HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY SUBDIVISION LOT 3 GORE CREEK PLACE MECHANICAL ROOM LAYOUTf4orcus Qore- Crce-h P\acq f4<chant c,A n^oorn U-tlo* rnt gy: 4240 ARCHITECTURE INc; POi r540o 3U JZ9Z65 / '+ ; Phonc: ?48-?543 Frr: 949-43?9 May'c-uo v.lv.\Mt ., El6?0 INT'ORMATION No.00024 rrfLE: Mechanical Room LaYout PROJECT: Gore Creek Place TO:Attn: Pax Chagron 42140 Architects 162l lSth Strcct Suitc 200 Denver. CO 80202 DATE:3n2n005 JOB: STARTED: COMPLETED: REQUIRED: 312912005 REQUEST: Please provide us with a Mechanical Room layout for all Mechanical Rooms. We need to make sure the electicil panel6 hav€ enough clearanc€ to mect cde requiremen$. We will need 36" cleer out front, floor to ceiling and apptox.45" along thc wall. Y€-, M\tb ?* 28 a. )FP+** fA- Z fuYA R.q i. -.--Gn: / By:R.A. Nelson & AsliociatcB Colemar D. Wisc Erp.Oril|| a ent By: 4240 ARCHITECTUBE 3U329205/4 ; nxa o.A. l3n-eM^te&'t tcWr* V Nr 0lll 911'40I tffi Olt SX''frD llfr ro. RM2.3A i ient Byr 4240 ARCHITECTUBE INC;3032926574 ;Page 4/4May-5-05 R.A.NTLSON FORINFORMATION No.00028 { . "est Forest Road \arl. CO 81657 Phone: 74E-7643 Far: 970-176-7882 TITLE: Traflic rated J-Box PROJECT: Gore Creek Place TO:Attru Randy Hart 42l40 Architects 162l lSth Street Suire 200 Denver. CO 80202 Phone: 303-292-3388 Fax: 303'292'3113 DATE:4/15/2005 JOB: STARTED: COMPLETED: R-EQUIRED: 412212005 REQUESTI Is it possible to install a traflic rated junction box in the ground on Sheet ES I '2 @ grid I 3 '3 & T25anarking? -{c;i;C ;;dt"FD'-t -go/'(n- cat.,.d^'{ d' A' a''.'r) A{T}4'{4> LLff {'*E{I{*'o Rrrrested By'R.A. Nelson & Associates l. ,, 't{rxrfV BATCD Pu{LLFTX $ rurc trtAC5lf,'!(t-pffi 1t: tfr.* r/,,/"; Coleman D' Wise Dete: g'tg4l2A85 15i67 719536063? o M-E ENGINEERS INC FAX NUMBER: FROM: MichaelWatlace PROJECT NO: W04007'00 CC: tvl-E ENGINEERS' INC' 1".'- :;'fi ;i nuo euecrnt cll Ubil'diifrrNe ENcTNEERSw FAXTRANSITITTAL DATE:5/4/05 TO: Mike DaY PROJECT: Gore Creek .uBJEGT: RFt#28'29 ---rr .,E ',q pAcEs wHlcH l*cLg-oq9'IHls F'fuf i,?Et"Jtl3FRg$$=1J,"Ith3fr u;'-*'d3"i"io,ro jr***o- PAqiE' lr r \''r' Yv "- ' '- ' --- 'i''n arrt af th€ main dtiw fenel' ll"Ji?$?i:H":i"11"J'il[1iX'"iff if i'X"tr*Tf m*'ffi ;"-" Docqm$t orblnal F Eill or Fr will NOT be mailed T'.\St{nd.rdForms\WORDFORMS\MasterFaxTransmitlalLogo&Footer'doc6l1n}os3:07PM fl.-rffi*'*E2ol coLoFf8sifflE3 VAIL LONOON NEWYORK *i*.mo.ngit*"rt'coltt A5/84/2AA5 75287 719536t \ \/' /\ \\\ @ \ \ t @ \ PAGE 62 \\ {_!IETER g'J \ \ BAr.rK \ \r\ \', \ -1 GFI =46' \ O5ilO4/28A5 15:B? 719536sO M-E Ef.lcil'EERr tl PA@ O3 [JTNO.,IPE SEFARATE CONDUIT FOR CIRCUITII{G BACK TO PANEL tsI, FROVIDE IOAV CAT.INECTIOI{ FOR I-.IEAT TRACE. COORDINAfE LOCATION PIFIN6. H,t;,#fr'l#ff*Xi,,,i)' l.o.gox9ho, AvoN, co. 9,,620( DH, $tU M4000 tAfi fftil 1t+q-4qsq t KEYED N l3lRrlN coNDUll FRoN-1 rRa{sFoFrlER To l-1ErER :-EANK UNDER gTFucTuRE- lot Lr'aV!,., lLrJ I'a' rrv ,hac lz os 11t 50. rSrnt 8y: az.ro ARGI{ITeCTURE nue! ENGITiEERrnG INc; toSiltl2!5?r ;*r.,;;t:il:'p.s Pa0c rt/rt 't4l RA'N,ewoN nuau Es.r luR INFORMATIoN No. flljl7 !2a W.fl FaEd Rodvit co u6t? 7a'.1f,,tyMTC:ntn TITLT: TrrrrcltiloloDrrhr Pf,OIECT:GortCrccf Pbco TO: AlDt: P|Icl||gniql 42/'00 Atthitccts 162l ll|b Strcct Si*rcd: DATE: tltlr200l tOBt STARII,D: Srin.|||r- ,.*rrE-rE- !- - -r- .*f-O- !$%i -ocntic6S[zbt---- _- nrsronbuREQltftED:5trMluXt : Pluro: 103'291€ltl Frx: 303'292'! I ll nsQUDST; h Rcftncncc lo P3rArc{o3. c003 rlrorr r 12'rc. dth from h|tusl Into todlt Ml{ti (ryp) ald P:l'lA rlpsr l- .Ia dain ft'om tuilEl to MHS. Wt|dl lr corruct? R$r.rf*fd aw"'y' 4 '/&/'l- e/nez " Rr{uld *^, a/4s- I Er.Jt 06/L7 /2005 mB r0: tt lrr u ro zrzol Eool r r.r/ avv{ lvD l{.o9 ,'l.c l? OE llrSor I llA rr(,.r aca tlL.,rgl uuit./ uu9 p.eRLPG ENGII{EERIHG s?(J833so ;t RESFONSE TO RFTNO. g!Z_Darc:05-l?-05 Tr *rt"'"'n fr - lt'r a 12' area dratn that coonccts to ur 8" PVC pipc. Plcasc rco Nfischd skctch6. ,r"*"g.. /.,,1%- Jcmifcr BEbcoch FE X. ( a.- tiD tdta tt .i . r.t a r a . -.irr.t a fr tar lt r!n. 06/17/2006 TttE 10:36 [u/RX No z6tsl 8002 P.3nav 1? OS lt:SOr J.ar I aa vg ar..!t ":,p-:::i::.::::-" -,:l:l::""" -&tr* ALPTN PRO'ECT E ENCINEE G,INC. l. tj.o5 <s PACE-OF--.PAGES ADD ursFReerx, ,{ dIJ\}T oE/17/2001 TUE r0:t8 IfrlRr No TszEl Eaoos titl r,! qy. 'ta'tv /.tllwllI lLvrvllL lrlvt vvvega.rJv r r ,rio, - aT - vrJ r v '..v.lrrr, FORTNFORMATION No.00042 I GrgG 4, l'^R.A.NELSON line buiIders I WEst Fotcar Road vail, CO 81657 74t-76J3 978476-7tt2 I'ITLE: Fire Alarm Pull Box Heights PRO.IECT: Gore Creek Placc TO: Attn: Randy Hart 42140 Architects l62l lSth Strcet Suitc 200 Dcnvcr,9o E0202 Phonc: 303-292-338E Fax: 303-292-31 l3 R.EQUEST: Hi Pav', Can wi place thc firc alarm pull boxes at 45" centcr of box offof finish floor per thc atcached resPons€ from RJI NFPA 72, section 5. | 2.4, indicates manually actuated alarm inidating dcviccs to have the opcrable part mounted not less than 42 inchcs and not more than 54 inches above floor level. So rhe owncr/architect and fire alarm contractor have somc flexibility in mounting height. ' '' . ; this answers your question and any RFI. DATE:5/2012005 JOB: STARTED: COMPLETED: , RESFONSE REQ$IIEIDI 5D712o85 " I'vc copicd the architcct so all are informed. ,/--\ a-A..--\r/--=-fa--)f__.r =g: G*^.*L.D t,.no,* \ BrianThornpson,p.E. L teal^. Ge-lA* -TabvfsoFt/D4trar) RoffJenscn & Associatcs / t-lAY ZO. 2,,€l-, 5460 South Quebec Strccr ( ' 7' -)\Suite 370 Grcenwood Village, CO 801I I +l 303.573.7848, Ext. 309 Fan +l 303.573.7843 http ://www.rj agroup.corn /uh- Reqlertcd By:R.A, Nclson & AssocisEs Siprcd: , ( Colcman D. Wisc Drtc: P{.lofl )crr! oy, rt4.tv atnvlll rEvl\Jntr lllv, ,' ParChagnon From: bthompson@riagrqrp.com Sent Friday, Mry 20. 2005 11:57 AM To: Scotl Zabriskie Cc: Pax Chagnon; Randy Had 9ubJect Re: FW: Gore Creek RFI/|4.? The operable pad of tho pull statbn m.rst be within tho dislances irlentified. I wottld think thet tho conler d box being at 45 incheo placss the operabl€ portion within the distances identified, horvever, I am nol the one choosing the equipmenl to be mounted. Typically, the fire alarm contraclor solects oquipment lo comply with the design drawings and specifications, I review lhe shop submiltral oeated by th€ contractor (which identifies the sel€ct€d equipmenl), and it g€ts approved. I am ok with lhe cenler of box rnounting height at 45 inches as long as it places lhe op€rable pottion of the manuel pull within 42 irrhes to 8l inches above llnished lloor. Withorrt knoring lhe exact manuf,acturer and model nurnber I can not delermino tvhere the operable portion of the manual pull will b€ with a center of box at 45 irrches. l-lorever, mo3l manual pull boxes I knory of will comply with this with a 45 inches center of box mounting heighi. Regnrds, Brian Thompson, P.E. Rolf J€ns€n & Associateg 5460 South Quebec Street Suite 370 Greenwood Vitage, CO 8011 1 +1 303.573.7848, Ext. 309 Fax +1 3)3.573.7843 httr/Wtrw dagroup.com (Thb etectronic m€ssage Iransmission conteins informatlon from the offices of lhe RJA Grorp, lrr. whlch may be conlidenllal or priviloged. lf yan aro not lhe intended recipienl ol this message, be aware that any disclosure, copylng, dlstrlhrfing or use of th€ conlonts of this hrfurmatlon is prohibited. lf you have recelved this electronic transmissim in enor, pl€ase notify the s€nder al the phone number listed above immediatety. Ahhotgh lhis e-mail (includlng ettachrnenb) is believed to be free ol any virus or other def€ct lhat might negatively affect any computer system inlo which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of th€ recipient to ensure thal it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by the sender for any loss or damage ari8ing in any way in lhe event that such a virus or defect exisls. Thank you.) 'lkolt ?*d*b' <tt$dd'bo'2{0"ci'coltP ro ndan ttronpso.r (E-marr dhonp$oorl.grorrp.com> ?ar Chaltpn' <pctrag.ro.roa2i{r.rch.cotp, nrndy Hatf 05/20/2005 1l:O5 AM cc <rirnl6a240udr.co.r> Sullacl Fw: Go.. Ctl€ft RFI lrl2 ,( ouo.vzsor+ i Mdy-z+-uc lu:zJAM; Fagg J O Page I of2 5/20t2005 Brian, Let us know if you take any exception to approving this as subrnitted by F|ANA? Scott ---ollglnal Messags-- Fpm: Colernan W|se [mailto:cvrise@ranelson.com] licnt: Frlday, May 2O 2005 10:45 AM To: Dennis Ward; M[<e Cuthbertson; Mlke Graham; Pax Chagrrcn; Randy Harq Scott Zabrbkie; SouHlng@valhesorG.corn$rUoct Gore Creek RR #42 Hi Pax, .,...-. ., ,.,.Wew*runaucblocalrlheFlnAsrntullBorhcighbothrTunndFi'rAbrmpLn thbmaning. lgda hold ol Mike Day this moming and he got me the attached answer from RJA. Apo|ogies tor skippir€ prop€r pfotocol in regards to RFI's. we are currenlly formlng stalr walls and I needed a qr,rick ansrror. taey - I IU:Z'AI; a-\&tnxr' -. mr#,ie%ffifi"ftzriroi nn'*r). ?/ro, ,bil '92 piprv"fur/ "/h /2, 4/'rt o" aE (#tu) kD,// il t*; *A / 7"/,/ * rQ popn a"t"E l h,b ) P4 t;"4,,,&/"Lrff t z th'/( /*p': #"/.d:4 t tr' 4:l; -f' r r ,a/rwr4:h/ttaarylr1af nrf -t. / ./)', , Thanks, Coleman Wlse R.A. Nelson & Associal€s Cdl: 970-471-2891 Ofrlce: 970-748-7843 Fax:97047&78f,2 crvis@ranelson.corn o vv\ravavrr,'t t Hage 4/u Page 2 of2 ,(t. 5/2U2005 r.lav cL, \ro S.nt By: 4240 ARCHITECTURE It{c;3032920674 ; REQUETIT FOR TNT1ORMATION No 00O43 rhy. 20'05 l02PI;Pege 212 FA R.A.NEISON'' 'i\f ino butl:lcrt 12{ Wjsl Pqrlr| Rord vril, CO lt6j7 ?t&7er3 9tr,..,t7&7r2 TlTl.E: Wrrcr Lilr Trp nd Boilcr Rour PROIECT:GocCrc* Plrcc TOI Attr: Rnrdy Hen 42140 ArchitEctr 162l ltri$rcGr Sults 200 Ihnvcr,CO 80202 '"- -'*' i{ thorc: ,03-29.3ltt" Frr 30J-292-3l ll ' REQUEST: On Mmd.y cvenhg wc will be teppiq into dtc Forcsr Rod rdcrfinc end hinjiq it iilo thc ltnncl Boilcr Rom. Currudy, wc do nol hav: a &fnirc leyout for thc boilcr roun ro, wc cotrtsd Mikc Dry rnd hc rccommardcd plecing thc wrtcdinc in thc centcr of tbc Sourh rdl 6'char ofrhc wdl. Qtrcstions:L Should wc plecc thc n'lcrlir t'ofiof ttc South wrtl to Ecqnmodrrc dr2'rcoustical wall covain3? 2. lf wc do plrcc tlrc wrulinc t" ofrof iho Sqrth ndl. cn wc move thc wltcdlac tap Soudr rpproxiarrtcly l0' in ordcr ro hlvc r srlith{ rtot r. 6c boilcr roda tocraion? 3. ls thc Sou6 wrll tho bctt phcc o phcc thc wdcr linc givcn the Elccalcrl ri Gae lincs in ilc rrca? R.qr||d ly:R.^. Nclco & Arsei*r Ih3: Slrrd: Cr/srm D. Wirc DATE:JD0Z(X)S JOB: STAITDDT COMFLETED: IISFONO! IDQUITEDT 5t 7t20''/t"," ' " (', ..-g Le Date: 05-20-05 RESPONSE TO RFI NO.g13- l0'sou0r. ldon'tthinklcanrespondtoquestions I &3. Question I appears-tobe.architectural or mechonical. Qucstion I appecrs to be mechanicol or conttactbt related (for constructability)' s'^"a,&jE4 Jennifer Brbcock, PE t\ ( " -r\ F n I R.A.NELSoN| --i-{ I P1 West Fo.est Rcad '' vat. CO E1657 Teiephon€ 7J8-7Ug Fecm e: 9764767882 REOUEST FOR INFORMATION No.00063 TITLE: Rain Learler Drlin Connection PROJECT: Core Crcek Place TO: -12/.10 Architects 162l lSth Street Suite lil) Denlr'r. CO 80102 ATTN: Randy Hart DATE: 6/.10/:005 JOB: -il-0.1-00 PHONE: -101-192--1388 FAX: 301-192-31l3 TOTAL PAGES SENT: REQUTRED RESPONSE: 7tit2U)5 COST llvlPACT: SCHEDULE INIPACT: REQUEST: At gridline l7 plan shows a 6" rrin leader going into the trench drain in the center of the parking structure. ls this wherr it is to dump or should it tie into the North wall 6" collection drain system simular to the 6" leader at grid line 12. L IESTED BY: R.A. Nelson & Associates SIGNED:DATE: 7/ll/2OO5 Coleman D. Wise ANSWER: The 6" drain leader should tie into the North wall 6" coilection drain systems similar to the 6" leader at grid line 12. In addition. RE P3.2B,Al0l,CO22. At the North stair of the Tunnel civil and Arch. Show the correct number of deck drain penetrations, (3). P3.2B shows (4). this is incorrect. The drain penetration located along the North Wall of the tunnel at grid line 1.9 is to be eliminated. In addition, the location where the 6" drain line (which runs along the North wall) penetrates the tunnel slab on grade is to move to the West of the door which leads from the tunnel out to the Nortb stair(at gris l7). RE. P3.28 and PSK 001. RESPONDED BY: -t2l40 Architects {\ DBY: Randv Hart DATE: 7/lll2005 JUI Ub U5 UI:ZtsiP HLP I NE o b.N(' I NEEX t NU 5'/ (,33909e5 a P.2 A},PINT -=II: T-a: :-'- .''ii '- "--,;:,;ii;l-..:.- -:--=.5,__-'r..t !G;; " -...T.:, l:-. El.lchEEfiltG |rc. Thc civil roof drain plaa cnds al the tunnel dcck pcndrNtioq I bclicrrc tb6 rcuting iocidc thc tururcl is chown on thc plumbing plan- sb€ot P3.28. I am rct cxac0y clcar on whcre the Mechlnical ir running the Buildiry 4 roof drain cither, ro pleasc h.vc ME clrrify. lt rnay bc berrficiat for thc contnc'tor to inctude tbc Shcct numbcr(s) of whcre the RFI ir bcing gcneratcd, so it's easi€r to underutrrd and rcspond to tbc roguert. st*a,Sf*{E,/--( Jcnni&r Babcu,lq PD RESPONSE TO RFT NO. 063 Datc:07-06-05 CREEK RESII}ENCES 1' 07/06/2005 roD 16:06 ltlzRx No 5220 I laooe ; t='^-.: ^:qEJ :R- N(E Cllrr- __1,-.-j, I z' .) )t' 4\ TD.:l ,'eE, Ct',/lL FCF- DErArL..' _- r1r. ....., \424(J^ 'ot t sml.it !DE{8,O@lEtq .!a ru |nl4{.trB GORE CREEK RESIDENCLS LIONSI ILAT}, Utr.fl' DAY L()T\ '1ll"lI {r '!r'lt 'vr\ll. RF-\l rl l: Df;Vhl.r lPlnll{ r.:l rl,FAN\ rn^'rtrro PSK-IX)l REfEfEttCS Ffi.! {g|2tt ,sstJe 6@.6 /sSrJ€ | o lE otfaot SOAIE t,f,.t{ oMWl fi: Xlfi, ,,r, I tOc,r.- ..-- I lr ", {YL ot'' ot .l r** L(' b..l,\ (-t "j:I J;'- ".*, *r** { f Q,"*:. ? ".'B 1':::' 07/67/2B6/5 L4:12 7les360o3z- M{ ETSIN€ERS;FLtent E) : t2{0 Archrtectu'-e lic. i O oJ3asa6sz4 : J.r: .'iioi'f ,:o", { IA I R.A.NET.soN t r?a{ r tt.t.,t aaWFlra(,t/'d V.l OO ltat fttrftbra ll]r',,F,€lr{ ,lL.7tt7g2 | lvc c|< PAGE 62/A2 Page 212 REAUEST FOR It{FORIIATION 1.1o.00064 TIf LF,: Frlr t.i8hrr porvc. ?ROJECT! (iots Crs* Plrcs 1o: ' ,t ao r1.tn."r., l52t llrb S&!cr Suir.200 Drnvcr. (I) t0202 Brcndt (lr icnez IIATE: 7;5i2UJs JOE: Jt.0+00 PffONE: J0l-29:..l3rt I'AI,:303.29?-1 1 t3 TOTAL ?AGE6 6EXT: ATTII:REQi IRDD RES?OI{SEr Ttt2tZWs coST IMPACI: SCHED(rLE TMpACT; REQUEST: Thc invcrtcr prqvidcs 208v powcr lo .u s] lrgh[s. Th. .t(it lighrr rrc rtro shown o th. rr'||€ circuir r3 fto st liEln!but arc 120/277durl volr-8c dcvic;r. I.3 rh. i-nrcntion rhu rtrliir ligh;b#;;-6;;singto t4 of nc 20!v circr,rir? RI;QOESTED El,: R.A. Ncleon & A$ociatar SIGNEI'j Milc Cutlrbcnnn DATB; AI|SWERr Yes, Qg^"e ?e-os,re A N elr'tp4c lAafi,rn (-t&<,tsrts. (o*ortta- UAtr -fi+e ?p?, V 14,""r* W*'*'r 7lof"s .,. $lGrrtED BYr {'i DATE: Brcndr Gudcntz o7/o7/20ot TIJU t2t56 fuuRr No szzsl Aoo! ,rdlA I R.A.NErsoN'' | , / " i 824 West Fo.est RoN va co 81657 fetegho,ta 7,!A-764:t FaamE: 90-476-IA02 REOUEST FOR TNFORMATION No.00067 TITLE: Tunnel lid loading capacity PROJECT: Gore Creek place TO: .12/.10 Ar,.-hitecrs l6l I lSrh Srreer Suite 200 Denver. CO B0l0l ATTN: Brenda Gutierrez DATE: 7/6/?Ws JOB: ,11-04-00 PHO|\E: l0-l-192--1-t88 FAX: 103-l9l--t I l-l TOT.TL PAGES SENT: REQUIREDRESpONSE: 7tr],t2a)S COST INIPACT:_ SCHEDULE [vtpACT: REQUEST: what is the weight that can be. supported by the tunnel lid? what size equipment (bobcats. loaders, forklifts, etc) can bcdriven on top of the completed Precast lid lo facilitate the north watt tacitiiP Also, afler the topping slab is installed,does the criteria change? what size equipment can safery be driven on tof oi tr,. topping slab,l REQUESTED BY: R.A. Nelson & Associares SIGNED: Mike Cuthbenson DATE: 7ll3t2005 ANSWER.: lqgl ry over a year ago and we looked at various equipment incruding rhe tblrowing:l. CAT TH460B Telehandter - OK 2. 2628 Skid Steer loader - OK 3. 287 B Multi Terrain Loader -OK 4. 928 C Wheel Loader - This is rhe only one that wsa too heavy. The precaster should verify the adequacy ofthe tid for (2) l4wheel loads spaced g,apart (service Ioad): They have donthis once so it should be no probrem. \''!r v rLE ruou,,: I rtc RESPONDED 8y: 42/40 Archirects S r. JBY: Brenda Cutierrez DATE: 7t13t2005 ,nt sv : 4240 Archtt €"*ut. tn";J ", "].."ttJ::t::lt;Jul 25 OS Og:+gr iont gy: 4240 Aichitectunf Inc'; 3032S2t'574; "i;?l;f,l;T*' JuI - l5'05 1l:44All; Y age :zt5 p.3 Page 212 FAI R.A.NEIsohlt.'lrr r r, )',.. ',.,. ar. r5aFd rb.aY:aD.ttl(-ta ?tOrYtFfr N}.J|}"A REAUEST FOR II{FORXANOT No.00076 TITT.E: PII(UECT: TO: ITI'N: Srad tlil Intac.9trr f'orc ('rd Pfcc l2/.t0 Arcihcc|t t62t llrh slrq Srrirr: ?Ol) tlmcv. C0 D20? landy llm rra f& JIOB: PEONE: FAI: Tnltt$s 1l {r-00 30!.2ta.l.ur l0t-292-' I I i TOTAI 'ACTS SEN T: REQUIXIDrxsnoNSl: 7nri2|.IJJ (OST t[tPAL-T:SCHEDULU IMPACI'r REQUES'f: Fcr P3.28 lhc Sr||d Oit Inlcrccptfi hvcn a Ctid Llfi l0 ir to lo,v to hit th Sl mraholc bcn'con t|uiHi'lts 2 & l bcceurc of thc bn6, run ftom I rer*h dnin | @ Crid linc 17. ! pmporc t r rFrG llE srnd oil lnLfEpttr b Gtid t jrc ll inlirr wilh lhc 3' drein pipc ord drain into tlr stcm *rr rnrrtrolc .91 tm Cd)ilA. 13 rlris -tcphbL? R[.(XJ88TED DY:B.A. Nd$l At$d{d SIGNED: Ct brrD. wis DATE: ANSTTYER: ?2. -tAz lsrvo,erltD t ri2{)^',l. Al-t 4r{r: ffif- A[fac+\tA -=.s-rrT4+'1. f2<>'\- f4't"'46' i/vra: /jtus- rt gY: 4240 Afchitocture JuI 25 O5 O8:4?r { t """ t ", " f " "t::::':: l-j JUI - 27- 05 7:49AH; s?ososso Pag€ 3/t p.2 RISSPONSE TO RFI NO' QZO oU C*y would provi& rh pipingdi4nm' Thccandoiloutletcrnbcpipedro$ormrns|rholoS'MH15'thereshouldnothGsni6slrwith doprlr sc invort out of thc ;Gt;- ; ii 9'z'{5 ud tho;J oil invort ehould bo eppoximuely 8t99. Thccon*ri* oill*Joiirlri,ifrr"" i--t-s."robooui Itdkd withMilc Dav'hc ::^3F'"s:T:i**" Datc: 07-21-05 accaourtbf) nt Byl 4240 Arcnltecture rnc.; s7/zil2AgS 11:49 9709491959 ont By: {2i0o Archltecturc lnc'; R.A.NEI.SON I.r" ,.t.' J.It rrUI-2, -UO /;994[i E EI-GI|.EERS o Jul-15-05 l1:42All; SUJZCZOs /4 ; lil 30329206741 r dgn .i, i, PAGL U'2 Pege 212 6l tta |llF.ri &,tt, CO tLttl|',Er't7..r.,'F-,|'n' at t+ra REQUEST FOR I}IFORTANO}I tb. 000?6 TITLET PROJEI(T: T(} ATTN: Sld Oil Intrrooglrr Crora ('.rt* Phr. 4U4ll A|tilcar 162l l&n Stsli Sullc 2O0 Dccvq, C0 80iXl2 Rltldy H.rt DArS: 7/|3rm:t JOD 314+00 ?ll(XIF,: 301.292-ltut FAX:303-292-tl l3 TOTAL PAGf,S SENT: COST IMPACI:ICHEDUI.U IMPACT3 RE([JDST: pcr lTt2B thc Srnd Oll Inrcrccptor invfi rt Grftt Lirr l0 is tm bt ro hlt the 33 rnurholc l*nrreqr bulldingl 2 & f bcceusc of th: long nm. fronr Trenclr dnin | @Grld lie lZ ., Frop6c to molc tnc S.nd Oll |rfoapaor to Crid Llre t4 lnlinc with tho 3' &ain pipc eld &rin inf tho Jorm rq rnohofc g4 m CodlA. ts fia! Ecptibhl ttQUEtTED uYt S'GNETT: Rr. Nclsr & At|t,ohtrr DA'fE: Cobt||n D' sl|' AMIOYER: fr t5 Ad4-r*"ra<Rl4 VFr4p to Aililc-f'{ED =#'Ereft' IIEPiOI{DDI' IY: .:NE,D BY: a2llo A(6i!ctt OATX; Jt.flt' llrt .ttlo t tl. !7 rTrlPr No s!s? I @oo2 3032e26574; . r*r*ri!t-"4 7:soAM;Pago 5/5 PAGE U3 ent B.v:. 4240 Architocturo Inc., a a7l2612gg5 11:49 978949t959 v I z'9EFARATOR - ? vE\T uP 1O ?t26G 4vEN2F-ftn RE, CIVIL FCR CONT. )OO GALLOTI 9AND/OIL a'ue TO 4pE4 ppAlN I \ \,, RE' CIVIL z *;(-ro r'u\> RE' cl\- ,?- \/- b' 9T coNNEcr ) / ro F{r-.t-tt \'/ "-j'l-\ i.1 /-3 -o, "ur Lr 7' (,t-* {:- r \\.--_a./\\ \ GORE CREEK RESIDENCES IJONSHETID. VES'f DAY LOrv.|l.Gdd.tlt v.,lll llitgut! D3ly[.('tt.INrcrnc NY n.**E PSK-0(}2 ffimre rt.r P6rlEE [!tr gl lautt .' tr*at ltzttnrnaf: F tllr oy. 'l4rlu ttl vrrr\ew!sl REQUEST FOR INFORMATION No 00079A.NELSON ,rr btttldcrt Roud R. I l, !'olcst il657 It' Wcall.co b I t24vri 7av76t3 9n -4767tt2 TITLE: North stairwaY horn strob€ PRGIECT: Got€ Creck Plsce TO: Mikc Cuthbctlson Ann: Brcnda Cuticrrez 42/40 Architects 162l ltth Strect Suitc 200 f)enver. CO 80202 Phonc: 303-292'338t Fax: 303'292-31 l3 STARTED: COMPLETf,D: RESPONSE, REQUIRED: 7 n5nW5 DATE:7118t2005 JOB: 3l-0'l-00 RSQUEST: ls it rcceptable to mount the horn-strobe at thc north slairs 2' above gnillc. as shown on thc north clevatioin drawing. Wc belicvc tfr* tfre-icighi nceds to be a rninimum of 7'abovc tt1g ground to meet codc' F€Ast- P€- rAt- 'l$TAt-iltD F€sfr*J(4' ttao''1 6. r trorteso xl ,/*se. A$\O TAa Arr:aaA tD A,Str-'o-?l A.to /,rsv-'O.ee. (r rrlcd B!:R.A. Nchon & Associstcs Drl,c: !ll! 9t. 't<'iv ftr l,rlr\evrql JLL-5.2ffi L4ZL? P.VJIWJ*-t .lr', FND 6srr' iOIJJ o ENstil e ASSloclArEA, lt.c. NHTH f fie FROtECllOft €xclf€ERf{l cof'St.flAr{ts July 25, 2005 Bpnda Gutlenez 42140 Archibdurc, Inc. 1621 Elgtrlsonth Street Suitc 200 Denver. Colorado 8O2O2 Re: Gore Cred< Resldences RFI 079 Dcar Brenda: RJAharrcv|clygdthcextcdorhomand:tro.FcforheFircDepartnentconnection (FDc) atrho nor0r *ir=il[i'!i*l.l;y* Frr. "no Emergencv servlces (VFES) FirE Mershal. The guarC t"if[ o'n i6p o1t" ctonc uvall (north of thc ctalr) chould bc extsnded to be ebove ft-.tt*ri hom and strobc locatlon' TtSc sbcl should be used wihin thie guald rail, "ilor" tt" thorvn hom and strobc location, to itouse the new location of the horn and atsobc' Thc horn and sifobc should bc rnounH et about the height of thE top of the guard rail abovc the FDC. Condui'$;id 6,;|["tdcd bl thc Fhc Abrm conkactor to use for wirinE of the devlce. Clii iftin-*fi be hidd; within the stone wall or routed insre lhe lrJl"*tlr u.hlnd orc notti face of the stone wall' Pleaec n@ rnc ilthere are further queelficnc' SincerelY,&a7+ Brirn ThomPcon, P.E, O zxtS Rot.Flsl a esrodla' lnAl Egit R.rrsrd Bt icufi o(trc 6ri!!L GluErtrooo vr't^or' co rlll'l'lr!6^. 'r !6ft+t!l' FAt rr & 5':lit'l r,rtstet,.It r f!|!|rtt c rl.'JACE 'F' TOTfl- P.€B 07/28/2006 IoN lt:02 ITIIRI No 53311 &oos ,nt Ey: +eqv Al ullr|'Evlur It rrrv!, o FOC HORN ANO STROBE MOUNIED TO 6'x6'x3/16'15 (RE:MECH) STONE !€NEER WALL CONDUIT TO tNSt0E TS. AND BE CONCEALED BEHINO STONE VENEER H*. 'ot oF RA,L,NG ARouND N.RTH 'TAIR ls ro EF 3, -7- ABOVE CAP STONE OF T'/ALI, IHIS WILL EE dunnrrreo tN FoRTHcoMEING Asl-019' --il tibie-ioi or rs wrTH srEEL PtArE' GRrND ilr EbEE-s ril'o wElos suoorH. PArNr srM' To iirirrnc: rxcHoR To coNc. wALL BELow' (; OR[.: CRE,L,K RI.iSIDE,NCE,S- -- i.ttlxsuP,ru, wF^sr D.{Y lr)T I '\o-ajt xr |t'$rl 1'.U1. il'g r|ni l)l:11lLt )plll':\T (:l r$PrNY 6r rc '0 ASK-021 i€FERE|TCE: Z/ A2Or (Pn-o79) ESU€:05.16.O10Af8 07.24'05 -SCIE: l/2" t'-0- onfix Et: P|I eri! rrt e .rrv. t : \r'- ..t . .;' \ !- \' '. - i. ,.1:r_ i - j. lrur_Gr'wv , ..t<l ltn t {.-O. trI)E REilOVABLE PANEL FOR (PT-O2) AREA IIY€LL ACCESS FIR€ D€PT. CON}.IECNON (FOC) ITH HORN AND SIOEE O}I SITE IYALL (RE: FIRE PROIECnOf'|) gw|J3gc'r,v. r,rdus iJ/ o -..i. RAILING MO\ED FROM WEST SIOE OF AREA IYELL IO E^ST SIDE. RAILING ADO€D IO NORIH SIOE OF AREA ItELt 6-x6'r3/16' TS E" ROUND, CONC. FILLED. XX STROiIG STEEL PIPE (PI-O2)I 4'-O'A80vE GRAO€ & {'-0' EMBEODEO INTO THE GROUNO WII|{ coMuoN coNc. FOuNoAnoil B€Low NOIE:r:top oF RAtLtNc ARoUND NoRTH STAIR ls ro BE J'-7. AEOVE CAP STONE OF WALL' THIS WILL BE CI.ARIFIED IN FORTHCOMEING A5t_0I9. --t. cLosE ToP oF ls wtTH sTEEL Pl TE, GRINo II.I- EOCES AND IVETDS SMOOTH' PAINT SIM. TO RAILING. AI.ICHOR TO CONC. WALL BELOW. GORE CREEK RESIDF,NCES LI( )NSHFiD, \XJ hs'l' DAY l.()l' v.\ft. nt':ri( nTS lvtf lI)F.rfli!'t r;a)Ip,t\t' on^| c 'o ASK-022 i€ftR€r.CE: J/r6Ol (ff1-o79) tssuEi 0t. t6.05 ll^tE:07.26,05 SC/11a, t,/.'. r'-O' oR^til 8l: PAx t61r rtlt stEr, !r t lo omfi. co 02@rtr (!t) re-JJalr|r |!!) ln-J t sSl27l2B65 L4tA4 49491959 o 97 R.ANETSON f-tr.. 5ni1.d...ts a.ll'adtu ra* C! Itdt frir,r!|( t,HlagFrm: ttGanitE M E EcrfEEL PA6€ a! REqUEST FOR INFORIATIOII No.00t0E TrILIr Boila Cqnhrrlm Air &, pluc ?R(}lECl: Oolc Crcel plecs DATE JOI: U'Jno{rs 3t-0t00 TO:{240 Arllircctr 5591 Colrot! Ridgr . P,O.Bcr fl33 r\;st\ CC Ei520 Jbl \ilihyAlTflr PIIoI{f,: 72GJ0s-7s03 trAx! 9?ox4t.g[tl TOTAL PAGI,S SEt{lf! nf,QUUtDRl,SoilSl3 EtEItZfis COSTIbIPACT:SCEEDUIJ tMPACt__ REQIJDST: hraftretcctoMl-lB&A2l3,ttsbotkc@otgsotutciritdilae6GErrtElct'dqr8A2l3. ,rtesfutnhlc ldd b f,gt b|s to bc wiftin 24n of cecb orbcr bcizontelly "o.ooiry r nr- rpceifcatioor, ir elso c',-,oltEmrbeE lite thr denil on thc Eart e,tcvatiqr above 6c;kcut"#;k". ---- otlshstMl-lBfuphli allfc3f Ft n, b ooufictntr ryecificr 4r orce. Plcrre scr eltrclrcd docrrbcrtt{iotArmrou&ctr.cq, Plc.rc adviac. IIQUEBTTDDYt EtGhlEIlr l-rt. Nclnn ll Arrociarr Drrn, ColaaqD-Whr Al{$5t'ER: 4 WC fur{It- fiar- W eilAqffiht LtNLb tra T() w tNsrftue> b 40hN oN 7ffi,A1r/44FD 5dEa3 WL ?LStC41,l- TISPIOIfDEII IY: SIGTTED.EY: zfinl DAlT. VlfJ Cn'O,l |!,tnt tat lolr PAGE E3 trdlut =)tt + |r' ! tvlll,|lt { zq 6Fo3o 6u i. FI M E EhrcINEEb 4 E # rprs i'S fusgff:t *Q 1il $3 t ;,6 u:iNZv\ I 3d eeEE lSs ul1 ?00 a 3 Pr* aor PAG€ g4I au, iD tl:5r o tJUf It' t6AA g ilr S-6 --1 -J o d 4E 4 d il oor{58 u,o fi u! d)3I a$ E .u $** ol|'JJIL ? E EI"8,=tqlgi, $T_z T ^lIsq $$l I $t Et= l|tI t_d'J5 f,g()gr*o!l g0tg0 9002/az/80 FFT Ll T2 ca!! Eg <r OslE 8ld{lo"l'Ai€lGi:i =sir:i sr lbl ' iS<J. 9rJ ? i,I trF 4I FC itE ! Eil 3 ils If I I \i {lxxla -t9 I+ I \ 5 /U9491959 :lr Els I+ I I I I i I oiH^ bEIl ea;i =!t =d5;r E:;!C 3EE PAGE A5 I 9002/62/go !H RF<t FC,LJ Cl2z6' ECt Gf5 E< .i i*s $erx14<r,r = t siF$; 64tZt/ZvuE Lqa V4 H E z'lST IEt,i|:-€ L, $ * a.C' )toa+ xYJ 90:80 ti Er =d2ear.Eqz,u9 Be= 5:eF lJ lr).(rrtr onn ra NFI MIMBER: suerBLT: lF Stdm Line North of Tunnol 424c' Gorc Crcck Residonccs - Tlrnnel Pf,OtEctNo.; 20900.00 FIL& RI'I Ing coilfe^clo* R^A- Nelson & Associares NTT M,qNSNtrTTAt 00r34 nQUIRED RETUTN DATE 09,0g.Os RFI RorlhS frercC.hlti&,t9l ftys ni&r. Avo., C! n620 | T. ?D3(tr.?HB I F. 9?0.H5.$5t (P.o. Bd !il[t) SubndtEd by: Cokqn Wise Dr@: 0?'0205 .,{;{"?!- '}ri r n6drdtL!4Jabt_:__. ., d'.ri'.1t' f ?- .. i . ,- 1116"' s.|E.6' ftor {ll0 to Courltrt l: Snrtby: JELq4ry DNtr: 9.02.05 Rrcchort by: .Icn labcocl(/ Alplnc Engimcring - 926.3390 - Datc: 9.02'05 "o',*oo-rETi-tuowrnrpuuoTTlffiTii6r,orlceortrEG misnHistrco-nloru*ionlrr-FTiiilismeul Ibon il2{ll to Canultut 2: Sqrtb1c Rocoivcd by; Cqnmont*: ton C.r$db- f b 4?r& !l9l Corrutc Ridg!, Avoa CO Er620 lT. 7203(11.7t01t F. 9?0.iit3.t95l (P-O. Box 33tB) Scot by:lcn Bsbcoct Ddc; Rccoivod [:Jin Wiley Cmmenls: Drtc: Dslc: fron Goudtrut 2 tl 'l2tl(h 162l rl"'$. Src.2oq DG||wr, CO flru lT. 3ql2tl3:ltE lF. 3{)3.A23113 Dil;Stat by: Rrcdvcd ty: Comncils: ti-ltl/|eloG.C: Scnt by: RA li*m I F.Yt0."?C?tlD (i.Se) Jirn lltibv Rcccived b5r:Colcsrsr Wisc Dato: CC: Brsnah Guri.rca w: 4'12,66 - Conm; ,S o^'i|ih.tIrtr- dr''tod'r' t 161l F&brrh sdtlt Srdtc2o0Drnnrr. Cohr& 8ltl02 l l032'l llt! l l r9ll 13 w42{ffi|Cr0! taalNFft'ldFdw6.GtT*fifrt?Gl,*'ffi tn&|7& REqJEST FOR ITIFOANATFT ltb.00134 TITL& l2r Saonn llm Nortb of Ttuncl PR(NBCT: GdlGt*Phor TO: 4Z{OArdti!*E ATTI{: DATE: JOB 9ruXn' 3t"oHn PHONE 30E-:EIr-t3|il : lr|Wr?' ffi ffi,ffi ,*r,lbtlll,HffIFitrei;itrr. thdt€200 D.ar,r,CrO t0A(E RBdyHdr TOTAL PAG,EII gDhIT: nEQIJI|ltrOnEsFoN8E: 9EmAS COSTIMPACTT SCHEDULE IMPACT: RDQUEST: rcJhn, Mikc Grahrmcrcrtld thouglf $e ecJldRFl with JcnBaboock il AIpiDr" corrcct Gaoyou issrE rs dt ASn Plcas€ rGvicv rfil cotfirm that tlds h REQOESIIED BY: R.C,- Nd$n &Assoobeo srcl{Elt:' CdgmrD.Wise DAI'Er ANSWER: 1!?'getpslyr?Wp *IT?q@ ffir oo1 4a.+o Wtl,,a,, J%oe Ttng 4S /A#u leT IDSFOI{I}EDBY: $Gltx,ttBY: 4?./qArDhltGdl on* 1,,w.og Gore Greek o Re sidences Engineeds Supplemental Information Tofucncy/Flrm;VRDC M ot/:toiF ESIdon 007 Fnmlilnp&Fim:Ien Bebocl - Alphq lhginos{ng. bF.hdc.tNo:l,;25t3 Atbnt*n:Todrl GorHhg @eaTilor Llonlbc.dtudovihpntml Gorrc Crr€k Pleoo srblc.f U'Sh! Ilcmilbolnrrd lrfoturlior n!ft.!#,f{*t*:r,{:ilSttEft.i,f;rnmr{nl|*?1."r::ltln5[tdqt1{t*ss} kqi.ultr:)1i!d, :J.. )'a t'" RAl,lA aslcd ug b rtryi.E' fto pmpos€d loootim of&e l?' pvc stqm run end 2'x2' inlets thd rutr oorth of thc tunncl, Thcy reqrrsted thgt tbe lino bq rolooaied so they don't hrrre m Er out any of tre odsting shorfug to install tho lin€ ond inlcb. Tbc inh box6 w€ro 6ot €d slightly and at I 1.25" bcrd wrs added to fre line. Thir lo€tca 6G rtorm sewcr cloalf to th€ boilding ad locag it mqe oo top of the .rniury ccmcr, which may mrbo it noro ditrmh to dig rry tbe storm or soify sewer if rrpah ic crm rqlired. tlowuvcr, it minirnizrr lmhlooc rriS in*rlling ftc oro sowtr wldrort rwoing rom of tbc oristing shoring rl/o hrye dtrciled e rketcl of lts rwisad ' line, mdhavo sottte infcncion toI'cskfor st*itrg Wc rrc rcndinl yoo thc follon'ion $rplcm€ltll ltcns:Th*uetomiltad: FcYouUsc Vt: CoS.r l,crcrlpdo ILt! I 0&29{t5 $lgr& taituBaboocfr Cory: Iti*cCSbcrsE,l+llkcffien,Randylht,KcntKrilq fib @ (EP'12' &rb.Elr/t ultFt-r6|mF 2 Eg[.rlE€CPaoruo4fl&aIGrtLt9.9Ar:l-ffil Atsb"lqloch3frc. Talpto*970t:b,,$zJ r EdrrrdrtjborCcJer lhtrA9 e . tr ttln gl/64E!n l:O.But r I'dnrrd+ Cdrdo llGl2 r brboffiltshodvll.con irT. ",.. 4\ i ,I; L I :+ ,Fc)F =oT-- E U) E.*< trJ > t\ ci € tr =I Eu .i ts <i'c{{ d+ :> d.' + a..{tt+I I IIIlr Il /f I ,, ,,fi\\-1.-74't t ."/j$,t, --r' 1' ,r' ,2IYiHv /,lf'"t/--: r \ -- '' 1 .' I oct+ /r' I{,,4+'l w, ,rt 99r - enouf tltl fr.or: ro ifiaftff' {2 --' lat |luhrdtbd t'I' @ 8|(t 7ILF-zl}tLtFdt gro,tlora REQUEST FOR IIIFOilANOil l'b. @16:t TITLE: Trmd Spti*lcr Frcczo Pro$clbn PII(}|ECT! OocCEGtPhc. Al'fhl: 4Z,OAt$ir.c& 3t9t CoyotcRi*g P.O.Box 33E8 Avc, CO t1620 JimWllcy DATE: rce rw12tw05 3t4fin PllONI: Ztull/J/&j|ffB ['AX: gnt|'tlrsl TOTALFAGESSEMT RPQUIREDrB3rcltl8ft l0l9r2005 dXITIMPACT:IICHEDULE llfACT: R'EQIIETIT: n6b rconftnfurg Rn dmrruffig&sconftrrncc cdldr morning bcrrcarRAN/L4210' RIA' rrdAllsae Fire Prrdctim. 'Tbcpgpoccof thscalt was bflalizefbo pllr faprovfdog&cszl potoctiortothc sprintkrhea& locabd indoce 6odnity to int*c.ir i! fu tntd. Aftp1 dscu$hrg o mgltltrdc of optic, tt rras rleri<hrt to rdd Slycol looFs wtut rtqubd to ptu€cn &e afwt€d hca& odllFs. DrS rorthg wilt rlso rdd to b. ad&cqscd Sev€ilI of tbc ttrbk€ tir &* rvill wml to nn-doxm tq.qpid..F :f ry sEsg?rco; wrnurd tcru|rl.e fbrwglthourdl jrdabovcdrc dod bpNuride caoraimbctrrccoltpotltsilc alraod funrinspimkr[nc+ Soc A0cfred reallittcd pbm fu nco ittfunelim. Alstdabrwilc pl1ruatrdFovide apicc forricoc toops. Whcoofldo,AUsttlebtlkedrcrwisedplrnstoRJA l* tpponrf, oa *l rc.sdmit to ft; frc dcpl. rs a c@o b ttre origi"d plarc, Ttc apprwrt xd pcrmit [rocclc ir not to tbe dirf|plcd rs r rerrh of theeo cltmgc+ UQUE8I?',DEY:' R.r{Nslso&AgchG SIGNETI,:DAlfr MlkcCunbas AN;,*E& -IttE'FEi|/lslaNS f{9P?€6}ftl g^' -rqtS F+I AC6' lre$tb tl4Pt8rlG^tfE p A,trrr.ltt -n|9 6PF.t^r1..{Ef.stFP P?.lWlW re'lF'ruil nBSfOilDfDDV: 42/l0Ardbcb oNhW/ ETGNEID BY: nLPG EHEIHEERIIIG s?ot33so P.2 Hov 05 O2:19Por I |'rHadDtfl6ttrt,|i.r}at.t -- rt4tt|' FEIE$ FOn r5oilArpt lla 0ltt trrL& llolfcr: -: rftl: Sali Lart Oq.CBIqE {r/ao&ffls|r t59t C.Fa.ftr P.Ofor ltt A'ra.cll llalo rr clet DAtIt rcru.''x|, Il tl{.JF lfl0llS: tlDn-7lD .FAt.. ntt{'.t-l'5t IOTAL?TGEtffiT: |letEraDrrtt3f,!& lo0laDt COEtrlFACl:- sCtGDrr[E|ltCACTi- rcAUfSf! Ihc fop$! 21. fCP Sll lbr t{ort oft Wd fiil EEl *.lt b r[ b $rdo|L ,w1rr n rc illa3 lrdrb ldi.ot Jar hd rlrjcrd r oot/c of o2riorr tf l*l liB tlr. rc nrdr r &ci*n? tlQlrlt Dw:fJr-Dchillin@ slcttrE ColrD.Whc DAirft AtrUIIYTI: Y$r le Cdvtl Re{strCe. ?''"H.trm+m.H{[l,$%ffi. rfSt0tffDlYl O/$fttl$rt slcl@.fV!AATB rrov oi 05 02:20p er-Qe E?{cII{EERrt{G s?ou33so p.3 Datc: l0-3t{5 #5 El{OfitEEiltrciNc- clrd a'n c-r dr r.,. lb t .ri - ar, RESPIONSE TO RFI NO. 9LIg ee int ot rti. lwlon?, plce* rrc ttc{rrtcd pl.lr adpl0e lcr thc revircd iio|'r rilGrrs[ $tL lly; ;ottld . f11. O *"lty rt" lo11ni a.t Ooile.*r- not tc reftd podcrrirnptb (dd€dr! 'lF;J ;; eritt ctft dur rn rvrf,rbh, to yerrs 6d an no corffrt tllb lbc *@ nul|. I{ov 'Ot OS OAr ZIP alne gNGrI{EERrr{6 slsssso p.s tdEI i*r3 F: u9 CutloEicrt d Fr €r J? --tt- F:. -> H" g oO'6G0e =(aru-rz) InO ^il|ot'66o9 = (acu.rz) rq|nt\,r O( gotg - ilU BHn-S ttoHr{vn o3rvcot3u rg.ools -(4U.rZ) rno np lE.oo;g _ (rot.rz) tr .nx l.o?lt " nt8 3Nn AruHoud r9'10t9 = IlclANls'z 8 - fitd+0 'Yt s UJa Is 6 6V' F E. -J =o voF @ II fi36 E- t UJ ( oGI ItF ||lJatt6 I tu ( ;$**; \\ _w#l -EFK'\ irIiIS \, I.f;; e a 'V)-: 'r---\-"Fffi tn-{1i {\ \\ \\r\ \\ \\\ \ \l rrl \\ *tt rJ)\r ,'4 = z .E .?f W t\\ llov O 1 OS Oa: aOP \- "."t ENGtHEERtttc ""o$t"o -/t p.+ IJ I{5 aa EbittI-l It Tti E 3 3o d NFI TRANSMITTAL THNUMBEk @l&l Reviecd st slEct': Bfllh #4 CpilinE ltoist$ coqflioa R4unED RErrnN DA]E 11.14,0, 4240. Got Crcd< Rcgidaccs - Tunnel FRoIECINO.: 209m.00 FtrB RFILog oof'tR^croE R.A. Nebotr & Assooidtg nerc.' ll.l0.llt/tl,t6lXl DNig ll.l0.0d/ll'l6.6lt pq1g: ll.l0.oint.l6.e$ RFI Rordrg frorGGtof2tl0: Subndttod by 5591 Coyob BidF, Aaoa O rK20 | T. 7z)3o&nuj I F. yt0-t45.895 t (P.O. Bs( 33st) Coloonllfuo Rccelvcd by: ftca.'t|o to CodfrBt l: IiEWil€y Scft by: Iin wilay ,_ Dsb: .. I r'ru'q'rr|'re'E Rccci*cd byr Srnr €err/$rlrty Cocr"en 56$3i!tr . Doe. U:1o054116'05 Comror$: f A Nohoa bs.d fi3 twid Bnvl|.l b cbsOfi fror 42n !o CoEultrlt t: SsrtB: Reivedby: Datc: Drlc: Comner*s: '--z'torCffil bl2{l:SStt Cotota8ibe Arorl @ !tr.h Catrsat byi tl60o lT. zdrjoS.?frll 1 F- 9?0.845.89t1 (P.O. Eor 3388) Date: 11.246 Date: Il'?t#R*?ivod by: Jim Wi Conmats: Frl Ccrrlurt I to42ah l6U rf S., stc 2m,Irorycr. CO flm I T, 31F.2923388 I F. 3$,292,31 13 Ddc: Drts: SenttS Recived by: Coflr|€ils froo lltotoG.C:' RAlhtsm ll.97o.{?5.7t&l 0obib) Sert by: .4n Wikry Ddc: 't+jn}! U.*r6 Receiled by: C.olcoan W's9 Dde: ll.?.7.O5 _tlqEcq4t &tiottc4 Todd Gouldllr cootn€,Iflsr .t{Arrltrntrfr fuo&t',t 162'| Eidd.GrA Sb!r. S! 1m Dsrg, Colqrb muf aroJ rr Srt6 f:tot 2rA tl 15 rv,tu0j6tllc qac alvt'''&||r'R*t YJ, CO tt6t ' l|Ftwf'}r$&td] arta?&rc, REQUEST FOR INFORTATIOT{ t{o.00183 flIT,E: Edt#4cciftBHdgbtcotrfllcB PRoJ$CT: Gdtcr€d(Plscc DATE: JOEr rmn(M 3t{4{0 TO 42140 ArEhiEcb 5591 Coyolc Rllg. P.O.Box33t8 AvoqC0 81620 JimWt6y PHONf,; 72G30ttEol SAX: 97vt45-S%1 TOTALPAGESSENT: IEQIIIREDRESPONSE: rVt4nci09ATTN: COSTIMPACT:SCHEDMiIMPACT; REQTJEIIT: Th€ "A' Uoit bsth #4 ceiling height c@fltcte wttlt dle light ftdurc ard nodicinc cabinas. Pcr ID drwirg 3.07/C the light fi:cures are to be set at 7-9", &is is the hoigfo of tlm colllng per Al l? ls 8'{", ploas€ rdvisc. ll/ltRANA$€gcsts3-0hlghMedicforcabilduticbwillmachtbetlpicalrwealofl'-6*!oc€ilirg- Pleasoadvis€. IDQUESTEID BY: R-A, Neleon & Agsocidc$ SIGREI':DATE, \. Col€qre D. W-1!€ AIIISWER: Wx/we W tTtt ?b" thJrtf t-4rluaLMc o^'eu.rcF RASPONIIEDDV: 4?'0Ardtitects t \.J SIGNEDDY!n ra, ll.12.6 F+rEEilffir u.[l $ \J rtr o h? I $ T s(F $ B f'o-& 4tzc [- nrrrnaNslartar, 424c, Gqo Crccl Rcsldmcrs ' nmcl PRoEcT NCr.: 20900,00 rEl: REJ lrg coNTn'rcroe: RA Nehon & Associrtrs RRmlr'sER: 00190 $LIf,tECr: TiErel tlrrll mcbl sud detdls REQLIRED REIITRN DATE, llzzgs ISI ltorilng f!iln G.C.t {2alh ' J591CcyotDNd!,o, Aror! CO 81620 | T. ?20.30E ?803 | F. 970.sf5.tD5 t (P.O Bor 13E8) SubCIitEd by:_!$kq Cutbbcrtlon pgt.: ll-r5,05 Rcceivcd by: Jln Wllc'y Dats: 11.15.05 filr {2'O to Cuuhrt 1: Settr b!':kte Date:Receivcd by: Coomcnrs: tom O{oao Cor|nbnt2r Satby:Ddcl HelReceivod byl C,roff|lnts: tof, C.urltut I to iU{&5591 cotol' RidgF, Avo[, C10 11620 lT. 7203(n.?!Ol I F. 970.E43.19J1 (P'O. Bq 33Et) hb: Dde: Scrrr byi Rrcciv€d b],: Coomants: &onCorultut2|D,l2{Or ' S@tbyl 162l lti sr., sk.200, D!rv.r, CO Bin pi* 802u I T. 36rvr.33ls lr. 303191.3113 ha rl"n.05 Reeived by:JimWilcy I l:2.05 Coonrrds: ftr! f1,10 to G.G.r 8^r$dton I F970.476.nf2 tobdtc) iim lYilcySEot by;DE h: 11.23.0rt R€cciied btq MikCutfibcrt$o 1123.05 Co(nrna!ts: CG Srqdr Guticrrqz. Todd OosHiar oao,rftIfd'tloa Mo&rw t62t Etttrct Stcrt $iE 20lt D0 'rr, Cdordc ff202 $d3m13/tl fl0l29l3rl3 rtlaoerr[igrer.E glllt,4*@w w@ata?l*elfir:r,EI*tuffi gtutbtt& REOIJEST FOR I]{FORNAfiOII t|o.00190 TTTLE: Tr$rtdWdlDslslh Pna}lECTr Gotcecd(Plss ATI?{: {?40Ar&ibcrr t59l CoyeRi@e P.O.Bo(33tE Arm,CO t1620 nlnWiLy I'ATE: JOE: PIIONE: fAX! u/152005 3l-04.ff ?2$30t-?803 9?0*45{95r TOTAL?AG[SSENT: RIE(IJIREDRE$FON$E; rrnZ2s05 COSTIMPACT:SCHEDIJLE IMPACI: REQIJESTT To follorv p on cocvcnathns wi0r Slrawa last w€& corsanrlng turnel wall ssanblos: l) Wall l}pe D shorrs a dm$h @ tnck to 6llow for dcll€dion It reftrcnces aul. systern IIIU-D,0010 which we have been rroble to find" This uall is locabd irclte of thc c$t-in-placo concr€{c fouDdltion wall Thcrc sltould be uo deflaeiqr srd m nesd f6 tb chmel. Is lt amepbble to build per the dolail cxoop fc tb metol ccllirg nrnner with . 2'flango and lhe lEf€rcrcc !o HW-D.0010? &flection ttrat could be s@" Ar ttro lotg sparu, it is not orpccned to bs dorc dran 7r". At dr€ shortfi spam (uihcrc all tre rralls arc) it is €xpocEd b bc "ouch les!'. I u not awarc of m assarrbly th* allows for 7'defcctixr above, and mainhins tlrc lirG ming Istc 7i o.olLjoid $ilficicnt to allow forthe anticipded dcflectbn tr these aleas? At drawq tne dry*all will cndr if tb pcsbess dodccts u&m tood€d. lt tlw U.' gnp is suffcicnt, it n€€dsp be ntitrincd at all laycrr. If it b not, f,crsc provide adeoil. We have soppod ftaning d ttris point md icod clerifcadm of tlw dctails rs som as porsibla REQ{IISTED EY; R.A. Nelsm & Aseocirhs SIGNED .DATE: Mikc Cfihbatron ANSIVER: ?<F'e?F kroaw F€s?6NtE BESPTONDEI| DY: 4Z{0 Architlctg "'-i slct{tD BY:o,tril; lt.7-4.8 ,._.... 4240/RJA RFI I9ORESFONSE I1.23.05 Walt typcr t'A', B', "C'r , no rdin g= 314" anticipaFd deflectio& Provi{b a top of wall slip dstail that will sllow 7." deflection md provid€ a J4n curlk joint at fu top. Wdl typc "D", 3 horn rating = no anticipsted deflecfiom. Provide a Yr" caulkjoint at tlutopofwall Wall Rpc 'E(, I hout rating=314n anticipatcd deflection. Use tbc HW-IHX}44 lsrembly hr ttlrwrll Well type "F", 2 hou ratcd shaft wall' = 3/4n auticipsted deflection. Ure t[c HIY.D- m'H rrsoobF forttLrall tll., ArrenHy EW.D-flXf fu attrched foryour rcilsrcnce brgesrh ^ lcr L vL -. UL Onlina Certlflcadons Directoty xltBlf.Hlrv-D{o44 tolnt 3r.tCm. tolnt SydG|nt 5!!-erfrObllrl$lo-!deE-*n'||s slrtm 1|o. Hw-D'-oor4f Odo!.r Or, 2OO5 t rr|xi Edila - r' t, t r|ta a llt (3x lblr ll norhrr :crrt rirtrb - 1 rta a tn. (rrlt:m tl Car. ll rcJ.|stCrD{lD- - ret tra ttrf, Gonprr|o! rrt lrldali.r (t!.Il|r tl t. Aoor f|!.{|lt - tlh +-U2 ar. t d *acr-rdb.6rd lgiH$t a nom.l rrlc* (1o0 to 150 pcf}.truhr.l o{t trt ' a U.ll ldll|t - 1. ?. 3 0r { hrtrt{ao eype|ln 0oftt/rurn rr|f, 8..d at rf||r b! coottt.l!tl dth. m.!.rflt rrd |nt|l m|||nlr dtsttadln tnc hdvktt !N Ur*ro o. V{m taalar t|lt ard hltlm ryn !r tno tA itfc tlrlbff. oklrtoay i|d ir tddl the t ll$rh|e q*fr|doo ltrtxlt|r a lhl tltor |ed Gllql lrr r - nooJ rnd c lr{ nrn€fr !t rral ltrlmuy rhcl 6t} t of ldv $!d charn b{r.d b rcomnuraia lbJ t!rd! (IE![ ltl. Wnco daflGl cnfiml (ltstl l ) 13utad' 6lre. nddt ot drg ruUrcr lr !o br qur| E c. lFot r tir|| trn$ h.ight d drtldlon elrlnnal .td titq{g|i n|tr|.r,a te rra* Jt in th! |'.lhador c|f,rEl {ft . rya b I h. $e lit.nrhd bttlccn !i. tat ot ti. catra |vnnGr trf $o lop of Ua ddffin Gh.fir.L llh|n &lltdcrr dEmd It nol |J..n, nql hdg|| c Grf he nnl.r Jrl b! ||th .v l gt trrr li r.i roit ridt|' CcfBl nErrt lr '.ort||l tD @nqtlc lt!6 d$ rldr rbd nr!||'y rrio?r tD*.d fia 1.. h. 0C. Juar4i..l ll L, \rv r I .:. .r.69-v., Ar. rl[ ar|| fi-t{r. - HsfEa Cdh f||.ar - Wtrrt tE|n F*nt |idfi b lt tfiin or.+Jto 1-At ln,, t|oird c.flno n |f r|ry t lid rs J| dtt||.lr to d|. Gdftg .tfr|r h ttcm lA, grcc.l c*|o rurE rD qod f Irf, t.d d-rd t||i sloiFil lb.tt td to r(r$nnqb!! sG| nrd3 (llatn '2A!. Cdhg runne rGrit b cf,rstE ,lod rLD |'lh tctl fi|toort r|chrr: :gcrd m.r tl In. OC nlhm tld.d c*nC rl|nntf h FCd, |lcllc(lbtr drannd (ttur t ) ||rrl ltot tr qrtl. ft r.Uflr lic-Ita&rr IIFr Gf,rrgrn]|uc -g.P.If,r ra. qr elaa Fradrl. . IrH Da.llr €.lrr l||Irtr - !flr6 |rem ,lo5t rilft ,r l* than a aqd b I kr, }t|ucllddldon t.fho ntnar mt b.rtd- |lattda to ti€ adfrl trttIl || tcrt|' lA rd l t,.lttlcd 0alt tSo a!fir9 dmt ro r'dtt oa !rl'e rtld .hamcl tEr sN@ varoal ddrGtb|| C& qrt'|at ly firFrd r3fi runnar. gotfid cFl 9,uta.d rldr i.p D|6nfi$, tr pcmrmtt httcing ot rtqi thjds, lffic'l tltlrcto|r gilhe rumrr *qtrd lo con(rttc floor tbt nlli atad mrcdny a|rd|cE rtiod rro. 2a h, a)c. w|rt vlrdcll dalirclion tallhg nnnGr ii l|3!a[ difE tbo (|rr|ral (Ln.4, dulmt!. |!at tt|t tttt!' ttftok rtrc - urttT?xr vfotta. wtx(!. woeoo lnd vlD8oo A!. l.||ll ai|' t|tdre . - Cltp.a calflrt l||rer - at rn ltar ta to lr!! callry ]urnat h ltcnB 2a d 2at. *at rtllrtf, tc s.Jrc oa ,.1, 3.d cn |J r3r 6la prtrrnad h trlcr lt.ttrpr utkn p6l!v!ly alrOac $c t lda'llf,ra. d t|ta id inrb (&sn 2t). Trld tbad lo acEomnorbta G ttod3(lqn ZD, tfrf trla3lo E a .r 2^Va rL ClrF.r, dltr nrlar rorld to @aclr& noa !..b shd df,srrr, trdr3 t'tad na t2 fr {le lnr| d!9ad cdrT rufinf I rFi. d.de.!oi cltrr|t.l(trfn 3A) $rC ||ot b" o|.it tqi|t tlrtl. g|r||tUtlt I L C - s|rs rhl n|. (hfrr ar.D r"ailia.. iat|.. Gdl|l l|rtr' - ^3 It rlrrrft. r! lh. ldhq nnar ln ll ls ZA OrorrlA ?l3r nffiic{ cllh! nm.|i n0 raidrr ol C-Culad g||lv 8td Crnnal rlti n0kh€d $Bmft€lc dlad b emmo(|la *..1 !tub (lt m lB). dhd rdhg ru|tr|r llarcd to coflrtttr iolr rbDrli H m.r|'y a|d|ort t9red flfl L kr. OC- iitir noahad cdl|g w|tt|tr ts uxd. rtalldqr.h[rt (IIt| rA) grrl fiG !. Ea.l olln|n atlr lic - rlDa scr 45. gtlf Cfa F|.t|r -rrnc- lrta.uc Qe - ( of0fid, si.d dtr qn lt. ua.d h Eo.rlr!.6on l|dr *d i|d. (llrit 2r), c.||r! n$.s. (ttm 2A) or ddhdtoD dr.oata (fir6 3A)- qc bauf.d o|lr Urr tca oa ttr* d h*ftql ufttrtr rn! oihg rurrE q fitldL{ cnflid. Cf9 t{ htor!, t0 ura dl|o nrmr c dfiadon atlnnd wlt Io. t rat d;trg, rGr bDd€ n al hilltcrt. tlrugh l|olct Frrlllql rtbh'ura rlp, Cltp rtoy bG s€c1|fd t? li! rtu! rltt tso' 6 Dan haad ltad l(r.I ttu9lEh lratu3 enrldod nlhln tha Eit. & on alilmrtc, ttr? lc![ ot tht dl9 r!ry ba Intt lbd a/ar d|. toD ot il|. ilro nltho|t .tlr.t|tt6* h Efii(! fth mrn*c arr,! htDlbuon httructlonr- ;tll-mfl.l Sfcltt3 f IC - th.|. l.glld Doo Dc*(!oo OF a. *l|| - $d t a to ba mln J-t/l ||r. rfir". sud! qi ur to 3/4 to t ln, |.!r h ld||dl tltrrrrdy ntm qath bltb.r rrcdr? r, md rorrt lo iqor nr|||rr. lYh.a {dLcior r |!Ial (tr!€! 3l) tt|nt dli ${b eoltt 5 dng rulf|.f (t!i 2A} * r amf nraltoa$hfltad tra In. lclc.r ttr bllo r lo o|c rht|Gticr chf,rra lvho d.tcdod dEtud l3 trot rrcd, srdr to ,El h Ellrg rurp *|||oul albdr|sra. I|ttn t|latrd cdf rte nfi!. (tGrD 241) b r|sl. illd drdt GEUrld to tbn d dltlg rrxrlr rtt| lo, ! W Vt i|r. tqrg rrb tI|d nc.l s(lrr' rt i*lhalgat elrloc d| crdr drta ot rdl $nar vr|t(!a aSl.c!n| adlh! nfir|r la'rr 2 2, k urr4 larda!|.rr |.r lal to ioit|d vartlcl fiLctb|| dFr. n0||{h dr. bndrnF. nlth rlrd .qrs rl ddnahht of .r.t dd. shd +aCne not b srld 2a In, Og, c. 6fF Erar - cyD.rnt l!|'i thr.b hrir*d to r r*r Ual VB h.. 1-t /4 b., t-V2 hL q l ln.tH.tes cn odr dda C |!l br t, & I r { hr.kt Gt|mf||||. aoacallnlt. Wd rD br cotrnnld a5 rFcltd rn d! houllrl ljlo sdtr odan |n lrr t+ aiir &rEE Dl.rcto.t o@t urat ! f,i t a I r|L gap l*c linrr t) dr.l bG r nt lr|rl laltraarr tta top of !|€ gtEnr 6oi{ md ihc l6raf |trft of tt|e lloor , llr ic.B airahlof th. eyor.m !or! b th! $dt rbu tsr. top ot lh. t|dl it Dr loc*ld I In, br rhr bodam ot |'|c CElhg nflr. tlo gFrF tui attrclr!|a atfl!,ullbc d.nrql hto ti€dl|e rurxr.r a. alD lt! oldutrl &tat'| d|Iia. nrF!.};.. retdttld qrt.r b rdb tt. hr|t|fir rdrc drt r.L a, D.||lt|lon Ctlrrd- (Otltofll) - thr I h drap rnh l+ gtsF itrlv t*xl dr .rd tc.rl t. 3. fl.f fylr - fr rtr|dl.| lGr r tffin ottld aBd tot ot |'fffi lc|nl (A akra dlt$Llloar.f ,qhtrF!m, |. I tL Ir rd t rr '||Irrr..a 1b. btd a lr ]r$1|r' ir. |cr.tt-|r l a-ltrd lc.cr.n'|oart. nF! tifll -ata-c affi frn ||l ||bH rfr fr" I r- I tr ?dlilt na a r rt tSlrra on.Fa ttr .'cEElrala.rtrhLab frlhlrtra a lre.lflErorf *r|r $.r !q6t d hft3|r rd tt trrdrrLb, rilh a norqn a dai.llar dt! .1 ([Er 3A). I hlhr8: acoi|n|oflr s||'|g F rw (Hn 2A), DallGldr artrrul l.E tld lD Ecncd! aoot r$t t|lti attal nGo|ry drlrr rD.ort mu 24 ll|. oC ftG (dhe nfi|!' (E n A) ts trb|td rltln $, abtLcilo' ci.||ml to rlat||*r . V, it t/a nL fl9 b.!||!A ttro Up ol Urr dfr|e runaar rd thc loD et tha dairfrl' d|.rra. ft a|!rg,u.nc n ir ffic t|ia fiLclor (hmd rlturtt allrr||||lcr|t. t. Ftrht Lbrll|. - ScdbrE d cr a !d daitEy nhard |ool ltt aoanFlls.d 50 latflta b t rklms ||i tnolfll ai ldcc nntt to rontLt D tl tt! 940 bati-r ttlr lup ot tx oyEur|r bord r|d o|e lortdr ol li. @.E& ltor. Thr I'oi nt .r||E ld rha| tc hrut|ctl ll|tl tIft boti lol||clt otr.li . -Ct, J v^ J tltlll lxtl^ll(trll lilC - rDl( Stu lE htbn n3 rl|I@l I I G- ilnwo.].l:U s|fig l(ru+ rtc - sdt iOOl rcO|. Itlltl6tutlia CO - O.tr lard tn!|rllttEen llc - 5 F c. trl Ylal or rrrt ltrbF - a-tra - ,1lD l/t In. a|t t 4ru.| (rri Vlt rl' dry) ot rAfitfiLl l!:af alotrd Cn Efi *of tlta U|a DGn rUracaoal'rt I and B|itoat otfi tba, rrt esLp r |th t/, h, orto gFq toJ{ o|rbotsirthrcr|l rddo||| flt|t. toctnHarat ottll fl&rlrt thal c{alat a oh !n fr. oob th. docr ao lo|t !,fi c, I|lt ttrcrFtoradlroroet{t G - 3lrcs.d AS2OO €t rbr xic 39frt rl.f,ltrg the lt Ch3tIklthn l|rrt LrRlbffiar 20Gro.{t , _,! oo.rnod? Itlotb d Dlrd.lr .r 8| rTet @hl'bcc th. rP-to or r corrfrvr n.mi F ,.odsd $r Uia r,ita!!$ .to.r ac lr trd -ara lt|.a Fldrrtr r0 lt rru.a hin 6.ar ntl'rAcndo |!d!. IJL! tthrD ttaltc.. Ooly d|or| D.!.IIB !|aag tti ln f,t irouL t (ootld. d b t" Lffi .mt @rarril urrb tf,t tof 0d-14 lqtb. fhyr bal |irft! irt al qtt F!dJC. UL Fqtnls fa rrrrg|r|r fm ol tlx mtd||| (ntt raO ln dt Orlha Cardn(.0o'| Elrs{tDry rntltttr tr. tolldre cU|lqE t- lh Gdale lrfonrtttn Dadgnl anqoa Urnnf. (al-) mrat br Fiibd tr tltats srttrt flra In r a.'l-rittaadl|e nrnon rrltron rfry flrolp||h|lo ql tf dai| (ot *r{hlt). l, tht trananf 'll.fhna l!f tr| O.{hc Cadndcrt Dl Batoay vrtlt lunidoi tr!'| th{cfita' bor$rLt lnc' murt lpr€r r4Fqt to tha sl..drd 1r*QLl. Irr tGlir, $r fO.fbd rr|t.rld ft,rt lidrh I rottdc]A ndrr b| tha lolol|lre Sm&: 'Cott ght O 2ll05 l,tnt t rlEf| t tor.todrt lr.e" An Indap!ndint rrltntz-rtion rorllfig lor. srter $0rrd,rlli lrlegritt. pfe0irlon an0 kntirlad9a. ffits$Jt14z NTT NAT.ISMITTAL 00196 424c, Gsrc Credr Rcgfioncc - Tumcl It{rJECr}{o.: 20900,00 Itr.El RFI Lr8 RR NUT'/EER suNEcr: dftlftlml Arc Faohchde hECIJSTED TEfUTN D^IE; RFI f,,ortlng lnom G.C. to 4t$r t59l Coydr &idtr, Avorl CO Miko Cutl$cruoa l1.25. 05 Sublrtttld bt: Rccehed bry:Jin lVilsy fror 4240 to Cocltrrt l: S.dtby:_j!Ll4b hrc: Dab:t t.rr.05ncivaty: !flaC ![r!rcl!!s{o$n Cdilne coltrf,ACrd. RA.Nelson & AlsoclG t1620 | T. 720.30t.7803 | F. 970.t4J.89J l (P.O Bor( 33tt) Dc: l!.ltl)j Dsia I l.lt,05 ll.rE.05 froor {0|| io Comclbnt tr: Scnt byi Dslei D.lo:Roccivcd by: Coomcnts: '-- irou clrrbd I b al{h Scnt by: J59l Cqpr Ri{s Arm, 6 8f(in I T. T/l.3m.7tG I F. y'0.t15.t95r O.o. Botr 3tt) Dato: lL?.4.o8Rrccivld Dy:Jtfl Wilolt Conr't|cotf: ild Coo!trlt d2 b i@+oe 162r tf e. $E.20q olrtr, co toan lT. 36.a,x.3lst lF.3ct2gzll 'Da0cS.,!r bl nacolrrcd tf CoEcnts: frlnilt{lbGC.i RA t'lckon I F,9l0.4?5.?t8ll 0d8ib) $tat by: Im Wilet Reivcdty Mlhc CudfiGr|ron C€: Bmtdl Gci:aea, Todd GouldltE Dc|€: Dslc: Llr.a-6 a 2q. d{ Ooormb: aA .ddd|ld.nlr.- d,tqofu l62t Eblb.[nltllt Sd.lfiDrovrr.Cd.ndo fD02 rl0r 2tl3ttS t30tZt3ll3 *|24lb.[ld!a.d alvuffiMtfl,@.1Q7tffi.:l eft'offi. 'foavfv REOUEST FOR IIIIFOffiATIOTI t\b.00199 TITLE; Addiliood Atc Frult (Incuit! ?R(MNCT; Gorc Crec& Plrco DATE: JOh tlnt/2005 31.0/t{P ATITI: 4?40Ar$ltdE 5591 Clyotc RjqF P.O.Bo($tt Avon, CO t 16il0 Jim \tfloy Pf,OICEi 720'30E 7803 FAX; 9G&t5.t9Jr fiIfAL}AG83SENT: nEQrnnEIt RDSBIII{SEI ttnsnuxt COSTIMP.ACT:gCHEDIJLE IMPACT: REQUE$Tc The phrc call fc srp gult circuitr on bodron recctrclcs. Thc dcctricat inspccror is rcquireing them oo all 120 volt op€oirgs incMins liglB. Itis wtll rcqutre tho aditioo of approriafiely 72 alc hult bleakerx RDQUESTEDXY: R"dNolon&A$oofttEs SICNAD AlISIYE* tt $fe ,uwe ,GLc Tu c,iFctlf Mrstr aF TBe t,/gHtilu wrTh 1lf€ he?wA 9UA&iN4/89..lthrr FLtMllrrrfr\e' ],Dtr op TltE AwaTrorrALlt9 hlya otg0vtr we* l4f--'.. 3t taoF t ug;e yrrFgTnt HGEDOpe APqlor.lAL F,{Ca lp EepH ehrtf foF A tDTt+1- aS l(r.f f,lF'tE frtr& F AlTAcric,e E il691 ?Eo.t-h, ?e6.24, Ff-1.2a, P:ot.zPl El.lF I arc l,tt0ttlrZt- W&^/AGE REIIPONITEID BY: 4ztl0 tu*iEclt Mke Cuthbcrtsm '.--" STGNEDBY:orrs, [.4S.Af irrr rnexsunral RFI NIJMB,ER: 00198 424c, Guc Creek Resikoocs - Tutrtrol B,olECTto.; 209m.00 FILB: IU.l tog coNIR'cToR R.A. Nolsqr & Associatei suB|Ecr: Undq Crbimt liglr switching eIQIIREDBEI'URN DA'E, l l.2 j. 05 RFI loltln; fi.or G.G to l2rlf: 5591 co!'ot RtC!, Avoq co t1620 lT. t20.30&?t03 | F. yt0.84t 8ttJl (P.o. Bos SltS) Suhninodtf tr4!r6iqEthlcrEqa 1;gio: $.lEl)t Rrccivcd by:__..,|! q I[!q Ddc: r1.1t.05 f'o! al{l to Colrdtrnt 2! Scor hi1 Roclvd btq Connw: --l it'- Co-dt oi I i! aZ0: t59t cqo!3 RHr3 Avor\ CD Et6q) | T. ?20.3G.?!0! | F. 9ru,s{5,sr51 (P.o. Box 33ss) Srot Utn_!{&tao! ffahe_...............Dete: Roodvod by: Jim Wiley Comma: ,hoo a2aOlo Cmft.Dt lr srntbvL oue lllEt- Reocivcdby. M4lr4ly"lhp:ZlslgF0yt n rc, iljt'$-- c Datc: Datc: t.. Ccn*ur2 &424f: 16ll ltF St, Stq. !0O Ocavcr, CO tolm 1L 3tB.ryr3:It8lF.1(B1923l l3 Scntby; htl Recctvcd by:Dtig' Cofincnts: froo ,f210 tc G.C.. . RA l.[.ls@ | F.9t0.at6.?te 0d.il.) Scm by: In f,iilcr nirt".ltr. !{b!qbc.tlq Ildc: ll,25.6 Drrrct -146,8 Conumls: CC: Brcndr ftrdenq ToiH Gouldlnr ar.| A.ttL..rEb, tuWrhw 162l Elrtscd S*a 3dc t[ &.8, cobn& &102 t3('r1t2 rlal f:103 292 3ll] w a2{hliu:s.o ,ftItl|f'''Fo,!6'Rfr' v|d@ 81fi7 rrt gldJfiClat Fffi. Jftlft TW REOUEST FOR I]{FORiIAT|0T'| 1.1o.001S8 TTTLE: DI(}IDCT: TO: Und6 Cdrin€t Liiblg CscCrodrPlec 4240 AEbirccB 5591 Coyotc Ridge F.O,Box 33Et AYoqeO El6:tO JhWtl€y DATE: ll/182005 JOD: 314+m PIIOHET 720-30E-7EO3 tr'AXr 970-t45-895r TOTAIPAGES$ENTr nEQUInnDnES?OilSB: rrtl5t2|JfJrjATTN: @STIMPACT:SCTIEDLILE IMPACTT BEQI'EST: Are tlnes swidres for urdsr cahlnct ligh8 u drarm rcqulred or daeL€d? lf it *as ny hotm I would uant I switch. ..__--, nEQfJf,SfEDBY: R.A.Ndsr&Alscides STGNAD Mkc Cuthbcrtsm I'ATE PPovtetrFo\tueE A ?'wtJ ?\ rlTl,il* 'ID ereFtlEi *tA,- vrJ9e?- carg$rFft&ttrgr urTF ohrE =TrrrTc.et 4T wa B.rTF1 ? TttF FrlrttE.l A +-w*Y € l/lTe *]D ffi7e ANSWE& RISIOI{DEDBY: SIGNEIDIY: {Ztm AlotiEcb RFI TRANSMITTAL nnr\tr rraER: 00lgg 4240 corc Cltck Rosidlncot - Tunoel PRoJEdrNo.: 2(n00,00 flLE: RFJLog to*T* n.S Ngbg-q noq"t"r* sJBrEL'lr Fn€Dhoc crn llfitdimt[rrimg n'EQrJrRfD RE1URN rlrrTE I lrg. 05 nI'l RouthE frur G,C. to ,l?l{l: 5591 C4}.arr Rilrr. A}rq C'O 81620 i T. n03}8.7m lt 90.845.t951 fPO. Bor 3388) Subnltad by; CMs lrM!Drtr: | 1.22"05 Recsived by: Iirl Wilcy Ddo: 11,22,05 tluo {2{O to Couultert l: S€r3 byi ho: Dotc:R.odvEd try: Commenrs: troD 41{0 to Coir|lt ot tr, Srnr by: R*eived by: CoorEetrt!: fmnCo|Edl.itIL{0,& t59r coJor.Rit!, Asoo, CO tl62o 1T.720.30&?eD lF.970.t/t5xsl5l (P.o. Bc 33Et) o&: Datc; . S*nt hl:Datc; Recciwd byl Cmmeotr: fron Conllrot2 to a24O: 162l tdrq $!.200, DEr.., CD $:lgl1T.30t:92-33EE lF.3032yl3lll Scnt by: Received b:i: Drrc: BTG: C.ommerts: frur 42{0 to GLC,2 RANoIlon I F.9t0.4?6.?$r {ob!tu) ScDl by: JiE Wllcv Reccivcd bla_Clrlr lsnmct! Coomcnts: D1q I l:J.05 Drte: I t-25.0J OC: Btto& Ornisrca Todd Crafiltg fl|o Ardbtrt l!G. dtlqDtbrlfr 16ll rqfl+!. ' s|'otsoirr 200 Dilttr, colcldo &I2aD tfiJ2923lt f30l:92 tltJ r.r{r{l.tdit!c8!.c0|l taa l{trF rdFord w,@ fi$'l&t*t'o.'{'-ftfiFffi t lOQOnn REOT'E3T FOR II{FORTATFI ib.00r90 rtTlfi! Ff,(Nf,CT: fih Afllrl: Fftpbecnli$tdnodonr Gor. Cft.& Ph6o l2ln ArchitxB J59l Col'obRi{c P.O.Bo.3381 AvoqC0 tl6iF tilnWaky DATET J08: rrn2f.M5 3l-0+00 PflONE: 720.3Ot-7tO3 FAr! g?tFt{s.Sgtl TOTAI"PAGESSENI: RIQ{JInED nDSfONSEs 11,49/?&5 COSTIMP.ACT; SOfiDIJLEIMPACT: REQTIEST: Pleare erpply a dintcnsion frr the dislrE thn tb l,orrer levol can liglxr rne ftrom thc fiorn of the finplacc, REQOECfEDBYT Rl.Ncleat&Armirlcr ..-.,.EIG!{ED:DAfTI . Cfuic Lffi ANSWER: z'e" Pt4'Fl TVPI eAL re? 8*H&E t-t.\Iev ?+?Lf-|cEf- qv$)b v?&/Awd. RHil(}{{ND!ff:42,',il1 Arclrilocts SIGNEIIBY: irn rn^qNsMTTTAL 0u15 424c, Gors Oeek trsi&[oci - Tnmd PTOEqIN0: 20900,00 Fu..Er RIiI lrg 8FI MJI|EER SUB!ECt:Garago lrvol Unif Effiy Doqs nr.QUruD RflrnN D^r* t2.16. 05 XFI Bortir6 ftom G,C. b Oi0: Suboircd hyr MikG C\r&bcrbon Rrccivcd by:JiD Wil€,y fbon {NrO to Crnrltmt lr Solt ty: nrcdvod b:r, Cofimobl c0N'rn^sNx; R-,{" t|elgm & Atsoci$oc 5J9l Cqiom Rlhr, Avor, m 816A) lT. 720.30G180! | F. 970.t{5.09t1 (P.O. Bu 3388) D8rir 1,2.09.(ts Dilc. 10.09.05 Drrc: Ihtc: Ibor iO{O tr Corrtr$ 2; Scn by:I)nc: Date:Rccoivod by: Comom fitn Crnr*rot 1 3o i|2{h 591 Coyoto Rifto, AY!o, Cp 8r6t0 | T. 72D.30eflm I F. 970J45.t9t1 (P,O, Bd 33t8) Drfg:Scnr by: RccctyEd brn CoDn€ s: fioD Codrdtrll t b {2{h r6:rf rF $, SiE.2q', Dqu/Er. co W]fllT.re.XE233ttlF, !€r9jl3tl3 Ddg D|tE: Seil qF Rocsivod bj". Coom!rB tora2a0bG,C.:RANrto|t I F.9'04?Ctgn @!ic) tinWihySrrl by: Rcodvcd by:Mikc Cllbbcrrron Ibs: Ddo: 1212,05 tLr2,o3 Comrfsntgl {t{a ,{tlltrt tft bG Mo.btrt' ldu E rh!fi6 8r!.t Sdi! 100&,rt,rr, coldrdo lffil tlol?j'n$E f ,0! 2t2llll l|{2{0!thlcE!tcoD ElV|t'!,fo'&,d ybt @ Etatl*elE''.:niAtwh crHro|Ea REQTJEST FOR ITIFORXATIOI{ No. (X)215 IITLE: GragolcvelEnuyDocs PR(}|ICa: GomClockPlaco T(} 4r4oArlhitscb 559t CoydoRidgo P.O.Box 3388 Arron CO E1620 ATTN: JhWilay SA8CONTBAC|IOR RFI# : il)219 DATE: .!o& t2Bt2fi5 3l-(H.m FRON:RANA PflOND: 1:|()-30E-710t FAX: 970"&is{951 TOTALPAGESSENT: nf,QIIIREDRESFOIISE: r2tlffiWs COSTIMPACT:SC}IEIX'LEIMPASN REQTJEST: Thc garage lowl mtry door shall bo builtpcrGENdetails b 3-ln chinod Aldcr. No additioal detdls requirod. SUBCOilTRACTOR RFI I IXII1B REQUESTEDBY: R.A.Nshon&A$ociss SIGNND- MikoCuthbensm Rated mstrl iloors rnd ftanes $/ith wood overlery. Tiin to DATE; ANSWER: PP.oe.wp Aq troTBD AEovE RESFOFIDEDXY: SIG TED BY: a2l4oArohiffit INI{D,DET N'B'ECT: RFITRANSMTTAI, (xlng 4240, Gqc Crcek Reridcncts - Tund Ro,EcrNo.: 2{800.00 m fnhg - cQ{TRAclol: RA Nolro & A.rsocider Bas in Rcsi<hn@ Qqqx. Rf,l f,oothg fror G.C lo tlll: RDqITETEnnNDATE' 1.12.06 5591 cq|or ru{c, Aml! CO tl6a) I T. 7il.m.?UIJ I F. 970.llj.l9ttl (P,O. Bo( !3!l) D!ts. t..0t.6 Rrc.ivcd bF_Ji$ Ui!!q ' Ilc: t.05.06 frolr 42tl0 to C.||rh.nl l: Scnr by: Reivld by: Ddc: Datc: Cornmrr: lboilar{LC.!,I}rn2: SGlt Iry: Rc.ivcd by: D*c: Ihtcl Cqlrnnrtr: lhor Combrt l b rl(!I: tttr Cryb EtqArr+ cO trar! lT.7tr.n?$ lF.9mr|5Jm {r.O ir$, Sd b!r: R.eivod byi DdC: Drta IflCcdut2b{llt 162l ItS..,$s m,Ilcrrq, C0 fflc IT.36:9l.3LS|F.303rgtltIt Solby:Dt: Rcuirrd by: tlolataa!.G.cr B^l,tt6lF.9?O4?6.?ra0drb) Scaby:_-.[qf![ey Rccoilcd bfr_CghmF _l!b. Cmurt* Ihaq Dan 01.(D.ttr 0t.0.06 d.|,|ftu]l ba (',4ryD-' " lt2l EIH $d sdr A DClc, Colar& foldl .!trt&t rtn f3Gl29!3lt1r42at!l&dc.!C .7-\- FA I R.A.NEISON l. l f r'r.c bttllotzI' {2ar.{lFdtdv{ @ tr6ttl'|'/g/-l*rrltitFffi 'rtaf'ta, REOTJEST FOR I t{FoRmAtrc}l l.lo.00elc TITLk Bt*iogn6cs PR(UlCf: C'onClgkPlr. DAII: JOn COSTIMPACT: vinffi 3r{4-{X} ATT]TI: 4tl40Arclficr! 559t Coyob RidS! PO.Box 338t Avon, CO 81620 na Wlcy Pf,ol{E: 72G3G7E03 FAX: 9G845{9rl IIOTALPAGEII SIhIT: grQUrlErl nErPrlf{Bf,:vr2ffi ITCHEDTJI,EIMPAGT: NEQUETIT: gnrldtcrt bc brlc o 6c wdlr httc ttrrgpN Dd t!fircl? Tbc uoiuatfuoof 6F &twdl i! 6c givar gnSot aod 6c trcoel nigh lool nrch bcdrr wlth bc!c. lVo aho reoord ttrt dr brr be rc trlLr tha J l/4" bccor of ocoflict witb tirnhlitsr ckrnfotor pot A9llR. Plcarc advirc. RTQUISIIDBY: R.ANelro&Arrocict r[GlfllD: ColooD.Wir DAI,I: AIIITWf,I: Duc to prcvimr vrhc engheerln3 cEoilq r corcrctc otb wrll brro rer prtrldd for tho rerldcntld grrrgstr[a Tb Dr5rlil Suboll|rrslor th.uH provHc Gdg3 tr{n rt th: botiom of tbc rrl E/ptrn board ar Equircd by thc rpccifnSlol rection W2.ffiA. TLI reqrhcl tret 'odgc o{n bc phccd tcrc gl1xlun wrll borrd rbutl dLdnllrr nrlcrirb'. Ttc cdgc Hl rhorld bc plrccd !o r oDndctGrt 14'lclnt b lcft for tLc epplkrfou of Acourlicd Soetelt tlllrctt{DlDlf,: a2l$i+rfu SIGTJ{ED Df:osz: l,al,Qh. 424q^ RFI TRA}ISMTTAL Rnl{l/Fn; 00t3E ujDssr: Bojllcf Sbfi FlLs: RI}I lrg RBQITIREDRErIIRN DAIE I25.06 coN*^croR: R.A, Nglsm & fuBocialgs RFIRontirg lron G.C. to l2{ll: Submittcd b:/: Reeivod by:Jitn Wilc!'Ilarc: 01.1t.06 frtn ftl0 to Conllut l: S€|ltby:Ihe: Drtc: Conurcntr: Gore Creek Rocidcnccs - TinDcl PRoJECT rfrr.: 20900,00 59t Coloc RidF, Avm, CO Colcrnm $risc t1620 | T. 720308.?t03 lF. 90,845.M1 (f.O. Bq33tt) Dslg: 0r.rt.06 Rcccivcd by: lhor al{l to Co|rllbDr 21 Scnt by Rcccivod b:r: ComuncnB: fnoD Corrllbit I io 4r{l} 5&)r Co!/otc fi.rSr, Amr, €'tO n620 | T. 7n.at A I f. 970r{6lt!r {PI). 8or 3f,t) Data: Da&: Scof by: R'eceivod hy: Ihc: Dotc: ContneoB: froo Coorulblt 2 to {2,{h Scu by: t62l ltA Sr., $e. 2$, D!nv!r, Clf, WW|lT.*lIn$ 88 | F. 3032y23n3 D8u I)@:R.cdvcd by; CourEcols: too f2t|{}b G.C:RAI{llnt I F.9m.{?6,7t& ootaie) tbt WilcvScnt by:Dctc: D.lc: 0120_06 Roceived by:Colcntst tVisc 01.20.06 Cmma|s: CE: &cnda Guficncz Todd Goul.lint ttil0^ttit GtrEhc. drbqo erw 162l Ehia.-A StEt lt|litr 2m Dc|E, Cddrb t02m ry0t ry2lfil f3cl292 rllS tr42l0rnddblnd!.@D n *^l|ar$.oc' REQUEST FOR INFOR]I{ATION No. fl1238 &14 Wctt Folest Rmd vril,C{) t1657 J'}rrr" 7*164?'Frr: Y|0{7678&l. PROJECT: Gors Cttck Plape REQI'EST: AtftJimWilcy 42/40 Archit€cts 5591 Coyotc RidtF P.O.Box 33t8 Avon,CO 81620 Phone: 72&30t-7t03 Fax; 970-345-S951 STARTED: COMPLEIED: REQIIIRED; l2sn0ffi Thc unit Boilers require a stod pcrth€ m€chmical drawings. Tberc is not a specification fo this st8nd. lv \-/ 1ee Affnc,ot 6P V,/O . Rcqroicd By:R-A. Nelgm & A*rcigta 's[rd: Colcmen D. \llirc ltdb3 Ihcf ]to I l8l oo Ll__:l L___l PLAN l-,.,,,-,-l [-,1--i ELEVATION @ I r., 1/t, CHECKER PI^TE BOILER STAND RFI 0238 scALE s/4" - 1'-0" 2' x 2' ruEE gEE- IFI NlrlitsR.: nrr rnanrsrrnTTAl 00252 4240, . Goro Crdc Reside&es - Tmnol aoBcrNo: 2$m0,00 Ftrx: RFIlog coMRAcNn: IL.l- Nclsm & Arsocidcr STJBJECT: Cango Enfy Kcypad RFI Roudng fioD G.C. toa2l0t tror llll) to Colreltert l: Sert by: REQIxREo TET BND^IE' 0A.14.06 ' 5591 Colds RilgB Aloor CO f 1520 lT. 72030s.7frt3 | F. 9m'8a5.8051 (P.O- Eotr 3383) SubmifrGd by', Mikc crrhb6rts6 - Dac: (D'07'06 Rocclvcd by. Jisr wiby nnrc: 02'0?'ff Datc: Dste: C;orfimcnt3: Rcaoivcd b|: i!|. a2{O ic Crqfrrnt2: S€ot ryl Dale: Dale;Rr.civcd by: CdnDGoa: fror CoDhr|t f b aZ& Scn. by: $9r ColiE ndtB Avoq CO tr6t I T.7AJG.7iGI I F.9tltI4S.eSr CIL E t ltlt) he: Recoivcd by: CollmcG; fri. Cootllui 2 to aZ0!ldll lt! st, sE. 2m. D.fvcr, CO tfi102 | T. 103192.33tt I F. 30!293113 fhL:Scot by; Rccelved by: Comm* fton 4240 to G,C.:RA Nctro I F.970.476.fit2 0$oih)' Sarlby: !un_l[t!q hci Datc: 04.t0.06 u.r0-05Rlocived bt:_ Mit Ctrfibt:rtrm Conmenls: Ct: Bradr &tiarca Todd Gouldine at{t Arctt tu! h, fuodara 16 EiclDath gna 3fr 200 D6ff, colqdo r@02 r !03 29l r3l8 f J{3 zql3ll3 v41{o.thlxu!,(.. &aY|EFCttWt tiNd', @ ualll*Ig/t:T,l+lWFffi, an ltgfw REQUEST FM INFORIIATION No.0@5il ITILE: Grtrg€ eaky k ypad PIOJECT: GonCcekPhoc ATT!T: 42/40 Arobilbctr 559t Cryob Ridge POSox 3388 Avon, CO 81620 JiEWihy DAII: JOn 2nnM 3t{x-fi) PHONI: ?UL308J803 FA:& 97rLt4l89Jl . TOTALPAGESSTNT: REQIIIRIDRESPIONSE: Ul4nOC6 COSIIMPACT:SCHEDULEIMPACT: REQTJEST: thic RFI cofros rc€€ot &cisiEr in tbe OAC rcSlditrg th€ grrag€ €nty sy$€or. the islnd ud gooceoec,t rho*n o ehcct A(Xl4 d€ to be elimfui&d. The cnuy lcyFd il b be monned in tbe gtcne o lte wal b lte nortf, of 6e &ivcray, ihc sane dimce ftrm.the fu as thc gmsanaot, md mouftd 42' abovc grs&. A sccond l" coduit, run to a 4 x 4 box will bc providcd fc fttrc urc. Thir box will bc mounEd direcdy t4iacc6c to the teypcd od will be frnirhd with a blaok phte, mired to rdch 6c bntrel louver colan. Tbc conduit will crmiaae in tic rcst dccuicel rmn R8QITDSTIDBY: RANdson&Ars@ie EIGNED:DATD: MtcC\fibedron AITTSWER: -Tttrs tM4s 9t3e.r.Fw ND ACCEPTE0 4T T116 2.b.q" OAO ! ffTJ.NO. 4U,lO ArchibctsBITIFO!{DIIDtrY: D^n.l.10-QQ RFI NUMBER: RFI TRANSMITTAL 00273 4240, Gore Creek Residences - Tunnel PRoJEcr No.: 20900.00 FILE: RFI Log coNTRAcroRr R.A. Nelson & Associates suBJEcr: Tunnel East end Fire Protection REQUIRED RETURN Dotu, 03.29.06 RFI Routing from G.C. to 4240: Submitted by: Received by: from 4240 to Consultant l: Sent by: Received by: Comments: from 4240 to ConsultNnt 2: Jim Wiley Jim Wiley Steve Rondinelli - BCIER - 303-422-7900 Steve olease send back to me at the Avon Addr$s below. 5591 Coyote Ridge, AYon, CO Chris Lammers 81620 lT, 720.308.7803 I F. 970.84s.8951 (P,O. Box 3388) Date: 03.22.06 Date: 03.22.06 Date: Date: 3.24.06 3.24.06 Sent by: Received by: Comments: from Consultant I to 4240: Date: Date: 5591 Coyote Ridge, Avon, CO 81620 | T. 72030E.7t03 | F. 970.845.$5t (P.O. Box 33tt) Date:Sent by: Comments: Received by: from Consultant 2 to 4240:t 621 l8'h st., st€.200, Denver, CO Steve Rondinelli 80202lT.303.292.3388 | F. 303.292.31 l3 Date:Sent by:4.20.06 Received by: Comments: Date:4.20.06 from 4240 to G.C.3 RA Nclson I F.970.476.7882 (jobsite) Jim Wiley 4.20.06Sent by: Received by: Comments: Date: Date:4.20.06Chris Lammers CC: Jennifer Hunt, Todd Gouldins 4240 Archftecture I nc. chicago denver I 62 I Eightccnth Street S uitc 200 Dcnvcr, Colorado 80202 t 303 292 3188 f 3 03 292 3 | | 3 w 4240arch iteclurc.com &.W.{'ForcdRd vd. co ct67 T.bdtoaa:97$7tt&f6, Fdnlb: glttT&rw REQUEST FOR INFORMATIOT{ No.00273 TITLE: PROJECT: TO: ATfi: Tunnel ea$ erd fire proGaion Gorc Creek Placc 4/l(l Architects 5591 Coyotc Ridge P.O.Box 3388 Avoq CO E1620 Jim Wiley DATE: JOB: 3l22n$6 3l-0+00 PHoM: 720'308-7E03 FAX: 970-845-E951 TOTAL PAGES SENT: REQUTRBDRESPi(INSE: 3n92OO6 COSTIMPACT:SCHEDULE IMPACT: REQIJEST: Please provide direction on what to do with the fire protection on the east end of the tunnel. Mike McGee (Town of Vail Fir€ Chief) does not like the placement ofthe one sprinkler head under the grate. Mike McCee is not sure if this is needed at all in fiis area. One other suggestion is to place this sprinkler head in the stair landing wittr the sprinklo pipe running up the stair well. REQUESTED BY: R.A. Nelson & Associates SIGNED:DATf,: Chris Lammem AITSWER: 9fp1r*roo C-oaln Tg Ddil-t5tED frB SlrcW-fTP - LT "!lF trr Corl4v$+r.;B/# Y@e-e,e o*+/1P-s IAJ'Tt+ls AI(BA ilA ^.tva A4e.s6 @ F,tzr jv1b'Q.st+&-) ffio\E> tlttt WLl**{-tOl{ . RESnONDED BY: 4Zil0 Ardritects SICNED BY: gcl* gJ(errln€ Dtlrrc Jim Wiley DATE: 1l rtf zrr 821W&Fo,&Rd vd. co 8t6!t7 fdg.llg!':970.UU65f Fa,f,b 974.f&78/,2 REQUEST FOR INFORMANON No.00297 TIILD: North nmncl cairqcll marry PROJECT: Gore Creek Place DATE: JOB: 4128,tffi 3 t 44-00 ATTI{: 4240 Archit€cts 5591 Coyotc Ridge P.O.Box 3388 Avorl CO 81620 Jim Wil€y PHOhTE: 72G30&78O1 FAX: 970-845-8951 TOTAL PAGES SENT: NEQUIRED RESPONSE:5/5n006 COST IMPACT:SCFIEDULE IMPACT: REQUEST: orn masonry contsactor ha! rcviewed tte north tonnel stairwell in thc middle of the poject and has s(me concer t sbou Sc above grade portion They think that 6c current design will not function and is aes6etically unpleasing. They believ the tiny grorn line between veneer and stone cap will fail. They are proposing that we extend the veneer by 6' in height and then insall cap. Also will thc lights in thfu qea sill fit with cun€nt design? LIQUESTED BY: R.A. Nelson & Associates $IGNEII: Cbris Lmmcrg IIATE: ANSWER: eArse w4t^, v+",!&Jt'l. 9Y ttl c,wv ytfr)(. lflrtoqT fiJ 44e grms oF grrolf_ tilo AQ?A Wet+. Sol-rp gwr rfltugtsu.4 ??a/rgg oovvG# t^,To ed,,rax"4eu.dfLr Q 1ruqoo. vt/,t+ts wrr& wv?ua w rttl'1$-;, wq4p Heta47. IIATE: 424o^ ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL Gore Creek Residences INSTRUCTION No. or3 ro: Mike Cuthbertson PRolEcr No: 20900.00 RA Nelson & Associates 5l Eagle Road #2 DArE: 08'22'05 Avon, CO 81620 rssuED: 0g.22.05 PRolEcr: Gore Creek Residences FRoM: Pax Chagnon The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates vour acknowledgement that there will be no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental Instruction Title: Clarification of the Residential Mechanical Inlet and Exhaust Locations. Reason for Change: This is a clarification of the residential mechanical inlet and exhaust locations. Description of Instructions: Re. attached Ml.2B, Ml.3B, Ml.4B, Ml.5B, Ml.68, Ml.7B, and Ml.8B. These mechanical sheets show mechanical inlet and exhaust locations which have been coordinated with the exact locations shown on the Architectural Elevations. In addition, re. attached ASK-030, 031, 032, 033 for revised elevations which show the correct locations of the kitchen exhaust grills for the base packase. Note: The louver and grill locations for the west elevation of building #8 will be revised to accommodate the new location of the boiler flue. These new locations will be contained in the forthcomine 'Boiler Relocation ASL' Attachments and Enclosures: Mechanical: Ml.2B, Ml.3B, Ml.4B, Ml.5B, Ml.68, Ml.7B, and Ml.8B Architectural: ASK-030. 031 . 032. 033 By: Pax Chagnon Received By: Copy To: Todd Coulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (4240) Jim Wiley (4240) ASI File 42 | .10 ARCHIECTURE lNc l62l Eithteeodr Street Suite 200 ---?:1"-"I:9"]::t'^t^-ryTl Tne info,rnetion "onta n€d in this mssssg€ is prjvit€g€d and confd€ntial inlend€d only ror tho use ot lh€ individual(s) or ontiMies) nam€d I 303.292 3388 t 301.2923 | 13 "J*. l m. ,""0", or trs m6ss€g€ is nor the intonded recid€n! you are her€by notft€d that any dissemimtion, di;tibutio.r, ii c6pying of ww.424oardritacore.corn lhis commu*Eton is sicry prhibit€d. tfyou have.ec€iv€d ihis cdnrrnication in 6ro., pbss€ notir 4z4o Archil€ctuB, hc. imm€dialoly. iElcllffr ufilpiirrir iil ro'l ^v(l rsit .t 'ovJHsNoIl stf,Nltolstu xlauS !Iuo5 I ilr t _ilriY #)'$ iiliiil ril | 6l ./_\, \- -- -------€!- ii;et;Sr rlii liriiirir iil ;*: o' 5HE*s ro'r^vcrsa 'qvtHsNon SIDN3oISIU XtrUJ aUOC I llrl _ilii E5 , $ffiffi EE Ina 3q =3Jq. s 8i @ iEeglffir rrEl iFlirrir oPlloloJlleA .IrO'l AVO IS:IM'CV:IHSNOI'I s:tJNllclsau xilaf,J xuoo lir I ili!Y $ffiffi T, I a \7/ g g 4 fl/_tt)\-Fl I I I i I I I L----_ i i..$$ i.-\'J: E( itE tlnalisr ljgl liriirrir oPaoloJ 'l!r^ ror ^vo rs:rl.r 'cYtHsNoll SIIJNACISIIU XIIIUJ AUOO t llrl iiiiY $ffiffi /SE e)v d fl * @ 7--------O--- w rol rvo rsgfi qwHsNorr saf,Ntorsau xaxuJ iruoc ilicl;$r rril iiriir;ft iil 1!t tlEl,l a<fl IlIllllll s$Er e dE=$" > I 1!r F _llri w IO1,\' rst t',CVSHSNOtl srlJNaclsau xflau-J iluo9 i EEEtisr riii iirii:'1, i illli;d-. Nr : !t i;l :l;l!l liIl llIl ;Hd- oE;r3 \ iEg" > I ilrt ilii!#Y ffiffi oi4 e a(lulI ;L+ :tl 9f, @ ,/z/ '/.,' I I I I I I l I L_____ \---------4!- iEigli$, llil liriinir i ro'l ^vo rsa|t 'olnHsNot'I stf,Nacrsru xtlluJ auo9 I Y'IT ,^lJt :r!! i!*' -l #',1'u i$iirl iil !i!)-tJ rltj&t EI:T t! r !lHtd //,, ( i I I I I I IL____ 4240 r52t t8[]t stftIl. surE 20 @ D202IE. ($J) 292-JJIEFrI (yID 292-5ltJ GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LIONSHEAD, WEST DAY LOT VAIL.C()lt)L DO VAIL RESoRTS DEI'EIr)PMENT COMPATIY opavflNc No: ASK-O30trsr-orsl REFERENCE: A21 ISSUE: 05.16.05 [)ATE: 08.22.05 SCALE: 1/4'-l'-0' DRAWN Bl: PA( 2ELdwg 4240, 162r r8fi srftIl, $m 200 Dorftn, 00 mmzlrl (JoJ) 292-JJE6 Frx ($t) m-51r5 GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LIONSHEAD. WEST DAY LOT vA ,, il)l-(rRAtx) VAII, RFSoRTS DNVNI-OPIIF,NT CoNN'ANY DRAWTNG No: ASK-031 (Asr-o1r) REFERENCE 1221TC73 ISSUE: 05.16.05 DAIE: 08.22.05 SCA.E: l/'1'=1'-o' DRAWN 81: P/0( oo I 1/a" = 1'-o" 4240 162r tsrH stRtEI, smE 200 otxvtB c0 60202rn (Joo a2-1J88FX (JoJ) 29:l-5r rJ GORE CREEK RESIDENCES I,IONSHE,AD, WF]ST DAY LOT vAIl-. (ioll)RAl)o VAIL R-ESoRTS DF,VELOPNIhNT COMPANY DRAwNG No: ASK-032 trsr-orsl REFERENCEI Tzl 412251411 tC51 427 1 ISSUE: 05.16.05 DATE:08.22.05 scALE: r/a'-1'-o' DRAIYN BY: PA( oo UILDINGS 424(J^ t62t tElH slRET, SUm 200 DOI,E @ q1202ltr (JoJ) 292-JJ88Ftx (rN) a2_J1$ GORE CREEK RESIDENCES I,IONSHF,AD. WEST DAY LOT vAll,. (tl)RAD() \/AIL RESORTS DEVI]LOPM bNT COMPANY oRAwrNG No: ASK-033 trsr-orcl REFERENCE: 4233,c61 ISSUE: 05.16.05 DAIE: 04.22.05 SCATE 1/4'- 1'-0' DRAWII B/: P/U 424(o^ PRoJEcr: Gore Creek Residences ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL Gore Creek Residences INSTRUCTION No. or7 ro: Mike Cuthbertson PRolEcrNo: 20900.00 RA Nelson & Associates 5l Eagle Road #2 DArE: 08'25'05 Avon, CO 81620 rssuED: 0g.2S.05 FRoM: Pax Chagnon The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental lnstructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these lnstructions indicates vour acknowledgement that there will be no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental lnstruction Title: Mailbox relocation. Reason for Change: As requested by VRDC Description of Instructions: Provide mailbox as described in lhe attached documents. o Referto ASK-020 and ASK-020A for location of mailbox. Refer to l/A502 for similar sill condition rnd2/A502 for similar head condition.o Refer to structural details 8A/S3.2 for revised head reinforcing at mailbox location and 8B/S3.2 for concrete wall columns at mailbox location. Refer to 5/S3.3 for typical steel lintel to support masonry at header and lypical sill reinforc ing condilion.r Refer to L-3,4 for mailbox specification. Install mailbox per manufacturer's recommendations, and with manufacturer suggested accessories fbr masonry veneer instillation. NOTE: Re. ASK-020A. Boiler combustion air intake to be relocated. New location to be defined in forthcoming ASI regarding additional boiler issues. Attrchments rnd Enclosures:t. ASK-020 2. ASK.O2OA3. 8A/S3.24. 8B/S3.25. L-3.4 6. (2) Mailbox cut sheets, 8.5x1I versions of whal is shown on L03.4. By: Pax Chagnon Received By: 42 | .r0 ARCHFECTURE tNC l62l EiSh@en$ Street Suire 200 Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (4240) Jim Wiley (4240) Mark Gee (M.N.) Dennis Anderson (DAA) ASI File Denver, Colorado 80202 ,,F ,,omation containod in ttfu message ls paivileg€d and confid€nti€l int6nd6d oily fof the us€ of th€ individual(s) or entity(ies) namedLur 'z'r'r 5oo | 5u 5.tt L.r | | 5 abow. It the r€ader of this mess€ge i3 not lh€ idend€d r6capi6nt you are hereby notified thst any dissernination, distibulion, oa copying of www.424{h'dlitect,re.co.nthi!co.nmuni5tionis3t|icdyprhibited'|fyouhav€r€ceiv€dth.scohrnUnicationiiefo..p|e6s€notify4z40Aibduio )(vd :,r€ Nfivuo .0_. !=.r/t :ttlos 91)'tz'80 :3rv0 90.91.90 - 91 on8q :3nssl(rro-6v) [o/z acN3u3ltu 020-ISv :oN oN|ffrQro ,\Nvdt4lo:) rN3nido-rE^ac sluos'cx ,Ilv,\ (xfffnol*1ry^ IO'I AVC ISAI,S'CVqHSNOIT SAfNIICISSU )gEf,f, SUOC c[c-z6z (mf) Irr ssm-za Gocl 13r azm 00 lB[m 002 :llt6 'tnuls Hl3l lal ofz? X ui6'YEZ, e*.@>trfi o>Lrl O tr-oo Ho.@,n rvE =uJ -l.!-airt"l S| !r-)= n{ t-rl >-r-'*'rrEi4!'ir*r <EFi-1- rr-<zodo5oF o STONE CAP PTD. SIEEL GUARDRAIL AT TOP OF GARAGE STONE WALL (PT-OI )(RE: LANDSCAPE) CONNECTIONw/ HoRN & ABOVE. RE: (FDc) STROVE FIRE DWGS. 4240, 162r |SIH $ftIT, SUn 200 Dfi{|tn, m BP02'rE. (J0J) 292-JJEB F X (J05) A2-JlrJ PROTECTION ;-;i I l:_::'lt ::, r, ... MAILBOX (RE. ATTACHED L-3.4 FOR SPECIFIED FIXTURE. G.C. TO CONFIRM MANUFACTURERS R.O. DIMENSIONS) NOTE: BOILER COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE TO BE RELOCATED. NEW LOCATION TO BE DEFINED IN FORTHCOMING ASI REGARDING ADDITIONAL BOILER ISSUES. gRAwrNG No: ASK-020A REFERENCE: 2/A5O5 ISSUE: 05.16.05 DATE: 08.24.05 SC,trLf : I /4'-1'-0' DRAWN BY: Pox GORE CRE,EK RESIDENCES L]ONSHEAD, WEST DAY LOT \,lll. col.()R,\D() Vr\ll, RESORTS DEVF,I,OPN{I]NT CONIPA\Y vtgi 23/ 26b|J L1:33 5i u66urO Monroe & Newell ED€lnccts. Inc, r'lul tt(uL.t.IL.\^ILLLF k l'|F'AGL. U 2 Gl-P-,< ,on. u, u!,1.. o"t-iJJil6- 08/21/20Oi TtlE 15:34 (TxlRx No b5ss) Aoo2 VA/ 23/26b5 15:33 I"IUI.IRLIENE |,'ELLF R i I PAGE S3 GzaS StrEETt{<t. -- oF !A, ll{/'..elnlo{ CHECXEO B' Monroe & Newell Er4ihecre. Ine. 08/23/2005 TUE 15:s4 [TI,/RX No SsBsI @tooJ i SEel;8l riii iiiiirrrr i iil OF'OIAJ 11lA lo1 aYo rst^r'oYJHsNot-l SIIf,NACISSU XIIIUJ IUOC I 'ii T F f oo o =Yo 2 ; u,l J tu icg'l !t tf fi!:l! ;i? li'a ;rlil zo6 Fo u.l oEq. :? |rl d F(t, ut oz;oo z 9 u, J !l z 6 Folt at IL !i;i ,! ':,::i I t I +t, #i:?j H0RIZONTAL MAILB0XES - cusrou UF-q$lL FRONT OR REAR LOADII{G Made entirely of aluminum, Salsbury 3500 series U.S.P S. approved custom horizontal mailboxes are available in fuur (4) dii{erent mailbox door sizes and three (3) diffurent parcel locker door sizes. Each atuminum mailbox door includes a five (5) pin cylinder cam lock with two (2) keys and a 2'' W x 5/8'' H clear plastlc card holder (card included) to idemiiy the tenant's name and/or box number. The mailbox compartments are made of sh€et aluminum. 3500 s€ries custom horizootal mailbox€s can integrate differer* combinations of mailbox and prrcel locker door sizes and include a standard aluminum finish. Matching collection units (5,5 If Frcnt Loading: Door panel switrgs on a continuous hinqe, Ane tnailbox opening is rcquired for a master postal or commercial lock and cannot be used for mail distribution.j Units include factory installed 3/4" W x 1/4" D ttim and a solid rear cover. If Rear Loading: Mailboxes can be used for either U.S.P.S. access (master postal lock not require or private access (master commercial lock not required)- A,ll openings are usable. Units include factory installed 3/4" W x 1/4" D trim and a removable rear cover, . c[*Fr.$glgrrfr! ..*!s5ioue'itrt See sanple inttallatian oi pagc )) ORDERING A CUSTOM HORIZONTAL UNIT SAMPLE FNOilT LOAI'IN6 UNIT {trnr r ol shosr) 3 " 3600 A" doors 12 llsablo) 2 " 36O0PL2 1 . 3600 'B' door 2 - 3600 rC' daors Custofi froot loading unit with standat"d aluninum fi,lish displayed ! - 3600 '0' door {xith slot and gngraving) f o'a' f- t' -*-f--- '" -*---l Note: There is a l/4" vertical space tf.rlvF.ren door sizes shown above. MA1LB0X 'www;mailboxes,com fax 1-800-624-5299 3 ) Determine tt " numoe, ot openings required using "A", *B', "C", 3nd "9" mailbox doot sizes and PLz, PL3 attd PL4 parcel locker door sizes. X ) aonfinrr" requirements to flt a mirimum ol 2W x 3H standard $A', doors t0 a maxirnum ol 5W x 7H standard "A" doors. t9\ .3 | Contact us for rough opentnq 0rfiensrons or layout specifications. '##JxfY## t - 3@0P13 1 - 3m0PL4 N€t Ooof Skes*I_--- +1it" I i lGaf -T- I t0-44' I I-t- I I 10-3|/,f I I Final inspectioo af I custom hor i zo ntal un its t'? 'Y Doof ard 16"12" D Comptrtnsn 36oOPL2i2 Parcd Lockot {2 doors high atd 2 docs wld€)13"Wx FROI{T OR EEAR LOAONG 3600A '' 'A'Door 8nd 1&r/? D cdrDerrnent 36008 | 2 "B' Door ard 1F.U2' D Comparfnenl 360OC tr "C'Doo. snd 161P D Compstm€nt 3600PL312 ParcelLockor (3 dooB high and 2 doors wide) 3dDPL4lr Parcsl l..bd(6r {,t dose high and 2 door6 wide} coLLECnON UillTS" 36OOC5 ''' Cotl€oiig| thit (for 5 doq l|ign unn) 380OC8'2 Colbction Unit (for 6 door hqh unil) 36OOC7 'r Colbcrion Unit (br 7 door high unit) SFAFE pAFni / Omoirs 6-12'wi $r/a! H, ' t3"Wx$l/,t'H 8-1/2"WrlG9/4"H 13'W x 1G3/4" H 13"Wx'16-1/4rH 13"WXA-3Y4"H ' Unlt $lrc 21"Wx2$E/4'Hr12'D 21'',WxgS1/4"Hx12"O 2l" W r 4G3/4'H x 12'D (2) keys...6r2' W r 5-1/4" H 6 lbs. 6 rbg. 12 lbs. 20lbs. 25 lbs. s4o.oo $60.0o $@.00 $80.00 I spe.lty . For lrqnt loeding h3lalla$on ' For r€r loadirg imtalldbn . Fo. U-g.P.S.;a[ dsllvei], hra8rilot ' . For p|iwle ntall dbubudon Ingialblioo lo'drt #62a. la hdrl b*o n bu wtit) @refrfA.wpttCl@ btet rlutl.ldd lotlilg Mt sro .6rqus f,nFh tAl trmt accesg coll4don unllq trave an l8'w x 2$14' H x t2'D tnail slo.aqa cqopstfit€n. On reat accass ooll€otion (f{te, cusbmsr io supply mdl .p!tade. t!oe: Jle pric6 lor cusiom tErizonbl marboros b p9r lrdivktual opcnlng witlln a unil ard iftlLrdo8 a door, standard koy lod( lrd codpadrn9nt. Atow Spgroximatet 2-3 w€€ks lor alElom lrorizonlal m.iboc ddi\r!ry For $rid(€. ddv{n aaa pao€s 10 Nod 1l tof sttndard hod.o{td llallbolos. $160.00 $190.00 60 lbe. S750.00 65lbs. $800,00 70 hs. s850.00 365r 3652 3353 3054 3666 ' 367S 3676 #77 3686 3690 3699 $25-00 $35.00 $s5-@ $60.00 add 10% sl0.00 $10.00 $r 0.00 ss.00, $s.00 $25.0O Door - 'A'size relacemenl dm{ and loc|( wth Door - "8" size rsplacernenl doot dltd bck wl& (2) koys,.,lo" w x 5-1tfr H Door - 'd size redacemsnt dq and fock lridt (2) keys...&t/z" W x lo4l/4" H Door . '0' size rsplacemont doo. and hck wilh (2) keys.., l g" W |l &3,/4" H Cuslom Finish Ma$s CornrFrdal l. ck - tq iofil lG*lg lrdbo( |'rlit - hcbry i$hll6d itrtor pah& mail dist|{xlion M&r Commercial t ck " b perc8l bd€a - b.foty lnsbh if h pdval,e rnail dislrilutofr Maslor Comnnrclal Lak- for tront lodhq coXecdon uI*- hilo.y rgalbd il la p.iEte matl dstrdixr CcrthafFn fock - g dgt sp.tE kkfi - addih'd F doot - tor i*llatiorE nt s€rvbed bt fE U.S.P.S Loc* - standard r€placomsnt ior 3800 s€rks dooB . wrth (2) keys Key blanks - fo. slandard 3600 series locks - bo.\ of {5O) HORIZOI{TAL IilAILBOX OPTIOT{S . FOR sYsTEtts 14'H yith . Ct6tonr .ic'a!he oo cdle{tbn {$t [4,:la*i l. :.1 (t3646 - s8-00) ff;, l'" l-.='-llc!sronrrorsj:e5 i#s#;ftPl **- ,iiy,rf&** J,,,'. "WI n ti--l iffii$' I il[l " '* I Wi.*, cu,ton horizontat na;tboxes with parcet tocke,s and . curtoinffni* ffi collection unit wtth gold fit ish #365l, and custom (f?566 - add ro% to uott prlcc) ffilIffi eneraving G3665, dlsplayed. . lp€city qotd o' b.oole {h,* I Loc(s -.6\' ctl3ton .ograEd pld.ardl E Ea.h $aitbc. door inctudes a flw (5) ptn cytird.r.fi #.ffiiffiffr*:l* ffi, [***':::m::'::-" ffi@(d!or will be sotb - no (ird hotd.r) tr,(13668-t3.0or ':!::::::,' wrth spr'ng ratch and autonutic thro\t'of( . cu*orn .ng'avhq o.r cdre{rbn {r$t ffiF-T-In tl:uur - le.oot l 90 1t686 (r355i - g20.o0r I :?:;Yil i.o*ru,.n --*, "r" be cnaneed bv ot*nrr) t#f;i* '*'t.'i|'*t. Safftdh6ivr 4ontara'Jheatr ot (1oo) E,Br"rd d*, t{or i'l3ullsnla'3not t€rriccd b} lh. U.S.P.S.) t5.OO * 90 ,t686 (43695 - tl5S0) . Thumb latch {in lllu of 5tardnrd lo.t) : 1-\ (rr6s9 - t3.00) --{\ @. Add(ionnl kryj per 106l whefl ord.rin, {ffill \ \ ) l{ (rrl5e8.sa.oo} (-}-1[U il tr\\ pkrik rLd ho5.r {t3697) to lde.iit dE t.oarr's nam. . Custo.n lo.k ,rrl.ilrtion - 'no5t ity.e5 rccotnrnodatld *(lJ W $ - crlin&r proyidad by fincr - 100 {toc, nfi;. xn i rir oftl.n upon r.q{4it. L*.1 fiold.6.(rlo70 - f.30.00 " prga 6rl neatt (*i69, - t3,00 rdditiqlal lcr door)a3689 13698 Thu.nb lafr1 Addltio,ral keys the nalbd cornp$t lrnt5 ard ar! al/llhua 6a an op$on !!on rtq|t3i.( cofip|Ifnrnts ad ar! al/llhua 6a an opdon !!on rtq|t3i. . Keyblanks - ba( ol (50t - lot 3600 satiai '1ffi- lu 13690 (11699 - t25,00) S2.00 Pef ll, 424(o^ ARCHITECT'S ST]PPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION No.034 ro: Mikc Cuthhrtson RA Nelson & Associates Gore Creek Residcnces PRoJ€crNo: 20900.00 Avon. CO 81620 PROJECT: Gore Creek Residences lssuED: 09. | 2.05 rRon Jim Wiley The Work shall be canied out in accordirnce with the tbllowing Supplernental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. hoceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates vour acknowledsement that there will be no chanse in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental Instruction Title: 12" storm line rcvision Reason lor Change: This ASI moves the routing ofthe 12" storm drain per RA Nelson request. Description of Instructions: Revise the routing of the 12" storm north of the tunnel as requested by RA Nelson. Attachnrnts and Enclosurtc: Alpine Engineering ESI #7 dated 8/30/05 and storm line relocation drawing datad 8129105. By: Jim Wiley Received By: Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy llart (42,l()) Scott Zabriskie (4240) ASI File thc irdormailoi contlin€d In thig m6srrga is priMl€96d and corifldmtid intendld o.iy lo.tha use ol lh6 indilidrd(8) of €nliMi!3) nam€d abo/r. lt thr roadlr ol thl! mo3ssec is not thr int€odcd rocidarn, yoo arc her€by nodlird lhal any dlgs.rnlnadon, d3ldbriion, or copying d thiE cqimunicdiql i3 stidly prdlibitld. Itycr h.v. cctivcd lhi! cqn.ionidioo in aro., de.!r ndit 4Z4O Ardribcluf.,}rc. imm.ddtly. ,I2 I ,O ARCH]TECTURE INC 161l €lthtccndr Str€.t Suitt 200 Dcncr. Colcndo &1202 t 303.292.1188 f 303.192.31 l3 www.,l2{hrchltccqrc.com Gore Greek o Re sidences Enginee/s Supplemental lnformation Ttr Agencyffirm: Projcct No.: 8425-1.3Jen Babcrrk - Alpine Engincering. lrc.Fmm Name & Firm: Core Creek Placc Subjeft 1?'Storm Linc nortl of tunml lnformrtion: RAN.A askcd us to review the proposed location of the 12" pvc storm nrn and 2'x2' inlcts that run north of the tunnel, They rcquesred rhat the line be relocated rc they don't have to tear out any of the exisring shoring to install thc line and inlea. The inlet boxes were mored slightly and an I 1.25'bend was added to the line. This locares the storm sewer ctoser to the building and locates it more on top of the sanirary sewer, which may make it more difficult to dig up the storm or sanitary sewer if repair is ever rcquired. However, it minimizes problems with installing the storm sewer without removing sonrc of the existing shoring. We have attached a sketch of the revised line, and have sent the information to Peak for staking. We are sending you the following Supplemental items: Thesc are trammined: For Your Use Copicr Dcccripdon Dete I ll" x 17'Storm line relocation (20 scale)oE-29-OS Signed: JenniferBabcock Copy: Mike Cuthbertson, Mike (haham, Randy Harr' Kent Kriehn, file Cr\D0.utrEt{.r r l $'rdn$\otnhltll R/lNA'.J-d'il llctri!&r\Tcnpot{ry licBts| Fi!i\OLXE9\ESl-A€l-CCPrlaJ?.{bc Via: Alplnc Engh.edng, lnc. Tctuphorrl 90.9!6'393 r Edwrrdc Busln4rs Cantcr Udt A9 t Fu;l[l0-9ll,.3t90 r P.O, Box 9l e Edwrrds. Colondo tld!2 r brbcock@ddneeirikom IiiEsEi EIFff![ gEE; isEEs F o+ L c) r-zQt-t0v =<r!> F -i6l @ flrt l ,, v l-- ,? E^ a90 i.NE EP1 t! oco 8 u L{ ottt z s" tlE] Scr.i= - ..\ ' - !{l - -;- a -,*\ ,J: lip atFadaEUd .Ot-f \enlo0g0^OA:d 424c, ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL Gore Creek Residences INSTRUCTION No. o36 ro: l,like Cuthbertson PRoJEcrNo: 20900.00 M Nelson & Associates 5l Eagle Road #2 DArE: 09'09'05 Avon, CO 81620 FsuED: PROJECTT Gore Creek Residences FRor,t: Pax Chagnon The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates vour acknowledgement that there will be no chanse in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental Instruction Title: Etiminate Concrete Wall and Footing below revised Pedestrien Path Reason for Change: Ambulance access relocated. Description of Instructions: Eliminate concrete wall as indicated on attached structural drawings, in preparation for reconfigured pedestrian path in lieu of ambulance access pathway. Additionally, do not install the portion of the concrete wall along Grid line A that occurs between Grid lines 34 &36. Ilstall only the footing for this wall, as the wall height will not be determined until approvals are in place for the planned access north ofthis wall. Attachments and Enclosures: Monroe Newell Attached Drawings-S2.40, S2.41, S3.2 By: Pax Chagnon Received By: CopyTo: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (4240) Jim Wiley(4240) ASI File 42 | 40 ARCHTTECTURE rNC 162l Eighreend Srr.et Suire 200 9:1"f 9]::t -t?9? ,,. ,nlo,-.t* -nr,ainod in tlis m€3ssg6 b pnvrr6g€d and confd€otal inb'd€d or y tor the use of tho indivitusl(s) or s it(i6) nam€dt3o3.2'2'3388f303.292.3||3a6ve.ttttrereeaerorthi5m€65sg€is;otth;int6n-d€dl€ciPient'youarshor6bynolfi€dthetanydiss€mination'distrib(lo,or@p'ngoi www.,l240Jchitecure.cornthis@mmunbstionisslicdyprrbit€d.|fyooh6v6€c€iv€dthbcdnnrnicationin6@.dgss€notify4z40Archilocturs'|.|mmd|ab|y. \J \ c\ \n .1 14 ; ! I E 2Ef;agiffr ;:* Eie!i; :i! i opBroloJ 'II?A ro1 ^vc rsitM'qvaHsNoll srrJNilqlsllu xffIuJ lluoc a, -lszl "l ol {l Fl| 0lr+sli :r_rt JI rulzlzlflFl ol.nIrl ol rJl zl olJl-l ol t 1I II .{I i1td il t!rlrl pl I$ il+ i ! t f fiffiilfiiffiir C : d r' 14{ d trf;ii,tl; Hiiif,ffiiftff illit tuJao tu s T t B a IfI I I I 3 { II 3 I x E t. { $ t 0 { T ? E { I ? 6 t I ? { I ?a { t ? ? tl 5 t; I ! Ii I t i ! 9 tii { I J I I ? t +! ?! t I II t I a { IiI! i a t u o tt I rrrnr,trrHH rl lltlzlzlfl ;l.rrlrl ol ulzl 0l -Jl-t ol { @T- 9?a<ln $ !F tt T B u I! I * i I III o !I I z illr1[iii llq IilI ll riit tP lil$ !is I{It I fl d { 3aIt,l It! tli xi!d5{ti! ill' till rHiil{6#rl:.i t-r!-lfltqLIpil |&lTJf{iuIH lii iil iii 1rt.l ffi{0r.it6 illlrll 1fi rii iltl -a rirr\6-ir\r -g-€!!Lll'tE-----'- {I Itt 3 t opEroloJ'II?A rol ,\v(I rsfl.fit'qvaHsNoll slrJNtorsilu xtlluJ lluoo 9r! c\I: :, gE fOlE tD ils I I e iP!*iiri; z i h *t !"E >Ei-: 9 t tn-f c esFCiE$r tl III ?! t Ii_ r &Hl ti[!r I Dt 9 ft! I stI* !iE I; 9 6l dr rf sl zl ol ulr !kgr ii, Ir IrUI !I t trr rk q $ E l 7 {Ir !g a,l zl ol Fl 0lulol ! ! -.'.--Ef,il; 4240^ ARCH ITECT'S SU PPLEM ENTAL Gore Creek Residences INSTRUCTION No. o57 ro: Mike Cuthbertson PRoJEcrNo; 20900.00 M Nelson & Associates -- 5t Eaglc Road #2' DArEr lo'10'05 Avon, CO 8 | 620 rssuED: I O. 10.05 PRoJEcr: Gore Creek Residences FRoMr S. Zabriskie The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates your acknowledgement that there will be no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental Instruction Title: Clarification of Tunnel Roof Waterproofing Design, Reason for Change: Confirmation that the tunnel roof waterproofing shall be per the Issue 16 base package documents dated 5. 16.05, and not as per previously negotiated agreement between Owner and Contractor where the top layer ofdrainage matt was deleted for an altemative drainase solution. Description of Instructions: Provide tunnel roof waterproofing as per Issue 16 base package documents dated 5.16.05. Reference Details 8/A506 & F/A506 where two layers of drainage mat are indicated across entire roofdeck. Attachments and Enclosures: Issue l6 base package documents dated 5.16.05 By: Scott Zabriskie Received By: Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (4240) Jim Wiley(4240) ASI File 42l () ARCHTTECTURE rNC l62l Eithteeid Street Suite 200 OeriYe., Colorado 80202 ,,- ""odhation contain€d in lhi6 m€ssag€ is pri$lsgd and confd€nlial int6nded only for the us€ ot the individual(s) or entity(i6s) namedEJv,'Z,l.J56o|'u5.z72'5||5abovE'|flh€r€sdoroftli6f€s6ag€i5not|h6int€nd€dr€cipi€n!yoUarEhel6bynoli|i€dhatanydiss€mination'distdbUtion'orcopyi|l9 www.42,|0architecture.comthiscommunica|ionissl|ict|yprohibit6d'|tyoUhaver€c€ivedlhiscommunicalionin€nol'p|€as€notify4z40A'chitsctur6'||.|mmdiate|y' 424C^ ARCH ITECT'S SU PPLEMENTAL lNsrRucroN No. o5gb Gore creek Residences ro': Mike cuthbertson PRoJEcr No: 20900.00 RA Nelson & Associates 5l Eagle Road #2 DArE: I l'03'05 Avon, CO 81620 rssu€D: | | .03.05 PioJEcl: Gore Creek Residences FRot't: S. Zabriskie The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Cortract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates your acknowledeement that there will be no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplementrl Instruction Title: Revised Tunnel Ventilation, Part lI. Reeson for Change: Relocation of exhaust air from the north side of the tunnel to the south side of the tunnel per VRDC request. Description of Instructionsl The height ofthe westem louver opening shall remain unchanged ( I '-8"). The height of the eastern louver opening shall be increased to 2'-7". The new top of louver elevation height for both louvers shall be 8116'-1 %". (Bolded text describes revised information from ASI-058a. See attached Building Elevation Drawing). NOTE: Because the remaining dimension of concrete wall above the louver openings is too small to be practical, remove all of the concrete wall above the required opening. The stone veneer will be carried on a steel angle set level at the top of louver height to span the enlarged openings. Details will be provided in a future ASL Electrical and FA,/FP drawings are not included as part of this ASL Required adjustments are anticipated to be made in the field as necessary or to be accomplished through shop drawings as appropriate. If design documentation from these disciplines are deemed necessary to make the required revisions, please notif the architect. Attachments rnd Enclosures: 4240 Architectural Sketches - ASK-072, O73, O74. 075,076 ( all date I1.03.05 ) Monroe & Newell Structural Sketches dated I l./l/05 labeled Partial 52.40 M-E Sketches - By: Scott Zabriskie Received By: 42 | 40 ARCHITECTURE rNC l62l EiShteendr Strecr Suite 200 Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (4240) Jim wiley(4240) Mark Gee(Monroe-Newell) Mike Day ASI File *ivell9old-aJ9 89m? Th€ infdmat'on cdrrain€d m rhi3 m€s3age |s pivrr€g€d snd contid€ntial int€nd€d only for th€ uss of tho individual(s) or €ntity(ies) nemod t 303.2911!88 f 303.292.3113 "ti".. n u. ,""c* * tris messaqe is rit nd inrn-ded .€cipien! you are h€Gby notftd that any dbsominalim, di;fibutron. ;; oopyhg ot www.42,|(hrdlit.cuJre.comlhiscdrrrtnicelionissl|iCt|yprohibil€d'|'youheversceirgdrfcornmunicalimirormr,p|easenot1y4z40Ar|it€ctJre.|nc'immiab|y. o I I I UNIT 5 STOR. TJTO-I WHEEL STOP (rYP.) GARAGE 4TlT4-l zs'-aY+" PRECAST CONC. € @ PARTIAL TUNNEL PLAN @ NSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-O" I GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LIONSTIEAD. '$(TEST DAY LOTv lL coLoMDo VAIL RESORNi DTJVELOPMENT COMPANY DRAvnNc tlo: ASK-072A REFERENCE: A005 & AOO4 ISSUE: ISSUE 16 / 05.16.05 O IE: 11/03/206 sc l.-E: 1/8'-1'-0' DRAW BT: SAZ \e{ F- -t C'l 4240. '162r rcril srffEr, sun 200FtEn @ c1202rEr (J$) 292-M8 FA (Xn) 29-rrJ ffi H H @ @= z F] F] F]zz lJF F] Ftv z Eo fi-5-_I fr- 3 tz to LrlJ C)a 6>_2e !Jrt(L o :lrutrHcrvtt't 1-i \\ frtt''-t"'"t t--t' !i \t \\ @ N PARTIAL REFLECTED CLG. PLAN 4240 t62r rStH $nEEl, I'lE 2(I}F E. @ 41202ta (JoJ) 292-JJE6 FAx (J0J) 292-JfiJ GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LIONSHEAD, WEST DAY LOT vAIL. (;()t,oP\ADO VAIL RFJORTS DE,VtsLOPMLNT CONTPANY DRAwriG No: ASK-072C REFERENCE AOOT ESUe |SSUE 16 / 5.16.05 DAIE:11105,/05 SCALE: .t /4.= | '-0. DRAITN BY: SAZ H It *u* | ffg rilI Efl @ 6_ M @ E6d=(L TL-a tFtY .'\ JvE:H>a F6pH EguloHE 66F2,:iFZ, e.pu)<(ooi= oz.o5t.,56r H33 d.i ' p6E. =Frl+{Fp c) fiE o I 6l @ tlj trl co v) o -r :.@:; 6o ". uJlE C.l |r) + trl E. Lrl(L o-loU' zI d;E Lrl ,^('F<; =t-6s t!Jo? o-= FUI.2.?P @ 6 oJl>b5 @ulIu -J UJ N @ @ tl) lrJ aIY td l J q F I+ 31.? iloouJl N 5lF uFl ".vtnl -)lldol Fl I I .4\ol\l t(o\_ \N/ .J e.otv [i Lrl o -iF rL Idil;o \.J eQiii --'B.lz fd>{{- <yJ-,qt 9 9HHH; ; E'"'E arrl U.z6'rtl J d/a> <H<U =.\ F i'i r-. r q =hzev>;l !-|:=.IIJ,;> '&=. z(ra n-zerY-I11 JE=j ^ € He$fr --6 s 8t E-aa !H88 :683a tl I!t 00 oFl ooJmu 9# i-a* -ld;q- @ z ..< a F3* n ct I tl !t qo poFl,l,l "o-'L o J cD 9:l .eEia 6,_d^4,- TZ"i3 t; F(obJ r iIr t414 a ,,---*--*--l lre."O "ttb" \ ," ) \ I ,r,-6 tll"| 1t2' L-*-:-"-* I I II : I t 3 tr{nIrr m @'-4>tj olo et1i' 6,.6 t/2'l1lf 12 '--l t/.*'l t@T||*6 /1il6'-il va"l ?EF FCTTCF rodTlit€'+# *---6LAA n".-.t @t'|cqlj ,{nt it LL_[L_.__l \ a (lor'-o') !.:a'-&" :- lilF'-rp . PREC,/\ TFr€ cdlur4{ AF-4rVtJ OY: t)F!. lll[3r'300t ?fflt lC: S!(Tr,/Rx, N0 ooool Qooa Monroe &]weil Eogbaro.bc. - (t'l'g€^ vntgtr6., - OP----- o*6 la-1utaL c+lcxlpt? ti I Ll/lzl 2005 (Tr/*[ t{o !o6al !0tlo$ Monroe *#mg oAtt - I t llll/I${tfi S$0 l6: 6t {T[rR.r ilu $ofisl m$o,l Fz E :l hbtjopErolof,'llEA ro'I Avo rsiuvt'ovirHsNoll saJNIIOISgU e4zi la d: ) ) ul 3ctuJ-(J CN uJ- t oO Eooct s I F F E F E F € aI E E!t6 R 6 .tt _g'a E a t; .c x9 3 t g E I l' E Ti 6 -g E E 9 -e T .3 a E o -g'6r 5 E 6 a E € € = 5 i g t 6 1l 6 aI I 4'<l € E o It I I I Na E!6q f;i FT8llITg,! t!st sE3$ tn 5 = a = a a = a a = a === a a3 a a = a; a 5 = a a6 3 a aI a = a; = 5 B = a = a a = a = a ==. a = a == a = a 3 E = a E- at = a a = a = a a,t 3 a5 & = B a = a3 a = a a = a a.== a a = E. a fr = a 3 = c a == a = g . 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', \ \i \..,...... .. f \ '-'4-' t s "..\. \\ i i.i \\-- '1:\ t\,i \\ t' '424to^ ARCH ITECT'S SU PPLEM ENTAL lNsrRucfloN No. oEz Gore creek Residences ro: Mike Cuthbertson PRolEcrNo: 20900.00 RA Nelson & Associates 5l Eagle Road #2 DArE (X'06'06 Avon,CO8l620 EsuED:04.14.06 PRolEcr: Gore Creek Residences FRoM: Benlamin Gray The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates your acknowledgement that there will be no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplementrl Instruction Title: Pedestrian and Emergency Vehicle Access Path Revisions Reason for Change: Adapt design to accommodate the future construction of the Ritz-Carlton Residences. Description of Instructions: See attached ASI drawing sheets and landscape written description. Attachments and Enclosures: AS002, C004, C008, C009, L-I,I-2,L-4,L-5, Landscape written description, 52.40, 52.41, S3.1, SSK-32, A102, .A201, M3.1, ESI,5 By: Benjamin Gray Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Jim Wiley (4240) Received By: Coleman Wise (RANA) ASI File 42 | ,O ARCHITECIURE rNC 162l EitlEeenth Srreer Suit 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 ,,,- ,,rfolmalio.! cor{airFd in f|is rno3laoe i5 priti€C.d dd co.rtidor id ini6n& orry fo. fus6 of lhe individud(s) or eility(id) nam6d abov€. lf tha ,6ad€r of lhis mersagB i! not tho ir fidod ,€cifi€nt you de h€r€by nolifod lhst any di$ornination, dislrihrtbn, or cogying dwww..l2.|(hrch.rtecErr.cornthi!co.rmic€tionbs1'id|yp.ohtfed.fyouha\,.l€c€iwdih3ooinmunica[orrinenw,p|easeno't.tylzloer*riu<t.r Gore Creek Place Landscape Revisions Issue ASI-082, Dated 4-14-06 Sheet L-1, Layout and Materials, East, Bldgs. 1-4 I . Change pedestrian walkway from north of Bldgs. 3 and 4 due to new vehicular access. Slight adjustrnents to address markers and where flagstone walks meet pedestrian path to buildings 4,5,6,7 and substantial change to building 8 area. Slight adjustment to wall adjacent to pedestrian / ambulance path in front of Bldg. 3 2. Extend flagstone paving from top ofcentral garage stairs south to meet pedeskian / ambulance path which shifted to the South in this area. Move a light bollard to this location, previously located (l of 3) at 4' walk from the Marriott. 3. Move Path Light Bollards to relate to realignment or 4' walk from Marriott. Sheet L-2rLayott and Materials, West, Bldgs.5-8 4. Add 4 recessed step lights to the new stairs at Forest Road. 5. Remove stand alone Mail Box unit located north of the pedestrian / ambulance path near Forest Road. Replace with build in Mail Box unit located in south wall at garage door, per ASI-17. 6. Shift the locations of the Path Light Bollards at the west end of the pedestrian /ambulance path and at the bottom of the new steps at Forest Road. 7. Remove access bollard (to match timber TOV bollards) at west end of pedestrian / ambulance path at Forest Road and relocate to end of hammerhead in front of Bldg. 8. Remove railing on top of wall at north tunnel entrance, north of Bldg 8. 9. Revise top of wall elevations for the address markers and walls north of Bldgs. 6, 7 & 8 and adjacent to the revised pedestrian / ambulance path based on revised civil elevations. Sheet L-4, Planting Plan - East, Bldgs. 1-4 10. Shift plant materials east of new vehicular access from Marriott. Change sod to mulch bed between new path and access paving. I l. Shift plant materials along pedestrian / ambulance path due to realignment. Sheet L-5, Planting Plan - West, Bldgs. 5-8 12. Shift existing plant materials do to realignment of pedestrian / ambulance path with no changes to quantities or species. 13. At west end of pedestrian / ambulance path, north of Bldg. 8 add I | 2-l/2" Caliper Aspen, 4 Spruce (2-10',2-12'), 16 Snowberry, 13 Red Twig Dogwood, , 7 Woods Rose. Landscape Revisions for: Issue ASI-082, Dated 4-14-06 PagelofI _ I Ar rREAD NosrN€'g I I llry_ \@lil I FULL HEroHr EPoxY \ li il I| .--- DOr^lEL3 AT l'-O" ldlTH rl- | Qf . f. | 3;75r.,Nro ^ALL | 'l lF< Caqffi-=ffi ru IW*"'-ffi ,+ 1, I[1,., ile'i)?ilft'ol l....Ll I r, (2)_ss coNrlNrorre , ,., ,,, I' i1' tr -- )33<-32 3/4" = t'-O" Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. P-O. Box 1597 70 Bcnchmark Road, Suite 2O4 Avon, Colorado 81620(970r 949-7764 FAX (970) 949-4054 EMAIL avor@ mo.uoe-newell.corn TITLE: TUNNEL FOIJNDAfiON PLAN DNTET 4/r112006 SCALE:3/4"=1'4"DRArJ/N BY: DFL 4240- ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL Gore Creek Residences INSTRUCTION No.084 ro: Mike cuthbeftson PRolEcrNo: 20900.00 RA Nelson & Associates -r--*^:i;3+ Etts Rord+l?* DArE - 0{.1 1.06 Avon, CO 8 | 620 rssuED: 04. | | .06 PROJECT: Gore Creek Residences FRoM: Jim Wiley The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental [nstructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Conract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these [nstructions indicates vour acknowledsement that there will be no chanse in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental Instruction Title: Tunnel Door Revisions Reason for Change: This ASI revises door swings on (5) five doors in the tunnel. Description of Instructions: Revise the door swings on Doors T04, Tl9A, Tl98, T37A and T59A. The existing frames are to be utilized and installed in a reverse position. Doors Tl9A, Tl9B, T37A and T59A are to have hinges that allow a 180 degree swing, so that the door will be against the wall when open. Attachments and Enclosures: None By: Jim Wiley Received By: Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (4240) Scott Zabriskie (4240) ASI File 42 | ,O ARCHTTECTURE rNC 162l Eighteendi Street Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80202 ,,,. ,niomation containrrd in this messago is paivileged and confijantial int€nded only foa lhe use of th€ individual(s) or 6r{ity(ies) named! Jvr'ztz rJoo rJvr.r'..Jrrr abov9. lf lho r6ad€r ot this msssage is not tho int€nded r€cipient, you ar€ hereby notii6d that any disg€minaiion, distribulion, or copying of www.4240arch|tecture.comthi9communica|io.lissl'ict|yplot|ibi6d'|fyouhev6r€c€ivec,ihiscoinmunicationin€lrd'p|easenotify42/4och[€ 424() ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL Gore Creek Residences INSTRUCTION No. o87 ro: Mike Cuthbertson PRoJEcrNo: 20900.00 RA Nelson & Associates 5l Eagle Road #2 DATE: 05'17'06 Avon, CO 8 | 620 rssuED: 05. | 7.06 PRoJEcr: Gore Creek Residences FRol4: Scott Zabriskie The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental lnsiructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates your acknowledgement that there will be no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental Instruction Title: Tunnel Exterior Entry Lighting Reason for Change: IlljlpWlEBIlQgZZS, toAdd f,xterior Lighting per VRDC request. Description of Instructions3 Add exterior lighting as indicated by the atlached Sketches. Attrchments and Enclosures: ASK.O95 ASK-096 RSI.4D Luminaire Soec Sheets By: Scott Zabriskie Received By: Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (4240) Jim Wiley (4240) ASI File 42 | 40 ARCHITECTURE rNC l62l Eighteendr Sareet Suite 200 -^^?:1"-"::t"l::j:P191 Th6 informerim contained in lris m€ssago is p.rvrroged end confid€ntid inr€nd€d qlly for th6 use ol lh€ individual(s) or 6nliMi€3) namodtJulztlJJEU lJuj.lvz.JllJ abo\€. ll ths reader of this messago i6;ot th€ ir{€ndod rcipisn! you aro h€reby notif€d that any dissomination, distribulion, or copying of www.4240architectufe.comthiscommunicalionisstrictyprohibitsd.|fyo!haveEc€iv€dthiscdnmUficetionin€rol,p|oa66notlr42/40Arrhi|ectr,|nc.immdiab|y. STONE CAP RNER SHED ROOF WTH STAINED FRT WOOD SHAKES PTD. SIEEL GUARDRAIL AT TOP OF GARAGE STONE WALL (PT-01)(RE: LANDSCAPE) 4240, 162r r6rH srREEI, $'m 20 00rfi. @ f,nmtEt (JoJ) 292-5J!6 F r (JGr) A2-y rJ coNNECTTON (FDC) W/ HORN & STROVE ABOVE. RE: FIRE GORI] CREE,K RESIDENCES LIONSHEAD, WEST DAY LOT \ lt (:()L()RA|X) vA.L RI,JSORTS DIJVUU)PMUNT C-OMPANY DRArrrNc No: ASK-095 REFERENCE: 2/A105 ISSUET 05.15.06 DATE: 05.08.06 SCALE: 1/'l'-l'-O' DRASN BY: SZ NOTE: RECESS ROUCH-IN BOX FOR TRACK HEAD FIXTURES INTO DECORATIVE WOOD BEAM. RUN ELEC CONDUIT ON TOP OF BEAM OR RECESS TO CONCEAL FROM VIEW. STOR.T-rd-l .otr,|ili*og (rrP.) 4240. 1021 lAH STRET. CnE 200 EaiIR. C0 6@2la (Jo5) 42-3388fx( (JoJ) 292-5IJ GORE CREEK RESIDENCES LIONSHEAD, WEST DAY LOT vAtL(:()u)RAIX) vAlL RIISORTS DLiVIILOPMUNT CoMPANY '-o 1/2" DRAtrrNG No: ASK-096 REFERENCET A00B ISSUE; 05.16.05 D IE: o5.Oa.Os SCAE; 1/E -1'-0' oR wN B/: SZ ' 'MAY-1?-2006 12:53 ?19 5360037 P.01/01 o N \",*t,W tt\ E* fr5l|tctt.L25',fr1aE vat{t I'C fti ilt li li lr ii li li ti ilt!I!llilt!il 4240 l62t rdH snET. SUm 2()0 @ a}2(nllr (J0]) 292-110 FAX (X) 292- lJ tlTI Etii GORE CREEK RESIDENCES UONSHEAD. WEST DAY LOTv rL eoronADo V,UL REsCIRTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY KEYED I@TE& lnrrcrtr errn aarc|tr n dEit|!!€:t0pAGf, iDat raocr Lafio irr r3t fstarna|Arot I'!-ErEtf.ErGA c4r& o{ rio(r^l4 -ga'.aanlE- L4- C(frr^ll !4^lt.lSlf'aatl Utra E|I|IT Calltira9tdu, !6? ctal o@l rFet vtEllDd?4AXg, [n Fvt! ltclEa! ccraE an €caf,rr - Dt@l@{Ilq- L4- caDLlE a.E,|ls,|.Itarl.fim uDa Eti?t cor|rra|'Drai{, lra? ctoao 90En t|o{ YGilcl,t{Irag l{ro 6ri[- [E pvq angrl. aantctb{ no.rarrt - DE ca.at't|-\OA. COOP||AI l6rrr9a . tlatttt $ra Elltr callt/fir9rarrn Laof 0r.61 oocitroNtttF€|tfOt,/FzEoaal El rctto:za, canrer nrarar acEoorclraE Loc t|cn aF l' Efl g ruu.cl + ctlu6 ra E8{-h !4.Ea arr iEl|l E4D L.q{t ratta €q.qrr Qtf4a'l,,!| r.ErrFil|lntoqE tlE ItxEr-Llrat c^t4-xf-!I*t!r tlDalL u )J'A 1l5 'A i|.!T ral|)trar u{li6l{r;-oo ll4f.r^tt9 mt Lccaflor &?a oca Gur|'it u{!.b {VIENA lcDoastF DGOOTAThG q.4 €ar€l.5art|l4tLl}FTAI€T|cltlb<t|Ea6afhfi|{ 6a 5A' F:Drllat lrtt |.trr{TTO 'pn6ra'.|xfl rb titE .tatt - lltl| Errf,q/.lr t€ tlolta fiJc{.3lrtE!/!a tr€tlEt oalts..l:llt .odf, r|' r|.| ar llOl ltllErlll &r iagLGa! lalt'.'.a,rdr rg|.lr r*r| .tt *ratEr ttra p Er|l(.,r*i rrf, aa db .|r| EarE an'o ar-r ft(|f,, a,ftsvrll tYlvaaa a Elira|.rat taJ-.' ld.il'ffi,... xo' RS1.4D REFERENC& rsr-oo7 (ElJ) ISSUE: 06.026.05 l33uo 16 MIE:06.10,06 scALE: I /8'-1'-0' OR,AWN BY; SRR 424c^ ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL Gore Creek Residences INSTRUCTION No. o88 PRorEcT: Gore Creek Residences PRoJEcrNo: 20900.00 DArEr 05.17.06 ISSUED: 05.17.06 rRoM: Scott Zabriskie The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these Instructions indicates your acknowledgement that there will be no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. Architect's Supplemental lnstruction Title: Tunnel Entrance Headache Bar Reason for Change: [U_fjggg9.!q-8&09j!99, Add Tunnel Entrance Headache Bar per Fire Marshal request Description of Instructions: Add Tunnel Entrance Headache Bar as indicated by the attached Sketches. Note: ASK-098 shows the location ofthe headache bar in the east/west direction in order that it will receive adequate lighting from the track head light fixture above. Attachments and Enclosures: ASK.O97 ASK.O98 ro: Mike Cuthbertson M Nelson & Associates 5l Ea$e Road #2 Avon, CO 81620 By: Scott Zabriskie Received By: Copy To: Todd Goulding (VRDC) Randy Hart (4240) Jim Wiley (4240) ASI File 42 I ,O ARCHIECTURE INC l62l Eithteend Srre€t Suite 200 .^.?:1"."::"1::1d""^.89191 The info.metion contain€d in t*s messeg€ b privir€ged and confid€ntiat int€ncled mly ror th6 us€ of lhs individual(s) or entity(ies) named| 5vJ.zt z JJ66 | 5u5.tt L.J | | 5 above, lf th€ Bad€r of this messago is not lhe int€ndod recipien! you ars h€reby notfiod that any dissemination, distriblton, or copying of www.424&r€hit€cture.comhisco.nmunk}aUmisEtlict|yprohibit€d.ryo0hgver€caiVedihiscoirmUnicstjonin€rror'p|ea!€notlfy42/40Architect FJ hfl$i H I eE': IEI @ N.^^^-N N N ru -N fix IeF2= | Fiailil* i;;gtieE CAP RNER SHED ROOF WTH STAINED FRT WOOD SHAKES PTD, STEEL GUARDRAIL AT TOP OF GARAGE STONE WALL (PT-01XRE: LANDSCAPE) NECTTON (FDC) w/ HoRN & STROVE AEIOVE. RE: FIRE OTECTION DWGS, ll=llt="'- ' NOTE: RECESS ROUCH-IN BOX FOR TRACK HEAD FINURES INTO DECORATIVE WOOD BEAM. RUN ELEC CONDUIT ON TOP OF BEAM OR RECESS TO CONCEAL FROM VIEW. 4240 r02t t6IH stFfr, suIE 2m 06rfr. @ &202rB (Jdr) 292-JJA F r (JCr) 29-Jr rJ GORI] CREEKRESIDENCES LIONSHEAD, WESTDAY LOT \"uL (I)U)R.llX) VA]L RL'S0RNi Dl:VTJTTX>MUNT (IOMPANY DRATvTNG M': ASK-OgB RFEREIICE: 2/ J05 ISSUE: O5.16.06 DATE: O5.17.06 SCAE: 1/4'-l'-O' DR Wf| BY: SZ oo 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 o47 048 049 050 051 o52 053 054 055 u3b 057 058A 0588 059 060 061 061a 061b 062 063 064 065 UOf,A 0658 066 067 068 069 069a 070 07'l 072 0724 0728 073 074 074a 075 076 077 078 07s 080 081 082 083 0834 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.23.05 09.26.05 10.03.05 Buyer selections and upgrades for Unit #2 Buyer selections and upgrades for Unit #3 Buyer selections and upgrades for Unit l*4 tBuyer selections and upgrades for Unit #5 lBuyer selections and upgrades for Unil #6 Buyer selections and upqrades for Unit #7 Buyer selections and upgrades for Unit #8 Buyer selections and upgrades for Unit #9 Buyer selections and upgrades for Unit #10 Buyer selections and upqrades for Unit #1 1 Buyer seleclions and upqrades for Uni!t12 10.07.05 10.07.05 1 1.01.05 11.03.05 Buyer selections and upgrades for Unit #13 ] Buyer selections and upqrades for Unit #14 Buyer selections and upqrades for Unit #15 Buyer selections and upqrades for Unit #16 UNIT #15 spa location. ] noo an erea Drain in Fan Room #! area well Unit #16 soa location Unit #16 Stone Pier Position Adiustment Tunnd Roof walerproofi ng Revised Tunnel Ventilation System - Part I Revised Tunnel Ventilation System - Part ll ' B unil Master Bedroom AC Air Supply Revision-mechanical sketcheq B unil Master bedroom wall revision for AC supply-Architeclural sketches ]BuyerRevisionUnit#2Greenhi||(CQf1andCo#2) additional buyer changes switching at master bath-unit 2 Greenhill 11.01.05 '12.21.05 12.22.05 11.31.05 11.03.05 't 1.11.05 12.12.05 12.14.05 1 1 .06.05 1L07.05 11.18.05 12.22.05 1 1 .18.05 1'1 .15.05 Handrail larification Hot Tub Spa Colors Revised Ln / Panel Locations Buyer Revision Unit #8 Sauvaqe (CO #1 and CO #2) unit #8 accepted bar upgrade. Unit #8 Final Buyer Changes Revised Lighting at Upper Level Intermediate Landanq iqs bq!]t changes to wall due to mechal|!Q3! ductinq-buildings '1-4 proposed valance detail buyer Fvisions Unit #3 (CO1 and CO2) unit #3 additional revisions buyqr revisions unit #5 (COl and CO2) buyer revisions unit #7 (CO1 ) buyer revisions unit #6 (CO1) location of conduit for art liqht Statement from M-E reqardinq art liqhting for unit 6 buyer revlsions unit #4 (COl AND 02) Unit '8" kitchen ceilinq reconfiguration unit A and B revised kitchen RCP i but;; ievisions unit #1 (co1) i Addendum #5, lssue No 16 are base dralvings for MNA'S contract L Revis€d Stair Newel Post Design and Lqcations Unit I and 2 TOV comments-addressing AV closel issues-deck locatiql ESK for bar locations that have the insta-hot teature.(unit 2) Relocate north wall of "8" Unit Kitchen! to accommodale Slifer casework I ]lssue revised qrading at Marriot south side walk. , Revisgd Pedestrian and Emergency Vehicle Access Path, Ramp and Slair4.4.06 4.06 06 4.18.06 12.14.05 12.21.05 12.01 .05 11 .21.O5 12 20 05 12.2.O5 12.05.05 2.08.06 't2.21 .05 3.27 .06 3.27 .06 4.14.06 4.06.06 4.18.06 I . Relised Chimney Cap'l per Bldg Dept, req'mt. Cap 2 & 3 included fet ilfo Revised Chimney Cap 3 per Bldg Dept. req'mt. - C A lt (,-trtt '- ; .' .<)1t' :..; : 424ro^ ASI LOG I I L,l Gore Creek Residences - Tunnel Description/Comments Marriolt Drive - Parking Gate Relocation Marriotl Orive - Ramp Configuration Maintaining Min- 7-0" Clear Headroom Marriott Sanitary Sewer Service Manhole Layout Modification Marriot Parking Garaqe Entry "Headache Bar" l-jtidl&.l,IAl.*.F- rouqh openings in precast panels. Added residential unit storaqe spaces and corrected window dimensaons. Residential unil storage: Additional Elec., FA,/FP, Mech, and room finish info]mation Coreclions to Window Types L, L2, and Q. Added heat to added residential unit storage spaces (to prevent FP freeze) rBuyer Revision Unit #14 Klutznick (CO #1 and CO #2) Buyer Revision Unit #14 Klutznick (CO #3) ff hul Electroniqs) Buver Revision Unit #14 Klutznick (CO #3) (Additional Revisions) , Buyer Revision Unit #14 Klutznick (CO lt4 and #5)(Additional Revisions) Buyer Revision unit #14 Klutznick (CO #5) Sqund attenuation 53 and 57 Liaht fixtures Buyer Revision Unit #11 Castletop (Co #1) Buyer Revision Unit #1 'l Castletop (CO #2) Buyer Revision Unit #10 Orvananos (CO #1) Buyer Revision Unit #1 5 Sepic(CO #1) Buyer Revision Unit #15 Sepic (CO #1) (Modified Package) Buyer Revisions Unit #15 Lu Shower Door Swinq Orientation Revised Mech. intake and exhaust to match Arch. Elevations tunnet Eo er Ftue Ketocal|on Ramp Slope Clarificaton (2/4305) -- Provide elec.outlet for future heat tape at roof areas near skylights. (Buyer Revisions to units #15 & #14. Provide ADD/ALT pricing for heat tape, gutler & downspout at roof areas near skvliqhts. (Per Buver Revisions to Units #15 & #14 onlv.) Build #4 - Concrete wall blockoul Mailbox Relocaiton Revi:ied FireDlace Mantle ASI No. 001 002 003 004 005 7 Date I lssue Date 1 1.15.04 1 1.15.04 11.19.04 11.19.04 12 03.04 1 12.03.04 12.15.04 " 12.15.04 01.13.05 01.13.05 06.21.05 06.21.05 07.13.05 07.13.05007A ooTB .-407€ 07.25.05 xxxxxx 07.01.05 07.25.05 X)o(xxx 07.01.05 07.22.Q5 08.23.05 008 I 008A 0088 008c 09.16.05 09.1 6.05 ooSD 009 010 0104 I I BR10-01 011 i0l1A l 011 B 1'lcnt2 G.911-': I 0't4 nr 6 BR15-01 07 _22.05 08.23.05 BR15-014 09.12.05 09.12.05 I I Revised top of guardrail height at tunnel north stair. Clarilication of exterior light fixture sconce locations Buyer Revision Unit ttg Ruting (CO #1) tBuyer Revision Unit #9 Ruting - Mechancial Air Transfer Additional FA,/FP requirements below Residential Stairs. Additlons of hose bib at lower level Datio of each unit. Exheust fan access panel locations Eliminate Plumbing Penetration at Party Wall Retaining wall East of Tunnel tRevised BIdg '1 Steel Shop Drawing Dimensions Revised Mechanical Ducts Routing spa upgrade revisions Stone Header at Entry Doors Added & Corrected Liqht Filtures at Unit B Exterior Decks Correction of electrical plans issued with ASI-031 Stru,:tural Framinq for stair at main level of all Units A and B #1 r LFinal Gas Meler Localiols - RevisedLI2" r;torm Line North of tunnel Revised Baseboard Details Pedestrian oath in lieu of ambulance access drive from Forest Road .:nt BY: 4240 ARCHITECTUBE R,A. Nblson & Associates PO; r 5400 3U3:l9Zb5 ,4 ; Pbone: ?48-?643 Frr:949-4379 rvldy_c'uu v' I ua'trtrt RGQUEST III-FORMATION .) 81630 No.00024 n fLE: Mechanical Room Layout PROJECT: Gore Creek Place TO:Attn: Pax Chagnon 42140 Architects 162l lSth Street Suitc 200 Denver, CO 80202 DATE:3i72/2A05 JOB: STARTEDI COMPLETED: REQUIRED: 3/29/2005 E REQUEST: Please provide us with a Mechanical Room layout for all Mechanical Rooms. We need to make sure the clectrical paoels have enough cleamnce to rne€t code reguirements. We will need 36" clear out front, floor to ceiling and approx. 45" along the wall. F€.. enc'r{a ?* z$ a. )fta.rv\ t'4--z a)h Rer I --.-, -GO! E:F.rril|| 3 J By:R.A, Nelson & Associatce Coleman D. Wise By: 4240 ARCHITECTURE INc; t_r L a'oA. DOIIN t/.'HllJglR --r--- I EGIJIFtrlENT. l7u-eE^ffiNeru.nrc,. lJw'4g'Ia.rjtDnn.frnr - @rn,D9f't{fca.fln, V N, oft, *oor f#' (t l, gwn lcr to. RM2.3A 303292U5/4 ;May-c-uc By: 4240 ARCHITECTUBE INC;3032926574 ;Page 414May-5 - 05 9:20AM; TER FILTRATIA.I EAUIFHENT. ,-t "rze'Flll9lR /-\ iE/n-aax?tfrs€R5. n€. tJ w,llumtar<uatfr dt lt D, u,fp$?ffi\@.wn, Tn,onwy f#,afirgwn trar F. M2,38 R.A.NTLSON FORINFORMATION No.00028 t . "est Forest Road \arl. CO 81657 Phone: 748-7643Fu: 970-476-7882 TITLE: TratAc rated J-Box PROJECT: Gore Creek Place TO:Attn: Randy Hart 42140 Architects 1621 l8rh Street Suite 200 Denver. CO 80202 Phone: 303-292-33 88 Fax: 303-292-31 l3 DATE: Ul5n005 JOB: STARTED: COMPLETED: REQLIIRED: 4/22/2005 REQUESTI Is it possible to install a raffic rated junction borr in the ground on Sheet Est.2 @ grid I 3'3 & T25.'farkinc? -d;P u-'a-.xrt} " Fu.-t-' -w;' lpo- c,>*,ost'p' ft '212' os ) A,flF€-tD LL\T {'tl€[fi-' ' ftn-nerted By:R.A. Nelson & Associates | _,: Coleman D. Wise .,.tpodilro O -i{rxrfV RATcD PL{LLBTX 6 K({i{Ad}1.,tr"k'{-R T) W r/'rf-s Drtc: M-E ENGINEERS INC 'asrcqizaas l5:s7 7195368637 O --,o..rgi'EIE r\r-E ENGINEERS, lqc''il il- ''' :;'^,;;LAND ELECTRICAL\Iry MEilr coiiiiliirHc ENGTNEERS FA)(TRANSIIITTAL DATE:5/4/05 TO: Mike DaY PROJECT: GOTE CTEEK ir*:;ffies+l;:mr,n+'"^. g;war. ,aain drfut lener. ll J,nx"? I?"3Hl, s"IJrn ai n drive rener' FAX NUMBER: FROM: MichaelWallace PROJECT NO: W04007 00 CC: Oocumtnt orBinal F Wiil or n will NOT be ma[cq T:\Snodrrd Formr\WORD FORMS\Maater Fax Tranemittal Logo & Footer'doc 6/42005 3;07 PM cor-onRoo sFRll{€ VAIL LONOON NEWYORXtffi*'surrE2or ffist$:H% a5'/e4l2s6s t5'ts7 z(sPo \ \ ---*,{K\, \\ @ 7-'"&' 1f_ftETER 3.r \ \ BANK \ '-':,--'4'4i; ,/-Y;'n,J \t\ \',\ 71e5350o M-E El.rGu€ERt to ,- t4^F ErtctNEEs'. INc- '], qNn E qFAV& 0REErt SLttD. flJll9 tm i)" P.o.wxw, AvoN, co. 9't620 '7 DH 0)0 1q14000 tN, mil qqq4$q PA@ A3g5l04/2aA5 15:8? [Jeno,rrpr gEpaRArE cotJDutr FoR ctRculrltlG tsACK TO PANEL AI. FROVTDE 2O6V C,OIIJ.NECTION FOF I.{EAT TFACE, COORE)INATE LOCATION PIFIN6. / KEYED NOT CO}.IDUIT FI@I1 TRANSTFfiER TO I'1ETER AANK UNDFR gTRLIC-TURE. 71e5360o IVI-E ENGINEER' '. PAGE 04 Ounzrtg" U[ LI$TED PROIIUCTS $-nuw;**,-@tTlilfiiiFnues--.-'lll{ifi'u'.' EZ A5tA4/26A5 15: B7 7195364 lld b ?dtrfi 0rncntd? Polymor oonorole ls made lrom sclocuvoly'oradcd eggragalss in comblnatlon wlth a polymer resln system. When combln0d thmugh a proceee of mixing, moldln0 and curlng, an exlremely powcdul cross.llnked bond la lormed. Prccast polymeloonorem is relnlorcod wlth flberglass for excepflonalstrcnofi and rlgldity. mt|b. Polns Gmsotf?. Utmr.lltt- 1/10 to 1/3 ths weight 0f concreto . llltl tlrmltl - compresolve, flexural end tansils suongths ftrae to five tim6 hiOhtr 0tan tradilional concrete . lalod Mhtlm G.ib - easy to handle, n0 sp€clal equipmant required . fhbh llltrr tno/ftrr Godltlonr . l|.d ndri||t -Iested per ASTM 0.2441 . lor lrlar llrlrltlq - l€ss fian 1% p€r ASTM 0-570 . Ganorll| lcrirtrlt - r0slstant to alkalinos, acids, 'r/safiiring and oth€r forms 0f dcteriorati0n . Cxt Effldlr. * outperlormg convtntlonal matcdals for longer service afld lowor llfo cycle costs . lhr"f,rmnllr - wlll not support combustlon . lfor-audrtln - no groundlng requlred for the box or cover M-E Er.Gr.EERs la PAGE 85 lrboduotlor For more than 25 yoars, QUAZ|TE ptGca.sl polyrnel concreto products havo beon used by utilities arul contraclors lor dunble, cogt-ellccWe sppllcations. 0UAZ|TE oncompasses a broad ranoe of under0round ulillty producls including: ssrvlce boxes and handholoe, watar mcbr boxss, sleclrical equlpmont padB, tslophone cebin€t padg, CAW enclosures, box padg and trafflc signal bases, 0UAZITEo is a producl of Strongwell, the nation's lar0o6t precaster ol polymer concrelc. Manuf acturi ng/dlstribution benters In Lenolr Clty, Tennessgg and San Jore, California provide nadonwid0 servico and promPt delivery. Enllrrrlrt Reqlstersd professlonal enoineorS ara od hand l0 as8i8t with dcal0n, spoclllcation dsvolopmont and rovlcw. Full CAD oapabilities ate availablc and can be used to alectronically tranrmlt drawinos and files to you. Product drawlngs and specifioations arc available on c0'R0M and/ot can be downloaded lrom our wsbsite: ww.sblngwdl.Gom 0tdltt lrnruor The Ouallty AsEurancc sbff at eaoh OUAZITEo manulacturing laclllty assures ploduct conslst€ncy and conformance to cuslomor spociticatlonS, Tho tost labs and manufaoturing procossos et all 0UAZITEo faoililiee are UL csrlifiod. lylml Php!ilhr of oUlaIP Polynrr Gilcnh ldcehillsal Ptoprdlo . ilodduof chddty I to 2,1 x l0' PslcomD|l$in3wh s,0G15,000Fl FLxunl s!.mth 3,{100{,000 Pd lrpnt onorgy 30.72 ft{bo. lbillb rrl|noh 80D1,100 PC Hryrl3|l Ptltrnhr Fn@,!nr, r*Ef,r{2rF/o qpb) No tlonlfiornt ctEngc DeildU 8S150 [|.ictr.ft Bsool tladnesr 45 Coofrclrrl of frldlon (cotcm) Cru& tlxtn 0.5 WEhAtBorglim. trct fian l!6 G|||nlCll R|thhrc! 1bd!d accordl$ 10 $c nquircmcnb of A8lli Msiltod D'613, Secllon 7, Procrdun I lor clpmlcrl rsililm, urhg tlr lolh$ng cheDir|ls h tho concantrlirF nolcd: QUAZITEo Products for Underground Gonsfrucilon ct{EltcAt $qtiutn Cltori,r sulfirh Apld It^fod otlo Adtl Sodlum HtdttDdd. colc$fiR noil 5ti 0.1 0.2t{ 0,1t| Frrrrllc rlllnr 4l$dh eorltt '|rlftl.rh rmr, Pln|. ciaal $tl '|rt l..rl 0t fifltro ntn rrt{l|. |tt $rllla Frrat6.&cu{.nlt a tntrr lrr r lc rehletrd It rln| malarrd trhr, trlrifi rr dfi! ]rliloo{ndr. rtrd h ltllorh! ll| .e.nll cotrfon i tl. B,/84/2ass 15:87 719s36g,l,l-E El.CIl€ERs IO PAGE OE Thc elpcnieal industy has not hd a natbnal standardfot inground spllce borcs , , . antil nowt STROIIGWEIL Intruduces 0UAZITE@ Borss with a UL Llstlng! "f Stilr - Shckable,r straighl sldsd box assembliss for applicationa roquirin0 stmnger design loads. PGI ll8 PGl324 PGl730 PG2436 PG3048 ll" x 18" 13" x'24" 17" x 30" 24" x36' 30t'x 48" 12", 18" l?" 18" t?" 18" 22"M:",2l'"W' l8', 24". 30",42 19,24".,36'', "iG" 8ty[ - Stackable stnhht slded service box assemblies designed with handholor for sasy handllng. PC0608 PC08l8 FC11l8 PCt2t2 rcn2A PC1730 6'r x g" 8" x 18" 6" ll" x 18" 1?', l8* 12" x 12" 13" x24" L7" x10' 12^ IT' 12" -Pl- liltlr - Ncstablr, flared deslgn service box asemblies for rtronger design load applications. vft324 PT1730 13" x24" 17" x 30' r8' 18" ?f'3$r - Neshble, llarod dctlon 80Mc6 box assemblles. PXt324 PX1?30 13" x24" 17" x 30" 16" 16', W|ty UL Llrtlng fior Undctgmund Encbrutes? The components you put into your electrical systsm ns0d to be sale and risk free. N0 ons wanls t0 be responsible for an accidenhl eloctrocullon from a collapsed box or energizod cover. A UL Listed product has boen lhoroughly tested and qualified to ensure sefe and refiable pedormance. 0nly the most dunablo products like 0UAZITEo retain fisir strustural integrity and are Usted. The oUMlTEo boxss and cqvors llsted above passed UL tests and reguiremonts for all lhe following criteria: . UV Degradaton perA$TM 0-53. Fire Resistance per RU87 CFB 1 755.S10 & WUC 3.6 section 5.2.7. Chemlcd Hcalstance per ASTItt D-543. lmpacl Resls€noe per ASlil ll24tt4. 3 Po6ltl0n L0ad R0quirom0nB per SCTE Coaxial praclicm Sectlon 5. Coelllcbnt ol Fdcdon using Horizontal Dynamometer mcthod ASIltl C 1028. T00l nqulrod to remove sovor per WUC 3.5. Adfdila-S;r"ioo pef fiUC a.e * Asru . A,troi"onsarcitty lorTniry and t a@idt. WarcrAbsoryrion prirWU0s.o ,;/^'.ffir;,#::# "- WUC - Wc*m Un&rfmtpl Cottudntt SCIE - 9mhty olcekkhcoonnuicatin* Eqin<tn 65/g4/2gA5 L5:67 71953680 Enclosurc $slectlon Guldo tlsing Thlr $alacllon Suida Follow the stepe oufllned In thls guld0 to sslect the enclosure for your application' The3e stops wlllhlG you through the typical decisione necessary to dchrminotfis propsr size and style endosurel0ryour appliatlon. Ths UL Listed enolosureg are highliohtod lhrou0hout thls s6l0cthn ouide to h€lp in ldcntitying &sm, Detalled product drawingg follow lhc selectlon ouldc. All uL Listad ouMlTE' produots are lisled h€re by sizo and stylo. For more infomaUon or for answ€ts lo atry questlons you mloht haw, call your local OUAZITEO reptessnhtive. Dotailed produci drawlngr can bo downloaded lrom lhe oUAZIIEO CD-RoM or trom tho Strongwcll wsbsna: rw.rbll|rdl.om M-E EFT3TNEERS Io PAGE g7 To Select the Enclosure You Need for Your Application: 1) 0eiaminc UL Eaquirrmnlr D Determine Load Ratinus $ Determine Handhole 0pening Ske O Selecl Cover Seiles & StYlo lD Select Box Stylo D Detormino options & Hardware I u, u*rd Enolosrar 0UAZITE. is tha flrst in tha industry h be abls to oflor a UL Lishd undat0round enclmurg. UL Lbted handholes and spllce bo)Gt havc bcrn tcsbd &nd csttilled h rigorous nallonal sataty standardr. Thls ensures lhal tho underground enclosun is safe and rbk tros. Most QUAZITE. underground onclosures in sizes up to 30" x48' ar€ UL Llsted, Theso Ploducts arg cloarly marked with the UL label on both thc box and the cover. UL Listing assures strlcl complianco with $CTE and Welern Underground provisions. Fedsrally tunded electrical and telecom prolocb, Es well at msny stato and munlcipal ProlBcts, generally lequira fic uec of a UL Listed product whonavrr ono i8 avsilablo. Higffigttttt r@t indwfr uL LMhg !e2 uflnfrf,Undqcdtgs Ldtqratod€s Inc.Card I of I uL Linine ctnt s?i/84l2sa5 L5zo7 7l9s36sBO M-E Er.$il.€ERS re PAGE 68 Enclosure Selectlon Gulde T0 Select the Enclosure You Nood for Your Application: D Determine UL Reguiromonts D 0stsrnin! Load latings O Dgermine Handhole oPening Size S Select Cwer Series & Style lD Select Box SlYle D Determine 0Dtions & HardwarqN toad Rrtlnr Tirr designadons aro usod in $e undsroround on6^losur0 .industry to aid in specitying the^ p-erformance 0t products. The Tler il;t;i n-t;r;r ir a nominat dxign load ftmes 1,000 pounds (ie; Tier I = I x 1'000 lbs. - 8,000 lbs'). All Tier loadings will have a conesponding ted load which is at l6asl 50yo gleatol then tho d$lo.n.load' The maximum deflection at in, i|tr*irl l*itn toau srrarr ue itz inci tor vertical lssts and 1/4 inch per foot ol lenglh for hleral lests' lfdr: U[ TieEbrludntingsarelistedinthcchattbetowwitlr-thcpropetQUMTFenclolura.lorthdssntlngs'.Notc:aWTPii;'i ;i;;;i'i;,6-;;;'i;;niriiiil'i'ii,i'iiiiFiiii it iii'i'niuir'iments and are accephbta under this desisnatinn. Anllortlon flffi I $trtlc Urileal thod lral lrtinF finr trdltor Ttdl|| is required to dstormlns how a prnduct wlll perform in actual_uge..ln oldor to qualiry a product't prrfoir.*r't rt toaOinO shoulO be porlormett at ths lamial runter of tha longest sidswall, atltre vertloal center of thc longest loiiliii, ,n-o.i rhevertl-cat in thr cehtq ol tho covcr. 0uMlTI. prodrrts havo bson tssiod to eaoh of the tfiree poslsons as roqulrud bV UL and all have met or sxce0dod lh€ r0quiremonb. -fmmpn*lcf,rl.d Hb- (ntn') Q,ttrI?nrl od|rlad t6tlrd (nln.)-lflrlrllrp nEi I Sidrs[lk aotlisalion! Ytilh r i.letv lrctbr tot occarlonel non.(Hbante vlnbulr tl!fl lo 5tm0lt6.11,284 lbr.lffir 1300lb&11,284 lbt,PX 131C4-, FX I i.:Uq, PU I Jaz+' or PC 17Y3tr Stvlo 8or end Covcr Aosombler whh Sundard Covcrs [0]) and Strnd{rd Coven wio Bols (tff)' TET '8,001) lb!.12.m0lbs.Anv pc and pT gM. 961 ud Cove] Asiombly (p to 30' x 48' ild PC ,tYlc ln shr3 61(f. I'rl 8'. I I'x l I sd'ffxl? whh Etrndrrd cdwt! (3$.nd Sbndrrd Covcn n/o Eott (Ul)' nnl0 orfu|rvry, pe lng tof, a of{otd mtllcrdom ruDhcl to oi:irDlond norddlb$Ntr vghloular rdlo 10,400 lb6.22,56E lbt.TEn 15 15,flt0 lbs.22,58E rb|.PG .nd PC gtlr Box and cow' A|scmbllrr uo b 8O' x,l8' t{fti Herw Duty Cirw'! ([t). nilz 22,568lbt,93.862 lb.,PGr ll21HH00, mlru{H}l{10, PG24il6}l H00 ot PG80aEHH00 msfi[ l]20 Dilft.r& vd|iru|r ndfic aoolicdbr|Ftm.Wnc,ffilrlifiW.lipWror rll[T0s20 tfof.gvltyy'i'! NlMC87 20,900lbs.IUA Cefllflcd PEor$ Conorcb or o[rcr MSHT0 ncognizsd m.bddr.r ffiHIW##W.fl"rTlffifpL:t !44n9:ff1 t Etati tfitmo{ 4t flhwrp, p r -! l wtL. turffirEtfllFt:;'lg nga.twntpv E Vrrlhd Sidr{dl T.dlftrd gdnnllT.|l \4 Enclosule $electlon Gulde O ilarilholr heninl Slrsr A5/a4/2A85 15:47 ,rraaauf 8or & Gorrr Stylo tYiilrblr 6"x8" I'x 18" 11" x 18' 12'x 12' 13" x24" 17" x 30' 24'x 36" 30" x 48" PC PC PG&PC PC PG, PC, PT, & PX PG, PC, PT, & PX PG PG ouAalErrmlo r !'! ligfilrse m tor rrry lnrts||tm. Hlghlbh8d.t . indiete uL Lblinc M-E El.E'rER. re PAGE 89 To Select lhe Enclosuro You Nood for Your Application: 1) Dstsrmine UL Boquiroments D Dstarmine Load Ratings * octemlno l|rndtol. 0porin0 Sizf O Selecl Cover Series & Styla l) Solect Enclosure Style D oetsrmlne Optlons & Hardware ouAaTPonchlmr f,m r|.d tor utrllroo t [b.r op0c! ar|.| obno c$1. ar thr EMfV Dlml h 6ncr, Sfl$ Carollm. 5 Stillra l.I lrrtrlldlon &5/a4/2aas 15:07 71953644 Enclosure $electlon Gulde fi Gorol Srlcc & $tfler Cl/tlASrrlct Oerutr CA covers are designed to boh down. WA covors do not havo provislons lo bolt lhe covsls in place. r Dssign Load: 8,000 lbg. over r 10' equare with a minlmum tsst load of 12,000 lbe' (For PG, FI, PR and smaller PC slles) . Desiqn Load: 5,200 lbs' ovor a 10'gquarc wlth a miniirum rd load ol 11,284 lbr. (For PG 13'x 24'and PC 17 x 30'sryles and all PX and LG 8lytos) llltrlrrGrrn Heaw Dutv Cowrs (avEllable lor PG arxt PC sMcs) arc doslon d tor diivewiyt, parHho bte and otf-roedway appllcaliom whcrc sublsct to oocasional non-delibetate heaw vehicles. . Doiign Load: 15,ffi0 lbs. over a 10'square with a mlnimum aest load of 22,560 lbs. C -6undid dovir tlA-he/y drv cwir WA-3bnd8d/no bollt C$.plilooff HS-h..q, dulY .Pl|t ovcr Cl.tonlDn rBltl cotrrf HH-€xba hrn y dulY M-E EhlGrNEEre ro PAGE 1.6 To Select the Enclosure You Need for Your Application: 1) Delermine UL Requirements D Determine Load Ratings D Determine Handhole 0penlno Size rD $ctect Gorer $edes & StYlr S Solect Box Style D Determine 0ptions & Hardware w PCt;T_llPeul len Ln I Couor load Batnl Stand.rd C6fi. l{o l,Uie o.l Cofitsal your lo€al 0uAZllEo roDnsenietivc bf morc lnto.nt.thn on cowt e.?iEtionr. 09 00 - Elfik Prnftrrd (Her hoed boltt 3bndll!. no dsrignalion nmdod) Q|nilIEle0lrPrt mililGLtl Gor lr|rLrJ l..l lql llrt lnr rtb 3ar{- PC1324 A Pfi730 PC all other sim P6/PT PC PG CA/WA CMI'VA CA/IYA HA HA 5,200 8,000 8,000 15,000 15,000 11,2&f 12,000 12,000 nw n,sfi 1O x 10' 10'x 1(r lOx1O 1(rx1(r 10'x 1(r Gover llumboilng Systsm 1730 &ldrh r l.noirl ?xemDlc: 1/' r 30' CA HWighMt aqe, infrNlc UL Llstlng 85/A412OA5 15:07 719536484 M-E ENGil.EERs rfo PAGE 11 lonlon Asslrt GoYen Availabla on 30"x 48" and lal0or a$omblios only. . Design Load: 5,fi)0 lbg. ovar a 10' squar. wlth a minimum test load ol 7,500 lbs' icgleeclerl Grrcn cover! thrl are interchangoablo wlih several mlnutacturers' Ploductg includq PG1324. PG1730, PG2436' and PG3M8, oth€r style3 and sizoE are also avrilable. . oogign Load: Load RallnF t',|il \ary. contict vour local OUAZITEO reprssContiqt your local OUAZITEo reprosonlativs. IlGbr RGdlrt udl Avallable In PG styls covers' . Desl0n Load:5,000 lbs. owr a 10'oquarc wlth I minimum test load of 7'500 lbs' 5lt - lvrtor \-'' Enclosure Selectlon Gulde $ Cover Sellec & Stfler 0tit QUIAIEo Gorcr tiYlal (Not Cunently UL Listed) HH $ulcc Gorcn HH Covcn arc €xtra heevy duty cowrs availabla.lor speclfic aoDlication whcrc load rcqulr0mints cxcocd HA loadlngs' C6'nuct iour f ocal OUAZITEo sal6s representative lor avallablllU ol sizos, . D6si0n Load; 22,568 lba, ovsra 1Ox 20" plato wlth a minimum test load ol 33,852 lbs. t0 SU|l Gorsn 327c lightel in weioht ae com9ared to the PG covere' . Dellon Load: 6,0$ lbs. over a 10' square with a minimum test load ol 7'500 lbe. 0nde00ittt Couer Available in sizes 30"x 48"' 30" x 60", and 361( 60' as oilhcr cA oI HA ratings, Ellminatee soil inlihration and allows for easier cover remowl. Not reoommended for sidewalks. . 0esign Load: Avallablo In olthcr CA or HA ratlnos' L- Potyn concrste 7" x '13' drot 5 - though rlot (no molor lid) V - Vrntd mctlr lld 7 To Ssloct the Enclosurs You Need for Your Applicali0n: 1) Dotermins UL Requirements D Determine Load Ratlngs * Determine Handholo 0Pening Sizs O S8locl CoYer Serior & StYla D Selsct gox Stylo O Determine Options & Hardware 2 - opi|s ond.r 90' 0 - Usod wlu drop In m (& sundord. .ll rut . l& m c.||bcd on lhr covtl) Hlghlwt d eneo lnd,eb UL Lhtlnll ,ffi16412f]65 15:87 71953600 Enclosure Seloctlon Guids I ror Wer m$ytc For uge ag a gplice box, Pull box' equipmont onclosure or arry appllcation requiring easy access to an underground seMce.-Strr{<able lor increased dopth. Straioht stdos br lasy adlustment of box to grads, PD8tilr $tralghl sidas permil easy movement of box thould gradn lGvol change. Gsskoting alto avellabh. All slzcs arc tbckablo. . Sizcs: 5'x 8', 8" x 18', 11' x 18' and'lt x1t Ocstgn load: 15,000 lbs. Test load:22,568 lbs, . Slzes: 13'x 2f and 17'x 30' Deslon load: 5,200 lbs. Test load: 'l 1,2S4 lbe' . f-18'dcptts 1730 (wld$ x lmqilr) cx.mpL: 17' x 30' M-E ENGT.EER. tO PAGE L2 To Sslsct lhe Enclosuro You Noed lor Your Appllcation: 1) Daormine UL Requiramants 2 Dstermins Load Ratings S Detormino Handhole 0poning Slle O Selest Cover Serles & StYle !D Selcsl 8ot SlYlG D Determlne Options & Hardwara PT Stylc lprwloudr cdlod PE stYlol Fhred de8ion Provonh trosl hoavt. Covers are interchangeable with many procasl concrete Partt. Nostablc for comPact storagr. . Sizoa: 13'x 24'and 17'x 30' o Oesign load: 15,000 lbs. Teat load:22'568 lb8. . 18'deep 12 12'&Ep High gtied a@s iqdlce|F UL lkdw ruffi{ti**titllJ'|arod s'or I .Oeslgnload: 5,200 lbs. Testload:11,284 lbs' . 10'dacp r Avaihbhlnelzffi: 1l'x18' 21'x36' 13'x24' 30' x 48' 17' x 30' . Dsslgn load:22,568 lb3. Tclt load:33'852 lb!. ' 12'.42'depths Bor llumboilng SYstem 0UMlTEoproductsarerelErredtobyanldentilyln{pattnumber.Anexampl0olthe luqb:eJi!0_E_stamlsshoutnbdowloielpyou unOeriandnor ro id€ntity the prodilayou ne6o t-oi your application. conbot your local 0uAZlTEo repressnhtivs it you navo any quostions. @PG, lPc Pr IlPc r.x Il*"1 M-E ENGj€ER5 t|...s5/94/2865 15r 87 7195360 Othr0$on- Penta-head Boltr Covcr Hookt Penh-head sockeb Torminaton Holer Knockouts Electronh Locatln0 Markers Stsuts Gmtor Go|la PAGE 13 Enclosule Selectlon Gulda D 0ptlmr and Hariluat Erbrdorr - Enensions are nol cunonlfy UL Llstad. UL Lisling wlll br sought on these items Shortly. Botlom and top oxtensions ara availabie to olvo cxtra dspth- Bottom extension only availabl€ lor slzes: PA1324EA through PG3048EA. Top and bottom etrenrlons avaihble for sizes: PG4872EA and PG4896E'4. Top oradc adlugtment oxtensions avallablo for sizes: PG1324ED, Fsrzsoeb, PG21il6EO, and PG3660ED. To Solect the Enclosure You Need for Your Application: 1) Determine UL Requirements D ootormine Load Ratinos i Determine Handhols Openino Size O Sglect Cover Seriss & Style D Select 8ox Stylo DtrrlrmlmDtlon&lhdwr Color optlons dor ilrc bq rnd 60vrrb bc mltrhcd to vrrious skleurll mwlalg' lt6 oolrt sldt ibov! l,lrt tttrdc lo mrdl ti3 3unoundlng brid( cdrsrlk + thr Tr0nleto. thF Aqmtlum In Chslbnoog|, Tcnnasllo. Pullln0 Eycs Gasksb Cabh Rackt Raok Hooks csblc Rohincrg 8ox Dlvidcts Motor Llds ColoIs Logos lmort Locotlon3 TIIIrII Nots: Prlntsd c0lon rnsy not doctly nprssent pmduot oolors. Contect your local 0UAZITEo rapntcniallvc lor oififf c0l0l oDtions. le' Lt t vva ll-rf ^'.. rrv l'-lau' t" OS l l lSOa 's.nt gy: .1240 ARCiIITECTUnE ,,.;'"j 'i:;:fi;.':",.r'r;;ur:il:" p.5 Psge rt/{ tiseu Bsr t-oR INtronMATloN No,OllGl7IETSON uilCeru N &r t.A.t iae I d. Ro.Jl, 1qt/uG"?ttl rl R.l Nl f ir I V.tt F Ed Rl oo l!e'? 7a|-7q3.fro41GF t/ tla I Vril '+' ta W.t riL CA \ nxQUESt: In ltc&ronce to P3J4rc003' Abbl rhoiili;-.n . a.a mm runncl 'nto nont MHtt (tvP) Mtts. Whidl lr cotrlct? |!d P:t.2A rtp*'r l' rre &ein ftom tuiltcl to TITLE: Trrlrl Smtn Dnlnr PX,OJDCf : Gorc Crccl PLco TO: Atqr: Frr Clu8lotf 42|/40 ArchitecG 162l llrb Str€ct Sqito 200 Dcavca,C0 t0202 Plrqrs: 3o1-292'3!tt Fax: 303'292'3t t3 laqrdrcd Si*rcl: DATE:5/112005 tol: STAITED: cOMDLETEDT RTSPONSE RDQUIREII: 5l ru200t R"/r.rftAA a'w"'y' t tlt/'/- +/4ez " *., a/4s- { 05/L7/2005 TUE l0:Nt Irr./tu rro zrgol tloos I L,r aVt,r, IUg lt.rlU ,'ltc'l? OE lltSor r( t }l4 irVO aOL o LLr, RESFONSETONNNO. CT? nLPG ENGII{EERrllc s?u6338o lgl UUit/'UUg ?.2 Data 05.1?-Oj ..--.'i=afisl!2[i!.. t a rt.i".r atttart lria J- It'r a 12- arca drein thai cmccrr to u E" PVC pipc, Plcasc ooc riirchcd rlcctcltcc. ( 06/l?/2006 llllB l0:i8 (TrlRr ro ?tzsl 8oo2 ,1a 5 r7 OS I l:SOe Jar. ra r.J a!..!r nLP|} ENGIHEERIIIc p.3 .&rE l. 15.O5 ts ALPTNE ENGINEE ADD ursFRewt'. .I drAil 0t/t7/20os TUE l0:t8 Ifi/Rr No zrzSl Eloor voi Ll / avva luE l{: JU itas l? os lllSor f' f ILA tuJ 3t3 oLLA p.{nLPG EltGrtlEERrNG e"u633so z.l07 20" ls08! wlDE oECK FLATGE ROOF 9Rllt{ lPf,cFrC tlofl${tlt TAE *rrnrrr Orr fr|| trl ts D l| |.l5r & AD. $r|In' .'P|r|.nurtrl oclno ODc.r &rr !o. h.(Ettrl -Ef,sioq_tr r.l rmFattt{trbr90l oatrotlt n:rcslct |otroFrfr srq EllolXramnottcstF flOl|:anilZr0720llooDiocnrnrtr l*fti'fr.ctCft.Dutt€ilXaargtr|r€.rtlt.{itr a{lr!f| rriurfttetrr.rrl.lltnrrlcbr roulrttatt$ttr' rrrrr.,{cr|.firr|tlh *Fl(',!* ''r':' e rooY ||T. olx. 6 tr. lrttll lr. ltttl ttstnlrtr Sl||l tL$ Lrr.n giat oof|f, lrlndrt Proof SOilA{ fb, 2lttl tahnulWrlcDm lPlllnl.nrlWrtrr Orn .(lozl|ntlndwnrDlrl rjirun :rprnror Johl 15il Al tO $rFail sLl PlJE.trt Crril hrad stilrhu lt.d P.ftnnd atencon 2 tlll l{gh at.t|t|l lllt||' 0rrr Ptft tEl !,r..pt r00.tll0! a.r,..!rttm.€0.2801 6FCly.tlt|,t'.touTLlT - E tn ld.CrAt*{ ilatta rFttilltZ O. C.C.|. ldrudtt FdrOGm" - 21, O.O.c,t fo.ltrfr |lrminu gofio - lc. o,c.claainlhcrrtlmnootnr - ZRg- D.C.C.I. l€dr'llt Phh Eltcrrrc Domc $lr?f,88 "AE Arreruilt dalf GfitP - rR ear rrriclt'r rro'c ccrrrd FhraT +w lnFgb4tlclAfiil*lwnl,t.r{dn.s/ff Ovar g.|nc .ta .\f, - *v2 .lrY! .wt - {J fl _{f -al fr.!|:raltll !ilu. irGi ispclt lt i AdtJtht osfiilolilUr.tnbl r g1 tfll dru I ld Fll Frflr o 0 fulYFICC.rtlru\g|lvFL|dcd |tgrOanr tth 0..i. rla||fl [v arrll|rtll utlf a 0l1tll|||33 |'!q!p an| n||lE n.ltlgtEr'iqF-arFrnEld ffig,grg;*$.'f.lis.lH {A "FO.o 40 .r{O tlocl trl2 [!rtI [t t+l Rev.3 DAf& l,run c*fio- t?xlf ile.lo. rr]tr FmOuCt)lo. zltt o;/L7/2o0t TltB 10:36 tTr/Rr N0 78ltl [000r tJy. ta,.tv /-t|r\rr ra I Lv | 9r rL rrrvt r rior-c.t-v\/ | rJ '..(r/-rrfrt | €r Y!' Z, FOR INFORMATION No.00ll42IFR.A.NELSON linc builclers 4 Wcst Forcsr Road veil. CO 81657 74t-7643 97047G7tt2 TITLE: Fire Alarm Pull Box Hcights PROJECT: Gore Creck Placc TO: Attn: RandY Hert 4?40 Architccts l62l lSth Strcct Suitc 200 Denver, CO E0202 Phone: 303-292-3388 F-ax: Regards, Brian Thompson, P.E. Rolf Jensen & Associates 5460 South Quebec Strect Suite 370 Greenwood Village, CO EOl t I +l 303.573.784t, Ext. 309 Fax +1 303.573.7843 http ://www.rj agroup.corn Rcquetrd By:R.A. Nclson & Associstcs Slgrred: STARTED: COMPLETED; RESPONSE REQUIRED: 5 lZ7 | 20ii5 303-292-3113 *e Asfa4-Ac.D tt{AArr- P.asfol.E-e- ftary\ GFJ.a* Tatai/PsoFL D4iFtJ) M.a-7 2D)W, DATE:5t20l200s JOB; R.EQUEST: Hi Pa:L C* *i placc thc firc alarm pull boxcs at 45" center of box offof finish floor pcr thc anached resPonse tom RJr NFpA 72, section 5.12.4, indicales manually actuatcd alarm initiating devices to have thc opcrable part mounted not lcss than 42 inchcs and not more than 54 inches above floor lcvel. So rhc owncr/architect and fire alarm contractor have somc flcxibility in mounting height. ' ' . ; this answ€rs your question and any RFl. f,vc copied rhe archirect so aff are "tT -_\r/1f-=\a-\a--).__\flrornts ,': ( Y \ 1( /uh- Cotcman D. Wisc DC: P{. I !f I )9r | ! 0y . .t4.tv ftnlrtl' I cv I unE rttv t ' PaxChagnon From: blhompson@riagroup.com Sent: Friday, May 20. 2005 1 1:57 AM To: Scotl Zabriskie Cc: Pax Chagnon; Randy Hart Sublocl: Re: FW: C'ore Creek RFI #42 The oporable part of the pull statbn must be within the distances identified. lwould think lhat the c€riter d box being at ,[5 inches places the operable portion within the distencss kjentified, holever, I am not the one choosing the equipment to be mounted. Typically, lha lire alarm contraclor selects equiptnent lo comply wilh lhe design drawings and specificalions, I review the shop submittal created by tho contractor (which identifies lhe selected €quipment), ancl it gets approved. I am ok with th€ cont€r of box mounting height at 45 inches as long as it places the op€rabl€ portion of ths manual pull within 42 inches lo 8l inch€s abwe frnlshed lloor. Wilhout knorving the exac* manufucturer and model rumber I can nol d€l€rmine where the operable portion of the manual pull will bs wilh a cent€r of box al 45 irrches. Florever, mo3t manual pull boxes I know of will comply with this with a 45 inches center of box mounting height. lglf:=== Brian Thompson, P-E.- Rolf Jensen & Associales 546i0 South Quebec Skeel Suite 370 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 +1 303.573.7848, Ext. 309 Fax +'l 303.573.7843 htlp : /Arrvw. rjagrou p. com (This electronic mossage lransmissbn contains information from the offices of lhe RJA Gratp, Inc. which may be confidentiral or prlvileged. lf yan are not the inlended recipient ol thb message, b€ arvare that any disclosure, copylng, dislribullng or usa of tlp contents sf ihis infonnatlon is profiibited. lf you luve received this electronic transmission in enor, please notify the sender at the phone number lisled above immediately. Although this €-mall (includlng attachrnnts) is believed to be free sf any virus or other defecl lhat might negatively afiect any compuler system inlo which it is rec€iv€d and opened, it is the responsibility of lhe recipient to ensure that it is virus fiee, and no responsibility is rccepted by the sender for any loss or damage arising in any way in tho eraent lhat such a virus or defect exisls. Thank you.) SGoi z'btlslh'<'r$dtlLo'2,o't€h'coft' ro trnn nronrecon (E{,.rr <bthonDsor€rr.grow.cofli> Oe2ooflr. lr:o{i AM cc :JffilHH-(!4z40arch com>' 'Rrndv ttrtr gd.6l Fw: Go.. Crrck RFI J42 ovo<v<oor+ ; May-z+-vc lv:ztAm; ragg ., v Paee I of2 I 5/20/201t5 Thenks, Coleman Wse R.A. Nelson & Associates Cdl: 970{71-2891 Ofihe: 97G748-7O43 Fax:97047&78ni,2 nige@ranelson.com Brian, L6t us knorv lf you take any exceptbn to approving this as submifted by RANA? Scotl ----Origtnal Message--- From: Colernan Wise [rnailto:cwir@ranelson.com] licnt: Frlday, lfry 2Q 2005 1O:45 AM To: Demis Ward; Mke CuthbeGon; Mlke Graham; Pax Ongrcn; Randy HaIt; S@tt Zabriskie; Qouldlng@vafresorts.cant $rbtoct Gor€ Crcek RR #42 Hi Pax, Wa wrr uneble to locat lhc Fire Alrm tull Bor troighlr on lhr.Tuncl Fill ALnn dertl lhlt msning. I gol . hold of Mik€ Day this morning and he got me th€ attiachod answerfrom RJA. Apologies for skipping proper prolocol in regards to RFI's, we are curr€nlly formlng stalr walls and I needed a quick answer. \rvl,agal,lr r.? , ffil*.sc 4,ud.2e 4 r*/-p//-*t l, oU'*"t;,t:t;/("," //* lit t lrl :F.liroi nr;*r). ?/rn, ,%l "ga pip,v"r*./ "/h lt 0/a ro aE (ft4o) aD.,//il U .e/ 7"/4*i'"tll,l da,% ) Pd /;#, 4/.h;; aa n i!4,/ap'- u;olo#tk i /t' 4-1. t ^1/,"/ 77,fnfr 4W & * / /*n o Mdy - o tv:ztAM;Page 4/c Page 2 of2 I s/20/2005 11a !'4L' UO Page 212 Srnt ! 4240 ARCHITEcTURE lt{ci 303292657. REQUEST FOR No Att R.A.NETSON f iae buillcrt l2tl W6j Pes5sl Xo|d vril. CO 11617 ll'.r6,.t 9n.a7&7tt2 ray-20-0l2:02Pr; IN-FORMATION 00043 TITLE: Wrcr Lirc Trp ld Eoilr Roonr PROIECT: Gors Crcck Placr TO: Am: Rrndy Hut 42t40 ArchiEctr 162l lttl|SrrGct Suia 200 Dcnva,CO 80202 Phonc: J03.291-3ltt Frr: 303-292-l l ll DATt: J/20/200J X)E: STAITIDT COMPLETf,D: nESFONSI IDQUITED: tn7 DW REQU[ST: On Mttd{y wcninj. wc will bc trppiry into hc Fccsr Rod vdcrlinc rnd hlnjiq it iao lhc l'urncl Boilcr Room. Currcndy, we do nd hrw r &frnb lryout for thc boilcr roorr ro, we cqtrcd Mjkc Dry rod hc ncunmcrr&d plrcing thc wrtcrline in rhc ccne of thc Sourh wrll 6" ctcer of thc wrll. Qrstirxs;l. Should wc plecc thc worcrlir t'olTof thc South wrll to rconrmodd€ th 2".cousticrl walt covciry? 2. tfwcdoplrccdtcwUlinct"ofrofthcSoiltwdlcrrwcmovsthcw.tcdbctrpSou$tpproximrrcty l0' h ordcr to hrvc r lrdghl rDot at 6c boilcr mom location? 1. ls thc Soub wdl tho be* ple to pbcc thc wla linc givcn the Elcculcrl il Grs tincs in 6c rrca? Rqricr.l lyrl.A. Nclsoo &, Aer8irc|h.: Sljrrd: Coknn D. Wirc GORE CREEK RESIDENCES RESPONSE TO RFI NO. 043 Question 2. Date:05-20-05 t don't think I can respond to questions l & 3' Question I appears.to be-architcctural or mechonicol. Qucstion I appears to bc mechanicat or contractor related (for constructability)' st-r,a,&---rt1,Fq- Jennifer Babcoclq PE ( .l t'l R.A.NELSoN O 82l lVesl Forcst ncad va . CO 81657 Tetaphone. i18.:6J3 Fed,mtto: 9/G476-n82 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION No.00063 TITLE: Rain Lelder Drain Connection PROJECT: Core Crcek Place TO: .ll/-10 Architects l6ll lSth Street Suite 100 Denr c'r. CO U0102 ATTi{: Randy Hart DATE: 6/.10/lm5 JOB: -11-0.1-00 PHONE: .103-192-.1.188 FAXI .10-.t-:91-3ll.l TOTAL PAGES SENT: REQLIREDRESPONSE: ;t7t20o5 COST IIYIPACT: SCHEDULE llvtPACT: REQUEST: At gridline l7 plan shows a 6" rain leader going into the trench drain in the center of the parking structure. Is this wherr it is to dump or should it tie into the North wall 6" collection drain system simular to the 6" leader at grid line 12. I 'TESTED 8Y: R.A. Nelson & Associates SIGNED:DATE: 7llll2OO5 Coleman D. Wise ANSWER: The 6" drain leader should tie into the North wall 6" collection drain systems similar to the 6" leader at grid line 12. In addition. RE P3.2B,A | 0 |,C022. At the North stair of the Tunnel civil and Arch. Show the correct number of deck drain penetrations, (3). P3.28 shows (4). this is incorrect. The drain penetration located along the North Wall of the tunnel at grid line 1.9 is to be eliminated. In addition, the location where the 6" drain line (which runs along the North wall) penetrates the tunnel slab on grade is to move to the West of the door which leads from the tunnel out to the Nortl stai(at gris l7). RE. P3.28 and PSK 00 I . RESFONDED BY: lV& Architects {, DBY: Randy Hart DATEz 7llll2005 JU.t ub u5 u{: dbtP RESPONSE TO RFT NO, 063 P.2 Datc:07-06-05 l. I nE o HL E NU I NEEI( I NG /09e63390t Thc civil roofdrain plan ctrds 8t the tuanel dcck penetntion, I belicrrc t[e routing iosidc rlrc tururcl is shown on thc plumbing ptan- sh6t p3.28. I am rct cractly clcar on whcre thc Mechanical ir nrnning thc Building 4 roof drain eiihrr, eo pleasc hove ME clarift. rt rnay bc bencficial for the contractor lo includ€ tbo Shcct numbc(s) of whcre thc RFI is bcing geocratcd, so it's easicr to underslrnd and rcspond to tbc requcst. s'';":^/,4(K/L4 Jcnnifcr BabcrxL" PE rl CREEK RESIDENCES 07/oG/200s l|ulr l5:00 lTr/Rx N0 Ezzol Oool ,I-c-.' I3R- 51 | | /tu I1 --' I- "-*-v' I aL3_-c _:aEc L-' ).-'f i;:*,u.**r f ? e.'9 ./-1 ../ b' 4240, 'ct ar{lrffir. i,|I D[{'eOld rs.|xlrx.c t{r ttrl!l.tll3 GORE CREEK RESIDENCE;S LI()NSI ILAD, U,TrliI' D.\Y L( )T\ 1||-tr {r {,\lt, vtll. Rll{t tllS Dl'rVltl.r lltllllti'l t:r rltlrAt\!' oe^*frro PSK-fi)l RE ERe.CA ifl.3 {n2$ ,sst,E: 602.S tsSUE i oAlE 0tfa 0t Sc,{E l,t'.f{ oi.{W 0r: x$O ltt- I l't 't lvev' - - .. I '- ^\l .1# )t-**.'* ffi'..', il 5tolent 07/97/2005 L4212 719535400y: 12{ 0 Archrtecturo Inc.; R.A.NEI.sON ftr. ,.rtl.t, tr .24 utrtl Fl|.l40',v{ g! ,r-tllladltt tajrC.it F,o,'* tr$lf$r*2 rFt r,l{ 3C3?92657a; EISII{EERS II.|(-' Jul.5.osf:tsPM; I et s 4t < PAC 82/a2 Page 212 { RECIUEST FOR II{FORIHTI ON No. 000€4 TITLF,: ?ROJECTI l'o: ATTN: nrlt l.ightg Powc. (krro Crc* Ptrcc a2l,10 Aruhi(tcrt 162l ltrt S!!cl Suitc 200 D:nrct CD t0202 Brcndr Outigncr IIATE: Tnncl|,s foDr J t.0+00 PgO f,: J0l-29:.9 3rt lAX,: 30J-292-t I tJ TOTAL ?AC86 6ET{T: Rf,QUntDRDSPONSET IltZtZlOs COST IMPACN SCHED('LE TMPACT: REQUEST: Thc Invcrtcr provi&s 20tv pou,cr to rll Sl lighs. Thc clit lightr u! rbo shown oo thr crnc circuit rr tlro S I ligtnsbut ',tc l20l2TI durl volr'ge dcvi*s. ls thc i-nrcntton rhar rhc?it tteild;;*; tiiingro r.s of 111c 206v ci.c{rir? RUQUSSTTD BY: R.A, Ncbon a Alsociart! SIGNE.D: Mils Curhbcnn DATE: A.F{SWER: Yes, G *e.+"c ?e-ov,a A N eptl+c Lta fi,r+ /-toeon S . Cououcta- Qtrr 'fi+e ?pg v l'4r"tq* l,U*'*'r Tlof "r R'SP'T'N SlGrrlED lYr (r DATZ! Btandr Gudanlr o't/ol/200t TEU l2:56 [tlzru No st?sl Aioot | 824 West Forcst Road vat. co 81657 Tetephonc.718-761!t Faa,mE: 970-476-79i,€ REOUEST FOR INFORMATION No.00067 TITLE: Tunnel lid loading capacity PROJECT: Core Creek place TO: ,,12l.{0 Architecrs l62l lSrh Srreer Suire 200 Denver. CO 80101 ATTITt!-tlEi?Ft!*utie nez DATE: 7/6t2Cfls JOBr .11-04-00 PHONE: 30-l-l9l--1.388 FAX: -103-:91-Jl ll TOTAL PAGES SENT: REQUIRED RESpONSE: 7/t3/2U)s COST IIVIPACT: _ SCHEDULE IIvtpACT: REQUEST: what is the weight that can be supported by the tunnel lid? what size equipment (bobcats. loaders. forklifts. etc) can brdriven on top of the completed precast lid to facilitate the north wall tacitiit? Also, after rhe topping slab is installed,does the criteria change? wlrat size equipment can safery be driven on tof oitie topping rrour REQUESTEI) BY: R.A. Nelson & Associares SIGNED: Mike Cuthbertson DATEr 7ll3l2M5 ANSWER: This came up over a year ago and we rooked at various equipment incruding the tbilowing:l. CAT TH460B Telehandler - OK 2. 2628 Skid Steer loader - OK 3. 287 B Multi Tenain Loader -OK 4. 928 G Wheel Loader - This is the only one rhat wsa too heavy. The precaster should verify the adequacy ofthe lid for (2) l4wheel loads spaced g,apart (service load): They have donthis once so it should be no problem. RESPONDEI) BY: 42140 Archirecrs S r. JBY: Brenda Cutierrez DATE: 7t1312005 rnt 'Byr 4240 Archltect Jul 2s o5 o9:*""'"t tt""r"rO ="nt'oi::t::lt; iont-By: 4240 Architectur' Inc'; 303292657'l; "3;T$"1;'J -' JuI - 15-05 tl:44Atl; Page Pago z/cp.3 2)2 FA I R.A.NErSOi.l f ,/i\r , b, t,4, .tr.. t a rhl F rr rL.,yrl o rtal, Itlaa l..jraa,Ffr Jr}t*nn REqUEST FOR IT{FORTANOT No. Om76 Trft.li: PII(UEGT: TO: ITl'N: S..rd t,i| lnt.roaDlf| C()fr (:3Gr| Pbc a':ll0 Architac|s 162l llrh S|'c€ 5161O0 Dil\.cr. CO n20l bndy llrn nA r& 7tl4t 05 J(t!: :l | {r'0o pfio El llrr-294-l.r|| FAX: l0r-2C2-tl l; TOTAI. IAG&S $EN T: RE(lUtttD rrisFONSE: TArt2IrJS (:OgT IMPACT:9CHELULU tlvlPACt'L_ TTEQUDS": f.cr F'.ZD thc S.nd Oit ltrt€rccDu |rrvcn !. Grid Ltrr lO ir te lolr to hit rtp Sl mfihojc barrc*o ttttilditgs 2 & l bacrrrre ofth. long run fon'l rench dnin | @ Crid linc 17. : FFo3. to now lhc srnd oil ldLcFft. b Gdd t jrc ll inlinc wirh rhc 3' drrin pipc ud rkaio inlo r slo[fli *rr oatr<* Sf ttn COo?,t. lr ddr -rcp$lc? Rf,QUE8TED lYt SIGiIED: R.A. ttlrls I At$ci{.! DA'ru: C\rltrr D. wis ANSiTYER: 3!r.. -tltL.rrva.rrt€D dann$na'\]r: fi2{.!\ At-t A*Io TAL- AsfA4,+\t,o -J-arc+\ ft'ea'-\- v4'2 ' t+\6 ' // o^rt - '/Ph/L. // ,lt By: 4240 Anchitoctur€ :ul 25 o5 o8:{?e I I t """.. ", O, nntol::T:l-;':;'"'{";;T^"'Pag€ 3/5p.2 ,ll E t lrttr!ELE;_^r!--!t Ersl{EEflt{o Dlc. ::El|s#ii*:1 RUSPONSE TO RFI No' 07,0 *iA rlry woold providc rhc piping diagnnr Thcsrndoilout|ctcanbepipedto$ormmaltholos.MHl5.tlrorcshouldnotbcsnisstrcwith deprlr &c iovorr our "f rh" ffi;. ;iii-lZlj ""4 O";; "il rnvort chould bc epproxinerelv il99. The conori* ,,rr:*Jniirliir-ur" i--*so.ro boo6. I tallrd with Mikc Dav' hc Duc:07-21-05 nt dy: 4240 Arcnrtecture lnc'; 87/2612g85 11:49 9709491959 "na ,tr, 4240 Archltecture lnc': \rUa-2, -UO ':'+YAmiElGrlcERs o Jut-15-05 11:4241; Suitzuzo5 / 4 ; I,t E 303292067rt i rdgn .t / o PAGE. U'2 Page 212 ^/*-FA I R.A.NEI,SON t t?-l /.r.' t.i.:".t' llt lllfit l rh,rt oo taltralrm t AtItF-1r. Aat A REQUEST FOR II{FORTANO}I hb.0@78 TlTLE3 PROJBC'T: T(} ATT1\I: Sadoilthtrylr Cort t:(t* Pl|c. a2lrtll A|tilctqs l52l ltti Sfta Sutc l{P Dawrr, C() 802112 Rudy llrt DAT& ,lvum$ JOr 3t{x4 tlKXrG; 301-292.1.111 FAX: 7$3292-lltt TOTAL PAGES SENT: IEQUIR3DTISXX{!3: 1i;, ttrl/)s cosT TMPACI':SCHEDULUIMPACT: REQIJEST: pcr lTt.2B fic Srrd Oll Inrcrceptc invrr rt Cdd Linc l0 is to bt ro hlr tho 33 n]drolo bonvtrft bulHirgr 2 & I bocau.rc of tht lorg rur fiun Trnch dnin | @Gddlirr 17' r propGc to .1oyc thc Srnd Olt IntorFor to Crid Llrc 14 lnlirc wirh tho 3' darin pipc rnd dnin ;nr tho rtorm nrq mmhdc Sa o CofilA. 13 thi! scpi.bL? TEQUIETED IIY: STGNEI}: XJt.Ndsr&Atq|.:i&l IDA'rIl Colcnrtt D. *'l|' AN$WER: fr15 ncz-cPre<Rl* &**- to Ailt4t{€D zJ€ICft' ITBFONDET' BY: ''i Blt !Y: 42fl0 Ad!fttcit OATE! ftrrl' llttt nlrD lrl'l?trr/Pr No 5J3? I caooz €nt'By: 4240 Archit€cture Inc.; a a)t26l2ss5 11:49 976949195!F 3032926574;Jul-2 7 : 50Ail;Pag€ 5/5 PAGE U3r'r E El-lGIt€ERS \l RE. CIVIL FOR CONT. a'9r -'OO G,ALLOT{ SAND/OIL SEPARAIOR (TY?-2 a'uP TO AREA DRAIN Z' 9EFARATOR ..,' VENT Ur' lO wG a '/ENT 9J9-fH \ \* RE' CIVIL -z 7,:"*", JO nq-tb RE: ClvlL .- \"' \ i\\\ \\r\ \ v\ \\. \\ J ,Y-\-a\ t'\*2 GORE CREEK RESIDENCES IJONSHEAD.'VBST DAY LOT valt Gdc.rg,v rL lrlsOII! D[lttr'olEt{T d)lc.||llv 1 /-'' -\v I\t L oernrprs PSK-002 FH6Ee r&ri FtrtgE I'llt gl ltfllt 0ttrtrt! |frtanlnai: lE r \ \.2-_1\ \ + 4240 REQUEST FOR IFIFORNIATION No.00079 t24 Wcsr ljorcst Rosrl V.il.(n tl65? 74t-76/.3 enF4767tt2 TITLE: Norih stairwaY horn strobe PR0.IECT: Gore Creek Place TO: Mikc Cuthbqtrtn Attn: Brenda Cutierrez 42140 Architects 162 | lEth Strecl Suitc 200 l)cnver. CO 80202 Phone: 303-292'33E8 Fax: 303-292-31 l3 atod 8y: R.A. Nclson & Associltcs STARTED: COMPLETED: RESPONSD REQUIRED: 7 n5 n0O5 IIATE:7ll$tl00s JOB: 3l-04'00 REQUEST: ls it acceptable to mount the horn-strobe 8t the north sl,airs 2' abovc grdd€ as shown on the north clcvatioin drawing. Wc belicvc tf,rt 0r" i"ighi nceds to bc a minimum of 7' sbovc the ground io mc€t codc' F€.Ast- P.€- tAt- AilAr-dtD Pgtu'Y-E 3to'\ b. r ironeso I ,/*sx A+\o T'*E- ,'rTa<-A"D Aro A5l.-'oea. (Drtc; Ellt' lly. '?a"tv e r'rv' t :r-r--zs-ab 14: t?*-t iUE'u FhrD 6sx' ASSOCIATES, l]{c. NETH f ne PAortCTIOI ENot€ERilG Co'{gt.lrANrs Juty 25, 2005 Brcnda Gutlenez 42140 Arcfi ibctuto, Inc. 1621 Eighteenth Stteet Suite 200 Denver, Colordo 80202 Re: Gore Credr Reeld€nces RFI079 Dcar Brenda: RJAhalrgv|cwct|thccxtedorhomand:!qrfortheFicDeparUnentconnection (FDC) at tho 116131 t16t'i3li'1i wit-rt frte varlFrr. "no Emergency SErvlcss (VFES) Firc Maphat. The guard tdirlii'^ i6O-;*" stonc wall (north of ihc stalr) thould b€ extended to be abovettrc-*totrm hom and siobc k;cauon' T.sc ataGl shouH be used within thie guard rail, "iir. ir," "n wn hom and stoba locataon, to house the new bcdion of ttre horn and rtsobc' Thc hom and strcbc should bc mounH et gbout the height of dre top of the guard rall rbow the FDC. ConO,iiitiriO 6" pfi"rO"a tu f,. Firc Abrm conhacior to use br wiring of the devtce. #;dr-.n "ildU" rtioO*, *ttt in tttt stone ut3ll or rouled insh{e the lilri'"'.n Lt lnd fi. north face of the stotNe rvall' Pleaec nofrfy mc if trer€ are further queetlonc' Sincerely, f .vJ/vJ o JENSlll t 8^a7+ Briran Thompson, P.E, O 2{Il5 Rol Jcnrdt & A!'odt'!' Inc' Al RrgIfi Rrffrd SO t(t,rfH OUrtC SfilCt, GAEtItTOOvrIJrnr' cO Ellt'lllt(!A 't !6r'l!tl'l' Fl\a At'ta'i,|ll F.tl.lFa.iir r srElrlvd lt'|JAaF 'l|c TOTfl- P.6 ot/2g/2005 roN u:02 lrrzm No 5JJ1l a00t lnt l'y; +z'+u Al ullr'lYvLul t rrr|., ' ,vgv.9LvY' l, o FDC HORN ANO STROEE MOUNIED TO 6'x6'x5/16"TS (RE: MECH) STONE !€NEER WALL CONOUIT TO tNS|DE TS. ANo BE CONCEALED BEHINO SIONE VENEER --I G^||,.c r0 ASK-ozI REfERET€E: 2/16r lnn-O79). ISS{rf : Og l3.O3 DArf: 07 21.01 -SCALI: l,/2"1'-0- on^rll El: Plf Y*ot oF *^IL'NG ARouND N'RTH 'TAIR ls ro EIT I -1" AEOVE CAP SIONE OF WALT, THIS WILL EE duirrao-tN FoRTHcoMEING Ast-o19' 2. Abifioi or rs wlTH sTEEL PIITE'.GRTND ilr E-oEEs air'o wEr-os sMoorH' PAINI slM' ro iiiirric: rxcHoR To coNc. wALL BELow' G OR.t.:, CRT,L,K RESIDENLCES- -- i.toxsur"ru, wF-sr D,tY [.()T \ '\ll- lj( rl ' ll'lllr v l,ll. Rl s{ )tT]i l)li\'l?1.( )Rlli\T (l )lll'A:\Y Itr lrll 1r0-ur far ll0$ zt2-lllJ slrl lJt nl vrrJ.ls\,lvr 9 lllv., RATLING ilOVTD FROU W€ST SIOE OF AREA 'iIELL IO E^ST S|OE. RAI-|NG AooEo ro NORII{ SIDE OF AREA tfGLt 6-x6'xJ/16- TS vw v|llrcrri, r t t \,|..I_3r'vrJ ,.J4ltlit 4.-O. fi)E R€MOV^BLE P^NEL FOf, (PT-02) AREA YTELL ACCESS flRE D€PT. CONilECNO}I (FOC) flTH HORN ^ND'SIO8E Oil gTE WALL (R€: nRE PROIECION) rcgv u/o I'ROUND. COtlC. FlLtEO. xX SIROiIG STEET PIPE (PT-Q2); ,r'-o' 480\E GRAO€ & {'-0' EMBEODEO INTO THE GROTJNO HTH corluoN coilc. Fot NDAnoil EELOW 4240. NOIE:r-iop oF RAtLtNc ARoUND NoRTH STAIR ls ro BE J.-7' AEOVE CAP STONE OF WALL, THIS WILL BE CI-ARIFIED IN FORTHCOMETNG ASI-0I9. -_z. C1OSE TOP OF TS WITH STEEL PIJTE, GRIND II.I. iOCES AiID WELDS SMOOTH' PAINT SIM. TO RAILING. AIICHOR 10 CoNC. WALL EELOW' li2r r!f,r tltfi, slrlt 26d*n, co oflaEr {SSl 2t?-lsrr| l!$ la-lllt onn c fc ASK-022 REltREl€E; J/a6Ol (Rfl-O79) tsslf,: 0t.1c.05 oAlE: 07.26.05 SC lI: l,/."t'-O' onAtrt. 8Y: PAI GORE, CREEK RESIDF,NCES LK)NSHEiD-, \l F-s'l' DA Y l,()l' v,{n. tl4v rt{Ts t||i\'l ll I l'lll':l\'l ajl }llP,l,\l 0812712965 L4tA4 97A94 mtl}Ftufu, raa go artr+iqr tal"'iatFcrt ''D.?a'tl 91959 o ME E}'r3II€EF€o PAGE AI REqUEST FOR INFORXATTOT ib.00108 TltLlr Boila Cqqhdlor Ab l, pluc ?l(lJECl: (tac Crccl, phcc DATB JOr: u'Jnms ,t-0+00 AmNr {U{oethitoctr 5591 Cola Ridgc P.O.Bor :t-183 r\,.ss, CO &i620 Jhr Wiby ?H0IIIE: 7llj0&7803 trAxt 9?eal#Sltl TSIAL PACES SEIVT! RDQUTEDRU$Of,8IE. VpriMs @$f IMPACI:SCEEDTJIJIMPACT: REQIIf,ST: h rofuacc to Ml -lB & 4213, rLo bdlor cmd ?cd ulc it ir &rw! o rbo Erc Elevrtqr o A213. ,rtc .ir t rtskEtEd b f,u' h|s tobc riftinz4't of *h otbcrhodzoatalty-accodiagr nrolfi"t n* lpccifcrtioa;, it atso c1onottomimlc Hre thc dctdl u tbc Eert dcvrtior abow 6" #tt ry fiffi. ---" 9a s['-Et Mt-lE b phil €lt fa 3" Flucc, rbe ruufrcru*ryeciicr 4' frcl plcr* srs :ftrctred docrnntd,mfrmoouficrrs. Pharc advirc. IIQIJDSTEIIIYT SIGltftrDr LA. Ncboa liArrcirEs DATET ColsaoD-Wht Ahl$WERr 4 Wc fut+l- Ftar- w afig1g76l Lll85 trz '7D w ttbr*uro k2 ffiult oN yfr,A\rfuthFD '#FzrsWe Dlay4sl- r!|fiOtfltDD tY: SIGIiIEDBV: 7.finJil WJ ggl27/"awJ l4ig4 9749491953 t'l E ENGII'IEER,Soo ?I{ha GAe-FTRED wATEF BotLER - Vent Suppleme PAGE A2 nt 4 VenUair termlnatlon - sidewall EtrMtr @ Follow icrtnrctioor bclow wbea dcreroinint v@t bqdog o rtoil pgratllfty of :aw pcrrcrrl iniuil, dcati. or rbrtrntirl propcrt7 d.'nrga A Fr l'!ot rxtcnding drorrgb ra :xtcior vrll sbell nqt tcflriDrtc rdjtceut to thc rrll or bclov buitd,iag oceosicnr rutl rr cevca ;nr:apcll bakodrr or drb. Folrur o or4rtycould rrolt il scrrrc panoael iairry, dqr.h or eubcadal propctT drrugc- Insdhtirx nwt coml*y with locrl roquiraacots aod with thc l.lrtiond Fud Ges Codc- AIIISI 222t. t ftr U.S. in*rllrtioos or CSA Bll9,l or Bl{9t for Gadiu insuledona Ddrnnlnc locelfon Locerc thc lltqUafu tctlrtlatioar wiag tbc blloving guidclilrc r. The torl lcoftb of piping br veot or eir murt not tasd dc linitt StyGE i! TaH! 2, p.gr fz ThG ab pipirrt .ort tGlrnis.t! ia e dowo-tracd dbow l shor,rr io Figue 3. Tf,ir arrrogcocut ovoidr rccircdrrioo of Euc productr hto rha Figurr 3 Sldawdl bnrinatbn sl alr a v€nc(twyb, Etffii mr,', a,lrymin'{dot 4 l{'otdd,a F*ibahe rh*run 12 indt cleut:ca n gtacb qst ox it c.AN rW |rtEbad€n tur ot q a rfr Itc''E. whtrl uit rynhgt ua t@ lo. la gwidc tt n*rr'''tn l?iprfrJQ JN! xoTrca I coobudon eir ltrern Do nOt Crcrd 6c '--*;-.ra, lcn$hr d thc ostride nnr piping rho*a in Figutc:'. Xreoiw:agl qroscd to tbc ' ourrilr cotlf 'qrn &actir;l bf cmdragc h th. vtot pipc, rcrr:ltiag irtpotstid inllcr shutdor,rr- b_ (- Frr oowfty-.**rscn.n. n4a'^^- 9. Tbcrcutpipilgmurtcnniutala el dborrpobcd outwrrd or rwst froE frc dr inl*, es rborva il Fgur: t. @+ Yotr trusi considr tbc rurrouadlngs wben tcrlrigetbE rbr wat .rd rin r- lo&ir 6a rtnt fsbrdar rrtqr rrPos will uot de:;: Dcl*y rlnba plu$ or & coldtioning c$:ipolot 6r.br objraioarbla . b. Ihr ftcporbrril beucigrrbh3bllrrd.t oldrsrc b cold rb Awld rrcg wlcr tic plnar . ould obtlllcr wb&rYtrrr- c Pranilia3 rrladr codd cat& fi',?i''t of condtlatc rad r*ct/icr hddup r+icrt !u proitrca hopingr oa boliiaS rorica or plag d" rtddpodd$of -dd.dnlE @sroflheyrorluar wirb jtopb orpa, a Do qot loc$. 6: taaiadonr r,*qe wiad cildicr todd rtruc pc6rmurr or ceur: rscirrdriiu* lrh ar iuri& tuildbg cvncr* wrr rdjuat lsildlep or mr66r5n riDilowrrd!, eeirndr, aliovrq,cgqrtludr or g&rs Ic?$ad tc{. f. Do lgt :crnhrtc lDovr ery dcq or ri.ador- f-aoilqrcr caa 6crat cruda; icc hodaur, ,, Loce trr ;urd ylur !o prrlrr:at cgtdaorrtc dar!.3t o arrior finirhn 5- Meiuteb-clareaca re shona b Fqura 3, ,1, etd 5, pagc E 9 ud l0. Abo !!.iDaiD thr folloriug: r. lb oort urrahrr:. At b.rt 6 ed Eeo rdjrcnt raIL. - No clorrr 6eo 5 6ct bdor nof ovtrbog;. At hett 7 frct riolt rsy gubltc wrlft*r7.. At lrrr 3 r'4 rbovr rry brreit rdr int*c rnrh l0tu, ' No dos tlro l,il indsr bdor c hod:oadlt froa ruy door or wiador or rty othcr gnvtrt rir iDili. Air inLt aurt iaarinac c ltert Ul' eboc lndc or :norr llnq, I lEst U' hht 6. a111t t?naisrdo6: rnd 6c vcat pipc Eurlt r|o! €dr6d rgor: tlu! 2a' vEticdlt onti& thc hildiag rr $otr! in Plgun 3. Do oot taain*: dor.r to | fic hodrorrellt E@ I rbctrt ErE gt rla1:clI. rctuhtc, lclid rralec o oilrr cquipocoe NcrEr rcolilrtE rbsve or bdor any of that witrrb i ftct horizoaaS. onn El rvJ 90r80 9002/82/80 .t| E #qP "I'$ B0 go< snId,-<t .t9o E|or|lJ)tl + c\l z tr 6t-o o 5U :. Fr *Q 1p fl3 d)il-2. -\- A ( z llrtzl[-t Wzr\ I iss 3 PF-r rcr t00a PA6E A4rI JsJ o aBl 2ll zaod I IU a -O-.' I I E #r NE --] J f$ Ifoo irfi\t UJ E"* olllJJIL i E .u $*g "6,s/gi, $T +z -...tfs< s$l -u *rf= oul3JIL + f Il st-d'J?p :3 tDt=rrfrio!l rti FFS xYJ 90:00 9002/62/80 PAGE A5 ;-T' 3z{a 5E te <rOelE Hld {1"ol FIi<Ic IJ,18 ir:'! sr; EI ' ifr<.1' IJ (J ENGIN€ERS o 4 UE i EiE E 3is t I y /u9491959 :irilq U I wrzt/i/tj?,n L4a64 =tn ?- lr;ir 3E RF,J'' ECt|rroE=6t tre GP5 c< n -qr ;iF E:;:5' s ifig 4 E z46-E8J' =7.Ul3g t L, 3 - EC' gr Ed 9e,,isiE aqteir 8:.' <rr,l rYd s0:80 9002/62/80onn rrl lFI TJMBER. nn rneNsmrtAl, 00r34 424c, Gorc Crcck Rrsidences - Tirnnel Pflo|Ecllco.; 2$00.00 FILE: RI'1I6g cfi{rR'Acro*: RA, Nebon & A$ociates srrE EcIr l? Stom LlncNOrthof Tumol REQUnED RET1JRN DATE 0g.0g.05 RFI Rordag frcrGCh{t{e: Sobduldt!t: 5591 CoyDtoni@, Ayor, CO n620 l T. 1!030&?803 l F. 90.t{5.1951 (P.O. Bd ls8t) CohaWisE fro. 42aO ti Colrutrrt l! Scnby:lL Rccdvert by. Jco Babcod</ Alpfu Euglooc.hg- 926J390 D&: 9.02.06 Dgr: 9.02.05 Co|m!!ts:E:-Ilrno,wft tywmRFrirformforadionody.I will is!trc ul DG 09.010J fr,on to{ll lo CEdtrs l: S.at bt: Roerivod Dy: Go nantc: frEr Cdillt|.t I ao{?a& 39t coydoild|!, Arro.,Co 81620lT.720.!06.7fl11| F. vlo.tas.&t l (P-o. Bd 3r8) S.dbr:f6Bdosk Dds DdGt R$civ6d by: DNE Jir Wilct Dald CmlcrB: fim Goudtrnt2 tl42tG t62l tlP sr. src.2oq DanI{, cO t&mlT. 3dJ.2t2.33tt lF. $3293113 Drts: Dac: Scnt by: Rccdvod by: Cflr6cnls: t'ri*/fltoG.C.:RA!&hoa I I.9nt 47G7BA Gsstu) Sc*ty:_Jrn-rlhy w, 4'12.69 Rccdvcd b1r._Co!cgrer-at!13 Dah Ocr BrFda Cutict|le Co|Iulcril!: 4t o^'ttbaurtr! cnr!tod''/'',r lol EjftFUr SrGd sulb2ooDtrfl/f. ctadrdo lfi!02 t 3UJ ltl lltt l!,0! 2yl 3l 13 {.,nlfr|!E|at0r.ctc 6aa h'HfrrdFordtfl oo rrrt?t#wTtf}.irv('F&lE Crt'D7& REqJEST FOR ITIFORUANOI ltfo.00134 Tffl,IL PROIBCT: TOr 12r Slonn Unc l.lorlh of Turucl Oorc Gc* Plrce {2l/40Ardit€ctr DATE: JOB Pll0NEr 9ndn' 3l-{t'l-{X) 30t.f2-336r ATTIft $dt€200 Drnccr, CI) toaz R@dyHat TOT/IJ, PAGBS SNNT! nf,QIJIIf,DRESFONSE: gflfaJi}s fr}ST IMPACT:S{}IH}IJLE IMPACT: REQUESIT: mJin' Mitc Golnmr+o*od ftuBttilbe attdEdRFl withJcaBabmck at Alpina conscL Cin you issr rs m ASI? Please rcview anrlcmfirm fut dds is REQIJESTED BY: R-4. lihlsr & A$ochtec $IGNEII: Colemon D. lMsc llATEc AJYSlilER: T?rseap56.4., F;Erep-p ATrr4tcp ffir ooJ 4a4o tl/ tt/, L%ite Twrg 4'S /rir lteT REIIP(}NIIEDBY: $GNXIIBV: 4214{tudrhccrs ,o* j,w.og Gore Greek o Re sidences Enginee/s Supplernental Information srblcct: 12' Ston Llrc nortt ottrud lrforurtionl RANA rslrcd us to rwiew dlE proposed locatim of the 12' pvc storm run and 2'x2' fulet$ thd run nofib of thG tuonel Tby reqrrsted thd fts linc bq rplooatod so they don't havo to Br out any of fte existing shc'ring to instsll th€ lfuF ond inlsb. Tbc inh boxcs wue mot/€d slightly and an I1.25" bcnd was added lo 6€ line. This lettcs th€ storm ssnrcr ohscr to th€ building and bcatss it nore or iop of tho r4rriary ecwcr, which may make it morc diffncuh to dig rry tbe storm ot suiary sewer if ropoir is crrsr Equir€d. Howevar, it minimiur probbos wi$ inoallingtlre corn scw sithorc rmoving sm of thc ori*ing struiog We have attached c $kctch oflhe rYis€d lins, odhavc soDt the infqmadon toFcsk for strking Wc arc sadirH you ile follon ill Swplcrngotal iteNns; TbsE uetrs@ittod: Fr YurrUso Via: E-Ii{ail Coptcc ltercrlpdotr Dat? I I I' x l?" Storm line relocation (20 spnle)0E-2945 $gce fuooiftrBaboock Cop: MIkc CUbercE, Mikc (ffirn, Randy HEt IGDI Kri*q file tpt/rrhrtr {fa0rcl.cerari|rt @!t'Id.rn&ccP.l2'crrb.Eltr/|_rrlaif.r_t|88lf-2-Egl.AFj€@.0o?rbercflAA2rg-|rctr4ryt-g^El-0Ml To Agonry/Firm:VRDC Dab: l0t/!lo/tlF ESlnmbec i OOZ FrourNop&Firm:Ien Baboc*. - Abino Pnginoclqg, lDG.hdodNo.:E42533 AtEntion:Todi Gouldiry hdectTitlsl Llonshcrd f,edevdlopms[t Gorc Crcek Plnco AFbc lqhcci4, le!. r [drrnbDJbrrCcae? trilA9 r .!b.lorl7 r Edrrrdr, Coledo lltBl Tdrpborc t7O-9t6,0S7J . lrt:r$z@gn r hb@lpircdvllcon o @ !J TL ,FoF.zoj-- uaM.' x<..bJ> 0 dt h c8 a< EH PB -l I ,r. ;, i?.d- It-./ <i' + d+F,;-:--{" ,i siS c9('Ii !r '.,' ) \l I ,IU tt ---..- i i i d 9.€+II II ri \I \- #b-"t\ )' & olf UJnt.ltl0tm?0tn0'!.r'aFlGdjgtrqf.0Fit^lt|ft0@o^da|a I I AItH&Nf,qra@,*ftaltLtF&j sr!#l.i'4, RBCII,,EsT FOR IIIFOilATS{ l'lo.00'162 TlIl,E: Tuud SFhftrr Fttczo hntctho Pn(}fXCn OocCrc:tPhco ATIN: 4Z,OArdit.l3 5t9l Coyotc RHt! P.O.Box 33EB Avo. CO ll6il lhtWlLil DATI: X)E: rwlzt?iliD' 3t4+{X) PllOlII: TA-3IJ&9UE FA* 970t4tt9st TOfAL rAcng Slt{T8 nBQftnDItRBStOilSEt l0t9f20qt CI)$TIMPACT:3(xIEDULE li'FACT! REQTIf,IIT: Thlrig rconfiroiry RH dmrnltrgthocou&rooo crllUs nonhg bdr/ecrRAllA,424{1, RJA rdAll$rE Fire hotctim. 'Ttc purpoce of bocatl ms O firafze&c phr fcpovidogScoza ptotccliortothc ry,rinthrbca& locobdindocc Diordnitt to inotcriri! lbtDrd. Aftor discushrg e muttttdc of opakt6, ft rrs &ddod to rdd gtycol bops vtc|! reqr{rcrt to pmtoct tbo &ed hcadr 0dliry Ductmfrgwillrlson Gdobcd&Erscd. Sslrydofthcitrt*o.bdswillrrtnttonrn-dorvntlr-qpid..F${t: sr1g3rc3fr wdtrndUniruc [mrg[nr116[]rlcDovrlhc doabprurrUoseadistbctnmlfrtouldd. rLta4 dr minspimkrfner. Scc rtbhed l€dticd Plan fu moc inffion Alls1clo b rwi* pbnl and 1royide r picc tu tocc toopc. Wh oofldc, Allstie to tlke 6. ryfusd plus to RJA fo" tppg,y.l, Ed si|l r?{|6mit io fr; fll dcpt. rr a cbngo o tt|c cigi"d plt6. llc rywd lnd pt'Eit Fos i! r|dto tbG di|n|plcd rs r rcrrb sf&c6o clmgor. II,QUE8)IIDI|Y:' R.A.Nelsor&Asdro SIGNE&DATDT MlkoCult$crg ANlrwER: -Itt6'FE1/l9p^rs ll9Ppeetgp t^, -lltls FFr APE ?gltta |l4Pt8+{!^rrE P O,?nt 'tus 6?F.{&|F{EF.E4!? wrwtw F6-t5tuet n$,lOXmDSY: 4l/l0Ar&ctr /' SGNDBY:D^rew RLPG EriErFlEERltlc s?ou33so P.2 ,0l ov ( ol O5 O2:19P '''fr|fr',i,flGt.pl*tlaNltlr-* ,t!.lln RENETTFON|tfOilAIPT Na mrtt ?|rtG lroEcr: -: etf.x.. saF LL. Cot|HPte llll0 A|tli!*tr 5t9l Cq.or llG t.Olor lll Awqclt lldilo rasIry DAI"II tg(l,rxtrI, JO] tl{.{e IBG{ll: urDX}7|0t .FAf,:,?c{.J-!fiil r(FrAL ?rctsrsvt: ItamtlDir!ilof,r* lutltl0ot OOtlTD[ACt:- $CrGDIJf,B|trllACt- nraUErfi Tb fonrd 2l' fCP SIA lLr Nor|l of |b. Wd nd r.t lnu. b i[ b $rdor wlr rr rc *lr: 1 drb ldloot Jarhdnrraond r coplcof oprionr ht|tl lina,|ro. rvcn* r&cido? IQ|lltlIElY: FJr-rrdsaA!ffi TTGf{ED CslrrD.ghc DA.IB AtrIfIYTX: Ydr l" ed\ril Pe{orso. ?*"ffifl .ff utff*.sf ll,SkH. FsilomiDrV3 ltl.o^|t$tnr SIGFIEDIV:DAll.i 'l'{ov Ol OS O2:2OP nL+ ENGINEERING e?our3eo p.3 ( Datc: l$3l45 #t Eiltxr€En$lci ilc- ct -aar'.t cat dr -..i e, RESPONSETO REI NO.0lf0 wcbinrat rtb badon? Plcrre ccc tte drctcd plrn euf nnfrh ler ffe renrircd ctorrr lgwcf rutr StrL Vlc loun tii; b *til,, ih. fdri ac'rdrranc.tru !n 6c rcvlccd edcrr'err ffb (dtl€dq 'b[[J in['dt".t -t d* e'. rvdlHc, lo lctifl 64 n'. m corfirt .'tt lbc t-a nrn Itoq Ot OS Oe: ztP nrfne €ilcri{EEFrilG s"O63sso p.5 irlEoat ra $iE; Eg;E g JC Ilrl 6 Jt-r3 Fg u9 Puqo Ei art I d Fr $ioa 00'6800 =(.nu-rz) tno aNt 0r'66(rrc = (atu-tz) u 'atr 04 !rc(g - nU BHn-S TbH.{vn 03rv30t3u r9.mt9 -(crf,u.rz) .rm nrJ| t8'oo;g - (aCU.rz) rt 'arr l'oz tg - ru8 3Nn ATlcHOCd 49'lot8 - llct^ril s'err8 - n|d+0 'Y t.s lltr,o + @v, F E, t&l- =() EoPtn I { B 3- t [J { 0GI I I? lrlJ{lo!| I Iu ( ;,+**; \\ -H+FJ'i-?ffi.\, Iitsu t:t t\cr36 \ r'Es za V)-:t. l- '''1)-L--) I -'t -/ / -4-"'-''' :r?";g1i f^---F_-.|9@'_..fr:'^|.!tt{-}",F .z--.tE F .r-- ,- .--- at.:..2' ?- ttr--?-.-'t0> ,,.t - €.,8'. ','5.ttfii:.\s+.ffi, $r"==, d\ \\ \\ ;\\t\\ \\ \\\ '\\ \\\ \\ 'h e :,4 It at t 1\ \ I o.1J Frl GI F It tEl \fi\t$ 'i t$ ,."1 ENGtltEERlNc ""of.t"o p. +'Nov 01 oS O2:ZOP It 3t E G E!,f=- .- \.-- .-. - -'\ /''' -___,/ \- - ./, \== ==-1a RFI TRANSMTTAL tFtNlluBEk $l&} Revleed suBEr': Both t4 CLj4ns Hdsk Cmfli{tt R{urRE) nErunND lB lr.t4. 0, 4240 Gst Crcek Rsideoes - TEreI PRO:EC-I No.: 211900,00 FILE: RFILog o$IlRAcrllk R.A. Nclsm &Asseica RfI Roudrg frorGf,totlztl&5591 Coyorc Ridgs,.tr*co tl62o lr. 7203$.?to3 | F.9?OJ45.8qtl f.O. Bo( 33t8) Subnitcdbr. @@!ql!:g p6s; ll.lD.0!/ll.l6.0t Rrcelvcdby: Jinwik:y p$g ll'10J6/ll'l6lB froa ll{O to Gmrdbut l: frorr tlZ{l to Conult[t 2: silt bn Rcoeived b5c CommB: ..-.- ior Coorrlart l b rt2{l: r$r Corotal.itEa Aroa CO Sr62D lT. Z!OJOS.?SO] I F- 9?O.tt45j9tn (P.O. Bor l3Et) Sg|tby:ItdhCrr DiF: ll.Lad-1 Roceivcd by: Jim Wi Date ll,D.*L pq1e: lt,l0,05nl.l5,Ct Rcccivcd ty: Srnf crrrr3.p0! Cocrrm !5ttti)ttl . pge; I t '10'0J11'16.09 ConrnErts nA !lC!S!l!!S.d !!g mvbd! UE Ihrc; Dilc: Commour: frilCGS|rl2to4zh- S€nt b:)l Remivcd by: Cdntmils ldlr ltl S, slc. ,n0, D!nF, CO ilm lT.30L292jil881F.3G.2923t 13 Dalc: trooaLotoG.C:RAr*ls I r.97D.1 76.7$a Gtbb) .. Sstlbt: Jtn_![b_D8!E hc: .+t:l**5 ualr6 necelwd Uy._Colma Uf"o _ Coanerls J,ld{+t u,??r.o5 ataf lrrltrurf|g fuo.hrp I62t Etdrl3clal &Ea &n! 2m Drrrc, Odsjo mUl l!(D19' rttt f303 ZE tl !3 rr,l040r0tubsc.G.- tzly?DdFi''dF,'lt wL co el6tIfrtc''ffl;t$ furr, 9t}atatlt REqUEST FOR INFORUANON No.00183 TlrI.E: Bd#4CcinrgHdgbcon0lctg PR(I'ECI: GflrCred(PlacE IIA1I: JOB: ltn,fns 3t-04{0 T(}4Z4O Arrditecr! 55Sl Coy@Ridge P.O3ox33tt Avon, CO 8t620 ,imWt6y PgoNE: 7z}-3rw._7t0t FAX 97(}r4$95l TOIAL PAGES SENT: REQUIREDRESPTONSE: lVl4nfiSATTN: COSTIMPACT:SCHEDULEIMPACTt REQIJEST! TIrc uAu Unitbath #4 ccilitrg teight mflictr with the ligln fixrure nrd msdicine cabircts. Per ID &awing 3.07/C tho light fixffi€s reto be sf* &t 7-9i, &is is theheiglrr oftho coiling per Al 17 is 8'4*, plcase rdviee, ll/llRA}IAsr4gcsts34btgl'IttedtictpcabimtutichwiltEatchth€typicalrwedofl'-6*bccilLg. Pleaodvisc. RDQUDSTED BY: RA"I.trdeon&Associtilc SIGNEIIT Coleman D- W.rrc DATE ). AI\I$WER: qftrce W rftt +b\ ttrutt t-4frD.Gr;lrc a^#trb€l|: RES0II]EDDf,: .f2l0Atdrilcets i \-J SIGilEIIEYI n/fir.. ll.lh'o6: rxEglr#{lt.$r fiF$ li * *,lr G 4 Lze FSI TRANSMTTAL 424c' Goro QccI Rcsidcmcs ' Ttmnol PRoEcr M).: 209m.0O Frx: RItJIpg @Mx^c{oe RA. Nehon & Arsocites *.Fl Rordng fnrtG.C.of?ll):' 559r CrJorE njdgs AvGr, CO 8168l lT.20jxB,7eE lF. 970.845.t95t C.O. Bn 33tS) tuhdedqtt_!CI(cg4$.ltl!!D&; 11.15,0!t necivcdb: __':!!trlSrb Ih6; ll.l5.Ot fton {2tO to Cqruhrt l: Ser bY: B?dri{cd bY: Date: DaIE: (:ltmrnB: RlrtNurIER, 0olg0 srDtEce 1@l Wrll ncUl sUd deuib rlQUn:ED RsrUnN D T& nz2g5 tlm t1240lo Cortlh||*2r Sout by: Receivod by: frof, C.r.rltrd f b iFft 5591 carGnt4F, Avoc C\} tr620lT. 720300.?E00 | F. 970.14J.1051 (P.O. Bm 33tt) D8IE:SGrrt byi Rcccirrd by: Coomcnts: Fon Coarulteat 2 to al{O: 162l rf sl., Se. 2m, D6}rr, CO Reteived by:JimWlcy $2@ | 1. 3Or29r.33SS iF.303194.3113 hc llu.05 I1.22.05 Cooarcntg: ftrr|la0roG,C.: Slot b;r RA Ndffi I F9?0J76. nt2 &bdL) iim witcy Irr&: Dte: ll:3.0rt n&w"atr Mite Crlftbcrtcor 11r3.O5 CG_gGnd. O{ioirca Todd Qqlldins Cturn.|ttr: ata0 Ar.IEtrFtDc. drtry&ti',,. t62l Eiibsrbstrd SutE t00 Dcl|ltr,Cdodo NGl02 r 36 2tl33tt f303lt2 3l I3 t'|]l{('u'ditcctrlno.[ tplv'/r'F{ld,n'p,d w,@ at6ltffir:l'tlgtffi gftllt7qe RECIUEST FOR INFORTABOiI ib. m190 TflaE: TffitdftltDttdh PROIECI: Gsr&cctPloce rl?{0 Arcftitrc.ts 559t Coy*Ri&e P.O.Bo{33tt Als, CO 6l@0 tEWihy DAIB: JOB: FHONEI FAXI lut5rmos 31.04.0 720-30E-?m3 970{41-8951 TOTALPAGESSENT: ATAN:RF-QT]IREDRESF(}N$E; rrl2ltzo0j COSTIMPACT: SCHEDTJLETMPACTI REQUESTT To fotlow rp on cowersdorts utlh Sharm lrst rrcek tnmemltrg tunnel woll nssdrblic: l) WalI I)rpc D Sorvs E dorbb top tttck to allow fc delkclio. It r€ftrtnoes a uL system IISI-D-001 0 whhh we haw been rrobb to ftrd. Thls q'r[ is locabd iaite of th! crst-in plrs cqroreb fflndsfim wall Tlse sltotld be no r|€flectisr a|il m neoal for tb c,hmeJ. Is lt aselhble to buih{ per the dcail excpt fu lhe mebl cciling runner wi6 . 2' frnges and fte tfertnco to Hf,i-IXXll0? deflctkra that euK be gs. At tha long rpan, it is not cnpocned to b€ Eore |hn %n . At St€ str(tor spts (uihcrc all tre walls are) ft ir cxpccod m te 'much lccs'. I m not arrrarp of m rsorrbly tfia alloua for %* deflcothn abore, ad dainuins the firo ratln& Is trc y.:' ourll.joirt srfficient to altow for lhe olicipded dcflecriot u these areas? As drrwn, rne dryrvall wilicflrsh if fuptrtcss dcdccts r*hen tood€d. lf thc %" gip is suffcicnt, it nceds{o b€ nriffiined at all laycrr. If fu b not' plcasc provide a detril Wc hovc sopgcd funirE 0t mis pofut sd iod dEtifcadon of tFse dElsils as swr .s po$iblc REQIJESTEI) BY: R.A. I{ctron & Aseocintcs SIGHED DATEI lSlrcCfitfratrcn A!{SS'ER: le?'e? F ktTDdzfigiD' F€S?6...lSCt REBFONIDf,I}EY:.t2/rrcArrtrilEcls SIGI{IDBY:otrr;z K.?-9.6 1._; 42{/RJA RFI I9ORESPONSE I123.05 Wdl typer tA*, E', "C" , no nling: 3/4" anticipated de,flectiqL Provi{b a top of wall slip dstail thd will allow7r'dcflection md povi& a 3/4n caulk joint at fte top. Well type "D", 3 horn r*ing = m anticipatcd deflaction Provide a 7." caulkjoint at tlrctopofvrall Wdl typc 'Err, I hqtr rating - 314' uicipded deflcction Ure tbe Hl{l-I}lXl4f ltrembly ftr ttlrrrlf Wrll type I'F",2 hour ratcd shaft qmll :3/4" anticipcted deflection. Ure thc HW-lh 0ll 14 rgoobV for ttb wall uL As€DbU EW'IXII)4{ b sttr&od foryorr rcftnncc -"rf*. s6v ^ 14 !, UL Onllnc Certlflcatlonr Direcf,oly xltlN.ltw-oF0044 tolnt9rttclnl br.lesn tolnt iwml t$iH|nd. hDratlsl.aL&hl&lrdl Syd||n llo. HW-D-OO.4 Odd.r cr' toot lfi* rrd.aa - !, t, t na a llr (L tr 2l tqfr'edlmt'Ur -1.!a atB (tdht tt Gat ttrcyIfiC$||lE- - ret traltt Gcctrd.r rari..J.|l {l.ltr.tl 1. Ec a[.dlr - llh +t 2 h. lilc rttd-r|trvcat lc$rdct a nnc xtli|t (tlro to t50 t t) tuunrd 6|E*. z t|| r{rllt - L l. 3 a a ]'t r-- typa.ri Dottd/ert r|f arinut |,dl tc o.rdud!|' dtfi. B|!.'* md h tll nr||rar d.agtiart h lla lCvt*,d UfO c VfO sd|cr taf |'|d m.{r ryr s. urr U, tlra alltre afrufo,y r|. !M ltdrs ih: Eldr| lc.InEibo fial||ltr. l, Fatlrof dCIhl lE-|r - ior rnd caltng ntr*t! ot rial urrDry drt o taolqflv td (l|r {.t{db rc6mrm{td. fiJ ad! (lEttl 2!1. wn n d.iGhr drn|||.a llt|'l,Al l..n d, llrnF hl![t {t o{rg nnn? b !o br rqrrl to o. g|! tar tlrft ttnoc hallht 0t {fdlldlart cf|'mcl atd th€ Eathi nfiiG at b ra* 'd8{n tlu fill|gbn Crrt||.l nlt|l | 3/t to I tr t||p rnalntthd bdrcctl ura too ott!. catte ntrn r o$rbtof t|a rhhlon dirttd. Whm ddac on alrmd It mt lrd, irn$ hqtt c cdhc rumc |ld b! fib 3'a tL lnr|ff th.n |ron tsht ror, c ng rufflr F srctrd tD C!.E ttr ttc ltaD rdt ttL, |t|lao||ry r|('rot rp*!d rnar L lr, 0C. /r.^t .l.ratr t, vv r I r. LI|x lhr }iir|f - g.fna Cdfa lrne - Utn oo|o t ||n Xnn b |lr d6n or ir|al lo t-t/a l[,, rmd dmo |rfnar lrtt D. ltd t6 lr alurrto to rna dlnt flr|or rr tcri ?a. g#d' aal|l nr|xr b coatbt f ialv iI| chnd i,tft Jlcc.l lb.gtt lld b ra(!.rrrc(hr !E!l rlr(ts (Dt[l'fa). 4.ct9 rurnr nrrd b arErE tlc !l[ i|'r ttd rB*||rt rriqr tpdd mr It ln. OC Uha J6.t dR '||ortil! uFd, rldlxlbo dlfi||d (tt||r ] ) thal n a or qstl tr|L.llfrtiG-Iia 8ynf,n I|Prlrafl.3lrfin|| |lc - st.IrF 42. lt|l CElf, '|rd||r . t a.lb{ D*.L|| G.|l|l ft,r - lvhdr nc|n loSt rddft lr |l8 than or a{t.l to t Itr. wru(d dChaldr tdht 'u|nrr.|I, br r-d E dt dtaltlrtc lo lhc cdht tttl|t hl ltrntr 3A I|d lA]L. frrtcll ahaldlo (t rE rumcr 19 l'irEt ot O||r *a!l drro||cl I|Dr rhuri vartlcal rldlccF|| clF m..tr'|adu ||alrl|d rrtur rt|rrl.r. $.{S cllF, p.irlrl.d ran lrp bd*EE tr l|rmanrt lbrtrtt|te ot !t!d dud& Yc|lcll ddrctoD llre ruonr t.qrld to conddc lloDr tht ]fltr rtarl|natonry mdlaE lfrod rt|- !t h. OC. gntn {rt|Crt aLttaclon 3r[ng flrtrnar is ura4 dalc.{o.ld|ft|. GG {At drdl {ot h u$rt lflt ttlat rt|totl riic - var{ttxx vn3t8. wDaoo, lrT0600 r|d v?DSllll Al. |fifr ar||| fr|.f.f. - Slttrl cal |' lur!-' - ll .n tlt|ltlxt b $r d{ng rullcr h n.|r|' 2^ fid 2^r. *art rurnr io o lrrltg v c.d cn|ntd rldr cF tdbrnad h irr* mger xro ,olovdt t|grgr d!? lr|lldc'lt||rea dt n* d &rde (ltat 2l), Irtd rbd lo rcEofinotr ta.l $$dE {&r! 2tl. tfld llr|gre l. ts mh 2-!/,a h. ClFrt {d||r rumar ramd to oncr{. tloor t|.b $Altd ErHrrt 'tdEs tpr.xt llrr t2lr oc whr| d!0ad *|e nm b d, ddledor d|r!d {Dt'n 3A) ii$ rot br o!ir. lotll tTrtl-lOu'lm I L C - SmD ltrr H. f,tG arlr lrarbat- iau GdlI frflr - lErt *rlfr to ltr ctrg rr||!.ra'| n Ict|E 2f Ort||tl ru. n.tl'Fd ahg rr|'n fr t0 EfS ol C{ratcd gdv !N dcmd rtt nfrhed rltrmlb.Fi id !o cr rE(|[r ra.d tit gf.m 2a] tlchd cd*|g r|.ur!. tcord tD qrr& llF :l.Drfn # |!.lrtry 'rrur rprod .d 2a tL OC. friar noaold cdt'e n rua. ts usd, drt!6!r.tftrla (16| fD g.r rd !. !r!(l ocnar atll lle - T'oc SCr Ag. gda-|. krhF -lsl|crl !.f.ttt O. - (Otiond) 5t d dpt.Jn br rrrd h .ottfin idr |,|tr rad nfi $aer 23). call||! rur|r.r (n|rr ZA) or fifidoD drrd (lt.rtl l^l- Gtq htt Ld s..rtt too drbc.fit trcrtdu ttr th. d,le runrar r lhbq dflid. OID'|d httortd t0 tlt (flne ruonr a 4lLcldt ahrmd erli tD. t r.t aflfi{, srbefi{ ird ranac'l. t||.o{!n hd?, Forfld rthh tii dp. Crp |||ry b! iaifird tc $. saE dtt ro. I 9ra i..t al.d scrl hrq|gh ||!|- erlt ldad ftdr|l Ur. *, b ri rffiE, u|r ttf! ol $t rfD |lry !r lo!r.{.d o|.. d. tao of tha td rrtlqr ech.tErt h Ff*nar r5t mt'rrlchxt|rrr lrt lblron hnrircuo|rr. tlll-l$lJw COIGltll L I G - lLJ|a l4e9!d Dqe D?lhrloD CID a. *|.r - $l.l r!|t| lo Oa mh 3-!/a h. rvlrr. Sudt ot VZ to tl to I ln. l.|r tr ln{l|l $nrt$lrtlt htl* r|t|t !{ta|r n|ltrre h r{ rt$trd totlqor rumq. Wh ddl.ddo $mna (nam 3A) hrd. ttal &dr ata('|ld tt c!|I||l rurnar (Itara 2a) r*lll diiar matil aort$a hotad vil In. tchw uc b0ltorrr to Ec arnGlan (harnd. tlrttan dal|(don dg||d It mt $G4 rtudr to flat t| cll{rt ru Er i'lthcl.ltrEhmrrt. WhGn ilurd rrtllng runocr (lt!|r| 241) b |!so..dcrl dndr tE@rcd io rlottrd allnlrutlr nli ,lD. ! Dy vl In. lctt rtb lraatt ia.l rat|' Et n*{iditt cf {c oo .rdr dda ot rdL m.|l. vrtl.tl rt H'l qf|.l| rumi llt m 2A2l ts urd. !t-lrt$i ||orrral b rldrdltniol drldhn *+ tlrfoqgh fr hrrrtarr9, nltlr itd Fr6 rt iidtratt of .r.t rld- Sfid lp|.he fiat b Ercd 2/t ln. G, c 6ftrr| barar - Gtlo|rt tc|'n draaar hl|lhd to r r*n toad 5/g hr 1-lla lrr, l-V2 hL or 2l|l' uildu|aaa et atdr rlOa o' $l b tr 2. I ar 4 lv arfit aarartraa. rrfrdlnrdt. Wdl to br coiltl||d lr +ar dhdrcb|ffia tl|o 6a!Lr Hn lfl Urq ett fu{tE Dltctaty, aet t'r!t r Fx t.r z lt. efO aS:c tCo lt ||||l b |l|t|ruhd ldFraai abt oltno ffiln Dort frd lha lofar $rtae of tnc is , tH rs.|3 ltratltr0 th. iflarrr la|tl b U|r tndr rbrg l'ra top of tlx ffiI $!a br bc&d I h, nr $. bodfil d thc crlfrg nfr. Lo efo||r bod .alrcl-lt slrt $* bc &l{r!r lrto tlr.cllnl r||'rr- 0. rtaD llt o'lutal t'!i6n crtl||.. rb b||rl t r*t lalb te ffir b IrJ b |l. lqdt tr lrdrC of rb. d- 3. fli |''.F - h rfrt r l-ti- l&. cl lk -a b|| t tr{- lcrtt (|. rha d l*|.r&.r ., rffrFl-, f lhkf raf tr r$bi. ra f hbtra a krt|lr|t' ll|F|.f .ftlrr b ddtrl l.rad.riadtrr.F! trrd dr.-r c"ff ici lllt ItbH rlilft. 1.- I 11 tr|| na a fi rt arrl'|a {rtianrr f.atiF rtt lr lr|||b dlt b I rl a : .*ar ftr ,*f ryf'r| !ar.l EElt C lsrilrt -rd al t||tttLb t{lh a itr|q t a rldLdar dtund {br t|l. ! tr||o t A D.i.ltrr af-- (S .D - rla t lr ffg !|!r 14 |.irF gar rita dFmd 5.d to .. egy .' vr J mcmimo|| riry nrtF (tE! 2A). Drladdl d5ud tacicd tD o'|tttl! iot rli strr tttd oco|r' rric7t tFco rfl 2/a h. OG lll! cit{ nm|r? Olrn a} F hiElid rft{i tia 'trtLci!|l' Gtrlrxra tD |nalrtrll . Vl tt t/a tl. $D b.h|rA drc ut C Or dlng n nnat ||rl lh. lo! .r lic datffin' d[r|ra.llr a 19 nrnDr. iaatr hlt! lh. da||rtb| ffi r||l ut .ttroned. !, tbrr o, L-||i. - Scttbnt ot,ntr + pd ||.nty mh.rra rsl t'lt comerasal 50 lttlrlrt rl- U|tlm'3 ||j lnrdclt cqt dgc tlrr to .orrrLtt fi ttr. g{l !ffrr thG tep d lh. lt!|UlD urrt ard dra lcltorr d ha c!.rtrdt fiG. Thl !fl n0 nraE |I ild iG hrbt.d tu'l t|'r bodr r|'||cat ot r|i f lllg |I|llrrrrroxr sC - llx 9*U l{tsbtba Ea rl|loor ! r G - ilnltod"UltF S.i.rg nUUlrF-li.ft iOCf, lf,Oc, l|f tlFn tlia CO - Otb lard l|ilrllFlltl lrG - srF c' '|t|' VoE o? t:.yry lrdd. - ht - l4ln tl! In. r* !*Ur$r (flr|n V16 rL dry) of m m{rd.t rFry rpoa.d o.r s ftbatfi! rrI b.tm tr c.p of oa far rnd [|s iatbfi dtl* h.f, Irrt wrd.D j dr l/2 !r, fito gyple.t| tor{ or lot|r rfttr ot rdl. drm.ml Vg h. wtt tnkkrss 0t tll fllddrl th.l o{drD ! fih l/u it. mb ul| idc od !0'| tfu ol url. t;GttttD tlitardoclls nac - S0adld AS2m gaclrrtsi( sD'ry .lqhg !3 U. C||rlrlcltfta taf,t l-Biltrrrt c| loGlO{D -__; Or|.eGl. I&rdDGddrE ECT.TII @o thr rppt|rr|c! oa r c"r''r(|y'r n.nr F Drlfrt .|| U$ dtrbata Coar .ct In itat t3|rra $tt tr!{ludr ro ldcltlt!.| lnsa b-r mrrlta$taf rA. U[5 fo{ort-tD stt'q. ttrf ttor tFatrcit tt|||ng $o |n. t*t rhotdd h confidd to bG Lffi ltrl covarr0 o b U,'r Fsllo!,-r$ tar!aa:. llrr r l00I lE Uta itrt af, fi , d,rcL lrl celrltr $r |tDroodt o ol llta rrrlttd @ntdnad l|| dr o!!or Cadiquon Dtrldlrt rDtsd ta Ura hdd{ro ccnfilonr l.lha qrtsa ldtarutlqr, t}tifit qor udt|gr (L) d b. F-ttla |n ttaf r rrrt ra ri | ll.rd|ls{rit .|rm?, #t |r rt |rnp|rtbq|l of 0rr dab (or c.fit|it). r. rna try.rt!4.F.I|lffi tln tfta ffib ClrllL.ua||| Urtatory rin ,crrrrS.r frldr U|dafirtrt lroorllr|.| lnc' nrnt Scr 4rdtl io t|! :lt.rdd m*sld. rd lddd(rr, lh; .ra.nid na{r{al rh|!t |tdrL r qtrtht notE h tna L$or0n t n|t .wgl* O 10Ot (er ctt t!oara!|||r frEa' An IndGpr Crnl organlz.rlioo rortlng lor I rllrr wortd sltlt lrlegrilt, Irecirion In0 k0trrlcd9a. nrr rnaWSrrnTTAL subtBcr: Addjirknal Arc Fauh Cimrite 424c, GoF Creck Resflotrc€i - Trmsl llolBCrNo.: 20!Xn.00 ftrE nFI IpS (M*t lLl.xeLo&fuoociu RFI Rordog lru G.G, to l2t||l: iE(FJrtlDnEnnN D^rE I r25.05 3591 Coplc Ridp, Avoq @ tlfiUt I T. 72030&78ts | F. 9m.$5.8951 (P-G Bo|( 31tt) $rtmtttodbu Mtucuobscm D&: u'lEoit Rcccivcd by:_--!!ur n[U Dda ll.lt,Oj lron tlltlll to Gontdtr l: Scdt by:_JiB_!Eq_Datri Dalo: ll.r8.o5 nccoivcaty: mhtrdWr!*rlllSgl0ill . C.omncnts I l.It,o5 fron {2to !o Coodtrrl 2: SaB by;D*c: f,LIG:Rsaiv€d by Commott: .:t--iroa coe*d r b /E{o:t59t Cq'!i! Rttq Avoa Gl tr620 | T. z030t 7uE I F. tTt tas.alst {P.o- Bd 338t) Minacf wdfrcc Dte fr.ti,O6 Ddo: llr.A.06 Scnt by; nocoinod ty:filWiky Comdr: fno Coorultut 2 io ,t2,lG Sdb': ttrll lf sL $8,200. Dqrvr, CO AE lT. 3(E.n2.3!tE lF. 3o1r9231l3 Drtc Roctivcd h1l: Cmmco: frcn il2l1. io Gi.Ci ' f^A N€*o! 1r.y,0,fi6,?t&l (ldEiL) Scnt by: Jh Wiley Rcirtd bv: f'{ft: Cutbtrtror Coqomls: tuet llt,.i.a{ CC: /UlO A#Etr ba tuCDd'' er 162l Eadb'||frtlt .t golt 2O0D6rr. Cdo..d. tolol .1Ol2tt3tC8 fJ09 2tl3ll3 lv,U{bdildm..so anvuffiM w@dQ7 lfidt:lljlgf, ndd|l 0fo1r&7*. REOUEST FOR I]IFORilATIOOT i|o.00190 TITLET Adr$horl Arc FrDli Ctculb lltO.lET; OoltGcckPlu DrllE: &)e illlE/2005 3l-04{x} ATTN: moilE: 720'30E 7E{B FAX: 970-845.t951 IT}TAL PAGES SENT: f,EQIIIREDRDSFONSB IIN'NW:' COSTIMP.ACT:SCTIEIXT.E IMPACT: RSQUEST: The phrc call for arc frult cirqtite on bo&oqrr recstaolcc. Thc €lccbl;al inspcctor is rcquireing them on all 120 volt operiry imtding lighb. Thie wtll rcqulrc thc additioo of 8lpiorisgf€ly ?2 arc frult brcakers. RDQ{JESTBD lY: R.,t. Nohm & A$ooiatca SIGNED AlIS1VET: t, We VW A(gLe * "lp.c+lf l,{r8r aF Ttt€ t{/c',il9 S/lTh ltfG Wi,W}4 ?+c"@156a16. .Iltjs Ft haru,r,frilA pusf ap TttF ApD r TlorrAuAFa pqdLa otgourf fferr.ce-t jtt l.oeF> JAgil wFBTtt& HBEDOtrg A9911[DilAL FAGE lA, Eiaf-H sr.rtf F"i? A loTft1t- aF to.r ?trFtg frffiC fi AlTArtiE|> Eilr€P: 42/40Ar$lt cls 5591 Coyotc RjdgF P.O.Bo:(1388 Avon, CO EI62O IInWllct ?Eo.t'A, ?ea.zAt reLza 1lt:er.zp 1 FLIF I alO l,fiCttl(?r.' w&arp,66 ilESPONDEII 8Yr 4?'t0 &stil€cb T-.., SIGNEOBY:D rBt ll.4s.os RFI TRANSMTTAL IrFl NulrBEr: 00 lgg 424c- Gotro CIGak Rcaihlocs . Tum6l RoxCtlrfi).; 20!X10.00 nla: RI,Ilo,g drNTMc-r(k R.A. Nctsor & Asgociares :nBEcr: UDdhE CNbinA liehr swidibl mQtnRED nET Bt DATE I I .25. 0S R.Fl fortl4 fior G.G ro 42ft $t91 corotc Rldrs, Artq ct {16201T.720.30E ?t03 | F, yr0.845.8951 (Po. Bu 33tG) Suffid ty fvl&o mtcrm Dfrc: U.l&o:t R.cdwd b$-_Jis I[!g pr6G: ll.lt,0t ttm a2a0 bColrrlt !t t: s6otby;__IEI[lq Drtor lllE.os Yu.^. 11.1E.05Rcodvcd by: Mich4 WrlrorJl*$t${li}7 Datc: Cdselta bor al.lit to Cora&rrt2: Scd by: Rcodvd btr Connaots: --- fror Oontu I to i12S: t5tt Cqa! RICg. Arur co Er@OlT. ?20.fl!.?r01F.9fl1.8{5.8951(P.o. B6t t38t) Sd b|r._ltflcbrl_ysl8ce_Ddc: Rcoalvtd by:--,lin W!!q ComEcolei Dorc: hc: frrn Cantrrrr 2 & *t4a: rdU ltl S. St . 200, Dt|rvc, co ffiXn 1L 301t.29.33t1 | F.303.29231 ll tlcnt by: Rcctivod by: Dde: DEtc: Com: trooaz0bcc.: . R^ttdlolf"9fltl?6.?$C(Jelo) 8cd. by: Ilm Wilct n&rt"cl t1r: lfr&l Ctdbb..hgr I)do: ll,?5,6 Drtot \46,09 Conrncm CC: Brtnde (Mefltq- To.U Gouldltrs aL ArllldF.lE '*V htr t62l Sl|tsrdsnEd srto 26ltcrva, Colerdo &01 tX! lt2tlll f303 ?913113 wf2,llffirtru.oo t!,vt&,'ffiF!',lH.@daffd.pldr:L&t@Fdttu lfvftrf& REQUEST FOR IIIFOR'IATIOil I1o.00198 TITLE: PTft'D'CT: T(} Und6CdtnctLiibb CnrcCmdrPlmc 42/l||)tudtircdi 5S9t Coyoc RidSc F.O,Bor( lStt Av@,qO Ef620 JhWilc? DATE: ll/182005 JOD: 3l-0+{n PEOllEr 72&30E{E{E FAX: 970.t45-E!t5l TOTAI. PAGES SENT: nDQUIXnDnESFtOttlSE: rrl2SlzOOJATTN: @STIMPACT:SCHEDI'LE IMPACT: BEQIJE$I: fuc frme swi&hes for ttrdcr catilnct lidr. as &awn requlred c dodrcd? lf h was rny tna€ I would lrant I srvitcl. nf,QUfSfFDEY: R.A-ttldm&Assddcl slcilxrh Mtto Crdrbcnson DATE; ANITWEK PPovteg A ?.wAY € i/tTEl*'tO ffiIr- r'r,r-- t{gtYl9r TrrT$ oN€ =IrrrT!.}i 4T W-A F.rTFrl ? \ urJDelF- c g.^,FF IttF Ftrztte+r BISIOI{DEDBY: ilz40Arohiecb DArf,! i.?S-& 4249^ RFI TRA}.ISMITTAL rnM,MB* 00t9 ffi._Elglacs_on_l$t_{imolg__ rur' Rflqog . Gorp Cnck Rosidmccg - TIrDoel PnolECtlfo-: 2W00,00 t*T* .nA.ltot * c eooetd*nsQsnED nEluRNDi{'rE I l2g. 05 RFI noo$rg frur G.G. to ,lilC: 5Srt Catoe RidEB, Ayot\ CO tl6t0 | T. ?2030&?0tB I F. 90.t45.t951 (P.O. Ba 338t) tuhnGdry: CMsIrmr D{c: lt:U}5 ncooived b;,:_J4dlriEf p6c llrz.llt foo l2,lll to Ccnnltnt r: Sq|tbt:Drb: Drb: Comnenlg: Roodvcd by: fioo {t{e o C,oordhrr 2 S.nr b!/: Reccived by: C'ml!|cng: fftn Co rrl|f,t I loatl& 5591co}l!..Ri*!,Avoo,q) tl62olT. ?2o.3{[.ttm lI. m.E{5.t951{PO. BG 33tt) . S€nt bt:Datc: DltB: Ih: Datc: teoaiwd by: Cmrmb: fr{rr Comlt rt2 to &tlo: l6ill lS st- Sra 200, Ddcr., OO 801U11T.30}r92-33tt lF.:}(B:913r 11 Sqrtby: I)0c: necstwrl bJr:D[c: C,;osu!|cltt: frrr 42$ to GC3 RA NGko I F.970.{75.mc (dsL) Sat by: Jiq Wlcv Received bp_CMs Lmmcrs pra.: ll.23.0t pra6: rl2J.OJ Ct: Brorh Gutctra Todd ooldiru Ofolrrffbnr lrc <,,tqc&tw l6lt SiXhEdb in *$t D0 DErrr. &d l02dt rfil''ntl',| f30r:9I llll l,4:{Lrth'1ff6.!0[ ,6rlftdFord&n Ifl, co El[df@n'tl$ ln'FerE* t A{'Orlr'' REOUE gT FOR II{FC'RUAIPII tb.00190 TITI.E: lf.(NECT! TtD ATfi: FirEphc. ca tigbt dmdonr cd€Cruc&Phco {2rfi1 Architxb 5591 CoyoloRi{e PO.Borr t3Et AvorC\X tl6i[} Iitn Witsy flAT&: llfl'?l7ffi to& 3t{4-m fHONE: ?2F3OE-7803 FAJL 9?Gt{S9'I TTITALPAGEESENt: X'FQUIREIIRf,SRIt{8D: lt/?9/2fi1t @STII#ACTI SCIEDULEIMPACT: REQUEST; Pleare *pply a dimquiqr frr the dislrn thst tbt lower lcvcl cm liglrs arc frram thc fiorr of the irplrcc, REQ{/llTEDBYt R.,t.N.lh&Arsaillct 'st(t{ED . Cfuir l.utncrt DATf: ANEWEB: 2'4' Pt 4^1 T{Pt e*tu ft? 4+w te\Iet-. 9a9Fl-g'4'o Grt t^rbvfr/Awd. I,ESFID{IIIDIY:{2'r,O &r,hirct t TIIGNEIIBY: 8fl r{,n lt& irlt rnexsMrrrAlJ 00215 4240, GorE O,oek Raidcrcca - T|Ml I|8orEcrxo. 209m,00 ms; XpllagsuE EcTi Galago lrvol UniiEffiy Doca REQUIR8D nEflnx D^r", 12.16. 05 Rfl Roatiri llon C.C. iD Oi0l Suboittcd by: Rooaivod by: |bon ,tl40 to Courrlhot l: $crt byr Rocclvd by fur[G@: ool{rBAcloe RA-Netson & ArsocidE6 5591 Cols Rih& Avoo, m tl6A) 1T.720.30r.?rE lF.9?0.Lr.lt5t (PO. Eq 3!ltg) MiLG C\fib.rtson Ds: ?-09-05 fmwilelt lyq 10.09.05 Iluc: Drlc: hon {2.l0tr Com t|lt l! Sant bJ:Dac: Date :Runivod by: CmncoE: lhor Crudlrut 1 3o 'l0lll:5591 Coysb RirtsB Avq Cp 81620 | T. 72o.3$.?gE I F. 9ruJa5,t9lt I (P.O. Bd 3t8) Dat!: Dats: Scnt by: Rcccivod by; Commol|3: froFCo!!dtd2b{ztr S€rt by: l@l ltr S.., S. 2O, Dsr,Er. CO Mn$.W-ZCE3lt I F, 38.DL3t13 DiE: Roccivod byl Drtel C(E.EsDb fod.O'obG.G:RA Nclot I F.90r+?5.?tlt (itb6i.B) ItnWihyScot by: RirCvort by: Cofftcnts: Milc Olhbcrtron Drt* Drts: le12,05 lLr2,o, CC: Brcnda Gutisrq Toild Crouldins {tfatt*.fttb.. fuo hrr.r l6:U Bithr.d 8!!r ffi ru0DtCrE, Color& l6t2 t''iz!nJS1r fit03 212 3l!! *{l{0rrbirEC.co|| @f lt'ldFmC &.d v*@ at85l T.lffi:7b7AQffi nollofia REOI'EST FOR II{FORXATPII No. {P2t5 TITLE: GmgG LcYElRlFy Dods PR(UECI: GonoClockPhoo T(} 4ufi)Afthibcb 5591 CoydRit[o P.O.Bor 3388 AY0'LCO E1620 AITN: Jhn Wilcy SU8COTffiAC|IOR BFII : IN2I9 IIAIE: JOB: 1219t2fi5 3r-04{n FRON:RANA PEONE: 72F3Ot-7t03 FAXr 9?G.S.i5-t951 TOTALPAGESSENT: RDQU|REDRESFOIISE: lAlffiWJ COSTIMPACT:SCHEDIJI.EIMPACT: REQTIEST: Thc garage lovol entry dou uhdl be built pcr6ENdefails. fu 34n ct8hEd Aldcr. No additioal details requircd. STIBCONTRACTOR RFI I @19 IBQUESTEDBY: R.A"libhoa&Agciaica SIGNSD- MiksCuthbefism Rstd rctd doors dod fones with wood overlay. ftitD to Al\rswER: Weftp A€ tJoTED Ato\,€. nESFOIYDEIT BYI 4?40Archiccr SIGIT'ED BY: iw Tn qNsMTTAL ml229ln NuxEEl f,II Roollrg fron G.C.b {l{l: from a2tl0 to C.o|lltrr l: srlrrcr: B!!.r in Rcrktcntbl Grages. J59l Coytn rudSB Amt\ C{) t1620 i T. 710.3([.7t{D I F. 9fl}.tlJ.t9:it (P,O. Bq' 13tE) 424c, Gon Creek Roldonccs . Tuet PRorEcf No.: 20900.00 m Rnlog cufiMcnoR: LA. Ncbm. & Alsocile. Debr 1..0t.6 Dar: 1.05.06 DficI Drtc: iEQurE) rEIrnN DATE 1.12.05 Submitred by : _go_lcmlqWlE necciv ed hr__-',!!a lf riley Sc'rt by: Rcccivcd ry: Comaxno: ton al{ t Ce|t|atrc 2: SGnt bf Dac: Ihrc:Rcoivcrl by: C-rnrnaE: hor Combrt I b lil{l: t!'r Corli trdlq ^ro, CO trcl I T. Tfft|azto I F. tto.ra&r$tr O.(} fc tilt sd, by:Ilr.: Rccivod bn Ih!c: Coffiitti frrr Ccrt!rt 2 b 1:l&, l6trl If !a, Sre 200, Dqrir, CO ro?fir|T.3@:gl.33$|f. t0fry2Jt l3 sdbI Rccired tg: hG: Drc: CoryrW Iton a2a0 t C.C.l RA tilobd 1F.974476.7m (i$r10 Recii?d bf.__lEglcrnll _t!bc Ddc: DG 0t.0!il5 0t.0!1ff Cmngr3r; 'Ea.lrdt il|!. ba iii.fo &i.7 L:ll BatH Sit agd.2d DorE Coffi lIrdt .!0! n rl|| f3O! 2913 | lls 42{Ltfuaoc 61 R.A.NEtsoI.l lan. battd..t Oa lt|E Wd vd @ tr66tl&rf.or',:tF'd't tro.al?fa REQTJEST FOR INFORTANO}I ilo.oozn TfI.I,ft Bcbp4cs PR(l|lCA CronCrurtPbc ATT]II: 42/40 Ardrilctt 5591 Coyob Ridgc PO.Box t38t Avon, CO 8162o trnWiley DAT'T: JOn COSTIMPACT: v5nffi 3r-&00 Pf,oNI: 72(L3G7tO3 FAK y,GE4J{9'I f{IIALPAGEII SIN'I: RIQUBIIIRX{PoIGIS: fi2tlffi ITHEDI'I,EIMPACT: nEQITEST: $Fuldrhat bc brle on hc wdls in$c gnnga aod tunncl? Tbc fruinatioaof 6E drfwdl in to pivatl grrrtc aod th! tnn€t migh lool nrch bctF 11116 br*. Wo rho reoncld ttrt tfto brr bc rc lrlt r fro J l/{" bccars orf a coflbt witb rbnh$litsf ebruion| pcr A9!1/3. Plw advisc. nXQUESTEDBY: R,ANeIs&A!|ocLet sGrflx): C.oloaD.Wil I'All: AIilswEE: Duc to previDrr vrbc cnglnecrll3 cfiort* | concrtctc orllr wdl brrc wl prwlded for l.bc rcddcatid 8rrr3: wilr. Thc llrlrrrll $lubodreslor rbedC prwHc cdgo trln rt thc botlou of thc tr[ gprr[ board o rcquircd Dy thc rpccilhrtlol rection Wl6oA. Tbir tqnlrcr het scdgr n{n bc phcod tcrt En}iun wrll bold lbutl dhdnffrr netcrirb'. Tte cdgo Hl rhould bc pbccd to I sonrfutGra%" btDtb|r;lt for thc eppllcrffoa ofAcourdcel Sedent nI {DLD!f,: au$Atctrldll SIGNIDIY:D^rE-. Ll,ob. 424(J^ RFI TRAT.ISMITTAL xnro!6e 0023E .. . rl[Er @r#frhr.r]rfiFi;e E_!4&f*t-::__ *"@morc'125.06 ooFrRAcrm: R-A. Nolsm & Asrociaes Gorc Cttcl Rcrid.ncg - Tumcl PRorECIm.: 20gql00 lfon G.C. to {2tO:591 €o9utc Rid3c, Avc, CO tl51t I T. 720j0t.?t03 lF. 970,845.tt'1 (PO. Bil33tt) C;olcmo $risc llate 01.f8.06 Jim \Vilsv Dsta 01.1t.06 Drtc: D'IG: Submittcd b:t: Rcceivcd bY: Ihor al{l to CoDlltrtrr l: S€flt by: Rcocivcd by: Cmrcats: lbm a2l0b Coilttoot 2: Sat bX R*civcd by: Ilc: Dr&: CooD€ot3: [trCo!*.-lb,12* Sctl bY: 3t''t Colol! EdlB Atoo, OD tl6L l T. tf3r.7tct I r. '?0t4t tlr (PI'. Dor lill) Ddcl Dctc:Roocivcd by CooEanE: froo Coordtut 2 to {2{h 162r rtr st, sG.200, Dmvd, co wn E.*J92.!!881F.303292.31t3 Drb: Dde3 SeuS: Reocivod by; C;onrrrats: tro f2{f b G.C.s ' RAriU$r I r.9m.476.7tE? (iottsb) Sat bp Jin Wilcv Rcccivod by: Colarrm Wirc Dqtc: D.t€: 01.20.06 CdmaE: 01.2006 C€: Bmdr Guiatce Todl Goddim /n/lo^trJtGtlt|t ll.. dr!4io tb'eP 162l f,{li.ril s!{s{iE2mDglvg, colondo rc!02 r yll ,2 !ll8 f 303 292 tl'13 v42lorrti6[q.DD & rrol+Yr$.o<t REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON No. fl1238 PROJECT:GorcCrcekPlape TO: Afin:JinWilcy 42/40 Architocts 5591 Coyotc Ri$e P.OJox33t8 Avon,CO t1620 Phone: 720.'30&7t03 Fax; 970{45-8951 REQI]ESIT: Thc rmit Boilers requirc a *and perthe mechrnical drawings. Therc is not a ryecitication fo thb stsnd. tr JOB:31-04-00 STARIEDI COMPIJ'IED: RDQIJIRED: lnin006 'ree ATffcrt EP V^/O . Roqraltd Bt:R..{. Nekm & Arslxer 'Sfrd: Colcrnen D. Wiro lqdti.a Dro: l|r.loll oo +i -T_T PLAN l-,"*_,-] [,,_,,,--l- ELEVATION BOILER STAND RFI O23B SCALE 3/4" : 1'-0" + 1/4' CHECKER PTATE 2. X 2. TUEE S'EEL AO'USTA8I.T IEGS + il __lL::J -RFI NIJIT{BIR: NTT MANSMITTAL w252 424c. - Crorc Ct€d( Rcsidcnces ' Tmnol RoJBctl().: 2(D00.L mx: RFI I{g coNtRAct(n: ILA Nckm & Arsocidcr E Elc: Datc: STJBIECT: Garaeo EnfryKq/pad RDqmED rSnnN DATI:(n.r{.06 5591 Co!ret! Rklgc, Auut CO t1620 lT. 7203OSJm3 | F. 970'8'15.t951 (P'O. Eot( 33rC) SubctitEd by:Mikc ftthborsm pa61 02'07'06 Dac: 0207.05 RFI loutlng fron G.C. to {210r Rocelvcd DY: tor l2l0 to Corrdtrrt l: Jim Wilcy Scot tyl R$oivcd bt: torl rl2IO b Ccaultrct2: Scot byi Ddc: Dole:Rcccivcd by: CodDanB: fio.--5.1116{lll}f$r Coy.a St , Arn.. CO !lf2.lr.7ru67nf lF.gtotasrDfl GIr. Eor iilt) Dsle:Scnt by: Rceivod by: Cotr|rucob: fior C.otdtrDi 2 to l2aar 162r rtrst.sc.2m, D.orcr, CO $2ID lT.3o3rcl33tt IF 308'1Il3l t3 f,bte:Sot byi Rccdved by Conmroo: ftonaA{ObG.C,:RA Nlbo I F.970.476.7t82 (itboitc) ' Srrd by: Jirn Wilcy Dac: Ildc: 02.t0.06 02.10.06Rlccived Dy: MiL O|lhbdisfi ComDcnB: CC: Bttilb Geicroa Todd Oouldine at$ Adl$rEh. dttqo btw t62r Eifb.Dtfi StlA 9uF100 Ddtfi., Cokdo Eq2 t ldt 29:f tl$ fJ03 2!r:l3ll3 w42403rhlffiGco- ,2lytElrd,ltut v|d, @ t16llffit il&f613F&d|: 970.1t6.lltn, REQUET}T FOR INFORilANOil No.00:152 ffil,B: Odrjocatsykcypod In(\nCn GorcCtcC&PIEG AlAN: 42110 Arobiliotr 5591 CrydcRidge PO.Box3388 Avm,CO 81620 Jin Wiley DAII: JOh 2nnM 3t44-00 PEOI{E: Z0-308-7E03 FAt( g/G&4895r . IOTALPAGf,$8EI{T: RT,QUIRIDRESONSE: Al4mW COSTIMPACT: SCHEDLLBIMPACT: f,EQUEST: thir RFI cofrnr Fceot decUoar in tDo OAC rcgrding thc grrage eotry sym. Ttc islnd od goocenec.L rhwn oa shcct Am{ rre to be eliminrted. The cnry lcypod is b be moubd in tb sbnc o ttc wall to tle norfr of ttc drinewry, 6c auu ditucc ftrm.ihe &c ar the gmsauc,f, od moutoit 42" abovc tfsd.. A recond f " cmduit, run to a 4 x 4 box will bc prorvidcd fa ftturc urc. ltis box will bc mouatcd directly !4i!c€ot to thekcypodudwillbefnirhcdwitlablau&plc,paiordbneh6ctnnellouvprcobr. Theconduitwill ermingc in thc west clcctricd mmr. REQUESEDEY: RANdsoq&Alsie EIGNEI}DAil: Mtc C\thbertron A.IISWER: -Tttt$ WAs DFereW tlo'lD Aecc;Pf15D 4T Tlt6 2.b.q' OAO MtrTtNg. NESPONI'EI'EY:4U,{0 i{nbibctr EIGI{III EY:D^n+lx-oQ _ RFI NUMBER: RFI TRANSMITTAL 00273 424c. Gore Creek Residences - Tunnel PRoJEcr No.r 20900.00 FILE: RIiI Log coNrRAcroR: R,A. Nelson & Associates suBJEcr: Tunnel East end Fire protection REQUIRED RETURN Dott' 03.29.06 R.FI RoutiDg from G,C. to 4240: Submitted by: Received by: from 4240 to Consultrnt l: 5591 Coyotc Ridge, Avon, CO Chris Lammers 81620 lT. 720.308.7803 | F. 970.845.8951 (P.O. Box 3388) Date: 03.22.06 Date: 03.22.06Jim Wiley Sent by:Jim Wiley Received by:Steve Rondinelli BCER - 303-422-7900 Comments: Steve Dlors€ send back to me at the Avon Address below. Date: Date: 3.24.06 3.24.06 from 4240 to CoNultant 2: Sant by: Received by: Date: Date: Comments: from Consultrnt I to 42,1{l: Sent by: Received by: Comments: 559t Coyote Rldge, Avoq CO 81620 I T. ?2030&7803 | F, 90145.8951 (P.O. Box 3388) Date: Date: from Consultant 2 to 4240:162l l8'r'St., St€. 200, Denver, C0 Steve Rondinelli 8O2O2 lT . 303 .292.338 8 | F. 303.292.3 l I 3 Date:Sent by:4.20.06 Received by:Date:4.20.06 Comments: from 4240 to G.C,:RA Nelson I F.970.476.7882 fiobsite) Jim Wiley 4.20.06Sent by:Date: Date:4.20.06Received by:Chris Lammers Comments: CC: Jennifer Hunt, Todd Gouldine 4240 Archltectlrc fnc, chicdgo den\ter | 621 Eighteenlh Street Suite 200 Dcnv6, Colo.ado 802(n t 303 292 3788 f303 292 3l 13 w 4240architectur6.com t1.t l,lbd FondRoed t/!', co 816,7 Tr&,u'pjC7O7ilSf6l Fffi,r' 97017078/a REQUEST FOR II{FORMATION No.00273 TITLE: Tunnel east €nd firc pot6c{ion PROJECT: Gort Creek Place I'ATE: JOB: 3n2n0$ 3l-04-00 ATfi: 4?40 Architects 5591 Coyote Ridgc P.O.Box 3388 Avoq CO E1620 Jim Wiley PHONE: 720'308'780.3 FAX: 97G845-E951 TOTAL PAGES SENT: REQUIREDRESPONSE: 3n9nffi6 COSTIMPACT:SCHEDULE IMPACT: REQUEST: Pleasc provide direction on what to do with the fire protection on tlrc east end of ttle tmnel. Mike Mccee (Town of Vnil Ffe Chief) does not like the placement of the one sprinkler head under the grate. Mike McGee is not sure if this is needed at all in this area- One other suggestion is to ptace this sprinkler head in the stair landing with the sprinkler pipe running up the stair well' REQUESTED BY:. R-A. Nelson & Associates SIGNEI> Cluis Lammem DATts: AI\SWER: Sff$9119,9 CA*I) E6 DCir-t'Ttlo tJs Strc64TP -Ll .r!5 7r7l- It Ht cqtl4gw+f,frt& z@v-'e'e o4+rt?-9 lA' -Tths A(Gf. ilrt pnrve /tqe66 @ fr,tzv mes**t'2 NW4\rV> <rttt WPLg*lr{1orl . RESFONDEII BY: 4240 Ar*iteca SIGNEII BY: gq* gldrla€a*c Jtun Wilcy IIATE: altluru 821W&Fott6'Md v'it. co 6t657 Tdq,'gl,:97[71&765f Fenb: 9fG1/6-7W REQUEST FOR INFORMANON No.00297 ilTt,l: North hnrcl sttiru/Ell marnry PROJECT: Core Creek Place DATI: JOB: 4nBnUJr 3lrl+00 ATTN: 42/40 Arcbitects 5591 Coyote Ridgc P.O.Box 3388 Avor!CO 81620 Jitn Wil€ry PHONE: 72G30&7803 FAXI 970-845-8951 TOTAL PAGDS SENT: RXQUIREI' RESPIONSE:5t5t2m6 COST IMPACT:SCTIEDIJLE IMPACT: REQUEST: Orr maconry contsactor ha8 reviewed thc north ttmn€l stairwell in thc middle of the goject ald has ssne conccrns atlou Oc above grade portion They thin* drat 6e current design will not function and is aesthcticalty unpleasing. They believ dre tiny grout line between veneer and stonc cap will fail. They are proposing that we extend the vene€r by 6' in height and then install cap. Also will thc lights in this area still fit with current design? REQUESTED BY: 'RA. Nelson & Associatcs $IGIIIED: ClrisLmmcrs DATT: ANSWER: RArse WrilI, b+€|{r}+f fi ttl cw 9[tr+ }tcrgql *) 41, sro,g*l oF grretF lnto pp4 weL4". 6or.rp e@f tWgl-tv.i ?povOe oorr/Glt t^,lo brut".4tu.e&s @ 24qoo. t t{rerTs wwvwgr wrTh'd;-;, w44p Hfie47. RESPONDED BY: 42l4O Architects DATE: