HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY SUBDIVISION LOT 3 GORE CREEK PLACE TUNNEL STRUCTURAL CALCS{\occvs C,onnrnon Groce Ge{(trcQ- *ruc,\usq\ C.a(<l\rr.trtc/15 Gr Tunrx'\ Vail, Colorado Denver, Colorado Dillon, Col orado Monroe & Newell I;ngineers, Inc. -l{suglsnd & Associates.- Tfis dn neiUeen rwisr€d b,y: Delt: TlE dg| b *cepted and eppears to ccn*ty wSfi lhe requil€m€nts of: STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR GORE CREEK PLACE TUNNEL JTILY 23,2004 VAIL, COLORADO M&N #6285 Date: Iuly 23,2004 IIlllrnmrl \rNtllDirrz -ifl-t---:-zINv.-:r,rafr-- - r(|a tLli..n Sp..ro. Trc Cobrdo Cftt.r ef TbAr.nttr h.dirr! ol^ndlee OFPCECoil Bol-ot|f Prepared By: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. PO Box 261 Dillon, CO 81435 755 West Anemone Trail . Suite 202 c Dillon, Colorado g0435 (9J 0) 513-1600 o FAX (970) 513-7272 o email: d.illon@m onroe-newell. com S.$-$r?.?,ga' $?'#,'*.',.0mc-;,'1 ffi,iRrr oooao 0 A/rqril\ Monroe & Neweil EnEineers, Inc.SHEET NO, "o,-"r*r.o ," fl4 6 oo-e 5 l24l 04 CHECKED BY DATE aooo ooaooo Pto0|.f,I 2O+l rsrol Slt6l ?!&1 lhOOAl onofro +qro n \ovv Monroe & Newell EnEineers, Irrc.SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY oo'u 5 /z+l oz+ CHECKED BY SCALE ooo Oo Monroe & Newe.ll Engineers, Inc'&\- oo,,Glt't/o+CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY OATE Fi00UCT ?otr {Shd Sh!.Bl 20t1 0ii!dl) onofio ;q!a ,{\ OVY lt L7ZMonroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. ffi;l S-IEE- N3 - rt,4 r cmcut.qreo sv /" t t'"1 G ltlo4 CHECKED BY DATE OATE ono6. l\! . (|\ovr bL3=Monroe & Newell Engineers, hrc.SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY Mc oerc Q/zl04 CHECKEO BY ?041 (Sirs[ Shdb) 20Sl (P|dd6d) onIAoA\r il\ovr/ Monroe & Newell Eng;ineers, Inc.oF-SHEET NO, SCALE ::F i .or.u*rro * lrt4 (,... oo* bl7lol CHECKED BY DATE Pqflrrl204.1 i:iqr. !M)2051 (hded) onofio /Avo {t \avv G L95 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Irrc.SHEET NO.+ c^LcutArEo BY--Y-6-oo* Q /zlol CHECKED SY DATE ooaoo 0 ,R flfi(/V u?-tsMonroe & Newell Enqineers, L:Lc. CALCULATED BY Wa oore Glfilod CHECKEO BY SCALE ooooo G zs<Monroe & Neweli Engineers, Inc.sHErr No.G CALCULATED 8Y ytlr* CHECKED BY SCALE lsmqb s[!tN) 20il {h!drd] Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, GO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 1 1:08AM, 21 JUN 04 r: KW-060365. Ver 5.6.1. 25-Od-2002 983-2002 ENERCALC Enoineerino Sollware Square Footing Design Descriotion grid cl24 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duralion Factor Column Dimension 346.000 k 61.000 k 0.000 k 1 115.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1.000 14.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars tJar Stze Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 10.750 30.00 in 11 3.250 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf oo aoootIa ooItot oooIaIoooo oaaIIoo oaoaoaaooaa Reinforcin Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d'' depth used 200lFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reini % to Req'd 10.75ft square x 30.0in thick wiih Max. Stalic Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure lvln-Phi : Capacity As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Min Allow % Reinf ZILZJU ln 0.0033 0.0018 in2 Q.C024 % 11- #B bars 3,999.40 psf 4,000.00 psf 3,999.40 psf 4,000.00 psf 66.10 k-ft / ft 92.60 k-ft / ft 0.760 in2 8.175 in2 0.0014 Vu : Actual One-Way Vn'Phi : Allow One-Way Vu : Actual Two-Way Vn.Phi : Allow Two-Way Altemate R.ebar Selections... 41 # 4's 27 # 5's 14 #7's 11 # 8's Footing OK 47.60 psi 93.11 psi 142.11 psi 186.23 psi 19 # 6's 9 # 9's 7 # 10's Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, GO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title: Dsgnr: Description: Scope: Job # Date: 9:04AM, 7 JUN 04 User: KW-060365, Ver 5.6.1, (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Er -2002 nq Sotlware Square Footing Design Page I c:\ec55\6285.ecw:Calculalions Description grid B/1.3 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live L0ad Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 1 13.000 k 13.000 k 20.000 k 1 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1 .330 14.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy AlloB€ble Soil Bearing 6.000 fr 16.00 in 3.000 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf Reinforcin Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 200lFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd 12.688 in 0.0033 0.0018 in2 0.0024 % 0.367 in2 2.20? inz 0.0014 As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd lMin Allow % Reinf otooooooIoooo oIoI OatIoaooaaoIoIoaao ooo ooIao u lvlax. Stalic Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu : Actual Mn'Phi : Capacity 3,693.33 psf 4,000.00 psf 4,248.89 psf 5,320.00 psf 15.42 k-tt | ft ?.2.U k-t ft Vu : Actual One-Way Vn*Phi : Allow One-Way ; Vu : Actual Two-Way Vn'Phi : Allow Two-Way Alternale Rebar Selections... '12 #4's I #5's 4 #7's 3 #8's Footing OK 47.13 psi 93.11 psi 121 .04 psi 186.23 psi bs 2 # 10',s 6.00ft square x 16.0in thick with B- #5 bars Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, GO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Tifle : Dsgnr: Descriplion: Scope: Job # Date: 9:13AM, 7 JUN 04 User: Kw'060365, Ver 5.6.1, 25-OCC2O02 lc)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enoineednq Soflware Square Footing Design Description grid B/2 ftng General lnformation . Calculations are designed to ACI 318'95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight wr rvr E$r vv(',gr rr LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 243.000 k 28.000 k 0.000 k 1 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1.330 14.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 8.750 fr 2'1.00 in 10 7 3.250 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf Reinforcin Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 2OOlFy As Req'd by Analysis N4in. Reinf % to Req'd 0.685 in2 5.995 in2 0,0014 As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd lvin Allow % Reinf 12.313 in 0 0033 0 0025 in2 0.0033 % ooIoo 3ooootoo aIooooooooooooaIooaoaootoo aooo 8.75ft square x 21 .0in thick with Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu : Actual Nin-Phi : Capacity 10- #7 bars 3,793.34 psf 4,000.00 psf 3,793.34 psf 5,3:20.00 psf 38.96 k-fr / ft 51.34 k-fl / ft Vu : Actual One-Way Vn*Phi : Allow One-Way Vu : Actual Two-Way VntPhi : Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Selections... 30 # 4's 20 # 5's 10 #7's 8 #8's ' Footing OK 61.29 psi 93.11 psi 174.37 ?si 186.23 psi 14 # 6',s 6 #9's 5 # 10's Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 9:36AM, 7 JUN 04 User KW-060365. Ver 5.6.1. 25-Ocl-2002 (c)1983-2!02 ENERCALC Enaineerinq Sollware Square Footing Design Page 1 c:\ecs5\6285.ecw:Calculations- Description grid B/3 General lnformation Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight wur rurYtY vYgrgr rt LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 278.000 k 35.000 k 0.000 k 1 0.000 psf i 45.00 pci I.JJU 14.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 9.250 ft 22.25 in I 3.250 3.000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf Rei Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 2o0lFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd 18.500 in 0.0033 0.0026 in2 0.0033 % 0.740 in2 6.845 in2 0.0014 As to usE per foot of width Total As Req'd Min Allow 9'o Reinf ao oootaoooaa ooooooooIoooocooooooaoa ooooooao 9.25ft square x 22.3in thick with 9- #8 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Stiatic Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu : Actual Mn * Phi : Capacity 3,927.00 psf 4,000.00 psf 3,9:17.00 psf 5,3,10.00 psf 45.91 k-ft / ft 61.38 k-ft / fr Vu : Actual One-Way Vn'Phi : Allow One-Way Vu : Actual Two-Way Vn.Phi : Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Selections... 35 # 4's 23 # 5's 12 #7's 9 #8's Footing OK 63.29 psi 93.11 psi 182.82 psi 186.23 psi 16 # 6's 7 #9's 6 # 10's Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-51 3-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope: Job # Date: 9:24AM, 7 JUN 04 Useri Kw-060365, ver 5.6.1, 25'Ocl-2002 lcl1s83-2002 ENERCALC Enqineerino Soltware Square Footing Design Page 1 clec55\6285.€cwrCalculalions Description grid 4.6/8 C.rcrt"tion" are designed to ACl 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Welght LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 155.000 k '18.000 k 0.000 K 1 0.000 psf '145.00 pcf 1.330 14.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover flc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 7.000 ft 18.00 in I 6 3.250 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf 0.480 in2 3.363 in2 0.0014 As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Min Allow % Reinf 14.375 in 0.0033 0.0021 in2 a.0028 % Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 200tFy As Req'd by Analysis lvin. Reinf % to Req'd ootoootoo ooo ooIooooo OoI OoaoaIoa Caao )aoo Oooo umm 7.00ft square x 18.0in thick with Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soll Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu : Actual Mn ' Phi : Capacity B- #6 bars 3,748.11 psf 4,000.00 psf 3,748.11 psf 5,320.00 psf 22.79 k-tt I fI 31.41 k-ft / ft Vu : Actual One-WaY Vn-Phi : Allow One-WaY Vu :.Actual Two'WaY Vn.Phi : Allow Two-WaY Alternate Rebar Selections... 17 # 4's 11 # 5's 6 #7's 5 #8's Footing OK 53.38 Psi 93.11 psi 142.54 psi 186.23 psi # 6's #9's 3 #10's I 4 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 9:27AM, 7 JUN 04 r: KW-060365, Ver 5.6. 983-2002 ENERCALC , 25{ct-2002 Sollware Description grid B/5.25 Square Footing Design General Information Calculations are designed lo ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight vurrr,rErE v vcrgi rr LL & sT Loads combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 210.000 k 24.000 k 0.000 k 1 0.000 psf 14 5.00 pcf 1.330 14.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover t'c Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 8.000 ft 18.75 in 9 7 3.250 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf oo oooao oa ooaooaooootIoooooaIoooaaaIoooo Oooo B.00ft square x 1B.Bin thick with 9- #7 bars Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 200lFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % 10 Req'd Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu : Actual l\,4n " Phi : Capacity 15.063 in 0.0033 A.0O27 inz 0.0033 % 3,882.81 psf 4,000.00 psf 3,882.81 psf 5,320.00 psf 32.39 k-ft / tt 43.74 k-ft | lt As to USE Per foot of Wdth Total As Req'd Min Allow % Reinf 0.603 in2 4.82Q inz 0.0014 Footing OK 66.35 psi 93.11 Psi 184.21 psi 186.23 psi Vu : Actual One-WaY Vn.Phi : Allow On+WaY Vu : Actual Two-WaY VntPhi : Allow Two'WaY Alternate Rebar Selections.'. ?5 # 4's 16 # 5's 9 #7's 7 #8's 11 # 6's 5 # 9's 4 # 10's Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Ti e : Dsgnr: Description: Scope: Job # Date: 9:30AM, 7 JUN 04 User: KW{60365, Ver 5.6.1. 25-Oct-2002 (c)1983-:t02 ENERCALC Engineering So{iware Square Footing Design Description grid B/9 ftng General Information C"rcut"tion" are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 303.000 k 34,000 k 0.000 k 1 0.000 psf 145.00 pcJ 1.330 0.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 10.250 ft 30.00 in 10 8 3.250 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf 0.770 in2 7.893 in2 0.0014 As to USE per foot of vvidth Total As Req'd Min Allow % Reinf 26.250 in c.0033 0.0018 in2 ().0024 % Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 2O0lFy As Req'd by Analysis N4in. Reinf o/o to Req'd ooIo o aa oooocao oooo oooooooaooo oo Ooa O octo oooo TffiXrv **W---- Footins OK 10.25ft square x 30.0in thick with 10- #B bars Max. Static soil Pressure 3,570.1 1 psf vu : Actual one-way 47.52 qsi Allow Static soil Pressure 4,000 00 psf Vn.Phi : Allow One-Way 93 11 psi lvax. Short Term Soil Pressure 3,5f0 1 1 psi Vu : Actual Two-Way 185'37 psi Allow Short Term Soil Pressure 5,320.00 psf Vn.Phi : Allow Two'Way 186'23 psi Alternate Rebar Selections... Mu : Actual 66.91 k-ft / ft 40 # 4's 26 # 5's 18 # 6's Mn'Phi : Capacity 88.41 k-ft / ft 14 #7's 10 # 8's I # I's 7 # 10's Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 765 West Anemone Trl' Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope: Job # Date; 7:52AM, 7 JUN 04 iiiai: kwooo:ol, ver s.6.1, ?socl-2002 r.rl qn1-2002 ENERCALC Enorneerinq SolllYate Single Span Beam AnalYsis Description grid "B" loading (north) General Information Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever On Center Span,.. 26.00 ft ft ft Moment of Inertia Elastic Modulus Bearr End Fixity 1,000.000 in4 29,000 ksi Pin-Pin Cn Left _Cantilever'.On Right Cantilever.'. k/ft 0.490 k/ft Uniform Loads Trapezoidal Loads Magnitude @ Left Magnitude @ Right Dist. To Left Side Dist. To Right Side 0. 1 95 k/ft 0.195 k/ft ft 4.000 ft kllt k/ft ft ft k/ft k/lt ft ft k/ft k/ft ft ooIo o oo aoooooooototI ooaoooaoo oooaoa oaoooooo Center Location Moment Shear Deflection Moments,.. Max + @ Center N/ ax - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = 0.000 ft 0.00 k{t 7.09 k 0.00000 in Right Cant Reactions... @ Left @ Right 1?.97 tt 0.00 fr 0.00 ft 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Left Cant 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0 C0000 in ft k-ft k in 42.19 k-lt 0.00 kjt 0.00 k-fr 0.00 k-ft 42.19 k{t Shears... 12.87 ft @ Left o.oo ft @ Right N4aximum Deflections-.' @ Center @ Left Cant. @ Right Cant 7.09 l( 6.43 k 7.09 k -0.178 in 0.000 in 0.000 in Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 2:08P1r4, 7 JUN 04 User: Kw460365, vef 5.6. (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Square Footing Design Description grid B/9 ftng General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 37.000 k 0.000 k 1 0.000 psi 145.00 pcl' 1 .330 0.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 10.250 ft 32.00 in 11 3.500 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf oo ooootoo oooa ooo oo Oooooooo oooooo ooo oooooo oo Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 2O0lFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd 10.25ft square x 32-0in thick with Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure lvu : Actual Mn - Phi : Capacity As to USE per foot of Widlh Total As Req'd lvlin Allow % Reinf 0.790 in2 8.093 in2 0.0014 Footing OK 46.34 psi 93.11 psi 177.17 psi 186.23 psi 19 # 6's 9 #9's 7 #10's 28.000 in 0.0033 0.0018 in2 o.oa23 % 11- #8 bars 3,908.38 psf 4,000.00 psi 3,908.38 psf 5,320.00 psf 73.25 k-ft | ft 103-g k-ft / ft Vu : Actual OneWay Vn"Phi : Allow One-Way Vu : Actual Two-Way Vn*Phi : Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Seleciions... 41 # 4's 27 # 5's 14 #7's 11 # 8's Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 7:1sAM, 8 JUN 04 User XW-060365, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Ocl-2002 lcll 983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineer nq Scllw8re Square Footing Design Descriotion grid C/17 ftng General lnformation Calculations are designed to ACt 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements 11.000 ft 30,00 in 11 8 J. ZJU 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight a^h^rarA \A/6iaht LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimenslon 380.000 k 42.000 k 0.000 k 1 0.000 psi 1.330 14.00 in Footing Dimensaon Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing Reinforcing oooooooooooooaoooooooooooooo Oooooaooooooooo 0.7U in2 8.405 in2 0.0014 As to USE per foot of Wdth Total As Req'd Min Allow % Reinf 26.250 in 0.0033 0.0018 in2 0.0024 % Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar 'd" depth used 200lFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd mmary 1 1 .00ft square x 30-0in thick with 1 1- #8 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure 3,850.10 psf Vu : Actual One-Way 47'60 psi Allow Siatic Scil Pressure 4,OCO.O0 psf Vn'Phi : Allow Oncway 93"11 psi - Max. Short Term Soil Pressure 3,850.10 psf Vu :Actual Two-Way 142 68 psi Allow short Term soil Pressure 5,320.00 psf Vn"Phi :AllowTwo-Way 186.23 psi Aliernate Rebar Selections.. Mu : Actual 66.41 k-fl / ft 43 # 4's 28 # 5's 20 # 6's Mn'Phi : Capacity 90.56 k-ft/ft 15 #7's i1 #8's 9 #9's 7 #10's oaooo b L8< JOBMonroe & Newell Engiineers' Irtc.SHEET NO.wa oerc to {nlo4CALCULATED AY DATECHECKED BY SCALE oooooooooo 7. t4rn SI-J5ET NO. CALCULA'TED BY Monroe & Newell EnAineers, h c. oA7-fi'iln{1 S oooao CHECKED BY ooooo bZa< Monroe & Newell Engineers, Ilrc.SHEET NO cALcur-ArED By M4 DArE CHECKED BY ooooo Monroe & Neweil Enpineers, Irlc'SHEET NO. tt.l -cALcuLATED eY i,/"/t <" DATE -z 1$lo+ CHECKEO BY ooooo 06lI l/ \VT Monroe & Neurell En5lineers, IrLc. (, ? ot4 SHEET NO. "o."u*t.o r" d 4. oo.,.'L lalo+ CHECKED BY DATE Oaoo Oo Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc' 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: i0:30AM, 21 JUL 04 iil6i. kW-oaoses. ve|. s.6.1, 25oc1.2002 'd1983-2002 ENERCALC Enorneenng Sollware Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Design Page 1 c:\ec55\6285.ecwlC8lculations Description grade beam at grids 23-23.4/b-c C"rcut"ti-" are designed to AGI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Span Depth wdth 25.00 ft 36.000 in 30.000 in fc Fy Concrete Wt. Seismic Zone End Fixity 3,000 psi 60,000 Psi 145.0 Pcf 0 Pinned-Pinned Live Load acts with Short Term oooaaooooa oa o o oo aoo Ooo oaoooo aoooaoooo oooooo Rebar @ Center of Beam'.. Count Size #'t46#246 Rebar @ Left End of Beam.'. Count Size 'd' from ToP #1 Live Load -50.000 k Mu, Eq. 9-1 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq, 9-1 27.43 k 27.58 k Rebar @ Right End of Beam." Count Size 'd' from ToP'd' from Top 32.00 in 3.00 in Bending... @ Center @ Left End @ Right End Shear... @ l-eft End @ Right End Mn*Phi 252.89 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vn.Phi 89.46 k 89.46 k Short Term Mu, Eq. 9-2 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-2 20.57 k 20.68 k Mu, Eq. 9-3 76.46 k-fi 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-3 9.69 k 9,59 k Maximum Shear : Vu Allowable Shear : Vn*Phi Shear Stirrups... Stinup Area @ Section 0.440 Reaion 0.000 Ma-x. Spacing Not Req'd Max Vu 27.427 ?7 .5e, k 89.46 k i^2 4.167 8.333 Not Req'd Not Req'd29.7'11 36.106 lVaximum Deflection Max Reaction @ Left Max Reaction @ Right 12.500 16.667 Not Req'd Not Req'd 36.106 36.258 Beam Design OK 0.095 in 13.59 k 13.59 k 20.833 25.000 ft Not Req'd Not Req'd in29.863 27.580 k Span = 25.00ft, Width= 30.00in Depth = 36.00in Maximum Moment : Mu 76'46 k-ft Allowable Moment : Mn*phi 252 89 k-ft Bending & Shear Force Sum DL + [Bm Wt] DL + LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+[BmWt] Reactions-.. DL + [Bm VM]l DL + LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+[BmWl] 0.0000 in 0.0545 in' 0.0545 in 13.594 k -1 1.406 k -1 1.406 k at 25.0000 ft 12.5000 ft 12.5000 ft -O.0262 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 12.5000ft 25.0000ft 25.0000 tt (a Rioht 13.594 k -1 1.406 k -l '1.406 k lvlonroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-51 3-1600 Tifle : Dsgnr: Descripiion: Scope : Job # Date: 10:30AM, 21 JUL 04 il3:i-1"'{l-r:J!$i,leri.6l,2s-ocr-200:. "," Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Design (.)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineerinq Soltnare grade beam at grids 23-23.4/b-cDescription grade beam at grids 23-23.4/b-c i Section Analvsis --l Evaluate Moment Capacity Center Left End Riqht End X : Neutral Axis ?.320 in 0 000 in 0 000 in a = beta 'Xneutrat 1.972 in 0.000 in 0-000 in Compression in Concrete 150 858 k 0 000 k 0 000 k Sum [Steel comp. forces] O.OOO k 0 000 k 0 000 k Tension in Reinforcing 150.480 k 0 000 k 0 000 k Find Max As for Ductile Failure... X-Balanced Xmax=Xbal . 0.75 a-max = beta 'Xbal Compression in Concrete Sum [Steel comp Forces] Total Compressive Force AS Max = Tot Force / Fy Actual Tension As 18.939 in 14.204 in 16.098 in 923.620 k 1A1 .112 k 1 ,024.732 k 17 .079 i^2 3.520 0K 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 inz 0.000 0K 0.0000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K oaoIaoIo o oIao oo oIoooooooooooaooooaooooooo oo Additional Deflection Calcs Neutral Axis lgross lcracked Elasiic Modulus Fr=7.5.fC.5 Z:Cracking Z:cracking > 175 : No Good! Eff. Flange WdIh Mcr Ms:Max DL + LL R1 = (Ms:DL+LL)/Mcr Ms:Max DL+LL+ST R2 = (Nrs:DL+LL+STyN4cr l:eff... Ms(DL+LL) l:eff... Ms(DL+LL+ST) 5.185 in 1 166,40.00 in4 '13,227 -22 in4 3,122.0 ksi 410.792 psi 359.543 ksi 30.00 in 221.83 k-ft 2?7.v k-ft 0.975 227.54 k-ft 0.975 109046.581 in4 109046.581 in4 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) ACt $1 &92 DL ACt 9-1 & 92 LL ACr 9-t & $.2 ST ....seismic=ST': 1.400 '1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 1.400 0.900 UBC 19?1.2.7 "1.4" Factol UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title: Dsgnr: Description: Job # Date: 3:24PN,4, 30 NOV 04 [iil,g;t*:f.f3m hii,;1"J#Bi,*" Concrete Rectan gular & Tee Beam O::]ql Page 1 Description grade beam at grids 23-23.4/b-c (revised 11130104) tr.. Concrete WL Seismic zone End Fixity 60,000 psi 145.0 pcf 0 Pinned-Pinned Beam Weight Added Internally Live Load acts with Short Term General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Reguirements Reinforci Rebar @ Center of Beam... Count Size Rebar @ Left End of Beam... Count Size 'd'from ToP #1 In #2 in Rebar @ Right End of Beam... Count Size 'd' from ToP #1 in #2 In #1 7 b 'd' from Top 32.00in 3.00 in ooooo ao o Ot oIoIoo ooooo oo OaaIooooo ooa o o oootoo Concentrated Loads Dead Load Localion 12.500 ft Span = 25.00f1, Width= 30.00in Maximum Moment : Mu Allowable Moment : Mn*phi l\raximum Shear : Vu Allowable Shear : Vn.phi Shear Stirrups... Stirrup Area @ Section Region Max. Spacing MAX VU Bending... @ Center @ Left End @ Right End Shear.-. Depth = 48.00in' 101.95 k-ft 652.31 k-ft 63.92 k 1U.27 k Maximum Deflection Max Reaction @ Left Max Reaction @ Right 12.500 16.000 75.284 Beam Design OK 0.0915 in -31 .18 k -31.18 k Mn'Phi 652.31 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vn*Phi 134.27 k 134.27 k 16.000 75.2U Mu, Eq. 9-'l 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft vu, Eq. 9-1 63.71 k 63.92 k Mu, Eq. 9-2 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-2 47.74 k 47 .94 k Mu, Eq. 9-3 101.95 k-fi 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-3 12.92 k 12.79 k 0.440 in20.000 4.1(:;716.000 16.00063.713 66.758 20.833 16.000 oo,Yo I 25.000 ft 16.000 in 63.916 k DL + [Bm Wt] DL + LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+IBmWt] Reactions... DL + [Bm Wt]l DL+LL+[BmWq DLfLL+ST+[BmWq 0.0000 in 0.0915 in 0.0915 in td I AJ+ 18.125 k -31.175 k -31.175 k 25.0000 fr 12.5000 ft '12.5000 ft -0.0148 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 12.5000ft 25.0000ft 25.0000ft at @ Rioht 18.125 k -31.175 k -31.175 k Bending & Shear Force Deflection Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-s13-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: D€scription: Scope : Job # Date: 3:24PM, 30 NOV 04 *ru1$#:r-,*;ll3 ;.li"l3"?;T33*-" Con c rete Re cta n g u I a r & Tee Beam De s i g n Descriotion grade beam at grids 23-23.4/b-c (revised 11130104) ?age 2 Evaluate Moment Capacity... X : Neutral Axis a=beta-Xneutral Compression in Concrete Sum lsteel comp. forces] Tension in Reinforcing Find Max As for Ductile Failure.. X-Balanced Xmax = Xbal ' 0.75.a-max=beta*Xbal Compression in Concrete Sum lsteel Comp Forces] Total Compressive Force AS l\/ax = Tot Force / Fy Aciual Tension As -Sqnlg!-_3.795 in 3.226 in 246.774 k 41.383 k -288.000 k 18.939 in 14.204 in 16.098 in e23.620 k '151.668 k '|,075.288 k 17.921 inz 4.800 0K Left End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0-000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K Riqht End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.0000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K oooooaotaoooo OoatoooaooootoIoooo oooooo ootoo Neutral Axis lgross lcracked Elastic Modulus Fr = 7.5'fc^.s Z:Cracking Z:cracking > 175 : No Good! Eff. Flange \Mdih 7.960 in 276480.00 in4 31 ,414 .4O in4 3,122.0 ksi 410.792 psi 650.100 ksi 30.00 in t\,4cr Ms:Max DL + LL R1 = (Ms:DL+LLyMcr lVs:Max DL+LL+ST R2 = (Ms:DL+LL+ST)/Mcr l:eff... Ms(DL+LL) l:eff... Ms(DL+LL+ST) 394.36 k-ft 502.97 k-ft 0.784 502.97 k-fr 0.784 149538.556 in4 149538.556 in4 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) ACr 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI $1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST': ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "1 .4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9' Factor 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 U.Tf,U 0.900 1.300 1.400 0.900 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-51 3-1600 MG lrt|e: Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 21 JUt 04 iaji5,'jg.r,rjlR,dJSli3hii";o#;,f3r**"* Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Design Description Grade beam at grid 14lb-c General lnformation Span Depth width Beam WeiEht Added lntemally Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements 19.00 ft 48.000 in 36.000 in Fy Concrele Wt. Seismic Zone End Fixiiy 3,000 psi 60,000 psi '145.0 pcf 1 Pinned-Pinned Live Load acts u/ith Shcrt Terrn Reinforcing Rebar @ Center of Beam... Count Size #1 76 Rebar @ Left End of Beam... Count Size 'd'from Top #1 in Rebar @ Right End of Beam... Coult Size 'd from Top #1 in 'd' from Top 42.00in Uniform Loads Live Load Short TermDead Load 4.200 k Start 0.000 ft End 19.000 ft IoooIIoaa Ocoo oaaIooaaooaooooooooooeo ooooIoo Concentrated Loads Dead Load 71.000 k Live Load Short Term 20.000 Location 2.500 ft Span = 19.00ft, Wdth= 36.00in Deoth = 48.00in Maximum Moment : Mu 560.53 k-ft Allowable Moment : Mn*phi 567.74 k-ft Maximum Shear : Vu Allowable Shear : Vn*phi Shear Stirrups... Stirrup Area @ Section Region Max. Spacing Max Vu Bending... @ Center @ Left End @ Right End Shear... @ Left End @ Right End 165.78 k 20s.05 k 0.400 in20.000 3.167 6.33313.333 1 3.333 Not Req'd165.777 165.777 10.099 Maximum Deflection l\4ax Reaction @ Left Max Reaction @ Right 9.500 12.667 Not Req'd Not Req'd10.099 43.465 Beam Design OK -O.0252 in 135.46 k 68.40 k 15.833 19.000 ft Not Req'd Not Req'd in66.850 66.850 k Mu, Eq. 9.3 382.34 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-3 102.19 k 46.78k Mn'Phi 567.74 k-ft 0.00 k-fi 0.00 k-fi Vn*Phi 205.05 k 140.91 k Mu, Eq. 9-1 560.53 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-1 165.78 k 66.85 k Mu, Eq. 9-2 42A.40 k-tt 0.00 k-ft 0,00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-2 124.33 k 50.14 k Ben & Shear Force Summary Deflection DL + [Bm Wt] DL + LL + [Bm V\rtj DL+LL+ST+[BmWt] Reactions... DL + [Bm Wt]l DL + LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+[BmWt] 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 118.088 k '135.455 k 135.456 k 0.0000 ft 0.0000 ft 0.0000 ft @ Rioht 65.772 k 68.404 k 68.404 k at at -0.0234 in -0.0252 in -0.425? in 9.'i200ft 9.0440ft 9.0440ft Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-51 3-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 10:17AM, 21 JUL 04 [;;l*{it*m*m Lii""o#,3"033,.-" Co n c rete Recta n g u I a r & Tee Beam c9:j g n Description Grade beam at grid 14lb-c Evaluate Momenl Capacity-.. X : Neutral Axis a=beta*Xneutral Compression in Concrete Sum lsteel comp. forcesl Tension in Reinforcing Find Max As for Ductile Failure... X-Balanced Xmax=Xbal ' 0.75 a-max = beta ' Xbal Compression in Concrete Sum [Steel Comp Forces] Total Compressive Force AS Max = Tot Force / Fy Actual Tension As _Center 2.365 in 2.010 in 184.541 k 0.000 k -184.800 k 24.857 in 18.643 in ?1.129 in 'l,454.702 k 0.000 k 1,454.702 k 24.245 in? 3.080 0K Left End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K Riohl End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.0000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K oooooIo oaoooooaoooooooooooooo oooooao aoaoo oo Additional Deflection Calcs Neutral Axis lgross lcracked Elastic Modulus Fr = 7.5 ' fc^.5 Z:C€cking Z:cracking > 175 : No Good! Eff . Flange Wdth ACI Factors (per ACl, applied intemally to entered loads) 7.415 in 331776.00 in4 39,113.01 in4 3,122.0 ksi 410.792 psi 318.581 ksi 36.00 in ACI $2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI +3 Short Term Factor Mcr Ms:Max DL + LL Rl = (Ms:DL+LL)/Mcr Ms:Max DL+LL+ST R2 = (Ms:DL+LL+ST)/Mor l:eff... Ms(DL+LL) l:eff... Ms(DL+LL+ST) 0.750 0.900 1.300 473.23 k-ft 393.82 k-ft 1.202 393.82 k-ft 1.202 331776.000 in4 33'1776.000 in4 UBC 1921 .2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor ACr 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACt 9.1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ST .-..seismic=ST': 1.400 1.700 't.700 1.100 IVlonroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon. CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Tifle : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 7:14AM, 16 JUL 04 Use- Kw-06C365, ver 5.6 l,2iotl'2002 tc)1983-2002 ENERCALC Ero neen'rq Solwa'e Rectangular Concrete Column Description oier under orecast column oo ooo oo oooooooooooo Coo Oaoooaaoooooooaoo oooo General Information width Depth Reba r: 20.000 in 14.000 in d = 2.500 in d = 11.500 in Seismic,Zone LL & S'1' Loads Act Separately Live Load 100.000 k Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is ERACED Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 1 10.000 ft 10.000 ft 1.000 4- # 64-# 6 2- # 6 Dead Load 300.000 k Short Term 100.000 k 30.000 k k Eccentricitv 2.000 in Location 2.000 ft ft Axial Loads Lateral Point Loads #1 20.00 x 14.00in Column, Rebar: 4-#6 @l z.soin, 4-#6 @ '1 1'50in, 2'#6 @ 6 88in ADDlied : Pu : Max Factored AEL9:1- 590.00 k Alf owable : Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. 592.22 k M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magniflcation Factor Design Eccenlricity Magnified Design Moment Po - .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced ACt 9-2 455.25 k 592.22 k 75.87 k-ft 2.000 in 1.00 2.000 in 75.87 k-ft 960.83 k 377 .91 k 6.615 in 3,605.0 ksi ACI Eo. S2 12.3100 in 0.7000 34.0000 0.6919 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 2.000 2.000 Column is OK ACt 9-3 413.00 k 592.22 k 63.83 k-ft 2.000 in 1.00 2.000 in 68.83 k-ft 960.83 k 377.91 k 6.615 in 98.33 k-ft 2.000 in 1.00 2.000 in 98.33 k-ft 960.83 k 377.91 k 6.6'15 in Actual k Lu/r Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max El / 1000 Pc:pi^2Ell(kLu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc ' Delta Elastic Modulus AC Eo. 9-1 12.3100 in 0-7000 34.0000 o.7119 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 2.000 2.000 Beta ACI Eq. 9-3 12.3100 in 0.7000 34.0000 1,0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 '1.0000 2.000 in 2.000 in per ACI 318-95 Section 10.12 & 14.13 i ACI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) ACt 9-1 & +2 DL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST': 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI $2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 UBC 1921 .2.7 "1,4" Factor IJBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Facior 1.400 0.900 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Job # Date: 7:46AM, 16 JUL 04 User: KvV-060365, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Ocl'2002 {c)1 983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineerinq Scilware Rectangular Concrete Column Description oier under orecast column Page 1 oo a ao ao oaoaooooa Oooooooooaoaaoaoooaoooooooo General Information Calculations are designed to ACt 318'95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Total Height Unbraced Length Eff . Length Factor CoIUmN iS BRACED fc Fy 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 10.000 ftwidth Depth Rebar: 20.000 in 14.000 in 10.000 ft 1.000 4-# 6d= 2.500in4-# 6d= 11.500 in Seismic Zone 'l LL & S-i Loads Act Separately Live Load 100.00c kAxial Loads Lateral Point Loads #1 Short Term 100.000 k 30.000 k K Eccenlricitv 2.000 in Location 2.000 ft fl 20.00 x 14.00in Column, Rebar: 4-#6 @ 2.50in, 4+6 @ 11'50in, 2-16 @ 6.88in ACt9-1 590.00 k 98.33 k-ft 2.000 in '1.00 2.000 in 98.33 k-ft 960.83 k 377.91 k 6.615 in Elastic Modulus ACI Eq. S1 12.3100 in 0.7000 34.0000 o.7119 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 2.000 2.000 ACI 9-2 455.25 k 592.22k 75.87 k-ft 2.00C in 'L00 2.000 in 75.87 k-ft 960.83 k 377.91 k 6.615 in 3,605.0 ksi ACI Eo. $2 12.3100 in 0.7000 34.0000 0.69'19 1 .0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 2.000 2.000 Column is OK ACt 9-3 413.00 k 592.22 k 68.83 k-ft 2.000 in 1.00 2.000 in 68.83 k-ft 960.83 k 377.91 k 6.615 in Applied : Pu : Max Factored Allowable : Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design [/loment Po - .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Aclual kLu/r 28.571 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pc: pi^2 E l/ (k Lu)^2 . alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Beta ACI Ea. 9-3 12.3100 in 0.7000 34.0000 0.6538 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0,0000 1.0000 2.000 in 2.000 in ACr 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-1 & +2 ST .,..seismic = ST' : 1 .400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor per ACI 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.13 Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Desion Ecc = Ecc ' Delta UBC 1521.2.7'1.4" Factor UBC 1921 .2.7 "0.9" Factor Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 Tifle : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 2:05PM, 12 JUL 04 MG iiil*gi*nU;llS l;3il"o"?l;,.o33u**" Co nc rete Re cta n g u l a r & Tee Bea m Des i g n Page 1 c:\ec55\6285.ecwiCalculatons Span Depth width Beam Weight Added Internally 38.00 ft(@ fc Fy Concrete Wt. Seismic Zone End Fixity 3,000 psi 60,000 psi 145.0 pcf 1 Pinned-Pinned Live Load acts with Short Term oo o Oo oo oaoooo o oo ooooIoa ooooooooo ooooooooooo Reinforci Rebar @ Center of Beam... Count Size Rebar @ Left End of Beam-.. count Size 'd'from Top Rebar @ Right End of Beam... Count Size 'd' from Top Location 2?.000 ft 'd' from Top 57.Min Span = 38.00ft, Width= 36.0Oin Depth = 60.00in Maximum Moment : Mu 4,074.47 k-ft Allowable Moment : lvln*phi 4,3?2.72 k-ft Maximum Shear : Vu Allowable Shear : Vn.phi Shear Stirrups... Stirrup Area @ Section Region Max. Spacing Max Vu zu.oo/20.667204.770 200j42 Bendi & Shear Force Su Live Load Maximum Deflection Max Reaction @ Left Max Reaction @ Right *=V 2o' 12.667 19.000 25.33320.667 20.667 20.667180.702 180.702 240.713 Beam Design OK -0.6391 in 169.75 k 217 .90 k 31.667 38.000 ft20.667 20.667 in260.153 264.781 k Dead Load 225.000 k ?64.78 k 280.41 k +I 0.620 in?)ohco-/ o.gee Bending... @ Center @ Left End @ Right End Shear... @ Left End @ Right End Mn*Phi 4,322.72 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vn*Phi 280.41k 280.41k Mu, Eq. 9-l 4,074.47 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-l 204.77 k 2U.78k Mu, Eq. 9-2 3,574-22 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-2 177.20 k 231.06 k Mu, Eq. 9-3 3,102.98 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-3 '155.72 k 201 .54 k Concentrated Loads Deflection DL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+IBMW DL+LLTST+[BmWt] Reaclions... DL + [Bm Wt]l DL + LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+[BmWt] 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 16l I pft 136.062 k 152.904 k 169.745 k -0.4901 in {.5652 in -0.6391 in 19.7600ft 19.7600ft 19.7600ft 0.0000 fr 0.0000 ft 0.0000 ft @ Rioht 171.588 k 194.746 k 217.904 k Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 2:05Pld, 12 JUL 04 liji6r1g.'r'j3,^'dJ8liS i;6il"o"ij;'.033*." C o n c re te Re cta n g u I a r & Tee Be a m D es i g n new grade beam at 14 Section Analysis Evaluate Moment Capacity... X : Neutral Axis a=beta'Xneutral Compression in Concrete Sum [Steel comp. forces] Tension in Reinforcing Find Max As for Ductile Failure... X-Balanced Xmax=Xbal t 0.75 a-max=beta'Xbal Compression in Concrete Sum lsteel Comp Forces] Total Compressive Force AS Max = Tot Force I Fy Actual Tension As _ Center 14.390 in 12.232 in I ,12?.852 k 0.000 k -1 .123200 k 33.994 in 25.495 in 28.895 in 1.989.392 k 0.000 k 1 ,989.392 k 33.157 i^2 18.720 0K Left End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K Riqht End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.0000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K oo ooooo ao o o o oo ooIoooooooooooooooooooooooooo Additional Deflection Calcs Neutral Axis lgross lcracked Elastic Modulus Fr = 7.5' fc^.5 Z:Cracking Z:cracking > 175 : No Good! Eff. Flange Vvidth 19.220 in 648000.00 in4 339176.49 in4 3,122.4 ksi 410.792 psi 179.837 ksi 36.00 in Mcr lvs:Max DL + LL Rl = (NIs:DL+LL)/MCr Ms:MaX DL+LL+ST R2 = (Ms:DL+LL+STyMcr l:eff... Ms(DL+LL) l:eff... Ms(DL+LL+ST) 739.43 k-ft 3,200.74 k-fl 0.231 3,1s0.94 k-ft 0.235 342984.018 in4 343167.4O3 in4 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied intemally to errtered loads) ACr 9-1 & $2 DL ACr 9-1 & S2 LL ACt +1 & 92 ST ....seismic=ST.: 1 .400 1 .700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factol0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9'' Factor 1.300 1.400 0,900 ooooo t9 LE'-Monroe & Newell Dngineers, Inc-SHEET NO. .o."r*t.o ru l/t4 d^.. - DA-E CHECKED BY Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, GO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: '1:56PN/, 12 JUL 04 KW-050365. Ver 5.6.1. 25-Ocl20C2 3-2002 ENERCALC Enorneeino Sollwafe Description gr bm ftng @14.618 Square Footing Design General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Dead Load Live Load Shorl Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weighl LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 340.000 k 60.000 k 0.000 k 1 100.0C0 psl 145.00 Dcf 36.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 10.500 fr 18.00 in 8 5-Z)U 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 4,0C0.00 psf ooooooaoo ooooaoaoooaoooooooaooooooo oooooooo Reinforcing Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d. depth used 200lFy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % lo Req'd 14.250 in 0.0033 0.0038 in2 0.0038 % 0.653 in2 b.6f,o tnz 0.0014 As to USE per foot of width Total As Req'd lvlin Allow % Reinf 10.50ft square x 18.0in thick with 9- #B bars Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu : Actual Mn*Phi : Capacity Vu : Actual One-Way Vn"Phi : Allow One-Way Vu : Actual Two-Way Vn'Phi : Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Selections... 35 # 4's 23 # 5's 12 #7's I #8's Footing OK 85.22 psi 93.11 psi 184.09 psi 186.23 psi 16 # 6's7 #9's 6 #10's 3,945.62 psf 4,000.00 psf 3,945.62 psf 5,3:10.00 psf 39.99 k-ft / ft 41.39 k-ft / ft Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 2:06PM, 12 JUt 04 User: KW-O60365, Ver 5.5.1. 25-O.t-2002 (c)l 983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineerino Scfiware Square Footing Design Page 1 Description gr bm ftng @14.61,8 Ooa ooooooooooIoo Dead Live Load Short Term Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension .000 k 60.000 k 0.000 k 1 100.000 ps' 145.00 pci 1.330 36.00 in Footing Dimension Thickness # of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cover fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing 10.500 ft 18.00 in J.Z3U 3,000.0 psj 60,000.0 psi 4,000.00 psf Gdneral Information Calculations are designed lo AGI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Reinforcin Rebar Reouirement Actual Rebar "d'' deoth used 14.250 in As to USE oer foot of Width 0.653 in2 oaoooooooooooooooooooooaoo As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd Max. Static Soil Pressure Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Term Soil Pressure Allow Short Term Soil Pressure Mu : Actual Mn' Phi : Capacity 0.0038 in2 0 0038 % 3,945.62 psf 4,000.00 psf 3,945.62 psf 5,320.00 psf 39.99 k-ft / ft 41.39 k-ft / ft 10.50ft square x 18.0in ihick with 9- #8 bars Min Ailow % Reinf Vu : Actual One-Way Vn'Phi : Allow On*.Way Vu : Actual Two-Way Vn*Phi : Allow Two-Way Alternate Rebar Selections... 35 # 4's 23 # 5's 12 #7s 9 #8's 0.0014 Footing OK 85.22 psi 93.11 psi 184.09 psi 186.23 psi 16 # 6's7 #9's 0 #10's Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, GO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Ill|e: Dsgnr: Description: $'-:Ll:e: Job # Date: 1:17PM, 12 JUL 04 [ji5'!i.'f,'3'-'iJSli3hii";??l;'"'3],*" Concrete Hlectargularr & Tee Bealn Design Description new grade beam at 14lC Span Depth width Beam Weight Added lntemally 38.00 ft 60.000 in 36.000 in fc Fy Concrete Wt. Seismic Zone End Fixity 3,000 psi 60,000 psi 145.0 pcf 1 Pinned-Pinned Live Load acts with Short Term oooaooooooooooooooaIo oooootooooooooao o ooooo Rebar @ Center of Beam... Count Size #1 12 11 Rebar @ Left End of Beam-.. Counl Size 'd' from Top Rebar @ Right End of Beam... Count Size 'd' from ToD'd' from Top 57.44in 225.000 k Span = 38.00ft, Width= 36.00in Maximum Moment : Mu Allowable Moment : Mn'phi lvaximum Shear : Vu Allowable Shear : Vn-phi Shear Stirrups... Stirrup Area @ Section Region Max. Spacing Max Vu Depth = 60.00irr 4,074.47 k-ft 4,322.72 k-ft 2U.78k 280.4't k Maximum Deflection Max Reaction @ Left N4ax Reaction @ Right Location 22.000 ft Beam Design OK -0.6391 in 169.75 k 217 .90 k 31.667 38.000 ft20.667 20.667 in260.153 264.781 k Mu, Eq. 9-3 3,102.98 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft . Vu, Eq. 9-3 155.72 k 201.54 k Short Term 40,000 k Bending... @ Center @ Left End @ Right End Shear... (9 Len Eno @ Right End DL + [Bm Wt] DL r LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+[BmWt] Reactions... DL + [Bm Wt]l DL + LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+[BmWtl Mn*Phi 4,s22.72 k-tl 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vn"Phi 284.41 k 280.41k Mu, Eq. 9-'l 4,074.47 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-l 204.77 k 2U.78 k ZC. JJJ 240.713 Mu, Eq. 9-2 3,574.22 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-2 177.20 R 231.06 k 0.620 i^20.000 6.33320.667 20.662204.770 200j42 I z.ool 14O.702 19.000 180.702 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 136.062 k 152.904 k 169.746 k 0.0000 fr 0.0000 ft 0.0000 ft @ Rioht 171.588 k tu+. | 40 K 217 904 k -0.4901 in -0.5652 in -0.6391 in 19.7600ft 19.7600ft 19,7600ft Bending & Shear Force Summary Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Oillon, CO 80435 970-513-1 600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Job # Date: 1:17PM, 12 JUL 04 User: KW-0603e5, Ver 5.6.1, (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC El Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Design Page 2 c:\ec55\6285.ecwiCalculalions Descriotion new grade beam at 14lC Evaluate Moment Capacity... X : Neutral Axis a=beta-Xneutral Compression in Concrete Sum fSteel comp. forces] Tension in Reinforcing Find Max As for Ductile Failure... X-Balanced Xmax=Xbal * 0.75 a-max = beta ' Xbal Compression in Concrete Sum lsteel Comp Forces] Total Compressive Force AS Max = Tot Force I Fy Actual Tension As _ Center 14.390 in 12.232 in 1,122.852 k 0.000 k -1,123.200 k 33.994 in 25.495 in 28.895 in 1,989.392 k 0.000 k 1,989.392 k 33.157 in? 18.720 0K Left End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0-000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K Rioht End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.0000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K Additional Deflection Calcs Neutral Axis lgross lcracked Elastic Modulus Fr=7.5.fC.5 Z:Cracking Z:cracking > 175 : No Good! Eff. Flange \Mdth 19.220 in 648000.00 in4 339176.49 in4 3,122.0 rsi 410-792 psi '179.837 ksi 36.00 in Mcr l\4s:Max DL + LL Rl = (Ms:DL+LL)/Mcr Ms:Max DL+LL+ST R2 = (Ms:DL+LL+ST/Mcr l:eff... lvls(DL+LL) l:eff... Ms(DL+LL+ST) 739.43 k-ft 3,200.74 k-fr 0.231 3,150.94 k-ft 0.235 34298r'..O18 in4 343167.403 in4 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 0.7s0 0.900 1 .300 r .400 0.900 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "1 .4" Factor UBC 1921 .2.7 "0.9" Factor ACI 9-1 & 9.2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9.2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST*: oaoIooooooooaoooo oa o Oooaoatoooooooooa oooooo ACI Factors (per ACl, applied inlernally to entered loads) o.Aofrro ,ry\o vv u k2=Monroe & Newell Engineers, Itrc.SHEET NO, CALCULATED AY vJ'q a llol o4DATE CHECKED BY Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 6:23AM, 1 JUL 04 MG oaooooIootooao ooIoo oo Oo GIttI)efa ooao oo oooo oa User: KW-060365, Ver5.5.1, 25-Ocl-2002 icl1983-2002 ENERCALC Enoineerinq Solhdare Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Descriotion landscaoe CMU wall Criteria Allow Soil Bearlng = 2,100.0 psf Footing Strengths & Dimensions Lateral Load Applied to Stem Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Wdth Footing Thickness Key Wdth Key Depth Key Distance from Toe Cover @ Top = 3.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in @*ffiSurcharse Loads Surcharge Over Heel : 100.0 psf Used To Resist Slidiag & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 100.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning Desion Su Total Bearing Load ...resultant ecc. Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @Toe = 2,467 pst ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Retained Height Wall height above soil Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe Soil Density Wind on Stem Footing Shear @ Toe Footing Shear @ Heel Allowable Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding Added Force Req'd .-..for 1.5: 1 Stability Factored Pressure Mu' : Upward l\4u' : Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Eouivalent Fluid Pressure Method fc = 3,000 psi Fy = Min. As % 3.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 : 1 0.00 in 110.00 pcf 0.0 psf = 0.0 = 300.0 = 0.0 ft = 0.300 = 0.00 in 100.0 #/fr 3.00 ft 1.50 ft = 0.00 ft = -------28 = 8.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft 60,000 psi 0,0014 0.0 lbs 0.0 lbs 0.0 in Heel Active Pressure Toe Aciive Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel FootingllSoil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Lateral Load ...Height to Top ..,Height to Bottom Axial Dead Load Axial Live Load Axial Load Eccentricity Stem Construction Design height Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Top Stem : 1 ,232 lbs = 8.21 in e Bar Lap/Emb ft = 0.00 = Masonry = 24.00 = Edge = I,861 psf = 0 Psf = 2.100 ncr OK OK Total Force @ Section lbs = N,'loment....Actual ft-# = l\4oment.....Allowable = Shear.....Actual PSi-- Shear.....Allowable Psi= .5: Baf Develop ABOVE Ht. in = 3ar LaP/Hook BELOw tlt. in =+ i" co"(& NraT F€tD(C.>St ^.4^6 awn\ Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 501.9 lbs less 100% Passive ForcF - 372-5 lbs less 100% Friction Force= - 369-0 lbs 0.0 psi OK 27.1 psi OK 93.1 psi 1 .58 0K '1.48 Ratio < 1 0.0 lbs 10.8 lbs Design Data lblFB + talFa Wall Weight Rebar Depth Masonry Data fm 403.0 638.2 '1 ,009.1 10.2 38.7 30.00 6.06 3,68 Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. psi = 1,500psi= 24,000 = Yes = Yes = 25.78 = 1.000 in = 5.60 Heel 0 psf 0 ft-# 0 ft-# 1,085 ft-# 27.08 psi 93.11 psi OK NG Footinq Desiqn Results toe = -c taz = 0.00 -- 0.00 = None Spec'd = None Spec'd: None Spec'd Masonry Block Concrete Data Type = Normal Weight fc Fy Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S ' Fr Heel: ll4@ 31.75 in, #5@ 48.25 in, #6@ 48.25 in , #7@ 48.25 in, #8@ a8.25 in' #S@ 4 Key: No key deflned Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1 600 MG $e : Dsgnr: Description: Job # Date: 6:23AM, 1 JUL 04 oIoooaoat ooo aoooooIooooooaooooooooa oo ooo oo O l Sr.-"- of Ou"rtrrnino & R"ri"tino Fo FL;#;,1il+ , ,.*;ouT]it"TllNc""nno'"n, ,"-;"'*=t'3l'Jlf;; Moment lbs ft ft-#lbs ft ft+ Heel Active Pressure = 351.9 1.4? 501 .5 Soil Over Heel = 577 .5 1.38 794.1 Total = 501.9 O.T.M. = 939.0 Earth @ Stem Transitions= User: KW{60365. Ver 5.6.1, 25-Ocl-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Soflware Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Description landscape CMU wall Toe Active Pressure Surcharge OverToe = Adiacent Footing Load Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad Resisting/Overtuming Ratio Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) 175.0 1.38 240.6 0.00 189.0 0.25 47.3 0.33 Added Lateral Load = 150.0 2.92 437.5 Axial Dead Load on Stem= Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,232.1 lbs Verlical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Footing Weight = 225.0 1.13 253.1 Key Weight Vert. Component = 65.6 2.25 147-5 tot"G----i&i tbs R.M.= l.1826 = 1.58 ooooo I6 /A! {\ G LaqMonroe & Newell En{ineers, L:lc.SHEET NO CALCULATED BY oor, 1lt+tbQua< CHECKED BY DATE SCALE oo$oA!o I \ovf u2g<Monroe & Newell En€;ineers, Inc.SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY WL E/I L lsl o+ CHECKED BY SCALE oaooo \2 LA -) Monroe & Newell En€iineers, Inc.SHEET NO. CATCULATED BY vt\k CHECKED BY Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-s13-1600 MG ItUe: Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 9:06AM, 7 AUG 04 ooooooooooa Ooo ootooooooooooa oo ao oooaoooooaI User: KW{60365, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Ocl'2002 (c)19892002 ENERCALC Enaineerina Sottv,/are Rectangular Concrete Column Page I Description vent opening col. in south wall fc Fy Seismia Zone 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 1 Total Height Unbraced Length Etf. Length Factor Column is BRACED 2.500 2.500 ft 1.000 Axial Loads Dead Load 32.000 k 8.00 x 10.00in Column, Rebar: 2#5 @ 2.001n, 2-#S @ 8.00in Live Load 12.000 k Eccentricilv 'r.000 in Applied : Pu : Max Factored Allowable : Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-criiical Combined Eccentricity lVagnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po ' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced Actual kLu/r 10.000 Neuiral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pc : pi^2 E l/ (k Lu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc' Deita ACt 9-t 65.20 k 188.92 k s.43 k-ft 1 .000 in 't.00 1.000 in s.43 k-ft .:13.t 5 K - 01.31 k 5.190 in Elasiic Modulus ACI Eo. 9-1 9.8150 in 0.7000 34.0000 0.6871 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.000 1.000 ACt 9-2 33.60 k 188.92 k 2.80 k-ft '1.000 in 1.00 1.000 in 2.80 k-ft 273.75 k 101.31 k 5.190 in 3,605.0 ksi Aa:l Fd A-? 9.8150 in 0.7000 34.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.000 1.000 Column is OK ACt 9-3 28.80 k 188.92 k 2.40 k-ft 1.000 in 1 .00 1.000 in 2.40 k-ft 273.75 k 101 .3'1 k 5.190 in Bela ACI Eq. 9-3 9.8150 in 0.7000 34.0000 1 .0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.000 in 1.000 in General Information Calculations are designed lo ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements 2.000 in 8.000 in LL & SI Loads Act Separately Loads slenderness wAct 31{95 section 10.12 & 1A.13 AGI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered toads) ACr 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST': 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 UBC 19?1.2.7 "1.4" Factol 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 '0.9" Factcr 1.300 1.400 0.900 F -'1b;il']. 7 $se r F.tS\9st-(\ .- / \irJk @-* e+ I l$ l" IF lFlv IFl-{l:tr is JP l3 ao ooooo oo ooooI oooo ooooootaooIooo Ooooooooo aa ooaOAIo n\ovV / a .|,- Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO. vla c /4.1o4DATECALCULATED CHECKED BY Monroe & Newell Engineers, lnc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Osgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: 6:57AlM, 4 JUN 04 User: KW{60365, Ver 5-6.1, 25-Oct-2002 lc11983-2002 ENERCALC Enqinee nq Soflwafe Single Span Beam Analysis Description north wall lateral pressure General Information Center Span Left Cantilever Right Caniilever 1 1.66 ft 2.00 ft ft Moment of Inertia Elast c Modulus Beanr End Fixity 1,000.000 29,000 Pin-Pin in4 ksi Magnitude @ Left Magnitude @ Right Dist. To Left Side Dist. To Right Side 0.783 k/fl 0.200 kift ft 11.660 ft 0.883 Uft 0.783 t(ttt -2.000 ft ft k/ft k/ft ft ft k/ft k/ft ft ft ooooot ooaoaooo ooooooooaooooooooooooooooo ooo Center Location Moment Shear Deflection 0.000 fr -1.70 k-f: 3.58 k 0.00000 in 0.000 ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in Left Cant Shears... 5.56ft @ Left o.oo ft @ Right Maximum Deflections... @ Center @ Lett CanL @ Right cant Right Cant 0.000 ft 0,00 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00000 in Moments... Max + @ Center Max - @ Center @ Left Cant @ Right Cant Maximum = -1.70 k-ft -1.70 k-ft 0.00 k-fr 7.s2 k-ft /ll-t tt '- at \Lv J',t -0.006 in 0.003 in 0.000 in Reactions... @ Left @ Risht 5.80 ft -2.00 ft 0.00 ft 5.24 k 2.15 k oo&a Jxlo /\ OVY h z 91' Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. | -=.'--, /--.l--\-"'1"*-\*"") SHEET NO "o."u*r.o ,"---45-G / A,/d+DATE DATECHECKED BY 0 A-/at,fl\VV ooo oo Gza<Monroe & Neweli Dngineers, [nc.\->SHEET NO. "or"r*r.o ," llt d- oor. CHECKED BY DATE ooao /A!o /\ovr G79= Monroe & Newell Engineers, [nc.SHEET NO.- trt, caLc JLATED BY---------9.@h.--oarc 5f z+l c,+ CHECKED BY DATE oo&.Afo l\ OVY Monroe 6zs<& Newell Engineers, lnc.SHEfi NO. "o."u*t o"" MC-.oerc '7 I r=/ o4 CHECKED BY oodo /Ato n\ OVY u /o>Monroe & Newell Engineers, [nc.SHEET NO. "oa"u*rao r" M G CHECKED 8Y OATE DATE ooooo 0 * /AI ,ryRV$ U7.sqMonroe & Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO, cAlcuLArEo BY-----lA4-.a-DATE CHECKED BY oa oa oo 0 A +AFil\ @ LdaMonroe & Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO CALCULATED BY Mc oarc Tfosf o4 CHECKED BY DATE Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Title : Dsgnr: Description: Scope : Job # Date: '10:20AM, 18 JUN 04 ooooaoooaooaoooooo O oooooo Oooootoooo Oooooooo Use'. XW-060365, Ver 5.6.1, 25oct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineerinq Sottware Reciangular Concrete Column Page '1 cjea55\6285.ecwrCalculalicns Descriotion fan room #1 wall pier 10.000 in 18.000 in fc Fy Seismic Zone 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 1 Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED 11.250 tt 11.250 ft 1.000 Eccentricitv 3.000 in Location 3.000 ft Axial Loads Lateral Point Loads #1 lV-critical Combined Eccentricity N4agniflcation Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po..80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced 2.000 16.000 LL & ST Loads Act Separately Dead Load 50.000 k k tn tn# 6 d= Short Term 20.000 k k 10.000 k #2 k k k ft MIE+ Summaru s.fu=']J#J:!k*E ColumnisOK i 10.00 x 18.00in Column, Rebar: 3#6 @) 2.00in, 3#6 @ 16.00in ACt 9-1 Applied: Pu: Max Factored 121.00 k Allowable: Pn'Phi @ Design Ecc. 369.77 k Actual kLu/r 25.000 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kur Beta = M:sustained/lv:max UM Et / 1000 Pc:pi^zE l/(k Lu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc' Delta Elastic [4odulus ACI Eo. Sl 'i 5.7550 in 0.7000 34.0000 J-)/6f, 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 3.000 3.000 30.25 k-ft 3.000 in 1.00 3.000 in 30.25 k-ft 609.14 k 269.18 k 9.061 in ACt 9-2 80.s5 k 338.37 k 24.85 k-ft 3.702 in 1.00 3.702 in 24.A5 k-ft 609.'14 k 269.18 k 9.061 in 3,605.0 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 '14.5400 in 0.7000 34.0000 0.6518 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 3.702 3.IUZ ACt 9-3 / J.OU K 316.90 k 25.89 k-fr 4.221 in 1 .00 4.221 in 25,89 k-fr 609.14 k 269.18 k 9,061 in Beta ACI Eo. 93 13.7350 in 0.7000 34.0000 0.6114 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1 .0000 4.221 in 4.22'l in Calculaiions are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Loads Slenderness per ACI 318-95 Section 1A.12 & 10.13 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied intemally to entered Ioads) ACI 9-'1 & 9-2 DL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST*: 1.400 1.700 '1.700 1 .100 1.400 0.900 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0,9'' Factor 1.300 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1600 MG Tifle : Dsgnr: Description: Job # Date: 10:1gAM, 18 JUN 04 oooIoot oaooaa oo oooooaoooo oao aoo ooaoo oaooooo User: KW460365, Vef 5.6 1.25-Ocl-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enqineednq Soflwijre Rectangular Concrete Column Description wall pier at grids 1.8/C 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 1 Fy Seismic Zone Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED 1 1 .000 11.000 1.000 Eccentricitv 4.000 in Location 3.000 ft ft Column is OK ACt 9-3 111.40 k 393.27 k 37.13 k-ft 4.000 in 1.00 4.000 in 37.13 k-ft 641.7.8 k 296.54 k 11-754 in Axial Loads Lateral Point Loads #1 8.00 x 24.00in Column, Rebar: Applied : Pu : Max Factored Allowable : Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Ecceniricjty Magnified Design Moment Po' .80 P : Balanced Ecc : Balanced Actual kLu/r 18.333 Neutral Axis Disiance Phi Max Limit kl/r Bela = M:sustained/N4:max Et / 1000 Pc:pi^z8ll(k Lu)^z alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 3#6 @ 2.00in, 3-#6 ACt 9-l 167.90 k 393.27 k @22.00in ACI 9-2 124.65 k 393.27 k 41.55 k-ft 4.000 in 1.OO 4.000 in 41 .55 k-ft u1 .78 k 296.54 k 1 1 .754 in 3,605.0 ksi ACI Eo. 9-2 21.2450 in 0.7000 34.0000 o.7750 1 .0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 4.000 4.000 Dead Load 92.000 k Live Load 23.000 k Short Term 20.000 k 10.000 k K 55.97 k-ft 4.000 in 1.00 4.000 in 55.97 k-ft t41 .78 k 296.54 k 11.754 in Elastic Modulus ACI Eo. 9-'l 21 .2450 in 0.7000 34.0000 t).7671 r.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1 .0000 4.000 4.000 Beta ACI Eo. 9-3 21 .2450 in 0.7000 34.0000 o.7433 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 4.000 in 4.000 in General lnformation Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements LL & ST Loads Act SeDaratelv Loads Slenderness pet ACI 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.1.3 AGI Factors (per ACl, applied intemally to entered loads) ACr 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACr 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST*: 1.400 1.700 1 .700 1.100 ACI 9'2 Group Factor ACI $3 Dead Load Factor AUt v-J Snon term Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4' Factol0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.300 1.400 0.900 Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 765 West Anemone Trl. Suite 202 Dillon, CO 80435 970-513-1500 MG Title : Ds9 n r: Description : Scope : Job # Date: 7:39AM, 18 JUN 04 Usen KW460365, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Oct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Enoineednq Soflv/are Rectangular Concrete Column Page 1 clecs5\6285-ecw:Calculations Description fan #1 wall pier f rtrrt Lgn -,Dr,\ oooa )o ooo o oo o oaooooI Ooooo oo O aoo o ooooooooooa General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements wdth Depth Rebar: 10.000 in 18.000 in 2.000 in 16-000 in 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 1 11.250 ft 1 1.250 ft '1 .000 fc Fy Seism c Zone LL & ST Loads Act Separately Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is BRACED3-# 6 3- Loads Axial Loads Lateral Poinl Loads #1 10.00 x 18.00in Column, Rebar: Applied : Pu : Max Factored Allowable : Pn . Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critlcal Combined Eccenficity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design lVoment Po ' .80 P:Balanced Ecc : Balanced Actual kLu/r 25.000 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm Et / 1000 Pc:pi^2Ell(kLu)^2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 3-#6 () 2.00in, 3+6 @ ACt 9-1 121.00 k 369.77 k 30.25 k-ft 3.000 in 1 .00 3.000 in 30.25 k-ft 009.14 k 269.18 k 9.061 in Elastic Modulus Af:l trn O-1 15.7550 in 0.7000 34.0000 u.5/65 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 3.000 3.000 Golumn is OK ACt 9-3 73.60 k 369.77 k 18.40 k-fr 3.000 in 1.00 3.000 in 18.40 k-ft 609.14 k 269.18 k 9.061 in Short Term 20.000 k 10.000 k k EccentricitV 3.000 in Location ft ft 16.00in ACt 9-2 80.55 k 369.77 k 20.14 k-tt 3.000 in 1.00 3.000 in 20.14 k-ft 609.14 k 269.18 k 9.061 in 3,605.0 ksi Af:l tr^ q-? 15.7550 in 0.7000 34.0000 0.65'18 1 .0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 3.000 3.000 Beia ACI Eq, 9-3 '| 5.7550 in 0.7000 34.0000 o.6114 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 3.000 in 3.000 in Slenderness per ACI 31 V95 Section 10.1 2 & 1 0.1 3 ,A,Cl Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) ACt 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACt 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr 9-t & 9-2 ST ....seismic=ST': 1.400 1 .700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Gmup Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor AUr V-5 snon I eTm FaCIOT 0.750 UBC '192'1.2.7 "1.4" Faclol 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.300 1.400 0.900 oo ooo V tr 'u'=Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc.SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY IMu ttltsloqDATE CHECKED BY DATE ooooa 0 ,n 'rFtsr\- {\ Monroe & Neweli Engineers, Inc. G z*q *---4k--oorc C"/t4o1 SHEFT NO. CALCULATEO CHECKED BY DATE