HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOWN OF VAIL 1971-1979 PERMITS & INSPECTIONS & CORRESPONDENCE,%orD 0t tvl i Y AI I I.le would like to receive request,a for corrections so that the plane can be as posslble. The documents are approximately 98% complete. Ilowever, there is stil-l some coordination and cross checking work t.o be done such as: 1. Dimension check. 2. Coordlnation of engineers work. 3. Location of transformer. 4.. Cross check of referencing 5. Titles 6. Specification index. 7. Material indications. Consequently, the ones who review the pLans may find some discrepancles at thi6 time. Yours very truly, 1) -^ ./2 - :'*/tz-">za I / 'zz,t-at ^'\tL Harold R. Carver, AIA Archi t ec t cc: Bailey Vail office R. CAR tect fm mEn!tr AtAtltcAN tNtTrrurt or ArcxlrlcTs Mr. Terry Minger City Hal1 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sir: We are gubmitting, as of this date, two check gets of plans and specifications for the Vail Municipal Complex. It is intended that one of then be for Dick Bailey and the plan review comnittee and the other for the Building Inspector and others of the staff who wish to review them. rrr0 r.t.tci t.. (a't.4. ) 400!r .r.r.ttt FebfUary 11, 1971 Cr...r..a. .l Y.ll lcr tl! !la5t atl:lt0l fron the City all of its no later than Tuesdgy, Feb. 16, 1971t iesued to bidders as soon thereafter ao z Vail, Coloa do t&u... tf . - tg :?.1.. Permit is hereby granted. _ -. - - " -\) ^ - S-... - - - p. -o sr*rr_... _Srsevt cc, to occupy the building ""-_ - -_ - - _. P_e _s-- - - - - : - _ a- t €r_c t€- _ on Lots -_-, Block.--.-_ -_--.-"-." Addition, Located in . - - -- - l4orr te €S.r.. _ _.C€a*F(e _ -. _ _ - zoning disrrict. The address kro"t, as ..__.-..-_-".__. Applicant shall maintain said building in accordance,Jath all l,:Ti:r": li*"" ordinances with "e-spe.t L sanitation, buil-ding and zoning. €-j Building Officiat /26f2 \ rtu?,diN G PERM' mpfl&t,o* of Town of VailJurisdiction numbercd spaces onty,Applicant to I'l WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT o <-T OFtr TC€ I oE9Ci,1f]see erucn eo sxeerl MAIL AODFESS ZIP LICENSE NO. Crad. AFCHIIECT OF D'5ICN'i MAI L ADORESS LICENSE NO. MAIL ADOiESS ' PIIONE IICENsE NO. 1 P"sf 8 Ctass of work: ANEW E A00lrl0N tr ALTERATToN n REPAIR Typo of Finura or ltam SPECIAL CONOITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET' LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK OISHWASHER APPLICATIO ACCEPTEO 8Y LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATE R HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOHK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KI.IOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_SINK OR DRAI SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TN€TF|'!G.!q'TIf LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. /'*;/f'n'- U;* INSPECTOR IIEORDEN FROM: IN TERNATIONAL CON FERENC E OF BUILDIN G OFFICIALS ' 50 SO. LOS ROBLES ' PASAOENA. CA|-IFORNIA 9l IOI PERMIT VALIDATION Form lOO.2 9-69 USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW-UP, ETC. I t t' L . /a/f Irr,l3'fio PERMTT orrrltfi,oN Jurisdiction of TOWN OF VAIL to complete numbered spaces only. l\. , -1 Post Office (LXI3IE ATTACHED sHEET) MAIL ADOIESS Ltcan3t xo.3 gi"tel con aicH rrEc'r oi Dl!lcNEi LtcENaE IO. ENCII{EEi LtcEl{sE lt o. 5 Joh'sorr- rJ9E Ol !UTLOINC Post F NEw f] ADDITION DALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE f] REMOVE Facility for handlins mail 10 Change of use lrom Change of use to PERMTTFEE 331 .50PLAN cHEcK ree 16 5 . 7 511 Val0ltion of work: $ Slze of Bldg. (Totall Sq. Ft.ncJ_uctes aJ-l adden APPIICATIOiI AOCEPTED AY:€4 OFFSTREET PARKING NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR COI{DITIONI IG. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR COAISTRUC. TION .AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS.OR IF CONSTRI.',CTIOAI OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. UCTION. OI CONTFACIOi Oi ALJTHORIZED SOIL REPIORT WHEN PROPERLY V DATED TI{IS SPACEI THIS 15 YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION 497.25 total fee Waived by Town - PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CASH tr, €-?) INSPECTOR IEOiDEi FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS I !O 30. LOS FOALE3 ' FA3ADENA, CA|"I'OFI{I^ 9!IOIForm l(Xt.1 959 DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOB NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. oo Jurisdiction of, Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPEBLY VAIIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT / ?ts MECHANICAL RMIT ICATION oo --a 4 Po Sz oFFrc€ 1[s:s errecxeo srtrry MAI L AOORE3S NE LICENSE NO. /J /-/vl PHON E LTCENSE NO. blo7 AII. ADORE5S - TI - .. NCH U3E OF BIJI LDIN' 8 CVss of worK: I B] NEW tr AOOITIOil tr ALTERATION D REPAIR 9 Osscribe work: ' Type of Fu€l: Oit ! Nat. Gas ff[ t-PC. E PERMIT FEES Typo of EquipmantSPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-TonnasB Ea Forc€d Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y: Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFK OB CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOFK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE O. Unit He6ters-B.T.U. M PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION . INSPECTOR iEOiOEi FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFEF|ENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 5O 30. LOS hOBLES ' PASAOENAI CALI'OINIA 9I !OIForm 1OO.4 9.69 of oo INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REUARKS .1 8?ECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. TOWN OF VAIL Building Penmit Supplement rAl Pnoject Date of the above nentioned project do heneby certify that I have read and : undenstand in fult the fol-lowing excenpts fr"om the Unifonm Buitding Code (UBC): r, A.Sec.302(a) 'B. Sec.302(c) c.Sec.30q Appnoved plans and specifications shal-Lnot be changed, modified, on altened with- out author"ization fnom the Building Official. No per:mit presuming to give authority to violate o:: cancel p::ovisions of this Code. shal-t be valid. The issuance of a permit shall not pnevent the Building Official fnom thereafter requiring the co::nection of errors or fnom pneventing building openations being cannied on when in vio: lation of this Code or of any other on- dinance of the Town. fnspection card shall be nead and filled out in full whene nequined. No wonk shalJ" be done beyond the point indicated, and signed by Inspector:. Inspection card shall be maintained qntil Certificate of Occupancy has been issued and then netunned to Buil-ding Inspection Offiee. Building Official shall be notified' in wr:itingl of any portion of the stnucture or buiLding to be pre-fabnicated off- site. Such pne-fabnication facilities shall have a centificate of appnoval fnom ICBO on be inspected by the Building Official pnion to the stanting of wonk. D. Sec.305 :'1 /"- pplicantCERTIFIED BY: //l BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction a Tc, - ,E* V*Z- to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUB PERMIT Loc-t B f-i (f-1tE€ atr^cxao txtirl z I'Og,t t*-t MA|L OOiESI tr? FHOXE 33o-7 trcaNga No, Lrtne*a Do+-316 L/E7L aRcx riEc t oi oaSrcNZr MAI L ADDIISS FhONE LIC EI{IE NO. MAI L ADDiE9! FHOI{E LICENsE NO, IJSE OF BUILDIN C 8 CIASS Of WOrK: ,D(EW E] ADDITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 9 Describe work: RgC(r,cJ(> l0 Change of use from I I Valuation of work: $ 288 -.PERMIT FEE Slzo ot Bldg. (Totrll Sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnklers Rcqulred [ys5 [Nq OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PEEMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF T'I,oR K OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTI{ORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. 3IGNAIUiE Of CON ED AOENT , THIS RECT.i THISIFIED NOT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOB CANARY - AUDIT PERMIT vertoArro) ' ,)io,-'yf" cAsH ,,"*-o"".,"ort/ ' I t' coLDENRoo -TEM'. FrLE //b6It DINGBUIL I Applicant to complete CATION Jurisdiction spaces only. WHEN PROPEBLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT T APP Qste ttyy'(aeo sttatl| 0 Esc R, MAIL AODRES5 ZI? PHONE . .' ' LICENSE NO, ARCIII TECI OR OESIGNEh MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENgE NO. MAI I, ADDi EsS PHONE LtcENSE it O, MAIL AOOFSSS 'RANCII U5E OF BUIIO]NC 8 Class ol work:tr AoorroN r,fl(irrenrrroH tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 9 0escribe work://Y4- (*-.5 l0 Change ol use from l l Valuation of work:PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE '-//7oO, oo SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Blde . (Totalt sq. Ft. Flrg Sprlnklcrs Reouired flye5 [Nq OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT!CE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTBICAL, PLUMB- ING. HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. SOI L REPORT .t' PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOh WHITE _ INSPECTOF cK. CANA M.O. o FIY - AU OIT PERMIT VALIDATIO PIN K _ APPLICANT N o GOLDEN ROD - TEMP. FI LE I'( \" )M'Itl //u/ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction .t U*tL Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT o>Bn Der vzL>T i[se: rrrecx:o sx:etl I DESCh. 2 Tow P oF Vkr t_ ztP Pt{ONa 3 ltnxr l-rt<**- lrcENSa No. ARtT r+a.eaa OF OESIGNER -..".--. !ICENSE NO. MAIL ADDiESS PHONE LICENSE l{O. MAI L ADOIESS BiANCI{ U5E OF AU]LOING 8 CIASS O{ WOrK: V EW tr AOOITION tr ALTERATION E REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE Ra.-kLJPrLLs , Poe?.4P4R6E Vrr-r-tC fi'-/'-/a. l0 Change ol use from . Change of use to 1 1 Valuation of work: $ .C e .o o' - SPECIAL CONDITIONS r Slze ot Bldg, (Total) Sq. Ft. Flr€ SDrlnklerr Requlred flygs lNe +-1o5 OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. 6-27-tz 5I GNATIIiE O' CON TiAC AI', ?HOR IZED AGENT FIRE OEPT. SOIL REP<'RT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K - APPLICANTCANARY - A,UDIT GOLDENROD - TEMP. F ILE PHoiE sos '764221 f'7d ii: ] t--.t.t { 't- 't: ;' Sllfer and Company T"olttlot" (Prop"rly.-tlloroq"*"rt VAIL HOTiE ANO APARTMENT RENTALS BOX | 24A VAIL, COLORADO AI657 April 11, L972 i lV*' . REALToR ,r .:" ,'t"ni$i1"' Mr. Ed Struble Town of Vail Building official Town of Vail P.O. Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Golf Club Building Dear Ed: Enclosed are two copies of a plan representing a storage building addition Lo the GoIf CIub Building which the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District proposes building this spring. This building would be attached to the existing building at the northwest corner and wouLd be used for golf club and range ball storage. It is intended that this building would be of a temporary nature and would be removed at such a time that the Golf Club Building is expanded. In lieu of the concrete footing represented on the enclosed working drawings we wish to use a 7" x 7" crib stake or timber. we would also like to leave the interior studs bare rather than covering t,hem with sheetrock. An early decision regarding the points in question will be appreciated. Very trul s, SLIFER Richard Enclosure sm Krueger Wolfe SIifer Ben Bob Rod H. EA]'I surrDllko PERMTT orru.iffio' r2o2 Jurisdiction of TOLTIN oF vATI' t to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I fJl,L u. EE ATTACH EO SHEET) -)"'r{/ e .,/ ICENSE NO. E LtcENsE NO. - slgAR CFrl TE C T On qtaSrCNER EN6INEER LICEXSE NO. U5E OF EUILOING 'ftL 8 ctas of work: tr NEw l{nnotrtO]t| tr ALTERATIoN E Rrpatn tr MoVE D REM0VE '- /t4* l0 Change of use from PLAN CHECK FEE PERMTT FEE $10.00l1 Valuation ot work: $ /a a , na SPECIAL CONDITIONST Size ol Bldg. (Total) sq. Ft. "ee',ffirEoB" OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spsclfy) ,\,;\nn ift' . PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 9IIOI ON ^t Y PERMIT VALIDATIPLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR REOiDEi FROM: INTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 'Form 1O0.1 9-69 50 so. Los FoalES INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK a TRENCH ! REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT, LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW-UP, ETC. o : J. J.'U.ANK Phofuiond Egfrt .r llochrnical,,Poryrf. Pbooa{ Evaluallom, R.pot. & Ddigrt !030 W. Blrworlh Avcnuc Denver. C,olorado 80!123 Tcl:222'3t33 ^i '\{' I0 Octobcr, 1973 vall clty HaIl VaLl , Colorado Attentlon ! l{!. Dcar Jcrry: Encloscd f,Lndthe hunldlficatl,on ff thcrc arc JJB/IN Enc. .fcrry A,ldriUle ekctchcs and a short 3p'66'fflcatlon forof thc Val,l City tlallp pcr your requeat. any quGstlona, klndly advlse. Yours trulytJ. J.. Bllnk Englnecrlng Co. DATEr /0 ocf ''7 3 FOR: (Atl, C2lo OO C tTf UALL, :/A,!+., coto 2, 4o-o tlulqtDt F tc bTloN PROJECT3 SUBJECT: r___-.1 ILl|/,s FeaD6 : COUAETL Clanl*Q# I I BottEft. fuolvl y'Cv, No,a5at crn LOWEE. LEr'EL PttNgaLd 1"3 toto" tJdv ttd /-z1ffiA Ndv.r,to. t36EGn No, 5 32aa c.pm UPPER. LEVEL PLAN PROJECT3 SUEJECT: Ooorr, FOR: /0 ocr '? 3 (Art, colauuh4t t2t tr tc 6T /oN giv'5 FeaDs courEtL clarnEee I I {--* I tJ4'1. tto. S 32oo cPh EotLCra fua,r' | tlCv, No,effi LOWER" LEr/eL PttNgaLE /"= roLo" tJdv tto. ./ ?'too cFm /.ldv.po. r UPPER LEVEL PLAN scblE /"=Jo'-o" | <'. , 1 ' .furnkfr and Insfaf] all pl$lnq, shcet rnetal' electrlcal ,. ! . I and ccinlrbf rlrlnq to coctplete tha lnstallatlon of the'I r\' t. t I ,+ndt cated oh thc gttachd'. sketch. Humldlf ier shal l . bq, ' :''': t : ' cornplete wlttr ttuartdlstats'' wlring, luigh firnit confrols, !. 't.t'iand waste piptng complete. . 1030 W,:Hhrortt Arrefl;.,i. ', Dsnvrr. Ciliildo 8921 ',, , I ''1 Yil: 2!2.3a3! i r. i;;f' 4fr:.,,, ';l! ' ,tirr. sHOp' dnlUfuCs shall be, subrnitted sho*lng nanufacturer! rccornnended detailsr . lFhese shall:be approved prlor to lnstallatlon.' : Provlde th.e nccessary electrical breakers, coppir rr1r3'ng ln condult and elect'iXial modlficatlon to facllltate this work' ", f' :' : ' i' ;;,.; '1 ' ,, .,'.J 'J ) :i HUI{TDIPICATION SPECIPIC J. J. 0tANl( Ptd-d.nd Eigina* .uochreiqf . furcrr Prodrr .. Bnlurliqrt, Roperf+ t0rlfn " i : ', , . 19 Qctober, 19?3'' HUUI DIT'TCAT ION SPECI FTC.\TTON ,....}"dl.gt,ed orr thc'"attach6d' sk6tch. Humldlfler shall be tn$talled . : , ' complete vlth Hutridistatd, wlrinq, high limit contrgls, waterr'r"4r, ., ' . " !:and waste piptng complete. o , i.'.,i , SHgp -dn,fUfuCs shall bs subrnltted shoulng manufacturerli lFcconnended.; details. 1 shese ehall be approved prlor to Installatlon.' Provtde the necessary electrica] breakers ' coPper wlrB'ng tn .: condult and elect'f{.ial mocllficatlon to facllltate this work. t , ,,t! 1^ ' r':'. ir. J i IR8s {{ i$ Rt x ti t IIlpir :il t[ il :3 ri Ii \ {, x,I i 0 tiI * II 'fVn SJJVJT t YYt Cg1.gRlDOffiaDArq<,FOirffi lrrii,1 i'. 1,tl F \t $ '- l'1 ; trr rF \t \t .! \t tr8r {{il l& Rl t ri \ itl ts ti \S et I it xr$ [l I , I $} si fi$ t(: t i3{l:r I rftal ,rb t\t rf I! Tt\l a J,v rd I $ 1, d tlt {\ rll! s5 s f,. ,il,$U o Pr $o tt x \ $ $ t ,ilg { t Lr\ r5l} -!r Ftt\I\ Nch: tl s E F O.t \ & $* Is $ilt{{ N ut II H$ $ tlrTvi Iu H$ Q] { $r $i t !)t h ;.j, , : I ']/' s.IGAr eP2ltrC'A?rOlI PERt{r? (u Name of Appltcant: Addiess of Applicant, ESZ!J-@_-- relephone ilurDer of Applicantr- 5l'/3 -- Date of Application: (2) I\turnerjcal Tocation of buiTding structure upon it.s Jot, d.esigmation;street address ulrcn nhich the sign is block to be and flTing located: (3) (4) Section nurtibet and PatagtaPh of otdinance under whi.ch applicatjon ls being made: tfame of or p6.r,sons construdting and erecting the sign:petscn structure, ot TanC(s) (6) Lineal feet of busjness frontage ! s or onDrl;Al\'cF.' vftitten cansent of which or on which the orr..ne.r of the the sign is to be building, erected: THE FOLI,OITING I,fiJST BE ATTACITED TO II!75 FORIT: (a) Fosjtjon of tile sign on the btiTding in both plan view' drawn to scale, and efevation vier"s, dtawn ta scale" (b) It{o set.s of scale drawings of the plans and sPecj ficatjons ' includittg size and colot of the si'gn and jts varjous parts ' t'he stgle oi letteting, )ighting, tgpe of rnaterjal of wltich it is fairicated antt thl netiiod of atxachnent to the buiTding or to the gtound; (c) e color sketch or colot phoxogra ph of the sign and building' as vteJl as any cantiguous street ot buiiding' in order to dispJ.ag hort theg t:olld appear in rela{:j crn ta one anathet; (d) ff r:m'jred bV llininistrator, e co7q of stre:ss shctts atd cal.cujatjons 5ft6r;i;r;r thax tiie stru':ltie js <icsign:c I tor dead Load arri trinrf p-::":.;.:r tes in ang 'li:ection ln tl19 a;r runt reguj red bg tt:e srlgn o.r,i:'n: jce and ang and alJ othet Javs a'nd orcinances of ttte Town of vail - 5T6N s.iGAr D"iit'E NEETS GENERAL REQA API'ROIED: Ar (cl'liD: Admin::ttatot FEE PAID: 1/ar Ac of ilesign Re zjr:"' s.rcri aPP.LJcA?rov PER|4I? block and filing to be locatedt o SVtnr*tq (t) Ilame of Applicant: j *--.-, o-1.)*t.r- Address of APPJicant: eqU-lW-- telephone lirumber of AppJ.icant: zi? l. '6lp | 3--.- Date of Appricationt f "\a\f *- (2)tfumerj cal Tocation of buiTdlng structure upon its lot, desiqnatiow and street address upon which the sigm Is (3) Sectjon nurnber ani! paragraph of otdinance under which appTicatjon js beinv made: Aac-- l,'Z (4) Ilane of Per.eon ot persons ccnstructjng and etecting the sign: (5) p,'r-j tten c(rnsent of xhe owne r of the buiTdingi, sttttctule , ot Tand to which or on which the sigrr is to be erected: e (6 ) I'ineai f eet of bus-'ln<:ss ftontage : TITE FOLINIINTG I'IUST BE A?TACHED ?O T|ITS FOKI,I: (a)PositionoftlrcsigmonthebuildinginbothpTanview'drawn to sca7e, and eievation views, dratcn to sca-Ze; (b) l'rto sets of scale drawings of the pTans and speeifications ' including size antl color of tize sign and its uarious parts' the sxgle of Tetteringt Tighting, tgpe of materjal of which it is faLricated anr; ti:L method of attachment to l:he buiTding or to the ground; (a) A color s?retch ot coTot photograph of the sign and buiTding 'as weJJ as ang contiguous street ot buiTding' in order to displag how thcg riouTd appear in teTa|:ion to one anolhet; (d) .j|f rctlrj rcr? b1'. i'lninisXratot, a aoor: of stre:ss shects and cafculat jcns 5J11tr i;r!r that tj:c sf ru-:t r:'e is designe.l for dead Toad ar&t r:ind p.:'-".;.'; i:-z es jn an11 di'::zction in the a,lrlunt requited bg t.he s:ign o.rt!ir.:,ice and ang and a7! other J.aws and ordjnances of the Town of vaiJ'. SIGN MI]ETS GENERAL TS AF ORDINANCE: Adnin 1:trato t SJGW t\^'1'E APPROWD: AITTROI'ED:PATD: d/o of Desig:t Rc v !c"' L- $E N s N r\ F.t -':N j\ :\- , 6i,;l l?U :':1 .'z '4 L!-; r '.4 -1 \ :i.' f lt,'r',, -'f I.':'r?:1 *-{l i...*-..-,- I t' @ I ! i,' !/ .r/ ,i' ;l t, j:-l fil*.-...J c ra tFtu. AUG 21974 INSFECTIclN FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrrau. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR APPROVED E orsappRovED D nerNsPEcr rwIJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECT]ONS:/\ CORRECTIONS !.-",: '. ^ /'1 ,- ---- ,...:\.)A,f: ,' 'l-t r r--\ / tr- t1 ..L.. ;r..,-- ilvsPE l/trr' ' FIEOL.|EST VAIL DATE | '-)l\-.\)'.1 "? q TIME FEcErvEo ,4. :..', i{iM, ervr E ornsnE E pnnrrnu LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR.€.-> ElorsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr@arp RovED El upolr rnE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS:t '/. CORRECTIONS DATE -,,' "; .-- .i -',,t INSPECTOR ot-- ,if P\,X\,\ rNs"=ttoN FrEouEsr, -- -- lM SEF"T? Is74 OF VAIL ,t'". DATE TIME RECEIVED E ornen MON COMMENTS: D pannau READY FOR INSPECTION El npp Rov E D E upon rne CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORR ECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr f F aDocul c z ul J cr c 4ul zo F oo 6l F u,lFJ 3utz uJ4 A6z F at to '! zo h I AA Ito IJJF o Eq lc >tJm :*N UIF =ozo9-o t zo a-t E5tcoFGQOx>xo =2=<|r|D4(Jtt;(\l v Goatto2o A a IJU'ulo Ft L E F. z q + E =Eul4 !t$ { +q ^t ciq, AJ oEa.C Yu|lt oz Jc zotrefF :Eo,o eH>q:>ErlariliH iEIa aHEn;A(,YqE<ti<az ezz E!Fr.oo<o<ooz EEEP Ei 9o'l:E;io> -<ottslEEE <.7 oul ut o(,zt u,l IJz sE Fzut Eulo UJ 9F E lrlE ooJtt ulG FoJ J FoF !JE .loo ll. FoF t a::-tr = lrl olrc=o -==oE'It-r--f n \ F PLUMEilNGi., MECHANICAL PEFlMlr TOWN OF VAIL ){orr*ou.o I orsareaoveo q ,,tt1,q4 vhtL 67i.F (o't/P7G ,(XrEnufr rRAcroR Nlluu/itN f utt-71gPt oF BUILDTNG: Fhl^0y16, l=qR l;x tEtr f t rry 0 F p e5T/>rtct,( tu oF woRK: E new ! noorron {^rroor, ! nepntn PTION OF WORK: PLUMB|NG: NUMBER l-'25'P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUATIoNE Qr[ 0/VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: { PERMITFEE A'1 "qo /PERMIT FEE ,,d , TOTAL FEES: $4 Ioare Jc cJ.r.{ 74 N OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED E orxsn MON COMMENTS: E pnnnlu LocAnoN FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM IiI APPROVED E orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR F O F2 O z 3 o 9l FI z rrl I'r > !'l > ;:gJF -<Q"o9 < .- Y Z EIFF<(,hiir.-F 'ihpii 6a:?l:-'<Q za =>z/);6<;5!Fr oaa<o<9Jrz=aii3a:<o'<6r,-i!l:E;i;Q> -o<o*talaS<d<t,1 F =u, J G,d v uJ z z >u)iFitrdoo- (J o lltE u, oozl o zut ul t! F tc tu { cc J Ul ltl tc t! J J) F = lLe =, =ot- ! E tr lrl o o zra oJ -l o ak- 'lcNvdn3co Jo 3tvctJtru3S lo 3cNvnsst 32tgoHJ.nv oJ- 3(lvr1r N33a 3AvH sNo|l-c]dsNr of arnolu 'l'lv cSrlv Ld3o 9o"rg 3HJ. ot o3NUnJ.3u 38 or tit ocv3 stHI:floN :s)uvht3u o3nsst AJNVdncco lo SlvcH [a]c :o3sv3'l3u :o3nsst u30uo dols tJll urouo Norrc:ruuo3 x lVNIJ n|- moi E C)D H9nOU H9nouxHONOU SCNVUINS 3JIAU33 'tvNlJ !rc3g zo y\t3ls^s u31)Ntuds'olnv sldldoNvls 9NIIN3A 3lsvM a Ntvuo 'l.sto a A'rddns urlvM lVNIJ Iltl 32o htSJ.sAs SCNVt'lddv X .lVNH Eg-Izo ^ (rNrl cNlu3noc l'rvM s:tcv'tdru tJ Norrv' rN3n wooa 0NHOOJ A lWVUJ 't'tvM NotrvoNnoj llVM NO|TVONnOJ 'l.lvM NOttvoNnoJ 'r'rvM NorlvoNnol 'lf 3ls 13 3lS '13:lls 0Nrlooj 9NIOOJ 0Nuoor ONIIOOJ xcvalf,s funrvNgrs Norlvco'r / srN3vrnoc trlvo IVAOUddV uolJfdsNl lVtJ3dS 'dsNl 'o:tu UOlOldSNl OI 3-ISISS3OCV ONV jIlS luotlcedsu! roJ pernbo/.ctlou.cur^pr iJnoq rz (Ipg esn luerulredeq rog) sot' No o3lsod 3€ ol st l,\tuoJ slHL 0It7,-9Ll el.tottd ouocSu NolrcsdsNl Oo Ot TOWN OF VAIL Building Pennit Supplenent rAf p,o:"", ?o st 0 €Pr.a- out" r, OrcLe( C.,.,t*. , of theabo v@ve read and understand in full the following excenpts fnom the Uniforrn Building Code and that a copy of this supplementshall be posted with the inspeetion cand at the job site: Sec. 107 Sec. 202 (e) Sec. 302 (a) Sec. 302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec.304 (b) Wheneve:r there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of this code, the Building 0fficial nay requine tests as proof of compliance to be made at the expense of the owne!' or his agent, by an appnoved agency. Wheneven any wonk is contrary to this code, the Building Official may orden the work stopped until he authonizes the wonk to proceed. Approved plans shall not be changed, modified, on altened without wnitten authorization fnom the Building Official-. No penmit gives authority to violate anyprovisions of this Code, or any other ordin- ance. The issuance of a permit sha11 not pr.event the BuiLding Official fnom theneaften requining the correction of non-confonmities. At the tequest of the Building Official , aletter shalL be submitted to him fnom a registered land surveyor on engineer certify- ing the location of the building in nelation to property lines, prior to the instal- lation of the foundation wal1s. Inspection cand shall be nead, filled out in ful} , and posted conspicuously at the job site. Do not cover up any vJonk not signedoff by Building Inspeetor. Befone any sign may be used on posted, itshall be approved by the Sign Review Cornmittee oRD. t5-1967 lo Town of Vail lil,IlcnRICAL PERMIT rob Name...... .A,..5.. ..1-g-:7- ...O.(-(*{-.. -.V^t Date of Application-... . .k..:.?*F.: .7-t:...................19 Erectricar contractor...-- t)/-€-.V/.... E a 6:.Tetc- OrOfi APPROVALS THIS FORilI IS TO BE POSTED 01{ JOB SITE DURIT{G CONSTRUCTION 24 HOURS A"DVANCE NOTICE REQI'IRED F1OR INSPDCflONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee oate paia.........6..1 Received By gs.9 $........ 2. 9..,.9.?.. 24 $.. txi a, r. rrct!rat t0.. DtxYat tottl I lr !NsPE.ht TOWN') HEtlUEST VAIL .t-.-_, I tDATE TIME JOB NAME REGETVED :J .;.i-, ,Aif'pnn CALLER f]orsen MON GOMMENTS: TUE ! plnneu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,'wED. )THUR FRI ,/' t'.-'.) ,'('.'. . ( nn4)em ElappRovED D orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr D upolr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ',-' '' t INSPECTOR DATE -:F.- \S 9l F F H EI 'z a >. tsl H J o B g" '- ltt ^aF;&6-Oco olllE!, oo2 ul()z 3t v, 2gl Eulv, lll o tt ul EooJtt gl E FoJ J FoF ul G Go Jtt J FoF ! Er ul o oz -o Jf 0 J l!e, -, -etF 2 lr F z ('z o z (, EE 4t F Fo 2 o !1 z z 7t :r F F F. I tsl () z F !: & () t, tsl E trq 2 2 F. o F. v,ul IIJIL Y(, u,l c) 2 4 G u,l G 2o oo 2o tr E trlF =uJz o C'rl uo +,o e (92 ct 6tt l! 3 2t (J !,1Jul E oul C'colt G ul 3 F zt z :J lto CJz o c, C{${o *,o € vt it ul =zoo 2o F o Jt tto uJF o N N x o cr aav,lll Goo = INo .,tN.t iA. 8 r{ '.1s C' (9 =J |r x C0 FoJ !JF o2,,o o6i <6 f (, oz Lfo .J 6l 2o FIJ cFozo() rto ll,I YEoa t!ozo A E(, aAllo n nI o(, dq'r o +,t 8, o 8. N oo ?,\u'ol Town of NI,ECITRICAL Vail PERMIT tob NaneT.^otttot....0c.t/..'*.tL-.:....89-?-...&a..,,ot.c.....-Auuz.... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee s........u. r."...?./.eo $.............1.0.,. I 0.. s-.. ....- ... 8.,9.!.. 82 Electrical contractor...I/Lhl".-...-..8*s-g-7..&./-c.-,.-.%.4/-Q--:--------------------- Applicant- APPROVALS $.. r@ Date Paid....... . tt/tg / I / A/-/ tReceived By. - - - -. - - r-ie-k FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION 24 HOURSI ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR TNSPECTTONS Date [: lx*r 7* . Date THIS .rOB lHa a. a. ti!rctt! !o., DrnYtl t0rtll #ztt Itt \q\s \N t t't i'ra =-/- .-J- t4' ./ /Date Project Applicatlon /n(2Project Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Zona: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ?- *o ,P DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official ,). 1 ;r.a b Project Application t; Date Project Name: Project D6scription: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: €fu Legal D€scription: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board (- ..1 ?rol1f ,, . ,,,," o{'Iirhf/)t * tb(t,s ,^" d/zr S€conded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL #, - A",t;t fr,,e,r/, 9,le,rlso,n / t,rt(q ,tr,,ilts Summary: tD/; Zoning Adminislr /o(ahou,- Chief Building Off icial +tw N li, (tl \zr ! ]It,i Hv o(! 1L \l/ v'qt U F ? ti/ ID+ V ? lr,t .ol g lu a1 I c.l ll: IJ.{ (l V' vl 't 7 kt .ol tr a1 ' l irl ll\ t,., olv) cl llI l{/ q vl a Jr o v, ? r,L, cc 0 ?g \, a IA __l Nt Ir, j J.jq vt, 2 \t <L "t0 il i; irit;q lis;el fillj;] 4 ,tUr utoi xio'9Lrl: e?!q rg f,?ro(,t . .:,i {Lg 0 r, Iss 5{vi. o{tn ,/l 1l,F N -ll UJ( du i*)or .-t N 1lt tu: ( u, v, F' F lUoq, a0 \r4F(!4 15V3r,\.) b \9i LOO!,1.f\,lud 'o cl{,J ri ot( v1 FJq v1( 0l il!, (L tl U U] a0 tol- Fo4, I c t F'.?rri 5:---qivjttye3 Jd Ea (4 v I \o N It U ( U\, Io t\ Iti \{t qvt/r o ' i v" ii'\ "r!r? : :Y.::i;,+"iiii:riiX ta,g".${r[ $td1r.s[d,pi PFt$I qlt : j- $I;$ r.$i I : S ?ir'[ i i I t*o,rc o&33oY il i s i;i3s \ .\9 N .€ v) __ _-__._'L--^ ! Jl,-r qll: ? tlr \ llJ LLiI--l I d,) V uitl V ? aoVI A\u.r:. tr.) n{ { tAJq ./{l I q va q,' o' J\r. N UJq rt r4 .!li.l .l I . ')(. o a 7 lu.'r o \ l iI ' . ! I I ( ) I J i I I t II -!. ]' ;,-,r4. o l-.€ :" -l.{. ! .o F,vl' tl,, ] -N sF l'- o-1! L,-__ \'1Nl' I I I : I 3 tut t- ( o,(IL -) r'ru N.Iuql oo l-r: r3 ;i.,, .qi \riul ".-"& ?{/t F 2 ori l t ; l"+.?r ' r:.,1 q'l r.1'.t ii i.li' iI l i a /, 15 Urc o /.J G t'",J,r4ouT l4BOR er, r44G7C Sc4B PHc,Je ,NCe\ro€! 2- 2'8' ^ G'8" f oo?,s ,r,<c!., or' t :.. il.':p.'-, z- s4^ sg?*ri,l75l'';;;EdI{'g l' tt. 2 - /S \ 74 Frx. )'v-Svt. q)tNoo\)S 3 - |'x to' x lG' p/s Fr4 | * 6." . rL". * tB, , (r: r,c I - (o'< ,2 t lG 4/s fi1 G - .4 '* 8' ^ y'z .cox tra1 (noor) 36 - 2o " G" , B' Sz,,c, s (wa,-"t'1 DLlZ _ 2x6y t(a, p<4_r!.s I Z - 2'x rJ , /<)' (eelo, raa,.'e) /b ' .2"*1' x 8' (aoo* *a-) 16 - 1'* 8'^ )r'' co.* eay (*,a".5) 2 - l'x to' x ltu" c r(Lr- 4",c < '125.s(lez Sg4K€ S 2 -H,p 4 e,a6€ .cAP 3SOgbrr /S "" 6' ,,,"r1 ,. ,l1.f to,.) 4*, 30/6. re,,z ('<,4... / co"r) fitSe. Oooe #,",,Cre ,l-l }p.,"n11g /iJArLS l- Q'- ao '2" x y'4 4^rGCc ,Ao,,,r / - :Z " x l2:' Fo,qrn,cn col,^r 7€R -roF ?. - t8'x 2Cl'. FoRmrc4 (o v\,zcr,.7oF I - ti * ,8" 5r-< (r..;r' <,^, c, ,ru6, rru Au'Lo,Arc 4 - GAcS. PA,".r7 /w{1zq J€*o-^,, 3 - 4x{ rl. 5oo t " 8 :NiNN€L (np cc]r/rxe ('co. r".) t. t'," l .\,,7 ,/( ro €x{(Frsq ) f- 5rtn 47g' & 25.@e*t; lo,olo,t, 37.71 e* l l.oo a I IPercs i n f .'. S 3,5t F., "{' ' t.<<t4> {s,oo 4 S.oo S '.r('t J /2. oc) sbIlC$S' -7,69 .zS/p,Fr Soo.\)C) i3,o { 3?ooo 217.1 .6 t /)llorwg (J d (lc(: -f ,v # =r 7+. Gt. A r",i:.-.rr,..r7 5<r.Do 1l?'. t4 6r.,. ..t t> 76,6.> 72.rtc ' tJ.3.74 q. S7, ort 40, if /20.ob 2g.Di> to. so 12,ro /,:>;r.:.'3 5a:,''') 3o.5. ')c) ,5,.,>O 4S,":r -, 1 0. a.) /30, oo 48, o C) €a€c'i-e'tCnt (,- A.r,(o/.rq, o-.r) G r,") Z a..tdt.l .n tlQfrl\rc lt |le rrae{S 'Pn-62'G.}a . Z ri.('r:( t(. 1z 4rf"47 f. 2 c|vi.<szs 2 ati,tlr i?, oo 3, o4 7,68 4.eo €,s3 l?,oo l4,oo 7 6.25/sa ? t,o5 /2 , !2 ,/"utt r r. ti -t.r OF DATE READY t'OB LOCATION: 5i'r: /"1/i ri JOB NAME CALLER MoN .,19F,il wED INSilCTION REQUEST TOWN VAIL THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION N GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR d.FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOU.IRED DATE ,,/',") - O' ,;tt'INSPECTOR 1 INSPftTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oate '.) t , tv 3, tq 7 7 JoB NAME C aecr,qt n'7 C u,qc< r€ -7h \-/CALLER TUES /o.ocr Gil\ PYREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- /r*o",*o tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL B4PPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -7]c-', \;:AL /- ',(C -'-rt,>tt S <>o.- ( A-/ :: t7€' 47 / A7e'f? DA-1C l/'9a1E 'Juct Q,lQ-79 tNSpECToR INS*TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o/iE -\r,,tt L.tz"?hoB NAME -eLlsszree-7 Cit,<tcct€ ,. .ALLER n",V --^ ?.'4-e, ,? '2 c- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:,{--dD quF) weo THUR tr)PM Y,: ?Y " s.i: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr o ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS /"o*or,,SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL EAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: i / fI DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE INSTCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL C r.i e-r /a': t , .t-r- (---. tl r.t p,<t C-DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER -ro_ \/ TNSPECTToN: @ TUEs wED THUR FRI BU!LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL "rY M INI ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER M E tr tr tr ECHANICAL: HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPTY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL IU.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED salE Juut lG , rQ ''/ ? tNSpEcroR /11, ii ,rlrr.u - rrusilcnoN REouEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: 'dog ruRnae INSPECTIoN: MoN qpis*,1weo rHUR (O /zi&ag PM EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUJTIBING: ad*orro*orro 1eil- tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. D FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SFI€ETBOCK tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: o,y;e /ue us,l fa, ,rtt rNSpEcroR ,/l -oetz /'l-'t, -",*/ t3,'''rfioa runue rlrsilcnoN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL 8: go@tREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLEB INSPECTIoN: MoN €=p BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL ./afY . r'r. .,. 't - : .' ; tr FINAL POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o G' Ci, E $ oz F C) uJ-)o&o- n J 2 - IJJ z.oz tr oz tL ! J z o \='lrr =l * frlcl crtLl z.ol F tt= co Eato at oE 'e t E Eo(, o $rtl e.l \Sl IIJF o ts =Elrl o-zo F()fEFazo(J oz E =G, IJJo- "ElE=rrEiF* < Q.9 <:9ZF tsi*.^3 Hh;;J U ag??s3<ozd ^zZA);g<;5YFFOE <OHZ;:"rE3lidsi! frll:G <c*-ara!<tr<]J $,T It lol eiN NO|lVn']VA :<E 3ZZU- F o- -az :=>YE P oE .toEZrOoo9.(JzX l!<oq i!ra<t+XuJ-xz !-{ (\l O z F=trig', oFIaza =SES Fd(,tru.J ut J -JHSbil8 LIJ HI <l Jl <l >l I o- = luEoo = ul q dg I II @l pl ol 1t <l =l I I I I Itto- I v)U'Ltj J E() <ull otol<I I EzJ lt -{ <? {O ui =z Ilil" I I I I u)ol lrJI crl <l J =o E. E ir = b () )tL<o(JF -<-Et E.2? E? =E--a (J Fz z 1-oul = <FEQuJ<zttuF t t'l z F()ul I E <()q8 ,4\ t O\A'p^L # J/"- sU u Project Application twY./ 5-zQ?e/-(i"tt-"- Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Slr"**- Seconded by: )1'1 - t fi- 17D46- =2-/a- /7 DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: g Administrator Chief Building Off icial <..qorroX!;\'ttr,d9_o.prr1cll,u-,t!-rF..t<to.rioaaoorJtHlQ|.lcr30roat..,rtrE..t€cr€OE6.JO..{:" 'd 'i.1 lj x,{ .'r dq,qd,qE o.ao ! d ct2..aAraOdOOO€Oi!.r(Utr(U.uUr.Al{(,xt! O0irr.ro - -F.cdo, .i.r tat{a oE o oCO+TOCEOLCAOT|JOIJ.rrrlOqJC.rr(tE A O (' {r |! t..E a |! d o I E !-i la 0, o .r > !+'t| .A vto Xto..tti XCOqodEO,cO O A!OO ?att F k-.1 C E Ut o.Ct!!i>O!{rO tr g|roodor}loord'noc+J.uFtqo-noioUoteEo'lli-rJi+Ca.AE'dcrooQ()- o O 0 .t - r!.a-r! C d,q 3 O'- |! c >.r ul o X rt..r -r.!-t (.).r o [j oJ E ('..t 5.a ]r q tr o d g ql\tt>F>''ro>dO€OhrJ.CCdOCAJ ri O -r cr qr.i,4 - - 5 qJ Or .c E o . O rJ O,'.! C'.tH g l! -{ i o ;.r J) q{ n i t ; € q{ o ttr .'{ a .A C 'lJ'!2..r]J5b\ooqr.A..lool{o|.lro'rcC 9 . ; .i di - O.-r O O.{ > O }. o I 6 r! t{ € q Oo t O C^ X o rr O C -{ a u.,r-,{ t{ O o ..{..r {] 6 !.i,cEo.'!-tir'xo;tc..rl!€oooo€c,o{r.lr,t.lJ-ob!!i|]o>l-lijL('o>oaof-'('o+rtiooccJJoolJc,oqoc o.qoo...1 6 -E:>r o $.r (, No ol.g I E -rOllc|rAqlt|o-.rrqr.;OooNrrOrr(JOO{JC i0 | Ord, >!u,ca,r'|; u .A t{ ttra 5lr...1 6 }r| (t\D'.r Ar..{ X r d.rE O,A |! i O C O A}+r E rJ lrF.ro!rcFro(Lrt|E{Jod!}oc.aqr!oF1{ooI u C, ; I a Or.c O-o.',r O.! 3 o O]r € >d lr C, .-lnl .C > '-r o q O, .rr C a d E t- .q O ..{ .'r O rr O' . O ur Io '|J ..r o .t |! (, O E'.r o o. O .; l{ ul } .rr .rt q TJ E O C NO .-t.r{ } a;lO rio O:UQ,ut +l-{! o tr 'rl .t.'l rr{ r! , {) ctJ 'tlro 'c..1 c Eo6di! ..1 -r cqt{ |O u c o c .O '- Fl o ir o .- o .|J .c '! O l) o x 9. -{ '! {r d .'lo .r{ o' o .u..i =to o ri o.{ o x6 o.-l-l E olr oit..i 3 rr{ ."1 d +t O U d O.a.-.r, O rr OaE O.:{ 0{(),6<> ..t rr ! u p {, >, a..t o + o o o: Fl c .{ 3 ..! q,! o {.]rou.'iu.rll! d O .! - {J rn,O q{ i o o .d !d > I Jr .q .,{ E ) fit .,{ E,O (I) tOOiHOOAO]JCJCrroo..itrEo:!6roa-.lJ\oOroo]ooCrrodotrrHl{Co}|EAod('rU1ocoo4trro'-rollroc.cLootlurlrv ^m.-{ OoOa. A, lo!.rr.{!10.6 C..! qr.lj o, ..! .'{ O Oo€i.,{ 4+i o E 6 c a..r4oo+ }.rr rDoEoto'c!: gEt o Ei qH k a tr o; . r{ .! Ei a; C O |!.4 { g |dz.rrtr OOTCOOt{},t>o/rJ(I.AOOX{J-{l{6A e 0, d qr ir'.J c ro.1 4 oCc€0, C )1)O O ^O^d .^-d -Or{5ql^r.roCitdd rdCC^O^OOi EO ..{ ira.i o(J.J 6 - o!i{ oo od o (, > t r '! cFl o]'.4 oo ..r..{-k>v o>!o .vod o..{ t{ >'dvl-.uo'u..r c c a a -o o.iir6kc.- p€oo.o> !1 ,ao]J'O tl ; tk.rr]'!l .aECCO0,C rJo 6 !,.q O O'.t 0, O r.l |! C oJCl O 5.r{ tD O o o I 6 h'"{ ll, oOoErJ t .( t! crJS--aFr o ])'ttooooq, I q o 'no-..r,ctce.p,rjP.;oqroqpQqErJo+0r8.;aeuooori.,{or{ocoaF.P.J rr{ .C O 4 rH c 4 O O O -d -C -c lD k C a a E O ! >r E q'.{d O .lJ A t O .! d ! O .r ! rJ I E ! ..r O o. {r E O.a'.{ E t ':^'dd.9". oq.,.o'9'9.9F'd38Strl O\ >oF] ^r|rothcl 'r',lAn.c >{F i c} | o 'r{ rr .i o '- d )r 2 € C .q a)I,:it$aFr r c c E o r-{ .-{ - tt E rr !) Q, ..{ ) ..r olr@HEtt, > 2 . 3 .r., a .-r - , E .- o E t ! O o r{ (, O ll&zHlJzooc.rloaooc.oq,Au!JJ!.4r:httl lfFlzt-{ F O E F O I E r1 o t F c O o H 'EOi OE (aH -i-, -t >€ocl! | E, O tr Z v {, (1, Xgit:ao('r o +, o. o rJ q o.& .\r o o o ..r or E !u o E rqd.Q c za I E E ! '! .- lr i > i! q (, rr .p\rroi -HF{ ! E E 9 O O ol F O I O C >.r .P Fr d q =..1 O .F.< ..{ JJ h o, O .i .! .'r .{ -Q ..1 ]J O, O A @ 'e = .a Er o \o o rH o +r E z A F) r! !i o o Fl o qJ |! O zSOErElrl lr 't, {r O ! O q t F O E E O lo Fi oal]oo cr o t| o. o r.r > ol c o o o. o p F. o a,ll@c l! c tr -c d o.' ! o ,o o E .a o .c t a E lr IleEEd. d O '! , a E c, .r a O .. I rr !r .! o X 'r O ..1 lE F, O=(,Ijl .-l l) {r .rr .!i a1 4 6 .C, +r (,) C. lq O '.r g HF .,1 UZIE .p O rl{ ! ! tl O ! O X O qr O > .r O Oztltoz HEl d .{ o .'{ E o o c 0, o F o o .c . a o rr ooFtdf udEro x E {,} q-i -i o. Br rk (a q o E D o !l $r x H otr l{ tE O > g ,O k O .J .'r O E +r o 6 Z O (u O !O . A:O C lr o a H d O E O l] A P d H q q{(,ll1.l(/'ujz q t{ co n O do q.{ 0 o ! O ur |! ! 4 F E O >:zHoTFH 14 ' l!| 0, E r.l c O Jr tl l1 ..i (D O .'{ .C O Q ? o r. -l1r.1 ::}fO O O. i O o .,{ r! O } O o' .'{ rJ A q O '.x(Jz)Dzvtti r{ o r q, F .i a) E I E E I d (J O O lr I H t!I.toooadztd o t o 0, > .r{ r,i a 6 ,,1 o c rt u - q o o '?'-IHU OC( q{ 01 rn .Q 'O rH ..{ '-{ C !r U q k o a c F O o rr{ u :.rz E ll ..Fi r{ i{ c o o o 16 E .a (| -t o d \ }-r c al 4 rlr +l..{X(.,[JEA(4E C q{ o d t nt ..a A |! € C, (J F{ 4 lrl rJ S q 'it<rd |t lrlrDE{ O O \ d r{ ..r {r € |{ .q > 'lc .,1 lA 6 Al o E olla(.ao EFI .d c'\ .C .{ 0, o - ..1 '-{ tr O 4 E o d rq Q Hl qr "l -l q) (.) tl <xutU|z ...| Fa ..t c x ' .p lrt o r ]r {J > d ol o {r o qiA.f,ldld3o .,1 (D c r |t| 3 C,, i5 a, r'{ u > O 'E, O E r O Zl .,.1 r. o4Os rloFr , c, o o > o .r e. o o -Q o rl, Er ! tH rq u Hl r. {r {lZd\ -O-(j|tr O H ..t trr - J E O .d tr k O a; tt| r .o E oHA-r.Htr { l). d .J d q{ o 6 a, a, > rr dr 0| u! o : I q, l.A ZV.(AA C o l{ O E O r.q g E I'J O -r E q !. |J l.'r S!lE{8.3<Z&1 O A O - .J .d € 4 .a E 4 a p o I r{ H .l (J '! > EoOZAoa<E c (,) F.r q '!, rr o o .o o E 4 -rl .)- i.r Olqrdcr-C ! 4, r Ft1 > lC-lr.O('6r!uOdoXd(,t]J rJt ',a a d(l,(| Z Zl 3.A or{1. O F n: 4r&4 < O O Z4A oFIqOlO U q,rr ! r .- Il1 c d o r! c .6 H , E O Hl H E O Oci a., €. !{ {1, ..{ d d tt d -.t &J !qliO |J - t{l arctl O\rr!.'{ll il ,j !:1-t ll O.4 O l,:l =Z Ul OO9.tr = ."1 q,OE .{ta t (J}..iloooElrl ,t Uz6,) q=rl'BA B +,B rJzIurtF, -qJ!',,, - 3 t 3 3 ^ r F i i 5 o " I e i'|.OOO{rtdOga'4oFlO-{8.cora.o.cFrFioor.rx4Frqcr.l ! ri L q O .). r A' ..1 O F !,, tr..rtr,olorE€ocorrrcluho4tu,t!-t b 06 c c E k.q Q c l! "c.r!r{> o Id c} Ei. o '. .F3 d {J o. JJ O '! O r., a 9l \ N l N F{r'\ s\- -.a'\ -.* L- t- --? $l N O r-,zJ- !: -r zqd!lzrl g I ": ''- L-; ;i o e = .:' :'. - € =lo FIJ o-Jl Etl 3tl 3il lirtl <tl(rI trJll 1l E <l E{lHIlqI ' lcl dl t.otg coo oo obt It II I I I I I I I I II lvI'.|tct - lFl!i lo(alld tqG{ lle{ lod lF. roOL!|l'..{(,EO ".t g f .gd i.5fiE1 s qei^C4rlr>.24r'1l:Hf Ei;:Erlr! HatiE3.9;;"n.->8rr..lfutOF€ B.E R E ! I FJX .,,t O r,. .-{ ..1 Hg'o-2=?='lS Ff i4 o f u'l ,"-t;EQEtqoFuuF FfrfltES'jo.E.E6ooitljciroEo.'rE{iat!<ol.i'8& e.6'3ld.,flUForr P 9{ o. ^ 13 r.dq..-rLlrqt{ag of " €E'tRts* d€bF9" E o 3 g rta a I I B Ei -tt -1 'a'A C t/)l)"'.{cp&H.9.8R'€ EEEtFG;T**r8 A.lOrl4'A or. €al Idu.c.6A>.,i.J(r5F'tr{U|].Jo\rt{${XOoCCooraN.{'{ |d" o'4.trlUOO€Etito.coo' !t al lll l.) '..t ()\tlrr{qo{rr-{jrdoE-t€-rln'- i. . E i I P'ELcd*ooH.q'fa.6'-roqoo.,r.{"F-g.dtf".:ri*>rrr{r.OO.{JraqiPq{i;.ttdrlrHO,qOEOtn4r{.cott'krroCdXO(nC(_{r.rE.{ G, &1 .-{ Eal t()\ooldo'<rlFlrE(.)Ootr.ql!.|')o.-.{CtiOrrOc.ti--'E.8,ohEB oaO.a..{.cgoo.c.odTtlr.coo)l''c.A>HIHHo.O.qlJtrHtoq-ro(|po.pr t\oo.Hdl os.Esqfi...{ oOAl o Orlltzlool..{l{06rr{OOlEE.o Fpll .q o-{ odl-rl o, ! I >l aJ rr ..,1 !, c 1)!{l .r > O Hl l.l !t{ E A d t*l 3:iF8l ?-Eo'.9u9 g &lt o dotllt clurroxoc ?l lHEf Hl 6.sBHiE! €li""f; 3l!"t.:833.l 0r -l{ 'ld,CO(tOa<.!l o, t/l 6 tt r"l x .J r. ! <l .r 3louroolo.4..{o!r!zl hH xzl s3d .-{E9 ,.iil it- oool C- od'!o o r-r | - ,{ c Ht l! q, o .-t or r-JF,l I o. O a Fl o .'r l.{l x ti(Jl r! E 6 tJl o c u-A t{. ri{ oal I c '.ll ,c d x (,, o lr(al 1i .9 o- .l (ar H E U t 6 d t . 6 |J.ttO.4l'rqo(.trtooooE>"tt-orkaluo.drr!t..4@oooF..rEc.i6 '{! 3q"d 22r{q{OOCOO6O'.lr{l O(JII'rt<O1J()O4 o oo coLonAoo cENERAtJtc. P. O IOX ttto BASALT. COLORAoiO tI62T PHONe to3'9e7'3leG ,o, hor;/ ?'ro-, J.B: '2U, ) ITEM: ATTN: THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE BEING SENT: HeTewlTh Under Separa Ee D lrec t QUANTITY ()z'(i DESCRIPTION ) (-,'r;i ly 61:7',G c:y't.,-d /tt /t/ -)(, ti< t't /'tr (4 Cover ( (TO: o €o( /tt 'ri ) These Items are belng sent: '/( ) W, your lmmedtate acElon, keep us , ,/advlsed of actlon taken( Y) For your Approval or Comments( ) Please advise lf addltlonal coples are requlred ) For you to subnlt a proposal upon work indlcated as belng changed REMARKS: P For Your General, InfornuEion and Fllc For you t.o correct lf require, & return conformlng copies Eo us ) Please return coples to us wlth approval or correction notatlons ) (Approved) (Dlsapproved) By As NoEed () () len or 'Very quesL lon truly yours,COPY e contact us promptly lf there ls a pro COLORADO INC. (' (l' o)ro ao ro g) (rto(Yt c.M.c.-c.G. 0ctober 18, 1978 Colorado General , Inc. P.0. Box]550 228 Mid'land Avenue Basalt, C0. 81621 ATTN: Don Reinarz RE: Vail Public Works Building Dear Don, This letter is to clarify and conflrm several items re'lating to the structure of the above bulldlng: '1. In the retaining wall along the north and east sides of the administration bui'ldlng, 2-#4 re'inforcing bars were substituted for each specified #5 bar at 10" o.c. vertica'l . The substituted reinforcing is adequate to malntain the design strength of the wall. 2. The rock masonry along the exterlor of the admlnistration building may be supported by a galvanized angle 31/2" x 3 1/2' x 3/8" anchored with 5,/8"/ galvanized hex head sleeve anchors (Phil'lip's Red-Head HN 5842 or equal) drilled into the concrete wall at 6' - 0u intervals. This wlll support 6 inch rock veneers up to 6 1/2 feet in height. 3. We have reviewed our horizontal tie detail which carries thrusts between plers and be'l ow the floor slab ln the main buildlng. Two #5 bars, Grade 60, are quite adequate to carry the maximum imposed stresses from the building frame, how- ever, proper embedment ln the concrete prism is essentia'l to transferring to stresses between bars at sp'l ices. 24 inch laps are adequate for spllces provided that care is taken to insure concrete contact around all reinforc'ing bar surfaces. Proper vibration of the concrete is important in this regard, as well as proper curing conditions for the 5a ur6 So60of,e9Jo| 6<J UJn arttr(92z(9EUJGEV' ,/ :oo29 vg6(9zur\ 2eF(o*xg8 8ci o. €qo-= =ft!?>e< 901AE<UJGH9;o>r)uo oEo &ooJu, Colorado General, Inc. October 18, 1978 Page Two concrete. At your discretion, you may increase the lap lengths for added safety. Welding the ties will not be re- qulred unless the concrete will not have adequate time to cure properly prior to roof loading. 4. Our design for the slab edge placement is enclosed. 5. The'design of the retalning walI running north-south near the north of building'line'18 ls also inc'luded here. Wewill add thls section to our design drawings as a revlslon. This concludes our report. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. S'lncerely, Robert Design RP/jlw Engi neer _-\- c. M. c. tr4,s e,,/o"a.c" #/eDillh g 6"o,,, tt 7'5 @ /C "O. (.,//0F, /Z'. tl, 4 /bioq. yFpT i"f€ /i/,0.,i. th:r-* lt'4:tfp- J6' (a/o Ja/^/T 47. cor'/rfac7at{J 4P7/dN -' ^,f<)- - <) ---i_ ;*--- !6's @/d"a,C, -/- # U; a-.)/"ri 36aF.''/2"r1z5n ..t II I I.l I rr'.P 6* 8T//.(r,r ratv a z//?, 4 P/EF;) cailr /(€)'€D atD :\ N!t\it'l $ ,)^ I I f tr I) tqlvT lt1_1{t!119/r' 2, 1 ( {F,t/ 7a- ?, -:D/.l;t /a/'/P2(7€2 )=f:€- LP-?lr'/N€ €i///A(4f f,4iD afr.i€ .y?/c4l. .r/-g? {D€E /-,' Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and p1ron". k o-a -f R os e 9"X to o Project Application Architect Address and Phone: ,r,nn y',,/u.*h P'^liSLegal Description:Block Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: 14 o P vu a n seconded or, lrAn u.Jorn o^r" J-1, )7 t 't 78 DISAPPROVAL.- APPROVAL Summary: a^d t a,l"..t' r A 1."(no,nl olo (i'."l Chief Building Official Date: *0ae *t^"<+tDrn< (p..r.* Clt * F'. O^ '1 ro u9 b< Zoning Administrator c4dAc"J t'e- nl-rrf* I *o' 1l...4 *po,.,th. {"o^+ hororr,,nn,",, a..** Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Pho ts n?0*n6. Legal Description: Lot Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^,"lr/ryr?/ /// DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: CoAce APPROVALJ-ol *l /fY14-\-Co>-\/t Chiel Building Off icial '' ..1 o o .i Public Tot'ks (llalntenirnce FaciLity) POINTS OF.CONCERN 1.) Iocatlon of clnder storage 2.) Lights outslde buiLdlng (need shading) 3. ) Lights lnside buildlng (need shading) 4.) Views from l[r. Hankanmer's bui].ding 5.) Need gradlng revisions and detalL landscaping plan 6.) Need addltional work on botb sides of South Frontage Road by Golf Course and Maintenance Facility entrance. (Contlnued to next week) lutln box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47As613 dspartment of community danelopment 23 May 1978 Gary Koenig Boettcher & Coupany 828 - ITth Street Denver, Colorado REF: Town of Vail Bns Maintenance Facility Dear ldr. Koenig: As we discussed by telephone last week, Boettcher & Company is concerned witb the zoning imposed on the subjectparcel of land. fire property is zoned "Publi-c Use District. " The Town of Vail wishes to assure prospective lnvestors thatin the event the Towu-were to default and foreclosure becone necessary, we would act in good faith in negotiating rezoning so the facility could be used. ff a fo:rmal Motion by the Town Council is necessary, or if you have further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, cc: Stan Bernstein Administrat !' (J a z{ J z 2U ir!oF O c cdo z o F z(J 3H:t<<F1<:rFiirL ,- < : ". : < :- ! z F:cf - <J)F5;a 4orilt9?iriccll!"in3!r,r42<iZ!<rzd ^zz7;i9<;5l.F i. o 6O.< (]<uat z; "I:i:col_:!: ;<u- <iHeiS- E .. < d o> -!,<o *Fr'rta:<c< 3,1 ,tt. :! =tr uJo. J cccc ozl z tr Fz ut E <t UJ F uJ tt ulF J F F UJ ) J F F t Erl! o o z oJ Il o = lro =, =eF E a NOIIVNIVA z 3 2o F ul (E-r .>.\'. -t! =o -<( z Fq* i6 a0 =>:z:< >O -ni s \.l-. , \ a Ac Yogl (, z JG z -O2 t1t .-: F:qr3 o!l !,1 u2J ul 2 E oFzul =ulo ul F c ul .c Eo tt IIJ G J J F F ul IE Jtt J F F F. O l.z a 2 = F z{, a F F. z lrlF F. z 2 z, FI I E o F Irl lrl z F a a a F F F eF F z 2 F t{ FI F E I L Er lrl o I L 2 lroO =?==ne'il--f o o E>tF :- |ll- z -o-ot zo Fc*d,6FTQCF>xo:z:<ur3A(J>oFO . .,i MnETING: May ]-].,Qb,,.oDATE OT IIEMBERS PRESENT: BILL RUOFT LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT:Golf Course Parkins Lot LOT , BI,oCK_, FTLTNG AqfION TAKEN BY BOARD: ,/\y/CI-rrcY f/d v6a L. VOTE: FOB: Li{n A t/L-, ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUlrllrlARY: sEcoNDED "", &)16.o pI AGAINST: tr.e te,a*. A TOWN OF VAIL AM PM CALLER I ornen MON GOMMENTS: E pennel LOCATION READY FOR TNSPECTTON .,/ +, r-n lruE (' weo ) rHUR FRr- eu(en/ \-.-/ '\--"' Lu -+.. .s ttt Jl tz-o I a *'V ,( nte nbv e o E orsapp RovED D upor'r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE (n Iu uJtt == |lJ llJ F z z 3t!t<F&rrLE!- -iPh < :. y z I:FJ ",Iftq-bdl'/io9Xslz - <>-<QZ ^zz^ =::3a <iJ<UtrlZ riES3iu'SHej_Fr<o> _<o* E<3 ts =llJ z =o (n uJul lJ-t =E LIJ o- J F FNOllvn'lVA (rIol ilrl 5ol EQI $4' t =>E -Ed)Eu.$ =coN zzo9 F^U7Xre90oo =>6Zl!<o* f,!2 FO.j c.j z = o- tttE u,t z oz/.e UJt llJ o E lLJ =i.\F. 5Ji9 F.<o6Ztltlt' Irl .luF()t! <(zi FUJECO|!tro-z z z tr o = F2v ZJ=sooZEl=3g;Eo(,o zo F J =az uJ ct uJt! o- F F(n o 2 € ulF = uJ z s IU o ao- uJ zo F o z tr E UJF I'' cDo o1z. oz E =E uJG oz F C) UJ-)oto- IJJF o F =Elrl o- trntr -Jzoz--o\J :-ze (Do =z (L LL "dE ="^3\A; EL__I\ILIU -\ co Eoeo oE' 'E t E EI 0 ts =ar tlJo tJ- I,J,Jo F (' =t! J co oJ s*6 ct N -lg n- 9s5F L! zI 4 |rI E 4 uJ F =Etr anUI UJ os.J = o- F() rJ {-4fq t \ Etr Ih lNlll nt<nt<AtulGIoo<l -4 >I o- a $l c\y =tr LIJ e, o J a = =tr aallJ o = c t! luEoo Ja = E. tr LIJEo I = i F Eu,z =o F C) IJJ = t 3 tujuJ< t EE}6\ <oOF FSt >Y =#JZrJ- o() {x :IF =2;(E Yz =g E irgi<c)qH zo F()fEFazo() oo PUBLIC NOTICE ^Jo? NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Town of Vail intends to rezone the North Pulis property as further described in Exhiblt A from the existing Eagle County zone district "Resource" to Town of Vail zone district "Public Use Distri_ct" in order to a11ow the construction of a bus maintenance faeility. Application has been made in accord q'ith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. o 0 J A Public Hearing was held pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code before the Town of Vail Planning Conmission whose decision has been transmitted to the Town Council for hearing on December 6, 1977. Said hearing before the Town Council will be held in the Vail Municipal Building at 7:30 p.m. TOIIN OF VAIL DEP OI' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT iana S. Toughill Zonj-ng Administrator Published in the Vail Trail on November 11 . 1977, J o Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NORTH PULIS PROPERTY A Parcel of Land in Eagle County, Col-o:rado, funthen descr:ibecl as: Located within the NW L/4 of Section 9, Town- ship 5 South, Range 80 l{est of the 5th P.i"I . 'according to the Survey of said Tovrnship and Range as approved by the U.S. surveyor General in Denver, Colorado, on April 12, 1892; to wit: Beginning at the Northrqest corner of said Sdbtion 9r-thence s89031'49" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said Section 9, to a point on the' northerly right or wa-y fence line of Interstate Highway No. 7Qi thence along the northerly right of way fenceline of fnterstate Highway No. 70 as follows: s 57041-r33'I{ 415.82 feet: thence s ?8013i02" l"r 1534.29 feet, to a point of curvaturei thence 456.43 feet on a curve to the right, with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears S 80o 33r38u W 456.30 feet to a point on the l^iesterly line of said Section 9 i thence departing the northerly right of walt fence- . line of Interstate Highway No. 70 and following. the l{esterly line of said Section 9 N 00o18r2l" E 565.11 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel of land contains 17.322 acres, more or less. r Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NORTH PULTS PROPERTY ' A Par^cel of Land in Eagle County, Colonado,furthe:r descrii.reci as: tocated within the Nw L/4 of Section 9, Town-ship 5 South, Range 80 l{est of the 6th P.i,I ., according to the Survey of said Tovrnship and .Range as approved by the U.S. Surveyor General. in Denver, Colorado, on April L2, L892; to wit: Beginning at the Northr.rest corner of said S6btion9, thence 589"31r49" E 2333.84 feet., along theNorth line of said SecEion 9, to a point on the' northerly right oL we.y fence line of Interstate' Highway No. 7Oi thence along the northerly rightof way fenceline of Interstate llighway No. 70 as follot'rs: S 57041r33' I{ 415.82 feet; thence s 78o13i02" I,7 1534.29 feet, to a point of curvaturei thence 456;43 feet on a curve to the right with a radiusof 5580.00 feet, the chord of rvhich bears. S 80"33'38" l{ 456.30 feet to a point on the l.lesterlyline of saj-d Section 9 i i. thence departing the northerly right of r.ray fence- . . Line of Interstate Highway No. 70 and following. the Ifesterly line of said Section 9 N 00018'21" E 565.11 feet to the point of beginnihg. ' Said parcel of land contains T7.322 acres, moreor less. - o Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OT NORTH PULIS PROPERTY A Parcel of Land in Eag1e County, Colonado' furthen descriL:ed as: Located vrithin the NW L/4 of Section 9, Town- ship 5 South, Range 80 I'Iest of the 6th P'i'l', acc6rding to the sorvey of said Tovrnship and -Range as approved b1' the U's' surveyor General in 6enver,-doloradol on April L2, 1892i to wit: Beginning at the Northrvest corner of said Sdbtion 9,-tten"6 s8903I'49" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said SecEion 9, to a point on the northerly right o! way fence line of Interstate nign*uy N". iot thenci along the northerly right ;i';y"fenceline of interstite uignway No' 70 .. as fol Lorvs : s 67041'33'I{ 415.82 feet: thence s 78oL3i02" t't 1534.29 feet, to a point of curvature; thence 456;43 feet on a cr:'iv" to the right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears' S 80" 33138" l{ 456.30 feet to a point on the }festerly line of said Section 9 ? thence departing the northerly light-of vray fence- line of Interstate llighway No. 70 and following the-westerly line of said-section 9 N 00018'zlu E 565.11 feet to the point of b'eginnihg' Said parcel of land contains 17.3,22 acres, more or less. o ,l l, (,' '"I' PUBLIC NOTICE t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT the Town of VaiL intends to nezone the Nonth Pulis property as fu::the:r descnibed in Exhibit A fnom the existing Eagle County zone distnict rrResounceil to Town of Vail zone distnict ItPublic Use Dist::icttr in onden to allow the construction of a bus maintenance facility. Application has been made in accond with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. A Public Hearing will be held punsuant to the pnovisions of Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on Novembe:: B, L977 befone the Town of Vail Planning Commission whose decision will be tnansmitted to the Town Council for final decision. Said heaning will be held in the Vail Municipal Building at 3:00 p.m. TOWN VAIL DEP N]TY DEVELOPMENT Zoning S. Toughill Administnato:r Published in the Vail Tnail October 21 " l-977 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Of NORTH PULIS PROPERTY A Parcel of Land in Eagle County, Color"ado, funthe:: descnibed as: Located within the N!{ L/4 of Section 9, Town-ship 5 South, Rangie 80 l{est of the 6th P.M., according to the Survey of said Township and Range as approved by the U.S. Surveyor Generalin Denver, Colorado, on April L2, L892; to wit: Beginning at the Northrvest corner of said S6btion9, thence S89o31'49" E 2333.84 feet, along theNorth line of said SecEion 9, to a point on thenortherly right oL w?-y fence line of Interstate Ilighway No. 70i thence along the northerly rightof way fenceline of Interstate Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67041r33" W 415.82 feet: thence S 78013'02" I4l 1534.29 feet, to a point of curvature; thence456.43 feet on a curve to the right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears S 80o 33138" W 456.30 feet to a point on the lrle'sterlyline of said Section 9; thence departing the northerly right of vray fence-line of InterstaLe Highway No. 70 and followingthe Westerly line of said Section 9 N 00018'21u B 565.11 feet to the point of beginnihg. Said parcel of or less. Iand contains 17.322 acres, more iiiiiii ;li;iiiiiiiil iillu;*;igi *l'T E)r --*r €drl8)l Esl.:.2E5o.t€El -6Tr C) {E.g€=-tA V) z Fr '.t trO ^^^ t< t r'i Y '.\orr 1-v v r-t FE:Z1r)doitt (J tr>ca eF;oi!E -!Er xi JI<F(,r! uto J-liiii*i* ootttaiJoJ-tth () rlitIAE!615 IL ( t,,HIl!l dr tdF '| G = e7xa Eo 3 E E - gaxo e ''i E Eo(J I nt f, || r(\- NNl ct) o b,6 FT o Jrl P < I I I n,I EI € 6 o) q) {, o O) .' Itr F E d A < d nll HI q i?EEi;li ilii? igcEi€r€ EE € j : :Eg!Ei3; ?E3:: ruffi111{1 ii€aif,sil E*it: iE*iElHE iiei A q 'tl) * 7 g| o c Fl FJ F F G' alE a, o I o,,E o EC o OUTHOMREL FINANCIAL GR P, LTD. VAIL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, SUITE 3O7 / P.O. BOX rs2a, VAIL, COLORADo al6s7 /) ^/ (3031 476-os22 DENVER: 623-71 1o M ^f\l t./ vn\/ June 2r, rg77 f l /l/ Y\J'r' Mr. Terry Minger V Town Manager Town of VailVail, CO. 81657 Ref: Vail Bus Barn Site Dear Terry: This letter will confirm our conversation last Friday, wherein Lions Rdige Ltd. has offered to make available to the Town ofVail Lots I-5 Block C, a resubdivision of Lions Ridge. Thisproperty contains 10.08 acres, and is significantly more flat than the previous property being considered by the Town ofVaiI on Block C and Parcel B, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2. At this time, the general partners of Lions Ridge Ltd.will consid.er a price for Lots 1-5 considerably lower thanpreviously discussed. This price reduction coupled with thecosts savings of being able to develop flat fround as opposedto steeper ground, should make the Block C property considerably more attractive than previously determined. Enclosed with this letter is an evaluation which I have conducted wherein the two properties are compared based onvarious criteria as noted. In addition to the information contained in this comparative study, I feel that there is oneadditional point which bears emphasis. Presently the Pulisproperty under consideration is zoned as resource by the county.In addition, a study performed by Eldon Beck, wherein desirable open space properties were identifi-ed in Vail Valley, identifiedthis property as open space with the following notation: Open Space Visual Preservation Landscape continuity to deeded open space (west) and national forest (north) Chapparal cover and slope make mitigation of development difficult Page Two Considering that the Town has been emphasizing the acqui-sition of open space and preservation of open space both in the east VaiI area and the west Vail area, it seems somewhat of a contradiction in policy for the Town to develop resource property into a "commercial type" use. Being a devel-oper, I can appreciate the considerations for cost in any development. I beLieve, however, that the revised offer by Lions Ridge Ltd. for Lots 1-5 make the bus barn development on Block C considerably more feasible than previous plans. I fully understand that my position as general partner of Lions Ridge Ltd. places me in a position of extreme prejudice. Not$rithstanding that fact, I have attempted to make my evaluation of the t!'to ProPerties as objective as possible. I leave it to your discretion as to the validity of the evaluations, but hope that it will be of use to you in your own evaluation. In conclusion, Lions Ridge Ltd. would very much like to have Block C reconsidered as the site for the proposed Town bus barn. I will be available for anv discussions related to this matter. Yours truly, Fx Richard RMT/pt Encs. CC,/ Members Members Members of of of the Town Council the Planning Conmission the Town Staff o c) .tJ o FIp. Eoo o .a o (tT oo'rlo, +Jo l{o o +JH.ooO.trodt{'d ooZ+) $* do cdo o 11 E co+ ajro >Oqroo OO r{Ho(to -.1 g+, ((t{r o url{ o.-l o +J (t..t.C O {JOo E dO il l'l O o tl'l r(r.i r{ +r{J H ah 'c| h-t.rrq{6 e .d utq{ d Ho>o. 5o dkho ooo.Sro||.!'qoq>!,E'+{bOOO.c o' jt(' .rr{rOctO .6Ed! "lqH6 EE{f-e} -E-.- k$OHr{o-tO-rdCAl,t{(f O{ g. {r - ..P'C''IJ O..l (' E-l . o Q *J -qlq-ro\ o.o.-lo or{oL{ &E. OO'df Eq'.!-:(')E.roio'o=o 6ot{d orioo o'"{B l'l o c+'oo-r ur o- o izoa.r r.r 5 o E-.r+r I otU o<t; o.r-rclot{ .d--rt.6 oEd>-t>Q..,1 H}4Oq.qb+r urO'-l d NoH,4. 'l' {r k'ld n,0.1 orf dQqtdo :.iigOd.A - dCO">.l gCOoOtr &A. OOC.rr oOOE dd .Clr.Q >rO dOOr>ulO{r .l.f I-1 .J.-1 .-l-A oir{-oio - i:'5 ooo OkotdoElqOco C 0, rdf4 O.U.;..r +rrH Jq.U i,{ C.a{] o Q.'t.'JtH O. !.'{a i 0 --.c-io.r-r . qq-ru' 5 o oooAEg HQtl'lr.{ ()€tr$>>d> .dot$o .dQt{0)'.-'l'.1 qooqt"!-o -o'ci o rudn boariu o-ot +r>d..{+rtr'ttd(0g4t}|qttA i -Oor.rs -'o-t .io.doo !Ud-{+r..{O. QqCC Co.A >di o Cj. o.i O +r C r.r o.-r E.q >t-.t Ft '-t >Ar4 d O u! d(')co r{ F-{ O '-l O '''{ ''{ Fl O En t{ E-l'-l O+rO g'd 'rro F{ +.tOo.r O O+r trCdr{O Ord ..t +r q, H qgr{rq,'... o ob..{ o+Jot{(d cnt{ o{F{ tH c .. +J p (9 o . tr ? .-l |!trHo ! ord..qo o .-lt. O C.d-{D o.ogrq€gOq,F{ t, HpH oo.qo o.p>+O .r{ 'e :.ooFoqqr'-lH- ;h- o+r06n ir'OO 'd.rU.€ot{+ro 4>oqo '(Jo +JcoS'. ochc o0,>410r+r0{d.9, -q'i-Ero -F. ;<b>' Eitior--> nE d-rro .'r!>:UlEorr.roho 'tr.d' .c 01 o.il .-l k r{{.'l (r.-l u|(, tt ''! c '.'!..t' oi-ro nE oEtio- 3ooopH4o41.1oC,'tl>'c ru-.r -- .E - ni - F 6o ot+t k+r'; oFl o'"{ >4-a)r$.p'-l t{ > C .ci€A<,O .rHF6+r o'q sl F{ O 0t .l'l p!'r.r c.-r oi.r'urat " O-' - o -t qrt d o..{ q,{C.|].d.q(r)Ut{oai.o-}.tch orr \c oo{Oog€t B9>o-.0rEF.uaJii;,U o.J.oatj ,+t Ht{o.o0! l'.!ooJ4o.-r* -co.>; ot'rdr-{d c ooEFg>Astblt5-o' o-.io.a.'r 0tr'rta..r crooO OBg,P.4grdoF.cq.r-c o rr H.c a do..t > E (J.q ol o t{, E-.t! 5 H'.lF{A;E ijE 6.b..dE i id.c -0, 'EinU F rd'{-{ oO<.l ott a fi € o 1)t{ogr o& (t tr rU t'|tr..{ H Q)o F:..1o At{ h +Joq{ 16a +rO '.{Or{D '-l ,olJ ..{ QOoooooNtlro.-t lr o(na4 o L{ .Cd+Jo5og('J Ur,4)o.q.c {r 4J.{ tndc.Arl{oo,apocEOtldFtNOd.c.cl 4r Ei ttoodgJ1 cldtra*J.rl Oouro.Q rdo+, ID .lJ trooo()tt{4 Eh c(,ddo oo.p c.I'd-A O >O>OOFI{rt't qF{ trOddtdO)F{ .lJ t{ .lJ o.aq+roo)..lOC+rltot{o p.upr oc o c-.ro3 O .q'.{ l{o u{r(!doc +r rurEorH.ta '.1 O-l{ o oo 6 X ttl tU t{ r{O+J A Fl (l OO 11 O .lr (U d O.d.Qct c o ().c o.c 4r.qd q o4JEE{ brOl .Fl t{ E'-li\N F{ ..{E > COF{.Fl F{ (tO0r.tdC I O O r{F{^+ l! orH-{ o'ld oFt r, t ..t doO4JUI UI> H+Jd Fl >Ul A$PX .tJ td '-l OFI Ofrl t{ 9{'.1 O t ''lOHd OFIg. O >t|.l O tl{ O€ .{ 9rqt{C+JOCOa 5 d b|5 () .lJ l{o 9.oHA o.Fl F{aA () J4oo F{ prl rrl Ir'{ o +Jo Fl o U|(t .?|fr o o-.1 r-l (t -.1 H 0)P..{\r{ ]J +Jad I'rcro o|U urc{J.tr}outod rd ..t +J.{O O $l'rl Od E o,C.'l oO(llO{+rgFitn.lr 0, O En.'{.lr oFl C ''{ Co oooE Br{ r OO.Or(l()(lOt{C+,doEcz(Dxv,AdOtlJ +r C'Fl..{o trtx.cq-t x .5 (l, t'r (u.c+, >O ot'd+rf{+J()d+JOq..lOtlC OJi ATg{OObtC{J Og{ CF{.|J+Jl{OOOO(r(rtU9rg.QFr€g-l P{r 3 r+{ o E o oO O .q OFI o C+r E >{.q 5 o..r o -.t 4r o -.rlo o cr l}{ d +J .lJ> Oq{ O q..l ul O.'{ O Od.,{ t. +r H o E tr-{ o d ru c E q{o 5 q{.{ O O (l) O OA O o t{.d F{ FlH f.r +J.Q OF{oo otto>ru4.q O.4 0 r{ o oH +j .q {J Or O{ tt ..{ a.or+.r aoo 4r tna. I o trOgC..qO> oO -"1 .C.O 0, btrr-{ >'gl{ (, '.1 O A d O. {r {r ct O Flo+, t{ O O E O H o E g*{o l.{ () 1.{ g.'{ O O E (U 5o o o "cl En o.n o .c.q,a.qo] +r ,qoooB+, ur oo9u.Aa t''doo"c'.{oo.cEoc. J4 OF| E{ o-Flc gru.|{ ootn o (l.rrodE{r d'cc not0-.{.q ...{ o .tJ.,r . .rt .u +J.C -.i f{ € 'ld Ff O X.-l O..t d .lr C O F{ -C O.ctc..r o . d 5 o{.-r +r.rdo.cd.Fo.coo3 0ct..l 3rl{-l o lJ l{Fl O+J..p Ja H o+.Qdnt..rdo.q.pt>c +rH>ho..{.trooocr€co+J o r+{ (t 'tt E-{ oF{ t{ OtH C tl{ F{ C g{5 O.o(l)o'Flo '{5ood+,qoH 4r.q xo'('t{.'{ l{ 0{o o.tJE-{ > c dO o{ t{(' gOOO 91 l{ OOOtOd+rd,dUtooo.qEE+r o .rr g [.] .C .'.1 {r ..1 X-l >r -{& b'-r Ut O+JOrgoQ{..1 'rH cF{ o t{ E.d t oo.q A O..{ ct {J O O O.l.-r E 5 .d a. o +r..{ (u -J O O Url{ oF{ O tU > >5 ,{.q q o.-r o t{ o-c.q o tr1 d .rr ..{ .q > ,{ a.'-t .rl o d o4J O.C ('O o .lJ t{d ult{ .U O q'l I O 9., O t O 3 O-r.q-r t{.c E o o t{.c.crd+roru$.Aaoo.p+J5 Utrr..t o .4 r.loro rH.tDE:_tloo ''{ A FI'd rd .q '.{ e C .P> (t.d(t d +r od o .>.coB.lro> gE .'o +r.-t OCr" O #('OH.c'.|d o.'{O0,O.COH>OO.C+rtnOt{rrC..{ +J +r trl Cl h t{rl{ tU >{JO+J C O ..-l'.{+.ttrOC rlO.C^oC o O FI O ..C.q .P lq|.Cutg oHtr+?ct o+r''t O >r fqO (l)O{ro.u.tJ o og+J.tJdoct{,c,qooo o .rroH o.tr 41 50 0 ()d gr SE(lkO-{O.COOOOOO+r+ l{t l.r.fr.a H c o c o..{}r+ O{ q{ O q O.'{d+r O O o O..lr{oodo+ro(u 0|n0g{ g{'-l O .-{ >r l{ .'{O 5+r q O -l 3 t .lrLl q.OOO.lrOOtUo.+roo d.Q 9..{ o+r(,0tno o> cO d'Fl l1 O gFl O tH O'.1 P.O 5 O..l F{ O (U F-| ..{.q E o o c d-.{ tt t{ o l|E{.r{ t{ O C, E 3 Ad bO -: o g o 6luq.,.'! oqg, .c E .d.c, J , .'{r{o. S-1 rOH | +1f\l0 EC .'C o 16 tU tr.U Flq?'n!DJ1 El tr tr d+r .ctoDooo.tn.fto, Sgrc-lCt2JuFgE'qqOOoqroF{ ()-l CO'.{>'({rhCOOC OO.-l'Fl'a{P O O taq O.c'+, dF{Cd('5}{ d+, rd.p.-r b-{ O o tr...t b9> .dc qq{H ..t o +r ..r brorg o +r.c.q t'|.,{.po o o oo]{J-E- >tr| ,O. >.Cf U-{3..{H;tr 'o"rtr.l ,+o;>o O-irO.? q . rr{ +r ,6 F.l Ul -.{ C ttrrH..l -l O +r..{.F{ g O C, O€ O C q9{S?0?!oO:!O oro{ro d O.C-t-..toX dr-t ;iadajr{ +r o).tJ o.rJ g o.u . E } o€-{ 6 (u - }.-t,-t E d o o - o t " -.i U.li':1 .-r ,.q?A O'Fl (, (t .cA1 ts-t rH C€O O+r+r+r7_.4! rop!-lEOHF u&t{5oa.ttr.'d0, XOO.A ot{ordOl',F{Hql.>o EpO-{tdEOo..t rrt(,. .O gtt..t o d trrd-{ 5. - q,.cFl o oFr q. >.r{ o .-l 9.l.l.t q{.4 q'd H.dFl oF{ E otH HqqQ|..c .qg{..r o>trt' o>>o do.cdo o{.{ g 4r'.1 'qp ul .E-dOo odF{ l{ rd F{ F{ gr() d,Q l.t C O..{ U.rtOOo(' H >{r.|c.d>.q F.dqqp. B +r,-t o o F{.'l ,{B .c+r g Fq q'J Q,.! - +r-{ r{ >d , .E vt d hJJ1 - o.d o,- & oH..l 6!r1 +J F{ 5F{rH tI'O o .q +r tn O .tr O 0, O (' t .|J Ft OU! tOq?qF -9qo+{r{.q+ro.r{bo..{E .c>oor.aotro..{ og tt+rgEoC39 O2+rCbn>5O..d trlbnQ-{o ,dO.dd FtO. CF.'.1 r4q oo .rr ! ru rd o.n rr.t -{(ttrl o o.rjE{r> o oc, o.,rx qqrq|,.4 oGdoo{roFooo€Eig Ja a - '*-+r.,r 'i q, E H +r C > u, O Q a .A C.?t .qf{.c Q AE O+J O Ort{tH tH O.,{ o'-l H p ll. O ('.Fl ,+{O44rO+Cd lJo +r;OO O o -E.dq9 !*.!!r4t,.rrg.r{!E{ 6- .x-a.-r+r o-- -o-r{Ot€F :al+,> g{,{qO dtr{ .Cour;#J1;'Bt,oo>oC CF+roJ.P H +r.q 9..{ Ot!'{U| +r.qo{rOOO 5OO} OOd>nY 5 14{ 1d.tr I o{orH.;.c ..iFd'd 0 0 6.r.t o c€d i6 .iEJ-orao..odood ..t olroB H>HHt{o+rEn .d Ei +J-q{!t{. h- O qJ bo+rtt{ . l{r.. - tH o il, oU d rd O; .>t0- l{ O 6 al.{.!JE q!q+q-.!$q,o +ord-.t --{rJrdodp;o Oti.u,i-dl!9q+rOtrEqqg>ZoF{ (Doo gp1OO..tq{S Qr-t O A E,Xf . oE g F 5ggo, fi 3 PE "f 3.?9.5.i E'd" ,.3.F; i 9r9.-q:d.CAFoQ1 .q+16..{ d O ().p .C..{ o ttr> o o,Clr+H!|+f q+l+lgOt{ Orotr o CF{ }.tJ Cl-{F{ b(l€-.r.Q O t{+r.-t d_r)lq$q.C>-roo.{ gOO OCb'o(I',Ut6 ut } u:Oo -. o . q, o (l o +r g q, f .4 tU .Q o E d a co550c, .C {r ?-t c oqr+c.do > o.r{ > t{.rr.lr r{o oooolrH Ulog oF{oooq4 E F. r{ oro q o,! clc o tr o u r{ o Fi r{..{..{.c c.,{3 o .c.,r-i.i ri4 {r.Ft E O(/) +, rJ }+r?U 4r.q H .|] o r+{ {f O rr' o.> >UFj.e .lJ E -Ei B+rF fi co.A +,o5l{ .tJ og o(J rl.t o oooH q..l o .tJ o rd +Jo..cEO'HE LaaF{OO-{aao>..{ o>o h.tJ l{oaot{ A o.r{A,A U J1() oFln rt) I ?i o +J e ou| '(t.|.l aco.?|rf tU.'{ t{o +J .Fl lr c) .(to'|Joo1ooO O o.C t{.-r,q o.p o 5(l,O + O.rl .C O.C> OlHt{o+ro xH o€.4 oo q{ .qq r-l .0r{.tt5 € (lt,Q O F{ O'.1q.C-'{ C UtUr3xSH.ptq.{ O d O..l F{ OF{ l{ gr l{ O -.{ r{d ttt.g-On d.q$ .dO o>.-l03 E: u b.-t {r 6+r0r5cc cr(' oOO.-l-{€4 Q F{ot{k ('tr+rE A.'{ 5 tn>rg 5 O .dO FISOCO +r}ro OFI O l| O E o+rcf"{('t{ut .A at{gF{+, k F{ . .r|oE ,Q o 9rt d o tra 5+roo.Ft oLl oO O q p{+r Ft d t{l...rt orHOCd4 dgtr o..t OFt O - 'lt.'{ O 'lt O O 6tDO +J O >.Ft..l t (t)CCkcoout .Q -.{.'{ O O O 5€ 0, O +r 'c, N Et t{o.C' ."4tr .Otr+r AA Fl5o>1 OOUIX o .FlO..l+rF{COO.CO +rf{ CO tr-{ O gJ Jr{€ , > O (' or-'.1 OSgO(u.qoiSt{ o(/| d O<, {r C(, 3 O{ Z o,tJ FIdO.!FtqokdoF{ t o c, ob.Il O O{ }c k o ot('.-l . ttt tl o I3.-{ l.l ol dd.Ft (u H d'E, O l{ OE > c.q o d5.lJ+JOp r+{ .d,4 -l O(l f{ 3 O..,{ oo o, g -l ll{ UtF{ ,Q 3-{ d Oo (t >r._t +,oH+r kdtd O.d5 r ll, C o '-l o >r.q ..t rt o cl.A {J O C UlO O'"{ic,ohO .ar+r(tc{r>raJ C+) O 'tt o O O..looor.tEoF{ 9..{ d or.Flq{ +J +J O t{ O..1 ..1 .C -l +rk E.-l o o o .Q.'1 ..1 F O .o 5.P,q OFr >4gl5F(,O+r o (u +J.?| F-l..1 +JD rH oI tn..r{ .tJ 0, C.|.lo O >r.€ .-l Co o.tr +r 6 (l) H t.'r F{ t|ul tn.-l O)o c q 5q{tU . O..l '.Q tHo'tdJ4 .r{ 'c, o d trd O -.{ .C E .'{c+rul o O.-1 ..1 . H..lN O-CF{ Og dBooOql''lOo..{€ t oF{, >'rUto O*.l O+r c o E c4t{..{oEo+,O >r5 O Eo{r{ o o1.codbr obnt{ > El HF{ IO. 'FIOOO,q(l >.4 tD 4J c -t o.lJC..{ 5 O{tF{--t B o...t 4t'ro l{+J€Cr{ r{ g O h5d5(uUt+r O .Fl O d O.rll{ +, -.t qor.tcoooc5 or.c o,{ o(/)(t+lt0{(l >r+tlooo..lr og Xp{lJ.r{ UlF{c..1 .FlAO..{ q+a('0 Or t{Er{o5(J(^ .p t{og{ ol{A o..{ Fl,A U 11oo F{ m 1rl Ir{ o +J t{ o Ul6..1 & oao.Ft |{ ,"1 t{ c, .lJ ..1 t{ C) ;i!Eii;; ;iir;i:I;EFII lii*g€it :iilE;gErl*;i iii:is;g,tll;;gi ; ir!3r!rB!:;:;"f;: L , ;;iii;sr;:iEiiilE sa lE:_j{:l6lf'lCri (.9 it :las,:l -,^E,T rrrli 6t r\ tI o)! '<l) a) rl tol : J ;l2l?l 1 \)t '- '-r IJIA "l ; I9 o ;l .= ()Arr6.O Ftr<1, o -:o v,9 a.AOA -61 lo' : e;x!, o 6I E AXq) EF >.1 € .9 {lEr--i{ o. .-l t'l oe 6S F'\ |;rJ Ix\ |t\:l5.e E€.e8E5 ;v.O 5.'io9o J .:3<n v) r,ll-l i I (|, o, cl o\-E5€3 sltu ' (! ; Irl B 4 I I It-l'-,| .l NI2l ?l1 II I I I I I I o q) t ,14 , 9( a 9 o, q) ' c) 3 <t) Fl F Fl F ql 3 o : trA {, olt >r c, !t;:;:;; E: 3SqF"3<'= '9:: i€eE;E $ iglii€r€;e:i*ili;; E i;!Eii;i * #:5EiE rer E ;ts:;{E€€ i iii;l;Ei€ t ; i?i;E a*; B iirs;;g5i E igaigiirti z -F I '-l Ar ,; Ilro ^^^ l-. llf F{E< XFaf|.ti-r v-< O fi1 ,\ e, v LrE2 .?J rJ-@o fuon' Rovston Hairamoto Beck & ,A,bey d' Fu*K July 18, 1977 llr. Temell J. llinger llowr llanager Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 HE:Pulis Site - Bus Barn Dear Ter'ry: Please send as soon as possible the topo of the trr1is Site. ptrotographs of the area that uie discussed, taken both on-site and frcrn the :noads across the valley, nould he1p. Thanks. Sincerely, Wg"T th cc: LIr. Kent Rose [tlr. James F. lanrcnt landscape Architects: Principals: Associates: 225 Miller Avenue l:nd Planning Roben Ro],ston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Roben T. Batterton ASLA California 94941 hrk Planning Eldon Beck ASla George W. Girvin ASI-A 415 383-7900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S Sena ASLA Louis G. Alley AIA Patricia Carlisle AsLA DESIGN REVIE1T BOARD DATE Otr MEETING i Dee,erLgTT MEMBERS PRESENT:Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Ron Todd Abe Shapiro Town of VaiL-Trash RecePtacle BOARD: SUBJECT: TAKIN BY MCITION: VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: Lot_-, BLOCK ABSTENTIO{: , FILING AC"TION sEcoNDED ut: Fa@ AGAINST: SUNITIARY:€O rcl lFl rNsPEcr]ru FIEOUEST VAI LWN +1 .) -- TO ti OF 't' DATE , ,, .' /'.L / ," JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CA I orxen 9olnaerurs: I pannar LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rnr "i - arrr, Fil) . E nppRovED E orsnppRovED .-.'-" dnlirNsPEcr D uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS i / t .)..-f] BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 3a8-63:P F|EEUEST rY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM tr OTHER E pnnnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR coMfENrs: i' ./ ,o.'/ D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE (a, -.-' ./'2,'''- ,7,a' E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrlr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION '">'-*s(, WED I THUR FRI AM PM Y) APP ROVED El orsapp RovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE . .' -- .A t'- a'" I a DESIGN REVIEI'| BOARD a. DATE or !,tEETrllG ' - october 6 ' 1977 ... DD ranltT .r tl !|rrrJ. r . . ..' Bill RuoffMEIIBERS Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro SIBJECT: Town Vail AgTION TAKEN BY BOARD: UOTION:SECONDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: ABSTENTION: APPROVND: DISAPPROVITD:-t' FOR: SUtrl,\IARY: DATE a I,IEITI}IG: PRtrSEiIT: v-t. .'a'^-,. -DESI.CN NEVII'IV BOARD October 6, 1977 Bill RuoffUBIIBERS l tr.Ft nlt TAKEN BY BOARD: Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro STBJDCT: Town of Vail IIOTION: VOTE:TOR: ABSTENTION:_-- APPROYtrD: ' DISAPPROVED:- -tSUlllrlABY: DESICN REVIE1V BOARD DATE OT MEIIIBERS PRESEIIT: I{EETINGT ottoltt l3' 1977' Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe Shapiro TOV Canopy' for OverpassS.'JBJECT: / / ,/) i 1 / /'<- AcrroN rAKEN By BoAp.D' /vc. //crzon/ *No t>)B.rn/'5-yor2 6fr /rr1alTr TirY.tIdOTION: SECONDID BY:- - VOTE:Tnp. -|J AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROV.ED: DISAPPROVED:t SUIIIIAIIY: :'o DATE , IIIEETING:or CN REVIElII BOARD aOctober 13, Lg77 o DESI Bi1] Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP ITEIIBERS PRESE}TT: Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro S5BJECT. Bus Shelter A TIOT TAKEN BY BOARD: uorroN, t.- /ae)<e VOIE: FOR: SECOMED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTIO{: DISAPPROVED: - :: : ii lr o o E E () E ;.Ei\ .SJ N \ \\ ilsl;i iliiiiii liii*iii iiilli:i#lils : Ei o(, lell{stoaa",Ji (t t@IA J.:]Itd& ?-,r Eo .-€ E -lo\lxtlt$t E€o.e€iSco€6?c)-5 s..iOfrs5irav) _d 11 i < I I $l st{l Uq I I I o C'E I I I I.iJ l I P., IY I >l (l) o) OJ q, F q) F ;ffis;T; I-l Ei6 igiiegg€fsij; i;ilsilgsr;i; iEgiEii€iIgiflir iigiiiiiiii;lid aEAE *;:IE"l ,; E i €q z F E tr ,; Er.o ^^^ 14 XOr? E Y aF. h \.,, Frfl2st ?h() t \ '<l') CJ F ,l tll F" > I il Ii v tl ". ,i o $278,150 213,340 FEI;rs-0- 474,000 r-?--J. /,r+vu 278,150 - 8,745 -7i7-i:-fzoY,r+u5 30,300 299,705 10,000 35,000 +5,000 10,000f3sr-fF VAIL MUNICIPAL COMPLEX COSTS Base Bid - Municipal Complex Base Bid - PoBt office Cornbination Bid $8 ,745 Savings Base Bid Savings Base Municipal ComplexAltennate #1Municipal Complex withLegal FeesAr"chitectrs Fees 9.4tAdditions to Building ,Funnishings and Miscellaneous Items TOTAL COMPLEX COST Maintenance Shop and LandTotal Town of Vail Issue Appnoximately Post Office Bid Savings Base Post Office Bid Land Costs Lega1 FeesAnchitectts FeesTotal Post Office Cost Approxirnately 6* Total Non:-Pnofit Conponation Issue Both Buildings Pen Building Cost Altennate $2L3,3t+0- 8r745 -7'ffiFFzu+r.)vD 60,000 4r000 12,000 F-8dTffi 7t Bonds Bonds (,z,HFz <rlzz C)Q t4ts 0z<o fJr c) oXo oo OEz.do z.A oo o) o)o al> o -+ 6 o <r) Er E-T \.,J>zoo rdxo a (r)o f, o) o)(\l r.J)oo c.| GI lo rJ) -F fi, .lt c) (f) (?) (Y' Ftu .r)otzAOlqs) J. F{ ETYAozHOcac) >l rd )1o oo. ott r-t @t\ GI o (f) (f, r..l C{ ooo r\' oo(a o(!, zEt t!7 aa.z.no<(J t-azotrl AHn rlIA =TtDOa>Z ."1 14 q,AOAa,<x ''| io<Hrr. IQ Fi C)tr: Hoz<DtaE f.t (J H f.r..EO fr: F{ UJ (N<oMA a z.ZBOAH"lA E-r F-rH<D co Z'9H orj E Fr<ootqCIE l.ri E-.r z)g, t- ll c)Ejz <o()EAOA .-t O<TAE X O i-r .i14CCJtr. --] < i,.t s) Fr P4 F ,-rEOHoJiq -(JO(Jo)(JM"1,t A -l . (-)HHn(.&o<Ft<F.'>>=ZMD =c)J J Et 9tlrr i 21oi Hd <l c0astFl a!Hl HiEl P:riee Per Squane Foot MUNICIPAL Base Bid $276,100 288r650 301,200 313,750 326,300 338,850 35Ir400 363r950 376,500 389,050 401,600 414,150 426r700 439,250 . BUILDING Alternate #l $39 ,600 4L '/+00 43,200 45r000 46,900 49 r600 50r400 ,52 1200 5r+r000 55,800 57,600 59,400 6I,200 63,000 o Total PZZ.UV 23.00 24.00 25.00 ZO.UU 27.00 28.00 29.00 .'U. UU JJ.. UU 32.00 .t.t.uu 34.00 35.00 (?'r c ?^nY|JJ-v t, \,U 330,050 34r+ ,4 0 0 358,750 ?'t4 1nnw, \, tJ-vv 387,450 401,800 +16,150 430,500 44r+ ,85 0 459,200 473r550 487,900 5o2,iso 'a i I 'I I I i I I I (, Fx5€ A l:r. +F TorAL o Q ENVEFI ASPEN BOUIOER THE BFO^O|rOOF CHERFIY CREEX coloRAoo sPFr|,ros €NGLEWOOO FOFrr COLLTNS -^oaaNo JuxcTtoN /. qEELEY ' EBLO ILLA IIALIA iEw YoFx Gr{rcaoo ^.n€*t 8{r_! t.ffi,I 7" :' ':r-F=-F- t: .gif,[ o llal ,lrl,' "r: liu,iF,o MEM6ERS NEW YORX STOCX €XCX rNO€ AItE'IICAN STOCK €XChANOE r.flow€sr sTo€x Excxax6E oEl{vER. colonAoo 40202 TEIETYrG tot/aet.r?ac ;, Board of Tructcsg Lf -t1..ilrF-lP.gL.PetLglse.Ag.-sJp.r.tgy. V.eLlr.Soloxcdo ....8o nits'f......f9f.19..q..4 deliuereiltoustn......P-c.iiy.9i.r....-cp-l-o.i..CC..e. 19....7-1...., and to mature ond bear interest os f ollows: .....$..?'s-l..o..99-.-i?.Z?.il*T...}.t7..*;...$.9..o.i.Q.Q:..19..z.:.q!i9...l.9.Zh...$.s5-,.9.89..:.\9f.?..p.#....t-?f. .,, s.......111:-99q..... ............... ...tesauy Lcacehold r',,a...Y.9.lL..lS.9ls.Ls?1..P.I1.lC.&se..A.u-t$grlry, Boe'Etcher and Cormpany A2A SEVENTEENTIT SIREET (303) e02-toro I I I I I I I I t, i said, bonds to be in the denomination of $........fu.999........................, bearing interest cs shorr,t .....-e.F.9J..9 ., payable semi-al,nnuatly, both principal and, interest pqobie "r....*..9.9.1-o..i.*...e-H*:..9-f-..9:.T...:IL-1:.t WE WILL PAY $accrued interest lrom the dote ol the bonds n the date ol deliuery Prior to ovr accepting deliuery of saiil Securitia, Vou aqree to furnish a certilied tdnsvipt ol oll legol proceed,ings requi- site to their issuance dnd deliuery, including a signature and non-litigatisn certificate in the custon ary form, euid.encing the legatitu of said Securities and the security prouisions relating thereto to the satklactbn rt.....3.ei.l*9g..9..9*-...?.*L1*i99.9 whose unqualified approuing legol opinion in the custonwry lorm sholl accompany said Securities at ileliuery. Thesebondsatetobed'eIiuereiItoUsono,teIo,"........Y!...}.1...l?.1-1..... The cost ol the printing ol these bonits will be paid by-.-...--...9.9................-..---...........-.....and the lees of approuing attorneVs will be paid by..... We hcrewith hond sov......,.9..9..9lt-1.f.19..q...........check f* S.....1.r.9..9.-0..:.9p-.......................-.as euidence ol our good faith in complying with the terms and conditions of this proposal uhich is to apply ds port pd1ment lor said bonds uhen the lego.lity of same has been approved, bg our ottorneys, and to be forleited als lully liquidateil ilamages should we fail or rcfuse to take up said bonds os aboue prouiileil. Saiil check is to be returned to us il this proposal is t:ot accepted, or il the aboue attorncys *t&W*tt1Li'."r&€l?iyct"fflJg ,J ,t:igt". Thb oller k lor immeitiate @cepta,Eo unless ottunoise sp*dieit oboue. t*,*tt dlscqrnt 6ad '8tr cou'oas''1f eny) ,Res;pe,ctfully submitted' Bosttcher and Company Dgo If. Eorrls3toa ^CCEPTED for and on behall ol.........gsdt'.ttrn{clpol..Butldtcg..&.rtlortey-.................... pursurnt to outlrr,rhation by it! gouerning.-\ Altest:....-.. on thb ilote-.--....:--...,.........-...-...,.-.'............................, J9...-.......- Sigaatua OIlbblTi.h {EEAL) o OENVER ., ASPEN- EOULCER T8E AFOAOMOOF C}{ERFY CREEX COL'OFIADO SPFINOS ENGLEWOOO FORT COLLINS GRANO.JU'rc?|oN ^. GREEL€Y /" ' PuEbLo I 'V|LLA tTALtA\ . NEW YORI(cl caoo "^€NT e- = i'-@.t'*: ili;',1;I o 'r,,1l- -.1l:i,. F,- JT s'1ffi'o MEMAERS NEW YORX STOCX EXC|I IXGS aMeRtcaN sTocx €xcri^NotHlow€sr s"ocx €xcrraNcE oENVER. COLORAOO AOaOe TELTTYPE !or/29t.ttoa Board of Trustees VaiI Munlcipal Building Authority VaiI, Colorado r- s?-?.?.:.9-9.9....................... ......tesatry i,s,ea....Y3il...ryLg+.i9.ip.3i...P*il$.x.e..$..rLb.o*.ify Leasehold d,eliuered lo us in.... ,S..?.-i......, ond to mature and bear ,nterest os follows:$10M - 1972 through 19?6; !$rSiv1 - rg77 through 1982; $20M - 1983 through-"-1c85:"-'$25M": Boe'ctcher and Company 426 SEVENTEENTX S'NEET (303) a9?-tolo Denver. Color I . said bonds to be in the denominatb" of C...?.:.-0-99. -., bearing interest cs rf,or,r...9..e-19.-Y-....................., payable semi-annuauy, both prirrcipal anit interest payabb r....3.--C..9P..:.19.g-..1**-.-o..1..93:..-8-9]9.9ti9* wE MILL p^V S.?.?.?.:.9.-09- . ..............--i^a accrueil interut lrom the duk ol the bonds n the ilate ol d,etiuery ,o Prior to ow accepting delioery of, said, Securities, Vou agree n lurnish a certilbd transcript ol atl legal prxeedings requi- site to their issuance and deliuery, incluiling a sigtuture and non-litigation ce ificate in the customory form, euidercing- tIle tegali4l of said Securities ani! the securiry prouirioru relating thereto to the satislactionol....Te-l-1.*e-d.SS...*.-...-...............--. Tallmadge whose unqualif ieil approuing legal opinbn in the custonary form slwll accompony said Securities at ilelivery. These bonils are to be ilelivered ro us on ot or thereafter at our op;tion. The cost of the printing ol these bonils will be paiit by-........:.:.................,......-...............and the lees ol approuing attornevs taiJ.will be paid, by we herewith t ona yor.?....?-e-.:liii:9........... ----..-.check i' c-5-,--9.99. .. ...-.as euidence ol our sood, ldith in complying with the terms and conditiotts ol this proposal which is to apply as pa pavment lor said bonds whei the legality of same has been approueil by our attorrcys, anil to be forfeited, as lutty lQuidatei! ilamages should we lait or ref use ti' ta1g- up sa.id bonds a above provideil, Said check b to be returned to us il this proponl is not accepteil, or if the aboue ottamqs slooukl decline to apprcve the hgality of tl:a issrlr..:.This ollet is lot immediate ecceptance unliss otheruisc specifbd aboue. . ' Net effective interest ' Respectlully submitted,rate:5.90Io ',i4t; Dan W. Authori Herrington ACCEPTED lor anil on beholl of, by its governing paCom llI r'l UV n'l/ ,l ,i .'t ^ , '-body, znd Signotu. OllbiolTith (SEAL) .il p..:l-.(. f-- c t€ e:'z':?) r€ ol the Vail Munici al BuiI THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Docnntent 8l31 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect on a basis of a PERCTNTACE OF CON.STRUCT/ON COSI AGREEMENT made this Hundred and ^.: --L!^^-GLul.lirrLl:LrrLrr Seventy onc day of January in the year of Ninctccn BETWEEN The Town of Val1 Vall, Colorado Eagle County A l.lunlcipal Corporatlon the Owner, and the Architect.llarold R. Carver, AIA, It is the intention of the Owner to erect a Munlclpal Building, Complcx conslsting of a a) l'lunicipal Building and a b) Post Offlce Building together r./lth the slte lmprovements necessary for both. The slte of sald complex lays bettteen the Old Ilighvay 6 and the I-70 Ramp from the west l-nto Vall Village. hereinafter referred to as the Project. The Owner and the Architect agree as set forth below. AIA DOCUMTNT 8131 o 1967 THt AMIRTCAN . OWNER-ARCH ITECT AC RTTMTNT INSTITUTE O[ ARCHI][CTS, 1735 N. . SEPTTNlBER 1967 EDITION . AIA@ Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C, 200n6 o l. Tt lt ARCt-l|TECT shall provirJt'professional scrvir:cs ftrr lhe l'rojcrt in atcorrhttt:c \vith thc Terms and Conrlilions of lhis Aqrcenrcnr. ll. Tllt OWNTR shall r:ornpcnsrtc thc Archilsct, in ,rt r:ortlarrcc s'ith tlrt. [c.nr; .rnd ('ontlitions of th is Agreemcnt, as follrlrvs. a. /:OR l//[ ^/i(-///]tCI'.S li^Slc .s[RVl([.S, as <lcscribcrl in l',rr,r1lra1ih l,l, .r [],rsic l'ce computctl at thc follolving pcrcenl.rgcs of thc Conslrucli()r'r (lo\t, as clt.{inerl in Arlit lo }, for portions ol llre l'ro jt'ct kr bc ,rrvar<lcrJ Lrnrler Itcm d. A Singlc stiptll.rto(l Surtt Contract See Itcm cl Scl)ar.rlc Stil)ul.ltcd S||nr (]onlr.r( ls A Sinqlo C.ost l'lus fcc C()ntr.rct Sepdralc Cost l'lus fec (,ontrarts h. FORTII[ ARal lll'f.CT'S ADDITIONT\1. -5fRV/C15. .ts tlt'scribc<l in l'.rr.rgraph 1.1, a as follorvs: l'rinr ipals' timc rt llre iircd rale of f lf tccn pcr llour. For tltc purposcs of this AFiroontcttt, thc l'rincipals arc: tloll.rrs rc l5'00 Em;rloyccs'timc r:ontg;utctl at a multiplc of tlrrce ( 3 ) timcs thc cnrplovt:r's'l)ircct Pcrs()nncl [xpcnse ,rs <lcfinccl in Articlc 4. Addition.rl scrvi<'ns oI profc.ssional corrsultanls cng.rgerl for lht'nornt.tl strllcturil, mc- < h.uical nnd clt'( tric.tl cniiinccring scrviccs al a nrultiplc of( 1..10 ) tirros Ihe arnount hillcd to tlrc Architc(:t lor such adtlrlional scrvtco\. c. FOR Ttlf ,^RC.t-tlTECT'S REtIVBURSAIILE fXPENSfS, amoLrnts expenclcd as clcfine d in Article 5. d. THE TIMES AND /.URTH[R CONDIT/ONS OF PAYMENT shall be as described in Article 6. The fee for the Munlclpal- Buildlng sha1l be 9.4L of its cost plus an addltlonal $800. for the redesign of the Pollce !'llng' The fee for the Post offlce Bulldlng sha1l be 5.257" excluslve of Schematics Drar.rings provided by the Post office Department. l)cr c('n t l ) ('r ( ('l'l t l)(rr c('tlt l)1.r ( (.ll t { 7o\ ( "h) (%) ( Vo) fcc colnputr.rl AIA DOCUMENT 8131 (,1967 THI A/VIERICAN . OWN tR-ARCfl ITECT ACREEMTNT . INSTITUTI OF ARCHITECTS, 17]5 N, SEPTT/'r4BER 1967 EDITION ' AIA@ Y. AVE., N.!V., WASf]., l). C,20006 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACREEMENT I]ETWEEN OWNER AND ARCHITTCT scHtMATtc DrsrcN pHAsr ( Iluni c ipa 1 1.1.1 Tlro Architcct shall consLrlt rvith thc ccrtain tlrr: ro(luironlcnts o[ lhc l)rrljoct and sttch rcquircments to thc Orvncr. ARTICTE 1 ARCHITECT'S SERVICES 1.1 BASIC StRVrCtS Thc Arr:hitcct's [Jasic Serviccs consist r;f thc five ph.rscs rlt.scribcd bclolr' .rnrl include nornral :truc- tur.rl, mcchanlcal and clcctrical cnSinccring scrvir:cs. olrl.rirrng l)i(1. ()r ncgotr,rtetl 1:roprts.rl.. an<l in a\1'.trrlirtg ,rnrl 1;rcparitrg cor.r\tru(lior'r (orllr.l(tls. CONsTRUCIION PHAST-ADMINISTRATION OI THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 1,1.10 ll'' ( ')t'\lrU(l'rrr I'lr,r ,i'rrrll <on'tn,'tttt' r|rth tht' ,rr,ltl oI tl](. ( ()n\lrur lr()lr ( ()nlrn(l .rntl rr'll terttliu,ll(' rrlrcrr iin,rl l),r)'nri'nl is rtt.trlc lry tht ()lvtrt'r to tltt'(,ott- tr.r( tor, 1.1.11 Tlrc Archilcct slr.rll 1.lroi'idc Ailminislration of tltc ('()n\lrucliort Contrilct.t: st't iorllt in Arlicles l tlrrottglr l'l lnclusrvt'of thc l.rtost ctlition of AIA [)ocun]cttt A101, Ccn- t,ral Conrlilions of tho ('t:ntr.rct for Construction,.tntJ llto extent of his dutics.rnrl rcsnonsibilitics ancj lhc limitalions of his.rrrlhority il..rssilln('d lhercundcr shall not bc modi- fiorl rvith<;ut his rr rittcn ( ()r')s()n(. 1."1.12 'fhc Architct:t, as lltt'rcltrt'scnt.ttivc ol lltc ()u'ncr during thc Construrlion l'lr,r:t,, shlll aclvisc anrl totrstrlt with lhc ()rvncr attrl .rll ol tho ( )rvncr's inslrttr tions lo lltt Contr.lct()f shall bt: i.'Lrt,rl lhrough lhe Art lrilcr t. l ltc Arrhitcct sh.rll h.rvt: ,rttlltorilv lo .lct ()n ht'hal{ of thtr Orvncr to lhe extent pro','irlocl irr thc (lcncral (.Onrlitions unlcss olhcrlvisc nrorlifrcrl rrr rvrrlrtrq. 1,1.13 Thc Architc( t sh,rll ,rt all tinrcs lt.tyo .rcc('\\ to tlrc lVork n'ht:rcvt'r it is in prcp.rr.ttion or progrc:s. 1.1.14 Thc n rchitc( t slr,rll nr.rkc Jreri<rd c visits to tlr(' srtc to famili.rrize hirnscll picncrally rvtth lhc proqross antl quality of the Work .rnrl to rlctcrminc in goncral if lht: Work is proceeding in accordancc rvilh the (-ontr,rct l)oc- uments. On the basis of his on-site observations as an architect, he shall endeavor lo guard thc Owncr against defects and deficicncics in the Work of the Contr.lct()r. The Architect shall not be rcquired to make cxhaustivr-' or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality <-rr qu.intily of the lVork.lT6-c Architect shall not he respon- 'ible for con\tru( tion-mcans, mclhods, techniques, se- quences or procedures, or for saiety precautions and programs in connection rvith the Work, and he shall not bc responsible for the Contractor's failure to.arry out thc \Vrlrk in ac r trrd,rr, e rr ith tlrt Corrlrac t Dor umcnts\ 1.1.15 B.r'cd on \u.h ob:crvJti()ns at thc site and on the Contractor's Applicaticins for Payment, the Architect shall dctermine thc amount orving to the Contractor and shall issue Ccrtificates for P.ryment in such amounts. Thc is- suance of a Certificate for Payment shall constitute a rep- rcsentation by the Architect to the O*,ner, based on the Archjtect's observations at the site as provided in Sub- p,iragraph 1.-1.14 and on the data comprising the Appli- cation for Payment, that lhe Work has progrcssed to the point indicated;lhat to the best of the Architect's knowl- edge, information and bclief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subiect to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tcsts required by the Contract Documents, to minor Rui Id i ngu, ()wncr l() Js: shall co n firrn 1,1.2 Thc Archilcct shall 1rrep.rru: Schcmatic Design Stutlies consistirrg crf drawings .rnri othcr documents illus- tralinH thc sr;alc and rclatiOnship ()f I)roject c()ml)oncnts for approval lty thc Owner. 1,1.3 Tlrc Architcct shall sultrnit l() thc Owner a Stitc- nrcnt of Probablc Construction Cost basorl otl crrrrcnt arca, volumr: or other unit c()sls. DISICN DTVTIOPMENT PHASE 1,1.4 Thc Architcct shall prcparc from the approvcd Schernalic I)r'sign Sludies, for.rpprovrl lty thc Onner, the Dcsign [)r:vclopmcnt Docun]cnts consisting of drarvings ancl othcr tlocuments to fix and dcscribc the size and charactcr of lhc cntirc l)roject as lo structurrl, mccltani- cal attcl clcctrical systenrs, matcrials,rnd such other esscn- tials as may be appropriate. 1.1.5 Thc Architect shall submit to the Owner a further Statement of Probable Construction Cost. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHAST 1,1.6 The Architect shall prepare from the approved De- sign Devclopment Documents, for approval by the Or^,'n- er, Working Drawings and Specifications setting forth in detail thc rcquirements for the construction of tlre entire Project includrng the necessrry bidding information, and shall assist in lire preparation oi bidding forms, the Con- ditions of thc Contract, and the form of Agreement be- tlvecn the Orvner and the Conlractor. 1.1.7 Ihe Architect shall advise the Orvner of any ;rd- .iustments to previous Statements of Probable Constructlon Cost indicatcd by changes in requirements or general market conditions. 1,1.8 The Architect shall assist the Owner in filing the required documents for the approv.rl of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. BIDDINC OR NEGOTIATION PHASE 1.1.9 The Architect, following the Owner's approval of the Construction Documents and of the latest Statement of Probable Construction Cost, shall assist the Owner in AIA DOCUMENT 8131 O 1967 THE AMTRICAN . OIVNIR-ARCH ITECT ACREEMENT INSTITUTE OF ARCHITTCTS, -1735 N. . stPTEN1lltR 1967 tDtTtON Y, AVT., N,W,, WASH., D. . AIA@ c.20006 deviations from lhe ContrJLt Documcnts corrcctablu J)rior to r-omplclion, anrl lo ,rrry spccific rlurlificrtions stated in thc (-ertificatc for Pavnrcnl) ; and that tlrc (-on- traLtor is cntitlcd to pnymcr'rl in thc amount certificd. lly' issuing a Cr:rtificatc for l',rr mcnl, lhe Architcct slr,rll not bc dcenreri to rcllroscnt tlr rt he has madc any r:xamina- ti()n to ns( ('rt,rirr ltorv .tntl t{)r wl).lt l)ul)osa titr: Conlr.rr - It-,r h.ts ttsr:tl thc moncys p,rtl on a<crlrrnt clf thc Conlrar t Su m. 1.1.16 Thr: Arr:hitcct sh,rll llc. in tlre frrst inrtancc, thu intcrl)rclcr of tlrt: rcrluirt.rrrcnts of lhc Contr.rr t I)o<:r,- menls an(l llrc irrrp.rrli.rl lrrrlrr. of lhc pcriormanrc thr'rr.- unrlcr bv lrolh llre ()u'rrtr ,rnrl (lonlr.r<:lor. Thr. ,\rchitor t shall make rlt't isions on all t l,rirrrs oi ihc Orr ner or ( orr- lrrr tor rt,lating t(, llr(, rxcclrli()lr an(i l)r()$rc\s oi tlrr: Work arrrl on all otlrcr nr.lttcrs or oucslions rel.rtt'rl lhoroto. Tlrr' ,\rr ltrlcr I's rlcr lsionlI nt.ltl(,r\ rcl,rl nu lo .rrli:lit cffcrt slr.rll hc final ii (or'r\islcnl rvith the intent of tlrl Contrn( ( I)()( u["r('nts. 7.1.17 l hc Ar<:lritoct shall havr: autlrrrrity to rcicct W()rk whir h rlocs nol rrrrrforrl lo lht, (.onlrar t l)ocurrcnls. Tlrc Arrhilr,ct sltall also havt: rtrlhorilv lo rccruirc thr: (-ontrat- lor to stol) lltrt Work wlrcnt:vr.r irr his ro,rson,rltle oltin ion it may lrc noccssnry for tlre proprr pcrformrncc of tlre (.onlract. Thc Arclritccl shall not l;c li.ibk: to tlrc Onner lor lhc c()n\(,rlu(.r'rccs of ,rny rlccision nradc bt, him irr ltoorl faitlr cilhcr to cxr:rcisr: or not to ext'rcirc his autltrtr- itv to sloD lhc Wrrrk. 1.1.'lB l.hc Arclritcct sh.rll rcvicrv .rn(l .rpprove ,slroll <lr.rwings, samples, and othcr submissions of tlto Contrac- lor orrly for conftrrnr.rrrr o \\ ilh thr. clcsign conccpt oi tlre Projcr:l anrl [or conrpli,rnrc rvitlr thc inform;rtion gir'on rrr llrt, ( rrnlr.rr I l)()r trrrrr'ttl:. 1.1.19 llr|' r\rrlritt.r t .lr,rll prr-l'.rro ( lr,rngc Orrlt,rs. 1,1.20 Thc Art hilt'ct shall corrriuct insncctions lo de- termine lht: D.ltes of Substantial Conrolction and Final Complction, shall rcceive $,rillcn gurrdnlees and related documents assemblcd by lhc Contractor, and shall issue a , final Ccrtificate for Payment. / 1,1,21 The Architect sh.rll not be responsible for thd .'tcts or omissions of the Contractor, or any Subconiractors, or any of the Contractor's or Subcontractors' agents or employces, or any other persons performing any of the lVork. 1.2 PROItCT REPRTSENTATTON BEyOND BASTC StRV|CES 1.2.1 lf rnorc exlcrrsi\ c represenlation at thc site than is dc:cribcrl undcr Sul) l).r r.lgrap hs 1.1.10 through 1.-1.21 inclusivc is requiretl, and if the Owncr and Architect agree, lhe Arclritcct sh.rll providc onc or more Full-tinre Project Representatives to assist thc Architect. 1.2.2 Such Full-time Project Representatives shall be selected, enrployed and directed by the Architect, and the Architect shall be compensated therefor as rnutually agrced betrveen the Owncr and the Architect as set forth in an exhibit appended to this Agreement. 1.2.3 The duties, responsibilities and limitations of au- thority of such Full-time Project Representatives shall be set forth in an exhibit appended to this Agreement. 1.2.4 Through the on-site observations by Full-time Proj- ect Representatives of the Work in progress, the Architect shall endeavor to provide further protection for the ()wnor aitlinst defccts in thc lVork, but the furnishing of suclr projt,cl rcprc\cntation sh,ill not makc thc Art:hitcct r(,\p()n\il)l(- for thc ContrattOr's failure lo pt'rfornr the \Vork in irt r:ordant.e rvith thc' Contr.lct [)()cuments. 1.3 AUDTflONAT S[RV|C[S Ilrc lol orr.ing srrvicts arc ttttl t-ott'rt'(l in l',lr.lgr.rphs.l.l or l.l. li anv oi thesc Atlrlition.rl St'trttt's .tre atrlhori,.r'rl fry thc Ou'ntr. thev slr,rll ltt' paitl for by llrr' ( )rytcr .r' lr('r('irll)r'lon' pr.rl irlr'tl. 1 . 3. 1 Rxry xkxr: xxrir* sn *lrxx x{ rlft * >6ln tt<rr'x nec'<k, rnd:gan5r:mrrnmXxk6 RxltorIrFtFx!t:{tt ]th!( tlK4out. 1,3.'2 I'roi'irlirtg ftn,rtrci.rl fc.rsillility 111 111111'1 '.1lor i.rl s ttttlrr.s. | . 3. 3 Rrslr r<hnH pJirrml)g{..{cc\-ts:ys): : sitH :i c$oJudnne; x(ts: c(xrqxlrxjlnistc{dExni{pxxFHr'l K{x*ltrti 1.1i,4,\l,rkirrg nrc,rsttTt'tl tltarvings oI t'rislrnli ( ()rl{lrllc- 'irrn rrlrclr r,(ll/t lrl (,r l'l,llr'rnA .rltlrliortr or .tltt'r.tliotli tht:rt,1o. 1.3.5 licvising ptt'r iottsll' a;:prrtvorl [)r,rrvings, Spt'r'ifit ;r- liorrs or ollrt:r rlo<Lrrrt.r'rls to arrotrrplish th.rrrllcs not initi- ,rlctl by tlru r\ rclr itcct. 1.3.6 ['rcp,rring ( h:rngc ()r<lcrs ,ttrrl sttpporlittg data rvlroro tht ch.rngt in lht: llasic Ft'c rt"ttlting irottt tlrc rrl- lLrslcrl Conlr,rr:t Suln is not ((,mlr(,r'tstl',llo w'illr tltt' Art lri- l('Lt's scrVi( os rccu ircrl. 1,3,7 l'rt'paring tlor rttrcnlc for .rlltnt,rlt' lrirls rorlttostt'rl lr1'lltt'()rvnc.r. -1.3.8 l)ror rrling l)r,1,rilt'rl I slinratls oi (.()t)\lrtt( lt(,tt C os ls. 1.3.9 l'rovirling consull.rtion tonc.t'rnittg r('l) l,r(-{rmell I ()[ nnv VVork (i,rnriAc(l b1, Iirrr or olhor r.rurt' (lLlring ( oustrttc- tion, and iurnislring proicssional scrviccs of llrc lyl)c scl irrrth in Paragraph 1.1 as nrJy be roquirc(l itt crrnnection with the rcolacemcnt of such Work. 1.3,10 Providing profcssional scrvices madc ncccssary by thc default of thc C<;ntractor in the pcrformance of the Construction ContrJCt. 1.3.11 Providing Contract Ad min istratic-rn and observa- tion of construction after the Contract Time has becn ex- cccdecl by more than lwenty per cent through no fault of the Architect. 1.3,12 Furnishing thc Orvncr a set of rcproducil;le rec- ord prints of drarvings shorving significant changcs madc during thc construction procc-<s, based on marked up prints, dran,ings and other data furnished by the Contrac- tor to lhe Arch itect. 1.3.13 Providing services after final payment to the ContrJctor. 1.3,14 Providing interior design and othcr services re- quired for or in connection with the selection of furni- ture and fu rn ish in gs. 1.3,15 Providing services as an expert witness in con- nection with any public hearing, arbitratron proceeding, or the proceedings of a court of record. 1.3.16 18{t{*{if11gfm*9g1xfr*nbf*f51tetn!{t(!xrottt* 9P*9€,{x AIA DOCUMENI 8131 O19T'7 THE A TER ICAN . oWNER-ARCHITECT AcREIMINT . SEPTTMBER 1967 EDlllON . AIA@ tNSTtTUTE Or ARCHtTtCTS. 1715 N. Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C.20006 THE OWNER'S RTSPONSIBITITIES 2.1 Thc C)rvner shall pro rlc full infornr.rtion rcgarcling his rcqutrcmonls for lhr' l' rlr.r t. 2,2 Ihc Orvner shall dosr.ln,itc, rlhr.n ncccssary, a rr.1l- rcsent,rtive ruthorizc(l t() .t( I in his bclr.rlf \vilh rosl)cct to thc Projcct. Thc ()rvncr or lris rr,p rcsr;n la tivc shall cxam- ino documcnts sul)mitro(l by thc Artlritcct and shall rcnder decisions pertaining tltcr(:lo l)r()ntl)tly, to avoid unrcasonablc dclay in tht, progrrss oI the Architer.t's worK. 2,3 The Owner shall furnish a ccrtificd land survcy of the:ile giving, as applical;lc, gradcs anrl lines of strccls, .rlkrvs p,nr:rncnts and adloining pr()l)orty; righ ts-of-rr..ry, r('\tricli()n\, o.lsom('ltls, enr rrlacltntcnlr, zoning, rlccd rc- \ln( lror'tr, I'orrnd,rrics lnrl ontours r,f tht, s,lt'; lor.rtir-rns. rlrmensions .rnrl comltlclt, rl.rta pcrl.rining to cxisting brrildings, other improvcnrcrrls arrrl trccs; and fLrll infor- nr.rtion cor'tccnting ar,.rihblt. srtn,icc,rnrl Lttilily linos lx)lh trublir; .rnrJ nrivate. 2.4 Thc Owner shall furnislr the sen,i<:es of a soils cn- ginccr, when such serviccs lrt' decllcd necess.rrv by tlrc Archilc, t, includirg r{'l\r)rt5, tc:,1 bonng\, to}l pit\, soil bt'aring values arrri otlrr:r nccessary operalions for dclcrnrining subsoil conditions. 2,5 The Orvner shall Iurrrish structural. mcchanical. chcmiral ancl other l.rltor,rtory tcsls, inspections and rc- l)orls as requircd by l.r$, r,)r thc (-ontrlct Documents. 2,6 The Owner shall furnislr such lcgal, acr;oLrnting and insurance counselling serviccs as nray be ncccssary tor the ['roject, and such audrting scrviccs as he may rerluirc to ascertain holv or for rvhat purposes the Contractor has uscd the rnoneys paid to him under the Construction Contract. 2.7 The services, information, surveys and reports re- quired by Paragraphs 2.3 lhrough 2.6 inclusive shall be furnished at the Owner's expense/ and the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy thereof. 2,8 lf the Owner observes c otherwise becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project or non-conformance with the Contract Documents, he shall give prompt writ- ten notice thereof to the Architect. 2.9 The Ow,ner shall {urnish information reouired of him as expcditiously as neccssary for the orderly progress of llre Work. o ARTICLE 2 ARTICLE 3 CONSTRUCTION COSI 3.1 Construction Cost to be used as a basis for deter- mining the Architect's Fee for all Work designed or speci- fied by the Architect, including labor, materials, equip- ment and furnishings, shall be determined as follows, with precedence in the order listed; o 3,1.1 Fr;r r ornple te rl constru( lion, thc tot,rl cost t.rf strclr \Vrlrk; 3.1,2 lrrr uork not conslructcd, thc lorlest bona frrle birl rt'<:t'rrt,rl ironr a rlrr.rliiictl bidcicr for.rn1 or.rli of srrch rl<lrk: or 3.'1.3 For s'rrrk ior n'hiclr lritls art' n()t rccci\cd, (l) the lalcst l)cl.rilccl Cost Irt nralt', (]r {2) tho Archilc<:t's latesl Statcnrcnt <.rf l'robal:lc Conslrur tiorr Cosl. 3,2 ( onslrucliorr Cosl rlrrt's not irr< lrtrle tlte fccs of thtr r\rrlriter t arrrl ronsull.rnls, tlr(' cosl of tlrc larrd, rights-of- rv.ry, r:r' otlrer costs n,hirh .1rc tlr(' r('\l)onsillilrty of the()'r'nlr .rs pnrr irlt'rl irr l',rr,r6r.rplr. l.i lhrortglr 2.(, In(lu- s ive. 3.3 labor ILtrnislrcrl lr1' llrr'()rrncr for tlrc I'rojcct shall llo inclu<lcrl in lho Constrrrr lion (.()st nt (rrrr('nt ur.rrk('l ralcs. lvlaterials and equiJrnont furnishecl bv the Owncr shall bc irrrlLrtlcd .lt (ur('r'll rrr.rrkct lrricos, cxcc.nt llr.rt usc(l m.rtcri.lls .rnd crrurolncnl *lr,rll lrr: includccj us if t)urclraso(J ncrv Ior tht. l'roio.t. 3.4 Stalcnrcnts oi l'rob,rlrle Cor'rslruction Cost an<l De- tailcrl Cost Lslinratcs plcll,rrcrl lly thc Arclritcct repf(,scnt his llcst juclgnrent as.r rk'srgrr 1>ro[r:ssional farniliar with thc (on5lruction intlLrstry. lt rs rccogrrizerl, howcvt.r, lhat nt'ithcr tlrt: r\rchitcr:l rror tlrr' ()lvncr ltas any conlrol over tlrc cost oI Irlror, Inat('ri,rls or ('(luil)r]lont, ()\,ur tlrc {()ll- tracl()rs' rncthocls oi riclrrnrining lrirl 1.rriccs, ()r ()\'L,r (()n)- pctitivc biilding or m.rrkct condilions. r\ccordinglr', tlrr, Architcct catrnot.rnd cJoe> nol ,lu.rr.lnl('L'that lrids n,ill not v.rry fronr nnt St.rltn)cr)t ol l'robalrlc (-()nstru(ti()n (0\l or olhcr co\t estimalc lrrr'p,rrcrl lry lrim. 3.5 Whcn a [ixed limit of Conslruction Cost is cstalr lislred as a condition of this Agrcemcnt, it shall inclurlo a bidrling contingency of tcn pcr cent unless anothcr amount is agrccd upon in writing. Whcn such a fixed limit is established, thc Architect shall be permitted to dctcr- mine what materials, equipmcnt, component systems and tyDcs of construction are to be included in the Contract Documents, and to make reasonable ad.iustments in the scope of the Project to bring it within the fixed limit. Thc Architect nray als() jnclude in the Contract Documents aiternate bids to adjust the Construction Cost to the fixecllimit. See ;\rticle 15. 3.5.1 lf the lorvest bona fidc bid, the Detailed Cost Esti- mate or the St.rtement of I)robablc C()nstruction Cosl ex- ceeds such fixed limjt of Construction Cost (includinB the bicJding contingency) established as a condition of this Agreement, the Owner shall (11 give written approval of an increase in sLrch fixed limit, (2) authorize rebidding thc Project within a reasohable time, or {3) cooperate in revising the Project scope and quality as required lo re- duce the Probable Construction Cost. In the case of (3) the Architect, without additional charge, shall modify the Drawings and Specifications as necessary to bring the Construction Cost within the fixed limit. the providing of this service shall be the limit of the Architecl's resoonsi- bility in this regard, and havrng done so, the Architect shall be entitled to his fees in accordahce with this Agreement. AIA DOCUMTNI 8131 @1967 THE ANTERICAN . OWNTR.ARCHITECT ACREEMINT . STI)TEIVIBTR 1967 [DITION . AIA@ INSTITUTI OF ARCHTTTCTS, 173s N. Y. AVt., N.W., WASH., D. C. ?0006 :atc ARTICTE 4 DIRECT PERSONNET EXPENSE 4'.1 lJirer I I'ersonne | [xpcnsc of cmployees engagr:tl on the l'roicct l.ly thr,,Archilcct includes architccts, engirrccrs, dcsigners, job captains, dr.rftsmcn, spocification !vritcrs and typists, in consultalion, rescarch and clesign, in pro- ducing Drawings, Sper:i[it:alions .lnd othcr documents pcr- lJininU to lhc I)rojcct,,rrrrl irr scrviccs (lurin!l conslructi()11 ,rl thc sile. 4.2 [)irect l'crsonncl Expcnsc in<lucles cosl of salarics and ol mandalrrry and custr.rmary br:ncfits such .rs stalu- tory emplovec lrcnefils, insurancc, sick leavr, holidays and vacnli(Jns, Dcnsions and sirrril:rr ltencfits. ARTICTT 5 REIMBURSABTT EXPENSES 5.1 Reimbursable [xoerrscs arc irr addition to the Fccs lirr lJasic anrl Additirrrral Scrvices and include actual cx- pcnrlilurcs rnadc'by thr: Architcct, his employces, or his consultants in thc interest of thc Projcct for thc following inc rdcntal cxl)enscs listcd in lhc {ollowing 5u bp,r ragraplrs: 5.1.1 Expense of tr.rnsportation and living when travel- irrg in <onncr tion w,ilh lhe Project and for long distanr:c r.rJl'-.,rn! lchgr.rrns. only 1f requit'cd bcyond the 8.\.r'" l,."pi'igf if ,e1,,.,,1,. t,<,n', $Ifl isd$*fq{i'L**X,* l.)r.xsi ngxvxJif FoctfbathrDrel)rlrxhdirgz.copioo<f c< Arxkx tcrit:lpf{isxns:mddrqd:s}ts:sxF;at:eashp}fise,<fof; *hggrrn{xrqrnxxsndxppr(*lk .rnrl fces paicl for securing .rpproval of authorities having iurisdiction over the ProJect. 5.1.3 lf authorized in advance by the Orvner, the ex- pense of ovcrlinre work rcquiring higher than regular rates ; *xtsf Rs{ir'rxpr xnnddtdqk*rxP.$oer*rsr*xlRd fccs of special consultants {or other than the normal struc- tural, mechanical and electrical engineering services. ARTICTE 6 PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT 6.1 Payments on account o{ the Architect's Basic Serv' ites shall lro rnade as follorvs. 6.'1.1 An initial payment of five per cent of the Basic Fee calculated upon an agreed estimated cost of the Project, payable upon execution of this Agreement, is the minimum payment under this Agreement. 6,1.2 Subscquent payments shall be made monthly in proportion to services performed to increase the compen- sation for Basic Services to the following percentages of the Basic Fee at the completion of each phase of the Work: Schematic Design Phase .... .. .. . 15o/" Desrgn Development Phase ...... 35"/o Construction Documents Phase .. .. 75o/" Bidding or Negotiation Phase ..... 8f/o Construction Phase . . .... lOVh ,rr rl,'fined in r\rtrr'le 5, sh,rrl pra\(.nt.rti()n of the Architect's dc rcd. 6.3 No rictlt:< tions :h.rll bc compensatiutt ttn .tcttlultt t:f 6.2 Paymcnts for Additional Servaces of the Architect as dcfinccl in Paragraph 1.3, and for Rcimbursable Expcnses aqes, or othcr sums !t'ilhheld fr<lm payments to con- t rdctors. 6,4 lf lhe Proiect is suspendccl for nrorc than lhree monlhs or .rbandoncd 1n 'sv[rolt' (]r In l).lrl, thc Arr hitect 'lr.rll lrt' paitl hi, compon\.lltirn fitncrvttt':' periormt'd prior to rcccipt o{ lr'rittctr nolicc ftom thc Ownor of such suspensiorr or abandonmcnt, logothcr rvith RcimbLrrsablc [xpenscs lhcn rJuc and .rll ttrminal expt'n.'t.s rcsulting f ronr strch susDcnsion or.tbatr<lonntttnt. be made monthly upon stirtement ol servlces ren- macle from the Architcct's pcnalty, liquidated dam- ARTICLE 7 ARCHITICT'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS Rccords of the Architect's Direct Personncl, Consultant anrl Reimbursable Expenses pcrtaining to thc Proiect, and rccords of accounts betrvccn the C)wncr and thc Con- trartor,:h.tll be lept on.r gcnt'r.rlly rt'cognizcd accounling basis and shall be available to the Owner or his author- izcd rcprcscntalive at mutually convcnit:nt timcs. ARTICLE B ARTICLE 9 TTRMINATION OF ACREEMENT This Agreemcnt may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice should the other party fail substantially to perform in accordance with its terms through no fault of the other. In the event of termination due to the fault of others than the Architect, the Archi' tect shall be paid his compensation for services per{ormec to termjnation date, including Reimbursablc Expenses then due and all terminal expenses. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Draivings and Speciiications as instruments of service are and'shull remiin the property of the Architecl whether thc Proiect for rvhich they are made is executed or nol. Thev are not to be used bv the Owner on other projects or extensions to this Project except by agreement in writ- ing and with appropriate compensation to the Architect. AIA DOCUMENT 8131 O1967 THE ANlIRICAN . OWNER.ARCH ITECT ACRTEMENT ' INSTITUTI OT ARCIIIIECTS, 17I5 N, STPTTMBTR 1967 TDITION ' AIA@ Y. AVE., N.!V., WASH., D. C 20006 ARTICTE 10 SUCCESSORS AND ASSICNS The Orvner antl the Arr:hitect caclr bincls lrimself, his partners, successors, assigns and lcgll rclt rcscn la t ivcs lr.r the other party to this Agrccment ancl to the pirtncrs, sttcccssors, assigns and legal rcprcscntatrvcs of su<:lr otltcr party with respect to all covcn.rnts of this Agrecmcnt. Neithcr thc ()wner nor lhc Arr hitect .hall ,rcsiin. culrlct or transfer his inlcrest in this Agrecmcnt without the writtcn consent of thc other. ARTICTE 11 ARBITRATION 11,1 All claims, disputcs rnrJ other mittcrs in qucstion .lrisinB out oi, or rclaling to, this Agrccrncnt or ttto breach thercof shall bc rJecidcd by arbitration in ,rccord- ancc rvith thc Construction Induslry Arbitralion Rulcs of the Amcrican Arbitralion Association then oblaininc. This .1grc(:m('nt so to .rrbilr tc sh.rll lrc slrct ifi< rllv cnforceable undcr thc prcvailing ,rrbitralion l.rr,v. 11.2 Notice of the dr.mand for arbitration shall be filcd in writing with the othcr party to this Agrccment ancl with thc American Arlritration Association. The dcmand shall bc macle within .r reasonable time after thc claim. AII.TICLE 14 Thls Contract supersedes the llarold R. Carvcr, Architect, ^IITICLD 15 1- ri,Ga-Lrmit of construction cost (FLc) is established as follous: a) t'iunicipal Building $333'600. exclusive of land, off l-andscaplng, furnlshlngs, architectr s feesr soll tcstst surveys. b) post Office Bulldlng $240r000. excluslve of land, flrchltectts fees, sol1 tests, 1egal" serviccsr fu, nishirrgs, surveys. Agrecmctl- bctrveen thc Tpr'rn of Vai 1 and datcd I'larch 5, 1970. dispute or ()lher m.lltor in (luestion has arisen. In nt.r ruvcnt sh.rll thc demand frrr arbitratir.rn be made after irr\tilution ol lcgal rlr equitablc proceedings based on such t l,rinr, clis;lLrlc or ()thcr nr.rtter in cluestion rvould bc barrcrl lrl' thc applicablc statutc of limitations. 11.3 Thc arv.rrri renrlcrerl lrv tlrc arbilrators shall be final, .rncl jurignront nray llc t.rrlort'rl upon il in anv lrurt ltaving rurisrlictron thcroof . ARTICIE 12 EXTENT OF AGREEMENT lhis Agrconrcn( rcDrcscllts thc entirc ancl intcgratcd ,,li;('cnrcnt bclrYt'en the Ownor and the r\rclritcct and sLrpcrsedos all prirrr neqoti,rtions, rcp rcst'nt.rl ions rlr ,rgr('enrcnlr, cithcr rlrilten or oral. This /\gr('cnrent mily be lrncndcrl onlv by rr'rillcrr instrunrcnt signed by both Olvncr a nrJ A rch rlccl. ARTICTE 13 APPTICABLE tAW Unlcss olhonl,ise specifietl, this Agreement shall bc gov- crned by thc law of tho principal place of business of the Architcct. for each bulldlng site utllltles, lcgal services t AIA DOCUMTNT B1T1 OWNER-ARCHITECT AGREEMTNT . SEPTEMBER 1967 EDITION . AIA@ .-:-€.-.- I 'lt"- o Harold R. Carver, A.I.A. This Agreement executed the day ahd year first written above. OWNER ARCHITECT Terrell J. Mlnger, l"lanager , Town of Vall Architect's Registration No. B=279 AtA DOCUMENl.,tBlrl @ 1967 -tHE AMEBf CAN .::. j . OWNER-ARCH ITICT ACRTEMENT tNSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 173s N. . SEPTEMSER 1967 EDITION . AIAO Y, AV[., N,W., WASH,, D. C. 20006 a a, 6 0 a ga a HA 8r 0tilvt r v al I o R c OLD hi R. CAR tect 1; ttto irlrron 1.. (Arrrd.) .0001 .1.:.ltr Apfil 12, 197I cr...?o.ar .l v.ll l.r tal ltalt a?a:ll0l trttllr A,,|lllCAN tNSllluIE Oi AlcHlTlCls Mr. Terry Minger City Manager Vail, Golorado 86157 Dear Terry: Bncloeed are two copies each of the atgned contracts and performance bond for the VaiL Munlclpcal Complex. An authorlzatlon has been written for the Contractor to proceed and he wil"1 be beglnning oPerations trmedlately. Certlflcatea of insurance have been eubmltted, copies of which will be sent to you shortly. Your e very truly, c)./ - ;) ,dr/at-crtzr" ^ i tA4*..j L Harold R. Carver, AIA Archl tec t cc: Val1 office 1t7/At ltf /u THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A10'l where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM latest Edition ol AIA Document A201 , Ceneral Conditions ot important legal consequences; consultation with an attoneY is completion or modification. the Contract for Construction. encouraged with respect to its Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor Use only with the This document has AGREEMENT made this Ninth Hundred and seventy one BETWEEN THE VAIL MIJNICIPAL day of Aprtl BUILDING ATNHORI,TY in the year of Nineteen the Owner, and the Contractor.BICKEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A COLORADO CORPORATION The Owner and the Contractor agree as set forth below. AIA DOCUMENT A1O1 . OWNER-CONTRACTOR ACREEMENT. SEPTEMBER 1967 EDITTON . AIA@ @1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N, Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C.2OOO5 ARTICLE 1 THE CONTMCT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (Ceneral, Supplementary and other. Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, all Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement and all Modifications issued subsequent thereto. These form the Contract, and all are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. An enumeration of the Contract Documents appears in Article L ARTICTE 2 THE WORK The Contractor shall perform all the Work required by the Contract Documents for fHere inie,t the caption descriptjve ol the Work as used on othetconract DocumentJ.) MTJNICIPAL COI4PLEX THE TOI"IN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORA.DO ARTICTE 3 ARCHITECT The Architect for this Project is llarold R. Carver, AIA ARTICLE 4 TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPTETION The Work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced wlthin 10 days from date of contract and subetantially conpleted by November 15, 1971. ardmptaqd (Here insert any special ptovitions lor liquidated damales rclating to lailute to complete on time.) AIA DOCUMENT ,{101 . owNE R-CONTRACTOR ACREEMENT . SEPTEMBER 1966 EDITION AIA@ @ THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, .1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W,, WASH., D.C. 2MO6 ARTICTE 5 CONTMCT SUM The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the Work, sublect to additions and deductions by Change Order as provided in the Conditions of the Contract, in current funds, the Contract Sum of (5t ae frere the lump tum amou'lL unit '{ices, or both, es desircd.) Five hundred four thousand and three hundred dollara ($5041300.00 ) whtch ls the etm of the Base Bld - Poet Office $2041595. Municipal Bldg. $2691405. Alternate /iL 30.300. Total $5041300. ARTICLE 6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by the Architect, the Owner shall make proSress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as pro- vided in the Conditions of the Contract as follows: On the and or about the tenth day of each month nlnety per cent of proportion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to labor, materials and equipment incorporated in the Work nlnety per cent of the portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and ly stored at the site or at some other location agreed upon in writing by the parties, up to theequipment suitably stored at flrat day of that month, less the aggregate of previous payments in each case; and upon Substantial Completion of the entire Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to ninety per cent of the Contract Sum, less such retainages as the Architect shall determine for all incomplete Work and unsettled claims. (Herc inseft any provisions made tot limilint ot reducing the amount rctained altet the Wotk rcaches a certai, stage ol completion.) AIA DOCUMENT A101 . OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT. SEPTEMBER 1967 ED|T|ON . AtA@ @1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 N. Y. AVE., N.W., WAsH,, D. C.20006 ARTICTE 7 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be paid by the Owner to the Contractor thlrty days after Substantial Completion of the Work unless otherwise stipulated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, provided the Work has then been completed, the Contract fully performed, and a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect. ARTICTE 8 MrscErrANEous PRovtstoNs 8.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the Conditions of the Contract shall have the meanings designated in those Conditions. 8.2 The Contract Documenb, which constitute the entire agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, are listed in Article 1 and, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: (List below the Agrcement, Conditions ol the Conttact (Genetul, Sudementaty, aad othet Conditions), D/awings, Specificalions, Addenda and accepted Altenates, showing page or srredt numbefJ i.| all caJeJ and dates where applicable,) Agreement bet\reen owner and Contractor dated April 9, 1971. Drawlngs and Speclflcatlons dated February 19, 1971, and enumerated on the Cover Sheet and Speclflcation lndex. Addendum #1, dated March L6, 1971. Contractorrs Proposal, dated March 19, 1971. AIA DOCUMENT A101 . OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT. SEPTEMBTR 1967 EDITION . AIA@ @1967 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITICTS, 1735 N. Y. AVE., N.W., WASH., D. C.20006 Thls Agreenent executed the day and year firet wrltten above. OI.INER: TllE VAIL AI,'nTORITY t€r qlc+|rfun, secretary €l{A*!3t t Ar{galt'r'l 'GzA8Z--C^ Lester F. Blckel, Ptegldent Secretary Dlstrlbutionffim'"Tl 2tr Vall offlce I Post Office I Architect 1 Cont.ractor I r.fxr & PrRrcrj;.\i,*:"::o'? 87io tJ"7;z;t:St, riliolJ A1l, }.liil 3Y Tllllsll lP.DSliil?Ss ,u-o-BJ-cKr:L**CclrsT.e-Lt-crt-plul-9lUtaA-l- "r;9.-*.'/-t-.--.-)ai(hcrelnajar.:'; caiie aaelga:;o Jo'iirl-l.y e,nd ceveiaii-yo flr=iy t.it ii:ese presE;ltso ile;rr,;'l;ir-iit:iJSiiL{;1:f,iltittii],:,iCi;f...:I=f =(hcre!.nr.jic-; c3il.r:.-l ti',.> Si:rat;;)l c-r S'-'-':...y; :lre i-rrfci rrtc :i?.:I]..ffiil-87;|=fl{Ua t t iAi/Cinnt SZttt-Otllra, AUfU-oe,fy, -i-..::et::rficr-caiic'i th': c;:n":r), a'i:c to el1 su';:r'.rtiacr:ors nt-!".i-c*t'rll:c ha','e {r-r:nlsirrd o; eireLl' fi:rnlsh rrat,erlaio actually u:eC lrr tha p eif c-rtrlarc g of thc l:ere'l.naf t s.,'; rti::t icr.ed Coai::actr cr vilo b.e..-'s 1.,'l1f a';i.,",1. c.' ch'i i 1c-;ior:',:r J.p.-':n:i 1n the prl:io-cir'r:o of , o:: I'n cclnectic:r rlth tha oaj.d Cr:;'i::;:ct (l:erej-:raitcl csli:J tl: Cblig,ec)r 1:r $''e s'J3 cf EttlE--t/litit0(iL.frJt(r/lc/9nft:t)-,ftltiE*//th'D.cFD -l1a=14! /t 6-c -+tr!ats (s.=,nt/ art r-t, i,*6-ilir.;;-;,;i?:'-i;.rlo',.:J';'t'ii:.ii'5Jii"i[-iti/'"?ii-: ei.g:r'r.pcr' "i;Yf i6v,,j;;;-"#i; ir;,r ti:e rir:a r;h::', eii;, pc)::.nt in ac*c';;1an-ce r;ith_tirc herclna.ii:c:: rr.r.rt lcltrC Contraci ahal!. b:c l;r,,:, ck-ie untj.l su;i-: p3]Tie;rt sirall be naieo- iir lf..n pe..,::c;11 of ,rih!':h, gc11 er:C i'ssi'1 to'ce r:a'le 9o'aire Ob1lgces, tlie ?rincipal *rC Sutuiy binl ::ha,*etvcs, thci.r e:':c::t cic, ailinietr:i:crso 6ucceseo::g ani TIIE gOlDIfILrlI Oir sald g;nr3r li.ive TltE ABCTIE OB"r,IGiTIoil Is sgcii rllA3o IlilEREl"Sn the;P'r'tnclgal enr3 u", y | !''19 " c,? $ I n .* I :. 9, .": i7" ?l ^(r. )"rlii i : r": ; r-1"o'n "Cs+trect) datec l!ol/-e/^EX :rt; eccorti.?.i:cs ir!Fl c.as er,C Si>ceif,lca'il:;I.l3 dre';n Noito Tltil-ti50?t, if saj..J Prlnclpal cbail ai' all tiaes duhy, prc,':aptly anrl fatihfully purio*1. al.1 tai ternl and coi:,:litlcne, of caid Co:rtrsci cn-hlg Pait to be pcrfo:.'n:d in accoiCa.rc,: -tiru:;cl;ith ar.d it- said PrLil.:ipcl and hic ou'lsontrectors ehaLl dT ty and p-c;:2i1y pLi'for e.:ry enrl all labcrn netcrla1c, tein h!.r:c, suotcEfilcer-prorrlslcast pro,.,Lrdei ail-oth". oi:pp1i:s tirot h:ve b:cn or sha1l be ricad or co:rclried by ssia p.t*cipa1 a;rd !rls- s.ubco$Lrccto::s ln tho perfo'r:::lr.,ca o! the tork ln tire sald ContrecE coirira,cted to bo ionc, and Lf c,:id !:lncipal sh.ril Culy and pi:enli:ly pay all subcsiltre.ctoia loi a..-'.y enil eJ.1 ntieriel.s acd labx iirat havs been or sha1l Le- fgsri.aireC o pcrfo::;el or uscd !n con::1,;t-1cn rrith the g:rio::nance of sal'd Coatract and sha-1-l aloo lncia*lfy aa.i ael'e he::a1c;o said C.mer to the clctettt of aay and all paynenta J.n connccti.on uith tiie ce.rrying .cul of sald Coatract rshlch eaid Orner eay !e rccluirecl to callg..:n:!Ot J.arr by reaoon cf any s,-ich fallure or defauLt by satd ir'rir,.c{.pcl or by cr,y suclt sut',aontractore then tbls obll-gation shail be nuil. . aircl vold o otl:cr-,iise "lt slial1 rc;:.aJ.a in f ul.l f crce a:r{ cf f e:t' It !o e<prcs.ll.y un:le;afo:i -eriJ agi-:eri thit'e.ay alteratl-cns r''tlch r::"ly be gj:'.Je ln the tem: o9 s;riC Cor{:ract, c:; ln the rro:!'. to bc dcrc turCer caid Coatrectt or tIJ. .! I J I t l l ..! I J 'l J -t I I I I 1t'I. PAY].EiI].'& P:i:l:i0li1A.1lCe BDliD Pj#J--;* tho gl'rlng by salri c"mer of any e:i'ccns'io!1 of tj--ir'r for tlre 5;erfo-rnonce of the Coi'llract, or- any o:;hrr'forl,J.uanci co tiie p.+'6t of eltilc'- eeid C:'iec:: or ihe Ptlr,;ipai to ttri otht::, cilp.li:'.o!'i* ar'r;r riay releasa-tire Princlpai end tlre S'r::e i:y:, or cL'llhDr of tlle:ro tire.q.l heiraD e:<€:clli:org1 aCn-irrle treL0rg t 6uc.:ecr:ori - o; ecr:.g,r:6r'frc;: tir:l';' i:"'abiiiti,' ';'rrcu,rclri'o noiicc -to the S';:'ety of any cuclr aL:e-lailo,t I o"i".i::r!.c::, s; fq1lreaiililcc b":lng. -riair./'etl.o II 'rllTi.lSssjriltlii'-a1'r gaid Pri::c!.rg,l ci:cl S7et7 O'tY"-t-;:"t) thla ncnCr *is _*!f'L't *- iay "t -1./.fYt*(*-- ^"!t, tsz-" wlnPnur 't I I i i ll Tltts SO:ft ifJril DE t-, o. o. Tolbert, lnc. iunrrv soxPt AND lNsuF ANcE iliiri *uno"ED LlNcoLN srRE€T i'i"r.R, coLoRADo ao2o3 i"f o .ooE 3o31292'r33o ACGOI,F:!\iED BY A PCilaR, OF ATTOPNSY OF 9ER.;'0-a.r!':l'lCE & PAYT'ENT BOI{D Thle b':n,l uil1 be acc{rptablc oely 1'q' lecuerl by sn lcslrror reted no lego than A+:l!.rV,Ao Bect ? o Inoritente' Guide, aa cpeclf letl" ,4rrisr, fhe Traveters Int'emnitY ec. B. R.c lA R ( o Company o TraThe and to bind THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby, and all of the acts of said Attorney(s)- in-Fact, pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratifed and conirmed. This appointment is made under and by authority of the following byJaws of the Company which by-laws are now in lull force and eftect: ARrrclri IV. SEcrtoN 13. The Chairman of the Board, the President, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Chairman of the Insurance Executive Committee, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any, Second Vice President, any Secretary or any Department Secretary may appoint attorneys-in-fact or agents^with power :rrrd arrthorit;, as dcfined sr ii-itedin tlieir respective powers of aiiorney, for and on behalf of the Company to execLrte and ieliver, and aflix the seal of the Cumpany'thereto, bonds, undertakings, recognizances, -consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof and any of said officers may remove any such attorney- in-fact or agent and revoke the power and authority given to him. ARTrcr,E IV, Srcrrox 15, Any bond, undertaking, recognizance, consent of surety or written obligation in the lature thereof shall be valid a-nd binding upon thi Conibany when signed by the Chairman of_the Board, the President, thc Chairman of the Financetommittee, the thiirman of the Insurance Executive Committee, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President or any Second Vice President and duly attested and seated, if-a- seal-is required, by any Secretary or any Departmeni Secretary or any Assistant Secretary or when-signed by the Chiirmin.rf thi Board. th"e Presicient. ihe Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Chairman of the Insurance Executire Conrmittee. any Senior Vice President, any Vice President or any Second Vice President and counter- signed a nd sealed, if a seai is required, by a duly authbrized attorney-in-faci or agenl; and any such bond, under- taiing, recognizance, consent oisurety or writtin obligation in the riature thereoishall be valid a-nd_binding upon the Company when duly executed and sealed, if a seil is required, by one or more attorneys-in-fact or agents pursuant to ind within the limits of the authority granted by his or their power or powers of attorney. This power of attorne!, is signed and seated by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Reeotu- tion adopted by the Directors of THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 30th day of November, 1959: Voren: That the signature ol any officer authorizcd by the By-Laws and the Company seal may be affixed by facsimile to any prowel of attorney or special power of attorney or certification of either given for the execution of any bond, undertaking, recognizance or other writrcn obligation in the nature thereof; such signature and seal, when so used being heieby adopted by the Company as thJoriginal signature of such officer and the original seal of the Company, tb be valid and binding upoo the Company with t-he same force and efiect as though manually affired, llri s pover of attorney revokes that dated December I2t 1968 on b ehalf of G. A. Talbert, Donald D. Scheib, 3. R. Clark, Courtney T. Feterson, P. Faruer, M. M. Fulton, Ben L. IrLrtthesen, Nelson D. Brown, Ib,rilyri Klqht - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused thes€ presents to be signed by its proper officer and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 21st velers Indemnity Hartford, Connectlcut POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: That THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint G. A. Talbert, Donald D. Scheib, B. R. Clark, Courtney T. Feterson, Robert P. Deering, Jr., P. Itrarris, M. M. tr'ulton, I}en L. lth.tthe s en, Nelson D. Brovn, l4arilyn Skrifvars, all of Denver, Colorad-o, E,{CH -its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with fult poore, and authority, for and on behalf of the Company as surety, to execute and deliver and amx the seal of the Company thereto, if a seal is required, bonds, undertakings, recognizances, cons€nts of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof, as follows: Any end. alJ- bonds, und.ertakings, recognizaJlces, consents of surety or other vritten obliaations in the nature thereof day of Decemb er 19 70 TIIE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY Secretary, Surety By State of Connecticut. Countv of Harfford-ss: On this '21st - dav of Deeember in the year L97O before me personally came E. A. Houser III to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the State of Connecticut; that he is Secretary (Surety) of THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corpo- ration; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal ; that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the by-laws of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. Notary Public My commission expires APril 1, IPJh ?*,ilw 6...:I.?i{h i"T=;;.'id Ri:-"9 6j:**.r'..*b €S{ NOTIaY ":..r',. e::::::.::":i? 5-1869 PRTNTED rN u.s.a. 6?0 (Over) a -.. iF (x3vs) 69trs d3arng,drelarcag luslslssv ry--vrTd ,TL6I fT:dV Jo^"p t{16 slql 'lnrllcauuoJ 'proJlr"H 1" pal"as pue pauErS 'l@sp puu eoro, I1nI u! rnou ar€ pue petto iu ro peigrqe ueoq tou e^erl 696I '09 .Equra oN Io sJoparr(I Jo pdeo8 arll Jo uognpsag aq1 pue srrrl-l{g atn Io AI apIUV Jo 'SI pu€ 'gI suoF€S pelonb e oqe agf i(euro11e ;o ra.nod Euro8a:o; aql l€r{l dplo apy6g416g /1JINrISONI SUS'ISA\fuI gHJ: Jo (d1ung) f-relarcag luerEsqer 'uroqrauuaq€'U ule!ru/t\'I ryrl 6":i:"-' tr;ils NOIJVCmIUSC THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A10'l where the basis ol payment is a STIPULATED SUM latest Edition ol AIA Document y'201 , Ceneral Conditions ot important legal consequences; consultation with an attomey is completion or modification. the Contact tor Construction. encouraged with rcspect to its Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor Use only with the This document has AGREEMENT made this Ninth Hundred and seventy one BETWEEN THE VAIL MIJNICI,PAL day of April BUILDI,NG AUTHORITY in the year of Nineteen the Owner, and the Contractor.BICKEL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY A COLORADO CORPOMTION n' The Owner and the Contractor agree as set forth below. AIA DOCUMENT A101 O 1967 THE AMERICAN OWNER.CONTRACTOR ACRITMENT. SEPTEMBfR 1967 TDITIoN . AIAO lNsTlTUtt oF ARCI TTCTS, 1715 N. y. AVE., N.W., WAsH., D. C. 2000f, i i- a The Contract Documents consist.of this. Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (Ceneral, Supplementary and otherConditions), Drawings, Specifications, all iddenda issued pr.ior to execution of this Agreement and all Modificationsissued subsequent thereto. These form the contracf "nJ lrr rru "i i;llt; p";i oi'ihe' contract as if attached to thi,Agreement or repeated herein. An enumeration of the Contract oocum6nL'afi""rr- in Arti.r" a. ARTICTE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARilCIE 2 THE WORK The Contractor shall perform arr the work required by the contract Documents for(Here intert the captioa desciptive or rhe wo* as uted on other conttact rhcuments., MIJNICIPAL COMPLEX THE TOI,IN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO AR,TICI.E 3 ARCHITECT The Architect for this project is Harold R. Carver, AIA ARTICIE 4 TIME OF COMMCNCEMENT AND COMPTETION The work_ to be performed under this contract shall be commenced within l0of contract and substantlally completed ty n"".ii.. fl,atd@srphllrd (Herc insett any special prcvisions lor tiquidated damales rclating to lailure rc complete on time.) days from date r971. AIA DOCUMENT A101 . orvNFR._coNrRAcToR A(;RItMFNT . s ,TEMt]rR te66 Hrtl t()NArA@ O r1{€ AMERr('AN rwsrrru* or errLiiiicri, rzii'i,i'r'i'.iilriri nvr.rrrur, N.w., wAsfl.. r).(: zxr(6 The Owner shall pay the Contr.rctor for Order as provided in the Conditions of ARTICTE 5 CONTRACT SUM the performance of the Work, subject to additions and deductions by Change the Contract, in current ftrnds, the Contract Sum of ('tale here the lump sum amounl, unil ptices, or both, as desircd.) Five hundred four thousand and three which is the sum of the Base Bid - hundred dollars ($5041300.00 ) Post Office $204,595. Municipal B1dg. $269r405.Alternate ;iI 30.300. Total $5041300. ARTICLE 6 PROGRESS PAYMENTS Based upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued by.the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as pro- vided in the Conditions of the Contract as follows: on or about the tenth day of each month ninety per cent of the proportion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to labor, materials and equipment incorporated in the Workand ninety per cent of the portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment suitably stored at the site or at some other location agreed upon in writing by the parties, up to the _ first day of that month, less the aggregate of previous payments in each case; and upon Substantial Completion of the entire Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to ninety per cent of the Contract Sum, less such retainages as the Architect shall determine for all incomplete Work and unsettled claims. (Herc insett any p@visions hade lor limiting ot teducing thc amount telained alrct t/rc Work rerchcs a ccrt.li/r st.rge ol co',pletio} .) AIA DOCUMTNT A1O1 @19'./ IHE AA,IIRICAN ( )tvNtR-coNTRACt ()R CRtfNltNT. SIt'TtMBIR 1q67 tDtTtO\ . AtAOlNSfllUTE ()f AR(-lll (.tS, l/],; N. y. AVt.. i\r W. \i AS . t). (-. .to00r, ARTICTE 7 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be paid by the Owner to the Contractor thirty days after Substantial Completion of the Work unless otherwise stipulated in the Certificate of Substantial Completion, provided the Work has then been completed, the Contract fully performed, and a final Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Architect. ARTICLE 8 MISCELTANEOUS PROVISIONS 8.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the Conditions of the Contract shall have the meanings designated in those Conditions. 8.2 The Contract Documents, which constitute the entire agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, are listed in Article 1 and, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: (List below lhe Agrcedlent, Conditions ot Alternates, showing page or ,fieit nomb€rJ Agreement between Ovner and Cootractor dated April 9, 197I. Drawinge and Specifications dated February 19, 197L, and enumerated on the Cover Sheet and Specification Index. Addendum #1, dated March 16, l-971. Contractor I s Proposal, dated March 19, 1971. the Contract in all cases (Ceneral, Supplemcntary, and othet Conditions), Dtawin$s, Specifications, Addenda and accepted and dates whete applicable.) AIA DOCUMTNT A101 . OWNTR-CONIRACTOR AGRIIMINT. Stt'TIMBtR 1!]67 tDtTtON . AtA@o1%7 THE AMERTCAN tNSTtIrrTr Or ARCHtTtCTS, 1735 N. y. AVr., N.W., WASH.. D C. 2m06 Ia Thls Agreement executed OI.INER: TIIE year first written above. ,C1^444"2^ -rl , Secretary eHarl3l- F Alorrro'r Dlstrlbution Vall office I Poet Offlce I Architect I Contractor 1 I t: {-. -- BI,CKEL CONSTRUCTION CO. ri!.lT & Pl*.rc:i':.'ut*;"::ti 6irto lJi 7T;/;/€tr t3i0li AtL isil BI ?inSi Fl-ES-:'r-l?3s ,.orr:-6-reKr:L---C4p57p2t^crr0Jtt-9!/-,!tAlJ-:l- ?i€R!*-;;',r*r{:Lf^f ,!'!il!+-?;":r:f "Jfut.f fr ,tt:-Jtif q d Gcil)'3iltlci org':n'i:rei alrd e:iir;i:i:rg H5,*,:5,--;:"*i.=5-!r*;4i,9-,c"-1;gcit"{---;lrr;,;z7.;,y,,11v{vAtLirn)[j/i/i--BZiUtllG_ iUfU.oEtTy, .i--'rc',er-'tc=-ci.iicil tira ci;ner)o arc to el1 sullc:r,r:iac.:cis "li'pi.7..'"'"iio t'ra'r" f'u:'n1:i:c<1 o'; eh.ail furrrlsh r.raierlaLc actually .;:ei irr ttto p.:=fczin.li:ce of the l1erc'll;fter r:::li icr'ed Ccati:ccte cr virc h.rr.'e 1,:i:f a-,14 c: nt, "i i. 1cl{orl:r l.e.ber:: J.'r the tc:f o:n'lr.r-: + of , og ln cc)a':ctio:r ,rltt, Li-," aai,C C:.;:t=;:ct {i.:e:ei:ra!ter c:i11:.1 tb: Cb1!-3e:}t i:t t)"-e s"g oi- F.U!C--4/lr,l/lni0-iEcitR-7/ttu.9l/t.0- -.7l1riE-//th'D,tJg-D--/:1A,--fi/ /t 6-t 4cllats G-.g,Ot/..3.,a-.-a,p,...),'tS-;-iirJr',riEi l."ile't:.s:r'i"i;;r-tt:i'e-z-rtl.lVilF7if eis!ri:. per' ci-,ir*] ("-:ai iii,'-".n.:; friii:ti:e tin: l,.hr:r a;t;, pe1-.-:,:,nt ia ac:c';J.ance riith_tlrc herclnaf tc; rrlnt lca:C Ccnuac t e!:alL brc raa clt'e uniLl such paineat sire11 be -nade,.t""-tf,i-ii.7=cni of ,,ri',i,rl'., i;c11. u'ri t::u1i:.to 'ce rra'Je ';o ahe Obligecs, the Principal *rO Sarruly'bir:l ;:hu,:; e-f.vcs, the-i.r e::ecr:l crc u adltniolr:!:aie , ouccec+ors ar'il aoalgiii;o Join:ly Fflcl acve::a.i"tyo fI'tniy ty ti:ese P'!'eseiltso TliE CCIIDISSC;I Ci; TIIE Ln eccords,::ce i:!th Plr.as e Si>';cif i.c e'il f, ns dic:tn enci the ,LAR.{IAd , Noite liinrltrSo?d, tf eai..f Prlnclpal cha1l ai, a1l- ti;ace <1ui7, prc;,lp'i1y end falihfully p"tioL all the ieri:rE :rrd co::{iticne of sald Contxect, ea hic Pait to be pcrfo::ricd in agcolConcc the=cr"'i';h aed if said !r:r.a:i.fre1 and hi.s culcoa"cractors eha11 duly and p. c=1t:.y po.1- fcr a.ry enc all 1a'ccru :ratci'!ai.c, iea:l h-lrc, eustcnancee- pro'rlslcas t p.o'.,utau. Ja'oit.. ".rpp1i.. ti':ct h:ve-b:cn c3 shall bc tised or coesrn::d by loiO f.f"":.pa1 a:rC l:ls'c,ubcoi;';iccto::s ln tllo perforltetza 9i t'ae vor}' 1n tire-eaid Contrecg ccirtre.cted to b.: ione, and !f c,:i'J l=lncipal sheii. Culy and prcilpilT pay all c:.ibcc::tra.cto-::a for a.:'.y en<l all a:-terieLs aod- labcr ti:at have bee;r or she11 ie'furn-;.ehed, pcrf ci-ae I or us!r! ln con::o,;f.1crr nlth tl-re g:rfomancc of eaLd Contract aad shall aleo lncie;urlfy aa'J aeive hallclc:s said O,'rner to the extent of aay and all palneeta Ln conccction 'rrtth tiie cer:yj.ng .cu: of sald CoaEract rrhlch said Ar,er nay !e rcqlirer! :o re::.i3 'g;.'JEt 1a'u by reaeon of aay s'icir fatlure or defauLt by sald Princig'c1 or Ly cny su?ir sdtcon',:ractor, then tlris ob1!-Sation shaLl be nuil . aiid volclo othei-;j.se-lt sirrll rc;.al-a in ful1 fcrce ancl cffect" It 1o exgrcsply un:le:'atooi'ei'l egi:ed thit-e.ny-alteraticrrc r''.hlch n"ly be sicle ln '; the tcrFc of s:rlC Coitr.lcte o:; ln the rro:!: to be dorc ti:rier cald COntract, ol -4rey'a coil:i or ': a PA*.nil5:& PXN"0li1:[T0] SDii,l Fe'g:-3-- tho glr-lng b7 a+td c'.ner oi eny e:ii,(:n.5io:l of ti';ie f<r; tlre gerlornonce of thc Cor:t-;ecie or a;ry olllar' forlearati.:: ca ':ile plrt of ej.th:r seid Cs:rer Or i:re Prfrr.ri1.ni to thn othsl:, elrrili no': 'in ai'r;r r:a;r' releese_Clre PrinclF"i and the S'r:fetye or' cll:hal of t:1e;1, tirei:: heiia r e:<c-,ctl'ior:9; aCn:llrlstretcrs t ouceess"ti- oi ac?:i'.gl6, ' f rci: i.i:::i:: i:"rab'iiitit h::ct:,rrJerr noii cc to the S''E:ety of any cuch el.::,:'.'aiio,'t o o*:ntr:t!.c:r, ol folbeeili:cc br:''ng. ilail'ef'" Ir\ l{Iriiissjrt:l):i'.:)lt.ccirf_Prir-,ci-c91- c.nd.suietT t"ave e:tcer:t:g-r iL'- "|--r t*it___(72.t_.caya-._J-.t.pr.r:{::_:_1;in=,'ii-/t_*r!:!qrrv'J! ? I J I t I ? t I 1 I rated no less & PAr}ENf BO}]D /rrfsr, a-o-o-Tolbert- lnc'- - suRETY B(,rtr,' ,.Ne I I fi.-Jt. ,,nt*ED L'RcoLri s;===: I I DENvER, coLoRADo "9193-I t ^*e^ cooE 303 | 2e2'133o TIIIS B0i'1D iftJSf DE ]"CCOI'Fi!\IED BY A Thle b:n'l uJ.l1 be acctrptabLc on!')' lf tocried by sn -Lnsu::or than A+':ArV,Ao Beirt?o Inctirance' Guide, ea c-tec!i!ed" )_ Etft oF PCI,ER Oi' ATTCPJfSY PE3ro:a.Ilu':cE ,g-:43!-fuL- !-ttctrei-in-feci, B. R.Cfd R( rczu!-G'vpAlr'l The pany POWER OF ATTORNEY KITOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS: That THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint G. A. Talbert, Dona1d. D. Schelb, B. R. Ctark, Courtney T. Feterson, Rob ert P. Deering, Jr., P. Harris, M. M. tr\lLton r 3€n L. Matthesen, Nelson D. Brovnt l,lari1yn Slrrlfvars, a1l of Denver, Coloratlo, EACH -its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority, for and on behalf of the Company as surety, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company thereto, if a seal is required, bonds, undertakings, recognizances, consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof, as follows: recognizarrces, consents of surety a? Travelers Indemnity Com Hartford, Connectlcut and to bind THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby, and all of the acts of said Attorney(s)- in-Fact, pursuant to these presents, are hereby ratifed and confirmed. This appointment is made under and by authority of the following byJaws of the Company which byJaws are now in full force and effect: ARICLE IV, SEcrroN 13. The Chairmanof the Board, the President, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the Chairman of the lnsurance Executive Committee, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any-Second Vice Presiden r , any Secret ary or any Department Secretary may appoint attorneys-in-fact or qgents^with power ald authoriry, as iefined cr iimitedin tlieir respective po*er. oi aitbtney, for and on behalf_of the Company to execule and ileliver, and affix the seal of the C<lmpany-rhereto, bonds, undertakings, recognizances, consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof and any of said officers may remove any such attorney- in-fact or agent and revoke the power and authority given to him. ARTrct-u IV, SucrtoN 15. Any bond, undertaking, recognizance, colsent of surety or written obligation in the nature thereol shall be valid ahd bindine uoon thi Comoany when signed by the Chairman of the Board, the Presiderrr, thc Chairman of the Finance"Committee, the Chiirman of ihe Insurance Executive Conrmi-ttee, a_n_y Senior Vice President, any Vice President or any Seiond Vice President and duly attested and sealed, if_a_ seal- is required, by any secretaiy or any Department Secretary or any Assistant Secretary or when-signed by the Chiirman rif rhe Board. thl Presiderrt. ihe Chairman of th-e Finante Committee, the Chairman of the Insurance Executive Conrmittee, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President orany See'ond Vice President and counter- signed and Sealed, if a seai is required, by a duly iuthbrized attorney-in-fact or agent; and any_such tron_d, under- ' ta"kils. rcrosnizance. consent ofsuretv or writtln oblieation in the nature thereof shall be valid and binding upon rhe Compaiy when duly executed and sealed, if a se?l is required, by one or more attorneys-in-fact or agents pursuant to ind within the limits of the authority granted by his or their power or powers o[ attorney. This power of attorne]' is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolu- tion adopted by the Directors of THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 30th day of November, 1959: Vorro: That the eignature ol any officer authorizcd by the By-Laws and the Company seal may be affixed by facsimile to any powel of attornel'or special power of attorney or certification of either given for the execution of any bond, undertaking. recognizance or other vritten obligation in the.nature thereof; such signature and seal, when so used being heieby adopted by the Company as thJoriginal signature of such officer and the original seal of the Company, to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed. Itiri s pover of attomey revokes that dated. Decerober L2, 1968 on behalf of G. A. Talbert, Donaltt D. Scheib, B. R. Clark, Courtney T. Feterson, P. Farrrer, M. M. Fulton, 3en L. l4atthesen, Nelson D. Brown, l4arl1yn Ktght - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY has calrsed these presents to be signed by its proper officer and its corporate seal to be hereunto aftxed this ' 21st day of December 19 70 Any and al-l bonds, und.ertakings, or o*rer wrltten obligatlons in the nature thereof TIIE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY Secretary, Surety State of Connecticut. Countv of Harfford-ss: On this '21st - day of December in the year l97O before me personally came E. A. Houser I,II to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the State of Connecticut; that he is Secretary (Surety) of THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corpo- ration; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by authority of his office under the byJaws of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. By Notary Public My commission expires APri I l, PJI+ ?*,ilW 41,:.!-P':dl\ 3T";.*ig 8i:"9 dti*le....,. {.l{ NOTARY :j.6 pli:"...:* 5-1869 PRTNTED rN rr.s.a.(Over) ,?o 1- .. i' ctcvs) 693rs ,Qerng'ifue1a:cag luslslssy_T*rPeryrrrl T6l TTrdY ;o feP q16 slql 'trnqt33uuo3 'proJueH 1? PqEas pue pauE15 '1arr$e pu" arroJ l1n ur rl!,ou ilre pue pe{o aJ :o peEppqe uaeq lou a^erl 656I '09 raqute oN Jo srolcarrq Jo pseog erg Jo uorlnpsau aql pus eaqt-l(g aqf Jo AJaplgv to 'SI pu€ 'gI suopres pelonb a,roge atp 'i(auro11e 3o.ra.,rod EuroSaroS eql 1erp {p:o r111y61i1gg AJINI ISCNI SUS.ISAySJ gHI to (&erng1 fralarcag luelsrssv .uroqraurreqcs.U ureml/I\ ,I troruYitul"Lusc 6r:*-S frh,$ INSiPECTIT TOWN OF FIEOIJEST VAIL TIME REdEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE E panrtel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRI AM PM y)-kPPROVED I orsnppRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS f] nerNsPEcr /t f.-. i ,,".t .'/ t/. / . ' / / / .' rNsPEcrl'|v F|EEUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL ,j/-..! / JOBNAME [ ]-,nr:t,.-.t. ,r..='.,-'-,. .l . ., r-:,.. ,1 ., .... '-7--DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: E penrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED .A-rri'PM E nppRovED I upol,t rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: DorsappRovED ! netNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR / Lr-,vtt Town of Vail FII,F:Cf,RICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-..--.. Received By--..--..--.-. 316 $-..-......".............-... $--.---71-er,tt?-,-.-.-.-- qq,l 24 HOI,'RII ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS tobuamefr .r-....F..e.ae*.a*-' E, Srcuo,ed 3p,tee ,-J Elecrricalcontracror-..--...kd.-t-p-(I*.t--9r,7..{-g-..., '.4 nwticant-.. ,ffi)JJ. {-, . .G*o*n.*-... APPROVALS .h!=r!*'-- Chld BulldlDt Otflclal THIS FORM Ig TO BE POSTED OI{ JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION $...-. rHa c. r, H!E!r:r r0.. 7 oo o; Town of Vail EI,ECIRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 318 $..........-..........-...... t/&.raaa.. i.77-?3 Electrical Contractor APPROVALS TH|S FORil l9 TO POSTED ON .,OB STTE DURING CONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOT,'RII N)VANCE NOTICE REQI.'IRED F1OR INSPECTIONS rc/n/za 7ta JobName.r/-.\r.-7lzllz.1/..8n-E{$-t.-(JZZIt Date of Application...- &8..............-5 ,s.7.b-.,....- ,/4?H Traa a. F. fialata! a4., oalrvlr lr0rl5, oo o1 Town of Vail FI.I:CIRICAL PmTYIIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 31,4 $............-.........-..... $..tr/.0.a.()........ t--..#.:..h.. $......3e.,(n. t.....h.-{,.J.a. Plr[ CbcclGr r4/ Received Bv. -...... -.. 6, -. -t2- -+ 3os) THIS FORilI Ig TO BE POSTED ('1{ JOB STTE DURII{G COI{STRUCTTON 2I HOURII AI)VAN(E NOII6E NEQTJIRED FOR INSPECIIONS Date of APPROVAIS q - />-> (" r{a !. r. Nrralrl a!.. arxvra rroagz \'| i..2. r e4 w rZa :: ( ' t -'. ? '?\"'\'\-t/: BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-63:P DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM E oruen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrr READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED flotseppRovED fl upolu rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS I nerNsPEcr DATE ,,.'*, .l' .. /. INSPECTOR INSPECTICU /1 t/" TOWN OF HEEUEST VAlL .- ;./TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEF E orxen E pnnnar.LOCATION FEADY FOR INSPECTION COMMENTS: ,:l/:) , , @xrp RovED D orsapptsovED ,.4 -- .,fJ upoN THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTTONS: ( - "*' '-" , " 1i'/ -22' CORRECTIONS E nerNSPEcr ':,,...," '' ,r) DATE 9H:E<F1k:39; { :- v zFl.< lfEada9Z1Z-<2:2 7 3E:3()<i) {OtrlZ HFEiH?5'HgeslFr<o>-<on c<3: + Ftc ul UJ uJ z llJoz oF2 ur =llJo ul F IE gt c o J t|. ut cr F -l FoF ul G GooJtt FoF t t .E =r= lrl olreO =?=oE'I -l o t- 1s>(9q, U,l - rl-\ n 6\tst lE., < zo Fc*a6FG.40 x> :z5f a- t)>oFO -.i Town of VaiI nI,I:CIIIICAL PMMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 326 $....--..........-........... $............................ ,{/o,m Received sv..-R.k + 3a3a t/ c/ Erectricarcont*"tor...[f/./1.7.t,{.(eT.Kia.-.... APPROVALS cft t Buudlnr omdlt THIS FORM I3 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURII{G COilSTRUGTION 24 ITOI'RI; ADVAIVCE NOTTCE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS rHr a. r. 8ca!tir ao,, EaNvar lroa], ,LtNsiPEcTllN ..'/lo*t oF FIEBUEST VAIL E orxen MON ! pnnnau. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ( weo '1 THUR\ t a.i tl ,/) Pl,ll.r'TUE FR E xpp RovED E orsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr E upor rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE VAlt FiHOEe&RTF;IENT - InciElerrt |}ort O'I/N OF VAIL. S'I AI'E Ci\ iri'I\I'i,11:-f lii0.rir BEST COPY cF coLoRADo-- Atarm Number 738 AVAILABLE Datp )i0\' i',l,llllilll 2Lr r976 (vrn RecordeC by: ALARl.r: For Fire E For Non-Fire E It non-lire explain: Smoke Scare 0 Falso tr First Aid tl Accident 0 Othcr Dateof Alarm: ijiy-'j:n:-L 2lt+ -l:)7/ir - Day: I'iriltli"-illr''- Alarm Transmitled by: Central Receiving Ststion tr Telephone et Police Ftadio 0 Other O Return lo Quarters:: l5? r\ddiess: Type ol Fire: tsuildrng E; luto El Grass E Brush C]Dumpster O Other: i.lsnie of Owner:ri",I f , '4rlTPo;-)0 ',1c8;r., Nanre ol Tenanl {if not same as owner): l ype of Occupan"y, --l-'0t.-i'I iP l-ii(l Consti'uct:on ot Building: Fire Resislive E Brick or Concrete Block n Wood Frafiie Cl Olher: TT. r,i/\ r ;,i. No. oJ Slores II Fire Out on Arrival? Yes 0 No Ul - lf No, how extinguished Floor of C)rigin: Coniined to: Floor - Yes tl No QI Extended to: Adjoining Building - Yes CI No tr Beyond Adjoining roxi-anabe]:r 20 Building - Yes Ul No O Buildings - Yes El No tr Smoke Soread:iI(tt.ri Persons Killed: Firemen 0 Civilians - 0 c00 l1ons of urier Caus€ ot lgnition: Meterial First lgnited: Cause of Fire Spread: i.: i F I-. r}-V-.rir c:isol,i'tjI r.i/iPO:i; Per sons Injured: Firemen Estimated Loss: Building - C civitians 0 Contents Response: Total Number of L,len Men Responding t'1 Timeof Atarm 0'it,7 1stUnir10-g 0'iit3 1stUnit10-23 Apparatus -ll lljL-I 'ilr:re!. 1 ;: _-t li ltt 11 -l\52--. Lasr unit 10-24 ()i Outside Fire Dcpartments Assisting : olte Story of Fire and Equipment Used (use reverse side il needed) --ra r:an.,. t". ci t,te rl -1 r:;'l I it, .:'r':'r'o::'i -: :1,''1..''l:i.re C?' T hrl*. (-,rt l), ):c:-c:1 ."- l.:r" -. I i [)r;r;blrle "'n:-i-ne L i.ri. i,ir 9 r,rr;t tias clj l,;i-': i,t-- hcri l;c t,t.l: sccne .-.r1.1-j :1 ,'r-')er:rl al-arn i::rs ci'l-,r-:.i 'lo:'. i'lacli-c contac'c ;;it,il lfct:r v.".:rs ( .tJ'l.! '.re.Lcr. ,.. ll;r:ribr:birn) l,e tir.f.. ,Tn -,. iiuo fi (;1 3 if.ri.l_ l,j.r.ei 'repb. )N|13 ,rr:i1 rli. :ri al ,rnrrt'i,::- i-l:.rbe l.-.- 0il,l r."Lr i'.'11-;' i.rvc'l.vctl . llron :^rriv:,1. ol 'nc'.lnc f. i'ite '.rest, :;er.rti:"tt o;'ll: i.lil-inl: "rr,s i- r: faet f,.rl.Jl'involvnd ui.i;h J.'ile, .:- i; ilrj,s U'i:'re ;ruoLhel' sl(:n(:rra1 al.rr':i i.i. s ci,.l 'l.ell f or.- nld.nc I hit h-r"r:r''nt ,t1-120 rnrl a iirr .l..i.nr: 'l.ras I;,iicl f.rorq tltort: Lo ihc -or/ cl' - 2.1;rr,.rncl rr t-'rrcrc onilec L li rrct o lrere used to attack the fire. tlpon arrival of senior officers and addittonal lines r.rere laid out to rnake a djrect attack on the fire. The fire had alreacly vented itself through the roof, the garage doors nere opened by enployees of the building, causing a chi;nney effect of the briilclinfi. 'After tlie direct atback, the fire lras knocked down and controlled. I{oles were cut into the roof to assist in c learing the smoke, fans wei'e 5sl 1rp also in the door area. After the birilding r^ras cleared of smoke, nop-up operations were initlated, at thls tir,re llngine 2 and truck l vrere returnecl to quarters. rlfter ntop- up operations r^rere corrpleted, the area was ropcd off ancl secrired. It is the opinj.on of this Officer that the fi-re tregan when heavier than air firrnes (gasolj.ne varor.) r.rere ii:niterl hy a pilot lite on a gas fed irater f'eater.(natural gas) The gasoline coning fron a Jeepster that was bein;t torked on (fue1 sysbern) emndtti:rg vaoors fron thr.: fuel tank (gas line beinc cleared by air pressure, tank top open). This was a very fest rnoving fj.re drie to 'r:rpor iqniticn and exposed wood. The fire uas fed by air fron 2 large garage doors that uere opened to nove e6r:ipment o'-rt of the building, and the skylights being openee-l by tbe fire itself. It is the opinion of this Departrnent that a delay in notification catrsed a consider- able advance of this fast moving fire. Pubtic service was notified at the tine of this fire, they advised that an inspection of this building had been made prior to the tine of the incident, report to follov. J o VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT Case Numuer 76--2537 caseneaoing ASSISTI}IG FI]]E DIIP,'\RT}-flL 1{I]Il Flli{€portinsotrtcer I'X)TTATck Dare & Time o1 sn"16un1 APPmx, 0800 24l"OW6 ,Dare & Time of Reoort 1420 Z4lStV76 Cr'rl f Corfi^sa i,lqintc'nance g'r:'.t ,/Place ol Incidenl {2 PICPEHIY Drlj'1{m ilest cncl of the golf course raintenance shack and r-.r,erything insj.Ce of it Vclue ur-Ikno!,n Gary liozaL7l 2lr: 'if58 I;ie aciiiress: 3C6 I'icn.lard Uagle, Colot::ldo 32ti-6558 &rsiness address: (b1f Course l''bintenarce Shack }TNiTSSES Arthrr Stevbenson .i DOB 27N|;22 / fnme acltiress: Box 452V Erluarcis, Colorado Ilone phone: 926-34L7 Busir.ess adCress: Golf Course lbintenance Sbhatk At approximately 0800 on the 24th of ilovq$er 1976 t:e received a calltto assist tire Viil Fire "ti:Tnrt:r'.s1t r.rith a fire at ths SrJ.f Ccurse ilsintenance Shacl:. 0fiicers lbtta, Ihigirc, Ufllcs and Jolmson resrsnded, i'-e ccntrolled traffic for apgro\jiately an liour and a half on 6h1f Course Rd. and Vail Valley fr. Lfter the firs rtas jsrclck',-J dor,rr, Officer tQright and r,ryself tool< the trvro rritnesses to the trrai1 Police DJ])artr€nt uhere rrnittcrr statenents h€re taken fron then as to H'hat luppcned. Aftor .getting a rrritten staterilent fron each person r,re then reed the stater*nt aati irienriewerl each subj et on tane to fill in the initonlntien rdrich was riissinq froir the statci:e,nts. hb also ir;ad thc,'Tr riiagrain wirece everything r..as i:l the gclf ccl:rse naintenance shack at ti:.e tiir'e of the fire and. clilqran r,,-irat they ciiC cnd r'iir:t thcy sarrr oljfthe fire. After all tlie inten'ie.':inq we toak Artilur alias Sli:r Stcnl-rcnson to the lhil C1i:ric hec-euse it r,as anr-drrent tir:rt thefire had fla:'i'..r-.d in hi.s f.ace and his f,ace sircrred sipts of harring l-.'ern sinleJ. l.lr. Stcphenson \ras trcated ald relcased at the Vail Valley lledical Center. Fron the inJor:r.etion r'.'e received frcil the tr..'o r.ritnesses it arrDears that the fire bcgan beiri:rd the jcrqo they rvere r'nrki:rq on in front of the west door. ft apnc:rrs that tl:e G:c1 tor tj:e fire l.?s cal:sd by bIo;.ri-ng eir through the fi:e1 line of the jeco and out the oren flas tank.of the jcco. ',i'hat cxactly crnited t-\e fire is sti1l rnl;cr'n hor,,ever there rr:s a hct r'etcr heitcr. a:r electrical cutlet, anelectricll slritch anii rrossibly a hot ptste tll::t a coffee rrns l(eot on in the general arca of the rcar of the vehicle. At the tine of the fire G:iry ljr:za rvas by the rrork bclch in front of the ieerr, hs q'::s the first one to notice thefire :urd he did call out to Slinr Stephorsen rr'ho r*as rrurkiurl on the other side of the iecp but in the frcnt arere nf the jecn. ltr. Stephensen does srnke hrrt it aplrears that he r3?s not snniiing at tire tir:re tire fire started. Itb ]ooked ttrrouqh titc ashed of thc fite h,ulever we r./L-re not able to deteliidne whetirer tJrere tr',.re any cigarctte butts in them or not. At this tinre there is no further infosntion. fnd of rcport. o O', . S.;-, T6 - it :; j) IDntfr.on S*ale,are,,t/ bq G-o-.* /Llrt ,J *** J //, t/*/ J J-'-"t rJ 7,'/3- .-,-l V-za<"t/"'/ A a/o--"A "i^ '^ 7'1U c-ta-t' - a-t .J*-'1 Zla 6 7'J'e , :;/i'';, SAp/*...-orn ,u*;*r/ - Zc'/'/z*' "l cz''22'4'-'"''?)y'/ ^'* n-1on e-<t-tz4 -t/"-z . ;:;J .-/"-" r-"2.-^*"/ '^'-'-/<')7, -4 -4i+a . A- z<'-,1=e J^J'"--i 7 t % ) cJ nr' t-4/t--r,k il"--r- L^r'44 ttt-A ; 7/* z;- / l*a."-.n d. Htz" ^J W d-^/-. 4)a d",^ F=A @ /-2--- .; 4*""/t z/* A^-o'-/tr'^, Z 44J^ ^f .-*# " u 4 .^rL'"-^'r.-(-( ca-.'"'4/t4-ta"-'A .-/ o r+a Jat/./ d-'Y\ 1Z 4""-- dl'u ; b'^"nA -J 4-"- L*!;l^;^, ^-/-t6 ./" ^t+ ,u/'-^^ (/* /'*'t 'a7'u'&*/ ..--^c-1-6-a-a 9* Zo-r- -U';'J t/* ,!"'ts'aj d"-/ Z* ,! A,+-^-,r JZ;' ,4 fY !J (-l- c,,b \J i4 o o VAIL POLICE DE!'ABTMENT INCIDENT FIEPORT case Ftea.i;ns-.li.r-r,iigj-j1itlL_4l!^!Llr. lli-t.;c:',:;l.r:: RepDrrins orricer_!jf .!l/11 fj;rl0 & 'l'inrj Of Inci(renl Dale & Time of Reporl BEST -"''q'!il COPY ? AVAILABLE i i;''r'-r'."irl. i)i 'i:i?i1i irit;tlill'.; ilre nfili{ri- lri:::; l.i,:r?:i:rr oli t"h: l,l:ii. Iriri.,.ij,.: !.iiiii t.:i: - ' . :.1i,,.: ',:",ti.r,i*:- ::;l'i Arlltt-tr ll{..r:vr,r i;tit" 15: r,'liti:i i.':i:r;fl':i,:..r ililL :ri:itri rtt l"tlllll; r;;r 1:l.c Z4i",l\Vl6., '1.*.r l:.,::,:!.:t .,t,li ..,,,", :r-,.rr',1 in {:iL1 ilr -..,lr.rt :iiri:i:.';,:,i1::'r.1. ,..:;:.r 'i:'7,: ,,l'-.:,rii, i:i:.r::i r,.' ,,.. .,, .:','j:'.:j.1.:::lr:-li.lrt.:i..i.t*l::liiir:i,]-;1.1r|::1:'':1'.i1]'i;{"':ita'li;i:::ittii',-ll..\.j,'.l,1 r:J lr.:r,lv- lli r..or1l r..irt_.;r yrli g,,; t:1, .;.,;i i'r:l;. !:ji::;r '";ir r';r:re hlairing_tire air j-:ri:r tlr," fj,1.s {:i,r.:.:, }4:)?.r r,..,1)Trr lrJri'i,,,, .': ': ilri:; t{l.ii'-, )r}u I3;r{.1il}rt r{i$ct'i:,1rr:t:Lr_..1 tfun 11.:r,.i.l.inr-' iirutl,':l.r tl,:r'1,.;' I l;as l.'Li:l.rin;J it iir fir:,r tl:r: {it:l}. pi;r.;r, !r:r:'fi to thi: p;ns i::,:il.l;. llr:cll tr'r the ga:; tanli. 01sri', r,,'r:-: tirrl rir.s ciril cn tl;e vrlrii.il,:? .li,r, f L:l,l t*kcrr it oFf. , {}::ay:;,tt ti:il !T;ts cilp I,rl:j.. 5jo tlr,rt IJrc nir sorrl.tL c:;cltir,J cl.li ci tlir ta:rl;. f.i,il.J?f-tlrr; t.rn!;, ,olny. lio:,r fici_-nrr;irlng i:o yoi.rr clrrrrinll l.:it+:'c is lt.,nts officc itr rc.lltt:iiuirr;hi.lr to it.l tlli:i? iin :::ifulrli'thcrrt i:r tl',e con;er" liftlc toilets .i:r tlcrc. ll:':r th.:ir, i;!:.;rsis ti:c r.irJl l.::rrcli i.n rr_-.i;.ltir,nshi.ir to t!:i:.T,iri:ir. ,{Lr:n3 tlris r.nlln riglit llcrr:. (il"r1', ,:.:r 1 rihr:r.c rrcrc )"cu si:x1..li:i,l :,,.]1{:n tlic firc brol;e crrt:. I tls st:iIl rdth rry f,:rntl sirri.l: u:i.l,rr tj;c hrroC {:hem on i.::1.::n..Ir:::r. Cl.:ly s,: foir w(-.1:c tlr.lcnr,rlth, i-o;l I'rrro l:y tlle {l.cirt r:o:"nr:r of tlr. .lt ...iirlr-riil;rcrr'Lrircc foi l::* tl:: rnr{:e l:rrl[.,-nn teol: rjglrt ntitrr.;l;. r.j,...:. I ,ll:,lrt l:rn:.r rCterc C::,rctl1' G,'ri t..':.i l-.':ri .[ tldlr]: lrr r,;rr:; r.ir:i.,t lri: ,n r :' , lr'1..:ir,- f ?ra slrrc lt,r r:;:r:,-=:;llrtt iri !' ,'llr:r,ri j. j.::* irt r::tl. it ! i jr.:: ., .' 1. ",'. il' r';: ;'.',t1. r',.: irlr:i ;r Ii:-1 ._'.'lii ,.1.ri:;] .-;.. r'ii,,lrt: lr,.:r;., 1,,,, ;l1i-. ,:,,....i'il,i::), I.ilrsf tlii.r::I l;:,.:k tj.-,-- .,,,-r !:l:rri; fjrc.:):!jinitlt:i:iijt,.'r,:.,i ! I rt,ii' rir.' i.'11f { 1rr11l I 1-''rt tlir_: Il.r 1..:;."1,:il r:.:'.i; r:rf. t1.,,, lrr,::i ,{. (t{: .il. r .i. I'liri:.rl' l lr.rl. f ;..r,.r. r.,rl, ,r ".t..,,',',. .t,. ,-,."".... ,.'i{^!^ -: r irr".r. rr- -.r -- ]:orf c;:ir yi': ',1' :' : t'tacn ot Incjdc nt__-ir:,:i l" jrir'l j lu r: o I'ir..; il ..----- - case neaoinq rntcruicu , case Nunrbcr-:i:i" i: ' - ' 1 ggsr T!,*--''i coPYni AVAfLABLE l.lr':r',:rg t:Jit i:.|:cr lil.:li:cr? li::itr:; tlt'l i'r"ttr Jrretc'r? ,^,::,.! i!j t.':rs f.il:e l::hi.t:."'tti::: .li' lr i i': it? ':l;^;r I :itj:::1: Jjl^rrccll l)it'Jl:1:ltc:.",: i-r:';'5 \'r::r'f r'rc[:j';tltl'1''l i'l:: ;: '': a,'-. " t'r, - lri. in ti:;lf cttr-.i;f 'ul :i'L-' il; r;ll:-'i; i:!r': "'J::r: ' : r' : ,r:.',i lo tlr:.r i.-irc *,;:ti,-fu.i ='!t,t: i.i: il;':r Ir:rr .laLc Jbr i-lr:-'l I i'i' '" 1i'.: i.:: il1-c:'.-.1 rt;r. !,r t',.:r,. cn:r') l-r:lc1i l1g';,'r":ttrl.:;. iil l-i i' 1-1lis, tlil 'fj.rc '::lt;ir':"'i:l' '' 'i.ira' i. i,t,t,r'; :;l:lrtc'J i;li'-lr r:lt'-:i'c ti i'l' 1:rr'' r,n? I l :'. 1;, f t'!o;rt L l';r'llt r.;11;1i l;1::r-' :::l ,i:t':-i''.) f i'r': a::t'i-llllri"l"'t" ' " iri"-i. 'l;.t, tlto f-ir:ii' ;t";it:l'i'rr:'rl'd t1 i::'!l of 1:':3 o1/'lr ii' i': i:i i. 'rrt'.i'il,t,l"i,iio;:,j03 t:lt"ri:cttin j ii ";:::';t l'-:i :, tltr crril' Ll:!'iJ1- ii'::{' i i,.r t:rinri 1::ts to g,-,t tir:rl cqlil't'--t'ici "'i-t:t'i of thr:(r:' '(l'r I '"''r : i!,:-:, ,i.1,,:.r*7 ri3trt i,;;;.- ii.: 5.r,i: ;r 'r'::'.t-r'-rirt.:l::-l.ln:j.:_l? r'i5:'i ir: "'i i,riii.c'r" tir.rt I !'ot it off tli-- l ,l;il t'rl .f colr.lti*rt !ii-i'/ Lr'':i'ir i:' lrl:;ir er11, 1ir-'fl[;111:::li rias ju::t t-r'c ilricir' lil:yr:r-lriclrbLrnckqrini;olicrc'i:;:j(':(ficrth:ir.tinns{l,iril.irr!''-''l: I 'i'irrir[j:lt tlilre iurd I rttit or'n::r !'crrr 1o tl:lr of:l]i'r:e,-i:cttis r:r:ilir": i r'. ; 1;"; a;:1 "r:t|*e ti.1erc niii irr,"'t 'i1':r'J, too e;rrJ;''cjn tl r r':i:ti : i.' t.o t,e oir tllr: litrc, f 1i::s::. 'l'hcn t;herc di,l )'cu f,rr? t:rpl.o11c,J. O1:;ry, l.lrlrcts thc r'''ltrr lic,'.1'cr? f!lo11.ertrll-oGe4'torIl.'1i''':.,I',]r'itil:11cr'rtlt:i'cl:ll'1.:;'i:' l:rs c'.rL hcrc at thjs'lt':ritt''r'i.;,, ir"t t-i ollcr':rJ llt hj r rtri ; :l'i 'r ir,. oi'"" 'iriic nuir,.l,bt'rs' :l.,t,l '--,, ii 't1':: Iii'e '1"''t1i111r :irt' I ::i' ' I i ] t..f, l,rt*-"n,f ji:.r,t:,.'t on iil.: j.c'-' i'icili-t:.,:r rirl'.l'tri.cC 1qr qci i: i;: r"' Sc titerc clid nrrr go fro:'t ]'rirts orficc? SLrtiglrt to the d<lor ltcre. Sttrrj::ltt to t'lrc ticors an'i tll:rt to []tt it staricJ, Tricrl to .qct it stnrtc4 itl:'l I 'l'ltt't' ll,:catt'i:' tii: f irtr j tr: i: scc::''--i 1 i l' : j i: cvcrytltirrg 1rls bur'llillll. Ciry thcn t,,ltclc tlirl )'utt l;'J. I F'l. tr. Q. I 'lr A.!: j,5: Onto1.h'.r'i.Ct, l: 11 i 'r!:'i ];i,i;r r:l:cLhcr I loi: iL i1l''f'' r:$ just 0LL ot'cr', jt':l: 3 '; t (, 1 l: i' l'l' l-: l. nul'- T r,'r'trt o'rt tlrO t'!llc1. . o o irS:f <lontt krtr:t'r r'tltat ki:rrl oi tir::: t:-1.,:rtsc'-l or arr)'th:irril l)Llt rlir'inr{: slr. ' !,r.'r -" 1.r l.orrg irefolc I lrcard thc sircrrs. 'I 'r:Ie yOtt l:::oliirt.g? j,i;:rrt tirjirk f rns, Itcl ai:;:lst r:l::i.rl-c tlrai I r.;ilsrlrt. i,1-t-'n 1'cu r.rsctl thi! phci:e, lrol;lid lrrr riinl it? BEST ".'r"tr COPY 'fi:.i..,-'i1 to l:et lrr.r1.r1 o:i tlic 6T:i-.r':i:rr. AVAILABLE Oi:ny so r.,'lut ditl yc;u di-al. rlnrl 4 - . : v .... )cu tlj;llr:d "0" for ol:cretcr. I)i'i you Lq/ to rlial nnl'thi:13 ei:;::. It jtrst scr;led tikc thc ]tll:rt::::r:s r1:.'1. i,';srrt no l]l.lz? (.:li t'li:ilri]: '. i '! ' rt: 'l:noi.l t'irci:ix:r soiiietlrin.g els? h;.'r;;l':n'.:11 ti'i)l:rt or i:h;rt brrL j.i: 1!:lll ;i;:ir.. ' :';s thi:rc aq'thirtg else brl:lt lrr:Lc tlir:.i niShi hlve lrc'-n J,'la"r::ll.rlr i'r ":l ' :' : All: l,s: A.l . AC. l! l. Arl: R'.t: r\il: . Jccp. 'IlciirirrS, rrcrthin.g ttrerc. a f.ittlc cabinot thcrc 0l:ay, is thcre anytlling l.lrr '- l',:o ha,l li1;r;1 gr:cnpy:r4 ti-rr-:s hsc1, i:i'l'-':: rt: . ': tii:li: tr'c )ie:p eirt trarrst;tissicit !l-!.'.:,'l:(J "11'{ 1:' ' ') elso cl.cr hcre, any hcaters or ;rrry{:!ri.rrJ;? Ol:ay, hc:u long you been r"orl<irri; for the Tor'rr of Vail notr? . I bclicuc nine ycars. I:iac yr'ars. Co.rn3 ra ni.rrc nrybe. Ifi:vc 1r:u bccn hsrc all th: tirrc? In grrlf cottrse t:*ririten:rnce? Dj.rl yru l;ncttr, tlJd the firo c:iiji!rltti:ilrlr tt'rr'k? 1 ,.1otf t lrno':l t:ltctl:cr it riid or lrot? f slrtrt tl:rthjirl11' :iry I;lt'l:l' :' I ' ': .ii' liirl.liirirl or tloL l-,rrci'll.t:ic it jrrst ,":nL tlc t'qrrlt flr:11,.:S nr!'l T cr:rthl l'{. '::, ' ; j' .-. Itf-jr6[ sclt;tcc1 lilic tire oii' xrrii ct'crfghin{Tr jrrst evcrytit:lnq t;t:; l:';-:i. :. ; r''i :lt or.lrio. Carr 1rcu thinl:i;of anythilg clstr? .{n'1 th:: sorrtlr ltlrt rlf t},: t'c,-:t l-lr'.:t'e cvcrr (rrninte11.iliib.1.c) r;1' lhi1!l ' "'! i"r'r- t:hirrJ; irt thcrc'tlr:rlrs c:ql1*;ir,'::, t!uti:rtl lrttt.-ll :'o qrric,llL;;. -'iy tl:' : " i 'i: to{r-. tclcllhone:uril 11ot tlrosc {l(r$l's Olxn ar,l Lr:rcl< on tll':r 7lt:'i'l '':ii , lr t'' t.trs ju51 Ltu'ni:tg, o Partn 11r.r...1.-.-. --.--- -... - Ctlsa l{eading ----*1tLri1rj.g!r--- :- Case Number-J6,11':-'.'.1.----_----.-_ - fi,1: 1ic. lfli: clrs tlmt verc tircrc irrc tlr'l cars ti'ral arn us:.ri:iLy p,:i.,.'lrc:l ar:ril',r'l r'-,'rl i.-"::i.111i;t;1 r;ii1 tl:c:"i:'.,.;snrL er';y' sttt,trilt i:i,i nr i::riLta+1y arr'ni;til tiii.: l,:.rij. i,'..: '[1,,:it lrl.l';;;;:lLy i^snt t tJrnrc. ll"rt t!r:L I noticctl. 'j.lrl iloors:,;cre trnl:ocllcd. r,:'i:r:n j'cu irt; t!:*rc c;r.r:se $nry r.;.1 ali'r:-..,li i1'.' , i'iri 1r!:i:r r,r:rlc nt 7:0f) and triri-.; i,r:-niri:l (ini.rrti:-ll.il;irbLc) ,'i fr:r irii::. ,: t' ', I <,ilrrrtt ln*rr uii,rt Lilll it r,";.rs, 'i'li.',itl :; r"ei i.ri:::rrlatrt. ilrt Cr.r7 ';:rs eLrcacly tlierc. Tr,n lr*rc L.crn singr:rl i,.nr1 s * 1|l:'.m ef V;ri1 crr:rihyce r^/l rr7'?r 2f ilt r'. i ,':,' )'.iil ovill" tr: thc C1il:lic;mil l:':t:lt;it ciltcl:t'.] oltt: to lllh,]::ur:r': ]'liir,'::: r.,i r';-n lr;crti:;; f-lrit col$s u:r,l€r lruri.il:,r'irs ci,.'P.:ilir,l :if i'cr:rr$ liri. l, 1rr'q'l:i:.:,'. i:r tJro c::cj-1:fl;i;oltt af j.t a1"1 yfir ru-i.riiit noi: hlcl', yuurr* Jl:fL :ln ',itri=:;:} ,' '", , r,i.-, :;i-*e tlill.L )"Jurr$ chrcli,;rl ciil. l:i:.r lirrrtts l;hnt 0h+ n{:rt['l:'l]i.!!r::i:tr.c: "',, -' r';ctLl trlte tou totlir: c].ilris l:rrJ r..d;c sr.rre 'h]rat you are ni.r.i.glit. 'ri'!: r.rill. crr'l this intcrtier.r at I.CCS an lin",/r-.lnber 24, 1976; BEST COPY AVAILABLE o VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT ,g".u 11un,g"r 7 i: - 'l '; ' i "' Care f-lcadins-l'Ll:li T':!tll3f If:^,'fTn'-tllll^','lit': Reporting Oflicer:-L:L .rhijIri Dare & Time 61 1n6;66n1j1!','i ,v?fr 07i17 .,Dare & Time o, *"oof 9i() ir ,'.'r.; 2'il' '. i'; place of |ncident_ip{ tp!l!l! lt',rinicttr.rtcc slrgclt I'i:;l::r-.r,t: 0il.i.ct.:r Ilcli:a, trk:i1 Police lil:,pt. (ll. [icii' Ilti.Llrt, trriri1 lblici: i):pl. C'rr7 llos:'. 0:i, n:i I trndlrstanrl it, you lr?i:r tllc ti.Tst otle aL. tlrc iri'J yc,tr .uld Slin l;'crc I'es. nt, thc only il.lr' tlrare? Iivc4'l:c,Jy clse cones in at ci'ht. Cti'|, r.r'hat tilr:e do you t',r'o noui:. ll.y coj;? Ycu l,''oth core irr at seven? Oli. an'.I )ton aLso tric,l to gct oite? Ycs, thcrcrs onc at, tl'lerc rras, h."urSirrg l,ry the officc tircre, l-,y )'e:th.. It says f 1.-;rgr tiilt thercr',:ts suirirost:l to I,:l (':i1 Iirnts of.ficc. irr tiren? q's,.. -.iD thet S1fun t'rcnt for a firc (Il: l:r i. til i: rllor itti.l lit I: tiU: l!'l. riit: BEST "?r:'P'rrrt!t COPY AVAILABTE sj'.op3. ...so,tlh rioor, anrl f corrl'.lnrt finL trJ)TLl,:lr the otlrrr <l'rer hc:flt'q': t':: 1- jr": r;..1S fj.qifl by tlnt t!r.-1ofr $:t,1 I r;..-:'i ntri:t:l 1:l:.: L,aCi;, ti..'11: ('l:il 'cli'i t."',i i' ':"',.' r':r'.1 aioL,irr'!., thc'ir f l't,.:t S1i:t o'.'c f i:Itil',). ii'rtd cn,rl tllrot";lr l'1ai"r1''1 il c- rl'ir'rt+ rlrr r1)'t}ilil iliil: it .i1 'chr:ii,' 1;;t L so, 2rr'1 llrg ::'o].:c lot i;c'r l'"rlr i'- i.;' : ('r: -' r:rtL tir::r'e lrrr,l I t':tlt lt.ilit, so tll',..'t t',: s'jtt i;q crttt].rlnt C r'lr-r li1','i11i1"1 r,ir il i l:. t:c tr'-ic(l to.gli !:rts'.-'s att,,l, rti'sr.':rllj.n{, c.r,!. it jrr:;t s;ri''::C tc'r i:'"'i', tiroi.c 'l;r:,ntt 1.:tltirrr: 1;;1 gc.ir.l.rl iio r.'ir'Jt it. So r':o jttst si:tf tf il. l: 'rrrit' ' il " CO'ii).1r1), .Tr-:e;r tltl:L llt:.i orttsit',.' l,'',i !ris 1:rll':!i ltt:l !r'i:,' ttllf l"r il:'t'i r.) 'l;'i" r irr ll'-'t tir:' 7fi:i,iro;ri ouc of il:r-'l:-", r;:.:L oi 'ilrc c:'ll cl,lot' ttt,".'.'t i'rrJ ir': tt)r 'i i i I l' ' ht 1;ts tr7inC to Start it, l::.tt i.i iot l:cro hoL in tltcl'c':r i:11'1 IIJ 1,r;.r1r, ;""1 1, , tlrc il::r':s startc,.l cc:rlinll in Llrrrre, l:o ltc lt:rrt to flct oui of tl:rrr"r ::'.)... ...thcre l'ns nothillll clso t'r:: co'.r1,1 tlo..l CIi, so uhcn this stirrLcil, f(,atl llll'e blorling air tlrrorrl;lr a flrel lirt:' ttr :;-'r iri,Oi.lt gclt.illl: lrster out of it? , ". ' Y,:lir, 5C:,., l;,o ricrC lUlin.l tlr:t,jr'l.C rli.th tlriS Jr':p, frcezitrri t'.ir, flr','l :.:" ll"-' ''rrl. *f,..g,...-- ..*.r.^-. i* r.!,r. 't;-.' {-l,rF r.',.rrr" i,rrf tllrr.:lr rrtti - | .r ia oBEST COPY AVAILABLE . Case tteading.---+t1lI:,ili'.1!,;L":,"'! lll l* l.-ti" t;.t. {-.t i' i" ';. 1''t f' ''-,t l. fit. cii: !'n!. l'1 Ir I'rxt,tt.. , .,.::o'liJ jrml tuol: tlre Li;l:; off rlr"1 bJ.ci,r a li{.tle oi.r tl)i'rllr:.il it Oli no'nr, !n tlii.s, iC snys f.irr.[ l:]r': firi:r ri.ilrfr,r.l ircr:r:ss flrr ,:[\],:!" l'1-'-1.i-. l:":; f ',1,'i.ri ril)ct tr: lirr: l:i:,:r":li" Jrc',n:n;1 thr,'otirt-.r gi...1t i;:.:l'i,lt:.:,',r". tlr,t ii:lr-:l'r o{: tl.r: .}crp r,tas \'t:i,:+r,'Lti tJir"' t1,;i:r.... 'iilc ricr;r ilcilld bc.{ril thr norllr s.i;ln n.li tlrs llri.lii.iny;i' ;:.t, i[rs on tJic c,'r.!st ilnii, tle l; r'rir rinor, Tit,,r lrni-rt dt:or us )t.r! cf,lrii';) :irr. r]1.. 'lir'l rllst cl'ror. 'il1.: *Tc.t;r r,:::5 pi.t11; irr thnt"s:. :1;ril f 1.::15 ju:-;t slilriiinfl ti1(ll'f .,1111. [ -,. ": 'r .':,'-i:: . r:r tl:.,.rt Si.Cr i:ir:i I -jr:l'i i'":;':,si'.^-1 fti J.trii. fritcr 1:ilti; 1,".1y, i:t::i.'fi.l:; 'lr':: "'.i:i'.5l.iil:'lrl uriJ.!:in3 .:roirnil L;ir:l: rF'ii, lru rr*l cil 'tlre oti:rer: :..!.ri.::, l:';rl i ,.:' ; iJ.i:'r;s $tari; c{}tirlg sut in t}rcr b;:ck, ril,irt.undi}rnci}tjr tir.::iib,:cl; ojr 1,;'1 .i,,.''}... ili3lr! mtrlerleath tlie irscii nf tirr-: .Tc,:ir? i,rc.ll1., itts r,iicre f ti:i.nlt it cL-r".r {:r'ni,r, I jrr:t cal:C}i a J;l.ir';:rc of ctlr:;+ it.jr.'st, tirce ic st,'ri'tc,l it jil.:-, it t-,';ts offrlyclu l;i;;,1r, ;;l;'l I s,::r'r i'i ((j;iiit']{t frr:ri tire h;:cii af :il.o r:f i}r'o,..i;rrl, it star"''Lilll I i::itr:,'l oi1, it !:llsilrL crr tiilt one si,Ji:, all I lir'.srr it... itirich sitl.e r,ras this? It rns ,J,r ti:e nnrth $i"ric ofi it, it's so;:liiiii:j:";... 'fi:* firo $tar[gd on the nor{:h sirle of th.e .Iccp hy tlre e.rrif, docr? tJir. lklts ovcr dlcrc th:lt e:LiL,l h::rrt' si:rrtcil tlis fire? tll'ly thirrg I crn thinli of r'rcirlil bc thc r.rater hctter. .Is _tlie r";rtcr hgrllcr ovr:r tilnrc? Ilf s rifilrt in tirlt cor-ncrr jn ti;crc... li;i!:t itt tl:at qorrterr 0:i... tC::irlt: tlrlt'cts ncthinri, tlic .I::.::il rnrr;lrt rlirlt;lii1q, I:otJtir:1: t;*1s 11r:r" irrr' ir', 1:hiir;, lrn l!:r.inrt stiri;r:cl atrl,;'illi:i1;. t,'r:rd jut;t co:n': in ii!i,l 1;;,1 uUlr'i' i '':l i.i r'. cJr tllilt. 0"i, n,:rv rJlir:u you blr,rr tlre .(josioti.r'le r'lith th{: pin ltoscl, t;hieh trity ":i irt-r 1-!':rt 1:ol.rrtin;i thc gas 1i:ru? 1.'c11 , uc lrJrc just 1ir$rt dr:',n tirrtlg, r,:-r .irxt.ir,-rll.r;rl it oi I the f'.i.-ri pt,i'1r, ()l(, srr r,'i:l'c )'grr trloiling thc uir into "..- -,,1 :r, , ,. mrilcr tlir: irtrorl, by t.hq rtt[jii'.:,'-:-'r',' $o he !'ns lenvinll :i.l s{:rty ia ;it'i':'" the gas tartk ttrcn? ()r i:;rrl yi'rt 'li.:; .' '.. I it fro:r thc r;rs tiurl;? r ra o BEST .",., qi COPY Paso l lo.i---.. Case Heading ill. 11 t. I 'i. ('1 l. t.'i. -q i i I'rl n't. GiI: l1' l. cit. Lit: |l t. l]:l. l' l. Gi: li'!: cit: Tn{:nrrri or,r AVAILABLE Case Numuer7f.r-jji7 J C.onrt rc lrlor.rin.q ni 0,i, so Llrc 1,1:-aL, I dontt eycn ,'':row if it st:urtcr4 it strrLcd pxst th,c cC;1e of thc Jccp .A1l I l,lrcrr -ii; lrq l,rrl tl:e hose off clurrrit.r1ly l:ncr.r through air lie rra$ blorrj:lfl rils uirrlr:nlcath tirc hoor.l artrl... Ii: t;;ts righi ncxt to the or;iric tlrcrc. (-1 .: l:i'.'J. )'ou t|r1ltt J.ncr.l if tirc oL,ir':r c::ri of tlrc girs Lirtc r'.':rs gr,1',1'1'r"ir;ii r':' llot cri;rlcctod? f dcrrrt Inor.r. ('l;:, It Sjrctrl,J I:ivc bei-rrr...f a:;sitr.; tr'rit j.t r:ls bl.O:.;ini1 into tj:: ....:.:, I 'a. Ir, $iti'c f riii'lltt s:r: i:f lrr: r'!i.,1, ii: ::i::r'rr'|,''.lrtt Iiar,'c 1-r::::rt p:tllrto1ir:,1. f,"':: : i: ' :i.irst thinl; lle tiil, I l;-lc,r.. r':,'ls t-o lt,.ri rrtli.:r tht;:e, Il,) ",::ir; l.:.'lJ j.r - ;;i ":.Jn:: r.r,'lri.le ilrld tlrJ'r hc <.lc:i,-l:'l 1:o 1irr1.1 t:h;rL otr{ r1lt4 :;c'-- if l:': r:l:'t l l '' -' sf,:'i!:liiril c..rt r.rf it, ;rnd tiic::';riir t;ri-:r11, I thirri:, rriret Jin lils ltf i',' ;;' ,'; ,1,rs to get tl:c lrat()r ini:o tlrt '[:;'.111: crlit oi thr: litte liccaltsa i i'irjllt 1l '',,,' "'^ o Lotf srrot il tlre liir:, :irirL t;lltrrr'i:lre r'.'tler rtas stayinq ai,:1 it 1'.'1.':i,11:1ti .fL::r.'r tirrotrgh, and it r;orrld ftc::i:r at:tighi in tlrnt litre.. '011, t.r'hen the fire startccl, lilrrc r.':,.s Siinl? ll: rrns cn the othcr sicle of th: Jcep, f thinl:. l,'as lre on thc uorth sidc or t.!rc srrith side. 0lI the north. Be:ausc the firc lrlrli:.iri r,-r'1 ,,'l'c e::i;i''n3-ris!r,)r iiils arrr.:rlt: l,'.' the dcor, an'l I lorciy he coi:l: arc:r.:!'.l rd[h t]uL, lrttt,... So hc tns on tt)e srne sida oi: tll.: Jccp tl;.rt thc firc $ttr-(c'l cll? oi'crrtlrcrc, l dcrr't, 111 f l"',:1.'i:: r'ircre f colrlrl ccc. Yr::'h. ,\:i1 f rJr..nrt el'cn I'Jlort rdriclr r;,rv lr: rrrs iooki.ni or nothirrg. i':.rg 1 i, 11,:. I i.lri',r'il h,: l.'es, I l.,rrol.l lie ,,.:i:.:; crt i:i:''i: ::j-tlo :;c;irai j:lrtrc, ::ril: I .rl 'rt'j: i'r'r'-' r':l:iri hc t:,rs ilci:rg, rccttse I clcitti: tirir,tl; he sli',t it :itartr lttcrttr;c I t':l i' 1 or ::cir:rtlri.nll, i:'xC tlicn, I r'lii:ir his ati:i;r'bion to it, a:r'.I It':: trrcriii 'ri'i.-:'"[ 1 'ri lrlnt, go[. tlro fi.rc c,'ctin3.tislret tlr]lt to th': <loor anr1... A,1rl Fou sai.l 1'ru ycll.d, r;'iyrt tU.rl yott yelI? I r]cntt l.nolr if I ycrllcC or: ii I',;rs jur;t tilirrl;in3 to r'13 51"'^gl1j;':r, c-"":':': lr: t'.rrn:"J arcr:n'1, i lrr,:ll, cl:u:c j.: sr'.r it -jr:st n{[cr tn,-. of, ttuil i-r ':] ,'. ' !rrct'J, c::ttse it t.:rs j:-rst sf;r.ri.iir1, ai:i:1.!; Saon ils it sta:rl:c'il , tltn 1'"'ll ietn"lr rrrs ul) i,n fli::tlsr tl'.cic l;:s l1o nistnkiug rihat t'.r!s lliliiiil clr, lt,) -r'.'rl out of ,the othlr sirl.c tlu:i'c riit.'I. I... 0ll, so tlris r,rould bc thc nortll:lc:;t coi"ltcr of thc shop rrldclt t:ts lhrtlri.:t:t. o BEST COF'Y AVAILABLE o r Paqc lJo.l.-_--- - - (;l l' Ir't. tr t, l'' r. r-'i: nl ;. | | 1,. t1r i. ._:l- I'i 1r ..;!' I'l l. c:1. l.rrt. tlrcn, thntts l,'hcr.l f ll.,rr:I.,. it si:xrte,l, th.rtrs tilicrc Lir:: .,;:,1, r 1,,..;. . Oli, f rq lettilt;"J Confusl:rlr )'r1r.rr1s ^oiiiq t() lr;''",c to (lr{it,' l.r i', 1:i,J: '-.... 'lJ-'o shrrn is rli.rrirle,:l int'o al-.r;'i tlrr,:r tliF[i'rc:lt shop-s... Ycr-h, I l.lo:'r. And tJ:rLts iiir;r Ir"t:;)i:i:i:rq coit:ri;cl, O:i. -,'.t I: ,t r -,,to'clo is <1r;i',v on orltlinc o.i '111() sirc;rs irirC th,:n bri:als it u,l lr.itt:, .,. .:, 01::ty, tiris is tho lcnq slr::t1 r.'1rrrc i:ll::y.. hJr:rc cvr-.rything is :jtorDJ.. 'il::i'crs I rloor, it r.lr.s riJ.itl 1;:r'e c;:.1 tliattstlocl, ttr"*'"ts a 1itt1c cir;or il:re. nn"l thar tlr: Yclh. .,trrl thi-s j.s tyltere the Jc,:il rfil; jriii-licri. (J;iay. ,:lld l/c f-I31'cilc Ir':.1 i'i '' i'. :' C..lltr' :iS r i; 'i' l- ,A:ril tllc water llcatcr tltc fire lrltlrant rr'as Fitc liyJrant or... f-rti:r13,risher, f r.eirn. aTl. ^..! ,rirJ|/ . is over i:[ this corncr nncl t]re.ni rrlrf 1'nr,' ^.5rrr- r^rrv.. sinl< is it'::. , - i:lri:tlri ilol* the Sccp t,,'lts tiglrt l'ele, ol1.'11',ca 1:hcn t:!i'-. Za;t,lrr:ni i5 jr1 hri'". i'1.- irrc hcre, a.cl'oss lrcrc. 'l'lt,:t-c I s art cr';:rr <l,,lr:n..-:y ltetc iut,! il r sr. l. ',tirt l:,:nch is rinltt h:.-Lc nr1 f r:r.s, r.'::11 th* ;iccir:s nctrirlty rrrt ;r ili r-l ;bttt, Slirr lrts rip.lli: lrcrc L;it;.lrj.,:l ii:: .litrc oui r.ii,l tlr,,.n r:l:iir i:: ' i: i .rrith i:lirt it di.irttC.st:itL'-i: rilllti il.';r1', ii: r;r"s a fc,r ni:rriLi-:s rrirI i , ..helc by tlre beitclr trrrl tl,t: Z.-:';'.r,rits irr ir:rc i:nd thor<l':: ir ti.lct 1, ,ii:, .,slidirrg Coor an'l thercrs thrcc aci-oss hcte. Atrd ttic .tiir.', I r.:::.; :i:: ., rilllrt al;cut lrcrc Ilcl-riccn thc',.arl: bcirch l.,l:ri tllr .ic,-:ir. Tctrlr, n-trrl I jusl n()tici:j.t I jrr:t, c:;rrll',t il .qli-l:::(lf tl'11;, i'. 1.'". r'l it c,:'.r::::ighL. acros,s bc.llirl .it, i'i.g:hi u.itl:or ri5ht 1r-nql,;1 llii.: l;,::r-' r.,r r; iicell or I thirrk it rns ni)l'c ii-r:;ii:iLr::ost at thc lncl; oi: f.l;: J:,.ir 1.,..r' tlrr; ci;ror, betr';ccrr thc b;rclt oi: tlli) .icr-.p en,l tho doof, n! i:irt lxrcli iirrr.'.'' tllrrc. 0l;rry. Atil thrrtrs alt, thc first I:ri1r of it:.ras ri}cn it hit ri,lhL tlr:.'.-r I li(lonrt hloi,r i[ it stnrtcJ riq!,t tl',:,rc or jf it cc,r:e aero::t] rr1r'r'r; l"r:'tlris uliolc cornor st:lt't..:d tt:t:lri.! t:o I, rstllar tl::r1t !:o t:r'i'riyrl r.11 11..', ,..tlris il,rtrr riShL licrc I til,:r.r".lrt Itrl h:l.tcr i:inlnr::l'1:il(l ltc.;c :rnC i c' : I h,-'rc r,rcl ihclcts iltrolller rloor rirlrl lrcr'; L'nt itts locl r:.'! l'ro;r t'!. . i : ; lt tlr-rrtltl-c tloor lilir'. r'\ t.:1 ': il t t:t l: CII: o BEST COPY Pn^n t.l r! , casn t-teadins----Irr.fcruicu- IVAILABIE case Numbor-J-t,.')'-lJi ---.--_--.--- Gii:Si,r I co:,r'.r ilt"nli:-d tltrill,;it hl)in ;.tn;t l{t:)rt fi.Tolr)(i lu:r:c c:ttr5f, it!':i'r"crq qr"-1 r:;' fi.rc exIi:llirislrcrrffr-!. $,]i:i-l i.ll:ri:1;i!.s l;:li)i'iti.'! 31jr;l:t t1-rr:rri: rtl l. 1;r'i' i i.!,; ;';,"..1 g!iii,li.1 O',jcl' to "tiiS rico',;: !rl'.'..; ll:'i..1 iL ;;;i:i (.lJiiit, ci:ltisc Iri! r:;::,. ..i ;.. i)i.i,,,", l,l:.;.i ii: {jpi,r frun tli,:r i-;rs.i<"I;:, li:',.i !1,'.': i:j.1 :;Lidj-irli (i.-ri);: l.:i)'t: r .. ji,:l llrr riil!it I;,tric, b;' tlr+ +.;y1:.':: I y,l:;l 11:1pirryJ, t!tc::cn ire rl:i.,1 "'i'r'.1: i' : ,'..: ::''.. a.ir'iii;}ir:,-lli:'r1i"",:tt.:q:ttt.llr{,ttnir';Jli,:ii,'t'iri'' Ci'rlf i;ti.'.'r l.rtrc, ]-nt ! ];i:l'.t". tliii; i?, itts $0l"L of. n jll1i.li:ii;ii1r"! rillrtr;l';rr: *:ll1 tllrt";j,ft ltt:,ft, so I fl;'i:'.t ai"'r'"::i'1 irci':.r ;utC 1!?i1t clut tlrj-:; i,:ii'. is tiit: l,torli h?t].c11? Clt.:y, ::r 1".:u starti,l '? . ') ,| r-r,tr n,1t,!....--rr :.!,' l,-1 r,r ,\,t-r. i,r,L ti!i- ii'.1. l:tr - i,: ;' I" i. lil i: {:t1. i" t. llt t. iio, tirr:ri: t s .:-llrr,; r'i.;'lii' ilrr:ri srr tJris TJri:; is t!r.c je,;p, thi.s is'.':'lrfrc i:lr.:1'.?'t1:{"ir'lir{tt(:r i:!. "l'l:i: r,r:rtrrr h,:..:ll:cr :ls ri.ght b;:c.h, ri3i;L i:r thl corr'l..:r. i';t':l- i: i:iitri' i.l:'- i'.tl t1:,.11; fn{ across 'i}13rc, trtll}jtr,i l{i {iu';t. frcn t.lie jeitp tu i:j:': t';,:-1 !', i',i::lt is tir#s riUlrt !:crc. l'i:.e sirilr. {)ii;r.i', n:r{1 this is rsircrs ti:+ nffi.cc is. )'r':lrh, f tlr*ss thcr*$s jrr:;t .Tn* fii.fitrit tl:crri:'tli,t;*ts lrntrriroc:* tli""'r':" (.\l:ri;', *:C the Z;:rrboni urs ti{l'.i: iri.'rc. il:, ta il-ui F.:rrlicil and fill,c:l nl.'ilr:L ilre tri:oLc thiirg hert:. flllry so L'.he Z*:l,.oni !.?Ls iir thj.s rel.n. Y;:;fr. 01,rt1', $o )'ou sliw thc firc bc5;ir: rj.g;iLt irrrre. i'c:rh, r'i.glrt r.ct:oss the br^1.l1. I ,lo;rtt i:rat"'*irere it cc;r:c frcil ol" O1::11,, sr.t )'oir'.;cnt for this .tirc r:;ltiirr-:li.sl'itr tl:ir'l !r:l&t hjrl'l-''111'l:1. l':cl1 I t;',::t Slirr thcrc ilttJ l-y tlt:lt. t:i'1",: tl:,.r:;fi'olio tli:!s gl,r1i11'r r:'tl: ol f.i: ' :io lr:d tlL:rt '"x.r 'l;titil tlt:"tt. tltr:L.r '.r;l:; ::ltt..'titlX t.'c cr:ltltl rl':. T r:;:l,i,i'1 'l I l i::i-l hc, i:i.r::l;t tiiinqr c;tile I clirl:;trt','i:t:l i't'e ltl it tJlt"'llti (iitr li'.'r -[ ] r t'!. f'!1. ti,:. 1 ti;tr it r'lirlnti 1i.,.:ttcr i.-f I 1()1 ri:1 fjr-.r ^-;ii11.1ris:l:r:r ()r tin!i i .: ' !':l:ol.e T'.'r.--:': i.i: tl:::rc'1.:tit ii'"ll'itiiil ltl'.ll I cctrltlxtt .fl ilt thlrre::r!i-'i':irJ'::r; i - this rl,rur of,in, tile big ri,;cr iul'.l tllc first thing I tiri:r:litt l'r:s to i:r;' t"r flct t:lat thing out. Ulr lr'.rh. llo I s't i<l it oi;cn a:ttl al:-'.lrrt tlrrt tir:::, I jrrst l:rlt"r f corlJll'lrt 1o i;r '' '' : '" ' t'r -,..i.--- --- r -....-.-1,-. !.^- "',.,.,t ...-..*i,,- r.r r1' ; -, r i oBEST COPY ltlltre tlllre flll;rici fur tlris Tcci:r;rlicn fi;r.r oilrnc'l tiri.s tlcirri' iir"i" i t-li,ci:rrtt evc:il ntrtice {'or sui*, th.; :i:rr;i:,-r 1'l:.1:! toc} thic'!:. l't:!;', lY, i:iii tl.:t.l j;r:;i -sl'.r::.tl)'rililiL ljlir;1.::;lir:n I i:r)t g:t ar l'.i'lf l:.: l..ltllc r:i:lrjl r;,'r: l:l;;:l;jlirt r.i::lit :in 'l.lris :"cr',;:i t..;1.illJ 1-i,.:;trg til;i;fc li.[i.tit r,;;il; illr..l 1, .,..tts, irr] t ll$ {iil ;i:i..:" rCi..il I t:i;g:.,lti !ii,: r.'.i:,-',1: . r.)f,,r', i l,l' ..... ,. ,.--1---. ---- Caso l.lumbor--- -- -.-. t!::.- i ,.': i .---- (;, i: I i'. 'l' ' r. t: !. t'1.1 . lrr:' ('1. 1 '-' 1.,:1'1. irc 1.ir';:i f c|,":nd'il tlie r;i;:li: lJi,-r:t lr* cel;tl f , I!::t irllt tryinf, to n::tcir h-i:; si:rrr'. I;ri t.rrs ii;:rl. thrrt hc cil:rf; oilt ir;1,1 t:,;r.l a.f:lt.!-'r' llj-,! )nu tly to call thc firc c'!r:1:lri:li?:lt? i c':L:'i .irrrt grt tot*hn phglre. 1,i;rl:t 1,,;1:'i thc pl'itr;*? 'llr15 $1.i"1 s,:ollir'!g at thc tir:rrli' I rlnrrrt knorr', ;rr;J J r::ll :.',,1 r,- r t. , i. 5{) ir'1.! } i-l'i- '"i ," I plr,-.;;5 f 1i1.,;1 i t1 t '. , 'i : ilor:n li,; rrns 'i:r'i'i:r;1 t:* nrt s1:nrl.e{l so t})i;'t ri.liirt :,' i. 1 c;.t nrrrlT] .r-,** j;i:;r ri.gi;i t:ir..:i"c. . i:.r:;l; tel li.::Ii i'rj,'.r rJ1:,ii:r), i - '{ ':; 'iJri:.irtth.crr: rirr"'i " . . lii;i: pll.::;r is:ri1rt:t n,)(t ts t.ll':1 ,;,:,:)r, ii-ts ri.r:lit on tlrr.l',r'r11, r.i 11,1 t.;:.11 Li' l;h;il ilacr. 'i'hen 51ilir ca, i.-' tllr.'ilitl:iri:tiu:t lrii)' !)rrl. f !::::;f: :ii:,1:. 1.:lr1 i:lfcs5 tirr,. Strcr}i to i:cl 1:i1'r i'-'6'1i1'' o'Jef ti)fri: t(r c11l., Lrl t-:ll::.i h;:..L';tr l:it,.L Slil lrr: ci-,':r;| fl'.1t lri-'ri r'.:l.icl sc,".)i:!i:,t: lljxrlll f:,,ll"tj,' tiiLl, f .i :i: t I !;'ts t.l t'r:liiiy' ;'?tfO:t.S c:":'f {:i:l:::-- ir-:,-l i:j'.i"(: . fr::,ir,' citl.l.t,f f.tr ijj'., r:i:rt tl,'l)rrt{ C:rIi.r:d n:rrl t-irtit i. r,'tlt ir..tcli rryr:: it:""ri t.rt fi'li]rtirrl l,':'v,1liit, ! rtlr tTrtrl: ru;:.l irj.s tntclt snrl tlrn oilllr co:i:;r:ri::r fc,:;l o'rf al;l t:i,r,ll.. l-)l::ir'sc t.his.Ic:cp sti])'it.i-l r'r!:rrc il1lrs, tlri.s rnsgrt {:l;e, itrs t'l'1,::i'.: 'I.,:r-r:1.s 1.:lr,- -rcr;11 pi.cllir;r ;urJ ti::; rii.':llr r)rlr *; n Jcrpstcf, if rs (r::tir;i.- il i l'.itli; el:1ri:,r ori] 'r,;ils a:r olil yli.q.l:11,'. lir::r t;t',lclr tir:r,: r;as it, hcl.rtr.:in thr ti::'.e t..liirt i'{l'.I ntirr:terl nui t;r;s :1 'l;: - ;: ;;:'. 11';:; ;1 11i.. stirirs to tll.t 'Llti: tii:tL lr,ll.1 1ri:r$ pi:g it ti;:'l.i; '1.-.:ryn Lr..,r,' l;r ',:'i t'i:':r.r'.':.:sitlrr,.t'r.::nnttllntil;:,-..ti::l|vr.ritqrrLinh.:reant1'trit..ltcr1,:.-.'l:l' i r.r;'i'11''1i eul ilnl )'or1 fiavo r4r al:1 rvlrrn o!Rr. Ii. tl:lsitlt vt:ly lcrrr{i. lhr, 1t:,r ],li::.' in th'.rt'l ?-::rl I tlid, I 1:i1i:':lr.t;, :'r'i.:)r,rl!,.l fctr a hose rlr:irri:r-..iirirr'i :r,:r I r.nl il'tcllttl i.rr l:rre , f l: ,',r'l::. !r:t.ir'ft rrt.tL's:i Ii:ttl antl l,r('nt to !'ili":; tlotrl:nil (lir:n I r';c:;tt out L:iL b)iI ilr;t ll:'ul ovcr tl..-ric 11 g91,-'i-'i,lrt 1111:; lri.r1 lt or 4 ot:5 nirltir:;, it tr;ciil::,rl to 1ag nr11*y;4r. Irtl r;'.y it r'.lrs rrithirrg5 rrrir;rrtes, J iitirrrl: c,;)ii.l{ lrii's bccrt that 0nrtg, irrr:lirrbly 3 irin',,rlos of soo i AVAILABLE ,; BEsr *''!- O i 99tY , Case""r',nn CaseNumber_J;: = ; Cil: f rlorrftsltoke. lii: Yr;n <i'.rtttt stl'.rl<e. l'rbs thcre any oth:r,lnsoLine or nrryt1rinr,,,,.,rnr !...r.r, Clj..i: 'lltc or,riy tlirrg I cm thi:ll::;,culLrl l,rrr,,.:: r'r:olr t]r.:rc ;rt .-.J.1 r.r,:llil. It: :, -,i.jl,:.i,:cirtt of clc-':trlirrT soltrctrt thrt i.'c n1r''ai's rrsc,l to tLt'c n;'.1r;tr;j-iry'r::, .,'. .:.,, L]:c .si-:-:r tliairr is r.iglrt i:r hcrc. t'. :. rr:..^,. . ..rJ (rr. . Cil: .A:il trc rtslally-ltavc, carrse th:rtts r.;!r.Tr r:t cleerr tho lilr-1',.,rl y;;.1ei.r,-.; ..; ,jir;t.. cJ.c:ini.tlr'-'.rir there a:11 r:errli thr,.rr-oi:f. -s; i;r'ri"a,'iii.ir;i ' . ..' ..i.,,,.tiiiit1,. rirores no, th?rers noliir'irg cts:-i-ian tlr1.'rhoi'cv.,ri'tii,ril" i:r,:rl''r,,,lul.ri binn. i..:i: Oliay. Gii: 51 jn I'ilonrt lqrcrt if ho ucs s"'.rl:i:rg brrt r lrr.r.1r ho, Itn jrr:;t ;rtr .,ii: l-,j..; j.!.,...,'fic t+is ]rp ll-rlc farthcr cau:;c I l;,1o; h- rls iua:;nrt'tr;, it"L.,i,i,,i.slr i :ii,, iibcforL'he did. crusc rre lrns up tcrrnr,rs the iront of th:. ic:,p. l"* l: . Anything clsc? fil: I canrt i$r'-..gk of anything Il i, Letrs cnd tlris i;rtcrvicw a:t 0gS? hours. : o 4/ ..ZZ/.? :f o la) ny'tcrt 'y ,a;ra;zz/ .7-7qz-//.*'-,/ ./ a/o--/ ?'"'!ulll -//-7""/ :,/zzz,>r. 4zr1 .4 4ZW; t)Z,zz-r. 4z:1 .fr 4 4-,*, ?4t ;.t/.tt ./z7Z -aZF .4 ;'rt*n{:'.-. e4{t:a:.a, -Z?=-a ,,--/ * -.422//'t/+1 /-.4:,-2 ;,/...'i/" '2;/ lW /, 2 -**i+ ;-*" *)uii o 2,,! (.r--. #< /2.2.+)z- *;.- 4 f'Y Zf- /.'<v:J 4-4tl7:o,7"-4, fu#4:*r' #',i'7 i:4"ZAA;./4 # dryA 44?{ry.,v /n-21=,'-.y' ;4" ))*-r-4 *zOZ-)o-, *4 ;mfZ<-O*,7' ,72/- /+i'-t,''g fu =J.a+t'.4,*"- V 'lr/ ZV )H i7.?-./2y'/ -*-j-y'-Z 4,-5-.t/ .7p2i / 4.H 6 r*.=.* '/ *--o 4 z4 '7/.-.*7,"'-/i|'-=re --/ ' .^r,l ), / ,/ ..../ ,/ -/ .-../ ,/' - - t -4/ .z:;t,)z ):,"-)P.n -% =--2/.o, r',A zr--fi'n' z 5A, Al .7.7' ;/ -# 2.1 / o6*1 2,=.4--. -)' ).-n',4' /"{)f uE-E/ o-, zt-{ .z/ 4;r'2,{ Z" n'ltrf/./a 4iili,41 Er-v*.{.,/,o 4 *#2,/.**' 1/<2.r' )b/o,-,/ L/# Z;u$. >a/:--/v)<:ry' E{.-,q,/ ;zZ%. /d44. -zf ;r--.27Z.za,--..{i# =r. ZA u-L .'+4/ a4dt.f i-{/.ra Eztzai'no.1 {io.k hk"t B' ill ^J,. , d,"+,;,I Ouo. i-ele: plwn e- c-!ea. c-1 .r I r, ICabmcf uDt (11 ft-Ot'tStu /ss4'l4 * otL, Cil*(-'.X rJ i:..;. | .,J6x.:rpt5 t{n€-i- 9H!Ei;:gT;-*3'3 < :- 9 z F:( F F <|, lisel;l 2" rZ =<ozo=zzA)eB:sA()<o<oaz;>i3tin;6i;5<o 4 !E:lsQ> -4<o*tam=<tr < }|,r z -OiH:* Eo o u,l u,, C)zf ul 2g ut oJtt utE FoJ J FoF I! at E oJ IL J FoF o zul =uro ul ! .E=r=H o z -o Jf o u-G' -,-e i I Tt 5 ! o3 It z 9 Eo t! - Gt Iet@- 2*N =ozcl 9-o t zo Fcqn6l.- Gt4|J =>:z:< o. c)>c) - ..i -\ 4t*&f tt'/ Town of Vail FII,F:CITIICAL PMMIT JobName.......ft.o.*2.0u....../.-e.z.rnn*....-{.'-r..s.. Date of Apptication.-.. .-.. .lO .t-.8-...-......--.-.--.-...-..----tg-..7-L-----------. Electrical contractor..... .-..-....d.U....-..€.++.a*-r.g.^..-.fu-e'...-.. O APPROVALTI N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 324 $-.-..............-.......... a.....4..7. 5-.: Q....... d0.& Date Paid--..... Received By cbtd Eufldlrt Oftlctal THIS FORTI 13 TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOIJRS ADVAI\ICE NOIICE REQI,IRED FOR INSPECIIONS Slttrltlr! r8r a. f, ticratrt r!,, !rrvrt r10a!rt \ o DIISICN NNVI]i\Y ROARD DATN OF TIIlIIBDRS MIj[TING I PRESENl': SUBJECT: SECOMED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: D]SAPPROVUD: SUNTIARY: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD,: rrlorroN ,, 4J" VOTE: FOR: Aplrliclrnt o o @-..t.=. A STUDY FOR A BUS STORAGE CONSTRUCTION OF 1'IAI NTENANCE FAC ILITY THE AND This study sha'll cover most aspects that require decisions at this time or in the very near future as related to the construction of a bus storage and maintenance facility for the Town c,f Vail. This facility is schedu'led to be in operat'ion ppior to November' 1975. This report does not indulge deeply into program development but rather presents questions related to the actual construction. The program presented in a Memorandum from A'l lan Gerstenberger, dated February''2' 1975, is the basis of this proposal, and a copy of that memo is included herein. This proposal inc'l udes information of site acquisition' annexation versus county zoning' design and drawing alternatives' construction a'l ternatives, phasing, building types, and s'ite p'lan schematics, as well as other data that is available at this time' ? srTE ACQUTSITToN The site under consideration is a tract of land consisting of 1.236 acres located west of the Town of Vail boundaires, iust north of the Town of Vail Shop, and just west of the Vail Associates llountain Yard. The site is bounded on the east by a portion of the Red sandstone Road right of way wh'ich no road has been built. This right-of-way may be avai'lable if Eag'le county should vacate the right-, of-way. If the Town of vail could acquire this pr:operty it wou'ld add 50 feet to the east boundary or alout % acre. The site is currently held by Ho'ly Cross E'lectric Company and is serving as a storage yard for e]ectric vaults and transformers. i feel it shou'ld be noted here as well as in the following discussion of annexation that if the Town of vail should desire to annex the property prior to construction,the property must be in the Town,s possession by March 30, 1975. If the land is unavailable by the time, the owner of the property must file for annexation by March 30, 1975. The time schedu'le set forth later in this study wil'l justify this time parameter. The site seems ideal for the purposes proposed by our program. Its location is consistent with similar use hreas, it has a large stand of evergreen trees afforing an excel'lent screen to the west. The relatively h'igh elevation of the property to the south Frontage Road o will require sensltive work with site access but could afford exce'l'lent screening for the building. The site is bounded on the west by Red sandstond creek and every caution must be exercised to prevent run-off. from the apparently large paved areas from contaminiating the creek. ! 1 ANNEXATION VS. COUNTY ZONING This portion of the study contains important inforrnation relating our project to'r and use raws of the Town of vair and Eagre County. This land is zoned C/L (Commercial Limited) by Eagle County. The intended use of this site wourd conform with section 3.05.0a (a) 1' 2' The use is a speciar use in this zonfng district and would re- quire the issuance of a speciar use permit and subsequent hea.rings and notices- Mike Brair suggested that this project courd be processed through county Zoning in g0 days with a maximum t.ime span of 120 days. He also suggested that hearing and zoning fees may be reduced or eriminated. If the Town should elect to annex the property, the following schedu.le, derived from Colorado Revised Statutes,.must be fol.lowed: i'r' The Town must fire a petition requesting annexation with the Town clerk as we't as four copies of the annexation plat (March 31, r975) ?. The C'lerk sha.ll submit the petition and maps to the Town councir at a regurarly schedured meeting to determine if the petition is in comp'liance with all laws and statutes.(April l, .|975) 3' If the councir determines the petition to be in order, it shall produce a resorution initiating the annexation procedure.(Arpi.r r,.r975) 4. The Town Council shall set a date for a public hearing to determine compliance with cRs 3r-g-r04 and 3r-g-r05. The hearing shall not be ress than 30 days nor more than 60 days from the date of the resolution initiating annexat.ion procedures. (hearing _ June 3, 1975) 5. The Town Clerk shall give Public Notice by publication once a week for four successive weeks, (April 4, ll, 18, 25), however the hearing sha'll not be less that 30 days from the date of the first pub'lication (hearing - June 3). 6. The Council may introduce an ordjnance providing for annexation at the pub'lic hearing (June 3). Publication of the ordinance shall be done immediately (June 6). 7. A second reading shall be held at the next regularly scheduled Town Council meeting.(June 7) 8. Publication shall be required again but could be by reference. (June 20) 9. Annexatjon shal'l be final five (5) days after final publication. (June 25) The Zoning procedure is outlined in Section 3l-B-ll5 CRS. This procedure could,to some extent, paralle'l Annexation Procedures. l. Zoning proceedingsmay begin inrnediately after the Council passes a resolution to initiate annexation proceedings. 2. Zoning must be heard and approved by both Planning Corrnission and the Town Council. 3. First reading for zoning could be the same as the second reading of the annexation ordjnance. (June 17) 4. A] 'l hearings and ordinances must have appropriate publishings 5. Zoning could be fina'l five (5) dyas after publication following second reading. (June 9) N0TE:A]ldatesenc]osedinparenthesis()sha.|lindicatethelatest acceptable dates for the activity to be done' If we shou'ld miss the starting date jt would cause a min'imum of a two (2) week delay of construction start date. should the Town elect to use the annexation procedure rather than County Zon'ing, a new"Public Zone" district must be created' This zone would also be used on other property he]d bytheTown of Vail such as Antholz, Site 24, and so forth' In general' the zoning would be not highly structured as far as use but other restrjctions wouldbeidenticaltosimilarusesinotherdistricts.Inthecaseof the Bus Storage and l'laintenance Faci'l'ity' we need the creation of the "Public Zone" to meet our time parameters' The current Heavy Service (H.S.) District, if applied to this site' wou'ld requireaconditionalusepermitextendingthgconstructionstartdate iinto August or later- DESIGN AI{D DRAI.IING ALTERNATIVES There are several alternatives available to us at th'is time for acquiring design and drawing services' The option exists to retain a conventional architecutral fjrm to design and produce necessary worl:ing drawings. The irnplication of this choice would be: a. Least impact on l'olvn of Vai 'l staff time and services b. Long-time*i; p;il;;; the above work,(about 6-8 months with all the specialized inputs we deslre,1 c. A total fee of 6% could be eipected (about $'18'000) The Deaprtment of Commun'ity Development cou'ld design and produce drawings for the proposed building t,tith help from Kent Rose' the majority of engineering could be completed in-house' The nature of the proposed construction providcs that najor engineering would be done by the Twin Tee manufacturer. This general approach would be more efficient in time and finances because all decisions wou'ld be made here and consequent'ly the design work would respond to those decisions more rapidly' l,|e have worked w'ith some of the consultants we prefer on this iob, and of course we know the best procedures for construction in this area. One drawback exists' in that a maior impact for this work would be p1 aced upon the Department of Conrnunity DeveloPment staff. I 0ther options include purchase of a premanufactured building in wh'ich most design, eng'i neering, and drawings would be done by the build'ing manufacturer. Also there are options of partial services betweentheDepartmentofCorrrmunityDevelopmentstaffandprivate archjtectural firrns. 0n a iob of this nature' architectural services andfeeswouldbedividedwithapproxjmate.lyone-thirdoftheservices inpreliminiarydesignstageandtwo-thirdsinwork.ingdrawings.and spec.ifications. using this method of coordination betleen the two serv'ices as well as with other consultants, the construction would be more cumbersome than if one of the other aboved mentioned methods were used. PHASING AND HOl,l IT AFFECTS THIS PROJECT Phasing' as we a'l I know, is a logical response to growth and timing inputs. Obviously whatever building type we choose' itmustresponi!tofutu,^eexpansion'Inreivewoftheamendedprogram prepared by A1 lan Gerstenberger on February '12 ' 1975' certain expansion data is presented. lt seems that a'lthough by'1 983'.|2 buses will be added to the fleet, most other space requirements do not increase proportionally- This leads 'to the consideration of the economics aswel]astheflexibilityand]ayoutlogicofthebujldj.ng'aswe.|l asconsiderationofthecertajnareasbeyondourcurrentneedsnow. Forinstance in reference to page 4 of the attached and above mentioned memo, would it not be w.ise to build 5 offices now, (the cost for the fifth wi'l I be double later), make the parts storage 1000 square feet' (sothatlaterwewon.thave2partstorageareasthatmaybeseparate), andbui]dfourmaintenancestallsratherthanthreen(sothattheyall wi1l relate to tool and part storage)? In other words wou'ld it be far cheaper' more logical and functional to add only bus storage area to the ProPosed building? WAI.L I--\ l-*-,'4^ov/r-u F.r^N=i^ri I I ---nl WflwI lapa|. -\ 4 - ?N<ro. \- I ,tl l-j hr-#Me,-l \) I _,_J o Phasing may occur at lower levels of the building program as uell.Forinstance,shouldfinancingortimeconstraintsprevent conpletion of the entire facilityiseveral phasing options ari available. l. A building for bus storage only could be built with the malntenance facility constructed later; 2. The entire shell could be erected without interior finish' heat, mechanjcal , and maintenance equipment' with these items being completed throughout the winter and spring seasons' It is my opinion at this tinre, that if the beginning stated in thetimeschedu.leoutlinecanbemet,theentirefacilitycanbeop- erational on schedule. BUILDNG TYPE - CUSTOM VS. PREMANUFACTURED The decision as to a bui'ldng "type" must be made in the very near future. Premanufactured bu'i ldings offer a system by which a structure can be erected quick'ly and serve a multitude of purposes' In some cases however this apparent f'lexibifity causes inefficiency ofspaceutilizationbecauseprogramrequirementsdonotcoincidewith available modules or sizes. Premanufactured buildings characteristically lackimaginativedesignandqualityinmaterial'a]thoughthereare exceptions to this rule. A custom build'ing will prove more responsive to a particu'lar program. Design flexib'ility is virtually unlimited' and specialized input (such as solar heating) can be morecreativelyapplied' Building quality is variable and proport'ionate to price' In the matter of building quality, the Town of Vail has a record of high standards -- thisbuilding, for both moral and po1 itical reasons' should comply wjththesestandardsandthoseofsimi.|arbui]dingsasoutlinedin the Zoning 0rdinance. As in most decisions a delicate balance must be achieved' Supposing,forinstance'apremanufacturedbui.ldingcouldbeerected for 20% less than a custom building of similar quality, it cou'ld afford tobe20%jnefficientinspaceandbeofequalva]ue.Theotherfactors thatmayinfluencethebui.|ding,'type.'decision,howevermaybemore important than cost cons'iderat'ions. CONSTRUCTION ALTERNATIVES There are several construction methods we should consider in the solut'ion to our construction needs' First' let us cons'ider the option of a pre-manufctured building' The manufacturer could supply a fixed price for the building and would assume complete responsibi'lity for construction' Paving and the like wou'ld be extra andtheincorporationofso.|orheatingwouldbedifficult.Time estimates range about 3-4 months for construction' If we select a custom building, several alternatives are availab1eforthemethodofconstruction'Thet'imeparamenters'if weexpectthebuildingforSkiSeasonTs-76'diminishthetraditional bid system, 'in that more complete working drawings and bjd pricing by the contractor would add 6-8 weeks to the process before constructjon could begin, If we use the "building authority" method of financing' our program gains the f1exibility of not requiring a fixed price' there- forepermittingustoeliminatethetraditiona]buildingbidprocess. Two optional methods ofbuildingwill be presented belovt, Negotiated Contracts and Construction Management' either of which would work wel I wi th our requ'i rements. The Town of Vail has in the recent past had successful results with the Negotiated Contract (N'C')' This method provides for an upset (top) price with a shared savings program if the total expensesarebe]owthebudgetfigure.Itwou]dremovefromtheDepartment of comnunity Development staff most of the supervisory responsib'il'ity' Ithasaratherdefinitivecomplet.iondatebut]ackssome.flexibility jn the early stages (such as ordering long lead time equipment' hoist for instance). Contractutal profits can be either percentage or fixed fees. The Constructjon Management method has the above advantages as well as others on a proiect of this size and without other par- ticular requirements. The Construction l'lanager (CM) would be a temporary member of the Department of Community Deve'lopment staff who would act as our contractor in this construction project' He would be responsible for so]jcjting sub-b.ids, organizing labor and equipment, ordering and securing materjals' He would also be responsible for financial control and organizing payments to all labor and material suppliers, Reta'injng a C'M' rvould permit ear'ly ordering of 'l ong delivery time materia'l s and equipment as wel'l as the possibility of providing the qu'i ckest method of construction' The proiect could be started earlier because certain materials could be ordered before construction drawings are comp'lete' Further- more, with CM superv'i sion working draw'i ngs could be less detailed thereforeeasingtheworkloadontheDepartmentofCommunityDevelop- mentstaffintheareaofdraftingandspecificationwriting.The CMcouldreceiveapercentagefee,afixedfee'oramonthlyreta'iner' butinthisconstructionmethodtherejsnoprofitpercentagepaidto a Contractor. At this time, I would recommend the CM option for this construction app'lication. The fo1 lowing Time Schedule is based upon this option and for simplicity's sake, this viill be the only option outlined' PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION/DRAWING SCHEDULE Site Ana'lYsis ComP'lete Basic MaPs ComP'lete Program ComPletion Beqin Prel imjnary Des'ign Be6in intervierving for Construction l'lanager Oilei equipment (hoists, etc), se'lect equipnent Begin Environmental AnalYsis -Inlerview Environmental Consultant Interview and select So'l or Consultant Complete Preliminary Design, get Design Review Board approval Begin working drawi ngs/research Select Construction l4anager Beqin Soils tests Be6in contractor interviews Segin inul"onmental Impact Study jf deemed necessary MAY l, 1975 Se]ect Contractoriotiiit bjds for tees and concrete engineering Solor Consu'l tant's work complete Order So'lar EquiPment grder Bu'ilding Equiprient (nrechanica'l systems' overhead doors' etc' ) Impact Studies comPlete MAY 15 197s Select tee bid JUNE 15, 1975 JULY I 1975 Pour footings ,l and beSjirn tee construction (a11ow 3t2 months for deliverJ) Comnlete Working Draw'ings Finlr-suiraing [ode Cheik -- issue building permit Begin excavation and earthlork JULY 9 1975 Begin Construction OTHER DATA Building should be des'igned for area temDerature separations' if the decision is made ih; ;ppit solar treating. 0bviou'lsy the heating use requirements are ideal'io-r. solar applications wj th a large i."tiii-"i-minimarly inhabited space.--Area for the solar loii.iio"t shoutd bA b;|il;;-tOZ'ana 50% of the floor area served' s"ii"-iighti"g-titj light'ing) should also be'investigated' 2.Thedrivethroughplanforthebusstorage-.isideal..The-optionis avai'l able tor pioviding overhead doors for one or two "bays" of buses. In ejt'her casel the doors should be insu'lated and care- iuttV aetaifeO ai iif-eag6s ior minimum loss of heat through in- fi I trati on . 3. A module should be developed for the buildng system if concrete tees are to ne uiea-ioi cbnstruction, It seems t.hat a.3'6" module would be ideal for the storage area prov'idj ng a bay module of i+ feet; a + tooi module wou'ld piovide a 16 foot bay module. 4. A brief list of obvious consultants: a. Solar - Dr. Lof, Denver' Colorado b. Env'i ronmentalc. LandscaPe - RHB&A d. Soil Eng'ineere. Construction Manager l.'' ..in_ 4.1 I I I lq N.E COR, SEC. 12 T.5S.. R.8'i YV.. 6tn Fl SCALE n,(on ltd iolo l:- l(n loc.z tdzp Lr,oz o $ 1': 40' R\o\'\I - of ^ o.$'- uN /'//-<it%) ;M o E, t- ?o PIN SET 'r;e tw fl rl 8l olq 4. I o ? { ( II o!J 0c {."t' i ffi* ',frg 66'ol rb ,:,'' Hv'{ gppgr 6{ IKV ffiY t, t,trr,ul;f e. ibllrrlin, errNc A R!cilTP-lE?.-L1119-sYlY:Y:1^rI.::l"-:tl:u..9: :::3:tt;6 #;;;"liciorii-" rlir,r A suRVEy As sHor.iN oN rilrs pLAr l'iAs llF.DE BY ME A:iD u,':n:nf l{y SUpEF.VfsiO:i AiiD ?iL\T BOTI{ THE SURVZY i,'\D PLhT ARE CORRECT tO THE BSST Or i'!-/i K}IO;.LEDGtr AND B;LIEF. I FUR,TFIER CERTIFY TTI},T THE SA}{DSTONE DITCI-I, NOR A\"Y O'Tiiii; TRRIGATION DITCH, CAa\AL, OR OTHER iiATER COURSE KNoft1:llli{\el_i-:1s, EIiTERS O.R' cRossEs rHE pRopERTy ExcEpr RED sANDsroNE cREEti l(rj;';:(;o;\.iHis PLAT. ocroBER 29, I|TO prS,*x oue tf \ .*r t L+ lo F a'\/ /\ i c\- \i ivi -t, r .J .*+Y /4 o A${gA SCHEMATIE}lffW -_=_--fl-LAN. N.r:€. TO: FR0r'l: RE: DATE: I'lEr"l0 STAN BERIISTEI N KENT ROSE BOB TIAI{ZANARIS ALLEN GERSTEIiBERGER BUS BARiI- PRoPoStD AREA REQUIREI'iENTS BASED 0N FUTURE TRANSIT NEEDS FEBRUARY 12,L975 This is a first pass at estimat'ing the future transit needs of Vail and the Gore and Eagle Valleys. The estjmates are then used to propose area requireilients for a bus ma'i ntenance/ storage facility. There are many assumptions contained in this draft, some based on inforntatjon, others which are educated guesses. It is itnportant to question all of the assumptions' discuss them, and then agree on some figures that everyone has confidence in. Popu.'l_ation: Population projections ref'l ect the maximum capacity oT-The area, rather than only permanent population. 1'he pro- jections are taken from the Ken R. tlhite "l'later Systems Study" (Ju'ly 1e74) 1974 Population Service by Tovln Core Bighorn/East Va'i1 Lions Ridge 1974 Popu'lation Not Serviced lilest Vai I - 1983 Projected Population Tonn Core Bighorn/East Vail Lions Ridge West Vail TOTAL Bus System: 9800 2000 1600 l3-,4T0- by Bus System: 2,200 13,1oo 4,900 3,600 4600 5r000 26,600 Page 2 Gore Va'l Iey Bus Senrice 1974-75 Town of \tajl Bus Systern: 10 buses available 8 shuttle buses 2 Bighorn/Sandstone buses Ratio of potent.ial passengers to buses: 13,400 | 10= 1,340 1983 Proiected F'l eet Size Requirements: 26,600 pop.; 1,340= aPProx. 20 buses o the fieet of buses to must double the Present Therefore, it is service the Gore fl eet. Reqjonal Transit est'imated that Valley in 1983 l'feeds: The region 'is fron Vai'l to Eagle (airport) to Redcliff. A major consideration w'i ll be the development of Beaver Creek; since its schedule is'in doubt' tt'ro estimates are made, one including and excluding the proposed deve'l opment. Regjonal needs- excluding Beaver Creek: 1975- Redcl iffll'linturn/l'lest Va jl /Vail 1976- Avon run added 1977- Eagle airport run added 1977 Requirements Assume system to expand 40% bY 1983 1983 Requirements Regional need!- inc'l uding Beaver Creek: *Beaver Creek start up- September 1978 *1983 projected oil'l ol't count- 6'640 *Assume less deprand for intra-city travel than city travel; therefore assune ratio of one bus p'i1 1 or.rs .*1983 B.C./Vail Bus requirements 6'640i2'900= *Surroundi ng devei opnents 1983 est. pi 1 l or'r count= 8 ' 000 *1983 Avon Bus requirements 8,000i2'900= 3 buses1.^1,i 5 buses +2 -ll-buses for iriter- per 2,900 2.28 buses 2.75 buses :! Avon/B.C. area bus requirements 5 buses Page 3 o Summar.y- 1983 Transi t ileeds Vail Region (exclude B.C.) Avon- Beaver Creek 20 buses *27-mes q TZ-Euses It is obviously not the Torvn of Vail's responsibilityto provide a ma'i ntenance,/storage faciiity to servicethe entire county. Hol.rever, it r,rould appear to bepractical for all of the buses sen,ing the area to share the same facility. Tr.ro primary options are open. The Town of Vail coLrld either build to meet their oi'rn short term needs and allor'r for later expansion; or bu'ild afacility capable of rneeting the 1933 regional require- ments and sell or lease parts of the buildinq at a later date to +"he organizations responsible (such is an RTD,Vail Assoc., or the county). In either case, it would be advantageous for i:he Torvn to acquire adequate landfor future expansion at this t'ime. Some points on each a'l ternative: 1. Build for short-term needs and expand at Iater date- Th'is vtould result in substantial increases inper square foot building costs as the buildingis expanded; hor.rever, it would reduce the initia'l outlay by the Town of Vail and force others (VA, An RTD, the county) to shoulder additional costslater. Since there is no assurance ihat an RTD. is economically or pol itjcaliy feasible, or ilrat -. Beaver Creek w'i ll be developed, it vrould be a speculation venture for the Tor,rn of Va'i I to builda bus barn to meet a possible region-vride system. ?. Build to accoirodate the 1983 projected needs- This strategy ';;cu1d reduce the per square foot building costs and offer the To,rrn of Vail an opportunity to lease part of the build'ing to others at a profit. Hovrever, as vrith an specula-tive venture, ihere r,rou'ld be a poss'i bil ity thatVail could lose money, particularly if Beaver Creek or an RTD did not ntaterialize. Page 4 Bus Barn Size Requirements Based on the projected transit needs, the fo'l lowing is a pass on square foot('lges necessary for different elements of the bus barn. Again, this is a discussion draft rvh'ich is built on a number of assumpt'ions, all of vrhich should be questioned. buses @ 420 ight story .t 300 sta ls @ 600 s.f.) Parts storage 7 )s.f.) He 1 1 2 2' 1I 1 1I Sc. Ft. -W8'0-"si. 1,200 1,800 Street equip. storage Ma'intenance area ( 3 Offices(4@114s.f.) Restrooms/Shot'lers 3- 1^d"4'\-/ Lounge Washer (40 x 20) Mechanical Room 600 s76 40s--@-o 300 800 200 TOTAL BUILDING Site Reouirements (Build'ing + 50'apron (3 material storage, etc.) Site (I1IN. ) sides) + 25% for landscapings, 11,656 s.f. 75,000 s.f. 1.01 acres 197 5 f.,. {Ltn,r- WL Wfftt'Bbr'l PvL ftu\gT> He 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1I i ght story Sq. Ft. 13,440 s.f. 1,800 2,400 Bus storage (32 buses @ 420 s.f.) Street Equip. Stcrage (6 0 300 s.f.) Maintenance area (4 stalls (a600 s.f.) Parts storage 0ffices (5 @ Radio Room 144 s.f. ) 1 ,000 720 100 300 300 600 200 Restrooms/' Shovrers Lounge l.lashei' (40 x 20) Mechani cal TOTAL BUILDING AREA Site Requirements( Building + 50' apron materi a'l storage, etc . ) Si te= on 3 sides + 25% for 'landscaping, 20,860 s.f. 67,500 s.f. 1.54 acres ' ," ' if'*"'*'.'ii o i--<------r -:r - {'il til '= *- . il $ ii NEc/lArricii /' ii lt I AKE,i il s -OO li s S U fJ F \i :- | T .tl : r.a Il __l,-l,.0 I __--l I | 3rt5''- | I a//5 T oot"'il aa5 P/ /< .-. TORAGE . RAJ 5NO\Y flooR ARE.-i /lpftR z(.oo lC'/,,Z-8 -/ 5- 7ic .."'-v'' TcrAt /Es-s-d ,1.la.:'f ,^.1,!rt:Li 'F1n'f I -,1't,o/-' 1,"<..^ f ) *-: Szatzsn/Rn* P-o -aE-t7c. X Z-eaan*/-ee-.---=-_- t--xa! t LL'x t{:xal--=-- ? LTad ern. egaudn-=- | o z, @ eEH- MEMORANDT,I},I T0: ,(l Ben Strahan(2) Stan Bernstein(3) Jim Lamont(4) Bob Manzanares FROlrl: Kent R. Rose DATE: September 11, 1975 RE: Soils Investigation, Municipal Buitding In reference to your memo of September 'l 5, 1975, I have read the Sunrmerlee Report and agree that the mud jacking proposal for the tlunicipal Building should be pursued this fall along with all re]ated landscapingr €tc. Please advise if you need any help. /jk $H sjfr b eptembe40f ha6o' doce cobrado qhgs cobrado . 80917 303.596 .b47 1031 so.rth fronrooep o bo>< 6aa ' ul . cokrado . 01657 w3.4h'on7 r .|8, .|975 RE: Repair of Exi sting Muni ci pa1 Bui 'ldi ng Vail, Colorado PROJECT NO. 669 r-75,4-24 rooo \ €5( (, ato f-< Soil G Jou.ndorionengtneenng Town of Vai'l P.0. Box'100Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTN: Ben Strahan, Building Official Gentl emen: Th'i s letter wjll serve toexpressour opinion that the corrective measures (mudpacking) planned at the site of the referenced project should be completed as soon as possible. If the mudpacking is delayed until the summer of .'|976, the influence of another Wjnter and Spring rainfall and snownelt cou.l d cause signifjcant additional settlement of the existing struc ture. If you have any questions or comments concerning this matter, please give me a call. S i ncerely,ffi*c& Thomas E. Summerlee, P.E. Pres i dent TES/i k $s ff 4040 harbor dace cdocado prings cobrado . B0917 303.595.7547 1031 so.ith fronraq€p o bo< 19aa - wn . cobodo . 01657 303.4b.On7 September 18, .l975 RE: Repair of Existing Municipal Building Vail, Colorado PROJECT NO. 669 t-75-4-24 rcad \ ,qst k, at'o F< Soil G Jou.ndarionengtneerng Town of Vail P.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTN: Ben Strahan, Bu'ilding Official Gentl emen: Th'i s letter will serve toexpressour opinion that the corrective measures (mudpacking) p1 anned at the site of the referenced proiect should be completed as soon as possible. If the mudpacking is del ayed until the summer of .|976, the influence of another Winter and Sprjng rainfall and snowmelt cou'ld cause significant additional settlement of the existing structure. If you have any questions or comments concerning this matter, please give me a cal'l . Sincerely,6*C& Thomas E. Summerlee, P.E. Presi dent TES/j k o $=8 sd 4010 harbor dacecoflrado sprir€s @brado.B09173o3.w.'b47 103'l south frontao€p.obpxfua- \dl . cdoodo . &1657 303 '475.0297 MAY 14 , t97 RE: INSPEcTIoN oF BUILDING ToI,|IN oF VAIL EAGLE CoUNTY, JEcr No. 669 rood west (, a €'o F€ Soil G Jouldorionengtneeflng TowN oF VAIL Box No. too VRrl, C0 91657ArtN: Mn. Brru Srnlnlu BUILDING INSPECTOR GerulleNEru: AS REOUESTED BY MR. BEN STRAHAN, cHIEF BUILDING INSPECToR, WE INSPECTED THE EXISTING TowN oF VAIL MUNICIPAL BUILDING oN APRIL 29, 1975. AT THE TIME oF oUR INSPECTIoN, SEVERAL DISTRESS cRAcKs WERE NOTED IN THE EXTERIoR AND INTERIoR MASoNRY BEARING wALLS. THESE CRACKS WERE EVIDENT BOTH ON THE UPPER AND LOWER LEVELS OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURE. IT IS OUR oPINIoN THAT THE DIsTRESS cRAcKs ARE cAUSEo BY SETTLEMENT OF THE BEARING MATERIALS BENEATH FOUNDATION AREAS. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT MOST OF THE SETTLEMENT CRACKS HAVE DEVELOPED WITHIN THE LAST YEAR AND THERE IS EVIDENCE OF VERY RECENT AND POSSIBLY ACCELERATED MOVEMENT OVER THE LAST MONTH OR TWO. IT IS RECoMMENDED THAT THESE cRAcKs BE oVSERVED AND MoNIToRED OVER THE NEXT FEW MONTHS TO DETERMINE IF THE MOVEMENT IS CONTINUINGAT A CONSTANT OR ACCELERATING RATE, OR IF THE MOVEMENT HAS STOPPED.Ir nootrroNAL cRAcKS DEVELop. oR IF THE EXTsTING cRAcKs TNcREASE SIGNIFICANTLY, WE SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IN ORDER THAT ADDIIIONAL IN- SPECTIONS CAN BE MADE. IT MAY BE PoSSIBLE To coNTRoL THE SETTLEMENT OF THE BEARING MATERIALS BY EXTERIOR GRADING MEASURES WHICH WOULD PREVENT SURFACE WATER FROM ACCUMULATING BENEATH FOUNDATION AREAS. IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS IS THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF THE CONSOLIDATION OR SETTLEMENT OF THE BEARING SOILS. \ t ExrsrrNG Mururcreal / CoLORADo IF THE SETTLEMENT BEcoMEs sI FEW MONTHS, CONSIDERATION SHOULD ZAT I ON OF THE BEAR I NG MATER I ALS , GNIFICANTLY II{ORSE OVER THE NEXT BE GIVEN TO A PROGRAM OF STABILI_ PERHAPS BY PRESSURE GROUTING OR PRoJECT No. 669 Pnee a SOME SIMILAR METHOD. PLEASE GrvE us A CALL rF wE cAN BE oF.FURTHER AssrsrANcE rN THIS MATTER. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, o THoMAS E. Sur.lueRueE, P.E. PRESIDENT TS/EB CC: KENT R0SE, TowN oF VAIL ENGINEER Tnouns J. Meren CY,iS:d\q(e g, fs ,4O10 harbor place cc*craoo 50rnq5 @brado'009fi 303. 5S6 .b47 103'1 souh frontaoepobo<fua - wil . cobrodo . 0t1657 303.4k.on7 MAY 29, 1975 RE: INSPEcTION OF BUILDING ToWN OF VAIL roao v€st Eecue couNTY, PRoJECT No. 669 l-75-4-24 ki atof Soil t-' Jou.ndotionengtneenng ToWN OF VAILP.0. Box too VAIL, C0 B16sz ATTN: MR. BEN STRAHAN BUILDING IIIspecroR GeNTreneN : AS REOUESTED BY MR. BEN STRAHAN, WE INSPECTED THE TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL Buluolne oN MAY 23, 1975. REFERENCE IS MADE To OUR LETTER DATED MAY 14, L975 COVERING A PREVIOUS INSPECTION coNDUcTED oN APRIL 28, 7975. DURING oUR INSPECTIoN aN MAY 23, 1975, IT WAS OBSERVED THAT ADDITIONAL DISTRESS HAD OCCURRED SINCE OUR PREVIOUS APRIL 28TH INSPECTIoN. THrs lJtlAS IN THE FoRM oF ADDTTIoNAL opENING oF PREVIOUSLY NOTICED CRACKS AND ALSO THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW CRACKS, PRIMARILY WITHIN THE INTERIoR BEARING WALLS. I-f WAS ALSo oBSERVED THAT THE FLOOR SLAB HAD SEPARATED FROM SOME OF THE INTERIOR BEARING WALLS. EVIDENCE oF SEEPAGE WATER oN THE INTERIOR oF THE BUILDING WAS ALSO OBSERVED. IT IS BELIEVED THAT t,'tATER INFILTRATIoN BELoW FoUNDATIoN AREAS IS CONTRIBUTING TO SETTLEMENT OF THE EXISTING BUILDING FOUNDATIONS. Tne seltlEMENT oF THE FoUNDATIoNS Is CAUSING cRACKING oF THE INTERIoR AND EXTERIoR BEARING WALLS. TYPIcAL oF SETTLEMENT oF THIS TYPE, THERE IS PROBABLY ALSO SOME ROTATION OF THE FOUNDATIONS, WHICH IS CAUSING HORIZANTAL SEPARATION OF THE BEARING WALLS AND THE FLOOR SLABS. IT IS REcoMMENDED THAT AN INSPEcTIoN HoLE BE MADE IN THE FLooR SLAB IN THE STORAGE ROOM LOCATED AT THE NORTH END OF THE BUILDING, LOWER LEVEL. THIS INSPECTIoN HoLE SHoULD BE cUT IN THE coNcRETE FLOOR AND SHOULD BE APPROXIMATELY EIGHTEEN (18) INCHES SQUARE. IT TS ALSo REcoMMENDED THAT TEST PITS BE EXCAVATED ALoNG THE NoRTH BUILDING LINE DOWN TO FOUNDATION LEVEL IN ORDER THAT WE CAN OBSERVE THE EXISTING BEARING MATERIALS. ALL INSPECTIoN HoLES AND BACKH0E TEST PITS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED UNDER OUR SUPERVISION. EXISTING MUNIcIPA. CoLoRADO WE WILL oBTAIN SAMPLES oF THE BEARING MATERIALS AND PERFoRM MAY 29 , !975 PAGE 2 VARIOUS LABORATORY TESTS TO DETERMINE THE CONDITION OF THE BEARING STRATA. AS PART OF OUR INVESTIGATION, WE WILL NEED TO REVIEW THE AS-BUILT FOUNDATION PLANS FOR THE STRUCTURE AND THE SOIL REPORT WHICH l/"AS PREPARED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO HAVE SOME VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH THE ARCHITECT AND THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER WHO WERE INVOLVED IN THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUC- TION PHASES OF THE PROJECT. IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT WE OBTAIN THE SERVICES OF AN UNDERPINNING CONTRAcTOR, SPECIFICALLY MR. HARVEY STITT OF THE DENVER MTTRo MUD JACK CoMPANY TO ACT AS A CONSULTANT WITH US ON THIS PROJECT. MR. STITT IS IN THE BUSINESS oF UNDERPINNING BUILDING FOUNDATIONS WHICH ARE EXPERIENCING DISTRESS AND HIS FIRM ALSO DOES A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF MUDJACKING AND GROUTING. IT IS OUR PRELIMINARY OPINION THAT THE SOILS BENEATH THE FOUNDATION AREAS WILL HAVE TO BE STABILIZED BY A GROUTING PROCESS. THIS WILL CEMENT THE BEARING MATERIALS IN AN ATTEMPT TO PREVENT FUTURE SETTLEMENT OF THE BUILDING FOUNDATIONS. ONCE THE BEARING MATERIALS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY CEMENTED AND STABILIZED, IT MAY BE POSSIBLE TO PRESSURE GROUT BELOW THE EXISTING FOUNDATIONS TO RAISE THE FOUNDATIONS BACK UP TO ORIGINAL GRADES, THUS ELIMINATING SOME OF THE DISTRESS WHICH HAS OCCURRED TO THE STRUCTURE. ALL OF THESE ITEMS ARE CONJECTURE AT THIS POINT AND II'ILL DEPEND ON THE INVESTIGATION RESULTS OBTAINED BY THE TEST PIT EXCAVATIONS, LABORATORY TESTING AND ENGINEERING ANALYSIS. WE WILL Co-oRDINATE THE FIELD INVESTIGATION PHASE OF THIS PR0GRAM tft,ITH youR oFFIcE THR0UGH ouR VAIL oFFIcE MANAGER, MR. THoMAS J. MeTeR. MR. MEIER WILL BE IN coNTAcT WITH YOU WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS TO INITIATE THE INVESTIGATION. IF You HAVE ANY OUESTIoNS IN THE MEANTIME, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GIVE ME A CALL OF To coNTAcT MR. MEIER AT OUR VAIL OFFICE. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, %tM PRES I DENT TS,/EB CC: DENVER METRO Muo JNcT Co ATTN: MR. HARVEY STITT THoMAS J. MEIER 2- $sb Lr),gt F$; .B od 4O0 ftabor Ploce cokrado sPrngs ccbrado ' 00917 303 ' 596 '7547 '1031 south Jrontaga rodd v'€st o o bo( 1944 vzi.cob(ado'04657 303 .475.0297 November 28, 1975 Re :.lnSpecEaon oJ underPinning. Drain tile and-Backfill / l,tuniciPal Building\,. Vail, colorado Prqject No. 855:835-"- o-7 5- 11''1.9 (, ato t-€ Performed Field DensltY wall backfill, (see Daily Novenber 24, 19'15 Performed additional Field Density Tests on foundation wall backflll , (see Daily Report No. 2). Tests on foundation Report No. 1). qoil b foundationJ dngineering Town of VailP. O. Box 100 Vail , Colorado 8l-557 Attn: Mr. Ben Strahan Bullding Official Gentlenen: We have performed various ihspections and tests at the site of the referenced project. Novenber 18, 1975 Verified installation of polyettry lene barrier at bottom of excavation (foundation level) 'lnstallation of perforated foundation drain tile and placernent of gravel adjacent to drain tile. Obtained sample of borrow material for foundation wall'backfill and performed laboratorar Standard Proctor Compact,ion Test, per ASTM IF698, (see Figure No. l-) . November 20, I975 lotrn of ValI rEs,/}P 2 coples sent ovember 28, L975 roJect No.855-835 Our inspectiong verified EatiEfactory lnstallation of the drain- tile system and the Field Density Test reaulte lndicated that the formdatlon wall backfilt'had bcen adeguately cottpacted. Respeetfully submitted'%*tuThornas E. Sunmerleer P.E. President PRO.'ECT NO.855- 835 DATE LL/Is/7s tl0 CLTENI Town of Vail CONTRACTOR Town of Vail cuRYes oF l00F sATuRAttor{ FoR A SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: rz5 2.?5 2.?O ?.55 2.60 STANDARD PROCTOR COMPACTTON TEST ASTM D-698 't20 il5 SAMPLE LOCAT I ON: Stockpile west of Enzion Hotel SAMPLE CLASSIF ICATION OR OESCRIPTIOttT: SAIID & GRAIr'EL -ei t +tr UAX. ORY DENS I TYd Ir oo t(, Llf F 2:' Io IN PCF OPI I UUM CONTE NT 1??^6 I t0 MO I STURE 7 ^2, SOIL PROPERTIES: 105 -?oofr LL PL PI 100 Soil Type #t t5 MO I STURE CONTENT 20 fr THOMAS E. SUMMERLEE ^ CORPORATION Frc. 1 BY: S. Schroud"t l.lord oot{Eo Cr) (,) G) o l,J F('l U F .d LrlJ 0(t!E UJ a o F dl('i(tl r{l(nl tl, oEo.d ."{q{ 6 0)! (t q) +,d U.Fl€a.,{ aE .tJ 0.oo (t (u q) Eo |lt coo ,q oo o .,.1 +Jo(, Eioo o .lJ C',tto€(o +t tU +J o +J(t c,.Fl(' A.A o$Fl,oot{ +, ulogt q' F{ o(, 6 H h?o o F{ C) thYE =lrJ (E J1odtf c .F{ ,r" Xd of{ .Fl :)o trJ cr oz Fz tr.J = ;dtd z 9 Fc) o alsl Al =lHI rlolHlAl I6ll{l.ul |71 |il(gl +, I(/]l 1F a E.rl x(, E dpNo\ ll o.Fl +J C'd O{ oU e F .Fl c.Fl E at>z ; OI (-) trJ a J trJ -co><n* Flo- F !:'r O ro Ol CN Ol trJ . E(J o\ $ ro irl| F>-t! o:z o-tJo (\I @ N Fl N roN F{ C)> \!q (') t-- ,v) t-- :.xF .(no--zo-ax ro (e f"l FI \0 f4 (f) .-. rf (\l Fl I o o z. 2 I- OoJ o0,,C t{ ttr+Jq) +roA1 t+r l{ q{Hoo oooo+J .qo ur .p tt|oc r{gB.'{ O -.1o cro -F{-l F{ -.{ - .'{A -tgqd.a Acdct +J c.tJo do!o 0,.}J } +JFaE a5o{J O+Jo)H 0)lloo-d-ct{ s! (t/) (Yt t- u2 (\F{ z. Fd.o trj& J o rnr- (t ol A r.l Ld F (f rtt(rt @ Irt'rtl(l, oz '-(J trj ,x 6t..{ | EIdl()l dl trlol'.t I+Jl€l EIel r+1 |ol F{lF{l,rl Ir+{ |r(l()ltulFl I z. ; ;Ovt trJ() 14lFIJI;l lrJ Ic:l Fl .JJI 'aJ Ii-l ,l !- l *i l:tl.Jl -rl.il 1,rl;l €lolklolF{l 8l .l-{l."1 |.!l>l I (''I -dl €ir{l.r{ atr F{ fitgr.,t o {.1 E:tE t'-() Lrj->o Fl .?1(l tH o A 6H F.z tr., ) C) t{o€oot{Eo (/) a o o t^JF (,) trJ F ,l.!J h,) UJ =: CN uj a oI t- oa..{odt{o F{(t F:.r{ ${ .lJ..{! g o (t rot- O1FI t'| tr.r{ truooo F{ Fl.r{ '+Ja E'oo ntFl 9l +J(,E 4J Eoo .F{ 6(t € d Fl F{.dq{ J1(, (t ,a lt{ o o +) {Jo l{o.rl t{ H tU oc 0)FI l+{ o +) I 0,()(t Fl 9i +),oAts q IE 10 tr *J(/) co cal E.rJ..{ B Eooo,oo.r{o .d o o ...1 ,co(l coo an(t co.Fl .tJ o(t +,r! +J o +J(t o.r{€ {.1 o +JFlaootl +J utoH 3 c m r3 H 'lctAo() a :< =t,l @ CA 10 Io EFad +J..{ o tr o l.{ .lJ o lr qc }{ G' trl! .lJ ('J E, E.A X E rr.{ rlp c\l o'l tl .rt +,o(t oo E.r{ ...|t a'z ; 9 :() trJo U' UJ t- '-l ro(\ r-,| (Yt : ro (Y) cf)FI i.- - tt- .CDOxf.o- o a:r.lg ..{ :i Cg r..r 6ur Ho g o()q{oo A.4-a +J roa'-l O ''la5 .a <$ +Jo.rJ 0)s'd,qIt+rl{oo.0qoo-Ero +,{ zI ooJ tl [*l;l dr\i Fl 54-i s-l Itr, Jl- (f,o rn (v'l co Iln an @ o'z F(J IJ-)o (l. ,nltl-alit:il*l FI(^l trJl l- | I'>l r-l'-t,',I ':tl"t. r:)l -.1 |trJl;l *l rl-t Iol FllFll.r{ l '+{ | J4l o1 to CIl z 9 f-I G()atd g Ed.rl 5ct -r{ (J.rt F;a. F()t! oEd -l.rl .d tH o trBo E{ z 3 o Cy r;sf\r L^ Cll =g EtsjE"d 40.10 harb(y f,lace cckxaJo spxrqs cobrado ' B,JQ17 303.500.7547 1031 south jrontage p c bo) 1Ql4 val . cobrado 0l55l 303 475 0297 166l vr€St October 31 , L9'15 Re: fnspection of UnderPinning Project No. 835 E-75-10-r7 (, E Eo F€ ope sting Municipal Building soil b foundotionJ dngineering The Town of Vai.lP. O. Box l-00Vail, Coforado 81657 ATTN:Mr. Ben StrahanBuilding Official Gentl-emen: We have been periodically inspecting the underpinningoperation at the site of the referenced project. Thefollowing is a summary of our inspection and observations conducted as of this. date: October 22, 1975 Denver l{etro t4udjack Company arrived on project site on October 21, L975, and commenced excavationof the backfill adjacent to the building foundation alonq the north and west wall-s of the assembly room structure. Their t,entative plans are to underpin the existing foundation in the area ofthe emergency exit at the northeast corner ofthe assembly room portion of the structure.In addition, the contractor will be mudjackinq beneath other foundation areas in order to stabilizethe bearing materials. October 23, L975 The contractor is cont.inuing to excavate along thenorth foundatlon wa1l. The job progress was reviewed by Mr. Summerlee and Mr. Meier. il:;:::t; i;;' Page 2 October 24 ' 1975 The contractor has covered the exterior excavations with plyrrood and is appJ-ying heat to the area to prevant- freezing of the sub-grade material' Under- pinning beneath the northeast corner of the lxistirig foundations witl commence on october 27, 1975' october 27' L975 The contractor is forcing gravel beneath the exLsting building foundation in the area of the emergency exit by hydraullc jacks placed beneath the existing spread footing foundations. October 2B ' 1915 The eite was inspected by Mr. Summerlee. Contractor advised that frorn 30" to 90" of gravel has beenjacked into place beneath the existing foundationsln the vicinity of the emergency exit at thenortheast eorner of the assembly room wing. Thematerials exposed by the excavation are simllarto those encountered by our test pits conductedas part of our Subsurface Investigation Report,Project No. 669, daLed August 6, 1975. Thecontractor questioned us as to the recommendedhorizontal interval for the mudjacking operations.We advised the contractor that this would have tobe determined during the actual constructionprocess. The mudjacking operations should belocated as far apart as possible ( for economicreasons) and still achieve sufficient stabilizationof the materials beneath the foundation areas. Mr. Ben Strahan, Building Official, was advisedthat a subsurface drainage system should beinstalled since the contrictor has excavateddown to bottom of foundation level. The draintile should be placed as low as possibl_e in theexcavati"on but not below bottom of foundationelevations. The drain tile should be underlain PV "- polyethyLene barrier and should be surroundedDy crean, free draining granular rnaterial. Aminimum four (4) inchei d,i"*ut.i drain oi-pe shouldbe.installed and thg tile shoula be connected to asuitable outLet suc( as , auyiigllted opening or-a-Pumped sump. a::5::Page 3 No.8353t, 1975 October 29, 1975 The point was made that the mudjacking- operations benelth the foundation areas are for the purpose ot stafitizing the existing bearing materials and not for the prjrpose of uplift'ina the existing buildinq foundations. The recommended drain tile "ysten ihoulA be installed as close as possible t6 ttre foundation areas in order to intercept water vrhich could percolate down into the bearing materials beneath the spread footing foundations' October 30' 1975 Mr. Thomas J. Meier, our VaiL Office Manaqer, had further discussions with Mr. Ben Strahan, Vail Bullding official , as to the details concernj'ng the insiallation of the subsurface drain tile system. A detail of the drainage tile system wls presented on Figure No- 11 in our Subsurface hvestigation Report, Project No' 669, dated August 6, 1975' We will continue to observe the underpinning operations at the project site and will be available for consultation as may be required. -.2-adbspect f u1 lY submi tted'%*fu Thomas E. Sunmerlee' P-8. President TES/lp i? [ScElvEDNovloleTs October 31, I975 Re: lnspection of Underpinning O' t; $=d eg E.$jE"4 4010 l-Brbo. dac? .okxodo pfngs cobrado 00917 303 . 596 .7547 1031 sourh frontdq?p c box 1Q4a - val . cokxado B657 303 .475 .0297 OperationsExisting Municipal Vai\' Colorado Project No. 835 E-75-10-17 Building; road w€5t (, a €'o h€ soil G foundotionr dngineering The Town of VailP. O. Box 100VaiL, Colorado 81657 ATTN: Mr. Ben St,rahanBuilding Official Gentlemen: We have been periodicalJ_y inspecting the underpinni"ngoperation at the site of the referenced project. ThefolJ-owing is a summary of our inspection and observationsconducted as of thi_s date: October 22, L975 Denver Iuetro t4udjack Company arrived on projectsit.e on October 21, L975, and commenced excavationof the backfil-l adjacent to the building foundationalong the north and west walls of the assembly room structure. Their tentative plans are tounderpin the existing foundation in the area ofthe emergency exit at the northeast corner ofthe assembly room portion of the structure.ln addition, the contractor will be mudiackinqbeneath other foundat,iori areas in order to stibilizethe bearing materials. October 23, 1975 The contractor is continuing to excavate along thenorth foundation wa1I. The job progress wasreviewed by Mr. Summerlee and Mr. t4eier. (t' 3ti3ii?; i3?' Page 2 October 24 ' L975 The contractor has covered the exterior excavations *iift-pfi"oood and is applyinq heat to the area to ;;;.;t'freezins ;i lit; iub-erade material' under- ;i;;r;; ["""itn the northeast corner of the existing foundations will commence on octobet 27 ' 1975' October 27, 1975 The contract'or is forcing gravel beneath the ;;r"iil; buildins foundaf ion . in- the area of the Iii.rgen;v-J*it ur1 nvaraulic lacks placed beneath the 5xisiing spread footing foundations' October 28 ' L975 The elte was inspected by Mr. Summerlee. contractor advlsed that from 30" to 90" of gravel has been jacked into pLace beneath the existing foundatlons ln the viciniby of the emergency exit at the northeast corner of the assembly room wing. The materials exposed by the excavation are similar to those encountered by our test pits conducted as part, of our Subsurface Investigation Report,Project No. 669, dated August 6, 1975. The contractor questioned us as to the recommended horizontal interval for uhe mudjacking operations. We advised the contractor that this would have to be determined during the actual construction.process. The nudjacking operations should be Iocated as far apart as posslble (for economic reasons) and still achieve sufficient stabilizationof the materials beneath the foundati.on areas. Mr. Ben Strahan, Building Official, was advisedthat a subsurface drainage system should be installed since the contractor has excavated down to bot,tom of foundation leve1. The drain tile should be placed as l-ow as possible in the excavat,ion but not below bottom of foundationelevations. The drain tiLe should be underLainby a polyethylene barrier and should be surroundedby clean. free draining, granular material. Aminimum four (4) inches dianeter drain pi_pe shouldbe inst,aLled and the tile shoul-d be connected to asuitable outlet such as a dayli.ghted opening or a Pumped sump. f cr!3f;51 T?; Page 3 835 1975 October 29, L975 The point was made that the mudjacking operations beneath the foundation areas are for the purposeof stabilizing the existing bearing materials andnot for the purpose of upliftine the existingbuildlng foundations. The recommended drain tile system should be installed as close as possibleto the foundation areas in order to intercept water which could percoLate down into the bearing materials beneath the spread footing foundations. October 30, L975 Mr. Thomas J. Meier, our Vail Office Manager, hadfurther dj.scussions wit,h Mr. Ben Strahan, VailBuilding Official , as to the details concerningthe installat,ion of the subsurface drain tilesystem. A detail of the drainage tile system r,ras presented on Flgure No. 1l in our SubsurfaceInvestigation Report, Project No. 669, dated August 6, 1975. We wilL continue to observe the underpinning operations at theproject site and will be available for consultation as may be required. Respectfully submitted, -r4!:frrr' %r,#*r.;." Presi.dent. TEs/Ip road west aO€ horbo ploce cob(ado gr€s cobrado . 0@17 303.5p6.7547 1031 souh Jror-rtagep o box &14 vei/ .cokyado.0657 3n3.4k.onl CY,ig5 p t, E"sj.i "8 (, a E'o ,-€ qoil G foundotionJ dngineering TowN or VarlP. 0. Box toovAIL, CoLoRAoo g t6s7 AITNr Mn. Beru STRannru BuTt-oTNc OFFIcIAL GeNILEMeN t REFERENCE Is MADE To A DISCUSSIoN HELD BETwEEN YoU AND MR. THoMAS J. MEIERT ouR VaIt orplcE MaruncER, oNNoVEMBER 5. 1975. AT THAT TIME THE SUITABTLITY oF THE oN_SITE MATERIALS FOR USE AS BACKFILL ADJACENT TO THE EXTSTINGMUNIcIPAL BUILDING EXcAVATIoNS wAS DIScUSSED. IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT THE MATERIAL EXCAVATED FROM AROUND THE FOUNDATION AREAS OF THE ASSEMBLY ROOM IS NOW FROZEN DUE TO RECENT COLD WEATHER AT THE PROJECT SITE.Ir ts suGGEsrED THAT uNFRozEN, IMpoRTED BoRRotv MATERTALBE UTILIZED FOR THE BACKFILL REOUIRED ADJACENT TO THEEXISTING FOUNDATION WALLS. THE USE OF THE EXISTING FROZENMATERIAL WILL MAKE ADEOUATE COMPACTION VERY DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN. Tne uNpRozEN MATERIAL sHouLD aE pLAcED IN FouR (4) TO SIX (6) INCH LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 92% AF MAXTMUM sTnNoaRo PRoctop DENsITy AND vlrrHrN 2x oF oprrMUMMOISTURE C0NTENT, PER ASTM D-698. THE USE oF ARELATTVELY LOW PERMEABILITY (CLAYEY) TYPE MATERIAL IS RECOMMENDED TO PREVENT FUTURE MOISTURE INFILTRATION AROUNDAND BENEATH THE EXISTING FOUNDATION AREA5. NovEMBER tz . 1925 RE I INSPECTION- OF UNDERPINNING OF€RAT I oN ExtsrING MUNTcIPAL Butr-oIryc VAIL, EAGLE Coururv, Cor-oB,Aoo .,./,PRo.lrct No. 935 - Bss D-7s-ll-19 i5i:ffI.*?;f,l,; "u' PAGE No. 2 THE FILL MATERIAL sHouLD coNTAlN MAXIMUM FouR (4) INCH SIZE MATERIAL. THE FINAL GROUND SURFACE SHOULD BE GIVEN A POSITTVE SLOPE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING TO ALLOW FOR POSITIVE SURFACE WATER RUN_OFF. IF YOU HAVE ANY OUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS MATTERI PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GIVE US A CALL. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED'M SUMMERLEE, P.E. TESzup xbmls E. PREs I DENT JOB NAME 'uuseecforu FrEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: I TtlE ! pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM fl app Rov E D n orsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr E UPOT,T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR I /r.{ tNseecfrru FtEelrEsir/A\/lu TOWN OF VA|L DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED ! orsnppRovED REINSPECTD fl uporv rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE Town of Vail fi]I.ncfiucAl/ PERMIT N..7-€-. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee €tueo Lt,4 APPROVALS THIS FORIU IS TO BE POSTED ON .'OB STTE DURII{G CIONSTRUGTION 24 HOTJRII ADVANCE NOTICE REQ(nRED FON INSPECNONS $....... $....... rcaNar^e-....&o-z/-.&e..4....8".Ap.req#-A: Date of Application.... . /fP+ Erectricarcontractor.....fu la.t?SmAf..€-5t...."IP..g.L".. U,/-kr*.Y-:.-....... Applicant......../-..6 . Sl8Baturs * l?-*fua .rd nr,d"-"--r fl" Drtc tti a, r. ioaaiat ao,r trttlr aotltl l '1. -'7' rNsPEcf oru nEeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL OATE JOB NAME '1 TIME RECE!VED.-----.--------- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: f] pnnrtnl. LocAroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMFRI D nppRovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o Town of ELECIRICAL Vail PERMIT na Name.Lfuu'-..,{a.o-..*..Sa.nl./.7-..ftTto.t):.-KEquca...fr.a.e..4.t...... Date of ApplicauoL..- ...-....-..fut.tL'..'5.-................,....-..........-Ls...2.5. Elecrrical contractor..-.A..Er)....-€l+e.r..c.rc-,.?..N.9,...".--...-..... Applicant-W).K-C*".*r^*,. APPROVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee t82 $.....-."-..............-.... $ ..4t&..s.. . to $.........d.a. --... ".... $........f-P . ". $.... dEe.... /,/ Date paid...... //z/zr ...../ (/"2 Received ", ^...&.'€.^. &rK THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED 01{ .'OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTTCE RFOUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS tla !. a. roltxr! !!., Drlitat a0rlrl ov .' Town of Yail FX,FCTRICAL PERITTIT 161N9 Date of Application-... ...See-rz*.e.e.4^...-../.b.......-...........rg.....7.5 Electrical Contractor-..-. ..-..N..ep;.....8*t.(r-e..tcr.---T-+)-c-.---.-- ,/7 eni/j"*t_ffi.-i-s {- Gr-*** APPROVALS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee s......d".?s.-P $........a?.A..Y o Date Received By ?-k:7{- Aur I NNIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ONI lnv. ,Jl/Fhh/laoB stTE DURIl{c coilsrRucrlol{ "ll, Y ltt. I 2T HOI'RS IDVANCE NOIICE REQUIRED TON INSPECTTONS aL9 ?tr a. r. t{oacrar Go,, olttla tltatl DESIGN REV] I;W BOARD DATE OF MEETING MEMBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE: DISAPPROVED: SECONDED BY FOR:' t - i,AGAINST h )t//l SUMMARY: Town of Fx.F:CIRICAL Vail PERMIT rob Name....d. arr- b o*a..-7t e. r.. -.. La. 4...... Date of Application---........T-q*y"-...-4-/.--..--.-.-.--....................r9....75-..-.......- Electricat contractor..... ....4.C-a-.- €*..c-T&..!C....-Ap-.c--r........-...-..-...-..... Applicant....--. s18 APPROVALS JtrrT lrls- THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED 01{ .,OB SITE DURING GOilSTRUCTION 24 HOURSI /IDVAI{CE NOTICE REQ|,IREII FOR INSPECnONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee 1,44 $.............-...-..-..-..-- s........y'.*s.9-. .. $.......... oiQ-:@-.. Date Paid-...... Received By T^O"V ffiEo.r, tIa 0, r. xorttl! !0., aalv!l tolll I .r.--4.tNSPECIpN TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orsen ! pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM E eppRovED ! orsaeeRovED fl nerNSPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ba S6 F = IJJ z ut oz c zo iE9t dU 9H!ei$:gTE-*3"9 < :- I z FalF 4t, [*nrEX ^ g Y.rq:<iu;<ozo =zzA)e3:seO<(J<uaz; bdsFaFBeiSItr<c ?BrBtrlE=<c < !!,: o utcul 2 lll z s ar oFzg,l =ul Q !J F IE tu oo Jtt Itt F J J F F uJ ooJ E J FoF Er r!t >om \EN Ltr lrl 0. o z -oJ -f o i ILI =ozo9 -o t zo F9qn6FGto0 => :< uJf6- (J>P ;.i E\ =b\ Ri -lt= n KE^J- \\\ -\t F \t\