HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOV PUBLIC WORKS BUS BARN 2TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI., PERMIT Permit *: 896-0091 Job Address: 1309 VAIL VAL,LEY DR Location... ! TOWN SHOP Parcel No.. : 2LOL-092-00-001 Project No.: APPTICANT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD' VArL, co 81657 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAII., 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VArL, CO 81657 OWNER AIISTATE INSURANCE CO 3 TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Description: TEITPORARY SERVICE FOR GAS PttMPS Status...: ISSUED Applied. ,s 0s/L4/t996 ri-sued. . .3 05/20/L996 Expires ..2 LL/L6/L996 Phone: 3034792100 Phone: 3034792L00 Valuation:1,500.00 **** fEE SUtlllARY Etectri ca t-) 50.m DRB rc. -> .00tnvcstigrtiod .00 si tt cr tt-> 5.m TOTAL FEES_> 53.M Totrl, catcul,rtcd Fcca-> 53'm Additionat Fc€s---> 'm ioiat pernit Fce__----) 53.00 Payncnts---- eALAilCe OUE___-_-> .00 ***ffi COND]TION OF APPROVAI., t*****lt**l*r**fi DECLARATIONS t hlrcby acknovtedge thlt I havc r.ad this apptic.tion, fil,Led out in ful't thr inforr.tion requi red, conptetcd !n sccurltc ptot ptan, and strtr that rl,l, the informtion provid.d as rcquircd is oorrrct. _t rgr.: to corPty riittr the inforutim a'd plot Pl'd!' to cotrpty vtth .tt rom ordinancls .nd st.te tavs, and do buitd this structure according !f al: t:1"':^:ming and subdlvision codcr,'disign rcviev approved, uniforr Bui(ding G6de and other ordinlnc.s of thr ToYn appticabte thercto' Item: O6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTIT{ENT05/14/1996 DAN Action: APPR DEDt: BUILDING DiViSiON: IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPTIONE AT 479-213E OR AT OIJR OFfICE TRO E:M ,t|| '3OO P[ NEOUESTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SHALL BE IIADE I}IENW-FOUR HOURS t *********************************:l****************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted: 05/20/96 09:34 St'aternnt **************************************************************t* statemnt Nunber: Fac-0139 Amount: 53'oo 05/14/9.6 09:25 Palrnent ttethoO: ti Notation: FEES wAIvED rnit: Ds **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddreEs: tocation: Thie Paynent Account, Code **WAIVED FEES** E9 6-0091 TlPe: 2101-09 2-00-0 01 1309 VAIL VALLEY TOWN SHOP B-ELEC ELECTRICAI, PERMIT DR Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance: Description WAIVED FEES 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount 53.00 rCEl /i- TOWN OF VArL CONSTRUCTI PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: PER}IIT # t APPLfCATfON IIIUST BE FILLED OUT CO!,!PLETELv OR IT UAy NOT BE AccEpTED X*******t********************* PERItlfl flIFORl,tATfON *****************************fll [ ]-Building ^[ ]-ptunbing D"4-Etectrical I J-uechanlbat [ ]-otherV4/.Job Name: 'tr:,.| Tshu \+ rn^a| .Talr lzrzrraca. r ?.,a trn'l rrA)r.^. Legal Description: Lot Ohtners Name: Architect: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: ..Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERI.TIT FEE: PLUI,IBING PERMIT FEEs UECIIN{TCAIJ PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAI.I FEE: OTHER EYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Address: ?S J. F/( F-rS pn.2.!-3.141 EL,ECTRICAIzt LS0o UECHANTCAL: $.......- Block Address: l$ S. FlL Rn Pn..??/. Zr s7 General Description: lfork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration p4-Additl0nal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accorarnodation Units: #tu"t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- cas Logs_ wood/perret_ lf********************************* vALUATToNs ********************************* BUfLDfNG: S OTITER: $ TOTAI,: I CONTRA TOR I-NI'ORUATION * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !rW-9n-[ Town of Vait Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* AUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLT'!{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE3IIECHANICAL PIAN CTIECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.E.AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PEM{TT FEES: BUILDTNGS SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: FOR CI.EATT I'P DEPOSIT IEFIIND.IIO: lffi[ 75 3outh Irontegr rc.d Yril, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2t39 TO: FROU: DATE: suB.TECa: ofllce ol communlly dcvclopmcnl AI.L CONTRAqIORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTII THETolttl OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC !{ORKS/CO!,I}IITNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE acknowledged by: rn sunma!'!r, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ini-"oirl'"J"?, sand, d.ebrisor materiar, incruding trash lunpsters, portabre toirets andworknen vehictes.upon any streetl ;i;;;.ik;;i;y or pubricPll:" or any portiin tr,"i""i. --iire rrgtrt-of-way on ar] Town ofvail streets and.fg"-d, is alfroiinatety 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance "iI_G,;t"_i;iiy-enforced by the Town of vairPubric litorks DeDartnent. pers3ns found viirriting this ordinancewill be siven a 24 hour rri;t;;';"ii""-t"-;;;;;"'="id naterial.In the event the person so notified-does no-- eoipfy with thenotice within tr5-ea rrour tirne-Jiecitied, the puiti.c worksDepaftment will remove said nate;ii1-;i-inJ'!"i#=e of personnotified' The provi=ion=-or-trrrl orainance shalr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -riirt.r.nce or repair projects ofany street or artey or any utiiiai;--i; G"-;i;;i_"_r.y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu'l, please stop by the Tovrn ofvail Buirding Department to obtain a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Rea Y d, and r (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 .outh lrontrgc rold vrll, colorrdo E1657 1303't 4?9-2L38 0t 479-2L39 offlcc of communlty dryrlopmcot BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this pe"qtit requires g Towl of Vail Fire Department Approval,Ensineerts. (public t*:l review anJ ipprovai,'i iiiiiiini'b"pa"t entreview or Hea'lth Departmint-review, an!'a_review by the Bui'rdin9Department, the estimated tine for'a totar "eriil;"i';.G'as rongas three weeks. All cormercia'r frarqe or smail) and ail murti-family permits wiilhave to fo]tow dtre iuove ;;;ii6ril;iiirrr requirements. Residentialand.lmall projects shourd tate i-ieiie""amound of time. However, ifresidential or smailrer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartmmts with reoard to-necessaii-".,ii"",-ih;;; ;;;j;.Ti' *va'l so take the three-weet perioi.-- " U'| 'Ln' r"'s"s P' .,r.'sLLs Every.attempt will be made by thfs department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - eY -"rbv l:-j!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. reJz--t " ct,ryt* Ir-L- 5. Sheet wa s tu inEd-Tn-to-thEDate Work Devel ooment Department. t O MEMoRANDUM ALL CONTRACTOBS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PEBMIT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: kln-,t t cu *s* h','.V- YES enas arding the need for a ,Public Way permit.: 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed thal requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public properfy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the ddveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing ddveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affeAing the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit' required? { 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property.to be used for staging, Xparking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging ../ or {encing plan required by Community Development? lf_V9u_ a11wet"d ytt to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may bE obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at C9.1n1u1ttf Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, tha Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2189, read and answered allthe above questions. NO 2( X X ( ( d DwN Job Name s-/?-2< r-.RFprT3l a TOhJN OF VAIL, CftLCIRADO I A3/CQ/96 [T9:4O REGUESTSYOR INStrECTION HtrRK.SHEETSYOR: 5/3O/96 F'AGF AREFI: EG *==3a:=== = =====5=g: = ========= ==============:=-= ==- Activity: E96-rlO9 I 3/efl/96 Type: B-ELEC Status: ISSUED ConstrI ACOI'I flddress: 13O9 UAIL UALL.EY DR Location: TBWN SHOtrFareel: Et0rl-B9E-tA0-OCll Clcc: Use; Deser"iption: TEftltrORnRY SERVIT:E FOR GAS pUMFS Applicant: T0lalN OF VAIL F'honer 3O347911OO Owner: ALLSTATE INSURRIICE C0 l| TEh,N OF Fhone: Corrtr'actor': TBWN UF VAIL Fhone I 3t?t3479E1tZt[t Inipect i on Request Inf or"mat ictn. , . Request or: LEO,/T0t^lN 0F VRIL. Req Tirae: O1 :OO Comments: Items requested to be Inspectr ed.. OOl90 ELEC-Final Fhone: 479-P171 Ex Inspection Histor"y. . .. . Item: A6L|Q ELEC-Temp, Fower Itemr @AL?A ELEC-Rough Item ; la0l30 ELEC-Condt-tit ' Item: O014O ELEC-Mise. Iten: 06194 ELEC-Fina1 ,, ltsi,l 0gt538 FIRE-FINAL Cia ':, t" .t:-i,- ..1 {-:c'76 75 louth tronl.go road u!ll, color.do 81657 (303) 476-7000 TOWN OF VAIL BUS WASH-FT]EL ISLAIID FACILITY PEC MEETING AUGUST 23, L982 dep.rlment ot ttrnrporltllon/publlc wortr Busses. A11 exterior siding, the surrounding buildings. The Town of Vail is proposing the construction of a Bus'{vash-fuel island faciLity to be -Located approximately_100'-rilest of the existing Administration Building. TLre new facility-wil1 in-- prove the flow through the shop area and wil-1 be able to wash the new 35' busses tEe Town is-purchasing. The existing wagher is not capabl-e of washing 35t doors, etc. will be consistent wlth ) Da Project Applicalion Project Nare, L : (,, -_--< Projecl Oescription: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address un?0* Legal Description: and Phonel Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^,"(n/4r?/ /// DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: CotAce ]*nl APPROVAL aAry ^A L^ri ,prrea-A ruro r+.'r.t.a(Z A"^zf- 4*a1/\/'7/a-e<a Zoning Administrator Chief Building Olf icial tntrrhLfY tn'r ' !i=l :<-: \ tt/'l. 1 ')Fubllc Worke (Maintenance Facll.lty) POINTS OF CONCERN 1.) Iocatlon of cinder storage 2.) Ltghts outside buiLding (need shading) : 3. ) Llghts lnside bulldlng (need.shading) 4.) Vlews from Mr. Eankammer's bullding 5.) Need grading revlsions and detail landscaping pl-an i 6.) Need addltlonal work on both sides of South Frontage. Road by Golf Course and Malntenance Facllity entrance. (Continued to next week) Project Application Proiect Name: Project Dedcription: l- 1 .h owner Ac,dress and phone: K o-vtt l{ oS e nb" k to o Architect Address and Phone: f -n.^ aacQ oz ,9 /ts Legal Description: Lot Block ,r,^n y',A-+L P'^lis Zone: Zoning Ap3roved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPBOVAL .Su mmary: 0c l/ d.Ltz t ta €ro.',+l"uo*i 'a^d 6i,'." I Zoning Administrator ,, a/r be("r c6 iwe. Chiel Building Olf icial Date: 4,rr-os b* .{ro n* . $u, ^ r.ou^.,,,,, DRS vnequnr*^d tha'l tDrhq (p-r.e. aAAc,l -{oU -f h. A tpo,,. ( 1..r"^ iol o,t t hc. Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: ,/4an t?-- Seconded vy: 7"L<)ttT ./a-r/ APPROVAL ] \- DISAPPROVAL Summary: 0z-- E Statt Approval ,.,flf {-l:,T ot IUI€RrAl.5 JJ t"-t.as.4 - ft*/s()an )ntn /+77€.D 8u t -. t'lJ 4s-4-.- - E' c-z /lc,l,up. fior.,z7 I \ 'l'hc fol !or:in11 inform:rt iorr i.; lloard bt jor'c 1 fj.111[ ir1r1>r'ovlr I A. IiiJll.ir;rit: l,.A'il:lliALS Poof Siding Other l'iall l"laterials Fascia Soffits Windons Window 'I'rin Doors Door 'l'rim Hand or Deck Rails F lues FIashi.ngs Chinneys t'(,(irt i f.'(l l'<rl l;trlrr, i t 1 ;r I c;r rr il!, fl.i.vr:n: lry tht: lrpplir';r,rl to tltC 1i1',;ir.rr ll,.vjr.'l SAne' 4s e tsl/d<- f{ctL'rEs Rfif eheo- A)4foeAc F/^rtsH Atz\,,\ ,lo ru,.,\ r(n. <,/ts-,ntk F t_{,h l)a .-t 6 AbaF- _. * _ -- _- foou{ Cormon Name 0uanti tv Si ze ? i Trash Encl osures Grecnhotrs es 0ther B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name TREES it \SHRUBS /Jo,'tc a\,oll, FooT^cE s0D TYPE llr Az--rlrc.toe n4nvg <€Fo - ilve"o rQuzcA SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE /7o@SEED nD RS TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please speci fy. Fb rL vlrsft APPTICATION CONDITIONAL l'oRM roR USE PERMIT I.this procedure Conditional Use lhe appllcation subnitteil. A. NATIIE OF ADDRESS is required for any project required to obtain Permit. will not be acceptedl until all information is APPLICATiTT l/t,- B. NAl,tE OF APPLICAT.TTTS REPRESEiIDI$TW, Br.. fuaZeuS €*7 25'6 ADDRESS PEONE 4t-?aoo C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATT'RE ADDRESS ggggn 47O_7ooo D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL E. F. ADDRESS LEGAT DESCRIPTION I,OI FEE $50.00 plus an anount equal to the rate for each ProPertY ouner to be A list of the name of ormers of all subject ProPerty and their addtesses, then current fi-rst-class Postagenotified heretmder. property adjacent to the Co -oen o o Sr4te /''n'-^' Oee+zt'q €xtT N r+zto ^'t cc 6oL S. 974 srzeer G<A^ro J.r^, q7roa./ , Co glso I Se.o.ur <€ B"x l? o 77€D - 'ul)in n" 'r lvlr- Fe"es, fl7n 7o*- .(- o' 8td4{ - -gonqt.t:.onar use PermIE Page I r_ L , .Ii. Four (4) copies "fl f,ollowing informatior,,f A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and Its operating characteristics, and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicility. B. A site plan showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations, Parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped arear and utilities and drainage features. C. Prelinjnary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale, and j:rterior plan of all buildings. D. Any additional material necessary for the review of t-he application as detemined by the Zoning Adninisttator. III. firne requirements 'llhe Planning and Environmental Commission meets on tbe 2nd and Ath Uondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanying rnaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. \ J t / (D CDl-toO2,O F.lA za IJJ E U)oo1zo F 0- IJJY ll,lo 9N'o\Fo\ = r-.{ cEltJ f'rONbd dJ ol,4rFlg.^lbEz6 hr= z<.n9 >Zk I!oo a=z>iP 3cntrDtr "dE =83;Hg ts lu o- IL uloz loo oFEI EI Jl-LU-h= dllJ>LOu!ro\ Lllxo;>EFJJ t! uJ @ F go Eo'oE EE .E 3 E EI o --- E =E, UJAz9Fc)3EFazo() ciz E =E uJo- ll 'l,-, I rE N I t<F.')& e s r0E tg <J ltL z .= h iEf; IEZ t= lo& too tza l*,2 ,2 z lt UJo E =.E 5.U f gE'E.e i$t;: :-*E5co(!0'-!-.c= (D o c etfc€ >t = ,., z io.e9tnO1>!?()aJzr!<oqH6tot-o !-r (\| ,l=l*(\rllo H IA IlE..zlu) :<6t I = FelE9. ozl- : EEIH Ea ltr fi?t'9,rl . EHIS gillP .. >l uJo uJ UJzot =E uJ zIF oo Flo F at) oz F at)) z Y (L zts oz ]l- Jo t- J t3 ttrl<I frl t<lxt<l' lft> ts 1..uJl=l<z coo FrH zB ts =z >{ FfFl F-lH CA ca tt @ s.l I\or\\t, L FJ =()=tr aa IJJ o ) = o- E tr ol uJl .El JI <lilol zl BIolFI H& Ff Fl = Io\ oz '; IJJ J <t>l u-oz 31 9tFI o\ rJ.l IF (\,1 I I = It = ct uJ cr J <l ilqz =olFI =tr cil =.Jol uJ 5l <l >1 ]L z 3l 9IF uiJut (ts UJz =o Fc)tlrF ? O E, E -rO<FGO IJJ <zEUJFarzo )E 5P FS EEr E2? =E4Zgo (J 6F 13 g6 osb =.r-E Fl-Oz oC J<()e?. -.rt 6 NFflfIU}+U ,l' il I)l )l I oz ==G,ulo- oo o Or N tn U,Julu- tr E uJ v a{ c'\o\ FE & t vfrlz tsat z U ZAizYZt+< v^. z^ 9>, F E I 4 o ozz 3lFIoiZr Orzl :li c0i .atl 2l 3i Ft zH 4 t1t 4 3 11I 4-{ h lr'IlelH t-I|l lE lr': IOtzt<tr-{lFlIAl= l"lFlto l"M F{ z H E4 t{Art)zH lJ- J UIa =I (! E o c(5 o ! E o l -i q) o ; .9 oo g; o) () at o o (! N o 3 t- o oo a5 alt o E E (E a;;(5 --- 0) '-g)|/, *io i.o(B F.e :?.:! 5Eg:F'5 E e 6Pc-o'- a,,e:=-60 =pFg >= c9(g E;E EEA =!E,rOO fEo €eeF! f.=- (6 o.G clo=-(5:9 .,ao- E€e : (,,'. E: EOo: EE E !- C(! 0'- - -.co9- 3EEol=;6>.o(!: *GF;: UhteI -o. qr c5g -o6 .aa*.|' H 3 (a rd * 'ta l( L|' rrH B v, t4 Lk L =uJ z 6 I UJ oz -) ) 9 E,F IJJJ llJ z J o- J Iz - LIJ = rJ.l UJ lJ-z tr uJ UJ '_ut uJ z 6tuo uJ o- z lL,J x F uJo u) uJ UJu- tr = uJ o-) FoF z oIf IEF gJ J UJ z =J J 2 I(J uJ. H H NOrM]VA l-lr4tvlr-rth>lh>o.lo:;;kfure19 =(D.16 E89E_r =''6 688F^aZfa ; d ;Ese, fi3r!<oqiE i 6 gr:rFo6> ra\lo z tr l q LL tr o.f uJ F o oEl.x -.Xc.tFl| E UJ z E o +{|rz tr uJ 3 UJz tzl 2Oo <oo<>tr>cEgr60<z Lrtltitl a)t-z 9z -.1 Tdo36OI ! ll I] [] UJ (E a uJzY9IF f- 2o F loz I E =F 3o I-lII I ,lli:i6l Jl<Ii-l zl zl .. >l llJ uJtuzat (r uJc z Eoo X I I_l "l I I --l 'l -l I I ^l=lUJol z @ -1 I I I I I2l;ldt<l(!l H*l>o9z HH CD rG)o) OO trltr F u)z F: O,l O! O'l rn E E{F z zH UJ =odlo-)zo F& IJJY ul co oF tr =ulL lto o- I ulF z ltlF o FI H& Ffrl oF ?ze> d)o =zdP 3(') T-l-tT-Ht-,t-t L l J..i3 zE= "'r -1 Lu6d= t: CC uJ o- ll. uJ z oo o F E JFtU-h>:co- ul>(LOu-9o\ lrJxo-:> uJJ! uJ oF o o.' !ttt Ect E Eo(, ,to a!o -Ff=EsE -If=€ E =Elrlo-zIF(Jf E,Fazoo _l ,al\-| rl *l EI oH = J |D F ) zH z H trr tn zBoH I H u; =z (I] -) Fft-l tr zB .H uJ 4 tszo& (a lr| F.' o sI o- H ts =tr !) oo F 4 A F FfFI H =tr I @ z lll G J <l>l t!l 21;l :vlFI t\t\t\ Io\.$ c'\ H 3 Fl 14 B (n tr I\o .iz .i uJ: t!oz3 Fi @rr (n I\o e.l O'l U E F =c oz uJ J u-oz3 F 2 tr z o IJJI o zl 3lolFI =E u- cjz oulI <l>l Bl z) 3i 9l UJ uJF uJz B F ul Io E <F LJ,J <ZE(rz <oOF- -< snE-z6o E(,o ;z l- =#JZrl-o t<x 9tr 43AFYZ =g C ir3 b= J<Qon3ENFF 7l .oulh ironl.9. rord rtal, color.do !1537 (303) 479-21,38 or 479-l\39 offlc. of c'ommunltY d.Y.loPm.||l BUILDING PERI'iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval 'Engineerts (Public Works) review and approval' a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weelts. All commercial (large or small) and all mu]ti-family permits will have to follow ihe above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wlll be made by this department to expedite this permi.t aE soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Date tlork Sheet was turned lnto Ene Connuni ty 0evelopment Department. {. ?5 roulh fronllgc to.d Yrll. colo?.do 8'185t (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 offlcc of communllY dcvrloPmrnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC 1{ORKS,/COMMUNTTY DE\TET.OPMENT MARCIT 16, 1988 CONSTRUEIION PARKING & I,IATERIAIJ STORAGE To3 FROM: DATE: su&IEcT! In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unLawful for any person to-lLtter, track or deposit any soil , rock' sand, debris or naterlal, including trash duutpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehl.cles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion theieof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement. lhls ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Publlc lforks Department. Persons found vlolating thls ordlnancewlll. be Eiven a 24 hour written notice to renove said rnaterial . fn the event the person so notifl.ed does not comply with the notice withln the 24 hour tine specifled, the Public Works Departnent wiII remove said naterial at the expense of Personnotifl-ed. The provisions of thls ordinance shall not be appllcable to constructlon, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utillties in the rlght-a-way. To revl.ew ordinance l{o. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Bulldlng Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatlon on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) Date Read and acknowledged by: ..,. TO}IN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE.ROAD vArr,, co 8L657 970-479-2138 wf tr')IJ ,J " I't) LJ' L.t' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Vafuation: Fir.ptrcc tnfornrtion: Restrictcd: 8ui tding_-_> Pl,an Chrck-> lnvcatigrtiofD HiLt cal [-> THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. VALLEY DR JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit *: D95-0005 Job Address: Location... : Parcel No.. ! Project No.: =001 Status...: ISSUED Applied. .I 05/0L/Le96 Is8ued. ..: Expires. . : Phone : 97 0-47 6-3082 Phone : 97 O-47 6-3082 PRJ96-0040 J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1O0O S FRONTAGE RD Vl, #202, VAIL co J.t. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1O0O S FRONTAGE RD W, #202, VArL co AI.,LSTATE INSURANCE CO t TOWN OF ar,r.',statn PLAZA, NORTHBROOK rL 60062 816 57 816s7 OccuPancY: Type Construltion: v 1-HR' TyPe v l-Hour Type OccuPancy: 75,000 Add sq Ft: #of Grs ApPtiancca: #ot Grs Logt: 615.00 Rs3turrant Plan Rcvicr-).00 Tot.l cltcutstcd f c.r--> 1OO.m Additiom[ Fccs--):m rJJii;onet Fccs--) 'oo-m ioial. Perrit Fcc---) 1,Y7'7-2 #0f t ood/Plttet: 399..75 DRB FcF----- .m Eactcfrron tee--. {4!.00 ctcln-UP DePosit->/.m Racrcrtion Fee--> ta€9 ---.99 ioial. Perrit Fcc---) 1,161'7-2i"in"nt"--a 1':6.7'n : .05 ilIS:'.05 LriS:'.05 vn:' .05Ilf'.:'05 lher:' .05L/Le tem ?18 Eem et\ t'em ?l?Len ?ri ce_n zrl't'ent5/O Lem ?r1 ce_m ?l?m 0 I. 0 0I 0 0I 0 0I 0 0I 0 0I 0 1OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT-06-oell Action: NQTE06 DAN AcIiON: APPR +00 pr,annrNc DEPARTMENT-96-oAN Action: NoTE ?8oM$ff,' o"tfit+Efti o:11 S5-OA}[ Action: NOIE06 jEFF A Action: APPR tSoDPUBErc "RE[i"': Norgs6 LARnv P Action: |!P$ ' O O-E}WIRON}IENTAL HEA-LTB 90 -oen Acti. on: l'tQTE96 DlSi Action: APPR 38oolfrouo* Action: APPR DEPT: BUILDING DAN PLN.I EXAfiINER DEPt: PI.AI'INING MIKE PLANNER- DEPI: FIRE MIKE FIREfiie aei,t BBB[?"$fi" *on* R$?f^HH"'*gtl HEALTH ftU88 A$$i8$ffi-H-ru-ru---DePt: CLERK Divieion: DiviEion: Divieion: Division: Division: Division: 2 of this Document for any conditions DECLARATIONS See Page that may aPPtY to this Pernit' 'i I t a,{ d,r in f uLt tha tnto.*titlequi red, conptcted an r hcr:by ""fnort"og. that I hav' rcaa.tniYpti caliol'--li tt"d out in futt th! intorm: or.an, end stat! thet art tna 'iiiorarai ion proiiaeo "" ..qriiJ-i.-iorrect. .I agre.-::. "o.pty iith tne infor'ation io cornty sith.*, ro*n orornance"""ru "tit. [avs, .and to'Luita tni" structurc. according to thc Tormrs zoning ano codes, dcsisn .*i.n "pp.ouil";ijfil s"iiii;;-ifo;;^c'oii"t-otJin-"cs of the roun aPPticlblc th*'to' accurlte Ptot ai'd plot ptan, subdivigion REouEsrs FoR rNspEcrr;s SHALL BE ''ADE TITENTY-F..R tlouRs T ADVAN.E BY TELEPHoNE AT ;lffna"nlfr,nrcEleon s.nd Ctcr]t-UP DrPosi t To: ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: De6-000s a '- ii- os1rc/?1 . . status: rssuED ***********************************i*******i**i********************:t************ Permit Type! DEMO. OF PART/ALL !q!G'eppliclnt: J.IJ. vIEtE CONSTRUCTION 97 0-47 6-3082 epplied; os/oL/!996 Is sued: To Expire: Job Address: Location: PUBLIC WORKS Parcel No: 2101-092-00-001 Description: DEMO BUS WASH Conditione:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS FEQUIRED BEFORE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR ANY WORK CA}I BE CODE COMPTIANCE Assessoltf f ice , Parge! tt. - TOWN oF vArL coNsTRucTro' oo'oa/ pERlriT AppLrgATroN FoRMol.enz "//3o(Qb o N PER}IIT /I I APPLICATfoN !'IUST BE FILLED OUr collPLETELy OR rT ltAy NoT BE AccEpTEDU X***************************** PERI{IT fNFORIifATfON ******!r**********************,l [ ]-Building [ ]-ph'nxing [ ]-Electrical I J-I,fechanibal ff-otrr""Detro'f,Q,V. Qo5ut. LW?xsJob Name:Job Address: Lega} Description: Lot Block_ Filing owners Name: @ Add.ress: .A t ,Architect z kNL OtSrci Address:SArrgilr@-rnr /66 s.r,tt/7o'P,o.e7s4u1 General Description:,/63r.1 QErsvsa,0eo)- C y'oprs work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t r-Additl0nal [ ]-Repair t4-otnerfurt<t! Nu:nber of Dwelll.ng Units:Nurber of Acconnodatiqn Units: 1}*tt and Qpe of Fireplaces: cas .Appriances_ cas Lcgs_ wocd/pelret_ {********************************* vAlrtATrONS * ****** ****** ** ***** ************* BUILDTNG: $ lLrrMBrNG: ELECIRfCAL: $oTItER: i aS,ocn,oO Atv Vac,etDrz SUBDIVISION: 5r <n i-l-=J:::lw't"' lown of Vail Reg. NO. /y8AAddress: Electrical Contractor: Address: Phone Numbrer: z,t-t, -'zap7 Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. PIT'UBTNG PI,AN. CHECK FEE:UECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREAITON FTEs CLAAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: Plunbing Contractor! Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLT'MBING PERMIT FEE: }.fECHANTCAL PERMTT F8E: ELECIRTCAL FEE: O1rHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR BUTLDING: STGNATI'RE3 ZoNIl{c! STGNATURE: CLEAI{ I'P DEP0SIT REFITND To: ).t-'Utstg <lLrttlrd<:rd t'" TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Tb'v" 6tli 6oc,."tr' Exptr:sroJ Dale: llz"lgt Please ariswer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit": ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? X X x X h YES NO V1) 2l 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the righl of way, easements, or public property? 7') ls a "Flevocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? ll you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Developmenl. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construclion Inspector, al479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. T,O"V"6w FActtrt/Jd, Job Name Date 75 soulh lronlage roed Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&fECT: ottlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPITENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi.1, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trash durnpsterl , poriabre ioiretl .r,a---workmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewai:<, -;ii;y or publicpI?:" or any porEion theieof. The risht-"i_;;t-;n aII Town ofVail streets and,:gag. is approxinately S ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirl be striltiy -enrorcla by the iown of vairPublic works Departnent. pers6ns found vi6raiing this ordinancewilt- be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiar.rn the event the person so notified, does not -ompiy with th;--notice within the 24 hour tirne speciried, trre-puiric worksDepartrnent wilr remove said rnateii.r _at in" ""p""se of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance rniLi not beappricabre to cbnstruction, rnainienance or repair projects ofany street or aLley or any utilities in the rigti_"_ruy. To.review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please st,op by the Town ofIlll B"ilding Department to obtain a copy. tfrantc you for yourcooperation on this natter. \ (i.e. contractor, owner)r lnwn 75 south tronlag€ road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 offlce ol communlty developmerrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE Jf,itris permit.lgeuires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer"s. (.P!b.lic works) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Departmentreview or Health Department review, anb'a review by the duiibing - - Department, the estimated time for a total review ruv i.i. as t6ngas three weeks. All commercia'l (large or sma'll ) and all mu]ti-family permits willnave t0 follov{ the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residential 1!9,:rull projects-shou'td take a 'lesser amouni of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments..with regard to necessary review, these pioje"ii ruyalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi.t as sgon as possib'le. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Communi ty Devel opment Department. o Construction, Inc. a J.LVielo 1000 S. Fronage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, Colondo 81657 Tele303. 476. 3082 Fax 303. 476. 3423 May 3, 1996 Mr, Larry Pardee T.O.V. Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: T.O.V. Bus Bam Expansion Dear Larry, Please find enclosed the construction staging plan for the T.O.V. Public Works Bus Maintenance Expansion. The existing utilities are show and new connections re-routing ofutilities are shown on the construction documents. Flagmen are not anticipated as constuction access is via Vail Valley Drive. The construction vehicle volume will be far less than bus traffic during the ski season. In cooperation with the Public Works to facilitate their storage needs & operations, three foot tall movable fencing will be used throughout the duration of the project due to the varying size of the laydown and staging area at different phases of construction. All soils generated from the excavation will be left on the property. Dust control will be maintained durins demolition and excavation. The access road will be kept."tutirretj"t"* during this period and scraped and washed down on an as needed basis per the T.O.V.'direction. Construction is expected to be completed aroruld December 31,1996. Please call with questions or comments. Sincerely, ,Uc4 Craig Bruntz Vice President cc: Susie Hewert - T.O.V. Kris Hedberg - RNL TOWN OF VAII PHASB II ' ur *,"lf,iofi yf T?,'Ifffi ADDrrroN FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCT and HYDRAULIC CALCULATION Al-C/Mesa SUBMITTAL YAr L liff*' ? H,P,''t"&t* E Nr * 14 1o ,/V ?/-tcsrt Town of Vail FINE SYSTEMS, INC, . 489+ Van Gordon Slreel f 3a4- Wheat Ridge, CO 80093 Fax: (303) 425-6127 (303' 42s-0464 FIELD COPY * .J,''i r't,,r; -# C' z.<7W2Atdr/4/r I SUBI\{ITT./\L SERIAI. NO: 235(|IIY4 VAIL PI'DLIC WORI(S IVTI,DING SIIOP BUS MAINTENANCE DTJILDING ADI)I IIONVAIL COLO WELDI NG SPACiI IIXTITA IIAZARD GROI]P AFG/MESA FIRE SYSTiJMS 4894 VAN GORDON STREE'I WIIEAT RIDGI, COLORADO B0033 FII"E I{O VAII,R(IS3 LOW TIST RI]SULTS Wat,er Stll'l)lvSTATIC 90. OO PSI RES IDI'AI, BO . OO PS I 2n 00 , (,0 06-27"-1996 IrAcE I cPlu GPI,I {Mftvt lt6tt't\ CITY PRI]SS(IRI STIIUIUARY ACTUAI-SPR TI-OW AVAILAIII,II AT 1119,9 Of SPRINKI-l:R OI-TIFLOWS I\IINIMI.JM 87.56 PSI FI.Ol'I Ii-FA(ilOR lllhSslrRl; 201 zoz 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 2ro 2TI 2r2 213 2 t'l 215 2J.(t 217 2LB 2t9 220 28.00 28, 00 28. 00 28. 00 28. 00 28. 00 28. 00 28. 00 28. 00 ztt. oo 28. 00 2B. 00 28, 00 28. 00 28. OO 28, OO 28. OO 2B ,0t) 28. 00 28. 00 I fi. i0 15.92 I 5. f;9 r 5, 63 1l',07 13. 66 t3. 17 l.),.1 /- 32, 80 JZ. JZ 32. 09 32. 02 30.39 29 .94 29.73 29 .67 34.03 11 <1 .t .t . zY 33.22 31 , .14 30.97 30, 74 30.68 28.71 28.27 28. 06 28.O0 = 7 .65 1 11 6. B9 6. 82 t.0 1t) l0 trl l0 l0 r0 10 10 l0 10 10 10 10 l0 4,i / // -1* ,td "jl1' , .,qtl tt' W n415. 07 t4 .62 1.1..J t I |.35 12. 18 I2.00 11,95 r/ canhw 0 () u 0 o /ee-'(xtx p)fr*zEd .4e zlt ,leuroz zt'r ztatru . rt"a/ud/{//-+/rrf 2246 u/ $' u .) tTtt "r'i 0,/1',"' lttilw r2z y'zlr )zrYe,r,ti,*t D SUBMITTAL SERIAI. No: 2350IIY4 VAIL PUBLIC WORKS WILDING SIIOP BUS MAINTENANCI DUILDING ADDITION VAIL COLO WELDING SPACE EXTRA NAZARD GROUP TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTSIDE TIOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL I{'ATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O MAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS MAXIMTJil VELOCITY FROM 1 TO 2 06-27-1996 PAGE 2 619. 89 GP[l 500.00 GPM 1119. 89 GPM 78.13 PSI O. OO PSI 15.62 FPS SUBMITTAL SERIAL No: 2350IIY4 VAIL PUBLIC WORI(S WELDING .SIIOP BUS MAINTENANCE DUILDING ADDITION VAIL COLO 06-27- t996 PAGE 3 2r5 219 a 2rr 2L5DQ a 57 21lDQ a Iltlrriv I-elgtlrrt 9. 00 0. 00 9. 00 9. 00 0. 00 9. 00 1.00 B. 00 9. 00 9, 00 0. 00 9. 00 9. 00 0. 00 9. 00 1. 00 8. 00 9. 00 ['r ict.iorr I-oss PS I /Ft C= 120 PT PE 0,2425 PF C=L20 PT PE 0, 2507 PF C=l2O PT PE 0,27 L4 PF P't C=I2O PT PE 0. 2.134 PF C=l2O PT PE 0,2517 PF C=l2O PT PI 0.2724 Pr PT Locat i orr Fronr To 216 220 a 28. 00 212 2L6DQ 30.68 Q 58. 68 58 212DQ 33,22a 91. e0 WELDING SPACE EXTRA IIAZARD GROUP I Flow Pipe Fitt;ingsiu Sizr: &GP[| IN Dev i oes 1. 049 BN5 1, 380 BN4 1, 610 DN3 Pr'g'sstrre Summaly PSI 1r , 95 (220) o.22 2. tB 14.35 (216) 0.22 2.26 r 6. B3 (212) 0. 00 2. 44 t9.27 ( 5B) 12. 00 (219) o.22 2. L9 l 1. .1 r (2r5) 0.22 2,27 t6. 90 (2lr) 0. 00 2, ,ts 19,35 ( 57) T2, IB ( 218 ) o.22 2.22 14.62 (214) o.22 2.30 17,1,1 (210) o. 00 2. 4B 19.62 ( 56 ) 28.27 30.97 59.24 33.53 92.76 1. 049 BN5 t. 380 BN4 1.6 t0 BN3 1, 049 BN5 l. 380 BN,T 1.610 tJN3 1, 049 BN5 F=0 F=0 F=T F=0 F=0 F=T F=0 F=O F=T L F T L F T 28. 06 30,74 58. BO 33,29 92. 09 L F T t- F T L F T L F T I F T L F T L F T r T 2t4 2LB a zLO 2L4DQ a 56 210DQ a 00 C= L2O IIIOO PE00 0, 2468 PF 00 C=L20 PT OO PE00 0,2551 PF 00 C=L2O PT00 Pl:00 0.2761 PF PT 9. 0O ('.=1?,O PT 12.57 (217 ) 0. 00 Pn o,229.00 0.25.10 Pr 2.29 2r3 2r7 28.7t F=f) SUBMITTAL SERiAL NOr 2350IIY4 VAIL PUBLIC WORKS WELDING SIIOP BUS MAINTENANCE BUILDING ADDITION VAIL COLO WELDING SPACE EXTRA IIAZARD GROUP I Flow Pipe Fit.tingsin Size &GPM IN Dev i ces F=0 31.44 FricLion Los s PS I /Ft. C=LZO o .2625 C=l2O 0. 2840 9.00 C=IZO PT 0. 00 PE 9, 00 0, 2699 PF 8.00 C=120 PT6,00 PE14.00 0.2750 PF l. 00 C=IZO PT10.00 PE 11 , 00 0.2079 PF rl 9. 00 C=l2O PT 0, 00 PE 9. 00 0. 2709 PF 8.00 C=120 PT 6. 00 PE 14 . 00 0,2760 PF 1,00 C=LZO PT10.00 PE11.00 0.2086 PF PT 9.00 C=I2O PT0.00 PE9.00 0.2745 PF B.0O C=L2O PT 6. 00 PE 14, 00 0.2797 PF 06-27- 1996 PAGI .1 Pressure Sunrmary PSI 15. 0B (213) o.22 2,36 17 . (tG (2O9) 0. 00 2. 56 2A.22 ( 55) 13,42 (208) -o.22 2. 43 t 5. 63 (204) -0,22 3. 85 19.26 ( 5B) 0. 43 2, 29 21.98 ( 54) Q 60.16 55 209DQ 34, 03 a e.1, 18 Locat ion From To 209 213DQ Equi1, Lerrgl-h Ft, L 9.00F 0.00T 9.00 L 1,00F B,OOT 9.00 1.380 BN4 1.610 BN3 1.049 BN2 1. 380 BNl 2. 067 t\K r-l PI PF PT PE PF PT 204 208 a 58 204DQ a 54 5BDQ a 29.67 32.02 61. 69 91. 90 153.60 29.94 32.32 62.26 r. 049 BN2 1. 380 BN1 2. 067 NR 1. 049 BN2 1.380 DNl F=T F=0 F=T F=T F=0 F=T F=T F=0 L F. T L F T L T L F T L T L F T L F T L F T 203 207 a 57 203DQ a 53 57DQ a 13, 47 -0.22 2. 4,1 15.69 -o.2? 3. 86 19. 33 0. 43 2.29 22. 05 13, 66 ( 206 ) -o .22 2, 47 15.91 (202) -o.223.92 (207 ) - /in${" * (203) ( 57) ( s3) 29 ,73 32.09 61. B2 92. 09 153 . 91 202 206 a 56 202DQ a F=T SUBMITTAL SERIAI. NO: 23501IY4 VAIL PUBLIC WORKS WELDING SIIOP BUS MAINTENANCI] RTIILDING ADDITION VAIL COLO WTI,DING SPACT EXTRA IIAZARD GROT]P I Flolv P i pe li'i t. t. i.rrgsiu Size &GFI\I IN Dt:vict".s 06-27-1996 PAGE 5 Fr i r:1.. iotr Pt't:ssurel.rLss Surhlrrary PSI /TL P3I C=LZO PT I 9. 6l ( 56 )PI: 0. .4:] 0,2114 Pr 2.33 PT 22.37 ( 52) Locat i otr From To 52 56DQ a llrl rr i v Lctrgt lr FI 1. 00 10. 00 11,00 92.76 2,067 155.02 t\ltrltla ?0L 205 a 55 20lDQ a 51 55DQ a 9 . 00 (.= 120 0. 00 9. fjo 0 .2821 B. 00 C=120 6. 00r.t.00 0.2875 1. 00 C=12O t0,0011,00 0.217.1 Lt.07 (205) -o.22 2. 54 16.39 (201) -0.22 4 ,02 20.t9 ( 55) 0, 43 2.39 23.O1 ( 51) 30. 39 32. B0 63, 18 94. 18 157 .37 1.049 DN2 l. 380 DNl 2. 067 NR ti-T' F=0 F=T F=T Il- J: 1.I Lr T Lr ,T'I I- F T PT Pll PF PT PI PF PT PI PT PT 53 52 51 50 99 54 a 153, 60 53DQ 153.91 Q 307, 50 52DQ r 55. 02 a 462.52 5lDQ 157 .37 a 619. 89 50 Q 619. 89 99 Q 619. 89 6 a 619. B9 10. 50 0. 00 10. 50 10. 50 0. 00 10. 50 tO. l-r0 0. 00 10. 50 - l. 00 20. 0() 24.OO 60. 00 20. 00 80.00 6. 00 0. 00 6. 00 | .1, 00 0, 00 l.r . 00 (,= l2O PT PE 0. 0081 PF C=LZO PT F'II().0292 PF C= 120 PT Pl-:' t). Ofi21 PF C=1.2O PT PN 0. l068 PF C=t20 PT PE 0, l0fi8 PF C=120 PT PE 0,1068 PF C=l2O PT PT 0.1068 P[' 98 ( 5.1) 00 09 07 ( 53) 00 rJl 38 ( 52) 00 t) l) 0:t ( 5l){io -. 56 59 ( 50) 73 5l 40 ( 99) 00 64 01 ( l,) 00 4. 026 rM4 4. 026 I'M4 4. OzG FIU4 4 ,026 Fil{3 4.426 rM2 4,026 FMl 4,026 FMI F=0 F=0 F=0 F=T LE F=T F=0 2r. n fJ, 4Z, n n rl ?3, 0. (). 32. o, 0. 33, 0. l. L F T t- li ,T L l; T L. F T L F T L F T F T F=0 SUBIIITTAL SIRIAL NO: 2350IIY4 VAIL PUBLIC WONKS WELDING SIIOP BUS MAINTENANCE RUII,DING ADDI'TION vAIL COLO 06"27 - 1996 PAGE f-r lictuiv I'r'ir'1, iotr l'r*:srsure.' I- r: ng tlr [.o s s Surnma r'1' Tt PST/FI PSI 1.1.00 C=12O PT 34.5.1 ( 5) n, 00 P[ 0. 00 I|.00 0.1068 PF 1.50 Itfi,00 C=170 P't 3(,.04 ( ,l) 60. 00 PE 3. 47 176, 00 0. l0('B PF lB. B(l B. 00 (=120 PT 58. 31 ( 3 ) 0, 00 PE 0. tloB.00 0. t068 PF 0. 85()k DeLector Asscmlrly 7,30 15.00 C.=120 PT 66.4f,' 50, 00 PE 3. 90 65. 00 0. 1068 PF 6. 94 50. 00 f.i= 1.10 [)1' 77 , 30 4,{ . 00 PE 0. 00 9.1 . 00 ri. 00BB PF 0. 83 PT 78, 1-3 Locat ion From To 45 a GPI\,I I N 4 . OZ(t 619. B9 FMI 4,026 619. 89 FR3 4 . O2() 619. 89 FR2" Felrco illorl . 8 56 - 4 .026 619. 89 FRT 6.340 619. 89 UN WILDING SPACI EXTRA ITAZARD GROUP I Flow Pilrr: Fittingsitr Size & 2) 1) t. F T I,r T L. F T Chc Lr T L F T a 4 Del'ices F=0 F=68 F=DDC Doutrle F=5E F=T, GV 0) eezlb azr lz,rrm)lh azlaP'tbt ,PzWh r1// szatYalftAt-l,l Arw )// pe I c..19 I cio*N lU aaa 0- o- 0- .ooo;ooo Ets8" o. a -bO,r:0l+r {J ,- Il Of;t'fi a)# {r->rt/|dlrJ E 0-g Itr T # ITII0-0_{L(Loooo oclo0)ooo@ (noct('' r{ Or{(o n r'lrl 0t o AH0-o &g, rl g!.r{ql F.(D:I\ Er e E I j t Ai;iE r0lE {lE-. O4rO .gt'i o- ,f,+F $ !E8EffSt888Rsetr||ta€l'iF u)dooo|ocl 6outrE|{rou)f{6{r totr (Fdl erttterd OA'!F E6o"Ei5eF ,96E\I> tso. OA,Eotrou!i L or @ 0? E lll 3 avd o 3I mJ 0_ t SUBMITTAL SERIAL l'lO: 2350lIY4 VAIL PUBLIC WORKS BUS MAINTENANCE DUII-DING ADDITIONVAIL, COLORADO BT'S WASII BAY MOST REMOTE/MOST DEMANDING ORDIN GROUP Z .20/1530 S0 trT AFC/MESA FIRE SYSTEMS 4894 VAN GORDON ST STIITE 304 WIIEAT RIDGE, COI-ORADO BOO33 06-27- 1996 PACI I FLOW TNST RESULTS Water Suppll'STATIC 90. OO PSIRESIDT'AL BO. OO I"SI @ CITY PRESSURE AVAILARLI AT 2,t00, 00 cPtl 660. B Gtlt 89. OB I-'SI SUMMARY O]: SPRINKLER OUTFLOITS ACTUAL MINIMUT!,! SPR FLOW FLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURI: 101 LO2 103 104 105 106 ro7 108 109 110 111rt2 113 114 33.42 33. 34 25.78 25.72 23.45 23.40 36. 42 36. 3.1 28. t7 28, l0 25,66 25.60 32.69 32.69 23. 40 23.40 23, 40 23. 40 23.,1O 23. 40 23. 40 23.40 23. 40 23, "t 0 23. 40 23, 40 23, 40 23. 110 8.10 B. 10 B.l0 B. 10 B. l0 B. 10 B. 10 B. 10B.l0 B.l0 B. 10 B. 10 8,10 B. 10 17.02 lfi.95 10.13 10.09 B. 38 8.35 20,22 20. r3 L2 .09 12 . O,l 10. 03 9, 99 l(, ,29 LD, L' ,l 10.B0 250.00 660. B0 79.29 TOTAL WATER REQUIRIlD FOR SYSTIJTT OUTSIDI IIOSE STREAIUS A'I] O TOTAL 1VATTR RI]QUIREMENT PRISSURE REQUIRID A'T O MAXIMUM PRESSUR}i UNRALANC;E II'I LOOPS MAXIMUM VELOCIl'Y I:ROM 2,T 10 34 GPIr{ GP[,I GF[' pq I 0.00 PsI 2.1 .27 l1l'S 2L/$,lrzotu{o t/ fu ftkd/dar, Z€t"t/;/7,fu SUBMITTAL S[RIAI- i.{O: 23501IY4 VAIL PUBLIC WORI(S BUS IIAINTENANCI BUILDING ADDITIONVAIL, COLORADO 06-27- 1996 PAGI 2 FT Equiv Frictiorr Prr:ssureI..ength Loss SumtnaryFL PSI./Ft PSI 10.00 C=l2O PT 8.35 (106) 0. 00 PE 0. 0010.00 0. 1740 Pr 1.74 RI.IS IVASII BAY MOST RTMOTB/MOST DEMANDING oRDrN GROUP 2 .20/ 1530 SQ Florv Pipe Fitl.ingsLocat i on From To 104 106 v i n S i zeGPM IN I .049 23. .tO RN7 & Devic;es F=0 F=0 F=T F=T F=T F=T F=T F=0 F=0 L, r 102 r 04DQ 25.72 Q 49, t2 26 10zDQ 33. 34 Q 82.47 34 113 Q 32.69 24 34DQ 32.69<______{ 65.39 3 r4€ttn,/,t///k t4 24 Q 65,39 34 114 32.69 10.00 C=l2O PT 0, CIo Prr0.o0 0.686t Pr 9.00 O=12O Fl 6. tlO PE15.00 (r .470i PF Pl' 10. 09 ( 10,1 ) 0,00 6. 86 16.95 (102) 0, 00 7. 06 21.Or ( 26) 16.29 (lt3) 0. 00 2.9r 19.20 ( 34) o. oo aao nB.15 " 27.35 ( 2t) 1.30 0. 56 2q.21 ( r+) 1().29 (l14) 0. 00 2.9r 19.20 ( 3{ ) 9.99 ( t 12) 0. 00 2. O5 12.0,1 (t 1.0) 0. 00 B. 09 20. t3 (108) 0. 00 3. 87 r10 112 a 108 11oDQ a 26 IOBDQ a 25.60 zB. tO 53, 70 36. 34 90. 04 1,049 RN6 , ,380 BN5 1.0.19 BNI 1. 049 BN3 2. O(t7 NR 1. O,t9 BN'l 1.0.1 9 BN4 1. 0,19 BN3 1. 380 BN2 Lr T L .r I L T L F T /r'?,N I- F T t_ F T A 10. 4. a 0 0 C.= l2() P]' 00 P]] 00 0.3230 PF 00 C=l7O PT OO PE 00 1.1645 PF (jO C= 120 Pl' OO PEo0 0.0428 PF PT 00 C=120 PTfJO PT 00 0. 3230 tt; r'! frl L F T 1.. t; T Lr T 10.00 C=120 PT 0. 00 PEr0.00 0,20s4 PF 10. 00 C=120 PT0,00 I'r 10. 00 0. 8090 PI; 1. 00 C=120 PT 6. 00 PE 7.OO 0.5535 PF F=T SUEIUITTAL SERIAL No: 2350IIY4 VAIL PUBLIC IVORI{S BUS MAINTIINANCE BLjII,DIN6 ADDIl'IONVAIL, COLORADO RUS WASII BAY I,IOST REI{OTI],/MOI;T DEMANDING oRDIN GROTJP 2 .ZO/ 1530 SQ Location Flow Pipe Fittirrgsin Size & From To cPM IN l)evices 16 26DQ . 82. 47 2. {t67 L Q r72,5r I F=T F II/ NR T ta7 lt/ 109 11 I a 107 10gDQ a 2s r07DQ a F=0 o6-27- 1996 PAGr 3 15 2 sDQ 0 25.66 28, L7 53.82 36. 42 90.25 82.66 t72.90 1. 049 BN4 1.0+9 BN3 1.3Btl BN2 2. 067 NR 1.049 BN7 1. 0.{ 9 DN6 1. 380 BN5 4 .02(t FMB 4,026 FM7 F=0 F=T F=T F=0 F=0 F=T F=0 L F I t. F T L F 1' I r T I F I Lr T I, F T I F fI rT Ii<;u i v Lttttglltrt 3, 00 10. 00 13. 00 Pncgsurr: S unrma r' I' PSI 2r.00 ( 26) 1. 30 .'. JJ 28.65 ( 16) 10. 03 ( 111 ) 0, 00 2, 06 12. 09 ( 109) 0, 0t) B. t2 20.21 (tA7) 0. 00 3. 89 24, 10 < 25) 1.30 3, 3t) 28.76 ( L5) B.38 (105) 0, 00 1.75 10. 13 ( 103 ) 0. 00 fi. 89 17,02 (tlt) 0. 00 7.0924.r1 ( 25) 28.65 ( t6) 0. 00 o, r2 28.77 ( 15) 0. 00 0,,t3 Friction I-rrss PSI /Ft C=120 PT PE o.2577 Pr: II 10, 00 C=120 PT0.00 PE10.00 0.2063 PI; 10.00 C=IZQ PT0.00 FE 10. 00 0, 8124 PF 1.00 C=120 PT 6. 00 PE 7.OO 0,5559 PF 3.00 C=72O PTJ0.00 P[ 13. 00 0.2587 Pr F'r 10.00 C=LZO PT0.00 PE10.00 0.t747 Ptl 10.00 C=120 PT 0. 00 PE 10, 00 0. 6890 PF 9.00 C=l2O PT 6. 00 PE 15. 00 0. 4725 PF PT 12.00 C=l20 PT (). 00 Pll I ?. 00 0. 0100 ['F I 2. 00 C=120 PT (1 .00 Pll 1.2. 00 0. 0362 Pl: 103 105 a 101 r 03DQ a 25 10lDQ a 23.45 25.78 49 .24 33. 42 82.66 L F T 15 16 Q 172.5r 1sDQ 172.90 Q 345.41 L4 F=0 SUBMITTAL SERIAL I,lOr 2350llY4 06-27- 1996 PAGI 4 VAIL PUBLIC WORKS BUS MAINTENAI{CE BIlILDING ADDITTONVAIL, COLORADO BUS WASII I]AY MOST REMOI'E/MOST DIMANDING ORDIN GROI,JP 2 .20/ I53O SO T-I Location Flow Pipe Fitt.ings Equiv Flit:tion Pr<,:ssurein Sizc & I-crrgl.h l-oss Sumnrary From To GPIU IN Devices Fl, PSi/Fl, PSI 13 14DQ,65,39 4.OZO L 13.00 C=LZO PT 29.20(1,t) Q .1 10. B0 F=0 F 0. 00 PE 0, 00FM6 T 13.00 0.0499 PF 0.65 LZ 13 4.026 L 38.00 C=LZO PT 29.85 ( 13) Q 410. B0 F=E, T F 30. 00 PE 0. 00F[,t5 T 68.00 0.0.1 99 PF 3.39 11 LZ 4,026 l. 12.00 C=120 PT 33.24 ( 12) Q 410,80 F=0 F 0,00 P[ 0'00 IrM4 T 12. 00 0, 04 99 PIr 0. 60 10 11 4. O2(, L 230. 00 C=LZ(| PT 33. 84 ( 1l ) Q 410. B0 F=T f 20. 00 PE 0. 00 FIrf 3 T 25O . OO 0. 04 99 PF 12. 47 9 10 4.026 L B.00 C=120 PT 46.3r ( 10) Q 410. B0 F=[,T F 30.00 PE 0.00FMz T 38. 00 0. 0499 FF 1 . 90 8 9 4 . 026 L 32. 00 C=120 PT 48,21 ( 9) Q 410. B0 F=ZE F 20.00 PE 0. 87IrMt T 52.00 0.0499 PF 2.59 7 B 4.026 L 10.00 C=I2O PT 51.67 ( B) Q 410. B0 F=0 F 0.00 FE 0.00FM1 T 10.00 0,0499 PF O.50 6 7 4 .026 L 10, 00 C=L2O PT 52. 17 ( 7 )Q 410, B0 F=0 F 0,00 PE 0.00I?Ml T 10.00 0.0,199 PF 0.50 5 6 4.026 L 14. 00 C=LZO PT 52.67 ( 6) Q 410. B0 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00Flrl T 14.00 0.0499 PF O.70 4 5 4.026 L 1-{.00 C=IZO PT 53.37 ( 5)Q 4 10. B0 F=0 Ir 0. 00 PE 0. 00 FM I T 1.r . 00 0, 0499 PF O .70 3 4 4.026 L 1lf:.00 (l-120 pT 54.07 ( 4)a 410. 80 F=6E F 60, 00 PI] 3 . 47FR3 T 176. 00 0. 0499 PF B. 78 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NOr 23501IY4 VAIL PUBLIC WORKS BUS MAINTENANCE BUILDING ADDITION VAIL, COLORADO Locat i on From To 23 06-27-1996 PAGE 5 BUS WASH BAY MOST REMOTE/MOST DEMANDING oRDIN GROUP 2 .20/L530 SQ FT Flow Pipe Fittings Equiv Friction Pressurein SIze & Length Loss Summary . GPM IN Devices Ft PSI/Ft PSI 4,026 L 8.00 C=I20 PT 66.32 ( 3) 410, 80 F=DDC F 0. 00 PE 0 ' 00 FRz T B. 00 0. 0499 PF 0. .10 Febco Mod. 856 - Double Clteck Detector Assembly 5.04 4,026 L 15.00 C=120 PT 7L76 ( 2) 4r0. 80 F=SE F 50. 00 PE 3. 90FRI T 65.00 0.0499 PF 3.24 6. 340 L 50.00 C=140 PT 78' 90 ( 1) 410. B0 F=T,GV F 44.00 PE 0' 00 uN T 94.00 0.0041 PF 0.39 PT 79.29 ( 0) a 4' E .Lt) o(J o lU aa.rrn o. o. .C]OO'{ra}11>..,. - LJ tJ 1-lg0) d) c, tn ,bq .,,s0J+t [)',r tl OP I,r .,' )$o14q!>{,(u.' ^> ur av Lt 0- Etr p # I: 'ETo0-o&|jr 15 rJl t! ooooc0ooa ooood ul(o:f c{(o H(nu)(LrL 0, 0)c.t oldoi .l't t- ,;Xo urt$9, r Fd.lF0!L".LlJ(D(J J cr\ .'oo- r. o(o E.- 01 c 0,E-{OP(l rrt J .-r 4;crria .i .d 8, o{LUrrl{J{'ou o o(,)rnfTF lolo l* to c)I,,ot()u)oln!t+(Y)ou,U} U) o @ q,oo ) fi Io(t (lq.{) ornsserd ij [' .-=$0 et !E PS 0ioN 0t t{ -l0t vr.u3[0ro a {L tr Oar 5edrB Ef;eE BT'E\ trhFA63 a tt, Eo(FO 6l: (n Vtro 3I mf, (L a qlou)ou)o() NNeeOOolr-rr- r Sprinkler A Upright Pendent A/,rr'OrltP*re'Af*gAutomatic Sprinkler n il#1,'01,r, n Technicar The Central Model A Upright or Pendent Sprinklers otfer the ultimate in aesthotic appeal and advanced design features. They incorporate a unique center strut design which resuhs in a smaller, moro attraclive sprinkler than those manufactured with a more traditional design approach. The cent€r-strut operating mechanism of the Model A sprinkler responds significantly taster than more traditional mechanisms such as the 8mm glass bulb or link-andlever. The Model A Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in a wide variety of orilice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes, and corrosion resistant coatings. Operation: A lusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut by a slainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperalure, the ball is forced upward inlo lhe cent€r strut, releasing the two eiectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not oxposed to atmospheric condilions that could affect its proper lunctioning. lt is also l€ss susceptible lo mechanical damage since lhere are no prolruding elements, exlending beyond the sprinkler frame. Model: A Style: Upright or Pendent Orifice Size K Factor Thread Temp. Rating and Frame Arm Color: 135"F/57oC Uncolored 165'Fl74"C Uncolored 212'Fl100'C White 286"F/141"C Blue Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., MEA, V.D.S., LPCB (See tabular information on Page 3.) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass, polished chrome, satin chrome (chrome is not V.D.S. Approved) andwhite enamef (white enamel is not Listed or Approved) Coatings: wax, lead, or wax over lead (See tabutar information on page 3.) Pintle: on deflector for 3/e', ?re", and 17lsz' orifice by 1/2" lhread Length: 2 3/a" (excluding pintle) Width: 171rc' Weight: 4.2 oz. %" 71rc' I lz' 2.6 4.2 c.o 7.8 t/z'N.P.T. 1/2" N.P.T. 1/z'N.P.T. 1/2" N.P.T. For spacific listing requirernents sea the appropriato anlormalion contained in this btochurs. ]lo.2l.O Recessed Sprinkler - H Model H Flecessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 t I Product ffil51f,ff::ffiX'ilT',,:"J'ff:l''I || | Description ff,,"Jiilil;iilfliliXT":["""fi:',,; " -I are no protruding links or levers. The Central Model H Becessed Pendent Automatic Sprinklers are low cost, aosthetically pleasing units that have long been considered the finest Recessed Pendent Sprinklers in the industry. The Recessed Pendent incorporates the Central Model H Center Strut Sprinkler with a special two-piece recessed escutcheon ' assembly permitting %'of field- adjustment. The ceiling escutcheon' plale, offered in eilher plastic or metal, is easily installed after the sprinkler is in place by simPlY pushing it over the sprinklel and into the upper support piece until located flush with the ceiling. This feature allows removal of ceiling panels for easy access to ceiling equiPment wiihout taking the system out of service to remove the sprinkler. The Model H Recessed Pendenl Sprinklers are available with a %" orilice. The Model H Sprinklers are available in three standard finishes. The mating escutcheon plale is available in three standard finishes wilh addilional special finishes available. Operation: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center strut with a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its raled temperature, the i'^ ball ls forced upward into lhe center. strut, releasing the two €jeclors and operating the sprinklel. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, lhe alloy is Technical Data Style: Recessed Pendent (adjustable) Wrench: Universal Orifice Size: %' K-lactor: 5.6 Thread Size: %' N.P.T. Temperature Rating: 135"F/57'C, 1650F 4'C, 212"F1100'c Approvals: U. L., U.L.C., F.M., MEA (Cal. No.37$7$SA) Factory Mutual (light hazard, ordinary hazard I and ordlnary hazard ll) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 Psi Factory HydroTest: 1OO% @ 500 Psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass, chrome plated, .white painted Escutcheon (metal): brass Plated, chrome plated, white painted Escutcheon (plastic): brass plaied, chrome Plated, white painted Length: 2Ple' widrh: Sprinkler: 1%" (across frame arms) Upper Support Piece: 21A" (dia.) Ceiling Escutcheon: 3%" (dia.) Adiustable Range Below Geiling: 1/2" lo 1t' Weight 4.2 oz. -U.1-. only. n Model: H //d'nat ru auc Sidewall Sprinkler-H Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler Manulaclured by: Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product Description The Gentral Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are designed with special deflectors that discharge most of the water away form the nearby wall in a quarter-semispherical pattern with a limiled portion of the discharge directed loward the wall behind the sprinkler. Th6y embrace the ultimate in aosthetic appeal and advanced design features via incorporation ol a unique center strut design, which results in a smaller. more attractive sprinkler than those manufactured with a more traditional design approach. The center-strut operating mechanism responds significantly faster than more traditional mechanisms, such as lhe glass bulb or link-and-lever. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13. They are ideally suited lor use in churches, clubs, schools, hospitals, offices, r€staurants, auditoriums, retail stores and similar occupancies. They are available in a wide variely of orif ice sizes, temp€rature ralings, linishes and corrosion resistant coatings. Operallon: A fusible alloy is sealed inlo a bronze center slrut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center strut releasing the two eiectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to almospheric conditions thal could affect its proper For specitic listing requiremenls, see the appropriate inlormation conlained in Ihis brochrrre f unctioning. lt is also less suscepiible to mechanical damage slnco ther€ ar6 no fragile glass €lements nor any prolruding elements extending beyond the sprinkler frame. Technical Data Model Number: H Stylo: Hodzontal Sidewall Orifice size, K facior:%" 2.587/r" 4.24th 5.60 Thread Size: %" N.P.T. Temperature Rating & Frame Arm Color: 135"F ( 57"C) Uncolored or black 145"F ( 63'C) Uncolored or black 165"F ( 74'C) Uncolored or black 212"F (1000C) White 286"F (141oC) Blue NOTE: Golor identification is not required for plated sprinklers. Approvals: u.1., u.L.c., B.s.&A. (N.Y.C.) F.M. (Yr" orifice only) Maximum working pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory hydro test: 1000/o at 500 p.s.i. Standard linishes: Brass, chrome Coatings: Wax, Lead, Wax Over Lead (see tabular intormation on page 3) Pintle: on deflector for 7s" and 7ro" orifice. Length: 2314" width: Frame Arms: 17lro" Deflector: 1elrc" Weight: 3.1 oz. l/arti Hzo, v FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS UL LISTED/FM APPROVED PRODUCTS SUBMITTAL Submiltal is made for approval of the following VictauliC piping products indicate, wlthln the UL Llsted/FM Approved ratlngs in this publlcatlon. COUPLINGS AND FITT]NGS FOR GROOVED STEEL PIPE a \ fictaulic'tt An {gd 9O0l cerlified companystu' "|$'L:ivlu" S "Fli,:l;:""q' .$r,ffff o GROOVED ENO VALVES "iffff#-'s "Piiill,i"J'? o Hlgh Pra3ruaa Coupllng Slyls HP-70 '*'s "*lu':i'Sot"'" @ O Flcxlblo Coupllng Style 77 tl Boltl€a Coupllng Vlc-Boltl...' Styl6 791 O Flrebalf Valve Series 727 PRODUCTS FOR UNDERGROUND AWWA DUCTILE PIPE O Bulterfly Valve Series 708-W PRODUCTS FOR HOLE CUT PIPE 'EHry#"S,o Ball Valve {Threaded) Serles 722 "nff"*,?:lil O"llffi:'nfo "#ii*64 PRODUCTS FOR PLAIN END STEEL PIPE FITO PRODUCTS FOR SMALL DIAMETER PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 10 & 40 SYSTEM SUBMITTAL Subrhlttal ls made for approval ol tho Indlcatod Vlclaulic phing producls lor lhe followlng g€rvlces rvilhln th8 UL Llsted/FM Approvod rallngs and ays- l€m3 ln this Dublication- Sub. Syllom _ Automallc Spdnklor - Wgl _ Aulomatic Spdnkler - Dry - Slandplpe - W6t _ Standplpg - Dry - Undofground water Supply _ Sp€clalHazads - Low Pr6ralre Co2 _ Halon 1301 Thl! p,oduct shall ba manulactursd by Vlctaullc Comp€ny ot Amadca. All prodwb to b9 lnstallod In accordenca wllh currenl Vlctaullc Inatallatlorv.rlemuy lrutrucllof|o. VlctarJlc re8erveg lho dght lo changa ptodrct sp€cinca ons, d€glgrc and 3t6ndard equlpm€nt without notlco and without incurdng obllgatlon. THE COPPEB eoNNECT|ON... PHODUCTS FOR COPPER TUBING . 61 0/559-3300 . FAX: 61 0/25$,8817 O Fcgist6rrd T.rdam.* ol Vlcl!'Jllo Co.nprny ot Afilrlo. VICTAULIC COMPANY OF AMERICA. P.O. Box 31 o Easton, PA 18(M4-{D31 llb4ot 0005 15ti,lc ll/93 O Copy.lght 1993, Vlctaullc Company ot Ar|.rtcr prtnlrd tn U.g.A. ACCESSORIES O Flre Pump Te3t Melet Styl6 735 'it#*:**Tg GgT O Plaln End Coupllng Boust-A-Bouf Style 99 o Plaln End Coupllng Plalnloc|e Style 90 D Plain End Flttlng! PRESSFITO PRODUCTS FOR SMALL DIAMETER PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 5 O Preltflt Product3 All Slyl€s p3 D Coppor Producls d% JOB/OWNER CONTRACTOR ENGINEER Syslem No. Locatlon Submilted by Date Spec. Sect. Pera.- Date . AND LOCKNUTS Plug designs offered are square head, countersunk and bar type. Plugs, bushings and locknuts are furnished at our option in cast iron, malleable iron or steel. Plugs and bushings are threaded with taper pipe threads conforming to ANSI/ASME 81.20.1, except sizes of outside hexagon bushings where externalthread lengths are shorter than required by this standard. These bushings are threaded slightly large in accordance with ANSI 816.14 to prevent interference of the bushing head when making up the joint. Locknuts have straight pipe threads in accordance with ANSI/ ASME 81.20.1. MARKING For identification, each fitting manufactured by Stockham has the name "Stockham" or registered trademark. fi Gtass 125 threaded fittings are generally referred to as "standard" fittings and have no pressure class markings. Class 250 fittings are marked "250." Each flange and flange fitting is marked with the saturated steam pressure rating. SPECIALS In addition to catalog listings, numerous sizes and types of additional patterns are available and can be supplied on special order. TESTING AND INSPECTION Strict metallurgical control, sound foundry tech- niques, and accurate machining assure the best in material and workmanship. Threads are constantly checked for proper alignment and depth. black (uncoated) or zinc coated. Flanged fittings are normally black (uncoated) or zinc coated. They may be tarred or painted on specialorder. Zinc coated items may be hot dip galvanized or electro zinc plated ai manufacturer's option. PACKAGING For convenience in warehouse handling, threaded fittings are shipped in corrugated cardboard containers. Flanged fittings are generally shipped loose or may be palletized. WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Weights (pounds) and dimensions (inches) are listed on the following pages beside each item. Dimensions are for estimating purposes only and are subject to change without notice. UNDERWRITERS LISTED AND FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVED Stockham Class125 threaded cast iron fittings are listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated, the UL Mark for Canada and Factory MutualApproved. Elbows, tees, and reducers are included in sizes 1/4" through B" for sprinkler service listing. Also listed are Classes 125 and 250 flanged fittings. @il$ttD ,@,rtt ZST&KHAII JUN-28-9$ FRI 02:03 GRIF-F0LC0RP.wa/r|rxr rs,so |' PrcflF ./ XOPPEI, DIVISION AilSNIDGE DIVISIOIIDU0l|8! {12-A43-7100tlx! {12-8t7-fo?1 collDlTlor (sPECrArr): FAX N0, 3032870FRI},fTIER TI] TUBULAR ilATNRI'TI,litSLT8D AND }IANUTACTURED Itl USA P, l0 2g7g,?€,3 ",rg olHER IE{DS HTDNO lc ofi 3000 P6I 5 SEC HOLo {,'lrt &r^-*gL DENNTS SKEE IIATERIAL TIAg NO IIEI,DI}IG ON NOT EXPOSED truLo tgperft TEST TO I{ERCURT PERTORilED REPORT DURING PROCESSING. ON 1'IIIS ITATSRIAI.. t.g. lor alo ^ntrldg.. tA laocl -J / cdtY a,e '#qg P.O. Bor 75O C.rva. t'|l3. PA r5OlO l'ho^e ar2.gt-?1o0. Far atz-t tt-63c5 TBET REPORT oRoER NO:T-01516 SoID TOs PIOTIITR PIPE I TUDB9E10 tASt 10aT|| wgruEN8lfDtnsoil, @ 006a0 SHIP TO: PIONEER PIPE T IUEE932(' ET, 1O{T8 AVENUE l|g]rDBRsolf, co cugr LO. 8201 sPEcrFrcmro$(s):lsrtursu8 sA/Asr sA/Alo6-91 cR E/Apr st, cR D/x{2 o,D, r.900 l|AI/t,.lts FT/rr2.72 GNADE 1515V QUAT,ITI 5EA!,TLE6g HOT FINISTI IETT,c l|n s P si cr NI Dlo cu AI SN CB v CA 41t705 L P P,P P ,lt .1a.lf .13 .11 .9I .89 .89.t9 -89 ,008.0r0 .009 .OOE .008 o06 oo7 o06 007 000 ,21 ,25.?5 .2S .25 .0t .08 .08 .08 .o8 07 07 07 o6 0? .02 -02 .02 .02 .gz 16 15l6 16 r6 020 020 ot9 019 ot8 o3lotl 030 030 oJo L('8t SPECTHEN YIII D KSI TENSILEt(sI EI,ONG 2n R\A BHN Racl( I{ELL CRAINsrzE }IAGNAPLUrI .750'sTR 55.3 55.9 75.7 76.5 t8 50 Itopprl8hd Gorporadon iuN-z,-sti n*' #,$1,r* t9|ryHitit**o .. FR$,,,EE t A,. N0' r3{r32T283 ..:: THE TIIEE GNOUP PIOilEEN STEEL & TUEE 9520 FASI lo'r?n AvE HEl{DERgOf, PEN sPEg PLAIII EIIDS - U.V.C. ACCPETABLF PER TACE pn0 E?@r83 ?.8 ,.o. tor trlrqnittic. r ilrl ?r'r Dlvlsloll RosEt{0ERc l''rl xt-t o TEXAS ??ra ? l ftn'ttt'tll' It{c co PION€ER STEEL & TUBII{G 9520 EA5T IOqTH AVENUE HENDERSOTI CO Sl,l rR I t{v PPD TRUCK 9-90-9q coAt NRO '75 TABLE 5 l. l-l I DRI . tq0 AVG Conp. 313 6r. 6?f6' RAI{D I ? I 2{' scH TOi PRIOR TO Y e 309- HOl FtiltSH rtaf no 0 tr 2 a e t{Ct alo q,tt nEr ri(lt 49n14 r6?02 r5 l5 r8lr .70 -70 .8t .80 0t4 0la .0lr .014 0lt 0t, .015 .0t4 .23 .?t .20 .t9 06 06 .16 .16 .03 .03 .10 .t0 .02 .0? .05 .05 .zr .20 .?9 -zs v .002 V ;002v ,003v .002 Ft ida n r{|e [EV. rutlt,{XYT'fi) IEIT ?5fi1 psl 0R Ir€ OK lotl clrtiE.{r ltrr,Q.trY. lrR tt l|a.D r3 clotao r l|AroflEa rc^t tl9.t r.sti.tt Yrcto Ptl rlorof agttt4 L&02 6€000 75I(D 45300 51100 50.0 tr.0 E' E' ftrlo fitl aagr rrrllrrEn,l€OlctDNltf F ir|^? frn nttr. rxt rlcdol o ii oflrt |'. JUh-28-9ti fRl 02:04 (jRtt-FAts 00Rp, -, ';... %/29/rea t:':af FIoFFf,R T'{E TUAE GAAUP%.i.r|anrriftr sr SN TR tl|v !oI D To PTOI{EER STEEL T TUBEgtao EAST toqrH AVE HEltDERSotl Ir{c c0 / FR.NTTER FAX N.,';u"u$' VI SION ROSEIIBERC i ptomrn srEEL f, TuDrNo rxc. J es?o EA$T roqTH AvErfuE J HET|DERS0N Co RAND I?'z\l URS PRIOR TO DE Y e 303-89- 3201 P. li aSftn3 P-lL r.0. tot llt ios€flttio, Ytt 3 trar I Oltl l'll'tltt ??q?l n}ar-rrx 09/JOl9rr PLAlll EfiDS - u.Y.c. ,TGIPETABLE PER TIACE TAIPED x"-trlv.t c.oAT il80 l?5 TA0LE 3 scH TO .lrr5 AVO t I t. t- 0n CaoP. 259 pcs. 6080' OR UNLDIN( t )t 'rl^rro.o th F t t|NI CaI'i|t Cr,PD lcraair3.it9tEtr 33t3$ 33336t l6 l6 r5 t6 t8 l8 .78,tt .90 .90 .69 .58 014 0It 0l{ 014 0t4 014 .ot1 .0r5 .0ll .0ll .015 .014 25 25. 3l 3l 2r zl .05 .05 .09 .09 .07 .07 06 | .0r 06 I .orll I .03n|.03 08 | .02 08 I .02 .10 .10 .23 .2?, .15 .14 v .002 v.003 v' .00e v .002 v -001 v .001 :* I '*'FgY. tunt- J Hyo6o rcsr T---C€no lz:oo psr q(l cK €ooY c1r€raNt r.E l ro,tf,r. tlt ,.3 r€r.O?lll tt('rgr )o8Da{€tl 1|€ lt{o. I tnr.ln rg YrEtortl ttor"c ?.lt^lE}.tst (97u0 l3tt93 t33363 0tooo 68800 t6000 0ttoo f3900 52400 50.o 50.0 50.0 l! ET ',r!2I r]ft fltt rtlt ot |lt cqt^rr, l|ttt.'|Y tt,lt|c $ *o $ 62, ri I,l ,Jt I 'Et !0& I I .J; { CHECK REQAEST pREpARED By: /:?, :t: ^ /-L , oI * .1 DArE: 3 /,-? / f Z VENDORNAME:, -f-,u, VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FORBP # BqC -a to NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND: DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: L TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILb PERMT JOb AddTCSS: 1309 VAIL VALLEY Location...: TOWN SHOP Parcel No.. : 2101-092-00-001 Project No. : PRJ96-0040 APPLICANT J.L. VIELB CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, #202, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, *202t VArL co 81657 OWNER ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO t TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Description: ADDITION TO BUS BARN OccuPancY: Type Construction: TyPe OccuPancy: Valuation:1/ 800r 000 Add Sq Ftr 13000 Fi reDtace Information: Restri cted:fof Gas Appti ances:#0f Gas Logs: ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0102 DR Status...: ISSUED Apptied..: os/I3/L996 riiued. ..t o6/20/Le96 Expires..: L2/!7/L996 Phone: 9'1Q-476-3082 Phone: 97 0-4'16-3082 flOf uood/Pal. tct: ******i******'<Jr*'r*ht*!lr*ffi**ffi*1ht***,l*r.rih}*'t***,rt't FEE sul,|l,lARY ****rt*******r***i Bui f.ding----> 5,740.00 Restuarent ptan ncvievll> .oo Totat calcuLated F!es---> 12,6?4 'OO pten Check---> 4,i8'l.OO DRB tee-----------:-----> 5OO.OO Additionat Fees-----> '00 Invest,igation> .00 Recreation Fce---------> .oo Totat Pcrnit Fe'----> 12'6?4'@,,;ii-.aii--:-> i.fi iiill il,i:ri:::::_:::_i .l;H:S livJig";;;:_::_.:;;i 12,524:ffi #rffilrrr/rffr*rffi*rt****ffid******tff.****l}irik*ffiff(*ffi**irr#*ffrffri't*Jr***r***rr,r|kttr*t***t,r**ffi rtem: .os10o BUILDrNG DEPARTMENT 8ep!-i.-99rlDrNc Division: 6E / i / \6 s 6- DIi- -- -- -AEEion a --H-oie D$! -PLaN9.-EX$4INEB--66riiriee6 -Dffi AaEloiia NOiE cHUcK PLANs EXAMTNER 6a'/1a'/lgga cHucK Aq!-ign! APPR rrr ,.rrr.rr*n ni,,.It'em:' 0540o"iji,IiiNING"6EFLiiiuEiri" -----Dept: PLANNING Division:-oi7js t 16 i 6- Difr' -'-' -- -AcE ion : --Nof n Mr Ke PLANNER' o5'/15'/lgga utxe Action ! APPR !.\: -. .iirefi;, oso6o"rifi.s DEpjii.iyEii,i "- - -' Depr: FrRE Division:-o57Ii/i9e6-DAN-- Action: NorE MrKE F-'IBE -oi'/ii'/79tii Jber a Acilon: APPR FrRE DEPT APPRovAL-ii6fi;, dssoo-FtbrTc w-dRKS---' Depr: puB woRK Divlsr,on: 0571'3lise6 oAN Action: NorE TERBI PW---667i67i9e6 lerlnv-p Action: APPR LARRY PARDEE **********$r**i See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay appty to this permit' DECI.,ARATIONS t hereby acknoeledgc that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in futt the infornstion rcqui red, conPteted. !n rccurltc Ptot ptan, a'nO state thlt att the infornation provided as rcquired_ i.s corrlct. .I .grc! to conPty nith the information and ptot pl6n, to corp ty yith au, Toen oidinances and stite [avs, and io buitd this structur! according to thc Tovn's zoning and subdivision codcs,'dis,ign reviev approved, uniform Buitding codc and othcr ordinances of thc ToHn appticabtc thrreto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI/HOURS TN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 179-21 AT oUR otflcE tRo E:00 Ail 5:00 P[ Send clean-Up Deposit To: ******************************************************************************** o 58 0R ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of 06/20/96 o El,iTY- F0UR Permit #: B96-0102 Pernit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION 97 0-47 6-3082 Job Address: Location: TOWN SHOP ParceL No: 2101-092-00-001 Description: ADDITION TO BUS BARN Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. FIRE ALARM AND SPRINKLER DRAWINGS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRYOR TO ANY TOV INSPECTIONS. REQUEST TO ELIMINATE EXIT DOOR, DEFERRED TO TOV BUILDING DEP 4. THIS CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH ALL FEDERAL AND STATE ACC ESSABILITY REGULATIONS . - SIatus: ISSUED Applied: 05/L3/t996 Issued: 06/20/1996 To Expire: l2/I7 /t996 SIGNATURE OF OI.JNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIITSELF AND OIJNER TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-4'19-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR PUBLIC WORKS LIFT 2t0t-092-00-001 PRJg 6-0040 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: E96-0045 Status...: ISSUED Applied..t 04/t9fi996 Issued...t 0a/I9/1996 Expires. . : Lo/16/L996 Phone . 30347 92t00 Phone: 3034792100 APPLICANT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VArL, CO 81657 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S FRONTAGE RD, VAIL, co 81657 OWNER ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO I TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Description: PI^I LIFT Valuation:1., 675.00 ff *****t*****f*ffrt*rffif*}**l.int**}*:*hrHrffir*H FEE SUllllARY ffirr***#**fi*tt*tlrt*fffi Total catculated Fees---> 53.00Etectrica[---> 50.00 DRB Fee Investigat ion> ui Lt caLt----> Additionat Fecs--------> Tot.I Permit Fee--------> Payrnents------- BALANCE DUE-_-. .00 55. OO 53.00 .00 *tffi ffi ftttffiiJrtffi**ff *ffi *#*ffi #*#'.**rffir*i*#rffi(ffi lr*t*rr|t*Jrl.t.**'riff *ffi*rilt*rik***ffirt** .00 3.O0 ToTAL FEES---> 55.00 Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT04/19/1996 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: ffi*jri CONDITION OF APPROVAL *H**ffiffrffi *ffi ffi rtt*ffrrfiJr*Jrffi*lo*tt*ffi*t**i DECLARATIONS I h.rcby acknovledge that I havc read this appl.ication, fitl,ed out in ful,l, the inforiation raquired, comptetcd an accurrtc Ptot ptan, cnd state that al,t the information provided as nequircd is corrlct. t agree to compty with thc information 8nd ptot_p[an, to compl,y yith al,l, ToHn ordinancls and statc [aws, and to buitd this structurc according to th! ToHnrs zoning and subdivision codcs, design revie* approved, Un'iform Buil,ding code and other ordinanccs of thc ToHn appticablc thcrcto, REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-213A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIT 8:OO AI'I 5:OO PI'I n dfod" al,"- Job Nane: V^t Ut tlt* grr*t Job Addressz l3Ft l/pc Uauetz gArv€ ) Archirect &NL gesr)Add,ress: srr. d l-1oo Ph27s-l+t4 ceneral Descriptionz Aoo Aonanr l3,A0t) Sr ov Ntil Syra".as WorkC1ass:[]-New[]-Alteratj.ong{.aaaitio,,.. Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: lfnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas .Appliances lT* * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUAr f ONS Gas Logs_ I{oodlpellet ********************************* Phone Number: BUTLDTNG: $ / floo,uo_ Er.EctRrcAL: $ orHER: !_ f::=:=:-{=: -- tLJ tr::=E?t.'- rorii': t: fH;:::i.::;il#:::":.{,/,e.f'"TffiTJ". "'"." .'o**l#.i;T:ii.;:*******ilii** Address: phone Number: ' VrtZj# Electrical contractor: D?6-o/oz--Address: .- ._ _ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Plurnbing Contractor: Address: ltechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERUIT F8E: PLWBTNG PERMTT FEE: }IECTANICAL PERUTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Nurober: Town of vail Res. No. t)1^ff)Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE *********************** * ******* BUTLDTNG PI.AN CTTECK FEE: PLTffBING PIAN. CIIECK FEE:UECHANICAIJ PI,AN CIIECK TEE: RECREATTON FEE3 CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.ITT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNAIURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DPOSIT XETUTD TO:T"0.v" T6: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9,1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED L,I eleas arding the need fora'PubticWay permif: 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being perfo'rmed that requires the use of the right of way, easernents or public propefy? 3) ls any ulility work needed? 4') ls the driveway being rey;aved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site other than existjng driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public propefty? 7) ls a'Bevocable Right Of Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or .,public property to be used for staging, \- parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? It you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, thE Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. "6.V, 6os B>,.) x X X Y X Job Name t/e/q L 75 3outh frontagr roed lEal, colondo 81657 (3o3t 479-2L.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FRO}T: DATE: su&TEet: offbc ol comnunlty dcyclopmcnt AI,L CONTRAETORS CURRENILYL REGISIERED lrITII TITETOIIN OF VAIL tor{N oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COITMUNITY DSVEIoPMENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSIRU TION PARKTNG & UATERIAI. STORAGE rn sunnara" ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.any roir,-"""i, sand, debrisor material, incruding trash !"rnpster3, l-*"ui"-'toil.ts andworloen vehictes. yFon any streetl -si;;"ik; -;ii;y or prrblicBl?i"-::_T{ ?"Tti-on trreieor.--ile risht_oi_;t-;n arl rown ofvall st:reets and.Sga-ds is gpproxinately 5 ft. 6fi pavenent.This ordinance vilr be. Jtritirv--enforcea by the Town of vailPublic works DeDartment. pers6ns found vi6riting this ord,inancerill- be siven a-24 hour *rititn-n;i;;1;-;;;;;:"."id nareriar.rn tbe event the person so notified does not coropry with thenotice withi-n the 24 rrour ttne-rp"ctii"a,"ii.-tiric worksDepartnent wir.r ramove said uateii"t "t td-;";;se o! personnot-ified- rhe provisions or-trris-oiaii.il! ;f,5ii not beapplicable to c6nstruction, r"lni"tr.tce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in tfre-riJti_"_r"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in ful1, prease stop by trte Town ofI:il^!:i+ding Departnent to obrain a copy. rirani you for you!cooperation on ttris natter. contractor, owner) lr 73 roulh tront ga rord Y|ll, colorrdo 81657 (3os) 479-2138 ot.479-2L39 ofllc. ot comlntmlly dovrlopmort BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TII{E FMI.IE ll_!!lt q:"Ilt.19quires a Town of vai't Fire Deparrnent Approval,Engineer's (Pub'lic wgrfs) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' oepartment *:j:Lgl^rteal th Deparrnint revfew, and' a_ "evie* uy-Iiii' Euiiei;t--'- - uepartment' tne estinated tine for a total review may take as l6ngas tliree weeRs. A'll comnercial (large or small) and al'l multi-family permits willhave to fol low the above mentioned maximum_reguireminii." -nisidential *.:ryll-projects.should ta!9 a tissii'"drfrunt of timi. Hilil;;-i;'!'esloentrat or smaller prcJects irnpact the various above mention6d 9gf"F:1.t"!ill resard to necesqai.y review, thaaa ilj;.ii'*yarso taRe tfie three week period. Every.attenpt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi.t as sgon as possible. - I, the f.rame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tine r Coranunity Devel opment Department. o -]F Town of Vrif FICH COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Cownunity Development lrown of Vai 7 75 South Prontage Road Vail, Colorado 8l-557 (303) 479-2138 Plan analysis based on the 1.991 Uniforn Buildinqr Code Project Number: PR,J9 5 - 0040 Address: 1.309 VAIL VALLEY DR. Planner: MIKE MOLLICA Occupancy: BL,H4.82;B1,H4,82 Type of Const: II -N,II -N Namer VAIL BUS GARAGE EXPANSION Date i .Tune 18 , 19 9 5 Contracbor: VIELE CONST 'Architect r RNL DESIGN Engineer: NEWELL PIans Examiner: C. R. FELDMANN NOTE:The code items list.ed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of aII possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. I! is a guide to selected sections of the code. East Building Sprinkler system used for area increase SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA iNCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line B0 " 0 Feet 80 - 0 Feeh EAST Buildinq 140.0 Feet 70.0 Feet soUTH Property line 80 ' 0 Feet 80 ' 0 Feet WEST Building 0 ' 0 Feet 0.0 Feet Area increased 100.001 for open area on 3 sides, MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1 Mechanical Room 82 1 Office 82 1 Repair Garage 81 1 Bus Wash 81 1 closets, halls rnisc 82 1 PainL Booth H4 TOTAL, FOR FL,OOR BUTLDING TOTAL 332 72000 0.00 ok 961 72000 0.01 ok 24034 72000 0.33 ok I79L 72OOO 0.02 ok 420 72000 0.01 ok 2870 45000 0.05 ok 30408 58141 0.45 ok 3 04 08 58141 0 .45 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok The actual heiqht of this building is 20'0 feeb. NOTE: The heiqht of the aircraft hanger may be unlimited if the minimum clear area around bhe building is not less than one and one-half Limes the building heigihb. -- Sec 507 Exc. #2 The maximum height of the building is 55.0 feet. -- Table 5-D {p *"t'"""o '*"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Development EXTERIOR WAI.,I., FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A Exterior wal-1 raEings for H-occupancies are based on Table 9-c NORTH EIAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG OPNG BRC NON-BRG OPNG WAI,LWAI,LPRoTWAI,LWAI,LPRoTWAI,I,wALtPRoTWALI,WAI,LPRoT 81 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None thr thr NOP H4 Ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None Ohr ohr None 4hr 4hr NoP 82 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None thr thr NOP The exterior walls are required Lo be of NoNCoMBUSTIBLE materj-al . sec.1901' None -- No fire protection requirements for openinqfs 'prot -- openings are to be protected wj-th 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50* of the area of the watl maximum. sec. 504. (b) & sec.1903' (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size j,s 84 sq-ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- openinqs are not permj-tted in this $tal1. oTHER BUTLDING ELEMENrS Table 17-A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTES Inberior Bearing wa11 Noncombusbible 0 hr Inberior nonbrg wa1I Noncombustible 0 hr see Footnote #5 Structural Frame Noncombustible 0 hr Exterior Struct Frame Noncombustible 0 hr See footnote *1 Floor/ceiling Assembly Noncombustible 0 hr See Footnote #9 Roof/ceiling Assembly Noncombustible 0 hr Stairs NoncombusLible None FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wa1l locaLed. where openings are not permitted or where protection of openingrs is required, shall be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame, whichever is greater- -- Table 17-A, foocnote 1 5) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space that are not parL of a l-hr corridor may be of : a) Noncombustible (non:rated.) materials b) Fire retardant - treated wood c) One-hour construction (any material) - - sec' f705' (b) 1' 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbenL materials. -- sec. 702' (cl a 902'(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B B1--H4 thr B1-82 thr offices less than 25* of najor use do not require a separaLion. -- sec. 503. (a) ex *28 H4-82 thr offices less than 25* of major use do not require a senaration. -- Sec. 503, (a) ex #28 {g ru"'"'"o '*u* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR 81 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required' central heating unit greater than FOR H4 OCCUPANCY: A 2hr occupancy separation is central heatinq unit - -- FoR 82 OCCUPANCY I A Lhr occupancy separation is required central heating: unit greater than Weat Building Department of Community Development around rootns containing a boiler or 400, 000 BTU input - - - Sec. 708 ' required around rooms containing a boiler Sec.908- around rooms containing a boiler 400.000 BTU inpu!- -- Sec. 708. or or SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA ]NCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NoRTH Property'Iine 80 - 0 Feet 80 ' 0 Feet EAST Buildinq 0'0 Feet 0'0 Feet SOUTH Property line 80.0 Feet 80 ' 0 Feet WEST Properhy line 80.0 Feet 80 ' 0 Feet Area increased 100.00S for open area on 3 sides' FL NAME Occ MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1 Chassis Wash 81 ok 758 24OOo 0 ' 03 ok 1 Welding Shop H4 ok 1883 24000 0 ' 08 ok 1 Repair Garage 81 ok 20000 24000 0 ' 83 ok 1 Offi-ce BZ ok 72 24000 0'00 ok TOTAL FoR FL,ooR 22723 24000 0'95 ok BUILDING ToTAL 22723 24000 0'95 ok The allowed area for the rnajor: use waa used €or minor accesaory areas. NOTEr Accessory area cannot exceed the allowed area in Table 5-C' -- sec. 505. (c) The actual height of this building is 20.0 feet' The maximum height of the bui.lding is 55.0 feet' -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A Exterior wal1 ratings for H-occupancies are based on Table 9-C NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAL,I-,WALL,PRoTWALLWAI-,LPROTWALLWALTPROTWALLWALLPROT 81 ohr Ohr None thr thr NoP ohr ohr None Ohr ohr None H4 Ohr Ohr None 4hr 4hr NoP Ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None 82 Ohr Ohr None thr thr NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterior $/alls are required to be of NoNCoMBUSTIBLE material - Sec.1901' None -- No fire protection requirements for openlngs' {g *'"o"o'*'r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21sV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development prob -- openings are to be proLected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50* of the area of lhe wall rnaximum. Sec. 504. (b) & Sec'1903' (b) & Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq'ft with no dimension greager than 12 feet' -- Sec- 4305' (h) NoP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall. oTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A EI.,EMENT MATT:RIAL RATING NOTES Interior Bearing wall NoncombusLible 0 hr Interj-or nonbrg wal1 Noncombustible 0 hr See Footnote #5 SLructural Frame Noncomhrustible 0 hr Exterior struct Frame Noncombuslible 0 hr See footnote #1 Floor/ceiling Assembly NoncornbustibLe 0 hr See Footnote #9 Roof/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible 0 hr stairs Noncombustible None FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wall located where openings are not permiLted or where protection of openingrs is required. shall be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame, whichever is greater- -- Table 1?-A. fooLnote 1 5) Nonload - bearing' walls within a tenant space that are not part of a thr corridor maY be of: a) Noncombustibfe (nonrated) materials b) Fire retardant - trealed wood c) one-hour construction (any material) -- sec' 1705' (b) l-' 9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface sha1l be of noncombustible, nonabsorbenl materials ' -- sec. 702' (c) c 902' (b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B Bl - H4 thr 81-82 ]-hr Offices less than 25sa of major use do not require a separation. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex #28 H4-P.2 thr Offices less than 25t of major use do not require a separation' -- Sec. 503' (a) ex #2B ADDITIONAI-, SEPARATIONS FOR B]- OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around central healing unit greater than 400.000 FOR H4 OCCUPANCY: A 2hr occupancy separation is required around central heating unit. -- Sec. 908. FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around central heatingr unit greater than 400,000 rooms containing a boiler or BTU input. -- sec. 708- roons containing a boiler or rooms containing a boiler or BTU input. -- Sec. 708. {,7 *'"'"uo'*"" 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21sV479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Community Development East Bui lding EXIT REQUIREMENTS : FL NAME OCCUPANT I,OAD NUMBER EXIT REQUIRED WIDTH PANIC RATED HDWR CORRIDOR DOOR NOTES SWING 1 Mechanical Room 1 Office 1 Repair Garage 1 Bus wash 1 closets. haLls rnisc * I Paint Booth TOTAIJ 11 10 1r2.o 2 91-4r L42 r54 2 0.0 No 0.2 No 2.0 No 0.2 No 0.1 No 0.2 No 2.5 No No N/R No N/R 11 Yes Out No N/R No N/R No Out 8 Yes Out ent rance * NOTE: This area is being treated as an accessory for occupant loads. - - Sec. 3302. (a) excePtion Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of walls and ceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (S) Door openings are required to be protected' with 20 ninute assemblies and window openinqs are required to be protected with Iabeled 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec- 3305. (h) In areas where 2 exiLs are required, the minimum separation ts '1,/2 of the maxinum diaqonal of the area or f1oor. -- sec- 3303.(c) Exit signs are required. from all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more. -- Sec . 3314. (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noLed. occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exibs is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exib width is in feet and based on sec. 3303. (b). Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exrts' Width shown for all areas is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for lst floor is based on other exits- (0.2) width shown for other floors & basetnents is based on stairways' (0'3) For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304- (f) For the minimum width of corridors, see sec- 3305- (b) For the nininum width of stairways, see Sec. 3305.(b) FOOTNOTES: 8) The number of exits is based on sec. 3319. 11,) Corridors within a tenant occupant load less than 100 may noc require a rated. corridor. -- sec. :305. (s) exc. #5 HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped. accese is required Lo at l-east one primary to this building. -- Sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3. 2l If a ramp is used for handicapped access. the max slope LzL2. - - Sec 3307. (c) provide a landing within 1 inch (1/2 inch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshold. -- sec. 3304.(i) {g *'"'"'uo '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development ICBO shall be servi ce The rninimum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches' -- sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this building is 200 feet' -- Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS : 1) The roofinqi on this bul-ldirrg is required to be Class B or behter' -- Table 32 -A 2) See section 3204. and ICBo gesearch reports for requirements ' AREA SEPARATION WALL REQUIREMENTS : 1) The area separation wall is required to be a 2 hr fire assembly' - - Sec. 505. (f) 2 . 2) If the building has a projection with concealed space at the area separation wall, thr protection is reguired on the projection and the exterior walI each side of the area separation hrall equal to bhe depth of the projection. - - sec' 505 (f) 3. 3) If the area separation wa]l terminates aL an inside corner. see article in 'Building standards' sep/oct 1982 for requiremenhs- AIITOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS : If there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automaEic sprinkler system supervised by an approved central, proprietary. ot remote statron or a local alarm whj-ch will give an audible signal at a consLantly attended location. -- Sec. l]803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a stand.pipe- - - A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: l") The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), WALL AND CEIIJING FINISH: 1) wall and ceiling finish mal:erials are required to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and. TabIe 42-8. Table 38 -A (d) , and/or (e) 2) Carpeting on the ceiling ir: required to have a class I spread rating. '- Sec. 4204. b\ 3) Textite wall coverings sha.tl have Class I flame spread and shalI be protected by automaLic sprinklers or meet acceptance criLeria of U'B.C' Standard No. 42-2 -- Sec' INSULATION NOTES: 1) AIl insulation material including facings are required spread rating of 25 or less and. a maximum smoke density - - Sec. 171-4. (c) 2) Foam plastic insulations a:re required to be protected' GI,,AZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 glazinq in hazardous locabions is required to be of safeby glazing material . -- sec. 5405. (d) flame rating. the 4205. to have a flame - of 450. - - Sec . 1713. {,7'""o""o'*u* ADDITIONAIJ REQUIREMENTS : For 81 occupancy All restaurants or food serwice operations shall be reviewed by the Town Of Vail environmental health officer for compliance to wall and ceiling' finish, and equipment approval' A $75 food service review will be charged to such plan check' Devices generating a glow or: flame are required !o be 18 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 708. The minimun clear height is required to be 7 feet. -- sec' 709'(c)5' parkinqr garages require a ventilation system that exhausts 1.5 cfm per sq.ft. of floor area. -- sec- 705- (b) 2- For H4 occupancy If required by the Fire Code, spi11 control, drai-nage, & contai-nnent shall be provided. -- Sec. 902.(c) . (d) ' & (e) Smoke and heat venting shall. be provided as set forth in Lhe Fire code. -- sec. 902. (J:) Devices generating a grlow or: flame are required to be 18 inches above the floor. -- sec. 908. A ventilation system that exhausts 1-0 cfm per sq.ft- of floor area' An exhaust pipe is also required at each stall' -- Sec' 905. (c) For 82 occupancy All restaurants or food service operations 6ha11 be reviewed by the Town of Vail environmental health officer for compliance to wall and ceiling finish, and equipment approval ' A $75 food service review wiII be charqed to such plan check' In all areas customarily occupied by hunans, provide natural or art.if icial Iighb anci ventilation- -- Sec. 705. (a)c(b) HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTE: seccion numbers liseed below are from ANSI A117.1 - 1985 WATER FOUNTAINS: 1) One must have a spout wiLhin 35 inches of the floor- -- sec' 4'L5'2 2) Spout must be at the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4-15.3 3) Controls must be at or near the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4'l-5'4 & 4.25 .4 4) A cantilevered unih is required to provide a clear area under the unit of 27 inches hiqh, 30 inches wide, and l-? inches deep. -- sec' 4'15'5 (1) 5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required at the founLain. The clear area is reguired to provide for a forward approach with a cantilevered unit and for a side approach otherwise- -- Sec. 4.15.5 & Fig' 27 b,c,d TOTLET FACILITIES: 1) A 5' diameter unobstructed turning space is required in the toilet room- - - sec. 4.2.3 & Fig. 3 (a) 2) When water closet is not in a compartment, the clear area required is: a) 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a side approach' - - Sec. 4.L5.2 & Fiq. 28 b) 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a front approach' -- Sec. 4.1'5.2 & Fiq. 28 c) 50 inches wide by 55 inches deep with both approaches' -- Sec. 4.L6.2 & Fiq. 28 d) side bar is required to start within 1-2 inches of the back wall and extend bo 54 inches from bhe back wa1l. -- Sec' 4'f6'4 d F:-g' 29 The rear bar is requj-red to be 35 inctres long' -- Fiq- 29 3) When waber closeE is in a compartment. the area required is: a) 55 inches deep by 50 inehes wide with a grab bar at the back and one ab the side. Door is at front or side. -- FiS' 30(a) or b) 55 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. - Fiq. l0(b) d.) If a floor mounted r^rater closeE is used. the depth dimension shown above musc be increased 3 inches- -- Fis' 30(a) & (b) e) Side bars are required. to start within 12 inches of the back wall- and extend. to 54 inches from the back wall. -- FiS' 7'55a a 7'55b The rear bar is required to start within 5 inches of the side wa1l and be 35 inches lonq. -- Fig. 30(a) 4) The bars are to be 33 to 35 inches above the floor. -- Fis. 29(a) ,(b) t Fiq. 30 (c), (d) 5) The top of the seat on the water cl-oset is required to be 17 to 19 inches above the floor. -- Fis. 29(b) & Fiq. 30(d) 5) Urinals are required bo be sta11 type or h.awe an elongated rim and be within 17 inches of the floor. -- Sec- 4.L8-2 a Fiq' 29(e) 7) A clear area of 30 X 48 j-nches i.s required in front of the urinal. - - Sec. 4. 18.3 Accessible Iavatories sharll provide a clear area under the lavatory of 29 inches. -- sec. 4.L9.?'.1 & Fig. 31 A clear area of 30 x 48 inches is required in front of lhe lavatory. -- sec. 4.79.3 & Fiq. 32 The boEcom of mirror is r:equired to be hrithin 40 inehes of the f1oor. -- Sec. 4.79.6 & Fiq. 31 west Buil ding EXIT REQUIREMENTS: FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES I-,OAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING l- Chassis Wash 4 I 0-1 No No N/R 1 Weldinq Shop g 2 O -2 No No out 8 1 Repair Garage 100 2 I-7 No Yes out 1 Office 1 1 0.0 No No N/R TOTAL 114 2 L.9 No Yes out Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of walls and ceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (s) Door openings are required to be protected. wibh 20 minuLe assemblies and wind.ow openings are required to be protected wibh labeled 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec. 3305- (h) In areas where 2 exits are required, the mj-nimum separation ts 1,/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c) 8) 9) 10) Exit signs are required fron all areas serving an occupant load of -- Sec. 331-4. (a) Door swing ie based on Sec. 3304- (b) except as noted' occupant load is based on Tab.Le 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as nobed' Exit width is in feet and based on sec. 3303. (b) ' 50 or more. Exit width is to be divided approxinately equally Width shown for all areas is based on other exits ' Width shown for 1st floor is based on other exits ' Width shown for other floors & basemenLs is based For the minimum wid.th of <loors, see Sec- 3304. (f) For the minimum width of corridors. see Sec' 3305' For the minimum widbh of stairways, see Sec. 3305' FOOTNOTES: 8) The number of exits is based. on Sec. 3319. AUTOMAT IC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS : If openings are not provid.ed in each 50 floor area more than 75 feet from an sprinkler system is required. -- Sec. among exibs. (0.2) (0.2) on stairways. (0-3) feel of exterior wall or Lhere is exterior opening, an automatic 3802. (b) (b) (b) HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped access is requ.ired to at least one primary entrance to this buildinq. -- sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3. 2l If a rarnp is used for hand.icapped access, the max slope is I:I2. - - Sec 3307. (c) provide a landi_ng within 1 inch (1/2 inch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshold. -- sec. 3304.(i) The minj-mum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches' -- sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet' -- sec. 3303. (d) ROOFTNG REQUI REMENTS : 1) The roofing on this building is required to be class B or better. -- Table 32-A 2) See section 3204. and ICBo research reports for requirements' AREA SEPARATION WAI.,L REQUIREMENTS: 1) The area separation wal,l is required to be a 2 hr fire assembly' - - sec. 505. (f) 2. 2) If the buildinq has a projection with concealed space at the area separation wa11. l-hr proteclion is reguired on the projection and the exterior walI each side of the area separation wal-1 equal to the depth of the projection. - - sec. 505(f)3' 3) If the area separation wa11 lerminates ab an insid.e corner' 6ee ICBO articl-e in 'Building standards' sep/oct 1982 for requirements' An aulomatic sprinkler system is required in an H4 occupancy nore than 3000 square feet. -- Sec. 3802-(fl 2- If there are 1,00 or more sprirrklers, the automatic sprinkler syslem sha11 be supervi.sed. by an approved c€lntra1 , proprietary' or remote station service or a local alarm which will grive an audible signal at a consbantly attended location. -- Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : A class II sbandpipe is required. - - A hose is required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES: TabIe 38 -A per liec. 3805. (c),(d).and/or(e) are required to comPIY with haveaclaeslflame 1) The location is to be WALL AND CEILING FINISH I 1) WaI1 and ceiling finish mal:erials Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8. 2) Carpebinqi on the ceiling is required to spread rating. -- sec. 4204. (b) 3) Textile wal1 coverings shall have Class I flame and shal1 be protected by automatic sprinklers acceptance criteria of U.B"c' Standard No' 42-2 spread rating. or meet the - - Sec. 42 05. INSUI.,ATION NOTES I 1) All insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 ot lesr; and a maximum smoke density of 450' - - Sec. I7L4. (cl 2) Foam plasti-c insulations a::e required to be protecbed' -- sec ' 171-3 ' GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : A11 glazing in hazardous local-ions is required to be of safety glazing material- -- Sec. 5405- (at) ADDITIONA], REQUIREMENTS : For B1 occupancy A11 restaurants or food service operaLions shalI be reviewed by the TownofVailenvironmentalhealthofficerforcompliancebo wall and ceiling finish. and equipment approval ' A $75 food servlce review will be charged to such plan check' Devices generating a qlow or flame are required to be l-8 inches above the floor. -- Sec. '708- The minimum clear heigh! is required to be 7 feet. -- sec. 709.(c)5- Parking garages requiie a ventilation system that exhausts 1'5 cfn per sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec- 705. (b) 2' For H4 occupancy If required by the Fire Code, spi.11 control, drainage, & containnent shall be provided. -- sec. 902.(c). (d) . & (e) Smoke and heat venting shal:l be provided as set forth in the Fire Code. -- sec. 902. (E) Devices generating a glow or flame are required to be 18 inches above lhe floor. -- Sec. 908- A ventilation system that exhausts 1.0 cfm per sq'fb' of floor area' ' An exhaust pipe is also required at each sta11' -- sec' 9 05. (c) For 82 occupancy AII restaurants or food service opeqations shall be reviewed by bhe TownofVailenvironmentalhealthofficerforcomplianceto wal1 and ceiling finish, and equipment approval ' A $75 food service review will be charged to such plan check' fn all areas customarily occupied by hurnans. provide natural or artificial Iight and ventilation. -- Sec' 705' (a)a(b) HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NoTE: section numbers listed below are from ANSI All-7'1 - 1986 WATER FOUNTAINS: 1) One must have a spout within 35 inches of the floor' -- sec' 4'L5'2 2) Spout must be at the fronl of the uniC. -- Sec' 4'l-5'3 3) Controls must be at or near Lhe front of the unit' -- Sec' 4'15'4 & 4 .25 .4 4) A cantilevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of 27 inches hiqh. 30 inches wide, and t? inches deep' -- sec' 4'15'5 (1) 5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inctres is required at ttre fountai-n. The clear areaisrequiredtoprovideforaforwardapproachwithacailntevered unit and for a side ipproach otherwise. -- sec' 4'l-5'5 c Fig'27 b'c'd TOILET FACII,ITIES: 1) A 5' diarneter unobstructed turning -- sec. 4.2.3 & Fiq. 3(a) space is required in the toilet room' 2) When water cloeet is not in a compartment, a) 48 inches wide by 55 inches d'eep with -- Sec. 4.L5.2 & Fiq. 28 18 inches wide by 55 inches deep with -- sec. 4.I5.2 & Fiq. 28 50 incs hewide by 55 inches deep with - - Sec. 4-1,5.2 & Fig. 28 d) sicte bar is required to start within l-2 inches of the back wall extend to 54 inches f rorn the back waII. -- Sec' 4'16'4 & Fig' 29 The rear bar is requi.red to be 35 inches long' -- Fig- 29 3) when water close! is in a compartmenb, the area required is: a) 55 inches deep by 50 inches wide with a grab bar at the back and one a! the side. Door is at front or side. -- Fig' 30(a) or b) 55 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide t,tith grab bars on both sides and door at front. -- Fiq. 30(b) d) If a floor rnounted htater closeE is used', the depth dimension shown above must be j.ncreased' 3 inches. -- FiS' 30(a) & (b) e) side bars are required to start within 1-2 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches Irom the back wa1l. -- Fis' 7'55a e 7'55b The rear bar is requi.red to start within 5 inches of the side wall and be 35 inches 1ong. -- riq. 30(a) b) c) the clear area required is: a side approach. a front approach. both approaches. and o 4) The bars are to be 33 to 35 inchee above the floor' -- Fis' 29(a)' (b) & Fis. 30(c), (d) S) Th; top of the seat on the water cLoeet 1e requireat co be 1? to 19 inches above the floor. -- FtS. 29(b) & Fig. 30(al) 6) UrinaLs are reguired to be sta1l tlDe or have an elongated rin and be wlthin 17 inches of the fLoor. '- sec. 4.L8.2 e Fig' 29(c) 7) A clear area of 30:( 48 inches iE required in front of the url'nal . -- Sec. 4.18.3 8) Acceesible lavatories aha11 provide a cLear area und.er the lavatory of 29 inches. -- S€c. 4.L9-2.1 & Fiq. 31 9) A clear area of 30 X 48 inchee is required in front of the lavatory. -- sec. 4.19.3 & Fig. 32 10) The bottom of nirroi is required to be within 40 inches of the f 1oor. -- sec. 4,19.6 e Fig. 31 ? lsvtof Vair Rev 6/'[3le6 eFFl0L 00PY PART 1 L0l A. B. SECTION 07251 SPRAYED.ON FIREPROOFING - GENERAL SUMMARY This Section includes the following: l. Exposed sprayed-on fireproofing. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: l. Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry" for masonry fireproofing. 2. Division 5 Section "structural Steel" for surface conditions specified for structural steel receiving sprayed-on fi reproofing. 3. Division 7 Section "Firestopping" for through-penetration firestop systems. 4. The following Division 9 Sections for gypsum-board-based fireproofing: a. "Gypsum Drywall." SUBMITTALS Product data for each sprayed-on fireproofing product indicated' Shop drawings in form of structural framing plans indicating the following: l. Where and what kinds of surface preparations are required before applying fireproofing. 2. Extent of sprayed-on fireproofing for each different construction and fire- resistance rating including the following: 3. Applicable fire-resistive design designations of inspecting and testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 4. Minimum thicknesses needed to achieve required fire-resistance ratings of structural components and assemblies. 5. Designation of restrained and unrestrained conditions based on definitions in ASTM E 119, Appendix X3 as determined by a qualified professional engineer. &a"z.Z 1.02 A. B. ffiw I -7554.01 07251 - | C. Rcv. 6/13/96 Test reports for sprayed-on fireproofing from a qualified independent testing agency employed and paid by Contractor or manufacturer. Provide reports indicating that physical properties ofproposed sprayed-on fireproofing products comply with specified requirements based on comprehensive testing of current product formulations according to the following requirements: l. Testing is performed on sprayed-on fireproofing materials randomly selected from bags bearing the applicable classification marking of UL or another inspecting and testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Testing is performed on specimens of sprayed-on fireproofing materials that comply with laboratory testing requirements specified inPart 2 and are otherwise identical in every respect to installed fireproofing including application of sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, rolling, and water overspray, if any of these are used in final application. 3. Qualified independent testing agency does testing on laboratory specimens that it witnessed during preparation and conditioning. Include in test reports a full description of preparation and conditioning of laboratory test specimens. 4. Test reports without the above information are not acceptable. Test reports for primers and other coatings applied to structural steel from a qualified independent testing agency employed and paid by Contractor indicating that primers and coatings proposed for application in shop or field are compatible with sprayed-on fireproofing. Instruct laboratory to determine compatibility as follows: l. By testing for bond per ASTM E '736 and requirements specified in UL "Fire Resistance Directory" about coating materials. 2. By veriling that fireproofing manufacturer has not found primers or coatings to be incompatible with fireproofing based on its own laboratory testing or field experience. Product certificates from fireproofing manufacturers that each sprayed-on fireproofing product indicated for Project complies with specified requirements including those for fire-test-response characteristics and compatibility with adhesives, primers, and other surface coatings on substrates indicated to receive fireproofing. Results from tests and inspections performed by Owner-employed independent testing agency will be reported promptly to Architect and Contractor. Qualification data for firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include list of completed projects with project names, addresses, names of Architects and Owners, and other information specified. D. E. F. G. 0725t - 2 I -7554.01 Rev.6/13196 H. Research reports or evaluation reports of the model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction showing that sprayed-on fireproofing products comply with building code in effect for Project. l.o3 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed-on fireproofing products identical to those used in assemblies tested for the following fire-test-response characteristics, per test method indicated below, by LIL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities havingjurisdiction. Identify packages (bags) containing fireproofing with appropriate classification markings ofapplicable testing and inspecting agency. l. Fire-Resistance Ratings; As indicated by reference to fire-resistive designs listed in UL "Fire Resistance Directory," or in the comparable publication of another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire- resistive assemblies where sprayed-on fireproofing serves as direct-applied protection, tested per ASTM E I19. 2. Surface-Burning Characteristics: As indicated for each sprayed-on fireproofing product required, tested per ASTM E 84. B. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer certified, licensed, or otherwise qualified by the sprayed-on fireproofing manufacturer as having the necessary experience, staff, and training to install manufacturer's products per specified requirements. A manufacturer's willingness to sell its sprayed-on fireproofing products to the Contractor or to an Installer engaged by the Contractor does not in itself confer qualification on the buyer. C. Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain sprayed-on fireproofing materials from a single manufacturer for each different product required. D. Provide fireproofing products containing no detectable asbestos as determined . according to the method specified in 4OCFRPa* 763, SubpartF, Appendixd Section 1, Polarized Light Microscopy. I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to Project site in original, unopened packages with intact and legible manufacturers' labels identiSing product and manufacturer; date of manufacture; shelf life, ifapplicable; and fire-resistance ratings applicable to Project. B. Use materials with limited shelf life within period indicated. Remove from Project site and discard any materials whose shelf life has expired. C. Store sprayed-on fireproofing materials inside, under cover, above ground, so they are kept dry until ready for use. Remove from Project site and discard any materials that have deteriorated. r -7554.01 07251-3 Rev. 6/13/96 I.O5 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Do not install sprayed-on fireproofing when ambient or substrate temperatures are 40 deg F and falling, unless temporary protection and heat is provided to maintain temperatures at or above this level for 24 hours before, during, and for 24 hours after applying sprayed-on fireproofing. B. Ventilation: Ventilate sprayed-on fireproofing by natural means or, where this is inadequate, forced-air circulation during and after application until fireproofing dries thoroughly. l.06 SEQUENCING A. Sequence and coordinate application of sprayed-on fireproofing with other related work specified in other Sections to comply with the following requirements: l Provide temporary enclosures to prevent deterioration of sprayed-on fireproofing for interior applications due to exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions. 2. Avoid unnecessary exposure of sprayed-on fireproofing to abrasion and other damage likely to occur during construction operations subsequent to its application. 3. Do not apply fireproofing to metal roofdecking substrates until roofing has been completed; prohibit roof traftic during application and drying of fireproofing. 4. Do not begin applying fireproofing until clips, hangers, other items penetrating fireproofing are in place. 5. Defer installing ducts, piping, and other items that would fireproofing until fireproofing is installed. 6. Do not install enclosing or concealing construction until after fireproofing has' been applied, inspected, tested, and corrections have been made to any defective fireproofing. I.O7 WARRANTY A. General: The warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to and run concurrent with other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Warranty: Submit a written warranty, executed by Contractor and cosigned by Installer, agreeing to repair or replace sprayed-on fireproofing that has failed within the specified warranty period. Failures include but are not limited to the following: supports, sleeves, and interfere with applying 07251 - 4 t-7554.01 P.lsr.6113196 l. Cracking, flaking, eroding in excess of specified requirements, peeling, and delaminating of sprayed-on fireproofing from substrates due to defective materials and workmanship within the specified warranty period. Z. Not covered under the walranty are failures attributable to damage by occupants and Owner's maintenance personnel, exposure to environmental conditions other than those investigated and approved during fire-response testing, and to other causes not reasonably foreseeable under conditions ofnormal use. C. Warranty Period: 2 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI E)GOSEDFIREPROOFING A. General: For exposed applications of sprayed-on fireproofing, provide manufacturer's standard products complying with requirements indicated for material composition and for minimum physical properties of each product listed, measured by standard test methods referenced with each property. B. Cementitious Fireproofing: Factory-mixed, dry formulation mixed with water at Project site to form a slurry or mortar for conveyance and application, complying with the following requirements: l. Material Composition: Cement-aggregate formulation, chloride free, composed ofportland cement, additives, and inorganic aggregates. 2. Bond Strength: Average of 10,000 lbf per sq. ft. and a minimum individual bond strengh of 8,000 lbf per sq. ft. as determined per ASTM E 736. Compressive Strength: 550 lbf per sq. in. as determined per ASTM E 761. Dry Density: Values for average and individual densities as required for fire- resistance ratings indicated, as determined per ASTM E 605 or Appendix A "AJternate Method for Density Determination" of AWCI Technical Manual l2-A" but with an average density of not less than 39 pcf. Corrosion Resistance: No evidence of corrosion as determined per ASTM E 937. Deflection: No cracking, spalling, delamination or the like as determined per ASTME 759. 7. AirErosion: Maximumweight loss of 0.005 gram per sq. ft. as determined per ASTM E 859. 8. Combustion Characteristics: Passes ASTM E 136. J. 4. ). 6. I -7554.01 07251 - 5 Rev. 6/13/96 9. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Maximum flame-spread value of 5 and smoke- developed value of0. 10. For exterior fireproofing applications, provide manufacturer's formulation approved for surfaces exposed to the exterior. I l. Provide product mix containing mold inhibitor. C. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1. Cement-AggregateCementitiousFireproofing: a. Monokote Type 2,146, Construction Products Div., W.R. Grace & Co.-- Conn. 2.02 ALTXILIARY FIREPROOFINGMATERIALS A. General: Provide auxiliary fireproofing materials that are compatible with sprayed-on fireproofing products and substrates and are approved by IIL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction for use in the fire- resistive designs indicated. B. Adhesive for Bonding Fireproofing: Product approved by manufacturer of sprayed-on fireproofing. PART 3 -DGCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates with Installer present to determine if they are in satisfactory condition to receive sprayed-on fireproofing. A substrate is in satisfactory condition ifit complies with the following: . l. Substrates comply with requirements in the Section where the substrate and related materials and construction are specified. 2. Substrates are free of oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, loose mill scale, dirt, or other foreign substances capable of impairing bond of fireproofing with substrate under conditions of normal use or fire exposure. 3. Objects penetrating fireproofing, including clips, hangers, support sleeves, and similar items, are securely attached to substrates. 4. Substrates are not obstructed by ducts, piping, equipment, and other suspended construction that will interfere with applying the fireproofing. 0725t - 6 l -7554.0t Rev. 6/13/96 Conduct tests according to sprayed-on fireproofing manufacturer's recommendations to verify that substrates are free ofoil, rolling compounds, and other substances capable of interfering with bond where there is any doubt as to their presence. C. Do not proceed with installation of fireproofing until unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of fireproofing, including oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, and loose mill scale. B. Prime substrates where recommended by fireproo{ing manufactureq except where compatible shop primer has been applied and is in satisfactory condition to receive fireproofing. C. For exposed sprayed-on fireproofing applications, repair substrates to remove any surface imperfections that could affect uniformity of texture and thickness in finished fireproofing surfbce. Remove minor projections and fill voids that would telegraph through fireproofing after application. D. Cover other work subject to damage from fall-out or overspray of fireproofing materials during application. Provide temporary enclosure as required to confine spraying operations, protect the environment, and ensure maintaining adequate ambient conditions for temperature and ventilation. 3.03 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Comply with fireproofing manufacturer's instructions for mixing materials, application procedures, and types ofequipment used to convey and spray on fireproofing materials; as applicable to the particular conditions ofinstallation and as required to achieve fire- resistance ratings indicated. B. Apply sprayed-on fireproofing that is identical to products tested as specified in Part I under "Test Reports" in "submittals" article, with respect to rate of application, use of sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, water overspray, or other materials and procedures affecting test results. C. Coat substrates with adhesive prior to applying fireproofing where required to achieve fire-resistance rating or as recommended by fireproofing manufacturer for material and application indicated. D. Extend fireproofing in full thickness over entire area of each substrate to be protected. Unless otherwise recommended by fireproofing manufacturer, install body of fireproof covering in a single course. B. I -7554.01 07251-7 E. Rev. 6/13/96 Apply fireproofing materials by sprayed-on method to maximum extent possible. Following the spraying operation in each area, complete the coverage by trowel application or other placement method recommended by manufacturer. INSTALLING E)GOSED FIREPROOFING Apply exposed fireproofing in thicknesses and densities indicated but not less than that required to achieve fire-resistance ratings designated for each condition, unless greater thicknesses and densities are indicated. l. For steel beams and bracing, provide a thickness ofnot less than 1 inch. Provide a uniform finish complying with description indicated for each type of material and matching Architect's sample oq if none, finish approved for field-erected mockup. Apply cement-aggregate cementitious fireproofing to produce the following finish: l. Spray textured finish with no further treatment. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing Agency: A qualified independent testing agency employed and paid by Owner will perform field quality-control testing. Extent and Testing Methodology: Testing of completed fireproofing will take place in successive stages in areas ofextent described below; do not proceed with fireproofing of next area until test results for previously completed fireproofing show compliance with requirements. l. Extent ofEach Test Area: Each bay, 10,000 sq. ft. offloor area, or total floor area, whichever produces greatest number oftest areas. 2. Within each area, testing agency will randomly select one structural member of each type (primary beam, secondary beam, joist, truss, steel deck, and column) and test fireproofing as follows: 3. For cohesion and adhesion per ASTM E 736. 4. For thickness per ASTM E 605. 5. Lower flanges and webs of beams, column webs, column flanges, and floor deck for density per ASTM E 605 or Appendix A "Alternate Method for Density Determination" of AWCI Technical Manual l2-A. 6. When testing discovers fireproofing not in compliance with requirements, testing agency will perform additional random testing to determine extent of noncompliance. 3.04 A. 3.05 A. B. B. C. 07251-8 I -7554.01 Rev.6/L3/96 C. Testing agency will report test results promptly and in writing to Contractor and Architect. D. Remove and replace fireproofing where test results indicate that it does not comply with specified requirements for cohesion and adhesion or for density or both. E. Apply additional fireproofing per manufacturer's directions where test results indicate that the thickness does not comply with specified requirements. F. Additional Testing: Where fireproofing is removed and replaced or repaired, additional testing will be performed to determine compliance with specified requirements. 3.06 CLEANING, REPAI& AND PROTECTTON A. Cleaning: Immediately after completing spraying operations in each containable area of Project, remove material over-spray and fall-out from surfaces of other construction and clean exposed surfaces to remove evidence of soiling. B. Cure exposed cementitious fireproofing materials according to fireproofing manufacturer's recommendations to prevent premature drying. C. Protect fireproofing, according to advice of fireproofing manufacturer and Installer, from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so that fireproofing will be without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. D. Coordinate installation of fireproofing with other construction to minimize the need to cut or remove fireproofing. As installation of other construction proceeds, inspect fireproofing and patch any areas where fireproofing was removed or damaged. E. Repair or replace work that has not been successfully protected. 3.07 SC}IEDULE A. Provide fire-resistance ratins as follows: STRUCTURAL COMPONENT HOURLYRATING Primary Members, Steel Beams 2-hour Secondary Members, Beams (none) Tube Steel Columns 2-hour Wide Flange Steel Columns 2-hour END OF SECTION UL SYSTEMNO. x772 x77l x772 l-7554.01 &..a.2/r*aJAiJ -s P.2 nFY g7 '% ury 7, 1996 @'4Ln't * I{i Town of Vail lnterOlean EquiPment, lnc' 220 North Fifth Avenue Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Phone: 31.3.'eg5'2967 Fax 313-995'2413 E-Mail: olli@intercleen' com OFFICil OPY TOUCHLESS HIGH PRESSURE VEHICLE WASH AND WATER RECLAMATION SYSTEM- . TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS pep'a&ces sp*i f;"a'+un Sath l.'r' l/{so ' listurL mo'/ 2'r' tll1b ' P.3 tff( w '% @2ffi1.* f Part 1. 1.1 Parl2. 2-1 2,2 2.3 2.4 Part 3. 3.3 Part 4. 4.1 GENERAL The general provisions of the Contract' including General and Supple' mentary Conditions "ppfy i"ln" *ork specified in this contract' RELATED WORK Site work Concrete Mechanical Electrical QUALITY ASSURANCE Thesystemsha|lbeproducedbyamanufacturerofestab|iEhedreputation with a minimum oi tiu" (5) years experience supplying specified equipment in similar applications' lnstallation: Provide a qualified. manufacturer's representative to supervise work relateJto equ-ipment installation, check out and start-up' Training: Provide technical *?t:t?11"^tl"-",to train Owne/s maintenance - personnel in operation and maintenance of specified equipment' SUBMITTALS Product Data A. Submit Product Data in strict accordance with requirements of these sPecifications' B. Submittal engineerin-g drawings ,must have the Floor Plan Views andthelsometricVtewswithbil|;imateriatsseparatelyforthe following:;. EquiPment general laYout b' ElectricallaYout c' MechanicallaYout d. onv '"nili ii]Jt*"a electrical or mechanical installation C, Provide UL listing card or equivalent document of Nationally 3.1 3-? P.4 tnY W '% &zffit * tb 4.2 Recognized Testing Laboratories from the company building the etectricat panel(si"inJittacn with the elestrical drawings indicating that the erecrr;ipln"r, "irr u" buitt to the required standards (see section 11'10 Elec{ric Control Panel)' D. Provide the Owner with the Sepias for all as'built drawings E. Reetrict submitted material to pertinent data' For instance' do not inctude ttnuLlrut"ft complete catalog when pertinent information is contained on a single page' F, Operation and Maintenance Manual G. Assemble and provide gopies,of manual in 8'5 x 11 inch format' Fold out oiagra;i-ano ittuEtrations are acceptable. Manual to be refroducible bY dry coPY method' Deviationg From Theae Specifications A, No deviations from these specifications will be allowed unleEs approved oV tn"'o*n"lin ttiting prior to bid cloeing' All equipment and equipm"nt i'n"[ont muti be built and designed to these sPecifications. B, Regardiess of the owne/s approval for any deviations and/or changes, the supplier ls eolely.,responsible for the performance of the supplied equiiment as peithese specifications' SupPlier's Qualifi cations A. The equipment specified herein is based on the system model CENTRl.SPff.ff.fgfi as iupplied by InterClean Equipment' lnc' or engineer aPProved equal' B. The wash system, high pressure, cleaning systems' ' pumping stations .no Jrr'lr"ttiidi .;nirf. shall be dlsigned and supplied bY one suPPlier' C. Supplier shall have been regularly -engaged' it -tl: -design and supplv ot tne tyfe of "9yipf:;t :lTified hlrein' for a pariod of not less than rru"'y'""'s' Rtt similar items shall be the products of one manufacturet t#";q;iilil;fi;A shall be the latest standard product, rnoiin"J"t'ntt"=t"ry to meet the requirements of the specification, of " typ" that has been commercially available and in satisfactory use for at least five years' 4.3 P.5 lfiY w '% Gl:4/Pf'l lJ-15 ICEo Part 5. Part 6. 5.1 5.2 D. All contractors bidding non specified equipment shallStbmtt to the engineer prio|, io--lia-oing iri" fotlowing .information for approved statue: a.List(minimumof5sites)oftouch|essvehic|ewasheystem instaltationl;;i"; in usage where the propoeed equipment by the .,iiir"|, n"i u""n i-n service, including the duration of service' b.Providenameofcontactpersonateachinstallat]on|ocation who is ffijj;r-;ith itre operation and maintenance of the wash sYstem' c. Based on tf'" information. supplied and discussions with contact ;$;";;r"a, tr.,"'engineer will determine the acceptaffioitnt ptopo=ed supplier and the equipment' WARRANTY Wananty work specified herein is for one (1) year from suqsglJt:J compl- etion against O"t"ct -in"iiJi"ri"f. and in- ia'bor anO workmanship' All rotating spinners n"""'if'tt"" 'tgj v""t full parts and labor warranty including all spinner maintenance' Defects shall include, but not be limited to: A. Operation; Noisy, rough or substandard operation'8. Parts; Loose, dimaged and missing parts C. Finish; Abnormaldeterioration SCOPE OF WORK To furnish a comp|etery automatic, .touchress heavy duty vehicle wash svEtem wnicn wasnes?f typ"l'J.vehicles used by fleet owners for front' ;#H;;;ih.iJ;"-;; Jntttit in drive'thru mode and which equipment shall be able to recycle wash water within the system' The supplier is to be responsib.le for the ,supply of all necessary equip- ment, materiats anO ]ervi"" i* tn" complete aasambly and erection of the equipment so that it [l"aJV for operation as per these specificaiions' PERFORMANCE The supplier is responsible to design the equipment to satisfactorily wash up to 40 vehicles p"' noui' The vJnicte wash shall be able to remove all visible,heevydirtaccumulationandmostoftheroadfilmfromtheowne/s 6.1 6.2 Part 7. 7.1 nAY W '% @243Pr1'_* 5 Part 8. 8.1 7.2 vehicles when they are driven thrru the washer at 50 feeUmin with using onry arkarine detergentl ini' rr",,iiit of detergent,r="d ffl.,u-"fide to remove road film shali;oi';;J i)5 g"atloni' The evaluation of the svstem capability to '"tou"-'oJ Rtm snJtt be determined only after the u"hicles have dried tn"t tttt wttnint n"t been completed' The supplier is solely responsible for the-equipment performance' Should the equipment not ;;;tt as per .specihcations requitements' the supplier shalt modify, "ii-liOl"irtier tfti."quiprnent supplied at hje own ex'ense untll the p"rt-"ri"'n." il satisfectorv. Rtt .ucir changes shall be approved by the o*n*?l"bjloiri-tn" pl*"Tince criteria not be met afier the changes, tn" sufitie"r"ri"ff -o-niore the syetem at no cost to the owner. The vehicle wash system to be capable of washing atl vehicles up to 14' in heisht including the following: Cars, Pick'dPs' Vans b. Buses, echoolbuses c. Truct(s, S="ti"' Fletbeds' TTl"tt'Tractored. sanitatiJr-irJiit' w"tt" naulers' Vacuum Trucks e. Utilitv iruck; ;fi or witfroui attached ladders and other ,. i?,ti3l".ilj*", and pubtic works vehicles with enclosed cab MECHANICAL ]NTERCONNECTING PIPING All field plumbing and. mechanical work,wjll be done by the Mechanical contractor including "rr*Ii"r'"i?g".-;tiliti". up to and connecting.to the equipment module "ni-iG*nnlaing ,pipins between the equipment module and the "ou'Jtlii'il;fi d t'" wla=rt o"v' All piPing and instatlation ot att varro'|"'"itpii"tt-, eu"n'utiu"t fittings etc' between all components in tn" mJiuiJ'i'ri"ri u" done by the equipment supplier prtor to shipping. tu"tn"niJi'-tttu;;;t shall 'only cover ihe piping between the module ano tne ciiloo"fliJ r".91"4 in iiewasn bav and supptvins "i"qu.t" water service into the modute' ELECTRICAL INTERCONNECTING WIRING Atlfie|de|ectrica|workwil|bedone-bytheElectricalContractorinc|uding brinsins electrical **ii""'o tt ?"0-:-"T::on! io the eeuiellf module and interconnecrrng nera wiring between-the Jquipment' t:qy.f-lnd ih" equipment located. ''i=li"'*"irt-u"'' A[;irilg and installation of all various componems :til; ;"h"; n'tt1t91;1" ;;n"een all comPonente in the module ahall be lone lv the equipmeit supptier prior to shipping' 7,3 Part 9. 9.1 P.7 tr.Y W '% a3'Tlt r* 5 Part {0. Part 11. 11.1 Electrical contractor shall only cover the viring between the module and the components locatJ"itiill wa"tt bay and suppMng adequate power into the module Panel' PRODUCTS 10.1 Genent DeecriPtion A.Operation:Thevehiclewashershallbeactuatedincyclesequence by vehicles';tfu* i" a fued p"th l"t't""n tire guides at a slow speed ti?-oi''["u tinutgl. ir'tt"'sn the washing--system' All washingoperationsandre|atedwat?r'e"yctingoperationsshallby autom"tiJltilili;;Abvthevehicle(drivingthroush)' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Detergent Arch ComPonenta A. Timing of operation and poeition oJ the dEtergent arch shall be determined ov,i"i"tl,irr5iio p rovioe optimum detergent penetra- ;;;"i;* niih Pressure wash cYcle' B. Detergent pump shall be Inject'o'meter Model HVl82 or engineer approved tquti*]iriu"'Luii uotum" output from 0'01 to 0'6 GPM' The amount of detergent delivery tUV tne pump) has to readable on the PumP calibrated settings' C. Gas hot water heater: 10 GPM' 80 degree Fahrenheii rise' 196,000 BTU D. Detergent tank 500 gallons' E. Piping and nozzles: 1'25 inch pipe compatible with used detergents "nJ""quipp"-a- w1n 18 ocs' of adiustable spraytng svstems swivl N';;F-B"Jies +zdz'r with Spraying svstems Diaphrasm d:J;-Gi;t vroa"r 8380 to evenlv applv deiersent' hot water toi'tl"n to front' resr'- sides and roof of vehicle proceeding #ilil ;" ;h' Tire alsign of the detergent arch shall allow iimiaute activation - oi-titt nozzles upon arch activation bY the vehicle' F. Intensified Rear Detergent Feature: The rear of the vehicle shall be applied detergent via a sepante rear wash arch which is rf.Y 6? '9€, @:4:lPl4 lJ.lS ILE.o 1'1.2 High Preeeure Spinner Aseembly G. H. I activated immediately aftcr the vehicle hae. passed through the ilffiJnt.i.n' frt"'aliogtni tgn:"lg-"Tn ror the rear wash arch ehal Ue doutre-Jiitp"-{ to the.deergent arch' Jl" intensified rear aetergenilitfi tn"ff be controlled and operated via ii.-.*t fitit switch' solenoid valves and chemical pumpe as required for ProPer Performance Acwation: The detergent arch is activated by limit . ewitch assembries system ,n.L?,i"a on the attjustabre height steet frame rocated at the tront J tnl detergeni. arch. The limlt switch assembliee ehall be toi" to l" "cUuaiea by all sizes of the vehicles' Water softener for detergent arch - if the domestic water exceeds 3 orains of hardness, thi equipment supplier shall include water ilil;;;;;;;iii1"';;#;!' snourd the water softener not be needed, the eupplier 5["ii-ituia" the owner teeting results or *-"i"ir'tltJn"ss being acceptable (3 grains or lower)' High preseure cleaning iE achieved using twelve (12) rotating spinners mounted on oi"'lotton self.supporting arch assembly' Five spinners "r" tountJi on ""tfttiae and two on the horizontal arch for complete *""rag" "f- all shaPe,a,and sizes of vehicles il;lrftil;;b;.d intia-"" of the wheel wells and two spinners on the horizontal arch' The high pre$ure arch ia made of 2 inch Schedule 40 galvanized pipe. The spinner(t)';;iil; in- relation to the vehicle shall be adjustable vertically and horizonutty' Three boitom spinners on both side must be protected by 2" schedule 40 spinner ptt""iiot guards' - Shoutd the vehicle jump the tire guide' ,pinn"i"Itnuetle prot""ted (by the guarde) by beins able to .*ing -tli# il l}re."thi:l: impact The supplier Ehall demonEtraE tnl t"""i the function of the spinner guard system. 11.3 Ghassis Wash SYstem A. Chaseis wash syatem ehall,have two of the specified or engineer "pp'ou"i'JJi;;;;;i"dinthicentertrenchforeffectiveunderchassis ililil;:- ih"-.n"r"i= wash system shall.consist of two .pinn",t:ilil;1 se;;t nozzles 'staiionary or oscillating - are not accePtable' A. B. c. pa nAY w"% @;44P1'1,* tl B.Thechaasiewaehspinnerssha||bemountedinthepittrenchbya ejsity remov.t1" ltoi cleaning purposes) modular skid aesemblv. 11.1 Splnnera A. Spinners to be PEerless CENTRI'SPINNER and must be made completelii-"i"iir.* steel, Each spinner to have 4 fully aOiuiitaUfJ .prttv nozzt"s' The- nozzles to be of zero degree type and be ,upplrtJa at the end of adiustable position elbows. B.Therotationa|speedofthespinnertobefultyindividua|lyadjustab|. e tet,reei'+d --+oo npr'r. The rotational speed adju_stment of the spinners io be arranged thru an internal oil pump' The oil pump must be ,"J" "t stainless steel. No free-floating oil pump gears without center shgft supports are acceptable' C. The rotational high pressure water and oil pump seals of the spinner to Ue nigtr pressure o-ring type and to be designed to withstand 800 PSI Pressures' D. The nozzles to be aquipped with air jet nozzles' Jgro degree water to paBS -tnrr'fr" .".-r*i"w orifice which is a minimum of 3" long ano nes eig-diii6;i.Il arilpa for air intake at the joint of the "pray no=i" ano aii 1et nozzle; Air iets and nozzles must be made of stainils-;1."1.' 'Tte epinners not equipped with air iet nozzleE are not accePtable' E. Spinner assembly shall have no periodic maintenance or lubrication requirements' F.Rotaryjointspinnersi.e'spinnerswithoutbuilt-inoi|pumpcon- trolled .'p."i tOiuttment' shall not be acceptable' 11.5 SPinner Adiuster Tool A. The adjuster tool to set all four spinner.."l?oY: in an exact' pre- dete.mln"i anite 6osition) shallbe eupplied with the system' B. Tool snall allow adjusting the spinner. elbo*..3ngl"t in precisely ="r" iligL--i" U,i-a"t"rmined) position without removing the sPinners from the arch' 't1.6 Intensified Rear Waeh Syetem P.Lgtfil w '% q3z44Pn * 5 A. The lntensitied Rear waeh system shell be activated after the vehicle passes the high pressure spinner 9r_9ft. The e-eparate rear wash arch shall be made of minimum of 2" ech. 40 galvanized piping with an output of minimum of 230 GPM' B. The aupplier shall guarantee that the rear of the vehicle passing thru the EyEtem aiUe speed of 50 feeUmin ehall be cleaned equally efiectively as the rest of the vehicle' c. The rear wash arch Ehall be astivated only for the rear of the vehicle and shall immediately (automatically) shut off after the vehicle has Passed. D, The rear wash arch shall use either rotating spinners, oscillating zero degree nozzles or other supplier selected method for efiective rearwashanangement.Therearwasharchsha|lbetotally separate and indipendent from the high pressure spinner arch. Ttresupp|ierisso|elyresponsiblefortheperformancequarantee regardlese of the chosen method' 11.7 Pumping Module A'ThehighPressurEPumpieofthecentrifugaldiffusertype,Peerless TLW-S04orengineerapprovedequal'.capableofproducingpres- suresuptosso.Psl.Thepumpsha|ldeliver.amaximumflowof 240 GPM as determined by the nozzle sizes incorporated in zero degree sPinners. B, Casing: The suction casing is 3'0 inch 250 lb' ANSI flat faced tiange-d. n inatt be oriented to right anglee of the .veltical center line *n"n u,"*"0 rio* tn" drive end. The discharge is 2.5 inch 600 Lb. ANS1 raiseJ face flange oriented on the vertical center line' The suction and dischargjis equipped with NPT drain connections. The suction casing,lischarge caeing' stage casings and diffusere are mad; ol ductile iron free from blow holee, sand pockets, o.r other detrimeGl oer"cts. Flow paesages are smooth to pennit maximum"mciency.Pumpieequippedwithexternaltiebo|tsto ho|dtheradia||yeplitcasingsea|edby,o'rings.Thecasingis capable *ih.ilniing ttre hydroetaiic test pressure 150o/o of maxitnum pumping pieeaure under which the pump could operate at tire des[nei $""d. Replaceable bronze casing rings shall be etandard. c.|mpel|ers:Theimpellersareoftheenc|osedsing|esuctiontype' hydraulically balanced to minimize axialthrust loads' Each impeller t'1AY t? '% @:45F1'1 lJ€ G. t. 11.8 Electric Motor 11.9 Final Rinse Arch ICEo D. E; F, is individually keyed to the ghaft' lmpeller is bronze' Stuffing box Packed type stuffing boxes are equipped with non- r"U".t-* p""fing. The packing gland is made of cast iron' shafr eleeves: The shaft sleeve through the stuffing box is 11-1370 Jiit"Gi"l"ss steet rraiOlned to a minimum of 225 Brinnel and is keyed to shaft. Shafi: The shafi is standard carbon steel adequately sized for loads transmitted. Bearing: The bearings are designed for a average life of 100'000 [0u". if," outboard-bearing ie I deep groove type; the in board t""ring"'"t" of the radial roller type with greaee fttings' Base: A steel base Plate contains the mounting of the pump and ioi"i*ni.n .r" or"iutty aligned and bolted in place prior to ship- ,"ni. Finai atignme;t iitt be checked and certified after installation and prior to operation by the user' Coupling: The pumping module has a flexible coupling of a Woods type S or equal including coupling guerq' H. A.The eleclric motor shall be of the squinel cage induction type rrii"Uf" tot across tfre iini starting' Motor shall operate on 460 y"[, l-prrase, 60 cycle and be ODF with a 1'15 service factor' The motor shall be sized eo as not to exceed the name plate horse ililil; "p".ti""' itrernotor should be a minimum of 75 HP' The motor shall be certified by the manufacturer for 30 activations Der nour. B. c. A. a Timing of operation and position of the rinse arch shall be i"i*ili*l uy manutaaut"ito provide optimum rinse penetration after high Preesure wash cYcle' Piping and nozzles: 1.25 inch pipe compatible with used rinses il;';q;ipp"J*itn 18 fcs' oi auat' adjustable Spraying svstems s*iu"irlii.le Bodies OJ-8600 with Spraying Systems Diaphragm mY w ,% @345Ptt l_HS ICEo CheckValveModels360toavenlyapplyfreshwaterrineetofront, rear, sides and roof of vehicle proceeding through the arch' C, Arch Frame: The arch shall be made of 1'25" schedule 40 gatvanizi'piping and shall .be supported-with minimum of two support b;t:J; ;"th sides both.1'25" sch' 40 galvanized end 7 feet long. The lrct .na tn" support leg to be anchor bolted io the slab. D.Activation:Therinsearchisactivatedbyalimitswitchassembly system ;;t"d on "n "a;u=table steel frame located at the front of the detergent arch' 11.10 Electric Control Panel A.The|nduetria|Contro|Pane|shal|bemanufacturedandevalu. ated In ;;;;;;; wfth the undenrriters Laboratorlee, Inc. (uut Etrid-ir-iliiiiunJ""trial control Panele). tn addiiion, the p"n"r .n"tt i" Lu"tuiteo for high+apacity short circuit withstand ana snattJeaitt" "ppropriate tiu marks including the short circuit withstand uifu"m"ti is part of the offlcial UL label' B.TheindustrialContro|Panelsha|lbedesignedforoperationona +eo vort , i pn".", eo Herts system, with a short.circuit capacity 0f 2s,000 ;i";;; hUs svtnt' available at the incoming line terminals of the controlPanel' c.The|ndustrialGontolPanelsha|lbedeeignedtomeettherequire- ments of the National Electric bode (NEt) Artig]11430 and 670' a|sotheNationa|FireProtectionsAssociation(NFPA)StandardT9 (lndustrial Machinery)' D.ElectricPane|ethatarenotULapprovedarenotacceptable' 11.11 Tire Guidea A.Fabricatedfrom3inchdiamete5Paintedstee|pipetreadingssup. ported ;i 5.i;;i ini"'u"r. provide.guide runs on both sides of the vehicle. B. The system has angled entry at the,entranca' End of rails '.'' ."ipili..o all heidinge are smoothlv finiehed to prevent damage. are tire C. Backete supporting pipe shall.be mede of minimum of 3/8" eieel p|ate that.,, *"iojo'to concrete imbedded c|eate or anchor bo|ted tf.Y W ',96 --;z5Pl'lFrc- 11.12 Part12. 12.1 to the concrete' D. The tire guide shall be for the full length of the wash system' Skid PlaEe A'Theentrancebetweenthetireguidessha|lbecovergdbypo|iehed stainless steef siAa-pfates forlasy vehicle alignment. The skid pfales shail Oe minimum of 5 feet long and 3 fuet wide' WATER RECLAMATION SYSTEM WEter Recl amation Systcm Performa nce Descrl ption A.Thewaterreclamationsystemsha|lbecapab|eofreclaiming'water from the venicre waJnei ano process it by. meane of settling pits' in-tine filten "ni clniiifug"t nni'. system. ihe water is then reueed by the nign pieseut" -p"p' 'The system must be able to continuouSy and adequately supply waier for high pressure pumP i"g"iaf"r, 6t totf" uJfurn"ifrroubti the waeher and/or dirt volume in the recYcled water' B. Prior to ftnel acceptiance of the system by the owner' the eupplier shall Oemonstraii the continuous operating capacity of the reclamation ,v.G, in'Ltauon to the truck wash syetem by running (on manual ."";il;iLout the high pf-essure wash system (together with final rinse) ;;ihe water reltamation system for a period of 60 minutes twitnoui'a palt+ -Outing the 80 minutes test no manual adjustments or overrides are alloweo' c.Regardlessoftechn|calspecifications,theequipmentEupp|ier explicitly t.tut-.i"'tnt iasponsibilitv to *:ign-il? water reclamation .vii"t f"i'ine inienaeu purpoEe and haE made himself familiar witn aff a-pplittO-r" tit"utstances prior to bidding' D. All equipment located outside the wash bay area including water reclamation did*t ;;mponenc' tanks as well as the high preEsure p,ti't'tutt be mounttd on a single modular skid assemblY, E.Theequipmentmoduleshal|betestedforal|p|umbingconnections (pressure tested), all electrical 1tltw' pump rotations and for all c'Smponent tuniions at the factory prior to shipping' F. Water reclamation eystem shall be maintenance free type tnY w ,% @:4€P1,t Ll.ts ICEt exctudingemPtyingtheaccumulatedeo|ideonasneededbasis. The syeem Inaliautomaticallv prevent -dlti" T:1"led water trom crogginJ il. high prassure nozzles. The odore muet be kept in Jliu'of wittriut the use of any chemicalc (auch ae chlorine). ih; d;rG" that the system is built to control odors must remain u.rii "n"|' the final acceptance for the period of three year8. G.TheabovegroundtankortianksmuEtbeofself.c|eaningtypeand shall be Aasigned not to accumulate any dirt build'up' H.Valvingisprovidedsoastomaintainacomplete'hydraulically balanced sYstem' l. The recycling system shall hsve no periodic maintenance but cleaning the pit trom the settled dirt' 12.2 Water Reclamation SyeEm Gomponents A. Sump Pump, self priming type.for transferring water from eump pit to the J;G srJ;J iJ.vi"a water tank through the filtration sYstem. B. Cyclone Cenhifugal Separator Unit to provide second stage filtration down to 5b micron particle size C. Stainless Steel lntake Filter Screen a, rne sump'p'ump intare ehalt be protected by stainless sieel INrER'sbhEi[r inrrne filter or engineer 1pqryY"d !!Yll^ -,- b.|ntakeFi|ters.'""nehallbeelyippedwith'high'presslreatr Ua"f wa=i'"!li"t "utot"ticaily activated by the reduced flow into the PumP intake c. The slot orinie size shall be minimum 0'015"' d. fifter screens made of wire meah are not acceptable e. rne nners-cieJn;;ll b" completely maintenance,free under all waehiJJ cJiaition= and shall be able to handle all types oi deoris inJ-tt"=n in wash water wiihout clogging the outer filter surface. D. Rectamatlon Tank a. One (1) fin"a' fow density polyethylene 1'700 gallon' conical bottomd;i;itiliioa"i'""-(included)ansleandminimum ot ss oi;e"'ttp" "qu'ipped with all neceseary overflow' ctean oullfloat switch connectione and fittings' b'rn"tanrio-ue-"quipp"awiththestee|supportetructurewiih tf'Y w ,96 dl:46Pt't u.E Part 13. I.LE o /r,.thickpolyethylenecontinuoussupportfortheconepartof the tank- c. The B.O.D. valving shallpurgethe cone bottom tankthru the orifice at th;;;tdt of the tink' Any ropry or other vatues Ehall be d;t*J6 handle any dirt possibly accumulated at ttre tant bottim including sand and gravel' d. B.O.D. u.ruri'g .i th!-uoiom of the iank shall purge the tank as Oetermine-O by the system computer and water quality requirements. tN STALLATION, START'[JP, TRAIN I NG A N D S ERVIC E A. Install equipment in accordance with manufacture/e supplied installation drawings' B. Equipment supplier shall undertake the commissioning of the system "no tli" all required adjustments to ensure proper oPerailon. C. The equipment manufacturer shall start'up the system' Th'e owner shall have "rr op"l"t]ng J"i"onn"r preeent during the start-up and equipment training. D, The supplier shall arrurnge adequate amount of detergent for the performance teeting. E. The owne/s personnel shall be trained for a minimurn of 5 houre in the syetem operation and maintenance' F. The supplier shall provide the owner the names and the addresses of a|| loca| ,"*i* and maintenance pe*onnel to assist in future service' Rcv. 6/13/96 sEcrIoN 07251 SPRAYED-ON FIREPROOFING PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: l. Exposed sprayed-on fireproofing. B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: l. Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry" for masonry fireproofing. 2. Division 5 Section "structural Steel" for surface conditions specified for structural steel receiving sprayed-on fireproofi ng. 3. Division 7 Section "Firestopping" for through-penetration firestop systems. 4. The following Division 9 Sections for gypsum-board-based fireproofing: a. "Gypsum Drywall." I.O2 . SUBMITTALS A. Product data for each sprayed-on fireproofing product indicated. B. Shop drawings in form of structural framing plans indicating the following: 1. Where and what kinds of surface preparations are required before applying . fireproofing. 2. Extent of sprayed-on fireproofing for each different construction and fire- resistance rating including the following: 3. Applicable fire-resistive design designations of inspecting and testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 4. Minimum thicknesses needed to achieve required fire-resistance ratings of structural components and assemblies. 5. Designation of restrained and unrestrained conditions based on definitions in ASTM E I19, Appendix X3 as determined by a qualified professional engineer. I -7554.0 r 0725t - | c. Rcv. 6/13/96 Test reports for sprayed-on fireproofing from a qualified independent testing agency employed and paid by Contractor or manufacturer. Provide reports indicating that physical properties ofproposed sprayed-on fireproofing products comply with specified requirements based on comprehensive testing of current product formulations according to the following requirements: l. Testing is perlormed on sprayed-on fireproofing materials randomly selected from bags bearing the applicable classification marking of UL or another inspecting and testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Testing is performed on specimens of sprayed-on fireproofing materials that comply with laboratory testing requirements specified in Part 2 and are otherwise identical in every respect to installed fireproofing including application of sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, rolling, and water overspray, if any of these are used in final application. 3. Qualified independent testing agency does testing on laboratory specimens that it witnessed during preparation and conditioning. Include in test reports a full description of preparation and conditioning of laboratory test specimens. 4. Test reports without the above information are not acceptable. Test reports for primers and other coatings applied to structural steel from a qualified independent testing agency employed and paid by Contractor indicating that primers and coatings proposed for application in shop or field are compatible with sprayed-on fireproofing. Instruct laboratory to determine compatibility as follows: 1. By testing for bond per ASTM E 736 and requirements specified in UL "Fire Resistance Directory" about coating materials. 2. By verifying that fireproofing manufacturer has not found primers or coatings to be incompatible with fireproofing based on its own laboratory testing or field experience. Product certificates from fireproofing manufacturers that each sprayed-on fireproofing product indicated for Project complies with specified requirements including those for fire-test-response characteristics and compatibility with adhesives, primers, and other surface coatings on substrates indicated to receive fireproofing. Results from tests and inspections performed by Owner-employed independent testing agency will be reported promptly to fuchitect and Contractor. Qualification data for firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include list of completed projects with project names, addresses, names of Architects and Owners, and other information snecified. D. E. F. G. o1)\1 -7 r -75 54.0 l Rev. 6/13/96 H. Research reports or evaluation reports of the model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction showing that sprayed-on fireproofing products comply with building code in effect for Project. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed-on fireproofing products identical to those used in assemblies tested for the following fire-test-response characteristics, per test method indicated below, by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identiff packages (bags) containing fireproofing with appropriate classification markings ofapplicable testing and inspecting agency. l. Fire-Resistance Ratings: As indicated by reference to fire-resistive designs listed in UL "Fire Resistance Directory," or in the comparable publication of another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities havingjurisdiction, for fire- resistive assemblies where sprayed-on fireproofing serves as direct-applied protection, tested Per ASTM E I l9 Z. Surface-Burning Characteristics: As indicated for each sprayed-on fireproofing product required, tested per ASTM E 84. B. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer certified, licensed, or otherwise qualified by the sprayed-on fireproofing manufacturer as having the necessary experience, staff, and training to install manufacturer's products per specified requirements. A manufacturer's willingness to sell its sprayed-on fireproofing products to the Contractor or to an Installer engaged by the Contractor does not in itself confer qualification on the buyer. C. Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain sprayed-on fireproofing materials from a single manufacturer for each different product required' D. Provide fireproofing products containing no detectable asbestos as determined . according to the method specified in 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart F, Appendix d Section l, Polarized Light Microscopy. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to Project site in original, unopened packages with intact and legible manufacturers' labels identi$ing product and manufacturer; date of manufacture; shelf life, ifapplicable; and fire-resistance ratings applicable to Project' B. Use materials with limited shelf life within period indicated. Remove from Project site and discard any materials whose shelf life has expired. C. Store sprayed-on fireproofing materials inside, under cover, above ground, so they are kept dry until ready for use. Remove from Project site and discard any materials that have deteriorated. l-7554.0 r l'\-\r\ 1 |\ -'-cta i !qr,_* o1!lt!2' H:ii!"i;i!i. 07251-3 Rev. 6/13/96 I.O5 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Do not install sprayed-on fireproofing when ambient or substrate temperatures are 40 deg F and falling, unless temporary protection and heat is provided to maintain temperatures at or above this level for 24 hours before, during, and for 24 hours after applying sprayed-on fireproofing' B. Ventilation: Ventilate sprayed-on fireproofing by natural means or, where this is inadequate, forced-air circulation during and after application until fireproofing dries thoroughly. l.06 SEQUENCING A. Sequence and coordinate application of sprayed-on fireproofing with other related work specified in other Sections to comply with the following requirements: l. Provide temporary enclosures to prevent deterioration ofsprayed-on fireproofing for interior applications due to exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions. 2. Avoid unnecessary exposure of sprayed-on fireproofing to abrasion and other damage likely to occur during construction operations subsequent to its application. 3. Do not apply fireproofing to metal roof decking substrates until roofing has been completed; prohibit roof traffic during application and drying of fireproofing. 4. Do not begin applying fireproofing until clips, hangers, supports, sleeves, and other items penetrating fireproofing are in place. 5. Defer installing ducts, piping, and other items that would interfere with applying fireproofing until fireproofing is installed. 6. Do not install enclosing or concealing construction until after fireproofing has been applied, inspected, tested, and corrections have been made to any defective fireproofing. WARRANTY General: The warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to and run concurrent with other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. Warranty: Submit a written warranty, executed by Contractor and cosigned by Installer, agreeing to repair or replace sprayed-on fireproofing that has failed within the specified warranty period. Failures include but are not limited to the following: 1.07 A. B. 07251 - 4 I -7554.01 R:st.6/13196 l. cracking, flaking, eroding in excess of specified requirements, peeling, and delaminating of sprayed-on fireproofing from substrates due to defective materials and workmanship within the specified warranty period. 2. Not covered under the warranty are failures attributable to damage by occupants and Owner's maintenance personnel, exposure to environmental conditions other than those investigated and approved during fire-response testing, and to other causes not reasonably foreseeable under conditions of normal use' C. Warranty Period: 2years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI E)(POSEDFIREPROOFING A. General: For exposed applications of sprayed-on fireproofing, provide manufacturer's standard products complying with requirements indicated for material composition and for minimum physical properties of each product listed, measured by standard test methods referenced with each property. B. Cementitious Fireproofing: Factory-mixed, dry formulation mixed with water at Project site to form a slurry or mortar for conveyance and application, complying with the following requirements: l. Material composition: cement-aggregate formulation, chloride free, composed of portland cement, additives, and inorganic aggregates. 2. Bond Strength: Average of 10,000 lbf per sq. ft. and a minimum individual bond strength of 8,000 lbf per sq. ft. as determined per ASTM E 736. 3 . Compressive Strength: 550 lbf per sq. in. as determined per ASTM E 76 I ' 4. Dry Density: Values for average and individual densities as required for fire- resistance ratings indicated, as determined per ASTM E 605 or Appendix A "Alternate Method for Density Determination" of AWCI Technical Manual l2-d but with an average density of not less than 39 pcf. 5. Corrosion Resistance: No evidence of corrosion as determined per ASTM E 937. 6. Deflection: No cracking, spalting, delamination or the like as determined per ASTM E 759. 7 . Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0.005 gram per sq. ft. as determined per ASTM E 859. 8. Combustion Characteristics: Passes ASTM E 136. 1-75 54.01 07251 - 5 Rcv. 5/13/96 g. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Maximum flame-spread value of 5 and smoke- . developed value ofO. 10. For exterior fireproofing applications, provide manufacturer's formulation approved for surfaces exposed to the exterior. I l. Provide product mix containing mold inhibitor. C. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: l. Cement-AggregateCementitiousFireproofing: a. Monokote Type 2146, Construction Products Div., W.R. Grace & Co - Conn. 2.02 ATIXILIARYFIREPROOFINGMATERIALS A. General: Provide auxiliary fireproofing materials that are compatible with sprayed-on fireproofing products and substrates and are approved by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction for use in the fire- resistive designs indicated. B. Adhesive for Bonding Fireproofing: Product approved by manufacturer of sprayed-on fireproofing. PART 3 - E)GCUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates with Installer present to determine if they are in satisfactory condition to receive sprayed-on fireproofing. A substrate is in satisfactory condition ifit complies with the following: . L substrates comply with requirements in the Section where the substrate and related materials and construction are specified. Z. Substrates are free of oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, loose mill scale, dirt, or other foreign substances capable of impairing bond of fireproofing with substrate under conditions ofnormal use or fire exposure. 3. Objects penetrating fireproofing, including clips, hangers, support sleeves, and similar items, are securely attached to substrates. 4. Substrates are not obstructed by ducts, piping, equipment, and other suspended construction that will interfere with applying the fireproofing' t\\ \t rv\F,--\ ./. I\ -'vzAr / !o-!l-q-g! tt' !I:i'";'S!:q . . 07251 - 6 l -7554.01 Rev.6113196 B.Conduct tests according to sprayed-on fireproofing manufacturerrs recommendations to verify that substrates are free ofoil, rolling compounds, and other substances capable of interfering with bond where there is any doubt as to their presence. Do not proceed with installation of fireproofing until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of fireproofing, including oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, and loose mill scale. Prime substrates where recommended by fireproofing manufacturer, except where compatible shop primer has been applied and is in satisfactory condition to receive fireproofing. For exposed sprayed-on fireproofing applications, repair substrates to remove any surface imperfections that could affect uniformity of texture and thickness in finished fireproofrng surface. Remove minor projections and fill voids that would telegraph through fireproofing after application. Cover other work subject to damage from fall-out or overspray of fireproofing materials during application. Provide temporary enclosure as required to confine spraying operations, protect the environment, and ensure maintaining adequate ambient conditions for temperature and ventilation. INSTALLATION, GENERAI Comply with fireproofing manufacturer's instructions for mixing materials, application procedures, and types ofequipment used to convey and spray on fireproofing materials; as applicable to the particular conditions of installation and as required to achieve fire- resistance ratings indicated. Apply sprayed-on fireproofing that is identical to products tested as specified in Part I under "Test Reports" in "submittals" article, with respect to rate of application, use of sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, water overspruy, or other materials and procedures affecting test results. Coat substrates with adhesive prior to applying fireproofing where required to achieve fire-resistance rating or as recommended by fireproofing manufacturer for material and application indicated. c. 3.02 A. B. 3.03 A. C. D. B. C. D. Extend fireproofing in full thickness over entire area of each substrate to be protected. Unless otherwise recommended by fireproofing manufacturer, install body of fireproof covering in a single course. l -7554.01 /\\\tr\/\D^{/ ror or v^!!t-' 0725t -7 a I Rev.6/13i96 E. Apply fireproofing materials by sprayed-on method to maximum extent possible. Following the spraying operation in each area, complete the coverage by trowel application or other placement method recommended by manufacturer. 3.04 INSTALLINGE)@OSED FIREPROOFING A. Apply exposed fireproofing in thicknesses and densities indicated but not less than that required to achieve fire-resistance ratings designated for each condition, unless greater thicknesses and densities are indicated. 1. For steel beams and bracing, provide a thickness ofnot less than I inch. B. Provide a uniform finish complying with description indicated for each type of material and matching Architect's sample or, if none, finish approved for field-erected mockup. C. Apply cement-aggregate cementitious fireproofing to produce the following finish: l. Spray textured finish with no further treatment. 3.05 FrELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: A qualified independent testing agency employed and paid by Owner will perform field quality-control testing. B. Extent and Testing Methodology: Testing of completed fireproofing will take place in successive stages in areas ofextent described below; do not proceed with fireproofing of next area until test results for previously completed fireproofing show compliance with requirements. l. Extent ofEach Test Area: Each bay, 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area, or total floor area, whichever produces greatest number oftest areas. 2. Within each area, testing agency will randomly select one structural member of each type (primary beam, secondary beam, joist, truss, steel deck, and column) and test fireproofing as follows: 3. For cohesion and adhesion per ASTM E 736. 4. For thickness per ASTM E 605. 5. Lower flanges and webs ofbeams, column webs, column flanges, and floor deck for density per ASTM E 605 or Appendix A "Alternate Method for Density Determination" of AWCI Technical Manual l2-A. 6. When testing discovers fireproofing not in compliance with requirements, testing agency will perform additional random testing to determine extent of noncompliance. 07251-8 t-7554.0l I Rev.6113/96 C. Testing agency will report test results promptly and in writing to Contractor and Architect. D. Remove and replace fireproofing where test results indicate that it does not comply with specified requirements for cohesion and adhesion or for density or both. E. Apply additional fireproofing per manufactureCs directions where test results indicate that the thickness does not comply with specified requirements. F. Additional Testing: Where fireproofing is removed and replaced or repaired, additional testing will be performed to determine compliance with specified requirements. 3.06 CLEANING, REPAI& AND PROTECTION A. Cleaning: Immediately after completing spraying operations in e-ach containable area of Project, remove material over-spray and fall-out from surfaces ofother construction and clean exposed surfaces to remove evidence of soiling. B. Cure exposed cementitious fireproofing materials according to fireproofing manufacture/s recommendations to prevent premature drying' C. Protect fireproofing, according to advice of fireproofing manufacturer and Installer, from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so that fireproofing will be without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. D. Coordinate installation of fireproofing with other construction to minimize the need to cut or remove fireproofing. As installation of other construction proceeds, inspect fireproofing and patch any areas where fireproofing was removed or damaged. E. Repair or replace work that has not been successfully protected. 3.07 SCHEDULE A,. Provide fire-resistance rating as follows: STRUCTURALCOMPONENT HOURLYRATING ULSYSTEMNO. Primary Members, Steel Beams 2-hour X772 Secondary Members, Beams (none) Tube Steel Columns 2-hour X77l Wide Flange Steel Columns 2-hour X712 END OF SECTION it{-1\ \ Ak\l; I\ -\.2i ,/ qu--a!-!r! C' lE F.jrs:lif I -75 54.0 I 07251-9 Retum to Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARI COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BHIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PRCIPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by J7 Date: /V4,/ /S; /%6 , Comments: t,' 57/t//y' zE)u/bD ,ztz)z4tutik,)7 4e, 7. fcl*W{,zsZ/'ul A/,t/E?Zrtfe:a7Az, 57//'//P) lV F'21 '{efu2ut' ?. /fr Tffp,ns ,* ctaY ats /tan)r /a /)az trVrztvd Ec--z 7,4///t, ; , @, f@ua;t ,7ru- 2f 6z,tzwz//,uT1//,/et /1y' 7.4/ 7a ,t&*-tE Fzcz /z/z fE/Yrt"'/L' 1, TQezllo'az,'Atui*tl 7 74V14nr'7'2za7:2n 'zJ 7t//rs 3 ///c11/a4' {. re-a///tnry anlZltttl.ttll- Ee/a/rm lAz lW ff azz 7l'tlZ' rVzaaar"z ?/aA 7, O* Zttlah lfuz ty'iet * &tluvllelz7 /Z//tr"?€'fr//9////zcil v/z/-'@- fe?c2'*7e-A/e72 t'l///2 ,/Zt ' fltil) - fu' i'ttaz-' O? ' t, ill/4Azdaurll 4ztz;rr%ltt 7z l< 3',r/z////7tu/t FA.q Faz.U6 lfrn,(llt v, '7a/'/"///c *(1f:? :i:,:f:(:::: *'*t-/'ztzt4 tu/'u) l',tr'-/t )zrrzrttt'zas z'l/ ?atzur (/Fc rt'ea/ rat /A,,6zt /z'lrn ?/'t'8' lJ/jt cl'lAar /zZ letWcz //'''//aa /i/'/L''u' E/Ol ol "..*^x* a-fr dJff DTDAATilENT i::iri'nurd ri $ybn!tir:! il .. [ate:' t /4 /rct6 ti,Ld Ilr:Y0A I I*IRY 3E '96 A?'.AAPN RNL DESIGN FAX TR^ANSMITTAL TRANSMTffEDTO: lrlrtaIItrlrtlll P.1./6 RNL DESIGN Alo{TtCTUrE, [\maFF 9ltlcN. ultAN fLAr{HrNc pxev,.vFFr.-t\% Rl.lL Dcrign Sorcntccnth Strcct Plaza tilZl Srvcntreuth Strcct' Suitc 1700 Dcnvcr, CO t@02 Pbone 3lXl-295.1717 COMMENTS: Far 303-2924845 OPEMTOR: Nurnbsr otpoges transmitkd -Q4- hcluding this paga. Plcsse c8u 3oil.zgs.nn In tbc wcrt you rlo not recclvc moterlol Indicated sbove. b1gepss{Y fap-ttrl . fY* 6tvE rt'e E' A^w trrlp r'tl 'no rJ+\=v=p- fod ileEn ' A ttotF$SDrri A t Cotlt$R^rla )r{ $t/$[r.INn | STREET l'l.r\74 luIIE |tdl rz25 s6vEitT8.!.!Tl I $rRFlr olNvGt. (PiorADo tr(t{ ;Iof,.zuF,l: t t FAX ilrll xryrrrr \ $rrlrN:.I1trT!rF ii.\| l:'l | '!l I I lll ( I {l I\ ,{.1 !l' i! oo 3s ,.!8 t, i $3: i$i$ 3H Hd Co E-Y r5 oo oT $E 5sJ6. oo € "$r$ $i$[5 *_1tE. rs3o -.rNd ,*g@,za 96, w, oo i* [{s lif,l*i* $igf 3 $HE s;H# oo ----lJ9I53q INX l^tlg@:Z6 96, AE___-__9,,S'd oo gs ",pt + t tEi i$is seHd 96, @g oo gs '6 (nl ,f6{ i IiT $ f3fo_E{" E 8Hi>o< u r\t !E r.g $goo VRIL PUBLiC IdORKS ID:3054792166 DAl? TIMB; TR.AI.ISTIITTEDTQ: AITR{IIOH: lAl(NIJMEEfi'r f'il'"''$ tttO vrll prbllc Wottr Cuhf,rrvra 970{ts,r56 PIOIFCINAI,IB: BmMrlattun*Srdllty PNOTECTNUMBB* TJTI+OI FBOMT Mrl*Erqrr OPENATOK Nt loBR OF PAOES TRANSIv|ITTBD INCLUDING rlll6 lAoEr I I Dlm|. orll t03.lgl.l71? uyor do rol rtcclvo ite tlocnnrut l||dlcrted ebow. COMMB{TS: Eu|c.Ear|rrimrplnrbow|ry*hrrtwh-tcn.!0utrlttrr!hrrrcrnprrrdon i"fi-to, f"y cUrUg.iw, wtU br-rtnrovod rrrd qrg'rtrd to I lrl hr donil'.rbc .rr.&g .dl ",il| bn finPtooid to 8rt thc 2 [ nd4, ltr foltorlng rpec rrtll rlein ' tir ilnir-io* tlyon ievr ruy quGrtiorr phuc cll l[rlt @}lAl0 u3t tBlrBfitD{ffi amEEf, $lTrD I tF rsJfir,0rr DSI\AR,corcntDolPoa l8l95,l?!t' FAX: JUN 13 14:54 N0.005 P.02'96o Hll RNtDESIO'I fiflmtrIttl!D{ttllilDDllof,uillf DtAt{t{lNC FAI( TRAN$MITTAt uQrr l3l tO tl19 J{ i lU frf.f,HTL D83ION A S)t0tq 3IlAnd lIUf'90' d S00' oN SS: ?I 96, qI Nnt ntt1629ggs: 0i VRIL PUBLIC IJORKS ID:3034792166 sEGTtoNotttl sPnAtr.tl-oN FIn"Ef, $ooEt!{G PAST I .GENERAL l,0l SUMIVIARY A, Thir SoctionilEludes the follouirrg; l, Exporcdrprrycd-onfireprooittg' B. lq,htgl Sections: The following $cofoffi contrin rcquircmmtr thit rsldG to thif Soction: l.Dividon4Section"UnitMlsotrry"formasonryfireproofing 2.DivisionS$rction}Strurturr|stccl',fornrrfacecondltionrrpccifiedfor$ructur8l ilecl rcceiving sprayed'on irtpruulllg' 3,NewDMeion?Section'Fir6toPDi|t'.fcrtrrorrgh.pun?udio|rfirc$opryrtonr' 4,Thefo||owingDiviriongSectionsforgypsr'rm-borrd.ba$'dfir.proof,t|8: I "CryPsum DrYwall'- I.O2 SI'BMITTALS A Product drtr for Gmh $Prryc'd'on f,rcpnoftrg produo irdicetcd' B.Shnpilrrwingrinformofstrudurslft'rrningPlmlindic*ingthofolloudng: 1, Whorc erd whrt ltindr of nrrfrcc lr0Durtions nt rrquircd bcfurc rpplyitS firuProofing' Z. Extent of sprayed-on fireproofing for cach diltaurr construction and firc' I icrictanco rrllng includlng thc fulluwirg: 3, Applicrblc firercgislivc deriEt- oc'sgnattrrru of Inrpcolirrg and ttsting rgrnoy ocorptrbb to ruthot{tiar hrvl4 Jurirdliaion' 4,Mittirrrunrthickticsscsnccdcdtorc,lrievcraqrriredfir+rcsistrncoratirrgsof $ructurd componsnts rnd r$pmblicr' sDcaisn$ionofrurirrin.!.}'dutrc$nincdcondhionrhrodondcfinitioru|n ASTME 119, Appcndixxl $ ooiilirt*l w,t qualiflod proforrlonol eeiglnrcr' 6, Trertment of fireprooftng afttr itr applicatior' JUN 13'96 14r55 N0.005 P.04 l-?5t4.01 T)0??51- l VRIL PUBLIC LJORKS ID:3054792166 JUN 1 3'96o 14:56 N0.005 P.05 C. TGst roportr for rproysd-+r fireprooflng ftom. c qualified indcpoodcnt tosting' rgelrcy rmployc<l erd prid Uy Contilct-r o'mnrT'hctT#' Forir*-rtports iildicsting that phyrical proportic oitp*osq.*t-'::l-1t=nttitts poduc{c compty'stlth wectflcd tfiUlrurrrrtr b|$o oroomprohonrivr r.rting t i*ttdti pTOOUC fOntlt|Uions according ioit c toUwttu rcquircrtcntr: l. Tcsting is performcd.on-yrr.vtdSn fireprooflng mat€riab randomlY sdcrtrrl0prn brp bcarirU ,h; fit"tbil siusitlcation tatrOig orlt or erro rcr inrpcctlns and torting egcrcv ;;$;;ht; i" ;"thothi er hvin g jwirdiction' 2,latingirpcrformrdonrpccimcmrofsnrryod-onfiroltoofingmrttrictrthst osfiply *lth il;;;'y lo*ihg ttgi*;*"tTin'lgta in p"tt 2 end rrc othcnrirc ldcnticrl io ,-#';riicl; f i;il'd doonng htj:g-l*icrtion of *rrcrr' topcoits. udli;, ;fi;iid;u'-h,|e dd wrti wcrrprry, if rny of thc$ rtc used in finrl rPPlication' S,Quelificdindcpenc|artteetin8ugoncydoertoctinSorrlrborrtory.rpooimffirthrtlt witnesscd rlurirrg pncparation ono..*niiii*tiig;- inclu& h tcii reDoru r full darmiptionofproprrttionrndcorrditionirrgoflrtoreforylestspcc|mE[3. 4 'l'e$t repont wlthout tho nbovo infoffttrtion $t 6ot rccePtrblc D. Tlrt rcpottl lbr princrr rnd otlrcr Td'.q.t*lred to etructurrt ;tcel from a qrrrlillcdP il;n;i --tii#'#nil'$;:'*lTl'**tt'nff,!ri' $li'i;lfiTl lt!|ttrjril:Hffi ;,ffi;;;; a-rtc*'ii"L'p',ibitity as fo*ows ; 1' Dy tci$nf, for bond.gcr ASTM..E-16 rnd rcquircmentr rycciftcd in UL "Fin -nl*ittt*i Diteotory'i about oilting tnatorisls' 2.Bywiflrntthrtftrtproofirgmrnufrcturcrhrsrrotfoundprimcrcorcoat|ngtto us rncorpiriilii'iiiir.p,iern u*.J "" rtr nwn tabotator,v tcsting or fiold cxPorience' E. Prnduct c*rlificarcs from fircprooflrip mqyfacturg.tt:.T[g3y.f-on firuprcofitt3 prodrrcti'dicdcii;iliiiJ'.iniprri'vittsiconco.T.lu::q*:irruludlnErhorsfbf lirs.tc*-rorpoar. .t*..i1*"tii ;l .-ttt^ii[iittv rnttr'rAUedvcl n'im.$' rnd othrr nrrfrcs co*i'us oi'Edfir;tcl-i*tit*tr to rccrtvc f,tcproofirtg' F.Reluhrfromttgtrrndintpcct|onlDf*.dbi'owner-employedindcpendcntt$titlgr ' ilfil.jwiiiil'ciroiitd ptitprry rorttrlrirlsct and cuntnctor' G.Quali0orriondntsforfirmand|Dfi$rsspecifrcdin"Qu{|.yAesrrrrncc||fiio|Gto dcmonrrrr.t. rhrir ceprbiliti* *nA .orl.,i-J]io.fu.t fii of iomplctcd proicts witb p,rojcct nrrncs,'.aai[rr"+-"*ol of rr.iii.ori"lia u*.t, rtd othcr inlbrnrerlon rPooiftod' 07251 " 2 f.?35,t.01 VRIL PUBLIC lljt]RKS ID r3034792166 JUN 13'96 14 : 57 No .005 P .06 lf, F.rrmlth fspofts nt eveluetlon rcportl of thr nrudel cardc orgrnialtion accoptlbb to rurhoritiar f''.rl"fit"tOlfi-!ildtu iltf-tpt [+"n f,rcprooflnj prodrrctr comply with building oodc irr gft'oot for lrojr*' 1.03 QUALTTYASSUIJt'{CE A. Firc-Iert,Rorponrc Chf,mcteristie: Provirh ry3y{'o1 1*p*:1f-l*ductr iderrtical to thorc und " .ilt:U-fioilttJ fur rhe fslluwiu!, [to-to*'tcrponre ohrractcristioe' pct ;il;;lh;ildicrtd betow, by ULor anothpr tding rnd.lnapccltlS rs_tncy ryfpttlt to rurhoritier r,""i"it"irlLlriin. tO.nti6, puk1'..6rer) golttd1itg $rcproofttg with rpproprirrc clsaifiiriion nuklngr of rpplicrHc tcrting end inlDectmt r8cn9y' t. fits'Rilhtrnco Rotingr: Al indrcrlcd by rehlraoe to fil.'rcaictivG dcrignr lietcd i,, W 'nlii icrirtrnit Dirccory,' or in thc mqPrnbL. publicrtion of rnothcr iirft rnC Inpccting Egrncy rcclptlbb to urdrorltior hrvlng juridiutio.' for tltt' rcsirtive rsrcmblier wnon rgrryo&on flrcpootlng lcnv6 t| dlrcct-appliod groloc{ion, t6tcd Pc[ ASTM E l19' 2. .\urface-Burnrnt, Clurrc,torirticr: Ar indicarcd for each spnycddl fireproof,ttg produd requlrcd, l urlul por ASTM D 84' B. In*rllcr Qdifrortiont: En8l8G m ocpcrlcnood lutrllet ca]ti0fd, liccrrrcd, or otherwitc q*ft;i il tt" -sg;tvalo{ nrcprognnr rnrnrfrsruror rr hrving thc ttoccrruy orpciencc. dil ;e firining io instit rnunilbautdl pfoductr P9 +ccifiod ,.{uir-,rntr. r'.unurnJ"t*i*illingn.tr to :ctl lrr rpreyal.n tlruproofln3 products to the contnpter or io rn Inrtrller GnSaged by thO conur**or do$ not in itsclf consr qurf,fication on thc buYor. c. sirgle-sourcc Recponsibility: obtrin rprryrd+n tltcptoofing milsrirls ftom a rln$c mriufrtrttr br mc} diffrrcnt product rrquird' D. trpvldo llnuprooEng produer conrrining T-{a"*1Y: Th::tot rs dehrminrd according to no iohoJ apccificd in iOCmfan ?63, $ubprrtF, AppondhA Soctlo l, PotrrizcC Litht Mlcroscopy' 1.01 DELNIERY, STORAGE, AI{DI{AIIDLINO A.DelivcrproductrtoProjaotritrinoligirral.urtopwdF|*ts:lwithinta€1ild1€8ib|C ruluftsrurc',;;l;;,ilifyl"g ptoa,iot.ia ,nhufec'trttcrl drte of nrnuhcturq shclf tlfr, if rpplicrble; rnd fir+rcsi*inca rrtln3r rpplicrblc to Projecr' B. Urc mnrnrlr with limitcd shclf lifo within P$iod indicstcd. Rernovc fiorn ProiGct ritr "nA OficrrC rny rnetcrirlt wirore rhelf lill hu o$irsd' C.$lotrprrygd'onftreprcoffngmrtcrblr-lnrido'undaoovor'-rbovcground'tothey'il kcar 611 "il1 J;;;"tr,"lii*t* tim noimt sitc md dimrrd anv tnfltilirll thrt hrvc dAcnOrrtrd, 1.7t5r1.01 07251 - 3 URIL PUELIC IilORKS ID :3034792166 JUN 1 ?ro o L4.57 No .005 P .07 1.05 PRO'ECI'C0NDITIONS A. Envlronmrntrl Conditions: Do not lnnrll rprryrd-+nr srlpmofing whcn rnbimt.or rrrbrtnrc,*n*.iriir *i" t0 dcs F (l dir Ci dO fltins.tnl..ts Ppg'.a.rv Prqqfion and hort ir pro"lOoA io maintrin iempotttnict it or aborre-this lcvel for 24 houn btrrc' durlrg, rnd fot ii-i"utt rftor cpplying rprryorl'on ftrqrrrrnflnS' B. Ventilrtlofi: Vendlatc spraycd-rrn froprnofirrg- by n{unt' mosu or' whcm ihir ir inrdoqurtc, fo*.i-.ii-oi-rirrfriion Aurin!-rnd fterapplicrtior until lircproofing driec thorqryhly, I.06 SEQTJENCING A' Scqucncc ard coordinrte aPPlicatio:r "{ttt4'.."" ItO1^o-tTg:6 othff rehted work tp.cincC h othcrscction' ii "otoply with $o follou'ing rcquitcrnotrl l.Frovidcternpormyonclo|urest0Prevcntrlctel|oratignofrprayod-onftrrptooftrg forintcriorrpp|icrtionsductoct.PosurctounlhmrBblcarvirorutrotrldcotditions. 2, .{void unnccercnry axPorurc of rprry*l+n fireproof,ng to ibtrdorr rnd othff daruge ]ilil-;J ;;;'i"tittd- conrtnrctlon oPErlrion8 rubscquent to its rppliartlon' 3' 1",#',:,sl.J,ffifn',sH,frT:ilil;fifi.Tf"::ffi,ill$'uHH',H * 4, Do not begin iplyinS fircptoofinl u{if flipt' hrngotr' suppoltsr deovc$ rnd othcr itemrlpcnaniing nrnroofin8 !r' in plrcc' 5. Dder instrlling duc'ts, pipinS" tltd qthEr itilne that would intedcrc with rpglying fireprooflng until nrcproofing lr lnctdled' ,6,Donotin*rllcnclosingorconcodingcol}$ruttionuntllr0ur.flrcproofin5hoe bon rpplitd, inrlroctcd, tu*cf' uti tittocions hcvc bcm medc to any d#ctiw f,rcPtoofing' I.O? WARRA}ITY A'Gmonl:ThewrnantyEpocif,sdinthhArticlgshrllrctdrFivctheowncfofothcr rishu thc d;;;il#;il othu ;i9;s+;9lt99ti":* Documcntr and shrtr bc ln 0ddition ro rnd ntn concuttstt with othcr wrnrndot nrdo by thc contrustor under rcquirements of the Contred Docum0nu' B. Waranty: Submit a writtcn wsnmty' etoallcd by C-ontrrctor rnd mrigncd by lnrtrllcr. agr€cing to raprir ot-topr'*'qi*ie*"irr*.1oq6"9.t'h* hrl hilerl uithin thc rycifirrl **iii p"i"a, Frilurel nifii u,rt are noi timitod to thc fbllowing: 07231-4 -s i-7554.01 VHIL PUBLIC [JORKS 1.7514.01 ID:3034792166o t. cncklngL lhHng, surliru in arcrsr 9f +cojf,d rrquirmfitr' p-*li'ur lnd dcrmin*i,u oiii,*i.A.on nrcprooflrg from zubetrrtcr due to dcftcive mrtcddr mU wo*mhltriri *'iilrin tho rpcOfird wrnrnly pcriod' z. Not cov€{sl undu thc wrrranty sro f[llunr rttributrbh to drnrge q gcttptll' aud o."*ii *Jito*n". pe,rmrrul, a.poirrrolo arwimnmgntrl conditioru othgr thr. tholc iw*tilrtcd rn'd rpprwoC dudng firu*ponrc lcrtirg; rnd to oth* ceus$ not rsalonably forcsooa0lo ttndff sutnlilionr ofnonnrl urc C, wrrrrnty Pcirxl: 2 years from d*o of Subrtantirl Cornplalon' FART 2. PN,ODUCTS 2.OI E (SOSEDFIREPR'OOFING A, Ocrrcrat For cxposcd opplicationr of rprryrdorr nrepryolrrg, provldc rnrnutl6urudr strndrnd prOducts compying rvith rcguiiurrcnb indigltcd ftr mrtoriol aomporition rnd for rninimum pfwti*f 'p'toplni6l of crch produot liatcd, mc6urcd by rtrndrrd tcst methorlr mfcrcnssd with orsh Propfity' B. crnrcnrhious Fircprooffng: Fertorymitcd, dry formulation rnrxed with wstcr at Prolcct $rc ro tbrm r ;i;t or-rnorgr fir convryrirce rnd rpplicrtlm, conrplyirg with thc followin3 roquircnrents; L Mrcrial comporltion: ccment-lggrcgrte hrmulrtiotl chloridr ftlo, comporcd ofporttand cefircnt, additivcs, and inorgrnic aggregftes' 2'Boildstrurythl434lbfpersq.fr.(2ltPr)ardeterminedpcrASTMET36. 3. Cornprorcive Strcngth: 52 lbf Pcr q' in' (359 ltPr) u dctcrmined pcr ASTM E ?OI. 4.DryDcnlity:Va|ucstbtlvcfu?rndlndlv|dua|dcnrhicrt!lcquircdibrfitp- ,cirtnn"* l*ti"gt -l"ii-..a. m-ttcro'rnrincd etr- llE4It6pS o.f. lppq$ | ,'Alternile fr4anfu i* Density Determinationi of AWCI Technic*l Mrnud l2-A Dut wlth ur rwrrgc Ccnrlry of not lorr thrn 22 pc'E S.Bondltrcrulb:4J4lbfpcrgq.tt'(21|ilo)oodotcminodprr^sT[dE'36' 6,Comprcssivostrensthl]00|bfpcrq'irr.(206s|rFa)arddornrinodprr ASTMET6I 7, Dry Donilty: Vrluss for sv?rrg? and individurl donshql ts tcquirod for-.firc-' rcci$*;';;inet L;itttud' rs-dctcilnincd fct A-!!l$-u605 or APFFjl I 'Attcf,nttc Method for Dsryty Dctorminrdon'i of AWCI Trcfrniod Mrrtrrd l2-A but wifi,,n owrig. a*.itv oinor lo$e thrn 39 pcf (625 lq/cu, rn). JUN 13'96 14:58 N0.005 P.08 o?29r - 5 VRIL PUBLIC IJORKS ID:3034792166 JUN 1 5'96o 14 : 59 No .005 P .09 Currotionf,cristancc;Nocvidorrcrofoonodonrrt|*:rrnindper,A$Tlt|803?. l)Eflcction: No cfs0klng rprlling, drhmirution or thc tika os dctocrnlned pcr ASTtvt E 759. Air Emrinn: Maxinl.rm welght lo* of 0.025 gffih FGr q' fi' (0'?? g/rq' m) rr dctcrmined por ASTM I t59' Combunion Chrrrcts lrtimr Passcr ASTtvl E 136' Surface'Buming chrraddlrll*; hluslmum fhmc'rprcad valuc of 5 md rmoko dweloPcd vslue of 0' 13. For o<tcrior fireproofing rppllcrtio4. proude mmufecturcls srrnul*lon .ppt t"O for r.rdnccr e*po*cd to thc t[ttuior' C, PruducB; $ubjcct 19 oomplimor with nquirementr' provide nnc of thc fullowitUl l, Camcnt'trggregate CsnciltitiourFirtproofing; 8. Monokotc Typc ztno, construfilon Producu Dlv" \\r'R' Onco & Co'- conn. 2,gZ AI,IXILIARY TIREPROOFTNT9 MATERIALS .a. (hrprd: Drovidc orxilinry fircproofing rrut$irlr thrt rrc compntible with rpraYcd'on fircptoofing eroiuit'.tc'toutit** itO. it tpp*ntd !t.!.L otjtoth€r tcltrtu rnd inrpcc,riry ,g.n,ii-i""opt.iiiii" 'Ooin* hli,i,rg 3utti6icriorn for urc in thr frr rcrirlivc drrlinr indicrted. E, Arllrudvo for BonCing Fire-1yonfing- Produc* lpprgvcd by mrrnrfuclrrrc of rprrycd'on 0rrpmofing; PI.RT S.DGCUTION 3,01 BXAIvffi{ATION A. Errminr iubilrrtgs uith In$a$er pr6_€nt to ddcrmine if they re in rrtbllctoty condition ,o ,..i.iiJ ,i,il"i'ilnirdilffii A erb*rrts ir in sEtiilbctorv condithn lf tt . corrrplisc wlth thr following: l,$ubrtfrrc!complywirlrrcquirmcn$inthoSestionntherethrnrh*ntaand rdrrd rnatrrhls "nd tonttrustipn ur rprcillcd' ?'Sub$rctcsffcfrocofoil.Sroltc,ro|tingcompoundr,incorrtpuibloprimcrr.loosc. n i' rcarr,"o]il;';iil ibt"ic; suEuur6r grPablc of impriring botrd o'f nrrp*orq tii ,ounor. undcr conditio,nr of nonnd u$ or firc a$o$re. t. 9, 10. ll, tz, 0725I - 6 l.?554.01 VRIL PUELIC IJORKS ID:3054792166 JJN 1 3'96o 14:59 N0.005 P.10 3. Objrcto pcnctrrriry firtproofng, lncltrding clipr, hangcn, iupport slcwol, ald sirnilrr itcmr, rre saanrcly itlldtcd to nrbstrltu. 4. Subrtr$.r $. not obstrust€d by ducts, pipiry cqulpmcot, end othr suspcndod conrtruction that will intafue with rpply{ng tht fireproof,ng B. Conduot tcsg rcaordirrg to sprayd on finproofing rnanuhstrrut's reaommcndttions to ''ruifr thrt subrtrrtcr rrc frrc of oil, rolling nnhpounds, ffid oth0r rubstanQl Orprbh of intorftrin3 with bond whcrc thctc is any doubt rsto thpir prc|oncc C. Do not procecd with Inrtdl$ion of f,rrprooting unril unrltidlctory conditionr havc bccn oonccttd. 3.02 PREPN!\TION A. Clcan arhstrrtes of subctmces that oouH impair bond of flrcproofing, includiry oil. grcuc, rollilg oompounds, inaomprtiblc primcn. rnd loose mitl rcalc' E. Prlmc nrbrtreles rrbcrc rruurnrrrundfd by fircprooflng nrrrurhoturot, Qlorpt wlrere conrpatlbtc ftop pdnrer har blcn applicd rnd b in srtlrll+tory condition to redvr finproofiqg, C. For uporod rpnpd,on flreproofing ePplcilgn$, -rqrrir iubrtrilss to tgmorc rny ufaci'imporfc'od6ng thqr cotiU rfrfo rilittomr&y of textrrra r,nd thickncrs in llnirhcd nr1prmftng rurhcr, Rcmorrc minor projxlloni md ffll roidt thrt would tslcf,luh through tircprcotng dtr rpplidion. D, Covcr othsr wort< $Ucgt to dunagc from lill-out or ovgnprry of f,rcprootlng mrterhlr Cwing rppllcntigrr Providg tctnpgraly mcloilfc as rcquimd to cgnfing fpraying oponiiOri'i pfotcgt thc crrvironmsrt, ud annrtc maintaining adrqtrte rmbicn colttlhlonl frr lcmlrraturc and wntilation. 3.03 INSTALLATION,GIINgRAL A, Comply vidr fircprOoflng muruflcturo/t instructioil for mixhg lorcrldt, rppllcrtlon pto"rdur"r, rnd typcr of rquipment ured to lonryy ud rP.rry on freprooftng.nrterirls rf rpplic&lo to thc Frticular conditionc of inrtdl*ion rnd u roquircd to rchian tlru' ro{rtangg I rlil5r irrdiuatod' B. Apply tpnpd-on tlrcproollng rh$ ir trtcrdsd !u prtrduuts trlred |r rprsifisd in Dcfl I utidd 'i"oi Rstonc"in "subnittth" rrtid€, with r*pcct to ratc of rpplicrtion, un of rulrs,toDcoit!,tampingttowelingwrtdovllsprry'orothcrm$torirlrrnd procodumr rfi.ctiflg tort ruNltD, C. COll Sub8trFleS with rdhc.rivc prlor to rplllng firrpmnfing whrm rcntlircd ro rclrlnrt: fire.rodrtuxc rtting or tt recomm$doO $ f,rcproOfing muufrcturur for mat$i{ 1td rppliwtlon indistcd' rtt54 0t o72il.7 VRIL PUBLIC LJORKS ID:4792t66303o JUN 15'15:00 N0 .005 P . 1196 o D. E $ond fircpnoting in full rhisknere ovor Gr ire rse of erch substrrtc to. be protectrd' Unlol othitvisr fuornmcrrdcd by ffrcproofing mmufacturer, instdl body of {lrcproof covenng in r ringlc cautm E. Apply f,rrproofing motcrirls by rprryedlon nEihod trt mrrinnrm Gxtant po3dblc. filtowlng'tlp .drytng op3ftliott -in 'qch rr.[ compl.tc thr cs\rcrrgc by trowcl applla*tls:n or ottier 'ploior'im mrthsd rooommsdod by mrmrfictu*, 3.04 INS'I'AIJINCE)(POSEDTNEPROOIINO A. Apoh erporcd firoroof[rg in thic],ncasos rnd dcnsities indicatcd but not less thEn thar ;6i,ii'.d io rchicyi nro-rrishtrc rrtlrtgs dcsignatcd tbr eaah conditiotr, unEsr gnrtcr thl*neng rnrl dtndtbc rrc indlcatcd. t. For strl boams rnd bnclng provide r ihlckterr nf rnt lcn thrn I inch (25 rnm)- D. lruvirlc I unifrrm finirh c$nplfiry with description indicntcd tt-1rch type of nutaid -i ti*rur'irtg Arclr'rts4'l umiti oi if nonc, f,nirh rpptrovcd for Sold-encted mockup' c. Atrply canpil.1ggrcgrte cemenritkruu trtproofirg ta producc thc follorxing llnirhl l. SDrfi}, tcxtured finish with no fJrthtr tre&mFnt, 3.05 FIELD QUAIITY CONTROL A. Teting, Agarcy; A quelifiad indclcodcnt tclting $g?ncy onployed rnd pid by Owrrr will pcrforrn tetd quelity.control i!rtin8. B. Extcnt rnd T4thg Mcthodotory: Telting of cnmpletcd fircprooflng will trtc phoc in ruo,cp1rivg sreges ir arcrs of efrcnt dclcri-bcd bclow; do n6t prosged with fireproofing of ntct .rr" un il ttrt rerults for prc"iouily mmplctod frrcproofint rhow compliancc withrcquinmmtr, 1, Extcnt ofENch Test fuet: Each b*y, 10,000 q..ft' (9-30 rq' m) of floor rrel of totalfloorrree"whichtrycrproducrrs|'c.tc3ttil]fiCrortoil$lt|. 2. lVithin crch ar€a, tpfhnS age,rroy will nndonb rclcct ont *ructural member of ooor, typ"Jpi-ory u..ri, ioorrarry hflm. joirt, tnss. sr''l rlak. rnd column) utd tcst ftreProofing al follows: 3. For cohcsion rnd adheeion pcr ASI'IW E 736' 4, Forthickncss pcrASllvlP 603, S.Inwcrf,rllgrsrndwcbro|brrmr,columnwebs,columnflrnges.Td-flosd.'o.k ror ooJil[dLsriii-u 6oj oi Appcndlx A "Alcmale Mqrbod fu Dcnrity Dctcrmination" of ATI'CI Txhnicrl Mrrrurl 1l-A' 0??51-8 I-?55r1.01 VAIL PUBLIC t'JORKS 1D:4792t66 C, Trrtirg qorcY wlll rcPofi tert Arotrlt e,t. JUN 15:96 15:00 N0.005 P.12 rcrults pronptly rnd in witing io Coffrrctor atll 303o 6, $rhar lodng diecorrers fireproofing not,in corlRli.lncrr uitlr.reQulrcrncntJ, toltitlS .d; ;ti ptt"* eainipnri nulom dltng to dacrminc rrtcrrt of nooootrplirncc' D. Rcnnow and rcalecr firqrtofin3 vhfil tert rcnrltr indlcrtc fii lt dol| not comgly with -tpcJa.o ,.qoft;;6, ;tfron mc rdhosion qr fbr drndty or both. E,ApplyadditiomltnJeproDfingPTuT:l'fr"1*tndtdiro*ionrwhcrptoltr.|ulillndlcrtl ifrii trtcma",.* doer not cociplyuith ncdncd rcqulrunmtr' F.AdditionrlTesting:Whacfreproqfngtrtenovdudr+lrcodorrupdrrd'rddit|onr| tGring will bc p.rrorn|oa to &tirnlnc iomplimcc with lprciffod rcquilomtr, 3.06 CIEAI{INO,NSPAIR' ANDNROTECTION A.C|oning:Immed|atelyaftcrcomplcirrgrplayiruopcrationrhcrpheontainrb|ooruoof ?rcjrcq nBnoro il#.il;;ff*irirr.i.t-*oio nrrtrcm of oth$ conrtruction md hlfrilipoitl rurtlaor to nmovc ividrn$ of rcilin$ B.orrooxporodcemcntitiousfircprooffngrnrtrrialc'lP'dingtofircproofinS murulbctrrroCs rcconuncndetions to pt€wrlt Prtttrfirrt dryitu' C, trolcct fir€prooing, accordlnl tu rdvicr of lrrprooftry rnaruftorurr utd lnnrllrr' ftom drnrrSo nrultinS fiom c.ffilrwtion opnrtioril or otf,ct-curer.so thrt ffrproofing wi[ bc wtthour ffiil;il;-mtion * frmc of subdniliel complcriott D, coordinrle irutrllation of ftnproodng urith chE[' Gonetruction to minimizo thc nc|d to out or rcmovc;r;il;"& -Ar hra-tcUrrion of othcr .otr"ttucti.n.nroccadr inrprcl finproofirrg *d;';ffiil; -t|c" fircproofing wrs rcunvcd or denrgcd, E. Rrprir or rcplro woft thtt hu ttot btan Nacoldilty ptotGdGd' E}.ID OTSECTION l-?554.01 -s 0?231 - 0 o AIR SYSTEI'{ DESIGN LOAD SIJMMARY Air System.: Breakroom 04-04-96 i^i3"tn'"i.l: : t;ii; colorado HAP v3 ' 02 ri-parea By: RNL DEsTGN Page 1 of 1 ************************************************************************* solar Loads I eo sqrt | 4515 - |wirr-ti""smission I rzrssdrt I ers -l 54L4 ii;;;n;;imission I o=drt I o -l .^,9-Cii".-itunsmission I eosdrt I zs -l 4264 ;k;tiohl-iii"iri""i"" I osdtt I o -l 0 ;;;;-i;;"i'nisil"" I osqtt I o -l --q IrI9Il Lrlry -'1- - |nq'iipnent | 2.73 w/sqrt l 7222 . -: | - Fdopie I tz PeoPlel 2?19 2122 I .^.: Fr""r-iiinsmission I rroosqtt I o -l -?99piiiiti""= | soosdrt I see -l -1999c"iri.'q I rroos{rt-. 1 99?9 -l 148s0Lishti;s I r.!9 rylsq{Fl !9?7 - | _ iiiirt'"ti"" I | 245 '!?2 | azrs Misceftaneous I | 5oo 999 1 --safety Factor I tst L5/ 2s zl 44L3 380 | 727L +-::::-:-:::::-----------+-- ---+------ -----+----------+ i rtrot"r zone Loads (1) i t 33831 2sLG I re:ss I------+ iLenunwallLoad- | oz I o -l - PLenumRoofload | 08 I 0 -I - Plenurnlightinqload | 08 | 9 -l ;nerurnnafir,oad | | o --:l ---^9ReturnFanload , I u - | ---ventiration Load I roo cru I rroa -28e6 | 2\2?1 suppry Fan Load I zsoe cru I ztts - | -37Ls ;p;A'r-tcoiir"ttt | | 9 -l :pil.i-H"iteiinli"is I os I o -l o ;;t;;ii;;ti;64;ir | | 9 : | 574e1pi"c""ic"ir | | o o | 9Fiene.icoir | | o - I o centralReheatCoil | | 0 - | - Hurnidificationload | | o o | :rerminalReheatcoirt | | o - | 9sp"E.7sifi-H;;acoii= | | o - | o +-------- -------+-- ---+------ -----+----------+ Notes: (1) zone loads calculated at occupied thermostat setpoint. iZ\ Zone conaitiJ"i"q based on heit extraction analysis. fgi In the COOLING c6lumn, positive toads indicate heat gains' while positive coil l6a-tls indicate lYstem heat removal. (4) In Ihe'HEATTNG colunn, positive loads indicate heat '! oss, wnife-positi". ""ii f6ahs indicate system heat addition. o I]I.{MAR 0 sqft 475 sqft 2900 sqft0 sqft0 sqft0 sqft 2900 sqft0 sqft0 sqft 0. 00 t{/sqft 1.72 rtllsqft 2 people L5/ Lsl 25 z 0 234 2666 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 L3847 479 LL29 0 27 53 18530 0 0 0 0 13483 43 00 0 0 910 -13 8 116 3799 13283 0 0 0 4A7 0 : 14834 810; 45302 0 2O7LLL -4300 0 0 +- 2LLO6 888 | aosoe I a8a -1966 -+----------+ 363L2 -LO7A 248r-13 | 0 248Lr3 +- 0t0808 2900 cFM 2900 cFlt 08 363L2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 I caio INlv INiv 248Lr3 | Notes: (1) (21 (3) zone loads Zone condi-tIn the COOLwhile posj.t In the HEATwhile posit lculated at occupied thermostat setpoint. ninq based on helt extractj-on analysis. c c61unn, positive ]oads indicate heat gains, e coil l6ais indicate system heat removal. G colunn, positive loads indicate heat loss'e coil l6aas indicate system heat addition- AIR SYSTEII! DESIGN LOAD S Air System.: Body Shop/Paint Booth 1o-2o-95 !{eathir....: vail, Colorado HAP v3'02 ir-parea By: RNL bnsreu Page 1 of 1 ***1********************************************************************* + I+ +Solar LoadsWall Transmission Roof Transmission G1ass TransmissionSkylight Transmission Door TransmlssronFloor TransmissionPartitionsceilingLighting Equipment PeopleInfiltration MiscellaneousSafety Factor COoLING AT........: Aug e 15OO HEATING AT......: Irlinter Oesign I ---::::1f-9i-3:lY-::-l?:9-1 -/--'-?-!---lTllY-:1-33::::--19;9-1-------lI I cooLrNG lurarrncl| | sensible Latent I Sensible I -3:v-::i?:-------------l---::::il:----l- g:vtrL- grtTl-l- glvlTl-l | >>rotal Zone Loads (1)I+ + I+ Zone Conditioning (2) Plenun WaIl Load P1enum Roof Load Plenum Lighting Load Return Fan Loadventilation Load Supply Fan Load Space Fan CoiI Fans Duct Heat Gain/Loss central Cooling CoiICentral Heating Coil Precool Coil Preheat Coil Central Reheat Coil ttunidification Load Terminal Reheat Coils space/skin Heat coils 9 ; | 363L2 o ---------+ (4) AIR SYSTru DESIGN LOADAir System.: chassis Wash Weather.. .. : Vail, Colorado o SUMMARY 10-2 0-95 HAP v3.02 0 232 847 0 0 0 0 0 0 1895 o 239 450 2 000 850 547 6 0 o 3590 1186 0 0 Solar Loads WaIl Transmission Roof Transmission Glass TransmissionSkyfight Transnission Door TransmissionFloor TransrnissionPartitionsCeilingLighting Equipment PeopIeInfiltration MiscellaneousSafety Factor 0 sgft 345 sgft 810 sgfto sgft O sgft0 sgft 810 sqft O sqft0 sqft 0.75 W/sqft0.00 w/sqft 1 people L5/ L5/ 25 z 800 cFM 800 cFM o+ 455 -294 2 000 323 24AO -294'7 3204 37tO 0 0 0 L82 0 : 5919 325; L7 503 o 571,24 -1186 0 0 Zone conditioning (2) Plenum Wall Load Plenum Roof Load Plenum Lighting LoadReturn Fan LoadVentilation Load supply Fan Load Space Fan Coil Fans Duct Heat Gain/Loss 080808 Central Cooling CoilCentral Heatinq Coil Precool CoiL Preheat CoilCentral Reheat Coilnumidification LoadTerminal Reheat Coils space/Skin Heat Coils 0 ; 0 LOz52 0 0 0 0 0 0 | >>rotal conditioning I LO252 73540 | Zone loads calculated at occupied thermostat setpoint. Zone conditioning based on heat extraction analysis. In the COOLING column, positive loads indicate heat gains, while positive coil loads indicate system heat removaL. In the HEATING column, positive loads indicate heat Ioss, while positive coil loads indicate system heat addition. LO252 -467 | 73540 | o o 0 73540 ol (1) (2) (3) (4) Notes: o AIR SYSTEM DESIGN LOAD SUUMARY Air Systern.: Welding Lo'2o-95 fi""t[6i.]:; n;ri; 6olorado HAP v3'02 Pi"pii.a By: RNL onsreil - tage 1 of 1 ************************************************************************* SolarLoads I osqft I I -l .^^^:w.ir-ti""smission I zosssdrt I rssq -l L7927 ;i;;; r;;='i='i"" I ieso "drt I rsrs - | 8474 L'ri"=-iiinlmission | - os{rt I q -l :il"riqtrt-dr"n=nis=io.t I o.,irt I q -l 0il;;^i;;;;i-"';il;--- | os,irt I q -l --2Fr""r-ii"nsmission I raso.{rt I q -l 772 Partitions I - os{rt I q -l Ia;iii;; | g:.it.^. I .^^g -l 9iisfiting I o.Z?!!lssl!l -1:?-1 _l : ii?lii'".t"" | ' Pe.,Prel '61't -1;o I r:srs Miscellaneous I I 9 --9 1 ^-.;| ,ut L5t 25 *,1. 3521 111_i____ _2'_!! zone conditioning (2) I | 226ss^ 851 | 45836 irenunwalrLoad- | oA | 9 - |if"nurRoofLoad I ot | 9 - lil-enunLishtinsload I o8 | 9 - | - R;iG;r'air.,oad | | 9 --.: | -.^^^9Return Fan Load | | _-^Y - |v""tir"lion L,oad I zooo cru I zaos -1840 | L4?929 nq'iipm"it | 2.70 w/sqrt l L39!7 -, : l - P6opie I z PboPrel 47e ?19 | -^-.: supplv Fan Load | -ooo cru I zsas - I '2s65;;;E;'r""--c"ii-r""" | | o - I o ofi"i-nl"IeiinlioJs I o8 | o -l o .L----:::: --:-------------+- ---+------ -----+----------+ i central cooling coil | | 3326e o | .^.-.? |lcentralxeatin6coil | | 0 -l rub/brl lPrecoolcoil | | o ul Yllpreheatcoil | | o -l ul lcentralReheatCoil I I o -l -l luuniairicationload | | o ol :llTerrninalReheatCoil-s | | o -l :l lSpace/skinHeatCoils I I o - I 'l+-------- -------+- ---+------ -----+----------+ i tttot.t conditionins i t 3326s o I L8676L I -------+- ---+------ -- ---+------ -- --r Notes: (1) zone loads calculated at occupied thernostat setpoint. iZi Zone conAitioning based on helt extraction analysis. isi In the COOLING c6lumn, positive loads indicate heat gains. wttif" positive coil l6ais indicate system heat rernoval. (4) In the HEATING column, positive loads indicate heat 1oss, '-' iiiii"-p;i[i;; .oir io"hs indicate system heat addition. Air System.: Bus Parking weath-er.... : VaiI, Colorado o AIR SYSTEX'{ DESIGN LOAD l(i- *l:g i?r.rP 10-3 0-95 HAP v3.02 Page L of 1 Notes: (1) Zone loads calculated at occupied thermostat setpoint. izi Zone conditioning based on helt extraction analysis' J-.iti In the COOLING colurnn, positive loads indicate heat garns' while positive coil t6ads indicate system heat removal. (4) In the-HEATING column, positive loads indicate heat loss,'-' "nii" positiv" coil l6ahs indicate system heat addition. o SIJMMARY Prepared BY: RNL DESIGN*********************** i t cooLrNG I Hnarrucl | | sensible Latent I Sensible I zoNE LoADs I Details | 1atu7nr1 (Bru/hr) | (BTU/hr) I Solarloads I osqft I o -l -*.: ^:; ^i I ocnn ois+ | -lztzz - | 53683wall Transrnission | 9500 sqft | -L2277i""i ii""snission I zaooo s{rt | -rztse - | 77667-Cii"r-iiinirnission I osqrt I o -l 9;ktrieht-riansnission I g"eq! | 9 -l Ioo-6i-iii""tit"io" I osqrt I o -l ^-^9Fi;;r-i;;nsmission lzaooosdrt I o -l 3624Piiiiti"nJ I osqrt I o -l 9cJirinq I ostirt-l --.-9 -l o Lishtins I o.s9 Il"s{!l 37455 - | ************************************************** li??iE'".'t"" I '" PeuPrsl -';z;; :;24 | aez:r Miscellaneous | | 0 --o I --.^-safety Factor I :-st L5/ 25 zl -LLe7 23a l. 5s427 Plenumwallload | 0t | 0 -l - PlenumRoofload | 0Z | 0 -l - Plenumlightingload | 0Z | 9 -l -n"turnrair.,oad | | o ,,-l ^-^---9V"ntiration Load I seooo cFM I ussed -ee34 | 229997! s"iipiv-r"n Load | :eooo cru I s::zs - | '53375^ sp;E;'ran--coirrans | | 9 -l :pii"iH"JCGain,/Loss I os I o -1 o centralCoolingCoil I I 25oee6- o I ^^^.^^9a;;a;;li"atin6coir I I o ; | 3oe18eopi"co"icoir - | | o o l 9P;;h;;aa;ii | | o -l o CentralReheatCoil | | 0 -l - Hurnidificationload | | o o | - rerrninatReheatCoils | | 0 - | 9spiE"/siinHeatcoirs | | o - | o nq'iipmeit I o.oow/sqftl --_9 ---: | -p6opie I ro PeoPlel rsas 2920 | ---^: o o AIR SYSTEI,T DESIGN LOAD SUMMARY Air system.: Bus. wash 10-20-95 weather....: vall;-cotoraao HAP v3'02 i;i.piiEa iy: ru1r., onsrcll . taqe 1 of 1 ************************************************************************* +--------I cooLrNG Ar...:::::; |us Q 15oo HEATTNG Ar......: winter Desisn I I iooiillc oA DBTir{-.-.i iglo r t zs 8 HEATTNG oA DB...: -20.0 F I +--------r I cooLrNG lnratrucl| | sensible Latent I g:ry_tPr: I zoNE LoADs I Details | (eTu/nr) (Bru/hr) L-qry{TLl ilIir-ri."srnission I rsoo=.itt I qq: -l 21?2ii;;; i;ilsnission I iioo =,irt I rror - | 54e6ai;'-i;;"-J*i='io" | - os{rt I q -l :' - irt I o -l oSkylightTransmission I Ost DoorTran=tr..tr.on'--" I odit I q -l .^?Fi;;t-r;;nsrnission I rzoo={rt I q -l 64r Partitj.ons | - os{rt | 9 -l :i"iii"s I qs-{rt-. 1 ^^^9 -l 9iiqhiif,s I o.7s w/sqftl 28oe _ Ieq,iipnent I o. oo w/sqft | . -9 - | People | 2 p!;;l;l aze ?19 | -- ^:ii?lli,".t"" | ' PeoPrel ;91 ?i? | ."' Miscellaneous I I 2099 2999 1 -"^:| ,ut ts1 zs >"1 1128 _1?1_l___ __u_:?? zone conditioning (2) | | zsal 3062 | 27957- FienurnwallLoad- | o? | o -l Pf"tt,rrnRoof Load I o? | 9 -l - iienurnLightingLoad I o* I 9 -l -R-ini;rair,oad | | 9 --^:l ^-.^9ventilation Load I rzoo cru I seqa -3537 I 8:9?1 :liiit"i:;^:lle".-. I l2oocFM | "'Z :l -r77e SpaceFanCoilFans I I u -l :lDircttteatGain,/Loss I o? | o -l ul .-------+- ---+------ -----+----------+ rtt"e"r system r.,oads i t 15134 -475 | rrra6s I.----J central cooling coil | | 15L34 o | ..no.3;;;;;;i;;I$;a;ir | | 9 :l 11186epi""o"rC"ir | | o ol 9iietrea[coir | | o - | o centralReheatCoil | | o -l - i"iiiaiii"ationload | | o o | :-l I i trtotut conditioning i t 15134 o | 11186e I +-------- -------+- ---+------ -----+----------r Notes: (1) zone loads calculated at occupied thermostat setpoint.- iZi Zone "onaiti"r,in9 based on helt extraction analysis. i3i In the SO9LING "5fnron, politi.r. Ioads indicate heat gains, wnife-posiiive coit 16a-as indicate system heat removal. (4) In the^HEATING column, positive loads indicate heat 1oss, wniie-posi€iG ."ii fouhs indicate system heat addition. ign Review Action TOWN OF VAIL ':1y-z :T. .rlfsFr'?...,s.: ,.: -t, ,, \ 1 Category Number r- / r-tlQdLrare '.\ r t f | . T Building Namel Owner, AddrEss and Phone: ,t'rf Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: Projec't Street Addrees: /-<n-,O- t ct.fr1l {_ U Legal Description: Lot Block- Subdivision Zone Distric-t Comments: Board / Statt Actlon Motion by: ftl- &zn.f Vote::f:vote: 4'b r-\ Seconded by: iSw'^,. F[ Approvalt- E Disapproval I StaffApproval Town Planner oae: s/ z s/ ffl DRB Fee Pre-paid , u ril u, {-"''; E. liu[- ... 1 "Prior to the issuance ot a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO), the applicant shall place all existing overhead service lines below grade. In addition, Condition 5 was amended to the following: "Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide protecting fencing a minimum of 6 feet from the trunk of the 60'foot tall spruce to ensure that it will not be damaged during construction and that staff will field verify fencing prior to excavation. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion and a 4-2vole approved this request with Dalton Williams and Jeff Bowen opposing this request. Dalton Williams stated that he opposed this request due to the six-foot lencing requirement (for Condition 5) which he felt was arbitrary. Jeff Bowen opposed this request per his reasons outlined previously. Mike Mollica suggested that the Town's Landscape Architect be consulted prior to excavation on the site. 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion lo the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the F70 Right-Of-Way, north of Vail Village, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the stafl memo. He stated staff was recommending approval of this request with three conditions outlined on Page 4 of the staff memo: 1. Prior to DRB review, the applicant shall add to the landscape plan a cluster of lhree aspens and four shrubs to the new planter, immediately west of the modular building. 2. Prior to DRB review, the applicant shall submit a lighting plan, indicating where the new fixlures will be located and that they conform to the Town's standards for lighting. 3. The applicant shall sprinkle lhe structure in accordance with UBG standards or document that the UBC does not require parking. Dalton Williams recommended that the DRB review the lighting proposed for this project. Plsnning end Environmenlal Commbsion Meeling Minur6 AuguEt 8, 1994 Jeff agreed with Dalton's suggestion and stated that the basic issue was that the Town must abide by the Lighting Ordinance. The PEC members stated that the applicant should update all existing lights on the administration building and the bus wash so that they are shielded. Bill Anderson asked whal the real purpose lor the pedestrian stainlray was. Greg Hall, Town of Vail Engineer, responded the stairway met Fire Department access requirements. Bill Pierce inquired whether drainage problems in the ditch between l-70 and the South Frontage Road would be addressed through this request. Mike Mollica stated that Bill's issue did not directly affect this proposal but that if there was indeed a problem with drainage, that it should be addressed. Mike requested that Greg Hall look into this situation. Greg responded that the Town was already trying to solve this problem by reviewing the water lines in the area. Jefl Bowen made a motion that the request for a conditional use permit, to allow for an expansion to the Public Work's administration building, be approved in accordance with the staff memo and with the three conditions on Page 4 ot the slatf memo, with the additional condition that the DRB must approve the proposed and existing lights on the bus wash and vicinity of the administration building, and that the lights conform with the Town of Vail's Lighting Ordinance. Bill Anderson seconded lhe motion and a 6-0 vote approved this item. 6. A request for a setback variance and an amendment to a previously approved plan to af low for four duplexes to be constructed at 1894 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing. Applicant: SteveGensler/ParkwoodRealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item indefinitely with Bob Armour seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. 7. A requesl for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Vail Golf Course clubhouse for new Vail Recreation District olfice space to be located at 1778 VailValley Drive/Part of the north 1/2 of Section 9, T 5 S, R 80 W, 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Bill Pierce Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED INDEFINITELY Planning and Environmenlal Commission Meeting Minutes August I, 1994 F" li rl : .,f , I l t rl l1 ,i LlI &h-h. i- r.'l ; Regarding the DRB'S commenls from the July 20, 1994 DRB meeting, Kathy stated that it was appropriate to keep with the style of the existing building and forget about adding beams, etc. She felt the VRD should put their money into landscaping. 6. A request for a cordHond use permit to allow for an oxpansion to the administration buitdlng located at '1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 Right-OFWay, north of Vail Village, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO AUGUST 8' 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item lo the August 8, 1994 PEC meeting. Dalton Williams seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote tabled this item to August 8, 1994. 7. A request for a conditional use to allow lor a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne for BMS General Partnership PIANNET: JiM CUTNUIIE TABLED INDEFINITELY Jeff Bowen made a molion to table this item indefinitely with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely, L Approve minutes from June 25, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 25, 1994 PEC meeting. Dalton Williams seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote approved the minutes lrom the June 25, 1994 PEG meeting. L Clarification of PEC representative to DRB for the July - September and October - December terms. The lollowing list shows who has been the PEC representative to the DRB in 1993 and 1994: January through March, 1993 Kathy Langenwalter April through June, 1993 Dallon Williams July through September, 1993 Jeff Bowen October through December, 1993 Greg Amsden January through March, 1994 Bill Anderson Aprilthrough June, 1994 Jelf Bowen Kristan PriE stated that Allison Lassoe would be available to serve October, November and December of '1994. Bob Armour stated that he would be available to serve on DRB August through September, 1994. P anning and Environmeniel Commission July 25, 1994 11 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission K/V?4 e"( z'7Lt-, {-4\' -Lol *+ ,+&r^' " J*#,) '{-tu community Development Department /-tu^'q J - t f{ / t \r- Ausust B, 1es4 ' <4;o-f/.. V6- '-4/"sl'rt, ',*r<.-^, A request for a worksession for a conditional use permit 16 allqlfor an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 Right-Of-Way, north of Vail Village 8th Filing. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Andy Knudtsen PROJECT DESCRIPTION A'J 'o' The Public Works Department is proposing to expand their administration offices by adding a modular building on the west side of the existing office building. The modular building will be 65 feet long and 28 feet wide. lt will be finished to match the existing administration building. The siding will be board and batten and will be stained the same color. The roof will be built up to the same pilch to match the existing roof. 6+q f.4, ,-i/l L The public works site is zoned pubtic Use District. pubtic buirdings dftCy"r#;#:-"$"'W a conditional use in this zone district. As a result, this proposal requires a condiiional use approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). '/tL/t4 -^-{ .."'-ut - -{fl* tuo2'4 7ft-.h aA,^_lnoctoberof1993,theTownCounci|approvedamaSterp|anforthePublicWorkssite'The Master Plan called for an expansion to ihe Public Works administration building as part of the A: last phase. Public Works would like to consolidate their administration staff pt'ior to the ten lo 44 fifteen years it would take to reach the final phase. At this time, Todd Oppenheimer, the _ r Town's Landscape Architect, and Terri Martinez, the Assistant Town Engineer, are located in q'-q separate buildinls from the rest of the administration staff. The modulai building will allow the uitl staff to work in closer proximity. The modular buildings are seen as an interim step that will n+tu{- allow them lo consolidate the staff now, without rearranging the priorities or the phases ol the o_.J -al/Master plan. st r.<go. The majority of the area where the modular building will be located is currently used for parking. The employees who use this area for parking will be required to park down below along the berm. Though a majority of the area lor the modular building is flat, lhe northern portion is sloped and will require site work and excavalion. The applicant is planning to construct a retaining wall three feet tall to allow for the modular building. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning:Public Use District The Public Use District lists public buildings and grounds and public service facilities as conditional uses in this zone district. All other development standards are determined by the PEC. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Faclors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. Staff believes that the proposal is consistent with the development objectives of the Town and is in compliance with the Public Works Master Plan. The Master Plan has called lor the expansion ol the administration offices. Since this expansion was to take place in the last phase of the overall development of the Public Works site, there is an interim solution needed. In an effort to consolidate staff, they will be locating the modular building adjacent to the existing offices. Ultimately, the modular building, as well as the existing offices, will be replaced with a permanenl building. In addition, a goal of the Land Use Plan call for facilities such as these. Goal 6.1 states that "Services should keep pace with increased growth". Stalf believes that the services Public Works provides to the community are a reflection of the growth and size of the community. The expanded administration building should assist the Public Works Department to provide improved services to the community. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transporlation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that any effect from the proposal will be positive (however small) on transportation facilities, utilities, parks and recreation facilities as this is the administration building which provides support for those services. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automolive and pedeslrian safety and convenience, tratfic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the slreet and parking areas. Pedestrian safety and convenience as well as traffic control will improve al the Public Works site as there will be three parking spaces reserved for visitors at the closest location to these buildings. In addition, there will be a staircase added immediately south of the addition to accommodate pedestrian access. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that the character of the area will improve as a result of these changes. The modular building will be sided wilh board and batten siding to match the existing buiHing. A roof will be built on the modular structure to match the existing roof. Landscaping will be added around the site to improve the appearance. Twenty-eight aspens will be added on the berm adjacent to l- 70. Five aspens will be added lo the area immediately south of the administration building and a new planting bed will be created on lhe west side of the modular building. The applicant has agreed to put in a cluster of three aspen and four shrubs in the new planter (this is not shown on the drawings but appears as a condition of approval). In addition to these improvements to the aesthetics, the applicant will be regrading the hillside behind the administration building to direct debris flow away lrom struclures. The regrading will be done in accordance with a reporl lrom Art Mears attached to lhe end of this memo. Statf believes that this will be an improvement in safety for the site. The regrading behind the buildings will be done ala2:1 slope. This is the maximum allowed by the Design Beview Guidelines. There will be a 3 foot tall retaining wall constructed to the rear of the proposed modular building at the base of lhe regrading area. The Fire Department continues to require that this building be sprinklered. lf the applicant can document that the Uniform Building Code (UBC) does not trigger a sprinkling requirement, staff will waive this requirement. At this time, it is a condition of approval. B. Findinqs The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before qranlino a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of lhe district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or wellare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinig. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. tv. GoNclusroN Staff recommends approval ol the conditional use. We believe that it fulfills the criteria as discussed above. In addition, staff believes that it meets lhe findings. Specifically, Finding 1 is met, in statf's opinion, as the proposed use and location is in compliance with the purposes of the zone district. Finding 2 is met, in staff's opinion, in that there will not be a detrimental impact to public health, safety or welfare. Finding 3 is met, as the proposal is in compliance with the zoning standards of the PUD zone district. Therefore, staff is recommending approval with the following conditions: 1. Prior to Design Review Board (DRB) review, the applicant shall add to the landscape plan a cluster of three aspens and four shrubs to the new planter, immediately wesl of the modular building. 2. Prior to DRB review, the applicant shall submit a lighting plan, indicating where the nc.{ixtures will be located and that they conlorm to lhe Town's standards for lightind-'.\- a4-f 3. The applicant shall sprinkle the structure in accordance with UBC standards or document that the UBC does not require sprinkling. c:\pscvnemos\pubds.808 4-APB cu-,'/( .Lz;)cd 4 fL lv c'{1 .2-d.- E aLalA -O-Ur-S\ w **1 /L4 7L-^"(teJ /-'za t;6-t*!= ,.s'll s 4u...*\.- z\-_p_J_r_>J "-f -a(6 \\ \ \S.\+\ r- rL r '!!' l-t,r' IT \ ':/ w"/ir ?^ /1 -t $\ fI \)aJ d fr J (v uj p q) a c a!a) € E c) th tlt : € RB'DAUt, OItgg{ ARTHURI.MEARS, P.8., Natunl Flazardl Conrultanu INC. 222 Lr Godrh Avc, "%;'-?T*''"0 July 23,1994 Mr. Greg Hall Town Engineer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Hall: At your requesl, I conducted a site inspection of tbe proposed office expansion site at the public works center on July 19, 1994. The purpose of this site inspection was to evaluate tbe proposed debris flow deflection structure. The following summarizes the my obsen'ations and conclusions. a. The building site lies within a'moderate hazard n debris flow area, as indicated on Town of Vail hazard maps. A moderate hazard debris flow area is defined as aD area that can "...experience ProPerty damage through flooding erosion and impact of muddy water, soil, rock, and debris." The alluvial fan above the building site is characteristic of fhe-grained deposits and small rocks that strould not produce large impact loads wben incorporated into flows, tberefore will not constitute a significant hazard to people. Furthermore, study of aerial photographs datitg to 1939 shows no evidence of recent debris flow activity this century. b. Adequate protection from the rare debris flows can be achieved by building a trench,/berm structure as located on the attached figure. This structure will protect tbe building from all reasonably foreseeable debris flows. Extraordinary (but extremety rare) flow may overtop the berm and reach the office extension, but such evenls are so unlikely that they are not considered in land-use planning and engineering at Vail. c. The proposed diversion slructure will not deflect the flow toward adjacent private property, in accordance with Vail Hazard Regutations Sections 18.69.052 ICl (b). The diversion structure will, however, redirect the flow slightly to the west where it will deposit in the parking lot. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, \di^l Yt(u.a Artbur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-conhol engineer lrtoe WqlW o Aubrha o AalonctrContotEatttEcttrg .i*sF q aEs *9gBgE t; sieaH 6 -o" 19;i$n Ee.1r3: e.6,7 1aI rE e ??dar N$) I r..1|. I 6 rfl F d itlI 2r \r \\ \\ll I I t\\rt r\ I lti l\llll t\llrliltlil,li)t:ti q Irl \\ s.i Er" $I',. I ..\ l\,',r \1.\. t E s t t F o $ H F$ s H. $$ o Fr3uo \Iio,Lf,A BillWood Joe Macy CDOT USFS Vail Associates, Inc. 4201 E. Arkansas Ave' P.O. Box 190 P.O. Box 7 Denver,CO 80222 Minturn, CO 81645 Vail, CO 81658 222 S. 6th St, #317 P.O. Box 298 Grand Junction, CO 81501-2769 Eagle, CO 81631 nDl\ l ?lat[t+ - o%o'c-a-i"trs cryf c]-$s \f\\) w THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Gode ol the Town of Vail on August 8, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Bui|ding. In consideration ol: 1. A request for a setback variance to allow for a new residence at 5128 Gore Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Sth Addition. Applicant: Ghislaine de Teronanne de Fernandez/represented by Duane Piper Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for setback variances to allow for an addition to the residence located at 4237 Columbine Drive/Lot 22, Bighorn Terrace. Applicant Joyce WatersPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a worksession to review a CGll exterior alteration, site coverage variance, and a setback variance to allow for a commercial expansion to the Lifthouse Lodge located at 549 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant Bob LazierPlanner: Jim Cumutte 4. A request for a selback variance and an amendment to a previously approved plan to aff ow for four duplexes to be constructed at 1894 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing. Applicant: SteveGensler/ParkwoodRealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 Right-Of-Way, north of Vail Village, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg HallPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request for a conditional use permit to allow tor the expansion of fie Vail Goll Course Clubhouse lor new Vail Recreation District otfice space to be located al 1778 Vail Valley Drive/Part of the north 1/2 of Section I, T 5 S, R 80 W, 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Applicant Vail Recreation District, represented by Bill PiercePlanner: Jim Curnutte 7, A request for a wodceaCon for a height varhrrce ard a maior extedor attsalion to the Lostello building located at 705 West uonshed Gircle/Lot t, Btock 2, VaiUlionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant Alien, Inc./John DunnPlanner: Randy Stouder MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Greg Hall and Larry Grafel Andy Knudtsen June 28, 1994 FIL T COP Y Requirements to return to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) for final review I thought it would be helpful to summarize the Planning and Environmental Commission's (PEC) comments at the worksession yesterday. Please address all ol these and provide staff with the appropriate inlormation by this Friday, July 1, 1994 for the July 1 1 , 1994 meeting. lf you cannot meet that deadline, please provide the information a minimum oftJut_o-wgeks prior to the PEC hearing which you would like to be scheduled for. 1. The elevations presented to the PEC during this worksession appear to be acceptable. Please continue to plan on using materials that match the existing -z- board and batten and to install a roof that is consistent with the existing roof ,,/ form. 2. Please provide a landscape plan showing the proposed landscaping on the berm adjacent to l-70, on the slope immediately south of the existing .., administration building, along the foundation of the building, and in the area wesi of this building. The asphalt west of this building should be removed ana v/ replaced with landscaping. 3. Provide a hazard analysis for this prooosal. The analysis must be -/accompanied by a site plan showing what improvements are required by the v geologist. Provide a site plan indicating that the first three spaces next to the eastern ramp to the administration building will be reserved for visitors. Provide details of all light fixtures to be used on the building. Finalize the requirements with the Fire Department regarding sprinkling. / Provide a section through the rear portion of the proposed building. Show where the building will be located, where utility areas will be located, where any retaining walls will be located, and existing and finished grades. I believe the PEC wanted to see as little scaning as possible. 8. Finally, we will need a stamped survey of the area. Greg, il is imperative that we receive all of the information prior to scheduling you for a final hearing. Please keep in mind we will need two weeks lo review the information to ensure it is complete prior to the hearing. Thank you for your cooperation. Give me a call if you would like to discuss any of these items. / / 4. 5. 6. 7. P.rltJCr .|ot-lts Bill Wood USFS P.O. Box 190 Mintum, co 81645 CDOT Joe Macy Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 CDOT CDOT 4201 E. Arkansas Ave. Denvor, CO 80222 222 S.6th St, #317 P.O. Box 298 Grand Junclion, CO 81501-2769 Eagle, GO 81631 ,-o 8$o+ - {or-c,-n-s NLrf cur(Jl\ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 22, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration of: 1. Proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District and Chapter 18.36, Public Use District, of the Vail Municipal Code and the creation of Chapter 18.33, Outdoor Recreation District' Applicant: Town of Vail Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russ Fonest 2. A request for a worksesslon for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 south Frontage Road wesvArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Pierce, Segerberg and Associales Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 VailValley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 Right-Of-Way, north of VailVillage, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4, A request for a setback variance to allow lor a new residence at 5128 Gore Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Ghislaine de Teronanne de Fernandez/represented by Duane Piper Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow lor a tent to be used for the Vail Associates ski school to be located south of the Lionshead Center Buildingffract A, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant Joe Mary, representing Vail Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow lor the construction of a building on slopes grealer than 40% for a site located at 4403 Bighorn Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Betty Luke, represented by Mike Lauterbach Planner: Jim Curnutte 7. A request for setback and site coverage variances and a major exterior alteration in Commercial Core ll (CCll) for the Lifthouso Lodge, located at 555 East Lionshead Circte, legally described as a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Robert T. and Diane J. Lazier Planner: Jim Cumutte L A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit located at 126 Forest RoadAot 5, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing' Applicant: Hon BYrne Planner: Jim Cumutte g. A request for height and density variances and a major CCll exterior alteration to the L'Ostelto building located at 705 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail/Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Alien, lnc./John Dunn Planner: RandY Stouder 'FIl-t coPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JUNE 27, 1994 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Bill Anderson Greg Amsden Kristan Pritz Jeff Bowen Bob Armour Mike Mollica Kathy Langenwalter AndY Knudtsen Allison Lassoe Dalton Williams Item #4 was taken out of order and addressed first. 1. A request for a worksession for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 Right-ol-Way, north of Vail Village, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the stafl memo. Greg Hall, Town Engineer, clarified and explained the landscaping areas for the expansion of the administration building at the Public Works Department. Bill Anderson stated that if they placed the plantings on the berm near the highway it would be less likely to disturb the area near lhe building. He requested information on the mitigation. Kathy Langenwalter asked about the asphalt immediately west ol the buiEing. Greg Hall explained that this area of asphalt could be removed, but that parking would be provided near the building. Greg also stated that the Fire Department is requiring a new sprinkler system in the new part of the building so the Fire Department turn around would not be necessary. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the PEC should review this project just like any other project that comes before the PEC. She said that there is too much asphalt with no purpose. Deliveries are acceptable but some asphalt needs to be removed' Greg felt the driveway should stay as is because it is used as a vehicle access also. Dalton Williams was very concerned about public safety during lhe winter because access to this building is very steep and icy. He suggested changing the driveway to a sidewalk. Planning and Environme al Commbsion Juno Zf, 1994 Allison Lassoe requesled that a few parking spaces should be put in, that would be reserved for visitors and that Public Works get rid of excess asphalt and. use a walkway instead of a large asphalt area. Susie Hervert stated that a lot of bus drivers use that area lo access the building and in the winter it is easier to mainlain this area using a small snow plow instead of doing the plowing by hand. Dalton stated that they should look at marking a few spaces for visitors only. Kathy seconded Dalton's idea, expressing that it is confusing to visitors as to where to park when at Public Works. Greg Hall wanted to keep the driveway as is (asphalt) for deliveries. Dalton asserted that the PEC should hold lhe Town of Vail submittals to the standards held to all other projects presented to the PEC. Olher businesses have delivery areas requiring people to walk to the businesses. Kathy stated that adding more landscaping below and above the asphall may help break up the appearance of all the asphall in this area. Jeff Bowen said that he is less wonied about asphalt as this is the Public Works shop site but is concerned about what is going to be done above the building on the hillside, scaring the area. He saw a need for more landscaping on the berms. Kathy Langenwalter saw a need for three designated visitor parking spacesr a need lo do away with excess asphalt, and to revegetate and landscape the upper area to have less scarring of the area. She suggested that mitigation impacts to the site be kept to a minimum. She said that adding more aspen would help. Andy Knudtsen stated he would like to see the outdoor lighting changed to downlit fixtures. Kathy Langenwalter asked for a straw vote to see il the PEC wanted the asphalt to be eliminated all together. Allison stated she would like to see it only as a walkway. Dalton expressed that he would like to see a walkway and that he feels the walk is too steep in winter and suggested a couple of parking spaces on top adjacent to the buildings east entry. Bill, Kathy, and Jeff were comfortable with the driveway as long as excess asphalt is taken away on the west side and three visitor parking spaces are created at the bottom of the driveway on the east side. Greg Hall was asked to address these concerns and return later for a linal hearing. Plaoning and Environmenlal Commission June 27, 1994 oo /- 4a/*'/ u-L-- 4-u vL 7t<---.e lS",*-"r4 e? d-az44 . / r .r z t ^,'ha..-.k^ z{ fL LL^ h,u gl-n *r-- ^/{ ,*./-,^-h ..--L"-A *-.-,/./- Pz4r . - , T-^1. a-Zo'y-, /-' / u.,^, Jd;t. ,{f,- *- -?, /' /c ) llt'4 lr n.fi;a-Z+) A: _t_t, Ccc-<e/U-r"V -- .'i f'--/ e-"-'-,2-// av_tA--.--ef z<t|/l .r4.,<.q-4f/2..-z/< f/.f r'a,r,a_^ 7 4Lc fu-< er\ pu,/r.* f'rof ! v%^pqrl f^*V ^j d;-/< ./;;J, ,1 1--a-"7^t /-<- e S urciA'e -4f4<..'L,of /a't-<- uf' 4nve.-;-*. /f' ' U A6,/27 /94 L lt 33 P. 6 3TOU BU5 BCRN H $ H $ Hrram||nqlr-alttttl o.Ary z-TT- O, t* /c*-a on A-,o- t -*{ p{, J-Za 'u/./ *f*, F 4 of --oul-/,e..e-1-. --^pL-----Q/ fA- ; /--.-- cJ'.4 //'.4 l-- 4*4-J -g.J.*' ,(2d,s,.,-- '/ ht, q-tUah .e?<_JV<- vC"jn-r*,",a-- hV . C)4-'L.- <-14 .-.r 4 tB'a tEtll t6/lz/90 N{88 5n f--"(f-- \T I-.-tt - /t-t'ra -* ,d ^-'/^, ,-/* lt . --rn , n+ -,.(<,.'--1. ry( < k c.-c,,t-f e /r.\-'r*.r^ , J-^eql_ //_/L4,/ ',kc{'/1). ,/K\'// az-.-t/ V_c .^^ .4--4 f stL tZyJ" I P.nt ^t JK /4 / 55'c-)-14 TOU EU5 ENRN 96/?7/94 t L.32 P. A2 N.V|IIITCITII.II||h] TOU 8US BARN B6/27/94 Llt52 P.01 l[rurmUmr:IIttlSt] TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development. Department June 27. 1994 A request for a worksession for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north ol the l-70 Right-Of-Way, north 0t Vail Village 8th Filing. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Andy Knudtsen I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Public Works Department is proposing to expand the administration offices by adding a modular building on the west side of the existing office building. The modular building will be 60 feet long and 33 feet wide. lt will be finished to match the existing administration building. The siding will be board and batten and will be stained the same color. The roof will be built up to the same pitch to match the existing roof. The Public Works site is zoned Public Use District. Public buildings and grounds are listed as a conditional use in this zone district. As a result, this proposal requires a conditional use approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). At his time, the proposal is a worksession in order to provide the applicant with initial comments from the PEC. When the applicant has addressed all of the concerns raised by statf and the PEC, they will retum for a final hearing. In October ot 1993, the Town Council approved a master plan for the Public Works site. The Master Plan called for an expansion to the Public Works administration building as part of the last phase. Public Works would like to consolidate their administration statf prior to the ten to fifteen years it would take to reach lhe final phase. At this time, Todd Oppenheimer, the Town's Landscape Architect, and Terri Marlinez, the Assistant Town Engineer, are located in separate buildings from the rest of the administration staff. The modular building will allow the staff to work in close proximity. The modular buildings are seen as an interim step that will allow them to consolidate the staff now without rearranging the priorities or the phases of the Master Plan. The majority of the area where the modular building will be located is currently used for parking. The employees who use this area for parking at this time will be required to park down below along the berm in the future. Though a majority ol the area for the modular building is flat, the northern portion is sloped and will require site work and excavation. The applicant is planning to conslruct a retaining wall which the modular building would be set against. When completed, the modular building will appear to be benched into the hillside, similar to the existing administration building. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The conditional use criteria have been listed below for the PEC's information. Staff will provide an analysis of them at the final hearing. A. Consideratign of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of he use on development objectives of the Town. 2- The effect of the use on light and air, distribution ol population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the street and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ol the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. B. Findinos The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino lindinos before orantino a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. III. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION Staff thought it would be helpful to identify specific issues for consideration regarding the proposed expansion. 1. ls the proposed architecture compatible with the existing building? 2. What landscaping needs to be provided and where should it be located? 3. As this is locatsd in a debris flow hazard area, what kind ol mitigation will be required by a geologist? Where will revised site grading occur? 4. Public Works assumes that one additional parkjng space will be all that is needed as a result of the addition. All otfices to be accommodated in the modular building will be moved from other locations off of the site except one. There will be an addition of one office for a future employee. The addition will. also require that five parking spaces be relocated from this area to the area below. Staff believes the PEC should discuss and confirm this solution. A memo from Public Works is attached discussing the parking supply. 5. Currently, here is an access-way that is located immediately adjacent to the building. Should this access-way be preserved? What kind of turning radiuses should be required to provide adequate maneuvering space? 6. What kind of lighting fixtures are proposed? Where will they be located and will they be visible from the golf course neighborhood? 7. The Fire Department has said that the addition must be sprinklered. The applicant should confirm this with the Fire Department. rv. coNclusroN As this is a worksession, staff does not have a formal recommendation. When the issues above are resolved, we will schedule this item for a linal hearing. c:\o€cvncmc\oubwks.6t o Office Greg HalI Terri. Martinez Charlie Davis Todd Oppenheimer Greg Barrie Future Eng. Tech Berm across fron Bus Barn Berm Across from Bus Barn Berm Across from Bus Barn N/A Same Same Same East along hill Current Parkinq After Addition Pw Adnin Lot East along hiII Berm across from Same Bus Barn Net increase in employees - (1). Adeguate employee and public parking exj_sts to the east (a1on9 berm (S) and hill (N) ) and rdest (along berm (S) ) .of the pWAdministration Building to acconmodate the proposed modularaddition. During the past year, the porice departrnent has beenparking approxinately (15) vehi-cles along the berm east of theAdmin. Brdg., while constructj.on continues at the vpD. The police Department anticipates relocating their vehicles back to their ownparking lot within the month. There vras ample parking spacesavailable even with the addition of the pD vehicles, thereforL themodular addition poses very little inpact to on-site parking. il \ct \\W\ z :.-? \f'. t'lrorlo \ \ N 'vj-'--''- _t /'IIi I il\\'\l\..} 1\^ \r'. o o o q-t,j : cz-_.J-c J \I ir A :---.-- lr\ c\ C .--l -asF- t-[\\tT n\ \(,\-\\ \-^ )\I \1r )l"ri>A. \, 5 cs;'Lr?-*\h rJS"Y r(-*-- $p\{.tr;s \-' (- t\ ln l-l l\t -'*-)t's I: o TOIJN OF VRIL COM-DEU ID :303-479 -2452o 10 :57 No .004 P .01MnY 27'l srvlrrd l0lrl}z Ntl.t! oD ADDRESg IPPLICl}Ir -Iarrr1 oF r3oq NAI@ OF IPPLICAIfTIDDRESS sA{me ,qs C. IIAIIE OF offNER(St (prlnr r'Dl.ECXsrd lon corDllrfir& o8r pt$tr! Thle proccdurc rc rcgulrrd for any proJcc' rcq'rred to obtalncondltlonrl uce prrnit. |f;ilfff:lcrrton rllr nor bc acaepted unttl all !.nfornrrton tg Deto or Appltcatton "R[C'D lr|AY 3 | l99t Date of PEC uccrtng -'il5?iFl- Pobl rc- tdoats r. t. B. q7q -ar{q omr(8t IDDRESS D. E. if'#"'T*E[i4 F. , S REPRESENTATIVE jrcg Hcrt/ /5.]519 N rtoilrlurt .....'-.iIt FEE 8200.0 o ,^to, ,4@ cr( f.___ Ey_ Ig.E-9Pr.EIE^_PF_PlIq_g roRE rflE DEPARTMENT oF cor.tr uNrryDEvELOptENt rfrlt AccEpt youn iioibsar,. EtatnP'd, rddregerd. gnygrone-r.of the nance of ovncrs of rllpropcrty adjaccnt tg-llg-iuulict-propeErv rNc'tD'NG pROpERrrEEHTND ArfD AcRoss_gllpPrq; -il--; ir"t or-nerea -lil narrrnsnddrcaaca. THE lpplrceni'nii,i Ee'REspousrBr.E FoR coRREcronrrER,g llfD coRRECr IDDREaSES:- -- Ir. PRE-IPp&ICATION COI|FERENCEs l. pr.-rpprlcatlon conferencc,rrtb-a prannlng staff ncrnber !.gotrongry sugg$tcd to cetermlnc tf airy aa-rironal infornatlon lengedrd. No ipprrcatron-iir-i-uc iEcEii.i-oiil., 1r conprerc (nusrlncludc e'' tiinr-radi$i-iv rhe ronlns adnrnierrarorr. * igthc apptlcantra respdnirUtfltv to nake in ippbrntmcnt wtth rherrrrr to *nd out aLout iociiioiir-"iiiriitli'fequriend;;; -"- "'' it'F*3qi:ilellii-iff8ffi-fi!tir$'B$.H$t!,$Ewi#*$t"0" CONDITIONS Or-TPPNOVAI-iiiii- illS PI,ANNINC ArtD EN\,IRONI.IENTALcowrsstoN (l!gl MAr srifitr.rrE._--tl&-- ciiioirioilrs oF eppRovAr, MrrsrBE COT{PI.IED IIITB BBFORE r_ gUiLOrNFPgR,,ii- i; -isSUBD . 8o!rr. (ll .coptcr of the followlng lnforrnatron nust bcrubnltrod: - 1. t dcccrlptlon of thc prectr. nature of tbc propoeed uacrnd ts opo.ung chaia-crgrreircJ-ino niasuiii-iiiiolcoto nakc thc usc -onpetrbrc nii[-ottr6r propcrr,rca in thc. vlolnlty. Tltc dcscrlptlon nrrst slro addressl !. nolatl,onahtp ap.rl fmdact of thc use.on dcvclopmcnt r,r". or p'op"'tv &HlF"altver -ot thc r'oin' Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage M. Vail, CO g1657 us Forest servlce p.o. Bo; lgo ltgturn, c0 g1645 Artn: B11r. I{oodVaLl Assoclatee p.O. Box 7 Vall, CO g1652 Attn! Joe UacyCo. Dept. of Trans. 4201 E. Arkansae Ave. Denver, CO gOZZz P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 9f502P.0. Box 298 E?gle, C0 Bf63f LOCATION Or It TiIdN OF VRIL COM-DEV ID :3f||4?s -24s2 ilnY 27 '|) 10: ss No .004 P .02 EffdEE of, the uae on Itglrt and dlrl dlrtrlbut,lonof populatlon, transportatlon lacllltleslutlll.tlear tchoola, parkg and recreatlonfacllltlesr and other publlc facllltlcs and publlcfacill.tleg nesda, Etlcct upon Cratflcr rlEh parttcul$ rcfer.nca tocong$tlonr ruuonrottve and pedoetrlrn safety rnd convcnlcnce, traf,fl.c flor and controlr tcctstrnsneuvcrabl$ty, and nnoval. of snor tron thcltroott end prrkl$g arel. Effect upon the eharactes of lbc ar€a ln uhlch thc gropoacd use Ir to be locatcdr lncludlng the ccalc rnd bulk ot tho proporcd urc ln aelaElon to eurroundlng ur.s. lEsr lncludlng topography,grafflc ctrculatlon, b. c. d, 2.A alir plrn at a acah ot tt I.aEt L' - 2Q' shovlng tcrtures.areas rnd utllltlcr and g end floor plan!.s'cvat a. 5. t tlt,lc scport to vcrlly owncrahlp and easenentg, It the bulldlng lr condonlnlunlzed, a lrttcr fron thc eondonlnlurn arsoclatlon ln euppolt of the proporal rnuetbr rubnlttod to rtrft. Any rddltlonal tsatcrlal nacefrlry for thc rcvler of ths appllcatlon aB detrrnlned by thc zonlng adnlnlgtraEor. tt For lntcrlor nodlflcatlont, an improvcncnt Survey and elt,c plan nay bc walvrd by bhe zonlng adrnlntctrator. REoUIREIIBNIS lhc Plrnnlng and Envlronncntal Coenlsslon nccgs on thc 2nd rnd {th Mondayr ot cach nonth. A conplctc appllcatl,on forE and ell accompanylng natcrlrl (aa descrlbcd rbovo) nrurt berubnlttctl a nlnlnun ol !ou8 (lt rccha prl.or to ghe data oftbr pEC puDllc htarlng. No lnconDlctc appllcetlong (rr dctrrnlncd by uhc aonlng aclnlnlrtrrgor! wltl bc acccptad bythc plannlng rt,rff beforc or aftcr thc deglgnrted rubmtttat data. Alt PtC approvcd condltlonal u.c pcrIottB rhall tepee lfconltructlon lr not cotln.nced rlthln one ycar ol tho dttr ol approval and dltlgcntly purrucd to conpletlon, or lf thc uge f,or rhich thc allproval lg grtntad ir not cono.nc.d wtthl,n on6 y6lr. tt thla alpllcat,lon rcqulrcr I srplrrto rcvl.w by any local,Strtc or ledcrrl agancy othcr tharr thG Tosn of vrll, thoappllcrtlon fee rhtll bc lncreared by $200.00. Exanplor ol tuch rcvler, nay lncludcr buts an noB llnltrd to: Colorado DoDartn.nt of Hlghwry lcccla Psrnltr, Atey Corpt ot Englncere 401, agc. Thc appltcant shrtl be rtrponelble for paytng any publlehlnglccr rhlch ars tn c:cege ol 501 ot thc appltcatton fcf. ll,rt tho appllcent,t requclt, rny nttter lo gortponcd forhcerlngl crurlng thc [ettcr to bc as-publkhqd, thcn, thsentlr. tcc for ruch rcgrbllcrtlon rhall be patd by thcrDpllc.nto . 6. IV.III.|l A. B. A,V. E. TdtdN OF VRIL C0M-DEV iD:35479-2452 MAY 27'l 10:ss N0.004 P'03 c. Appllcatlonfdesncd by thr communlty Dcveropmcnt Departnontto hrvc rtgntftcant dealgn, rancr ug6 or orhlr resuii ;ti$ti'nry.havc a rlgnlflcrnt ttnpact on the communlty nay rcq.iiircvlcr.by conrurtrntr othlr thrb town strff. -stroiro-i---- detrrnl,natlon br nede by the torn rtaff that an oucitorconSultant 1r nsoded to rcvlou any appltcetlon, connunttvDevclopncnt may hlrc an outsldc conguit,ant, tt'ehaUcrtlsrtG the anoung of noney nGcc$rry to ircy hiu-oi her andthlr anount rhall bc forrarded to rhe-Torn-ui'ttrs ipprr..ntat the tirne ho fllre bla appltcrtton rtrh thi comuii[i-- - ogvelopncnt DeprEtnlnt. trpbn conplctlon of thc revlci-oflhc rppltcatlon by the congultlnt, any of thr fundstorrardcd by tbo ippllcant ror paimenl of ths coniuttantrhlch havc-not bccn petcl to th.-c6nrultant shau ui-riiur"sot9 !,-ho appticant. uxpenec' Lncurrcd by the ronn in ai;ii;-ot ttr. mount forrardcd by thc appllcant aball be prld totbc To*'n by thc apprrcant-rlrhin'so cayr oi notriiEitron-uvthe Torn. 3 rcr wo-l1 s Joe Macy VailAssociates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, GO 81658 CDOT P.O. Box 298 Eagle, CO 81631 BillWood USFS P.O. Box 190 Minhrrn, CO 81Bts CDOT P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, GO 81602 CDOT 4201 E. Arkansas Ave. Denver, CO 80222 to)aa)q4 - oOiacufo S{.i-{- q-rl- dl \ *,t- " i .,.r THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ol Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 11, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ,'l . A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration1 building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70;,"q Right-Of-Way, north of Vail Village, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Planner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a setback variance and an amendment to a previously approved plan to allow for four duplexes lo be constructed at 1894 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing. Applicant: SteveGensler/ParkwoodRealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne for BMS General Partnership Planner: Jim Curnutte 4. A requesi for an amendment to Section 18.57 of lhe Town of Vail Municipal Code, Employee Housing, to allow for common area to be used for employee housing. Applicant: Jay Peterson Planner: Andy Knudtsen *,'^)ry; FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Greg Halland Susie Hervert Andy Knudtsen June 3, 1994/June 8, 1994 Conditional use application for the Administration Building expansion The owner's signature on the application form, which would be Bob McLaurin's signature. We have received your request lor a conditional use to expand the Administration Building at public Works. Before we can schedule this for a hearing with the Planning and Environmental Comm6sion (PEC), we will need additional information. We will need this information a minimum of two weeks priOr to the hearing. As a result, unless we have a complete application by June 13, 1994, the item wilibe tabled from the June 27th PEC meeting' Please provide the following items: Pef PWr.z Ca^^le'seto6.4. i qou *et- qornq +o qe*. Attpct.,eJ A+Ach€d Gneq's qe-l*,ng lo tlou . 2. A parking analysis indicating the number of spaces required for the addition' the number of spates required ior existing buildings and the number of available spaces on-site. I belibve most of this information can be found in the master pian that was recenlly compteted. Another oplion would be to. provide an anatysis of the number ol employees that will have offices in the addition. pleaie indicate the net increase-in parking demand as a result of the addition. 3. A drainage plan showing how drainage will be accommodated around the proposed addition. t'-^+'t zt'- a'Jl't't n' 4. Building elevations and floor plans. Since the building is modular it musi be modifie-d to look permanent. The Town has approved modular buildings in the past only when tirey have been modified in ways to make them look permanent. From your application slatement, we understand that the exterior of the building wil be sided io match the existing Adminisfiation Building. What is the proposed roof design? Providing a roof form consistent with the existing buiiaing is importanl to make it look like a permanent building.. In addilion to fie OuitOing elevations and floor plans, please provide a materials list of all the exterior malerials. S. I understand the Fire Department is requiring the addition to be sprinklered. Please call Dick Duran dlrectly to dlscuss this requirement' -The +opo, rno'{c, ^ G. We will also need a stamped survey of this area, specifically showing the a)fteod4 :"^\T 12-,-o* edge of pavement and an update to the topogFphy. sho..cs edqL o+ t*ril'* irqnlqr.r*ed, AFrhoi-rqh no.l- s{prvuped, Cr:* n?2|+.*trs Lrror-dd b-4- Artncned ""ffi.:;ive'me a call if you have any questions about these requireinents. inanxs for your Adqudr- ' cooperation. MEMORANDUM F I[.E COFY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Greg Hall and Susie Hervert Andy Knudtsen June 3, 1994/June 8,1994 Conditional use application for the Administration Building expansion We have received your request for a conditional use to expand the Administration Building at Public Works. Before we can schedule this lor a hearing with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC), we will need additional information. We will need this information a minimum of two weeks prior to the hearing. As a result, unless we have a complete application by June 13, 1994, the item will be tabled from the June 27th PEC meeting. Please provide the following items: 1. The owner's signature on the application form, which would be Bob McLaurin's signature. 2. A parking analysis indicating the number of spaces required for the addition, the number of spaies required for existing buildings and the number of available spaces on-site. I believe most of this information can be found in the master pian that was recently completed. Another option would be to provide an analysis of the number of employees that will have offices in the addilion' Please indicate the net increase in parking demand as a result of the addition. 3. A drainage plan showing how drainage will be accommodated around the proposed addition. 4. Building elevations and floor plans. Since the building is modular it must be modified io look permanent. The Town has approved modular buildings in the past only when they have been moditied in ways to make them look permanent. 'From your application statement, we understand that the exterior of the building will be sided to match the existing Administration Building. What is the proposed roof design? Providing a roof form consistent with the existing building is important to make it look like a permanent building. In addition to the buiiding elevations and floor plans, please provide a materials list of all the exterior materials, 5. I understand the Fire Department is requiring the addition to be sprinklered. Please call Dick Duran directly to discuss this requirement. 6. We will also need a stamped survey of this area, specifically showing the edge of pavement and an update to the topography. Please give me a call if you have any questions about these requirements. Thanks for your cooperation. ?rlr o$py MEMORANDUM Greg Halland Susie Hervert Andy Knudtse" ry -_ -\ ,i t /t', June 3, 1994 I;i,-& .J,'-- 8, "''i+ -- -'n l''i' 1 ( t\- ----Conditional use application for the Administration Building expansion -'----] , \ u-,,, L.n,l--'./ lL i=r= /)-."' /n-"f /3 -'te"7't"r'>1 l('.' ,/" Please give me a call if you have any questions about these requirements. Thanks for your cooperation' ",,f /, y',,- y'" /," -.a7sr,,,1/,r,-,/ ,4t)..,,,, t t,, / ,d., / t ),., .--^ ,/, ., ,tz7 */_.-1__t ,b 6/,,j7,.,._t-,1 .z-r' .412, ., ,r ,.-_ _. * /r-t . z, , // z, (z; ...,-, 1 zr 4 Vt,"oot' '/,1 ., :, ../ ; / ll,. < We have received your request for a conditional use to expand the Administration Building at Public Works. Before we can schedule this for a hearing with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC), we will need additional information. We will need this information a minimum of two weeks prior to the hearing. As a result, unless we have a complete application by June 13, 1994, the item will be tabled from the June 27th PEC meeting. Please provide the following items: 1. The owner's signature on the application form, which would be Bob McLaurin's signature. 2. A parking analysis indicating the number of spaces required for the addition, the number of spaces required for existing buildings and the number of available spaces on-site. I believe most of this information can be found in the masler plan that was recently completed. Another option would be to provide an analysis of the number of employees that will have offices in the addition' Please indicate the net increase in parking demand as a result of the addition. 3. A drainage plan showing how drainage will be accommodated around the proposed addition. 4. Building elevations and floor plans. Since the building is modular it must be modified to look permanent. The Town has approved modular buildings in the past only when they have been modified in ways to make them look permanent. From your application stiatement, we understand that the exterior of the building will be sided to match the existing Administration Building. What is the proposed roof design? Providing a roof form consistent with the existing building is important to make it look like a permanent building' In addition to the building elevations and floor plans, please provide a materials list of all the exterior materials. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: t?,iI)o'" /2-x . 'tl4-€' ' f 1, :c:1; 7 .; /.,-o', t'-t y' i^ " Q. ,/ 7.2" n:.',,-.-./ ., .., d (.,t ' t.z1.J ,'4 l(/, ,//"^,AYV'rz't|", f,W-&o BillWood Joe Macy CDOTUSFS VailAssociates, Inc. 4201 E. Arkansas Ave. P.O. Box 190 P.O. Box 7 Denver, GO 80222 Mintum, CO 81645 Vail, CO 81658 CDOT P.O. Box 2107 P.O. Box 298 Grand Junc{ion, CO 81602 Eagle, CO 81631 ,^-a.', \ , blllq+ - oCgacorts St-t-f ad \J[ | U U THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a pubtic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 27,1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for variances for locating GFFA in the front setback and for a wall height variance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EHU, to be constructed at 1828 Alpine Drive/Lot 16, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicant: Peter and Susanne Aposlol/Michael Sanner Planner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a setback variance for an addition to an existing residence located at 2692 Cortina LAne/Lot 10, Block 8, Vail Ridge Subdivision' Applicant: Bob RedpathPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north ol the l-70 Right-OFWay, north of VailVillage, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Greg HallPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan to allow for four duplexes to be constructed at 1894 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27,Block 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing. Applicanl: SteveGensler/ParkwoodRealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. DESCRIPTTON The Town of Vail Public Work's Department proposes to install a 24' x 60' modular building on the west side of the Pw Administration Offices. Currently this space is an asphalt parking area for approximat.ely 5-6 employee vehicles. This building will house the Town Engineer, Project Engineer, Construction InsPector and Landscape Architect. In addition, space will be allocated for CADD workstations, blueprint machine and much needed map and Projectfile storage. Earlier this year, the Town Shops Master Plan was adoPted by PEC and the Town Council. The purpose of this study vtas to deterrnine the current and future needs of the departmentr and develop a master plan to meet the identified needs for the next 10-20 years. The Master Plan is anticipated to be inplemented in (5) stages, wit,h the renovation/addition of the PW Adninistration Building slated for the last stage, which couLd be approximately 10 years from now.The intention is to look at centralizing the engineering and LA functions into one space now, rather than have offices spread out over the shop complex. This will better utiLize time and money, while freeing up valuable space at the shopbuilding. The modular building would be removed (possibly sold) once the Administration Building is up for renovation. There is adequate parking for employees and public needing to access the offices directly east of the buildings along thehillside. The flat-roofed building will be installed to match the grade of the existing shop offices. Siding will be a stained board and batten to match existing exterior. Restroon facility will be ADA accessible. ao " Er.h,b,t Au ^ - THAT PART oF TIlE-rglrH l oF sEqrI-oN s, rowNsHrp s sourH, RANGE 80r{Esr oF rtre ers_ p-nrxEiper,-ltsiiiiar-r^ nigr,e"i5iilriv, coromDo, Lyrr.rcil35:f,r"T" ilr?f"Tltr, -iia'rdfr"'N;. zo a*o- siiNJ -r.ionr penrrcunnr,i BEGTNNTNG AT THE.NORTII E^ST CORNER OJ SI-ID-qE.TION 8, TITENCE AI'NGTrrE N.RTHERL' um oF-sai-o s-e-&ioN e, J6-ur'1;iscR'ns 46 lrrNurEs27 sEcoNDs l{Esr^A g_rgraNcl -oi1loo.cio-ir-rii -i.nii"u DE'ARTTNG rrrENoRTHERT,y r,rnn o-r_siio li&iout,_!9urrr oo'oii:nies 23 MrNurEs 03sEcoNDs r{Esr A or.sralril oiiii.ei qqni ro; porfi'oN rHE N.RTHERL'Rrc'r oF wAy rrlre_ or -rNrsniiiri"ry_eryry uo.- zii THEN.E AroNG rHEI35tE3H:":rcHr oF mv iir'ril6i'i*r"*"norn r-icnwrv No. zo ForrowrNc 1) sotrlH 75 DEcREls_ 28 urNUTEs_ 18 sBcoNDs EAsr A DrsrAl{cE oF180.82 FEEI ro e porllr oi AH;i;i,RE, 2) L327'90 FBET llqryc rrrE ARc oF-A cnRVE To rHE rr, HA'TNG AR'aDrus oF 5580'oo rsEir A;EffiRi_ arcu-6F ii oirnsrs 38 urNur's04 sEcoNDs Al{D A. cnono'vniicnl;'ils _yonrn il oiciiis 36 r,rr'ur's 34sEcoNDs EAsr 1324.20 rnni-Tiirfrilu ro a poiirr;i:;ic EA'TERL' LrNEOF SAfD SECITON 8; hTIIENCE DEPARTING.SAID.RTGHT OF T{AY-LIryE OF INTERSTATE HTGITINAY I{O.zo NoRrH oo DEcREEs-_zs ;i;;rii 6l_srcoNoi-e$i-ii6nc rHE EA'TERLyLrlrE or sArD sEer--ron i,-r-iiiieiEe -qr_itt.io-raiilro mrE por'r o'BEGTNNTNc, corrArNrlc-io.e66;ffi! uoRE oR f,iEss. TllE ABovE D'scRrgrroN_rs BA'ED oN TrrE Tor{N oa vArL ANN",.orroN pr..arsnoR rrre pRoprRry olfgfllo'Al,D fi igq_aCdbriirtro suRvEy. rHEBAsrs oF B&ilRrNc^1-9g_-rne_- ;6\rE ialgur,-i! -rif, i,6i.rnsruy rrrE oFsEelroN I BErNc ,:-oj{!_iD -riiEnini,-,1^e _u'wrs;-zi-iscoNos r{Esr Assrror{N oN sArD aruexATiori-piiif-"1no*ru ANnorrz) t -l P' ie I RI -t July 23, 1991 our Order: v172X1 BUYER,/OWNER: TBD SELLER: ALI,STATE INSURANCE COMPANY ADDRESS: METES AND BOUNDS JDdWN OF VAIL-75 S. FRONTAGE RD. vArL, co 81657 1 AttNs MIKE BR.AKE PICKED UP FOR DEI.,IVERY i.-\ r-? rrrh mt'.f= cr-rrDrNTFE \OMPANY Representing Title Insurance Conpany of llinnesota TITANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER AII PU covENAvrs ATTACHED _YES NO FOR TrTLE QUESTTONS CALL KAREN HORTH 3O3 476-225L FOR CIPSING QUESTIONS CAI,L Ilt MINNESOTA TITLEA HOME OFECI 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 6100 Denver, CO 80206 P O. 8ox 5440 Denver, CO &)217 321-1880 I FAJ< 322-7603 ARAPAHOT 770{J E. Arapahoe Rd., tt50 Englewood. CO 80ll? 770-9596 / FA)( 29G9UO ARvADA 5440 Ward Road, t200 Arvada, CO C1002 4204241 / F&\ A3-1365 DRY CNEET 26 W. Dry Creek Grcle 1520 Littleton. co 80120 79+5307 t FrX,79+58A2 EASil 3!ld! 5. Parker M., tt05 Aurora, CO 8mt4 751{3:t6 ' FN( t45-2669 FIDDLCRS GREEII 6fd) 5. Fiddlers Green Circle. f 103 Englewood, CO &ltl 771-4539/FA"\ 7714525 Gommitment To Insure lssudhmSttfuAfted: GLEMA'OOD SPRII{GS 817 Colorado Avenue. Suite 203 P. O. 8or 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 61602 945-2610 lFAA,943478,- HAMPDEI{ 8821 E. Hampden, lt00 Denver, CO 80231 7504223 I FAX 750q267 ,EFFERSON 710 Kipling, ,202 Lakewood, CO 8O2f 5 232-3il1 / FA)( 2:t&2956 NORTH 9t01 Harlan, |lfi) l,\restm inster, CO Eqr30 427-9353,FAX 43G.r572 SOUTHIVEST 3609 5. Wadsworth, tt 15 Lakeuood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FA)( 98G8324 N'SEMlTE 36(X) S. Yosemhq f255 Denvrr, CO 80237 69+2837 / FA)( 843{402 BOUIDER, 2425 Canyon Blud., t230 Soulder, CO 80301 4444101 I FAX786aq23 LAI{D TITI.EqJARANIEE CC[THI$/ P. O. 8or 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail. CO 8t658 47&2251 /Direct 595-961 3 FAJ( 4764534 BNECKENRIDGC P. O. 8or 2280 2O0 North Ridoe Ereckenridgg cO 60424 453-2235 / FN( 453-5014 cAsTLE ROCr 512 ltllilcox Castle Rock,.CO 80104 688-6353 / FAX 688-0143 COTORADO SPRIIIGS 102 S. Tejon. flfi) Colorado Springs, CO 80lr03 6:t4.lE:lt rDir€<t 59$41 I 3 FA)( 63+3190 PARIGR 19590 E. Main 5t., ll05 Parker, CO 801!!4 84149(x) IAIL P. O. 8or 357 108 S. Frontaqe Rd. W. vail, cO 51658 47&2251/Dircd 595-9613 FA)( 475-t5:t4 AGET{I5 DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durangg CO 81303 247-5860 / FAX 247-9089 ^,ALTAICOMMITMENT SCHEDI,'LE A Application No. VI7211 For Infortoation Only UETES AND BOUNDS - charges -AL'A orme'-"lti3{o"- - ti33:33 With your reroittance please refer to V17211. 1. Effective Date: July 11, 1991 at 8:OO A.t!. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: nALTArr Owner's Policy 1987 Revision (Anended 1990) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to Inthis Conrritnent and covered hereln is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested In: ALI,STATE INST'R,ANCE COMPANY 5, The land referred to in this Connitment is described aefol lows: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHT{ES! CORNER OF SEqIION 9, TOWNSHIP 5soutH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRTNCIPAL !{ERIDIA}| THENCE SOUTH89 DEGREES 31 UINUTES 49 SECONDS EAST 2333.84 FEET, AIONG THE NORTII I,TNE OF SATD SBCTTON 9, TO A POINT ON THE NORTITERLY RIGHT OF WAY FENCE LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY No. ?o' THENCE AI,NG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF I{AY FENCELINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHT{AYNO. 70 AS FOLLOWS: SOUTII 67 DEGREES 41 ilTNUTES 33 SECONDS I{EST 415.82 TEET' TTTENCE souTH 78 DEGnEES 13 ilINUTES 02 SECONDS r{EST 1534.29 FEET, TO A POINT OF CI.'RVATT'RE' TIIENCE 456.43 FEET ON A CURVE IIO TITE RIGIITwrBH A RADIUS oF 5580.00 FEET, THE cHoRD oF t{llrcH BEARS souTlt80 DEGREES 33 UINUTES 38 SECONDS I{EST 456.30 rEET TO A POINT ON PAGE 1 ALTA Ol.tl,lITllENT SCHEDULE Application No. v17211 THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 9' THENCE DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF I{AY FENCELINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHI{AY NO. 70 AND FOIJOWTNG THE IIESTERLY LINE OF SAID SEETION 9 NORTH OO DEGREES 18 I{INUTES 2I SECONDS EAST 555.11 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGTNNTNG. PAGE r\'ALrA\3ouurrrrrENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Reguirenents) Application No. V17211 The following are the reguirenents to be conplied with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or Eortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured nust be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: NOTE: THE $1ss.O0 CHARGE mES NoT REPRESENT TIIE TOTAL PREMIW FoR THEpoLlcy N.tottNT sHo?{N rN SCHEDULE A. THE $rSS.00 CLARGE IS DUE UPON RECETPT OF TITE INVOICE AND I{ILL BE CREDITED TOWARDS THE PREilIUU CHARGE UPON CTOSING OF THE TRANSACTION. THE COT'NTY CI,ERX A}ID RECORDERS OFFTCE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'UENTS SENT FOR RECORDTNG! ! PAGE 3 IALrA'{OoMMrruENr SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. vl7zll The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the sane are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions I through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I'DE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOUI,D T1IE SAI{E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREUISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. 10. RIGITT OF WAY F'OR DITCIIES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUeTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48, AT PAGE 495 A}{D RECORDED August 22, 1955, IN BOOK 157 AT PAGE 304. 11. EXISTING I.EASES AND TENANCIES, IF ANY. 12. rACI( OF ACCESS TO AND FROl,t PUBLTC ROAD, HrGHI{Ay, OR STREET. 13. TER!,!S, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF REAL ESTATE PURCIIASE AGREE!,IENT RECORDED July 25, 1978 IN B0OX 272 AT PAGE 665. 14. TERUS, CONDITIONS N{D PROVISIONS OF' BUILDING A}{D PROPERTY LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEI.TENT BY AND BETT{EEN BOETTCHER & COUPANY AS I,ESSOR AND THE TOVIN OF VAIL AS LESSEE RECORDED JuIy 25, 1978 rN B0,OI< 272 AT PAGE 667. 15. TERttS, CoNDITIONS AND PROVISfONS OF ASSIGNIIENT OF REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREE!{ENT, BUILDTNG AND PRoPERTY LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEI,{ENT AND ESCRoI{ AGREEUENT I{ITIIOUT RECOURSE RECORDED August 02, 1978 IN BOOR 272 AT PAGE 990. 16. FTNANCING STATEUENT I|ITH BOETTCHER & COMPANY, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED JuIy 25, 1978, IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 668. PAGE 4 f-'ALrdlDoltMrrMENr ,a SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. Vl'7211 SAID FINANCING STATEUENT T{AS ASSIGNED TO THE ALI,STATE INSUR,ANCE COMPANY RECoRDED August 02, L978, IN BooK 272 AT PAGE 991. 1?. TERUS, CONDITIONS At{D PROVISTONS OF AGREEI,IENT BETIIEEN VArL ASSOCIATES, LTD., AND GAS FACILITIES, INC. RECORDED July 17, 1964 IN BOOK 183 AT PAGE 15?. 18. Al{ T'NDTVIDED 1,/2 TNTEREST TN AND TO ALL OF THE OIL, GAS AND OTHER UTNERAI-,.S, soLID, LTQUID AND GASEOUS, OF EVERY KIND AND NATIIRE, INCLUDING URAI{IUI'!, IN, ON AND I'NDER AND NI|ICII !{AY BE PRODUCED FROU THAT PORTION OF SUE EqI PROPERTY IN SECTION 10 OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION HEREAO AS EXCEPTED AND RESERVED BY PETER E. KATSOS TN THE DEBD RECORDED IiIAY 3, 1960 IN BOOK 165 AT PAGE 227. 19. UNDERGROUND RIGHT OF T{AY EASEMENT GR.N{TED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRI'I.IENT RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1978 IN BOOK 274 AT PAGE 368. 20. TERttS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE BY AND BETWEEN THE TOWN OF VAII AND HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCIATTON, INC. RECORDED August 03, 1990 IN BooK 534 AT PAGE 986. PAGE 5 f , (^LAND ri|," cuARANtnn'fcouPANY DTSCI'SI,'RE STATEI{ENT Required by Senate BiII 9L-14 A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxing distrlct. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction nay be obtained from the County Treasurer or tbe county Treasurer's authorized agent. c) The infornation regarding special districts and the boundariesof such districts may be obtalned fron the Board of County Connissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. lIE tlrurtcr E. Iiar r|IF ' al:|. rF - -rFrllt. a-|.trf rFtt- r.. .cbl.df.{ D.to!. D thl. 1p Uy ol rrr., ,tlEELJ,lUtfr_n pfiap!7t d ,-J Q1A2 . tos t8 !6 C VltL. . r.rcrFr d oltlct l ...1. F.? .. r'!!: qh..r. lr r fd d il-t -r-s.rlr. r-:r' rEll.-lr. -- --t Gttr lrtr Et cE... f.r a -lDiE- ItEar.'- t- EaE cttrotsrff fh- (:rlr.G! r clld .6Erx.t, .!aa *). tI rlat ol r.ltrra d rtrrrr rerctrE- lr b fct ct t lt.. fr.c. oa Col,car.b, f Fr!! !t l-t || r!. E. t ct16 t, rba.llp t toert,ftl I h ot tD. att t.1.. .. Ds. ftllr €r-rcrtD.a frll |.a rt ,.l. Il' 1! .!r. t tL eEct 6rttbsr., t 9t..d.!.-. |.| L oaatts, aa€aat&Ft. rqllrr cDalgt, eahrtrr 8a-phaaa. oFsata - rqqb r ra.slro|Ed rlrotrir tr.rFra.loo or ititrtlirttoa ' I tir, orxlllr rltl ttb n.|rgro||oft y.ult.. odrl!, flrtur.r r!l! a{ltIat utoi orl|aL t| €llaotlot ltarulth, tol.Dh.s rttl a.aoclrta.t iquirut r.qul,r.d-a _r ts!-4. rltur tb alor. Dltao!..l l.!d.. r{D! u roirit rt..cr6odr Lllnr lr a||cllt t E (l0l l..t l! rldtl. thc e.ntrlllnc to! r.lt --t Dal.[ rlArfsgutc tEJat t.cllttl.a .. tlrt ll.d. t!.l'sulrCa too.Ctoo of Iilci Lcllltl.. utD! tt. rDovr at .crtD.aDE-l la aba oa lalDlt l, .ttrch.d i.t.to .od rlt. . 9.sgllrt by rataras. le|.tLr_rttf tta rli[t ta r.Dra alt r|ra all t8.... bruah, vri.t ttoo .rdCatt$lfl rtclb x.L at8lp ot lrad rbra rr*t lr 3{roa.blt' tro....sylor tD l$-st tlo .!a uri o? ttr rtghtr h.r.la.!ovt grurled. lltritL asd- bt Cr!t- ol rntz ol lt. rlght. h.r.und.a, C;rn!.. rh.llDrrFft aaator. tl. au.sLc. o( th. groutd t lt. torrr condlrloG, ..rarlt a! tr grastlcrbl.. aDrt .h.ll proetly r.pl.c. lly rDa rtl t!.aa.bttl a- tqr3rtloD 8c?ad oa d.rg.d by csut... Crrltgr.!a... tLt rll lrcl,lltl.. tlttrll.d by crut.. oa th. r!oy.a.ED.a Lada abtf tr l,a tD. DroFrt, ol ciut.., rrrd .hrll b.s-,r$la at tb ogtlo! ct Carlt .. Crctet orGaaCa tlat lt Lr Chr ornrr ot tb. rborr d..csl!.d l|r|d., .rdtLt tl. aata l.!da raa (!ra and Gl.ar ot atGirtrancrr ||rd ll.aa o!rtatait aLa.ct r .rc.pt tbo.. h.td by tb. tottorlD{ r lO fM ffD 19 U,D ..1d rlghtrl-r.y .nd ....rrr!, tog.th.r rltf, .U .!datttdat tL sllDta rDd grlitl.g.r rgptrtelalng tlrrto, uato crut.., ltaarmaa a4 aaallDa, lorrvrr. ll tltlttl [llDD. O8altos Lr c.-ur.d t1... ps...aCa to Da anlt.-d c tur 37 uy ot fulla,t , tttt. tg v.l i:ileill Iill j j t I r' ! E I tatl !.tr.f tl-t) t )llallfl ioii: H;*i ;llii .$i,'- I I ar Co a,tI II 8I It oI 'll rl:ll itll :j ,rt ra .raaa fiurn EigElL- Ilrtr toltolt cloaa lllFt8lc La!-t.O. Da.u.s ll06f.eod tFr., Oo. llaCl ^1 'twstrsr tlr '5turt -Tl - ( _ "'*1iiiiili;1fi:lliilii;i:illfitixirrllriri.iitlhil6ii ? ' ii;il:iiltrf;qt':ii.gii;i,l*i*i:iliiii'i:ril!:jili1,llii'.1''* t. ltr A??ttcr.t'. 1r..1... l,t'r*tttt-it'i 111'.:::trt" g' r"-tttte I s""ttt' '; l. lt tll. Go.ts.Gl lr rccrptd b1 thr Aooclrtlca' ml iffii*l[lll*il',ntffi;', *^.J' ll.:!t*tll.'!ill'^atn' I1... L3.!l. ol t.rl ' 0Do. alacSllc atlt3: !:i'!t$'il:|'i?: A. tlia tpllteut rllll trr th'-d'r' rtrriy lr r'd' rt'lltbt' tc t'l' ts"l"t' tcr rtr turr ;;i;i ;i t ". ( to). l"r". ttl-:i;i:;i":i;i.tH+T:r1#' iir$:,i:i;il'li;riilil i:l!'lhi:tirli :ltiilfi liii iii't'liii fi lf i:ir " '' la{!r3rl'l r""' r. ls'lrr tr. tr" "'GrlD" tL"Al.'ll1: t::-::tl1::":r'll,: :gt:,t:l'ril.3l.. t *l'm trrt oi thr 6rt !'t', tovo of i'll Dur lr'h' l, ,t. .!l'ilil:':"!t'!lirlil!l!ti!'!"it r' n:'inili:i:iiiti:rrri:iiqi:i'ii:iili#riirti4iiirlklin:i"iriiilitilr' r. *i;:l.li:"fril.:11,.ft"t;:.Lll.l[,froclrtloa 'hrrr eoo'tltut' r' r3t"rrrr t' f.i:ll':r'Lil.H:ll::l':,:l:l|:!i.:1.llt'colts'Gt 't'lr not b' Goo..'r,.{ 't I it*m'ii*+di*tluu;l*fr ll*l:qiriri:iffi ;!iji#' EI E; I :E rd I|{id!r 3aOU i$ f n,dj sI , A,,l *l itt'it ...1..\ I t I lDOl!t3: l! S. lrontrlc l|l' irtt. Coloredo 316ll ron 0l YAIL - ttatt or.lk9gg19-; ...i .*t or-hS!g.-i "' rrnrni'ii ti ir,,l ml cltlclrl rcrl. t; corldrlrr- rr;lrrr rllrJ l'lc i ': -..'"!ti:Lt":-" i,.....{- a a a a r r.t"l i'r a o a I a ' ' ' I I ' ' Jol ttr losr| of Vrll iut u'lrh Jol I lG€.tt.a tltl. D.3a -' aa traatat trcrt lon I Goo.i|-3 lcct , tterDrtrtl; io. lrt Slllla3 btlr.. taalataaaaaa t2-6t llr fotrjohj l..llrr.it La3aalI glkr{ 5 Proiect Application Proiect Name: Proiect Dsscripiion: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone '*, Comments: Design Review Board """ trl ft(g{ DISAPPROVAL , <-,)-- E statt Approval v APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI\4ATION IS SUBI4ITTED**********THIS APPLICATIoN WILL NoT BE I. PRE-APPLICA.TION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to a'elermihb if any aaaiiionat information is needed. No application wjll be accepted ,ni.ts it is coirplete-(muit include all items requ'ired.by the zoning administrator). il ii-tne appiiiini;s iesponsibility to make an appointment.with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE fPPlica- iion wi1 streamline the approval process for your projgct by decreasing the number of conditions of apprJvit tlrat the'DRB may stilulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit js issued- A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Bus Wash Facjljty B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Town of Vail Public Works Department Legal Description Lot Bl ock Filing Zoni ng C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Town of Vail Public Works Department Address 7F So. Frontaqe Road. Vail. Co telephone il.[-tOOO- D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Morter Architects Address 1.43 E. Meadow D.ive. VaiI. Colorado 81657 telephone 476-5105 E. NAME 0F 0ITJNERS: Town of Vail Public liorks Departmen S i gnature Address tel ephone.--f_- is requested.The fee wjll be paid at the time a building permit FEE F. DRB FEE: VALUATION 0 - $ 10,000 001 - $ 50,ooo 001 - $ 150,000 001 - $ ,500,000 001 - $1,000,000er $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO $ $ 10, $ 50, $ 150, $500,$0v $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $2oo.0o $300.00 THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting subm'i ttal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property ijnes and building corners. Trges_ that will be removed itrouia atso be irartla. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. Z. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meet'ings oi tne Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled *."ting and who have'not asked for a postponement wj11 be required to be republ i shed. vI 4. The following items no longer have.to be presented to the Design-Review Board- iiity,-trowivCi, have to be [resented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skyllghts and similar exterior changes that do not alter the exlsting Plane of the bullding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed IfoT ?ny other lot or public space' wtrictr trive had letters submitted from adioining property owners approv'ing the addjtion; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard Studies on your property. You should . check with a Town Planner before proceeding. /, LIST OF MATERIALS - 'ttANE LEGAL OF PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: The fol l owi ng Board before A. BUILDING B. LANDSCAPING: f laar^ Dlacfir J v 1O Rnrrgh-Savrn Cr:dar flk Rrnwn tn match existing bus garage. Concrete Natural Alrrminum sash Dark BrnnzP Steel Grev to match existing doors on bus garage. Same as Doors Nnno Metal l4atch existinq Meta.l Gre y None N nne Nnno Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES LANDSCAPI NG: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Re-veqetate disturbed slooe. No other landscape features- EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for conifers. (over ) \ STREET ADDRESS: ToW:r of Vail Puhlic Works fiepartment DESCRIPTION 0F PROJECT: Fnclospd hrri'lding with waqhing eqrripment plrrs coverpd exterior area for fupl ing hrrsps- jnformation is required for submittal by the appficant to the Des'ign Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding 0ther l,lal I Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts t.li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra'i ls Fl ues Flashings Ch'imneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther *Indicate caliDer for deciducious trees.Indicate height 7 "\ a. ea "PLANT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity SizeQuani ty (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. rPqrmitNo..,, r i 4^| :.r II{.U VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMTT WtLL NOT BE TSSUED UNTTL TAp F-EES btAVE BEEN pAtD lN NAME OF JOB 7 . A. LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION lnwn GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACT()R EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Sewer 7la Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Meter SizeSIZE OF TAP:Water 2 /' NUMBER oF uNrrs ?, 7 zd r.td#r=n'ornt Date Billed Bldg. D€pt. - White;- Wat€r and Sanitatior,- Green;- pubtic Works - Canary; - Contractor- pinki - Accounting - Gotdenrod rh.p.r.i.ryvr, / 3H:T=ilir; -<Q.aP < -.. I z ?lrF<t,iflre a:?7si<ozdTzzA)e::5i <{J !l Z: idsi?$3si3IF, tc o> -c4<ci-a!0 !<E<}J I I l_ .Ft<ro I I I I NOrrvn'lv^ z.- o-o uJt UJ o()zl d z. c o-o UJE uJ |ls ll\= ll Gffilql :<nE t{lodl 3(516 6 bqrltr ^ 6 z2l H d = FHI6 6 A.BlE? E€I iF EEI oz E =E uJo- (Jz J tr -tdl o uJ =,-il .d \ts F l-r UJ =z a trI q r-l *. LU o J Lo tr uto UJ J a2 io- F C) n t: o r.lI =tr IU oo J Io E =tr IJJ o J f o. F tr a LU o tr aa uJEoo J tr oo J o- F E uJ Eo F uJ =I() E <Ffr? 1zc c\UJF (O t,'t Z r1o JE<oQF- E3t E 9P =#f,FJZu-o <=OF =2-; af Y'=>E ti\ =t-o2< (-)qg oz Fo l.rJ.--totL J {t dlFil LUF 6 zo:- +.bc(JE :) eo8,9F€a.="E()F ts =Elrl o- Jzoz.n9 Z*.(tro =z=rD o-- P EBi AHE == UJ lI.o uJL l- Bnn trtr8 o RISIDO{IIAL }IATEN 'FiLlllctor 8tttilE ADO?ESS l. FAsEIEITIst noon. ?.ro FLoc? ---+ ,RD fLMR BNttt t ToltET.(ore Hnrr rnnd EfiRA SII.IKS 2x 1.50 ,E2x x .l> x 5.G)x 5.fi)x l.tlj q, t 6. 7, 8. 9. .10. KITC?GNS DtskrAs{acs UTFORTES bER t{,lsttaJ ICE T4Ac1IINES sAlJr{AS ratrm coogqs & IAIER FoL!{IAltrS sfllfllNG POLS JAcltzl ouTsIDE vlAlER . /, o t'{lNL*181 oF c\FJ ' FuI ElI}6 n00s xrrogt DISIT{ASFER i,luoatEs CT'TSIDE WATER 1 {zt.z\9|'' ^ -/<. ,<-J /Q,OO APARN€NIS l. 2. t, q. x 1.00 =, IUTAL POINTS lLt.ji io.m porrrs = 1.00 wrr , ' .rorn- Nrrs Z z2<- xg130o. oF sJ J t/ z' {o 2' D{s33{T -- H'StE* t*, ) x.5,n ls Ftsl )RD FLOOR 3i Eass€NTJsr FLog{ ?o aooa JRD FL@C Rc,s (Lt'ltrc Rmfllsr .;#pc.fr;'#;1l55jilx l.fi) sn-oros) :/ x 2.Sl xLm x .9) X' ,6 X,E x 3.tD x'.1.S rtt x' .51 ? r1.a) = <J. r/ \./ - = ) 4.aO lt' (./ (./ DAIE IttsPECroR ....\ [?h}ff{ll I F,$f fl !,qJ.!',.fl :T[' '1R:.?!:t'!.:n*SFi-i&lll i$]$" i5ii+' m'il*tn];'!;', ;'g,lf ***iiiit':-.it[fihi:n'l'*iffi'ifi ' Hlft'gf.-PtttflS''n''"'u n'q''trt'r 2. /1, 7 ){' /3 0.o t ^--r-*-. -/'ll){oo.l 72{O o, e_ei/tZ=z;29 ;T 't $o ro nrooo,::r:rJjr rNG. o ATTN: (t-f' TO: BASALT. COLORAOOTIC2I PHONE 303-9az rc, /%*r illBqas ' Toru ar- !/*r- rrEM: fi' - a' '- (4LutqN fuT/Mq t THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE BEING SENT: Herewith Under Separate Cover Dlrec t DESCRIPTION These Itens are being sent: ( ) For your lmmedlate act.lon, keep us advlsed of action taken ( >ff or your Approval or Comnents( ) PJ-eaee advlse lf addlttonal copies are requlred ) For you to submlt a proposal upon work lndlcated as being changed REMARKS: For Your General InformaElon and Fl1e For you to correct lf requlre, 6 return confornlng coples to us ) Please return coples to us wlEh approval or correctlon notatl-ons ) (Approved) (Dlsapproved) By As Noted () () Please contact COPY TO: us promptly lf there ls a problem or question Very truly yours, COLORADO BY: ELDoRADo ENGTNEERTNto*ro*" 823 Blake Avenue Box 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 8160I (303) 945.8s96 c^LcuLArEo * {t,F oo',, 4'/1/-/rt CHECKED BY FOBM m+t Avallrblo t om llr€ts/ |ft' Grolon. M&e 0145O fcouonaoo GENEPAL lr P. O lOX ltto BASALT. COLORADO 'IC2IPHoNE 30!'9a7'3les Date JOB: ,- 6t<- lrzu, F'-'' Bcmro- fur ATTN: THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE BEING SENT:He r ewl th Under Separace Cover Dlrect ( ( ( t ) )TO: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION These Items are belng sent: ( ) For your lmmedlaEe acElon, keep us advised of actlon Eaken For your Approval or Comments Please advlse if addltional coples are requlred For you to submlE a proposal upon work lndlcaced as belng changed (4 for Your General Informatlon and Flle ( ) For you to correcE lf requlre, & return confornlng coples to us ) Please return coples Eo us wlth approval or correctlon nota E lons ) (Approved ) (Dlsapproved) BY As NoEed () RE}IARKS: Please contacr us promptly lf there COPY TO: ls a problem or question VerY truly Yours ' GENERAL vuLcRArlsrrer DEcK BILL oF nlrennls D n-9 - zlqFILE No,2,*, / o, JO8 INSIRUCIIONS A 8lt.t OF MATERIAT MUST ACCOMPANY.€ACH ROOF DECK ORDER WHEN SHEET I.ENGTHS ARE SPECIFIED 8Y CUSTOMER. STANDARD ACCCSSORIES WILI BE SUPPTIED UNIESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. FABRTqATTON Wru. CONFORM TO BrU. OF MATERIAt. PREPARE A SCPARATE MATERIAI I.ISI FOR EACH TYPE, GAGE I FINISH. EEGIN WITH THE IONGESI SHEET AND TIST IN DESCENDING OROER OF LENGTH, tlST FSl,l & FS20 FlttER SHEETS UNDER FUtt SHEEIS. STANDARD ACCESSORIES AVAIIABTE IN GAGE, LENGTHS 8 FINISH SHOWN. NON.STANDARO ACCCS. SORIES AVAIIA8IE ON SPCCIAI. ORD€R IN IO"O IENGTHS ONTY. STANOARO SHEET TENGTH = 610 TO 40'-0 MAXIMUM IN I,' INCREMENTS WITHOUT A CUTTING EXIRA. STANDARO TENGTHS TOIERANCE I I/2" TYPE I.5A ffi 36" COV€R TYPE I.5F ffi 36" COVER TYPE I,5 8,BR,8I,BC,BIC,BRC ffi 36" COVER TYPE I.5 8A . ,a rNsuLATroN ffi 36- COVER TYPE .6C ffi 30 ' covER LIST No. CHECK 8Y AT TOIAI. TIME FINISH 6at,t. Bnr, To 6ccoe> oRAwN 8Y rotM 1000 R€TEASEO IO PROOUCTION \ e E*rzr ' Sloex ro /7 l0'-o toNG 20 GA CS . CANT STRIP j._ I- | l0'-0 IONG'L \"' 20 oA I \i_ WEI.DING WASHERS TYPE.A.F,BIC LJ TC . TOPSIOE RUEBER VOID CI.OSURE | .5A, 1.5F, I .58 TTTTT-I. INSUTATION. BA DECX ONI.Y -rEt- Fr. ROrrs FrLENo. o 73'Q-zO1 tsrNo. / '" sur Z or rcsy',a,, fuury. /'r4a h)a,r,., 'E,et Srrr, n brr-(orr. vuLctFT srEEL DEcK ncced{bntes REI6ARXS: FP . FIAT PTATE FS7 . FITIER SHEET -i /- r--</ ,A- | 010 toNG 20 GA REFER TO OC or lC . INSIDE OR OUTSIDC CIOSURE RV . RIDGE OR VAI.I.EY PTATE l0'.0 toNG 20 GAt\/r ^-.ra,*'ts;'f SUMP PAN SC . BOTTOM RUBBER VOID CLOSURE | .54, 1.5F, I .58 r:ti?Elf"lRr! z dilF F-o CHECX 8Y REt,EAS€O TO PROOUCNONFOnl |00t DNAWN 8Y ATTN: BASALT. COLORADO'I'2I THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE BEINC SENT: Herewlth olo"o"::j;:,:"J3' '!lo Under SeparaEe Cover D irec t U.{ TO: () () These () REMARKS: Items are belng sent: For your lnrnedlate action' keep us advlsed of actlon Eaken For your Approval or Comments Please advise lf addltlonal coples are requlred ) For you to submit a proposal upon work lndlcated as belng changed (tzf tor Your General Informatlon and File ( ) For you to correct 1f require, & return conformlng coPles to us ) Please return coples to us wlth approval or correctlon notatlons ) (Approved) (Dtsapproved) By As Noted Please contacE us prourPtly lf COPY TO: Ehere ls a probleur or questlon VerY trulY Yours ' GENEML, INC.COLOMDO H Cs - vl d lO tca I N f'o -o $5 si sr; \9 lfiffio l'oolo trl .-TE't -"ttrn. ip $b,fC b t.d n€uoiuHx!,rr:> r$xfi gEg$ r InBtid a ) t..{ dFsb$; frifi, EFIi .aii$ r $ugH>o o I I L o o E 3Nt-l Joou oa U9NVJ AdoNyJ JA 3Nt-7J(' 3Nt-? yxltz o-91 TFNH eL 3Nt-7 JAod kJ--+llqr I F'HNola I co2( U uo .O tr oo OO tr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L E ol{trlJU i\t -lg x c I o rlx o I:o i t'1 ,t>r(Lazs E I I I I I I I I I Ilzlt<ltJltLlirlrCl| .mll*ligli!lr<l ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I olTo o*1-:fc O-.r ---O O ----O O ,nT E rll tr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Llzf L a s ,"1ol T- ?Nf-] Jooe of :Nr-l Jwa a-Qtr ,0)t1 s5obJa0 z.sjj FS ) 0q O tlj<zal lu 3€a t--€rln 9Ngaj(l ffi ut lUg Gq.lqr! e3 0; Htd30 ---+l;:'"% i t--td U,F3 9 (E lrjz.Eo() IJ =(r ll. JJ:flL at o J Bozfrl NI N : --l N = lrl(t (, 1!J I N o ro (\I @ tO ri tf, o @ N co to N @ rO 6J r ?-=;*, f# irriElsl,l*ffi i!Eillii*i, i<EE;iEeEi fiI i IIiHEiF gI ;I ffiI a:a=Z: tq**i=l frl ffii I il rlEsiiliii ii gffi ;gggr:*t;e;; ;E \t |o @ F@ o -t..-.\l l--:r="1ts 6l .lurl aq l+- = l]sl" trj(t (9 $ $ ro N tf, rt;\ to GI;\ r(t t fo r.) @ I \l l.) rl $ lO -,\I*t ao(ro N N AI (\l GI AI ::\ (\l N:\ G' N AI GI ;:r. AT iit .\ .E ;'r -i Izz UJ o-o IEI U'z.o6,ZI' LrJ @rooi< 4=la u, J =lrJo U' tolt-t L___l (\l \l AJ AIr-(\t :t- x = I o @ ro N 4!.--) ff-( T- t- tsr , t{1d30 I lrlr(2 I r|!IJ - J Flrlo Yoo $l N r)tft r)+t t lOnt.r. @ EF(tzlrlJ o (\l rO @ @ @ N GJ o,["]x I6 ..6t.tll rdtu ,, t tts E s(f N @ |o \t ro o i= @ ir @ fo o, rl-GiL;uJ-c) t!J E .J F rlJo lr,(9 IHId3O F trJ U)FDI UJE trL z Eo(r UJ F.z z l(t T N IF(L ldo U'Ft-E 'r(90 J(DJty. =ild()oZ an =6' Hl9N3'l lrlF J4 oc! tra9 @Z E lrJTq = 3z ,,2/l I tms al- lrJo I{rrJo-< 6 I N Fulaz lrl Elt z a Eo ElrtFz J F tdI .Do o G' 4lJffi €fiH sF{ 4+e#olF:z.ti. J F lr.,o ci < 3oo z. = tl- : ? a @ d n; .t o|l'(o T 4 \2 ra, ilLl ,,2ll I NI t- !$lf : t.>lFl'hi,E-)(Yl - ,at z UJc) @ d#ffi . t-1-.- Edrt-=ft /4, ii f ? (t @ <6 $J lN.-Ld_ro o OJ N t I I dt Eooo vJ:< B >l+ 9lh' nv oq j o I N Ftda =E, UJz (tso() UJ = E.l! JJfl! I I I .l-F(L o lr,Jai o E: do6 o{ FB : t.A I f \.-- Lrj(9 (, st N \r tot b fa) i@ Irl F trJ(nFfo d5 F UJaz Fao(L =UJ z.o F(J trla o -Fo- UJ F UJ <r,Ffo Fc6 * 3\t rt 6l F l.rJo Jvrs ; 4 l. LT -l t- lrJaFfo 6 F UJ U) =Elrlz.troc) LtJ co Faoa- Fo = (\l o L o - :trF(L lrJo Il- aDo o- ; \ E ( I l*doW; l! lIJ IIoilft\l ( 2({ P ,rzll ' * -i--@ (, |o,fFF_, Ii IJ?i- E (\l tr.--lrl @ J() =lr,-u,-!l z tr =e uJ 2.Zl=:z ? < eA "; * lI:ai;:= ;<J; r. iN-5:?E illir<FA.r: ,'ri<i ;<e7. iFr 3 <:?z I I l_ .FI<ro I I I I I, t<E laz t=l6 ls I I I I ^\r \IF r\\ NO[Vn']VA ttllvl I tE I tEltglttll*lltl(uI r4l !' 'r-l =E;ltx=l ilX.+l +l 6 "l.lts <\ll cl = tqtr'-l (A !l-l clili .nl ll5Pl ot CEI Jc'=l .r-lurtlEll -o- F (J u,J ooo = = HIol <l J <l = lllltl{l+{l r{l IIEIoPl .nl ItlrlI'Fl I.dl{-l IdallJNC' FI =61t?l =l Jlcl <ltr|=l uJEoo ! = uJ =z (D :t E F Fz O z I tlJ zt- =<>{Y -JZo-O Fo E. z J trF(J UJJ t!t tJJ 7 &. <F LU<zEL!F o UJz3 oz t-oq o- g sflrl -l-1 Iil uJh€o = IIJ(L uJ(l- F co Ect -9c' o a Eo() o z-o F(JfEFazo() ts =Glrl o- z z.-o zQ(n0zz JO(! u- )iffo(J= =83dd= t=Ll! G a I ! EEN oz ts =E uJc c F (n lu IJJ lJ- tr = uJ o- I I F+ ol I :{3 lo1ctz. I I I t,. *' fl5o4tr =5t(9 a= LIJF o F FIz =o z U' UJFoz z o = o6 = uJz = ulI oz (5 € >o o E (! c) o -= =o c =l do (It ; .0) o) .=oo;(dipn96ka EfigT E iE:9 UP:Ec-o> ef:E :EF: c96F -*=o)3 5;.; E E-sB-.€35 € qef *; t"e o=- o(5xo- oE6-ots*:€ E6:F :E€ H E6F: -ecl(! 0'-.:r;oo+ --c -^ S€:io I3E BHaE;I FS ;g; E9E qr -eEg* ***l. L! LtLI Lr..l F = uJ z J ao x() z J J I F()lu tr z =J 2 oul = *** UJ|ltll.z tr uJg uJE .o 3 tuJEzo ul F6o uJ lz ll,t F luol a uJ uJ lJ- = = UJL J FoF zo .o J o G,FoqJ J uJ z =tJo- 2 oul. NO[Vn]A E E F .g!F0t/ 3r <> *3e-3/(t- + #ALc >E iur.t =coN 66F^oxf,ze9066z>-ooozu- <(oq c'gFO .ioi H1Fl'E zotr -) l! cc (L l t(, llJ F I I oo CD -< Ea tu J z Eo z tr E uJF 3 UJz tltltllt tzfzOatrul<oo< =F8o<z o) =z. 9z fioBOOI Fl() Fa rl<l F-l ?l zl .. >lot!ollt uJzot Eut(L z Eo u,llJJ (! aa uJzY9IF zI 5az (\ I (,z =tr J FoJ l!ooe. Ilrle. o-o V' z,5F |6 ii =z o-) (6 Fo =o t! =z llJ o = o)o) fo! ! l- Ytr, oooN I(o iIL ao E tr uJ : =o oz (9 UJ J t!oz3oF=tr f r!oz3 F 2 ti ul a z3E G = G z IJJ = ttoz3 I I2q{coHIqco =st4/Hv\Z^a>lol.l ut:d cEt-l tJ<li'l 6lz>t B =t v U c ui IJJF tutz = h ult? E <FGOr!<zElIJ Ftrl Zoo <oC)F -< YF-tZ-r-tl O -o >Y E?>(r JZrro <= =F7<)<t Y,z =g E t-fo* o2 O <()fffi=a uJtodlo?zo Fo- uJY UJo oF ts r||N;-6-o)l!F{ z '^oZk-cooQ =zHd9H .-i6 =r,1-lrlvdil= ts u,l tl- uJoz @L F E JFlu-!:: =dE>[OLooi u.r6d:> lllJJ l! UJ oF tro Eooo Bt, .E I E E 8 io =Jl.'-6 -tEEe! =o:E ulF o f,or8i lz. utFoz F =E lrJo-zo F(JfE 6zo() l--lf-I=t 6 bfl!D oz E =c uJL ooo U' IJJ LlJlt F =E uJo- AJo\o\ '-.1 N e.l H O{ ut4a HIA z IEQZtr<5do a2J l9J E UJ o F F z o ozz o UJFoz z J o .tt ?zat ulI Foz l!J LIJo =i ol! uJElF 2o an o a-6 o Ec(! q)poo Ol ==o E o =l o o o.o.6 ; .g o) -i- o c o) t: (! .Y, iH€: €; eEc.= 6 -tr1.=O € EE:9 ef;E =si;c9cEIoSor B 3;; E E-s; E;EF!!eecL (5 cL-SEre taiEols€e€ :EE s E6FS - o..Y (J (! 0'-.:r;o(,, a' rD E.9gEEr gEiE 9(!45 xG=9 iE;e9Eo. PEgX - o (6: ** trlH B U)rl] h ** E EellJc0zoJf co :o UJIoz c J o E F- t! E (tz .o = c- J 9z o UJ = ulult!zo F ul trJ .D 3g uJEz 6 UJ F UJ z uJJ(J x F ulol tt IJ.J llJ l! ts =Et!LJ FoF z ao o F(Jg, uJ (,z = o.- J c)z Io uJ = NOTMlVA 23cF F' FV F u z ts tl F]uz ; ;zZtLo ooF^.'zo: ;o?i aE66 Ez>-ooajnQzX l!<9q iH6 sER 2 rN(, >E --l'l3tu(S =oN z4 Fq V' Fq z9 F l! uJ - oo c) a LUE ) z E x 14z tr 4rF 3 IJJz a!)Fzf 2O(,) <oo< =F9,r6o<z tr2,. 9= d63trOI llJ lJJ a U) IIJzY =F zIF 5 z ulsbIL (r aJ 3 F uJ X X X X F t- z Fo 6 oz Y : UJo JI<l F-l zl 2l .. >lo |'|.lol! UJz U)F = UJ 0- J z E otlol'll-ll tl il ilcliloll'll tl ,ll<tl rJJ llrtl o tsH I I Onc)E-:f?lr)F1 OE(f utz Fl AJt c! c'\o\ d c\lN lllF o UJFqooazo Fo-utY IrJo oF tr tc UJ 0- ]Lo o-oo I ulFoz & E sz< ,ra9 > =k d|n0 <2Z> -= o\;.Y oo -- Nr"lf-lrfLJ L-J L-I J "dgz d.ftohrJYC) A;H L u,l uJoz o at, o F Eo. JFl! :-h= -,r- Go- LlJ>aLO|!9o5 tttxIx>Er-JJ IL ulc!oF c{' Ecoo Ett .E 5 E E 8\E =lrt=6 -Ef=E=t:o -! E =E,lrlo.z9F(JfE 6zo() E]H < Ff z z !u- Jo F HutH .t) I H LIJ =z (D L-t - tlH 14o v3 H uf =z Hzo& trr U) lnF a LIJ : c{\o c{lllErrF+-r4*c Flt-l E =Et! tn4/ )- = c o FJFl Btdz 4 z =g l! .i z !l a( J ttqz =olFI \o F-F\ Io\.if, o\ tr o out : >l t!lq 2l 3lolFI =d ll. oz ctulG l!oz3oF =tr oz d IJJtr J ltoz =oF =G, oz outE J u.oz = ulJu,F. E UJz =o ltJ EroE E <Fcc) IJJ <ZE,!UF., Z.-o'() <oc)Fifu,,-[r 2? =<(zEfF d. =o =-o uJ = E 5(I7 J E?*E FOz.o <Oqfr-1E!n'f o 75 touth ftonlrg. to.d v!ll. color.do 61657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ofllcc of communllY dcvcloPmalll BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer''5 (Pub1 ic liorks) reyiew and approval , a Planning DePartment reiiew or Hdalth Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weells. A'll commercial (large or small) and a'll multi-family permits will have to fol'low itre iUove menti6ned maximum requirements. Resjdential and sma'l I projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residentiai oi smaller proiects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as Possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and time frame. tConmuni ty Oevel opment Department. 75 soulh frontag. toad Y.il, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO! FROM: DATE! SUBJECT: olflcc ol communltY dev€loPmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OT VAII. TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MAIERIAL STORAGE acknowledged In sunnarv, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any pdrson to-iitter, trac)< or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris 6r naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicleE upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be stri-tty enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial . In the event the person so nolified does not cornply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public works Departnent wiII remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the town ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a coPy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. t tr by: .4 Project (i.e. contractor, osrner) 6li,r{ F{(J O $I@ Iro(\l at\ ulF U' dto-zo F(L uJv t!o oF F G uJ o- ll-o o-oo I ulFoz t tr o-lto EgE<of€8B9!La95EE drE FE: >o-E 8b9 Bt-nE XO-E ;-5, u{o-i!i IIJt0oF I-- E =E. lrJ o-zIFo3 E,Fazoo UJF o Etrn z ,r9zeoo =zlf,dg EBi aH= EEil oz E =g, lrjo j-os 6 * 8.9' iE€:E E gE:E :iil; EEFIE $;gee$E;9JoiEqrI EEEEHcro'-!-5E9.DE gEE:5 iEiiE 9otg t{E3,;3 i rH2 3=dlsE iEi;6 $tsoooaz nibi*Pul oz Jtr Jo Fo 1J'o EIttt co at5 cr! .o rFo E =oF u; z @o - llJEo gJ =2 o- E Etr tIt uJ&co = o- Lo +)ulgoc) !(uoL J = E tr oz o uJE J ltoz30F (, !+t(J(u lJl <n(no& =Etr z o IJJE J l!oz3 F o !r!Io- :E tr oz (' ul TE ILoz3o F =t tr oz dutG J t!oz3oF =tr oz ciutE ttoz3oF d IIJF t E uJz =o F() UJF C)t t -rO<FG()uJ<zt o C) J O EFQ uJ) uJ - ( : a) G, 2? s3DFd6o i5YF 33 g6 (r E.hUJX Ft-o2 o <oftfr=? / 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 I ottlce of communlty development March 6, .l984 }.l. L. Broer Construction Company 141 E. Meadow Drive - Suite 4908 Va'il, Co'l orado, 81657 RE: Building Permit #1102, Town of Vail Bus Barn Add. Gentl emen: 0n a recent check of building permjts, we find that the above referenced permit has expired. This department has not received a requested for a final 'i nspection on this project. The last inspection request was dated September I '.l982'for floor steel . You must rep'ly to this letter within five days from the date you receive this letter. Your immediate attention is requested. Si ncerely, Building Inspector GM/rme TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Developmenl Department August 8, 1994 A request for a worksession for a conditional use permit to allow for an expansion to the administration building located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/Unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 Bight-Of-Way, north of Vail Village 8th Filing. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail, represented by Greg Hall Andy Knudtsen I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Public Works Department is proposing to expand their adminislration offices by adding a modular building on the west side of the existing otfice building. The modular building will be 65 leet long and 28 feet wide. lt will be finished to match the existing administration building. The siding will be board and batten and will be stained the same color. The roof will be built up to the same pitch to match the existing roof. The Public Works site is zoned Public Use District. Public buildings and grounds are listed as a conditional use in this zone district. As a result, this proposal requires a conditional use approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). In October of 1993, the Town Council approved a master plan tor the Public Works site. The Master Plan called for an expansion to the Public Works administration building as part of the last phase. Public Works would like to consolidate their administration staff prior to the ten to lifteen years it would take to reach the final phase. At this time, Todd Oppenheimer, the Town's Landscape Architect, and Terri Martinez, the Assistant Town Engineer, are located in separate buildings from the rest of the administration staff. The modular building will allow the staff to work in closer proximity. The modular buildings are seen as an interim step that will allow them to consolidate the staff now, without rearranging the priorities or the phases of the Master Plan. The majority of the area where the modular building will be located is currently used for parking. The employees who use this area for parking will be required to park down below along the berm. Though a majority of the area for the modular building is flat, the northern portion is sloped and will require site work and excavation. The applicant is planning to construct a retaining wall three feet tall to allow for the modular building. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Public Use District The Public Use District lists public buildings and grounds and public service facilities as conditional uses in this zone district. All other development standards are determined by the PEC. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Gommunity Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. felationshiO and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Staff believes that the proposal is consislent with the development objectived of the Town and is in compliance with the Public Works Master Plan. The Master Plan has called for the expansion of the administration offices. Since this expansion was to take place in the last phase of the overall development of the Public Works site, there is an interim solution needed. In an effort to consolidate staff, they will be locating the modular building adjacent to the existing offices. Ultimately, the modular building, as well as the existing offices, will be replaced with a permanent building. ln addition, a goal ol the Land Use Plan call lor facilities such as these. Goal 6.1 states that "Services should keep pace with increased growth'. Statf believes that the services Public Works provides to the community are a reflection of the growth and size of the community. The expanded administration building should assist the Public Works Department to provide improved services to the community. 2. The eflect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that any effect from the proposal will be positive (however small) on transportation facilities, utilities, parks and recreation facilities as this is the administration building which provides support for those services. 3, Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Pedestrian safety and convenience as well as traffic control will improve at the Public Works site as there will be three parking spaces reserved for visitors at the closest location to these buildings. In addition, there will be a staircase added immediately south ol the addition to accommodate pedestrian accesS. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that the character of the area will improve as a result ol these changes. The modular building will be sided with board and batten siding to match the existing buibing. A roof will be built on the modular structure to match the existing roof. Landscaping will be added around the site to improve the appearance. Twenty-eight aspens will be added on the berm adjacent to l- 70. Five aspens will be added to the area immediately south of the administration building and a new planting bed will be created on the west side of the modular building. The applicant has agreed to put in a cluster of three aspen and four shrubs in the new planter (this is not shown on the drawings but appears as a condition of approval). In addition to these improvements to the aesthetics, the applicant will be regrading the hillside behind the administration building to direct debris flow away from structures. The regrading will be done in accordance with a report from Art Mears attached to the end of this memo. Staff believes that this will be an improvement in safety lor the site. The regrading behind the buildings will be done at a 2:1 slope. This is the maximum allowed by the Design Review Guidelines. There will be a 3 foot tall retaining wall constructed to the rear ot the proposed modular building at the base ol the regrading area. The Fire Department continues to require that this building be sprinklered. lf the applicant can document that the Uniform Building Code (UBC) does not trigger a sprinkling requirement, staff will waive this requirement. At this time, it is a condition of approval. B. Findinqs The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before qrantino a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the conditional use. We believe that it fulfills the criteria as discussed above. In addition, staff believes that it meets the findings. Specifically, Finding 1 is met, in staff's opinion, as the proposed use and location is in compliance with the purposes of the zone dislrict. Finding 2 is met, in staff's opinion, in that there will not be a detrimental impact to public health, safety or welfare. Finding 3 is met, as the proposal is in compliance with the zoning standards of the PUD zone district. Therefore, staff is recommending approval with the following conditions: 1. Prior to Design Review Board (DRB) review, the applicant shall add to the landscape plan a cluster of three aspens and four shrubs to the new planter, immediately west of the modular building. 2. Prior to DFIB review, the applicant shall submit a lighting plan, indicating where the new fixtures will be located and that they conform to the Town's standards for lighting. 3. The applicant shall sprinkle the structure in accordance with UBC standards or document that the UBC does not require sprinkling. c:\Decvnern6\Dubwks.808 RBDAU|; 011991 ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Naural Flazardr Conrultanu 222 Er Cothic Avc.G""dm'::t*^u2n July ?3,1994 Mr. Greg Hall Town Engineer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Hall: Al your requesl, I conducted a site inspection of tbe proposed office expansion site at the public works center on July 19, 1994. The purpose of this site inspection was to evaluate the proposed debris flow deflection structure. The following summarizes the my observations and conclusions. a. The building site lies within a "moderate hazard " debris flow area, as indicated on Town of Vail hazard maps. A moderate hazard debris flow area is defined as an area that cann...experience ProPerty damage through flooding erosion and impact of muddy water, soil, rock, and debris." The alluvial fan above the building site is characteristic of fine-grained deposits and small rocks thal should not produce large impact loads when incorporated into flows, lherefore will not constilute a significant hazard to people. Furthermore, study of aerial photographs dating to 1939 shows no evidence of recent debris flow activity tbis c€ntury. b' Adequate protection from the rare debris flows can be achieved by building a hench/benn slructure as located on the aftached figure. This structure will protect the building from all reasonably foieseeable debris flows. Extraordinary (but extremely rare) flow may overtop the berm and reach the office extension, but sucb events are so unlikely that they are not considered in land-use planning and engineering at Vail. c' The proposed diversion structure wilt not deflect the flow toward adjacent private property, in accordance with Vail Hazard Regulations Sections 18.69.052 lCl O) Ttre diversion structure will, however, redirect the flow slightly to the west where it will deposit in the parking lot. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, }Aud Yilto*o Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-conhol engineer Mcs Waling o Aubtchq . Aa,larclr.CorrtnlEagrrc/try F?FiErg'E€ ?eEfra+83 l?-s'6 -o:5FlS* E a.:rais.3 73<r?-r9:f1oa=l *ae 3'g d3r N cpS.\s \, qtr N\it,\* /t I I \rrR\ f cil, I fi' 0 (c 7.l d illIIr / fn 0t \ \ \ .g \ (l\7 J ) .t lz-^-----%.-- rl1\il illilltltl il I I I I t,', E,i 8,,'N$ ux; d T R t rl I bt E s t H H R $ T-/z)'1o,tu^z/a/zan ,' a*l ,Vlat"ubna ftch.a-t' flozh /la: ^/z-ar.upa-Za-zbt @ruhtrr,'a frn-'A/" /L'ccl/t C&t,a'haz< I7U/ rua" I l=Fr*1gi=: fz,a ,ryare,/a,fl.a't'f,42'/a/J /Ct'- /ci,rtcan I (oo' frtc, le'cz'al f Att&"7 /t'lvt'r.a/ /Ja-/ iiiznl !.7t,t( JLn 't d- ftr.-l ,'1, Go h" 7;'rtz',tz/..) futt- Ltb"'TfuC f tcP'N/'/ 1/td Thatqrtz<a'w 4,,"r/ ///4,?hn/1/ Lut''t:t' - - -r-!= - ' "ir'-:--:criiiiirt '' Jl/rl 7'flaiztfrnaza /4rj/ &o+a'tzaa - Azf,l)?a 3/'u-;1/tfu4, &,ol4o /Utv-/ /.tkza/e)< .. rzhzn 8zu/alz"g -/az'tA /&na-ilen 7trtl/tu'{'r