HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 12 (4)NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES &HOCKE 19428 Permit *:B95-0049 • Phone:3034761125 Depamnem ofComrmmiry Developmenr DR Status ...:APPLIED Applied ..:03/20/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: Phone:3034761125 PATCH PATCH ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT • Job Address:776 POTATO Location ...:776 POTATO Parcel No ..: TOWN OF VAIL 75 Sourh Fromoge Road Vail.Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT HOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP POBOX 762,EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR HOZmSTAKE BUILDERS CORP POBOX 762,EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER DAVIE JOHN H %SHARP CORP RIDGE PIKE &CARLAND RD,CONSHO Description: piS ALTERATION Town of vail Adjusted Valuation:42,000 F'repl~c;e Infor..tion:Restricted:HO 1:01 Gu Applhncu:'01 Gas Logs:IIOf Vood/Pallet: i*AA*AA'****~**i*****A'*************.**'.*••********.***tt*fEE S~KARY **'*******••••**••••***~.~...*-••*****~.***.*••**.*. Build;ng---->434.00 RestUllra.1'lt Phln Review-->.00 Total Celculated FHS--)1,019.'0 i"h Plan thetk-->282.10 ORB he -)50.00 Additienal Fecs--->.00 \\iJInve$ti~tion>.00 Recreation Fee ->.00 Total Perllit Fee--->1,019.10~'lJC lIill Call---->3.00 Clean-Up Oeposit--->250.00 Pa)'llenu------->20.00 J([" TOTAL FEES------->1,019.10 SAUHCE OUE------->999.10 ~\••••••••*.~••*••••*•••••••**•••••*••••••••••••_••••••_••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••*****~*****~ Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:BUILDING Division: 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept:PLANNING Division: 03/22/1995 LAUREN Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:FIRE Division: 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept:PUB WORK Division: 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Item:05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Dept:HEALTH Division: 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS J hereby ackno~ledg.tnat I nave read this application;filled out in full the infor.ation required,co~leted an accurate plot plan,and state that all the infor..tion provided as required i,correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cocply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,unifor.Building COde and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAll SE HADE TVEHTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY TElEPHON~~~~fl~;::~:~;?~:~;~ Send Clean-up Deposit To:HOttESTAXE BUilDERS SIGHATlJRE OF OWNER Of!CONTRACTOR FOR HUISElF AHD OWNER (•• ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit i:B95-0049 a6 of 03/23/95 Status:APPLIED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant:HOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP 3034761125 Job Address: Location:776 POTATO PATCH parcel No:2101-063-02-012 Description: piS ALTERATION Applied:03/20/1995 Issued: To Expire: Conditions: 1.1.5/8 DRYWALL IS REQUIRED ON GARAGE SIDES AND CEILING. 2.STAIRS TC MEET SEC.3306 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4.EGRESS IS REQUIRED FROM THE LOFT AS PER SEC.1204 OF THE 1991 UBC. 5.5/8 DRYWALL IS REQUIRED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 6.LIGHT AND VENTILATION IS REQUIRED IN BATHROOM LOFT AS PER SEC.1205 OF THE 1991 UBC. OTE:THIS PERMIT ~ruST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES I • MECHANICAL PERMIT • Permit #:M95-0034 JOHN DAVIE JR DAVIE JOHN H %SHARP CORP RIDGE PIKE &CARLAND Ro,CONSHo &HOCKE ROBINSON/SQUAW CREEK P&H POBOX 64,EDWARDS CO 81632 DReponmellsWJt!utgl!U.ll!1'Y ~~!Wr DR Applied ..:03/20/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: 75 South Fromoge Road Vail,Colorado 8/657 303·479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: 776 POTATO PATCH 776 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-02-012 19428 Phone:3039263859 Description: ALTERATION TO PS,MP valuation: Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANNING Division: Fireplace lnforlllation:Restrietl!d:/fOf Gas Appliances:/lOf Gas Logs:1I0f ll00d/Pallet: ****_•••,***•••*****•••••••••••••••••****•••***A'rEE SUr.KARY *****tA "•••••*1)Kechani~l-->200.00 Rl!nLWIr~t plan R~lew-->.00 Total Calculated Ftes--->253.00 f\.\V- Plan Checlt-->50.00 ORa fe~---->.00 Addit;on.l Fees---->.00 1':..lIn~l!Sti9u1on>.00 TOTAL FEES-~>253.00 Total Perll;t Fee >253.00 -JI'0J lIill Call-->3.00 Pay.ents >.00 .';,J BALANCE OUE------>253.00 ******A""""~,.,~,••,*••*.*,.*************"*"*'*"'~,"••**********,."****",,.*'***********'****"*******AiiAAAAiii*A.ii'" Itim:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03 22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.A GAS TEST WILL BE REOUIRED. 2.ALL USED EQUIPMENT MUST BE IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION. 3.COMBUSTION AIR WILL BE REQUIRED AS PER CH.9 OF THE 1991 UMC .. 4.EQUIPMENT ROOM MUST HAVE A VOLUME AT LEAST 12 TIMES THE TOTAL VOLUME FOR A FURNANCE AND 16 TIMES THE TOTAL VOLUME FOR A BOILER. 5.HEATING EOUIPMENT LOCATED IN A GARAGE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE PILOTS,BURNERS,AND HEATING ELEMENTS AT LEAST\ 18"ABOVE THE FLOOR LEVEL. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that 1 ha~e read thi!application,filled QYt in full the infor.ation required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that atl th.information provided as required is correct.1 agree to comply ~ith the information Ind plot plan, to co~ly with all Town ordinances and stlte llw"and to build this structure according to the Town's ~on1ng and sUbdiviaion codes,des1gn review approvRd,unitor.Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQtJESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MOE TVEHTY-fOUR ttOURS IN ADVANCE BY TElEPHOt~h79-2'38 OR AT OUR OffICE fROt'l 8:00 AH 5:00 Pit aM #,,;;3'£K /k-s SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR fOR NHISElf AND OUHER R'c:::v7-r,'.('-hk...e A C:1//(7k~S NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES • JOHN DAVIE,JR DAVIE JOHN H %SHARP CORP RIDGE PIKE &CARLAND RD,CONSHO &HOCKE SHAW ELECTRIC POBOX 1451,AVON CO 81620 3039263353 19428 Phone: Permit I"P95-0022 Deparlmem o/Commllniry Del'elopmem DR Status ...:APPLIED DR Applied ..:03/20/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: 776 POTATO PATCH 776 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-02-012 0IIIMBTl>TG PEPMI'T' Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: 75 SouIh Fronrage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR / Description: ALTERATION TO PiS PP Valuation: "'it"'l"""""'!_"'!_"""""""""""!"""'"rEe SUftKARY "ti'A't"""_.""••"".""_,.,!",.,.",,,.,.,,.,""lJ'f Plumbing----->150.00 RtstuarAnt Plan Rrview-->.00 Total Calculated fees--->190.50 1(\1 . plin Check->37.50 TOTAL FEES->190.50 AdditiCW'lal fees---------).00 ~\;. InVtstig.ation>.00 Total Per.it fee >190.50 .J ~I~ \jill C.ll--)3.00 •PayltenU--------).00,., BALANCE DUE >190.50 \1***************••••••••••••*****•••••••••••••••••••••••••**••••••••*••••••••••*.*.*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••**••••**\ Itim:05100 BUILDING DE~ARTMENT 03 22/1995 DAN Act>on:APPR CONDITION OF Dept: APPROVAL BUILDING Division: ••*.****.************~.~*****.*.***********************.*****.*.**.***••*•••*••••••••••******~.***ti********.*************ti****. DECLARATIONS 1 hereby ackno~ledge that 1 have read this application,filled out in full the infor~tion required,c~pleted an accurata plot plan,and state that all the infor.ation provided as required is correct.I agree to cOIlply ~ith the inforlNltion and plot pliln, to co~ly with all Town ordin.ncil and state laws,and to build thi,structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design revicw approved,Unifor~Building Code lind other ordinances of the To~n applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE T~ENTY-FOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSElf AND OUNER IN ADVAHCE BY TElEPHOH~38 OR AT OUR OFFICE f~OM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM ~~&6?vCm.k.e.6""'..../~, NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES JOHN DAVIE JR DAVIE JOtiN tI %StlARP CORP RIDGE PIKE &CARLAND RD,CONStiO &HOCKE GREGORY ELECTRIC,INC 4506 NORTti GARFIELD,LOVELAND CO 80538 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 3036697609 Permit #:E95-0034 19428 Phone: • Deparrmem a/CommuniI)'Development DR Status ...:APPLIED DR Applied ••:03/20/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: 776 POTATO PATCH 776 POTATO PATCtI 2101-063-02-012 • Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 '-...:::::~~~..••TOWN OF VAIL CONTRACTOR APPLICANT OWNER / Description: ALTERATION TO SFR,EP Valuation: El.ctri<:a l---> Plan Ch@cli:-> Investig.at ion> Will Call--> TOTAL fEES-> 50.00 _00 '.00 53.00 Total Calculated Fees---) Additional '••5--------) Total Per.it Fee----> Paylllents------> 6ALANCE OUE-------> 53.00 .00 53.00 .00 53.00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Dept:BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledgo that I have read this appLication,filled out in fuLL the infor.ation required,co.pLeted an accurate pLot plan,and state th.t all the intor~tion p~ided as required i,eorrect.I agree to eo~ly with the information and plot plan, to eOftPly with ell Town ordinenees and .tate laws,and to build this strueture .ceording to the Town's loning end subdivision codes,design review approved,Unifor.Building Code .nd other ordinance.of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS fOR INSI'ECTIONS SHALL BE lUDe T\IENTY-fOUR HOUI\S IN ADVANCe BY TELEl'tKltlE AT J,~2138 OR AT OUR Office fROH 8:00 AI'l 5:00 P" ~~~fl'tm?C5'h./<2~j/Q, SIGNATURE Of OVNER OR CONTRACTOR fOR HI"SELF AND OVNER NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES •( TOJVN~OF::::VAI~L~':;ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #:B95-0049 &HOCKE 19428 Phone:3034761125 Deparrmem ofCommulJiry Deve!opmemDRStatus...:APPLIED Applied ..:03/20/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: Phone:3034761125 PATCH PATCH Job Address:776 POTATO Location ...:776 POTATO Parcel No ..: 75 Soulh Fromage Road Vail.Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT HOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP POBOX 762,EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR HOt1ESTAKE BUILDERS CORP POBOX 762,EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER DAVIE JOHN H %SHARP CORP RIDGE PIKE &CARLAND RD,CONSHO Description: P /S ALTERATION Town of Vail Adjusted valuation:42,000 nr-!place Infor..tion:Restricted:NO '01 Gn AppLi~c:e$:'Of Gas Logs:'Of Vood/,aUet: 1**1******1*1***'****************1********'*'**************fEE SUKKARY *******************************************************••• euilding-->434.00 hstUlirant Ptan Review->.00 Toul CIIleulatltd Fees--)1,0'19.10 ()... Plan theek-)282.10 ORB Fee--------~50.00 Addit;omtl FHI---->00 \f.J Investigation>.00 Recreation Fee-----~.00 Total Perllit Fee ~1,019:'0 ~~Il \lill Cilll-->3.00 Clun-Up Depol1t----~250.00 PaylHnU >20.00 J (\; TOTAL FEES------~1,019.10 BALANCE DUE------~999.10 ~\*'****"""""""""""""""""""""'******""**'*"*""*********************~*****,••,••,.,""*"*"""'**'*~ Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 03/22/1995 LAUREN Action:APPR Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Item:05700 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Dept:BUILDING Division: Dept:PLANNING Division: Dept:FIRE Division: Dept:PUB WORK Division: Dept:HEALTH Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS 1 hereby acknovledge tket J have read this application,filled out in full the ;nfor..t;on required,coepleted an accurate plot plan,and state that all the inforaation pnoYid~as required is correct.I agree to coaply with the 1nforaation and plot plan, to cc.ply with all Town ordinances and state laYS,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision ~S,design review approved,unifor.Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SKAU BE HADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TElEPHOtl/12~~;t?n&ROI't 8:00 Alj 5:~PP10 • (2,.,....."'.......P'/~ Send Clean-Up Deposit To:ttOI'tESTAKE BUILDERS SIGNATURE OF OImER OR CCltfTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ,•• ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit t:B95-0049 as of 03/23/95 Status:APPLIED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type:ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant:HOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP 3034761125 Job Address: Location:776 POTATO PATCH parcel No:2101-063-02-012 Description: pis ALTERATION Applied:03/20/1995 Issued: To Expire: Conditions: 1.1.5/8 DRYWALL IS REQUIRED ON GARAGE SIDES AND CEILING. 2.STAIRS TO MEET SEC.3306 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4.EGRESS IS REQUIRED FROM THE LOFT AS PER SEC.1204 OF THE 1991 UBC. 5.5/8 DRYWALL IS REQUIRED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 6.LIGHT AND VENTILATION IS REQUIRED IN BATHROOM LOFT AS PER SEC.1205 OF THE 1991 UBC. OTE:THIS PE~~IT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES.",I TOffN OF VAIL • MECHANICAL PE~IT • Permit i:M9S-0034 JOHN DAVIE JR DAVIE JOHN H %SHARP CORP RIDGE PIKE &CARLAND RD,CONSHO &HOCKE ROBINSON/SQUAW CREEK P&H POBOX 64,EDWARDS CO 81632 DRepartmen1;'If.Rli'w!u.n!'l'llIPPM!!Jl!I C DR Applied ..:03/20/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: 75 South Frolltage Road Vail.Colorado 81657 303-479-2/38/479-2139 FAX 303-479-1451 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: 776 POTATO PATCH 776 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-02-012 19428 Phone:3039263859 Description: ALTERATION TO PS,MP Valuation: Fireplece Inforaation:Restricted:N01 GaS _ppliences:NOf Gas Logs:#ot ~ood/Pallet; **-****A***•••*.***••*.*******.*.**.*****.*••••••~*****tt'fEE SUKKARY **.**.**.****•••••••••••••***.*******•••••**..............1) "ec:.hanieaL--)200.00 Restuarallt Plan Revie\l'->.00 Total Calcullted 'ee5--)253.00 l\.\V .... Plan Check->50.00 DRS fl!1!------->.00 Adc{;tion"l feu----).00 ~\f Jnvestigation>.00 TOTAL fEES >253.00 Total Per.it Fee )253.00 v~:.. IIlll Call--)3.00 P..y~t5 >.00 ~ 8A.IJJ'lCE DlJE )253.00 **••********_*******************************************it*********I**************.*************************1*""I'tt"••••_"'•• Division: Division: BUILDING PLANNING Dept: Dept: 1- 2. 3. 4. Item:05100 BUILDING DE~ARTMENT 03/22/1995 DAN Actlon:APPR Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL A GAS TEST WILL BE REQUIRED. ALL USED EQUIPMENT MUST BE IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION. COMBUSTION AIR WILL BE REQUIRED AS PER CH.9 OF THE 1991 UMC. EQUIPMENT ROOM MUST HAVE A VQLUME AT LEAST 12 TIMES THE TOTAL VOLUME FOR A FURNANCE AND 16 TIMES THE TOTAL VOLUME FOR A BOILER. 5.HEATING EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN A GARAGE SHALL BE INSTALLEp WITH THE PILOTS,BURNERS,AND HEATING ELEMENTS AT LEAST\ 18··ABOVE THE FLOOR LEVEL. 1- ittit •••••••,••••",!""••",.,••"",.,!,••!••".",,•••tt •••".""•••••••••!,•••••••••••••••••,•••••••••tti."'_'._••'••'*._" DECL4RATIONS I hereby Icknowledge that 1 have reid thi'Ipplication,filled out in full the informetion reqUired,completed ~n accurate plot plan,and state that alL the ;nforMition provided as required ;1 correct.I Igree to co~ly with the infor ••tion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build thi'6tructur ••ccording to the Town'.toning .nd subdivision codes,d'$ign review .pproved,Unifor.Build1ng Code and other ordinances of the Town applic.ble thereto. REClVESTS FOR lKSPECTlOHS SHALL BE KA.DE TWEHTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOfl~79-2'35 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROfl 5;00 AM 5:00 PPl au'#<:2£-«:/j~s. NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTEO ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES • PTJNJUNG PERMIT • Permit ,.P95-0022 JOHN DAVIE r JR DAVIE JOHN H %SHARP CORP RIDGE PIKE &CARLAND RD,CONSHO &HOCKE SHAW ELECTRIC POBOX 1451,AVON CO 81620 Deparunenc a/Community Development DR Status ...:APPLIED DR Applied ..:03/20/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 303·479·2/38/479·2/39 FAX 303·479-2452 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR Job Address: Location : Parcel No . 776 POTATO PATCH 776 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-02-012 19428 Phone:3039263353 Description: ALTERATION TO PiS PP Valuation: l**********_******t**'*'**'*'**'*"""'***i*****t****"'"rEE SUKKARY *******************.*,•••••••***.**••;*•••••••••••••**.**.~ Plv.bing----->150.00 Restuerant Plan Revi~>.00 Total Calculated Fees-->190.50 '\} Plon Check-->37.50 TOTAL FEES >190.50 Additional reu---->.00 1'11\l. Invinigltion>.00 Total Perait Fe-e---.)190.50 .J G t'!. lUll Call·->3.00 Pay-.enta).00 JA., BALANCE DUE >190.50 \~' ******"""""*'****'*****************************ii*i*i***i****ii'i*i**'.*'*****i'*i**i****i****i***"*'*kAA*'AAi""A,,""'A'\ Ite~:/05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT03/22 1995 DAN Action:APPR CONDITION OF Dept: APPROVAL BUILDING Division: DECLARATIONS I hereby .cknOYledge tkBt I have read thi.application,filLed out in full the ;nfor~tion required,coepleted an ~ccur.te plot plan,.nd Itate th.at aLL the infor••tian provided liS required h correct.I agree to c:a.ply with the inforllllltion .nd pLot plan, to co.ply with all Town ordinancel .nd .tat.laws,and to build this structure according to the Town',zoning and subdivision cod,s,d.sign review approved,Unifor.Building Code and other ordin.nces of the Town ~pplicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SH~LL BE H~DE TUEHTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TElEPHO~38 OR AT OUR OFFICE fROM 8:00 AH 5:00 PM ~??ft'"~~.e.5'",//~ SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR 'CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSElf AND OIiNER ... NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES JOHN DAVIE JR DAVIE JOHN H %SHARP CORP RIDGE PIKE &CARLAND RD,CONSHO &HOCKE GREGORY ELECTRIC,INC 4506 NORTH GARFIELD,LOVELAND CO 80538 ELECTRICAL PERMIT 3036697609 Permit t:E95-0034 19428 Phone: • Department of Community Development DR Status_..:APPLIED DR Applied ..:03/20/1995 Issued ...: Expires ..: 776 POTATO PATCH 77 6 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-02-012 • Job Address: Location ...: Parcel No ..: 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 ."TOWN':-OF::-:~":::~I;;L ,I CONTRACTOR APPLICANT OWNER , Description: ALTERATION TO SFR,EP valuation: Elec;trieal-> Plan Chec!t-> Investigation> will Calt-> TOTAL fEES--> 50.00 .00 3.00 53.00 Total Calculated fees-> Additional fees-------> Total Perait Fee--------> Por-ents--------> GALANCE DUE---------> 53.00 .00 53.00 .00 53.00 Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/22/1995 DAN Action:APPR Dept:BUILDING Division: .,.*.*******,*,********************************************************************************************'*****••••••••••••••••, CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby ac~nowledge that 1 ha~e read this application,filled out in full the inforMation required,coapleted an accurate plot plan,and state that III the inforDltion pro~ided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the informfttion and plot plan, to COMPly with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdi~i.ion codes,design re~iew Ipproved,uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TWENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OffICE fROH 8:00 AM 5:00 P" SIGNATURE OF OWHER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELf AND OWNER ERHlT ~_ btl Legal Description:Lot Owners Name:/",liL~.:.I\'I.;;~,--""-"~,!,,:lL.-'-f:('(-'----Address:'r:>;-r::/-;:-.".,r-~Ph.4:)'-1 01>~ ~I P IVb~5'1' Architect:{,It 'i \~Address:\ODQd!Y'S '(..~e'<'"U("" General Description:e..tU(Qh-Y",'lt.)f-.y1 IJ •''f I Ol;~;)O(;;L , j I ~,..._TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO ~~,~~PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 'I'~.t'4-'\DATE :_ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IJ~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PERMIT INFORMATION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [><I-Building [X-Plumbing [,Xl-Electrical (-Mechanical [)-Other Job Name:---;;jj,/~~.;;'iff -1./Job Address:I-~::;14 fir ,/ft,c. .,t a .),f,/IIM'-I [..--Block'Filing r I ~SUBDIVISION' .'Work Class:[)-New (~-Alteration [)-Additional [J-Repair [)-Other _ Number of Dwelling Units:Number or Accommodation Units: t')/....r ..• ~er and Type or Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs__Wood/Pellet ~ ~*******.*•••••**********.*****.*.VALUATIONS ***************.****.**.*.****••• BUILDING:$2J,)J)ELECTRICAL:$:;;,J)'OTHER:$"'1~Z=== PLUMBING:$I),C~O _HECHANlCAL:$1o.0?}TOTAL:C4>l,OOv ~••*.**.***.**••*.*••••**.*.CON~RA~OR I ~ORMATION ***••••*•••*•••••••••••••*"~neral lfl,ntractoJ;.:}:k1rrJC ',-,r:1W I~"IV Town of vail Re:-.NO.'DA- dress:'::}(..,l <"~~,_b .,,1Mz.]fY1Ji=V,/Phone Number:::{liQ /It;l.r,(, Electricaln-::ntractor:;;,11'~l JJ1.£9'7'-00«Town of Vail Reg NO.:5'1-IS Address:r!!!:L 145 '(·k"m Jl "I!"ZI>Phone Number:~.~'?,sg Plumbing ntt;actor:C',PI,I!',I ~'4'V lraJvrown of Vail Reg.No.I5"''i-P Address:I I''5'-U-Phone Number:1 Z •-;z,It", Mechanical Contractor:~(:ryS~Yf.,(JAt Town of Vail Reg.NOo _ Address:M 9-,--t2ita¥Phone Number: IL.f-'3 P SQ.FT.VAWATION ****•••**••••**•••*•••••••**•••• BUILDING PERMIT FEE:~3Y ,00 PWMBING PERMIT FEE:I 'SO 'DO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:-2QQ,00 ELECTRI CAL FEE:::\0 '<>" OTHER TYPE OF FEE:",/u'oll,l 12,00 DRB FEE:•z.o re' FOR OFFICE USE **.***•••••**••*.***••••••••••• BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:,;;fiz I {! PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE:,7,£.> MECllANlCAL PLAN CHECK FEE:§"to ,ao RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:7 5V."'" TOTAL PERMIJIFEES: BUILDING:~~J'iC?~ SIGNATURE: ZONING:1.._/7VV Wt+iJ1ii'321,,!1O SIGNATURE: Comments:_ ~CLEAN UP DEP~SIT REFUND TO: {-i,'ll o:u.,....·.-rzt; n~~ • ••• ****~*********************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number:REC-0009 Amount:20.00 03/21/95 15:36 Payment Method:CK Notation:PP ORB FEES Init:TT Permit No:B95-0049 Type:A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE Parcel No:2101-063-02-012 Site Address:776 POTATO PATCH DR Location:776 POTATO PATCH This Payment 20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL PInts: Balance: 1,019.10 20.00 999.10 **************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 41310 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES Amount 20.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- • O.ign Review Action F. TOWN OF VAIL Category Number,---,\u(P~_________Date ':?\1 1"''\1..:'2''---_ Project Neme:_12c:......JI-'-_.£t70~,;'\.-"",(::..;.:--'1"t---'--fu.,!l'I IL I v J Building Name:_ ") ) ) t Project Description:'-l-I-Jlc.'.l.v=i"-,"-"'-"-"-'c...:."-,----=c-tL::.':::O:;;.,"-<-,-,'-='-'-"-'-"-"_!b=.:....-'-L)_tv=::.,j-'•...:.::j])\"'~.:...L:..:.._-I Owner.Address and Phone:~(J 'f\.1"v"D"'I1>"V","'6'----_ ArchitecVContaet,Address and Phone:BiB B (1/I ?:, Zone District 11~~",--Legal Description:Lot I-Z-Blook...-Subdivision'?1clr.'R.tc b Project Street Address:l1 {,.~-to'-''='._-p'-<-J'\''''_....=:Dr__'':.uIVt''_'_,,''__ Comments:I \1.•rl'i<pi I"~I'QMey trd r v'A •\.~i ...d ,ff~ L ~S ".<-I~IV;~::--"'".::'=~:::...::-:c:-="--__'-r.~>..l=.:...:_':...:J~~_ h..,1 '5 _~th ,,'~,,rtf,:...:,.d3--_I' -Board St;ff Actl~ Motion by:Vote:_ Seconded by:_ o Approval o Disapproval A Staff Approval Conditions:t rN <I ___,-,,-,-,"'\,_~~L."-tu'='------­ Town Planner Date:_-"\.--"\,..:.(_0---'-_ORB Fee Pre·paid---'_':.:-..:..:'J:....l:I...:...::_'_ :, ! I'01 I: •I J•, i II,I! ·.1 '·,Ii :,, I '. I I ..1 I I COLOlWl Ell k0'\llt£"il .,, • ..,...-------.- TOWN OF VAIL, , o .',o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION OJ>.TE RECEIV2:0, DATE OF ORB MEE'l'INO:•••••••••* UCOfffL.STS APPLlCr\T,l'ONS MAY Nor 81£SC/mDrJLSP 'OR Rffltw...........: PROJECT INlQRMATION., DESCRIPTION:~El.ae AdO Art l~. I. I ,J,, J I I o :I ,1 ."I, 0I '.I A, I I ,B,:I ,·, C. D. •, !:;, i: ; j,, ! ,, I: l; j: ,I I I..I i, i: :',, I•I: ; ; I,' I--.I,... !' I !I \~ ..,, !' II! <•·,,. ";. i' -:, <• 1:•i;..' NAME qF OWNER(S):V~~~~ OWNER (S1 SIGNIl'1'UR8:_..::yq«!P.=:.:I.J.":I!.tMt=""'-_91....._ Ha i 11'19 Addrs"s ,0 7?c,ikm+rz.....ft'-;.:.t<~?iJcl:::~D~C~,i.'0&!f I tj).API=f--Phone _4"'1c,...7&e;~ APPLICATIONS WILL NO'1'BEl PROCEISSED WI!1!H01J!1!OWNSR'S Condominium Approval if applicable. ORB FEE:ORB fees.a.shown above.1 are to be paid at the time of submit tal of the ORB 8ppli\::a Hon.·t.a ter.when ,I applyinq for a build1nq permit.pleas.identify the accurate! valuation of the proposal.The Town of vail wlli adjust the:'.1. fee accordinq to t~e table below,to en lure the correct fee : is paid..c!II it .L r "j''_: FEll PJ\lO,a Jo ,.CHECK 1I:r3'trWFEl jVJfL)BY:uv~H:I'2;.~.'-j ~-$~, . NAME OF APPt.ICAN'l"·S R~E'SENTATIVE:...:~=<vt,-~,J:13:..Jz""d'o<..:a....=-..;-. Hailinq Addrs ...:.IMI7~tl Phone 11d;~~2i:;; Eo F. 'IiI' I , I i G. I I 1. II J. '. ,., • I. A. DATE RECEIVED_17m.~1'11'3> DATE OF DRB MEETING :Mad)1.-·'J&[;11'l?Z .*.**••••* INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDULED 'ft, ********... PROJECT INFORMATION,I , ;D~E~SC~R~I~PT~IO§N~,~g~~~~'~~~E~l='~Q~E~~«;;;~..~,~,<2-:.--'.~5 'EEB 1Q lQQ5'!:dO AT7 Ie.~~ OWNER(S), APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE,81/1 Pteccv Address,.tPXSl V'"<;--Q,::Phone _~4'....7",4?=?'~2,"fc:/).",-__ U~hn WV/e.- TYPE OF REVIEW, ____New Construction ($200.00)~inor Alteration ($20.00) ----Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS,17&Pohlf-o f1:),j-dJ (l'-!.I:>L.V""e.-:...-_ LEGAL DESCRIP'j'ION,Lo,1'2.Block .'t Subdivision A (?e:2klbdlVl5lt!T1 if let 7.~/"'7';'7t*f=='fCJ:7"""B!""'rch"'=--- If property is described by a meets and bounds legal descript~on.please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. 71'10 mn,"!y PYlmafjc/~,ci!rda/:.'J !ff';denf;tl / APPLICANT,Jo h f1 :Cb-v Ad~>~;'.s,!" _____-'V..:'~='-'-'_.!""''_'_.fL........=+--Phone E.ZONING, F.NAME OF Mailing G.NAME OF Mailing H.NAME qF C. D. B. OWNER'S SIGNATURE OWNER(SI SIGNATURE: Mailing Address,??f.,ibb-tl2 (t:ttFh Dr, WdJ I (t),---I2th6=;-Phone ----'17&-1afe0 APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT I. J. Condominium Approval if applicable. ORB FEE;DRB fees.as shown above.\are to be paid at the time of submittal of the ORB appliFation.Later,when applying for a building permit.please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid.71''\1)t FEE PAID:$tsJ~CHECK IIA'7'X DATEU~be;BY:~~j1 FEE SCHEDULE:~~~ VALUATION FEE'n/iij ;C;10,COC $20.uO $10,001 $50.000 $50.00 $50,001 $150,000 $100.00 $150.001 $500.000 $200.00 $500,001 $1,000.000 $400.00 $Over $1.000.000 $500.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION.-I-0T /':2 BLOCK ~:::-ION jb-tl fl#1P /Pkh STREET ADDRESS,.171/fbfer/z?~ The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS,TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof ,Sidinq Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys ;'rrash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining walls Exterior Lighting Other nItA....-, /I~ ;j n/a.-, , n/tl-- j nfr.- , B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: 7 . 'ZONE DISTRICTS • PHONE 4'7 b -"34:=2-==-_ PHONE ~'~""oN Subdivision \JA.!I,..POfA.1"O '2.10.t2_,_DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:,Lot I~Block ~ ADDRESS:17("EbrATO PMrl: OWNER ' ARCHITECT r\Z11'Z!.el4J'JQI,a 8@>ie< ZONE DISTRICT .fl2r HI'\l2.'i I ~jI1.'1., PROPOSED USE SuJbL€fAM'L'j LOT SIZE t8,tJBo $'---BUILDABLE LOT AREA 0/8b'l +425 ='5,?,,~__23Q"0 5~(, +425 =110"""'","0 <O"fll,'"2-"i't t\1 20''2.0' 15'20'If>o' IS'lOt) Height Total GRFA primary GRFA 71'36 Secondary GRFA .Setbacks Front Sides Rear Allowed Existing Proposed __Reqrd Enel ,'(300)8)(900)(1200)~ Permitted Slope %Proposed Slope __~__ Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credi t Drive: 3'/6' __...uWl~gv ,glll1 __=\\A ~(' " Complies with T.O.V.Lighting Ordinance Yes NO,.. Water Course Setback Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50') ,,' YES,_NO,_ Environmental/Hazards:~.1)Flood Plain 21 Percent Slope «>30%)_ 3)Geologic Hazards a)Snow Aval;;n~c~h~e~========b)Rockfall c)Debris Flow ~)Wetlands,__," View Corridor "Encroa'chment':yes,-,-_"NO,_ Doas this requ~l:lt iuvu.lve a "250 "Addition? How muc~of the allowed 250 Addition is used.with this request?_ Previous condi~ipns at approval (check property file);___ 10 • •..•• ;"---~~--~---.---...... ____--::TO"-W=N-"O"-F-'Vc:A:.:-1L::-1 REa","O ~,rZ ~ DATE 'ROJItCf CIIECKS MADE ."YAIlU TOTOWN OF\'AJL l'l'D.TAX CQlTaA..TOTAL $0.2 • • • S54.• S37.00 • $36.00 • • IONS :E $4u P:R UR. c 1000041540 I 000042415~§~I 42410100004241 1 42415 01000042415 1 42415 0100Q04154S 01000042412 I 0000 4241 :5 01 42412 ~.S COMPUTER PROG 01 ססoo 42371 PE A R ANSPE I 41 :V!J:W RE- al ססoo 42332 O~F flOURS INSPECT I 4)412 CO A R :NS 'S F l: A NGl 10000414JJ 51 A L J\TiONFE[ -01 ססoo 41413 AD A.AGE FE: I 4244 A PROJECT A~a~1 4133 I PRE PAID DESIGN REVIE ...01 23 II GA IONFE:(13 1ססoo45110 TO AK FUND I 22027 TOV NEW$PA ER D1SPENSI:K FUND "010011021112 T 1\a..4V.(A) ':-·010011041010 TAXABL[(/I,4"/.(TOW:"ri) I 4_I BUILDINGINVESTIGATIO R .FT. .. 01 ססoo 4133U 1 4133U 01 413 0 : 1 00Cl0 41330 01 ססoo 41330 1 ססoo 41330 1ססoo41330 I 41..13 1ססoo41330 01 ססoo 41330 01 ססoo 41330 LESS TIlAN 100 S .FT. MORE TIIAN 100 SQ."T. •NDMI:.NTS $200.00 $500. $1.500.00 $1.000.00 $200.00 5250. S200.00 ,CASH [I CK"I RE • • TO ....IN OF VRIL ,, • --• • ",'OtJ RECEIPT -The Town of Vail,-)I.u"DATE ~•19 ·0 46527 RECEIVED FROM -I I If ./j '-:1-1"I •1'i:4ADDRESS, I ~/-I ~ PennU Numbers'~..'~~~.r L/~'1- HOW PAlD--Cash O>"k:_---.:~/ Pollee Receipt·Numben ~_ "I-:>~By ~===_==_ •,. • CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:$A ~""-,~-,DATE:///$/9-: VENDOR NA-\fE:l'd/>"-.eL>~ VENDOR NUMBER:CO.3 ~r-< DESCRlPTION OF EXPENSE:CLEA.~UP DEpOSIT REFUND FOR BP :I.e9i-aJI"9 NAME OF JOB:.R~/A ~~ ACCOUNT l\'UMBER:01 000022002 ., AMOUNT OF REFUND:.8 ,.,?S,:J .,a) DATE APPROVED:/~I -96:>(\ APPROVAL SIGNATlJ"RE:,J/.P,fJ \i.t. 04475 NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE JULY 24 1990~~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT..DATE ,..•PERMIT NO . IIIII Ial 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IllllllVV department of community development 20CCUPANCYGRQUP ABEHIRM BUILDING 3.500 DIVISION 122334 z ELECTRICAL 600 TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :~PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITREPAIRFIREDAMAGEINGARAGEAND~ ~ MECHANICAL ROOM.<MECHANICAL 5,000KlBUILDINGIlQPLUMBING> Kl ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION ~."Q <"" Kl MECHANICAL 0 776 POTATO PATCH TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A VALUATION PERMITFEES _EGAL LOT n Bl"V R-3 9.500 BUILDING PERMIT 113 C£#'" DESC.FiliNG VAIL POTATO PATCH •PLAN CHECK «;;'f5oZ JOB NAME:DAVIE RES.FIRE REPAIR ELECTRICAL ,. OWNER NAME JoHN DAVIE NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REP"I PLUMBING tW MAIL ADpRESS 776 POTATO PATCH QWELUNGUNITS ACCOMMOOAliON UNITS __MECHANICAl 75 ~:%~- CITY VlIIL PH 6-7065 HEIGHT IN FT NO FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION'TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE ~ARCHITECT FIRM DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR I CLEAN UP DEPOSIT 100MAILADDRESS EXT WALLS -~U..- CITY PH.T USE TAX EROOF-/ FIRM HOMESTAKE BUILD.CORP.r1IItrGENERAL 100-B TYPE ELEC G"TOTAL PERMIT FEES <>'Ii CONTRACTOR TQWN QF VAIL REG.NO.OF $388.00 476-1125 SOLAR WOOD TELE.HEAT MICHAEL WHITAKER JULY 25,1990 e ELECTRICAL ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:BUQDING OFFICIAL ------"l)ATE ----- FIRM SHAW ELECTRIC 106-E :!."-INITIAL-----------TQWN OF VAIL REG.NO.X ~----- CONTRACTOR ST CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE HI 926 3358 TE E.BLASTING X FIRM WHITE WATER PLUMBING ZONING &BUILDING NOTES: PARKING X PLUMBING TOWN QF VAIL REG.NO.104-P CONTRACTOR DEMO X TELE.949-6481 FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled oul in full the information required. MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state TELE. laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's Z~~.!id subdivision codes,design OTHER FIRM review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ~nces of t iL{0T$able thereto. CLEAN UP TO:,,~.c,;P, TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO."'-_."'..-----SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR Cd'NTAACTOR FOA HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE. AND THE OWNER, N r PERMIT NO. BUILDINC .3500 ,""p z elECTRICAl J:.l'JtJ 00 Q ~PlUMBING~ ~IitJtJ(l .,.•MEOCAHICAl.> fOOD RECREATlOHfEENl).f"IAEPLAClS DWElllHGUNlTS __~TIOHUHlT3__ HEIGHTINFT .WEGAL LOT 'I BL"'Z--I/-\)f..-3 q-5"00 'U"IllNOPERMIT "'- IlI.-r>ESC.FILING J ..~I ?<>-\-."?,,",LV,t---j-=...::c-+---+....J..~=::....-lI-~Pl~..~CN::E:.:C.~::....---l----1-l::q,.i_--l ,JOB NAME:'Da.....,e.-\Z es.(-:+"e.(%"1----l----+---+-----II-"El"'EC::.':::R.::IC=..."----f-----:"'flj-la.--J OWNER NAME .70N'1Y ;ReI/It:...NEW I)AlTfRATIONI )ADDITIONAl(I REPAlR(")[)PlUMBING -',c .n ARCHITECT ~f'"RM"-1 MAIL AQQAfS$ CITY .... INSULA liON: "000 EXT WALLS "'"THICKNESS R·VALlUE DESIGN REVIEW80ARO CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT USE TAX fbi') --DATE TOTAl PERMITFEES 38'X ONINO &8U1lOfNG NOTES:_ wooo [LEe. I hereby acknowledge that I have reed this application.filled out In full the Information required, completed 8n accurate plot plan,and stale that all the In'ormation provided 8S reqUired Is correct I agree to comply with the Informalion and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances .nd state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning .nd subdivision codes,design review approved.Uniform Building Code and other ~nances 9~tj}e.J"ow'}4>p1'5~lethereto. ",rC22/C7T6>~/>(~c1\SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ... AND THE OWNER. TYPE Of HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: 1. 8l.ASTlNO ST.CUT PARKING fiRM MECHANICA CONTRACTOR lOWN OF VAll REG.NQ. THE. ELECTRICAL TOWN""""_on ~\(\.\,-'1:.. CONTRACTOR '.',\\'-1""'-; TEtE.......-'--;\n-£.-)--...-,..... "0"whir,- GENERAL [18M IIPh 15!TMF Ew'o.CPIle. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REG.NO./k-¢ TElE.flU;/1.1" "PLUMBING Im_IlU.:tAJ."-~O-~"~~dP~\.-::::-\lr:...._1 "1_C_O_NT_R_A_C_TO_R.j.!!i!&.__":"j\,::::,o;,"'I.:l:'I~_:.~\~)"::','i\l'lL\_~I~Dii''''iiii.;;;_~~oJI ..JtTEE.I OTHER 1'::.'""'"=-1XTOWNOFVAILAEG,NO. L.£9N.1RACTOR TEtE. x 1 ••'. , , • 75 south frontlg.reid ..U.colorado 81857 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or pUblic place or any portion thereof.The right-ot-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.of!pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be qiven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to project (i.e.contractor,owner) Date •• 75 south front.gt'rOlld vall,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 March 21,1989 Mr.Bill Reslock 1000 S.Frontage Rd.West Vail,co 81657 • office of community development RE:Smith Residence,Hot Tub and Deck Addition Dear Bill: Recently,it was brought to my attention by the architect for the Ransberg residence that perhaps the deck and hot tub addition which was added to the Smith residence may actually encroach into the 10'utility easement along the western portion of the property.After checking the improvement survey and your design drawings,it appears that the patio may encroach two to two and a half feet into this utility easement.I am asking that you submit approval from the utility companies for this encroachment.Attached to this letter is an example of the format that was used for another utility encroachment.Please address this as soon as possible.I appreciate your cooperation on this matter.Please submit the information by April 10, 1989.Thank you very much. sincerely, ~n\~O!)~nt Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Attachment KP:kc , .....!- intratect ~ p.o.box57.vail colorado 81658 ~827 5732"---;-,, February 8 ,1988 " , , Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail Vail,Colorado ,-, RE:Certificate of Cooupancy Davie Residence 776 Potatoe Patch "Rd.,Vail,Colorado - Gary, Attached you will find letters we sent to various utility companies regarding the easement encroachment at the above referenced property.It is our understanding that the receipt of these signed letters will enable you to issue a Certificate of Occupancy for the Davie Residence. Please notify me if you need further information,or I can answer any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, -'-1_.-, --.--+---,- Rebecca O.Dyke,_. .-._. cc:John Davie Bill Wilson I,,,-, __.l, "rj,.,,. ~._r'" ~..,~\ "-''"']'_.----".. I -r'i,f '~f1,......,~-, ,,_I .-1 ,.:-::.,' ,I,,I-I-',~,,"--r-i~ -i ::,, -I ._, intratect --i -'::.:,:-;pobox57 ,:hvailcoloradoI' 81658 ' '8275732 located in the Cross Electric ,t __ this matter and hope'...•: me if you require:.., of Lot 7,Dlock 2 " " assistance on Please notify matter. 1., " I, I' the only utility service service provided·by Holy.. , Easement Encroachment Davie Residence l Lot 12,A resubdivision Vail,potatoe Patch To my kno\·,ledge, easement is electrical Association. I I thank you for:your for your timely response. further assistance on't~is Dear Gary, Attached is a survey document describing the encroach- ment generally described.nbove.On behalf of the Owner,Mr. John Davie,I am requesting.permission to encorach into the twenty foot wide utilityi~asement located on the east property line of the above described~lot.The encorachment will be for the roof only.The rpof,is 'cantilevered ever the easement and has no support in the eas~ment.At its low point,the roof overhang will be approximately eight feet above existing grade, raising to approximately 'eighteen feet above existing grade at the peak., " _',:1 It is understood,by the Owner,that if utility w.0rk·is l_I_:'-!~:~~ necessary in the easement that requires removal,or'results in I •!!".1 damage to,the encroachiQg portion of the building,such repair -.~It or replacement cost will,be borne by the property owner.~~~~:~ -'--,t':--II-I ..,_." .-1 .1:"1 -'-f i••_.•...L L.j .L-,,1 December 11,1987 - Public service Company" Attn:Gary Hall P.D.Box 430 :~,a:j4inturn,CO 18645 ~:+1f~~j, " ,! acknowledge your ~cceptunce of this agreement below and Au \";><"'J"z"""7:,~,;><_e_;__ ,.I"._,!_,':1 '-1 l!'l,i ,,I --I' ~I' ,.1·1 ,, ,-;',',., -," ,' -,.' ..~-_.. •,. .,, December 11,1987 Mountain Bell Business Office Attn:Jan Violett P.D.Box 2688 Grand Junction,CO 81502 ,---_.;-'_Ii. ,-!- Easement Encroachment Davie Residence Lot 12,A resubdivision of Lot 7,Block 2 Vail,Potatoe Patch Dear Jan, -,.,-> --4.- -'1 .._,L-.1_-_:"_'---.r- Attached is u survey document dC5cribing the encroach- ment generally described above.On behalf of the Owner,Mr. John Davie,I am requesting permission to encorach into the twenty foot wide utility casement located on the east property line of the above described lot.The encorachment will be for the roof only.The roof i.::i c.:tntilevcred ever the easement and has no support in the casement.At its low point,the roof overhang will be approximately eight feet above existing grade, raising to approximately eighteen feet ~bovc existing grude at the peak. .-, , .,-:-,. I- To my knowledge,tile only utility service locllted in the easement is electrical service provided by Holy Cross Electric Associa tion. ,. ..".~~'l.,~.,:\~\'~~·'FUfP.1ease acknowledge you r <)ccept~ncc of this agreement below and i'return a copy to our office. ,;.,., t·l • '. -,.. .I .,.'__I .I -I .--4 ...._ _:~t-.:;. Perce -~this matter and hope me if you require assistance on Please notify matter. I thank you for your for your timely response. further assistance on this It is understood,by the Owner,that if utility work is necessary in the easement that requires removal,or results in damage to,the encroaching portion of the building,such repair or replacement cost will be borne by the property owner. •._..1 '., •t·· j.!-. ,- -, intratect p.o.box57 -;Ivailcolorado- 81658 8275732 ,, ,i~ ,, December II,1987 ,.., Easement Encroachment Davie Residence Lot 12,A resubdivision of Lot 7,Dlack 2 Vail,Potatoe Patch Upper Eagle Valley Attn:Dave Krenek 846 Forest Rd. Vail,co 81657 ,, ,, ,' ",Ii_.--1 -', •,-,,-, I •,,, h' Dear Dave, Attached is a survey document describing the encro"ch- ment generally described above.On behalf of the Owner,Mr. John Davie,I am requesting permission to encorach into the t\-,1enty foot wide utility easement located on the cast property line of the above described lot.The encorachment will be for the roof only.The roof is cantilevered ever the easement and has no support in the easement.At its low point,the roof overhang will be approximately eight feet above existing grade, rDising to approximutely eighteen feet above existing grade at the peak. :\, -I _~ .\.'I-[ ,," ,, " To my knowledge,the only utility service located in the easement is electrical service provided by Holy Cross Electric Association. It is understood,by the Owner,that if utility work is necessary in the easement that requires removal,or results in damage to,the encroaching portion of the building,such repair or replacement cost will be borne by the property owner. I thank you for your for your timely response. further assistance on this assistance on this matter and hope Please notify me if you require matter. "1,' ,- ,1 ,, '-,J.-",,',I " ._~,' -, '-.'_I .....",I Please acknowledge your ucccptancc of this agreement below and return a copy to our office. " LIE /I';S/J .','-..-...-"'-'-.-,,--- .J:'i • December II,1987 Holy Cross Electric Association Attn:Mr.Ted Husky P.O.Box 972 Avon,CO 81620 -, RE:Easement Encroachment Davie Residence Lot 12,A resubdivision of Lot 7,Block 2 Vail,Potatoe Patch Dear Ted, .....~".Attached is a survey document describing the encroach- '"'-::~'t'ment generally descri.bed ilbove.On behalf of the Owner,Mr.!-:If John Davie,I am requesting permission to encorach into the twenty foot wide utility casement located on the east property line of the above described lot.The encorachment will be for the roof only.The roof,is cantilevered ever the easement and has no support in the easement.At its low point,the roof overhang will be approximately eight feet above existing grade, raising to approximately eighteen feet above existing grade at the peak. '+-; ,.:.r'"':-1 .-:. L ~i ~·:1=.'-+ .-1-, -;""-·T ·_,t-:,,I'·-I '~ ;~I-':~ ·-L'I I--T I:..- ~,-I',,-,- ·•-!~ t ,-I ,I~~ '~l ~_j .-L To my knowledge,the only utility service located in the easement is electrical service provided by Holy Cross Electric Association.,,-,~"I,.. ;"-!-:I,, -:-:t ;.''';''". ,._....... '-L-' ·- .,-~T I '-,:~_;T~-: ·:l.h-':!'~-:-~I I -'I"--" this matter and hope me if you require ~Pier:l- assistilnce on Pleilse notify matter. ., ,, I thank you for your for your timely response. further assistance on this It is understood,by the Owner,that if utility work is necessary in the easement that requires removal,or results in damage to,the encroaching portion of the building,such'repair or replacement cost will be borne 'by the property owner.I' Please acknowledge your acceptance of this agreement below and return a copy to our office. • 7S south fronlage road yail.colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 September 22,1986 Mr.Bill Pierce P.O.Box 57 Vail,Colorado 81658 • office 01 community developmenl Re:Lot 12,Resubdivision lot 7,Block 2,Potato Patch,John Davie residence Dear Bi 11 : On September 17,1986 the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Davie residence with the following conditions: 1.A foundation plan must be reviewed by Bill Andrews at the time of building permit 2.A revocable right-of-way permit must be filled out before building permit for the landscaping in the public right-of-way adjacent to the driveway_ 3.A1-2 foot cap will be added to the chimney. My calculations show that the total proposed GRFA for the house ;s 4,168 square feet.The allowable GRFA is 5,138 square feet,which means that the Davies have 970 square feet remaining on the lot.If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br , \NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ~~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT."JUNE aX~XI~~1 25,1987 002:f!)6 ~~(),DATE "••PERMIT NO .til••III 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V -JIl., de~m8nt of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP "BEHIR ..BUILDING ?41.7'Q nn '-' DIVISION 122834 Z ELECTRICAL a <00 nnTOBEFILLEDOUTCQMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMITQ,G'IlEt:tllllU§~PTlON OF WORK,~PLUMBING...TYPE OF PERMIT ~ ~•MECHANICAl 1a nnn nn0BUilDING0PLUMBING> 0 ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION TnTAL It 272 250,00 0 MECHANICAL 0 TYP,GROUP G.A.FA VALUATION PERMIT FEES lEGAL lOT 12 BlK 2 V R-3 272,250.00 BUILDING PERMIT 1,242.00 FILlN',VAIL POTATO PATCHDESC.PLAN CHECK 808.00 IBNAME'DAVIE ElECTRICAL 1'i7.00 WNER NAME John Davie NEW()AllEBATlON ()ADDITIONAL {REPAIR ()PLUMBING MAll ADDRESS DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS __MECHANICAl ?R'i.OO CITY PH.HEIOHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE ~~INSULAliON:me THICKNESS R-VAlLUEARCHITECTFIRMIntratect DESIGN REVIEW BOARD "aM I II m;;; MAIL ADDRESS Box 57 CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 500.00 r-~ CITY v,n PH.n-USE TAX ,""nn " DUDDY-VIELE CONST. EXT.WALLS ~fIRM ROO' GENERAL I TYPE ElEe.G"TOTAL PERMIT FEES 4.14HOOCONTRACTORTOWNOFYAIL.REG.NO.ISS_A OF 949-6741 SOL""WOOD JELE.HEAT ~l.J3AR'L ~IlIlJUN------1>JJJ 1,;'-1,1987 fiRM U""<U Ol<llKHin ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEoeD:UllDlNG OF ICIAl ATE ELECTRICAL [1.~INITIAL TQWN OF VAil REG.NO.CONING ADMINISTRATOR - --------NTRACTOR ST.CUT DATE Tel'949-4119 BLASTING ONJNG &BUILDING NOTES: FIRM GUAlUWTEED PlIlt£ING &PARKING PLUMBING ADDITIONAL WORK ADDED TO FIRST PERM T CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.DEMO NLMBER 2726 Tel'. FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required Is correct.I TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and stateCONTRACTORlaws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,desIgn TELE.review appro.~~~\~~orm Building Code and ?~~ip,a"Ztiof the Town applicable thereto. OTHER FIRM CLEAN UP TO:"~,...'1..",~t..r/pt/'.!<JCJluCi/ TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO._~~"t..M_'"\>:I .'~'-------------'~~'~\:l,.SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CZ7TRA OR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.'\......~.•AND THE OWNER. ~I - - 1'52. RECREATION FEE PlUMBING ELECTRICAL PlAN CHECK / I 7 DWEl.lINQ UNITS /f Z ~l T'IOH LN1S __ HEIGHT IN n.O."A~Cf:S NEWI )AlTERATION!)AOOIJ10N~REP....R(I MAll ~QRESS A <[WBNAME: ['NER ( GENERAL flRMAJ7J7(-j,.fft-LG>v"'"'I'Vq~ (CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.6f1'-1!" TELE 9'9«-£?'f-/ fiRM !/QITW V-F;c1X/C- (fCTRICAL ,,-'\TRACTOR TOWN QF VAIL REG.NQ.lit -e...- TELE.C?1f'l-'1(/9 /3c,;-USE TAX CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTALPE~.FEES 4."3 ,!,r:- ~#~"'.......~<rJ:;?.///£7- ---------------ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ZONING &BUILDING NOTES'tJ 017 {Ii 0 J..I J1:L.CUd-;;;;-'.~vPARKING BLASTING ST.CUT INSULATION:E ICKNESS A-VALLUE fLOOR :/I /f/ EXT.W~~/7/ ROO'I TYPE ELEC./7T GAS 0'so~7HEAT WOOD AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: I :!. CITY v'~(P.PH. ARCHITECT FIRM /.ol7</lfTtc.i ."LADDRESS fI.tO.&;<-:>-Z( OEMO ...'-,...., FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,'illed out in full the information required, ( MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan.and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN QF VAil REG,NO,agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply Wi~lh~all T0A?:wnordinances and slale TELE.laws,and 10 bund this structure according to the Town's•.zC?ning and subdlvlsl n es.design...-----f'.......-----------4 bL_review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordilHlht:6 he T e"thereto_ OTHER ~""RM,,--__________'~~~.-\..XX ' TQWN OF VAll REG.NO.":"::~._,,-,,'-'"SIGNATURE~O~'~O~W"N,;E~R~O~R~C~O~N~TR~.~C~T~O::R::';.O~R"H'-"i=''''''''<:-::' CONTRACTOR TElE "\:..,"~,,-'..''-':':-""AND THE OWNER, <:,"'-.~, ~ 08272& NOTE -COpy OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE~\\.>J 10/20/86CONSTRUCTIONPERMITDATE.. till.III ••111111 rv0 PERMIT NO . 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY CROUP "BEH~BUILDING j4Z,UUU.UU DIVISION (j)z ,,§.z ELECTRICAl 18 000.00TOBEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORTOISSUANCEOFPERMIT~-GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:PLUMBING 35,000.00TYPEOFPERMIT=>NEW HOIISE CONSTRUCTION ~ ~ [Xl(BUilDING fiI PLUMBING 1 IINIT GREAt-4168 GARAGE CREOIT >MECHANICAl 5 000.00 [Xl(ELECTRICAL fiI FOUNDATION <00 ,<~IT 100 TnTAI It AM.nm nn [Xl(MECHANICAL DResubdivision Lot 7 TV!'f GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES lEGAL lOT 12 BlK 2 V R-3 4168 400 000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 1,686.50 DESC.FILING Vail Patato Patch V Ihr M-l PLAN CHECK 843.25 ~ lBNAME'DAVIE RESIDENCE ELECTRICAL '"nn ~WNER NAMEJon Da Vl e NEW()AL lEBAnON ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 350.00 MAil ADDRESS DWELLING UNITS _1_ACCOMMQDATIONUNITS __MECHANICAL 7<nn r\'l'- cmConshoh achen PAH.HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES J.--RECREATION FEE 4868x.5 730.20 ,~ ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION:TYeE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 100.DO I,,)~--:: MAIL AOORESS FCO~I I I CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 500.00 IL..::'UG ':::t-l'-CITY PH.USE TAX 000.00 EXT.WALLS 2 1<:\- DUDDY -VIELE CONSTRUCTI 0 ROOF ....... GENERAL FIRM "-188-A TYPE ELEe.GASCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.OF TOTAL PERMIT FEES $6,425.95 f'... TElE.A 7<_'no?HEAT SOLAR WOOD u~~\W.~e-HL IJ-..----tM4t.B~___,....-:-."\.."<.~"..,~ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: LECTRICAL '-\\-1:-!.!i ~_K.1USTAN-i'RUZ-._________ NTRACTOR :~:~~~\~ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING I 1.-..ONING &BUILDING NOTES;MUST FI LLOUT REV.RIGH FIRM PARKING ,OF WAY PERMITS GET UTILITY APPROVAL FOR PLUMBING GARAGE ROOF OVERHANG. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REG,NO.DEMO TElE. FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate prot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.agree to comply with the information and plot pran,to comply with all Town ordinances and state TELE.laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design OTHER revIew approved\.••~~~orm Building Code and other ordinances .~f the flAicarlrreTo. FIRM CLEAN UP TO:~,--,~,~~~O---rr:.) TOWN OF VAll REG.NQ,"\~\.:>~~"'\.~~~~~"\~'~SIGNATURE OF OWNfR~OR'e'ON ACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TElE.--.:J';:,""'-r,~'ANDTHE OWNER. lhop.....l.,.,"'U expl~nations __~UJ..J..LI!:.lJ 1\,/1\tlLJII!J H.RI~IT Letter from Condo Assn.(if applicable) 2 sets of complete drawinns (if no TOTAL P~IT FEES (;.,"f'l.s.r 5- .J..-L 11,"__"_'_"0_'0_'_"_"_"_,"_'_'_0_"__=::.-",,,.,.0..,',,.'_',,.,...,.,,._ ,,/ZONING 6.~UILD~~G NOT.ES:f\u.b-t ~I {/llJ-1 1'..,.,P;..l..--t'::vI----'',"""Vor ,.+<~i'.J.,V U ~.'" fOe CAS WOOD ,11 111 lv(i) ADEllldi\W < nEC. SOLAR .•N";I.-COPV Of PERMIT TO '1) -/:kiOATE I~/:>Ofr:'2) 2.OCCUPArlCV CROUP BLASTING ST.CUT o£uo TYPE 0' HEAT' PAIlKING ADDITiONAl PERMITS NEEDED; y FIRM fiRM NER 1m~L \'IJ 0K\\'.)\t~_ dcp~rtmont of community development ARCHITECT PLUM DING CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL REG,NO TEtE. ELECTRICAL C_R ACTO RI·T"o",W",N"",O""-"V-",,,IL,,n,,,,,G..,"N"O,-.----- ..TElE. drawings.two colt(Jlete of \'JOrk. 1-OimDi';G -"'~;-\.J.I=~"'"rrY"''''y:;:::---"-- PLEASE -FILL OUT f/llERE TIlE "X"'1ARKS AREI!'OIVISIO"(jJ2 ,,(j).g1-'_l_'C_'_"_'C_"+_L.CJ/'T;c,-"'::I'I1:':::'f'J'--; -·-I-GENERAl.OESCRIPTION OF WORK :.,-_,.,.-___0«PlUIABINC 't>610ro~_:~~;D~:;ERMlrcJ:PLUMBING t r~...~;~i"'<:M(/~1-,..:,...:C-"..:,..:",..:C-...1---"'S::::cOO:..:::::o::....--------j ®ELECTRICAL gfOUNOATlON ~.l__~~:!!!J-~~~~~II-'ITo.;.O:.T.:..;.;Ac.:L.:....'-''1.!J;m~-'''''(jrn'''()~-----~'';'--1 4EJ MECHANICAL 0 TVP :ROUP G n fA 'VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT 12.BLK8c"'ItU,;"'.17 tf--.It ~'>14/"'i?I t,rOO O?o •."DUIlOII'OP""1T /(;;,~b _5 0 11 \P BIO«"':"1 f"""IESC.FILING",;J:b..::\C*'l'M<.».JJ--,~....PlAtIOIECK 81'3_2.5 /0 NAME:\)'l.!;e.Q"c.:I.ce-I =:.--1---·1----+------11 _':c:l:.'C'--T.'--'C:.'.:.l f_-=/~'f'_'_(.:......,"-;-;-,...-__, AM",ot'l.1\...,,',If>flEW r-lJ At fERAllON (I ADDITIONAL II REPAIR I)PlUMBINe 3~,CI.::= c i<:>~".rf n~~J.'fr.J.,JJIJ f .c.....77'_~_~~LO';OWELLlNGUNlTS ....l.....-ACCOMMOOATIOtHJNITS...£..L-MECI1AtllCAl ;:J ~ clTvG.as~1lQ5k"alfA p'H..HEIGHT IN l'T.__No.flnEPl4CES -.i-I'IJl~Ht;'?ioNreF }30,aD fiRM rn\:rak<.t_____iNSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS A·YAllUE O(SIGNnEYI(WDOflnO I IlJlJ400 MAli ADDRESS l3t)x'~,,"'3,-7.L-___FlOOA ".~ClEAN.UPOEPOSH \~()o.GO' CITY Ua.~l PH.:gZl·:>732 EXT.WALLS '7 USE TAX "000".0; ".D,"IA._Ji,,,,I.J''00''? TOWN OF VAIL RkG,NO."lig-tt 1__===lJ.!TE,.l~'.,.,.;U..,7li.~,",,,;;-..3Qr,..e.!Q.::2"===_1 . GENERAL •CONT RACTOR , ( OTHER 1".::'.::"'-_ fiRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TElE. TQWN Of VAl!,REG.NO. CONTRACTOR THE..~'.....'.", .- 1 hereby acknowledge lhat I have rcad this application,lilled oul in lull the jnfQrm"tion requitcd, completed .m accurate plOI plan.and slate that all the information provided as required is corrcc!.r agree 10 comply with the information and plot plan,10 comply with all Town ordinances and stOlle laws,and 10 build this structure ..ccording to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review npproved,Uniform Building COde;tnd0er ordinances 01 the T~n applicable thereto. ,(L i4 ,~~d ,()LIJ, ..SIGNATURE o~~v R OR CONTRACTOR fOR HIMSelf AND THE OWNER. .1t4X:illfi......_ia:=tULC :a·t=',ttcl ......it£llCJD:i_I_==c:C_•• • Qtrrttftratr of (@rrupanry wown (@f ]latI iSutllling irpartmrnt THIS CERTIFfCATE ISSUED /,URSUAW TO THE REQUIREMEWS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYINC THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRucrURE WAS IN COMPl.lANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGUUoTlNG BUILDING CONSTRUCTION.AND OR USE.TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWI.EDGE. BuildinR Address _-'1.!.1"6_P"O"'T...A"T"'O'-'.P"A"'TC"H"-'R"O,,AD"'-_~L"'O"'T'_'I"'2~,-"BL'"O"'C"'K'-'2~,'-"VA"I~L"-'P"O"T"'A"'T"'O_P"'A"T"C"HL__ Ownn of Building .,..:!.J"O"HN"..."D"'A"V"I"E'-_ Name ...::.DA"V.:.I"E:....:R"E"S"I"D"EN.:.c"E:....:.:.<"S"I"NG"L"E:....:F"AM=I"L"y'-)~_ 2126 &2966 lhBuildingPt,.rnit No.TylX'ConsuUCliun _-'V'-"&'-"V-""o"""r'-_ I hu,IJ"'ll""..ul "'J_."'"""n~~....""'M J l,~" f 'r "I o.:(U""...~-.........t UnJ.T ,fK -",_oI ,..i IIcn- "'.".,....r"""I<"J,r ,.,..unJ in nr un .....hJ",u'inc , onf",n'JIHHl .uf'l'li.,d,..,"n i d.,.......,nrd ,hJI huild,nl 'w "l'\K"lurr 'or poI'"..n ,h ,'"In .."lJO""..f Jnf dinJ'",,"'Of 'q:ub""""f <il<"I """n "f Vail,...an!""f ,h."1'''''"'''0","I ,hi, nKle.IIW~ RESIDENTIAL Group -'R,,-:.=3"'._",,-"'I'--_ FEBRUARY 24,1988 Use Cl2ssifiC:olIion , POST IN A CONSPICUOUS pL.ACe t Q.trrttftratr of (@rrupaury WOlUU (@f ]JatI fSutlbtng Irpurtmrnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED /,URSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUIWING CODE CERTlF)'INC THAT AT THE TIME Of ISSUANCE THIS STRUcrUR£\VAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUII.DING CONSTRUCTION,AND OR USE,TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. Own("l"of Building --"J"O"'HN"-...:De;A"'V"I"E'----_ Name:D"Ac.V...:I:.:E:....;cR"E-'-S-'-ID"Ec.N...:C...:E'--'<-'-S-'-INc.G"L"E:....;cFc.AM=l-'-Ly")'---_ 2726 &2966 ,1BuildingPn-mil No.Type Conslruclioll_-'V--""_V'--''-'h"o"'u'''r _ RESIDENTIAL Group ~R"-,,3,,,__'_'H=_-~1 _ I,,""....,1 ••,,'11:..1110....1 nu'.'"",,,"'!C.""'r-:".)"'r.....~'~(.,'fl'- f"""IC ,of (kCUf"In•.->.......-.I unokr ............·,.M ......,f 1111"0.1<..hrn- <'''''1',....nor"f";,,,.'""",",'n enOl ••"un ,he ....".cI '00;.....«' ,nfom,,,cKm suppti«l.or ..h.....""do."...""..l ,It",,,",,t.."ld"'It"" ,In"'!l"<.If po<"on .........,r "In ';01.,;""f .n~',...dinar...~'... Il):ula""n uf lhf Tuwn uf V~d 'or ~n'nf lh~p'''''''''''h uf thi, <\><k. LOT 12.BLOCK 2.VAIL POTATO PATCH IOW~ 776 POTATO PATCH ROAD FEBRUARY 24,1988 USC'Cbuific3lion Buirdin~Address, POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PL.ACE • town of val 75 south frontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)47&.7000 July 1,1987 Mr.Bill Willson DUddy-Viele Construction P.O.Box 1995 Avon,Colorado 81620 RE:Additional Fees for the Davie Permit Dear Bill, • olllee 01 community development Attached you will find copies of both permits for the Davie Residence.You will find that the first permit #2726 was thought to be the total valuation but as the project developed you found that the valuation had increased.Permit 12966 shows the extra valuation amount and fees tor the Davie Residence. Total Project Valuation;$672,250.00 Total Permit Fees Paid ;$10,673.95 Total Clean-up Deposits;$1,000.00 If you have any other questions or need additional information please let me know. Sincerely. ~~~'--~~'-~Jan~Turnbull Administrative Secretary Building Department ..•• ., 1v ~;\\'\\.I o~~~\o.>R..Q(\~r(1)~\ ~;~\..~~.~~l1.~~ot (}...Unl9fT\-: • INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI81 PROJEct:;~i dDJn DATE SUBMITTED:~,.3 L.BDO~!DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING,_ COfV1ENTS NEEDED BY:~Nav.LI·or MAP BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS ~ Reviewed by:~~~I'~C_L·Date.~~,L_- COp~:-Gk-Y-jMj'~~~.lr\(!!'-) oK F!RE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:,Date _ Coll1l1e nts: POLICE DEPARTMENT Revi ewed by:,Date._ Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:---'Date._ Comments: , • • United States Department of Agriculture •Forest Service Holy Grou e Ranger Diatrict Reply to:2710 P.O.Box 190 Minturn. Colorado 81645 Duddy-Viele Construction,Inc. Attn:Jack Bergs,Project Manager PO Box 970 Vail.co 81657 Dear Hr.Berga: Date:April 6.1987 This will serve 8S notice to whom it may concern that thia office shall issue. special use permit to Duddy-Viele Construction.Inc.for temporary placement of a construction office trailer on National Forest land adjoining construction of tbe John Davie house 00 Lot 12,Block 2.Vail Potato Patch,Town of Vail.An approved performance bond sball be required in the amount of $500.00 prior to iS8uing the permit to assure removal of the trailer and restoration of the disturbed trailer site on National Forest land.The enclosed Standard Form must be completed and returned for reLvew and approval of the performance bond. DAVID A.STARK District Ranger Enclosurl! • Olristin Pritz Town of Vail O:mwni.ty DevelOfllel1t RE:Del.vie Residerx::e,776 Potatoe Patch Drive Vail,Coloracb 81657 Dear Christin: • I am sutrni.tt.i.n:J for your awroval,a preli.minal:y site plan of tbe 770 Potatoe Patch Project for Phase II ~ing an area that ~-viele Con- struction \oo1OUl.d like to fill with excess rraterial fran the Davie Residence. 'Dle location ~are requesting for a fill site is the future-road into Phase II.we are aware of the fact that the Phase II plan was not approved by the Design Review Board because of the nurrtJer of units in Phase II.It is our understanding ~ver that the site plan is acceptable to the town and that changes in the proposed Phase II ""'rk will only involve the build- ings. 1lle owners of the 770 /IOtatoe Patch Project have approved the site we are prq:osing for a fill area and only clean structural naterial will be plaoed in this area.J\H>roximately 1500 cubic yards of naterial -.ould be plaoed at the prq:osed site and we will grade and revegetate the fill area upon cxnpletion of the exportation of the excess fill before May 25,1987. 'Ihank.you for your oonsideration of this request and if you have any questions or need rrore info:rrnation,please contact rre at 949-6741. SiInerely, IXJIDY-VIEIE CONSTRCl'ICN, ~Iv &\~~ Jack Berga U ~ject Manager me. ~~~ 770 Potatoe Patch cc,Mike Willis Bill Pierce Architects Site Files JB/cv General Contractors,Engineers.1000 South Frontage Road West,Suile 202 •Vail,Colorado 81657 •(303)476.3082 • town of vai 15 south fronlage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476·7000 June 12,1987 Mr.Duane Gustafson Duddy-Viele Construction,Inc. 1000 S.Frontge Rd.West,suite 202 Vail,Co 81657 • office of community development RE:Davie Residence,770 Potato patch,Fill Agreement Dear Duane, I am writing to ask that you comply with the Fill Agreement that we had for the Davie Residence.On December 3, 1986,you sent me a letter indicating that 1500 cubic yards of material would be placed on the 770 Potato Patch project and that this fill would be removed by May 25,1987 and the site revegetated.At this time,the work has not been completed.I will need to require that you complete the work by June 29, 1897.If you have any questions about this requirement,please feel free to call me at 476-7000,extension Ill.Thank you for your cooperation. sincerely, Kristan Pritz Town Planner • 75 south fronlage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 July JO,1987 Mr.Jack Berga Duddy-Viele Construction,Inc. 1000 South Frontage Road West Suite 202 Vail,Colorado 81657 RE:770 Potato Patch Fill Dear Jack, • ottlca ot community development On July 29,we reached an agreement on how the 770 Potato Patch Fill should be handled.It is my understanding that you will regrade the fill into a more natural configuration and revegetate the site again.You agreed that the work will be completed by August 14,1987.I appreciate your cooperation on resolving this issue.Let me know if you have any further questions or if you run into any problems with the project. ~i~l~ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP/dkd • December 1,1987 Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail Vail,Colorado 81657 •intratect p.o,box57 vall colorado 81658 8275732 RE:Ret\lrlLAir Plenum Davie Residencl/ Lo f2,A resubdivision of Lot 7,Block 2,Vail Potatoe Patch Gary, Based upon discussions between us and my discussions with McFall Konkle and Kimball (Mechanical Engineers on the above referenced project),we propose the following mitigations as a basis for variance to Section 300-22 on the above ref- erenced project: A.Installation of two (2)additional smoke detectors in the plenum (crawl space);location subject to your approval. B.The smoke detectors (above referenced),would be wired to the fire alarm system in the residence. If these smoke detectors are activated,alarms will sound throughout the residence. C.Activation of the above referenced smoke detectors will terminate operation of the three air supply units located in the crawl space. D.All existing romex wiring which passes through the return air grille openings will be protected from physical contact by either relocating the wiring or enclosing the wiring. Having considered other alternatives (installing conduit throughout the crawl space,or ducting the return air -elimin- ating the plenum -it is our firm belief that the above proposed mitigation will provide an enhanced level of protection to the residence.We believe that our proposal will provide more rapid notification to the occupants of smoke from any source (including electrical sources)than would be normally expected in similar installations.In addition,termination of the air handling equipment will minimize distribution of 1. --• smoke (from any source). • I thank you for your consideration of this matter and am available for further discussion.If the mitigation described in this letter does meet with your approval, please indicate your approval below and return a copy to me. Since-rely, //.,~:..I ....~...,..~...'/../..l'......... /William F.Pierce, Architect Agreed: cc:McFall-Konkel &Kimball 2160 S.Clermont Denver,Co 80222 •• February 8,1988 Gary Murrain Chief Building Official Town of Vail Vail,Colorado RE:Certificate of Cooupancy Davie Residence 776 Potatoe Patch Rd.,Vail,Colorado Gary, •intratectp.obox57 vah colorado 81658 8275732 Attached you will find letters we sent to various utility companies regarding the easement encroachment at the above referenced property.It is our understanding that the receipt of these signed letters will enable you to issue a Certificate of Occupancy for the Davie Residence. Please notify me if you need further information,or I can answer any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Rebecca D.Dyke co:John Davie Bill Nilson .' • December 11,19B7 Heritage Cablevision Attn:Gary Johnson P.O.Box 439 Avon,CO 18620 •intratect p.o,box57 vall colorado 81658 8275732 RE:Easement Ene rOrtchment lJav ie Rc~idcnce [,at 12,1\rC5ubdivision of Lot 7,1110ck 2 Vail,Pototoc I'DtC~1 Deal:Gary, Attached is a l">llrvcy document uest:ribing the encrO(lch- ment 9(mcralJy dCfiCrih(,d above.Un be-h.-11 r o(the Owner,r-1r. John Davie,I am reqllcsting pel"mission Lo cncori\ch into tile twenty foot wide utility casement locoled on tile east property line of the above dcscrihcd lot.1'hu cncorachmcnt will be for the roof only.The t:00f is cantilevered 0.vcr the e<lscment and has no support in the easr.lnent.l\t iL~;10\-1 po~nt,the roof overhang will he approxinliltcJy eight:(eet ;;lbove existing gr'l.oe. r4l.ising to appcoximately eightccn feet above existing grade at tile peak. To my knoVlIC'd'Jr,ll1e only Iltility ~:;c.·rvic0.located ill the' easement is electri.cal !;ct'vjcc provided IJy llo1y CJ:OS::;ElccLric J\ssociation. It is understood,by tllu Own(~r,thtlL j futility \I/ork.is necessary in the easement Lllat ccquirus r0mov~J,or rC5ul~~in damage to,the encroaching porUon of the building,s\.lch repair 01'ceplacement cost will be borne by Lhc properly O\'mer. I thank you for you r for.your timely cesponsc. further assisi:.ullcc ~)ll th,i s a;,,;sistilI1CC'on Plras("notify llJiltt(~r" this mi1tter «nd hope mc if you require J7J\"1~,..~7 /'/'!~'///L---._/"'- ,~;li Ilinm F.r~erce l\reh i lee t Ple.1se .Jcknml/lc<.!gc your ,'Cc('pL.,ncc of til i S (lgrccment heJ 01,01 iJTH.l return a copy to our ofl 1co., ",r~.,.//,. <..'./"i,.1,',..'__._...J~i z~il "$,..,.".. ..,""" • December 11,1987 Public Service Company Attn:Gary Hall P.D.Box 430 i~~inturn,co 18645 ,f, ,.•intratect p.o,box57va11colorado 81658 8275732 , /' " J, To my knowledge,the only utility service located in the easement is electrical service provided by Holy Cross Electric Association. It is understood,by the Owner,that if utility work is necessary in the casement that requires removal,or results in damage to,the encroaching portion of the bUilding,such repair or replacement cost will be borne by the property owner. ., ,, ,r ,,), j ./' '\ I, I 1 "'I I. " I I I ,, I 'I , (,, r J ,. I ,,,. ,I , -, this matter and hope me if you require of this agreement below and SXnYl~,/ ~~~'f--~'I-- Ithlliam 1:'. Architect assistance on Please notify matter. RE:Easement Encroachment Davie Residence lLot12,A resubdivision of Lot 7,Block 2 Vail,Potatoe Patch Dear Gary, Attached is a survey document describing the encroach- ment generally described <lbovc.On behalf of the Owner,roil'. John Davie,I am requ~sting permission to encorach into the twenty foot wide utili,tyilfasement located on the east property line of the above dcscribcd\lot.The encorachment will be for the roof only.The rpof,i~'cantilevered ever the easement and has no support in the casement.At its low point,the roof overhang will be approxirnat~ly eight feet above existing grade, raising to approximately eighteen feet above existing grade at the peak. I thank you fori your for your timely response. further assistance on t~is Please acknowledge your fcceptance ret\u)r<.n""f:;6.LoPY~r ~ffice,7t~Au Sigfla toll."J: • .,• December 11,1987 Mountain Bell Business Office Attn:Jan Violett P.D.Box 2688 Grand Junction,CO 81502 •intratect p.o,box57v8l.1 colorado 81658 8275732 \.,I I, RE:Easement Encroachment Davie Residence Lot 12,A rcsubdivision of Lot 7,Dlock 2 Vail,Potatoc Pntch Dear Jan, Attached is a survey document describing the encroach- ment generally de!:icribcd above.On behalf of the OWner.Mr. John Davie,I am requesting permission to Cl1corach into the twenty foot wide utility casement located on the east property line of the above dcscr-ibed lot.'rhe cncorachment \'/ill be for the roof only.The roof is cantilevered ever the casement and has no support in the casement.At its low point,the roof overhang will be approximately eight feet above existing grade, raising to approximately eighteen feel above existing grade at the peak. 1'0 my knowledge,the only utility ~ervjce located in the casement is electrical service provided by Holy Cross Electric Association. It is undcc~;tood,by the O\vner,that if utility \-Iork is necessary in the ca~cment that requires removal,or results in damage to,the encroaching portion of the bUilding,such repair or replacement co~;t will be borne by the property owner. I thank you for your for your timely response. further assistance on this assistance on Please notify matter. this matter and hope me if you require • William P.Perce l\.rchitect .Please acknowledge your «ccept~1nce of this agreement below and return a copy to our office. ..'--,• December 11,1987 Upper Eagle Valley Attn:Dave Krenek 846 Forest Rd. Vail,CO 81657 ,I' •intratect p.o.box57 vall colorado 81658 8275732 J I,, RE:Easement Encroachment Davie Residence Lot 12,A resubdivision of Lot 7,Dlock 2 Vail,Potatoe Patch Dear Dave, Attached is a survey document describing the encroach- ment generally described above.On behalf of the Owner,Mr. John Davie,I am requesting permission to encorach into the b/enty foot wide utility casement located on the east property line of the above described lot.The cncorachment will be for the roof only.'l'he roof is cantilevered ever the easement and has no support in the leasement.At its 10\'1 point,the roof overhang will be appro~imately eight feet above existing grade, raising to npproximately ei.ghteen feet above existing grade at the peak. To my knowledge,the only utility service located in the easement is electrical service provided by Holy Cross Electric Association. ., ,.'.., \•( ,. It is understood,by the Owner,that if utility work is necessary in the casement that requires removal,or results in damage to,the encroLl.ching portion of the building,such repair or replacement cost will be borne by the property owner. ,I I', I thank you for your for your timely response. further assistance on this assistance on Please notify matter. this matter and hope me if you require Y"Y"Fly, ~ H1:1iam Architect Please acknowledge your 0cceptancc of this agreement below and return a copy to our office. ,, LIE {/C.S!J ."... -... -......• December 11,1907 •intratect p.o.box57KtJ§Bolorado 8275732 Holy Cross Electric Association Attn:Mr.Ted Husky P.D.Box 972 Avon,CO 81620 RE:Easement Encroachment Davie Residence Lot 12,A rcsubdivision of Lot 7,Block 2 Vail,Potatoe Patch Dear Ted, Attached is a survey document describing the encroach- inent generally desc~ibed «bove.On behnlf of the Owner,Mr. ,John Davie,I am requesting permission to encorach into the twenty foot wide utility easement located on the east property line of the above described lot.The encorachment will be for the roof only.'l'he roor is cantilevered ever the easement and has no support in the easement.At its low point,the roof overhang will be approximately eight feet above existing grade, raising to approximately eiqhteen feet above existing grade at the peak. To my knowledge,the only uti lily service located in the easement is electrical service provided by Holy Cross Electric Association. I' It is under-stood,by the Owner,that if utility work is necessary in the casement that requires removal,or results in damage to,the encroaching portion of the building,such repair or replacement cost will,be borne by the property owner. I thank you for your for your timely response. further assistance on this assistance on Please notify matter. this matter and hope me if you require ~i~ll~'~·a"mt::::p :":.-"p'-i-e-r:l- Architect Please acknowledge your acceptance of this aqreement below and return a copy to our office. • FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of O. Please check off in the box provided. rn --'.-F"'IN::.A"-L"P-=L.:;;UM"'B-=I::.NG=---_---:::-_ DATE:§I:t,,~~ u ) ~----,F-'.IN",A",L-::M",E""CH-,!:A",N,-,JC",A=-L=----=--::-_ DATE:~"t .~2>3>\ M FINAL ELECTRICAL lfd-OA-TE--i';:~C-I.&-.",~~~3S~\------- "~JNAL BUILOING DATE: TEMPORARY C of 0 DATE: \'\ r\7l CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCYlLJ _ DATE:-~\'\,,~\'l\\\;;h ••/-..,1'<- rf 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 April 3,1987 Mr.William Pierce P.o.Box 57 Vail,Colorado 81658 Re:Scorpio,.Davie/and Pow-nell projects Dear Bill: office of community development The Design Review Board at their meeting on Wednesday,April 1 acted on the following projects: Scorpio Downspouts The board did not approve using black PVC,but suggested coppper downspouts that could acquire patina or else a metal downspout that could be painted a color to blend in with the building, rectangular if possible.The vote was 5-0 in favor of the downspouts with these modifications. Davie Residence The hot tub enclosure was approved as were the material changes and the change in the driveway.The vote was 5-0 in favor. Pownell Residence The approval based on the vote of 5-0 was contingent upon the approval of the Town Engineer,and the relocation or replacement of the evergreen tree.We wish to remind you that the driveway must be paved. We appreciate the fact that your submittals are so complete, Bill.If you have any questions,please dontt hesitate to call. Sincerely,/&.::C:- Betsy R'osolack Planning Technician •Project Application p,oje"Name {21r/IP;t:!P<SII2E'f-AICC :2e4 Project Description:~r~12F:?II2E[=rJt":e Contact Person and Phone L Vi ,L}/hyJ i1FW'E ~?;::;--51=?;,'Z- • Date ....:3;.2f-,/!<LOL.1-'1fJ,:....:..J"7-c;-'_ ) I .... I Owner,Address and Phone:~_ Architect.Address and Phone:_ ~.l.br-:r-,/yJ,I J.?~I Legal Description:Lot _L/"'L:;..Block PkOet:?Filing \.f1.-<J.f11J+?'![Q vl"t~L Zone t 1'0., Comments::2...'----.:..-_ •)u.,,_I Design Review Board } Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Gwathmey Rfva Date __---'Lc---'_-'---_ DISAPPROVAL Summary:The revised list of materials is accePted~the driveway chanae and spa ~re fine. Town Planner o Stall Approval 4/1{87Date:-.:..-_ ..."""...,.... (4/t/$rl-,•FF1..//.-:"ev ....LIST OF MATERIALS ~. "E O~PROJECT:l7""vlE {2.e610,sAlCE EGAL OESCRIPTION:""ToT 12 BlOCKA&£'.e..UTi.FILING lt4i<.tbT;9ro i"-4n::;H· ,.sTREET ADORESS:~&m=fflTk+t .I2f?tl.l':.t 1b!11.Co ~. DESCRIPTION OF PROJ<q,SIN"""'?EClffUb'l BG6IO£A1Ce £<II m A rr..qrcHEo "'A-e.6':i'e The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding Other Wall Materials IX CGO(j~ Elf<.. ) Wooo (/J..I6ioM!<k ) QLJ40,mOO 110 Window Trim Fascia Wi ndows Soffits Doors Door Trim ~~A1.:'1I "~M'9Tb<P.(J, Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures ~ Jt,j r.?tt!?M EE . Greenhouses Other QJ B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer:/JK-'-t"'lrYl fieRCE£. phone:&7578Z PLANT.MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Size* ZII-2.liZ'0'4--. 8'-12;' ~LlJb EXISTING TREES TO ~VOI .<?l~1':t>f12--I BE REMOVED *Ind1cate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) SHRUBS • Botanical Name COlTmOn Name ~lf.:'~"'1-CN IFEe.A ~I& CoL."'12A!?EONo'?/";::>t:::<%>1o-J= • Qua";ty 54- ~ Site'. EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS ___....:V.~/>2P.1?J""'::..-_ Square Footage SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION .J Ldlkn E/..L?b!18f'Z-M'tx TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences.swimming pools.etc.)Please specify. ~.....etc '--'J,..( ; •Project Application • Project Description:_ Contact Person and Phone Owner.Address and Phone:_ Architect,Address and Phone:\Q H(,0 '0.+\}:L - legal Description"ot ,.l Block ti FIling h~nee, Comments:~ Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by:_ APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date Town Planner c o Staff Approval • ZONE CHECK OAV!E RESI DENCE Lot 12.Resub.of Lot 17,Block 2,Potato Patch LOT SIZE:28,880s.f. Z~E:Prim./Secondary • GRFA:Allowed:5138 Lower Level:2921 Upper Level:1247 Garage: Storage: 700 =600 Remaining garage credit + Uo s.f. 100 storage t lj 11~ Mech.: Airlock: Remaining 50 s.f. Remaining 25 s.f. Total proposed GRFA:4168 Remaining:970 Sept.24,1986 KP/jlt • --.- , i.'..'••APPLICATION DATE:-.::',." DATE OF ORB MEETlHG:_ ORB APPLICATION .".' "' legal Description *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I.PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre·application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed.No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the ORB may stipulate.All conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A,PROJECT DESCRIPTION:SJrJ~/,JS FAn )/l..-Y g-6/0f'i':k::E WI at ,en 7 i4TTdiEt2 Gc9Rr'G;E;, B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address --;::;==.-==~---_,_,___;__,__- / /7 !Z£.'.,.,uf",I..ar T:,/AI".I Po~~~ Lot,_---'---=:G=---__Block 8/..0.::.,'2.)Filing V&::lH "u~ Zoning _ C.NAME OF APPLICANT:U/,L-L./t"/!l P/Fen-7 Address f3:,x 6:.r,\4Jiu I ea. I telephone 62 7-59'6 ,F. o.NAME OF APPLI CANT'S RE PRESENTAT I VE :_--"':'~..l.j/''''~/'''I''',,,-''-=.'~,_ Address ,--telephone _ E.NAME OF OW,..N~ER~S~:~!~~~~~~Ql{===========:::Signature 7 C I:)eflt'l,z f'r'lG:-,,-;";Jv-('2./6)Z 7'1- Address S/@E PI~1 CAt2i._-IdQ ¢2U,telephone .!'560 CoN,sHCJHOGK.F-N /p,q.1"1';-~:;:~ ORB FEE:The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALOATION $0-$10,000 $10,001 -$50,000 S 50,001 -,$150,000 $150,001 -'$.500,000 $500,001,7$1,000,000 $Over '$1,000,000 FEE $10.00 S 2S,OD $50,00 $100,00 $200.00 $300,00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE ORB: 1.In addition to meeting submittal requirements.the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners.Trees that will be removed should also be marked.This work must be completed before the ORB visits the site. 2.The review process for NEW BUILDWGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board,so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3.People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their schetluled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. .•LIST OF MATERIALS ••.0/.. AME O~PROJECT:Or'tVIe;l2e6/o~/l.J'e EGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT 1'/BLOCKA&0,e..Gi';.F!LING VAI<,,/&zl?iTtU"-'9TCH· STREET ADDRESS:7~A?rnrQ ertrr;,-tt .Pf?llL§Vr It.Co DESCRIPTION OF PROJEC:S/tJ,{.{..E.Edl2l1b-Y AE6I~CE WIn:{• AlTA=/-lpo r,;etet:r:<FE;"... The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A,BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding Fascia Other Wall Materials ~~~~<;.d.~~£?<--~t</~f!L~/~I~t=:e-____ SirC'J.../[=-[?rJ,</J:A:)n7,IJATI UE, Z;>(C.<-Dlr<-- Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other F/~ Wooo 1/1o-16/CJII,;tiz ) G.L 'f31hu::: Jt.1 C2C11?J1r2 is B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer:~L-t-Ir9rr/;=?!:~c:eo phone:8~7 578Z PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES ( Batan;ca 1 Name Corrvnon Name Qua";ty f"*"U UJ'f;?'TP'm1WoI-O~/;;>~r:J -:J;;10 f"lt""u~F'Uf.JGG,.NC-)c~~-o" E.bkQlcEMANN I r-,.t11?C....C.1A&\~~.xe..~ Size* Zit -2.1/'2 q~. b'-IZI Pc-ptlLub EXISTING TREES TO tr.-G"JlVOL..<;?Ic€b h6E"F,...1 BE RHI0VEO *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conifers. (over) ..• '. .PLANT HATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS • Botanical Name Corrmon Name ~lh """-OL-Or-J IPGV-""-~I&"""'..."'I"'A/?"''''''''''''''I::Z>bhl= • Quan;ty Size • EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REHOVED GROUND COVERS Square Footage SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION ,I WlbO FI-:cN;?,.¥-W'/)< TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. DATE OF PUbLIC HEARillG,_ ~Y~\lL~') r~.iNTER-DEPARTM,oTAL ?EV,:"~~ • PROJECT:.-;;-::;~~~t-~~;;::=OATE SUSMinED: CO:·~·lEI.TS NEEDED BY:-,,""'I"'-''---''-i---'''''''' BRIEF DESCRiPTiON OF ~ROPOSAL:'~~i~~ Reviewed by:_+__I-li--L.----Date WBb Comments: • CG:7"~7ents: FI R~DEPhRHiENT Rede.<ed by:Date,_ =.=.~edEc by:Dete,_ :~--="'lts: f~..e:by:Date _ _.:s: •• Pol j ,:y t,j,:..f'Z.~7331)2 Am :·...'rrt A ~. .-.....,:,r'l C I', inti:'r·~:t In c.;·..",,".~.j t,y tl"·.=o l.;::nd d'::s ..:r-lb~.j rr,i~FO'l':l"iz:: tt-.:,.s .!'.'.:•.-ti.-:€'!>L~'~I?c,r ~.'.·I~ C ov€'r .::oj b .thi;; T',~ 1_.:.I r - r·;:1::-r·;.:i ~,..j 1 S to:ir,r C 1:- d-::;;·:r it:::! p·:·lio:Y is ~!'~~,11:,:.:.':: Jr. L0.1_.•H ~~~U~D!V1SION I.r Lot 7,Bloc! ~.'.:.("...Ii·ie·I,.,T';!::::~.:(C';=:DCt,!jLAT l!fcF-:EOF. C=-C(·!..C'i--:-=.r ".'. 2-V~lL/r01P'~FA'(H. 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UTILITY LOCATION VERiFICATION ADDRESS LOT I't- SUBD IV ISI ON,__...:J:.:•...:/'O:'-.1./-:.l_"".::r>.::".::,_:.r_":."'.:.,:-_ Jon NAME,__,",O::.~:.:v.:.,''''·2.0_(!.c::-"eh",."'10"'(-"';.,.)=,,,&"'---;-_ BLOCK,__··2.-F I LI NG,-:-:,----"\,I,'-~":.:/7'-'-/.It'-'f7,::.""-·:.:17,,-':.:(V'--.l.e:::4~1<-"":!+=__ 17~~7IIfftJ MPH 14J.' The location of utilities,whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines.must be appruved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell 1-634-3776 Western Slope Gas Har:ry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall *HolyCross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty t11J?i TflC')E. ~Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Oiscrict David Krenek Authorized Signature '-nUL !f/A Date #*For new con ;1,please fill 01 attached shee" NOTe:These vcrific.:ltlons do !lot relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the of-way or casement in the Town of Vail. of Public Works and to obt3inTownof uti 1ity Vail,Department locations before digging in any publ ic right~ A building permit is not a street cut permit.A street cut permit must be .obtained separately. ,,~If 'Itt!""Ai"CIl.t.Jrv 0>-1 -tl"j (""r r/7 I d 't}l'/I Ie feIoC'</t'J upoN eastD../t'1b f'''1"~~1',1?locdTtO.o.a:t· ('e-f.M Pc'G'iL/,e#fP . This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. •• \" ZONE CHECK FOR SFR,R,R PIS ZONE OISTRICTS DATE:q/n.IK!?~uI".t 1 LEGAL ~~B1ock:J..Fi1ing~-\:l, ADDRESS:~~_ OWNER '~;:::=r.;j~5t[(i==========-Phone _ARCHITECTn Phone _ ZONE DISTRICT ~~ PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height Tota 1 GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks:Front Sides Rear Wa ter Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaini,ng Wall Heights Parking Credits:Garage Mechanical Airlock Storage Solar Heat Allowed (30)@ ,51~Z 20' 15' 15 ' (30)(50) SJ:liL (3~0~~:: (900)(1200) (SO)(100) (25)(50) (200)(400) Proposed~I ~~idat:~Ii)-~~',',tt.~mo ~ /OD ~ --"'!.Drive:Slope Permitted 4-L Slope Ac tua 1 _..;)L.1'l:..,,'---_ Environmental/Hazards:Avalanche bk'----'-_ Flood Plain ~--'-_ Slope Ot:~<~_ Wetl ands --D..\L----_ Geologic Hazards,_ COlTlT1ents:_ Zoning:Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature 75 soulh fronl<lge road vail,colorado 81657 (03)476-7000 September 22.1986 Mr.Bill Pierce P.O.Box 57 Vail,Colorado 81658 • clflce of communlly development Re:Lot 12.Resubdiv;s;on lot 7,Block 2,Potato Patch,John Davie residence Dear 811': On September 17,1986 the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Davie residence I'lith the following conditions: 1.A foundation plan must be reviewed by Bill Andrews at the time of building permit 2.A revocable fight-of-way permit must be filled out before building permit for the landscaping in the public right-of-way adjacent to the drivcI..ay. 3.A1 -2 foot cap will be added to the chimney. My calculations show that the total proposed GRFA for the house ;s 4,168 square feet.The alloh'able GRFA ;s 5,138 square feet,which means that the Davies have 970 square feet remaining on the lot.If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. Kristan Pritz TOI.,rn Planner KP:br Fence Wall- Landscaping-X.- Oiher_'_ OWNER OF PROPERTY (type or print)John Davie NAME OF APPLICANT John Davje ~L-"eJ.h""",,,--=Dr,,,;,,,i&-=-_ ADDRESS C/O Sharp PackagjDg.Ridge Pike and Carland Road.ConshahacheD.PA 19428 APPLICA~FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT'"MAINTAIN ,A STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-~ r DA TE.__--'-1:..11/-.::3£.:/8""6'-_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED:LOT 12 BLOCK_2_SUBD.Vail Patatae Patch (If necessary,attach description on separate sheet.)Resubdivision lot 7 Block Corner lot Inside lot x DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY~I~a~n~ds~c~.~a~jo~g"--~~~-'-"77~. Attach plans showing encroachment.property line,sidewalks,curbs,intakes,hydrants. meters.manholes.any other affected apurtenance in the project area (to scale or dimensioned)and section(s)as well as elevations (if applicable). Dues structure presently eXist?~N~oL-__ Proposed date for cQlTIllencement of constructio"__lLlu/:.;5ul.oa"'6 _ In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated. applicant agrees as follows: 1.That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu- sively to the land above described. 2.That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3.That the applicantshall notify the Town Manager,or his duly authorized agent,twenty four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction,in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4.That the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from and against all claims,suits.damages.costs.losses and expenses in any manner resulting from.arising out of,or connected with the erection or maintenance of the above identified structure. 5.That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment,obstruc- tion,or other structure constitutes a nuisance,destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public,constitutes a traffic hazard.or the property upon which the encroachment.obstruction,or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. 6.That the applicant will remove.at his expense.the encroachment,obstruction.or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. 7.That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way.. 8.That in the event said removal of the encroachment,obstruction.or structure is not accomplished within ten days.the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs of removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. 9.That the permit so issued is not assignable.and is issued solely to the undersigned appl icant. 10.That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. 11 .Spec ia1 cond it ions :----,L"'wnl\ld.>s",caOllPlLiLlo"gw;OnoJ,l¥l'------------------------------ <==~~~";;"kt;;.;1.fN;';:::_ri"""=_o==;_;;;~==c;:_,DATE.-----...:.I+'/3"-,/~1?-"'-0­Owner-If joint ownershlp.both signatures own Manager ,-.~---,•-...,",--,•h ""; ,.."f~,-"', ,r,".."•,f • •• "• 7 28 80~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT•'--DATE --PROJECT NO.00535-..PERMIT NO.tlWlI ral _. IUIUIV€)I TVPE OF CONSTRUCTION department of community development 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI~BUILDING DIVIStON I 22a€)z ELECTRICAL TYPE OF PERMIT 9 "GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK c PLUMBING ::J C Re-roof "BUILDING PLUMBING ~c:J ELECTRICAL C;FOUNDATION ONl Y >MECHANICAL CJ MECHANICAL !J Re-roof roofinn 18 000 LEGAL LOT 12 BLK 2 TYPE CROUP SQ FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES OESC FILING Vail Pot.Patch 1st ,?.nBUILDINGPERMIT 'l!0BNAME:Wexner Re-roof AI If,PlAN CHECK -... OWNER NAME ELECTRICAl MAli ADDRESS PlUMBING CITY PH NEWt )ALTERATION!,ADDITIONAL (J REPAIR (J MECHANICAL ARCHITECT FIRM RECREATION FeEDWELLINGUNITS__ACCOMMODATION UNITS MAll ADDRESS G.R.fA V JOROO ., DESIGN REVIEW BOARD C'TY PH COMMERCI"'LS~.~T"'UR"'NTSEATING CLEAN UP DEPOSIT 100nn FIRM Plath Coost.Co,GENERAL HEIGHT IN FT.__BATHTUB/SHOWER CONTR~';;OR MAlt ADDRESS NO fiREPlACES __NO TOILETS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $292,75 ..,...... lao.lTV n ..COVERED PARKING __UNCOVERED PARKING /1;;;,*71 _~y1e"___FIRM -.~ECTRICAl BUILDING OFr:ICIAT NTRACTOR MAIL APDRESS INSULATION ~---------- '".n ..OHING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE FIRM FLOOR ~ONING NOTES PLUMBING /1/I c.A "=l-(f)~CONTRACTOR MNlAODRESS EXT WALLS - 1..-PH ROOF 'f ~~V '_I"'-.I v .--,, E1RM HEATMECHANICAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ElEC ill 1& 1"'11'1'PH /V ';1lJ:ooo I.U.Nfll\\(I':":""".II":f'111,T I Il\\'t SOLAR.IU ...n THI"....1',Ir "'Tln..:.....:u ~T"TI TIl ...T Tilt OTHER FIRM A"''''.'1<;'"liNN."(;5;.....;Nt.1111'0\11'1.' VAJl WATER &SAN OtST TAP FEE --'U7H "~eH "...-'"<T.r.MA:1 ADDRESS ~.~~n NUI~(;,Y'\>c'7-·~r~11" CONTRACTOR PH SPECIAL NOTESCtTY \v, ...,tlnl.'YiWI,I ,,,,f 0\\,.,,'•H JoN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,l~;'J DATE ]-;.PROJECT NO.01,"PERMIT NO."I II III IV dtlWOIInilW1TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION depertment of community development 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI ~BUILDING 122aO z ELECTRICALDIVISION0TYPEOFPERMIT~GENE~l DESC~PTtONOF WORK:PLUMBING 0 C e-roo ~ BUILDING PLUMBING ~< :::J ELECTRICAL ~FOUNDATION ONLY >MECHANICAL 0 MECHANICAL Re-roof roofi '1 1.oon LEGAL LOT 12 BL"TYPE GROUP SQ.FT VALUATION PERMIT FEES DESC.FILING vln Pot.,"tch 1st 128.50BUILDINGPERMIT -'-OBNAME:'",,,'I....Re-roof /1/PLAN CHECK 64.2". OWNER NAME elECTRICAL MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CITY PH ALTERATION (ADDITIONAL (REPAIR (I MECHANICALNEW()}I ARCHITECT fiRM DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS RECREATION feE MAil ADDRESS G.R.F .A.__8 DRooMS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CITY PH.COMMERCIAL S~HESTAURANTSEATING CLEAN UP DEPOSIT 100.00 --- fIRM Pl.th Const.CO.GENERAL HEIGHT IN FT __BATHTUB/SHOWER CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRfSS NO fIREPlACES __NO.TOILETS TOTAL PERMIT FEES .292.75 V ICITY ou COVERED PARKING _UNCOVERED PARKING ='/;JII-4i.L'''~-_~JfO___h l FIRM .~ECTRICAL BUILDING OfFICIAL A NTRACTOR MAll ApORESS INSULATION --------------- 1t'ITK OU ONING ADMINISTRATOR DAlE" TV"THICKNESS R-VALUE FIRM FLOOR ,II ONING NOTES' PLUMBING MAILApORESS Iii II ,<>A "'1.'"."1')IS'"CONTRACTOR EXT WALLS I CITY PH ROOf '{.~n ,'1 V LT"\,~,1 FIRM HEAT ~YLo...~(j.C fI -FI-,:)4'5110 \MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADpRESS ELEe:'),GAS:p I CITY PH I IItMr."V ,'(,KN')....I,f.:I)(;~·TIl<\T 11(,\\·...q-I'1-- SOLAR I WOOD'f<~....O THIS "I'Pl.lC"TI'I~"NO STAT~.1'11"or Tilt -+'ISOTHERFIRM...'HIVE I.~cnMMf.l;l "Nn AGMt:.:1'0 CO\IPI.... VAIL WATER &SAN.OIST TAP FEE WlTll III.L 70....·N OIl.D1to/lIl'lt:t:5 ANo ~T,\l~' MAIL ADDRESS 1.<\WS RF:(lAlI.OINO 1:I~11.1)':<ll,i l:1l:';.~TRl·Cl·I(J:-;•SPECIAL NOTES' CONTRACTOR CITY PH ........- 1M "n,,,•..,,,,aH ...,"""","...""" •INSt!t:CTION REQUEST OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL I H.TUB ~FINAL fi Q1Q.h.-lAJ) 0 o FINAL.7 ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL "APPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED !'-'ORRECTIONS:" DATE _--'iL'''-',}.(,,=--'-''''P _INSPECTOR ...........,.... -PM •INse:CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE gprjtu JOB NAME -8t"JlZ"5f=-!2-AF:-db/ut."bfr/-v---,----~L-t1r I :...- READY FOR INSPECTION:MON ~JED THUR FRI ----=-'AM LOCATION 171//it;::t;f{1t7-:P=f "--- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS'STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /D.W.V. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER o INSULATION o GAS PIPING o SHEETROCK NAIL o POOL /H.TUB ~INAL :r 0 e1J-h r o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL 'f21 APPROVED fbRRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ---tgH-;....~'-"-'j2B-'----INSPECTOR ...--,... ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ..~-.DATE PROJECT NO.Dn52Q.. PERMIT NO.,> j II III Iv{j!1m 0 IaI I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION department of community development 20CCUPANCVGROUP ABEH(9M BUILDING DIVISION 122~Z ELECTRICAL TYPE OF PERMIT 9 GENERAL oeSCRIP:10N OFWORK .~PLUMBING 0 0 ...., BUILDING PLUMBING ~•0 ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION ONLY ~_..)7T >MECH ....NICAl 0 MECHANICAL Cia ~~"wl..o /lC V or .K.""c,~,'"19 COO .,,'- LEGAL LOT ,.....BLK L"'"TYPE CROUP sn.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES rf1'\'T ~\\..\;;;:s '" OESC.FlUNG IJ 1\\.....011\>0 r~:\\ I BUILDING PERMIT /.,e-.c-C) la.0BNAME:I,l PlAN CHECK /"-.2..S- OWNER NAME L£S L.c.JL xtUCJS..[T I ELECTRICAL J....,,,,,.........-PLUMBING / ClTY II Alv PH </11,.,-...,MECH ....NICALNEW',AL TERATIQN I ,ADOITlON ....l(,REPAIRe I ARCHITECT fiRM __ACCOMMQQATIONUNIT5__RECREATION FEE IDWElliNGUNITS MAll ADDRESS G.R.F A .ITi1.~OOMS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD I-- )()O·CITY PH.ClEAN·UP DEPOSIT ~OCOMMERCIALSY$T TAURANT SEATING -- FIRM nW\..,...k\6;>-l\';:OC <00 HElGHTIH FT E)I J...THTUB/SHOWERGENERAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS 'Ci>x .3)jg NO FIREPLACE NO.TOILETS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 7cr '::;;',')~'\ .,."V ..··n ••CJ~.-- COVERED PARKING __UNCOVERED PARKING FIRM BUILCliNGOFFICIAl ------l5"An ----- .~ECTRtCAl NTRACTOR MAil ADDRESS INSULATION 1---------------- n •• Ttj/CKNe;- ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE OfY TYPE R.VAlUE FIRM FLOOR f II ONINGNorES PLUMBING MAll ADDRESS V 7CONTRACTOREXTWAllS n,.y "H ROOF EII~M HEAT 11MECliANICAL CONTRACTOR Mr\iL ADDRESS flEC:C I II I ..."PH I 11t.1I1.1l''1.1(,.......1.1:11';1 TIl"T 111."1 SOLAR.WOOD III"U TllI~Arrl.lC",Till."","1)~T"1'~Til"'I TIll OTHER FIRM ,,1I1I"t '"(lIIIIH••l ANn "tiMl:Y Tn '-U\I'I.\ VAll WATER &SAN OIST TAP FEE WITII .....1,T"'""""l1l~AN('LS "'""1\11"'All ADDRESS 1.~"Ji RIIIAlIlIlr-l..1II'II.lJlSt.LU~"l'Il''l'nl'' SPECIAL NOTES CONTRACTOR CITY PH __....,.ao' ,,....""""""""'''''10111 Project _ Date ----------- Estimated By _ Checked By _ Sheet No._ Description Quantity Unit l\taterial Labor Total ---- , • • • oo •- • ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT, \DATE PROJECT NO...NQ 032••IIIIIIIVQ PERMIT NO .tml ill 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION .department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H l{jj BUILDING /q.~25- 12 zatf.)z ELECTRICAL , TYPE OF PERMIT DIVISION 0 ~GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:PLUMBING •B"BUILDING G-PLUMBING ~ ~<o ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION ONL Y >MECHANICAL o MECHANICAL 0 LEGAL LOT r""L BLK ?-TYPE GROUP SO,FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES FILING \/4'L.B~",ro cHnt-l+DESC.eUILDING PERMIT 7 <I 0<- ~NAME',dlJ=:~...<2.~I-ry,()PLAN CHECK -6'- OWNER NAME)1=S (t)!Fxbl!?A ELECTRICAL -e- MAIL ApDRESS PLUMBING II-..\LCIT~,1:).."/,PH.MECHANICAL ~,NEW()ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (I I~ARCHITECT FIRM DWelLING UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UN ITS_RECREATION FEE -b- MAil ADpRESS G.R.F.A.__BEDROOMS OeSIGN REVIEW BOARD -&-\' CITY PH COMMERCIAL SYST __RESTAURANT SEATING CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT -e-~I~~.FiRM +024D (/,SZtIN!!&.hL-Q /"'"II QUGENERALHEIGHTINFT.__BATHTUB/SHOWER CONTRACTOR MAllADPRE~108'-1 TOTAL PERMIT FEES 7_<../\'\NO FIREPLACES __NO.TOilETS, I CITY \It,I '-p,!-I'1(,;,,')l COVERED PARKING __UNCOVERED PARKING ~~y?///?¥gfiRM,,- aTRICAL r.~G"fJ4 "2:- C ACTOR MAIL ApDRESS INSULATION ~~~~DATE --10lTY PH.TYPE THICKNESS R.vALUE fIR..il$Ef"O FLOOR OLt'GNOTES. PLUMBING MAIL ADDRESSCONTRACTOR EXT WALLS CITY PH ROOf FIRM HEATMECHANICAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS ElEe:GAS: I CITY PH.I HEIIEBY ACK!'JOW"'EOCE TlIl\T I HAVE SOLAR:WOOD:It!::A 0 TillS APr ...IC ATION ANO STATE Til,.,T TilE OTHER FIRM ADOVE I~CORIIl';CT "","Il AGlln:TO COMPLY MAll ADDRESS VAIL WATER &SAN DIST TAP fEE·WITII 1\......TOWN \)RIIINI\NCf,S "'NO s~.~n: (~::G"\G ~"~;:;'"''"SPECIAL NOTES:CONTRACTOR CITY PH ,"....;0.;." DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO.I1.TYPE DECONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2.0CCUPANCV GROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING - DIVISION 122a34 z ELECTRICAL0 ~ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:<PLUMBING::> ~<MECHANICAL> TYPE GROUP SQ,FT.VALUATION PERMITFEES BUILDING PERMIT . PLAN CHECK .~ ELECTRICAL ,,. PLUMBING 'l . NEW(AtTERATION (ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR (MECHANICAL •)I I DWElliNG UNITS __ACCOMMODATION UNITS RECREATION FEE -...".- G.R.E .A.__BEDROOMS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD .......- COMMERCIAL SY$T __RESTAURANT SEATING CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT "0'--- HEIGHT IN FT.__BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES __NO.TOilETS TOTAL PERMIT FEES COVERED PARKING _UNCOVERED PARKING BUilDING OFFICIAL ------trA'l'E ----- INSULATION raNING ADMINISTRATOR ---------DATE TYPE THICKNESS R·VAlUE FLOOR ONING NOTES: EXT.WAllS ROOF HEAT ELEC:GAS: r IlJ::KEYY ...CKNO .....LEDGE THAT r HAVE SOLAR:WOOD:READ THIS APPI-ICATION A/';O STATE THAT THE AHOVE IS CORRECT AND AGR.U;TO COMPl.Y VAll WATER &SAN.OIST TAP FEE:WITII AI-L TOWN OItUlNANCES AI"O STATE SPECIAL NOTES: I.AWS R.ECiAROIN(;IlUII.DINCi CO~STRUCTJ()N ,\l......,"Ill"' o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATION ONLYo ~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT tl'~ depanment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT •0 BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL lEGAL lOT BlK DESC.FILING • -«NAME:.)~, NER NAME .,~- MAILADDBESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAil ApORESS CITY PH. •FIRMGE~ERAL CONTRACTOR MAil ADDRESS. I ClTV PH FIRM .TRICAl C ACTOR MAIL ApDRESS CITY PH. FIRM PLUMBING MAIL ADDRESSCONTRACTOR ICITY PH FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS le,TY PH. OTHER FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CITY PH. .,,•• • • hox 100 \'(lil,co~or ..(lo 81G57 (303)~l(j~G'3 l'revor Brad'..:ay Total COlldominium ~.lanar:eJllcnt Va.':l,Colorado 81657 Dear 'I'revor: • .. lIepartlnrmt of community development November 28,1077 Re:Lot 12,Resubdivision of Lot 7,Block 2,Vail/Polato Patch .- To confjrm Ollr phone conversation oI November 2S,the subject lot bas been duly a.uthori~ed and approved by the Vail Planning COJnrn i.::>:sion and the Town Council. If your client has further qucsU.onn,plense give me a call, S71''v/fl Di..la S.'l'ou~hill d Zonilla Admillistrator DST/di •• , , • ~-~•---... --~•--.........-~r-"-'---)•(-/-- - ... ..-.-- • ----- • • WIUl1n tI\f'f.1010'"*'vttofo/l _..h -UI.....""1,IrI~let Z *JUI t~.....l''"ClIIlU-.l OIl uw ...tw.1 V.,",11 u..~..It U._thooon le-.r of ~Id lit 12 ~.f ....,-.;.O'O'C'...-.t..,.~1'l~I ~.,.,""1 ~"..~t.~S ""IJ':Jl'l'I fS.Cf 'MI to"POtat.u..oc.5 ..Il'c.f!"(JfI 'VI '..t ~".'llt.~~Ill"01 r t IS'"''''1 ~"..h,."Qt""'v'"",If ItII '"'f't~til tat III ...01 ~110I1,.. IIllJlln tllif 'aliCllfi..~bt!'f •.-..-.IIle"II COftUIl'lfll wftll-a \.M I'~toM.~.NI bv,Illt"'!~1",(l1.UtHdl"".........1 0'til f61 '_1 ....'""..t.....or..111&11 M ....u .....t_ftCl""It It._t~"'$1 __Of ,,141.01 I.t"lICe r;"17'11-[M.1'lfl ''''1 to tllil 11(I1111 of "".,1.,.Vlen<;e S N'/C'll"'(1\1&'HI til'll'011I1.WI'lOI ~....,••.--[1/),/11)ftU til.IIOtlll.u._S lIll"1I1'12 JS.OO tel-I til.POll1t.Wile.1l"'42'.1II-II 7fl.(Wl ''''to.paflll,tflHG II """']0"III05.&6 '"1 to tM POl111 .lId place of ",1""11'19_ LOT II AT 0 CERTIFICATEIMPB:DVE:HPlT I furt r certify that the i roy nta on the bove deacr bd pare 1 on this date,8/5/87 ,except utility connection",ar e tirely within the ound r1 of rhe pare I,xcept aa shown,that there BrB no ncroacb- menta pan th des ribed preroises by 1111provl!ll\ents on any djod.ning preOl1B s,ex- cept as indicated,and that th re is no appa ent evidence or sign of any easement crossin or burden1n any part of ssid parcel,except as noted. roy nt Location C rtif1 ate vaa pr pared far •th t it 1 not a-:;-:'=-~~r'-'ey::?::p'fl":"at::'-'::o=:r"-l:='p"'r:":ov==:-:t:-:::au~1"V=:':ey:'~p:"I;-::-:t-.:-:::an~d;-:t'Lba7t:-:;i;::t'''''is:-:n::07t tb relied p D tD1uw=nt of fen e.building or other future improv nt linea. I 58 00'214,69' 0 -Date:0 .."----mo.T .,...CJl -0 lS'(()..:t \!l.S ID 0<t OWEST SLAB ELEVATION'67 It'(0 l()t\:,ll.l OP PEAK ELEVATION ,-~ul '%'l-tJ.4 -0 \~D.~~lL1 \;,l~~-\D ~~>\:UJ -0:~(() t<)a TRACT C ::::)~~i IK-'.c CJl t<).r\~i~°t<)u(~~co I-~.(I) (f~Nd" 'rl ~t BUILOING 240 ;;:0 00 I- <t @'20'OlA -<r N TUB 6.0'HIGH -I-<t ..f2..,-°CJlCJlt<)co -RETAINING WALLZ .C\J,...."-'"~1.J' -.. oi '"..,'"'"..0 020'UTILITY EASEMENT 0 0 N N N N 2a 9'~7 9 J53'30.a'la 4' SOoo07'12"E 200.00' US.FOREST SERVICE NOTrc:Accordin to Color 0 law you ~c Dee ny Ie I action baaed upon any def t in this urvey within aix y ra aft r yo fir t discover such defe t.In n ev nt,y any ction bas d upo any d fect i this survey be cd ore th ten ears from th ds e of th c rtification hown hereo • SCALE 1"=20' DATE OF SURVEY JULY 13,1987 g ~O!~~EO I!'r\.../:I:EAGt.E VAL.L.EY ~ey:EJ K 121 t1-I MPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE U;\U ,/~rea L.. ~PI ENGINE:tRINGr f 6UJtVEYfNG;INC.CHECl<l:O eor.LOT 12 I-t -;)A --+-1':) ~IONe:A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 7,BLOCK 2 {Cvi 17 L J-'<Xl VAIL /POTATO PATCH "//r1000f,.rRONiAGf itOAt'W'£fJT,OOrrf 102-TOWN OF VAIL,EAGLE COUNTY,COLORADO VAIl..COL.ORAOO ~loS7 {~3'476-4673 ----- ...,NO,00 f) 1 -/ I Jc:- 0/"\0 - J)J J ....... ) .A c;-,- :x:r,I "'"'......S'S l.-"'I"'.~N'TIA ~e AD::? L-~06;:::coC; e;e.t:: 1~0C?I VAl .......COl...'? -J LJ L--(rP.9 E71"' sc;.AL.e :I:::.'2.-t'1 o 10'z.-o' - ................----j - - P G 0 ,.il-,.,""0 ~I ....- vvOC1'~1-.J ----- PhA0E::;c:--e-~qI ~j"J /-~",t ,-';')o...,.,....A;0 c.---A e;;H p '-"5--"et\1"'-~ VAI[.....COL...o 0:/ -- e",~1iN"i CONTt:Ju p ~o F'o~~"CONToLJR P opo~eo S;foT e:L,..~VI"(f oN '6He~-r ft,,,~ e~L..C./PI f<.eq-0 of Pl,...Ovv' j"of'of N ,A.L,...l- ~oM t>p ,N1'\l,...L,.., Of<.l\lN I Nl,..E eoUL.-OS ~uPI C:1 e:=XI~TIN~I e~ 'T'" (~F 1.::;-- 'f.~ ~.V\I. ".-:t:.. Q5J \9 ----