HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 (3)Project Name:DAVIE RE-ROOF Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com, DRB Number:DRB060126 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A RE-ROOF SAME FOR SAME Participants: OWNER JOHN H.DAVIE,JR REVOCABLE 04/26/2006 776 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT PLATI-l CONSTRUCTION 04/26/2006 Phone:328-5515 PO BOX 3367 EAGLE CO 81631 License:148-B CONTRACTOR PLATI-l CONSTRUCTION 04/26/2006 Phone:328-5515 PO BOX 3367 EAGLE CO 81631 License:148-B Project Address:776 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 776 POTATO PATCH Location: Legal Description:Lot:12 Block:2 Subdivision:VAIL POTATO PATCH Parcel Number:2101-063-0201-2 Comments:SEE CONDITIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:04/26/2006 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approval shall not become valid for 20 days folloWing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following the date of final approval,unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:Joe Suther ORB Fee Paid:$20.00 Apr 19 06 06:16a Jl John Davie 970-476-0774 p.l -' Application for Design Review 04 b._t 01 CanmunItv Dawlopmenl 75 Sc?uft FnllIl.ibid.Vall.~811151 W:1170.470.2138 fp.:lI7Cl,,4711.2452 Wllb:-..±valal.us . APR TOWN OF-VAIL Oenenl'InfonnatJon: All prOjeCl&requirinjl dlIsIgn ,..,..IT1UItllCliWl8jllllVVll prior to tdlmlltinu •buUdlIlll pe~1t appbllon.Please .Illar 10 lII8 aubmittaJ RlllUlrementa for 1tle p;IIticaAar lIIlPI'lMIi lh«t is 1'llqU8IIed.M applk:8llon lor DelIgn Re1ll8w callnal be lICClIPled unIll 811 required InlorrMtloro b AlClIlwd by the Clxmlullily ~elopmenl DIIpIIrtm!lrt1.ThtI projlict mqy IlI60 .-1110 be I8\IlewsI by lite rlMn COIa1clI ..r1Ior lho PIennIng and Envlronl1tlHltal Commi9$lOn. 'Deelll"Nvlrrw .ppnI....ltt~...._a ~~t II .......·and con"r<l~lollGummenCM within 01111 ,.lIr of the approve" lOGlltlol1 Of tho PrGpoNI:Lot:!.1.BIc<*:;L a.&lCIMsIon:~·1 fr:I',{z1n pcrkL.__ Phyalcal Addr...:79,t f'amrO p?,f:rut I/t:· Parae'No.:,10 1 0 63 011 "--!..l...(Con18l:t E'agIa Co.•A .)j at 070-328-8640 tor psrool no.) lot.rnf):~_ Nllm8(S)oto;"ne..(al:.John kt.:,oCl\l\1..,)R.o.dl!o,,-~k :fillrl- Ma1linIJAddr••s:91'tRotH;.)(jATeH 1M.1./0,1 ,Po $"6:5]- ~~Phone:vo-'06-ro&£ Owner(sl Signaturetsl:*"t..fDIiAL.HLifJJllJ'JL:-=-.L9.1!~~_-:-_.---- Name of Applicant:tj?LIi7"H eOA!,sU/U,7lt!uJ n.n!. Mailing Addr-es5:pO #0 r =1:ua '«814 e.o.au v _____---,-__.Phon.:9 T Q -3:Jlfi -...5"uS""'''''5''--_ e-mail Addr_:'Fu:f.rp _3.l.B -55....2....,Q""-_ PIlsS1.00.per ~loot of Iolal iIgn ,... For ClOlWlruction of a new IIlIlldillll Of d,moIrebulJd. For en edcIIan where IIlUl ...fool89O Is lidded to any re&ldGnliel or 0(lIIlInIldaI bulding (lnc:lucIel;250 addllons &Interior oonVllll5ions). For minor c:IllII1gfi 10 llUIlditlJll and slle lmproy_ls.suc:It as. 1lll'OOIlntl...rClng,voindow 8ddIlIon&.land6c;lpng,IBnctI"end 11IItIir*l0 wdu,.c. For minor ~10 blIlklngll and sllelmprovernent&.suc:It .... rat'OllIklll.Plinti1Il.window llddIlIons.Illn~,lallC8ll and ItIIUlIng WB!hI.tllll. For mls/Dfa 10 ...aJraKl)'epprOVlld by Planring S1a.or th~ 08IIgn flllYIlIW 808rd. No Fee S60 No Fee SlIllO $300 SZGO Separatlon R.B!lUB6t MklGr A1te,.<IIIon (muIli.fllMlly/oorml8l1:1a1) Millur AIleralion .(1I Illlla-t'amly/dU)llell) CI1lInglIs to ApprOllld PItIrs Type of Review and Fee: Slg", conceptual RevIBw NIlw ConsIruclIoll Add1llon •• TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #:B99-0100 Job Address:776 POTATO PATCH DR Location ...:776 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No ..:2101-063-02-012 Project No.:PRJ99-0115 Status .. Applied. Issued .. Expires ... ISSUED 05/05/1999 05/06/1999 11/02/1999 Description: NEW DRIVEWAY PAVERS AND SNOW MELT Occupancy:R3 Type Construction:VN Phone:303-384-3399 CO 80401 OV/Comm.Dev. Clean ..up D&fWitt Refund Family Resi8~~~ovad ~ Non-Rated amount ~, Ft:date gJ_ Single Type V Add Sq15,102 DAVIE JOHN H 776 POTATO PATCH DR,VAIL CO 81657 DAVIE JOHN H 776 POTATO PATCH DR,VAIL CO 81657 CONTINENTAL HARDSCAPE SYSTEMS 1860 DENVER WEST DRIVE #2023,GOLDEN, OWNER CONTRACTOR Valuation: APPLICANT Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #0£Gao Appliances:#0£GaD Logs:«Of Wood/Pallet: Building-----,. Plan Check---> Investigation> will call----> 205.00 133.25 .00 3.00 Reetuarant Plan Review--> ORB Fee-----------------> Recreation Fee-------·--,. Clean-Up Depos1t--------> TOTAL PEES--------------> .00 50.00 .00 100.00 491.25 Total Calculated Pees---> Additional Peeo---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Paymenta----------------> BALANCE OU£-------------> 491.25 .00 491.25 491.25 .00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/06/1999 JRM Action:APPR APPROVED Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/06/1999 JRM Action:APPR APPROVEDItem:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/06/1999 JRM Action:APPR N/A Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/06/1999 JRM Action:APPR n/a J~t:BUILDING Dept:PLANNING PER BRENT Dept:FIRE Dept:PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan.and state that all the information provided 8a required i6 correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ana atete laws,and to build this structure .ccording to the Town'e zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS Send Clean-Up Deposit To: IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT ~UR OprIC~PROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM t,..L-, OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:B99-0100 as of 05/06/99 Status---:ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant--:DAVIE JOHN H Job Address:776 POTATO PATCH DR Location---:776 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No--:2101-063-02-012 Description: NEW DRIVEWAY PAVERS AND SNOW MELT Applied--:05/05/1999 Issued---:05/06/1999 To Expire:11/02/1999 **************************************Conditions ****************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 USC. TOWN OF VAIL Id:ACTP135D Keyword:~ACTM User:KATHY DB/13/99 Pe;:5qq.0115 Activity Maintenance Permit No:899-0100 Statue:ISSUED -Fee Item Summary. Applicant:DAVIR JOHN H Address:776 POTATO PATCH DR o o o calculated Fees: Additional Feea: Total Fees: 491.25 .00 491.25 Total Fees: Payments: Balance: 491.2SlJ 491.250 .000 i666666eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeV e666666eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee£ o Item Description Fee Payments BalanceD uaii"'a""""i"""""aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaN 0 0010 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 205.00 205.00 0 0 0070 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 50.00 0 0 0080 PLAN CHECK PEES 133.25 133.25 0 0 0130 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 100.00 100.00 0 0 0140 RECREATION FEES 0 0 0150 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 3.00 0 0 0160 RESTAURANT PLAN REVIEW 0 0 1210 INVESTIGATION FEE (BLDG)0 0 0 ESC=New Option PREPARED 9/16/99,11:28:39 PROGRAM MR41SU Town of Vail CUST-IO CUSTOMER NAME TYPE DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDATE PAGE 1 CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION 1463 899-0100 CONTINENTAL HARDSCAPE DEP08 DEPOSIT D2 TX-DATE 5/06/99 AJ-DATE 8/16/99 DEPOSIT AMOUNT 100.00 DEPOSIT-ADJ AMOUNT 100.00 ADJUS1MENT AMOUNT 100.00- APTER-REFUND AMOUNT .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE:D2 100.00 100.00 100.00-.00 GRAND TOTAL' DEPOSIT COUNT: G/L BATCH CREATED: 1 BATCH-02075 1999/08 USERID-JPOPECK AP HELD 100.00 COUNT- 100.00 1.00 100.00- AMOUNT- .00 100.00 e e ~qq-otl5' -._-PEP,,'1l T /' ]-Electrical ~)-Mechanrccl []-Other Job Address:7?b jJ).;Jo !Jk.h £1...Lt _ PERl1IT IHFOlliU,TION ************************Yo *i.e * Job Name: APPLICATION }ruST BE FILLED X····,·········..·······..·..·· []-Building []-Plumbing [ 771-A,idQ j{Jc~ .,. :'''''''co:;cac't Eaglc County Asscossa Officc 0 _ 6/.it 0970-328-861,0 lor Parccl ,..TOHN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTI~ ~PARCEL (i:.2/01-0_3 -Q2-0/2 PEPJ-lIT J..PPLICATION FORH1"0 DATE:yl2f-bCJ OUT COMPLETELY OR IT lLl>.Y HOT BE ACCEPTED F ili ng --"S"'U"'B."-D=-!\'-..o1...,S"-,1",O",-",-,,:--'-_Legcl Description:Loto _ Owners Name:---.-Joba IX...VI':'- Blocko _ Address:776 AiJo At</,;0 Ph.t.;7t -71)/S Arc;Iiteet: General Descrip£ion:-. liork Class:.[X]-New [ Address:Ph,_ ::z;"r/c;J OWl ,~e4 °w,clrtn fJl!'&J/'wrw~.-e,J Ji.w"'i4 0 pL.,.1.bd {71ul&7I-t1l ~( U J t,''-J/F Ff oJ{/ )-Altera~ion [)-Additional []-Repair [)-Other _ Number of o-,.;el LingO units:NUlllber of Accommodation units: .Plumbing contractor: f..adress: Mecha~,ical contractoro:t/1~14jb~/1/,.').J.IItJAddre~s:10 B,,(NO )j,4~1Aj-o-r.s Town of vail Reg.NO._ Pho~Number: &J~~;'flJrlJf Vail Reg.NO.IJ,,~t1rtt-=Phone Nurnber:0 8:27 S'7 16 FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUNBING PlJI.N CHECK .FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERl-1IT FEES:~~.~_ BUILDING: SIGNATURE:peA - ZONING:~'--............ SIGNATURE:Llal~neceived MAY ,1 11W9y~g~- ~Q.FT.VALUATION - . BUILD~NG PERMIT FEE: PL'iNS NG PERlUT FEE: ME:~ICAL PERMIT FEE: EL::CTI-ICAL FEE: aT:lER TYPE OF FEE: ORB FIE:: TYPE ~GROUI 1 COlillilents: 1 .' ....",.,.00''''n""oSIT l('tTJ'ill TO-'"r\.i'.-..il ...~".--!..._:::..:...:~~_._:..'-._.._~"'_I_O-_~v ~\~- t ' ," ". i... 75 south (,anlage road vall,colo'rado 01657 (30J)l,79-21)8 or l,79-2139 office 01 communlly developmenl TO: FRO}!: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTR1\CTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED \'IITHTH2 TOI·IN OF VAIL TOT(IN OF VAIL PUBLIC 'WRKS/COHHUNITY DEVELOPHEtlT Kl\RCH 16,1988 CONSTRue TIOH'P1\.F.KING &Kl\TERI1',L STOR;,GE In su~~ary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unla~ful for.any pel'son'to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or materi31,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets ~nd wOl}~en vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public pl;ce or :lny portion thereof.The right-ot-Hay on all'Tmm of Va l streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. Th 3 ordinance will be strictly enforced by the To~n of Vail PuLlic,Works Department.Persons found violating this 6rdinance 0ill be given a 2~hour vritten notice to remove said material. in the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 2~hour time specif~ed,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of perscn notified.The provisions of this 'ordinance shall not be applicabLe to con~truction,maintenance or repair projects of ~ny strc!t or alley or any utilities in,the right-a-~~y.' To t'evieH"Ordinance No:6 in iUll,please stOP'by the Tal-In of Vai Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your' coc leretion on this ~atter. by: to Projec;t (i.e.contractor,o',mer) V"_9hfl'--L-'~,-,-f _ I"Dat: ," ~0. ..'., 75 ,oulh Ironlage road \'ell,colorado 01657 (3:>3)l,79-2138 or 1,79-2139'aI/Icc 01 communlly dcvclopmCI11 BUILDING PERI·iIT ISSUANCE TUIE FRAt,lE If thi.s permi.t requires a TOI'In of Vail Fire Department Approval,.. Engineerl.5 (Public I-Iorks)review andapproval,a Planning Departmlnt reviel'/or He.1.lth Dcpartment revicI'I;and a reviert by the Building Department,~he estimoted time for a'total revierl may take as lon~ as three wee:zs. All commcrcii~l '(large or small)and all multi-family permits l':i11 have to folllw the above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small prr jects should take a lesser amount of time.'HO'dever,if residenti"al (r small er projects impact the various above !il:>ntiohed departments \',i.th regard to necessary 'revi e""these projects may also take the three week period.". Every attempt \'lin t e made by this deportment to ex'peclite this'. .permi:t .as,s.qon as pussi bl e. I,tbe undersigned,understand the plan check p~ocedure and time frame., <!_776 /'1-<10 ;:.iJ I 'Pr(lject Name Date Work Sheet was turned into t e "Community Develo!1m~nt Departmert. .:\ TO; FROM: DATE: RE: .ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT r.-lAY 9,1994 VyHEt~A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT"IS REQUIRED Job Name:17/jJv!<Jv't-J Date:1/.u/'i"'i Please anSWEi th3.following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": YES NO 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Is this a nEW residence? Is demolitiun \-'1ork being periormed tr.3\requires the use of the right 01 way,easements or pUblic prope~ty? Is 1ny 'utility work needed? ,Is .he criveway being repaved? Is difierant access needed to site oll'er than existing driveway? .. X.-hd oiLr-r ""I!£.w:. I( 6)Is any drainage worK being done affecting the riflht of way,easemenls, or public property? 7) 8) Is a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit". required?. A.Is the right·of way,easements or public property to be used for staging, parr\ing or fencing? B.If no to SA,is'a parking,staging or fencing 'plan required by Community Development? I you answered yes to an,'of these questions,a ~Public Way Permit"must be obt~ined. "Jublic Way Permit"applications may be obtained at the Public Worr('S office or at Community Developmomt..If you have any questions please call Charlie Davis,the Town of Vail Construction Inspector,at 479-2158.' I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M99-0039 Job Address :776 POTATO PATCH DR Location :776 POTATO PATCH DR Parcel No :2101-063-02-012 Project Number:PRJ99-0115 Status ...:ISSUED Applied ..:05/06/1999 Issued ...:05/10/1999 Expires ..:11/06/1999 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLuMBING POBOX 340,MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING POBOX 340,MINTURN CO 81645 OWNER DAVIE JOHN H 776 POTATO PATCH DR,VAIL ~O 81657 Phone:303-827-5736 Phone:303-827-5736 Description: NEW BOILERS IN GARAGE FOR SNOWMELT Valuation:23,700.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #Of Oas Appliances:#0£GaB Loge:#ot Wood/Pallet: Mechanical---> Plan Check---> Investigation> Will Call----:> 480.00 120.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> ORB Fee-----------------:> TOTAL FEES--------------:> .00 .00 603.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments----------------> BALANCE DUE-------------> 603.00 .00 603.00 603.00 .00 Division: Dept:BUILDING Division: APPROVED ~ Dept:FIRE Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/06/1999 JRM Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/06/1999 JRM Action:APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUlRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC.701 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC L CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTElJ ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 5.ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. 6.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7.PERMIT~PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM P.t<.IOR TO AN INSPECTION RE8UEST.8.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS C NTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required.completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided a8 required ie correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawB,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision code.,deaign review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE 1WENTY-FOUR HO~CE)BY2-TELEPHONE AT 4':;;'138<---__/\I ~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER t.X-.J-'G.~--------- OR AT OUR OFFICE PROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM "".e.......................................................................'*.-. TOWN O~VAIL.COLORADO Statemnt Statemnt Number:REC-051S Amount: Payment Method:ex Notation:2676B 603.00 05/10/99 14,01 Init:IN Permit No:M99-0039 Type:B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No:2101-063-02-012 Site Address:776 POTATO PATCH OR Location:776 POTATO PATCH DR This Payment 603.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pnu:e: Balance: 603.00 603.00 .00 Accoun t Code MP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 we 00100003112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 480.00 120.00 3.00 '*Lo:;E~ct'·F.aglc County Assc'ssorAEfite .e· I.at 970-32$J.-&6110 tor Parcel If ••TOHN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PARCEL Ii:,;,.z./Ol-(J 3-02-0/2.PERMIT APPLICATION FORH DATE:'11.2}119 ~-O"S'· -'- Job Name: APPLICATION HUST BE FILLED~*••*'*;.***•••••******.*.*.,* ()-Building [)-Plumbing [ 77t fJdklo AkA OUT COMPLETELY OR IT HAY HOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORHATION **************************** ]-Electrical ~]-Mechaniccl []-Other Job Address:77t !J,lck Rr.kh {l..L-(_ Address: Legal Description:Lot,_ Owners Name:..---Jab.,fue- Block~__F iling --'S"-'U"-'B~D'-"I..::.V-=-I"-sI~O~>_'_.:::'-'-_ Ph.l;7k71J/S Arc:litect:Address:Ph._ General De scription:"Xar&'!/'rAtl41:..e1t 'f!jrlr<t1 fM'/"",Jrivr"'J ~.Jw4:y,fJ4 Lkd -o/vf"""i'An' Work Class~[~-New [)-Altera~ion [)-Additional [)-Repair []-other _ ~1urober of Dwell.ing'units:Number of Accor.unodatibn units: ?mber and Type of Fireplaces':Gas Appliances__Gas Logs__HoodjPellet _ ,*********************************VALUATIONS ****;:**********~***************** OTHER:$ TOTAL:$.-,------- INFO~~TION *'7:*******~*~*******~~ Town of Va11 Reg.NO _te.,~hone Numbe'r:'t7#lIn'\D(P-S Dl2;1~~#'t-01,...~J'o.J-.Jrv -3If' .~..~l ,\1:)Town of Vail Reg.NO. __'--~'---'-_--'~VI U Phone Number:-...,.-_ 'ectrical Contractor: (dress: ~UILDING:$~ilUC '5"/Di ..,~-ELECTRICAL:$ ('IDlE ING:$'.'.HECHAN I CA L::}-,2"'="3;-=-rz-Q-O-.fX)-- ********,'r ***********'7:*CONTRACTOR 'ener.'l.l Contractor: ddress: lumbing contractor: :ldniss: =challicai Contractor.:./~jt~fJ~.J.I/~,Jdre~s:to AI)(J/YV );t.,~--:-:-_.'".... Town of Vail Reg.NO.__ Ph0{fo,NUmber:'l.~~"~rlolf Vail Reg .NO.IJy~1ttt-=.Phone Number:·lr2'1-S'7,U TYPE ~I"ROUI f Q.FT~_V_A_L_U_A_T_I_O_N_ mments: ~***?************************** JILD:NG PERHIT FEE: }irIS NG'PERlUT FEE: :~HA.lICAL PERHIT FEE: ,::;CT.i-leAL FEE: ':IER r~PE OF FEE: .8 FE E:: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING P~~CHECK YEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL'PERMIT FEES:~~~;j_ BUILDING:n~*~- SIGNATURE:~g/\ ZONING:~~~ SIGNATURE:L,la It:neceiVe:d MAY ,1 lQ9~ .. DATE:4/17199 GWGE T.SANDERS COMPAN~ PO BOX 169 191 WEST 9TH STREIE:T SILVERTHORJ~E.COLORADO 80498 (970)468-8254 OR 1-800-3;)3-2547 FAX #(303)893-083(1 FAX TRANSMISSION TO:JERRY sm!!.\,PJ,UMBING INC ATIENTION:DAVID SlJDJE(;T:776 POTATO PATeD MESSAGE: Atta(hed is the design and quote for 776 Potato Patch snowmelt.The input needed ror the boiler is right at 32SMBH so I bumped the boiler up to an HH400 ill case t.be square fool2ges are a little mOrt tban measured.The utra (ost is \'try minimal. Thanks Blirry rO'd Cl}STOMER:JERRY SIBI.EY Pl.tJMBING INC JOB NAME:776 POTATO PATCH DATE:4/18/92 S1S0WMELT CALCIIIAJIDNS SQFT BTUH BOILER INPUT BTUH FEET OF TUBE LOOP LENGTH #OFLOOPS TOTALGPM GPM PER LOOP FT HD(LOOP) FT HD (MANIFOLD) TOTALFTHD PIPE SIZE TO AREA MANIFOLD AREA,.TUBE SPACING GO·d AREA J 1500 172500 319444 2000 250 8 1l.5 1.4 10 6 16 1··1/4" 9" 776 POTATO PA TeH SNOWMELT SYSTEM ,JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING e u ---1 _ f¥'--,_,-_.'\q---J ___~_·-t---r".~)cmc \'~:K\I ~ il, I ~ III, \.0 \.0 No 'tl ill l> ;0 iJ< o ... N.. JI i'1 Z Glr- fll P_I It-co ool2.r ~z P-1.()o13F /' \ II I I II!I,I I ;I L----.--..1,-._........_'...t -y------- SNOWMELT AREA /--/".......\ " 1-1/4" I __-...-L l~W MAX '~ ____.J- " BOILER :Iff ffi-l ... ~1·112" ,~. r I, .__.-_...._.-'--'---- Il-I .#PUI\PS . po.cr I2P·I •TAC OOl2F ' p.%-TAC OOUF,++~._J TWO -:LLS;CXJU i"1'vi JVi boJrfS ::z;,JvaJ Jft.h -tuf< '1l o I~ ",', ft II .~/ovt ~1t,.J ~foC.fie Wt./f OIl UII j.{lrv~Cue -krJo,)) {Jo;/~.s 011 Ii''''..s;..,J-s -)/b,J uM!IJ ',.4-AJ~. 2-10/.12 Of"""! £r&",,~' Ap~~a" /'Ill'-J.,VA;}"" i W"'+-ooe h::fi-GIle Ivw RVII .Iv CUIiff(' l S=6e f- !v'I'dvJ..,.,J( J &0,",1\;1110 <.:(j(V(/ftJ,L-J _ row~ Project Name: fJesign Review Ac'on Form TOWN OF VAIL Davie Residence Project Description:Driveway snowmelt and stamped concrete pavers Owner,Address and Phone:John Davie,776 Potato Patch Dr. Architect/Contact,Address and Phone:Phoenix Pavers,PO Box 908,Vail,CO 81658,476-1244 Project Street Address 776 Potato Patch Legal Description: Parcel Number: Lot 12,Block 2,Vail Potato Patch Building Name: Comments:Pavestone Antique Terra Cotta Paver approved Board /Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner:Brent Wilson Action:Staff Approved Date:5/04/99 DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 (add to permit) F:IEVERYONE\DRBIAPPROV AL\99IDA VIE.WPD J row~ Project Name: ••Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Davie Residence Project Description:Driveway snowmelt and stamped concrete pavers Owner,Address and Phone:John Davie,776 Potato Patch Dr. Architect/Contact,Address and Phone:Phoenix Pavers,PO Box 908,Vail,CO 81658,476-1244 Project Street Address:776 Potato Patch Legal Description: Parcel Number: Lot 12,Block 2,Vail Potato Patch Building Name: Comments:Pavestone Antique Terra Cotta Paver approved Board /Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner:Brent Wilson Action:Staff Approved Date:5/04/99 DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 (add to permit) F:IEVERYONEIORBIAPPROV AL\99IDA VIE.WPD J ...., J.-j I• MODIFIED HERRINGBONE PA TTERN I I"II IIIII II I IIII II I I I I II f- I- - -r-- -f-f- -f- r- - -- f- f-- r- f-- f-r-r-f- r-r-- r- --- -r- ---f-r- -- I- I '--I II III IIIIII