees F andmaintain for 12 hours minimum. Remove heat and circulate to 100 degrees F or less; drain systems as quickly as possible and refill with clean water. Circulate for 6 hours at design temperatures, then drain. Refill with clean water and repeat until system cleaner is removed. D. Use neutralizer agents on recommendation of system cleaner supplier and approval of Architect/Engineer. E. Remove, clean, and replace stainer screens. Inspect, remove sludge, and flush low points with clean watei after cleaning process is completed. lnclude disassembly of components as required. 1-7554.01 155 l0-7 o SYSTEM TREA3.04 A. 3.05 E)CANSION TANK SCHEDULE A. See Drawings. END OF SECTION Provide one bypass feeder on each system. Install isolating and drain valves and necessary piping. Install around globe valve downstream ofcirculating pumps unless indicated otherwise. Introduce closed syste,m treatment through bypass feeder when required or indicated by test. B. r-7554.01 15510-8 4. I T I I I t t I I I I I t 1 I t I t I PART 1 1.01 A. r.02 A. B. SECTION 155II RADIANT HEATING PIPING - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Conhact, including General.and Supplementary Conditi6ns andOivisi6n I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes radiant heating piping, including pipes' fittings, special-duty valves, and piping specialties. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: l. DivisionT Section "Joint Sealants" for materials and methods for sealing pipe penetrations through basement walls, and fire and smoke barriers. 2. Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods" for general piping connections and connection methods. Division 15 Section "Valves" for general-duty gate, globe, ball, butterfly, check valves applicable to this Section. Division 15 Section "Meters and Gauges" for thermometers, flow meters, pressure gauges. 5. Division 15 Section "Hangers and Supports" forpipe supports. 6. Division 15 Section "Mechanical Identification" for labeling and identifying radiant heating piping. 7. Division 15 Section "Hydronic Piping" for pipes and connections to hydronic systems. 8. Division 15 Section "HVAC Pumps" for pumps, motors, and accessories for hydronic systems. 9. Division 15 Section "Control Systems Equipment" for temperature-control valves and sensors. 10. Division 15 Section "Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing" for testing, adjusting, and balancing radiant heating piping. I.O3 SYSTEMDESCRIPTION A. Radiant hg{ing piping is. an all-water heating system. .Pinine,gqecified in this Section includes direci-rerum prymg mcorporatingi nianufactured dishibution headers and piping toopr installed iri iafs or flobrs, coinected to heating and pumping equipment specified in other Sections. 1-7554.01 15511 - 1 I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit each item in this Adicle according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division I Specification Sections. B. Product Data for each radiant heating piping specialty and special-duty valve specified, including rated capacities of selected models and installation instructions. C. Shop Drawings showing piping layout and types of valves, manifolds, and controls, anchorage details, conditions requiring accessories, and other specialties' D. Coordination Drawings, including floor plans and sections drawn to scale. Submit with Shop Drawings. Show tubing layout and relationships between components and adjabant structural and mechanical elements. Sho-w support locations, tlpe of support, and weight on each support. Indicate and certify field measurements. I.O5 COORDINATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of piping with building and stuctural components. B. Coordinate thickening of slabs where required for adequate encasement of radiant heating piping components. C. Revise locations and elevations from those indicated as required to suit field conditions and assure integrity ofpiping and as approved by Architect. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requireme,nts, provide products by one of the following: l. Plastic Ball Valves: a. Heatlink USA Inc. 2. DisEibutionManifolds: a. Dan Ross, Inc.b. HeatlinkUSAInc.c. Heatway, Inc.d. Vanguard Plastics, Inc.e. Wirsbo Co. 3. Mixing Valves: a. Heatlink USA Inc. 4. Conhols: a. HeatlinkUSA Inc.b. Tekmar Control Systems Ltd. c. Wirsbo Co. t l I il I I T I I I I I I I t I I I Ir-7554.01 t55ll - 2 t I 5. Thermostats: I f;. F:#'f."":*iTvstems Ltd. r c. Wirsbo Co. Ir 2,02 PIPES AND TTIBES t A. Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Plastic: ASTM F 876 or ASTM F 877 for service at I 100 psig and 180 deg F. n l. Fittings: Copperorbrasscompressiontlpe. I 2.03 PTPTNG 'PECTALTTESI A. Base Elements: Polystyrene plastic sheet with formed pipe channels or clips. t B. Pipe Tracks: Molded plastic with pipe supports permitting pipe spacing at 2-inch (50- I mm) intervals. t C. Track Staples; Staple with hooks for fastening to polystyrene plastic. I D. Tie Straps: Nylon.I E. Heat-Transfer Plates: Formed metal. ! F. Conduit Elbows: High-impact molded plastic, internal diameter sized for piping. - G. Expansion Stripping: Flexible joint to protect wall from concrete, allow expansion, I and reduce sound transmission. 2.04 SPECIAL.DUTY VALVES I A. Plastic Ball Valves: 87 psig cold working pressure (CW?), 160 deg F maximum operating temperature, full port design, chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) body I and ball, PTFE seats, EPDIvI seals, tee handle; threaded, socket, or union connections. I 2.05 RADIANT HEATING SPECIALTIES J A. Distribution Manifolds: Brass; enameled; with 2-way control valve (one/off), maint shutoff and balancing valves with thermometers, zone shutoff and balancing valves with flow meter, and identification plate. I L Mixing Valves: 87 psig CWP, 160 degF maximum operating temperature, CPVC or cast-bronze body, EPDM seals, threaded connections, 3 or 4 way as- noted on the drawings.. '' 2. Circulation Pump: Bronze fitted or stainless steel, in-line mounted at manifold. I B. Controls: Modular controller allows control of loop valves by space thermostats, withI connections forpump relay; with 24-V,4D'Atransformer. I l. Thermostats: Standard}4Y,3wire. I i t_7554.01 15511 _ 3 I Z. Indoor/Outdoor: Controller regulates supply water temperature ttuough 3- or 4- way valve, as a function of supply water tunperature and outdoor temperature; 24V. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install piping and equipment as indicated, according to manufacturefs written instructions. B. Run piping from manifolds without joints. C. lnstall piping in concrete floors by tying to concrete reinforcing using tie straps. D. Provide conduit elbows where pipes penetrate concrete flooring. E. Space piping as per manufacturer's layout. F. Install piping with bending radius not less than recommended by piping manufacturer. G. Locate manifolds in accessible locations and behind access panels as indicated. H. Identiff room served and loop number, when more than one loop serves one room, on manifold with identification tags provided with manifold. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Preparation: Prepare piping as follows: l. Flush with clean water. Clean strainers. 2. Isolate equipment not subjected to test pressure. 3. Install relief valve set at a pr€ssure no more than one-third higher than test pressure. B. Testing: Test piping as follows: 1. Subject piping to hydrostatic test pressure that is not less than 1.5 times the design Pressure. 2. After hydrostatic test pressure has-been applied &r at.least l0 minutes, gxamine pipi1g, joints, and.connections for leakage. .Eliminale leaks-by tightening, reparnng, or replacing components as appropriate, and repeat hydrostatic test until there are no leaks. 3. Prepare written report of testing, 3.03 CLEANING A. Clean and flush piping. Remove, clean, and replace strainer screens. After cleaning and flushing ttre fiilinf, but before balancing, remove disposable fine-mesh strainers in pump suction diffusers. I l I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t t l1-7554.01 l55ll - 4 I I 3.04 ..MMISSI.NING I A. Fill system and perform initial chemical treatnent. t B. Check expansion tanks to detemrine that they are not air bound and that systern is - completely full of water. I C. Perform these steps before operating the system: I I Open valves to tully open position. Close coil bypass valves. 2. Remove and clean strainers. | 3. Set automatic fill valves for required system pressure. 4. Check air vents and determine if all are operating freely (automatic type) or bleed t air completely (manual type). 5. Check operation of automatic valves. I I END oF sEcrIoN I I I I t-7554.01 t, I I I I I 15511 - 5 I I I PARr l -GENERAL sEcrIoN 15555 BOILERS 1.OI SECTION INCLUDES t A. Boilers. B. lndoor-outdoorconffoller.I t C. Collector, and chimney connection. I D. Circulator. !E. Expansion tank. t, I r.o2 SUBMTTTALS A. See Section 15010 - Basic Mechanical Requirements.I f B. Product Data: Provide data on boilers, circulators, expansion tanks, conhols, and wiring diagrams. ! C. Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Include relevant instructions. I 1.03 QUALITY ASSTJRANCE f A. ConformtoANSVAGA zzl.l3forboilerconstruction. I B. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing the product specified with I minimum three years experience. D C. Units: AGA certified,UL labelled. t PART2-PRoDUcrs I z.ot PACKAGED Hor wATER BorLERsr A. Manufacturers: I l. Lochinvar Model: See drawings. I 2. Or as approved. I B. Firured Tube Boilers: Induced draft with horizontal grid, sealed combustion, finned tube heat exchanger, gas burning system, refractory combustion chamber, controls, and boiler trim. l. Heat Exchanger: Finned copper tubes for maximum working pressure of 160 pslg. 2. Combustion Chamber: Interlocking refractory panels in insulated galvanized steel jacket with baked enamel finish. I r-75s4.01 I I t 15555-t C. Trim: l. Combination water pressure and temperature gauge. 2. ASME rated pressure relief valve. 3. Low water cut-off with manual reset. 4. High limit temperature controller. 5. Boiler air vent. 6. Operating temperature controller with outdoor reset. See Section 15900 - Controls. D. Burner Operation: On-offfire position for ignition. l. Gas Bumer: Forced draft t1rye with intermittent spark ignition. E. Performance: See schedule on drawings. 2.02 CIRCULATORS A. See Section 15510 - Hydronic Piping Systems. 2.03 DIAPHRAGMTYPEE)GANSIONTANKS A. See Section 15510 - Hydronic Piping Systems. 2.O4 TYPE B GAS VENTS A. Tested and UL listed, with inner pipe of sheet aluminum and outer pipe of galvanized sheet steel. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacture/s instnrctions. B. Provide for connection to electrical service. C. Provide connection ofgas service. D. Pipe relief valves to nearest floor drain. E. Install circulator and diaphragm expansion tank on boiler. F. lnstall breeching and chimney with positive slope back to appliance. G. Install chimneys with raincaps. Provide slip joints perrritting removal of appliances without removal or dismantling of chimney. H. Provide field representative for starting unit and training operator. I I I I l I T I I T I I I I I l t t It-7554.01 15555-2 oI "'^ '::"J#",, I END oF sECrIoN T I I I I I t I T I I I I I I I L-7ss4.0r 15555-3 II iHl"ilT':" I PARrl -cENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES I A. Fitters - B. Ductwork and ductwork accessories. I c. volume contol dampers I D. Fire/smoke dampersrE. Flexible duct connections I F. Diffirsers, boots, registers, and grilles G. Louvers I r.o2 suBMrrrALS I A. Shop Drawings: Provide for manufactured products and assemblies. !' B. Product Data: Include for manufactured products and assemblies. ! C. Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Include instructions for lubrication, filter - replacement, spare parts lists, and wiring diagrams. I l.o3 eUALITYASSURANcE A. Sound Ratings: AMCA 301; tested to AMCA 300. I B. Fabrication: Conform to AMCA 99. I C. Filter Media: ANSVUL 900 listed, Class I or Class II. I D. Fire and Smoke Hazard Classification: All products which make up the various air disnibution systems and all parts of these syitems installed in or above ceilings lLallf comply with -and/or be rateilin accordance with tlre applicable re.quiremelrts of NFPA f 90A;NFPA 22s, ASTM E 84 and UL-723. I E. Maximum Permissible Ratings: I l. Flame Spread: 25. I 2. Smoke Developed: 50. 1.04 WARRANTY t A. Provide on€ year. warranty- under.provisions of General Requiranents, including coverage of operating controls and electic motors. T ! r-7ss4.01.15800-1 PART 2 2.0r A. 2.02 A. l. 2. PRODUCTS FILTERS Manufacturers: American Air Filter Farr 3. Purelator Disposable Panel Filters: One inch thick glass fiber blanket, factory sprayed with flameproof, non-drip, non-volatile adhesive; nominal size 24 x 24 inches in cardboard frame with perforated metal retainer. DUCTWORK Materials: 1. Steel Ducts: Galvanized steel sheet, lock-forming quality. 2. Flexible Ducts: Fabric supported by helically wound spring steel wire or flat steel bands. Metal Ductwork: 1. Fabricate and support in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, exc€,pt as indicated. 2. Construct T's, bends, and elbows with radius of l-ll2 times width of duct on centerline. Where not possible, provide turning vanes. 3. lncrease duct sizes gradually, not exceeding 30 degrees divergence and 45 degrees convergence. 4. Connect flexible ducts to metal ducts with draw bands. 5. Use crimp joints with or without bead for joining round duct sizes 8 inches and smaller with crimp in direction of air flow. 6. Duct Sealer: a. Ductwork shall be sealed in accordance with SMACNA.b. Sealing shall include all joints, seams, holes and other openings.c. Sealing shall also include all connections to fans, air terminals, volume control boxes, sound attenuators and all other parts of the air distribution system including air handling unit sections. Flexible Ducts: UL l8l listed, fabric supported by helically wound spring steel wire or flat steel bands; rated to 2 inches WG positive and 1.5 inches WG negative for low pressure ducts, and 15 inches WG positive or negative for medium high pressure ducts. l. Provide factory pre-shaped oval end for connections to oval inlets. I l T l I I l I I T I t I T I I I I I B. B. c. l-7554.01 15800-2 I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I o direction to 90 degrees.Limit each connection to 6 feet and change of Attach to equipment collars and matching duct or sheet metal fitting by mintmum of 4 inch slip type engagement. 4. Coat collars and duct with liquid duct sealant just prior to slip joining. 5. Secure to both the duct and the equipment collar with a ll2 inch wide stainless steel factory preformed locking type worm screw clamping band pulled up tight to result in air tight connections. 2.03 VOLUME CONTROL DAMPERS A. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible, and as indicated. Fabricate single blade dampers for duct sizes to 9-l/2 x 30 inch. Fabricate multi-blade damper of opposed blade pattern with maximum blade sizes 12 x 72 inch. Assemble center and edge crimped blades in prime coated or galvanized channel frame with suitable hardware. Except in round ductwork 12 inches in diameter and smaller, provide end bearings. Provide locking, indicating quadrant regulators on single and multi-blade dampers' Where width exceeds 30 inches, provide regulator at both ends. 2.04 FIRE/SMOKE DAMPERS A. Manufacturers: l. Prefco 2. Or approved equal. B. Combination smoke/fire dampers shall be resettable two-hour rated, very low.leakage, non-heat degradable, single -membrane, non-airfoil drag design with friction _ free, metal-to-metal seals and dead air space seal formed at blade joining incorporated into the blade and frame shapes. Other gasketing such as petrochemical, spring stainless steel, or aluminum are not acceptable, C. Combination smoke/fire dampers shall incorporate one compact UL classified safety mode operator that performs the following functions: l. Extended shaft damper drive transmission with linear controls and in-heat actuator disconnect 2. Smoke detector signaled actuator release, 24-volt control wiring, 24 volt actuator 3. Fusible high-ambient temperature release 4. Spring closed, normally closed, powered to open 5. Mechanical lock closed that is independent of motor actuator position or condition 2. J. B. C. D. E. t-7554.01 15800-3 D. Combination airlsmoke/fire dampers shall be fabricated in accordance with NFPA 90A and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's UL installation instructions. Unity shall be rated in accordance with UL 5555 Class III. E. Actuators shall be power open/spring closed operation, 24 volt. The fire fail-safe mode shall be a UL 33 heat-actuated link for closure and containment of fire zone independent of actuator positioning or signaling. 2.05 BACKDRAFT DAMPERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Ruskin 2. Or approved equal. B. Motorized backdraft dampers furnished with air moving equipment, size l8 x l8 inches or smaller, may be air moving equipment manufacture/s standard construction, C. Fabricate multi-blade, parallel action, gravity balanced backdraft dampers of galvanized steel or extruded aluminum, with center pivoted blades linked together; with sealed edges, steel ball bearings, and plated steel pivot pin. Dampers to be weatherproofgrade. 2.06 FLD(IBLE DUCT CONNECTIONS A. UL listed, fire-retardant, neoprene-coated woven glass fiber fabric to NFPA 90A; approximately 3 inches wide, crimped into metal edging ship. 2,07 DUCT ACCESS DOORS A. Fabricate in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible. B. Access doors smaller than 12 inches square may be secured with sash locks. Access doors with sheet metal screw fasteners are not acceptable. 2.08 AIR OUTLETS A. Manufacturers: I t T I t I I I I I I I I T I T I I t 1. 2. B. c. Titus Metal Industries 3. Cames Ceiling Diffusers: Rectangular stamped or spun, multi-core type diffuser to discharge air in 360 degree pattem, with sectorizing baffles where indicated; radial opposed blade splitter damper and equalizing grid; baked enamel off:white finish. Registers/Grilles: Streamlined and individually adjustable blades, two-way deflection; with factory off-white finish. l-7554.01 15800-4 I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I BACKDRAFT ERS o DAMP2.09 A.Fabricate multi-blade, paratlel action gravity balanced backdraft dampers.of 16 gauge ealvanized steel, or exiruded aluminui-r, wiih edge-pivoted blades of maximum 6 inch il,iatn, *ittr felt or flexible vinyl sealed edges, linked together in rattle-free manner with 90 degree stop, steel ball beirings, and plated steel pivot pin; adjustrnant device to permii setting for varying differential static pressure. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install flexible connections specified between fan inlet and discharge ductwork. Flexible connectors shall not be in tension while running' C. Providebackdraft dampers on discharge ofexhaust fans and as indicated. D. Prevent passage of unfiltered air around filters with felt, rubber, or neoprene gaskets. E. Install filter gauge static pressure tips upstream and downstream of filters. Mount filter gauges on outside of filtir housingor filter plenum in accessible position. Adjust and level. F. Provide openings in ductwork where required to accommodate thermometers and controlleri Privide pilot tube openingi where required for . testir.rS- of systerns, complete with metal cai with spring devicE or screw to ensure against air leakage. G. Locate ducts with sufficient space around equipment to allow normal operating and maintenance activities. H. Connect diffusers or troffer boots to low pressure ducts with 5 ft maximum lenglh of flexible duct. Hold in place with shap or clamp. I. During construction provide temporary closures gf mgtal or taped polyethylene on open duclwork to prevent -construction dust from entering ductwork system' J. Provide fire dampers at locations indicated. Install with required perimeter mounting angles, sleeves, breakaway duct connections, corrosion resistant springs, bearings, bushings and hinges, K. Provide flexible connections immediately adjacent to equipment in ducts associated with fans and motorized equipment. L. provide duct access doors for inspection and cleaning before and after filters, coils, lans, automatic dampers, at fire dampers, and elsewhere as indicated. Provide minimum 8 x 8 inch size for hand access. M. Check location of air outlets and inlets and make necessary adjustments in position to conform with architectural features, symmetry, and lighting a:rangement' N. provide balancing dampers on duct take-off to diffusers, and grilles and registers, t"g*dt"tr of wheiher dampers are specified as part of the diffuser, or grille and register assembly. t-7554.01 15800-5 oo 3.02 SCIIEDULE A. See Drawings. END OF SECTION t-7554.01 15800-6 I I SECTION 15830 I HEAT TRANSFER I-INITS t PARTI -cENERAL t 1.OI SECTIONINCLI.JDES I A. Water coils - B. Finned tube radiation, convectors I c. Electric heaters I D. Heat exchanger T I.O2 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Provide for manufactured products and assemblies. B. Product Data: Provide for manufactured products and assemblies including coil and I frame configurations, and rough-in dimensions. C. Schedules: Equipment and radiation enclosures indicating length and number of PiecesI of element and inclosure, corner pieces, end caps, cap strips, access doors,,pilaster I covers, and comparison ofspecified heat required to actual heat output provided. r D. Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Include manufacturers descriptive literature, I oferatin{instructions, installation instructions, maintenance and repair data, and parts! listings. I 1.03 wARRANTYtA. Provide five year manufacturer's warranty under provisions of General Requirements, a including coverage for unit heater motors. t! PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.or ATRCoILSt A, Manufacturers: I l. Temtrol 2. USA Coil & air - 3. ETI I B. Tubes: 5/8 inch OD seamless copper arranged in parallel or staggered pattern, t expanded into fins, with brazed joints. I C. Fins: Aluminum or copper continuous plate type with full fin collars or individual I helical finned tube type wound under tension. ,- D. Casing: Die formed channel frame of galvanized steel with mounting holes, and tube I _ t_7554.01 15830_l I o long coils. I I T t supports for E. Water Heating Coils: l. Headers: Cast iron with tubes expanded into header, seamless copper tube with silver brazed joints, or prime coated steel pipe with brazed joints. 2. Testing: Air test under water to 200 psig for working pressure of 200 psig and 220 degrees F. 2.02 FINNEDTUBERADIATION A. Manufacturers: l. Sterling 2. Vulcan 3. Slant Fin B. Heating Elements: I inch ID seamless copper tubing, 0.042 inch minimum wall thickness, mechanically expanded into evenly spaced aluminum fins, suitable for soldered fittings. C. Element Hangers: Ball bearing cradle type on enclosure brackets. D. Enclosures: 18 gauge steel up to 18 inches in height, 16 gauge steel over 18 inches in height. Support rigidly, on wall or floor mounted brackets. E. Finish: Factory applied baked primer coat. F. Access Doors: 6 x 7 inch minimum size, integral with cabinet. 2.03 ELECTRIC CABINETIJNITHEATERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Qmark 2. Sterling 3. Modine B. Assembly: UL listed and labelled assembly with terminal box and cover, and built-in controls. C. Heating Elements: Exposed helical coil of nickel-chrome resistance wire with refractory ceramic support bushings. D. Cabinet: l8 gauge steel with easily removed front panel with integral air outlet and inlet grilles. E. Fan: Direct drive propeller type, with fan guard. F. Motor: Permanent split capacitor with permanently lubricated bearings. I I I l I t I I I I I I I I It-7554.01 15830-2 I I G. Control: Separate fan speed switch and thermostat heat selector switch, thermalr overload. I z.o4 HEAT ExcHANGERS!A. Plate and Frame Type Heat Exchanger: t l. *ffiff;r|:*ed plate with baked epoxy ennmel paint, stainless steel side bolts I 2. Plates: Stainless steel type 304.I B. Heat Exchanger Trim: I l. Water inlets and outlets: Thermometer wells and pressue gauge tappings. I 2. Heated water outlet: Thermometer well for temperature regulator sensor, ASME I rated pressure and temperature reliefvalve, and valved drain. PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.OI INSTALLATION |l A. lnstall materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. t B. Support heat exchangers on welded steel pipe and angle floor stand. I C. Pipe reliefvalves and drain valves to nearest floor drain- D. Install air coils in ducts and casings in accordance with SMACIIA IfVAC Duct I Construction Standards - Metal and Fl-exible.I E. On water coils, provide shut-off valve on supply line and lockshield balqrcing valve on I return line. Locate water supply at bottom of supply header and retum water I connection.at top. Provide_ air-veirts at high points. Ensure coils are drainable and provide drain connection at low points. I F. Locate radiation units on outside walls and extend cover continuously wall-to-wallI unless otherwise indicated. Center elements under windows. I G. Install cabinet unit heaters as indicated, Coordinate to assure correct recess size for I recessed units. I H. lnstall electric heating equipment including devices furnished by manufacturer but not I factory-mountea. fuirish copy of manufacturer's wiring diagram submittal. L Touch-up marred or scratched surfaces of factory-finished cabinets, using finish I materials furnished by manufacturer, 3.02 SCHEDULESII A. See drawings. END OF SECTION ! I l-7554.01 15830-3 I t I PARTI -GENERAL I.O1 SECTION INCLUDES I A. Centritugal fans I t.02 SLIBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Indicate assembly and consffuction details, and fan curves with operating point plotted. t B. Product Data: Include catalog performance ratings and dimensions. r C. Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Include instructions for lubrication, motor and I driue rep-hcement, spare parts lists, and wiring diagrams. I.O3 OUALITYASSTJRANCE I A. Fan Performance Ratings: Conform to AMCA 210 and bear the AMCA Certified Rating Seal. I B. Sound Ratings: AMCA 301; tested to AMCA 300 and bear AMCA Certified Sound'- Rating Seal. I C. Fabrication: Conformto AMCA 99.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2,OI CENTRIFUGAL FANS rr A. Manufacturers: I L Greenheck I 2. LorenCooka B. Wheel and Inlet:I 1 l:il,H1,"Hfi:Jff"#Hf?l#:1,ilf:iffi"?J:ff;31*i*$'ilJ:fi; flange and back plate; steel hub swaged to back plate and keyed to shaft with set a screw. C. Housing: t 1. Heavy gauge steel, spot welded, designed to minimize turbulence with spun inlet bell and shaped cut-off. I 2. Shafts: Hot rolled steel with key-way, protectively coated with lubricating oil. ,- 3. V-Belt Drive: Cast iron or steel sheaves, keyed, variable and adjustable pitch I - 1-7554.01 15850-l I SECTION 15850 AIRHANDLING sheaves for motors 15 hp (11.2 kW) and under, and over, matched belts, and rated minimum 1.5 o fixed sheave for 20 hp (15 kW) times nameplate rating of motor. I l I I I I I I 4. Belt Guard: Fabricate to SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible. D. Accessories: l. Access Doors: Shaped to conform to scroll with quick opening latches and gaskets. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install fans on vibration isolators with static deflection of 0,75 inches. C. Do not operate fans for any pupose until ductwork is clean, filters are in place, bearings lubricated, and fan has been test run under observation. D. Install fans with resilient mountings and flexible electrical leads. Install flexible connections specified between fan inlet and discharge ductwork. Flexible connectors shall not be in tension while rururing. E. Provide fixed sheaves required for final air balance. F. Provide safety screen where fan inlet or outlet is exposed. G. Provide backdraft dampers on discharge ofexhaust fans and as indicated. 3.02 FAN SCHEDULE A. See Drawings. END OF SECTION I I I T I I I I I I t1-7554.01 15850-2 I SECTION I5950 r coNTRoLS I PARr I-GENERAL I.O1 SECTION INCLUDES I A. Complete system of automatic controls. I.O2 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Indicate operating data, system diagrams, wiring diagrams, and description ofoperating sequences. Include sizing ofcomponents as requested. I B. Product Data: Provide data for each manufactured component. r C. Samples: Submit two of each exposed thermostat type. I D. Operating and Maintenance lnstructions. Include relevant instructions. I 1.03 WARRANTY A. Provide five year warranty under provisions of "General Requirements" Section. T PART2-PRoDUCTS 2.OI SYSTEMMANUFACTURERS I A. Tekrnar, Model37l. I B. Or as approved. I 2.02 THERMOSTATS I A. Room Thermostats: Fahrenheit scale, single temperature, gradual-acting, adjustabler sensitivity. Provide covers with concealed set point adjustment, set point indication, and thermometer. t B. Freeze Protection Thermostats: Manual reset b?e with 20 ft element. I C. Remote Bulb Elements: Averaging type of suitable length for air, or rigid bulb type for I liquids, with flanges to support elements in ducts and separable wells in liquids. 2.03 CONTROL VALVES I A. In accordance with general valve specification with position indicators and pilot positioners on sequenced valves. I B. Valves shall fail safe to normal position as dictated by freeze, fire or temperature protection. I C. Two-way valves shall have equal percentage characteristics. Three-way valves shallt have fin6ar characteristics. Size operators to close valves against pump shut-offhead. I I 't-7ss4.0r 15950-l 2.04 TIME CLOCKS A. Provide seven day programming clocks with power failure spring carry-over good for ten hours, and multiple contacts as required to contol system for minimum two signals every 24 hours. B. Provide multi-pole relays compatible with controlled devices to sequence operation, C. Provide manual override switches, Include time delays devices for major electrical loads. 2.05 CONTROL PANELS A. Unitized cabinet of furniture steel with baked enamel finish and hinged, key-locked door for each system under automatic control. B. Mount panels adjacent to associated equipment on vibration free walls or free standing steel angle supports. One cabinet may accommodate more than one system in same equipment room. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Install materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, B. Check and veriff location of thermostats and other exposed control sensors with plans and room details before installation. Locate thermostats 60 inches above floor. C. lnterlock alarms with starter switching to bypass alarm when equipment is manually disconnected. D. At completion of installation provide minimum of two hours instruction period for operating personnel. E. Provide for complete service of conhols system, including call-backs, for one year running concurrent with connection period. Submit written reports to Architect/Engineer. F. Install pressure gauges on branch lines, at each contoller, and at each actuator and relay. G. Provide guards for thermostats in unsupervised or public areas. 3,02 ALARMS A. Provide alamr points complete with equipment necessary to provide remote signaling to alarm panel for the following conditions: l' Low air temperature. 2. Boiler failure. 3, Low heating water (glycol) temperature. I t t I t I t I I I I I I t I I I I Il-7554.0r 15950-2 I - 4. No flow air systerns (air heating systems)' r 5. Off normal temPerature' I 6' Equipment operation: Fan, Pumps' ! 3.03HEATINGWATERCONTRoL(INCLUDINGSNoWMELTSYSTEM) r A. Provide local control panel with system- g1pqc' supply temperature' retum tempeiature, pump on-off switch, pump on-off indication' I 3.04 RADIATIoN I A. Install room thermostats to cycle two-way heating control valve. a 3.05 PREHEAT COIL I A. Install thermostat to modulate two_way heating control valve. 3.06 VENTILATIONSYSTEM I A. Open preheat coil valve to heating if outside air temperature is below 55 degrees F' I B. provide thermostat downstream of preheat coil and thermostat in preheat coil return I line to stop supply fan and close outside air dampers' I C. Include damper end switch to prevent supply fan from starting until damper is open' I D. hterlock exhaust fan to start when supply fan is started' I E. Provide time clock for day-night control with manual bypass switch marked t bay-Auto-Night. On night cycle, close outside air dampers' t END oF sECrIoN I I I I I I I l-7s54.01 15950-3 I I l I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I t SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADruSTING, AND BALANCING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLLIDES A. Testing, adjusting, and balancing of air systems. B. Testing, adjusting, and balancing of hydronic systems. I,O2 SUBMITTALS A. Draft Reports: Prior to commencing work, submit draft reports indicating data required. lnclude detailed procedures, sample report forms, and copy of AABC National Proj ect Performance Guaranty. B. Test Reports: Submit prior to final acceptance of project and for inclusion in operating and maintenance manuals. Provide in soft cover, letter size, 3-ring binder, with index page and tabs, and cover identification. lnclude reduced scale drawings with air outlets and equipment identifred to correspond with data sheets, and indicating thermostat locations. C. Report Forms: AABC National Standards for Total System Balance or NEBB forms. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATIONANDPREPARATION A. Before commencing work, veriff that systems are complete and operable. B. Report any defects of deficiencies or abnormal conditions in mechanical systems which prevent system balance. C. Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions. D. Recorded data shall represent actually measured or observed condition. E. Permanently mark settings of valves, dampers, and other adjushnent devices. Set and lock memory stops. 3.02 INSTALLATIONTOLERANCES A. Adjust air handling systems to plus or minus 5 percent for supply systems and plus or minus 5 percent for return and exhaust systems from figures indicated. B. Adjust hydronic systems to plus or minus l0 percent of design conditions indicated. l-7554.01 r5990-l o ROCEDURE I t T I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I 3.03 A. AIR SYSTEM P Adjust air handling and distribution systems to provide required or design supply, retum, and exhaust air quantities. B. Make air quantity measurements in ducts by traverse of entire cross sectional area of duct. C. Measure and report air quantities at air inlets and outlets. D. Use volume control devices to regulate air quantities only to extent that adjusfrnents do not create objectionable air motion or sound levels. Effect volume control by duct intemal devices such as dampers. E. Vary total system air quantities by adjustment of fan speeds. Provide drive changes reqriired. Vary branch air quantities by damper regulation. F. Measure static air pressure conditions on air supply units, including filter and coil pressure drops, and total pressure across the fan. Allow for 50 percent loading of filters. G. Adjust automatic outside air, return air, and exhaust air dampers for design conditions. H. Measure temperature conditions across outside air, retum air, and exhaust air dampers to check leakage. I. Where modulating dampers are provided, take measurements and balance at extreme conditions. 3.04 WATER SYSTEM PROCEDURE A. Adjust water systems to provide required or design quantities. Report said quantities. B. Use calibrated fittings or equipment and pressure gauges to determine flow rates for system balance, Where not installed, base flow balance on temperature difference across heat transfer elements. C. Effect system balance with automatic control valves fully open to heat transfer elements. D. Effect adjustrnent of water distibution systems by means of balancing cocks, valves, and fittings. END OF SECTION t-7554.0r rs990-2 I I SECTION 16100 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AI\D METHODS t I I I PART I - GENERAL I l.ol RELATED DocuMENrs r A. Provisions of General Requirements, Division l, ar€ a part of this Division and Section. I I.O2 SUMMARY I A. The scope of work govemed by this Section shall include all electrical work performed by this Conbactor. This work shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following: l. Installation of lighting fixnres. 2. Installation of 480YD77V and 208Y/120V wiring systems, service ouflets, surface metal raceways and wiring thereto. 3. Installation oftelephone/data outlets (wiring by others). 4. Installation ofpanelboards and associated feeders. I PARr2-PRoDUCrs 2.OI MATERIALS t A. System components shall be fabricated or manuftctured as specified below. l. Manufacturers and model numbers are listed as a guide to set the level of quality desired. I 2. Altemate manufacturers offered by the Contractor will be evaluated for compliance I with all satient characteristics specified and will be accepted or rejected by ttre Owner on that basis. I B. Combination Motor Starters: Combination motor starters shall be full-voltage, altemating current, combination, non-reversing motor controllers, consisting of starter I and threelole, fusible disconnect switch mounted in common enclosure.I l. Starters shall be equipped with melting alloy type overload relays. I I r l-7554.01 16100 - I I I An operating handle for disconnect switch mechanism shall be fumished with indication and control of switch position, with enclosure door either opened or closed, and shall be capable of being locked in the OFF position. Motor starters and disconnect switches shall be mounted in a single NEMA Type 1 enclosure (unless specifically required otherwise); and shall be coated with manufacturers standard color and finish. Motor controllers and ancillary components shall comply with manufacturers standard materials, design and constnrction in accordance with published product information, and as required for a complete installation. Combination starters shall be size I minimum, as manufactured by Square D, or approved equal. Safety Disconnect Switches: Safety disconnect switches shall be installed where indicated on the Drawings. Switches shall be of heavy duty, three pole, fusible desigrq and shall be housed in a NEMA I or NEMA 3R enclosure, as applicable. Switches shall have a short circuit rating of not less than 100,000 RMS symmenical amps, at 480VAC. Switches shall be furnished with dual elemenf time delay, class R cartridge fuses, as scheduled below. Safety Disconnect Switches shall be Square D, or approved equal. D. Receptacles: 1. 208 Volt Service: Receptacles for 208VAC use shall match the device or equipment being served. a. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to veri$ all ouflet configurations before installing them. 2. 120 Volt Service: Receptacles for use in I2OVAC service shall be two pole, three wire, duplex grounded phenolic receptacles, rated not less than 125V,20 amps. a. Receptacles shall be NEMA configuration 5-20R. b. Receptacles shall be specification grade, Hubbell Catalog No. 5362-I or approved equal. J. 4. ). I I I I I I T I I I I l. 2. 3. 4. I I I I I I I t16100 -2 r-7554.0r I 3. GFI Receptacles: Receptacles indicated on the Drawings to be GFI types shall be I two pole, three wire, duplex ground fault cunent intemrpting phenolic recepticles, rated not less than 125V, 20 amps. I a. Receptacles shall be NEMA configuration 5-20R. I b. lffrrn:"r shall be specification grade, Hubbell Catalog No. GF-5362W, r 4. TelephonelData Receptacles: Telephone/Data outlets shall consist of a dual gang| ffiTt":#Jffi;:tirffil:'*#':"'ffiXiliffiJ:il";fJ"mml include a single gang cover and blank single gang cover plate. r E. Switches: Switches for general 120 and 277 volt service shall be toggle type, single I pole, side and back wired. I l. Switches shall be rated not less than 120V,20 amps' I 2. Switches shall be Hubbell Catalog No. 1221-I, or approved equal. 1 Two pole switches shall be Hubble Catalog No.12221, or approved equal.II F. Power Wiring: Power wiring shall consist of single insulated conductors. I r' ;J:lxH'dfi,Titri4ffiH,"3.y,*XiH3',:,5*c code' but sharr not I 2. Conductors shall be copper, stranded,600V insulated. r 3. Conductors shall be rated 90C dry and 75C wet and shall be UL listed type t rHHN/rHwN. I G. Telephone Wiring: Telephone cable will be supplied and installed by others. I H. Data Wiring: Data wiring will be supplied and installed by others. I I. Conduit: Conduit shall consist of all metal raceway, fittings and hardware necessary tot enclose the wiring as described herein and as shown on the Drawings. I l. Conduits shall be sized as required by the National Electric Code for the wiringt installed within, but shall not be smallerthanll}". I 2. Exposed Metal Raceways: Exposed metal raceways, and raceways in unfinished spaces shall be hot dipped galvanized, rigid steel or intermediate metal conduit I and matching tbrcaded fiUings. All raceways shall be UL listed. 3. Concealed Metal Raceways: Concealed metal raceways shall be permitted to be I EMT withmatching fittings. t r-7s54.0r 16100 - 3 4. Conduit Bodies and Fittings: Conduit Bodies and Fittings shall consist of die- cast, meral alloy condulet bodies, outlet boxes, device boxes, insulated bushings, sealing fittings, cord fittings, etc., to match the raceway system they are associated with and shall be as manufactured by Crouse-Hinds or equal. 5. Hardware: Hardware shall consist of atl malleable iron conduit clamps, beam clamps and hangers required to install the raceway system. Raceway support spacing shall not exceed ten feet. 6. Flexible conduit: Flexible conduit used to connect equipment and lighting fixtures to their respective power supplies shall be galvanized metal conduit or liquid tight conduit. Flexible conduit strall be as manufactured by Greenfield, Sealtite, or approved equal. J. Junction and Outlet Boxes: Junction and outlet boxes shall consist of large or small metal boxes which are used as pull boxes, terminal or splice boxes in the conduit raceway system. Junction and outlet boxes shall be sized as required by the National Electric Code for the wiring to be installed within. l. Location: Junction and outlet boxes which will serve as splice boxes shall be installed in the raceway system at the locations shown on the drawings and where required by receptacle wiring to provide a clean installation which does not increase the hazard ofcircuit failure. Junction boxes which will act as pull boxes shall be installed where required by Code to limit the number of bends in conduit runs and where the Contractor has determined them to be necessary to install wire. 2. Construction: Junction boxes shall be constructed of sheet steel which is galvanized or finished with a conosion resistant coating. All junction boxes shall be of dust tight constuction. K. Concrete Anchors: Anchors used to secure supports or appurtenances to concrete or masonry block shall be drilled-in style devices, complying with Federal Specification FF-S-325, Group II, Type 4, Cl. l. Anchors shdl be as manufactured by Hilti, Phillips Redhead, Rawls or aPProved equal. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. The routing of all power circuit raceways has been shown on the drawings in a general, single line form' l. The lighting circuit raceways have not been shown on the drawings. 2. The Contactor shall be responsible for the design, layout and detail ofconduit runs to permit a complete and proper installation' I I t I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I16100 - 4 l-7554.01 I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I 3. The Contractor shall coordinate the conduit routing to avoid interferences with existing and new utilities, building steel, structures, and equipment placement. 4. The Contractor shall veriff the actual or assigned location of all equipment to be wired or connected under the scope oftlds contract. B. Conduit Raceways: Raceways shall be installed parallel to building column lines and shall clear hot water and steam piping by not less than 12". l. Raceways shall be installed not less than 7'-6" above floors or platforms unless otherwise approved by the Owner. 2. Raceways shall not be routed along floors or roofs. 3. Cutting: Conduit ends shall be cut with ends square, threads cut and cleaned. Ends shall be reamed to remove all rough edges and burrs after threading and before coupling. 4. Bends: Conduit bends and offsets shall be avoided where possible. a. Field bends shall be made symetrically with tools or equipment specifically manufactured for that purpose. b. Bending shall not damage the outside coating or reduce the internal diameter of the the conduit. c. The number, location and radius of conduit bends shall be in accordance with the National Electric Code. 5. Joints: Conduit shall be joined by threaded couplings or fittings installed wrenchtight to provide a mechanically and electically continuous installation. a. Threadless fittings shall not be used except when installed with EMT in concealed spaces or unless otherwise approved by the Owner. 6. Support: Conduit shall be securely fastened in place and grouped together wherever possible. Conduit runs and racks shall be supported on centers not to exceed ten feet. 7. Penetrations: Conduit penetrations shall be provided by the Contractor through walls, floors, ceilings, and platforms as required to install the raceways. a. Penetations through fire rated surfaces shall be sealed with an approved firestop compound, such that the fue rating is maintained. C. Wiring: All wiring shall be installed in conduit or wireway and shall be continuous between termination points. l-7554.01 16100 - 5 o branchl. I I I I I I t I I T I I I t I I I I I No splicing or joints will be permitted in feeder or or accessible junction boxes. circiuts except at outlet Pulling: All wiring shall be installed as much as possible directly from reels or coils without being pulled along the ground or subjected to teatment that may cause abrasion or kinking of the wire. The Contractor shall pull wire into the conduit system using UL listed lubricants approved for the wire being pulled. Splices: Where splices are required at least six inches of free conductor shall be left at the splice point. a. Splices shall be mechanically strong and made with solderless compression or twist-on type connectors. b. All complercd splices shall be taped with vinyl plastic tape. Grounding: All wiring and installed equipment shall be grounded continuously utilizing a oopper conductor. a. All raceways shall include an equipment safety grounding conductor. Support: The Contractor shall support all wiring in vertical raceways or where wiring enters equipment or enclosures from below. a. The wiring supports shall be in accordance with the National Electical Code. END OF SECTION 1-7554.01 4. 16100 - 6 I I SECTION 16485 MOTORS T PARTI -GENERAL I l.0l RELATED DOCUMENTS I A. Provisions of General Requirements, Division l, are a part of this Division and Section. I t.o2 scoPE oF woRK A. The scope of work governed by this Section shall include all electric motors installed I by this Contractor, including those fumished with equipment specified elsewhere in these Specifications. I r.o3 APPLICABLE DocuMENTS - A. All motors shall conform to applicable standards of ANSI, IEEE, NEMA and AFBMA I except where the requirements of these standards are modified or supplemented by these Specifications. I B. Where there appears to be a conflict between any of the industy standards relating to manufacturing requirements covered in these Specifications only by reference to the I standards, the requirements ofNEMA shall govem. t C. All equipment and materials shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of I the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA). - PART2-PRoDUCTS I 2.or rYPE I A. All motors shall be squirrel cage, full voltage across-the-line starting, induction type t with starting torque characteristics as required by the load. r 2.02 MOTOR SZING I A. Motors shall be sized such that the nameplate horsepower is not exceeded when the I equipment is operated continuously at the most severe conditions of loading. ' B. The motors shall be sized to drive the equipment without exceeding the specified I temperature rise under maximum load conditions. I C. Motors shall have a l.l5 service factor but shall be selected such that the motor does I I not operate above a 1.0 service factor at rated load. t r-7ss4.0r 16485 - I MOTOREFFI All continuously operating motors shall be high effrciency desigrr. Motor efficiency shall be measured in accordance with IEEE-I2, Test Method B. o CIENCY shall meet the following efficiency and power factor Min. Efiicienc]' Min. Pwr. Factor r20/208 480 2.07 BEARINGS A. All motors shall have sealed ball bearings. B. Motor thrust bearings shall have a minimum life of ten years in accordance with AFBMA life and thrust values. I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I 2.03 A. B. c.As a minimum, motors requirements: Nameplate HP I Hp and less 3-5Hp 7.5 - l0 Hp ROTORS 82% 87% 89% 74o/o 83% 860/o 2.04 A. and driven equipment. B. Rotors shall be dynanically balanced. 2.05 STARTINGCHARACTERISTICS: A. Motors shall be designed for full voltage across-the-line starting. B. Motors shall be capable of starting at 85 percent of their rated voltage. C. NEMA Type "A" starting characteristic is prohibited. 2.06 MOTOR VOLTAGE RATING: A. Motor voltage ratings shall be as specified below. B. Single phase motors shall be firmished with integxd thermal protection. Nameplate Horsepower Voltage Phase Rotors shall be adequately sized to avoid overheating duing acceleration of the motor l/2 and less 314 and greater I J 16/.85 -2 1-7554.01 I r C. The maximum thrust that is to be exerted by the equipment driven by the motor shall I not exceed 70o/o of thethrust carrying capability of the motor' I 2 08 INSULATION I A. Motors rated 50 horsepower and below shall be furnished with Class "F" insulation. I B. Insulation shall be specially teated to resist moisture, sulfur fumes, conducting dust - and abrasive dust. I 2.os ENcLosuRES r A. Motors rated 150 horsepower and less shall be totally enclosed if located outdoors and I shall be shielded dripproofiflocated indoors' I 2.r0 TERMINAL BOXES I A. Terminal boxes shall be the largest that can be accomodated on the motor frame size furnished. I B. Location of the terminal boxes shall be approved by the Architect. I 2.rr MouNrINGs A. Unless mounted on a common frame with driven equipment, motors shall be fumished I with a matched baseplate and separate soleplate such that the motor can be removedI without distrubing the alignmeni of the driven equipment and can be reinstalled and I aligned by using shims underthe motor only' ! B. Motors furnished with separate baseplates shall be fumished with jacking screws on the I supporting feet of the motor to facilitate erection and alignments. r z.n MoToRSTARTINGEQUIPMENT t A. Motor starting equipment shall be as specified in section 16100. I 2,r3 MANUFACTURER I A. Motors shall be as manufactured by Siemans-Allis, Westinghouse, General Electric, or r aPProvedequal. ' PART3-EXECUTIoN I NotUsed END OF SECTIONI I I t-7554.01 16485 - 3 I I I t I t I I t I t I t I t t t I I I sEcrIoN 16515 LIGHTING FD(TURES PART I - GENERAL: 1.OI RELATED DOCUMENTS A. provisions of General Requirements, Division l, are a part of this Division and Section. I.O2 SCOPE OF WORK: A. The scope of work govemed by this Section shall include all lighting fixtures installed by this Contactor. B. This work shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, installation of lay-in style fluorescent lighting fixtures, strip fluorescent lighting fixtures, recessed compact fluorescent lighting fixtures and tack mounted incandescent lighting fixtures as indicated on the Drawings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. System components shall be fabricated or manufactured as specified below. l. Manufacturers and model numbers are listed as a guide to set the level of quality desired. 2. Alternate manufacturers offered by the Conhactor will be evaluated for compliance with all salient characteristics specified and will be accepted or rejected on that basis. Recessed Lighting Fixtures: Lighting fixtures for service in suspended ceilings shall be of lay-in troffer fluorescent design, with sizes and lamps as indicated on the Drawings. Fixtures shall be fabricated of die-formed steel, factory primed and painted with a high temperature baked enamel finish, with a minimum reflectance of 88%. Ballasts shall be high effrciency, electronic types, and shall be thermally protected. Fixtures shall be furnished complete with T-8, 32 wa11,3500K energy saving lamps. Fixtures shall be equipped with 3' deep parabolic louvers and latchls which facilitate easy access to lamPs and wirewaY' Fixtures shall include continuous slot around louver to facilitate retum air function. Fixtures shall be UL listed, and as scheduled on the Drawings, or approved equal. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. t-7554.01 16515 - l o PART 3 - E)(ECI.JTION Not Used END OF SECTION 165t5 -2 r-7554.01