HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOV PUBLIC WORKS COMMON-TdttlWnt^,f,"tAE ?q) L\otGlToooo i LY"'gU/Wf Re: lnstallationof aluminumstoragebinandstorage shed / bA/ AJ.WN htA6 ,Atln/ft€D DR8044317/BM-0239 Dear Charlie. Thank you for meeting George Ruther, Warren Campbell, and me at the Public Works Department site last week to discuss different screening options to fulfill the second of two conditions of approval granted in the fall of 2004 (DRB04-0317, which I have enclosed for review) as part of an application to add a third aggregate storage bin on the site. 't . That, prior to final inspection of the project, the applicant finish the storage shed in materials and colors to match the exisiing public works buildings on the site.2. That, pior to final inspection of the prcject, the applicant rcmove all trucks, tnilers, and other storcd items located directly to the nofth of the berm that ftonts l-70. Per our discussion, it was decided that additional fill material located on the Public Works site could be placed atop the existing berm that fronts l-70. lt is the expectation of the Planning Department that this fill be placed as far north as the utility pole at the farthest southwest end of the site, near the U of the gravel drive. The purpose of this fill is to better screen from view the equipment that is placed in that area, which can currently be seen from the l-70 corridor, Frontage Road, and Vail Valley Drive. Please call the Community Developmenl Department to request a re-inspection (C/O) following the completion of this work, which we agrced would occur by October lst, 2005. At that time, I will revisit the site and review the latter condition of approval again. Thank you for your prompl aftention to this matter and for taking the time to understand our concerns and work with us towards a mutually beneficial solution. Finally, please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or @ncerns. Best Regards, August 25, 2005 Charlie Turnbull Town of Vail Public Works Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 Cc: George Ruther; Town of Vail Chief of Planning Enclosure: Design Review Board Action Form dated 08lO9l2OO4 Reoueohd ln89.c{ D!te:' lnsoedon Arsa: Slb Addrecc: ThuBdsy, JulY 14,2005 ,"Pu t*o*tonE RD uvEsr vAtL 1289 ELKHORN DR APJDlnfonnillon lE$Ege!.Hgls, Slstrs: InspA's", ISSUED CD 1'' 08130 AM €0.{672 LTILLIIAN K tnm: loBl-DGFooilms/$bel ---ApPmvcd-- 0grta|tx-lncpcctor AU_ __ 1sm: 2o "8ffi$ffiltsAPPsXi9o*a* Acdon: Actbn: APAPPROIGD APAPFROI/ED{ts/2so4 lmpedor: JRM 3{t I50 16t' Iml 90 1 5in 502*x} 597 608 539ffi2lla1 lbm: lbm: Item: Itom: lbm: Itim: lbm: lbm: lbm:nm: lbm: lbm: nem: lllm: -rir' I, REPT131 Rtrn Id: 3419 Prcject Name: TOV 3RDstorage bin and shed DRB Number: DR8040317 Project Description: Addition of a third aggregate storage bin at the Public worK site; staff approved with conditions per DRB request following conceptual DRB review and PEC approval; also included, a request for design review of prwiously unreviewed storage shed. Participants: owNER VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDG07/08/2004 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81557 APPUCANT VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDGOT I OB I2OO4 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: 1289 ELKHORN DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: Parcel Number: 2101-064-0000-3 Comments: see attached BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovah 08/O9|2OO4 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond; 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006596 . ' . I That, prior to final inspection of the project, the applicant finish the storage V shed in materials and colorc to match the existing public works buildings on the site. Enby: 08/09/2fi)4 By: ee Action: AP M rt* Cond: CON0006598 That, prior to final inspection of the project, the applicant remove all trucks, trailers, and other stored items located directly to the north of the berm that fronts I-70. Entry: 08/09/2004 By: ee Action: AP Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: S650.00 l,n l/tg'thil ,o** o,, uii,. nr*, orro*r".*,o 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 97G479-2r3s ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location.....: TOVMUNICIPALBUILDING ParcelNo...: 2101064mm3 Project No , Pil o (+ttb orJNER VAIIJ coLoRADo MT,NICIPAIJ BI.DGOS/24/2005 75 S FROI{|:TAGE RD VAII, co 81657 APPLICANT VAIIJ EIJECTRONICS, LTD. P.O. BOX 460 MINTURN co 81645 License: L98-S CONTRACTOR VAIIJ EIJECTRONICS, IJTD. P.O. BOX 460 MINTURN co 8164s L,icense:198-S Desciption: TOV BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROJBCTS-REMOVE 2 SMOKE DETECTORS SO CEILING CAN BE RAISED; REMOVE 1 P.S.; REINSTALL ALL DEVICES Valuation:$500.m FEE SUMMARY l'rrrt!r*'l**'lrl.+r.*'l..ir.t{r*t*+'i,lr*r*.:l*l*rtriirtr.lt**'r*!.'*'r'r'.:r'l':.,r El€crical----- > DRB Fe€----- > Investigation--- > wil cdt------ > TOTAL FEE$- > if;il'--*:|:.l..|'|.:.,tt+:ttt||:l|lt!tt.|t|.|+l|:rl1*'il'|li|j|t*tl.tttl|**l|.|.|.**.**|tit|t.l+||Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI ***'*******o*'J*o*1l?-9-0''--*-"F'-"-""-*****************."-:-i-"-T;-*:'-{li'r*tl+'*|tit|+i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM t:00 AM - s PM. VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 405-0063 TOo 08/24/2005 Phone: 97O-A27-9L20 o8/24/2005 Phone: 970-827-9L20 s0. o0 $0. 00 s0. 00 $3.00 s253. ?s Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees------ > Toial Permit Fee----- > Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE----- > <tt,l t( tvz5J. ,r, s0. 00 $0. o0 $0. 00 -P<..bLc- UloJtr $,ol ot ot ISSUED 08t24t2W5 09n4t2w5 03t13/2w6 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET APPLICATION ,,Il no, BE AccEPTED IF INcoMPtE,.Q UN,, E Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 0q- dsb Building Permlt #: Alarm Permit #: o''"\ffiT *t[fft^,^ (-lJ Town of Vail Reg. No.: PLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (LAbOT & MAICTiAIS) FireAlarm: $ ,t q/) -' Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Pa Parcel# ZtOtr>b4OO00< '"lil'i?,n ici pnl glla ,'?#oT''(nLnqo il tln,I Legal Description Lot:BtockDZ?O llririne:'wr\Subdivision: Owners Name:fi Vn Address:-75 {dnlao lJ Un Phone: q1V _ (nq -ZtZ1 Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed LocaQon of,wor[: 1i,q., noor, unit #, bhg. *) ./ / |/h{rn lrnl hnllwu^ bt^ C1U:U( Chnn4(l Detailed description o1 f,Wflan 7 snol; urC nnmtll:tu$fu workcrass: New( ) offi Repair( ) Rerro-fit( ) ourerl I farnffrltJfl,i Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two{amily( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial(f Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes K ) No (Does aFire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) for rcel ********r.**rr***************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************'t*******r.**rr********Jr** Other Fees: ' ,,Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee:Acceoted By: - Occupancy Group: pll t \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM. DOC 0712612002 DEPARTMEN,."".r* rt"*LoPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ADD/ALT COMM BIJILD PERMT Permit #: B'044239 Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location.......: 1289 ELKHORN DR ParcelNo....: 210106400003projectNo.: t-RS,( _O i5L OWNER VAIIJ COIJORADO MI'NICIPAI, BI-,DGO9/OL/2004 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD TOWNOFVAIL' 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 VAII-,co 81657 License: CONTRACTOR TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE PO VAIIJ, CO 815 57Licenser 453-B APPLICA}TT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAII-,, CO 8L557 Li-cense: 453-B Valuation: $46,000.00 Fir€place lnforrratim: Restrict€d: 09/0L/2004 Phonez 970-479-2L00 09 /01/2004 Phone: 970-479-2L00 Desciption: CONSTRUCTNEW ALI.]M. STORAGE BIN AND FIMSH STORAGE SHED Occupancy: U TypeConsfruction: VN TlpeVNon-Rated Tlpe Occupancy: ?2 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/01/2004 Issued...: 0911012004 Expires. . .: 03109/2005 Add SqFr 0 #ofGas Lngs: 0 #of Wood Pcllec 0# of Gas Appliarces: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building----> S603 .35 Resh|aut Plm Review--> Plancheck--> S392.1S DRB F€e....._..--> Investigation-> Will Call-----> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5998.53 s0.00 Additional Fees-----> (5998.53) so . oo Rect€ation F€€F----.-->S0. 00 Total P€rmit Fee-'---> 53.00 Clean-up Deposit------> 50.00 Paymcnts------------> TOTAL FEES------_> S998.s3 BAL^{NCE DUE--------> s0.00 $0.00 90.00 Approvals: Tten: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{EIiIT 09/L0/2004 cdavis Action: AP subjects to field inspection IICM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEIitrTItem: 05600 PIRE DBPARTMEIIITItem: 05500 PUBL,IC V{ORKS *'|ta'taaa,tt'|tll*a, See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS - ihave read mr?fi.utioo, filled out in tull the informrI hoeby acknowledge that I have read thir?r*udoo, filled out in tull the information rt" completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is con€ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinmces aad state laws, aad to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thersto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALLBEMADETWENTY-FOIjRHOtnS IN ADVANCEBYTELEPHONEAT4T9-2I49ORATOUROFFICE FROM E:00AM -4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSETT AND OWNER PAGE 2 ,f *'l**tt**rt*ttf f ****{rrtl.***{.***'l'f *'t**t}l.rt**********rtt *r}ttt***ttt*!t*r}*lt t***:f *,}!t****!i*rt*rlrtrl******f t|***f *rt*'1.*'t'f *{.* CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Pennit#: 8044239 asof09-10-2004 Status: ISSUED :t*'t'i'i*fl*i*t't*t'}f'|**'t*|'}l'lt****+'}****'i't'|t:+*'tt'**||****t'tt**'}'}t*f'|t'|.t|t'tt**t}{t*,*t{t*'}:}*,}lt'l* Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BIJILD PERMT Applied: 09/01/2004 Applicant TOWN OF VAIL Iszued: 09/10/2004 970479-2100 To Expire: 03/09/2W5 Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Ipcation: 1289ELKHORNDR ParcelNo: 210106400003 Description: CONSTRUCT NEW ALUM. STORAGE BIN AND FINISH STORAGE SI{ED Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS FGQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIRED TO CHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG o WILL rcWIIOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tl Project #:&Jov- 6tEb l, etc.t 723? RECEIVED 'ti,;', J 1 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:'75u^t of lJa)l Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Chorl,! l?'nbu/l tzt -z+zs Email address: C T-r,.n la, I I A ola.ll <ov,Q-Ott4 Contractor Signature: ._U*.J* COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: S ff, OO O ELECTRICAL:$ | OOO OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$rorAL: S 1(, OO 0 For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit 2toloz2ooool Job Name: ftr/ 1lnr, ltoro . &n 4 s/n"J JobAddress: lZtj E/khorq N Jlarq<< /,'dt.^.", WorkClass: Newffi Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No$OWork Type: Interior ( ) Exterior $/ Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other f5) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: POUENo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /)qvt7 No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burni No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet { ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No *************t***********************FOR OFFICE USE O N LY*********c'*tHr|H.*********************** nner \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07 t26t2002 o Team tl TOIITVM Questions? Call the Building at479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Prcject Address: r' This Chdclist must be omoleted before a Building Permit aoPliation is aceoH, o All pages of application is complete o Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Providea copyof approval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complo< o Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringo Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) o Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(s sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) tr Window and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistlve assemblies specified and penetraUons indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans o Types and quantity of fireplaces shown RECE,YED Applicant's Si gnature: \WaiMatabdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Date of submi Received By: 0/.t02f2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projecb may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:C/.o... /r ! T|*Lul Print name Project Name: F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 Signature 4 9,^.J iftitn..)h+/, J ---.!rf /NW0FUill HOW DIDWE RATE WTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Dwelopment Deparhrent Russell Fonest Directo( (970)479.2139 Cbeck alf that applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmenbl _ Housing_ Admin :- Planning _:_DRB _ PEC _ -slovu or '"' no one available_:__? 3. lf you were required b wail how long was it before you were helped?_ 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof?, 5. WasthisyourfirstlimebfleaDRBapp_PEC+p_ i, .BldgPermit_l,l/A l ' ,' i,': : 6. Please rab the performance of fie sffi person who assisAd you:51321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availabilig) 7. Overallefiectiveness of he FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is ilre best time of day fur you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenls you have which would allow us to bethr serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our servir,i. o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL' 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 n0-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BTJILD PERMT PErMit #: 805-0156 $ e(aa3f Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.......: TOV MUNICIPAL BUILDING BATHROOMS DOWNSTAApplied . . : 06ll6l2ffi5 Parcel No....: 2l0l0em0m3 Issued. . . : Wl25nn5 Project No . t Prj olf -ottrO Expires . . .: 07/2612n5 OWNER VAIIJ COTJORADO MT'NICIPAIJ BLDGO6/I6/2005 75 S FROMTAGE RD VAIIJ co 81657 APPLICAIIT YAMPAII BUILDERS, INC. 06/L6/2005 Phonet 970-379-5222 ceLl# 45673 HIGHIVAY 6 GI.ENWOOD SPRINGSco 81601 License: 123 -A COI.ITRACTOR YAMPAH BUIIJDERS, INC. 06/!6/2005 Phone: 970-379-5222 c.eIL# 45673 HIGI{WAY 6 GIJENWOOD SPRINGS co 81601 License:123-A Desciption: TOV BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $21,000.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Restrict€d: BuildinS--- > $335.25 R€ctuarant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > S217.91 DRB Fee-------------------- > Add Sq Fr 0 # of Gas Adiances: 0 # of Gas t ogs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 S0. 00 To|al Calculated Fees- > $556 . 15 so . oo Additional Fees------- > ($556 . 15 ) S0. 00 Total Permit Fe€-------- >Investigation- > WiU Call--- > S0.00 RecreationFee--------> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit-----> $0. 00 $0. 00 s0. 00 s0.00 TOTAL FEES------ > 5555.15 BALANCE DUE-------> Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII,IENT 06/30/2005 ,JRM Action: Ap Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARI'I{ENT Itemr 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IENT Item: 05500 PIJBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to ttris permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot ,irr, .h?ofo.-",ion and plot plan, to cotrptyplan, ard sane that all ttrc ir with all Town ordinances ad state laws, ard to build this stnrcnue according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEMY.K)I'R HOTJRS IN ADVANCE PM. SIGNATUREOF CONTRACTOR FOR OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 AND OWNEF PAGE 2 '}**{.*{.'ti.,t{.'f**:f;&:t*'(,|t't*l.*{.*****:t*'*'t'|.{t*****1.|t'f*|t*:t*:*,}:t*'|t,|!{t:t*:*:t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0156 as of 08-02-2005 Status: ISSUED *'.:*l.:*:|.:**,**:*!t,******'i****{.***:****!***{t**{t**'**'tl.,l*****:|.*l.ti*'|.f,}*{.*:|.*{.**:t:*,t*.******,**,F*,!*****J.*,.****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BLIILD PERMT Applied: 06/16/2W5 Applicant: YAMPAH BLIILDERS, INC. Issued: 0712512W5 970-379-5222 cr,ll# To Expire: W/26/2W5 Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: TOV MUNICIPAL BLIILDING BATHROOMS DOWNSTA Parcel No: 210106400003 Description: TOV BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.JIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. o WILL tl 0q{" orJAPPLICATTONNOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Project #: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Permit #: L sb T0vTlw 75S.F Vail, Colorado 81657 e FVT its are coffiLUAflONS FOR BUtLDtNc PERM|T Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ '<- (ELECTRICAL: $Z OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG:$ A:1<MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For larcel # Contact Assessors Offrce at g70-J2g-g640 orvisit @FOROFFICEUSEONLY Zlol- 6bV Cb do? Job Name: ,rJ///(u,t/rtr 8*z4a,s-4 Job Addtessi F S. y've.,rrzca /-t y'asr+ctrft-rgW Wotkcl".., N"*() A R"rod"l K Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior () Exterior ( ) Bott( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famity ( ) Two-famity ( ) Mutti_famity 1 I Corr"r.t"f 1XX n".t"urant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwetling Units in thisOuiangt--Tr;No. of Accommodation Units in this building: GasLogs( ) Wood/Peilet( ) Wood . Gas Appliances ( ) Wood/Peilet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED Document2 V,05nu2005 tl f0nT,,m Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: r' This Chdclist mast E amolM beforc a Building krmit appliation is All pages of applicaUon is complete -tr-TetDRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form --a-ffiinium Association letter of apprwal attached if project is a Multi-Family complex --rr--ftdnCh-ek Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $100,000.00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) tr-6fiFlete site plan submitted --g-Jublic Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring -a-'trffilitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) .-g--frfl-floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets of plans for remodel/additions, 4 sets of plans for new SFR and Duplo<, 5 sets of plans for MultFFamily and C.ommercial Buildings) ..*--tViftklw and door schedule p,-FulHlctnral plans, including design criteria (i.e. loads) !--Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structunrl plans (All Commercial and MulU Family) .g--€oils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection -e--fff€ resisUve assemblies specified and penetmtions indicated p--ffibke detectors shown on plans o_-]y6s and quantity of fireplaces shown I have read and understand the Applicant's Signature: Dab of subm r*r= e//- t4{g@ plan included (refer to Public Works checklist)' allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval DoqJmene Received By: 0st20t2005 t.l BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department rwiew, and a reMew by the Building Departmen! the estimated time for a total review may take up to six (6) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all mulU-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maxlmum requiremenb. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projecb may take up to six (6) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not plcked up by the explration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it 4ay affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Signature Project Name: Date: Documene osnonoo' tl Town of Vail Survev Check all that apply Date: 2. Was your initial contact with our staff immediate_ll sbw or no one available 3.lfyouwererequiredtowait,how|ongwasitbeforeyouwerehe|ped? 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building___.1X1_ Environmental_Housing_Admin Ptanning DRB-PEC_.....- 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely uasis@uo lf nn rrArr n,rr2lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB lppJp-pEC App Bldg Permit N/A_ 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 5 4321 (5 is high) Name:(knowledge, responsiveness, availability) Overaff effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) 8. What comments do you have which would allow us to befter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. lf you have any questions or comments please contact Russell Fonest, Community Development Director at (970) 479-2139. of day for you to use the Front Service Countef Doc{men12 05r2u2005 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 CONTRACTOR TOIi'IN OF VAIIJ 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 L,icense: 463-B APPLICANT TOhIN OF VAIIJ 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIIJ, CO 81657Licenser 453-B Desciption: FIMSH STORAGE SHED LIGHTING Valuation: $1,000.00 Pennit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: E04-0159 30t(- oAsl .: ISSUED,: 09101/200/. .: 09/1012004 .: 03/09/2005 Eleotical------> DRB Fee-----> Invcctiration---> will ca -_--> TOTAL FEES..> ss0.00 s0.00 s0.00 s3.00 9s3.00 9s3.00 (9s3.00) s0. 00 s0. 00 s0.00 Approvals: Itern: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT 09/L0/2004 cdavisrtem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 J."*P.9.'.1.;..ll1l?..1T:L",.9ll9ll!.,*.1*TI9.Y-l*1?..T.9..9.t139-1..T.91.-9to.?.l,.9-9X:lLHgi-'*r.*......**.**,*.',',r,.*.r,*.'*,,.* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI.'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN oelnnrevr oF coMMUNrrY peveloP;Nr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location.....: 1289 ELKHORN DR Parcel No...: 210106400003 ProjectNo : Tl\TO.( -O(8(a OWNER VAII, COIJORADO MI'NICIPAL BLDGO9,/OT/2004 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAI I,co 8155? I-,icense: 09 /0t/2004 Phone: 970-479-2100 09 /0t/2004 Phone: 970-4?9-2L00 FEEs|.,MMARY't''|.|.|.:r..'|t...*.*'l|.1...*'.'r,|..:|'r*.:t..i4..*..r1...ji|.':|1.,}:} Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total P€r:nit F€e-.--> Payment5---------1 BALANCE DUE....--.> AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER AppLrcArroN l. no, BE AccEprED ,r r".orrrr,t#ryHBrd y _o ( g L 97 O-47 9-2749 (Inspections) MWNOFWN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Frn of Ual Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:leo U fr e< 4 Z? *2lz t COMPLETE SQ' FEET FOR NEw BUItDs and VALUATIONS FoR ALt OTHERS (tabor & Materiats) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE, 7@ ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ ,/t AOO Assessorc office at 970-328-8640 or visit vvww.eaore-cotntu.rom fnr parrar ft robName: PN j]z^J< t{.J j |j ;ou naoress: 12 t? ELft hpru pn Lesalpescription ll Lot: ll arock: ll riling:Subdivision: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of *orl. hXhlt"< r'lWorkClass: Newp{ Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (1f Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (4 Typeof Bldg.: single-famity( ) Duplex( ) Mutti-famity( ) commerciar ( ) nestarmnti ) o$"r(7- No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: .- Is this permit for a h ruo ( K) Do"t . Fi- Alarr E Contact ************************************J.**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****'f******************************** RECEIVED tril 07/26n002\WAiI\dAtA\CdEY\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC t I Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. s Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail.q Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel.q The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. o All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench.q In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and sDaces are acceoted. n NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories.o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of e)derior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. tlv/ 2z/ of@ If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will callyou back. BEZlrl E EPouJE blr R(DE1e* >9, 79 5?EG oo,-.: Es4;-.f,-naE Edfr qsq 3-t, 3uH :=g Qx2gtr; 8-sE ='c.u?oE-OFFF J eFu ;$?Fzw EEF =.gH9,2tr FEE bEE FE: FeFgF< tr=e 93= 3EH 93ts E?9 tto .= E IIJ oo IILFo =lt tr (J II+t?-(E -+t ldE. Fa) El-lt oE 5 9oE6 EJ(,. =?1'csrlcfx fH sEoio Z-lD! JxI1ra =o'n. lri -lZFOol o I l.o Ioao I {o !2E =to?>d:)6Z -.lE PIE<l= r-lfolo r.rli6t- sls rlf Ll6 =luFt(9tdlfol9 /-T\(-lll\l-l cr- \O.-\)fuJ\.-i:n\s -I C>rlER:E\+ & UJe, o)E6 lLo z '-13 =E lrJFt ti:il lluE ll llzs ll \-nOq**> ffr -FLF J H ol Hqq hnFrlz? p. tl fiqro ue -o3t 5 .D lrl6 2 G,;)o gB t() *5 u Ff;tt lpES J<59 a3r'r nF4c jFap 2 o e Qg - lrl PE* =8eirraZiL 2 EEo-< zH -s#-clda-oo f-=p io zo-Fo -{loi Fl ft?- UJo- v, z(\I z z o I m z zGI o t) zN z z(\l o Ior) tl o I-r' o (JzE (o I o tn(9z ro z. I2'O =.c zol z.zNz (o z+ Fo zN z z z o(, =zE zN z zolz o .ltl oz zN z zl\lz z E z 2c{z.z,N o m z z NZN9N9NZ UJx FolEF at) ldzo 3 :< 6F q E UJF t!o J(D e{o I l.o Io lt1o I$oate zt tt5toe= oz 3 Eo o 1 n t t Jlr.l 3 -l 3 6 Ey, E5O lrjE UJU,uJoloILc-.1 d$ >a ?9 FF oo*:-rgW ;tH-AE EAA *3"2-!S-t,-9608o-l; =-1 EHZ E=5 -7o--oFFF J e$u ;q?Ezwl:TlJE gsH ozO,9= EEp b>c E;2 FS c> PE3 urF< tr=e s3= e6y =o(,E3H .4ata Ee= Eo .= ETIJ oo l:L+.o5otr I o II+ttr (U I*. Ffz 5!z zE * o I ooo, o o :aIF tt 5(,z G Jo oz 9 ro r.) ol m I o(te @N F o f,z] (, ato c0 z, 9 ct e + m I o C\ o rt cl ooE = -1 z Y @ Ih g ro I ooe o o fz fJ oz. 9 to -lo a rt I ooo- ro |r) Yo F n c.{ ci x tdo =(o I+ z.o ol! 3cr o_ \_/ -r9 3ooBZYlrJ 5t: troo trlek !d N o -o o oo. N o I'o 1\l o b A o tn a =I 2 o o2 5 =ul(It lrJJ -o N aFlz 5 .o * tt I ooo. olri) D JJ =ozlrl lrlzo I aJ3E lr,, ]Lo JJ to vl()l<lrol LJI trl it<l =lctlzl'lrl =lol FI()I LJlnlo (). F* b'.P ';*? I ooH h - -trl fuii; Roeo9 1r ' lE EppaI l|J - -.i 3gFE3 Ig oz oo Eo ()z l =: 10<2P rt.o "?6-'z(\t <x= a?.-= \:fro< (,z :J to -lo x e n =oo rd o z (1 N ra lrjJo c o zo @ -ot \ m5 I tE| a lrJ 3Iy..,oa-i ubE86ct a IJJo6z 5lo|>l."llEl EH9 or lgJ2 =lolzl14 lrlE ofB an (,l l! EF q6' _EErr5 Hg 8,e 6 ro 3 5 co5r.fNte14<z ;irdN ?fra.tH ;{o- ''HEE. tH;E;gt8 ltl BEZ.lr, (tsEf5EEt!(n hto.o E{es >tn 12 5=rrE oo*aen ;tE-oG EEF 0sez.-J3-o 36H :=5oE= EP= E=E =trEz<lrl <-toFFF eEu ;r? 5EH EE; b5E Ep2 Hg5 -tE"F=B 93= ?az 83.' ??9 Eo ,= E aIlJ oo IIL+.ofEtr o!I *i,FI (E -# e(Lo IfEla zN|Il I e E.. n6E Pg v1E 31 Hgo<Zw 5c-ho\4E tro- 20>- rf)o I l.o Ioao Ito 2fi =6eze.3az YI 9-e o-r q= ol90FleE zlE I -l Ho Yo- 6E R= eg Fe6o9ortF :a C) F aq ed E' E8xo- ui c.l Yo -\o!- trJ!?E ArJs€ E,EP 9or|oF l.- ?.*r""*r oF coMMU*,r" orutPMENrTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PCrMit #: PO5-OII4 30.( - 6(sK Job Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [.ocation.....: 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD Applied . . : 08/16/2005 Parcel No...: 210104rcm03 Issued . . : 08ll7l20f5 Project No : -RRsOq-O KG Expires. .: 02l13l2m6 OI{NER 1IAIIJ COIJORADO MUNICIPAIJ BLDCOS/16I2005 75 S PROISTAGE PO VAIIJco 8L6s7 APPIJICAIIT MEADOW MOT'NTAIN PLI'MBING,/HEAO8/T6/2OO5 PhONE: 97O-479-298L P.O. BOX 4554 VAIIJco 816s8 License: 288-P cot{TRAcToR MEADOW MOITNTAIN PIjn!BING,/HEA08/L6/20O5 Phone: 97O-479-298L P.O. BOX 4554 VAILco 815s8 License: 288-P Desciption: TOV BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROIECTS-REMOVE EXISTING GALVANIZED DRAIN LINE TO 4 DRAINS AND RE-ROUTE FOR CLEARANCE AND REPLACE WITH ABS PIPING Valuation: $4,000.00 Fireplece Infonnation: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: n # of Wood Pallel: ?? :itr+.+r'.**r't r*r'|''rr.'r*:t*r'.*ttt.t'ttttt+ialtittttltt+*tr*at.tt.**tttattt FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-- > $60.00 R€suaram Plan Rcview- > Plan Check-- > $15. 00 DRB Fee-----------> lnvestigation- > Will Crll--- > 90 .00 Toral Calculated Fees-- > $78 . 00 $0.00 Additional Fees------ > (S78.00) 90. 00 $0. 00 $0 .00 $0.00 TOTAL FEES-----+ $78.00 Toral Pemir Fe€------ > Paymen6-------- > BALANCE DUE-_-- > s3.00 Item: 05100 BITILDING DBPARII{EMI o8/L6/2oos ;tS Action: AP ItsEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT{EI{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FTELTD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO eIIEeK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIAII- BE MADE TTTY PM, I{OI,JRS IN ADVANCE TURE OF OWNER 2149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ApprrcArrort..*o, BE AccEprED rr rr,*"r..loR u*srcr'EProiect#, , AJAq'0r&,6 Building Permit #: 75 S, Frontage Rd, Vail, C.olorado 81557 Plumbing Permit #: 79-2149 (Inspections) FOR PLUMBING PERITIIT (lAbOr & MAICdAIS) @4hct Eagle Coanty Asgsryzts Offie at 970-g2g-9640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # '* *"'* u/o* "/ l/^ I ful D,n,n L,,^..robAddress: % ! Ha"-t/J. Legal Description I r-ot ] er"a" t mling, t subdivision: OwnersNu ., Y^n ^l_l/.-/ Ilddress:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: De,taileddescriptionolrvork: flghotz-4ts/'ji, ,qerfV75;74^ ,1r ,a t,ne b .l cI/^iN d* rc:rw{e /0. J}.)*- *' ;)N Y re,483 e,rlnu Typeof Bldg.: Single-tamily( ) Duptex( ) Multi-family( ) CommercidLfRestaurant( ) Odrer( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ***:*********:l**************************FOR OFFICE USE Ol{LY*****l*******!ft*************:t********* \ RE0D AUG Th ZOOS \\VaiMau\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\PLMBPERM. mC 78 07t2$2m2 07-12-m(b tnrpecfron RcquestReportlng PaS29 4:38 om Vall, CO - ClBr Ot 1289 Eu(HORr{ OR Erftt d Bf .tlOtrlDRAGOtrl K oo"*'i*gmff:: jff*ly,Jury13,200s -rcid(-6r&/ SIb AddErT: 75 S FRC'I{TAGE RO ITEST VAL AIPDlnl$netor Affi Efi{15S T}po: SELECComtTyDa: Occuo.ireuOwi.r: VAIL COLORADO tlt MClPAl- BLOG AUTI-ORIWADplh.rt TOUINOFVAII Coarbrcbr: TOVTNOFVAL fh|. Exp: lmoccdonHlsbn, lbm: 11O ELEC.ToTD. Pourollbm: 12O ElEORoudtlbm: 13O ELEC.ConturlLm: 1{} ELEC-tftrc.tlm: lgl ELEC-Flml D|scrFdon: RNSH STORAG€ S}ED LlcHnNc Reoucs*drnrpecrfon(rr -'-"""- A ? $ln Hil =fr/es lbm: 190 E[ECflnrlR.qu..br: TOVU}IOFVAILA$ts,bdTo: S}|Ale'l- Acdon: Sbtr: lSStlED In pftl.: JRM SnbT&: AltrD Phono: 9?S4792t{XlPtpm: 97$47921fl! RequecEd Tlme: 08:00 At- Ptprr: 970.i17$'21m REPTl31 Run Id: 34L4 Requesled Inrpec.tImr ThuB.hy, July f tl' 2005- lnsgac'Uon Area: JRIU SlbAtklress: 75 S FRONIAGE ROICSTVAL TOV tt t{lclPAL Bull-oltlc BATHRocrlls fftrs{sTA AF,Dlnlwrnrdql Actultu m$fi56 ll/De: A4Ofr/iltlConstTwri: Occwcifty: OIYri.c VAIL COLORADO iII",MCIPAL BLDG AUT}IORfi ADollcant YAMPAH B|,.[IDERS, ll.lc. CoiTccbI: YAMPAH BI,ILDERS, IIIC. Descdp0on: TCn, BU|O|NG tlAlNIEl.|Al.lCE PROJECTS Esscsegt&snssgelGl lbm: 90 BLDG-Flnal Requesbr: YAMPAFI Bt lL"D€RS, ll.lc./ Leo Cofltnmts: U,ILL CALL /munlcbo! blds bcltroom3Ardqrd To: JilOi.IDRAC'OI.J- Acdon: Tlmc Exp: sub16: Plrona: Phon : O SIAIS: APPROVED l,EpAt€a: JRU 97083795422 c.H 970'379-5822 crill lnsoecdon Hlsbn llem: 60 BLDC'-Shoetock tlal Og3[r/05 lrEpocior:JR-Approv€d * Rcquesled Tlme: @:30 At- Plpnc: 3qI4672 EnfteredBy: LTILLMAN K n Lrn{1.'ia D b/fl APAPPR.T/ED t\ I V 70 BLDGMbC.gt BLDeF|nd lXXt BLDC'-T.mp. Ci/Osirl Pr/sTEtp.c/o 533 Pt AI+TEMP. CvO 537 PLAI$RM|-CvO 5tE FIREfIMLCYO txlg PuiRMLcvoilt ElDeFhdcvo2t PLAI+ILC Fourhtbn Plan 22 P|.At+lLCSlbPlan lbm: tbm: l!.m: lbm: llem: ttem: lbm: llrm: lbm: lbm: !bm: \ REPT131 Run Id: 3419 TAv Sl,ofa) ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97o.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: Tov MATNTENANcE pRoJEcrs DRB Number: DR8040237 Project Description: TOV BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROJECTS.ADD SIDING TO STOMGE BUILDING AT PUBLIC WORKS SHOP. THE STORAGE BUILDING DOES NOT APPEAR TO HAVE RECEIVED DRB APPROVAL. Participants: OWNER ALLSTATE INSUMNCE CO 06/022004 Phone: 3 RESOURCE SQUARE 10815 DAVID TAYLOR DR CHARLOTTE NC 28262 Ucense: APPLICANT TOWN OF VAIL 0610il2004 Phone: 970479-2100 75 S FRONTAGE RD vAIl_, co 81657 License: 463-8 ProjectAddress: 13o9ELKHORNDRVAIL Location: 1289 ELKHoRN DRrvE Lesat Description: Lot: Btock: subdir,",oHfffr\fr**"rr. RuNG Parcel Number: 210109200001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: DENIED Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this p@ect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oo of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued boward completion, Planner: CLARE sLoAN DRB Fee Pald: S25O.OO IOI44Vffi ipplication for Design *Ci"* Depatment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 tel: 970.479.2139 tay:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.rrail.o.us General Informataon: All poects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apptication. pleaserefer to.the submittal requirements for the particulb'r approuar that is requested. An application for Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is reieiveo by the community oevitopment Department. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town council and/or ttr" prinnini ana i.uironruntal crmmission.Ilesign rcview apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withinone year of the apprcval. Physicaf Address: l2*? €lkhr^",+ T , t.e Parce|No.:W(ContactEag|eCo.Assessorat97o-328-8640forparce|no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: RECEIl,ED ,,,i,j 0 / 200rr Location of the proposal: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New ConstructionO Addition tr Minor Alteration (m ulti-family/commercial) El Minor Alteration (single-family/duptex) tr Changes to Approved plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus 91,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use_.,1pnly: Fee Paid: ' Page 1 of I3ltLlL7l03 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Color t\/''D H,rrcn P h) ANO P Notes: Please specify' the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of t3ltIlLTlO3 + €t; :h*o) t'o b* sr)u) t P u t,\=J -fo bn st).) T t Hnrc4 F $ 19i uo- tt"K 'H t D T c f-l*T<H ?u:' 1//c' ? t From: John GallegosTo: Clare SloanDate: 06/10/2004 1:58,22PMSubject: Re: Maintenance Projects I H[Clare, Sorry about the eritra work. Good questions. l. The bell is approximately 12" made out of black iron with a mounting bracket We propose to build a small truss-like frame out of rough sawn 4'X6" wood to mount the bell on. The frame is to fit under the eaves above the front door. lt is to be painted white to match the building. 2. The siding will match the shop building. I guess I didn't make that clear. We will add doors. They will be wooden with diagional cross-brasing and painted to match the shop's man doors. I hope that clears it up. Please let me kno|, if you have any more questions. Thanksl >>> Clare Sloan 6/10/2004 8.12.42 AM>>> HiJohn, ily name is Clare Sloan and I am the planning intern for Community Development. I have been assigned the six Public Works applications. I have staff approved four of them: one was faxed and three are in interoffice mail. The two that I have question about are: 1. Ford Park School House: What is the material of the bell? How will it be mounted to the building? What are the dimensions of anything added to the building? 2. Public Works Shop: Will the siding match the main public works building? Are any doors for the building proposed? Sincerely, Clare 47*2369 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DRB Number: DR8040331 Project DescripUon: VAIL MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS, WAREHOUSE BUILDING Participants: OWNER VAIL CORP 071t412004 Phonet PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL07/ L4l20M Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 Liaense: C000001697 ProjectAddress: 953 S FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: 923 S. FRONTAGE ROAD Legal Descrlpdon: Lot! Ta&b Block Subdivision: S. Frontage Road Sub. Parcel Number: 21031212,1fi)1 Comments: seeconditions unfldt"l- UR V1\"it--trc'-"t" se- 7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz Q7|L5/2OM Conditions: Cond:8 (PI.AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dil@ent[ pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006551 to the issuance of a CO. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 t JUt. 14.2004 '7:38A[4 \/RDC C0l']STRUCTl0I.l 9i0-845_2358 IONN#RECE IVE IJ JlJt" I 4 tuii4 Percd No;_f,1Q312l!2zlQQ!( Eagle Co. Assessor at 97F328-96,{O for parcet no.) Zonino: LMU-2 lpe cf Rwiew and Fce: O Signs E Conceptual Revlew D New ConstructlonD Addiuon x Minor Aierathn (multl.famlly/commecial) O Mlnor Altsraum (single.lrmlly/duplo() B Changrs b Appro\red Plans O Scprrotbn Reguest t50 PIus 91.00 per square fmt ol bial slgn a'tr, No F€e $550 For consiluctbn of o new buildlng or demo/rrbuild, t300 For an addltlon where square footage ls rdded to any rcsidenllal or co nercial building (hclu&s 250 addidons & interior conveFlons), $250 For mlmr ctrangcs b brildin€s rnd slte improvern€nts, sudl es, rcrconng, painung, window addltloN, hndscapirE, fenc€s and rctainirE w.lls, rtr.920 For minor chrnges to bullding! rnd sit€ improvemenls, such at reroofing, painting, window addtlons, landgcaping, frnces ancl etaining rYalls, ek.$20 For nvisims to plens ahady apprwed by Plannlng Statf or the D€sign Revlev{ Boel€. No Fee Application fior Design Review Depatnrrt ot Community Oarelopment 75 Souilr Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 01657 El: 970.'179.2139 Jaxi 970.479.2452 r|eb: wr{w,ci,rdil,co,t s Gcner.l lnformedonl Al prcjecG rcquiring dcsign rerrlew must .ec€ive tppord grior ro submtting a buitdtng permit applirtaflon. Pleas refrr b.thc subnittat requkemenb for the particular approval that is requested. An appticatton ior Design Revlcw cannot be accePEd until all rcqulred Infgmation ls Ecciv€d by the communiv Development Department. The project mry-dso necd to be rgvieuad by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrnental commis$ion.D3!l9t ravhw .pProval llpocs unlcsr a building pc]mlt lo :$u!d lnd construdlon comnenccG within ooc yer of the approvrl, Description otthc ncquesB Mlnor Chanoes to Building Laation of tfte Pmposal: LoelEellgock_ Sjbdvi$on:__Sauth Frontage Road Sub, Phyclcel Addrcss: -_123 S. Frontaoe Road llame(s) of Owner(s):Vail Resorts. Inc Mailing Addr€ss!PO Box 1127. Avon. CO 81620 Fhone:748-0920 E-nail Addrccar mauriello@comcast.net -Ftx)_J!l!3lf_ l{llllngAddrcssr PO BoxT^ Vaif @ 8t6t8 Own€r(s) Signature(s): ttls.t/Os' ay; Ae{l4v DRBNo,: Dl /iri'l t tr s!Jn\!l NUI\ \r.- rt\ \+J i iJ o E s '$ B \A +I q cctr \IJJ UJ l-a SP G Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 f ax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: DRB Number: DR8040318 Prciect Descrifiion: REPI.ACXNG 2 GAMGE DOORS ON VEHICTE WASH ATTHE PUBUC WORI(S SHOP Pafticipants: OWNER VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDG0Z08/2004 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDG0Z08/2004 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 Ucense: ProJect Mdrcss: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 1289 ELKHORN DRIVE tesaf Description: LoE Btock: Subdivision: Vit Vi ltrf*f-/Un pnf"e- Parcel l{umber: 210106400003 Comments: SEE @NDmONS t/nPldfeL BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apptov'al= 071t412004 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: loeSuthe, O DRB Feet: S25o.oo TOI4'I'M Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submiftal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Ilesign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction ommenes within one year of the approval. Description ofthe Physical Address:C-o (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Location of the Proposal: Lotl_Block: Name(s) of Owner(s): S)a$ lr. l'|.Ir. F(o eltt Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr D n K tr tr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, wlndow additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 No Fee uri For revisions to plans already approved by Planning SffFt el V E 0Design Review Board. F"".tr:ff* use onlv:t Planner: PROPOSED MATERIATS Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffib Winclows Window Trim Tb Mtl-L,, Fxt$pa lld.l o,J Glass Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. 4w. . Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Page 6 of LZllzlOTlOz tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Ar€hitectural Floor Plans: u Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred s Floor'plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. o Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.a Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).u One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also,a Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.e Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. B Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies.o Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). s Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. o Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.o Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Planr o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o lnclude height above grade, lumens output, luminous area tr Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Ceftificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC; o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or seto Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevationsu All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact locationo All easements Page 5 of l2l0Zl07l02 \r <)A,l 3 Ir\2 J. \_l r t\) I{7q :JIVIS oF do'h/'/-'lv^{. dts ,\A=1. ,30-llvl\ J() I\MOI' :JJV1S do.hl , L :*wo _s ,f o \n {,\ \--J ? VJ IVAOL .,_tvJ-s /V\3lA:cr ,'...liS3Olvn Jo N/VtOt oo F:rrvrg t n'rtt ' z' 'IVAC- _tVl-S Mf llri,-., ,,-rrS3O-ltv^ JO NAAO1 ;flvo -{-?a/oP ($ A- \n Unp*tt"k NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: 8040138 Job Address: 1309 ELKHORN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.......: 1289 ELKHORN DRIVE Applied . . : 06/08/2004 ParcelNo....: 210109200001 Issued...: 06/10/2004 ProjectNo.: -pR SOq -6 (86 Expires.. .: 72/07/2004 OWNER TO$IN OF VAII-, 06/0$/2004 Phonez 970-479-2LOO 75 S FRONTAGE RD vArrJ, co 815 s7 I-,icense: 453 -B COIqIRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL 06/08/2004 Phone: 97o-479-2L0o 75 S FROI TAGE RD VAIIJ. CO 81557 License: 453 -B APPr-,rCArim TOWN OF VAIIr 06/08/2004 Phone: 970-479-2700 75 S FRONTAGE R.D VAIIJ, CO 815s7 License: 463-B Desciption: INSTALL STEELSTAIRSTO STORAGE AREA INPUBLIC WORKSSIGN SHOP Add Sq Ft 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Ings: 0 # of S0. oo Total Calculated Fees-> 9209.66 So.oo Additional Fees-> (5209.65) TOIAAIOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $1500.00 Fireplace Infornution: Reshicted: DE'ARTMENT oF coMMUMTy DEVEL''MET.TT To vl fubt it't" il.,orfs Wood Pelleh * FEE SUMMARY Building--> 9L25 .25 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> Sg1-41 DRB Fee--> Investiga tion-> will cdl-> S0 - 00 flgcreadon Fe€-_-_> $3 .00 Clean-uP DePosit-> So . oo Total Pemrit Fee-> go. oo Palnrents-> 90.00 $0. 00 $0.00TOTAL FEES-----> g2oe.G6 BALANCE DUE----> Approvals:Ite'm: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/09/2004 rRr[ Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI{fl| Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBL,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in fulI the infonnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto, REQLJESTS FOR INSPECflON SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BYIELEPHONE AT479-449 OR AT OUROFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PAGE 2 . *ffi **************r*********r**###ffi ***r***{#**t*##***#**ffiffi CONDMONSOF APPROVAL Permit#: 804{138 asof 06'1(F2fi)4 Status: ISSUED PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBI-IILDPERMT Applied: 06/08/20U Applicanh TO\/NOFVAIL Issued: 06/70/2004970479-21n ToExpire: 12/07/2004 fob Address: 1309 ELKHORN DR VAIL Location: 1289 ELKHORN DRIVE ParcelNo: 210109200001 Description: INSTALL STEEL STAIRS TO STORAGE AREA IN PUBLIC WORKS SIGN SHOP Conditions: Cond: L (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQLIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. a APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG ll Project #:.4- O(8b Bu TION icar,REt"EtyED j.;i; il I ,:'i,Q4 NWN0FYIn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: 'frutxt r,tf llAtc Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Email address: contractorsisnature:( /Ll , ,1 6U4 GOMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials oTHER:$ q0OBUILDING: $ rorAL: $ ffiAC"PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-32&8640 or visit FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*t*****************s*t******!r:r**** 2l cl ootz- caao I JobAddress: t2g7 EL?HNM DR,Job Name: gl^j €,qr'S fur 5/o't, Phone: 479 - 2t rt ll 5f<<9/o!r4Jr qr<q l-1 Lu 9rcn 5 4"'jr' WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other()- Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 0OWork Type: Interior pQ Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (X Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: MepCNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:tE : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burni Noffvoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yesa Fire Alarm Exist: Y \VAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07 t26t2002 tl Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development ProjectName: e W 5r e,u Suo? ft*tBs projectAddress: 12 87 Ftl<Nogtt Da, ltAtL Cn ?1672 o o 0 D o o o o o o o B o D o o This Checklist must be amoletd before a Building Permit apnlication is aceoted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MulU-Family complo< Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submifted if demolition is occuning Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(s sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full sbuctural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signaturer Date of sub \\VailWata\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC Received B 04t02t2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-fami[ permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible, I, the undersigned, understand the plan check proceidure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: lr/ 5 F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 I KJJ'r'^t$/.J\.....-....- .r. / TONOTUAIIIY HOW DIDI'YE RATE WFH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Dwelopment Deparfnent Russell Fonest Directoc (970)179.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmenbl _ Housing_ Admin -Planning . DRB _ PEC _ 2. Was your initial contact wilh our staff immediate_ dow _or : i no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your proj,ect revierved on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof? 5. WastrisyourfirsttimebfileaDRBapp-PECapp_ iBldgPermit-l.l/A I i '" i' ' 6. Please rate fie performance of tre stafi person who assisbd you:54321Name: (knorledge, responsiveness, avdlabil'lty) 7. Overall efiectiveness of fre Front Seruice Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are conrnitted b improving our seMce. , JIJz.z Io EI 1,.,uF I F LJ vl c'r.t x CI x \,r\ {t[:-t\)A Y R L-ir\ ix2 T-}Y<+ru->- ,, > 5; da-? \-,/O r-. JzE lrla v) .A - ztrt an ucrE I/1.{ R\ N v:-xt>\r\ \AJ r= A v.f, \n ,,9 lr, "'tl{ 1 (,I ) ,\i {..- \ f r\..J\r\r q,/ t-.\r\r 'll ii\. /-\ r i' lr'\1 i /i (L iil .\l , \-t.v. t-._ \\ ,.,,( I 07-26-2044 hspectlon Request Reporting 6:4! am VruU. CO . fOWn b-f _ . -Page 13 Recuested lnsDect Date:' Inspec'Hon Area: Slh Address: 1F#.r, Juty 26,2004 1309 ELKHORN DR VAIL 12S9 ELKI-IORN DRIVE A/P/D lnformadon Aclrvhv: BO+O138 TvDe: A.COltM Sub Tvp€: O Sidus: ISSUED Consl Tvt6: occuoaircv: U'se: lnsp fu€E: JFIM orwier: ToltllN oF vAlL Phone: 97&4792100 ADpilcant: TOI/\,NOFVAII Phone: 97O4792'l0O Co'ntraclor: Tol/t N oF VA|L Phons: 97S4792'loO De6crlptlon: TNSTALL STEEI. $T IRS TO gTORAGE AREA fN Pt BLIC WORKS SIGN SHOP Reouested Inspecdon(sl Item: Requestor: Comrnents: AEggn€d To: Aclion: 70 BLDG-lllisc. TOWN OFVAIL slon shoo silaks JIilONDfTAGON Reeuestedorime: 3#3# Enlered By: DGOLDEN K Time Exp: lnspecdon lllstorv ttom: 10 BLDcFFooflffrs/Steel nem: 20 BLDc-Found-dorvstsl ft6m: 3, BLDG-Frsmlno It m: 50 BLDG.lnsuffi6n liem: 6{l BlDG-Sheelrock Nall ttom: 70 BLDG-MFc. llem: 9() BLDG-Flnal ttsm: 53O BLDG-T€mp. C/O Item: a?2 PW-TEMP.-C,'O itNm: 533 PLAI.I-TEMP. C/O llem: S7 PLAI+FII'IAL CtO lt€m: $8 FIRE-FINAL C/O Item: 539 PW-FINALC/O It m: 5{} BLDG-FImIC/O Itsm: 21 P|AN-ILC Foundatlon Plan nem: 22 PLAN-ILC Slt€ Phn REPT131 Run Id: 2L29 &i' unF/6#* Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cobrado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 f axi 97 0.479.2452 web: wwr r,ci,vail.co.us ProjectName: TOV DOORCHANGE Project Description: REPI-ACING 2 GAMGE DOORS ON VEHICLE WASH ATTHE PUBUC WORKS SHOP. Pafticipants: OWNER VAIL COLORADO MUNICIPAL BLDGOS/20/2004 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: 463-8 COT.ITMCTOR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FROTITAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: 463-8 ProjectAddress: 75 S FRONTAGE RDWESTVAIL Legal Description: [ot: Block Subdivision: *,Parcel Number: 210106400003 Comments: see conditions DRB Number: DR8040427 OBl20l2O04 Phone: 970479-21tF oslzolzou Phone: 970479-21-Q0 Location: 1289 ELKHORN DR Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval; 0813t12004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lap and bcome void one (1) year following the drE of final approval, unless a buildlng permlt b issued and construction is commened and is diligently pursued torrard complcUon, @nd: CONd)0669 Applicant shall rnabh all new garage doors to odsting garage doors, both in style and color, at Publb Works facility Entry: 08/3V2qH By: ee Actlon: AP Bisabeth Eckel DRB Fce Pald: $20.00 General Information: M inor Exterior Alteratlons Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be rs/iewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Crmmission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of lhe Request: RECEIVED a.UG 2 0 ziit:tr Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address: | 2*'? E4kho'.^ [}r v* Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: 2, E-mail Address:Fax:42?-2t 66 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr Ne$/ Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) {Cnanges to Approved Plans D Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consbuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee Page 1 of 12104128104 TOI4'NM MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval UlSg they involve the addiUon of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. @7All pages of Application is complete @ Checklist is completed and signedE Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicabletr Site and Grading Plan*, if applicable0 Landscape Plan*, if applicable E,' Architectural Elevations*, if applicable[n Exterior color and material samples and specifications. O Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicabletr Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, ifapplicableE Title repor!, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* E Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. O Written approval from a condominium associaUon, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableE Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicablex O The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the ntaterials noled with an asterisk (*). x*For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed fJ Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRts Wndows \MndowTrim Cayo-e-e'Ooors J - Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Rebining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color 4".1 Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L2l04lz8l04 Designed tor high use, high molstute andlar appttcatlons that require a heavy duty insulated section. Provldlng you with durability, security and energy saving as well as exceptional appearance br years to come, our 3'insulated.section opfion gives you a solid, high strength door produc't ttrat has ma(imum thermal prc,tection, corroslon resistance and minimal moisture absorbsion. Solect our 3'insulated section oplion with any Survivor.'l door hardware package and create a system lhat feaUres galvaniZed and other top quality comi:onents to match your buildlngs'individual needs. Survivor,' Platinum, Gold or Silver hardware packages are availabte for this option' Choose from 3 countefialance systems to maximize your door systems effectiveness. . Car &Truckwashes . Auto Dealerships . Service Stations . Marlne Errvironments . Salt Sheds r Ambulance Center and many more... Applications Food Processing Material Handling Cold Storage Chemical Plants Manufacturing Plants GementYards . Llvestock Facilities . Poultry Farms . Slaughterhouses 'Vegetable Warehouses . Fertilizer Plants . Farm Service Shops TOWN DEq I STHr' By far the leader of the industry..... Orir 3" Sections are roll'formed frpm hot dlpped galvanlzed com- mercial quality steel offering an R-value of 15.2.The exErior 4dtE: l.+ t interior ekins are 20 ga. pebble ioctured ttt"t, pt".sui- Oono"i-,," ,.. V) to an extruded, closed cell polystyrene which does not absorb Dr^' ' moisture common with expanded polystyrene (bead'board type) products. The exterior and interior skins are sepanted to brm an etfectlve thermal.barrier. The weatherstripping tetween each E! secdon provldes a weatherdght sealfor thermal efficienry- End atllea are mahuhcturEd with 't6 ga. galrranized steelwith a ' durameter $ermal break Tongue and groove nil design pranenUng'wEter'tape" and potenlial door damage due to accumulated and/or frozen mois- r{t l|lESlarl ture br maxlmum secdon life. ;5r- or stralnless steel hardware fanmericon 08/lS/200414:61 FAI 218 ?51 6551 rtmlcAl{GDS Eoos Throughotit tr'1q5e pages You1l cllscover the cornpleE range of STYROFOAM br6nd Insulalon prod- ucts anct sysEms for ev€jy comrner- ctal. rcqnng geoEchnlcal and low trrl1pc1"ure project you rruy be lnvolvect ln. Use thls brochure b lden- dly me STYROF1SAM product berlr suted to your appllcatlon. Then call the appraprlate bll-free number lbr procuct €vallabllhy or technical llFrau.rre. .Tnqtn'Jh Of fll D.rr .',lrrrls.I | :tlF&rr! STYROFOAM Brancl InsulAtion-The Rig ht Insulatlon For Every Application. PROVEN PERFORIVII\NCE Shce lts lntroducflon In 1 948 STYROrcAM brand lnsulaton, tlle Al€. eitructed polystyrEnetoarn. has Deen a prc,ven p€rfoffn€r ln m[lons ot i.lstallaEons \,rrorlctwlcle. The reason lts unlque Ugnt dos€ct cdl strusurc ' leaves no volds beNeen ne celgTne resulE hlgn compresslw stEngrth and unequaled nesEEnce To warer pefie- gadorL Butdon\ El€ our wortttbr E llb ancl lld6 Esrstudles dearu ctocumentme penbrmance of STYROFOAM brand Q products. These !es-t rcsults (grapd- . caly represenEd on thls pagd make lt dearnat STYIOFOAM brand Insulatlon conslstemy ouferlonnsqnpcddve hsladng materlals In tfi e lab and ln ure rud woflct An6 rnars wnyure can qttera 1 s-lEarumld U'|elmal pertorrnance warranv, tie rnost @mprchensnre m€nnal warEn- ry h rne hclustry. conEct ygur trlow t1rp.€senEd\,c for rnore cletails water submerslon L3b Test lnctlcaEs nol / mucn waEran Insua- flon pn)dud absorbs when subJecFd to moisturc in a llquld fbrm. fiCst Mernoct ASTM O 2842.'llstwas conducEd Ery oow'TEchnEel seMce &DevelopmertGroup, ra.06a€.xlvsTngr / I tt /|' 1-l"o!* at-{-Erl E '10 ll TIIE OAYS R-value Retenuon L'ab'Tes[ lndlcates !i1e reElned thermal resls- tance of Insubdon Pncducls wnen subjesled F molsRrreh a llguld?ornt lor over 200 nours. (Test Merhocl ASTMC5l&C 17n. ]esl was condustccl by Onech |ntemaf,onal. 00 s t0 m 6a) I x Ux.1.. 88,gril friFF:t|l rxirfdcnd F0lrravttla -aafr ti!6FtraE :)i! R-vaue Rsterfi ortFleld Test lndlcates fie Gtaheo fiermd I€sls-. tancr of lnsuladon praclucB aner a 5 ' v€8rEstFerloo.IEstwas cordtJc"led . by ure US. lrmy conJsof Englneers' coldRcgk nsResearcnancl Englneerhg uborabry (cRREu. ) Jlr#oui l|rta lnt,|li htly'-,t!aufetHt||q{rrn*o n 0E/LS/2004 14:61 Fatr 21E 751 6551 ENVIRONMENf,AL ACTIVITIES LIMITEDTHERMAL WARRANTY DOWHELPS AUERICAN CDS Boo4 ,t . ,'',. ' r.:i 07|200,Do1r/ Buyune 2gl0 DOw flas El(en a leadershlp role In deflnlng and lmplemenung sotudons to envllorunerYlEll concems. By July r 99O, Dow had compteHy Prused out CFCS ln STYROFTAM DEnd prooucrs at a[ nlne o? lts Nortl Amencan pEnE, Slx European pEnts and a|l plantsln Japan and Erazlhave also Deen converEcL The wortfs large$ mandac'nirer of exBuded pofysryrenetoarn and the largest U,S, suppllef Dow was thellrst to Degln converslon, shoruyalEruecorrela- Uon betu/een CFCS and ozonedeple. donwasmade. Thls qulct( response was rnaoe possl- ble by extensive researcn begun in I 974. whlch yletded cFC subsutures, samples manuladured at fiar dme nave since undergone long lerm insuladon value aglng !e$s and exEn- sfue physlcal prcperv Esdng. STYROFOAM brand producE are manufacrured wm HCFC blo\fflng agenE wnlch have ozone degle{onpolendals over90 percemless than sEnclard crc b|owlnE aEentg STYROFOAM Drand prcduqG can fre.guerrty be r+used. a/en afErclecades ln place. ln commercial buildlngs. low €rnperarure lbdlldes and rnarlne oocKs, STYROFOAM brand producrs. peruolady rcof Insulatbn - hrnE been Salvagecl ancl rc-used wnue otter bullcllng componenE arc dFcaft ed Procluct r€-u* ls the ulfmate w€y E sirye monq/. conscrve enerlu/ and mlnlmlze con!:lbutbns F the wasE srearn .. .. ll' }1.1i'ii' ozone Deoleuonpor€ifiit n'edubeo By Over 9096 The reason iorthe estaDtlsned Insutat- Ing penbrmance ls rhat rhe structlre and composllon sf STYFIOFOAM brand insulauon provloes ne proper- ues tnat curD tfiernal drtft - ue contn- uous loss of R-value ln most ofier rlglcllbam Insulatlng producrs. The R-value ot STYROFOAM bGnct Insulaflon prooucts is 5.o Der Inch @ 75oF me€n temperature gnd manyprooucls are backed up by a 1 5 year Llmlted Thermal warGntv,.. : .i ..' .4L,:i!l i€=r' Ll,tllTED In sdecdngSTYROFOAM bEnd Insu- latlon. you'rc not only getdng superlor producls. you're Epplng lmo Dow's vast resources For exarnCe a slmdephone cail carl putyou In buch wtm orc of ourinsuEdon maErlalspechF lsts, a hrghly sl{lled prcEsslonal who czln pl,l?vkle you wltll tecnnlcd assF- tnce along the way. lrcm rne blue- prlnG stagc rlgm lhfitugh ulcomp|e!orr For producavE[abltw orfi e name ofyour local silbs rcpnesenbdve. cail 1-eoo-232-2436. For addldonal Iniormadon orEchnEal and case studles lltE zrtllre onany of tre Insulaton prpduqts and syscms llsEd h rils brocnule, call 1€d).441-4369. tF.; @ ootAilERICAN GDS08/L9/2004 14:51 FAI 218 751 6551 n l-ltlr-tfJt \1 \\ -.J. a 'tI r.'fY U\^ v 6 -l \ -( Y\ 6 J ,.x. .t -vt- Is .I a vl \ !(- a'..f !l v) tt s {I t '] \ rJ\l\-L C\ AIVIERICAI\ GARAGE DOOR SUPPTYCOMPAI{Y TOLL-FREE 1 {00-233-1 487 WASH-BAY DOOR SYSTEM FOR CARITASH AND OTHER HIGII MOISTI'RE APPLICATIONS gct NvSruIf,Y 1999 I9l 8rz rvd zl tl to0z/61/to000 E E. GALVANIZED TOFSION BRUSH wEATHlns!aL-- c. ztNc GALVANIZED T ON SPRINGS . ixib:i["* CALVAI{'ZEO TRACK CORROSION REIilSTANT JAMB DETAIL. B. STAINLESS STEEL CAB D. TIOT.DIPPED GALVANIZED HEAVY DUTY ST|LES - A. "MAGNUU" CARWASH ROLLERS F.1' GA. HEAVY DUTY I{OT.DIPPED GALVANIZED AND HAROWARE G. INSUI.ATED wtNDOWS (12. X 24') zooD s(D lrclwnv r990 Be-cause ,.of the hrgh morsture/hrgh cycle charaderrstrcsof the typfcat carwish sttuiton, lmeir".n Garage Dgorsupply has combrned ilre attrtbutes oi severat excertentproducts to provrde you wrth a htghry rust free doorpackage that rs.easy to Instail anJ wirr-Ji"" you years oftroubre and marntenance trte operailon.- unrire standardpackages, this p_ackage offers standard features whrchll: highly specrfrc to your trigh 'morsi*"-irr"r' needs.Thls package *!!J lor only .OC to ff, ,.iu. of your ly1dflq, bul w't hefp i*p Vour operation runntng moresmoothly wlthout profrt tois-gr1e. ti *ily servrce carrs,unsightly door appearance or hlgh malntenance eosts. 1'@sections ar€ 3'rolt formed rrom hot-dipped ::Ii::::-":Il"i"l"t oy*,r srcer ofrerfns 8 R.vrrue of r5.2. rhe arariorand Inlerlor skins are pebblo textu?ed steel preasure bonded ir-' ,r'lorro"o"tclosed ce[ porystyrrne whbh does not absorb moisturc as with common beadtype polystyrene. Errerror end Interror skins are seps?at€d to ,orm aneffectlve lherner barilor. waatherstrrpprng between each section providcs arcalherllght rear. Sacuon mecring raris aie of tongue and groove desrgn whichreducee the opportunity for rnoisturo ro accumurats and d€troy 'ecriorc.End stifes ere manufactulrd rrom 16 ga. garvanired sreer saparated from tiesteef skln wlth a durometel thermal brealr. 2. A.:'M B. STAI - MA*NUM" FoLLEBS- Drsrgned speciaty for the ca'aeh appricaron :H.ii'jri ::ri"-.tr a doubre ceared precisron bearrns which w'r rasr r00! ofthousbnds or cvcres rnd requires no ruurrlario":#"J#';r:1JlJLo*rtthis rtiilsr uillzes a u.H.il.w poryarhyrena fire and prated shafl that wilr grvryour operalron y3a?s of quret, rust free end dependabte scryica (s.e !ft.ch.dllt3ratur. and ferturee sheet.) - r--'-!'! - r r!.r'.'bF,\, ct I EEL (rAltLE. Unlltg rbndafd galVrnfZed Cabb WltlChwlll rurl, fray'rnd eYentualty maf. S6inlcss rteel ceblc wllt provtde youwilh ru3t end troubte frae pcrformrncr. 8oo B r99S I9l 8rZ Wd rrt I-IJA f double angrc mount trad( Nid(elplaEd chaln Nlckel plated chatn '.1 TC90 r9l rra rvd zs.iT t00z/avt0 TEFC Motor ffoE[y Endosed Fan Cooled Motor) s(D t{vtrr8f,YEOO E E 4/ F. Ot H. H, C. ZINC GALVANIZFD TORSION SPRINGS- Amartca's finerl lully hot.dlpped galvani:ed torsion sprlng. Longer lasling and cotrosion/rusl rcsislanl thb syrtem ls ctenderd with 20,000 operating cydes compared to atendard torrlon sprlngs wlth a 10. 12,000 cycle llfe. Also evailable In hlgh€r cycle llves of 40,000 and 80,000 cycles. These rprlngs will help elimaneto unsightly 'drlp- .down and will not be as susaptable lo brrakage du. to rusl. Hearry duty 16 ga. slilos provlde a solid rust resistanl basa lor lhe atlachment of hardrvare. E. GALVANIZED TORSION SHAFT. Longer lastlns th.n stand.rd sleel shafls lhis leaturc helps eliminate unsightly "driplown" and breakdown due to rusl. HINGES AND HARDWARE- A[ hlnges arc 11 sa. hot-dipped galvanired ste€|. Longtr l*tlng then standard 14 or 16 ga. This featurr wlll give you yeats of trouble-lree corrosion resigtant use. G. (1 window provlded with peckagell2' X A" r/8- SSB double Inculatad glass ofiars marimum vlsibilily wilhout sacrlllclng sccurlty to your opeatlon. FULL VISION SECTIONS AISO AVAILABLE. . ProfHee e wsath€r tight rcrl around the pcrlmeter of the door lo kaep heat In end blowlng snow, rain and wind out. This product is highly wsar-resistrnt and does not crack, stiften and peel as quicHy rs wlth standard vlnyl weathrrseals. PILLOW BLOCK END BEARINGS ( ynnr GREAsE n{sEtrTsF H.rvy duty Indurtrhl s.elcd cnd bc.rlner dsnd up lo high oyclc ond hlgh noiaturc anar. Bearlng hou.lng hrr grcaro Inrort lor rrry lulrlcallon. PUSHEH SPRINGS- K..p! cor.t ni pnrurc on doo? to prcycnt clbba from trtllng cFarurnr- 1999 I9Z 0TZ IYt 89:tI t00Zltll80 SOLID SHAFT- lor lrcrrhrft op.Etor rppttcettonc or hlgh oyotc u.. s(D }{vslusxv0r0I Used on standa?d radlus hccdroom or t t t I t red on standa?d radlus hc.droom or low-headroom tmck style doors. Wash-Bay Special Features Totally Encloged lan cooled molor, l/il or l/2hp. Wrlrrtight clcctrlcal enclorure Watertlght control rtation t{lckel phlcd rolhr chain Whcd lor casy inrtallatlon of reycrslng tyslem Standard Eleclrical Features -\j' 1) Industrial oize 0 across.lha.line magnelic ?.ve]tlng st.rtor 2) High starting torqu6, contlnuouc duty, induttrlrl motor 3) ilotor ovsrload protsction 4) 24 VAC control circuit 5) 3 butlon oonlrol statlon. OPEI{/GLOSE/STOP 6) Drlven llmit swllchec. tully adjuslable 7) UL llsled Standerd fcchenical Fcolurm 1) Etficient V.belt primary drlye, chrln rprockrt rccondery. 2) HGevy duty gelyanlzrd doublr tngb Inck for up to 12' high door. 3) Adlustablg frlcrlon c|||tch 4) Itlo. *f8 nlckel platod roller chain 5) Ouick dlsconnGct door erm f,or cmergcncy m.nual door operatlon 6) llotor romoyrblr lrom oprntor wlthout .fbctlng llmit settlngs 7) Door speed rpprorlmately one foot pcr sccond llany ol our customcrs havc the oppodunity to ulilize thlc optlon. It a remole roon }t adircsnt to the wesh bay, The control clrcuit and notor head may br locatcd In a moirlurr frcc environment .linanallng thr natd tor NEIIA 4 .'' s(D Jlvcl88f,v ,, :' .11' . IC90 .Igt 3Ie.lvd 89:tI t00al0tl80 (watsrtight) cnclosurc or TEFC motot. To lollow |l a lyplcal appllcatlon. ..rr0E 3) 4) s) 6) 7l llotor overload protection 24 VAC control circuit 3 button control station- OPEI{/CLOSE/STOP Driven llrnlt rwitchcs- tully adiustable UL lisled St4nqard llechanlcal F.etures t) Efficiont V-belt primary driva, ehaln sprocket r€condary. 2) Adjuslable trlclion ctutch 3) Floor level disconnsct fot omergency minual door operailon 4) Oulck dlsconnccl door arm lor lm.?gency manuel door operation 5) Self locking reductlon system. Elimlnates need for electric breke 6) llotor r.moyable fiom operaiol walhout efteclinE timit setilngs 7) Easily convertad lo left or rlght mounling 8) Door speed approximatety 2/g toot per second inq Kit- Revers€s door upon contect of obJect in doonray. Consfsts ol plug. Trredlc treadlehose {Specify bngth), extsrtor raled aarcwitohr coll cord and horc is placed inside boltom rubber ol door. Kit. Reverses door when objeGl is in doorway. DOOR DOES NOT NEED TO IIAKE CONTACT WITH OBJECT. Slgnal beam is projected acrose vehlcle paec, When beam ls broken door will stop it's path end revsrse to the opcn posltlon. ldorl lor wash bay rituatlons. Artlsian Tlmer- will close or open door after a preset tlme limit. Tina may ba rseel at any tlme. Keved Control Station- Provides automalic door access lo t(dy hotdcr from outdde of buildlng whon entrancc door ls not avallable. \ 8r0 E Vahiclc Looo deteetor- R.gulres wlrr loop rmbedded tn ground to conn.ct to detcctor. whcn vehlcle prces over loop clgnal ls sent to open or clos€.doo?. 1999 I9l 0TZ lld 89 ItI t00zl6ll80's(D NVSIUIIY 3) 4) 5) 6) 7l . { {-.!,a' ';!. -.e rJ* rir;1& \; ..,*-,".'d.--. llolor overload protection 24 VAC control circuit 3 button control dation- OPEN/CLOSE/STOP Drlven limit swltchcs- fully adiustable UL lisled Stenda:d llechanlcal Featu?e3 l) Efficient V-bell prinary drive, chaln sprocket racondary. 2) Adlustable friclion clutch 3) Floor level disconnecl lor cmeryrncy rnanual door operatlon 4) Qulck disconnecl door arm for rm.rgency mrnuel door operation 5) Sell locking reductlon system, Elimlnates need lor electric braka 6) Motor removable f?om operalor without effeclinE limit settlngs 7) Easily convsrled to lefl or rlg[rt mounlang 8) Door speed approximalely 2/3 foot per sacond Pnuelnatlc Reversino Kit- Fevers.s door upon contrct of object ln doorray. Consists of treadlehose (Specify length), erte?tor rated airswitch, coll cord and plug. Treadle hose is placed imide boltom rubbet of door. Photoeve Reversino Kit: Reverces door when obiect is In doorwry. DOOB DOES trloT NEED iO UAKE CONTASI WITH OBJEgr. Slgnat beam is projeoted aoross vehlcle pa$. When beem Lr broken door will slop it's palh and reverse to tho open posltion. ldcel for wrsh bay rituetlonc. Artisian Tlmlr- Will close or op.n door after a preset tlme limlt. Tirna may be rpset et any tlme. Keved Gontrol Station. Provldes rutomatic door access to key hotder t?om oulside of bulldlng when sntranca door lc not avallable. Vehicle Looo detector- R.qulres wlrc loop embeddsd In ground to conn.cl to dcloctor. When vehlcle FrsaS ovar loop clgnal ls sent to open or cloae.door. \ fro t'. s05 tnSTxSIrY 1999 Tgt nrz rYJ eq:'r t00zl8r,/t0 Ei$EEg E eESgr .s b,# .: E; ggtfiEi, EEft$t€ E;eElAE ^A!o NI I I _lNI 8l dl'l I ah 3 E5z .L1 E ^{u I I I I I I I I II *.1tl =l i:a U =l/ c) U @ AJ9. F I I I I I I<rlrTrlrsl .c"l I ,iF q't li .>rq, tr6 (J Uo 8 OJ a-.!!trt 'ct F.o Ecl !rc,a 3 JJ U'9 A aEI* 1,.(,ta attt!.a I (lz oot ::-ou 5'r-€g r.E EEFO ':lr,8.5 6b {flEdEr s€€E8f?g s E:;rJ o.5 €sHr g-e 9€8 PEP E .E;g'19--t ; Hgg.gF" Eb I E$Eo"9I!tr:il H tr :EHE # P.EgsE gEH EE F Ht) oip UUo Flo HFr 4 L.,H FlHHfiHU N EEF< oo s{ -R€F{sl*S ,dEils > = p Ft so FtLJFnt-qsRF.r -q) FS€R $TiAX*ss6E .g"s\i LJ's {to ur^-?lt@ dritarYffinx.xt Design Review Board ACTIOIT FORII D€partm€nt of Commonity D€velopmcrt 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Coloredo 81557 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.,t79.2452 webl wYvw.vailgw.com Proiect Name: TOV PW BLDG REROOF Prciect DescripUon: 3 RESOURCE SQUARE 10815 DAVID TAYLOR DR CHARLOTTE NC 28262 CONTMfiORG&GROOFING P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO co 80443 License: 124-5 APPLICANT TOWN OF VAIL JOHN GAUEGOS 1309 ETKHORN DR VAIL co 8I6s7 Project Address: 1309 ELKHORN DR VAIL TOV PUBUC WORKS BUII..DING CENTER PORNON DRB Number: DRB070'146 0812412007 Phoner 970{68-5552 RNAL APPROVAL FOR THE TOV PUBUC WORKS ROOF REPLACEMENT SAME FOR SAME Pafticipants: owNER ALLSTATE INSUMNCE CO 0812412007 0812412007 Location: legal Descdption: Lot Block Strbdivislon: VAIL ULl-AGE 8TH. FIUNG Parcel Number: 2101-092-0000-1 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of APPrcvalz 0812412007f/f Cond: I (PLAN)l No changes to these plans may be made without the written onsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constnrction activities. C.ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. t' Cond: 202 Apgo'nl of $b ptoject strall lapoe and bemme voil one (1) year followlng the dtr of final appural, unless a butrdlng permn b bsued and omfuction is omrnened and is diligendy pursued toward comphthn. ' l Planner: Joe Suther DRB F* Pdd: $25O.OO M inor Exterior Alterations ,1ft APPlication for Design Review*ffiP "ffi*h1ff1;g,gpi,{,T":-" Ki-t Generat Information: All projects requiring design revial must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please \- refer to the submittal requirements for the partifllar approval that is requested. An application ior Design Redew n cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The l/ .poect may also need to be revieved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. \ | Deiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within \/ one year of the appruval, ^ , 1/\ Descriptiop of the Reqgest:C.r^-{". SC.*\td ,----A(f\7l t =>cc_r4€ iotr SF(o(( \/ Ce-!..-\qr \)q\-)lq'\ O f Ko\Jlh c>o,t tk f\, \)Urlat€' I.- Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:- Subdivision:- aC physicatAddress: /7 F? C '' "-.n D( /,al l, Qo f parcet No.:-Zl Ol Ot ?dooo I (Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-86210 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): - Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee: O Signs tr Crnceptual Review New Consfuction Addition Minor Alterdtion (mulU-family/commercial) Minor Alterauon (single-family/du plo<) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $6s0 $300 ffiT o o f, o D $s0 No Fee Plus $1.00 per square foot of total For consbuction of a new building or For an addition where square commercial building (includes 250 For minor changes to buildings and re-roofing, painting, window additions, retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addfions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee 7f = T4o{t Mailing Address: Phone: i-i (r; tri tl \Y ! R lllebuild. Itl led to any residential or l-i JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (printnut") G[..^ 6^//'*oF, ajointownerof propertylocatedat t) provide this letter as written approval of the plans aatea 5v | 9 ' t? ' O 7 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvemenb to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: GaGo€ i:"?3 lrqwqA(S KIDC Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: D I undersgnd that minor modifiations may be made to the plans over the couts of the review procus to ensure compliance with the TownS appliable codes and regulations. Qnitial herQ D I request that all modiftations, minor or otherwisq which are made to the plans over the aurse of the review process, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additbnal approval fufore undergoing further revEw by the Town. (nitial here) *m MINOR EXTERIOR ATTERATIONS TO BUITDINGS AT{D SITE IMPROVEMEI{TS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals invoMng minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB apprwal unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEI{TS'T* o Stamped TopograPhlc SurveY* o Site and Grading Plan* o Landscape Plan* o Architectural Elevatkrns* o Exterior color and material samples and specifications' o Ardritectuml Floor Plans* o Lighting Plan* and Aft-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures o TiUe report including Sdredules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* o Photos of the o<isting site and adjacent sbuctures, where applicable. B Written approrral ftom a condominium association, hndlord, and joint owner, if appli:able B Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additbnal plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other mabrials (including a model) if deemed neaessary to determine whedrer a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated' Please sabmit three (3) copics of the materials notcd with an asterish 0. **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of exisung and proposed floor plans, a tiUe repo( and writGn approml from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and undetstand the above listed submlttal requlrements: Prcject Contractor Signature F:\cdev\FORMS\PERIIITS\PIanning\drb-minor-aft-1 1-23-2005.doc LLl23l200s Page 3 of 13 Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us PrcjectName: TOVShops PECNumber: PEC020019 Project Description: Amendment to a dE elopment plan Pafticipants: OWNER Town Of Vail 0411712002 Phone:479-2444 1289 Elkhom Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: APPLICANT TownOfVail 041|il2002 Phone:479-2444 1289 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: PrcjectAddressr 1309 ELKHORN DRVAIL Location: Legal DescripUon: lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE 8TH. FIUNG Parcel Number! 210109200001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: cahill Action: APPROVED Second By: hartman vote: 6-0 DateofApprovalz 08lL5l20OZ Gonditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005502 1. That prior to submittal for a building permit, the applicant submits additional information regarding erosion control for review and approval so that staff can ensure that proper erosion control measures will be taken, Planner: Allison Ochs PEC Fee Paid: $0.00 ,r-m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 Jaxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: TOV Shops Addition DRB Number: DRB020101 Proiect DescripUon: Addition of 6,725 sq. ft. Participants: OWNER Town Of Vail 0412312002 Phone: 479-2444 1289 Elkhom Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Victor Mark Donaldson 0412312002 Phone: 949-5200 ChrisJuergens Box 5300 Avon, CO Chrisj@vmda.com 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 1309 ELKHORN DRVAIL locauon: r€gal Descrlption: Lot: Block: Subdivasion: VAIL VILLAGE 8TH, FIUNG Parcel Number: 210109200001 C,omments: DRB on 5/15 - directed to staf approve BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motlon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Seond By:votei DateofApprovalz 081t512002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Oond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nshuction activities. Cond: CON0005500 Phase I addition only. Cond: CON0005501 Must submit details of e><terior lighting prior to CO inspection Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $O,OO {>_- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 10,2002 A request for a conditional use permit and an amendment to a development plan in the General Use Zone District, to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility, located at 1289 Elkhorn Drive/Unplatted. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Town of Vail is requesting to expand the Town of Vail Public Works Facility, located at 1289 Elkhorn Drive. Primarily, this request is driven by the potential elimination of the Old Town Shops, located at 890 S. Frontage Rd. The Old Town Shops are primarily used as storage. As the Public Works facility is zoned General Use, a conditional use permit is required for any additions to the current structure. Specifically, the applicant is requesting to add approximately 6,844 sq. ft. lo the existing Town of Vail Public Works Facility. The proposed uses for this addition include additional fleet bays, electrical storage, sign shop and tratfic control storage, and an additional stairway to accommodate egress. In addilion, the applicant is proposing to reconfigure some existing interior spaces to creale additional office space, a locker room, restroom, etc. Reductions of the plans have been attached for ref erence. A future phase of expansion to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility is also indicated on the plans. As the plans for Phase 2 of the expansion have not been finalized, this is not under consideration today. Phase 2 includes 11,448 sq. ft. of addilion floor area, and includes reconfiguring many of the existing uses on the site, substantial regarding of the site, and a possible amendment to the Master Plan. BACKGROUND OF THE SUBJECT PROPERW The Town of Vail Public Works and Transportalion Department currently operates from several sites within the Town. Most facilities are located at 1289 Elkhorn Dr. Some transportation offices and bus operations are located at the Vail Transportalion Center. The Old Town Shops, which lormerly housed Public Works operations, is used for storage of electrical supplies, light poles, street signs, fire eguipment, trailers, and other equipment and materials. The Public Works facility has been serving the Town of Vail since its construction in 1979. In 1994, the Town approved an expansion of the administration offices through the approval of a conditional use permit. ln 1997, the Town approved the construction of 24 employee housing units to be located on site. The employee housing, known as Buzzard Park, includes 21 studio apartments and 3 one-bedroom unils. The employee housing unils were approved through the approval of a conditional use permit. As a result, the site now serves multiple purposes, including the following:o Administrative Functions for the Public Works Departmento Fleet Maintenanceo Street and Roads. Parks and Landscaping Departmenl. Facility Maintenance. Transporlation and Bus Storage. Art in Public spaces. Employee Housing The Town of Vail Public Works Facility is zoned General Use. Public buildings and grounds are listed as a conditional use in this zone district. The purpose ol the General Use zone dislrict is as follows: 12-9C-1: PURPOSE: The general use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal ar project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescibed in section 12-1-2 of this title and to provide for the public welfare. The general use district is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permifted in the district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with sunounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses. In the General Use zone district, development standards are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Section V of this memorandum outlines the development standards for this proposal. In 1994, the Town Council approved a master plan for the Town of Vail Public Works Facility. The primary purposes of the Master Plan were to provide an analysis of needed space, to determine the current and future needs of the department, and to develop a master plan to meet the identified needs for the next 10 to 20 years. ROLES OFTHE REVIEWING BOARDS Plannino and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating this conditional use permit application for: ilt. 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Etfect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the slreets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be localed, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of the Vail Town Code. 7. Conformance with development standards of zone district. Desion Review Board: The Design Review Board is responsible for evaluating the Design Review application for: 1. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings. 2, Fitting buildings into landscape. 3. Configuration of buibing and grading of a site which respects the topography. 4. Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation. 5. Adequale provision for snow storage on-site. 6. Acceptability of building materials and colors. 7. Acceptability of roof elemenls, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms. 8. Provision of landscape and drainage. 9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures. 10. Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances. 11. Location and design of satellite dishes. 12. Provision ol outdoor lighting. 13. The design of parks. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmenl recommends approval of lhe conditional use permit for the proposed addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility, located at 1289 Elkhorn Dr. / unplatted, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance wilh the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of lhe General Use Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which il will be operated or maintained will not be detrimenlal to the public heallh, safely, or welfare or materially injurious 1o properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the condilional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the conditional use permit for the proposed addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility, located at 1289 Elkhorn Dr., slaff recommends the following condition: 1. That prior to submittal for a building permit, the applicant submits additional information regarding erosion control for review and approval so that staff can ensure that proper erosion control measures will be taken. V. DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS In the General Use zone district, development standards are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Section 12-9C-5 of the Town Code states: Prescribed By Planning And Environmental Commission: In the general use district, development standards in each of the following categories shall be as prescribed by the planning and environmental commission: 1. Lot area and site dimensions. 2. Setbacks. 3. Building height. 4. Density control. 5. Site coverage. 6. Landscaping and site development. 7. Paking and loading. Reviewed By Planning And Environmental Commission: Development standards shall be proposed by the applicant as a part of a conditional use permit application. Site specific development standards shall then be determined by the planning and environmental commission during the review of the conditional use request in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title. Lot Size: 740,520 sq. ft. Zoning: GeneralUse Hazards: Moderale Hazard Debris Flow, High Severity Rockfall Standard Existino Prooosed Setbacks Front Side (east) Side (west) Rear Building height Density conlrol Site coverage Parking REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The Town of Vail Public Works Facility is located wilhin the General Use Zone District. Therefore, this proposal is subject to lhe issuance of a condilional use permit in 82 ft. 500 fr. 1,000 ft. 90 ft. no change no change no change no change 35 ft. (Buzzard Prk) 20.5' (at addition)N/A N/A 54,071 sq. ft. (7.3%) 60,981 sq. ft. (8.2%) 124 spaces no change vt. accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 16, Vail Town Code. For the Planning and Environmental Commission's reference, Section 12-16-1, of the Vail Town Code, identifies the purpose for a conditional use permit as follows: ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on sunounding propefties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permifted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates the Town of Vail Public Works Facility as Public/Semi-Public (PSP). This land use designation is described by the Town of Vail Land Use Plan as follows: The public and semi-public category includes schools, post office, water and sewer seruice and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other puilic institutions, which are located throughout the community to serue the needs of residents. In addition, the Town of Vail Land Use Plan includes the following goals statements which staff believes are applicable to this proposal: 1.0 GeneralGrowthlDevelopment 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses fo serue both the visitor and the permanent resident. 6,0 Community Services 6.1 Seruices should keep pace with increased growth. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing growth with seruices. 2. 6.3 Seruices should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak periods. Specifically, the Town of Vail Land Use Plan refers to this sile as "Tracl 11 - Bus Barn, Pubilc Works" and states the following: The Town of Vail bus barn and public works shops are located on a 17.3 acre parcel site north of l-70 in the vicinity of the golf course. There is no change anticipated in this area and there appears to be sufficient room for expansion of the facility. This site is a potential candidate for the location of a limited use, special event oriented heliport. In addition to the Town of Vail Land Use Plan, a Master Plan for the Town of Vail Public Works Facility was completed in 1994. The purpose of this master plan was to determine the current and future needs of the department, and develop a master plan lo meet the identified needs for the next 10 to 20 years. The master plan states the following: This study locuses on the expansion and improvement of the main facility. While the Transportation Center will continue to be used as a satellite facility for bus operations, it is anticipated that the Old Town Shop site will be needed for future expansion of the Vail Wastewater Department and will not be available for use by Public Works on a long term basis. The proposed program and master plan consolidafes fhe activities from the Old Town Shop to the main Public Works Complex. Staff believes thal this proposal meets the development objectives of the Town as outlined in the various masler plans. The etfect of the use on light and air, dastribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed addilion to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility will have minimal impact on light and air, distribution of population, schools, or parks and recreation. Staff believes thal the proposed addition will be beneficial as it meels public facilities needs created by the potential elimination of the Old Town Shops. The proposed expansion will not increase the number of employees at the Town of Vail Public Works Facility. However, staff believes that it is important to discuss employee housing wilh any proposed addition in lhe General Use zone district. There is no requirement for employee housing in the General Use zone district. The 1991 study entitled Employment Generation Rates: A Background Analysis Based on Suruey Besearch, includes employee generalion rates for various uses. Specifically, local government has a suggested employee generation range of 5 to 8 employees/100O sq. ft. According to this calculalion, the proposed addition would generate 34 to 54 new employees. Staff believes that this range is extremely high, considering the uses proposed wilh this addition. The land use designation idenlified by the study lor this proposal is "Local Government," which includes all uses associated with government. Because the proposed addilion is primarily storage area and fleet vehicle bays, staff believes that the actual employee generation is much lower than suggested. Greg Hall, Director of Public Works, and Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager, have both staled that this addilion will nol generate the need for addilional employees, nor will any additional employees be budgeted in the near future. For reference, the Town of Vail has recently purchased multiple units for use by Town of Vail employees. Specifically, in May of 2000, the Town of Vail purchased 12 units at Creekside, located a12334 S. Frontage Rd. These are 1-bedroom units for seasonal employees ol the Town of Vail. In addition, the Town linished construclion on Buzzard Park in 1998, which is located on the subject property. Buzzard Park includes 21 studio units allocated to seasonal employees and 3 one-bedroom units allocated to critical employees. In addition, there is a deed-restricted one-bedroom unit at Vail Heights which is allocated to critical employees; a deed-restricted three-bedroom unit at Vail das Schone; and a deed restricted two-bedroom unit at Innsbruck Condos. Since the primary purpose of the proposed addition is to replace the loss of space at the Old Town Shops, stalf believes that the proposed addition will not generate the need for additional employee housing beyond the current supply. The proposed addition impacts the existing impound lot. The lot will nol be relocated, but will be smaller than currently exists. The existing impound lot is approximately 7,824 sq. ft. The reduced impound lot will be approximately 6,393 sq. ft. The impound lot will be in generally the same location. The Town has recently begun proceedings to allow The Vail Police Department to contract out some of the towing, storage, and sale of abandoned vehicles. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, aulomotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the street and parking areas. Since there will be no change in the use of this property, staff does not believe that the proposed addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility will have any negative impacls on the above-referenced criteria. The applicant has provided adequate snow storage, and as the addition is on the rear of the building, staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts on pedestrian safety and convenience. In addition, there are more than 124 parking spaces on site. Staff believes that there is more than adequate parking for the uses on the site. A hazard report, completed by Art Mears on April 3,2002, has been attached for reference. According to the Hazard Report, no hazard mitigation is required for this proposed addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be B. located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed addition is compatible with the existing uses on the site. The properties adjacent to this site include the White River National Forest and the Interstate 70 right-of-way, thus isolating the site from other commercial and residential uses. The proposed addition is located on the rear of the existing building and is at the same roof height as the existing building. The addition is significantly separated from the residential units on the site. Generally, the addition will not be visible from other properties, nor will it have any impact on the residential or administrative uses on the site. Findinqs The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit seclion of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be delrimental to the public health, salety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15, 2002 Zoning Analysis The Subject Property is cunently zoned and operates rvithin the GENERAL USE (GU) DISTRICT, as set forth in Title 12, Chapter 9, Article C. The development standards requirements for all existing uses have been met and are properly maintained, to the best of our knowledge. This Application addresses Paragraph 12-9C-3: CONDITIONAL USES. The Use being expanded at the Subject Site is Storage. The Uses previously approved fbr this Site allow fbr all the existing Town Shop f'unctions. including Sign Shop. Welding & Steel Fabrication Operations, Associated Olfices, Vehicle Repair and Maintenance, Landscape Storage, Electrical Storage and limployee Housing. The approval and implementation of this Application will not require any f'urther employees, additional parking or redeveloprnent requirements, other than those proposed herein, in our opinion. Inasmuch as the expanded Use is Storage, we believe that the customary impacts of expanded development do not exist. Additionally, the expansion is in the rear of the existing development with all roof forms much lower than tl.re mairr roof ridge, and concealed by existing construction and landscape. Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15' 2002 Parking Needs Assessment Based on the input provided by the Public Works Department Staffand our analysis of ongoing and future operations that would include the proposed expanded facility, we believe that no additional parking should be required. Specifically, please review the following: l. The road widths and existing required parking spaces are being maintained. 2. There will be now new employees (part-time or FTE) caused by this expansion. 3. There is nothing about the addition ofthe storage space that appears to have any impact on the existing development, except to make the cuffent operafions even more efficient. Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15' 2002 Landscape Plan The Landscape Plan for this entire Master Planned Development has been attached as a reference. It is the opinion of the Design Team that this Facility Expansion should require no new Landscaping as the Town of Vail designed and installed extensive landscaping along the South side ofthe property including the a continuous berm and plantings in 1996, ostensibly for the build-out of the Master Plan. NV'ld 9NtdvcsoNfl nHSs 4s"gg.s - M)UVlrOdsNVU.I t)luofi 3nEnd lo lt{3rurvdo It ot,@ a I I s q q - Iti!t 1\i 'h in iii!lI![. $riitl:i kl !iiI I$$ Hirfi1ffiffi, i.aa :! lii I /r\ iii tl ;" Itr l, I i! I i. t .l ','./i're i",AV i:;\E! li ii* !i;it :i fil t-iiii:i: !::i ,'"'.1,0 !ii;N'h"i' \\ / \\: I ll\\ \\. z, lii hs\ ;;; !,, lt:t,'t!i 'o :x:t; 9.e 3i: 60F!=:F:E CFH ?s ,r*rl t!i!it I Ll\t\t ' I l,l ,\ 'itNLi \ Nils Wil.l*,, \ ii\ *Eil" N 6 H;oovHo-loc -llvn sxuoM 3n€nd io 1d3c sd0Hs tct{vNilNlvhl ttvn Jo NMo-r 3Hl oJ, Nor-Llcov= = : ln E= lllllliil,:::::::,:lilllllll I II II ? Il-------- I I '.lol flt gB oI-I IJ I t fi Jun-07-0? 0e:13ar Fror-VlCT0R nnl mlALtls0t{ nhlh Eilti_ - -----r - -t -r+- f 1:--=--.---:G.J06 t;;iliiilllffi ilffiffiiilfrtiffii T-r53 P,0t/01 Fg85 r----T-------------...-..| --J ItlI r____________-____ t -J-J''-'=--=--',--F - -lJii rr---.---i i lr---:::;1 --r------1--i : li--; F ll------i I t I-_--]-- _l__ __-._J-1.F-_ i ir : ===:-J-l--,'ti oo a c .l: ? n a( ._e_ I i-Jlf'T_ ffiiE==xFE=l|lll|iii::::::::::ili|||l|l|ljffjTih,:it*i + I Til+---- o I I --------o -l{la-l EI ------€ =FgF A__ __ _____o \_.,/ f j 1- a? E E c! c\l :l Roovuol03 llvns)uoM cn€nd lo -tdlo sdoHs rcNVNllNlvhl IIVA IO NMO.L:H.L O-L NOI.LICOV - 4z Slxl 5l 'lz.lol <laI :F-t5Rz.F ffil ffil ffi o INC.ARTHUR I. MEARS. P.8., Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road 16 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 '"Hft;il'#.'";',j" April 3,2002 Ms. Susie Hervert Town of Vail Dept. of Public Works/Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Avalanche, debris flow and rocKall hazard analysis - maintenance building addition Dear Susie: As you requested, I completed a tenain inspection of the site above the new addition to evaluate the abore-referenced hazards and to recommend mitigation, if necessary. My conclusions are based on a site inspection and measurements taken yesterday, on review of previous work and on my experience within the Vail area during the past 30 years. Snow avalanches - The tenain approximately 400-600 feet abore the site is sufficiently steep for snow avalanche release (30" to 38') and a relatively deep snolvcover will occasionally accumulate on this south-facing slope. Therefore, small avalanches will be possible during exceptional years. Howwer, wen these rare avalanche events will stop at the base of the slope and will not affect the proposed addition. illitigatlon from avalanches witl not be required. Debris flows - Debris flows discharge from lhe small, unnamed drainage basin north of the maintenance facility. The primary energy and deposition from such flotvs will be conc€ntrated at the east end of the facility near the office building and have been discussed in pre\rious reports. Mitigation was recommended and subsequently installed. This mitigation was not inspected during this visit as this area is beyond the scope of the cunent lvork. The proposed addition will be located approximately 500 feet vrest of the previously studied debris-flow area and will not be impacted frorn debris discharging from the small basin. Mlfgatlon fipm debris flows will not be requlred at the new addltion. RocKall - RocKall is an ongoing process on the slope direcUy north of the proposed addition and begins within sandstone, conglomerate and limestone beds of the Minturn formation. Rockfall source areas crop out at several locations on the south facing slope approximately 200 to 600 feet abore the proposed addition. Rocks up to approximately 2 feet in diameter have been deposited by rockhll on the slope above the maintenance site within the past few decades. However, construction for the existing maintenance facility, roads, and parking lots has remored any possible widence of prwious rockfall. Furthermore, inspection of 1939 and 1950 aerial photographs (wtrich predate construction of the site) does not indicate any major rocKall events. Smaller rocks, however, may be too small to appear on the old photos or may have been remored during agricultural, grazing, or other acfivities prior to 1950. Based on my experience Wth rocKall in the Vail area and within mountainous terrain elsewhere in the United States and Europe, I conclude the following about the rocKall hazard at the proposed addition: 1. RocKall could reach the facility but this would be a rare event (on the order of a 1o/o annual probability). The flat parking area directly north of the building will probably be reached more often (approximately a 5% annual probability) but this parking/storage area will catch most rocks before the building is reached. Mass Wasting . lvslanches . Avalanche Cont,ol Engineering 2. RocKall energy and bounce heights have not been quantified at this point, however a rock rolling into the building could produce some minor damage to exterior siding. 3. The rockfall hazard is'lovy'' rather than "severe" as indicated on Tomt of Vail hazard maps. I define this as meaning that the probabilily of the building being hit is small (a 1% annual probability), and the probability for significant structure damage is negligible. lt should be noted, however that the probabili$ is not zero.4. Risk to persons using the area is very low because of the intermittent exposure of persons in the area. Mitigation to protect the neurfacilig from rockfall ls not, In my opinion, necessary because of the low hazard and low risk to facilities and persons. The proposed building will not increase the risk to any adjacent public or private properly and is therefore fully compliant with Section 18.69.052 of the Vail hazard regulations. lf, hovr'ever, mitigation is required by the Town of Vail to protect from the low hazard defined above, it should consist of (a) a rockfall protection fence built uphill of the facility or on the northern end of the parking area, (b) a rocKall-catching berm built on the northern edge of the parking area, or (c) direct protection of the lo,*er building walls. Design criteria for these structural mitigation options have not been developed because they are beyond the scope of the current work. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, W^*trVl{"r,". Arthur L Mears, P.E. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community .Development Department May 13,2002 A request for a conditional use permit and an amendment to a development plan in the General Use Zone District, to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility, located at 1289 Elkhorn Drive/Unplatted. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Town of Vail is requesting to expand the Town of Vail Public Works Town Facility, located at 1289 Elk Horn Drive. Primarily, this request is driven by the potential elimination of the Old Town Shops, localed at 890 S. Frontage Rd. The Old Town Shops are primarily used as storage. As the Public Works lacility is zoned General Use, a conditional use permit is required for any additions to the current structure. Specifically, the applicant is requesting to add approximately 6844 sq. ft. to the existing Town of Vail Public Works Facility. The proposed uses for this addition include additional fleet bays, electrical storage, sign shop and traffic control slorage, and an addilional stairway lo accommodale egress. In addition, the applicant is proposing to reconfigure some existing interior spaces to create additional office space, a locker room, restroom, etc. Reductions of the plans have been altached for reference. BACKGROUND OF THE SUBJECT PROPERW The Town of Vail Public Works and Transportation Department currently operates from several sites within the Town. Most facilities are located at 1289 Elk Horn Dr. Some transportation offices and bus operalions are located at the Vail Transportation Center. The Old Town Shops, which formerly housed Public Works operations, is used for storage of electrical supplies, light poles, slreel signs, fire equipment, trailers, and olher equipment and materials. The Public Works facility has been serving the Town of Vail since its construction in 1979, based on a programming study completed in 1976. In 1994, the Town approved an expansion of lhe administration offices through the approval of a conditional use permit. f n 1 997, the Town approved the conslruction ol 24 employee housing units to be located on site. The employee housing, known as Buzzard Park, includes 2'1 studio apartments Iil. and 3 one-bedroom units. The employee housing units were approved through the approval of a conditional use permit. As a result, the site now serves multiple purposes, including lhe following:. Administrative Functions for the Public Works Department. Fleel Maintenancer Street and Roads. Parks and Landscaping Department. Facility Mainlenancer Transportation and Bus Storage. Art in Public Spaces. Employee Housing The Town Shops is zoned General Use. Public buildings and grounds are listed as a conditional use in this zone dislrict. The purpose of the General Use zone district is as follows: 12-9C-1: PURPOSE: The general use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropiately regulated by the development standards prescibed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in section 12-l-2 of this title and to provide for the public welfare. The general use district is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain Wpes of quasi-public uses permitted in the district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, ah, open sptaces, and other amenities appropriate to the pennitted types of uses. In the General Use zone district, development standards are prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Section V of this memorandum outlines the development standards lor this proposal. In 1994, the Town Council approved a masler plan lor the Public Works site. The primary purposes of the Master Plan were to provide an analysis of needed space, to determine the current and future needs of the department, and io develop a master plan to meet the identified needs for the next 10 to 20 years. ROLES OFTHE REVIEWING BOARDS Plannina and Environmental Commrission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating this conditional use permit application for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and oublic facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference lo congestion, automolive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and conlrol, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effecl upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmenlal impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of the Vail Town Code. 7. Conformance with development standards of zone district. Desion Review Board: The Design Review Board is responsibte for evaluating the Design Review application for: 1. Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings. 2. Fitting buildings into landscape. 3. Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography. 4. Removal/Preservalion of trees and native vegetation. 5. Adequate provision for snow storage on-site. 6. Acceptability of building materials and colors. 7. Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms. 8. Provision of landscape and drainage. 9. Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory slructures. 10. Circulalion and access to a site including parking, and site distances. 11. Location and design of salellite dishes. 12. Provision of ouldoor lighting. 13. The design of parks. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit lor the proposed addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Facility, located at 1289 Elkhorn Dr. / unplatted, subject to the following findings: '1. Thal the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the General Use Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and lhe conditions under which il will be operaled or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinily. 3. Thal the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the condilional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the conditional use permil for the proposed addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Facilily, located at 1289 Elkhorn Dr., staff recommends the following condition: 1. That prior to submittal for a building permil, the applicant provides additional information regarding erosion control so that staff can ensure that proper erosion control measures will be taken. V. DEVELOPMENTSTANDARDS In the General Use zone district, development standards are prescribed by lhe Planning and Environmental Commission. Section 12-9C-5 of the Town Code states: Prescribed By Planning And Environmental Commission: ln the general use district, development standards in each of the tollowing categories shall be as prescribed by the planning and environmental commission: 1. Lot area and site dimensions. 2. Setbacks. 3. Building height. 4. Density control. 5. Site coverage. 6. Landscaping and site development. 7. Parking and loading. Beviewed By Planning And Environmental Commission: Development standards shall be proposed by the applicant as a part of a conditional use permit application. Site specific development standards shall then be determined by the planning and environmental commission during the review of the conditional use request in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title. Lol Size: 740,520 sq. ft. Zoning: General Use Hazards; Moderate Hazard Debris Flow, High Severity Rockfall Standard Existino Prooosed Setbacks Front Side (east) Side (west) Rear Building height Densily control Sile coverage Parking 82ft. no change 500 ft. no change 1,000 ft. no change 90 ft. no change 35 ft. (Buzzard Prk) 20.5' (at addition)N/A N/A 54,071 sq. ft. (7.3%) 60,981 sq. tl. (8.2'/.) 124 spaces no change vt.REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The review criteria for a requesl of this nature are established by the Town Code. The Town of Vail Public Works Facility is located within the General Use Zone District. Therefore, this proposal is subjecl to the issuance of a condilional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 16, Vail Town Code. For the Planning and Environmental Commission's reference, Section 12-16-1, of the Vail Town Code, identifies the purpose for a conditional use permit as follows: A. ln order to provide the flexibilig necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified Ltses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or speiial characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious developmeil befween conditional uses and sunounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditionat uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where anditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact ol the use on the development objectives of the Town. The Town of Vail Land Use Plan designates the Town of Vail Public Works Facility as Public.Semi-Public (PSP). This land use designation is described by the Town of Vail Land Use Plan as follows: The Public and semi-public category includes schools, post office, water and sewer seruice and storage facilities, cemeteries, municipal facilities, and other public institutions, which are located throughout the community to serue the needs of residents. ln addition, the Town of Vail Land Use Plan includes the following goals slalements which staff believes are applicable to this proposal: 1.0 GeneralGrouyth/Development 1.1 Vait shoutd continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance petween residential, commercial and recreational uses fo serue both the visitor and the permanent resident. 6.0 Community Services 6.1 Services should keep pace with inaeased growth. 6.2 The Town of Vail should play a role in future development through balancing growth with services. 6.3 Services should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak periods. Specifically, the Town of Vail Land Use Plan refers 1o this sile as "Tract 11 - Bus Barn, Pubilc Works" and slates the following: o The Town of Vail bus barn and public works shops are located on a 17.3 acre parcel site north of l-70 in the vicinity of the golf course. There is no change anticipated in this area and there appears to be sufficient room for expansion of the facility. Ihrb site is a potential candidate for the location of a limited use, special event oriented heliport. In addilion to the Town of Vail Land Use Plan, a Masler Plan for the Public Works/Transportation Facility was completed in 1994. The purpose of this master plan was to determine lhe current and future needs of the department, and develop a master plan to meel the identified needs for the next 10 to 20 years. The master plan slates the following: This study focuses on the expansion and improvement of the main facility. While the Transportation Center will continue to be used as a satellite facility for bus operations, it is anticipated that the Old Town Shop site will be needed for future expansion of the Vail Wastewater Department and will not be available for use by Public Works on a long term basis. The proposed program and master plan consolidates the activities from the Old Town Shop to the main Public Works Complex. Staff believes that this proposal meets the development objectives of the Town as outlined in the various master plans. 2. The etfect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed addition to the Public Woks Facility will have minimal impact on light and air, distribution of population, schools, or parks and recrealion. Statf believes that the proposed addition will be beneficial as it meets public facilities needs created by the potential elimination of the Old Town Shops. The proposed expansion will not increase the number ol employees at lhe Town of Vail Public Works Facility. However, staff believes that it is important to discuss employee housing with any proposed addition in the General Use zone district. There is no requirement for employee housing in the General Use zone district. The 1991 study enlitled Employment Generation Rates: A Background Analysis Based on Survey Research, includes employee generation rates for various uses. Specifically, local government has a suggested employee generation range of 5 to 8 employees/1OO0 sq. fl. According to this calculation, the proposed addition would generale 34 to 54 new employees. Staff believes that this range is extremely high, considering the uses proposed with this addition. The land use designation identified by the study for this proposal is "Local Government," which includes all uses associaled with government. Because the proposed addition is primarily storage area and fleet vehicle bays, staff believes that the actual employee generation is much lower than suggested. Greg Hall, Director of Public Works, and Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager, have both stated that this addition will 4. not generate the need for additional employees, nor will any additional employees be budgeted in the near future. For reference, the Town of Vail has recently purchased multiple units for use by Town of Vail employees. Specifically, in May of 2000, the Town of Vail purchased 12 units at Creekside, located at 2334 S. Frontage Rd. These are 1-bedroom units for seasonal employees of the Town of Vail. In addition, the Town finished construction on Buzzard Park in 1998, which is located on the subject property. Buzzard Park includes 21 studio units allocated to seasonal employees and 3 one-bedroom units allocated 1o critical employees. In addition, there is a deed-restricted one-bedroom unit at Vail Heights which is allocated to critical employees; a deed-restricted three-bedroom unit at Vail das Schone; and a deed restricted two-bedroom unit al lnnsbruck Condos. Since the primary purpose of the proposed addition is to replace the loss of space at the Old Town Shops, staff believes thal the proposed addition will not generate the need for additional employee housing beyond the currenl supply. Etfect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traflic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the street and parking areas. Since there will be no change in the use of this property, staff does nol believe that the proposed addition to the Public Works Facility will have any negative impacts on the above-referenced criteria. The applicant has provided adequate snow slorage, and as the addition is on the rear ol the building, staff does not believe that there will be any negative impacts on pedestrian safety and convenience. In addition, there are in excess of 124 parking spaces on site. Staff believes that there is more than adequale parking for the uses on the site. A hazard report, completed by Art Mears on April 3,2002, has been attached for reference. According to the Hazard Report, no hazard mitigation is required for this proposed addition to the Public Works Facility. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed addition is compalible with the existing uses on the site. The properties adjacent to this site include the While River National Forest and the lnterstate 70 right-of-way, thus isolating the site from other commercial and residential uses. The proposed addition is located on the rear of lhe existing building and is at the same roof heighl as the existing building. The addition is significantly separated from lhe residential units on the site. Generally, the addition will not be visible from olher properties, nor will it have any impact on lhe residential or administrative uses on the site. B.Findinos The Planning and Environmenlal Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permil seclion of the zoning code and the purposes of lhe district ln which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvemenls in the vicinily. That lhe proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 1. Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15,2002 Zoning Analysis The Subject Property is currently zoned and operates within the GENERAL USE (GU) DISTRICT, as set forth in Title 12, Chapter 9, Article C. The development standards requirements for all existing uses have been met and are properly maintained, to the best of our knowledge. This Application addresses Paragraph I2-9C-3: CONDITIONAL USES. The Use being expanded at the Subject Site is Storage. The Uses previously approved for this Site allow for all the existing Town Shop functions, including Sign Shop, Welding & Steel Fabrication Operations, Associated Oifices, Vehicle Repair and Maintenance, Landscape Storage, Electrical Storage and Iimployee Housing. The approval and implementation of this Application will not require any further employees, additional parking or redeveloprnent requirements, othel than those proposed herein, in oul opiniou. Inasmuch as the expanded Use is Storage, we believe that the customary irnpacts of expanded development do not exist. Additionally, the expansion is in the rear of the existir,rg development with all roof forms much lower than the main roof ridge, and concealed by existing construction and landscape. oovuo-loc -ltvn s>tuoM crlend Jo r_d30 Sd0l{S lCNVNltNlVt^l llvn lo NMoJ. 3H1 0I NOtJ-tOOV o ; = =l= E= lllllliii,::::::::::iilllllll a Slil =lEl =l <laI =F=I =Fl- | ffil ffil ffi tlF=*1g 3E;4,;ia9: oovuo'ro3'l-3 1"19v3 "lrv^ ro NMor NOtJ.TOOV S3rJ-tlt3\rJSCNVN3t NrVr,lr SXUOM Cr't€nd N\nd 9Ntovdo oNV 3l-ts AUVNIT^il13ud tEt;9o E*F EEaEE =f t, HI l;# in tit!rrll 8t.*! ftil Iiii ffi tIl! lii:ttrl :leililr ::ii fiti iiir liI'il ti6 t;iirrii Itii r!iii lir t. r!3I lE IE I ai llr J. I i! 6 t. !il tta i:: Fr rii i:;tir !r, !:! -itii ',r/-" 't . :! I I!!?r.lt: tl.lvi, !-: 1i:ilr!i:ra. l:rl I ! i :t ^!gs. 7-]\\\' I N),.1 'l:ir!i!F !l iri! Y, Ita! \ !r;: I lt rli\' \\\\\ Nr MJ o = z :q H = taii i i - c 3 iE= il=s=llllllli:::::::::::ililllllll ocvuo-10c "llvn s)uoM 3r1€nd Jo l-d=lo SdOHS lCNVN]INIVhI'lvn lo NMot 3Hr or- Not.Lloov ---- o I I -------€ =l<t =t-lr =E---------€ =FgF --- -----o o _j_ T I t* oovuo]oc -l|vn svuoM cn€nd lo -1d30 SdOHS ]CNVN]INIVhI'llv^ !o NMOI 3ftl O-t NOT]'|OOV= = =|=' = llllllii::,::,,::,i:illllllll Ilt dF eB s,ll Tt I I il o Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15,2002 Parking Needs Assessment Based on the input provided by the Public Works Department Staffand our analysis of ongoing and future operations that would include the proposed expanded facility, we believe that no additional parking should be required. Specifically, please review the following: 1. The road widths and existing required parking spaces are being maintained. 2. There will be now new employees (part-tinle or FTE) caused by this expansion. 3, There is nothing about the addition of the storage space that appears to have any impact on the existing development, except to make the current operations even more efficient. ; Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15,2002 Landscape Plan The Landscape Plan for this entire Master Planned Development has been attached as a reference. It is the opinion of the Design Team that this Facility Expansion should require no new Landscaping as the Town ofVail designed and installed extensive Iandscaping along the South side ofthe property including the a continuous berm and plantings in 1996, ostensibly for the build-out of the Master Plan. lT '* t, It. It!l.rl {'i rii z c e t I! I o o@ o A DEPAFTiIENT OF PUBLIC WORKVINA SPOFTA1ION.SI/ sHoP ExPANStoN PLAN Hfififf.- BERM LANDSCAPING PLAN ARIHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road 16 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 TeL/Fax 970-64L3236 April3, 2002 Ms. Susie Hervert Town of Vail Dept. of Public Works/Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Avalanche, debris flow and rocKall hazard analysis - maintenance building addition Dear Susie: As you requested, I completed a terrain inspection of the site above the new addition to evaluate the above-referenced hazards and to recommend mitigation, if necessary. My conclusions are based on a site inspection and measurements taken yesterday, on review of previous vrork and on my exp€rience within the Vail area during the past 30 years. Snow avalanches - The terrain approximately 400€00 feet above the site is sufficiently steep for snow avalanche release (30'to 38') and a relatively deep snowcover will occasionally accumulate on this south-facing slope. Therefore, small aralanches will be possible during exceptional years. However, even these rare avalanche events will stop at the base of the slope and will not affect the proposed addition. Mltigatlon from avalanchc will not be requircd. Debris flows - Debris flows discharge from the small, unnamed drainage basin north of the maintenance facility. The primary energy and deposition from such floua will be concentrated at the east end of the facility near the office building and have been discussed in prwious reports. Mitigation was recommended and subsequently installed. This mitigation was not inspected during this visit as this area is beyond the scope of the cunent \ /ork. The proposed addition Wll be located approximately 500 feet west of the prwiously studied debris-flovv area and will not be impacted from debris discharging from the srnall basin. ilitigatlon from debris flows will not be requlred at the new addition. RocKall - RocKall is an ongoing process on the slope directly north of the proposed addition and begins within sandstone, conglomerate and limestone beds of the Mintum formation. Rockfall source areas crop out at several locations on the south facing slope approximately 200 to 600 feet aboue the proposed addition. Rocks up to approximately 2 feet in diarneter have been deposited by rocKall on the slope abcnre the maintenance site within the past few decades. However,'construction for the existing maintenance facility, roads, and parking lots has removed any possible evidence of prorious rockfall. Furthermore, inspection of 1939 and 1950 aerial photographs (which predate construction of ihe site) does not indicate any major rockfall events. Smaller rocks, hornever, may be too smell to appear on the old photos or may have been removed during agricultural, grazing, or other activities prior to 1950. Based on my experience with rocKall in the Vail area and within mountainous terrain elsewhere in the United Stales and Europe, I conclude the following about the rockfall hazard at the proposed addition: '1. RocKall could reach the facility but this vtrould be a rare event (on the order ot a 1o/o annual probability). The flat parking area directly north of the building will probably be reached more often (approximately a 5% annual probability) but this parking/storage area will catch most rocks before the building is reached. MosE WasthtS . Avalanches . Avqlanche Contml &tgiacering o 2. RocKall energy and bounce heights have not been quantified at this point, horuever a rock rolling into the building could produce some minor damage to exterior siding.3. The rocKall hazard is 'lou/' rather than 'servere' as indicated on Town of Vail hazard maps. I define this as meaning that the probability of the building being hit is small (a 1% annual probabilig), and the probability for significant structure damage is negligible. lt should be noted, however that the probability is not zero.4. Risk to persons using the area is very low because of the intermittent exposure of persons in the area. Mitigation to protect the newfacility from rocKall is not, in my opinion, necessary because of the low hazard and low risk to facilities and persons. The proposed building will not increase the risk to any adjacent public or private property and is therefore fully compliant with Section 18.69.052 of the Vail hazard regulations. lf, however, mitigation is required by the Town of Vail to protect frorn the lorv hazard defined above, it should consist of (a) a rocKall protection fence built uphill of the facility or on the northern end of the parking area, (b) a rocKall-catching berm built on the northem edge of the parking area, or (c) direct protection of the lower building walls. Design criteria for these structural mitigation options have not been developed because they are beyond the scope of the current work. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, &(L^Avt--r^ Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Application for Review the Planning and Environmental mmrsston Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All poects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: o by Co tr Variance $500tr Sign Variance $200D Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650tr New Special Development District $6000- Major Amendment to an SDD $6000n Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (n o exterior modi fica tions) IOWN tr Conditional Use Permit n FloodplainModificationD Minor Elterior Alteration ! Major Exterior Alteration .!/ Development Plan AAmendment to a Development Plan'! Zonino Code Amendment $6s0 $200 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 Description of the Request:(frb Location of the Proposal:'7-' Block:subdivisioil -lealo ak v*'tL Physical Address: fJffi "161ffi7/0ql"ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zon.ns: GU\Yh LW G&) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Vt{t r@. _phoner Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailins Address: @ 9o{" sw ffVoN, ea o16"o Phone:aI+1 - #e6 E-mail Address:Fax For Office Fee Paid:By:- PECApplication Planner: No.: Page I of7-04/15/02 RE0D APR L5 2|,O2 ^/ffi Xrr-18-02 l0:lZar Froo- E Vrrirncstr Slgn VtdNrlcetr &loningtr Major Subdiviion El MhorsubdMgotltr New spidsl De\dqpment Dl{rictq MaiorAmendmentto anSDDtr Maiv&nendmentbanSDD(nostqhrndltutturs) Dec6lptlon of th. n'equestl ]fratiEn of the Propoall: tr CmdhtfiNl Us€ PErmit. O Floodplgln ModlicatlonE MhotabdorAtsrtuontr Major BtriorAlEr4fqn -tr. Devdopnent Hrn Kffnendment b r Deulotrtmt Plan 'E zqninE Code Aneldm$l subdivl$ionl o T-e82 ?.mnz by the Gommission TOI{N ApPlicatlon for Revial Planning and Envircnmental DcaartrFnl of Colhmunry Declopmert zs souur BontrEe n$d, V.lL Cdontu Ef657 Eu 970.479:2ilD t.[; 970,4n.2152 uab: wuttl.cival.o.tls General InfrmEtld$ A-p,"t*;-tidiring Ftunnitg and Ervlpnmnial Commlsspn nilier' mu$ reeivt rpp,'1nl prig.b flh46h! I liifrlin! p"nnn'ippihtoi. 'pd;i6il ttii* srnmiutf tcqurement tsr [re portblar appunl that b .nq.' H' An applcigan tur planning "1offirrorui Cfi;GqtJa,lq,, cannot be aitp@ untll all tqulnd InlUmrdon is r€ceived h Oe ommunity friiirpilii"pitrimini n" plqiect l|tEy ds rird E be m$iled W tie Town Counell lnd/er thc Drghn fuYl€rr lo.r{' TyFE sfAppllcation and Fee: $s00 $200 It90o $1500 $6S0 $6000 $6000 $1250 Physicaf Addres€; lql WtwIT{ parcel No.; 41ffi A$LmqLnbd &sh co. Assessor 6t e7G32&86'10 tur Zonlng: l{amo(e} f firner(s): ilaalins Arldres6: 1550 t200 $550 i800 t$m $2s0 s1300 |g- 6me(6) slgnaErre(/l\ tlame of Applicantr ljl8luru Addrw: E nall Address; ! Prgo I of7-04/15/02 ffiD APR L52r/O2 I o\o Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us General f nformation: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information E received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr Variance $500tr Sign Variance $200tr Rezoning $1300O Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650tr New Special Development District $6000tr MajorAmendmentto an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD 91250 (no eterior modifr@tions) Description of the Request: tEb Location of the Proposal: Lot: ?- Block: Physical Address: tr Conditional Use Permit tr FloodplainModificationtr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Alteration .E, Development Plan AAmendment to a Oevelopment Plan'tr Zoning Code Amendment $6s0 $200 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 q( Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Phone: Fax For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:Check No.:_ By: Date:PEC No,: Planner:Project No.: Paee I of7-04115/02 REcD APR T5 2r,|,2 ,r-m Application for Design Review Department of Community Development, -- zs ior.ir;ni.ntuge Road, vail, Colorado 81657'- -iJ, gZO'q2g.2139 fax: 970'479'2452 web: www'ci'vail'co'us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittar ,uqun",i.nt, roi ure particuia, .pprouJit it-ir-r"qr.ti"a An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untir arr reqJrrei'iriorl.ti* i, 1*"i"i ilil A;;i-tv Devliooment Department' The oroiect may atso need,o o"'rlli"*"0"il il;igr:l. counciia-naloi-ttte Planning and-Environmental commission' beiign review approvat.npl-i "ii# " U"iiAing p"#ii'il'LueA ana dnstruction commences within one year of the aPprioval' f -. ^ -Aper I r 6eE tPlf!=lv1tr€-lY 4-)a< %SLDescription of the Requ^est: Location of the ProPosal: LouE-€'-eb.k, L suMivision: Physical Address:lJSq a-f+ror'\ b>Err6-' (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of APPlicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction )ffnooition tr Minor Alteration (multi-familY/commercial) E Minor Alterafon (sin gle-familyi duPlex) tr Changes to APproved Plans B Separation Request $50 Plus $1.0Q per square foot of total sign area' i,r* --)TgErvsrtuED- $650 ty'otconstruction of a new building or Oemo/$yil{' $300 -For an addiuon *n.r" rquur" i.6tu9e is added.to any residential or commercial buildins iitfit-oi't- jio iioitign: -L i1T:ior conversions)' $250 For minor .r'tngt' tJ";iii;ngi"na tit" improvements' such as' reroofing, painting' ilnOoi aOOitions' landscaping' fen@s ano retaining walls, etc' $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improv€ments' such as' reroofing, paintrngi ;;6; additions' landscaping' fences ano retaining walls, etc' $20 'r"i"'*iti""' io plans alreadv approvet t ""tflEiEitlbffDesign Review Board' No Fee nPR t g 2002 4''lu' Owner(s) Signature(s): E-mail Address: I." *ff:::-:7P4,1"&w:' - "1; IOI4A'M ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic Suruey*o Site and Gradinq Plan* }1Landscape elan; o Architectural Elevations* wl ,+ o Exteriorcolorandmaterial samplesandspecifications.ALt-{o.y3,+-.r-Ct\ AX\:flF\a-9g€'" - e Architectural Floor plans* 3LeVATloAg+ pbDr;g. fnj * o Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures - ND C\\NAc.es .Ec, L\6r\!\|t\CL'1 - i(Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easementsx o Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted wilh an asterisk (*). x*For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repoft, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorB Date of surueyo North arrow and graphic bar scaleD Scale of 1"=10'or t"=20')o Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/o, and floodplain) o nes to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown, Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.E Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Indicate all easements identified on the suMivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot, o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Page 3 of 12102107102 ta/r+ o')< n/A o o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade, o Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc,),! Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)D Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTelephone Water Electrico Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. a Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan: D Scale of l"=20'or largerD Property and setback linesa Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.c Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. o Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.B Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. r Location of landscaoed areas.D Location of limits of disturbance fencingo Location of all required parking spaces o Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. D Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6' feet in height. o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable 'J:931? il"l!., ;11:"rs axrYrtN,v f,FE- ^rr4. rE'D . tr Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. E Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. r Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. u Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. Page 4 of 12102107102 o The location and type of existing and proposd watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted, Architectural Floor Plans: Scale of 1/8" = !'or larger; 1/4" is preferred Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, Floor plans and building elevaUons must be drawn at the same scale. g{llearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. Ft-abel floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.). I r o One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wasTt , calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. AProvide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs.(J ;trlchiteCural Elevations: <-e>Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred >s(All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation- drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale, If buiHing faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also. .=K Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. X ntt exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations' 6*" following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details. o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. tr Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies.B Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts)' o Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. Alllustrate proposed building height elevaUon on roof lines and ridges. These elevations shouldvcoordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. {o __,, B E}terior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review rfi44(o:n Board meeting. 5''Hii', ji.?il SR . l).%;d ",'oIhHJ t x\ c'- PRsp666 . o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area B Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE fiLC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underwan and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certilrcate survey (ILC) sbmped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or seto Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including deck and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations o All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location o All easements Page 5 of 12102107102 - o nikff-*f<- To villrcvt a/t€'nil\r{- PROPOSED MATERIAIS Buildino Materials Tvpe of Material Roof Slding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lightng Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attadt a color chip. Page 6 of 1A040il02 ; Botanical Name PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Common Name PRoPoSED*ttt No l.\.Fu] { Ai-trr scnpr\\.6*}EDpgg> , AND SHRUBS I As>Sa-xf rr:J4-- !os4. A6--SFI- f.F [Y1As:uaf btup,-*-.P na<tst' .PAN- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED sezr m,w*\ Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square FootaqeTvpe Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, Page 7 of L2102107102 UTILITY TOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized 9iqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEf ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tet) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogaft EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949J224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar At-+_ t-zTrufi (g: C;uVEglAtz--V Avn l,vavug-- {HL6 I b f\dT Ne13 C,or\:fe-vc^toN . *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. lf a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representatlve shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified oroblems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before dioqinq in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separately. Page 8 of LZ/02107102 Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15,2002 The following documents are included in this submittal: l Stamped, addressed envelopes and list ofadjacent property owners. 2. Title Report. ( I ) 3. Written Statement Describing the work. ( I )4. ZoningAnalysis. (1) 5. Stamped Topographical Survey * 6. Existing and Proposed Site grading plans* 7. Landscape Plan (4) 8. Roof Height Plan (4) 9. Architectural Floor Plans (4) 10. Architectural Elevations (4) I l. Photo Assessment (l) 12. Parking Assessrnent (1) 13. Avalanche Study - Arthur Mears, P.E. One copy of all plans at 8 Yz x I I " is included herein. * Per discussion on Friday April 12, 2002, these will be submitted no later than Monday Apri|22,2002. Due to the nature of this expansion and its relative minimal impact on the surrounding properties, the Department of Community Development has waived the following requirements: l. Written approval from Condominium Association. This is not applicable as there is no association orjoint ownership. 2. Vicinity Plan. 3. Sun / Shade analysis. 4. Architectural Massing Model. 5. Environmental Impact Report. 6. Additional Material - none required at this time. ,L ),:'f- D^1n A-O()_TLJ TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 CONTRACTOR OWNER.,fOJ Bui LdingF----> Pl.an Check---> Investi gat i on> Ui l. L ca l,l,----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 1309 VAIL VALLEYLocation...: 1309 VAIL VALLEYParcel No.. : 2tO7-092-O0-001Project No. : PRJ97-0058 Status. . . ADMINAppIied.. Issued. .. Expires. . .00 Total Permit Fee-------->750.00 Payrents---- DR DR APPI-,,ICANT .f .I.,. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Phonet 97Q-476-3Q82 816s 7 Phone: 9"1 O-476-3082 8165 7 .00 Total catcutated Fees---> 5,271.N.m Additional, Fees--------> -5,?74-@ 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, *202, VArL COJ.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, #202, VATL CO ALLSTATE TNSURANCE CO t TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Z,7,+O.N Restuarant P[an Revie]F->1,781.n oRB Fee-------.00 Recr.ation Fee---------->3.0O CLean-Up Deposit------>.m \>,^.( U, t\.6.at1- JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0099 Description: REMODEL/ADDTTTON 2400 SF Occupancy: 82 Bz Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: 600,000 Add Sq Ft: Fi reptacc Infornatiori: Regtri cted:#of Gas App[ iances:fof Gas Logs:fof tlood/Pal. Let: **rr*t*tt*k**i*tf,*t****tt*i*f,t***f,t*t*******rr*****t**r**** FEE SUt{ilARy ****f,}r******t********ffi't******Hff**r*ffi*****ffi*ffi*i 'r***,r'r**ffii****r*************i-**-]gl!ff:l;lii*;;;A*-*-*ilX;**-*.*Hllllll;i*iJ*-*i**.*-*.*S-* Ileqi,q51Q0_EqII,DING DEpARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:95/,Q8/.r997 CHARLIE Acrion: NoTE PLANS To DAN'07'/03'/7997 CHARLTE Action: AppR pER DAN STANEKIte{ri'.q54q0_PI,4NNING DEpARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:Q5/.99/.I997 CHARLTE Acrion: Nofe pr,ANs To MrKE-MoLLTe;i--'- -- 97'/O2'/L997- -MIKE Action! AppR See conditionsIte.$i'.0s600_EIRE pEPART\iENT - DApr: FrRE Division:Q1/,99/,!997 q!!ABI,I Acai.n: NorE pr{ANS ro FIRE-07'/03'/1997 CHARLTE Rctiona AFFR N7[ - -- - rtb.m:' 05500-pqBIrIC woRKS ,_ ', Dept: puB WoRK Division:Q1/,a9/,!99? CHARLIE Action: NoTE N/Ao7'/o3'/r99't LARRy_p acrioni ApFn rb-- *****t****ff*t**ttr*ffffiff****t*ffiffi*t*******ffi***ffi1**ffi"t*lhtffr:tt**lff*ffi****ffi*ffi*ff*i.t**t**ff**ffi*****ffiff***** see Page 2 of thj-s Document for any conditions that nay apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby _acknowtedgc that r have read.this app[ication, fitted out in futL the infornation required, compteted an accurate p[otptan, and state thrt att the inforrnation provided as requirad.is corfect. t agrec to compl,y with tirc informtion and ptot pLan,to co[pLy with al' I' Toun ordinances _and state tavs, and io buil,d this structune according iothe Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buil,ding code and othrr ofdinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-TOi'R HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE fROI,I E:OO AI.I 5:OO PI,I ISSUED os /08 /Lee7 07 /03 /Lee7 t2 /30 / LeeT Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: ToV SIGNATURE OF OI,I|NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND OIINER **************************************************L**********r.*****************J. Permit #: 897-0099 Pernit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 97 0-47 6-3082 Applied.05/o8/L997 Issued: 07 /03/1997To Expirez t2/30/1997 CONDITIONS as of 0't /17 /97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Job Address:Location: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR ADMIN BUILDINGParcel No: 2L0L-092-00-001 Description: REMODET,/ADDITrON 2400 SF Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. 1) Geologic Hazard Mitigation: Regrading is proposed onForest Service property. This land is subject to a pending l-and trade with the USFS. No grading can occur on thisproperty until the land trade has been completed.2) Site Plan Is6ue: The approved site plan for t,his projectshall be the eite plan for the adjacent SeasonaL HousingProject (joint access).3) Minor fenestration changes have been staff approved.4) No eignage is approved as a part of this permit.4. AII lighting fixtures shalL be fully cut-off on the entire site. V ,f::iT!"'o?? o" uor, "t*" l;;r"!\t"'oo' - "*#ri",_,ffilfi* FoRlt ( /yl/h / PERT1IT # at?o-z--- ==T'" "'ae_osa #;#El?? pn.(77-ztst o s:. _. ::" :::. ::" ::::::::F.8ffiz iffi#fiffi= :::. ::::;::::f::::; TJON ****** * ** ** **** *****t****** /N<.'Address:u5 Electrical Contractor: Address:' .Plunbing Contractor: Addressii- Mechanical Contractor: (JflK.n r.lAddress:,, ******************************** ";BUILDTNd PERMTT FEE: FLUI.fEIIIG PERMIT FEE: UECHAN'TCAIJ PER}IIT 8EE : EI.,ECIRTCAI, FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:CIA;IN-UP DEPOS TOTAL PERI.IIT BUIIDTNG: STGNAFURE: ZONIIIG: SIGIIATURE: ^ t APPLfCATIoN I'tusT BE FJr,r.nD ouT coMPLETEtY oR rr rMo-r BE AccEpI.T f,.--,--.-*******************:b*r* PER!{IT INFORMATfON *:r****************** vJ-auilains J;d-R'nling {3-electrica:. [r(J-uectranibar [ ]-other OT BE ACCEPTED *** * * * ** ***** ******* ***** * tot N.r"r@ Job Ad,dress: Legal Deseription: Lot Owners Name:Address: Architect: l4Nt- ffcrsr)Address: ,5{5i {re6r'nr.top Sr. General Descripti"", l{ork class: x-uew 3{-art"ration 6{-aaaitional [ ]-Repair t r-other Nunber of Dtrellingr Units:Nurber of Accommodation Units: -ryqT5lceul_6oe@_OTHER: I rorAL: l-{d4p-oa.-MECHANfCA!z l-jo,666 l3o7 Vo,t t/ uev D*tve ** CONTRACTOR Itl- ("oAErr?,,1,70 Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: rrr-. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nuuber: FOR OFFfCE USE ******************************!. BUTIDING PIAN CTIECK FEE:PLI'I{BTNG P[AN. CTIECK FEE:UECIIANICAI, PIAN cHEcK FEEs RECREATTON FEE: @4lr uP DEPOSTT REnnD Town of Vail 25 SouEh Frontage Road Vail, Cotorado 816 57 (303) 479 -2138 PLan review baaed on the 1991 uniform Building Cocle Project Number: PR,J970050 Address: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR ContracEor: if.L. VIELE Architect: RNL DESIGN Engineer: RUSSELL KEELER Sprinkler System throughouE building # SHEET IDENTTFICATION 1 3 4 5 5 I 9 Name; TOV ADMIN OFFICE ADDITION Date: MaY 9, 1997 occupancY: 82. A3 Type of Const: V-N PLANS Examiner: DAN STANEK CORRECTION REQUIRED clazing in a hazardous location is required to be qiazed'with safeEy maberial' -- Sec' 5405' Provide a landing on bolh sides of door' Note: The ;;;p-; size requiretnents. -- Section 3304' (i) & (j) Provide handicap access to the bui'1ding' -- Chapter J_t Provide a 48 inch clear access width !o the handicap compartment. -- ANSI A117.1 sec' 4'17'3 & Fj-g' 30 Provide the required 29 inch heighE' 30 inch cLear width, & 17 inch clear depth under at leas! one i"lt"lo.v. -- ANSI A117.1 Sec' 4'19'2 & Fiq' 31 Provide aC least one mirror with the bottom wiEhin 40 inches of the fLoor. -- ANSI A117'1 Sec' 4'19'6 Grab barg need to be shoi\tn on the plans that comply wiEh ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4-]-6'4, 4'I7'5' & 4'24 For heating or hot-water supply boiler applicabions a floor driin shall- be supplied for suibable disposing of accumulated fluids' tlMC 2119 In rooms wiEhout natural ventilation a mechanically operated ventilation systen shall be provided c-apaUfe of supplyinq aL nin' 5 cu'ft'per minute of oulside air per occupant in all occupied portions of the buildinq. UBc 705 oR UBc 505 Furnaces not Iisted for alcove or closeb installation shall be installed in a room having a volume at least 12 times the toLa1 volume of the furnace. Boilers require a room at least 15 bimes f .rq.t than the volume of the boiler ' IJI'tc 504 (b) Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be builb on. -- Sec. 2905. l-b 18 Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vai1, colorado 815 57 (303) 479 -2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniforn Buildinq Coile ProjecE Number: PR,I970050 Address : 13 09 VAIL, VAL'L'EY DR contractor:'J.L. VIELE ArchitecE: RNL DESIGN Engineer: RUSSEIL KEELER Name: TOV ADMIN OFFICE ADDTTION Date: MaY 9, L997 Occupancy: 82 Type of ConsL: V-N Plins Pxarniner: DAN STANEK NoTE:Thecodeitems].istedinthisreporcarerrotintendedtobeacomplete li-sting of all po""iUi" code requirenen's in the 1991 uBc' rt is a guide to selecEed sections of the code' Sprinkler syatem throughout the buililinq SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION - -flOnfff Property line 155'0 Feet 155'0 Feet nair nropertv line 100'0 Feet 100'0 Feet iouin eroperty tine 75'0 Feet 75'0 Feet WEST Building 45'0 Feet 22'0 Feet Area increased 1OO.O0t for open area on 4 sides' l.lr NAME OCC MAX FI.,R AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1 offices 92 1 Conference Room L 82 1 conference Room 2 82 1 Lunch Room Bz 1 Women Restroom 82 1 Mens Restroom 82 1 Janitor Room 82 l- Waiting room 82 TOTAI, FOR FI,OOR BUII,DING TOTAI, L475 15000 0.09 270 15000 0.02 270 15000 0.02 252 15000 0.o2 95 16000 0.01 95 15000 0.01 35 15000 0.00 1709 15000 0.11 4203 16000 0.26 4203 15000 0.26 SOUTH BRG NON. BRG OPNG WALI, WAI.,L PROT Ohr ohr None ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok WEST BRG NON- BRG OPNG WAI,L WALI, PROT Ohr Ohr None ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok The actual height of this building is L8'0 feet' NoTE: The height of the aircraft hanqier may be unl-inited if the minimum clear area around the buil-ding is nol less than one and one-half Limes the buiLdinq heiqht. -- sec 507 Exc' *2 The maxirnum heiqht ot [ne building is 40'0 feet' -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WALI, FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG OPNG WALL WALL, PROT WALL WALL PROT 82 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior wal-Ls may be of COI'TBUSTIBLE material' sec'220L \ OTHER BUII,DING ELEMENTS ELEMENT MATERIAI' Interior Bearing $,a11 AnY Interior nonbrg Ital I AnY Structural Frame AnY Exterior Struct Frame AnY Floor/CeiLing AssemblY AnY Roof/Ceilinq Assembly AnY Stairs AnY Table 17 -A RATING NOTES unr u nr 0hr 0hr 0hr 0hr None t?iT?:::;.s j-n an exterior wa1l localed where openinss are not permitted or where protectlon of openings is required' shalI be protecced agalnst external f ir" expl-"rlr-"-""- i"q"ir"a -f or exterior bearing walLs or the strucLural frame, whichever is greaber' -- Table l-7-A' footnote 1 ?fil"::"i:'"o.b,r!bibl" construction in the roof /ceilins assemblv' draft stops shal1 be installed so that the area of concealed space does nots exceed 3000 square-i".i-""a so that the horizontal- dimension between scops does not exceed 50 feet' -- sec ' 2516 ' (f)4'B' (iii) See exception when spiinkters are instatled in concealed space' OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B See footnote +L EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING EXIT REQUIREMENTS : FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER LOAD REQUIRED 0-3 No 0.3 No 0.3 No 0.3 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.0 No 0.3 No 1,5 No No N/R No N/R No N/R No N,/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R Yes Oub 1L of the 50 or more. (0.3) 1l-1 of f ices L conference Room 1 1 conference Room 2 1 Lunch Room 1 Women Restroom 1 Mens Restroom 1 'Jani tor Room L Waiting room TOTAI, FOOTNOTES: 11) corridors within a tenant resuire a rated corrid.or ' occupant load less Lhan 100 may noE -- sec. 3305. (g) exc. *5 _Lf Id rat TI .) 77 89 1- I 1 1 1 1 1 In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separaLion i's 1/2 maximum diagonal of the "r"i or floor' -- sec' 3303'(c) Exib signs are required from aII areas serving an occupant l-oad of -- Sec. 3314.(a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304' (b) except as noced" Occupant load is based on Table 33-A' Numblr of exits is based on Tab1e 33-A except as noted' s*it "iatn is in feet and based on sec' 3303' (b) ' ExiC width is to be divided approximately equally ar}ong. exits' Width shown for a1f areas is based on other exits ' (0'2) Width shown for lst floor is based on other exits' (0'2) Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways' For the minimum wiilth of doors, see sec' 3304' (f) For the minimum width of corridors' see sec' 3305' (b) For the minimum width of stairways' see sec' 3305' (b) HANDTCAPPED ACCESS : 1) Handicapped access is required to at least: !o this Luildinq- -- sec. 3103' (a) & (b)3' 2\ If a ramp is used for handicapped access' 1-z12- - - Sec 3307. (c) Provide a landing within 1 inch (L/2 lnch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshold. -- Sec' 3304'(i) The minimum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches' -- sec. 3304. (i) The maximum travel distance -'Sec.3303.(d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS : 1) The roofingr on this buildj-ng is cedar or red.wood shake shingles accordance with Section 3204 (e) , one primarY entrance the max sloPe rs in this building is 200 feeL' facings are required to have a flame- maximum smoke density of 450 unless facing is in contact with a wall or required to be Class C -- Table 32-A and #1 shingles conslructed in Speciat-purpose Roofs may be used' - - Exception #4 2) See .""1io., 3204. and IcBo research reporhs for requtremencs ' AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system sha1l be supervised by an approved central , proprietary' or remote station servl-ce or a local, atann w-hi ch will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. -- Sec. 3803- WALL AND CEII,ING FINI SH I 1) WaIl and ceiling finish materials Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-B. are required to comPlY with 2) carpeting on the ceiling is required co have a class I flame spread ratinq. -- sec. 4204- (bl 3) Tlxtile wall coverings sha11 have Class I flame spread rating' and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria ot u.g.c' Standard No' 42-2 -- Sec' 4205 ' INSULATION NOTES : 1) A11 insulation material including spread rating of 25 or less and a it is in a concealed space and the ceiling. -- sec. 1714. (c) exe-#2 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected- -- Sec. 1-713 ' GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: Al1 qlazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazi.ng material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTE3 Section numbers l-isted below are from ANSI A1l-7 ' l- - 1985 WATER FOUNTAINS I 1) one must have a spout wiEhin 36 inches of the floor' -- sec' 4'L5'2 2) SpouL tnust be at lhe front of Ehe unit' -- Sec' 4'15'3 3) Controls must be at or near the front of the unit' -- Sec' 4'15'4 & 4.25.4 4) A cantitevered unit 27 inches hiqh. 30 5) A clear area of 30 area is required to unit and for a side is required to provide a clear area under the unit i.r"ft"" -wide, ana- 17 inches deep' -- Sec' 4'15'5 (1) X 48 inches is required at the fountain' The clear provide for a forward. approach with a cantilevered lpp."."it otherwise- -- Sec. 4'15'5 & Fig" 2'7 b'c'd' of TOIIJET FACI],ITIES: 1) A 5' dianeter unobstructed - - sec. 4 .2 .3 & Fig. 3 (a) turning space is required in the toiLet room ' Lhe clear area required iE: a side approach.2) When water closeE is not in a comparlment' a) 48 inches wide bv 55 inchee deep with -- Sec. 4.L6.2 & Fig. 28 b) 48 inches wide by 65 inches d'eep with a front approacn' -- Sec. 4.L5-2 a Fiq. 28 c)60incheswideby55inchesdeepwithbobhapproacnes.-- Sec. 4.L6'2 & Fiq. 28 d.) Side bar is t"q"it.e to start within 12 inches of the back wal1 and extend to 54 inches from the back wa11' -- Sec' 4'L6'4 & Fig' 29 The rear lat is required bo be 35 inches lonqr' -: Fig: 29 3) When water closet is in a compartment. bhe area requlred 1s: a) 55 inches aeep by eO it'cne" wide wibh a grab bar at the back and one at bhe side. Ooor is at front or side' -- Fis' 30(a) or b) 55 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. -- Fiq. 30(b) d) If a ffoor mounted hrater closet is used' the depth dimension shown above .,ttt f. increased 3 inches' -- Fis' 30(a) a (b) e) Side bars are required to start within 12 inches of the back waII and extend co 5a inclies from the back wa11. -- Fis. 7.55a & 7.55b The rear bar is required to start wilhin 5 inches of Lhe side wall- and be 35 inches lonq. -- Fiq. 30(a) 4)Thebarsaretobe33to35inchesabovethefloor..-Fis.29(a).(b)e on the water cLose! is required to be 1? to 19 inches Fis- 29 (b) & Fiq. 30 (al) to be stal-I type or have an eLon9'ated rim and be the floor. -- Sec. 4.]'8.2 a Fiq' 29(c) 48 inches is required in front of the urinal' Fiq. 30 (c) ' (d) 5) The top of the seat above the floor. -- 6) Urinals are required within 17 inches of ?) A clear area of 30 X - - Sec. 4.18.3 under the lavatory of8) Accessible l-avatories shal1 provide a clear area 29 inches. -- sec. 4-L9.2-1 & Fig. 31 9) A clear area of 30 x 48 inches is required in front of the lavatory. -- Sec.4.L9.3 & Fig. 32 10) The botsCom of mirroi is required to be within 40 inches of the floor' -- Sec. 4.19'6 & Fiq. 31 A Prof€sslonal Corporatlon r515 Arapahoe Street, Tower l, Sulte 7oo, Denver, Colorado 8o2o2 pl tol.295.17r7 fl 3o3.29:.o845 RNt Desif LLLLL.LLLLLLLLLLL Report of Contact Date of Contactt 05.16.97 Date of Report: o9.t6.97 Projecr Name: TOV Admin. Bldg. Project No: t-7554.o1 I Phone Participants: Laura Yanoviak ! Meeting Dan stanek Discussion, Aqreement or Action: Problem: TOV Building Depanment found Hall l9l to be a dead-end corridor over zo -o' long and unacceptable by code. Solution: The existtng wall between Hall [5] 0 Conference r [6] wlll be cut back to r€define the beginning of the corridor Gee attached sketch) in order to meet the intent of the code. h should be noted that Hall l5l is an existing corridor. The new layout shoftens this corridor by r2'-o" in length, and the bullding is now belng fully sprhkler€d; thus, this new design provldes a safer envlronment than the existing conditlon. ln addition, Dan Stanek requests an additional exit light o Hall [22], centered on gridline'3". ce Dan Stanek, TOV Bullding Department Susie Hervert, TOV Public Work file 7V8/roc1ogr6 CONFERENCEG1 ,,r@ I N'] 2----: lEXl ICE '-..-...i.i.--1 oI -|(l ----J r> hol"lEN'g RESTROOI1 I"lENrs -RE5TROOI1 VE3TIFULErE-l TOV ?vblic lu'.lonks Admin. tsldg. RECONFTG. DOOR @ CONF. 1 167 coPtRrctfl t997 - R L otStGN, P.C. Thir doc!m..t, ond lhc idcos ond d.dgn conc.pts incoeorot6d hcrdr, or on imlru,n.nt ol prot lsionol r.rv!t.. d......-..'.... 4?2?Ao%CONCRE?EWORKORDER I CTUfhompson, Inc. Type of Cure: CTL Box O CTL Tank l Lab C OnerJz!-i,4 Scheduled Time ? to oare -Z' / ! No. of So€cimens [No. of 4x8" Typo of Tost: No, ot 6x12"--j{- I Field f Dal'd. Ship.ln 3 Mix CIF e Beam 3 a E] Test Time l Spocifiod Srongth '. ( : Od€red By_ Conf rmation No. Amkient Tcmp.,:fif,f].1i.',"F facitity remp. llliif:i:r:::,1:iii'r Rec'd, Oate_ by Contraclor 'j -, tt'" Supliar '. /- /'Truck No. MixDesign "l,t!Bifc,,/',' BatchTimo:i*l#fft8,4''' *samptodat: Truck -,81 P acement Location , %weisht it/,h pa:rlnp.WL ch W €igha.illLpc{ Temp. jfi.'F 7-Dey Due Date DUJ Dale Due Dale Purnp O P{ryrlc.l Propenbe Test ProJerties: Prcject Specs.: 28-Day Due Oale Due Date Due Datc Total fime f,lqp,, Ptease Note Physical Properties Prior to Signing Below: Wrth 087S4 Job code*L-,;--+- rD cotfiHAgtiotrs coPY OTHER TESTS Dua Dalal__ t-_- CTL Fap. Delays To o ,A CONCRETE WORK ORDER CTL/ThompEon, Inc. No. o{ Speclmen3_ lNo. ot 4x8'_ No. of 6x12"__ l Typo of Test: Fietd 3 Shigtn D ctF o Del'd. O Mix 3 Beam A Ambi€nt Temp. Type of Cure: CTL 8ox tr CTL Tank B o Scheduled Time . Datc -2/Z:_,__ Tesl Time Speclfied Strength Ord€red By Lab o Confirmation f{o Other : ,,,: ..:i, "p Facili,ty Temp,,ir,;rilt;'i"f Rec'd. Date by Project Nar.e Addr€ss Contractor Supplier Truck No.-, 1 :" 'r Tick€t No. ., , ,,' ,, ,,. rli:ii:,ii;r$,t;,rili Mix Oeslgn Pumg tr Phyrbrl Proprnla3 Teet Proportics: Proi€ct Sp€ca.:Slump . ' Air' .: ' oL Weight .. psf Temp. ., . , .F 7.Dav Due Date Due Dire 28-Dey Due Dale Due Dafe OTHER TESTS Du€ Dale Due Dat€ Dr.;a Dale Tolal Tirne Delays Caused By , 7o fionfiec|i?rs Fap" Please Note \sicalproperties priof ro signing Betow: av - lt --.{on Oof\lTPAcrntr'c .rA.v TD o .on"s.;F"HsffnoRDER o No. of Specimens lNo. of 4x8"_No. of 6xt2"jl-1 Type of Test: Field O Ship-ln 0 ctF c Scheduled Tlme Date TsSl Timg ;i$ ''5i: ; i1ri...'),,i: ;i.: Sp€citled Slr€ngth Ordered 8y Contirmation No. oel'd. -l Mix tr Beam D Type of Cure: CTLBox O CTLTank C Lab oiher tr Ambisnt Temp.,'-j.,.'F Facility Temp.St[:i;'F Rec'd. Date .Dy Time Proj€ct Name Addrass Contractor ) ( Supplier Truck No. Mix oesign V ?&,1 ' *Batch Tim€ Placemonl Localion Sampled at: Truck El Pump Cl 7-Day Due Date Due Date 28-Day Due Date Due Date Due Data OTHER TESTS Due Date Due Dale ; , , ., ::: ., '- . . CTL Bep._t1 Total Tf me /, \ Delays Caused By To Contraclor's Rep., Ptease Note Physical Properties Prior to Signing Below: B 08709 Job Code By OO'ITRACTOF€ COPY TD o No. of Spedmene [No. of 4x8"_f,lo. ot6x12'Z-l Type of Te$: Field O Det'd. A Striptn D Mrr B CIF LJ Beam U ' Amb 6nt T Rec'd, Dale CONCRETF WORK ORDER CTuThompson, Inc. o 9cheduled Time Oate ..' / Type ot Cure: CTL Box O CTLTank O Lab Other rest rime :,lli;i;[St: Bi,$Si:,]l'],'ri':;'rr'''i Specifi€d Slrength Ordered By EI Confirmation t'{o. eme,. "F Facllity temp.$€i"F by- Time ProjEl Nam€ Address I Contraclor Supplier t / . '' t.'-f, !..t .,'/, Mix Design Placemenl Location .. , , Phyrlcrl Propcrlla. 7-Day Dlg-aaltl Dua Dara Dqs-Defe 28-Dav Due Odte Oue Dete Oue Date O?HER TESTS Due Oalet_I-t_ t\ ''Total Time al ,2 TO @fn0/lor's Fep, Pleasd Nole Physical Properties Prior lo Signing Below: * :flr ::{ wi$ , /, 1 1:/r, i }- 7 : B 08272 Jobcode By ctf{TRAcIOB€ @Pt--b-. TD TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Etectr i ca [---> oRB Fee Invest igation> UitL cal.l.----> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0157 OV{NER P O BOX 1984, VArL CO 81658 ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO t TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Oescription: ELEC FOR PUBWORKS AD BUILDING ADDITION Valuation:60, 000 . oo *t**********i*********i*t**********t*t********************* FEE SUtltlARY *ttttr[******************t****t***********t**************** APPLICANT HUNT ELECTRIC P O BOX L984, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR HUNT ELECTRIC 1309 VAIL VAI.,I.,EY DR 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR (AD 2101-0 9 2 -0 0-0 01 PRJg7-0058 BALANCE DUE---- Status...: ISSUED BAppIied. . : o7 /28/t997Issued...: 07/28/1997Expires..: OL/24/7998 Phone : 97 O-9 49-4O6L Phone : 97 O-9 49-4O6L .00 .o0 .o0 Job Address Location. . . Parce.L No. .Project No. 1 ,077. Oo .00 .00 3.00 1 ,08O. O0 TotaI Catcutated Fees---)1 ,080. 00 Additionat Fees---------> -1,080.00 TotaI Pernit Fee--------> ***rr****Jrt********************'wr***fi***********t*********************************H********************************************** Dept: BUILDING Division: FOR ELEC DEpT: FIRE Di.vision: **********************t**********************************t***************t*******************ff********t*ff*********tr********t**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ****t************************i******************************ft***********************************************************ffi******* DECLARATIONS r.hereby -acknwledgc that I havc read this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,L the intormation requi red, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that alt the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compt,y riith tire infornation and ptot itan,to comPly uith att Tovn ordinances_and state taHs, and io buiLd this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn afpLicabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FoR IllSPECTlol{s SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS lN ADV NCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-?13E OR AT otR oFFTCE FROti 8:q) A 5:00 pl'l Ite_m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO7/28/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRITEm:' O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT SIGNATURE OT OI.'NER OR COi{TRACTOR TOR HIIISELT AND O}'NER TOlrlN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2738 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OVINER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address...: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR Status..Location......: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR AD BUILDINAppIied.Parcel No.....: 2101-092-00-001 Issued..Project Number: PRJ97-0058 Expires. JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-01-41 ISSUED o8/13/ree7 08 /20 /ree702/t6 /7ee8 Description: INSTALL FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Fireptace Information: Restricted: FRONTIER FIRE PROTECTION 2617 W HOLDEN PLC, DENVER CO FRONTTER FIRE PROTECTION 2617 W HOLDEN PLC, DENVER CO ALIJSTATE INSURANCE CO t TOWN AIJLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL tof cas Appt iances: 802 04 802 04 OF 60062 Val-uation: #0f Gas Logs: Phone t, 3O36290227 Phone: 3036290227 15, 150.0o #of l,ood/Pa L tet: ffi**ff*****ff*f*****ffi**ff*ffi*i*Hrt*****trHrrt#rhH**** tEE SUl{tlARY *r*#*********t***rHr***#r*ffrr|t***tt********************t tlechani cat--->320. 00 .00 .m 403.00 Ptan Check---> 8O.0O Restuarant Pl.an Revieu--> oRB Fee-------- TOTAL FEES----- Totat catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> 405.00 -405.00Invest i grt ion> Uitt cat l,----> .00 3.00 Total Permit Fee--------> .00 Paynents------- 't**tt*ffi**rt****trt**tt*****rt*****trt***i***t*ttt*******ffitt*******ffit**************lllllff-lli--**;;iiiii*******ill*** I!g$!,,9I1q0^PqMING_DEPARTMENT_ -, Dept: BUILDING Division:08/73/1997 CHARLIE Act,ionr APPR N,/AI!e.4ri"g56Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Divisi.on:O8/.13/.L997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO FIRE DEPTO8/20'/L997 JOHNG Action: AppR AppR PLANS TO BLDG.DEPT. CONDITION OF APPROVAII 1. !.IEI.D INSPECTIQNS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE.2, 1.ADD HYDRAULTC NODE POTNTS tO B- SRANCH-r_,rlln.2.MOVE F.D.C. TO FRONT (SOUTH) SrDE FOR AeeESS. ****************************************************************************.**** : DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknoutedge that I have rcad,this appLication, fitted out in ful,l, the information required, conpteted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that att the inforration provided as rcqui red is correct. I agree to compty riith tire inforration and pl,ot itan,to.co[pl'y Hith al' I' Torrn ordinances,rnd statc taws/ and to buiLd this structure according iothe Tonn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu aPproved, Uniforn Buil,ding Codc and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,c thereto. REAUESTS IOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I{ADE TI.IENTY-FOUR IOURS TN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOI{E AT 47Y2138 OR AT OUR OIFICE FROI{ 8:OO Ail 5:OO P].In. .l SIGNAT,RE oF or,,NER oR coNTRAcroR FoR HrlrsELF AND ouNER \ )tu,tu1 L Nur,L# TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 OWNER Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBTNG PERMIT Pernit AT ALL TIMES P9 7-009 94.?. 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR StaIus...: ISSUED 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR (AD BApp]ied..: o7/28/19972L01-092-00-00L rssued...: 07/28/L997PRJ97-0058 Expires..: O!/24/I999 APPLICANT LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO * TOWN OF Phone. 9'1 0-242-579O co 8150s Phonel. 970-242-5790co 81505 ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK rL 60062 Description: PLUMBING FOR AD BUILDING ADDITION Valuation:20, 000 .00 ***************i*i*t**************t************************ FEE SUl"l ARy ****************t**********i*t************************t*** Pl,umbing-----> Ptan check---> Invest i gation> tliLt catl,----> 300.00 75.00 .o0 3.00 Restuarant Plan Revi ew--> ToTAL FEES----- .00 378.00 Totat Ca I cu (ated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments 578.00. -378.00 .00> .00 *tr********************r***************************************************************ilitllfi-l*;;;;;;;iiiiiii************ill*** IIqm: ,05]-OO-BqILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:o7 /28/1997 CHARLTE Aaaiont -Appn cHenr-,rE DAvrs--Itbm:'0s500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Di_visi"on: ************************t**t*******************i********t**i**********f**rt*t*************************i-r*************tt*********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***ff*fi*fi*ff**********t********tt*******ff*******-tffff******t*ff*t****t*****ii*******************tt***************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in futl, the information requ.ired, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information pfovided as required is correct. t agree to compty iittr tire information and pt,ot i:tan,to comply rrith atL Tovn ordinances and state tars, and io buitd this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil.ding Code End other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl.e the.eto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIoIIS SHALL BE I'|ADE TiJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE By rELEpHgttE Af 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FRoril L. JUL-28-97 HoN il:39 FAX N0, 9704763423o ^lpc"^*ai-o1e county ^""""*o=?rrr"" . ,lf rr.t70-l2i-8640 fcr _parcel l. Totfy OF Vff! COlrS11RgClfONfDARctr tz )tol &i ooil-- --- '_;iiLn' ilI#,ffif,** P,M PE&\II ' - ifob l{aDei al APPTJCATToN t{usr EE FrI-LED ous co}tpr.ErHLv oR rT tiay tfor EE ACCEI|TED f t'*tr***rt**r**rf **ta*tt***r*' iuruln l13gRlrrgrol{ r+**ri*.lr.,,r.*lrr**r*r**r*r****7Y. ' , Y)-Hrllding t)g1-rrunllng {l-urectric.r 54,-rreeuantear [ ]-ocher legal Description: Iot -. ,fob lddres=, owners l{anei @Address:It07 Arc!,iteat:eddsese; General Descrl,ptionr t zvoa Er+c ! ?4oo ss work ctass: g(-rrer JX-eft""arion (:-maftional [ ,le.p"i, f f **", Ntnbe= of Dqrclling'Irnlts: O t{ruber of Accor'oaaticn tnlts: C) dr"= and rype of 'r'replaces: cas.Appltances__ cas !ogs__ nood,/pe1l6t_ [****"**trr**t******l*****'tt***t*'r r,ertraTrgrs t+**ta.*+t**r**!r**iiit:rra.*i*.a**t E&EqtRrctttl 6o10@uEcEerrcltt t--7F ofrIEtR: I *I.HT1:ii.il:?: ?IHER rrPE oF EEE: ..BLlqA:rrcllY EEE: bn^a ''8: cEr$_uP DEDOsrt:| .- _-__._ lVlI! SWr! EEES: I EEFEFiEfvffitr t Eurr.Dnrc sl-l-l--l_ | ST@IAIURE! - l-l-l-l--_1 ZOI|!]|G: - a;ffi;ri--r__t_ I SI@rIIURIE: - 3olaentsl r_r___ 5tr:rA.u;1_,\\44 . t**t* *+t *rf **ttar*tttttrir*Address: $i$."fr#ll, PIIlmuc i4ld;ti ;E; - 8or:ollrc DLIN cEECK EEI:tqcu4.YlcAllEnitrift, - DJIIBTNG Pr.rtr'.-occr feu; :--El4clRriti FEE;- _ EeAlr{ctu prAtr qncr-rsa: .- OIHEp ryln or *11n.. -r- .SECREAIfOII !EE: ---- - t r '-- , Pl-Fbirtg Contractori Q7:.c> Addressi'# 3::l-'3.Y:ll-*- * rro:-L,3 fu.P f,echanlcal Contractor:#tii o"oonc r{unber: siq - zd ffi. fudserno HL)Ki'tlr^,aodress: .- sA;;-----' ruL P*=-.f..:lil *q.- y9._JJZ{lPhgne Nulber: @--r-:i,}ii;#iffiffi;'f 'rt** **t ** tbR oFFrcs-ugE :ll:. f-l1*nf * rr ***rr r *. * *i.**rr lfo. ,sE4!-tr-lFosrr tgF1'rq m: t REPT 131 TOWN OF VAIL" CELORADS Lt/el0/g? 0r7:56 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTION h,ORK SHEETS FOR:11/'86/97 Activity:897-O157 II/ZA/97 Typer B-ELEC Status: ISSUED Constr: ACOH 61,n.." Address: 13AB UAIL UAL.LEY DR Location: rSOq VffIL UALLEY DR (AD BUILDING) Ftarcel: t1O1-€t9a-Ora-AO1 Occ:Use: pR6E 39 AREA: l l' - 'Descri pt i on : ELEC FOR FUBI^IORKS AD Applieant r HUNT ELECTRIC Owner: ALL.,STATE INSURANCE CO .i4 ItrtN OF Corrtract ot'r HUNT ELECTRIC BUILDING ADDITION Fhone: 97O-949-4O6 I Fthone: F,fion€ : 978--949-4O61 Inspect i on Request Reqr-restor: VAL r.,:i Req Time: 8t1 :OO It erns request ed t o .-,.{'01 9er ELEE.-Fi na I Inf ornat i on. . . . . Comnents: be Inspected... Fhone: 949*4O6 I t, Item: OOIIO ELEC-Temp. FowerIt em: grQf Eb ELEC-Rough Act i on: AF'trR I:IPPRoUEO, 7A/e4 /97 lnspeet or ! EG Act i on : AF'trR flpF'Ro\,tEll ^ Ia/3@/97 Inspector. I EG Action: DN pvc to be lginches bel n tI/@4/97 Inspector*: EG Actiorr: AFFR FiFFRAUED Ifbml oqrl3g' ELEC-conduit Itenr Ot?14O ELEC-Misc. ftemr ABl9'A ELEC-,Final Item : ?r8,?:?4.FIRE*ALARI* ROUEH Item: qrlASSS FIRE-FINtlL C/O CommentE, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL/ co 81657 9t 0-47 9-2r38 Job Ad.dress. . . Locati,on f'arcel No..... Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP}'{EN1' NOTB: TTIIS PERMIT MUST I,IIICHANICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITD AT' A''I' -rM}iIi ,7//7- 2/54 Permi L lf : tlS', 01 ,. 1309 VAII., VALI,T'Y DR 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR 2I0t-092-0 0*0 01 PRJ9 7_O O5 B Status. . (AD BUILDIAppIied. Issued.. E \,,ni racl I SSUED o7 /28 /7ee7oe/04/7ee't 03/03/leeB APPLICANT LUNSPORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone: 97u?.42579O 2481 COMMERCE BL,VD, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505 CONTR.I\CTOR LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone . 0242 2481 COMMIIRCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505 OWNEIT ]\I,LSTAT}I INSURANCE CO % TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 t i feD lacc Information: nestricted: Y llof Gas App t i ances: ** ***)t**** *****)t*t(**rt* *** rr*tr**i:* t(****tr*r(***** ************** FEE SUtll.lARY ********** ***** ******** ******* ******d *** *** ** r . , r*'krr***)r 14echani ca [---> P lan Check---> Investigation> ui Lt ca t t----> 1,40C- 00 Restuafant Ptan Review--)"1,753.U(t Faynrent s Description: MECFIANICAL FOR AD BUILDING ADDITION 351).00 .00 Total Catcutated Fees---).00 Ad(lition.rL tces--------*> -'1 ,753.Oo Val-r.ration: fof Gas Logs: i0 000 ) ,/of Uood/Pa > . O() .00 TOTAL fEES----- 5. O0 1,751.AO Tota[PermitFee--------> Dept: BUILDING Dj.irs )n: Dept: I'IRB l)i vi.sic l -00 ]tqm: ,O51OO BUIi,DING DEPARTMENT 09 /Otj /I997 CHARLIE Act-iorr: APpRIt(;m:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT09/O4/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A CONDITION O]' APPROVAL 1. !'IELD INSI'ECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON AIR rS t(E0urRiiD pER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMa-3. II!STALLATION MUST CONFORM '1'O MANUI.'ACTURES TNSTNDCiTONS IrTINTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I,IMC.4. GT1S APPLIA}ICES SIIAI.,L B[ VENTEI) ACEORDiNG 'J'O CIJAPTER 9 .A}.IDSHALL TERI{II.IAT'E AS SPECII'IED IN S}IC.906 OF THE 199r UI{C._5. ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST eol4Fr,v wrru sue.sos-auo703 OF THE 1991 UML:6. BOII,ERS SI]ALI, BN MOUN',.'DD ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST._ qM,Es:s LTSTED FOR TVIOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTTBLE F'oORiNG:- --- --- 7 . TqR!{I!TPL,ANS -A}J'I CODE ANALYSIS I'IJUST]_SE_POSTND i$r-'MECHANICAL^ Rgou pBroR To AN TNSPECTTON REOUEST.B. lrRaruacE oF l-"1ECry4N1CAr,-nOoMs--c6Nierurns HEATTNG oR HOT-WATER$r,rppi.,y BorLEi-{q sHALr, BE EQUTPPED-witH- A FaijoR- DRArN--FER s[e:'2119 OF THE 1991 UMC * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * ,< * * * * * * * * ;t * )k * * *. * * * * * d- * ' ***** " **.r * DECLAITATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appt'ication, fil,ted out in futI the information reqr,rirecl. compteted an acculate pLot plan, and state that att the information provided i,s required is correct. l agnee to compty with the infornation and Ptot pLan, to compty with al,l, To\.rn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the To!,n's zoning and srrhdivis' codes, desiJn reviel.t approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS TOR INSPEC]TONS SHALL BE I4ADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE tsY TELEPHONE AI 179-213A OR AT OUR OFTICE TROfi 8:O:., AI4 5:OO PI'I SIGNATURE OT OUNER OR CONTRACTOR TOR TIIT,ISELF AND OI,INER (\loon LNe-L.ra^/- l&J t- Da-l cJ Nunber of Dsrelling Units:t{r:drer of Acco nodation Units:o i}*"= and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas .Appliances cas Lc;s ',fcci-,,?eli=-:_ /{*************************i******* VAIIIATTONS ********************************* BUIIDING: i 4SO,Ooo _EIryTBIcry.r_l^oaao , P^LUI€ING: $ PE3{YIT /I,rL coNsTRuctroIPLTCATION FORI.f Ettrna ^ I APPLTC,ITrON llusr BE Fr7r.trD OUT CO!{pterELy oR rr t{ay NOT BE ACCEPIEDv.If****i********************ii*i PERMTT IITFORIfeIJON *******************+******** *,l (l-auiraing tM-plurbing {l-et""t=i."t xJrrectrani-cal [ ]-othertolu"r.r@ Job Address: l3a7 Vat llu.ev D*tve o N Owne:s Nane: Arclrtect: teg:al Description: Lot Block Add:ess: Add:ess: o Torrn of Vail Phone Nunber:7 -.losl . plrrrrrhj3g Contractor: e Town of Vail.Address: +r.tE t (orlneaci-8ffi+r'(aNe )opo?lDp ersox _ph.L.rtrrnhaF |lrrnhs33 J FOR OFPICE USE ************:r************ir**** B TLDING PI.AI{ CIIECK FEE: PIIMBTNG PIAI{. C'rECK FEr:IIECIIANICEI. PIAN CEECK FEE: .RECREATION EEE: CI.EAN-IIP DEPOSTT: 5!TAL PERUII EEES: BUTIDTNG: SIGITAIURE: ZOIfI|G: SIGITIITIRE: Fi.].inq qrrRnrvrqr^N. P:n.(77-ZtSt P]n.e1tnl1 General Description, awork class: x-uew fi1r-arteration ft-Eaaitional [ ]-Repair t l-other_ Electrical, Contractor :Address: * ***i***i**** *****************!t* 8UTLDtr{G PARMTT FEE: PLIIIGIITG PER}CTT FEE: I{ECIIAIrICAI, PTRT'EI FEE:ELECIRICAI EEE: OTIITR TYPE OF EEE: DRB EEE: Htlrn Eu.crrzte. TO ' i.i;# 11,5. :3"\:# $:.1' t lii' vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 LtrTTHIPF TRANSNNITTAL DA'E Y;r/n lro'No ArrENrroN CAl7<ttE Dbvls ^'' t)l Apr',p. Attached n under separate cover via /kp' ' the Jollowing items:WE ARE SENDING YOU \f sr'on drawings ! Copy of letter I Prints ! Change order ! Plans ! Samples I Specifications (970) 476-3082 coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 3 fllt>h+#r.ataiiruu q llLr'ttslL'; Clyrep" 3 ila>ln ., . tllEar ( o;ss Caccs THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: lJ-rl For approval E For your use n As requested n For review and N FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution ! Return - corrected prints comment ! D tr ! 19 - N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO lf enctosut8.s are not as noted, klndly nottty us 2t once.. ** BI'RGGRAAF ASSO** CONSUT.,,TING ENG GRAND ,f,UNCTION. CO FI'I-,,L COMMERCIAI, I{VAC BUILDING MASTER DATA ** ** LOADS PROGRAM AND DESIGN PARAMETERS: -CIATES INEERS A'l PRO,JECT: CLIEM| : DATE: DES]GNER: VAIL ADMINISTRATION LI]NSFORD BROS MECII o8/23/e7 BURGGRAAF DESlGN MO}IIII MAY JUNE ,TULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER WIMTER ROOF ASHRAE TYPE ROOF # WALL ASHRAETYPE GROUP GLASS SUMMERNO. U-FAC. 1_ . 0 .610 WALL WAI.,,L U.FAC COLOR O.O5O LIGHT WINTER GLASS U-FAC. SITD. COEF 0.s80 0.820 OIITDOOR DRY BULB ourDooR WET BIILB OU OU OU 60 60 0 ROOF SUSP COLOR CLG. LIGHT YES INDOOR REL.III]M 40? 402 402 402 40? 50? INDOOR DRY BI'LB 75 75 75 75 75 75 GRAINS DIFF. -0.27 -v-zt -0.27 -0.27 0 .00 rN/orrrDooR CORRECTION 82 dz 82 dz 6Z -26 ROOF U-FAC 0.033 - l-6 -L6 -J"6 -18 1_. I}TTERIOR SHADING I\TTERIOR SIID. COEF 0 .640 GI,ASS WIDTH 1 .00 GI,ASS rlla J- trn l. . 1_ .00YES GENERAL PROJECT INFORIVIATION: PRO.'ECT FILE NAME: PRO.'ECT LOCATION: BAROMETRIC PRESSURE: ALTITT]DE: NORTH LATITUDE: MEAN DAILY TEMPERATURE RANGE: ATT"IOSPHERIC CLEARNESS FACTOR : GROUND REFLECTANCE: STARTING TIME FOR IIVAC I-,,OAD CALCULATIONS: ENDING TIME FOR TIVAC LOAD CALCULATIONS: FLOOR HEAT LOSS COEFFICIEIIIT: NUMBER OF UNIQUE ZONES IN THIS PROJECT: L I\JTT l. C:7074LOADvAfL, coLoRADo 22.098 rN.HG A1 trN ETFEiT 40 DEGREES 35 DEG.F 1.1-9 20 PERCENT 6 AI"1 8PM 0.58 BTUH/FT-F t7 'in#f,13 25403 u(\ ROOM /tdoc"{#.1J0 ,t "o*s pRocRAM By ELrrE ,?**" DEvELopMEtw rNc *** 08/23/97 GRAIID JUNCTION, CO 8]-501- PAGE 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GENERAL PRO,IECT DATA (COM|INI'ED) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** IirUtLL COMMERCIAL BI'RGGRAAF ASSOCIATES VAIL ADMIN]STRATION BUII,DING DEFAI]LT VALUES : CATCULATIONS PERFORMED : I.,,IGHTING REQUIREMEIfIS : EQUIPMENT REQUIREMEIfTS : PEOPLE SENSIBLE I,OAD MUI.,TIPLIER: PEOPLE LATEMT LOAD MT'LTIPLIER: PEOPLE OCCUPAI\TCY BASTS : ZONE SENSIBLE SAFETY FACTOR: ZONE LATEMT SAFETY FACTOR: ZONE HEATING SAFETY FACTOR: PEOPIJE DIVERSITY FACTOR: LIGHTING PROFILE NIJMBER: EQUIPME}fT PROFILE NI]MBER:PEOPLE PROFII.,E NI]MBER: BUILDING DEFAI'LT CIG. HEIGI{T: BUILDING DEFAULT WAI.,I HEIGHT: TIEATING LOADS ONLY 2.00 wATTs PER SQUARE FOOT 0.50 WATTS PER SQUARE FOOT 255 BTUSS PER PERSON 255 BTUHS PER PERSON 1 PERSON PER 100 SQ.FT 0? 0? 0g 1_00? 0 0 0 9. OO FEET 11.00 FEET INTERNAL OPERATII.IG LOAD PROFILES (C=100) : REF HR HR HR IIR HR TIR HR IIR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR T{R HR HR ER IIR IIR HR HR NO. t 2 3 4 5 6 7 I910 11 L2t3t4L5L6L7 1-8 19202t222324 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ALI-,, DESIGN DATA TAKEN FROM THE 1.989 ASHRAE HAI\IDBOOK OF FUNDAT|IENTALS o IIVAC*** Ir[JiIrIJ CoMMERCIAI BURGGRAAF ASSOCIATES VAIL ADMINISTRATION******************* L,,OAD DESCRIPTION UNIT CFAC CLTD U.FAC QUAII -SC- SHGF -CLF- LAT. HTG. HTG. GAIN MULT. LOSS LOADS PROGRAM BY EI,ITE SOHTfiARE DEVELOPMEIiII INC *** GRAIID .'uNCTTON, CO 81501- 08/23/9'7 PAGE 3 DETAILED PROJECT ZONE LOAD CALCUL,ATIONS **************** SEN. GAIN TOTAT 2. OFFICE SYS# ]- PEAK TIME 6 AIYI WIN. ROOF-1-r--SUSP.C-L L20 0.500-L9.5 0.033w. wAr-,L-l--G-r-,, 73 0.650-L7 .4 0.050w. GLS- r-- 9o-TRANS r-0 1.000 -20 0.510 o*s- 0- L- ws-sor,AR L0 0.540 0 0.060 WINTER INFL 12 FLOOR SLAB 7.50 TOTAT 3. OFFICE SYS# 1-PEAK TIME 5 1. OFFTCE SYS# 1 ROOF-1_-r_-SUSP. C-L 113N. WALL-I-G-L 1_35w. viALL-r_-G-L 73 N. GLS- L- 9o-TRANS 30 0?s- 0- L- ws-soLAR 30w. GLS- 1-- 9o-TRANS 10 o8s- 0- L- ws-soLAR 1-0 WINTER INFL 1-1 FI.,OOR SLAB 22.50 ROOF-1-1-SUSP.C-L L20 W. WAI,L- 1-G-L, 73 s. !{ALL-1-G-L 11_ w. GLS- r-- 9o-TRANS r.0 0?s- 0- L- ws-soLAR 10 WINTER INFL L2 FLOOR SIJAB 8 .50 TOTAL 4. WEST ElilrRY SYS# 1 ROOF-r_-r_-SUSP.C-L 39l{. WALL-]--G-L 37!{. GIrS- l-- 9o-TRANS 24 0?s- 0- L- ws-soLAR 24 WI}ITER INFL 4 FLOOR SI,AB 5 .50 TOTAL PEAK TIME 5 AM WIN. 0 .033 0.0s0 0 .0s0 0 .5L0 0 .730 0 .610 0 .060 AM WIN. 0.033 0 .0s0 0 .0s0 0 .510 0 .060 AM WIN. 0.033 0 .050 0 .610 U . Ut)U ,. F r' E F\(I5 .6, /.5/ 3 .399 5 .150 f,. J-5(J 59.740 s9.740 82.L57 59.740 0 (15X8) = 3 .399 s .150 59.740 82.L57 59.740 0 (15Xe) = 3 .399 5.L50 59.740 6Z.L)t 59.740 0 (7 X 5.5) = 3 .399 5 .150 59.740 82.L57 59.740 0 0 . s00-r_9 .5 0.550-1-6.7 0 .550-17 .4 l_ .000 -200.640 01.000 -20 0 .540 0 0.500-19 .5 0.650-17.4 0 . 650-17 .4 l_.000 -20 0.640 0 113 SF 384 695 376 L792 59"1 904 -L J +.t 6 ,092 120 SF 408 5 to >Yt 985 448 2,8L5 120 SF 408 5 /O 57 597 986 s08 2,932 39 SF L434 329 329 2,4]-6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PEAK TIME 5 0 .500-19 .5 0.650-L7 .41.000 -200.540 0 *** FULIr COMMERCIAL BT]RC,GR,AAF AS SOC IATES VAIL ADMIN]STRATION******************* LOAD DESCRIPTION LOADS PROGRAM BY ELTTE SOFTWARE GRAND DEVELOPMEMT INC *** ,JUNCTTON, CO 81501 PAGE 4 CALCITITATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ,r rr rr tr rr SEN. LAT. HTG. HTG. GAIN GAIN MI]LT. LOSS oIIVAC oe/n/e7 DETAIIJED PRO,fECT ZONE LOAD UNIT CFAC CLTD U.FAC QUAN -SC- SITGF -Cr,F- 5. OFFTCE SYS# r_ ROOF-L-1-SUSP.C-LN. WALL-1.-G-Lw. viALL-1-G-Ls. wALr_,-1_-G-LW. GLS- ].- gO.TRANS 0?s- 0- L- ws-soLARs. GLS- 1- go-TRAlrS 03s- 0- L- ws-soLAR WINTER INFI.,, FLOOR SLAB TOTAT 5. OFFTCE SYS# 1 ROOF-1-1_-SUSP. C-L S. WAI,L.1-G-L s. GLS- 1- 9o-TRANS 0?s- 0- L- ws-soLAR WII\ITER INFL FLOOR SLAB TOTAL 7. OFFTCE SYS# L PEAK TIME 6 AM l_50 11_ 1_00 145 10 10 20 20 t-5 26.00 L25 L18 20 I5 L2 .50 PEAK TIME 6 wIN. 0 .033 0 .050 0 .0s0 0 .0s0 0 .610 0 .050 0 .510 0 .090 AIq WIN. 0 .033 0 .050 0 .610 0 .090 0.s00-r-9.5 0 .650-16.7 0.650-L7.4 0.650-L7 .4L.000 -20 0 .640 01.000 -200.540 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 (15 X 10) = ? 100 5 .150 5 .150 5 .150 59.740 59.740 82.t57 59.740 0 (L2.5 X 10) = 3 .399 5.L50 59.740 82.L57 59.740 0 (12.5 X 10) = 2 200 5 - J-5U 59.740 82.1-57 59.740 (16 X 10) 3 .399 5 . r-50 59.740 82.L57 59.740 0 150 SF 510 5',7 5r_5 747 597 1195 ]-232 J-55J 6 ,406 r-25 SF 425 but' 1_1_95 1068 747 4,043 125 SF 425 508 1195 1058 4,043 160 SF 544 803 r.195 4, 813 0 .500-19.5 0.650-t7 .41.000 -20 0.540 0 PEAK TIME 6 ATI WIN. ROOF-1--1-SUSP.C-L t25 0.500-19.5 0.033 s. wALL-l-G-r. l-l-8 0 .650-L7 .4 0 .050 s. GLS- 1-- 9o-TRANS 20 l- .000 -20 0.610 0?s- 0- L- ws-soLAR 20 0.640 0 0.090 WINTER INFL 13 FLOOR SI,AB T2.50 TOTAL 8. OFFTCE SYS# 1_PEAK TIME 6 AM WIN. ROOF-1--1-SUSP.C-L 160 0.500-19.5 0.033 s. WALL-I-G-L l-55 0 .650-L7 .4 0.050 S. GI-,S- 1- 90-TRANS 20 1.000 -20 0.610 0?s- 0- L- ws-soLAR 20 0.640 0 0.090 WINTER INFIJ T6 FI-,,OOR SL,,AB 16 .00 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 U oo_*** FULL coMMERcTAL rvEc r,oeps pRocRAM By ELrrE SO-FTWARE DEVELOPMEII'r' rNc *** BT'RGGR.AAF ASSOCIATES CNATO .I'NCT]ON, CO 81501 vArL .ADMTNTSTRATTON oe/n/97 PAGE 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DETAILED PRO,JECT ZONE LOAD CAIJST LATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LOAD DESCRIPTION I]NIT CFAC CI.,TD U. FAC QUAN -SC- SHGF -CLF- IJAT. HTG. HTG. GAIN MULT. LOSS SEN. GAIN 9. OFFICE SYS# 1 PEAK TIME 6 AI"1 ROOF-1-1-SUSP.C-L 160 0.500-1-9.5 s. WALL-r--G-L l-56 0 .650-t7 .4 s. GLS- L- 9o-TRANS 20 1.000 -20 0*s- 0- t- ws-soLAR 20 0.640 0 WINTER INFI T5 FLOOR SLAB 15.00 TOTAIJ 10. OFFICE SYS# 1 PEAK TIME 5 AM ROOF-1-1-SUSP.C-L 130 0.500-19.5 s. wAr-,L-1-G-rJ r23 0.650-t7 .4 E. WALL-1-G-rJ 100 0 . 650-10 .9 s. GLS- 1- 9o-TRANS 20 1.000 -20 08s- 0- L- ws-soL,AR 20 0.640 0 E. GLS- 1- 9o-TRANS 10 1.000 -20 0?s- 0- L- ws-soLAR 10 0.640 0 VIINTER INFL 13 FLOOR StAB 23 .00 TOTAL 1]-. OPEN AREA SYS# 1 PEAK TIME 6 V{IN. 0.033 0.050 0 .610 0 .090 wrN. 0.033 0 .050 0 .050 0 .610 0 .090 0 .610 0.470 AM WIN. 0.033 0 .050 0 .050 0 .0s0 U . Ol-U 0.730 0 .510 0 .730 WIN, 0 .033 0.050 0 .610 0.470 0 0 0 0 (16 X 1-0) = l-60 SF 3 .399 s44 s . r-50 803 59.740 L195 82.L57 1315 59.740 956 0 4, 8l-3 (13 X L0) = L30 SF 3 .399 442 5 .150 533 5 . r-50 515 59 .7 40 1-195 59.740 597 82 -L57 1058 59.740 L374 0 5,824 (1 X 1730) = 1730 SF 3 .399 5880 5.1s0 ]-406 5.150 623 5.150 20L s9.740 3584 59.740 t792 82.L57 ]-42]-3 59.740 2838 0 30,537 (7.5 X s) = 38 SF 3.399 r29 5 .150 l-60 59.740 ]-434 82.].57 329 s9.740 299 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROOF-1-1-SUSP.C-L 1730 N. WALL-1-G-L 273 E. I{AIJL-1-G-L t2t N. WALL-1-G-L 39 N. GLS- 1- gO-TRANS 60 0?s- 0- L- ws-sor,AR 60N. GLS- 1- 9o-TRANS 30ots- 0- L- ws-soLAR 30 VIINTER INFL L73 FLOOR SLAB 47.50 TOTAL 12. EAST ET{IRY SYS# 1 ROOF-L-r_-SUSP. C-LE. WAI.,,L.1.G-L E. GLS- 1- 9o-TRANS 0?s- 0- L- 9is-soLAR WIIflTER INFI-, FI,OOR SI.,AB TOTAI-, PEAK TIME 6 AM 38 0 .500-19 .5 31_ 0.550-10.9 24 L.000 -20 24 0.640 0 4 s.00 0.s00-19.5 0.650-16.7 0 .650-10 .9 0 .6s0-15 .7 l-.uuu -zv 0 .640 0 l_ .000 -200.540 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ,351 o I{VAC*** ITUTJIJ COMMERCIAI-' BURGGRAAF ASSOCIATES VAIL ADMINISTRATION******************* I-,,OAD DESCRIPTION I]NIT CFAC CLTD U.FAC QUAI.T -SC- SHGF -CI-,,F- SEN. I,AT , }ITG. GAIN GAIN MUTT. I,OADS PROGRAM BY EI-,ITE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMEIffP INC *** o8/23/s7 GRAND JUNCTION' "O#;O* DETAILED PROJECT ZONE LOAD CALCULATIONS **************** tlr\.'. LOSS 13. CONFERENCE SYS# 1- PEAK T]ME 6 AI"! PEAK TIME 0.500-l-9. s 0.650-r-7.4 WIN. n n?? 0 .050 0 .0s0 0 .050 0 .610 0.470 5 Al4 WrN. 0 .033n ntrn (16 X 37.5) = 3 .399 5 .150 5.I)U 59.740 82.157 59.740 0 (t_ x 219) 3.399 5 .150 5 .150 59.74Q 82.157 )t. t+v 0 (1 X 211) 3 .399 82.157 0 (5 X 7.s) 3 .399 5 .150 82.L57 59.740 (6xe) 3 .399 5 .150 82.t57 59.740 500 sF 2039 906 L92t t70 2390 4929 33?5 15, 730 219 SF 744 L246 494 L195 1807 Lt+z 7,428 211 SF 7L7 L725 2 ,442 =45SF 153 427 4Lt 448 L,439 =54SF ]-84 5104tt 5Jt' t,643 ROOF-1_-1_-SUSP. C-LN. WALL-1-G-L E. WALIJ-1-G-IJ S. WALL-1-G-L E. GI,S- 1- gO.TRANS ogs- 0- L- ws-soLAR WINTER INFL FLOOR SLAB TOTAI-, 14. OFFTCE SYS# 1 ROOF-1-1-SUSP.C-LN. WAII_,-1_-G-L W. WALL-l-G-Lw. GLS- r_- 9o-TRANS 0?s- 0- L- ws-sotAR WII{TBR INFL FLOOR SLAB TOTAL 15. RESTR.OOMS SYS# 1 ROOF-1-1-SUSP. C-L WIIVTER INFL TOTAL 16. MECHANICAL ROOM ROOF- 1- r. - SUSP . C-Lw. WALL-l_-G-L WIhITER INFL FLOOR SLAB TOTAL J-7. ELECT?.ICAL ROOM ROOF-r_-1-SUSP. C-LW. WALL-1--G-IJ WIMIER INFL FLOOR SLAB TOTAL PEAK TIME 6 AI'{ WIN. 2]-9 0.500-19 .5 0 .033 242 0 -650-t6.7 0.050 96 0.650-]-7.4 0.050 20 1.000 -20 0 .610 20 0.640 0 0.060 22 5Z.AV PEAK TIME 6 A.!I WIN. 2Lr 0.500-19.s 0.033 2L 600 r/o 33 40 40 60 55 .50 0 .500-19 .5 0.550-15.7 0.550-10.9 0 -550-L7 .41.000 -200.640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 sYs# 1 45 83 5 / .5U SYS# 1 PEAK TIME 5 Al"1 wIN. 54 0 .500-19 .5 0 .033 99 0.650-17.4 0.050 5o nn v*** FULL COMMERCIAI, IIVAC LOADS BIIRGGRAAF ASSOCIATES VAIL ADMINISTRATION************** AIR SYSTEM # 1 ZN. ZONE _ DESCRIPTION SQ.FT NO. PEAK TIME & MOI.rrH PEOPL CU. FT PROGRAM BY ELITE SOFTWARE GRAND o8/23/97 (BASEBOARD HEATING) HTG.LOSS SEN.GAIN HTG. CF"t"l CLG. CFM cFM / SF CFM / SF DEVELOPMEIST INC *** JUNCTTON, CO 81501 PAGE 7 zoNE SUMMARY ************* LAT.GAIN HTG.O.A CLG.O.A EXH. CFM REQ.CFM REQ.CFM ACT.CFM ACT.CFM OFFTCE 6 AIq MAY OFFICE 6 Al,l MAY OFFICE 6 Al'il MAY WEST EIiTTRY 6 AM l'tAY OFFICE 6 ATI MAY OFFTCE 6 AIVI MAY OFFICE 6 AI'4 MAY OFFICE 6 AII MAY OFFICE 5 AIvl lvlAY OFFICE 5 AIVI MAY 11-3 0 1_013 LZV 0 1080 ]-20 0 1080 39 0 347 150 1350 L25 0 ]-Lz5 t25 0 t1-25 1_60 L440 IOU 0 ]-440 130 0 LLTO 6,092 382 3 .38 2 ,8L5t76 t.47 2,932 L84 1 .53 2,4t5 151 3.87 6 ,406 +vz 2.68 4,043 za5 2.02 4,043 2s3 2.02 4,8L3 302 1.89 4, 813 302 1 .89 5 ,824 J05 2.8A 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 o .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 Ls/P L7 35 L5/P 18 t7 L5/P 18 L7 L5/P 6 rit ts/P 23 38 L5/P 24 1q lD 19 24 Ls/P z+ 28 r)/ H 24 28 1q lD zu 34 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 0 NONE U 0 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 0 0 NONE 0 10 *** F\tLL CoMMERCIAL BURGGRAAF ASSOCIATES VAIL ADMINISTRATTON************** AIR SYSTEM # 1 ZN. ZONE - DESCRIPTION SQ.FT NO. PEAK TIME & MONTH PEOPL ctt. FT o }TVAC PROGR,AI\4 BY ELITE SOFTWARE GRAND 08/23/97 (BASEBOARD HEATING) HTG.LOSS SEN.GAIN HTG. CFM CLG. CFM cFM / SF CFM / SF DEVELOPMEI{J]T INC *** JUNCTTON, CO 81501 PAGE 8 ZONE SUMMARY ****:t******** I.,AT.GAIN HTG.O.A CLG.O.A EXH. CFM REQ.CFM REQ.CFM ACT.CFM ACT.CFM 11 OPEN AREA 6 ATI I4AY 173 0 0 r_5570 56 o J5t' 600 0 5400 2L9 0 t971" 2tt 0 r-899 45 405 54 0 486 30 ,537 L,9L4 1 .11 2,35L r+t 3 .87 ]-5,730 vdo L.64 7 ,428 466 2.L3 2 ,442 153 n ?? L,439 90 2.OO L,643 103 1_.91 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 0 0 0 .00 t5/P zov 180 ts/P 6 L4 ts/P 90 93 L5/P 33 44 L5/P 32 14 Ls/P 7 .' 1-s/P 8 L0 NONE 0 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 0 NONE 0 NONE U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t2 13 J-+ EAST ENTRY 5 A}I MAY CONFERENCE 6 AM MAY OFFICE 6 AM MAY RESTROOMS 6 AI4 MAY MECHANICAL 5 AIVI MAY ELECTRICAI., 6 AIVI MAY 0 1_5 0 400 IO L7 0 0 0 0 ZONE PEAK TOTAIS TOTAIJ ZONES i L7 4,L39 0 37,239 t05 ,7 67 6 ,629 1_. 60 0 0 0 .00 0 400 624 oz5 0 0 ********** AIR SYSTEM # 1_ (BASEBOARD HEATING) TOTAL LOAD SUMMARY *********** ArR HANDLER DESC: BASEBOARD HEATING WITII CV (PROPORTION) TERMINALS SENSIBLE HEAT RATIO: O.OO ----- THIS SYSTEM OCCI]RS ]- TIME(S) IN THE BUILDING o*** FUTJL COMMERCIAL ITVAC LOADS BURGGR,,AAF AS SOCIATES VAIL ADMINISTRATION SUMMER: EXH COMIROIJS OIIfSIDE AIR ZONE SPACE SEN.LOSS INFlLTRATION SEN.LOSS OIIISIDE AIR SEN.LOSS SUPPLY DUCT SEN.LOSS RETI'RN DUCT SEN.LOSS TOTAL SYSTEM SEN.LOSS PROGRAM BY ELITE SOFTWARE GRAND 08 /23 / e7 DEVELOPME}TT INC * wNcrroN, co 81501 PAGE 9 AIR SYSTEM PEAK TIME: 3 PM IN SEPTEMBER OIITDOOR CONDITIONS: 82 DB, 60 WB, 0.00 GRAINS BECAUSE OF THE DIVERSITY IN ZONE, PLENUM, AND VEIiTT. PEAK TIME IN SEPTEMBER AT 12 AI4 IS DIFFERENT FROM HENCE, TTIE AIR SYSTEM CFM WAS COMPUTED USING A ZONE INSIDE: 75 DB, 40? RH LOADS, THE ZONE SENSIBLE TIIE TOTAL SYS. PEAK TIME SEN. I-,OAD OF O WINTER: VEIiIT CONTROLS OI]IfSIDE AIR 415 CFM) 624 CFM) 157,034 BTUH 5,630 CFM) 624 CFM) O CFM) O BTT'H 0 cFM) 400 cFM) 400 cFM) 2,275 ztzta BTTTH BTIIH n cE'M) 400 cFM) -5J z, zzz 0 .19 BTT'H BTT]H 71_, 671 BTUH 34,096 BTUH 5L,267 BTTJH O BTUH O BTUH SUPPLY AIR:105,767 / (0.739 X 1.08 X 20) = WINTER VE!flT OUTSIDE AIR (9.41t OF SUPPLY): ZONE SPACE SEN.GAIN: INFILTRATION SEN.GAIN: DRAW-TI{RU FAN SEN.GAIN: SUPPI,Y DUCT SEN.GAIN: TOTAL SEN.GAIN ON SUPPLY SIDE RETURN DUCT SEN.GAIN: RETI'RN PI,ENUM SEN.GAIN: OIITSIDE AIR SEN.GAIN: BLOW-TI{RU FAN SEN.GAIN: TOTAL SEN.GAIN ON RETI'RN SIDE O BTUII O BTT'H O BTUH O BTUH OF COIL: SUPPLY AIR: O / (0.739 x 1.10 x 0) = SUMMER VENT OUTSIDE AlR (O.OO* OF SUPPLY): O BTUH O BTT'H 2,275 BT1drl O BTUH OF COIL: TOTAL SEN.GAIN ON AIR HANDLING SYSTEM: ZONE SPACE LAT.GAIN: 0 BTUII INFILTRATION I,AT.GAIN: O BTUH OUTSIDE AIR LAT.GAIN: -53 BTTIH TOTAI LAT.GAIN ON AIR HANDLING SYSTEM: TOTAI.,, SYSTEM SENSIBLE AND LATEIfT GAIN: TOTA].,, TONNAGE REQUIRED W]TH OUTSIDE AIR:TONS *** FULL CoMMERCIAL BUR@RAAF ASSOCIATES VAIL ADMINISTRATION I.,OADS PROGR,AM BY 08 /23 / e7 ELITE SOFTWARE GR,AI{D -u- FACTOR DEVELOPMENT INC *** JUNCTION, CO 81501 PAGE 10 AREA x AVERAGE UFACTOR UFACTOR o IryAC * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * BUILDING EIWELOPE REPORT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EIIMELOPE REPORT USING WINTER U-FACTORS: MATERIAL GROSS GLASS TYPES AREA AREA NET AREA ROOF WAI.',L GLASS 4137 .5 3388.0 JY6. U 0.0 398.0 N/A 4L37 .5 2990.0 JYO. U 0 .033 0.0s0 0 .580 l_5b.550 149.500 230.840 0 .033 0 .050 0.s80 1 L TOTALS WAL,L DIRECTION WALL AREA GL,,ASS AREA WAL,L NET AREA N/A W.AVG U-FAC 5L6.877 0 .069 GI,ASS AVG GLASS AVG U-FACTOR SIID.COEFF N NE E SE s SW w NW 995.s 0.0 698.s 0.0 979.0 0.0 715 .0 0.0 120 .0 0.0 74.0 0.0 120.0 0.0 84-0 0.0 875 .5 0.0 524.5 0.0 8s9 .0 0.0 631.0 0.0 0 .050 0 .000 0 .050 0 .000 0 .050 0 .000 0 .050 0 .000 0 .580 0.000 0 .580 0 .000 0 .580 0 .000 u . Satu 0 .000 0 .640 0 .000 0.640 0.000 0 .640 0 .000 0 .540 0 .000 TOTALS 3388.0 398 .0 0 .580 0 .5402990.O 0 .050 *** FULL' COMMERCIAL BURGGR,AAF ASSOCIATES VAIIJ ADMINISTRATION************************ TOTAL BUILDING PEAKS IN SEPTEMBER AT 3 PM o I{VAC LOADS PROGRAM BY ELTTE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMEIIT INC *** GRAND JUNCTTON, CO 81501 08/23/97 PAGE 11- BUILDING LOAD SUMMARY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BLDG. LOAD DESCRIPTIONS AREA QUAII SEN. LOSS ?TOT LOSS LAT. GAIN SEN. GAIN = TOTAI GAIN ?TOT GAIN ROOF WAIJIJ GLASS FLOOR SLAB 4,L39 2 ,995 398 308 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 L4,069 8.96L5,424 9.8223,776 t5.t4 L8,402 tL.72 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 SKIN LOADS 7 ,532 7L,67]- 45.64 0 .00 I-,lGIITING EQUIPMEMT PEOPLE PARTITIONI/EMT 624INFL 415 DRAW-THRU FAI{ BLOW.THRU FA}I SUPPLY DUCT RETI'RN DUCT 0 0 0 0 2 ,275 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 400 U 0 0 0 5L,267 34,096 0 0 0 U 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 32 .65 2L.7L 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 100 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 2,22 BUILDING TOTALS 1"57 ,034 100 . 00 -53 2,275 2,222 1_00 .00 BUILDING SUMIIARY LOAD DESCRIPTIONS SEN. LOSS TTOT LOSS LAT. GAIN SEN. GATN = TOTAL ?TOTGAIN GAIN VEIiTTII,ATION INFILTRATION ZONE LOADS PLEMJM LOADS FAIiI & DUCT LOADS 2,222 100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 5L,267 34,096 7L,571 0 0 5Z.Oa 2L.7L 45.64 0.00 0.00 2,275 0 0 0 0 -53 0 0 0 0 BUILDING TOTALS t57 ,034 100.00 -53 2,275 2,222 100.00 TOTAL BU]LDING SUPPIJY AlR (BASED ON A 20 fD) : TOTAL BUTI-,DING VE}I"T AIR (9.40? OF SUPPLY): TOTAL CONDITIONED AIR SPACE: SUPPLY AIR CFM/SQ.FT. OF CONDITIONED SPACE: SQ.FT OF CONDITIONED AIR SPACE PER TON: TONNAGE PER SQ.FT OF COI{DITIONED AIR SPACE: TOTAL HEATING REQUIRED WITH OUTSIDE AIR: TOTAL TONNAGE REQUIRED WITH OUTSIDE AIR: 6,530 624 4,t39 L .5018 22,352.8353 0.0000 157 .03 0.19 CFM CFM SQ.FT CFM/SQ. FT sQ . FTITON TONS/SQ. FT I{BH TONS 2617 West Holden Place, NONTIEN, TIBE FIRE PROTECTTON ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Denver, Colorado . 8O2O4 PROTECTION rNc. TELEPHONE: 629-0221 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM EQUIPMENT SUBMITTALS AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS T'OR TOWN OF' VAIL - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1309 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL,COLORADO vArL t[ffi,?=s,fd,fJ.tE -f-,str$ oFFiUE'6bPv TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM Sprinklers Pipe (Schedule l0 & 40) Pipe (Eddy Thread 40) Threaded Fittings Grooved Coupling Backflow Preventer Grooved Check Valve Flow Switch Tamper Switch Fire Deparftnent Connection Hom and Light Hanger Fire Caulking MANUFACTURER Globe Grinnell Bull Moose Grinnell Victaulic Ames Globe Potter Potter Potter-Roemer Fan-Larm B-Line 3M ,auroufrtc sprunrtnnsLOBE"Moont fN Bau SPn'av Snruns Rncnssnn Pnr,tnnrvr Rn cns s n p Vnnrt c.lt S n n rutt Rncnssnn HoruzoNret Snnrutt RECESSED PENDENT RECESSED VERTICAL SIDEWALL RECESSED HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL 517€46-,1583 . FAX 517-846-9231 l'f F'NE SPRflVKI,ER CORPORATION .IOz/AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN ,{8658 DECEI'1BER 1995 A.I3N DnscruprroN AND OpnnenoN, The Globe Model JN Sprinkler is a low profile yet durable design which utilizes a frangible glass ampule as the thermosensitive element. While the sprinkler provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it can be installed whereier standard spray sprinklers are specified. This sprinkler series is available in various styles, orifices, temperature ratings and finishes to meet nryrnt design requirements. The heart of Globe's Moiel JN sprinkler proven actuating assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, the liquid within the bulb expands increasing the intemal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the strength of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in a pattern dependent upon deflector style used. o TncuruceLDATA Patent Pending. ,' See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. n Temperature Ratingp - 135'F (57'C), 155'F (68'C), 175'f V9"C), 200'F (93'C), 286'F (r4r'C). " Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi ( | 207 kPa). ' Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3448 kPa). Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67'F (-55'C). - Frame - bronze r Deflector - brass u Screw - brass , Bulb seat - engineering plastic n O-ring - silicone Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, 5mm. . Escutcheon Assembly - steel * SPRINKLER TEMPERATARE RATING/CLASS IF I CATI ON and COLOR C O DI NG ORANGgRED YELLOWGREEbI - BLUE 'o BULLmN JN-2, REV. #3 Aurouencspntkuns Moont JN Batn SpnavSnruns.. Rncnssnn PnwnnNrt Rncnssnn Vnnrtc.et Snnwnu, Rn cn s sno H oruz owrnt S n n wett ^S Appnoueu $txcLUotNG PtNTt.E. .iflNlS{ES AVAILMII ON SPCC|^L ORDG& i t/1' oRrFtcE ANo | 7n2' oRrFcE tSrED FOR Alt II Z RDS wERTrcAI SOEW tI rrL AND C{rL ITSTED fOR ttC}|t tUZmO OILY.. t7B2'X ln'NPT. OnnnruNe lypon*t,arroN SPECIFY . Quantitf . Model Number , Stylc v\ ,Orifice . Thread Sizes , Temperature . Finishcs desired . Quantity - Model JN Recessed Wrendres - P/N 325391, Rev. F (ln); P/N 325401. Rev. D (LO.) ?ENDE'IT Cnoss,SrcrroNs HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL Gtoa w PnoD ucr YI/ARRANTY Globc agrecs to rcpalr or replacc any of its own manuhcured products found to bc dcfcctivc h met rhl or wor&manship for a period of onc ycar from datc of dtipmcnt For specific deails of our rvzrranty pleasc rafcr to Prlcc Lht Tcrms and Conditions of &lc (Our Prlec Lbt). {OZ/ AIRPARK DRIVE STANDISH, MICHIGAN ,18658 5 t7A.{64583 FAX 5t7€,t&9231 BULLmN JN-2, RE\y'. #3 'PECIFICA oRrFtcE stzE NOMINAL"K" FACTOR THREADSIZE .LENGTH FINISHES 3/8' (10 mm) 7116" (125 mm) an' (15 rnr) 17132' (20 mm) 17l,32' @0 mm) 7.8 (39 mctric) 12. (59 mGtric) 5.6 (80 mcdc) 7.8 (l llmetrlc) 8. | (l 16 mctric) I/2" NPT I/2, NPT IN'NPT tn'Nrr 3/,,1" NPT *2 l/1' (5.7 cm) *2 | /.{" (5.7 cm) 2 l/,t' (5.7 cm) r{? l/{ (5.7 cm) 27116" (62 cml Factory Bronzc HSatln Chromc Bright Chrome Whkc PolycsterH8hck Polyester Lead Co:tcd i{OTE HETRrc ALCDEW^ll.E2'/16" STYLE ORIFICE stzE I 35'F 57'C | 55'F 68cC 175'F 79'C 200'F t3'c 286'F l al'c U.Lt cANaoton u.t-. t F.H.N.Y.C.- D.O.l. t{EA 101.92-E PENDENT RECEssED 3/8' 7il6' ,tt 171321 17t32' X X x x X X x x x X X. x x X X X X x x x .x .x x x x x x x X X X X x x x X X X PENDING PENDING PENDING PENDING PENDING VERTICAL SIDEWALL RECESSED t 7n6' tn' x x X x x x X x X X x X X X PENDING PENDING HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL RECESSED 0 3/8' 7il6' n' x x X x x x x x x X x x X x x x x x x x x PENDING PENOING PENDING I ltofiuoi{r t gDEwar ULAND c-ul lJsrED FoR DERICToR f To 12'8ELOW THE CEIUNG DECEMBER 1995 PRINTED US.A" o ofE' FINE SPfr'ilI(I,ER COB,Po.BAT'ON DnscruprloN AND OpBn lnoN The Globe Model f N Sprinkler is a low profile yet durable design which utilizes a frangible glass ampule as the thermosensitive element While the sprinkler provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it can be installed wherever standard spray sprinklers are specified. This sprinkler series is available in various styles, orifices, temperature ratings and finishes to meet varying design reguirements. The heart of Globe's Model JN sprinkler proven actuating assembly is a hermetically sealed frangible glass ampule that contains a precisely measured amount of fluid. When heat is absorbed, tle liquid within the bulb o<pands increasing the internal pressure. At the prescribed temperature the internal pressure within the ampule exceeds the stren4h of the glass causing the glass to shatter. This results in water discharge which is distributed in a pattern depen- dent upon deflector style used. (o TncnwrcelDAtA 'Patent Pending. . See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. . Temperature Ratings - 135'F (57'C), 155'F (68'C), 175'F (79'C), 200'F (93'C),286',F (t4t'C), 360'F (t82'C). r Water Working Pressure Rating - | 75 psi ( | 207 kPa). r FactoV tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (3448 kPa). r Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67'F (-55'C). . Frame - bronze . Deflector - brass . Screw - brass . Bulb seat - engineering plastic r O-ring - silicone . Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, Smm. ,Or/AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN ,18658 JANUARY l99s A.l2N Auroultc Spruwrtnns Monpr JN Bau SPnnv Snruns UpTENT.PENDENT VgnNCIL SIDEWALL Horuzoyrtl SIDEWALL Coxvnwrtotutr (Om Srwn) CONVENTIONAL VERTICAL SIDEWALL HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL 517-846-4583 . FAJ( 517-8't6-9231 SULLmNJN-1, REV. #l g UPRIGHT & PENDENT . SPRINKLER TEM PERATURE RATI NG/CLASSI F ICATI ON and C OLOR CODING AVAII.A,BLE SPRINKLER TE}IPERATURES ORDINARY INTERMEDIATE HIGH D(TRA HIGI{ ORANGE,AED YELLOWGREEN BLUE I.IAWE oAuroanrtc Srrullrrns Monnt JN Bau Spnav Snruns Upruenr - PENDENT.VnnrlcAt Snpwntr O lroruzoxut SnBrutt .CnNVENTInNAu (Otn Srrun) Spnartc.arroNs oRtFtcE stzE NOI.IINAL "K'FACTOR THREAD SIZE ILENGTH FINISHES 3/8' (10 mm) TllC ( 12.5 mm) lf (15 rvn) lTlt2" (20 mm) l7l3t (20 mm) 2.8 (39 mctric) 1.2 (59 mctrlc) 5.6 (80 mct.k) 7.8 (l llmetric) 8.1 (l 16 metric) I/2'NPT r/2'Nrr IN" NPT IN'NPT 3/f NPT *2 l/.1" (5.7 cm) g2 l/,1'{5.7 cm) 2 l/1' (5.7 crn) *2 l/.1' (5.7 cm) 27t16" (6.2 cml Factory Bronze #Satin Chrome Bright Chrome Whhe Polyester HBhck Polycster Wax Coated Lrad Coatcd Ha{'\ffax over Lcad NOT& M€TRIC COI.IVERSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE.. HORTZONTA! S|DEWAT lS 2 9/ | 6'. A CXCLUDII{G NNTIE* FINTSHES AVAI-^8TI ON SP€CI.AL ORDCR*. WAx COATING U.L USTED UP TO 2OO'f ONLY. .@*&?,# Onnnruue h,tronuerloN SPECIFY . Quantitl . Model Numbcr . Stylc . Orificc . Thrcad Shes . Tcmpcature " Flnlshcs deslrcd . aonttty - Modcl JN Wrcndres - P/N 325390 ( l/f); P/N 312366 lLO.) IVERTICAI- SIDEWALL UL USTEO FOR UGHT HAZARD ONLY. t3a" VERTTCAL SDEWA|L UL USTED FOR UPRTGHT INSTAIIATION ONLY.r t7l32' X t2' NPT. G ton p Pno D a c r lVennattrv Globe agrecs to rcpair or rephce any of fu orvn manubctured products found to bc dcfcctlvc in mater'nl or wortmenship for a pcriod of onc year from datc of $ipment For spcclfic deails of our uarranty phesc rcfcr to Prica List Tcrmi and Conditions of Salc (Our Price List). 4oz ATRPARK'bntVe. SmruOtSH, MICHIGAN 48658 sl7a46-{583 FAX5|7A46-9231 Ap OVALS,P. STYLE ORIFICE stzE t 35'F 57'C | 55'F 68'C t 75'F 79'C 200'F t3'c 286'F tal'c 360'F t82'C U.L.CANADIAN U.L.F.M.N.Y.C.. D.O.B. ttlEA l0l-92-E UPRIGHT 3/8' 7n6" tn' 17t32'* t7t12" x x x X x X X x x x x x x x X X X x X x x X x X x X X x X x X X x X x X x X X X x X X PENDING PENDING PENDING PENDING PENDING PENDENT 3/8' 7t l6' It2" t7t3?"* 17t37" X X X X X x x X X X X x X x X X x X x X X X X X X x X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X PENDING PENDING PENDING PENDING PENDING VERTICAL SIDEWALL t 3/8' t 7n6" tn" X X X X X x x X x X X x x X X X x x X X x X X X X PENDING PENDING PENDING HORIZONTAL STDEWALL $ 3/8' 71t6" 17" X x X X X X x x X X x X X X X x X X X X X X X X X PENDING PENDING PENDING CONVENTIONAL (oLD swLE) U7" 17t32" X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PENDING PENDING I HORIZONTAL SDEWATI UL LISTED FOR DEFLECTOR {" TO I 2' B€LOW THE CEIUNG. JANUARY l9es PRINTED U.S.A"BULLEnN JN-r, REV. #l ALLIED SCHEDULE 10 SUPERIOR OUALITY SPRINKLER PIPE I o Allied Light Wall Pipe is a quality domestic manulactured product with exceptional physical characteristics and advantageous hydraulic design capabililies. ldeally suited for use in any sprinkler system installation, Allied light wall pipe is a proven performer that complies with the exacting slandards of ASTM-A135. Lightweight but strong and durable, the precision-engineered Allied lighl wall pipe allows lor ease of handling to lacilitate installation, at signi{icantly reduced labor costs. Complie wlth ASTM-A135 standards Allied light wall pipe meets the precise requirements of ASTM-A135 governing tensile "na r0*o"nies, ioter- ances, material composition, etc., as rrrell as Allied's own exacting standards of consistency and quality. Reduced welght with Incrcased strength Allied's unique in-line cold forming process produces a nork hardened light wall pipe with exceplional lensile strength. Allied light wall pipe averages 30o/o greater tensile slrengih lhan the minimum requirements of ASTM-A135 {grade A} and is resistanl to p€rmanent defl ection. In addition, the superior quality steel used in the manufaclure of Allied's light wall pipe me€ts the ASTM-A568 requiremenb for carbon and high strenglh, low alloy steel. Ease of handllng cost erfficlency p The lighbr weight of Allied lighi wall pipe assures easier handling, resulting in reduced installation costs and considerable lreight savings. Fbrlble design ior maxlmum engineering capabllities Allied light wall pipe's larger inside diameter provides increased water flow and rclume, which can reduce pipe sizes required for many installations. Cut-to-length pipe a/ailability also assures greater system tlexibility, since syslems can be engineered minus the installation reslraints imposed by standard pipe lengths. For firrther flexibility, Allied light wall pipe is specially designed for use with eiher plain-end or grmved mechanical fittings. ': l/ersatl€ Allied light wall ppe has b€en tssH and qualifies for use in aubmatic sprinlder sySems, meeting lhe requiremenb of NFPA 13, 13D and 138. Allied llght rvall plpe ls avallable In the bllowlng stzes: Trade sizes 1'thru 4' in lenghs A'& 25' Trade sizes 5'hru 8! in lengths 21' only - 4:1Ir r{ Specmcatbnq ftscripaions, servicos ard illusiralive mat€rial hgr€in ars accuratg as k[wn al tims of publication and aro sutjjecl lo chango yvithout ndice. lhdo Slza OD ID l{omlndftllrhbhod lnchct omlnC W.lght Ft. Bundle Sh.3 Pca. p€r Bdlc, 1'1.315 1.097 .109 1.40 91 11/t'1.660 1.442 .109 1.81 61 1Yz'1.900 1.682 .109 2.O8 61 z 2,375 2.157 .109 2.&37 zh'?sts e835 .120 3.53 30 t 3.500 3.260 .12{)4.33 19 3Yz'4.0(X)3.760 .120 4.97 19 g .15(n 4260 .120 5.61 19 5"5.sfr]5.295 .1U 7.77 7 6',6.625 6.357 .1U 9.28 7 8'8.625 8.249 .188 16.94 7 Oollied TUBE & CONDUIT 16100 South Lathrop Avenue Harvey, lllinois 60426 (312) s]9-1610 1€OO€ALLIED ^ Grinnell "-*ront SALES OFFICES ARO WAREHOUSBS Unltad Strtcs 'idn @t? - 3l!| tt lhdu E - Foq zl2a5iE € C$r P@ - 7L G.ar fiv - Oll aal{xn R aft. eas - Ih Scfi 9l6n. A. - f^.1 t7l!!AHtrn l.5.5 - |eaa Alir xay - l,fit atatosEffi Grta - .3t hdrn srd - r'|d .ar{st O.8re- ats trr.a s - CBr a6irt ll|s.E ra - raro r..e €r'/d. - (n31aaLat6l ALt $lt2 - a(6 i|crM Or. XW - taal 52.rADl ldl gre - Orto'E[ -r.r - tlq Slta rrt-aaa - rao 5a lr-d t - fJr2t aat-r,6 Id-s iSEa - &ra f.l lln i - Frr a6l.l2a .*s tl|.r - oJ-a rtja &- flo- Foat gr@ o.Ii|.tlaa-15s..,rt!l|t-'|l -tnlli|5o C-tr @(Ei - rto gbrr ft, - Frtl a?}al(' Itb aa'E - ,iiL5 hr hdr-1J 0.. - €ral 2a-S FUld|lra!. L.!r - r2.{ ia i! i. - Fla aa-nn a. rrt atrr - rra s.,ra rcldt r-r - B m{6|{.,n C.r l.tn - rlBr o|r-r-a: tit at {r! rldl Mdr6- re 3-i ror d - @10.@ ,'hoqrqr rnr3 - !.3a \rar*rFl Ftd rc - F06l ar..2s h.n .r r.aor - r3.a u.ifiy r.. - ltlo ,r,r2'7o40 chrt 2aar - !.5 rrai rrbtr- a - rlla Jra-..3l tu -aitr- r(rt3 t-r a. - t60 2r24!oq..l.d arrql - t?r+fi c- saar i - l2ro 4na$r lJ- tat{t - a$ aorn tO' E- L, - {'al aA}& ffitl5o - n& {dtn a 2at,- - {lcllzt tlt a a- r!3a- rlsorEotu -81l|,|..&fr4n !52r! - rr*r d4. ^. - r|a $-{ tl|.a.Eal-ndl| $12 - 3t!t qr$.d i - l&ll 4E-nqttlr|t t7m - i!17 Eh r| Fr - ait ta+lrl r*Erst _26E abE Di- _tt{ c-r.atarh-r rror - -ed crb fr - rti6t56n rbtr zlloa - ras !i-r a'a - F{ E .m tcrG! - aar2 & lar sr - t2G t!t-cldio,|rre - n5 h{r- -fI.41.6{.4 rka.glzn - raavf,a tl. Pra a. - l.i49.& C!nada cE T2G 3$ - G |nt Sq SE - Fq 2.3-O7J8nda. rs dv5 - n3a rzcr I - l,Bl ..i2-5.1 Nt lBrrl lY. - -ao (.r Rr - Foal75r-la5lturrs{ v.v tYt - 9o vrc! ||t - l.o.l z7r-Pir $tt$.r i-t ot - ttt C.rrr i - f2o.l'| -36 o.rE n @ ttl - t0 vl- |r. - Dqr aa$az So* * * -." "-- ar - rrq 5d-7'ntr,a ral lc! - r0 lblr ct- 6a - Nta! 261{1t18.tt tlrr zna - ,1r cilr.l 3r. - |oal c7E0 br- rxP rva - S.-rtr tt H - Fral '.2.2fikr A.t *r - ra I i - flI Lit.5sllt-&r - St|( S - satlri.a a - fEM:{t! lLdco BHgo- ""t- - tr16,.{rr.ts- (q 6rq @ Grinnell)o@ SI,PPUY SALES CIOMPANY f.rrrcd S"pdvrltbtrL/D.aen S..,r1c6B h(R(2910 t{ot o.1so edCdE io.\bcri. ftaasr'coh(Eff. rN{ re- ED Z8-t40 rSll 190sp Pn|i.lED t{ us ALLIED SCHEDULE 40 SUPERIOR QUALITY SPRINKTER PIPE o o, Allied Schedule 40 pipe is o(ceptional domestic quality pipe specift cally designed and man ufac{ured for inslallalion in today's advanced-lechnology sprinkle sys'iems. Like all of our quality sprinkler pipe and componenb, Allied Schedule 40 pipe meets or exceeds all industry specif ications-as well as our own s{ringenl quality control standards. To assure unibrm composition and consistert appearance, Allied manuiactures its Schedule 40 pipe ulilizing an exclusi\€. innovative procetlo provide o(collent strength. The lesull is a precision-engineered Schedule 40 pipe of superior quality. Allled Schedule 40 dpe meets all ASTI'-A135 standards Allied Schedule 40 pipe has been thoroughly tesbd, and possesses certifiabl€ mechanical properties thal comply with the exacting slandards of ASTM-A135, which contains rigid ap""ma"ti*, go*ai; tensile properties, malerial composition, tolerances and oher r€l€vant prcduct qualities. The hhercnt strcngth ot Allled Scfiedule 40 pipe Allied Schedule 40 pipe is manufactured from high quality steel and is uork hardened hrough a special cold forming process for e(ceplional strength and durabilig. Precision- engine€ring prcduces a Schedule rO product yuith an exceplionally low variation in outside diamet€r and wall hickness. Rigid quality control inspection during the man uhcturing process helps to assure that Allied pipe will have consistern properties and unilorm composition tor easier threading and longer threading lool life. The end resull is a longJasting, highly adaptable Schedule 40 pipe exhibiting excellent slrength characteristics. Specificatbns, descriptions, sorvic6s and illusualive mateial helein are acflrde as krDwn d tim€ of publi:ation and ar6 sutiecib chango nibout nclice. 1,,i SCHEDULE 40 PIPE AVAILABLE IN TRADE SIZES 1" THRU Z IN LENGTHS OF 21'AND 25' tado Slzo OD ID l|omlml lYall Thlcla|oa! lnafiG3 llo rln lY Bundh SlzGa Pca. Por Bdl€, 1'1.315 1.049 .r3{,1.68 70 1Yt'1.660 't.380 .140 2.27 51 1th"1.900 1.610 .145 2.72 44 z 2.375 2.67 .154 3.65 30 Oollied TUBE & CONDUIT 16100 South Lathrop Avenue Harv6y, lllinois 60426 (312) 3891610 1€(X)'SALLIEO F/e) ^ Grinncll ocoucm, f SALES OFfICES AIT WAREHOUSES Unlied Staiaa Pla'tr alOt - nn Nil tlsN h( - l6cal 27?.€53s E Crh. A@ - 7ri G&b rtr - |.tO {t {(m FlLb a.5 - lt Sarr PH l- - |n.r 7t:tr3aHq-n 16.5 - rso ,5,| r! - l.rst ratarm orFe - at5 Er.$ * - tq aarnll tn . $la - la/5 lr& &d - la13 aCr-attl r.d aE - l.5 rl'rs t r* - |i!al rarcor Jtdar-rl - o ra.aion i.r -!q l!.2tll tLr a.t - rao harS t - oa aar{lo tlrr*r* aaaaa - i!6 El si i - $t aerrz1 *6ror2t -aJ-b Hrl. aa lio- t at Nr.qF 6rrb zroaa -E 9|d. i'.. Ps.t - ($!l!|.llq, c-!Er@r - l2othlB. - l.tt a2a&0 ]ll&r ,|ta - 26$ nd.y lntarLr !.- - I3|o 2fl.tm tulr|!. a6.ltl - u!| w cr r. - fiq d.-?|n sr Laa asra - in5 sdn il!.idr - t'sl rfi{Gl( xEc?4.r. - 6r qa.. r: rlat+co LJicdn Prr 07035 - 99 €xr €.0.* Ad. - r2o[ ,964G@ lbJqrld .7f 3 - l.3a \rhti*'gie Fru N€ - l!o5) 'a3 23c3 ftd.-r r.sr - ir.a rrd'rly a. - mq {2,to.o O-kt 2aac - !.3l $5 [o.dr..d S. - fro.r 3]l-..:lt Ciqlj ,(ta'' - r@l t,ld* at - 1513) 2.lzaaracrdi-d aaloit - |2e+6 Ed 36'l I - (:ral €r-(lr l/- tar.6 - {A So'^ ,U! E- A. - lllo ar2.@ krh aTrt -ta|ort.rd zxra. - Eo a2:!tor l|adara r'!a - 1r!50 rlM B - Rtal aa.eM @ - 1!r rdo. A. - ({q '2taa{ttaEaa!t-.da !r12 - ''5 onfi.bo i - ls'l .62{!6Nff ltz|o - rnt Eh l{ FL - tl5 rlrl-Xil rra! tlaal - !15 E- tlrr Dlti - Fi4 irtaalarh-r TrEr -e d cr.. E - rnllatt.ln tm||da,Eo. - raasr Lr - Lal asf.d)HrE d zEn - l|3,. Aa.r* t!. - l6.lztt a x.d xE2 - a?r2 sa rEr & - e00 '5r-96alit'rihre - tt5 oo{b - faoat.a-.e.. hr- SitlB - |''e b a r.J r- - Fral6t.@ C!nada €* "rn - .* u" *. * - r.or 2.3o'"E*i6.i.. t!6 ow5 - n3.O Uqn $ - F@r .s}aa,ll ffi,S'l!t- "--*" cd - r.o.r ?E -!.6,*rE d tw tvt - S vrt{ Nay - laoal zri-Prl ftrl.a Rtr o|2 - 7z c.n y st - Eo.l714446| orhar ia 1Pa - & ve o. - lpl .@{t21 $D Cr* (* ara - .l! s.rd ar, - l.rl 561.7tiidt |.a rC5 - lo tdr o5 i - |.!al 261'4ng.'!|ntrd - fi crsai -rlrll} s ffi *" r--*.-, *r t-h -Ft.t!.t'2roo br lat *r - 26 ra I - llE l.!6alltu n - 3t|( lel - latah *a.t E - lt4 ta:{tl f|.rbo EH*- *.- 'rb3.r*i..4, ^ . rl\-'/f/A\\ rrnnneu W suPFLYffiMP Nv f d'd.d Sr/UddEr'ryr Snrc.t l3at EnEd A..rrOlr!.! R @t!0 laol) 9a1{ot) Orft|lal cdDordoG t naJd!. oilca. I tlEo hBat x cGts - tt[tl 778-oeq)'5M IgGP P IED I{ U-SI' .?, ' i.'+ I -,O] I. I,ND TI'f:-'LE GUARANTEE ts'.OMPANY Representing Title Insurance conPany of Minnesota rHANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER July 23, 1991 Our Order: V17zU BUYER/OWNER: TBD SELI,ER: ALI,STATE INSURANCE COI4PANY ADDRESS: . !{ETES A}ID BOUNDS jt6wN or VAIL_75 S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL, CO 81657 1 Attn: MIKE BR"LKE PTCKED UP FOR DELMRY Al{ PU COVENANTS ATTACITED YES NO FOR TITIJ QUESTIONS CALL KAREN HORTIT 3O3 476-2257 FOR CI,O9ING QUESTIONS CAI"L l. I t MINNESOTA TrrLEfN HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 500 Oenrrer, CO E0206 P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 / FAx 322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., il,|50 Englewood, CO 80t 12 770.9596 / FAX 290-9040 ARVAOA 5440 Ward Road, f20O Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 / FAX 423-1365 DRY CREEX 25 W. Dry Creek Circle, f,520Littleton, CO 80120 794-5307 / FAX 794-5802 EA5T 3300 S. Parker Rd., ft05 Aurora, CO 80014 75r-4335 / FA)( 74s.2669 FIODLERS GREEN d4O0 5. Fiddlers Green Circle. #tO3 Englewood, CO 80ltl 771-4539/FAX 7714526 LAI{D TITLE Commitment To tnsur, 8ffi* lssued throqh tlte Ufie of:P. O. 8ox 357 t08 5. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 8t6S8 47 G"225 l lgi?ect 595-96 I 3 FAX 475-4s34 GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P O. Box 2102 Glenwood gprinqs, CO 81602 945-2610 I FAJ< 9$47e4 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampdcn, #t00 Denver, CO 80231 7504223 I tAJ4 7504267 JEFFERSON 710 Kiplinq, #202 Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 / FAX 238-29s5 iIORTH 910l Harlan, #too Westminstet CO 80030 42?-9353tFN1430-1572 S(,uTltwEst 3609 S. Wadsworth, #t 15 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8s50 / FAX 980€324 YOSEM]TE 3600 5. Yosemite, #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 EOULDER . 2425 Canyon 8tvd.. #230 Eoulder. CO 80301 4't44101 | FN1 786.8423 BRECKEITIRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridqe Breckenridge, CO E0424 453-2255 / FAX 453-5014 CJSTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Canle Rock,.CO 80104 58&6353 / FA)( 58&0143 COLORAOO SPRING5 102 5. Telon, #l00 Colorado Sprinqs, CO 80903 63tt-482 | /Direct 595*41 t3 FAX 634-3190 PARKEN '19590 E. Main St., fi05 Parker, CO 80134 84t.t900 VAIL P. O, Box 357 108 5. Frontaoe Rd, W. vail. co d'r6s8 47 6-2251 lDirect 595-96 1 3 FAX 476{534 AGENIS DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-5860i FAX 247-9089 LAF T]]I-E GTJARANIEEcofi/Hr$r o"rq0cor{Mrrr,rENr k SCHEDULE A AppLication No. V172l.l For Information Only I.TETES A}ID BOUNDS 9155. OO- $r55. Oo please ref€r to V17211. - Charges - ALTA Olrner Policy- - TC|(!AL,, - with your remittance 3. 4. 5. 1. Effectlve Date:iluly 11, 1991 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: xALTAn Ohrner,s Pollcy 1987 Revislon (Anended l99O) Proposed Insured: TBD The estate or lnterest in the Land described or referred to inthLs Conrmituent and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple Title to the estate or intereet covered hereln ls at theeffectlve date hereof vested ln: ALI,STAIE INST'RAIICE. COUP.ANY The land referred to in thls Connritnent is described asfol lows: BEGINNINC AT THE NORTHWEST coRNER OF SECTION.g, TOWNSHIP 5soUTH' RAIIGE 80 wEsT oF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL UERIDIAN THENCE souTH89 DEGREES 3l MrNuTEs 49 sEcoNDs EAsr 2333.84 FEET, AroNG THENORTH LrNE oF SAID sEcTIoN 9, To A POINT o.N rHE NORTHERLY RrcHToF wAv FENCE rJrNE oF TNTERSTATE HrclfwAv No. zor THENCE AIONGTIIE NORtrIIERLY RIGHT OF WAY FENCELINE OF INTERSTATE TIIGIIWAYNo. 70 As FoLIpws! SOUIE 67 DEGREES '11 IdINUTES 33 SECONDS I{EST 4L5.82 FEET, THENCEsourH 78 DEGREES 13 MrNurEs 02 sEcoNDs INEST 1534.29 FEET, To APOINT OF CT'RVATURE' THENCE 456.43 FEET oN A cURvE To THE RIGHTI{I1DH A RADIUS OF 558O.OO FEET, THE CHORD OF lfHrCH BEAT.S SOUIIH80 DEGREES 33 Ii{INIIIES 38 SECONDS WEST 456.30 FEET TO A POINT ON FAGE 1 *"'flC)col'{rBuENr tt SCHEDULE I Application No. vt72LL THB WESTERLY LIIIE OT SAID SECTION 9, THENCE DEPARTING THE NoRTltERr,y RrcHT oF wAv FENcEr.rltE oF rNIIERSIATE HrGHIIAY No. ?o AND FOI,IPWTNG TH8 I{ESIERLV LINE OF SATD SESTION 9 NORTH OO DEGREES 18 I{INUTES 2I SECONDS EAST 565.1I FEET rO THE POINT OF BEGINNTNG. PAGE 2 ArrlOcourirrrr.rENr SCHEDUIJE 8.1 (Requirenents) Application No, VL72LL The followlng are the reguirenents to be complied with: 1. Palment to or_for the account of the grantors or nortgagore ofthe ful.l coneideration for tbe estate-or interest to be-insured. 2. Proper lnstrunent(s) creatlng the egtate or interest to beinsured must be exebuted and-dury filed for record, to-wit: NOTE: TIIE $155.00 CTTARGE DOES NOT REPRESENT THE TOTAL PREMIW FOR THEPoLICY AIIoUNT SHOWN Ilf SCHEDULE A, THE $155.00 CEARGE IS DUE UPON RECEIIIToF TIIE rNvorc8 AND I{rrJL BE CREDBED TowiRDs THE pREuruu cHARGE upoN crosrNcOF TITE TRAT.ISASTION. THE COIINTY .CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETT'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCT'I,TENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! I ]AGE 3 o"**)coMMrrr.rENr t.r SCHEDUTE B-2 (Exceptions)Appl,ication No. VL7zLI lhg_loltcy or policles to be issued will contain exceptionE to thefolrowing unless the same are dispoeed of to tlre satiifaction ofth€ Conpany: l. standard Exceptions I through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxea and asgessuents not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs oif,ice. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assesauents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OP PROPRIESOR OF A VEIN THEREFROU SHOULD g}TE SA!,TE BE AS RESERVED IN I'NTfED STATES PAGE 495. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITC1IES OR UNITED STATES AS RESERVED ININ EOOK 48, AT PAGE 495 AND 304. OR I"ODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HTS ORE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREIIIISES PATENT RECORDED June 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT CANAIJS CONSTRUCTED 8Y THE AUTHORTTY OF THE('NITED STA?ES PATENT RECORDED June 29, 1903, RECORDED August 22, 1956, IN BOOK 157 AT PAGE 11. EXISEING TJEASES AND TENANCIES, IF N{y. t-2. LACK OF ACCESS tO Al{D FROU PUBLTC ROAD, HIGHIdAY, OR STREET. 13. TERITIS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF REAL ESTATE PIIRCHASE AGREE}IENT RECORDEDJuly 25, L978 IN BooK 272 A! pAcE 665. 14. TERI,IS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF BUTLDING AND PROPERTY LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEI,IENT BY AND BETT{EEN EOETTCHER & COMPANY AS LESSOR AND THE TOWN OF VAILAS LESSEE RECORDED July 25, l9?8 IN Eoot< 2?2 AT PAGE 667. 15. TERIils, coNDrrroNs AND PRovrsJoNs oF AssrcNuENT oF REAL EsTATE puRcHAsE AGREEI'TENT, BUILDTNG Al{D PROPERTY LEASE/PI'RCHASE AGREEMENT AND. ESCROWAGREEI'{ENT WfTHOUT RECOURSE RECORDED August 02, 19Zg IN BOOK 272 AT pAGE 990. 16- FTNANCTNG STATEMENT tfrrH BoETTCHER & COMPANY, rHE sEcuRED pARTy, RECORDEDJuly 25t t9'18, IN BOOK 272 AI PACE 66g PAGE o r rf:c o M rir r r rrr E N T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. V17211, SAID FINAI.ICING STATE!.TENT I{AS ASSIGNED TO THE AIJIJSTATE INSURANCE couPANy RECORDED August 02, L978, IN EOOK 2ZZ AT pAcE 991. 17. TERI'IS, CONDIIIONS AIID PROVISIONS OF AGREEI.{ENT BETWEEN VArL ASsOCIATES,TTD., AND GAS FACILITIES, TNC. RECORDEDJuIy 17, L964 TN BOOK rgs ar ieceL57. 18. AlI T'NDIVIDED 1/2 TXTEREST TN Al{D TO AI.I, OF TIIE OIL, GAS AND OTHER UTNERAI,S,SOIJID, LfQUID Al{D GASEOUS, OP EVERY KIND Al{D NATIRE, fNCLUDING UneUffru, flt, ON AIID I'NDEN AI{D IVIITCH !{AY BE PRODUCED TROM TITAT POR1TION OF SU&TECT PROPERTY IlT SEG1IION IO OF I,EGAL DESCRTPTION HERETO A.S EXCEPTED N{D RESERVEDBY PETER E. KATSOS rN THE DEED RECORDED ttAy 3, 1960 rN BOOK 155 AT pAcE 227. 19. UNDERGROIJND R,IGHT OF VIAY EASEIIENT GRAI{TED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, rNC. rN INSTRU!{ENT RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1978 IN BOOK 274 AT PAGE 368. 20. TERI.'S, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE BY AND BEBI{EEN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. RECORDEDAugust 03, 1.990 IN BOOK 534 AT PAGE 986. PAGE 5 LAND ,|fi ""c u A R A N r r(F' c o M p A N y DISCIPST'RE STATEMENT I Regulred by Senate Bill 9t-14 A) The subJect real property rnay be located in a special taxingdlstrict. B) A Certlficate of Taxes Due lieting each taxing jurlsdictlon Day be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the CountyTreasurerrs authorized agent C) The inforrnation regarding special districts and the boundaries . of such districts nay be obtained fron the Board of CountyConnlesioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the Counly Assessor. rEE IE!rTIC. E.G+.rr rrrF ' -.:'l-r-td, tlllt' a Saftaf eF.|g- I rr=,. r_!|lfellrlr rFtG.- rh E E cttrc--.ffi'ffii#ry:*--I l| b Gltct' ot Lti., ltrtr oi 6ics..b, a !tr al gt rr{ r! tF-!t_._ r.ocr- t, rhlrltD J rq1g5.ft-!! ttt ca rD. ltt r.r.. .. ir'ruriiCriorUC rits tla .G trF ltt r. .!r. fegr ectyEirtr{.r. -ftrf.. -Lr-. L* ta cagrtrt. ar€lat^nFt, rt$lB, ch.!!t. .alrst!, r.-Dh.aa, o!.raG.l. rl&rb r -a.srsould rrrcei. Bi.!-r;aio!;r iritsirilr5i' riii, -Jil-+-rltl tb arbs$orad vlulb, onuii,-iiitunr rac iqcr-ait-ulii iir.ll. b .!-..!tlo lbrutrh. iopUli ittr-i.ocreef '&lgiiiit -ngti.d aLF- ttlra. rlrr.- Eb rbrr ..ltioae.- f .nlr, -.,Con t! aaa.I!! CaacrlD.dr tdlnr 5 r!r-ac - lrt (l0l t.a! t! rlC$. tD. errtarlt|tG tor rrl,tt!!!!!?!-tsq! EllsiEorDd iarr lictrrtrri -ia-G-Eii..;rh. q;r!llrt._ l€rtlco ot- rtlct trcllltl.. uFn ur. rfn il.iJrrfrapr:cf _ft krl cr tdrtDtc lr rttrcrrd t rriti ron iar-r-ilii----lflt ty t|lrrrar. l9trtLt.rttl !+_rfgL! to sr.Dvr llll .d rll ts..r, bs!.h. yrg.G.rlor .tld.a.truHr-rt!|||, !!fa .t.lp ct teid rbrn .uch l. r..ron.Dly'n c.;a;t-sa rD t*r--ir3lo! .!a u.. ot gh rtth!. h.r.ta.bv! fs.a-tra. -iiiJi ^:!1_=Iol!^ Dt q!'!r- ct .nr _cr rtl riirrii rrriiulcrr, oirntre arr-ii --- ttrFrt axt sr tt rr8t c. -ot- str grouad to tr. lorra, oiariroii.-ir-.rlt.: l. ps.crtc.Dl., .ad .hrll ;ropsl r-fircr rB, rac iii-iir-i.Drrf .d nirtrtloo r.Dy.d or derfrA Ly drrnlo. Fart _.r !gsi.. tl.t.ll !.cllttt.. tnttrll.d by c!.trr.. oo G.b..bov.O-s$!a Llda at.ll srrta tL DroFsgtr ct cirag.., rr.t .b.ll b.aErala at tb o?tlor ct e.!c;. - - Carl.r Elnaota tLC lt la tha ovn.r o! th..rD6tr C.acrtbo{t ltrC., .ndtDat tia aald la!d. rr. tr.a .nc ct..r oi inc,i*iiicrr rnd ltcnr oi-rLt!.ir c!.'r€t s .re.DG rho.. trrta oy tti- foif;rrig, lo |l?l rrD rD mlc ..t.1 rlgtrc-o!-rrt rnd ....rt|tr roi.!h.r rlth rll .|td!ll!g!: tt. 3tgrr. .!d prriu.r.. eieeiiriiiiiiiirct6, unro cnnrro, JLaEtFla ala lt|l|tl.. to8.err. ll ltlttat ttEir,@aatos baa cruaad tla.. gsa!.nc! to Da Cul,.rcrr.a o rtrt,. 1fl ay ct . lt?1. lttl. tr. .cfrrl..lr..l brton r ttrlr 4l!l dry ctWfifi,id.fun_n l||rl.re, rdS-.1 Q.''p , tcr tr[ !g[ Ot ytl!. . EfafDaf d oattsl.l .txl. a '-*i, :;;Fwtla.t tl-tattr.s..ltl-tt r l/ltl1|l ' .:' :_.4'.4-r... ...r,?9,: .. - .i: a r"!'gi l,fr'vt-t II at:ilsill IIll jj ! I i I 6t I I I I II I I oI I I I i: .:t. |Q:. . r C-'.tn {t E t - -/r' ! It I F a trl ;il ' .$l:'?r.' q.. ; ''lt a ao gI I ! 8I .r. ll il,i oI:ilsitl Iilt ;j :.rtrt -raaa rre?rl figEE - f tut! tollolt c!o.a llctrlc L.!.t.o. D!.u.s ,t0Clrrcod 899... Co. Uaol i,qfrrv4"'*'*' ror ruc*.S -'-':*::-'::.:"'.-. O'; - ffi t$iii:i;lii:iil!:ili:!;li'ilxillliiiilri:ltili.ii'ilhi!6ii''ir t. lt Sllt contsact h rccrglrl bt lh' lt'ocl'?lont rl{ A\*' iiiiiliitili]ilriiiiEif,$lliiiliiiiiii$lii'lilhik'.::t iiilrii$iiiliii'tririiiri.:i:iiiii:iii.;:ririiii;i*'i;lii:: 'A. tihr APtllc.ra rlllr lrc lhr-"t' rrrerjy lr dr rrrllrbk tl rrld Dcelrrlr l'3th.tulte.iiiiiil...i|0t.1..,..-6j-.._i...'rh|nocc.rb.'j1.2001rurcbmr lrc !]. A..QGIt!lotr 11! rtrclSt: lltlii-].liliitlF*----tf ii$!I,iFt!3i:.l;ifi.i:illi ti'!:i'i:I'!i;iii:;:ii:i:r id:.;!iiFt'i.'ll- rb. tr.$t.rror ..t ltrtr r!. r.r.n! cr ririi rli'riiiii'io ti'tirinhhrl lor " halattlal o.... aF gr l. lurhg ti. ll.. llrcrllrd ln-tAi-lborr, 3l' lrPlls'n!.flll t.t I bttl .3.3 l*:ii#.ffi-rr'ii,Eii::riiitlili:i;liiiiiif !*r. r iurbrr ol tl lot.t t tht Appllc.n3 t. th.rlnlru. Sllatla rriiii-it-i[i- ru-ir- of ll!irrrr hcurriiciiriii -ltb lh. .?tlls.bl. srt.. grertrer lta locrt.a ln:lltf l/a. !|calon 9r Towrhlp 5 touth'tt ttptlc.nl rr LE3r !0 I.t3 o( ch. 63h t.t.r ton ol Y.ll lu. I..h. ,'. ffi ::i!::i?i,i!:i':Ji'iltl:"i.i'.31i'!!tll!tii'l.i' r' iilitliiiiifllthilri:iiili*'i!:iilhnii'il;*iirihlit:!"iriiiiili1:' r. illri:l.li:"$?if.Hl'.:i"l[:.1:l.l*r$rocr*rcn rhru conrtrrss. 'i 'ra"rri. Liill.1.lll.$:lll:l.ir:[:lillT.:l.llt' ccrrr'Gt rhrl l not br ccrr!3rr{'' iililill' llii:iiiitf *iru*lltl*l'iii$iiHililiii l;i,${l#ili "i* E: ttoultr@ : v.rt, golorrdo !tc!t ,\ r.,.\trr',r | (i uf, rCl Ed f ut7d!r stouiil fr :1 BT Ag ;I 'i' "!1-ir., a . .taaat l.Ga! lon coorurct lccl I Itrrrbrrrtl I lo. trt !lllla3 lrgl rrr aaaaaaiaaaaaaa ,a-61 tt rs o -SS!eCe-; ... Gilrrr ot-.H!g.-l larltr.ant rrrnri'iii'iiinr ml ottlctrt rcrl . 17 cc-trilcr; e.?l?.rr rllr'. t'lc i '.: ., &dr '- 9,i: t.r' ',..i.,...{ r r i'ri'ra a r a. a a a l a a a aa Jcl I : - Ascrtlol''' tlrl. .:ti , Drtr :,:" ai: ': .4, & drtra s sl|Jq 5 " Erh,b,t A" LEGAL DESiRIPTTON ffir 'i"n''i"' $ffig fti*Ift irsri$i *FH?Hr*istfr#*i;NORTH OF TNTEI DESCRTBED AS FI BEGINNfNG AT TIIE NoD.Frr Erar'. ^^*---- - ru**n+$isut*='.r=*-'ru;:$r:,ffi*SECONDS WEST'A tr5{#H;#'!"r'xHir#:T-f^,?Iiff*ir**;ftftiqflildffi ffi 1) sourH zs Ir6o.ez_ii;tr r; irH?T,i 39 *ffitrr*T"sEco-r{Ds EAsr A DrsrN{cE oF 21 1327.90 FE. 6"s$i;i*4nrt;m$i{$"uttij'fr ii$iry$ [g,$1ffirfii"Situ{; itr*$ilt'''"^,r,k;lifr :;''ifrip"qn;:l+**r,ffi ,n*,*-x(NORTH AI.IHOLTZ) Io t I : P' ic T Rf g I- oovuoroc -lrvn s>luoM ct-land lo 'l-dfc $d0Hs lcNvNllNlvhl -IIVA IO NMO-L 3HI O-L NOI-LIOCV ; = =l= €= llllllli:,:::::::,,:lllllllll t^ __-- oI Itltllrr -------€) |-l I -l<l ^al olol4lJlt ^sE zL =E_F _ _ _______o \__/ IT- f- f- iEi'. I --- r ei H o ffi;i=',|''=|||l||lil:::::::':]|ll||||||xg!3lii':'yt'yl, I -l5l:l EHo ei [-l llrl N -----o oo c{I 9 a I r#JTIFffiflrd|rllLlr I itr C * I II tFl ---o rApril - Apr'0 Ir'| .: la''J o rfiHery s'q9;Q5u F oECfon Ule lCry uplrll of h6tsdlirt o lh9 nof0irfi edge of eihflafurgcrc$uI urrupffthecun l**h**n: ElncfrU, Atlhur t. ,f n + Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15' 2002 Photo Overlays This Proposed Expansion ofFacilities will not affect the adjacent properties and public spaces, in our opinion. The entire expansion is to the North of the Existing Facility and will not be seen from Public Rights-Of-Way or neighboring development. The land directly to the North of the Project is Forest Service land. The building will continue the same feel and sq'le as the rest of the building to the North. It is the opinion of the Design Team that photo overlays for this Project will provide no additional benefit in illustrating any impacts ofthe Proposed Expansion Project. Addition to the Town of Vail Maintenance Shops 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PEC Submittal: April 15' 2002 Adjacent Property Owners Vail Resorts Attention: Bill Jensen PO Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 West of Property US Forest Service Attention: Cal Wettstein PO Box 190 Minturn" Colorado 8 1645 North and East of Property Colorado Department of Transportation Attention: Jim Nall PO Box 2107 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 South of Property Qr'. rrEM MAYAFFECT"or* r*ott, PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 13, 2002, al2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A requesl for a major amendment to Special Development Diskict No. 6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for the continued conversion of accommodation units into employee housing units and a request for a conditional use permit, to allow for Type lll employee housing units located at the VailVillage Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M,N and O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1't Filing. Applicant: Daymer CorporationPlanner: Russ Forrest A request for a variance from Section 1148,-128 (4) Vail Town Code, to allow for a second Business projecting sign, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Master GalleryPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a variance from Section 11-4F.-128 (4) Vail Town Code, to allow for a banner, located at 141 East Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage 1'' Filing. Applicant: The Baggage ChequePlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit and an amendment to a development plan in the General Use Zone District, to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Shops, located at 1289 Elkhorn Drive/Unplatted. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Planner: Allison Ochs A request to rezone the Lodge at Lionshead includingTracts | & J, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing from Agriculture Open Space (AOS) to Lionshead Mixed Use -1 (LMU-1) and a request to rezone 380 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 7, Block '1 , Vail Lionshead 1st Filing and 360 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing from High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) and Medium Density Multiple Family (MDMF) to Lionshead Mixed Use -1 (LMU-1). Applicant Lodge at Lionshead, represented by Jeff Bailey.Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a minor subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Second Filing (Evergreen Lodge) and Lot F, Vail Village Second Filing (Medical Center); a request to rezone a portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Second Filing (Evergreen Lodge) from Special Development District No. 14 to Lionshead Mixed Use 1; a request to rezone a portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Second Filing (Evergreen Lodge) from Special Development District No. 14 to General Use; a request to rezone a portion of Lot F, Vail Village Second Filing (Medical Center) from General Use to Lionshead Mixed Use 1; and a request to amend the study area defined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at 250 S. Frontage Rd. West I Lot2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing and 181 South TOWOF :4ii / '*t " VAILW ^J:,T ", -M'I-\?tP Frontage Road West / Lots E and F, Vail Village Second Filing. Applicant: Evergreen ,"to the Vail Valley Medicat Center . Planner: Allison Ochs p A request for a joint worksession with the Design Review Board and Planning and Environmental Commission, to discuss a conditional use permit to allow for a private educational institution and a request for development plan review to construct employee housing within the Housing Zone District and setting forth details in regards thereto, located at the site known as'Mountain Bell"/an unplatted piece of property, located at 160 N. Frontage Rd./to be platted as Lot 1, Middle Creek subdivision. Applicant: Vail Local Housing Authority, represented by OdellArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, of a text amendment to Title 12, Section 2-2, to amend the definition of 'Fraction Fee Club'and to amend Title 12, Section 16- 7A-8, to amend the Use Specific Criteria & Standard, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Rob LevinePlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Communig Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published April 26, 2002in the Vail Dai!. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-21,38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY APPLTCA]flT A. K. ELECTRIC 21_03 ZEMATT LANE, IINrT 2t_03-A, COIiTTRACTOR A. K. ELEqTRIC 2t-03 ZEMATT LANE, UNIT 2103-A,OI^INER ALTSTATE INST'RANCE CO T TOWN OF VAIL, AI.,LSTATE PIAZA,OWNER TOWN OF VAIL (LEASOR) uJl[ PILL. oP rnonoq.{ tz/uh -/,?rU. / TUJ/rb (/Uo,tG , /L.PMENT u'//'w gfr ll Description: ELEC TO INSTALL yzK GENERATOR AT BUS BAvaI_uation:10,000.00 FEE STJMMARY Eleccrical---> DRB Fee Investigat.j.on> will cal].----> TOTATJ FEES- - - > Total cal,culatsed Fees- - - > Additional Fees-- ----- --> Totaf P€mi.L Fee--------> 1eo.oo ,00 .00 3 .00 183 ,00 1S3.00 .00 1S3.00 Paynenls----_-_- 193.00 BALANCE DUE----.00 IIEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARI'I\iIENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:L2/L7/L999 KATHY AcEion: AppR AppRovgo penlrw IleFj-.qlqgo FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Diwision:1,2/L7 /L999 KATHY Act.i-on: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. a DEVE NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRfCAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0257 Job Address: 1_309 VAIL vALLEy DR Status-. -: ISSUED Locat.ion. . .: PIIBLIC WORKS BUILDING Applied- . -- L2/1_7/1,999Parcel No..: 2t0L-O92-00-001 Issued-..: L2/1,7/L999Project No.: Ex;rires..: O6/L4/2OOO Phone: 970-390-3258vArL, co 81657 Phonel. 970 -390-3258vAlL, CO 8r_6s7 NORTHBROOK IL 60052 DECLARATIONS r hereby ackBowledg:e that r have read this applicarion, filled ouE in fulf che infoxmation requlred, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that. all Lhe inforrration provided as required is correct. I agree Eo comply lrith tha information and plot. p1an, Lo compiy lrit.h all Tonn ordinanceB and state 1ans, add tso build thj-s s!.ructure accordlng bo Che Town,s zoding and subdivision codes, deBigm reviee approved, Uniforo Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable tsheleto- OPFIC9 FROM s:00 AUREQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}IALI, BE MADE TI.TEIITY- FOUR HOURS iN AD\TANCE BY TSLEPHONE .C.T CO}ITRACTOR FOR IIIMSEIF AND O!iNER i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Q* * * * * * * * * TOV{N OF VAIL, COLORADO StatseBlrrt**************************************************************** StraLemnL Number: REC-0599 Amount:L83.00 L2/L7 /99 15:03 Pa)rment Method: CIIECK Not,at.ion: TOV PRO,JECT Init: KMW ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees: 1-83 . 00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: ****************************************trJr********************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Lrocat.ion: This Payment AccounL Code**WAIVED FEES** 899-0257 Tlpe; B-ELEC 2L01,-092-00 -001 1-309 VAIL VALLEY DR PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Description WAIVED F'EES 183 . 00 183 .00 .00 Amount 183.00 INF'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL Bf REJECTED Contactthe Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640for Parcel # Pal'dei # ZIO\ -CqZ -pcF ool Permit # Buiidhg ( ) Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block nattane: f.?ut Raf 4 JobAddress: Efectricaf \d Mechanicai ( ) Fiiine Subdivision onon"rrN"-",J8-rn of VAiu- Address: Architect:Address: Descriprion orha:Qe4 era fa f -\t\OV-vP Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appiialces_ Gas l,ogs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ IO,OOO OTTIER: $ MECHAMCAL$ TOTAL $ Other ( ) Work Class: New ( ) Alteration ( ) Number of Dwelling Units:- rA Additional fu<- Repan ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ General Contractor: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone #3Town of Vail Reeistration No Electrical Contrrctor:Address: Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE ryPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLE.AN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ***CODE BOOKS ARE AVNLABLE FOR PURCHASE UPON REQUEST*** \>tYrcLoP- monoft4 .-/z,lq:, Date Received DEC 1? 1999 $o Pnf,+ TOWN OF VAT{)ONSTRUCTION pERMrr AiltCATON FORM rownofVairRegistrr^tioo,il,.iltill x= l/7 phon"# 3qo-32 <6 Plumbing Contractor: Torvn of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of V-ail Reeistration No. ?,J NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PETMiT #: E95-0013 PENDTNG oL/30 /7e oL/37 /7s 07 /37/1,e 100 Job Address:Status. . . Location...: KITCHEN REMODEL AT PUBLIC WApplied.. Parcel No.. : 2101-092-00-001 APPI.,ICANT TOWN OF ,VA]L75 S FRONTAGE RD, VArL, CO 8l-657 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VAIL, CO 81657OWNER ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO Issued... Expires. . Phone:. 3Q341 92 Phone z 3034792L00 t TOWN OF VAIL, ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Description: Vafuation: *ffi*ff***#ffi#*ffffi***ffiffiffiffiffi****Li* FEE SUllllARY ***ff****#**tr****ffiffdriirffiri.rrffilw**trirffirtt#flt ELectricat---> 50.00 Total catculated Fees---> 53.00 PLan Check--> Additional, Fees---------> -00 Investigat ion> -00 Total Permit Fee--------> 55.00 tri L l, cat !----> 3.OO Payments------- TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 MLANCE DUE---- *ffi tnffi ******#ffi ffi*t:t*#ffi(Hr**#rr**ffirrtff3ffnt*#r*t*#ffi #$Hr*ffi ffi ffi *ffif *ffi IteM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON: oL/3L/1,995 TRYNIS Action: APPR TT ENTERED ffffi************#***Hffffi*ff#****ff*********ff*****tlr**ffi*ff***ff*ffiffi*Jrt*td(*'|***'r CONDITION OF APPROVAL **ff*#*ff**ffiffi*ff****ffitr******#ff***ffi*******ffi*trH*******ffi*ffii.t*ffi***tffiitrttJrtrfr* **i*ffir DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowl,edge that I have read this apptication, fil,led out in ful,l, the information required, corpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atL the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply |{ith the information and ptot P[an, to compty with al.l, Town ordinances and state tavs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, uniforn Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Toun appt'icabl.e thereto- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 179-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:OO At'I 5:OO Pt'I SIGNATURE OT OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND O$INER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ********************tr******************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0004 Amount:s3.00 oL/3t/e5 12245 Payment Method:Notation: FEES WAIVED Init: TT Permit No:Parcel No: Location: This Paynent Account Code**WAMD FEES** Descripti.on WAIVED FEES E95-0013 Type! B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2L0L-092-00-001 KITCHEN REMODEL AT PUBLIC WORKS Total Feea: 53.00 53.00 Total ALL, Pnt6: 53.00 Balance:.00**************************************************************** Amount s3 .00 oo f- uJb U'(D oaz F(L IJJY uJdl oF ts,n>R ulLu- -'r Io-l>>lo- p(logl(Jzl r<lI f-lgur '^F\Jzo z .,,9 Z*.(Do =zJOcL t! J z.E oh =fdluJ rr r}.4r L,IEliJ tr = UJIL IL :!{E>E<cll€8B9taie.EE E:JF = rJJ :-E h=o ii- 9 5;E ool! EurE X.Lt x>I q-o-;lrtr ru @ I -- E =E,lrl o-zIFo :) E,Fazoo !tr oz tr =G uJo- IH lo I rr1Ic'\l Iol(tlrl I Itrl I r-frN l_-.:H,<{t6 \J ITL -vt "> B!<F 6zvr< \E iltn a -l zl zl .. >lo UJ ululzo = uJ J z E o : >G -I =o z tr^ gYqrolr6ZL!< v= i-o;oFO ;<ri tltl*ll-llo llrll all "Ixlgl =lze- | l-@ z -t-:> Y r'll o -F 9I,ArHEol*rZlS r'rl <!: ldl od ; Hlfrc,HI H|4 cl) JFI<i()< => -lYI&l (tz =IL J dl Fl E 4lr.l FT v v)X E Fl ii =z I trl 6 = c o = (L =tr oz (9 uJlr ll-oz3oF tq F-l I FfH z3 H =tr z d uJE) a l! z3oF g o UJ : a t!oz3 01F e. tr oz o llJ CE l!oz =oF = G oz .; uJ(E J ltoz B F UJJl! Qca uJFt = T-ttl TJJz = F C) uJF -() E <FE(J IJJ <zEurF(rzo() <o(JF;C)FS S?F*iz a8 G, 2P E?>(r '-3() ex :ZFz<) =#Yr= = u' Eor.5 =b-z (J <c)o9.1Ha t?5'JL3 PERIrrr r 7/fQTOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON ""*j|ll"h{ffft1i;]il APPLfCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COI.{PLETEtY OR If I'{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED Lega} Description: Lot Block =-r/owners Nane: ,/ (: V Address: Architect: General Description: Filing sunorvrsront Ph. Ph. work class: [ ]-New t f-etteration [ ]-Additional t l-Repair I l-other- /\Nurnber of Dwelling Units: Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: BUILDING: S PLttItBING: $ Address: ElectricaL Contractor: Address; Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: !_LEgrRIc.ot,'lJOb -MECHANICAL: $ Town of Vall Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLU}TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERT.IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REN'ND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994' WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' IS FEQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": 1) ls this a new residence? 2') ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? 3) ts any'utility work needed? 4') ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting lhe right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7l ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the righl of way, easemenls or public property to be used for slaging, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, slaging or {encing plan required by Community Developmenl? NO K ( { ( t V ( \ ( lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town' of Vaif Construdion lnspeclor, ai.479-218. I have read and answered allthe above queslions. ?rll, r*fs ki. n-,,/ f r - Job Name Conlractor's Signature Date 75 soulh frontage road vaal. colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlly developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORI(S/COUMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & },IATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary'.ordinance No. 6 states that it i.s unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand., debrisor nateriar, incruding trash iumpsteri, poti.ri- toirets andworkmen vehicles gpon any street, sidewaif, aii"y or publicpJ?:" or any portion thereof. The right-"i-w"V 3n aII Town ofvarr screets and,Igaqs is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be striilry enforcld by ttre iown of Vair.ll?li: t{orks Departrnent. pers6ns found viSrating this orainancewrrr De ftrven a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said material.rn the event the person so notified does not cornply wiiir th;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, tne-puf,iic worksDepartment wilr remove said mateiiat at trr" ""p."se of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance striii-not ueapprrcabre to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or aLley or any utilities in the rigni_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 inVail Building Departrnent tocooperation on this matter. fulI, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south fronlag€ rord vrll, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otflco of communlty devclopmqtt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If this PerTit.lgqui're9 a Town of Vail Fire Department Approva'|,Engineer''s (.Pgb]ic works) review and approval,' a planninf' Departmentreview'or Health Department review, and'a review by the 6uitfulng Department, the estimated time for a tota'l review may take as l6ngas three weells. A]'l conmercial (large or small ) and all mu]ti-famiry permits willhave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremints. Residentialand.snall projects-should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above ment.ioneddepartments. with regard. to necessary review, these projects mayarso take tne three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possible. I_, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. '3a Comrnuni ty Devel opment Department. TOWN OF VAII, ?5 S. FRONTAGE'ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 OWNER DEPARII'TENT OF COMMTTNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLT'MBING PERMIT JOb AddTCSS: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR Location... ! PUBTIC WORKS LIFT Parcel No.. : 2101-092-00-001 Project No. : PRJ96-0040 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P o Box 340, MTNTURN co 81545 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PI-,T'I4BING P o Box 340, I4TNTURN CO 81545 AILSTATE INSURANCE CO t TOWN OF AT,LSTATE PIAZA, NORTHBROOK rL 60062 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0029 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/L9/L996 riiued. ..t 04/Le/Lee6 Expires..: LO/L6/L996 Phone z 30382?5736 Phone. 3038275736 Valuation:1,100.00Descript,ion: PW SHOP LIFT ***t****t*lt**t**********t*tt**t*i*****ttt***t*tll***i***** FEE SUt'll'IARY Ptunbing----> Ptan ch!ck--> Investig.tion> lli [t ce L t-_> 30.m 7.50 .00 3.m Rcstuarant Ptan Rcvi ev--) TOTAL FEES---_ .00 rc.50 Tota I Catcutated tecs-> Additional, Fccs--) Tota[ P.rnit Fee--)PaYments-------) BALANCE DUE----> 40.50 .m 40.50 40.50 .@ Dept: BUILDING Division:Itemi 05100 BUILDING DEPART'I'{E\rT-ALfit/tsla ox Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECLARAfIONS t hereby rclnovtcdgc that r havc rcld this apptication, titt.{ out in futL thc infofEtion required, colPtctcd an accurutc ptot ptan, and ltatc that aU, thc inforDltim prov'idcd as f .quircd. i.s corrcct. -I agl:9-!o conpty iith thc information and Ptot pl''n' to conpl,y nith ltt Toyn ofdinlncls and stite !!Hs, and io buil,d this structure according io the tosn's zoning and subdivision codes,'dirign rcvicr. approved, Uniforu Euilding code .rd other ordinrncca of th. ToHn appticabtc thcrcto' REeuEsrs FoR lt{spEcrtons sx LL BE IADE wENTy-FouR Ho{rRs tt{ ADvANCE gY TELEPHoI{E AT 479'21tg oR AT ouR ottlcE rRoil aim Ar| s:m pil o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1309 VAIL VAILEY DR LocaIiON...: PUBLIC WORKS LIFT ParceI No..: 2101-092-00-001 Project No. : PRJ96-0040 APPLICANT TOWN OF VAII ?5 S FRONTAGE RD, VArL, CO 81657 CONTR.ACTOR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VArL, CO 81657 AI,LSTATE INSURANCE CO I TOWN OF ATLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Description: PW LIFT *rr*r*r*rrrr*r FEE DEPARTI'{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Pennit #: 895-0046 Status...: APPROVED Applied. .r 04/19/t996 riiued. .. 3 o4'/Le-/tee6 Expires. . : LO/L6/L996 Phone: 3034792100 Phone: 3034?92100 Valuation:1, 675.00 sur ARY ****ft****r E lcctf i cst*> 50.m oRB f ce -> .m Totet cal.cutetcd Fces-> 5f-00 Additionat Fecs----> .m Total Perrit Fee----) 53.00 Payuenl3-----t 53.00 gllexce oue---- Invcstig!tion> Ti l.l. clt t--_> TOTAL FEES_> .00 3. q) 53.00 ITem: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT64/I9/t996 DPJIJ Action: APPR DePt: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hefcby acknonl,edge th8t I havc read this lppl,icrtion, fitted out in futt thc inforn tion rcquired, corptctcd.an lccuratc ptot plan, and st!t! thlt !t,t th. informtion providcd as requircd. i_s correct. I agrcc to-cooPty vith thc inforr.tion and.ptot-ptan, to conpty vith att Toyn ordinanccs lnd statc [avs, and io bui td thi3 structur!-according iothe Torn's zoning and rubdivision coOesr'Olrign rcvicv approved, Uniforr BrJi tding C6dc and othcn ordinrnccs ot the Toun appticabtc thcreto. REoUEsTs FoR I}tsPEcTIoNs SHALL BE IIADE TIIEI{w-FouR Ho{,Rs Iil AoVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROI{ E:OO A 5:CX, PIt SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CON{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELf AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0123 Amount: 53'OO 04/L9/96 07:26 Payment ltethod: CK Notation: I{AMD FEES 8000 rnit: DS E96-0046 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2LOL-092-00-001 1309 VAII, VAIJLEY DR PUBLIC WORKS I,IFT Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance: *************************************************************!t** Pernit No: Parcel No: Site AddreBE: Location: Thie Palanent Account Code **WAIVED FEES'I't Description WAIVED FEES Amount s3. 00 s3.00 53.00 .00 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 OlrlNER Job Address: 1309 VAIL VAILEY DR Location. ..: PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Parcel No.. : 2L0L-092-00-001 Project No. : PRJ96-0040 H4 H4 V l-HR Type v l-Hour 8tt632 Add sq Ft: Status...: ISSUED Apptied. .3 o4/L8/I996 riiued. .. z o4'/Ls/Lee6 Expires. . : L0/L6/1996 Phone: 3034792L00 Phond: 3034792L00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Permit #: 895-0058 APPLICANT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VArL, co 81657 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VArL, co 81657 ATLSTATE INSURANCE CO t TOWN OF ALLSTATE PTTAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Description i VEHICLE LIFT OccuPancY: Tlpe Construction: Type Occupancy: VaLuation: Firrptac! lnformation: Rcstrictcd:#of Gas Appti anc.s:#of Gss Logs:fof uood/Prtt.t: *****r****r****t*t*******i*i*t*tt*****t*t****ttt***r******* fEE sulll'IARY Bui tdi ng--) Ptan Ch.ck-> Invcatig.tiorD tli tt cElt_-> 650.00 Rlstuerlnt Ptan Revi ct -->t22.5O oRB F .00 1m.m .00 250.00 Tot! [ Crlculated F.es-> Additiom I Fecs-) Totat Plrrit Fcc--) Paynent s---) BAI-ANCE DUE-) 1 ,t25.5o .00 1,tc,.50 1,t25.tO .m .00 3.@ R.craltion F!c--____> C tean-UP Deposit--)ToTALFEES-_---> Item: 05lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT04/1,9/1996 DAN Acti-on: APPRItbm:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6871e /766-G-DAN--'-.-- -AaEion : epPn n/aIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT'o[nt /7996-DAN--- ---Acaion: APPR n/a Itbrn:'.05500 PUBLIC woRKS 6+7i9 /766a-DiN---- "Action: aeeR n/a Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Divieion: Dept: FIRE DiviEion: DeDt! PUB WORK Division: *t*****it*****ti* see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may aPPly to thiE pennit. DECLARATIONS t heraby lcknoyl,cdge thst t have rc€d thi! lpptication, fil,ted out in futt thc infornation requi red, conptctrd !n accurlte Ptot p tli^, -i'"a-iiit" tnit "tt trr. inior*iton prolia"a as riquirea is corn.ct. I agrer to conpty riith thc infornation and Ptot p[!n, io corpty yith rl,l, Toyn ordinanccs and stitc [aws, and io buitd this 3trueture according to tha ToHn'3. zoning and 3uHivision coOcs,-a'cstgn reviev approvJ, uniforr Buitding code and oth.r ordin.nc.s of the Tovn appticablo thcr.to. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE IIIENTY-FOIJR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-21TE OR AT OIIR OFFICE FiOI 8:M AlI 5:()0 P[ Send C lcan-Up Deposit To:sIGttATUREtF oultER 0i coNTR cToR FoR HlrsELf AllD ouilER i- i- .: r -.t ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit *: 895-0058 as of o4/lg/99 Status: rssIlED **************************#*******************************************!t********* Permit Tlpe: ADD/AL,T coMM BUILD PERMT Applicant: TOWN oF VAIL 3034792100 Job Address: Location: PUBLIC WORKS SHOP Parcel No: 2101-092-00-001 o Description: VEHICLE LIFT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR ANY WORK CA}.I BE CODE COMPTIANCE. Applied: 04/18/1995 iieued: o4'/L9/L996 To Expire z LO/L6/1996 T0IJN 0F VRIL C0M-DEU ID:303-479-2452 -OthertAqury/Whtl- JffN 18'96 17:36 No .007 P .01 PUfilr|r i/ rILIAD OUT COtlpIJETEIJy OR Xl I'IAY NOtr BE ACCEPTED *r*** pBruIT rNgoRuaTIoN f ** ***i * r* l*****r* ** ******* * * o I J-Elcotrloat [ !-Meohanlbal t ] rtu oon Addrercr ffiLffifwL Lcgrl oeEcrlDtlonr I,ot_ Bloak_ plllng ,, , .pqlp.f.Vrsron, _ orrnars Nade: f7ilp Ol. yAit ' ,,,-Addrrsrr ?{ 3 ttoyfnr.+ RO,.,.tn.tl4-l4^e lrohltscbl Addrrcr;Ph, ceneral Deecriptlonl Nunbar of ltr{slllng Unltsr 4A Nunber of Accoruroalattoh Unltr: J//L and Type_ of Flreplacest Crs Appllanare cas 1to9r_ l{ood/Pcllet * i * r * * l *.* * . -8Ffr. *g-h -?3-v.? LlcAtqflPu t,'gEftl$gg* * t * * *i * vAr,l,ATIoNs **rr*i****if ********t*****ttia*** EIAqIBfCm,t "'Wffo': colflmetoR l|orlr classs [ ]-New I l-Att€rrtlon I l-Addltloill t J-Repalr t!-Ottreq **t*aataittltl**if **l!t*tt*tr t/#tr< n' 6T rNronrflTIoN Town ot Vall nccr. xo.463-EDhonf Nuubrrr'aitq::)ET llordn ot vrll Phonc Nurnberr lown of, Va1l Phone Nunbcr! Rog. NO. $c4nr1o,t + Cavue+fd-{*+*cdts Contrac :urrlt, ..- "Town of Vall Rog. No. Phene Nunber: oFRrcE usE *****************i**rr*******r* DUII,DINO FIA}T CHECI( FEE: PII'UETNO PIAN CHEOK FEETUBCHr$ICAL PI.AN CtllcX lE!: NECREAIION FEESct/8AU-Ut DIPO9ITI TOTAI, PE8}!IT FEEET AddreEat EleotrLcal Contfactor!lddresst -- ._ __. Plutnblng Contracto:!: Addrees: AddrEss: *************r*.t****r*t******** FOR BUII.DING PERI{IT lEEr PLU}IBING PER}TIT PEEI UECT$NTCAL DENUIT FEEI EDECIRICAI, FEET OIHER EInE OF FEEI DRE IEE: EUIDDING: STCNATT'BEt UONINCI EloNAEtlltr ADVANTAGE: TH E ULI1 MATE ABOI'E.GFOU N DLIFTSYSTEM -.1L4!_t_4lFF_rF-^rrJ--t!,1.,!|=tl5 .l- fuo -135 '+U[ Derlgned tor }bu. Deslgned to Cut Co3t3 and Increase Ybgr ProductMtlr &fto , IJL^AIG ^il^*TAGE. ALL THE CbtYOU'LL EVER NEED. 0|! prr.ll.let'rr .l.yr{r||ra llltr lryr l..r u||m|'rl wlll u;.Flo! trchnololt, lrlrJrt mr l.yrlr 0l lrodrctlrltt tc l!. lrd||'tl.t. hrllt v.ilch rccarr, nFatrlclra ror.n.[l rn! ldrrntriat rlrrt alrlll |rr lurl rola at na raatarr wlt 3c trr[J vrltlch nrhtar cr tlrchllrtr tr.slly llrul|l. f.r llrh. ll..t !.lrlr.nrnlr. lErYllTl|olt FIFFOFII IULTI.lDYlLtAOIr llFlTY llA.AOVA]|T OTT llOYt.OtOU DPLI YtHlcLl al'|vrcr FUNC. TuFrl vrou cAl{ FrLv oL. Advanlage oEttoia m:arr! outcx axD raay Tlofal ILL ora oxl Lrtr. Advanlage $andard salely lealures bflng peace ol mrnd lo lhe txara|.|.^Ttotr. Inslatlation can h accom- ollefs a htter wry ol working. Service more vehicles workplace and include:plished in iust a lew short hours wilh our surface lasler. Petfofm multiple lunctions on one litt- . FAIL SAFE L?CK SIS/tM-fulty automatic posi- mounled above-ground lifls. No special loundation including comptehensive setvicing, inspeclions, tive sensing ol lgck engagemenl prepatati0n 0r pit excavalion is required, eliminalin0 m-sit8 mainlsnancs and steam cleanino. For brake/ .g;'SAfEfyfAClOn_Our lillsaremade inAmer- costly EPA and OSHA imposed regulations ollen lire malnbmnce,lree all wheels al one time wilh our ica and built to strict ANSI standards associaled rrith in-oround lilts and pils, Plannino lo R.J45 Whools Free Bcking system. Adv?nlene lills ^r:,. ^A^tro^t D^^t. relocate? Take Advantage Lilts with you! ar'venatil',usolhemindoorsoforroorir,"- - - 'EL!cl!9!.tc L1Gtc clNTn0L PANEL- automalically prevents unsale operati0n 0Pfl0iltt. EMERGENCY ST1P 8/485-are located alconven. renl pornls lhr0uqh0ul lhe syslem Advantage |lrs are lhe Only paraile.aral'. ils butll In Amer ca t0 meel the Natro.at E s;'..c Ctte Olher unmatched salery learlr'es hc uoe s: .2:i it']r . Skd Olallorms on whrch veh,cles res' nc dr e co^ act glrmrnales atle Sl00age Advanlage loc!_\ a,rl.-.ar cally engage and dlsenQaje w.lt r,- 'n ,' -. t.t SIoCS whrle Check ral\0S Conltll FIVCl'(l .1ri rLOr., r,^^ each lttrng cyl'noer . FJ45 45.000 lb. Wheels Free accessofy Fck . li0 ' 24 voll lrghts "! th srand;'a burls .0rr\t r.-. jgh ralnOS . BL-, lnafServCe OIVE YOURSELF THE At'VAN. TAGE Tooayt ia ' l:s to d ,(:r.ss y0ur hea\,1 auly lleel manlenan:e'?:r,remenl5 lialtOnwrde rorl-hee 1.800.825.5138 ri F i' 6359 Nanc,/ RrOq€ 0rrve San D,ego. Calrlcrn a 92121 AOVAXTAO 13 IOIAL I,EI{ICLE ACCI3ltltLtty QUf ufrque des,gn a: rws .rnr€slr i i0 access l0 lhe enl/re veh cle L'cf':,r- rrage wrlF n0 obslfuc||on lve ve el fl.1nated !.e conl nuous base, posts and cross membefs With Advantage, you re assured ol servrcrng vehicles pccissly and easily, Toul Llfi C.p.clty Plrdorn t ngth olr.rdl Lln L.n$h Phtfonn Wldih Oira.t llft Wl.lrh Fatrsbd ELctlcrl lldtagorat Tot l l{o. Of L.9. Prodrxl sp€cifications subiect to change Lall: tlq o|t 'ttltucllon lal.aaa tlalloant naanalotat accottiDilitr. ,loia: nUj nUlnt lac, lraat.taalt ht arla, n ant b..ra tanlca. t l: ^a!ail'aa', l,,lqla traff; '['lne aatlaa t'|Utat ltal out ltt|| l,,ta W ntnl,nal tlor rO.Gt uhm rol ti ttta. g',-3' 15 r2 N.llonwlcle, loll-troo: l -eo€)-ge6-6.1:Eg (LIFT). 6359 Nancy Flldge Orlv6, San Oteoo. Ca tornta 921A1 @ Palonts Pendlng 6-92-5000 15' viithoul notlce. trFra ||llr-l l-=ltr\rr\ i- lIF,l 4\. -. 'r'ln-!r^r''J'lll ltilllE UFT SYSTEMS. INC. RBrrr, lg L A\?\l/+r&rcl.If.JJrH l/20 x +l{.\t. Af zd (1)4 x c(,lrr. Cr)* x cclrr- (.+).e5 X CONr. 14 1 l-JAa f4()Hx AACH #,(6'r('fALt .@g bAFhL3xrL 2e tuL5 3EC ol-l a /=^111 rrt'td- *,{ X JlAr1.4' g.AlE-U1r-14 TOTRL P.A3 l&uroe &Dabct, b. @ I Ir'-" rolnlh. [l @ I gr,. tnb r0l6triBE)ffi t\t\t\ lr!?fEr VE ?FY I.JITH VEHI4LE ALLtla INgTALL ALL,'\IE BLB4TRI<fHE F4AFr.FACR,ECAHF4E}€A ,-d x, t4 ' l/L--J L--I Foorft$af, fPtN4l'lt-Y-+i\r 'rdr?r! s102 ff iI I I SOAI-E-lflntF4 ft Morurce & NewU #\. &9rrr' re t/ \\ rt rat{ \ =***# L &?u/+r<rcNt.tJfH v?o x q t{.L). Ar 24 t'-4 vz' ()H x callf. (})+, x aan|r- G)4 x @*(. >3',oF5x I -E^,CII frt'(6 rofALl @ EEAil*3 a4 1 L-JAa f4 (1)-€ EACJ.I I^AYfrL LbeNcr€Er 5EC ON TOTFL P,A3 trbnroe &{hn, b, rI t?[h. @ I tr.. lib r0l6li6cBE}ffi @ I I,-" NOTFTIJTH IN9T 5-d X t-d ro!g/ar'.J6 II FOOTING LT\PER --+ b fPeNeH *iu s102 II I I SOALE-Lz6nrlvr \ ifll/ \t/\ I I ,I I I Ij til lil i.fl ilrrlt;titi ti,tltl ll :lt:rl ii I I I I I I + : I+ I j- i_ I 'l T- i,l'61 I \ \ \ I I-1' -L- I I t h i ir:- I I .-II t.. r t\ I I I --'tl-- i/ l Iso{\a t $o },s )s) ,ll-- \( L r+\+ !{.\ :l EJ -? a{ \r., $trpx \al FsE()s 1.-|6\ t I I I I =I I I .0-&e I f$x*B5(-) EuuE(J88,lJ- ar*'.* I I I I t I I I I I I i 7 "4r/ril V * |"/w I I I ll-zl "r0-rg'r0l- --rrr--r--r\#- '\ li*da ." 7+." .j?^:.--rz- W- I F _!uJ 9R NS )\l\Y) --{$i1 Ct c")(...r c-> Lr-l-l- fq:i \\ j ,I>\:\\\R :N :: ).! {N!a\ 't1 =s(\ ssR !:vt I- l I Oo j *T- l I O R I II T- I t xN \ N C\ .- ,-.'Q a, =-NS\N- )\l \9\ h --rbi :-r (F\C( ^!- L!u O t-\ X ara rL F.) 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F E a I a Oq LrJ 0- a IOa oc CJ* oI L'z ; F JtI 1.. (o |r) N O uo:f z = F () ;|r)cl N J z F& E a o Et!F O L t- E N c!E.v E.E E E o or F.N L,J b Ic! f.) () a J (!-) o ;() co J a o a t, o Lf)c! rOF r.i o ,o oo @ (o |r) u o- |J) L!u oi flu-lq a ou z O II Lr) oq (o az - () Lr)(\ 00) O oi Jc) F - ts (-) L (J o O (, LIJ a Jo(D g m lz zE F (I F (D ! E 3o F oql I l v F ;az Fz o m z -o X J !2&f-OL!) I 0_ r..) r,1c\ N a tl q q a o. C.l o-I t F U Jl u- I c o J O d I t(J o- U U- u. U) E. I C) =Oz tr o--a zr- a L!u. +tr t^) Z\.1999 !2> Q=-E<=l infO:J O L,J<!J(! a L!.JI (-Jz v. 4,6663EE3 =o -iii i '-e.EE g ",ggF;E; E g ?="48== i Z r€;!* E t zo><e4 t^ s ;fii:i ; : ?guF:i F E ?:fP!: e F *',Ei€E E > = i Fq L4 /'--\*tf,-t i U Category Number *ign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL Date 'l 't- 'L l Buifding Name: f\,1"o'J*.t.€n#;-',i:', <,"..''e.r'+^\ Proiect DescriDtion: Owner.AddressandPhone: -fOV Anehit€c(G6iiadh Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval n Disapproval V swtRpprovat Condilions: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paio l$/" 4 I Date: 1 Z' 7l tr\'"f Planning and En Community Development Departnent December 16, 1996 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an addition and remodel to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a remodel to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings, located at 1309 Vail Valley DriveTon an unplatted trac! located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing' Applicant Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen Arn*t- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: On August 14,lgg|,the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a conditional use permitio allow for the addition and remodel of the Public Works Administration Buildtng and a iemodel to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings. (See the attached PEC memo dated August | 4, 199 5 for additional information.) Onq of the the on the project rgqqgcd thgl for a minimum of three -units to be located on the Public Works site to [ (See letter to Mr. Larry Grafel dated August l5' 1995.) Since the initial condition requiring the three dwelling units, staffhas. evatuated ttte Doten at of the site and believes it can accuryI944"_q_l{gg.lumber of employee housing units' Given that @Je t@nitb!_99q99pt, thq!Up!qxornP!qt9q99&4!Q slso increased. The Town wiif5ESfr?fingout aReluest for Qualifications for a design and K-A-, construction team in the very near future. The team will design and construct tlte housing, which 'Strt is scheduled to be available for occupancy in the fall of 1997. #r?,dll^,?'"'* Staff is requesting that the PEC modifo the condition of approval, extending the date to secure a building permit for the employee housing units until July 3 I , 1997. b"t'e*/ F:everyot|e\PEc1m!mc\Erbwt!.d16 e ^ f ( e-6^- /n k"-*" c *^-.71-Al )f-- li ,rL P(f- M o^-7 ''t--','fr" a) f \-u<,^-y'- r+-+"r,-"2 t'r,./ t.l/r.r-/+-,_ /a: n_*"n 6,,_ ^4 /-u4 -a_/"tr'ArLz 4-/*z/ / t .t ra?V<'/ed 7r,--</-.-z ) 7fu 1"^J t fzr -e*,2a47.--t ,A,-lh'S " /^-cn4<_(- 4_-.1 *, H 4) And, s/-,"-/^'a': /,v7-a.aa..'-< oL. A,"-7' &-, c.,' l' >- Y^ . ', * t** fdg_.t&=_=&., F-_ ^: 7^ C-n- fu /*y /- to "4^4/ "/* U.z Y"" -^cc1a--/ .'SJ-<<.-z ar< //leap.r.o 1,^.^, co, H'" fA..-- ft-z\ 7".-.tf*r, /.tuJ <l- // Lra (< .r 77a v5 (a" ^_d /;/Jr 4rq-@e* (-, //(,{/ I f.^-.Uft o=77../._ 9*T ry ^7 F*tj'r-t- .D F!LE COPY TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 47 9 -2 I 3 8/4 7 9- 2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 August 1 5, 1995 Mr. Lanv Grafel Director of Public Works Town ol Vail 75 S. Frontaoe Boad Vail, Colorado 81657 Department of Community Development HE: Conditional Use Approval for Phases I and 1l ot ths Public Works site. Dear Larry: On Auoust 14. 1995. the Plannino and Environmental Commission aDDrovect lhe reouestecl Conditional Use with the conditions listed below. Thellems shown in italics are the conditions that were added at the PEC hearing. 1. Prior to review by the Design Review Board, the applicant shall: A. Amend the landscaoe olan addino suflicient sDruc€ and asDen to the snow durno section of the berm to creale a oradual thnsition trom the older sebtion of the berm to the newer section. DRB shall detErmine it the landscape plan ls sutficient to create a successlul transition; B. Provide a map of the proposed debris flow grading at 1:50 scale; C. Provide details ol all proposed lighting fixtur€s; D. Provide a design of a sign to be installed as pad of Phase l. 2. Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall: Provide an uodated analvsis ofproplsad plahs crylu-r/iilh tbr Attached to thFEl6r i$FGhc it in detail, as there are descrit lighting, parking, luel tanks, etc. ions regarding irements such as the Itothat Thank rcu lor tour cooperation in the review of this D Public Wofts Slatf on tne implementation of Phasesl As the PEC mentioned, this site provides an excelk to working with you in providing a soution to this pr Sincerely, /.*l-rb'l F^*'/ C . C, #t susan connettv Bob McLaurin ' Prior to reou estino a T,emeac*€*i a.building pernit tdr a miniinum (sf three srle. of Occupancy tor Phase il, the applicant shail secure ryee housind unils to be located on the Public Woks osal. I look forward lo workino with vou and the rest of the d ll. as \ €ll as the develoDmen"t of thb housino comDonent. loc'ation lor seasonal woiker housing, and wdlook lonvard {p r**uo oa C*/ ,fr,* /k rtn 0,11/,/ 7uo F,1'4' a 0 fu'" 4t fr".*'' lf ; I ;.(( <</n<,-*,. I ( 4rtL-z< alt z.<(t 4.--,4 er'{C x4ouil e'y' -,.-^-- /x^- rf't( ./ rz-z /a' ,/rd ,ft ,tdrr (u;n; 6 r-6-"0-A"h / nt- U e+rr-{ ."o..-ft .. 1F ". r.6". ..oAa.A.r".rza... ..rJ, ') FtL t c$i : MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and EnvironmentalCommission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: August 14,1995 SUBJECT: A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an addition and remodel to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a remodel to the Transporlation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted tract, located north ol Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen t.BACKGROUND: The public works site is located in the General Use zone district. In this zone district, there are no allowed uses and all structures and uses require conditional use approval. In 1993, the Town hired RNL Architects and Morter fuchitects to design a master ptan for the public works site. The master plan was reviewed by the PEC and ultimately approved by the Town Council in 1994. lt was determined at that time that as each phase was being prepared for implementation, the Public Works Deparfnent would present lt to the PEC for conditional use approval. At this time, the Public Works Department is requesting Conditional Use approval of Phases I and ll to be constructed in 1995 and 1996. PBOJECT DESCRIPTION The Town of Vail Public Works Department is proposing two expansions to existing buildings located in the Public works complex. The expansion of the Administration Building is required to consolidate the Engineering Division and improve efficiency and service to the Town staff and the public. Expansion of the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings is required to accommodate the new 40-foot long buses being purchased for use during the 95-96 ski season. This work will be broken into two phases. The first phase will be completed in tre late summer and fall of 1995. The second phase will be completed in 1996. Phase one includes an addition and remodel of the Administration offices. The addition is approximately 2,000 square feet. Phase I also includes new electrical seMce to t|e Fleet Maintenance Building and the upgrade of one vehicle maintenance bay to accommodate repair of the new, longer buses. Phase two includes additions to the Fleet Maintenance and Bus Barn vehicle parking area, vehicle wash and fueling facilities, driver's lounge and lockers, vehicle body shop and chassis wash bays, the welding shop, and the vehicle repair bay. The additionaltloor area is approximately 13,700 square feet. The existing lueling station and the existing bus wash willbe removed. il. o since the pEC worksession on Juty 10, 1 gg5, staff has reviewed the items that wereraised by the PEc. of all of the issues which were ldentified, staft believes that there aretwo significant issues. These incrude qrproyee housing and aoequaie i.'no.."ping.Staff's analysis of ail the issues is proviOdO 6Jfow. REVIEW CRITERIA: Consideration of Factors: 1. Town. The purpose section of the conditionar Use section ot the zoning code, section 1 8.60.010, states that: 'Because of their unusuar or speciar characteristics, conditionar usesrequire review and evaruation so rhat thev may ueiicireo pidp"irv *,nrespect ro the purposes of rhis riile and rritn rdspea ne GSrr-Jnids or,surrounding properties." Tlle gurpose section of the General use District of the zoning code, section1 8.36.010, states that: "The Generar Use.District is intended to provrde sftes for pubric anct quasi- . pubric uses... and is intended to ensure dnat puutc uurrornbs anoJiounosand certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the oiitrict arEappropriatery rocared and.designed to meet the needs ot iJsiJJni, anovisirors to vair, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, inln" "lr" otbuirdings and orher srrucrures, to ensure "o.iruii"-iigit, "ii Jp"nl'p""",and other amenities appropriate wirh rhe p"^in"J bffi;;5;;.; s.taff believes that the expansions to the Public works tacilities are consistent witrtne oo3l9 of th_ese purpose_seoions 9l rh! zoninjcooe. ih; b-"ifi-G J,iir,e ,it"are pubric facirities and contribute to the Town,s 6ron rc meet the n"10. oiresidents and visitors to Vail. !""iliti".. utiliti".. ."hoo,*. orr*r "nOfacilities. sllttlglieveg that the proposed improvements wil hbve posirive effects on the :c_rllela risrgd apoy.g, In parricurar, dne proposir wirr nave'a poiNve a'ri'ectln ilretransportation facilities of the community. ilt. A. 2. 3. o"O".Ut"n l?f"tt "nO "onu"rl,"l" 4. Guest parking staff believes that the aspects of the proposed expansion that relate most closely to the criteria above involve tratfic flow and parking supply on this property. The consultants for the Town of vail provided an analysis of the demand for visitor parking spaces (see Exhibit A, memo from Chris Hedberg, dated August 1, 1995). staff believes that the five new visitor parking spaces are appropriately tocated and will adequately provide for the demands of the Administation Building .one detail that has been successfully addressed is the configuration of the entrance to the handicapped parking space. The plan shows that there will be greater definition to this access way than the current situation. The plan calls for landscape areas on either side of the access way which will delineatb ft from the resl ol the parking area. staff believes the improvemenls to detalls such as these will increase the aesthetic quality of the site. Fffgclupon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located. including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in reiation to surrounding uses. Landscaping statf believes that one of the most significant issues regarding this proposal is screening the site from surrounding uses. specificalf,ltatf b;tievds that the berm between the Interstate and the public works siti should be heavily planted. This berm has been ptanted with spruce in the past and at this time pubid works will be augmenting the existing landscaping with the following: '29 - 6'tall Spruce; '82-TgallonAspen; '82 -10 galton Aspen; '48 - 5 gallon Serviceberry; and '23-5galtonSage; staff believes that the additional spruce, aspen and shrubs will add variety and result in a high quality appearance. In staff's opinion, the landscaping on the berm adjacent to the snow dump needs to be increased. Statf understands that there is no need to screen buildings or equipment, as there is in the other portions of the site; however, the lands6ape transition lrom the existing berm to the snow dump portion does not work well. staff believes that the 29 additionat spruce shouE 6e added to the snow dump portion of the berm to create a smooth transition. Thg..amoylt ol landscaping around the Administration Building is exceltent, in staff's opinion. The planter box areas wiil increase by 260 sq.ft. once the proposed plan is implemented, staff believes that the site will be suflicientlyplanted. other conditional use requests in the future should not be requirid to add landscaping, as the amount reflected in these drawings is adequat6 (assuming the transition along the snow dump can be improved). A Lighting staff worked with Jennifer Decker, an architect with Morter Architects, and ctrovethe neighborhoods around the pubtic works site in rhe eveninf ii-lori,ily rt.lightsthat create grare from the pubric works sire. A tighting pi"n nii #"nprovided which addresses all of the fixtures that genertte glaie. some of theproposed sotutions ro rhe gtare probtem inctude dtiminatinf tnree iow" aioco.unry. tighrs and repracing rhem with.ruily cut-on rixturesl repialNl iiJexistingsoffit lig.hts wirh can rights and eriminaring ihe wattpacx rixiurdi on iie oul *asn(when rhe bus wash faciriry. is removed).-srar Gri!"eJirraiin" ii,ghfi;pr.n n".been thoroughry addressed and wirt sighiticanuyimprove the appearance o, thesite trom adjacent properties. Details some of the specific detairs that have been mentioned by the pranning andEnvironmenrar commission in the past inctuoJsignage on tre rroniig"e Abac anogifvino the roof trearments._The ippticant is piohsins a sign as p"i oiin""" rr.T-his wi' be reviewed o,{ !:.oT.g, bbn_ceminfni roori, tre-appii"niri"s ,at.othat att additions ro the freet buirding wir be de'signed to ,atcfif,J eiiiiinf orrrr-rproof lorm. The materiat of the roof wil not be chingeo at this time. tn itrJtuure,Pubric works wir be making rhe roor rateriars-cJniiueni, iimiinieili,i,e isneeded. The roof over the Administration Building is proioieo to u" a.t"noingseam, green metat roof, -This is significantty diffeient tnah me otheiroof material;however, staff believes that ditferentiaung tne Roministrition-ariioing ,r;'tn"shops building is appropriate. At the PEC worksession, there was extensive discussion about safety issues andemproyee housing issues. staff berieves r|at they mo$ appropriatery falr underthis criteria. Houslng concerning housing, pubric works is notproposing to add any additionalemproyees as a resi.rrt or the proposeo aocitbn and remooer, ino r,"ilror",g3nngt be.required to provide employee housing as a condition of the conditionalUse Permit approval. JhP.g qrplg}lee-housing unirs were specified in the originar phasing pran, asdetaired in the 1993 Masre.r eran apprbveo oy tne pecind iornciii,i isga.These rhree unirs were ro be comdr;teo as rhriot pnase foiFrrl..'rr.'nt nistime' Pubric works has designated an area on hL eastern portion o, the site thatcoutd accommodate up to twerve emproyee housing ".itc tboo Jq. n-. "J"'nl or rpto i0'800 sq. ft. or emprovee housinj. Fuoric worrci i, ;il;ifii tiiJile or tneland and will rely on others to create-the proO*t. staff believes that it is important to. keep both the expansions to the pubtic worksfaciliries and the proposai for housing moving. siatf 'berieveJ ih-at ln. Fubi"works site is an exceilent,rocation toi nousirig tJiseasonat workers and hasdjscussed this concepr with the Dire*or ot piutic works. H;H;;;itr"o tt "resources of the rand to this effort. staff is contident that a suc"essiui t ou.ingdevetopment can be created here. However, thttme ,iqriieo io aniiv"r rn, B. oplions and determine the best solution is significant. ln order to keep the public works projects on schedule, statf believes it would be most appropriate to approve the requesled Conditional Use with the understanding that the Town ofVail statf will work, in conjunction with consultants as neededio create housing atthis location or an equivalent elsewhere. Hazards The flrst safety issue deals with thb rockfall and debris llow hazard. The architect and the consulting engineer have redesigned the proposed debris flow channels in,.such a way as to reduce the amount ol nitlsiae bisiurbance. No existing t/eeJwill be affected. All regrading will occur on the Public Works site. Art M6ars, theTown's hazard analyst, is presently out of the country and was unable to review lhe drawings. statf would recommend that prior to iisuance of any buildingpermits for the proposed improvements, that an updated analysis 6y Art M6ars becompleted verifying that the proposed design is suflicient. lf iny siinificant changes are required, a return to the PEC witl be required. Staff believes that in addition to looking at the amount of disturbance to the hiltside, other issues for |4r. Mea19l analysis include identifying the location where the debris flow will stop,how it will be contained, and how much of the Public Works site may be couered.' A debris flow map at a scale of 1" - 50" must be submitted prior to final DRB review to fully to understand the irnpacts. Underground fuEl tanks Another safety issue involves the new location lor the underground gas and dieselfuel tanks. There was some debate as to whether these sho.-uld be located aboveor below ground. The applicant has researched the codes and provided ananalysis in the memo attached as Exhibit A. In brief, underground tanks will meetall standards and will actually be safer it located below grouid. Because thedebris flow channels are in lhe vicinity and because theie is significant truck trafficaround the tanks, public works believes that locating them unierground willreduce the risk to the tanks. Findings 1.That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of theconditional use permit section of the zoning code and thi purposes of the districtin which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the condilions under which it would beoperated or maintained would not be detrimentalto the public healttr, safety, orwelfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use woutd comply with each of the applicable provisions of theconditional use permit section of thezoning code. 3, 5 IV. GONCLUSION: In conclusion, statf recommends approval of the Conditional Use request we believe that theproposal meets the criteria, as addressed above, as wetlas the findirigs- speciricilrv, riroirigfuis met, in slaft's opinion, as_the ryoposed use is in_accoroance with thE fuposes ol the zoningcode and the General Use ZoneDistrict. Finding 82 is met as tne piodsed tocation of the usewill not be derrimenrat rolhe pubic heatrh, saletyl or welfare. finafin FinOing m iJmet; rhe-use will comply with ail of the appricable provisi6ns ot tre zoning cdde. Therefore, siaft recommends approvar wrth the foilowrng condrtrons: 1' Prior to review by the Design Review Board, the 4ppricant sha[: a) Arnend the randscape pran, adding sufficient spruce and aspen to thesnow dump section of the berm to create a griOuat transitioh from theolder section of the berm to the newer sect6n. DRB shall AeterminJf tnerandscape plan rs sufficient to create a sucuessfur transrtion; b) provide a map of the proposed debris flow graqing at a 1:50 scare; c) provtde detaits of ail proposed ilghting ftritures.. 2. prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall: a) provi.de an updated anarysrs ot the hazard mrdgation by Art Mears,specifying thanhe proposed prans compty wrth-trETov shndlid-Jandspecifying greater detailto cover the qu'eitions llsted In ne memo auove. f :bvcryooc\Fh@tsDlic{tr. tt4 ErtDit , n€[|o ftcr Ctra Hc&!B ddld gll95 Proiect Orientation / CHFrSnttlS IUwCH o Agenda lasl r€vised 12/12196 4Pm PLANNING AND ENVIRONME],ITAL COMMISSION Monday, December 16, 1996 11:30 am MEMBERS PRESENT Site Visits :12:30 pm 1 George 2:00 p.m. 1.A reguest for a minor subdivision to relocate the common property line between Lots 7 and 8, requirement, located at 2339 Ghamon ix Applicant: Planner: 2. 4. o Agenda last revised 12t12196 4Pm l S. A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a Special Development District overlay to the Austria Haus, located at 242 East Meadow Drive/on part ol Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc', represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther 6. A request for an amendment to a condition of approval for the Town of Vail Public Works shops expansion, pertaining to employee housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted parcel, north of Vail Village, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: AndY Knudtsen 7 . A request to amend Sections 1 8.27.030, 18,29.030, and 18.30.030 of the Zoning Code to allow van storage/transportation-related businesses in the Gommercial Core 3, Arterial Business, and Heavy Service Zone Districts as a conditional use and add Sections 18.04.415 and 18.M.385 providing definitions for vehicle storage yard and transportation business. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello 8. A request for a variance from Section 18.58.320, Satellite Dish Antennas, D1, 3, 4, 6, to allow two satellite dishes to be installed at the northwest corner of the Vail Commons property, located at 2099 N. Frontage Road wesU Vail commons. Applicant: KTUN Radio Planner: Tammie Williamson TABLED UNNL JANUARY 13, 1997 9. A request to amend he Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan and adopt the Gerald R. Ford Park Management Plan. .Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Larry Grafel, Pam Brandmeyer, Todd OppenheimerPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 13, 1997 1 0. A request to amend section 1 6.20.020 and to add section 16.04.065 of the Sign Code to allow for electronic signs as Public Information Signs. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe MacyPlanner: Dirk Mason TABLED UNNL JANUARY 13, 1997 ililililil1 Agenda last revised 12/12/96 4Pm 11. InlormationUpdate: .Appointment of one PEC representative to the Art in Public Places Board (AIPP). This Board meets twice a month (2nd & 4th Thursdays) from 8:30am to approximately 10:30am. The duration of the term would be consistent with the member's PEC term duration. 12. Approval of November 11, 1996, November 25, 1996 and December 9, 1996 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available tor public inspection during regular'otfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour nolificat'on. Plsase call 479-2114 voics or 479-2356 TDD for intormalion. Community Developmenl Department Published December 13. 1996 in lhe Vail Trail. T?r{l,l0F 1309 Vail Valley Driae Vail, Colorado E16J7 ) 0t -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX 3 0 1 -47 9 -21 6 6 November 13,1996 Deptrtm ent of Public WorkslTransport4tion Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission RE: Extension of requirement to construct employee housing units at Public Works Dear Members, On August 14, lgg5,the Public Works Departrnent received Conditional Use approval for Phase I and Iiof the Shop Master Plan. All condidons of approval have been met with the following exception - "Friorio requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Phase II, the applicant shalf secure a building pi.rnit fot a minimrun of three employee housing units to be located on the Public Works site ". The Public Works Departrnent would like to request an extension of the requirement to build seasonal employee housing units at the shop site. We have been working together with Andy Knudtsen and Susan Conneity to develop an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) to solicit a design/build team to begin work immediately upon selection. This RFQ is scheduled to go out within the next two weeks. We firlly anticipate to begin design work sometime in December with consffuction to begin in early summer 1997. The focus to date has been visiting other mountain communities where seasonal employee housing units have been built and researching the possibiiity of using pre-manufactured housing units at the site. Both efforts have yielded positive feedback which will be considered during the design phase. Also, a preliminary geotechnical study has been completed for the proposed site just east of tn. puUti. Work's Administration Office. We anticipate building more than three units at the site, but a specific number will not be determined until site, access and security constraints have been fullv analvzed. I hope you will consider our request for an extension and I look fonvard to discussing tlis with you at yoru next available meefing. Sincerely, Or-* +k^^,{^f Susie Hervert General Services Administrator Project Manager - Phase I and tr cc: Larry Grafel, Drector, Depafinent of Public Worksffransportation Bob Mclaurin, Town Manago Andy Knudtsen, Housing Coordinator Susan Connelly, Director, Commr.rnity Development Depatuent o S ITEM o TYTHIMAY AFFECT YOUR PROPEB PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmenlalCommission ot the Town of V"if *irf norO a pubtic trearing in iccordanceliith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the fown of Vait on December i6, iggO, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of : A reouest for a side setback variance in order to construct a two car garage, located at 4532'Streamside Circle EasVLot 15, Bighorn 4th Addition. Applicant: Lillian and william Bresnahan, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Walerton A reouest for a minor subdivision to create two primary/secondary lots and a variance trom the 30' l"itiiilrr'f..tagJ requiiement, tocateO at 2339 Chanionix Lane/Tract A, Vail Heights, Filing 1. Applicant: Robert Hunter (AKA Schmetzko)' represented by Rick Rosen Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance to allow for two satellite dishes, located at 2099 N. Frontage Road WesU Vail Gommons. Applicant: KTUNPlanner: Tammie Williamson A request for a review of a new water storage tank, located on an unplatted parcel of land in East Vail. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Russell Forrest A request for a minor subdivision to relocate lhe cornmon property. line between Lots 7 and I' locatbd at 666 and 696 Forest Road/Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Neil and Nancy AustrianPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for an amendment to the condition of approval for lhe Town of Vail Public Works expahsion pertaining to employee housing at the site. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request to amend Sections 18.27.030, 18.29.030, and 18.30.030 of the Zoning.Code to allow-v.an storage/transportation related businesses in the Commercial Core 3, Arterial Business, and Heavy Serviie Zone Districts as a conditional use and add Sections 18.04.415 and 18.04.385 providing definitions for vehicle storage yard and transportation business. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello ililililil The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during reguldroffice hours in the project plannels'office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language intsrpretation available upon requestwRh 24 hour notification. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479'2356 TDD for informalion. Community Developmenl Department Published November 29, 1996 in the Vail Trail. TOW OF VAIL 1109 Vail Valley Driae Vtil, Colorado 81657 t 0t -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX t 0 3 -47 9 -2 1 6 6 Departm ent of Puhlic WorkslTrmrportttion November 13,1996 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission RE:Extension of requirement to consffuct employee housing units at Public Works Dear Members, On August 14, lggs,the Public Works Department received Conditional Use approval for Phase I and Iiof the Shop Master Plan. All conditions of approval have been met with the following exception - "Prior to requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Phase tr, the applicant shalisecure a building permit for a minimum of three employee housing units to be located on the Public Works site ". The Public Works Department would like to request an extension of the requirement to build seasonal employee housing units at the shop site. We have been working together with Andy Knudtsen and Susan Connelly to develop an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) to solicit a design/build team to begin work immediately upon selection. This RIQ is scheduled to go out within the next two weeks. We fully anticipate to begin design work sometime in Decemberwith construction to begin in early summer 1997. The focus to date has been visiting other mountain communities where seasonal employee housing units have been built and researching the possibility of using pre-manufactured housing units at the site. Both efforts have yielded positive feedback which will be considered during the design phase. Also, a preliminary geotechnical study has been complcted for the proposed site just east of the pubtic Work's Administration Office. We anticipate building more than three units at the site, but a specific number will not be determined until site, access and security consffaints have been fully analyzed. I hope you will consider our request for an extension and I look forward to discussing this with you at yow nerd available meeting. Sincerely, Or-,, +l'''""4^f Susie Hervert General Services Adminisfr ator Project Manager - Phase I and tr cc: Larry Grafel, Direstot Departrrent of Pubtic WorkVTransportation Bob Mclaurin, Town Manager Andy Knudtsen, Housing Coordinator Susan Connelly, Director, Community Development Deparhent Lt"t.o{ ptop"qtv o* a"", li'qiiti{i-ii{gfi{jil_-;ffi siis#;.,/ E f I o S ITEMTHI NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of V"if *if lnofO a public nearing in i"lorO"nce vijth Section 18.66.060 of lhe MuniciPal. Code of the Town of Vail on OecemUer iO, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A reouest for a side setback variance in order to construct a two car garage, located at a532'Streamside Circle EasVLot 15, Bighorn 4th Addition' Applicant: Lillian and william Bresnahan, represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a minor subdivision to create-tw-o primary/secondary lols and,a variance from the 30' rinifrrr frontage requirement, tocateC at 2339 Chanionix Lane/Tract A, Vail Heights, Filing 1' Applicant: Planner: A request for a variance to allow for lwo satellite dishes, located at 2099 N. Frontage Road WesU Vail Commons. Applicant: KTUNPlanner: Tammie Williamson A request for a review ol a new water storage tank, located on an unplatted parcel of land in East Vail. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Russell Forrest A request for a minor subdivision to relocate the cofimon. plgq9lly. line between Lots 7 and 8' locatbd at 666 and 696 Forest Road/Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing' Applicant: Neil and NancY AuslrianPlanner: Lauren Waterlon r -.A reouest for an amendment to the condition ol approval for the Town of Vail Public Works -Iexpahsion pertaining to employee housing at lhe site' rr- --V Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: AndY Knudtsen A request to amend Sections 18.27.030, 18.29.030, and 18.30.030_of the Zoning.C_ode to_allow van sioiage/transportalion related businessds in the Commercial Core 3,.Arteria.lFl:iln: 3l-d.!-lgauy Servi6e Zona Districts as a conditional use and add Sections 18.04.415 and 18.04.385 providing definitions for vehicle storage yard and transportation business. Applicant: Town of VailPianner: Dominic Mauriello illll,lll The applications and information about the proposals are available for public.inspection during reguldrofiice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE Robert Hunter (AKA Schmetzko), represented by Rick Rosen George Ruther Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. lor informalion. Community Development DePadment Published Novemb€r 29, 1996 in the Vail Trail. Pleasecall 479'21 l4voiceor479-2356T0D \ f r *,'ANY*r c\ I THIS ITE IwM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPER PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental-Commission of the Town of Vail wilt hold a public hearing in accordance-uiitn S"ition 18.66'060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on oec-em5er ig, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: A reouest for a side setback variance in order to construct a two car garage, located at asCe'streamside Circle EasVLot 15, Bighorn 4th Addition' Applicant: Lillian and william Bresnahan, represented by Kathy Langenwaller Pianner: Tammie Williamson A request for a minor subdivision to create two primary/secondary lots and a variance lrom the 30' minimum frontage tliquir"rent, lotlieo at zgCa Chamonix Laneffract A, Vail Heights, Filing 1' Applicant: Robert Hunter (AKA schmet4ko), represented by Rick Rosen Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance to allow for two satellite dishes, located at 2099 N. Frontage Road WesV Vail Commons. Applicant: City MarketPianner: Tammie Williamson A request for a review of a new water storage tank, located on an unplatted parcel of land in East Vail. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Russell Forrest A request for a minor subdivision to relocate the common prop.erty- line belween Lots 7 and 8, locatbd at 666 and 696 Forest Road/Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing' Applicant: Neil and NancY AustrianPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for an amendment to the condition of approval for the Town ol Vail Public Works \rypahsion pertaining to employee housing at the site. -. fipplicant: Town of Vail ' Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request to amend Sections 18'27.030, 18.29.030, and 18.30.030-ofjl? 7-9{Lq,9^o^d^t to allow van storage/transportalion related businesses in the Commercial Core 3, Arterial Business' ano Heavy ServiEe Zone' Districts as a conditional use and add Sections 18.04.41 5 and 18-04.385 providing definitions for vehicle storage yard and transportation business. Applicant: Town of VailPianner: Dominic Mauriello lil,lllll The applica1ons and inf ormation about the proposals are, available f or Public, insPection during reOuldroffice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town ol Vail Communrty Ddvelopment Department, T5Sotith Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request whh 24 hotrr notification. Please call 479-2114 voico or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published November 29, 1996 in the Vail Trail. Category Number ilbign Review Action Ftm TOWN OF VAIL Date Project Name: Building Name: Projec{ Description: tl1 Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Bloc,k- SuMivision zone Distrist Gu ' Project Street Address: Commenis: Motion Uy: Seconded ov: Uell-..' Innnrovat n Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner ,\^r^. A lp la TDatet Q J l\ {"1 1 DRB Fee Pre-paid Agcnda last rcviscd 6l16191 4 9m DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA WednesdaY,.lune 18, 1997 3:00 P.M. PROJECT oRIENTATION / LUNCH - community Development Department SITE VISITS 12:00 1:15 t. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 1 Driver: Lindshom-Forkcn - l52l Buffchr Crcek Road Kyle - 1479 Aspcn Crovc Lohre - 1895 West Gore Crcek Drivc Mills - l6l2 Mattcrhom Circlc Heard - 45 Forest Road Flanncry - 186 Forcst Road Kjcsbo - 5l I I Black Bcar Lanc Laurcn t. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 2. Logan - A final rcvicw of a ncw singlc farnily with a caretakcr unit. Tammic 815 Potato Patch Drivc/Lot l, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch' ApplicanlKentandVickiLogan,reprcscntcdbyPicrcc,scgcrbcrgandAssoc' MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Curtin-Hill Sports - A rcqucst for a changc in awning colors and lcttcring' 254 Bridgc StrccUlot L, Block 5C. Vail Villagc I st Filing' Applicant: Tcak Simonton, rcprcscntcd by Annic Egan 3:00 Dirk Tammie 4. 3. Zncimer - A final review of a ncw single family residencc' l ? l 8 Buffehr Creck Road/Lot 4, Tract B. Lia Zneimer Subdivision. Applicant Ed Zneimer, represcntcd by Brent Alm MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Zcltman - Final revicw of a new singlc family. 1779 Sicna Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village Wcst Filing I ' Applicant Bob Zeltman VOTE: , L MOTION:SECOND: Lauren 5.Wicst - Final rcvicw of an addition of parking arca 220 Wcst Mcadow Drivc/Lot 2. Vail Villagc 2nd Filing' Laurcn Dominic Dominic Laurcn Dominic Lauren Applicant: MOTION: Otto Wicst, rcprcsentcd by Saundra Spach SECOND:VOTE: 6.First Bank of Vail - A final rcvicw of an addition to thc First Bank Building in Wcst Yail. 227 | N. Frontagc Road/Tract C' Vail Das Schonc Filing # l ' Applicant: First Bank of Vail, rcprcsentcd by Joscph Miller MonoN, SECoND: vorE: Town of Vail - Ncw cntry addition for thc Administration and Policc building'1 8. 9. 75 South Frontagc Road Wcst/Unplattcd' Applicant: Town of Vail, rcprcscnted by John Gallcgos and Kirk Akcr VOTE:MOTION:SECOND: Mills - Rcsidcntial rcmodcl and facadc improvcmcnts' l6l2 Mattcrhorn Circlc/Lot 27A' Mattcrhorn Villagc' Applicant: Paul ancl Julia Mills, rcprcscntcd by Alicc Parsons Morton' SECoND: vorE: Lindstrom-Forkcn rcsidcncc - Conccptual rcvicw' l52l Buffchr Crcck Rd./Lots 3&4, Thc Vallcy Phasc V' SDD #34' Applicant: Mr. Lindstrom' rcprcscntcd by Jack Snow MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: I |. Bomc - New single-family rcsidcnce. 3846 Lupinc Drivc/Lot 13, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Addition' | 0. Austria Haus - Conccptual rcvicw. Gcorgc 242 EastMcadow Drivc/on a part of Tract c, Block 58, vail Villagc lst Filing. Applicant: Sonncnalp Propcrtics, Inc.' rcprcscntcd by Cordon Pierce MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Applicant: Bob Bomc MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 12. Heard - Residcntial rcmodel' 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block ?, Vail Village I st Filing' Applicant: Mikc Hcard, representcd by Stcvc Riden MOTION: SECOND: VOTE:'/ Lauren t3'Lohrc-Aconccptua|rcvicwofancwprimary/sccondaryrcsidcncc'Tammic 1895 West Gorc Crcek Drivc/Lot 26,Yail Villagc Wcst Filing No' 2' Applicanl John lnhrc, rcprcscntcd by Erich Hill MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 14. Flanncry - Conccptual revicw of a ncw primary/sccondary' Tammie 186 Forcst Road/Lot 9. Block 7, Vail Villagc I st' Applicant: Mikc Flannery MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 15. Kyle - Conccptual rcvicw of a ncw singlc family' tiZg e,spcn Grove/Lot 2, Block 2, Lionsridgc Filing 2' Applicant: Pctcr KYlc MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Lauren | 6. Kjcsbo - Ncw singlc-family with a Typc I cmploycc housing.unit' Tammie 5l l l Black Bcar Lanc/t,ot l, Block 2. Corc Creck Subdivision' Applicant Rollic Kjcsbo, rcprcscntcd by Jim Bryan MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Staff Approvals Pazzo's- Ncw awning and sign' Dirk 122 E. Mcadow Drivc/Block 5E' Vail Villagc lst Applicant: Tom Clinton and Mike O'Mcara Lionshcarl Gondola Building -Changc in landscapc plan' GR/Dirk Tract B/Vait Lionshcad I st Filing' Applicanl Vail Associatcs, Inc., represented by Brian McCartncy Vail das Schonc Shopping Center - Addition of parking spaces' Dominic 2l I I N. Frontagc Rd./Vail das Schonc. Applicant: Dennis WYatt Safeway - Revised landscapc plan. Dominic 2l3l N. Frontagc Rd.iVail das Schons. Applicanl Dcnnis WYatt 3/ Bridgcs - Entry addition. Dirk z+eoeataMountainRoad/Lot20.B|ock2,VailVil|agc|3thFi|ing. Applicant: C. Plowdcn Bridgcs Borgcn - Rcroof, Laurcn 1280 Spraddlc Crcck Road/Lot 10' Spraddle Crcck' Applicant: Erik Borgcn DcBooy/Howard - Rcroof. Laurcn 4022 Willow Way/Lot I l, Bighorn Subdivision' Applicant: Hcnri DcBooY Bannistcr - Dormcr addition. Tammic 2943 Bcllflowcr Drivdlot 4, Block 6, Vail Intcrmountain' Applicant: Frank Bannistcr, reprcsentcd by RKD Aldrctc - Changc to approvcd plan. George I-ot 3. Vail Villagc Wcst No. 2. Applicanl Antonio & Val Aldrcte Davis - Dcck addition' Dirk l4S0BuffchrCrcck#lB(GrouscC|cn)/TractB,PhascII,ThcVa|lcy. Applicant: Carol Davis l,achcr - Window modifications. Dirk 400 E. Mcadow Drivc (Thc Tyrolcan)A/ail Villagc lst Filing' Applicant: Michacl & JudY Lachcr Rondcau - Window additions. Dirk 930 Fairway Drive/Lot 7, VailVallcy lOth Filing' Applicanl Paul & NancY Rondcau Pomboy rcsidcncc - Additon of 4 cntry pillars' Dominic 78 | Potato PatcVlot 21, Block l, Vail Potato Patch' Applicant: S. PomboY .lost - Boilcr room addition. Dirk 50 I 3 Snowshoc Lane/Lot 24,Yail Meadows # I ' Applicant: Tom Jost Vail Athlctic Club - Phase I landscaping. Mike 352 E, Mcadow Drive/Lots A&8, Vail Village lst Filing' Applicanl JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership Mill Crcck Building - Plantcrboxes. Dirk 302 Gore Creck Drive/Lot l, Block 5A, Vail Villagc 5th Filing' Applicant: Mill Creck Court Condominium Association ,' Exprcss-oandLaCantina-Newsigns' - . \,hr--i-!h rr-:r1r:r Dirk 24l Sourh Frontage Rd. ;. 1yji irinsportation Ccnter/Block 5D, Vail Villagc I st Filing' Applicant LucindaNussbaum Brookhce Townhomes - Stair and wall rcplacement' Dirk 980 Vail Vicw Drivc/Block B, Lions Ridge #l ' Applicant: Brooktrcc Townhomcs Pepi's Ga.bthof Gramshammer - Extcrior stairway' - - r -^ r::r:-- Gcorgc 23 I Gore Crcck Drive/a part of Lot A, Blook 5-B' Vail Village I st Filing' Applicanf PePi Gramshammcr Thc apptications and informarion about the propoeals ato available for pubtic insPection during regutar ollica hours in fhc project planncr,s office, tocatotl at thc Town of Vaii Comnunity Dovolopmcni Dspartment' ?5 South Frontage Road' sign languagc intcrprctration svailable upon rcqucst with 24 hour ndtification. Please call4?9-2114 voice or 479'2355 TDD for information. 6Et ' 4E TOWNOFVAII, 7 ''{AY-2?-9" E. .F. FROM . TOV- OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: COM-DEV-DEPT, o lD ' 9?@4?92482 PAGE I/E APPLICATION FOR DESTCN REVIEW APPROVAL. GENERAT TNFORMATTON This applicarion is for any projcct requiring Dosigr Revicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must reccivc Design Rwicw approval pdor to stbmining for a building pcmit. foisp.ccifib infonnation. sec the subnritbl requircmcnts for thc pafiiculu approval that is rquested. The application carrnot be acccprcd until all the rcquired infomution is strbruiited. The projecr may also need to bc reviewtd by thc Town Council and/or rhc plarurinj and Environmcntal Commission. Design Rcview Board approval expires onc year after final approval unleis a building pormit is issued and conskuction is started. RIPTI qqTHE REQUEST: PI{YSICAL ADDRESS; -f< g, pARcEL#. ZlDl 06{ O0ao Contact Eaglc Co. Asssssors Office at 970-328.8640 for parcel #) NAME OFOWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: Questions? Qr. Phnning Stalf a t 479-Zt2B a Bl6sA C-l^, B. c. D. D. PHONE: 1T* SZ,J,AG. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: tr-Ne* Construction - 3200p$ddition- $50 Construction of a ncw building. Includes any addition whcre square foohge is addod to any residential or cornrncrcial buit ding. krcludcs minor changes io buildings and sitc improvonc t$, s\rch as. ieici''ofing, paintin& window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallsl ctc, For any application whcrc ttre applicant wishcs to meet with Design Rcview Board to tlctermina whether or not the projcct g$craily complics with the dceign guidelincs. The DRB docs not vote on conccptu,al reviewS. DRB fccs are to be paid at thc tirne of submitial. Latct-, whan apptying for a building pcmit please idcntif,the accuratc valuation of the pmject Thc Town olvat witt "ajus tuJ*c accoraing to thc pro;cct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBII{ITT.{L REQUINEMENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIEDEPA,RTIIiEM OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7i SOtrig-iNOXUCE ROAD. VA,IL,COLORADO gl5s7. tr Minor Altererion, $20 D Conccptual Reyicyy - $0 7S? o BUILDINC-I4ATERIALS: ffi-sLer""',"- ffine+".- 1i\o.t','lUJ"!-DIrg+ r"I o l.L*o II€tera \Llancp4. ( Ulood-r^*] / rrt rt- lo"L*4 d T"t+|"(qn r t/lt t{+ COM-DEV-DEPT. I D,9784 o LIST O[' PROPOSED MATFRIALS 452 PAGE 2/EMAY-e7-97 @4,4E FROM, TOV- OthcrWaIl Mefffials Fascia Soffits Windows WlndowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dack Rails Flucs Fla.things Chimncys Trash Enclosues Greenhouses ReiainingWalls Extcrior Ughting" Othq TYPEOE \4ATEELAL:CQLQB:r Roof I rri lJr,- rr II tJl' lr AtlA- - l/1 Ir& I {a',a<l:P(\aA * Plcasc spocifi thc manufacfurer's color, numberand afiaeh a sniall color chip +r AII exrerior lighti4 musf mc€t thc Tovrn's Uthtir\g &dio-"o 18.54.050(J)' If exterior tighting is propmcd plca* indicate *c nu.Ua of nxhrres and locdions oD a ss?rete ligbting plan' Identi8 cach fixore 6Ac and provide ihe bcigbt above grade, Iumens outruq lunrrnous arc4 and attach a cut shcct of the lightiug fixtucs. nAY-??-9? 89,4? FROM. TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT ' - lD..9?64?5J2452 o PAGE 3/B PROPOSSD TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTTNG TREES TO BEREMOVED: OROUNDCOVER soD SF:ED IRRICATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL FRODOSEDI-ANDSCA-ETNG EpfAligLblAUrC Conrnron Namc Ounntity SiZd' t-?l) -"8 s(cLc.si_.,-Q)r- I \qt "Mininrum roquirenrCotS fOr land^scapiug: dccidoous trccs - 2 inch CatiPcr aonifcrous rccli - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Tvnc Squa.c Footaqc OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES lretaining walls, fenccs. swin:ming pools, dc.) Please ryecify. hticatc top and bottom elwations ofrctaining walts. i4a<imutn height of wallswithirr the ftont sctback is 3 fect- Mo<imum height of rvalls elscwherc on thc properfy is 6 feet. ot,nn Review Action F"; TOWN OF VAIL category Number -r' oate /0' 3 o' 7 b Proiea Nama: 7ar*- 6 /? Building Name: r' Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ,rn*cVg@, Address and Phone: 4us; e H.ruro-l x 2144 Legaf Descriprion: Lot - Block- suoaivision NNf lnlfcJ Zanr. I Zone District 4J I Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapprovalw@ Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee ere-caia Hf Aoate: lo ' ao, 7L ,r/l, I V TOII\IOF I'AIL koo il,'!'' I)09 Vail Valley Drive l/ail, Colortdo 816J7 t 0t -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX 1 0i -47 9-2 I 6 6 Depnrtnent of Pnblic lVorks /Trnnspor ta ti on October 28. 1996 Russ Forrcst Senior Environmcntal Planncr Town of Vail 75 S. Frontagc Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dcar Russ, Thc Town of Vail Public Work's Dcpartmcnt wishcs to obtain staff approval on plans to cxcavatc into thc cxisting slopc to providc turning radius clcarancc for bus traffic fiom thc ncw bus wash building. Thc cxcavation will rcmovc a portion of an cxisting dcbris flow ditch. CTL Thompson was askcd to dctcrminc if thc rcrnoval of thc dcbris flow channcl would significantly irnpact thc hazard. You arc in rcccipt of two lcttcrs datcd Octobcr 7 and Octobcr 9 which addrcss this conccrn. It is thc intcntion of thc Public Work's Dcpartrncnt to fully comply rvith thc Hazard Rcgulation. Art Mcars has conccptually approvcd a dcbris flow mitigation plan which rcquircs channeling from thc toc of thc dcbris fan cighty fcct north of thc propcrty linc, Oncc this propcrty is acquired from thc Forcst Servicc, thc Public Work's Dcpartmcnt will finalizc dcsign and procccd with obtaining necessary board approvals and construction within an appropriatc tinrc framc. Sinccrcly, Director, Dcpartmcnt of Public Works/Transportation Bob Mclaurin, Town Manager Susic Hervcrt, Cencral Serviccs Administrator Greg Hall, Town Engincer cc: VRIL. PUBLIC LJORKS OCT 1 IIt37 N0.002 P.02 rE o D$tb Flor llrarrf Cgrrfdott llrlntrnrrroa Frdll$ Vrll, Colondo Job No, OS'1e85 nr ||don or b.rm F qu'ilcd ElfS l:'P#g*:#|l,#l rn.,*olllu#'ffi*f offi lnH["]'?ifitilllifr ffi t-"ifr by ilesrr md oul Hltfo'ti'iiliii'itrwrtlm ildle'i' thrt thr Pdrnllrl rlrbrlr lfow hi'rd lf tow md t" #tJft1;;'pi-"Iiurv-;;i rhnneatt1 To rubrtrnllrte our optntorr rnd betrr luddrhlfi;d ,ii rril jircctrii rrlth potcntlrl tlcbrlr fiow we woutd ncolt to prrrorm ii ""iru-rrii" or rrt. o.iirir-i ruicr rrer lo 'rilmrtr th3 qurnttry ot rvrilrblr o.6lijiil-c*dr1gw 1niffiddiiour tlndlrrcr In Isht ol thr potrnttrt qunnttty t n1ilif, tiiJt-Juiia*riv crrciriarcc ii prn O 1nr hydlolo3v rtudv Ladormcrt to O"".rop r#'rni?iiii"Jt pr.ir. wr-iieto6 lhrt thr hvdrologv rlutlv [. L.rig-p.i"rmod iv otharr d thlr wrltlngl Slnce lhc potsntlrl nagiltu-rlr of O1!f; ilowr lr not lnown' lt tr not Inown now murlr-mtrtgrtlon thr brrri lo br rrmowd prsvldot' Tt1; ||Gon or Errm trr qF ur "'r*fr-frrrrcrtlirrrfonrlnttrn||ilGilmdn-d-otfittlrt rrulr flor rtq r- r .q filfrll of thfi" - bccn eddnrd ir ffi;# ilffi'fi;;J'ild'o oiiit *ornr rr firiou't' |nouoPldon: Al Tmfi3f.. ol fitfronr eo0"dJ d'mffowr ltrhb rn' b hil r|d- [rrry nrhdltcut. crL/THOi'IPSON' l$-9'- - ?oxeuurtne ENo-lN-E-Efi€ :r:r4 crNt€e t)l{rvr r (tl l'Nwo()r) t1p6p1f,f t:crlorllt{l6r'0l I teTo) $'$'48oo rD51547e2166 Oo|obt C' le0C Town ol Vrll It0l Vrll VrllcY DrlYc Vr[, 0f tl88? Attrnllonl ilt. Surh Hcvrn tubfral: Th|||dt.'b|nrrrpcn|.tooul.phonroonv|rt.tlononodebrra,1906. Dudng thc convrrrrrroiiS-diiiuit"o $ir.coitr,i. ot ou,lrilil drtod oclobil 7' te96, undrr rnr rtmc pC;ifi;;,-Gonar'"11e iii ;iud irow hr4rd rt thr rublrsl r[., you tildlsrrcrt niiri"ii"iibr tm upnar'p.i ot tr," u"tt-n (tpprorlmeicly 76 thox f..r) ,.. nr-i,t"-"ifrdi-tu-r'd[rn liliui ioocs roit]rc hdlltv' You r*.d tt nrnwrt o, erfr'Jr'il;iilrt.ito* dfi;;"H rllnlflcrntlv 1tror'rrc thc ilf;r';i ttrk tiom ictrrrttat debrbflowr' VRIL PUELIC IJORKS ID :3034792166 11:38 N0.002 P.03 !rriihd j OCT 1 6'qo Bl ne runowr cf rhf P'nt-{-I'-rTsr['T:illJ.,ttll:ll'H''' ;ifutttclt*tt lncrsmctlto doerrl o Booru$ sa hl9l not dont thr !-otL l?T[rrry to rrlrr|T slto-dil oplnlonr ardtmr.,..drbour, * r]ii'i"r liiii-"iliou rqu-riliionitrrt rmovrt ollhr brrm ;il;"6ru tl*dtilhrillY' Wr rPPtoclrte thl opponudty to wotlt wltir you ofl thlr Prolccl lf you hrYo qul$lonl, glrne orll' Vary trutY Youn, gry1161plQ?1, lllG.-AHlEl Wlron L 'rllrf Eodrn Yon of vlllJolilo.o*ril TOWN OF VAA I1A9 hll Vtllq Drlttc Ytil, Colorilo El6i7 I D :3054792166 FAX PHONE TBANSilITTAL SHEET VRIL PUBL I C IJORKS OcT 1 11 :37 No ,002 P .01 Departm cat of Pfilic Worklltuzrportat'ioa 6',9o TO:fflr Kc ffltzll roa'- COMPANY FAX PHONE NUMBEH: FHOM: TIMF: NO. OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVEFI SHEEQ: FESPONSE REQUIRED?; SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS/TRANSPORTATION'S: Pl{O}lE I{UMBEF: (970) {79-2158 FAX PHOttlE NUilBEH: (970) {79-2166 ffuJ(r- +t^,c .*b +h4- aE ald*r'tL fn-or', CfL. (d-r,rA l+ic r-$o...lt- Dr1, trra, Ct-rr qe+ +4o.66 O.lpto.n0 | -IT.o bfl- ireu"l. pa.Inn* Sttstc- VRIL PUELIC LJt]RKS ID:3054792166o 0cT 0le6 15:11 N0.003 P.01 q- LJrEt- oatoberT, tggo Town of Vlllr$f VrllVdtcy Ortvsv.lt, co 8r$7' Alttnllon: Mr.Surtl6lytrt Sublrct: uiorbflorHrrardOon0l|lt|lh|l Maln0rruncr Fqctfltv Vall, Golortdo Job lrlo. CS-tO0g :s#fihffi {::"$i$il3.t!ff *llr#:'.?,:?$tttTJ:ffi I jt:con*rrrns porcnrhr 6r'r ,row h'srrlirirrc c'i. viliiiJJ'il-r*oar or rh.upp.' rpptorrmr.rv 7t 16.r or rxiirrnolrurL-_no*';-nril,i;;rm wouro brrppl'prrrr.. Ttrrr rinrr provrclr " lllolrntio" of the proporilf coiltrrucron rhdp''[nr' oul .prnionr^rnd rr"orr.-nail-il concrmrng dlbrb ilow milgercn. ouri,fl'lliiili[,""j..#:P.$;#f ;tiih.c-il;r;;#;'lyon*,o,, Thr rllo ts toclrod north ot t,ro In ylll, Cotondo. Gcro Crrlr |' b|yend h?Olo thc rcuth. nr *q1e r9.i.n; v;lil;funcr Fltrmy (Eur Erm) rr bcrow rhrdro ro rhr rourhr.il. 11_e.lnnjpiEiidildit admrnr.,rdtye burrrns r*o rh. orrr.Aco*r ls vra the r'?0 rronrrge ffd;]il it rosir ddr of rhr rnc. Thf fto crr b. v{turftrrd ,l I comprrrtlvcly fl|t rnd bvrt bfnc{red rur thrlhar bocn fxemtrd rnto-rnC nrtuiliJroifrJ"rurllg rr thr die. Thr *ocvalrddopc rbovr rho bilohcd ;il;-t"p".;;;'il..ng{h approrrr*rrry t0 vsrtcrr hctrl erd'n'cq*rud rnd vr.urr-iiiri'#ri-ri'i,r 1-rg..1.(h.oJrFontriro yrrrbru. Adratnrse rmrr 'Dororlr.."rv ;;l idffi;;; md nl ro ro frrr &rp rrndt donvnto tht muth.mr'itong frtr rip ii i6-1-Jlilii.C dogr, t{rlu?rt rtoirs rbow rhc'romr.d rbpc, rreoc-up-ro rtb norir, rt ffifumtiry r0 to ?0 prrcdnr. vcgtcfitronconr|rlt ot grrcror rnd'wrdr ,rfrf, .orT.alif D?urh. Flenr tre to cxcrv.dq.tnto |hc e[.ilng qHrrtrd lopc rs proytda tulntDgrrdrus c'?rn* ftr bu. hrfiil itd;-filil#rc'uon to irrimiinlrienor frorrtybuttdng' Thr excrvrrp-lfl!t"il";;;;;i,*,o,, r! rforrr rc.r o, a d.oilr frosldt''rton ohrnnd thil rr il trr rop oirffi-.ililrng rrcrvr'd ilo,r. The Fril of thr H:1,t3 fl:[ff.1,".fi1i.iflf;,j;;ti; f'ilrJi,r1".p r me ||3r rna orriril,rrr,ti 6 iiii Wc ro,flwGd r rrped ilUrd .Avrhrfit, Boalrhll rnd Orbtu Ftor llmrrd GTL/TI{OIIPSON, tNC. 'i,.r)r.*,,rD,,,vErcileNwooo."",nF.o,J[?ou.t^I$!fl ,"J"gii**rti;? VRIL PUELIC LJORKS I D : 3034792166o OcT056 13:11 No.00l P.02 trl Itt{y.tg prcparrd by Arthur l. ltltcarr, p.E., Inc., dsted Drcambcr l0e{. The rcporrsrr.S 'd.bfrt ilmr hryo not alfrctcd thc ilte durlng ttrts .cfrturlf and thlt ' $yell9l plobrbtv wourd nar be rcqur.d .r mmy imrrol roo"r|i,ir 6ri,rrro, or vdr." ,tliLl:??T III_c.l plgy$!. ntrfedtgn ?Gcomm$drilonr tf tr tr dremrd nccrtrffyIn or6cr ro eontonn to vrlt ltrt|rd Reguh0onr, rprctftcrlly, sgailon to.gc.0o2 ici(b). -our lilrrprctdlor ol rhr vdt HrArd nigutiilonr rr iirn trc oeotrtoo rr rowhclhrr-or nor ndflglttoo h ncolr0rry rr |h- rupmdbillty ol irre rnginoi irgcohflS. tn out.oplnlon, thc crlrtlng mltlgetlon berrn rr Incornptoto sf rccornmmdcdby llolr and thrt lt crn br consliorcd'to br In I drir ot prrttrt mnltrucilm. shaarltlfedlon h nor corrrpt6t , rlt rdton of $rr rrtrrtn, b.,h_-;rtd-u-c ionrrocrao ratrod l.m oondrudlon prooodurr. Emed on our cur|ory rvrt|xilon ol thr porrnilrt drbrtr flow hrrard rt lhlrstte w. brttwr rhrr mrugrna{r jnry nor br nrtm'ry. TG iitd;ii-ir,u I ridarcoonnrlrrrcl cf lhc dtbrlr ltow rourn brdn lr'pcrhrnJiiil;dhrr. rh.quf|dty ot rvrilrb|t dsbrlc flow nrtrrtrl, Ttrr potontdl dodittbu tr*erc cnrtctl!!11_E_ry!l.urlrdIn llghlof rvrltabtodcbdr qurntrtrr *rr eorrnurirui-oruoru*.rorilmrnrd Dy othorc tt parl_ot thr rlr &etnrgc plan. Thlr rpprorch ruoutd brnoqumllfy lha_ pot ntbl drbdr flow hrrrld end aitow a brllrr drtcrmlnrrlon g| |o tntnao$dly ol drbrb flil ilfieailon et hlr rltl, - -rYr oppedrlc thr oppcilunlty !o ryoft wrth you cn rhrr prolrat. w6 rrfprovtdtng our .|]vtcil on an untr ritr biltr. n ori'tr,ro,- wr woliJ'oi tuipii;provldr r propolil tor thr tugffrtrd flold rooonnrfl|Onocrnd fudhai rvrtuatlon otlhf potmttrl drbrrr frow niarc. rr you hiw qucrtionr, prciii ";ra[iyo,; onnnbnco. Vrry truly yourg Wlbon L,Uy,Eordan Englnrclng Orotoglrt Llirtlf:cd (t coplrr rntf fowN of v lr*t||oo}|; cTL/rHoilPSOtl tqvlse,d 8lL7l94 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPI'ETE APPT'ICATTONS IuIAY NOT BE SCHEDUI'ED FOR REVIEW.********** PRO.JECT INFORI{ATION: DESCRIPTTON:tLerno\l e- a seclo^ o€ '+h-4- h,llstde drr-/.rjl I. A.of *l*-4- n-arrlq con skulotecl b{r.a trjosh. A 4 | boLdd ea- rta}o-u-Lnq ulotl tr:r ll b"- rno+aIed r-rr *h 3: , qrodinq no* -Fo crceecl oltz Propelrb{ lrne. Jhrs t.l-:rll otlour +t'-a--Ta,rrns r-lo' buses' -lo ext+ .f.h,.L h].J-o |J.ja]-.-L-, + hal-,<- enouqh a€ a- l qtvttl.n B. TYPE OF REVIEW: X New ConsErucbion AddiEion ($s0.00) .+-ru-o-/Ln . ($200.00) Mlnor Alteration ($20.00) ConcepLual Review ($0) D. ADDRESS:Vor-0 C.o A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision Lot 53€ 'r€xhrb,JA" Block If property is described by description, please provide Lo this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds on a separate sheeL legal and aEt,ach F F APPLICANT: Address: Val Pcrbl rc- Lr)onkt>NAME OF tvtai I ing I. ,I . Phone qlc - aq!.rq_ G. H. NAME OF APPI,ICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: SUSIe. ilEEVC,EI Mailing Address: sAme os Abovc,Phone sA,me as (}lrov<- NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: l3o Vad VoIJ O,trsl- V Phone t-tq -aqqq APPLTCATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWAIER'S SIGNATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL Lhe time of submiLtal of the DRB applicabion. r,aLer, when applying for a building permiL, please idenEify the accurate vllultion of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust Lhe fee according to the table below, Lo ensure Lhe correct fee is paid. I rps parn: $ N/,q cgecx *: nere: sY: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001. - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $s00, 001 - $1, 000, 000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ APPROVAI, TJNI,ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $r_00. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $500. 00 o TERIAIJS TREES o Connon Name ouantitv Size*PIJANT }!A PROPOSED Botanical Name AI{D SHRUBS *IndicaEe caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliperfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. IndicaEe heighE for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht, for coniferoustrees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed 5 qallon.shrubs.Minirnum size of shrubs is Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROT'IID COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Aon-n-- TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ C. IJAIiIDSCAPE L,IGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separateliqhting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighLing planin the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe oflight proposed, lumen outpuL, lurninous area and a cuL sheet. ofthe Light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 .l) OTHER IJAIiIDSCAPE FEiATURES (retaining wall.s, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Pl.ease specify. Indicate. heights of retainingwalLs. Maximum height of walls within the front, setback is 3 ' , Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5' q' fuur stodc Bou)det- uJcd{ D. SEEDING DESCRIPTION The work required by this section includes lawn and wildflower/native grass seeding as shown and specified. This may include soil preparatioq seeding lawns, athletic fields, and other indicated areas, hydro'seeding lawnq athletic fields, and other indicated areas, seeding wildflower/native grass areas, crown vetch seeding, mulching reconditioning of existing lawns, and maintenance of seeded areas until acceptance of entire project. MATERIALS Deliver seed and fertilizer materials in original unopened containers showing weight, chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and conformance to State Law, bearing name and warranty of producer. Store in a manner to prevent wetting and deterioration. Seed: fresh, clean and new crop seed mixture. The seed mix shall be as indicated onthe plans, and shall be mixed by an approved method. Submit seed vendor's certification for required grasVwildflower seed mixture indicating percentage by weight and percentages ofpurity, germination and weed seed for each grass species. Fertilizer: Type A fertilizer: Triple Superphosphate, 0-45-0. Type B fertilizer: Starter Fertilizer, granular, non-buming, slow release, 16-20-0. Type C fertilizer: A slow release, pelletized fertilizer derived from soybean meal, cottonseed meal, and sulfate of potash magnesium, or an approved substitute with the following analysis: Nitrogen 6:l Phosphorous l:1 Potash 3:1 Herbicide: Liquid non-selective herbicide containing not less than 4lYo of the active ingredient isopropylamine salt of Glyphosate. Submit product information for approval. Erosion control blanket: Jute mesh erosion control netting or acceptable substitute. Staples shall be #l I gauge steel wire, "Ll"'-shaped, 6" in length. Organic matter: Shredded or pulverized manure at least one year old, low in mineral and woody material, well composted to destroy weed seeds, free from objectionable odor wet or dry, and free from salts and other substances detrimental to plant growth. Screen manure to remove clumps larger than3/4" diameter. Straw mulch: Clean oat or wheat straw well seasoned before bailing, free from mature seed-bearing stalks or roots of prohibited or noxious weeds. Wood cellulose fiber mulch: Degradable green dyed wood cellulose fiber, or 100Yo recycled long fiber pulp, free from weeds or other foreign matter toxic to seed germinatiorg and suitable for hydro mulching. Tackifier: Liquid concentrate diluted with water forming a transparent three-dimensional film-like crust permeable to water and air, and containing no agents toxic to seed germination. Submit materials certification for tackifier. Asphaltic emulsion binder: Refined petroleum asphalt emulsified in alkaline water without use of clay, starclq or deleterious srbstances, and not more than 0.75% ofsaponifiable acids ofa fluid consistency with no petroleum solvents or other diluting agents toxic to seed germination. Water: Free of substance hannftl to seed growth. Hoses or other methods of transportation furnished by Contractor. EXECUTION Seed Bed Preparation: Work notification: Noti$ Owner's Representative at least 7 working days prior to start of seeding operations. Perform seeding work only after planting and other work affecting ground surface has been completed. Examine finish surfaces, grades, topsoil quality and depth. Do not start seeding work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Limit preparation to areas which will be immediately seeded. The inigation system shall be installed prior to seeding. Locate, protect and maintain the inigation system during seeding operations. Repair inigation system components damaged during seeding operations at the Contractor's expense. Lawn seed: Loosen topsoil to minimum depth of 4 inches. Spread organic matter over lawn area at a rate of3 cubic yards per 1000 square feet. This is equal to an overall depth of2 inches. Apply Type A fertilizer at a rate of 12 pounds per 1000 square feet. Rototil or disk lawn area to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Remove sticks, roots, clods and stones over I inch in diameter, and other extraneous matter. Grade lawn area to a smooth, free draining, even surface, and according to the gradingplan. Lawnareashouldbefirmbutnotpacked. ApplyTypeB fertihzer atarate of7 pounds per 1000 square feet, and rake into soil surface. Native seed: Loosen topsoil to minimum depth of 4 inches. Apply Type A fertilizer at arate of 12 pounds per 1000 squarefeet. Rototil of disknative seed areato adepth of 4 inches. Remove o(raneous matter and clods and stones over 2 inches in diameter. Apply Type C fertilizer at arate of 27.5 pounds per 1000 square feet and rake into soil surface. Restore fine grade to allow for free drainage. Leave native seed areas with a medium coarse surface texture. Wildflower seed: Prepare wildflower seed areas according to'T,{ative Seed" instructions. Irrigate wildflower seed areas for 3 weeks prior to seeding in order to germinate existing weed seeds in the soil. Apply herbicide according to manufacturer's instructions. Remove dead material. Regrade as necessary. Seeding: Seed immediately after preparation of bed. Spring seeding between April I and June l, and fall seeding between August 15 and October 15, or at such other times acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Seed indicated areas within contract limits and areas adjoining contract limits disturbed as a result of construction operations. Perform seeding operations when the soil is dry and when winds do not exceed 5 miles per hour velocity. Apply seed with a rotary or drop type distributor. Instdt seed evenly by sowing equal quantities in 2 directions, at right angles to each other. Sow lawn seed and wildflower/native grass seed at the rate indicated on the Plans. After seeding rake or drag surface of soil lightly to incorporate seed into top l/8" of soil. Roll with light lawn roller. Restrict traffic from lawn areas until grass is established. Erect signs and baniers as required. Hydro-seeding: Use a hydromulcher (sprayer) and apply mixture(s) at the rates indicated on the drawings. Mix in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Mulching: Apply wood cellulose fiber mulch to indicted areas within 24 hours after seeding at a rate of 1,500 lbVacre (34 lbs per 1,000 sf). Place straw mulch on indicated seeded areas within 24 hours after seeding. Place uniformly in a continuous blanket at the rate of}-ll2 tons per acre, or two (2) fifty (50) pound bales per 1000 square feet. A mechanical blower may be used for straw mulch application when acceptable to the Landscape Architect. Crimp straw into soil by mechanical means. Ifan asphaltic emulsion binder is specified for use, apply at a rate ofnot less than 100 gallons per acre. If a liquid tackifier is specified for use, apply uniforrnly at arate of 60 gallons per acre. Protect buildings, paving, plantings, and all non-seeded areas from asphaltic emulsion and liquid tackifier over-spray. Provide straw bale checking in ditches or problem swales at intervals required to adequately slow water veloci$ and impede soil [oss. Install erosion control blanket in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and standard installation procedures on all slopes 2.5:1 or greater and in flow lines ofswales. Secure blanket at top, midpoint, and toe of each slope in 6 inch deep by 6 inch wide trenches. Lay blanket in bottom oftrench and cover with soil to firll depth of trench. Staple in place at intervals recommended by the manufacturer. Reconditioning Existing Lawns: Recondition existing lawn areas as indicated, as well as areas damaged by Contractor's operations, including storage of materials or equipment, and mov€ment of construction vehicles. Provide fertilizer, seed, and soil amendments as specified for new lawns, and as required to provide a satisfactorily reconditioned lawn. Provide topsoil as required to fill low areas and meet new finish grades. Cultivate bare and compacted areas thoroughly. Remove diseased or unsatisfactory lawn areas. Do not bury into soil. Remove topsoil containing foreign materials resulting from Contractor's operations including oil drippings, stone, gravel, and other construction materials. Where substantial but thin lawn remains, rake, aerate if compacted, and cultivate soil. Fertilize and seed. Water newly seeded areas. Maintain adequate soil moisture until new grass is established. Maintenance: ldaintain seeded areas until completion and acceptance ofthe entire project. Maintenance includes watering, spot weeding, mowing, applications of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and reseeding until a full, uniform stand of grass, free of weeds, undesirable grass species, disease and insects is achieved and accepted by the Landscape Architect. Lightly water seeded areas 3 or 4 times daily until seed germinates. Reduce frequency and increase quantlty as grass establishes. Avoid washing and erosion due to watering. Repau, rework and reseed all areas that have washed out, are eroded, or do not catch until a suitable cover is established. N4aintain seeded banks, ditches, medians, and fields to the extent ofestablished areas only. Acceptance: Seeded areas will be inspectd at completion of installation and accepted subject to compliance with specified materials and installation requirements. The Owner will assume maintenance of seeded area's upon acceptance of entire project. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The quantities ofseeding shall not be measred but shall be the quantities designated in the Contract, except that measurement will be made for revisions requested by the Owner's Representative, or for discrepancies of plus or minus five percent (5%) of the total quantity designate in the Contract. These areas will be measured and payed for on a per acre basis. Measurement for acres will be by slopc distanccs. The mcasurement and payment of sceding slnll include soil preparatioq fertilizer, seed, and water, complete and accepted. Adjusting or readjusting ding, fertilizing or watering equipmcnt will not be measured or paid for separately but will be included in the Work. ENDOF SECTION (o " Erhrb,t Au o T!4r PAR! oF TnE NoRrH l oF sEcTroNwEsT oF THE 6IH P.RIxciPiL-Md;;ilN,I9ITI oF rNrERsrArE HiCrnilI"^n-ol- zoDESCRTBED AS FOLIOT{S3 8, _ToI{NSfirP 5 souTH, RANGE 80E}gl.E_qoulrTy, coroRAoo, riilscAND BETNG UORE' PARTICUIARii BEGTNNTNG AT 'HE.-IORTH EAST CORNER O.F SArD SE*TTON 8, TTIENCE AIONGrHE NoRrrrERry r.r{E oF seii'si"di_ox s, 6b-urnl;ii"**s 46 r.rr'urEs22 sEcoNDs r{Esr^A orsrellci 6r-1soo.oo-iinii -irrii"" DE'ARTTNG rn'NoRTHERLy r,rnn or _iaro- s'i6rion -e, _souur-o6. pii.ifss 23 MrNrrrEs 03sEcoNDs r{Esr A o-r_srellcl oiiii.el raET rb a po-rlir*oN rHE N.RTHERL'RrcHr oF wAy ury_ gr *riiniiiri n5ryai-no.-liii THEN.E ArrNc rHEil85ti8*I"lrc'r oF weiii*i-oi'i*"*"rons-Hrc'wlv No. 70 FoLrpwrNG 1) sourll 75 ?Etlg-Es_ 28 urNUTEs 1s sEcoNDs EAsr A DrsrANcE oF180.82 FEET TO A POrNT OF CtTRVATURE, 2) L327 'so .EET lloNc TrrE ARc or-A cuRv' To rrrE LEFT, HAVTNG ARADrus oF 5s8o.oo^_rear, l'iniiria-r,_ elleu-6F ii oiiruss 38 MrNurEs04 sEcoNDs Ar{D A. clrgrg'yuricn-'iirifrs 3onrtr e! ii6;is 36 ur'urEs 34sEcor{Ds EAsr 1324.20-Fsii;;irffis ro e-poiirr-a;-rrrE EA'TERL' LrrEOF SAfD SECIION 8; nTnENCE DEPARTTNG-!1r9 RrcHT OF WAy_LrNE OF TNTERSTATE HrcrmAy No.70 NoRrH oo DE.REEs zl-uiiiiirii 6i_srcolroi-sdi-i;xc rnE EA'TERL'LrNE oF sArD sEerron i,-il'iiiiallca gq_sii.io-iriilro rHE porNr oFBEGTNNTNc, coNrrrNrxc-iolaf;;&i;" lroRE oR r,Ess. THE ABOVE DESCRIP!:-r9ry IS BASED ON T-{E_ TOJ{N OF VArL N{NEXATTON PIATSFoR rHE pRopERry oescniirD'Al6;; uor sAs'J-o*a-irln suRv'y. rHEBAsrs oF BEARTNG-1-91 rrf ;6vE-p,ArgEL il rd'll6irnenlv LrNE oFs'cn'o' 8 BErNG -:-olg-rE ffi;#Ed.-_o-. urour", 22 sEcoNDs r{Esr Assnowu oN sArD ervnnxarioll -pil-rJl-"1NoRTH ANHoLTZ) t '1 I : P' ie T Rt Geologlc Hazard Revlew l'lay 6, L996 (Date) See Exhibit I'A" (Legal Descrlptlon) Pw/llaintenance Facillty Addition The undersigned has/have read the Hazard Report, daled LprII 26 R.J. Irish _, 19S, prepared by Consultlns Engineerlng Gng Engineerlng Geologiat' Inc. lAile understand from the conclusions that the proposed building is located in a Modera le hazard zone, and there is he potential hazard of Debiis -Iow/Rockfall reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared to accept these facts and request own Department grant us a p€rmit. (Name,(Name, O,rrner) STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTYOF raele ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 6th 6sy efMav , 19 :9 Uy Larst, E. g-afer , known lo me to be the person whose name is subscribed to th-e foregoing instrument and acknowledged lo me lhat he executed lhe same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. h4y commission expires: No-veltrber l6 ' 1998 Orrr1n L' &u^{lJ- STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OP Eaele ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 19_, by known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that hs executed lhe same for lhe purposes and consideralion therein expressed. My commission expires: cllur|l3lhlzlrd ,)" blh,b,t Au LEGAL DESiRTPTTON THAT PART or TqE-rqRTII i or sEcrroN 8, TowNsHrp s sour', RANGE 80wEsr oF rre er'_ perNEipir,-iriiiirul, nacr,u"iioiiiiiy, cor,ouDo, LyrNGilgSIHr"T" t^y?f":r:ffi -iialo'*'i,6. zo AND sEiN; !,,oRE panrr.ur,anr.i BEGTNNING AT THI.-IORTH EAST CORNE-R- OF SATD SECTTON 8, THENCE AIDNGrHE NoRrnenay t.r{E oF saip s-ni'ii_oll e, 6-ourn1;ii"nss" 4G MrNurEs27 sEcoNDs r{Esr^A or-srellil -o}- rioo_oo -r-id,ii -ilril,lcn DEpARrrNc rHEN.RTHERL' r,rNs oF _c_AiD iicqion-!, _gguri-oo'oilliius 23 urNurEs 03sEcoNDs r{Esr A or_sralrce oiii;.el-ryar ro a p-&iiiloN rHE N.RTHERLYRIGHT oF wAY tr{E-gT rllrinJiiri'nr_"rnou uo. 70, THEN.E Ar.,,oNG rHEil35rE3f*"5r5T""t or wav ii*i-6'r'inrnnsrara-n-reiniay No. 70 FoLr,wrNG 1) SOUTH 75 DEGREES 28 UTNUTES- 18 SECONDS EAST A DTSTANCE OF180.82 FEEI ro a porlrr oi i.tilriaftne, 2'l 7327 '9o FEET ltoNc THE ARc oF-A crrRVE To rHE r,EFT, HA'TNG ARADrus oF ssso.oo__re_ni, a'iniiiar,^ arcr-,e 6F ii o'rilnrrs 38 r.rrNurEs04 sEcoNDs Al{D A.c'oRD'wri*r biils_1pnrn l! i,iciies 3G urNUrEs 34sEcoNDs EAsr r324.zo rnsr Dfiffrftr ro a-ioiirf6i'inr EA'TERLy LrNEOF SAID SECTToN 8; ATTIENCE DEPARTTNG-SETD RIGHT OF I{AY-!I{E OT INTERSTATE HIGIIIIAY NO.70 NoRrH oo DE.REEs zr-lriiiiirii 6i_sngoyns-aAi,i-il;Nc rHE EA'TERL'LrNE oF sArD sEcrroN i,-r-'iiiialnis or siz.ro-irir-ro rHE por'r oFBEGTNNTNc, coNrArNrrc-io.c66-aEiiis !!oRE oR r.Ess. TIIE ABOVE DESCRIPTT9I IS BASED ON .T-T9 T9WN OF VATL ANNEXATION PIATSFOR TI'E PROPERTY.OgSCNiiTO'Affi ;; IqLNISEJbT A'irlM SURVEY. THEBAsrs oF BEARTNc^r-on rxr fi6vE- le1qe!-ir rii' llohrnERly LrNE oFsEcrroN 8 BErNc -:-og{ -iE ffi;#ri.-a^e _r,rrlrurnJ-zi-lecoNDs r{Esr AssnowN oN sArD arvxexlrrou-pieltl-"(NoRTn ANHoLTZ) t 1 'I : P' iQ T RT Project Application Date 6, t,?b Proiecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: uffi."r4 zon" Ttl b)ot-4 Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Ss{nry: I 4/ 4.# s. t, ?(- 1 t-rl( U .IX ltl 1l I CJ\cl t1 i I' t\\rr I ,F .a I t aall *i I tta tf t a oa, * \\ n \\\it\,J' \f rl1\\\1\\|,' ^[ \\ \ \ ---Jl =s KrAv 5r\\nvt-'---'- Lf-"'-'J @ trr--rL f-)l- | @ faDl or-------t I nnt$qJF\-v @ \y G.z F /) $r$ \...t t\N, ,o-z3<=6e\oti TEEJ !,i o - trL! i.J ui @J") =J;*S7io *5 _tJ "'. . =2a+o* il9rd*FrrJ l;<Lr!!7'z T(,(,r-IZ(tsNZ-.5-6=",).'r 'b Hf E5 qE r^5tr ,.,ee-6 -#eul - q.l == E=u) o uJutt! FJ tl oNE (/)Z;7+-'* Li -Z* LT 3s =H o Toan of Va.( PROJECT NO.l- 755+.ol PRO'ECT I{AMB i:lliutFb'*tr%'fi Vai!, < ATTENTION trPickup E Messcngcr O Shop Drawing Prints O Shop Drawing Rcproducibles O Fax pxprcss Canicr Et Samples E Product Litcraturc PLANNING, DESIGN, PROCUREMENI TECHNOLOGY LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL EMail ENCLOSED ARE THE FOLLOWNG: {D.,t"[F !sp."in"",io* trCtrangc Odcr o TIIESE ARE TRANSMITIED: OFor AFprwal [For Your Usc ACTIONTAKEN: Cl No EJacptions Taken ElAftcr l,oan to Us {a" n"qu""t"a Et For Rcvicw and Comment O Rcviewd E For Your Rcmrd o O Exc'eption6 As Not€d O Rcjcctcd SWENTEINTH SrRlgT Ptiz,l I25 SEVENTEINTH STR.EEI, SUITE ITOO DENWR, COTORADO 60202 10]295.1717 . FAX: JOJ 292,0845 fl nNrztxrrnruaN REMARKS: Vail PubtiouUo'rk PhaszTL (rub- lnollic.t COPIES TITLB SHEET NO.DATE / a--RB hep-0i:a*'irn *s/ rovisims no-kt 4'n4b P h a*.tr Des iaw Dz uobpm evt* htsq s . SiJePl*'- t/8" Saa.(t froor P-Laus t /l o" .9r-a.!.c E I e,uaJt'rn s la.tndscapz 4 lrnaa;h'n'Ptous@ &rnL N RNL FACILITIESLI CORPORATION I rNrenpnN L DESIGN DESICN.BUILD WEST R\LTECHNICAL SERVICES If Enclcurcs Arc Not As Listcd, Plcasc Notify Us At Oncc! Signed 6II WESTSD(ni STRTET, STJITE 3A) LOg ANCELES, CALIFORNIA 9d)17 213.955.975 . FAX| 213.955.9E&5 NDrylDTAL CORFOR/ITI METIIERS OF THE RNL FACIUnES CoRrcR,l||rpi.r Copy to: LT-FC 06/10/92 a.vir.C l/1?/9{ DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPLICATION ' 1TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *ttltaatli *rtrrt*t*tl {l'in. corJoRADoPiiied hPril t7' 111? T A.DESCRIPTION: LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: L'oE ZONING: NAI'{E OF uaiLing },PPLICANT: Address: Bl0cl< ptrone '41q- Zl58 B.TYPE OF . Newr' Ad.d *eilexh ADDRESS R$JTEW: consEruction ($200.00) Minor Alteralion ($20'00) ition ($50.00) ' -conceptual neview ($0) ibif b'" +oc P wuvr'i" tZd v'o;tvotlu!Drtvz' vnit' colo'oAo awslc. n I. SuJcdLvr.sron Sce- ( exhibit A* frr L-"+l De.wiVh'on;;-;6;;iv i" a"#iil"a bv a sreecs an'l bouads lesal descripLion, pfeai6-pr."ia-e on a septraLe 6lreeE and' at't'ach to Lhis apPlicaulon- E. F. G.NAI,TE OF APPIJICN'IT' S REPRESENTASIVE : LAN| 6TAFd/ SUS|CIIANE:t Ma:,iinE Acdress, H. l.lAl,IE oF owNER(S): OqTNER (.5' STGIIArcTBE-Luailing Address:Phone APPIJI]ATIrJNIwILLilo!EEPRocEssEDr/IrRowo|INER'ss.r@vefl'R.E Condominlun ABproval 1f applicable' DRB FEE: DRB fees, aS shown above' are to be-paid at the Lime of submlt,tai'oi-cfr"-pns ippllcat,ion. l,ater, wtren ii'irvi"s-toi-a U"irlini-per*itl- please identify- Ehe accuraEe varuation ot t'he*ii;;;.i;- rrr! iotrir-of vail wltt adjust t'he fee according to it"-iiui" belovr,-io ettsttt" the correct fee is Paidl. FEE $CIIEDIILEi VALUATION$ o-f 19,999 $ to, oo1 - $ 59, gqq $ so, oot ' $ 15o, ooo $tso,oo1 '$ 5oo'ooo *soo,oo1 '$1,ooo'ooo ; i over $1' 000 ' o0o nesrcN &Elr:tEl{ BOARD AFPBOVAI' EKPIRES eiBnoval, oNr,Bsg A BuruDrNe PERti[rr rs IS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00s 50.0o $r00 .00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00 - 00 ONE YEAR AFIER FIDiIALI IsSU8D AIID CONSTRSCI|ION PR@! L-IST OT MATERTAIS NAME OF PRO ECT: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: LOT- BLOCK - SUBDMSION S?REET ADDRESS,:. t7aq VrttL VALTEY PRM?., VAIL, CoLo(AO? Tbe f,olLowing information is required for subsrittal c,o tlre Desiqn Review Board bef,ore a final approval can be qiven: A.BUIIJDING DIATERIALTS : Roof Sidinq other wa1l MaE.eriaLs Fascia soffi Cs Windows window Trin Doors htldD 5/ai2 /sntNEA) Ai'qvr. e41/7/1b /b/t{?1,) ,t/h?t?// Door trrirn Hand or Deqk Rails F'Lues Flashingrs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior lrighting OLher ,qA'' /vh /q7-rrz*///Y huFa:= AAazLrrt ilMdara/ f/6a6 Eult^DtNg /VlouNT€D mWNLI6HTS AT ENTR^ /4. Dcugs * EXTA,IAR ST,+tp. //t0P Itt B. LATIDSCAPfNG: Name of Designer: Phone: LANDgAP.N6 AT STEPP€D PLANTER W FRONT OF tsUILD/N6 TO E€ DESI'T\ED bY PIIBL\C WORES LANDS'APE DSI6N4, A?l4PETAILfu DESI6N OF RETA.NIN6 WKLLS b, I'gasse4-lsa4et TERIAI'rS: TREES PLAIII l4A PROPOSED A}TD SHRUBS Botanical Name OuanEitv Size* *IndicaLe caliper f,or deciduous trees. Minimqsr caliDer rndicate height for conif erous t'rees trees is 6 feet.**Ind{cate size of proposed shru}s. 5 oa1lon. TvDe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSXON CONTROIJ D.OTI{ER IJAI.IDSCAPE FEATURES (reEainlng walls' fences' sYry+lq pools, etc. I pr.l".--tn"9iiv:-ittar6"ce |3isl::-:f -:"":3l3"fgffiil: =;;i*;-iliini-"i-"iiii- *ithin Ehe-rront sel!1c|-ii Maximum "tiff" elsenhere on tfre property is'6 C. I,'AI,IDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please shovr Etre number of flxf,ures and locations on a seParage tigLEirrg plan.- iae"ilty each fixture lrom the liShling plan in rhe spacJ--Uefo*-i"a provide Ehe height above grade, tl'e of lighE proposed, lunen ouLput, luninous area and a cuE sheet of tfrE f ight f ixture. (secuion 18 . 54 . 050 't) 6'- o'l I L-IST OF MATERfAIJS NAME OF PRO.TECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT- BLOCK - SUBDMSION STREST ADDRESS. /^Oq VAIL VALLEY DRIVE' VfrIL , COLORAOO . Ttre f,oI).owing Review Board A. BUI&DING informat,lon is required for subnittal Eo t'he Design before a final approval can be given: IIATERIA&9:TCPE OF MATERXAT,COITOR Roof Sicling OLher wall MaE.eriaLs Fascia Soffi bs Wi,ndows window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'lues r'lashings Chj.urreys Traslr Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WalLs Ext,erior Lrightinq 0ther lA elkL cs I tur t (A F To S I P I N6) wooD /AATC1| SlqNe oil : sleaL S€cn6ry4 T\MTLH4/€;nN6 /^,+TCilAngf/ NA lvlATotl atq GALVANTED htET/rL CIIAR@AL N6 TCt+ sTlt tuwn'ensl, tl tl NN N* 11At MK - R@UReD'rO TNTIDSCAPING: Name of Designer: -191Phone: TH€ lp'41,131cpp7'*TtoN N,tD /AAtNTEtyANe "U,*,*us *e€ SuERotlJ\lD@ Nt77+ PAVTN€ rcR VA]IAI(AR CtRCUtATto^l. No LAA/D54PIN6 EXISTS AAJACCNT 7D TIE BIJI(DINaS P{VD NONE 13 PI}AIN@ TO b€ AMD. TH€ LAI,ISAPED BERM 7b TT+E SOUTH WILI. REMAIN. FRo1,17 : tY, M*Teft A.tsT. 6LA6S (Ar opruees Aed B. PIJAI{I MA PROPOSED TREES AI{D SIIRUBS conifero\rs GROUND COVERS J\Jt' SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OI EROSION CONIROIJ o ca4ma!-NeJse OuanE,itv Sizq*I TERIALTS: i NA *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous Erees, trees. Minimun caliPer Iodicate height for .Lfees is 6 feeE.**IndlCate size of proposed shrubs' 5 qa1lon.. uinimum size of shrubs is Square FooEaqegvpe NA C. LATiIDSCAPE !fGHTING: If exterior f-ightlng is Brollosed' p1-ease strohr the ttunuer of fixeures and Locations on a sefarate iighcing plan;- rdentify each fixture from the Light'ing plan in che.space--Uefow and irovide the height above grade, tlpe of ].ighE proposed,'.lumen oucpuL, luminous-area and a cuc streeL of tfr6 fi-ght- fixture- (sect,ion 18.54'050 't) OTHER IJAI{DSCAPE FEATURES (reEaining walls' fences' swimming poots, etc.) er"i""-upe.iry--rndi6ace heiglcs of reEainingr wa1ls. Maximurn ri"isiri-"i "titts within the front setback is i;.--n"*i*,^ freiShi-ot wa1ls elsewhere on the properEv is'6'. D. o Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Departnent of Public WorkVTransportation Administation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit A LEGAT DESCRIPTTON THAT PART OT THE NORTH } OF SESfION,S, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUIH, RANGE 80 T{EST OF THE 6TH PRINCTPAL MERTDIAN, EAGLE COT'NTY, COrcRADO, LYING NORTH OF INTERSTATE HIGIIWAY NO. 70 AND BETNG }tORE PARTICUI,ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLISWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF SAID SECTTON 8; TTIENCE AIPNG IHE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, SOUTH 89 DEGRXES 45 MTNUTES27 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 15OO.OO FEET' THENCE DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SArD SECTION 8, SOUTH OO DEGREES 23 UINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST A DTSTANCE OF 529.86 FEET TO A POTNT ON TIIE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OT INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70' THENCE AI.oNG THE NORTHERLY RTGHT OF WAY LTNE OT INTERSTATE HTGITWAY NO. 70 FOLIOWTNG TWO COURSES: 1) SOUTTI 75 DEGREES 28 !.IrNUTES 18 SECONDS EAST A DTSTANCE OF180.82 FEET TO A POINT OF SURVATUREi 2) L327.90 FEET AI6NG THE ARC OF A CITRVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 5580.00 FEET, A CENTRAT, N{GLE OF 13 DEGREES 38 I.iINUTES04 SECONDS AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS NORTH 89 DEGRXES 36 I.TINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST 1324.70 FEET DISTANCE TO A POINT ON TI{E EASTERLY LINE OF SATD SECTION 8' THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HTGHWAY NO.70 NORTH OO DEGR.EES 23 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST AI'NG TIIE EASTERLYLINE OF SAID SECTTON 8, A DISTANCE OF 572.LO FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINTNG 20.480 ACRES I'IORE OR LESS. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION IS BASED ON THE TOWN OF VAIL ANNEXATION PIATS FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRTBED A}ID IS NOT BASED ON A FIELD SI'RVEY. THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THE ABOVE PARCEL IS THE NORTIIERLY LINE OF SECTION 8 BEING SOUTH 89 DEGRXES 46 MINUTES 27 SECONDS WEST AS sHowN oN sArD ANNEXATION PIATS. (NORTH ANHOLTZ) Desip Review Board Application Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Renovation Exhibit B Per atelephone conversation with Andy Ifuudtsen on June 5, 1995, the fee requested with the application is not required because the applicant, the Town of Vail Public Works Deparbnent is a town entity. Design Review Board Application Toram of Vail Departrnent of Public Works/Transportation Administation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit C Comments and Questions peraining to specific sections of this DRB Application. Section III - Important Notice Item A: Please advise if and when the DRB will visit the Public Works site to review the project so appropriate taping and staking can be completed. Item E: The Public WorkVTransportation Complex is looated in a rockfall and debris flow hazard area. Deflecting berms and swales were part of the original site design and construction :ur.1979. A previous proposal for expansion ofthe Administation Building required realignment of the debris flow ditch on the east side of the site. If this mitigation is required for the Administration Building expansion currently proposed, the realignment will be incorporated into the site design. A Hazard Analysis for the Master PIan Site Expansion was completed in December 1994 and, is available if required. The analysis focuses on topography changes associated with a retaining wall not included in this project. Section VI - Additions Item A: As-Built drawings of the Administation and Transpodationfvlaintenance Buildings are attached. Interior alterations have been made to the Administration Building since its construction, but the exterior appears to be per the original drawings. A large addition has been constructed on the east end of the Transportation Building, extending it approximately 125 feet. Interior modifications have also occurred, relocating the wash facility, etc. The existing addition matches the original construction in profile, materials and colors. Item B: Three sets of floor plans are provided. The Administation Building Addition Plan is at ll4" = l'-0 scale. Due to its size and relative simplicity, the Maintenance/Transportation Building Addition Plan is at L/16" = l'-0 scale. Two areas are enlarged on separate drawings to 1/8" : 1'-0 to show detail. See "Exhibit E" for a complete drawing list. Item C: A site plan of the entire complex is provided at 1' = 50'-0. Roof spot elevations are show for the Maintenance/Transportation Building (existing and proposed). An enlarged plan of the east end of the site provides information on the Administration Building. Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Transportation Administation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Item D: Representative elevations are provided for all the building additions. Item E: One set ofphotographs ofthe existing structures is provided. Item F: The materials lists for both additions are attached. Materials and colors are planned to match and/or blend with the existing structures. One set of representative color samples is provided. Actual manufacturer samples will be available after specific products are selected. Landscaping around the Administation Building will be developed by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. The design will incorporate comments made during review of the previously proposed addition regarding additional trees. There is no planned landscaping associated with the Maintenance/Transportation Building. Additional site lighting is anticipated to improve safety of bus drivers and employees working late night and early moming shifts. Exterior lights will also be provided at building pedesfrian entances. Light fixhre selection will comply with the Town of Vail Lighting Ordinance requirements to limit undesirable spill of light. Design Review Board Application Town ofVail Department of Public Worksffransportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit I) Project Description The proposed project involves expansion and upgrade offacilities at the existing Town of Vail Public WorkVTransportation Administration and Maintenance Complex located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. The project site is currently used to support the operations of the various Public Works Departrnents as they provide services to the Town of Vail. Operations include Administation, Transpodation, Streets & Roads, Fleet Maintenance, Facility Maintenance, Parks & Landscape, Electrical, Carpentry, and Signage Shops. The proposed project maintains the current use ofthe site, expanding the facilities for Administration, Transportation, Fleet Maintenance and Sheets & Roads. The proposed project follows the guidelines and drawings in the Public Vy'orks Master Plan adopted by the Town Council in 1994. The purpose of the study was to determine and plan for the future needs of the department for the next 10-20 years. Expansion of the Administation Building is required to consolidate the engineering divisions and improve efficiency and service to the town and public. Expansion of the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings is required to accommodate new 40 foot long buses being purchased for delivery in early 1996. The project is planned in two phases. Phase I improves Administation and one vehicle repair bay in Fleet Maintenance. Phase II improves Transpodation, Fleet Maintenance, the welding bay in Streets & Roads and fueling for all vehicles. A detailed description of each phase follows. The proposed project maintains the existing landscaped berm 5s1s6ning the view in from the south. The site plan development also maintains the right- of-way to the adjacent property to the west. The low, horizontal profile of the existing buildings is matched in the new building areas, with proposed roof lines at or below the existing roofpeaks. Phase I: Adminishation Building Addition and Remodel including offices, support axe4 improved entry and parking. Gross building addition area is approximately 2,000 SF. Remodel area is approximately 2,300 SF. Phase I also includes new electrical service to the Fleet Maintenance Building and upgrade of one vehicle maintenance bay to accommodate repair of the new buses (new vehicle lift). Phase II: Fleet Maintenance and Bus Bam addition including vehicle parking are4 vehicle wash and fueling facilities, driver's lounge and lockers, vehicle body shop and chassis wash bays, and welding shop with vehicle repair bay. Gross building addition area is approximately 13,700 SF. Remodel ofthe existing Bus Barn includes improved lighting. Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Deparfrrent of Public Works/Transportation Administation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Drawing Title /1. Public Works Complex Site Plan \/7. MaintenanceiBus Barn Addition Floor Plan (Enlarged) ,/9. Driver's Area & Fuel/Wash Addition Floor Plan \/9. FleetMaintenance/BusBamAdditionElevations Scale 1": 50'-0 1/8" = 1'-0 1/8" = 1'-0 l/16": l'-0 to. ^y:^^*""p4lrv\a*tat "tns (+du.4s.) t,' =4o,-) Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Departrnent of Public Works/Transportation Adminishation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Renovation Color Samples Administration Building Wood Siding - Stained (Match Existing) 2M56D Hoedo,vn Administration Building Concrete Retaining Wall at South Elevation Administration Building Metal Roof at South Maint/Transportation B uilding Wood Siding - Stained (Match Existing) Administration Building Maint/Transportation Building Metal Trim (Match Existing) {pil29,1996 Mike. I don't know if Andy or Russ filled you in on Wednesday's meeting (4124). ltwas concluded and Tom Moorehead confirmed that since the Maintenance Facility remodeVaddition was not increasing the geologic risks, we could defer any mitigation until we actually s.tart excavating into the nodh hillside. At that time the risk factor changes significantly. I was to provide you with a letter frmr Art Mears or R.J. Irish stating that our risk level remains the same. Enclosed is a copy foryour files. Russ is working on the land swap with the Forest Service in order to acquire thc additional property we need for future mitigation. I would try to acquire 90 ft. north of our property line east and west of our adminisfiation building (from the snow dump to the tunncl entrance). Kris Hedberg from RNL has a geologist working on giving us an assessment on the employee housing site and should have some info within the next few weeks. Andy gavc us permission to go ahead and apply for a demo and grading permit prior to our May lsth DRB meeting. Craig from Viele will bc in to apply within the next few days. After DRB, we will make application for the building pcrmit. Coutd vou se"a ouer tn needs to sigr qcceptins the geologic risk out hgre? Thanks and call me if you have any questions. cc: Russ Forest \_ D"nr< 5 , I .? e 7101 West Yale Avenue, No 601 Denver Colorado 80227 303-986,6658 R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. April 26, '1996 TOWNOFVAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1309 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Attn.: Susan Hervert General Services Administrator Re: Engr. Geologic Hazard Study, Department of Public Works Maintenance Facility Addition, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 397 Gentlemen: We understand that the Department of Public Works of the Town of Vail proposes to enlarge its maintenance facility, which has been constructed on a level pad excavated into the toe of the northern hillside of the Gore Creek Valley about a mile east of and across the Gore River from the downtown area. As requested by Susan Hervert, General Services Administrator, we have completed a preliminary geologic study of the site and vicinity in order to delineate and evaluate the risk of geologic hazards that potentially could influence the design and operation of the enlarged facility. During the course of our work we have researched published reports and maps pertaining to the Vail area in general and the project site in particular, geomorphically studied the U. S. Geological Survey topographic map (Vail East Quadrangle) of the site and vicinity, and have discussed the Public works Department's building plans with Mrs. Hervert. On the date of our site visit (April ?2, 1996), however, snow prevented a geologic site reconnaissance, thus we have relied on our geologic experience, developed during the past 30 years, in the area. SITE GEOLOGY The project site is a level pad, at about El. 8280 feet, excavated into the topographic toe of the northern slope of the Gore Creek Valley at the mouth of an unnamed ravine that extends about one-half mile up the mountainside. That ravine heads at about El. 9,800 feet. The existing maintenance facility lies, and its planned addition ultimately will lie on the western part of the Consullant to Desrgners, Conlraclors, Planners R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. debris fan' The mountainside directly up slope from the project site is quite steep, on the orderof 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). Sedimentary rock strata of the Pennqylvannian-age (about 280 to 320 million years ago) Minturn Formation constitute bedrock beneath the floor and northern slope of the valley. The Minturn strata include mainly sandstones, siltstones, shales and conglomeratic sandstones, but a few prominent limestone beds, as well. These strata appear to strike generally northward and to dip westward about 5 to l0 degrees, although the dip is steeper for the beds where they are adjacent to the north-trending Spraddle Creek Fault, which lies only 200 feet or so west of the project area. That dip and strike geometry promotes slope stability. For the most part the bedrock strata are blanketed by slopewash, residual and morainal soils, although several ribs of sandstone and limestone crop out as long, low bluffs on the mountainside up slope from the project area. Those soils probably range from several inches to several tens of feet thick. A debris fan has accumulated at the mouth of the unnamed ravine that debouches into the main valley across the project site. This fan appears to be about 2000 feet wide along its toe adjacent to Gore Creek, and is about 1000 feet long from its apex at the mouth ofthe ravine to the creek channel. This fan, probably began to form either late in the lce-Age or shortly thereafter some 1 0,000 years ago. As the catchment area for the ravine that yielded the debris flows is small, the flows probably have been small. The eastern half of the debris fan has spread out across the western corner of the toe of a large landslide complex, thus serves to buftress that section of the complex. The western boundary of the complex appears to coincide with the unnamed ravine, thus lies only a few feet east of the maintenance facility. The toe of this landslide complex appears to extend from the unnamed ravine eastward about a mile; the apex of the complex appears to lie at El. 9 600 feet, hence the complex is about 3500 feet long. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS EVALUATION Two geologic hazards need to be considered during the planning and design of the propced Maintenance Facility Addition. These include potential landslide reactivation and repetitive debris florrrrs from the unnamed ravine. The risk of the occunence of debris flows appears to be high, but the risk of a flow large enough to constitute a material threat to the securigr of the existing building and its planned addition are assessed to be lol, in paft because the catchment area is small, hence flow volumes are likely to be relatively small. Moreover, the planned building addition will lie fully 75 feet R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. from the base of the back slope of the excavation, and that distance provides a substantial space buffer. A debris flow would need to be much larger than those we expect to be able to flow across that buffer space in sufficient volume and with sufficient residual energy to damage the maintenance facility. The Department, however, would be prudent, we conclude, toconstruct a trench and berm up slope from the project area to capture and divert both water flows and debris flows debouching frorn the unnamed ravine. We believe that those flows are likely to be more nuisance than problem, but we cannot deny the possibility of a larger event. Additionally, the trench and berm would tend to capture any boulders that might be detached up slope. The rock fall risk, we conclude is low, but not negligible. The landslide complex, we understand, has been intermittently active during the past 30 years or so, although the movement has been more of creep proportions than of large scale events. Certainly the debris fan has tended to stabilize the section of the landslide complex closest to the planned maintenance facility, and that will not be changed by construction of the planned building addition. Consequently, we assess the risk of landslide impingement on the maintenance facility or the planned addition to be low. In any event, short of Brobdignagian rehabilitation measures to stabilize the landslide, the landslide risk cannot be reduced, let alone eliminated. So long as the natural ground stability across the building pad or the back slope of that excavation is not significantly disturbed by large cuts or fills, or by impoundments of natural drainage--and these are not planned, we understand, as a part of the construction of the building addition--the planned construction activity should not effect site geologic conditions on this or the neighboring property, and could not generate any new geologic hazards or reactivate any existing hazards. As a result, that construction activity, in our opinion, will not increase the geology-related hazards to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, roads, streets, rights-of-way, easements, utilities, or facilities. I have appreciated this opportunity to work with you on the maintenance facility addition project. lfyou have any questions, please call. Consulting Engineering Geologist Pfintedl by Mike Mollica 2/21./ Frdn; Andlt xnr.rdts€ra1[os Mike Mol].l.ca suJcj ects: rtrb].l-c vtorks rhoI'E ===No!fE======!=====:===2 / 2L /9 6,=12 : 5Sprn== I.':aI ..-.gusic ]-eft' a wol-cc mal]. marsaEe ior me and gaLd, cbat Pw wou].d' 1lke to rc-acel.rrata t'la€lr requeEe for the €xpalrs ion to the Pt{ s}rops - -lFll€re -aredetai1ed memos ort tslte tsop of Ebe ll-1€ racrardl-nct ica 3ca'tus - Ic ma.ft ne€d toqo-back €o Ptc if, the debrl.s f].ow berm fruee lre revl-sed. Ats a ml.nlmun, lt ne6d3 tso q|o to DRB. Page: 1 Printed by Andy Knudtsen tt/o 8:3Oam Fromr Andl. KrrudtssenTo: Suaie Her\zertsubject: Debris faow mitigfation CC: Susan Conne1]-y I gfot your phone call about tstre Forestsserwice's positsion on tsh.e tlse of tbier l- a.nd f or tstte debr1s f l-ovr ml-t1gatl-on.As I understand tstre aitsuaCion, theltqri].]. no€ sign a.n agfreements tso a1].ow tsheregrading. I hotr)e che alternatsivea.pproacl. ee r^ti I l- \^tork. Ac thls Eime, Iw111 cake tshe l.tem off ttre FEc ag'enda. P]-ease l-et me krrow if you need anf. he].p from ua on tb.e altsernatlves. rf you wou1d, keetr) me tr)ostsed a.s !o wtrac tslre ].ike].l' so]-uEl-on wi]-]. be so tbat I cang'ets f,rorr scheduled for Ptc, if its l.sneeded. ll'Lre meeEing' sctredu].ed wl-th R and L for Monday, Novembe r 13, at 11:OO ie cancel-]-ed, rig'lac? Page: 1 lttttrlt:::: RNt- DESIGN MEMORAI{DTJM S::':1T$:- UREAN PLANNINC To: AndyKnudtsen Community Development Department Town of Vail. Colorado From: Kris Hedberg RNL Design Date: October30. 1995 Re: Town of Vail Department of Public Works Debris Flow Mitigation Resubmittal to PEC Per your recommendation, one of the conditions of the PEC approval for the Public Works Expansion project was an updated analysis by Art Mears verifing the proposed debris flow mitigation design is sufficiont. Any significant changes rcquired a retum to the PEC for re- review. Subsequent to the PEC approval, RNL Design sent the proposed design to Art for his review (Attached are the letter to Art and a memo documenting our follow-up telephone conversation). The proposed design meets two of the conditions of Art's May 16, 1995 letter, but does not fully comply with the requirements. The juncture between the two berms splitting debris flow east and west of a proposed future storage building need to meet at no more than a 60 degree angle, and meet at the highest point of the ditches. Neither I nor Carter & Burgess fully understood the implication of these requirements until I discussed the design with Art via telephone in September. Based on our current understanding, RNL Design, Carter & Burgess, and Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, have arrived at a revised design for the debris flow mitigation associated with Phase II ofthe current expansion project (Drawing at l" = 50" included). Art Mears approved in concept a plan which extended the regrading 80 feet onto Forest Service property. The current proposal utilizes much ofthe existing berm and ditch, and extends only 40 feet onto the adjacent Forest Service land. We considered moving the entire ditch further south, but the existing slope behind the bus barn is too steep to safety regrade into the required berms and ditches. While the proposed design does disturb more area than was previously approved by the PEC, once vegetation is reestablished, the e:rtended berm will be no more visible from across the valley than the existing berm and ditch system. Revegetation will be accomplished with native plant material similar to those existing on the hillside; native grasses, sage, serviceberry and relocation of aspen trees impacted by the regrading. On my trip to Vail last week, I drove through the residential neighborhood along the golf course. Unless one knows what to look for, the existing berm is invisible from these areas. A l'l{ ( )l llSSl()Nr\l (1)1il\)RAll()N SliVl:N I lrl,N lll! | ltl:|. I l'l .\:/A sull l l;1)1r 12255|:VliNl liliN | | | Sl l(|lll I)t NVIiR. (1)l()RAIX) tiOl0: ]trl les t7l7 Mll\'llrl,li 1. )l llll: IlNl. l:A( ll I I ll.5 ( ()Rl\ )R I l()N Ittalltttttttttt documentation to completayourlgview of the revised debris flow mitigation.f.ffi,tffit es offthe trees f- rm n"io,". attachm€,trts The Toum of Vail does not currently have sigr-offfronr the Forest Service to utilize their land for extending the deb,ris flow mitigation. We will explorc this prior to the PEC meeting on November 13, 1995. Wc understand there is a negotiation ongoing betwecn the Tovm of Vail and the Forest Service which may influence the proj€ct. Please review the attached plan and let me know if you need any additional informatip$ o-r _ Larry Grafel / Susie Hervert Art Mears Morter Arohitects 7554\AK51030 ttlrllll September 19, 1995 Arthur Mears, P.E. Natural Hazards Consultants 222 East Gothic Avenue Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Sincerely, Town of Vail Public Works Facility Rockfall and Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation !::: RNL DESIGN ARCHITECTURE. INTERIOR DESICN, URSAN PLANNINC Re: Dear Art: Per our telephone conversation, I am sending copies of the proposed site regrading associated with the expansion of the Town of Vail public Works Facilities. The regrading on the east side of the site diverts flow away from the Administration Building and its proposed addition. Future housing proposed to the east (shown on theplan in red) also needs to be protected. The channel and berm behind the bus bam diverts flow to the open materials storage area between future storage buildings shown on the site master plan' The debris flow channels and berms have been designed in accordance with yow analysis dated May 16, I 995 ' Andy Knudtsen, the staff planner, has requested an updated analysis verirying the design's sufliciency, as well as som; additional items. For ctarity, all items needing to be addressed (per my understanding) are outlined below: l. Verifo thar the configurarion, location, depth etc. of the ditches meets the debris flow hazard mitigation requirements. 2. Does the mitigation as proposed protect the futrrre employee housing site to the east or will this need additional mitigation? lfuaaitionut berming/channeling is needed, what are the requirements in this area? 3. If there is a debris flow, where will the debris flow stop, how much of the Public Works site will be covered, and is there any need for containment? 4. in addition to the debris flow hazard, we understand there may be risk ofrockfall. ls this significant enough to need mitigation? If needed, what are the requirements for rockfall mitigation? 5. Verif, that the proposed hazard mitigation complies with all Town of Vail standards. The Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission has made response to the above listed itemi a prerequisite to issuance of a buitding permit for the Administration Building expansion. We are submitting the pactcag. for permit review on Fridaf, Septemb er 22nd, and expect a three week turnaround' I appreciaJe if you can - work this into your schedule within'ihat iime frame. Please contact me if you have any questions, or need additional information to complete the analysis. I expect the Town of Vait will pay for rhe work described herein. I will discuss that with Susie Hervert on Friday' Please call and give me an estimaied fee for the woik so I can pass it on to Susie. Thank you for your assistance' Pu s lktWr7 Kristen Hedberg, AIA Project Manager attachments 7554\am50919 \ I',li()l 1.5-cl()\ '\1 ( ( )lil\ rli \ ll()\ \lnL\il I\llrsllii l l l l \l\ \LIlt. l:{(r [:irl.\l \il I \ lll>llil i I t)t \\l li.(('l()li\l\)'':"1 ]|ri l.,i r; l; \ \ll \lrll i \ ,l ll il li\ l\( lL lll\rrtlil Lrli\ l()\ pRoJEcr T?xun ef Vail htblfc Wmk €rpattsfo'n w Re!-fi.tl a*'.d' Dcbr is Floto llazttd, tU ;hlg a*;an /rel-epHoNe ro/FRoM ffi /$un/Natlural lkzards Gnsul-/a't tr PRESENT roBNo. l-7ss+.ol FILE NO. :-II.-: RNL FACILITIES l:1:::: CORPORAIION PLANNtNG. DESICN, TROCIJ REM ENT, TECI{NOLOCY REPORT OF CONTACT I_] RNL FACILITIESL_I CORPORATION flrNrEnprnN lll nNr- DESTGN r_..I DESICN'BUILDI IWEST I-I FNLTECHNICALI ISER\'ICES STVENTIENTH STREET PLAzA I D,5 STVENTIENT}I STRIET, SUITI I ]OO DEiWER. COtOi^fiO 60201 JOJ.295t7t7 . fAX JOJ.p2.0645 I *trt*tuRPtAN 261 SOUTH flGUERO^, 5UITE "!LOS ^NCELEX CAUFORNIA 9@r2 TEL:43,1{4tl0O r^x r96!Ol6t ar kis #cdbcq oaTs 5?t 46, t7qf INDIVIDUAL CORFORATI MEMBERS Of THE RNL FAC|LMES CORPORA,TON coPtEs To rcfc4/ol /8t Printed by Analy Knudtsen 70 lr 11:08an From: Andlr KnudesenTo: susie HervertsSubject: Publ-ic Works buil-ding permits crag Ha].]. , Larry crafe1 , DanSCa.nek. Mike Mol].ica, Russel1F'orrest', Sugan Conne1].y I g'oe fzour p}one mai]- messa.g|e Ch.ismorningr and tstle pla.n sounds gfood. As Iunderstsand j"tr, you wil]. be waicing,untsi1 next spring tso do any \^rork, wlL]. be doinq bot}. Ptlase I arrd Ptraae II atthe same tsime, wi].]. ret,urn t.o Ehe PECin ea.r]-lr 19 9 6 witsh a p]-an f or tshehazard mitrigation, and malr be modj-fyinqfthe p1an depending on the budgets andcorrstsruction estsimales - Beforeretsurninq t.o ttre PEC for appro\raI ofthe ctrarrge to tstre hazard ml.tigatl-on, weshou]-d sit down and disc\rss and bes! al- terrrati\re - - are tlrer€ any othersbesides ts}. e option of using Forestsservj.ce land and building a berm? Ka.p l-tr m1nd chat Plr..se II doeg rroctrrv€ DRB aE proval - rrTunediate1fr af tergoing Eo Etre PEc for approva]. of tbetrazard mitsj-gatsion, p].an on sctredu1 ingftlr.e item f or a DFIB trearinq f or f ina].approva]. of Phase II. I wil]- puE Etrl.s E-Mail inEo the fl.].e so t}. ats we can pick up next spring wh.erewe l. a.\re 1ef t of f - I f ltrere are anltj-mporcants decai1s tso add, wouLd lrorr tr)]-ea.se send me a. ].etstse! putEing' a].]- ofttris informatsion tsoqetstrer? As far a.s ttre housing' goes, I would]-l-ke tso ta].k witst! f.ou a]-so about a pl-anof atca.cl<. would yor,r }. a.'\ze tsj-me codiscuss ats early ner<ts r^reek? Page: 1 tl .i;' I PRorEcr T?*n of Va*l Wlb Wmk €xp*rt,;tn fi',Ka f ulz ,n --.;/ ') t- zss+, a,l It I, Y\"' JOB NO, FILE NO. ::ii:i nNr- FACILTIIES :!lif: CoRPoRArtOru PLANNINC. DtslcN, PROCUREMENT, TECIINOLOCY REPORT OF CONTACT -,ll t",lh. / rc RaLfrJI at d Debris floa llazatd ^i*iq ah'6n drrlepHoNr ro/FRoM M rltean / N alu ra,t lfazards Gt suAfar,.t f] PRESENT Subject: t_ br !..., hi, ** rx' T-L!. ^ rytrlry, yu --.'I RNL FACILITIESI ICORPORATION E tNre nplr,iu El*r DESTGN DESiCN.BUILD \,!EST RNLTECHNICAL SERVICES SEVENTEENTH STRIET PL Z,A I::J sEVTNTEENTH STREEI SUITI IrI]O D€NVER. COLOR,ADO 8O:'T Jo.l :95 t7r r ,FA.X JOJ:92 08.15 +. M3 /.-e#er ".^ RNL/INTERPTAN 261 goLjTH flCUIROA. SUII€ rr0 t,o9 ^r.calts cauloRNIA 90tr2 TE!: 2D3,|693n F^X: 2!6m36,7 ay krc l/<4bzrg ore I INDTVIDUAL CORI'ORATE MEMBERS OF THE RNL FAOLITIES CORPORAI1ON COPIES TO: FC-FC{o/O!/91 rltlllal September 19, 1995 Arthur Mears, P.E. Natural Hazards Consultants 222 East Gothic Avenue Gunnison, Colorado 8123 0 ::I: RNL DESIGN ARCHITECTURE,. INTERIOR DESIGN, URBAN PLANNINC Re:Town of Vail Public Works FacilitY Rockfall and Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation Dear Art: Per our telephone conversation, I am sending copies of the proposed site regrading associated with the expansion of the Town of Vail public Works Facilities. The rigrading on the east side of the site diverts flow away from the Administration Building and its proposed addition. Future housing proposed to the east (shown on th.e.plan in red) also needs to be protected. the ctrannel and berm behind the bus barn diverts flow to the open materials storage area between future storage buildings shown on the site master plan The debris flow channels and berms have been designed in accordance with your analysis dated May 16, 1995' Andy Knudtsen, the staffplanner, has requested an updated analysis verifying the design's sufficiency, as well as some additional items. For clariry, all items needing to be addressed (per my understanding) are outlined below: I . Verify that the configuration, location, depth etc. of the ditches meets the debris flow hazard mitigation requirements. 2. Does the mitigation as proposed protect the future employee housing site to the east or will this need additional mitigation? ituaaitio"ut berming/channeling is needed, what are the requirements in this atea? 3. If there is a debris flow, where will the debris flow stop, how much of the Public Works site will be covered, and is there any need for containment? 4. In addition to the debris flow hazard, we understand there may be risk ofrockfall. Is this significant enough to need mitigation? If needed, what are the requirements for rockfall mitigation? 5. Verify that rhe proposed hazard mitigation complies with all Town of Vail standards' The Town of Vail planning and Environmental Commission has made response to the above listed items a prerequisite to issuance of a building permit for the Administration Building expansion. We are submining the package for permit review on Fridaf, Septemb er 22nd, and expect a three week tumaround. I appreci4te if you can work this into your schedule within that iime frame. Please contact me if you have any questions, or need add itional information to complete the analysis. I expect the Town of Vail will pay for the work described herein. I will discuss that with Susie Hervert on Friday' please catl and give me an estimaied fee for the work so I can pass it on to Susie. Thank you for your assistance' Sincerely, !.u? /ht*e*1 Kristen Hedberg, AIA Project Manager attachments 7554\am509 t 9 .\ I'li()l l:51()\,\l ('()Li i ( rli \ ll()\ \t \t:\ |\lll\llil ll:l \1 \ \L lfl l;lrLl llli)1.\ 1.\ lll\ lll\l ii i I ttt \\ |i. ( ( 'l(ili \lx' ' :'l \ \ll \lil li\,1 llll ll\l I \t ll lll \( I 'lii . !' \i \'\ ffi'I} LAI t U tsJ"r" " ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., l'Ltunlllrrr ttCorult!6. 222ElGod*Avc. Guip, Coho& E1230 nt-ut-tz% May 16, 1995 Mr. Greg Hall, P.E. Vail Town Engineer 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Supplement to Decembei, 1994 hazard analysis Dear Mr. Halt This letter provides a supplement to my rePort dated "Decemb er, L994" il which I suggest mitigation from rocKall and debris flow at the proposed public works facility. In this previous rePod I described protecting the mainlenance yard (south of tbe proposed buildings) by diverting debris onto the shed ioofs (Filure I of the December, 1994 report). I understand, frorn talking with you that the additional Iive loadln the shed roofs resulting fromdebris deposition (Figure 2 of the report) may require an expensive structure that, as a result, is undesirable to the Town of Vail. An altemate mitigation is lhcrefore proposed below. Debris flows, as indicated on thc attached drawing by arrowg can be diverted into the stofage area between the two sheds and to the west and east sides of the slreds' This can be accomplished by excavating a ditch/berm system to direct the flows as shown by the arrows. Required characleristics of this system are as follows' a. Ttre vertical difference bet*'een the top of each berm and the bottom of each ditcb (as viewed in cross section) must be 4.0r ft. b. The witlth of eacb ditch must be no less than 5 feet' c. Thc .apex angle' where the two berms inrersect must be no*than 60". ' d. The berms must meel al the apex point. The proposed design wifl clearly not Prolect the storage area between the two sheds, but I understand ftom-tatking with you that this it"t"nit an acceptable risk. As noted in my rePort, the probability of a debris flow at this site is small. Please contact me if you have any queslions. Sincerely, Arthur I. Mears" P.E. Avalanche-control engineer tNc. tvhll WotLl ' Aarlor;la o Aabrk Gr,,ttol htttsW ;i l*;;.'tl - I .a (0 2 \c () a! &t) c) o a) 'I h q) t) c) ?tt a!) :s- 5'3 = 6rE; Rr(A!i I \\ \ \ t\al4i. I .\. . NAR @ '96 02:15Pt'1 Rht- DEsIqlo ?Ror6cr TApn 4Ud,l WlicWark €ttpansfm ,o0No. t-ZSS+,ot w. Ro*.fi1t a*,d- Dcbrtsftoutilezard. fttihga*ion FILE No Efret,ep xox rryFRoM ft+ tl\un / N a*a ral-rk zards 6n cuJl*uf B PRBSENT ttaNf{hE, T0rtcffi0El/,mn R,EPORT OF CONTACT ffiffims$$ri ! !INTERPTAN RNL DESIGN Eflts#iN.ButtD fl$A|uEE{'NrcAL Gv&.llEhr,tr tEEt Put?A rlr} se\€vftF.Ilr 5nE[ Sultl I roo OrNvus. COtOr lotdol\1r.tr t ' tA* n:'r tar w - ki*ilgtfuq-.. .- o*z S?t a6,. teq{ coPtEs Tc ! mrvlmrpnnlx :n *tmr EflIt,bA Jt m !||I'i ^r.r(i[\,6 g{rorl|b t!1[.:t$arto h*dastt olE|YuLALCrc*rul MlrCIS tr TH6 u{L llgllrE crDrrcR /nu{ P.?/?'::"''."rw* : L i' ,r' ,i , l:.'.' j j j iiiiil i:l'.'.i **t| lii!#*(ii iftr!ltiiiit !1iilii.t '. t... 'tf '.... ".,.t i ... ,', ..'! 'lD.; i,l. ")<rt i, .t i2 ,,, rr), i;:;,'::;iri '.::t* ': i', ,. ii iilii'.:ii 'lir t '{t ii: i't; li:i:::.:!i i: ii:.. 'ii t'..: :ii ::l:iiiii i' ,,'.1",,. ,' -.' .,.' I ,' !M. {,:,1; :.t,.t ijl t .-i' ,.,i" ,,,.'f" ,..," . .' 1., ..,r ,; l' ,i .;j -.'j il.,i.i ,j ,i'' ....[ ..'.,' .,j ,'' ....' lir.,:'r ,1 ,.r ,,, .,,., -i,, ,lr, ',., . N ', t\,',,r,.1 i' i ii itj, l 'irrql,ii r!:ili!!: i:l:.,iiiilit ,i'rt'r'.V\ffi '.1,:l)/$r'1,,i il*'lit futp,[.ir lDl,-l '<, l1'.ZrmEVr1.' tTfri:l;:: iffi$.:[:: ; F..jr.'l.'il ; c3 >. l'.HO!X'{..-. fto 1.. | '... 5gg6 t.'''l- *-b.-r''l '' <(.,1T "... I'..'\.:r io rl. 1 t} -n <rfl 11.FrE. n'{' P.PE'F.l''.-{ '... C) 1..'.'..' >'-i{ | ''----:r-5 "'l -' '...1'...1''..;.... "...., li 'l'i, ii j ii !::iiiiiM ilt)H 1"il l*ri Sl(ti :.*i ,'D: I f "... i t \. al l:'.$ t- I rlflto +o' ^o.fp4org*nt *77rov<dt Pq Mfttatrs 'g6r,*ir*coflaf, s,,i.Ifi,a.r s idt of a.Fl.ll or4le-. NoJat NL ruia.s V'*7p<ot<d 6ry4 'r,.lJiUjfon{- Ar4d44 ddl<-d, col*,41 ht\I iilii'!iiri\ 0 a HI 3n n! ill'"-::' iiii7 ,/ t s6/tualSteffi. + dI]LEI hEls:n 3J,l*,EfNIu.l ilr z9llEl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Deparhnent of Community Development Andy Knudtsen/Planning Russell Forrest August 8, 1995 Public Works Maintenance Facility Remodel After reviewing the submittal for the Public Works remodel I u'ould strongly recommend the following: l) All fueling tanks sbould be above ground with secondary containment large anough to accommodate the volume of product stored in the tanks. Above gfound tanks are much safer from an environmental liability standpoint. Above ground tanks must also be protected from vehicular impact. 2) All containers (Magnesirrm Chloride, Waste Oil ) with hazardous materials or waste must have secondary containment. For example, the u'aste oil container must have secondary containment to contain a complete spill of that container and also to accommodate a20 year rain event. 3) Drainage from the Town shop yards run directly into stormwater drains that discharge into Gore Creek. I would strongly recommen<l that a containment system be created (similar to VA) that would prevent spills from being released into Gore Creek. VA has installed a pefoler:rn separation device in their drainage system which significantly reduces the risk of water contaminated with oil or fuel from escaping the maintenance area. 4) Based on input from G:eg Hall. the interior drainage system goes into the sewer. Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District may require a grease trap to intercept as much grease before entering the sanitary server. tp*n.nuo"*o o$ign Review Action rollr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number sn" 4 6/er erqea*ama: T'a.v r/ //a, / Qu f'lt /r-'at /s Building Name: owner, Addres s ana enone: Tn" ,, r { // ,t , / Arctritect/Contast, Address and Phone: Motion by:</>t t'- Board / Staff Action Seconded by: {ooorou",n Disapproval ! StaffApproval CondiUons: 1/?/,"'-.. ,l /s"-, DRB Fee Pre-paid- o MOnrnnAncnIECTS Letter of Transmittal o A Prof essional Corporation 143 East Meadow Drive CrcssDads at Vail Vail, Colorado 8165/ 303/476-5105 3c3/476-o71o Fax oau: /z{,t-? /b //75 ro //,.nd-// p?/4/ZvL^ fu-;*u"/// Pr4Lkfu-'r"/ Tart-n 67 fa-{ ' Proi€cl: Taun 4 f*"/ V///r*.c luaz/z Pleas€ fird enclosod lhe lolbwing: Copieska'Dal€d '2r4d ?t"*""a @t/;cal"""t 4) fuAmZa-'.,q -#'e a(uryB?'//rtc/'un-t/d ./:7f", d 6'' /z,zvzd-.Aqua't( - .4/L/ l/eft //'/@s/4 fi J-+ru/nt( tr /*'dr adld h f'tu " az,ndozl)J af /// /fu/4{4'd/ Remed(s: *#, rz€z-*{-a,n l-L*/rrfu€ /e [rz-n fuhh/4/ blfu@ ry /fu,,l.zzarJ4 kL// k lo-u */ la <*%::i3q By: oo FONTAN SUPERIOR MECIIANICALS: Urtrtzsu Bnl.resr/RsPLEcroR SrsrsM: . Hinged and removable.as a unit . ^f tiitvic.essed for installation and maintenance. futomatic PrimarY disconnect Sr.uru 0Prtcs: o A o1 . Hinged.and sealed forremoval as a unit. Ettilv i...tsed for installation and maintenance Reflector sealed against a one-piece E.P.D.M. gast<et Excellent Protectlon Irom dust, debris and motsture %reatJz4 Tpupnnro Gress Lrls: . Thermal and.imPact-temPered for safety and durablllr'v- . Consistent lighting perl0rmance Exrnunpn Aruurluu Lrss Fnaup WItHour WELDS . Accurately mitered.corners . l.ni s..ut.d with internal corner keYs. Ouiit reliase safetY latch ExrnunEo Aruutluu Houslxc . Radius die-formed from single extrusion. Easy Push b-utton latch access for ouick relamPtng FLEXIBLE PHOTOMETRICS: IIDno'nonMso SsMt'sPrcur'AR RrrlrctoR SYsrru: . Standard IES Patterns'I' Il,lll' i;ina FlFor*ard Throrv), II. rna lff riirt.a for horizontal Iamps. iieilgnea and ma.nufactured to meet"or exceed UL and NEC reouirements. iBEW and UL labeled OPTIONS: . Photoelectric control receptacle . Pole or wall mounted . io*Ait coat, bakedenamelor anodic hard coat tlnlsn ln a wide color range fIXTURI DATA TXIURE LUttltNAlRt SIZE RE(OMMENDED STANDARD ARM DIMINSIONS IlOUNNNG HTIGHT r6 t4ooul "nl 30 'Foue {oor},.) 3'n'"9v6 11'x21'x6" T x4" x4' 24" x 31'x 10" 'jlll;lj'j"jil':j; TONIANA o F ONTANA TO ORDER USE THE FO|.TOWING PRODUCI SEQUENCE: 7. lanp Wattage (Ser trturc Dalo, Previous Pogel g. I amp Type M Mercury Voporl| Metol |.iolide5 High Pressure SodiumI lncondescent 9. PrinarYVoltage r 20 208240 277 480 VND (voltose.not delermined) 10. tuninaire Finish See Poge 36' 11. Pole or Bracket (ross Reference Luminoire Size (#2) ond luminoire Arronqemenl (#4) wilh fieWind Lood Roling Toble below to select lhe gPProPriole^Pole or brockel from Poge Jo. 1. Series Code FN 2. Llminaire Size 21 26 JI 3. DiffuserA deor Glos 4. Luminaire Arrangementl0 Sinqle 28 Two-d 180' 29 Two ot 90" 32 Three of 120" 39 lhree ot 90' 49 Four ol90" 5. Reflector 0PtionsI IES TYPe I2 IES TYPe ll3 IES TYPe lll5 IES Type VF Fordord Throw Distribulion 2D lESTvPe llFoceled. 3D IES TYbe lll Foceted 6. Lminaire OPtions .P PholoelectricConlrol receotscle HS Houie Side (ut-off Shield 5G PolYcorbonole Stone Guord Ft Fuse luminoire FP Fuse PoleN OPtiont Not Required SAMPTE ORDER ER fN 2t A 28 3 N 150 s 277 C SFA07-E CN .',.--'--$ vlB ^s -el i a.G .s \- s\.ri st\s" .rt s\ --"""--- ou" t..td S""a-s o\"'*od NUM ".$ "* \" "-$* ' **os\i\'s 'o$ sl-e \'{s r8 FONTANA 2l I 26 t3l ?0 SAMPLE SPECIFICATION The luminaire sidewalls shall be radius dieformed from a single piece of extrusion of aluminum alloy 6063'T{' ft'. iloriing shall have a 1'25'outside radius at each corner. The crowned aluminum sheet canopy shall be crimoed and sealed to the housing' Finishing on the housing shall be-. The flat, thermal and impact' tempered glass lens is set into an extmded aluminum t.nt t*., ,rdra with an E'P'D'M' gaskel Door frame assembt.v shall be made of aluminum extrusion and r.,u"a n'itft extruded internai corner keys' no welds' poor to l, t'ing.O nith aluminum pins and retained uith a ouick release safety latch of stainless steel' The door fra]ne shall be removable. The FN'21 and FN'26 available vith a choice of IES I, il, il, V or F (Forward Throw) p.n.tnr, n & lll Faceted. The FN'3i is available in IES il, ni ttd F Gorwud Throw) distribution' and II and III n...t.d. Tire reflector is precision hydro'formed ri*inrt , chemically brightened and anodized to a ,.rirp..ut.t linish. Reflector system.is hinged and Urcn.A'a the gasketed door fame for easy cleaning or r*.*L e friseholder inside the fixture is optional' Iamp socket shall have nickel-plated cunent carrying pn t *irft hnp gnp. Ballast shall be capable of stafing tYDe of lamp of - watts at - voltage a.* io'm "F. The 200" C',60Gvolt insulating wire strati te installed between the ballast and the lamp' iofJ". m*tty *ltage h the ballut is disconnated by . oilt*.. tupe s*it I when lens door is opened' The ,*a"a t* .t"*bly shall be of recangulu aluminum eilrsion complete with non'slip tie rod channels serving ., t .otp"trion member with two threaded and zinc' oiatea stea tie rods and lock nuts in tension between oJ. .a f*inri". The luminaire shall bear the listing lt* of Unar*iters Laboratory "Fixtures suiable for wet locations." FOOTT\-.OTESi ' FN-ai ut.. " to*rtd distribution reflector or ;il;;il;;dj"ttable reflector and is not sealed' Hffi-8?YiYlilSoffi;39,'o*''. Troe IID and IIID and lYPe h Gorward Throw) reflectors are hbricated of sPeorlat and brighr oebbled aluminum lighting sheet ind are not sealed' - -. iii ""n .na 100 watt Metal Halide iampiare not available with 480 volts . }p" t OitoiUution.available onlf in High Pressure Sootum' s- _\stt\ q\:so{ist ffnuoo Alulltlllufrl ARI'i O055 SKn0il MECIIANICALFEAruRFS A, ZincPlotedSteellieRods B. UnitizedBollostComponents'eosilyremovoble C Formed Aluminum (onoPY D. txtrudedAluminumHousing L Oui& Releose Push-builon totdr t Extruded E.PD.ftlGosket biliconein 1000W) G. LompHolder"Gdp-Iile'MogulSotkel H. Hydieformed Aluminum Reflector'hinged ond removoble l. Iempered Glos lens J. PrimoryDisconnecf Push-buflon0perobd hotdnwnl K Fxtruded Aluminum 0oor Frome M t)oor Sofety ftlth LUMNAIRE ilIOIJNTTI{G Extruded Aluminum Mounling fum ((ros Sxtion Shown Abovel D00R FRAIIIE & 0ffiCAL ASSEMBLY ldose up Oo:s Seclion Shovn Above) D. ExtrudedAluminumSidewoll F. txtruded [PD.M. Gosket r|. Hydro'formed Aluminum Refledor l. 0eorTemPered Glos lens K ExhudedAluminum Door Frome L txtruded Aluminum Flonge MOUNTING OPIIONS t0 29 Single lwo ol 90't*.l,t,ro' *tt n""ol"o' '0"11'0"H r.r Jt +'r9 o s Co o mp act Fluorescent8" Lensed Square 7 Recessed squares are avail- able for two 13W twin, 18W quad, or 26W guad lamps. Trims are rugged, rust proof, diecast aluminum and are available llush or regressed. Choice ol four lens lypes including prismatic Lexanc. Pdsmatic glass (1) or Lexang (2) lens. Matte while Wgray steps and pris- matic glass (1) or tsmpered pris- matic (8) lens. Matte white with graysteps and drop opal glass lens. Fresnel lens. Matt6 white wilh gray sleps DimensionVFeatures lr05 dm) Lr T- lL_1l%' {zlt |'|i) cFl0s02 C.ili|g culorrl: lolr' {, (2621 m.n) M|timrrn Wirrtr: lo!|' (2El mm) M|imun Coilhg Thlc*n.$: h' (16 mm) ScaLr: NTS mrr.'l!l{ '|'.rlP32 mml (zlt nm) {!o5h.n)-l Encased and potted class 'P" ballasts for long life and quiet operation (magnelic). Separate leads lor two circuit applications (magnetic). Diecast aluminum trim frames - flush or regressed. Shallow (4-1l8") recessed depth. Slip strap (B-7) bar hangers standard. UL, CSA listed for damp location and through wiring. tr cFr018f26so C.iling cdout l0' .q, (25,4 mml Marlmum wdth: l(r (2521 mml M.rimur|r C.lI.€ Thhln...: n' (ld twn) Scrl.: NTS a a a Ordering Information cFl0s02s-3 cF1018SQS-3 cF1026SQS-3 cF10s02s-2 cFl018sos-2 cF1026sQS-2 Two l3W Twin Two 18W Quad Two 26W Quad cF10so2s-l cF1018sos-1 cF1026SOS-1 Stepped Rsgrsssaffrim: Change'S'to'M' . Example: CF1018SO2M-1. (18W & 26W only). Electronic Ballast: Sutfix housing with'EB'. Erample: CFl018SOEES-1. Options OrderlnE Code Opllon3 Ord6rlng Code I Sutlix housing calalog numbar. Exampl6: CFIo26SOHPFS-l Nolr: For optlon dlllllr 3.c p!gc. 5l & 55. -!ie I Fadio lnlorfsrence Filtor Fusing Em€rgency Pack Dimming HPFI .6fer l0 pags 54 refer lo page g contact faclory contacl factory ffir" T-Bar Adaplor Alzalp Relleclors TPS TBG.TLG PKT f,261 .CFB2 (CF10SO2 only) 'Fial<t ln3iallcd PREscoLrrE 51 M" k- 'SF, slrtlqr Fa August 14, 1995 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an addition and remodel to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a remodel to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted tract, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen BACKGROUND: The public works site is located in the General Use zone district. In this zone district, there are no allowed uses and all structures and usei require conditional use approval. In 1993, the Town hired RNL Architects and Morter Architects to design a master plan for the public works site. The master plan was reviewed by the PEC and ultimately approved by the Town Council in 1994. lt was determined at that time that as each phase was being prepared for implementation, the Public Works Departmentwould present it to the PEC lor conditional use approval. At this time, the Public Works Departrnent is requesting Conditional Use approval of Phases I and ll to be constructed in 1995 and 1996. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Town of Vail Public Works Department is proposing two expansions to existing buildings located in the Public Works complex. The expansion of the Mministration Building is'required to consolidate the Engineering Division and imprOve efficiency and service to the Town staff and the public. Expansion of the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings is required to accommodate the new 40-foot long buses being purchased for use during the 95-96 ski season. This work will be broken into two phases. The first phase will be completed in the late summer and fall of 1995. The second phase will be completed in 1 996. Phase one includes an addition and remodel ot the Administration offices. The addition is approximately 2,000 square feet, Phase I also includes new electrical service to the Fleet Maintenance Building and the upgrade of one vehicle maintenance bay to accommodate repair of the new, longer buses. Phase two includes additions to the Fleet Maintenance and Bus Barn vehicle parking area, vehicle wash and fueling tacilities, driver's lounge and loc*ers, vehicle body shop and chassis wash bays, the welding shop, and the vehicle repair bay. The additional floor area is approximately 13,700 square teet. The existing fueling station and the existing bus wash will be removed. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: iIEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department ol Community Development il. ilt. A. Since the PEC worksession on July 10, 1995, staff has rerdewed the items that were raised by the PEC. Of all of the issues which were identfied, staff believes that here are two significant issugf . These include lhFiffiStaff's analysis ol all the issues is provided below. REVIEW CRITERIA: Consideration of Fac'tors : 1. The relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. The purpose section ot the Conditional Use section of he zoning code, Section 18.60.010, states il|at: 'Because of their unusual or specialcharactedstics, conditional uses require review and evaluadon so that they may b6 located properly wlth respect to the purposes of this title and with respect the their eflects on surrounding properties.' The purpose section ol the General Use District of the zoning code, Section 1 8.36.01 0, states that: The General Use District is intended to provide sites for public and quasF' public uses... and is intended to ensure that pubic buildings and grounds and certain types ol quasi-public uses permitted in nilFG to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air open spaces and other amenities appropriate wih the permitted types of uses." Staff believes lhat the expansions to he Public Works facilities are consistent witt the goals of these purpose sections of the zoning code. iHtll;;l;Ffitfr Effect of the use on light and air. distribution of population. transportation facilities. utilities. schools. parks and recreation lacilities. and other public facilities. Staff believes hat the proposed improvements will have positive effects on the criteria listed above. In particular, the proposal will have a positive affect on the transportation facilities of the community. Effect upon traffic. with oarticular reference to congestion. automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience. traffic flow and contol. access. maneuverability. and removal ol snow from the streets and parking area. 2. 3. Guest parking Statf believes that the aspects of the proposed expansion that relate most closely to the criteria above involve traflic flow and parking supply on this property. The consultants for the Town of Vail provided an analysis of the demand for visitor parking spaces (see Exhibit A, memo from Chris Hedberg, dated August 1, 1995). Staff belleves that the five new visitor parking spaces are approfiately located and will edequately provide for the demands of the Administration Building. One detail that has been successfully addressed is the configuraton of the entanoe to the handicapped parking space. The plan shows that there will be greater definition to this access way than the current situation. The plan calls for landscape areas on either side of the access way which will delineate it from he rest of the parking area. Stafl believes the improvements to details such as these will increase the aesthetic quality of the site. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located. includinqthe scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Landscaping Statf believes that one of the most significant issues regarding this proposal is screening the site from surrounding uses. Specifically, staft believes that the berm between the Interstate and the Public Works site should be heavily planted. This berm has been planted with spruce in the past and at this time Pubic Works will be augmenting the existing landscaping with the following: -29 - 6'tall Spruce; '82-TgallonAspen; '82 -10 gallon Aspen; '48 - 5 gallon Serviceberry; and '23 - 5gallon Sage; Staff believes that the additional spruce, aspen and shrubs will add variety and result in a high quality appearance. In staft's opinion, the landscaping on the berm adjacent to the snorrr dump needs to be increased. Staff understands that there is no need to screen buildings or equipment, as there is in the other portions of the site; however, the landscape transition from the existing berm to the snow dump portion does not work well. Staff believes that the 29 additional s,guce should be added to the snow dump portion of the berm lo create a smooth transition. The amount of landscaping around the Administration Building is excellent, in staff's opinion. The planter box areas will increase by 260 sq.ft. Once the proposed plan is implemented, statf believes hat the site will be sufficiently planted. Other Conditional Use requests in the future should not be required to add landscaping, as the amount reflected in these drawings is adequate (assuming the transition along the snow dump can be improved). Lighting Staft worked with Jennifer Decker, an architect with Morter Architects, and drove the neighbofioods around the Public Works site in the evening to identify the lights that create glare from the Public Works site. A lighting plan-[gs p9g4-, provided which addresses all of the fixtures that generate glare. tfrFl;fr- !I Ii t Trt'flt Staff believes that the lighting plan has been thoroughly addressed and will signiticantly improve the appearance of the site from adjacent properties. Detalls Some of tre specific details that have been mentioned by the Planning and Environmental Commission in fie past include signage on he Frontage Road ard unifying he roof treatments. The applicant is proposing a sBn as part of Phese ll. This will be reviewed by the DRB. Concerning the roofs, the applicant has stated that all additions to the fleet building willbe designed to match the existing fuilt-up roof form. The material of the roof will not be changed at this time. In the future, Public Works will be making the roof materials consistent, as maintenance is needed. The roof o\rer the Administration Building is proposed to be a standing seam, green metal rool. This is significantly different than the other roof material; however, statf believes that differentiating the Administration Building from the shops building is appropiate. Other factors as the Commission deems +plicable to the proposed use. At the PEC worksession, there was extensive discussion about safety issues and employee housing issues. Staff believes that they most appropriately fall under this criteria. 1|louslngponcerning housing, Public Works is not proposing to add any additional pmployees as a result of the proposed addition and remodel, and therefore, pannot be required to provide employee housing as a condition of the Conditional pse Permit approval. Three employee housing units were specified in the original phasing plan, as detailed in the 1 993 Master Plan approved by the PEC and Council in 1994. These three units were to be completed as part of Phase I or Phase ll. At his time, Public Worl<s has designated an area on the eastern portion of the slte that could accommodate up to twelve employee housing units (900 sq. ft. each) or up to 10,800 sq. ft. of employee housing. Public Works is committing the use of the land and will rely on others to create the product. Staff believes that it is important to keep both the expansions to the Public Works facilities and the proposal for housing moving. Statf believes hat the Public Works site is an excellent location for housing for seasonalworkers and has discussed this concept with the Director of Public Works. hffi:|Il|n ffi. staff is confident that a successful housing development can be created here. However, the time required to analyze the 5. B. options and determine the best solution is significant. In order to keep the Public Works projects on schedule, statf believes it would be most appropriate to approve the reguested Conditional Use with the understanding that the Town of Vail statf will work, in conjunction with consultants as needed, to create housing at this location or an equivalent elsewhere. Hazards The lirst safety issue deals with the rockfall and debris flow hazard. The architect and the consulting engineer have redesigned the proposed debris flow channels in such a way as to reduce the amount of hillside disturbance. No existing tiees will be atfected. All regrading will occur on the Public Works site. Art Mears, the Town's hazard analyst, is presently out of the country and was unable to review the drawings. Staff would recommend that prior to issuance of any building permiF for the proposed improvements, that an updated analysis by Art Mears be completed verifying that the proposed design is sutficient. lf any significant changes are required, a return to the PEC willbe required. Staff believes that in addition t0 looking at the amount of disturbance to the hillside, other issues for Mr. Mears' analysis include identifying the location where the debris flow will stop, how il will be contained, and how much of the Public Works site may be covered. A debris flow map at a scale of 1" - 50" must be submitted prior to final DRB review to fully to understand the impacts. Underground fuel tanks Another safety issue involves the new location for the underground gas and diesel fuel tanks. There was some debate as to whether these should be located above or below ground. The applicant has researched the codes and provided an analysis in the memo attached as Exhibit A. In brief, underground tanks will meet all standards and will actually be safer if located below ground. Because the debris flow channels are in the vicinity and because there is signiticant truck traffic around the tanks, Public Works believes that locating them underground will reduce the risk to the tanks. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed locatien of the use in accord with the purposes ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes ol the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under nrhich it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, statf recommends approval of the Conditional Use request. We believe that the proposal meets the criteria, as addressed above, as wellas the findings. Specifically, Finding 81 is met, in staff's opinion, as the proposed use is in accordance with the purposes of the zoning code and the General Use Zone District. Finding 82 is met as the proposed location of the use will not be detrimental to the pubic healft, safety, or welfare. Finally, Finding Bg is met as the use willcomply with all of fte applicable provisions of he zoning code. Therefore, staff recommends approval with thg followlng condltlons: 1. Prior to review by the Design Revieyv Board, the applicant shall: a) Amend the landscape plan, adding sufficient spruce and aspen to the snow dump section 0f the berm to create a gradual transition from the older section of the berm to the newer section. DRB shall determine if the landscape plan is sufficient to create a successful transition; b) Provide a map of the proposed debris flow grading at a 1:50 scale; c) Provide details of all proposed lighting fixtures. Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall: Provide an updated analysis of the hazard mitigation by Art Mears, specifying that the proposed plans comply with he TOV standards and specifying greater detail to cover the guestions listed in the memo above. J) Pm;L6L L-5.^ { a. t\.,J--L!.l cL* a€ ,! t.r k-41_a_ z i\rvcryoDcvcc\mcm6\poblicwtr.tl 4 Erhibit , nr€dro fiom Cbrir Hedberg drtld Vll95 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Cobrado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 FROITI: DATE: Department of Community Development '[r>'l ,/" kAndy Knudtsen/Planning Russell Forrest August 8, 1995 Public Works Maintenance F fy Remodel After rerieu.ing the submittal for the Pu Works remodel I u'ould sEongly recommend the follou"ing: l) All tueling tanks sbculd secondary containment large enough to accommodate tbe volume e tanks. Above ground tanks are much safer from an environmental liability stalCpoint. vehicular imoact. Above ground tanks must also be protected from 2) All containers (Magnesium CNoride, Waste Oil ) u'ith hazardous materials or waste must have secondary containment. For example, the u'aste oil container must bave secondary containment to contain a complete spill of that container and also to accommodate a20 year rain event. 3) Drainage from the Toun sbop vards run directly into slormwater drains tbat discharge into Gore Creek. I q'ould strongly reccmmend that a containment system be created (similar to VA) that would prevent spills from being released into Gore Creek. VA has installed a petoleum separation device in tbeir drainage system u'hich siguificantly reduces the risk of water coniaminated with oil or fuel frorn escaping tle maintenance area. 4) Based on input from G:eg Hall. the interior drainage system goes into the sewer. Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Disrict may require a grease tap to intercept as much grease before entering the sanitarv server. o {S*ny"uoruo llUG AZ '95 OS:EIPN RI\L iGN tttttrtt!!!: RNL DESIGN AncHntcrum,, tMl$flDtltCJ.l, URIAN !t ANNttw XTNORANDUT To: Andy KnuChcn Conmunlfi Dcvchpmcnt Dqrrfncnt ToYm slVail, Colondo Fromr l0b Hrdbctg RNL Dulgn D.h: Aug[t l, 1905 R.: TownolVrllDrprimntofPubli0Wbrkr R.|ubmlthl ff PECORB M.dingr Thc bllovring intomltiol r(*lna..3 commcflb fiom h. July 10, 190t PtC worlcerrlon l| ouflincd in your mcmor of July 10 rnd 2Q '1906. I balicw wr hrvr ddrured rll of |hr bruc you hffo nlrcC, Fhrrr conbd nr lf hrru h rnyhlng rhe ua n .d h .lhcirt. Vllc look butrl b pruocding nlh thr proj.ct Raqponssc b,rsrn$ raird in yaurJdy 20 mtnrc: Thr propomd db uolt rto.irhd wlth th. AdminiNhthn Building ddition prwidc llvr (5) nrw pildng 3p.ccs iust.rd 0f lhc ncw cntnnca rhit Thit paddng will br nnrnd lbr guctr/publb coming b thc Administrstion BulHhrg rnd uvil br $nrd rccodlttgly. Tnrc Ttnlb'b thr ltdllU rrc mt $und$t Moft tll fic b Publc vvorl(. b by Publio wbrl(3 onploy... daa&ro wltr dmlnbfr[hr bruc, l,l dm c.rfi, pryrol[ rchcduling rnd mccilngr wilh rdm&ilrlnrtivr rlrff. Non-Pub0c tftb*: rrployx3 coming b thc bulldlng Includr contrecbn d.|llng wlh lg|d conltucuon pcrmih rnd ohGr conrtruolion coordhtffon, 3tett from othcr Tom Dcpertmnb, i,c Policc. Communlv Danbpmnt, Tnrnrportrtion dolng burln.|r rvitr Public Wbrkr Adminirffiion, profrrdonrlconeilrnb, rd vrndon vlrlllng $r db for thr fittt tmc. Vlribrc end yrndon rlro go b ihr :hopr bullding rtd plt tutth.r r|al on thC iib o'la hry badil Ncqurinted with thr d.putmnt rdlrnd lhef offior locrllons. Wlh hr excrpUon of m:otlngr, ll lr uncommon b hrvr nEt thrn ilo b f,rrlC vi3lh|l h thr Mmlnlrtntlon Bulldlng rt onr tlnr. In hc ctlent ol ltge mctngr in ha Conbrcnoc Roo{tt. I muimum of 1 0-12 proplr crn b. |cccilmod.hc. Thb b ganrnlly I nt ( ot Publh tworkl amployfu rnd vlrlbn lirtld .bovc, lf plting for mo|t lhan flvc catf b ltqul|ld tt thcaa trnaf. thay orn u|. rpsr fu|tnr .rrt dong thc hill. One perklng rpecr h* elro bmn pruporrd .t th. antnne b Pullls\ tor|tr br hilClcappad pcrtou rnd 3hort hm doliv.rbr, i... prp.? goCt, mnding abck, cb. Thb rpaoc 13 oFcobd b b. ut d r lhr tmc on busy day3, but oftan rum.in cmpv, A prrklng enrlyrlr complcbd lbr rlfl pr*lng In hr Admlnlrtrfon Building idlowe on thc no( pagp, Thc enrlyris wrr dom whrn thr nroduhr rddllion wer bdng conrldrnd, but ia 3till valid h brna of numbcr sf rmployrcr. Thl rmployn hrt oumnlly prft wrrt of thr bulldlng rt ttn bp ot thc hlll wlll nrorc dowll rlong thr brrm or rrrt of the Mmlnldrrtion Bulldlng. ottor Fher ll b comphb rnd 0tr tu.| l.hrd b nlocrbd, dditionrl prrking will br rvrihbh rlong lhr brrm A PlotlsrtlotlaL cottrot^Tlcn{ 951,&.IT8&vfl{ ffnlcrfltln glJtTE rt@ lfrflH'ffi'H' !03.3t1t' lht ^ MlMblro!TttE DE5o FILJ\' g,rc. :rD gf ; ciFi,l t(l\L lJLJJ,irl\i.stZb 0fflce Grcg Hall Terr1 I'lartines Charlla Davie ITocld Oppanhrirter Greg Banie Futura Eng. T.cb CuruqnLParkj.nq Dll AdnLn Lot tcsl! rctoEs Bu4 Brrn Bcrfi lcrosgBut Barn Bcrm Acroes BUE Barn Bern Acrocc Eus Barn N/A"' i,fqcr 4ddtrlon elong htll Sane Sanc Sane Sane East along hlli East from fron fron fron Net lncroese ln cnrployees - (I). Adequat,e eng19y99 and public ptrklng exlstE to Chc rrst (along berm(S) rnd httl (N) ) end trcst (ilong berm (S)) of the Pt{Adnlnletratlon Bullding !o acco$mgdatC the proposcd noduleraddltlon, Durlng the past ycar, the pollce department has beenparltng -approxlnately (15) vehl,cles aiong the brcm east of the AdnLn. EIdg.1 whlLe consLruction conE,tnues a! the \fPD. The PolicrD.pa*ncnt anticlpat,cs rclocatlng thcir vehlclee bach to thelr orrnparking lot wltbin the rnonth. - thrre was arqrlc parklng Bpac.savrllablc tvcn wlth the addltlon of the pD vehi-elet, thcrsior-a thenodular adctltlon Foslc vary llttlc lnpect to on-eltc prrking, frtJG AZ '35 AS:eZP{'l RrrL Glr E -tLrEr gtnoc thc Juu 10 PEc wrl( r...ion, u|G dc.hn brm rhng wlh tublo vr/otu h|l rtudlrd rlbmrll'v.. to hr uiglnrl ilgildhg propcrlon tlr norh ilr of h..|lr, Thr r.virad propolrldhiltbf mtrh Lrt rnr,ld b a||fy conhincd tfirh thc Publiovr|bilc prDpory iln . S.. th. Grrding rnd 8lh Pbnr rt 1'.2O rcrh for thr rrr bring ngnd.d. th rv rdtrn mbl urr d hc afrtng dlbh rnd baml $llillng lt Inb tso llow lrr rqJn<l thr AdmhLu.fron 9uldhe ln Ph$c I, rnd oondhg hr ditdr rnd bcfin b thc srrt In Ph|.c ll. A| sa dir(lrtad, rr wlllvnt hr db witt you ro yci undrnhnd tho rmount of dirtrrlanc, md wl nttfir thr rrr lor PEC rnd DRB mrnbm b rfllc Al rtolf 0t dhfrrrbrncrwll br n.vrgffiyrlh mtv. mrbthbddrrbthrofithgfitttnhlnoludlnggnrrcr, r4r rnd wlldflowrn. G. Lrndrceplng Thc |nh|nc.d hnd.$plng dong hc b.rm lollom guldcllno ||[b[rhrd in hr Town of Vrll Lrndrcrpr hprDycmcnt Ptrn omphbd In 1989. trndrorplng wlll b. tdfid b frllh gnpr b:h'I.m uidhg rPrucc brrl rnd glvr I mon ndrnlrpprrrrcr bthr phntq, A$dt rtd rwbrbrny wlll ba rddcd b*{lcan md down thr rlopc fmm fir ryucc. Lomr gtoUing.|e[ rr€ ||bblbmh Yyil b| rddcd b BuvlCI mltvt cdor b hr hlll.ldf, D.d u.fr rhng h..llow dunr wlll bc tcmorsd md ]tg|rnbd wlh noncFucr rrlgctrtiol md tt.r. 8.c tho aimnt ledrQr pLnr ry Publb lrfrdc for tlr pmpold plrnUng dong lh. b.rm. Th: lrruc rrgrdlng "no nd lorr' of phn[r rnr .t r i.|ull of tm (r,molluon rnd nax odr3tuoton rt hr Adminlrffion Buildlng ir gnphiafy rhonn on ha |tbofrd plrn, Ar rlpwn, uf Jr propritrg b drmobh th. .xbtine plmhr d t|C Nilding cnty (240 r.L), k..p hr .Iirt|g phnbr on hr routh *lr ol thr buiHing (EE r,t), end rdd 160 r.f. of phnhr m thr um( rouh ud .|d ddr of tlr bululng, A ncTr, 320 r.f. plrnhr lr brlng .dfid rdj|c|nt b lhr hrndhrppdl pilldng rtlr, Th. nd Indl|.|. d phnbr |f.r i3 2C0 i,f. V\h will ntocrb ho ti.c curnanty in th| .xbting phntirg rm b thr nrr pbrfir. DESIo !tat!ttttttttrll H|JG tJZ ',95 A5: i4Pm Rt\L l.rfsir5t{r.b'c-ki tataal latttttttt D. Scr..nlnq Vl.w. Frbm th. Adlrc.nt Nclghbortrood Ar e ruult of thc visual turvcy pcrbfired by yoursef (Andy lGudsen) and Mofiar ArchiEdr, l sita phn hes bc.n prtpand which eddr€aics lhc issue of 'prcblem lights', Problem l'rghb rru dofncd rr thoce which am vlsiblo fhom the reCdentbl neighborhoodc on the soutfi sidc of F70. Robrto th. LighUng Layout Plan plen for lhe location ard propoeed sohtion br the "prsblEm lighb'. Foltrwing er. cut Bh€ets of fie prcpoead fixhrre for he rcplacement of ex'nting fttturcr rr wrll aB nrw fixlurm. Another isguo rthtit € b thc visual imptct of thc proJrl le rccf m#rials. l/tQ hwe made a significant cfurt h thc dcaign of this pmject to unfy roof matsrials and roof lbms b minimizc ho potlnlhl fur a 'hodge podge' look to resull lt is our intent b od€nd hG rou{rcm nof of th. Adminbtration Building b he west and re-pof he entirc rcof (old rnd ncw) b m*. n bok unificd. llla arr proposing a dafi grcen stending scem mctll pof. (S.. sfrsd|od brJiEingclwrtion.) ThcAdminisbation Building ountnty hrs an etchibcturd idcntity which i3 difrr€nt from tho mdnbnEncc building. This is a deoi€d slturdon. Thc addltima b lhc mdnhnencc buildhg will have a bullt+p rool b metch the c$sting bur brm rcof. (S.e etbchcd tlcl,'tion.) Wc arc nol pioposiru h rs-roof sec0onc of the shops bulding tD uniy od$ng flrof colom, bLrt this could be done when re-roollng lbr rralntenancc ie raquircd. -v hL,\r tJC >J Ilrll P. L-tz 28 ttattlttrlttrttt E. Empldr.. I{ourlng Th6 plans shor he propoeod locabd dhrolve studio type employoo houring unf!. Thir yuork can bc comPLbd trrlmry.r llnendng lr rydlrbb, and t not currrnty hlted trrlfi any ottsr aonEtuction on tht ruilc f,|brl(s .lb. Publlc \fl/orf(s ts wruty trgloring dorr.lopmott and lhendrg ogtbnr lbr hc.tnpbyt hou|lngtfi$youl| fmd|heTo$'nCoundl. Rtuh$Jortswlll loepyouhlbmEdofur.lr progrrlr in tha Floatt. Thete ane a numbsr of deslgn and slte sacurl$ bcucr wl0t thr contrinrtin of houcing md hc Publia tf{orkr hcllilirs. A n$onrblr numbrr of unltr 'B impofitnt not b orrgb( hc tght enhrce b the rlb, or intodu€ pcopb on thc cft! sho uouts vhbb Rtbllolllbrlc'lbofltc end r$rUr. Mudt sf tre !xh&e ouEoor Etonge lr non*ecun, attd wt rumeln ro. Threr lure naad b bc nvi*cd in rlcbrrrilnlng tre numb.r ot unib rnd ltr tbn of unlts b b. da'.hpcd. F. Envfuonmrnlj lrrur It is the rccormcndaton of thc derign brm 0iat tha naw iJ.l bnk! bc abied undcremund in the looation shown on the slte plen. Th€ dccidm b locrb thr tenlc uruhryrund wtt mtdc for th. lbllowing r€gEolo. 1. Aaooding b thc Unibrm Flll Codc, Chl| tO.loln ) r|ld Ch|| il (di.oC) efrage Erkc 3hrt b. locrbd undotlrou,U unl.|. it b lmpilclical or th.n arB property or buldlng limibtions. (Scc attechcd copieo olcode.) 2. Typicrlly, lcrkr hrt do occuf wtth un(horound bnl3t oclrr h fic pipno. not h the bnk wb are proposlng a double w"ilod llbsllass bnk het me€ts dlgwrming rtrndrdr (rcc atbahod o,lt sheeb). l-ooate the bnkr rbovu ground would nquitr longpr lcngthr of undoryround piping Incn|.ing th. rLk of l.d(lgc. By locefing tha bnks whelg w€ hwe. ttra longlh of pip. hr. b..n minimts d, 3. lf thc tucl tanks urcrc to bc locaFd obove ground, hey rcdd hryf b b. loflbd b trc raer of he site whbh sib at he bace of r letgc, rbcp hll. lt ir our ofinion het tha mk of dam€ge b. he bnks dus b lblling debdr fiom hc hllt L fu gnlbr then il th.y wrru undcrgound. 4. Abovc Atound tanks on th. nofth gt|ri dthe buildlng would also be et rlsk baurr of thr pobntal br be buib+p h rn erer with rlgnillcnt tu* frfllc. lt b our odnhn 0rst hc rtC( of demrgr to tht bnkr dut b btrckr rlldlng on lcc b fr grcsfr if hey ere aborrs gnound retrer lh|n undarlround. FiJr: 6c 'i5 E5reEPI'l Rttt- Lriii.ui'r f MOTOB Grnrrrl $Division lX VEHICLE FUEL.DISPENSING STARONS Srs ?9J01. (r) Appllcabllity. Aummodvc, rnarinc rnd rircmfr motm vchiclc fucldirpcncing rotionr rhall bc in rc'condancc with dtis division. 315 I I It 70J01.79S@ rO$ UilIFORII FIRECOOE O) Bulk PhnB l,tou vchiclc firtdispcrsint .trrionr rrc Fohibie{t rt bulk plurs urlcs such us€ i! in conpliilcc widr rhc provbionr of rhir division urd ir coophrly rcporucd by r fcncc or rimilrr brnia iroo thc &rr in n&ich bu& ogcrrtims uc coaductcll (c) Sourtcs of r!-tion in Vchiclc Rcprir ud Fucl Rrcivirg Arcu. Smok- irtt ud opqr tLrm* rhdl bc prohibitcd in artrr urcd for sonricin3 inE nal com. burtion caghc rod r$rs whrrc fucl b trccivcd. ,,' Stongc '' $ac 79,902, (r) Gcorrrl Clarc I lfutui& shdt bc rtomd in ot6cd conrrirurti or itt odc locrnd nrdrryrulrd c la rpccid arctocurtr ia @d|lcc wirh Srcdorl 79.@ (c) O.*tr rldO{l [I.A[quids shrllbcc4rodbourfur:re ciorrr*stcrrd uodagruurd or ln rpcdl'cnctoiirrtr'in iccoiituica virh Scition ?9.9@ lc). A coDn ction lhrll not bc madc bcs9/cco |[ rbovtgqud ru* rnd al undcr- Fourld r$1. Portrblc ura rinip6rnble nnl* mry rcmporuily h us:d ia conjunction wih rhc dispcruilg of Oarr L tr or IU-A liqui& ino rhc fuel rgrls of moror vchiclcr or olhct morcrizod quipmcnt on pllc$sc6 not oonnrlly rcccssible ro rhc public wbca rpFlved by rh: cl1ld. O) Clrss I Uqui& ir Br*ncau or PiB, Clrsr I liqui& rhrll not bc stortrl or urcd within rbuildhg heving ahucmcot qrpil hto shicb flrrumtblc vrpon could tnvel, unkrr sudr tra ir providcd with vcndluion dqrilDcd ao prlvcJrt $c &cu. nulalio,rr of flsnmlblc vapon thcreiu .'lc) Spciut EmlqJUqfuWUn iarqlt"rion of rrob tn rco,rdrnce widr Dividon VI ir inprrcticel orUtciiuc of gmlirty orliuildhg tiriiirdmc, tnnls for Oass I,II or III.A liquidr art dlowcd !o bc itacltcd in buildiryr u follows: L Trr& shdl bc ilrtdlcd in ur caclocurc which b liquid tiglrq vrpor rijhr grd wirhour btklill irgi&,. 2, Sidcs, op ua bottoor ofthc cnctocurc shrll bc ofitinforccdcoDcrErc u |c.!t 6 hchcs thick, with opcoiqr for lnspctior rircu8h thr toF oril)'- 3, ftnl connccrionr ghdl b. pipcd or clorcat such rhl rlsitsr vrpors uc liquid cm clctp. inlo thc cncloccd rpacc, 4. Mcutt chrll bc providod *hcreby portrble equipnrnt cm bc cnrployod ro dischrrjc o dre outridc adyvrpon which mitht &curnul Gtholrld lorkrgp occ{r. 5. Ta!.lrs conuining Orss I. tr or Itr'A lhuids ddl not cxsced 6,000 gallone indivHurl or 18,000 tallons rggrtg$s. (d) Storagi insid. Eulldlngr. Clarr I, tr or III.A liquidl rtord iarida noror vc. hiclc fucl{ispcnriq **ion buildings rhall bc in rppmvd coaaimrs rrxt il ac. corderc wirh Sccnot T 9,2ULD (c) Mrbtrnaucc Tcrdlt. I-crldctcai$ &viccs shdl bc rcscd uururlly by the owncr roccuput of thr p,topcrty on which rhcy rra locarcd Tcei ttsultr shdl bc mdntrincd oa ahc premircr grd tvrilrHE tr th. chirf upo! rrqucsl (f) InvmtorT Control Accunrc daily invcntoty ttcodr rhdl bc mrinuincd nrd rlcorrcilcd on Cl[r l, Chrl II urd Clrsr III.A llquid rtora& tad$ fgr iildicr- 316 FIUG SZ '95 a'l.ZgPN RNL i.IESIGI\ JUL 66 'y 6€:44 FR flICONTAINT.IENT TX 449 '/56 ?665 T0 A lpcod ff h.t goc.dJr. !r alquir!(t lor - Doubllwtll Fibargllrt ftnkr For GuDb,sdl trrrLa i16t (b nol ind.d. taclory hlrrflad antirnaaa. A tpccial rr lcd [r!ur |s +ipp.d wlh lh. trr*. Fib.ql.$ hnl(r rnus bG porlurlrcd t|d insp:c{rd lor hrkr uring 3 sorpy irrtcr 3dution, Leakfc*i'E prior b lnstr$adon hltpt irrura tn.t fib6r- gb53 tank! wffa nol (bmrgcd n rhlpmmt lf ilra doubllrvd ranks are shbpod wh tto Fry{ruhlld monltotlng ,luid, r sindlftrd lobsib hydrotLtt trst proccdun ctn h uaad. hsldlation bf doublc.wall Enks i5 simihr b th€ proc.duo br sitElaurlll trtks. FMd ConElnrnrnt rcqulrcs pca gavd 0r cruchad $tonc bacKrll mrbiaf pce gtevll b a n tu' €lV ounded aggrrgrte ranging lmm 1€' b 34" cti.m.t r. Wrrhcd cruchad stonc (1/E- to l,q diam6L0 riedhgAsTM C€3 mry ba u'ed. O0t9t backflu mlbtb! mud nol be ulcd without con$llng Fluid ConEinmrnt lof wdd3n lpprcYrl. A mini- mu|n ol 12' badfitl badrlrflg E rtqu?ad bcMeen lh! trnk md th! rxcavrtion botbm of @ncrclc rrrchoring p!d. Trnkr must not be inslall€d on iimbcr3, batfns ol cla6le3. ll lhe Hydro3latic Turk MoniFring 3y!km i3 aclivarcd by ltllin! si the ioblile, thc lrnx c6viv rnusi bc tlllcd oy pouthg fte [quu i'rtc lhe cevity. De prndirg on local dimatr, use tap water or an accegEDla lnlfrtata mixlJr€ t9 ths monito,ing tluicl. All Enks lnusl bs ventid and crc inlen<led !o be oFerar?d with nuid in 'fic tlnx no higlii er lhan thr lank lop. FibergLsS nnk3 ara designed lor operaion at a:hosphenc Sure only, excep! whan uErng v.por systoms, Dtovtded thc prcs3ur. or vacuum dors not exca?d I 9si maximstn o.'l Ua Pti' riary link Ovc|pressurizing ol the Primlry €nk witl rcsull rn tank lailurc. Thc cavity batw.cn lhc inncr and ou'rl ll^K must b€ vGnGd independenlly kom lh3 PtL .flary iank For addiliofld cte |lilE, reguesl Ttnk lnStrllaion3 (Fluld Conainrnc Pub. No. 6(104). Prop.rly inst8ttcd. fibatghlt underground pctrolaum $o|age lanlq! can provide cnandad re icc in stodng Pcbole' um prottucB without conosbFcauSed lcaxs and wilhou tnllnlerlrnc., Fluid Conuinmcnr nEintlin3 a fiilng ol ovcr 2,000 indogandanl contrtcbrt who haw recaived .ducrtionrl mltcnalg hm Fluid Contdnmant cot ariAg lhr Ptopct inctdLuon ol underground frberghss i6nk!. orl rcqucsl. wc crn povidc nalnes of aduqr:cd cont'tcbr!, Furt Stongf, lrod.l Owf-?ypc ll Speci llcetion; Short Fonn The 6s.ltacts' jhll prwid. U.L hbclcd irodd $tT.Typa ll <loubh-rral nbargbt8 urdargrour.l ibrrgc hnkr in izea flrd r$lh idn!6 |r rhorvn on the draretlgs. Th6 hnkr drd bo nrnutrdurd by Flrrd C.onbhdrrfll. T.r{G c|rll bc tcrt d l|rd intEllcd wl0r pt gnv3l or tgprlt4rd lttdrratr bscfrfrll n|abfi- d |Ecodtng b thr dJrrfil insldla[on I'|3 Uctlonc (Rurd Conl.ifincil PrA,No. 6304) p@vid.d w'f| th. hr{. Long Forml S.ctlon 1!2m Guids Sprciflcath n Fluld Conlinmcnt Doublr.WSll Fibilglrts Folnforard Poly.stcr Undarground Stongr T.nkt Prn lC.|fnl 1.ol n.tr,rd Wq* Specn3d h &rr Srdlanr A, C&r-irlPllcr Conouai Scctlon ogxn B. A,rrchor 9o16; gcction ogtlo't C. Pltrlic Pipci Scctiorr 15064 D. Uqurd Lcval 6aug.tt Src'tion '15174 E Or|rr R3let .t Work - ruch as and Bollct 1.&t Submltnts: AShoF OrilYlngrr ConEacloc sfu[ sub- mit--copier ol thop dtrwings fof elch lrnk. Drawhgs shall indud? dl criticej dimansionS 3nd rhow locatom ot all fit- lngs md aEcaalotigt, i.a.. manrvays, taG dcrs, hold{orm slrrPa, haalhg coil!, !lc' lvltlotlslc ol comttucuon lhdl bc in accot- dlrce wittr Scctsrl 1.02 0l hE rp€cllica. tion, !. Crtdog Dlt : Com"cbr shall suhnit -copies of ftBnufacbrarE litaralu,c. c. cG?tfioatlon Pltl.r u.L, lrbclE Eh.ll b. trlixad to ..ch bnh' r* P.E)6=- g. |nrbllruon lnrtruCusrta: Contrlctorr rndl tuboit _ cooirs of h.nurrElrllr bbrt inetrladon indruc[ont, E CJlbrrtlon Chrrrl: Conrrc16'6 4'tal subrd -. . copirr o, r[nulrciJrGt t hlart cal. lbo[on ofta!'F, P.rt 11 Produc!8 z0l Do{tbl-}/ 'lt aba4t rfl untttrTtounl Stutgclnl'5 l" LD.dlng CoDdluonr -T.nk thtll m.rt lhr blloudng rhsign crir.dr: 1. Ertemd hyd6lsEa F|tr$Jr$ Bu,icd h g[u ,td urth 7 ol ont burd6n ot ar lh! top ol rh ruh thc holc fu[y fhodad r.rd !d.ty fscurr ol 5:1 roehst g.ncral tuckling. 2. Surtrc. loldri wh€n i.r.ldld cccoding to mrnuhciurr/s lrrsEllrtion inrh'|.|cdo , rrnks rrdl urltntbncl suflam H-20 arh tordr (32,000 lboJaie). & lnEmal lord: Pdm!ry r'ld sicondary Enks $rlll wih&!1d t P3i tit trt.3ut! t !r rrlh 5:1 ra'.ty traor. tl. Tlnt! rhdl be dciign d b c|ppod F!s- tory aquip,ncil rudi ar haa{ng coh, hrkh,r, dtpp Wb.3, clc. tYten h3trllcd rc@dlng lo .rrurutact rrr'r rrcomncndalionl and llmlh. ton!. t, 'lLnk lsminrr Cra[ incluclc filhc. B. Prdsct Stor'!|c Rcqulrumrnlr: 1. All pdmary lanks m|Jsl bc v€nhd.I{urks tta dGsignacl ,or ogcrtion rt 8lyro$hric praa$trr3 ordy, .rccpt br uE€ with rrlpor Ecovrry qr} ta,n! at a Fr€3u$ or vtc!rurrl ol rpprqimrbly 1p!i. 2. Tull(s shdt bG caprblc ol StoriE Iqulds wilb rp.clfic ABVity up !c l.t. 3, Marimum tsmpc6tu'!: Tlnk lhrll be c6pa- bh ol stodno g|sotifi!, alcohol bland*i 9a6+ linc (with up to 100?o mchanol or cthrnol). orygaarcd fuels (up io 20% MTBg, ry.gtr, itt fual, rnolor oil. (niriv or uttd), kltsrenl, dcDll lurl or pohblc waicr lt arnblanl uffFr' g8ound lrmperatu|1ls nct to axoaac tSfF rt h. hnk inbrior sudrca, 4. Tlnl€ ehdl bt chcnicrlly inert to paircleum p€rtrJclr, C. Omcnrlonrl Raquiramrntr (rclct to Flu'ri Conltnrnanl litcrttun on lFllOtt" 49.): t. Nominal capaciv ot he nnk rhdl be -gdlons.z itominal oudde dlrmiilet ol Ule unkt thdl bG - 1..[ 3- Nc|ninal ova.all lsrgttr ol th! trnka shrll bc _,aot. o. Monhoring Caprbiliil.r: 1. Tlnht rhd hava a tprc. bclll,aan Urc prt. mary ul{t ttctndsty thdl wrll! E dlov, ht hc ffaa ttorv trld canlairrnfnl ot rll lrrkad ptodrct trcm he prnhary Enh. 1.0i2 Qmiity Acaunnc. A. AEcGttauo M.nufaclurtr.: FluU ConhirunraL Houtbn. T.ras. B. Gowrning Etrndrrdr: 1. ASTM Spcclflcation D4021-!6. glssr Ftbar Aoinlorcad Polyrstcr Undarground Pdroleum Storaga Trnh!, 2, U.t. 1316. Undo rit€n LaborrtotirE, Inc., Glass Fiber Rcinforced Plasdc Unda€round Stor4. Tlr|lrs lor Pctrcleum Products, 3. Nalon.l Fita Ptol.ction A53oa, (NFPA 30) Ra.,nmrblr and Co.nb$tiblc Liqutds Codc arrd (NFFA 31) Sl8ndar(b lor Instahrion ol oil Buming Eq'Jpmanl 4. Grncal Sorvrcas Adminiabrtion, Public Building S.'!ica Guid. Sp.cificrdon, P*S: 15 ITUG EA '95 ES:JIZFI'I RI\L DESIGN. lrr -sE ;;r4 A'sa ii'Fi.u"5Ei:rrAlr'tGNr rx 4Ee ?# ?cas x0 1520sz7z ?.@{,'a;1''ea EEpE EIEE.d€c': H :.+o etl E 3 * b I \ 6 E+ 3J E+b \ ?E Et d Et x E:i Ed E,.<tr- =2,-<jZ HE s8EE 5F E! { E E E AEE, ; tr,F (gJ -(l F{ 15 = HUG klz 'ef, a5t3lPl'i RhL DEslGIlo ' !!tlttaa:::! MAsollrnoous ffrms ddn$.d,h July 20 memo: l-EhurElrn A phaslrp pbn drarrring has brn eddcd st l'-50'lcalc. Thc plan thors Pha$ lad ll as propos€d, the nodh rutalning wall proposed for dwelopment in 1999. and other fuhre proJeEtr identfi€d in he Publlc trbdc McEr Plrn, Thc davdopmsnt otthc alb rnd fecllitbr lr lmlud by *nllrblr fundlng, whidl i. or.r*rcd bclorc 1995 3426,000 19gO $2.imillion 1007 s200.000 1998 -0- 1999 $2.1 million 2- ForustScruice Sign4fi No regrading'rs propoaed in he curent phucr on lbrd retvitf pt€prtty. 3. Excavation No rdditionrl excilniion will bc dono on thc rib b compLto Ph$.s 1 etrd ll ar tlcntificd. ThG phalhg phn rhowr hc edgc of thc usablc propsrly 0n be norh suedhelbollty, wtridrwlll be meintrlnrd undl the site ir expanded in 1999, Somo llll mrbri.l will br nmored dincdy bdrind rnd aqrccnt b thc Shops building to ellow br ihc cxpandofl of thc flcct feclliv aod Glocatkrn Expqnglon ol the w€ldhg shop. 4. DGbtu Flow lrap Dcbris llow rograding ls chown on fie gredlng ptans at 1'-20' goale. A oompooib dobdr flow plrn rt 1's50'can bc dcvdopcd lf rrquiod. The Fopos€d regrading plan will bc rcvierrcd Dy Att Mtrnr for comp$erp with mitigntiOn trquluil.nb in rniGAugust wtren Art conc back b woft He ir anrcnty out ofth. counly. Admlnicffin Bulldlng wlh rrlochbd cnfrnc. rtrlr, prrldng, hdrcrpirn rnd hzrd naftdflt. Upgndr rbcticl t wlc. b thr rhops tuldlne end dd onc n w vCrid. fift h fr.ct Tnnrporhlion ddffon, furlrnd wrrh hclllty rtphc.rmnt, parual lltdupandofi and wuldlng rhop tclocdlon. Enhncr hndrc+ing Joq $r b.flnrrxl o(bnd lEtrd rftngen bchhrl thc Cropo buiefing. Inp|DY. 6'rb Entrmo ctneg6. Palcctb be idonull€d No Fundhg EOrnsion of u:$brib rrr rnd conrhrdion of mtt'| f|hining wrll Rr.vqebtion md rrgredlno dong northsidcddla r, LtJ/ 4b 5. Adminisbation BuildingrDetell A pl.n L provlfid d 1"10'rcrlc. Asphdt eround tfic wr8t md south sid.t of the bullding will bc refiEved cnpt for a siden alk Tteas wh.re the nes handicapped po*ing space and enbance stair will be built will be rcboabd and bansphnbd wihin the ama. 9ec thc Adnini:bil'ron Lrndrcrpr Phn fror moru detdlcd infbrnfon. F6qpo,?scs b rssucc artscd ln July lO m.mo: A, Vribr Fricndlhcss/AccersiblliV S..Adminbtntion Entnncc/Gu.rt P.rting it m'A' plu,bus. E--Hr4sL A follow<rp nvicw by Art Mcart will occur in met-Arqust Two debris flqu, clrannels are propoeed around Uie Administrdbn hrilding per Mears' latest report Tlre area requicd !o contain e debds llry end any rcquircments lbr tod<fall mitigatlon wlll be address€d by An in hb lbllor-up rwbn C- Lrndscrping The rwised landscape plan inoludes planting alono he berm by he snow dump area. Plenting rll rbng hc benn wfll be bcabd dwn fie soufr side of he berm in rddition b frlling 9lp6 on bp. Inig.tion ls cur.nty rydleb,|c Co,U lhc bcrm and crn be odcndcd if ruquircd b.!ilebllsh planlhg. All plantirys will be of nalive varietieo, and udll nd nquie inigation onoe egtaHished. DJlirhiliU Thc drbrir fiow channcl r€gr.ding her b€en Eignific.ntly Educ€d and onca rc-vcgctabd should not be objeclionabl. fiom acroet lhc vellcy. Cut otr fixtJru arc popos€d for all new extetbr lights. See Screcning Vims ftim the AdFccnt neighborhood, itgm 'D' previoug. E. Phesing/Emoloy..Hou3ing A phasing plan has been added which identifies hc proposed timing of pojcc6 wih funding. ProFds not yctfunded (bryond 2000) rr. shciln as futun. Emptoyx housing, .s pr.viously nohd, ir in diccuscion rtgerdlng d.v.lopmnt .nd phsslng opfrons. F._ EnvirEnm.nirl |||uei Sce prcnrious lbm'P rcgrrding fuct rbragg tenk cod!3 and Ggulationc. A[ n€vr fiJeling facilities will comp[ wih reguired codes, onstuction rnd monitoring ctrndards, rb. !alIIttattlltttt Et-q F \9:-F { L-J q utF{.q s.\ $ \n:l N s ${{ lll ttt (/) HI rl 13 t\ Irl I ft 7\ N7 EI $ Nt SH t Ir sI*iil$ I I rgiiii soo@k t't{ q tl I : I\q tT\\1 P,-.1 llQll i' tL3\', t\\\ \ a).\, o0L3 I I It I lr\ r,.! N Itog t4!riiii!r! E:i; $ill \ \-\'o *il; :--l - .'.{ 3; !tl'c t-: I oooo e€eoeOeO I lr3 ;;! ii r ltr l! s! $i f I it I::.!:.t c!!!:!c9B!89E9ttttttr r/ , i. ; t.' t r 6, :: . 16!! ?; ii !E ?T;F;-,,sla;:E i! el ;ri tr i! sil si i3 E!! ii !r IcI d t I !r ;9- : r!5 !!4 :.- I lig tt: - te i3i !;i E iii ri:I lriils!. E 'o-dt ;t !; ril;.! jg 6 '3t: :! :.e :s-t -:::.x;!! !E xl B:":. E;t;:,4 53 t: ,;iiE3I rr. :.: ': : i:i !sh agri I rEllirg r: .i:;sii ii ii ',l\'iiitli '\.::l:2"!' . t'.:ts:tt';,'tI !j'i,' 'I"!: '. l \- '"i '|. - i';!i' | \-te6 t t 'li, ',1 ) I I II t ! =I 000 I diHBlFs'9 ! llil | !l ::) t'il\ ,it' lt_ \ :a'm/,, ,1 iiili ;li rg l I l. ugflxiilliiiilitl ./T\ Itlrt \6,:@ \E '5 'z : atr! t, I iillnH*.ElNWdBdVOS@|NW XOtrVUlStXtnOV SXUO,$ 3nend *llldOllED|!V.4 {. B oF \ vt F- 8: a En( !1r{)\ Rf.-. \ \ct a --s s $issql{ ilo t s ruqt ul\ N e +E eEt EII I dK x :tl .. !, '?tllli!, I x li x'= '4.fJit \e.' nd' 6 s *f:$ tlt EI !fiIrVlsrlc|Yll/SrcA figla 0 l8{flrlVrfl ONIJWVNd WH3€ N\nd USlSYn S)UO,h Cll8nd 0NotlY.LuodsLul.,sBn g'land Jo|l@ulvdEcffiN It'*'\ lj N. ,'g..i,.'' .,' !Ii,'tl+i"'ii i ao $t ol lo, v+^.qryo"o l'g oo 'o - O..P is€ w "-otooo. €"rO. o .r .( d:oe 8,sovs tr& &oa I it t 9 t Tt I I I I tl lr Ei al illii!t!ii;$i! irlil ,i!!ii s!;i;; ;ei!ii i.."r" li tl:l 6. ri t!irii rfl :r !: .OfO 8i o-/ )1..--7--_.--\-i \i I I ' o' rBn!au liirliiriiiiiii i i ili tli r$iii ,iri,i,iiii,i, : I I r"r ..a a a ai3 it oi EI , ii iii ,rl, iir rii aa Q9l t I I !.*. i a ltl lrl HtJb ac ' t) tjr: a4i'rl iifiL L;rJo l' l,rl I o A b1 oXl tL lrl1 %taarlzF. Trupsneo Guss Lrxs: . Thermal and imPact'tenPered for safetY ald durabilitY. Consistent liShting pcrforrnance Exrnuoep Atuutwuu Lrxs Fnaus Wnnour T[u.us . Accurately nitered corners. Lens secured with internal corner keys, Quick release safetY latch Exrnuoru ALUMINUM Houstuc . Radius dic-formcd from single extrusion. Easv push button latch access for hdick relampiug F O N TA N SUPERIOR MECHANICAIS: Ustnznn B[11\sr/RErLEqoR Srsrnu: . ilinsed and rernovablc as a uuit . Eiiitv accessed for installation and iraintenanccr Automatic PrimarY disconnect Sr.uso Omcs: . Hinged and sealed for remoYal as a unit. E.Jity accessed for installation and maintenance. Reflector sealed against a one-piece E.P.D.M' gasket , Excdllcnt Protection frorn dust, debris and moisture FLEXIBLE PH OTOMETRICS : Hmno-ronueu Snmi'srscur,cR Rtrrrmon SYsmu: . Standard IES Patterns'l' Il-lll, ilinU f forward Throw), II and III Ficeted for horizontal lamos, Deiigned and r-o.a.lufactured to neeior exceed UL and NEC reouirements. IBEW and UL labeled OPTIONS: . Photoeleciric controi receptacle r Pole or wall mounted. Powder coat, baked enamel or anodic hard coat finish in a wide color range IIXIURI DAIA IIXTRE WANAGE TUMINAIRT SIZI REC()MfiENDID SIANDARD ARttl DrMlllslot{s MOUNIING HTIGI{I 17'x2l'x6ozcnF- r xf rl,------.--2"bto,to 250 rot' Z4',',fll'x l0' ,l .rr a, rAl 4'lr vtl t*tr,illr I nr,? I I 50 ;!n. lbhl llolilc ur.t Nil ill 0f . 400 wti, High f rlrrun-Sodium firturu rrut ur [l I lcm9. lE{ nn, ltetol Holdt firtun nur u$ tD2! s fi28 lotll' 1 ii:!i1'.ti!!;! fl{, i"rr til-nU uurt r*lr bni or [Di7 hiil Prltru" t"*t h?i',"^l{nn.nohd} nt'or crrohh.t iii.ii tOOO,n Urr ur! a forelrti rirou (lrn+mld) nflmo: qilrmbly 0l !n 6aisd0bb uiolull{lur'rolltl rlrrot .tr!*'t ,,4--- t6 FONTANA e?- ,FtLlG Aa ' 55 E5: ZbPl'l Rl\L .L/Lsi('I\ v MECHAMCALFEATIJRES A. nnaPlotcdStedTreRo& B. UnirtzdBollosr(ompoflmr'eoilyremovoile C Formd Alumimrn (onoPY t). txtruddAluminumtlorhg E Qui* Reteoa Puth'bunon I'gldl i g.nuaramDltGoskd (siliconeinl000Wl G. Lomp Holdu'GripTrte' MogulSo*ct , , H. Hydiuformed Numinurn Reffrcor'hinged ond rcmwoute l. TemPard Glos tms ,t. nmorv Oisonned Pu#builon 0pcrohd hrltlnw) It Extrudd Aluninum 0oor frone il t)oorSofatYftldr LUMINAIREMOUNIING Ertudcd Nunrinum llonnlfi q fu m t0GS.dooShiltAbYtl DOOR FRA}IE & OPTICATASST}TBLT tftn up Oos $crion llnrrrt Alov?l I). &nddAluminumsdeNmll F. Edrud.d EP'DlL Goskat l|. Hydmfrrrnsd Aluminum Refledor l. (horlcmPcrdGhslem K hudod Aluminum Door Frome L b<rnrdedAluminumtlonge }IOUNIING OPIIONS n Two cl 90' t0 Smglo F ,*o lf,ro' ,n.lr-r' th"'T tzo' rou'T so'r-.rrI|Jt+l{ Je"W A/,1-"- s/rllrr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970-479-2 1 57 TO: FROM: DATE: Re: Offtce of the Town Attorney MEMORANDUM Town Council Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department /,-'-v , R. Thomas Moorhead / l'-i' --'- /, t t / August 11, 1995 ! Employee Housing Requirement for Gonditional Use Permit in General Use District I have been asked to review our General Use District zoning requirements and Conditional Use Permits to determine wheth€r it is appropriat€ to require affordable housing to be provided as a condition of approval. The only mention of housing in the General Use District chapter is that Type lll and lV EHU's are conditional uses in that district. The purpose of the General Use District is to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses. Any such development standards provided for each particular development must meet the general purposes set forth in the zoning title. Therefore, while the providing of affordable housing is an appropriate goal and objective of the Town, it is not appropriate to require employee housing on every application in the General Use District. It may be appropriate pursuant to an application for Conditional Use Permit to require the providing of atfordable housing when appropriate. The application ol immediate concern is for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a remodel to the Vail Golf Course Maintenance Facility. The remodel is necessary for improvements to the existing building and landscaping, to improve the aesthetic appearance of the facility, to better protect and maintain heavy equipmenVvehicles, and to reduce environmental risk. There is no indication in the application that employee housing needs will be increased by this improvement to the maintenance facility. Before any applicant can be required to provide housing, either on-site or off-site, it is appropriate that the development create a need to which the amount of housing required bears some rough proportional relationship. There does not appear to be any reasonable connection between upgrading ol the maintenance facility and housing. {P *""'""'o '*"* A Conditional Use Permit is subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to ensure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. This is not a specific requirement to otf-set deviations from the zoning requirement as are found in the Special Development District. There is no reference under the factors to be considered for a Conditional Use Permit to housing. The factors to be considered are the effect the development will have on the use of light and air, distribution of population, transportation facility, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities' needs. These factors to be considered do not specifically refer to housing. It is also appropriate to evaluate any application for a conditional use and to require housing when there is a reasonable connection. For example, the development of a fire station whiCh may increase the number of student fire lighters brought into the community, might be a reasonable connection for the requirement of providing housing. Likewise, a hospital facility in a General Use District that is requesting to increase the size ol the facility to provide a student nursing program could reasonably be expected to have additional housing as a condition of approval. RnlOOitionat need does not seem to be created by the improvements to the maintenance There has been some comparison of the Special Development District I do not believe that there is similarity between th€ two sections that Environmental Commission and Town Council to handle them in the same fashion. Unoerihe Special Development District it is stated within its purpose to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan.' Also underthe procedures, the Commission and Council will examine the relationship of the plan to the applicable elements of the Town of Vail Master Plan. Under the SDD since there is the possibility of approval of development standards that deviate from the underlying zoning, it should be determined that the deviation provides benefits that outweigh its adverse effects. Keeping those requirements in mind, it is appropriate to exact housing under certain circumstances lor a Special Development District. It is appropriate for Community Development staff to point out to any applicant the appropriateness ol housing in connection with the application. A negotiated development agreement is an etfective tool for increasing the stock ol necessary housing in the community. I believe that under certain applications for Conditional Use Permit within a General Use District willprovide an opportunity under certain circumstances to require housing, it is not true in every instance. I hope this inlormation is helpful and I am willing to respond to any additional requests. a^,t U-r. / RTM/aw 11u TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 August 15, 1 995 Mr. Lanv Gralel Directo/ot Public Works Town ot Vail 75 S. Frontaoe Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Conditional Use Approvaltor Phases I and llof the PublicWorks site. Dear Larry: On Auoust 14. 1995. the Ptannino and Environmental Commission approved the requested Cgndltlglql Use with i[e'ciifioi-t'loh'd tis=tEdoeioiv. ttiii"rtems shown in itaiEs-arri thirbonoiii6ns that were added at the PEC hearing. 1. Prior to review by the Design Review Board, the applicant shall: A Amend the landscaoe plan addinq sutficient spruce and aspen to th€ snow dump section of the berm to creale a qradual tAnsition from the olcler section of the Derm lo tne newer iirciion-.- ona in?i oetEimine ii tne ianosCape plan is sufficient to create a successlul transition; B. Provide a map of the proposed debris flow grading at'l :50 scale; C. Provide details of all proposed lighting fixtures; D. Provide a clesign of a sign to be installed as paft of Phase l. 2. Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall: A. Provide an uDdated analysis of the hazard mitigation by Art Mears, specifying th?t.llle Droposecl plahs comply viith the Town of Vail standards'and specilying greater oelall to bov'er the questions lisfed in the memo above. g. Prior to requesting a Temporary Certiticate of Occupancy for Phase U, th1 4ppli$nt^sh.4l s.99ule a-building pernit for a miniinum 6t three enployee ho:usinQ units to be loceted on ffie PuDItc wotKs sne. Attached to this tetter is a memo which went to the Planning Commission dated August.ll, 1991. Please rsview iiin-ii6Iaii, .d.61irdie. {e.diiSdibti,i:iis ieg-arbind's-pec-iiiC retuiiements pertaining t6 details of the site, such as lighting, parking, fuel tanks, etc. Thank rou lor vour cooperation in the review of this proposal. I look fonrvard to working wt-th yo.u and the rest ol the PtEiiC Stoll<s dtaft'on ifie imptemehtation ot pnasers't aird ll, as well as the developmedt of the housing.component. As the PEC mentioned. this site provides an excellent location for seasonal woiker housing, ano we |ooK lorwaro to working with you in providing'a solution to this problem. /*/r+,1 #t susan connetlv Bob McLaurin ' F IL E COPY Department of Community Development Sincerely, {P'"no"o'uo FfLE C$fl:, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development August 14, 1995 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an addition and remodel to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a remodel to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted tract, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Town ol VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen BACKGROUND: The public worl€ site is located in the General Use zone district. In this zone district, there are no allowed uses and all structures and uses require conditional use approval. In 1993, the Town hired RNL Architects and Morter Architects to design a master plan lor the public works site. The master plan was reviewed by the PEC and ultimately approved by the Town Council in 1994. lt was determined at that time that as each phase was being prepared for implementation, fte Public Works Department would present it to the PEC for conditional use approval. At this time, the Public Works Department is requesting Conditional Use approval of Phases I and ll to be constructed in 1995 and 1996. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Town of Vail Public Works Department is proposing two expansions to existing buildings located in the Public Works complex. The expansion of the Administration Building is required lo consolidate the Engineering Division and improve efficiency and service to the Town staff and the public. Expansion of the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings is required to accommodate the new 40{oot long buses being purchased for use during the 95-96 ski season. This work will be broken into two phases. The first phase will be completed in the late summer and fall of 1995. The second phase will be completed in 1996, Phase one includes an addition and remodel of the Administration offices. The addition is approximately 2,000 square feet. Phase I also includes new electrical service to the Fleet Maintenance Building and the upgrade of one vehicle maintenance bay to accommodate repair of the new, longer buses. Phase two includes additions to the Fleet Maintenance and Bus Barn vehicle parking area, vehicle wash and fueling facilities, driver's lounge and loc*ers, vehicle body shop and chassis wash bays, the welding shop, and the vehicle repair bay. The additional floor area is approximately 13,700 square feel. The existing tueling station and the existing bus wash will be removed. il. ilt. A. Since the PEC worksession on July 1 0, 1995, staff has reviewed the items that were raised by the PEC. Ol all of the issues which were identified, staff believes that there are two signilicant issues. These include employee housing and adequate landscaping. Staff's analysis of all the issues is provided below. REVIEWGRITERIA: Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The purpose section of the Conditional Use seclion of the zoning code, Sestion 18.60.010, states hat: 'Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and evaluation S0 that they may be located properly witr respect to the purposes of this title and with respect the their effects on surrounding properties." The purpose section of the General Use District of the zoning code, Section 1 8.36.010. states that: 'The General Use District is intended to provkle sites lor public and quasi- ' public uses... and is intended lo ensure that pubic buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air open spaces and other amenities appropriate with the permitted types of uses." Staff believes that the expansions to the Public Works facilities are consistent witl the goals of these purpose sections of the zoning code. The buildings on the site are public tacilities and contribute to the Town's etfort to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail. 2. Effect ol the use on light and air. distribution of population. transportation facilities. utilities. schools. parks and recreation lacilities. and other public facilities. Statf believes hat the proposed improvements will have positive effects on the criteria listed above. In particular, the proposal will have a positive aftect on the transportation facilities of the community. 3. Etfect uoon traffic. with particular reference to congestion. automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience. traffic flow and control. access. maneuverability. and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. 4. Guest parking Staff believes that the aspects of the proposed expansion that relate most closely to the criteria above involve tratfic flow and parking supply on this property. The consultants for the Town of Vail provided an analysis of the demand for visitor parking spaces (see Exhibit A, memo from Chris Hedberg, dated August 1, 1995). Staff believes that the fhr6 nily visltor parking spaces are appropriately located and will adequately provide for the demands of the Administration Building. One detail that has been successfully addressed is the cufiguration ol the entrance to the handicapped parking space. The plan shows that there will be greater definition to this access way than the current situation. The plan calls for landscape areas on either side of the access way which will delineate it from the rest of the parking area. Staff believes he improvements to details such as these will increase the aesthetic quality ol the site. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located. including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relalion to surrounding uses. landscaping Staff believes that one of the most significant issues regarding this proposal is screening the site from surrounding uses. Specifically, statf believes ftat the berm between the Interstate and the Public Works site should be heavily planted. This berm has been planted with spruce in the past and at this time Pubb Workr willbe aqmenting he exisdng landsca$ng wih the following: '29 - 6'tall Spruce;-82-TgallonAspen; .82 -10 gallon Aspen;.48 - 5 gallon Serviceberry; and '23-5gallonSage; Statl believes that the additional spruce, aspen and shrubs will add variety and result in a high quality appearance. In staff's opinion, the landscaping on the berm adjacent to the snow dump needs to be increased. Statf understands that there is no need to screen buildings or equipment, as there is in the other portions of the site; however, the landscape transition from the existing berm to the snow dump portion does not work well. Statf believes that the 29 additional spruce should be added to the snow dump portion of the berm to create a smooth transition. The amount of landscaping around the Administation Buildirq is excellent, in staffs opinion. The planter box areas willircrease by 260 sq.ft. Once the proposed plan is implemented, staff believes that the site will be sufficiently planted. Other Conditional Use requests in he future should not be required to add landscaping, as the amount reflected in these drawings is adequate (assuming the transition along the snow dump can be improved). Lighting Staff worked with Jennifer Decker, an architect with Morter Architects, and drove the neighborhoods around the Public Works site in the evening to identify the lights that create glare from the Public Works site. A lighting plan has been provided which addresses all of the fixtures that generate glare. Some of the proposed solutions to he glare problem include eliminating three Town and Country lights ard replacing hem witr fully cut-off fixtrres, replacing the exisdng sofl'rt lighB with can lBhb ad ellminatlng he wall pack fixtures on the bus wash (when the bus wash facility is removed). Stafi believes that the lighting plan has been thoroughly addressed and will significantly improve the appearance of the site from adjacent properties. Details Some of the specific details that have been mentioned by the Planning and Environmental Commission in the past include signage on the Frontage Road and unifying the roof treatrnents. The applicant is proposing a sign as part of Phase ll. This will be reviewed by the DRB. Concerning the roofs, the applicant has stated that all additions to the fleet building will be designed to match the existing built-up roof form. The material of the roof will not be changed at this time. ln the future, Public Works will be making the rool materials consistent, as maintenance is needed. The roof or/er the Administration Building is proposed to be a standing seam, green metal rool. This is significanfly different than the other roof material; however, stafl believes that differentiating the Administration Building from the shops building is appropriate. Other lactors as the Commission deems applicable to the oroposed use. At the PEC worksession, there was extensive discussion about salety issues and employee housing issues. Staft believes that they most appropriately fall under this criteria. Housing Concerning housing, Public Works is not proposing to add any additional employees as a result of the proposed addition and remodel, and therefore, cannot be required to provide employee housing as a condition ol the Conditional Use Permit approval. Three employee housing units were specified in the original phasing plan, as detailed in the 1993 Master Plan approved by the PEC and Councit in 1994. These three units were to be completed as part of Phase I or Phase ll. At this time, Public Works has designated an area on the eastern portion ol the site that could accommodate up to twelve ernployee housing units (900 sq. ft. each) or up to 10,800 sq. ft. of employee housing. Public Works is committing the use ol the land and will rely on others to create the product. Staff believes that it is important to keep both the expansions to tl're Public Wofts facilities and the proposal lor housing moving. Staff believes that the Public Works site is an excellent location for housing for seasonal workers and has discussed this concept with the Director of Public Works. He has committed the resources of the land to this effort. Staff is confident that a successful housing development can be created here. However, the time required to analyze the B. options and determine the best solution is significant. In order to keep the Public Works projects on schedule, stafl believes it would be most appropriate to approve the requested Conditional Use with the understanding that the Town of Vail statf will work, in conjunction with consultants as needed, to create housing at this location or an equivalent elsewhere, Hazards The first safety issue deals wiilr the rockfall and debris flow hazard. The architect and the consulting engineer have redesigned the proposed debris flow channels in such a way as to reduce the amount of hillside disturbance. No existng trees willbe affected. All regrading willoccur on the Public Works slte. Art Mears, the Town's hazard analyst, is presently out of the country and was unable to review the drawings. Staff would recommend that prior to issuance of any building permits for the proposed improvements, that an updated analysis by Art Mears be completed verifying that the proposed design is sutficient. lf any significant changes are required, a return to the PEC will be required. Staff believes that in addition to looking at the amount of disturbance to the hillside, other issues for Mr. Mears' analysis include identifying the location where the debris flow will stop, how it will be contained, and how much of the Public Works site may be covered. A debris flow map at a scale of 1" - 50" must be submitted prior to final DRB review to fully to understand the impacts. Underground fuel tanks Another safety issue involves the new location for the underground gas and diesel fuel tanks. There was some debate as to whether these should be located above or below ground. The applicant has researched the codes and provided an analysis in the memo attached as Exhibit A. In briel, underground tanks will meet all standards and will actually be safer if located below ground. Because the debris llow channels are in the vicinity and because there is significant truck traffic around the tanks, Public Works believes that locating them underground will reduce the risk to the tanks. Findings The Planning and Environmbntal Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use oermitj 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or wellare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. GONCLUSION: In conclusion, staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use request. We believe that the proposal meets the criteria, as addressed above, as well as the findings. Specifically, Finding 81 is met, in staff's opinion, as the proposed use is in accordance with the purposes of the zoning code and the General Use Zone District. Finding 82 is met as the proposed location of the use will not be detrimental to the pubic healfi, safety, or welfare. Finally, Finding 83 is met as the use will comply with all of the applicable provisions ot the zoning code. Therefore, staff recommends approval with the tollowing conditions: 1. Prior to review by the Design Review Board, the applicant shall: a) Amend the landscape plan, adding sufficient spruce and aspen to the snow dump section ol the berm to create a gradual transition from the older section of he berm to fie newer section. DRB shall determine it the landscape plan is sufficient to create a successful transition; b) Provide a map of the proposed debris flow grading at a 1:50 scale; c) Provide details of all proposed lighting fixtures. 2. Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall: a) ProMde an updated analysis of the hazard mitigation by Art Mears, specifying that the proposed plans comply with he TOV standards and specifying greater detail to cover the questions listed in the memo above. t\drctyoocv.c\m.dr6\FDlicwt!.tl 4 Exhibit , meno ftom Chris H.dborS d8tcd 8/l/95 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I i 9 FAX 970479-2452 TO: FROM: DATE: Department of Community Development Andy Knudtsen/Planning Russeil Forrest Aug'.rst 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Public Works Jvlaintenance FaciliW Remodel After revieu'ing the submittal for the Public Works remodel I u'ould strongly recorrsrend the follou'ing: l) All fueling tanks sbcultl be above ground with secondary containment large enough to accommodate the rolume of product stored in the tanks. Above ground tanks are much safer from an environmental liability stalCpoint. Above ground tanks must also be protected from vehicular impact. 2) All containers (Magresium Chloride, Waste Oil ) with hazardous materials or waste must have secondary containment. For example, the u'aste oil container must have secondary containment to contain a complete spill of that container and also to accommodate a20 year rain event. 3) Drainage from the Town sbop yards run directly into stormwater drains that discharge into Gore Creek. I u'ould strongly reccmmend tbat a containment system be created (similar to VA) that would prevent spills from being released into Gore Creek. VA has instaled a petoleum separation device in their drainage system u'hich siguificantly reduces the risk of water contaminated with oil or fuel frorl escaping tbe maintenance area. 4) Based on input from G:eg Hall. the interior drainage system goes into the sewer. Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District rnay require a grease tap to intercept as much grease before entering the sanitary server. {2 "'*uo'u" HUG AZ '95 AS:ZlPi"i RI.IL ]5ETORA]{DUT To: Andy Knudhcn Communi! Devdopmsnt Drprrfnrnt Town of VelL Colondo From: l0lr Hrdbctg RNL Dedgn D.h: Auguft1,19e5 RG: Torfir of Vil D.patlmnt 0t Publb \rtorka R..ubmithl br PEC/DRB M|.ting. U_L5r tttt---- | :I!! RNL DESIGN AncHmcrunP,, lNt|ntol DBgtctt unuN PlAttll,l$lc Thr hllofling Inhnnalion $draacc| oommcntr lirrn hr July 10, legc Plc wortrsrlon fi ouuincd in your mcmor of July 10 and 20, 1905. I bcliovc wr hrw ddrrrred rll d thr |rruc you hrvf nLod, Phrrc contscl mc lf hrn lr rrylhlng rl|r *r m.d h dlrcu!!. V\ra hok hnruU b pnocding nlur tho prol.ct Reqponeec b ,btrrot ,aird tn your Jdy N nmn: A- AdmlnLir|tlon E tfnr$.rou..f h The propo..d.i!. uorl [roci.bd rri0t Urf AdmlnLh0on Building |ddlth|t providO fwr (5) nrw p!]kine sprcrr iu3t qd of lhc ncw cn0mc. rhir. Thh pttdng will br ]Trrrd b guubfiiUb conrlng to hc Administration Buildiq rnd trril br rlgnd mdlngly. Truc 'gua$' b ttr f*ilW ar not abundmt Moct tnlfrc b Pubfic $6fir h by PUUF Wbtlo .mphy.a. drdng wlh rdminidnthr beuc, l.r. ttrr crds, psymll, lohcdullng md mcctlngr with |dmhl|urd!,r rlrfL tlon-PuHlc tllbtfr rmpnya[ comltu h thr bulldlng lncludc conhrsrtoa dcrlhg wltr rord con!truc{on pumih tnd othcroomtlcdon coodinrtion, 3tetf from dhcrTown DGpadmcnb, i.c Poli6. Comnunly Dmloptnrn! Tnnrportrlion dolng burlnrcr wih Public Wbrts Adr{nbtrrtion, prorfrubnd conruftrnb, rtd vrndor vblllng hr rltr for thc flnt tmc. Vlcitoru rnd vrndon .lto go to th. $opl bullding .nd prt ftrttft r srd 0n thc tih one thry bsrni acquainted with thr dcprilrilnt ddt rnd lhrir offla locrlionr. Wlh the excrptlon of mrtlngr, lt lr uncotnnron b h|tt mon then t*p b 0lttc vhfh|l h thc Mmlnletrrtlon BulHlng d om llnr. ln h. Gnnt of llrgo mlf0ngc In ha Conhruno! Room. r mrximum of 1 0-12 proplr crn br eccommodebd. ThL ia ganar'rlly r n{,( of PuHlo lr\hrlc mrployrs rnd vlr}bn liEtsd rborrr, ll prfiing hr motl lhrn llvr 6r b ilqulrud |t thcar tlma. thoy iln t||r rproc fudrr |rrt rlong the hill. One paftlng rpace har aho brcn popor.d rt lha antranca b Fubllc l/Uorl<r for hmdicrppad prrronr rnd ahod brm d.liv.ri.t, i... prprr goCt, rGnding ahcK cb. Thb aprcc la cxpccbd b br urcd r lhr limra on busy dayr, but oftcn rum.in cnuv, A paillng enelyslr compbbd lbr rulf prrklng In thr Admlnlrtrrdon Building lallorc on thc nad page, Thc anrlysis wrr donr whm thr modulrr rdditbn wrr bdng oonrldrlrd, but if dill vtlid in termt of numb$ of employrrr, Tho rmpbyn thrt cunrntly pril vrrrt ol hr bulldlng .t th. bp ot thc hlll will nrovc down elong thr brrmorrutof thrMmlnirtrrton Bulldlng. Onor Phrr llir compbh rnd 0r fttcl irlrnd ir nlocetsd, rdditiond prtting will br rvrilrbb rlong hr brnn A PnotPSFloNAL C9R,IOR^TION :ffiH$88crnrz| I''! SE|I'ENTEAN{ TRtlI' sxlcotonADo e@ ^ HlMllt OFntE r1!!t clc J'j kjf ; ciii'i |ai l!o l.r' 2b off,tcc Grcg HaIl larrl l4artlnes Charlia Davis ,Tortd Otrpanhcl'raer Greg Barrle Futult Eng. Iaclr Currqr.rlParkinq DW AdnLn Lob Eesn rcroEs But- Blrn Bc!1n tcrogsBut Barn Bcrn Acroos BUE Barn Bcrn Acrocc Bus Barn N/A '' . l.ftter +ddttlon elong htll Sarne Sanc Sarie Sane East along htll East from frorn fron fron Nct Lncmrsc ln cnployccs - (1). Adequate cnp19y99 ang public p3rhlng exl.sts go Che eest (along berm (5) and hi.II (N) ) and wcst (llong bcnrr (s) ) of the p9| Adnlnlstratlon 8ulldlng Lo accomnodatC the proposect noduleraddltlon, Durlng the paet ycar, the pollcc deparinent has beenp*rlfng -approxinately (f5) vehlcles aiong the -berrn easC of thcAdnln. BIdg., while consLruction aonglnucs-a! the \tpD. The policr D.partrnenE anticlpages rclocatlng their vehiclee bach to thelr orrnparklng- IoE wlthin the month. - thcre was arnple parklng Epac.savrllablc cv:n with the acldltlon o! the pD vrhl-clarr thcretor-e thenodular addltlon porGr vcry llttlc tnprct, to on-eltc parhing. HLr6 Aa 'Y5 E5:ZZPfi Krir f \rl '{us5aU ttatItattttrtttl Er-UrElr gtnc! th. Juty 10 PEC wofi srhn, UF d6lgn hpm lhng lth Pubtovbttr h|t strdld rlt mdh,ro h hr odgind rqndlng propcrlon hr nortr dd. of itr.|tr. Th. rwhrl trlpord dhtutbr mtnh lcrr ror, ind b srlfy conhincd u,fhln hC Puulolffolfil pPp.tty llnr. 9.. thr Gndlng rnd 8b Pbnr |t l'.2O rcrb fpr thr rlrrl brlng ngndd. Thr nw tCtmr mkr na d h. od.fing dlhlt llld b.nt rpfining lt inb t*s ltar rnu uound thr Adtnhbhthn BulEhC ln Ph||c I, lrtd odrndhg hr ditdt rnd bcrm b tttc wtat In Ph|.a ll. A, wa dl&uraad, ue wlll mlk thr !|ir wlth you !o you undtnbnd the rmount of dirbrtrto, and u,t tt{bllr th. .lf, for PEC rnd ORB mrnbn b wrll(. Al rtrrl 0t dltfrrrbrnc. [ril br n-vrgrbbd *th tdtn mrbfib drfirb th. rofiUlg d1nt mix lndudlng eilftt , rrgr rnd wlldflowrn. G. LrndroeFlne Th..nh.nod hnd.€plng dong th. bfin folh,f guHdlni oltrbtrhrd ln thr Toryn of Vril lrndrcrpr lmprotGmcnt P1m omplGbd h 1969. tmd|a$Lrtg wfl b.dd.d b lI h gpr brilrrn odilhg |pru6 trrl rnO ghn I mn rrltrnl rPprrnncr b thr pbntng, Arpo rnd nntlcrbatfy ulll ba rdthd b*tfacn rnd down ihr rlopr fiom thr $fl.Er. tow|rgroulng a.et.tS nbllbmah u,il !a r(ldaal to Plwida firthtr colof b th. hllbH., D..d ttlx rh|U h. mow dump wlll bc nrnod md nphnhd wltfi non{pruc. weatdon |'ld ttcr. sac tr. crmnt Liltro|g. pl|m by tubllo twortr forhr prcpord phntlng dong thr brrm. Ttr Lrut ngrrdlng 'm nd brl' of phlfi rnr lr I nillt of thf damofiUon fid mw aon3lnn0on rt tht Adminffion Buildhg b gr+hlcrlU aho$l oft lhf &olttd plm. Ar $o{rn, $f air PePo.hg b dfmoll3h h. rxbting plrnhr d Utc butding dfy (210 t.f.), k .p tht .|d|ftg phnbr m hr muh rldr ol thr bulding (88 r.l,), md rdd ltO r.f. of phnLr g| thr vnrt, ra$ rnd rd rlc. of hr buldlng, A ncue 320 r.f. phnbr lr brhg rdd.(l .dFnnt b th| hrndlaep.d prfing r|t , Th. rut hcf..L of phnbr rnt b 2C0 3.f. Wb Ttlll r.loorh ho hL qrmnty ln thr lxuing pbntng rrrr b thl nrw PbnU' HUG ritz. 't5 rA5 i Z4Prl khL l,'iSit:io As a rceult of thc visqal survcy perfotrtrd by younelf (Andy KnuHsen) and Mort* Arshitcds, . tib plen hes bccn pr.pend which atldrcesct thc issue of 'problem lights'. Problem ligtrb rrc dcfinrd ls thocc which art vitlble ffom tie residenfial neighbortroods on the rouh skJo of l-70. Rsbr to th. Lighting Layout Plan plen for thc bcation and propoaed solution br the'problcm Iights'. Follfling |tr cut thc.ts of he proposed llxUrc fu he Eplac€ment of existing lhturcc rr wcll fi mw fildJtra. Another iesue rdrtivc b tlre vieual ifipact sf thr prcJrc't le roof rnaterieb. Wle have mde a significant effod in thc dceign of lhis pmiect b unify roof rabfials and rmf fonns b minimizc he pobntrl ftr e 'hodge podgs' |ook tp re€ul[ lt is our intent b odend hG rouilrm rmf of thc AdtlfnEtmtion Building b the trest and reloof the entirs rcof (old and ncw) to mrk I look unified. We aru prcpotting a dafi grcen stsnding scrm nrchl roof. (Srs ailedl.d illikling chretion.) Thc Admlnisfation Buildhg oununty hrs rn .rEhibctunf idmtlty which b difrr3nt trom tho maintrnanoc bultding. This is a desiEd slturton. Tho additionc to lhc meinbnencc building will have a built+p roof lo mteh tho cxisthg but brm rcof, (Scc rtbch.d clcvdion.) Wc eru not prop$ing h rs'rcof s€c0onc of lhe shops buiHing b unily .$thg nrof cobil, but this could be dong when re-roofing lor mhtsnancc lc rcquind. F . b.' ckJ aaa!ltt!Itttttll t-r!$ tJc J: U;J. C,Cfl t Rt\L o ll.'t 1 F . L-iT ZE lltratl!ltttrat, E. Employ.. l{ourlng The plans shd, the pmpos€d locabd of hflBh,e ghrdb type enrploycG houdng unlb. Thir work cen bG compbbd w{rmmr llnrncing F avallrblo, Nnd L not crrrrunty linl(.d udh any other conefiuctign on th. Pnbllc wbrlc r|b. Publb urod(| ir ormn0y oalodng dt\r.lopmilt and lnardng optons br hG f,nployr. hdlrlng with youE lf ilrl lhr Town councl. Publh $rbrfts wlll keep you hlbrmcd of trtrp|ogruc in lh| proc.ra. There are a number of decl$ and rile sgcunty brucr wlur thr con{ilnrtlon of houeing and the publiq ltbtlts hciliticr. A nlonrbb numbrr of unfb it lmpoftnt not b orcrhr( thc tight enbance b he cib, or inroduca pcoplc on thc sltl sho wouu vlobte Rrbllo lrlbrks' lbottc rnd rrEldt. lirdr st th. .xicting o&loor sblege b non*ec,utp, and wl rsnrln ro. Thnr l||rn n ad b b. 'lvicwed in ttcbrmining the- numb.r ot unib and lslbn of unllt b bG dar.lopcd. F. Envimnmrntrl bruc It is fre recommcndaUon of hc dceiEn brm thrt th. new turl bnks be sbrud undcqmund in the looatbnshwn on he sltr phn. Thc dcci*on b locrto Ula trnlo urd.rgiound wes mdc tor-thc tollorying resons. 1. Aoooding b lhc Unilbrm Firs coda, ch|' | (grtofirr) md Gle|r lt (d..eD tb|age hnkg rtull br bc.bd und.o|b|rnd unt.tr it a lmpilcticet or thcra se ptopqty 6r buldinE limibtlons. (Scc atbdrc<l optto of code.) 2. Typicelly, l..kr hrt do oeur with un(l.'3rouml bnkl ocqrr h lhc fipng. not ln he bnk. $de are proposlrlg a doublo walled llberglue hnk trat nreeb dlgrowming rhdrrdr (rcc atached oJt ch6b)- Locating $c bnkr $ovu glu,rno wouE nquln tongcr sngirr ot undaSrcund piflng incrrering th. rhk of Ltkrgc. By loceting lhc bnt$ whers w€ hwq 0re lcngth st pip. h.r b..n manimizcd, 3. tf the ltjCl bnks trr't b bc locabd cbove ground, t|gy rculd h.v. to b. loc|t.d b ulc rrer ofhe site wtrich sib at the base of I lsgc, rEcD hill. lt ir our ophlm thet th. fiek of darmge b he hnks duo b hlling dcbdt liofli thc h$l lr fr gnrbr b.n tttlt.y wctt undcppund, 4. Abovc ground tankt on thc noffr gide of the hdldhg rculd abo b€ et rbk bqcrur of thrpobnfnl br iae build+p in rr ena wllh rignifrcrnt hdr trfic. tt b our oplnton ilrd 0tc rbk sfdrtn gf b h. bnkr dur b tnrckr Ckllng on h. b frr gGabr if hey a'3 abow gmund nther lhan und.rgDund. HU\' Ec ll 6f ; 4bil l krtr r/L5i \rr r $Dlvlsioh lXt' " MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL-DISPENSING STATIONS Gcnml i Scc. DJ0f. (r) ApPlicabl[ty. Aulomodvc, marinc rnd rircnft ootor vchicle i fucldirpctring sbdiis rtnU bs in tccordaacc with thir division. i 3't6 Ir i tI (b) Bultt Plrnf* Motry vchiclc fircl{isp.nsin! ltrdons rI€ prohibid rt hrlk Plrlr unlrrs $€h usc lr in complirncc widr the provirionr of dric divirion rrrd ir comphrly !sp($rd by a fcncc or similu burirr &oa tlrc eftt ilr which bull ogcndoos rrc conductad. (c) Sourcrs of lCdon in Vdit'lc Lcpeir rul Fucl Rcccivirg Arcc Snok- iry ud oFt tlrrmr rhrll bc prohibitd in rrt$ u&d for son/icing inwnrl com. burtion anghc rnd rrtrs rylurc finl i5 rcrivcd * Stongo "'- Src. 79,90|?, (r) Gcocral Clrrs I liqrd& dul be rromd b clorcd colrrrincn, or h onfr bcrfd undrrgmurd c ia rpccid artocurtr ia *cqrtqtcE wldt S*dorl 79.9@(clCturtr urdOerr E:A lhui6 ctullbctqodircooeilutr otinunts larEd uldc.Foood or in rpacirt i:nilocirru'h &ccNr&do -i6 S*doD 79J@ (c)' A conncetion rhell not bc firdc bcruscn |tr tbovcgrilld rrn* rnd u urldcr- ltound unl. Ponrblc anct rinip{nrblc nnks mry rc,nrFrutly b: used h conjunction rrilh Oc tlispcnsing of Clasr I, I or m-A Uquidl inro drc fucl rgrks of moor vchiclcr o,r odq nolorizcd equipmcnt on grcaiscs nor uoimrlly rcc$siblc ro thr public whcn rpfrlrv?(l by rhc chtef. (b) Ctrss I Liqui& ir Eerolcatr or Pl!s, Ctrst I liqsids shrrl 66 fs s1-.6 ot ulrd within rbuilding hevhg aharcment orpi3 hlo shicb flrnrnablc vr,pon could Ervel, unlcr! such araa ie providcd with vqnrililbn d$iged o pravcnt drc rcct nuletion of flunmablc vrpon thccin - nlc) spcilrt Emlq"r.tlfuwb'cn brolrtion of tutr in mducc with Divicion VMnpncrkrlocbtcrirc ofprqirty wbutlitrg liliitdms, rrtrb for CLss I, II 79t0t.tr.9@ 1991 UNFORU FIRECODE or Itr A llqui& art dloecd to be hlnllcd in buildinfs rr followr: L Ts& shdl bc iu*allcd ln ur caclocnlt whici ir liquid tight, v.por ti$! rnd wirhout brckfrll Luitlc. 2, Sidcs, bp llld bolom of thc cochsutc shdl bc of cinforEd concrEtr rt ls|sr 6 hchrs thick, widr opaning for lrupccrior tbrouth tlc roF ont''. 3. Turk connccrioru $rll b. pip.d or cloccd ruch thrt ncithcr vrpon uor liquid 611 9361p into the cncloscd rpacc. 4. Mcrnr rhell bc providcd *hcrcby porublc:quipmcnt crn br onploycd ro disehu3e o 0l3 ouEidc.ny vrpoE which mi;ht rcdunuLr. thould lcrl$r o3c{r. 5. Tlalc ontainin3 Clus l, tr or Itr.A lhuirb shrll nol cxcced 6,000 3rttolrs individud or 18,000 tallorts r;gltlrrc, (d) Storu3r iwid. Buildlngr, Ouc I,II or III.A ltquids Etond isddc rnoror yc. hictc fucl{i$pcffiru $crtion buildlnBs rhall bc h rpprovcd conrainm rnd in rc. cotd&cc wirh Sccdon 79.?qL (c) Mriabnucc Tertbg lJ|Id(icctisi deviccs chrll bc rc$rod rnnudly by dtc owrcr orocruput of tba pnopcrty on which rhcy rc locarcd Tc& rc$uttr stdl bG maiillrin d or rhc prcmi!.! Jd rvrihblc b $. chid upo! rrqu6r! (l) bvmtory ConttDL Accur r ddly invcrtory ncodr ghrll bG ninhincd and trconcilcd on Clrrr I, Ch.rr lI rnd Cllrs III.A liquid stongc tltiltr for irrdicr- 316 IrUG BZ '95 E5: ZgPll Rl\L DLsl\'l\ JUL A5 '9/4 Ag144 t* Fll CUI.ITRINMENT TX 449 E5 ?#5 A !p6d!t tu lrrt g.oardrn rl rrquicrt tor- Doobllrt,lil Fhcrglaar Trnkr For (buollwall tarl(3 irst (b rrot inckJdc facbry FuGl Stor.go ltod.l Dfyf-Typc I hrrrfled rntitrccra. A rpaahl rr Lal firtLfi, Sprcificrlionl Shod Fcrin B r;i9pad rvrlh lha l|'!rq Fiba,gL$ t.nl(6 Tha carlnctor lhrll prur/irtc U.L hbaLd nurt bc po$udzcd rrnd inspaclrd lor lreke trrodel I}|^fI.Typr ll douureflx lbergl.|r rtrll:gl;wzz P.ai;d; '"rtr h5blbllon lnrtnr3u,onll Contreclorr gbst hnks $/Gra mt drmlgcd in rhipmrnt bnkr rh be lrunstr/oE ad by Flrrd ll3tng 8 cortrt w3tcr solu[on, Leekbslitlg prior b InsElhtiofi hclp6 inauil I1rt l,ibcF lf lha doublludt tank3 ar. slrlpoctl wh ho torylnetrlld nrodlotf€ luid. I titrpliligd iohllL hy{r,ostafr tcsl proccduc can bc ured, tnshlLlion fof doubla-wdl E tkr i5 simihr to t|a proc.dura lgr sit€tc.urlll tftk!. Fluld Conbinfirnt rcquircs pcr gaval 0l crutlLd stonc bacKill rnacisf pas grrwl b e natu' rary oundcd aggrrgrte nnging fron rrtr b E4" dim.hr. Walhrd cruthld stfi|G (1/8' lo l.q diarnrtco mcdlngASTM C€g mly bt u5.d. Ohct brdllll mllrtirlt mud not bc uscd wlthout consr,{[n! nuid Conirinmrnt lor wdttan rppmral. A mini- mum qt 12' bcErfl b.dding b r.cded bcrween th! lank lnd thr rxcavdion botbm or @ncrcta .nchodng pad. ?ankr rrust not be installc6 on lirnba]l, barms or c.edlgs, 'tl tn. Hydrostatic Tlnk Monibfing st!tsm i3 activarcd by filling at thc jobrilr, lhe tatrx cavry musi bc ffllcd oy pounng rte rqdd i^to lhg cavity. Depanding on locll climrtr. use ED water or an accagtsbla lntilfaata mixtlfe 39 the moniloting tluicl. All Enks must bs ven{ed rnd irc inlendcd to b€ ogs|al?d wiUr fluid in hr tEnk no hiElii er thln the iank lop. FrbrrghsS tr (s ara designed for operalion al Slnosphenc ssr'e onry, excepl whan uslng vt9ot systgmE, grovtded rhe p.€s3uru ol vacuum docs not Exceed 1 psi maximun on 'nt pd' nary tmk OvcFrassurizing ol lhe Primlry t3nk wjtl result in tank lailurc. Thc cevity barwcen lhe inncr rnd o|J"cl l|aK must b€ vented indcpcnde ly |tom the Pt" mary Dank For addilignal d€t1ilE, fequcsl Tank lnglrllalio(ls (Ruld Containmc Pub. No. 63O4). Properly in3taltcd, tibaqlalt underground petrolcum $o?agc l.nl(8 cin p/ovide cxtanded lcrvice in 3lcting Pcttols' um producB without coro3bFcaused lcd€ and wirhout nanle|ranc., Flr.,id Contrinmenl ftrrinn'ns a liadng gl over 2,000 indcpandanl @ntnrcbtl who naw recaivcd aducrdonrl matcrdJr ttom Fluld Conttnrncnt co/cring ht ptopcr instrlLtion ot undgrground trbergllrs hlnk!. On rcqucst, wc can povida nlm.3 of cd'Jcrrd conutckttt. undcrground rbrrga hda ia rlzaa rrid vith idng6 er rhown on lhe dEwingB.ltr Cdlhinm.nl. T.,*s $rll b3 t 1.d rnd irlJlrllcd wlh p.r grrvrl or rppovcd altrt4tatc brckflll mEb.i- rl rccordin! 10 ha curTanl inr|all|lon lmrucrions (Flurd Contrinmcnl Pub.No. €304) providrd with tha htilc Long furml S.ction 1!200 Guidc SprcMcation FluH Contrlrunent Doubldryail Flb.rglt!! Rdntorc.d Poly.3tgr Unctctgtound Storrgc Trntc Prrt I Gcnrill 1.at R.E|',d Wqt( S!'''tflfd ln Orr'''? Srct,onr A, Casrin-Flacc Concrutc: Scclion 03300 8. Andror 8o16: Srction 091,01 C. Pluuc Pipe: Scction 15081 o, Liquid Lewl Gaug$: Stction 15174 E Othsr Flehbd Woft - luch a3 and Boilrr 1.OA Sebmittalt: A.Shop Dratrln$: Contr"cbra rh6[ sub- mi!-clpies ol shop drrwhgE tor aaclt turk. D,awinqF shdl indudt rI c.iti6l dimansions d rhovv tocafoni gt lll 6t' tngr rric ac$$origt, i..., manwEys, L+ dcrt. hol+dorn slrlPs, l|.ati.E coilt, rtc' l{rfcfilt 0l con urrc|jon rhill bc in rccor durcc wittr Sccdon 1.02 ol ihic rpocllicr. tion, !. Brdog mr: comrebr shan $bait- cotic! ol o1.^uh9lut3/t lilcrlutr. c. crrtt{tdtion Fltt r U.L. lrbcls sh.ll b. atlixad !o .ach unk' slt [ luboit _ |&ies ol ,mnuhctJ6/t h|Gsl inslrlhdon irt|fuc[on3, E Cdlbndoa Chrrtr: Contncd6 $r! 9!b,t{ -coplcr of marula€lurGt t llaat CtF ibn[on chej1r, Pl't ll Productr 20t l'pttbl'-1/on Foc4gfass UnC'trgto{u/'td SE ',gtTtnluA Lotding Coadldonc - T.nk thall m|ct thc bllowing dcslgn crit rlr: 1. Etdtntl hydruttlic ficrcurc: Eurlcd in gtEund with 7 ot owr budcn o\'tf thr top ol t|. unh, thr horr fulv llooded and i.Lv tector ol 3l agelast 9ana6l biuckling, ' 2. Surtlc. lords: When inltel|ed .ccordng to m:n rladu rs/s InsElation hsbucdoflr. rnkr rvt wiln3brd rurtacr t+?0 arlc lorfi (92,000 lbo./.ft). 3, IntrmEl load: Primary ano racorrhry bnks ilr|I rvihOtrnd t pri rir pcsrur: trd wih 6:r rr'.ry hEb,. rl. Trnll| rhrll bc dreign.d b clgpon rs!- $ry aqurgn?nl rudl $ hGating coit, hrl(hrt, drlp trlbs, erc. whan hrtrlled rEcodlng to .n nuf|clu'r,'r l.conrncndrtionc ed lltnftc. tiona. t, Trak lrminrn $a[ includc lillcrs. g. Product Stor$p Rcquircmenlr: 1. All primary t!r*c musl bc vcnlcd..T{rnkt tro dlsignld for opcntion rt atmo$hadc pnr3rur. oaly, excGpt lor usc with vapor €cov!ry sy& Fm6 at a prr$ui3 or wouufn ol $prc$matdy t p8i. 2. Tania chd br caplblc ot 3Frir€ llquld slttt sp.ctfic Aravlty uP b 1.1. 3. Mrximum Emp6|!tuia: TEn* rhrll b. c$a- blc ol srorino g$olin., alcohol bl.nded gia6o linc (witF up to 1007. mcf|arpl or rhrnol), oxygrndcd fud5 (up io 20% MTIQ, rv'gns, lat fual, motor gil, (nar/r ot uta<l), krtoEcna' diarll fucl or potaur fralcr al lmblanl und*' $ound ttmpar6tulls nol t/c cxcGad 'lsdF at h. bnk intrdor suilrca. 4, Tlnks C1.[ b. chaii€lly hctt lo pdtlnum pr!6uclt. C. Olm.ntlonal Requir+rnrntr (r:far to Ffuid Conlrinmml litardura on gelh'l' agr): 1, No'ttin.l ceFciry of lhc Billt( ehdl b. -gdlons. 2. Nominal OUtSdC Ctllhelet d th. trnka rttdl ba - lr.L 3- hlcmrnrl ovardl lengh of th3 t|nla 6ht[ bc _lecL o. Mqnitoring Crprbllltle€i t. llnfi! rhdl h.va I tptcE b.twaan hc pl} mrry tttrl !.roorld&y tholt willt b dbrr, for hc f.aa llow rn6 cr.rtSi,rnaal ot rtl llrkad Ito(srcl from lna Drir,Aary trnk. tmQuawAesn nc. A Arccltlblc Mrn ulacl,urarl: Flutd Conteinman!, Hgglbn, Trras. B. Clovcrning tllrndrrdr: 1. ASTM spcclficalion 04021-tC. Gber Fbar ecintorcad Potyrstcr Undcrgound Prtrobum Storrgc "lnks,2. U.L. 131S. Urdeir/dterg Laboratodrs, lnc., GlrEs Fiber Rcinlorced Plasdc UndaEtound Stot4r Trnks for Pauolcum Pradlct!. '3. Nrtionat Fi'r Prolscdon tusoc, (NFPA 30) Flammabic and Combu6liblc LiqulCs Code ard (NFPA 31) Stan&ds tor Insra||srion of oil Butnho Equrpmenl 4, Gtnc{el Savh.s Miinirrdon, Pr.6llc Building Sr^rta Guide Sprcihcation, PBS: t 15 HUt' 6c. ',55 65:5C'ri l kl\- rJi)J,r5ll. "lrr -sE ;-safi*sd'Ailii'drylrAl|rGNr rx 4@ 1# ?66s r0 152os272 P.6,uij''a EEaE EEf;g.d8€+ H :.+o e H 3 *f) I \ 6' E+ .lI+b \E EI Ed E= $l EEt* t E Ia3J A4' ,< lrJ F (l?J -6 l*JIt= Hur' |Z,Z. 'y) d5; rlPri f{\L DEDI('I\ O r.LlJ/Cta ) ' lttttaltttttttt! Mlldrrrnoorr! btnr tdd/tr,'strd in Jtff 20 murn: l-EbnrPhn A phaslng plan drawlng her b..n eddad st 1'-5q Ecalc. ru pbn shors PhEc I and ll as proposed, the north rahing wrll prcpossd for dwalopmnt h 1099, and o0rer fubne pmJeob ldentilbd In hc Public trrforkr Mrrbr Phn. Thc dcvalopmant of hc r}b rnd hcllilicr b limlbd by anllrblr fundlng, whidl 'rs outlncd bclor,: Yaar _Furditro Lard _ _Probcfl 1996 E425.000 Admlnbtrdon Bulldhg Uh stod.bd .nhnc. filr, Xddrg, hndrcrpltpld lmd ml0gnton. Upgtrdr rbcticrl l|rylc. b th. rhopc building rnd dd on nrwvrhille lift h frert Tnnrgorffir rddHon, furl rnd m$ bdlty nDbc.nstt, pafiat ttcrtwnrbn and uddl]E ehop nlocdon. Enltrtp hndrcrplng rlorp |h. bam.nd Snd h|zr|tl mltsdon bchhrl thc rhops brllldine. hfrorr. 8il. Entnmor e0neef,. Prql.dto be iden$ll€d No Futrdhg 1996 Oal fl{llon 1E99 $2.l mllllon Ecmdonof u*,Lribf,|rrm$netruffiiof noru rfilnhg w.ll. Rly.gtr0rtion rnd ngmdlng ehng northCdcot.ft.- 2. Forast Scllcs Sign4fr No regnding ie proposed ln the erront phrsct m lbnet rrrulcr poprrty. 3--ErcaEliqo llo dditiond rrcwrton wlll br donr m thr rit to compLt Ptrrrcr I md ll .t ldcntificd. Thc phathg plen rhom hc cdgc of hc usablc propatv 0n he nodt side d he lbcfity, T't*i will be mrlntinrd unil the cie ir expendcd h 1999. Somo frll mtrLl wlll br unovrd dincdy bdrlnd md {Font b thc rhopg buildlng b Clow lorlhc c0eentlrn of thc llccfadli! and cletionlepambn of tieweHhg rhop. 4. Dcbrb Flowlb Debfu lhf, lcSding b $own on the goding plans et l'.20'coab. A enpodb dcbtts flow plrn d 1'-50' can bc dtyclopcd lt ruquind. The proposed regndhg phn will bc radewcd by Art Mrlrr ful compllsnca vdth rdltg.tion rqulrlnst|r in ni4,August when Alt conrs brak b lrrork Hc ir cumnty out ofth. cosnty. 19e7 s200.000 1908 -0- Hu\J ()c :f U:,: JtFl'l XllL rrLSrbi\o r , LJ' 1U,) 5. Admlnishtion Buildirr0 Dcltil A phn L pHidod rt l'r10' ffllc. Arphrn.mund thc w|st end couth ridGr of thc bullding will bc removed eleept for e tldaffelK Trccs whcrr the new handhepp€d p€*ing spaae and enbance stair will bo builtwill be roheabd and baneplanbd rvihin the amr. Sec ho Adminirts*ion Lmdrcrpr Plen for moru dctrllcd informrton. Roqporrirs b,iBsrrr8 nhcd in J,JU 10 memo: A. MsitorFtundlinasrrAccamibiliV 8m Admini:trrtion EntrncrlG$rt P.ddng bm'ff prwiou. B. H.2rdr A folloil{p rcvicu by Art ilcart will occur in mtol-Augwt Two dEbrb llory channels ate propossd arcund he Adminirtration buiHing per Mears' lateoi teport The arca luguir€d b conbin e debds llow end any rcquiremenF for loolda[ n{tgauon wlll be address€d by Art in hb lbllo*up rwiar. qL..t-.nftc+ing The rwised landscape phn includes planting along he berm by he snow dump ltr" Phntng ellelong he berm will be locabd down the sostr side of thc berm h rddllion b filling g.F on top. |nbttion ls cut?€nty available elong thc b.rm md c'n bG c!&ndGd if ruquired b catablbh planthg. All pbnting8 will be of native variefps, rnd wlll not rcquire inigaUon onae Bstcbllshed. P-llhibililr Tho drbdt fiow chann.l rrgEding har b.3n lignlfic.ntly nduc.d end oncc ru-vcgctabd should nol be objeclionablc from acrorr tha vallcy. Cut ofi fixhJr.s er. pmposcd for all nil extcrbr lighb. See Screening Me*s frtm th. Adlrccnt neighborhood. item'D'prsvious. E. Phasino/EmFloy.. Houiing A phasing plan has beon added whictr idontifies thc proposcd timiq of projcctr wih funding. ProjccG not yctfunded (beyond 2000) rn rlrom lr fut,tn. Employx houdng..r prwiourf nobd, ia in discusshn Ggildlng d.v.hpm.nt.nd ph$tng optionr. F,. _,EnviEnmantrl lrruar See prwious itsm'P rcgrrding fuGl strr6g. bnk cod.r md nguhtiona. All.natf tucling hcilities will comply wltr required codes, constlrclion rnd monibdng $lndffds, .b. tltlttfrIttltltt BLq x |l \q:FF {a q H $\ $ TI N s $t -l ttl |lJ UI Llsl 1 t$ $ $t dH t<t(t !1,ir I$ v tr )t t ( t tt IttrIf ItIriirg ( It yl pr E !.Av t\tltrt l-,, | !-7 le0 r'0 |0'.1l I i l I : {t\t\"',/ )l;t(-l\._llt./ t/ t\ [\Irt\ l'r t\ t\\ i") \.I I' T \, I ,iffi'\ N,$- $Nr # II It t H ffi $ \li \\ (, ?tt!!, ::r Ii!,i d:i: r,r !qiilS : i:!':i! \ o *:ifli \-\ a t. :.I Eit:lt:;( :!E . il:Es!tE i?:r i l::3 t;::i t:#gl alt. oo ''', , r-- !EE o I - -.i:l d t ?. I ll3i -' 5b i 'L 3 ;6 '!: ! :l E 9: ! ii S !;; r i i;! i .EE ; ll 9 ::i :r! ;!i I 3! isz Jri -P'- git {; th 5 i-s ii: l!: irE SiiE i r?I :riils:.d::. :!rE!r "ld h-rl;i !i;:titgt''6 ''; r!l;.! it: -l: to'.i I E E I -- !c 16 -': - -:E.I -j. -g - -E ::E: i: ;: i i?! 3s *3 H :i : E:t;:,I 5t E: f t=i tt :r E tt t tt o oooo eeee9€ I , ;!it;i rr ! ': : i:i !sb i:ri ir PE!g' 5ic!i !! ri Ctlll I 1ti, li'. l:ti I E :t:] i I ! I ! I 000 !I d t\ .t,, i t.' ri\i1l :iii\:!!" \\ \ g.Ji ;,iffi,ffi ttlt !rtliiir ilfl$irlliiiiliiii tliiiii;ii;iiiiii /T\ it+t\l-l ! 'l i i i\Ilit 1 I E3FfiTS.BINWd SdVOSCINW na Nolrvurstt{tnov sydol\ Jnsnd SrgldSJrim|lvrql ssa ,ot- FI u t- s: \q E$(. vlt{]\ ,RF.t \I \!:. sd $ sqt{ so t Fv ru\ luj e F 'U- it:ilirtII "&mC,;X=# ;! R Itt 6x{ SS \ TI E s *E E t( I rcuYlrcn|Ywnn0t sr na 0 !$llv.il oN0J.NVnd m[H3€ @ .-----r--] ._--.--.----------1_ il ,l ilz X"'.#t /_,.\l \l ll iiilliirliii iiii,i,i,i,rii,,l i : i iti uililltitui @i il aa a - 8E I II I I !I I' iilil, zI i\ ulo oz l =o z St- !lFIz HlJt5 d.- J) c.l-.,,; 4+ts1 I F.l 1L o.l Lrl 1 ' , ' iL' r.1!\r trc J- uf ' c)r-l r I\i.t!_o o A b1 %re,nileFl Trutsnso Glrss l,rus: . Thermal and impact- temPered for safeU aod durabilitY r Consistent lighting performance Exmuoep Atultwuu Lnxs firmn WnnoutWnos r Accurately nitered corners. I*ns secrired with internal corner keysr Quick release safetY latch Exrnuoto AtuMlNuM Housluc . Radius dic-formed from single extrusion. Easv push button latch access for itiick relarnping F O N TA N SUPERIOR MECHANICAIS: Uxtnzrn Brl,t ilsr/RrrncroR Srsmu: . Iiinced and removable as auuit . eilily accessed for installation and maintenaucer Automatic PrimarY discoanect Sr.u:o Omcs: , Hinged and sealed for removal as a unit, Easily accessed for installation and rnaintenance, Reflector seaied against a one-oiece E.P.D.M' gasket ' Exc6Jlent protection from dust. debris and moisture FLEXIBLE PHOTOMETRICS: IIuno-ronulo Snili'sPscutAR Rrructon SYUSM; . Standard IES patterns'I' ilr-Iil, i'and f Forward Throw), II. and III Faceted for horizontal lamps. Designed and {na.gufactured to meeior exceed UL and NEC reouirements. IBEW and UL labeled OPTIONS: . Photoelectric controi recepucie . Pole or wall mounted. towder coat, baked enamel or anodic hard coat finish in a wide color raoge IIXIURI DAIA fIXTRE WANAGE tumlMlRt slzl nE(olilt{lEl{DtD SIAIIDARD ARI{I DftllNslolls ffiouililN0 HTIGHT FONIIM3]up l0 h 2fl1s,!$'l7'x ll'x 6" 24"{31'rl0' fu-- 2.x4,x1, _4.hE {00 mn, ildll il!fid! nrtun rnlt w O2! r 8I?6 loop'I tt.2l. l5owtt, tturolNolidc $n![llll07' 100 wfl, llbh-tu$rufl 56diun h t iil.ii r'oio *iii tfrr,ii, ",0 us':tli Hrnt nalr lonp or !c:7 hqh harut: 5' t iii:ii ioid;;t di;;r 'Jt5 o h''"d 'r'q' ('ur+clril rrflrocr rirrmlly s on r6 FONTANA o?- hoovJ "nl 3o'Fou* ,J.arr rl'l 4,,rtvfl t*fr, HU\r g< :.) tb I abPf l Kt\L t,LDr\rl't ^. -t MECHAMCAI,FEAfl]RES A" ZinaPlatad Stecllh Rods B. Unirtzedhllo*ftmponarts'eosilyrernovqble C Formed Alumimrm bnoPY t}. txtndcd Aluminum tlarlng E Oul*RehcaPuh'hrffirt'ddl t Extrudod tP.D,ItGGk?l (sftoneinl000Wl G. Lorrp ildds'&ipTltC fttogl5otkd , ,H. tlydirformed Alrmftrum Reffaor'hhgod ond rerpvoble l. IemPard Glos lrrs J. frmory Oisonned Puslhbutton 0perohd Inordrmnl K &truded Aluminum lhor Frome M Door SofctY fttrt LUMINAEEMOIJNIING Ertudcd Alunrhurn fihunling km t(rm$ctonSluimAlottl DOOR FRAME & OPTICfTASSED{BIY (ftn ul Gosscarion $diltAbq{cl D. BmdcdAhrmfirum$rdewoll F. E$nddU.Dl'LGGkd t|. llydro'formd Aluminum Refudot l. 0eorTemPcrcdGloslens It brrrudsd Alurninum Door homs L txntdd l,lumhum tlonge MOUNIING OPIIOI.IS 2S Two at 90' t0 Slryh F #$Hff l! O S/=j{ p-t-"- pr-ANNfNGANDENVTRoNMENTALcoMmrssroN f,rlrr August 14,1995 AGENDA Proiect Orientation Lunch 11:30 p.m. Site Vlsits 12:30 p.m. l. Houtsma- 1868 West Gore Creek Drive 2. Yaros - 5l 19 Black Bear Lane 3. V\A4C - 181 West Meadow Drive Driver: George Public Hearing 2:00 p.m. l. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for additions to the existing residence located at 1868 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 47, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicant John and Bobbi Rnn Houtsma Planner: George Ruther 2. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the Vail Valley Medical Ceuterto park a mobile catheter lab/tailer, located at 18 I West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicanf Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney Planna': Randy Stouder 3. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the renodel of the Golf Course Maintenance Facility, located zt1278 Vail Valley DriveParcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing. Alrylicant Vail Recreation District, represented by Ernie Benderplanncs Russell Forrest 4. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion ol the Glen Lyon Office Building, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd./Area D, Cascade Village SDD #4. Applicant: Gordon Pierce for Glen Lyon PartnershipPlanner: RandyStouder 5. A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition to the existing residence located at 5 I I 9 Black Bear L anefLot 8, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant Ron and Chris Yarosplnnnsx'; George Ruther Fleveryonets€cbg€ndas\081495 6.A request for a Conditioaal Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Toqrn of Vail Public Works Administatim Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drivdon 6 r'nplatted tact, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen IWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnenhip, (d/b/a Vail Athletic Club), represented by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay MikeMollica 1 A request for amajor SDD amendmen! located at the Vail Athletic Club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A prrc+l of led ia Tract B, Vril Villrgc Firl Filiog Towa ofVrit F.glc County, Colondq comnlcncing .t thc Northcd corDcr of srid Trr.l B; O.'rrce N 79'46!0" W dolg thc Nonb€rly liac ofVail Vilhgq First Filiag and doag Oe Northcrly line ofsrid Tncl B 622.86 fcct; theoce S 06o2d52" W e distaocc of348.83 fca to tb€ Southwcst corlcr ofthrr plrcel oflud dcscribcd ia Book l9l rr Prgc 1398s teordcd Jeaurry 10, 1966 rad 6lod in Rcceflior No. 1029?8 ia tic Esglc Coulty Rccords, srid coracr dro bciog thc Tnrc Poiat ofBcgindag; thcocc S 79004'08" E rad aloag thc Sorllcrly lioc ofsdd prrccl 200.00 f€ct to tbc Sou6crs conff thcrof, th€occ N 6205?00" E rad rloag tic Northcrly liac oftler perccl oflrsd darribcd io Boot 222 I Pagc 5l3 rr recordcd io l97l ia thc Erglc Couoty R ccordg r dinre of66.78 fet ao tir Nonhqstcdy corDcr of said prrccl of lra{ srid comer bciag oo thc Wcstcrly rigbt-of-wry lirc ofGorc Crcdr Rod, rs phficd h Vril Vilhgc, Fiii Filiog thcocc N 27o l3'37' W r disaacc of 77.37 fccr doag sEid Wcserly rigbt-of-wry liac of Gorc Crcck Road; thcrct N 89'2922" W r disteacc of 12.80 fcla to thc Northcrstcrly corocr ofrt'.r !,lpel oflrad dcscribod ia Boolc t9l, Pagc 139 as rocordcd Jraurry 10, 1966 rad filod io Rcccptior No. 102978 io thc Erglc County Rocords; thcrcc Northwcstcrly 26.51 fcct aloag the rrc ofr 37.50 feet rrdius curve to tbc lcfi hrving r ccmrd roglc of40o3000'sbosc cbord bcars N 53040'00' W r distrDc€ of25.96 fcd to ! poirt oft8ngctrcy thcocc N ?3'55'(x)" W ead dong eaid tugcd 166-44 fc4 tbctcc N 8501021" W . digarcc of50.40 fGCt !o thc Notthwclcdy comcr ofthc Moutain llrur Parccl; tiacc S 02't8'00' W srd ioag ttc cexcrty lirc of srid Mountril lhus Parccl a disroce of 100.00 fect to thc So.rhcaccrly comcr ticnof; tbcacc S zl5o 13'53" E r dinucc of38.70 fcct to tic Truc Poiat of Bcgiuiog, contdairy 30186 sqlrue fect, rnotr or lcss. 8. 9. Applicant: Planner: TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 28. T995 Council Reports:. Vail Commons. Approval of July 24,1995 PEC minutes. F:bv€ryonotsac\agsndes\081 495 AUc-Ol-95 OB.12 FROM. KINKOB BOULDER 2.0p:r 24 nolr A Dr llhtubdinfidh: lD. 7 PACE WrrrY k YS t tlo. of pogc lidfrortrl 7@torttrom (qzo)r/7q-z+sa,,-,, luinsfhonr: (,lto)+lq-atX ?lm rtlly tlr prr fut tht hvr b.r rrrt I for. nb|lrlolbc$ rnfi, l+r,'s Heclbcrri . mm l+m: I?o4lz15.- t'tt7. . , ftdhftrhnfr,lfu d w fr yu M ry r*n rcililng w t frn ns my pop ntuing 3g344El?BO5il o 2795 Pcorltfrrct, Unlt l04 r 8ouldsr, (0 80102 thono 13031 {{9-7100. fax (3031 {{9.7UOj TAX COVER SI{EET (?ullit f or Srrvttrl AUC-O t -95 OB.t2 FRoM. KINKO BBo OULDER 2 ID.30344E|7E}65 PAGE 2 lvlgJWFAAld,tlrt T.a; And4 hufun Con n odl1 &rcl qtn ent tupartmetfi Town of Vc,Ll , Colorad-o Ens lleAberl RNc ^esrgn tu: mk," Augwf t, t??s Rel Town of .Va'l P-uhlh Wov|s neparlneft Resuhn;thl 6w nec/wo t\ediaqs l"fu fiollowiy infirmah'on a4dre*as uw'm ls $+cvu4a'* Jq to, qqS ffi u.urbse*t'ott as aul#atd1'- SNme*r,osof Jkq rc u'd J,/-eI tu, l?qs," Pltaw pard.ntl'z hand wriirq' I wanlzd $ 9tJfu iffirmah'anloflou ds gui&.Q as peilbb-' T wiH follw op t*ti,/A o4Vpd @ry tharfl4. -Respmrszas la lstttts ralstJ ort' Vur Ju'!4'n merla : A. ADU\N lsTFhTloN WTRA^tc€ / ouesT p*frENe W feryd edwhishafrat bui tl.,nj a dd'i'h:an prouidts $tw G) natt parhal sr,as J;uf easf o[ll,"tneur t'vrfrant- g,l*tr, -Tfus &fui ^5 wi I't fu reseru el 'frr yesk,/ p"btt" curni.^1 *o ,lae Admiru's'1y6fi'nFuilfury a,6d uit( fu siVund. u.cordi*Xtj Trru- "gutslx"le'{1,i. bpai^(r{q a* nof AUG-Ol-gS SB=13 FROM. KINKOS BOULDER 2 rD,30344s|?BO5 PAGE 3 &qda*t. /Ylosf lraffio:lo Puhl;r-Wrbs ts b7 htblicl\hvk efiptng&f fue'^g tL,t4* q"dthiu'slT&ve- lsats, t2. nn+ 6a,tdS, Pd4 foll t schcd*tt*g au^d ,lu*1|as r,ttilh- afuuiruislra*V - o^ d o$,ar rsnslruc,*iox Wrairsh{^,, shff frun alfur Tbutn-- Dcpartn wts, tt Polu*, Mm.ut't'Q fu,aym.wl,Trous Frla# at+ atoi,j bttsirws wi"lh, fuh&2 Nork 4drw'n., Prafrsst'on*( &nsu.0,ldd.s.et'r3.bttstqtss, *t aL vadors vniH^l*'lu, siJc {6v tJa*ft'rsf hw. Visl4ors and vndors &lsd go4oJl* shf biu;"1 ar+d pculcfar{l'*r- w<sf m *1.* sik ortct!4^q buazv*aqmi^+<d Wi'la fu Uryh'^ 4 nuligs , tl is uttcdrnrn&llohatx ma/-s. . .lhantuo *e lhra visilar.-c-"*-:a4a4 Adn4'nis/raltou &tilJ/rg. lt* #4t"?tt4++ O$ -Ot*1c M';ry5 ttt,/taz 6{eru'',s kJfr , a ns.phtno o,f " to'lZ^fuo&+ c*u h &o#'n\tuod-*ied. Tlat's f s genuolQ a. n4r df fuhh?, Ufiyk alrdoXus .tu-,un vAdars liskd.ahrc, If puH- fro rna re4ha,r fi t* ca* ls- r-equr*/ *1#*tss"lipt*, +t,ty u* "..".. us s4atts |ry'^Mar%s+ dlej .dut4r,A - fu Patbi"q V@ lva-s ql,sohe.e p'ropwd o-f*4*c el,hutcle .. Puhe&, tUorks fu h*v,A'cq4 Txrsons c'A'rdshdyf .l*rud-cA'uert-c-c, .^.1* ' pAr Xnas, vot,00'x1 slv& erk.TU.s sPa4L t's cxprM ,l* .". bt uxa e {iA fi-tnt-s on bufl da,,4s, b*f afJe^ re,ruat*vn^pl!. ,a^'H;r* AUG-61-9S Oe.l3 FROM! KINKOS; EOULDEI? 2 rD' 3oue78os PAGE 4 Ad,w|wls+1ah'*, BulMia ilottn,s T z a.tra-lJlcts uuas atavt fr 1l+ ^o&LQtt aiJr*ior- bt* is sh'LI va4d rn *tm r ol nu'aLtdr af eu pta"gc6. T-14-9+.!tqlno7"ess ,lM Lurru^JE IxlL M+S+ ol-tlA.L buttlia"et^dht 4otol#u, hJU aiU nov+- doww alottl,rt,v fut,n ar usl al'fl't Adtntn fui Lil \, Ona- PhavIL is csvptttt a4 d H,Lo. +r/t! isb^d B rdodalzd, addlh'dv-a-e OffLce PARKING AITALTSTS ; .pW ApMTNTSTRanIoL BLpc. EXpAr{SIgN Cqrront Parklns After Addltlon GrcE llalI Pff Adnln Lot East along hirl Terrl Martlnez Berm acrogg frorn Sane BUE Brrn Chrrlle Dav1s Toclcl Oppenhclner across from Same Barn Across from Barn Sane Berm Bus Berm Bu8 Greg Darrlr Future Eng. Tcch Betn AcEoss from EUE Barn N/A 9arne Easu elong hlff N6t lncrease ln cmployees - (1), ldtquate cmployee and public parhlng exlets to the erEt (along bern(S) and hill (N) ) and wGrt (along berm (sf ) of the Pl{Adnlnlstrrtlon eulldlng Lo lccotnnodaEc th6 proposctl rnodular addlglon, DurJ.ng thc past yaar, the polloe departnent haa bsenparklng approxlnetely (1,51 vehicler along the berm catt of tht Admln. Bldg., while const.rtrctlon eontlnuei ab tha vPD. The Follco Drprrtnent antlclpates relocltlng thclr vehlcles back to thelr onn Perklng Iot wLthln the month. There was anple parklng spac€eavalleblo rvrn wlt-h ths addltlon o! the PD vehlcleer thereforo thc rnodular addltlon potct vcry llttle lnpacL to on-sitc prtshing. E, ..l+r+Z:4p,pts''' ts_ Sinet U^L J* to pEC y*tkgsrtbn, tl't clru'7,-/-ea'u"'afurj t,.t i,LA' Puh&2 Ul&olts has shtdt ed a.lrl+t nah't'rl.g {o 4l'rz or iV tv.! rRtT a.dt' y p ry "rsrn . TI*.. lutr r'sd p rcpa sal cL-i s/a) rbs tn u&. lZgt aru* t a"l-d . !'6 Qefi'h,l.Cmtattv.d utilAa+i'teq Pu"bti Walk PrvH{+1. Se, ilM Qre'ry a*td st:h Plaa+s at ttt-zttt 5c*lp y.r-UnA^tAs b.clg reVadl4. Th-e tttttt scAca^t a4Qtsu*t o $ -Au, ur'ofi"1 dl4rA *4 bum, sp&ltry if ;^'fr fulp llw qrw.5"arovttd. fl1t M,w"'n builAir'7 rit fttrec I, an^d U+.a,e\!^1.dil, il'la; g#.4 -b.atm '/<' l4t autf in phax IT' k rtx dt'stqs*J / t/x, r*rill ualk-,ffir. t4fu ttsill.,+ L/ov^ So uldv- t$.d.els.ltud .'fih* *rtot*l €6 ott't/rrba,a-rt, a4^/ r*tt,0 rsfelk' .." tht- a*tn frv neC a+A M nzr'"fus lo ura&-' Al4 an+s o[- dA'E{'urbamu ui0l, h revtlcl'al1a1 ast(A het'w ma*sr'ats n'nu-larf 'lo tt& woliry Fnaa+ ltu'x - lrascst M3, pitd//au*s- ., grblts b*futt*n.1tea a*d h*h Az pu^rt ^1 ^rtt* nalara?.. AsPa- " *"r"d servtqberry wilt lx 6adel futt-'pn da^il ditrrr )fu stag.fu .-.... W,$p-ru**. Ldurd fo*iry xg a,u.d ru.bbifbrush *ttLlh+ ,. aJdtd 1o prarr6l4.nart'.W colathAALe4i.An'4.t, Ded 1rceS nLmq t!'*sncl,u dttrrg wiU fu renorcd at^'d repoa,^J+d wift a.ll*.-r.tlan.. 9ffu.a,, tt4d*,in an'd fueas Sr,o-,&a rqn'*d- ""la*dscry, FIh' hi P.h^blLZ tl.wts rtr ttup*paxd pea^tix1 { 47\tD fa+p/t/N!?* alaq lo fk "t^ ola,rh<f Tfu ^sv( rn*rdiq " vl.t Nl /ors " of /rr/* arc,t J 4> /- rrtu l/ of fk dr*q /thw 'and wc,/ tap>lr-.qttu af l4v fi4*trhr|1nt\ra h"ild,ry is nrrh;ufl, sh^n in vlv ffir+l Tlin ,' ,,ta 'ehowr, wr .ctc- fTiyh &,nii'h fk <wst'r.q plrnt'er (z7o ,f.)', top Yk lvrthnT 7kn{1 Jn tlt sul'A silt ,f Ih h'; td i*l' 0L ,.{) , r,^-/ a dd / oo ,f of p/nt,/er 6n r tfu bw'j , s-th tnl catf +id+ of flt h.,it/i,,a an d "dd 4 Nw |qd 5f ylanfz. adif ,Lt '/o fk^ y*t,y A.rta.', -(h Nl increasl ,f ' p/aa{er *rel ts t6o "lr* {4f. M uilt riloraft 11, W*7 t"; w,zafly ry ueh1 yl*,tA PAGE 7lD:303449?Egs ':l ! :O,,, 't ,---1-/ 1,.: fl['j , ^O '"',"i|[-](T ,X$ ''',\ '. ffi-' A-\\ t, ',, ,', , ', \i \ tu----, +_-,$ Hiffi nil 1:#!tTi- lll liii ", "tllll ili.,-i i -- xtlltlfi: $lll l':.':' ' . "+li Ii:'t' 'i "I fti i";;'". , j ltulll $i 1 ,lt llFf:#l,lll l--llt l:l,Flil-l:li l,iltff,f ':t yltr lii ; -'Jt | | I !'-- .".,_1//l / "'r-f:-'r/./ / ;,./)..*;_.-ii,r,,/ AUG-O1-S|5 6E}.15 FROM' KINKOS EOULDER 2 :',i,til-.: // il.:i_l 1 / t4 $ rl !'g Ei:, \ I:lol.-rli.ao-.' t'q{n I,lr.J Isfti AUG- @ 1-s}5 EEl.17 FROM. KINK oso EOULDER 2 ID, 3e!3449 796 5 PAGE TE AUG-Ol-95 68.r? FRoM. KINKoE BoULDER 2 ?Bg 5 %tEnileK Triuplittnn G utss Lt:ltsr . Thermal antl intlract- lemPcred for safety and durlbilitY e Consistcnt lightitrg perl0rntant:e ExrRtnno At.ttltltl u ivt Lntts l'RnNr Wlruor.r'r' Wnms . Accurately tni"ttrc'tl. c:orncts r Lens set:dr nd with intcrrral corner keYs. Quick rcleas,-' slfetY latt:h Exrfiliortr At.ulttNtlu ll0t:stttt; r Radius rlie-forrnctl lrcnt sirtglc extrllsl0n o EasY Push brittort latt:h accr:ss for q',rick rcrluntPittg 30344s|o A b1 ID,PACE 1I F O N TA N SUPERJO R MECHAT'{ ICALS : Urtttzen Bnlusr/RErLEcroR Ststsm: r Hinced and removable as a unit . filfii aiiirsed for installation and nainteuancer Automatic PrimarY disconnect SE,ILED 0Prtcs: . Hinged.and sealed for removal as a untl. lutitv accessed for installation and maintenancer Reflector sealed against a one'Piece E'PD.M' gasket . Excellent Protectlon lrom dust. debris and moisture FLEXIBLE PHOTOMHTRICS: tlrono-ronMsD SEMI-sPEculAR Rtrrrcton Ststslt: . Standard tES Patterns - l, ll-lll, itinA f tnor*ard'fhrow), Ii. unJiti ricet.d for horizontiti . tf$otinru and manufactured to meet-or exceed UL and NEC requirements. IBtW and UL labcled OPTIONS: r Photoelectrit: cotltrol rtrcepiat'le . Pole or wall mottttt't:tl . Pn*d,'r coat, baki:tl ttnamttl ur inodic hard coal finish in it widc r:olot' rirrtgt: IilTURI DATA FffruRE WAIIAOE tuftllilAlRt SlzE RICOMMTNOTD STANDARD ARM DIMINSIONS MOUNTIN6 HTIGHI t6 'I7'x21"x6' ll0 x to 250 ttoilsl 24'x3l"rl0' AUG-Ol-E|S OEI' le FROM, RtNKOS BOULDER 2 ID,303449?BOE HJMNNRb ilIOUNTING tiltuded Numinum l'{ounting Arm (0os Sxlion $orin Ahovl) DOOR FRNIM & OPTICAL ASSEIIBLY [0ol up 0orc Setfio'n $on Abovel 0. trtrudedAluminumsidewoll t tilruded tP'DJ'l- Gmket !l, Hydro'formed Aluminum Reflecor l, 0torlemPered Glos tens K txhuded Aluminum 0oor lrume L ExtrudedAlurninumFlonge PAGE T2 MEC}IANTCAT TETTruRES I Zlnt'PlotodSteelliaRods'B. uniritta Umr Componcnll - emily rEmovoble C formed Alumirtum (moPY D, tilrudrd Alumhum Housing E Out*RshccPushbuttonlskhn ExrruddEP.D.M.Gmka (dkungin l000W) G. lmp Hddu'GripTrle" MogllSodta ,,ll. Hydrulomed Ahminum Ref,ec0r'hinged ond remwoble L lampared Glcs hnt i. nimory Olstonnert Purh'button 0peroted fnordrorvnl K. txtrudad Aluminum [)mr Ftuma M hor5ofclyfud IYI0[INT[{G 0m0NS 79 lwo d 90' l0 Slrt$r t.H$H+;r9 ID.3el344S7€|O5 \ $\l :ll \ F $ o?t {\r5I i, \ E{s \t2 b il g= ,IHH EsHi $$$s @S' 19 FROM, KINK OULDER 2 - -ratt - osBo95z af 1rlv oF AUG-O I L g J $.[l if ifi I I tudfFulEFo rJ 1Fq xtu uulhvf( Fo 3 lUz o YF FT ilqz,g A Hu'oEt tH* _t tL3 t$? d d aa *a E P zo!:rl-*A {, IzoF{ E-{ F4Fl FEI Ht+{F )Jo(n AUG-OI-S|S 9Br lB FROM ' KINI{OS EOULDER 2 344Elo 7AO5 il I t :x $$ 3f HP u iEi1FTO gE O+ 6P 3f HP tuvlFuf IYFaz rl3ZL - lll 6d TPltt F (,! PAGE I E .lil2l -tatJI -l?l-l EIZ -t!rz P 6 tr -AA { Izo F-{ F{ fElFl Fd Hf{ F.poa @4,26 FROM' RINKOS BOULDER 2 ID. 30344S7BOs 61 hl<l 9t FIol-J Eeb Ept l!s gf;F Itz Foilu ar)t-ek dF3E !E uz Fo Ftu Iul- <( E oF s bt{IL J Ftrl ): !Fo*ul aUF fl oF lt u If 5lolE;Hl zO E-{ EElFl FEI H(n AUG-O I -SE :TE AUG-O!-9S 68,26 FROM, KTNKOB BOULDER 2 lD' 3O344EI?AOS PAGE lEi.vv F". ...EMP-| -oVe Ho us /N6 f^* ppnlls.shoru ,lfu p*p*n l.o'rulre! ef tatel'uz s+ldrb-l'ile Atqlayt hoafia1 uJl,l/s^....T1!u"'s".ug/L ra, be conLflzW uAena,'ut ft'rten*ry ls. aUat(ob& / aAid is naf ca*rre-*A'1 3/"'4tLd t"'t'44t' d.1,*t o+14"..qn$lrq6n. tn.fi,l,pah.rr.L tr,hyLt sik' Pu,btrc Wd(k tg currvu't't y ef/pTi^1 dsteld/pn pt"t ar^d'fi naac-' ^1 aph'ns fo**. *.^"pte.rltt lvua'1 uti'14 lott.x$ and 'le^nTata &uaa{ . PubhL uJayk utlt Lcq 'Xou-tffir td af flzit fryn* ln,$nprauts. " Wp.hat < sotl!. y'4tht *rrl pn'ua+t1 igilas atl1444,+ u1t'h'ia/1'"u of houn'q a'tA flr:t frpbgl. twbs elt4, h rtarc*abb- nurbrr d ut4ttt t.s. lmpr-laut nof 1o lav4ax +A^.-liqt"ttalranctlatdtc;tL, "".".0f . tn4y.pd.ru* ppeean #,tt sr./.e u;Atouautcl viola-tt, P&lio Wwkr' fiau'tu*tts al r{ nu,fu1nk' tVuchoi+t"e&rsfi.q ouldw . shta"y- t* 0QA"'"s+z'tttt' t d4^'4 ttti tl rEot a'ui so' fl'*se lstllcs tutd h, b+. f.Wnurcd u" d.dqm(p:t"q #,rn nutqhar af Ou,k a,*d /oca'6in o$ uatk 4o bc atudryd' AUG-Ol-9S OB:21 FROIII ' KINKOS BOULDER 2 lD. 3934497405 PAGE l?oo - ?tt Uas+ I+ f tz?,-*f 4tin^.1?{; fl'z* viatIi::__ tu h" +tE f'un +f'.fh*f fuqn t hilrqa,.,*<nlahovt df* tN la"Ps 6k t'fu J4r 'l4t fl,r TI,,T [o.aAm sl*wn dttiq,u, h lorrt wd,,,wt/t {". t,frcc*di^1 S *t" t)u{ryn Utt , /l*n f (1"r) a"dg (hryl ) r sl',tl ' Ir^ Iora.frd \tlt'V lank1 1'-ttld .UnLrsr i+ 6 tt*n dtc yfr (l r al+Ltul u1rt, {:"e cl^,*s ut+lcr trt lnA?raCt|c^L 0f t- b":,tdi^1 ,[l",hh,nt.u{ clx). !-. 11y;all1, ItoL> fhat d6 nccur p;*h u&1*"{ l"n|\ ocLv( in fl* ilpi{ , nol rn -fl,". in k filr aN vt'd ^ dt,At w lb{ $le4lcs htt| lfuf uh al\ qw.'"iftl sl*.&,a;(w ,IfuM wl'd*147, k,al-,4 fl.{ V*, *bw q-u,d unttd nlr,r, - " l.o,rt?( b'^1yr cf W,n^J Pivirl:: - ,i::K,n,'l .L,Ero!;-" fuW'bi AUG-O1-95 OEI'21 FROM ' KINI{OE BOULDER 2 v horq ,U unfr ,piainiu*d. fif, h-stl Loo 1, . If +k Jt/ .. nh wart J' l"'( le'<td 6fu Awnd , - ful wdd hn,< h lu 'ltcet,clu h +le .u sent dt vk sif,, uhtck "l YI* fu.v o{ ^ Ir-7,r 1 sfuT 5+ h. . W opt*vn -fl,^^+- + l^{ ntl- ,l d4,,,a.1r1 + tL *^a [: d,r,t '1" {alli^{ dr'bn't f*^ Yhb lutt B fr,, qvurtt r f'l, +'lt n if +fu'J u,.r( ufur X*und. U 1. ++ +1.( +*/ lanks rutre t bl Locabd dbow -oyouutd * lrr , wtlA h".t -h lr, lo.ntd +' +\* 'r** of' +1,'I " ';t{ Tl& f", hr Navld b/ lt uTrd th ph"e fhr .t \s rvru ch pttonfi J # t'ct bui\dr vp in rtr a,ft^ w;fh eiyi fi c+"f 1*u ck- *4. ffi c . 'J+ i: 0trv opinrl. *1,-+ +\.^ r itla of la,^*y h fk jr" hs Jw +r lwcFt 5l idiqo o^ iu il l'- 1rsat7tf f hr . Are a{on lwnd ,atl-r" *b,l -u*br 4**lv eih hi ll. AUG-oI-9s EA'22 FRoM. KINKOS BOULDER 2 I D ' 3c'344Et ?E|O5 f Dlvlslon lX MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL.DISPENSING STATIONS Gcneral Sec. ?9'901. (a) Applicsblllly. Automotivc, msrinl and air:lrtl motor vchiclc tu€l-disP€nsing stationc shrlllrc in rccordancc with this divisr0tt- 79,901-7C.902 19TI UNIFORf, FIHE CODE PAGE IS 31t (b) Bulk Ptanas. Motor vchiclc fuol-dispcnring rt{rions rrrc prohibital cr bul} plrnl+ unlcss such urc ir in conpllatrcc trilh thc pnrvisionr ofthir division and is complctely scpuatcd by a fcncc or rimilar bsrner fK)r rhc urrt in which bulk oF€rations c conducEd. (c) Sourccs of ltniiion Ia Vahlclr Rcpdr rnd lbrl Rccslvlng Arc$.Smo*- ing and open flrm* rhdl br prchibitcd in arcas uscd for scnicing intcm com. bustion cnginor rnd ucu whcn fucl is rccaivcd. Stongr Scc. 79.902" (r) Gcn.ill, Clrrr I lhuids rhdl bc rtorud in closed contrincn, or in trnlc! locrcd undfiirognd or in spccial crrlsurcs in *cordanm with Sceion 79,902 (c), Clerr II rnd Clur III-A liquidr shdl bc srorcd in conraiaan or in ru*r locrtcd udcqround or In rpccirl cnclorurcr h rccordancs wirh Sccrion ?9.902 (c), A conrrcctiod shtll not bc madc bctwccn an tbovelltound tank ond tln undcr. ground tonk. Porrrbtc and rimipdobl. rln}.l rhAy r€mponrily hc uscd in conjunction with thc dirpcn$ini of Clrss I,II orIll.A liquids into the fucl unks ofmotor vchiclcs or othcr moloriled quipmcnt on prtmiscs oot mrmally accesriblc ro thc public whcn npprovcd by rhe cticl. (b) Cl*s I Liquidr ln Bucnrnlc or Plts. Clrsl I liquids shall nor bc srortd or usedwithin cbuildinghrvlng rbscnrcnt grpit inro whii:h flrmmablcvlpors coutd ttovcl. unlcxs such araa h providcd with vcntilarion drs;gned ro pr?vent tha accu- mulstion of flirrnnlblc vrpon thcrcin, .. (c)SpacidEmloflr*.Snt n inrulldionof rlrl$ in*cordrnca wirh Division VI is imprrcaical or bocauro of popcrty of bulldi$ limir$ions.rarrks for Ctoss t, ll or III-A liquitls nrc allowrd o bc inltaltcd in hlildings u ftrllowr; L Tnnks lhnll be in lcd ln an cnclorurc which is liquid riphr. vapor tighr &kt withlut brrcUill insi<lc. 2. Sidcr, top end bottom of thccnclo.rurt ehdlbc of rcinf<rrccd concrstc at lcost d inchcs thick, *ith opcningr for inspccrion rhtnugh thr top rnly. l. Trnk conncctionr rhall br pipcd or ckrsad luch that ncithervrpors norliquid cin €srllp€ into lhc enClo*d rpACa. 4, Mcons shall bc ptovidod whcrcby ponrblc cquipmcnr can bc crnpkrycrJ ro dischrr3e to thc outsidc ady vrpors which might rccumrrlrtc rhould laakage occur, 5, 'Ianks conbining Clrrs I, II or III.A liquids shdl nor excccd 6,fi10 !fllloru individuol or 18,000 grllonr rggrcgnrc. (d) Stong.lnrido Euildingr, Clase I, It or |lI.,{liquids sured insidc mororvc- hiclc fucl ,dispensi g stsrion buildings ih8ll bc in opprovcd currroincr$ {nd in ac- cordgrcc with Scction ?9.202. (c) Malntlnsncc T$tln& Lcrk-d.tcctint dcviccr shrll tre rcsrerl snnuslly by ftc owncr oroccuplnt of thc FoFrry on which thcy arc loc cd. Tcat r.rulr$$hqll bc rnainuincd on thc prtmiscr and availablc !o fi€ chiGf upon rrqucst, (f) Inverttoly Contrcl. Accuratc dlily invcnlory rrcl,nb $rll bc meintaincd rnd rcconcilcd on Cl$t I, Cl$s lI urd Clrss lll-A liquid srorrgc turfr for ind;cr- 316 tr AUG-Sr-95 EE|:22 FROI'I: KINKOS BOULDEF 2 A soocrrl arr larl p.ocrduro tr f.qui,id ht doubtg.wsll lankt that do nol indude lrctory initrllcd tnlrfr|..6, A spiddl sr E$ lirtura E shipged wilh lho lanh. Fib.€|.r3 t|nkr must be ptsSsurirad and inepecl9d lor larts u$ng a !o!py wrt.r iolution. Lehhlcltlng prior to in, tltstion halpg infurq thal lih.' 91635 l6nl$ Wrl1| nol drnaoed in lhipnfir. lf thG doubl.-w6ll hnks a€ shlpped wih hc. bryjn3lalled nlo|lltorlng lluid, a 3imdifi€d lobsito hydrodllic tcst procedure can bc used. Inshllation lot double,wall t8nks is sirnihr to th6 pmceCurc lol lingle-welt tenk9. Fluid Containment roquh63 pea Eravel or cnJthcd slon€ backlill mrllriali p€a gravel is a nalu. rally rounded aggrcgats ranging from l/8" lo U4' dirmotrf, Warh.d c.ushed stone (1/8" to l/2' diarnctod mcetlng ASTM C.33 firy be ussd. Othcr backtll materiels mu$ rxrt be usod without coniulling Fluid Contahfi.nt lor wrltten {pproval. A mhi. mun ol | 2' bEcktill bcdding is Fquir.d between ha tank and thg €xcavatiofl bottom or concreto anchodng pad. Tank! mu$t nol be in$ldlad on timbcrr, boaflis ot cradlca. ll ihd HydE3trtic Tank Monitodng sy3tcm ig aclivated by tilling at thc jobsire, th€ lank cavity mvrt be tllled by pouring lhe lfquid into lhe 6vlv. Deparding on locat climate, u9O tap waler Ot acc€ptabl. anlitreoze mix,tur€ as thr monrloing lluid, JuL 06 's4 as344 rn rrJ.cor.$AlNHEt.lr Tx 4Be ?sb ?bb5 w j.t.t. ID. 303449?BOS PAGE 20 P.03/@ O. lnrlallrllon Inrtructlontl Contrectert ttull sublnil - copt€s ol rnanulafiJ..t l latr'l imlrtlalion inglrlctiont. E Clllblttlon Chrrlr: Cont164o13 $rrl gtd$ mll -copieE of manulaclUrer'S ht.d clF ibration cht.ls, F.rt ll Products A.01 0oublcw.ll Flbtrglas UnC.rgrctn$ S't,ttg. Tanks A. Loadlng Condltlonr - Trak thrll mr.t th. tollowlng doilgn ctltc.l.: t. Exiernal hydrostrtlh prrsu.c: Buricd irr ground wih 7 ol ovet budcn ovar lh6 iop ol u|€ ra|lK lhe hola lulty lloodcd and lltety tachr ol 5: I againBt general buckling. 2. Surlacc loads: Whsn inersthd accordirE to manuf oclure/s ldgtallation Instructioru. unks \vrll wilhitand sur'laco 1t.20 axla lodds (32,m0 lh9./a).la). 3, Intemal load: Primary End secondary Enks shail withstand 5 psi uir prcasure tegt ylih 5:r salely taclor. 4. fanks shrll bo derigned lo rupport rccor' sory equip.nsnt such Es h€aling coils, laddcrg. drop tub8s, erc. whert ldstallid accordlng to manuf aeturels t€COrfi mondaliorls and tirnltr- ti0rr9. 5, Trnh trminate slull include fillers, 8. Product Stotlgo RcguirGmcntr: 1. All prima.y lankg must be vEntcd, Tanlg e,e desio'red tor operalion ql alfiro8ph.ric artsrurE cnly, cxcepl tor use with vdpot tccovcry tyr, tem6 nt a pressure or vacuurn ol agprorimately 1pii. 2, Tirnks $hall be capablo ol Btoring tiquidg with specilic graviv up to t .1 . 3. Mruimum temporaturo: Tank shill b€ cap{r- ble 0l storing gasoline, alcahol blsndad oass lirrc i,nith up lo lC0% delhenol of ethrnol), orygcnstcd fucls (up ro 20% MTB€|, av goc, t€l luel, m0l0r oil, (nsw Or us€d), kCtoseng, dicscl hipl nr notahlc water et ambiGnt under ground lemporaturos not to erciad t s(fF rl th€ tarrk interiur surlacc, 4. Tank: shall tre $omicolly incrl lo p.trolcufi PlEduol5. C, Oitntr\.lonal Rtqulr.mantr (frfsr to Fluid Containmcnr lircrelr./rt on gallon. ar.l' I, Nomlnal capaclv ol thc rsnk sh.|| b€ -0.llO^O, 2. Nominal oulside dlam.tor ol thr lenks shsll bt - leet, 3. Nominal oyerall length ot lhr tanks thtll be _tee l, o. Moniloring Capdbllltles; 1. Tanh shall have a gpece b.Msen lhe pn- mary afld secondary shell walls lo rllofl foa thc tep llow and containm€nt of rll l?ak.d orodrJcl lro.fi thg prifiary la,ik. Ooubls'w.lt Fibargl.r| Trnkr For. Fuel Stor.g. llodrl Dltfl-Type ll Spacitic.tion! thorl Fom Thc contncrot rhrll ooddc U,L. hbcted tulodel OWT.Typr ll doublc.wall flberglass undcrgroun l llortge t$ks in 3izos ard tvith lininfF .ts rhown on thr drawings, The larrk! 9h l be firgnuf|gtsr3d by Fluid Contdnmsnl. Tanhs shall b€ lc6t€d Afd instrllcd wirh p.a grav€l or approvsd dlematr backlill mate.i- al according lo ho currunt Installallon inslructiong (FluH Contrinmont Pub.No. 6304) providod wirh lhe l.nk. Long Form: S.ction 13200 Gulde Speciflcatlon Fluid Contrlnmonl ooubl+Wall Fiberglam Hoinforced Polyartrr Undlrgfound Slorage Tanks Pen I Gener.l I,ot Aeltled Work Spcclllod In other Sccflons A. Csst-in-Placa Corrcreto: Section 03300 B, Anchor Bolt$: Section 0$.101 C. Pla$tiq Pipe: Saction 15064 D, Liquid t-evel Gau9c6: Scclion 1 5174 E. Oillet Rehted Work - such as All tNnks must bo vanled and afe inl€rdcd t6 bO 0pefat6d wirh lluil in in€ tank no hlElij er than thr t8nk top. Fiberglass t|nl$ arr dasiOned [o. os6r6tion at almospheric Eufa only, except whcn u$ing vapdr /eeov€ry 9y9l€m9, Prevrdod thC prossufc or vtcuum doag not axcccd 1 psr maxmun on tne pn. Innry tenk Ovotn'rgcrririno of lfra primary tank will rasuR in hnk failure. Thc cavily bptwtcn thr inner arrrJ oulgr ltnh murt bc vdrted independcnlly lrom Ure pri. mary lsnk. Fut gddltio al dshilu, reuusst Trnk Inrtrllltionr (Fluid Containrrrcnt FuD. No. 63Or). Propcrly Insraled, ,lborglras undgrgrgund getrolsurn Etorage lrnkt can prorr'de rxhnCad rryice in otoring petrsls. um produclr without corosion-cdused lceks and wilhout maintgnance. Fluid Conlsinmarrt rnaintains a listing of ovcr 2,000 indrpcndrnt conlracbn who hrvc r$clvad cducldoill naterials Irotn Fluk coairinmmt covcdng tha proprr hllChtion of Lfid6rground iberglals tanhs, On ].quc$, rva cln p|lvlde namrs ol lducrtcd @nr.ch,l, t,oit submin b: A.EhoF D?rwines: Contmcton ghall cub- Init-copicri ol thop drrvringe fol cach tank. Dtawlngc shall includc all crilicsl dimansions and thow locations of all fit. ling5 End Eccesrories, i.e,, manways, lad. dors, hold-dov{n Slrnps. hea ng coils. etc. Mrt€|'ial3 ol construclion shall be in accgr- dance with Saction l.0a ol this rpEcifica. tion. E. Crtrlog D.ir: Conlraclor shall gulr|,lrit _ sogies ol nranul&tursrs fiteratufe. C. Crdltlc.llon Plstc: U.L, l.b€ls shall b6 dlfixod lo orch tank. ?( 1,U2 Aur ty As.w.nce \ A. Aoceoleblc Mar,uloclurers; Flui<l Containment. Houslo6, Texa-s. B. Gowrning Sltndrrdii 1. ASTM SpEclticilion D402 t '66. Gi6ss Fibor f ginlorced Polybtlar Underground Potroleum StoraOc Tankt, 2, 1.1 l. 131R. l,nd$ruriler8 [.ahoralories. lnc,, Glaec Fibor Reifltorcod Plastic Urd€rgruvnu Str.ragu Tar'rhs lur Petral?um Prodrcls. 3. Natonrl Firc Prot.cllln Arsoc (NFFA Stl) Flanrmablc ild Combustiblo Lirquide Code and (NFPA 3ll Standsrds tor Inrtelction gf Oil Burflinf, Eqr.ripment 4. Gcncral Srtubr! Adfiidistratlon. Puhlic Building Sarvict Guldt $peeltlcntlon, PgS: \\ t^- \B \\lt 2 ! \o\ ffiqt F\ \\{-nI{B\\\ \1\\ \1 \\\ ) E+ff ,r/Ut/: \ \ I \ ]i\t\ u.\ eE K '23 FROM. KINKoS BOULDER q+t9Or i, d GA.\€w@Fffi $; 7/W oaAUG-O1-9S \ \ ) i / I IAt'lu( i II I t \ Fflt\ AUG-OI-9E Ee,24 FEOM, KINKOE EOULDEF e ID, 3934497El05 PAGE 22 .. JIJL 05 '9{ ffirsa FR rufnurniNHEl'lr TX 4a9 ?36 ?66s ro t}zasarz P'ww EErE EIIE.dtEi Hr.+o H u f; T 1r, t+ \ 6' E+ HE+t+ \ It Ir Hi EE E E I E AE' ,-1 l*J F ao I -a a(3 = AUG-O1-9S gF,'24 FROM, KtNK oso EOULDER 2 ID. 36 ?aos344g|o PAGE 23 20fultscellancnus t"len,.s r'A J!*j.b m+'n^o: l. Phah.a P.th,el A phat'j g*.r4 fuatoi*1 hq.s bepa ad&d af lt'= gotgc&'. ru Pka.*touts PhM I aa.d G as PFtd, -fl,t- oor{1- ry+hanieq uh-Al pnpo*d for ae^rctopnnt t^+ llqln a4d elerr {uAn proJcds idt'uh'6ied ri+fil Pu}tt'cwothr t??as.lq Fta*- , Tl,+ dJ,bthopruf of fri.sifr. arrd faa'U#q..ts,Urnil4, h! a,uai l*bh @t tj,. t4fu^'fl+. is otf&', ^ed belaxr : ,, Yctr . ,frMln-t*t*l . ftetuis __,_-- .-.- "..t?!l S l{+-q ooo . Adn:n Hdj wilA Qssoctalql -. Fer'h'rg, l^audscegtal t haSu-d m ii lah'n . Atso aCLdn'qI 9tt vicz fu ffii.shops bui@r', +vd mt na,{:.. Vel^r'clr l;tf , tqqb f z.t ,uit.Ti a'ns prldtl d^ al^&h'th, b*( *^"d an*Af"o' ilq t41laarna*t, Nr'"! lXAf tJputrsttvr a,vd- t <xlfu'nq .hop retoceh a, . En ha,na I and s ca pial dlan| flrL l1q7 " .. ..l zoo,ew bu ai+d e4a^d haVrl mihga*im Projet +o b. r*'-ltfid, no fund;x1 Srk, e-yzansian aad coyslrurAtxof fbl4h r*UUtj utnl.l, futpqth"tia* a..4 reguottg 4!4Lq mntla,aitt Ac,F-J Olt sr,tra. AUG-O1-95 OB'25 FROM ' KtNt{OS BOULDER 2 rD' 3034497E'05 PAGE 24 vv z.,w lJ o rtyait'g it PWor*l .n.Hi'. atra** fr*t t'r-ftrtsf $Pvtv- propu+y fl, Excauah'nl . No al*h'or^.at <*u"'uafi,itu.w-i..11 lx d{!,1 m4?^t skJo uuy'*. . . phaw I u*d fr as tda^h'fu'zd-77a phat\ plaasho-'s16'q- Af olr,tl,* us&pryrer!1-m rl^t nol.fli"srufu olfl'a laa'I't"l+1, . tuh'ch wilt fu nil,t*ai'ud t^t'fr| -flnsui lsapa'udd n; l7q1' C-m't.fir!,! malw'c! t4rt'U fo.7qttrrvcl tu'ndq AIu',d a" d- M1*rd 1p ,tt# shops fuilAmg h atrttu t* tl4"a<ltaUtou dl, fllL t4r4t b*'b+1 a',^d. fotocah /Qqdar|eb "6 tt* wu@I'T E:'@ 1 fubns-4lwryait khnffiow rcgruteaT rs.shd:ar* o,..flttW*n p?a*s af 1"":.2o' 5H4t. A c tnpjfir.Mns $loutTgla^ 471' 1"*5D'44,tn fu dt'Nh(* t'$ rcquind. lta propsd ,utreg ptuw tp.i lt fu" rui.q*d h7 Ar+ lutans fir u*yl'tu,'il ttt i'/l- 'h'7an* rquirenals + nt^tr'kn7as/'wh-?" krf cnrls fuitL-h".otxh. tlr- is currt$$1 ottf ol ,Qtu- cnl.r\-/n4 . fiUftdm ", ) ni+{rahin B u i 9A,' g fuilz,^!^- k N#.I s p to v i dt a(.,a,t- l " i . le' s (a,It . kp ha-l,t arcu d*0,,t u:l<tl gu#, . . ?rd,lr86"rk bvlLltry .wi!'t. fu-runp,,ed t*s4tf* a a'dtoa.llz' fiv^s I4*l41tE 4L. ttot tw,r^Atetwcd tw*q SW.t a,*d 'e+4vauets'tatvs tuiT \ bo,iN wi0! fu r.lwkd *ytPla*,lcdtptllli+#q.a*ta' tr+ AUG-O r -9s OE}' 26 FROM ' KINKOS EOULDER 2 ID. 30 TE|Cl S344s,o PAGE 25 .." ksrynss..rb."-I*- .+qs r*tsd*.ituJu4 to fnttuo" A. ,Y lstrop- tF4eNa-!N#/ Acffis t atLJU- S.. e.+lr-ast M pth'ry h* fl" prvvtaus -.8, ttfr*East.-s% A /ollowult rouiao fu MlrVaa wi'tr ou+rlnrnid-Auqusf. Teue el.wru*k an pnopast4 ovou,d 4.1,e /ldtua usfutl'o- hv ilfu'A /* l!fuksr ld+# ppft.TU aq.*-lo c,mhai a,. dthn'sfftt. aad e! .r.e1.u..im.n *rtt f?, ral$+{! rnihXaAou wid be adlr.c#d hl c.thlt_osckPlN6 Tlv w*txi /.*ndsta*t p?aaf [^G&/d'c{ p-An a-4ox1 {+a 6q*,' h4./{,,t shour fu^P ara6. Ptaphhet c.44 alay t/<z fusm wtLt ".k dnn & 5o114 st'd+ db;&*b+rn ;*adA,h'a'fa fr'0tu^j 0h lV. /rngahau ls eurreult7 twar l-a-bb a&!h'f 'Hu lxtn au'd . ol,v, bz q<+ea,fud rf ryn'nl /o cslabhtl, pla<,tt g. ft{,l pU"ags will fu of naht+ ./a-ri€,111t, *Ad wi/( hof fquh't 1 rrt)ahim ota. */ah t t tlv/, D. vt.seutTf 77^* d*bnl (Iout c!,v.na*I rwVazdt^1 has bun .stgtt''l<'c.a.r"4Qq . r"rAtKA , aa^d an.cc t'*uc-ge'lz*a(, r;Anutd na* be abjcch'mahbftn'^ krfass:ld!..uaJlal. Mffi|,'ttfur<s arc prupakd fu a.Q! nur *futm'h'7|fr. Xz sct+t**q 1**u D" prx-vtous. AUG-O1-EtS O€I ' 2€l FROM ' KINKOSi BOULDER 2 ID.30 ?80s3449o PAGE 2B A Phelq Faa-lwb* an*d ttrffr4'& idprt.hEs*^t Prolds n+grf, fiu&d fuaynd W) anshwn cls rt'hx{,. an/oc4a lvust,a, ac pnil'ous\ nMt rs.t'd.-dtsasssax rc4xdtu1 drp*bfnqrt ^.d ptwr'tg opltns, Etl v Fau ilnilDrL ( SStafr!_ .. 5l*- pr*tt-|o$ u tlori F.i ry*/"'1 &*l Slavaylaa'lrs coohs d'FA .rEulaA'"et*. lfu rwr/wt;aq fu't^+r'u uti('1 ceffil tp.i U'ldrp rWlulxd Q-dtS. t . An E{a4ft'q\, vndwtltut'^1 6ta.d.dbt ch' ._.,"Htwtus. LtsT ---r- ... S,k Pba 6 t"=@' A&nin 0#q Sth.Pla*t.e |l'p.to! *. . P- thtr:c Jltsh]h an lu'c1 P Hmth Mi - qreg I gn Pr*,, st t'l=/o' 6r&\ I 9k Pta* (Ed*aa) Q t"= *' - 6ra-ah'q .fu*n (Nortl, StdL)O""tn =b' ". S^l+ lt4tri1 b'7ott.A.l."=.ul "-, fu,'T *tt4opnc*f Drawt"l pat*aqo D-tttrt|lh'n Pfuus Adnin.I rltart AC&l P-k$ bu i lAit4. 5$7o*s t Atwa"h'ans @uipmeu*.Pl,a,+f F.i?d.d hltxq."Pk*s sPNt - sD@3 fttot- hto6 ftw- AztL A gol A#t- Aflo-? z s 0{ F{zH REFI\,/.At=/ V(1 &*eo3,-FF' Uonz {li o --.,I---I.*"II- -I .I -- J- - ITI r =-ezqr FH ;::t=EAE6 $B:if ,, P,;z aE€€E€!5EB x€SE*rcg€ $E$gEfgiE :E E * E 5 5 F EE J E HgE E f E€ -9= Eg g+*He;qF fiEEE:g=Fl<e€;Egig eE€ I SE E E € E Pg A: E A$ETE HE$ €Etf s E F+ e tHti *Er€E* :Ff;B'EEgPE s 5g $f P€eBoIIII bo attr-a 3Pro.=oEg*8 ;.6^ UE i0 -E9qrE o€ b bi"!a P;3" =g.g Fc6 *rS XEE EEI tg II-r o ilLt c0PY TOWI,IOFVAIL 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2t3V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 July 2Q 1995 Mr. Larrlr Grafel Director, Town of Vail Public Works 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 D ep artm e nt of C o mmuniry D ev e lo p m e nt RE: PEC C.omments regarding Public Works Master Plan. DearLary: I thought I would summarize the PEC's conments fromtle July 10, 1995 worksession. I understand you would like to retum to the Planning Commission on August 14,1995 for a final rcview of the proposal. Please provide the following information and answers to questions, a minimum of l0 working days prior to the PEC hearing: A. Administration entrance/ Guest parking - Please provide the number of spaces required to m€et the demand for guest parking. What is the typical need for deliveries and/or visitors to the administation building? I believe for previous reviews of the Public Works site, s(trneone in yourdeparunent developed a parkiug analysis which showed the number of employees and the number of spaces required for them. Would you please provide this to verify that the Public Works site has adequate parking. B. Ilazards - The PEC is interested in seeing the area staked out with cones or red suwey tE e to undentand how much area will be disturbed. Staff would be interested in rnderstanding what kind of alternatives there might be, depcnding on the extent of the site disturbance. C. Landscaping - All of the PEC mcmbers were interested in additional plantings south of (he srcw dump, to match the amount of landscaping on the rest of the berm. The consensus ofthe board was to incorporate a variety of aspen and spruce in the landscape plan. Tbough there was a suggestion to undulate the height of the berm, Chris Hedberg's reqponse that the topography cannot change was accepted by the board. All of the PEC mernbers wanted as much landscaping as possible and Henry Pratt suggested that the wild flower mix, planted next to the parking lot at the East Vail bike path trailhead, would be a good exampleto follow. {pnno"o'un r '-"' -: .-' Larry Grafel July 20, 1995 Page2 The PEC was also interested in a "no net loss" of planter area. Please veriS that this is the case. One of the Commissioners suggested that the entrance to Public Works should be improved, possibly with landscaping and potentially a sign. D. Screening:A/iews from the adjacent neighborhood - All of the PEC members were interested in screening the lighting. I'm available to take a look at the site at nigbt frort the Golf Coune neigbborhood to identifr the specific lights that need to be shielded- Please address the roof material, as this was identified by me of the Commissioners as a concern. If it could be all consistent, it would improve the appearance of the project. E. Employee Housing - As I'm sure you recall, all of the members of the PEC were interested in seeing the employee housing incorporated in Phase I. If you would like to discuss this in greater detail, Susan and I have some suggestions for ways we can work with you on this issue. I think it's important to note that we are all working together to solve this problem. F. Environmental Issues - Most of the Commissioners seemed to think that below grade tanks were acceptable. Would you please provide additional information regarding the safety of below grade tanks, as one of the Commissioners had concems about this. G. Architecture - It is important to note that the PEC said housing which was visible above the berm would be acceptable, as long as the quality of tbe architecture was sufficient. Below are some miscellaneous points that should be addressed with your resubmittal: l. Please provide a revised phasing plan to reflect the work that will be done in 1995 and 1996, the work that will be done in future years, and the sequence of that work. 2. Provide a Forest Service sigrr-off, if any re-grading is done on their property. 3. Veriff thatthere will be no additional excavation behind the Public Works shops to allow for the additions that are proposed. 4. Provide a debris flow map at a scale of l:50 identiSing the amount of re-grading. 5. Provide a detail of the adminisfiation building at I : I 0 showing the walkways, planters, parking areas, grades and landscaping. We are assuming that most of the Larry Grafel July 20, 1995 Page 3 asphalt around the building will be removed with the exception of the east side. Please idcntify in this plan which tees remain and which trees will be removod or fansplanted. Thank you fc looking into these issues. The staffmemo dated July lOth includes a more detailed analysis oftbe issues and yourresubmittal information should address these as well. If you have questions, on would like to discuss any of them in greater detail, please do not hesitate to call me. Susan Connellv AIVjr d\4hud FROfrl: DATE: SUBJECT: .V-d{ n)' h4- the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted tract, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. fl^"rn lt- Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen *5 . lsA .,._F\,t BACKGROUND: O u," t 61rvr^f ,_ The public works site is located in the General Use zone district. In this zone oistk( q*\s*" there are no allowed uses and all structures and uses require conditional use approval. - 1-there are no allowed uses and all structures and uses require conditional use approval. ..[. In 1993, the Town hired RNL Architects and Morter Architects to design a master plan for \', the public works site. The master plan was reviewed by the PEC and ultimately approved Ln "d'bby the Town Council in 1994. lt was determined at that time that as each phase was I o\ being prepared lor implementation, the Public Works Department would present it to the f a'\ \ PECl6r conditional use approval. At this time, the Public Works Departt"tt il- t[Jt \ requesting Conditional Use approval of Phases I and ll to be constructed in 1995 and Y "_l'\ |1996. c- I J PR(NECT IIESCRIPTION: The Town of Vail Public Works Department is proposing two expansions to existing buildings located in the Public Works complex. These involve the expansion and upgrade to the facilities for Administration, Transportation, Fleet Maintenance and Streets & Roads. The expansion of the Administration Building is required to consolidate the Engineering DiMsion and improve efficiency and service to the Town staff and the public. Expansion of the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings is required to accommodate the new 40 foot long buses being purchased for use during the 95-96 ski season. This work will be broken into two phases,.the first phase will be completed in the late summer and fall of 1995. The second phase will be completed in 1 996. Phase one includes an addition and remodel of the Administration offices. The addition is approximately 2,000 square feet. Phase I also includes new electrical seMce to the Fleet Maintenance Building and the upgrade ol one vehicle maintenance bay to accommodate repair of the new, longer busses. Ft \everlrone\pec\n@E\putt ks. ?10 \d' r" Phase two includes additions to the Fleet Maintenance and Bus Barn vehicle parking area, vehicle wash and tueling facilities, drive/s lounge and lockers, vehicle body shop and chassis wash bays, he welding shop, and the vehicle repair bay. The additional floor area is approximately 13,700 square feet. The existing fueling station and the existing bus wash will be removed. Please note that the two phases proposed are not in{ine witr the sequence identified in the Master Plan. The Public Works staff have evaluated the needs of the Town and the community, and have reordered the priorities, A list showing the original phasing and how it is being reordered is provided as Exhibit A, attached to this memo. REVIEW GRITERIA: As this project is currently at a worksession level ol review, staff has not provided a detailed analysis of the criteria with a formal recomrnendation. The conditional use criteria are listed below for the PEC's information. A. The relationship and impact of the use on he development objectives of the Torn. B. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution ol population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities. C. Eflect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the sfeets and parking area. D. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ol the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. ISSUES FOR DISCUSSION: Staff has identified the following points to help the PEC focus on the more critical issues. A. Vlsltor friendllness/Accesslblllty ln the past, one of the most important concerns ol the PEC has been the way the Adrninistration Building is accessed by community residents who are not familiar with fie Public Works site. This has been an important factor in the design work of fte architect. The proposed plan includes 5 parking spaces wlrich will be identilied as visitor spaces and will be located at the base of a new exterior stair leading to the front entrance and reception area. The plan continues to include the existing driveway up to the tront entrance. This will be reserved exclusively for handicap parking and will be signed as such. ilt. tv. F ! \everyone\pec\nercs\pubrhs. ?10 B. Staff believes that the plan is a significant improvement over the exiting conditions. A lew issues need to be discussed by the PEC to verify that the plan has gone far enough. Are 5 guest parking spaces adequate? ls the landscaping around the Administration Building sufficient? Hazards Arf Mears has evaluated the rockfall hazardand the two debris llow channels frat affect this site. He has completed two reports and they are included as Exhibit B. His recommendations have been shown on the site plan by Carter Burgess Engineering and show that the debris llow channel has been rerouted around the buildings. Concerning the debris flow, staff believes a follow-up review should be completed by Art Mears to verify that the proposed grading tulfills the technical reguarements of his study. Specifically, staff would like to see the area required to contain the debris in the event of a debris flow. How much of the parking area will be atfected? Will any of the buildings or fuel tanks be impacted? Also, will one channel, as shown on the site plan be adequate, or are two, as shown in the Mears' report, required? Concerning the rockfall, the Mears' report must be augmented to darify the extent of the rockfall risk and if mitigation should be completed. Please see additional comments below concerning the visual impacts from the hazad mitigation. Landscaping The Master Plan identified the landscaping on the berm which screens the site lrom Interstate 70 as needing improvement. Public Works is proposing 41 tyrto- inch caliper aspens augmented with 40 seven gallon aspens to be planted among the spruce at the top of the berm. stafl understands that all of the materialwould be planted in the summer of 1996. This effort wor.rld fulfill the landscaping requirements ol not only Phases I and ll, but also the future phases. Staff is concerned that fte plan does not include the recently planted berm beside the snow dump. Staff bdlieves additional landscaping should be included in this area. Staff also questions the placement. Should the berm be planted on the side and not just at the top? Should irrigation be required for the new plantings? Vlsibllity from adiacent neighborhoods Staff has worked with the Public Works Deparment on this issue in the past on other projects. From some of the streets in the golf course neighborhood, activities at the Public Works site are visible. Because the additions to the Admlnistration BuiEing and the Bus Barn are one- story and are relatively low, staff believes that these will not be visible. \'\ w \o'\f /uu t;o'o vaf' {. c. 11 ? {lt"\.(/ .v D. F ! \everyone\pec\D@r \pubrls. ? 1 0 Two items are likely to be visible and staff is concerned about these. The first is the debris flow channel regrading. Staking the site to determine the extent of the regrading is critical to understand the impacts. Statf would like to see fie staking (with he PEC) to determine if oher methods of hazard mitigation should be pursued, or if he proposed mitigation is acceptable. At a 0inimum, a detiailed revegetation plan must be provided to insure that the slope will regain a natural appearance. The second item ol concem is lighting. Staff toured the golf course neighborhoods with the Town Engineer and identified approximately 10 lights which created glare. Public Works has agreed to remove (or shield) these lights and replace them with fully cut -off fixtures. Several ot them will be removed simply by razing the bus wash building. Another analysis of the Public Works site at night should be completed to insure that all of the lights creating glare will be shielded or replaced. E. Ghanoe in Phaslng/Emplovse Housing Exhibit A shows in detail how the proposed phasing relates to the previous phasing. Statf believes that the most pressing community needs should be addressed lirst and we support Public Works in their evaluation of the priorities for the public works related seMces. One change to the order which does concern staff involves employee housing. The Master Plan included a requirement that 3 employee housing units be provided in conjunction with Phase l. The architects have identified a portion ol the Public Works site which could be used for approximately 12 employee housing unils. At this time, Public Works is anticipating that construction would be comdeted by others. Staff understands that there may be many different ways to provide the housing. These include: Gouncil funding the project by expanding tre budget to include the housing; A private developer constructing the units to fulfill a requirement of a future development approval; The Housing Authority furding he project (based on Council authorizing the use of funds); A joint project between the Town of Vail and Vail Associates; A potential taxrredit project (if the site could be expanded to include more units). With the most etfective method available, staff would like to see housing created at the Public works site and would be interested in hearing the PEC's @mments about the options. P : \everyone \pec \De[Ds \pub{X s . 71 0 F. Envlronmental lssues Staff believes that the proposed work will improve the environmental quality. Exlstlng tuel tanks wlll be replaced with higher quality, saler tanks. V. GONCLUSION: Straff has no formalconclusion at this time. We would ask that the Public Works staff and consultants address the guestions raised in this memo as well as any other issues discussed in the hearing on July 10. Staff is requiring that all information be proviled tor review no later than a minimum of ten days prior to the date of the final PEC hearing. EIl|tIl Acdrp.rtron d Ptnc Ertribl B3olfi Art lrsr F.portr F r \.virt'on.\Inc\ret\pubrkr .710 5 o SXIIBIT A Curlent a--a .. -_talI Pl.nncd ph.singPh.cing ApprEved in kst3r pli.n Strceb HeabdSbrage Covcnd Stn tl Building Weldlng Shop and Chascis Wbsh Bay ClnderSbngc Partr Stongo FleetMalnbnance Publicl{odca Shop8 Covrrcd Sbregc Greenhousc A B. c. D. E. F. G. H. A 8. c. D. E. A 8. c. D. A B. c, A B. :r,:i_q Y| arur Ercanr.ron ;ffiffiHi3l*I3?g|11::: pnaserr,ise6_parriarpavrnsandrandscapc :3:H:::ffi'lr,ll*l**:l1lp. . ... pr,.iaii; ;il.;;il,ffi;."il1ffi:: 3:::,l.,ffly,n|::y{Atrernarc.pher. rr)............... rrrar.4tu"ar"s i, "orlor"ft.pctc wrhc quality contrcl ruport I ::f:S"lrnltisation r.Bqort co,ng*o 1004/1996Prepare hazedous maEfiatr/unsb sbrage raport Prepare dralnago mltigatlon ruport ......,.. After phase lV depending on need and tunding ........ Afbr phase lV dependlng on ne6d end tunding Tansportetlon Bullding ..., pharg lt, 1906 Remove ExlsdrU Fuallng and \ rash I Na,v Fueuvlhsh Frcilitiee ;rusuvvrsn rac|ltlnc I I Admlnhbation Bulldlng.....,... ptrasl l, lgg5 - lp of prcE|Emmed ErpanslonSitework eru parrrhg Area.. ...,...................:. ona ;: ;il:;,,** and vlstror parkins m0 IAY 1E ltl,,, u AKTHIJR I MEARS, P.8", ITIC. ltnrnlfLza&Coerltro tD,FzGdiAlra%ffi,fl'" May 16, 1995 Mr. Greg Hall, P.E. Vail Town Engineer 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Supplement to Decembei, 1994 hazard analysis Dear Mr. Hall: This letter provides a supplement to my report dated "Decembe4 L994 in which I suggest mitigation from rocKall and debris flow at the proposed public works facility. In this previous report I described protecting the maintenance yard (south of ihe proposed buildings) by diverting debris onto the shed roofs (Figure 1 of the December, 1994 report). I understand, from talking with you tbat the additional tive load on lhe slred roofs resulting from debris deposition (Figure 2 of the report) may require an e:rpensive structure that, as a result, is undesirable to the Town of Vail. An alternate mitigatioo is therefore proposed below. Debris flows, as indicated on 0rc altached drawing by anowg can be diverted into the storage area between the two sheds and to the west and east sides of the sbeds. Tbis can be accomplished by excavating a ditch,rberm system lo direct the flows as shown by lhe arrows. Required characteristics of this system are as follows. a. The vertical difference between the top of each berm and the bottom of each ditch (as viewed in cross section) must be 4.0c fl. b. The widtb of eacb ditch must be no less than 5 feet. c. The 'apex anglen where the two berms intersect must be no$th"n 60". d. The berms must meet at the apex point. The proposed design will clearly not protecl the slorage area between the two sheds, but I undentand from talking with you that this presenls an acceptable risk. As noted in my repori, tbe probability of a debris flow at this site is small. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Cdt"^4 Wr.,t Arthur l. Mearg P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Ilb Wottty . A&ds o Aubch C.qtpl &rgllpttl i I 6i>6roti F'*s trE -Bri' 8..Yp ;a) -{) rrE'o9 .'rtJE'E 5(! r,t tt g.E E9 ,= .!)1 oE€'id6 n<A: I \ l'Anct.r ( Coyn D <.r) ' AVALANCHE ROCKFALL, AI{I) DEBRIS tLOw HAZARD AI{ALYSIS VAIL PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Prepared For Mr. Greg llall Yail Town Engineer heparcd By Arthur [. Mcars, P.E., Inc. Gunnison, Colorado Dcccmbcr, 1994 |. ARTHI.'R I. MEARS, P.E., INC l,hnnlFLarl*Cqilrro Zl2ErtGodicArr. Gni.tCdddD El2r0nt-ut.ttt5 December 6, L994 Mr. Grcg Hall, P.E. Vail Town Enginecr 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Hall: The enclosed rePort, as you requested in your lctter of Scptember 15, 1994, addresses selected geologic hazards affecting the proposcd Vail hrblic Works Department shop facility. This study addresses potentid avalancbc, rockfall, and deb'ris flow hazards. Please contact me if you have any qucstions. Sincerely, CAU^a flao,* Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalancbc control enginccr Encl. It&l Jltq c A&dz o Ao&r'r.Catolffit ,' 1 SUMMARY AND MITIGATION 1.1 I{AZARD The proposed Town of Vait Public Works facility is not exposed to snow-avalanches but is exposed to rare, low-cnergy rockfall and debris llow hazards. Neither rocKall or debris flow has been a problem during operation of the current facility Goughly 20 years) or sincc the development of Vail in 1962. Study of aerial photographs dating back ro 1939 indicate that rocKall and debris flows have not affectcd the sitc during this century. Fietd observations indicate that the sizes and probabilities of rockfall and debris flow are srnall. Because tbe hazards from rocKall and debris flow are small, mitigation probably would not be required at many similar locations outsidc of Vail. However, if elinination or all reasonably foreseeable hazards from these two proccsses is required in order to conform to Vail Hazard Regulations, specific steps can be taken as discussed in Section 1.2 md the text of this report. 1.2 MMGATION Mitigation from the rare rockfall and debris flow processes can be achieved as outlined on Figures 1,2, md 3. Specific steps required are: a. Construction of a deflecting berm to deflect rockfall and debris flows away from the open storage area onto the two shed roofs (Figure 1); b. lnstalling a short rockfall fence at tbe south edges of the shed roofs; this fence must be designed to rcsist rockfall €nergy and momentum as specified (Figure 2); c. Reinforcing thc north shed roofs for debris-flow depositional loads; loads may be treated as static and are in addition to all othcr loads normally required at this location (Figure 3). Final location of the deflecting berm "a," will depend on a site visit to be conducted during construction and after excavation of the alluvial fan. The mitigation specified will protect the facility and will comply with Tonm of Vail Hazard Regulations (Section 18.69.052 IC] O) and will not dcflect rockfall or debris onto adjacent public or privatc propcdy. 2 OBJECTTVES AND UMITATIONS As requestcd by Mr. Grcg Hall, Vail Town Enginccr, this rcport has the following obJectives: a. Analysis of snow avalanche, rocKall, and debris flow hazardsJhat may affect the proposcd shop facilitic.s; b. Recommendations of mitigation that can be used to protccf from these geologic hazards. Tbe report also has the following limltatlons which should bc undcntood by all those relying on the results: a' Other geologic ptocesscs (floods, large-scalc, slow-moving landslides, soil and foundation conditions) that may affect the site are beyond the scope of this study; b. Performance specifications havc been based on sitc sections, views and maps provided in the executivc summary master plan report by Morter Architects/RNl Design/Fleet Maintenancc Consultants, [nc. dated January, 1994; revisions to these plans may invalidate the results prescnted here. 3 SNOW AVAI,A,NCIIE The proposed building site is not within an "avalanche influencc zon€n as shown on Town ofVail maps (Mears, 1976). Furtherrnore, site investigations completed for thjs study did not identify any avalanche arc,as. Therefore, we conclude that snow avalanche hazard does not exist and mitigation will not be necessary. 4 ROCKFALL Thc proposcd site lies within a 'High Sevcrity" rockfall hazard arca (Schmueser & AssociatesA'{icholas Iampiris, 1984). This high scvcrity dcsignation was undefined in the report, but, presumably docs indicate the potcntial for serious rockfall damage or injury exists within the mapped arca. 4.1 SITE CONDITIONS Al.lD ROCKFALL HAZARD Site inspections and acrial photognphic analysis completed for lhis study indicated the following. a. Evidence for frequent rockfall does not exist in the proposed building area. Howcvcr, construction of thc prescnt facilities may havc removcd any evidence for rockfall. b. Study of aerial photographs dated 1939, 1950,1962 (taken before construction) does not show rockfall deposits on undisturbed slopes in the area. c. RocKall deposits (isolated rocks up to roughly 2.0-2.5 feet diameter) are located oo the slopes approximately 2M - 400 feet above the proposed facility. d. An eroded rock outcropping embedded within the colluvial slope approximately 400 - 600 feet above and north of the proposcd facility provides a source for infiequent rockfall activity. Althougb the potential for rockfall cannot be discounted at this location, rockfall will be infrequent (possibly one to a few events per century?) and will not produce large boulden with high velocity and energy. Rockfall has not been a problem during use of the current site' The hazard from rockfall will therefore be small and acceptable by the standards normally used in evaluating rockfall n-TO. The dynamics of rockfall was further quantified through application of the Colorado Rocpall Simulation Progam (CRSP). The program was forced to produce rockfall that would reach the center of the existing flat parking lot area, it being assumed that rocKall might reach this area during extraordinary and rare conditions. When a 2.5-foot diameter boulder is assumed in the CRSP analysis and the existing terrain, and ground roughness and bardness observed above the shop is used in modeling, t[e following conclusions are reached. This analysis was repeated for the a) existing conditions and b) assuming the storage areas were in ptace. a. EXISTING CONDITIONS. A 2.5-foot boulder has a 29%6 chancc of reaching the flat area north of the proposed central building/bus barn; a 27Vo chance exists thal the north wall of the building will be hit by rolling rather than bouncing rocks. b. WITH STORAGE SHEDS. Becausc of tbe dissipating effcct of tbe shcd roofs, there exists a 24Vo chance that thc flat tcnain north of thc ccntral building will bc reached, but only a 6% chanen that thc north building wall will be reached. Rockswill be rolling rather than bouncing at the south edges of the shed roofs. A yard storage area between the two storage sheds approximately 2fi) feet wide is pianned. Within this area the shcds will not provide mitigation and rockfall will behavc as describcd under 'a." 4.2 ROCKFALL MITIGATTON Rockfall mitigation is required only if substantial reduction of thc small existing roc6all hazard is required. As noted above, rockfall has not been a probtcm during opcration of the existing facility and will be a rare event at the location of the proposcd faqility. If the smalt rockfall hazard is unacccptable, the following steps will be required to mitigate the hazard. a. ROCKFALL DEFLECTOR. A "V-shapcd'rocKall deflector sbould bc insralled on the slope abovc the storage area (this nstorage arca" will bc locatcd between thc two storage sheds). Figure 1 shows the general layout and required size of the deflector, howevcr, a site inspection will bc necded during construaion (after excavation) for final layout of the berm. b. FENCE. A rockfall fenen,Z.0 feet high will also be required at the south end of the storagc sheds (Figure 2). This fence should be designed to absorb the kinetic energy associated with a 2.5-foot, l,3(x)-pound rock rolling at 12 ft/second. Thc rockfall mitigation specified will also protect against the rare debris f,ow cvents that could occur at this site (Scction 5). 5 DEBRIS FLOWS 5.1 SITE CONDITIONS AT.ID DEBRIS-FLOW HAZARD As indicated on Town of Vail maps (Mears, 1984), the proposed sitc is cut into an alluvial fan, or deposit built from debris flow activity. Because of the fine-grained tcxture of the fan deposit and the lack of large, well-defined source areas in the tenain north of the sitc, the debris flow hazard level is rated as nmoderatc." Moderate debris flow hazard is defincd as an area that cAn "....experience property damage through flooding, erosion and impact of muddy yvater, soil, roclg and debris." Debris floys are clearly rare evcnts at this location. Tbey have not bcen obscrvcd during the past three decades of Vail development. Study of aerial photographs takcn in 1939, 1956, and 1962 (prior to construction of thc prescnt maintcnance facility), do not show evidence of dcbris flows during this ccntury. Because the events are rarc and the texturc of the alluvial fan suggests they will not be highly destructive if they do ocorr, the hazard at the site is small. 5.2 DEBRIS-FLOW MITIGATION Debris flows can be mitigated by (a) directing the flow onto the shed roofs by the rockfall deflcctor discussed in Section 4.2 (a), and O) dcsigring the shed roofs for dcpositional loads as discussed below. a. ROOF DBSIGN. The shed roof should be reinforccd for depositional loads of debris, mud and water as specified in Figurc 3. Thc road is triangutar in shapc, assumcs a 2.5-foot dcPth at the north cnd, a density of 120 lbs/ff and a roofslope of 10% (taken from the January, 1994 Master Plan Report). Bccausc deposition wiit Uc gradual (over a period of several minutcs), impact toaasneeO not-be considered. In order for the proposed mitigation to work, thc rocKall dcflector (Section 4.2, Figure 1) must also be used. 6 COMPLI,ANCE WITH HAZARD REGUI.ATIONS The mitigation methods recommended in this report will not deflect the rockfall or debris flow loward adjacent private or public property, therefore fully comply with vail Hazard Regulations (Section 18.69.052 tCl O). Report heparcd by, &rL^l (ilu,,a Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Apgrox. Rockfa[/Debrls -Flow Dlrectlon Storage Area FIGT RE l. Mitigation layout (op) and dcllcctor wall soss-*cction (bottom). Systcm will providc mitigatiol from roclf,all and debris flry wbco uscd witb additioMl Protcctior shown il Figurcs 2 md 3. I I '1 atg|ut Lta|..atal|ct9tooonoo rnr?!traa aa3{nicln )oA7trt\\t( ,$"{$ii{ Rockfall Ferice - 2.0 ft tU|tl agrrttsaaaal {l tl Ett noof (Iol slope) FIGIJRE 2. Roctf,all fcnce at soulh cdgc of shcd roof requircd to eliminate roclf,all hazard in work arca Fcncc should bc dcsigned to rcsirt inpact tom 2S-foot dianctcr, lJ(X)-poud rock moving ar 12 ft/sccood. .t .l 'i 'ic{ (ll f{ a{ AT' rtt GI3| ott I I l Cut Slope 25 tt Roof (lq$ slope) FIGIJRE 3. Debrir-f,w toding diegfas at north sidc of shcd roo&. toads arc dcpocitional ($atic) loads rnd zursl bc oddd la all othcr loads normally considercd ad rcquircd in desiSl 8l this locatioa $i * r,l( 5 Ns *iH \/ \\i\\\ i \\\ \\ \\ Av \ \\t\\\\rt \ ',' \\ t\trt 1\ t \t 1' t \! N fuN / (\ 1il :?t-\ \1\ \\ ll.tr',\ N'$r \\\\ \i\\h\ ffi ilffi'\\\ $H{((,\W t ** Nit *l.FI \l}|I Er Na qN Ss F't lflvi( P \-Jn R. {s 'l I 1 Jsr 3i rl R ui $Fs eE lit; *i rb E-tux 5Fs N$$ sFi irt i$$i !t $t $ 6trs\-l d tr E$ s EFf) s V)v $\ N <-{s ffi t.s :] I li Il I ,0d $:F sHt $Sx i$$ r!*Ee*J :ig+Sffi$ Is-E-ie. hi{+L1l srEEtgH RrEn#I E-'eiFS$gsgJ !I .l i $$i t{l \ iE fnctE*Fl--t- i$sl t- -- - ---- - ----- --t I glrsFri$.liif, .:-'gS-:_'.'l i 1|c|r+r-1-drrr!t'r F ---:-:-. I+--- 9 I-*e.'.r*e."4*+ '+=ll:ri.6ii\r.-r'*..**r.-a++ - | llH5ie.'qetE€i. 'Is.f: .1.ffi:=ra::= l#xl;'- :0.,r.'**lffiil tr l-$:.::.r'!, r#ra,r:: -#rF..l ,_:.---.-.------- rrrrnrl| !E ilililil| I=H:3-E=l11r.3i_!{nj1;'-. lli [.tgHr] i$d*, As7 L:_:__l ji_____l ii i ta xcp 5 !tIt t" -l -1 I J -'l I Ii tis Ji itffi zlsl $t FF 5lr Ik dI+ t lI :t t ? { ,i G $ $ .lt l. 5 tts * rt \,\ \M.\\Nt\'\. \\\\ tj\ \t\ \H t T I I t\ t {\ \o \l \ d ffi \j,)j $ I i j I ; R] r-,'1t rFf-l tv i< tI $,' \\ e\ E ? P:rqFF t2*i l': o 5,.rlDL .rJ zul Hi F; ' i-i;";ir,!"..:ii:.]:!:.:7 "'Ff,::F$,#l li'ts(flfi;g \'1,1ii,i;iir iilrii Fli;i 'ri l I i I I i i i I I i \ iiiii !iii! '$. iil rD l e zlI, r:|l. xo P )^'.'-// f l>qt-rwf 'U 'q.of--fy -y Ug . . v"l/ *-rrT-r,^df V_-adV . -q - r*rrt.{^rru- ?.rt??,ia 7a*'c, ,*'f-"U--f ,".fr-g ,.? ,V ,'*T ;; ,ffi -l-,y n'>tg *-ywXrv yzva 4rfr l" *"Le 'ffif5 "-* <,-z- 114 'l -;"i^iJ,- s4t!--n {0* - u.vyp+/ n f-,.2- cr' r.-.7' ,1.--,-p (W4/S a1-A s->r,r4.v1,?t. #4 W 9'o'-.V -vrvg -3;a=7rtr(ws V s->1.-zrz>e\ f# W 9'*,/ -y'ryu-w-q f.-j -t-jz 3-". w?f .b>,Lr/y T* *-"/- ku-'y.q ;-ai s'-2 h* ,-*-f .ba-Jy T-,. *.Jn-k nKv.-z-x.!-+V t'+agt17 tJ-A t-L"-''-t" V-d-.-tu2 J-t r'>>te- )t ?""" V f 4.lr .-\----J.D ",f--V/ /*f $"op r) (a-4= T-?fn- at^a .lV-"-"v/] jV*a-4W .+--47*p1 7-t" ufd U.* *tt"l tfy @ T'/ ry.n ",9 /-"fU"pt -q n.->-t"u-,rfywtttt t' Q*ir$^:ffi, , . ' ,l^r4J_?; ,t- r- |t-if-r7' a!'-t r-Y ; W V"f-, "_y ;- /tr/ uf *Y,,-h /--*'r''%-e "\4,(0-1/-y2n S,r? "il L-f"*J,-- T*#pv-.2 // ,'c.r 'v>'-?sL' =f ,n tbfn .- Ltq af*, ,.-*p '2at?/4 / w .- u.f,V.Ct nrrd Vt-fl v'"-w'-ra'/-P >gd-su/e rf t .l EgI) rAY r S rgghrr B ARTHtJRI. MEAR^S, P.E", INC. lttrnlFLar*Cqrltro &,FtGrdbAn %ffi,:;'" May 16, 1995 Mr. Greg Hall, P.E. Vail Tovm Engineer 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cll 81657 RE: Supplement to Decembei, 1994 hazard analysis Dear Mr. Hall: This letter provides a supplement to my report dated "December, 1994n in which I suggest mitigation from rocldall and debris flow at the proposed public works facility. [n this previous report I described protecting lbe maintenance yard (south of the proposcd buildings) by diverting debris onto the shed roofs (Figure I of the December, 1994 report). I understan{ ftom talking with you that the additional live load on the shed roofs resulting from debris deposition (Figure 2 of the report) may require an expensive struclure thal, as a result, is undesirable to the Town of Vail. An altemate mitigation is tbcrefore proposed below. Debris flows, as indicated on the attached drawing by arrowg can be diverted into the storage area between the two sheds and to the west and east sides of the sheds. This can be accomplished by excavating a dilch/berm system to direcl the flows as slrown by lhe arrows. Required characteristics of this system are as follows. a. The vertical difference between the top of each benn and the bottom of each ditch (as . viewed in cross section) must be 4.0r ft. b. The width of eacb ditch must be no less than 5 feet. IOORE . c. Thc napx anglen where the two berms intersecl must be no |C- than 60o. d. The berms must meet at the apex point. The proposed design will clearly not protect the slorage area between the two sheds, but I understand from talking with you that this presents an acceptable risk. As noted in my report, the probability of a debris flow at this site is small. Please contact me if you have any guestions. Sincerely, Cdu^'l.Wr.,t Arthur I. Mearg P.E. Avalanche-conhol engineer Ilb Wa$t . A&.b. Ac,brlp htnl&vtscthg I ,l : G;> Ero6?1 l,)5trE 9-<x*E.:9E! H6(-€oE .A l)c(! '5 Ct 12 rl) g.E EglpX'Err;E6R<a: And{ l( G.n 0<, AVAL{'NCI{E, ROCKFALL, At{D DEBRIS FI,oW IIAZARD AIVALITS$ VAIL PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Prepared For Mr. Greg llall Vail Town Engineer Preparcd By Arthur [. Mears, P.E., lnc. Gunnison, Colorado Decembcr, 1994 r. ARTHIJR I. MEARS, P.8., INC l,lrtrnlFluu&Cqrltro 22i!ErGod*An Gdo. Cdcrdo 81210nt-ut.t2fr December 6, 1994 Mr. Greg Hall, P.E. Vail Town nngncer 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Hall: The eDclosed rcpofi, :ts you requested in your lctter of September 15, 1994, addresscs sclccied geologic hazards affecting the proposed Vail hblic Works Department shop facility. This study addresses potential avalanche, rockfall, and debris flow hazards. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sinccrcly, CAn4(Mno Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche control cngincer Encl. tb Wohg o A&rcllrr o Aubr;bGrartlalEt|trllfic 1 SUMMARY AND MITIGATION 1.1 HAZARD The proposed Town of Vail Public Works facility is not exposed to snow-avalanches but is cxposed to rare, Iow-energy rockfall and debris llow hazards. Neither rockfall or debris flow has been a problem during operation of the current facility (roughly 20 years) or since the development of Vail in L962. Study of aerial photographs dating back ro 1939 indicate that rockfall and debris flows have not affected tbe site during this century. Field observations indicate that the sizes and probabilities of rockfall and debris flow are small. Because the hazards from rocKall and debris flow are small, mitigation probably would not be required at many similar locations outside of Vail. However, if elimiaation or all reasonably foreseeable hazards from these two processes is required in order to conform to Vail Hazard Regulations, specific steps can be taken as discussed in Section 1.2 and the text of this report 1.2 MITIGATION Mitigation from the rare rockfall and debris flow processes can be achieved as outlined on Figures 1,2, and 3. Specific steps required are: a. Construction of a deflecting berm to deflect rockfall and debris flows away from the open storage area onto the two shed roofs (Figure 1); b. Installing a short rockfall fence at the south edges of the shed roofs; this fencc must be designed to resist rockfall energy and momentum as specified (Figure 2); c. Reinforcing the north shed roofs for debris-flow depositional loads; loads may be treated as static and are in addition to all other toads normally required at this location (Figure 3). Final location of the deflccting berm na," will depend on a sitc visit to be conducted during constnrction and aftcr excavation of the alluvial fan. The mitigation specificd will protcct the facility and will comply with Town of Vail Hazard Regulations (Section 18.69.052 tC] (b) and will not deflect rockfall or debris onro adjacent public or privatc property. 2 OBJECTTVES AND LIMITATIONS As rcquested by lv{r. Grcg Hall, Vail Town Engineer, this report bas the following obJectives: a. Analysis of snow avalanche, rockfall, and debris flow hazardsJhat may affect thc proposed shop facilities; b. Recommendations of mitigation that can be used to protcct from thcse geologic hazards. The report also has the following limitations which should bc undcrstood by all those relying on the results: a. Otber geologic processes (floods, largc-scale, slow-moving tandslides, soil and foundation conditions) that may affect the site are beyond the scope of this study; b. Performance specifications have been based on site sections, views and maps provided in the executive sunrmary mastcr plaU report by Morter architects/RNl Design/Fleet Maintenance Consultants, Inc. dated January, 1994; revisions to thes€ plans may invalidate the results presented here. 3 SNOW AVAI.ANCTM The proposed building site is not within an "avalanche influence zone" as shown on Town of Vail maps (Mears, 1976). Funhermore, site investigations completed for this study did not identify any avalanche arcas. Therefore, we conclude that snow avalanchc hazard does not exist and mitigation will not be necessary. 4 ROCKFALL The proposed site lics within a "High scverity" rockfall hazard arca (Schmueser & AssociatesA''{icholas l:mpiris, 1984). This high scverity dcsignation was undefined in thc report, but, presumably does indicate the potential for serious rockfall damage or injury cxists within the mappcd arca. 4.1 SITE CONDITIONS AND ROCKFALL I{AZARD Site inspections and acrial photographic analysis completed for this study indicatcd the following. 2 a. Evidence for frequent rockfall does not cxist in the proposed building area. However, construction of the present facilitics may have removed any cvidence for rockfall. b. Study of aerial photographs dated 1939, lg5}, 1962 (taken before construction) does not show rockfall deposits on undisturbed slopes in thc area. c. RocKall deposits (isolated rocks up to roughly 2.0-2.5 feet diamcter) are locatcd on tbe slopes approximately 2ffi - 400 feet above the proposed facility. d. An eroded rock outcropping embedded within the colluvial slope approximately 400 - 600 feet above and north of the proposed facility provides a source for infrequent rockfall activity. Althougb the potential for rockfall cannot be discounted at this location, rockfall will be infrequent (possibly one to a few events per c€ntury?) and will not produce large boulders with high velocity and energy. Rockfall has not bccn a problem during use of the current site. The hazard from rockfall will thereforc be srnall and acceptable by the standards normally used in evaluating rockfall hazard. fie dynamics of rockfall was further quantified through application of the Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP). The program was forced to produce rockfall that would reach the center of the existing flat parking lot area, it being assumed that rockfall might reach this area during extraordinary and rare conditions. When a 2,5-foot diameter boulder is assumed in the CRSP analysis and the existing terrain, and ground roughness and hardness observed abovc the shop is used in modeling, the following conclusions are reachcd. This analysis was repeated for the a) existing conditions and b) assuming the storage areas were in placc. a. EXISTING CONDITIONS. A 2.5-foot boulder has a29Vo chance of reaching the flat area noilh of the proposed central building/bus barn; a 27Vo chance exists thai the' north wall of the building will be hit by rolling rather than bouncing rocks. b' WITTI STORAGE SHEDS. Becausc of the dissipating cffect of the shed roofs, there cxists a 24% chmc, that the flat tcrrain north of thJ central building will bc rcached, but only a 6Vo chance that the north building wall will be reached. Rocks' will be rolling rather than bouncing at the south edges of the shed roofs. A yard storage area betwecn the two storage sheds approximately 200 feet wide is pianned. Within this area the sheds will not provide mitigation and rockfall will behive as describcd under "a." 4.2 ROCKFALL MITIGATION Rockfatl mitigation is required only if substantial rcduction of the small existing rockfall hazard is required. As noted above, rockfall has not been a problem during opcration of thc existing facility and will be a rare event at the location of thc proposed faeility. tf tbe small rockfall hazard is unacceptable, the following steps will be required to mitigatc thc hazard. a. ROCKFALL DEFIICTOR. A "V-shapcd" rockfall dcflector sbould be installed on the sloPe above the storage area (this "stonge area" will be located between the two storage sheds). Figure I shows the general layout and required size of the deflector, however, a sitc inspection will be needed during construction (after excavation) for final layout of the benn. b. FENCE. A rockfall fene' 2.0 fcet high will also be required at the south cnd of the storage sheds (Figure 2). This fcncc should be dasigrcd to absorb the kinetic energy associated with a 2.5-foot, 1"300-pound rock rolling at 12 ft/second. The rockfall mitigation specified will also protect against thc nrc debris flow evcnts that could occur at this site (Section $. 5 DEBRTS FLOWS 5.1 SITE CONDITIONS AT.ID DEBRIS-FLOW HAZARD As indicated on Town of Vail maps (Mears, 1984), the proposcd sitc is cut into an alluvial fan, or deposit built from debris flow activity. Because of the fine-grained texture of the fan deposit and the lack of large, well-defined sourcc areas in the terrain north of the site, the debris flow hazard level is rated as "moderale.n Moderate debris flow hazard is defined as an area that c:rrr ",..6perience property damage through flooding, erosion and impact of muddy water, soil, rock, and debris.' Debril flows are clearly rarc cvents at this location. They bavc not becn observed during the past three decades of Vail development. Study of aerial photographs takcn in 1939, 1956, and 1962 (prior to construction of the prcsent maintenance facility), do not show evidencc ofdcbris flows during this cctrtury. Becausc the evcnts are rare and the tcxturc of thc alluvial-fan suggests they will not be highly destructive if they do occur, the hazard at the sitc is small. 5.2 DEBRIS-FLOW MITIGATION Debris flows can be mitigatcd by (a) directing thc flow onto thc shcd roofs by the rocldall deflector discussed in Section 4.2 (a), and (b) designing thc shcd roofs for dcpositional loads as discussed below. a. ROOF DESIGN. The shed roof should be reinforced for depositional loads of debris, mud and water as spccificd in Figure 3. The load is triangrlar in shapc, assumcs a 2.5-foot depth at the north cnd, a dcnsity of 12I) lbs/ff and a roof slope of 10Vo (taken from thc January, 1994 Master Plan Report). Bccause dcposition wlit Uc gradual (over a period of sevcral minutes), impact toaAsncca not-be considercd. In ordcr for the proposed mitigation to work, the rockfatl deflector (Section 4.2; Figure 1) must also be uscd. 6 COMPLI,ANCE WITH HAZARD REGULATIONS The mitigation methods recommended in this report will not deflect the rocldall or debris flow toward adjacent private or public property, therefore fully conply with vail Hazard Regulations (Section 18.69.052 ICI (b)). Report Prepared by, &f|^l flra,t Arthur I. Mean, P.E. Avalanche-control enginecr Approx. Rockfalf/Debr{s-Flou Dlnectlon Storage Area FIGURE 1, Mitigarion layout (top) ad dcllector wall cross*cction (bonon). Systcm will Providc miligatiotr from rocldall aod debris flow wheo urcd with additional protcctioD shown in Figurcs 2 and 3. I tav! gt taaaattatttooortoo -Garlira.t nn3|nncr )oA1t-t\rt< Shed Roof ffii!'$ Rockfall Feace - 2,0 ft tlaa,|aioocrroo noof (I0l slope) FIGURE 2. Roclf,all fcocc at south cdgc of shcd roof rcquircd to eliminatc rocldall Dazard in work arca" Fcnce should bc dcsigped !o resist inpact &om 2S-foot diaoctcr, fJ0-pound rcck movitrg at 12 fi/sccond. rtrt a{al !t I rt ta ci* a|. Gl : A\!I I I 100 psf Cut Slope 25 fL noof (lGl srope) FIGURE 3. Dclric-llo$' loading diagam at norlh sidc of thcd roofs. t a& arc depositional (satic) loa& and zrzsr be addcd to all other lods lormally consiilcrcd and rcguired in dcsign at rhis location- \l i/ Iiril/K IVlf'\r J3 \i It/i br|lll\ "'! l- i: /r\it( \i \\1 l/r N hN {\ r \\\ilry\\t t\ r \ i\ ,t.\'\ [H, \-\\!\ $K\\ffi ffiliit-\3) ,t...t)\\...r ,a r-r e$ f\ I Ll t\t le l'! iBli. \.: \\ \i il \\ \ \ \r '\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \\\ \\ \\ \\rr \\ rr \\\\\ *s tt tost N il r\rxr-l ll\llS lltr $.1,1qNil I FHIF* ei i I \ Fw!(sR s-.t6 R +Js $$ $r x iI il cr $ UR 5s ss ) *i *: \b E{ui 5F XE SE x{Sle6trtrs>trl *d EH o v)v 5\ N :!s I ,0d $$* gHR $ix iN$ IrlIi\i3*i:r ; E{i ilIiI! \ I t ,i i [tiillll \ r------------- p festlEeq t tusF*i B]**EEffiitl*is.t#i t<'------< aL:--lti:iii-Lr FStrfid I $l! Av R $$ !H\Hit E?rdss& ;+;l !.t {l.|rt -r,+.r\-t+j.4.+r.- ! ffiffi'g" {- ll.ffi='Tl=l-j l*X*::.;',**rffi-:trl-JiL::{-$ i-.{rr?s;i* :-..1 It----E-riln IitgHr] sl\l itrl+ VArvr Ei! ,- otI ! oF,, H ItIt !"I -----------1-l I J -'t I $*\{'llEdN zl sl fit gH lI st rtI dt { p dI !f \q'?tt\\ \\l \\i * $r:$$ €r oa+o \,\\ )\ Ilt ) iri \,\ Ir\tlu ]-HJrl -1 rs. l$ tltl,: f\ )\ \o\ ) \:/ ffi \ t .\ \ a'' \ e\ E \, \ il Ri H,s ti:'Bi:t--J ? ru l E \ I I h I I/ / III \ l\I ):i? lw(pa \\,\ | \)[\ \ I \,$,\ ro *I B g.t:eEFF x!*E E; :"'=lr,lDlr o ul l E a.G|F Ft,gt =ii;iilffi F:,: lt ',':i# t,c|<:oE Eaa lotF A B. c. D. E. F. G. H. A B. c. D. tr ! i Ph.eing Apprcved in luaster phn Cumnt Pl.nned phasing Retaining \rttalts rnd Excevat'on..... ....*. phase lV, 19g9 ll#: Ilif:: f::::TTlT1Til".:.... phese [, 1eg6 _ partiar pavrns and randscrpe :::31;:gy'j1'f 3TT;,I11 "f .io".....,.......... p r,..! ii, i il _ ;;;;; ffi##il#: :n'Yf:jy:.r"::11? g:1n are phare r) .....,......... vr,r,"1 t .or "s i. "r"ilu"Pt|pero wrbr quality control ,eport I f-p"r" hazard nrlffgaton repod..,..,...,. ...,... Comfteted 1gpt1gg69tanea hr;ar'{-.- --r^-r-r-^.---^- - rPrepare hazardous mabrlsts^flaste abrage reporf Prepare dnlnage mitgation raport Streeb HeabdSbr4e Covered Strccb Building ......... After phase lV depending on need and tunding Welding Shop and Chassls $rbsh Bay...... ... phasi t!. 1996CfnderSbnge , Pad(e Slor.ge o TTEIBIT A t a--! -ttlt ........ After phase lV depending on necd and tunding Publicwbrl(s Shops Covcred Slotage Groenhouac TmnsporHon BulHing Remwe ExirUng Fuolhg and Wash Nafl FueuhLsh Facitifiee Phase ll, ',l996 I B. c, D. Admlnisfration Building......... phasi t, 1995 - 1p of progmmmed F-xpansionSiteuork and parking Area.. . phatd l. lgg5 , sitework and vi$ltor parldng A" B. c. A B. o F. Envlronmenfd hruec Staff believes thal he Fopos€d work will impon the environmental qrnllty. Exlstirp ftreltarilG wlll bo r€placad u,tfi htgher qntty, saler tanks. V. OOIELUSION: staff has no brmal condusion at this tme. we nuukl ask thar the Prtllc wofts steft and consultanb address the queetbrc rabed in fils memo as ruell as any other iseuee &qrred br the heaing on July 10. Slrft is mquldttg fiat dl lnbmaton bo provfiled lor rwlew no larr tharl a minimum of ten days triorto ths dale of lhe flnal PEC h6arhg. Erh5ll AFqlf,a.tron d t{|.aEIliFrBdrArII,rtrfcr F r \3vertrone\Fc\p.Vruhf.. 7f 0 o Two items are likely to be visible and statf is concerned about these. The lirst is the debris flow channel regrading. Staking the site to determine the extent of the regrading is critical to understand the impacts. Staff would like to see fie staking (with he PEC) to determine if other rnethods of hazard mitigation should be pursued, or if the proposed mitigation is acceptable. At a 4inimum, a detailed revegetjation plan must be provided to insure that the slope will regain a natural appearance. The second item of concern is lighting. Staff toured the golf course neighborhoods with the Town Engineer and identified approximately 10 lights which cleated glare. Public Works has agreed to remove (or shield) these lights and replace them with fully cut -off fixtures. Several of them will be removed simply by razing the bus wash building. Another analysis of the Public Works site at night should be completed to insure that all of the lights creating glare will be shielded or replaced. E. Change in Phasino/Emplovee Housino Exhibit A shows in detail how the proposed phasing relates to the previous phasing. Statf believes that the most pressing community needs should be addressed first and we support Public Works in their evaluation of the priorities tor the public works related services. One change to the order which does concern staff involves employee housing. The Master Plan included a requirement that 3 emdoyee housing units be provided in conjunction with Phase l. The architects have idenlified a portion of the Public Works site which could be used for approximately 12 employee housing units. At this time, Public Works is anticipating that construction would be completed by others. Stafl understands that there may be many diflerent ways to provide the housing. These include: Council funding the project by expanding the budget to include the housing; A private developer constructing the units to fulfill a requirement of a future development approval; The Housing Authority funding the project (based on Council authorizing the use of funds); A joint project between the Town of Vail and Vail Associates; A potential tax-credit project (if the site could be expanded to include more units). With the most effective method available, staff would like to see housing created at the Public Works site and would be interested in hearing the PEC'S comments about the options. F t \ everyone \pec\nc[ra \puurts . 71 0 c. Staff believes that the plan is a significant improvement over the exiting conditions. A few issues need to be discussed by the PEC to verify that the plan has gone far enough, Are 5 guest parking spaces adeguate? ls the landscaping around the Administration Building sutficient? Hazards Art Mears has evaluated the rocklall hazardand the two debris flow channels that aftect this site. He has completed two reports and they are included as Exhibit B. His recommendations have been shown on the site plan by Carter Burgess Engineering and show that he debris flow channel has been rerouted around the buiklings. Concerning the debris flow, staft believes a follow-up review should be completed by Art Mears to verify that the proposed grading fulfills the technical requirements of his study. Specifically, stafl would like to see the area required to contain the debris in the event of a debris flow. How much of the parking area will be affected? Will any of the tuildings or luel tanks be impacted? Also, will one channel, as shown on the site plan be adequate, or are two, as shown in the Mears' report, required? Concerning he rockfall, the Mears' report must be augmented to clarify the extent of he rocklall risk and il mitigation should be completed. Please see additional comrnents below concerning the visual impacts from the hazard mitigation. l"andscaoino The Master Plan identified the landscaping on the berm which screens the site from Interstate 70 as needing improvement. Publlc Works is proposing 41 two- inch caliper aspens augmented with 40 seven gallon aspens to be planted among the spruce at he top ol he berm. Statf understands that all of the material woukl be planted in the surnmer of 1996. This effort would fulfill the landscaping requirements of not only Phases I and ll, but also the future phases. Staff is concerned that he plan does not include the recently planted berm beside the snow durnp. Staff believes additional landscaping should be included in this area. Statf also questions the placernent. Should the berm be danted on the side and not just at fie top? Should irrigation be required for fie new plantings? Visibiliw from adiecent neighborhoods Stafl has worked with the Public Works Department on this issue in the past on other proiects. From some of the streets in the gof @urse neighborhood, activities at the Public Works site are visible. Because the additions to the Administration Building and the Bus Barn are one- story and are relatively low, staff believes that these will not be visible. D. F r \everyone\pecVnarcr\pubnk5. 710 I'.o i' Phase two includes additions to the Fleet Maintenance and Bus Barn vehicle parking area, vehicle wash and fueling facilities, drive/s lounge and lockers, vehicle body shop and chassis wash bays, the welding shop, and the vehicle repair bay. The additional floor area is approximately 13,700 square feet. The existing tueling station and the existing bus wash will be removed. Please note that the two phases proposed are not injine with the sequence identitied in the Master Plan. The Public Works statf have evaluated the needs of the Town and the communlty, and have reordered the priorities. A list showing the original phasing and how it is being reordered is provided as Exhibit A, aftached to this memo. REVIEW GFITERIA: As this project is currently at a worksession level of review, staff has not provided a detailed analysis of the criteria with a formal recommendation. The conditional use criteria are listed below for the PEC's information. A. The relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. B. Etfect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities. C. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. D. Etfect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. ISSUES FOR DISGUSSION: Staff has identified the following points to help the PEC focus on the more critical issues. A. Visitor frlendllness/Accesslblllty In the past, one of the most important concerns of the PEC has been the way the Administration Building is accessed by community residents who are not familiar with the Public Works site. This has been an important lactor in the design work of he architect. The proposed plan includes 5 parking spaces which will be identified as visitor spaces and will be located at the base of a new exterior stair leading to he front entrance and reception area. The plan continues to include the existing driveway up to the lront entrance. This will be reserved exclusively for handicap parking and will be signed as such. ilt. tv. F : \everyone\pec\oenos\pubwxs. ?10 TO: FROTI: DATE: SUBJECT: t FILE coPy IIEMORANDUil Planning and Environrnental Commission Department of Community Development July 10, 1995 A request for a worlsession for a conditional use permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Adrninistration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenarne Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplaned trad,located north of VailVillage, Eightlr Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen BACKGROUND: The public works site is located in the General Use zone district. In this zone district, there are no allowed uses and all structures and uses require conditional use approval. ln 1993, the Town hired RNL Architects and Morter Architects to design a master plan for the public works site. The master plan was reviewed by the PEC and uhimately approved by the Town Council in 1994. lt was determined at that time that as each phase was being prepared for implementation, the Public Works Departmentwould present it to the PEC for conditional use approval. At this time, the Public Works Department is requesting Conditional Use approval of Phases I and ll to be constructed in 1995 and 1996. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Town of Vail Public Wofts Departrnent is proposing two expansions to existing buildings located in the Public Works complex. These involve the expansion and upgrade to the facilities for Administration, Transportation, Fleet Maintenance and Streets & Roads. The expansion of the Administration Building is required to consolidate the Engineering DiMsion and improve efficiency and service to the Town staff and the public. Expansion of the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings is required to accommodate the new 40 foot long buses being purchased for use durirq the 95-96 ski season. This work will be broken into two phases, the first phase will be completed in the late summer and fall of 1995. The second phase will be completed in 1996. Phase one includes an addition and remodel of the Administration offices. The addition is approximately 2,000 square feet. Phase I also includes new electrical seMce to the Fleet Maintenance Building and the upgrade ol one vehicle maintenance bay to accommodate repair of the new, longer busses. F : \everyone\pec\Derlpg\pubwts. ?10 THIS lTEtll lvtAY EFFECTYOUR PFOPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 24, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the remodel of lhe Golf Course Maintenance Facility,located at1278 VailValley Drive/ParcelE, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Ernie Bender Planner: Russell Forrest 2. A request for a major SDD amendmenf, located at the Vail Athletic Club/352 East Meadow Drive and more specilically described as follows: A parcet ot land in Tracl B, Vail Villags First Filing. Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, commencing al lhe Northeast comer ol said Traa B; thence N 79'46'00' W along the Norlhedy line ol Vail Village, First Filing, and along the Nonherly line ot sajd Tract B 622.86 feet; lhence S 06'26'52' W a dislance ol 348.83 te€t lo lha Southwest comer of lhat parcel of land described in Book i91 al Page 139 as recorded Januaty 10, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in lho Eagla Coumy Record3, said comer also being lhe Trua Point of Beginning; lhence S 79i0408' E and along tha Soulherly line of said parcel 200.00 leet to the Soulheasl comet lhereol; lhence N 62'52'00' E and along th6 Nonhedy line of lhat parcet ol land described in Book 222 al Pege 513 as recorded in 1971 in lhe Eagle County Records, e distance of 66.78 feet 10 lhe Nodheaslerly corner of sad parcel ol land; said comef being on the Weslerly righl-olway line ol Gore Creek Fload, as planed in Vail Village. Filth Filing: lhence N 27'1337'\ry a dislance o177.37 leel atong said Wesleriy right-of-, €y line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89"29'22' Vr' a disrance ot 12.80 teet ro rh€ Nonheasleriy comer ol that parcel ol tand described in Book 191, Pags t 39 as recorded January 10, 1965 and fileC in Beceplion No. 10?978 in lhe Eagle County Records; thenca Nonhwesterly 26.51 feet along the arc o, a 37.50 leet radius curue lo thE letl having a central angle of 40'30'00' whose chord bears N 53'40'00' lV a dislanc€ ol 25.96 leel lo a poinl of langencyi rhence N 73'55'00' W and along said tangent 166.44 leel;thence N 95'i021'W a dislance of 50.40leet lo the Nonhvvesledy comer ot lhe Mountain Haus Parcel; lhenco S 02'18D0'W and along lhs easterly linE of said Mounlain Haus Parcel a dislanc€ ol 100.00 feet ro lhe Sourheesterly corner rhereot;1h6nc6 S 45'13'53' E a dislance ol 38.70leet lo lhe True Poinl ol Beginning, containing 30,486 squere feet, mor€ or less. Applicant: ANT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by Stan CopePlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a major SDD amendmenl lo allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building, located at 1000 S. Fronlage Rd.iArea D, Cascade Village SDD #4. Applicant Gordon Pierce for Glen Lyon PartnershipPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion to an exisling residence located at 1816 Sunburst Dr./Lot 1, Vail Valley Third Filing. Applicant: John SlanleyPlanner: Randy Stouder 3. 4. FlA,aryonc\p.chorices\072a95 N4*il +' o S. A request for a parking variance and a conditional use permit to allow the Medical Center to park a mobild catheler lab/trailer at he Meadow Drive loading area, located at . 181 West Meadow Drlve/Lots E & F, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicant VailValley MedicatCenter, represented by Dan Feeney Planner: Randy Stoudel A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to ttre Town of Vail Public Worlis Adminlstradon Buitding and a renovaton to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 VailValley Drive/on an unplatted tracl, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Towri of Vail 'Planner: Andy Knutdsen Flev.ryoru\pr*ro$c"!872a95 US Forest Senice Attr: BillWood P.O. Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 Co. Departnent of Trans. 4201 Arkansas Ave. Denver, CO80222 Co. Deparfirent of Trans. P.O. Box 298 Eagle, CO 81631 Vail Associates Attn: Joe Macy P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Co. Deparfinent of Trans' P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junotion, CO 81502 lruL as 'ssI I a t --{r\r \ --J (' *-s(" ru a a f \ DESI o f-Ih:?r. RT * P,4/3 if"- $ =ldg3'l!;! :|;Ei FltiI i i \ $a A J N. \$t F.s rut *${ JUL E6 '95 A1:43PT4 RNL DESIGN o P,7/9 JUL @6 '95 A1:43PI4 RNL IITIURI DATA TIXIURI r0l{lAltA 3l ONTAN SUPERI 0 R ME CHAI'IICAIS : Uvnzno Brt l.rsr/RnnLEctoR Sr-srnu: and rnaintenanse :. Automatic primary discounecti Sr.upo Opttcs: Hinged and sealed for removal as a unit E"riiryil,r***.d for insullatioI and mahtenauce . Hineed and removable as a unit. -ga;i$lcc.sled for installatiorl P.8/9 %reaslzF' TsMpnnEp Guss Lutts: o Thermal and impact'temPered for safetv and durabilitY. Consistent lightins performance Exrnuuno Aluullutrl LBrs Flnur Wtrnour WPms . Accurately mitered corncrs. I..ens secured with internal corner keys e Quick rel6ase safety latch ExrnunBo At uutllultt Housruc Radius die-formed from single extrusion Easv push button latch access for hriick relamping DESI o F o A b1 Reflector sealed against a one-oiece E,P.D.M. gasket Excdllent protection from dust, debris and moisture Hulo-ronuro $nut'srncuutX Rrrlnqron Systru: i I. Standard IES patterns - 1, It, I[, Y aud F (Forurard Throw), III and III Faceted for horizontal IAMDS :. Designed and nanufactured fo FLEIilBIE PHOTOMEIRICS: meefor erceed UL and NEC requiremeuts. IBliw and UL labeled uriltilAlnl strE 17'x21'x6' 24l x 3l'r l0' OPTIONS: r Photoelectric control receptacle. Pole or wall mounted. Powder coat, baked enamel or anodic hard coat finish in a wide color range ruOININB{DTD 5IAilDAND ATT Drfll8l5F1{3 2' x4'x4' r t[.2]_ l$ rslt.ltrkl llotir os lrltstf,ll0i. {00ru[, ||ilh?t*rrr hdiun trrSn rulru* [18lm9. {!0rri, li:tllllclida ftrtun mrrt]r lDzl r lT2t In4' :Il:lfi888gifirJl:H,fi,Hlii*i,iltJtt,'lfi',1]'$ffi,".,HfrllJfflho'd(nono*hdrando,lirmbrv -^- t6 FONIANA '95 A1:44Pt4 RNL DESI o MECgANtCAtTEAT.IJRESA lhatlorhd$edlbld 8. lhlfitcd Bdd (nmponmk'eosily ranromhh l IIIMIMIRPMOUNIINC Earudd Ahnlrum liturnhg km (06S.dtu$imAlor) I DOOR FR{ME & OPTICAT ASSEMBTY lOcsrnGon$im$oilAboc)l). ErtruddAhminum$dudt htrudod EFJ.tl' Goskel ll. lty&ulbrmdilrnrinumRrfledorl. OurTetnPrddoshns K htruddlAluminurn Dm Frome t- Bcrud{ Alumhum funge c 0. E. r. G. ll. t. J. KI hrmdAlrntrumhnoPl brtuddAlumhum Hurtq Addr Rohcr h#bulhn Lotdr trrudd $.D.it GGld (dliom in l0fllllfl Lcmp l|d&r'Grfl ilo' ttogJ So*o nydofrmd dnrum nsfuar - hingsd otd removoble Iq*dGhs.tcm nmry Ulronmo hr{rfutton Ofruted tna *ml ktrudodAhttdun horfram Doorsdayftdt MOUNNNG OmONSlo 29 ,-"ll,ro' nt .3l"o' n'*T rzo'*;tJ..I.rt t9 lou !t 00'.Ir-l P.9/9 t9 t3b.tE '99o gg:3&PF*Rft-?EslffirntuNrNr v qas -EE ?665 19 r*uirrsn'P,A*"1/9 I Ft E Eo; IEgr x? Hg 5EEE EI EF EE IIt.:Io EEgEit it . d€ Hl. H H 3=-1b \ 6. E+ HE+|. \ iE h1s I E E E I at, F'l-{ tr.Jg F a.E,J =dclo = x* TETFI- PA6E,g9 ,FX A spe"ral ar, lesr pr.ocedulg l5 r.quir.c lor I dor-ble.$rarl lanks hat do nOt inctudr tactoryV insElleo anttroere. A Ep3ciat gr? het fixlufs rE shippsd wilh lhe tanh, Fib3.gtEs8 trnk! must bc pressurizsd and insprctrd lor teakl using a qoapy water eolution, leak frsringp or to insElation fr€lps inEu]l thai fibgr; glaso tank€ were not dameged in Ehipmcnt, ll rhe doubh-wEll tE rkt ere shipped wih tac, bry.ingtafled motnirofing fluid, c ai? otiti9djobsilc hydro€ratic tcst proc-edure can be uf€d, InsHlEtion for double,wall tanks is similgr ro tlr,e procrduc tor singb-h,gll tanks. Fluid containmcnt requir.S pea gravel or c.sshed slorrc backllll rna|€del; pea grar€l b a natu. tauy rounded sggr€E6tc rtnging trom tE, to 3/4- cliamehr. Washed crushrd sllcnc (t/€. b I lf dianEtad meeting ASTM C.33 mey be urcd, Odrer bad<fi matr.ials ,nud not be used wilhOut conrultine Fluid Contalnrnenl br wdttCn lppmrAl. A mini. mum of 12' backlill badcting ir requircd b€tw€€n he tank end th6 cxqavehon bottom or ooncrelE enchottrE pgd. Tankr muSt not bo installcd on mbcrs, beans or 6ades. It f1e l-lydrcstatlc T6nk Monibcring syshn is aclivel€d by fttting et the iobEttE, thg tank cEvhy mu$ be fill€d by pouring he nqurO into tr|c crvity. DependiE on tocal dimab. use lep walef ot an acoeptable.antfac0z€ nixtrle aB th€ nlonimdng lluid, Ooubtewrtl Flbe]!l!!r Tlnkf For Fuol Storrga Modd Dtyf.TrD. tl Spcci fi cation; ghort Foifil 1}|€ cont Cto. rhalt p?orrit U.L. labcled , I\dodel DWT.Typc tl do,JbllwElt fberylri5 ,uruerground storage ttnk3 in stzgs and i wilh lidingi ar rhoyvn m tha ddwingB. Thi lafihs sh8ll be msnulpc l6d 6y Felj Containm€nt. 'l'ilnk8 ihall bc lcal€d ano insrllled wtth peg grave I or trpp7sv9d ancmatc brctlill mNtrri| sl acco(ding to thc cuncnt Inda atio,l I JUt J16 JJs -.-1 qL4a€fl , RNL-.tl$ G"t'Hrn r lrnENT rx 4Ee ?s6 r€Es 138392052?a 0 1/A e.uisTVit- lhrrrrnrlon Inawcltgn!: Conlrac{orEthrll subfiit _ 6opt€s ol rn1nulAclu6r6 rale3t ingta[afgn inslrucuonE. E. ofl|brltlon Clrartrr conuactors shqlt gub. mit -copies ol rnenulaclurer,s lateEt cel.ibrotion chaiF. Parl ll Products 2,il Aoubt*Wa FllF"Jrgtg6ie ttnde?g?owtd furrgo laakc A. Lodlng Condi ofis - T.nk sh6lt meet lh6 lollowing d6rtgn cribrte; 1, Exlornal hydroEtalia pr€ssute: Buded in ground widr 7' Ol ovgr buden over the top ot ihr_tgnk. the hole frrlly llooded and salety lqctor ol 5: t again gcneral fuckling, 2. SU'taCe loads: When inslellod according to manut€Cture/S ingt8tlation inStructiOne, Anks will withshnc 6udac€ H-ao axt? tosrb (32,ooo lbs"iaxt6). 3, Inrcmal load: PrtFr3ry 6nd sscondary tanks shall wihsrend 5 psi eir pre*ure lest wih S:r safqry factor, '1, Ttnha Ehrtt be d$igned lo suppon aooEi_ sory equipnant Sucn ai heAting aoilS, ladders, droo tubes, etc. wt€n inel|led accodrfg b manufactwCrs naoornrnlndelioru and li#iib: tonE. 5. Trr* laminale shalt inctudg fille]!. E. P.ortuct Stoaa€p FeqoirEmems: 1. All primary Hnk$ must bo ventEd. Tanks alE dEcigned lor openfion at abnoephedc pressu.e only, excepi for usa wih \.epor reco\r€ry s)rs. bmg el a presguro or viadrum ol apFor(imatety r psi, U. Tanke shall be c.pabla ot ibdng tiqukb with eFedtic Araviv up to t.r. 3. Maximum lemperabre: Tank Shall be caF+ bl€ of stodng gasolinc, alcohot btended gaE} lins (wih up to 10016 merhanot or ahan6D, oxyg€natcd luels (up F 2096 MTBE), av-grs, iet lu.l, motor oil, (new Of us€d), kefC6erE dicscl fuel or potabla wat€r at ambied und€F gDund bmperalulE€ nof b ef,ce€d 1E(FF st lhe bnk inltrior 3urface, 6. Tanks ehelt be crtenicatV inert to petroteum ptpoucts. C. Dimenalon6l hlqutrements (rrler to Flull Conbinmsnl literatu.e on Eallon- agc):l. Noftlnel capacity of trr iank ehall b6_ gallons. 2. Nominal outside dhmeler ot the tanks shsll b€ -_ feet. 3, Nominal overajt tgngfi ol the tanks shall be O. Monho?lng C8F8b[irier: 1. TankE shatt heve a spac€ betwFen he oii- mary 6nd seoondary stret| walls to atbfl lof the lree llow ghd Oontain tlfil of a[ leaked p,lduct lrom lhg frrihary tanL ,ro I instNctions (FluirJ Conhinmrnt pub,No. €304) Frovidcd wif! thc tlnh L6hg Form: Srction latoo culdf Speaiffcrtio n Flsld Contsinm.nr 0oubl6'Welt Fibrrglmr H.lnfcrt d Poly!rtcr Undrrground Stongc Tanks Prrl I Grncrrl l.o, Felz/od Wor* Spcctfltd tn Otlrr9actort A, Cast-in-Ptace Ooncreto: S.ctlon 00300 B. Anchor Bottsr Soctbn OSS0Ic. Ploslic Fipr: S.ction 15064 D. Liquid Lrvcl Gaugcs: Scdbn ,!5174 E, Othg! RalAbd Wofi - auch rr All ta € ryrlgt be venled and ar€ int€.dgd ro be opeeted with tiuir in the Enk no highl er fian th6 Enk tog, Fibergh€s lanks a,r / designcd for operation at ilrrospheric sur€ o.rly, cxcepl whcn using vapor regyslems. provlded |he pre$suna or vacuuh do€$ mt er.CseC 1 psi maxlnm on tte Dil ma.ry tank oracrpreasurirlng of tha pdmary C tEnk wll resuft In Grdr faibre. The cavity bsilsen tra inner and outsr tanK muit be vent€d ind.p€ndenlv trom thc pri_ mary tsnk For adtfllional detaits, r€qu€6t TEnk InEta atonr (Ftutd Containm6n[ pub. Irlo. 630a), Prop.dy irctrtlcd, tib€Brr$ Undsqround pendeum shngc tlnkf can prcvrde €xtended e€rvhe in ltoring p€trol6. um pr€ducE without corrosion aa$ad lgal(g and without mdntsnance. Fluid ContEinment maintilng a ti:li6g sg *", 2,000 indrpEnd€nt contfecF|t who hav€ received educttional mete/id$ lrom Fluid CgnHhfienl covcring 0rc propcr insta rtion ot undergrpund fibergtas6 trnks. On .Eque$, vre crn plpvide namlt ol .duceted @nl€cb'3, r.@ gulmlmk,: A.Shop Drrwlngs: ConFrctore thalt sub- mrt-_(opi63 ol Dhop dfrwings tor mch tank. DriwingF rhalt inCudc . c,iticat ; dirnaneionr and rhow locatione of all ltt. nng0 end rccetgotiss, 1.e., mrnways, lad. dat8. hor(ldown rl,rpr, hcaung ccits, etc. Mateaalr of constructlon rhgll be in acaot- ; drnce wlilr Sccdon 1.02 of thir spect0ca. r ton.t. Crtalog Drla: Conractor shall rubmh _i @picr ot menutBclurct ! lilerrtun. I C. Cortificeiion Flatrt U.L. hbtts she be .lf ixed to e.d'l trn|( A. Apc+pbblc Mrnuftcturers: Fhld Containment, Housbn, Trxec, E. Got emlng Siandedr:r- /ISTM Sp€clfication D4OA1€6. Gtars Fih€r Rcinbrocd PotyWter Undcrgound Pelrcburn stonge Tankc. 2. U.L 13.|8. Undrnflriters Laboratories. Inc., Gla$ Fiber Hrinhrced phlric UndarEround Storagc Tanko tor petoleum Products. 3. NaDonjl Fil€ protection A$oc. (NFpA 30) Fhhmtbh and Combuslibis Uouidr Code and (NFFA 31) Srandards for Inltellston ol Oit Buming Equipmmt, 4. Genoral Scrvlcac AdminirtEtion, public Euilding ScMcc Guide Spccillcation. ptsS; t( i I ot $ EE EEEE.gee8 H r.+o x I $ H e a fr 3 *r* \ 6' E+ Ht+ \ iH h1e 3 E I E Fx tr, E (OJ =EI d 6 = JU! Je6 -les --1 gie$M, Rl\ -9Es-r€$NrR r NNEltr rx 4w ?s6 ?66s,To ^ -P.4/47 . U)t2 Z)JL3A3BW272o *X TNTAI PAGF. Rg &[ JUN 26 '95 11I13PI'1 RNL DESIGN P.I/3 Lr a lrrttlll FAX TRANSMITTAL !::: R\L DESIGN ARCTIITECTLRE. I.\TERI(1R DLqtCN. uRt.{\ n..{\.\l-\:G ouB Jtry TRA}TSMITIED TO: FAI(NUMEER: PRGIECTNWIBEIi: lr 7#S+'ol - ' 'i- t trRoM: krc'lhlhoT i RNLDesign Seveoteenth Strtet Plaza 1225 SeYenteeoth Str€.t, Sutte 17fi) Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303.295'1717 tr'ax: 303-29'0ttl5 ! I OPERATOR: Pl+ '' Nrrmber of pagc transmitted -L tnctudtng thh page' i I Pteasecall303.zgs.|lLlintheeverrtyoudonotrreivematerlilindicatedaboYe. A 0ROtSlClO\: L (Onrc*Al()\ 5t1 EsT:ErTlt 5lit5fi IrL\a\ sutll rn, t2s $rg:\EE\TH J iBl€l O€i\.t !R CALOT(^oQ $d!rE $J.:st iili ^ \lr:rtar:R (1t llll Rl\1. t\ill.itlfT t\r:'l\'rlt ir:Lrr.. JUN E6 '95 11!14PN RNL TETORANDUTI To: Andy t0rudben Community Dcvdopmont Depfltm.nt Torn of Vell, Colorado Frcm:Krls Hedbeq flf RNL Derign Dat6: June 26, 1996 Re: Tolvn of Vail Depfltrrnntof PubliolAlorts DESI o P,?/3 llttlllt:::: RNL DESIGN AITCIITIECTUE!' (NrE&rOR D$tlcN, U8,8AN PLANNING Marbr Plan Development Phasing l l Per our nrccting last wtolt, I hevr nvieuved .nd corpend the curent {ryiect phasing with phasing Epprwed in tho Town of Vail Public Worlc Master Plen. A chart on h{fullowing paee shorArB thr Ma6br Pl.n phasing, ftllo'yed by the arncnt planned phasing. The apprcved ihrrhg wae b6scd on inturmation avaitable atflr time of he mashr dan and did notteke inb account y*rty tunding levels. Since the pllr'e apprwrl, phechg has bam djuet€d b accommodeb tunding afaUUniry and tre purchecs of longor burrr rch.dulcd br ddivcry In ha spring of 1996. ! E)Oendon of thc AdflrbrlsFafrcn Building is planned as Phase lb be in 1995. Thc proiect cortsolldatc! cnghecrlng and landscape deslgn and rwicry func.tions,effciancy and service. Them func{ono are ouncnily sprcrd thrcughout thr complex wheru is available. Vacabd cprce will be utiliucd by the rhops in lho meinbnrncr buiHing. Tlre fpr he Administration Buildin g cxpmdon d lhh Ulne F dtTiler b tuppod br the modular addition pursued. lmprwemenb b he transportaflon facilities lc planncd rE PheNr ll.but bam, tueling and wash facllities nood to bc enbEcd to rccommodeb ihe nt|y b.ty foot long Some parts of the fleet mdnbnanca mr alro naad b bc axpandcd b servlce the nar hrses.Cununthcilldcs do not provide tur thc itoragc or seryice of fie longer vehhles, This wort< can bo slte to he north. lf the norfi sib expanslon rnd retrinlng wall ryu without expandlng the first as planned, expansion of the banspoile0on facllitles urould hil/e b writ unfl 1999 due b avallability. The revisacl phacing prwilcc the Town of Vril mora uclbh rpace cailer in ttre s$cdulc. The anployae houaing includod an thc masbr plan (three apartments)sch€duled br Phase lor ll. crn be drcigned and ia providirp he sib br the Dus b '|E loiltlon md ln(hpin(hnc. fiom other dwebpmnt, fia oonstucbd Trh.il\,rrtundhg ia ayaihble. The PubllcWorks ho$lng, but doer not plsn h use PublicWod<s funding to pry for housing. Altemativr housang plane incorporating up b twelve units hevr b..n d.v.loped and will be I Arlhorlty fpr fbasibility rnd funding. Envanrnm€nhl studies identified in Idil.lop odr.r pEjectl. i uvith tl. Housing I wll occerwhen requircd b The ounent plmned ph*ing docs not ancludc a Phase lll or projects 1999. Phase lll will occur in 1997 end ir fundcd br$200,000. As 1907 approadtoc, r pfiority of that size and scopc will be id.ntifi.d rnd comdcbd. No tundlng is apprcpdatcd licr lS8, ro no is planned that year. FundlnE her not been pmjeoFd beyond he fivc yrrr horizon endlng in tho dt mrrt r plan will depend on additionrl tunding, Nnd priorl0es will lcvll! e|t..trblished. 999. Continurd development of cvaluatGd er tuture funding SEYEMTTGNN I STR€ET FI.A7^ 9UITE t700 I2?5 $EVENTNPNf I.I gT,ttEE? OFNVER.COLOn^DO *()2(U r01295.1717 A MEMDNROTTI I}: aNl. f Acrl,l'l lt:s ('()l{voRAnoN JUN 26 '95 11:14Pl.l RNL P.3/3 Phe:lng Appflrycd ift tt|st3r Fhn Cur||nt Phnn.d Ph$ing phri. l - Stb Exp.n*ion. tttilitv ttFgrades.& Envlrbnrn€ntal Studles j A Retaining Wblls rnd Excanrtion.,..,. Phase lV, 1990 B. Sitework irrduding pavlng, u$lltes, landscapc....... Phese ll, 1996 - Partial paving and landecape c, upoild. e|36tlfll tEnsfbrmcfi. heders. serv1ce................ Phasb ll, 1996 - Maint Bldg service upgrade D. Gonrtnrct Employee Hourlng (AlbmaE'Pher. ll),..............Ittrhc1tund|ng is arnilable E, Pr.prn wrhr quelity contrcl rtport i DESIGN o ttlrtlltttrttlll F. Prcpara hazad mitigaton report........,.. ..,,.., Complsttd 1904/1996 G. Prcpare hrzrdoue mrbrld$wetb stoHge report H. Prepare dralnage mitigrllon ttpod A" StrBeE Heated Sbrage B. Govrnd Stn tl BuiHing After Ptnse lV depcnding on need and tunding C. wblding Shop and Chasclt Wbsh Bay.,..... ., Phasc ll' 1996 D. Chd6rStolrgc E. Prrla gbr.gp Phase lll - Central MainhnanceFylldlFg Erpansior & Rcmodcl ........ Atur Phase lV depending on necd snd funding A. Fle€t Mainbnance B. Public\n/bd(3 shops C. Covrnd Sbregr D. Grwnhouse Phesc lV - Trrnrporlnlipn Erprnrion and Renrodel ..., Phasg ll, 1996 A" TnansporEtion Buildlng I B- Renrove Exirting Furling rndWlreh C. NcYv FucUWilh F.ciliti.. Phese.V:.,Mminirtretion RemodeL-Expansion and Parking fA Adminlstration BulldinE..,..,,.., Phasd l, 1995 - 1/2 of Programmed Expansion B, Sibwofk ffd Perking Area............,.. Phasa l, 1995 - Siteryork and visitor Perking THF rtEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that he Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 10, 1995, at 2:fit P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: 1. A request for review and approval of the Town ol Vail Non-Point Source Water Quality Management Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Russ Forrest 2. A request to review a request by the vail consolidated water District to create 3.2 acres of wetland area located at Katsos Ranch. Applicant: Water DistrictPlanner: Russ Forrest A request for a minor CCll exterior alteration located at The Landmark Condominiums, 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1 , Block 1,Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Geotfrey Wright, representing Landmak-Vail Condominium Association Planner: Jim Curnune A request for a joint worksession with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a renovalion to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplaned tact, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knutdsen A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion to an existing residence located at 1816 Sunburst Dr./Lot 1,Vail Valley Third Filing. Applicant: John StanleyPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a joint worksession with the Town Council and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 ol the Vail Municipal Code ( Ski BaseRecreation) and an amendment lo the previously approved development plan to allow for the redevelopment of he Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 485 Vail Valley Drive / Tract F, Vail Village 5th filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th filing. Applicant Vail Associates Inc., represented by David Corbin 3. 4. 5. 6. ;3"L::"1**:*lf.t."tlongaee.|d. var.r, co 8r6s7 ii:if : :""i; {i- ::, ai:, : l#'^"j' ;!iliii:, - :i:I F l,',, ril..d r.o. Box 2lo7 Grandt;..-l::u""'-90 80222 P.o. Boi ti;' ;;;i"','E8"'rtilir"o srsoz rsviaed LO/5/92 Date of appllcation Jt^nclLl416 Dat.e of PEC Meeting .luhl lo,lqlS (wotl- *,ssior'r) APPTICATION FOR CONDITIOI{AIJ USE PERMIT I.This procedure is required for any project condlt,lonal use permit The application wiII not be accepted untilsubmitted required to obtain a aLl information Is PHoNE3l3_:2)5&_ A. NAME OE APPLICANT ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS B.APPTICANT' S REPRESENTATI\TE NA}.'E OF orrNER('s) ADDRESS OWNER (S) (print SIGNATI'RE (S) or type)-(own oF Va;l +1et-241+ N.u--caf - Ge-rr-*c.-O- Sn-uq-cro Adn.rr PHoNE313_AJ" B. D,LOCATION OF PROPOSALI TEGAL:LOT ILING ADDRESS FEE S2OO. OO PAID cK#BY Seo',gxhibit b" {or le wa-iver. THE FEE MUSI BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI1Y DEVETOPMENT WTLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stanped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of all , p'roperty adjacent to the subject Property INCLUDING PRoPERTY BEHIND AI.ID ACROSS STREEIS, and a list of names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. 6ec"'(Vxl't'bitc.t{D\' lisl iz( oA'yzen* poycer*8 oanas' II. PRE_APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff rnernber is stiongly suggested to determine if.any additional informatl-on is needed.' No application will be accepted unJ.ess it compleue (must include all items reguired by the zoning admj.nist,rator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an aPpointment with the staff- Eo find out abouE additional submittal requirernents - III. PLEASE NOTE Ti{AT A COMPI,ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAI, PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVA.L THAT THE PLANNING AI{D ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. Af,L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIJED. 9e- +-( Pcs zExhibr* ?Yo\+tt uiPh'od Four (4) copies of the following information musi be submitted: p" f. A description of the precise nalure of the proposed use and its operatlng characteristics and rneasures proposed to make Lhe use compatible wich other propert'ies in the vicinity.. The description must afso address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on developrnent objectives of the Town ' F\Ef{ect of the use on liqht a94[ air, distrlbution QopuraEion, ur-r,spotiaciolaciiities,ut-iIicies, sihools, parks and_recreaEionfacilities, and other public facilities and publicf,acilities needs. A. c. EffecL upon traf,fic, with particular ref,erence to congestion, auLomotive and pedestrian saf,ety and' convenience, Lraffic flow and conLrol, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow fron the street.s and parking area. d. Effect upon t'he character of t,he area in whlch the proposed use is to be located, including.the scale and bulk of t,he proposed use in relation to surrounding uses . . A site plan at a scale of at leasc l'r = 20' showing proposed development of the site, including topography,buildlng locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and util"itles and drainage features. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. ff the building is condominiumized, a letter froth the condominiurn association in support of thc proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning adrninistrator. ** For interior modificagions, an improvement survey and site plan rnay be waived by the zoning administrator. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environment.aL Corunission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete applJ-catlon forn and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submicued a minimum-of four (4) weeks prior to the daLe of, Lhe FEC public hearing. No incomplete appllcaLions (as det.ermined by the zoning administrator) wiLl be accepted by the planning sEaff befbre or after the designated submictal date. AI] PEc approved conditionat use permits shall lapse lf construct.ion is not corNnenced wlt.hin one year of the date of approval and diligent, Iy pursued to cornpletlon' or lf Lhe use for which the approval is granted is not commenced wit'hin one year If E,his applicauion reguires a seParate revi.ew by any local, staLe or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail' the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, nay include, but are not llmited to: Colorado Department of llighbray Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishlng fees which are ln excess of 508 of the appllcaLion fee. Tt, at the applicant's requestr ?Dy matter is postponed for hearing, causing the natter to be re-published, then, the encire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by che applicant. B. A.v. TI gee"ts|h;b;t d 4or ltst of droaLi rrqs o*+a/hA. See. , Exhibi+ F\. 4 . +of T;+1eRafoft- 5- r l., IV. TIME Application for Conditional Use Permit Town of Vail Deparbnent of Public WorkslTransportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit A THAT PART OF THE NORTH } OF SECTIgN E' TOWNSHIP.s SOUTH' R'LNGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH P.iiii6iPAr' I'IIRIDIA}'I; iEClS COUNTY-'. COLORADO' LYING NORTH OF INTERST;TE-iTEiNTAY TO' 7O-ANO BEING }IORE PARTICUIARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLIOWS: BEGINNINGATTHENORT}TEASTCORNEROFSAIDSECTI-ON8;THENCEAI.ONG THE N.RTHERL' r,rN;di saro sn"rrol, -e, Jbur' 8l-l:glx's 46 MrNUrEs 27 SECONDS WESr ilorsreucn oF 1500.-dO-rinr; gH!I9E DEPARTING rHE NoRTHERLY rrxe oi laio sec$oN e''-i6urn-oo'DE_glJEj 23 r'IINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST A OiSt-EirG OF 529.8E TiiT-TO A POII{T ON fHE NORTHERLY Rrc'r oF wAy rrui 6i -rl*ensr^ure HiEffiai No. Z9-I.THEN.E AroNG rHE NoRTHERLY RrcHr blr wiv r.,rwr or rNrEiiteie HIGI{WAY No' 70 FOLIpWING TWO COURSES: 1) SOUTH 75 DEGREES 28 I{INIITE_S 18 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF i6o.e2-iiit ro A PorNr oF cuRvA'fitRn; 2) L327.90 FEET AI'NG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO TEE T'EE[ ' HAVING A nirorus oF s58o.o; ffiT; I CnUrnar'-iiera oF 13 _DEGREES 38 MINUTES 04 SECONDS AND A-C;ONO WHICH SNAF; -NONTTT 89 DEGRE-ES 36 UINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST 1324.70_FNM OTSTANC; iO i- POTXT ON T}TE EISTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 8' THENCEDEPARTINGSAIDRIGHToFwAYI,INEoFINTERSTATEHIGIIWAYNo. 70 NoRrH oo nenREii-il-l4lNutns oi-sic-oNoi-EAsT-AloNG THE EASTBRLy LrNE oF slro s"&i6H-i,--e orsrll6n-or--iii.io rnsr ro rHE PoINr oF BEGTNNTNG, coNteiiiiic-io'480 AcREs l4oRE oR r'Ess' THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION IS BASED ON THE TOWN OF VAIL-ANNEXATION PIATS FoR Tr{E pnopnnry';iJcnisro AND IS i"ot iliio oN} FIELD SURVEY' rHE BAsrs or snARrNc-i-on-rin ABovE_pancru-is THE-I..RTHERLY LrNE oF sEcrroN 8 BErNG-s6uin Be DEcREEi'?e-l.rnruaEs-.?? sEcoNDs wEsr AS suowN oN sArD airxixerron PlATs' (NoRrH ANHoLTZ) LEGAL DESCRI Application for Conditional Use Permit Town of Vail Deparfinent of Public rfforks/Transportation Administation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Renovation Exhibit B Per a telephone conversation with Aady Knudtsen on June 5, 1995, the $200 fee requested with the application is not required because the applicant, the Town of Vail Public Works Department, is a town entity. Application for Conditional Use Pennit Town of Vail Deparhent of Public Works/Transportation Administation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit C List of Adjacent Propedy Owners: Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 US Forest Service P.O. Box 190 Milnrm, Colorado 81645 Attn: Bill Wood Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Joe Macy Colorado Departnent of Transportation 4201 EastArkansas Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80222 P.O. Box 2107, Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 P.O. Box 298, Eagle, Colorado 81631 o Application for Conditional Use Pemrit Town of Vail Departrnent of Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit D Section III, Item I - Description of Proposed Use The proposed project involves expansion and upgrade offacilities at the existing Town of Vail Public Works/Transportation Administation and Maintenance Complex located at 1309 Vait Valley Drive. The project site is currently used to support the operations of the various Public Works Departments as they provide services to the Town of Vail. Operations include Administration, Transportation, Streets & Roads, Fleet Maintenance, Facility Maintenance, Parks & Landscape, Electrical, Carpentry, and Signage Shops. The proposed project maintains the current use of the site, expanding the facilities for Administation, Transportation, Fleet Maintenance and Streets & Roads. \ The proposed project follows the guidelines and drawings in the Public Works Master Plan adopted by the Town Council in 1994. The purpose of the study was to determine and plan for the future needs ofthe department for the next 10-20 years' Expansion of the Administration Building is required to consolidate the engineering divisions and improve efficiency and service to the town and public. Expansion of the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings is required to accommodate new 40 foot long buses being purchased for delivery in early 1996. The project is planned in two phases. Phase I improves Administration and one vehicle repair bay in Fleet Maintenance. Phase II improves Transportation, Fleet Maintenance, the welding bay in Streets & Roads and fueling for all vehicles. A detailed description of each phase follows. The proposed project maintains the existing landscaped berm screening the view in from the south. The site plan development also maintains the righr of-way to the adjacent properly to the west. The low, horizontal profile of the existing buildings is matched in the new building areas, with proposed roof lines at or below the existing roofpeaks. Phase I: Administration Building Addition and Remodel including offices, support area, improved entry and pa*ing. Gross building addition area is approximately 2,000 SF. Remodel area is approximately 2,300 SF. Phase I also includes new electrical service to the Fleet Maintenance Building and upgradeof one vehicle maintenance bay to accommodate repair of the new buses (new vehicle lift). Phase II: Fleet Maintenance and Bus Barn addition including vehicle parking are4 vehicle wash and fueling facilities, driver's lounge and lockers, vehicle body shop and chassis wash bays, and welding shop with vehicle repair bay' Gross building addition area is approximately 13,700 sF. Remodel of the existing Bus Barn includes improved lighting. : Application for Conditional Use Permit Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel l.Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The proposed project is consistent with the Public works Master Plan adopted by the Town Council. All of the improvements proposed will assist the Public Works staffto provide more efficient service to the Town of Vail and the public. Effect ofthe use on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreationfacilities, and other public facilities. The addition to the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings will have a positive effect on the public hansportation provided in Vail by providing storage and repair facilities for longer buses. The longer buses will be able to transport more people without increasing routes or driver time. The low body buses will also be more convenient to use when carrying skis or other bulky items. The addition to the Administration Building will improve the services provided by the Public Works Departrnent, provide visitor parking near the building, and improve definition of the building entry so people can find the "front door"- Efect upon trffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traficflow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snowfrom the streets and parking area. The site improvements around the Administration Building will provide easier access to the building for employees and visitors. Several parking spaces directly south of the building will be reserved for visitors. The relocation of the Driver's area to the Transportation Building will reduce pedestrian traffic between Administration and Transportation. The relocation of the fueling island out of the main site circulation route will improve the flow and safety of vehicles on the site. And frnally, the use of longer, low body buses, which can be accommodated in the new facilities, will increase the number of people the public biq system can handle, improving convenience and therefore potentially decreasing traffic congestion. Application for Conditional Use Permit Town of Vail Deparrnent of Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel 4. Effect upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ofthe proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The addition to the Administration Building will comple$ent the existing building. The new entance stairs and landscaping will6rprove the access and character of the site in front of the existing building. The character of the Transportation/Maintenance Buildings will be generally unchanged by the additions. Most of the area of the additions is on the north side of the building, not visible except from behind the site. The new additions will reduce ice buildup on the north side of the building by collecting roof run-offin an intemal roof drain svstem. Application for Conditional Use Permit Town of Vail Departnent of Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit E Drawing Title Public Works Complex Site Plan Administation Building Site Plan Adminishation Building Floor Plan Administation Building South Elevation Administration Building West Elevation Fleet Maintenance/Bus Bam Addition Floor Plan Maintenance/Bus Barn Addition Floor Plan @nlarged) Driver's Arca & Fuel/Wash Addition Floor Plan Fleet Maintenance/Bus Bam Addition Elevations Scale l": 50'-0 1" = 20'-0 ll4" = l'-0 ll4" = l'-0 l/4" = l'-0 l/16" = 1'-0 l/8" = l'-0 l/8"= l'-0 1/16" = l'-0 i. Application for Conditional Use Permit Town of Vail Departnent of Public WorkVTransportation Adminishation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit F -e,-I, T,ND TTi'''T-,8 GUARANTEE I-'OMPANY Representing Title Insurance company of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER July 23, L99L Our order: vL7211 BUYER/OWNER: TBD SELLER: ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY ADDRESS: METES AND BOUNDS - {^ oF vArL"7s s. FRoNTAGE RD. vArL, co 81557 1 Attn: MIKE BRAKE PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY AT4 PM covENANTS ATTACHED -YES-NO FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN HORTH 3O3 476'225L FOR CIPSING QUESTIONS CALL LAHD T]TLE CdARANTEE MINNESOTA TITLEA HOME OFFICT 3033 East Fi6t Ave.,Suite 600 Denver, CO 80206 P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32r-r880 / FAX,322-7503 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., 1150 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9s96 / FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 5440 Ward Road. 1200 Arvada. CO 8O002 420-0241 / FAX 423-1365 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Cir<le, 1520 Littleton, CO 80120 794-5307 / FAX 794-5802 EAST 3300 5. Parker Rd., fl05 Aurora, CO 80014 75t{336 lFAXT45-2669 FIDDLERS GREEN 64O0 S. Fiddlers Green Circle 1103 Englewood, CO 80111 7714579ffAA.7714526 P. O. 8ox 357 108 5. Frontage Rd. W. Vail. CO 81658 47 6-2251 lDitect 595-96 1 3 F,Jl 4764534 BRECKENRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 4s3-2255 / FAX 453-6014 CTSTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Canle Ro<k, .CO 80104 6884363 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 5. Tejon, #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 534.482 1 /Direct 595-41 1 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main St., ,105 Parker, CO 80134 841.4900 VAIL P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 475-2251/Direct 595-961 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENTS DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango. CO 81303 247-5860 / FAX 247-9089 Commitment To lnsure cofvH^r/ Issud thnwh the otfre of : GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P. O. 8ox 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 945-2510 I F,J< 945478/- HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 7504223 I FA'J( 7504267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, 1202 Lakewood, CO 80215 232-311't / FAX 238-2956 NOKTH 9101 Harlan, f100 Westminster, CO 80030 427-9353/FAX 430-1572 SOUTHWEST 3609 5. Wadsworth, #115 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 IOSEMITE 3600 5. Yosemite, #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 BOULDER. 2425 Canyon Blvd.. #230 Eoulder, CO 80301 4444101 I FAJ< 786&23 ffiHCO[,fiNf .t ALr^toMMrrHENr SCHEDULE A Application No. v17211 For Infornation OnIY METES AND BOUNDS charges -AL'Aowner-Porig*- - tl33.33 tilith your renittance please refer to vu211. 1. Effective Date: July 11' 1991 at 8:00 A.l't. 2. Po1icy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAx Owner's PolicY 1987 Revision (Amended 1990) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this conrnitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: ALI,STATE INSURANCE COMPANY 5. The land referred to in this Cornrnitrnent is described as fol Iows: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 5 souTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN THENCE SOUTH 89 DECREES 31 MTNUTES 49 SECONDS EAST 2333.84 rEET, AIpNG THE NORTH LINE OT'SAID SECTION 9, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY FENCE LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGIIIIAy NO. 70t THENCE AI,NG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY FENCELINE OF INTERSTATE HTGHWAY NO. 70 AS FOLIOWS: SOUTH 67 DEGREES 41 I{INT'TES 33 SECONDS WEST 415.82 FEET' THENCE souTH ?8 DEGREES 13 I{TNUTES 02 SECONDS I{EST L534.29 FEET, TO A POINT OF CURVATURE, TTTENCE 456.43 FEET ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT T{I'IH A RADIUS OF 558O.OO FEET, THE CHORD OF WIIICH BEARS SOUTH 80 DEGREES 33 I{INUTES 38 SECONDS WEST 456.30 FEET TO A POINT ON PAGE 1 SCHEDULE A Applicatlon No. v17211 THE r{EsrERLv LrNE br slrp sEqtroN 9; THENcE DEPARTTNG THE NORTHERI,Y RIGHT OF VIAY FENCELINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHI{AY NO. 70 AND FOLIOWING THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 9 NORTH OO DEGREES 18 !{INIITES 21 SECONDS EAST 565.11 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. f.ALTA\ioulrrrrrENr PAGE 2 l1-,ALTAlicoMMrrr.rENr SCHEDULE 8.1 (Requireurents) Application No. VL72LL The following are the reguirements to be complied with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or roortgagors of the full conslderation for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured rnust be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: NoTE: THE 5155.00 cHARcE DOES NoT REPRESENT THE ToTAL PREIITIJM FoR THE POLICY AI-IOUNT SHOWN IN SCHEDULE A. THE S155.OO CHARGE IS DUE UPON RECEIPT OF THE INVOICE AND WILL BE CREDTTED TOWARDS THE PREMIUM CHARGE UPON CIOSING OF THE TRANSACTION. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUTRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'I.TENTS SENT I'OR RECORDTNG! ! PAGE 3 {'\ALTA?OI'{MITMENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. VLlzLL The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the foltbwing-unleis the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any- g. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OT' A VEIN OR I.oDE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THERETROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMTSES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, I9O3' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI*S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29' 1903, IN BOOK 48. AT PAGE 495 AND RECORDED August 22t 1956, IN BOOK 157 AT PAGE 304. 11. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCTES, IF ANY. 12. I,ACK OF ACCESS TO AND FROM PUBLIC ROAD, HIGHWAY, OR STREET 1-3. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVTSIONS OF REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT RECORDED JuIy 25, 1978 fN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 655. 14. TERI.{S, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF BUILDING AND PROPERTY LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEI.TENT BY AND BETWEEN BOETTCHER & COMPANY AS LESSOR AND THE TOWN OF VAIL As LEssEE RECORDED July 25, 1978 IN BoOK 272 AT PAGE 667. 15. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISTONS OF ASSIGNUENT OF REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, BUTLDING AND PROPERTY LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND ESCROW AGREEMENT WITHOUT RECOURSE RECORDED August 02, 1978 IN BOOK. 272 AT PAGE 990. 16. FTNANCING STATEI{ENT I{ITH BOETTCHER & COMPANY, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED ' July 25, 1978, IN BooK 272 AT PAGE 568. PAGE 4 ( ALTA'oOMMTTUENT ''o SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. VL7zLI SAID FINANCING STATEMENT WAS ASSIGNED TO THE AII,STATE INSURANCE COMPANY RECORDED August 02, L9'18, IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 991 17. TERHS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN VArL ASSOCIATES, LTD., AND GAS FACfLITIES, INC. RECORDED July 17, L964 IN BOOK 183 AT PAGE L57. 18. AN LTNDTVTDED L/2 INTEREST rN AND TO ALL OF THE OrL, GAS AND OTHER MTNERALS, SOLID, LIQUID AND GASEOUS, OF EVERY XIND AND NATI'RE, INCLUDING URANIT'U, IN, ON AND T'NDER AND WHICH }lAY BE PRODUCED FROM THAT PORTION OF SUB]ECT PROPERTY IN SECTION 10 OF LEGAL DESCRTPTION HERETO AS EXCEPTED AND RESERVED By PETER E. KATSOS IN THE DEED RECORDED l.[AY 3, 1950 rN BOOK 165 AT PAGE 227. 19. UNDERGROUND RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATTON, rNC. rN INSTRUI'IENT RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1978 IN BOOK 274 AT PAGE 358. 20. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE BY AND BETWEEN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATTON, INC. RECORDED August 03, 1990 IN BooK 534 AT PAGE 986. PAGE 5 LAND rf3,E GUARANrr"i"ouPANv DISCIOSI,'RE STATEMENT Reguired by Senate BiIt 91-14 A) The subJect real property nay be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The infornation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts rnay be-obtained fron the Board of County Connissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. rIEE rttE!rittc. !8.t{t{r rarF -'r:'--rd,- tta. a -ld|.r eFrt!- ., r'lF- - i: - ill qE-di. h r frl a iirf:. c!rh8.rrc. Gr -t t Iqr IEEI- -- --r |t|tr3 f- Er CD. . a--fr EErr r -frEsi -F3G.- Et tE E errr(f,t E E-. Cfr- t tlr.t!.r a.lb! 'dltt.'l . rDa alrl-!- --P-r -!. ! qFEt! E.IEE- i-rirl lE ! -----fll I E tslr. Cft- r-Erurtlrr {iid 'cs.l3r',. .d - I G|n - -AJ-. r- &tllc ol r.ltrs d a,gstrr .or!.rl- - lrq. rtII l| b fct o! t fl., tc.t ol Colos.&,H.. lllnl {{ft r a I 'll urll 5ill !ill jj r Frlr ot r.{ b tt . *, t calo t, tb'G.tlt t tout!,Hr I Ht ot tD. lti t.I.. r| Dr. lnllt d.rcrtD.d l!H t!| at Da|. tlt t! -\. t 9b Coratt Cocrtbqr., trgl.larLt|t. L& ta €aataat, 8r€oatruct. rs!r.lr, oh..ag., .!1rr9., r.-glurrr oFrrt.d rl|ta.fr ar dargrould alaqlrl\ tr..aElr.1o6 or dl.tllDutlol ll,rr orL|l' tttl tt odrrgrouad y.ulta, ooddutt, tlrtrr.r .!d a$llF.nt ur.{ otn-la lr oco..olloa tbarilCt, to{.tb.r yltt rrrocht.d rgrrlFnt r.qulr.d -i |t!Ca, rltll! tb rbea -ltloaad l.ndr, ugoa ra errnnt lltrcrlbrd - lcll-s lr a.|cat t E (l0l L.t & rlatth. th. e€ntarllac tos r.ta -rEt b.LEN arfrrgsould Dor.s hcllltl.. .r la.t ll.d, tL if)sottrta loo.ttoa o! rttci t ctlttl.! ugon t!. .boer d..ctt^b.d Da8al tr aha oa aritDlt tr attrch.d h.r.to rld rata a p.!tklt bt sal.aaD... ftttLt rttt tl. rlglt to F.De. .!t rad .ll tr.... bru.h, vrg.t.tton .ndclatrEttd rl,tlb reld rtrtp ol lrnd rhra ruc! l. r...on.bly n.c..r.r7tot tL !|}lcltatloe ald uaa ol tha rtgher b.r.lnr.bov. gnnt.d. llt.rtL 6tsl.. b|| (!|!tr ol rny ol lt. rlghtr h.r.und.s. Crrnt.. rh.llDqtft Frtoaa lla aq8l.c. ot th. groend to Llr lorrr condltton, ..raslt aa la gsr€tlc.bla, rlrd ahrll pro4tly r.plrc. rBy rnd rll tr..t.DlUl tld niatrtloD s.-"ad or dllsg.d by C nt... Galto8 airaaa tLl .u hcllltl.. la.c.llGd by Gnnt.. on th. r!ov.AratDad tr.ada rLtt s-.ln ttra prp.rty o! Crrni.., .nd rh.U b.r5r$la at tla oglto! ot c!.!t... Cratar €t5a.ota tlrt lt la tha ovaar ol th. rbov. d.acrlbad lrnda, andtlrt tL talo trDdr rs. fr.a .nd cl..r o! .ncu.Ssrn6r |ttA llanr o!rtat-.ir ctatrct r.rc.Dt tio.. h.ld by th. lol,loilngr !O llll tlD !O EOI! xl.l rl,90rt-ol-rry rnd ..r.Dnt, tog.th.r yt,tl .ll .nd atryElaa tla sliht| rDd prlTll.t.. rpp.si.lnlng th.r.to, lrt|to Gnnt.., lt. aa€aa-aa ald urltaa, lo8avr8. ll ft aa lllllot. Graltor h.r c.-u..d tiat. pa.r.ata to b. drlt r:.o*il a ttl. 1fl U1 "t ,lt?1. u.. .ctEl.dt d b.lor. r lblr ! Uy ot Ltta. br t.nt* .. &J!1gHg2, d Zd€a.EE . lor '|rt lct Ot ylt!. I r.fo$.f oa oltlcl.l ...1. tt. t JI r.'t 6 I I I o :f i. ....r-,,-')f: ,t3i, s its'r l liir '4j. r{ti*a.z .'.r .;.-uc'.' lh.t.,,!{ I I I I ar Go |,t I 8 t2 {(€ 7.ba o 3 rll :3ilErl I t xtlt ;j art '3.stda ,:?wn ffiffitl- btu.r! torlolt cro.a ll.ctstc Lta' t.o: Drrns ll0 o,f rrooa t09.. . @. u'01 .t.: .t- '"/n qiilGl roriiicirrc tlf{r - (urlr€ortourrD r'.tr^r" ( - ,''fi*qlli;iifttltilii-;i*rtitlii.:iT.i:r:llti' o ti ;:' ;; ,rr. toot"tt lr rccrptrl bt th' Attoclrtlon' rol *- fiit$!fiiiilii#liltili$iiliritffi;' A. lrrr r?rtrcrir rllr, rso !h..4.t. .::'.Ll'.:'ll.I'll,:lt'rll.lill Sill!;i'-,^ frifii;if.:*ffi il'li;ihti:riilL,*r$''F;1ffitha ||roci'tlon !'' lndorttl 'l st't ' .' 1. Duit.l tb' !b"'rcalb" lo "A"-rborl' th' Attllc'nt rttl pr7 r bltl' ol '! r-,. ;se.lgl*;iiHi:,ili:,:.:ili,i;:iiiii' ir:il,i:inii;:ii::i'i:'li'u.. o! tha n'I-oci-il lllolttl hourl cortlrp' ,. n.;;:nii"il'*.':::'i:::":'i:;- Y l{"..s'c'!ton e' to"'"hrP 5 s""Gh' Lo3r !O Y"t ot tht 6Gh !'t" tovn ot 9'tl lur gr'h' ?IJg\ r, t. il:""'!ttlli'!il:l!t:l':';t .r ifiiIIiiiili;*"1'iiiiilt:i'i'ii:iili:i:riitii{iiiriqi::i"iflii{:,':' 'r. t;#iii"ilii.iil'*.lii"[ll.l*,*rocrrtror rhr' conrtrtu!' ri rrs'3!'nr ; - '' li*l':flrlBi:ll::l':,:i:lillT.?lollr't*""t rbrrr not b' con'!ft" " ' 'Hiiliii'ffiffii$'iii;il *iifiiil$$'i'Eqn tDol!l!: ti s. trontrt' ld' Y.tl, Colorrtlo ll6!?,.8 ,oE rO .'dou f lrJ au!r.lii6\ualoq rg b.r (orr al '-Jil.,-'.., i,.....1 r i-r i'r Job ;.fl lorn ol Vrll lur tj'rrh Job I lcc.rt ra tlrl. Fnij Btr A,rr -h;l -6 r?att ot t*oo | ... cof,fl Ot tnqtr- ) Itr fotrtoln3 lla!3uir'! rrl rclnorlld2lrl tala I tttl C'. glkt{ 5 I r ra a a a l aa rtttlltr " t' 1 "'t" lacrt lon I Conrurrr Acci tlcrlcrrhl P io. trt rlltlnt lrpl rrr J2-6t L dr.rt t t/r q'r j DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRE MEETING: tlttalatlt atrr.*t**t PR@!.L. A. c. D, DESCRIPTI B.TYPE oF RE\rrEW: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I.JOL Block .APPI,ICANT: Address:Pnone '+1q' 2158 APPITICANT r S REPRESEI.{TATIVE: LarrS 6ra9el, '"sie-I*td'f eatlieil: sarna as abova . - hr- ^* ^ a1a-nt17/41a1-z&4 -Phone II. I{AME OF OWNER(S): JMlnor AlteraEion ($20'00) Zcon"ePtual Review ($0)diHrt?H't;3:3t, l*roo . 00) -#ffi:rii:i'i:ii:,-i;;; ""' Q,exniOry b-" fur la wuve( ADDRES5 1 ngn Vfriall4Drtv4' v^il' ColoraAo 81b51 Dl.l!|GI-rVf Jl\rli ! . Sce. t exhibit A* frr 14ry'l Dc.st Ph'an;i"pt"#;iv i" a*Eiiu"a- tJ- ; rneet" and bounds lesal desctlBtion, please provide ot a stpii"t'e sn"tt and atEach to bbis aPPlicaclon. E. F. ZONING: NAI'{E OF uailing G.NAI}TE OFuailing OIINER(fi)- SIGNATaBEa Mailing Address: APPITICATIONS WILI' NOT Condominirxn ApprovalI. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown abov€r are Eo u"-P111 aE the tine of sgbmtcuai'oi-.tt"-ing ippticacion. r.,aterr-' w1.en applying for a uoiiiiti-pE*ti-c'-Please ideneify Bbe accurace valuaLion o. .n."ii;;;"i:-;h! 16*"-ot Y3il-yltl^igilit*!-l'I3:"1:::lulin"JE fi;t$i; ulio,l-io en"u'e rhe correct fee i!-p.ial--- - F\_, ..n.rol- a.( a'orrv ,rl. bjfutt(# FEE 9CITEDIILE-!- VAI,UATION$ 0-f 19,999iro,ool-$ 59,999 $ so, oo1 ' $ 150 ' ooo trso,ool - $ s99,999 isoo, oo1 - $1, og9, qq9 : it over $1,000,000 DE9IGN EEI|IEW aOARD APPROVAL' ElrllREs F;iovAL ItNrJBss A BurlDrNc PERr{rr rs XS STARTED. Aa,-,. Ll'lq- EE PROCESSED WTTEOW O'INER'S ST@IZEflIRE if aPPlicable. FEE s 2o. oo $ 50.0o $100 .00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00 .00 ON8 YE,AR AFIER FI!(AIJ issuBD alID coNsrRucEron II. III. 1ee -?'hbrf d' S"P"fuhibi+C" E' a. Windows, skYlights and which do not alser lhe building; and si:nilar exterior changes exist,lng B1ane of, the A. o A pre-aBplication meeuiaq with a member of t'he Planninqt staff il- encouraged to dicermine if any adaj tional lipri"uiiott itttof,ition is need,ed' rt is t'he aBplicanL's ;E$Giliritv to-*aie an appoinunenc with the scaff so a.i-er*i"" if lhere are additional submittal reguiremenEs. please noLe Ehat'u col,rpr.,eTr application !.till sEreanline t'he review process for Your Project'' fn addition to meet,ing submitstal requirenents' the ippricane musE stak" ina tape the project lige.99, indicab.e properLY lines, bu-ilding U'nes aad building cornetrs. AII treei-iJ-Ue renove6 must be gaBed' A1L "ilE-Eiiinsi-ana J[ar.i"l-ry"st' be compreted Pfigr t'o the pns site visic. Til;p;licant musl ensure Lhat' 6t'aking aon"-a"iing ctte wintser is noc buried by snow' The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally requires two seParate neeein-g ot-che-Desigm Review Board; a concepiJ"l review and a final review' AppticanEs who tail to lPpear.before Ehe Design neview ii'"ia-Jn Ltreir ""r.la*ri"a ineet,ing dare and who trave not' asked in aclvance -lrr^i ais.ussiou on tlreir iten Pe i;'"'Ep""'da; ;iii-ni.,E-uiEir iLems reuroved from tlre DRB ;;;et-;iil such Eime as LhE iBen has been republished. The following itens may, at the discretlon' of c'he zonins ad'ministriu-"tl-il ipprovea bv ehe cgt5glt-ly oe.rer5prt"nt Depaitment stalf (i'e' a formal rrearinE before- the DRB may noc be required) : B. c. F b. Building addiLions noc visible frorn any otber lot' or public "ilIll- -ni-irre ttrne sucb a proposal is submiteed, -ppiic.nit nusL include legters from adjacent properEy owners ano/or from the agent for or managet oi-.nv iaj"cent condoniniuln asqggiaE'ion sLaEing crt. .""oiiat]-on aPBroves of the acldition' If a property is located, in a mapped hazard-ar9? (i'e' snow avalancrre, t".ii"ii, irooa prain' debris f,]ow' trecland, etc.), a-llizard study musts be submitsted and ;;;- ;;;t - mus t " id-""- irrid'aii t' r-ec9gtliz !t'g g?-h""tcl ;;;.;t--;;ioi-co uie issuance of a-buildins permlt'' Applicants are encourig.d to-check wit'b a Towrr Planaer ;;i;;-g;-ons "ppiicici6" ro deEermine rhe relationshlB-ot *te proPerty to alL maBped hazards' ror all residential consLruclion: a. Clearly indicate on tlre floor pLans the-i'nside face of the exEerior slntceura-l walls of the buitdinE; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on tbe site BIal a four foot ai-s-t'L""-irom the exEerior f,ace of the U"irains waLls or support'ing columns ' If DRB approves the applicaEion-with conditlons or rnodificauions, "ir-.o-n-aiiions of approva]' rrust be addressed prior ;; ;;;-$;iic"il"'- ior a buildiag perniE. G. IV. NSIY COI{STRUCIT Three copies of a recent toBographic survey' scamped by a Colorado Profellsional r.iceased Surreyot ' ,aE a scale of ru -- 20' or larger, on which the following inforzration is providedl r.rot area, and buildable area wben different than lot area. 2. Legal descripEion and Bhysical address' 3. fiio fooL contour interrrals unless the parcel- consists of 5 acres or more. in wbiclr case, 5t conEour intervals nay be accepted. 4, Existing trees or grouBs of, trees lraving trunks with dianeters of 4o oi nore, as measured fron a ' point one foot above Eraale. 5. Rock outcroppinqs and oEher significant naEural features (Iliee boulders, int$illiEtenL sLreans' eEc. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall' etc')' centerlineofstreamsorcleeks,requiredcreekor stiearn seLback, and 1oo'year f,lood plain'- if, ippLica.ble. siopes of 40t o-r more shaI1 be ci-"iiiv aerineatid bv cross hatching' 7. 'Ties E,o exisLing benchmark, eiuber USGS landmark or sewer inteii] inis intormation must be clearly iiatea on the survey so t'haL all measuremenEs are based on t'ne-salne siaretnq point' This is particularrv itnpori""i f oi -cleuenrining brril'd'ing ieight, ana orlviway slQP!' gee Policy on gurivey ini 5rnati-ott, - ioi niore iirr or:rra ti on regard'inqt sux|lrey6. 8. Locations of the following musg be shor+n: c. All utiliEy meter locaEions, including -anyp"a""c.i"-io Ue located on sitse or in tslre iignt'of 'tay adjacent lo t'he sice' d. Propert'y Xines - Aistances and bearings and a basis of bearing. e. Indicate all easements idenEitied on the subdivision P1ac. 9. Provide sBot elevaLions aL Ehe edge of aEphalE' along the street frontagre of the pro?erEy.aE twenty-fiv. ;;;; i"iEtt'ir" l25tl ' ana a ninlnr:m of, o"" "p"e etenation on either si'le of the lot' sLle-gaA A. ,l a. Size and Ll4re of drainage culverts' swales' eLc. b. ExacL location of exisEing utiliEy service lines from their source to the struct'ure' inctuding: Cab1e Tv relephone Sewer WaEer GasEl6cEric E 1. Locations of lhe following must be shown: and f ioished, grrades.a. Existing b. ProPosed surf,ace drainage on and of,f site' c. c. lopor.a drivewav, incrudinf|"f91t,:l:p" and sBoi elevaElons at Ehe properEy. line' garage sf al an4 as -necessary along -thecenterrln" oi trte drive to accurately ref,lecc drivewaY grade' d. A 4r concrete drive pan at lhe edge of. asDlralt tor ariveways that exit the st'reet in an uPbill directios 2. Alt exisLinE imBrovemenls includinq sCnrcturgs' iattas"^p.a irea3, service a!€iLEr sEorage areas' walks, ar:'veiJJi', otf'screet parltlng'. fgl*"q areas, reEai;f;s'*iii"- iwith top ana botEom.of wari ipou erevilions), and other'existinE site inprovements. 3.Inorclereodeternineproposedbui].ding}reights . elevations oi-iir top iooe ridses' ald.t?Y:1-*h* aeiet",ined necessar:r-by the. zoning adrninisEraLor' shall ue indililta-irJine site ptan-wlch exisuins aoa proposed contour lines show! underneaEn' LandFcage PIan (trr = 20' or larger) - 3 copies regtrired L. At a minimr:n, Ehe followinq inf,omation must be provided on Lhe landscape Blan: a. LocaLion of existing trees 4{ diameter or larger, b. T]rye. size and locaEion of all existing and Proposed Plant maLerial' c. Location of all Lrees tO be transPlaoted' cl. A detail'ed legend of all' Broposed.planlnaceriii inchiding corunoD and Lauin rra:nes' 2. Thc locaLion and tlpe of existing and Broposed wit,ering systens to-Ue ernployed in-caring for ptant'niceiiat following its lnstallaEron' 3. Existing and proposed conEour lines' Retainitrg walls should te inctuded wiElt ctre contour inforrraeion tiitt Bop of r^tall and boEton of wa11 elevations I'isted. 4. complete tbe aEEached l-andscape materials list' Si<rn o€f from each util{ fv comqanv YgrlfY+lE Feand availabilicy (see iicicuea utiliLv verlfication fo:rn) ' A.oreliminarv tiEle reDors scbedule A and F tnus!-. accompany arr sffiBelty.ownership;;d-:eAiify all ei...ettt" affect'ins uhe subjecc Properey. Afchitectural .P-lans (L/8" = 1' or larger' L/4" is ilAferred scale i6i ie.tiew) 3 copies are required' l.FloorplansandallelevaLionsof,LheproBosed deveropme"u aii"^-io lcale anil fully dimensioned' The elevatiorr-aiawings must show both existing a'd finished grades. 2- one set of floor plans muse-be lred'lined"- to ghow tror., Ehe gto."-i""iclentiat floor area (GRFA) was cal,culaEed. 3. ExEerior materials anil colors shal]' be specified on tbe ut""JiEa-tltertars list' This mat'erlals list must ;;";;fi1;ita-uno.subnitted as a part of Lhe appric.Ii"".---coi-r cuips' siding samples etc., "n.ri-i"'pt"lenEea a-E the Deslgn Review Board *eetiiE]- t"l"iiJ-includins' but uot LilttLt'ed D. E. F. G. H. I. co tlia, trin, railings, crrin'l gap' -meterlocatlons, etc. EusL be shown Eraphicall'y and fully dinensioned. zone check list (attached) must.be comBleted if the Droiect is loaated within the single'r1mily' iiitiwlsecqnelaw or Duplex zone dist'ricts ' PhoEos of, the existinE slLe and where applicable, oE adjacenE sEnrctures- Tbe zoning Adminisdtitot and/or D-t{8 nay require ttre iulmissioi of additional plans, drawlnEs' .. -specificaEions, J;;i;"-#d other naterials (including l-rnodel) if aeemed irecessarY Eo detenrine wlrether a p"oju"t- wil'I cornplv wich DesiEn Guidelines' Photos or sketches which clearly convey the tedevelopment oiooosaf and the location (site plan) of tlre redevelopment ;;;;;;J *lv o"-"GmitLed in tieu of the more formal i"qitirefitenti set forth above, provided all importane 3#;i;i;;-t'io"l-ioi-irre proposal incLudins colors and' rnieerlals to be used are subnlBced' v. 3ee vI . 'Exhib+C Original floor plaas wiEh all specificacions shown' Three sets of proposed floor pl'ans t/8t = 1' or larger (L/4" - L' is Breferred) Three copies of a site plal.showing exisLing 1,19--proposed- consLrucgion. - Indicage roOf ridge eleva_lions iitlr e*isting and proposed grades shown underneach' ELevations of, proposed addiLioo. PhoEos of Ehe exisEinqr sLructure F. Sllecificalions for all naterials and color sanples on nlLerials llsL (aLtached) ' At tbe request of tbe zoaing AdmiDistracor you oay atso be required to srrbnit: G. A staLenent frorn each uLility verifying locaEion of service ina avaifa-uility' See aLEaclred utilicy location verification forn' H. A site imBrovenent survey, sta'urped by regisgered' CoLorado Professioaal liceased sunreyor' r. e preliminary Eltle reporL, uo verif,y orvnerstrip of property, which lists all easenenEs ' VII. EtrIE&-.ETLELAN oace a building permit has been issued' asd.construcEion is undenrray, ""d-;"-i;;e-ir." Buiidtns DeBartnenE will' schedule a framing i"sp".lio", -c,o eopies oi an ImBrovenent lJocation certlf,icate"J"n.v' (r!c) stanpeo by a regis-tered prof es s io""f ' I"si;reii-t"s t le- iuUri t,ted. - 11he f ollowing iniornation musl be provided on the rrrc: A. Building lOCation(s) with tles co proBerty coln€rEr i,e. distances and angles' E. Building dimensions to the aeares! tench of, a fooE'- A. B. D. z. D. E. G. Atl. utili0r"*r"u Line as'bui1Es, ,lvtnn 9v?9 of maEerial uled, and size and exacE location of liaes ' nasis of bearing Eo tie to section corner. ALI properEy Bins are to be eiEher f,or.lnd or set and stated on improvenent survey. AI1 easenents. Garage slab elevaEioss and all roof ridge elevations wicn-exisring and proposed, gra4es shown under Ehe ridge 1ines. Vf f I . CONeEPIt'ttAIr DESIGIf R5\,[BTI A.Submittal recnriremenbs: The-owner or authorized agent' ffig design approval as.Drescribed tv irii.s-chlpter sriv sub;it plans for concepeual revj.ew ti me oesiln nevilw Board to the DeBartnen! of -c-onqrunity Development. The conceptual revlew ls $ie"dAd Co give- ife appficant a Lasic understanding ol Eiie-JJ^paEibIliry of tlLir proBosal with tlre To$rn's o."ts" -c"ia"ii"e-s. this procedure ls recosmended prirniriry for applicationi mole complex Ebau-single' i*,Itt a'na tto-?ao,iIy resiclances' However' develoBers ;i;figG'ramirv ana'r'wo-tanilv projects shall noE be exclua6d from the opporlunity to reguest a concepcual aesign review. conriiete applicacions musL be submitted io-r6i:.ios days pribr so a-icneduled DRB meetins' rhe following informaEion shall be subrnitted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceptual siee and landscane plal at a minlrrum scale ol one inch eqrrals twenty feeti 2. Conceptual eLevations showlng exterior.materials . and a ttescr:-piiJn oi che chaiacter of the proposed sLrucgure or s Eni'cEuresi 3. Sufficient informaLion to show t'he-pro-posal.. ;6ln;lie; ;iin t'ne development standards of Ehe zoni district in which cle project is t9 b9 locaced (i.e. GRFA, sit,e coverage calcuraEaons' nunber of Parking spaces, etc'); 4. conpleted DRB applicabion f,orm' B. Procedure: Upon receipt' gf an applicaEioa-forffi;ffiI aeii6n-ie*'iE , trre nelirEnegE of Conmunitv Development Jfrlii revlew the subnitted naterlals for generaL conpr{inte wiEh the appropri,at'9*rgg9l-remenEs of, Ehe zoning ioaE. rf cbe BroPosal ls ln basl'c co*piijnce wiirr the zoning-code requirenrents' the ;;i;-a shali-te-ionrardei to slre pns for conceBtual review. rt ifre application is noE generally in compliance with z6-ning code reguirenents' the ipBii"iiion ata sr:lmtEcal utateiiars shall be returned i;-tn; appricint-"titrr a wriLten eq)lanation- as Lo wlry Lhe Cosuuurricy oevelopment oepartglellt staff has found the Project'iloc-co Ui in courpliance with zoning- code requirenencsl- -onc.-i comprece apptic_atlon has been treceJved, *re oii-irriri il"iew tLL submitted coaceptual i."i""-iirpricaiion and supporting naterlal' ln order tso dete::nine whether or Dot the proiect generally comlllies with Ehe design guidelines. trre onA does not voEe on soncept'uar re;ie;6- The property owner-or lris ;6;#;;aeirre shaIl be present lt ttre DRB hearinqr' I-,IST OF MATERIAIJS IIAME OF PROTIECT: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: LOT- BIJOCK - SUBDMSION STREET ADDRESS.. I3O1 VAIL VAU.EY PRIVF,, VAILI COLORAOO Ttre f,ollowing infornation is required for subnittal eo Cbe Design Review Board before a final approval can be qiven: A:" COIJOR A/z/4/BUTI,DING IiIATERIAI.TS : Roof siding OLher walL Mauerials Fascia sof f 1l,s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deqk Rails F'l.ues Flashings Chl,mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retalning WaIls Exgerior Lighting 0Eher TYPE OF MATERIAT, f,<af i tfrv/P/llt ,E/fil /qeab rtbtu-z.t glant tr .t t ll //Jt07 )t l/ A*out^t/t4'f? '4il:ru lol ,</A- /\/h ///tb /d/u/z' afttt/Y &ura;> /dkttze-rl /vlMillP/ - f/6ag . DAWNLI ENTRAN+ DO*,S *ExT*.loR sr4tR LAITIDSCAPING: NAME Of DESigNET: Phone: LAND%AP/N6 AT sTEPPED PLANT€R IN IRONT EF tsUILD/N6 TO OE D€-SI6NED bY PUBL\C WORtsS LANDSCAPE D6I6N4 A"IERDE72'1'* Deg6N oF R7TA|N|N6 Wkt Ls B. prJAr\m MATERTAT,| Botanical Name cn,n^o' *l ouancirv size* PROPOSED TREES A}.ID SIIRI'BS trees. Minimum caliper Iadicate height for coniferous trees lEees ls 5 feeE.**IndGate size of proposed shrubs' 5-celtsa,- TvDe souare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED rYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ C. 'JAI{DSCAPE LfGHTING: If exterior lighting is BropoFed' please shot" the number of fixtures and locaLions on a seParafe iigbt,ins pran. Identify each fixr,ure from the Light.ing plan in rhe spacJ"Uerrr-i"a iroviae the heighE above grade, tlpe of J.ight proposed, lunen output',-luminous area and a cuc sheet of th6 fi-g}.t- fixture. (section 18.54'050 J) OTHER IJAIIDSCAPE FEITURIS (reEainlnq walls' fences' swimming poots, eec.) pr."".-"p"ciiy.-rndl;ace heigles of reE'aining walls. Maxirnum tt"ishi-"f ",itts wiinftt Lhe front setback is 3 , . Maximum neiqhl-;i "taf r" elsewhere on Ltre properby is' 6',' D. *Ind,icaLe caliPer for deciduous /t/ffrtP.'qrdt 4t:/./,? 4/nl/ ',U/r1b /(r./rp.,tL_/r't/a4T t /o/-o41- TM lr4l5 ' - .- tz,'s,/ gr*'' /t ) " *r'v <*r-'w zt4/ I LIST OF MATERTAIJS NAME OF PRO,TECT: LEGAL DESCRTpTION: L,OT- BLOCK - SITBDMSION STREET ADDRESS, lSoq VA|L VA(L?Y OR|V?, VfrlL , coLoRA@ The folLowing informat.ion is required for submilt,al co the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUU.DING llATERlALS: fYPE OF !.IAFERIAIJ COITOR DUICT-UP ROOFRoof Siding OLher walL MaleriaLs Fascia soffl ls Windows Wiudow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lightinq Other FRaUT : W@D GreuveO) stM 1 R7+R : A^zTAL StDt NE \,t'*fa+J eY6TtN6 (pNc. ot ayru a*€ ro e Gpey /AeTkL- M*74+ AJST. /yeTkLcsl/1At(APTo sl'lN6) tt 't WooD lUATcl4 SlqNe oil : s|E€L S€en^1Sta AMT(A ENSTIN6 /^*TdaBT/ NA MATaH 6rst/ CfIAR@*t_GALVANIZCD METTL ll NE NA NA N* l^ N Doops - R?QURED 10 LN.IDSCAPING: Name of Designer: j?l Phone: T7I€ TRANSPOR.T*NON AdYD /VAINTEI\IANE BUILDIN€S AP€ suERouND@ Ntlv+ pAVtN6 rcR vatlcu(AR cJRantATtoN. No L/4A/D<4P/N6 EX/STS AD,JAGNT TD TtE BLlil-DlNd .q/D NoN€: lS pLANNffi Ta b€ADD€D.TH€ tAl\lsape,D BERIA To Ttt€ souTH WILL REMA4N. 6LA6S (Ar pprveBS AeFil B. PTJAIIT MATERIAT.il EalenicdLNese "tg*to" rqle ouanEitv size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS NA *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous trees.rndicate height for coniferous Erees . -Erees is 5 feeL.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs' 5 oa119n. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ TvDe NA Sou+re Foot,aqe C. IJAI{DSCAPE LfGHTING; If exLelior lighting is proposed' please strow the nunber of fixLures and I'ocations on a separate tignci,,gpran.rdentifyeachfixt,urefromt}re]'ight'ingplanin rhe ,p."J-'b"f"*-""4 irovide Lhe heighr above grade, tl'e of J.ighE proposed, lrunen ouepuL, Luminous area and a cuL sheet of tfr6 f i-ght f ixture. (seccion L8 . 54 ' 050 J) OTHER IJAIiIDSCAPE FEATURES (reEaining walls' fences' swimming pools, etc.) P1;;;-;;;ci;t: i;di6ace heishts or reEainins wa1ls. t'taximum riEisitl-ti *itts wibhin Ehe Eront setback is Jil--ll"*i*"rn h;ifir-;a wall-s elsewhere on lhe prop€rt'y is 6' ' D. Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Departnent of Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRTPTTON THAT PART OF TH8 NORTH i OF SEETION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EAGIJ COI'NIY, COIORADO, LYING NORTIT OF INTERSTATE HTGHWAY NO. 70 AND BEING MORE PARTICUI,ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLIOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 8; IHENCE AI.ONG THE NORTHERLY I,INE OF SAID SECTTON 8, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 45 MTNUTES 27 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 15OO.OO FEET; TIIENCE DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, SOUTH OO DEGREES 23 I'TINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST A DTSTANCE OF 529.86 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70; THENCE AIPNG THE NORTHERIY RIGHT OF WAY LTNE OF INTERSTATE HIGIIWAY NO. 70 FOLTPWING TWO COI'RSES: 1) SOUTH 75 DEGREES 28 l.lrNUTES La SECONDS EAST A DTSTANCE OF 180.82 FEET TO A POINT OF SURVATURE' 2I T327.90 FEET AI'NG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE I,8FT, HAVIIIG A RADIUS OF 558O.OO FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 13 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 04 SECONDS AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS NORTH 89 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EASf 1324.70 FEET DISTA}ICE TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 8' THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70 NORTH OO DEGREES 23 MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST AIPNG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, A DISTANCE OF 572.1-0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 20.480 ACRES I4ORE OR I,ESS. THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION IS BASED ON THE TOWN OF VAIL ANNEXATION PIATS FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AND IS NOT BASED ON A FIELD SI'RVEY. THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THE ABOVE PARCEL IS THE NORTHERLY.LINE OF SECTION 8 BEING SOUTH 89 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 27 S€CONDS WEST AS SHOWN ON SAID ANNEXATION PIATS. (NORTH ANHOLTZ) : ' Design Rwiew Board Application Toum of Vail Dcparment of Public S/orkJTransportation Administration and lvlaintenance Comploc Expansion and Renovation ErhibitB Pa a telephone conversation with Andy lfuu&sen on Ime 5, t995,the fee requested with the application is not rquired because the applicant, the Town of Vail Public Works Deparhent, is atorrn entity. r\.\ Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Departrrent of Public WorkVTransportation Administation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit C comments and Questions pertaining to specific sections of this DRB Application, Section III - Important Notice Item A: Please advise if and when the DRB witl visit the Public Works site to review the project so appropriate taping and staking can be completed. Item E: The Public Works/Transportation Complex is located in a rockfall and debris flow hazard area. Deflecting berms and swales were part of the original site design and constuction :In1979. A previous proposal for expansion of the Administation Building required realignment of the debris flow ditch on the east side of the site. Ifthis mitigation is required for the Administration Building expansion cunently proposed, the realignment will be incorporated into the site design. A Hazard Analysis for the Master Plan Site Expansion was completed in December 1994 and is available if required. The analysis focuses on topography changes associated with a retaining wall not included in this project. Section VI - Additions Item A: As-Built drawings of the Administration and Transportation/Maintenance Buildings are attached. Interior alterations have been made to the Administration Building since its construction, but the exterior appears to be per the original drawings. A large addition has been constucted on the east end of the Transportation Building, extending it approximately 125 feet. Interior modifications have also occurred, relocating the wash facility, etc. The existing addition matches the original construction in profile, materials and colors. Item B: Three sets of floor plans are provided. The Administration Building Addition Plan is at l/4'- l'-0 scale. Due to its size and relative simplicity, the Maintenance/Transportation Building Addition Plan is atl/16t .1'-0 scale. Two areas are enlarged on sepaxate drawings to 1/8" : l'-0 to show detail. See 'Exhibit E' for a complete drawing list. Item C: A site plan of the entire complex is provided at l' = 50'-0. Roof spot elevations are show for the Maintenance/Transportation Building (existing and proposed). An enlarged plan of the east end of the site provides information on the Administation Building. : Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Deparhnent of Public WorkdTransportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Item D: Representative elevations are provided for all the building additions. Item E: One set ofphotographs ofthe existing structures is provided. Item F: The materials lists for both additions are attached. Materials and colors are planned to match and/or blend with the existing structwes. One set of representative color samples is provided. Actual manufacturer samples will be available after specific products are selected. Landscaping around the Administration Building will be developed by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. The desigrr will incorporate comments made during review of the previously proposed addition regarding additional trees. There is no planned landscaping associated with the Maintenance/Transportation Building. Additional site lighting is anticipated to improve safety of bus drivers and employees working late night and early moming shifu. Exterior lights will also be provided at building pedestrian entrances. Light fixture selection will comply with the Town of vail Lighting ordinance requirements to limit undesirable spill of light. Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Departnent of Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit D Project Description The proposed project involves expansion and upgrade offacilities at the existing Town of Vail Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. The project site is currently used to support the operations of the various Public Works Departnents as they provide services to the Town of Vail. Operations include Administration, Transportation, Streets & Roads, Fleet Maintenance, Facility Maintenance, Parks & Landscape, Electical, Carpentry, and Signage Shops. The proposed project maintains the current use of the site, expanding the facilities for Administration, Transportation, Fleet Maintenance and Streets & Roads. The proposed project follows the guidelines and drawings in the Public Works Master Plan adopted by the Town Council in 1994. The purpose of the study was to determine and plan for the future needs ofthe departrnent for the next 10-20 years. Expansion of the Administration Building is required to consolidate the engineering divisions and improve effrciency and service to the town and public. Expansion of the Transportation and Maintenance Buildings is required to accommodate new 40 foot long buses being purchased for delivery in early 1996. The project is planned in two phases. Phase I improves Administration and one vehicle repair bay in Fleet Maint€nance. Phase II improves Transportation, Fleet Maintenance, the welding bay in Streets & Roads and fueling for all vehicles. A detailed description of each phase follows. The proposed project maintains the existing landscaped berm screening the view in from the south. The site plan development also maintains the righr of-way to the adjacent properly to the west. The low, horizontal profile of the existing buildings is matched in the new building areas, with proposed roof lines at or below the existing roofpeaks. Phase I: Administration Building Addition and Remodel including offices, support area' improved entry and parking. Gross building addition area is approximately 2,000 SF. Remodel area is approximately 2,300 SF. Phase I also includes new electrical service to the Fleet Maintenance Building and upgrade of one irehicle maintenance bay to accommodate repair of the new buses (new'v.ehicle lift). Phase II: Fleet Maintenance and Bus Barn addition including vehicle parking area" vehicle wash and fueling facilities, driver's lounge and lockers, vehicle body shop and chassis wash bays, and welding shop with vehicle repair bay. Gross building addition area is approximately 13,700 SF' Remodel of the existing Bus Barn includes improved ligbting. Desigrr Review Board Application Town of Vail Deparhrent of Public Works/Trarisportation Adminishation and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Remodel Exhibit E Drawing Title Public Works Complex Site Plan Adminishation Building Site Plan Administration Building Floor Plan Administration Building South Elevation Administration Building West Elevation Fleet Maintenance/Bus Bam Addition Floor Plan Maintenance/Bus Barn Addition Floor Plan @nlarged) Driver's Area & Fuel/Wash Addition Floor Plan Fleet Maintenance/Bus Barn Addition Elevations Scale 1" = 50'-0 1" = 20'-0 l/4" = l'-0 l/4" = l'-0 ll4" = L'-0 1116" = l'-0 l/8": l'-0 l/8": l'-0 l/16" = 1'-0 Design Review Board Application Town of Vail Department of Public Works/Transportation Administration and Maintenance Complex Expansion and Renovation Color Samples Administration Building Wood Siding - Stained (Match Existing) ,. - .'.' |t 2M56D Hoedown Administration Building Concrete Retaining Wall at South Elevation Administration Building Metal Roof at South Maint/Transportation Building Wood Siding - Stained (Match Existing) Adminishation Building MainVTransportation Building Metal Trim (Match Existing)