President Gcrald R. Ford
Robert E. Barretr
Jack Crosby
H. Bcnjamin Duke, Jr.
Harty H. Frampton lll
John Horan-Kares
William J. Hybl
Charles D. Leu'is
Robert W. Parkcr
Jay Prirker
James D, Robinson lll
Fitzhugh Scott
Thomas J. Watson Jr.
nEc'oJU1 221985
Week of July 15, 1985
** * ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr***)k**x
The purpose of this report wil'l be to keep interested parties
aware of week to week progress in the deve'l opment of the FordAmphitheater. Highlights will cover fund raising activity
and results, construction progress and information helpful toal'l of those keenly interested in deve'l opment of thi s cu'l turalfacility. Ideas and suggestions should be directed to John
Horan-Kates, President, Vail Valley Foundation, post Office
Box 309, Vai1, Colorado 81657, (303't 949-4922.* * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t( * * * * * * x
** *
Vaitr Valley Fo
o Under the chairmanship of Jack Crosby, the Fund Raising
Committee is actively soliciting participants in the Fiiends ofVail program. The Friends program is a new Foundation
nembership concept which has one element featuring a Letter ofCredit that wil'l be used to assist in financing the
amphitheater. The $40,000 Letter of Credit will back upIndustrial Deve'lopment Bonds issued through the Town of Vai'l
and purchased by the First Bank of Vai1.
Individua'ls currently committed to the Friends of Vai'l program
inc]ude Bob A'lbritton, Dalias, Texas; Bob Cohen, Denveri John
Tuschman, Vai'l ; and Jack Crosby, Austin, Texas. For noreinformation on the Friends of Vail program, p'lease contact John
Horan-Kates at the Foundation offices.
The Cormittee has been actively seeking major grants from
foundations and corporations both in Co'lorado and around thecountry. Ear'lier in the summer, grants were received fromSergio Bolanos, The National Republican Trust and the E'l pomar
Foundation. A variety of other grant requests are now jn thereview process.
A $50,000 grant was received recently from Richard Swig of SanFranciso and Vail. Mr. Swig in pr'lncipal in the FairmountHotel chain. His contribution brings the total pledged amounton hand to approximately 9500,000.
A Patrons Donor program was recently finalized which wi'l 'l
involve the selling of the individua'l seats with an individual
name plague and a ticket to the Gala Grand 0pening concert.
The price is $1,250. Donna Meyer, a 'long time Vail resident,
has recently joined the Foundation's fund raising efforts witha specific focus on this Patrons program.
A Colorado Non-Profit Corporation
Organizing athletic, educarional ,rnd culrur,rl p.Lgr"^, in rhe Vail Vrllo.
Post Office Box 309 . Vail, Colorrdo 816t8. (103) 9.19 -tt922
o President Ford will be hosting a luncheon in Denver on
Hednesday, July 24 to present revised plans and to seekcontributions for the facility. Bob Cohen is hosting this
Iuncheon at the Metropolitan Club.
o The Foundation is currently contemplating a concert at theAmphitheater site during the Jerry Ford Go'l f Tournanentfeaturing the Army Choir. Preparations are not yetfinalized, however, it looks as though the conceit will be inthe early afternoon on Sunday, August llth and wil'l be freeto the public.
o 0n Monday, July 15, the project went out to bid to tengeneral contractors throughout Colorado. They inc'l ude B. B.
Andersen Contractors, G, E. Johnson Construction, RodgersConstruction, Ouddy-Viele, Nelson Zebb, Colorado Geneia'lContractors, Beck & Associates, Clearwater Contractors, HyderConstruct'ion and Westbrook Construction.
o Bids are due back from the genera'l contractors on August l,allowing a one week period for evaluation and verifiiation ofeach submitta'l . The successfu'l bidder will be announced on
l4onday, August 5, and if the Foundation,s fund raising target
has been met, construction shou'l d begin on Monday, Aulust 12.
o Construction activity slated for this season wll'l inc'ludemajor earth work to develop the landscaping berm, expansion' of the concrete seating pad and foundation! and wa'lli tor a'l'lenclosed faci'lities including restrooms, concession areas,ticket sales, storage, etc. Hith that work complete, theproject wi1'l be shut down for the winter season and re-startearly in the spring.
o Ngreement has been reached with the Town of yail for theoperation of the arnphitheater once completed. At a Boardmeeting on June 2Lst, the Foundation agreed to operate thefacility until an endowment has been tutty tunaeh. 0nce theendowment is fu'l ly funded, the Town will become owner and0perator. The endowment will cover operating deficltstypical of facilities of this nature. As pirt of thatagreement, the Town has agreed to donate the tand for theamphitheater as we1 I as alI road ways, parking lots andutilities in Ford Park. The Town als6 igreeO-to waive al'lbuilding and administrative fees associaied with the
development of the amphitheater.
the idea
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e]r:or_cr rnsrsrs that the ooi6e | , ffi-. Bercdict iDsists that the ooise | : ,-
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'lz- tl \_l
Asp€fr sntitad Fritr gs|€dlci has popos€d fiat a
:1|!! rffv 9ry9s Oe croatod tor rhe Aspen Music
F6lival m $e Marott-ThoflHs pdrfy a fne
€dgr ol b!fln. Bonodict has d€signed this |hoator lqne nfl campus. Frsnk Martin photo.
) )n,
$trs,*"lii'':rlE"t*'# ffFm$:"r":rcJHft;inf;*&,xrm il {t.,-y11, *{ qe. F- returaed af- So that is ilat S"o"dic hae #Sl$H:*"*"'crite.tu- pri". "a-taoigoJ r;Affi,Ufing}ryp-#4
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.'Because musicials perform on
shell,_they ""o"oi t ".i-JJi
_ Thc dita(c. rsDl 01c. r,h.
rcr toaltht lhcsa familica |Eclornorme lhcy |I start rrblrtllitcs nonths.
Thc tmd rE*s is thrt lhc R..cvcly stcp of t& wry. No rt||t
)|ou cvcr nccd thc Rcd Cro$.
Wc'll hclp. Witl you?
Fritz Benedict proposes a
-"r doorswro has wal4hed ABFo groi for a ---The theaterr arc sirnple, yutl adroDg ut!e. tror
e*re h€"" ror wee**, ii',lffiffi*;* fl"i"X"t ( #ilff9.R"*,:,T:gJ39 *14 - rbe feativats have;b-e-.-r,E/ -,id::|11q.. .b"" !9."" ;tiriliod., ifr;pi'"nff"T.Xi,F1 tilf ,-s or openbess.lro"otli3 o.i,i"io;lth;'dii .oL o. " *o,^ **, *i",",1n{1t-bg!++
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tebt at the AsDeE q".4.-. ---
- Ite Teui'e hobteni
be-Eedrct points out amustical
Pmblerl|a with tll€ DrEfrhr h,,"i"
'[i:ll*gS*ti*S:;ffi#.b*-"',ftht$#., 1 |l,";E::::i:**o o#ffffii+*#f,#f 3::'*', ",' r""a "i'"i-,iili ll
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mioi_ng company). rr,l,-i*,iiri a;";,."ii1f ;*:*kl;ir[f fl ffiffiffi#i:trifr**m;$ ffld*"ewrbthe;;;*;; ;;;;p.*"tr,"ts4rhif[riii ll o,ro+,A}..r*xuevery year. -"-t-1T.T-'-TI*:,Fg,town 1o rao ti, tt'e q".; "iFiil;if,i'G: ll
_f:]ffL^." e€t at rhe *,"- 1;;;gx;-';"'fiL-i;;;; ffiqi{l&"# ll ...theseoderrothamunity Centei. uqt u." Earne'- k-'he school buildines do';;i; f I-il;'ff:i;;;" rive in rodges o
'fhe t'heater that Benedict i" il"Jii""t"i "r,i-tr,"il;ffi;" - ll atso SIMptICfu'utro row'. ,-ffi"8J:i YT91'l il{:Itl " . He eays r''" p.opoluTT"ora ll .'.,.--_.,^_
;m:"*-*rom-"".W,,_:H#f#j*T#'fixgy*iiif H,tuf L_att".f ff",#:17
PrCr&A Ih. A.p..r InE .fJy tf, 16
Ralnh Waldo Eoereon raid, | zr{l' Gl" ah. ts. r|-r. !?l Gl..r-<, se.i.!t, co !45-t3zr or.' d.,rr -..lio]-rne yeal8 t€ach huch which the I _ ..May fh€ Ho.Flng Forc€ ElGr ylrich youlr,d.w. hrvor L-^- '
ri:;I. -
Ib:Board of Direstors
Cerald R. Ford @nngncrative Ccrmittee at Vail
Ececutive @mdttee
Vail Valley Foundatiqr
ftom: John l{oran-Ibtes i' d|r._President I u
Date:Januaq/ 9, 1984
Subject: Inmediate Acticn Steps: Fbrd Arnchittreater
Fouo'tirg our neeting r,itrere tJle Arphitheater Board gave onceptual
approrral to the For:ndationts irnplverent, I wanted to gire you a
sense of rrtnt rrerll be doing first to nure ttre projec! fonuard.
Over the noct 45 to 60 days, ve rtould hope to acccnplistr t}re fol-.
lcr.r5ng. ..
o Beccne corpletely fanil-iar w"ith the anphitheater project
tpr reviewing all plans and doq-rrentation and iatervier,ring all inrrc1ved. parties.
o Form a snal1 Desigrn De\re1cE[rEnt/neviernr Tbarn to be headed
by Gordon Steadnan of VaiI Assocjates.
o Derrelop a orprehensive plan outlining hcrr the projectwill be filanced, developed and operated
o Develop legal docr:nentatibn necessary to affect the pro-posed asset transfer to the For:ndation.
o Issue a news release regarding ttre proposed Foundationrole.
o Obtaia Flor:ndation Board f{nal approval to proceed.
o Obtain Arphitieater Board ffural approval to proceed.
Irdcst.certailly scne of this r.prk will be redundant; ho,rever, r,e feelit will form a sorid basis of an understanding allcwhg ,r" io ,rrclr.fonrnrd. r'm entiusiastic about vorking with eactr of icu on thisproject an! herging to bring tne Anphittieater to reariity. please callre personally with any tioughts or suggestions you have.
'\e i-l lic ;.r J, Ei--tct,
"t" Tov,r^ (-*il
P"i 0.,t;\
'l' .r vt
ationVail Valley Found
llt akJ'
Berd of Dirccton
Prcsidcrit Genld R. Ford
Roben E. Barrctt
Jack Crosby
H. Bcnjamin Dutc, Jr.
Harry H. Frempton III
John Honn-Ketcc
Villiam J. Hybl
Charlcs D. Lcr"i!
Robcrt \V- Parkcr
Jry Pritzkcr
Jamcs D. Robinson Itr
Fitzhugh Scct
Thomas J. Vetson Jr,
lilaxdl 30, 1984
l,lr. Richard A. Caplan
lbwn of Vail
75 Soutl Ftontage bad
VaiJ-, @lonado 81657
Dear Rich:
the purSnse of this letter is to invite you to a Design l{rrkstrop on
t]te fbrd Arphit}eater. fte Vficrkshop wilt be held 1\resday, A;rril 17at the f-ion Square lodge.
As you krow, tte Foundation has assr.ured responsi-bility for ttre desigar
ard constnrqtion of this valuable ccnrunitlz facility. $letve decidedto hold this vorkstroS: so that disstrssion ard additional pr:blic input
can be made on several outstarding desigrn issr:es. tlpcn ccnpletiqr oftle r.orkshop, t}re Ftrr:ndation $puld tr@e to fhalize tfre aesigrr ard ttEnreinitjate the fird-raisirq carqEign
tre i:nclosed questionnai:e is beilg used by ttte lbundation to try tofi:rtlpr establistr tlre oqnrn:niQr needs. 1Eris questionraire is being
sent to nurerous hterested peoSrle, botn bcally ard out of sta@, ard
w:iIL also be ca:ried irr SE Vail Ttail, tropefully reactring a broadcross-sectiqr of those interested. !€td appr.eciate it if 1'urrd orplete this qr.estionnaire and retrrrn it to us in tne next few dalrs.
Ihe rrcrkstrcp rril-l last fmn 9:00 a.m. to 12:30, ad will be follorccl bya buffet lunctreon. Vf,e opect about 50 people in atterdance, ard ha\rc -
igsiged tlre forrnat so tlat tne rnaxlruu irrput can be reoeived. l€ hopethat ycurll nark your calerdar for this tportant date ard help us lovethe Anphitieater projest for:ward. Please R.S.V.P. lor:r plans to attend
b1z calling t}re Fbunclation at 949-4922 tAr April 12. rtrar*s.
- &rclosr:re
Organizing athletic, educational and cultural events in the Vail Valley.
Post Office Box 309. Vail, Cotorado 81658. (303)g4g4g22 ;:.-;r ..
(* n*,
C. Operating Brdget
o User fees
o Interest frqn endo'anent
o Conrnission on concession sales
lbtal Revenue
o Salaries and benefits
o &paiis and maintenance
o Cleaning
o LardscaPe nraintenance
o EtechricitY
o Water anil seuer
o QreraLing zu1P1ies
o storage
o OontilgenqY
TotaL ScPenses
IV. Nel(t St€Ps
o. Revior concePtxral thinking with Vail Institute staff and
Board of Directors.
o Review ttith recreation departrrent staff'
o Fevi*r witJl Desigrn ltear.
o Revierv ttrith other lnterrtial users'
o Present to Vail lbvn Cor:ncil
o Present to Foundation Boardl
o Gganize a perfo::ming arts r'orkshql for the purlnse of
eiparding Frfornirtg arts progranrning in tJle Vail Valley
PROJECTED BI,DGET/ l9ilJ Se.rson-(basert oii T'-+-w?el r,rs t'i viI)
Personnel Sal aries
80 Orchestra Members and
5 Staff Persons
85 people (a $15 per day X 28 days
/i," c. rt6,o't
t a'a \. 6.at
Lodging - Negotiable
Festival Admjnistratjon and Support Staff
Advertising and Promot ion/Programs
Conductors/Art'i sts
MiscelIaneous 'Fh'7t6
Ticket Sales
Program Advertising
Grants for Artists from
NEA Grant
Coloriido Arts Council
Corporations/ Indiv i dual s
$50,000 per week X 4 wks.
_ 35,700
$435,700 +
3 Concerts oer week (d $10.000 X 4 wks.
2 Supplembntal Concerts'@ $4,000 X 4 wks.
, $120.000lo,u 3Z , nnn
l,hL zDtott/ 20,000
l0 , 000
/,t*r. /ar"'(
//q y I )d!,.-.-.--
f 7{-r.
. .,li'i t t'/, ao" '
1.. ril
hup.-k bo^"