HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 11NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOB$ITE DRAWN INC ATTACHED ATE IN ON JULY 3.1991~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,0 00495L..PERMIT NO .••tlill III 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IIIIIIIVV dprtment of community development 2.OCCUPANCY CROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 0 GENERAL OESCRIFTION OF WORK:~PLUMBING.'TYPE OF PERMIT INSTALL 9 WINECARD SAT DISH AS ~ ~ APPR i D BY TOV-DRB.~MECHANICAl 700UIBUILDING0PLUMBING> 0 ElECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION 0 MECHANICAL 0 PERMITFEESTYPECROUPGAFA.VALUATION LEGAL LOT 11 BL"RESOB OF V-N R30 7001 BUILDING PERMIT 19 DESC.FILING L 7.B 2.v.POTATO PA 10 ,-OBNAME: PlAN CHECK WER.THEIM STAELLlTE DISH ELECTRiCAl OWNER NAME DR.HA WERTHEIM NEW')AlTERATIO ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (I PlUMBING 774 POTATO PATCH MAlt ADDRESS OWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAl.. CITY VAIL PH 6-2020 HEIGHTIN"__NO fiREPLACES --RECREATION FEE INSULATION:"".THICKNESS R·VAlLUEARCHITECTFIRM:;AC~I fONE I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10 MAIL ADDRESS CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT J~-- C'TY PH.USE TAX ~~ SATELLITE REC.SYST.GENERAL FIRM I ~?TYPE ElEC GAS TOTAL PERM'TFEES $39CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.OF 827-5841 SOLAR WOOD MICHAEL WHITAKER JULY 3.1991TELE.HEAT ~UILDINGOFFICIAC ------CAfE ----- FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ,LECTRICAL !.!!~BETSY IOSOLACK JURY 3,1991 TOWN Of YAIL REG.NO.X 1-----------~---- NTRACTOR ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.BLASTING X lzONING &BUILDING NOTES: FIRM PARKING X PAINT DISH TO MATCH TRE WALL BEHIND DISH PLUMBING TOWN OF VAll FlEa.NO.X ANCHOR PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR DEMO TELE. FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the Information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG.NO,agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state TEL~.laws,and to build this structure according to the n's zonIng and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uni10rm Building Code and other nanq es of the Town applicable thereto. OTHER FIRM \-~s TOWN OF VAIL REG,NO.SIGNA BE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.AND THE OWNER. ---_._---.---- DIAWING ATTACllI!DNOTE-COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE E III ON JULy 3.1991~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (,l,OAT •"PERMIT NO .CQb.95L••lID I III 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IllllttVV War.tment...of community development 2..OCCUPANCY CROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING I DIVISION 1220134 z ELECTRICAl BE FIL1..EO OUT COMPLETelY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPEAMtT 0 GENERAL DESCRlrTION OF WORK:~PlUMBINGTVPEOFPERMIT"IllSTALL 9 IIlNEG.UD SAT DISH AS "APP.'n IY toY-DaB.~ MECHANICAL 7011filBUILDING0PLUMBING> 0 ElECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION 0 MECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP G.A.FA VALUATION PERMITFEES lEGAL lOT 11 BlK IIESDa OP V-I 1 30 700_BUILDING PERMIT "-DESC FILING L 7.a 2.v.POTATO PA 10 '-JOBNAME: PlANCHEeM. .u iil'K ST4I1J,YD DISB.ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME 01.1IA lIEITBEIIl NEW()At TERATIONIIX ADDITIONAl ()REPAIRe )PlUMBING 774 l'O'IATO PATCB MAIL ADDRESS OWELllNQUNITS __A.CC()Mt,IODATlONUNITS __MECHANICAl. COTY VAIL ....6-2020 HEIGHTIHF"T __NO.FIREPlACES --RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION r",:THICKNESS R-VAllUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10 FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT ""'CMAILADDRESS-SU••-ell;ElIT WALLS USE TAXCITY.... ROOF o',.I GENERAL FIRM SATIlLLITE lIEe.StST.I=T"*- TYPE ELEe GAS TOTAL PERMITFEES •39 I~;lCONTRACTORTOWNQFVAIl.REG.NO.OF 827-5841 HEAT SOLAA WOOG .II1CIIAEL WHITADI JULy 3•1991TElE.-- FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UlLOING OFFICIAL ------oAf!----- ~i;CTRICAl J."-INITIAL BETSY 'fOSOLACI:.run 3.1991 TRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL REG,NO.ST CUT X ~~ING Ao;;INISTR..uOR ----DATE---- ~IT"E.BLASTING X !zONING &BUILDING NOTES:.nT.,.1'0 ""P WAT.T.ftTRKFIRMPARKINGXPLUMBINGTOWNOFVAllBEG,NO,ANCIlOIl PEIl llAIIlJlIACTU1U!1S SPECIF1CAnONS. CONTRACTOR DEMO X TELE. fiRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled out In full the Information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and stale that all the information provided as required Is correct.I TOWN QF VAll REG.NO.agree to comply with the information and plot plan,~;comply with all Town ordinances and stateCONTRACTORlaws,and 'A build 'hi'"'uc'ure according to 'heI zoning and subdivision codes,designTElE.review approved.Uniform Building Code and other nanqes of the Town applicable thereto. OTHER FIRM c"Rl..., TOWN OF VAIL REG,NO.Si'Gi,OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF 'CONTRACTOR TELE.AND THE OWNER PERMITFEES BUILDING PERMIT MECHANICAl PlUMBING RECREATION FEE OHING •BUILDING NOTES:...,__,-_...,.._1-_ /,.-I ,. ~._-. INITIAL VAlUATION WOOD o G.RE.A. __NO rlREPlACES ELEe I hereby acknowledge that I have rBad this application,till out In full the I ormation required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the Information provided 8S required Is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plol plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and 10 build this structure according to the Town's lonin Bnd sub'n codes,design 'Dvlew opp,oved,Unilmm Bulld;ng Code o~~'d nance.0'h OR c~::~:::eF:e~~:ElF HEIGHT IN FT PAAI<ING DWELLING UNITS A(X;()Mt.AQOATIOH UNITS __ ST.CUT OE"'O TYPE OF HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: y BLASTING INSULATlON.,'_-'.~.~...=_THICKNESS R~VALLUE ."J""""II ClEA,..·UPDEPOSlr::WALLS 1-I-..:U..:5"'-T-..::....::..:...:..:.---I---------1 NEW!I AlTERATION ADDITlONAl.()REPAIRl ) Ir __+-l +~I~PlAN~:..::CN:::::':::C:·----_II_------il.L, ElECTRtCAl PH. \ o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo fiRM 'SA-l"e~...u14;.~~-~~ tOWN OF VAll REG.NO.6lA'u.((,li? FIBM t-.l .. TELl:. c,n fiRM MAlL ADQRESS MAIL ADpRESS :1 ::J-tj Po!.f>~~ CITY V ,4.LL PH.~2D LOT BL"---1 FlUNG TYPE OF PERMIT -gf BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL LEGAL OESC. ARCHITECT JOB NAME: fiRM )..l k OTHER IF~r:;;R":c..._-,-,:I..:'-_ TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. OWNER ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR TOWN QF VAIL REG,NQ, T CONTRACTOR TEtE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG,NO. PLUMBING TOWN OF VAil REG NO CONTRACTOR ---'-' T ,. *GENERAL CONTRACTOR , • ~NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JQBSITE~'r~CONSTRUCTION PE~:::CONSlR~C~~ON ,':,'"'v v 1r-"T"'===......_PE_R_M_'T_NO_._ti_.1_'5_I --l c!BpM1:mtInt of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GAOUP ABE H I@M f-'.~U~Il::0~'N~G::....+~ O.'VISION 122 fll OZ_ELECTRiCAl TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPlETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT ~f.:=::.:==-f----------------. GENEAAlDESCAIPTlONOFWOAK:~PlUMBING 1#S~L q'J.,.J.;./z,Aeh 9fri "C>3 r.:===r¢:;;;-;-----------u'~A-'S ,1('1)d v-1-=.::'CN=...:.::::IC::AL=i-~~"__ • ••, i • i LOT I\ ,1 I I '''''"'1, I Healtht\PprOved n.~nlF!d Plan o o rOWn 0'Vail C De alollm~~~u~lry 8u d Fire Rcx.k I<-"-TA"..lI"''' w "'LL- ("0 I S31991 77+POTA-rO ?AT<:\-\):>1'<.• VAIL-I Co 8\&'51 I\cxk'RerA'''''''.'<' IN I\LL- ••1 "DR,I\JE.. ,----,,, I 1, >tJ€<.K 1 I 1,,V t I~ei'.'.I..OmmUOllyopmeot U d Heall"Firtt 0 0 :D;i -'?f<:J<.:0-0 _,__-:V ~--,0 I 0,.-tlrv';,;lot r , ~f""f tv be a .ali~(II.I ()~""permit I r '., e"provision,){If ~~..Iun·""':'ttl . Jo wn 0 O. 8Plan LDT 1\ -Oved 0 I-~ [l I l, I 1 1 I I,,., .;"n~SI'I.);·~rl 1 •1,1 -:'-.-'_!J~.il'l~ •..,{joy ~i''l!1Y V1?!a:r0I1 of ~ -nlY on:tmanc9 of rio ,o:.:rml!baselj upon "J SOICBllon T'" prevent [n b plans,SpecificatIons .he /$SulIncl.of -recllOn of !rro~Jld.ing O~lic;al from Iher~~dtl other data Shilll ;;ala,",.5 In said pia "er r~uJ(j~•_ ,os,SPecrflcaliofiil,l11Wib ,~~f\lll OA 7h J I I'tfiR",\'1TE'If.ilL 1r...:.'__~l.'lil P )'\1''\',l-l. INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL·• tA.d!1ft/k'/71 .31T L2rh PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ¢V'l;;L JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:~ LOCATION:77¥~ CALLER TUES WED THUA z91lC.tL FRI _____AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. D FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOll H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 ~~FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL CJ FINAL ~APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPRovED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .,••Project Application ./~ J I ,,t D Dale -~f-'-!I~~I'--,-,"1'(_.- P,ojoel Name'_!!..W",,-=e=-,v,-~-,---..::..:.I"'w,-'--'S'-'....a...~"-'e."-.L(LI LIT,-,--,B",---,=.:.I"'S"'l1"j.;'---_ Contact Person and Phone Project Description:---;-;-_ _)I "'"I-l-tbl ,:T Architect,Address and Phone:_ legal Description:Lot __'..../1--__Block I Comments:_ Design Review Board L~t Molion by.--",-'-i/-:T-=F-=------- Seconded by:_--=(p,---A,,--,I---!.7_1....~-=-i1,,--_ Oale _ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:~(+;ti.Jr:-." I.(Ljl.,f,l'I 0 '1 i ,..(,l i Iv--t Dale: Town Planner s,-j;r/q / o Staff Approval Q I...?-I .»-'s./rY~~}f 'd)j ".0 If'7l r 1-7 ~r ,7/-f~1 -+-4 -''''J cJ <d "'7 ~'~?J'/I '7~-Y -;'~'~/"~'~-c;c..Jc'"'0 011 /-:;'~~>>J"l"""-</-,£~1"'1 -!"/oj -HC' . I T"'f'~'s "I'~'I-:I:... i ,,'r:rrJl-yP'->-r Q ----r ~,)~-f1 @.J.-'--f o-<T'-.s.I /I ~/JJ'Q "rr-TV ''n,YQ C ///<j • ---.,.l ..r )?(\7 .,. -•• il/-fi.?]!ju!.;,/l L/.L-- e.-£k /?~I­ t3 11 -d to c>'J~----I L-d -1;:£I~(~L rl J-d:-yld ¢L.- j -Coe-E{j f le.e~-/~.;c _Nhl-11--,-(L-dl.H .-: 7S south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX PHONE NUMBER: FROM: 2..I .s-2..7'7 '17/L DATE:TIME:--------- #OF PAGES IN DOCUMENTS (NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET): RESPONSE REQUIRED?_ SENT BY:EXT.#_ TOWN OF VAIL FAX PHONE NUMBER: TOWN OF VAIL REGULAR PHONE NUMBER: (03)479-2157 (03)479-2100 • PUBLIC NOTICE • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a pUblic hearing on May 15,1991 at 3:00 p.m.in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1.A request for a Satellite dish antenna at 774 Potato Patch Drive.Lot 11,Block 2,a resubdivision of Lot 7,Vail Potato Patch. Applicant:Dr.Herbert A.&Nicole J.Wertheim The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the vail Trail on April 26,1991. ••... ."'. , ZONING ( minimize congestion and adverse impact upon the general trllf~c;ifCulalion pattern in the area. 2.Projects shall pT adequate la ut esign of ft(king areasiith r~s ct to oealion a dimension 0 eh,icular and edes an ent nets a e:<:its,uild'g lodtions, wa wa and reeT lion trails. 3.Pc r vehicle 5i distances exist a each j access point to a public street. H.Satellite dish antennas. It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the eY..isilfility of a satellite dish antenna from any public rlght='3f:way or adjacent properties be ,reduced to the highest degree p'ossible.It shall be the bu'tden of the applicant to demonstrate how the satellite dish antenna installations .complies with these guidelines.The guidelines work in concert with regulations outlined in Section 18.58.320 of Vail Municipal Code.The following guidelines shall be used by the design review board in evaluating applications for satellite dish antennas: L All wiring and cable related to a satellite dish antenna shall be installed under round. 2.The use of.esh satellite dish antennas is i hI li!!£2ura~d because of their ability to e more sensitively integrated on a site or structure. 3.The use of ap ro riate colors shall be required to provide for a more sensitive installation when integrating a satellite dish antenna onto a site or structure.Color selection for a satellite dish antenna should be made with respect to specific characteristics on a site or structure.Unpainted surfaces and satellite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shall not be allowed. 4.Locations of satellite dish antennas shall be made so as to ensure that the satellite dish antenna is screened (J::om view (rom any public right-of·way or adjacent j!:roDcoy to the highest degree possible.In addition to effective Site planning,screeninga satellite dish antenna may be accomplished through the use of landscaping materials,fencing,existing structures, « \I __'1&1 ,., ,VlIill·21·86J 454j ( l (" ,•• ( ( ( l DESIGN REVIEW sub-grade placements or other means that both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the sileo S.Satellite dish antennas on or attached to eXlsttng structures shaH be permitted provided the satellite a"ish -aDlenna is architccturaliY integrated into the structure.Effective usc of color shall be required to ensure compatibility between the satellite dish ant:nna and existing structure.The use of a mesh material shall be strongly encouraged When attemlnmgto integrate a siftellite aish antenna onto an existing structure. 6.Landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen a satellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit to install a satellite dish antenna.A lener of credit equal to one hundred twenty-five percent of the costs of installing landscaping or site improvements may be submitted to the Town of Vail if seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscaping or site improvements. 7.All improvements required by the design review board for the purpose of reducing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remain in place unless permission to alter or remove said improvementS is obtained from the design review board.All satellite dish antennas and all impmvements required by tbe design review board to reduce the vi$ibility of satellite dish antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shall not be allowed to become dilapidated or fall into a state of disrepair. 1.-D"tiPitx and primar sec ~d~ae':!!f:~~~~";;: ~eat IS ion is ~re that duplex a ri "aIy/sec arY'dev.c«sPmep(be ~cd in a ann th creates~arcbite&urany infegrated stru ur itb uDified site development.Dwelling 454j-1 (VaiIS.2·88) ., '- rY I i ZONING • 18.58.320 Satellite dish aulenn&!. A,The purposes of this section are as follows: I.To protect the health and safety of the inhabitants of the town by setting forth requirements for the installation of satellite dish antennas. 2.To protect and support the aesthetic concerns of the Town of Vail -a resort community which mwt remain aesthetically pleasing to visitors 10 remain economically viable. 3.To provide tbe protection set forth in tbe preceding paragraphs 1.and 2.in the least restrictive manner possible. B.Definition. For the purpose of this section,the satellite dish antenna shall mean a dish shaped or parabolic shaped reception or transmission antenna which is more than two feet in diameter (including dishes stored or temporarily placed for more than ODe day)for tbe reception andlor transmission of satellite signals, including,but not limited to television signals.AM radio signals,FM radio signals,telemetry signals,data communications signalS,or any other reception or transmission signals using free air space as a medium, whether for commercial or private use. e.Satellite dish antennas sball comply with aU tbe requirements set forth herein.Person or persons wishing to install a satellite dish antenna within the town shall submit an application to tbe community development department (or review.The application shall set fortb the following: 1.Completed design review board application form . 2.Site plan sbowing proposed location of the satellite dish antenna. • •> 474b (V.il 12·29·19) ( •• f ~, (Vail '.}.IS) (c ( ( l '. SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS 3.Description of the satellite dish antenna (i.e.size, design,materials,etc.). 4.Color sample (if applicable). 5.Landscape plan (if applicable). 6.An improvement location certificate and/or a preliminary title report. 7.Elevations,perspectives or renderings if deemed applicable by the staff of the community development department. Upon receipt of application,it shall be reviewed by the community development department.If the community development department determines that the requirements set forth herein have been met,they shall forward the application to the design review board for consideration of whether or not the satellite dish antenna meets the requirements set forth herein in Section J8.54.050 paragraph H. D.Satellite dish antennas shall comply with the following requirements: 1.No more than one satellite:dish antenna shaH be allowed on any 10[as delineated on the orficial Town of Vail zoning map. 2.The tem~y use and/or installation of a satellite dish antenna Shall be limited to a maximum period of one day.Only three temporary installations shall be allowed per business or residence per year. 3.The maximum height allow an .elliu:dish a,w en measure from the top of the satellite dish antenna down to existin or fi i hed grade, w Ichever is more restnctlve.shall not exceed fifteen feet. 4.The maximum size of any satellite dish antenna installed for use by a single residence or business shall be Iimited-1,g nine feet in diameter.Satellite dish antennas s~g ~m;!y dwellmgs shall be limited to a maximu~ye feet in diameter. 5.No advertisingl logos or identification shall be allowed on any satellite dish antenna. 6.Satellite dish antennas shall comply with the existing setback requireme~ts of the lone:dlstnct In which the 414-lll fiJ I •• ( ( <-- ,, ZONING satellite dish antenna is installed.Satellite dish antennas shall be prohibited in easements and public rights-of waiOOOOBo portion ot a satellite dish antenna - or its supporting structure:shall encroach into the vertical plane as drawn from an existing easement or setback line. 7.Issuance of a building permit from the community develOpment department shall be required prior to the installation of any satellite dish antenna. 8.~djacent pro~owners and owners of dwelling Units on tbe same lot as the applicant shall be notified of any application for the instaUation of a satellite dish antenna.Notification procedures shall be as outlined in Section 18.66.080 of the Municipal Code of tbe Town of Vail.Names and mailing addresses of adjacent property owners and of owners of dwelling units on.the same lot as the applicant shall be provided to the community development department by the applicant. 9.Due to the special aesthetic importance of the core areas of the town,exterior installations of satellite dish antennas in Commercial Cores I and II shall be permitted only if screened by some type of enclosing structure.Said structures re U1red tot'1oclOse a r satellite dish antenna in tbese areas shall comply WIt all applicable lonin&...regulahons ana sh3l1 be 't"architecturj1ljy compatible with the existing structure. A variance may be requested from any of the provisions of this section.The procedures for obtaining a variance shall be set forth in Chapter 18.62 of the Vail Municipal Code. (Ord.9(1985)§L) (VaiI9-J.15) ( ( l. • SHARP PACKAOINQ • To: From: Desiliiln Review Board Sherry Dorward Ned Gwathmey Patricia Herrington George Lamb John Davie 776 Potato Patch Drive With reference to the request for a satellite dish antenna at 774 Potato Patch. please be advised that I am most emphatically opposed. It is my understanding that approval would only be granted if this "9 foot perforated steel parabolic reflector"could not be seen from my property or any other neighboring property.It has been suggested that a dish or "mock up"of the dish be temporarily erected for your review.I strongly feel you should insist on this as a prerequisite to your decision. In addition to my personal concerns,I am concerned for everyone else in the valley, especially those in the village,that will have to endure this scarring of the mountainside. I plead with you to protect our mutual interests! Sir::li;~ J'I,~Davie.Jr. May 1,1991 utAI'C~AnoN Ridge Pike and COrland Rood,Conshohocken.PA 19428 (2t5)279.3550 • Il£C1I MAY 1 3199\ J.RANDOLPH SCHUMACHER 775 Potato Patch Driue Vail,Colorado 81657 May 9,1991 Zoning Administrator TOWN OF VAIL Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail,Colorado • RE:A request for a Satellite Dish Antenna at: 774 Potato Patch Drive Mr.&Mrs.Herbert Wertheim Dear Sir/Madam: Herb and Nicole are wonderful people,excellent neighbors,but really,why do we need such a thing on this beautiful mounlain? We have 80 stations on cable!What more is necessary?We all came to Vail to get away from the Wsatellite antenna-crowd I think.it.'s a bummer;and should not be allowed. Sincerely, JRS:nr -?_/'''/7--f -To J.Randolph Schumacher , •App 1iea tiO"te .__Jl!L"!)__~_ ORB r1EETING DATE _-"ILJJCf','t2<7+~,.--/LS~L8L9L!~_ (j .'. APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA t.Procedures for applying for a satellite dish antenna are outlined in Ordinance 19 of 1985.Details of these procedures are available from the Department of Community Development.Applicants are encouraged to contact the Department of Community Development far additional information concerning submitted requests,review criteria.and the approval process. A.NAME OF APPLICANT Dr.Hed>ert A.&Nicole J.\lertheim ADDRESS 774 Potato Patch Drive _.:!..V~ai~l:.!.,..cQ):!:!......:8:.:1~65::.7 --'PHONE 476-2020 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 11,Block 2,a re-division of Lot 7 Vail Potato Patch B.NN1E OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVES Satellite Receiving Systems PHONE 827-5841 ,_"J':r1~ D. ADDRESS 14B lIater Street Red Cliff,CO C.NANE OF OWNE~Heriot S.IGNATURE'~::..JJ~cu:»,~-,--~_ List of names and addresses of all property adjacent to the su~ject property incl uding property behind and accress streets and the1 ~. mailing addresses.The applicant is responsible for correct ma1l1ng addresses. 1.Lot:tO:.,G.Russell Olanbers V Rt.6 Box 738 Leander,TX 78641 2.Lot 12:John H.Davie v"" Ridge Pike and Carland Road Consho &Hocken,PA 1942B f .....J~-of..,,·")1 ~,~......(" 3.Lot 19 Kirk Hansen ~V/J.<.t'!1t •__v<e." 775 Potato Patch Dr. Vail,Q)B1657 v""S~~~D\\\..\-&1\.1\\ \D ~~~~~-~\u~\ 4.Tract B:Vail Associates POB7 Vail,Q)B1658 5.Tract C:Town of Vail:._ 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,CO B1657 AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCE '9,19B5,~OTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REVIEW OF ANY APPLICATIONS BY THE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD.FOR THIS REASON,COMPLETE APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COM.'IUN lTY DEVELOPMENT 21 OAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED· DESIGN REVIEfI 80ARD MEETING. ~\).~~--I /"-<-S <::I ( ~-/-.1 ~~.{,.J ..,.,.0\V)<o<l e.L ,. I I )'..• 75 souln frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • office of community development To: From: Re: Satellite Dish Applicants Department of Community Devlopment Review Criteria and Approval Process The review process for any application for the installation of a satellite dish antenna begins with a staff review by the Department of Community Development.Campl lance with the foi'lowing requirements is necessary before any application is for~arded to the Design Revi~1 Board: 1.Complete appl ;cation consisting of the following; a)CorJpleted satellite dish application form and material list b)Completed Design Review Board appl ication c)Site plan showing proposed location of the satellite dish antenna d)Description of the satellite dish antenna (i.e.size, design.materials,etc.) ej Color sample (if applicable) f)Landscape plan (if applicable) g)An improvement location certificate and/or a prel iminary title report h'}Elevations I perspectives ,nr renderings if deemed appl icable by the staff of the Conmunity Development Department 2.No more than one (1)satellite dish antenna shall be allowed on any lot as delineated on the official Town of Vail zoning map_ 3.The maximum height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when measured from the top of the satel1 ite dish antenna down to existing or finished grade,whichever is more restrictive.shall not exceed 15 feet. 4.The maximum size of any satellite dish antenna installed for use by a single residence or business shall be limited to 9 feet in diameter.Satellite dish antennas serving multi-family dwellings shall be limited to a maximum of 12 feet in diameter. •Satellite Dish _icants. and approval pr~s review cr1ter1t.· page two 5.No advertising,logos or identification shall be allowed on any satellite dish antenna. 6.Satellite dish antennas shall comply with the existing setback requirements of the zone district in which the satell ite 7.Due to the special aesthetic importance of the core areas of the Town,exterior installations of satellite dish antennas in Commercial Core areas I and II shall be permitted only if screened by some type ofenclosing structure.Said structures required to enclose a satellite dish antenna in these areas shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations and shall be architecturally compatible with the existing structure. It should be noted that variances may be granted to any provisions outlined above (Nu~b~rs 2-7)and in Section 18.58.320 0 of Ordinance 9.1985. Applications in compliance with these requirements shall be forwarded to the Design Review Board.Guidelines utilized in this review are as fo 11 ow.: 1.All wlrlng and cable related to a satellite dish antenna shall be installed unerground. 2.The use of mesh antennas is highly encouraged because of their ability to be more sensitively integrated on a site or structure. 3.The use of approprfate colors shall be required to provide for a more sensitive installation when integrating a satellite dish antenna onto a site or structure.Color selection for a satellite dish antenna should be made with respect to specific characteristics On a site or structure.Unpainted surfaces and satellite dish antennas with reflective surfaces shall not be a11 owed. 4.Locations of satellite dish antennas shall be made so as to ensure that the sate"He dish antenna is screened from view from any public right-of-way or adjacent property to the highest degree possible.In addition to effective site planning I screening a satellite dish antenna may be accomplished through the use of landscaping materials,fencing,existing structures.su~~grade placements or other means that both screen the satellite dish antenna and do not appear unnatural on the site. )•Satel.Dish Applicants.review critel and a~ov<!l process page three 5.Satellite dish antennas on or attached to existing structures shall be permitted provided the satellite dish antenna is architecturally integrated into the structure.Effective use of color shall be required to ensure compatibility between the satellite dish antenna and existing structure. The use of a mesh material shall be strongly encouraged when attempting to integrate a satellite dish antenna onto an existing structure. 6.landscaping or other site improvements intended to screen a satellite dish antenna proposed on any application shall be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit to install a satellite dish antenna.A letter of credit equal to 125%of the costs of installing landscaping or site improvements may be submitted to the Town of Vail if seasonal weather conditions prohibit the installation of landscaping or site improvements. 7.All improvements required by the Design Review Board for the purpose of reducing the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall remain in place so long as the satellite dish antennas remain in place unless permission to alter or remove said improvements is obtained from the Design Review Board.All satellite dish antennas and all improvements required by the Design Review Board to reduce the visibility of satellite dish antennas shall be adequately maintained and repaired and shall not be allowed to become dilapitated or fall into a state of disrepair .• Upon final approval-from the Design Review Board,applicants must obtain a building permit prior to the instal'lation of any satellite dish antenna. -'. • SHARP PACKAGINC • To: From: DesiR"Review Board Sherry Dorward Ned Gwathmey Patricia Herrington George Lamb John Davie 776 Potato Patch Drive With reference to the request for a satellite dish antenna at 774 Potato Patch, please be advised that I am most emphatically opposed. It is my understanding that approval would only .be granted if this "9 foot perforated steel parabolic reflector"could not be seen from my property or any other neighboring property.It has been suggested that a dish or "mock up"of the dish be temporarily erected for your review.I strongly feel you should insist on this as a prerequisite to your decision. In addition to my personal concerns,I am concerned for everyone else in the valley, especially those in the village.that will have to endure this scarrinp:of the mountainside. I plead with you to protect our mutual interests! SiJ':IJe /;ftjOJriftJ J~~DaVie,Jr. May 1,1991 IMARP COIPORAnON Ridge Pike and Corland Rood,Conlhohocken,PA 19.28 (215)279-3550 • ._~.--,,,.• .r.I/ANDOLPH !JCllfJMACHBB 778 I'0<סIo P""'h Drive VoU,Colon1dD 8l68'1 !lq 9,1991 Zcmlne- TOWN OJ'VAIL Cmm1mfty Dev_",II,p:nt. '16 Soutb F._II-'W... VoiJ,CoIorodo • Ot"fI'n Af \v.o.~'"'Iii!;,9 1991 BE:A request fbr a &te!Iitc DiIh ADtema at: 714 Potato Palch DriTo Mr.IIlllln.Berberl W_ Horb _NIooIo ....~peopIo,.........~but rallT.why do we neod.'-lCh • tbiDc an thia beBu:tf1b1 JMlmtafn? We han 30 sMd",,"tm c.bW What mar.lJ DeC rtf We aD ClIme to van to eM trrnq trem.the ..emte Af!~aow4. JIlS= 'Esta6fisf"d 1888 May 6,1991 Mr.George S.Lamb Slifer &Company 230 Bridge Street Vall,CO 81657 Dear George: • Ross I nveslmenl Group 730 Sevenleenth 51rllel Suite 500 Denver,Colorado 80202 (303)892·1111 Telerax:(303)892-6338 •..... This Jetter will authorize you to represent RGM Investments,Ltd.in analyzing the current assessed valuation on our Vail property. Yours truly, RGM INVESTMENTS,LTD. Richard G.McClintock General Partner RGMjah Enclosure For ..,,=:....:..---:-__ Date _.........:'I+(.-",.z..y=",,-_Tlme g:3>0 WHILE YOU WER~ M ChM44-=-='----C:~Jl«.lo<:= From ---~-hrr----'-r:L"""'~ Phone No.1-/1=(t;-l/j s: Area Code Number Extension TElEPHONED 1-"URGENT PLEASE CALL \£)WANTS lO SlOE 'lOU WILL CALL NWN CAME lO SEE 'IOU I RETURNED 'lOUR CALL II Phone No..h 2-.p-<\Ii liZ _Code N_EJlI8ns6orl TElEPHONED .i-URGENT PLEASE CALL ~WAIm lO SlOE 'IOU WILL CALL NWN CAMElO SEE 'IOU I RETURNED 'IOU CALL II Message ,.,p',...l /h-- .£V\J (/'"11<.--1.>L !'-7~ For --=0,-_....:/._.""---:;--1'7 Tlme 3:.3'5 WHILE '!OU ~RE OUT M .~?:':k.df.{C From --z::r-- Date 005010 PLASN ATTACHED PERMIT NO. BUILDING 2 500 z ELECTRICAL0 ~PLUMBING~ j ~MECHANICAL> PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 50 25 ~PLAN CHECK ~Q. ELECTRICAL <iJ~~ PLUMBING MECHANICAl REPAIR (I VALUATION 2.500o OR,FA R-3 GROUP V-N TY". O'I'ELLINGUNlTS __ACCOMMOOATIQNUNlTS __ DIVISION I2 28 J 4 GENERAl OeSCRIPTlON OF WORK :.1 GAZEBO ADDITION, NEW I)ALTERATION ()ADOITIONAl ( o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATION o 774 POTATO PATCH ~NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE •"':~CONSTRUCTION PE..R_M_IT_---.:D~A~TE:..::;IN;;;O;;;N;;;A;;;UG:..._9_9_1........ 11111 111 l,TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION III III IV V department of community development 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP It.BEH •RM- UI BUILOINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL LEGAL LOT Ll l , TO BE FILLeD OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANce OF PERMIT-\ "~TY-,",-P"E.::O;..F;..P"ER",M"I,,-T •• fiRM fiRM lECTRICAl NTRACTOR TOWN Of YAll REG.NO. rfLE.ONING &BUILDING NOTES'_ x x x xPARKING 6LASTING DEMO ST CUT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: .!.!i TYPE Of HEAT ""'~I&GHii:T~'NiiOFTf-2i~NO fIREPLACES RECREATION FEE !!"SULATION TYP£THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10:~~ALU I 3::;0::;N::;E:-----+I----1-_=:::~=:AN.:T=:=P-=D:.:E=PQ=~.:T_-+_-'IJ!O"'O'-------j~ _ELE_C.__~GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $185 ~ SOLAR WOOD MIcHEAL WHITAKER AUG.12.1991 UllI)INGOFFICIAL ------DATE ----- ,....BETS!...ROSOLAC!.__~UG.:-12 •.!991 __ ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE VAILCITY ARCHITECT fIR/·G •P ,ARCHITECT MAIL APDRESS 1000 S FRONT.RD PH.6 -1147 PLUMBING CONTRACTORFIIlO<lWOJ",-"Of.f:t.YAAIJ,IL",""E"O,-,N"'O"._ TELE. GEN ERAl "EI"'BM"---_"OWN=E"'R'---_ CONTRACTOR TOWN QF VAil REG.NO. T!'"II=. FIRM MECHANICAL CO NT RACT 0 RrTIlO<lWOJ"'-"Of.f:t.YAA!IJ"",",,E"G~.""'0,,·1 TELl"'. OTHER rfc;IR;;;M;;;...1 TOWN QF VAll REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out In full the Information required. completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required Is correct.I agree to comply with the Information and plot plan,to comp~ywithTd'rand st~ale Jaws,and to build this structure according to the Town's z '.design review approved,Uniform Building Code and.-O~~I....u,c III CLEAN UP TO:IN '/ ""'",/A I /~_I ~~<:>_NAYuR~.~,~WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFJ.A'L.If..ff-'W4v I~AND THE OWNER. NU I e -....vr-.vr rl:nlVlIl 'v PC:ncr lUg'tfVa.:l"c: b·<to '"11 'm AUGO I , <L-~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,•,DATE.f;7(0n I IlII :;PERMIT HO..sOlO 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I"III '1l!>~ epartmont of community development 2.QCCUPANCYCROUP BUILDING "&0...Ad(M .~,. 1\!A DIVISION z ELECTRICAl,TO BE FillED OUT COMPlETELY PRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERM 1 2.1 4-0 "TYPE OF PERMIT ,\CENERAl DESCRIPTION OF WORK;<PLUMSIHG '-" KBUILOING 0 PLUMBING ~ G "'"3.ek:p A~d'-<l!e><MECHANICJJ..,>o ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION , o MECHANICAL 0/TYPE GROUP G.R.FA VALUATION PERMITFEES LEGAL LOT ...7 BLK V-tJ £.~~=7;;:;0-0 <i-J-BUILDING PERMIT OESC.FILING·..f',,"t:>-to.f'''+0I.-..PlAHCHECK ?c;-. JOB NAME:~I-\GIM ElECTRICAL OWNER r:::=-"~b ...........NEWI I ALTERATION (I ADDITIONAL OC:I REPAIR!I P\.UMBING )t MAl!ADDRESS 11"'1-r"t>l..B4 DWElllNOUNITS _1_ACCOMMODATlONUNtTS_MECHANICAL i CITY Vx(PH.4'",2D.U HEIOHTINFT.1-:;-NO.FIREPlACeS -RECREATION fEE ...f'- ,,0- ARCHITECT FIRM ,",lOP A-ecM+#c.T INSULATION:mE Tl-IIC!<.NESS R.vAlLUe DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 1.6 ( MAli ApORESS la=S·fiZ l.U •f1.OOft -100ClEAU·UP DEPOSIT l/~iI PH.-1-1("W EXT.WAlLS -CITY USE TAX ROOF -GENERAL FIRM OW\AAC )t CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG,NO.TYPE X fLEe.GAS TDTALPE~FEES 17 A ll?5OFso......WOODTHE.HEAT ~£1///.7'/'VJ.:..i.f.L fiRM -ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:IWiLAF~J .LrW-~~'--I"LECTRICAL !.!i ~~NINGAO:';'HISTRATOA ----tl:re::;l'LI_-NTRACTDR TOWN QF VAIL REG.NO.Sf.CUT TEtE...f1lASTING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: ~R"-PLUMBING PAAKING TOWN QF VAIL REG.NO,CONTRACTOR DEMO TEtE. r-FIRM -I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out Infull the Information requIred. MECHANICAL completed an accurale plot plan.and stala Ihat alilhainformar~dedas required '1 correcll CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NQ,agree 10 comply with tha informallon and plol plan.to comply wil T9!"n ~and s TEtE.laws.find to build this structure accordIng to the Town's .~~'a~~1 n~~es go review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ord~s 01 Ib o. OTHER FIRM -/"--:..--:Y //.;.~~TQWN OF VAll REO.NO.SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR fOR HIIolSEl.f, AND THE OWNER.CONTRACTOR TElE. " •• • ~;.'~I',r~:k ..j t:'"';,11",;<::-301 tt,v !u:Is.J·c.:Mn.Tn":r.suan::e 01 ..,.•.'I b3;ed upon pians.specilLcatitlM and oUlu Gala sh3ll I;....t)'S'rent the building official from thereafter requiring the(O~rection 01 errors In said plans.specifications and othe< lawn of VIII ColI\fl1IIllllY Development Plan /;/H:tth Fire '\pproved 0 0 [;.-"11 0 0 0 0 ..~."..'-....~ \ /j ._1" rt----.------..----- .. .:. ,-. "., • ,. , I,..',.., I I Ioull~,~e.~ISXI?1"'f-!b ~e ""'.Del-l<::.E!_ J I I L ...__ ~-_fl""Of"o'?ep ~Z.S~ ,ex'I ~T I t-lr.,;,-LI<=-<f"~'L.-I ~ 1 I .-)- rY-nJ L 5V'~L.P L.,A-I-..l ._ ••~/r~.., ./ ~ /~</ I I ~ f" f" ----=-....-=:.=-_.. • ~c',,",,~ 1Z6s.id~_~ 1'\';'1\ I, II i·,1 'I i•• • " .. .:(~..,. .~'".I --'.' ,. '. r,:-:;~.'~r.'.- ~.~e ,'. rL-l:"'l~I.~;....,j /1 ~....e ;z..o4 -(Le""'::S:~ • I' •,... .. .. = fl..T-· .. " . ~a P.r.L ----r------j~----.------;; \- I, _...--.__._.--1 ••-t"•••~(1) " --I v.-J<=;o-TH a \1'""'\ 1·\'7--1' 1-";'---'-"-._"_""" •'...,.......,.....v..-r ,.~"'.'r...A G<?'_'.J'"1I..!':,• ?;:ZOf'0'76D &A-t.e:,o. •c::e~;z."7H I ~""L.e~ ..~~r-.!~t:::'F'A';'<:::::lA /~O!-uH~~ .¥o:!.<:::"-1 f-le::>.">Tf'-'W -r"H,A'1"CH \.~ P T • ---- --.-. r~•__-- .-• • o• t-----14·,-----1 --e ;)ETAIL-:A-'1---. SeAL£:1:10 lIIAnu Rts'J!>t;W-..._- TOP U CQ.A.JIi.~ GAZEBO FCll VAIL RESIDENCE ..........CMoJI(~..... ..:=_=---~-7 /9/~__.__Z9t-01=.=._ ._..-~===:-:---=-..::.:..'-~.._--..._._-..,---.~..-----_.__..--:--:._--...__.-------• ~- ,- -....~,=,,,!...!!j,f.'~.===tf=== ~ - •K ...__--.....IIll-. .,.,..-,.~~...... " ---.,..•WI GET...."C",.--...., \ \/...-..J<T• / --~ ==1 1==~n.ooo~TO~··-o~~F'~;"~""'~=f====tf:==i:r-=:\==&I==::jt==ESCL£~~~JJ;=O~N=S==:-=== ,---~'- T••.. ~- • • . ~ ·GJ •.-----.. -_.-·1 %o 011.-.......- GZ91-02 ..... 7/B191 0CM.ItL£r J(r .(AN W:TH ,.x .-Sf"UCE P'J.TE5 ---to IDOA!l ........ [XISTI'=G OECKING EXlS1lIIO DEC1<lNO f":r e-T •G PI..AtrI<I<lO.,r.:.~"~---:;{=~IU;;""==~~"'~Ft'Il~-'~.l=---_-_-.-==--_-_ :...:r Jt-'::IllXlf_'~AP__IDt~==:::::== ~2"tf"ASCUo ._.AU.:w::a "OI~ERS RtDW'JOO •.. I :__.DETAIL •C' I _.SCI.L£:..1:.10 COI.lN!<rw"";;......"""=,..-,----------....,.-----~--=:.-':.----::::.==~.-:::.-E~l=-=::.:·~=~--1lIJ:=-~-=-=~:F==;==--.~.-~=.::-..~_-~·~~~~~-·~~~:I =:::.-~_::~~.:-=Werthei~=R~~~~~~1;~~ ~~j r "..AS NOT._.., 2"X S'I<OOBERS GAZEBO fOR VAIL RESIDENCE ..SE1I.a< ~DETAIL '8'•SeAl[:\:10~L-~...:c--,--,--_ %- ----=-..-.~--.-_--~..~-...~=::!--=..==-..2·~::--=-..--·-IE=-~-~..~-.-~-~-~.---. ,.X .-OR S-BOARD MOUNT PER?ENO.TO·=IMIS• Project Application j _ JI/'/Oat'_...::!...f8/...!!.J-rrrJ~._ P'Olect Nom.,__.:..II_V_'<~--.:t-_-f...:...:.:~..c,{=--!...(!l<1<L---::,tft..:~~l,-,<-~Ir.J!O,--/_7 _ • , ,-• PrOject DesCriphon.•_ Contact Person and Phone Owner.Address and Phone.~~~~~___;._:u.;~~e.r~:...H.:..:'-'-"e=.1("',t.,':'--____;-----,:_;;------. ']>0 ~0)1..!,,-r-7 '3 3 t..12k /I.-h.' Architect.Address and Phone legal Description:Lot II 'L-Block __=__Filing Po+~MCzon.__ Comments.::-,_7'-_,_ /5-I ;I'j tit Design Review Board MOlion by Seconded by Del._ DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ Date: Town Planner ?/7/CfI o Siaff Approval ~reVi8ed 6/18/91 , ,• DRB APPLICATION -TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO RD:'D ,JUt t 51991 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: •••••••••• THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED*••••••••• I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: ____New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) ____Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0)---. C.ADDRESS:1 "•'D ... D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot ~Block ~~~___ Subdivision P...+~f"~+e-<-. If property is described by a meets and bounds ~gal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. E.ZONING: F.LOT AREA:If required,applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. G.NAME OF APPLICANT:Pr-.f+...~N~He:IM Mij,i.ling Address:t·O.eox $iS:z :,'3>/P.-n \),m L.EbA Phone NAME OF OWNERS: H. 1. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address:LU ~.[100\; Phon o • 1M J.Condominium Approval if applicable. K.ORB FEE:ORB fees,as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of ORB application.Later,when applying for a building permit,please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ~~~ ensure the correct fee is paid.FEE PAID:$tjr..t:f)C'<\_\_J FEE SCHEDULE:)0\' VALUATION'*$0-S 10,000 $10,001 -$50,000 S 50,001 -$150,000 $150,001 -$500,000 $500,001 -Sl,OOO,OOO $Over Sl,OOO,OOO FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 .NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 1 , 7)I +-"}>-rp C'1 '1 --'"1+~Zl \~ ," P"'f . ')"'L .>""/I '\ Q ~ 4 •~J• F , I •""~ ~r.. " "," , ~] '- \l\\"]I ~ L •-,::>. 6' -r1 "• • .-.--,.-:.-,---....:,.~._...':.;..,' ,'.-_.., r "~i • t 0--"'-· 'f' ~ - ""~ ....-."-,:: ,'- ". .' ,-'"."..C , " ,-,"- " ,, ., .~, ~ " -, :~...-.,.---'-.'-.:-, -"':" ::. .., .,.:.: ,1, ," '.:: .... .-.... •.-- , .-:'.;.~ ,.. "- "., .- ..- ." '" .-- /' l\! X-~-"T- El i:\ ~i,-• " -fr..~ r ~ ~~"\~-- • •• ~- ., .•,I •FIl:QP1 BPt tHA"1 USA :I (F,ni19r.12 "13:25 HO.£> JI ill ,I .'I 'I"l I ""I II 'i , I r I'II "!I ~,I,,I ;i i!:,!II"0 0.'iI:I IIII .0~J..1.1 "°0 1,01 \',,'~~N -.I "•Il;{~•a ...~I !I ~j,"f i " p ~i ', ,nJ , :Ii 'r " ,_.. Iii0 ! "•!0 ,, I'ij,..'1 ;•~~il 0'~~:I ~,,101 2:~~'i :'1 \'e 0 ,•,,..0•!I 2i ~a~"n..~B,0 •,'1 ;~~~a~§,, 2 2;'1 •.1 :.a •, -~.,'j I g~~..... 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II==~ ; ,. I I .'~J=====r-"~ - '-' .., ~"..'.. "I,'t .•~.,.',,-- ··s • ,..," " ·. ·,Il . .~ ·'J., \ , ~";-.-;~~.~~~-(,)! ~c· \l ~c '$L ., *\l 1 \,,, !, ..;.. ..'.,1,',.' ., I c:..(o.,J S' I.I dJc:' \'I <O~~-.\-.,". L -,,_,"'~...,\ I I,'\~\; I \-:J I I C \ ~'--_I'\__,Ca.&l.£.~., "........../,~.:s:--0- ::"':-_+--,~,'~"""~w~~~ ~~..;\ .,J '. !, " ,. , .:".-~...',,\,'.~. ~:".~.'....'/. '..;.:J.','.", .'~ef:. ,"'~,l'fo,;','" ",J'-~.' +-",!. ,.,)'l-t.., ~:f'...,,. I I I . ';,, , " " " \ ... l-0T 1 I I ~I/'"'/ ,. t'~~.-...... , /)1 I q3.'--~ 3 1 -PrloTEC" , , , " , ,, "1 I I I ",- loo""'f?t'Zol!-?o,eoo ~,, "'::ll TE c;O.(6\Z.AG::e.- ..' ~~He.Ir-1 "'::>1"l"'E-'P L.At-J Y;o "'-I I_.-:.....-:.....-:...._--_.:.......:.::...----::....----::.'''"' f'CT~FA ,,,- • '. '- '. -."-''- I , f I ! •,! , i.;, I I i I f !, i, j II.' i :,, / I I •, .' Phone.-=====Phone_ L Fil ing ZOIlE CHECK FOR R PIS ZOIlE DISTRICTS Block SFR,R. I\ -----~--- DATE:,J'7/t'J ADDRESS: OlmER ARCHITECT ZONE OISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SPE Allowed ~of?~.~,Prooosed Height Total GRFA Primary G~FA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front (30)(33) 20' , ,l:,...2.I J I 0 Sides Rear Water Course 15' 15' (30)(50) Site Coverage Landscao;ng Fence/Retaining :.Ia11 Heights Park i ng Credits:Garage Meehani ca 1 Airlock Storage (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) So lar Hea t Drive:Slope Permitted Slope Actu.l-------- Envi ronmenta l/Hazards:Ava 1anche --'-_ Flood Plain _ Slope _ Wetl.nds _ Geologic Hazards _ Co"",ents:_ Zoning:Approved/Disapproved Date: ~taff Signature •IProjectApplication 1/1'7/9'0!ve>-d~Date G-t/, , Project Name:'b "=l 50 7,o~ Contact Person and Phone Project Description:------:-:,-----:--7'-----,----,-----~------------ )1£J h(-Ja II ~7 Owner.Address and Phone:_ Architect,Address and Phone:_ Legal Description:Lot __L/LI __~Block __=,--_Filing Comments:_ Design Review Board Dale _ Motion by: Seconded by:_ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL _____.:.,.<~1.:.,__"~'---=".:.-__:#L---'::'-=--_ Summary:_ , 51 Town Planner Date'__~/y/L/L1LL,1•.L1...:u:=.------ o Staff Approval .....,......,. ,•• APPLICATION FeR ADDITIONAL GRFA FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of Appl ication 12-./>-~J,f5rj Date of ORB Meeting,___.(.f)vh/d'-.~tL.) PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I )~f,;~ A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly ) encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site.It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFfL Rather,the ordinance allows for ..!!.e.to 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. ApplicatIons for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete.This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:0TVt::lo g.Xf3'\N"bIOl'--!1t-l1Il:Ut::JL-__ i=:=XlsTlt--lb ~1L.-PIt:J0 t:=-NV§..OES (t.7IQ S.I=) ~ SEE.I\DAc.HBl?'S~\'Z.·1 ....8<]'--/_ B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: t:?g.JyS------- Filing 'Poh~p~•legal Description: Zont District ___ Address'__"'-,-r...L::I+~-L:Eq6[O P'ATctl Lot--lLBlock -z-. C.NA/·IE OF APPLICANT:DJ2..HE/2-~T HE!?!H...S"'ILt--'-1 _ Address p.o.~)(':S>?I ;;,(0 MIAMI Ft.-A phone 41h.20= D.NA/1E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:"'lOP G:>~AT1-Ir-\e.y AlU:++ Address IXO <?FPONTAbS -I2OAD .l<.IG'7T phone 41(.,'1\47 Eo NAt-IE OF OWNER(S):~~=4~H~THeH-\ ••Signature(sk~ Address phone ___oFiling Fee of $100.00 is required at time of submittal _ The following information,1n addition to ORB submittal requirements,shall be required with this submittal: ~Ver!!ication that the unIt has recelve~a final certiflca~e of occupancy. /2.,Names and mailing addresses of··adjacent property owners and of owners of I...-./unlts on the same lot.This infonnatlon is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3.Condominium association approval (if applicable). 4.EXisting floor plan of structure. G.Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. Arnold Gwathmey Pratt ArcMccl,~c. 1000 S ~rO/'l'oge !food wed. Vo •.COIOloclo 816!l1 fel,IJOJ1416.114j •.•,;. 'at.(303)416-101 LJ~t.,8J8t- '14-".\'.""II l--1~1l-1£Ir-1 ~~. 11 4-I"..~t-o f'~",h v ...;I,C-o. IZ.I~'llo,,! Ii r------T I c-l-""f\><:·--ID~--jzeH()o;'e -ru~... I Q;)..,ElL8V,A.-;et:::>O~"l 0 I I FF'f"-HING<'!'6LOH '----.J --.----1-1 ..,....."01 Ht<'G<'~PI>- (\0-) l-lIv71"e~~B~H • •, • Wrl)~~'LSI)P-.YJ'C/j-~.-c-... ~(-h16tfc..,·~ k,e.;f .tr I"iJ ,,e<-J)J c--,.r • PUBLIC NOTICE I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing on January 17,1989 at 3:00 P.M.in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. consideration of : 1.A request to add 210 square feet of gross residential floor area on the interior of a residence on Lot 11, Block 2,Vail Potato Patch. Applicant:Dr.Herbert Wertheim The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for pUblic inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the vail Trail on December 29,1989. - IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO .b /1 A.M. DATE TIME P.M. WHILE tOU WERE ~ M ,1-t7f 7 OF 7 VAreaCode7?Y .)'"Pt:/*,&Exchange , TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT I RETURNED YOUR CALL I I MefHlage (;.,II~?)1l ,;r 4J 7S-0 ('-j"?)fU'L 1.- ,-,,,, /--:::::-.k'.:J ?.J<) 5 1'(7J~ Operator ~?'--=~Z; '.', ,"APPLICATIOIl OAlE: DATE OF ORB ;,IEET 11m:.....:::B~·-=3..:.i)_•...:8')::.:..._ ORB APPLICATION .....TlIlS APPLICATION WILL rlOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL ItiFORl1l\TIOII IS SUBIIITTEO ..•.. I,PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine 1f any addi tional infonnation is needed.Uo appl icaLian wi II be accepted unless it 1s complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the appl icant's responslbll ity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COI,\PLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval JJrocess for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the ORB may stipulate.I\LL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued.. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:~lWT.~~1D HX:>~S ftllD I-'DPlf'-/ _l:m1>1'0 ~snl.b R~~~'ADp ~\---CR:PM"""-"-'-'--'_ B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address~4 fbT.Iqb ('lS,",UeJ...:.:C{;j",-!I=fl=..:..,_ .. , legal Description Lot,Block FIIIng _ telephone _ Zoning _ C.NAME OF APPLI cAIn:pp.,1j""~'_'~=..:.TL_.:..\V""~~I..:..~t"'I':::::1 ""c.:..:.'---------r#"e----~..... Addres s pD,j'Qy..5 S1 '3 ~("HlA,,"'4 f't.-A.telephone 4-]I.:'1..0]..0 0,,:ru'\E OF APPL~CAln'S REPRESENTATIVE:Ht:b Ei'IJAW~+_ Addres s tw"~Xl1>'ftlo~f!'2 Io'e>f V'';'''\l.c.o 'te I epioone tll<'1I4-1 E.NN-IE OF OW~NERS:#==W\o')<.i1J\\O\,-\ Signature _~~~~ "Addres~~. F.ORB FEE:The ree wi 11 be pa ida t the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $o -$10,000 '$10.00 $10,001 -$50,000 $25.00 $,50,001 -$150,000 $50,00 $150,001 -$,500,000 $100.00 $500,001 -$1,000,000 $200.00 $Over $1,000,000 $300.00 mpORTANT NOTICE REGAROIlIG ALL SUBHISSIONS TO.TIlE ORB: 1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements,the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that \'/111 be removed should also be marked.This work must be completed before the ORB visits the site.' 2.The reviel....process.for NEW BUILOWGS ,"il1 normally involve hlo separate meetings of the Oeslgn Review Board,50 plan on at least two meetings for their approval. J.People who fait to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. "1 ,LIST OF HA1EIUALS rIAI·IE OF p~OJECT:--'~;::;,'i;.!:\<:=J\wl-\~;:;!::.I~H...!-.,.,..,,,.,,..-,.,.......,....-_ LEGAL DESCRIPTIOIl:LOT-,,=c:==BLOCK .FILIlIG _ STREET ADDRESS:1'1 4 rem:~,l~':=\=pf-\~---,~=;:--_ DESCRIPTION OF PROJITT:~d~~Of peq::. ApPtTkq=:-l 112 !'E1~"11>f2C0"'l~ The follO\,ing information is requIred for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be flven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof SIding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffj ts Windo"s Window Trim Doors cgp"l2-/-,..<\ f'l;:LL.P<CLAD <!>~'i NAV.?e t:>IPSVaEo '1E:'\L- ':>LI t:>f f-,I(;,~"'-~ON z.e;. Door Trim f1and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings CS~1><4-0<--,.ty\V.ee.t:>/cGVc£iEAl- Ol..""\t"\I-1C.N,.6-.vf:;.::lo ~c.D/ 12eDJ--tCl?P /HI2--r!'-L.e.<\t.lb1tF-"'-J1:lt'F-2C>P -rEAl-.· I<--rf-l/\p-.<;;GO c.."'4?-to> - Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: PLArn MATERIALS:Botan i ca 1 Nallle PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO _ BE RHIOVEO COrTlnon Name Quani ty Size* 'Indicate caliper for declduclous trees.Indicate height for conifers. .(over) ,-- -. ZOUE CHECK FOR SFR.R.R PIS ZOUE OISTRICTS DATE:lO-1<>-"ls'1 LEG.;L DESCRI?TiOil:LOt II B10~do- ADDRESS:77'-1 5Pvo fAn....~ OW~ER ~"'" ARCHITECT "......~............y ZONE DISTRICT 'I;> PROPOSED USE SF LOT SIZE ?-~"730 Filing Phone _ Phone,_ ProoosedA11o'oIed Height Secondary G;\FA Ljg/<j (30)(33) Total GRFA ,.,£eP5,&;of=~::::----:-_--:---=;/---==::'::~---===--~--,-.7r-<-Pril'!"..ary GRFA ,.1)LI 7 )'.I l,l Setbacks:Front 20' Sides IS' Rear IS' Water Course Si te Coverage (30)(:Q) Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Heights Parking Credits;Garage Mechanical Airlock Storage Solar Heat (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) I I i, Drive:Slope Permitted Slope Actual _ Envi ronmenta 1/Hazards:Ava 1anche ....:._ Flood Plain ...:. Slope _ Wetlands _ Geologic Hazards,_ Conments:_ Zonin~:~01sappraved Oate:,t'~ ~taft Signature i.~==- I Project Application , Dale _-='\l-I~/-",--,-_ IA.)t:trnci W\~J:t=,-.=lJ")~""'-)")",JJ\W:-w::-'-_ P,oJec,Oemip'>an,---im"'-'\"\,~)()""e'--LA~ro"""'ur..J''''(;"',,.)'''''-r-...IDe;<:.'IL.J,,;.~-Lf....~;yL-ft"""0"'c.!J:':.!W\=tc"':V>LlI---1Ti'-'-L?"a><...=",,-~~, Contact Person and Phone Project Name: Owner,Address and Phone:~_ Architect,Address and Phone:--1\.1:1W\~~_l.G"'v~F-e:.tP:J~:q'------__------- legal Description:lot -----lL----Block ~:+."""~__Filing __.H-:i:l~:l12...~Lb::!.11Zone $- Comments:_ Design Review Board Oale _ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:~7(",~,..A,M'~'>b ~~£n~of=-<=;'/«'1 Ie.6/9= (~~4 ~(-0 4>"''''''c,I 1/lC)-:s-etbllc.b e:"t;. Dale: ,...-..... 04479.~..~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE "DATE JULY 26.1990 •1.111 III 1.TVPEOFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV v ;;iilc:iNo:r:P~ER::M~IT~N~O~..:======:..., department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE HIR M r-T"eullDING I I MECHANICAL PERMITFEES BUILDING PERMIT eJ.tt PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 17f?" PlUMBING 20 OM MECHANICAL /535 RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ~ClEAN·UPOEPOSlT USE TAX ~ TOTAL PERMIT FEES I $20.00 1 M VALUATIONG.R.F.'" ___NO.fIREPLACES GROUPTYPE HEIGHTINFT DWELLING UNITS ACCOM\40QATION UNITS _ INSULATION TYPE THICKNESS R·VALLUE DIVISION J 2 2a 3 4 11 6 1 ElECTRICAL I I GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWQRK :~PLUMBING 2.000 PLUMBING.~ NEW C )ALTERATION KXK ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR () 108-B PH.6-2020 iUUU S FRONTAGE WERTHEIM PLUMBING MAil ADDRESS TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CITY VAIL MAil ADDRESS 774 POTATO PATCH CITY VAIL PH.6-1147 mME...D:R.....HERB WERTHEIM FIRM BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS LOT 11 RESUB.!lQ~7,BLK 2 FILING VAIL POTATO PATCH JOB NAME ARCHITECT I FIRM ARNOLD GWATHMEY PRATT .---- OWNER GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT o BUILDING [jQ[PLUMBING -l!ll-ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATIONoMECHANICAL0 I ~EGALII;"ESC. :ONING &BUILDING NOTES:_ TELE.926-3202 FIRM lECTRICAL ON TRACTOR ITOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE. FIRM EAGLE COUNTY PLUMBING ITOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR 524-7803 TElE. P &H 122-p ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED' :c ST CUT BLASTING PARKING DEMO !! X X X X INITIAL MICHAEL WHITAKER UIi.6TNG OFFICIAL ---- ~NING ADMINISTRATOR-- JULY 30,1990 --OAfE----- ----DATE FIRM MECHANICAll CONTRACTOR TOWN QF VAll REG.NO. TElE. OTHER I ,,""'RM"---_ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,1iIIed out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is orrect.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with Town ordinanc d state laws.and to build this structure according to the Town's z'n d sub i"§io d,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and ndina e Tow appH Ie ereto. TOWN OF VAil REG.NO. CONTRACToRI TELE. ~~~t9:l:J~wrCONTR.fTOR FOR HIMSELF 04479nrr.Y 26.~1990 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATECONSTRUCTIONPERMIT"-.../~~.•~)\'PERMIT NO._taw.1rfafIlY'1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION;,II "'IV V deljWlrtment of community development \2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ....~A B l:H IRM BUILDING ".~~ I ._Z ELECTRICAl IBEFI4-EO PUTCOMPLETELYPRIOATOISSUANCEOFPERMIT OIVISIO~12 2a 34 g I------II----------------i TYPE OF PERMIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBING ,_nnn PLUMBING.~o BUILDING Itt PLUMBING >MECHANICAL _D-ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATiON f------'t----------------i o MECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP G A.f.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES ~EGAL LOT 11 RESU8~BOB:7.BU 2 BUILDING PERMIT Aft DESC.FILING VAlI pm'OTO PATCH PLAN CHECK C JOB NAME WEl.THEIM PLUMBING elECTRICAL '1711 OWNER NAME DR BEItS W1UtnJEDI NEW (I ALTERATION ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 20 tJ.I::II MAIL ADDRESS 774 POTATO PATCH DWELLINGUNtTS __ACCOMr.lQOATIONUNITS__MECHANICAl /5,25 CITY VAIL PH,6-2020 HEIGHTINFT __NO fiREPLACES __I-~R~E~C~RE~A~T~'O~N.::.:FE~E'-__-+--1 ARCHITECT FIRM ARNOLD G\IIATHHEY PRATT INSULATION:TYPE THICI(NESS R-VA.LLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 8"/ MAIl ADDRESS 1000 S FRONTAGE fLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 7/L CITY VAIL PH.6-1147 EXT WALLS _USE TAX 7~ FIRM BOLES CUSTOM BUILDE1lS ROOF ,.......L If GENERAL TYPE ELEC GAS CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.168-B OF TOTAL PERMIT FEES ..."In nn SOLAR WOOD TELE.926-3202 HEAT __..!fICHAE.1 WHITAKER,.__J[L'!J.,.O,--1.2.9Jl_ FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED;~UILDING OFFICIAL DATE LECTRICAL !.tl..INITIAL ONTRACTOR TQWN QF VAIL REG.NO.ST,CUT X SNING AD"MINiSTRATOR ----DATE---- TELE.BLASTING X lzONING &BUILDING NOTES:_ FIRM EAGLE COUSTY P &H PARKING X PLUMBING 122 P CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.-D,EMO X TELE,S24-7803 ~i;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;.,-:iiii-:iiiiiiiiiiii-IL.------------------..J FIRM J hereby acknowledge that I have rea~this application,filled out in full the information required. MECHAN ICAl completed an accurate plot plan.and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.agree to comply with the information and prot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zon)ng arid subdivision <r>'des,design TElE.review approved,Uniform Building Code and ?l.therrdinaoyce,softhe Tow!'appl~c9D'le}hereto. OTHER FIRM e-(_/i/ • TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.~~TURE pF ow CONTRI)CTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TElE..l)ND T~~OWNER.·).1 • .'~"'",........,"''''••"••I _.,n...DATE '"/1...,../_1 '70 IIII~I.TYPEOfCONSTRUCTJQN 111111 I~V PERMrr NO."'i'HY<...7....,1r----- ~of community .llIatop;nant 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABE HIR ..r•.:U:.:Il.:OI::.HG=--+~~ OMSlOH Z ElECTRtCAl TObEfIlLEOOUTCOMPl,.ElELYfIflIORTOISSUAHCEOFPEAMIT I2 z.J.9 TYPE OF PERMIT I :EHER~~1C~~~~~~:f :~flt.UMBING Js:.:..€£5.CO ZOOO o BUILDING 0 PLUMBING f"::MECHANICAl YIoElECTRICAl0fOUNOATION~-o MECHANICAL 0r----,......-""'l,..~~TYPE GROUP GR.f.A.VllilUATtOH PERMIT FEES...L LEGAl LOT .~lK nP f.,"7 eUllDtNGPERilIT III-0ESC.fiLING 'O-:z.,V.'P~Afo ~C#Pl••CH,,,,, JOB NAME:WBJt:r;.'tJl/l1 -'~\meT.OCAl "'" ~OWNER NAlt!E vg...,I.}~4JCfJflJeJ/1'7 NEWt'AlTERATION IJ ADOfTlONAlI I REPNAI I PlUMBING A~. MAIL AQQRESS ?7 ¥P(T(41'3f&!J"'(;J!-DWELllNQ UNITS __~TIOHUNITS __MECHAHtCAl I CITY 1J lilt"PH.'-I.~~HiEIGHTINn.NO.FIAt:PLACES I--.-'.co-'--.-.-"""-'---...----I---------l ARCHITECT f!!!M..A,ErVOWJ6Y..IA1f!'I'YeJZA""-tNSOlATtON:TYPE THICKNESS R·YAllUE OESK:HRfYlfWBOARO I luo"'OM S.~_...."""l-.:.e,:.:.:.:..::..U::.•.:.D<POSIT===-+--------4 ,CITY ,IAII....(.-11'17 UT.WALU USETAIl ROOF 1---------1--------1 ~GENERAL FIRM 1?bke~Cu;?(ortf 'OYlf.otD CONTRACTOR IQW!r4 Of VAIL REG.NO.)~'iJ.•8 r;:;e £lEe.GAS TOTAl PERMIT FEES "7Le>D T£lE Q-z,":?.z,.oz....-HEAT SOlAR WOOD cz::a f&.:!::a fiRM ADOITIONAL PeRMITS NEEDED:UiiDi"NGOffIOAl -----1fAft.----- 'til'ELECTRICAL 1.!!~ CONTRACTOR TOWHOFYAILREQ,HO.ST.CUT WINGAOMrNiSiRATOIl-----O;:'E---- ttl.-..8lASTlHO OHINO'IMIflDlNO NOTU:_ fiRM 6J;1.f>l..~CJU......'Tr T <r #'PMKIHQ PLUMBING ZZ.f!-==-----1--1--1---._~CONTR~TOR TOWN Of YNL REO,HO·(1~D<iiii""iii;;-------~;-~~---J--------------------~TC'C ,5'2'1'-71)0""I •fiRM I hereby acknowledge that'have read this appUcaUon.filled out In run the Information requfred, MECHANfCA completed 8n accurate plot plan,and ,I81e that all the Information pnwidecf at required I,correct., ~CONTRACTOR IQWN QF )'AIL REO.NO.agree 1o comply with the information and plot plan,to compl§i'lwi;th II'TO~,~inl!lncesand ,tate TElE 'aws,and to build this structure according to the Town's z ng .nt!.!J(bd'?pion codet,design .,eview .pproved.Unlrorm Building Code and othe~dl of t~-71.7 pftc.ble thereto. •OTHER ".M "(/..<t/j/Y:A I TOWN OF YAll REG.NO.1\ste;J'NA 0WNm ORfCOHTRACTOA FOR HIfrItSB.f com RACTOF TflE.AtrIO T EA.- 1 75 soulh frontag.ro.d WIll,eolortdo '1&57 (303)479-21,38 or 479-2139 •,. , \~, '\,,, office of community de"lopmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL IlEGISTERED WITH TIlE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIlllUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specitied,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense ot person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-A-way. To review Ordinance NOe 6 in full,please stop by the Town of V~i1 Bui1dinq Dep~rtment to obt~in a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this mattere d by: IRe1at~onsh~p to Date Pro ect (ieee contractor,owner) NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ~\~""'-'-".~~~ JAN.13.1990CONSTRUCTIONPERMITlin~DATE _ UU~.:::IIPERMITNO. 1,TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 11l1ll1V¥ d.p.tment of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 2.000 DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL 1,000 TO BE FIL.LEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 0 ~,GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK;c PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITSTUDIOEXPANSTION)ADDITIONAL WORK ~ ~ !QI BUILDING o PLUMBING TO EXISTING PERMIT #4136.~MECHANICAl !QI ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATIONoMECHANICALo774POTATO PATCH TYPE GROUP G.R.FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT 11 RESUB BLK OF L 7,V R-3 269 3,000 BUILDING PERMIT 54 FILING B 2,v.POTATO PATCH I..QDESC.PLAN CHECK 27 JOB NAME:WERTHEIM REHODEL PHASE II ELECTRICAl..44 ><:~-t--: OWNER NAME UK.nr..Kn NEW (J Al TERATICN ()ADOITlONAL!.XX REPAIR ()PLUMBING MAIL ADDRESS 774 POTATO PATCH DWELLING UNITS __ACCOUMQOATlONUNITS __MECHANICAl. CITY n:xx VAIL PH.6-2020 HEtQHTINFT.__NO.FII'lePlACES RECREATION FeE 40-- ARCHITECT ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEFIRM DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 101000sFRONT.RD.~ FLOOR rr;,MAli ADpRESS CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 100VAIL6-1147 EXT.WALLS NONE -""CITY PH.USE TAX 1B BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS ROOF 'itfiRMGENERALTYPE£lEC,GAS ~CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.168-8 OF TOTAL PERMITFEES $275.00 926-3202 SOLAR WOOO TELE.HEAT JOE NORRIS JAN.17,1999 ARM DOUBLE DIAMOND ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UIlIJINGOFFIC1Al ------trA~----- ELECTRICAL 134-B 1-"-INITIAL I-BETSY R.JAN.17.1990 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIl.REG.NO,$T.CUT X -------------- 476-6272 ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.BLASTING X ONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING XPLUMBING TOWN or-VAIL REG.NO.t~:-ES.CONTRACTOR OEMO X TE -.- FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out In rull the information required. MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan.and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I TOWN QF VAIL REa.NO.agree to comply with the information and prot plan.to comply with all Town ordinances and stateCONTRACTORlaws,and to build Ihls structure according to ~~n's zoning and subdivision codes.designTELE.review approved.Uniform Building Code and other 0 17;p.the;rL.PP llcable thereto. OTHER FIRM CLEAN UP Tal.f:,oLko cU5P1 !S()Ilj)k""RS.. TOWN QF VAil REG.NO.IIIII t III t II .;:::"/f,.Je..S~t~TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TElE.AN THE OWNER. I .f PERMIT NO..Y ~'11 1 • 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NU'C-vV",vrrcnM"'VDc~cr,v".vo<>,,~ OATE 11.-I"'~~ •I II III lv&i LOT BLK ~I FILING y-h.~~~10.(; W It,,,'(,,-...QJ\..~U\A V _.__.l. LEGAL DESC. JOB NAME: .('.'.~:..:.%!J;2~....~.,..."'.-.,\..->".... ,."Im'ifililt'/ department of community development 2.OCCUrANCVCROUP AD E tf I t,M -nUILDlNG ----.t'~oao .6~'"~ I.0 ••r.-...%ELECTRiCAl I 1\ T08EfILLEOOUTCOMPlETElYPnIOATOISSUANCEOFPERMI\v\rVlSION 12 ~9 000.00 ..TYPEOFPERM1T ,\~EN~~~~T1~~~~~RI(:.,.......~PlUYS/NG \I ~BUILDING 0 PLUMBING 0..\\.;\'\;'!":\',"'...\'''''....0<\..;:.:::WECHANICAJ..t\ rl ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNOATION "'.'\..,,,",','-."\'l.\'-"..-t-.>.\-=¥=o MECHANICAL 0 .'TYPE GROUP G.R.FA YAlUATlntf PERMIT FEES hi::.I ~-":>k ~_'I ii'..~.,DUIlO'HC PERMIT e::"QQ. PlAH CHECK '::l ,.<i2. ELECTRiCAl e,4 ..lii!e.. TYPE ELEe.'"I CAS 0'-- HEAT SOt.AR WOOD ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: !.1<~ ST.Cl1T .I I~NQ PAAIUHG DEMO ,, " I.jf>~ I()()"-'2 -IO ..Q MECHANICAl RECREAfldM DESICU REVIEW BOARD ClEA.'/·UPOEPOSlT PlUM(lJtfG USE TAX TOTAL PERMITFEES I "'....,C'ai ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:_ ~__~1...I.!JQ.__ ~()UllDIN C1-__~~__--'f?'.Z rL_ 1.0NINGAOMlNlSTRATOR ATE~ R·VALLUETHICKNESS No.rlnCJ>U.crsm. id~ -r,-",Ia. iI lA,noOR OWRUNQUNITS ACCOl4olO000\TIONUNl'TS _ EXT.WALLS HEIGHT IN". INSULATION; ROO' NEW!I AlTERAllON(I ADOIllON"l()4 REPAIR () FIRM Mv>-(",bf:;,,\~ OWNER Inou ~v\A _~r ] FIR-Id GENERAL CONTRACTORI TOWN OF VAll,REG.NO.B -l (.,If" TElE,e,ll.·3.tCf2.. ELECTRICAL!\"\.\\"CONTRACTOR TQWNOFV~rl~EG,NO,\---\. TetE."\~t -'\',. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR!IOWN OF VAIL REG,NO. TElE. It NAME.br \'\u..b-w~~-h4-~ )1'I MAil ADDRESS "114 PoM.p,,(.J. i •CITY ~u:J..Pit ~1~-2oil:J ARCHITECT I <00"<I._IJ 1/,J..If'n>: MAILADDBESS IOQO ~~ron:t·~cl CITY ~J"PH,~7~·,,47 'ft x 'r ~ FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTORI TOWN OF VAIl REG,NQ, LE.!E. OTHER I"FI;;;RM"-_ TOWN OF VAIL REO.NO. CONTRACTORI TElE. I hereby acknowledgo that I have read this application,IiIled out in fullihe Inlormation required. completed an accurate plot plan,and slate that all the Information provided as required is correct.I agreo to comply with the Information and pial plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and slal8 laws,and to build this slructuro according 10 Iho Town's zoning and subCfivision codes,design review approved.Uniform Building Code and other rdinances of the T wJl applfca~le thereto, Jrs ATURE F OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEU' o THE OWNER. :\ ,,~ ~~ m\ &~ ---1-'-~ '-I'+~\;! •----I r I-I~I'--.-.-......<:7 J.J!'.1SI"'l;;;L$n:.llZ.Q..:'El;&l::'~-I:--.~ ,-o§ I • r--", I t-I 1 ~~I ~I I '!'I I 'l_~J OJ -1--;:) -0O;:;;:J ~oz~o 0::t> "T]C/) <2»0 ---Irrn o r ! ..---.__1 _..... 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CoL."<>Fl.-e>'·F~e;~1;.l~II::fI~~.. -"='"TUOIO . , ,, l1E I I I I ~.......I:=e......, C::~Fe -=H/l.-1·-r¥f"l.-,AC II II '--._JL_-.J , [I •• ~LfT-1 E:.1.-!::VA"(:1, V~ 'I·17,1" f'Tt'.t"\E:TA'" -FA Ie.CAi"<t ~e...BlAl-l.¥.-1C:. n>f"'l,ATC-H PEQ.' .', -~f"":> ""#1:>1-1 '2 It.,'-0,1 '> l;>l;c¥- VJ ~:THelr-1 12@?1~ .PO T".,o PA"icH -V ~e>WL-e-~?~1T~J--.l 1: - V- /"'- // , \. ~ - - \) -,( rl', .I\.,l-l- /1 [\, =1/\. \)j \. -'\/-\./-. -tl , \.II I \i , ...-~- "'"-;;0~..Po.._,-i7j/!qO ..··..·'---..-.-..----..-.,.,~Jj\. ·~\...~~kr'0 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ~ DATE ,, 1.1Yf'E OFCQH'STRUCTION IllllllVV PERMIT NO.'12-7( :ommunity dlYllopn....2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A8EH'RIIl BUllOfHG 1.1.evO It OM$lOll I 2 2.3 4 z ElECTRfCAl lLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOfPERIllITQ ~ I'rc:;vr ,JERMIT GENERAl OfSCRIPTIO~.fF~ffK :•PlUMBING I•J::'~u~,~d>o ~ ~ "....'m ..t t£'f.;J.?/ •MECHANICAl -YIoBUILDINGoPLUMBING> o ELECTRICAl o FOUNDATION I'o MECHANiCAL 0 TYPE GROuP GR.F."'.VAlUATION PERMIT FEES~,6 Ill.;'f(tJ LEGAL LOT II /«"'"BLK ~T '7 \t.\J ~-~J.j'?CJD BUllDtNG PERMIT --roW "'"...- DESC.FILING P<1/p.4..fc R t.J Pt....HCMEa:z...,'15'g - JOB NAME:w«f4 e,...(l"",d:/PUt ElECTRICAL 'If OWNER NAME De.I.k,b /.vi'r 1h~/"""NEWf )AlTfRATtONI 1 AOOITtONALI )REPAlR(I PlUM81NG 4;1 X MAIL ADDRESS ?14 P.4./.P..~~OWElllHGUHlTS __~TION"",TS__MECHANICAl I CITY v.../....t ';'0;)';tElQHTIHFT __NO.fIAEPlAClS RECREAT10N FEE ~I- I ...u A ,,,./d /6~..IJ,""v/?r.fI INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS A·yAt.LUf.I;;,IARCHITECTOESlGHREVlEWBOARO \j MAlLAQOf!ESS 1t»9 ~AmI.£J.'u,,'"elfAN·UP DEl'OStT 1<>0 7 ~~CITY 1/,'1 PH.(,-II'-/?EXT.W"llS usn..I ~~NERAL FIRM &/"C.,4,,,,iJ,let/S ROOF TOW!tOFyAllAEQ,NQ,1/3"1)TYPE (LEe.lIAS TOTAlPERM,TFEES 2.75 ~\~~I~~:{~:t Of' '"".q;;JG -3,;10 "-HEAT .......wooo __~___;.~'[0__'- ~~~~fIRM ACOITIONAl PEAMITS NEEDED:~tT@A2.!.!!.~1-'.-''lu,hWk:--f2'1J~D -- CONT OR TOWN Of VAIL REO,NO.'T.CUT OHtNQ AOIIltlt$lOA DATE "U .....,...Iz~~_·;-IlOTa f).,,,,,,,17; .,-;:,.,L.,~AAMXIPLUMBING PAAKINQ TOWN Of YNL flEO.NO, CONTRACTOR 0<"" I"" ~FIBM I hereby .cknowtedge that I h.ve read this .ppUc.Uon.filled out in fuN the Jnformatlon reql.rired, MECHANICA completed an accurate plot pt.n,and state that.II the Information proyided ••required I.correct.I CONTRACTOR tOWN OF '/AIL REG.NO.agree to comply with the In'ormaHan .nd plot pI.n,to comply with en Town ordinances .nd state "".laws.•nd to build this structure .ccording 10 lhe Town's zoning .nd subdivision codes.design X OTHER FIRM revl.w approved.Un;f",m Bu;td;ng Cod.and olher m:he Town z.,a.,.Ih....o.K ~aJ?6V TOWN OF VAil REG.NO.SIGNATURE OF OWNiEA OR CONTRACTOR FOR H....SB.f ..£l'"RACTOR TELE.AND THE OWNER . •.' • ,..'e.. ID.I;l I?~~1f W§~1f @)[?. ,(£@)WWIlD ~n1f \f ID§~§lblIDI?W§~1f .. ~O:O:H:t ~~~SALES ACTION FORM ~~~~~*~ COST .TOTAL ACCOUNT'.ITDJ .NO.v..AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COlA.DEY.APPUCA liON F....S 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADORESS MAPS SOOO 01 0000 42415 19S6 UNIFORM BUIL.DING CODE SO.OO 01 0000 42415 1966 UNIFORM PLUMBINC COOE 36.00 ~1 0000 42415 1966 UNIFORM MECHANICAl CODE 32.00 01 0000 42415 1966 UNIFORM FlRE CODE • 01 0000 421,15 1967 NATlONAL ~CTRICAL CODE 30.00 01 0000 421,15 OTHER CODE BOOKS ,• 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (M'l1.ARS)7.00 .01.0000 42412 XEROX COPIES I STUDIES .25.. bl 0000 42371 PENALTY ms I Rt-INSPECTlON 01 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECll0N m . 01 ~OOO ~\~\().~\."\\..\\:';;.n ,:JL 01 0000 l\\~ , .\I."\..o.\),\"1,-:-.C\\,<;,\\:'\. 01 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION 20.00 COM~IENTS:\,''''~\\..\""~:~\~~C7()TOTAL ~ '"~,N:."',,~\J.\~<;'\~...'4"'II \ r •• 75 south frontage road yall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 (303)479--2139 Plan Review Based on the 1988 Uniform Codes office of community development PROJECT NUMBER:7/31/90 ADDRESS:774 POTATO PATCH VAIL,COLO. OCCUPANCY:R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V-N NAME:WERTHEIM REMODEL DATE:8/3/90 CONTRACTOR:BOLES CUSTOM BLOGS ARCHITECT:ARNOLD,GWTHMY,PRATT ENGINEER:MONROE PLANS EXAMINER:MICHAEL WHITAKER CORRECTIONS REQUIRED 1.All decks above 30"to grade require guardrail protection. Such guardraild shall be a least 36 11 height with openings not larger than 6".Sec.USC 1711. 2.steps within deck construction of 2 or more risers shall be as per UBC 3306 (8"max.rise,9"min.run). 3.All deck post foundation pads required to be 48 11 below grade for frost protection. , SC~le CAlCUUTEO av 0"1E __--,-- SHEETNO 0'-_ CHECKED Ely O,o\.E ---' '°'---1."""',----~ 1".• I .....j, 303·949,7768 "1'--. ~..-,......" ,. I f, , I ,,,._..1.1....,, , ,-t ;l11,II"r I ••on roe Engineering Consultants P.O.BOlt 1597 48 E.Beaver Creek Blvd ..#307 Avon,Colorado 81620 i,_. t· •Project Application • •Date -'---_--: Pwjeo!N,moo ---,,1'---LI-'LV_IL:..l .",£'-'-.'.ilY'-"-'_ Project Description:--'"--C....--L---L-C....-'-_.:...:'--_-"-',CJ,..;bL.I.--'i__l.:=:.r.1{..;lr"--~~_ Contact Person and Phone Owner,Address and Phone:_~)'-,'-__I'_I-r-"-'__I'-'--'\JC.Aul.t:e"__'-'-':...l.'-'--1)"-,-',_ Architect,Address and Phone:)1\j 1 ,/,),(,-1+-_)~ legal Description:LOI __J--'--Block _---'z....=__Filing 1\~/,LJ1'L1i:~m~t:±Zb_zone -L~i-£'-L,I- Comments:_ Design Review Board Dale _ Motion by: Seconded by:_ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -I-•l...----'1(.t t I ]l' Summary:I\I.1.1"1"1 ,(Ie;'+r -c>!-71"- ilL 1 d I 1([____ 1::1"':'::,ov"I Town Planner Date: p,r'1 D ..._".... (:I f .-to- ••~...",. "'Qi'"~~.r~G~~J ~1-1) I! •.. ,..'.... • ~m (:J eliff "...,.-~ "o\~ ~ ..,. (3. rrotill i1~ ..fJ?' s -0 J 0 t '"~l ~i• ...l U - .:j-1 -~ o ~ ~ :z:~ •, FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETEO The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of O. Please check off in the box provided. • ...... • o ~F""IN"-A",L-,P.:oL,,,UMc:B:.:.I,,-NG=---_ OATE: O--'FC!I!!NA!O!L'--"'M"'EC:cH"'AN"-'I"'C"'AL=---_ OATE: f\7f .FINAL ELECTRICALI:DATE:>;--?A\.\ ~FINAL BUILDING DATE:5"-i1r9L o CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIlCY DATE: o TEMPORARY C of 0 DATE: ~NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 11/22/89CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT..-:.~ ~LJA I I=.UU4~~(PERMIT NO. 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION lUlU IV V ::ommunity development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING $4000.00 Z ELECTRICAL 1500.00 LETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT DIVISION 122a34 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:~PLUMBING 500.00...............RMIT Spa Room Rebuild ~ ~ o BUILOING [l PLUMBING ~IIlECHo\NlCAl Oi ELECTRICAL g FOUNDATION Total •6000.0"o MECHANICAL ~""l'~\,,,\.:~\>.\\TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT 11 BLK V R-3 80 n.nnn nn BUILDING PERMIT '81.00 0- DESC.FiliNG Resub L-7,B-2.V.P.P PLAN CHECK 41.00 ~~JOB NAME:Wertheim Remodel ,-ELECTRICAL 44.00 ::::,."<--""OWNER NANE Mr.Herb Wertheim NEW(l ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAl (I REPAIR ()PLUMBING 10.00 MAIL ADDRESS B.P.I.Box 55733 DWELLING UNITS _ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAL CITY Miami FL PH.HEIGHTlNFT.__NO.FIFlEPLAC£S --RECREATION FEE INSULATION:ARCHITECT FIBM TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD to MAil AppRESS "00'I I I CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100.00 "l (J- CITY PH.USE TAX ;REXT.WALLS ROOF ... GENERAL fiRM Boles Custom Builders ~168-B TYPE ELEe.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $276.00CONTRACTORTOWNOfVAILREG.NO.OF T"'I E.926-3202 SOLAR wooo HEAT Joe Norris 11/22/89 FIRM Double Diamond AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:l!UIiOING OFfICIAL-------"'l5"AfE ----- ELECTRICAL 1-!l INITIAL ~NINGADMiNISTRATOR ----OATE----ONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO ST.CUT TELE.BLASTING tzONING &BUILDING NOTES: FIBM PAAKING PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL.BEG,NO,CONTRACTOR DEMO TI'"l 1'"... FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required. MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.agree to comply with the information and plot plan.to comply with all Town ordinances and state TELE.laws.and to build 'h;s st,uc'ure ecco'd;ng 10 the Town's ~~g end subd;v;s;on codes.design review approved,Uniform Building Code and 0A 07a~Of~JapPtlCabre thereto. OTHER FIRM CLEAN UP TO:~"i1d~_ +++++++++++~'~!.ITOWNOFVAILBfG.NO.-----------~...tL...:~1?A/02~!I..l~GNATURE OF OWNEA OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE./j ~AND THE OWNER. .....u It:-....UI'"',ur rcnMl1 Iv DI::t\c,.I VIII "",Vo.:loll Cuf;ulw .CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ,. ,'.~l ."/-N"'\.\~'"",..~.;'II~DAlE::j ,,. PERI.IIT NO.·n'\), J.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV~ department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY'CROUP ABe H I@M BUILDING l-\DCO ~-, I'~DIVISION 12 zaB>4 z ELECTRiCAl '''-:-''0 "'~II TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPlETElY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERM 0 ,'CENERALDESCRJSlONOFWi:"..,0 0 \I<PlUIro4BIHCTYPEOFPERMIT~00 -Sol''''''l::M .)?clQ,:,,\<!>.""<o BUILDING gPlUMBING >MECHANICAl [ELECTRICAL FOUNOATION .g; MECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP G.R.FA VALUATION PERMITFEES .LEGAL LOT II BLK \J l2..-::,'isD GQ~()OC SUILDING PfRlolrT 'l(I .<;l1, FILING.g.".,J<,L 1 (',7..V.?l'OESC.PlAN CHECK ~\.'Il., •JOB NAME:~<2.A.-~y,..Re..o!d elECTRICAL 44.<;l! OWNER I u,u"'"(".1 h..'.....u e,..Y\,..NEW(I ALTERATlONC)9 ADOllIONALI )REPAIR (I PlUMBING '0 ~ •MAIL ADPREssl>·~L.(S6~S71~~DW£lllNGUNITS _AOOOUtJODATIONUNrTS __MEOIANlCAl ,CITY N "'LV>-.'\F\PH.HEIGHTtNFT.__NO.rmO'l.ACES RECREATION FEE-- ARCHITECT flBM INSULATION:TYPE nllCKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MAIL AOpRESS "OOR ClEA.'WP DEPOSIT ,== EXT.WAlLS CITY PH.USE TAX fiR"C?:,,\~c.v.l-.c;,,,1~...ROOF GENERAL I CONTRACTOR I~~-e,TYPE ELEe.GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEE;.S ~7(,.9<'•TOWN OF VAIL RIiG.NQ,OF"I ~(".3Zo2-BEAT SO"""WOOD UIi.~'CI""~~- _I .~fl1 ___THE. fiRM I:bJd.e )$<\..ru:>...sL ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ElECTRICAL :i !!.~I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAll,.REG.NQ,---------------51.CUT ,!ONINC AOr.UNISTRATOR DATE JElE. ,.BLASTING r ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: fiRM PARKING 7,PLUMDING TOWN Of VAll REG.NQ,•CONTRACTOR DEMO -< TElE. t FIRM I hereby acknowledgo that r have read this application,filled out in full the Information required. ,MECHANICAL completed an accurate plol plan.and slate that all the Informalion provided as required is correc!., CONTRACTOR TOWN QF VAil REG.NO.agree 10 comply with the InrormaUon and plol plan,to comply with all Town ordinances Bnd sl.:Jle TElE.laws.and to build lhl,Slruclur.according 10 t~~:'s %onlng and sUb,Mslon code,.design OTHER FIR'" review approved,Uniform Building Cod.anXh"or ~7e,It!/:ZlIcabIO therelo. TOWN QF VAIL RfO.NO,SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR lElE.AJ'l6 TIlE OWNER. ". e. town of vai 75 soulh fronlage road vail.colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 e --,,. ~..1- "...•• " offIce 01 community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOlffl OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC NORKS/COmlUNITY DEVELOP~IENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &I1ATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,inclUding trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-ot-way on all Town of vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 2~hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: position/Relationship to Projec~(i.e.contractor,owner) Date ~ \\ PM INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME __~--"'J.'-:W""-'~>-D~§:i~\l.:>'.C>~~__----,,---,---_---,,-_ CALLER }ft\\s<1(:\,,),,\R,SS\1. Q READY FOR INSPECTION:T~WED THUR FRI __~--;-::-:---:AM _-----.:~~~~~3~fu l;~I2.'__LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE S -~-\\\JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUN DATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 {),NAL o FINAL LECTRICAl:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~PPROVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE _5L..-->.>Cp'----'1!....LI _INSPECTOR E."~";JUf-+tz,,,,,,----,=/=---------- • FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETEO The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of O. Please check off in the box provided. 0 FINAL PLUMBING DATE: 0 FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: •.,. o.FI NAL ELECTRI CAL DATE: ~FINAL BUILDING DATES'c:7'/'. o CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: D . TEMPORARY C of 0l-.._ DATE: PLANS IN SLOT~ 1'ii'ii nnn 161,000 6,000 PERMITFEES PERMIT NO.004131 BUILDING z ELECTRICAl0 ~PLUMBING~ ~I MECHANICAl TOTAL VALUATION 1 II III IV V ABEHIRM 122134 NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ••--v';TE SEPT.22,1989 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP DIVISION GENERAl OESCRIPTIONOFWQRK:U DECK,SUNROOM AND DORMER ADDITION. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT .-,---;;;';;';;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=----.,~ AI .. ("r _ TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT ~TYPE OF PERMIT lQI BUILDING 0 PLUMBING -XlI ELECTRICAL JiiU FOUNOATIONoMECHANICALD774POTATO PATCH I TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. ~-="-=","'"=-"'_B~K'-._._ OWNER NAME FIRM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ITOWN OF VAIL REG.NO, TELE. PARKING DEMO x OHING ••UILOING NOTES',",,""==""=,,"7""THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE NEW SPA AND EQUIPMENT. FIRM MECHANICALI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TELE, OTHER I FIRM I TOWN Of_\lAll_f!EG~fl.LQ. CONTRACTORI TELE. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state thai all the information provided as required Is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws.and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subaivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and othe din n~"of t To applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO:(72:4'f!,~JJI.~..,J.,~~~""====",,,,==I I I I I I I IIII[I .,-A'_I:NATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF t3Q!E'S CUltJ/'Yj (Ju/L/)Jf12.J ~~AND THE OWNER. --OA'" ~....,eo ,;"ceo <>.5 ~':"S PERMIT FEES 5 OA-'J:.'Ef.I,·n BUILDING PERMIT ELECTRICAl PlUMBING PlAHCHECK OESIGNREVlEWOOARD I II""'V').~ MECHANiCAl RECREATIOH FEE I (p ')~ TOTAL PERMIT FEES I I q£.ct Q1 f70NING &BUILDING NOTES;,:-.,-_;-.-:_:-;-:-_r-rl.;,....."'W\,A ~e<,.t\X;"'3::",-<J vJ~rUtw UTr.~;"df~-'~-·--lo/.;t/M --- 1--------:ONIHG ADMINISTRATOR ~ )REPAIR () VALUATION !!. G.R.FA ,~ GROUP R-,- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled out In full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan.and state that all the Information provided as required Is correct.I agree to comply with tho InlormaUon and pial plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws.and to build this structure according to the Town's 10ning and subdivision code"design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordInances of the Town applicable thereto. XSIGNATVRE Of OWNER OR CONTRACTOR fOR HIMSELF ANO THE OWNER. lY'" H£JGHT IN Fr.__NO.FIREPlACES INSULATION:TYPE 7lilCKNESS A-VALlUE --~-I Q"I ~ EXT.WALlS F,G.5.5"I 19 000'F.G,9"I )J lYPE flEe.X GA' OF - HEAT SOlAR WOOD ST.CUT PARKING AoomON~PERMITS NEEDED: :! OWELltNGUNITS -l..-ACCOf,ItM)04TlOH ....rrs _ BlASnNG DEMO -rr= HEW ()AlTERATION ()ADDITIONAl IIPANC'f'GROUP AS E N '<9'liz BUILDING •6 ...-'"ELECTRICAL...._..._._.. --~Q \I.Lll:;lo\,,"lr"....n ur nu.....;:<PlUMSING Hk.Sunrogn and 1k?rner Addition ~ j ~>MECHANICAl. 1-r~1. RRM Pcles OIstan ijJiJdW.Irx:. fIRM Arnold Cl.athreJ MNL AOpRESS lCXXl So Frgrt:age Rd.. CllY Vail PH.476-1174 flR)l SIlM <»E<fl..E[;I', fiRM flO" TOWN Of VAil RfO.NO. OTHER 1:.:":::0"=---_ ARCHITECT ElECTRICAL ITOWN Of VAIL REG.HO,",V".. CONTRACTOR TElE.94'UJ7fJJ GENERAL CONTRACTORI TOWN OF VAIL REO.NO.lffi-B TElE.926-3202 CONTRACTORI TEL£. PLUMBING CONTRACTORI TOWN OF VAil REG,NO, TELE, MECHANICALI' CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAil REG,NO, TELE, (JJ :",:~-. ",.J'.•~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NU'.-vUro urr_nM"'UD.~",'U"JUo<>'''' •~.).\\DATE q....n..m .~1_T::==-"T"~P~ER~M~IT~NO~.~-~4:\~~~\~:;~::,..,lIn I Ill.l.lY'"OF CONSTOUCTION II "• deplf1'111ent of community development z.occ. ToeEFI~EDOUTCOMPL.ETeLYPRIORTOtsSUANCEO';PERM~'·CENER.'.:~~.l=:...__...----=-- TYPE OF PERMIT .. [il BUILOING 0 PLUMBING -""£<,.-i '[il ELECTRICAL UJ FOUNOATIONoMECHANICAL0 ~ ~ I i i ~ .LEGAL LOT BLK'I..~.,..,..--r- OESC.FlUNG 7'74 .Y-oe 'OR 'k( JOB NAME:Wer1:I»im _ OWNER NAME Mr.Herb Wertheim B.P,I,Bx,557336 ~I 1:,~ADQOfSS=,1iU.,;)J2;5 I )t It It •• town of vai 75 south Ironlage road vail.colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlce of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKs/COr~ruNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-ot-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail PUblic Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) Date •• W -t..l""-\-h -<l.\"'"'R.....""'o~.••.\'I '\'-I.,~o~o ~. O~~~\~-\0 ~<:.ov ....·J,..Ic~.~~'-V 6.~I s.pf'-.I~o~"\I"llc ~"'".\z:,~~.J..\A~~~\'....\s.r-P"'~~~..n,...J",\S,9-4 t·J 1tJ ~ O~~\:!..t:>V!>....W-\0,""\"\.'b "tt71 \ ~\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE \'0 -~~JOB NAME , Y:;~DING'PLUMBING, OOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /OW-V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER . ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL . ELECTRICAL,MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS, DATE -L,/c/~-L/~~_-...cf,,-,ZL-_INSPECTOR _;LIJ..!Y2£:d=::::.<'~=:...J._<~_ ••~'IT-- LJ\3 \ , INSPECTOTwlNQ ~AEILQUEST <PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT v DATE 11\8-0 JOB NAME WoM-k~'(Y""\~~\~-Q~- C1LLER Yx>\=ee;;,Cu;1",cn ~~. READY FOR INSPEC'20~'10~N \tfW\.--,w,ED\..:rttUR «,>.F;]RI ~PM LOCATION,---.::J fj ~----±'c:ri-t-'r\O~~-I\-~..J.>,._'.bL--'-----"~-="_c~------- BUILDING'PLUMBING' o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND • )L <, o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. )lI{~., AAMING 'o ROUGH /WATER I ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODN{'ILING o INSULATION .o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 •0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL, o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH ,o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REOUIRED ORRECTIONS'~~ Y ~,-.-6.'~../--#.A"-/',//'/~...--". '.t7 ./'" INSPECTOR -,;£;i::Z==;L.==--"-~--------- • PERMIT NUMBER~OJECT \1 DATE JOB NAME • READY FOR INSPECTION. LOCATION:"7'7<...(0( TUES WEO THUR FRI C(-{.:;.M... _____AM~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND IoFOUNDATION/STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPING IoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOLI H.TUB I o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL I ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: ZP.POWER o HEATING ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 I o FINAL o FINAL APPROVE~o DISAPPROVED o RE'NSPECTION REOUIRED)<I CORRECTIONS: • DATE L//'----~2~;J'____'-tffL.,L.J---INSPECTOR ~24/tf),~ /I • REQUEST tAIL • _____A • INSPECTIQITOWN 0 NAME ~/M~I·'v1.1Z-",le9~__--'-'_-r=-'_-.--_ CALLER 1201<He DICVU<:;;:;;C . O~TUES WED THUR FRI _;0 1::>""0.-\ ".•• DATE READY FOR LOCATION: 41-2.:1 =PE:::R:::M-;c,C=T-::N::-U::-M7:B ER 0PROJ ECT II ~l-(JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I OW.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS ~ONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR S~1iL.<lu9YI~0 o FINAL o FINAL ,[J"APPROVED, CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7 ,,\DATE ~'-'-_~'!-'-'-'-_INSPECTOR =='-''-''-=,;-'h=U'?------- "-'..-p ..·fl'jI'\'1".....ro..""....."'·....."...·..-.....- • PERMIT NU~~;;;:'JF PROJECT DATE uJ'd'b JOB READY FOR lOCATION: INSPECTIG REQUEST ( TOWN 91 ~AIL NAME illQ \~-e:lV'\Ro~'Do6,Q \. CAllEROI!>0'1s\..=~,,\~;~S . INSPECTION:MON TUES <WEDl Tf-lUR FRI §PM '],Lt l\:A eJ &1?&-~ BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. ~, o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPING~lYWOOD NAILING INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB I 0 SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR "0 0 o FINAL o FINAL , ,\(.APP£lOVED CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR o REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTION REQUEST ,TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION: 1 70READYFOR LOCATION: i .,~ PERMIT NUMBWp 3 0LcT •I,) DATE _1-f-.:::..2----"':?+0-'-'--1 JO B NAME ----..!:~:::::'::~~~~~~:::::::=---__tJ___,;-~4::--_g CALLER ~ba7 ~./UC. MON .(fLiES')WEf!/THUR FRI AM PM ~/~L)4. BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOLI H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 \{FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ~PROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED CO RECTIONS: DATE -=9:;.e=-"",;Z'-+~=----49/=-----INSPECTOR ••, FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETEO The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of O. Please check off in the box provided. \\ LQ --'-'FI"'N""AL:....:.,P:iLU::M"'BI"'N.::.G,_---,,';"\_ OATE:'Z\\~\1.~\ D---!F:.!I!l;NA~L~ME:;C~H!l!AN!.!I.;:CA~L'__ OATE: '"D ..FINAL ELECTRICAL OATE: I\Jl FINAL BUILOING TEMPORARY C of 0l-f'---,;:--~-------'--L_-- OATE:OATE: ~RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY _O_ATE_:__i -p·r-q1r----------- -,,••APPLIC!,TION OAT[:v'CWt3 15,/Q{l7 DATE OF ORB :·IEETI;IG: URB APPLI CAT ION ..···lIIIS APPLlCATIQ;j HILL NOT BE ACCrPlI:O UNTil "LL lNFORIIATlON IS SUBtIITTEO···.. I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-Ilpplication meeting with il plallnin~J stafr member is strongly suggesterl to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items requit"ed by the zoning administrator). It is th.c applicallt'.?respon~ihllity to mak~l\!l.S!PQointm.cryt with the sta.ff to find, out a~out additionu,l submittal requirements.Please note that a Cor·1PLETE applica- tion wi 11 streaml ine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of dpproval that the URn may stipulate.ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before c1 building pel1niL is issued. SoUTH O€C,ilt./15 SHaWl..!~srercH.THIS......Jt:1/-lLi-/AlCl-VL?E ,1/E'W' I?ttJuA&?J...(}NO WMIO ~~_dO.L2IFJea FL.UE J!.V..K<osu,eF· "•APFLIEO ~~.QBJUT-'!i€B~Ji.x.ret?J0Bof Bl!IU?uJ<!zS B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add,-ess ""7"14-eo-mrQC E'AB:H_ORIlIE ~l.."+,-"CO,,,,-+._ legal Description Rt::SU/30/VISIONLot,I,-,I Block "2-"'--Fi 1 ;n9 OE L.or] C. O. NAI~E OF APPLICANT:./?p.HElY3.egr....A-WEiSrtd'cE"'I'£Md--r.=,..,__("3 D o;) Address 44-70 SoIlUl.1!Ye:iL-74'!'A~~AHI.EL.A·telephone '2(p4-44"5 '"'3~/5"<;; NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENT,;TIVE:.....tI1H6S g,GuEPEr/A~r. is reqlJes ted. Address A.4zo SoIl11iwe;,T 74 '!'~/,.EJ"fL3'/5<; ORB FEE:The fee will be paid elt the time a building permit Signature _ Address .80'<:7'2,tt:J5S6Go,up 50 GAQl..§',CQ.8/~31 telephone %8·G<3<1a NAJ-IE OF OHNERS:--'28.U5:~.....J;:Y..~t41' F. E. VALUATiON $0-S 10,OCO $10,001 -$50,000 $50.001 S 150.000 $150.001 $500.000 S500.001 SI,OOO.OOO $Over $1.000.000 rEE $10 .00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 S200.00 $300.00 U·IPORTArH NOTICE REGARDING ALL SU!,I-IISSlONS TO TilE ORB: 1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements.the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work IllUSt be corr,pleted before the ORB visits the site. 2.The review process for NnJ I3UllOINGS will normally involve t"'l0 separate meetings of the Desian nevir~\...Boaru,so plun on at lClIst t\~o meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail to appear before the nesign Review Board at their scheduled meetinq and who have not Dsked for a post~ol1ernent will be required to be republished. ",,--•"-.._t.J ....-..~..,.....~~,:"".~I •• 4.The f0110\vin9 items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They,however,have to be pn~scntcd to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a.\~indO\·/s.skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building~and b.Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or publ ic space. whi ch hilve had 1etters subni tted from adjai ni ng property owners approvi n9 the addition;and/or approval from the agent fOf,or manager of a condominium association. 5.You may be requil:od to conduct Nalul'ill Ilazar<.!Studie-:all your property.You should check ...Ii th a Town Planner before proceeding. ". I'I II I I~ ••.4 NAt-IE OF PiWJECT:__'Ll1£!gl1f:g!:L...1?!2/~_ LEGAL DESCRIPTlOiI:LOT 1/IILOCK 'Z FILING g&5<J8oE.LLJr"7 STREET ADDRESS:"274 A2Ti9=-r'..J'1.IQ::L..J?R!ve._VAIl-_co . DESCRIPTlOiI OF PRDJEC1":41J1E8DTlqJ To ~'"W6=--,O,,-,,£i.:=C""'=_~_ The (0110\>1;09 infonnation is rctluired for subml ttal by the appl ;cant to the Design Review Board before i)fi na 1 approva I can be fi ven: A.BUILDING t1ATERIALS:TYPE OF ;,IATERIAL Roof Siding COLOR Other \~all ~ldtcr;dls Fascia Soff;ts Wi ndO'(/s Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand Or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other ....Mb'--_ ...41/.4---------.-. ....<!(I.-l ._ ~A .. &/4. .J>I/A-_ -.L!0!'-_ B.lANDSCr'\PIi'lG:Name of Designer: phone: PLANT I·IATERIALS:Botanical lIome PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO _ BE REI·IOVED e><tSTIJJG Cowman Nilme Quanity Size· ~Indic.ltc cilliper for dccidllclO\l':trees.IndiClItc height for conifers. (over) • PLArH j,VHERIALS:80 anicJl Nllmc (can't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BC REt':OVEO GROUrlO COVERS SOD SEED " ColtTl1on Name • Quanity Size• Square Footage TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I-IETHOO OF EROS 1011 COiHHOl ----- --'---'.-- C.OTHER LA:mSC,\PE FEATURES (rclilin;ng Nalls,fences.swinulling pools.etc.)Please sped •" •• UT!I.lT'f I.OC.\TION V[RIFIC:\TIO~ SUIJO IV 1S rON,..tJ"/J:L-,CH_~"",l!&~"""",-_7P=,---..cr",,,,,=",S,,-r.£',y""'&L _ LOT -'llLOCK ,FILING,_ ADOIlLSS The IOCJ:tion of utilities,...·hether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines.must be Jpp1'OYcd rind vcrllicd b}'the following utilities for the accor.lpany ing 5 it c P I an. Date ~lountain Bell 1-634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall *Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Nich~cl lJverty Vail Cable T.V, Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek *For n<:!w c ____please fi 11 attached sh NOTE:Thc;.c verification:,;d .....lIul rC'1h'vc the COlIll·;lct.or of his rcspollsihi lity to Obt;lin a street cut p~rl:lit from the TOI4Tl of Vail,Dcpntmcnt of PubLic Nor"-s ."1111.1 to obtain utility IOC.3tions bdnn."di~ginl;:in any of-way or C<lsen~nt in the Tm.."of Vail. publ ic':"iCht- A building permit is not OJ street cul peri:1it.A street cut pCl'rnit muSt be obtained separately. 11\ls form is to v('rify scrvice a\'~li lJblity <'llld location. TIus should be lIsed ill conJIlIH:tion with prcp:lring your utility pl:m otnJ schctlulin!:in5t:tllatiOlls. •• ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS Fil i ng P6$tIP Wi-' ._--_._-.-------------- DATE:J{/IJe /5 /"'", LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~:Lot II 010d Z. ADDRESS::i.2:I.±~.E!>TQi 1212"/6 OWNER Oii~OJ.wegTltB/d Phon({""",}2U4'44v'5 ARCHlTECT..>d6>HB R.c;,JPEEY .Phone3261'(p'J4-0ZONEDISTRICT_ PROPOSED USE LOT SIZL 1\llol'led P~osed--- Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA (30)(33) .- Seconda ry GRF A Setbacks:Front 70' Sides 15 ' Rear ~Ia tcr Course 15' (30)(50) Si te Coverage lancJsctlping Fence/Retaining ~Iall Hci']tlts Parking Credits:Garage r~ech,)ni Ctl 1 Airlock Storage (300)(600) (900)(1200) (50)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) Solar Heat Orive:Slope Permitted Slope Actoal _ Environmental/Hazards:Avalanche Flood Plain ------------ Slope _ Wetlands _ Geologic HJzards COIIJnents:_ Zoning:Approved/Disapproved 0"te : Staff Signature Project Application ,, Contget Person and Phone Date ~..,'i<:7l·1-----,,----- Project Name:-'--'-:::.....,:.r.:..::........c.:-"'I'-_...:.!iL.:C,,;.:....,.~,---.:---"'")L ~_---''\--''=_...L7'--'~''''.l\_ Project Description:":jj;J!'t,,~:...Jf."'___-LA-'-")Cl\:..)L''-_ -\\ Owner,Address and Phone:_)~"-\---',-,o;_.:'--'---'----"Y\'1_--"'-'~'-.'-..:.2CC'--''--'Lc-'._ Architect,Address and Phone: legal Description:lot ~I--Block __2,,::=_~__Filing __.;./~~-"'-~7--'f:'-'--~Zone '__ Comments:_ Design Review Board Dete _ Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:I I,I ['7 /~)l )I ( l'~=...., Date:\") =Town Planner / Staff Appro'tl81 I -....'""... • townC:Of~va~i~~ ,• box 100 ,ail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 Thompson B.Sanders Suite 1636 141 W.Jackson Chicago,II.60664 office of the town manager September 15,1977 Dear Mr.Sanders: Re:Lot 11.Block Resubdivision 2, of Filing lot 7', 2, Vail/Potato Patch As a representative of the Town of Vail,Department of Community Development,I would like to express my congratulations to you for the fine building you recently constructed on the above Daoed property.I feel that YQIrbome is a welcome addition to Vail and on behalf of the DepartD~nt of Community Development,would like to express my appreciation for your efforts. In order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy (the official document that permits you to occupy your premises)it is necessary that your dri~~ay and parking area be paved in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Vail.If it proves impossible to have this work done in the near future, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy upon your agreeing to have this work done prior to a mutually agreed date in the future. If,in fact,you are not ~he owner of the afore mentioned property,if this work has been completed or will be completed within 2 weeks please disregard the latter portion of this correspondence. Please contact liS,at your earliest convenience,regarding your intentions on this mat~er,or if you have any questions about this notice. Thank you. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF .COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT lAd//?/J.11k -//Ifi'f(t!e;.{{ti d~, ;'Building Official • '\0\ '\I, town of vai box 100 vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-5613 Mr.Thompson B.Sanders 141 West Jackson Bldv. Chicago,Illinois 60604 RE:Letter of February 3,1976 Dear Mr.Sanders: office of the town manager February 9,1976 f Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated;however.as the BUilding Official for the Town of Vail,it ;s my responsibility to enforce the appropriate Building Codes of the Town of Vail including the Uniform .Building Code.Section 1716 of the Uniform Building Code required guardrails on the openings with over a 30"drop. Although it would be convenient for the Building Department to accept your responsibility for this problem,this is not possible.Variation from the Building Code requires a hearing and subsequent approval from the Board of Appeals.At your written request this action will be initiated,and you will be notified of the appropriate dates and other information. If I can be of further assistance.please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, OEPARTMEiH OF W~~ William F.Pierce.Jr.g Building Official WFP/jk •v • Town of Vail ELECI'RICAL PERMIT Job Name SJt!__~{/2.Lj!_f._ N~173 Date 01 APPlicatiOn.L'!._/_/.£/.7.._:!:19 _ Electrical Contractor .!c.~t.,f _ APPROVALS APPlicantL~~...._..._.._ SI,nUlir. $---------------------------- $1/pJJ.-~ '1.6 'U-$-----------------------/ $'f __'1.~~_to/fIAb >-----------------------"'1-'PIU Oleeker <tit' Inspection Fee Permit Fee Total Fee Electrical Valuation Building Valuation Received By...•............................................. THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION .......~" 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECIlONS •• \ I (,- • • •• • DES IGN REV II:\\'BO,\I1D DATE OF MEETING.~c2!t;/t(p MEMBERS PRESENT:~~ -&./J6ffj-j .' SUBJECT:b!r7h<..J~d..l0~,/i;~.L'Iu:-~~:<.&.._ ACTION TAKEN BY,B9ARD:;() .MOTIO~:j/~C=-'SECONDED BY~ VOTE:FOR:_AG1\INST ~._ fl.PPROVED:U4!JDJ/Y!1..uL -~al:v:r~ DISAPPROVED:_ SUMll;\RY:----------------.---- -1-1-------------------------·--y !lb ...~l.-,~~..-t.I y/\.')\..((,i'·l," Vltl CJIJllHOlAN 'O"'F~'"T'JI"'"E-IJ"'O"'t,"',j"'W.-------f ,ii'PLIC!\N1'-.,Ii:r\.') APPUC Ace 0 UNCOVERED DATE COVERED FLOOR AREA RATIO TOTAL LOT AREA BUILDING PERMIT OFF ST.PARKING TYPE OF OCCUPANCY AMOUNT EXITS REO. VARIANCE FEES Off ST.LOADING PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBING EASEMENTS TOTAL FLOOR AREA te, NO ,., YES SETBACKS ROOf REAR FRONT SIDE HEIGHT IN FT. IELECI IUNITt I I I FIRE SPRINKLERS NEW)(ALTERATION (I ADDITION I )REPAIR I t COVERING CLASS OF WORK TYPE OF HEAT WATER I t fORCED AIR I SPECIFIED INT.WALLS EXT.WALLS USE OF BUilDING ~i'r/Jv/nL SO.FT.OF BLDG. SQ.FT.COMMERCIAL NO.OF STaR'es CONDO.l ILODGE NO.OF LIVING UNITS BUILCINO Z PLUMBING 0 "MECHANICAL.•, "ELECTRICAL•> OTHER TOTAL " 19~ 'H. fiLING PERMIT OF VAilTOWN LOT 12 BL.:2 TRACT CITY COTY L;fgll MAIL ADDRESS NAME 7'P>.rn ....;....'OP;;;>-: MAll ADORESS NAME MAIL ADDRESS COTY 11m L 'H.2e"lo BUILDING 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV d.-JI HR 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABC DEFG ~J DIVISION 1 234 DATE Of APPLICATION,J-//~4 _r? <•Z•0•< 0•,U Z.0<u. •u•••U<• ".'O~••"0 • SMDKEPROOF ENCLOSURE WET STANOPIPE MECHANICAL APf'R II~J.~U~S~E~'O~N:E~2£_~"",~u.~;:a:;:;li.===jt~O~.~Y~S~T~A~N~O.~,~,,;:=====j==!:~=t~~oc~'~J~ec~·~"t!1~6~5to~"~r ~ ""~"'"I .f:'.•L -lI __C,O~M""BC·S<T"A"N"D"·ol~"'__+-__+_(7 __1I_,C"L,EA""N-'U"·cD~Ee·-'O"S"IT'+_1"'-=""''''"1''''.~m 'iA OTHERLAz'"J3'..",.,/1 t'H;PERMIT #"1 lu SURVeY SPECIAL INSPECTOR PLAN NUMBER May 12,1975 Town of Vail Building oepartment Vail COlorado 81657 Gentlemen: •• William J. Ruof A "rchl1ect Orawer2178 Vail,Colorado 81657 ~76-J051 ( Mr.Sanders has asked me to write this letter in regards to the on his forthcaning residence to be built in the Potato Patch. railings He will supply you with a notarized signed statement that he will assume full responsibility for any type of accident resulting in injury relating to the 10'<01'bench seat acting as railings.ais attorney will send a state- ment letter to your department declaring full responsibility and relieving your building department of any responsibility;realizing that his residence will not canply to the local code on this issue.He will also require his insurance agency to cover this liability in his policy and you wIll receive a copy. We will then need to obtain from your office an official waiver on the railing height. Sincerely, ~~-L...~ ('.".. H.J.Degraw BJ/sw •,>'., 0"., ~~':'-;•!>~C OWr' -;>;~mu>::~1T1 0,.zz-~Z0.0 -0 w 20·co m",or .",~~o •u>••0 3,SANDERS 'I BOULEVARD INOIS 60a04 2-6671 I TBS/kjf , .' ,bruary 3.1976 tunity to fully releive the town of ity for any injury incurred as a il residence being below the height f this matter.and agrees to releive nt of accident. incerely, ~"Y"/--4~ 'hompson B.Sanders LEGAL DESCRIPTION USE ZONE LOT SIZE PROPOSED USE<S) ~;1~q~Z~2~-~O~;FRONTAGE DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS, SETBACKS:Required -Front Rea r -"~_'_.'-'-.".~_ Rear 4>t, -'.7-..t-t>r w '1'0 Actual 5 ide 5 L/E.czt __ S;des £yr Required -FrontActual HEIGHT:Average Grade Height Alla'IIed AcTual G.R.F.A.,..-',;(,j Ratio,/lilowable sq.ft,Actua I sq.ft.<j'/lV-f>; COMMERC I AL FLOOR AREA:Percentage a II owab I8_AI IO'Ilable sq.ft. Actual sq.ft. BUILDING BULK CONTROL:Allowable maximum length Diagonal - Requl red Offsets Actua I1ength Diagonal SITE COVERAGE:Allowable ~~-%,Allowable Sq.ft.Z ../q 7.Actual /:3 % Actual sq.ft. USEABLE OPEN SPACE,Req u;red 5:00 SQ.ft.J Actu~l at<·Sq.ft., Ground level _____),Common --_%; PARKING AND LOADING:No.Requi red LANDSCAPING,Requi red _-,!f,"-"0c-%,I7.K~-CJ sq.ft.,Actual. ~,No.Actua I __2L.1.Z,--%;l1t i 0 sq.ft. ____~~~•Covered Re- qui ra d ZON I NG APPROVAL -No.;Covered Actual--- <.-( Admi n i strator --==::..:% .f:.g.Z~- Date DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL Chairman,Design Review Board Date UT I LIT I ES APPROVAL AS N01E:b ~-----'Tow 'n"E-::n-::g~;-::n-:e-:e-r------- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL :::1',q8i Date Date $ubmi t ttl':,-, Date :.>U['I;I i ..--.-._..- Date $ubmi tteo for Envi ronmel1 ta I Impact Review Extension of to item ,. date '. Deadline as permitted by Section COMMENTS, Ord i nance No.8 (Series of 1973). • - ,. .. ,,-'.x..5'1,- ?~,A.:3 ~ G;) 1'I,:r X :3 '- )3 X.!~- ,t..r A .I j -<1,'yA.,II lA.f.t:t.'-' .)/6-}<.V ,- af7 ~-X $:;'- 1-1 "I,-..C I]?,'/~- '1'f ~c "I 7:>- 'I;.~-,::,-0 • L • ~.J J ~----:--'. •• -' lJ "I_.. ./ I•~ •.z/~/1.,.'/rr ------------------..-------------------------------- ~/POOLA.A ~ t-J/ ~I -/ / I/-JelN at10 l.ANG ,--W e.~'- 0.W'J~ !, --- \ _._---=j... ./ -~ EXIST G smucro E THE WERtHEI RESIDENCE SOUTH DECK ALTERATION VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST EXISTING STRUCTURE . EXISTN3 LANDSCAPE ~ VAIL,COLORADO ...ME R.GUFFE)f>ARCHITEC"T EAGLE COLOI'IAOO -t'll325-6340 vID ~{or ~\~q