HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED TOV PUBLIC WORKS BUS BARN 1(n n,i1t&( btz!1 unp'ta/f"* DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81557 tel: 970-.{79-2138 fax: 970179-2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: ?? Project Descrifiion: APPUCANT TOWN OF VAIL JOHN A. GALLEGOS 1289 ETKHORN DRIVE VAIL co 81657 CONTRACTORTOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 License: ul53-B ProjectAddress: 1309 EUfiORN DR VAIL 1289 ELKHORN DRIVE DRBNumber: DR8050238 Application Type; 0610t12005 Phone: 479-2170 RNAL APPROVALTO REPAINTTOV PUBUC WORKS SHOP Participants: owNER AUSTATE TNSUMNCE CO MlOrl2OOs 3 RESOURCE SQUARE 10815 DAVID TAYLOR DR CHARLOTTE NC 28262 06/01/2005 Phone: 970-479-2100 Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL VILIAGE 8TH, RUNG Commentsi SEE CONDmONS Parcel Number: 2101-092-fi)00-1 MoUon By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 06/03/2005 Meeting Date: 06/15/2005 CoM:8 (PL{N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commifree(s), Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Condr 201 a. DRB apprornl shall not bcome valH br il days followlng tlre date of approval. Cond: 202 " ' Approval of this project shall lapse and beome roll one (1) year followirg the date of final appnwal, unhss a building pennit b bsued and consbuction is ommened and is diligen$ pursued bward completion, Ptanner: JoeSuther DRAFG.Pald: ? Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departrnent of community Development 75 Souf.h Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax; 970.479.2452 web: www.railgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Crmmission. Delign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot:--Block:Subdivision: physicatAddress: t7 f?n t l/< h o n,^. D.,,1o parcel No,: ^l O t Dq JI O DO O I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s)of owner(s): '-/ ,*,^ aF I ta) I -DMairinsAddress: ,7Oc, eckho.u D.'. lta,'lrCa g//fQJ i-::=- owner(s)Signature(s): q: ,,i G //,< ^ffi.il;:-'' €l MairinsAddress: l3ct"t €LkLror^ Drr. Vail= Cd Ag Type of Review and Fee: A,tr Signs $50 Plus$l.o0persquarefootoftotal signarea. I Utr Conceptual Review No F:ee I tr New Cgqstructton $650 tur construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. - I tr Adflitfon g30O For an addiuon where square footage is added to any residential or I I - ,/ - commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). Y-E/ Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, (multFfamily/commercial) ffilj;;,j;,1,ff, window additions, landscapine, fences and jO o lxil!iffJ',fli1,0,",r $20 H:iffi:'Hl"T;,':i:11'tr'ixliililli!il"J"1lR,"iJ.3* -o f- o tr Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request retaining walls, etc. $20 For rev'lsions to Plans Design Review Board. No Fee Phone: Page 1of ILl04l28l04 already approved by Planning Staff or the MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alteraUons and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval Uolss they involve the addiUon of paUos, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** O All pages of Application is complete O Checklist is completed and signedtr Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicableO Site and Grading Plan*, if applicabletr Landscape Plan*, if applicableE Architectural Elevations*, if applicableO Exterior color and material samples and specifications. O Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicabletr Lighting Plan* anil Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableE Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easementsx O Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.tr Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicabletr Site.specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessnry to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of o<isting and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium associaUon, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Cdntractor Signaturq Date Buildinq Materials PROFOSED MATERIAIS TYoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Grimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: I Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. , o,l bos.) 5ol, ) (o Lo"-2fA N C-a I o Y lo MaJ "t^ fnsf ru u A <AHf TOWN OF l/AtL*----€ESlcffiFFry n.,'^?c. Z-3'dt \ Page 6 of IU04l28lO4 ,-t)Design Review Boad ACTION FORM Eleparlment of Community Development ZS Soutn Frontqe Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0,479'2139 faxl. 97 0.479'2452 web: www.ci'vail.co'us Project Name: DRB Number: DRB040440 Prolect Descrlpdon: CONCRETE PADS TO BE INSTALLED AT TOWN PARKS BENEATTI DOsnNG PICNIC TABTfS (9 TOTAL) Padidpants: OWNER VAIL COLORADO MUNICIPAL BLDG08/26l2004 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 Llcensei APPUCAiIT VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDG08/26|2004 Phone: 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 License: ProJect Addreso: 75 S FRoNTAGE RD WESI VAIL Locatlon: T.O'V. PARKS legal Descrlptlon: lot: Block Subdiyislon: Parcel l{umber: 210106400003 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/SilAFF ACTION lrldon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: DateofApptoval= 08126120M CondlUons: Cond:8 (plAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrltten consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond:0 (pLAN)l DRB approval does not consdtub a permlt for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prlor to construction activifies. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 dap tullowlng the date of apprwal. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi hnat apprwal, unles a buildlng permit is issued and construction ls commenced and ls diligently purcued toward completion, Planner: Joe Sutlrer DRB F€€ P.ld: $25o.0o Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: NIA - 216l Additions-Residential or Commercia I Application for Design Review General Information: Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submitbl requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unul all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. "ot*-) lE !{E![3r#.t e70-328-8640 for parcer no.)oGv oo ao3 Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):,ov- Phone: tl1q. UB Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:fo.v. Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Mdition $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee RECEIVED /-O For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 tr tr l( Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Page 1 of L2/04128/04 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: 'l? Valuation: $35,000.m Fireplace Inforrution: Rcstricted: Buildlu--- > 9492.25 Restrara Plan Revi€w- > Plan Check-- > 3319 . 96 DRB Fer------------- > DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Ings: 0 #of Wood Pellec 0 FEE SUMMARY $0,00 Total Calsulated Fees-> $815.2x SO. oo Additiorul Fees-----> S125. 00 So. oo Total Permit Fee---- > S940.21 so. oo Payments--------- > $940.21 lnvestigation- > Will Call-- > so. oo Reqeation Fee------- > S3.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> OL(-I-.:-c"rr. :A- P NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITB AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDC. Permit #: D034036 JobAddress: Status...: FINAL Location.......: 890 S FRONTAGE RD Applied . . : 10/01/2003 Parcel No....: +.ft10il2ff,ffi crr1<rr*q -{- tsiueO . . . : 10/0912003 hoject No . : ??-p11fo3 oz1 \ (r Expires . . .: l0/2812n3 owNER TOWII OF VAIL LO/0L/20O3 phone: C/O FINA}ICE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIIJ CO 8L657 Lricense: CoNTRACTOR E-21 ENGTNEERING rNC. t0/OL/2003 Phone: 303-991-5000 2695 S RORITIA}I ST ENGIJEWOOD, CO 8 0110 L,icense z 279-A APPL,ICAIII E-21 ENGINEERING INC. t0/0L/2O03 Phone: 303-991-6000 2695 S RORITTA}I ST ENGIJEWOOD, CO 80110 L,icense z 279-A Descipion: COMPLETE DEMOLOTION OF OLD TOWN SHOP ToTALFEE9-----> $81s.2r BALANCE DUE----- >$0. 00 tt*it{.ttt*tttt,ttttttattr'ttt*tt*+l Approvals: rtem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPART!{ENI 10/01/2003 .tRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PITAIINtrNG DEPARI!{E}.IT rtem: 05500 FIRE DEPARII,IENT Item: 05500 PITBITIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS i I her€by acknowledge that I have rcad this application, filled out in full the inforrnation rcquired, corryleted an accurate plot plan, and stats trat all tbe infonnation as required is conect; I agree to corryly with tbe information and pld plaq to coryly with all Town ordinances ad stat€ laws, and to build this stustre according to tbe towns zoniqg and srbdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Co& ad othr ordinames of the Town qplicable thereto. RBQUBSTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWEI,ITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 On AT Ot R OFFICE FROM t:(X) AM - 4 SIGNATTJRB OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 i.***:1.**it1.*rf ***tf *,t*ti:t**tf *rtri******+*:f *!i***tt*tt*****************:l|*rt********!t***r:t!t{.*.********1.*l.lrrl.**tll.!t******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: D03-0036 asof03-22-2005 Status: FINAL ****i(*******'N.'}'****'**!t|t'f!Nl**************'t*'*****'}{.'*'|,}'|'|t{.'N.*,r***l.t**'t{.*******.**.***{.*****'|.{.,|.*|N.*!|.'****** Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: l0l0ll2ffi3 Applicant: E-2l ENGINEERJNG INc. Issued: 1010912ffi3 303-991-6000 To Expire: l0l28l20f'3 Job Address: Location: 890 S FRONTAGE RD Parcel No: zlOlWzO90{J,3 Description: COMPLETE DEMOLOTION OF OLD TOWN SHOP Conditions: Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS FSQIJIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. &q/u,o APPLICATION WILL NO NWNupUtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Type of Construction: _Occupancy Group: , Building Permit #:- eis4vset {9 itneieoff ons) +,MtJ Contact and Phone #'s: seza *pd<,ad 3o3 5o7.74O+General Contractor: E'21 epcrNeeRrNb , EuL Contractor Signature: VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $gr-HE\$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ (II TOTAL: $ '5>,W .^. r\:- tr Parcelt# Contact Eaglecounty Asses sors Otfice at g7O-M \_/ LlolD-720?oo3_ Job Name: o to Qrr) N 3+op BurrrrN Cr Job Address: 8\0 e- Ff oN 745 e e8 ' Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Flling:Subdivlsion: Owners Name: eAEW fz,vEc t{r*'-r( dN r.\ <tN , nan n ^.l Dl 3'l Address: gl4k' -ro(Zsr Q3.Phone: 41O '4-7 l, ' '14 OO ArchitecUDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Aone o*st De*to t-tnul oL ot-p f-o,atJ gdaP B{.l'ttD,N (t / Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Demo (\z'J Other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Twojamily ( ) MultFfamily ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( )GasLogs( ) Wood/Peuet ( ) Wood Burning( ) No/TvDe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) cas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT AL!9WED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) ***i**Ftdt*t*******+t****t***Fi4FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******tt**********t*1t*****:Hl****j':r \\Vait\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Date Received: !' Receipt funds to: Name: Legal Subdivision: Mailing Address:_ lmprovement Completion Date: DEVELOPER IMPROVEM ENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 20th day of March ,zoqf---- by and affiong Town of Vall Public Works (the "Develope/'), and the Town of Vail (the'Town"). WHEREAS. the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Works Shops - 1289 Elkhorn Drive - UnplattedOccuPancY fs; Public (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Developmenl Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ N/A (125% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to fumish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The day of ,2003. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, alffiprovements referred to in this Agreemenl, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. Flcdev\Bill\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash drafl 12'l202.doc Paoe 1 of 5 '/ 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of N/A (125% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by lhe Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnifo and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not construcled in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash drafl_121202.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleled improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreemenl located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Gode, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash dran_121202.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing _Day of ss. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this aol-h Day of ffiorch ,2003 by 6req No-tJ Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires nlet laiooe) Orr"." L -fd.,.^rr,-# Notary Public Town Planner ) )ss. ) Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 2O-by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public Ficdev\Bitt\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash d?ft_1212'2.doc Page 4 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S) 1. Revegetatl.on of dlsturbed areas on hitlslde north of Town Shops. 2. Install lnpound lot per plan drawn by John Gallegos, approved by Vall Pollce' and subrnLtted to Coununlty Development ltlth building plans for pernl,ttlng. 3. Flnal 1lft of asphalt on north side of Town Shops ln front of nev baye . 4. Coupliance with Conetructlon Inepectorrs requlrenents: IIay balee around dralnage inlets for erosion controL Regrade/lnstall dralnage dltch to drain excess water Cleanup trash oD north slde Barricade to keep care from drLving on edge of aephalt MalntaLn acceas for FLre Departnent FlcdevlBinProircts\DLq\Dn Cash draff_121202.doc Page 5 of 5 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2162 Fax 970-479-2443 Department of Public Works / Transportation Fleet Maintenance Division Memorandum TO: Allison Ochs From: Todd Scholl Date: July 24,2003 RE: Developer Improvement Agreement (DIA) - Public Works Shops The Public Works Department has been working diligently to perform the required improvements per the DIA. The deadline to complete the improvements is August 1,2003, at this point it will not be possible for us to complete the improvements by that time. I arn requesting an extension to complete the improvements until October 1,2003. There are four improvements that are required by the DIA: l. Revegetate the disturbed areas on the hillside north of the shops - We have revegetated the west side of the disturbed area on the hillside and as we work our way to the east and finish the final grading we will revegetate the hillside as we move along. 2. Install the impound lot per the plan drawn by John Gallegos - We have not been able to start construction on the impound lot as it is located in an area that we are still excavating dirt from. As soon as we finish re-grading the hillside and re-grading the yard area we have created, we will start construction on the impound lot. 3. Final lift of asphalt on north side ofthe shops - This has been completed. 4. Compliance with construction inspector's requirements - We are complying with his requirements. As I stated earlier, we are working diligently to finish the improvements, we are hauling with five to six trucks per day, hauling to the noise berm. We have approximately four to five weeks ofhauling left, depending on the weather, final grading ofthe new area we have created, and construction of the new impound lot. If you would like to meet to review the work we are performing or for cladfication of any issues you may have, please call me at2l63. {p **"uo' ""* o ,-#p Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Develo prnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel; 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Town of Vail Shops DRB Number: DR8020356 Project Descrifiion: Amendment to a development plan Participants: OWNER Town Of Vail 1010212002 Phonez 479-21'14 1289 Elkhorn Drlve Vail, CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Town Of Vail l0l02l200.2 Phone: 479-2444 1289 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Addrcss: 1309 ELKHORN DR VAIL location: Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE 8TH. FILING Parcel Number: 21010920@01 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACrrOr{ Motion By: Action: SFAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date of Approval: IWA2|2002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revieu/ committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Condr CON0005604 No additional paving is permitted beyond the scope of the building permlt Cond: CON0005505 The site must be re-vegetated to match the existing vegetation. Cond: CON0005605 As the berms are in CDOT right-of-way, the TOV has no review authority on the noise berms. This approval does not constitute TOV approval of the berms o DRB Fee Paid: 30.00 o OchsPlanner: Allison ,-ffi Application for Design Review W Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,179.2139 tax: 970,479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.@.us General InformaEon: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' _Please refer to the submttal requirements for the particular appmval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted untii all required infonnation is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by i:he Tottrn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Oeiign r€view apprcva! lapces unlecs E building pemit is issued and @nstruction commences within on€ year of dre approval. Description of the Request: <- Location of the Proposal: [oh_-Block:- Physical Address: Parcel No.: 2 lO I 04LO OOql - (@ntact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-8&O for parcel no.) a r r\.-Zoning: (JotgA UIL Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Si gnature(s) : Name of Appllcant: Malling Address: tr tr tr E-mail Address: __Fax: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review New Con*ruction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separauon Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construdion of a new h.tilding or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). $250 For minor dtanges to buildings and site improvements, sudl as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildlngs and slte improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addidons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions b plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. , ., , ,, n, , INoRre \J,' ; ForOffice Use Only: Fee Paid: -_....._-_-_ Check No.:__ By: o Existing and proposed contour lines, Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted, Lighting Plan:D Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.n Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) c Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding. stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of L2102/07102 PROPOSED MATERIAIS Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L2lOZl07lO2 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscapingr Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc. ) Page 7 of L2l02l07ll2 UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The locaUon and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.252.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed constructionr the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before digqing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Way oermit and must be obtained separatelv Page B of L2l12l07l02 'i tB ,X'-/f I F"d ,' / '*NlrJ ,.'E6 J; -(i ; c z 6t'tFul'o f{ $t 46fr FreDO5=F N\: il / zx&\)HEv i6=5FiF a'--\ L-: 3+si \F ,.--\ sqr {5) 9-H-i a,Rfu cA- Poir r S$G -1- i i o o te Reg. # 02-394 SUBMITTAL DATA FOR VAIL MAINTENANCE SHOPS I3O9 ELKHORN DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 r0-9-2002 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS A. Remote Area# l, Main Level Shop B. Remote Area # 2,Upper Level Office DOUBLE CTIECK BACKFLOW PREVENTER CFIECK VALVES CONTROL VALVES FLOW SWITCHES PIPE THREAD PIPE FITTINGS GROOVE PIPE FITTINGS SPRINKLER HEADS SPARE I{EAD BOX HANGER MATERIAL #W i.-?ftdifis lI vaif I"taintenance shops ]tnn Date:70-2-2002 SIDRAT'LIC DESIoI I}TFORMAIION T'EEET ()or trot 8:75 Remote Area Nurnber: 1 TelePhone : 97 O - 9 63- 87 5 2 OccupancY: Job Name: Location: Drawj-ng Date : Contractor: vaiJ. Maint€nance gtroPs l-309 Elkhorn Drive Vaj-I, Colorado 8L657 to-2-2002 EFI Fire Protection, Inc. 0035 Apache trail Carbondafe, Colorado 81623 state Reg# 02-394 Designer: K.W.D. CalcuLated By: SPrinkCAf,C cSC Systems & Design Construction: Reviewing Authorities: vaj-I Fire Department SYSTEM DESIGN Code:NFPA-13 Area of Sprinkler Operat Density (gpm/sq ft) Area per Spri-nkler Hose Allowance Inside Hose All-owance outside Hazard:oRDINARY II System Type:WET on l-500 sq ft 0.200 130 sq ft o gpm 250 gpm Sprinkler or NozzLe Make:Central Model: A orif ice: 1,/2 K-Factor: 5 . 60 Temperature Rating : 165 CAICULATION SUUMARY gpm Required: 683.1 L5 Elowingpsi Reguired: Out]-ets 7{.8 g source t 't WATER SUPPLY Water Flow Date of Test Static Pressure Residual Pres At a FIow of Elevation rTa<f 9-24-2002 94. 0 psi 84.0 psi 1-455 gpn 0tt Pump Data I Rated Capacity Rated Pressure ELewation Make: Model: Tank or Reservo I Capacity Elevation o gpm 0.0 psi 0 Well Proof FIow o gpm Location:te Source of Information:HEI Fire Protection SYSTEM VOLUME 500 GaI Notes: A - vail lcajntenance shops (}lt"n Date:L0-2-2002 o I.,EGEND HyD REF Hydrautic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram' .- K FACTOR F.Iow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P SIZE Nominal size of PiPe.ID Actual internal diameter of pipe C Hazen Wil-liams pipe roughness factor TYPE Tl4)e or schedule of PiPe # FITS number of fittings as follows: 90-90degEI}45-45degElIT-TeeLT-LongTurn90E11 spEc - ritiing other than above or fitting with hydraulic equiwalent length specified by manufacturer' Pt Total Pressure (Psi) at fitting Pf Frj-ction loss (Psi) to fitting where Pf = I x 4.52 x (Q/c)^1.85 / ro^e.er Pe Pressure due to change in elevatlon where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pv Velocity Pressure (Psi) where pw = 0.00j-123 x e^2/ID^4 Pn Normal pressure (Psi ) where Pn : Pt - Pw Pdrop Pressure J-oss in pipe rJ-se or drop to an open head' Phead Pressure at an oPen head. ELEV elevation from branch tee to open head. PIPE pipe length from branch tee to open head. FITS t:-ttinq equivalent length from branch tee to open head' NOTES: - pressures are balanced to 0.001 gpm- Pressures are listed to 0.0l"psi.Additionmayvarybyo.Olpsiduetoaccumufationof round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA i-3 edition. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these calculations * Path #1 is from the most remote head back to the r'rater source. - Later paths are from the next most remote head back to previously def i nerl naths VaiL Maintenance shops )rt"n Date:70-2-2002 ]or etoz I t EYDRAT'LIC CEICIUI,ATIODI DEEAILS EYDRAI'LIC ELOI{ gp|nQXY DESCRIPTION I.,TNGTS C Hydr Ref W Required at HYd Area 1 433 1 Pipe 4" DFx21 Western 7' L2O 4.31-0 433 l- 4" Grwd Shotgun Valve CSC 1'90' 2Lt L2O 4'026 433 1 Pipe 4" DFx21 Western 3t 120 4.310 433 1 4" Grvd Butterfly Val-ve csc I'BFvn 1-4t 'J.20 4'026 433 1 Pipe 4r' DFx2l- Western !' !2O 4.310 433 1 4" Grvd Tee 2ot I2o 4'026 433 Elevation Change 10t0' LOSS Psi 433 74.4 433 0.4 250 gpm TOTAI.S 53.11 psi Psl Psr ?4.8 91 .5 16.8 psi n? 12 0.1 0.8 0.0 11 4.3 1 1 L Hydr Ref Rl- Required at Base of Riser 433 Pipe 4'r DFx21 Western 4t 1-20 4.31-0 433 0 ' 1 4'r Flngd Back FIow valve Febco rt860 CHART LosS 433 8'9 61 .2 psr Required at Street side Backflow 433 ?O-3 42t 'J,20 4.260 433 1-.8 401 120 4.026 433 2-3 35' 120 8.071 433 0. 1 Hydr Ref R2 Pipe 4 rr 10x25 4" Grvd 90 Ell- 8 r' Grvd Tee Hydr Ref R3 Pipe 8" DIxl-8 cl- 52 Required at Top of Stub 393' 1-40 8.720 Fixed Flow outside Hose Allow. Hydr Ref sRc Required at Source 683 Water Source 94.0 psi static, 84'0 psi residual G 1455 gpm 683 gpm SAFETY PRESSURE Available Pregaure of 91 .5 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 74.8 psi (his ie a safety margin of 15.8 psi or 18 t of SuPPly Maxj-mum Water Velocity is 26.1, fps Psi P3i 't vaif ltaintenance shops l)rt"n Date:1-0-2-2002 ]or stoz 8: 1-5 PAGE 1 PRESSURE BRJAT{CS LINE $NA{ARI TO EE.AD REINOIT AREA *1 EI€T{ (GPt{)PTPE *oI. FITS IJNGTE FEET EYD REF OUTI,ET K FACTOR PIPE srzE 90 45 ID TLT C IYPE OTEER VEI.,OCITT IPSS PSI/FT EI.EVATION Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS PTPE E'ITTIIIGS TOtrAL Pt Pv Pt:t Pt Pf Pe ELTV PATE 1 E'ROM E]TDR.AI'LIC REEERENCE 6 !O T' (PRIMARY PATE) HEAD 6 26.0 0.20 gpm/sq ft K: 5.60 26.0 1tt 1.080" 120 DT 9r 10fl 9- 0'g'10., 0000 0 0.1830' fps 21,.6 1.8 0.0 21,.6 0.0 2I .6 HEAD 5 27.I 0.21 gpm/sq ft K: 5. 60 53.1 L' l_.080' t_20 DT 9'10', 0rt 9'10' 23.4 6.8 0.0 23.4 0.0 23-4 0000 0 18.8 fps 0. 687 0rt HEAD 4 30.7 0.24 gpm/sq ft K= 5. 60 83. I l-k. 1.408' 120 DT TrLu 617 " l-3 r B' 30.1 6.0 0.0 "n 1 0.0 30. 1- 0010 1?.4 fps 0.440 0rt REE 40 86.2 PATH 3 K:14.33 170.0 T'" 1.639" t_20 DT 1t 9tt 8t9tr 1,0 r 6" 36.2 a1 0.8 00t_0 26.1 fps o.776 1'9', REF A1 11 r 6* 11r 6t' 3-B fps 0-007 0rt nn All 4.310', 170.0 120 DF 00o0 0 REF A2 170.1 PATH 2 K= 25 .32 340.l- 4tt 4 .310' 120 DF 12t A', 0tt I2t 4u 7.6 fps 0.025 0tt 45.1 0.3 0.0 0000 REF A3 PATH 5 K= 13.80 93. 0 433. 1 4.31-0 120 DF l-44 | 0' 27 | 10u l_71' 10' 9.6 fps n n?o 0' 45.400 L0 REF A4 4" 4.310r' 433. 1 120 DF 10 00 26r ztl 21 gtr 28'LI" 9.6 fps 0. 039 0" 52.2 11 0.0 REF W 433.1 gpm PAIE 1 K=59.28 53.{ psi vaif I'laintenance shops (}lt"n Date:1-0-2-2002 ]or stoz a.1q PAGE 2 PRESSI'RI BRjANCS LINE SUA{ARY TO EE,AD REI'PIE AREA *1 ELOI{ (cP!r) *oF E.ITS I.ENGTE FEET EYD REF OUTI.ET K FACTOR PIPE SIZE 90 .15 ID TLT C ITPE OTBER PIPE FITTTNGS TOTAT VEITICITT LOSS PSI/FI EI,TVATION Pdrop PIPE Phead FIlg Pt Pt Pf ht Pe Pn PAIB 2 FRO,T EIDRAT'LIC REFERENCE L2 TA NI HEAD 12 26.0 0.20 gpm/sq ft K= 5.60 26.O l-' 1. 080' 120 DT 9r10n 0tt 9'10' 9.2 fps 0.184 0rt 2L.6 10 0.0 2t.6 0.0 zL.o 0000 0 HEAD 11 27.L 0.21 gpm/sq ft K: 5.60 s3.1 1' 1,.080" t_20 DT 9r10" 0"gr10' 23.4 6.8 0.0 23.4 0.0 23.4 0000 0 18 .8 fps 0.688 0' HEAD 10 30.8 0.24 gpm,/sq ft K: 5-60 83.9 REF 4t_ 46.2 PATH 4 K= 14.33 1"70.l- 1l{t 1.408" 120 DT Lr" 1.639' 120 DT 7'1' 6t7u 13'8" 30.2 6.0 0.0 30.2 0.0 30.2 0010 0 17.5 fps 0.440 0. 00l-0 0 lr9tt 8r9t 10'6" 36.2 nl 0.8 26.1 fps REF A2 17O.1 gpo PAIB 2 PATE 3 EROM EYDRAT'LIC REFERENCE 1 !O 1lO 25.32 45.1 psi .dI!AL' -L 0.21 gpm/sq ft 1-.080' K= 5.60 26.'7 120 DT 0000 9t 7', 0. 9r 7 tl 9.5 fps 0. 193 0rr 22.8 22.8 0.0 22.e 0.21 gpm,/sq ft 1.080'K: 5. 60 54. 6 l-20 Dr 0000 0 g'10' 0tt 9'10' 1-9.3 fps o.723 0' 24.7 t -r 0.0 24.'7 0.0 z+. I HEAD 3 3]-.6 0.24 gpm,/sq ft K= 5.60 86.2 1t. 1. 408 n l-20 DT 2t LOU 6t "7n 9t5tt .9 fps 0.463 0tt ?1 e 4.4 0.0 ?1 R 0.0 31.8 o010 0 REF 40 86.2 gpn PAIE 3 f,=1{.33 36.2 psi VaiJ- Itaintenance Sftops f"itq Date: 70-2-2002 )or nrot PAGE 3 PRESSI'RE BRJAIICE LINE SIEA{ARY TO SEAD REIIIOIE ARE.A *1 ETPW (cPM) *oF E.ITS I.,ENGTB FEET EYD REF OUTI.ET SIZE 90 45 ID TtT K FACTOR PIPE C ltPE OTEER PIPE VEI,OCIry FTTTTNGS r.,,OSS PSI,/FT TOTAL EI.,EVATION Pt Pt Pf Pv Pe Pn Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS PATE 4 EROM ETDRAT'LIC REI'ERENCE ? $O {1 HEAD 7 0.21 gpm,/sq ft l-.080"K= 5.60 26.8 120 DT 0.21 gpm/sq ft 1.080"K= 5.60 54.6 120 DT 0000 0 9t7u 0n 9r7tr zz.9 1.9 0.0 24.7 7-2 0.0 zz.3 24.7 0.0 9.5 fps 0.194 0tt 19.3 fps o.'124 0tt .9 9r10" 0rt 9t10" HEAD 9 31. 6 0.24 gpm,/sq ft K= 5-60 86.2 1k' 1.408" 120 DT 2'10u 6r7.. 9r5' 31.9 4.4 0.0 al o 00 10 0 1-7. 9 fps 0-463 0rt REF 41 86.2 gpn PATE { K= 11 .33 PATS 5 FROM EYDRAULIC REFERENCE 13 TO A3 36.2 psi HEAD 13 28.9 O-22 qpm/sq ft K: 5.60 28.9 1. 1.080' 120 DT 26 .6 0.0 26.6nn 26.6 0000 0 g'7,, 10.2 fps 0n 0.223 gr1u Ott HEAD 14 3O.O 0.23 gpm/sq ft K= s.60 58.9 1t. 1.080" 120 DT 9|10 0tt 9r10" tA I nn 28.4 0.0 28.8 0000 0 20.8 fps 0.834 0n HEAD 1_5 34.1 0.26 gpm/sq ft K= 5. 60 93.0 11{ " 1_ . 4 08'l 1_20 DT 2'10" 6r7t| 9r5t ?? n 37.0 3? .0 nn 1n 19.4 fps 0. 533 0tt REF 42 1r,, 1. 639n93.0 120 Dr l-'9' 14.3 fps 42.08r9. 0-254 2-'7 10 r 6. 1'9* 0,8 00t_0 0 REF A3 93.O g6n PAEE 5 K=13.80 45.4 psi q"6Hgs 3S,Ei rFsg -- 0= E ?'rro, o (/)(r! =\to Eq, Efg$F FFgN=8!q igs;6B s. E. a -lT7 AAB€'< -fl c ='3gd so"vt 0 dei(DO)@ E|cI O*E o' 9A5 FFTo">"=oN{6oPoodEO O33 E=r8 F E:=5 E='C)E i_- .D >€gt!vta cL =o aa l!o{ rctE 3 Job Name : Locati-on: Drawing Date: Contractor: VaiL l"laintenance Shops )ning Date: 70-2-2002 NTDRAT'LIC DESIGDI INIORMATIOI{ SEEET ]ot nro,B: L6 Remote Area Nunber: 2 Telephone: 97 O-963-87 52 Occupancy: VaiI Maintenance thotrts 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 1.O-2-2002 EfI Fire Protection, Inc. 0035 Apache Trail Carbondale. col-orado 87623 State Reg# 02-394 Designer: K.w.D. Catculated By:SprinkCAL,C CSC Systems & Design Construction: Reviewing Authorities:vai-I Fire Department SYSTEM DESIGN Code:NFPA-1-3 Area of Sprinkler operation Density (gpm/sq ft) Area per Sprinkler Hose Allowance Inside Hose Allowance Outside Hazard: LIGHT Sprinkler Make: Central Orifice: 1/2 Temperature System Type:WET or Nozzle Model: GB-QR K-Factor:5.60 Rating:1-55 1-500 sq ft 0. 1_00 1?0 sq ft o gpm 1-00 gpm CALCULATION SUUMARY gpm Required: 612.O 15 Flowing psi Required: outlets 8O.2 e Source WATER SUPPLY Water Flow Date of Test Static Pressure Resi-dual Pres At a Flow of Elevation Pump Data I Rated Capacity Rated Pressure Elevation Make: Model: Tank or Reservoir I Capacity 0 gal Elevation 0 Test 9-24-2002 94.0 psi 84.0 psi 1455 gpm 0" o gpm 0.0 psi 0 Wel-1 Proof Flow o gpm Source of Information: HFI Fire Protection SYSTEM VOLUME 500 Gall-ons Notes: VaiL l,laintenance shops f"r:rrg DaXe: L0-2-2002 )0, nro,8: 76 TOTALS 60.9 psi ES)RAT'LIC CjAI€UIa'TIOT DEIAIT,S QlT DESCRTPTION ETDRAI'LIC I.EIfGTE C ID Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area 2 1 Pipe 4" DFx21 Western 7' L2O 4-3101 4n Grvd Shotgun Valve CSC "90' 2Lt L2O 4.026 1 Pipe 4" DFx21 Western 3t 120 4.310 1 4' Grvd Butterfly Valve CSC nBFVrt 14t I2O 4.026 1 Pipe 4" DFx21 Western Lt LzO 4.3101 4r' Grvd Tee 20' L2O 4.026 Elevation Change L0'0" l.rp[ir gPn 362 362 362 362 362 362 362 o.2 0.8 0.L 0.6 0.0 0.8 4.3 LOSS Psi 1 I 1 4 I Hydr Ref R]- Pipe 4" DFx21 4" Flngd Back Hydr Ref R2 Pipe 4" 10x25 4rr Grwd 90 811 8" Grvd Tee Hydr Ref R3 Pipe 8rr DIx18 362 362 0. 1362 9.2 67.7 psl' P3i 79.9 pai 80.2 92.O 11 .8 pai Requi.red at Base of Rj-ser Western 4t L2O 4.31"0 fl-ou Valve Febco "860 CHART LOSS Required at Street side Backflor.r 362 42t L20 4.260 362 40t I20 4.026 362 35' 120 8.07L 362 Required at Top of Stub 393r 140 8-720 Fixed FIow Outside Hose A11ow. 77.O r.5 1.6 0.0 cl 52 362 362 0.3 250 gpm Hydr Ref SRC Water Source 94.0 psi Required at Source 6L2 static. 84.0 psi residual G 1455 gpm 6L2 gpm SAFETY PRESSURE p8i Psi AvaiJ.able Fregsure of 92.O pai Exce€d8 Required Pr€ssure of 8O.2 psiltrig is a aafety uargin of 11.8 psi or 13 t of Srryply Maximum Water Velocity is 2l-.2 fps VaiL ltaintenance Shops )ning Date:70-2-2002 -.0/ 9/02 8:L6 - I..EGEIID HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram- K FACTOR Flow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) : K x -\,/P SIZE Nominal size of pipe. ID Actual internal- diameter of pipe c Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor TYPE Type or schedule of pipe # FITS number of fittings as follows: 90 - 90 deg Etl 45 - 45 deg 811 T - Tee LT - Long Turn 90 El1 SPEC - Fitting other than above or fitting with hydraulic eguj-valent length specified by manufacturer. Pt Total pressure (psi) at fitting Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = I x 4.52 x (Q/c)^1.85 / ID^4.8? Pe Pressure due to change in elewation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elewation Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 Y Q^2/lD^4Pn Normal pressure (psi ) where Pn : Pt - Pw Pdrop Pressure loss in pi-pe rise or drop to an open head. Phead Pressure at an open head. ELEV elewation from branch tee to open head. PfPE pipe length from branch tee to open head. FITS fitting equivalent length from branch tee to open head. NOTES: - Pressures are bal-anced to 0.001 gpm. Pressures are listed to 0.01 psi. Addition may vary by 0.01 psi due to accumulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NEPA 13 edition. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these Calculations - Path #1 is from the most remote head back to the water source. - Later Paths are from the next most remote head back to previously defined paths VaiL Maintenance REMOIE ARE,A f2 EIPW (cPt-r) shops )ring Date: L0-2-2o02 ]or tro,8: L6 PAGE 1 PRESSI'RE BRANCE LINE STNN'ARY TO ESADPIPE * oE' FITS I.ENGTE I'EET EYD REF O(IIT,ET K FACTOR PIPE srzB 90 45 ID TLT C TTPE OTEER PIPE \IEIPCIIT FITTINCS IOSS PSI/FT TOTAL EI.EVATION Pt Pf Pe Pt Pv PTI Pn EI"t\t Pdlop PIPE Phead FITS PATE 1 ERo|'I EYDRAULIC REFERENCE 16 TO W (PRIUARY PAIE) HEAD 16 17. 0 1" 0.10 gpm/sq ft 1.080"K= 5.60 17.0 120 DT 0000 L2'0" 0' a2t o,' 6.0 fps 0.0840' 9'7 >-z a'7 1.0 0.0 -24 24" 28u HEAD ].7 L'| .6 0.10 qpm/sq ftK: 5.60 34.6 1' l-.080" 120 DT 1 0 0 n 7 | 2u 12.2 fps 2t 4u 0.31-1, 9r5" 0' 9.7 -24x-o.2 24"9.9 69. 9.'7 z-J 0-0 HEAD l_8 19. 9 0.12 gpm,/sq ft K= 5.60 54.5 lkrt 1.408" 120 DT 1t 6 0.0 o 0 n 12t Ot' 1-1.3 fps 0" 0.198 L2t O,' ott 12.6 -24" 0.0 24tl 12.6 69n HEAD 19 2L.6 0.13 gpm,/sq ftK= 5.60 76.1, L'" 1.408' l_20 DT l-5.0 4.0 U.U 0 0 0 0 l-1 '0" L5.8 fps 0" 0-368 l-1f 0rr ott 15 .0 -24"0,1 24u L4-9 69n HEAD 20 24.2 0.14 gpm/sq ft K= 5.60 100.3 I\n 1.408" 120 DT IY.,L nn 0010 2'5u 20,9 fps6t7|r 0.613 9r0r 0n L9.1 -24"o-4 24"18.7 69n REF 43 25.8 PATH 6 K= 5.20 ]-26.L 14" 1.639" 120 DT 24 -6 4.6 o l- 0 1'6" l-9.4 fps 8r9' 0-447 l-0 r 3* 11 6" REF 81 12 ' 0' orl 12t O" 2lt" 2 .7 03"126-r 120 DF 0 0 0 7.1 fps 29.8 0.039 0.5 0" 0. 0 REF B2 137.8 PATH 2 K:25.03 263.9 2+1" 2.703" l_20 DF 0 0 0 0 B'11' 1-4.9 fps 30.3 0" 0.1-53 'J-.4 8111' 0' 0.0 REF 83 98.1 PATH 3 K= L7.43 362.0 zru 2 .'l 03" 1"20 DF z 1 0 0 37 r l-ft 20.4 fps 3L.7 3'7 14" 0.275 20.5'74151' 11,1" 4.8 CONTINI'ED 56.9 psi vaiL Maintenance,shops f"r-trrg Date:1-0-2-2002 ]or tro,8:76 PAGE 2 PRESSI'RE BRA}ICB tINE EIil!{ARY TO EE"BD REMOTE AREA *2 Fr.olr (ePM)PTPE *oF FTTS I.,ENGTE FEET EYD REI' OUTI,ET SIZE 90 {5 ID TLT K FACTOR PIPE C TTPE OTUER VEI"OCI T Pt IPSS PSI/FT Pf EIJVATION Pe Pt Pn EI.EV Pr/ Pdlop PIPE Pn Phead FITS PIPE FITTINGS TOTAL PATE 1 FROM EYDRAI'LTC REFERENCE 16 TO W (PRIUARY PATE) CONT'II{T'ED REF 84 8.0 fps 56.90.028 3. 1 nrr n n 4.310" 2 0 362 -0 120 DF 0 69r8" 110 | 4rt REF A4 4" 4 - 310"362.0 120 DF 1000 0 26'2" 2t 9t, 2B'11' 8.0 fps 60.00.028 0. B0" 0.0 REF lr 362.O gpm PATE 1 K= {6.40 PATE 2 FROM ETDRAULIC REFEREIICE 22 TO 82 6O.9 psi HEAD 22 19.3 0.1-1 gpm,/sq ft K: 5. 60 l_9.3 1' 1 01.080" 0 0 120 DT 0 11_.5 -24"-0.4 24" 11. 9 28" TtItl 2t 4u 9r5' 6. B fps 0.105 0tt 11 q l_.0 0.0 HEAD 23 19.8 0.12 gpn/sq ftK= s.60 39.2 L.080' L20 DT 00 0 1,2'0" 13. 9 fps 0'r 0.392 L2t Ot ott 1-2 .5 4.7 0.0 'J,2.5 -24u-0.0 24"1"2.5 69' HEAD 24 23.L 0.14 gpm,/sq ft K= 5.60 62.2 1k" 1.408" 120 DT ).7.2 2.8 0.0 0000 0 11"r0" 12.9 fps 0r' 0.253 11r 0" 0" 77.2 -24"0.3 24"17.0 69u HEAD 25 24.8 0.15 gpm,/sq ft K: 5.60 87.0 l-qtt l-,408' 1,20 DT 20-0 4-3 0.0 001,0 0 2t stt 1-8.1 fps 6t'7n o-471 9t0r ort 20.0 -24"0.4 24"19.6 69n REF 44 PATH 4 K= l-0.31 qn o 1 ?'7 a Lrt" 1.639" l-20 DT I | 9* 10r3" 2L.2 fps 0.526 1r6t 0010 0 l_r6 24.3 0.7 REF BiI 137.8 gpn PATB 2 25. 03 3O.3 psi VaiL Naintenance Shops )*rnn Date:70'2-2002 ]or ttot 8: 1-6 PAGE 3 PRESST'RE BRA}TCB LINE SUIA'ARY TO EE,AD REIdOTE ARE.A *2 FI6TI (cP[|r) *oF FTTS IJ}TGTE EIET EID REF OUTI,ET SIZE 90 {5 ID TLT K FACTOR PIPE C TTPE OTEER PTPE VEIPCIXY FITTINGS I,oSS PSI/FT TOTAL EIJVATION Pt Pt Pf Pv Pe Prt kr EI"EI/ Hrop PIPE Phead FIT9 PATE 3 EROM EYDRAT'LTC REFERENCE 28 TO 83 HEAD 28 22.O 0.13 gpm/sq ftK= 5.60 22.0 l- rt 1,.080" 120 DT L2t O" 0r' 12'0' 7.8 fps 0. 134 0' 15.l- 1-. 6 0.0 0000 l_5. t- -24"-0.3 24"15.4 28" HEAD 29 22.7 0.13 gpm,/sq ft K= 5.60 44.7 1rt 1.080" 120 DT 16 -7 o-u 0.0 0000 0 1-2'Ort 15.8 fps0" 0.500 1_2t Ou 0 tt 16.7 -24x0.2 24" 16. 5 69' HEAD 30 26.3 0.15 gpm,/sg ft K= 5.60 7L -L 1k' 1".408" l-20 DT 22.7 3.5 0.0 0010 0 4r3rt 14.8 fps 6t 7n 0.324 l_0rL0, 0" 22.'l -24" 0. 6 24"22.1 69' r(E t { b PATH 7K= 5.28 98.1 1l{ t 1-408n'120 DT 1r 6t 6t 'l tl 8f1t 0010 0 20.4 fps 26.2 0.588 4.8 It 6n 0.7 REF 83 98.1 Eprr PATE 3 (= 17.43 31 .7 psi PATS 4 FROM ETDRjAT'LTC REFERENCE 27 P EI HEAD 27 25.3 1" 0 0 4r5' 9.0 fps 2O.3 2O.3 -24" 0 - 15 gpm,/sq ft 1.080' l- 0K= 5.60 25.3 120 DT 0 5 r 9tr r0,2" 0.175 1 .8 0' 0.0 -0.1 24" 20.4 28" REF 45 PATI{ 5 K= 5-4L 25 .4 Ltt" 1-.408" 50.8 L20 DT 0.1,7 4 2.20" 0.0 00 1n 0 5'L0" 10.6 fps 22.L 6t 7 u L2'5" REF 4ll 50.8 gpe PATE 4 10. 31 24.3 psi PATE 5 FROM EYDRAI'LTC REFERETTCE 26 !O /t5 HEAD 26 25.4 0.15 gpm,/sq ft K= 5. 60 25 -4 1' O 0l-.080r 1 0 120 DT 0 20.5 -24" -0.1 24" 20.7 28" 3r1rt 5 r 9" 8 r L0r' 9.0 fps 0.1"76 0tt ZU.J REF {5 25.{ gpn PAIE 5 f,=5. {1 22.1 psi Vaif Itaintenance Shops )rtrn Date:L0-2-2002 ]or nro,8:76 PAGE { PRESSURE BRANCE LINE SI'IOdARY !O EE:AD REIIOIE AREA *2 ET,O9| (GPD!)PIPE lol. E'ITS I"TITGTE FEET ETD REF OIITI,ET SIZE 90 {5 ID TtI K FACTOR PIPE C TTPE OTBER PIPE VEIO,CI: T FITTINGS IP9S PSI/FT SOTAL EI.EVATION PT ht Pn Pt Pf Pe Pn EI..E|\T Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS PATE 5 EROM EIDRAI'LIC RtsFERENCE 21 !O 43 HEAD 21.25. 0.1-5 gpn/sq ftK= 5.60 25.8 tt00 1.080. 2 0 120 DT 0 7r7n 11r 6" 19r l_. .1- fps 0.181 0rr 27.L 3.5 0.0 1.1 2L.2 -24t| 24" 28n REE'43 25.8 g6u PAIE 6 f,= 5.2O PATS 7 I.ROM EXDRAT'LTC REFERENCE 31 To '16 2t1 .6 psi HEAD 3]-27 .O Ltt 0.L6 gpm/sq ft 1,080'K= 5.60 27 .O L20 DT 5'l_0' 5.9" 11r7' 9. 6 fps 0.197 0rt 24.O 2.3 0.0 24. 0.7 23 -3 24n 69' REF 46 27.O gn:m PATE 7 f,=5.24 26.2 psi E CLtl 3o tr- g t =ttoq .r O- lO EE€1 E sTA c, o. o-300io9 '=o =<..9gEE fe5 'o E'oo.ocL N(\l@85j g atl--o E UE$,= =lL \ a$EcE t)- g) '-'- E e ;:s FoB fiE$fE E isEsa aho-OT\.c lfl(D o.a EE!* E€EE E;EiE IFEBCO/ BACTTLTN PREVEIINOI RE D U C ED PRESSURE A SSE'I'BIY Gharacteristics Physical Properties Size of Mainline Max. Working Pressure Hydrostatic Test Press. Temperafure Range End Connections Materials Main Valve Body Coating Shut Ofi Valves Trim Elastomer Oiscs Spdng Clamp Application Healh Hazard 21lz',3,4',6',8", 10" 175 PSI (1200 KPa) 350 PSI (2400 KPa) 32o F to 1400 F (0P C b 60(l C) Flanged ANSI 816.1 Class 125 Duc e iron Grade 6il5-12 Fusion epoxy coated intemal and extemal AWWAC550-90 OS&Yrestientwedge gate valves AWWAC509 Bronze Alloy C83600 EPDM Stainbss steel AwwAC606 (10" Only) U.S. Patent No. 4,989,635 Agency Gompliance - ANSUAWWA (C511-8!)) - 218 - 1v. ASSE (Sd. 1013) - 2"2'- ro'. gaNrO9\ GA{.4) - 214' - r. UL Listed - 2rA' - E'. FM ApFoved - 2rla'- 8'. cUL - 2rA'- 8". approved by the Foundation fur Cross Connectbn Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southem Callbrnia- - 2'a'- E IIODEL 8O{I REI'UCEO PRESSURE A$SEiIBLY Model 860 Flow Gurves 2'E andS' IODELEGO I STALTANON 4OO GPM 2OOO GPM 20 an:15 3 Y105r 5 20 oo-;1s 3 810or 5 20 o915 q ;10I-s 4- and 6" 8'and 10' SOOO GPM 360TopView Dimensions and Weights U.S. - lnch.. |I.cdc - III CDE G Netwr. NotUn. Lbc. (rg3.l Lb.. (Xg3.1 LRs os&Y 2i['(651 40%(1035.r) 3- l0o) 41'[(1063.6) f(l0o) 46'r. (1174.8) 6-(1so) * (1422.41 r e00l 6s (16s1.0) 10' 12 l Tthllu4.7l E\,1u7.71 12'h(3?{J.71 2sib (6so.9) 12% (32r.0) nof 21 141r(365.1) 34L (882.7) 18% (479.4) 41L (ro6o.s) 23'1, (s6S.9l 46pA (1 12.9) ?V, (6!185) 1O|25/.S 12tt (327.01 10 (254.0) 13 (330.2) 10,1r (2572) 15'1,(384.2) 1 2tl. (323.9) 2st.(s27 .11 1s5,' (396.9) 26%(682.6) 1 s% (3$.9) 2gtt. 0 17 .8' r0 (2s4.0) r0 (254.0) lo\h (257.21 111h(252.61 12tt. (3112' 124(314.3) 4tfr0l4.3) 4V, 1114.3) s,b(139.7) 6'1,(165.1) 7 (77.4\ s (228.6) 7'A(181.0) 7!t (187.3) 8'[(206.4) 9%(2s0.8) '| 1 Vs (282.6) t2Y,(314.3) 219(99.3) 231(104.8) 317 (143.8) 441e18.21 734 (332.9) 946 (,129.1) 223 (101.21 233 (105.7) 334 (151.5) s16 (234.1) 796 (361.1) 1O08 (4s7.2) Note: Dlmensb]|s are nomlnal. Alowanoss must be mads fur nomal menufachrhg lolaranc€a. FEECO Backllou Provonlton P.O. Bor 8070. Flgsno. C493747-8070 559 2524791 . Fax 559 4sgsloilo. rww.qb-hd.c.m SSIH) aru(IJ @yrig]t 2(m CilaB l.|d.Erd6c, hc ilHlr+fc. A lroht Don*lm Com$y ISO 9001 Ccrtificd Materials of Gonstruction IIEI I 1.1 1.2 2zl 22zg 3el 3.2 3,3 3Ja 4 4.t 12 5 6.t 6 o€tcatTn Wt Plp. Pt8 Sudhq (2'tf4'dyl Co5. ofl|lc C.p S..e tLr Nut S.d Rk[ Gd(tl Soatc X.d aqlr Yvbr|.r Ebdc SIA Ntt Alln e!the-9.ho Ph*[Ph R.chhg Clp R.iihlng OF Ch.d Ohl Lod Pln Lur $.hC R.br Sp.hC $.n B.a. I tO2 lalElat-! | ITEI asr GR 6a$r2 | r0 Gdv.gt I l0.l ETRPIU sFheSFhgdCtds.i[€.rhrhclldSFae G.s t rserhg R.hrB|raf.!S.*.1 Pkr B-trtuf.G-hBshgSoff thx.tnt NulUt h..Fbf. llrtut 'irRV.Oq...BHSqrGdd RV. Body Cor.!3olEbFt\rlt 8orUbn .RVlt ttrGda Ltgt ltlptu{nt IAIERIAI' A3t3ttp.Ggl SS A3l3Tt?.@l SSbRd.l El$Alby C22'm ES0aAby CglLrd R-trElSA&tCmfttb../F.dc A..a.l Rdlrla ss 3E SSPbd*dPhd 9.d BStia Abr Cgnll4 ss HT'P€UaAbtCaln 18€ ss Asil GR 0+/a$t2Phd gb.l P*d$dPtd*d EPTII1{!- AStr trdn mr GsRptn D B|fr.lL1 Fbr$hlr29 RV So.hgt Rl, *.n31 ldn GuH.31.1 t3r G.id. GRhC9 S-tb3 LffiG.lda!r S-Rhg li(l O.hClal Ofihe342 Eff.l37 Sm. flgartrt3t R.ift.3&1 Sh RhgO Fbr$dr& g{!llv..al Nleb/41.1 t{beb112 Nbeba2 G-\LORqm S!|dhilo|| PhGl a)rtGs.[|tlt ClrD t^lEdtt! A2aO 3(X SS A..ad Ratr A3t3 Ty9. 3r2 Ss AE ad R-h BOE4 Alot C(nl FOA EPTT' €Ptnf AST TTIII)lcd R-h B5t4 Aloy CEII) FDA EPDTT EP(tt AStt t}I(mA.d R-httbasTx oz(m BSt l Aloy Ctl[trA.-l R-hA.-l R-tl BStaAbt C64adt &aa8|!.gr-a AYYIYA CAlg8:tAbt Caim$hb$.4 r6t GR 64S12 | EPT'IAS I!I[) |12Pru*d | 121Pbd$.| | 13 7 EI 9.t B56.Alq CeIt I lel rcad R-h I Ailx ss | 20.1azss 12|t2 ESEilAbtCeD lt4EPII|ASIUUm I 15r8{€s I ratxss I t7r6+ss I t6 cEqs | 2r axss | 2ar6ass I n EP(IICdGR. I Z'4g)udLkqtdft | B|elllF IXSS -m I eaBrmAlorccrll lzarEsta^br CgD | 6 EbCc$9 tn d AWIY Oat fi|r FEBco Backflow "r"ton: Va].ve Be=roroancJ Flow Curve: 860,Rduced Pressure Assembly,4 in Ilc.dl6 (fEi) gD Aborrc dara is oftrrained &orn a naticna\ approved latoratcy. Aotuat po.fumance may yary. Typical water system flow velocities are 0 to 7.5 $p. Typical fireline systen flow velmities are l5 to 20 fts. Data Points: $s 0 0.6 1.3 1.9 2.5 3.1 3.8 4.4 5 5.7 6.3 6.9 7.5 8.2 8.8 9.4 gpm 0 25 50 75 100 IE 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 Psr 7.4 lo.9 I1.8 t22 12.4 t2-4 12.4 I t.3 lo.5 to.o 9.6 9.5 9.3 9.0 8.9 8.8 fp-lo.l r0.7 I t.3 I1.9 12.6 t3.2 13.8 t4.4 l5.l 15.7 16.3 cFn 400 425 450 475 s00 525 550 575 600 625 650 pst 8.8 8.8 E,E 8.9 9.1 9.3 9.4 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.3 GheckValvG'9O Horizontal or Vertical Grooved End Swing Check Valves (250 psi) Manufaciured by: Cenbal Sprinlile Gonpany 451 Ndth Cannon Avenue, Lansdalo, PennelAnnh 19{z16 E^I il*,'J*.,. n rechnical The Model 90 Ghedr Valvts are atbactive, compad. laghtseight, svingrtype units that elltt t ual6 frorv in one direc{ion and prevent flor in th€ opposite dirB.{ion. They ae manufactured with a c6t imn body and stainless s{eel dapp€r 6ertv. A resilient elastomer sed fecing on the springFloaded dapper emues a leak-tight s€l and noFclidcing operation The unils are dasigned b minimize Etr hammer calsed by flm reversal. The Vdves are manufactr€d wlh grcoved ends end era easily irtsllod using Listed rnecfianical groove<l conplings. They may be iristafi€d in either a horizontal fiow a upward vertical fl orY posifion. Applications: tt odel 90 Choct Valves se gereral prpce valves inbnded for use in Fivate fire proteo tion slrslems aB blloss: 1. ln connections fiom publb wat6r supplies to aubmatic sprinkl* or slandpipe syslems. 2. In conneclions ftom fire depert- m€nt pumper cotrneciions to automatic sprinkler or standpip€ systems. 3. In fit€ pump discfiarge or bypa8s piping. 4. ln conneclions ftom gravity, suclim, or pr€6slre tanks to automatic sprinkler systems. ilodd: 90 Styb: Sriitg Chedt (gt@r€xgue) Siia: 2*',T,4'and 6' Approrals: U.L., U.LC., F.ill, M.E.A (Cal. ifD.28+7$SA) Ma- Wdldng Pr6tr€: 250 Fi Feery Hydro T€st 1(X)% at 5(X) Psi Safthd Finish: Blue Enamel Grove Specificatons: Standtd cut grcoves perAWWAC606 Tal€{utoir€nsbn: 2f - 8'to. 3" - 8't.o. 4" - 9't.o.6' - 10%'t.o. ShiBirB Weighl:2%" - I lb6. Y - 9lb6 4" - 16lbs. 6- - 34 lbs. 2ra",3rt, 4rr & 6" Gtooued. End Swing Gheck Ualves to. ta-ao Cdrul Sf.-L lo. SJ / / / /,/ ,/ / / / Pressurc Loss Gulves 200 3(x) sm l(m Flow Rate (g.p.m.) Note: The ftiction loss, expressed as equivalent length of scfiedule 40 pipe with C=120, is as follows: 2W = I fi- 3" = 14ft.4" = 21 ft. 6" = 19ft. I W b tfrftzd fu !g,tl &], q nM by6 anp,cl*n. 2 W b |/friliad fo(gsl€E dmabr DrDass onn6dtrl 3 W b,niw br maio dah smaclbn br tbar ctpd'egplicrliras. 7.0 5.0 3.0 = 2'0 4o I r.ooJc .9fi'. 05lt -i,HtYI- \ -'J.|I-;; &riq9 ..l__,^ - ----*._t:^ I !i.,-.F-,)_. Dimensional Data - f,ode! 90 Check Valves (groove x grcove) YdYE sto Vdve Dhlcnrbnr 86r Locrton3 L&Tag!.(od x (to.l Y z A B c A6Ar E6B BECr 86.D 2rt Afivn I' mSmn 2t/id 62 ,rm, 3l,f, 79 fim ltAc' tptm M mrrn 1%i 110 nnr w 16 fim 't6mn 1Wgfim w 13 fim 3' 76 nn r 2(B n'al 2yi mnn 3rAc' 87rm 1r{ 1t rm 2t d) rpn 4)4c' 1(Bnm tO nm w tO Jrm 1W Qrm w 13 nm g l@ftm I Z)Itrun &i arr 3t)4.' 97ffm 1T 4mn 28 6l mm 5%c' ,29mn Yt' 19 mn Yt' 19 rm 7 51 tr}',13 fiNn 6' 1e fivn 10w 267drr 4Yr' 110 Em 5. 127 tm 1T 4ffm bl' 67 mm 5%c' t35 trr'| Y.' 19 ftm Yt' 19 nn ? 5, trm ,t ,3 nt/'l o ValveParts List - ilodel 90 Gheck Design Data Model 9) Check Valves must be installed in a horizontal or vertical position in accordance with the Listing. Gheck Valves are required in automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13 Standards as follols: 1. In each fire department connection as ne€rr as practicable b the point where the FDC joins the sprinkler system. 2- When a sprinkler system has rnore ihan one water supply, a Check Valve must be installed in each supply connection to prevent flow lo one conneclion ftom exiling via the other mnnection. A Check Valve must be installed in each water supply connection, if there is a FDC on the system. An Alarm Check Valve is considered to be a Check Valve. 3. ln the "antilreeze lnop" of an anlifreeze slrstem, if the sprinklers in the antifteeze portion of the qtstem are at a higher elevation than the waler-a ntifteeze solution interfac€. The Check Valve must have a %f hole drilled thrcugh the cbpper to allow for thermal expansion ol the antifreeze solulion. Gheck Valves ae required in cenbifugal fire pump systems in accordance with NFPA 20 Standards as follows: 1. In the fire pump bypass piping. 2- In the pressur€ maintenance (iockey or make'up) pump discharge piping. 3. In the fire pump discharge piping. Check Valves are required in private water tank supply slalems in accordance with NFPA 22 Standads as bllows: 1. In the disctrarge pipe from a gravity, suction or pressure tank 2. In the fill line to a gravity, suc{ion or pressure tank, if the discharge pipe is utilized for filling the tank Check Valves are required in private fire service mains in accordance with NFPA 24 Standards as follows: 1- In each fire department connection. 2- In eactt water supply sotjrc€ conneclion. when lhere is more than one source. Check Valves *e required in stardpipe and hose systems in accordance with NFPA '14 Standards as follows: 1. In eactr fire departmenl connec{ion. 2. In each water supply conneciion. Itclcripdotr Xalcriel fao. Re'd- Frrt lftrnb.r 2*'f VaIYE Body Cast lrql I 802$'16{n 8G3.07{n0 d)4.28{O 80&21{)m Clapp€r Staid€ss Sbsl 1 8t[!$1t].q)8@-(pm0 80+29{00 80G15.{X)0 S€al Facing Bune N I 8(IlS}(n 8(803{m 8D4-18-{Xn 80c17-fix) Seat Rhg S[airloss St66l 1 802$@{n 803-Gi{00 80+21{nO 80F1&Om Hinge Pin Stairil$s Sb€l 1 8(X-32-(m 804-:l2-mo ex-3z{no 80G{Xt1-00 Bracket Stainloss SlEel 1 804-33{00 8{X-33{00 804-33{00 806.2trXlO Plug (r/e" NPT)Cast Fon I 801G12-fl)8010-12-O0 801Gl2-(X)801&r2-{n SprhS Staids S:taal 1 8(Pil21{)8tx-23-q)0 m+23-000 806-034{n R€taining Ring S-tairtess Sfiecl 1 8(F26-(nO 8nF2S{m €t)&26-(m 3m-22-000 !/.' Hex Bolt sbd 2 6fi).8(Xm oulgxno Gfi)'flXm 6fi)€(Xm Fastand S€d Nirib tsbd 2 19E-015{2 ts-ol6{2 198{)16.02 198{16{2 Retaining Rim Sfainl6s Sbd I 8@5{.4{n 8DlO4{nO m+.0+000 816.0e{m R€tsrtbn Bolt Staid€ss S[e€l 1 8{It$,0$.m 8025'{Hn m+2(Xno 80ffi(m Seal Ring Neopaone I 802S06-(x)g)250mo gr-z4-fl)o 8tx46.{m Flodoc Nut Slaird€ss Sb€l I 802507{X)8(n5r07-fi)804{t7{no 8(X{7-{x)O TZlnstallatim t^J The Model 90 Check Valve is Listed for installation in either the horizontial or vertical position. When installed in a horizontal position, the two %" hex bolts musl be on the top side of the valve. For verlical insiallation, the valve musl be installed so that its outlet is above its inlet (i.e., flow direction upward). The anow, cast onto the body of the valve, must point in the direction of the flow. The Check Valve is designed to be installed using approved mechanical grooved couplings. Gare & It[ainfrenarce The Check Valve requires no regular maintenance, however, it should periodically be removed and inspected by a qualified inspec{ion service. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and acces- sories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled, 'hs'€rf,o/n, Testing and Main,ene, of Water-B#d F lE P/o{edbn q6rems' conta i ns gui.Celines and minimum mainte nance requirements. Furlher- rrc.e, the tut ltotil4l tlaving Juriffiim may have additional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing and inspec- tion that must be obeyed. Waming: Any syslem maintenance or inspection thal involves placing a conbol valve "out-of-service" will eliminate the fire protection normally provided by the fire protec{ion s}rstem. Prior to proceeding, be certain to secure permisskrn fiom aI Autlprities fbving Jwidictiut and notiry all o 2.peEonnel who may be affecled during sTstem shutdorn- A fire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. Disassembly: 1. Close the main water supply control valve and drain the system, relieving all pressure ffom the check vafue. 2. Remove the mechanical grooved couplings fiom each erd of the check valve and remo\re it from the piping system. 3. Remove the nilo 14." hex bolts from the body of the check valYe, thereby releasing the clapper assembly bracket. Remove the clapper assembly through the "outlet' end of the valve. Cau- tion: Be careful not to nick the seat ring's sealing surface. 4. To replac€ the clapper seal facing, remo/e the retention bolt in the ccnter of lhe clapper assembly, thereby releasing the retaining ring. The seal facing may nolf, be removed. Reassembly: '1. To reassemble the clapper assembly, wipe off the face of the clapper, place the new seal facing on the retaining ring, place the seal facing and ring against the clapper, aligning the center holes. Insert the retenlion bolt through the clapper, seal facing and retaining ring and secure in place with the flexloc lock nut. O 1997 CentralSpdnkt€r Company Printed in U.S-A. Inspect and clean lhe check valve seat ring. 3. Insert the clapper assembly into the check valve thmugh the "outlet" end of the valve. 4. Align the two holes in the clapper assembly bracket with the tuto holes in the body of lhe check valve. lnsert the two 1/4" he,\ bolts with fastener s€ls lhrough the body, engage the bracket and tighten. 5. lnsert the cfreck valve back into lhe piping sy'stem. Veriry that the flow atrow is pointing in the Proper direc{ion to assure proper opera- lion of the valve" Reinstall the mechanical grooved couplings. 6. Place the system back in service and secure all waler supply conbol valves in their open pcition. ItYhen lhe qrsbn is back h ssvice, notily dl Ardhaibs fbvfrgl Jurrscft&n and the pelsonnel who w€re afrcled duing syslem shul- dorrn. Guarantee: Cenbal Sp.inkler Company will repair and/or replace any products fiound to be defeclive in material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please refer b the curent Price List for further details of the wananty. ^Cr^i-i- ffi -Gentral Sprinkler Gompany 45i Noih Cannon Avenue, bnsdab, PA 1 9446 Phone: 215*362{700 FAx: 215362-5385 0rdering lnformation Odering Information: When placing an ord€r, indicate the full product name. Please sPecifo the quantity, model, style, and size, if gauge, bypass or drain @nneclions are desired. Swing Check Valves clo not include mechanical groove couplings. They must be ordered separately. AYailability and Service: Cenlral sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through' out the U.S. and Canada, and inbmationally, through a network of Cenlral Sprinkler distribulion centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362- 07fl) f,or the distributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 't inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3O48 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg l fool pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm, I U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm' = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. Shotgun-9O Riser Check Valve (Model 90) & Trim Manutaclured by: Genbal Spinkler Corpay 451 Ntrlh Cannon Avenus, Lan6.lale, Ponnsyh,anh 19446 E!il*-'J** nrechnical The Shotgun Riser Check Vahre is an atbactive @mpect, futtt*uight unit that indudes a tllodel 90 Chedr Vaha with a complete fim pod€go tu eoonomical inslalbton in u,€t type sfinkler system risqls. The valve is manufactned with a stainl€Gs sleel cbpp€r ss€tnbly- A resilient dGbfii€r sdl-facing on the springFloeded clappe. insut€s e lek- tighl 6eal and non€tiddng operatron. Th6 units ar€ rated for a wdking pressur€ of 250 p.s.i. The Shotgun Rber Ched< Vahrc is manufiaclured with gmorr€d ends ard is eaEily installed uskrg Approved mecienical groorr€d couplir€s. Appllcation: The ShoQm Riser Check Valve is intended br use in a wet-type automatb sprinkl€r system riser, as a mo|e attradive and economical alternatiw to the alarm check valve. Provision musl be made for a local alarm. using en Approved flo|r sritch. TE'e'Riser Gheck Valve &]{odet 90 (with bim} Slyb: Sring Ghe*, (gtw xgtw) Sia: ZE,T,4',&t Approvab: U.L., F.M., M.EA (284-75SA), CA Sleb Fie ilarshal (777G{b75:10O) Wdkiqg Preesure: 250 psi Fadory llydo Test lfl!% at Sfl) psi Standard Finbh: Valve: Blue Enamel Trim: Blad( or Galvanized G.orr€ Specincafions: standard G1lt grmvesper AWWAG606 Tak€out Dirnensbn: 2W- t3'-8"4'-9'6' - 10k" Shipping WeQht: 2l4l - 13 lbs. 3' - 14 lb6. 4' - 25 lb6. 6" - 35 lbs. f,o. la-l.O DP t.a,o Elevation View Shotgun Riser Check Valve - lilodel 90 Valve & Trim Flow ns Check Yah Trim Kit 2lA'& 3' Shotgun Riser Check Valve SmSH. SupDly Sld. Trim Dimensions Risor alve Slre A Dlmenrlon a Dimonsbn G Olme'tsion D Dlmonsion z%', 3" 4" 6" 8"r I 10w 9fgE 11W lZrti 3lTtc' 3r|46' 41/ra' eAi 10' 10w:" 13" 1{ Trim Kit 4- & 6' X.in Orlln T x2%'nipp|e 7 t.&,F ball valve ?gop e|bor O-3m p.s.i. g€uge lzr' x ? nipple %' tree-way globe valve /i plng Gauge (rupply sitle) G300 p.6.i. geuge %'x?nippb(6'valve) %' x 5" nipple (4'valve) /r' lhreeray globe valve 11/,'x2W nipple 1%'Mtr bsll vahre 1%" 9$ elbdl Sign B (Main Drain) Geuge (syctem slde) 0-300 p.s.i. ga€e %"x7niopb %' three+vay globe r,ahe 7r" plug %'x 1/r' bushing Gauge (suppty side) 0-3m p.s,i. gsuge %" x S nipple %' tlree-way gbb€ r€lve w Design Data Design Requircrnents The Central ShoQun Riser Gheck Valve is Approved for installation in either the horizonlal or vertical (flow upward) position. The unit should be installed in the main riser of a wet pipe sprinkler system. The main riser must be equipped with a flow switch fior activating a local eleclric alarm bell (not included in trim kit). The Shotgun Riser Check Valve consists of the Model 90 Chec* Valve plus a Trim Kit lhal includes the necessary fittings, nipples, aM valves to bim the check valve with fuva pressure gauges, main drain and sign. The friction loss lhrough the Sholgun Riser Check Valve, ex- pressed as equivalent length of scfredule 40 steel pipe with a G-facior of 120, is as follows: 21A - gft. 4' - 21 fl. 3" - 14ff" 6" - 19n. 2. Remove the mechanicat grooved couplings from each end and remove the check valve ftom the piping system. 3. Inspect the valve dapper seal- facing. lf wom or damaged, it should be replaced. Clean thoroughly- 4. Inspect the valve seat ring and clean lhoroughly. lf the seat ring surfaces are nicked or scored, it may be possible to repair using lapping comPound. lf not, replace the valve. 5. lnstall the check valve bac* into the piping system. Veriry that the flow anow is pointing in the proper direciion to assure proper operation of the valve. Reinstall the mechanical grooved couplings. 6. Place the system bac* in senrice and secure all water supply valves open. For disassembly or reassembly instruclions on the check valve, see Central's catalog bulletin for the Model 90 Check Valve. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and ac@ssories. The NFPA Slandard 25 entitlod, ',rtsfpcftn, T6s,W aN fihinbnen@ dWaw&d Firc Pfo&'cti,{l. qrsterns', contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requiements. Furthsrnore, ttta Atfrwity HavW Jutiilicl/xn maly have additimal regldations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any prodrFts found to be defeclive in material or workmanship within a perbd of one year from lhe date of shipment. Please refer to the cunsnt price list for further details of the wa.ranty. T}"startation f,I The Shotgun Riser Check Valve is Approved for installation in either the horizontal or vertical position. When installed in a horizontal position, the two %' thru-body hex bolb must be on top side of the valve. For vertical installation, the valve must be in- stalled so that its oudet is above its inlet (i.e., flo/r, direction ugrvard). Installation Sequence Step t. Install the \,alve in the riser piping with lhe anow pointing in the direction of flow. Use only Approved mechanical grooved couplings. Step 2. Install the two pressure gaugos ulilizing the /r" nipfles, plugs, and valves fiom the Trim Kit. Con- necl to the %' and %'tapped oudels. Use the %" x %" bushing on lhe system side lap" Step 3. Install the main drain utilizing the nipple and valve fuom the Trim Kit. Step i[. Pipe main drain lo accept- able discharge location. Gare & The Shotgun Rber Check Valve and accessories should be periodi- cally inspected and tested to ensure trouble-ftee operation. Operational testing, ulilizing flow fiom lhe inspeclor's test connedion, will reveal lhe valve's basic condition. Honever. lhere are several areas lhal should be periodically inspecled by a quali- fied inspeciion service. Yllaming: Any system mainte- nance or inspection thal inrrolves placirE a contol v?hre ioutdservice' will eliminate the fire protection normally provided by the fire protec- tion system. Prior to proceeding, be cstain b serrs p€.mis6bn ftom all Antlwit x r/€/rtg Jurisdiltinand notify all personrnl wtn may be aftcted during system shutdofln. A fire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended precau- tion. lnspection 1. Close lhe main water supply control valve and drain the syslem, relieving all pressure hom the check valve assembly. 0rdering Information When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Pbase specify black or galvanized, quantity, rnodel, sq/|e, and size. Shotgun Riser Check Valves do not indude a flow+witch or mecfianical- grooved couplings. They must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklem, valves, accessories, and other products are availablo through- out the U.S., and Canada, and internationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler sales and distribu- tion centers. You may write directly to Cenbal Sprinkler Company, or call 21$,362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. 01995 Cenfal Sprinld€r Company Prlnted ln U.SA. Patents: Patents are pending. conversion table: 1 inch = 25.4 mm 1 foot = 0.3040 M I pound = 0.4536 kg 1 p,s.i. = 6.895 Kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm'. Conversions are apProximate. .- Gentral Sprinkler Gompany 1151 lt. CarrDn Av€nue, [.nsdde, PA 19446 PtFr€ €lq 36i!{700 FA)( (215)it62-5385 BUTTERFI.Y VALVE I BFV Domestic, Grooved End, Slow.Glose Gontrcl Valve Manufac{ured by: Central Grooved Plplng Prodtrcts, Inc, a subsidbry of Cental Sprlnkler Company 451 Nontl Cannon Avenue, Lansdab, Pe'rlswanie 19446 K ilr::*,l,on ffi Technicar The Cenbal 'slow.dce" Butt€rfly Valves are used b control waler ffor to fire protedion syslems. A simple visual inspeclion d the valve position indicator will show whether the vahre is open or closed. Butterlly \ralves orovide an economical alternative b OS&Y gate valves. The Cenbal Domestic Butterfly Valve has been designed with a slow+lose handwheel operator whictr eftciively minimizes water hammer. The figure BFV ulilizes a uniform primary seal which greally reduces lhe amount of lorque required b open and close the valve. The body and disc are as-cast for increased stengh- A oonven- tional upper stem made of strainless steel pmvides high strength and outstandi ng corosion resistance. The valves are furnished with grmved ends and can be irstalled using Cenbal grooved couplings and also can be adapted to flanged equipment utilizing our Figure 41 or 71 flarged adapters. (The Figure 8FV can be installed with 1S) lb. and 300 lb. rated flange adapters.) They have a built in supervisory tamper switch with 2 sets of SPDT contads for use in ouldoor or indoor applications where supervi- sion of lhe normally open position of lhe valve is reouired. Operation: The valves may be opened or closed by tuming the handwheel extending tom the operalor housing, until the valve is in the desired position, open or dosed. Flyure No.: BFV St/e: Grooved Ends Si:zes: 21lz',3",4",6" & 8" Agrprovals: U.L., F.M. & U.L.C.; lU-E.A- (Pending) Maximum Working Pressure: t75 psi / 12 bar Ferclory Hydro Test: 100% at 350 psi / 24.1 bar Standad Finishes: '3perator - Black Epoxy (PPS) 'Polyphenylene Sutfide Disc - Grade "E" EPDM rubber nolded ductile imn G3fF to +230"F) Body - PPS Coal€d ductile iron Dual Supervisory Tamper Switcfi(s): U.L. Lisled SPDT: 'l5A at 125 VAC 3.5A at 125 VDC: 0.25A at 250 VDC Dimensions: See Page 2 Weight: See Page 2 Note: Butterfly valvcs arc listed for outdoor or indoor use. Z'At', Stt, 4"r 6tt, & 8tt IIUDIGATIilG GOilTROL VALVE Io. lt-l.O SIDE VIEWw/VALVE OPEN BUTTERFLYVAVE. BFV(- Gonfiguretion 3houn) l,T FEI^I' TPT FORcoEuTc('{NEcrm FRONTV]EWw/VALVE OPEN I F(BtTt(}t rlgcATlOR ALL DIMENSIONS lN INGHES (mm) srzE A B c D E F G WEIGHT 2!z'5.34 (r35.C) 10.60(e4 7.n | |lor] 2-a75 frio) 3.81 (s-o 5.23 (r3aq N/A*1O LBS (4.s 19) 3"5.67 (r{4-01 11.55 (e.4, 7.55 (r9ro 3.5(n Gee! 3.81 ('.E) 5.23 (r3aq N/A'12 LBS. (44 |le) 4"6.62 (raart 13-00 (3O.z) &rl8 (asr) 4.515 (r r4.7) 4.56 {r148} 5.23 o3aal N/A'20 LBS. (9.t lg) 6"7.88 @a 15.49 (e4) 9.76 (2.79 6.750 (r?rsl 5.81 (ra?.o 523 (rsc-4 N/A'34 LBS. (15.4 rC) 8"9.24 123..4 17-U t4S.r) 1215 (ulr) 10.00 c25.) 5.25 (r3e4) 6.10 (r5r.9 1-22 (31.0 tun) 50 LBS, @7r.l . END OF DISC DOES NOT EXTEND BEYOND VALVE BODY. NB:iln' Design Requirements The Cenfal Butterfly Valves are Listed as conkol vahres for use in fire protection s)6tems per NFPA 13. Flwt rray be from either diredion, and the valves may be positioned in any odentation. The friction loss is calculated per NFPA 13. To prevent rotatbn of the valve, it is recommended that the Domestic Butterfly Valve be installed with rigid type couplings, such as the Cenbal Model 772 Goupling. lf flexible couplings ae used, additbnal suppolt may be needed to pevent mtation. For added security, the f,lomestic Butlerfly Valve may be used with an attachmenl of cfiain and padlock. Pass the chain or cable through handwheel and wrap il around the valve bracket and then secute. The supervisory tamper srvitch contiacb will change position (close) within two full lums of the handwheel, from lhe fully open position. Wiring to lhe switch is via color ceted wire leads.(See wiring diagrams) Valves with switches are interded for indoor and outdoor use. lnstallation In fre probctlm systenE, butefiY valves should be located where they witl be readily accessible for opera- tion, inspec{ion, and maintenance. When a valve 'doses lurd", il may be due to debris lodged in the sealing area. This may be co.rected by backingrd the handwheel and closing it again, several times if neoessary. The valve should ner/er be brced to seat by applying a wrench to lhe handwheel as this may distort the valve components or score the sealing surfaces. Conduit and elecffical connedions to the optional switci must be in accordance with the requirernents of the National Electuical Code, NFPA 72, and the )@l,4ufu]iv fWW &nbdb{bn. ITPORTANT: All replacemenl parts must be obtained from lhe manufaclurer to assure proper oosation of the valve. Gare & llllaintenanoe The dvner is r€sponsible lor the operating condition of all fire protection devices and ac@ssorles. The NFPA Standard 25 enlill€d, "trc!€{j*n, Teg,tingand tibintenarre of Wabr-k*d Flre Prcfednrn $rsdterns', contains guidelines and minimum mainlenance requiremenls. Furthermore, the hfiwity thing Junsdbtbn may have additional regulations and requirements fol mainlenanc€, lesting and inspec{ion lhat must be obeyed. WARNING: Any system maintenance or inspection lhat involves placing a contol valve "out of-service" will eliminale the fire potection normally prcvided by the fire protection system. Prior to proceeding, be ceriain to secure pe.rnbsion fiom all At liotflbs ftr,vir1g Ju*tdciim and notiff all personnel who may be affected during system shut down. Afire watctr during maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. When the sytstem is back in servbe, notify dl Auffiitxttvilg,Lxiffi*n and the pefsonnel who wer€ effEct€d during system shul down. Note: Piping system must always be de pressurized and drained before attempting to disassemble or remove any piping component. GUARANTEE: Central Sprinkler Company wilf repalr andlor replace any products found lo be defective in material or workmanshio within a perbd ofone year form the date of shipment. Please refer to the currenl price list for further delails of this wananty. gfERVISORY TAMPER swtTcH cncuTs (VALVE FULIY OPEN) WlRlt{G DIAGRAil I !q,rE :- ut|t alu'r arat ooat'cctxt't ca Ar!.r lY srrct| to !f Ev:tED aro AFFb\r6 !Y trlt tdAl- AT'T<FTY I{AViG INS(EIX'I a 0rdering lnformation When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, figllre number, size and optional monilor slvibh position- Valves do not include the groovecl couplings required for installation. Availability & Service: Cenhal sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other produc'ts are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, through a network of Csntral Sorinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to C€ntral Sprinkler Company, or call (2f 5) 362- 0700 for the disbibutor nearest you. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 Inch = 25.4m mm 1 foot = 0.3048 m 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm2 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. @1997 Cenlral SpnnKff Company Print€d in u.SA. ^e.. - /- EENTRAL - Gentral Sprinkler Gompany 451 Nodh Cannon Ayonue, l3r|sdal€, PA '19446 PHONE (215) 36247Cr0 FAX (21s) 362-s38s BFV.6RK @rrorrrrt VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW AI-ARM SWTCH WITH RETARD PotGr Electric Signal Company 2081 Craig Road. P.O. Bor 28/t80 St.Louis, t{O 631,[Gill61 (3r'l) 878..{:l2t . (80O) 32S3936 Potter Electric Signal & Mfg., LTD. 55 Glen Cameron Road Thomhill, Ontario, Canada L3T 1P2 (90s) 882-1833 u.s. PAT. NO. 3921989 CANADIAN PAT. NO. 1009680 OTHERS PATENTS PENDING POTTER ELECTRIC, Rd., 19!N ul-uLCrndCsFILktud,FIandLPCApprcYod,NY[EAAcc.pted Servlc. Prrssure: Up to450 PSI Ilnlmum Flow Rtte fo.Alarm: 10 GPM Iaximum Surge: 18 FPS Contaci Retings: Two sets of SPOT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps at 30VOC Resistive Condult Enirancas: Two knockouts pmvided tor l/2" conduit EnYlmnmontal Speclicatlons:. Suitable ior indoor or ouEoot use with factory hstalled gasket and die+ast housing.. NEMA 4/1P54 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fittin9 ' Temperature Range: 40"F/12o"F, 4.5"C/49'C. Non-corosive sleeve factory installed in saddle Cauton: This device is not intended tor applications in explosive environments Sts s Avr[abler Pipe schedules l0 thru,+0, sizes 2" thru 8" Bs 1387 pipe 50mm thru 200mm Sewico Usa: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA.13 One or two family dnrelliqg NFPA-i3D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 op{onal: CoverTamper switch Kil, Stock No.0090018 GENERAL INFORTATDN The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterflov, switch br use on wet sprinkler systems. lt is UL Listed and FM Approved for rlse on steel pipe: schedules 10 through 40, size6 2' thru 8". LPC approved sizes are ? thru 8' (50mm thru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a s€ctional waterffow deteclor on large systems. The unit contains two single pob, double thmw, snap action switcfies and an adjustable, instantly recylling pneumatic retard. The s\,vitches are actuated when a flou, of 10 gallons per minute or m(xe oocurs downstresm ol the deyice. The flow condilbn must exist fur e perbd of tir|€ necessary to overcorne the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit is €nclosed in a general purpose, di€- cast housing. The cover is held in plece with two tamper resistant screws which rcquire a specbl key ior removal. A teld instalable cover tarper switch b available as an optio.l which may be us€d to indicate unaultlqized rernoyal d the cover. See bulleth no. 5400775 br installatbn instnEiions ot this switch. IISTALI-ATION: See Fig.2 These devices mey be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipo. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of tho pipe where they will be accessible- The units should not be installed within 6" of a fifiing which changes the direclion ot the waterllod or within 24' ol a valve or drain. Drain the system and dtill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow spc€d drill- The 2'(50mm) and 2 l/2'(65mm) devbes require a hole with a diameter of 1 1i4" + 118" - l/16" (33mm iinm). All other sizes require a hole wilh a diameter ol 2' t1/8' (50mm t2mm). Clean th€ irlsile Fipe d a[ growlh or other matedal for a dbtance eqial to the pipe diameter on either side ot the hole. Roll lhe van€ so that it rmy be inserted into the hole; do not bend or crease it. Insert the vane so that the anow on the saddle polnts in the direction of the waterflow. Install the saddle strap and tighton nuts altemately to an eventual 50 fr-lbs. of torque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the insire ot the pipe or tind in any way. Sp€cifEations subiect to dlang€ without notice. f,KT. l8qtolrol - R€Y L rFG. f3|00761 - tlrgs PRPfTED IX USA PAGE I OF 2 I POTTER VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD B' FIG.I s||rTcH lERItra oorLEcrrot€ CL.AXPffG PTITETEN IAI o'd rrc tu5-5 An uninsulat€d s€clion of a single conductor should not bo loop€d around the teminal aa|d s6we as trvo separate conn€ctions. The wirg mllst b€ 8€\6r€d, ther€by providing supswi- sion of th€ conn€ction in the ev€nt lhat the wire b€corn€s dislodgod fiom under th6 t€minal. FIG.3 LOCAI BEI! TR r\6FORlf R oR BATIERY POWAED FIG.2 RETARD ADJUSTMENT: TO CMNGE TIME TURN KI.]OB (EITHER DIRECTION) FOR DESIRED TIME OEI,AY USE IHE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF RFTARD NTC$SqRY IO PREVENT FASE AI,ARMS, A "8. SE|IING IS USUATTY ADEOI'ATE FOR IHIS. FACTORY IS SET TO "B-. DWG. #76r -3O OO NOI T.EiVE CO\€R OFF FOR EXTENOED PERIOD OF TIME TIGHTEN NUTS AL]ERNAIELY TO AN EVENTUAL sOFT._LBS OF IOROUE MOUNT ON PIPE SO ARROW ON SAODLE POINTS IN DIRECTION OF WAIERFLOW ROLL PAOOLE lN OPPOSIIE DIRECTION OF WA1IRFLOIV TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS olss a (sTn-E a.| Er$-oF-t"rf FEssIm cKr.' (SEE NorO EOr R€SISTOR |lote: For supervised cirqJits se€ 'Sr|ibh Terminal Connect'rons" drawing and caulion nole (Fig. 1). TYPTCAL SWTICH ^CroNo"eri or'r \L/ cr-ose on AI,ARM J. ^r RM CLOSE ON rc AOO'L OEvlc€S OR REN'RN TO CONTROL fxT. t8800001 - REY L mFG. f5r+Oo76l - l l/95 TO II{IiTAI. IRTI A }IOTE AS NI)|GATET} FIP€ SIZE T(ILEgE 7 521tT (soltrnrb6affr) '| 1r4. +trF -l,l6f (sfirrntanr|r) tbr(Ellrf|rbalhn)u r1,i'(ChrrArir) APPROX. RFTARD SEMNGS (IN SECS.) 0 0 to-25 a 20-10 c 5-55 D 50-70 t 60-90 ;;D,;" ^r ,r7 c.osE on ,-^'. J 1 **----1,- srcNruNc oEvlcE olc. ,761- | 5 NOTES: 1 . Th€ Model VSR-F hes two switch€s, one can b€ us€d to op€rat€ a c€ntral station, propri€tary or remote signaling unit, whil€ the oth6r co.rtact is used to operate a local audibl€ or visual annuncialor. 2. A conditidr of LPrC Appmval of this producl is that the electrical enry must be sealed to o(clude moislure. TESNNG Th€ fr€quency of inspeclion and t€sting for tho rnodd VSR-F and its assocht€d probcwe monilo.ing syst€m should be in accordanc€ with applicauo NFPA Cod6s and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufactur€r Ecomrn€nds quarterly or more frequently). lf providod, th€ insp€ctols t€t \ralvo, thal is usually local€d at th€ €nd of lhe n|ost r€mole brendr line, slurld ahral|s b€ used fur l€st purpos€s. lf ther€ arB no provisions for tosling lh€ op€ralion of the ffow d€lectidr device on th€ system, application of lh€ VSR-F is not recomm€nded or advisabl€. A minimum flow ol 10 gpm is r€quircd to activate this d€vic€. lllPORTAt{T NOTICE: Pl€as€ advis€ th€ p€rson rGponsibl€ tur t€sting of th6 fira proteclion syst€m thal this system must b€ lested in accordance with the t€sling instructims. PRllrlED rt{ usA PAGE 2 OF 2 Dyna-Tfread: Full Line Sch-40 Replacement Dyn*flvefr oilfalu the ft exrg,tglpl oi ffi uttr slryplllu hFfrallldrs an grsW ttdre. D/na-Thread sprinHa pipe repesents an engineering advancernent for the sprinkler pipe indusrry. It combines the safety and longwity of kaditional Sch4O pipe with quality and superior hydraulic advantages. . Dyra-Thread's inside diarneter is up to 3.6% larger than Sch-40 giving it superior hydraulics. And, when used in combination with Dyna-Flow pipe, down sizing often occrns. . Dyna-Tbread is fully listed and approved by UL, ULG and FM for fire sprinkler applications. . The life expectmcy of Dyna-Thread and Sch-40 are equal based on the calculated wall lhicknesses per UL. . The consistent quality of steel used ro make Dyna-Thread facilitates smooth threading and lower mahtsnarrce costs. . The exterior of Dyna-Thread is pmtect€d by a clean, durable mill coating for extended shelf life and easy paint applicatim. @@@ Approved . With its increas€d strengtr and lighter weigbl, Dyna-Thrcad reduces installation fatiguo ard is ideal for rrtro-fi t applications, Conmion Resistance Ratio (CRR) is a LJL (Underwriters Laboratory) term for tbe estimated life expectancy ofa pipe joint. This is based on the calculated wall fickness at the base of the first exposed thread, assumed to be the weakest point ofthe pipe length. Dyma- Thread and Sch{0 bave the same calculatod wall thicknesses at this point and are both assigred the same CRR of 1.00. The intsrnal surlace ofall black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe prodrrts up to 4.5fi[" in diamet€r is coated with our new Antibacterial Formula, "ABF". In scientific laboratory test, ABS proved to havc superior resisunce to micmbial colonizalion of pipe walls, th€reby delaying or possibly prevorting the onset of Microbiologically lnfl uenced corrosion (MIt) when tbe First Sprinkler System is fint installed. . More wall thickness al the thread (CRR=I.00) gives Dyna-Thread better life expectancy than lightwall threadable prpe joints. . Unlike lightwail tbreadable pipe, Dyna-Thread has no thread gauge warning, . Dyna-Thread is appoved for standard hanger spacing (t5 ft. O.C.), can be used as earthquake sway b,racing, and is safe to use as drops. . Dyna-Thread is safer to weld on. . Dyna-Thread is more widely accepted than lightwall threadable where Sch-40 is specified. Sr4er 4O/Dyna-Thread pipe is manufactured to meeu ASTM A- I 35, Grade A and is in compliance witl NFPA- I 3 . All sizes of Super tlo/Dyna- Tkead arc rated at 3fi) psi workiog pr€ssure. Super 40/Dyna-Thread is LJL and ULC Listed for wet dry deluge and pre-action sprinkler systems and FM Approved for use in wet systems. Super 40/Dyna-Thread can be 'llot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirement for dry systems. Super 40/Dyna-Thread is approved for all threaded couplings and welded outlets and is suiable for all roll-grooved and plain-end fittings. (See listing information). Custorner Servic€: (800) 882-5543 Fax 70&339.1806 tqcofm,c","a O,fu 16100 S. Lalhrop . Haruey, lL 60426 11450 Ndcdn Rd. . Philad€lphia, PA 19'154 2525 N. 27 th Arre. . Phoenix. AZ 85009 IPE x|rLdl.D. rl. n.0!ofra) tld fu-rl'|l ilrEl) fllillztl ln:mm k|,'mm L,61ft Wn L,6/ft Wn Ln La.6: ro rDs,O LE l@ 2234 232i1013 ,$l t' 25 1.$0 27.4 1.3:t{t 2.0 1.75 2.N r955 u7 70 70 2fiP ?288 AAgB 1(m iltsi 1.4(n 35,8 t.870 2.E 2.il 3.n 1W 32 51 5t 251! 11{'i 3.n 444n iu lth' 40 1.639 41.6 2.290 3.4 2115g9 24lE tN7 2241 tBt 3.050 4.57 3{' t92r1.5 6.N 30 871 z', 5t) 2.1U g].4 21$s nDE e co Er,r|T s3-3 Dyna-Fltw@ High Strength Steel Pipe Tlrc or€filpll r&n€OurEtth WW sptffir Cp urilr hyilalilrg sppitfuit to Schedrdelo. Dyna-Flow prpe is tbe *orieinal" high- shength lightwall sprinkler pipe. Dyna- Flow has outstanding hydraulic capabilities and is recognized as the most popular alternative to Schedule- 10 pipe. Lightweight easy to cut and easy to handle for installation. Dyna-Flow is a valuable addition to any fire protection With an inside diamet€r of r.p to I l% larger than Schedule-40 and up to 7% larger than Schedule- 10, Dyna-Flow pipe hydraulics are exceptional. Larger I.D.s enable Dyna-Flow, and related oo[rpomots, to be dou/D-sizod wilhin the systerr, thus increasing tbe potential for job cost mvings. For completo Hazen- Williams charts, re fer to "Dyna-Flow Hydraulic Data Tablesl' Dyna-Flow producrc are coated with an environrnentally appoved and specially formulated modified-acrylic or water-based coating. This durable coating is paintable. Tbe black coatbg acts as an excelle,nt primer and is resistant to weathering and U.V. degndation from outdoor storage. Metallurgical properties provide excellent fabrication characteristics for end prep finishes, welding and roll grooving. There is no special process or equipment needed for fabrication and installarion, The intemal surface of all black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe prodwts up to 4.5fiX)" in diameler is coaled witb ow new Antibacterial Formulq 'ABF". In scientific laboratory test, ABS provod to have superior resistmce to microbial colonization of pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly preventing the onset of Microbiologically lnfluerced corrosion (MIC) when the First Sprinkler Syslem is fir$ installed. Dyna-FloVSuper Flo pipe is manufac- tr.red to meet ASTM 4-795 Type E, Grade A and is in compliance with NFP.A.- 13 and NFPA-14. All sizes of Dynr FlodSuper Flo are UL Liste4 FM Appnoved and LJLC Listed. @@@ Lisled Approved Listed Dynr-Flov/Super Flo is IJI/ULC Listed for use with roll groovd plain-end couplings, and welded joints for we! dry, preaction and deluge syst€rns. It is FM Approved fc roll groovd plain-end, and welded joints for wet syst€ms. Refor to appropriate doc urneirtation for utrtodal€ listing and approval inforrnation. Dyna- Flou'/Super Flo is now available "hot- dip" galvanized and has been specifically approved by FM for dry systems uses. o system. rt Hro. rr n||a0tl u flf,nEl) milef) ln; rm hrn LEm Kiln L,6/ft Wn Ln rts; TTIJI lis; 91 1,586 9' 719 0.8qt ,.2 1' 25 1.191 30.3 1.31 1.95 r,fl2 p2 I,EEE 856 61 1,356 6t 615 1v,' 32 r,560 7N 1,615 ntr.536 N.0 1.(F9 1.6 1.87 zn 1142 1153 1Yr' 4t) 1.na tt:).9 1.667 2.5 2.71 61 2.135 2"440 1-tB 61 W 1107 1,868 a7 1,946 83 2.104 3.1 3.79 37 t,634 5-61 37 711 2' 2.Xt3 fl 8.0 1,846 ut7 1,923 EN *i 65 27ts 8.7 5.10 7.fi 30 1,615 30 rr3 2.564 3.E 1,il4 7U 1,608 m3.314 u2 7.r8 10.& 3.387 5.0 3' &) 19 1,35r ,9 613 2,124 gff! 4.310 1(p.5 4.473 6.7 10.86 16.16 2,039 925 4' 90 19 l:IU 19 809 . Lightw€ight and easy to install, resulting in morc efficient use of your freight and labor dollars. . Pmvides stability needed to comply with standard hsnger spacing (15 ft O.C.) perNFPA. . Available in Standard lengths for your conve,nience, ot can be ordered in custom lengths upon approval, . Fast cutting and welding, as well as easy roll grooving and end p,reparation. . Available in Factory roll grooved form for quicker shop turnaround. . Clean, dr.nable mill coating provides longer "shelf life" and acts as an excellent primer for custom paint applications. alPofa,"'a"',a Odgd '16100 S. Lathrop. Harvey, lL 60426 11350 Norcdn Rd.. Philadelphia, PA 19154 2525 N. 27 r| A\re. . Phoenix, AZ 85009 Custorner Sewice: (800) 882-5543 Fax 70&339- 1806TUAE t @ir n s2-3 C Tt I Jr Irl E!il:lliJ,"" nffil::: " r]nsta"ation C€nbal Ductib hon tfr€€dod fiUings lrbdel: 811, 812, 813, 8l'+, 815, 816' conform b ANSI 816.3 and de higher in sbengilh and mor€ cofio€ion resisbnt than cast ircn fiftirBs. The additional slrength 'rs provided by the ductile properties making up tho fitting. This is accdnplbhed by adding magnesium rfiile the iron is being pourcd into its final cast shape. This provides an advarilage 6 the fittings are nd as suscsptiHe to leaks or cracfing and they are also lighter than standard cast iron. Caution: Installerc who havg not used ductile ircn thrcaded fitings befor should be iFtructed thlt the fitting is strongor than fte ptpe and over-tightening the fitting can cr€ate leaks and cause darnage to pipe theads. In g€noral, tl|otD ls about onehalf a tum difrr€nca bctrEen ca6t i|on and ductile ircn fittings. Apply Teflon tepe or high quality pipe joint cornpound on the pipe thtcads 8nd tlghten two to three tums beyond hand tight. lf you are using an automatic makF on machlne, please exerclse caution in settlng your machine to the proper parameteF pdor to tightening fittlngs onto the male pipe thrcads. Threaded Fittings Ductile lron ANSI 816.3 Marufacb.€d $ Canhd Gtoowd pifting Ptoducts' lnc. a s|.bidiily of C€ntral Sptinkl€r Coflpany 451 Norti Canrbn Av€nue, tansdde, Pofl|sylvdlia 19446 817, 818, 820, 825' 8258, AppfTefron tape or high quality pipe 827, 830, 719 joint @mpound on th6 pipe threads Style Elbors, Tees, Unions, Caps, and tighbn two to three tu.ns b€yond Extensbn Pkres, Bushings, hand tigtil. Couplings and Plugs ftencfi: Standard Pipe Wrench Thred: N.P.T. Msterial: Duc'tile lron Maximum Wakirg Pressure: 300 Psi WeQht SeeGhrt HApprouals ApFo\rals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M- asca Ccnlnr, Groorrd cubrnitbl cllcct bt extd LHilrylApgoval tntorzrrc,tton-) fo. tt-t.O Cd r.l Grourd Io. O.t.o f AI !10" Elbow llodel811 ali" Ebou modcl 813 Ductllo lrcn T.€ Xodel 8lta Io.al ll2r-r|.---1;1/'l-D--+, In t---tiTIl'i I Flt;' -i. )t t 00" Raduclng Elbow Iodsl 812 90" E5ou - tod.l tlt SE A B Prrt t wt {Dr.t Eoxqrr. 11h '/o E6200 24 ?N 1s/n tl,86205 ..+0 1n 1 11h 86200 .64 70 1,h 1th 1ri.86401 .95 40 1\.1r5/'r l3/t ffiz 1A gt 2 2'h 1'tz 66203 1.74 20 z'h 2111r.'lrh.8M 324 10 Elbou - Slzc A B c D P.rt J It. lb.. Bor at'. Yrx 1/r lrln 'l rlt 5/r 86342 .33 160 1 x '/''tth 1'lt 86210 -41 1'10 l xrA '| Yr 1'tr 8621'1 .53 90 l1/r x 1/r 15lrr ltlz 86212 .64 75 11/r x V.1rlt 1tl;1rlt 86213 .75 60 1lhx1 1t/n 1rr/l 1 *214 .77 55 I 1/r I %11lz 1Y.tl,1Vu 96221 .95 45 1th x. 1 lrlt l rYt 86215 .99 40 ltlz r 11h 111.l.1th 1'tt 1t/n 86216 'l .11 35 2 x tlt 'l5lt '115/r r%86217 1 .39 30 2x1 1th 21t,r 2 1tl t 86218 '1.58 25 2 x 11lt 2 2t,.tr 11lt 1r,t aJzm 1.67 20 2'lz x 2 2th 26lt 11h 1th 86262 3.0't 't57 45" Elbou - Iod.l Elt Sta A B Prt t WL lF..l 3ora. \a lrr 86780 2t2 2g! '1.1 ,ht 86781 .3l 150 1 f/.rYrr 86280 .44 90 1'/.15/u _rr 66281 .73 50 1'lz lt,!tr E6,?',2 .gl 35 2 1ir/rr 86283 1.55 1E 2V.115L 1 86782 2.m '12 T.a - Iod.l tla Stsr A B Prt t wt. (Dnl Bor art' ltlt 86340 .st 150 1s/ro th 86341 .50 90 11lt 88230 .85 60 11h 1%'l'/r s231 1.30 35 1'tz 1r1r 1t,i,86,232 1.63 21 2 2th 11lz 86233 2.A?12 2\tz 2ttlla 1Drrl 86234 455 8 --11_+-lI t-1-i-."i IB ttt \-,1:lI tiH+li-)ti'- litI I+ i .-llI lr-L-\LIi- -:---i I tlodel815Ductlle lron Tae - Sb.A a c o E F P..t a wt Lb.. 8ox Ay. tht thxllt 1tl*'ltlt 1'h 5h 86235 .46 95 %x%x1 'l ?/rr lrl.v 1rh 86755 .88 65 I x 'r,r 'l 1'tz 1%1'tt 86236 .70 55 1 xtltxllz 1'lt lthr 1?i v'."t,,',"86756 .63 80 1 x Yrr s/.1t/r 15&1t hl 7h 86757 .68 65 1r%xl 1'lz 1'lz tt/to 6/t.86237 .77 55 l xl xt/,'t1h 1,h 1th v"rr'"rYro 86238 .66 65 1r'lrV.1rr.ltla 1t/.'86239 .73 60 1t1t1'1.1'tlr'lolr 1 86210 .97 45 1r1x1rA rt/:1't/r 1'1.1'A lIt 86211 1.14 35 1lh xl x1lz 11s/re 1'h l '/!!t/"1 8&42 .El 50 11/rxlxY.1r ht 11!,1'lc &43 .90 50 1rr.x1x1 lt/'r 11lz 1"/n ,h 8e4:l 1.O3 45 1rlr x 1r 1rlr 1V.1111t 1?.'I r/r 1 1'/n 86245 1.10 40 11h t 1t11lt 1th 1t3h 1t'ht 'l'lll 1,h 1'ha 2A246 1.43 30 lth r,tlh xltz 1Vr Ith ltl:l 1 4 247 .87 45 1tlr x 1'/. r Yr ltlr ltl.'.15/r ?.1 rnr 86248 .96 45 I tr. x 1tr. x'l I e/rr 1elt rln 1 6249 1.10 40 1'h x'l1h x 1ih 1,h 1,h I rlrr 11'h 1'/rr 8625{l 1.50 30 'l1h x 11h 12 21la 2th 2 ltllu 1th 1'/r 86251 2.@ 24 1lh x'l xlh 'lr,,|15t.r 1"/r 1'h 'l61ts2 .97 40 lrt,r1xt..|,h 1%1%1!r,r 86253 1.14 40 11/zx1xl l5/l 11lz 1'Vt 86254 1.14 30 11lz x 1 r'll/z 1'?x 1s/n 1:r!6 1.h ltlt 86255 1.52 30 1'/r x 1rft x!/r 1?l'r 151*'I"h 'l, tt 40257 1.O3 rr0 1 r/r r 11/r x t/r 1th 1t hr 'lth v.tl,1t/'r 86256 1.10 40 'l'hx11hx1 lr.,b 1"n l rt/rr ,h ,h 11lt 84259 r.31 30 ltlz x 111: x2 2""21h ?'l r/r 'l'/rc tY.E6260 1.94 20 ltlz x1lhr1lz 1rltt 1rl*1rr/n 1'/r 86261 1.14 35 1'h xllh'tth 1th 1!e 1%'h th 1Vil 86262 1.23 35 11la I ltlzx 1 1t/r 1t/.llYt 1'/r 86263 1.38 30 11la x lthx 11lt 1t/ra 113/r,'lrl.1'/ts 1rlrr 1Vt 86264 1.50 30 1'h xlth x2 29/r 2'lr,2 11,r 1't*'ltlt 86265 2.OO 2i 2x1x2 21h 2 211,11lt 16/rc 1t lz 86266 2.18 't5 2 x'111, x2 21h 2'lt 21h 11lz ltha 11lz 86267 2-31 l5 2 x 11lzx tlz 11lt 111'l 1'tt 1th 86208 1.50 30 2 x 1'h xrl.15h 1'tz 'I r'/t'ltlc 86m9 1.61 25 2x lthx'l 1V.1sh 2 15ha 86270 1.65 20 2x ltlzxltlz 21k 1i5/r,?tr 131t 1Yt 1th.86.27?2.0:t N 2'i1tl,x2 2tlt 2tk 21h 'lt h lrha ltlz 86273 2.31 15 2x2x'lr 1th 1th 1.h sh 1th.86?22 1.50 30 2x2x'lt 'l5r!15h 1't/"7h rh 11r 86.A?3 1.67 20 2rZx 1 1tk 1V.2 1 1 1slrt 86224 1.91 20 212x 11h 1th 'n.2'lt 1',h ltlt ltht 86i,25 2.05 20 2xZx11h 2 2 ?tt 11h 111.ltlz 86?,2A 2.11 15 2 x2 x2th 2th fh 2rla 1rh 1%ltht 8{l227 3.67 10 2tlex2 x'h 1'h 1%?t,t 1th 86'271 2.2,15 r RGduclng Coudlt{ lodel 816 - [odsl El6 SID A B P.n a wt lD*l Bor att lxrA 6'm 1,h .38 N 'Irrt '1Yr ',s'i229 11h .!t:t tlo Cro3. - fod.l 8l? SID A B c D ht Ut 0b.-) Bor au. 1 1'tz 1'lz t%tt/r"86284 .97 45 11t,,lrh 1rh 11l.r ltllr 862&5 1.59 25 1',tz 1t5,:|1r5/r l t/t 1Yt.86286 L89 20 2 21lt 2tl.1'tt ltlz 862E7 2.93 10 11h r 1'llr'l x1 1r'/r 1'lrr I 1t 8628S r.25 30 ltlz x'l'lz t1 t1 l rYr 15lt 1rlr 1'5lrr 8ij3i,2 1.48 24 2x2x1 2 1'l:11/.1rlr:E6291 2-O4 t0 - Iodel 3b A B H'Wrrrch WL (a*! 8or qtr. 't,'l'lt 72779 1"!.18 3€O 1'1.72774 I'A .a an 1 't Y{%72t55 1rr/t .4 110 1,h 2 %.72754 2 .31 75 11lt zrtr t2153 21h .11 60 2 2tl.1'A 72152 4h 1.15 30 21lz 3 %7275€3PA 2.29 1E T 1 Slr.hht Cor|pllng Iodol818 r_=+---I i -i--r I I [--j-----i---T--l I I cep Xodel8m - Xod.l &m 3b.A h, UT tD$ Bo[ au. th 727f6 .15 500 1 f27f7 .2 3{)0 'l 1tlt 72a24 .33 180 11lt I rrrr 72756 .54 110 11lt t%72422 .68 80 2 1'tt 72823 ,96 45 21la 1V.728i,.5 1.E0 25 o mf^l __I-illll t at--T-t-.]^'ffi1 Ertcrslon PIGC. l|odcl 825 & &l5B HGr Bushing model 827 Irrca Sc|l Duatfla lrcn Unlon Hodol 83O model 7'19 Duc{ile llon Plug Iodcl 719 Exonilon Pbca - flodel 9lr.A Prnf wr (tb.) 8or arv. tlzrltlz 1'tz 72751 .m 300 tlzt2 2 72980 27 2s0 tir 1%,|'h 7298'l .n 2il tlt12 2 7398:l .31 200 Brar Ern|lon PLc. - Iodd 8254 'lzt1 7zgt?6 .08 600 tlztllh 11h 72A27 .10 490 1ht11lz ltlz 72828 .13 490 1lzx2 2 ?2445 .18 2g tl*.21h 211h zt46 .22 2q) Hsr Bushlns - fodel 8ts A Prt t UT {bi} Box atv. 1 r'/r 1'/rl 72726 22 2& 1 r?r 11ht 72742 .18 28 11|rr1 l Vrr 72743 .31 150 11/rr 1 11h 72757 53 10 1'lzr'1'h 11h 72764 .35 1m 2r1 1'h 72759 .75 80 2 r,ltt.1V.727e1 .6t 80 2t1'tz 1th 727t5 .62 80 Brar3 Seat Unior - nodel 8:10 sb A E PTt. m. 0b|.l Box ao. 1th 86.m7 -47 1to 2 86275 .66 80 1 ?h.1i^6 86276 1.6 50 11lt 21h 'lt ht 8627f 1.9 35 1'tz 4lt lVr l,6278 2.Gt 25 2 3'A 1!/r 86279 3. t5 18 Ductlle hon Pluq - Sts A ha wt. lbsl Bor Sr. 86292 .10 soo ,h 'tv.862qt .18 3m 1't.8629'l 28 2@ 1,h 1t/r 86295 .50 110 1,h 1,h 86296 -70 80 2 ltlt 86297 .90 45 I -Gare &0rdering llllaintenanoe lnformation Ductile iron threaded fittings do not require special on{ping mainte- nance. However, the entire system must be maintained in accordance with NFPA Standrd 25 ent'tbd, "lrcpedion, Tes,tfig end knnbtan@ of Water-Beg€dFirePm'4;t*n Sysfems'. O1994 Coniral Sprinlder Compeny Prlnted ln U.S.A. Ordering Information: When placir€ an order, indicate the full product name. Please speciry the quantity, modet ard style. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories and other produc{s de available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and inler- nationally, thrcugh a nelwotk of Cenhal Sprinkler d islri bution centers. You may nvrite direclly to Central Sprinl.ler Olmpany, or call 215-362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will reoair and/or reolace any products found to be defective in material or workmanshio wilhin a period of one -vear fom the dale of shipment. Please refer to the cun€nl price list for further details of the wananty. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm I foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = O.45'3'6 k9 I foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.OGB9 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm2 Conversions are approximate. ffi .- Gentral Sprinkler Gompany .151 N- Canrsr Avsnuo, Lrnsdde, PA 19446 Pttd€ (21q 3e-0700 FA)( (215) 362-5385 D.l. Scwd.1 Grooved Fittings Ductile lron. 90" Elbow . 45" Elbow. Tee . GaP. Goncentric Reducer ilanufiactur€d blr Cg|H Groot €d Piting Roducts, Ina, a Subsidiary of CenFd Spridd€r Coopany 451 Norh Cannon AwnrF, Larsdde, Pen EIil*l,T,,* nredrnical The Cenbal Groovd fitings provftte a fiast effc€nt method of charging direclion, adding an outlet, rcducing, or capping grcoved pipirg qctems. They arc available in afl sizss up thorough 12" and up|o24" by spe&l oder. They are intended b. use wiih Cenhal Groorred couplings. They are listed wilh roll groorred scftedule 10, and roll or cut grcoved scfiedule 40. Hodel tt0rzlO 9C Eboil ltlodel: 110, 111, lru, 150, 160,201, 210, 219,260 Styb: Grooved Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M. Gt- hr,eoor.tsa.r .t L- tu.|''r,.[biqFa,tn.inl fila. trJorkirq Pressre: il)o psi (4350 bar) Standerd Finbhes: C'alv€nized s notl' bad trange Paint Iodcl 11ll 2Ol f5" Elbor .N,FF-\Ac I i'-'..-.._\lr-T-----1 -\ Ge? Weift See cfnrt Gr@v€: Standard Groow (s€e groove specifi cation sheet) Material: ASTM A536 Ductile lron H ApproYals Cenral Groov€d fittings are U.L. Lisied end F.M. Approwd. (S.e Crrcrr, Aoord*rJailtr, clirrnfu.lrr.',tl-bttrgllproalleanrtion) todel l2Ol2tO Tee rlv _T A _t ]{om.glr. fim A lnchea rm Pln I srd. Prr a Giv. W.lgftt Lbr. E 11h &2 2th $.c 72010 7213S 1.3 &a 'lltz 4) 2th 4.9 720'11 72't&1.4 lr7 2 50 3I. &LA 72012 72111 2-O o3 2th &t 3l| 4'J 72013 72't42 2A 13 3 u) 4ft roao 72011 72113 4.7 27 4 lm 5 127.O 72051 7214 7.6 aa 5t8 c12 xlg.7 72016 72799 10.8 tas 6 1g) 8lz t55. t 72017 72145 18-0 a2 8 2(n 7.h 19'.9 72018 72146 30.0 13.6 10 2g I 4.6 72198 75656 49.0 22 12 gn 1o 25a O 72199 75657 EE.O 3l9 No|t|. lllr. A lndra. PJt ,s.Prrt t G.ht, W.lgftt LDr. b 111. &2 1rh45 75201 N/A 0.9 aa 11lt 4 1V. 45 752O2 752()9 1.O os 2 g) 2 ma 7211'l 72170 1.e a7 21h 65 2'h 5r2 f21'12 72171 2.2 1-O 3a ?,h 63.5 72114 72172 3.3 'J1lo3 762 72114 72173 5.3 21 5 18 3,h 8J2,6 72117 72'171 7.7 J.' 6la t9 721',15 72175 12.O 5a I ffi 4,h ,42 72116 72176 200 91 t0 zn 4th 120.7 75200 75210 29.0 t3,tl 12s 5'/. tsaa 7s203 f 521'l 44.0 m.o tlom, SE A lndra3 P.n t sld. Prt t Gdv. W.lgt Lb!. to 1tl. g2 ?h a9r 72124 72147 1.5 o.7 'l'lz t0 ?t. 699 72129 72148 2.1 1_O 2 g) 3'h a.a 72't?1 72149 3.0 1_1 21lz at 3V. 95.3 12125 721s0 5.0 2.3 3n 41lt ,lt 721?3 72151 7.0 3_2 4 ltn 1?f 721?,.72152 11.7t3 5ta 5',, 1'o.7 72120 72',t53 16.8 ,.6 6 19, 6'A 165.1 72123 72154 27.6 125 I zn 7th t96.9 72119 72155 39.O 17.7 10 zia 9 z&a 754@ 74500 64.0 E_O 12 fr 10 254 75401 74501 110.O r&9 to.tlr.O illodel l5O Goncentric Rcduccrr rr---l | .'-------\]-F- l{om. Slre mn A P.rt I $d. ha G.tY. S.hN{ Lb3 lo 3x2 Nx& 21lz 83.5 7't863 73407 1.6 07 3 x2t12 a,rl,j' 21lz 6A5 72865 734{'8 11 o3 4x2 nx$ J 742 72470 73411 2A t3 4x2'h 100 t 85 1 m2 772 73r'12 2.4 4x3 llDx U ? 742 72873 73413 2.9 ,.1 6x3 15Ox 80 4 101_6 72s26 734.17 5.9 27 6x4 t&r 1m 4 tol.6 72883 ?3416 0.0 2t 8xo tux1tu 5 12f 728€,8 734.21 11.0 50 nn$allation These groo\red fifrirEs ale install€d with Cenbal Grooved couplings. The installation instruclions for the grooved coupling must be followed as if the fifting was a piece of Yr r^rvaru Ptl,|t tg. Note: Piping slEtems must always be deprcssuriz€d and drained beforc ailempting to disassemble or remove any piping component. todel 100126O GaP Gare & Maintmanoe The Cenbal Groved ffings do not require special orFgoing maintenance. Hor rever, the entire system must be maintained in accordance with NFPA Standard 25 entitled,'lnspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water- Based Fire Protection Systems'. Ordering lnformation Ordering Inbrmdion: when placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model and style. Availability and Service: Cenlral sprinklers, valves, accessories and other products are available lhrough- out the U.S. and Canada, and inlerna- tionally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call 21$362-0700 for the disbibutor nearesl you. Guarantee: Central Sorinkler Gompany will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year fmm the date of shipment. Please refer to the cunenl price lisl for further details of lhe warranty. Conversion Table: 'l inch = 25.400 mm I foot = 0.3048 m 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kglcrn': Conversions are approximat€. EENTRAL - Gentral Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Av€nu€, Lansdale, PA 19446 PHONE (215) 362-0700@1997 Central Sprinkler Company Prinled i'r U.Sri. Xqn. slD A ffiiaa P.rt t lsd. Pr.t I G.lv. FItt W,T!P w.ltht Lbt" b 1,h 32 2.2 72160 72177 N/A 0.3tt 11ha 2:2 72161 72174 N/A 0./+ 02 2g,z:2 72162 72179 72500 o.7 aL' 2th a5 222 721A3 721N 72501 1.O a1 3a 222 72164 72141 7250'2 1.5 0.7 4 1U lla 222 72165 7AA2 72503 2-5 1.1 5 1A aa 7z',t0€72143 N/A 4.6zt 6 1g I 6,1 72'106 721EI.721@ 7.0 32 In)1Ytg)2 72187 7na5 7EU 125 5.7 t0a,ltlt att 721EG 7219s N'A 20.0gt 12U lth 3t, 72141 72196 N'A 26.rt xLo Model A 2.8r 4.2r 5.6 & 8.O K-factor Standard Response Standard Goverage Upright & Penttent Pendent Fusible Solder Type Automatic Spdnkler Tyco Fir€ Producls - www.c€ntralspinkler.com 451 North Cannon Av€nu€, Lansdal€, Pennsylvania 19445 - USA Custorner Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 / Fax: (215) 362-5385 EENTRAL - Technical Services: Tet:381-g-a-{2 / Fax: {800} 791-5500 General dfietu u sqilfu nztfunr dutHbdlffit*Mb{ry CrsdirE Description Technical The C6nhd [\rdd A Upright & P6r'd€nt AJbrnatic Spdrlders ar€ standard rcsponse - $andard correrage, fuside sokbr typ€ spray sgir{dtrs de*Ited tur use in fight, o.dimry, ot exta M, ommercid odlpd|cbssudr as badG, hoHq strcpfing nralb, lacb.bs, Efin€r- ieq chsrical dants, elc. Thes€ sprinlders are avdble wilh wax and l€ad coatirEs lhat may bo ulilzed t) e)(bnd tt|e lib of copper doy sp{hlders be!,sld trat wt|in r,r/odd oilrrwbe be obtain€d when erpoGed lo csrmive atr$ptts€s, Atlough wax and lead @t€d sp.hHeF have o6s€d lhe standad cottcifi bsts of the applicaHa 4proval ag€rlci€s, t|e bsliE is not EpresentatirrB dal possido cofist€ atnosphd€s. Consequm0y, it b lecornrnarded tEt the end uss be ssdbd wih rcspeti b tE suilatttty of th€se @.rosim resiffi mlirgs ftr any girrcn corwi\,€ erviormont The eftds of arntient bmp€ratuie, cd|cenHirt d drernizls, and g6s&fsd{:al velocity, strouh be cqsilercd, s a minimum, ddg witr he cdrodr/e rEt s cf th€ chemt:al tr wtri.tt tte sp.i*ks rNill be exp@o. Operadon: A fudbb *y b s€# inb a brorze adlding tod (drbr sfr4 by a sldrless sb€l bal. YYh(| |ho doy rdb atitsraH rnp€raht€,t|o bl bffi uplrad inb th€ €rts stut r€lair€ t|e tit,oeFtrsad opralirg tn sgirk }YAffi TlatUelAcwpn&M$i> tde,sd€g&€d rweh m!'D€iffi ild rd,ffiheryEwwilrtisfurtsrt e6vrd'swl'|rBq@ffittbdUEtMFreWrn A's@idi''', hdl*nbilEffid aiy ds atdp/ili.s lE'/iry irirtfrnF&N b b e,rwy irw* Sn tgny d fiesa&i6as rFdr'ltrbrry.lstrfumffi t c*fre,'ffir,nsysFn an d'tiF6hpwr Wariry d)drn lfr irt*qg Data Spriddcr ldnlifrcrlim ltffcr Sl{ C1211 - A Psnd (K:23) S$l Cl111 - A UP (K=2.8) SIN C2211-AP6nd (K42) SIN C2111 - A UP (K=4.21 9N C3211 -AP€nd (K=5.6)' stN ci!111 - A UP (Kd.6)' SIN C4211 - A Pqrd (K{.0)' srN c4111 -A UP (K+.0)' SIN C4911 -A Perd (K4.0, 1/Z NPT)' stN c4811 - A UP (K{J, 121', NPT}' AppEvCr UL & ULC List6d. FM, LPIC, VDS, NYC Apgoved (Rd6rb Tdb 1-4. Therytovab apCy orly b fie sdvics drllims inrlcabd in lhe Darip criEia Sedbn) Iulmrn Wortng Praaam 175 Fi (141 bar) 250 trE (17,3 bt) UL & ULC (K=5.6) ftcTllrrd Gonnc:iion 1/'2 inch NPT {K=2.7, 42,5.6 & 8.0) Uir incfi NPT - (K=8.0) tI.drag!Co.fi.td K = 28 GPM/psira (403 LPlrl/bar'a) K = 42 GPll/bsitz (60,5 LPilibarrz) K = 5.6 GPf /psira (80,6 LPil,b#z) K = 8.0 GP rbsitp (116,8 LPir/beda) Temperatur€ Ratings 165 Fn4C, 217F I 1 flFC, 286F/141 rc Finishes Sprinkler: White Polyester, chrome Plal6d, or Natural Brass Conosion R€ei8tant Goalings Sprinkl€r: wax, Lead & Wax-over-Lead 'H..dGu-d EWfi.$rad.l: e2 (eEd)- (K=s'G t K+.0) lJp t totd ttYSG2 (qlad a Sli#) - (K4.0) up WS-2 (Sti€ld) - (K=5.6) Pendent FdryAssdrH lffilAffirnad lt/bdd A rf,L Sli# - (KdG & K{.0} (Sea If# Standard Spray Upright & Pendent Sprinklers ftysiod CharacCristics The lvlod€l A Up.itrl E Pend€nt SpnrF ldem ulilize a dezincificatbn resistent (DZR) bm6 ftane and a brass d€fledtr. The waErway is sealed wih copper seal disK and th€ tusible assdnuy is con- sELEtd of b,or@ and slainl€ss st€d mnpa|€nts. I ,..}lE-Ln' No. 1-l,0 ? Upright o fodelFigurel-ilodelA Sprinkler 1n' or 314' Figure3'CrcssSection llodel A, Upright Sprinkler DEFLECTOR SEAL DFK Figure 2 -A, Pendent Sprinkler Figurc rf - Gont*ratim SprinkbrWencfi (Pad #1106) ,"-"" T . FLAT I,/lnl 2-9rle (65,1 mml 1/? or 3//1' NPT Design Griteria The lrrod€l A Uprift & Pildflt Shklo|sa€SbKH Rwnse, Stildad Co\r€rage Sptay Sp|iddcs inbnded for fil€ pohdkn qrsbms &*ln€d haod(h|@ wih he standard hs{dalin nJes rmgrid by tho 4$c*le LidiB cApgo\rC agsry. Th6 2.8, 4e 5.6 &8.0 K+eff, lt od€l A Shklds (Ref. Tat e 14) de Ul- ULC U$d ad NYC Appror€d tu use hffi darEe wih drrst NFPA sla(dflG. Th€ 2E 5.6 & 8.0 K+atur, ttiod€l A SprhH€(s (Ref. TaUe 1-{) a6 FM Apgored br use h acconbrce wih the FM Lcs PEi/trriidr Daia StEb. Th€ lrrodd A Sp.hkleB can be us€d with eny rneHic fi $h or €)ddd€d srtfi sr, pwktad he naxim,rn cdlrE b bp of sF[hldd dd€(br Cr€fidd| sp6dli6d h NFPA 13is m*{dnd. Fo( rwd Adizlirns, see oata Sh€et tzo (K=28'a2 & 8.0) & 1€.0 (Kds) tor deldb. tptE ,qtb d€ttg tE#ryi€GssdvaaH&qh*bstua !!nr aane andurne'rtshS Desrffid b rhe ab.&r d te Tdrtd sfli:|'s hrtrat Yl&uwffi ryi*rsae nrlsr* tol,.E h Wlg*i&+ffins f '4lnstallationLA Tho lrlodol A Upright & P€ndent Sp.inlders must b€ installed in accor- darce with th6 Slol ing instuctions. rrtrEs A,*tirfif2 hd, ilPf ryrtntrritint sluddbe obo*rd wft a b,cn d 7 b 11ft,E, (9,5 b 19,O Nn). Atwi'| tl d 2t fi'ts. (4,5 *n) db4FE bb Oe rFdb ihsfal 1t2 itrdt NPf *ra'*las. A H( W 3/1 ind, NPT q''*bt itt* shotffDe oo{a,tod vi& e lotr|n d 10 bnfto6,.(13,4b6,8Mn). A nwtrumd$ftD6'. (n7Mn)d erqr b b de used b rts',' 3/1 itd, NPf ryidrbn f&rrtr br,€b of brqrE mrydusbrt fre Spri4kr il?/',t witl dlseqtsf tsa&gl9 d i'Be''flp,tof ete epirrfbr. Shp 1, Upright spdnkl€rs must b€ install€d mly in t|e up.ight poGilim and p€ndont sprinklers must be installed mly in h€ pend€nt position. Th6 dd€.ior is to be peralld to lhe cd[ng, (6f, 6 rnounting swfaca, as applicabb. Slep 2. Wth pip€ thGad sealant eppli€d b t|€ pip€ fireads, hand tighten th€ sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Sbp 3. Tighten lhe sprinkl€r into th€ spdnkl€r ttling using only lh€ Combina- tion Wr€ndr (Ref. Figure 4), €xc€pt that an 8 or 10 inch adiustable Cr6s@nt rryrondr is to be used for ,raax coat€d (con'tu/Fdo,'-'€ge{) o K-factor SprinklerslTeble I - Laboratory Lislings and ApprcYals (2.8 Table 3 - ltboratory Listings and Approvals (5.6 K-factor Sprinklers) SPRI}IXLER FIT{ISH Pondont md Uprlght Tempcraturc Ratlng Fname Golor Gode llstural Bress GhromePlabd PolY€.terCdrbd Leed Coat€d WaxCo.t .l lVax Over ]-e.d Coated 165.Ft74"C thF-rH 1,3,46,7,8 1,3,4,6,8 1,8 1,3,4 1,3'1,4 21?Ft1trJ"C wtib 1.3,.1,6,7,8 1,3,4,6,8 1,8 1,3,4 1,3,4 1,4 a6PF/141"C Bf.F 13,4,6,7,8 1,3,4,6,8 1,8 1,4 2,5 2 Table 4 - LaboEtory Listings and Approvals (8.0 K-factor Sprinklers with 1/2" or 3/.t' NPT) SPRII{KLER FINISH Pendentand Upright Temperaturc Retlng F|Em€ Golor Gode Naturel Brms Chrcme Plabd FohrqSrCdard toad Coated Wax Goated IUax (hrer tead Goated 16SF//4qC Urpd#t,3,4,6-,r"E 1,3,4,8 1,8 1,3,4 1,3 I z1?Ft1trPc vtltib t,3,4,6*,r,8 1,3,4,8 1,8 1,3,4 1,3 1 rcFn41"C Bf.E 1,3,4,6-,r,8 1,3,{,8 1,8 1A 2,5 2 Notea: 1. List€d by Und€rwitors Leboratorios, F|c. 6. ^Pqr.o^fg by ltt€ Loss Pre\rention Council 2. Usted bi Und€rwrib.s Lebdatdi€s, Inc. b. maximum - (United Kingdornl . . - 1 50"Fr66f anbbtt t€mp€ratur€s. 7. Apgoved by V. ert and d€r Schad€t dsid|€rar 3. List€d by Undermiters' Laborabies of Canada. 8. Appoved by the City of N€r ' York under BSA 375-7$SA f. ipproved by Eacbry Mutuai R€s€srd| gorporeton._ .Uprilht Only 5. Apploved by F-acbrytlutual Research Corporaton br *ruoiapproJeA *th 1/2' NpT maximum 150"F/68'C an$ient t€mperatur€s. SPRINIGER FI}IISH Penddt md Updght TemperaturE Raflng Frame GolcGo<le lleturalB||ss Chrome P|,fbd Le.d@.bd WarCo*e.l War Clver l.o.d Coated 166"F74qC t-kFirH 1,3,4"8 1,X4"8 1,8 1,3,4'1,3 1 21?Ft1WC wiib 1,3,4"8 1,3,4',8 1,8 1,3,4'1,3J.1 rcFn4JC BtE 1,3,8 13,8 1,8 2 2 Table 2 - Laboratory Listings and K-factor SDI SPRIilXLER FIIIISH Pefldentild Upright TcmpGrdurc Ratlng Frame Color Code llahrral Bra6s Gh?oflr€Pl#d Polycabr Gtrabd Lod Go.ted Wax Coat d Wax Over l-ead Goated 165Frt4qc trp*5 1,3,8 1,3,8 1,8 1,3 1,3 I 212Ft1WC vlltib 1,3,8 1,3,8 13 1,3 1,3 1 rcH14'.tc BfF 1,3,8 1,33 1t 1 2 2 FiliHnl'fr.nf,! sprinlders. Wth r€fr.€n€ b Figure 1 & 2, both th€ Co.nbinalbn ll\ltench and th€ adiustad€ Cr€s€nt w€ndr ar€ b be applied to the wranch flals onl-v- Wh6n installing wax coaied sp.inkl€rs with th€ adlustabl€ CrBso€nt un€nch, additimal cars n€ods to be ex€rcis€d b pr€v€nt damag€ to th€ vuax @ling ql th€ sprinkler wrench flats d ftarE a.rns and, mnsequenty, elecure of bare m€tal lo th€ concive environrnent. Th€ jaws of th€ \M€ndr shorid be opened sufficiently wicle to pass orer the wrench flab without darnagir€ the wax coaling. BefoE wt€ndr tightening f|€ sp.inlder, th€ iaws of the wrondr ar€ to be adiusted to just contact th€ sfinkl€r wrench flats. Afr€r wrench tighbning the sprinkler, looson the rflrench iarxs bebre removing the wrench. After installalion, lh€ spdnlCer wrerrfr flats and fanE arms must be inspect€d and the wax coating retoucfi€d (re- paireci) whenever u',e ccerjc.g i"es i:eer dameg€d and bare rn€tal is expos€d. The wax coating on the u,rendr flab can b6 r€loudrcd by gen[y applying a heated '!./8 indl dbnlgt--. slee! rL"l i,r llie arsas of wax that har/e b€€n darnaged, to smooth it bad( over areas where bare metal is o(po6€d. ,no7Es Ortyr*tc'irgtfiewdtElaMbilEMr nGead firnEnrc E pe|ftIrftd,a''dt,pre&{d'igit,obpffiot tyatt,'lttt.dfrF hib, Iri4r&r ltsilaldirr. Tl'e9i€€/tods,p/./,dDE,'E6dotrtyb ,fu Fin atwhilr il@t b(inbnF,t llE}lf,x, arrd aryrbb p,mlbns n€€d'o b&q wlcn ffiigt|?g- IEatd td, in otfu b ,/er,€'X rlc inffilbrttan bcing blmed. ffa/frll'ry/slolcbrdttlrrexocdirg wiha afrEowqc &Et'lsr@s9 fult &itixg/l w d, b o(M in nE fqn of a timx Mt Care shaf !e are.cbadbasfl. r l/?pdtlE WaWbmQtatua w M( bd*f8d.OtWtl76@'tfr@,xcHbbb ttsed', an tffiirftly dnirenctt rbts at'd f?'sn'6 a,n$ b onty d|t M d ttF time of inihl sprilrltls'rffin. VlilltltcsEdrdhcefrds ptevbsty dascrbed, hdr rAa td b nE *gtBqfJfilgffi|sxwl,hllc td arytd brr*wrd, andttw)btdt I opft*n of tl?€ tig. bbck b &e |od aryufirn,ff,y uldtil inft aqy fiorr tlsara rqth'rrg,Bhdri€L 7he nr w t trBl, and run&wndlp*ttE sphkbr. Gare &Limited Mainbnanm Warranty The tuml A Uprigl* & F€ndent SptrF ld€rs must be mdntaild ad s€Nicod in acuthce wiut tp bloryiE irstuciins. rctE; lbaedancadtst *ttitf b used b@rga lr'E-b4,ftrtn he fttsldn 8€trecfu*geiepr*c&rqaann*tqfrd',pfuttfusEtok drils&epotr'4rqaF|r f a'tog pemis*xr b sh, bnr tc ful fre trG'i'l sjrsFnr trust0e o&ipd fom ilE Frye,lffii,s. N 'gtgrEl t'/tb rqbffibyr*dlmnrBtbe,tffi Spml.,lars u,t*$ ar€ furnd to b€ lekirE or o<hibiting vidde signs of co.rosion nn|st b€ Fpbc€d. A.iornalic spir*hrs rnuS rEYs b6 shipp€d a sb|€dwt|do hdrbrpm- ues wil €)oeed 1mF/38"C td hey rrust rFvs be pdnbd, dabd, @abd or c{itrwise aiised afts leatirg i1e facicy. [iodified spdddss rnrst be |?bcod Spa'nld€rs t|at ha\,€ be.r eDQc€d b @|rogve p|odlcis cf csnbuslirn, hn have ncieerahd, $ruH be rcpki if heycamrbeocnd#yds|d by wittrE th€ spti*b wih a ddr a by bn dilg ilr 'ih a sofi Uis[e bn utt. Car€ mrs be €scis€d b aroil darqp - b€tu€, drilg, a|d ahr iEtdbtl'|. Strnld€rs danr€€d by drcpfilg, sbfdng, t/}r€r|d| twbusfppagg, 6 the ll(e, nud be redacd. Fl€quont visral irFpadidts d€ rsdrF rnmded b be irithly p€rfu.m€d fur t ta( d|dhrl€d c@l€d sfri*lers, atur he insidalkn tl6 b€€.r combed, o veriry he int€grity of he \Ex and/tr lead coalirE. Ther€#., anud irFp€dions p€r NFPA 25 $orjd $fice; lpirE\r€r, insH of irFp€clir€ froan th€ floor levd, a rardom samdirE ddGeup visud hspedics shold b6 mde, so 6 tc b€ttr ffinine lho exact spri*b cond&m and the bng tfln inbgfiity of he waxdddl€dc@ting, as it mayb€ afrcbd by th€ qru*v6 cdditqls pres€nl The ou,rH is r€spoarslCe ba tE inspc- lim, t€sliE, ard rnairl€nJr ct fdrfit€ frfeab rysgn ad d€\,i{Fs in orplam wih tis dmrrn t,6 lrr€ll6 with the apCi:ad€ stsdads d lhe l,laliord Fire fficim Associalin (€.9., NFPA 25), in addtim tc tp sEdads d ary olher aJthaiti€s havi€ jtrisdi:lbn. The instaltrE drtacbr fr spainklor rEruIac0rG. stnJd be cantacbd r&tivB banyqlslil|s. ft is t€onmendd that artdnatic sprhHs sysEns b6 insp€cbd, ffid, and nrahLn€d by a quaffd hsp€clm Ss/i6. Prcd.Eb rnanubd.rr€d by T),to Fir€ Prod.Eb are wananbd sd€ly to tho didnal Buy€r tor tm (10) yeas 4dmt de_.h..ls in rnate.ial and ur(rl('n shift wtEn fFid fu rd proporty ir|sblled and rnairrtahed mder nonnd us€ and s$/ica. Thb \ |dr4lty will e)q*€ tfi (10) y€ats idn dale d sfiprnent by T),to Firs P'odrcb. l,lo wararty is gir,sr br poducis a componants marufactlrsd by comfdes ml affiiabd by o tn€Ghip witl Ty€o Fne Poducts or ficr p'od.rcts and co@onents wtrk*r ha/e b€€n slJti€ci to misrse, irnproper irsblhtim, coarslion, or wtidr ha\,€ not been hsbfled, maintain€d, rnodin€d d r€{rdrcd in acco.dance wih apfficdl€ Standads oi th€ Natbnd FltB RofrBdim Associati$, ard/or th€ stmdards of atry o&|€r Artlptiti€s Having Judsdirlim. tvlabrbb ficund by Tyco Fire Pruilcis tc be debdive shai be €rtilea r€p*ir€d tr r€daced, at Tyro Fir€ RoducNs'sde odbn. Tyco Fir€ Prodrds ndth€r assrn€s, nor authoaizes any perscn !o mrne iq it, any ofrr ot lgatbn in cdneciixr wih th€ sale of prducb or parF of pIoducb. Tlrco Fite Producb shall not be responsble fur sprinider sleFn d=in eflors a imcu- rab c incoflpleb hturna|ilr srpdi'd by erys c eryrt rcgesentatives. hI NO EVENT SFIALL TYCO FIRE PROOUCTS BE LABLE, IN COI+ TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABIUTY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. FOR I'ICDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSECUET.ITAL DA'I'AGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IABOR CMRGES, REGARDLESS OF W}.IETHER TYCO FRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSF BIUTYOF SUCH DAI\NAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PROD UCTS LIABIUTY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. Flordering Itfllnlormation Ordai4g lnfonmlion: Wh€n pbcirq an dd6r, irdicab thefill p|odud nano. Pl6e sp€ciry the quanlity, nrodd, sryle, aifie sia, brnp€raue ralirE, t)n€ cf frish tr codi.E, and s{ridd€r wg|dr. R*r tc Fric€ Isl fcr cdnC€t€ lisltrE ofH Nurrbe.s- T*tbaffi(dtuAtM@g rtcFffi[flftrwrnRrxtvls ,,,,,T,,LE'.ItrANIIAI{,ALL sEmrilffilau?YlftF rrE|li RN A PARIEI'-AR PInf,6E tttajo tm.a,mot t frrr Hrt Pdnted h U-S3, 2-01 GB.QR Quick Response Upright, Pendent, Recessed Pendent, Sidewall & Recessed Sidewall Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinklers CdrpanyManufecdur€d h Cd|fd Spnn*f Corpanv 451 Norh Canrpn AvsrF, Larsdale, Fetnqtylvanb 19145 U#l*T*- hlmnicar The csrhat iiod€t cB{lR Au' - s'tadad AF|icftm sprirtdss ombraco n",r,ir",JH** T"-Yq1cqlR-A'|tdndic sprinkl€B alE advancad design batres. rn vln"o.po.- Pg gjf-t ar€e cov€rag6' and abrrerarsstin sr*" urot".*il6J ffiffiffiffiH|**whi€fi Gsutt in a much smerer, ma- ;i;*d;'ilil;" sprir*tars.:ll#5^3*Y;,ff* #* s,.-":,i".-^--. dhm€r€r ftandbre "ap",n mr t'o'rv ffiE#il}ffiiffTt20 mm in l€nglh. Th€ Mod6l GB-clR Adomatic sorinpers 7i1! (l-t:W) !:Ptg) 1n'('etm)N'P'r' ar€ int€nd€d tur insrartatirl n JJgJ 1n'(a7np) 5'a (a'q 12'(1tryn' N'P'r' li'#ffi')Ft Y-ffiffalftif'.' lffi Rati"s & *".3" mm) orifico siz6 and 15s"F (68.s"c), iE"iAlC- y€ilow 175"F (79.4"c), 2m'F (Ct.3"C) and _ ;;;,/93c ere€ir,,trT33t?Sffi:J:tr;oP zwtiir"., Brue with lwo staldtd firistEs' brasr^or^ $anderd Fnishc Brass,clrorne ptabd ;9ffi,Htril*H,H,ffi ffi.',yt**'flr$'Sf"ffiffifr3"! r"a-v rivoi'iJ 1oo% ar soo psi .€coss€d qr** respo.rso wi|h Frbry (34'5 bar) Mutud u'hm usirg a speid rcaod Approvals: €sojtcfi€on. l{d(e suro b dds the cdr€ct rBcqss€d ascutch€on $t|dr Fs.bry Mufud 4prot/d b Gqd,€d. Th6 pa't nrr||b€rs {e 3071 br ctrorno , 3072 br big}t brass, 3070 brush€d brass, 3D75 d white 3On! white, 3074 black Tlis eqlHron is mt n€€d€d b rnaintain a quid ]EsFng€ Listing at U.L. Opcralion: Tho gl'ess brlb capsub op€rating m€cfid|isn cd ai€ a h€at- s€nsitivo liquij that €xpills r.porl applicatbn of hoaL Upon t€ding tr€ rat€d t€rnptral|re, th€ frangiu€ caFul€ rupturB th€r€by r€l€adng fE oriica s€d. Th€ sprinkler then disctBlg€s w&r in a pBd€sign€d spray petbrn b cmtrcl or extinguish the firc. 'FUAfr.ov.l.tur'€'&fl4 *Uyr,rion3. Recgscd lrrr*rat '''[,''traSptcb, R.c..c.dE cufcrbo|rlc8 F can, SldrBn fr fpr L&fi| ,lrzrd onfy rfd &.. not tt'f'htdE W tt'rb|t1 Approvals: Xodd A DrfrcciorSltlc Orific. md K+rst?(nptic) GEQR HEffig" Rec63ssd Pendent 7llt(11.0 rm) 15 (il.e) 1fi| (12.7 ,7i'n) 5'5(mE) Iodd IUlGbrry. Orifc. and K+.cbr (mafrb) GB4R' UprighU FendenU Rcss8d Pend. SrW 1fr8 (2.nrm) 5.6 (dt 8) 1n (12.7 mm) & 7n|6" (tl.o mm) Orifiee Automatic Sprinkler Io. l-t.O t Figure I - Model GBQR Recessed r""t 4a(ttrnl5-rtnlrnr2lralt2|lnt fadnrr| h|- ltlf (/6.0 2 7F (l'io |l.r) 'Supgorf erp rth FU Apg|od hEs !h h tto hcr, 0|r dtndetd U.L. vssbn doas not rrgure z - modei GB-QR Pendent , I , I I I Note: Csntrafs Mo(bl 65 a401 oscutlxr mry b6 usad. WlFn |l3lBg Confafs Uo(bl65 e$ubhoon, fe of RC. b p|Dt|de 1/8' i1/16r (3.2 mm t1.6 mm) boyond lhbh€d yC lhe. Figure 3 - ilodel GB{R Upright a GB-QRFigure 4 - Model Rer;essed Sidewall Figure 5 - Model GB-QR Sidewall 2 trd (I4.7 mm) Cenhafs Model 65 6 401 escubh€on may be us€d. Wh€n usFrg Centrals Modsl 65 escutch€on, laca ol R.C. lo profrudo 1/8' I 1/16' b€yond ffnbhed wall iln€. Design Data The Model GB-QR Automatic Sprin- klers are intended for standard area coverages and flow and pressure re- quirements as specified in currenl NFPA Standards for quick response sprinklers. $nstallation All Central Model GB-QR Automatic Sprinklers musl be installed according to cunent NFPA Standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alteration lo the sprinkler itself will void any wananty made by Central Sprinkler Company. ln addition, installation musl also meel local government provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. The syslem piping musl be properly sized lo ensure the minimum required flow rate at the sorinkler, Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature rating prior to instalialion. lnstall sorinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe syslems musl be protecled from freezing. Upon completion of the installation, lhe syslem must be tested per recognized slandards. In the evenl of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Note: Use the Combination Wrench For Upright Sprinklers and the GB Sprinkler Wr€nch For Pendent and Sidewall Sprinklers. Step 1. The unit must be installed in the uprighl position for the upright style spfrnKlefs of In the penoenl posrtlon lor pendenl sprinklers, and in the sidewall position for sidewall sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon' tape. Apply only to male threads. Step 3. Install lhe sprinkler according to the dimensions shown in the installalion diagrams on pages two and three of this t Teion is a trademark of the DuPont Coe. Combination Wrench (Part #1106) /For Uorioht Sorinklers) GB Sprinkler Wrench (Part #1099) {Far eaajen! ! $ifaw2ll SF!.inkf e.s) o E =E a GB Rss./OR technical bulletin. For recessed applications, do not use the push-on escutcheon plate to hold the unit in position. The sprinkler will only funclion prcpedy when ancf|ofed to the building structure. Sbp.[. Hand tighbn th€ sp.inklq inb the fiting. Then use a C€ntd Uniy€r- sal Wrench br gendent sfinklers, and a Cenbal Combination Wrench br upright and sidewall sprinlders, to tighten the unit into the filtirE. A leak- tight joint reguires only 7 b 14 ft.-lbs. (9.5 to 19.0 Nm) of tdque; a tangential tore d 14 to 28lbs. {62.3 to 124.5 N) delivered through a 6' (150 mm) handle will deliver adequate Uque. Torque levds over 21 ff.-lbs- (28-6 Nm) mry distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. Caution: Soecial care must be taken when installing sprinklers with a CPVC system. Sprinklers must be installed afler the manufacturer's recommended setting time for the primer and cement to ensure thal neither accumulate within the sprinkler. SDecial care musl be taken when installing with a copper system. Sprinklers must be installed only affer the inside of the sprinkler drop and associated fittings have been wire brushed b remove any flux. Residual flux can cause conqsion and in adreme cases can impair proper sprinkler operation. Uff#** Sprinkl€rs must be handled d+ fully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient lemperalure may exceed 1m"F/38'C. For best results, store them in a ool, dry location in the orilinal shipping package. Do not install sprinkleIs that have been dropped tr visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, clated, plated, or altened in any other way from manufaclured condition o[ they may not function poperly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be reolaced. The ourner is responsible for the proper operating ondilion of all fire 01998 Central Sprlnklsr Company Prlnled in U.S-A. Fotection devices and accessdies. The NFPA standad 25 entlbd, 'h@*n, Teing ad lkllrdeare ofWeFr€asgdFtuaWffin Staterns', contains guktditEs and minimum rnaintemnce rcquircfiFnts. Futsrnae, tfc Ml Autffiy Having J tri$htin rcy heve addititnal rcgubli.rrE and t€qiionpnts fur maintenance, testing, and inspeciion that must be obeyed. It is recommended that sprinkler systems be inspec-ted regularly by a qualified inspeciion seMce. Length of time between such inspeclions can vary due to accessihility, ambienl atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not attempt to reassemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler thal has opeiated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting conosion or damage; always use new sprinklers of the same type and lemperature rating as replacements. Because the discharge pattem b critical lo proteclion of life and property, mthing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that lrould disrupt the pattem. Such obstructions must be removed. ln lhe event that consbuclion has altered the original configuration, additional sprinklers may need to be installed to maintain the proteclion level. Do nol attempt to replace sprinklers wilhout first removing the fire prolection s).stem hom service. Be ccrtain b s€q.re permissbn ftom all Autlolli$* Having Jurbdffin, and nolifr/ dl personnd who may be afiecied during sy6*Em shutdotfln. A fire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. To remove lhe syslem frorn seMce mode, firsl refer lo )ruir system operating guide and valve insbuctions. Drain water and relieve pressure in the EENTRAL '-F Genbal Sprinkler Gompany 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdab. PA 19i146 PHONE (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362€345 pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacemenl, using only the recommended sprinkler wrench. Be certain b match model, style, orifice, and temperature rating. A fire protec{ion system lhat has been shui off afler an activation should be re(urned to service immediately. Inspect the entire system lor damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operate but urere subjected lo cotrosive elemenls of combustion or excessive temperatures shoul<l be impected, and rcpbced if need be. The Autlrority tbvbrg,hnisdtclil)'lwill detail minimum rcpbcernent rsquirernenb and regulations. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace an't' producis found to be defective in material or workmanshio within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please refer lo lhe current Price List for further details of the warranty. Hll,'il,i*11,,, Ordering Infionndon: When placing an order, indicate the full producl name. Please speclfy the quantity, model, style, orifice size, lemperalure rating, type of finish or coating, and sprinkier wrench. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other producls are available lhrough- out the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, lhrough a network of Cenbal Sprinkler disbibution cenlers. You may wrile direcily to Gentral Sprinkler Company, or cell 21| 5-362- 07fl) for the distributor near€st you. Patents: Palenls are pending. Conversion Table: I inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 m 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cmz 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 lilers Conversions are approximale. GB.QR.5 Sidewall SprinklenH Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler r[51 ilorfi CanrF.l of the water away from the ne*by wall in e quarter-semispherbal pattem with a limited portion dthe discharge direc{ed torflard the wall behind the sprinkla. They ertrace the ultimate in aeslhetic app€al and advanced design feature vh incorporation d a unique centq strrrt design, which results in a smaller, mce attraclive sprinkle than lhce manufaclured with a rnae baditional design approach. The Model H Hdizontal Sitlerall Sprinklers am intend€d for inEtallatirn in acordance with cunent NFPA 13. They are iCeally uited for use in churches, club6, scftools, hoGpitels, offices, restaurants, audibiwns, retail stores and simihr ocorpancies. They are anaihble in a wiJe veiety of orifice sizes, temperature ratings, finish€s and concion resbtant c@tings. Operatlon: A tusibb alloy b s€sl€d inb a bronze center shrt by a stainless steel b-a[. When the alloy melts at its rated temperdure, the ball is brced upuaard into f|e cerlts 6bL* releasing the lwo ejectds and operating the sprinkler. Unlike mct other sprinkler designs, the alloy is nol expGed to atmGpheric conditions that could afiect ils ptop€f fundioning. lt is also lsss $rscegible to mechanical damage since there Product are m pro[rding eleflients exlending beyond the sprinkler fann. The Central iilodel H lbriantd Sidoilall Sprinklers are designed witt special deffec-brs that discfiage .no6{ llesuiPtion Ci Technical IHilffih lllrata ilodel: H Style: l-lorizontal Sidewall Orifice Size and K+acia 3lt' (g.g rm) 2.6 P7.5 ,n*x) 'ha' |tt.omm1 4.2 (fl.6 i,ct''E;) th' 1tz-r nm1 5.6 (a.8 flr€'/r') Thred Size: 1/z' (rc rm) N.P.T. Temp. Rating & Frame Arm Cobr: 135"F/57"C uncdoredorblack 145F/63"C uncdsed a bbc* 165"F/'/4'C uncdorcd tr black 2'12"F/1OO"C u'trib 285"F/1rtt"G blue Note: Color identincation is not r€qdred f6 plated sprinklers. Apgowb: U.L., U.L.C.,'F.M. , 'M.E.A (37$7$S,A) (' I lz'1rz.z nm1 ortftce only) Standard Finbhes: brss, chrome DeoorativeFinishes: black, nfiite, off-*file (u.L Mr) Conosion{esistant co€tings: wax, lead, rraxover-lead /see taDular inffi*nonpge3) Maximum Wdking Pre6sur€: 175 psi (tz.t uar) Faciory Hydro T€st 1(D% at Sfl) psi 1s+.s oarl Pintle: on def,ector for %'fg.smd and 7h.'(11.o flm)o'tfi@,. Lergth: ?/r- (s9.9 mn) widrh: Frame Arms: 11'a' 1fi.s nrnl Defledor: lsha' 139.t nn 1 Weight 3.1 oz.(stgenu) Manufectur€d by: Central Sprinkler Conpany "1"" t7 hG", 'lr" l9.5nm, { I .Onrn, | 4?mmf Orifice Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler to. l4.O I Figure 1 Model H Horizontal Sldewall Sprinkler /8'(54.Omm 1" (25.4mm) (36.5mm) Gomblnation Sprinkler Wrench (Part #1106) I alFlTechnicI lData All Cenfal sprinHers must be installed according to cunenl NFPA '13 slandards. Dev;alions tom these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itsetf will void any wananty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addilion. inslallation must also meet ' Listed as high l,emperafurc, wax coated for installation whert marimum ambient ceilang temperature does not excced 15lPF. F,M. A Tempe.ature Raling ("F)Orifice Size Conosion-Resistant Coating 13$F/57qC 149F/63sC 16SFtf4qC 21?Ftltl,}c 28eF1141"C 1li(12.7mn) If (12.7mn) Ii(12.7rm) Ii(1ZVrun) 1f (12.7rn) L6ed L€ad Lmd L66d Leed lleslgn Requinmsrts - S-|rdrrd Applictffons The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sorinklers are intended for slandard area coverages and standard flow and pressure reguiremenls as specified in current NFPA 13. The s/r"p.s rml andrhe'(tt.o nm)orifice sprinklers are U.L. and U.L.C. Lbted for inslalhtion in lighl hazard ocqJparrcies only. These sizes are nol F.M. or M.E3. Approved. The1lz"1rz.z mmlorifice sprinkler is U,L- and U.L.C. Listed and M.E.A. Approved for instiallation in light or ordinary hazad ocdrpancies only. lt is F.M. Approved for installation in light hazard occupancies only. The Model H Horizonlal Sidewall Sprinklers musl be installed with the deflector fiom 4'(01.6 nm) to 6'(ts?.4 rnrd belorv ceilirgs and nct more than t (ts2.4 nn) away ftom the wall or lintel surface through which they are mounted, "unless special construc*ion arrangements make a different position advisable for prompt operalion and effective distribution" (see NFPA 13). There is no maximum ceiling height limilation for multiple sprinkler installatbns, when utilizing the Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sorinklers. fl"stallation local govemment provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized lo ensure the minimum required florv rate at the sprinkler. Check for the pmper model, style, orifice size and temperature rating prior to inslallation. !nstall sprinklers affer the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protected from fr€€zing. Refer to lhe Central Bulletins on fte Model H-1 Dry Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion of ihe inslallation, the system must be tested per remgnized slandards. In the event of a thread leak. remove the unit, apply new pipe joint cornpound or tape and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. The unil musl b€ installed in the horizontal oosition. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon' tape. Apply only lo the male lhreads. Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler inlo the fitting. Then use a Central Combinalion Wrench lo tighten the unil into the fitting. A leak-light joint requires only 7-14 ft-lbs.(g.1 to 19.0 Nm) of torque; a tangeniial force o{ 14-28 lbs-(62.3 ro 124.5 Ny delivered through a 6" (1so mm) handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 2i fr-ibs.(ea.o i.t"r) may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. CAUTION: Do not "wrench" or tum the deflector, as this action may damage the sprinkler and cause it to leak underpressune. ' Tefur b a lr*m3at of lhe DuFonl Ooao. u.L. Temperature Rating Orilice Size Carcion-'Resistant Coating 135f/57.C 145"F/63.C 165"F174.C 21?Ft10,J€ 286"F't14',tqc tlt', rl:c',1 h"(9.&nn, I 1.Onn,l2.7mn) If , rl1d,1h'(9.5.rut\ lr.gwt ,l2.nrm) 3/0", t/rc', r/z'(9.Snm, 1 1 -&nm12-7mn) 3lf, 7ls",th' (9.&nm, I 1.0rwn,12.7mn) ala', r I la',1 h' (9.Strvln" l r.hnm,l z.7trrr) Lead Lead Lcd, Wex, Wax-Ov€r-L€ed L6ed, War, Wax{vtr L€ad L6ad, Wax, Wax€ver L€ad t fTil Gare & i^:::,ffi:iffilfl':,l"ffifiiT",l-I llhinbnanoe Hi1ff""*il"J5$1"flff " Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They must not be transporled or stfred where ambient temDeralurea mav exceed 100PF/ 38PC. For best resuns, storc tnem In a dry, c@l location in the original shipping package. Do not instali sptinklers lhai have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, dated or altered in any other way from manuiaclured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such a manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire prctection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled, " hrs,,€f'iln, Tes,iry and *Afiftrglw dWabr-W FizPobdtxr qlsternei contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermora. the local Auhmily tlaving Juriffiim mey have additional regulations and requirements tor maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. It is recommended thal sprinkler syslems be inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambienl atrnosphere, water supply and site aclivity. Oo not attempt to reassemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler thal has op€rated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting conosion or damage: always use neu, sprinklers of lhe same type and temperature raling as replacemenls. Because the discharge paftem is crilical to proteclion of lffe and property, nothing shor.rld be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupl the pattem. Such obsbuctions must be removed. ln lhe @1998 Contral Sprlnklor Company Prlnt8d ln U.SJq. Do not attempl to replace sorinklers without first removing the fire proteclion syslem trom service. Be certain to secure permission from all Axlho.ilies Havino Junsdiction. and notfy all personnel who may be affected during system shutdown. A fire watch dwing maintenance pefDds is a re@mmen(Fd precaution. To remove the system from service mode, first ref6 to the system operating guide and valve insbudion. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove lhe existing unit and inslall the replac€ment, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice, and temperature rating. A fire prolection syslem that has been shut ofi after an activation should be returned lo service immedialely. Insp€cl the enlire system for damage and replace or repai. as necessary. Sprinklers that did nol operate but were subjected to ccrosive elements of combuslion or excessive temperatures should be inspected, and replaced if needed. Tlc Autffiy Havhg JunUddon will detrail minimum replacement requirements and regulations. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a perird of one year ftom the date of shipment. Please refur to lhe cun€nt Pric€ List for further details of lhe warranty, EENTRAL -FGentral Sprlnkler Gompany 451 N. Cdr'|on Av€r .b, Ls|sdele, PA 19446 P?s|o (215) 36247m FA)( (21O 362-5:185 vFf 0rdefing Ftt|lnfomation Odering Information: When placing an order, indicate the full producl name. Please specify the nrantitr. model. sfule, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish and sprinkler wrench. Availability and Service: Cenlral sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products de available throughout the U.S. and Canada; and intemationally through a nelwork of Cenhal Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write direc{ly to Central Sprinkler Company or call 800-52& 6512 for the distributor nearest you. Converaion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm I foot = 0.3048 m 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm2 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximale. Sprinkler Head Gabinet Central Sprinkler C.amp6ny 451 Ndth CannonAvenue, Lettsdale, Pennsylvenh 19446 @il*,il** Ail:ll*cal Cental Sprinkler Hed Cabinets are oonsbuct€d of a motel endcue wilh a hinged @ver d€s(tned b provfule on6ite sbrage d an emoeency supply of sprinklor hsds and a sprinkbr head wr€nch. NFPA 13 requiFs a r€precentative number of eacfi typ of spinkler head used in a sprinkler sysbm b be staed in a cabinet onaite b alkty ior immediale rernoval and repbcemenl of sprinklem which may have operated or become damaged. Cenhal Sprinkler Head Cabinets are manuffiurcd of hery ggug€ steel with knod@uts to accommodate either %'or %' N.P.T. threded sprinkler h€ads and ar€ painted an atbaclive red enamel. They are available in ttree (3), six (6) or twelve (12) head capecity. ttlodel: Sprinkler Head Cabinet Style 3,6 or 12 head Sfandad Finbh: Red enafid ffir. Source: l,lon{ornestic Capacity: 3 sprinkler heads 6 sprinkler heads 12 sprinkler heads Dimens'rons: 3hed-trtr!1hxVttuBx2W@ 6 head - f, high x lq tugx 3%" ep 12 hod - S tigtt x 147r' lorp x 5- <bep Weight 3 head - 1.5 lbs. 6 head - 2.3 lbs. 12 head - 4lbs. 316&12 Sprinkler Gabinet Xo.2L.O o on Gare &pfnstallati Cenhal's Sprinkler Fbad Cabinet b designed with two 940" diameter lptres 'ior-wall inounting a diect atlacfincnt to lhe s)rstem riser with a strap-type hanger. The Cabinet should be installed at or near the system conbol valve and must be stocked with an adequate supply of spare sprinklers and a sorinkler wrench. The stock of spare sprinklers should include sprinklers of each type and temperature rating as are installed in the sprinkler syslem, in the folloning quantities; 0rdering tlllaintenate lnformation Sprinklers In S!'stem Spare Sprinklers Required under 300 300.1000 over 1000 6 12 24 The Cabinets are desQned to accept both % and4 N.P.T. threaded sprinklers. For )f N.P.T. sprinklers, leave the removable knockout in the hole. For 9tr N.P.T. sprinklers, inserl a screwdriver blade from lhe front top of the shelf and under the near boltom part of the knockout annular ring. Press the screwdriver handle down b remove lhe knockoul ring. The hole, with the knockout ring removed, will accept a Yi'N.P.T. sprinkler. @1994 Cenlral Spdnkler Company Prhted in U.S"A. The Cabinet, wrench, and strock of spare sprinklers shouh be inspected at least quarterly. The follorving items should be checked: l. The Cabinet should be readily accessible, ard not exposed to a mrosive almosphere or temperalures in excess of 100'F/38r'C. 2. The stock of spare sprinklers shouh include an adequate number of each type and temperalure rating. 3. The stock of sprinklers must be in good condition. 4. A sprinkler wrench of the appropriate type must be induded in the Cabinet. ffi '-t' Central Sprinkler Gompany 451 North Canmn Avenu€, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362{700 FAX (21sI 362-s38s When placing an order, indicate lhe full produc{ name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, capacity, and stze. Sprinklers, wrenches, and hard- ware for hanging are not supplied with the Cabinet. They must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and olher products are available hroughout lhe U.S. and Canada, and intemationally lhrough a network of Central Sprinkler dislribution centers. You may wite directty to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distibulor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanshio within a perkrd of one year ftom date of shipment. Please refer to lhe current Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Table: 'l inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 k9 Conversions are approximate. ^e. - - Hd.Cab.2 t INCORPOR^TED coRoilA cA Size Renge - 112 thru I incfi pipe. llaffiC - C-anbon Steel, Mil. Gdvanized to G90 spccifications. Funct'oln - Fq fire sfinHs and oth* gen*al fipirg prrpos€s. Knded vivd nut design pemits harger adjustment after installalim. Fertrrres . ru2 ttuu 2 inch) Flared edges ease instellation for all pipe types and proted CPVC fldic pipehont abrasion. Captured dosign ke€ps adjusting nut ftonr separating with hanger. Hanger is esily insfalled around pipe. - (2-112 thru I incfr) SNng bnsion on nut holG it securely in harger bdce instalhtim. Adjusiling nut is emily remored. Approvals - Und€.writss' Labaabi€s Listed (18 thru 8') in the U.S. (UL) and Cenade (cul) fd sreel and CPVG plastic pipe and Factory Mufrral Engineerirg Apfred (3/4' ttru 8). Confionns b Federal Specificalions WWJ'I171E, Type 10, end Manufaciuers Standardization Saiety SP€, type 10. taximum lenrporturo - 650"F. Flnlsf - Mil. Gdvanized, fa Stainless Sbel matariels order Tolco Fig. 20(MON. Ord* ay - Figre number and pipe:nze. r%"Trimline' Adjustable Band Hanger Fig.2(N 1/2 TTRU 2 INCH PPE 2 I'2 THRU 8 INCH PIPE ROD SZE IAX.REC, APPROX. 400 4m 400 U8 3A 3t1 1 orl Irmr or l(}rm 8rm or l(rlm v1E 2-1n$3ta 2-518 11 11 12 1-1t4 't-1f2 2 400 400 400 3/8 3/8 3/8 Emn or 1('nm &fmr or l('nrn & n or l(}fIn $3/4 2-7t83-7E 2-7t8+1n 3 13 14 15 2-1n 3 11n 27 29g 600 600 6{n 3A 3/8 3t8 1(}nm 1Onm 1Onm 5-54 +tA5-7ts 47-3t8 *1t1 4 5 6I 35 66 73 136 5 6.1/4 6-y4 8€/4 3/8 112 1ti\ 1tiz 1Onm lZnm l Anm lanm 7-3la $1/8 1(F1/a t$1/8 10(n 1250 1250 1zfl 'Ord* Fis" 200M -89- Iammys -11/tSW or.rlalO'l{d)effirarela|rd T{ *t*tfu a||rrtal jW &rfa.t STEEL-s Setf-Driilling' W-rqPiDg Ur. fla N.a H-. (Lr flaa) bn#Irb&l Scrt IL.crldo Ec Qrt W.i!X Od t00)&cQlt 50 NTR IOE 1/a-2trl 100 625 1000 51 NT TOO It+la\l lo0 525 t0o0 s2 DST r50 ua-ttl't tn l(x)550 l0d) 53 NIIS lt1-11',,100 6,00 t 000 5.1 Nr rSo l-t/to, tn I00 5:75 | 000 55 IlsT:!00 t/a-t&3 100 725 t(x)0 56 TAa500 lz-tarl llt 100 550 l0()0 i 510* / 20 g! tl25l t v1" llc#laSW Na Hlr Gtr*fal) bD#llLu Saralt It .crld- ffD lLrlEr rb IE-E.rrdf'fi LQrt WdfU (r.r l0O)C-cQt' 601 rlsT 2,rn-Lf,.rtt"-!/r6'I /il'50 rl.?5 JOO tt13 6T1.5 ll+rad,rD .rtt"-!/r6"i0 ?.!5 500 122 IXITR lC rr+2ltl .036"-20 ?r11"l5l0l /20 3 50 5(xt 00 7 2t NTR'I's,lCltrl lra .0f,6'-20 fr 22:2N t20t,50 t.00 500 aa?NT5,ta s/lCllrl lA .ltt"-3l16.t tr4,t5d+f /tt6i JO 6.75 500 05 nx5.o ll:,,Ia an .25"-lA'ln'Jt25f / tar 50 6.m J00 Page 6 For lt*nbg/*hodag ri f{3f t|br-t atdlrrraq, d rd * ,{-Gtr,--a.Hdrl qcqrS i U* a er{atr- tcno| Pipe Hanging Secdon 40 daeon -rtmf\ :=: @ EJJffi It CPVC Hanges Pipe strap tJrpe hangers designecl sp€cially For cPvC. Retainer "dimples" hold clamps in place to free hands to hang pipe. Ofrset edges will not abrade plastic pipe. UL Listed. o E HOU SrnAP - tla' ci'4ig oxE Hotf sInAP - r- cPvc ilo HorE sttAp - 3/a' c9\rc luo Hotf strAP - t- cntc IUO HOU SITAP - l-t/a' Cn Cuo Hotf srtAP - r-r/r cnrcIro Holt sttAp - 2- cn c two HolE sD€ lr(x[r $RAP - 3/a' cD\rcflo Hotf sltE u(xf{l srnAP - t' cP\tcuo Holf stx K)trfi srt^t - t-lla- cryc IUO HO]f SD€ rc|Ifl SIIAP - I-1/T CryC IUO HOt! SrtE rOt'|I SnAP - 2' CP\,C orE Holf, sfRAP - 3/a- cP\rc oxE Hotf sfnAP - 1' cPvc oxE Holf sInAP - r-r/a' cPltc oxE Hou srRAP - 1-1/2' CFI,C oxE Holf sttAP - 2' cFvc Slde Beam Brackd Used as an economical non-tapped structural attachment fastened to lhe wall or the sicte of a joist to secure a ha nger rod . FONVTruIIHn[ADK)D ron l/a Arl ntEAD noo Sbd Tappod Side Beam Connector Easy to install pre-tapped bracket used to support hangers from steel or wood beams. Can be used wath concrete shot type inserts. UL Listed. 3/8' IHNEAD I/2' IHRIAD Beam Glampo - RacrslHe Use for hanging from either the top or the bottom of metal beams, pudins, channel, or angle iron. 3/!'IHnfAD - 3/.- XOUIH 3/t'mtc^D - r-tli3' ltouur/2' nf,AD -3la- HOU|H Retaining Strap Used with 1300 and t310 beam clamps to offer a more secure fastening of the clamp to the beam when there is a danger of movement UL Listed. 3/8' HOU X a' tr8'Hou x 6' 3/8'IOU X 8' 3/A'HOU X rr 3/8- HOU X rr 3/8'HOU - t/2- X6' nflno 3n'EO|I-rl2'X 8- tflrotn' EolI - rl2' x r(r tEno r(x) t@ l(xl tm rqt 't{p t(It 't@ 1m 1(D 1(p 1m t(p 10 t{Il 1(I, 1@ rqt 1q, 1@lqt ltxt to 50 1(n r00 l(p tq, r(x' t@ t(x, t@to 576010 576011 576030 576031 576{t32 5?6033 576034 576050 5?6051 576052 576053 5?605a 5760G0 5760G1 570062 5?60G1 576064 516091 576(R2 576110 5t61rr 5t6112 576130 57615r 576131 576171 576172 576173 57617a 576175 576182 57618:t 576't 8a 513 513 513 513 513 . S|?dlrotAr*y Fbr m.'ior h,o{lucl3 To Th. trd.. 404 Q(o'0(Op& =>o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D0l-0045 Job Address: 1309 ELKHORN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: VAIL BUS BARN Applied. . : 09/25/2001 ParcelNo....: 210109200001 lssued...: 10/01/2001 ProjectNo. : ?? Expires . . .: 0313012002 \Df ->A-{-''l- olnNER ALiSTATE TNSIIRANCE co o9/2s/2001- phone: 3 RESOI'RCE SQUARE 10815 DAVID TAYI-,OR DR CTIARI-,OTTE NC 28262 License: CONTRACTOR STARK ROOFING & SIIEET METAL 09/25/200L Phone: 970-945-5238 P. O. BOX 2082 GI-,EI{WOOD SPRINGS, CO 8L602 License:107-S APPLICAI{I STARK ROOFING & SHEET METAL 0g/25/200L Phone: 970-945-5238 P. O. BOX 2092 GI,EiIWOOD SPRINGS, CO 816 02 I-,icenEe: 107-S Desciption: INSTALL PROTECTING BOARD AND SINGLE PLU MEMBRANE RE.ROOF Occupancy: Tlpe Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? '-L,-n'\ U' L\"'* \:i, /\ T t ':-. k-'' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT t-6,^-G4.1..'&,-"---TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $92.000.00 Fireplace Informalion: Re$dcled:# ofGas Appliances: 0 Building---> 9700 . 00 Restuararn Plan Rwiew-> Plan Check-> S455.oo DRB Fee----------> Sloo.oo Additional Fees-----> 91.258'00) Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: O # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY 'tttrratatt**)ar** **t'*'l*:l:l:l:i*'|*rtrtttrtrrll'tl***'rt*rrr*ittr So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> 51,258. o0 w-090 so. 00 s0.00 s0.00 Investigalion-> will call-> 50.00 RecrealionFee------> g3. oo Clean-up Deposit-----> 90. oo Total Permit Fee-----> 50.00 Payments-------'> TOTAL FEES------> 51,258.00 BALANCE DUE-------> Approvals:Itdm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT L0/0L/2OOL DF Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEP.nRTMElin LO/0L/200L ao Action: AP Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARrMm{T Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tle information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree io comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfruchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS }1)R INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI,'RS IN ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clctn-up Dcpodt Tor NiA GNATT]RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR ANDOWNE e >afiE;shae@, , OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Inr 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:'l-own of Vail Reg. No.:le#q(eg. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR **************************************FCIR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** of Construction: BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OT!ER-$ PLUMBING: $MECIIANICAL: $4ornt'$ \ qil ,M.d),-, For Parcel # Contact Assessots Ofllce at 97O-328-8640 or visit ffi Parcel # (appliibtiod will notbe acbpted without parcet number) 2 t Of - O? Z -&Xh / rob Name: '/ntt E or i/fu,,r)Job Addless:/3o f: f t(thtztc/ D/1 Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll rit:ng: Owners N"^.,C t -/_, / /_ ( ft; I Addrq;s: Architect/Desig n r, lK t 5,7., /l .Address: Engineer: U Address:Phone: ""'"*i"*2?f *"'n-;47gt*1o /zt7/tn !.n*ot Y/s",P1ir{ Work Cllss: New ( ) Addition ( )Remodel ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (N) Bcth ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NolU Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) lriulti-family( ) Commercial $rd Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Acconvnodation Units in this building: xqllype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (y) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes ( ) No ( F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm TOnrvm Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tell 970.479.2L39 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. us DRB Number: DRB010328Project Name: Town of Vail Bus Barn Proiect Description: Re-roof Participants: OWNER ALLSTATE INSUMNCE CO 10/02/2001 Phone: 3 RESOURCE SQUARE 10815 DAVID TAYLOR DR CHARLOTTE NC 28262 License: APPUCANT TownOfVail 10/02/2001 Phone: License: Project Address: 1309 ELKHORN DR VAIL Locauon: Legal DescripUon: Lot: Blodc Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE 8TH. RUNG Parcel Number: 210109200001 Commentsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hans Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Charles Acevedo Vote: 3-0 Date of Approvalz L0l02l2OOL Conditions: Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005036 Color must be "cool black" or dark grey to be reviewed by staff Ptanner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO %un DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, September 19, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION, LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT BillPierce Hans Woldrich Charles Acevedo SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Britiain Andy Blumetii 12:00 pm 2:00 pm Driver: 1. Thomson residence - 3897 A Lupine Drive2. Aiello Children's Trust - 2670 Bald Mountain Road3. Town of Vail Bus Bam - 1329 Elkhorn Drive4. Ford Park - 841 Vail Valley Drive5. West Vail Mall -2171 N. Frontage Road6. Langmaid/Casabonne residence - 2953 Bellflower Allison PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:OO PM 1. West Vail Mall - Final review of exlerior modifications. Brent 2171 N. Frontage Road/Lot 2, Vail das Schone Filing 3. Applicant Gart Properties, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson Architect. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charles Acevedo VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. Additional landscaping will be added in accordance with the revised site plan submitied at the DRB hearing.2. Tree height (on the north side of the building) will exceed the street level along Chamonix Lane by at least 6-8'to ensure effective screening. 3. Tree sizes will vary accordinglY: Evergreens - 113 at 6-8', 1/3 at 8-1 0', 1 13 at 10'12' Deciduous - % al2" caliper or grealer, % al3' caliper or greater 2. Langmaid/Casabonne residence - Final review of proposed roof. Bill 2953 Bellflower/Lot 5, Block 6, Inlermountain Applicant Kim Langmaid/Peter Casabonne MOTION: Charles Acevedo SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED 3. Thomson residence - Final review of proposed addition. 3897 A Lupine Drive/Lot 4, Block 1, Bighom 1r Addition. Applicant: David & Sarah Thomson, represented by Pat Walsh, VAG, Inc. MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 Bitl APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That it meet all Town Code provisions. 2. That the metal railing be black. 4. Taylor/Dorrance residence - Final review of proposed waterline location & Allison tree removal. 107 & 97 Rockledge Road/Lot 4 & Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village 1d Filing. Applicant: Jay Peterson MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charles Acevedo VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH TWO CONDITIONS: 1. That it be approved as submitted, or can do 5 spruce, 14'-16' & 1 spruce 30'with locations io be determined by the Taylors. 2. That no permits shall be issued for 7 days. 5. Aiello Children's Trust - Final review of exterior changes to an exisling residence. George 2670 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 29, Block 2, Vail Village 13'h. Applicant: Aiello Children's Trusl, represented by Pinyon Builders MOTION: Charles Acevedo SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WTH 1 GONDITION: 1. That it be per the meeling with the contractor. 6. Pitkin Creek Park - Proposed awnings for Sims MarkeUSpikes Liquors and Gore Creek Properties. Allison 3971 Bighom Rd./Pitkin Creek Park Applicant: Mnce Skarajunsky, Tim Parker, and Craig and Judy Sim MOTION: Charles Acevedo SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the windows be the same size & frames shall match windows of commercial level.2. That the awning over Gore Creek Properties be L-shaped. 3. That the East Vail Market sign be reviewed by staff. 4. That the color is approved as submitted. 7. Ford Park - Revised Ford Park trash enclosure design. George 841 Vail Valley Drive/Ford Park. Applicant: Town of Vail MOTION: Charles Acevedo SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WTH 2 GONDITIONS; 1. That the garage door be painted to match the body of the building. 2 2. That the thickness of the fascia board be increased. 8. Town of Vail Public Works Bus Barn - Final review of proposed roofing material Allison 1329 ElkHom Dr. / Unplatted Applicant: Town of Vail MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Charles Acevedo VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the color be "cool black" or dark grey to be reviewed by staff. Staff Approvals Nutt residence - New deck. Allison 1855 Sunburst Drive/Lot 64, Vail Valley 3d Filing. Applicant: William J. Nutt Schleicher-Rengier/Hatch residence - Replace 2 doors and 2 windows, same for same. Judy 3921 Bighom Rd, 2GlPilkin Creek Park Condos. Applicant RandallM.Hatch Alexander residence - Interior addition of loft. Ann 68 E. Meadow Drive, #1O9/Block 5D, Village Inn Plaza. Applicant: Judy Alexander Bridges residence - Re-roof, same for same. . Judy 2460 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 20, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: Plowden C. Bridges Schmidt residence - Relocation of sewer line. Ann 401 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: Carol Woods Schmidt Mereles/Firman residence - Replace asphalt driveway with pavers. Brent 1984 Sunburst Drive/Lot 20-A, Vail Valley 3' Filing. Applicant: Ruben Mereles B&C Properties LLC - Replace 2 exterior doors with windows and window addition. George 380 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 7, Lodge at Lionshead. Applicant: B&C Properties LLC Scott residence - Re-roof. George 1151 Sandstone Drive/Loi A-7, Block 2, Casolar Vail. Applicant: George & Cynthia Scott Sitzmark Lodge - Screening of meters. Brent 183 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1. Applicant: Sitzmark at Vail, Inc. Millrace Condos - Exterior stonework & repaint. Ann 1320 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village Area B. Applicant: MillraceCondominiumAssociation BirlParks residence - Tree removal/replacement. 1806 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 34, Vail Village West Filing 1.Applicant M.B. Parks Old Gondola Building - New sliding glass lobby entry doors. Brent 600 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1. Applicant: Vail Corp Casa Del Sol Condos - New stone address entrance sign. Brent 2055 S. Frontage Rd. WesVCasa Del Sol Condos. Applicant: Casa Del Sol Homeownefs Association Mclnlyre residence - New chimney cap and flue sunound. Ann 1191 Homsilver Circle/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Valley 1d Filing. Applicant Mclntyre Vail Trust Croteau residence - Increase patio wall height. Allison 400 E. Meadow Drive/Tyrolean Condos. Applicant: Alexander Family Trust JVB Properlies - Vail LLC - Driveway removal and replace. George 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1'Filing. Applicant: JVB Properties - Vail LLC The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. 4 q'r'tz3 If;;f '?' TOI,l,hI Aprplication for Design Review Departnent of Community Developmert 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information; This application is br any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive approval prior to subrnitting a buikling permit application. Please refer b the submittal requirements fur theparticuhr appwal that is requesbd. r',n application for Design RE iew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community D€velopment Departnent. The project may also need to be rwiewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning an(l Environmen[al Commission. Desiln Review Board approval lapsei unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:,//2 -t7?//,/ a t/ 2 -ftruarr; ,4./ att', Location of the Proposal:Lot:__Block:_ Subdivision : Physical Address:5/t.4rr't Ar/e:e ? rtt/ &/c . o u4 @l"2/C/@2re7 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: {f owner(s) Sisnature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Addressl Type of Review and Fee: E New C-onstruction! Addition $+rinorntera,on L) lA, D Changes to Approved Plans $20 Name(s) of Owner(s): Maif ing Addressl 7a4./', al t //.a '//ue kt * y't iety'.or/r/ra trra'i ty'itt.t; !<'tur.,/.:,E// /*'t.,, a/A phone: 'P"b - {72, 2/7a |,.I l.\ 1,.I t tt 1..' For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square botage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvernents, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, ftnces and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rer/iew Board -t ),,( $200 $s0 $20 t( r\- t PLEASE SUBMIT TH IS APPUCATION, ALL SUB MTTTAL REQUIREM ETITS AND THE FEE TO NJE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLOMDO 81657. J r?fibL/-L'.-/&oo . Tfzf , 2/2f P4, t Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SU BMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*a Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableB Written approval from a ccndominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/ol DRB mav reouire the submission of additional olans. drawinos. soecifications. samoles ancl other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will com rly with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*), II, REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: tr Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)s Architectural elevation draivings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trinr, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: UST OF PROPOSED MATERHIS Tvoe of Material 14;&ua"s E 'd Color t4/bl Please speciff the manufacturerb color and number and attach a color chip. All exterior lightng must meet the Town5 regulations regarding lighting (see Title 14 - Development Standards). If exterior lighUng is proposed, please. indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fxture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical l{ame Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EfiSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Souare Footaoe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) o UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is b veriry service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing pur utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date QWESr 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.38a.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.468.2528 (tel) Contact: Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.99.5892 (tel) 970.99.4565 (fax) Conbact: Ted Husky D(CEL ENERGY 303.t1.7518 (tel) 303,571.7877 (fax) Contact: Paul Kellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTATION DISTRICTX 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.a76.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.9i9.1221x 112 (tel) 970.9a9.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1, If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenb are made direcdy on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resofued. The issue should then be detaiEd in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Howsrer, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the conkactor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained separatelv, NOTES TO ALt APPUCAilTS Pre-aoolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identiry any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development rE/iew process for an application. In many cases, the pre-applicauon meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in thi preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 97 0.479.2L28 or irsdri{Ucz@elyad.g),lJs Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meeB on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdap of each month, A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines, A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co,us/commdev/olannino/drblmeetings/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Re/iew Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in TiUe 12, Chapter 11 (Design Review) and TiUe 14 (Development Standards) of the Municipal Code. Reouirements for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or a$acent to a mapped hazard area (i.e, snow avalanche, rocKall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific aeological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitjve area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicanb are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all survep, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1, Plan sheet size must be 24'l 36", For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow, 5. Tite block, project name, project address and legal d€cription. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates.L Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names ofalladjacent roadways. 12, Plan legend. Desion Review Board Meetino Reouirenrents For new construction and additions, the applicant must sbke and tape the project site b indicateproqerty lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be renpved must be taped. ih; applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by srow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. Applicants who fail b appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeung date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their-items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the applicaUon with conditions or rnodifications, all condiUons of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may rsriew and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the applicaUon to the Design Rs/iew Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Reyiew Board and any staff decision is subjectb final approval bythe DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Fedenl agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.Ct0. bomples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permi6, Army Corps of Engineers 404. etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is pctponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re.published, then the entire Fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultanL The Department shall estimate the anpunt of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay o(penses incurred by the Town in o<cess of the anpunt fonrvarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of noUfication bV the Town. Any orcecs funds will be returned to the applicant upon reMew completion. ,I JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letbr as written approval of the plans dated been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications nny be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) which have TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMI.I MUST BE POS1 ED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 899-0128 Job Address: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.......: 1289 ELKHORN DR (TOV SHOPS) Applied . . : 0512411999 Parcel No....: 210109200001 Issued...: 05124/1999 ProjectNo. : Expires...: 0111712001 APPT,ICANT TowN oF VAIL 05/24/L999 Phonez 97o-479-27oo 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIIJ, CO a7-657 License: 463-8 AIso is CONIRACTOR owNER Al-,r,sTATE TNSURANCE CO 05/24/1999 Phone: * TOWN OF VATI, ALL,STATE PI-,AZA NORTHBROOK II-, 60052 License: CONTRACToR TowN oF vAIr., 05/24/1999 Phonet 97o-479-2t00 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL,' CO 8155 7 License: 463-8 AIso is Applicant Tov tApr'o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Desciption: BUILD A TOOL ROOM Occupancy: TypeConshuction: V IHR Type Occupancy: 2? Valuation: $500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# of Cas Appliances: 0 Building---> Plan Check--> Investigation-> will Call---> $20.00 R€stuarant Plan Review--> S13 . 00 DRB Fee-----------------> S0.00 ReffeationFee-----------> 93.00 Clean-upDeposir------> TOTAL FEES-.--._-> Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY .'* r * *'r. *,r *:l * * +,r*,** $0. oo TolalCalculat€d Fees'->$s6. 00 S2o. oo Additional Fees-------> ($55.00) 9o . oo Tolal Perm t Fee-------> So. oo So. oo PqT nents---'-'-------> $s6. oo BALANCE DUE-----> $0. 00 s0. 00 Approvals:Itern: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMSNI os/24/L999 rRNl ftem: 05400 PLJANNING DEPARTMENT 05/24/1999 JRNI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/24/L999 JRM Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS Action: APPR APPROVED iIRM Action: APPR N/A Action: APPR N/A ' os/24l1999.rRl.r Action: APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:OO AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PACE 2 {t *'t *'i'1.'1.,*'}***** ***,}* *'}!* *{.,1.*,t* * **'t +* **:1.**,lr:ti * * 'l * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** 'l' ** *{' * ** ** '* ******* ** * +* ** * ****,t*'t **'f *****1.,f * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 899-0128 as of 0l-23-2001 Status: FINAL :t*:|,*i(,i*,t'+***+'i******!t.'*'|.***'t'!t,|.*********,|.*:}*:t.**.t.,}{.,t*'.**.|.**'f*****'t.*'t*l|.+'r{.*!|.**,|.* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 05/24/1999 Applicant: TOWN OF VAIL lssued: 05/24/1999 970-479-2100 To Expire: 0lll7/2001 Job Address: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1289 ELKHORN DR (TOV SHOPS) ParcelNo: 210109200001 Description: BUILD A TOOL ROOM Conditions: Cond: I FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. t- oo Ret[Jertod hspe.t Dilel' As*krpd To: lnsDecthn Tnra: hcmctlonAirba: Sfre Addrsss: Wodrosdry. Jilury 1l,2wl coAvts BLDG GG '309 VAIL VATLEY OR VAIL t28S ELKHORN DR (TOV SHOPSI s|$ Tlpe ACOM Satus: Usg: V 1HR hsD ATGA. Phon€: 97G47sL2100 Phor'€: 97tr47$2100 A/P/D lnfurrrdion Activitv E9$0128 Troc: A-COMMConi Typa: Occr.paibr Paiccl: 21010920fl)01 ADPiCANI: TOWN OF VAIL Coitraulor. Tov/t'l OF vAtL O*ncr: ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO Dcsc{iption: BUILD A TOOL ROOM Rc(nrostad trsooqlhnl3l It.m: Sl BLO&Fhal Rcqr.estor: TOWN OFVAIL AsgonedTo: CDAVIS- Ac'tion: I.SSIJED Ro(nros{ed Tfne:- Phone: Erterod By: 08:00 AM 97Q-47*21(n LCAMPBELL K Thnc Exp: kroec(on Hhtorv Itcm: 30 BLDGFramino (ODtionaD $rtr2lttg- Insocdor:'CD Conymrts: APPROVEO * Approwd *.- Adion:APPR APPROVED APPR APPROVED Itcrn: 60 BLDG Shc€trock Nail (Oetionsll * ADDrowd " 1 1/11199 Insrteclor: CD' Action: COTTMGNTS: APPROVEDItcm: 70 ELDGMlsc. (Optional) Itcm: 90 BLDG;Finar (Rd$rcdi {w Jrrb t^rur\c sO 'r au]laL Phone: Phone: iIOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES Permit #: 899-0128 co 81657 PI,AZA, NORTIIBROOK IL DEPART!4ENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPI{ENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUII,D PERI'IT ilob Address: 1309 VAIL VALIJEY DR Status. . LocaLion. ..: L289 ELKIIORN DR (TOV SHOPApplied- Parcel No..: 2L0L-092-00-001 rssued..Project No.: PRJ99-0149 E:qlires. 970-479-2r.00 970-479-21-00 ISSUED 0s/24/Leeg 05/24/Leeg LL/20 /L9e9 TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 OWNER Description: BUTLD A TOOI. ROOM Occupancy:Tlpe Const,mcE,ion: v 1HR T149e Occupancy: Valuation: FLr€plac€ Inforoation: ResLrLcg€d: APPLICANT TOWN OF VAII, 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VAIL, CO 81657 CONTRA TOR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGB RD, VArL, ALLSTATE INSI'RANCE CO T TOWN OF VAIL, ALLSTATE 50062 Not, in table ! s00 l*Of gas A!4)1ianc6.: Add Sq Ft: l+of oa6 lrogs:#Of wood/Pallet: PEB SUIIIARY BuiLaing- - -- -> Pl.n c'h.ck- - -> Inv.atsiga!ion> vlill call- - -- > 20 .00 13.OO 3.00 20. oo .00 .00 .00 . o0 Resluarants Plan R6vicr-- > DRB F6e-------- Rectcation F..-- - ------ -> Total calculaled Fccs--- - > 56.00 Adaitionrl Fe.s---------> -56.00 Cleen-Up Depo.iL--------> .OO toTll PEES- -- - - Totel Pertnits F..--------> Pal|n€ntg------- BAI.A}fCE DI'E-. --s6.oo Item: 0510005/24/L999Item: 05400os/24/L999rLem: 055000s/24/L999Item:05500 BUITDING DBPARII,IENTiIRM Act,ion: APPRPIJANNING DEPARTIT{ENTi]RM AcLion: APPRFIRE DEPARTMENTJRM AcIion: APPRPI]BLIC WORKS Dept: BUILDING Division: iIR}T DepC : PT,ANNING Divisj-on: Dept: FIRE Division: Depr: PI'B WORK Division: APPROVED N/A N/A N/Aos/24/L999 JRM Action: APPR See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions chat may apply to this permit. DECLARA:TIONS I hercby .cknorledg€ that I have read tshis applicaCion, fillcd out in full gho infonatsiolr required, coutllotod .n accurats. plo! plan, and 6tsat. tshat all the infon tion provided a6 lequired iE corr6cE. I agroc to conpfy yith Lhe iafor[at'ion and pIoE plan, to c@trly rith aLL Tovn ordLnancco elrd 6talr lars, and to build thi6 6tructsur6 according !o thE Town,6 zoning and subdivigion codes, design rcviey approvGd, Unifolu BuildinE Code and och6r ordinaDc.s of tshe Tor.n applicable Eh6rcto. REQSEI'TS FOR INSPBCTIONA AHAITL BE IIADE T1{EIIT:a-FOUR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TBLBPHOICE AT a79-2134 OR AT OlrR oFFIeE FROtil a:OO AU 5:OO PU I ^ r,a v.. -t_.a y yJF._ .- glnd cl6.n-Up D€poeit To: sroNATuRE oF\o9{NER oR coNTRAeIoR FOR H:UgaLf AND oWNEn **************************************:l******************************:l**:l*:r***** COIIDITIONSPermit #: 899-0128 as of 05/24/99 SEatus: ISSIIED **********:r***:l!t**********:l*:l*************************************************** 'Pennit !)pe: ADD/AL,T COMM BUfLD PERIIfT Applied: 05/24/L999Applicant: TOIrtlt oF vAfL Issued: OS/24/L999970-4?9-2L00 To E:qrire z LL/20/L999 ilob Address:Location: 1289 ETKIIORN DR (TOV SHOPS)Parcel No: 21 01-092-00-001 DescripLion: BUTIJD A TOOL ROOII,I Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARll,tEt{T APPROVAL, rS REQUIRED BEFORE At\Ty WORK erN BE STARTED.2. FIBLD INSPEqTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTJTANCB. TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRAqTOR OWNER Electrlcal - - -> DRB F6c Inv€stigation> will call----> TOIAI, FEBS---> .fob Address: L309 vAfL, VALLEY DR LOCAI,iON. . .: L289 ELIGIORN DR (TOV Parcel No-. : 2LO1--092-00-001Project No. : PFu99-01_49 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{:T NOTE:THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSTTE AT AtL TIMES ELECTRICAT PERMIT Permit #: E99-0080 TOV{N OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VArL, TOWN OF VATL 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VAII, ALLSTATE INSIJRANG COI TOWN OF VAIL, ALLSTATE co 8r_657 co 816s7 PI,AZA, NORTHBROOK Phone: 970 -479-2!40 Phone z 970-479-2tOO rt 60062 ValuaEion: SEatus.. SHOPApplied. Issued. . E)q)j-res. ISSI]ED 0s/24/1999 0s/24/L99e L1,/20 /L999 s00.00Descrj-ption: ETECIRIC FOR TOOL ROOM .***rr{***r*rrt*tf *arr**r*r*trrr**r*rtrt*rrrr FEE st li{HARy 50.00 .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 53 .00 .00 Total, calculat.d Fe€s---> Addicional Pcer-------- -> Total Penit F.e--------> BAIANCE DI'E- - -.. o0 * a r r r t 'i * a t * *|,rt IEem: 06000 EL,ECIRICAI DEPARTI,IENT DepE: BUILDING Division:O5/24/L999 ,JRNI ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]RM-Itqm: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepL: FIRE Division:o5/24/L999 JRM Action: AppR N/A tt**tt*:lr*itr** t*tt.r**ti***t* CONDITION OF APPROVAT 1 . FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARB REQUTRED TO C]IECK FOR CODE COMPLIATiTCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknovledgo that I have read thj.e application, fiIled oue in futl the infornation requj.red, corq)lcted an accuraEe plots plah, and scata thaL a1l ghe infornati,on provided ae rcquired ie correct - I agree to conply lrith thc inforEaEion and plot plan, t'o comPly t{ith all Tosn ordinancea and 6tate lawo, add bo build this 6Lt uccure according tso the To$a's zooing and subdiwision codea, desigt rewiaw approwed, UniforD Building cod6 arld othcr ordinances of lhc To$n applicabLe tsheleto. REQITESTS POR INSPEC?IoNS SIIAIIJ BE MADE T!|ENTY-FoI'R HolrRS IN ADIIANCB BJ TEIJEPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII g:00 Alt 5:oo Plt l /"\@'4 L\,4'...V srcNAr{rRE oF oriNER on comne6i-i6iTilIEii-ffi-ffi8 rowN oF vArLGNsrRUcrroN 'ERM,, ori,.AroN F.RM INF'OR]VIATION MUST BE COMPI,ETI, OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTT,I) Contact the Eagle County Assessorspfl?ce at 970-32&8640 for Parcel #fAT?f - OtVr1---iiut -o? z -eo -6o / Permit # Building (r)Plumbing ( )Mechanical ( )fther ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block Filine Subdivision ownersName:T0V eaoress: l?'ffi ELkt\bRl..J tR. Architect:Address: 1 .i \ | r Descriptionof Job: SqJ.\S Tso\ Stclw-l Parcel # Date: Elechical (x ) Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ Alteration S Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet General Contractor: Gas Logs VALUATIONS FT.FCTPJCAL. $ MEC}IAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ 1-o pn*"* AQi . OIL{ Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: rovm of vair RegistrationNo tVa - b ToV i-loElectricsl Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. P!c!qui4]&u!raclq: Tov,,n of Vail Registration No. Mechanicd Contractor: Tovm of Vail Regisuation No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: o?;*,.troRs,P.E.,^t Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road 16 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 TeUFar 970-641-3236 artmears@rmii.com June 4,1997 Ms. Susie Hervert General Services Administrator Toum of Vail 1309 VailValley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Susie: . At your request, I have reviewed the grading and site plan for the debris flow berm/ditch specified on Carter. Burgess drawings accompanying your May 13, 1997letterto me. This plan satisfies the design concept I recommended to Kris Hedberg on September 26, 1995 and will mitigate debris flow hazard. Furthermore, the debris-flow mitigation will be in conformance with Vail Hazards Regulations Section 18.69.052 t0l (b). Please contact me if you have further questions. Sincerely, fuft^a,Y'/loa,* Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer mc'll JUNUYT:zr 0c,trt^t0 - Ccm 614 Fv= Mass Wasting. Avalarrchcs. Avalanche Conml Enginecing A-CD(r,..:9t-.----l\:bFA (t-o!= {gfi $ €,E- = -,o-isF ;{ El g; eE 3e -5'E(L ro PE9 =o€q-- :s_q) F+gS Efr =s €ilE* 9aoi6 o-t EE ;g Ei Ce E p i:tE'6 o.9 ;:fi gg FFc FF d *ct-e,C.) I .A t&rE-f/.i -; sl*. I3- a 4&I .: o.l > z'c 'J.l oo E F€'eEEitstEE EEEi f €€EE a i,g'H€EE€-=E fi$ggi, E EiEE s iiFEii€FEEIEi €*tE;*i $* €iEE e F$$EggfiEEEEE5a iEl$gE3F$g:EEre EEEEFg Mike Mollica said it would go before lhe Town council a week from Tuesday. Andy Knudtsen stated that it was signiticant that there was not a lot of public here, as there have been etforts to reach outio inafuOiic to put them at ease. He said that this site was the only one in Town that works *eltloi ieasonal housing and the use and the location were a very good r"t.tt. ie siio that cD6i.wislougn ro wortr witn and that CDoT had approved a proposal ritftout conditions. Andy said that tfre TOV would be providing a bu.s.stop on a will-call basis' He said the site naO OeeniJelieO on aff the debris ani rockfaf conditions, as they had worked with a soils expert to put me uuiroing up on the hillside. He explained the lac't< of retaining walls and said when you see tef"ining t"ajts, you know there is too much building for the site' Andy said hurdles have been cleared-and we were now looking for approval from the PEC' Mark Donaldson said regarding the soil conditions and grading, that th.ere were major constraints on the site that they nad"to ovdrcome, such as bedrock conditions and drainage'. He said iftfrJugh rhe projeit coun nanOte moie stone and better materials, seasonal workers were being taig"6O nerd ariO the coit oi the tent was. important. He said they needed to see a financial return and the cost to aOJ JOifCony was $tAbQ per balcony, with just the change from a window to i stiOing glass door at-ESOO, tnerttore tire baliony constiuction would add $55 a sq. ft. more' Mark asked that the PEC not require the decks. John schofield said bears love to chew on wood and the dumpster doors needed to be changed to metal. He asked it painted concrete was permitted. Mark Donaldson said he would do that. Bob McLaurin said this project was critical to the viability of the Bus Department and that it was an importint step, given thb hck ol bus drivers. He saii that the Dept. of Transportation would ute tfie un;15 ior'pf6* drivers, if not used by the bus drivers. Bob said that balconies were not absolutely neoessary and that this project had gone way beyond what it originally was supposed to be. Dominic Mauriello said thal Community Development thought this project was a great project. Galen Aasland said he would like to see decks' Ann Bishop said she would like to see decks if possible, but not make it mandatory' Diane Golden said she didn't think decks were needed, nor landscape islands, but more parking spaces. John Schofield said he liked the landscape islands, as there was an abundance of parking on the site. He asked if the power lines were going to be underground' Dominic Mauriello said transmission lines were not required to be underground, but service to the individual houses must be underground. Mike Mollica said the scope of development determines the burying of lines and in this case it was not appropriate for this type of development' Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes April 28, 1997 Susie Hervert said in 1999, the transformer would be relocated' Mike Mollica stated again that all the service lines would be underground. John Schofield asked if the bus stop could be included in the Golf CourseiEast Vail route' Susie Hervert said the bus schedule was too tight to do that' Greg Moffet said if we solved the bus driver problem, then that would be moot. John schofield said he supported decks and suggested an opening, rather.than a full deck' which would Oe arcnitectuiitfy mote iniaitive aii that a full barcony would give us what the PEC wanted. Mark Donaldson said there was a $300,000 contingency lund and if it could be done' it would be done. John scholietd said that full balconies gave the best of both worlds. AndyKnudtsensaidthat'romadistance'thisprojectwasattractive. Mike Mollica said that Eagle Bend on Highway 6 had laux balconies' which were not very attractive. Gene Uselton said that balconies would be nice, but seasonal workers would be there in the cold weather and so he liked the faux balconies. He felt the money could be better spent on something else. Gene said he liked the landscape islands' Greg Moffet said a good job had been done and he was happy to be seeing this tor the last time' H; iilia th;i rre itroignt there inouiO be a possible deed reirbtion, so if the Town ever sold it' tnat meywould need'to iome before me igC for a review, since it was a conditional use' Andy KnudFen said that the current Council and staff wanted it for TOV employees and that they were fully committed to see this in perpetuity' Greg Moffet asked if there was a mechanism to draft into it a statement saying to continue to use it as employee housing. Mike Mollica stated that a change of use would trigger a conditional use permit. Dominic Mauriello said a deed restriction would have to be carried forward. Greg Moffet said it could be sold to the Sonnenalp for their employees, lor example, and he would like it designated for TOV employee housing. Mike Mollica said a future Council could sell it, but they would need a public hearing and to put a deed restriction on the deed didn't accomplish anything further' Greg Moftet said he wanted to overcome the saleability of this project' Planning and Environmental Commission Minules Aoril 28. 1997 Andy Knudlsen said language could be included to strongly.recommend decks and when the bids com'e back on May 6th, we would include thai as suggested' Greg Motfet reminded the PEC that there had not been a full winter bus schedule for the last thre6 seasons and asked the PEC to summarize their preference for decks Galen Aasland wanted decks. Ann Bishop strongly recommended decks. John Schofield wanted decks. Gene Uselton did not want decks. Diane Golden did not want decks. John Schofield made a motion for approval with the 3 conditions stated in the statf memo with the addirional 3 conditions tnat a tot'ai of 35 parking spaces be designated for the proiect' that a Oul stop be designated piior to a Certificate of Occuiancy being issued and that any changes in use or 6wnership be subject to review by the PEC. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Susie Hervert said the parking spaces on the south side of the berm would be a staging area f.or public Works. She saii that in tire winter the buses stage lor about a half hour and that they did not have an area during the day to designate for the staging. John Schofield said suggested restricting I of the 49 spaces shown' Dominic Mauriello said there were 37 spaces. Susie Hervefi said during the administration remodel, summer was the worst time and parking could potentially could go down to the tunnel. Mark Donaldson stated 3 units could be lost due to the finances of adding decks. Ann Bishop said if fiscally possible, she would like to see decks. Mark Donaldson said he did not want to be left with that condition. Mike Mollica noted that the applicant had agreed to add metal doors on the dumpster and also stucco. The motion failed by a vote of 2-4. John Schofield amended the motion with a new condition 1 to state that it be "strongly recommended the applicant include decks if possible" and to include all the other conditions ol the previous motion. Gene Uselton seconded the motion. Plarming and Environmcntal Commlsslon Minutes Anril 28. I 997 10 The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Planning and tsnvironmental Comnxssion Minutes April28, 1997 1l_ lsign Review Action tt TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbet o"" SlzlIq7 Project Name: Building Name: t' Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecuContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block- Subdivision ''-- leir- I . Zone District Gt I Project Street Address: Comments: Seconded by: F4c/lf. Ieentou"t fl Disapproval fl StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner | ! ,"r' 5 ? I 117 DRBFee ere-caia- K)/4 Agenda last revised 5116/97 ll am DESIGN REVTEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, May 21,1997 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / NO LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT SITE VISITS - l. Lionshead Inn - 610 West Lionshead Circle 2. Crossroads - 143 E. Meadow Drive 3. Aleman - 600 Vail Valley Drive 4. Harman - 5l l7 Main Gore Drivc Drivcr: Lauren l:00 2:00 PUBLIC HEARING. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS l. Lionshcad Inn (AKA L'Ostello) - Repaint. 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot I , Block 2. Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant Eustaquio Cortina, represented by Bill Pierce 2. Aleman - Northwoods deck enclosurc. 600 Vail Valley Drive/ Northwoods Condominiums. Applicant Christine Aleman, rcprcscntcd by Kurt Segcrberg MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Northwoods - Discussion about futurc additions and deck enclosures. 600 Vail Valley Drive/Northwoods Condominiums. Applicant Community Development Dcpartnent MOTION: 3:00 Lauren Dirk J.Dirk SECOND:VOTE: 4. Middleton - riout rct of primary/secondary with a Type, ,i. 1865 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 23, Vail Village West #2. Applicant Kathryn lohre Middleton, represented by Erich Hill t Tammie at MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 5. Logan - Final review of a new single-family residence with a caretaker unit. Tammie 815 Potato Patch Dn, c/Lot2, Block I, Vail Potaio Patch. Applicanf Kent & Vicki Logan, represented by Pierce, Segerberg & Associates MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: 6. Harman - Residential addition. Lawen 5l l7 Main Gore Drive/Lot 5, Block l, Bighom Subdivision 5th Addition. Applicant Louis and Elizabeth Harman, represented by Pam Hopkins MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 7. Crossroads - An appeal of a staffdecision prohibiting a chain link fence. Dirk 143 E. Meadow Drive/Portion of Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant Crossroads Condominium Association, represented by Bill Pierce 8. Crossroads - New trash enclosure Dirk 143 E. Meadow Drivc/Portion of Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant Crossroads Condominium Association, represented by Bill Pierce MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 9. Public Works housing - Final revicw of Employee Housing Dominic 1309 Vail Valley Drivdlegally describod as: beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian thence S 89"3 I 49" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said Section 9, to a point on the northerly right-of-way fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 thence along the northerly right-of-way fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67o41'33" W 415.82 feet: thence S78" l3'02" W 1534.29 feet, to a point of curvature; thence 456.43 feet on a curve to thc right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears 580"33'38" W 456.30 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Section 9: thence departing the northerly right+tway fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 and following the Westedy line of said Section 9 N00oi8'21 "E 565.1 I fcet to the point of beginning. Applicant Town of Vai[, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie Hervert MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: .a StaffApprovals Franke - Repaint. Dirk 2712 Kinnickinnick Ct./tot 10, Block 2. Vail Intermountain Applicant Pcter and Patty Franke The Eagle - Replacement sign. Dirk l00Q Lionsridge Loop/Lions Ridge Filing #l Applicanf L&B Broadcasting, LLC Lodges at Timber Creek - Garage conversion. Dominic 2893 Timber Creek DriveA.odges at Timber Creek Applicant Stan Cole Enzian - Reroof and modifications Dfut 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot l, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing. Applicant EnzianHomeownersAssociation,lnc. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inryection during regular office hows in the project . planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Comrnunity Developm€Nrt D€partment" 75 South Frontage Road. Sigr languagc interpretation available uport requesr with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for . information. J TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUTII Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST This site is zoned General Use (GU) which allows Type lll Employee Housing Units as conditional use. The applicant is requesting a conditional use pemit to allow for the construction of 24 Type lil Employeb'Housing Units at th; Public Works site. The proposed dwelling units are intendeci to accorirmbdate the T-own's (Public Works') seasonal housing needs. The employee nouiing standards require a minimum dnfn tor aType lll EHU of 450.sq. ft. The proposal. consisi-s of 21 studio dpartments (451 sq. ft.) and 3 6ne-bedroom dwelling units (528 sq. ft')' The dwelling units are proposed in one, three-story structure. The proposed building is 30.8' in height fromixisting giaO6 at both the east and west ends of the building. The proposed building willbe 34.8' in height from linished grade at both ends of the building. The proposal also includes 26 parking spaces, 2 of which are handicap parking spaces'. One of medaniicap parking spaces id requi6O tor the Public Works Administration Building. Therefore, 25 parking dpices aie'available toi tnis development. The parking required for the development , is d+ parkind spaces (one space per unit). Thdre are 3 gu99t spaces on the proposed lower level parking arei tdr day use and an additional 9 spaces available in the evening hours. ORIGINAL April28, 1997 A request for a conditional use permjt, tq -a19Y.ry9ry-fo{ Jvp"9l1,F.1!:i9t seasbn'af employee houslng,loiated at 1309 Vail Vailey Drive/legally described as (Public WorK FacilitY): beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 9, Township ? *uhl,R"!,S180 wesl of the Siin eriicipat Me;dian thence S 89'31?9" E2339.84 feet, along the North.line of said Section 9, rb a poinr on th€ northerly right-of-way fence line of Interstate Highway No' 70 thence along the northerly right-of -wa/fence line of lnt€rstate Highway.No.70 as follows: S 67"41'gg,-W 41S.82 feet; ihence S78't g'02" W 1534.29 feet, to a poinl of curvalure; thence 456.43 feet on a curve to the right wilh a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears 580'33'38" W 456.30 feet to a p-oint on the W€stsrly line of said Section 9-: thence departing the northerly right-olway lence line oJ Interstate Highway l,lo. 70 and follow|ng if'JW"iieAV line of said Seaion g, Nlortn 00"8'21"E 565.11 feel to the point of beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and susie Hervert Planner: Dominic Mauriello o The proposal also includes a dumpster which is accessible from both the upper and lower level par1ing areas. The dumpster is bbbw the upper-level parking area grade and allows tenants to brop trisn into the dump'ster. The proposed enclosure does not include a roof. Thd proposal also includes a 5'wicje paved pedestrian access from the south side of the lower level parking area to the South Frontage Road. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards for the GU district are determined by the PEC' The PEC must determine rfuhat development standards are needed on a site specific basis. The proposed standards are as presented on the site plan and building plans for the site. Zoning: Use: Lot Size: Standard Site Coveragg: GRFA: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Parking: Gu€st Parking: Internal Parking Landscaping: Snow Storagg: Building HeQht: per PEC N/A per PEC N/A per PEC N/A 24 spacos N/A per PEC per PEC per PEC 908 sq. ft. (10old' N/A per PEC per PEC General Use (GU) 24 Type lll EHUs 740,520 sq. ft. or 17 acres (entire site without USFS addition) Allowad/R6ouir€d Exlrtlno Proposed 48,92 1 sq. ft. (6.60l") 54,071 sq. ft. (7 -3v"1 (w/admin. addition) 0 sq.ft. N/A 1 1,055 sq. ft. 85' 500' (east), 1,000' (west) 90' 26 spaces (includes t handicap + 1 additional handicap for admin.) 3 spaces + 9 evening spaces 963 sq. fi. 3,370 sq. ft. (307") 30.8 from existing grade 34.8' from finished grade N/A N/A Nole: 'required by code for allolh€rzone dislricts but nol necessatily for the GU dislricl III. REVIEWCR]TERIAFORTHISREOUEST ln addition to the conditional use criteria, staff has included the purpose statement from the zoning code, as we believe this will help the PEC in its evaluation of the request. The Public Works employee housing is located in the General Use (GU) zone district. According to Section 1 8.36.010 of the zoning code, the purpose of the GU district is: ,,to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of theil special characteristics, can,ioi$ appropriatdty regulated by the development standards prescribed by oth;;;;;;gtiittlitt, atiO foi which d'evelopment standards especially prescribed for each particular developmen-t proposal or pioject are necessary to achieve the purposes pre#rioeo in Section r'a.oz.oio ind to prdvide lor the public.welfare' The General Use District is intended to ensure that public'buildings. and grounds and certain . tG "f quasi-puUiic us"t f"ttitt"A in.the Dist;ict are approp.riately.located and designed to meet the neecti oi resiOints and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses' "nO,ln cases of OuitOings and other structures, lo ensure adequate light, air' open ,pJies, ind other ameiities appropriate to the perrnitted types ot uses." Type lll Employee Housing units may be permitted in the GU zone district subject !o tlt9 - issuance of a conditionaf ,-se p"i.ii in icborOance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60' For the PEC's reference, the conditional use permit purpose statement indicates that: ,,in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the obiectives of this title' specilied uses are per.itt"d in ceriain Oiitricts suOj6ct to the granting ol a conditional use permit' Because of theilnrsulf ot special characteristics, conditional uses require revierv so that they may be iocat"O proierty with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their attlcti on sui'rou'nding proirerties. Th'e rdview process prescribed in this "nipi"i ii intenOeO to assure compati-bility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding iroperties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as tne iown may piescriOe to in'sure'that the location and operation of the conditionat uses wilt b; in dcbordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised' to achieve mese oOieciives, applicatioris for conditional use permit shall be denied'" The conditional use permit consideration of factors are as follows: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. staff beleives that the proposed development will have a posjtive impact on the development o6ieitives of the Town. The Town has determined inat tne providion of eniployee housing and seasonal employee housing to be goald in several planning documen-ts, including the Vail Land Use Plan. 2. The effect ol the use on light and air, distribution of population'- transportation facilities, utiiities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and other public facilities needs. The proposed facility will have minor impacts on these issues' The pro-p;saiwitt providd housing lor workers who will generally work out of tnis site, therblore reducing iraffic impacts especially during peak hours. The development includeJsome areas for recreation which will be an asset to thd project and the Town as a whole. The proposalwill have minimal, if any, impacts to utilities or schools. 3.Etfect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion' automotive and ;;;ilffi;f.ty ano ionvenience, tralfic flow and control' access' maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the street and parking areas' As stated above, the proposed location allows occupants to essentia.lly live at work. This will reouce-tne neeo ior wort<ers to travel to and from the ;idil;its ;;"i hor,r. Ho*"uii, p"oe.slria,n gT?"t throush the l-70 tunnel will likely increase -iil" ptbbotel includes improving vehicular -and il"otitii"n l.c'ess through tne iunnet, by improving lines of site' grades' I.O p."lOi"g a 5'wide faved pedestria-n path' Additionally' the O"u,jiopt"nihas been property planned !o inglude areas for snow storage' Overall, statl believes tne proidcidesign has adequately addressed these issues. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed uqg^i:]q-be rociGOincruOing the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed building is a three-story structure that appears.as.a tYPical "piririni-Uuitding. fhe other buitdirigs found o.n-s1e are industrial in nltri" inl t,eref5re rhis buitding wiil be compatible with the other riu"tur"r on-site. The charactel of the building is not "Alpine" in nature ;il il;ld noiprobably bacompatible in other areas of the Town' The uuiroing "pp"ais to oe'wltt iuit6o to the site and for the purpose it is being constrictdd. However, the building will be visible across the valley and tu oaa and pEc shoutd consideimis in their review of the proiect. The building is one single structure and therefore.prePeqs-a lal^S^e-,T31"-" on the site. Statf beleives that the correct use of landscape materlals ano other building accents' such as decks, could help reduce the perceived bulk and mass of the structure. Overall staff believes that this criterion has been addressed by the development. 4. The conditional use permit findings are as follows: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting-a conditional use permit: l.Thattheproposed|ocationo|theuseisinaccordancewiththepurposes of the conditional use permit section ol the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located' 2.Thattheproposed|ocationoftheuseandtheconditionsunderwhichit would be'opbrated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, saf6ty, or welfare or materially iniurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each ot the appiicable. proulsions oi tne conoitional use p'ermit section of the zoning code. IV. ISSUES ADDRESSED Below are issues brought up at the March 24 and April 14 worksessions with the PEC' l. BuildingLocation/BuitdingtteighWiewAnalvsis The building is proposeo on-fre-JiEt end'or the P;bl6 fihils property' T-he building is proposed along a natural Oencn area'on inii portion of the site anC appdard 19 P.e the logical location for this structure. Sratf alsoftlieves tiris is ttre appropriate arbi of the site for housing as it is io""i"O taitnestaway from the more industrial elements of the site' The applicant is proposing a building. heig_ht of approximately 34.8'.Irom finished grade and 30'8' from existing grade. For ief"i"n"",in" riign O"ility rUritiprb Family-zone.district allows up to 48' in buitding height for a sroieii io.lr-6uiioindanc me trteoiurir Density Multiple Familv zone district allows up to 38' in buitding height lor a sloped |.ooiOritOing. Statf 6elieves the proposed building height is appropriate lor this site. The applicant has provided a cross section through the property. showing.the relationship of buitding height to tne epvition of l-70. tne viewinitysis provi'Oes 3 photographt !"k9l fl9T9 different public locations lfong Vail Valley Drive. The pro[osed.str.uctufe was superimposed on rhe phorographs at the il;;iti=l".li i6 cteartrom ttiis inatysis that the upper two 1oors of the structure will be visible lrom this area of town' lt is also clear from this analysis that the parking *iri not be very visible on the site from the ,,public" spaces across the valley. 2. Architectural ComPatibilitY ine site is currently Oev6iobJO with'industrialtype buildings and administrative offices' Therefore, architecturat "ofipitiOiiit' with othei'structureJon-site is not necessarily desirable' . fiie piopriseO OuitOlng form is i mr6e-story structure' The building hasbeen further articulated by providing off-sets "ni uoiOl *nich helpio break-up thq qeLciivgg.t1l! 1O mass of the structure. The PEC naisorne "onc"tns teg"rding tfie sunbOitity of the o.,verall architecture in the Town as a whole. fne appiicant-has provid-ed mo-re wood elements on the fascia and around windows to make the iliiff; app""t-tot" in character with the Town of Vail' The PEC' however, should conce"ii"iJtiin. overall bulk inO mass of the building and any issues related to materials should be left with the Design Review Board' The issue ol exterior decks came up at the previous meetings. lt was discussed that decks *orfC ie*e several putpotJi io hefp Otehf-up the overalibulk and mass of the building' to ;axerh; oweiting uriitsfiJre rivaole a'nd to impiove the design of the building' -ry-lql1t*,,"nis cnosen not t6 provide decks on the building' Staff believes that decks in some areas woulo oe an asset to me 'projeci byproviding variety dnd interest to the building, making these very. small units more livable, anl iurtner, inat Oe6t<s would provide additional wood elements to the building making it more "alpine" in nature. The roof line of the building has not changed since the last PEC worksession' A flat section of ,oof has been provided il ;td;i to break ine OuitOlng into what is Perceived as two structures' Stif Oetieues ihe previous roof line, which containe-d a sloped toof over this proposed flat area' was more appropriate and aesthetic. A lighting plan and color samples will be required as part of the DRB review of this project' 3. LandscaPePIan i'n" .pprilininli proviOeo a landscape plan which provides 29 evergreen-s, ranging in size from e;io iif in neight dnd I S Gpens at Zrcdtiper. The llan provides for planted landscape areas *ifiin in" p"irlnillot. Saf Oelieues the landscape iread are a very positive addition to the iiJiJ"t. ifiJ Fi[7gne *d;;itd ;ii worxsesdion that the proposed trees should be budstantiat in size, especially in front of the building' The plan also provides site improvem€nts to the recreation area to the wesl of the building' These improvements inciiOJiuoffeyOafiiourt, piinlc taOtes, and a grill' Access to this area is provided via a foot Path. 4. SnowStorage The site plan shows areas to be used for snow storage on-site. The areas provided are appropriately Planned. The current standard being applied on private developments is-that snow storage areas shall "qu"l -gO.Z" of the paved "ieaiin" driv'eway and pariing area for this development equal aiprorimiteV ri,ebO rqlh,.lnO in" piopoi'eC sno* stoiage areas equal approximately 3'370 sq' ft. (30%). 5. Retaining Walls i-f," propoi"O plin willcontain several retaining walls. The standard applied to developments in the Town (in accordanc" *nn S"ction 18.58.02--0 "Fences, hedges, walls, and screening") is a rarirrri"bnt of 6'foiietaining;arrs. The GU disrict (Section 18'36'060 "Additional devetopment stanOarOsi) ri'iuitf| i-"t pti*." with this stindard. All proposed retaining walls ire ies's than O' in heighiancithe maioiity ot the walls are less than 4' in height' 6. Solid Waste DisPosal The plan provides for m6 location of a dumpster for this development. The proposed location.is oeroi-ine'upper-tevet pitNn-ti-gi;d; ino iJ'lnCrosed on 4 sided. Tenants will drop-tra-sh into the Ormpst"t trb'm aOove,'ai tn"-d-r*pst"r enclosure does not have a roof covering' Staff.is . concerned about not having a rooied enclosure. Without a roof, snow will accumulate in the enclosure and cause " rii-nGnln.l ptoOtet. Staff is also concerned that without a roof the wind will blow trash out oline Jum-piier. -A roof will also provide an exlra level of screening for occupants on the upper stories of dhe building. Consideration should also be given to "bear- proofing" the enclosure. 7. Site Access This site is accessed via the tunnel below l-70. This tunnel is a constrained roadway witg^yoF of 20'. ldeally, this access should be wider, however, to widen this tunnel, if allowed by CDOT' it ;;U be Gi'costty. Siitf inO the applicant have met with CDOT and have received approval . from cDoT for the deve-topment*imbiit additional requirements, eiher to the s. Frontage Road or the underpass. The approach to the tunnel has been improved (on the north side of the tunnel) which will . improve visibility, tessen g;aOe, and reOucethe chance of accidents. lmprovements are also p.pri.O ii..g tne S. fr6nhg6 Road in order to improve lines of site when exiting the Public Works site. o 8. Pedestrtanand8usAccess nl erpfiineOibove, the ac-ess tnrough this tunnel is less than perfect. By providing housing.on this site, the EHU o.cup"nG l.*si natie safe pedestrianlbicycle.'access through this tunnel' The ippliririiiJp.posing i s *iO. p""JO peOesiriantir<e acce-ss through the tunnel to the S' Frontage Road. The persons occupying the employee h9usi19. may rely onpublic ransit t9 get around Town, tprofiaOfy more so tirai tne getiet;f prgriil.^ine alpptiiant has indicaled that a bus stop will be ilffildffiin" puiis affie on ine_Goti Course rbute in order to allow convenient bus access' this stop will be known as tie Pulis Bridge bus stop. There will not be a bus stop structure provided. This will be a "request only" bus stop. 9. Environmental l'Iazards n portion of tre puOtic WoG site is located in a High peve.rgV Rockfall.Hazard and Debris Flow MSOerate Hazard. fne piopoieO site for the housiig is not located.in. the identified hazard area and statf has reviewed a pi'ititinaty hazard report fhich states that the proposed housing site is not affected by the hazari. A linal nazard repdrt will be provided prior to the issuance of a building permit. 10. HistorielResources There is a remnant ot an-otOiog cabin on the site. This structure mqy Pe from the turn of the century. The applicant has shdrvn this structure on the site plan and it is outside of the area being lraded oh-site and therefore will not be disturbed. ll- Phasing PIan It has been inOicated by the applicants that some of the improvements may be phased over the nert t*o years ln orOeito nave enougn capital to complete the irnprovements. The Town has allowed other developers to also provide such phasing as long as the improvements are guaranteed by a Letter of Credit. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The statf is recommending approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit for 24 Type lll Employee Housing Units, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional tise permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the GU zone district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health' safety' or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section ol the zoning code' The recommendation ol approval is subject to the following conditions: o 't. 3. That the applicant provide 8-12 decks on the south, east or west elevations of the Ouiriiiig. TiJ finaf iocationlnJ size of the decks shall be subject to DRB review and approval. Thattheapplicantprovidearoofoverthedumpsterandappropriate|ysecurethe facility to lessen potential impacts from bears. That the applicant provide a revised landscape.plan which reflects all of_the i6;G;ffi;lo fi. rt" pran prior ro DRB ievi'ew and that the Design Review aoariiiosefy review the lindsdape plan, amgnq other design issues' to ensule that the masi of the building is appropriately broken-up' f :bwlyonePec\rnemoetsubhousS'428 N\Nd 3CVNIVHC CNV CNICVHC -IVNH cNV S)UO'Y\ Cngru JO'J"d3C $,5 :f:i li !t ili ii II, #i iil f#tII $ltr ffi $$ ii$j tiIt t! I Ir !! ii ;! t T ir fl I t t E I IE ! It ii $ ii t; 53 .ll it I t I!I a 5tIr! f,rrgEt I -: {I e! ;ri!i -B\ o1 \? 3 I t t I .(lr 'i\rt\rriltllttllilti it\ t L II I t I t\ ii I \I .,/t --=--:a7 i/t-'=" Hu"$ e eI I I q (to, s.Ea. ao 3 ! r\ii ii/ rt{iilr!l til iii -? I!!,i i'iHl li't-tln /66I B€:If :01 Ed ,tdY pafi d0HS'IIYA\JalseN\01t0\tI01640-1.\:d ss !.\ = o(mrm0c zna 4ra gnrcr cnalld 1NIS0OH ATgVOAOiiV TIUA ,trO N.UO,I iloscNiloo )tuYi uola^ I * * \r t\ I \ uEt frilHt iTBT [$fi8 t ** *t * ] t *Iil E ll iI I!pl !t * ,t '.; illi 1* 1*'l $r II $ tlll llr irlii P\r$l '<-0" -Z 6'hq il* i4' *?:11" =-,\ o: E$'\ \; \ \-$+ 5 T I I 5 I iF ir dll 5ll di ih irF EF iFt ull sF IEi II u99 5hh tstsE131 $$$ FFF 343 il 58 II E! JI 1! 0 I i I il $$$ FFF 333 E IF I| r|l Fli Ff $lJI Hll Bli t$$ FFF 334 IIil $$$ FFF 331 s$$ FFF 433 $$fi FFF zz= 'c'd ' slclllHcuv Nos0lwoo )luvn uolcl cr n CNISNOH ATSVOAOil,{V- leo:l TIVA ,IO NAO,I J EI 0x : { dIoJ e $$* FFF 344 It .ryf--!rt7:--ut \f\s\ 5 $# ,l fl' |lrl-.rll fli @ ,l fi|l fili @ c;lt it? r ilr q J-Jl $ mm M H i I F: llir [l # iF $ fr tr tl + o 5tl !ll iti $ {lffi ffi fl, ffifire a Wffi- Ery fiEllft fttr I el ib HII Eli @ {iitr tJts snilr wctu :, ONISNOH gTgVOVOd,trV. ref6,rr TIVA ,lO NAOJ \r.\s\ :5 fr$iF$ & rrtlillttr l| It 'tlql I ,ltrl f;1,Jl1tul.' rlS Eli @ ii tt 0 'c'd ' slc3lHcuv t{osovNoo )luvn uorch rrr !i JNISNOH TTSVAAO{,{V- llcs TIVA lO NAO,I . oFro|toc.IFA {r.s qroa r!|qri cNrsnoH flagv(Iuoirdv lrva ro Ni0,or \ ,h,,,h, I ihiiiii,,ri,l,i $r-,rril| jt lilili**h,,j -:...all; \\\ r \\,\ \'\tt\ tt))r'\.Sl\ t \g \\,\/\\,\i\:\ \ \ \=i, "r,,tr,t\ \.:F'' \ \{\or\ 4\.1g' Jla, ",, fil ;[;ffi' t ffil\ll ffiililll Jii bW$ a, \ Ts\ r-1.\s\ f Iiilfiffi|ilil ;d.rij \ t\ \r'\ t\\ \ \\ \ Tr .t -g4l rgd ii\;ri,l ttt y Ii q, rl ,' (,1 /i,, I /l \ i, r.)i \rtC I ! I, iIiY {itlA t-!-.\ /-- .l =d sSNOS IIOSS crtrt oarEDf, .ia^tl ll| r6q -r-o rlol t\.l \ \' r \lPl \t,rit t - lF$\ ii itl l Ir+(\:$ l. Agcnda last reviscd 412!197 4_Pm PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MondaY, APril 28, 1997 AGENDA Proiect Orientation / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 am Driver: @ NOTE: MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Site Vislts : 1. Vail Run - 1000 Lions Ridge LooP 2. Kirch - 1082 Riva Glen3. Kredeit - 226 Forest Road 1:00 pm George lf the PEC h€aring extends unlil 6:00 p.m., lhe board will break for dinner from 6:00 '6:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow tor the modification to the existing platted bui6ing envelope, located at 1082 Riva GleniLot 3 Spraddle Creek Estates' Applicant: Lee Kirch, represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: Lauren Waterton Z. A request to remove a condition ol approval, from an approved setback variance, requii'ing that the exterior walls and robf remain during the remodel process, located at ZZ6 Forest Road/Lot 1 1A, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: John KredeitPlanner: Lauren Waterton 3. An appeal of an administrative decision determining that the Vail Run tennis bubble is a seasohalstructure. The property is located at 1000 Lionsridge Loop (Vail Run). Appellant: Vail Run Condominium Association, represented by Larry Eskwith Planner: Dominic Mauriello 4. A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Vail Run), to eliminate the reqgirement for+ three covered tenn'is courts, located at 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/Lions Ridge Filing #1 . Applicant: Vail Run Condominium Association, represented by Larry Eskwith Planner: Dominic Mauriello 5. Agcnda last rcvisc d 4/2!197 4_Pn A request for a final review for a conditional use permit to allow for Type lll EHUs for seJsbnalhousing,located at 1309 VailValley Drive, Public Works Facility/legally described as: beoinninq at lhe Northwest corner of Seclion 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 westof lhe Sixth ilx;ilitffi;i"^ inl."" s ag"gr'+9, E 2333.84 f eel, atong rhe North tine of said section 9, ro a ;;il;ii;;;;.tneity risttr-or-way fence line of Interslaie Highway No. 70 thence along lhe iortn"rfy tight-of-way fe-nce line ol Interstate Highway, No' 70 as follows: S ei;atlg3Y W 415.d2 feet; thence S78"1302'-W 1534.29 feet, to a poinl.of curvature;thence aSe.Ai i*r on a curve lo lhe right with a radius of 5580.00 fest, ths chord of which bears s80"33'38" W 456.30 teet ro aioinr on th€ wssl€rly line of said section 9: thence departing the . . ."rrf*f Viigf i-"i*"y t"n"" tinJof lnlerstate Highwiy No. 70 and following lhe Westerly line of said Section'g tiOO'ig'Zt';e 565.11 teet to the point of beginning' Aoolicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and susie Hervert Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a worksession to discuss a major exterior alteration in CC1 and a minor subd-ivision, to allow lor the construction of a irarking gal$e' 9 accommodalion units' 1 condominium and new r"tit ofi." space al me Caslnbt Gramshammer, located at 231 e. eore Creek Dr./Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing' Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, segerberg, & Associates Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MAY 12,1997 A request lor a residential addition utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the construction of a dormeraddition, located at 2943 Bellllower Drive/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Frank Bannister, represented by RKD Planner: Tammie Williamson TABLED UNTIL MAY 12,1997 A request for a minor amendment to SDD f4 (Cascade Village), to allow.lor a skier bridge "nO I *l;ot amenomeniio attow for modifications to the allowable GRFA and the building neig[t finiitations, located at 1 150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1 & 39-2' Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Sherry Dorwood Pianner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JUNE 9, 1997 6. 7. 8. Agenda hst rcviscd 423197 4 Ptn L A request for a minor exterior altelation and a site coverage variance from section 1g.24.150 to a comme,rciil storefront on Hanson Ranch Road and to allow for an expansion to tn" ortOoor Oining Oeck and conditional use permit to allow lor outdoor ;;;tilg in tne CCi Zone Distrdt at the Red Lion Building (Cle.a1er-s Deli, The Ghocolate Fiiior"Vl, tocated at Sba etiOg" StreeyLots E, F, G, & H; Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing' App|icant: Landmark Gommercia| Deve|opment, represented by Morter Architects Pianner: Tammie Williamson W]THDRAWN BY APPLICANT 10. Intormation Update 'f 1. Approval of March 10, March 24'and April 14, 1997 minutes' The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during iegui;'offiCe hours in rne projgct pianner's'office located at the Town of Vail Community Ddvelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road' SQn language interprotation available upon r€quest with 24 hour notificalion' Please call 479-2114 voics or 479-2356 TDD for informalion. Community Development Deparlmsnt Published April 25, 1997 in the Vail Trail' o FILT C$PY 12.A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for sdasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/legally described as: beginning at lhe Norlhw€st corner of Section 9, Township 5 SoUh, .Range 80 west of the Siin Priicipat Meridian rhence S 89'3149" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said section 9, to a point on the northedy rigtrtof-way fence line of Inlerstate-Highway !q, 70 thence along the northerly right-of-way fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 as follows: Planning and Environmontal Commission Minul,es Aptil 14. 1997 L7 s 67.41 '33" W 41 5.g2 feet; thence s78"13'02" W 1 534.29 feet, to a point ot curvature; . , lhence 456.43 feet on a curye lo the right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, th€ chord ot wnlcn bears Sg0"33'38" W 456.30 teet to a point on the Westerly line oJ said Section 9: thence departing ttre norttrerfy right-of-waylence lin€ of Interstale Highway No. 70 and following fi€ Wesrerly lin; Lt "iia 3*rion g, Norrh 00'8'21"E 565-1 1 teet to the point ol beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and susie Hervert Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of fhe memo and said that the applicant needed clarification on some of the issues. Andy Knudtsen said that Public works and the Housing Division wele the co-applicants and that in tnio weeks we would be back to nail down the details. Mark Donaldson, the architect, said that the roofline had been broken up. He explained th.atthe colors were not to draw attentibn, rather to make the building more interesting' He said windows had been put in the ,ear oiine-Ouilding, as the PEC requested. He requested that this project be. ;ilil;d [itnoui fanOsciping in tne farfing lot. He said tnat only two rooftop penetrations wouid cbire tnrough the roof, *iin tE. etceition oi the plumbing vqnls and the laundry room dryer and all vents would come out the north wall which wdub conceal them from public view. He then addressed the changes in materials, as well as the view analysis' Greg Moffet said there was no public present at_the meeting and that 908 sq' ft' of internal parking lot landscaping was not required in the GU district. Galen Aasland said he would like to see a larger section ol flat rool and decks, so it would not be so monotonous. He said he had trouble wittr it not looking like an alpine environment and that it looked like Dillon. He said he was very much in favor of landscaping in the parking lot which would be possible by eliminating 3 spaces in the parking lot. Ann Bishop stated more landscaping was needed on site. Diane Golden agreed and had no other specific comments. Gene Uselton said the building was an improvement, but he would like the landscape islands. John Schofield echoed Galen's and Gene's concerns and stated that plows would have to plow around something some of the time anyway. He said his concern was that at some point in time ttrei *itiOe sold;ihat some future Council may not want to service the debt and so they needed to 6e brought in conformance with what a private developer would do. He said he saw the north side as being a maintenance nightmare. Mark Donaldson said with the exception of the parking lot landscaping, these were subjective issues. John Schofield said this project was important for public perception and that although masonry was expensive, over 30 iears it would be low maintenance and cost effective. Mark Donaldson suggested extending the foundation wall. He explained the challenge was Ouj6ing 24 units, a iiudio configurati6n for 18 units and 6 - 1 bedroom units all requiring individial tap fee, etc. and keeping the cost between $125 - $135 per sq. ft' Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes April 14, 1997 l6 Diane Golden asked for the breakdown of the types of housing' Mark Donaldson gave the breakdown of the units' Greg Amsden said the ridgeline was still bothering him and only a p'differential was not enough' He said fhe PEC wou6 nbi 46w iny oter devel6per to do thai. He felt the two upper level units on each end should naue *rap-irou'no O"cr". He'said to put the decks on with resale purposes in mind. Andy Knudsten said that the current Town Manager and Council were committed to housing and tnatinere was no OeOt seivice on tnis prolect, as-it was being paid for out of Capital improvements. susie Hervert stated that with no children or pets allowed and the industrial nature of the site' it really was not marketable. Greg Amsden said that the council had to bite the bullet and spend the money. Andy Knudtsen said we would try, but we wanted to come in under budget. Greg Amsden said it could be built in phases. Andy Knudtsen said separate excavation costs would bring up the cost. Greg Mofiet disagreed with Greg Amsden. He asked why this was oriented away lrom the view of the Gore. Susie Hervert said the project was bumped back to the north to have a distinction between FuOfic Wo*s parking dnOine housing iarking and that topography dictated the location' Greg Motfet asked if the units could be made available to TOV employees with a deed restriction' Andy Knudtsen said seasonal TOV employees were the first priority, then permanent TOV employees. Greg Moffet agreed with Galen;to make it yodel a little. Mark Donaldson said that this was an improvement and he failed to see why we needed a Sonnenalp here. Galen Aasland said it had no heavy proportions and could easily be built down in Denver' Greg Motfet said we had a unique opportunity, given the zoning of this property. Gafen Aasland suggested changing the pitch trom 4:12 to 6:12, or varying the roof pitch' bring the stucco up with flashing against the wall. Plannir:g and Environmental Commission Minutes April 14, 1997 l_9 Agcn& last revised 7121197 llatr PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSTON Monday, March 24, 1997 AGENDA 12:d) pmNGH - Community llevelooment Department MEMBERS ABSENTMEMBERS PRESENT Slte Vlsits : 12:45 pm 1. 2. 3. Driver: Koenig - 392 Beaver Dam Gircle CreeGide Building - 229 Gore Creek Drive Public Works - 1309 VailValley Drive George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends unlil 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p'm' pubfic Hearing - Tow-nlouncilQhamDen 2:00 p'm' 1. lnformation update: 5 minute joint consideration with the DRB and PEC iegirdindtne Seibert Gircle art project - Todd Oppenheimer 2. A request for a iolntworksession with tre Design t9Yi9*- Board (DRB) to discuss a . condirionat use permit, to allow twenty-four fypJtlt El!s.19r.s3l-so_nal employee housing' tocated at 1309'V;il Villey Drive/legd1ry OescibeO as (Public Works Facility): beginningaltheNodhwestcornerofSectiong'Township5South'HangeS0westoflhe Sixrh principal Meridian rhence S 89'31?9" E 233i1.84 teet, atong the North line ol said Secrion g, i5 ";iiffi t-n" ronrr"iri rightof-way fence line of lnterstate Highway No- 70 thence atonq the northerly right-of-waffence lin'e of Interslate Highway No' 70 as follows: s 67"41'3g"-w ats.ez t"5t; i'nence Si8"t3'02" w 1534.29 feEt, 10 a poinl of curvature; . , thence 456.43 feet on a curve to the right with a radius of 5580.00 teel' lhe chord ol whlcn bears sg0"33,3g" W 456.30 feer to a frint on the westerly line ot said section 9: thenca deparring tre norrrrerri righr-of-way fence line of Inr€rsrate Highwaylrlo -7qry.9]9:,'sfid Westerly line of said Section 9: North 00'8'21"E 565.1 1 feet to the point ot beglnnlng' App|icant: Town o| Vai|' represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie Hervert Planner: Dominic Mauriello Agenda las revised !/21197 llaurrt 3. A request for a conditional use p,ermit, to allow for a Type ll EHU' located at 392 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing' Applicant: Howard Koenig Pianner: Tamrnie Williamson 4. A request for a major e)derior alteration in CC'|, at the CreelGide. Building, to allow for the expansion of tne i6staurant and the west side exterior residential decK, located a1229 Gdre Creek Drive/Lot A' Bloc* 58, VailVillage 1st Filing' Applicanr: Michael Ditch, represented by Dave Carson Planner: Lauren Waterlon 5. A request to amend the Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan and adopt t|e Gerald R. Ford Park Management Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Larry Grafel, Pam Brandmeyer, Todd Oppenheimer' Planner: George Ruther 6. A request for a minor SDD amendment to Special Development District No. 30 at the Vail Athleiic Club, to allow for modifications to the restaurant, common areas, and accommodation unit balconies, located at 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B' Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: JWT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John Perkins Pianner: George Ruther/Mike Mollica STAFFAPPROVED 7. A request for an interior remodel to the primaryunit, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 77'8 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 18, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Fred Bartlit, represented by Bill Anderson Planner: Tammie Williamson STAFF APPROVED g. A request for a minor suMivision of the Lodge Tower parcel, located at 200 Vail Road/Lot A, Block 5-C, Vail Village First Filing' Applicant: Lodge Propefiies, Inc., represented by Jay Peterson Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL APRIL 14,1997 o Agenda last revised 3l2l/97 lllm g. A request lor a worksession to discuss a maior exterior alteration in CG1 and a minor subdivision, to allow for the construction of a parking garage, I accommodation units' 1 condominium-anO nern retail office ipice arme Oas-tiot Giamshammer, located at 231 E.GoreCreekDr./PartofLotA,B|ock58'VailVi||agelstFi||ng. App|icantPepiGramshammer,representedbyPierce,segerberg,&AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 14' 1997 10. A request for a major exterior alteration in cc1, at the A & D Building, located at 286 Bridg'e StreeUlots A, B, & C, Block 5A, VailVillage 1st Filing' Applicant:2S6BridgeStreet,lnc.,representedbyCraigSnowdonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL APRIL 14,1997 ilililillll 11. Approval of March 10, 1997 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals qre.aygilab]efor public-inspection.during regutdroffice hours in fire project planner's'otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon r€quest with 24 hour notification. Please call 479'2114 voice ot 479-23,56 TDD for information. Gommunity DevebPment Deparlment Published March 21, 1997 in the Vail Trail. RIGINAL MEMORANDUII Planning and Environmental Commission Gommunity Development Department April14, 1997 A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit,_to-allow twenty- ioui tvpe lll EHUS for seasonat emptoyee ho.using, locared at 1309 Vail Valley Driveiidgally described as (Public Works Facility): beginning at the Northwesl corner of Section 9, Township I Sg*lf"lg-"-80west of the Siin Friicipaf Meridian thence S 89"3149" E 2333.84 feet, along the North.line of said section 9, to a point on rtre norttrerty rightof-way fence line of Interstale Highway No' 70 thence along the northerly right-of-way-fenc9 111-.e.of llerstate Highway No.-70 as follows: S 67"41'33;W 4i S.82 feet; i'hence Si8"t 3'02" W I 534.29 f€et, to a poinl of curvature; lhence 456.43 feet on a curve to the right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears 580"33'38" W 456.30 teet to a p;int on the Westerly line of said Section 9-: thence departins the northerly risht-of-way fence !i1e-9J ll'1els-t9t9.H.is!ry"{ No 19-1llt1]191,'19 thd W€st-erly line of said Section 9, North 00€'21"E 565.11 feet to the point ol beglnnlng' Applicant: Town ol Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and susie Hervert Planner: Dominic Mauriello o 0 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The purpose of this worksession is to review the building architecture, he.ight' and location on.the site. All other issues regirOing landscaping, pedestrian access, and the like will be presented at the Aprif 28, 1997 hearing for linal review of the project. This site is zoned General Use (GU) which allows Type lll Employee Housing Units as a .. conditional use. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the construction of ,iiyi;1t Emptoyee Hdusing Units at the PuOlic Works site. The proposed dwelling units are intended to aciommodate thd Town's (Public Works) seasonal housing needs. The proposal also includes 29 parking spaces, 2_of which are handicap parking sPaces-:. One of tne fan,iicap parking spaces id requi6O tor the Public Works Administration Building. Therefore' 28 parking dphces a-re available toi tnis development. The parking required for the development is da parfinlj spaces (one space per unit). Th6re are 4 guest spaces within the upper level. p"rtirig it"i. rne apfticani nas inoicated that additional guest spaces are available in the lower level Public Works parking area. The proposal also includes a dumpster which is accessible lrom the upper level parking area' The building plans are attached. A view analysis of the site will be presented at the meeting' II. ZONING ANALYSIS The development standards lor the GU district are determined by the PEC' The PEC must determine what devetopment itanOarOs are needed on a site sp6cific basis. The proposed standards are as presented on the site plan and building plans for the site' Zoning: Use: Lot SizE: Standard Site Coverage: GRFA: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Parking: Guest Parking: Intemal Parking LandscaPlng: Building Heigttt: PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC 0 sq.ft. 24 spaces required N/A PEC gos sq. ft. (10%) N/A PEC 11,850 sq. ft. 85' 500' (east), 1,000' (wesl) 90' 28 spaces (includes I handicap + 1 for admin.) 4 spaces + ovsrflow 0 sq.fi. 35' from finished grade (worst case) GEneral Use (GU) Type lll EHUs 740,520 sq. tt. or 17 acres (entire site without USFS addition) Allowed/Requlrcd' Exlstlno Prooosed 48,921 sq. ft. (6.6%) 54,071 sq' ft' (7'3%l (w/admin. addilion) N/A N/A NiA N/A Nole: 'required by oode for all olh€r zone disticls III. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The code criteria for review of such a request are provided for your information' Since this is a worksession, staff has not addressed thd specific briteria. In addition to the conditional use criteria, staff has included the putpose $atAment from the zoning code, as we believe this will help the PEC in its evaluation of the request. The Public Works ernployee housing is located in the General Use (GU) zone district' According to Section 18.96.01 0 bf t'ne zoning code, the purpose of the GU district is: "to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characterisgcs, cinnot be appropriatdly regulated by the development standards prescribed by other .oninqAistribts, and foi which d-evelopment standards especially ireicriUed tdr eacfr partic"utar development ploposal or prgieq are necessary to achieve the purposes prescriOlO in Section 1'8.02.020 ind to provide for the public.welfare' The General Use District is intended to ensure that publicbuildings and grounds and certain . types of quasi-public uses permitted in the District are appro$iately located and oeslgneo to meet the needs of resid6nts and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses' and, in cases of buildings and other structules, to ensure adequate light' air' open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of uses"' Type lll Employee Housing units may be permitted in the GU zone district subject to the issuance of a conditionar rise feimit in acbordance with the provisions of Chapter 18'60' For the pEC's reference, the conditional use permit purpose statement indicates that: 'in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title' specified uses are permitteJ iii certiin Ol'stricts subiLct to the granting ilf a conditional use permit' Because ol their unusual or special chara-cteristics, conditional uses require review so tnat iney may be lo.at"O property with respect to the purposes of this title and with ieipectio mirir atfeiii on suirouhOing properties. Th'e r6view process prescribed in this cndpter is intended io "rsrr" compatlbility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding iroperties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may Oe permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as me iown miy prescriOe to iniure'that the location and operation ol the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will nor be detrimental to other uses or properties. Wiere conditions cannot be devised' to achieve tnese oOieciives, ippficationi fdr conditional use permit shall be denied." The conditional use permit consideration of factors are as follows: The conditional use permit findings are as follows: The planning and En-vironmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use Permit: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. 2. The effect of the use on light and air' distribution of population'- transportation lacilities, utiiities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and other public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular relerence to congestion, automotive and pedestrian salety and convenience, traffic 1ow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas' 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use.is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes ot the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be'op'erated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safdty, or welfare or materially iniurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. a 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable. prouiiioni oi tn" conOitional use p'eimit section of the zoning code' tv. rssuEs FoR DlscussloN 1. BuitdingLocation/BuitdingHeighWiewAnalysis The building is proposeO on tne-eiit end-of the Public Works property' The building is proposed along a natural Oencn are-a on mis l-oitlon of the site anO appdard to be the logical location for this structure. Statt Oefieves tnii Line appropriate area ot the site for housing as it is located tartnest away from the more industrial elements ol the site' The applicant is proposing a buildingtreight of approximately 35'from.finished grade' For reference, the High Density Multiple Family zone district allows up tq 4q'in building height.for a ri.i"O iJriOri6'fig and th''e M;JiJm Oenslty Multiple Famiry zone district allows up to 38' in 6rilong Gight tor i stopeo-r6bt oriioi"g. s[att neiieves theproposed building height is appropriate for this site. The applicant has provided a section through the property shorrring relationship of buibing heig-ht to elevation ol l-70. A view analysis was prepareO Oi me applican-t.-and will be presented atthe hearing. The view anarysii;;iJ;; a plioto'grapns iat<en fi6m 3 different public locations along V"if Vifi"V Diive. The froposeO structure was superimposedon the photographs at.the.proper scale. lt is clear from this analysis that the upper lwo flbors of the structure will be visible from this area of town. tt is d;;ldiftom this anatysis that the parking willnot be visible on the site trom tne "public" sp"cet "c.iJ me vattey' Staff believes that the structure can be further screened with addltionat landscaping around the building and along the berm' 2. Architecture i-ne pe|, it iiCMarcn 24,1gg7 meeting, voiced concern over the architecture of the building- lssues that were discusseb ln"frOeO, aI' "stepping" the building to breakup the roof elevations anO ieOuie the perceived mass of the buildind;' anid b. providing decks or other features on the ioutn etevation io proviOe iomL variety on th; front of ttie building and to make the units more liveable. The applicant has reworked the roof line of the building by providing aJlat section ol roof in older to break the building into tnit i" perceived as two $r;ctJr6s. The lppicant has not provided . iecf.i or-tne OuifOirig. fne winOdws on the tront of the building have been staggered to provide variety. Windows have been added to the north elevation' V. STAFF RECOilMENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed conditional use permit lor fre Public Works nJriing development tZ+ iype f f ieUUs), itatt witl not be providing a formal recommendation at this tim"e. Staff'will, nowevdr, provide a iecommendation at the time of final PEC review' I :bveryoneF€cvnemos\Ptbhous.41 4 ?NISNOH gTgVqAOigV TIVA dO NIO,,I sllta ' drrru' IuanlIrt iir ilrrr $ $ !F $F tE $F $l IF sl[ffI tll!I! Iffi 5fI tll TTI fli lliiiil t$lz* tll ,,, rtil ITT CNISNOH TTSVOAO{,{V TIUA gO NIOT gmt,| ' mar|. 'I|l:Elrflr 'c'd ' slSiltlr)Uv Nos(nviloo )tuv,r uolJl $ $lF $ l}tr I I I I TT II+t i It iI It * {' {i fi fi #\i|l {i iF $i I} gNIS0OH 1ITgYgVO,{gV TITA ,TO N,.O,,I rFtlr ' trfrt rur'|.lflt 'c'd ' slciurHcuv NosclvNoo )uvl| uolSl^ $l I sli $li @ {i,{i ilt o o o .l {I iI o 2NIS0OH gTgVWOdtrV TIUI IO lttal sEt|. mrru ' Iuslll(tv 'c'd ' stiEuH9uv )tuvn uolct ll iF $ ilr tl fi$i {i$ $|l rrotlrlE E--*-arri-.--tH qlm 2NIS0OH gTAVqAAi,{V TIYA {O IfcO,I orr{ oorsEc '||..v tn Et oaao r-d t t4i+46 SENOS JIOf,S oF qoJtta rtls slloll tH.l.il cNrsrroH gasvcf,offv lrvado r{m.or it 3t I H r1 _ll {iil IlItl t ElI E (:) " ol ,|,,,,,dn, I *lll,lliltlr - m /u'' t't)'\ KffiK),\M U',':\ =$\P #''?l: "\ ffiN'",,'rlIHml|M ';5'$iri---ffi -A\n' I i I I I7 "',\ \ ir[ ir ?-i t--ll t d I iI ,,fiildll$fi|il$ r,:ad=n \ \$ \t \ ) -1^ .\ I ) I I !-2rt ',{Llfl)t|l I l9ri IKSE tl =!rr,l i{lttl:ll :' i1., !4 7,'t t l. Il;; i, I /' ', lfiX/' ''\i/-,1 .\ L- i\ )-. (',ri (:) '€Y'a /) -,." \ "i/ \ ,'-. r,t t\i \-\ ,'\-lr . tt. 'i i/ it irl+; I // ,t'.irI) f * :l/l4L \;i li;'. o FILE MEMOFANDUlII Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 24, 1997 A request for a ioint worksession with the Design Review Board (DRB) to discuss a conditionat ,r" p'.*it,lo arrow t*entyltour Type lll EHUs for seasonal emptoyee housing, ro..t"[ii'i'ib-g viir Virrey Oriveileiittv described as (Public Works Facility): besinnins at th€ Northwest comer of Section 9, Township I Sgul!1319"-99:":l :f th" S#h C;fi"'p"1 t,t"riOi"n tf'"n." S eg.gf '49. E i333.84 feet, along the North line olsaid section 9, to a point on ill" nortrt"rrv right-of-way fence lins of Interstate Highway No' 70 thence along the northerty right-oi-iay"tence lin'e of lnterslale Highway.No.70 as follows: s sz"+t'gg;w ats.82 fe6t; i'hence sig't3'02" W 1534.29 feet, to a poinl ol curvature; thence 45G.43 teet on a curveio rn" iignt with a radius of 5580.00 leet, the chord of which U""ii Seb;gg;38" W 456.30 f;t to a 6int on the Westerly line of said Section 9-: thence J"p"rring tt'" northerly rigf i'or-w+i€ince line-oI Intersrate tlislYlYjo:I1Td,^9]131':9 rhJW".t""AV line of said Section g, trtorttr 00"8'21"E 565.1 1 feot to the polnt ot oeglnnlng' Applicant:TownofVail,representedbyAndyKnudtsenandSusieHervertPianner: Dominic Mauriello COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST This site is zoned General Use (GU) which allows Type lll Employee Housino units as a conditionat use. The appticant is requesting " conOft[n"i Ge'peimit to allofr tne construction of ZtiWetttempoyeeH'iiJingU;is'atlngiupJrgWorkssite. Theproposeddwellingunitsare intended to accommodate tn,if-own'JipuOtic Works) seasonalhousing ne-eds. The proposal. consists of one-bedroom o*erling unid (e units at 459 sq' ft., 12 units at +es sq' ft', and 6 units ;i 490 aq. ft.). The dwetting unitJ are proposed in one, three-story structure. The proposal also includes 29 parking sp_ace!, 2_of which are handicap parking spaces.. one of the handicap parking rp"*lJr"quiLO for tni puOtic Works Administration Building. Therefore' 28 parking dp'aces are auiifiOfe toi ttris development. The parking reqYllqd for the development is 24 parking spaces ton" ip"." p"t unit). Th6re are + gue'st spaces within ttre upper level. b.rki'ig ;td. ine apbficanin.ii inOiCateb that additional guest spaces are available in the lower level Public Works Parking area' The proposal also includes a dumpster which is accessible ftom the upper level parking area' See the attached applicant statement for more information. II. ZONING ANALYSF The development standards for the GU district are determined by the PEC' The PEC must determine what developt""i ttitO"tOs are needed on a site sp6cific basis' The proposed itanoaros are as presented on the site plan and building plans for the site. Zoning: Use: Lot Sizs: Standard Site Covsrage: GRFA: S€tbacks: Front: Siles: Rear: Parking: Gusst Parking: Inlemal Patking Landscaping: Building Height: General Use (GU) Type lll EHUs 740,520 sq. ft. or 17 acres (entire site wilhout USFS addition) Allowed/Requlred' Exlstlno Proposed PEC 48,921 sq. ft. (6'67.) 5a'071 sq' ft' (7'37") (w/admin. addition) PEC PEC PEC PEC 24 spaces required 0 sq. tl. PEC N/A 908 sq. ft. (1trl.) N/A PEc N/A 1 1,850 sq. ft. 8s' 500' (east), 1,000' (wesl) 90' 28 spaces (includes t handicaP + 1 for admin.) 4 spaces + overflow 0 sq.ft. 35' from finished grade (worst case) N/A N/A N/A N/A Nots: 'r€quired by code for al olher zone dislricls III. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The code criteria for review of such a request are provided for your information' Since this is a woit<session, statf has nii aOOiesseO thd speci1c briteria. In addition to the conditional use criteria, staff has lncruOeO tne pripoie ttatbtent from the zoning code, as we believe this will help tire PEC in its evaluation of the request' The Public Works employee housing is located in the General Use (GU) zone district' According fo Seciion f e.30.010 bt tire zoning clode, the purpose of the GU district isr "to provide sites |or pub|ic and quasi-pub|ic uses which, because of their specia| characteristics, ciniol Oe +pro'priafdty regulated by the development standards preiirioeo ov otniiion-ingTiitti[ts, irio foi which d'evelopment standards especially [rescribed fdr each particular development proposal or dojecf are necessary to achieve rhe purposes prescrloeJln Section r'e.Oz.OiO ind to pr6vide for thepubliclllStg;Jl^' eeierdt Use bistrict is intended to ensure that public buildings. and orounds and cenarn types of quasi-pubtic uses permitred in,tne'distlict iie acprofiriatelyTocated and designed to meet the needi of residints and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses' anO, in cases of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light' air' open ipaces, and other ameiities appropriate to the permitted types of uses." Type lll Employee Housing units may be permitted in the GU zone district subject to the issuance of a conditionar 'rise peimit in acbordance w1n ine provisi-ons of Chapter 18'60' For the PEC,s reference, the conoitionar use permit purpose statement indicates that: ,,in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title' specified uses are permitteJ i';;d;il Oiitricts suOi6cito tne granting bf a conditional use permit' Because of theilnrsr"f or special cnardcteristics, [onditional uses require review so rhat rhey ,.y o. io.":t"o Jiorierrv *irn respect to ttlg purposes of this title and with respect to their atflcii on suirrouhding ptoberties. Th'e rlview process prescribed in this cnipiei ii intenoeJio "irri" Jompatiottity and harmonious development between conditional ,r.r "ii *"*nolng btopert'ies in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts miy Oe permitted subject to such conditions and limitations a. tn" io*n tai pi"sciiOe to iniure tnat the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance witlrihedevelopment objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Wtiere conditions cannot be devised' to achieve m"r" i'oi!"iv"i, "ppli"atioris f& conditional use permit shall be denied'" The condltlonal use permit consideration of factors are as follows: 1.Re|ationshipandimpacto|theuseonthedeve|opmentobjectivesofthe Town. 2.Theeffectoftheuseonlightandair,distributionofpopu|ation' transportition ticirities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and other public facilities needs. 3'Effectupontratficwithparticu|arreferencetocongestion,automotiveand pedestrian safety and ionvenience, traffic florv and control, access, maneuuerabiiityland removal of snow from the street and parking areas. 4.Effectuponthecharactero|fieareainwhichtheproposeduseistobe located,inc|udingthesca|eandbu|koltheproposeduseinrelationto surrounding uses. l.Thattheproposed|ocationoftheuseisinaccordancewiththepurposes of ttre conOitional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be'opbrateo oimaintained would not be detrimental to the public health, saf6ty, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3'Thattheproposedusewou|dcomp|ywitheachoftheapplicab|e. provisioni oi the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. The conditional use permit findings are as follows: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: rv. lssuEs FoR DlscussloN l. ButtdingLoetton/Buitdingttetgnt[byenalvsis The buitding is proposeO on-tle-eaiiendof rne pu6fic fo-orLs propery' Ttre bui6ing is proposed atong a naturat nencn are-a #iniJ-po-tiio" oitne site anO apOtgti to 5e the logical location lor rhis structure. Statt atso Ojtieves this is tne appropriile alii of the site for housing as it is ii;;;dd faith;staway from the more industrial elements of the site' The applicant is proposing a building l"iq.hl,oJ.TPtoximately 35' fromJinished grade' The proposed building appeaii io Oe sufistan-tiatty tebsin neignthom existing grade' however' the appticant has not inoicatei ilfi6;Aiooi.n"ighi"ie'Tation' Prior to final review of this item by the pEC,lre appricaniiviiii,io"li"ln.te-elev'fi;;;. Foireference, the Hioh Densitv Multiple Famitv zone district atlows up to 48' in bui6ing h.i;ifti;;bp"d toof uuitoin-o and the Medium Density Muttiple ramity zorffdistrict allows rp to ii"iiiirjitii'"'CI 6r a slSped roof building' Staff believes the propos;d building height is appropriate for this site' The applicant will be providing a section trrough.ilre property showing relationship of building height to elevation ot rzri anO-iview analysis'prioiidtiriaf r6view in order to understand view implications in the area. 2. Architectunl ComPatibilitY The site is currently Oe"eilifieJ *iifiindustrial type buildings and administrative offices' Therefore, architectural;;fi;a6'iiit wiin otnei'stiuctures-on-site is not necessarily.desirable' The proposed building torm is i tnr6e-story structure. The building has been articulated by providing substantiatotd;G;J;lOJ*riicn netp to OreaX-up-thdperceived bulk and mass of the structure. A north etevation has not oeen proiiolo ano witt be irovided prior to final review. of the proposa. no".uJiiiif ir ferJ concetheO iOori the north iide of.this structure since it is not visible from other ptJpbtii"t otinJ fuOtic rignt'ot-way' Staff does.*lieve that windows may be appropriate on the noftfr etevation f6r units on tne se6onO and third 1oors' Windows could be orovided into the fitcn.nJ"nO battrrooms in these units which will allow additional light and air itito'in"i" Oretting units, thereby increasing the liveability ot the units. Staff also believes that decks should be considered for the south elevation' Even small decks would increase tne tivea-Oitiiy oi mese units as teil as providing greater architectural relief on the building. These issues ino,]fO G JOOressed by the adplicant pribr to the final PEC review' The applicant should also provide an indication of the proposed buildingmaterials lor this Otue]6irent prior to tinaf FeC ieviet. n lighting plan'anb color samples will be required as part of the DRB review of this Project. g. SiteCoverage/LandscapedAreas/LandscapePlan Site couliige on thfs si1' l;qJii6 bw. The proposal'will increase the site coverage to 7 '37o' There is also extensive'flnOjcape atea on t'his'property. Slatf believes that the amount of landscape area and site coverage is appropriate fdr th6 entire site, given the uses found on-site' The applicant has not submitted a landscape plan. A landscape plan will be required prior to. tii.,irEi[ir oiini pid. -star oetieues suistdntial trees snouid 5e located near the front of the building to help break-up tn. t"Joitt e building and to also help soften the area since it is located within an industrial complex. 4. Parking Lot LandscaPing The proposed parking foiOo"i nit conform w1h the requilements of Chapter 18'52 "Off-Street parking and Loading.' nitii,-u-giiihe-pi-C is m,e Oeierminate of the development standards for projects in the cu ron" oifti6i, siatr oetieues that certain standards, as they apply to all other devetopments in tne rownl ar-ri, "fpryp this devetopmenr and !he,GY,gislrict. staft believes rh;t "iti;iiilg requiremJniJrounf in Cnaprer 18.52apply to this development. specifically, section 18.52.080 "Parking -standards' (F) requires that "not less than ten percent of the interior surface area ot unenclojed off-street parking areas.c9nt3ill.S fifteen or-m-ore paiiing ipaces shatl be d"";bd to tanOscaping.' The intent here is to break up the mass ot pavement by tandscape lidiJ"nO v_iggiatiill in orOer to lessen the negative impacts of surlace parking areas. This rt"ni'"1i it ilpti&-io att private developments in the=Town of Vail (i'e.' recent Safeway remodetf;nO n"n-.!, shou6 de appfieO to pitOtic Oevelopments as well' The Pubtic Works Oepartmeit contenOJinat these laridscape "islands" make snow removal less efficient and therefore Oo-not tisn io provide these lanbscape qr.e.a:. Again, this is a current standard being applied to all other developments in tre Town of Vail and there are no unique ciriumstancei n6ie wnicn prevent this landscape application' 5. SnowStorage The site plan shows areas to be used for snow storage on-site. Jle areas identified for snow storage in front of the building appg3r to Oe somewhifinappropriate for storing snow' Storage of iiow"in these areas wiff 'afe& vIJOifitV ftotn tne lower uniis as'well as cause conflicts with peOestrians. Stafl recommenOs etiminating these snow storage areas and providing snow storage elsewhere on the site' The current standard being applied on private developments is-that snow storage areas shall equai so;z"bilne paveo itiiline oriv'ewav ano pa*ins ry1qlT:.9^9"^"l9P.T:t^.":q,Y1 .^o o., approximately 14,705 sq. ft. and the proposed snow storage areas equal approxlmalery z'cuo 5q' ttiif 7y"1. f n 6rder to Oe'tonJisient * iitn tne application ollhis requirement, statf recommends that x1e site either meet this iequirLment on-iiie or provide a management solution of removing snow from this area. 6. Retaining walts i-ne proposeO plSn will contain several retaining walls. The standard applied to developments in me fown (in aicordancJwiin Section 18.58.02-0 "Fences, hedges, walls' and screening") is a ina*imum nebht of 6'roi illiining ttatts. r_ne Town also r9guiie.s..qn Engineer's stamp on the . ... Oeaii ior'r"tiiiing wals. ii" efiAistiLt (Section 18.36.060 "Additional development standards") teluirei compliaice with this standard. Fiowever, the walls associated with the dumpster entfoJure artiappropriate in-oiOer to screen this ficility and will be incorporated into a structured enclosure with a Pitched roof. 7. Soltd Waste DisPoal fne pan provides for th6 tocation of a dumpster for this development. Staff believes a detail ol a trash enclosure should b;pr&ided piior to'me final review of this item by the PEC' Consideration should be given to "bear-proofing" the enclosure' 8. Open SPaceand Reqation The majority of rhe publt works site is industrial in nature and therefore has limited opportunities for open Space or recreational facilities. However, there is an existing bench area to the nolth west of the buitding tn"ini. nitloiicaf fV Ue useO iorvolleyball and otder activities' The proposed site plan shows accessio tnis area anb notes the area ai "open space park"' Staff believes this areaisnouE be improved, landscaped, irrigated and maintained in order to encourage use as a G ,*ffif, passive recreation area for residents. This alea should also include picnic tables and grills lor use by the residents. C";;id"t;td;snoutO atso Oe given to providin! grills close to the building for use by the residents' The North Trail is planned to pass through this property. Staff. be-lieves that provisions should be made to provide a p"O"Jia-n'connectio; from this'residential building to the trail' 9. SifeAccess This site is accessed via the tunnel below l-70, This tunnel is a constrained roadwaY wit!-aridth of 20,. ldeally, this accesi should be wiOer, however, io *iO"n this tunnel, il allowed by GDOT' it woutd be very cosrty. sra:r li,JiiJappri.il.tt *irr bJ iequired ro .ggldltl*ith cDoT in order to determine Frontage Road access requirements. aiine irroject becom,es more formalized' As a oeneral rule for mis site, -C6-di *iif rEquire additional irirprovements (i'e" decel lane' accel lane' i"",iffi ffi;,'"td ii'iiL nu,.,.,Oer of vehicte trips ire incieased by more than 20Y" on this site' CDOTs analysis is more complicated tran exptaineO nere, Out tnis gives you a general idea of the potential requiremenis-.-ifie appficint nad inOiCated mit mey have verbal approval from b-O5i foitne 2i dwelling units wiihbut additional GDOT requirements. The tunnel, as it exists today, causes access problems and is somewhat dangerolq 91"{ !t concerned aOout increasiiifitti. tnorgh thii tunnel in its current configu.ration' Staff believes that a better management plan can be developed- which may include additional signage.and . warning tights to pr"u"ni'niisi"it'N t'l,J^t,1L ,. The existin! minor andJlashing lights do not iunCtioi w-e1 and'shoutd-;;ilF;;d. Staff believes ttre applicant should address this access issue prior to final PEC review. 10. Pedestrlan and Bus Acces ns exptaineO ibove, the accesslniougn this tunnel is less than perfect. By providing housing.on this site, the EHU o."rp"nG ,*Jt nirie safe pedestrianlbicycle'access through this.tunnel' .The roadway is 20'wide, notever, tnere is spacebeyond the su'pport columns for the bridge.t!igh.- ;ppili to prouioi ioeqliie id6tioi i?;i w'gf. peoestrian path on one-side of the road' statf leels strongly tn"t "or"'i""ommodation should be provided'for pedestrians through this tunnel' Staff believes tnat a siOeiatk sh;rld b; piovided frdm the intersbction of the two proposed parking areas to the North Frontage Road. The persons occupying the employ€e frgu.sing q1y rely on public tl?rylt9 oet around Town (probably more so than the general public).-Statf 6as i coticetn with the adility ot fiese. EHU iccupinis to find convenieni Oui iicess.'Staff believes that consideration should be given to 6;;tid ;bir Jop on tneFurii erioge. The bus currently stops on the bridge to make a turn onto the North Frontage Road. ll. EnvironmentalHazards n iorrion ot the pubtic WorK site is located in a High peveLV Rgcl{?lllazard and Debris Flow Moderate Hazard. rne iroi|ido site tot t e housiig is not l6cated in the identified hazard area and staff has reviewed ;&;fiilt hazard report w-nicn states that the proposed housing site is not aftected by the hazarfi. A tinat hazardrepdrt witt be provided prior to the issuance of a building permit. o 12, tlistoficalResourc€s There is a remnant or an'oiiiog cabin on the site. This structure may be- from the turn of the century. Staff believes m6ipticantghould research the historical significance of this structure and, if warranted, preservi lfii! itructure on the site or perhaps in the proposed open space area. This research tnojfO o.cui'Oeiore tne finaf FfC'review of the pioject and should be performed by an "experf ii ii-tioii. pr"servation ot N"ow.-Afternativeli,.if the cabin is located in an area that will not be atlected by the development, tneti tne cabin.cotild remain as is' The applicant shallverify tn" io""tiJn 6f ftliaOln inO inifuOe it on the site plan and grading plan' V. STAFF RECOMilENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed conditional use permit for the Public Works housing devetopment (r;tfi;iliEi-ur), 5ii[*iiilibe providing a formal recommendation at this time. Staff will, however, provide a recommendation at the time of final PEC review' fi bveryonesec\memo8tsubhous.324 _ffi 'f, d Si'f,illl'iJdr N0S0IYN00 >i'in bOlJ ^ :1 L91 a E o E E I 5 \' 88;l<' f l.frt! tEHile s*r^3 i:|:;ili.i xr-.P !ii3; $Fi? @w '*J r"'---, oI 0qwo702 qrlvA ZJ,IS SXYA{ zngnd goslri 9.r...-r - tanrrjltr-v or llis't'd sll3trHf,uv Nosqw'.1oo xuvril lo.lll^ t;2 iF<{ t5>tlF6 =rt; 6r .l6<txl ;lF6 L dl. p* ilili = 1 s EiqF {t 8E F6 liI Oa .l ie El:5i 3ti i! EliEillr L6 t: 6ti sliol. ti 6ti uli =3 i5 =i0::I<tt FI >-tF6 EI : 4l + 61 9:gl !: rt ii rFl. G::l: it Hl! si !rl: E :slriE I I 6l il,:li!rl! ?tiul. I 9t th!t:,!ll Ilisrj: itii: !; r:r{l d0r.is s)Ec^ lr.lEnd l..o | 1v I iicdsNY!ir t :qrc j: _ r:,.,_:;:_: @---_ rtl .. '.',/ 7 9NrSn0H i. -vrru l aI ,! "t ,( !:,oi ii i E-!* iiiri riii' i i-:::: ii ! + +i$:!! ii :!r!-'i..I lt: !iI r "': II i r i i! ri :i lt,i j' ti-l-l :l ! i: 'ir a i :i ':i !t ir! 3i:j,!il!; iili i it: i ! ? I f,!''l! t !'irf. + li I F-\, ,-( " -l I !l I { .t t-t ii tii:E: = {i <.r .1 . -t: f I'lt, at (\ (( ) ,l ,il', l,ll,:l', \a t\ -.1 iii i u I' i.: ;; \"fr \\, i To: From: Subject: Date: Memorandum Dominlc Mauriello, Town Planner Andy Knudtsen Susie Hervert Conditional Use application for conceptual review February l0,l997 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved-and upgra{ed' Additional ..proy* housingieeds should be accommodated at varied sties throughout the commrmitY. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth' 6'sServicesshouldbeadjustedtokeeppacewiththeneedsofpeakperiods. I. Project DescriPtion The proposd seasonal housing dwelopment yrll be located immediately east of the Public works Administr"ation building. rn" -no.i"itttution builtling is located at r309.Vail valley Drive on an unplatted parcef. e so.uey nasieen included to further ctarifr the location of the project' The development comprises of one building, three stories high, with 24 units -- l8 of these will be 480 square foot studio units and 6 will be 586 one bedroom units. Please note that the smaller unit can be built out as * oe* n*t plan or with a dividing wall separating the living area from the sleeping area. A parfini lot will ie looated south of the building and will include one parking space for each unit, an;;ribl. space (handicap), and three guest spaces. Atl rmits on the lower floor will be handicap accessible. Duing evening hours, additional guest parking is available in . the spaces provided for Public works op-erations-during the day. A staircase has been included in the design to allow o"""r. to these spaces. A dumpsto has been locatednext to the stairs' which *itt U" iccessible from both the upper parking lot and the lower parking lot' II. Evaluation of Conditional Use Criteria Reladonship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town' The development objectives of the town, as articulated in the Land Use Plan, call for this type of development. Policils 5.5,6.1, and 6.3 support affordable housing of this nature' The need for additional employee housing units has been a goal of the commrmity for many years' The Town Council has identified thre. ,.it-, within our oJmmunity which should be served with housing: I -- families and individuals looking to brry homes; 2-- seasonal wage eaxners needing local rental apartments; and 3-- year-round rinters looking for homes within the Town' The first two projects the Town has done (Vail Commons and Red Sandstone) address the first group listed above. In an effort to meet as many needs as possible,lhe current project targets the needs of the second g.oop. W" trope to providi housing for the third group at lato date' concerning the provision of services, this project will directly improve the Town's ability to ;;"id. buii" se,1,icer. in. r"*" rri.., uppro*i-utely 90 seasonals each year' Recently we have had difficulty filling all of these positions. For example, the bus department experienced . .-. shortages during the 95/t6 ski ,"^oo. Although the town was wiiling to pay overtime' it still couldn't fill enough positions to maintain serviies and as a result had to cut back on the frequency of bus service. rni, y"ar, un"t raising wages for bus drives, the Town is still short 3 - 8 drivers from the total 59 needed each season to fully serve the oommunity' Residents who will receive fgst priority for this housing will be the Town's seasonal workers' If other units are available, t ff pt"**i making the units available to year-round Town employecs' The third tier would be "iii"i"-pf"y"", o"oikiog for other employers (zuch as CDOT plow drivers). This priority fiJ is sfigdly aiferent than what Council has approved in the past (year- round TOV workers t ane been idded.) The applicant team plans to present this to Council to veriff that they concur with this modification. Efrect of the use on light and air, distribution of populstion, transport{tion facilities' utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. The project will have a beneficial effect on the facilities listed above as they will be staffed with more employees than are currently on-board with the Town. The impact to these facilities by the 24 occupants of the project should be minimal. The plan does include an on-site park area for the residents. The bench known as Buzzard Park will fe graded and planted in a way to provide some useable open space for the residents' Bar-be-f,ues anA voUeyUatl games are eiamples of the uses residents may enjoy here' Bffect upon treffic, with parttculsr reference to congestion, eutomotive an pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access' maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and Parking area. The applicant team is proposing several modifications to the site to improve traffic congestion and ;f"tn'tnr cunent level of auiomobile and truck traffic generated by the Public Works site could be handled in a safer way. Thus, in conjunction with thelousing development, the Town Council has included funds to improve the safety of the tunnel, Traffic ginerated by both the housing and the existing facilities will benefit. CDOT may require safety improvements on the Frontage Roads. Staff will be having a pre- application meeting with CDbT staffon tuesday, Marih 18. Depending on the requirements of cDoT, and the concrurence of the Town Enginier, accel or decel lanes,will be added to the Frontage Road. The applioant team understinds that the PEC will need to know the final design of the ilprovements (iiinv) prior to making a determination on the Conditional Use' The applicanitearn will work wittr COO1 to make their decision prior to a final PEC vote' Effect upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scali and bulk ofthe proposed use in relation to surround uses' The applicant team believes ttrat the key issue on which to focus is the visibility and quality of the oesign, as seen from the neighborhmds around the project. Early on in the process, council apprlved the givens for the development, which included the following statement: Although the existing berm along I-70 screens much of the Public works day-to-day operations, ,o-" o, u'll of the housing may be visible above the existing berm after construction. The staff conducted an open house on February 17 , lgg/ and comments from that meeting are attached for your review. Two options were presented to the public' A 24-unit options (quite similar to what is being submittei at this time) and a 42 tmit option that included a cantilevered parking garage. Both options included tlree story buildings. Most of the comments from the public-that aiended the open house expressed a preference for the higher density' Several comments from TOV staif expressed a preference for the lower density. The visibility of the development was not a srgnificant concim of the public, which could have potentially affected the height and/or density. Nelghbors attending the open house said that the visibility of the buildings woild not be a problem, if the architecture were nicely done and the parking were screened' Notwithstanding the interest in the higher density, the lower density plan has been selected due to constains such as budgets and accesJ. The architectural design incorporates variety in the roof line and the southem elevation provicles relief and interest, when viewed from the neighborhoods to the south. The parking tot witt be construction at elevation 8254 to 8258. The elevation of the top of the berm is 8258. The berm is planted with.trees, thus there are an additional 15 to 20 feet of screening on top of the berrn fne site plan designer has located the-^O:Ttnt parking lot behind a landscape-island, allowing more landscape material to screen the parkec caxs' The applicant team believes there was some concem by the neighbors ttr{ fow quality industrial type materials would be used on the housing. As this is not the case, and due to the interesting' "Jign q""fity architectural design, we believe this criteria has is met' IIL Zone Check The site on which the development will be located is zoned General Use' This zone district allows Type III Employee Ho*ioJtj"its as a Conditioaal Use. The zoning standards for this distict are not predetermined as in-most zone districts, but are established in a case-by-case basis by the PEC. The zoning standards to be determined by the PEC for any conditional use in this zone distict include lot area, setbacks, building height, density confol, site cov_erage, landscptn-e.anj site developmenl and parking and loading. on the other hand, the Type III EHU is defined in the ZonngCode under Section |3.SZ.OOO 1g). Sach of the standards in that section are addressed below: The conditional use application is enclosed' fhe parcel on which ihe proposal will be constucted meets the standards of this paragraph. tL __.Th";ii" will be counted as .5 for density calculations; however, since there is no predetermined density limit in this zone disffict, this point is mute' il. ,qu*" footage or tg ortn" units is 4g0 square feet. The square footage of the other 6 units is 588 square feet. Each dwelling unit will have kitchen and bathroom facilities' None will have more than 2 bedrooms. Most will be studios' Ocoupancy will not exceed two persons for each dwelling unit' We anticipate that l8 will have a single occupant and 6 are sized large enough to accommodate couPles. 8- One parking space will be provided for each units' g - 13 The develoiment will cornply with these provisions now and in the future. IV. Netural Hazards The site has been studied several times recently, as the Publio works Bus Barn and Adminisfation Building have been slated for expansions. Thi Bus Bam is currently under construction and the Adminiitation Building is schdded for expansion during the summer of 1997' Arthur Mears .;;t t"d a comprehen=sii" tt"ay "f tn" .oiir. Pobli. Works site in Decenrber of 1994' Most of the report deals with the western portion of the site. A separate one page report, dated July 23, 1- 2- 3- 4- )- 6- 1 lgg4,wascompletedbyArtMearstoevaluatetheimpactsofnyar{sto{eAdministation building, which is forut"a on tl" eastern portion of the site. In that letter, Mr' Mears stipulates that: 1- The hazard does "not constitute a significant hazard to people;" however' 2- A trench berm is required for the exfansion to the Administration Building' 3- once the proposed iiversion structure is constructed, it will bring the site into conformance with the Town of Vail zoning code' we believe that the improvernents required for the expansion to the Administation Building will also adequately protect tle bench available for the housing development' Art Mears confirmed this understanding with nr*i.* of the proposed development, the existing maps of the Town,. and surveys of the area. A letter from him is attached to this application' The Applicant team has scheduled him to conduot a site visit once the snow nas melted to confirm his understanding' His updated review will be provided prior to building permit issuance' IV.Process We propose to follow the schedule shown below' should be planned any differently. PEC application deadline PEC/DRB worksession Status report to Council PEC finalhearing DRB hearing Grading permit submitted Grading permit issued Building permit submitted Building permit issued Occupanry Please letus know ifyou believe the schedule March 17 March24 March 25 April 14 April 16 Late April Early May (approximately 7 days after submittal) Late May Early June (approximately 21 days after zubmittal) December I ,i FtLr coPr 2. A request for a lolnt worksesslon with the Design.l9Yi9*- Board (DRB) to discuss a - conditional use permit, to allow twenty-four Typdttt gHUs. tor.seasonql employee housing' tocated at 13Og Vait Valley Drive/legatry OesciibeO as (Public Works Facility): Planning and Envirormestal Conmission Minuies March24. 1997 L beginningatlheNorthwes|cornerofSectiong,TownshipSsouth,RangeS0westofthe Sixth Princiial M;ilil iil;" S eg"gt ZS" E i3g3'ea feet, along the North line of said section g, r[ " poi"t o" the northerly righrof-way fence line of lnterstate Highway No' 70 thence along itianortherly right-of-way-fence linl of Inlerstate Highway No'.70 as follows: S 67%1'33"'w +is.eti"6t; ihence si8"t3'02" w 1534'29 f€el' to a poi of curvalure; ' ' rhence 456.4C t""i on " "rr" to the rigfrt with a radius of 5580'00 fest, the chord of which bears sg0"33'3g" W 456.30 feot to a point on the westerly line of said section 9: thence aeparting ttl- nortfrerf y rigfrt-ot-way lence line of Interslate Highway No' 70 and following rhe Wese1y line oiliiO $*rion S, tlorth 00"8'21'E 565.1 1 fest to the point of beginning' Applicant:TownofVail,representedbyAndyKnudtsenandSusieHervertPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of t|e staft memo and the discussion items would be addressed one bY one. Andy Knudtsen, TOV Housing Division, gave some background. and.said.that 30 people attended. in" 6pdn r'-drie in reoruir-v.'"ne saiJ rnE pqotictavoreo i'he higher density and Public Works staff wanted the lower density. i'{e said 24 uniti naO been approved by. Council and CDOT' Andy said concerns were expresseO aOouiparf<ing, but not the height of the building' He said that mqst people in attendance "t tn" op"-"-nord-*et" fine with tie proposed development, as long as the brciitecture was high quality, and visibility was not a problem' Mark Donaldson, the architect, said the height was slightly over 35'' Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were none' BU ILDING LOCATION/HEIGHTA/IEW: John Schofield said he had no problem with seeing the building and that the density was appropriate. Gene Uselton said he had voted lot lhe 4zunits and asked if another building could be added later. Mark Donaldson said it would be more costly later, as they had made decisions based on the 24 unii scneme and the limits of geologic hazaids were pushed now with this scheme' Gene Uselton asked if this was Type lll housing and if they could be sold. Andy Knudtsen stated that theoretically they could be sold. Gene Uselton asked if the development would meet the Fair Housing Act. Mark Donaldson said that all the boftom units were handicap-accessible. He said the other two levels were required to be handicap-adaptable to comply with the accessibility laws' Greg Amsden said the visual effect was a problem with the solid roofline. He said he would like to s6e stepping down to create a view to the east and break up th€.ridge line. He said it was visible from the l-70 coniOor ind the golfcourse. Greg also asked the applicant to provide some visual maximum on a site visit for the next site visit. P'lanning and Environmental Commission Minutres Maroh 24. 1997 Ted Hingst suggested open stairwells, as those that are fully enclosed generate noise problems' Mark Donaldson said they were covered with an opening to the south. and needed to be ;il;"d btifu Fte Code. He said thar each stairwell-served a total ol 6 units and would not become storage areas. clark Brittain said he would have preferred more units. He said he talked to.people on the golf .o"iiJii,O e"lryone said they hdd no problem with this projqct: as long as it was not an ;t;;;;". He Jgieeo wilr d'ieg Amsoen ttrat the roofline hedoeo work' He suggested that the . piint cotors an! choice ol mai6rials needed to make the building disappear and become paft of the landscape. Mark Donaldson said stucco, wood and asphalt shingles in muted, blended tones would be used to work with the hillside. He said strong uses of coloi were needed to articulate the various forms and not make this look like an employee housing block' Brent Alm asked to see the height section that Mark had and he asked if the landscaping berm hid the building from view. Mark Donaldson said the berm shielded the parking and lower portion of the building from view' He further stated that the trees planed on the berm help screen the bulElng. Brent Alm said some screening needed to be done. Mark Donaldson said statf had requested eliminating some snow storage in front of the building in order to provide more landscaped area. Brent Alm agreed with Greg's comments on the roofline; that a 1' step would be lost in the scale of the building. Mark Donaldson said they will minimize the breaks for maintenance purposes and create larger steps. Galen Aasland encouraged big steps on the roof, as it was extremely visible and it needed as rrJt' rt"pping as possi6te. Hl asired if the east units could be accessed from the lower level parfing. ffb siiO hb didn;t want it to look like the Summit County-type buildings you see lrom l-70. Greg Moffet said he had nothing significant to add regarding the bulk and mass' ARCH ITECTU RAL COMPATIBI LITY: Dominic Mauriello said the site was industrial and this building was compatible with other multiple-family structures in the Town. He said staff felt windows should be placed on th.e upper floori of the nbrth elevation in order to make the small units more usable. He said that decks should also be considered to make the units more liveable. Greg Moffet thought decks would be used to store kayaks- Mark Donaldson said the architectural approach was an intentional departure from the industrial nature of the buildings. He said he was'5eing careful with the allocation of dollars and that inieiio, watt space wis important. He askedl the PEC would entertain using lesser materials on the back side. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes March ?4. !997 3 Brent Alm said that T-111 was unacceptable as a building material, based on the design guidelines. Mark Donaldson said that decks would amplify the repetitive nature of the building with.a checkerboard ettect. HJsiio oect<s were i quict< access for storage and people would.not want io see mis storage tromlne lnterstate. tte sdiO, regarding the liveability, there were walking paths and volleyball courts' Ted Hingst had no comments on the architectural compatibility' Clark Brittain said this was more upscale than he had anticipated and he had no problem with it' He said decks had limited use and just collected snow' Brent Alm said the approach to simplicity was good and there were light and shadow variations' HJitiougnii batconi'here and there would add to the articulation on the front. Mark Donaldson said windows were staggered at different elevations. Galen Aasland supported stucco. He also said no T-'l'l1. He disagreed with the DRB regarding me io*piriOitity. 'tie thinks the building should be steqped down_ and he didn't feel it was cohpatibfe with the alpine mountain-tyfie architecture; just an autonomous building' John Schofietd said atong wifr Adventure Ridge, the Public Works facility gives. off light. He itateOtnat a ligh1ng ptari*as important, as tifht coming from other areas on-site was an issue to be addressed. He "greed ritti Galen'that ii needed iome decks. He said the decks would be used, as they would have sun. Gene Uselton said decks would be nice, but it would not be nice to watch l-70 go by. He asked if pseudo decks were considered. Mark Donaldson said that was a good point. Greg Amsden said stucco was good and that the end units could use the decks and they could . Oe iiterdispersed. He lelt the c6ndo decs would govern them not being.used as storage. He felt inytning aipealing should be added to encourage long term.rentals, as it would be an asset to thd fown.'He said a model of the development would be helpful. Greg Motfet said windows would sacrifice livability with wall space so he was inclined to go with wall6 over windows, He said no to T-111, but he would be in favor of a high durability' low cost material for the north side of the building. He liked decks, but there would be a view question on the 2nd level and he asked how to prevent decks from being used for storage. Mark Donaldson said there were outdoor storage areas available with this design. Brent Alm asked if any mechanical projections would be visible. Mark Donaldson said venting would be grouped together under a cupola on top' He said the kitchen and bathroom vents would be in the rear' Brent Alm asked about any chimney projections. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes March 24. I 997 Mark Donaldson said lighting in the parking lol would not overflow off-site and the stairwells were recessed with tightin;'loind O"if to tfie building. He said that balcony lighting would be shielded. Dorninic Mauriello said staff would require commpliance with the Lighting Ordinance' Mark Donaldson said he made the parking lot available during the daytime when the tenants *"i" gonJino activities were highest on the Public Works site' Dominic Mauriello went over the remaining issues' TTEMS 3-12 Mark Donaldson explained that in a commercial parking lot, snowplowers-wanted to get in and our as quickty as possiOtil !iil" tnii-*iJ i mixeO usel they wouid need a variance from the 10% interior landscape rA*et";i;f tne parfing loi' He saiO they were willing to provide the amount ol landscape ratiriirr tor aestnetics, uuine would like to keep it simple for..the snowplowing efforts. He said snow storage was removed from the front of the building' Susie Hervert said there had been long discussions on the landscaping and theydidn'twant to , get in a haul-out type situation. Sne siiO sno* ,etoual in this locaiion would be low priority and the landscape istands *![fti " good ut" of dollars. She said to focus landscape in key areas and keep the parking lots open to get in and out' Sne saiO from experience that it would take 2-3 days aftbr a large snowstorm to get it cleared. Mark Donaldson said it became a question of convenience with maneurving the plows' Susie Hervert said it should not be made confusing for residents with signage, etc. She said all unit parking and guest spaces should be in one area' John schofield was opposed to this treatment being different from a pliultg developer' He saj{ ta;ercailg in tne p"l.iing tot netOLO io be looked-at and that snow storage could be factored in' ie said'a lirge exianse 6f asphalt would be viewed from the golf course. Mark Donaldson said it could be seen when traveling westbound on l-70. Gene Uselton asked if the PEC was obligated to stick with the ordinances. Dominic Mauriello said yes, regarding ordinances which were applicable to this zone district' but landscaping was a stan-dard the PECcould set in the GU Zone District. Gene Uselton said we needed to be fair to the Town's budget. He said he would be inclined to economize and try to OuitO employee housing as nicely and- cheaply as possible, if we had the right to do this. Susan Connelly said that the planners were following the line that,all.projects should be treated the same, however, emp]oyei norsing should be treited differently if they were exclusively iirpf|ieei nousing unitsi -Sne said em-ployee housing was distinctly mentioned on the Community Sufui and to mike it happen as quickly as possible was desirable' Planning and Environmental Conmission Minutes March 24. I 997 Mark Donaldson said this could be treated separately if it was exclusively employee housing and that there were not a rot oipriuii" sector Oevbtopers Ooing this. He said there were very.few ipdo'liu"iti6i ror itrorOaOii'riouJi"gitd ne wouiO appreci-ate keeping costs under control' Mike Mollica mentioned that staff was beginning the process of overhauling the Employee Housing Code. Dominic Mauriello said a stigma of ernployee housing still existed from the 60's, 70's and 80's' Gene Uselton said we needed to bend to make this possible' Greg Amsden said the code had not changed yet and the TOV was looking to create an asset' He said that the TOV could sell these later on, so an asset had to be created' He disagreed on t,ittrg bick inO saiO *e-ne6OeO to toot< at the long term asset. tle felt as long as there were no chilctr6n or pets, the expense of bear-proof containers was not needed' Ted Hingst agreed with Greg Amsden that if the.Town sets rules, then the TOV should follow tnoie ruf-fes, h-owever, meie EnoufO be some middle ground. He feltlhat there should be itternatives ro the islandJ in tne miOore of the parking lot or more effective ways to landscape' Clark Brittain agreed with John and Greg Amsden by not starting a precedence in allowing the TOV to do what we Oon'ialow frivare dlvelopers td Oo' He fetithat we were not looking at the ten"nts point of view, just the golf course o\ /ners. He said tenanis should be made to think they *"ie firing in i nice piace, meiefore, he telt the extra cost to break up the space was warranted' Brent Alm agreed with Clark and Greg Amsdel in that until the code was changed, we needed to stick with the current zoning cooei. "He felt it important to getsignificant evergreen trees on the south elevation and east Co-rner and the numberd of plants lnO catiper sizes seemed light and needed to be PumPed uP. Galen Aasland said there was sutficient parking, but minimal landscaping' He would like 2-3 "p""fr inlroni ot tne OrifOing to Oe conuerted io landscape areas. He also felt this couldn't be treated differently. Greg Moffet said a General Use (GU) District could be addressed differently and this requ.ired a ,r'qir. use- He said it wai fortuiious that ernployee housing was being proposed in a GU OiJdlci. He saict to forget lindscaping in tne parking lot, since there was a greater .de-al _oI- -^,. -- flexibility. This zone district permitted the PEC to determine what was an approprlate' enectlve loophole. Dominic Mauriello stated that he thought since this housing development was occurring in an industrial complex, that the challenge-was greatel to make tne uses compatible' He said more Ouffering anO iestiretics were impo-rtant to allow residents a high quality of lile' Greg Motfet said the cost needed to be kept down, so bus drivers would be lining up for a job with-low rent. He felt there would be recre'ation areas on-site to solve the problems of the parking lot. Mark Donaldson said this was a discretionary review, however, to keep in mind that the Public Works Department next door would be maintaining this. Susie Hervert said the landscaping between the buildings was the landscape island' Planning and Environmental Commission Minules Mtrch 24, 1997 rt'" PEDESTRIAN ACCESS Dominic Mauriello said that providing a bike path on the other side of the columns should be addressed, as well as another bus stop before final review' Andy Knudtsen asked about the level of demand that would require a bus stop' Susie Hervert said most of the people living on this site would be bus drivers and would take their buses out from tne yarO oi caich a OuE irom ihere. She felt with only 24 units' the demand would not be there to warrant a bus stop. Ted Hingst had no comments. Clark Brinain had no comments. Brent Alm said a pedestrian bike path under the bridge would be good' Galen Aasland agreed with Brent, as tenants in the summer would be biking to Town' John Schofield said there was an unotficial bus stop there now for the people who work there' He said that when the new bridge was construded: a new bus stop was to be put in and that hadn't happened. Gene Uselton agreed with John. Andy Knudtsen said a westbound bus stop would be a challenge' Mark Donaldson said it would be hazardous to cross the street' Gene Uselton asked if anyone had talked to cDoT regarding an on-ramp to l-70 at this location' Larry Grafel said CDOT looked into it, but not favorably, since here were no funds. He said there had been no movement on it. Greg Amsden said it was a necessity for a pedestrian walkway. Mark Donaldson said documentation ol a "Traffic Maneuvers Study" had been done and was presented to cDoT. Greg Amsden said during the off-season lor bus drivers, they would need a way to get into Town' Susie Hervert said they were close to the 20% threshold that required improvements to kick in' Greg Moffet felt a safe pedestrian access needed to be there, as well as a bus stop put in' Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes March24, 1997 VRIL PUELIC UJTJRKS u0347s2166 nPR 0u/ Prf r.ls nR.pGRBUs srop The Town of Vait Trrnsportation Dcperunent will add an official '?ulis BridgC' $op to the Golf C.ourse $chedule, bcginning summer $eason t997. The stop wlll bc located south of Pulis Bridgc on thc cast side of Voil Vallcy Drive. It will be dcsignatcd with o bus stop posr only and the Town doesn't anticipatc doing any iurprovcmen8 to this araa since there is adcquatc roorn to pull offandthis particular stop will not beheavily utilizcd. The bus will bc sropping in both dircctions - on requesl only, The bus will ntop if somcone is standing thcrc aud tbe bus will drop offif thc parsenger tclls thc driver or pulls thc cord. And.r( - Ts +hr'! ,o.tr't)b('<.'4'af 14:5J No.005 P.0i z vr, ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC. ' '. .: aiiess, so that no change to the grandfathered, existing access poirrt is required. .. - : ' ...:. --::"""-- I , . ' The traffic movements at the access point rvere counted by tlie Torvn of Vail on February 26,'..1997 . The ADT of the access point was estirnated by using a peak hour factor. ADT =P.trit. DHV = 65 ADT = 619 Peak Factor 10.5%': .: : Apartment Section 220 lTE,24 one room apartnrents Because trash collection, UPS trucks, snowplows, eti. alreadv use'lhe access point (for existing uses), .. ' and these services dre not expected to increasb as a result df the proposed 24 unit (l bedroom) - ' . : developrndnt, and because some persons livine at the units rnay likely also )vork at the site, The , additional amount of traffic g.n.r.t.O Uy-t,.14 proposed unim rtroula Ui, t.rr tllan average trip rates ing the adjistment factors for household size, vehjcles olvned, etc. , , i ' dT J $ n 0(\\ '0 lF Q{-N\ G-'; -- \J \$ NioiH ffinrtvA p. $ II $i nl 6a NVT7q- ulLs -sz \\\N\- + Vo ccl s rcl irvrvn-rrVn a AP A. TYPE OF APPLICATION:tr Additional GRFA (250) tr BedandBreakfast E( Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr Sign Vriancetr Variancetr Zoning Code Amandment B. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQLJESI Conditlonal use to allow Tvpe III EHUs for *.4 Call the Planning Statrat 479-2138 GENERAL INFORMATION this application is for ary project r€quiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific intormation" see the submiial ..qod-enb fr:the particulr approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required inforrlation is submitrcd The project rnay also need to be rwiewed by the Town Comcil and/or the Design Rwiow Board" PLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL tr Amendment to an Approved Dwelopment Plan tr Employec Housing Unit (TYPc: tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special DwelopmentDstricttr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD TOWNOTVAIL G. c. D. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT- BLOCK-FILINC ZONING: General use Unolat ted ADDRESS: 1309 vefl\tallelDrive BUILDINGNAME: NAMEOFOWNER(S): Town of vail MAILING ADDRESS:-/! South Frontage Road c0 81 ONE: f970) zq-zt rR F. OWNER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S):4rr,-o ia:* eta*a-a4. NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: Ancly Knudtsen/slsle Hervert MAILINGADDRESS: 75 Sourh Fronrase Road Vatl. Co 81657 PHONE:W FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQIJIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRI,ATE FEE. SIJBMIT THIS APPLICATION,AI,L SI]BMITTAL REQINREMENTS AI\'D THE TEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' coLoRADO u657 Application Darct L' /o - 72 pscMednsDadt 3- /O-27 Rqvild 5r'96 I r. 1ND rr'llE GUARANTEE O"PAN'Y Representing Title Insurance Conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER July 23, L99L Our Order: V17211 BUYER/OWNER! TBD SELLER: ALLSTATE TNSURANCE COMPANY ADDRESS: METES AND BOUNDS jldwN oF VArL 75 S. FRONTAGE RD. vArL. CO 81657 1 AttN: MIKE BRAKE PTCKED UP FOR DEI,IVERY N{ PI{ COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TITLE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN HORTH 3O3 476-225L FOR CI,OSING QUESTIONS CALL LAI{D TITLE GTARANTEECoi/fl IYMINNESOTA TITLEA HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 500 Denver, CO 80206 P. O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 321-1880 tFAX322-7603 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801 12 770-9596 / FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 5440 Ward Road. #200 Arvada. CO 80002 420-0241 / FAX 423-1365 DRY CREEK 26 W. Dry Creek Circle, #520 Littleton, CO 80120 794-5307 tFAJ.79+5802 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora. CO 80014 7s14336 I FAX 745-2669 FIDDLERS GREEN 6400 S. Fiddlers Green Circle, #103 Englewood, CO 801 tl 771-4539tFN< 7714526 P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81558 47 6-2251 I Direct 595-96 1 3 FAX 476-4534 ERECKENRIDGE P. O. 8ox 2280 200 North Ridoe Breckenridge, CO 60424 453-2255 / FAX 453-5014 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, .CO 80104 688-6363 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 5. Tejon, #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 534{821/Direct 595-41 1 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main St., #105 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 VAIL P. O. 8ox ll57 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 476-2251 lDirect 595-961 3 FAX 4764534 AGENTS DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-5860 | FAX 247-9089 CommitmentTo Insure lssud thnuoh the jffie of: GLENWOOD SPRINGS 817 Colorado Avenue, Suite 203 P. O. 8ox 2102 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 945..2510 I FAX 9454784 HAMPOEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 750-4223 I FAA, 7504267 JEFFERSON ;t]0 Kipling, #202 Lakewood, CO 80215 232-31 1 1 / FAX.238-2956 NOR|TH 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster, CO 80030 427 -9353 |FAJ< 430- 1 57 2 SOUTHWEST 3609 S. Wadsworth, #1 15 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 S. Yosemite, #255 Elenver, CO 80237 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder. CO 80301 4444101 I FAA,786-U23 tAp Trn E GI.]AR,ANTEE CO[\,H ff ALroo"ouMrrMENr SCHEDULE A Application No. V1.7211 For Infornration onlY METES AND BOUNDS - charges -AL'Ao!'ne'-"3ti3ilol- - t133:33 With your remittance please refer to V17211. 1. Effective Date: July 11, 1991 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTArr Owner's Policy 1987 Revision (Anended 199o) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Conrmitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY 5. The land referred to in this Cornrnitnent is described as follows: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF' SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TTI PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 31. MTNUTES 49 SECONDS EAST 2333.84 FEET, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 9, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY FENCE LINE OF TNTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70' THENCE AIONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF T{AY FENCELINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70 AS FOLr_,OWS: SOUTH 67 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 33 SECONDS VTEST 415.82 FEET; THENCE souTH 78 DEGREES L3 MTNUTES 02 SECONDS WEST 1534.29 FEET, TO A POINT OF CURVATI,RE' THENCE 456.43 TEET ON A Ct,RVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF 558O.OO FEET. THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 80 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 38 SECONDS WEST 456.30 FEET TO A POINT ON PAGE ], ALr f;;'"oMMrruENr a SCHEDULE A Application No. vL72Ll THE T{ESTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 9' THENCE DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY FENCELINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHT{AY NO. 70 AND FOLI.,,OWTNG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 9 NORTH OO DEGREES 18 T'IINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST 565.1], FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGTNNTNG. PAGE 2 ALroO"oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) Application No. VI7zLl- The following are the reguirements to be conptied with: L. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or nortgagors ofthe fuII consi.deration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: NOTE: THE $155.00 CEARGE DOES NOT REPRESENT THE TOTAL PREMIW FOR THE POLICY AI.IOT,NT SHOT{N IN SCHEDULE A. THE $155.00 CHARGE TS DUE UPON RECETPf OF THE TNVOICE AND WIIL BE CREDTTED TOWARDS THE PREMTUM CHARGE UPON CLOSING OF THE TRANSACTTON. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFTCE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'I.{ENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 3 ALrO"oMMrrMENr a SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. VL7ZLL The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED June 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. 10. RIGHT.OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, ],903, IN BOOK 48, AT PAGE 495 AND RECORDED August 22, L956, IN BOOK 157 AT PAGE 304. 11. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCTES, IF ANY. 12. I,ACK OF ACCESS TO AND FROU PUBLIC ROAD, HIGI(WAY, OR STREET. 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT RECORDED July 25, L978 IN BOOK 272 Al PAGE 655. 14. TERI.TS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF BUILDING AND PROPERTY LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN BOETTCT{ER & COMPANY AS LESSOR AND THE TOWN OF'VAIL AS LESSEE RECORDED July 25 , 1978 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 667. 15. TER}4IS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ASSIGNUENT OF REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT, BUILDTNG AND PROPERTY LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND ESCROW AGREEI,IENT WITHOUT RECOURSE RECORDED August 02, 1.978 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 990. 16. FINANCING STATEI.TENT WITH BOETTCHER & COMPANY, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED July 25, L978, IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 668. PAGE 4 ALroO"oMMrrMENr .o SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. VI72LI SAID FINANCING STATEI.IENT WAS ASSIGNED TO THE ALI,STATE INSURANCE COMPANY RECORDED August 02, L978t IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 991. 17. TER!{S, CONDTTIONS A}{D PROVTSIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN VArL ASSOCIATES, LTD., AND GAS FACILITIES, INC. RECORDED JUIY ].7, l.964 IN BOOK 183 AT PAGE L57. 18. AN ITNDMDED 1/2 INTEREST rN AND TO ALL OF THE OIL, GAS AND OTHER IITNERALS, SOLID, LTQUID AND GASEOUS, OF EVERY KIND AND NATT'RE, INCLUDING T'RANIT'!,!, IN, oN AND T NDER AND l{llICH MAy BE PRoDUCED FRoU THAT PORTION oF SUB.TECT PROPERTY TN SECTION 10 OF I,EGAL DESCRTSTION HERETO AS EXCEPTED AND RESERVED BY PETER E. KATSOS IN THE DEED RECORDED I{AY 3, 1960 IN BOOK 165 AT PAGE 227 . 19. UNDERGROUND RIGHT OF 9IAY EASEMENT GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATTON, INC. IN INSTRWENT RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1978 TN BOOK 274 AT PAGE 368. 20. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE BY AND BETWEEN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. RECORDED August 03, 1.990 IN BOOK 534 AT PAGE 986. PAGE 5 *rO""cuARANt""OcoMPANYLAND DISCI'ST'RE STAIEMENT Required by Senate BiIl 91.-1.4. A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxinSdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained frorn the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. c) The infornation regarding special districts and the boundariesof such districts may be obtained fron the Board of County . Comnissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the county Assessor. rrEE ltrllltr. r. tc{f, r|rF? ' i;;5. tF ---td.1t ll3. a 3-||l -pG.tf- tt ,tltttt tlll|ot,Crt!3or har ca-urad thaaa pr.r.nt,a lo ba dullt .:.€rr.a c t!t. 4- a., ot I !!!l gt lr! fa cF- !t. r.Fr{a t, rbnr!!, t rour!,E-! br ct .rb lrt t.t.. .. rrr trltl a-sr.b.d r.a!.l tF .t t t llt 1! .\. t il. 6oct corrttbr|.., hgl..-Lr-.||a ta OatSrltt. at€catrlEG, lqrlr, oh..ogr, aelartr. aa-Dlrara. oraata =^d*|+- r *reraorDd .lcr8i\ gs..-, i.lo! or iiitroiiloi- rriil-jiEl-r -r1!l lb rrabrrsoGd vrulta, o.rdutt, ftrcus.r ald arlnnt urrd or||n|la lr €rlctlloa tb$rtti, tol.tbr rlc! r..el.t.d rqrtiFnt r.quls.d -r- F!-a, rltll.! tb rbn iratioard l.ndr. upoa u omirit dorcribedr lollr r |l arrcat taa (l0l !..t b rldt!, tlrc eentcrllnc tos !.ldInt bauf E-rgaorud pcrr trcllltl.| .r Lnrt ll.d, tb.r||)lodrta looattoa ot r.|lch l.cllltl.a utpn th. rDoyr ibrcrtborlFs-l t. .ba oa t$l^blt l. .!t.clrd trrrito ud rar I [r-----hslt bt r.t.8.a-. ll{rttC.rltt F!. rlgi! to arDul |!t .rd .ll ts.... bau.h, r..g.i.tlon ..adOataEtlda ut tlt! a.ld at8lp of tend rbra aucb la r...oa.bly n c....aylos tL l+l-!t tlo! rad uti o! tb rlgbt. h.a.tn.botr cr.li.d. -iiili tb crslr b' (!a!t- ol rny of tt. rliht. h.r.u[d.r, c;rnt.. rh.llPr ?tJ.t taatora t!. rurhc- ol th. ground to llr forrr condllloa. .. -ttl q t. psr8tlcrbl., rnd .h.tl iroetty r.plrc. ray rnd eff tirii.DaD! rE yttatrttoD r.Dy.d or d.!.g.d btr cr.nt... CaEtor afra.a tlat rll tacllltl.. ln.ttll.d by cr.ni.. on th. .bov..ralsrlil farda abU r!.la th. proFrty of ciut.., .nd thru b.lGr$la at tta optl,on ol cnnt.-. (Ialta8 €rr.lta t!|C lt la th. orn.r ot ftr. |!on d..€rtbait lrnd., rndt.Lt tL aal.l lard! rra frr. rnd cl..r o! ancudrrncat rnd lt.nr ofrtrtrens ch..rrct s .rc.Dt tlror. h.ld by tlr. lollorlng I tO lll| l|D tO EOIO ..ld rlgtt-o!-tty rnd ....-nt, !og.th.r ylth rll .ndaLatrlas tba rl9hta rld prlitl.g.r rlpcrtelnlng thrrct61 unto 6rrnt.., ltaaEa-at Dd raallDa, loracrr. ., r.'l ! . a? v.l til oIill iiil: j t T t.' ! 6I aa. u.a rcL|El.dl.d b.tor. r Ghlr J Q Uy oC Lrr., urrE!&LlflEn_n l)l/3n'fit , td n-a Qaa2 , tor 1.!t trflI ot yllt. r r.rcrFr d otflcl.l ...1. I iilf r-rrf:,rt.r $}-el {lt^ttTll o! I i: .r '.!n u!ii' '?.- 4-{J4dr Jr. : -'tre.- Ilt.t'',!f tl Eo t)a! t.'I E I {(r u a 3<ll G,sll 5lll E-ll aIll ";j ,' rt rl: ,sa{a II'{0'ftI btut! cortoly Croaa tl.€lslc LaD.l.o. Dsrrar :t0 Cfrred f99... @. llaol "'..:.!["ilil:":.i'.lllr!iIlll'::.:.;l '' iii.iltiiiiirlirii:,!:riiifi::l=i'i!:iili'i:riit34iiillklin:i"iriiiiilil:'ila-;;i;ia- Piogartv l' ?r"Pt ttor u'ctl'roo ,' t. *:.:::.1il"firi[.:ll'.::.til.L:Li*rgrocrrrlon rhrll conrtllutr r! t'r"!ri! , : tl l.i:l:':f:.iu"$:ll::l':r:l:li!l'i.:rothlr cotsrct rbelr not br eocrtnrd rr t ' illittl'ii'il+l1i+$i$ni''r1ffi*liitil.H!iira$'{'i;ilIailf ic -[- gicrlrcr trir rnrl 'It't l!" H! il8Acn tolJi 0l vAlL@ uE r rO nd r' 1i lt il tlailorP._! ... cof,tl ot--!gsg-t br lon tl drt otIorlt E ul au!r^ztt. \ lJl .tlrorI aG 1!l-r,-c' rrtrrri'ii 'iiinr rnd cltlcirl rcrl. i7 cc-lrtlca. rrglrrrt (ll!'. t(lc Fs q.J BE ag ;I Job itt Job I atttt t crt loc ConruLt tataataala.aa.. l lcct I 52-62 l€c.9l.a tlil. D.ta talrrrhlg lo. lr! lllltn3 3rpl rrr t! S. trontrrG Rd. Yrll. Colorldo t l6tl llrr forrjolnj tartsrt nt rrl lclnorled2ld'l#i-#u# A. dra aa: qlkq 5 tovn o[Vrll lur $,rrh A,yJ4 t- Coq O <t) AVALANCHE, ROCKFALL, AND DEBRIS FLOW TTAZARD ANALYSIS VAIL PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Prepared For Mr. Greg Hall Vail Town Engineer Preparcd By Arthur [. Mcars, P.E., Inc. Gunnison, Colorado December, 1994 f ARTHIJR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. l,letunl Flrzra& CoqJtlnu 222 Elr God* Avc. Grqbo, Gld* 8t 23{tnt-ut.t2% December 6, 1994 Mr. Greg Hall, P.E. Vail Town Engineer 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dcar Mr. Hall: The- enclosed rePort' :rs you-rcqucsted in your lcttcr of septembcr ls, lgg4,addrcsses sclcctcdgcologic hazards affecting rhe proposed vail Rrbtic -w.r!, D;;;;;;;"p facility. Tbisstudy addresses potcntiar avaranche, rockfail, and debris no* rir,"ri* - ' Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Caf^^a.ilu,0,* Arlhur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche control enginecr Encl. Ikt tyattts c Aubrtr: t A&tcircCmtnlerd,rarr*, t' 1 SUMMARY AND MITIGATION 1.1 HAZARD The proposed Town of Vail Public Works facility is not exposed to snow.avatanches but is exposed to rare, low-energy rockfall and debris flow hazards. Neither rocKall or debris flow has been a problem during operation of the current facility (roughly 20 ycars) or since the development of Vail in t962. Study of aerial photographs dating back to 1939 indicate that rocKall and debris flows have not affected the site during this ccntury. Field observations indicate that the sizes and probabilities of rockfall and debris flow are small. Because the hazards from rockfall and debris flow are small, mitigation probably would not be required at many similar locations outside of Vail. However, if elimination or all reasonably foreseeable hazards from these two processes is required in order to conform to Vail Hazard Regulations, specific steps can be taken as discussed in Section t.2 and the text of this report 1.2 MITIGATION Mitigation from the rare rockfall and debris flow processes can be achieved as outlined on Figures 1,2, and 3. Specific steps required arer a. Construction of a deflecting berm to deflect rockfall and debris flows away from the open storagc area onto the two shed roofs (Figure 1); b. Installing a short rockfall fence at the south edges of the shed roofs; lhis fence must be designed to resist rockfall energy and momentum as specified (Figure 2); c. Reinforcing thc north shcd roofs for debris-flow depositional loads; loads may be treated as static and are in addition to all other loads normally required at this location (Figure 3). Final location of the deflecting berm "a," will depend on a site visit to be conducted during construction and after cxcavation of the alluvial fan. The mitigation specified will protect the facility and will comply with Town of Vail Hazad Regulations (Section 18.69.052 IC] O) and will not deflect rockfall or debris onto adjacent public or private property. 2 OBJECTIVES AND LIMITATIONS As requested by Mr. Greg Hall, Vail Town Engineer, this rcport has the following obJectives: a' Analysis of snow.avatanche, rockfall, and debris flow hazards rhat may affect theproposed shop facilities; l#:::.r"ndations of mitigation rhat can be used to protect from these georogic The report also has the following limitations which should beon the results: a' other geologic processes (floods, large-scale, slow-moving 1andslides, soil andfoundation conditions) that may affect th--e site aie uryonJlr," i""pe of this study; b. performance specifications have bccn based on site sections, views and mapsprovided in the executivc summary master praq report ry r"rort", Architects/RNlDesign/Freet Maintenance consurrants, Inc.'dared i";"d,'Gil; revisions to theseplans may invalidate the results presented here. 3 SNOW AVAI,.ANCHE The. proposed building site is not within an "avalanche influence zone,' as shown on Town ofvail maps (Mears, 1976). Furthermore, site investigations *rp[t"a for this study did notidentify any avalanche areas. Therefore, we conclude that snow avalanche hazard does not exist and mitigation will not benecessary. 4 ROCKFALL The proposed site lies within a-"High Severity" rockfalr hr"ard area (Scbmueser &Associates/Nicholas I-ampiris, 1984)' This high severity designation was undefined in thereport, but, presumably does indicate the potei'tial for s"rious"roJiuir'J-ug" or injury existswithin the mapped area. 4.1 SITE CONDITIONS AND ROCKFALL H,AZARD site inspections and aerial photographic analysis completed for this study indicated thefollowing. understood by all those relying a. Evidcnce for frcqucnt rockfall does not exist in the proposed building area. However, construction of the present facilities may have rcmoved any evidence for rockfall. b. Study of aerial photographs dated 1939, L950, 1962 (taken before construction) does not show rockfall deposits on undisturbed slopes in the area. c. Rockfall deposits (isolated rocks up to roughly 2.0-2.5 feet diameter) are located on the slopes approximately 200 - 4O0 feet above the proposed facility. d. An eroded rock outcropping embedded within the colluvial slope approximately 400 - 600 fcet above and north of the proposed facility provides a source for infrequent rockfall activity. Although the potential for rockfall cannot be discounted at tbis location, rockfall wilt be infrequent (possibly one to a few events per century?) and will not produce large boulders with high vclocity and energy. Rockfalt has not been a problem during use ofihe current site. The hazard from rockfall will thcrefore be small and acceptable by the standards normally used in evaluating rockfall hazard. The dynamics of rockfall was further quantified through application of the Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP). The program was forccd to produce rockfall that would reach the center of the existing flat parking lot area, it bcing assumcd that rockfall might reach this area during cxtraordinary and rare conditions. When a 2.5-foot dianreter boulder is assumcd in the CRSP analysis and the existing terrain, and ground roughness and hardness observcd above the shop is used in modeling, t-he following conclusions are rcached. This analysis was repeated for the a) existing conditions and b) assuming the storage areas werc in place. a. EXISTING CONDITIONS. A 2.5-foot boulder has a 29To chance of reaching theflat area noith of the proposed central buildinglbus barn; a 27Vo cbancn, exists that the north wall of the building will be hit by rolling rather than bouncing rocks. b. WITH STORAGE SIIEDS. Because of the dissipating effect of the shed roofs, there exists a24Vo chance that the flat tenain north bf thJcentral building will be reached, but only a 6Vo chanen that the north building wall will be reached. Rocks'will be rolling rather than bouncing at tbe south edges of the shed roofs. A yard storage area between lhe two storage sheds approximately 200 feet wide is pianned. Within this area the sheds will not provide mitigation and rockfall will behive as described undcr "a." 4.2 ROCKFALL MITIGATION Rockfall mitigation is required only if substantiat reduction of the smalt cxisting rockfallhazatd is required' As noted above, rockfall has not u""n u proui"nt during operation of theexisting facility and will be a rare event at the locarion of td;rop;;ed faqility. If the smallrockfall hazard is unacceptable, rhe following steps will u" ,"quir"a to,iag"il, ,r,, ;;;. " a' ROGKFALL DEFLECTOR. A "v-shaped" rockfall deflector should be installedon the sloPe abole the storage area (this "siorage ut.u" *iti U, locared between thetwo storage sheds). Figure 1 shows the g.n.r"r layout and required size of thedeflector, however, a site inspection will-be needei o"ri"f"""',rt*ction (aftcrexcavation) for final layout of the berm. b' FENCE' A rockfall fence 2'0 feet high wilt also be required ar the sourh end ofthe storage sheds- (Figure 2). This fence-shourd b" d;;;i; absorb the kineticenergy associated with a 2.5-foot, 1.,300-pound rock roiting .i 12 ft/second. The. rockfall mitigation specified_will also protect against lhe rarc debris flow events thatcould occur at this site (Section 5). 5 DEBRIS FLOWS 5.1 SITE CONDITIONS AND DEBRIS-FLOW HAZARD As indicated on Town of vajr maps (Mcars, 1914), the proposed sitc is cut into an aluvialfan, or dcposit built from debris fiow activiiy. n"&use or ir," 6nffiin"a texture of the fandeposit and the lack of large, well-defined s'ourcc areas in the tcnaiinorth of thc site, thedebris flow hazard levcl is rated as "moderate." Moderate a"urir no* rrazard is defined as anarea that can "....expcrience property damage through fl"";i;;*r;;ion and impact of muddywater, soil, rock, and debris., ' "o' Debris flows are clearly rare cvents at this locatio_n They have not been obscrved during thepast three decades of vair oru"ropn,"JH6 of aeriar ;h*"gr"ph, ;en in 1939, 195eand 1962 (prior to construction oi the prcscnt rnaintenanc-e i""rT,ifi" ,ot sbow evidencc ofdebris flows during this cenrury. Because the events are rare and the texturc of the alluvial.fan suggests they will not be highlydestructive if they do occur, the hazard at the site is small. 5.2 DEBRIS_FLOW MITIGATION Debris flows can be mitigated,ol lil olr":,i",, rhe. flow onto rhe shed roofs by thc rockfa' *H:::,#H,Tj.in scction 42 (;), and (b)-designing rhe *r,"a-i*rrio, acposirionar-roaas a. ROOF DESIGN. The shed roof should be reinforced for depositional loads of debris, mud and watcr as specificd in Figurc 3. The load is triangutar in shape, assumcs a 2.5-foot depth at the nofih end, a density of 120 lbs/ft3 and a roof slope of l0Vo (taken from the January, 1994 Master Plan Report). Because deposition wiit Ue gradual (over a period of several minutes), impact loads need not-be considered. ln order for the proposed mitigation to work, the rockfall deflector (Section 4.2, Figure 1) must also be used. 6 COMPLI,ANCE WITH HAZARD REGULATIONS The mitigation methods recommended in this report will not deflect the rockfall or debris flow toward adjacent private or public property, therefore fully comply with Vail Hazatd Regulations (Section 18.69.052 ICI (b). Report Prepared by, CY',f[^] filu.a Arthur L Mean, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer I I I I _o I anrox. n loltJ,l rl ockfall/Debrls-Flow Ilrectlon Irtrl@ lll tar 0ClC'rtoo Shed Roof Storage Area Shed RoofFa c{ a{Gtnot ffiL ) and deflcctor wall cross-scction (b I witb additional protectioo shown il 6i ) FIGURE l. Mitigation layout (top rocldall ald debris flow when uscc ottom). System will providc mitigation from Figures 2 and 3, Rockfalf Fence --- ooo,!oo irtn a{natdG|Gr noof (t@ slope) FIGURE 2. Rocldall fence at south cdgc of shed roof requircd to elimilate rocldall hazard in work arca- Fence should be designed lo resist impact from 2S-foot diametcr, 1,300-pouod rock moving at 12 ff/sccond.6 300 psf Cut Slope 25 fr noof (rG% sJ.ope) RGURE 3. Dcbris-Ilow loading diagram at north side of shcd roofs. Loads arc depositional (satic) loads and must bc addcd ro all other loads nonnally considered and rcquired in desip at this location. 2.0 ft 35 li rl h I 1 ,lu a $ Ns SH 3\v \ \ \\ \\ \\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\ \ \ \\\ \\ ; \ t\ IiIE 1r tq t' E t IRli. ttil1 rl \)rl i\:s\ hArv t! N lru l(*H l(ffi ffi i(.,1(A'\N $r\(( $ I s5 N t* \r \t., rJil,.,fi @i $loxv KFR\ \8ed\< dF t'{ E$ $$ I ! I I t {I I T Et x *t i$ os I'l s*{u' cr l!E;ti :A{ui 5Fs N$$ ,tFF ii${ !+ $t tt s _[f) ss, lf)v 5\ $ \{s % t^ Hts ffi Ifl EIrlIt .-l IrJ II l"1!l.-lr ti P $d $HF !E< sl$ lF$ lAv $ L 1gd: $s1ait ilil! \-tl I li $ R rir S RS :\s sia i$x .tf---------.Eg---rrnm#u l:- 'n:?;,-----.:li .i.. E ..: B8l-l i| .. (,! i ta,-t.,.,_ ; [.-ftHE F r--F=='===:=:::=!- i ir;:FIFE+;iI l' -.-J---.----lht t: 8r il 6l'l Ftiqll dt:i larvr s{\ U\:6 ;t t-]x li $q6d tt) x: I -.1s { s L-----l;L-----l r---ll--------l__----.--------T--_\a--1 L - --t. -l- - ---- - J t oF rt!iia IIp a^. taIt 1., -l Hr9 '{oFn I I I I '1 I J '1 I $ftH, KI $ $t $$* ri*rii er t\-\ tt t\t t\ 11I IFti tr'I Itl* I\ \ t\\\H '\\\ h\ 3) tI.( st \i I 1 ii I il .":-:. ft;;1ffi iil;:::::,il ',"iii,:7'\#7,, ai i trt irr'I' .r{rn tta 5 U o , B i\i\ t\\ \i\\ ,lliltil ll ii iil ii llii IT}i 4V*o,<zF(r-vrFO I =rJa\c)7 ;o.CTF ll! Zrr o I ''"..ffiffiW c): oF ffi R$'0 rAY l0 m5l E-IT B ARTHIJR I. MEARS, P.L, INC. l,htunl Flrzud Coruhr.o 222 E.r God* Avc. %r'Wr'on May 16, 1995 Mr. Greg Hall, P.E. Vail Town Engineer 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Supplement to Decembei, 199d hazard analysis. Dear Mr. Hall: This letter provides a supplement to my report dated "December, 1994n in which I suggest mitigation from rocMall and dcbris flow at the proposed public works facility. In this previous reporl I described protecting the maintenance yard (souih of the proposed buildings) by diverting debris onto the shed roofs (Figure I of the December, 1994 reprt). I understand, from talking with you that the additional live load on the shed roofs resulting from debris deposition (Figure 2 of the report) may require an expensive structure that, as a result, is undesirable to the Town of Vail. An altemate mitigation is thcrefore proposed below. Debris flows, as indicatcd on thc attached drawing by arrows, can be diverted into the storage area bctween the two sheds and to the west and east sidcs of the sheds. Ttris can be accomplished by excavating a ditch/berm system to direct thc flows as shown by the arrows. Required characteristics of this system are as follows. a. The vcrtical difference between the top of each bcrm and the bottom of each ditcb (as viewed in cross section) must be 4.0t ft. h. Thc witJth of .u.n 0,,.n musl be no less lhan 5 feel. r00ffE . c. Thc "apex angle" where the two berms inlersect must be no lfrs'than 60". d. Thc berms must meet at the apex point. The proposed design will clearly not protect the slorage area between the two sheds, but I understand from talking with you that this presents an acceplable risk. As noted in my report, the probability of a debris flow at lhis site is small. Please contacl me if you have any queslions. Sincerely, CCt"^,l Wr.,t Adhur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer lYlorl Wallng . Aa;lqy/p . A6,ht1|p-6ltolFrgl* ht \ I t t \ Ii \ !l al'i>()@ z; ?. U)5 tri€ -3r>R.:g -a) aB q) ,e-. Eo: tt u,c atl '6 q) .Ee,1 ut!r=asRo.ox'<o: o o 0tu"4 Y(k*o Arthur I. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Rm'D AUB 0 ilggl ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natunl Flazards Gmulanu 222 Lr Coddc Ave. ""'Hr'-?T*r?,''' July 23, 1994 Mr. Greg Hall Town Engineer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Hall: At yout request, I conducted a site inspection of the proposed office expansion site at the public works center on July 19, 1994. The purpose of lhis site inspection n'as to evaluate the proposed debris flow deflection struclure. Tbe following summarizes the my obsen'ations and conclusions. a. The buiiding site lies within a "moderate hazardn debris flow area, as indicated on Town of Vail hazard maps. A moderate hazard debris flow area is defined as an area that can . n..'experience ProP€rty damage through flooding, erosion aod impact of muddy water, soil, rock, and debris.' The alluvial fan above the building site is characteristic of fine-grained deposits and small rocks that should not produce large impact loads when incorporated into flows, therefore will not constitute a significant hazard to people. Furthermore, study of aerial photographs dating to 1939 shows no evidence of recent debris flow activity this century. b. Adeguate protection from the rare debris flows can be achieved by building a tench./benn structure as located on the anached figure. This structure will protect the building from all reasonably foreseeable debris flows. Extraordinary (but extremely rare) flow may overtop tbe berm and reach the office exlension, but such events are so unlikely that they are not considered in land-use planning and engineering at Vail. c. The proposed diversion structure will not deflect the flow toward adjacent private property, in accordance with Vail Hazard Regulations Sections f8.69.052 tcl (b) The diversion structure *'ill, however, redirect tbe flow stightly to the west where it will deposit in the parking lot. Please conlact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mas Wa ry . AuhncAc: o AulanckContnlEngherfng N % FE:'iEr-9 E€ ?*E*ra'c,d3i"is;-o ;3 FiS*a e.siair.i r *rI:tqoa= Fa s. E€62 E3{ 3N ctrN\{\ur*ilr \ \ o rr d inI :r o GEOLOGIC AND PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AFFORDABLE HOUSING SITE AT THE TOWN OF VAIL MATNTENANCE FAC|L|TY (BUS BARN) VAIL, COLORADO Prepared For: Town of Vail Department of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Road Vall, CO 81657 Altention: Mr. Andrew Knudtsen, AICP Senior Housing Pollcy Planner Job No. GS-l924 August 12, 1996 CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DFIVE r GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO al601 r (970) 945-2809 E] 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 10 10 TOWN OF VAIL CTUT G$1924 TABLE OF CONTENT SCOPE SUMMAHY OF CONCLUSIONS SlTE CONDITIONS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GEOLOGIC SETTING GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Potentlal Debris Flow Hazards Potentlally Unstable Slopes SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS BUILDING CONSIDERATIONS Site Excavatlons Foundatlons lnterlor Floors and Exterlor Slabs-On-Grade Below Grade Walls Earth Retalnlng Structures Surlace Dralnage LIMITATIONS FIGURE 1 . LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2. SUMMARY LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3.INTERPRETED GEOLOGIC UNITS MAP FIGURE 4. POTENTIAL GEOLOGIC HMARDS MAP FIGURES 5 AND 6 . GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 7. TYPICAL NORTH-SOUTH CROSS SECTION THROUGH SITE iut SCOPE This report presents the results of our Geologic and Preliminary Geotechnical Investlgation for the Affordable Housing site at the Town of Vail Malnlenance Facility (Bus Barn) In Vall, Colorado. Development plans had not been decided on at this writing. we were told that employee houslng was being considered for the site. The purpose of our Investigation was to ldentily geologic conditions, determine their potential influence on the planned development and establish preliminary foundation recommendations and other preliminary geotechnical criteria for planning purposes. Our report includes descriptions of the subsoll and groundwater conditions tound In our exploratory borings and discussion ol site development as influenced by geologic and geotechnlcal consideratlons. Thls Investigation was performed In accordance with our Proposal GS-96-121 , dated July 16, 1996. Our report ls based on a revlew of avallable geotoglc maps and publlshed llterature, conditions disclosed by our exploratory borings, slle observations, results of laboratory tests, englneering analysis of field and laboratory data and our experlence. The crlteria presented in our report are lntended for planning purposes only. Additional slte specific lnvestigations are needed to develop design level foundation recommendatlons and building criteria. A summary ol our conclusions ls presented below. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS We found no geologic or geotechnical conditions that would preclude the development of the property for the planned affordable housing and assoclated infrastructure. Subsurface conditions found ln our exploratory borings were predominantly a thin veneer of organic surface soils underlain by clayey to sllty sands with gravels, cobbles and boulders. Some areas were covered by a thin layer ol man-made fill from previous grading operatlons. No free groundwater was found in our exploratory borings the day ot drilling. 1. 2. TOWN OF VAIL cTvT G$1924 The sands are medium dense to very dense and were judged to possess a low compression potential when wetted and/or additional load ls applied. Prelimlnary Information Indicates footings will be the predominant recommended foundation system lor buildings at this site. Detailed Solls and Foundation Investigatlons need to be performed for each building to develop the appropriate design criteria. Prelimlnary data indicates slabs supported on the sands will perform well lf bearing soils are not wetted. Control of surface dralnage ls important to the performance of foundatlons and slabs-on-grade. Surface dralnage should be deslgned to provide rapld removal of surface runoff away from struclures. SITE CONDITIONS The slte ls located north of l-70 In vall, colorado. Gore creek ls beyond t-70 to the south. The exlstlng Town of Vall Malntenance Facllity (Bus Barn) is betow the slte to the southwest. An existing public works bullding ls betow the west part ot the slte to the south. Access ls via the l-70 frontage road along the south side ol the site. The site can be visualized as a benched area lhat slopes down to the south at grades measured and visually estimated at 1E to 20 percent. Ground surlaces above the bench slope up to the north at steep grades In excess of 50 percent. Ground surfaces below the bench slope down to the south approximately 20 vertical feet to the frontage road at grades measured and visually estimated at 2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical). A drainage swale approximately 6 feet wlde and 2 to 3 feet deep trends down to the southeast along the north slde of the bench. A larger, man made drainage channel approximately 8 to 10 feet wide and o to 10 feet deep, drains down to the easl and south along the west side of the site. Remnants of a building foundation are on the south central part of the site. Vegetatlon consists of grasses and weeds with some sage brush. Aspen trees are on the steep slopes above the slte to the north. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOWN OF VAIL CTUT G$I924 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Development plans had not been decided on at this writing. We anticipate several multi-family bulldings will be bullt. we were told that preliminary development concepts were for 12 to 35 units In several multl-family buildings. An alternative concept ls modular units set on permanent foundations. The buildings wlll likely be one or two stories tall with walkout basement lower levels. Lower level floors will likely be slabs-on-grade. The buildings will likety be wood frame. we anticipale foundation loads will be light and may vary from 1,000 to 3,500 pounds per lineal fool of foundation wall. Interlor column loads may be 15 to 40 kips. Buildings wlll be stepped lnto the naturally occurring slopes to minimize the amount of earthwork needed to construct foundations and lower levels. The alignment of the road to provlde access to the buildings will cross steep slopes and wlll likely requlre a retalnlng wall or other stablllzation technlque for the excavated slopes necessary to achleve subgrade elevailons. GEOLOGIC SETTING The site ls located in an area of folded and faulted Paleozoic aged sedimenlary strata between the Gore Range to the northeast and the sawatch Range to the southwest. A fault which trends north-south ls to the east of the site. Regional geologic mapping lndicates the site is underlaln by bedrock of the Pennsylvanian aged Minturn Formation. Bedrock orientation strikes generatly east- west parallel to the trend of the Gore creek valley and dips to the north. Surface deposits at lhe site consist of Quaternary aged glacial drift and alluvial fan deposits. The entire sile ls underlain by glacial drift with alluvial fan deposits overlying the glaclal drift in lhe west approximately tlz ot the site. The glacial drift is made of clayey to sllty sands and gravels wlth cobbles and boulders. The alluvial fan deposlts are slmilar to the glacial drlft but tend to be finer grained and more stratified. Interpreted Geologic unlts are shown on Figure 3. TOWN OF VAIL CTUT GSI924 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS We did not identlfy any potential geologic hazards that would prevent development of the property lor the ptanned affordable housing. Two concerns related to geologic conditions were ldentified that need to be considered during the plannlng phase of the prolect. The west approximately 113 ot the site is on a small alluvial fan and the steep slopes to the north of the site are potentially unstable. Potential geologic hazards are shown on Flgure 4. Potentlal Debris Flow Hazards The alluvlal fan is comparatively small and we observed no evidence of recent debris flow actlvity. In our opinlon, the potentlal debris flow hazard is comparatively low. we recommend revlewlng potentlal debris flow hazards in light of the hydrology study that will be needed to develop the site dralnage plan. we believe mltigatlon, lf needed, may Involve site dralnage structures belng over sized to ailow for polentlal debrls flow. Potentiallv Unsilable Slopes The steep slopes above the site to the north appear to be associated with an ancient landsllde and are potentially unstable. Field observations do not Indlcate that recent slope movements have occurred. In our oplnlon the site is comparatively stable and the potential for slope stabllity hazards ls low. we recommend excavations at the site not Inlersect a 2:1 (horizontal to verticat) line extending down and away from lhe tow of the steep slopes (see Figure z). lf excavations are to be Into the steep slopes, detalled slope stabllity analysis wlll be needed to judge slope stability and develop mltigation recommendations. we belleve the property can be developed uslng leotechnlcal and construction practices normatty emptoyed in mountalnous regions in the locale of the property. TOTYN OF VAIL cTUr G$1924 EJ SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS subsurlace conditions were lnvestlgated by drilling four (4) exploratory borlngs at the approximate localions shown on Figure 1. Our borings were drilled uslng a track mounted drill rig and 4-lnch diameter, continuous flight auger. Drilling operations were directed by our laboratory and field manager who logged the soils and obtalned samples for laboratory testlng. Graphic logs of the soils found In our borings and results of field penetration reslslance tests are presented on Figure 2. Samples obtained during drilling were relurned lo our laboratory where they were vlsually classllied and typlcal samples selected lor testing. The results ol laboratory testlng are presented on Figures S and 6. Subsurface conditions found In our exptoratory borings were predomlnantly a thln veneer of organic surface solts underlaln by clayey to silty sands w1h gravels, cobbles and boulders. some areas were covered by a thln layer of man-made fill fiom prevlous grading operailons. No free groundwater was found In our exploratory borings the day of drilling. BUILDING GONSIDEBATIONS The bulldlngs will be stepped inlo the natural hillslde slopes that occur at the slte. An access road may be extended from the frontage road below to provlde access and a parking area. We anticipate clayey to silty sands and boulders will be found In excavations at this site. The foilowlng paragraphs discuss excavations, provides preliminary foundation and floor stab support concepls and discusses below grade walls and earth retainlng structures. Site Excavations Prlor to conslructlon, all existing foundatlons, utilities or man made fill will need lo be removed from below and within 5 feet of areas to be built on. we estimate exlstlng flll depths ol 1 to 4 feet over approxlmately one-third of the site. TOIYN OF VAIL CTUT G$1924 5 i-tr.] No parts of the foundations should be supported on fill. Flll may be requlred to achieve subgrade elevalions for the lower levet floor slabs, exterior concrete slabs and the access drlve. Areas to receive fill or to bear slabs-on-grade should be grubbed and stripped of existing fill, vegetation and organic soils. The resulting surface should be scarlfled to at least 8 Inches deep, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent below to 2 percent above optimum molsture content and compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maxlmum dry density (ASTM D 69g). Fill can consist of lhe on site (including "old" fill) soils free of organics, rock larger than 4 inches In diameter or other deleterious materiat. Filts should be moisture conditioned to withln 2 percent of opilmum moisture content, placed In g inch maxlmum loose lifls and then compacted to at least 9s percent of ASTM D 699. Gradlng plans had not been developed at this wriflng. we anticlpate slte excavation wlll conslst ol maxlmum 10 feet tall cut stopes. Excavatlons will need to be sloped or braced. Excavatlons should not Intersect a 2:1 (horlzontal to vertical) line extendlng down and away from the steep slopes at the north slde of the site (see Flgure 7 'Typlcal North-South cross section Through site,' and ,,potentially Unstable Slopes" sectlon). we belleve the sands and gravels are Type c as described ln the october, 1989 occupatlon safety and Heatth Admtntstration (osHA) standards pubtished by the Department of Labor governing excavations. The publication lndicates a maximum temporary slope of 1.s to 1 (horizontal to vertical) for Type c solls above the water table. We recommend temporary slopes be 1.5 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. Permanent slopes should be no steeper than 2:1(horizontat to vertical). soils removed from excavations should not be stockpited immediately adjacent to the upper edge of excavations. we recommend stockpiling excavated soils a horizontal distance from the edge of excavations equal to at least the depth of the excavation. TOWN OF VAIL CTVT GS-1924 Free groundwater was not encountered in our exptoratory borings. Depending upon cut depths and the time of year, water may be present. lf lree groundwater is encountered, we recommend excavations be sloped to a positive gravlty oulfall or to sumps where waler can be removed by pumping. we should be notilied immedialely il lree groundwater is encountered to attow re+valuation of our conclusions and recommendations presented herein. Foundations Foundatlon excavatlons will be into the natural soils. We have assumed that fill wlll notbebelowfoundatlons. Weexpectthatitwitl beposslbletousemaximum bearing pressures in the range ol 3,000 to 5,000 psf lor tootlngs bearing on the sands and gravels depending on the posslble presence of compresslble clay lenses In the gravels below the planned buildings foundations. Footings should be placed below frost depths. we recommend a depth of at least 42 Inches or the minlmum requlrement by the local bullding department. Interior Floors and Exterior Slabs-On-Grade Man made llll may be required below portions of some of the buildings. slab- on'grade floors bearing on the sands and gravels or on properly compacted structural fill at the planned building sites would be appropriate. To reduce the adverse effects of differential slab movement, floor slabs shoutd be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion lolnts. Control loints should be used in floor slabs lo reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. Below Grade Walls We do not antlclpate subsurface conditions which will preclude basement conslruction. Basement excavations will encounter clayey to silty, sands and gravels with cobbles and boulders. Free groundwater was not found in our exploratory borings. TOU/N OF VAIL CTUT G$l924 7 E] Foundation walls wlll be sublected to lateral earth pressures. Foundation walls at the back of some buildings may act as retaining walls. These walls are restralned and cannot move, therefore, they should be deslgned for the "at-rest" lateral earth pressure. Assuming the on-site soils are used as backfill, we recommend using an equivalent fluid denslty of 45 pcf for sand or gravel backfillto calculate lateral earth pressure. The above equivalent fluid density does not include allowances for sloping backfill, hydrostatlc pressures, live loads or loads from adjacent structures. Water from surface run.off (preclpitation, snow melt, lrrigation) lrequently flows through backfill placed adjacent to foundation walls and collects on the surface ol the comparatlvely lmpermeable solls occurring at the bottom ol the foundatlon excavalion. Thls can cause damp or wet conditions In below grade areas of bulldings. To reduce the accumulation of waler, we recommend a foundatlon draln. The draln should conslsl of a 4-inch diameter open ioint or slotted PVC plpe encased In free drainlng gravel. The drain should lead to a positive gravlty outfall or to a sump to be mechanlcally pumped. Backflll placed adjacent to foundatlon walls should be compacted to at least 95 percent ol standard Proctor maxlmum dry density (ASTM D 698). Earth Retainina Struclures Free standing retalning slructures may be required adJacent to the access drive trom the frontage road. Several types of retaining struclures are used in the area. Some examples of diflerent types of walls are listed below: In-situ Walls And Reinlorcement Systems Tled-back walls tied back via soil nails or rock anchors Steel pile and lagging Mlcro piles TOU/N OF VAIL cTUr G$r924 8 Gravity Walls Concrete or Masonry, with or without a cantilever or counterforts Cribs, blns or gablons Inlernally Stabllized Systems Mechanically stabillzed earth (MSE) structures Frictlon reinforcement systems A "rock wall" is generally a landscaplng feature. Rock walls greater than approxlmately 6 feet In height do not provlde adequate reslstance to lateral loads. lf rock walls are used we suggest a maxlmum height of 6feet. The wall should be battered at an angle of approxlmately 60 degrees, the wldth of the base of lhe wall should be at least one-half the height wlth a wall face no steeper than 3/4 to 1 (horlzontal to vertical). Retalning walls that require a foundatlon can be founded with footlngs bearlng on the natural soils designed lor maximum soll bearlng pressures slmilar to that provlded for bulldlng foundations. We recommend a coefficlent of frlctlon between footing concrete and the ground of 0.35. Retaining walls will be subjected to lateral earth pressure from wall backfitl and surcharges. The lateral load on the wal! ls a function of wall movement. lf the wall can move enough to mobilize the Internal strength of the backfill, with movemenl and cracking of the surface behind the wall, the wall can be deslgned for the "active" earth pressure. lf ground movement and cracking ls not permltted, the wall should be deslgned for the "at rest" earth pressure. We suggest 40 pcf equivalent fluid pressure be used to deslgn for the "actlve" case and 45 pcf equivalent fluid pressure be used to deslgn for the "at rest" case. An equivalent fluid density ol 250 pcf can be used tor the "passiie" case. We recommend backflll behlnd retaining walls be the on-site gravels less than 3 Inches In diameter and be compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proclor maxlmum dry denslty. Lateral TOWI{ OF VA|L cTL/r G91924 earth pressure values do not Include allowances for sloplng backfill, hydrostatic pressures or surcharge loads. A foundailon drain should be placed next to the footing of any retalnlng wall. We should be advlsed if retainlng structures will be requlred. We can ald the archltect or structural englneer In the selection and deslgn of retainlng walls to achleve a good comblnation of practicality, economy and performance. Surlace Drainaqe The ground surface around the structures should be shaped to provlde for rapld run'otf of surface water away from the structures and off road surfaces. We recommend slopes be at least 12 Inches In the tirst 10 feet. Roof downspouts and other water collectlon systems should discharge well beyond the limils ol ail backfill around the bulldings. water should not be allowed to pond belween buitdings or on roads. Landscaplng and slte grading should provlde for channelization and dlrecting of surface dralnage down, around and away from all struclures and roads. Areas where sheetwash can be expected to occur over ground surfaces at this slte during sprlng snowmelt need to be protected from eroslon. Proper controt of surface run- off ls also lmportant to prevent the eroslon of surface soils. Sheet llow should not be directed over unprotected slopes. water should not be ailowed to pond at the cresl or bottom of slopes. permanent stopes should be re-vegetated to reduce eroslon. LIMITATIONS our borings were widely spaced to provlde a general plcture of subsurface condilions for site grading and prelimlnary ptanning of development. placement and compaction of site grading fill and utltity trench backfill should be Inspected and density tested during construction. We recommend detailed soils and foundation invesligations be performed at indMdual building locations to devetop design level foundation recommendations and building criterla. TOWN OF VAIL CTUT G$I9'I4 10 Thls Investigation was conducted ln a manner conslstent with that level ol care and sklll ordinarily used by engineerlng geologists and geolechnicat engineers practiclng In this area at this time. No other warranty, express or imptied ls made. lf we can be ol further service in discussing the contents of this report or fhe analysis of the influence of the subsurtace conditions or the design of proposed construction, please cail. CTUfiOMPSON,INC. -#&*akL Engineerlng Geologist Revi LB:JM:cd (3 coples sent) TOWN OF VAIL CTUT G91924 /i:'fr,\ (,) i ricjtJlts.E. / st'".|)c 11 q) { h A V) Fr z C) ooFl,O,. rr1L' a F] E-r F]EarFTH+''rr1 ;, E-(z ioE C, EE3rh!= g6rEF.H6ErolrE9SS3'6oo KHEs='=ooo L.E(uCL6de E\d I 8lfi\L'I5\ q) o Adi 6.t' .9 .:'5 ,!E€ .96<_-- E z ioto I mo z z|'\,i-l aflt-r aF] R ;< \/ U)J>rX t-< Frzs=d*?vo eFr ol-{- ZraA HF?g3'88trEFOE-Z : E133 N I E2 ;a E:; l,ii i i$ iligBisiu *H;' Ii;-gtgili g ii' iigE Fi€EE i efu ;tgt i=ap, ! o) a0ll qt o '*i s*E EE;*t6 Eff 5s E= :;l EEtr E: el Fsisi; tS !t ill i;E fi* ii f;i *E efEF jis$i r mUz Eo Fq H E{ EoFl&X FI o V)UoFl H v) N €q) co oro (\l 6\l .d.ca..-;ufrlFroz Azfrl(9 E I l* orNi-r\\coNa)oi ll+ +rl Ift,l F*j Ft Ft C)\\\lo o'o'Cr) :{ F{ o lO€rS,l l[ E-. F: t- coqS*rL F frf U Nio ry$*rl F f.l t-olTco*rl F frl v Depth In Feet o lo l.- t() v CVo Iv)(9 dz Fo laa.{ trl q}daq <. n fr .9 o)oo796 b' Ela,EseE* = 9+E (,' o:2Eo-t5 t g= =F;? 6 .=-oi 'E xoe. C Y>-e I a$6 O cL ato- 4 <(E \ lArF\ 90.L\z.\ UI(r\ ltl I o z l.-{ /trt*l V)F] ?c{lrl;-r \'/ V)-tF s3E Gr?ovroE zra? HF?g3'88 P{ EFQE4Z.+ ErsF A > 'aa t{ N l{ CJ (toFlotrl CJ Fl Fz tr] F.lo p.{ c) 6 -<---- Ao -6.I€rf,xo trl Flr tU 6f 8.t' ETE { s\ ITdEE 0c l-. > O{alo'a_= EE2o625 a xlorg ()btq oLt erI V) CJz &o trl Eo F{ &oFlpr X 14 ho mzo F{ C)oFl I I i I I I I , I z m V) c) C) d H 8.t, .9.E'd dE': .{.No I cn C, d Fl> < i-r>Fl .- CJx< "Fq o >--Q FztF< Fl--z o IE] F4 L)E E-r ;33 g 6<---E oz F]F (n (,z -II o FIFlE a h FE{< Somple of FTOM TH-l AT 4 FEET of CLAY,SANDY WITH GRAVELS (CL)Somple From- GRAVEL 23 % srLT&ctAY 49 % PI}STICIW INDEX GnRvru 12 z $LT&cLAy 59 7o PLASrcIryINDEX SAND 28 % LIOUID LIMIT -% seNo 29 % UOUIDLIMIT-% Grodolion FIG. 5JOB Nn. GS-1924 TH-I AT 19 FEET Tesf Resulls rrr--:- * -t- Sompleof sANp. cLAyEy wrrH GRAVELS (sc)From tH-e ar t+ rger lorpl"ofFtom rH-3 AT z+ reer GRAVEL 29 % sru & ctAY 35 % PLASIICII"Y INDEX GRAVEL 13 % srLT&cLqY s4 % PLASIICITY INDEX SAND 36 '7. UOUID LIMTI -% SAND 33 % UOUIDLIMII-% Grodolion GS-1924 Test Resulls FIG.6 N I TT]E j F STEEP SLOPE F sITE \* wE FECO0,$G]iD NO EXCAVATION BELOW THIS LI}G EXISTII{G GROI'.ID SI,RFACE JOB hlt. GS-1924 TY?ICAL NORfi-SOUI}| CRIISS SECTION THROI,GH SITE FIG. 7 A request for a final review for a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs. for. seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive, Public Works Facility/legally described as: beginning at the Northwest corn€r ol Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 west-of the Sixth Priicipal-Meridian thence S 89'31'49" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said Section 9, lo a point bn the northerly right-of-way fence line of Inlerstale Highway No. 70 thence along lhe northerly righl-of-way fence line of Inlerstate Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67"4i'3f W 415.62 feet: thenc€ S78'13'02" W 1534.29 feet, to a point of curvature; thence 456.43 f€et on a curve to the right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears 580.33'38" W 456.30 feel to a -point on the Weslerly line of said Section 9: thence doparting the t hortherly righl-of-way fence lind of Interstate Highwiy No. 70 and following the Westerly line of k said Seclion I N00'i8'21"E 565.11 feet to the point of beginning. -.F\ Rppticant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie Hervert Planner; Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit to allow for outdoor seating at lhe Bed Lion Building (Cledver's Deli, The Chocolate Factory), located at 304 Bridge Streevlots E, F, G, & H, Block 5-A, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: LandmarkCommercialDevelopmentPlanner: Tammie Williamson The applications and information about the proposals are available tor public inspection during regular.office hours in the prbject planner's otfice localed at the Tbwn of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Fload. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Dsvelopment Department Published April 1 1, 1997 in the Vail Trail. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 28, 19-97, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Vail fun), !o. eliminate the.requirement for three coveied tennis codrts, located at 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/Lions Ridge Filing #1. Applicant: ; Vail Run condominium Association, represented by Larry Eskwith Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a worksession to discuss a major exterior alteration in CC1 and a minor subdivision, to allow for the construction of a parking garage, 9 accommodation units, 1 condominium and new retail office space at the Gastfiot Gramshammer, located at 231 E' Gore Creek Dr./Part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, segerberg, & Associates Planner: George Ruther A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the modification to the existing platted building enveiope, located at 1082 Riva Glen/Lot 3 Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Lee Kirch, represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Ca.sgad.e Village), to allow f9r a sliel bridge and modiiications to allbwable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1& 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Sherry Dorwood Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition utilizing tlrq 250 Ordinance, to allow for the construction of a dorm'er addition, located at 2943 Bellflower Drive/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Frank Bannisler, represented by RKD Planner: Tammie Williamson A request to remove a condition of approval, from an approved.setback variance, requiring..that the exterior walls and roof remain during the remodel process, located at 226 Forest RoadiLot 1 1A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. John Kredeit Lauren Walerton Applicant: Planner: BillWood U.S. Forcst Scrvicc P.O. Box 190 Minturn, CO ttl64-5 Joc Macy Vail Associatcs, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO til6-5tt CDOT 4201 E. Arkansas Dcnvcr. CO 80222 CDOT CDOT P.O. Box 2107 P.Ct, Box 29ll Crancl Junction. CO 81620 Eap;lc, CO 11163 | .t iL THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the PJanning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 10, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration ol: A request to develop a preferred alternative lor Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for single- family, duplex and primaryisecondary. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russ Forresl A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located in the One Vail Place Building, 244Wall StreeVa resubdivision of Lot C, Block 5-C, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Mr. Jared Drescher, represented by Flobert BoymerPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/legally described as: beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian lhence S 89'3149' E 2333.84 feel, along the North line of said Section 9, to a point bn lhe northerly right-of-way lence line of Inlerstale Highway No. 70 thence along the northerly right-of-way fence line oJ Inlerstate Highway No. 70 as follows:'S 67"41'33-W 415.82 feet:lhence S78"13'02" W 1534.29 feot, to a poinl of curvature; thence 456.43 feel on a curve to lhe right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears 580'33'38" W 456.30 feet lo a point on the Westerly line of said Seclion 9: thence departing the northerly right-of-way fence line of Interslale Highway No. 70 and following the Westerly line of said Section I N00'i8'21"E 565.11 feet to tho point ol beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie HervertPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for additional GRFA to allow tor an addition to the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance. located at 758 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Tony & Terry Perry, represented by Eric JohnsonPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a final plat review, located at 1502 Buffer Creek Road/Lots 41 & A2, Lions Ridge Subdivision 2nd Filing. Applicant: Harold & Barbara Brooks, represented by lsom and AssociatesPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a minor subdivision to allow for an elevator addition to the Lodge Tower parcel, located at 200 Vail Road/Lot A, Block 5-L, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Lodge Properties, Inc., represented by Jay Peterson Dominic Mauriello t.'., A request for an amendment lo the development plan to allow for outdoor ski storage, located at 458 Vail Valley Driveffract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing, commonly referred to as the Golden Peak Ski Base. Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc.Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition for an expansion of the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, VailValley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Nate AccardoPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Howard KoenigPlanner: Tammie Williamson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Dev€lopment Departm€nt, 75 South Fontage Road. Sign language int€rprelation available upon raquesl wilh 24 hour notification. Please call 479-21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD lor information. Community Development Departmenl Pubfished February 21,1997 in lhe Vail Trail. \. /t .t trl'r' MAY AFFE.T YouR PRoPr"O PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vait wil hold a public hearing in accordance vlith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail ori March 24,Igg7,at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Buibing. In consideration ol: A request for a major exterior alteration in CC1, at the A & D Building, located at 286 Bridge StreeyLots A, B, & C, Block 5A, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: 286 Bridge Street, Inc., represented by Craig Snowdon Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor a major exterior alteration in CC1, at the Creekside Building, located at 229 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Michael Ditch, represented by Dave CarsonPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a minor SDD amendment to Special Development District. No. 30 at the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: vwT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John Perkins Planner: George Ruther A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 778 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 18, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Fred Bartlit, represented by Bill AndersonPlanner: Tammie Williamson A request for a major exterior alteration and minor subdivision at Gasthof Grarnshammer, located at 23i E. Gore Creek Dr.lPart of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pepi Gramshammer, represented by Pierce, Segerberg' & Associates Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/legally described as: t\a beoinninq at the Northwest corner of Section 9, Township 5 Sor.rth, Range 80 wesl of the Sbdh > Pri-ncipal-Meridian thence S 89'31'49" E 2333.84 feet, along the North line of said Seclion 9, to a -\ point bn the northerly right-of-way fence line of Interstate HighwayNo. 70 thence along the- northerly right-of-way fence line of Int€rstate Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67"41'33" W 415.82 feet;thence S78'13'02" W 1534.29 feet, to a point of curvalure; thence 456.43 feet on a curve to the right with a radius of 5580.00 feet, the chord of which bears 580"33'38" W 456.30 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Section 9: thence departing the northerly rightoFway fence line of Interstate Highway No. 70 and following the Westerly line of said Section 9 N00"i8r21"E 565.1 1 fest lo lhe point of beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie Hervert Planner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office holrs in lhe projeit'planner's officE located at the Towri of Vail Communily Developmenl Dopartmont, 75 Soulh Frontag€ Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request whh 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice ot 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Developmsnt Departmsnt Published March 7. 1997 in the Vail Trail.1,/ To: From: Subject: Date: Memorandum Dominic Maurie{ooTown Planner Andy Knudtsun;fi Susie Hervert I i Conditlonal Use application for conceptual review February 10,1997 I. Project DescriPtion The proposed seasonal housing development will be located immediately east of the Public Worfts Ldministation building. fne lAmini#ation building is located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive on an unplatted parcel. A survey has been included to further clarify the location ofthe project' The development comprises of one building, three stories high, with 24 units - l8 of these will be 480 square-foot studiounits and 6 will be 586 one bedroom units. Please note that the smaller unit can be built out as an open floor plan or with a dividing wall separating the living area from the sleeping area. A parking lot wilt be located south of the building and will include one parking space for each unit, an accelsible space (handicap), and tlree guest spaces. All units on the lower fioor will be handicap accessible. tigring evening hours, additional guestparking is available in , the spaces provided iot putti. Works op-erationsiuring the day. A staircase has been included in the design io allow access to these rpu.ir. A dumpster has been locatedlext to the stairs. which will be accessible from both tle upper parking lot and the lower parking lot. II. Evaluation of Conditional Use Criteria Relationship and impact of the usc on the development objecfives of the Torvn. The development objectives of the town, as articulated in the Land Use Plan, call for this type of development. Policies 5.5, 6.1, and 6.3 support affordable housing of this nature. 5.5 The existing employee housing base shouldbe preserved andupgraded. Additional imployie housing needs should be accommodated at varied sties throughout the communitY. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. 6.3 Services should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs of peak periods' The need for additional employee housing units has been a goal of the community for many years' The Town Council has identided three seitors within our community which should be served with families and individuals looking to buy homes; seasonal wage eamers needing local rental apartments; and year-round renters looking for homes within the Town' housing: l-- a 3-- The fust two projects the Town has done (Vail Commons and Red Sandstone) address the frst group listed above. In an effort to meet as many needs as possible, the current project targets the needs of the second group. we hope to providl housing for the third gfoup at later date' Conceining the provision of services, this project will directly improve the Town's ability to provide baiic services. The Town hir"r upp-*i-ately 90 seasonals each year. Recently we have ilaa aim.otty filling all of these positions-. - For example, the bus deparhnent experienced ,-- shortages during thi 95/96 ski ,"uron. Although thJTown was willing to pay overtime, it still couldn-'t fitl eno"gh positions to maintain senrices and as a result had to cut back on the frequency of bus service. f[is year, after raising wages for bus drives, the Town is still short 3 - 8 drivers from the total 59 needed each season to fully serve the community' Residents who will receive first priority for this housing will be the Town's seasonal workers' If other units are available, staffproposes making the units available to year-round Town ernployees' The third tier would be criticai employ"es *orkiog for other employers (such as cDoT plow drivers). Finally, the last tier woufd be other businesses or employees with jobs located within the municipal Uo*A"ry of the Town of Vail. This priority list is slightly different than what Council has approved in thi past (year-round TOV workers have been added.) The applicant team plans to present this to Council to verify that they conclu with this modification. Effect of the use on llght and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities' utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. The project will have a beneficial effect on the facilities listed above as they will be staffed with -or" "-ptoyees than are currently on-board with the Town. The impact to these facilities by the 24 occupants of the project should be minimal' The plan does include an on-site park area for the residents. The bench known as Buzzard Park will Le graded and planted in a way to provide some useable open space for the residents' Bar-be-[ues and volleyball games are examples of the uses residents may enjoy here. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive an pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. The applicant team is proposing several rnodifications to the site to improve traffic congestion and safety, - The current level Lf automobile and truck traffic generated by the Public Works site could be handled in a safer way. Thus, in conjunction with the housing development, the Town Council has included funds to improve the safety of the tunnel. Traffic generated by both the housing and the existing facilities will benefit. CDOT may require safety improvements on the Frontage Roads. Staff will be having a pre- applicationm.itiog *itnCObT staffon Tuesday, March 18. Depending on the requirements of CDOT, and the concurrence of the Town Engineer, accel or decel lanes will be added to the Frontage Road. The applicant team understands that the PEC will need to know the final design of the improvements (if any) prior to making a determination on the Conditional Use. The applicant team will work with CDOT to make theirdecision priorto a final PEC vote. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ofthe proposed use in reletion to surround uses. The applicant team believes that the key issue on which to focus is the visibility and quality of the design, as seen from the neighborhoods around the project. Early on in the process, Council approved the givens for the developrnent, which included the following statement: Although the existing berm along I-70 screens much of the Public Works day-to-day operations, some or all of the housing may be visible above the existing berm after consfuction. The staff conducted an open house on February 17, 1997 and comments from that meeting are attached for your review. Two options were presented to the public. A 24 unit options (quite similar to what is being submitted at this time) and a 42 unit option that included a cantilevered parking garage. Both options included three story buildings. Most of the comments from the public that attended the open house expressed a preference for the higher density. Several comments from TOV staff expressed a preference for the lower density. The visibility of the development was not a significant concern of the public, which could have potentially affected the height and/or density. Neighbors attending the open house said that the visibility of the buildings would not be a problem, if the architecture were nicely done and the parking were screened. Notwithstanding the interest in the higher density, the lower density plan has been selected due to consfiains such as budgets and access. The architectural desigl incorporates variety in the roof line and the southern elevation provides relief and interest, when viewed from the neighborhoods to the south. The parking lot will be construction at elevation 8254 to 8258' The elevation of the top of the Uerm is -AZSS. itt" U"r- is planted with trees, thus there are an additional 15 to 20 feet of screening on top of the berm. The site plan designer has located the horrsing parking lot behind a landscape island, allowing more landscape material to screen the parked cars. The applicant team believes there was some concem by the neighbors ttrl fow quality industrial type materials would be used on the housing. As this is not the case, and due to the interesting, high quality architectural desip, we believe this criteria has is met' nI. Zone Check The site on which the development will be located is zoned General Use. This zone district allows Type III Employee Housing Units as a Conditional Use. The zoning standards for this district are not predetermined as inhost zone districts, but are established in a case-by-case basis by the PEC. The zoning standards to be determined by the PEC for any conditional use in this zone district include lot area, setbacks, building height, density contol, site coverage, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading. On the other hand, the Type III EHU is defined in the ZonhgCode under Section tS.SZ.OOO (B). Each of the standards in that section are addressed below: l- The conditional use application is enclosed. Z- The parcel on which ihe proposal will be constucted meets the standards of this paragraph. 3- The units will be counted as .5 for density calculations; however, since there is no predetermined density limit in this zone district, this point is mutc. 4- The square footage of l8 ofthe units is 480 square feet. The square footage ofthe other 6 units is 588 square feet' 5- Each dwelling rmit will have kitchen and bathroom facilities' 6- None will have more than 2 bedrooms. Most will be studios' 7- Occupancy will not exceed two persons for each dwelling unit. We anticipate that 18 will have a single occupant and 6 are sized large enough to accommodate couples. 8- One parking space will be provided for each units. 9 - 13 The development will comply with these provisions now and in the future. IV. Natural Hazards The site has been studied several times recently, as the Public Works Bus Barn and Administration Building have been slated for expansions. The Bus Barn is currently under constnrction and the ndministation Building is scheduled for expansion during the summer of 1997. Adhur Mears conducted a comprehensive study of the entire Public Works site in Decernber of 1994. Most of the report deals with the westem portion of the site. A separate one page report, dated July 23' l994,ias completed by Art Mears to evaluate the impacts of hazards to the Administration building, which is locaied on the eastem portion of the site. In that letter, Mr. Mears stipulates that: 1- The hazard does "not constitute a significant hazard to people;" however, 2- A trench berm is required for the expansion to the Administration Building. 3- Once the proposed diversion structure is constructod, it will bring the site into conformance with the Town of Vail zoning code. We believe that the improvements required for the expansion to the Administation Building will also adequately proteci the bench available for the housing development. Art Mears confirmed this undeistanding with a review of the proposed development, the existing maps of the Town' and surveys ofthi area. A letter from him is attached to this application. The Applicant team has scheduled him to conduct a site visit once the snow has melted to confirm his understanding. His updated review will be providod prior to building permit issuance. IV.Process We propose to follow the schedule shown below. Please let us know if you believe the schedule should be planned any differently. PEC application deadline PECiDRB worksession Status report to Council PEC final hearing DRB hearing Grading permit submitted Grading permit issued Building permit submitted Building permit issued Occupancy March 17 March24 March 25 April14 April 16 Late April Early May (approximately 7 days after submittal) Late May Early June (ryproximately 21 days after submittal) December I \- (tbl;ru4/4 n^r&^ hft /",4. - uol i' Secli "'^' - lJoslt^ e(e'ro*'l^/ - u.o Ml./ --- wri*lqrrr o,,, noc{u./ - Pd/ .-- l*,dsa7fi (,ot)r,/ - d,tnpW.,/ ^ )e*d{"^ br;ll,n l/ - slLt"r. MEMORANDUM TO: Andy Knudtsen, Senior Housing Policy Planner FROM: Dominic F. Mauriello, Town Planner DATE: March 19,1997 suBJECT: Proposed 24 EHUs at Public Works - conditional Use Application A cursory review of the proposed plan has been performed by the. Planners. Plans were not routed to other departm'ent's due tb the lack of tirire between the date of submittal for the worksession and the Oate ot the hearing. However, theil input was received at a DRT meeting' Here is a list of items that need to be addressed in your final submittal materials for the April 14' 1997 hearing. Please notJin"t the all required items must be provided by 9:00am on April 26' 1997 to allow one week for plans to be routed and reviewed. Please include/address the lollowing: 1. Provide a final grading plan which clearly shows proposed grading, retaining walls, and rhe like. provide JO"idif of all retaining watts, wnicn shows the top and bottom of wall elevations. 2. Provide a revised site plan which agrees with the grading plan. Please also show/indicate the following : a. provide a section through the development (north/south) to clearly show the changes in elevations.b. Provide a delail ol the trash enclosure. c. Show the localion of the log cabin on-site. d. Show all improvements to the open space recreation area' e. Show a proi:osed location for access to the proposed North Trail. f. Address issues in the PEC memo. g. provide final building elevations, including north elevation. The elevations should indicate proposed eve and ridge height elevations. 4. Provide an indication of buiffing materials, colors, window trealments' etc.. S. provide a detailed lighting plan with cut-sheets and show compliance with the lighting ordinance. 6. provide a landscape plan with a schedule of proposed plantings. Please also address snow storage and the open space treatments on this plan. 7 - please address all issues raised in the staff memo to the PEC dated March 24' 1997 - .l TO: CG: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Andy Knudtsen, Senior Housing Policy Planner Mark Donaldson, Architect Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development Dominic F. Mauriello, Town Planner April 1 1, 1997 Proposed 24 EHUS at Public Works - Conditional Use Application I have reviewed the revised plans that were submitted to me 9n Aprll q. The meeting.on the April 14 is a worksession. Finil r6view is scneduled for April 28. The dnly issues being addressed at the worksession relate to architecture and building height. The plans' as submitted are incornpfete and will need to Oe compieted by ApriitS a--nd submitted to me by 3:00 pm to remain o" inii ig""Oi. Please be sure to irrovide iwo comprehensive and complete sets of plans and reductions. The following items are needed prior to the linal hearing on this development as outlined in my memo of March 19, 1997 and April4, 1997. Please include/address the following: 1. Provide plans (grading and site plan) which address all improvements related to access' the tunnbl, oird accesi, and pedestrian access. The plans as submitted do not show these items on the th;. Be bure that all characteristics of the access are addressed including walls. 2. The landscape plan includes numerous Aspens with a caliper of .1 .5"- The design gridetin"s rdquite all trees newly planted to have a minimum caliper of 2"' Also, as a fioint ot intormafion, tne ORg anO'pfC expressed that trees should be substantially sized trees. 3. Please provide a copy of the traffic study performed lor the development. 4. Address the issue of interior parking lot landscaping. 5. Address the issue of bus stop location and provisions for residents in the development' 6. Stake the building height on the site and also provide an accurate layout of the structure on the site. Page I of2 Ploge provl.le the tollowlng prior to DRB revlew: 1. Provide an indication of building colors' etc. 2. provide a detailed lighting plan with cut-sheets and show compliance with he lighting ordinance. TO: CC: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Andy Knudtsen, Senior Housing Policy Planner Mark Donaldson, Architect Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development Dominic F. Mauriello, Town Planner April4, 1997 Proposed 24 EHUs at Public Works - Conditional Use Application I have reviewed the revised plans that were submitted to me following the March 24 PEC woksession. The meeting dn the April 14 is now proposed to be q worksession' The only item thlt has changed related i'o tne Oevdtopment plans, as submitted, is the.architecture of the fropo-eO builiing and the dumpster eiclosurb. Therefore, I am supposing that the worksession will be limited to discussion reg'arding the architecture as all of the other required plans have not been submitted. The following items are needed prior to the final hearing on this development as outlined in my memoof March 19,1997. Please include/address the following : ,,/l . provide a final grading plan which clearly shows proposed grading, retaining walls'. access and the-like. Fiovide a detail of hll retaining walls, which shows the top and bottom of wall elevations. 2. Provide a revised site plan which agrees with the grading plan. Please also shodindicate the f ollowing : y' a. Show the location ol the log cabin on-site.,/b. Show all improvernents to the open space recreation area. ,./c. Show a probosed location lor access to the proposed North Trail' provide plans which address all improvements related to access, the tunnel, bike access' anct pedb$rian access. The plans'as submitted do not show these items on the plan' provide a landscape plan with a schedule of proposed plantings. Please also address h,Ftr/lhe open space treatments on this plan. 5\l+t14tttl'\,/ 5. Show all mechanical and other projections on the building (exhaust pipes, etc.)' @ please provide a copy of the traffic study performed for the development. ,/7. Provide the view analysis of the site. Page I of2 p 10. Address the issue of interior parking lot landscaping' Address the issue ot ort'":to[i*"tion and provisio-ns for residents in the development' stake the building height on the site and also provide an accurate layout of the structure on the site. ,/ 11. The Planning Staff has a concern regarding.the revised archit.-"jYt"' We believe the proposed ttat root section is inconsisientwitn tne architecture on the remaining portions of the building. We atso believe it does not address the issue ol "stepping" the roof as discussed by the pEc. we also have concern with the stag_gering of windows on the sourh etevation. However, staff will feaueliis iitr. to tne ieC ind DRB to make the determination. Please provide the following prior to DRB review: 1. Provide an indication of building materials, colors, window treafilents' etc" 2. Provide a detailed lighting plan with cut-sheets and show compliance with the lighting ordinance. Printed by Dominic Mauriello o4 /97 9 : 21am From: Dominic Mauriello To: AndY Knudtsen subject: Public works Housing PEC ===NOTE====CC: Mike Mollica Since you were aL the hearing I will noL provide a complece sununary of the meetr-ng. Here some issues which i believe represent the majority opinion of the PEC ANd DRB: - provide substantial Lrees and landscaping adjacent to the building. Improve *s and sizes of trees. use more conifers - Provide more extreme roof off-sets !o breakup the mass. step bui-Iding as much as possible. - provide some decks on the buildinq malbe sorne faux decks with sliiling glass doors. - As a matter of fact. The Design Guidelines do apply to all development within the Town, therefore T-111 or other prohibited material (vinyl) is not aflowed. Also lighting ordinance musE afso be complied wi-th. - Ttle majority seemed to agree that the interior landscaplng requirement be complied with. r would also expect at least one me ber to push very strongly for landscape islands in the public works parking area. - ped access should be provided and the bus stop issue should be addressed' Please provide alt of the materials requested in my previous memo to you. Please also include the folfowing ISSUeS: - show all- mechanical projects on the roof and exterior of the building. - a complete set of pfans are needed. rf the survey is in error' Pleaseprovide a revised survey. The Plan must address the tunnel and all- imDrovements related thereEo. - provid.e a coPy offor our files, - consider the use model Ehe traffic study of a rough massing provide a view anafysis Pager 1 Printed by Dorninic Mauriello 04 /97 - provade any written and graP- in?ormat.ton from the tranaportation clivlsion regarding bus scoBs, operatlon, demand, etc. - accurately stake the Bite and sLake oroposed roof hetgtrt. make sure the itais accuratety sbow proposed ridge Llevations and both existing and finighecl grade. Thanks, Doninic 9:21an Paget 2 Printett bY Dorninic Mauriello 79 /9'1 11:51an From: Dominic Mauriello To! Andy Knudtsen subject: f wil: Acreage ===URGENT=NOTE========3 /ag / 97==2: 11pm== I only need the Eotal site acreage' Thnaks, Dom pr6=5y : =Andv=I(nudLsen= 3 / 78 / 9 7 ==S I 3 lprn==E\td to : Doninic Maurielfo, Susle Herverf susie,total Donrt Fwd=by: =Sus ie=Herv 27|.=J / 19 /97 -10:4 8an=- Fwd tO! Andy l(nudtsen CC: Dominic Mauriello t6v owns approximately 17 acres (I don't know how much we gained through the Forest Service exchange) 6'5 acres is usable (bl ilgs /parking / circuf a t ion ) - This is from the Town Shops master plan. do you happen to know what the site acreage of the shops is? include the snow dump, because we own that area. Page: 1 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 RE:Public Works Scasonal Housing PEC application deadline PEC/DRB worksession Status report to Council PEC final hearing DRB hearing Grading permit submittcd Grading permit issued Building permit submitted Building permit issued Occupancy D e partme nt of C ommuniry D eve lo pment March l7 March 24 March 25 April 14 April 16 Latc April Early May (approximately 7 days a0cr submittal) Late May Early June (approximately 2l days after submittal) Deccmber I March 5, 1997 Mr. Mark Donaldson PO Box 5300 Avon, CO 81620 FAX 949-5205 Dear Mark: At yestcrday's workscssion, thc Town Council rcviewcd thc work donc to datc on thc project and gave thc grccn light to pro"""d with applications to thc Planning and Environmcntal commission ipBq una to thc Coloiaao Dcpartmcni of Transportation (CDoT). Thc rcviscd schcdulc is as follows: Now that we have the "go-ahead", there are three parts of the PEC applicalion which I would likc you to focus on. The first is developing elevations for the buildings, rcfining the floor plan, and wrapping up any loose ends that might exist on the architectural drawings. {g *r"r"uoru* The sccond is to take thc sitc plan to the ncxt lcvcl of dctail' I undcrstand you will coordinatc with Alpinc Enginccring a a.t.Lin. thc finishcd gradcs, to definc thc cxtent of rctaining walls, to verify that the prcliminary architcctural plan con-forms to thc standards of the cTL Thompson geo-technical rePort' ctc. The third item will be to verifu that the dcsign conforms with zoning' Most of thc standards arc determined by the PEC .;;;;il;aonditonal Use process, such as setbacks' building hcight' dcnsity confiol (GRFA and nombcr of dwelling units), sitc covcrage' landscape arca' and parking supply. However, *ln" "i.-.nts of the design must conform to specific standards such as snow ;;;;. area and landscafe area within the parking lot, Staffhas run tlrc numbers on thcse two itcms and has dctermincd that the snow storage aica is adequatc, but that the landscape area is fZ+ ,quu." feet less thanlhe 1061 square feei (or l0%) rcquircd. Pleasc adjust thc plan accordingly. As you can see in the schedule above, we are shooting for the March I I application de4i1:' I will nced your part of the submittal no later than noon on Friday March 14' I would also like to mect with you in the nc*t i"* days to sce ifthere arc othcr aspccts of thc projcot which should bc addresscd now, to ensure an carly construction start date. I will call you soon to set up a meeting time - can we shoot for latc Monday moming? If you would likc to talk about any of thc points in this lcttcr, just givc me a call at 479'2440' Thanks for all your crcativc cncrgy that you havc pourcd into this. Thc council likcd thc work that has bcen done on thc projcct to datc' Policy Planncr Bob Mclaurin Suzannc Silverthome L^arry Grafel Susie Hervert Greg Hall Susan ConnellY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Marcb 5, 1997 Mr. Glen Palmer Alpinc Engineering PO Box 97 Edwards. CO 81632 FAX 926-3390 PEC application dcadlinc PEC/DRB workscssion Status rcport to Council PIIC final hcaring DRB hearing Grading permit submitted Grading permit issucd Building pcrmit submi(tcd Building permit issued Occupancy March 17 March 24 March 25 April 14 April 16 ktc April Farly May (approximatcly 7 days aftcr submittal) Letc May liarly June (approximatcly 2 | days aftcr submittal) Dcccmbcr I D e partment of C ommunity D eve lo pment RE: Public Works Seasonal Housing Dear Glen: At yesterday's worksession, thc Town Council rcvicwcd the rvork donc to date on the projcct and gave_thc grecn light [o procccd with applications to thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC) and to thc Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Thc rcviscd schcdulc is as follows: Now that we havc the "go-ahcad," we would likc you to procccd with prcparing an application t31 CnO]. After speaking with Grcg Hall, wc believc thc bcst and most efficicnt approach to usc with CDOT is to bc as comprehcnsive as posiiblc from the start. I would like CDOT approval beforc April 14, the datc of thc final PEC hcaring. I will be calling you soon to discuss CDOT's schcdule and to dctcrminc a rcalistic tum-around time. Thanks for all the work you have put into this projcct. ,fu'/V Andy Knudtfn Senior Houilng Policy Planner Larrv Grafel. Susie Hervert. Gree Hall susan conneily, Mike Mollicaptrfu Mauddlo t {P ^""'"'"o'u" F:qver],onc\Andy\97-l.tte\tlm€r.104 Meeting Minutes February 17,1997 Public Works Seasonal Housing Reviscd February 20, 1997 Plcasc rcfer to shadcd tcxt, Distributcd to rnoeting panicipants: Lany Grafel (ireg ilall Susic I Iervcrt Susan Connclly Mark Donaldson Jirn Vicle Craig tsruntz Andy Knudtscn Copicd to: Suzanne Silvcrthomc Mikc Mollica bnrinic Mauriello ; Mark Donaldson prcscntcd plans. Qucstions that followcd focuscd on whccl chair acccssibility, rctaining walls, finishcd gradcs, and utility scrvice, specifically thc scwcr $ervicc and a potcntial upgradc nccdcd to thc lift station. After rcvicwing the cost cstimates by Craig Bruntz and Jim Viclc, thcrc wcrc qucstions about sprinkling and paving costs, Dividing costs bctwecn thc housing projcct and thc administration cxpansion for sitc work must bc donc. After discussion of the crul, thc group decided to tablc the discussion with Council until March 4,1997. Outstanding issues to rescarch includc: Sewer What can the current capacity of the lift station? What would it cost to expand the capacity, if needed? Staff: Andy and Susie to meet with Alpine Engineering Hazards Docs thc mitigation rcquired for the Administration cxpansion also protect thc proposcd housing? If not, what typcs of mitigation are required? Staff: Susie to talk with Art Mcars and send info to him to review. Geo-Tech Does the proposcd design conform with the technical standards of the CTl-Thompson soils study? Staff: Andy, Susie to mcet with Alpine CDOT What are current traffic counts? Who can do thcm and when? Do wc cost cstimatcs from Alpine for acccl/decel lanes? What is thc number of units, bascd on 1997 figurcs, which is thc minimum CDOT would allow? What docs thc variance process cntail and docs thc Town want to pursuc that option? | Staff: Andy, Susie and Grcg to discuss with Alpinc. Tunnel What kind of improvcmcnts can bc madc to thc cxisting tunncl to make it safcr? Is thcrc a way to quantify thc amount oftraffic which is "safe?" Staff: Andy, Susie and Grcg to explorc options and thcn discuss with Alpinc. Next Step Meeting bctwecn TOV staff, Mark Donaldson, and Alpinc Engineering scheduled for Thursday, February 20, 1997 at 8:30 am at the PW admin conference room. veryoie!nd)^97-!d min\ pr-ioE{.2 I 7 tr. Meeting Minutes February 20,1997 Public Works Seasonal Housing Distributed to meeting participants: Glenn Palmer Greg Hall Susie l{ervert Mark Donaldson Andy'Knudtsen Copied to: Larry Grafcl Susan Connelly Mike Mollica Dominic Mauricllo John Gallegos Sewage Lift Station Capacity After discussing different ways to calculate the scwagc flows from the sitc to cvaluatc the capacity of the system, we detcrmincd it would not bc necessary. John Gallcgos describcd the existing facility and said that thc curent lift station capacity can acconmodate an additional 24 dwelling units. The following factors influcnccd thc discussion: t Thcre is a storage cistern which collccts thc flows until sufficient quantity rcquircs pumpingl ' The primary pump runs approximatcly fivc hours a day (fivc hours indicates that the systcm is not currently ovcrloadcd);> In the past, the only problem cncountcrcd with thc current system occurred whcn the primary pump bumcd out; ' A secondary pump exists on-site and can be activated in the event that the primary pump is not functioning; ' An improvement to the cxisting situation would be to add a warning system (which includes a phone line) at a cost of about $500. The current waming system switches on a light located on the outside of the building. However, the people who know the meaning of this signal do not pass by the building frequently enough to monitor it adequately. A better warning system would enable TOV staff to start the secondary pump immediately, thus preventing any back up' In addition to the description of the existing situation, Glenn Palmer pointed out that the demand on the lift station will altemate between the Public Works operations and the housing component. Demand will altemate between weekdays and rveekends, as well as day time and evening hours. In conclusion, the information presented by John Gallegos adequately answers the questions about lift station capacity for the proposed 24 units and additional research is not needed. .al CDOT Staff has lcarned that thcrc is not an existing acccss permit on filc with CDOT. CDOT will grandfathcr the sitc, as the on-site activities wcrc in existence prior to 1979. CDOT will use traffic counts calculatcd on Fcbruary 26,1997 as thc basis for thc decision. Kris Widlak will do thc counts. Glenn Palmer will use thc 1990 taffic counts to approximate the level of density which falls below the 20% threshold. Once Kris' work is available, Glenn will verifo (or modif,) his work dcpending on thc differcnces between the 1990 and 1997 counts. Glenn will take into account the following factors to determine the potential density: live/work, mode split/bus availability, reduction for one bedroom units. Glcnn said that the variances are rare in Eagle County, although a variance may be possible if improvcments exceed one million in cost. CDOT will take accident history and site distance into account when reviewing the access permit request. CDOT may be interestcd in housing somc of their employecs at this location. Details on Kris' work: Wcdncsday, February 26. 6:30 am to 9:30 am and 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Must count trips and vehicle tYPe. Greg Hall to crcatc a chart for her to use' She will break down calculations into quarter hour scgments. Crcg to mcct with Kris and Andy to rcvicw thc proccdurc she is to use. Desired Intersection Improvements At this timc it is unclcar what CDOT will or will not requirc. From Greg's pcrspectivc, thrcc improvcmcnts should takc placc to makc thc intcrscction a safcr place. Thesc improvements are ncedcd givcn the current dcmands at thc site, indcpcndant ofthc housing devclopmcnt. L Incrcasc thc site distancc at thc interscction. This may requirc Federal Highway Administration approval, dcpending on thc amount of land necded. There may bc simpler solutions, such as a four foot boulder wall, which would not require FHA approval. If CDOT can review proposed changcs and rccommend approval, FHA can turn around a r€quest quicker than their typical 12 month review period. 2. Expand the on-site driveway tuming radius north of the tunnel and push the access drive to the north. There appear to be two different slopes adjacent to the bend in the drive. Are the soils stable enough at this location to expand the turn in the road? 3. Addaccel/decelllanes. Intheorderofpriority: a. Left turn lane headed east, b. Accell lanc headed west, c. Decsll lane headed west. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 970-479-21 3V479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Fcbruary 20.1997 Departrnent of Community Development Mr. Craig Bruntz 1000 S Frontagc Road, Suitc 202 Vail Colorado ll 1675 FAX 476-3423 Rc:Cost cstinutcs for Courcil rrrccting March 4. I 997 Dcar Craig. Thc purposc of this lcftcr is to confirnr our bricf convcrsation this ntoming at thc Public works adnrinistratiorr ofticc. Altcr nrccting rvith llob McLaurin yqstcrday' staff is planning to prcscnt thc 24 unit . option to Town Coulcil orr Maroh 4th fbr thcir rcvicrv and conlrncrtt. In prcpalation for tlrat nrccting. stafT is nailing down a varicty of issucs. Onc oltlrcm is thc cost of construction. which is rvhcrc yott col c In' wotrld you plcasc rcfinc thc work you havc donc to datc, using thc follorving gridclincs: l. Assumc that 24 units rvill bc constructcd. although thc crrtirc prtrjcct nray not bc built duting onc building scason. Thus, all cxcavation, paving. utilitics, parking lot arca, foundation work, ctc. ntust bc irrcludcd in thc initial cflbrt' 2. Idcntify thc costs fbr cach ofthc cornponcnts listcd abovc' 3. Cost out thc rclttaining rvork in rnodulcs of l2' ltt and 24 urrits' Staff will bc nrccting with Alpinc Enginccring to discuss the cost of sitc work ncxt Tucsday nrorning' Would you or Hcnry bc auailablc to icvicw your rvoik Monday aftcmoon? Plcasc fax it to nrc and thcn plan to discuss it ovcr thc phonc that aftcrnoon. All of thc staff apprcciatcs horv rcsponsivc you havc bccn in nrcctir.rg our carlicr dcadlinc. Wc look fonvard to working with you on the rest of thc projcct. Bob Mclaurin larry Grafel Susic I Iewert Susan Connelly Mikc Mollica Dorninic Mauricllo Mark Donaldson d,-"1-,&'- {g r""o""o'u"' Glenn Palmer will evaluate the costs of these thrce solutions by the next mccting. These costs may be helpful for discussions with CDOT. Andy pointcd out that thcsc sitc costs should bc kept separatc from the building costs. Hc rcfcrenced Bob Mclaurin's statcment from the previous day that the housing element should not bear the cost of sitc improvcments at Public Works. Hazards Susie spoke with Art Mears on February 18 and has followed up with a letter to him and a copy of the plans, Art will evaluate the hazard risk for the potential 24 unitdevelopment. He will look at both debris flow and rock fall. Staff anticipates that the berm required for the Administration addition will also protect the housing from debris flow. Art will confirm or deny this assumption' Geo-Tech There was some concern expressed about a potential encroachment into the hillside by the eastern most pod of units. Andy will ask Mark Donaldson to provide a section at the worst case end of the building. The section must include a l0 foot scparation bctwcen thc building and thc upper drainage swale. Mark's officc should confirm that the J and K topography matches the aerial topography, and then use the aerial topography as thc J and K survcy docs not provide cnough contours up thc hillside. Finally, the section must document that thc eastcm most pod conforms with figurc sevcn of thc CTL Thompson report. Alternatives for bringing this pod into conformancc with thc CTL Thompson report include: raising the elevation of the wholc pod; eliminating a crawl space and pouring slab on gradc; shifting the pod to thc south, in front of the rest of thc building; canting thc building so that the eastern end is located further south: etc. Next Step Meeting with between Greg, Susie, Andy and Glenn Patmer scheduled for Tuesday, February 25,1997 at 9:00 am at the PW admin conference room. ryone:srdl^97-rdmin\ Ff,-not s.220 Memorandum To:Mark Donaldson Glenn Palmcr Craig Bruntz Andy Knudtsen Susie Hervert Susan Connelly Larry Grafel From: Date: April 17, 1997 Subj: Revised program for the Public Works Seasonal Housing project Today, the Town staff met to review the budget and determined that we will not present any information to Council next week, but will wait until May 6, when we can have more accurate cost information. At this meeting staff agrecd to a program of 2l efficiency units and 3 one bedroom units. The efficiency units will all be "one room" in style and will be approximately 450 square feet. The one bedroom units will be approximatcly 550 square feet. Rather than meeting todiscuss the changes, I believe updating the plans sequentially will be more efficient for all of us. l- Mark, please update the floor plans, site plan, and elevations to reflcct thc new program. Downsize the existing one bedrooms on the eastem end of the building to efficiencies. Please drop off four sets of plans to me by Friday at noon and I will distribute to Susie Hervert. Dominic Mauriello, and Terrie Martincz. Also, pleasc deliver a set to Glenn Palmer. If you cannot make this turn around, at a minimum, drop offthc revised site plan by Friday and the rest of the set by Monday at noon. 2. Glenn, please update the site plan, including the steeper housing drivcway, the associated boulder walls, the culvert betwecn structures, and the utility information. Please make clear delineations along the driveway as to thc areas which are indcpendent ofeach other. Also, please highlight the differences between existing and finished grade in the parking and driveway areas -- the important information to identifu is the amount of filI required above the existing pavement. The amount of curb and gutter is also a concern and we woutd like to discuss ways of eliminating some of it, prior to finalizing this iteration of the site plan. Please deliver to four sets to me, a set to Mark Donaldson, and a set to Craig Bruntz by Monday at noon. 3. Craig, please update the cost analysis, based on the revised drawings and fax a copy to me and Susie by Wednesday at noon, Thank you all for your cooperation, and please call me if you would like to discuss this plan. To{ 0t t lll 6 $sdb L -l Ir,' ar !q6lr On- =- lf\:- ts I I !J fl j E TS'd -HrOr. T$ *r i$Nisi EN rI o--r I I , t- l I , zShZ-l',th ft-..la r,"+z'r rJ lat .q t*tc'\t(ri ' "A, rrt-vj I F I uJ ,fi a-l .\.. ZS.ll l56l-8T-dd'J'd sL33lllorru ornts'd ws 6vG wE A^r* (\q'"'.-' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT 9\k1n-o,r-,^- u..M+< 1309 VIJ{rrl#bLEiHR Status. . 1309 VArL VALLEY DR (rowNApplied. ON JOBSITE AT ALL perrnit # : TIMES E96-0223 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2L38 OWNER E Iectri ca [---> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. 2101-09 2 -0 0-0 01 PRJ9 6-0 04 0 Issued.. Expires. Phone:970-8 ISSUED oe /rL/Lee6 oe /rr/Lee603/ro/ree7 58-4989 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR FUEL DISPENSING SYSTEM Valuation:5, 000 . 00 *f*l**':H****#**ffikt*l*rffi(ffiffi# tEE SUHI'IARY ffi*lrtr*************ffi**f}ffi**ffiffi** APPLICANT CACTUS CONTRACTING INC. 199 APPLEWOOD DRTVE, FRUTTA/ CO 81521 CONTRACTOR CACTUS CONTRACTING INC. 199 APPLEWOOD DRTVE, FRUTTA, CO 81521 ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO t TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 90.00 TotaI catcutated tees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee--------> Phone: 970-858-4989 93.00 .00 93.00 DRB Fee Investigation> .00 I'l i Lt CaLt----> 3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 93.00 Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE----- *****Jrffi *ffi ffirffirri*irffi ***#rr*i*Jr*ffi tr***#rff.********rr*#*******rdr**ffiffi :|'tffi 'Firkffi *** Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/Il/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER ERNST CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DBCI-,ARATIONS I hcreby acknowtedga thBt I have read this appticatron, fitted out in futl, the information required, compteted an accunate ptot ptan, and stat. that atl the information providcd as requi red is correct. I agree to comply ]rith the infornation and ptot ptan, to compty lrith al,t Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this stfucture according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review Bpproved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Toyn appIicabte thereto. REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TI.,ENTY-F0UR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 179-2138 OR AT oUR oFFICE FRot'l 8:00 Att 5:00 P 7-"-./_ SIGNATURE OT OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR 'OR HIiiISELF ^-F='or:1:.- E?e:: uounEv ass"sf urrrce tf,5 "r 970-32_8-8640 _f-or parcer'lF TowN oF VAIL coNsTRucTroN IPARCEL llz2lot-6?9- Oo-6ol PERMTT AppLrcATroN FORM,v" DATE: PERI.IIT rf PBs?.6-oo</o , APPLfCATfON MUST BE FfLLED oUT COMPI,ETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpIED X*********** ****************** PEtllitfT fNFORUATJON ************** !r*********** ***,l t]:":r:tl7-,1_l-Plurnbins [{-Electrtcat [ ]-]rechanibar [ ]-other7o tav oF -Vt4t 1 ,-. z \- r Job Name: Onts Baartz (-p/a..) Job Address, /3eg____Uo;_g Vd/24/ \Dp tegal Description: Lot Orirners Name: Architect: Block_ Filing sunorvrsroll , Address: Address: Ph. Ph. General Description: work crass: D{-uew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-AdditLonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Drtrelling Units:Nuruber of Accomnodation Units: ^ {prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/peltet_v /t_::::-_******************..-.;#_;l?3tto* ********************************* PLUMBTNG: isiooo. ocBurLDrNc: $ _ rr,Fcfnrcl-r,-:-$5Ooo. OO orHER: 4 :^'.- lanlrr"v,E_ >nc,a.> 4p Fnuiye , 7. Address: Electrical Contractor :Address: /A? Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: EIECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of vait Reg. No.C/o3-€ Phone Number: Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIJI'IBING PI,AN cHEcK ,FEE: MECHANTCAL PIAN cHEcK FEE3 RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: cIjEAN ItP IIEP.OSIT REFIIND A0: 75 south tronlage ro.d ueil. colo.edo 81657 (303, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: Read and acknowl_edged by: otllce ol communlly deyelopmcnl ALL CONTR.ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOT{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\IEIOP}TENT llARCIt 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & UATERTAI, STORAGE rn surnnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ""i-""ir,-"J"i, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash iunpsters, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl siaewair, -;ri;y or publicprace or any porti6n tneieoil- iie right-of-way on arl Town ofVail streets and.Ig"g= ii approiirnately 5 fr. off pavement.Ttris ordinance r]1] b".;t"_i;iit"lnforced by the Town of VaitPubric works DeDartment. pers3ns found vi;ratin; this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour trriti""--""ti""-t"-;:;;;;"="id naterial.In the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within the- 24 hour ti","-=p."iii;,"ii.-i"rric worksDepartment wirr. remove said natei:..t .t it "--"ri"ise of personnotified. The nrovisions-or-'titi=-"rai;.;; ;frIii' not beapplicabre to clnstruction, urainienance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilitres in the right-a_way. To review ordinance No. e in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Buirding Departrirent to obtiin a copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. '?,/czu s &ar/*a-Y,\" ;. z,-a Project (i.e. contractor, ordner) ositionTRellEi6E p 0 MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Please answer lhe following 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditlerent acress needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done aftecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? n@aroing the need for a "Public Way permit.: YES NO /-' !f19u- alswered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permil" applications may be obtained at the public Work's office or atC9.1ir1u1itV Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, al.4Z9-215f,. I have read and answered allthe above questions. puss F.*r<l,.-- Job Name Contractor's Sig nature 7- r.-? TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E96-019? Job Address: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DRLocation...: TOWN OF VAIL BUS BARNParcel No.. : 2101-092-00-001Project No. : PRJ96-0040 ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO t TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Status...: ISSUED ADDApplied. . : L2/Ir/L996Issued...: f2/I7/1996Expires..: 06/t5/1997 OWNER CONTRACTOR APEX SECURITY GROUP Phone: 970_945_2L52 1429 GRAND AVENUE, SUITE D, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81,601APPLICANT APEX SECURITY GROUP phone: 970-945-2152 1429 GRAND AVE, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81601 Description: ADDITION TO FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Valuation:9,000. 00 **********ft*******************ff*l*******************Jrt*** FEE SUlll,tARy *****r*********tr*****t*tff*****ff*********ff************* EIectri cat---> oRB fce Invest i gat ion> tli t L cal.l.----) TOTAL TEES---> 162. O0 .00 .00 3.00 165 .00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL tees---------> TotaI Permit Fce--------> Payments > .00 BALANCE DUE---- 165.00 -165.00 .00 ****************************************t****************************************i**********ff************************************ IIem: .O6OqO EI,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT .DepI: BUILDING Division:99/.??/,!99A qHARLrE Acrion:- r.rorE-rrnE AppRoV[[-nnOilineD"- -' I2'/.L1'/.I996 CHARLTE Acrion: llotE Fl,Ar.rs--SUiiMrtfnb--12'/17'/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR pER JOHN GI!e.m:'.056q0 FrRE DEPARTEENT -Dept: FIRE Division:V/.tt/.7996 CHARLIE Acaion: NOTE PLANS To FrRE-DEiri---l?7,1?'/.1996 JoHNG Acrion: APFR Ap--wirn-cbMMeNrS- - l?'/,17'/.!996 JoHNc Acrionr CANC cAudel, LiNE -Z- -- 12'/77'/7996 CHARLTE Acrion: AFPR Fen-JoHN-G *************************************||****************************************************************t**f,*****i****************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ************i*f******t*******tffi******ffi***t**t*i**ffi***ffiff**i*****ff*i*****fi**********ftt*******ff******Jrt*ff*#***ff**** DECLARATIONS L l:t"!L":lT:t*9: If?.^: h?ve read.this apptication, fiLted out in ful.l. the information requ.i red, compteted an accurate plotP(an, ano state that al'l' the information provided as required.is corpect. I agfee to compLy iith the iniormation and ptot il,an,to comPty vith stt Town ordinances -and state.taws/ and io buil,d this structure according io'the Town's zon.ing and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town a[pticabl,e thefeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TIIE}ITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ( ?xContacE Eagle County R""u""otlf i". | ^l:^2lo;?28--8640^f or J-arc1l-. /i. TowN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN ieencer ll9tot - a?a - M - 6ot prnurr AppLrcATroN F.RM? omn tl:l/:-qi- - PERI-IIT /I 396--6ro/ Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing surorvrsrou, owners Name: M Address: Architect:Address: Ph. Ph. ceneral Description: work CIas", X-New [ ]-Alteration t{-eaditionat t llnepair t l-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: , $mber and Type of Fireplaces: Cas Apptiances . Gas Logs_ Woodr/pellet_vflr********************************* vALuATIoNs *********************************l_ E?6--ottz ..BUILDTNG: ELEcTRT-c{i: $ 9THER: | ?tw- 6 PIJUMBING: { t*************************** CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATION *****:**********************Eeneral Contractor: Town of VaiI Reg. NO._Address: Electrical Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I'IECHANICAIJ PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAI.. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.IECHANICAL RECREATION CI,EAN-UP TOTAL PERMIT BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Contractor:Reg'No.12q -s -6/c7 CLEATT IIP I}EPOSIT REFIIND TO: 0F$t1 l$ttt-- O Town of Vait- OFFICE COPY 42 lltest [llcalou Drite Vail, Colorado 816J7 t0t -47 9 -22 r 0 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: naned // Flre alarm 0/<- O/C O,< ,)/Z ,)/ a,4 ,t/z- lp tz Vail Fire Dcparuncnt J0/'u6?o4, .frt'' cvdg / The Flre DepartnenL has revlewed ilre plans for the projectabove. The iterns marked below need t6 be: MEMORANDUM TOWN OF VAIIJ BUILDING DEPARTMENT VAIIJ FIRE DEPART$ENT Michael McGee, Fire Marshal,feff At,encio, Fire InspecLor -/y'/y'qd /irW fazztiT L-- 7/r *ltt' Mz"lt subnltted revised furnished. shop drawings need to be subnitted; wlth a Colorado Registered Engineerrs stanp. wlth polnt to polnt wlrlng dlagraur. wlth typlcal devlce wlring dlagrans. wlth battery calculatlons. witlr a 1lst of specific devlce with'eguipment cut sheets for rnodel numbers. each type of device. with the nunber of each type of device. wLth information lndicatlng the speci.flc zonee. with clrcuit diagrams. wltlr wlring type, sLze, and number of conductore. wlth source of A.c, po$rer circuits. with energency lighting at the fire alarm paneI. with infonnation indlcating monitoring urethodnonitorlng agency..4,Y cncacE .Eagle, Councy Assessors c 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . tttk oF vArL coNsrRucrroN 876-6roL APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I,IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************** PERMIT INFORMATION *************************'*** ' \ /re.:lrlcar t t-Mechanibar ljtsother6m^[ ]-Building [ ]-PlurnbinS A1-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal !U*-ou rgal Description: Lot Block Filing- suBDrvrsroN: rb Name: PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DArE: l7-tl-76 Job Address: Ph. 2 nn' :rk class, X-New [ ]-Alteration t{-eaditional I 3lnepair I l-other rrnber of Dwelling Units;Nurnber of Accommodation Units: inber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances.._.,_ cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ******************************** ELE MEC orHER: + ?tw'^ TOTAL: T *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Contractor: Town of vail Reg. No-/zq- Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ******************************* PI-,AN CHECK FEE:ILDING PERMIT FEE: UMBING PERMIT FEE: CHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ECTRICAL FEE: IER TYPE OF FEE: 3 FEE: ,'ners Name: MAdd.ress: :chitect: :neral Description: .******************************* -ILDING: $ ,UMBING: $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR TNFORI,LATION,neral Contractor! dress: ectrical Contractor: dress: umbing dress: chanicaL Contractor: dress: ******************************FOR OFFICE USE BUII,DING PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PER}IIT ii ALUATTONS 779, r"' ?7 BUILDTNG: t;n\' t.1-\St 0 r\r::r :' SIGNATURES : Si r. + i:rrr'' ' ZONING: SIGNATURE! ilnents: DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: T\ c\Y$H Y c$tuutEFXiiiii SUEp$lrFUl'lYF 5.$$$e *$$it$ N nus$F:FtFF[ $:{i?*$;Nu, }F\ iR$|$ illl\ lt i\u, V i \ $liIHrirl=ii.$ i{\! i$i$r L :' *s"i$tRRi:i * lif$is$$$:$-i [[$F$i;$) '}$\F Stl'S; :$F\ t h :i;} Ea\ I S\ :\ ."1 b'' > tPS pRtFN ,f Sl :I:$:$l * 'rs }fiFii! lttli*ligr:iFif P \' ;'tt$n r, -".: ?' tN i$*n N--; i, S *"\r[ : t $ lq5vl$ il-: **rF \si .^*!\ \kit FN$[ [-ru--s Ly\-g ;Y ;ir$ s'R $i*F i-s riP''i \'s\[ $ i.x s:T t : \b-Ssoler9*fY i t r l l i r l t' -T\ >r\ \ Nolo \ N ttl l F, t\L * rl t'l L * e N1 \ Y..ss _\_ $ \ NJ \) $ F.\1- F-h F $ -\a\F rt|' A F\i\ Nt.. F r,. b * ._s Ng IK AJ-.S \t\ t s ri \ i+ }ron p \ N A) N \ct*(- I -t\ IN ! F-(- tp *I-.t- F* to \^ >rFp;, t*+S'r.l: Fb -$(-, \ttt\l ol CI F & F ,{ q s lBt-F e!F(- \D-t A \l'gtr! \ A,o a l4 \rt i s\ ^S-..Foi'r^l\ft-F N A (Atg r! F1 sN Ft i *ll \rbl\t- .l) ts K6 \6T \c'F,\ sq $- il .llaI\A O!.I u.fN -FN\+.\F ^. il\. +.!$ sfi t\sF Rc\ b h.el J., q -h r( \s N)ta S. { $\ 6 "= nt,x'\J+ 1$oTr 11a'(r i$sNsqt )t' ar.1 ,! \ \g -e r:!tIixI -! Es\\AN\-, h' {, -orL-.uvl s Bof /l tt cl lt t( (f rl l, I ,r ,\ 'l ..'t,v-ch Ltqs- afC p orl( lL ft1. rhc.'il-la-S L-g Av-zL-.L..vry.Eh,- Ll..t19---- ( l,rt .J n *l,t ,:p,* t .._ . _ (l -_- __ (l rt V"crrr,1 ro ^Ja o Ni i e ^N m ()r ( I Itl tatJveit- v |tt n,,..te,uT AD AD NO AO .*0."-,4 5 c IJ_ ^n;i Xolr/61,,,',oN c L t e IL N t+ I 4 fr ' 5<t 0 y\ntE_ /-t r5 7 ) t a a ,4I 6-t ;-..6u u. 9:ns .T- -" . $tt--datg--ws{--r\ ___l'__{l___rt l!. _ __ lt __t-lr t, l,,r _-ri -_ ,,- !L -'t lt lt rl I tistr wesl t( , t w l"ntcA 2 4 tl pt\' 3.,f0\\ c --9-FQtcc- 'Cy rai.J-5 ,,v 1 tZ tx It c: L -..fir| (-6" \\ flil fr tl FIRE ALARM SHOP DRAWING REVIEW _REVIEWED REJECTED -REVISE AND RESUBMIT X FURMSH AS CORRECTED Fire alarm shop drawing review is only intended to provide a check of the desigrr presenled on the shop drawing submittal. Corrections or cornmenls made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve venfur or contractor from design and installation responsibilit-v- This check is only for review of general conformance with the applicable codes and good desigr practices. This is not intended to be a desip or design review. The vendoi/contractor is responsible foi confirming and correlating all quailities and dimensions: selecting fPti:$"" processes and techniques of conslruction: coordinating his work with that of all othel and performing his work in a satisfactol-v manner. Date: December 9. 1996 By:. Stanton YODER ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Fire Alarm Submittal Vail Bus Maintenance Facility, Phase II Comments: l. Confirm that the heat detection at the bus parking I I 8 will be sufficient with the added area We would recommend that all existing devices be shown inthis area L/. Note: The switch rating is 3 amps @ 30 VRMS * Denotes solder connection** Denotes mechanical key used to manually reset slation 8G-10, BG-i0L, 8G-1oSP, 8G-10\ryP. HR-10, AF-10F To control panel detecior loop outsut To next devic€ or ELR 8G-r0P/T To terminal block lor t€sts - or to P|esignal circuil (key op€rated). To control panel dslector loop outptJt BG-1 O Manual Pull Station Product Installation Drawing Document 15486 Rev: E 4/01,93 ECN 92-169 Series BG.lOA N.O. contact lor AUX. lunctions To control Danel detector loop oulpul To next device or ELR ac-l ot{ To control panel deteclor loop output To nert de\rice or ELR To next devics or ELFI Description Th€ BG-lb Serles Pullstationsare noncoded, dual-action, normally-open manualpullstations wilh th€ following options: BG.1OA (with AUX. swilch); 8G.10L (with k€y lor r€set); BG-'|oP/T (with k€y tor presignal or test); BG'10N (without terminal block); BG-l0WP (BG-tO enclosed ina woathorprool backbox); HR10 (Halon Release, with wiring lhe sam€ as th€ BG-l0); AR-10F (Agent Release, with wiring th€ same as lhe BG-l0). BG-10 Series Operation Wh€n th€ dual-action door is pushed in and the handle pulled down, lhe N.O. push-typ€ swilch€s will closo. The handle cannot b€ restored to its normalposition untilth€ stalion is manually reset by unscr€wing lhe hex screw and plvoting the case downward, away trom the backplals. Whenlhe handle is restored, r€lurnth€cassto its normalposilion glqs€9!r9 wilh the hex screw. Note: The BG-10L uliliz€s a nrchanical key instsad of a hex screw. The microswilch of BG'10P/T is ac{ivated by rolating a key clockwiss. The key cannol be removed while in this posation. -l- {_-r, } Flre. Llre'Alarms INCORPORATED 12 Clintonville Road, Northlord, CT 06472 Phone: 203'484-7161 FAX: 203-'184-7118 ,Ei F!..5 !.r : I X-':..'I Section 4.DEC - z 1996 Installation Overuiew yncer Ensinee,: 1 4.1 Model 5207 Wiring Diagram lri-ra fIi,al tlsaUrr eFr-rl irrffrt lbi!u Oxr OEt Or.EOrurr O Eroo O lEtrcaffDbF-r2vD0tcr5 faaa Lt 56 r$ ta 5:r s2 ir to o e 1f '?o'/',.lnr{y'dr"0/i|, PlStir|;;;l .cb^(soltrr-Zr|a 1t 3 4 5' 6t 7 8 f lo $ 4t,.4 49 42 4L 41t 39 3t 37 t6 35 R.ryA a:r -t('lo X.Ohlttrb* k-th*-{--r.rEltnt1Llin|Loi-!-16qr|| TBI cbfmDlF!54! Cclrllnl"ltoltoll"l'LJ @Rql ritlitlL-r-LJ I irry,2 bt|t R.9.. l|rt.l(lEl ll rf l3 14 15. rc TB2 t7 1tr t9 m I It 3l T84 29 t L:::J TB3XBUEtiLflEl97 Pof,. &!ol, lulr.-llf,l._-TT,-' zrnaa2sS!l..0a rarE Fj-r*fr.g8 FEq.=ffl./ ?i, i--l-Hltbu'IhSlItOhr,aaU.tl^ Figue 4-l is a wiring diag;ram for wiring the Model 5207 panel. WaeI tdriun l,.lr Mtl g.cbn aU, tud12 *^e4ra. U,ilta {braFdrl uhoa lblcrt&OW. O't4fr. tWtu an3zbffigrinraohwwbfrr|[,'/attdntvtw. tutat' tuOrA' tutaAa.7q.999vlfita WAObua@ t-,alffi Flgun tt-i. Mod.l 6207 Wlrlng Refcnncr 150865 tuiAAZ&lDlartuldrt +1 Section 6. Compatible Product lnstallation 6.1 Zone Wiring This manual refcrs to firc zonc typcs using thc tatest NFPA staodard dcsignations. If you have qncstions about the class or style, refer to the NFPA 72 Nationat Fire Alarm Code, 1993 Edition. Note: For pw'poses of this monn[ a rcrmally open device is one whose conlacts conduct when in the alum condition and do rct con&tct in the rnn-alarm condition. 6.1.1 Class A (Style D) Zones Zoncs I and 2 arc class A (style D) zoncs. Each class A zonc is a four-wire circuit that allows an alarm to bc dstested even aftcr a singlc opcn or grorurd fault occr.us. when a single open or ground fault occurs, thc audiblc touble signal will sound and the 5207 will report the bouble to the cpntal station (if pogranmed to rcport toublcs). Figure 6l shows how to wirc a class A (stylc D) loop. No endof-line (EoL) rcsistors ue ncedcd for these zones. Thesc zoncs must b€ wircd using nonnally op€n contacts. Br t :{ I nS A-4{ e t Fo) o"t 7., be Tte"tsFeteJ zn r la to.ve I CfuAzd 7'tror,E/,',tf''N/ d,tffiJ3nA,2VDC. Ex)={t..,s 7<ryt r ( 9/r Uatto ) io 6 ( zo,'z 'R"hcof"J fo zaPe Z Ao,VOfu!|trD|{*trn&d6atcrcbraAtry'.e lMiPAffit'',n,'s,rdwffivr(fr'|bOprd'od| drrrAr!,,.a U tqufi'tr d l''ld vt*t g b b I g gut''twge. Flgun G-1. Chrr A (rtyb O) Suprrvbrd Fln Loop (Normelly Opm 8.moF Only) 150865 0-l / tt&l 5207 Fln Controll@mmunicator lnffillation Manuat 6.1.2 Class B (Style B) Zones Zones 3 though 8 are class B (stylc B) fire zones. Each class B zone consists of a two-wire circuit tbat will det€ct the occurrence of an open in the loop, but may not be able to detect an alarm after zuch an occun€nce. The detection of an open will cause the audible trouble signal to sound and the 5207 will report the touble to the cental station (if programmed to do so). Figure 6-2 shows how to wire a class B (style B) loop. One side of each class B loop connects to a zone input terminal and the other side ofeach loop connects to loop power. Each class B loop must employ a Model 7628 4.7K-ohm EOL resistor wired in parallel with thc normally open contact farttrest from the panel. '1,7k 6.oL Zone 3 Input Loop Power Zone 4 lnput Zonc 5Input Loop Porvcr Zone I Input Zonc 7 Input Loop Porver Zonc I Input Circuit Ground H."{ R'+ tt*l *l gr Snole lt tz '7.771"<L Flgurc 6-2. l|odol t207 Clrg B (rtyle B) Loopr lv{aximum Loop Rcsirtancc - 30 Ohns Maximun Total alaro currcat for all class B (style B) zoncs - I A Maximum Standby Cunent pr ?nrc: l2V systcm - 1.5 mA 24V ryctco - 2.0 mA Note: UL requires all wiring to be at leost 18 gauge. 13 14 15 16 17 1E 19 20 6-2 150€65 Mdel 5207 Fire Contob@mmunkntor lnsbllation Manual 4.2 Current Draw Worksheet Drvlcr Numbrrof D.vlcr Cunant pal Dorlcr Ehndby Cumnt Ahnn Cumnt Fe.,cldr'&wfiktandq: Irlt&, 5207 Firc Control /CoEmunicrot l w: 5210 Zonc Expander I Standby: 40mA qO nA Ahmr: tl0EA ?o n4 Ganlral-oadub -__rha (^t6 \l;rrrnt lnnrrn i .--gu Itltl /t _-e \ ul.t -A 4lt0 Stsnts Display module 2 (2 max.) Sbndby: 20tr4 qO DA AhrE: lrf0mA -2ra-6 }Y:lll Af.rm: 25mA mA Currclt Sobbtdt:2oO DA 20 na Enrob,Ddrctor, 95 7VOO {Sbdby: ./2 mA .b nA AWnt /OO EA 2OO ri!. Strndby: mA EA Alarm:mA nA Strodby: BA EA ::j',.: Also:mA tDA CrrrrG[t Slbtot b:;b mA /oo 6A 6e.u*ex S/lK 2<// /ti 7 l^tu: Q{ tiA ;, n^ hl,ae1nO (tu;q/t,*,/i Afrrm: 9q mA UqO 6A t,l4 ee[o"A 9f,,a/e (a;-Alrrm: qt arA qqt nA Alarno: mA nA Ctrrcat Subtotrl:7OQ 6A Studby: mA rDA Alarm:mA EA StDdby: mA mA Alann: nA EA Stedby: mA mA Ahm:mA DA Suodby: nA nA Ahrm: EA mA Curcnl Srbtotrrb: 'DA mA Totrl cunent ratingr of all deviccs in rysteor (add A.D).:20/,2,a 2720 ^t Total current ratings convcrtcd !o rmpcres (x .001):,20 A 2,72 A t llrtt ttd*aonm /'''ut b |ard whh Tabh 1-I ard fobb 1-2 to cot tphE |,ltrry .n,l.'tbnc,l,'r. A lt rtt- O"j c. ooal le 6{' ;' at':A Pet 24"'' (;---\ \/rzry llo a,.t <)a / 1iltc aip c D 4-2 150865 Md'et 52OT FIn @ntrot/@mnunrf,/trtr lnsilaltatton lilanual 4.2.2 Worksheet R€qu i roments The following stePs must be taken ufien dctermining Modcl 520T current ratings: i.Youmrrs'tmaasurrtlrealarmcurlent'Ifontyonecunentratingislisted,thedrawfor that device i, tl, ,-r.ifralo tn "ytt". it in atarn or standby condition. The oception is ror rrotiir."tioi a.ni.es,-which are rared at alarm cunent only' standby ctrrent for notification devices is 0 mA' 2. To detect the actrral m&\inur' alarur crrrrcnt, measure the curent draw (with no devices connectcd to th€ p*iU iy *-*ti"g a Dc lme meter in series with one of the baneries. Disconnect the Ac power sourcc d;tlt pancl in alarm. 'The meter will indicate thc atarm "rrr*ri *fi"ft will be in the rangi of 120-?00 utA: Fill in the system alarm cunent in ttrc current per Device .oro*n oiirt" current Draw worksheet' You canestimatewithoutmeasruingthealarmcurrenrbyfillinginthemorimrrgrtotalalarm currcnt of 700 mA' NoE: In a l2'vo!t sys'em, me'awe rtc atnenr lron bdh bdqies (discowrct both sroutdt} 3'Forsmokedetcctors,notificationdwices,anjdevicesnotmentionedinthemanual, refer to thc device manual for tlrc currsnt t"d; The workslreet elamplc shown on the previow page p,"tfi;;;gh tttt'r* r"t " "-l"ottt case" irstallation' 4.UscTable4.ltocalculatethecorrectbattcryAIlratingneededforyorninstallation. sce also thc examplc (Figrre +3) that rouo*r. Not" t["t tt " calcularcd rating in Row H "*oot o"""a the ratings shown in Table #2' Trblr 1-1. B$ctY Crlculr0om / o.<. ),t ,{(e ta< Toul suPcrvilory currcnr frsn thc Cutrcttt-Dtaw workshcct Gow E)' il,-ucr orsuooy houn (24 and 6o for NFPA ?2, ChtPtcr I' l'5'2'5')' MultiplY Lincs A andB. Totd darm cumot from thc Cuncnt Ihrw wortsbocr (row E)' Ftarm rouoding Pcriod in hours' (For oxarnplc, i rninutes = '0t4 houn) Multiply lin* D utd E. Add lincc C.nd F. 6 "3y AHMultiply linc G bY 1.2. (Totai amperc/trours requircdt) . IJse n3xl sizc battcry with cqocity greatq thot requircd H 150E65 6 a ii II I 8i8 --l aal ""1 a llr 3t tra t|! ! FIF * a a I rll Izt tl: 818 E 3 t ir!;l'::: i88;l ir; ::tt {ieIP -i.i5 8t8iB t I qs q ItE q I'!I i ri,t BE A:E I at I t E I E I I ss I I E i 6;i3 I i t E;at 3 s I G d z a t I CI ll E t i F F mrmo{!oDl- U'!maIoD -6 =@ (tl(tloo o(, e s2 : 's a I, ! a5 ! 6 I c. o@@ C'roT +9f, = -t-\ t9X=fi;r+4o6<OQMT I N: !R ;ii EIHD6>=eF2 =5(o5o)5 oxo o (D no) fo o =gt 6' =3oui-?o+.o =v, Io € =o--o :'d-3o 6' = SEEEE*il$E E 3EEflEgF E [EEi[ E ElEFHggiB 9 ;'EEIeEi= glgfi3 F [EgtEfsga ;l$sfsi. $ iEE$E e FgigBteei stE€iiEEEE=te.gHeFigfig *gai€iE' E*$iF ggiggg[gg[aEgiEIgg liA igBi -Egggil $EgE a, B3 I: 9a i*. g : ^3 sa €a tFF r: i3+9: r:i trEzZA'. =E -T :^ - iSEE iE3: -{ o-m D Irl5 It i{ o E< |{= EZ -=)hO I 3 6.i !-\Jo iiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiriIiEiEi iiiiiiEi$EiiEiii E: EE E.Ci EE g fiE ;i Eg$ EE € €FE EE [E sggaEEi= gc EE::fi EE-@'6 Ed9?Fg :9hE 9.;U6d 6: =aeaF$g€geE EggEEiEFEESE IEIggEfiIiEg rEFEAciEEEggE- g E i€f HE iEF ga Ef;F H I ttigE,HE Ff -Ei, ! E EECEgESE EEg EEF€ gigligE€gEg-gg€E€Ei q sg*fEEE€gsgl=- 3;EF);..i .', $ = -o e a- - U'2 !fr- i YE.'F !FStr tEl6 Zd.: i3_jY ;99-3H u3!ze I oYI? =5: H uqE ZgH E!Zwa t:5iE! i iEEEi,H;;; o)c (!c -9 1A o) 'a otto o oo o co (Jo o E(! o= c o e C" o.o 6,,...= - h !r o: cDo .9 6o: EEi $gg ptnE .eeg.:gQs A EPEt=est I oEE =; >^. = fi 6;E d,-ql 5:tr, ; FiFEAE; = g E;EEE;€z EE j EgEr.Es?E = eE q 8;tqe8EX :E:E E EtIEfr€EH (rd e :i.= E-;i ;3Z EB 9. EEfle'- x SS E 6iE;EiE8 EE E 5sgI:EE+ *ige +eiePs€- .i+ { E i.e FEE -e'ai_,' =EdB.p -Ebp_89i *'E€ FE+ 8fi =Cfi€t*'EET!E?5s*HEEEE; E gfEEEEE EEEI H:Ez 5sE;bEagEi'99HiE P-P;=F9iETEEE€ = tr;\ q A! +.9 - * 6 <r o;Z.9.ii3gE39o9&,rta6!5 fi5E.i',Ef;ie:g"jEP't6 Et5!EEfisEE:fiEE = EgEAS:e?F9E66X = HTH#;dEFEg.EE€[4 dbbt5-oi ai + z 2bE z3Pd-zB>z =HFzzt EBg <d_2 65br9= E36 =sHH;Et*aE 6> tt8935S:PP9!:! .$feeaesBssa 5 al $ 6 d 5t E L T J 6 Ef tttzo F() ltltro(,z =oJJott ||tIF Eo IElt cl UI E,5o rt.2 ||tI =|ll(, Fzulo G,l{o =FtAF:to F-g J {EITF: !tt{a !! b9 zo Bo ang>d<o Ee<= 2AE< E N o l!il SPACING NFPA 72E defines the spacing requirements for smoke detectors. Typically, this is 30 feet when the detectors are installed on a smooth ceiling. Honrevei ALL instattations must comply with NFPA 72E ancUor special requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. NSTALLANON WRING GUIDEUNES Att wiring must be installed in compliance with lhe National Elestrical Code and all applicable local codes, and any special requirements of the local ar.rthority having jurisdiction. Proper wire gauges should be used. The conductors used to connect smoke detectors to contol panels and accessory devices should be color-coded to reduce the likelihood of widng enors. lmproper connections can prevent a system from responding properly in the event of a fire. Figure 1. Flush Mounting ot 2400TH .rof" Outecffif,ll* Figure 2.2400 Smoke detector mounting OracXi:* 3-1/2 inch and 4 inch octagonal box. For signal wiring (the wiring between anterconnected detectors), it is recommended that the wire be no smaller than AWG 1 8. However, the screws and clamping plate, in the base can, accommodate wire sizes up to AWG 12. The use of twisted pair wiring for the power (+ and -) bop is recommended to minimize the efiects of ebArical interference. Smoke detectors and alarm system control panels have specifications lor allowable loop resistanc€. Consult the control panel manufacturer's specifications for the total loop resistance allowed for the control panel being used before wiring the detector loops. Make wire connections by stripping about 3/8 incfi of insulation from lhe end of the wire and sliding the bare end of the wire under the clamping plate, and tightening the damping plate screw. Awiring diagram for a qpical 2-wire detector system is shown in Figure 3. System Sensor's smoke detectos are marked with a compatibility identifter located as the last digit of a fvedigit code sAmpeO on the back of the product. Connect detectors only to compatible control units as indicated in System Sensor's compatibility chart which contains a cunent list of UL-listed control units and detestors. A copy of tris list is available from System Sen- sor upon request. NOTE: For system supervision - do not loop wire underterminals 1 and 2. NOTE: lF REIvIOTEANNUNCIATOR lS NOT USED, POI.ARITY TO DETECTOR MAYBEREVEFSED. TATTI PERf, ESISTANT FEAN, R E This detector indudes a tamper-resistant fea- ture that prevents removal of the detector without the use of a tool. To make the detector tamper-resistant, break ofi the smaller tab at the scribed line on the tiamper resistant tab, on the detector mounting bracket (see Figure 2), then install the detector. To remove fie detecbr from the bracket once it has been made lamper resistanl, use a small screwddver to depress the tamper-resistant tab located in the slot on the mounting bracket and tum the detector clunterclocl$ise for removal. A?.&t554{t Figure 3. Wring diagram for 2zO0 smoke detector used witr two.wire control panel. ntt:; Brr{r.|rcutot sroT us€o, FdrElYlo oETEcrB rlv ll IEYE ta. D400-05-00 156-28$02 r' --Ilrsetwssus&=A DIVISION OF PITTWA INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCNONS FOR 240iOAND 2AOOTH DIRECT WRE SMOKE DETECTORS Before installing detectors, please thoroughly rcad System Sensor's Manual 156407-XX, Guide tor Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors This manual povides detailed information on detec-tor spacing, plaoement, zoning, widng, and special applications. Copies of this manual are availaHe at no charge from Sptem Sensor (For installations in Canada refer to CAN+S524, Standard for the lnstallation of FireAlarm Systems and GEC Part 1 , Sec. 32). GENERAL DESCRIPflON System Sensor 2400 photoelecfonic detectors use state-of-fie€rt, optical sensing chambers. These detectors are de- signed to provide open area protection, and are intended for use with compatible Ullisted 2-wire control panels only. The detector's operation and sensitivity can be tested in place. Model 2400TH has the same specifications as model 2400, but also features a restorable, built-in, fixed temperature (135"F) thermal detection unit. These deiectors are listed to UL268 and are latching type system detectors. When latded in alarm, the deteclor must be reset by a momentary power intemrption. An LED on the detector provides a local indicatim of the detector's status. This LED blinks every 10 seconG when he detector is receiving power and ready in standby and is latched on continuously in alarm until the detector is reset. The detector provides an ouput for connection to an optional Remote Annunciator (Model Ri{{()04. The Remote Annunciator mounts to a single gang box and povides a supplementary alarm indication. SPECIFICATIONS Diameter: Height: Weig[rt ./ Operating Temperatu re Rangq Operating Humidity Range: Ma:<imum Air Veloclty: Locking Alarm: ELECTRICAL RATINGS System Voltage: Maximum Ripple Voltage: Staft-up Capacitance: Slandby Ratings: Alarm Ratings: 5.5 inches (140 mm) 3.14 inctes (80 mm) Add 0.5 inches (13 mm) lor2rOOTH. 0.7 !b. (310 gm) Model 24m-0"to +49"C (3f to 120eD Model 2400Ttl - 0o to 38oC (32'to 100"F) ',|096 to 93o/o Relative Humidity Noncondensing 3000 fUmin (15m/s) Reset by momentrary power intemlption. 12n4VDC 4 Volbpeak-topeak 0.02pFMaximum S.5VDGMinimum 35VDCMaximum 120 rrAMaximum 4.2VDC Minimum at 10 mA 6.6 VDC Maximum at 100 mA Alam curent must be limited to lO0mAmaximum bythe control panel. lf used, the RA400Z RemoteAnnunciator operates within the specified detector dam qJr|enb. 2.5VDCMinimum 0.3 S Maximum 34 S Maximum ResetVoltage: Reset Time: Start-up lime: MOUNNNG Each 2,100 detector is supplied with a mounting bracket kit thal permits the detector to be mounted: 1. Directy to a 3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagonal, 1-1/2 inch deep electrical box, (See Figure 1) on 2. To a 4 inch square electrical box by the plaster ring wih the supplied mounting bracket kt DilO0€5-00 1 l5GA$02 System Sensor, 3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, lllinois 6O1 74, 1€OGSENSOR2, FAX 708-37/€495 o E. Direct HeatTest (2400Tt1 only) To test he bi-metallic thermal collector on the Model 2,4OOTH, use heat source across the detector. Hold the heat source about 12 inches (30 cm) from the detector to avoid damaging the plastic. When the heat rises to greater than 135oF, the detector will latch in alarm. After the test, the bi+netallic collector will self-restore. Notify the proper authorities that the system is back on line. Clean and alt detectors that fail these tests as described under MAINTENANCE and retest. lf a detector still fail these tests. retum it for repair. MAINTENANCE NOTE: Before removing the detector, notify the proper authorities that the smoke detector system is undeqoing maintenance and, therefore, will be temporarily out of service. Disable the zone or system undergoing maintenance to prevent un- wanted alarms. 1. Remove the detector cover by placing a smalt bladed screwdriver in the side slot of the detestor cover, twisting it slighdy until the cover can be tumed counteldocknise for removal. 2. Vacuum the screen carefully without removing it. ll further clean- ing is required continue witr step 3, otherwise skip to step 6. 3. See Figure 5. Remove the screen by pulling it straight out. VaqJ- um the inside. a low powered heat gun or blow dryer, aiming the REI'OVASLE HEAD @VER CI.EA'{ASLE SCREEN PN RS24 (WiOTHEET L) VAI{EO CHAIGER Figure 5. Removal of cover and A7*r2t$or screen for cleaning. 4. Clean the vaned chamber pieoe by vacuuming or blorving out dust and particles. 5. To replace the screen, odent it so that the anow on top aligns with the test module socket of the detector. Carefrdly push the screen onto the base, making sure it fits tighty to the chamber. 6. Replace the cover by gently rotating it clodndse until it locks in place. 7. Notify the proper authorities that the system is back on line. WARNING UIITTATIONS OF SIIOKE OETECTORS This smoke detector is design€d b adivab and initiats €mergency action, but will do so only wtten used in coniunclion with other equipment This d€tector is designed for instaflation in acordancg with NFPA stan&(*71,72A,72B,7rc,22O, afi72E. Smoke dctectors cannot worl wl$out powar. AC or DC pdrered snoke d€tgctors will not woft il the porver supply is cut ofi tor any reasorl Smoke d@ctors will not sonsa ftt! wl ch 3ttt where smol(e doc3 nd rueG$ thc detccto.s. gnoke from f res in chimn€ys, in uralls, on roofs or on th€ olher side of do6€d doo6 may not reach the srmks dete@r and atarm iL A (lebctor may not debct a firu dsEloplng on endrcr lertl of a bulldlng| For thb ]€ason, debcbrs should be bcat€d on every level of a building, Smoke dctecbtls hav€ saosing llmi$ons, too. lorizalion Ctecbrs ofier a btoad rangs firBsenshg capability, but u|ey ar6 b€t6r at deEcting fast, flarn- ing fires ttEn slow stmldering fires. Photoel€ofonic de{eclors sense srnoHedng fires better than f,aming fires. Because fires de\relop in diferent ways, and are otlen unpredctable in th€ir gro\itth, n€ither tlpe of cletector is.always bgsi' and a giv€n delector rnay not ahayays provide waming of a fite. tn general, detectors cannst be e)Qecbd b provite wamings ior fires ]esutting fivn inad€quate fire potection practices, violEnt explosions, escaping gas, inpropet storage of flarmable lhuitts liks cleaning solvents, olher satety hazards, or a6on. Smoke detectors used in high air wlocity condifrors mai talt o dirm du€ to dilution of stnoke densitiG created by such frtsquer and rapid air exchanges. Additionally, high air velocity envionnrerits may creae iricreased dus contaminalion, dernarding mor€ frsquent rnajrtEnance. Smoke detoctors cannot la3i fiorrwr. Smoke dgt€ctors contain electronic parts. Ev€n though d€tectors arE made b last over l O yeaF, any of these parts could tail at any tirne. Ther€ble, tEst your snoke dsbctor sy$em per NFPA 72E at least semiannually Clean and take care ol your smoke (btectors regL!. cate of the fire det€clion systdn you have install€d uuill measurably reduce your product liability risks THREE YEAR UIIITED WARBAJ{W Sysl6m Sensor warrants its €nclosod stnoke dotector lo be fiee from defects in rnet3rials and worlsnsnship und€r mmal usE and service lor a period of lhree yeats from dde of rnanufact r€, Systam S€nsor makes no other ogrsss wananty for this srnoke d€dector. No aggnt, representative, dealet or em- ployee ot the ComPatry has the aulhotity to ind€ass or alt$ the obligalions or limitations of this wanarfy. The Conrpanys obtigation of this Wananty shall be limited lo the repair or redacsnent of any pan of the snoke detector wtlich b tound to be ds{ective in rnaterhls or wbdmansnb under nofiiat use anct seMce c,urfE the three year petiod cdrrr€ncing with the rtate ol manr.factne. Afrer phoning System SerEo/s bll frse number 8Oo"SENSOR2 C/3e,7672) for a Retum Aulhorization nunber, send defecttr/€ units postage prepaid b: System Sensor, Repair Depatnent, RA #_ SgZ5 OhioAvenue, Si Chades, lL 60174. Please descdbe the susp€cted cause of tailure. The company shall not be obll]aEd to epair or replace units whic-h are iound to be de- tectve b€cause ol (bmage, unreasonable use, modrficafrons, or alteratons occtrning aller the dal€ of manufacttre. In no case shall lhe Comparry be liable tor any conseguential or incicbnal darnages tor brgach of this or arry other Wananty, expEssed or implied whatso€ver, even if the loss or damage is caused by the companys negligence or laut Sorno stiatesdo not allon' the e)c-lusion or limitation ol incidental or consequential danages, so the abovslinitrtion or D4oo-os-oo 4 - Fc28s-o- @ System Sensor 4/93 COVER VAL SLOT INSTALIANON IYARNING Disable the powerfrom initiating dwice cirutits before installing deteclors. 1. Wire each detector following inslallaton guidelines. 2. Line up anows on the detector wih anows on the mounting bracket. 3. Tum the detector clocl<wise until it dicks into place. 4. After all detectors have been installed, apply power to the control unit. 5. Test the detector as described under TESTING. 6. Reset the detector at the system control panel. 7. Notity the proper authorities that he system is in operation' CAUNON Dust covers can be used to help limit dus{ enty to the detector. However, these covers arc not a substiMe for removing the detector during building constuction. Remore arry dust covers before placing the system in service. TESNNG Before testing, notify the proper authorities that the smoke detector system is undergoing mainlenance, and the system will be temporarily out of service. Disable lhe zone or system undergoing maintenance to prevent unwanted alarms. Detectoc must be tested after installation and foF lowing periodic maintenance. The 2400/2400TH may.be tested as follows: Before testing the detector, look for the presence of the flashing LED. !f it does not flash, power has been lost to ure detector (check the widng), or it's delective (retrm for repair - reter to Warranty intor' mation). A. FunctionalTests Recessed Test Switcft 1. Atest switch is located on lhe detector hous- RECESSED 1EET.,gu,|tcfi aElt REcassGD safior wrlr A.'. ll x-ot E]EBte- Figure 4. Top and side viErvs showing ^ttrs{x' position ol test switcft. ing (See Figure 4). 2. Press and hold the recessed test switch with a 0.'l inch madmum diameter tool. 3. The LED on the detector should light wittin 5 seconds. B. CalibratedTest Card (859-1&m) 1. Remove the detector cover by placing a small bladed scteu.rdd\rer in the side slot of lhe detector cover, twisting it slighty until the cover can be tumed counterdodov'tse tor removal. 2. Insen i1e NO ALARM end of the test card tu[y into the test slot (See Figure 5) then slide it counterclodtwise mtil it sbps. 3. The detector should not alarm after 20 seconds. 4. Remove the test card by slidirB it c{ochrise before remodng, then insert the AI-AFIM end. . 5. The LED should latdl on within 20 seconds. An alarm should also be initiated at the panel.6. Ptt the co/er back by genty rotating it c'lockwise until it locks in place. C. Test Module (System Sensor Model No. MOD,|0OF or lulODl00) The MOD400R or MODO0Test Module is used wi0r an analog or digital voltmeter b check the detector sensitivity as described in the test module's manml. D. Aerosol Generator (Gemini 501) Set the aerosol generator to represent 4"/JFt to solo/Ft obscuration as described in the Gemini 501 rnanual. Using the bod shaped applicator, apply aerosol until unit alarms. D400-0s-00 15G28il2 EBF J Eee eea EEq sgg CF PR 'rve'f rfte H lse E 58;EI98totslalolb :&H iE UJ igoOl- Efi6- EO^ "dH ZotfE(o Y- E3; frBs EE:€ EEE, t #Eg EHg€ JEEF ...g s Q l$t! t3 IE .t./; Eg E eql oo. o NF 69 @o 6t!z o IE -*rflil =HE' FIr{ lrnlol{oF 9two 9gd!oo n3 Ee ='ll:FOCLjd DI <T I?E OEt6 iaisi:r f iAE€E3E =i:i;Eqg F if,EEEEE YEg dhF E:;AHI iNE FEfi aEEEEa liaHsi l;;!Et7 ,. z =t6 F d ft,E EE E] diq* lEEla\f'H hi{ffil lEss lise lsa' Its' : E i l*i$'Al*t$rgl*i$sgluEEsE ?Ei I' l- l- lt Eil,ololcolBo Eiiq .U,-z o E FH tlnI I )t chem e f6fi i6 s o E Gh emefi"6..!ilc, -s' HEAT DETECTOR Made and Prlnted tn USA tz 6 no i r! lllo o ?7.Y =n|irt! g6t t8o: !o_ 6 1 z< EFtrfg 4E Ie qE t{!r6t Io 3o Eirli iEr il o =o 3 F$ aE: -m -lg mdmo {ou n BI J: nl TItl o)o T-1LI o, N) o F. Ul 3tH 3eei3 0 Ee r# H3 3 E;E :e B' 1F 5-= 4n:o EErnN Rsg nln .B$$.l TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8t657 97 0-47 9-2138 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TII',IES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E96-0131 Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT HUNT ELECTRIC P O BOX 1984, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR HUNT ELECTR]C 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR StAtUS...: ISSUED puBl,rc woRKs FACTLTTY Applied , .. 06/24/.1996 2l-01-092-OO-OOl Issued. . .: 06/25/1996 PRJ96-0040 ExPires..: l2/22/L996 P O BOX 1984, VArL CO 81658 ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO T TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 Additional tees--------> Total Pernit Fee-------> Payments-------- BALANCE OUE----- Phone: 3039494061 Phone: 3039494061 4,650.00 4,650.00 .00 Description: ELECTRICAL woRK FOR BUS tH(t}}hHrr*ti#rffr**.|ffi**ffiffiffi**JrHr#r FEE Etectricr[---> 4,617.W DRB FGcInvrstigation> .00Iitt ca t t---->3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 4,650.00 BARN ADDITION VAIUAIiON:2?0,000.00 SUl,lilARY **ffii**i**it t#r*ffirttff.irttt nti**#oltjnffit#rf** Tota! Catculated Fees---> 4,650.00 ffit rrtrffiffi***t*t**i**rrlirr*iHrffir)ffiffi*************ffr**#(ffitiffi*ffi*lr***|t**t*trk***J.lrlit***J**t"*ttt|it**'t rlem: O600O ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT06/24/L996 CHARLIE ACtiON: NOTE TO06/25/199 6 ERNST Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: ERNST ****i*f r*ffiir**rrffi Ht*tffi(*Ji**#r**#*Hri**ffi ***ffiffiri.#r***t|ht*i|tjr'r|t******Jr**tr|t****ffi.Jrf* CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffiffi*ffitffiffi*ffiirf#r#rffi*f,ffft**ffi**#rlffrftrrr**rHdi*t-**rH(ffiffittlHr**r.fft*********rit*******ffir*,t* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedgc that ! have read this app[ication, fil,l,ed out in futt the information required, conpteted 8n accurate ptot ptan, and statr that att the information provided as requi red is correct. t agre! to compty lrith thc informtion and Ptot Ptan, to compty rJith att Toyn ordinances and state laurs, and to buitd this stfucture according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codcs, design rcviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ondinanccs of thr Tovn appl.icabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR I'.ISPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 0R AT oUR oFtIcE tRoll 8:00 Al'l 5:00 I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLI'MBING PERMIT 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR StAtUS... PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY APPJ.ied.. 2101-092-00-001 Issued.. . PRJ96-0040 ExPires. . ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0092 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT LUNSFORD BROTHERS MECH. CONST. 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROTHERS MECH. CONST. 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO T TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 ISSUED 06/24/tee6 Phonet 3032425790 co 81505 Phone t 3032425790 co 81505 Description: PLUMBING FOR BUS BARN ADDITION Valuation:100, 000 .00 ffiiffir*ffi(ffffirr*#ffir*ffi tEE sufttlARy ***f*ffi**********tln*rltffiffi P tumb,i ng-----> 1,500.00 Restuanant Ptan RevieH--> .OO TotaL Calcutated Fees---> 1,878'm Ptan Ch!ck---) 375.00 ToTAL FEES------ tnvestigation> .oo Totat Permit Fec-------> 1,67E.00 l'li tt cal' t'----> 3'oo Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---- *ffi ffi *#**ffr**l*r***ffirtr*ffi #r*****ffi *tt|tffi *******tlffi ***ffi f*fi.f}*tffi tffi Item: 0510C BUILDING DEPARTMENT06/24/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE TO06'/24'/1996 CHUCK Actionr APPRItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/24/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept! BUILDING Division: CHUCK F - Dept: FIRE Division: *ffi}f,*tirffi(ffi*****thH(*rHrrrtffiffi*r.irH**riffi****i**ffirffrtrH#rlH(*.*******rht*********ffr*i*i*#f,f,rit******ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ffi ,rrrrt*ffi ffrffi*#(#rt#rffiffiHr*:ffi nt*f,****ftffr***tnt*tt *r*ffi DECLARATIONS t hcreby acknortedgc that I have read this EppLication, fil,(ed out in ful,l, the information required, comPteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state thit atl the irrfonmation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the infornation and Ptot Plan,to conpl.y ,ith al.t Toun ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Townrs zoning and subdivision codcs, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and othcr ordinances of the ToHn appticabla thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ICE FRol'l 8:Cl0 Atl CONIRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI,INER t a-- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address...: Location......: Parcel No.....: Proiect Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: M96-0078 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY 210L-092-0 0-001 PRJ96-0040 Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED o6/24/Lee6 06/2s/tee6 L2/22/Lee6 APPLICANT LUNSFORD BROTHERS MECH. CONST. 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, CO CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROTHERS MECH. CONST. 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, CO ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO I TOWN OF ALLSTATE PLAZA, NORTHBROOK IL 60062 OWNER Phone: 815 05 Phone: 815 05 3032425790 3032425'190 180,000.00 #0f !,ood/Pa t tet: Description: MECHANICAL WORK FOR BUS BARN ADDITION #0f Gas App Iiances: Valuation: #Of Gas Logs:Firaotacc Infornation: Restricted: *ffi.ffi******r**rt*rrffirrr*ix*#r**'r*ffi*ffiffi*****# tEE SUltl'1ARY tr**rrffiff******ffit****ffiffirr*th*ffirffi(ffi l'lechani ca [---> 3,6C0.00 Restuarant Plan RevieL'--> Pt.n Check---> 900.C0 DRB Fee--------- Invest i gation> t,i Lt Csl, t---> .00 ToTAL FEES------ 3. 00 .00 TotaI calcutated tees---> 4,503.00 .@ Additional' Fees---------> .00 4,503.00 Tots[ Permit Fee--------> 4,503'00 PaYn.nts-------- ffirffi*rffi*t*.ffi(**rr***ffi****,r***ffirr***ffir**ffiffiffii*-lllilil-l$;;;;;i-*****n****"** Ilerni .051Q0 tsUILDING DEPARTMENT - -DePt: BUILDING Division: 06/24/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE TO CHUCK F.06'/24'/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRit'efr;'.0s600-FiRb'DEPARiEENt ------ Dept: FrRE Division: 06/24/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR COI.IDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F]ELD INSPECTIONS AR.E REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIIT IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CI{APTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 OF THE 1991 I.JMC;6. BOILERS SHALL 3E IVIOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED !'OR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR IO AN INSPECTIOT{ REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1t9l_ UMC. * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * I ** * * *** * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ******** * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hcrcby loknoutcdg! thst I hav. rlad this apptication, fil,ted out in futl' thc information required, conptctcd !n lccur'tc ptot plan, and stltc thrt ![[ th! 'infornation provided as r.qui.id is corrcct. t .gfee to cotnPty brith th' inlorFtion and ptot Pt'n' to copLy rrith !l,l Tom ordinences and stltr [ars, and to Luifi- rir ttructurc-accordi ng iothe Tovn's zonirq and gubdivision cod.!, dlrign reviev appnovcll-'riiitii:i Bui tding c6de and othcn ordinanc:c of th! Tol'n appticabl'c thcreto' OR AT OUR OFFTCE fROII E:OO AN 5:M Pil BEOI'ESTS FOR TNSPECTIOIIS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOI,RS IN ADV SIGMTURE OT OIII{ER OR CON{TIACTOR FOR IIII1SELF A}IO OUI{ER PER}III f ---- -, APPLTCATToN uusr BE FrYr.FD OItr coupl.4rELy oR rr MAy lror BE AccEstED f * *******t*********'********** pER!{!r rg3oaffarrop ***********rr*****.**:r****** t,\zl|l-BuildinS ffi-plr:nbing _p.{-E1ec.-rica1 ffi_Mectranibal [ ]_other Job Nane: Vat_&x Hsl*t 6xpo,rt,oJD Nane: VA.L g)lllpln_Ulbrtrrcl Job A6dressz 13& t/ptr_ t/au+u gAtvl Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filirg orners uu .rTo,,,r'' oo Voo *r=, i*Tr,. uoro, ^ pra.qaq,tsg Arcbitect: fttL ftl.t and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas tT*********** ********************** lfork Class: [ ]-New I J-Alteration Nurober of Dwel.ling Units: !!_r_!p!rc: t t,8oo ua E{-Additlonal I J-Repair [ ]-other Nr:aber of Accoumodatiqn Units: .Appliances_ cas Logs_ Wood/pellet val;uaTroNs * **** ** * *** * * ** **** * *** ***i******Elu- or3t BLIJUBfNG: t tOb, r..'..,n Address: t@ S- F,r^tr:, Electrical Contractor:Address: fD, 7q9 - 3aq /PluDbing Contractor: Mechanical Contractor3 ELECTRICA!: I &7D. ncr-rUEcHA$IcAt: S-iffi- ll1Qso -ej, CT.E:AI{-UP DEPOSTT: Address:' o.E-5> a **.t**r**** ******** ** t *****a****FOR OEItcE usE *************************t*****BUILDING PERIIIT EEE: PLI'}TBIIIG PERMIT FEE: MECEAIIICAI PERMII EEE: EI'.ECIRTCAI. 8EE: OTIIER IYPE OF FEE: DRB EEE: -i-TETAIJ PER}III BTIII.DTNG: SIGI{ilIURE: zol{IllG: STG}ilITURE: Add:ess: sr. dtloo P}i.?is-l+t4 General Descripti"n, "o*"r{[ 9$ffie€ro* * * * * * * i :r * * i * * * * * * * * * * ** * * r *6r"rra-r.X".rJ Town of vail Reqi. No. /tf^Phone Number: qZC46- OTBER: I ToTAt: $- L"trn "{ vait Reg. No. 125-EPhone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. no._lEa-PPtrone Nunber: Igntr "{ vait Res. No. 133-PPhone Nunber: EUILDING PI.AI{ CEECK FEE:PU]l{Br}rc PLAN. CEECK FEE:UECEAIIICAI. PIAI{ CIiECK EEE: .RECRE.LTTON EEE: CLEAIT ItP DEPoSIT n@$ T|.V.i- TO: FROM: DATE: BE: MEMORANDiJM o ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBUC.WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: /*tu Date: 5/tol1 Pleasa answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': ls this a new r""iOrnarf ls demolition work being perfoimed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propety? ts any utility woft needed ls the driveway being repaved? .'i.'-:.,.-.-:' ls different access needed to site other than existing ddveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afieOing the right of way, easements, or public property? 4 ls a'Fevocable Right Of Way PErmif YES NO v Y 1) 2) 3) 4l s) x X X x required? 8) A- ls the right of way, e€rsements or , public property to bE used for staging, ^--. parking or fencing? o B. lf no to 8A, is a parking. staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f_f9u_ alswer.d yes to any of these questioill, a,pubtic Way permit must be obtdined. 'Public way Permit' applications may be obtained d the'public wort's office or d Q-ryqqtty DevelopmenL lf you have any questions ptease calt Charfie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-21*. l.V, 6us B,"'.l,E/,P/q t I have read and answered allthe above quesdons. Job Name Date 75 louth t Entagc rord yail. colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2r,38 ot 479-2L39 oftlc. of com.nunlty dcvclopmcnt' TO: EROM: DATE: su&rEcT: AI.I. COMTRACTORS CI'RRNf,TLYL REGISTERED lrllg TEETOWN OF VAII TOWN OF VAIL pIIB!f,C r,roRKs/coMMIINITy DEX/ELOPMENT !{aRCE 15, 1988 CONSTRUgION PARKENG & UATERI.&L STORAGE rn suEnarrr, ordl'ance No. 6 states tbat it is rurrauful f,or anyperson to litter, track or deposit any-soif ;-r"ii, sand, debrisor rnaterial, incruding trash &,npsteri, pJ*alie-toilets anaworhen velrictes. upon :!.n1, streetl siaewaii, -;li;y or publicpl?:"_::-any poriin tneieoil.-il"-ii;d:;_;;i-bn au rown orva:.r streets and.5gag= is approxinateiy 5 ft--itt p".r"oent. --lbls ordinance wirl le. striEl|--entorced by ttre town of vailpubLie lforks Deoartuent- peri6ns lound .rrir"ti"e tb,is ord,inalce:i11. be given a-24 bour trriii."-n"4i""1;-;;;;=said nareriar.rn tbe event t!'e person so notiried-a"es-nit roJpry witrr tbenorice witbin tbe-24 uour tGJ-rp""iii"a,"Ii"-ililic rforksDepalt'ent wirl renrove said natei-iai-ii-in" o.ii=. o! personnotiried. rhe provisioni-Jr-trri=-.iaii";: A:ii nor beapplrcable tc clns-':inction, -t"ini"""n?e or repair projects ofany street or alley or :r,ny utilities in tlre ri.ght_a_way. _!o.5eyie.y ord,inance No. 6 ln fu1l, please stop by tbe Town o!vail Burldlng oepartuent to obtain a copy. riani you tor yourcocperation on this natter. contractor, omer) [uwn 7lt .out,| trontrg. t!.d Yrll, color|do t1657(303) 479-2L38 ot.479-2L39 offlcr of conmunltt/ d.u.lopm.||t EUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAJ,IE ll!!l:-fry1t, 5geuires g Towl of Vait Fire Deparrnent Approvar,Lnglnee!''.:s. (Pgbi ic uorfs) reyiew and appr-ova],' a p'lannini' oepirfrentrevie*or ltealth Deoartniint revi'er, ani'a_review ly tte Euitiinf --- Department, the estimated tine ttr'a-totat ,evierr-iniL[i'as tongas tllree weeRs.. All cornnercial flarge or small) and all multi-family pennits rillhave to fol 1 or itre ioove "dii6nil-maxinur ;requi "en[nii.- nesidentiarand.snall projects shourd take . reiserabuird of time. nor.,iEi, ir'resi.dentfal oi smairer projebts iurpact ure-vJriors iiiie rintion.odepartnents ri th. regard- to - necessaiT revien, -ttres; il j;i.i' *,also take the tlree-neef periJa.- Every..attempt will be nade by this departnent to expedite thispermit aS sgon as possible. - undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time r 'f O.V, 6us 8u) txo>,:st) I' the frame. 5/phr" Date l,lqrk Sheet llas-turnAA-fiE Corununi ty Oevel opnent Department. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2!38 Job Addreas...:Location...... i Parcel No.....:Project Numberi DEPART},IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT AT ALL T]MES M96-0084 ]-309 VAIL VALLEY DR PW BUS BARN 2LOL-092-00-001 PRJ9 6-0040 ISSUED o7 /0L/lee6 oe /oe /7ee603/08/tes7 Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER AUTOMATIC 4894 VAN AUTOMATIC 4894 vAN ALLSTATE ALLSTATE Description: SPRINKLER SYSTEM BUS Fi replace Infornation: Restri cted: FIRE GROUP INC GORDON STREET, SUITE # 304, FIRE GROUP INC GORDON STREET, SUITE # 3041 INSURANCE CO T TOWN OF PLAZA, NORTHBROOK rL 60062 Val-uation: BARN AND RISER #Of Gas Apptiances: #Of Gas Logs: Phone: 303-425-0464 WHEATRTDGE, CO 80033 Phone t 303-425-0464 WHEATRIDGE, CO 80033 41.,474.00 fof l,ood/Pa l, Let: *tffiffi*H**tffi*ffit**ffik**Ht*****}*r* FEE SUllllARy echani ca[---> PLan Check---> Invest i gati on> $i L t Cal.l.---> TOTAL FEES_--- 840.O0 210.00 .00 5.00 Restuafant Ptan RevielF-> DRB Fee------- .00 .00 Tota I Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 1,053.0O 1,053.0O 1,053.@ .00***ffi rt!t**,r|t***ffi***,r***ffi #*ttt*trtt.***ffi rrtffi ********t***ffi **ff ffi *ff ***t**#ffi ffi *ffi **t*lH*ffiffi Dept: BUILDING Division:IteT: .O51OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENT07/Ol/7996 CHARLIE Action: APPRIt.eI:..05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT07/.01/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE JOHN WITHO8'/75'/L996 JEFF_A Action: APPR fire dept. CONDITION OF APPROVAL DepT: FIRE FIREapproval Division: ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolrtedge that I have r.ad this apptication/ fiLl,ed out in ful,L the information required, conpteted an accufate ptotpl'an, and state that alt the infopmation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpLy rrith the infornation and pLot jrtan,to compty t,ith aLL To\.rn ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according to-the Town,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IADE TI,ENTY-FOIrR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-213E OR AT oUR OFFICE FRot't 8:(p Att 5:OO pt{ SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AI{D OIiINER Assegg Parce 0fflce _ Tglll oF vArL coNsmuetl{/pnrurrr AppLrcATroN FoF* DATE: PER}IIT /i ^ t APPLICATfON UUST BE FTLLED OUT COI.IPLETEIJY OR IT ttAY NoT BE AccEpTEDUIr***************************** PERUIT fNPORI.IETJON ***************************r7l[ ]-Building t- l-ptunbing I J-Etectrlcat [ ]_rrrechanibal [u]zother Fp. JobNane:@ JobAddress: legal Description: Lot Block_ FiIJ.ng Orthers Nane: Architect: Address: Generar o"= -f;*f- EilsR+l-*-r4+*FiJ+# ; I -f.-€ Work Class: I J-New [ ]-Alteration t J_Additional Nunber of Dtrelling Units: _ Nunber #*"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Apptiances /f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vArrtATrONS ELECTRTCAL: $ ***F*** * * * * ****** ** *l*-***** o^W.'$4F+-?, al Contractor:Address: l9do Electrical Contractor: ltechatrical Address:35t, ?tDez c-'oLe, Ph. I J-Repair I l-other of AcconnodatLon Units: Gas Iogs_ I{oodlpellet ********************************* OTHER: * TOTAL: T-own of Vail Reg. NO. tf?'o7 Phone Nuober: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Ngnbeg: LToa) Reg. NO. Town of Vait Req.Phone Number: ' oFFrcE usE ******************************i BUILDTNG PI.AN CIIEEK FEE: Iu,I'IBTNC Pr"AN CHECK FEE:!{ECEANICAI PI.AN C]IIECK FEE:RECREITION EEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATTIRE: *************!t**t*************** FORBUTLDTNG PERIiIIT FEE:PLI'I.'BING PERUTT FEE: !,IECIIANTCAIJ PERMTT FEES EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: CI.EAX I'P I'EPOSIT IEFOID I!0: ON luwn TO: EROM: DAIE: su&7Eqt: 75 routh frontrga rord u.ll, color.do 616i5z l3o3l 479-2L.38 ot 479-2139 rn sunnary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awfuJ. for anyperson to ritter' track or aep""_it. i"i-soirl-"o-"r, sand,, debrisor nateriar, incruaing ti-srr-i"ip"t""i, -!oft.ii!' to*"ts andworkmen vehj.cles. upon any ,tr..tl siaewaix];ii;y or pubric$lii"=i;":lI #f'.in tr,"i"o;:--ri," rigrrt:oi_iii-;" au. rown orrhl: ;ni;;;":. tii_"i: ::"i:fil-:q;:$;.;;i,f"tr*fit, "'Public works oeoartneit. *iJllns found ,rri,ritirrg this ordinancevirr be given a-zc houi rriE;rotiJe-to-;s;;=said nateriar.rn the event the person so noritiea-aoeJ-;;-,;;pry wirh thenotice within trre 24 nour tiue-Jpecieied,, the puitic worksDepartnent wi"""o.'" -Jiiirltltriat _ at -itre-.';r.n;=" of personnotified' The nroviri"n=-ot-iiis orainance srrirt not beapplicable to c'ons.113tfr", -*iili:lln_g_" g." repair projeets ofany street or alley or any utiLitres in the right-a_way. !,:i"::ii:$Ii:B:".*,f*:t.".t""f r*; I'E3ii.,Tr"H ;t: H:"":i" ottlcc of cornmunlly dcyelop|n nl AI.L CONTRACTORS CURREMILYL REGISTERED WTTB TEETOISN OF VAIL totfN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CO!,IMI,NI!y DEVELOpIIENT }IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKTNG & UATERTAL STORAGE $^'e*F*_ .e. contractor, owner) lnttn 75 roulh frontrgc road urll, colorrdo tl657 l3o3'l 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otflcr of comnunlty dcurlopmoil v BUILoING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIt,tE FRAf,tE If this permit reoui,res a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approva.r ,Engineerts (.pubt ii !9191 1;il.r'.nl'ipproval , a planning Departmentrevretv or Hearth De?_artnint.revievr,1n[.a_review by the 6uitaing S;riplrft.the estirna ted tine ro"'a-to't"t ;;;il.-;";,,Li!,., I one All commerci'ar frarge or smalr) and ail murti-famiry permits bri'have to fo'row the ibove r"nii6n.i riiirrm reguirements. Residentiarand small projects stroura tafe-;-i";;;'.mount,of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smal t 9r .projecis-iririJii' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoa.rd' t"-""i"riii!-i.ri"*, these projects mayalso take the three-week period Every attenpt will be made by this department to expedite thisperrni't aS SOOn aS pOSSible. - -"'- r-r-' r'rrsrr|' Lu E^PesIEe En i;r*ll undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time "l -_t4t Sheet waF-ilFiE?Eo-ThEDatel.tork- Devel oomert Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED I have read and answered Ue*,- 7v,sr,-rJ6rz{<t Ih Ail mer,, r \J-"c€- C-FP, ?-t- Please answerlhe questionnaire regarding the nesd for a ,public Way permit.: YES NO X1) ls this a new residence? 2) fs demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ot way, easements or public properly? 3) ts any utitity work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difterent acoess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) 'ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or pubtic propeny? 7) ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staoino. parking or fencing? - - B. lf no to 8A. is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !t^y?Y. "T."tt9d yes to any of lhese questions, a "Public way permit. must be obtained.?ublic way- Permit' appiicationg riy be obtained at the'puLtic work,s office or atc.o.lqrulitr Devetopmeni _|! ryl n":-"_"rrr"esrions ptease carJ crrarrie Davis, rhe Townof Vaif Consrruction Inspectoi at 4Zg-Z1.cfi Job Name Date REPtrJ.Jl TOWN OF VnIL, COLORADO OE/A3/97 IZ16:58 REGIUESTS FOR INSIfECTION I^IORK SHEET$ FOR:'et 3/97 Activity: E96-Etl31 e/ 3/97 Type: B-ELEC $tatus: IS.€UFD Congtr*: ACOM Addr.ESS: 13I?9 VAIL VELLEY DC Location: FUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Farce I : *1tZt1-O9E:-OO-OO1 Occ: Descript ion r ELECTRIEAL WORH Appl ieant: HUNT ELECTRIE FOII BUS BARN ADDITION Owner": ALLSTATE INSURRNCE CO X TOWN OF Contractor: HUNT ELECTRIC F.AGE AREA: EG 1t F,hone: F,hone: F'hone: Use: 3tzl39494|2'6 1 3'ZrJ9494tzr6 1 Inspect ion Request Request or': Dav e Req Tiner O1:OO Itens requested to ra0l9A ELEC-Final Inf ornat i on. ,, . . Comment s: cl'ew be Inspect ed, .. Fhone: 949-4OGI t'(}t}n ACtion Comrnent s nn Time ExP,fi / .a'/Jto->-r- '* 4 -/'/ ='/./' :::-- - : -__-::::--_-- _-:-_ :_ : Inspeetion History..... j - .f . ?g &*/ i,16/9-It em: Ool lrzr ELEC-Temp. Fower. 1- " r / ('" 'l'" ,1It en : AAIEO ELEC-Rough / 't' A7/31/96 Inspectot': Efi Aetion: AF'FR AFFROVEI) Lq/14/96 Inspector': L\l Action; AFFE AFFROVED rct/3A/96 Inspeet or': Eti Act i on: FIFF'R flF'F ROVHD LI/P7/96 Inspector: E[i Actionr AF'trR PFFRUUED @L/A6/91 Inspector': Eti Action: AtrFR exept panel pp3 At / 16/97 Inspect or: E[i Act i cn : AFF R AF'F ROVED Item: OOl3O ELEC-Condr-rit Itemr tDtll4tZt ELEC-MiEe. tA7 / L7 /96 Inspeetor: Eti Act i on r AFFR AFF'ROVED 18./31/96 Inspector: LFiV Act ion: AFtrR SERVICE FOR pOt'JER. Item: OOl9O EL.EC-Final A1/Lil/97 Inspector: E[; Action: AFPR panel pp3=br-rswash only Ae/fr3/97 Inspector: E[) Action: AFFR pantial only Item: OOle4 FIRE-ALARM ROUGfl It ern: ra0538 FI RE-FINAL C/O REtrT 1J 1 TOt^lN OF VAIL' COL0RADO F.AGE 6 AREA: EG&9./A3/97 fr7tfr6 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION I^IORK SHEETS FOR, 'e/ 3/97 ================================ ====*===========================E==============:3Activity: E96-O131 e/ 3/97 Type: B-ELEC Statr-rs: ISSUED Constn: ACtrM Address: 13O9 UAIL VALLEY DFI Location: F'UBLIC WORKS FACIt-ITY Far.ce I : ElEtl-O9a-tara-O01 Oce:Use: Descript ion : ELECTRICAL WORK Appl ieant: HUNT ELECTRIE Owner: FILLSTATE INSURANCE CO :4 TOWN OF Contractor: HUNT ELECTRIC FOF1 BUS BARN ADDITION F,hone: 3O39494O6 I Fhone: F,hone: 3O39494?t6 I Inspect i on Reque st Requestor: Dav e Re.q Time: EBlO0 ItemE requested to 6EI9E ELEC-Final I n f onnrat i on. . Connent s ; br-r: be Inspected, Fhone: bar.n-who I e bldg xcept 949-4'46 1 ct'ew Foom iue Exp rndieeti'onHistory..... 2.f -tf.27.f'',,,ft emr ra0l 16 ELEC-Temp. Fower. ( ,/",I t e r1; OO l lO ELEC-Ro ugh ' ,/''@7/sLl96 Inspector: E[] Aetion: AFtrR RFFROUED 16/14/gE Inspeetor": L\r Action: AF,trR AF'FROVED LA/3o/96 tnspector: E[i Action: AFPR AFFROVED lI/?7/96 Inspector:: Eti Aet ion: AF'trR AFFROVED Ot,/n6/97 Inspector: E[i Action: AFFR exept panel ppJ AI/L6/97 Inspector": E[i Action: AtrFR AFFROVED Item: 0O130 ELEC-ConduitItem: oAL4A ELED-Misc. A7/L7/96 Inspeetor': E(i Action: AFFR RFFROVED 1gl31/96 Inspector: L[:'V Act ion: AFtrR SERVICE FOR FOhlER. Iten: OOl9O ELEC-FinaI @L/LA/97 Inspeetor': Eti Action: AFFR panel pp3=buswash only I t em : VA?P.4 FI RE-RLARM R0UCil-lItem: CnA53A FIRE-FINAL C/0 PSPT131 Prrn Td. ?t? Roquostod rns$€ct 3+s; 8Effiag January 08, 2001 tnsrrectlbn Type: MECH hsrrectlon Arba: CFllre Addres$: 1309 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY A/PID brfinnrdirxl Artivitu MqA-Oo7A comi-ird6: Paicel: 21010920@01 Type: B-MECH Sub Type' NCOMoccuDanc.v: use: Phone: 3032425790 Phone. 3032425790 Status: I.S.SUED Insp Area CF AOOIiCATN: LIJNSFORD BROTHERS MEC}I. CONST. Cofiilautor. LUNSFORD BROTHERS MEClt. CONSTr\rnar Al I CTATC lllel lDAtl^E nn 04 TA|^rAl nC Descdntion: MECHANICAL WORK FOR 8US BARN ADDITION Reoue$od rrspoctlon(sl [em: 390 IIECH-Flnal 8eq'lestDr: John_GaflagosCotr*nents: Bus Bam - Assigned To: CDAVIS Aclron: Item Cornrr'rctib: Itcm Cornments: hsosctlon llls{ofl Item: 390 Comments: MECH-Final 02l(/619l lnsoec{or: 1r9|| EtA5. LrEtttE|... RoquostodPllfiS: gii-goo * Entcred By: LCAMPBELL K ADDTT']j6F|W[5- hotsv wril must ver|ted to the odcid€ wiisbo haat lir rt#]f*ffir ""-"rrrnrthe roof end r,e fuil size nG{rir-rrt rnust b€ ve|-mnnifttp roof end be full size n1edi|Jrn ptesuwe rwn jletor nNJ hsat lines need to be protected at floor level hangers required at reguhtorfieater\|€rlted to the od3ide urnt das lineun|t oas DENIEIDENIED Action: PA PARThL APPRCVAL Action: APPR APPROVED Action: PA PARTIAL A.PPROVAL \ Aclion: ON DENIED 0?ru€/197 lnslector: CF Action: CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIICY Commants: A.DDTL COMMS - hr)tsv vert must be v.rntad thru thr roof aM he ftjl size medium prlsuufe reguhtor must vcrtcd to thc outsicle wtrsbo hcat lrnes necd to bc protected at floor lcvel hangers reoulred at reodator/hoater unit oas trnc Itcm:' 538 FIRE-FINAL cru- (Requiibci) 1oWrcrur!-9 t/urDL N$p, p"-'..'tlC' o I l]Yprr lDtc Lh>lqAl otrb 4?r-aDt)Lt 4oevnrAt' | >&-f+- (o?t VAI lrfEaytl(nPTstral &rrT?a Gfup>?> o(' ?+kfi,P?t &a+ VolIV, /z,Vavp>? \ ,i orffiHffipv # ?p4zfiirytri*'r;iAFG/ffi ?"UU"$0&{M,,{}$,!,iJrpf RRESYEI a80/SvrnOodq|St*Fl U,hearRUge,CO 80q! 09.26-1995 PAGE v VAIL, AFG/MESA FI 4894 VAN GO WHEAT RIDGE, ET COLORADO 8003 3 FILE NO TRANSPO 2.-.---_- "TRAysPo 2 " FLOW TEST RESULTS Water Suppli' STATIC 125.OO PSI RESIDUAL 12.1.00 PSI @ 1020,00 GP!,t 9 18. f', GPMCITY PRESSI]RE A\"\TLIBLE .!T 5rt( SUM}I.\RY OF SPRINKLER OT:TFI.,OWS ACTI]AI- !II N IMUM FLOW FLOW Ti-FICTOR PRESSURE 12r.18 PSi B I 201 202 ZV.) 201 205 206 207 208 209 L LV ZI L 2t2 L L.) 214 215 216 217 2rB 219 220 22r 18. C0 t i nn 15. 00 r < nn 16.00 16. 00 16.00 15.00 15. 00 15.00 15.00 15. 00 15. 00 15.00 33. 00 15. 00 15. Oe: 15. 00 .'r5. 00 '15.00 1$.00 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 f,. ou 5. 60:. <n J. DU 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 ). ou< <n 5. f,0 J. O(l 5. fiO 5. 60 ). bu 37 .62 28.95 25.50 12.27 ,13. 44 10 <A 34.99 38. 20 30. 41 37 .25 2t. 51 35.76 19.11 31.73 38. 17 11 0Q 28 .61 )4, 12 26. 14 23, "lB 31. JU. 28, .JO. 3+, ?n 34..\ELJ, ?1 24. 1'l ? 1R 35 TJ z6 tt 91 L! IJ o1 88 1B 99 49 4B 00 sitS'fi VAIL REUODEL VAIL, COL FILE NO TRANSPO2 -" i; TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OTITSIDE TIOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL WATER REQI'IREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O MAXITIUM PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS IIAXIMUM VELOCITY FROM 53 TO 'B 668.59 GPM 250. 00 rM 918.59 GPM 99.0.1 PSI 0. 00 Psr 28.58 FPS ri" VAIL REMODEL OF VAIL, COL FILE }TO TRANSPO2 Locat i on From To<\ [fts v Flow ln Pipe Size IN 1. 380 BN6 1.610 BN7 2, 067 BN5 2.067 BN4 BNI 1. 049 lt.\ I 1.049 BNl Fittings Eq-.iv Friction& Length LossDevices Ft PSI/FI L 6.00 C=I?OF=2E F 5.00T 12.00 0.0864 L 10. 00 C=120F=0 F 0. 00T 10.00 0. 1491 L 10.00 C=LZAF=0 F 0. 00T 10. 00 0. 0951 t't----L' | 5.00,/ C=L20 F=T, E F \5-dT 20.00 0.1643 L 1.00F 0.00 T -/ 1.005r---\ L ( Lo.oo )F \-z-gf T 12.00 L 10, 00F 0.00T 10. 00 L 5.00F 12. 00T 17.00 Pressure Summary PSI 34.73 (2r5) 0. 00 1 AA 35.77 (213) 0. 00 .1. 49 37.26 (2rr) 0. 00 0. 95 rtl 38 . 21 (2189'o.o0 *3.29 41.50 ( 56) 21 r 213DQ a 209 21lDQ r\v 56 209DQ /1v 33. 00 33. .r9 66. 49 34. 18 100. 67 34. 61 135.28 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF L F T 57 212 2ra 57DQ a 208 2roDQ a 5s 2o8Dt .18 201 25.99 24.48 50. .r7 B8 35 36, l8 F=0 F=E F=0 E-T T F-? C=l2O 0.2113 C=l2O 0 .7212 C= 120 0. 4588 C=I2O 0.4074 21. 54 (212) 0, 00 o.2r 2t.75 ( 57) 0. 00 8.65 30.40 (2r0) 0. 00 4, 59 34. 99 ( 208 ) 0. 00 6. 93 4t.92 ( 55) 41.73 (201) 0. 00 10.13 51.86 25. 50 -t.73 5. 19 28.96 -1.73 10.40 Kv-! (r? It c=L2oF=3E F \6-rA 2I.OO C=L2O 5. 00 26. 00 0. 3895 21.00 0.2470 ( 48) (201)203 201 /\v 202 2O3DQ a 28,28 1n t ? 58.41 /o'<,-----.'L (LL.oo) c=Lzor\-€?d6 T 11.00 0.9451 ,-GPM e/2 r 30. 81. 1.049 BNI 1.049 BN8 1.380 BN2 (203) SUBMITTAL VAIL REMODEL OFVAIL, COLO Locat i on From To +e 2c2DQ a Flow ln GPM 34.35 92,76 FILE NO TRANSPOz Pipe Fit. l-ings EquivSize & LengthIN DeviL-es Ft 1. 380 L 13, 00F=T,E F 9.00 BN2 T 22,00 09-25-1996 PAGE 4 Presgure Summary PSi PT 37 .63 (202) PE -0.-13PF 12, B7PT 50.07 ( 1?) PT 12,27 (205) PE 0. 43PF 7. 10PT 49.80 ( 5r) Friction Loss PSI/Ft a-1jn 0. 5848 5r 205 o 36 . .11 0-t9 BNl 0J9 BN1 049 BNl 0-19 BN1 1. 049 BN1 t.7'/'frq)c=r2o F=T, 2E F L9*4€ T 18.00 0.3942 7.OO 9. 00 52 206 EF T L F T C=120 PT 43. 44PE 0. 43 0. 4042 PF 3. 64 PT 17,51 (2Q6) E ( {2) 2L9 221 r\v 217 2L9DQ s9 217DQ a r\v :1 qnnn ..,vu\< n BB.OT 93.35 aOr. JU I 0 BN2 1. 380 BN2 r..6i0 .'.;? r-T F=T, E r-T F E-n F=0 F=0 tr-n B. 50 0. 00 8,50 10. 00 0, 00 10.00 1. 00 0, 00 1,00 8, 00 0. 00 B, 00 5, 00 5. 00 C= 120 PT PE 0. 2288 PF C=LZO PT PE 0.8561 PF C=120 PT PE 0.5307 PF C=120 PT PE 0. 5307 PF C= 120 PT PE 0. 954.r PF PT 36. 91 < | '>nn 2. 00 C=120 PT7,OO PE 9. 00 0. 3707 PF PT 7.00 C=120 PT 7 .00 PE 14. 00 0. 1891 PF PT 39.56 (207) 0. 43 1 ,)n ^1 1'' 1 <l\ r9.11 (21J) Z. Df, 2r.76 ( 57) 23. 48 (22r) 0. 00 1. 9.1 25.12 (219) 0. 00 8. 56 33.98 (217) .0, 00 0. 53 34.51 ( 59) 0. 00 4 .25 38,76 ( 58) 0. 00 I n1 .13. 53 ( 5:i ) 35.22 L F T L F T L F T L F T L FI L F T 21.18 595B | =lJ VAIL REMODEL OF VAIL, COLO Locat i on From To FILE Pipe Size IN TR.C,NSPO2 Flow ln GPM r; ++ l^^,-r r L( r lrts,n De'".ices Equ i r,' Lr:ngt.h Ft 09-26-1996 PAGE 5 Fr i c'. . on PressureLoss Summary' PSI /Ft PSI zLB 220 r\ 16 21BDQ v 58 216DQ r\v 28. BO 29.35nn ?( 3.1. 50o1 1< Q 135.28 55DQ 111..18 Q 219 .76 5JDQ 35.22 Q 281, 98 53DQ 181.36 Q .166. 34 F./UrZ--.,L 78 . iO /C=iTo PTF b--oo/ PE T B. 50 0, 2554 PF L 10.00 C=L2O PT F O,OO PE T 10.00 0.9553 PF L 1.00 C=120 PTF O.OO PET 1.00 0.5917 PF PT 8. 50 0. 00 B. 50 9. 00 0. 00 9. 00 1.00 0. 00 r. 00 B. 00 0. 00 8. 00 25.50 r6, 00 +1.50 4. 00 0. 00 4, 00 L L . JV 0. 00 21,50 26. ++ ( 220 ) 0. 00 Z. LT 28.61 (2r8) 0. 00'9. 55 38.16 (216) 0.00 +0.59 *38.75 ( $8) n4r.49 ( 56) 0. 00 0. +3 41.92 ( 55) 1.41 13. 33 ( t.i ) 0, 00 0 .20 .r3. 53 ( 53 ) 0. 00 2 0a 47 .51 ( 52) 0. 00 2.29 49.80 ( 5r) 0. 00 o. 25 50. 05 ( '19 ) 0. 00 1.81 51.86 ( 18) 0.-13 4. 61 539. 65 92.76 632. 1r 36. 18 6FiB. 59 2.635 FM9 2.635 FM8 Z. DJ) FM7 2.635 Flt6 ,360 FTIS ,260 FM4 4,260 FM3 1.260 FI!2 tr-n F-n F=0 F-n F=C tr-n F-T F=0 F=0 C=LZO 0.0504 C=LZQ 0.1566 0, 1999 C= 120 0.1972 C=l2O 0. 0552 c--r20 0. 0628 C= 120 0. 08,12 C=l2O 0.0933 c{9 D I.\ I 0.19 BN1 380 BN2 <t 53 52 51 52DQ.a' J9 51DQ r\v 48 49DQ /.\v 17 .IBDQ /1v L F T L F I L F T L I T ft- FI' f PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF T F T L I' T * F T PAGE 6 VAIL REMODELVAIL, CO Locat ion From To a Flow in GPM 668. 59 Size IN +, z.ou 2a:O I'R3 +, 026 f K.L -t. 026 FR1 {. 026 FR1 6. 3.+0 UN 8.450 FILE NO TRr|NSPO2 Pipe F i tt i ngs Equi r Pressure Summary PSI PT 56.90 ( 17)PE 0. 00PF I,12 PT 58.02 ( 7)PE 0. 00PF 10.99 PT 69.01 ( 6)PE 3,47PF 3.44 z{ PT 7s.92 ( $5)PE 5.20 4PF 1,47 PT 82.59 ( +)PE 5,20PF, I,47 PT 89,26 ( 3)PE 3,47PF 3. 78 & Length Dev i ces Ft Friction Loss PS I /Ft C=120L F I t.l T L r T L F T I F T L F T 12,00 0. 00 'I F=0 FMi T2,0. 0933 C=I2O L.l 0) PT-E rr PT PE PF PT a 668. 59 668. 59 668, 59 668. 59 668, 59 668. 59 r-T1-l F=0 F=0 F=T,2E r-f r.17.80 B. 00 20. 00 28, 00 12. 00 0. 00 12.00 12. 00 0. 00 12.00 310.00 64. 00 37"1 . 00 950. 00nnn 950.00 10. 00 46. 60 56. 60 0. 0933 C=120 o. 1229 C= 120 o. r?29 C=120 a. 1229 0. 0101 T C= 140 0.0025 C= 140 0.0025 96.51 0. 00 2. 37 98. 88 0. 00 0. 14 99 .02 L F T ,'\ 7r=rrc PreuurelF€l) | tJl'{tt ht fJ+(tcl rt !rArr4{NhllJsgEgttEE+l9 ietf, (JeoEBgggEdSgg lr --tn zn Ton >{ oz o rn z, rnn 3-.f $fg 0, O l':,9-0,9'*iu F"g r3189'selrFS o9gpt t*f'l " oa .o rl:o !ooo+$ 1' 1'u, ul oN oPm 0) PPPP' tfloouo(]o(I} 61 r}6}6l.Il!!! ,, ---- # { I oT E TFg{DUOAI< F' .t '.+gP6'E 5'x a 1O oSS9. + ul< 8bb:aoTOTTxOO o PoNo bo oT3 iel'Go3 O!So:< <!r! 803tl!9AE E'3T1EOtt 09-26-199623s0FY4vAt;,CEiltEB REMODELVAIL , AFG/MESA ,1894 VAN WIIEAT RIDGE, 8003 3 FILE NO FLOY{ TEST RESULTS Water SupplySTATIC 125.00 PSIRESIDUAL 12+. OO PSI EI + 'lTRANspo rtt r 020. 00 GPM 687.5 GPI{ }II NIMUMFLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE @ CITY PRESSURE .{VAILABI-E AT SUMtrT.{RY OF SPRINKLER OUIFLOWS 12.1 . 52 PS I SPR ACTUAL FLOW 101 to? I n') -tnl ro7 108 110 111 ltl 1j-3 I. ID I17 I lo L2T t2? 125 126 127 t28 ^), 27. 26. 2t. 23. )1 22. iB. 15. 20. 1R 22. 17. 15. )'l 25, 95 t'5 61 39 76 BC 2B 5B (JJ 53 03 43 00 71 51 61 15. la, 15. l: 1< il. i< r< 1< 15. 15. 15. l5, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o0 00 00 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5, 60 5. 60 f,. bu 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 s. 60 5. 60 s. 60 5, 60 5. 60 19. B-l 21.39 22. 58 14.58 18.00 15.15 15. 84 11.01 7 ,23 13.97 10, 95 15. +B 9. 69 7.r7 15.08 L7 .63 20 .9L 22.67 L7 .99 13.04 J., fls,l;t 26. z 1s. f,. 5. . ..r:, 09-25:1996 PAGE 2VAILREMODELVAIL, TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O UAXIIIULI PRESSURE UNBALANCE IN LOOPS IIAXIMUV VELOCITY FROM 8 TO 9 137 ,9 GPM 250.00 GPM 687..+9 GPM 91.93 PSI O. OO PSI 22. 83 FPS il { SUBMITTAtr, VAIL TRAN VAIL , COLO Locat i on From To 115 118 i, 37 115DQ nv :23508Y4 CENTER REL{ODEL F ln GPM 15,00 I a i1 33. 53 Pipe Size IN 1.0{9 BN1 1.0 i9 B);1 Fitt.ings & Devir:es F- | r r- rr F=T E-T F=T l:-TI -l tr-T I -I Equ i r' Length Ft 13,00 B. 00 21. O0 5. 00 5. 00 10, 00 13. B, LL, J. 10. I ( o Friction Loss PS I /Ft C= 120 u. tJlo+ C= 120 0. 338+ 09-?6-1995 PAGE 3 Pressure S umma r y' PSI PT 7,17 (LLg) PE 2. 17 PF 1. 60 PT 10.91 (1r5) PE 1.30PF 3. 38 PT 15,62 ( 37) 127 tzg n tt I r ,1tt t\n+ J LL t uU v nv 20.22 ,1 "<+J. Y/ +J, > I 1.0-1 9 BN1 I . 0.19 BN1 1.049 ,\tI'1 1.049 BN1 L, ') t J BNl L F T L F fI L F T L F T L r T T r T L F,r I L l: T L F T L F T L T 1. 00 C= 120 0000 0. l32B 00 C=LZO 0000 0.5590 50 C=IZO 0050 0. 5590 PT r3. 04 ( 128 )PE 2. 17PF 2.79 PT 18.00 (1.i7) PE 1.30 tPF 5.59 1 PT 24.89 ( .15) PE 1.95PF 5. 31PT 32.15 ( 25) + Z L LO Q 26.67 Q 26.67 5. 00 C=120 PT 5. 00 PE 10. 00 0. 2216 PF 4. 50 C=I2O PT 5. 00 PE9.50 0.2216 PF PT 5,00 C=l2O PT5.00 PE 10. 00 0. 2055 PF ,+.50 C=120 PT 5, 00 PE 9. 50 0. 2055 PF PT 5.00 C=120 5. 00 10. 00 0. 1556 1. 50 C=I2O i nn 6,5C 0,1519 22.67 (126) I ?n 2. ?2 26.19 ( +2) 1.95 L. LL1n ?< r )1) 20.9t (125) 1.30 2. 06 .ta .t4 / ar\z+,4t \ +r.,t . 1.95 1.95 28. 17 ( 2L) :3 12 +r t25 2i "11 39 1r6 22. 03o PT 15.48 (11.6) PE 1. 30 PF 1. 56PT 18,3.1 ( 39) PT 15.C8 1i2r-) PE -0, +3 PF 0, 99 1t 1.049 BN1 1. O49 NRl 1. S{e: ' Et{l 1'7 1 ) 1 'fl SUBUtrTT. VAIL VAIL , COL Locat i on From To L7 37DQnv ln GPM 33. 53 55 .27 Equ i r' Length Ft 1.50 5. 00 9. 50 1. 50< nn 6. 50 +, 50 5. 00 ,. JU Loss PSI, [t C= 120 0. 8533 CENf,ER REMODEL Pipe Frtt ingsSize &IN Dev i ces 1. 049 NR1 1. 0-19 D\'t 1 . 0.19 NRI F=T 09-26-1996 PAGE 4 Fr ict ion Pressure J> LZZ nY l q lann v 23.41 ?2.03 15, 5.+ T F T L t: -t- T L F T L F T fL. F T L F T L F T 1l- I T L F T L F T L F T C=120 PT 17 .63 PE -0. +3 0.1755 PF 1.14 C=LZO PT 18.34PE 1.95 0, 5965 PF 5,67 PT 25.96 ( 00 C=120 PT 9.69 ( 00 PE 2. L700 0. 1009 PF 2. 12 Summary PSI PT 15.64 ( 37)PE r. 95PF 8.11PT 25.70 ( 17) ( 122) ( 39) *r,r* 1*? )t-t -t -t L L I o 'tc r I tTtr\rJU r rtrlv '? c I / +.) 20. 93 38, 36 38. 36 t I BN1 . U+Y BN1 .049 NR1 1. 049 BN1 ;0+g .'ij. 1 sHl , o49 BN1 J6ID r- tr F- I I: 't1 .J. a). 9. 00 C=120 PT OO PE00 0..1341 PF 50 C=IZO PTOO PE50 0.1341 PF PT 13. 98 ( 1r+ ) 1. 30 4. 34 t9.62 ( 36 ) 1.95 +, LZ 25.69 ( 16) r-10 111 a 35 r1oDQ a 33:.09 13. 00 8. 00 21.00 5, 00 5. 00 5. 00 5. 00 10.00 C=120 PT 7.23 (111) PE 2.17 0. 0769 PF l. 6l C=LZO PT 11.01 (110) PE 1. 30 0. 3.104 PF 3. 40PT 15.7r ( 35) C=I2Q PT 15. B+ ( r09)PE 1. 30 0. 1590 PF 1. 59PT 18.73 ( 33) 35 108 v 15 3 5DQ a 21.80 33. 63 1. 0"19 BNi 1 . 0.19 NR1 t-T 1.50 C=l2O PT 15.15 (108) 5.00 PE -0.436.50 0.1526 PF 0.99 -1.50 C=120 PT 15,71 ( 35) 5. 00 PE r,95 9.50 0.8579 PF 8. 15PT 25.81 ' i;) F-T STJBUI VAIL VAIL ,COL ion To Locat From ln PM\t REMODEL t'itl:.....-r r LLrrrEo & Devices Eriuiv Leng tlr I.L Frietiort Loss PSIiFt 09-25-1996 PAGE 5 Pressure Summary PSI 33 .tJ 33DQ n 23.76 22.28 .+o. lJ+ P ipe Size IN I. U+:' DNl 1. 0+9 NRi L F T L F T r.50 C=120 PT 18.00 ( 107) 5.00 PE -0..13 6. 50 0. 1789 PF 1. 16 1. 50 C=LZO PT 18. 73 ( 33 ) 5.00 PE 1.95 9. 50 0. 6086 PF 5 .78PT 26.16 ( 13) 101 10-t l'\v 29 101DQ a\v 929 n\. 1!r03 30 102 l0 30 Q 26. 61 1. 0+9 BNI 1.0+9 ti.\ r 1, 0J9 \RT 049 BN1" 049 NRl .049 BNl .0.19 NRl 2.067 CTI l ?.067 clt I 22. 58 1. 30 2.2r 26.09 1. 95 2. L0 30. 1.1 z+, J't | ')n 2. 37 28, 06 1.95 z. za J 4 , 1,O 25 .69 0. 00 0. 00 25.69 0. 00 0, 02 ( 11) (102) 21.39 ?1 .95 i6. 33 16. J3 F={E F=T F=T F=T I -l i..). 8. 2t. 10. -+. -J. 9. Lrf I I f T t F T L F T T r T L F T T I. T 00 C=|ZO PTOO PE00 0. 1173 PF 00 C=120 PTOO PE00 0.6156 PF 50 C=LZO PTOO PE 50 0.6156 PF PT 14. 58 ( 104 ) 2. L73.09 *t 1e.84 ( 161)1.30 t6. 15 27.30 i 29)l. 95 5.85 35.10 ( 9) t31It 5 00 C=120 PT 5. 00 PE10,00 0.2207 PF 4. 50 C--120 lT 5. 00 PE9.50 0.2207 PF PT 5. 00 C=120 PT 5. 00 PE 1.0, 00 0. 2370 PF 4. 50 C=120 PT 5. 00 PE9,50 0.2370 PF PT fB.50 ) C=LZO PT\o-o€l PE8.50 0.0000 PF 0. 50 C=120 PT0.00 PE 0. 50 0. 0332 PF ( 30) ( r0) ( 16){o r' I L I T L7 17DQ o 1. 68 JJ, I / 56. 9r:'Q T--n ( L7) 09-26-1996 PAGE 6SUBITITTI VAIL VAIL , COL Loc'at i on From To 19 18 ,^Y 20 l9DQ n\< 21 2C v aa -) tT\n11 4 LU\J a\ LJ !-L n 1i 1l r1 2+ 23DQ n B 25DQ 1.} ln GPIIT 56. 96 r02. 50 2i.61 128. 11 r2B. rt 26.67 't < r ', r7 43 .97 198 .7 4 P ipe Si ze 2, 467 cltl 2, 067 cI{1 2.067 cilr2 2. 067 ctt2 2,467 cytz l,ubl cu2 2.067 cltz 2. 067 cxz 2.Q67 cul 2.067 cMl l. t.,o / a:It 1 2.067 REMODEL Fittings & I)ev i c;es F=E F=0 i =u F=0 t-n F=0 Equ iv Fr ict ion Length LossFt PS I /Ft L 7.50 C=120F 0. Ir 7.50 0.0332 L 0.50 C=I20F 0.00 T _, 0. 50 0. 098.1 /c 7----\L ( L7.OO) C=L2OF \tdT 22.OO 0.0984 L 7. 00 C=IZOF 0.00T 7. 00 0. 1486 L 7.00 C=120 r at ,1n. U. UUT 7. 00 0. 1.186 L f.50 .C=I2OF 0.00T 1,50 0,2108 L 7.50 C=IZOF 0.00T 7.50 0.2108 lJ 4tt---\L l72.OO) C=IZOF..--ffi T 72.OO 0,3348 B. 50 C=120 0. 008.50 0.4147 0.50 C=L?O 0. 000.50 0.0807 7.50 C=I20 0. 0c 7. 50 0. 0807 1. 50 C=LZO 0. 00 1. 50 0. r70B Pressure Summary PSI PT 25.71 ( 1B )PE 0. 00 PF 4,25 PT 25.96 ( 19)PE 0. 00 PF 0. 05 PT 26.0r ( 20)PE 0.00PF 2, L6 PT 28. 17 ( 2t)PE o.0o *PF 1.04 f *PT 29.2L ( 22)PE 0. 00PF 1. 0.1 PT 30.25 ( 23)PE 0.00PF O.32 PT 30.57 ( 21)PE 0.00PF 1,58 PT 32.15 ( 25)PE 0. 00PF 24, ILPT 56.26 ( 8) PT 25.69 ( 16)PE 0.00PF O. t2 PT 25,81 ( 15)PE 0.00PF 0. 0-+ PT 25.85 ( 11)PE 0. 00PF 0.6i PT 26.16 ( 13)PE 0. 00PF A.26 13 16. a 1l 15DQ.n 0 12 l3DQ .\'Y 55.43 92. 1L r-it1 L 't L F T L I T L F T 'tL, 1t {6.01llB. r- 09-26- 1996 l0 in GPM L2 Q i38.15 i LDQ 2€).6i Q i64.76 1ODQ 27 .65 n i ar,'t I iv lr.1 . +r 9DQ 46. 33 Q 238. 74 BDQ t9{J,71 Q "137. 49 Q 137.19 Q r37. +9 5 Q 437.49 137 . 49 +J ' , -+ -Y F=E cMl 2 .067 F-n clt I 15, 00 5. 00 20.00 '(fn.O Y#' 9. 00 0. 00 9. 00 30.00 r5.00 {5. 00 15. 00 I J . OU 28.60 95.00 22. BO 1i7.80 8. 00 40, 00 +8. 00 12,00 0. 00 r2.00 12.00 0. 00 L2. OO 310, 00 6.1. 00 374. 00 950. 00 0. 00 950,00 10.00 '16. 60 56. 60 Pressure Summary PSI 26.72 ( L2) 0. 00 3. 12 30.1.r ( 11) ) t1 Pipe Size IN 2.067 2.067 c\{ I 2.067 CMl + . zo r) FR4 +. zou FR3 1 .026 FR2 4.026 {R1 ','o7# Fittings & [)erir:es F=0 F=T, E F=28 F=T, 2E F=0 E-n F:=T ,2E F=DDC Equiv Length Friction Loss PSI /Ft C=120 0. r708 C=t20 0.2366 C=l2O 0. 3153 C= 120 0, 4700 C=IZQ 0.0126 C=120 0.0+26 C=LZO 0.0561 C=l2O 0.055r C=120 0. 0561 C= 140 0. 0046 C= 140 0. 0011 0.0011 I F T I T L F T L F T L F T L F,r I r E T L F T tt- F T L T L F T L r.I''r PT YL PF PT rE- PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF 32.27 ( r0) 0. 00 2.81 35.11 ( 9) o. oo *2r. 15 f5t56.26 ( *8 ) 5. 20 r.22 62.68 ( 7 ) 0. 00 5.02 67.70 ( 6) 3. +7 2.69 5) ot 1) PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF .1i' .340 UN 8.450 o r:n 73. 86 ( 5,20 0 .67 79,73 ( 5. 20 0.67 85.60 ( 3. 17 1.72 90. 79 ( 0. 00 1. 04 91. 83 ( 0. 00 0. 06 91. 89 ( SRr ? r37. 19 F-T PT 0) I 0.t5 oo oNo o Ita H '_ :|J'ltrl0-0(,) o-oo.ooo. . rollnt r.'rNNO CL i{ r{ c\ a ,-EO,rLof# 0) 'd.D O*r#,- )tUrool,>, +. er->(/|d Ll z, 0-(, t .9 g 'TIT(Lo(L(LoooGt to-tolo Itoln o J uJoo =Iuu u IUFz lrJ O zo Fu o 0. U)2 tF a ooo(')toot NOOt\(vl |n0r N(0 ao0-c ooooj'i :o o Pu "tEd6oC E- Ottlt!C!oo : co.i83 -e,c a,ts-o{oq t'i 'e -.ii,:,: u o(LU|n{ -? o0 0 0q,octF .: ,: .,.1, j 'iI oooo)Olroooeooeoooooooorn+fllSIFC,o'OFOv)NNNNNNIFFFr-F 888RE8S oc;a E6A! b5()E .96E\r> =tt:o tOEooc| ;; l.' O 1,or,r,n*r,o r Sprinkler A Upright or Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufaclured by: C€ntral Sprinkler Company 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 fri,;;;oi,orF The Central Model A Upright or Pondent Sprinklers ofler the ultimate in aeslhetic appeal and advanced design features. They incorporate a unique center strut design which results in a smaller, more attractive sprinkler than lhose manufactured- with a more traditional design approach. The center-strul operating '' - mechanism ol the Model A sprinkler responds significanlly faster than more tradilional mechanisms such as the 8mm glass bulb or link-and{ever. The Model A Sprinklers are intended for installation in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. They are available in a wide variety of orif ice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes, and corrosion resistant coatings. Operatlon: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze center stnrt by a stainless steel ball. When lhe alloy mells at its rated temperature, the ball is forced upward into the center slrut, releasing the two ej€ctors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most olher sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric condilions that could affect its proper- functioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since lhere are no prolruding €lements, /'* extending beyond the sprinkler trame. Technical Data Model: A Style: Upright or Pendenl Orifice Size K Faclor Thread W psnn) 2.7 @.eI W @zr@N.Pf. lAs" 1rr.t nml 4.21a.n1 W 0z.z rO N.P.T. tA" pz.znnl 5.6@.q %' 0z.zn-lN.P.T.tlh'pasnml 7.8 (1t.s4) tA' 1z.zrflN.P.T. "th' fts.s nnn) 8,1 1ts.g) 3/q' 1e.t r@ N,P.T. Temp. Rating and Frame Arm Color: 135"F/57"C Uncolored 165"Fn4"C Uncolored 212"F/100'C White 286"F/141"C Blue Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., F.M., M.E.A., V.D.S., LPCB (see tabulatr information on Page 3.) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 500 p.s.i. Standard Finishes: brass. chrome plaled (chrome ls not V.D.S. Approved and white paint is U.L. only.) Coatings: wax, lead, or wax-over-lead (see tabular intomation on page 3.) Pintle: on deflector for 3/e', ?r0", and 17/gz' orilice by lz" lhread Length: 2slg" (so-ss nn) (excluding pintle) Width: 17|rc" pa.nm1(frame arms) Weight: 4.2 oz, pte sramsl For specilio lisling requir€monts s€e the approgdate lnto.rnat on conlalned in this brochure. 1{o.2-l.O u.L., *u.L.c. ' 286'tamporalure ls not U.L.C. Approvad wlth corroslon-rgalttrnl cotllng!.- No corroalon-real3lant coallng! arg Approved by MEA."' Lead only.'" Llstsd a! hlghtemperalurs, wax cortedlorlnstallstlon$hors marlmum amblenlcalllng lemp€ralu re does not srcaad 150oF. 75.SA U nlnstallat All Central Model A Sprinklers must bs installed according to current NFPA 13 Standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards oi any alteration to the sprinkler ilsell will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation musl also meet' local government provisions, codes and slandards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size, and temperature raling prior to installation. Install sprinklers atter lhe piping is in plac€ to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. ion,.U:,'JJi:"ffi:3i.il:k? " ""Central Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Pendent Sprinklers for use in dry pipe sprinkler inslallations. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. ln the event of a thread leak. remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1, The unit must be installed in the upright position for upright style sprinklers, and in the pendent position for pendent style sprinklers. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon* tape. Apply only to the male threads. 'T€flon ls a tradomark ol lhe DuPont Com. 3 Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler into lh€ fltting. For upright sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Combination Wrench, and for pendent sprinklers use a Central Sprinkler Universal Wrench, to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.{bs. of torque; a tangential force of 14 lo 28lbs. delivered lhrough a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may distort the orilice seal,' resulling in leakage. For exposed piping syslems, the sprinkler should be orionted so tho frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe. and ^'MEA .C.l Ca!. No. 375- Orlflce Slze and Style Temperature Rating ("F)Corroslon-Reslstant Goatlng 3/a" upright and pendent 7re" upright and pendenti/z' upright and pendenl 17lse' (x t/a" thd.) upright and pendent 1'lsz' (x 34" thd.) upright and pendent t*t135 16s 212 ****2g6***.|35 16s 212 ****286***i35 16s 212 ****296 165 212 ****2g6 165 212 ****296 lead, wax, wax-ove r-lead lead. wax. wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead, wax, wax-over-lead lead. wax. wax-over-lead F.M. Orlflce Slze and Stvle Temperature Ratlno ("Fl Corroslon-Reslstant Coatlnq 3/e" upright3/s' upright3/e' uprightr/z' upright and pendentt/a' upright and pendent1/2' upright and psnd€nttzle' lx r/2'thd.) upright and pendenl t7h2n (x1l2r thd.) upright and pendenlt7le" (x 1/2" thd.) upright and pendenl 171e" lx %" thd.) upright and pendenttTler lx3/l' thd.) upright and pendenttTlp' (x %" thd.) upright and pendenl 135 165 212 2't2 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 286 286 286 286 286 286 286 246 135 165 165135 165 135 165 lead wax-over-lead wax lsad wax-over-lead wax lead wax-over-lead wax lead wax-over lead wax LPCB Llstlngs Oriflce Slze and Style Temperatule Ratlng ('F)Gorroslon-Reslstant Coatlng t/a' (15 mm) upright and pend€nt t7ltz" (2O mm) x 3/r' lhd. upright and pendent 135 165135 165 212 212 286 286 v.D.s. Orlflce Slze and Style Temperaturc Ratlng ('F)Corroslon-Resletant Coatlng %' (10 mm) pendent '/z' (15 mm) upright and pendentnle' (2O mm) x 3/+" thd. uprighl and pendenl 135 135 165 165 165 212 286212 286 U Recessed Sprinkler - H Model H Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania'19446 t I Product ffi;:ti:i::JfiX'ilHi:"Jff:t"I A I Description ;i""#H"i;H'ilixT"'"1","""fif,5 " - are no protruding rinks or revers. nTechnical The Central Model H Recessed Pendent Automatic Sprinklers are low cost, aesthetically pleasing unils thal have long been considered the finest Recessed Pendent Sprinklers in the industry. The Recessed Pendent incorporates the Central Model H Center Strut Sprinkler with a special two-piece recossed escutcheon assembfy permitting 1/2" ot lield- adjustment. The ceiling escutcheon plate, offered in either plaslic or metal, is easily installed after the sprinkler is in place by simply pushing it over the sprinkler and into the upper support piece until located flush with the ceiling. This feature allows removal of ceiling panels for easy access to ceiling equipment without taking the system out of service to remove the sprinkler. The Mod€l H Recess€d Pendent Sprinklers are available with a %" orif ice. The Model H Sprinklers are available in three standard finishes. The mating escutcheon plate is available in three standard finishes with additional special finishes available. Operatlon: A fusible alloy is sealed into a bronze cent€r strut with a slainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated lemperature, the ball ie lorced upward into th€ center strut, releasing the two eiectors and operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, the alloy is Model: H Style: Recessed Pendent (adjustable) Wrench: Univ.ersal Orifice Size: 7z' Kjaclor: 5.6 Thread Size: %'N.P.T. Temperalure Rating: 135"F/57"C, 165oFt74'C, 212.F1100'Q Approvals: U. L., U.L.C., F.M., MEA (Cal. No. 37t75-.SA) Factory Mutual (light hazard, ordlnary hazard I and ordlnary hazard ll) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 Psi Factory Hydro Test: 1OO/" @ 500 Psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass, chrome plated, *white painted Esculcheon (metal): brass plaled, chrome Plated, white Painted Escufcheon (plastic): brass plated, chrome plated, white painted Length: 27r" widrh: Sprinkler: 1%- (across frame arms) Upper Suppott Piece: 2%" (dia.) Ceiling Escutcheon: 3%" (dia.) Adjustable Range Below Ceiling: 1/2" lo 1 ' Weight: 4.2 oz. -U.L. only. ,r llDesign I NDataIJ Deslgn Requiremenls - Standard Appllcations In Standard applications, Model H Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13 Standards. Do not use the push-on escutcheon plate to hold the unit in position. The sprinkler will only function properly when the syslem piping is anchored to the building structure. Otherwise, reaction lorces from system initiation could alter ihe sprinkler alignment and disrupt the dislribution pattern. Step 3. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon. tape. Apply only to ihe male threads. Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Use a Central Universal Sprinkler Wrench to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" ratchet handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 tt.-lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. Step 5. To install the escutcheon plate, align it with and push il over the sprinkler body and into the upper support piece until lhe outer edge of the escutcheon meels lhe mounting surface. The recessed escutcheon toof npy be used to install ihe escutcheon plate easily from lhe floor. Do not over- or under-tighten the sprinkler to compensate for inaccu- rale. escutcheon plate adjustment. Caution: Special care musl be taken when installing with a CPVC system. Sprinklers must be installed only atter lhe system has been tested and drained, to ensure that no primer or cement accumulales within the sprinkler. 'Tellon i6 a trad€mark of lh€ DuPont Com. mt Gare & Ljl Maintenance Sprinklers must be handled carefully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient lemperatures may exceed 10fF88'C. For besl resulls. store them in a cool dry localion in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painled, coated, plated, or allered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper working condition of all fire protectlon devlces and accessorles. The NFPA Standard 25A entitled. "lnsryction, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Syslems", contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furlhermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspection that must be obeyed. It is advisable to have sprinkler systems inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. flnstallation All Model H Sprinklers must be installed according to current NFPA '13 Standards. Devialions lrom lhese requirements and standards, or any alteralion lo the sprinkler itself will vold any wananty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes, and slandards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to insure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style; orifice size, and temperature rating prior lo installation. Inslall sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe syslems must be protected from freezing. Refer to Central Sprinkler Model A-1 dry pendent lor use in dry pipe sprinkler installations. Upon completion ol the installation, lhe system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installallon Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the pendent position. Step 2. The sprinkler fitting should be a nominal 1" (plus or minus %" behind ihe finished ceiling line). Final adjuslments are made via the push- on escutcheon plate to compensate for variations in the f ittings. Sidewall Sprinkler-H Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler Manulactured by: Central Sprinkler Gompany 451 North Gannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product Ilescription The Central Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are designed with special deflectors that discharge mosl of the water away from the nearby wall in a quarter-semispherical pattern with a limited portion of ihe . discharge directed toward the wall behind the sprinkler. They embrace lhe ultimate in aesthetic appeal andI, advanced design features via incorporation of a unique centor slrut design, which results in a smaller, more attraclive sprinkler than those manulactured wilh a more traditional design approach. The center-strut operating mechanisms, such as the glass bulb or link-and{ever. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are inlended for installation in accordance wilh current NFPA 13. They are ideally suited for use in churches, clubs, schools, hospitals, off ices, restaurants, auditoriums, retail stores and similar occupancies. They are available in a wide variety of orif ice sizes, lemperature ratings, finishes and corrosion resistant coatings. Operatlon: A lusible alloy is sealed . into a bronze center strut by a slainless steel ball. When the alloy melts at its rated temperature, the ball , p,. is forced upward into the c€nter strut / releasing the two ejectors andi: operating the sprinkler. Unlike most other sprinkler designs, lhe alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions thal could affect its proper functioning. lt is also less susceptible to mechanical damage since there are no protruding elem€nts extending beyond the sprinkler frame. nTechnical Model: H Style: HorizonlalSidewall Orifice Size and K-Factor: 1's" (e.5 mm) 2.6 P7.18) 'Aa' 1s.s mm1 4.2 (60.06) 1/2" (11.1 mm) 5.6 1ao.oa1 Thread Size: lz" (tz.znm)N.P.T. Temp. Rating & Frame Arm Color: 135'F/57'C uncoloredorblack 145"F/63'C uncolored or black 165"Fn4"C uncolored or black 212"F/100'C white 286"F/141'C blue Note: Color idenlilication is not required for plated sprinklers. Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., .F.M. ,.M.E.A. (375-75-SA) (. %" orifice only) Standard Finishes: brass, chrome Decorative Finishes: black, white, off-white (U.L. Only) Corrosion-Resistanl Coalings: wax, lead, wax-ove r- lead (see tabular information on page 3) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 p.s.i. Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 p.s.i. Pintfe: on deflector for %" and 7Aa" orifice. Length: 23A'p9.9mm) widrh: Frame Arms: 17Aa" (a.s mn) Deflector: Isla' (s9.69 mn) Weight: 3.1 oz.pz grams; a2JzV2p79r= &v&w fuztrfu -'Z,/r.v>- /+r1 e-,&) ) e.-,/q/ llo. 2.15.O nffinnicato * Llsted as hlgh temperatur€, wax coated tor installatlon whor. maxlmum amblent celllng temperaturs doeg not erceed lsOpF. F.M. Temperature Rating ("F)Orilice Size Corrosion-Resistant Coating 135 145 165 212 286 ,/z 1/z ,/2 ta 1/2 L€ad Lead L€ad Lead Lead Deslgn Requirements - Standard Applicatlons The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are intended for standard area coverages and standard flow and pressure requirements as specified in current NFPA 13. The %" and '1/a" orilice sprinklers are U.L. and U.L.C. Listed for inslallation in light hazard occupancies only. These sizes are not F.M. or M.E.A. Approved. The Tz" orifice sprinkler is U.L. and U.L.C. Listed and M.E.A. Approved for installation in lighl or ordinary hazard occupancies only. lt is F.M. Approved for installation in light hazard occupancies only. The Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed with the dellector from 4" to 6' below ceilings and not more than 6" away from the wall or lintel surface through which they are mounled, "unless special construction arrange' ments make a ditlerent posilion advisable for prompt operation and effective dislribution" (see NFPA 13). There is no maximum ceiling height limitation for multiple sprinkler installations, when utilizing the Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers. idewaf l Sprinklers for use in dry gyt€ lon of the installation, Bfnstallation All Central sprinklers must be inslalled according to current NFPA 13 standards. Deviations lrom these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranly made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes and standards as applicable. The system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice size and lemperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after lhe piping is in place lo avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe the system must be tested per recognized standards. In the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape and reinstall. Installatlon Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in the horizontal position. Step 2. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Tetlon. tape. Apply only to the male threads. Step 3. Hand tighlen the sprinkler into the fitting. Then use a Central Combination Wrench to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7-14 fl-lbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14-28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft-lbs. may dislort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. GAUTION: Do not "wrtnch" or turn the deflector, as thls actlon may damage the sprlnkler and cause lt to leak under preasur€. ' Telloal ia a lr8d€lr|ark of the OuPonl Co|9, f,Tfiflfif,AN'E Sprinklers musl be handled carefully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient temperaturos may exceed 100oF/ 38'C. For best results. stor6 them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do nol install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any olher way from manufactured condition oI they may not function propetly. Any sprinklers altered in such a manner musl be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled, "lnspection, Testing and Maintenance u.L.s Temperature Rating ("F)Orifice Size Corrosion-Resistant Coating 135 145 165 212 286' s/6t' , 7/16't ,1/2tl 3/e' , 7/ta' ,Y2" 3/a" , 7Aa' ,'/"" Te" , %a" ,Y2" s/eu , 7Aa" ,t/2" Lead Lead Lead, Wax, Wax-Over-Lead Lead, War, Wax-Over Lead L€ad, Wax, Wax-Over Lead to the Central Bulletins on the Model H-1 Dry Horizontal Dry Pdhdenr Sp?lnklenr Receried, Flush ond Rev. No. 1 .:.:l , *.h, _t i t, l Ertended Types Model rrali" Listed by: rJnderwriters Laboratories, Inc. Underwriters' Laboratories o{ Canada Approved by: Factory Mutual, B.S. & A. of New York Ciiv Description . Operation . Technical Data ' @ Central Sprinkler Corporation - 1986 Central Sprinkler Corporat ion 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 362-0700 lha r'A.l'' Racaatad Dry Prndrnt otforc a€sthetlc app€81 es the sprlnkler ixtends only b€twoen.1^and 1% Inches below the celllng. The recsssod typs $culcheon easembly ls comprlsed of an upper esculchoon support pl€co p€tmanontly altachod to tho sprlnkler frame and a celllng .a3culcneon plece that rllps over the Inltalled aptlnkler and has 7r Inch of llsld adlustmcnt. Tha "A-1" Flurh Dry P.ndot otters aosthellc appeal as thc sprlnklir oxtcnd! only bolwoon. 1% to'2 lnches b€low lh€ celllng. Tho flu3h lype oscutcheon ass€mbly ls comprlsed ol an -upper escutcheon suPport piece permanently attachod to the 3orlnkler fiame jnd a celllng esculchoon plece that lllps oYot lhe lnstalted sprlnkler and has yt Inch of fleld adfustment' Thl "A-1' Eilcndcd Dry Pondcnl, doslgnod toi use In spoclal appllcatlonr such as lre€zlng envlronmehtc and condlllonr whor6 sedlmont or torolgn matorlals mlght eccumulalo In ordlnary drop-nlppler, lncorpoialea a two plcce- adlullabls glcutcheon essombly used whenevor ll ls oo3lreo io locate the sprlnklir delleclor at a groatar than nonnat dlstanco bolow tho calllng du€ to lh€ pr6€nc6 ol flush typs llghts, ctc. The defleclor dlstancc oetoi tne delttng mdy be ar much as &5/E Inches wlth thls assem6ly. lt has 7,8" adlustment. Descrlptlon Dry Fendent Sprlnklers are: F .'ctlor! 7- Rcclrrcd '- urnrrnum Li;ir?iirton t" s" Orderlng Informatlon: Specify: 1. Quantlty and StYle 2. "A" dimension 3. ThrnrC Slze 17," ot 't", Operotit Cenlral's Modol "A'1" Sprlnklers lcature 'lh€ baglc Contral ccntor strul sprlnkler. A fuslblc alloy ls soaled lnto e bronz€ c€nlor st.ut (f9l by a slalnless steel ball (t10). When the slloy mells, the bsll is forced upward Into the cenlor strul r€l€aslng lh€ two electors (t8) and oporatlnO lhe barlc-cprlnklet (*11)' Thlr caus€s the rcleai ol cap On and bGhlng (F) allowlng gultle iu* trcl and thrust bearlng (t4) to droP down, allowlng ball Oearlrigi (|3), seal (f'2) and plungcr (rl) lo b€ released and elccted thiough tho sptlnkler wlth th€ waler st,eam' I , Technlel Dqto Thread Slze Nomlnal Orlf lce Avallable Temporature Flnlshes "A-l' Dry Pcndontg 165'F 212'F <28,a'F Factory Bronze Chrome Lead' Whlto Enamel" t/t" 5.6 or 1" 57.20 7il rC 100'c 141 'C r- Atw.y. Inrtall dry p.ndml tprlnklco ln r lco oullct NEI'ER In en clbow. tmpOftant Notes: a Wtrcievcr poarlblc Inrtrll by applylng plpt- wrt-nch.lo t/t" ot 1" bnrr conncclor. ir irii.it" toquo Plecrd up6ir ilrc rprlntlrr ltrllf crn G!ut! brcrllgr' 'Lead coatlng 13 aYallable on "A'1" Extendod. Otr tttJ;A-f "hwtt lt ls avallablefor16S'end a2'sprlnklooonly' "l riite enamel flnllho! ar€ not U.L Llsted or F.M. Approv€d' * tr?rr"rl Rb,cEgSeD t-lta I I Crocc Sectlons li ct|uxc , r|rr t: : Flurh Mlnlmun "4" Olmcnllon la 21^" 4. T€mperature Rallng(s) 5. Flnlsh 6. Quan t lty - Un lverga I Wrenches !-tl.'in. 6i)-- Not..: '1. "A" dlmonslon l! dllt8nce from lac' ol tcc to calllng lhc. 2. Approvod longth llmllellon3 8?e e3 lollow!: P.ndtni UPtlghl U.L, I F.M' 36" Not Ll3tod 4/86 '--€ Listed by: Underwriters Laboratories, lnc. Approved by: B.S.&A. of New York City Description . Operation Technical Data ' @ Central Sprinkler Corporation - 1986 Central Sprink ler Corporat ion 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)362-0700 Descrfpllon operoil" . Centralb th', Model "H-1" Flush Dry Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler is designed for use in special applications such as freezing environments. lt incorporat€s a deflector spe- cially designed to meet the new Underwriters Laborato- rles, Inc. etandards for sidewall sprinklers, which com- bines apeed of oporation with aroa coverag€. lt is listed for use in both llght and ordinary hazard occupancias when installod in accordance with N.FPA. Pamphlet #13 spacing rules. Ag it is one of th€ emallest sprinklers being made todav only 11h" wide and ZYt' in overall length, it featur€g tho ultimato In aesthetic appeal. A two piece flush type wall escutcheon is provided as standard and allows 72" of fl€ld adiustmont. Central's Model "H-1" Flush Dry Horizontal Sprinkler features the besic Central Conter Stut Sprinkl€r. A fudUe alloy is sealed into a bronze cont€r strut by a stainless steel ball. When the alloy melts, the ball is forced upward into the cent€r strut relearing tho two ejectors and oper- atlng the basic sprinkler. This causee the release of disc(r8l allorying guide tube (16l and thrust bearing lr4l to move forward allowing ball bearinga (#31, soal lrD and ptunger (rl! t9 be rcleased and eieaed through th6 sprlnklel with the water stream. Unlike most othor sprinkler designs, the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions which could possibly affoct its proper operation and it.is lees suso8ptiblo to mechanical lnjury since there are no pro- truding links or leVers. J Nominal Thread Slze Oriflce Size N.P.T. Technicol Doilo Available Color"K" Ternp€ratur€ PaintedOn FinishesFactor Ratings Frame Arms Available |6" (15mml 5.6 loSo (57.?Cl 16ry(740c1 21?(1oecl 2&P (1410C1 Factory Bronze Polished Chrome Satin Chrome * Lead "Whhe Enamel %" or 1" Black None White Blue 'Leed Coetings available for 1@ and 21? sprinklers only. '*White Enamel finish not U.L, Llst6d.\\:\Nir\\\'\\.--.-.--.------. TM I Cross Section lmpolhntNotec: 1. lr---1-T rml 1. 2. 3. nra IrqrEq iul lorloq I__-___1 l lrtt'L -l lys" lL ORDERING INFORMATION Ouantity Model Number Orifice eize Temperature Rating Finish Quantity- %" Standard Offset Wrenches "A" dlmension ia distance from face of too to flnlshed wall. Minimum "A" dimension ie 2'1". U.L. Approved length limitatlon is36". Specify: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Always install dry horizontal sprin- klers in 8 toe outl€t NEVER in an elbow Install by applying piPe wrench to lc" or 1" brass connector. Prlntrd In lJ.s.A, Notss: o @norrEn VSR.F VANE ryPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Potter Electrlc Signal Gompany 2081 Graig Road. P.O. Box 2B4gO St.Louls, MO 63146-4161 (314) 8784321 e (800) 325-3936 Potter Electric Slgnal & Mfg. LTD 1967 Leslie Street Don Mills, Ontarlo, Canada M3B2M3 (416) 441-1833 u.s. PAT. NO.3921989 CANADIAN PAT, NO. 1009680 OTHERS PATENTS PENDING POTTER ELECTRIC, Rd.. 1990 UL, ULC and CSFM Llstod, FM and LPC Approvod, NYMEA Acclpted Serylce Presrure: Uo to 450 PSI lllnlmum Flow Rate for Alrrm: 10 GPM Mexlmum Surg€: l8 FPS Cont.ct Rltlngr: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amos at 125/250VAC 2.0 AmDs at 0-30VDC R€sisliv€ Condult Entrence3: Two knockouts Dro\rided for 1/2" conduit Envlronmcnlal Sp€clf lcatlons:. Sultabl€ for indoor or ouldoor us9 wlth factory installod gasket end die{ast housing.. NEMA4 Ratsd Enclosura . use with appropriat€ conduit litting. Temperatur€ Range: 4C'F/120'F, 4,5"C/49'CI Non-corroslve sle6v€ fectory installed In saddlo Cautlon: Thls device is not int6nded forapplications In explosive environments Slzes Avallable: Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" BS 1387 pipe 50mmlhru200mm Servlco Ura: Automatic Sprinkler On€ or two family dw6lling R€Bid€ntial occupancy up tofouratorleB National Fke Alarm Code Optlonal: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stk. No.0090018 NFPA.I3 NFPA-13D NFPA.ISB NFPA-72 a GEI{ERAL INFORMATION The Model VSB-F ls a vano type waterllow switch tor use on w€t sprJnkler systems. lt is UL Listed and FM approv€d for us6 on stael plp€; schedules 10 through 40, sizes 2', thru 8". LPC approved sizss are 2" thru B' (somm thru 2OOmm). The unit may also be used as a seclional waterflow detector on large syslems. Th6 unlt contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switcheg and an adlustable, instantly recycling pneumatic reterd. Th€ switchos aro acluated when a llow ol 10 gallons per minute or morc occurs dorynstrsam of th€ dsvice. The flow condition must exist for a p€riod of llme necGsary to overcome the selecled retard Dedod. ENGLOSURE: The unit is enclossd in a general purpose, dle-cast housing. The cover is held in plac€ with two lamper r€sislanl screws which r€quire a special key for r€moval. A field installable cover tamperswitcfi is available as an oplion which may be us€d lo indicats unaulhoriz€d removal of the cover. See bulletin no. S40O77S tor in- slallation instructions of this switch. INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 These devices may b€ mounted on horizonlal or verlical pipe. On horizontal plp€ they should bs installed on lhe top side of lh€ plpe where they will be accessible. The units should not be install€d within 6' of a fltting which changes the dir€clion of lh€ watertloh, or within 24' of a valve or drain. Drain th€ syst€m and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. The 2" and 2 1/2" devices require a hole wlth a dlam- Eler ot 1 1/4' + 1/8' - 1/16". All other sizes reouire a hol€ wilh a diameter of 2" I 1/9". Clean lhs inside pipe of all growth or olher material lor a distance equal to thE pipe diameter on either side ot the hole. Roll lhe vane so that it may be inserted into the hole; do not bend or creasg it. Insert lho vane so that the arrow on thE saddle ooints in the direclion of lhe walerflow. Install the saddls shap and tighten nuts allemalely to an ev€nlual 50 ft-lbs. of lorque (see Fig. 2). The vane must nol rub the Inside of the pipe or bind in any way. MKT, f880000r . REv K MFG. f5400761 - 3/95 PRINTED IN USA PAGE I OF 2 @.poTTEt( VSR.F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD .) FIG. 1 3lllcH TEFt'lt{AL ccxtNEcno S CI.^TPI{O PLATE TERI/| AI ""f FIG.2 RETARO AO.IUSruENT: TO CHANGE rU€ n RN XNOB (EIn€R DTRECnON) FOR DESIRED IIME DELAY. USE THE MNIUUM AMOUNT OF RETARD NECESSARY TO PREVENT FASE ALARMS. A .tr SMINC IS USIJAI.IY AoEouArE FoR mrs. FAcroFy rs sE ro't. 00 NoT tE tfE corEn off FoR OCENO€D P€RK'O OF TITIE NGHIEN NUTS ALIERMIELY TO AI{ EVENruAL sOF'.-|.aS OF TOR(UE rf! ftzF! CAUTION AN UNINSULATED SECTION OF A SINGLE CONOUCTOR IS NOT PERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUND THE TERMINAL AND SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNECTIONS. THE WIRE MUST BE SEVERED TO SERVE AS TWO SEPARATE CONNEC. TIONS, THEREBY PROVIDING SUPERVIS|oNOFTHECONNEC. TIONS IN THE EVENT THAT THE WIRE BECOMES DISLOOGED FROM UNDEF THE TERMINAL. IIOUNT ON PIPE SO ARROW ON SADDLE POINTS IN URECNOIof w rERFtov ROTI PADOTE IN OPPOS1TE OIRECTION OF IVAIERFLOW TO INSTALL, ]i LL A HOLE AS INDONTED: PIPE SJZE HOLE SIZE t/{ + | /a-1/1t J" To 1c"t *. l/t ORECTON DWG. '76r-50 ^PPROX. RET RD SErnN06 0N SECS.) o o 10-25 I 20-ao c t5-55 0 50-70 z !o-c0 FIG.3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS I.OCA! BEL! IRAI{SIORMER OR BATTERT POWEREO smE B (cuss ?uTffi-uflE REsrstoR c|n AL RgtSloR t{OlE: Fm SUPElvlS€D dRCUITS sEE 'SATCH IER|a$UL CO mCtU{Si 0R wtNG AND Crunori }|olE (FtG. t). TYPEAT $ TCH ACNOI optt ott \L/ clost or ATARM J . AIRM TO AIIDT DEVICES OR REIURT{ TO COI{IROL 61i-o-[iGu7 crose o.r ,.\ J'1 * -----\-/- SIGMI-ING DEVICE Dwo. 176r -r 3 NOTES: 1. The Model VSR-F has two switches, one can be us€d to operalE a central station, proprielary or remote signaling unit, while the oth€r contact is used to op€rat€ e local audible or visual annunclator. 2. A condition of LPC Approval ol this product is that the €l€cldcal entry must be sealed to Excluds moisture. TESNNG The frequency ol inspection and testing for the model VSR-F and its associaled potectiro mmilorhg system should be in accordance with applitxble NFPA Godes and Slandards ancVor the authority having lurMbtion (manuhcturer recommsrds quarlerly or more fiequenlly). ll prwiJed, the'lnsp€ctors T€st'\rah,€, that is usually located at fp end of Fre most remole branch line, should always be used to test purpooas. lf there are no provisinns for testing he operatlon of f|€ ffow detection devic€ on the systern, applicatlon of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum llow ol 10 gpm is required to adilate tris device. MPOFIANT I.|OTICE: Please advlse the p€rpn r€spot'rsible for testhg of tre Fhe Proteclion Syst€rn that hb syslem must be legted h accordancs with lh€ 'Testing" Inslruc-tions. . *88qrc01 . REV K suP€R\rs€D LooP (sEE [otE) MFG. 15400761 . S/95 PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBMITTAL Victaulic@ Fire Protection Valves *. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Body: Ductile lron to ASTM A-536, painted Ball: Type 316 stainless steel Stem: Slainl€ss steel Seat OFE) tetratluoroethylen€ Stem Nutg/Warh.E: St6el, zinc platod Brack€l: Carbon Sleel, painted Aclualor Nut: Bronze Actuator Houslng: Cold rolled sleel, painted Actuator A1m: Ductile lron to ASTM A-536, zinc plated to ASIM 8-633, Black Chromate Sirdlches: Standard-Unsup€rvbed (UNS) tr Optional: Doublo polo double lhrow supervlsory swltch (SOD) raled 10A125/150VAC; 0.25A250/DC; 0.50A'l25VDC Swltch Houdng: Carbon St€el, paintod MATERIAL SPECI FICATIONS Body: Ductile lron to ASTM-536, coat€d with Polyphenylene Sulfide Blend Dlec: Ductile lron to ASTM A-536. EPDM Coallng Stem Bearlng Nuta: Bronze Brackels: Carbon Steel, painled Actuator Nut: Bronze Actuator lcad Screw: Steel Aciuator Houslng: Cold rolled steel, painted. 8-inch only Ductile iron to ASrM A-s36 Acluator Arm: Duclile lron to ASTM A-538 Zinc plated to ASTM 8-633, Black Chromate. Slnch only ste6l, painted Swltches: Slandard-Unsupervised(uNs) (Il Optional: Double pole double throw supervisory switch (SOD) rated 10A125/150VAC; 0.25A250VDC; 0504125VDC Swltch Houslng: Carbon Steel, painled Th|spmdUctsha||bemanUlactUredbyVictau|iccompanyo|America'o]thejob|istedbe|ow.A||productstobe|nsta||edinaccordancg inslruclions. Victaulic les6nms tho ilht to changc poducl spocllicatiorc, desilns and standard oqulpmont witi0xt notice and tvitlpul incurring oblioatlons. VlCtArtlC OOTPANY OF AiIERICA . P.O. Box 31 @ Copyrlght 1989, Vlclaullc Crmparry of Amerlca. . Eaaton, PA 18044-0031 Prlnlsd ln U.S.A. . 215/252-6400 . FAX 215/250-E817 5MH 12/89 VS-PVF o R€glstersd llademark ol Vlctaullc Compsrry ol Amorlca ctaulic. O S"ri"-i"" 727 FlreBall'" Valve UL/FM Grooved End Ball Valve PRODUCT DESCRIPTON The Series 7t7 FireBall valve is a slan- dard porl, end€ntry valve UUFM rated for 300 psi service in all sizes. Valve body and €nd.cap ar€ paint€d ductile iron. The ball i3 polishod 316 slainl€ss stesl rivith a stalnlogs Bt6sl stem. TFE seats aid in oasy op€rdlon and provlde a corroslon free seat. Str€amlined design prwides excellent ftow characloristics. Series 727 FireBall valves fior performance exce€ds UL Specificetion 1091 and FM Approval Standard 1112. Supervisory switch options include Un-. supervised (UNS) and Supervised Open Double pole/doubl€ throw (SOD). Swltch monitoring closed position is an available option. Contact Victaulic for details. Series 708 UL Listed/FM Approved Grooved End Butterfly Valv-e PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The So.ies 708 UUFM butterfly valro has a ductile iron body and disc with EPDM disc coating. The body is coated with h€at fused polyphenylene sulllde bl6nd to m€st U.L. and FM requirements. For fir€ prot€c- tion services Series 708 is list€d and ap- proved for 175 psi service. Flow psrfor- mance exceeds U.L. Butterfly Valve Specification 1091 and FM Approval Stan- dard 1112. Supervisory swilch options include Un- sup€rvised (UNS) and Supervised Op€n Double pole/double throw (SOD). Switch moniloring closed position is an avallable optlon. Contact Victaulic for details. 'o Series 727 FireBall'" Vf DIMENSIONS/WEIGHTS Series 708 UL/FM '',.',,| ! t Butterfly Valve DIMENSIONS/WEIGHTS llom. She Incir| nm Pl0r 0.0. lncirl nm mar. Wl. Prrt3ut€ PSI fPr Dlmondonr-lnchcclnnnmrn Apgu. Wl.E. U|' b EbE A Hoi0hl B c t f G ll J t(L 0 2 50 2.515 60 300NN 5.50 r10 6.00 1n 1.56 10 2n4 52 3.13 80 3.24 82 4.n t1'l 050 165 0g/ 25 2.47fil 4.m 192 950 13 Th 65 28t5 73 gl0 ?sIO 6.30 160 761 1S3 2.q) 5l 2.41 61 4.00 1U2 331 92 4.X7 111 050 165 0.9 25 2nn 4.00 102 't3.75 &2 3 80 3.500 89 300 2ot0 6,61 168 8.00 203 2.19 to 260 66 438 111 c80gl 4.97 1t1 6.50 166 oc/ 25 304tl 4.00 tm t&50 E.4 Flow p€rtomancr fot Sories 727 FlroBall valve 6xcaed3 UL sp€clllcatlon logt and FM app.orrod standard 1112. llomln!l $lrr ln,ftnrn Dlmsmlonr-lnchrcrnllllmrbr Applu. U!t. Er. r.hrr.Elo€ A Hsl. B G t E F G H J r L o 4't00 4.flt tlE 10.79 n4 2.48 63 5.m 't29 0.gr 2 5.98 152 029 rm 4.Clfll 7Sl 1gl 09/6 2.N 71 1.00 1(P 110 d'l 5 125 5.88 t19 il30 300 2Sl 5.61 142 043 1l 5.98 152 081 177 4.gllll 7.9Itl fir 25 3.n 1q, 4.m l@. 183 8,2 6 150 5.88 119 12X2 326 3.54 90 6.m 151 1.00 25 7.47 190 7.26 r84 4.57 111 8.12 206 0glu 396 101 4.00 r02 23p 1q1 I 200 5.33 135 1632 1n 4.75 121 7.94 2t2 1.28gl 1020 259 c07 230 6.62 r68 f.n 298 1.95 50 2.66 68 d00 r52 48.0 2'18 Note: Flow p€rbrmenc€ lor Serl€s 7()g Buttarlly Valve e(cee& UL Eutts.fly Valw Sp€clllcstlon 1ml and FM Approral Slandatd 1112. i; The first Sch. 10 and Sch.40 sprinkler pipe to be fully UL Listed i$i't" tlf'o'ls' o Sch. 10andSch.40 Fully tll, list€d and FM approved sprinlder pipt ffi Appto\,td @ Llstld Americsn Tube & Pipe is the firet manufacturer to offer UL lieted, fM approved Sch,l0 and Sch. 4'0 eprinkler pipe. Although these productr do not require separate approvals, American Tube & Pipe givea you the extra quality assurance you demand. Our Sch.l0 (l%"-4") pipe and Sch, 4O (I"-2") pipe have paesed the same thorough lab test- ing ae our other lirted pipe producte, and receive periofic mill inspectione from both IJL and FM agentE to enoure consistent quality. Meetr *Buy American" requirementc and is available through distributors nationwide, irnerican Tube & Pipe'e Sch. l0 and Sch, ,10 pipe are in compliance with the following: .[srlvlAl35 ASTIIIA795 l\trPA 13 Both pipe products also meet the strin- gent rcquir€ncntc for the following reeu: a Welded Outlete a Hydrosratic Preesure o Sidewall Ruphrre a Vibration Teet Our exclusive "Diamond Coat" U.V. cured acrylic linieh offers a clean, durable eurface that outlaste typical lacquere. It is alto painr-ready for cus- tom color applicatione without epecial preparation . American Tube & Pipe producte can be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requiremente for dry systems in accordance with the zinc coating specilicatione of ASTM A795 or A53. ty..' Vr" 2" 2 tA' 3', 4" ,.6u *8" 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 6.625 8.625 42.2 48.3 60.3 73.0 88.9 I14.3 168.3 2t9.r LMz 36.6 1.682 42.7 2.ts7 54.8 2.635 66.9 3.260 82.8 4.260 108.2 6.357 161.5 8.249 209.5 .109 .109 .l$ ,120 .120 .120 .134 .188 2.77 l.8l 2.77 2.08 .u .95 1.20 l,6t 1.97 6l 6l 37 l9 l9 l9 l0 7 2.77 3.05 3.05 3.05 3.40 4.80 l" lnu lVl" 1.315 1.660 1.900 33.4 42.2 48.3 1.049 1.380 1.610 26.6 35.1 40.9 .133 .140 . t45 3.38 3.56 3.68 r.68 ,t7 2.72 .76 1.03 1.24 6l 37 37 tTlr6 6' rnd A Sc|1ed1rb l0 ripe ollccd bv Arncricaa TuLc & Pipc ir rold ulder licenrc from anothcr domcstic mant{rclu.tt ard mcct! ASTM Al35 ead NFPA 13. 2525 N.27th Ave. 101 E, Broadway Phoenix.Az85009 Kokomo. lN 4@O1 Custorner Seruice 1€0G877-8823 1-W-272-ffi FAX 602-2691324 6.95 5,000 ctrf^l{Y rflonrormD lllBlr' Black Lighh,va[ Threadable Pipe The original "black" lghtrull dueadable pipe with exceptional hythaulics and economy A,rrrerican Tbb€ & Pipe Company took a popular idea nnd rrrnde it betten Unlike other lightwall threadable pipee, BLT is black, making it a perfect malch wilh nroet other eprinkler pipes. Anrl rhe black coating is eafer to weld on dran zinc coated pipes. BI.JT'e proven hydraulic advantoge and llglrter weiglrr adds value to any syslem. BUI'pipe is a lrlack, exceptionallv strong steel sprinkler pipe of tlre class generally known as "liglrtwall tlrreadable p\re3' Its wall thickness is less than that of Sch-41.) or Sch-I0 but the cold fornring Jrrocese undergone in rnanufactrrring gives IILT pipc mechanical strength characteristics erluivalent to thoee required for Sch-,10. It is designed for branchline use in wet, dry, prcaction and deluge systcnrs. lll,I can be joinerl with threaded couplilgs (when in accordance with Al\lSl Bf.20.l), rollcd groove or plain-emled couplings, or welded joints. Ul,.has aasigre<l BLT piyre Corroeion Resistance Ratios, (CRR) lese dran those of threadr:d Sch-,lo or l)yna- Thread'(see chart), 'fhe actual lifespan of the joint is depenrlent rrpon many variables, but may be affccted by watcr rpality or atmospheric conditions while in service. BLT pipe is nranufactured to meet ASTM A135, Grade A for fire sprirkler applit'a- tionE up to 300 psi working preEEure. It is UL listed for wet, <lry, preaction and deluge systerns, and FM apJrrovr:d for wet sprinkler systenrs. BLT fu ULC listed for wct systcn$ wlrerr threadr:d, and dry and preaction systcrns rhen untlrreatlerl. All threarled and welded fittings are tpproverl in accordance with NI'I'A |3. FM rerluires I2'rnaxinrurn hlngcr spa"ing firr BLT. C-Factors for Ill,T are 120 lor wet E)stems, snd C=100 for dry systenrs. Refel to llazen-Williams charts fbr accurate fl ow cornparisons. @ffi@ Approt/ed IILT piyre offers the rnaximunr hydraulic advantage of any available threarlrtbkr sprirrklel pipe. Its inside rliamctel is up to \Vo lwger than Sch-40 anrl identical to that of other lightwall threatlables. The use of BLT, in conjunction with Dyna- l'lowo pipe, can dramatically irnprove the fl,rw <,haracterisl ir"c, thcreby increasing thc potential for "tlownsizingo' system comp0lt.:nts. llLT pipc is coated widr orrr Diamond Coat'* 6nish, an advanced modi[ied acrylic that outlasts llpical laeqrrers. Althoqgh dre black exterior enhance^s a more unilorm lrxrk l'ith exieting piJrc systems, dre clean srrrfaec quality of BLT is re.adily paintable. fhe lightr:r weight of BLT is l distinct a<lvarrtage for retro-{it installations and can slso reduce labor costs, Bl,Tir. Fgi.t.rcd trEd..turkof lne.ic.n TulF & PiIF ComDme. ln.. All inf,,matior h*rin hrccurrte $ftno*rat rim of prblc.tion ind aF.ubjd ro.l8trS€ $irhou @rir. IT.ISIDNDIAI}IMER IJTTHREADBD CRn*,.' BLT SCH. 40 t"l. 104 1.049 .35 1.00 1.00 l. t9 9l r u4'r.452 l.380 .17 L00 l 00 1.53 6l I ll2'1.687 1.6r0 .lB t.00 1.00 1.8?6l 2-2.t54 2.067 .21 1.00 1.00 2.48 37 * (ialr:ulaterl rrcing Standarrl fll CRlt forrmrla, IJL [ire Protection Directory, Category VIZY, 2525 N. 27th Ave. 101 E. Broadway Phoenix, AZ 85009 Kokomo, lN 46901 Cuslomer Service 1-80G877-8823 1&2-272-6ffi6 FAX 602-269-1324 s,mo 6/95 Dyno-Flnd High Strength Steel Pipe The original high-strength lightwall sprinkler pipe with hl,draulics superior to Sch-10. A.rnerican Tube & Pipe Corrrpany'e l)yna-Flowo is the "original" high- etreuglh lightwall sprinkler ;ripe. ln addirion to havirrg outstarrdirrg hyrlraulics, Dyna-Flow pipe is er"o- nomical and easy to errl, fabricate and inetall. Avnilahle tlrrough dis- tributors nntionwirlc,, D.vrrn-Flow ia recogrrizcd as lhe rnogt popular alternate to couvenliorral Sch-lO pipe, Arnerican-nrude qualily and high perforrlramce enginecrirrg nrake l)yna-Flow a valuable addition to any lire protection ryElerrr. With an inside diameter of up to I l7o larger than Sch-40 and rrp to 77o lalger' than Sch-10, Dyna-Irlow pipe's hyrlraulics are exceptional. Larger I.D.s enable I)yna-Flow, unrl tlrr: rclatr:rl cornlxrnenl.sl lo be rlown-sized rvithirr the systcrn, thug increasing the potr:ntial for job cost savings. The chart above conrparcs the I.ll.s of Dvna-Flow with other pipc schedules. For complete Hazcn-Willianrs charts, refer to "Dyna-Flow Ilydraulic Data Tables. " Dyna-Flow pipe combines rhe efficiency of advanced hydrarrlic perforrnance with the value of long-term tlurability. Life expectancy, defined by Underwriters Laboratories as a Corrosion Resistance Ratio (CRll), is relative to the strength of the t'eakeet point of the pi;re, typically at the joint. All threadcd Sch-40 p\re joints have CltR of l 00. All sizes (1" - 4") of Dyna-Flow have CRR values of 1.00 or greatcr', thcrefore offering gleuter lifc expectancy. (See chart above). f)tna-l-lorv pipc is manufar:lrrlerl lo nrt:ct: A S'l'l\l .4 ?95 Type E, GrarLr A arr<l is in r:onrpliurrr:,. rvith NFPA-13 nnd Nl-t'.,|-t4,. All sizr:s of Dyla-florv are mtcd at lJ(X) psi working yrressure. 6" Dyna-l'low is ratcd at 175 psi b1 IM. Dyna-Flow is UL Listed, FM Approved and ULC Listcd. @ffi@ Approvad Dyla-Fftrw is Ul, / ULC Listed lor usc with roll groovrrl, plain-ended txrrrplings, and welded joirrts for rvet, dry prenction and deluge syetrlnrs, It is l"lll Approved for roll groovetl, plairr-enclcd, and rvelded joints lbr wet syslems. Ilefer to appropriate docurnenlalion for up-to-date listing nnd upltroval infirnnation. Dyna-Flow ran lrr: "lrot-tlip" galvanized to ntcet FIll's rerluirtrments for dry systerns. I Lightweight and easy to install, resulting in nrore efficient use of yonr freight ancl lnbor dollars. I Provides stability neerled to comply with standard hanger spacing (15 ft. O.C.) per NFPA. I Available in etandard lengths for your convenience, or can be ordered in custom lengths rrporr approval. ! Fast cutting and welding, as well as eaey roll grooving and end preparation. I Available in factory roll grooved form for quicker shop turnaround. I Clean, durable nrill coating provides longer "shelf life" and acts as an excellent primer for custom paint applicatione. Dtnrjflox ii. i.Eiitmcd r.n'|.'n{.k oflincri.{n n'l)r & Pit}. All intd.mrti,Jn ronrrinr,l her+in i6..(trrit. sr knoqn at lin. ol puliicetion. Ancrirrn 'lnlr & Pitr rererver the risht to .h.rt. t'rodtrrl rpdili.ttion. eithout notic..nd *ilfioul irdrring obliEotiotrs, INSIDE DIAMETER UL C.R.R.' DYNA-FLOW NPS DYNA- SCH.o.D. FLOW l0 SCH. DYNA. SCH. PCS/40 FLOV 40 WT/T'T LIFT I .315 l. 197 N/A 1.049 2.41 r.00 .791 9l l- l/4"1.660 1.542 1.M2 1.380 1.5)r.00 1.008 6l t-Uz',1.900 1.i52 t.682 1.610 2.44 1.00 1.404 6l 2.3i5 2.227 2.ls7 2.0(t7 t.97 1.00 t.769 37 2-lt2'2.875 2.73r 2.6its 2.469 1.04 1.00 2.357 l9 .f 3.500 3,340 3.260 3.0(;8 t.29 1.00 3.268 l9 4.500 4.328 4.260 4.tJ26 1.00 1.00 4.327 l9 (rn (t.(>25 6.403 6.3';i 6.065 .73 I.00 7.714 l0 +Calculatrrl rsing Stnndard UL Cltlt for rnull, [,Llire l'r{r1.,(.ti(nr &tripnrent Direr'lory, Category VIZY. 2525 N. 27th Ave. 101 E. Bloadway Phoenix, AZ 85009 Kokomo, lN 46901 Customer Service 1-800-877-8823 1-602-272.6606 FAX 602-269-1324 rltEnnil ruEE I P|PE' coirP W ficoRPonafto5,000 6i95 :L FIRE PROTECTION SYSTts UL LISTED/FM APPROVED PRODUCTS SUBMITTAL Submiltal ls. mad€ for approval ol lhe lollowing Viclaulic. piplng products indicate, wilhln the UL Lisled/FM Approved ritings in thii pubii6atlon. COUPLINGS AND FITTINGS FOR GROOVED STEEL PIPE !:nT,l,ts Serles 708"W PRODUCTS FOR HOLE CUT PIPE "f[i,ili#"s, 2 ,lr \- PFODUCTS FOR UNDERGROUND AWWA DUCTILE PIPE O Copp€r Ptoducts d% Thls produot lhatl bs manulactutod bv vlclaullc company ol Am€,lca. All producl! to b€ Inst.ll€d h accordanco with curaont Vlctaullo Inslallauory'r[ombly lmtructlmr.vbleutlo ,e...v.. thc dint o ctrango prboutt rp"orno"ironJ,i"dgniino rranorii {dpmen-r *ritr"ui norii"-lno t",rnoo hcur.tnc obug.uon, VICTAULIC COMPANY OF AMERTCA . p.O. Box Al . Eaglon, pA 18044-0031 l,lB-801 qXtS 15 MC I t/93 O CopydgN r9Sg, Vtctaufl,: Company ot Am.dcc Frtntcd t|l u.S.A. r 610/559-3300 r FAXr 61U250-8817 C R6gllt rod Trademrll ol Vtchiilc Comproy ol Amorlcr Q Blgld Goupllng Zelo-Flox. Style 07 ? O Hlgh Pra!aure Coupllng Slyle HP-70 rt V:F*H"H|^;r" Q Florlbl. Coupllng Styld 77 Q Boltla!t Coupllng Vlc-Boltl..r. Styl.70l O Rlscr Chsak Vtlvo FhsLockrr*'"j{ftJ$ PRODUCTS FOR PLAIN END STEEL PIPE FIT' PBODUCTS FOR SMALL DIAMETER PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schsdule 10 & 40 O Bsll V.lve (Thrsadod) 8€ri€s 722 SYSTEM SUBMITTAL th. ,ol UL Ey.]!m - Aulomrllc Sprlnk|.|. $/et_ Aulomstlc SprL*lot . Dry - slandplpe - Wot - Slandpho - Dry - Undsrgrouod WNte. Supply _ Sp€claltlazardr - Low P.a!.ur. CO2 - H.bo lSol THE COPPEN coNNECftoN... PRODUCTS FOR COPPER TUBING Q Fl6rlbls Coupllng Style 75 O Blgld Coupllng Flrelockrr Slyl€ 005 GROOVED END VALVES ACCESSORTES O Flre Pump Tral M.lst Slylo 735 'tti!*:'*Tv Cl6nap-LeltM Oull€l Styl6 925 "lflrff614r GgT Q Plaln End coupllng EouBl-A-Boul. Slyls 99 O Plaln End Coupllng Plalnlock' Style 9tl O Plaln End Flltlngr PRESSFITO PRODUCTS FOR SMALL DIAMETER PLAIN END STEEL PIPE Schedule 5 Q Tran8lllon ' Coupllng AWWA Duclllg lo Stoal Styl€ 3O7 "hl$ffi*"'.et p3 ,f i t ENGINEER ) I a o ) o ? a )i a I GEOLOGIC Al{D PRELIIIIilARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AFFORDABI.E HOUSING SITE AT THE TOWI{ OF VAIL ilA|r{TEN,\NCE FAC|LITY (BUS BARN) vAlL, coLoRADO Prepared For: Town of Vall Department ol Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attentlon: Mr. Andrew Knudtsen, AIGP Senior Houslng Policy Planner Job No. GS-1924 August 12, 1996 /n,/t-,y' bou/zu1 CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 8',l60l I (97O) 945-2809 I ] O D o a o a o a a TAB1E OF COI{TEIIIT SCOPE SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GEOLOGIC SETTING GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Potential Debrls Flow Hazards Potentially Unstable Slopes SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS BUILDING CONSIDERATIONS Slte Excavations Foundations Interior Floors and Exterior Slabs-On-Grade Below Grade Walls Earth Retalnlng Structures Surlace Dralnage LIMITATIONS FIGURE 1 . LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2. SUMMARY LOGS OF DGLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3 - INTERPRETED GEOLOGIC UNITS MAP FIGURE 4. POTENTIAL GEOLOGIC HAZARDS MAP FIGURES 5 AND 6 . GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 7. WPICAL NORTH.SOUTH CROSS SECTION THROUGH SITE 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 10 10 TOW'{ OF VA|L CTL/T G9r924 t D o a o I a a O a a SCOPE This report presents the results of our Geologic and Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for the Affordable Housing site at the Town of Vail Maintenance Facility (Bus Barn) in Vail, Colorado. Development plans had not been decided on at this writing. We were told that employee housing was being considered for the site. The purpose of our investigation was to identify geologic conditions, determine their potentlal influence on the planned development and establish preliminary foundation recommendations and other preliminary geotechnical criteria for planning purposes. Our report lncludes descrlptions ol the subsoil and groundwater conditions found in our exploratory borings and discussion of site development as influenced by geologic and geotechnical conslderations. Thls investigation was performed in accordance with our Proposal GS-96-171, dated July 16, 1996. Our report is based on a review of available geologic maps and published literature, conditions disclosed by our exploratory borings, site observations, results of laboratory tests, engineering analysls of field and laboratory data and our experience. The criteria presented in our report are intended for planning purposes only. Addltlonal site speciflc investigations are needed to develop design level foundation recommendations and building criteria. A summary of our concluslons is presented below,t SUMIIARY OF CONCLUSIONS We found no geologic or geotechnical conditions that would preclude ,/ the development of the property for the planned aflordable housing and associated inf rastructure. Subsurface conditions found in our exploratory borings were predominantly a thin veneer ol organic surface soils underlain by clayey to silty sands with gravels, cobbles and boulders. Some areas were covered by a thin layer of man-made fill from previous grading operations. No free groundwater was tound in our exploratory borings the day of drilling. 1. TOWN OF VAIL cTL/r G$l924 I t o a a a t a o ., The sands are medium dense to very dense and were judged to o possess a low compression potential when wetted and/or additional load is applled. Preliminary information indicates footings will be the predominant recommended foundatlon system for buildings at this site. Detailed Soils and Foundation lnvestlgations need to be perlormed for each building to develop the appropriate design criterla. Prelimlnary data indicates slabs supported on the sands will perform - well if bearing soils are not wetted. Control of surlace drainage is lmportant to the performance of foundations and slabs-on-grade. Surface drainage should be designed to provide rapid removal of surface runoff away from structures. SITE CONDITIONS The site is located north of l-70 in Vail, Colorado. Gore Creek is beyond l-70 to the south. The existlng Town ol Vail Maintenance Facility (Bus Barn) is below the site to the southwest. An exlsting public works buildlng is below the west part of ' the site to the south. Access is via the l-70 frontage road along the south side of the site. The site can be visualized as a benched area that slopes down to the south at grades measured and visually estimated at 15 to 20 percent. Ground surfaces. above the bench slope up to the north at steep grades in excess of 50 percent. Ground surlaces below the bench slope down to the south approximately 20 vertical feet to the frontage road at grades measured and visually estimated at 2 to 1' (horizontal to vertical). A drainage swale approximately 6 feet wide and 2 to 3 feet deep trends down to the southeast along the north side of the bench. A larger, man. made drainage channel approximately 8 to 10 feet wide and 6 to 10 feet deep, drains down to the east and south along the west side of the site. Remnants of a building foundation are on the south central part otthe site. Vegetation consists ol grasses and weeds with some sage brush. Aspen trees are on the steep slopes above the site to the north. 4. 5. TOWN OF VAIL CTUT GS-1924a ) t a a a I O a a ., PROPOSED DB'ELOPIIENT Development plans had not been decided on at thls writing. We anticlpate several multl-family buildings will be built. We were told that prelimlnary development concepts were for 12 to 35 units in several multl-family buildings. An alternative concept is modular units set on permanent foundations. The buildings will llkely be one or two stories tall with walkout basement lower levels. Lower level floors will likely be slabs-on-grade. The buildings will likely be wood frame. We antlclpate foundation loads will be light and may vary from 1,000 to 3,500 pounds per llneal foot of foundatlon wall. Interior column loads may be 15 to 40 kips. Buildlngs will be stepped into the naturally occurring slopes to minimlze the amount of earthwork needed lo construct foundatlons and lower levels. The allgnment ol the road to provide access to the bulldlngs will cross steep slopes and wlll llkely require a retalnlng wall or other stabillzatlon technique for lhe excavated slopes necessary to achieve subgrade elevations. GEOLOGIC SETTII{G The site is located in an area of lolded and faulted Paleozoic aged sedlmenlary strata between the Gore Range to the northeast and the Sawatch Range to the southwest. A lault which trends north-south ls to the east of the site. Reglonal geologic mapping lndicates the site is underlain by bedrock of the. Pennsylvanian aged Mlnturn Formation. Bedrock orientation strikes generally east- west parallel to the trend of the Gore Creek Valley and dips to the north. Surface' deposits at the site consist of Quaternary aged glaclal drift and alluvlal fan deposlts.' The entire site is underlain by glacial drift with allwial fan deposits overlying the gf aciaf drift in the west approximate ly t lZ ot the site. The glacial drlft ls made of I f I fi t clayey to sllty sands and gravels with cobbles and boulders. The alluvial t"" lll't/l,l deposits are similar to the glacial drift but tend fo be finer grained and more I stratified. Interpreted Geologic units are shown on Figure 3. TOWN OF VAIL CTUT G$I924a I I o a a t I a a a GEOLOGIC }IAZARTIS We did not identlfy any potential geologic hazards that would prevent development of the property lor the planned aflordable housing. Two concerns related to geologlc conditlons were ldentlfled that need to be considered during the planning phase of the proiect. The west approximately 1i3 ol the site,ig e! rsmall Potential Debris Flow Hazards The alluvlal fan is comparatlvely small and we observed no evldence of recent. debris llow actlvlty. ln our opinion, the potential debris flow hazard ls comparatively low. We recommend reviewing potentlal debrls llow hazards in light of the hydrology study that will be needed to develop the site dralnage plan. We believe ltl,\1\ mltigatlon, if needed, may Involve sile drainage structures being over sized to altow lv' ' ' for potentlal debrls tlow. Potentially Unslable Slopes The steep slopes above the sile to the north appear to be associated with an ancient landsllde and are potentlally unstable. Field observations do not indicate that recent slope movements have occurred. In our oplnion the site ls comparatively stable and the potentlal for slope stabllily hazards is low. We recommend excavatlons at the site not Intersect a 2:1 (horizontalto vertlcal) line extending down and away from the tow of the steep slopes (see Figure 7). lf excavations are to be Into the sleep slopes, detailed slope stabllity analysls will be needed to judge slope stability and develop mltlgation recommendations. We believe the property can be developed using geotechnical and construction practices normally employed in mountalnous regions in lhe locale of the property. ll,i I \ {{I{,IL\ TOWN OF VAIL cTt /T GSr924 alluvlal fan and the steep slopes to the north of Potentlal geologic hazards are shown on Figure 4. a I I a a a I o a a o SURSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurlace conditlons were investigated by drilling four (a) exploratory borings at the approximate locations shown on Figure 1. Our borings were drilled using a track mounted drill rlg and 'l-inch diameter, continuous flight auger. Drilling . operations were direcled by our laboratory and fleld manager who logged the soils and obtained samples for laboratory testing. Graphic logs of the soils found in our, borings and results of field penetration resistance tests are presented on Figure 2. Samples obtained during drllling were returned to our laboratory where they were visually classified and typical samples selected for tesling. The results of laboratory testing are presented on Flgures 5 and 6. Subsurlace conditions found in our exploratory borings were predominantly a thin veneer of organic surface soils underlain by clayey to silty sands wlth gravels, cobbles and boulders. Some areas were covered by a thin layer of man-made fill from previous grading operatlons. No free groundwater was found in our exploratory borings the day of drllling. BUILDING CONSIDERATIONS The buildings will be stepped into the natural hillslde slopes that occur at the site. An access road may be extended from the frontage road below to provide access and a parking area. We anticipate clayey to silty sands and boulders will be lound in excavatlons at this site. The following paragraphs discuss excavations, providel/ Vreliminary foundation and floor slab support concepts and discussf below grade walls and earth retaining structures. Site ErcaYations Prlor to constructlon, all exlsting foundations, utilities or man made fill will need to be removed from below and within 5 feet of areas to be bullt on. We estimate existing fill depths of 1 to 4 feet over approximately one-third of the site. TOWN OF VAIL CTUT G$1924 5a I t a I , t I I a t No parts of the foundatlons should be supported on fill. Fill may be required to achieve subgrade elevallons for the lower level floor slabs, exterior concrete slabs and the access drive. Areas to receive fill or to bear slabs-on-grade should be grubbed and stripped of existing fill, vegetation and organic soils. The resulting surlace should be scarifled to at least 8 inches deep, moislure conditioned to within 2 percent below to 2 percent above optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95 percent of slandard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). Fill can consist of the on site (including "old" flll) solls free of organics, rock larger than 4 inches In diameter or olher deleterious material. Fills should be moisture condltloned to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content, placed in 8 inch maxlmum loose llfts and then compacted to at least 95 percent of ASTM D 698. Grading plans had not been developed at this writing. We anticipate site excavation will conslst of maximum 10 feet tall cut slopes. Excavatlons will need to be sloped or braced. Excavations should not intersect a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) ilne e{enoing oown an;;y:il;;J6; "6ep slopqslrilhe nolG@qllg (see Figure 7 'Typical North-South Cross Sectlon Through Site" and "Potentially Unstable Slopes" section). We believe the sands and gravels are Type C as described in the October, 1989 Occupatlon Salety and Health Admlnistration (OSHA) standards published by the Deparlment of Labor governing excavations. The publicatlon indicates a maximum temporary slope of 1.5 to 1 (horlzontal to vertical) for Type C soils above the water table. We recommend temporary slopes be 1.5 to 1 (horlzontal to vertical) or flatter. Permanent slopes should be no steeper than 2:1(horizontal to vertical). Soils removed from excavations should not be stockpiled immediately adjacent to the upper edge of excavations. We recommend stockpillng excavated soils a horizontal distance from the edge of excavations equal to at least the depth of the excavation. ,r/' TOwl{ OF VAIL CTUT G9I924a , I a I , a o a I o Free groundwater was not encountered in our exploratory borings. Depending upon cut depths and the time of year, water may be present. lf free groundwater ls encountered, we recommend excavations be sloped to a positive gravity outfall or to sumps where water can be removed by pumping. We should be I notified immediately ltfree groundwater isencountered toallowreenluation of oulj conclusions and recommendations presenfed herein. Foundations Foundation excavations will be into the natural soils. We have assumed that fill will not be below loundations. We expect that it will be posslble to use maximum bearing pressures In the range of 3,000 to 5,000 psf for footings bearing on the sands and gravels depending on the posslble presence of compressible clay lenses in the gravels below the planned buildings foundations. Footings should be placed below lrost depths. We recommend a depth of at least 42 inches or the minimum requirement by the local building department. Interlor Floorc and Exterior Slabs.On-Grade Man made fill may be required below portions of some of the buildings. Slab- on-grade floors bearlng on the sands and gravels or on properly compacted structural flll at the planned bullding sites would be appropriate. To reduce the adverse effects of diflerential slab movement, floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints. Control loints should be used in floor slabs to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. Below Grade Walls 7 We do not anticipate subsurface conditions which will preclude basement / construction. Basement excavations gravels with cobbles and boulders. exploratory borings. TOWN OF VAIL cruT G$192r will encounter clayey to silty, sands and Free groundwater was not found in our a I I a a ) a o a a a fOun{el!;l1Uells will be subjected to lateral earth pressures. Foundatlon walls at the back of some buildings may act as retalning walls. These walls are restrained and cannot move, therefore, they should be designed for the'ht-rest" lateral earth pressure. Assuming the on-site soils are used as backfill, we recommend using an equivalent fluid density of 45 pct for sand or gravel backfill to calculate lateral earlh pressure. The above equivalent fluid density does not include allowances for sloping backfill, hydrostatic pressures, live loads or loads from adjacent structures. Water from surlace run-off (precipitation, snow melt, irrlgation) frequenlly flows through backfill placed adjacent to foundation walls and collects on lhe surface of the comparatively lmpermeable soils occurring at the bottom of the foundatlon o(cavation. Thls can cause damp or wet conditions in below grade areas of buildlngs. To reduce the accumulation of water, we recommend a foundatlon draln. The drain should consist of a 4{nch diameter open joint or slotted PVC plpe encased In free draining gravel. The drain should lead to a positive gravity outfall or to a sump to be mechanically pumped. Backfill placed adlacent to loundatlon walls should be compacted to at least 95 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). Earlh Betainina Structures Free standing retaining structures may be requlred adjacent to the access drlve from the frontage road. Several types of retalnlng structures are used in the area. Some examples of different types of walls are listed below: ln-situ Walls And Reinforcement Systems Tied-back walls tied back via soil nails or rock anchors Steel plle and lagging Micro piles TOWN OF VAIL cryT G91924o I I I I I I I a a O Gravity Walls Concrete or Masonry, with or without a cantilever or countertorts Cribs, bins or gabions lnternally Stabilized Systems Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structures Friction reinforcement systems A "rock wall" ls generally a landscaping feature. Rock walls greater than approxlmately 6 feet In height do not provide adequate resistance to lateral loads. lf rock walls are used we suggest a maximum height of 5 feet. The wall should be battered at an angle of approximately 60 degrees, the width of the base of the wall should be at least one-half the height wlth a wall face no steeper than 3/4 lo 1 (horizontal to vertical). Retaining walls that requlre a foundatlon can be founded with tootings bearing on the natural solls designed lor maximum soil bearing pressures similar to that provided for buildlng foundations. We recommend a coefficient of friction between footlng concrete and the ground ol 0.35. Retainlng walls will be subjected to lateral earth pressure from wall backfill and surcharges. The lateral load on the wall is a function of wall movement. lf the wall can move enough to mobilize the internal strength of the backfill, with movement and cracking of the surlace behind the wall, the wall can be designed for the "actlve" earth pressure. lf ground movement and cracking is not permitted, the wall should be deslgned for the "at rest" earth pressure. We suggest 40 pcf equivalent fluid pressure be used to design for the "active" case and ,15 pcf equivalenl fluid pressure be used to design for the "at rest" case. An equivalent fluid density ol 250 pct can be used for the "passlve" case. We recommend backfill behind retainlng walls be the on-site gravels less than 3 inches in diameter and be compacted to at least 95 percenl of standard Proctor maximum dry density. Lateral l. lr t TOWN OF VAIL cruT GS1924.l I ! I I I I o o a O earth pressure values do not include allowances for sloping backflll, hydrostatic pressures or surcharge loads. A foundation drain should be placed next to the footlng of any retaining wall. We should be advised il retaining structures will be required. We can aid the architect or structural engineer in the selection and design ol retaining walls to achieve a good combination of practicality, economy and pertormance. Surface Draimoe The ground surface around the structures should be shaped to provide for rapid run-off of surface water away from the structures and off road surfaces. We recommend slopes be at least 12 inches In the first 10 feet. Roof downspouts and other water collectlon systems should discharge well beyond the limits of all backflll around the buildings. Water should not be allowed to pond between buildings or on roads. Landscaplng and site gradlng should provide for channelization and directing of surface drainage down, around and away from all structures and roads, Areas where sheetwash can be expected to occur over ground surfaces at this site during sprlng snowmelt need to be protected from erosion. Proper control of surface run- off ls also important to prevent the erosion of surface soils. Sheet flow should not be directed over unprotected slopes. Water should not be allowed to pond at the crest or bottom ol slopes. Permanent slopes should be re-vegetated to reduce erosion. LIIIITATIONS Our borings were widely spaced to provide a general picture of subsurface condltlons for site grading and preliminary planning of development. Placement and compaction of slte grading fill and utility trench backfill should be inspected and denslty tested during construction. We recommend detailed soils and foundation investigations be perfomed at indMdual building locations to derelop design lwel foundation recommendations and building crileria. TOWN OF VAIL cruT GS-1924 O 10 I I t I I I o I a a This investlgatlon was conducted In a manner consistent wlth that level of care and skill ordlnarlly used by engineering geologlsts and geotechnlcal engineers practiclng in thls area at thls time. No other warranty, express or implied is made. ll we can be of further service in discussing the contents of thls report or the analysls of the lnfluence of the subsurlace condltlons or the design of proposed construction, please call. cruTHoilPsoN, tilc. (3 coples sent) TOWN OF VAIL CTUT G9t924 Wilson L.'LiirBdni a 11 {h .lz irEEgIE v)(,z &ogl &o E-( EoFlAXfrl f*o V)zo F.{ ()oFl \lNo Iv)(9 oz 3o o 6 C)a oz <-=-- zx E a EAQFlF E "?E3q?o"ho iE '--- Q HF?g 3'o88 PI EF E;3 d ooIatoo EilF €g +2. c AIga EE2o6z F a>.. €T oo Acl F 8.r' EXE aato N i hUtra)r*Ei*x :E i* I IEH Es €E :;i $ES E: B; $gE FiE Ei ff iEi iEE ii' F: $;; $iiufiFgiI*fiF &t-iaici'dEI E{oz c)o " fi, tsIE ! il ilmglill I i:e $ifiqii?E i eii ;€:E sE isd ! N I Depth In Feet l,rr,lrrrrlrtttlttrffi o.":5RRt olo6lN l.-trA2FI(9 E u)()z troF xoF EoFl FrXFI ko mooFf H cn N COq) CO o lO ol sq(\l AI co c\l C\t € ca lO co*$ F'i I\ coqS *JlE-i !{ F€qt$*gEr frl llI+ KFtt+t.l+l-nr iFt dO\\\to ooqt !. F{a\.NT€*JlFtsI .{i No Iv,(9 dz p oh lOolO 1,, r, 1,,,,1 r,,, 1,,,,f ,,,,1,,,,1 teeg trl qldaq aoooaoooo o olo oo q) n h i GEE =cEtg€-= -gE=; sg EESgt'3' Gl |!OF}E(goEEE6ctoo-t30.ag ..E B \goorfil(rt5\ A = CN Erf-lz (J CJoFlo F-l(.t QtrlF F]&&H FTFz Ft z E a EEi-{ \/a -lF; <;:e>= 3r?o vrr oF)-1 r=, - - j-a HF?g 3*88 F( TFo?z.i E133 l)?-<--- z ooooooaoo o c) 6 H8e52= fTJ o l. !b h .9 E')otD=9UA ctr1=E-e5E -, 6t2E-.€5 € sE = : ;eE E E.O = = xEc c lrLg s nfio o cL Gto. o. <.c \o\ 2 0 q' \UJra l,u c) C) 6 f 8.bNtu ETE A =,V) aH N FI CJl-a()oFlo trlo Ff F{z F]FoA t, 6<-z- z z pq m HA CN .1F E "?EIa3" )1 rz--|-1 HF?g 3raE8tr EE-' q;3 3 oooaotoooo a o o O o o o o o a Sompleof 5AND. CLAYEY WITH GRAVELS (SC) From TH-l AT 4 FEET Sompleof From- CLAY, SANDY WITH GRAVELS (CL) GRAVEL 23 % SILI&CLAY 49 % PLASrcIIY INDEX GRAVET 12 % $LT&CLAY 59 % PLASrcIY NDEX SAND 28 % LIQUID LIMIT -% SAND 29 % LIQUIDLIMTI-% Grodolion a JOB t\E . GS-l 924 TH-I AT 19 FEET Iest Resulis FIG. 5 a O o o o o o o o o a Sompleof SAND. CLAYEY WITH GRAVELS (SC) From TH-2 AT 14 FEET Sqmple of CLAY. SANDY WITH GRAVELS (CL) From TH-3 AT 4 FEET 6114y91 29 % SILT&CLAY 35 % PLASTICITY INDEX GRAVEL T3 % $LT&CLAY 54 % PI.ASIICW INDEX SAND 36 % LIQUID LIMIT -% SAND 33 % uourD uMtT -% Grodotion JOB NO. GS-1924 Test Results FIG. 6 o o o o o o o o o o o EXISTINIG GRIOIAID SIfFACE TOE OF STEEP I I t <-- SITE D- \ wE RECOi0IEIS hN EXCAVATION E}ELOW THIS LINE JCF f€. GS-1924 TYPICAL NORTH-SOUTH CROSS SECTION THROUGH SITE FIG. 7