HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOV PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SHOPS FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM\at V'.\\aqc Ct\inq 8 (luc LJo*s gavr\c,nancA 6hoP9 6..- E\rhcn 1s\evn Y ,'*^crvarl 0FFfCE c0Pn" PREFARfu BY: Tm,ts J. Ctenmnac Nw ElecfitcInc, 114E42 ELECTMCAL CONTNACNOK NEW FIECTNC INC. CONTACT: JtyVanYoont Phone No. 97&919.4651 T O O Kr;rnl"^-,^''*-\1ra NOTE: Wlt€ |€sbne b trkeo fiqn O|.&r 9 Trbte S of 0le t{atoml Ete.tdc code (l{Fp z)). R€s&bnce sl|own b cahibbd .t 75 d€gt!€s Cenbr* (167 degEes FaEnh€t) GamqrypJl d Datf Sheet 1071 DH Series Door Holders F€atw€s . Very Low Cunent Drawr Superior Holding Forc€ and Low Residual Magnetismr Durable Die€ast Metat. High Lustre Double Chrome or Brass ptating r Dual Voltage AC or DC Inputsr Terminal Block Connections ' single or Double coil Floor, surface and Direct Mounting (No Brackets Required)r Aircraft Quality DH Drill Fixture available to reduce installation time and costsr E*ension and Misalignment Rods Garnsil,sll's DFI Seriesdd€cfomagneilc fire Door Fbldels are conefucted of the finest materials and ryorkmanshio avaihblo. The dmr holder ls rnade of durabl€ die.cast metal ffnished in high lusfe doubl€ cfirorne or brass plating. Oth€r t€atures include standard dual voltegs AC and DC inpub ol 24 & l?f'i!l (s'tandard), as u^ell as j 2 & 24V and 24 & 220tU models. While Educing stocking reguir€ments, th8 24 & 120v model dra\rrs a firre .020 nA at 24 VDC, lovvering ov€rall.iobccts. tn larg6 installations, the cost savings can b€ substantial. Ohor featur€s include single or double ooll floor rnounung, surtace rnountlng and dhect wall rnounting. No brackets are requir€d. The DH Series Door Flolder offers a new Inshlladon tochnlque using an adhcivs template aseuring alignmant without secondary adjustm€nls. Accessories include extension and mioalignrnsnt rods (various lengths) enabling paralldign betw€on door ard watddstances gr€atertlantu€hEinches and misalignm€nt orr€r lour inch€s. Arrding in Installadon ls ths akcralt quallty DH drill fixture that r€duces installarion timeand pro/id6a nearperMalignrn€nt of catcfFplate and armature, again - lourering o/erall irBbtlat'ton co6tg. Basic units offer superior holding force and low r€sidual magnetism. Mod€ls working at 12 & 24V utd 24 &.120V can operate at higher lieted vottages, prG d.lcing holdlng forces in excess of 1m pounds(45.3 kg,)forspecial applications. Standard Appfiosdon Gamailell's elecuomagnelic DH Ssri€s Door Holders er€ design€d to hold self- doeing s^ringlng doora open untl cle- eno€lzed by a rernot€ s€nsing devlce r€sponding to smok€, heat q flarn€s; or byafire alarm system or a srritcfr. Wren denergized, the door hddsr robses f|e door, enabling it to swing clos€d b ch€c*th€ spread of srnokg. heatorlhrn€€. The door hold€r can also b€ usod in oth€r r€rnot€ door-closing appl'r$ns as well. The unlts are recornrnonded for autornadc area protectlr against smd€, heat and flamos in schools, hospitals, nurslng homos, otlices and otrFr puulc bulldings of all kinds. Gamewell's DH Series of olecf omagnetic door hdders are specially €nginesr€d lor eagy connaction to d€ioctors, sensors, alarm systemo and annunciator s]€tems to cr€ate simpl€, lo\,v coc fir€ protectjon systems. DQ/mA AOmA Termlnals LB. KG. !?Y, , I .S Commona6Grage 30 1s"6 lj;u" il.& Fiillil$ffi.+iiiu ;i ii,ir2o v !-- 4ilil; & Hi;'hv;iia-s; 35 ia:6t*y,, n 5idr common&LoivVoftage 40 18.1 c-offitt-ttMd.tatt4r*qd*2zov :--.l!iln comil;&iid'hv;iFs; ;i 1.,.gN|oIE: FbHing brces |iSra ir affi-ffiE'oonepono "ltr sfrad€d n'drr€6; nqr*fiaded rrabes ar€ stighuy bss.)i&"y T ffi_HIG!{:H:OLD|!|GFORCE/Sprc pLtClTrOrrrS: "-" ro oo*rn penornanc€ varu.: f_r*!g,+gJ, appry high vo[ag6 to row vottag€ rermrnars (c & L).This configuration can onty be apptied to 12 & edy'ard i;e 12OV models.\. Odedng Inbrnalon: I tr tr tr tr tr trtr tr tr trtl tr tr trI tr tr trI tr tr tr tr tr tr DH-FC1 DH-FB1 DHSCl DH€B1 DH€C1 DH€B1 DH€C2 DH€82 EITEXtlOf,Sr DHE1C DHE1B DHEl5C DHE158 DHEzC DHE2B DHESC DHE3B DHE4AC DHE4AB ilGGEt3OFlE$: DHCrc DHCPB DHSBC DHSBB DHBBC DHBBB DHW DHDF Semi-Flush, Chrone € Semi-Flush, Brass Surface Mount, Chrorne Surface Mount, Brass Ground Mount, SingleDoor, Chrome Ground Mount, Single Door, Brass Ground Mounl, DoubleDoor, Chronre Ground Mount, Double Door, Brass 1' Extension Rod, Chrome 1'Extension Rod, Brass 1.5' Extension Rod, Chrorne 1.5' Extension Rod, Brass 2 Extension Rod, Chrorne Z Extension Rod, Brass 3 Extension Rod, Chrome 3'Extension Rod, Brass 4" Adjustable &tenslon Rod, Chronre 4'Adjustable Extension Rod, Brass Catch Plate, Chrome catch Plate, Brass Swivel Base, Chrome Swivel Base, Brass Bac* Box, Chrome Back Box, Brass Extension Wrench (2 pcs.) Swivel Base Mornting Drill Fixture SURFACE IIOIJlfNilG GE}IERALTOUTfr|ilO Gamewellfr irys1l"J"'.ilx,i,lifi "ti#:3*:f"r:9,ffi J;:13:"J}11std;lt,ilfll:'; "o. . o", o. EJ Sp€cifir'ations are subj€ctto chang€ without notice; Installationand wiring Instructlons Data and d€slgn subjact b chango, g.ippty subr€d to avalleb tty CW q/s (revteeO) nhteO tn U.S.a.60 Pleasant Street Ashland, Massachusetts 0l 721 (508) 231-1400 FAX (508) 231-09@ UL, CSFM Gamewelrffi Ns/Ns4 *o,?il: l5!l NON-SYNCHRONTZED/ SYNCHRONIZED HORN STROBES S€d€s NVNS4 Hom Sbob€ applianc€s are a LOW CURRENT d€sign with ZERO INRUSH. The hom applianc€s provide a solo€-taHe continuous hom bne or temporal pattom (Cod€ 3) tong whtrl constant voltag€ fioan a Fim Aarm Control pansl (FACP) is apflied. Each ton€ has tlo dB 8€tting6 to choose from. All models (hom only or horn with strobs) may be synchroniz€d when us€d in conjunction wih th€ SM or OSM Sync Modul€(s) or FF8 power Supply with patont€d Sync Protocol. Additionally, lho horn may be ailenced while msiniaining slrob€ activation of the NS/NS4 Hom Strob€ applianc€s. All of these featuros ars achi€vabl€ with oither Patentsd 2 Whe Serios NS d wih the 4 whe NS4 (A.rdible will operate only with pow€r appli€d lo both strob€ and audibl6). Th6 NS/NS4 Hom Strobe appliances ar€ d€signod for maximum performance, reliabitity, and cost-€fieciiveness whil€ me€ting or exc€eding th€ lat€st roquitoments of NFPA 72 (National Fir€ Alarm Code), ANSI 11 7.1 (Am6dcal National Sbndard for Accossibl€ and Usable Buildings and Facilities) and UL Standard 1S71 (Standard for Signaling Devices bi The.. Hoaring tmpaired) and UL 464 (Auaibt€ Signal Applianc€s). NS/NS4 Audible Strobe appliancee, when proporly specifi€d and installad in accordanoe with NFPA/ANSI standards can provide the Equivalent Facilitation allow€d und€r ADA Acc€ssititity cuidelin€s (ADAAG Gonerat S€cfon 2.2) by meting or oxcooding he illumination wlricfr results frtom th€ ADA specifi€d suobe intfisity of 75 cand€la at SO fe€t. fiis is an illumination of .030 lumens por squar€ foot. When used with ho SM or DSM Sync frihulee or FF8 power Supdy wit| Pat€nt€d Sync protocol, th€ continuous horn ton6p.!!pT a. synchronizod bmporat (Cod€ 3) ton€ (requir€d by NFPA-72 (1999). Strcbe Average Cunent Approvals UL 1971 and UL 464 List€d FCC Paft 15 Califiomia Stab Fire Marshal (CSFM), Nevr York City (MEA) CD FbGd Setting on Candela Modd 15 .o7715//5 .08930 .1oT75 .160110 .187 Hom Avarage Currenl6 24VDC Multi Cand€la fr;r .079 .148 .178 Facbry Mutual (FM) and Chicago (BFP) Apprcved ADA/NFPA/ANSI compliant Features . Fi€ld sslec{ablo Candela sottings: 15,30,75, or 110 cd and non s€locdabl€ models avallable in 15, 15f5, 30, 75, and 11Ocd . Sol€ctable continoG hom tone or bmporal pattern wifr s6l€ctabl6 dBA e€nings of 90 or gS dBA . Univ€rsel [tounting Plate . Wall mount only . 2 wir€ or tu€ 4 wire 24 VDC models with 4 wire veraion m€€ling NFPA 72 (1999) 1-5,8,4 . Matchino hom aveilebl€ . Mo€ts OSHA 29 Paft 19'10.165. C92246 Rev. 080[!.6 Page 1 High 95dba Low 90dba 0.0u A 0.015 A Tho notificstbn applianc€(8) shsll b€ NgNs4 Hom strob€ and companion SM anct DSM Sync Module(s) or FFg pow€r Supply witt Patsnted Sync hobcol. NsyNS4 appliancos shell b6 list€d und€r uL standerd tezi lemergeniy D€vic$ for the H€adng lmpair€d tur Indoor Fire.probclion s€rvic€). series NH Audible Hom, sM and DsM sy'nc Modul€s shall be uL lisr€d und€r standard 4e+ (Fire Prot€cti\lo signaling). NVNS4iNH, sM and DSM strall ba certified to meet FCc part 15, class B. The appllanco8 shall be dasign€d for 2 or tl-wiro operalion and shell pro/ide eithar a continuous hom/lone or tomporal (code 3) tone wh€n constranily applied voltago trom a Notification Appliance circuit (NAc) of he Fire Alarm Contsd panel (FAcp) oisyndroJliz€d t€mporal (Cod€ 3) hom and synchroniz€d strobs when used in oonjrrrction with the sM or DSM sync Modul6(s)or FF8 Po!,ver Supply wih Pat€nt€d Sync probcol. NS shsll bo d€signed so hat tho hom lono may be silenced whil€ mainhining sfob€ activation (whon usod with the SM orDSM Sync Moddes or FFB Po$,€r supply). The sM and DSM Sync Module(s) shall inmrporat€ two inpub ftom th€ Notificadon Appliano€ circuils (l,lAc) tor por6r conn€ction from the Flre Alirm control panet; ons for th€ sbob€ iNAc) ciro.rit and on€ forth€ audibl€ (NAc) circuit A singl€ 2 or +wir€ output shall control both the audible ano visuaiappfiances. upon activation oflhe audible s ence function of the Fir€ Alarm control Panel, the hom ton€ shall be eitencbi whil6 maintaining strob€adivatim. sound output at 10 f€6t shall b€ field s€loctabl€ ficr go or 95 dBA anedroic at 24 VDC for both mnlirirrcus ortdnporaf (codo 3) tono. seri6s Nsi/Ns4 shall provide listed sfob€ intonsitiss ot 1s, $ns,go, 7s, and 110 candela for wallmount applcatims, with a fladt rate of one fiash per second minimum across tts listed voitage rang€. Tho sfobo shallincorporat€ a Xenon@ flashlubs 9!9o€€d in e n gg€d Lexan o l€ns. sM or DsM sync Modules or FF8 powsr supply withPator od Sync Protocot and NSNg{Hqn strobei shall be dedgned as a Eysl€m 6r continuare adivetion of th€ strob€s.should th6 Syttc Module contacb fail in he passive state (i,e. conbcts r€main clGs€d), h€ stob€s sh€ll rov€rt to a nonsynchronized rate of 1 flash p€r socond (d€fault ntod€). Pe Numb€r D€ccr|tltlon 72028 72029 71686 71887 71688 71689 71690 72030 72031 71813 71814 718r5 71816 718,t7 2 wiro s€l€ctablo candela hom/strob€, Wall Mount, R6d (N$24MCW-FR) 2 wire sal€ctdlo cand€la hoE/strob€, Wall Mount, White (NS-2aMCW-FW) 15CD, 0.077 Arnp', Wail Mounr, Red (NS-241SW+RI 1!i?5 cD,0.091 Amp', Rsd (Ns-24147sW-FRl ? 30C,D_, 0-107 Amp', Wail Mount, R€d (NS-243OW-FR) 1!-C-?, 0.160 Amp., watt Mount, R6d (NS-2475W-FR) 1 1 oCD, 0. 1 87 Amp., Wail Mounr, R€d (NS-241i oW-FR) 4 wire 24VDC B€lectabl€ candeta hom/strob€, Wa Mount, Red (NS+24MCW_FR) 4 wiro 24VDC sol€ctabl€ cand€la hom/sbobe, Wall Mount, White (NS+24MCW-FW) 15CD, 0.054 Amp', (NSa-2415W-FR) 15t!5 cD, 0.068 Amp., (Ns4-24157sw-FR) 3(ED, 0.08'l Arnp', (NS4-2430W+R) 75 CD, 0.133 Amp', (NS+247SW-FR) 1 10CD, 0.151 Arnp., (NS+2411 OW-FR) Mounting AccsssoriG tur S€ri€s NH E NS 68593 71706 'Plus Surf€c€ Beck Box, 4' SquerB, Red @Be.R) Surface Back Box, Shallow, Red (SHBB-R) :n{*:.lt Hls]fpll* arF provided tor information only and are bslteved to b€ acc rat6. c'amelvotr assum€o no r€sponst-u rv |or ur€r usE' Llata arxt dslon _a|E suti€d tD change wltnut notc6. Insbuatbn and whing imtuctims shlppod wlfi the produdshall altva)6 b6 usod br actuar rnltduton. -For mora iniormaton, contact camewstt. Gameureffi ;f"ff:"",|3i *"** urlR^DYnoE E Ashland, MA 01721 Voic€ {508} 231-1400 BB&FtREBox. (s88) 947€269 FAX (508) 2s1{900 www.gamew€ll.com Ocamswdl 2002Made in the USA CS-Zll8 Rev.0802-E Page 2 Gamespfld tfr:x, 700 Non-Goded Century Station Features o Durable construction, r Compact design, blends with surroundings. r Recessed pull lever prevents accidental ooeration.. Seltclearing breakglass design. o Shock and vibration resistant, o Available with wire leads or screw terminals. o Surface or semi-flush installation.. Optimal generalalarm kellslriltch .r Double Action option.. Key Reset option.r Die cast aluminum construction.. U.L. Listed r CSFM r ADA Approved Of modern, compact design, the non- coded lire alarm Century Station satisti€s architectural requiroments tor a manual alarm initiating device which does not detract from the decorativ€ aspects of a building interior, yet is easily observed. The Century Station is shock and vibration resistant as no mercury element typ€ contacts are used. A toggle switch of rugged construction provides exceptionally high resistanc€ to accid€ntal operation from sudden shock. Accidental operation from contact with moving objects also is virtually impossible as the pull lever does not protrude, The Century Statione are availabl€ in three models which can be used for both surface or serni-flush installation. Model M46- 28 has a N/O alarm conracrwith 4-wire leads for in and out connections. Model Mzl&29 and M46- 30 use screw terminals for in and out atarm connections and an extra Form C auxiliary contact. In addition, Model M46-30 provides a Form C general alarm keyswitch which is mounted behind the pull lever. The koyswitch ie not accessibte until the pull lwer is operated. The general alarm keyswitch is provided with duplicate terminals for in and out wiring. Opentlon The station is essentially a switch, en- closed in the fire alarm box sh€ll. lt is operated by the simple act ot pulling foruvard a readily identitiable bullseye alarm lever marked 'Pull". Upon operation, this lever locks in the alarm position and remains so until reset by an authorized person. Res€tting is accomplished by either releasing the screw at the top right hand edge of the station, or using the CAT60 key with the Key Reset option. Both of thes6 actions r€lease thg tront of the station which is hinged atthe bottom, ther€by exposing the toggle switch which can then be manually reset, permitting the cover to b€ replaced in its normal position. An optional br€akglass rod may be used with all stations; however it doesnot detract from thg station's appearance when it is not usod. The breakglass type station is trequently specif ied for its psychological value in the prevention of malicious false alarms. It also provides additional protection against tamp€ring. The self-clearing design prsvents jamming of lhe station and ther€ is no danger to the operator from broken particles of glass. Space is providecl u/ithin the station housing for storage of one replacement glass rod. Standard *ppllcatlon The Century Stiation provides a non- coded manual alarm initiating input to a Gamewell conventional fire alarm system; i.e., Flex 300/3000. Flex 50O/ SimpliFire, Zans 400, INS-2 CZ's. Enginee/s Specifbatim The manual fire alarm station shall be a Gamewell Century Station model number M-46 and shall be listed by U.L. lnc. The single/double aclion non-coded station shall consist of a die-cast aluminum housing fitted with a pullout hver which, when operated, locks in position after activatlng alarm initiating conlact. The body of the manualstation shall be hlnged to a backplate ass€mbly which is locked by a slot head screw, Resefting the stalion after operation shall require opening the front cover for access to th€ alarm switch. The manual fire alarm station shall be adaptable for surface or semi-flush instrallation. In addition, there shall be prwisions for a self clearing breakglass mechanism and a key operated general alarm switch accessibl€ only after th€ pull out lever has been activated. t; l lt 1 lrit riv'r' hton llabrlal: Box face, pull lev€r, target background, and backbox for surface mounting are die-cast alumrnum. (backbox sold seperately) Flnlrh: Fire alarm red, srnooth gloss enamel. Raised cast tettering is high- lighted, Target backgroundforpull lever is white gloss onamel. Dlmcnllon!: M-46-4.5/.. high by 3-1lo' wide by 15/'r' deep. M-16 wlth key reset option-$'/.. high by 3-t/,' wide by tul,.' deep. Surlace backbox pin29l62,4%. high by 3-r4'wide by 2-3lr' deep. Contact Rallngr SPST, DPDT 6 arnps at 125 VAC/yDC 3 amps at 250 VACNDC SPDT (keyswitch) 3 amps at 125 VAC Shlpplng I'yelghts: Alt flush statlons 1 lb., surfaco backbox 1 lb. The Century Statbn should be installed ap proxlmatelyf ivefeetfrom thefinished floor level. For surface type stations, a di€-cast backbox Dln 28162 must b€ ordered s€parately. This backbox has tapped holes top and bottom for g/4. conduit, Conduitbushingsmust be usod to avoid abraslon of th€ incoming wlres. The unused c,onduit entrance should be closed with a 3/4'ftush pipe ptug, not furnished. Also 1/2'or 1. conduit can be used wih proper bushings. Wcrtherploof Garket: Neoprene gask€l pin 50397with adhesive backing provides for weatherproof installation on surfac€ backbox pln n76z. For semi-flush installation, a standard 4. ot 4-1 1/1 6' squale box wlth single gang plaster ring is recommended. Th6 total depth between the back of the wall box and tace of the plaster ring must be at least2-1/2'. lfa 1-1/2'deep box is used, the plastsr rlng must b€ at least 1 . deoo . lf a ? deep box is used, the plaster ring must be at least 1/Z deep, A singte gang switch box cannot bo used. Brltkgla$Optlon Place the glass rod in the slots on the h Ing ed lront. Be sure the "PULL" lever is always behind the glass rod. Return the hinged lront to the station and tlglrten thr slot hod |c|wrecurrlytoass|l]r propor ongegomcnt of thc rtalfon m..mbly. Doublo Acton Optlon Requires lifting double action lever before pulling down "PULL" lever. Key Rcset Optlon Requires turning astandard CAT6O k6y (included) to reset station. Key reset option for flush mounted installations onry. SPST Switch with in and out teads on inithting circuit SPST Switch with terminats DPDT Srryitch with in and out termlnals on Initiating circuit DPDT Sritch with in and out t€rminals on initiating circuit and SPDT general alarm keyswitch with in and out terminals Options for above stations: Double Action Key Reset Key Reset/Doubl€ Action Backbox, surface mounting Weatherproof Gasket Glass Rod flfuno"*|. 1#ljtsJ",' U.r6.28 o6 ^ffl f*le ",iflI),-*f,iH tNtT. ccT. M.6.2e AUX. CCT. Itr tr trtrtrtrtrtr M4&28 M46-287 M4&29 M46-30 30653 30653-01 30653-02 28762 50397 279ffi Gamevrrell spgcilcations andwiring intqmalion are pro'ided fof information onry and are berieved to be Tllj-1?: ^*y:r*,.came$/sil Tsuqes no responsibiilty tor their use, Speciiications aie woiLDWtDt ::!i:gtl? ".tr^99 *thour nodce; jnsta ation and wiring inaructions shipped with the product Ashland, Massachusetts 01 721 (508) 231-1400 FAX (508) 231{900 should be used for actual instellation. Oata and dEsign subirct lo ctla qs. Suppty lubi€cr b a\€fiabitny cW trlg (revised) ftinted h U.S.A. U.1.. CSFM GameHfRl[6 iBft'.=,?[3i*oNrzED/ S6ri€s RSS Multi-candola Strobo Applianc€s off6r a field s€l6ctabl€ droic€ of four candola s€tting8 including; iS, 30, 75, or 110 candela. Prs-s€t cand€la versions ara available in 15, gO, 75, 100, 150, and 177 candeh for c€ilirg mounting. Th€ss wrsatil€ Shob€ Appliances will satisfy virtually all r€quir€ments for indoor, wall and ceiling mount applicaliorc. All mod€ls may b€ eynchronized when used in cor{unclion with ho SM or DSM Snc modules or tre FFgpow6r supply. Synchronized strobes can oliminate possibl€ restrictions on lho numb€r of strobes in lh€ field of view. Th€ae synchroniz€d Btrob€s ofi6r an €asy lal to comply with ADA r€quir€monl8 concerning photosensitiv€ €pilepsy. The Series RSS Multi-candela slrob€s employ aPabnt€d Inlegral Strob€ Mounting plat6 that can be mounled to a singl€ gang, doublo gang, 4' square, 100mm Europ€an backbox or th6 49SSg surfaco backbox. lf tho flueh backbox ha8 side or top spac6 between it and h€ fini8h€d wa , the NATp (Notificaton Applicance Trimptat€) may be us6d. lt providos an addtional .65' of fim for the Appliance. An ettractiv€ cot/€r plab is pmvid€d for a dean, finietted app€aranca on all models. SYNCHRONIZED STROBES UL 1971 List6d, CSFM, NYc (MEA) Approv€d ADA/NFPA/ANSI compliant lrre€ts OSHA 29, Part 1910.166 Av€rade Cunpnt ior [ulflCand.le l*odelr Features . Low Cun€nl . Zom lnrush. Univ€rsal Shobe Mounting Plato. 24 VDC filbr€d or unfilt€red VRDMS. In/Out Sc|€w Terminals for #i8 - #12 AWG. Boh Non-sync and Syrchronized in one appthncs. Well and Coiling Mount Singlo Candsla Modols Available R€trofit Plat€s Availabl€ W€ath €rproof Mod6l Av€rago Curent @ 24VDC 15CD 30CD T5CD llrcD .050A .08tA .133A .161A Pr€-S€t Candela iibdols 15 -0724 1\n\.065 30 ,102 /l .205 100 .238 t50 -293 177 .JJJ C*U241 Rev.0702-6 Pag€ 1 Th€ v.isull notacetion appllenc€8 shall be s€ri€s Rss multi-candela sbob6 appliances. Tho series RsS multi-cand€lathall ba listod for UL Standard 1971 (Em€rg€ncy Dovic€s for th6 Haaring-lmpair€d) for Indoor Fir€ prot€ction servic€.The stmb€ shallptoduce a fla*r rate of one (1) flash per second over the ieguiated tnput volhge Range of 16 lo 33 VDCfor 24 VDC models. All inpub shall b€ mmpatiblo wiih standard reverse p-olarity supervisioiof circiit wiring by e FireAlarm Pan6l and shall have the same eloctronic circuify as ths cam€w€ll S€d€s RSS Multi-Candeta. All visual appllanc€s shall incorporalo a X€non flastub€ enclos€d in a rugged Lexan lens. Th6 seri€s Rss Mulg-candels 8tsobe shall be of low cunenl dosign and ohall hav6 2610 Inrueh. Tha strobe intensity shall have a minimum of bur (4)fi6ld s€lectable stob€ setting8 and shalt b€ rated perUL 1971 br 1s,30, zsor ltocanOeta lwattmounty. The switctr ioiselocting the candela 3€trng thall b€ locatod on the rear of the applianco in ord€r b pr",rent tamp"ring from unaulhoriz€d persons' The srob€ shatl be designed br 24 VDc, twcwir€ op€ralio.t and, when eynchmnizalion is required, shallbe.canpatiHe-with SM, DSM sync moudles or FFg po\wer supply wiit builtin Patentsd sync probcol. The sirob€s ehellnot drift out of synchronizalion at atry tim€ during operation. tt ttre sync module or poGr Supply faits b operate, (i.e. cor]tacts r€main closed), the sbobo shall rsv€rt to a non-synchronized fiagh rat€. Th€ stobee shall b€ d€Bigned-forindoor surfac€ or flush mounfng. Th€ s€ries RSS Multi4andela Strob€ phte shall mount to oith€r a standard 4 inc+r squaro backbox for flush mounting,. Ordedng Information Parl Number Oercrlpfion 72035 72036 71730 71692 71731 71732 71699 72240 72239 72185 24 VDC s€ledabl€ card€ta strobe, Wall Mount, R€d (RSS-24MCW-FR) 24 VDC selectabl€ candola strob€, Watt Mount, WHt€ (RSS-24MCW-FW) 15 CD, .072 Anp, Cofling Mount Sfobo, Whib (RSS-241SC-FW) ,,-/ lqqCD, .065 Amp, Watt Mount Srrob€, Red, (RS$241S7SW-FR) < 30 CD, .102 Amp, C€iling Mount S-rob€, Whit6 (RSS-243OCfW) ]!_C!..ZOS nmn, Ceilling Mount Srobe, Vt htre (Rss-2475c+w)'lP 9P, .?19 Amp, c€iting Mounr strobe, White (Rss-241mGFW) 1!9 9P, .?99 Amp ceilins Mounr strcb€, White (Rse24i5oGFvr[ 1.77 CD, .3i!3 Arnp, C€iting Mount Strob€, Whit6 (RS*2417IGFW Weaherproof 75CD .102Amp Strobo, R€d (RSSWP-2475W-FR) Mountng Accs.rorlor 49558 68593 72166 Surfece Backbox 4' Square x 1 j/2 D, R€d (BB-R) Surface Backbox, 4' SquaE, R€d (DBB-R) Backbox tor 72165 (WpSBeR) se€dfiTgls-8ttd widng Infoinaton ale prwkted for inbtmaton on|y md aro belowd to b€ a€urab. Gsmolvelt assum€a notEspondbliV br th6lr us€. Dab and dfisJl.ll€ subi*t to ctrange wlihout nottca. lnsta aton and wlrlng instruc,tions shlpp€d wlth theproduct $aH always be usad for aciuql lftshlh0on. -Fq more hionmtion, conbct eamsrBll. The Gamewdl Company Voice (S0g) 231-1,to0 60 pt€asant sr. s8&FlREBox . (e88) 347-3269 Ashland, MA 0172'l lvlade in th€ USA FAX (508) 231-0900 www.gam6w€ll.com @Gamfldl 2001 GamegB_[@ Ca-X24 Rev.0702.6 Page 2 Photoelectric Type Smoke Detectors PMoe lecfr ic smde detectors arc the best droice fu detectirg smoldering fires. Silent Knigttt phobehctic smoke debctors ars lhe dear choice br commercial sefings where smoldering fires are a hreat - generally anpvhere that fast-buming fueb are not used. Photoelectric smoke detectors account br the brgest percentage of all commercial fire detecton sold. Uke every smoke detector we sell, our photoelectric models integrate fully with Silent Knight fire sys- tems. They are an excellent value featuring quick installation, easy maintenance and simple testing. In addition, they feafure a lour profile fur pleasing aesthetics. Silent Knight photoelectric smoke detectcrs are simply the most cost-effective and highestqualig product of their kind. Another example of why Silent Knight is lour single source for integrated fire systems. For more inbrmation on Silent Knight phobetectric smoke detec*ors, please call 800-446€444, or in Minnesob call 61249$6435. iiodel SIK-2tlF Photoelecuic $mke lletector' The SLK-24F can be used in all ar€as uhers phcfoel€ctric srnofte deteciors are required. lt b best suited br smoldering or framing ftrBs. HS&l24, HS&224R or HSC-4R bas€s may b€ us€d with the SLK-24F. Cunent intercfrange-able devices are SLK-24FH and SIH-24F. Model S]lffz4Fll PhotoelecUicJtbaf Smoke Iletec'tor' The SLK-24FH can be used in all areas where photoel€cbic smoke detec.tors are required. lt is best suited br smoldering or flaming fires. The 135'F heal sensor can iniliate an alarm independontly. The h€at dotector is Ul--listed br 30 x 30 bot spacirg. HSB24, HS&224R or HSG4R sVe b6€s nry be used wi0r the SLK-24FH. Currcnt conpable devicss are SLK-24F and SIH-24F. ilodel Stl(-12 Pltotoelectic Smolte lbtectfi ' The SLK-12 can be used in all areas wher€ photoelectic smoke delectors are reguired. The SLK-12 is designed br smoldering and flaming fires which are typically caused by such fuel sources as u/ood, paper and fabric. The SLK-12 smoke detec'tor base is designed for this detoc{or. SILENT*FULL SPECIFICATTOilS INSIDE. KNIGHT o TOV AAATNTENANCE FACIlJryPROJECT: CONTRACTOR: NEW ELECTRIC INc. DATE:2003 ' : -ar, l-.f r v N L n n E u?;E-p,trFlfE-F' APV|Y" 2)rz '<=------- ao. m\irr, 7';':a-- TOV BATTERY CALCULATION MAIN FIRE ALARM PANEL BATTERY CALCUTATION MAIN PANEL ADDRES. LOOP#1 ADDRES. LOOPf2 PID 5/MON. MOD. RCE.6/ RELAYMOD. XPSP/ SMOKE DET. I I 1 65 5 16 0.125 o.(B 0.c36 0.ffi 0.m4o.m o.171 o.s 0.ffi 0.m14 0.m14 ofi228 o.16 0.G 0.ffi o.ffps o.(m o.@448 o o.171 0.6 o.G5 0.@1 0.m7 o.(Boza o TOTALS:0.22&B 0.410.4 HOURS OF STANDBY 24 X TOTAL NORMALo.w NORMAL AMP HOURS 5.&SZ HOURS OF AI-ARM o.2s X TOTAL ALARM o.4l o48 ALARM AMP HOURS 0.1Q62 I su&TorAL: ERROR FACTOR @ 25%: TOTALBATTE RY AMP HOUR: 5.S14 1-3ffi 6.€76re 7.2 AMP HOUR BATTERIES PROVIDED O rovBArrERYcALcuLArtoN FF8 #1 BATTERY CALCULATION AIABILIOIAt FFE NAC#1 NAC #2 NAC #3 || 1 1 o.g3 o o o.G5 1.88 1.794 2.152 o.g3 o o.c66 1.88 1.7s 2j52 o TOTALS:0.8 5.881 HOURS OF STANDBY 24 x TOTAL NORMAL o.(B NORMAL AMP HOURS o.72 HOURS OF AI.ARM o.6 X TOTAL ALARM 5.881 ALARM AMP HOURS 1.47V?5 I suB-ToTAL: SAFETY FACTOR @ 25%: TOTALBATTERY AMP HOUR: 2.19?5 o54ffi?5 2.73741?5 7.2 AMP HOUR EATTERIES PROVIDED O rovBArrERYcALcuLArtoN FFB#2 BATTERY CALCULATION DESCRIPTION ow NORMALCUR ALARM CUR AI-AKM IrJIA|- FF8 NAC #5 NAC #6 NAC #7 1 I I 1 o.G o o o o.6 1.775 2.W o.871 o.(F o o 0.6 1.TF 2& o.871 TOTALS:o.(r'4.75 HOURS OF STANDBY 24 X TOTAL NORMAL o.6 NORMAL AMP HOURS o.72 HOURS OF ALARM o.6 x TOTAL ALARM 4.8 ALARM AMP HOURS 1.156 I SUB-TOTAL: sAFEry FACTOR @ 25%: TOTALBATTERY AMP HOUR: 1.91E6 o.4796875 2.s4tE 72 AMP HOUR BATTERIES PROVIDED Cu ,tl. o,"rm Voltage Drop CatcutanonsO Project Name Date Circuit Number Area Covered Nominal System Voltage Minimum Device Voltage Total Circuit Gunent 1.815 Notes. Wire resistance is based on the 1996 NEC Ch. 9 Table 8 Uncoated DC resistance. Solid mnductors except gauges 10 and 12 are for stranded. Program doubles the resistance to allor for 2 wires both positive and negative conductors. Distance from source to 1st device Wire Gauge for balance of circuit Ohrn's Per 1000 3.07 3.07 Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 Device 7 Device 8 Device 9 Device 10 Device 11 Device 12 Device 13 Device 14 Device 15 Device'16 Device 17 Device 18 23.20 22.95 22.80 22.57 22.52 22.35 22.M 21.U 21.78 21.72 21.ffi 21.50 2t.47 21.42 21.39 21.36 21.32 21.30 0.80 1.05 1.20 1.43 1.48 1.65 1.96 2.16 2.22 2.28 2.42 2.50 2.53 2.58 2.61 2.U 2.68 2.70 3o/o 4o/o 5o/o 60/o 60/o 7o/o 8% 9% 9% 'loo/o 1Oo/o 1Qo/o 1'lo/o 11o/o 11o/o 11o/o 11% 11% Alternate Calculations End of Line Method Totals Voltage Drop 5.238 Current 1.815 Distance 470 Load Centerinq Method Totals Voltage Drop 2.619 Current 1.815 Distance 470 Oou Fire Atarm vottage orop catculationO Project Name Date Circuit Number Area Covered Nominal System Voltage Minimum Device Voltage Total Circuit Cunent Notes. Wire resistance is based on the 1996 NEC Ch. 9 Table 8 Ohm's Uncoated DC resistance. Per 1000 Solid conductors except gauges 3.07 10 and 12 arefor stranded. 3.07 Program doubles the resistance to allor for 2 wires for both positive and negative 2o/o 3o/o 5o/o 5% 60/o 7o/o 7% 8o/o 8o/o 8o/o Distance from source to 1st device Wire Gauge for balance of circuit Device Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 Device 7 Device I END END '1.794 Wire 0.41 0.74 1.11 1.28 1.41 1.73 1.79 1.90 1.90 1.90 23.26 22.89 22.72 22.59 22.27 22.21 22.10 22.10 22.10 Altemate Calculations End of Line Method Totals Voltage Drop 3.756 Current 1.794 Distance u1 Load Centerino Method Totals Voltage Drop 1.878 Cunent 1.74 Distance u1 Project Name Date Circuit Number Area Covered Nominal System Voltage Minimum Device Voltage Total Gircuit Cunent TOV Fire Alarm Voltage Drop Calorlations Ohm's Per 1000 3.07 3.07 1. 2.55 2.83 3.25 3.60 3.87 4.06 4.11 4.12 4.'t4 4.14 11o/o 12o/o 14% 15% 160/o 17% 17o/o 17o/o '170/o 17o/o Notes. Wire resistance is based on the 1996 NEC Ch. 9 Table I Uncoated DG resistance. Solid conductors except gauges 10 and 12 are for stranded. Program doubles the resistance to allow for 2 wires both positive and negative 2.087 Distrance from source to 1st device Wire Gauge for balance of circuit Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 Device 7 Device 8 Device 9 Device 10 END 22.08 21.45 21.17 20.75 20.40 20.13 19.94 19.89 19.88 19,86 19.86 Alternate Calculations End of Line Method Totals Voltage Drop 6.125 Cunent 2.O87 Distance 478 Load Centerinq Method Totals Voltage Drop 3.063 Cunent 2.W7 Distance 478 *U r,r" Alarm Voltage Drop CatcutationsO 1.710 21. 21.69 2't.32 21.03 20.81 20.67 20.65 20.M 20.il 20.il Wire 2.06 2.31 2.68 2.97 3.19 3.33 3.35 3.36 3.36 3.36 Ohm's Per 1000 3.07 3.07 Notes. Wire resistance is based on the 1996 NEC Ch. 9 Table 8 Uncoated DC resistiance. Solid mnductors except gauges 1O and 12 are for stranded. Program doubles the resistance to allotlrr for 2 wires for both positive and negative conductors. Alternate Calculations Project Name Date Circuit Number Area Covered Nominal System Voltage Minirnum Device Voltage Total Circuit Cunent Distance from source to 1st device Wire Gauge for balance of circuit Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 Device 7 Device 8 END END 9% 1Oo/o 11o/o 12o/o 13% 14% 14% '140/o 14o/o 'l4o/o End of Line Method Totals Voltage Drop 4.914 Current 1.710 Distiance 68 Load Centerinq Method Totals Voltage Drop 2.457 Cunent 1.710 Dstance 468 Project Name Date Circuit Number Area Covered Nominal System Voltage Minimum Device Voltage Total Circuit Current Distance from source to 1st device Wire Gauge for balance of circuit lou Fire Alarm voltage Drop GatcuationJ 2.173 Ohm's Per 1000 3.07 3.07 Uncoated DC resistance. Solid conductors except gauges 10 and 12 are for stranded. Program doubles the resistance to allow for 2 wires for both positive and negative conductors. Device 1 Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 Device 7 Device 8 Device 9 Device 10 Device 11 END 23.77 23.28 22.55 22.16 21.89 21.67 21.46 21.37 21.17 21.09 21.03 21.03 0.72 1.45 't.u 2.11 2.33 2.U 2.63 2.83 2.91 2.97 2.97 1 3o/o 60/o 8o/o 9o/o 1Oo/o 11o/o 11o/o 12% 12o/o 'l2o/o 12o/o CIRCUIT IS WTHII.I LIMITS 6 Notes. Wire resistance is based on the 1996 NEC Ch. 9 Table 8 24 Alternate Calculations End of Line Method Totals Voltage Drop 5.043 Cunent 2.173 Distance 378 Load Centering Method Totals Voltage Drop 2.522 Current 2.173 Distance 378 Project Name Date Circuit Number Area Covered Nominal System Voltage Minimum DeviceVoltage Totral Circuit Curent Distance from source to 1st device Wire Gauge for balance of circuit Device Device 2 Device 3 Device 4 Device 5 Device 6 Device 7 Device I Device 9 Device 10 END ?Ov rir"nr"rm Voltage Drop CalcutationsO 0.806 23.28 23.21 23.15 23.09 23.O2 22.99 22.98 22.97 22.qt 22.9i 0.63 0.72 0.79 0.85 0.91 0.98 1.01 't.02 1.03 1.U 1.U Ohm's Per 1000 3.07 3.07 3o/o 3o/o 3% 4% 4o/o 4% 4% 4o/o 4o/o 4o/o 4o/o Uncoated DC resistance. Solid mnductors except gauges 10 and 12 are for stranded. Program doubles the resistance to allow for 2 wires for both positive and negative conductors. CIRCUIT IS Yi'ITHIN LIMITS 1t2to3 Notes. Wire resistance is based on the 1996 NEC Ch. 9 Table 8 24 t6 Altemate Calculations End of Line Method Totals Voltage Drop 1.405 Current 0.806 Distance 2U Load Centerinq Method Totals Voltage Drop 0.703 Cunent 0.806 Distance 2U camegp;fr ila Sheet 3500 ldentiFlex 610 Analog Addressable Control Panel Features: O a UL Listed as Sensivity Testing device for X-95 Sensors SmartStartrM System Available in 1, 2 and 4 loop Configurations r Microorocessor based control. Fully Field programmable o Default alarm mode. Power limited l/O circuits. LED/LCD prompted operation and programming c 4 x 4O backlit alphanume.ic display (160 Character)r RS-232 interface. One Man Wdk Test. Upload/Download PC compatible o 1000 Event History logging o Positive alarm sequence . Coded signaling. Automatic dfift compensation. Adiustable sensor sensitivity/temperature settings. City connection. Supervisory service. Style 4, 6 and 7 input circuits. Style B, D and Y, Z Wiring o Parallel bus communications. Serial annunciator, printer and alphanumeric supportr Signal silence inhibit o 'And", "Or" and Cross Zoning o Alarm verificationr ADA in+ush tolerant signal circuits o Earth fault detection on system external wiring. Deluge and Pre-Action. Networkable. UL Listed Gamewell/ldentiflex 610 Analog Addressable Control Panel Description The ldentiFlex 610 is part of the fourth generation addressable fire alarm systems developed by Gamewell. The ldentiFlex 610 is on€ of several control panels that make up Gamewell's 600 Series of controls. Combining the latest in microprocessor technology with unparalleled years of experience, the ldentiFlex 610 provides the building owner with a fire alarm system thal will provide years of service only Gamewell can ofter. The ldentiFlex 610 can monitor and control up to 504 Analog Addressable points. Analog circuits are backed up by Gamewell's Default Alarm Mode for added security whil€ the 1000 point history log furnishes a complete record of system activities. The interactive Operator's Display uses LED prompting to ease both user operation and programming. The Alphanumeric Display and keypad simplify field programming that can also be ac- complished via a PC link. With its embedded CPU that utiliz€s an Intel microprocessor, the ldentiFlex 610 offers all the features of today's most advanced life safety systems, Integration of analog and hardwire circuits (through the use of the Conventional Zone Interface (CZl) and Point ldentification Devices (PlD's)) lets the system engineer customize the control oanel to maximize efficiencies based on the application. The ldentiFlex 610's housing was designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and lunctionally sound. The compact design and key-activated dead f ront construction will allow routine maintenance of the system without worry about disturbing the l/O Modules. Access to system function keys is limited by a key switch and multiple levels of password protection to prohibit unauthorized use. In the event that an analog module needs service, the cabinet has been designed with pluggable terminal strips so that a module can be quickly removed and replaced without distu rbing the external wiring. Operators Display The ldentiFlex 610's Operator's Dis- play is the centsr of all user access to the system. The display supplies all the necessary keys and annunciation points to maintain and monitorthe sys- tem. Alarm, Supervisory and Trouble conditions are all indicated on the Operator's Display by dedicated LED's and the internal sounder. The Acknowl- edge, Reset and Signal Silence keys are centered at the bottom of the dis- play directly below the 4 X 40 charac- ter backlit alphanumeric display. The System Acknowledge key is used re to acknowledge all off-r-ral conditions. Depressing this kE t/vill silence the internal sounder and flashing LED's will illuminate steady until conditions are returned to normal. The Reset key is used to return the control panel to the idle mode after an alarm condition has been cleared. Trouble conditions that have been cleared will automatically return the control oanel to the idle mode if the problem has been corrected. Trouble cond ition s that have been acknowledged will resound the internal sounder if the condition is not corrected within an 8 hour time period. The Signal Silence key can be used to deactivate notif ication appliances. This function can be modified by user programming to only operate after a specif ied time period to insure that the signals are not turned off before the cause has been investigated LED annunciation is also provided for AC Power, Pre-Alarm, Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory Alarm conditions. ldentiFlex 610 Common Control The ldentiFlex 610 Common Control section comprises the heart of the system. The Common Control seclion houses the main CPU and all system memory as well as providtng local and remote commun ications and suoervision. The common control contains the common system relays, two signal circuits, city tie and RS-232 Dort. All interactions with the Common Control section is accomplished through the Operator's Display panel. The four relay circuits provide for control of auxiliary functions. The relays are controlled by the main CPU and are field programmable. The relays are rated at 1 Amp at 3O VDC, r/, Amp at 230 AC and are all provided with a feedback point lor positive conf irmation of activation. The two signal circuits can be conf igured as 24VDC signaling circuits. Signal circuits can provide a steady output or can be coded as required. All circuits are power limited per NEC 760 and UL864 for steady output only. The LP864 module provides protection for the city tie reverse polarity circuit. Analog Interlace Module module orovides a minimum of a one loop circuit that can monitor and con- trol up to 126 Addressable/Analog de- vices on each loop. Several configura- tions are available to suit the needs of the particular application; a one loop module (126 points), a two loop mod- ule (252 points), and a four loop mod- ule (504 points). The modules are interchangeable, allowing for the build- ing owner to upgrade/expand the sys- tem as circumstances require. The Analog Interface module has a dedicated microprocessor that simul- taneously communicates with the con- nected field devices and the main CPU. This leature allows the ldentiFlex 610 to maintain communications speed throughout the system. Analog/Addres- sable circuits can be wired utiiizing either Style 4,6 or 7 wiring techniques. The Analog lnterface module uses the advanced XP95 communications Droto- col to improve the speed and accuracy of event reporting. The communications protocol provides for alarm veriiication per detector, detector adjustability and compensation (and the first adjustable analog heat detectorwith ranges of 131" to 194"F (55'to 90"C)), circuit isolation, and priority interrupts. Priority interrupts allow contact type devices such as Manual stations to interrupt the polling cycle and transmit their address at any time during a polling seguence in order to ensure the fastest possible response. The polling cycle will continue in a nor- mal tashion during the interrupt period as soon as the address rs communi- cated to the module's microprocessor. 610 Power Supply The 610 Power Supply is integrated into the bus module and furnishes system operating and signaling power. The integral 6 Amp supply is equipped with a battery chaiger capable ol maintaining the secondary powersource. The Power Supply is monitored by the main CPU to ensure that adequate oower levels are maintained. The power supply design allows for high efficiency while still providing precise power output. The battery charger is capable of operating with lead acid batteries. The charger is sized to maintain up to 25Ah Batteries. The charger's automatic high rate circuitry is monitored by the main CPU. 0Applications - The ldentiFlex 610 is also available with up to 100 Watts of integrated Voice Evac. Please refer to Data Sheet 3600. 600 Series Voice Options. ldentiFlex 610 System Housing The ldentiFlex 610 housing has been designed for maximum elficiency and f lexibility. Replacement modules can be accomplished without disturbing any field wiring. The cabinet has room to house upto twoTamp hoursof batteries. The compact housing is designed with sutf icient wiring space, conduit knockouts and mounting options. The unit's dead front design allows all Operation, programming and user interface to take place without exposure of system modules or field wiring. Field wiring terminals plug into modules. Modules can be removed for servicing by simply unplugging the terminal strip. Applications The ldentiFlex 610 Analog Addressable Control Panelis designed forthose small to mid-sized projects that require slate of the art life safety systems. The embedded CPU offers usersunrivaled reliability without sacriiicing llexibility or vatue. Gamewell's ldentiFlex 61 0 Control Panel has been designed to incorporate the Series 95 Analog Addressable sensors into an integrated life safety systemwhich will meet today's most stringent requirements. Gamewell's Series 95 sensors are specifically designed for aoolications where both individual identification and control of a sensor are required. Refer to Data Sheet 3160 for complete details, Gamewell's complete series of interface devices otter system designsand layouts that maximize efficiency and economies without sacrificing quality or coverage. Addressable input interface devices provide the means for communicating with cost efiective conventional devices in areas that do not require analog sensors. Refer to Data Sheet 3150 for complete details. Addressable control outDut devices serve as the interface between the analog circuits and building functions. The outputs are controlled through the control bv event software within theThe ldentiFlex 610 Analog lntertace iH:fJn.'l:';$1;"tn3l The Control devices can also be used as supervised remote signal circuits. Refer to Data Sheet 3170 for comolete details. The ldentiFlex 610, with Gamewell's complete line of 600 Series devices, provide the foundation for system design. The 610's RS-232 output expands the system's monitoring and control capability. Serial Annunciators can be added to display system activity and control. The serial annunciator drivers are available in 16 point tncrements and are an ideal Gamewell's Smartstart" Systems Gamewell's 600 Series of control panels incorporate a unique automated programming process that allows the 600 Series of controls to configure and program themselves. This initialization process sets the project's specific system configuration in memory. The 600 system then automatically ties its inputs to its outputs through the creation of the system's control by event tables. Upon completion of the process the system is completely operable and the premises are protected immediately without the necessity of lengthy programming routines. How do Gamewell's Smartstart Systems work on analog address-able systems? After the initial setup is complete the system then proceeds to read each analog addressable circuit. ldentilying each address and device type through its unique signature, the Smartstart program builds a customized control by event table for each of the system's addressable devices in coniunction with all the other input and output circuits of the system. This feature comes standard on all 600 Series systems available only trom Gamewell. The Smartstart setup is directly accessible through the Operator's Display and can then be changed quickly and easily with the push of a button il necessary. All 600 Series systems have been designed around a simple user interlace which allows changes to the Smartstart setup, as well as future changes to lhe system, to be made entirely on site. The 600 Series systems can be re-programmed with the simple push of a button on the Operator's Display, ensuring that the building owners have an operating system in the shortest period of time regardless of the changes. Of course, password protection of the Operator's Display is an integral part of the system ensuring that the system cannot be tampered with or changed accidentally. interface to graphic annunciators. The serial annunciators can be outfilted wilh up to eight freely programmable switches that can be used for remote system control. Switches can be used f or Acknowledge, Reset, Signal Silence, Scroll, etc., in order to customize the remote status control network. An alphanumeric display can also be used for remote status and control. The alphanumeric display is designed to communicate over the seflal communications network. Rounding out the line is the 1F610's ability to communicate with a printer either locally or remotely for flf, ', lS::"1.'Ji13$,iJ'"'Jl ; Ji3 accept the serial communications from the control panel and provide a parallel output to the printer. The parallel printer output has been designed into the product to provide superior speed and control over a serial connection while offering the end user a wider variety of printers to choose from. The ldentiFlex 610, along with analog sensors, addressable input and control interface devices, and remote status and control capabilities, provide system engineers with all the tools necessary to design effective system solutions lor any aoolication. Common Control: Quiescent Current Alarm Current Input Power Auxiliary Output: S+ / S-, A+/A- Common Relays Signal Circuits Analog Module: Quiescent Current Alarm Current Mechanical Specifications 125 mA 171 mA plus signal circuit Power plus 2 mA for master box or 22 mA or reverse polarity 120 VAC, 2 amps 2 amps combined max 1 amps at 30 VDC or .5 amps at 250 VAC 24VDC, at 2 amps l CKT 45 mA 45 mA 2 CKT 4 CKT 55 mA 75 mA 55 mA 75 mA Dimensions Battery Storage Battery Size 12'Hx2O1lo"Wx 4'1, 6'lz"Hx5'lr'Wx 4'1, 4'H x 6" \N x 211r" D .D 'D SmartNet- System NetworOatures | .---.---..------- Gamewell's SmartNet System Network is a centrally controlled network that supports between 2 and 250 control panels (nodes) in a unilied network configuration made up ol any combination ol Gamewell's 600 Series control panels (i.e., 610, 630 analog addressable systems and 650 dual technology systems). Each control panel's Smartstart routine can be accessed from the SmartNet controller for quick and efficient set-up of or change to any node in the network. Other features accessible from a central location through the SmartNet controller include: . Full programming capabilities of all connected nodes . Bypass of any zone, circuit or individual device on any connected node o Walk test of any zone, circuit or individual device on any connected node . Ability to test any analog device on any circuit at any node o Upload/download capability of each node's unique program configuration from the SmartNet controller. With the SmartNet controller providing full access to each node in the network, features such as the downloading of individual history logs to the central network, programming custom user text, adjusting the sensitivity of analog devices, turning drift compensation on/off, re-initializing individual analog circuits and much more are available to the end user from a single, centralized location. Whether you are tying multiple floors or multiple buildings into a unified network, Gamewell's SmartNet System Network offers you a simple, easy to use and reliable centralized reporting and control center for managing your Life Safety system. Ordering lnformation: Supplied Quantity Model Part Description Number tr tr t1 tF610-126 tF610-252 tF610-504 AAM610-252 AAM610-504 I 12GXL 1F610 1252-xL 71g06 so+xl 71810 ldentiFlex 610 Analog Addressable System, consists of: 1F610 Common Control (Main CPU 1F610 front display with LCD alphanumeric display, bus driver module, common system relays, ribbon cables), 6 Amp Main Power Supply, one analog circuit (126 analog addressable points)module and Cabinet Assembly ldentiFlex 610 Analog Addressable System (replacing lhe single analog circuit module with a two circuit module providing up to 252 analog ldentiFlex 610 Analog Addressable System (replacing the single analog circuit module with a four circuit module providing up to 504 analog addressable points) Upgrades the 1F610-126 to an 1F610-252 system; replaces the single analog circuit card with a two circuit card to provide a total ol 252 analog addressable points Upgrades the 1F610-126 or lF6'10-252 to an lF6'10-504. Replaces the single analog and/or the 2 circuit analog card to provide a total of 504 points. Large cabinet lor the 610 30'x22' x511,' 1F610 Cabinet Housing Installation and Maintenance Manual - ldentiFlex 610 Note: Complete engineering specifications on the ldentiFlex 610 are available upon request. GamewellWOTLDWIDE Specifications and wiring information are provided for information only and are believed to be accurate. However, Gamewell assumes no responsibility fortheir use. Specifications are subject to change without notice; installation and wiring instructions shipped with the product should always be used for actual installation. Oata and design subject lo changs. Supply subi€ct to availability GW s/ggrsv. Printed in U.S.A. 60 Pleasant Street Ashland, Massachusetts 01 721 (508) 231-1400 FAX (508) 231-0900 UL, CSFM o^rr.* UDACr'EooGamewell -ET : "o*ffi,'! l5!l UDACT'610 Universal Digital Alarm Communicator The UDACT Digital Ahrm Co.nmunicabr Transmitter/Dialer Module allows the Gamewell 600 Sories Fire Alarm Control Panels to uss one or two phone lines to call a Central Sta- tion and report a local Ahrm, Trouble or Sup€lvisory cordi- tion per zone. The UDACT supeMsss two (2) blephone lines, and can be programm€d to use the .Security Industry Association (SlA), Dgibl Communkptbn Standard (DCS), and Ademco Contact lD protocols. The UDACT is powered by the host Fire Alarm Contrgl Panel and oommunicates with the FACP via a high speed intelligent sedal link. A serial interface boad allows the UDACT Digital Communi- cator board b communicab with the Gamenel 600 Serbs Fire Ahrm Control Panel (FACP). This gives he oTsbm he capability to transmit Alarm, Supervisory Troublo, and Waterflow informafpn m two telephme lines. Informalion is rcported by group or software zme. The UDACT supervises two blephone lines and will auto- matically bansmit on a backup line if a trouble is debcted on the primary. The UDACT automatically initiates a mainte- nance calFin at a 24 houf inteNal. Call-in time is user pro- grammable. The UDACT supports local premis€s tel€phones on each lins, and will autornalicaly seize the lin€ whEn an event o@rrs. Operational and accouni parametets are pro- grammed using the CFG Configuration TooL - Gamewel's Digital Cornmunicators are listgd by Undorwdbrs Laboratories Inc. (UL) for use in slav€ applications in coniunc{ion with a Lisied Fi.6 Alarm Control Pan€l under Standard 864 (Gontrol Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems) and applicable s€clbns of Standad 1635 (Digital Ahrm Communicator,Sysbm Units). These CommunkFbrs comply witr t|o Nadonal Fire Protectim Association (NFPA) perfomance requiremenb for DACTs and should be installed in accordance witi NFPA 72 Chaptor 4 (SupeMsing Statjon Fire Alarm Systan). These Cornmunicators shoutd be inshn€d in accordanco with the appropiate instalhtion manual; the Nalional Electdcal Code (NFPA 70); and/or the local Auhority Having J u risdiclion (AHJ). UL Usbd Features . The UDACT transrnits groutrspecific Alam, Supervi- sory- Wabrflouv, and Trouble informadon on two t€l€phone fines, when connectgd to a 600 Sedes Fire 'Ahrm Control Panel up to 256 zqtes o. groups. Communicabs to a FACP via Rs{85 Data Link User Gonffgurable with CFG Conf'rguration Tool. This indudes a +Une LCD Dsphy and Keypad in a rugged m6tal onclosure. with a ribbon caue to connect b lhe Communicator. Tone or Pulse dialing Ademco Contac't lD SIA DCS prbtocols Prcgrammable AC loss roporting delay 16 digit phone number capability Programmable test signal soquenoe Two (2) tolephon€ lin€ stahis LEDS Supervises two t€lephone lines Local premises t€lephono support CS-2304 Rev. (n01-7 PeSe 1 Transmitter ra a The Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (UDACT) shall continuously supervise El€ state of each of two @nnecbd Telco Lines (at approximately 1-minut€ interuals) by a Line-DC l€vel m@surement lf supervision fails, a Line #1 or Lino #2 Trouble event will b€ r€port€d. Onc€ a Line has been restored, a Line Trouble Restor€d orrent will be reported. The product wll always report ev€nb sorbd in he oder in which they are recdived/recognized. The UDACT shall be capable of reporting multiple ovents to a singl€ account number, withh a Sngle cal sesslon. ' Up b 3 aftempb for a single message not yet reported will bo made wihin a single call attempl A failure b communi{rab b either or both acoounb wfll generab a corr€sponding ev€nt which will be queued for reporting. The unit shall be a Gamewell Model UDACT-600 or UDACT-610. The unit shall be capable of reporting Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory and Waterflow events and event-sp€cific restorals for each of up to 256 groups or software zones. Model Part Numbef UDACT€OO Description Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter for intemal mounting in 1F632650 FACPs The UDACT€00 occupies one module bay. Digihl Alam Communicator Transmitt€r br intemal mounling in 1F610 FACPS Configuration tool Firmware updatE Equhed when installing a UDACT in panels using Vercion 7.0 or older fimware _t uDAcr-610 CFG 31o75 ' lf no Part Numbers are $rown, use Modol Numbers. S@ffcalions and wiring idomaton al€ provbed {or intormeton only ard are b€liev€d to b€ accurate. Gameurellsermes no r€sponsiHlity ior th€ir use. OatB and dedgn are Buqecl to cfiangs wihout nolice. Instaladon d|d wlrlng h8tructons dripped wlh the producl €trallahrays be ussd foractualinstallefon. For morc inbrma{on, oofitact Gan€flue0 Gameggl!@ The Gam€well Company 60 Pleasant St. Ashhnd, MA 01721 Made in the USA Voice (5O8) 231-14oO 888_F|REBOX . (888) 347-3269 FAX (5OS) 2314900 www.gamewell.com @GamewdlAnl ICLTt L.(rlAtlGLlHts€hBS$r C9,230{ ReY.0801-7 Pry2 FireFor""Q Expander Power Supply Notif ication Appl iance Circuit UL Usted, CSFM and MEA Approved (CSFM and MEA Approvals Pending br FF8-Me FF8€M) ,. Gameweltffi'wonpmoe lEl Ilsscrlptlon The FireForc€ I (FF8) from Gamewell is a notification appliance ckcuit extender panel desbned to extend the power capabilities of existing notificalbn appliance circuits and to prwide power (1.5A) hr oher ancilhry devices. ltalso includes an intemal battery charger. The FF8 may be conne@d to any UL List€d Fire Alarm Corfilol Panel to orovide Notification Appliance Circuit expansion. Designed with advanced switchmode power supply technology, the FireForce I provides filtercd and declronicaly regulated power distributed to four Notification Appliance Circuib (NAC). Each NAC is rabd at 3 Amp maximum with a total output capacity of I Amp. The outsuts may be configured as Four Chss "8' (Stylo W X,Y) or Two Class 'A" (Style 'Z) or Two Class "B and One Chss 'ff or Four Class A (Style "Z) wilh ilre optbnal Oass A adaptor inshtled. Gamewell's FF8 provides independent output circuit supervbion. ln the €vent of a NAC fault the FF8 can be confrguted to nolity he FACP. The FFg has field sdedable built-in sfobe and f|om syr protocob, io support Gamewell, Faraday, Gentex, System Sensor, and Wheeloc* devices, or pass thru a prg-generated sync protocol from a single synchronizatim source €liminating lhe need for additional individual slnc modules. lrdependent hom silencing via sync protocol allorvs synctronized homs and stobes to operate on a single circuit. a a a a Fbld Sebctabb NAC Input Outout St€edy Steady Sleady Follol'd8 inpul Temporal Stedy - Sync Sleady wilh nolse elimineted ln retrofit applbatlms that hav6 EOL vduee ditfer€nt from ihe 3.9K ohrn EOL resisbr normally used with the FF8, a single resistor matcfiirq the exbting EOL can be used as a rBference EOL for all oupub. The refercnce resi$or can be within a rang6 of 2K ohm b 25K ohm; resistos otitdde this range will cause a touble indbatftx. For enhanced notfication applianc€ circuit survivability, the FF8 can utiliz€ its dual activation inouts for redundant trio operation. To maximize rekofit possibilities including non-Gamewell systems, the Fir€ForceS label only is placed on shipping cartons and cabinet front. a a o a a O a a a Features Prcvides tlo fulty-stpelised inpuUcofittol circuits Redundant activatbn ogioo for suruivatifty Muhiple Sync Protocols cornpalibb wih the following appiarnes; Freld selec{abb - Ga|newsll, Wh€dodq Faraday, System Sealgor, ard Gent€x Four (4) configurable supervised NAC outsub I Amp 24 VDC, fuly reguhted tull load output (Power limited) Ouput fauh notification to FACP 1.5A auxiliary povrer outsut Eight (8) trouble and status LEDS Commofl troLble Form{ relay tsolated AC fail Form€ relay immedhte or ddayed 6hrs. Ground fault deteclion 26 Amp battery charger capability Sdectabh tempoBl codqg : Facilitates multiple Notification Appliance Circuh syndr ronization for large aleas Optional multipack for up to four (4) FF8 in a single lockable enclosure Optimal Chss A adaptor C*ZA!2 R.Y.O9&.-7 Page 1 options O 31081 - SCE-95 Mountintplateremotely located Notificalion Appliance Circuit expander/power supplies for Bre support of noblbation appliances. The remote power suppli€s shall be fully supervised and shall provide I Amps of notification applicance power and 1.5 Amps of auxiliary power outsut. The notificalirn appfiance circuit a(tender panel shall be able to seled sbobe syncironization protocol via an intemal dip switch. There shall be fiv€ (5) selectable protocols avaihble. The extender panel sftall synchronize all oupub simultaneously. The notification appliance circuit ext€nder panel shall be able to use existing noiification appliance circuit's end ot line resistors in the range of 2K - 25K ohms for retrofit applicatims. The NAC Expander/Power Supply shall be a Gamewell FireForce 8. This plate provies a means to install two (2) S0E-95 modules. The addition of SCE-9Ss provides a means to run on FFA outputs via a panel command on an SLC. The 31081 mounts over lhe main POB and is hinged tor access lo FFB lerminal. FF8-MP - Muhipack FF8 Option provides a means lo locste up to four {4) FFSS or 31085 XP95 device mounling plales in a single lockable €nclosur€. 31076 - Class A adaptor converts ths four {4) Class B ouFuts to four (4) Class A ouFuts. _> Spec-ifba{ons ard wiring inbrmaton are prorrH6d tor firbmalbn only and are Hieved to be accuralo. Oamewell aaaumea no reepondbitrty for their use. Data end d6ign are Blbi?ct to ciange wilhoul noticc. lnsta$a{ron and widng instructions sfiipped with th€ producl shall always be used for actual installation. For more informaton, oontac.t Garnewell. Voice (508) 231-1400 88&F|R€BOX . (888) 347-3269 FAX (508) 231-09@ www.gamewell.com @Gamewe[ A)@ Soecifications Primary Input Power: Secondary Powen Batt€ry Charying Capacity: Total Oubut Powen Standby cunent: Auxiliary Power Outsut: NAC Output Ratings: EOLF 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.0 A or ?20V 1.5 Amp Jumper s€lectable 244tdt {2)7-24 AH batEries Up to 26 AH bafieries 8.0 Amp maximum .04oAmp 0.15 Anp under all @nditions 1.5 Amp, if load is removed during op€ration (e*emal relay or AC fail rehy use required) 24 VDC Fully Fegulated 3 Antp max"/dc (8 A total) 2k-2*.1t2W Cabinet Dimensions-FF8: 18'H x 12 lli W x4tlP Cabinet Dimensionsf F8-MP: 37.2"H x 241y x dD Banery Space: Up to two 12 AH battedes max htemal (hrger batteries would require a separab battery cabinet) HelativeHumidity: 10-93%non{ondensing Temperature Rating: 0"C - 49'C (32F - 120"F) Common Trouble Relay: 2N28VDC ot 12O VAC AC Fail Relay: 2A,/28 VDC or 120 VAC lnput Contrd Circuit 16-30 VDC @ smA min. Part Number FF8 FF8. MP FF8 - CM 31076 31081 31085 30957 812W 912V't2 Description 24 VDC, I Amp Fire Alarm Notification Applhnce Circuit Expander/Power Supply wir| integral bafiery cfiarger Multipack Cabinet with one FFB and space for up to 3 additional FF8-CM or 31085s Chassis Assembry - FF8 for mounting in FF8-MP Class A adaptor converts signal circuits to Class A wiring FF8 Mounting Phte - for up to two (2) SCE-95 modules (FF8 and FF8-MP compabbl€) FF8-MP XP95 device Mounting Plate indudes standofts for I devices Opfional 24 VOC Nolification Appliance Relay Battery, 12 VDC, 7 Amp hour (2 rcquired for 24 volt operation) Battery, 12 VDC , 12 Amp hour (2 reguired for 24 volt operation) Game6[@ nh#iil;-" Csn'20z Rer,:0902-7 Page 2 Gamey1ffi,ll @ Data ShC 3180 ldentiFlex 600 Series Addressable Manual Station (MS-95) Features Compatible with Gamewell's ldentiFlex 600 Series Analog Control Panels Utilizes XP-95 Protocol Field Programmable Durable Construction Compact design, blends with surroundings Recessed pull lever prevents accidental operation Self-clearing breakglass option Shock and vibration resistant Surface or semi-f lush installation Double action option Key reset option . U. L. listed Description Gamewell's MS-95 Addressable Manual Pull Station is designed to be used with Gamewell's Analog Addressable ldentiFlex 600 Series ol Control panels. The MS-95 satisf ies architectural requirementsfor a manual alarm initiatjng device. lt contains a switch which is internally connected to the electronic interface that is required for individual addressable identification to and from the ldentiFlex 600 Control Panel. The Addressable ManualStation is shock and vibration resistant as no mercury elementtype contacts are used. Atoggle switch of rugged construction provides exceptionally hig h resistance to accidental operation trom sudden snocK. a a a a a a a o a Accidental operation from contact with moving objects also is virtually impossible as the pull lever does not Drotrude. The Addressable Manual Pull Station model MS-95 can be used for both surface and semijlush installations. lt is of compact design, blends in well with all building interiors, yet is easily recognized in an emergency situation. The Addressable Manual Pull Station complies with UL Standard 38 lor manual stations. Oncretir)n The station is activated by simply pulling forward a readily identifiable bullseye alarm lever marked "Pull". Upon activation, this lever locks in the alarm position and remains so until reset by an authorized person. Resetting is accomplished by releasing the hinged fronl cover and manually resetting a toggle switch, Release of thefover is accomplished by a releasing26 rew or, if utilizing the Key Reset Opti6n, a CAT60 Key . An optional breakglass rod may be used with all stations. This option is typically specified lor its psychological value in the prevention of malicious false alarms and tampering. The self-clearing design prevents jamming of the station andthere is no danger to the operator from broken particles of glass, Space is provided within the station housing for storage of one replacement glass rod. The MS-95 connects directly to the Analog Addressable circuitvia two wires. The electronic circuitry has been designed to transmit data that can be interpreted as three output operations: Normal Qulescent Operation, Alarm Operation and Trouble Operation. In its quiescent mode of operation, the pull station's electronics monitor the switch for alarm conditions. A trouble condition occurswhenthe pullstation isaddressed by the control panel and either reports back a trouble response or does nol respond at all. Upon activation of the pull station the MS-95 will reoort its address to the ldentiFlex control panel via the analog circuit. With a standard priority interrupt feature using XP-95 protocol, the MS-95will report its condition virtually instantaneously. The control panel will then activate all programmed outputs related 10 the MS-95 in alarm. The alarm condition will continue until the switch within the pull statjon has been physically reset. Programming Programming of the MS-95 Manual Station is accomplished through lhe setting of a single DIP switch easily accessible on thedevice's orinted circuit board. The DIP switch is used to set the address of the device. All other programming is accomplished at the ldentiFlex 600 control panel, either through the use of a laptop computer or through the 1F600 Operators Display. Standard Applications The MS-95 Manual Pull Station provides an individually addressed manual alarm initiating input to Gamewell's ldentiFlex 600 Series of Analog Addressable Systems. Manual Stations are typically located at exit doors and exit stairwells. The MS-95 Manual Station may be interconnected on the same Analog ' i[:T;ff::.other rdenrinex 6* tu Enginee/s Specification The manual f ire alarm station shall be a Gamewell Analog Addressable Manual Pull Station model number MS-95 and shall be listed by U.L. Inc. The analog addressable manual pull station shall contain the electronic interface circuitry required for individual device identification, alarm reporting and trouble supervision. lt shall communicate to the maan control panel via the analog addressable circuit. The single action non-coded station shall consist of a die- cast aluminum housing fitted with a pull out lever which, when operated, locks in position afteractivating an alarm initiating contact. Resetting the station after operation shall require opening the front cover for access to the alarm switch. The manual pull station shallbe adaptable for surface or semi-flush installation. ln Electrical/Mechanical Soecilications hddition, there shall be provisions for a self-clearing break-glass mechanism and a key operated general alarm switch accessible only alter the pull out lever has been activated. Installation The MS-95 Addressable Manual Pull Station should be installed approximately five feet from the finished floor level. (Refer to local building codes for exacl location requirements.) For surface mounting, adie-cast backbox P/N 28762 must be ordered separately. This backbox has tapped holes top and bottom for %' conduit. For semFflush installation, use a4" square by 211"" deep backbox (RACO 231) with a single-gang extension ring. The total deoth between lhe back of the wall box and the face of the plaster ring must be at least 2tl.'. RACO 772 4' square device cover for one device should be used wilh RACO 231 backbox. lf a 11/"' IIp box is used, the plaster ring mustrGt least 1" deep (RACO 774). A single gang switch box cannot be used. For detailed operation, programming and installation instructions, please refer to the 1F600 Reference Manual. r)ntinnc Breakglass Rod:The glass rod is placed in the slots on the hinged front of the manual station behind the oull lever. The rod is broken when the lever is pulled forward to activate an alarm. Double Action: The operator must lift this cover before the pull lever can be pulled oown. Key Reset (Semi-flush only): A standard CAT6O kev is used to reset the station. Quiescent Current Alarm Current Operaling Temperature Relative Humidity Material Finish Dimensions MS-95 with Key Reset Option Surface Backbox PIN 28762 Ordering Intormalion .35 mA 1.35 mA / 0C + 49'C 85o/o, Non-Condensing Die-Cast Aluminum Fire Alarm Bed, smooth gloss enamel. Raised cast letters are high-lighted. Target background for pull lever is white gloss enamel. 4%" High by 31/a" Wide by 2" Deep (from the backplate) 61/," High by 31/o'wide by 2" deep (from the backplate) a5lr'High by 31/o"Wide by 23l.'Deep Supplied Quantity Model Part Number Description s , ,g tr tr tr tr o MS.95 Analog Addressable Manual Pull Station with XP95 Protocol Double Action Option Key Fleset Option Key FleseVDouble Action Option Backbox, Surface lvlount Breakglass Rod 30653 30653-01 30653-02 28762 27060 Gamewell WORLDWIDE Specifications and wiring information are provided lor information only and are believed to be accurate. However, Gamewell assumes no responsibility for their use. Specifications are subject to change without notice; installation and wiring instructions shipped with the product should always be used for actual installation. Data and design subject to change. Supply subject to availability GW 4/98 (revised) Printed in U.S.A. 60 Pleasant Street Ashland, Massachusetts 01 721 (508) 231-1400 FAX (508) 231-0900 UL, CSFM, MEA, FM Gamewell d Dal Sheet 3160WORLDWIOE Series 95 Analog Addressable Smoke / Thermal Sensors and Bases Features Compatible with Gamewell's ldentiFlex 600 Series Analog Addressable Control Panels lonization, photoelectric smoke and combination rate-of-rise / fixed temperature thermal sensors Detector heads utilize common analog addressable style bases Base options include: 4" or 6" or 6" low prolile 4 wire relay base Audible alarm sounder . Address is stored in the sensor base . Address is set by XPert Addressing Card . XP 95 Protocol Descriplion Gamewell's Series 95 Analog Addressable Sensors are designed to prov de the highest effect veness by utilizing the latest technology. The sensors include both lonization and Photoe ectric Smoke Sensors as well as a Thermal Sensor. XP95 Optical I XP95 Temperature XPEBT Card in Base The sensor is desgned for operation with 95 Sensors are actualy determ ned at theGamewel's ldentiFlex 600 Seres Analog lF6OOcontrol oanel The status inforrnation of Addressab e controlpanels. A lof the sensors each sensor is analyzed lor olf normal n the Series 95 range have the same external condit ons by the contro panel. lfthesensor dimensions, with the housing of thelonizaton reooTts a condit on that matches ts and Photoelectric versions being identical programmed troube signature, the F600 The external alarm indlcat on is by means of w I ieoort that the sensor is in troub e and willa I ght-em tting diode (LED) easily visible fo low its programmed response sequence. through the housing Likewise, if the status reported matches the Therma sensors are readiy distinguished alarm sgnature, the 1F600 will follow the from smoke sensors by observing the open programmed alarm response for the specific XP95-865NDR Each of the Ser es 95 Sensors is capable ot transmatting not only its address but also the chamber s analog value to the ldentiFlex 600 for ana ysis. Operation The Series 95 Sensors form an ntegral part of the 1F600 Series of Ana og Addressable control panels Connected to the system via the analog circuit ol the 1F600 control panel the Series 95 Sensors continuously report the conditlon ol their sens ng cham[,er back to the control panel, where all of the information is processed and analyzed. The analog sensor constantly mon tors its sensing chamber or element as wel as ts lnterna eectronics. The resuts are then reported a ong with the unit's address through the ntegra communicat ons electronics ocated in the sensor head Troub e and A arm conditions of the Ser es XP95.86R4 Programming The only programming required at the Series 95 Sensors is for address setting. This is accomplished through the use of the XPert Addressing Card. The card (ava lable either pre-programmed or blank for Jield programming) is inserted into the sensor base. When the sensor head is inserted into the base theaddress is automatically relayed to the sensor. Chang ng the sensor does not requ re add tional programmrng srnce the address remains on the XPert Card located.l the oase. All ottse' sensor specilic programming is accomplished at the 1F600 Control Panel. For detailed operation, programming and insta ation, please refer to the F-600 relerence manua . Standard Application The 1F600 Series of Analog Addressable Control Panels has been designed to incorporate the Series 95 Analog Addressable Sensors into an integrated life saf ety system which will meet today's most stringent requirements. The Series 95 Sensors are spec fically designed for applications where both individual identifcaton and control ot a sensor are required. Engineer's Specif ications webs n the housing designed to al ow the device in alarm. When a sensor is in aarm, The contractor sha lfurnish and install, where lree movement of alr around the exposed the integral LED in the sensor's housing wi I jnd cated on the plans, either dual chamber thermastor.I ght steady.ionization (Gamewell model XP95-l) or 3i::T["::'s,ffi:litii:f :i :|.n (Gamewell model XP95-T) with one of the several Addressable Mounting Base Options available. The combination sensor head and twist lock mounting base shall be UL Listed and UL Listed as comoatible with the Gamewell 1F600 fire alarm control Danel. The base shall permitfree interchangeof sensor headswithout requiring any additional wiring or additional programming of the head or base. The smoke sensor shall contain an integral LED that shall latch in when the unit goes into alarm. RF Electrical/Mechanical Soecif ications suppression techniques shall be employed to minimize false alarms. Installation The complete range of Series 95 addressable mounting bases will accept anyof the Series95 sensors. The bases have a wide interior diameter for ease of access to wires and terminals. The design of the base is such that the sensor will fit in one way only and that a simple clockwise motion without force is required to plug in the sensor. The mounting -willhave provisions forthe inserlionof theF rt Addressino Card as a means for programming and- maintaining the sensor's address. The XP95-84 base (4") will mount directly to a 3.5" octagon box (Raco 110 or equal)or a 4'octagon box (Raco 125 or equal) with a round cover/plaster ring (Raco 727 or equal). The other Series 95 bases (6") will mount directlyto a 3.5'octagon box (Raco 1 10 or equal); to a 4' octagon box (Raco 125 or equal); or to a 4" square backbox (Raco 190 or eouat). Photoelectric lonization Thermal Quiescent Current Alarm LED Current Remote Alarm Output Temperature Range - Max. continuous operating temp -Min. continuous operating temp - Min. operating temp (no condensation or icing) Relative Humidity (Non-Condensing) Recommended Spacing Thermal Sensor Performance Features: 340 pA 4mA 4mA@5vdc 140"F 32"F 0% to 95% Per NFPA Codes 250 ftA 2mA 4mA@5vdc 250 ttA 4mA 4mA@5vdc 40"F to 195'F 140"F 32F -5"F 0y" lo 950/" 0% to 95% Per NFPA Codes Per NFPA Codes 1) Thermal Sensors have a Thermal Adjustability programming range from 55'C to 90'C in 1'C increments. 2) Thermal Sensors have a Thermal Rate-of-Rise feature; when enabled in programming, should the XP95-T sensor increase temperature by greater than 15'F in less than one minule, an alarm will be generated. XP95.84 / XP95-86 XP95-86R4 XP95-865NDR Maximum Alarm Current [,4aximum Standby Current Relay Rating Sounder Audible Intensity N/A N/A 36 mA ?VA .04A@ 125VAC 2A@30VDC Resistive Loading N/A 30 mA 2pA N/A 85 dB at 10 feet Ordering Information | 6 xPes-Pm tr tr tr m tr tr tr tr tr I b xPe5-86 xP95-l XP95.T XP95-84 55000-650 55000-550 55000-450 45681-210 45681-225 Photoelectric Sensor (Analog Addressable) lonization Sensor (Analog Addressable) Thermal Sensor (Analog Addressable) 4" Mounting Base with X-Pert Addressing Card 6" Mounting Base with X-Pert Addressing Card 6" Low Profile Mounting Base with X-Pert Addressing Card 6" Relay Base (4 Wire) with X-Pert Addressing Card 6" Mounting Base with X-Pert Addressing Card and Audible Alarm Sounder in the base Additional Blank X-Pert Addressing Cards Preprogramned and Pre-Labeled X-Pert Addressing Card Package. lhe - # represents the analog loop (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8): he letter that follo\ /s represents the address set - Set A for addresses 1 - 42; Set B for addresses 43 84; Set C for address€s 85 - 1m. Remote LED (24V) xP95-86LOW 45681-234 XP95-B6R4 MB-RLY-XPgs XP95.B6SNDR MB.SDR.XPgs 71112 71112-#A 71112-#B 71112-#C 30203 Gamespll O Specilications and wiring information are provided for inlormation only and are believed to be accurale. However, Gamewellassumes no responsibilityfor their use. Specifications are subject to change without notice; installation and wiring instructions 60 Pleasant Street Ashland, Massachusetts 01 721 (508) 231-1400 FAX (508)231-0900 ipped with the product should alwavs be used for actual installation. Data and design subject to change. Supply subiect to availabitity GW 8/98 (revised) printed in U.S.A. UL, CSFM, MEA, FM Gameglg,il6 3ffi, 3150 ldentiFlex 600 Series Addressable Input Interface Devices Features Monitors normally open contact Devices Monitors conventional smoke detectors LED for alarm annunciation Single or multiple device interfaces . Surface or flush mounting o Field Programmable . Screw terminals for field wiring connectrons o Style B, C, D and E wiring Description Gamewell's ldentiFlex 600 Series of Addressable Input Interface Devices provide the interface between the 1F600 analog circuits and contact devices or conventional-type smoke detectors. The input devices are available as either a single Point ld e nt it ic al ion Device (PlD-95) or as a Conventional Zone Interface (CZl-95) capable of monitoring up to 25 conventional{ype detectors. Convent-ional Zone Interface modules are available for either Style B, C, D or E wiring. Point ldentif ication Devices provide for a Style B circuit. The Single Point ldentification Device PID-95 is designed tor concealed mounting in an electrical backbox, The Conventional Zone Interface device CZI-95 and a plastic-mounted version of O O the Point ldentification Device PID-95P are designed for surface or llush mounting and are provided with an LED for annunciation, Operation The 1F600 single Point ldentification Device connects directly to the analog circuit via two wires, The PID-95 will monitor, viaatwo wire supervised circuit, a single contact-type device such as a waterflow switch or manual station. (For information on Gamewell's Analog Addressable Manual Pull Station (model # MS-95), which incorporates PID-95 circuitry into its design, reference Data Sheet 3180.) Upon activation of lhe monitored device, the PID-95 will report its address tothe ldentiFlex control panel via the analog circuit. The control panel will then activate all programmed outputs related to the PID-95 in alarm. Each 1F600 analog loop at the control panel can support up to 40 CZI-gs'S along with a limited number of other devices (for specif ic wiring requirements, refer to the Installation Manual). The ldentiFlex 600 Series Conventional Zone Interface is capable of monitoring up to 25 conventional smoke detectors via a 3- wirecircuit. The CZI-95 acts as a remotely located conventional zone. The CZI-95 provides a supervjsed circuit for connection to conventional-type devices such as smoke detectors or contact devices. lf any detector on the CZI-95's circuit goes into alarm, the CZI-95 will report its address to the main control panel via the analog circuit and initiate the programmed response. The LED on the conventional detector and the CZI-95 will illuminate, indicating that the device is in alarm. lf a trouble is detected on the monitored circuit. the CZI-95 will report the trouble condition to the ldentiflex 600 control panel. The CZI-95 will detect troubles from either the field wiring or a connected oevtce. Programming Programming of the PID-95 and the CZI-95 is accomplished through the setting of a single DIP switch easily accessible on the device's printed circuit board. The DIP switch is used to set the address of the device and the priority interrupt. All other programming is accomplished at the ldentiFlex control panel, either through the use of a laptop computer orthrough the 1F600 Operator's Display. For detailed operation, programming and installation, please refer to the 1F600 reference manual. Standard Application The PID-95 and the CZI-95 are intended to provide the interface between conventional devices and the analog circuit of the ldentiFlex 600 Series control panel, They provide a means of connecting and identifying monitor points without the use of conventional input modules at the main control panel. The use of CZI-95's and PID-95's can dramatically reduce the field wiring required on many prolects by reducing the number of wires required on the installation. Engineer's Specif ications Addressable interface devices shall be provided Ior the monitoring and supervision of conventionaltype def connected tothe Fire Alarm control panel. The devices shall monitor either a single device (Gamewell model number PID-95) or shall orovide a remote conventional zone (Gamewell model number CZI-95), as shown on the drawings. The remote conventional zone shall be programmable f or alarm verification and shall have the capacity to monitor up to 25 conventional smoke detectors. The addressable interface devices shall communicate to the main control panel via the analog addressable circuit. lnstallation The PID-95 is designed to mount in standard electrical backboxes. When used to monilor a manual station, the PID-95 will mount directly behind the manual station in the same backbox, !h monitoring other contact devices tiie unit can be mounted in a standard double-gang backbox. The CZI-95 and the PID-gsP are on a surface mounted plate with an optional flush ring; these devices are designed to mount in a 41rl,u"backbox. CZI-gs'S and PID-95P'S should be located in easily accessible and visible locations so that the built-in LED may be seen for quick indication of alarm location. Electrical/Mechanical Soecifications PtD-95 PID-95P czt-95 Quiescent Current .5 mA. Alarm Current 1.5 mA Operating Temperature 0'C to +49C RelativeHumidity 85%,Non-Condensing Mounting 4" square backbox wilh blank cover plate Ordering Information .5 mA 1.5 mA 0"C to +49C 85%, Non-Condensing 4'1/,u" Backbox 10 mA 100 mA 0'C to +49"C 85"/", Non-Condensing 411/,u" Backbox Supplied QTY Description K F tr tr tr s3 PtD-95 PID-95P czt-95 70839 28762 Single Point ldentification Device for monitoring single contact devices for ldentiFlex 600 Series Analog Circuits, XP95 Protocol Compatible PID-95 Addressable Input Interface Device mounted on a 4111,u" plastic plate Conventional Zone lnterface for monitoring conlact devices or conventional smoke detectors for ldentiFlex 600 Series Analog Circuits. Monitors up to 25 conventional delectors, XP95 Protocol compatible. Trim Ring lor f lush mounting the CZI-95 or the PID-g5P Backbox for surface mounting manual stations L Note: Each lF 600 Analog Loop can support up to 40 CZI-95's: however the lF 610 system can supporl up to 40 CZI's total oer svstem with a maximum loading of 40 CZI-gs'S per a single loop or 40 CZI-95's spread across several loops. shiooed with the oroduct should alwavs be used for actual installation Data and design subject to change. Supply sublect to availab lity GW8/98 (revised) Pr nted in U.S.A 60 Pleasant Street Ashland, Massachusetts 01 721 (508) 231-1400 FAX (508) 231-0900 UL, CSFM, MEA, FI\4 Gamewell d 3t, 3170 WORLDWIDE ldentiFlex 600 Series Addressable - I''IIIIEEI'II!I I a g aControl Element Devices Features ra a a a a LED Annunciates Activation Fully Supervised Surface or Flush Mounting Field Programmable Style 4,6 or 7 Wiring Screw Terminals for field wiring connections U.L. Listed Relay and Building Gontrol Elements: . Dry Relay Contacts o Provides Controllable Relay Functions . Provides Positive Feedback of Relay Control Signal Gontrol Elements: . Supervises and Operates Audio/ Visual Devices . Supervises DC Power-ln . Supervises Releasing SID lnterface cTx.g5 . City Tle Expander o Connects to Addressable Loop o Provides .l reverse polarity circuit . Over voltage protector built in Description Gamewell's ldentiFlex 600 Series of Addressable Control Element devices provide the interface between the 1F600 analog circuits and building functions. The g a.s Relay Control Element (FCE-95) provides contacts for remote control of building functions such as door holders, elevators, dampers, motors and disconnects. A Relay Control Display is also available for use with the FCE-95. A Building Control Element (BCE- 95) is also avaiable for use with ON/OFF/ AUTO control of the ldentiFlex 600 Serles Building Contro Display. Both the RCE-95 and the BCE-95 offer feedback input points tor positive confirmat on of the controlled device's activity. The Signal Control Element (SCE-95) provides a means to remotely locate a f ully supervised circuit ior the operation of signa ing applances such as horns, strobes, horn/ strobes and solenods A Signal Control Display is also available for use with the SCE- 95. The SCE-95 is capable of switching 24 VDC. When used as a remote signaling circuit the SCE-95 provides all the necessary supervision of the circuit and trouble rep0(ing via the analog circuit, rhe Gamewetl CTX-95 is a single circu{ reverse polarity transmitter that will connect to the 600 Series XP-95 protocol analog circuit systems utilizing a 3 wire analog addressable loop. The most common usage is to transmit supervisory signals and the r faults on a separate city tie from the main system. Another use would be transmitting alarms to the central station to indicate building of alarm or arrival entrance to building. The ldentiFlex 600 Series of Addressable Control Element devices are designed for either surface or flush mounting. Each Control E ement Device is equipped with an integra LED which annunciates device activation. Ooeration The SCE. BCE and RCE Control Element Devices connect directly to the analog c rcuit of the ldentiFlex 600 Ser es control oanel via two wires. The CTX-95 device connects directly to the analog circuit oi the ldentiFlex 600 Series conlrol panel via three wires. In lts quiescent mode, the Control Element device monitors its internalcircuitry for status ofthe device itself and supervises the external control circuit for faults. In the event that a fault is detected, the Control Element device will report a trouble to the ldentiFlex 600 control panel. When an event is reported to the ldent Flex 600 control panel that requires the activatton of the Control Element device, the control panelcommunicates via the analog circuit to the Control Element Device and the relay, build ng control relay or signaling circuit is actuated. The integral LED is also lit for annunciation at the device. ln the event that a manual command ls transmitted lrom the building control display (BCD) at the control panel, the BCE-95 device will respond and overr de the a uto- programmed activation unti the alarm event has been resolved and reset. The CTX-95 provides a programmable reverse polarily city tie circuit. The module contains the XPg5 protocol to communicate with the 600 series of ana og addressable controls. The modu e provides the power and supervision for the reverse polarity city tie. Programming selected circuits to the CTX-95 insures that only their alarms and troubles are transmitted lo the central station. Proflramminn Programming of the Addressable Control Element devices (FCE-95, BCE-95, CTX-95, SCE-95) is accomplished through the setting of a single DIP switch easily accessible on the device's printed circuit board. The DIP switch is used to set the address of the device. All other programming is accomplished at the toentirtex controt lt, either through the use of a laptop computer or through the 1F600 Operator's Display. For detailed operation, programming and installation, please refer to the 1F600 ref erence manual. Standard Application The ldentiFlex 600 Seres of Addressable Control E ement devices are intended to provide control over external system functions or remote signal circuits. RCE-95 units can be used to operate dry contacts with positive status feedback of the controlled equipment for door holders, AHU shutdown, etc. The BCE-95 unit provides automatic and manual ON/OFF/AUTO control of bu lding HVAC systems with positive stalus feedback Electrical/Mechanical SpeciJications of the controlled equipment. When used for remote signaling control, the SCE-95 can be used to reduce f ield wiring requirements over standard hard wire signaling circuits. This can improve both system performance and initial installation costs. The SCE-95 will interface with the SID module for solenoid releasing. Engineeis Specifications Addressable Control Element devices shal be orovlded for the control and status reporting of programmed building control functions. The SCE, BCE and RCE devices shallcommunicate with the main controlpanel via an analog circuit over a single pair of wires. The CTX-95 device shall communicate with the main contro panel via an analog circuit over three wires. Control Element devices shall provide dry acts and positive leedback of the controlled equipment's status (Gamewell models RCE-95 and/or BCE-95). The Control Element devices shall provide su pe rv ise d remote signal appliance c irc u its (Gamewell model number SCE-95). The combination of SCE-95 and the slD (solinoid Interface Device), provide an interface for preaction and nal',da ralai c in d Installation The RCE-95. BCE-95. SCE-95 and CTX-95 are designed to mount in a standard 411lj6" electrical backbox. Control Element devices should be located in easily accessible and visible locations so that the built-in LED may be seen for quick indication of proper connection and alarm location. RCE-95 BCE-95 scE-9s cTX-95 Input Power Qu escent Currenl Alarm Currenl Operating Temperature Relative Humidity Housing Requiremenls Contact Raling Outpul Raiing Aux lary Input Power Ordering Information 24 VDC from Analog Circuit .5 mA 1.5mA 0'C lo +49"C 85% Non-Condensing 4"/.u'Backbox 2 Amp al 30 VDC .5 Amp at 120 VAC N/A N/A 24 VDC from Analog Circuit .8 mA 1.8 mA 0'C to +49"C 85% Non-Condensing 4rrlr^'Backbox 2 Amp at 30 VDC .5 Arnp at 120 VAC N/A 24 VDC S gnal ing Power 24 VDC from Ana og Circuit .5 mA '1 5mA 0 C to +49'C 85% Non-Condens ng 4"/,u" Backbox N/A N/A 2 Amp DC Signal Clrcuit N/A 24 VDC lrom 3 w re Analog Circuit .5 mA 1.5 mA 0C lo +49"C 857o Non-Condensing 4"/,6'Backbox N/A N/A 20 mA max. N/A Supplied QTY Model Description RCE-95 RCD BCE-95 BCD scE-95 SCD cTX-95 SID 70839 Gamewell WORLDWIOE &fr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr ldent flex 600 Series Flelay Control E ement device. XP95 Protocol Compatible. ldentlflex 600 Series Belay Control Display ldentiflex 600 Series Building Control Element device. XPgs Protocol Compatible. BCD is required to use BCE-95. Building Conlrol Disp ay provides feedback annunciation and ON/OFF/AUTO control for up to I BCE-95 Control Element devices. The BCD is reou red to use the BCE-95 ldentif lex 600 Series Signal Control Element device. XP95 Protocol Compatible. ldentif lex 600 Series Signal Control Display device. ldentif lex 600 Series City Tie Expander; provides one reverse polarity city connection for Addressable looD. XP95 Protocol Compatible. ldentifiex 600 Ser es Solenoid Interface Device. Interfaces soleno ds to SCE-95. (FM listed onlv) Tr m Ring for flush mounting. Specifications and wiring informat on are provided for nformation only and are believed to beaccurate. However, Gamewellassurnes no respons bil tyfortheiruse. Specif ications are subject to change without notice; installation and wiring instructions shipped with the product should alwavs be used for actual installation. Note: Control Element D splays (FCD, BCD. SCD) are only compatible with ldentiFlex 600 Series control panels which have in-cabinet exoansion module slots. Thev mount at the control oanel. 60 Pleasant Street Ashland, Massachusetts 01 721 (5oB) 231-1 400 FAX (5oB) 231-0900 Data and deslgn s!btect to change UL, CSFM, FM, Supply subject to availabilty GW 8/99 (revised) Printed in U.S.A. MEA Ao l17. 1998 F{50 302 SeriesF|feilTe' ALafmSl nor"-nnrridfio-n=i,liio"t .too Section: Conventional hitiating D€vices GEI{ERAT Th€ Thsrmotsch 30:l Sorlo3 rate-anticipation heat d€teo tors oporat€ within a controll€d tangs of two to thre€ de- grees ol theh sst points, rogardl€ss of the sp€ed or rat€ ol temporature rise. These det€ctors are aveilable in €ither 135'F or 194"F ralings. The 302 S€ri€s are normally-op€n dovlc€s designed es- pecially for lir€ detection and alam systems. FEATURES . tmmadlate rasponae. The 302 Ssrles ac vat€ whanever ambient air tempsrature reaches a detector's setting, eliminaling th6 thermal time lag inherent in conventonal heat detectors.. Hlmlnatcs lels€ at.rms, The gZ Seri€sdo not respond to momentary temperatur€ fluc{uations below the selected temperaturs. . Unlvercal appllcatton. The 3O2 S€ri€s can bs ussd ln all areas for any type of occupancy.. Self+eetorlng. . tbmaucaily g€aled, shock rosistant, corrosion resistant, and tamper-proof . PRITCIPI.ES OF OPERATIOf, Th€ 3O2 Serigs rate-anticipation hsat detectors re- spond and activate the tire alarm immedlately when- ev€r tho amblent tgmpgratur€ r€ache8 the presel temperature selting. Under rapld heat rise condi- tions, the rate-anticipation t€atur€ enables th€ de- tsctor to r€spond one to throe dogrees ahead of the setting. Al the same time, howev€r, it does not re- spond to momentary tempetature lluctuauons be- Iow the sElected pKltection level, thus eliminating falso alarms. when temperaturo dtops back down b€low the prol€ction level, th€ det€ctor automati- cally r€set8 ltsett. DltE]|glOf,S ltodcl to2l Total ovorall length: 4-118" Baoo dlamotsr: 2' ELECtRtGlL n ililOS Vo,tqc Cuft",nt 6-125 VAC 5 amps 6-25 VDC 125 VDC 1 amp 0.5 amp fui .4}:, ffi N F.,?i1;1'tjrtty\z wYffiT;,,,, LlSTEll J.r.sHsMs.AY S539 (Ex@t EPM) E35018A (EPM ndel only) aDpucATtor txForm flor 3O2 Series detectors have a smooth-coiling UL rating of 50' x 50' (15.24 x '15.24 meters) and ar€ the only typ€ of heat detectors havino such a raling on both fixod lsmp€ra- ture and rate anticipation. Tho 302-H is designed for hoi- zontal mounling and UL rated for 40' x 40' (12.19 x 12.19 meters). Thb dcl|ncnt lr not tnt.dod to b. q{d b Inrtalldoi purpo66s, W. try to k a9 ou. p.oduct InfDrmatlon |IF!o{al ard accu.da, l{c can.rt covor alt Todfc ryllcatbru o. anddprto ailoqll.qDdrt* A[ spocfcdon. atr .|.6lect to dtsngo s,tthout nouca. Foa mola Informstior, conllct Fl|t Lh. ALr||r3, Ono Fl.]Lltr Pt@, l{o.thford, Cor|ne.ticd 6/a7Z phono: (gOO} 6e7- 3173, loll Fr.. FAX (8r4 600-t lO5, FAX Bad(:(SSg) 3€&g2og WEg: wwx.illllt -com FMf,TItrEIIfi DF-50673 - Pao€ 1 of 2 bnooucr rtx:o mFoRtATto]| Nota 1: For interior mounting in any atmosphere that is compatible with terminal screw type connections. UL rating 50' x 50 (15.24 x 15.24 meters). ,Vole 2.' Humitically sealed for moislureprooJ or dust- proof installations. Requires no special backbox when tho all-w€ather leads are prop€rly spliced to 'THW' or equivalent type wire. irole 3j Humitically sealed for moisture-prool or dust- proof installations. Requires no special backbox. Has plastlc hexagonal wrench grip bushing with 'l 12' |.1.27 cm\ conduit threads lor attachment to threaded hub cover, or any outlet box. ltote 4: Same as model 302 except designed lor hori- zontal mounting. UL rating 40' x 40' (12.19 x 12.19 metors). ,Volie 5i Explosion-proof lor installation in hazardous lo- cations. Has hexagonal wrench grip bushing with 112' (1.27 cml conduit threads for attachment to threaded hub cover of Series JL lixture fitting as manufactured by Killark Eleclric Co., or egual. FINE SILVER CONTACT POINTS EXPANSION STRUTS HIGH EXPANSION SENSING SHELL O.O4O ANODIZED ALUMINUM HEAT ANTICIPATION CONTROL SLEEVE SETTING SCREW DEVCON HEFMETIC SEAL Cut-Away View, ACTUAL SIZE Page 2 ol2 - DF-50673 Thermotech Model 302 Serles Rate-Anticlpatlon Heat Detectors MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION REFER TO 302-135 135 F ftedor Vertical Mounlirg. Note 1 below 302-194 194 F herior Vertical Momtirg. 302-AW-135 135 F AlFWeater Vertical Mou im. Note 2 below. 302-AW-194 194 F AlFWeaher Verlical Momtino. 302-ET-135 135 F AIFWeaher Verlical Momtino. Note 3 below 302-ET-194 194 F All-Weaher Vertical Momting. 302-H-135 135 F hedor Horircntd Momting. Note 4 below. 302-H-194 ,|94 F hedor Horizontal Morntirg. .:, 302-EPM-13s 135 F E$osion-Proof Mourtirg. Nob 5 below. 302-EPM-194 194 F Elplosion-Proof Moufiing. AP-P Decoratile u/hte plastic adaptor plate for mounling 3O2 and 302-AW to 4" outet box ffi@@# FireAlarm Systems 'tpsc'fFrnr. A Frn ily d Multi,C*'deta Appiancess# DESCRIPTION Whedock's patented Series RSS Stobe Appliances and Series RSSP Strobe Plates have lower cunent draw and Zero lnrush wtlile nuintaining outsbnding performance, reliability and cost effediveness. These versatile appliances will satisff viftually all requirements for in- door, wall orceiling mount applications. Shobe options forwall rnountmodels indude 15fl5, 150, 177 and 185cd or \Mreelock's patenbd Multi-Candela strobe with fieH selectable candela settings of 15, 30, 75, or 1'lOcd. Ceiling Motrnt nrodeb are anailable in 1S, 30,75, 100, 150, and 177cd intensities. All modeb may be synchronized when us€d in conjundionwith theWhe€lock SM, DSM Sync Modules or the PS-12/24{ Power Supply with Wheelock's Patented Sync Protocol. Syncfironized slrobes can eliminate possible resfidions on the numbef of strobes in the field of view. Wheelock's synchronized strobes ofier an easy way b compty with ADA recormendations conceming photosensitive epilepsy as well as meeting the requir€ments d NFPA 72. ItVheelock's Series RSS Sbobes employ a patented Integnal Sbobe lt4ounting Plab that can be rnounted to a single gang, doubb gang, 4" square, l00mm European backboxes or the SHBB surface backbox. lfttre flush backbox has {ilde or bp space between il and the finished wall, the MTP (Ndification Appliance Trimplab) may be used. lt prwfules an adcltional .65 of trim forthe Applhne. An athadive cover plate is prwided for a clean, fnbhed appearance on all nrodels. The Series RSSP Mutti-Candela Stobe plates ale a cost 9tr9c{ive way to retrofit required strobe appliances to bells, homs, chimes, multitones or spekers and easily mounts to standard 4" backboxes or for surface mount use wilh WheelocKs SBt2 surface backbox. For Weatlaeroof Senbs RSS See Datalsheet S90O4 Copyilght m2 Wher/o*. hrc. AI ttghb twled,. SERIES RSS & RSSP SINGLE & MULThCANDELA STROBES & STRCiBE PLATES Series RSS Features. Approvals indude: UL Standad l971,NewYorkCity (MEA), Califomia State Fire Marshal (CSFM), and Fac{ory Mutual (FM), Chicago (BFP). Round Ceiling Sbobe apprcvals indude: UL Sbndad 1971. Pending: FM, MEA CSFMand BFP. HighCandelaApprovals: ULStandard 1971,MEA andCSFM. Pending: FM and BFP. Pending: 150cd & l77cd wall mount GSFM, MEA FM and BFP.. ADI/NFPA/UFC/ANSI cornpliant. lvleetsOSHA2g Part 1910.165. llUall mount Mult-Gandela models are avallable with Field Selectable Candola Settings of 18, 30, 75 or 110 cd or Single Gandela models in l5flb, 150, 177 or 185 cd. Ceiling mount models are available in 15, 30, 75 lfi), 150 and 177 cd (Round orSquare). Shobes produce 1 flash per second over the tegu- lated rcltage range. 12 and 24 VDC models with wide UL "Regutabd Voltage' using filtered (DC) or unfiltered VRMS input voftage. Synchronize with Wheelock SM, DSM or P91224-8 Power Supply with tmeelocKs built-in sync protocd. ZERO lnrush above Peak. Fast installation with IN/OUT screw terminals using #12 to#18 AWG wire H Series RSSP RSS Round Multl-Candela Indlcator IOIE: A|l CAUT(IiIS and WARI{|I{GS rre lO* Or t" r-bo A lll wamtngs ar€ pdnted ln'fr crplbl lfrrr.' A ivmmc pLEAE REAtt rlGsE spEcFrcATKrNs Ar*t assocrarED orsrautrrc{ srRlrcnq€ cAREFurry BEFonE us c, SPEqF NC OR APPLNTG TI{T8 PNOOUCT. FALURE 1l' COTPLY W|n{ ANY OF TI{E8C IITgTRUCNO S. CAUTIO S OR WAR'{ 08 COI'LD RESULT III ITPROPER APPUCATK'I{, I STALATK'II A'IM)R OPERAITOI{ OF THESE PRq)UCTS II{ A'I EIERGE]ircY $TUATK,I{ WI{ICII COUU' RESIJLT II{ PROPERTY DAHAGE AND SEROIXI INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AI|IDFR OTHERS. GeneralNotes. Strobes at€ d4sitnsd b frash at I fash p€r secdd mhlmwn otr'er ths Rsguht€d Voltags Rangp. Note thd NFPA-72 sp€di€3 a Jlash rate ol I to 2 nash€s per s€dd and ADA Gtldeln6 spedfy a lbsh |ab ot 1 b 3 iash€s per s€cond.. All candela raltngE r€pf€s€nt midnum €tuctivs Stooe intenrity b€s€d on UL Standad 1971.. Series RSS & RSSP Stmb€ trodude at3 flsnsd undEr UL Sb]dard 197'l ftr hdoq use wilh a t€rnp€r&fle r ge of 32' F b 120' F (0 C to 49' C) and maxirrum hunidiv cf 93% (r 2%).. "Ro0ulrt d Voltagp Rango" L thr n€y€st tcrmholoqy |r3€d by UL b ldenfffy the voltago Engs. P.ior to thls chrnge, UL u.od tha tsmlnology (Uri.d Voltrg. R!nge". TabL l: Sp.cncabm E Onlrlng Inlbmlabn - Xu|[4f|deb .nd Slnglr Cmd.b fod.b - WALI X)UNT Peak forlsl RS924MCW+R ffi"# 9400 24 "ffiil* *isJl- TT.:T[,:d: 16.0- fi1.0 15A075'110 .050 I .0Bl I .133 | .161 RS924MCW-FW RS9241575W+R 9401 24 7471 24 i6.0 - 33.0 rsnmsrlio .oso | .oor | .rss | .ror 16.0 - 31.0 15 05 on Ads) .085 RS$1215?5W+R 7476 12 8.0 - 17.5 15 05 on A*r) -17O RSSP-24UCil,V+R RSSP-241575W-FR w2 24 7793 24 r6.0-3a.0 1stlnnln1o .mo | .mr | .rss | .rcr tO-O- S3.O 15 05 on Ais) .t)6s RSSP-121575W-FR RSSP-24150W-FR 7798 12 9478 24 8.0 - 17.5 15 OS on Ar&) -17O 10.0 - 33.0 150 .293 nssp-zlrfw-rn RSSP-2,1185W-FR 94aO 24 s472 24 16.0 - iIt.o 1Tf .33|3 t6.o - txl.o 185 .333 nsszlr'solv+n RS924177W+R n24 *79 24 16.0 - 3.0 150 .83 16.0 - ixt.o 177 .333 RSS-24185W+R 88 21 16.0 - gt.o 185 .333 Table 3: ArdlbledSpeakerc for RSSP Sllobo plato P.oduct Sories Multibne ApdiarEs AMt; MT Hofirs AH, NH Mord Bdts MB€6/G10 Sp€akers Ef-1010/1080, E70, ETZO Chimes cH70 Av€rage Cunert per acbal mudiql TestiE at VDC. For Rabd Averagp rak qfi€nt acrogs UL volhgE rangs firr both DC snd unfilbred VRMS, lnstallation lnstructions. 'Nota: N6w Rolnd White C€iling Models # SM Sync lvlodule b rat€d br 3.0 dnperes @24VDC.lif DSM Sync ltiodule is rabd br 3.0 amp€res por circuit. The maximum numb€r of hlerconnocbd DSM i,lodul€s b tw€nly (20). Rebr b Data Sheot 53000 or Instalation Insbuctions (P83123) tor SM and P83lr/ br DSM). tt # Refer to Data Sheet S9001 or lrBtalalim lnshudims P83862 for P912t244 Power Suply. TaUe 2: Sp.cilcadonr a Odcdng ffir| don - SlngL Crrdd. Calllrg Xount xorror lSSj RSS-24i 50FW 71B,2 RS92,i15CR+W W2 Input Volh!f, vDc 24 2A ,^Tgt#- | srt"u la'"..e"".Hf,S::s" I crnaet Icuncnt'tl '| 6.0 - 33.0 I 5 .0f 2 16.0 - 3:1.0 15 .072 RSS-24i}0C-FW 7483 21 'f 6.0 - 33.0 30 .102 RS$2,(t0CRfw' 306,1 16.0-33.0 30 .102 RS92475CFW 7&16.0 - 3:1.0 75 .205 RS$2475CR-FW- 3066 RSS-24I00CFW 7,185 RS$2,|100CR+W. 3068 21 24 18.0 - 33.0 75 .205 18.0 - 33.0 100 .238 16.0 - 33.0 100 .238 RSS-24i50CFW 82,'2 24 16.0-33.0 150 .293 RSg24tsoCR+W. t1069 24 16.0 - 1t.0 t50 .293 RSS-24 8230 24 16.0 - 33.0 177 .333 nss-z6rr/cn-rnn sozo 24 16.0-3:i.0 1Tt .333 8Y C iIODULES ' POWER SUPPLY odd umbcl sM-'|22+R I 8fJ "d$' 6369 24 At rr Curant (auPs) @ 2i+VDC .028 l|oundng Opdon.i DSM-1224.RI 8374 24 PS-12n44r af4 120 vAc ' /l'waR tt{c: co r*, *rra** ,o*V cuRRErr q araurrpr nernucnors. ,*rrrr, **,Y, **nssp-z4rcw, (prrozz ANo pE o25} 3ERIE3 RSSTRSIIP glMlLE CATDELA Ar{D "GENERAL l{FOR[AIlOl{' S0GEI CS2:t!01 Or{ T}|EBE PRODUCTS. THESE DOCUIEUrS UIDERGO PERIOO|C CHAI{GEs. IT IS II|PORf,A"T I}I,AT YOI' }I,AVE CURRE T I FORXATIOI{ OII THESE PRd)I'Cfs. THESE flATERIALS @NTAN IFO(TA I IIFORNATK'N T}| T SHOULD 8E READ PRIOR TO SPECIFYNG OR ATALLNG IHESE PROOUCTS, TNCLI,DI G:. TOTAL CURREIIT REd'IRED BY ALL ADPUAT{CE8 @IT{ECTEIT TO SYATEI SEOOI{DARY FOIYER sOURCES.. F'3E RATIIG3 O|ITONF|GAT|OII AP?U,A GE CRCUNS TO HAIDI-E PEAK G1'RRENTS FROfl AlI APPLTAIICEA ON IHOAE G|RCI'ITs,. ADIING, REPII(,IIG OR CHATG G APPLIAIICEi OR CHANGING CAIIDEI.A sETN G3 WII.I. EFFECT CUNNENT DRAIU. RECALGUIATE CURREN? DRAW TO II{SI'RE THAT rHE TSIAL AVERAGE CURRENT A}ID TOTAL PEAI( REOUTRED BY ALL AFPI,AI{CES DO M)T qCEED THE RATED CAPACITY OF TIIE FWER SOURCE OR RJSES.. COXPOA]IE H.AIIH RATE FROX XII.TFLE S|IROBES IYIT}IIN A PERSON'3 FIELD OF VIEW.. IHE VOLTAGE APPUED TO T}IES€ PRqX'CT8 XUAT BE WIIHIII THEIR 'REGULATED Y(LTAGE RAI{GE".. II{SIAII.ATIOT{ OF IIO CAI{T'€IA EIROBE PROOUCTS IN SI.EEP|I|G AREAS.. IISTALI,,I'TIO OFF1CE AREAS AIID OT}IB SPECIFICATI(I{ A D INSTALI.AIX)}| |SSJES.. I'€E STROES C{LY O ORCUIIA WTTH OOIINTUOI'3LY APPI-EII OPERANTG VOLIIGE DO iIOT USE AIROtsES O @OCD OR NTERNX'PIED CIRCIJ|IA WHIC}I II{E APPLIED VOLTAGE IS CYCI.ED O A O OFF AS T E STROAES Xry T|oT FLA|IH.. FAILI'RE TO COTPLY WII}I THE IiISTAIIAIIOI{ IIISIRI.,CTIo 3 OR GEI{ERAL IIIFORTATPI{ 3HEETS COT'LD RESI'LT II{ IIPROPER IiISTALI.ATIo , APPUCANO , AIDioR OPERATION OF THESE PROOUCTS IN A ETERGEI{CY EN'ANON, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAIAGE AND SERIOUS INJUR,I/ OR DEATH TO YOU ANT',OR OTIIERS. ' CO DU TOR gZE (AWG}, LE GT}I Al{D AIPACITY s}IOULD gE TAIGN IiITO COI{S|DERATK)II PRIOR TO DEAIGN AT{D IISTAU-ATON OF THESE PR()U'CIS, PARIICUI.ARLY IiI REYROFIT IiISTALIATIoiIS. Vlliring Diagrams * SERIES RSS/RSSP APPLIANCE FROM + PRECEOII{G - APPLTANCE, SYNC MODULE, FOWER SUPPLY OR FrcP + TO NE$ . APPLIANCE OR EOLR SERIES RSS'RSSP APPUANCES SYNCHRONtrED W' SERIES RSS/RSSP APPUANCES SYNCHRONIZED WIIULTIPLE DST MODULES DSM Interconnscting wlring shos'n. M6xlmum ot twenty (20)#l-,nn : ----lr,--tr- : T*Hff SrRoBE/PLATE f"T,trtw ilrTlASSEMBLy iii,-priy-y&;'i; lffil AUDIBLE & VISIBLE APPLI- ANCE OPERATE IN UNISON STROBEP|-ATE ftE_lASSEiltBLy ffi AUDIBLE & VISIBLE APPLI. ANCE OPERATE INDEPEN. DENTLY # For detafl usiu Sl, or DSM Sync Moduls rBbr b D& Sheert S3OOO or lrlstalafidl hrstrudidE p&f123 br SM and p&tlz ior DSM. For wirirg intu.mation on th6 P$12+8 pow€r suppy i€br to tnsiatbtion Inetucrions pg3o62. Whoslock products must b€ used wihin th€lr puuished sp€dncabns and must be PRoPERLY spscmed, appli€d, iEtaled, opsratsd, maintain€d and op€ralionally bsted in accodance wih thdr irctalation insbu€tiong at the tims of installadon anC st least lwbe a year or n|or€ often and in a6otdance wiut local, stal€ and fed€ral cod6, ;€gulalions and hw8. Spe<ificafbn, appficatm, hstalation, opsation, malntenane and t6s0ng must bo p€.fonrEd by qualifiod pe|sonnol br propsr operation in a€ddance with all of the latast l&toml Fke Prot€dion Assodadon (NFPA), Undemfters' taborabrios (UL), Na{imsl Elsctical Code (NEC), Ocq.|patonel Sabty and H€alth AdmhistEtion (OSHA}, local, "ue, drrnrty,' province di*tid, ftderd and other apdhable hildng and fr€ standadB, guidolin€s, r€gdataF, hws and co&s hdt dhg, but not limibd b, al app€ndbes and amendnents and th€ rcqlil€|nents of he local authorfty harhg juridiciin (AHJ). SERIES RSS/RSSP APPLIANCES SYNCHROIIIZED wl P*rztz+s SERIES RSS/RSSP APPUANCE SYNCHRONIZED w/SM MODULE SINGLE CLASS "B'NAC CIRCUIT Tf|e ?|sudl notncafon applancG shall be Whffid( Seri€B RSS Sbob3 Applbnces or eprorred oquals. Th€ S€ries RSS 6hall me€f and be fistsd br UL Sla]dad 1971 (Emotgsncy Devi:es br the Hearing-lmpaircd) for Indoor Fire mc{on Ssvic€. Tho sblb€ shall bo [sted for indoor use and shal ]rEet tho r€quiBmenb of FCC Part 15 Chss B. The sbobe ryplian$ shal goduce a flash rab of ono (1) flash ptr s@nd ovd lie Rogtlabd Voftage Rarge and st|a[ IncoDorate € X€non flBhblb€ endosod in a rugged Ler(a||@ lens. All inpub shal be aompalius wih sta{lad t€vBfso pohrty supen itql of ch.rrit lvittg by a FfE Abrn Contol P{|el (FACP). Whefl Stobe Pl& arc b b€ insfaled, h€y sha{ be t|g Wleolod( Serl€s RSSP S'lobo Plato and shal haw tho same olectonic ciruriby as $6 Wheol@k Sedes RSS. The S€des RSS $rcbe shatr b€ of low cursi deslgn and shal ha\re Zero lffush. Whe|€ srat mount, Mu icandela apptarEg€ are specfied, tho 8ffie intdEtily shal hava a mhtunum of tour (4) freld seteciabfe setings and shdl be r*€d p€r UL Stfldard 1971 6n 15, 30, 75 d 110 cand€b. The s€l€cior slrtdt br 8el6€{ng the candola Bhall be taflp€r EsHant and not ecessblo trom tho ftu of th€ applhnce. The l5Z5 cand€la sfobs tha! be sp€ciffed wh6n 15 oandsla UL Sbnderd 1971 Ustng wtth 75 cand€h on ads is r€Wired (o.g. ADA corpllance). For standerd colllng mount applcationg tts sffie Inbndv shalt bo 15, 30, 75, or 100 candda- For high int€nsty nall mount mlicatbns, frrnisfi, RS9241$W-FR br 150od applications, RSS-24177W-FR br lncd appfcatbm, and RS$24185WfR lbr l85cd appllcaions. Fd high inbnslty ceilng rnount appllcations prwide RS92415OC+W br lsM appticaibns orRS$241flcfw br lzcd appficatbns. When syttdronizEtion b rsquir€d, the appfianca shal be compatible with Wh€€lock's SM, DSM Sync Modtt6 or wh€€bd('s P+12n44 Pdver Supply wfi builtin Pat€nt€d Sync Probcd. The sbobes sha[ not d]n out of syndtrontsalion at arry tims djring opqaton- tf the sync rnoduls ot Pow€r Suppty lblb b opsab, (i.e., oontaclB rsrnain clos€d), he sb,obe shalt r€wrt b a non-synchronksd fl6h rate. Th6 stobes shall be deeigned tor lndoor sufacs of flush mounting, The S€rl6s ^t" StoSs fuplbnc6 shall incorporab a Pabnt€d, lnt€gral Sfobe MoEting Plate that shall alhrv mountng io single{ang, doubb{E tg, 4-lncft square, 100mm Eurcpean type ht6oxss, a lhs SHBB Swface Baddorc tf '€qrir€d, an I{ATP (l,lotification Apdizrce Trimplab) shall be pwited. An atbdrllq covEr plate slul be pror/ided b girr6 th€ Apilrrc€ ard atFadi\€ appe{anoo. The Applancs $al not f|avs dry rnouiiu hol€s or sc'Ew hoads visble wh€n lhe hstallation is cdnoleted. Ths s€ri3s RSSP MultiCantbla or dnglo candeb Sbrob€ Pbt6 shdl rnount to olttEr a 61andfld 4 hch square bad$ox fa nush mounting, the Whodock SBL2 b€door br sufacs mourting. A[ nolficatlon appliances shall !9 bacl(wsd compatiblo. NoTE:tltbGordd.r,!d.vr|et'.ddo.'ptodirarpeifce|ia|add!.ing!'!a,q6dbC'9r{.wthcnndh6|naccdd.t|c.t{t.|tr[E€bd(.|.t.!t'id.db.mrdldco. Archltects and # Mod€b d€ aElabte in d|he Rsd or whto. cal cudoms s€rr/ice br oroer cooe & Delv€.y. 'For Weathergoof Seri€s RSS Strobo spocificatbns s€e data sheet SgOO/t.*R*r b data sheet 57000 ftr rnountru Atons. WE SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGE NICET CERTIFICATION NATIOI{AL SALES OFFICE l€lxl6itl-21,f9 Canada 800397-5777 E-mail : Info@wheelockinc.com hft o //www.wheelocki nc. com 3YEARWARRANW Made in USAMffitnlilltl-l and Otdertns hformation RS924MC1,V.FR 94m x RS$24l t5W#R 1171 X ro.rr H.H,n:Hffi# "ffi,- x x 15no7t110 - x X 15(75ooAb) vDc x x ., I lod.l t hd.l ;-. Color Colo. Icrdng Wq|fREO WH1rE x . B,o,eFG,HJ,I{,O,RX x - B,o,Ef,G,HJ,I{O,R.X SqrJr oa Ro|md Squel! Sq{r.l! RSS.l21t5wLFR 7476 X x x 15 05 q| Axb,)X x - B,o,Ef,,G,HJ,t{O,R.X Squsq RSS.2a15C+tf 71V. RS924'5CR+!V 3062 RSS-24i!OOFW 748B RSS-24I'OCR.FW 3064 x x x X x x x x x x X x 15 30 30 x x x X X qD.EFG,HJ,AO,RI x B,D,eFG,HJ,r{O8,X x aD,EF,G.HJ,i{ORX x I,o,E F,G,HJ,I{O,R} Squaa! turd Sq|l.rr furrd RSS-2:|75CfW 718/.xx x x X B,O,EF,G,HJ,NO,RX Squar6 RSSI-247sCR-FW 3066 Rgs-2arooc.Fw 7485 R!$24tdtcR+w 3068 Rlt$zfi 5oC-FW W. x x x x X x x x X x x X 100 r(X) 150 x x x x X B,D.EF,C,HJ,N,O,R,X x B,D,E F,G,HJ,I{O,&X x I,D,EfG,HJ,I{O,RX x I,D,EF,O,HJ,|{O,R X Rdrd Squar! fu.rrd Sqlare xxx 150 x X B,D,E,FG,HJ,N,O,R,X Rdlrd xxx 177 x X q.O,E,FG,HJ,N,O,R,X SqJal! RS$24iZCRfW 3070 RSS-241501,\,.FR Un X RSS2417'W-FR 9479 X x x x x x x 177 150 177 x x x x x B,o,E F,O,HJ,N,O,RX B,D,E,FG,HJ,I.I,O,RX B,O,E F,G,HJ,[{O,RX x x Rord Squarg Sqla|r RS&24185VV+R 62Zt X xx 185 x X . B,D,EFCHJ,N.O,RX Sqra'r x x 75 O 3t.F x x - I,D,EF,qHJi{O,ru(S(lldr RSSP.'|2157S,V.FR 77S X RSSP-24MCW+R *t2 x RSSP-2{1575W-FR 77S X RSSP-2415(M.FR 9478 X x x x x X 15 c'5 o.l Axie) x limnafo X 15 O5 m Arb) x 150 x x o,Ez D,EZ D,EZ B,D,EFG,HJ,N,O,RX xx -x "X x Sqtta|! Squar€ SquarE Squer! RSSP-24ir|W.FR 94Al x '177xx X x B,o,EF,qH,J,i(O,RX S$s! RSSP-24|65yV.FR 9,-72 X 185xx x x B,o,eF,qHJBO,RX Sqor! wHEELocK lt{c' ' 273 8RAI{CHP0RTAvE. Lot{c 8RA cH, t{J. 0z.o . lr2-xn{tr8f/0,' Fttxt Txz.2l[t-z58} s0410 10/02 ,ffiiffi@ffi FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS A Famlly of Mukl-(ardela Appllances'. Description WheelocKs patented 2-wire Series AS Audible Strobe Appliances and Series AH Audibles offer rnore feafures with less cunent draw and Zero lnrush. Strobe ofiions for wall mount models indude 15Z5cd or Wheelock's patented Multi-Candela strobe with field selectable candela settings ot 15, 30, 75 or 110cd. Ceiling nrcunt rnodels are available in 15, 30, 75 or 1 00cd intensities. The audible prwides a selectrable choice of either a continuous hom or temporal paftem (Code 3) when constant voltage fiom a Fire Alarm Panel (FAGP) is apflied. Eacfi bne has 3 dBA seftings to cfrcoee fronr. Additionally, the audible may be silenced while maintaining strobe adivalion. All models may be synchronized when used in conjundion with the Wheelock SM, DSM Sync Modutes or the PS-12/24-8 Power Supply with Wheelock's Pabnted Sync Probol. Syndrmizatim ofthe cqrtinuous horn tone proddes the temporal (Code 3) lone as mandated by NFPA-72 for all audible appliances. This ensures a distinct t€mporal (Code 3) pattem when 2 or more audibles are within hearing distance. lf not synchronized, the temporal sound may werlap and not be distindive. At the same time, the stobes will also be syncfrronized. This provides the ability to comply with ADA r€@finendations onceming phobsensitirre eplepsy and NFPA and UFC standards when installing two or more visual appliances within the field of view. All of this, plus the abilv to silence the audibte is achieved by udrry mly ?WRES. For Weatherproof Serles AS, See Datasheet Sgfl)4 Copyright 2m2 Whedock lnc. AU rlghb r.teryfd,, SERIES AS SINGLE & MULTI.CANDELA AUDIBLE STROBE APPLIANCES SERIES AH AUDIBLES Multi-Gandela lndlcator (bottom of lens) Features. Appror/als indude: UL Standard 1971, UL Standa.d 464, Calibmia State Fire iihrshal (CSFM), N€vr \6* City (MEA), and Faclory Mutral (FM) Pending: Chicago (BFP).. ADA/NFPI/UFC/ANSICornpliant.. Wall mount modeb are amilable with Fi€ld Selectable Candeb Settings of 15, 30, 75 or 110cd (Multi-Candeh models) or 15n5d.. Wealherproof wall mount UL Listed for ouuoor use (ASWP). Gtiling mount modeb are available in 15, 30, 75 or 100cd.. Selecbble Conlinuous Horn a Temporal (Code 3).. 3 Sdectable dBA sefrings (99, 95 and 90 dBA) in both td|es.. Patented 2-Wim Audible Sbobe Appllance.. Patented Universal Mounling Plale.. Stobes prcduce 1 ffash per s€cond ov€r the regulated voltage range.. 12 and 24 VDC models with wide UL 'Regulated Voltage' using filter€d DC or unfilteEd VRMS input vollage.. Wall Mount or Ceiling Mount models.. Synchronize wilh Wheelod< SM, DSM 6 Pg1z2+8 Power Suppv with Wheelock's bufltjn sync protocol. ' ZERO Inrush abo/e Peak.. ComoafUe with all Wheelock 2-Wire oroducls.. Fast installation wilh lN / OUT screw brminab using #12 b #18 AWG wires. *Fu**Ij, ClFIRE- as. SPE SERIES AS SERIES AH [oTE: Atl cAuTtot{s rld wARt{tNe, .r" itn* t th. rymbot ll . tlt mmtnss llt prlnbd ,llo caot, ,.*.". ' Aj wmrnrcr pr.EABE REAI rHESE 8pEcFrcATrrNs AND AsSocrArED rNsrAu-AnoN r{srnlcnor{6 CAREFULLv BEFoRE usrNc, sPEcFYlitc oR APPLY||o file PROU'CT. FALI'RE TO OOXPLY WMI $Ilr OF TIIEIIE IIISTRI'CNO 8, CATMO S OR WAruINGS OOULD RESULT I IIPROPER APPUCAM . h|lrTALI.Tb ATO/OR OFRANO OF T}GAE PR(xruCNt N ArI flERGEI{CY SITIJATIOII, YI}IEH @t,LD RESIJLT IN PROPERTY DAIAGE AIIO Sf,OUA h|.t'RY OR DEATH TO YOU AI T'OR OIIIERS. Goneratfroes. Sfobes rye deshn€d b flash at 1 flash per second min|num ovsr th6 Roguletod Votag€ Range. Note that NFPA-Z (1999) sp€d'fi€3 a f,aSl rab of I b 2 nash6 per second and ADA Guiddines spscry a flash rab of I t0 3 flashes per s€cond.. Al candeb ratings rFpf€s€nl rininum ofiedive Stobe inbnsity bas6d on UL Standard 1971.. Sedos AS Sfrob€ produds a€ lisbd under UL Stddad 1971 b'r irdoor use wih a Fnp€|ahlr€ range of 32' F to lm' F (0' C to ,$l' C) and rmrim'n h'nitty of S% (12%).. Sed6 AH-24 hdns a]3 a$d under UL St$dard 464 br audue stbnd apptatrs (hdoor uss only).. Sod6 AH-24WP audibb applarm 3liBbd lrdsr UL StEndard ,16,+ tor indocroJ6oor uso wiltr a Hlp€ratu]€ rangs of -31"F to 1q)"F {35'C b 66"C) and maxirum humldlty of 95%.. "R.gulatod Volt.g€ Rang." lr tha nowo3t tormlnology us€d by UL to ldentlty the voltagp rangc. Pdor to thlr chang€' UL u3ad the t rmlnology "Llstod Voltlgo Renge". -a -9-t Trbl. l: Rdrt P.r Iodrl Inporvcr.g.vDc Hi$;ffi sttob' c'ttd'b (cd) AS"24MCW-FR 24 16.0-330 15Bor75/fi0 As.zta | 575W.FR 21 15 (75 on Arir) A9 r 2,t 5751rY.FR 12 8.0 - 17.5 15 (75 on A)ds) AS-24r6C-FW AS-2430C-FW AS-2/075C.FW 45.24 r 00C-FW 21 15.0 -33.0 24 18.0 - 33.0 24 't8.0 -33.0 24 r8.0 - 3i|.0 t5 30 75 roo 2'l td.o - 3i1.0 75 e.3l'F T.tb2 A q.Ort ia'$t qtuAsaaElH,t.boEdrer.bE ff ArlrAttrr.r|| tth eAt-re pdA) \bbg.tb Ebd ?3od ll&d |GDVIEllEl.l,lC 240V8 I)a ln 3lt !E m 16 A,rT.O|rrta$ nnn f t-f ptdA) N, .174 .le 3m 4 .rgt lAO\m lBt .1 %a ?[ovrc o€8 .t(5 .151 frf 30vm tEE Ig,.tt0 .15| ArT.Orrta.fi Ldd^5[ pC l 140\,DC st|.119 2 4 a+ovrE .@ fitr .l4p,.aD 330\m .G6 IBt .t(E .147 T.U.3: AYtrT. qrm||| r ( flP31 S.rb. Al+2+R W t Alfl2.n,W A tF (Hom only) IiOLTAG€ HlCh [adum L.ow 16.0vDc .033 24.0 VDC .U7 .019 .025 .013 .016 3s.0 vDc .m6 .(}33 .o20 6.0 vDc .m rz0 vDc .103 17.5 VDC -12. .Gt5 .u7 .088 .94 .033 .040 5: dBA R.drg3 to. 12 vDC .nd 2a VDC t L AsrAH pdorr I vorr,,. I nrwrttn am II I P.r UL ata O l0 ft I 12.nd 2aVDC Ardlbb Ar.fidc dBA e l0 fL Condnllow Hom Coda 3 Hom Hlgh M.dlm st 88 9S 96 HO 83 a7 g0 s9 lrcdum 04 79 95 90 l.bl. 6: Av.rug. Curr.nl ' (Axptt lc? C.lllng Lount 2a Y Audlbl. 8lrob. At th. 3 Aldlbl. S.atlngt O lC, 24, .nd 33 VOC dBA Lav.la Av.ragp Cuncnl s'Xh Hlgh dSA Scttlng (99 dBA) Iod.l. AS-2415C VolLta ra.o Yoc 2a.0 vDc 33,0 vDc .'130 .106 ,102 AS-2430C ,131.r35 as-2.t75c AS-2at00c .200.357 .40t -214 .277 ,215 wlth iredlum dBA S.tllne (95 d8A) AS-2415C r't 6 .091 ,070 AS-2.r30C AS-2.r76C .t6t .12(J ,103 .330 .226 ,r79 AS'2.i t00c 217.258.349 Aveaa06 Curaflt wlth Low dBA s.ttlng (90 dBA) AS-2415C AS-2430C .112 .0A2 .069 ,100 .1t3 .095 AS-2,475C .219 .184.sl2 AS-2,1100C .252 .207.382 TrbL t: Ar.r{r C.|'|rl'( ||PQlort rltt6cd Atlh.I Arxlbb &d||t. C a,1r, a lt.! ICB ln.l I r.d.l I ridrtl|lh.FA A5-l2l575ll (et d6A, a.0vDc t2.0 YDc .at'l .254 tt.lvoc .?tr rit,|Mdlfi A8-i21575w dBA p6 d8A) y|nLrdAA AS-121575w {90 ds^) .t5,f .2t7 .346 .laa .162 .r82 l* + Artr{a Cumna' IAIP3)8.rL Ag2al5tt vrl_tAcE Hlgh X.dlum Lor 16.0 VDC .124 .10E .tq' 24.0 VDC 3.0 vDc .192 .t(x) .0e3 -oTf .07f .067 #SM Sync lrodulo lB ratod tur 3.0 smper€s @ 24 VDC. #'DSM Sync Modul8 F rated for 3.0 amooros 06r cltcull. Tho firfldmum numb€r of Intrrconnsc*ed DSM modulss iE h env (20). R61br to Data Sh€61 Slx)fl) o. lrdallstlon Instudion! PtXl123 tu Slt, a.|d P83177 ftr DSM- t##Retur b Dab Sheel Sgrcl or Inriallaton ln3tudlons PtXl862 to. PS- 12l2rl-8 Fotv6 Supply. ' Average Cunent p€r acfrlal Wh€dock Produdion Tosting d lbt€d \/pC. For Rabd Av€Ggo and Peak cunert across UL Rogulabd Voltago Rang€ ftr bo0l Filte|€d DC and UnflteEd VRf\ilS, se€ lnstallalbn lnstuclions.- Rebr b m Shs€t S7000 tur i,idlnling Odions. -o A wrnmtc, oonncf ,*=a** a*Y, *RRE,,' qrara'Tro* NsrRrJc'o]rs. ."elgm aEREs As24rcut, (pEao,, A D puor{ lERrEs AS EtlGLE CAllDElr. {F835r0l s.lrr A}1, (P6364t1 Sf,irr At+$P A D "GENERAL ll{FORtlATlO " sfiEEr (P82380} Oil IHESE PRO(XTCTS. THESE OOCUXEI{TS UI{DERGO PERIODIC GI{ANGES, TT I3 IUP('NTAIT THAT YOU HAVE CURRENI I'{FORIATIOI{ ON EIEAE PRODI'CT$ THESE ]{ATERIAL]8 @NTAN IIPORTATT NFORXAIIC''I TI{AT SHOULD BE READ PRIOR TO SPECIFYIIIG OR FISTAIIII{C THESE PRODUCIS, INCLUDING:. TOTAL CURNtIIT REQTIIRED BY ALL APPI,IAI{CES OOI{NECTED TO SYETEI 3E@NDARY PiOVUER SOURCES.. FUSE RATII{CS OII ]{OT|nCAflOI{ APPIIAI{CE CIRCUITS TO HAIIDLE PEAK CURREI{XS FROfl A.T- APPUAI{CES ON THOSE CIRCU]TS. ADUI{G, REPI.ACII'IG OR CI{AI{ONG APPLIAT{CEA OR CHAI(iING CANDELA SETnNGS W[-L EFFECT CURREm DRAW. RECALCUIITE CURREiIT TRAW TO NS'|RE THAT IHE IOTAL AVERAOE CURREI{T AXD TOTA PEAK REOURED EY AII AP?IJAIICES DO IIOT EXCEED IIIE RAIED GAFAG|TY OF TIG PIOIYER SOURCE OR FT'SES.. OONPOSIIE FI-ASH RAIE FROT IULNFLE STROBES IUIHN A PENSO 'S FELI' OF VIEW.. I}IE VOLTAGE APPUED TO T}IEEE PROIN'CIA XU]T BE WIIHN THEIR "REGUI-ATED VOLTAGE RA'{GE".. NATAU-ATOI{ OF IIO GAI{DEI STROBE PRODUCTS IN SLEEPNC AREAS.. NSTALLATION I OFFICE AREAS AiII' OTHER SPECIFICATK'II AiID II{STALIATIOiI ISSUES.. THEEE APPUA'iICES AnE NOT DESlGtlED TO BE USED Otil CODEO EYgrEifit lN lttltcH THE APPLIED I/OLTAGE |a GYCLED Oil At{D OFF.. FAILURE TO OOFTY WITH IHE II{STALIATIOII I]{STRUCTIOI{S OR GENERAL INFORXAIIOII SHEETS COTJLD RESULT IN IUPROPER NSTALIITION, APPI.|GANOX, AND,OR OPERAflO OF THESE PROl'tffS N A'I EIENTIENCY SITUAT()II, W}IICH COT,LT, RESULT II{ PROPERTY DAX^GE AI{D SENd'S IiIJURY OR DEATH TO VOU AiID'OR OTfiERS.. CONDUqTOR SUE IAWG} LEIIGN ATD AXPACITY SIIOIT.D BE TA|(EI NTO @XSIDERANON PIUOR TO DESEN A'II' IIST^II,AIOiI OF THESE PROOI'CI8, PARTEI'I-ARLY IN RETRX'FIT XSTALLATIOM}. SERIE9 AS APPTIAI{CES NOI{€YNCHRONIZED FROM PRECEDING t APPLIANCE - OR FACP + TO NEXT . APPLIANCE OR EOLR SEFIEA AS APPLTANCES SYI{CHROT{IZED W' qST IODULE CLASS"A' I{AC CIRCUIT W I.IO AUDIBLE CLENCE FEATURE STROBE TAC ctRcurr SERIES AS APPLIANCEg SYI{CHRONIZED W' S iIIODULE CLA3S "8" NAC CIRCUT w/ AUDIBLESILENCE FEATURE SM SERIES AS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED W' MULNPLE DSXI MODULES F A c P @. @- STROBE STROBEh @----: frac H< 51.'^::n, DgM Interconnocting wldng lhow'|' Marlmum of tronly (20) SERIES AS A ru]g APPUANCES SYNCHRONTZED Ut/ p$12-24{ # For dotail using SM or DSM Sync Module rebr to Data Shs€t S3000 or Installatim Instructlons P83123 tor SM end P8312 for DSM. For widng irfqmation on tho P$124-8 Poivor Suppty r6br b Installation trBfudbrE pBgA62. Wh€dock p.oduds m.S b€ us€d witfn tt|eir publBhed speo'ficatirns and must be PROPERLY spedfsd, appli€d, insbll€d, operabd, maintainod and @erdon{y t€8ted in ecco.danca lrdfi lh€} indalalid| ilstudioIB et lhe dme of il|stdHoo and d leasi tl,vice s ysar or more &l and in accddancs wih l(Ea|, stab t|d t€dsat codes, r€gubti'|s and h,vs. Sp€cnca&n, amlicaton, hstalatbn, oporabn, mahbrstca and bstng nust be perbmEd by quam€d p€r8onnel br Fop€r op€ratixr in accordancs with a[ af the ht€81 Nstional Fi]s PFtecdon Association (NFPA], Undo ttltofs' Laborawl€s (UL), Natonal El€ctlcal Cod€ (NEC), Ocorpatonal Safety and Heolth Adfitnbtrdbn (O6ftA), bcat, state, county, pmvkrc8, dbtrid, f€d€ral and ot|sr applcabh brilding and fl€ stardade, guHeln6, rcgulation8, tatvs and cod€s indudlng, but not limited to, ell apperdlc€ and amondm€nts and ths GquiqnentE o{ h€ locd authorlty havlng jurisdidion (Al-U). Archi/r;cts and Engine{ecifications O The. notificalbn appliances shall be Wheolock S€ri€s AS Audible Stmb€ applianc€s and Series AH Audible applianc€s or approvod equals. The Series AS Audible Strobe shall meet and b€ list€d for UL Standad 1971 (Emergency Devices for the Hearinglmpaircd) fur Indoor File Probdion Sewice. The Series AH Audible sha b€ UL Usbd under Standad 464 (Fir€ Prot€dive Siignaling). The audibl€/strob€ shall be listed for indoor use and both shall meet the requirements of FCC Part 15 Chs6 B. Al inpub shall be compdible wih standad rsverse pola.ity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alam Conbol Pan€l (FACP). Th6 audible portion of the appliance shall have a minimum of thre€ (3) field selectablo sefrings for dBA levels and shall have a cioico of continuoJs or temporal (Code 3) audible outputs. The sfobe porlion d the appliance shall produce a ffash rab of one (1) fhsh per second over the Regulated VoltagE Range and shall incorporab a X€non flashfube enclos€d in a rugged Lexaro lens. The S€ries AS shall be of low curent d6ign and shall have Zerc Inr6h. Wherc wall mount Multi€ardda appliances arc specified, the strobe intersity shall have a minimum of fou (4) field selec{able setings and shall b6 rabd per UL Siandad 1971 br:15,30,75 or'110 candela. The seledor switch for selec{ing he candela shall b€ tamper r€sisbnt and not accossible from the front of the appliance. The 15r|S cand€la strcbe shall be spodfi€d when 15 candda UL Standard 1971 Usting with 75 candela on-axis is Equired (e.9. ADA compuance). Fc ceiling mount apdications, the sbob€ hbnsity shall be 15, 30, 75 or 10O candela. When synchronization is rcquired, the appliance shall be oompatible with Wheelock's SM, DSM Sync Modules or W}|e€bcks PS-1212+8 Poiler Supply wflfr built-in Patented Sync Proloool. Th€ strobes shall not drift orrt of syncfironization al any tirne during operatbn. lf the sync moduls or Porrrrer Supply feils to operat€, (i.e., contacb rennin closed), ths strob€ shall ]€verl to a non-synchrcnhed flash-rate. Tho appliance shall also be design€d so that the audiblo signal may bs silenced while main- laining sfobe activation. The S€ries AS Audible Stobe ard S€ries AH Audible shall incoryorate a Patented Universal Mounting Plale that shall alloryv tnounting to a singl6-gang, double-gang, +inch square, 100mm Eumpean type backboxes, or the SHBB Surface Bad<box. lf roquired, an NATP (Noffication Appliance Trimplab) shall be provid€d. All notification appliances shall be backward mmpatible. Speclflcatrons and Orderlng lnformation trlod.l H St!b. C.nrLtr A$24[\,CW-FR 9024 158{yt5/110 s|nc r/S[[, DSll q P*1t21A xx ?|12tn VDC VDC flnt XX Cofikre tloud [oqnthg Worlf, . ABP,EF'GHJJ.{OS,X AS-24t!iCW+1/ 9025 1$307glt0 xx Xx ABpFf,G,FrJJ.l,OnX A$24ltSVrfR 7(F 15 C/5 on ArG) AS-1215/S/'-FR 7110 15 (75 o.r A*) ASz4lSCFW 7411 t5 x x X x x X x x X X x . ABPEf,G,HJX,O,RX - A8pE,F,G,HJ.II,O,R x X ABP,E,F,G,ru,N,O,R,X As-z$oclw 7412 30 x x x X ABPE.F,qHJN,OFX >s ->/ A92475Cfl\' 7113 75 A,$24rmOFW 7414 1m ASI/VP124751|/+R!. sl)12 75 @ 317 X X x x x x x x X X ABPE,F'G'HJN,ORI ABDE,FCHJ'TORJ | (s€ De Shsl Sgn4) X X AIF2+R 7892 AH-12* 7891 AIF24WFR- 7416 x x x X X x x x x x x X X AB,DE,FGHJNO,RX X ABPEf,qHJJ\O8X XK AH-lattR- 7115 x x X x Kx 'R€br b Data Sh€et S7@0 tur irounthg qions. *'For Weaherproof Sodes AS/AH specificatons s6e dab 8h€et Sg0O4. ot.: l'rodeb arE aralable h dfier R€d or WHb. Contad Cusbmer Ssrrioo fur frer Code and De$very. NOTE: Due to contlnuous d€yeloprnent of our product*, speclflcatlons and offerlngs aro subr€c{ to change hrlthout notlco ln actordance wlth ttllhelock |rc. standard lerms and condlflons. WE SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGE NICET CERTIFICATION 3YEARWARRANW Made in USANATIONALSALESOFFICE 1-800.631.2148 Canada 800397-5777 E+nail: Inb@vh€elockinc.com h@/ m,r ^,.vrhedockinc.com Disbibubd By: wHEELocK rNc. . 273 BRAr{ctrpoKr AvE . LoNG BRAr{cH. l{J. 0zzo .732-222-660 . FttX: 732-122-2!188 sE 00 rrl02 Gamewell IYORLOWIDE 6 3fl*, 1071 DH Series Electotnagnetic Door Holders Features Very Low Current Draw Superror Holding Force and Low Residual Magnetism Durable Die-Cast Metal H gh Lustre Double Chrome or Brass Plating Dual Voltage AC or DC Inputs Terminal Block Connections Single or Double Coil Floor. Surface and Direct Mounting (No A rcraft Qual ty DH Drill Fixture available to reduce insta lation Extension and Misalignment Rods l'! t,, a a a a a a a C Brackets Required) time and costs Description Gamewell's DH Ser es of electromagnetic f re Door Ho ders are constructed of the finest materia s and workmanship available. The door holder s made of durable die-cast metal finlshed in high ustre double chrome or brass platlng. Other features include standard dual voltage AC and DC inputs oI 24 & 12OY (standard), as well as 12 & 24V and 24 & 220V models. Wh le reducing stocking requirements, the 24 & 120V model draws a mere .020 mA aI 24 VDC, lowering overalllob costs. In large instailations. the cost savings can be substantial. Other features nclude single or double coilf oor mount ng, surface mountlng and direct wall mounting. No brackets are required. The DH Series Door Holder offers a new installation techn que using an adhesive template assur ng alignment Electrical/Mechanical Specilications without secondary adjustments. Accessories include extension and misalignment rods (varous lengths) enabling parallelism between door and wallat distances greaterthan twelve nches and misallgnment over tour lnches. Aiding in instal ation s the aircraft quality DH dri I fixture that reduces nstallation time and provides a near perfect alignment or catch-pare ard arratu'e again lowering overal insta lat on costs. Basic units offer super or holding force and low residual magnetism. Models working at 12 & 24V and 24 & 120V can operate at hgrer lsted voltages, pro- ducing holding forces n excess of 100 pounds (45.3 kg. )for spec al app ications. Slandard Application Gamewell's electromagnetic DH Series Door Holders are deslgned to hold se f- closing swing ng doors open until de- energized by a remote sensing device responding to smoke, heat or f lames; or by a f ire alarm system or a swjtch. When de-energized. the door holder releases the door, enabl ng it to swing closed to check the spread of smoke, heatorf lames. The door ho der can also be used in other remote door-closing applicatjons as well. The units are recommended lor automatic area protect on aga nst smoke, heat and ames n scrools. hospitals. nursing homes, off ices and other public buildings of all kinds. Gamewell's DH Series of electromagnetic door holders are speclally cnnireorad lrr p:cV.n.nection tO detectors, sensors, alarm systems and annunciator systems to create simple, low cost fire protection systerns. DC/mA AC/mA Terminals Common & Low Vo tage Common & High Voltage Common & Low Voltage Common & High Voltage 35 Common & Low Voltage 40 LB.KG. 12V 24V 24V 120 V 24V 24V 124 V .038 .036 019 .020 0r9 J,O JO i 8.1 15.8 18.1 30 30 40 .020 22O V - .015 . Common & High Voltage 25 11.3 NOTE: Holding forces listed in above table correspond with shaded valuesi non-shaded values are slight y less 085 081_ .100 Common & Low Voltage Common & Low Voltage 75 110 34.4 49.8 HIGH HOLDING FORCE/SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: To obtain performance values in table above, apply high vo tage to low voltage terminals (C & L). This configuration can only be applied Io 12 & 24V and 24 & 120V models.ilolE: LOIV VOLTAGE APPLICAnOI{ SliOvYN Ordering Inlormation: Thefollowing DH model door holders are dualvoltage 24 and 120 VAC or DC, and will be supplied as standard unless clearly noted with your order. Other available voltage combinations are 12 & 24 V or 24 & 220 Y Ordering Information: ot Supplied QTY Model Description EN tr tr tr trtr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr F tr tr tr tr tr tr tr v DH-FC1 DH-FB1 DH-SC1 DH-SB1 DH-GC1 DH-GB1 DH-GC2 DH.G82 EXTEilSIOilS: DHElC DHElB DHE15C DHEl5B DHE2C DHE2B DHE3C DHE3B DHE4AC DHE4AB AGGESSORIES: DHCPC DHCPB DHSBC DHSBB DHBBC DHBBB DHW DHDF Semi-Flush, Chrome Semi-Flush, Brass Surface Mount, Chrome Surface Mount, Brass Ground Mount, Single Door, Chrome Ground Mount, Single Door, Brass Ground Mount, Double Door, Chrome Ground Mount, Double Door, Brass l" Extension Rod, Chrome 1"Extension Rod, Brass 1.5" Extension Rod, Chrome 1.5" Extension Rod, Brass 2" Extension Rod, Chrome 2" Extension Rod, Brass 3" Extension Rod, Chrome 3'Extension Rod, Brass 4 Adjustable Extension Rod, Chrome 4'Adjustable Extension Rod, Brass Catch Plate, Chrome Catch Plate, Brass Swivel Base, Chrome Swivel Base, Brass Back Box, Chrome Back Box, Brass Extension Wrench (2 pcs.) Swivel Base Mounting Drill Fixture SURFACE ilOUNNNG GENERAL IIOU}{nNG Gamewell WORLDWIDE Specifications and wiring information are provided for information only and are believed to beaccurate. However, Gamewellassumes no responsibility fortheir use. Specilications are subject to change without notice; installation andwiring instructions 60 Pleasant Street Ashland, Massachusetts 01 721 (508) 231-1400 FAX (508) 231-0900 be used for installation. Data and design subiect to change. Supply subject to availability GW 8/98 (revised) Printed in U.S.A. UL, CSFM 50 Chapter 1 ' '. v Fundamentials ol Fire Alarm Systems FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION Nameofprotected ,*n"n', frV -= k/nntf"n..91e ,W Address:tiL (2 Representative of protected property.(name/phone):.. l,hue ,n4. 9t? Authority having j urisdiction: Address /telePhone number: 1. Type(s) ol SYstem or Servlce / NFPA ?2, Chapter 3 - Iocal Ifa]armigtransmittedtolocation(s)offpremises,Iistrvherereceived:_"--*'""'*vn",''--Eii)iiinii'- (i ', notp' "'t yto-tvtt b NF,t72, Chapter 3 - Emergency Voice/Alarm Service Quantity of voice/alarm channels:Single:Multiple: Quantity of speakers installed:Quantity of speaker zonee: Quantity of telephones or telephone jacks included in system: / *O72,Chapter6-Auxillary Indicate type of connection: - Local energr - Shunt Parallel telephone Incation of telephone nunber for receipt of signals: NFPA 72, Chapter 5 - Remote Station Alarm: Supervisory: 7 NPPtlz, ChapterS-Proprietary If alarms are retransmitted to public fire service communications centers or others, indicate location and telephone numbere of the organization receiving alarm: Indicate how alarm is retransmitted: NtrPA 72, Chapter 5 - Central Station Prime contractor:'ti Central station location: Means of trnnemission of sig:lals from the protected premises to the central station: McCulloh Multiplex One-way radio l-/ Digital alarm communicator - Tvoway radio - Otherg 14sans 9f trqnsmiesion of alarms to the public fire gervice commurricationa center: (a) (b) svstem locarion. Fncp TNFPA Rocord of Complotion 1 of 4) Figure 1-6.2. 1 Record of completion. Section 1 o -$o Documentation 51 Installer Supplier Service organization Location of record (as-built) drawings: Location of owners manuale; Location of test reports: A contract, dated , for test and inspection in accordance with NFpA stanilarcl(s) No(s)., dated - , is in effect. 2. Record of System Installailon (Fill out after installatiolf-:-o-l1p_lete and wiring checked for opens, ehorts, ground faults, and improperbranching, but prior to conductialg operatio""t-rL"fit." rcrtr.t 3t t"t??#g been installed in acco/ance with the NFPA standards as shown beloq was inspectedby7ry) , includes the devices shown below, and hae been in service -lfNFPA?2,Chapters b@ @ C6 6 Z (circleaurharapply) -I4NFPA 70, rVatbnal Electrical Cod,e,lufticle 760 -lzlManufacturer's instructions J4Otber (specifr):hl ^/EhlSigred: 3. Record of System Opera on Alloperational features and funqiions of thie system were tested by_and found to be operating properly in accorda;";;lh tl" ""quirements of: -NFPAT2,Chapters L 2 B 4 S 6 T (circteallthatapply) - NFPA 70, JVo tiona,l Electricat Cod.e , Axhcle 7 60 - Maaufacturer's instructions - Ot'trer (specify); Representative name/phone_&E /+ xtaL /f,n,ElL 'eht 6/E/rp4Z ZtZ. Sigoed: Organization: 4. Alarm-lnltlating Devlces and Clrcultg Quantit:r and class of initiating device circuits (see NFpA22, Ibble S-S) euantity: _ Style: _ Class:_MANUAL (h|,^tzc(€e h Stc(d 6 Manual stations Noncoded, activating Tbansmimers _ Codedft) -- Combination manual fire alarm and guard,s tour coded gtations AUTOMATIc Co*r€6€c, /D gLC p*tia, ft{ AflfCoveraBe: Conplete: --@) 7 Smoke detectors G) _- Duct detectors k) D Heat detectors 37 mrrn RC (NFPA Record ot Comple on 2 ol4) FT Photo (continues) re 1-6,2.1 Continued, al Fhe Alarm Code Handbook 1999 ,52 chapter 1 . Fundamentats or r?o,"rr systems @, 2 Sprin-kler waterflow switches: - Tlansmitte"" { Notr"ode}, activating - Coded (e) - Other (list): 5. Supervlsory Slgnal-lnltlatlng Devices and Clrcults (use blanks to indicate quantity of devices) GUARD'STOUR (a) - Coded stations (b) - Noncoded stations, activating trnnsmitters (c) - Compulsory guard tour system comprised of stationsintermediate Note: Combination devices are recorded under 4(b) and 5(a). SPRTNKLERSYSTEM @) T Coded valve supervisory signaling attachments Value supervisory switches, activating (b) Building temperature points (c) - Site water tenperature poirots (d) - Site water supply level points Electric fire pump: (e) - Fire pump power (0 - Fire pump rururing e) - Phaee reversal Enginedriven fire pump: ft) - Selector in auto position (i) - Engine or control panel trouble (j) - Fire p"mp running Engine-driven generator: (k) - Selector in auto position (t) - Control panel trouble (m) _ Tlansfer switsheg (n) - Engine running Other supervisory function(s) (specifr): 6. Alarm Notltlcatlon Appllances and Gtrcults Quantity and class (see NFPA ?2, Tabte 3-7) of notification appliance cirguits connected to the system: 4e ftpes and quantities of notification appliances installed: euantity: J Styk: Y Class: R (a) - Bells - Inch (b) - Speakers (c) - Ilorns (d) - Chimes (e) - Other: - (NFPA Rocord of Completion 3 of 4) transmitter stations and trqnsmitters Figure 1-6.2.1 Continued. 1999 National Fire Alarm Code Handbook <t, 23 Visual sig:rals T)rye: J,1 with audibte / do audibte(g) - Local annunciator 7. Slgnallng Llne Clrcults Quartity and class (see .lVtr'PA 22, TolbIe_S-6) of signaling line circuits connected to system: Quantity: / Stie: 4,0 Chsl, E -- L System Power Supplles (a) Primary(mainl, J Nominal voltage:a4 v7c Overcurrent protection: $pe:FtKf-Current rating:*---0 -----+-IJocauon: rutC / (b) S-econdary (standby): '1 y:1, Storagebattery: Arnp-hourrarior, 7 J A,rnf //pu,L Elt4 gr = /ofaL 3/.6 4E Calculated capacity to drive system, in hours: iJ .iy' 24,+L/_!E_AN_4/&/ Engine-driven generator dedicated to fire alarm system: Current rating:L L,ocation of fuel storage: t"' f.[,?ff|flr,; standbv svstem ueed as backup to primary power supply, instead of using a secondar5r Emergency system deecribed in NFpA ?0, Article 200 Legally required standby system described in NTpA ?0, Articre ?01 optional standby system described in NFPA ?0, Article ?02, which also meets the performancereguirements ofArticle ?00 or ?01 9. System Software (a) Operating system software revision level(s), ) , 2 . / (b) Application softwsre revieion level(e): (c) Revisiou completed by: 10. Comments: 03station or alaru. service company or i*t"U"ti* *"t"*totoppil"" Flequency of routine terts and inspections, if other than in accordance with the referenced NFpA stardard(e' System deviations from the referenced NFpA standard(s) are: (nsmg)(ffrn) (eigned) for central stetion or alam e"*i.".o-p*@su oervrur' (runpany or rnstalahon contractor/supplier (title) (date) upon completion of the syst€n(s) satisfactory tes(g) witnessed (if required by the authority havingjurisdictioo): (signed) representative of the authority tra"ing ju"isdictioo (title)(date) (NFPA R€cord of Complstion 4 of 4) o Section Documentation Figure 1-6.2.1 Continued. Nationa! Fire Alarm Code Hanclbook lggg INSPECTION AND TESTING FORM DATE: TIIfE: SER\'ICE ORGANZANON r.r",., T5_ul_ ElfZjeic l*tc.PROPERTY NAME (USERI Ad&ess:-?O.bXYo Y,]?1 AV,,.t. U, fttlo RepEsotativs: Liceuc No.: ,"t"ort*t 11o'lrlg- 4kI - Telephone: IIONITORING EI{TIrY Contact:Dar..r APPRoI/INGAGENCY*"*r, €,!iL Fo (Miv_e H?eA racpao''e: t/74-'ZZPTblcphonc: Monitoring Accouat Ref. No.: TYPETFANSMISSION Q McCulloh 0 Multiplex O Digital Q Rcveoc priority ORF SERVICE Q Werkly fl Monthly O Quartcrlytr Scmiannually O Auualy ,e Other (Specllyl ! Other (Spccify)hutort t.s Contol Unit lylanufachtrcr: citr:wt stytcs: /il/7 - : Last D0te thatAny Software or Configuration Wac Revircd: Qus!ffty44-#----;7-1\I--#---_T---t- ALARM.INITIATING DEVTCES AND CIRCUIT INFORMATION Clrcult Styte Manual Fire Alarrn Boxcs Ion DetEclo$ Photo Dctectors Duct Dctccbn Heat Dctectors Watrflow Switches Supcrvisory Switch€s (NFPA Inspection and TosUng I ol 4) Iast Datc Systcm IIad Any Scrvice perfornred: Other (Specify): Figare Z-5.2,2 1999 Nationat Fire Atarm Code Handbook Example of an inspection and testingform. Section 7-S . Records 299 Quarflty -7t---..--r-----E-_ No. of alann notification eppliancc circuits: Are circuits monitorcd for integrity? e yes e No ALARM NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES AND CIRCUIT INFORMATION Clrcuit Style SUPEFVISORY SIGNAL.INITIATING Circutt Style Bells Horns Chiees Stsobes Speakers- tt /othertsoeant. HcetJ /eranar< DEVICES AND CIRCUIT INFORMATION Building Temp. Sit€ Watcr Temp. Site Water Irvel Firc Pump power Firc Punp Running Firc Pump Auto posiriotr Firc Pump or pump Conholler Thouble Fire Pump Running Gcncrator Ilx Auoo positioD Genen$or o! Controllcr Tmuble Swirch Transfer GeneralOr Fngrne Runninq Othen SIGNALING LINE CIRCU]TSQ"ffif;t *t :?"*^:jtlc 3-6) or sisnalins rine circuirs connccbd ro system: . - sYsrEM powER supp'Es stvte(s) r a. Primary Main): Nominal Voltage O\€rcurreDtprotcction: Tlpc lcaUon (of mnaV Suppty panelboard): Disconnecting Mcans location: Calculafcd capacity to Location of firel storagc: TYPE BATTERY O Dry Cell Q- Nickel-Cadmium Ef Sealed kad-Acidtr lcad-Acid O Ofrer (Specify): c' Emergency or standby systcm used os a baclop @ a secondary powcr supply: __._.._.._._$ lcgally rcquircd staodby described in NFpA iO,errr.r. ZO,--:-...--- optional standby^sysbm described in NmA ?o.d;;;; whi^h "r.^ _--.- -Loflrticteioo or zor ' - " 'nicle 702, which also meets the pefonnance requlements (NFPA lhspection and T€sfing 2 o, 4) tfrrytt**t" I a: I I iI ; t a / 3 Figure 7-5,2,2 Continued. Natbnal Fhe Alarm Code Hanctbook 1999 (continues) 300:.' Chapter 7 . Inspection, fesung, ",n"intenance NOTIFICATIONS ARE MADE Monitoring Entity Building Occupatrts Building Management Other (SpeciS) AHJ (Notified) of Any rmFairmenh TYPE Conhol Unit hterface, Eq, lamFs/IJDS Fuses Prinary Power Supply Tmuble Signals Disconnect Switches Orcund-Fault Moniioring SECONDARY POWER TYPE Battery Condition l.oad Vohagc Discbarge Tbst Charger Test Sp€cific Grayity TRANSIET{T SUPPRESSORS RETIIOTE ANNUNCIATORS NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES Audible Visual Speakers Voic€ Clarity Loc. &Si/l{ PRIORTO ANYTESTTNG SYSTEM TESTS AND INSPECTIONS TVhoYes No BO OO OO OO OO EI o o o E E o o Tlne Vlsible E E Ep F FF a Vislble v Functional v E F Eq a ,n E Funcdonsl Commetrts Comments ts a .F Fs INITIATING AND SUPERVISORY DEVICETESTS AND INSPECNONS Device Type Vlsual lhnctionalCheck lbst Faciory Settlng Mer8. Setthg-OO Atr OO DO OOOtr fail o tr o o tr Psrs tr o tr El'o ComrnenB: (NFPA Insp€cdon and T€sdng g ot 4) Ftgure 7-5,2.2 Continued. 1999 Naqonal Fire Atanh Code Handboo( _=_: Section 7-5 . Ro@rds 301 EMERGENCY COMMUNICANOilS EOUIPMENT Phone Set Phone Jacks Off-Hook Indicator Amplifie(s) To[e Genemtor(6) Call-in Signal System Performance INTERFACE EQUIPII'ENT(specfy) FFB (Spccify) _ (Speci&) SPECIAL HAZARD SYSTEMS (Speci!) (Specify) (SpecI-|) Special Proceduree: VlsuaI o o Q o o u ,E Vlsual E o o o tr o o El o o tr o F E o o tr tr o Funcdonal Device Opradon Comnents Slmulated Operadon tr a tr U a tr Comments: SUPERI'ISING STATION MONITORING Alann Sigral Alarm Restomtion Tlouble Signal Snpervisory Signal Supervisory Rsstoration NOTI FICATIONS THATTESTING IS COMPLETE Building Managcment Monitorilg Agercy Building Occupants Other (Sperify) Yes NoEoEAcrtr[foiltr Yes NoEortr9ocltr Tine Commenb Who T'lme Thc following did not operatc conecdv: System rcstor€d to nornat operation: Date.Tlme: THIS TESTING WAS PERFORMED tN ACCORDANCE W'TH APPLICABLE NFPA STANDARDS. Nameof rnspector:1 Na^t a*ov) > l;:'l-:-'Name of Inspector: u___NtW_ g/fuyrl . , 1 - -' sis".o*., '---'\ft-7* : D"e: t/f/o> Name of Ownet or feprcscntative: Date: Signature: (NFPA lmp€c{on and Tss{ng 4 of 4) Tirnc: Figure 7-5.2.2 Continued. Nationat Fire Atarn Code Hanctbook lggg f: \TOv ltaintenanc. thops.cfg P,AIIIIJ DEIIAILS Revision: User Configuration: Alarm Prefix: NodeNumber: NodeTlpe: Node Name: Input Groups: Output Groups: SystemTlpe: Blpass Count : Last Card Address: Remote Annunciator 3 Silence Inhibit Delay: Coded SignaL Pulse Period: Coded Signa1 Cycle Count: Signal Type After Code: Alarm Silence Ti-me: UDACT Enab1e/Disabl-e : Acknowledgement Security tevef : Reset Security Levef : Signal silence Security Level-: DriL1 security Level- : Blpass Security LeveL : walk Test Security Level- : Function Key Security Level : Detector Text Security T,evel: Day,/Night Security Level : city connection Type: Abort Key T]4pe l BC Key Supervision: DaylNight Key Enable: DaylNight Operation: Day Mode Exit Hour: Day Mode Exit Minute: Verification Tally Limit: Waterflow Delay Seconds: Releasing Delay Seconds: Discharge Del-ay Seconds: Reset Timer Seconds : CIRD AIID DEVICE DEEAIIJS -7.2 SmartSta rt t rre Individual Config 256 256 F610 0 _Ld No None 1.0 sec 4 cycles S i lence 10 min Enabl-e z z J 3 J 5 5 3 tine reversal One shot Not supervised Not enabled Manuaf 7'l U 2 30 30 0 0 Crrd 4: CCP4, 2 Sigltal Circuits, Class A card Address: 4 Card ID: 1 - CCP4, 2 Signal Circuits, Cfass A Circuit:l2g, trire A1ara Circuit: Device Tlpe: Description: Alarm Activation Level : Alarm Restore On: Signal Tlpe :DrilI : Auto Signal Silence: Display Card Nurnber: Display Card Position: Output Group: Bypass Group: Bypass State: Circuit:l30, Fire Al'aa Circuit : Devj-ce Type : 1"29 Convent ional Eire Alarm 2 - Alarm Reset Steady ON signal Yes Yes 0 1 729 Not bypassed 130 Conventi-onal Description: Alarm Activation Level : ALarm Restore On: Signal T!pe: Auto Signal Silence: Display Card Number: Display Card Position: Output Group: Bypass Group: B]4)ass State: Fire Alarm 3rnii?'"".. Steady oN s j-gnal Yes Yes 0I 130 0 Not bypassed Card 6: CCP6 Card Address: Card ID: o 5 - CCP6 Gtrcuit: 131, tlo deecription Circuit: 131 ntrvi .rc T\rnc: Conventional Description : Alarm Activation Leve1: 2 - Al-arm Alarm Restore On: Reset Display Card Nurnber: 0 Display card Position: L Output Group: 131 Bypass Group: 0 Blpass State: Not bllgassed C.!d 7: Itnured Card Address: 7 Card ID: ? - Unused Cerd 17: fpoUo Intcsface Card Address: t1 Card ID: 9 - Apollo Interface Cirqrit:25 Circuit Number: 25 D.vic€ 27, X295-T Device Address: Device Type: Description: Zone Type: Average tenp "C:Alarm temp oC: Rate of rise: Input Group: Blpass Group: Blpass State: Dovicc 28, :(P95-f Device Address: Device Type: Description: Zone Tlt)e: Average temp "C:Alarm temp oC: Rate of rise: fnput Group: Bl4)ass Group: Bl4)ass State: D.\rica 29, XP95-P Device Address : 2'7 XP95-T Heat Detector South central Automatic 25 off 101 0 Not bypassed 28 xP95-T Heat Detector South Central Automat ic 25 off 101 0 Not bypassed 29 Main Floor Compressor Room Main FLoor Oi.l- Room Device T]4)e: Description: Zone Type: Average count : Sens i tivi ty: Auto compensation: Input Group: Bl4)as s Group: Blzpass State: Device 30, XP95-T Device Address : Device Tl4)e I Description: Zone Tl4)e: Average temp oC: Alarm temp oC: Rate of rise: Input Group: Bypass Group: B)4)ass State: Device 31, XP95-f Device Address: Device T]t)e: Description : zone Tlpe : Average temp "c3 Alarm temp oC: Rate of rise: Input Group: Blpass Group: Bypass State: Device 32, ,(P95-1t Device Address: narri na 'l'tna . Description: Zone Tl4)e: Average temp "C:Alarm temp oCl Rate of rise: Input Group: 814)ass Group: Bl4)ass State: Derric€ 33, XP95-T Device Address: Device T)4)e: Description: Zone Tl4)e: Average temp "C: Alarm temp "c: Rate of rise: Input Group: Blrpass Group: Blpass State : Device 35 , :rP95-!I Device Address: Device Tl4)e: Description: Zone Tlpe : xP95-P iHffi pE::i' 25 3 - Normal On 100 0 Not b14>assed 5U xP9 5-T Heat Detector North Central Automati c 25 55off 100 0 Not bl4)assed 31 XP95-T Heat Detector North Centraf Autonatic z3 off 100 Not blpassed 32 xP9 5 -T Heat Detector North CentraL Automati c 25 55off 100 0 Not bypassed 33 XP9 5 -T Heat Detector South Central Automatic 25 55off 101 0 Not bypassed xP95-T Heat Detector South Central Automatic Main Floor Computer Room Main Floor Sign Shop Mai-n Fl-oor Traffic Control Storage Main Ffoor ELectrical Storage Main Floor Break Room Main Floor fnternal Corridor Average temp oC: Alarnr. temp oC ! Rate -rf rise: Lnput Group: BlPass Group: Blpass State: Davic€ 35, PID-95 Device Address : Device Type: Description: Zone Tlpe : Input Group: Blpass Group: Blpass State: Derrice 3? , PU)-95 Device Address: Device Tlpe : Description: zone Type: Input Group: Bypass Group: Bl4)ass State: Device 38, PID-95 Device Address : Device Tlpe : Description: zone Tl4)e: Input Group: Bypass Group: Blpas s State : Dffice 39, l{E-95 Device Address: Device Type: Description: zone T]4)e: Input Group: Bl4)ass Group: Blrpass State : Dcvice 40, rGt-95 Device Address : Device Tlpe : Description: Zone Tlpe : Input Group: Blpass Group: Blpass State: Dcvice t!1, lN9-95 Device Addxess : Device Tlpe : Description: zone Tlpe : Input Group: Bypass Group: Bypass State: Device {2, Mlt- 95 Device Address: 25 off 101 0 Not blpassed Jb PID-95 Heat Detector Main Floor North Central Dual lift Bay west Automatic 100 0 Not blpassed 3'l PID-95 Heat Detector Main Floor North Central Duaf Lift Bay Center Autornati-c 100 0 Not blpassed ?n PID-95 Heat Detector Main Floor North Central Dual Lift Bay East Automati c 100 n Not blpassed 39 MS-95 Manual Pul-I Station Main Fl-oor North Central Dual Lift Bay East Exit Automatic 100 0 Not bypassed 40 MS-95 Manual PUII Station Main Floor North Central DuaI Lift Bay west Exit Autonatic 100 0 Not bypassed 47 MS-95 Manual Pull Station Main Floor North Central Electrical Storage Exit Automat i c 100 Not blpassed 42 Device Tlpe: Description: Z.one Type : Input Group: Blpass Group: Blpass State: Dcvice {3, MS-95 Device Address: Device Tl4)e: Descriptj-on: Zone Tlpe : Input Group: Blpass Group: Blpass State: Device 52, xPgs-lf Device Address : Device Type: Description: zone Tlpe : Average temp "c: Al-arm temp "c: Rate of rise: Input Group: Blpass Group: Blpass State: Dcvice 53, :@95-P Device Address : Device Tlpe: Description: Zone Tl4)e: Average count: Sensitivity: Auto compensation: fnput Group: Blpass Group: B)pass State: Derrice 55, xP95-P Device Address : Device T14)e: Description : Zone Tl4)e: Average count: Sensitivity: Auto compensation: Input Group: Blpass Group: Bypass State: Devicc 56, l{Il-95 Device Address 3 Device Tl4)e: Description: Zone Type: Input Group: Bypass Group: Bypass State 3 Ddice 57, P95-P Device Address: MS-95 Manual Pul1 Station Main Floor ff*i:t"trol storase Exit 100 0 Not b\Dassed 43 MS-95 Manual Pu11 station Main Floor North Central Egress Corridor Exit Automat i c 100 0 Not bl4)assed 52 xP95-T Heat Detector Main Floor South Central Tool Room Autonati-c 25 off 101 0 Not blpassed 53 xP95-P Smoke Detector south Central Automatic 25 3 - Normal On 101 Not blpas sed 55 XP95-P Smoke Detector south Central Automati c 25 3 - Normal On 101 Not bl4)assed Main FLoor Restroom Main Floor Office corridor 56 MS-95 Manual Pul-I Station Main Floor South Central Office Corridor Exit Automati-c 101 0 Not bypassed 5'7 Device Tl4)e: Descgiption: Zone Tl4)e: Average count: Sensitivi-ty: Auto conpensation: Input Group: Bypass Group: Blpass State : D€vic€ 100, xP95-T Device Address : Device Tlpe : naa ^a'i ^f i.rn. Zone T]4)e: Average temp oC: Al-arm temp oC: Rate of rise: Thh'1i r:r.\'rh.rr.l-q e vrvsF. Bypass Group: Blpass state: Ilevica 101 , xP95-P Device Address : Device Tlpe: Description: Zone T]t)e: Average count: Sens itivj-ty: Auto compensation: Input Group: Blpass Group: Blpass State: D€rric€ 102 , I(P95-P Device Address: Device TIT)e: Description : Zone Tlpe : Average count: Sensitivity: Auto corq)ensation: fnput Group: Blpass Group: Bypass State: Device 103, xP95-P Device Address : ftarr i r.a Trrna. Description: Zone Tlrpe : Average count: Sensitivity: Auto compensation: Input Group: Blpass Group: Bypass State: Devic€ 104, xP95-T Device Address : na\r i ..4 T\rna . Description: Zone Tl4)e: XP95-P Smoke Detector i:."*,;"" 25 3 - Normal On 101 0 Not bypassed Main Floor Main Office 100 XP95-T Heat Detector Main Level North Central Tool Room Automati c 25 80 off 100 0 Not bypassed 101 XP95-P Smoke Detector Main Level North Central Office Automatic 25 3 - Normal On 100 0 Not bypassed 702 XP95-P Smoke Detector Main L,evel North Central Egress Corridor Automat ic 25 3 - Norrnal On 100 n Not bypassed 103 XP95-P Smoke Detector Main Leve1 South Central Locker Room Automati c za 3 - Normal- On 101 0 Not bypassed 104 XP95-T Heat Detector Main Level South Central Wash Room Automatic Average terq> oC: 25 Alarp temp "C: Rgte, of rise: tnput Group: Bl4rass Group: Bypass State: D.Yic. 105, :@95-P Devlce Address : Device Type: Description: zone Type: Average count: Sensitivity: Auto compensation: on Input Group: Bypass Group: Bypass State: Cirqrlt:26Circuit Nunber: 26 Ctroul,t:27circuit Nunber: 27 Cirouit:28 Circuit Nurnber: 28 CtsE IIIEII Node: 0 Input Group 100 mapped to: output group 129 Output group 130 Input Group 101 mapped to: Output group 129 output group 130 80 off 101 0 Not b)passed 105 xP95-P Soke Detector Main Level North Central Egress Corridor Autdnatic 25 3 - Nonnal 100 0 Not bypassed t I