HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 2 LOT 7REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 ~'7/'Cf'fU to.).~~:::;:::::::5:..-'__ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED INCOMPLETEOR UNSIGNED~ Building Permit #:~£~ 71-49 Ins~tio & Separate Permits are required for Electrical,Plumbing,Mechanical,etc.1 ~(..+-7 ~r .~~b."~'ti\~ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor.Town of Vail Reg.No.:Contact and Phone #'s: G.-oJ.Cl-"'-'Qe:,cl ~1\'i.l.rLAc, , S",T1'"I';~~0 ~..30-390 8'i"SQI."" Contractor Signature:/~, // COMPLETE REVISIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) ORIGINAL.AMOUNT:$..J:Y"REVISED ELECTRICAl-:S REVISED OlliER:S '3001"1 00 REVIseD PlUMBING;S R~~EOMEC~REVISEO~S 8640 or visit 4aOle-countv.comForParcel#Contact Eaale County Assesso Ice at 97 •Parcel II ~~fA"?210 1<::&~\S-61 I Job Name:O!WI:ih..A~~Job Address:fIatt POTA"n:>P4TC-H • Legal Description I lot:'v Block:Filing:"-Subdivision: Owners Name:K/t .........(lf-e.r A ess:'J Phone: ArchitectlDesigner:dress:~Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS:, WOf1(Class:Now()Addition ()Remodel (Y)Repair ()Oemo ()Other () Wor!<Type:Interior (1'")Exterior ()Both ()I Does an EHU exist at this location:Ves ()No () Type of Bldg.:Slngle-family ()Two-family (-C Multi·family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:'-I No.of Accommodation Units in this building: NofTvoe of Fireplaces Existino:Gas Appliances (t)Gas LOQs ()WoodlPeliet (\Wood Bumino (\ NofT of Fireolaces Pro sed:Gas Apoliances f)Gas Laos ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Bumino (NOT ALLOWED) Does 8 Fire Alann Exist:Ves ()No(y)I Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist Ves ()No(d •..•••....····_··**·..**..·*"'*"'*"'*"'*"'FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*...._••**.....................**........"I--" ]OtherF...:I TVDe of Construction:Acce ted : Occu anc Grou .I BldaIPlann rSian-oftORBFees: Public Way Pennit Fee:Date Received:V F:\Uaet'S\ccIev\FORMS\PERMrTS\Revised Bldg permit.doc: Questions?call the Building Team at 479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: .;'This Checklist must be comoleted before a Building Permit aoolication js acce/lted. ~All pages of application is complete ,Has ORB approval obtained (if required)Provide a copy of approval form !J;COndominium Association letter of approval attached if project Is a Muttl-Family complex j4 Complete site plan submitted (4) ,Public Way Pennit application induded if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) GI Staging plan (4)induded (refer to Public Works checklist)NQ dumpster.parking or material storage allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval 9l Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occulTing tt Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) a Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multl-Family and Commercial) o Window and door schedule o Full structural plans,Including design criteria (ie.loads) ~Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o SOils Report must be submitted prior to footing Inspection o Are resistive assemblies spedfied and penetrations Indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans D Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature:-A--:~""'~~~~=-~==7i";:-""'------- Dateofsubm~c&/t~.; Received By(_''7,L- \ V F:\Users'lccleV\FORMS\PERMITS\Revised Bldg permiLdoc ("'-ill/CIUTII ~, " ~.o.,ox H9. AVON.CO 8162 ,,"970.949.110 ~u970.9.9.JJ11 PROJECT KNUEPFER REMODEL JOB NO._0"'3"'0"-7-""04"------;::.,--__ SHEET NO.S1 OF _---"S"'4 _ CALCULATED BY JPL DATE 08-18-04 SCALE 1/4 =1'-0 Town of Vail OFFICE CO~MING PLAN SCALE:1/4"=1'-0 l3cl of·0/r.,3 REcEIVED I ~ 0-EXSTG ROOF RAFnERS _I LC EXSTG.GLULAM RIDGE BEAM PlAN NOTES:1 1.NEW POSTS CONTINUOUS BELOW ARE INDICATED:• -L -------::::J NEW POSTS FROM ABOVE NOT CONTINUOUS BELOW ARE INDICAnED 0 ~=-=---=-=-=-=-2.EXISTING FRAMING INDICATED /JS THUS:(----)?NEW FRAMING INDICAnED AS THUS:(I. __~3.DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS ~I-I 1-1- 11 __I__l __~_ ~<"t:-I-l--t- -t-;:;,-.C=J-+oS~"~I L EXSTG.EXTERIOR WALLS(~ ~I I'"I REMOVE EXSTG.STUD PACK -.,..."., -~~I ~;: -~I....UJ '"U I-~-, ~a:-~"'I 1I a: Co _III jl ;~;J.,I ~I (~...I ~I I -iiI II1 ~I I1I II ~===f-=-=====-II~J_J __L J1----r ---:-Ir--= ~I J _1_1 .inc P.O.80X 2494 AVON.CO 8162 F'H970.949.710 FAA 970.94 9.3377 PROJECT KNUEPFER REMODEL JOB NO..-'0"'3"'0::::7-:"-04"-----,,---__ SHEET NO.----'S"'2~~c__-OF _-=-::-",S4'-c--c __ CALCULATED BY JPL DATE -,0""8:J.-1,,,8-04=-_ SCALE 3(4 =1'-0 (2)-1/2"0 x 4'lAGS (ONE EA.SIDE OF WEB) W 14 x22W/2x 8M,WIDTH DRIVE PINNED TO TOP FlANGE@ 16'O.C. II I I I I II I II L....LJ~,-----'-:v ~='W~ II [I II II .-JI_ -II ~__::...:::II-:-------EXSTG.16'I-JOIST-ir -NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY I _-.JL __ I T -11 EXSTG.CMU WALL ~~---- ~UPPER FLR. PACK OUT WEB SOLID ---" W!(21-518'''1 THRU·BOLTS@ 16'O.C. EXSTG.14'I-JOIST ---" RE·USE EXSTG.HANGERS (3)-13/4'51/2LVL------, SIMPSON ABU66 -----_____ GROUT l'STAND OFF ftSOLID CUT EXSTG.2x1l&PROVIDE -~_ A FLAT SURFACE ON CMU FOR BASE I!. P.O.BOX 2494 ...vo~.co 8162 I'HlHO.949110 00:910.9493371 PROJECT KNUEPFER REMODEL JOB NO.-'0"'3"':07:-:-"'04'---__--=-=-_-::-=-__ SHEET NO.---'S"'3'-----=c-_OF S4 CALCULATED BY JPL DATE ---",08,--1",8,-,-0",-4__ SCALE 3/4 ~1'-0 PACK OUT WEB SOUD WI (2)-518"'"THRU-BOLTS @lB'O.C. ~UPPER FLR ~l~~~- 0 0 ~0 ,,0 TT W 14 X22 W/2x BM.WIDTH -_-/ DRIVE PINNED TO TOP FLANGE@ lB'O.C (2)-1/2'''',4"LAGS ---/ (ONE EA SlOE OF WEB) II II II EXSTG.14"J-JOIST AE·USE EXSTG.HANGERS 1---------(3)-13/4 X 51/2 LVL MAIN FLR.d.. TOPLYWD.'V III EXSTG STUD WALL -----.. SIMPSON ABU66 ------.. GROUT l'STAND OFF ~SOUD ~F it-4L-__REMOVE ANY EXSTG.BlKG. CUT EXSTG.2>H PRo\-1DE --_~-~~~:=":'--;i~~~=t@COL.LOCATIONAFLATSURFACEONCMU FOR BASE ~-II li=-Je------r-~II III-.--EXSTG.lB'I-JOIST JL L _~~A-=-li-i,--r _.--JL _--.-JL _~EXSTG.eMU WALL P.O.BO~2494 /lVON.CO 81620 I'H 970.949.71 0 1"1910949.331 inc PROJECT --'::"KN::=U""E=:P-'-F-'=E!.-'R-"R""E"'M"'O"'D.=EL=-_ JOB NO._0",3",0-,-7--,,0-,-4 _ SHEET NO.-S"'4'----;;o;c--OF S4 CALCULATED BY ---,J,,-P.=L_DATE ---",08",-1...,8>:!-04!:L_ SCALE _ GENERJ\l NOTES KNUEPFER A"MOOEh 1.DESIGN Of FOOTINGS IS BASED ON.o.N ASSUMED MAXWMAU.OWABLE BEARING PAESSI.JFlf OF 1800 PSI' smucTYRAl.WOOD I'AAMINt;· I EXCEPT WMEl'!€NOTED OTHERWISE.AU.'Z'NOl,fNAL LlM3EFl EXCEPT snm SHAU.BE DOIJ()lA$AR-LAACH 12 AM;)BETTER AU.sauD TI~ER POSTS AND 6EM'S ~'NOMINAL AND ~',~D!OR SHAll BE DOlIGU\S FlIMAACH #2 UNl£5S NOTED OTHERWISE ON PlAN 2.Bl.OO<lNGWm·llN FlCXlA JOIST SPACES BENEATH POSTS NOTED ON PlAN SHAll.BE OF EQUIVAlENT AREA OF THE COlUt-t'l ABOVE SINGlE SlUO TRMMERS OONOT R£OJIRE ADOITIONAI.BLOCKING IN THE FlOOR. 3 BCl.1$USEO IN FRAMING CONNEcnClNS SfW.l.eo:INSTAlLEO WITH STANOAAOWASI-/ERS AND MJTS. DFSIGN CRITERIA: ROOF ~LOAD (SNtl\'/LOAD). ROOF DEAD LOAD: R.ooR LIVE l.OAO FlOOROEADLOAD S8SMlC DESIGN CATEGORY, IRe El)'l)ON FOUNDATION DESIGN .,""15PSF '""'"""'"c "'"' 1.CHECKAlI.D1MENSl(lNS AGI.I~T AACHITECTU~DRA....1NGS PFllORTO CONSTRlJCTION 00 NOTSCAlE DRAWINGS CONTACT ENGINEER IF OlSCREPMOES IN D1r-.ENSIONS ARl:OISCOVEFED. 2.T'l-lE STRUCTURAL DRAV,1NGS OESCRIae:THE COMPLETED STAIJCTUfL THESE DAAWlNG$HAVE BEEN PAEPmED FOR 11-£USE OF A OlIAlIFIED CONTRACTOR Win--!EXPERIENCE IN TI--E.COOSTIUCTION SYSTE~.s AND TECl-INIOLES DESCRBED THE CONTRACTOR SI-tAU PROVIDE ADEQUATE SHORING AND BRAaNG IN THE PAOf>ER SEQUENCE.AS MAY DE REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE lHE FlNALCOMPLJ:ro:D STRUCTURE.THE SEOUENC€OF CONSTRUCTION IS THE REsPONSIBIUTY OF T'l-lE CClNffi'\CTOR CONSULT WITH THE ENGINEER FOR SHORING DESIGN AND FECOr.v.ENDAlIONS (NOT IN CO"""",, 3,THE CONTfIAClOA IS RESf>ONSlBLf FOR THE IIEANS.'-£1HOOS SEOlJENCES AND f'flOCEDURES FOR CONSTFlUCTION OF ntiS PROJECT NOTIFY 5TRUcnJRAI.ENGINEER OF ERI'lORS OR 0MlSSIClNS IN THE 00'lS~ DOCVMENTS I~TELY.00 NOT PROCEED UNTIL ERAOAS OR OMISSIONS Al£RE!Xll'o£O.COOAOIWlTE REOUlREM£NTS FOR AU.PENETRIlTIONS THROlJGI-t STRlJCTIJAAl.Mi:MBERS WITH STRJCT\.IAAI.ENGINEER.JOOSlTE SAFElY IS llil:so..e:FESP0NSl9lUTY OF THE CON'fflACTOO ~OBSl'.RVATION VISITS s't THE STI'lUCTlJRAL ENGlNEEAAAE FOR OETERMINATION OF GENEAAl.COMf>UANCE WIlH THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS.TI~S OBSERVATION VlSlTlSNOT ANr-..'S."l:'CTION THE CONTRl\Cm;:t SI-W.t.CONTJlCTTHE ENGlNEER AT THE I'IF'PR'J'RATE TIME TO SCHEDULE lHISVlSIT. ""''''l.goo,OOOPSI ''''''''2310PSl ""'" •.REFE;:t TO THE 2003 IBe TA8l.E 230"-11.I FOR M1NI"'-lM FASTENII«i SO-lEDlA..E AClJ"'fOF Tl'IS TIIEllE CAN BE PRO'VIDED UPON R£CUEST 5.UNLESS NO-TED OTHERWISE.STEEl.CONNECTORS SHALL 3E USED TO JOIN RAFTERS.JOISTS AND 6EA\oIS SUCH AS SiMPSON STMONG-TIE CONNECTORS OR eOUIVAlENT e WOOD I'WlEFi PlATES ON STEEL 8€AMS FOR ToP-FlANGE HANGERS SHAU. BE RIPPED TO MATCH THE STEEL BEAM FlANGEI'olDTH. 7 L/lMlNATEO VENEER LUI.tS£1'l (l.\It)Si-W.L HAVE THE FOlLOWING MlN:MIJM PROPERTIES. FLEXURAL BENDING STROSS MODUlUS OF ELASTIOTY; TENSION PARALLEL TO GlIIIN COMPRESSION PARALLEl TO GIlAIN' COMPRESSION PA!'lAlLEL TO GRAIN: Pl::RPENOICUlAFl TO GlUE LN:: HOAIZONT1\lSHEAA'285 PSi FOCLOW THE MANUFACTlf'IER'S RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING Bl.ClCKINCl BRAONG MD 'IIEB STIFFEN£RS AND MUlTIPLE MEMBER CONNECTIOOS STRUCTURAL STEEL' I F!\8AICATION AND EI'lECTION OF smucruAA!.SITEL SHALl BE IN ACCOFIOANCE WITH THE MOST CURRENT PUBUCATIONS OF aTHER AJSC-lRFO, AISC 3M OR AJSC·HSS.SPECIFICATIONS AND CCOE OF STANDARD PRACTICE. 2.STfllJCTVfl.&J.STEEL RO!.LEOSKN'ES SI-W.L BE:ASTM 1<60 TUBE SHAPES SI-W.l.BE ASTMA500 GHAO€B />IPES SHALL BE ASTM A5J GRADE B OR ASTM "'''' 3 AU.BOLTS USED IN STEEL FRi'.Mj~SHAll CONFORM TO.o..sTM SPEOFlCATl()ll A325,~BCl.TS AND BOLTS USED IN TII.4BEIl CO"<NECTIONS MAY BE ASTM A3J7 ~TOi'lOUE INSPECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED BY lHE ElUtlDING INSPECTOR ~.EXPANSION aoLTS SI-W.1.Bl'.IVl'.DGE TYPE~ORN'PAOVED EQUIVAlENT.MNIMUM EMBfDMENT SHALL BE a DlMETERS UNLESS NOTED 0,","""'- 6.AU.WELDING SHAll BE OO!'E BY AN AWS OUALlAED WEl.DEA. 7 DElAY PAINTING WlTHllol S"OF FlEiD WELDS UNTL WElDS ~ca..lPLETED 5.IF NEW CONSTRUCTION AnJOINS Nl EXISTING S'!R.JC'TlJRE.THE CONTRACTOR SHAI..L BE FIESPONSIBLf FOR VEFlIF"lNG DIMENSIONS, EL£VATIOOS AND AU.EXIST1NG CONDITIONS UNDERPINNING;A/II)SHORNG OF EXlST1NG STAUCTURi:.S SI-IAll BE THE RESPON:SlBlL1TY OF nE CONTRACTOR. CONSVLTWITH THE ENGlNEER FOR SHOflING DESIGN AM;)ft::c;or...t..ENDAT10~ (NOliN CONlFlACT). (;VJHlLE EllERY EFFORT IS MADE TO PRO\IIDE A COMPl.El'E MO ACCURII TE SET OF CONSTAUCT1ON OOCUMENTS.mooRS OR OMISSIONS "WOCCt;Fl FlELEASE OF T'l-lESE DRAV<WGS ANTICIPATES CONTIJ>aJEO COOPERATION AND COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE CONlflACTOR,/lRCHlTECT AND ENGINEER TO PFlQVlOE nE !JEST POSSI6LE STRUCTUf£. lla-i /PrfdiJP~£7 .;,L !or¥-,b/ouL.?---- Project Name:KNUEPFOR BOILER Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:w.vw.cl.vall.co.u5 ORB Number:DRB040520 Relocate snowmelt boiler to exterior of east side of garage.Boiler will be screened by (2)4' Evergreen spruce trees. participants: OWNER KNUEPFER,DAVID &MAROA A.10/01/2004 Phone: 765 N PARK BLVD GLEN ELLYN IL 60137 license: APPLICANT Graham Reid Construction,1nlO/01/2004 Phone:970·949·5186 P.O.Box 1424 Vail,CO B1658 license: CONTRACTOR Graham Reid Construction,In10/01/2004 Phone: P.O.Box 1424 Vail,CO B1658 license:646-8 Project Address:748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location:UNIT A Legal Description:Lot:7 Block:2 SUbdivision:VAIL POTATO PATCH FIL #2 . Parcel Number:210106315014 Comments:see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: second BV: Vote: Conditions: Action:SfAfFAPR Date of Approval:10/07/2004 Cond:8 (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).. Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a pennit for building.Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. , SEP 2 ~tiJu4 .Department of Community Development 7S South Frontage Road,Vail,Color3do 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.com Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Revi wiU~~=c=-~ RECelVEO -, .,. TOv-cOM.OEV. (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Location of the Proposal:Lot:LBJock: Physical Address:141,PQ1llrD' Parcel No.:'1,iO (0(,11£;014 Zoning:._ ItAL.- For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where squilre footage Is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions &interior conversions). For mInor changes to buildings and site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For minor changes to buildings and site Improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window addItions,landscaping,fences and retaining wails,etc. For revisions to plans already approved by P!2nnlng Staff or the Design Review Board.. Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Name(s)of Owner(s): E-mail Address: Type of Review an 0 Signs $50 0 Conceptual Review No Fee 0 New Construction 5650 0 Addition $300 0 Minor Alteration $250 (multHamilyjcommercial) ~Minor Alteri:!tion $20 (single-family/duplex) 0 O1anges to Ayproved Plans $20 0 Separation Request No Fee ~I"1¥1~Knil!t'ffc;tL""'_ .p,/1 I ~~=rJc...-_ --...........-"Ao"---"ir--"'<:;..",.,------c,.,...-'~~one:_ ~L---;:- Page 1 of 12/04/28/04 09(29/2004 10:53 FAX 630690 5504 Sep-U-Q.(11:0Su Fro.-TAW.CA RULTY CORP DUPAGE KACRI~~PRODUCTS +rana911U,: ,, ](J1HT 1'RCIp9!rT lIWNEII 'WItfU).EN APPROVAl U1'T"EJl Ill.", 1-373 P.11/02 H" .1 L (JlM<name)HItR,',.r.M4QZ?'Tl.v.",,•JOfIlI '10''''atl'l"letY -at ~ _pll",,)'len PPfa."h tafcJP~ve.((fa;~Ji)..._' • IIO'ldt lIl!l _.."rI\IltiIlIlIplMl "'...fW';0--mIlO _ .~.. sutun_w....T_01 Vall Cl~Ilmlbpn"""ee;,.~~\IIi:p!IlllOOe<i 1mpco,,,,,,,,,,'"b< CDfT1)latl!d at ttlo i!O:'U:SS ~oWve J ~thiS U'Ie ~i~Ull'ldude:. ;rt.I/)~l/fc 51llu/'"til /ull.t'!i 11 ~.,twi"ll 6f 'l"iblfC .4,!Ett-R4Qaj ~4/Jt:4U tV z;;.~tlt'i J futtfler ~thit minOl'n~m~be nate Iv the pianO'Q'.the.CIli~of ttle l'I!'AeW ~tIJ...:.,,, et\$Ul'e;CDmplial'\te wtt;tll:ha Thwn'),iIl~!C CZlds and r-saM~..... ;'.. ., ~ Minor Exterior Alterations Application for pesign Review •cep'i!Irtment of community Development 75 SQl.rtn Fr~mtage Road,VliIiI,CoI0C1l00 81657 tel:9'O ..~'~.2.139 fax:970."l79.HS2 ,web:www.vallg:JY.axn ·1.. ., 09/29/2004 12:15 fA!630~699409959560~ 89/29/2e64 11;e7 9;~ DUPACE ~~CHl~E PRODUCTS III 001PAG~EU/ln • F=ax: Phone: Mailing Add're:os: Genet1l1 Information:'.. All proj£'CtS requlrlr\g duign rwlaw must ~lve approval pOOr to $ubmittlng i build"rng pefJ't'lit appticat:lor'l.P!e.ut refer to the submlt:tal requll'!:l1\e.'\t$for.the partfo.ller apPfC1\l1ll tNt is rK[Uested.A.1 application for ~rl R.ev!ew cannot bll:ilccepted ur.tJI Zlll ~infOl:T\!tIon Is:rtc:el'/ed t:If t'\e Community Development D!!!partment.The project m~Zllso ,,~ed tl'be r-evfRYICd by UlolI Town COuI1Q1 lind/or the Planning and 8wirorvnental C:xnmission. Design re ...j~w l!Ipproval lap$es unless:3 building p~rmit is issued.:;r,l"ld eon#J'uctlon c;ommences within ene )'ur gf the appf'Oval.',zo D~~thot·q~~tt~i:rti?~11N?S Locotlon of th'.Proposal:Lor.:LBlrxJ<:Subdivision:W1L Pamm Pt'frl,U hL,n(;'2. Phy.ico'Mdress:14-£P1I11t@·flhZa R.t.1 VtsJL,ezLv.,,!£::2,qr.L.-_ Pa",el No.:1.io {DalEO lif (Q)ntact Eagl.Q).A!....:~910-328-8640 for 1"'=1 no,) =............._I~__~- E~mail AddrliSS: Type of R~iew;an Fee: o Signs o Conc:eptu~lWvil!W o New Construc:tionoAddllfon a Minor Alt:eratfon (mutti-i'amflY/CClJlm~dal) p(Minor ~ret1on (s1ngle-famityjduplex) o Cteng~tc AppI"OVed P!ins o Stpaliltion Rsquat *50 No~ $1550 1300 $250 UO $20 Nof<:<: flw $1.00 pet'sqlJate foot of tl:rt::aI sign :erea. For .const:nJd:lon or a new bulkfirtg or demo/rahulld'. For an addi':ion where square r~is idd~to any residential or ccm1'NJrc:!.!I buI1dlng (1ndudes 2So additXms 1&inraf'iQr ccnv~). For minor chcln9!!5 to buikfings and sit!improvaTlents,such as,. raroof'ing,~lntfl'\;,~t'ldcw .ddrtions,I2nd5alping,fenctli and ,mining Wlllls,etc.. For miner changes to buiIQings .tId sJt.J!:impl'O'm1l4lnts.$1,1I;.1 as, reroottng,pilintl~wfndow addIiklns,Rlnclscapino,fences:4nd retzinlng Wllils/elx:. Fot .....,isj~to ·pll.lns .In!tldy ~pproved by P!Clnnlng starr or ttll! Oesign Review Beard..•. Joseph Suther -Knuepher ORB boiler application Page I of I From: To: Date: Subject: "Graham Reid"<greid@vail.net> "Joe Suther"<jsuther@vailgov.com> 09/29/20049:18 PM Knuepher ORB boiler application Joe Here is the photos you requested of the boiler. The top cap will be replaced with a smaller exhaust cowling. The dimensions with the new exhaust are 33 M X 29"X 48"tall Please call if you need any further information file://C:IWindowsITEMPIGW}OOOO I.H1M 09/30/2004 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: REID CONST R040006793 Amount:$20.00 Check 10/01/200410:39 AM Init:JS Notation:#3931/GRAHAM Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB040520 Type:DRB~Minor Alt,SFR/DUP 210106315014 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL UNIT A This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST, Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current PInts 20.00 .- ~. ,., '~:.' "". )-,'. .,- ,,..- ,. / I I I Ii).../}.t...-II .'"~ l\ '"}. B ::J £ --- - / I I \ \ I I I -,-,- \ , -- •-- •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 7S South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us Project Name:KNUEPFER WINDOW CHANGE Project Description: ORB Number:DRB040349 CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS TO ADD A MASTER BATHROOM WINDOW AND ENLARGE THE MASTER BEDROOM WINDOW ON THE SOUTH ELEVATION Participants: OWNER KNUEPFER,DAVID &MAROA A.07/26/2004 Phone: 765 N PARK BLVD GLEN ELLYN IL 60137 Ucense: APPUCANT Graham Reid Construction,In07/26/2004 Phone:970·949-5186 P.O.Box 1424 vail,CO 81658 Ucense: CONTRACTOR Graham Reid Construction/In07/26/2004 Phone: P.O.Box 1424 Vail,CO 81658 Ucense:646-8 Project Address:748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location:UNIT A Legal Description:Lot:7 Block:2 Subdivision:VAIL POTATO PATCH FIl #2 Parcel Number:210106315014 Comments:SEE CONomONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:07/28/2004 COnd:8 (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprfate review committee{s). COnd:O (PLAN):DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. ••Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following the date of final approval,unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:CLARE SLOAN DRB Fee Paid:$20.00 • Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,COOrado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.vailgov.oom Geee~1J8tRmqew ""> Application for Design Review • ~~ w~ ""U ...J General Infonnation:W :::::J All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submlttfng a building pennit application.Pf.ea.ff ..., refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested.An application for Design Re.iew cannot be accepted until all required information Is received by the Community Development Department The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and EnvIronmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. WC!iption pfthe Request:fruanmq fV7USfr,r btrh7YmJ!m~R",-­Wi'WI'1 dOUl Ii oJd!t.J-CJ/lG-.~.w!~r-;{L:k;"JiWift-LI;r~1VI 601.$1--- Location of the Proposal:Lot:7 BlocI<:2..Subdivision: Physical Address:148 A fo@ire f!d--u..- Parcel N'I-':>2/0 1963/5Qltl_(Contact Eagle co.Assessor at 970-328--8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:_--'----',,(---'~<-_ Name(s)of Owner(s):--'t!arcia _g t::b v/d J!n:uvrdV-=='---_ Mailing Address:365 NCII1L fJaJ~8J;A;i.,GIG/)9/1fYl'It. ________________Phone:_ Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s):_ Name of Applicant:1J!1ih:lm fJid OnrtrudirY1,Inc. -----,---p,-",O-,----.....B""'oc"'--------'-q'----"'-ILLr ,---'Bvcn,CO.81620 ______________Phone:------"!q.""'tI9q..:-9"!:'!q!"b'-!C(c-_ E-mail Address:Fax:_-----'=<f"'lfCt=--=""'qt.:qu6:z:CZ:L-_ Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o New Construction o Addition o Minor Alteration (multi-ramily/commercial) Zinor 'oration (si e-famiIY/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans o 5eparation Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 $2<1 No Fee EI..us.$1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For coostruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage Is added to any residential or commerdal building (indudes 250 additklns &Interior conversions). For minor changes to buadings and site improvements,sum as, reroofing,painting,window additions,Iandscaplng,fences and retaining walls,etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvelT'letlts,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revfew Board.I, For Office-.U.se Only:1.I,;# Fee Paid:-l....tJ O1eck No.: Meeting Date:8'-(8 :qq Planner:Go 'S • .JOINT PROPER.,OWNER WIUTTBC APPROV....U1'TER 11.~1D"t II1 r t7"I•r-.~.~ ~(print name)If1t.Pq ::r.tJ1,h1;.Lv,,_joint 0Wll0f of Il'tJIlertY Iocal",ht (address/legal ~)7t'i-1J Po:t;t2,€~ provide tills IeIler os writl2n __I of the plans _etJ,U.lr\Gt :?ww t3/fHfM hove been submilll:d IX>the T...,dI Vao,Cnnvnunly 00\IeI0j)m0rt _fo<the propcoed _ liD be mmplob!d at the add<oss noted __I under.;tand tIlat the propcoed _IS lndude: ~"Ii I further undefstand that minor modlftcatklns may be made to the plans over the murse of ttle review _to .......mmpflOllOO with the Town's appIicablo cedes and regulations. "-2 of 1311V17/(fJ rr::"-T~<.IVED IL ?:)."l"'~ Proposal Pella Windows &Doors,Inc. 2448 Garmi.<:h Nl Vail CO.81657 Phone;(970}}76-4582_FIX:(970)416-8371 f1.A..L.L 51 ~P01.l1.5 LoC1'--~ 3ee ft;¥2 OJ "- • • C..eaupl filed ",,'fila e"!Plell Ji'lyken A:2947 (E)IAn Hlnle e ......e.t,Fram.:19 X .71 Architect Series CIUSIC,Clad,Model 2:.Brown,SII"lnsulShld ItA lG G1aziog.Cbtmplgne Sa'een.CbJmp.goo Hardware.)1."Rem Tlad (muntin pattc:m.:2Wx4H). Fin'(per desisn) B:5947 Flud Curtlu:nt,frame:S9 x:47:Architect Series CllSsie,Clad, Model 1,Bro¥.'D,5/8"InaJlShld HA 10 Glazina,)/4"Rem Trad (muntiD plttem:5Wx41-O.fin.(per design) C:2941 (t)IUt:bt HlDZI CaMB:leJrt,Frame:29 X 47:Arcltilect Scrics Classie.Clad,Model 2,Blown,SI8"lnsulShld HA fG Glazing,Cbtcnp.gne Saem,ChampllJ'le Hardwue,3/4"Rem Trad (muntin pattenl:2WK4H), fins (pa dc3iao) Composite yalue Add,d Item.:Shop J-Unit No Fin 1Jamb -Qty I Description III Box and Ship Su'et:ns llld Hlfdwtrll Qty. Qtyl I lteml31 Qt)'l I Lac.Oon:Master Bednxm Jt.O:9'9-)/.4"X 3'!l·U'· Jlmb Depth:11)/16" w.nCond:)·11/16"fI] NIIl,..: Nolet: Fdt View Item ltemN 11 LocatloD: Jamh Depth:1 13/J6" Cultomer Project I Sbip-To Proposal Gubanl Reid Construction,Grllham Reftl1748A Pot.tn DAlt 01 12 2~ 748 A POIOIO Pitch Dr.748 A PolliO Pl\lch Dr.~o.030924SGI Alternate No.G VAD...CO 81657 VAIL,CO 81657 ~ffd Date 0809'2004 EAGI,E [AGLE 5.,"Rep.~.me Gor@.Cl.ScOIl Prtpll"NI b~'SO Gnb.mReld Owner:Mr.Grabam Reid P'yJ'l,ent Tunn Oq>osil C,0.0. Bus.Phone'(970)949·5186 Bus.Phonc:U_"_Arthltfd Bu.s.F$X:().Home Phone: Cellular:(970)280-5963 Home Phone:()- ~enu:1112/04 ~. <-<- '"'", "'<-.., c<- " -•0- N U•U Lo """ouen •- o "<.• :> ~I ~I..c "--,...,-------PropouI-Pagt1 of ) Doscriptlon c::r_'_~ }·l/r Jamb El((cnaion 144"wlKerf '".. I'r~l for Cu!Jtomer OrAham Reid Con8tlUction. pUllide View Item Qty~ Item"41 Qty:2 Loc.tion. Jamb Depth:1 nl16" Projccl:Graham Reidf14&A Potato Quote No.:030924001 Alternllte No.:( Note'l DeIi\'Ct)'to Outlyins Are.(No Local SIOfC) Iroxabl.Sublolol I S 2,296.01 Think You For Your Inter.lt In PIIiI Products Flud Cuemtnt.l"lame:47 X 63-314:Architect Series Classic.Clad.Muclcl I•Brown.SIS"IIUUlSblcl TempHA fO Glazing.3/4"Rem Trad (muntin p.ttlenl:4WlCSH).Fins (per deliif') Unit V.lue Added Uems:Shop )·Unit No Fin 7Jlmb •Qty I • • 66.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 S 1.362.66 S 0.00 ZA fal2:9O% X"onC:llIO.<JO'!."i ~Olle flll-O». :Soll·tuablc:Sulltolal Tnt.1 !HpOS,il R.t'CC'i\·~ LdI HI_10 C.,.mn.t,FrAlDtI1S X '3·3/01:Architect Series Classic,CI,d, Model 1,Brown,SIB·lnSlllShld Temp HA 1G OllZing.Champagne Saccn. ChamP'ilnc Hlrdware.3/4"Rem Trld (mUDlin ptttem.2Wx5H),Fifts(per dni",) Unit YI1uc Addes1l!qns:Shop I·Unit No fin 7Jamb·Qty I Pella Sales RePraen1.tive SianltUre 0<" lwm"7.Qt,:1 LocatloD: Jamb Depth;7 13/16" Ht""l Qt,:1 1Mation:Miller 81th R.O:2'1·3"'-X "4·112" J ...b Depth,1 13116" W.UCoad:3·11/16" Itel:Ol 51 Qt)'J 1 Lac,UOD:Master Bath 11.0,3'11-3/4"X S'4-112' Jlmb Deptb:7 13116" Wolle"",,3-11/16" Cuslomer Sign'lure D~e o D Notu: Now: No"': ...... '"Cll, "'....., o... " o "c.-:> •~ ~•"- "U•.. Lo "~ ~ou '"....o-"'o..o '"- ~,..,'.!PI'CIpOAI.Pl9'2 of : ))) •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF VAJL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: REID CQNST R04D006275 Amount:$20.00 Check 07/26/200409:41 AM Init:JS Notation;CASH/GRAHAM Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB040349 Type:DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 210106315014 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL UNIT A This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees; Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 20.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of CommunityDevelopment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:Yfflw.ci.vail.co.us Project Name:KNUEPFER WINDOW CHANGE Project Description: ORB Number:DRB040272 REPLACE EXISTING WINDOWS·SAME MULUONS,SIZE AND COLOR AS EXISTING Participants: OWNER KNUEPFER,DAVID &MARCIA A.06/21/2004 Phone: 76S N PARK BLVD GLEN ELLYN IL 60137 license: APPUCANT Graham Reid Construction,In06/21/2004 Phone:970-949-5186 P.O.Box 1424 Vail,CO 81658 License: CONTRACTOR Graham Reid Construction,In06/21/2oo4 Phone: P.O.Box 1424 Vail,CO 81658 license:646-8 Project Address:748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location:748A POTATO PATCH Legal Description:Lot:7 Block:2 Subdivision:VAIL POTATO PATCH AL #2 Parcel Number:210106315014 Comments:SEE CGNOmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:06/25/2004 COnd:B (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 ORB approval shall not become valid for 20 days folloWing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1)year following the date of final approval,unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner:CLARE SLOAN DRB Fee Paid:$20.00 B2/18/2BB4 82:26 682517B2B7 aJ..RTVARD TOt='[SALS PAGE B1/Bl ,.2 Appli~for Design Revi_ Deparbz ..lt IlfCcnWnUt*t o.&piNV'It 7S SouItI FI'l:r1bOIIIIad....~116$7 ttl;970-""2139 r.-:970.""'1452 WItT.WIlII'lIf.d.'III.1:11....3 ........ ...._Ute """" Pagel d 13I11!17103 lei \.CLS(;lB ~Be 'Ul"lt RECEIVED 21 UU ~~et9 :"CN xt1.;l Fro ...TWCA REAlTY ~RP..-..•...•..........P.01I01 F-8U P~ TOW•w_::_..._'_~_:"_......_...._~"'_;:._v,..._a_~_N_If!1t_.._"_ 1.(prtnt:nIfTlt::)ttf,do J.¥.ontalVO _a Joint owner of ~ttY kxa~at (addres::,llegal deSCrlptlotl)748 Potato PicchI.Dine B.vail,Co 81657_______-.Nch_ been ~ubnlttted to the Town or \/ail COrnmunq ~Depratt;meRt for me.prt)p:)Sed imor~~ to be c:omP!etrxt lit thlt «Id~noted abOYe.J u~rsmnd that the pl"QCXJ6iCd i'npro¥ements indudi!.; Sbould be tbe &ame as actual.Not .•dlffateD%design or color,or brand.- J t"lInher urdeTstand ~rnlnor ~ns may be I"niIdC ED the:plGr'15 over the ~of me 0!lIIie¥w aJr},.,.....-tile ~'""f'I'bbIo mdeo .nd "'!Jlliotfons. Page 2 of 13/11/1"1/03 Building Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Materia! Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits fcllA..--Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name,the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 13/11/17/03 I 4 5 --- -r- ~......- ..-. -....-?'. :-:.-:::----_._...-e::..=----.------....--------_..._....----_._-_•.._----_..~,.~,.....-..._spa,..a ~ Proposal for Customer Project:Greenauern48A Potalo Quote No.:Alternate No.:0 Outside Vie1\' Notes: Ii.;"Nk·., Item#:11 Location: Qty:I sumiiiR'ij DeJCrlptioD Box and Ship Screens and Hardware triufp1ke 0.00 0.00 Outside VieW D Notes: O...ldt IIltw D Notes: ueiD No.•QIJ. Left mage Casement,Frame:33 X 53:Designer Series,Clad,Model 2,Brown,518"InsulShld HA IG Glazing.Champagne Screen, Champagne Hardware,3/4"Rem Trad (muntin pattern:3Wx4H),Fins (per design) Sul1tJbary'Description vD.it;f'~ 338.39 Unit Price 301.03 338.39 ErtcDded .Price 301.03 Proposal·Page 2 of 10 I~ PropOSal for Customer Project:Greenauern48A Potato Quote No.;Alternate No.:0 Oullid<View Item No.Q!j,SUDan Descriptio.i unJtPrke Extc'nded·pl1.,. Item'41 Qty,I Right Binge Cuement,Frame:33 X 53:Designer Series,Clad,338.39 338.39 D LOCltJon:Master Bedroom Model 2,Brown,iI8"lnsulShkl HA 10 Obzin&Otampagne Screen, R.O,2'9·3/4"X 4'5-314"Champagne Hardware,3/4"Rem Tmd (muntin pattern:3Wx4H),Fins /0 WallCond:6-9/16"(per design) Notes: OutJIdeView IWit!!..,0tY:Su..iIIirill~Unit I'ri<e kieaded Price limN 51 Qty,I 2-,,'lde C'temenl 53S-81 535.81rnLotatio..:Master Bedroom A:1553 Ldt HiDer:Cuement,Frame:1S X 53:Designer Series.. RO:4'2-3/4"X 4'5-3/."Clad,Model 2,Brown,5/8"lnsuIShId HA IG Glazing,Champagne WallCoud:6-9/16"Screen.Champagne Hardware,3/4"Rem Trad (muntin pattern; 2W;<.4H),Fins (per desig,n) B:l5SJ Rigbt IJinge CliUlement.Frame:2S X 53:Dt:signer Series, Clad,Model 2,Brown,5/8"lnsulShId HA IG Glazing,Champagne Screen,Champagne Hardware.3/4"Rem Trad (muntin pauem: 2Wx4H>,Fins (per des;gn) Notes: O"tJide VIew Item No..'Qiy;Swltinarx Delc:r1pdo.Ualt Price Eot<llded Price "em"61 Qty:I Right Biage CalJemen4 Frame:21 X 37:Designer Series.Clad,246.50 246.50 0 Location:Master Bath Model 2,Brown,S/8"!nsuIShld HA IG Glazing,Champagne Scn:en.toR.O:I'9·3/4"X 3'1·314"Champagne Hardware,3/4"Rem Trnd (l1lWllin pattern,2W'C3HJ,fins WallCond:6-9/16"(per design) ~O~~-o~r,,-,)~.' J l'<::'L.--!..J Notes: Proposal •Page 3 of 10 ProJX>Slll for Customer Project:Grecnauern48A POlato Quote No.:Alternate No.:0 Qt).:J Qty. II" 264.34264.34 UnlrPrlcesWnJDirtDescription 1553 Rlcht Hinge Casement,Frame:25 X 53:Designer Series,Oad, Model 2,Brown,518·InsulShld HA IG Glazing,Champlgne Screen, Champagne Hardware.3/4·Rem Trad (muntin pattern:2Wx.4H),Fins (per design) ltemN 71 Location:Bedroom 2 R.O:2'1-3/4"X 4'S-314~ WaJlCond:6·9/16"o Outside Vlcw Notes: z.z 629.17629.71 UnU'Prke Qty:J Qty. 1t_81 I...otation:Bedroom 2 R.O:4'2·3/4'X S'S·Jl4" WaJlCond:6-9/16"EEl Notes: Outside VIew IIeIll No. ItemN91 location: 30.53 30.53 No(ClI: Proposal-Page 4 of 10 Proposal for Custol1lCf Project:Greenauern48A POlatO Quote No.:Allern:ne No.;0 ltemN 101 Location:Bedroom 3 R.O:2'1-3/4"X 4'5-3/4" WallCond:6-9/16" Location;Bedroom 3 RO:4'2-3/4"X 5'5-3/4" WallCond:6-9/16" Outside VIC,., o Notes: Outside Vfew Notes: o..UldeVIe.. Notes: IumNo. lteIB No.' ltelllN:111 u...No. Item#121 Location: .QIy. QIy; Qty:I QIx. SuOIiUri Dc:KriptiOll 2-l'ide Ca.semeat A:lS65l.dt RiDge Cuement,Framc:25 X 65:Designer Series. Clad.Model 2,Brown,SI8"!nsuIShld HA IG GIa2ing,Champagoc Screen,O:wnpaguc:Hardware,3/4"Rem Trad (muntin pencm: 2W:<5I!).Fms (per dc~gn) 8:~Right HiOF Casement,frame:25 X 6S:Designer series, CJad,Model 2,Brown.SIS"lnsulShld HA to Glazing.Champagne Screen,Champagne Hardware.3/4"Rem Tmd (muntin pattern: 2W,SI!).Fms (per design) Composite Value Added Itemll:Shop to install Egress·Qty 1 Uanhrare:Designer Series.Casement.Egress for Clad 25"widUl, 2~1.Left Hinge Uull PrI<e 62 •.77 UoitPrl<e 264,34 1<. E....dedPrioo 62'.77 30.53 Proposal -Page S of 10 Proposal for Cusromer Project:Greenauern48A Potato Quo<e No.:Alternate No.:0 10 2J5.JS l.11eridc4 Price 235.35LeftHingeCuemen4Frame:21 X 33:Designer Series.Dad,Model 2,Brown,5/8"1nsuISbld HA 10 Olazin&Champegnc Sa=. Champagne Hardware,3/4"Rem Trad (muntin paUem:2Wx3H).Pins (pc<design) Qty:I Qty. Itemil131 Location:Bedroom 4 R.O:r 9·3/4"X 2'9·314" Wl11Cond:6·9/16- Item No.' o OuUideV~w NOles: 629.77 I:....ded Pri« 629.77 UnitPri~Summary beJci;ptloD. Qty:1Item#-141 Loudon:Bedroom 4 RO:4'2~3/4M X ~'5·3/4" WallCond:6-9/16- OutllJde View Notes: OuUide VIew ItQI No. ltelDN 151 Location: Qty. Qty:1 Su!UDiJJ Dadiptioll Hardware:Designer Series.C8semelll.Egress for Clad 205-width, 2000-CunenL Left Hinge Unk.Pri<:c 30.53 30.53 Nolet: Proposal •Page 6 nf 10 Proposal for Customer Project:Greenauern48A Potato Quote No.:Ahernate No.:0 621.89FludCuement,Frame:.]X 102:Designer Series,Clad,Model I,621.89 Brown,5/8"[nsulShld HA IG GWing.Fins (per design) SwiiinarY Detcripti.o Uoll Priee Qty:I Qty.Item No. ltem#161 Location:Above Ently RoO:3'5·314"X 8'6·314" WallCond:6·9/16·D OuWcte VIew Notes: I'd 462.19461.19VentLargeA....iDa.Frome:56 X 40:Desigaec Series,Clad.Model 2,Browa,5/8"lnsulShld HA 1G Glazing,Cbampogae S=ea, Champagne Hardware,Butt Hinge,3/4·Rem Too (muntin pattern: 4W:<3H),Fins (per design) Qty:I Qty.., ItemN 111 Location:Den RoO:.'8·31."X 3'.·31." WallCond:f>.9116· Jteit No. D Outside View Notes: Loc:ation:Dining RoO:.'2·31."X 6',.31." WallCoad:6-9116" OuUide View Itan No. Item#18J Qty, Qty:I Sua"tma9 nelCliptloQ 2-wlde Cuement A:Left Hinge Cuement.Frame:2S X 13:Designer Series.Clad. Model 2,8rowa,5/8"lnsu!Shld T....p HA IG Glazing,Olampagae Scrt:en,Cbampagne Hardware,3/4·Rem Trad (muntin panern: 2Wx6H),Fins (per design) B:Right Hinge Casement,Fnunt:15 X 73:Designer Series,Clad, Model 2,8rown,5/8"lnsuIShld Tecap HA IG Glazia&Champagne Screen,Champagne Hardware,3/4·Rem Trad (muntinpattem: 2Wx6H),Fins (per-deSign) Unit Price 839.08 EsleDde<I Pm 839.08 Notes: Proposal •Page 7 of 10 Proposal for Customer Project Grecnaued748A Potato Quol:e No.:Alternate No.:0 Ouuide V'ew ltim No.·>• Item#191 .QIx, Qty,l Sumg..r]Ii<!scrip6~il LeO TrllD O"'er Awning Ext..deil prici 553.4S Location:Uving Room B.O:3'5·314"X 7'11·314" WaJICond-l:)·11116- WauCond-2:3·11116· A:Fised Clad Frame,Frame:41 X 74 X 60-112:Support PrOOuets, Clad,Shape 3Z LdI TI<lpeZOid,Model 2,Brown,I"lnsulSh1d HA IG Glazing,rms (p<r design) B:4121 Left m_lItAwoiDIt F'nube:4.X 21:Designer Series,Oad. Model 2,Brown,j/ll'lnsulShld HA IG Glazing,ChaJIlpogne Sc"".. Champagne Hardware,Fins (per design) Composite Value Adqed Itenll:Shop 2·Unit No Fin 6Jamb·Qty 1 Notes: Loc:atioo:Living Room B.O,3'5·314"X 9'2·314" WalICond~l:3~Ll/16" WalICond-2:3·11/16" OutskieView 1teal No. 1.....201 QIx. Qty'l SuDtJD,Uj Dac!f#!ot Uoit l'JU Left Trip (h-er Awaia:585.42 A:Fixed Clad frame.,Frame:41 X 89 X 75:Support Products,Clad, Shape 3Z Left TrapezOid,Model 2,Bro\o\'O,I"InsulShld HA 1G Glazing.F"ms (per design) 8:4111 kft HlageAwoiag,Frame:41 X 21:Designer Series,Clad, Model 2,Brow",j/ll"lnsuIShid HA IG Glazing,Challl\:ogne Sc"".. C_Hardwaro,Fills (per <!es;gn) Composite:Valtte Adoed tums;Shop 2~nit No Fan 6Jamb·<$)'1 Notes: Qty. Qty:1 24 58S,42 Ei'teaded Price Riebl Trap Oyer AWDlna:585.42 A,Fixed Clad Frame,Frall",41 X 89 X 75:Support Products,Clad, Shape 2Z R,;gh1 Trapezoid.Model 2,Brown,I"lnsulShld HA IG Glazill&Pills (per design) 8:4121 RlgIIl BIDge Awutag.Frame:4.X 21:Designer Series, Clad,Model 2,Brown,5/8"InsulShId HA IG Q!az;ng,CbampagneSc"""'Champagne ~Frns (per design) COl1lpo.lte Vahle Adqcd Ilems;Shop 2..Unit No Fin 6Jamb -Qty 1 ltem#211 LxatiOll:Living Room B.O:3'5·314"X 9'2-314" WI1ICond·l:)·11116· WallCond-2:3~1l/16· Outside View Notet: Ou_VIew _No. ltemN 221 SuDtml!'}'O...,.y,tIoo Right Trap O,.-e[Awninx: UoitPd<e SSJ.4S _dedPj\ce =45 Proposal.Page 8 of to Proposal for Customer Project:Greenauerl748A Palata QUale No.:Alternate No.:0 Notes: Locadoe:Living Room R.O:3'5·3/4'X 7'1l·3/4" WalICood-l:3-11/16" WallCond~2:3-11116" A.:Fixed Clad frame.F'1"Il1Ie141 X 14 X 6O-JJ2:Suppon Products. Clad,Shape 2Z RighI Tmpezoid,Model 2,Browo,I"JnsuIShid HA IG Glazing,Fins (per design) B:4121 Right Hioge Awolne.Frame:4)X 21:Designer Series, Clad,Moc1cl 2,Brown,518"InsulSbld HA 10 Glazing.Champagne Screen.Champigne Hardware.Fins (per design) Comwite Value Added Ttemsj Shop 2·Unit No Fin 6Jamb -Qty 1 Outiide VieW J.ttiij No.l ';; Jtem#231 Loudon: Qty:2 2-27/32"Jamb EJttension 144"wlKerf UaltPlit:e 48,24 9...8 Note':For usc with uaps Loeation:Living R.O:4'2·3/4"X 6'1·3W WallCond:6-9/16" Ouulde View Item No. JtemN 1.41 Qty. Qty:I s........"Dacrlptloo 2--wldt C~nt A:Left Hln~Cuemenl,Framr:2S X 13:Designer Seri~Clad, Model 2,Brown.518'InsulShld Temp HA IG Glaring,Cbatopagoe Screen.Champagne Hardwate.3/4'Rem Trad (muntin pauem: 2Wx6H).Fins (per design) B:Itight Binge Casemenl,frame:2!X 73:Designer Series,Clad, MadeJ 2,Brown,518"[nsulSbJd Temp HA 10 Glazing.Champagne Screen,Champagne Hardwate,3/4'Rem Trad (mWltin pattern: 2W:c.6H),Fins (per design) Util Prit.c 83'>.08 Extended Price 839.08 , Note-S: Proposal -Page 9 of 10 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF VAll,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: R040006063 Amount:$20.00 Check 06/21/200402:41 PM Init:JS Notation: #3509/GREENAUER DESIGN GROUP Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB040272 Type:ORB-Minor Alt,SFR/nUp 210106315014 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL UNIT A This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL PInt s : Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST; Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Prnts 20.00 Page 606-17-2003 6:49 am Inspection Request ReportingVAlL,CO -TOWN O.E _ Requested Inspect Date: Insp@CtfOnAn!a: !lIte Address: Tuesday,JUM 11.2003 CD 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 A POTATO PATCH OR A!PfO In!'QflTU'tftoo AdtYIty.M02·0250 Type.8-~ECH ~ub Type:,ADUP Coo"T)po'Oc,uponcy [JH O'tmer:KNUEPFER,OAV1O &MARCIA A ~nt:CASEY PlUMBJNO &HEATING Phone:970-653-4300 COrarador~CASEY PlUMBING &HEAlJNG Phone:970-653-4300 OtKrtpUon:INSTALl EXTERIOR SNOW MELT COfMlent ROUTED TO CHARUE FOR REVIEW/APPROVALS OFt~S,~ R ,"""ns 0-'-_~e1/()0 V , Item:MECH..fln_1 _7 ~eqUNled Time: Requt$&O('ptOOSlJJG &HEATING ./\Phone: ~'J!::~~II1S"'/E,/r //'E_ey~,(\)./n~~(1.1:__-:~ 'nsoection Hislofy 0 Y lU_t 1j~){- 'o,n"200 MECH-~IMe.."310 MEC -._-..,.~ 11:25/02 :...;;,;'"..AdJon':PIIPARtw._OVAL Con1fn8nb:Snowmen.nwIns onl:;'uhdBs GOt eIrtiitt 12-'061'02 1nIC«tof:JRM Adk>n:AP APPROVED ~SNO'NMElTTUBlNGAT 100'A,JR TEST ......316 Pl"e.<>es PIptng -.m~340 MECl+Mlte *tin:390 MECH-A'let REPT131 status:ISSUEDo.apAtee CD 08:00AM 970-S63-4300 DflORES K T Run Id:1092 •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:WNW.d.vail.oo.us Project Name:Montalvo Retaining Wall Redesign Project Desaiption: Change to retaining wall radius Partidpants: ORB Number;DRB020357 APPLICANT Stven James Riden 10/02/2002 Phone:949-4121 POB 3238 Avon,CO B1620 license: OWNER TAMACA,CORP 10/02/2002 Phone:7B7-782-8008 Mario Montalvo POB 11544 San Juan,PR 00922-1544 license: Project Address:74B POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: legal Description:Lot:7 Block:Subdivision:VAIL POTATO PATCH At #2 Parcel Number:210106315015 Comments:See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:10/02/2002 Cond:B (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a pennit for building.Pk!ase consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:CONOOO56Q7 Approved per plans submitted and dated 10/02/2002 Planner:George Ruther ORB Fee Paid:$0.00 ~.,•• Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:'NWW.d.vall.co.U5 General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building pennit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partiOJlar approval that is requested.An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required Information Is received by the Community Development Department.The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town CoundJ and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ct Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)( ~~D;e~sc~r~iP~t~io~n~o~f~t~he~R:eq23:~c..L--.-j~~~~;&t:~~.~.~:~J~~~\?~~-~~~~'~-~S~~05t?~·)=-~'--'.>_~<,~......:::>~~x .'s +-v--'---~ CJ c-:a "-~ Location of the Proposal:Lot:__,BJock:-,--_Subdivision:C\ Physical Address:_~__'-\..-,,-,~"-.=-,eL..::::O_,__\-'-'.......=-l_o_----'?_'__~__"__=_'___ C ,'~/sn .~Parcel No.:~I 0 IO~;;7 /~ Zoning:~~S"------_------___:-___,----=--""" Name<J;)ofOwner(s):~~V~0 \---<"0_~v c -\}....v ~<J ~c... Mailing Address:,----_ _________________Phone:_ Name of Applicant: Owner(s)Signature(s): ~'-"- E-mail Address: Mailing Address:-.--;-:=-,--_---;:=-,,--_~~--- _______________Phone:_C\--'-,--'--'o"---~~"'__'i,."'_\'_"'~'____ ____________Fax:---->.' Type of Review and Fee: o SIgns o Conceptual Review o New Construction o Addlbon o M!nor Alteration (multi-familY/commerdal) o Minor Alteration (SIngle-family/duplex) ~Changes to Approved Plans o Separation Request $50 f!!.!2 $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. 5300 For an addition where square footage IS added to any residential or commercial building (lI"dudes 250 additions &interior conversions). 5250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and K retaining walls,etc. $For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee RECEIVED For Office Us~Qnly.:/() Fee Paid:U ..B,\Olcg;eck No.:By: Application Date:DRB No.: Planner:Project No.:,fin/-1--(.7 i L •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Devefopment 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us Project Name:Montalvo Addibon Project Description: ORB Number:DRB020094 Garage addition and new landscaping Participants: OWNER TAMACA,CORP 04/16/2002 Phone:787-782-8008 Mario Montalvo POB 11544 san Juan,PR 00922-1544 Ucense: APPllCANT 5tven James Riden-04/16/2002 Phone:949-4121 POB 3238 Avon,CO 81620 Ucense: Project Address:748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL location: Legal Description:l:Ot::7 Block:Subdivision:VAIL POTATO PATCH FIt #2 Parcel Number:210106315015 Comments:See letter dated May 17 1 2002 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By:Acevado Second By:Woldrich Vote:5·0 Conditions: Action:APPROVED Date of Approval:06/05/2002 Cond:8 (PlAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written ronsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee{s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner:George Ruther ORB Fee Paid:$300.00 • ~..~.. TOWN OF VAIL Departmenr of Community De·..elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 8/657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 17,2002 Mr.Steven James Riden P.O.Box 3238 Vail,Colorado 81658 Re:Montalvo Addition,748 Potato Patch Drive Dear Steve: • The purpose of my letter is to provide you with written comments on the proposed Montalvo Residence addition.These comments arc in addition to those comments illustrated on the red-lined plans from the ORB meeting on Wednesday,May 15. Please address the following issues: I.Stamped engineered drawings for the new retaining wall design. 2.A written letter of approval from the utilities companies granting permission to construct improvement,>inlo the planed utility casement. 3.A revocable right-of-way penni!for all proposed work to be completed in the Town of Vail rights of way or ea~ements. 4.The driveway configuration must be amended slightly to provide adequate maneuvering eapabiJj(ies.I have attached a eupy ortlle plan to illustrate the change required. Each of these i~sues must be addressed prior to application for a building permit for the proposed improvements.You arc scheduled for final design review on Wednesday,June 5,2002.Should you have questions please do not hesitate to call me at 479·2145. Sincerely, ~1<~ George Ruther,AlCP Chief of Planning Town of Vail o Rt·CYCLEVPAPEH """" \- • • \ \ \ . ':"-'\- \ \ \.... \. o \" '---NOTe:, W4LL N41NTEN4NCE ONL Y No C/.i4NGE To I-iEIG/.iT OF (RE,STRUCTUR4L) \- -. -.":;t" - \ \ ,99_4 \ \.... " ~,~ ,-,''. ,. NEW STONe:COLUHNs \>lrl 'f'Q 04"10 G4TE \ G4R4GE 4DDI I ION.... "- \ \ 6f 1\ I $) I \\ -. )I \\ , I / 0 / / TOW 10 4 -J "- ,-..- t OW,08' " I3ov;(04 I I \/ •• \ •::-- ... -. •• DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday,June 5,2002 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME ....• PROJECT ORIENTATION I LUNCH·Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Wold rich Charlie Acevedo SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 2:00 pm 1.Connelly residence -5148 Gore Circle 2.Kuchar residence -5122 Grouse Lane 3.Ryerson residence -4859 Meadow Drive 4.Vail Mountain School-3160 Katsos Ranch Road 5.Hoffman residence -2665 Bald Mountain Road 6.Kaplan residence -3030 Booth Creek Drive 7.Dauphinais Moseley -1793 Shasta Place 8.Pal residence -1150 Westhaven Lane Driver:George PUBLIC HEARING·TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1.Connelly residence DRB02-0159.Bill Final review of proposed re·roof. 5148 Gore Cirde/Lot 5,Block 3,Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant Michael &Sally Connelly MOTION:Bill Gibson SECOND:Charlie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff conditions. 2.Kuchar residence DRB02-0144 Bill Final review of proposed re-roof. 5122 Grouse Lane/Lot 7,Block 1,Gore Creek Subdivision Applicant:John R.Kuchar MOTION:Bill Pierce SECOND:Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-'(Brittain opposed) DENIED 1 3:00 pm •• 3.Montalvo residence ORB02-COBS George Final review of garage addition and new landscaping. 748 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 7,Block 2,Vail Potato Patch 2 nd Filing. Applicant:Mario Montalvo,represented by Steve Riden Architect MOTION:Bill Gibson SECONO:Charlie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff conditions. 4.Kaplan residence DRB02-0134 Bill Final review of proposed minor alterations. 3030 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 5,Block 3,Vail Village 11 l1l Filing Applicant:Gilda Kaplan,represented by Michael Hazard MOTION:Bill Gibson SECOND:Charlie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff conditions. 5.Vail LLC residence DRB02-01 02.Bill Final review of a proposed addition. 1250 Westhaven Circlellot 30,Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant:Vail LLC,represented by William Reslock Architect MOTION:Bill Gibson SECOND:Charlie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff conditions. 6.Reimers residence DRB-02-0066.sm Final review of new single·family residence. 3275 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 11,Block 1,Vail Village 12 th Filing. Applicant:John &Gina Reimers,represented by JMP Architects MOTION:Bill Gibson SECOND:Charlie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff conditions. 7.Hoffman residence DRB02-0162.Allison Conceptual review of a proposed primary/secondary residence &separation request. 2665 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 9,Block 2,Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant:Scott Hoffman,represented by RKO Architects. CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE 8. MOTION:'Charles Acevedo SECOND:Bill Pierce TABLED -SEPARATION REQUEST Moulton residence DRB02-0153 1793 Shasta Place/Lot 48,Vail Village West 151 Filing. Applicant:DMC Inc. CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE 2 VOTE:4-0 George •• 9.Pal residence DRB02-01 39. Conceptual review of proposed new residence. 1150 Westhaven Lane/Lot 39-2,Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant:Joe &Lucie Pal,represented by Steven James Riden CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE Allison 10.Ryerson residence DRB02-0146.Bill Conceptual review of proposed addition and tower. 4859 Meadow Drive/Lot 16,Block 5,Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant:Tony &Cindy Ryerson.represented by Beth Levine,Architect. CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE 11.Lot 4,Spraddle Creek DRB02-01 71. Conceptual review of new single family residence. 1094 Riva Glen/Lot 4,Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. Applicant:Michael English CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE George 12.Vail Mountain School DRB02-0136.George Conceptual review of new structures,parking and faculty housing. 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/lots 11 &12 and Tract C,Vail Village 1211l Filing. Applicant:Vail Mountain School,represented by Braun Associates,Inc. CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE 13.Donovan Park Pavilion George Conceptual review of the preliminary design for the Donovan Park Pavilion and the proposed of alternative building materials. South Frontage Road/Unplatted Applicant Town of Vail,representated by Vail Architecture Group CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE Staff Approvals Gardner residence ORB02-0132. Window addition and door change. 4800 Meadow Drive,Riverbend at Vail/lot 9,Bighorn Subdivision Sill Addition. Applicant:Barbara F.Gardner Andersson residence DRB02-0133. Change to driveway. 4995 Juniper lane/lot 9,Block 5,Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant:Mats &Andrea Andersson Axelrod residence DRB02-0141. New hot tub. 1977 Circle Drive/lot 25,Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant:Art &Judith Axelrod 3 Bill Allison Allison ••\ Treetops Condominiums ORB02-0127. Addition of storage units in garage. 452 E.Lionshead Circle.Treetops Condo/Lot 6,Vail Lionshead lSI Filing. Applicant:Treetops Association AJlison Agneberg residence DRB02-0142.Allison Addition of bedroom/bath into existing crawlspace. 1090 Vail View Drive,Unit 81,Telemark TownhouselLot 81,Block B,Lions Ridge l&t Filing. Applicant Larry Agneberg Hoyt Young residence DRB02-0119. Deck and hot tub addition. 2764 S.Frontage Rd.West/Stephens Subdivision. Applicant:Louise Young and Brian Hoyt Gillett residence DRB02-0147. New fence on deck. 2565 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 14,Block 1,Vail Village 13~Filing. Applicant Bill Joseph &Associates Young/Hoyt residence DRB02-0148. Rock facing on fayade. 2764 S.Frontage Rd.WesVStephens Subdivision. Applicant:Louise Young and Brian Hoyt All Seasons Condominiums DRB02-0145. Courtyard pavers and walkway repair. 434 Gore Creek Drive,All Seasons/Lot B,Block 3,Vail Village 5th Filing. Applicant:All Seasons Condo Association Johnston residence DRB02-0154. Change to approved plan of interior conversion w/additional square footage. 1184 Cabin Circle/Lot 2,Block 2,Vail Valley 15\Filing. Applicant:Paul &Sarah Johnston Cummings residence DRB02-0123. Change to approved plans (revised site/grading/landscape plan). 5135 Main Gore Drive/Lot 27,Block 19,Vail Meadows 1S \Filing. Applicant:Greg &Janice Cummings Siverly residence DRB02-016S. Removal of dead aspen trees. 1693 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 17-8,Matterhorn Village Applicant:Terry Siverly Vincent residence DRB02-0170. Additional landscaping between Austria Haus and Village Center. 122 E.Meadow Drive.Village Center.lLot K,Block SE,Vail Village 1S \Filing. Applicant:Elizabeth Vincent,represented by Fieldscape 4 Allison Judy Judy Bill Bill Bill Judy Allison •• Schierholz residence DRB02-0151. Enlarge 3 existing decks. 4564 Timber Falls CourtfTimber Falls Condominiums. Applicant:John C Schierholz,represented by Morter Architects Allison Giovanny Alexander ORB02-0113.8i1t New sign. 192 Gore Creek Drive,#160,The Lodge at Vail/Lots A,B,&C,Block SC,Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant:James Knowles Pismo Fine Art Glass DRB02-0138. 122 E.Meadow Drive,Lot K,Block 5E,Vail Village 1sl Filing. Applicant:Pismo Gallery LLC Hicks residence DRB02-0161. Deck resurfacing and extension. 185 Forest Road/Lot 25,Block 7,Vail Village lSI Filing. Applicant:Ed &Gloria Hicks Allison Allison The applications and information about the proposals are available for pUblic inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office.located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department,75 South Frontage Road.Please call 479·2138 for information.Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification_Please call479-2356,Telephone for the Hearing Impaired,for information. 5 •• .Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vait.co.U5 Generallnfonnation: This ~lication is for any project requiring Design Review approval.Any project requiring design review must receive approval prior to sutrnlttlng a bUilding permit application.Please refer to the submittal requrements for the particular i'lpproval that is requested.An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required Informatbn is received by the Community Development Department.The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design Review Board approval lapses unless ill building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal:LDt:::C Elock:z..Subdivision:?o4-»_:~-""'P~~k No 2- Physical Address:----=:L4b Pora.TQ PtlrlC--/-+llJe.lllr« Parcel No.:ZlQ.l 0IP?)I S'a I~(Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) zoning:J....l/_S...z-_ $20oChangestoApprovedPlans Clfi( PLEASE SUBMITTliIS APPllCATION,All SUBMmAl REQUIREMEffTS .~.!J'~ AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,~'iv r:~~~.,·i.;~7;:--'·'~"~~'ib ~:'~~ka~~Da~te:~.2"~~3~"?~~f1:~~~~~~3;==J1 V &~~ Name(s)of OwnerCs):_'-N'-'-'~=v'_·'-'''>L:,.,.;~.....:..so'-~=4-"..."'-'=\'--v''''-"o-_,=;:_-------- Mailing Address:JP::C.C2.:....~ll;o~.~-J!;';#~.:....=c.,~bI:..::-l.~V~I\.~!!\-!Az.J!§:..:..•...t2~~z...:=-.!.S 7!T__Phone:~·1SiZ-·UO& Owner(s)Signature(s):~\ Name of APPlicant:i<,c-IL.\r-J ""--'\..-\-'"'--'(4'('6)8,,(JAiMf...<"z ~D8-\.J Mailing Address:7.a .'b<::>)(~-,\(./:>.,.....,<>.C.QLC ~ _-"Rc!'c''''''-'"Z''-''o'--.--Phone:C\'4-"'\\'?,'" F'.O ":>0)(7:>1.:z;,~VAl L-to 81l,t""""O-q70 4,m ,1.'71 Type of Review and Fee:•7U ~0-1 -'i1 e.- O New Construction $200 For constructlon of a new building or demo/rebuild. U\Addition $50 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential orr-commercial building (Includes 250 additions &interior oonverslons). o Minor Alteration $20 For mloor dlanges to buildings and site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retalnilg walls,etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff cr the Design Review Board •FFR-29-2002 00:30 STEVEN JAMES RIDEN AlA •p.e1 • STEVEN JAMES RIDEN A.I.A.ARCHITECT POST OFFICE BOX ~S8 VAlL,COLORADO 8165 8 97"-949·¢1 97"'919.0:;01 FACSIMILE FACSIMIlLE COVER PAGE O"TE,~~~b6~.''''.....TIM!::O;IV""" TO,6'eD./lU11ft/!. COMPANY,TO.I/. TELEPHONE # FACSlMlW #~11ftq£ NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER.I 6 M~AGE: 6111t1fM.)UJ~/If 71/1$,J't ()...../I"N f'~/HDttI'""'~/IP ~~",.e Pfl£f, w~u,,"'c~.",~..".I1fI£.17~s."".$."fl ""$1<fPl1 WARNING!! THli INf{)RMATION CONI"ArNEO IN THIS TRANSMlSSION MAY De. CONFtDJrNnAL.PRIVILEGED,/l.NO EX1iMYr FROM OISCLOSURJi • UNAUTNOIl.J.2:E[)DISCLQ5IJR.E MAY BE Iu.EGAL. ANY DLSSEMfNA'rIOl"l •OJSTlUIU,ITION OR.COPY OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STJUCKLY Pll.OHJDrrEO . • STEVEN JArES 1-<1Ll:./'l AlA I' 11 I 1" •_._._,...-'.'-'..... __UlfCMIa. wmT'lWlAI;iiIMlLLEn1Il •P,02-,"" .' 1,(Jrillt...,.jJJ.w\!?\C.u"'pre ,.__l#J*ll*tr_It(~ -lIlon)~PMut D&l/C-,It!r 7 ""'2.&I!r!F""'* ~__•_lIlllIMIlIlIliIllfn..,",1dI_ • 1_w.....id lhot "*'"1''''-''''''bo "'lIIl1li1*",_till _lIlIIe _ _lIl_lIlI!'IIUillle ..."1llI r...."1<IlIII..-1III "".ill.... I' • STB..el JR'ES RIDEN AlA• • SIelIaI Ridm,A 1A Arcbiua.P C P.O.Box 3238 VIliJ.CO 81658·3238 DearSt8Ve, • April 26,2002 P.B3 Eoclooed please fiDd a &is-!copy oftbc 10illl Pn>pcrty Owna:Wr1lle1l Approval Letter siviDs my _vallO tile MaoIa1vo addiliOll 1 sign lhis ~Slobjoet 10 Ibe fol1owUlg i,;sLCS we have cWcusocd aad thaI you iadic:atcd Mr.Momalvo is in ..titiLibl1 with. I.Tho adctition i>per Ibe plans _NovatJber 9,2001 aDd tho addiIion will nol_ •furtber!ban ll'6"into Ihc front yard. 2.Tho smt>o&e am lwr will be ....."eel frum tho _toflbe _and will be pill oolhc west side,or ellmir1llted altoeetber. 3.Tho ....ining wall em be rq>laced at ilse,dSliD8loc8lioollld boigbl Tho IiJnbe",will 1>0 .-pi",,",withro<k.Illd MI.MOllllIlvo aDd!will sIwe equally in the _to '"P1aoe the wall. 4.Tho asphalt drivewoy will be "p-with pav ...'"otampod co,""","per tho ...vIsed foot print OIl the laodscape drawiD&dated Marth 26,2002.MI.MootaIvo mel !will sIwe oquaII,iu lhis cxpcnsc. S.All other _oro out1Ulcd in MI.Mollllllvo'sldlr:r _febtuuy 20,2002,IWioh Mr. MomaIvo aDd 1IJ1XIf ....both in _with. TbanIc you lQr your pad""",10 thI>_....!Jock forNard to worl<ioi with you OIl Ibis project foe tho imptovomeul of out popa1y as wdIas Ibe Moo!aIvo's. ~UCJSJ01(JIAQIltab ,.,DUCDAND COJ'IJDCI'1l'NllP.u;rv~ .99 ~BLV[l •GI.9IlALE HEIGHTS.LLNOIS B01s.2D12 •(ll3O)filliIO-54OO •IiU (830)~ • S¥¥l,~f~~- David R.Knuepftt TaTA....P.B3 ••COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROUTING FORM Routed To:Leonard Sandoval,PW Date Routed:04/17/02 Routed Bv:Georqe Ruther DateDue:4/24102 I Proiect Name:I Montalvo I I Proiect #:I PRJ02-0086 I Actiyity #:I DRB02-0094 Description of work:I Garage addition and landscaping Address:I 748 Potato Patch Drive Legal:ILo!:17 I Block:I2I SubdiYision:I Polalo Palch 2nd Filing Status:o Approved o Approved with conditions ~Denied o :,04 Date Reviewed: l1""q .0 Nddd··bFD Comments: o F DIreeoartment ssues.ee a Itlona review ov'Ife eoartment. Provide stamoed survey Show on site plan -limit of disturbance/erosion control fence between property line garage addition.Also include fence around purposed landscape,water features improvents within drainaae easement/ditch areas. Provide details on boulder waterfalls and pond. Show eraison control measures where drainaae ditch meets Polato Patch Rd. Provide stamoed enaineered drawinas for retainina walls On East side of puposed turnaround area.retaining wall exceeds 6 ft in height.adjust and revise. Retainingwall and landscape improvements are within what may be a utility easement or drainage easement.approval from the Town orVail and all Utility companies in written form is reauired before PW will issue and aooroval.Stamoed Survey will determine if this is necessarv. Possible a Revocable riQht of way oermit is required for imorovents within drainaQe easement. Isandoval • silS 'Re:'SicEunif<.,.Mmc..plYH£-ok. • MI4ti2<:tI4-tl!~·~~J.io! ~.L.i"E.?",,-,P 'oJ1 ~TDuE:i ";0 eo"c.RE:rf! .6l~esus @ '1~CoAu6e :3 n'uJ. he'1hr ID VA-Il.'f Bill .~~~~c:~he:i'1 hr b'f Z Fr.mi</. &Iq"Ll~EO 't<e1l-iui4 wl4Il:s ues ..,tJ ~""-~"d ufi/;I.t ~E.4Ir intpR.C\lff:m1Wr ~141.. ~OX •bot au '11f-tJ:.p6ll r.P. ALL EllrE1t2-ioR./11ME;/l,H/s 10 tI1l'/hh eNsTf"'1 v"Fi"......UtJosutpf!.pe»Jo DeS'1u A-f:pQoIh+<-K6:f"d pR1'~10 •_ i4-u--:po vJ.Com..nEu~~e:o pRJo.e 10 6.'Po v 'P.el(l~t:.wk R'~Fie.f,..",~-r .. T r l ••FILE COpy Department 0/Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 970-479-2/38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 17,2002 Mr.Steven James Riden P.O.Box 3238 Vail,Colorado 81658 Re:Montalvo Addition.748 POI~UO Patch Drive Dent Steve: The purpose army letter is (0 provide you with written comments on the proposed Montalvo Residence addition.These comments are in addition to those comments illustrated on the red-lined plans from the ORB meeting on Wednesday.May 15. Please address the following issues: I.Stamped engineered drawings for the new ~taining wall design. 2.A ""'nneD letter of approval from the utilities companies granting permission 10 coostruct improvements into the platted utility easement. 3.A revocable right-or-way pennit for 311 proposed work to be completed in the Town of Vail rights of way or easements. 4.The driveway configuration must be amended slightly to provide adequate maneu .....ering capabilities.I have attached a copy of the plan to ilIustnte the change required. Each of these issues must be addressed prior to applicollion for a building permit for the proposed improvements.You are scheduled for fwal design review on Wednesday,June 5.2002.Should you ha~ questions please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2145. Sincerely, ~K~ George Ruther,AICP Chief of Planning Town of Val! o R£CYCLEDPlJ'f:R •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF VAlL.COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: R0000021S5 Check Amount:$300.0004/16/200204:35 PM In1t:JAR Notation:6926 Steven James Riden Permit NO: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB020094 Type:DRB -Addition of GRFA 210106315015 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL This Payment:$300.00 Total Fees: Total ALL PInts: Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW rEES Current PInts 300.DO '.e\\.e '-.5 p.: if4S .:£ '\;7-« «•-« ~ iZ 1 f\~ •. 6/1~/2002 Af&f ~"",bad f~d E"'I_rrq OffICe /MaIf 'lJa1.Avon.CO 81620 Atm;Mr.floljd Saaza- Re;1..01;7 bJ..2 Val Potato Pald1.Val.E"""~.Cdora:lo 7'18 Potato Pald1l?rM:.Vad CO 816'77 17"",Mr.Sazar. l'1ease be .advl.ed that 1.\'00 mprovemert to lhe prOf"'l'lli rd'er."..,.,a iihov. certain f\rl1OnS rI:rtta""",5trucb.-e5 ad W~f.atu-..art to be ~~ w,ti,1n '"_"",d !Jtjllli .asemert.l'1e"",acIJy"y/.,aq,"""pi;of thl5 cure~ad lhe at.lahed r.aud 51te ~""11115 tp.J maj do 50 b.i '" iW...lZed 51q1abce at ti",erd of thl51eUer ad rttain a CO\'Il fa tp.Jr recud5. As jiii owners of thl5 pr,,?,rb{we """'rskrd tilat lhe foIkmlnq "tro.: I.11",ullIlb{has <ranted penni ....'to construct "I'<'"ti"ease..,nl; 2.fhe properlli <NII1eJ'5 sI"'lndemnlf4 ti",utlltlli from costs or a'l repairs to ti",utll~"5 5erv~e5 whtd1 m"l occur as a re,ul;or ti",con5trucl;IOn wlth,n ti", easement. :?fhe properlli <NII1eJ'5 sl.al ~d lhe utlltlli mle..from ti",fubre a ''''reased cosl;to repair lhe 5lrucbre5 ~,."d wtlhin lhe ease..,nt slWd ti", ut~1lli re",lre repair a re~,."..,nt of lhelr servICe In ti",ease..,nl;. Mr-o.kdqneri rI:r=lpI;rI:th"Iel;i;er: X~~~·/~.~~L __oIate 7-.1""0 2.. P.O.80~J2J8 VliL co 8f65lWlJ8 970-'U9.QJ04 F.. •• ~ A.:. if-l:s. ~~« -<•--< ~ iZ 1 ~\~ b/I~/Z(X)2 11>4 Cr"..Ener~ ~1266 hWY 6 &2~ p.o.Cl",972.Avon W BI620 !'lin:Mr .fed 11J"'4 Re;l.o<7 b11<..2 Vad Potato Paid,.Vad.Ea;je Ccu~.CcAorado 7~B Potato Pald,l7rtve.Vaj W B16~7 l7e...Mr.~. Please be advised lI ....up>1 mprovernent lo lI",propcr~refere,~ed above cer!<l"porlio,.of re!<l1n3qe .trucbres m:I 1m:lS<ape feabres ...e lo be placed will,,,,.,ass<red utJthj ease""'''I:..l'Iease a:""""'e"",realp!.of 1I11. ""re~m:I lI",aU.acI",d rech:ed SlI.e pial.fill.4GU "Iaj do so 6j a' AJlI1Ol'Ized .q.a!u:e al:.lI"m:l of 1I11.Iel:.ler ad re!<lin a COJ'lI for lItU'record •. As pint owners of 1I11.prover~we l.tderstad lI ....lI'"fdkNilrt;IS !roe: I.fI",utllthj I...<:ranted permlS.1On W con.trucl:.upon lI",e"""ment 2.fI"proper~OI~",rs .wI "dem,"f4 1I1e u1:.1i~from cos!..of "'4 repairs W 1I"utll,!.I ..se"'ce.Whld,m"4 OCQJr a.a resJl:.of 1I"con.trucl:.lOn will lin 1I" easement, ?11"proper~OVIJ",rs .hall fJd lI",utlli~I...mle ..from 1I",fulure or Ir",eased cos!.lo repair tk .tructure.pla:ed wllIlI"1I1e cae.""",,,I.•Imld 1I" utllllq require repair or rcpla:ement.or theIr servIce In th:~Cit<"..>COlClll. 31 b$S-J2.Jll date 7 -3-02 •• ~ t:- if-l.::. ~~>« «•-« ~~ ~ 1 ~\~ 6/17/20J2 Xed ~",r'll 200 W.6U,Sf..P.O.I3",1819 SllverU"",,.CO 80498 Atu,:Mr.Kit [3rx""t Re:l.ot 7 ~k.2 Vall Potato Patdl.Vari.facje Ccul~.Cokr"", 748 Potato Paleh rrl.c.Vall CO 816:77 Pk:ase be """sed Uk'"upon Improvemen!;to the proper!:4 referereed above cerlaln p<1'tk>15 of rclall"'1"structure>.>'1d I""scape feature>;ye to be placed Within ",ass<red utll~easemen!;.Please aimwlecW receipt of thIS corre.pondence au the <>ttahed reduced .Ite pi",.11".tpJ ~do so ~'" AutlrrlZed .qclure at the m:I of thiS letter a:Jd relaln a COptI for lIM record •. 2.1l1e pmperhj owner.slJ<Jllrdemnlf4 U",utlh!:4 from costs of all repairs to tJ~utilitieS 5ervlces whICh maj occtr as a re5Ult of the Ca1strudlOtl wlU1fn tJ1e easement., ?11",properhj owl",r.sholl f.,jd U",utril!:4 ha'mle"from U",future or Increased cost to repair U",structure.placed wlU,'n the ewemen!;shotJd U", uClltllj rea.ulre repair or replacement of their servICe In U~ec3Sement. Ihai (f'for j11c"j.,""I'cr<>t""In UIIS m<>tl:er. thtli!! Mr.Ma-IO Mr'.1I:a.o ~~e.~ Mr.rov,"KllCUpfer 8Ib.58_J.Z..I8 'n).9·1\l_~11r ~me~of receipt of U"s Icll:er: ~0ff*.'1 •• 6/1~/= awe'5f~ fldd ~"'l~<flr"l 0ffI:e 5,w.rth:>me .CJJ B0'!9B AIb1:M,.Ja.on 5Mp.. Re:lot 1 b1k.2 Val Potato Patch.VaJ..f,q.~.Cdor..., HB Potato Pakh 17""".Val CJJ 8/6'71 [7....Mr.5h...p". PI""",b.<advlsd thot upon 1Inpr"""",,",to ~pr~ref<fe=d """'" certain pa"Wns cI 'elal1Ocl'sl.nJcb.-..a1d Lrdscape f........10 be p"",d with •..,",•.,.,d uUlbj •........t.PI."",adwwI.~,.«:p!.of th" car~a1d ~a/.lad1ed ,«:I.ud sit.<p..,.fhl'"'""""I do 50 kJ '" hJthor1zed ~.a/.the enJ af !Ius k:tkr a1d ,Otaln a ""I"l for '1'\1",,,,,,,,,Is. As.l>ri """'"cI tI1"l"'oper\Ij we llderstatl !hat ~f~,,!roe: I,The uUlbj f...,,~perm,...,n to ~upon ~~ 2,The pr""",bl ~,.hal ~f4 ~uUlb,f,om co%af a14 repairs to ille uUiIles S<TVIces wIich ""'l ocar as a re,./t cI the ~with"~ e~rt. ~,The ~"""'''.....,ltid ille utAlb,!unIb.from the fube.or ro-.""ed am to 'epar ~s!nJcb.<..Paced with.lh""""men!slWd the ul>11bj ,,,,,t,,repair or replacem.mi;af ~r,.."."•~.- P.o.a-J.UI V.oiI,co .16S"'3%3' '7l>94,...tJ,1 '10.9049-0004 P.. ..-i~""_ ------------------- TOTR...P.01 •• Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.co.us Project Name:Montalvo Driveway Change to Plans Project Desaiption: Garage addition and new landscaping Partidpants: ORB Number:DR8020411 OWNER TAMACA,CORP 11/21/2002 Phone:787-782-8008 Mario Montalvo POB 11544 San Juan,PR 00922-1544 license: APPllCANT Rick Waller 11/21/2002 Phone:970-470-2615 POB 3716 Avon,CO 81620 Ucense: Project Address:748 POTATO PATOi DR VAll Location:748 Potato Patch Legal Description:Lot:7 Block:Subdivision:VAIL POTATO PATOl FIL #2 Parcel Number:210106315015 Comments: BOARO/STAFFACTlON Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action:STAFFAPR Date of Approval:11/26/2002 Con<!:8 (PLAN):No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN):ORB approval does not constitute a permit for building.Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner:George Ruther ORB Fee Paid:$20.00 • Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road.Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.179.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vail.oo.U5 General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested.An application for DesIgn Review cannot be accepted until aU required information Is received bV the Community Deveklpment Department The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Coonel and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a bUilding pennlt is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description 01 the Request:~~''-'e"~k ~No-....)tJ\E\.-:'!<'J c;"'cf..ME' eE N:C":~·*£'11M>~,,'<'lA<.--~L-!NE'5 IN 'U-i?"/Ev-JA-; location 01 the Proposal:lol:~BIock:__SUbdMSion:VA-.L-Porl\"fll t>fllcM.+.'....,N'"L Physical Address:_l-,-~:...-:t=---_f.,--o=--r-,-.,-,...-:....:<:>=--...:~-'-....'-'-,-=c...==.\,-,-\_.=~=--:....:\t"''''l:1,........----"Co""--...:._~,,,-,-,1(,.,;-:t-. Parcel No.:21 0I 6 ~1.IS-.I 5>(Contact Eagle Co.Assesscr at 970-328-8640 far parcel no.) Zoning:_ Name(s)olowner(s):~I/.Mt\CA-(1)g l'.fI1Mo N"t-lT!\-L1f 0-OO,tffi'Jl. Mailing Address:~€N~~~'T1'nE '3 -1\ ~""'I'r&r:,.p~12K.009 <;,Phone:_ Dwner(s)Signature(s):_ Name of Applicant:12::'l~"£.vV ~c;:re-tE:... Mailing Address:P ()B •><."17 (<.. E-mail Address: Check No.:.J tl1h f!l.!S $1.00 ~square foot of total sign area. •RECEIVED NnV'I 2002 By: ORB No.: Project No.: For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or rommerdal bUilding (indudes 250 additions &interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site Improvements,such as, rerooflllg,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. $20 $20 No Fee $50 No Fee $650 $300 $250 For Office ~nIY: Fee Paid: Application Date: Planner: o Minor Alteration (multHamily{commerdal) o 5eparation Request: o Minor Alteration pmgle-family/duplex) rffI'Changes to Approved Plans Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Conceptual Review o New ConstructionoAddition • Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vall,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web:www.d.vall.ro.U5 E-mail Address: Mailing Address:'P 0 '- General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application.Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that Is requested.AA application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all reqUired Information Is received by the Community OeveIopment Department The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Coondl andlor the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building pennlt 15 Issued and construction commences within on~year of the approval. Description of the Request:Abt>~"........e:R..1=0 e...5.N t)v4 f'--o\E"".......-r \ IN c..........A-<".E"6'r "'1'<1 IT A (~.1:>+,"""l>rl"-~~"'.N"'EPFe:C) Location of the Proposal:lot:':f-Block:Subdivision:VA-l'-?tf"'i"ll'lfi',,;:)1'''t'E:-)\..~I""'\"...x:."2.. Physical Address::j"t 1'07"""-0 I'...-r~~'2-<>"p.,,-,~La 'i?I l,~T- Parcel No.:z.101 0 fa "'!..\~0 \Y (Contact Eagle Co.Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:_ Name{s)of Owner(s):b /JT-v If.:::)+t-'"I A=f2.-s.I"! Mailing Address:_<'\~4-'-_,:'-I'-"''-,--'-''E=..::....=-=-N''-'~"'-'-':..;O=~=,.,.-'--L='"'=:_~~<....=V71>:--_,=_----- ~J)""""'",&1"tj-='r.>,"0'39 20 <'1 "-Phone;-',,"--'~"'''''_____''''c:4::.uO'_____~'"__'...=<Se....::°'___ Owner(s)Signature(s): Name of Applicant:Q.l~1Il:...\r.JP>c-L:A'""e IZ-. s'l(..f',Vo,,",<""'LO ~\(,Z.O __________________Phone:~"\:-'-.,-'-'o"---<.t_=''::':O=_=:_"2--=-'b''__cI;;__'>=___=,__ __________F.x:,_-=q-'-.,-'-'=o'-_"'\--'--'-\-'--.,--'------'\'---"~'____'.,'_>_"___ I Type of Review and Fee: o Signs o Gon~IRev~w o New Construction o Addition o Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) o Minor Alteration (single--family/duplex) ~Olanges to Approved Plans o Separation Request $50 f1.l.!j $1.00 ~r square foot of total sign area. Na Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage Is added to any resk;lential or' commercial building (includes 250 additions &interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site Improvements,such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements,such as, reroofing,palnbng,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaIning walls,etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No "'" For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:Check No.: Applicabon Date: Planner: By;=------------ORB No.: Project No.: • JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER • I,(print name)\)M It:.kN"'E:PfOE:<C. description)1'1-g,PeT",,""71'f1':-~ ,a joint owner of property located at (address/legal pro ....ide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above.I understand that the proposed improvements include: -Aid?1N\1l.~l1<-o ~<..,• ~~L.£J?.,-.1 (\-lafr \.NES) c.~~:;::;;--e..~,f f3 N ,A--'"'\\±£-1'\"\ \>1 M..t\N"'c0 v\N'bE:~~'>-J"\ J further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature) Page 2 of 12/02/07/02 (Date) • JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER • I,(print name)M~0 l-..{'0 N"l/\-L ..;';:) description)'1'+~FcIT!'f!o -P......-<.-<+. I a joint owner of property located at (address/legal VA-,,-C..c."\10 'i'3- provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above.I understand that the proposed improvements Include: i'ro p.,"n <>N 1>,-.......~1\......\E"<s.IN c,~"'t ~ "-Ie \c,1>\I!r<>Co -~\,..,.J\a..t'f'>-.o C 1-1-'<:""',),'"~,,~"""~ v'N\)~f~E:R..S"!'&. .o,-\l.-1yfG C1-N iT-L-f />.-,j rc-f<-S",'"cNiR-A-N c.C I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature) Page 2 of 12/02/07/02 (Date) 11/14/200212:07 FAX 8308905504•DUI'AG~IlACIIlNE PRODUCTS JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRIIIEN APPROVAL LElTER •~002/002 I.(Print name)\)M I~t::N1.\gl'fg-.<...a pot ow",,"of J=I""lY Iocatro at (address{legal desaiption)~lt!.f'o'j1flo 1(h"i8\--riot....e..o <{IbS-:r provide this _as wrttten approval c:t '""plans daled whk:h have been submllle<l to ttle Town of Vall Community DevelOpment Department fur the proposed bnprovemont> In be (DfI1pletro at the add"""nob>:l above.1 understllnd that the proposed impr_",inclUde: ~?..~t"~'2--tt<:-'l><t..r.c,.lA-'l 'rlel\'1 -AkP INIAA i.o \1JT:l.er CLt:€s)It.(~~WI>r1 vl.N'h..,g"~,"S" ~<..• IN I further _that mlno<modltIaItIons may be made In the plans <Her the c:nur.;e d the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's appliable mde5 and reguJations. (SIgnature)(Date) Pago 2 of 12/02/07/02 Nov-14-02 04~44A Cad;erno Corp.•305 860-6359•P.02 :JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRJTmI APPllOVAl.l£TTER I.(printname)I.Atritto "l~N-r~,-.t;>.ajolntownerot __.matC__ descr~)_1,,"£fo.,-,.,.n,.p~.V .........Co·'i:'b 5"7_!!lis _os _..,...,..,otthe plans """'"wt,;m_ to be ~at the -...nol<d.-.I wdoI",,<t tt>ot the """""""imp<o¥omonls lndude: hi>""'not.!~~.~~<'l;"IN "'''-<U<t'''e ~ 'N.eIC,"'~~'-',l2-~f?-<>(~""''T)''''~,,~~ V'.....}>~f'~c:R..s.~ f~s Page 2 of 12/00/07/02 ~s"r;6L".L&·OI •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: Walter R000003478 Amount:$20.00 Check 11/21/200211:52 AM Inlt:JAR Notation:1096 Rick Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: DRB020411 Type:DRB-Chg to Appr Plans 210106315015 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 Potato Patch This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Prnts: Balance: $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW fEES Current Pmts 20.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479·2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~VGhJ~o 'J 0.-..\?0 -t \'J,-.:.""t. l-.o~,152-, NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: Location : Parcel No : Project No : MECHANICAL PERMIT 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 A j'OTATO PATCH DR 210106315014 ,Qfl'!i<n·ue~",vV'- Pcmlit #: Status ...: Appl;ed ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: M02·0250 ISSUED 1111 512002 1112112002 0512012003 OWNER KNUBPPER,DAVID &MARCIA A.11/15/2002 Phone: 765 N PARK BLVD GLEN ELLYN IL 60137 License: CONTRACTOR CASEY PLUMBING &HEATING 11/15/2002 Phone:970-653-4300 P.O.BOX 1830 EDWARDS,CO 81632 License:213-P APPLICANT CASEY PLUMBING &HEATING 11/1S/2002 Phone:970-653-4300 P.O.BOX 1830 EDWARDS,CO 81632 License:213-P Desciption: Valuation: INSTALL EXTERIOR SNOW MELT $24,000.00 Fireplace Informalion;R~lricled:Y II orGas Appliances:0 1/orGas Logs:0 #of Wood I'ellel:0 ......................................................................FEE SUMMARy ....•....•..•...••..•........•....•....•....•..•••••..•••••• Mecllanical-.>$480.00 Restuarant Plan Revicw->$0.00 Total Calculated Fces-'>$603.00 Plan Cl1eck->$120.00 DRB Fee--------->$0.00 Additional fees >$55.00 InVC!iliglltion->$0.00 TOTAL FEES >$603.00 Total Permit t'cc---.>$658.00 Willeall-->$3.00 Payments >$658.00 BAlANCE DUE->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item;05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11/18/2002 cdavis Action:AP See conditions Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Subject to field inspection CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COHPLLANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.);COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SBC.701 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SBCTION 701 OF THE 1997 IKe. Cond:23 (BLOO .):INSTALLA.TION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC.CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IHC. Cond:25 (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IHC. Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG,):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.1022 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IHC . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS NER OR CQNT 'TOR F HIMSELF AND OWNE~SI REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY·FOUR HOURS IN ADV AN I hereb)'acknowledge that I have read this application,filled OUI in futl the infonnation required,completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that aillhe information as required is correeL I agree lo comply with the information and plot plan,to comply wilh all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. HO EAT~OR y!lUROFFICE FROM 8,O'lAM·4PM. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWNOFYAIL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: R000003477 Check Amount:$658.00 11/21/200210:57 AM Init:LC Notation:#1449/Casey P &H M02-0250 Type:MECHANICAL PERMIT 210106315014 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 A POTATO PATCH DR Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location; This Payment:$658.00 Total Fees: Total ALL PInts: Balance: $658.00 $658.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code CL 00100003123000 MP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description CONTRACTOR LICENSES MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 55.00 480.00 120.00 3.00 Town of Vail Reg.No.:Contact and Phone #'5: _L Will NOT BE ACCEPTEO IF INCOMPlETl.'OR UN5ni!1~I -6 Mif Project #:1 ["I;;.JU (.,U, Building Permit #::.--,----:::-:----...--"" Mechanical Permit #:fJ11)§-a;>sz, 970-479-2149 (Inspect{onsf Mechanical COntractor'V-t+ TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: '~IRoomLa~td ~ •Oime .\.-<\~\ uct 51.VC>"O"Y "tG-;~l';~~~~ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION E-Mail Ad ress: Contractor Signature: MPlETE VALUATION FOR MECHANI MECHANICAL:$~~ Contact Eaale County Assessors Office at 970·328·8640 or visit www.eanle-countv.comforParcel# Parcel #2.\U i D c..'l.r '>c ,Li Job Name:\C"'.....e;PFe'R...Job Address:'u-&2,h..1u 0~L Legal Description II Lot:'f IlsiOCk:II Filing:Z ~Subdivision:"'*'\..."t&11\-lQ f?~G-'+-' OWners ~'"~lJuFP~AddressCj'1 '~-k.I~'._cA...~P.!;"£~!.~.1.",\0 >4-"1"<-(,0 .'1 Engineer:Address:Phone:.Z1 I"'i z. Detailed description of work: Iv Work Oass:Ne~Addition ()Alteratron ()Repair ()Other () Boner Location:Interior ~Exterior ()Other ()II Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No () Type of Bldg:Single-family ()Duplex M Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()other () No.of Existing Dwelling Units In this building:I II No.of Accommodation Units in this building: NofTyoe of Fireplaces Exlstrno:Gas Aooliances (\Gas Loas (\Wood/Pellet (\Wood Bumino (\ NofType of Fireplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances ()Gas Logs ()WoodlPeliet ()Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED\.)) Is thIs a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device?Yes ()No ()1,,-I} & \\Vailldalll\OOcv\FORMS\I'ER MITSW Eel II'ERM.I:l(X Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Design Criteria •You must obtain Design Review Board (ORB)approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work.This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems.Please contact a planner at 479-2128 before submitting your mechanical permit application. •The Town of Vail has adopted the 1998 International Mechanical Code (IMC)with the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC)as an acceptable alternative. •All new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction,thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec.701.2. Town of Vail Fireplace Ordinance In September of 1991,the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries.Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions,striving for compromise,yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue.Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: •Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. •Dwelling Units -Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1)EPA Phase n certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (2)gas appliances (8 vent) OR Two (2)gas log fireplaces and no more than two (2)gas appliance fireplaces (8 bent). •Restricted Dwelling Units -Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1)gas log fireplace and not more than one (1)gas appliance fireplace. •Accommodation Units -Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1)gas log fireplace or one (1)gas appliance fireplace. •If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit,the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already eXists)and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces,or may convert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. •If during the course of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved,the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance.That is,the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. f:/everyone/forms/mechperm HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey . Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479·2139 Check all that applies. 1.Which Department(s)did you contact? Building _Environmental __Hausing __Admin __ Planning __ORB PEG _ 2.Was your inffial contact with our staff immediate__slow __or nO one available ? 3.[fyou were required to wait how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your project reviewed On a timely basis?Yes I No If no,why nol?_ 5.Was this your first time to file a ORB app __PEG app __ Bldg Pennit N/A 6.Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321 Name:__::-:-=_ (knowledge;responsiveness,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Gounjer.5 4 321 B.What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Gounler?_ 9.Any comments you have which would allow us to bel!€r serve you nexttime?_ Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.We are committed to improving OUf selVice. ,-\Raypak Outdoor Boilers Only The Tough Survive ... Town of Yail 0FFICE Copy •.•.KlZ~ The HoI Wafer Management Experts.- SPECIFICATIONS AVAWU APPIJ(MBnIH NAnIRA!GAS(.1000)DIMENSIONS (INCHES)Sbtt"9 Weigbt MODEl BOlllR TYPES Go>Water I.(appro.) Input Output Width D~thSIZEHW Co...(onlL Less Pump W/Pump, 133 ••136.0 1090 24-1/8 14-1/2 1/2 1-1/4 160 210 183 ••186.0149.0 17-5/8 251/2 1/2 1-1/2 230 280 263 ••264.0 211.0 no 251/2 3/4 1-1/2 240 290 333 ••333.0 266.0 23·3/4 251/2 3/4 1·1/2 340 390 403 ••399.0 319.0 27-1/4 25 1/2 1 1-1/2 355 405 514 ••51LS 419.4 32-3/4 291/2 1 2 475 530 624 ••627.0 514.0 37-1/2 291/2 1 2 485 540 724 ••726.0 595.0 41-5/8 291/2 I 2 635690 824 ••825.0 676.5 45-3/4 321/2 12 645 700 926 ••926.0 759.0 52-3/8 321/2 I 2-1/2(b)785 840 1083 ••1083.0 888.0 59·1/4 321/2 (0)2-1/21bl 865 920 1178 ••1178.0 966.0 63-5/8 321/2 (0)2-1/2(b)925 980 1287 ••1287.0 1055.0 68·5/8 321/2 1-1/4 2·1/2(b)980 1035 1414 ••1413.0 1158.5 74-7/8 321/2 1-1/4 2-1/2(b)1080 1130 1571 ••15700 1287.0 81-1/8 321/2 1-1/4 2-1/2(bl 11301190 1758 ••1758.0 I 1441.5 89-3/8 321/2 1-1/4 2-1/2Ib)11601220 () c I.Use an Appropriate Glycol Based Anti-Freeze A properly Klcetcd :lila freeze can prol«t )'our hydronic ~'Sfem:lot temperatureS down to minus 50"F.Sec lUypak's n:dmiCl1 ~pcr,Ami-freeze ill Hydronic Hc::uilllS Systems,for additional infomuOon. 1.Tie Your Boller Into An Emergency Electrical Power System A gas-fired boiler;md pump usc very little c1ectric:ll POWCf and can be easily connected LO a.n cmergcm.)'gcncr:lIor.Not only ",,111 you keep the:boiler safe during an extended power outage,)'ou'll keep the entire build ing from fm:ring. 3.Use a Pump Controlling Freeze Stat \\'lK:n oulSidc Icmpcra~drops below 35'F,a frt:czc sat turnS 00 the boiler pump.This continuously circubtes W;U1n water through the heal exchanger, dimin,uing the possibili[)'ofa freeze:up. 4.Use Raypak's Exclusive Boller Protection System The FREElr-I'AK systc:m pm~'ides short tcnn boiler protection in the event of a power failucc.Capitalizing on the fact tJut mrning wau:r I'ak.es 1000gcr to !Tcr:.tc,rhc FREEZ-PAK S)'Stc:m uses 11 ~a.l50lcnoid \d1\"c that opens 00 loss ofpower.This dl":lif1S waler fivm the boiJer,thereby ensuring 11 Row ofWater t.hrough the heal cxchanger.The FREEZ-PAKsySlcm bu}'5 yOll precious time to rcstor'C p<)"'Cr or to take posilh'C.acrion to ~'OU sysrcm littzc-up. S.Use a Combination of the Above Options to Provide Defense In Depth Against Accidental Freeze-up """",1oI:_1lIe"1I"~""•__a ..._......._ The Hot WOlter ManOlf/flmfMt Exper1:1.~ RAYPAK CORPORATE OFFICE AHD PRINCIPAL MANUFACTURING FACILITY 31111 Agoura Road Westlake Village,CA 91361-4699 (818)889-1500 FAX:(818)889-4522 RAVPA'(CAN.\W.-.MAl«.fACTlRNG fACll1Y 2fKl5 5Il:ujl Sl.M~ Ontario.Cwt:Ia l41 IG2 l!»5I 671-7999 FA'((9lXiI m 8006 c....1b llDll1!_I-IHIItl;_,IHI~. uSJ..'"~''' NOV.5 2002 9:04Al!WHS,INC Job: ·Engineer. Contractor. Prepared By:Date: Model:H'I •.2/'1 Indoor@§&., EFFICIENT ~82'1.thermal emclency -highest of Iny atmosphlrtc boiler available today ,. THERMAL SHOCK PROOF ~Twenty-Y'lrWlrRnty aga.lnst lhennal.hock damage up to 150·F differenti.1 ..Maximum operating temperature:2300F UGHTWEJGKT •A ,"oor toild of 70 1b<!.Jsq.ft.or less HIGH RECOVERY ..Cuts tu ..costI:subsbntiall)'becaLlal thlltandby and radiation IOS8l8 normal to oth,r boillu'$are eliminated lOW WATER OPERATING TE,.,PERATURE ..Optrates with water temperature I'tow 1.10S-F without c::ondenalng Raytherm NO.97,!,I T~~e H Hydronic Heating Boilers Residential •Commercial Models 514-824 E:"-,.~....'.•, ~I I I ~ •f- "'"FJg.I90011 (Heat Exchanger Gas Control Tra~iemperature Controllers, •ASME 1_and Sla/n9Od •MlIOUIlI Man Gu ShLJt.off Cock i ModUI"""l1 (H2) 160PSIG •Main Gal PrH5UfI R'5Iulator Slng"'_(HO) Netiolu'Iloonl Appr1Mld •R_SIIfoty Shuk>II V_DT_e •-.•Control VIlIvt 8 Four·stage Digital (H9) •G~sHned C""Iron (t1I/1(I~Firing Mode 1-8 Stages •Y2B Outdoor Reseto8<o<lze ~00/0"o l.a~-Y3BO_R.... •FiMod T'-'>Ing T__Friog o l.a Stages -Y..0 .._RAlloI •CojIper (st""'Bod)o Four-tlageFlmg o l.a~-Y6BOu1_R..oIoCUPIVNickeloMechanicalMoWIalionNote:H1 and H5 do not reql,lire 8•ASME steel Tube Sheet o Motorized MocllJalion controller•SUltone O-Rings •F...I •60 PSIG ASME Pressure Relief Ii Natl.nlGN Additional Safety CootrollValVooPropaneGaloLowWaterCUt-01f Probe•TlmJl'!Qbn n Press ....Gauge •Design Certl1led to ANSI221.13 o High Gat Pr'tNUI"t:SWitch -Menu.1•water Connection8 Requlretnel'1tl ~Low Gas Pres6ue Switdl-Manual;;fI!!L.etl H"'"(""_ Construction ~Umit ControJ Auto ResetoRightHUld Front Controls .-1 CSD"1 raU"•0Conbolo•stainJau St8eI BlA'neIS •115V.8OHz.1 ""_Supply •PoIytufP_CoatF_ftegw""'Y Agency ~"",rom_•11512.W TrandOlTTMf •Top o bdJstriII Risk InsulVll ORI)•1llO%PiotSl'lut~o Draft 0Iv0<1M -Irdoo<0•Elodronl<.Int_l~(110)•SIa-.Top-Ouldoor 0PlotDMo1ortzedDraftInWoir-Indoor •High Umlt COn1nlI-"'nuaI _..Bl •Ba6e (Optional)~®@•OnlOff SwiIctl o CombtlSlibie Floor Shield •Flow Switch •Economast«II Pump TII'n&Deley \ catalOg No.:ZOOO.202N Et'rectMl:4--i-C1 ~~:12-1-99 NOV.5.1001 9:03AM WHS,INC NO.9741 P.1 ~INC. 13350 W. C-QLDEN' 4.3RD DRIVE CO 80403 WESGJC lli~ 1000380-0000-01 970-243-8570 1000380-0000-01 DIll TO:WESTaURNE SUPPLY GRANO Jet PO aox 9285 ~~~N VA 23670-0 SHJP TO:WESTEBURNE SUPPLY GRAND JC 620 12TH ST. GRAND JUNCTION CO 81501 CUSTOMOlP.O.NO.H4-514 CUl>TOMEIl P.o.NO.H4-S14 ++.QUOTATION+*+~**QUOTATION*••*••QUOTATION++.*++QUOTATION+·+·++QUOTATION+*·.".".."•....,. 'I'UR30 M.lUC INOIREC'T WATER HEATERS NOW IN STOCK!!! EXPIRATION CArEl 12/05/02 ••••••••••••••++•••++••••• 1 +RAYl?AK H4-S14 OUTI:::OOR BOI LER EA 1 1 D-11 OUTDOOR DRAFT I-!OOD G-l eSO·l CODE TRIM FFA TAG /POTATO PATCH DRIVE Nle Nle ,.' 3.'iii/.W ,".'..-:. 0,00 ,,{";.;".-;'.0..00 .,~,~.f~~;·'o·.00 &Ufl TOTA,l,.."..... ·Ul~c:·~Rti~. !fiE.CHAIlG~ ;fflEIa,fi!T~r.AI.::. FEtl.{OTHEn TAX nAT~:tA~.,.. .•""'{MEN"!'IIEC'D • :.7't>{,.I. ~ /26 V ___'irS',17 .5"/7 r<r-Ff,.' -1..fl v He'1<."',.. c·~.ac..c~..·c...."."'....,.,.·'''''"'0 ..............._rt<..··.U"l,.·....._. '·").IO"""T'.~•,.,...n.R-OM....lu.,.... "~""""_"UNIl XI.CPT8lU9El '--_--'--''-.:....J ... &M4.£.1 .ZS=_2 zs SENT BY:MCCOY SALES CORP.;303 782 8539;NOV·5·02 11 :3eAU;PAGE 1/1 JeIJ@W.Ilbumo Grd Submittal Data Information 1600 S.rra Pumps 1'--::301:7':.0Q2=--1 MOOEL161l'EIRC1M:Aullult 1,1991 Job: fTEMHO.MODEL NO.'MP£UEIl a.p.M.TDJl.H.P.!UCTA_01',Q1ARACTERISTICS 1750 RPM 1611e ",3M 55 1~1/2 12OV/1PHASE -~-~... .......- -"""""1700 IIPM.TtIM P'tme"'JaN Of '¥JIJ11dJ Yax:.....~-.. Nlo CMJICltlIIh ....JIIhaM ....owdoad ~tI/>'I-.pi'"cme '4Wl$).-. OiwtDl"'blgId nfre"""'illdtolll.~lkii_...-........e-....ao.d.oro .........,...acs. DlMCClWUIO ~Otai......1Q.-,........~a.....-1ClI1iNI'O"'*.....__~REMCM&I IIMtIHl3 CAIRlIDCi1I AJS,.,..MDOBJ.. ..:::tWICAL I9rI. 2.........2:llQ'"I:(t2t"C)~~_C<NI->lID'F("""__--170 ..(tz711MJ),•.In 0C00lIlkI ~...N$A 1H6.1 HOE:fav-_~bgoYgla • " •., "; " 100 ,,"'m"~-Kr. NOllI1 ...(10)"••C D..,.. (i0l)(~::f 'DO "....,••..•(>'9)(16f (.t49)'(200)'(327)'•"(In)(a3)'.,.,•.• eo ---:':;---101'-- ..30'....10 '"'L.OW IN ItAl.LONS ~1:It MlliIUTI 10o • to ,COMPARE.YOU'LL TAKE TAco. 'hcO,....tt~CDWlln....,,~IIta9Z..........-401/9.1000 MIt«l1,1'MZU1O. "-1CIo 2'.......,MOMnDo~'·'4gG,0Naib1AWtl1.....pIM....."dI-Qqo,rNC:""621H1616. NOV.5.2002 9:04Al1 WHS,INC Raytherm •Type H Hydronic Heating Boilers NO.9741 P.4 Modol H"f-$'1'-(O<K~ (i ".,,., l-.l"---.J'~l-V'jg)~~_~§§$"I--.LV---l E1£C' C",," """""'".... coo.oous1&.~.u. FLOOA '"[11.010000IONAU • A '"rILl r<~"a<~-,''''', I:l =~ M'''' ~ ~ ---- 44-111 • ll-ve ............ ....L..-..L....KlM-;l"---,----.,---_1 r---t-r"=f~- MODELS H 514-8%4 Indoor and Ouldoor Dinensions (Im:hll)_. M_MBTUMBTU """"FIuo 0;". S_ No.Input Outpvt A K L We;gMM'·) H-614 611.6 419.4 .32.:!M 10 2S-3IIl 475 H<l24 627.0 514.0 37·1/2 12 29-112 485 H-724 126.0 595.0 .,..,.12 3+114 835 H-62-4 825.0 818.~45-314 14 38·112 845 ( NOTE:Rating!ahf1NT\all'for elevlIlIons 1$to 2,000 "'ft.For NV'lIons over 2.000 feet,reduce ranngs at the tBte or 4%for ead'11,OOO feet ,bow lOami. BOILER RATE OF FLOW AND PRESSURE DROP Model 10·iLT 2O'oT SO'/1T 4O".T No.GPM ""FT GPM <lPFT GPM ""FT GPM ""FT H-51'84 7.'42 1.~NlA NlA NlANlA H<l24 NlA NlA 51 3.0 NlA NlA NlA HlA H-124 NI'NlA 00 4A .0 2.0 NlANlA H-ll2'NlANlA 58 6.0 4~2.8 NlA NI. NlA-HotApp~ NOTES: •Valuel ,.prUtot ffillxlrrun f\a'q and pre.SUA:dmP3 for dosfld heating aya1em1. •Maidm~ar:ceptable flow through heat a)(thlngsr lWeI il 90 GPM. L Ra~lno.•2151 En.lman Avanue.OXnard,CA 93030'(805)Z71-S3OC1'Fax (800lln·!J725 ·1IWM'.l1I)'PlIILcom R~C.1Wde Ud.'2&05 SbJgh St,u""'''1p,Ontario,C.nIda tAT len·(';0$)87'7·7.·FIX:(905)m-&me'w-t.I8')'PIkeaI\Ida.com RaypekAuGtrab Ply.Ltd.·7 GeddeI StreeI,Mulgme,VICtOI1I.",,*,1.3170 -l6131f)56O-4lMA -FlOC (6138)""'874'_.r-wllu:am.au C;atOlJog No,;2OOO.202N EffedNe:....1.Q1 Repl ....:12-,oW NOV.5.1001 9:OlAl!WNS,INC NO.9741 P1 .WHS INC. 13350 w.43RD DRIVE GOLDEN CO 80403 WESGJC 1000380-0000-01 nO-243-SS70 1000380-0000-01 Bill TO:WESTBURNE SUPPLY GRAND JCf PO BOX 9285 HAMMON VA 23670-0 SIll" TO:WSSTEEURNE SUPPLY GRAND JC 620 12'I1t ST. GRAND JUNCTION CO 81501 CUSTOMER '.0.NO.H4-514 COITOMER P.O.NO.M4 -514 *~.QUOTATION.**·**OUOTATION••••••QUOTATION*••*·*QUOTATION**--··OUOTATION··- " nJRBO MAX INDIRECT WATER HEATERS NOW IN STOCK!I! •••**.*•••••••••••••••••** EXPIRATION DATe:1~/OS/02 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 1 --- +RAYPAK "4-514 OllIDOQR BOILER D-11 OlrrDOOR DRAFT HOOD 0-1 eSO-l CODe TRIM 'FA TAG I POTATO PATCH DRIVE EA EA 2925.0000 SlI!ll'OTAL :.1:925.00 N/C N/C 2.92~.'OO •......f ••--.'·_T...--...·noUlt-...fAll-..._......_-c._~ .,-'_1...__..-..~...... 'UPO;~RG~. TIlf.CHAAQ! :~O!'!TO~"L::. ffO./<mlEP!TAX !T tII:TAX • ,.Yt.4!NT I'l!C'O. ".:. .., 0.00 .."-::.':·lLOO 0.00 11/14/2802 16:29 19782433178 WE5 e IYlAl,;-"./'v'IUIUIJ.t:t:"-"''''II(l1I'vo,;~...".....,,_.,....TlI..R-£SPPLv :king Up to 3 appliances with a single Power Venter or Draft Inducer.The \C·3 puts an end to dl~tCUlt and costly job site wiring nightmares.Works Ih both 24 VAC and 115 VAC control system.for aU types of burners. days plug into circuit board allowing for easy interlock.Optional limit switch d auxiliary switch contacts are also provided on circuit board.Circuit board lused in oversized 18 gauge electrical box with multiple knock-out~for easy ring connections.A#J {-'"n//N.J£' • PAGE 81 , ., HK-2 18 WHK-2 is used to interlock a millivolt controlled water heater of up to !O.DOO BTUlhr with a Power Venter ot Draft Inducer.Kit includes:Gas ,lenoid Valve and Linear limit Swilch safety interlodc 10 provide 100%safety lui down if a venting malfunction occurs;Gas Pressure SWitch,Post Purge mer/Belay and Control Cables necessary for interlock. IHK·I dudes Gas Pressure Switch,Spillage Switches and an necessary hardware ,interlock a Power VenterIDraft:Inducer to an instantaneous water heater or lilUvolt pool heater. VP-2/3 WATER HEATER VENTING PACKAGES .GA design certified,used for Side wall venting any brand or type of resi- ential or light commercial gas water heater.Vents up to 75 eqUivalent feet nd includes:post purge TimerlRelay,24V Gas Solenoid Valve,Gas Pressure ;witch,Linear Limit Spillage Switch and Vent Hood.Factory prewired elec-- ical box and Control Cables eUminate the need for an electrician.VP~2 will ent up to 60,000 BTUIhr,VP-3 60,000 up 10 120,000 BTUlhr. VH1 SERIES VENT HOODS ;peciaJly designed to terminale Tjemlund Side \Nail Vent Systems.They are llso an approved method of terminating many horizontally vented appliances. lent Hoods feature heavy duty,corrosion resistant aluminum construction.3- md 4-include additional heat shield for built in clearances from combustibles. luilding exteriors are kept clean while the aesthetics of the structure remain lOdtsturbed.AJI mounting hardware is included., --...........,."n -....0 ,,•,•...n_,-,-•1/.'so.e 1/2'......5 ,/."7 J/.",~.~sa. 'tII1.-~"o-J ,n-so 7 l1a'0"e ~f1I"7 3/.."".0-'" VIII-iii'Cl 1/2"e ,/,"OIA.7 7/1'...•-n''0 l/:l'..-0-... ""'.......""""'-~......c •[...."""....0 """,1-e"0-15 1/.'0-III 'lao >D.•'n"l*. VH,_10"00-15 '/~',.11 05/.'"'-10 '12'(M.r""",_ -- , OJ..., ••~-...,. •-J ~J_.-0 SIDESHor SERIES The SideShot mOdels SSl and S52 Side Wall Vent Systems feallJre a palent' ed vent termination that expels flue gases at high velocities away from the building exterior,a necessity when venting oil fired heating equipment.80th models can be installed with zero clearance to combustible materials and have stainless steel construction in aitical areas.Factory wired safety and operating controls allow for simple inler10ck with any burner.The new model _~~1 features a material handling blower impeller for reduced maintenance, "---.......-....... ,TJERNLUND PRODUCTS,INC. 1601 Nif1t1 Str-_•WlUe BUT L.ltt,MN 65110-8794 PHONE (8OO12S~208'(651)42e-2993·FAX (6511 <4'26·9647 VI.our wah I!te·wW¥I'.IJlfnlutHI..coruc§U~HS115-2 &HST-2 POWER VENTER SPECIFlCATIONS Performance curves !LECTRlI::AL DATA....m H""...PM "'"WIIn.'61-U1 Th,_l'rtt Y.. MeCHANiCAL DATA oe,caPnoH ,""nn,l'ipllt c..p Y•• ~"Y•• p.s~.F.cl ClJIllM N, C1:"ut.(In),,, Nora.l..enQ11'l lin).... SHAFT OLrotMtw (Ill),)13 ~,-"'...O~1>5.....~..-,_. Ioblol alllllnd Ifo~ COMP'ONOn M:!C'UI"TION 1\11..,(Model HI\A.-1 _nl,1 41115V S ....I~lnll Rollii' ~":"fb")'(~d.1 HIT·'onf)') V"'-lI1 2<1"15V inpllt,1-10 m1r1V\e p~LI P'JIV'.dj.....b1. &n "'O'I'lJllillw1lch {All MalMle] !FtJ.,1.RA 0 120V • ''''ODEUi AND APPLICAllON: '.''. ttSUL-1lG"1 ::.':~. Used 15 a mlans III S!da W,","-noUng '241 "olt oonlranld applilno...11'11.Power Vll~r Inclvde,.2-41115 YOllWlkitll'G RellyallC1a flnPmlnllS~ KS11I..z tGas) Ueed ••a mUMofS!dew.nve~115'1011. .ppl~.Thla Per.....Venier OOES NOT lncNl5e.SwRch:rta Rtky b~1ItJ1IlnclU~"'lI\. fin Provk'lg Swlct1. ® KST·2 (on or GISI URCI as 11 mune or Sic.Will V.nBng 24 vol Of t 1!j voa antrclled Jpp:llnoel whtch "qulra I Poll:PUlga qd•.Thll Power VIlntw Includes I l'u11'\Irga 11mer Rllay Ind a Fan Praying Switch. Nola:lJamlltrld ProdutW,In~feRrv••the rlshllc man changello aptcll'lcal(OI\l wIlhoul n(lun~tlon. l4UJIUU PIP{lD¢t)l (n) At SlACK 1[.... ~OD(L "NT 91U/folq C..0"HUMStRS p,pt It.lPlIf FIReD rlfi[OD1A.Joo"r 40a-r "'.., 3SO,oeO ,,"'.100'100'400,000 '00''00''00'(!)a,aoo '00''00',,..-500.000 100'".-H$II5-2 550.000 ,..--EOO.COO '"--_~HM-'350.000 100''00'100'400.000 100'100''00'KST-2 (50.000 '00'lO~'00'..500.000 100'100'-550.000 '00'--600.000 .,.-- ,/0 w- r ."'=jIrf--'r---'1.9.---J iIlWlIllIOI'I 1QI ,-ln li •JI ,UI- II I r ---.1IFI D ""F ~,, f-o-• 100 I~200 2~300 JSO (00 ,• 'err \..err <lOO'~'~\ ".,~l\ ~ -:\ \\J\ [\\ o .1, ..."~ltD¥Ett S':"'toII '1M ~1ttO'/I";1OIl[_""«tM IIWltSLoell CMlI'UO ........----.I.... -ENO VIEW- ...'~~'''ug'L'J-'1/1~')-.. 1.00 1.20 1.40 .IlO CfM{sld 0")50 .EO ." I'.i Ii I j'a'r II 51,lle~..,.....,...H20)...CfM (nl.1IIQ ,I ".CltellllUI ;aelampa. NOTE:'T1J NlRIVE AT TOT....SYSn:N STAne PRESSURE REfER 'rt:l CURVE N«JAOO .31"10 COMPENSATI!FOR VENT HOOD ANDWINO RESIST.ANCE. -JlII",.• JDllD .LP.... 10K IotOIlm o -SlOE VlEW- • lQ.~·~'1'-""'.f»OUI['''.HOl[D ,5/1 11/1 '"~ ~ .'" i I ~ ~ M f:l I: 1:! '"M '"'""'M l<ire,..-, M-, I _~1/)4/2ee2 16:29 19782433178 C3hSlructlon or ror fttlJltltill'w U ..l9lOVO .........········-s --.WEST~9..PPL..v PAGE 83 tJr'mof,,.$tory runs.Jt B/SO increases living Bpflcu by cutting out interior chases.Proven safety interlOcks assure PIOJX exhaust,a feature conventional chimneys do not offer in today's homes and buildings. GPAK/HS-SERIES .'.".- , Used for Sid~Wall venting residentiallHght ~ommercial natural gas,LP or oil fired equipment including: furnaces,boilers,water heaters and unit heaters.H&Senes feature a diaphragm Fan Proving Switch safety interlock which will shut down heating equipment if a venting mall unction occurs.Adjustable damper also allows regulation for maximum combustion efficiency. GPAK Series Same as H5-Series models except that the VHl-4 Vent Hood Is Included and the system carries AGA Certification.GPAK models combine the Vent Hood with the Power Venter to make it easier for the wholesaler to inventory and the contractor to order.AGA Certification and package concept make the GPAK a popular Side Wall Venting solution. HSUL Series Designed for 24V controlled gas equipment:Includes a 24J115V sWitching relay.. HST Series Designed for 24V or 115V controlled oil or gas.equipment.A. dual input 24V or 115V,1-10 minute post purge Timer/Relay is included. HSl15 Series Designed for use on gas equipment with 115V control.Aiso used for special applications such as millivolt controlled appliances In conjunction with WHK·I or WHK-2 water heater Intenock kits. HS-3.4,5 SERIES Used for commercial applications to Side Wall or vertically vent natural gas or LP fired atmospher)c or power burner equipment.Allows tor a significant reduction in vent pipe diameter to save on costly materials and labor.All models feature a factory calibrated Fan Proving Switch with a 24/115V Isolation Relay and 24J115V Motor Switching Relay.Fan Proving Switch safety interlock shuts down burner if a venting malfunction should occur. ~.- ~ ~ GPAKlHS-SERIES (Residential/Light Commercial) POWER VENTER DIMENSIONS ~':IO w L""'"> ,.- ~o'S=~.i ' UNIT~[NSIONS ,,,.M£r~.oon H "fIGHT Wlont 0 DEnH.......,""..,.....-.."ftC 10 1/f'r <-..,~M""--,om , HSH!t-l "'"".~<QIIM(-l Cf'M_ll'-~1'_•1/4'11 ltr IOn , H5-3,4,5 SERIES (Commercial) POWER VENTER DIMENSIONS Q J "/J • UNIT DIMENSIONS IN}' ""0Cl H H(IGHT W WlOTH o D[P'fH tin roo .HS-;l ,U lIT IJ l/~oj'K.....14 Jj<1$11f'.u·,.....,,r 11 lIT 1&vr ,.. Detailed Design Summary WIRSBO Radiant Panel Heating System Project #:110302 Date:11/3/02 Prepared By Westbume Supply 620 S.12th Street Grand Junction,Colorado 81501 Project Information Name:Casey Snow-melt location:Potato Patch Drive Closing Date: Phone #: Fax#: By: Owner: Engineer: (970)243-8570 (970)243-3170 Jeff Martin Project Summary Total Area:3,090 fP Number of Floor Loops:16 Minimum Tubing Required:4,064 ft Number of Ceiling loops:0 Min.Heat Load:250,080 Btulhr Total Number of Loops:16 Fluid Type:50%GlycoUWater Number of ZOnes:1 Total Flowrate:55.02 usgpm Number of Manifold Locations 1 Maximum Head Loss:3.00 ft.Water Total Number of Manifolds:2 Fluid Temperature Drop:10 OF 20 OF for all Quik Trak Detailed Design Summary Manifold Location #:1·A Zone Control Type: WalerTemperature:136.1 of Totat Flowrate: Maximum Head Loss: 55.02 usgpm 3.00 ft Water Room Nama!Panel Zone Tube Type 1 7 A~Unit I Tube ldr \loop Flow !H.ad ValYe p....S,.Water Altaehment Method Typo •Heat Space Len Len Lou 1/2 CO""Tomp Tomp O'Inches ft •usgpm ftH20 T,""R'OF OF n"""".,.~.~.~;~~~...J....;254Snow-mett Drivewa fl F~_~518~hePEX 2 195 3.43 -+::?4.00 0.00 97.6 136.1 Snow-mett O,ivewa I Floor 1 518"hePEX 3 195 80.0 I-~O 10 254 3.43 0.00 400 000 97.6 136.1 Snow-mell Dr1Yewiil I FIOO'1 518"hePEX -~10$80.0 10 10 254 3.43 _~.OO 4.00 ~~m-~~Snow-melt Dnvewa 1 FIOO'1 5/8"hePEX --+10$80.0 I-~O 10 254 ---M~-_~.oo 4.00 0.00 97.6 136.1 Snow-mell Drivew8 J FIOO'1 518~hePE~_~~10$80.0 1010 254 3.43 0.00 4.00 0.00 97.~136. Snow.men Drivewa I F_1 5/8"hePEX 10$80.0 1010 254 3.43 0.00 4.00 0.00 97.6 136.1 Snow-me/t Ortvewa J F_1 SIS-hePEX ,0$80.0 1010 254 3.43 0.00 4.00 0.00 97.6 136.1 Snow-mell Orivewa J F_1 518"hePEX 9 10$80.0 10 10 254 3.43 _~.OO ~~-0.00 97.6 136 1 Snow-melt Drivewa JQ Flo«1 518"hoPE!<10 10$80.0 1010 254 3.43 0.00 4.00 0.00 97.6 136.1 Manifold Location #:1-B Room Name I P....Zone Tube Type Loop -Unit T,,,,,Ld,Loop FloW ....d Valve panell Sulf W..... Attachment Method Typo ••H...Spoco Len L.n Loss 1/2 Co..-.r Temp Tomp O'inches ft ft ...,pm I1.H2O T,""R...-F OF........-;::..,518";:;~~;~~::~_'D_~1 2 195 80.0 1010 254 3.43 0.00 ,4.00 0.00..........""'"""Fioo<1 518"""'EX 3 .0$800 10 10 254 _~.43~OOO 400 ,000 97.6 136.1 Snow-melt DriYewa ~Floor 1 518"""'EX :H-~,~+~~HO 10~54 _~.43_0.00 4.00 0.00 9~'~-i+~.1Snow-mei DriYewa Floor ,_518"""'EX D 195 80.0 10 10 254 3.43 0.00 4.00 0.00 976 361 WIRSBO Radiant Panel Heating System Project #:110302 Date:11/3102 Isnow-mek onvewa IQ FIOOf I 518"haPEX ,201 80.0 i 10 10 I 254 3.54 0.00 4.00 0.00 I 97.6 i 136.11 Notes:This is where you can enter a comment for the 'Detailed Design Report'jf you so desire r 19Q1lnd:AttachIT1tlf1I Mtlthod:C=Coocrete,S=Single Plates,~Oouble ~leS,QA:Quik Tntk above SF,QB--Qvik Tralo:below SF,WG=Susp.WOOd"Gypeum ~ INC=Susp.Wood"Concrettt Overpour,SCFSu$p.Slab"Gypsum Ovefpour,SC=Su"P.Slab +Concnlte Overpour.J=Jolst Heating ~ Units:Unit Heat·Btulhrlft'.8.~ Cleared ~fItJ RaOianr Expros:s Vef3ion-4.8 (~;:::- Page 2 ", TOWN Of VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO tin57 97~79-Z)j8 NOTE: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT VcJ.A q 0\t>~\J..~ l..o \-r .'l:>2.. THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: Location .....: Ilarcel No ..,: Projec[No : ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 POTATO PATCH 210106315015 Penn it II:802-0189 Status ...: Applied ..: Issued : Expires : ISSUED 0611812002 07/1012002 0110612003 OWNER TAMACA.CORP Mario Montalvo POB 11544 San Juan,PR 00922-1544 License: CONTRACTOR Walter,Rick P.O.Box 3716 Avon,CO 81620 License:691-B APPLICANT Walter,Rick P.O.Box 3716 Avon,CO 81620 License:691-B 06/18/2002 Phone:787-782-8008 06/18/2002 Phone:970-949-1875 06/18/2002 Phone:970-949-1875 Description: Garage addition and new landscaping,existing kitchen,bedroom,bath remodel convert old gargae into living space,new garage.retaining wall friveway repair-landscaping Occupancy: Type Construction: RJ,Ul VN Type V Non-Rated Valuation:$280,000.00 Add Sq Ft:299 Fireplace:lnfonnallon:Rt$tricIod:Y •orGas Apphancc:."i:0 'orGas Logs:0 'or Wood Pe:IIc:f:0 .....................................................................FEE SUMI'.tARy . lJllildlnl->$1,460.00 Rc:Jfu&m1IPlanRc:view->$0.00 TotaICakulale<!t'ees-:>$2.456.85 Plan <'1occi.->$'4'.00 DKlJfee:...$0.00 AdditionalFc:cs...$0.00 Ill\'eliliption->$0.00 RecreatIOn "CC:>$44 ,85 TQlaI Penni!Fee:...$2.456.85 WilIe.11-->$).00 Ckan·upDcposn:>$0.00 Payments ...$2,456.85 TOTAL FEES ...$2.456.85 BAUl.NCEDUE-->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/05/2002 CDAVIS Action:COND RED LINE CORRECTIONS MUST BE ADHERED TO Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/09/2002 George Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:OSSOO PUBLIC WORKS 07/01/2002 LS WAY,PERMIT REQUIRED. Action:CONn REVOCABLE RIGHT OF .-.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sec page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARA TlONS J hereby acknowledge that J have read this application,filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state thai all the information as required is correct.I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan.to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws.and to build this structure according to the lownS zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSI'ECTION Sl-IALL BE MADE TWI.;NTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCF BY TELEP~IDNEAT 479-21311 OR AT OUR Ol'FICE FIWM 8:00 AM -5 PM. S"<C",,,".,",,,,,,;,T,"NfA ~ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE2•••••~•••••~••*••••*•••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Penn it #:B02-0 189 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 85 of 07-[0-2002 Status:ISSUED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parcel No: ADDIALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Waller,Rick 970-949-1875 748 I'OTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 POTATO PATCH 210106315015 Applied: Issued: To Expire: 06/[8/2002 0711012002 01/06/2003 Description: Garage addition and new landscaping,existing kitchen,bedroom,bath remodel convert old gargae into living space,new garage.retaining wall friveway repair-landscaping ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Conditions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.):SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. •'............................................................................•••••......•.... TOWN OF VAIL.COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment M@tbod: R00000270a Amount:$2,456.as Check OJ/IO/200204:16 PM Init:DOG Notation:#1009 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: 802-0189 Type:ADDjALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 210106315015 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 POTATO PATCH This Payment:$2,456.85 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $2,456.85 $2.456.85 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 pr 00100003112300 RF 11100003112700 .~00100003112BOO Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN ChECK FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current PTits 1.460.00 949.00 44.BS 3.00 '.•••..•..•••...........................•......•............................................. TOWN OF VAIL.COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: R0000027Q8 Amount:$2,456.85 Check 07/10/200204:16 PM Init:DOG Notation:#1009 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: 802-0189 Type:ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT 210106315015 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 POTATO PATCH This Payment:$2,456.85 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $2,456.85 $2,456.85 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100003112700 WC 001000031i2800 Description BUilDiNG PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES RECREATiON FEES Will CAll iNSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 1.460.00 949.00 44.B5 3.00 75 S.Fronlage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 General Contractor: ]2...\e..-"'-IN ""'--.,-E f<- Contr ctor Signature: LLNOTBLlpID2_4Q~~-o~EU I •Building Permit #:::-,::---,-_ 970-479-2149 (Inspecljons) ntact Phone #'s:H·""0 ~,g,s- \I.Q7o '<lo.Uto ""'"970 4,+"l .81 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor &Materials) ~BUILDING:$'1 ~,e-1SU ELECTRICAL:$10,000 IrPW'MBING:$10 I 00 0 MECHANICAL:$S-0 D 0 OTHER:$1"3 a I o-<>C' TOTAL:$2.....0/ad D For Parcel #Contact Eaole County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eanle-countv.com Parcel #2-\0 lOb 3.\S-0 t S- (application will not be accepted without parcer number) Job Name:KoNT~Lv'O I'1>D"I'"N Job AddreSSi:1 ?,.."d+.Vk(~Co '&It<:l74~o"'T"f\To legal Desaiption ~lot:1 II Block:II Filing:2-Subdivision:~nrio P/lffCf'-«'lMrr B Owners Name:"CA ('~2.f'Address y•Il...1\5'+'""""'"::r~~ao"~~Phone:'7~'1"~3S3.\1<Mf<-• Architect/Desig~R.eN Address:?,&0 V -'~Phone:q't'1 '-C'z.,oc::;EN 10 o ...32-38 Me..~I bS"l- Engineer:g,,'jl.£EN~\~jt..t>J'i Add.'~~.<-,,_==_S c~......0 L",",Phone:4 11.2\~0I'-4 e M ~k-9"'Dv-J l>-1oZ......l b Detailed description ofwork:'E<"IST1~Io::::rn:.~...!.-a.:ez::.~i-l"¥'rt+o ~o\)e:,-.~to.I\lEl'2--'"\ aLP ~~"\V:..~~M~sPA-c..1:..·NE..,...J ~,,",.~e'rA-".N'Nc..WA--1...4--~veN'\IZ-?1'",,,-~o.s<.\'-Ie.,. Work Class:New ()Addition (,{Remodel (v)Repair (...)Demo {-1 Other () Work Type:Interior ()Exterior ()Both (..-f II Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No (.;j Type of Bldg.:Single-familv ()Two-family (vi Multi·famlty ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:2-No.of Accommodation Units in this building:2- NofTvoe of Fireolaces Existina:Gas ADoliances'\Gas I ~s'\woodlPellet'\Wood Burninn ,v-( N~of Fireolaces Prooosed:Gas Aoollances ()Gas Loos ()Wood/Pellet'\Wood Burnlnn 'NOT ALLOWED)_ Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes (v')No ()II Does a Fire Sorinkler System Exist:Yes ()No (V) ****••**••••••••••••••••••······llIll1ll1ll1ll1·FOR OFFICE USE ONLy·····llI·llIll1ll1ll1ll1·····llI··················,.· IAccepted By: Occunancv Groun: Date Received: Tv""of Construction: public way permit Fee: F:/everyone/fonnS/bldgperm j Other Fees: DRB Fees: Questions?call the Building Team at 479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development Project Name:MOhl'.....LVO ,Ao.-bO,\\Oh....J Project Address:,04 <;;7<..>\1"\'-0 "?AT<-4 . ./This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit apoliCjl(ion is accepted. ./'All pages of application is complete ~Has ORB approval obtained (if required)Provide a copy of approval form !3"'"Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex ~Complete site plan submitted a Public Way Permit application induded if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) ta/Staging plan induded (refer to Public Works checklist)No dumDster,parking or material storage allowed on roadways and shoulders withQut written approval ~Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring a Architect stamp and signature (All CommercIal and Multi family) r Full floor plans induding building sections and elevations{4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) if Window and door schedule r:t"'"Full structural plans,including design criteria (ie.loads) 9""Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) ;1"Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection ~Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated r:/"Smoke detectors shown on plans ~ypes and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature:~t===:>=~~""'=::::::::::....:::_.!::~_ Date of submittal:(,.\0,."Z- Received By:_ F:/everyone/formS/~dperm2 HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479-2139 Check all that applies. 1.Which D~r1ment(s)did you contact? Building _Environmental __Housing_Admin __ Planning.L-DRB PEC _ 2.Was your initial contact with our staff immediale __slow __or no one available oJ,'? 3.II you were required to wait,how long was iI before you were helped7 ----==-_ 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis?G No If no,why nol?_ 5.Was this your first time to file a ORB app __PEe app __ Bldg Permit ,/NlA '1;;j 6.Please rate the performance of the staif person who assisted yOH I 54321 Name:leU-w w <.-v """'1 ""-'pl'uA . (knowledge,responsiveness,availability) 7.Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 8.What is the best time of djlY for you to use the Front Service Counter?~".,tl1 (+fVI g.Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime?_ Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.We are committed to improving our service. WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT"IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND GiECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLlC WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence?YES,__NO ./ a Does demolition work being performed r~uire the use of the Right-ot-Way,easements or public property?YES v NO,_ o Is any utility work needed?YES ./NO,__ Is the driveway being repaved?YES ./NO__ o o o Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway?YES __NO ./ Is any drajnage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way,easements,or public property? YES v NO,__ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit"required?YES./NO'_ Is the Right-ot-Way,epsements or public property to be used for staging,par1<ing or fencing? YES NO'---,v~ if answ~s NO,is a parking,staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NO,__ If you answered YES to any of these questions,a "Public Way Permit"must be obtained. "Public Way Permit"applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached).If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED All THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signature Job or Project Name:_\v\:...;:O"-N"-.'-'f<c:.=\.."-"'-.=----'~_'_'''_''''',,......'_'_''o,,-.J'''_'''. Company Name Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/b1dperm'l PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: >-Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way"permit is required.You can pick up an application at either Community Development,located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works,located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. >Notice sign-offs for utility companies.ALL utilities must field verify (locate)respective utilities prior to signing application.Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. >-A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used.This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs,cones,etc.)and the work zone,(area of construction,staging,etc.).This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter.Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. };-Sketch of work being perl"ormed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length,width and depth of work).This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. r Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review.If required,locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew.The locates take place in the morning,but may require up to 48 hours to perl"orm, };-The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit.You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed.Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received,but please allow up to one (1)week to process. >-As soon as the permit is approved,the Building Department will be notified,allOWing the "Building Permit"to be released.Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit"with a "Building Permit". ~NOTE:The above process is for work in a public way ONLY.Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete.Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. V ------:,~ Signature F:/everyonejforms/bldperm5 Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval,a Planning Department review or Health Department review,and a review by the Building Department.the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small)and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time.However,if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review,these projects may also take three (3)weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I,the undersigned,understand the plan check procedure and time frame.I also understand that if the permit is not picked up bythe expiration date,that I must still pay the pian check fee and that if I fail to do so It may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:--!:i2:::..:,:'~=IL=-V"=·-.:eJJ==-;\-:...="--../:::::.-_ Print name \)~ Signature Project Name:MON 7l>..-......JJ,J ~snN Date:Co I 1 .~2.. F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 __ pw#DD-DDOD parcel#iJ 000-000-00-00 [j Bldg.Perml!#:[@ 00-0 [i 00 Street Address1.Job Name 2.Excavating Contractor Name CIty Mailing AOdreM State z~ O00 -0 (Il unknown call 479-2138 ext.OJ TOV Contractor's License Number RECUIRED I Phon•• 3.Start Dale Completion Dale (Permil ExpIration 0818) 4.Work is for (circle one)Water sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV landscaping Temp.Site Access Other _ Depth _ Total SF $_ Total LF $_ Total Permit Fee $,_ ST BE ON THE JOBSITEBEFORE THE en working on asphalt.. olected at all times. utility locations and approvals.Once all utility company ting application through lhe Public Works office to obtain the ow up to one week to process. Length _ 6.ALL MATERIAL,EQUIPMENT,AND TRAFFIC CO JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on excav Asphalt surfaces undemeath the buc a 8.A signature below indicates a revi signatures are obtained,permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. Public Service Company (1-800-922 Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987)_ U.S.Wesl (1-600-922-1967)_ Bond Amount $_ 5.Trench-width,_ (min.4') Tel Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Waler &Sanitation District (970-476-7480,ext.114)_ Holy Cross Electric Company (1-8OQ.922-1987)_ Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158)_ Town of Vallirrigallon (970-479-2156)_ Town of Vail Public WOo<s Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) 9.THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES!A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10.All excavation must be done by hand within 18"of utilities -(Senate Bill 172). 11.Permittee must contact Pyblic Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours prior 10 commencing ot work.Failure to notify the Town willresult in forlelture of bond money.Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee, 12.I certify that 1have read aU chapters of Trtle 8-Public Ways and Property,of lhe Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements,signed by me,and will abide by the same,and that all utilities have been notified 8S required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK,INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names,buildings,and location of cuts.USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Contractor's SIgnature at Agreement Prim name clearly Dale of Signature White -Public Works YellOVol -Contraclor , DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! I'lcuse read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from bUilding sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site.Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings,temporary electrical or any other inspection.Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department.Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also,the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary.Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final certificate of Occupanev issuance. Ag reed to by:2\~k.W_~+-4.-J' Print Name Signature Project Name:1J..o""",-vo h>ron~ Date Signed: F:!fNeryonejforms/bldperm6 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (COpies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10:DEPOSITS ON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED a Unlawful deposits:Subject to subsection C thereof,it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit,or cause to be littered,tracked or deposited,sand,gravel,rocks,mud,dirt,snow,ice,or any other debris or material upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place,or any portion thereof. D Notice;Abatement:The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof,or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same,top remove such sand,gravel,rocks,mud, dirt,snow,ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24)hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works.In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified,the Director of Public Works,or other authorized agent,may cause any such sand,gravel,rocks,mud,dirt,snow,ice,debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. a Summons and Penalty:As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same,may be issued a summons to appear before the Munidpal Court of the Town for said violations,and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this axie. a Notice and Penalty:It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof,and any such person shall,in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works,as provided in subsection B hereof,upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder,be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code.(1997 Code:Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-l AND 7~3A-3:PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC &IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED a No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance.(Ord.2(1968)§1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended,standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constltute a violation of any section of this Article,or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24)hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by COlorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102,as amended,the offICer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause It to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipalrty,and the charges for towing and storage of such vehide shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle 1M addition to a ten dollar ($10)impoundment charge.(Oro.2(1968)§3,Ord.28(1981)§1) I have read and will comply with Ihe alxwe code provisions:_--=2.=\.o~,-IL.==,.-,-v-h-.:.,.::.:.:,-\',,'\-:.:.:~=_ \)~~~ Signmure Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed:_-,&,,--,'-.1,--,2'-'-.'.o0"Z-.=_ F )\;\'l;rylnlc/ronm/bldpcm17 3.Montalvo residence DRB02-QOS6 George Final review of garage addition and new landscaping.rfJ.}v 748 Potato Patch DrivelLot 7,Block 2,Vail Potato Patch 2""Filing.D l ~ Applicant:Mario Montalvo,represented by Steve Riden Archiject t /1. MOTION:Bill Gibson SECOND:Chariie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 ~~U- CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff \J \\\/ conditions. 4.Kaplan residence DRB02-0134 Bill Final review of proposed minor alterations. 3030 Booth Creek DrivelLot 5,Block 3,Vail Village 11>Filing Applicant:Gilda Kaplan,represented by Michael Hazard MOTION:Bill Gibson SECOND:Charlie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff conditions. 5.Vail LLC residence DRB02-0102.Bill Final review of a proposed addition. 1250 Westhaven CircleJLot 30,Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant:Vail LLC,represented by William Reslock Architect MOTION:Bill Gibson SECOND:Charlie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff conditions. 6.Reimers residence ORB·02-QOS6.Bill Final review of new single-family residence. 3275 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 11,Block 1,Vail Village 12>Filing. Applicant John &Gina Reimers,represented by JMP Architects MOTION:Bill Gibson SECOND:Chariie Acevedo VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED with the condition that the applicant comply to all staff conditions. 7.Hoffman residence DRB02-0162.Allison Conceptual review of a proposed primary/secondary residence &separation request. 2665 Bald Mountain RoadlLot 9,Block 2,Vail Village 13>Filing. Applicant:Scott Hoffman,represented by RKD Architects. CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE 8. MOTION:-Charles Acevedo SECOND:Bill Pierce TABLED -SEPARATION REQUEST Moulton residence DRB02~0153 1793 Shasta Place/Lot 48,Vail Village Wesl1·Filing. Applicant:DMC Inc. CONCEPTUAL -NO VOTE 2 VOTE:4-0 George JUH 12 ~C02 ~.04~M April 12.2002 DOUlDCR C"'IVil~ONMCNlnL HON 1:1031 '4"':>1175 Boulder Em'ironmental Management,Inc. S Dt"t'r TraU ROld,DU.ldl!r,co 8fO():! Phone:(303)449-l17S FlU::(303)41t1·1605 l\'~r,Rick Walter IJ.O Du'3716 k ..('If).CO 8162u RE:~t.lk ~nmpline 0;'"ilISpeCI~d as!k:s[os.eontai!l.lng Inutf:nals 1488 Pnbto PHlth Drh'e.Va-il,Colorado DeM M'Walter Altllched i~the report JO,the USbeSt(lS sun C,Y amJ bulk sampling of ,ilL'ipectl.'d asbesto!'- cO:ltlliml"~building l:lateria.l"3:748B Potatu htcb Urin.VIl.iI,Culorado. nil:>Investigation ,..'as cor.dueted on h(:ulf of and fOT the :xcli\siv.~.L!>C Mr.Rick \\'..Iter (client)l solely for use in :l !Ix.He:asbestos survey of tb:propeTt)'.Tb!s rClmrt lllJ,J {be findings here.n 5hall nOll ill whole (lr In pJl1,vt:disseminared ur l..~on·.cyed :~;(C:IY ':lber ;"uty,nor U9e:1 by any other pall)',in whole lJr in pg,,"(,\...i:hoUl prior wnlfc:l ccr..sent 01 BO:llder Em Iron:n::ntaJ M?r,ageUlif::ut. The rt'l:ub;ofmis sun:cy Ire linutc::l t,1 I1lillt:mt!s that were as~es!;ablt~and rllr¢sc~blc ie, lh::UlS;,e{10r.Addltlor.al rIIueI"iab m.1Y e,<lst b::hind hard :;urfaces.}crsofUlc] kn<lv.lease-able of a"ix'sr",'5 t.:on'aim:lg n:atertBls should always ,)vcr.-;ee demolitiOi. aC:J"lti Demohtion work sbocld bl,)h.1~:ed lnd :;QJl"".plir.g ;crformed by:l ~Iale of (nlOi.du lit.:eosed buildJrg in~F~"C".o:~~-additional materials,wHch 'ire't.~pt:.;ted of Co>!ltaming ilE.bl:stos.are encoumcl!::1, If ~,..u h:l\·e any qu~stions re~arding the ~O:llents of this repol1.plc~t'do not h~itare 10 cont1Ct .Jb. Smcerely, ~~ Chris !..bror. Pro,l-:ct Mar13gec •,\su<stus"Lead'Induslrial Hygiene'Safel)"Flual Ai ..Teslilll:* *H.allh and Safety Training- JUN 12 r002 2:04PM Jill rooul't10n: BOULDeR ENVIRONM[NTAL MAN 13031 449 1175 Boulder Environmental Management,Inc. S Dcel TrailRnad,&'Jla;:r,cu at:302 Phor.c:t)(I))449·lli,5 rn:(::O})411!.16C5 BULK SAMPLING REPORT 7488 Puhdo PaK'b Drive.Vo.il,Colorado 2 •.3 On April 11.1602,noulder Envirunmcmal Management,Inc.'s huilding io)pcctor, Chris :\-14mn,eonduL1t.'t1 bulk sampling Qf<;uspeeted ashe<;rns-c9nlaming matcrials ur.der th;:c!irection of our c1it'nt.The purpo~e o:thc surve)WRS lu identify asbestos conUlimng mAlerials (ACM)and matenals presumed to cOlua;n (t)bestos (PACf\.·l)B.S defined by the En ....ironrnental Protection Agc.m.:y (EPA. SllmpJlng: I)urin~the sampling procL':"s,suspel.'::t ACM was separated into ;:lFOC EPA categoTies. 'fb:se c8tcgOIie:o are thennal S'./stcm i.'l)ulotion (TSn.surfaciug ACM.and mtsccll::..neou.; .\C'M.TSI includes all matenals used to preyent beat less or gain cr water condensutlOn on mc:banioeat systems.l:..'\arnp!cs ofTS!are pi~c.::uve:,mgs,boiler msulauon.du", wrap,and mud packed titling (;emc:.nt.Surfacing ACM includes all ACM that is sp-:J}e<J, trowelled.or other\\...i~e applit'u to a surface.These applicationi are Qlost colllmonl]'l..&"d jf'En:proofing,decorati"t'and acoJStical applications.Mlscellaneo":J)marenals inc1ud~ all ..~Cl\.1 nct listed in ~e thermal sy:::.tem !03ulat:on or .,urf'JCi!Jg l:tltegonc50,S1>ch as Enolcl.I'!".•VJnV!asbesto5 flooring,aLC I.:ciling tile: Boulder E!1\;ronmcntal Manageme:n ht,,'..fcUowed the client's directon m performing bnlk.~plmg.Samp'es WI:IC collected :0::-each material typ:ar::d analyzed b~'Polarizeri Libht MiClO;"..:opy (riM). •Asbesto."'Leaditludustrial Hygiene*Safecy*Final Air Testing" ·f1 ••lIb Hod Safety Traiologo JUN :~2002 ~:OSPM I 1\Boulder Environmental Management,lne. S Ocl.'l'Trail Kc.ai,Bol11dc:r.CO 8(>.\02 :'>!lc:le.()()J;·W'}-11;5 Fax:pu;\·11 &-16tl5 ) p.4 Rt,mln: Tilt'following rr.J:cri<lk ~\'m :Ulal~Z:~1 iUlJ d.clelmrne to be ~i:lesto~c011laining utilizing polillzed light micros-ropy (PI_\1), ASBEST"OS-CO'ITATXIi\C SA~IPLES TI.t"fo!kV\omg matc:i'1al!!:U'e.!'t,'analyzed l!Dd defermlr:ed to be llJll.-a:,>bc~(os w!ltaining UtdlZlng polarized jig.ht mi('rosi:oPY tPLM>. --_., I -_.I NON ASIl~STO~():W;\INING MATE"R~I.i.\L~S-=_ ';\1.<\TEIU~,,--_,I.OCATION _J SA)iPLE m 1 e"un,:d ·jr!""'all ce ling ,Basement b3111"CO.ll frO.1~I .a_I t ·C~,;f-O!AIB",,",n,b,throo:n front,tN4-11.CM-02AL------0---".__1 BIlS('ment tOlI~lrot)lIl 4-11-C"""l,,-O,,3,,A"_ Tt::'(tur~tl.:!rywal!~aU I.aCOOOffi.exre.riI J ('.,;;-1--4-1i-CM.04B 4-1I-CM-OS B I 4-11-CM-06B -Ua;:;ncm [Jilct room fOI r~r.'Tl-CM-07C locdroum 14-1 i-CM-OBC ~-----...,1--4-IJ-CM-O:,,9C;;:,__ln~ula[jo,IBc,hl1ld ~'alJ ir.kitchen i 4·ll-CM~JOD 4-1 1-C\1-1 lD!4-11-C'.\1-12D I!il1(1lf"llln Dis;,"Cs,lon: Saf!ipl~~d~lalysl.'!>results MC'repmt..:d in perccntdgcs of asbe.I;,ros anJ non-asb,:sros .,;ompoDt=ms.The EPA ddifies any mutccial thaI rontalllS grehter thati one percent (I %) asbesto.i:lJt1!i:!I.C.~PLM.as bclr l ;1.."asbestos cUl\uti~ing matenal.Mu:erials thli.t arc UL'"t1t:.fil::d 15 ·'f1(.1:1 dctc..ted"Arc sp::cltied a~001 CC'ulaining asbes:05_ 'iii';.\she'ito\l1'*Lt"fld*'I.m.lustrial Hygiene·Silfety*Fioal Air Testing* 'Heallh and Safcl)'Training' JUri 12 ;::'C02 Z:OCPM tOlldU~'OIJ: DOULOCR ENV!RONNeNTAl MON 1303)1'1~·-11?5 Boulder Environmental Management,Inc. 5 Du.1 Tr<liJ R<>ad.,BoJJdcr,00 l<C302 Pbor.e:(;OJ)449-i 175 FilA'(303)4HJ·lfC5 , p.S ASbei!O!O was ohserYed In -:he Imole,.m~In lh:::kitchen a.-ea '\s~stQS cootdi'lil1g n:atcrials requi:-e abatement pnor to rer.o\"tltJOIl 31.1ivititi that would d:.SiUfb lbesc materials.Only p~rsOl1llel tmined 10 \\-ork:""jlh <t\obc!>tos should disturb th!S m;::te:rial.The rt:$Ldtii of thlS Sl.I \"e~·p(''11atn ollly Iv materials tested.The lllboratory fejXlrt"..upporting these findlllg.s lbove 31 e dTuchoo. P!e3~e contact Boul<!er Em lfonm~ntal MRn~lgc:'ment,Inc \\;th all)',-:\.esnons or concern~ re.c:ardll1~this rtpOll 'ilnc.:r,..ly. CI:.rio~1:uun (AIIERA Buildlllg IfI!'ipectl.....046-S0~145"') "Asbt>stos*Lead*lndustrial Hygiene*Safcty*Final Ajr 'resting· *H.ahh and Safety Traillin~· ST~\.....=,'P~+-o,e fL\g- -poTPr'10 ?,.......,-L-~, ,,, Strom Environmental.In£.Envitonmenral T..rtng Services-7100 N.Broad....3y Su,6-S.~~'Cf.co lW221 Phoot (866)417.1,;33 Fa)"(303)437~534 JUN 12 2002 ~:07PM, {~~~.''"MA,...t..I, DOULD[R [HVIROHhEHlnL HAH 1;30:)1 ~",9 11?5 p.G BULK QSBEJiTOS SAW'LE ANALY[lS REPORT NlST:NY1.IJI'UJlt2QG.tsa-cJ CU£Nl: CLll:ri"T PROJECT *: OOJEcr r'i A.ME; B01.!LDRR INVIRO~mN1"AL.INC. ~Dua ntAIL BOAD BO\TUER.co awo2 740 POTATOPATCB,"AIL SEt PROJ]:CT M; DATI ot HECBIP1': DATI OJ'"-NALVSIS: SAM:PL~D Bl': PAGE It: ...."Q4-U-i1 O·HJoOl cur.~T lOr 1 AB8KIVLATrom;;SAMl]"E nn '1-7.\11°11 ,..,Ill. n:.noor 6IIftWIJ ,\C-ACIlIIU!k&l ",,..,...O!l cr-Cti.tl-a TI~ DJM..QJ')'Wa8 JaUI ~b' WP,WIU PIUlir GAAJrfoCruaJ.I" ASBLmJ.'iD'PE CHlYS-Ctt"'KIfi, AMOS."*-I~ CROC-Crodd"ll. TM:IM-T~e.t l'i4.J).N'.A4kIItM DlCrt'Uld l'1tACJ-cI'n .ubHu." MAUIl!AL T)'''' CIJ.L.C...loM ~~P1'~Gtu, ACC-AUI'tl't. N'..Nol'l'IalVllj, 8m·BIb_ SYN..s,.lhdk lDJ·lflku W,l ... CUC!It.·I ......~··:J .",...o~",~~L.".,,.,. ...n..cu.,A Ie'"n.xn!UD ~YW'\t.("'RICIo IW>Il)'IIi.C'tLJ,...AGC 000 /110 CRA" .·II·N 1l1,..tPlt Tr.XT{~O.Y'o\Al..L-J;~(;r.,:uD to-..('J:U.~Aec 000.M>.... ..U-ClIOJ...\lAn UJ(t'lU::ll ~~.au,.eltCL ....1$'IoI.C£U,o.A.OO ""'"'0 4.H-C"'-'~'ita')r.tnt:UD t).\'"o'.'A.lL lUlITt,SAD M"'CI.lL+M}jJ CQOO ('\IU;;;;,. ....Il C~I·D9 "".TnniUD D&V'f'l'Au,..W'Hrr,~"...~"U.L",u:Q WO."".C ..., f.ll-OC..{Ql i "m 1 ItXTl'1l,U ~:~AL""""IIJT't:,....3lJ%ctlLo-~COO.'0 .i.H..cM-07C lA?6 FntlOf.,rtuot:l SAD "l."·'000..... iLU ~.w'"'"'f-UJ<;E,1l01.1$.....u~+:'\oP aoo.v'"-4.n..c\.l-otC "'"r~N.ftJ&.IIJa~"N...D l~{.."~F <00'm '-1l.Q1-1.J>.""L>qlUno:'i-TA~.nIll.OU~~A.l)llS'W.ctU*AC".c OOOD ffi 4·11.(;.l:D ,m.!""'1CI AIIO!f(-T A."\,nuOT,i5 !'AD H~t'U..+ACC <JOOl)Wi ...1l-C»'!.1D 110:1,(:'I.I!I.""nfJ~TAo"',P1YOOtif """frL'I\\<:.UL"AGC COO."~"....II-ot·ur 1I·:r.I P'S-'l'Q,W'l'I',IIII1'OU .....~~M1l...~~~'IT{.'7 0000 \"u -~ll-Qf'J41'~O1"A!....ct>",.,DIe l'f01 A..'fAJ.\'ZE ... ...It o.I.,$t;",.,I OlD !'lOOT AJiJlJ.rU ....:..-. I\UTJIOD' DtTEcnON UNlT: ANALYS": Polarlat'14M MlfflKOPf,rPA Method 6OllIR-92r1116 t %..ubatQl. un -.,:aJm.trfti& .~.___~ooiI~..,..tlbo-........--tII .....,~,.,........o,(l:tl.t""___.,_,.- .~lol'''H.u-u"C..,..,_~e..-_..r-,..,...-..fIlot.~~«rI."')_...,••a .....~t1"fl"h"·•..-",..... '_llrT1)of ...'110,1""""'.1..--.,..,.,.....~W(f"__.......~_~)ll!ol ..............._~"",..Uof\j'"__•~"'''':.r 1:1"'" :<1Afu.J'~'.~'---e'._......-.,""1_100.r,."""'l..IpI(1'lJtn.-.u.Mntooo_ItO ,...UI_II'N. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAlL,CO 81657 97~79-2Ij8 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit Ii:E02-0168 Job Address: Location : Parcel No : Project No : 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 POTAOE PATCH SIDE n 210106315015 Sratus ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: ISSUED 0910412002 0911012002 0310912003 09/04/2002 Phone:787-782-8008OWNERTAMACA,CORP Mario Montalvo POB 11544 San Juan,PR 00922-1544 License: CONTRACTOR HUGHES &SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 09/04/2002 Phone:970-468-2404 P.O.BOX 3926 DILLON,CO 80435 License:293-E APPLICANT HUGHES &SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 09/04/2002 Phone:970-468-2404 P.O.BOX 3926 DILLON,CO 80435 License:293-E Dcsciption: Valuation: ADDITION AND KITCHEN REMODEL $4,000.00 ..............,"FEE SUMMARY .. Eloctrical ............... DRBFec--> Invcstiglllion--> WillCall--> TOTAL FEES-> $12.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $75.00 Tow.l Calculated Fees·.> Addi,iOllal Fees--> Tolal Penni'Fee--> Payments > UALANCE DUE--> $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 $75.00 $0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Approvals: Item:06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/04/2002 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONDmONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ..........•..•......•.....•...................,,.,t.·••..•.....·..·................................................................•....• DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have relld this application,filled out in full the infonnation required,completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the infonnation as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws.and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town lIpplicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE~"",,~.;..;. '.....................................................••..•••.•••.......••••••••••••••....... TOWN OF VArL.COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: sclmeider R000003058 Amount:$75.00 Check 09/10/200212:31 PM Init:LC Notation:#2131/Hughes & Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: E02-0168 Type:ELECTRICAL PERMIT 210106315015 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 POTAOE PATCH SIDE B This Payment:$75.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $75.00 $75.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST; Account Code EP 00100003111400 WC 00100003112800 Description TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS WILL CALL INSPECIION FEE Current Pints 72.00 3.00 RMIT APPLICATION COntact and Phone #'5: ~-34J5 CCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED"Ml • Project #:r"I""'I -('.""f Building Permit #:13·0;).-61$"1 Electrical Permit #:-:-:_.,-_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) Town of Vail Reg.No.: ~3'E 7S S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 COMPLETE SQ.FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor &Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: r&fact Eaole Count>Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eanle-coun'-.comforParcel# jjltcel #2...1 nr -r,b;<,[5 0 15 Job Name:rflM';'MI\Ar AI ';0 JobAddeess:7455 'P"'+"'+1l f)J,~s,dJ? Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:1 Subdivision: Owners Name"!Ai"Lr A.Cr.'l\Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description ofwor~&&I+ict1/¢ii~J..el\e~J Work Class:New ()Addition (y)Remodel ()/Repair ()Temp Power ()Other () Work Type:Interior ()Exterioe (V Both (vr II Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No () TVpe of Bldg.:Single-family ()Duplex (01)MUlti-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:~/II No.of Accommodation Units in this building:;)- Is this oermit for a hot tub:Yes ()No (II' Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes (-1 No ()II Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ()No (....,- •••****.**.·•••"'·"'···*"'*"'···"'····*****·FOR OFFICE USE ONLy·············***·········....··"'.."'····· Other Fees: ORB Fees: Planner Si n-off: \\V8illdltll\\cdev\fORMS\PERMITS\ElECPERM.DOC Date Received: Acce ted B: ECD SEP -3 2002 +V 07126/2002 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL;CO $1657 970-479-2138 NOTE,THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSI1"£AT ALL TIMES Job Address: Location : Parcel No : Project No : MECHANICAL I'ERMIT 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 POTATO PATCH 210106315015 \'R"j5J -CO~ Permit #: Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: M02-0173 l;O~-0\'6''I ISSUED 0811912002 0812112002 0211712003 OWNER TAMACA,CORP 08/19/2002 Phone:787-782-8008 Mario Montalvo POB 11544 San Juan,PR 00922-1544 License: CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEATINGOa/19/2002 Phone:970-328-4421 P.O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:197-M APPLICANT AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEATINGOS/19/2002 Phone:970-328-4421 P.O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:197-M Desciption: Valuation: RELOCATE BASEBOARDS $6,000.00 Fm:fllllcc [nfomllltian:RCSll'lCled:Y /I orGtIS Appliances:0 /I orGas Logs:0 It of Wood Pellet:0 ......................................................................FEE5UMMARY . Mechanical-;>$1.20.00 RestullTllnt Plan Review->$0.00 TOlal Calculated F~'\:s->$153.00 PlallChe<:k->$30.00 DRBFee ."$0.00 AdditionalF~'\.'S-->$0.00 JllvesligatiOIl->$0.00 TOTAL FEES---->$153.00 Total Pennlt Fcc-->$153.00 Will Call-->$3.00 Payments ;>$153.00 BALANCE DUF..->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DBPARTMENT 08/19/2002 OF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.701 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IHC. Cond:23 (BLDG.):INSTALLATION MOST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES :rNSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER lOOP THE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER S AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.S06 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.):ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMe AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC,1022 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IMC . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the infonnation required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat allihe infonnation as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plOl plan.to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws,and lo build this stmclure according to the lawns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INsrEcnON SHALlllE MAQE TWENTY-FOUR I lOURS IN ADV',,~r,!7' SIG EAT 4'79·2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM -5 I'M. '.............•...............................•...............•..............•••.••......•.•• TOWN OF VAIL.COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: Plumbing 4429 R000002914 Check Amount:$153.0008/21/200209:14 AM Init:DOG Notation:Avalanche Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: M02-0173 Type:MECHANICAL PERMIT 210106315015 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 POTATO PATCH Total Fees:$153.00 This Payment:$153.00 Total ALL Pmts:$153.00 Balance:$0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code MP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WIll CAll INSPECTION FEE Current PInts 120.00 30.00 3.00 Provide Mechanical Room layout drawn to scale to include: o Mechanical Room Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and location o Flue,Vent and Gas line Size and location o Heat Loss Cales: o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: 1\()j APPLICATION WIll NOT BE ACCEPTED I INC lETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Bu j Id i ng Pe-nn-:j:-t-;#;-:--"'p;-:O::--::a""=¢"""'1C:8"''}~. Mechanical Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Inspeeti'~o-:n:;s);---- 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 CONTR~CTORINFORMATJON Town of Vail Reg.No.:Contact and Phone #'5: 7-JY1 e.-tf 3'JO-93 "...~C:;;O~M;::;.PL:;:ET::.:.:E'_V:.:;UATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT labor 8<Materials MECHANICAL:$&{JOO.CO· COntact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eanle-countv.comforParcel# Parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above).;1 I tJ f f)t,</'(}.J.::I:. Job Name:;fIM 1",/<10 A-.,lJr'f,0>\Job Add!j'i{g Po-f.do PevAA, Legal Description Lot::f,BIOd<:"~''r II Filing:z..i Subdivision:I/a:Sllo.t..>r-~~I-J.., Owners Na~~'Z~/Y 'rJ·fl,·~'OP-Add,essfoa 1f5~\J~.~'t>~':"'1~,Phone:7<:17 797-~~ Engineer:Address:Phone: Detail~~:!;ion o~:JSa~l>rJ~"/~>'n{£L Work Class:New ()Addition ()Alteration (~Repair ()Other () Boiler location:Interior ()Exterior ()Other ()II Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No () Tvpe of Bldg:Single-family ()Duplex ()Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Othe<() No,of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:"2-I No.of Accommodation Units in this building:Z- NotType of Firepla<es ExistinQ:Gas Annliances (\Gas Laos (\Wood/Pellet (\Wood Bumino (\ NofType of Fireplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances ()Gas Logs ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fir~place to an EPA Phase n device?Yes ()No () ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************** Other Fees:Planner 51 "-off:Acee ted B: ORB Fees:Date Received: F:/elleryoneltorm'/mechpenn TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAll:,CO ,81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M02-0263 "]?01.-0 \&1 Job Address: Locution : Parcel No : Project No : 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748B POTATO PATCH 210106315015 ?\\';tiI-CO!r& Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..; Expires ..: ISSUED 12/20/2002 12/20/2002 06/18/2003 12/20/2002 Phone:787-782-8008OWNERTAMACA,CORP Mario Montalvo POB 11544 San Juan,PR 00922-1544 License: CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEATING12/20!2002 Phone:970-328-4421 P.O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:197-M APPLICANT AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEATING12/20/2002 Phone:970-328-4421 P.O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:197-M Desciption:boiler for snowmelt Valuation:$4,000.00 FircpJact.'lnfonnatiun:Rt:strictcd:1/of Gas Appliances:o 1#of Gas Logs:o .'"\VlIod Pellet 0'FEE SUMMARY . M~h.lnic;ll-.>$80.00 Rt.'Stuaranl Plan Review->$0.00 Total Calculated Fees-->$103.00 PlanCh~k->$20.00 DRB FL...------------>$0.00 AoJoJitional Fed >$0.00 Investigation->$0.00 TOTAL FEES---··_>$103.00 Total Pt!mt(t Fee >$103.00 WmC<lIl->$3.00 Payments->$103.00 BALANCE OUF.-->$0.00......................................,. Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12/20/2002 JRM Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.):COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.701 OF THE 1997 UMC,OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.):INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC,CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond:25 (BLDG.):GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE,AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UMe,OR CHAPTER 6 OF THE 1997 IMC. Co~d:29 (BLDG.):ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.I017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IHC. Cond:31 (BLDG.):BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CaNST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.):PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG.):DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.1022 OF THE 1997 liMC,OR SECTION 1004.6 OF THE 1997 IHe . •.•~_""""~'u. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the towns zonin~ and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS mR INSPECTION 51 IALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47':1·OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO~8:00 AM .-1 PM. S~~;z.~~~·::cU=R::E\~O~F~O;W:;NE~R~O~R:C~O~NT~R~A;cr;;:O~R;F;::.O~R::-::H:::[MS=E:::L-=F:-A=ND=-=O::-W=N=E:::·F 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG W ()z,-O:Ji"b (jt 7 e.......-:~:;':g#~ermi #:.I -t1 ( \O'J Mechanical Permit #:._....,..._ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPUCATIQ.!'f ! f\Permit will not be aa:epted without the following:" I ~vide Mechanical Room layout drawn to scale to indude: o Mechanical Room Dim ion I 0 COmbustion Air Duct an o Flue,Vent and Gas U izI~.Heat Loss cales. ""JEQUIPment Cutts CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor:TJ qV7~egtr·:contact 'ndJ'~#'s:Ce 1/ r)VA/~",c.h t.//!>£'flfe~f-J,;J.F-4"it:J.l 977-0.20/ E-Mail Address:-Contractor Signature:l{..#-f!J.• , COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &.Materials MECHANICAL:$11 '"t1 _U 0 Contact Eaale Countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaa!unlv.com for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name:mO/l-f'9/I/'/Job Address:7'(tf4 ~-hl"A/c.~A Legal Description ~Lot:I Block:I Filing:~Subdivision: ONners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed ~/:tion of work: Y"'P...-J me/I 6 r--L'-;t 13.1 -;e./L /,.A :J 7.,t(om> Work Oass:N~Addition ()Alteration ()Repair ()Other () Boiler Location:Inte~Exterior ()other ()Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No () Type of Bldg:Slngle-ramlly ()Duplex ()Multi-family ()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing Dwelling Units in this buIldIng:I No.of Accommodation Units in this building: No{Type of Rrenlaces Existfnc:Gas Aonliances (\Gas laos (\Wood/Pellet {I Wood Burnino () No{Type of Fireplaces Proposed:Gas Appliances ()Gas Logs ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase U device?Yes ()No () ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONL Y***************************** other Fees:Planner SI "-off:Acce ted B: ORB Fees:Date Received: \W.il\datl\ede#"QlU.1S\J'ERMlTS\to.tECHPERM.DOC 0712612002 Installation'and Operation Instructions Document 1025W Installation and Operation Instructions for •Mini·Therm II•§d1fd Residential I •Gas-Fired Hydronic Boilers 00 Model JVa•~Sizes 50-225I§§§<D • Vent damper is optional in some provinces of Canada. These instructions are to be stored in the packet provided on the boiler. FOR YOUR SAFETY:This product must be installed and serviced by a professional service technician, qualified in hot water b9i1er installation and maintenance.Improper installation and/or operation could create carbon monoxide gas in flue gases which could cause serious injury,property damage,or death. Improper installation and/or operation will void the warranty. AWARNING If the Information in this manual is not followed exactly,a fire or explosion may result causing property damage,personal injury or loss of life. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS •00 not try to light any appliance. •Do not touch any electrical switch;do not use any phone,in your bUilding. •Immediately call your gas supplier from a nearby phone.Follow the gas supplier's instructions. •If you cannot reach your gas supplier,call the fire department. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer,service agency,or gas supplier. Mini-Therm II.Hydronic Boiler 'consisting entirely of a combination of steel,iron, brick,tile.concrete,slate,glass or plaster. All boilers ean be installed on a combustible floor if a non-combustible base assembly,available from Laars,is used.See the boiler rating plate for the appropriate base part number.noilers must oC\ler be installed on carpeting. 112"Pipe 3WPIpe 1"Pipe 1·114"Pipe SQ.PumpH.P,Pump H.P.Pump H.P.Pump H.P. 1/25 1112 1/25 1/12 116 1/25 1112 "6 1/25 1f12 '/6 50 50 99 390 680 ..····· 75 ·35 160 300 460 640 ····· 100 ··77 150 260 3JO 620 ···· '25 ··27 60 140 170 360 600 ··· 160 ··.25 72 57 160 330 '90 460 · 225 ··....·110 ·6'330 'A circul9r andiOt prlmery/Aecondary piping afe required.Consul! lactory. 1.Chart Is based 0Il30"F (.1-C)maximum temperature rise. 2 Calculetlons are based on Type L copper tubing with one zone valve and eight elbows. 3 Typical drcolating pI,I'Tlps:'ta HP:Taco 007,B&G lR·20 or SlC·25,Gnlndros UP15-42F,or equivalent.'/,~HP-B&G LR· 12.Grundlos UP26-42F,or equivalent.'I.HP=B&G series HV.Gn.w1dlos UP4J..75,or equivalent Tab(e 2.Maximum Suggested Circuit length In Feet. Boiler SIzes 5l).125 160-225 Cle&rances " mm " mm left skle 6 152 6 152 Right side 6 152 6 152 Rear 6 152 6 152 Front 4 102 6 152 Flue 6 152 6 152 Top 23 484 36 '14 Table 3.Minimum Boller Clearances From Combustible Surfaces. Page 5 As an alternative to tbe Laars oon-combustible base plate,the National Fuel Code allows a boiler to be placed on other than a non-combustible surface when such an installation complies with the American Insurance Code.This code specifies the surface under the boiler be prmectcd with hollow masonry no less than 4"(102mm)thick,covered with sheet metal at least 24 gao in thickness.Such masonry must be laid with ends unsealed,and joints matched in such a way as to provide a free circulation of !Iir from side to side through the masonry (see Figure 3). 12"Min. (305mm) Sheet Metal Cover Min.Thickness 24 Gauge Galvanized Figure 3.Typical Combustible Floor Installation. 1F.Gas Supply and Piping Review the following instructions before proceeding with the installation. l.Verify tbat me boiler is fitted for the proper type of gas by checking the rating plate.Laars boilers are normally equipped to operate below a 2000 foot altirude.Boilers equipped 10 operate at higher altitudes have appropriate stickers or tags attached (next to thc rating plate). 2.Usc the figures in Table 4 to provide adequate gas piping from the gas meter to the boiler. 3.A trtlp (drip leg)must be provided ahead of the gas controls (see Figure 4).A manual gas shutoff valve must also be provided for service convenience and safety.Check the local codes. Dim8flslons In Il'Iches (mm). '6-for models JV160 to JV225. M IT ,,1521 ~'~2~000 0 ...~ri 6 (152) I 6 (152) 1>.......Bo~er Size From Gas 50 I 75 I 100 I 125 I '60 I m Meier Pipe Size 0-50"1/2 314 0-15m 3/4 314 I 1 5l).1oo· 15-3Drn 314 314 314 I 1 1·1/4 100-200' 30-"""314 1 1I 1-1/4 1·1/4 NoI:e:These figlXes are for Natural Gas (.65 Sp.Gr.),and are based on 1/Z"water column pressure drop Check supply proseure with a manometer.and local code reQuirements for varlaUons.For LPG,reduce pipe d13meter one size,but maintain a 1/Z"minimum diameter.A 'normar number of Tees and elbows have been taken 11'110 allowance. Figure 2.Closet and Alcove Installation (see Table 31.Table 4.Gas Piping Sizes. Page 4- S.Thc field assembly is now complete.The boiler is ready for water,gas and electrical connections and venting installation. 6.Do not modify the automalic vent damper device.It is very important that no other ventS are closed.Provide at least six inches clearance belwecn the aUlomalic vent damper and combustible construction,and be sure to allow access [or servicing the damper. ACaution Do not force motor operation when operator is fastened to the damper by moving the damper blade,turning the shaft or by tuming the position indicator. :"<lote:In Canada,the vent damper is optional. 1D.Flow Requirements All high recovery,low volume water boilers must have adequate flow for efficicnt operation.Pump selection is criLicallO this goal,and pumps should be selected lO provide for system design water lemperature rise.Table 1 details temperature rise and WOller flow (GPM)for the Mini-Therm boilers. Damage from improper now is not warraDt~d. Failure to insure proper water flow through the heat exchanger of the boiler will void the Laars warranty.Flow can be verified by measuring lhe difference in water temperatures between the boiler inlet and outlet.For example:For a lV-IOO installation,the inlet water temperature is 160°F (7 1°C).and the outlet temperature is 180°F (82°C). That means there is a 20°(-7°C)temperature rise through tbe boiler.According to Table I,that would indicate a flow rate of8 GPM (O.5US).Temperature rise muSt be measured with the longest (highest head) zone calling for heat alone. LAARS HEATiNG SYSTEMS Other factorsto be considered before selecting a pwnp are pipe size,the number of fittings throughout the system,smoothness oftbe int~rior surface of the pipe.the quantity of water flowing through the pipe, whether a glycol solution is being used,and the lotal length of piping in lhe system.Table 2 call hdp in making thal derermination. 1E.Boller Placement The boiler must be placed to provide clearances on all sides for maintenance and inspection.There must also be minimum dislances maintained from combustible surfaces. At least IS"(38Imm)access must be available in front o[the boiler for burner removal.Consult local codes for clearances 10 hot water pipes and accessoTics. If the boiler is to be installed in a garage,all burners and burner ignition devices must have a minimum 18"(4S7mm)c1earKnce above the floor. The Model N-SO through N-IOO boilers can be installed in a closet,as long as the minimum clearances shown in Table 3 are observed.Spt:eial attention should be paid to clearances between the front of the boiler and the closer door when it is closed. Consult the American National Standard 221.13 for more information concerning closer installations. In Canada,refer to the latest edition of CAN/eGA- 8149.I.nd2. IMPORTANT:The boiler shall be installed on a Ooor of non -combus lib Ie construction with non- combustible flooring and surface flItish and with no combustible matcrials against the underside,or on fire-resistant slabs or arches having no comnustible materials against the underside unless listed for installation on a combustible Ooor. All boilers must be installed on a non· combustible surface.That means a surface not capable of being ignited and burning,such as surfaces 1S-F Bee 2lrF U-c 25-F 14-(; 51,.Flow Rate Headless FIoN Rate Heaclloss Flow Rate Headloss .".,U.•m """,.•m gpm U••m '0 '.3 0.3 03 0.1 4.0 0.3 0.2 0.1 3.2 0.'0.1 0.0 75 6.0 0.50.6 0.'6.0 0.4 0.3 0.1 4.6 0.30.2 0.1 100 10.7 0.7 1.3 0.'6.0 0.5 0.7 0.2 '.4 0.<0.'0.2 125 13.3 0.8 22 0.7 10.0 0.8 1.3 0.4 '.0 0.5 0.6 0.' 160 17.0 1.1 '.5 0.6 12.8 0.6 ..6 0.5 10.2 0.'1.'0.' 22.24.0 I.,'.0 1.5 160 1.1 3.1 0.'14.4 0.'1.'0.6 gpm =Water Flow In gallons per minute.Ns '"Water now in liters per sfK:ond. It '"Prcsaure drop (headloss)through the boilerin feet of waler.m"Pf&ssure drop (heedlo1JS)t.hrough the boiler in metel3'of wate,. Nole:Shaded area fs the recommended now and t9rT1PfJrature nse. Table 1.Temperature Rise -F -C. C/,;J p)O~"V i ~~'~r -., /1 M('-~'1 ('#/'If 4-)c,!P v ~~I/A.- "'f''/'k Sf/5 ,;;.:;..5'~j)IIJ1;(j V l-t" 5 c/u'&-(t?-j)~?~:J6'b'!53 lY'y(.(;'{J5 - ~IAARS - •'MEAliN.'SDT_~."g -, G u .-----ama Waterpik.Technologies.Inc. 6000 Condor Drive,Moorparit.CA 93021 •805.529.2000'FAX 805.529.5934 20 Indutllrlat Way,Rochester,NH 03667 •603.335.8300'FAA 603.335.3355 460 S.Service Road West.Oakville,Ontalio.Canada l6K 2H4 •905.844.6233 •FAX 905.844.2635 www.lUf'S.com ljttw;o"'U.S .....OL.Nor1lt4U:o'l¥Syr......OOll Dcx::I>rr'>e."l102SW - , ·Mini-Therm II Hydronie Boiler .... Outside AJr Supply:When combustion air is ,supplied directly through an oUlside wall,each opening should have a minimum free area of one square inch per 4.000 BTUIh (1.2kW)input ohhe lotal input rating of all appliances in lhe enclosed area. Inside Air Supply:When combustion is supplied from inside the buiJding,each opening should have a minimum free area of one square inch per 1.000 BTUIh (O.3kW)input ofthe 10lal input mting of all appliances in the enclosed area.These openings should never be less than 100 square inches (645 sq.em). Note:In Canada,follow Canadian Standard, CANICGA-BI49.1,.2 or local codes. Exbausl Fans ur Vents:Any equipment which exhausis air from the boiler room can deplete the combustion air supply or reverse the natural draft action of the venting system.This could cause flue products to accumulare in the boiler room.Addilional air must be supplicd 10 compensale for such exhaust. The information in Table 5 is not applicable in installations where exhaust fans or blowers of any type are used.Such installations must be designed by qualified engineers. If a blower or fan is used to supply airto the boiler room,the installer should make sure it does not crcale drafts which could cause nuisance shutdowns of the pilot.Ira blower is necessary 10 provide adequale combustion air to the boiler,a suitable switch or equivalent must be wired into the boiler controlcircuit 10 prevent the boiler from firing unless the blower is operating. The boiler must be completely isolated and protected from any source of corrosive chemical fwnes such as those emilled by trichlorethylene, perchlorethylene,chlorine,elc. Page 7 1H.Venting The draft diverter outlet is to be connected to an unobstructed vent pipe of the same or larger diameter. terminating oUlside the building.The vent pipe must have a listed vent cap,and eXlend at leasl rwo feet above any object within a tcn foot radius.All connections should be made with rustproof sheet metal screws. ~1PORTANT NOTE:Do not use sheet metal screws al the snap lock joints of Type B gas vents. Do not weld or fasten the vent pipe 10 the boiler draft diverter.The weighl of the stack must not rest on the boiler.The draft diverter and boiler top must be easily removable for nonnal boiler service and inspection. Avoid horizontal runs of the vent pipe,and 90° dbows,reductions and restrictions.Horizontal runs should have at least a 1/4"rise per foot (20mm pcr meter)in the direction of flow.A vent conneclor shall be supponcd for the design and weight of the material employed to maintain clearances and prevent physical damage and separation ofjoints. Avoid terminating boiler vents near air conditioning or air supply fans.The fans can pick up exhaust flue products from the boiler and return them inside the building,creating a possible health hazard. Always use double-wall or insulated venl pipe when used as a chimney (Type 0 or equivalent).In cold weather,uninsulated outside vents can chillihe rising nue products,blocking the natural draft action of the venting system.This can create a health hazard by spilling flue producls into the boiler room.Use engineered venting tables acceptable 10 the authority having jurisdiction to size the veming pipe or liner. Avoid oversize vent piping or extremely long runs of Ihe pipe which may cause excessive cooling and condensation. Figure 5,Vent Pipe Sizing. 601l.·15~4n. , '•.-...Max.OIl In. (1524mml .... v ... \l 30~----.J )I-(ll.1m}--, Rule of Thumb:The total length oflhe venl, including the connector and any offset,should not exceed 15 feet (4.6m)for every inch (25mm)of vent diamcter (see Figure 5).Longer total lengths shown in venting lables are based on maximum capacity.not condensation faclon!. Defore connccling a vent connector 10 a chimney,the chimney passageway shall be examined to asccnain thai it is clear and rrce of obstructions. When inspection reveals that an exisling chimney is nOI safe for the intended application,it shall be rebuil! to conform to nationally recognized standards (see National Building Code or ANSIINFPA 211),lined or relined with a suitable liner,or replaced with a vent or chimney suitable for the equipment to be attached. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 97(1..479-2138 OTE:TIllS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #:1'02-0100 W;l.-O~~"\ Job Address: Location : Parcel No : Project No : 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 potato patch 210106315015 1'1r:D l -oC&P Status ...: Applied ..: Issued ..: Expires ..: ISSUED 0812012002 08121/2002 02/1 712003 08/20/2002 Phone:787-782-8008OWNERTAMACA,CORP Mario Montalvo POB 11544 San Juan,PR 00922-1544 License: CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HEATING08/20/2002 Phone:970-328-4421 P.O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:236-P APPLICANT AVALANCHE PLUMBING &HRATINGOS!20/2002 Phone:970-328-4421 P.O.BOX 428 EAGLE,CO 81631 License:236-P Desciption: Valuation: limited bath and kitchen remodel $4.000.00 Fircpla~l:Infomillion:Rl"Slricted:'I?/j orGas AppliallCts.?'!MorGas logs-??.+'of Wood Pallet:?? .....................................................................FEE SUMMARY . Plumbin&-->$60.00 ResluM8nt 1'1llJ1 Review-->$0.00 Total Calculall'll Fecs-->$78.00 Plilu Check->$15.00 ORB Fee >$0.00 AdditIOnal Fed >$0.00 Invl"Sligalion->$0.00 TOTAL FEes >$78.00 Ttlllli Permll Fo.--......>$78.00 WiliCali-->$].00 l'J.)mcnlS >$78.00 BALANCE DUE->$0.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/20/2002 DF Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDlTION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.):FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,fillcd Oul in full the information required,completed an accurate plol plan, and state that all the information as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all TO'vn ordinances and stale laws,and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Towl1 applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR I-lOURS IN ADVANC SIGNA -2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -5 PM. "•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF VAlL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: Plumbing 4429 R000002915 Amount:$78.00 Check 08/21/200209:16 AM Iuit:DDG Notation:Avalanche Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: P02-0l00 Type:PLUMBING PERMIT 210106315015 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 potato patch This Payment:$78.00 'fotal Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $78.00 $78.00 $0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111200 WC 00100003111800 Description PLAN CHECK FEFS PLUMBING PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 15.00 60.00 3.00 75 S.Frontage Rd. VallI Colorado 81657 F INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #:_-:-:--:;-~,,=~ BUilding Permit #:13 O::l-01/1''1 Plumbing Permit #:-,:--'-.,--_ 970-47 2149 (Inspections) CATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg.No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 3fo-P -rdf <0-93'-/ COM LETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) IPLUMBING,$'It20cJ,iTO .I Contact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaDle·rountv.com for Parcel # Pa",el #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above).;)Joll!Jc.-~/,;OIS Job Name:fYlon+o<-lvo jJ(+,o~Job Address:7 yg-Po+Jo flic1. Legal Desaiption I lot:if-&:~-:'"Filing:L I Subdivislon,¥,.J e.f-h f"h:\.-Blo :t> Ovmers Name:fu Ie::>~o..~....."r;::.\'0"Address:Q.<.'e"&'~;r,o-~Phone,<i "l-732-go~.0 #'0.."10 ....e.-o Z2--\~ Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriPtio,f W~k'.JX '/:!.._1<-//vJIe //n'+"r,h-'L &:'-fr,<.JIA--•- Work Class:New ()Addition ()Alteration ~Repair ()Other () Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Duplex ()Multi·family ()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()00..-() No.of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:Z II No.of Accommodation Units [n this bUilding:C- Is this a con....ersion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II de ....ice?Ves ()No () ..........••••••••..••..•..•••••••••..•..FOR OFFICE USE ONLy·····..•••..•••••..••••••••••••••••••••• F/everyone/fOfms{~mbperm Other Fees: DRBFees: Planner Si n-off: Date Received: A=tedB: .... 00:z N "oo OJ "..., :z '"o 00 r '"n '"n-, "-. "'":z:z n:z--<::>r :z ::>:z uou.... '",--., U1 -.-o From:Tim Boyle To'Todd OllIe:g/1912OO2 Time:3:11'38 PM '"'. .",------ C OtECI(!O lIy'-,-r----:..,-.,----, ....,. ~4-'.!!l IZ"<>.... 19<<-1+Wp..'(-1..<:l=~ I . &j t .,+ .J "_."'--""'''- ". •• -• v -- .. , •• .. ...". .. ,lO v ... ., , ,.,I '. g. • u .. ..f S .Jf ~- A • • / /) (/Ji/ U M.... .., 1 r I ••,,,. on II< "ll A (.'Own "" • •,.... ""....1 Or.• llH I '.."• .. n • em ne'...f ..'• \IE ;I Od'[ It • K S'Eo... ·,.... 1<'·24-2002 54 am Inspectlon Request Reporting .Y.All....CO -IOWft.OE Page3 Tuesday.Docombo<...2002 COAVlS PlAN CD 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL.48 POTATO PATCH AJPID Infonnabon status:ISSUED NpAl.:co500Type:ASFR Use:VN T)po·....8Ul.D oceupency: 210106J1501~ TAtAN:.A,CORP Phone:781-782-eooew.ltef R~Phone:970-949-1875 K.C ROUTED TO GEORGE FOR REVIEW/APPROVALS·DFlORES PW hli lecleYed e!1lJtJ:Wy 5JQn oft't end R~RlQht of Way Perml •tSANOQVAl. PWMll NEEDAREVOCABtE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT AND vrn.ITY SIGN OFF M1PROVN...IS REQUIRED.CDAVIS ROUTED TO CO.PUBlIC WORKS AND PlANNiNG FOR REVIEWtAPPROVN...S.Pl.ANNING HAS ISSUES WITH THIS PERMIT REVIEWS ~BE DONE BUT MAY NOT BE RELEASED UNTIL GEORGE HAS GIVEN nilS HIS BlESSING -CClItVlS _. Const Type: Perc*': 0Wnln ~~: Comment Conwnont Comment Requested Time:08:00 AN. Phone 970-949-1875 E_ed By:DFlORES K TkneExp: '0 BI..DG-F_.......ApP'''''''' 07'2~l02~.JRM ........Pi'APPROVED ()9.'24102 In&pedof;~Action:AP APPROVED CommonIo;_looting 1«...r....nlng .... 10.10'02 ~GCO Action:APAPPROYEDeom.-a.SITE WI'L FOCl1V>lG 20 8l.DG-f"otnjdcxvS"'"...Appu)Yed •• 07'31102 ftIpecIDr JRM Acdon.N'APPROVED Cl&'3QI02~:JRM Ataon·PA PARTIN..~AL ConIf1"lll'M'APf:"ROVED 1ST RETA,NtoIG WAll ON.Y 1B'14102 Iin:Ioctof JRM AcUon'fJ'PARTW..INSPECllONeorm.u:~D2ND RETANNG WAlLJOBlDG-F""*>g -_....... 1Q{16102 IMpedof GCO -Adkln PI\.PMTW.N'PRCNAL CommenIs,1 f\JEEOTO INSPECT GARAGE PLATFOR ...FRAMNG 2.ct£CK NEW ~R N-K)LOWER W"H:JONS FOR EGRESS MOTH AT fINAl 11/06i02~·GRG ActIon:AP APPROVED Commonls.F..mong Jo<-onn In .._....,.50 BlDG-..........<--App,owd •• 1Q117f02 1nSP4tdor:JRM ActIon:/lP APPROVE 0 GO BLOG-She.bOCIl'Nail ••AppfoVud .. 1l)'21:{l2 1Mf*.10l"JRM AcbM AP APPROVED 70 BlIX.7M.,.c, 90 eu:x;.Ftnel ttem:533 PLAN-TEMP.CJO RequatDr Wehr,Rte'- C.........._C/o AssIgned To:CDAVIS I_:tJ;::m;JiJll".{} 1;1-L(.o;r nom 18m: 18m 18m 10m. ..." ..... In,geetlon HiStory REPT131 Run Id:616 12-24-2002"Inspection Request Reporting 754 am._..VAlL CO -TOWN Of tim 21 PlA,N..LC Foundation Ptall ...Appr~•• 1011&'02 lJlspec1or:Geofge 11m:22 PlAN-LC sa.Pian ••ApproY8i1'. 10116:02 Ins_.Geo<ge Item"S33 PLAN TEMP CO 11m:534 PLAN -ANAL CiO •,••r • REPT131 15a904 Run ld:616 "'.~, 06-17·2003 6:49 am._ Inspection Request Reportlng _V"'AJ......L,C.O ,J"OW..N"O.uF=---_ T~sday,Jun.17.2003co 748 POTATO PATCH OR VAIL 748 POTATO PATCH AlPfO IrdO{nlatlo[l Sllltul:ISSUED Inof>-'CD p,p~OVED APAPPROVED Ac.t!on.NR NOT READY FOR INSPECTlON ArUM:AP APPROVED 8ONJ189 IMlprct!on History TYPo:A-BUIl.O Sui>TYI>o:ASFR Occupancy Use:VN TMW:A,CORP Phone:787-782-6OOll Wane,RICk Phone.970-949-1875 Walt8f AIU Phone;.97()..949-1875 GIIf1g4r.sd1tloo and MW iarn»caJ)lng,ms&I.ng kI1rf'K,n,bedroom,bJlh 'tamodef c~okt gacge.elnto IMnQ _poco,new ""'''0 ....\nino WIlIl fit-m:l:'-Io.-aolno ','~JCommentILCROlITEDTOGEORGC:FOR R£APPROVAlS-~1'DMIN Comment PW'",_oR UUlItY _*end R ...Right 01 WfI'/Pom1It.-lSANOO\IAl comment:PW WILL NEED A REVOCABLE RiGHT Of WAY PERMIT AND UTUTY SIGN OFF APPROVALlS REQUIRED.-CDAVIS eomm.nt ROUTED TO CO.PUBLIC WORKS AND PlANNING FOR REVlEW/~AlS.~HAS tSsues WITH THIS PERMIT REVlEWS CN4 BE OONE BUT MAY NOT BE RELEASED UNTIl GEORGE HAS GIVEN THIS HlS Bl£SSING Nr .Jrn -COAVIS 'prOVt/lJ R!<lU"""lnspoc!f<!!l(ol ·0I, Item:~BlOG-Fln'l I 'R:@Q~Wd TIme:08:00 AM p'~.•.RIc:JI:Phone:970-9&-1875 Comments;470=2'615 Rlclt ...._T.:cllI\V1s""'E~.Of'lORES K AcUon L-;1(j5C!\P1 ~0 LCWI p (J bE (utefC1u,-IS J!VI R1jg 1llIfn;10 BlOG-FClClI;lngsISt.!..Approved ...~"- 07'24"02 !nspector:JRM ActIon:AP APPROVED JQ9,24,'02 klspedor:cdnts ...ction:AP APPROVE Comments:IOWef ~fot ..mining waD I 10110102 Inspector:oeD Adorr AP APPRoveD'.~G;:t~ CommentI;Sn'E WH..FOOTlNG 110m 20 BlOG-FoundotlonlSt..1 ••ApprCNOd •• D7/311D2 InSpidcr.JRU Action:AP APPROVE":.Pi'Rl:N09I30I02_JRM _,PA PARTlAl"Al e:-ments,APPROVED 1ST RETA/>ING WAll ONI.Y 10114,'02 IMpedoc -WlM Actaon;PI PARTW.tNSPECllON Conunenb:~OVED2ND RETAINING WAlL 1l8m:30 Bl~nlml!oo -AI:lofOwd .. 1Ot16102 Inaoec:tor.GCO·Actk>n:PA PARTW.PPPRCNAl Commenta:1.NEEO TO iNSPECT GARAGE PlATFORM FRNAlNG. 2 CHECK NEW UPPER AND lOWER WINDOWS FOR EGRESS WlDTH AT FlNH.. 11/06102 I~GRO ~tIon:111'APPROVED Ism 60 ~':;":;"-Ie.e!"'1..::.::.r~only 10117Jf12 tnspec::t,cf.JRt,\.Ac&n'lIP APPROVED tt8rn.80 BlOO-S!'\eetlOCk lilall ••Apprwed ... 10121'l>2 Inejledor'JRM Ael!on:AP APPROVED Rem:70 SlOG-Misc. \ IIam 90 BlOG-FlneI Atm.21 PlAt....IlC FounddOn Pian ....Appfoved ... 1Or 16m Il)opeclo<,GOo<go ActIOll, *tam:22 PLmllC Site PWn ....~.... Ism 533 d~l~ge-~ApprCNOd" 12t24t02 lnsDedOt'Waff~ lam:S34 PLAN -FINAL C/O 110m 530 BlDG-TIl11I>CIO -ApprCNOd •• 12.'24,102 1n&pedDr:cda1ll$ REPT131 • Page 3 • I 06-17-2003 Inspectton Request Reporting ~.19 em .__VAlL,CO -TOWN OE'----_ commel.ts:Etectr1ca1 corrections oMM1 ftnal poprovel required Meehentcal COfTectkIos and nnaJ tMflMred tor snowmelt bolIu ln6t31 hendfliH on Interklf $telr~ Ac~ID __"*'1_....ramoftdl Remow carpet from urdlf hou5e boUer mlr.lmum ol12-cNlafanee requIred 12/26<'02 ~cde~Action"AP APPROVED CommenD.CofreeUoos m&de tf'" ~, \ Cj-r [~4J0/\?\.J 0 "-bV (17 U1hlV\\,,-\,~N~\)(\.Jt ......'. REPT131 ----------Run Id:1092 •••(u+1-/'Y.cK-t.L v"-"I M t • TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE,THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #,BOO-0231 Job Address,748 POTATO PATCH DR Location ...:748 potato patch dr Parcel No ..:2101-063-15-014 proj ect No.; Status ...,ISSUED Applied ..,09/06/2000 Issued ....09/18/2000 Expires ..,03/17/2001 APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION P.O.DRAWER 5920,AVON,CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION P.O.DRAWER 5920,AVON,CO 81620 OWNER KNUEPFER DAVID &MARCIA A 765 N PARK BLVD,GLEN ELLYN IL 60137 Phone,970-949-1905 Phone,970-949-1905 Phone,630-690-5504 Occupancy:R3 Type Construction:VN Description: remove shake roof,replace Add Sq Ft,Valuation:35,525 TOV/Comm.Dev, w/H2Oproof,copper,shakQean-up Deposit Refund S .1 'I .d aoproved ~'d!---~7--;-:=---~ng e Faml y ReSl ence ~.......,'\1--. Type V Non-Rated amount -",tz:.7SrvT·~-'-v _ rl ate ill I /-",0-,--1 __ ri>:epl"ce Information:R....t:rice ..d,1(,of weod/Pell"t: B"ilding-----~ plan o,,,ck---:> Inv....r.ig ..eion> Wlll c.ll----,. U:l.00 :1.54.80 .00 3.00 R"Btuarant Pl ..n R"view'" ORB r...------·······---·,. Recreation r ....----------,. Clean-Up Depoeit--------> TOTAL r~€s---------_····:> .00 .00 .00 :.:sO.OO "'.&0 Tot.l C.l~lated Fee.--_> Additio~l P.ee~---~----~ Total Permit Pee~----~--> P~yeonte > aALANCE DUE-------------> ",.110... 8".80 'U.80 .00 Item,05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/11/2000 JRM Action,APPR APPROVED Item,05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/11/2000 JRM Action,APPR N/A Item,05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/11/2000 JRM Action,APPR N.A Item,05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09/11/2000 JRM Action,APPR N/A J~t, Dept, Dept, Dept, BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS REQUESTS FOR lN8PBCTIONS SAALl.8£MADS TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELlii:PlIONl!A 47'-2138 OR AT 0., B OF OWNER OR CONTRACI"OR POR HINDEI.!'AND OWNER..--- I hereby acknowledge that I have read chie application,filled out in full the in!ormation requir&d,c~pleted an accurate plot plan,and acaca that all the information provided ae required ie correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, te comply with all Town ordinance.and etate lave,and to build thi.etructura ace rding te the Tovn'.40nlng and eubdivieion codee,deeign review approved,Unifo~Building cod.end other ordinance.of the T applicable there o. Send Cle~n-Up Deposit To:pleth tOnetruction ••" Page 2 *****.-.**.***.*******************-*******.*.*******.*************************** CONDITIONS Permit #:BOO-0231 as of 09/18/00 Status---,ISSUED **************************************************.***************************** Permit Type,ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant--,PLATH CONSTRUCTION 970-949-1905 Job Address:748 POTATO PATOI DR Location---:748 potato patch dr Parcel No--;2101-063-15-014 Description: remove shake roof,replace w/H2Oproof /copper,shakes Applied--:09/06/2000 Issued---:09/18/2000 To Expire,03/17/2001 **************************************Conditions ****************************** 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. •• TOWN OF VAIL,COLORAOO Statemnt: Statemnt Number:RBC-0671 Amount: Payment Method:25624 Notation: 899.80 09/18/00 13:26 PLATIl.CONSTRUCT In1t:IN 899.80 899.80 .00 ADDjALT aPR BUILD PBA-BUILD DR dr TOl.al Fees: Total ALL Palts: Balance: 899.80 800-0231 Type: 2101-06)-15-014 748 PO'l'ATO PATCH 148 potato patch Permit No: PArcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment AcCOUD t:Code SP 00100003111100 PP 00100003112300 AD D2-0BPOS we 00100003112800 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK 1"'885 CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEB AMount 392.00 254.80 250.00 3.00 REcn SEP 0 52000 Separate Permits are required for electrical.plumbing,mechanical.etc.! TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION APPUCATIONell NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPle-eR UNSIGNED Project #:==--;:--;;-;;;===...-- Building Permit #:&'Xl-02-'31_ 970-479-2149 (Inspections) ..' 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,ColoraCio 81657 .. Contact Eaale Countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ean/p-,",",nnlv.comforParcel# Parcel #..:;>.1/5'/Qfn?/~/tl Job Name:'J);,..Y f '1 Kf1 L ,\,f6 Job Add~~5(r.>J J.'J.'6.k.;h legal Description Lot:Block:II Filing:Subdivision: Owne"Name:-/(I1P.I.n ,n Address:7r.'f IJOI'/~'i'..'L 13\...1.Phone:L ~/,,~:';"VI 4- Architect/Designer:Address:'"'"''","yn~'""0'3 Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description o!work:~v e~'!>h<L ........'~),6")~~...,~. ,,",,, ~11 -1-"-'-'--'~ WorX Class:New()Addition ()Remodel ()Repair ()Demo ()Other (!><l Work Type:Interior ()Exterior l>4-Both ()Does an EHU exist at this location:Yes ()No () Type of Bldg.:Single-family"tA..Two-family ()MultHamdy ()Commerdal ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:I No.of Accommodation Units in this building: No of Fireolaces Exislino:Gas ADDlIances r)Gas leos ()Wood/Pellet ()Wood Bumina () NotTv,,"of Fireolaces Prooosed:Gas Aoollances r)Gas ~r )Wood/Pellet ()Wood Bumino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alann Exist:Yes ()No ()Does a Fire Sprinlder System Exist:Yes ()No () COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$3E;="""00 ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:S REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~"I:t~or:Tj~~1 Reg.No.:Contact and Phone #'5; CliO 9~q \ctr.fi Contractor Signature;..--7'.....•.I ...........................................FOR OFFICE USE ONLy . Other Fees: ORB Fees: Public Way Permit Fee: Type of Construction: Occu an Grou Date Received: Ac:ce ted B: Planner 51 n-off: F:/everyone/forms/b1dgperm K"~117)/~•{;if'~,@ ---,r' I III @I @ ,1 I L.~f ._.1 (i) g~l/::;1 I I, &', I-.1r1 L- ..I 1/ • •• August 22,2000 Roofing Specification for The Knuepfer Residenl~ I.Tlo.:AK Orr I MISCF.U..ANEOUS: I)Tear off existing cedar shake roofing and remove all debris from the site.Plath Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as possible and practical during the construction,and a thorough cleaning of Plath's work areas will be performed upon completion.Plath Construction will take all reasonable precautions to protect the interior of the building from water and weather.However,Plath ConSln!Clion will not be held liable for any interior damage sustained from leaks caused by sudden and/or unforseen slomlS lIlat occur during the lear off phase of this work. 2J Inspect the plywood for water damage.and replace as needed. U This work,if required.will be an additional charge over and above the caolTael price.and will be charged at the rate of $3.27 per square fool.No additional charges will be incurred without prior notification of.and authorization from.the owner or owner's agent.·· 3J Plath construction will provide all insurance and permils required by the The Town of Vail Building Department. Price for work as specified above:Included in the price below Exclusions and Qualifications: I]The existingcold roof assembly and ridge vent consisting of vertical 2"x 3"with horizontal I"x 4"will oot be removed.This assembly will provide a substrate for the roof installation shown below. II.PLYWOOD I DRY-IN ISnAKES/FLASHING: Ij Install W'COX plywood over me existingcold roof assembly. 2]Install "Jiffy-5eal"Ice and Water Guard by "Protecto Wrap"over entire pitChed roof area,according to manufacturers'specifications.Extend membrJne up walls a minimum of 12"at roof-to-wall junctures. Use mastic as needed. 3]Install #1 heavy cedar shakes with laced 18",/I 30 felt each course.The reveal will be 10"to the weather as on the current roof.Use starter and hip-and-ridge shingles as needed. 4]Install 16 Ot copper flashings as needed.induding valley,step.and endwall flashing.Lnstall16 oz copper drip edge flashing aL eave and rake edges. Price for work as specified above:$35,525.00 Exc:lusioll$and Qualifications: I]Added costs for working under adverse winter conditions is exdudcd from the base bid.Please see option #1 for pricing on this item. 2}Miscellaneous flashing not associated with lhe roof system is excluded from this proposal. 3]Gutter and downspout is excluded from this proposal. 4J Deck waterproofing is excluded from this proposal. ••• • c. III.GENERAL NOTES: 1]Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices.Due to volatility of the market.material prices cannot be guaranteed past 30 days . •Please take note that a "letter of intent"received by PlaUt Construction,Inc.within the 30 day period wiD allow us to "lock in"current material prices c,'eR if actual purchases are made SCl'cral months later. 2]Cedar shakes for this proposal have been bid at the currenl market price of $103.00 per square.Class 'B'cedar shakes for this proposal have been bid 3tlhe current market price of $103.00 per square.Due to the eXlreme volatility of the cedar market.price changes prior to the acceptance of this proposal will require renegotiation of the contract price.to reflect any such changes. 3)Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the ..mount of $2,000,000.00 per occurrence.Plath Construction carries auto insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00.Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation.No further insurance coverage is included in our price,and if required,the additional cost will be added to [he contract price. 4}Upon receipt of the conlract price,Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing against leaks due to flaws in workmanship for a period of two years from the date of roofing completion.Leaks qualifying under the terms of said warranty will be repaired promptly at no cost to the owner.This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage thai may occur. IV.OPTIONS: 1]Additional charges,as identified below,will apply for roof work done between October ISlh and April 30th. a.Ice and snow removal,daily covering and uncovering of the roof deck with plastic.and drying out of the roof deck.if necessary,will be an extr...charge over and above Lhe contract price and will be charged extra at the rale of $34.50 per man hour.Materials (plastic.propane,etc.)will be charged extra aL Plath's cost. b.Priming may be required for Jiffy Seal,depending on site conditions and outside tempemtures during applicaLion.If priming is required,this work will be charged extra at the rate of $19,75 per 100 square feet.Total price not to exceed $1,201.00. Winter conditions have a negative effect on our production rates.During winter months. additional charges will appl)'to cover our added expenses for working under adverse winter conditions.The effect of adverse winter conditions results in a loss of daily production of approximately 25%.(This is an average production loss rate based on years of job costing data.)Any such charges will not exceed the amounts Listed below and are in addition La any snow removal and priming charges that may apply. Price for Option 1c:Add to the base bid S 3,352.00 Option #2:Substitute heavy.Class '8',fire-rated shakes for the heavy base bid shakes.All other specifications 10 remain the same. Price for Option #2:Add to the base bid $2,548.00 FRO'1 rov FINANCE/CXl.RT/lS 97047922489-09-1gg;I1 :59AM ••P.1 ...... o 0•• ,,•••••••••• •• oo ~• , I ••\ \ I •-, •~: ~ ~•-i :\,-••- •• •• , •• ••,••;;; •••• :=:-. •0•••••••• -•,--~ §•".~ ""•••u •<-:;:l!l .:~ o••••'.••~o •••aeu i I I "'tW •• II pec-lIon kt:~L1 ~1.Rc\>Onl1l4 VAl ()OW OF.. 1 •• ~,{".y," I'll'.,I rro I'll~l"'f'rr K~lllf J,t f I r),A'}11 HH f, ,~I'1 fll'•,,AI>'"M 11 f'h 970 1)4'"I~,'"no 70 949-1 1 0"'. ~,r.1 r 'J ~.,(11,r "..-lA t--, l j v' "-....00 AlA 0-.." om...., J .},J J ». T,QWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL.CO 81657 970-479-2 I 38 ••US+t- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY mrVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDIALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Pennit N·800-0279 ISSUED 10/06/2000 10/09/2000 04/07/2001 Status ...; Applied ..: Issued : Expires : 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 A potato patch dr 210106315014 Job Address: Location : Parcel No : Project No : OWNER KNUEPFER,DAVID &MARCIA A.10/06/2000 Phone: 765 N PARK BLVD GLEN ELLYN IL 60137 CONTRACTOR SAWATCH LAND CO.INC.10/06/2000 Phone:(970-748-8738 P.O.BOX 1298 32 EA.GLE RD #1 AVON CO EDWARDS CO 81632 License:629-B APPLICANT SAWATCH LAND CO.INC.10/06/2000 Phone:(970-748-8738 P.O.BOX 1298 32 EAGLE RD #1 AVON CO EDWARDS CO 81632 Description: Kitchen Remodel and replacwe one window and door same for same Occupancy: Type Const.ruction: R3 Single Family Residence VN Type V Non-Rated TOV/Comm Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved {/Jl.< amount ,1/1) dale Valuation:$10,000.00 Add Sq Ft:o Fircpl.~J"romwion.R6lnCted:Y II ofG AfJplianoes:0 d ofGu Logs:0 .ofWood~lIet:0 ................................u FEESUMMAAY .. Buildina->$145.00 Rt${Uar.ul!I'Lan R~$0.00 Tulal CaleulaItd F_>$3.2.25 PlanChKk->S'H.25 DRH Fa:>$0.00 Additional rca >SlOO.OO lo\"eSliplMxt-:>so.oo Rcucalion Fa:>SO.OO Tallal Penni!F-,>$U2.25 WiIlCaU-:>$3.00 Clean-up J);,:posil->$100.00 P.)~>$442.25 TOTAl.FEF.S >$H2.25 BAlA'-'CE I>UE--->$0.00 ...........................................................................n.u . Approvals: Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/06/2000 CDAVIS Action:AP Item:05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item:05500 PUBLIC WORKS................................................................................................................................................. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS ••I hereby acknowledge that J have read this application,filled out in full the infonllation required,completed an aeem-ate plot plan,and state thai aHthe information as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws,and to build this structure according to lhc to""ns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances oCthe Town applicable fuereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL 1m \lAOF.TWENTY.FOUR 1l0UR:'\.AD~'ANc;;Y)n::r,ONE T 479·2138 OR Al'OUR OFFICE FROM 8.00 AM -,PM.S""'CI~"·"p",,,",;,T",SAWAl'ClII.AND '~'T7& OWNER 0 CONTRACTOR FOR I ITMSELF AND OWNER ••PAGE 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit #.800·0279 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as or 10·09·2000 Status:ISSUED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parce[No: Description: Kitchen Remodel same for same ADD/ALT SFR BU[LD PERMIT SAWATCH LAND CO.INC. (970·748·8738 748 POTATO PATCH DR VA[L 748 A potato patch dr 21010631511[4 and replacwe one window and door Applied: Issued: To Expire: [0/06/2000 1010912000 04/071200 [ ....................•.......................•.....Conditions············································ Cond:12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUI RED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOWN OF V!\fL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: R000000029 Amount:$342.25 Check 10/09/200012:00 PM Init:JMN Notation:ck #2444 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: 800-0279 Type:ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PBRMIT 2101063150H 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 A potato patch dr This Payment:$342.25 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $442.25 $442.25 $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST; Account Code AD D2-DEP08 BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 we 00100003112800 Oescri pt i on CLEANUP OEPOSITS 8UILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 100.00 145.00 94.25 3.00 APPLICATIONe..L NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLneR UNSIGNED Project #: BUilding pe-r-m"C"it:-#-::-lW--F>r>=-Q"J;"'7""'1;- 970·479·2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION Separate Permits are required for elcclrical.plumbing,mechanical.cIC.! 7S S.Frontage Rd. Vail,ColoraCio 81657 Contact Eaale County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eao/e-countv.com for Parcel # Parcel #IN OG:>5/<(3 I 4 Job Name:1\\II1 .r (~rvuk\Job Address:A 16~ft..<ttl t~. Legal Description Lot:BIod<:I Filing:SubdiviSIOn: OWners Name:~(""Addcess:T'I 'i<A litr t..Phone: Architect/Designe"17..~~~•.L~Phone:441 $~ Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of wort.1i/~I ~~(n W/NOOW "..,...«:l ~.F9~'e .~.~~,.~..;; Work Oass:New()Addition ()Remodel )pi+Repair ()Demo ()Other () Wort.Type:Interior (t>q.Exterior ()Both ()Does an EHU exist at this IOCDtion:Yes ()No 11>4 Type of Bldg.:Single-family ()Two-family p{>Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () No.of ExIsting Dwelling Units in this building:e-No.of Accommodation Units in this building:2- No{TvOf'!of Fireolaces Existino:Gas ADDliances (\Gas Laos (,\Wood/Pellet (\Wood Burnino () NotType of Firenlaces Pronn<Pd:Gas Ann;iances (\Gas Laos (\Wood/Pellet (\Wood Burnino (NOT AllOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes ()No(t>'i-II Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:Yes ()No ('<) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) BUILDING:$j{),C'VO.C?V ELECfRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:S REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO:'.A ./t4Tc./r CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ......................................................FOR OFFICE USE ONLY *. Other fees: ORB Fees: Public Way PermIt Fee: T of Construction: Occu Grou Date Received: IAccepted By: R£C'll Oei 06 2000 •• Questions>Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Building Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development Project Name:~~&~'C-l Project Address:i kif Mid.Jx-- .,/This Checklist must be comoleted before a Building Permit application is accepted. ~All pages of application is complete u Has ORB approval obtained (if required)Provide a copy of approval fonn D Condominium Association Jetter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included jf applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist)No dumpster.parking or material storage allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring o Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) CI Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) CI Window and door schedule o Full structural plans,including design criteria (ie.loads) o Slructural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans o Applicant's Signature:_+"-..:\,,--1--<'-*"":'-' Date of submittal:_ Received By:_ F:/Bleryone/forms/b1dperm2 •• BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval,a Planning Department review or Health Department review,and a review by the Building Department,the estimated time For a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commerdal (large or small)and all multi·family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time.However,if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review,these projects may also take three (3)weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I,the undersigned,understand the plan check procedure and time frame.I also understand that IF the permit is not picked up bythe expiration date,that I must still pay the plan check fee and that iF I Fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply For. Agreed to by:-.....<;:!:1Ic'--'~~::...J,'A,...,.,"f--- Project Name:p,~~fT-~~f£~~'.0.(- Date:_-l.-"'.-r-~'-"-=-------- F:~eryoneJf0nn5/bidperm3 •• WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT"IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHEO<DFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": u Is this a new residence?YES __NoK u Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right·of-Way,easements or public property?YES __NO_t2L. a Is any utility work needed?YES __NO lC: a Is the driveway being repaved'YES,__NO K a Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway?YES __Ncf<. Is any drainage worls,t?;eing done that affects the Right-of-Way,easements,or public property? YES NO---"D<...~ a Is a "Revocable Rlght-of·Way PelTIlrt"reqUired?YES __NO t<. :J Is the Right-of-Way,easements or public property to be used for staging,parking or fencing? YES NO ex:. If answer is NO,is 9..B.arl<ing,staging or fencmg plan required by Public Works? YES NO~~~_ If you answered YES to any of lhese questions,a "Public Way Permit"must be obtained. "Public Way Permit"applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attaChed).If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. Contractor Sign~re '-n~I J Job or Project Name:."d'=---J~='-'-'~C==--'='--- Date Signed:L"-----"O:~""-I_W<:--"'-__ F:/everyone/fonns/b1dperm4 Company Name •• PUBUC WORKS AND THE PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to BuihJing Permits: ,.Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application, If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way"permit is required.You can pick up an application at either Community Development,located at 7S South Frontage Road or Public Works,located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. ;..Notice sign-offs for utility companies.ALL utilities must field verify (locate)respective utilities prior to signing application.Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. ,.A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used.This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs,cones,etc.)and the work zone,(area of construction,staging,etc.).This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter.Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. ,.Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length,width and depth of work).This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. ,Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review.If required,locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew.The locates take place in the morning,but may require up to 48 hours to perform. ;...The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit.You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed.Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received,but please allow up to one (1)week to process. ,.As soon as the permit is approved,the Building Department will be notified,allowing the "Building Permit"to be released.Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit"with a "Building Permit". ,..NOTE:The above process is for work in a public way ONLY.Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.A new Public Way Pennit is required each year if work is not complete.Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: DE'RTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP.IT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: Location .....: Parcel No.. Project No : PLUMBING PERMIT 748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 A POTATO PATCH DR 210106315014 'PV-~00'bOo"'" Pennit #: SlalUS., Applied, Issued . Expires ..: PO 1-0003 ISSUED 01/03/2001 0110412001 07/03/2001 OWNER KNUEPFER,DAVID &MARCIA A.01/03/2001 Phone: 765 N PARK BLVD GLEN ELLYN IL 60137 License: CONTRACTOR SUNDANCE PLUMBING &HEATING 01/03/2001 Phone:970-904-5516 P.O.BOX 3684 AVON,CO 81620 License:lOl-P APPLICANT SUNDANCE PLUMBING &HEATING 01/03/2001 Phone:970-904-5516 P.O.BOX 3684 AVON,CO 81620 License:lOl-P Dcsciption: Valuation: PLUMING FOR KITCHEN REMODEL $1,000.00 firc:plact InfOlTTllllion;Ro:slriCll:d:77 1/ofGu Appli.n~.:\:'n II ofGll,~Lop:??Ii of Wood rllll~l;11 .....................................................................FEE SUMMAAY . Plul1lhing->$1.5.00 Resluarant Plan Review->$0.00 Toc.al C31culaled fe~$21.75 I'JanCheck_:>$3.75 DRlll'ee----->$0.00 Additional Pel:li-->$0.00 In\"e.o;tigatiOl1':>$0.00 TOTALI'EES:>521.75 TolalPcrmitFec->$21.75 Will Cal1-:.>$3.00 Paymrnl!l >$21.75 BALANCE DUE->$0.00................................................................................................................................................. Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 01/03/2001 CDAVIS Action:AP Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................................................................. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required.completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information as required is correct.I agree to comply with the infoffilation and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws,and to build this structure according to lhe towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the TO\\oTI applicable thereto. •• ·••••...•...•.............~...................•..•••.••••••••••~. .TOWN OF VAlL,COLORADO Statement •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Statement Number: Payment Method: R000000336 Check Amount:$21.75 01/04/200111:06 AM Init:KMW Notation:#1721/Sundance Plumbing Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: P01-0003 Type:PLUMBING PERMIT 210106315014 746 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 748 A POTATO PATCH DR 1~tal Fees:$21.75 This Payment:$21.75 Total ALL Pmts:$21.75 Balance:$0.00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003111200 we 00100003112800 Oescri pt ;on PLAN CHECK FEES PLUMBING PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts. 3.75 15.00 300 APPLICATIONeLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPL.R UN=~NED PrOject #:g;,m D-OOO~ Pw d)Building Permit #:I'f!cl"fit 0 Plumbing Permit #:Pal -00 0 :;~Tl0\-D3-0 \970-479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 Contact Eaole Countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaale-countv.com for Parcel # parcel #(Required if no bldg.permit #is provided above);;}lOt Ob3 1«::0/'/ Job Name:-!\{0l%-P fIe:e-(2g71~Job Address:-'!f8A-Po!7<W PAU+ legal Description II Lot:~Block:/I Filing:II SubdiVision: Owners Name:Kl\lv",.~.WKm :.It"Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description 0k~~~M()~'--' Work Class:New ()Addition ()Alteration (~Repair ()Other () Type of Bldg.:Single-family ~Duplex£W"Multi-family ()Commercial ()Restaurant ()Other () ~In this bUilding:J II No.of Accommodation Units in this building: Is thiS a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device'Yes ()No (,y COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor &Materials) II_p_LU_M_BI_NG_:,.;,,$...;,;II.;,,'(),.;O.;/)~ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION P&::b~:;;:f1.w1f07 N&- Town of Vail Reg.No.:Contact and Phone #'5:-KCtA-/01 P =700-36J.O Contractor Signature: ••••.:.••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••FOR OFFICE USE ONLY••••••••••••••••••C;;~•.*••***.** Other Fees:Date Received:+l'1 zJ. ORB Fees:AcceDted BV: F!e>leryone!forms/plmbperrn •• HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest,Director, (970)479-2139 Check all that appfies. 1.Which Department(s)did you contact? Building _Environmenlal __Housing__AdlTin __ Planning __ORB PEG _ 2.Was your initial contact with our staff imme<!iate__slow __or no one available ? 3.If you were required to wait,how long was II before you were he!ped?,_ 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis?Yes I No ifno,why no!?,_ 5,Was this your first time to file a ORB app _PEG app __ Bldg Permit NlA 6.Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Name; (knowledge;responsivene'~ss~,~a-vall=ab:-;m;;:,ty-.-)------ 7.Overail effectiveness of the Front Service Counter.54321 8.What IS the best time of day for you to use the Front Service COunter?_ 9.Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime?_ Thank you for laking the time to complete this survey.We are committed to improving our service. • " 0•0 0 .;:0 "~~00 0 0 0 0 :~••"~ ~~00 0 ~0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~0 0 0 ~0 0 0 """a•0 0 " ~~0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~,;0 .; 00 0 ~"""••0•~"•"",~~00 0 ~i;00 0 g~00 0 8&0 0 0 0 """••0 0 "§••••5 "~•0, "0 ""~0•, &"•"•~0 ~0 0•, 0 0 , 0 "0~, 0 H•"••"•~0 •0,"0•, "H 0 0 8 " •••••••0 ""0 "0 0•~•1;"'""'"•"~:~""~•"~••••••••~"0 0 !•""~•."00o.00 ~§,88 o..,•00 "~o.8 00 •'"H 0 6 ~~"oH~~0 0 •e ~v ~0 H "~p "0 ~~"•"i ••~~i 6 ~0•"g;",,~•, 0 0 • REPT131 01-05·200'---- A O::iam ••Run Id:322 Page 11 Requested Inspect o.te:~~,January~.ZOO1 1r'1b~;;:748 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL 7'"A POTATO PATCH OR AlP,'D kJCQJID.1lton Ao..l.lVlI)'P01-0003 TYPE'B-PLMB C"""'''''''''Ceo,.""""~KNUEPFER,DAVID&-MARCIA A ADoIlcari SUNDANCE PlUMalNG &HEATING coiitllctOl'SUNDANCE Pl,UMBING &HEATING Descnptlon"PLUMING FOR K1T(;HEN REMODEL Sob T~ADUP St ..fllio ISSUED u~l:t.:;p Area CD Phone 97l).904-5516 Phone.970-90+-5516 RlQytltrJ InsDectlonll} kem:290 Pl.M8·Ftnai Requewor ken ...1Su'1clance CVl"'IO.t~M eel cM:a~G~<ll~d To:JMOND'RAGON AM"", Imptctkn I Hi)lcwy ttl!'fTl 210 PLMe;.~ Rem ~O ..PlMB-~~WV •.."2»""PlMB-R~aler ll.-n 2'4u PLMB-Gas l'Ipng h'll 2SO PU.IB-MiioC Item:290 pu.~e FIn3I Time Exp. R8QUeSled..:r=:~~!~ Entered 8'r KWAAREN r. ONN OF VAIL 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD AIL,CO 81657 70-479-2138 •No 1/m.D • {{)-/S-~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PE~1IT Permit I:M96-0171 Job Address :.nw POTATO PATCH Location :~POTATO PATCH Parcel No :2101-063-01-053 Project Number: DR DR EAST UNIT Status .. Applied. Issued .. Expires. ISSUED 10/18/1996 10/18/1996 04/16/1997 APPLICANT ROD HALL COMPANY Phone:3037773234 255 WYANDOT STREET,DENVER CO 80223 CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY Phone:3037773234 255 WYANDOT STREET,DENVER CO 80223 OWNER BARTLIT FRED BARLIT BECK HERMAN PALENCHAR,54 W HUBBARD ST,CHICAGO IL 60610 Description: CONVERT WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE TO GAS valuation:1,000.00 Fireplsc@ Inlor~tion:Restricted:/lOf Gas Appliances:/lOf Gas.Logs:1 /lot Yood/pallet: .*.*.*************.****************************************FEE SUHKARY ********t*********.******************************.***.**** Hec~nlcal--->20.00 Restuaraot Plan Review-->.00 Total Calculated fees--->28.00 Plan Check--->5.00 DRS Fee----------------->.00 Additional fe@s--------->.00 InvestIgation>.00 TOTAL fEES--------->28.00 Total Per.it Fee----->28.00 Yill Call->3.00 Pay.enu-------->28.00 BALANCE OUE-------->.00 .*********u*......******************.****.************************...*****.**u***.**.******••*•••••*.*~**.*************H*H***~.** Division: Division: BUILDING FIRE Dept: DAVIS Dept: Itim:05100 BUILDING DE~ARTMENT 10 18/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR CHARLIE Itim:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 10 18/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL I.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO ~~NUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this appllcation,tilled out in full the inforaation required,COMpleted an accurate plot plan,and state that all the infor.ation provided as required is correct.1 agree to co.ply with the intor.-tion and plot plan, to COMply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Unifor.Buildlng Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR IHSPECTIOHS SHALL BE ~ADE TWENTY-fOU~HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2'38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PH SlGHAT\lRE Of OllNER O~CONTRACTOR fOR HIMSELF AND OllHER ~/~~ OWN OF VAIL 5 S.FRONTAGE ROAD AIL,CO 81657 70-479-2138 •f'J.o 1/nU)• lO-Ie -f<;, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit i:M96-0171 Job Address : Location : Parcel No : Project Number: 778 POTATO PATCH 748 POTATO PATCH 2101-063-01-053 DR Status ...: DR EAST UNIT Applied ..: Issued ...: Expires ..: ISSUED 10/18/1996 10/18/1996 04/16/1997 APPLICANT ROD HALL COMPANY Phone:3037773234 255 WYANDOT STREET,DENVER CO 80223 CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY Phone:3037773234 255 WYANDOT STREET,DENVER CO 80223 OWNER BARTL IT FRED BARLIT BECK HERMAN PALENCHAR,54 W HUBBARD ST,CHICAGO IL 60610 Description: CONVERT WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE TO GAS Valuation:1,000.00 fireplace Infor~otion:Restricted:/lOf Gas Appliances:/lOf Gas Logs:1 /lOf llood/pallet: .~**t**••*********:tt*r**"H.""~******H."',********FEE SUMMitRY .************************UH****t****************"Uh'U.* Hce~n;eal--->20.00 Restuarllnt Plan Re~iew-->.00 Total Calculated F~s--~>28.00 Plan Cneck->5.00 ORB ree >.00 Additional fees---->.00 Investigatlon).00 TOTAL rees-------->28.00 Total Per_it Fee----)28.00 V,ll call-->3.00 Pay~u--------->28.00 IlAlANCE DUE------->.00 l~*~*******.***********~*****.**.***~*************.*•••t.~****•••~*****••****.**.***.***~**.******••••••*.~...* BUILDING FIRE Item:05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: 10/18/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item:05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: 10/18/1996 CHARLIE Action:APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2.COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIReD PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 liMC. 3.INSTALLATION MUST CONFO~1 TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS 4.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC. Divi6ion: Divi6ion: ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the inforaation required,cc.pleted an accurate plot plan,and state that atl the infor~tion provided 8S required i$correct.J ~ree to cc.ply with the infor~tion and plot plan. to coaply with all Town ordinances and state taws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design rev;e~approved,Unifor.Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHAll BE MADE TWENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOIt HJMSElF AND CMlNER ~/~~~ ••**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number,REC-0219 Amount,28.00 10/18/96 16,36 Payment Method:Notation:FEES WAIVED tnit:CD MECHANICAL PERMITB-MECH 28.00 M96-0171 Type, 2101-063-01-053 778 POTATO PATCH 748 POTATO PATCH Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment DR DR EAST UNIT Total Fees:28.00 Total ALL Prots:28.00 Balance:.00 **************************************************************** Account Code **WAIVED FEES** Description WAIVED FEES Amount 28.00 PER>II!,_•PARCEL ,:;2/01-0103 -aI -05'5 ~WN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION JORM DATE:ht/I-~~ ~APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ~•••••*.*•••••••••••••••******PERMIT INFORMATION ••••*****•••**••••**•••••••** [)-Building [)-Plumbing []-Electrical !)(l-Mechanical []-Other Job Name:Job Address:_.2!1!.e Po Lt to Iklci.ell&. Legal Description:Lot Block Filing £.B(J'sfJl6fl'rfJON, Owners Name:MARCIA KNUEP£ERAddress:7ff P,t..tD &te.A Z>/LPh,_ Architect:Address:Ph 0 _ /l '. General Description:f!MIJ/cllC k!.?Pl>~~~:U=j.~ Work Class:[)-New [)-Alteration [)«-Additional []-Repair []-Other _ Number of Dwelling units:I Number of Accommodation Units: ~mber and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances Gas Logs~Wood/Pellet ~.******••••*••••••••••••••••••**.VALUATIONS •••••••••••••*****•••••••••••••** BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$;_ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$/ppp,4Q TOTAL:$__ ~***•••*••••*•••*•••*••••*••CONTRACTOR INFORMATION •••••••••**••••••••••***•••~~neral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg.NOo _ Address:Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail R.<e~g~,~N=O~,=======Phone Number:_ Plumbing Contractor: Address: Town of vail Reg.NO._ Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor:fiJ~1;~Town of Vail Reg.NO.At-IrO Address:~N1:>1?_~_____CO .Phone Number:3.P3 777-7;:P~ *****•••••************•••••*****FOR OFFICE USE **••••••**••••••••••••***••••** BUILDING PERMIT FEE:BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE:RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION ,Comments. ~CLEAN UP DEPDSIT IIEl'lJIlD TO: /,• town of vai 75 louin lrontage road ",ail,colorado 81657 (303)479-21.38 or 479-2139 • 01llc:.ot community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUllJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWlI OF VAIL TOWll OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 1.6,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-ot-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,.maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No.6 in full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: ~~W'---__ ".C~lt h·p.(.t~os~t~on/Re a ~ons ~p to rOJect ~.e.con ractor,owner) ~Date /D}lC!9.r.r j •• 75 lIOulh trontage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)479-2138 or 479-2139 • ollice 01 community developmellt BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer··s (Public Works)review and approval,a Planning Department review or Health Department review.and a review by the Building Department,the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All eonvnereial narge or small)and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements.Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time.However,if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review,these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permtt as soon 4S possible. 1.the undersigned.understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 'I-/(n Ut,pfe r Project Name ~/O/IO/qY" Da te Work Sh~et WAs turned into the Community Development Department. ••• TOWN OF VAIL,CGLORADO 0,,5&REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:ll/c l/96 REPT 11 11/~1/9e. =a..:=======-= Act 1V1 t Y: AddrE'ssl Loc-at 1 on: Pilrcp l: DE'I,..I'lpt ion: ApplIcants Owner: ontractoY'r Mq~-0171 11/21/9&Type:B-MECH 778 POTATO PATCH DR 748 POTATO PATCH DR EAST UNIT c'l01-Q'lE.3-01 -053 CONvERT WOOD BURNING FI~EPLACE TO ROO HALL COMPANY BARTL IT FRED ROO HALL COMPANY DCCI US~: ,AS Phonel ~~~7773234 Phone: Ph)np!~0~7771~34 PAGE AREA:[ I~sppction R.quest Inforft~tl0n•.... Requestor:CLARA HALL/ROD HALL CO Req TiMet 08100 Co ••ents: Ite.~requested to be Inspectpd ...Actlon 00240 PLMB-i~7ingUJ3(Y\,~ ~p~~_'4,---<c......,.~- Phone>:303-777-.,3"34 TIlle [xp InspectIon Ht,to~y•.... IteMS 00w 00 MECH-Rough IteM:002'c:5 F'IRE~6PRINl<lER ROUGH IteM:00~40 PLMB-Gas PipIng 10/~1/9b Inspector.CF Ite.:0031~MECH-H ••tlng It ••:00320 MECH-E~haust Hoods It~lIl:00330 MECH-Supply Ab' tt9~:00340 MECH-Ml~c. Ttpm:00390 MECH-Flnal It~M:00538 FIRE-FINAL CIO Act 1 on I ON COULDN'T GE'T IN , • PlANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 13,1996 FILE CO Y MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Henry Pratt Diane Golden Gene Uselton Galen Aasland PUblic Hearing Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Deighan Greg Amsden ...'STAFF PRESENT: Mike Mollica Jim Curnu"e George Ruther DominiC Mauriello· Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:00 p.m. Kevin Deighan has resigned and Greg Amsden was not present. 1.A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 748 Potato PatchILot 7,Block 2,Potato Patch 2nd filing. Applicant: Planner: Mario Montalvo.represented by Pat McDonald George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview and stated the concern staff had with this application was the landscaping. Gene Uselton had no comments. Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt asked George if this would go on to the DRB. George Ruther said yes,but if the PEG would like additional landscaping to say so now. Galen Aasland asked if the tree Is required to live for a number of years. George Ruther said that this is a standard requirement attached to landscaping. Pat McDonald,the applicant,had nothing to add. Henry Pratt made a mollon for approval with the additional condition that the landscaping be approved by staff. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. Mike Mollica asked the PEC to give sfaff direction on exactly what they would like to see regarding landscaping,in case this application Is staff approved. PlaoninglDd Ellviroomental Commission Minutes May 13,1996 1 •• Henry Pratt clarified his motion to note that staff and the applicant agree on what landscaping should be. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. 2.A request for two residential additions utilizing the 250 Ordinance.located at 775 p',atalo Patch /Lot 19,Potato Patch,Filing #1.- Applicant: Planner: Kirk Hansen &J.Randolf &Kevin Schumacher George Ruther Galen Aasland abstained,as he has worked with the Hansens on this project in the past. George Ruther gave an overview.Upon review of the criteria.staff is recommending approval however,as observed at the site visit by staff today,the applicant will need to modify the exterior lights on the building before it goes 10 the ORB. Nickolas Aaswat,an adjacent property owner,spoke about her concerns with the rDof line.The gable will affect her view of Vail Mountain. Andrew Abraham of Morter Architects will be happy to look at the gable ifit affects the view.He will give his clients the option of being good neighbors. Gene Uselton had no comments. Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt said the house is a '"wall-on the street.He reminded the adjacent property owner that the PEC is not in a position to protect views. Greg Moffet agreed with Henry's comments. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval with the recommendation that the applicant work with the neighbors and the staff to deal with the views and that the applicant work with the staff 10 bring the lights into compliance. The motion was seconded by Diane Golden. It passed unanimously by a vote of 4-0-1 with Galen Aasland abstaining. 3.A request for a minor subdivision to allow for an amendment to the piatted building envelope.located at 1299 Spraddle Creek Drive/Lot 11,Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Dr.&Mrs.Steadman,represented by Ric Fields George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request to change the building envelope.He stated that there was no net increase in the total buildable area on the lot.He also stated that he received a letter ot approval trom the Spraddle Creek Architectural Control Committee.He stated that staff Plannina and Environmental COO\J1\ission Minutes May I),1996 2 • was recommending approval of the request. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. There were no comments from the PEG Board. Gene Uselton made a motion for approval. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. • The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. 4.A request for a minor eel exterior alteration to allow for the replacement of a skylight with a roof dormer,located at 201 E.Gore Creek Dnve (Bell Tower Building)/A part of Lot A, Block 5B,Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Bell Tower Partners,Ltd.,represented by Craig Snowdon Mike Mollica Mike Mollica stated that the applicant is proposing to add 60 sq.ft of additional GRFA.He said that staft is In support of the application with no conditions attached. Greg Moffet asked for any non-applicant public comments. There was none. Henry Pratt asked if there was any sign-off from the Condo Association. MIke Mollica stated that there was a letter attached to the memo from the Condo Association, and also a letter from Beth Slifer,a neighbor,in support of the application. Galen Aasland asked if the applicant was in compliance with the lighting ordinance. Mike Mollica said if there was a concern about the lights.he will be happy to check.He will make sure all lighting meets code. Henry Pran made a motion for approval as outlined in the staff memo with one additional condition that staff will review the exterior lighting. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. 5.A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 4840 Meadow LanelLot 2,Block 6,Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Planner: John Mesch Jim Curnune Plarming and Environmenul Commission Minutes May 13.1996 3 •• Jim Curnutte gave an overview of the request and stated that the applicant is not fully utilizing the 250.He stated that staff is recommending approval because the criteria have been met.He also stated that the applicant will need to do a spot survey,in lieu of the tope survey as required by Public Works.Jim also stated that there will be no negative impacts to any adjacent property owners.The only concern staff has is the mirror image,but the PEe may wish to leave that concern up to the DAB.After the site visit.the PEe may want to remove the condition requiring additional landscaping. John Mesch,the applicant,asked if we can resolve the mirror image.do we have to go to the ORB. Jim Curnutte stated that staff cannot approve it because of the mirror image issue. There wefe no comments from the PEe. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval with the deletion of conditions 2 &3. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. It passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. 6.A request for a worksesslon to discuss a proposed minor subdivision to allow for a change in lot configuration,located at 1794 S.Frontage RoadILots 2 &3,Vail Village West Filing NO.2. Applicant: Planner: Antonio &Val Aldrete,represented by Brent Aim George Ruther George Ruther reminded the PEC that this was a worksession and he reviewed the memo prepared and also discussed the issues of concern that were listed on pages 2 and 3 of the memo. Greg Moffet slated that he wanted it on the record that he owned Lot 11,which was an adjacent lot to the applicant.He also mentioned that he doesn't see any problem with a conflict of interest. George Ruther stated that a portion of the utility lines are being recommended to be buried. Brent AIm,project architect,has not had a chance to talk to Holy Cross,but the applicant would like to underground a portion of the lines. Greg Moffet suggested checking with Holy Cross to see if an underground line didn't already exist. Henry Pratt mentioned that there would be a cost impact to bring the power line out from the creek. Brent AIm said jf it only services one house,the appllcant will consider burying it. Planning and Eovironmental Comminion Minutes May 13,1996 4 •• Henry Pratt asked if this solution aesthetically made sense.It seemed to be more conspicuous to go across the stream with a pole or wire.Henry encouraged Brent to find out how many houses would be served and the cost.If this solution would impose any costs on the adjacent. it's not fair. Greg Moffet asked where Lot 1 was. Brent AIm asked if it was part of the bike path. Galen Aasland said that the Town should pay for a portion of it and the one that crosses the lot should be split between the applicant and the neighbors. Henry Pratt said to have the Town set up an Improvement District is a burden. Brent Aim stated that the applicant was giving easements to the Town. Greg Moffet said the transmission line serviced the Town. Henry Pratt asked if this happened in East Vail.Henry said he can't ask the owner to escrow money. Mike Mollica stated that it was highly unlikely that an improvement district would be set up.Holy Cross will work with the applicant.The owner can escrow money and when the Town gets enough property owners,the work can be done. Henry Pran requested a ruling from Tom Moorhead on the legality of getting escrow,since it won't be spent and no other lots are proposed to be developed on the creek. George Ruther stated that regarding the access issue;there is a copy of the COOT access permit.With regards to the easement issue;George said the Town will be looking for an easement for the bike path and that none of the easements will conflict with the building envelope. Henry Pratt asked the applicant if he was comfortable with the time frame that Public Works was iooking at. Gene Uselton said he would like to see power lines under the bridge,rather than over the stream. George Ruther said the applicant will look at all the options. Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt asked if the board was comfortable with the density transfer issue. Mike Mollica stated that Chapter 18.64 states that you can expand a use,so long as you do not increase the non-conformity. Brent Aim said with regard to the code,irs ok. Planning and Environmental CommissioD Minutel May 13,1996 5 •• George Ruther mentioned that they lose 4 sq.ft.of GRFA. Greg Moffet had no problem with the density. 7.A request for a density variance to allow for the construction of additional GRFA.located at 3130 Booth Falls Courtllot 6,Block 2,Vail Village 12th Rling.?. Applicant: Planner: Brent and Barbara Bingham DominiC Mauriello Dominic MaurIello gave an overview and stated that the applicant has already converted some space to GRFA without approval.Staff is recommending denial,as it is a grant of special privilege. Barbara Bingham,the applicant,said that this was a house buill by John Mueller.We are asking for a minimal amount of square footage that has no impact on the neighbors.We have recently moved from Washington DC and don't understand why we can't use a space that is already there. Brent Bingham was in agreement with his wife.We were allowed to buy this house,but not allowed to live in what we bought,which is annoying. Diane Golden agrees with applicant that the Town of Vail needs to promote families living in Vail. She explained that the GRFA issue is under review by the Town Council,but It Is not a high priority on the Town Council's agenda. Gene Uselton asked the applicant if the room was already in the house when he bought it, Brent Bingham stated that the space was there and is about the size of a large walk·in closet.or approximately 140 sq.ft ..I put in a door and a floor.Through taxes I am paying for it.My neighbor had a similar situation and the PEG made him lake out 100 sq.ft.The walls are there, but they are not able to be used. Mike Mollica asked if the door and floor were added by the applicant. Brent Bingham stated that he did add the floor and the door.The joists were in place but needed to be re·attached. Diane Golden wanted to figure out a way to keep this room until the GRFA dilemma was figured out.She suggested tabling the item. Mike Mollica said he didn't anticipate the GRFA issue being on the agenda until at least this tall, however he didn't recommend tabling it. Henry Pratt is also sympathetic to the situation.Unfortunately he doesn't see a way it would not be a grant of special privilege,especially since his neighbor was turned down for exactly the same thing.He suggested that the applicant take it to Council to raise the priority for the GRFA issue.There will be other ramifications throughout the Town if we approve this.We can't vote any other way.Henry Pratt advised the applicant that he may have a legal recourse with the builder and to talk to someone with the information that he paid for sq.footage,but can't use it. Planning and Environmental Commiuion Minute.li May 13,1996 6 •• Galen Aasland noted that it increases the density of neighborhoods.He can't find a way under our zoning to support this. Brent Bingham disagrees with the Town's GRFA policies.Based on their neighbors,the Shlffrins,and their outcome for a similar issue,they have put their house on the market and feel they are being run out of Town.t· Dominic Mauriello reminded the applicant that ff they wished to appeal the PEC decision,an appeal must be tiled in 10 days. Galen Aasland said that in 2 years the applicant will be eligible for a 250.He feels the applicant created his own problems by converting the space.Galen reminded the applicant that the PE;C is here to interpret the rules for the community. Brent Bingham stated that he pays taxes and heats this room,but cannot use it. Gene Uselton asked if this was the open space above the garage. Brent Bingham stated that it was and he put the floor in. Mike Mollica advised the PEC that the building inspectors made John Mueller take out the floor and cut joists,when the unit was constructed.since it was not allowed and could not be used as a habitable area.The Town Building Department made John Mueller correct this so that it could be built according to code. Greg Moffet saId that he agrees with the applicant.but from where he sits,he can't find a way under the code to make this work.Density issues are a policy issue.We are not a policy board. The whole concept of GRFA is ridiculous in some applications.Unfortunately that's what the law says and the PEG is constrained by what the law says. Gene Uselton asked staff if the height could be under 5'. Brent Bingham finds a denial difficult to understand,since it's already existing space. Diane Golden made a motion for approval 01 the density variance request. Gene Uselton seconded the motion. Henry Pratt said you should state,for the record,the findings and Why. Diane Golden said that the granting of this request is possible because it meets findings 2 &3 of the staN memo. Dominic Mauriello reminded the PEG that you must meet all three findings. Greg Moffet asked why this was not a special privilege. Diane Gokfen said it's not a special privilege to use space inside a home. Plannin,llId Eoviromnental Commission Minutes May 13.1996 7 •• Barbara Bingham said it's a right,and the Shrlffins would come back and request the same it this request was granted. Mike Mollica reminded the Board to be consistent. Greg MoHet said we are trying to understand the rationale for the motion.Permitting som~one to convert GRFA does not consUMe a special privilege? Diane Golden said it's a right. The motion failed by a vote of 1·3·1,with Diane Golden voting for approval and with Gene Uselton abstaining as a protest to the GRFA rule. Henry Pratt made a motion for denial,because Finding bl of the staff memo has not been met. The motion was seconded by Galen Aasland. The motion passed by a vote of 3·1·'with Gene Uselton abstaining as a protest to the GRFA and Diane Golden voting in opposition. Mike Mollica reminded the applicant that they have 10 days to appeal to the Council. 8.A request for a building height variance,located at 1339 Westhaven Circleflot 23 Glen Lyon Subdivision. APplicant: Planner: Nancy &Charles Hovey,represented by Bill Anderson Dominic Mauriello Greg MoHet stated that neither the applicant nor any public were present.The Board took a5 minute break to allow time for the applicant to arrive. Dominic Mauriello gave an overview stating that the request is asking for 3 ridges to be over by up to 8".The applicant thinks he is falling within the margin of error mandated by surveying errors. Galen Aasland staled that he is against this request and that it would be setting a dangerous precedent.It Is time for the applicant to step up to the plate and remove the non-<:onforming height. Gene Uselton said it Is a special privilege and he would vote for denial. Diane Golden agreed with Gene. Henry Pratt said the applicant thinks the survey policy gives him a break with the new rules, however,the new rules give him no leeway.He is however,uncomfortable vOUng for denial with the applicant not being present. Galen Aasland said this should be treated fairly and consistently with other applications. Plannina aDd Fmiroomc:ntal Commiuioo MiDutea . May 13,1996 8 ••• Greg Moffet agrees with Henry that the laws are clear and the books say the maximum is 33'. If you choose to go to the very edge,you take the chance of going over. Greg Mollet,in the Interest of giving the applicant every chance to get here,suggested going on to other items.(The Board took action on items 12 and 13,and then returned to this item). i'> Galen Aasland moved to deny this application as ills inconsistent with the other properties and doesn't meet criteria B1 and 83 a and c of the staff memo. Gene Uselton seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. Henry Pratt moved to table Items 10 and 11. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. It passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. 9.A request for an interior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance.located at 1081 Vail View Drivel #1 09 BlHomestake Condominiums. Applicant: Planner: Rebecca Jaffe lauren Waterton STAFF APPROVED 10.A request for a minor subdivision to change the property line between Lots 2 &7,located at 2446 and 2450 Chamonlx Lane!Lo12,a resubdlvlsion of Lots 8,9 and 10,Block B, Vail Das Schone Filing #1 and Loll,Block B,a resubdivision of Vail Das SChone,Filing #1. Applicant: Planner: Karen Scheldigger Jim Curnutle TABLED UNTIL MAY 20,1996 11.A request for an amendment to the previously approved site development plan for the Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision,located at 2772-2892 Kinnickinnick Roadllnnsbruck Meadows. Applicant: Planner: Innsbruck Meadows Development,represented by Bob Borne George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MAY 20,1996 1/11/11/11/ Plaoning and Environmental Commission Minutes May 13,1996 9 •• 12.Information Update Mike Mollica said Council upheld the Orrison appeal and reminded the PEe that there are two meetings back to back because of the holiday. 13.Approval of April 22,1996 PEG minutes. Galen Aasland had changes on page 8 and Gene Uselton had changes on page 11. Galen Aasland moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Diane Golden. It passed by a vote of 3-0-2,as Greg Moffet and Diane Golden were not present at that meeting. Gene Uselton moved to adjourn. It was seconded by Diane Golden. It passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0. The meeflng adjourned at 3:45p.m. P1anoine:and EDviromne:lll.l1 Commisskln Minulell May 13.1996 10 Deign Review Action For$ TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 7 Date _--'5....L,I-ILNJ.f/-=qu/-,=>-_ Project Name:---=:l2Jan .f-a Li"'2 <'",..../N'r •.~,I .L1dd ;.1;;'""I Building Name:71wJt o It,at K.Q.:.I .......,...."" f t"!otrl {d.d .a (&Y1 Owner,Address and Phone::_ Project Description:,_ 10 Archite~Address and Phone:'?c I---rJ Ie D~x'.,I_I ?0 0.04 m 72 \l~)i CQ 8/656 8'iS -87tlZ. Legal Description:Lot ']Block Z Subdivision ~k z".t&.-h Zone District 7fs Project Street Address:J4I8 R--r~t 0 12..i<,h Comments:_ aff ActionBoard"-=..:.::.::...:.==--- Motion by:_Vote:_ Seconded by::_ o Approval -r:c.o 7 r I Town Planner Dale:__"2-4-/'-"11"+/9.1-'1,"----_ II ORB Fee pre.paid __SZ2~"-OO-___j;'"'J'f.J'""'L----- UTlae4 1/17/U •-DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION •TOliN OF VA OLORADQ DATE RECEIVED:MAR 1 l ",5 DATE OF DRB MEETING:~.DEPT..........~ INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS HAY NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR RlWIB!I'• •••••••••• PROJECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION:Add single car garage and closet space.convert existing aaraac to living space. 1. A. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Block _?-."=-__ ADDRESS: ~ew Construction ($200.00)~inor Alteration ($20.00) ~ddition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) 14fl PoWP--'-f=""ITA-'-""""=--_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot (7 7'----- Subdivision ~k h C. D. E. F. If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description,please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:Prt'n"',,>S'ca"",{; ~i~~~~~~;;~:13r(p-,Z:~ Phone "26 05't"l. t APPLICANT'S RE PRE SENT ATIVE:,J-p.::!.....,tr:::.......!.hL-'-..t2"'"",..,=:<-"'Ic,,{!_ Address:8ttk '922...Va.,( Phone NAME OF OliNER(S): NAME OF Mailing OfolNBR (SI SIGNATII1lB: Mai 1 ing Addres s :-'~"'-...L='-"'''-.".''''''1'-----;=.,--=cr:-:--...,.=--;;-..---..= Phone +,l.....""L;<;f.<'---'-"='-'-''"'-'''''''' APPLICATIONS ifILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE I.Condominium Approval if applicable. J.ORB FEE:ORB fees.as shown above,are to be paid at the time of submittal of the ORB application.Later,when applying for a building permit.please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal.The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table below,to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID:•5!?0[)CHECK II:W DATE:"""I~H.BY:~G. FEE SCHEDULE; VALUATION $0 $10,000 $10.001 $50,000 $50,001 $150,000 $150,001 $500,000 $500,001 $1,000,000 $Over $1,000,000 FEE $20.00 $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 DESIGN RBVIRli BOARD APPROVAL BXPIRES APPROVAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION 1 '..•LIST OF MATERIALS • NAME OF PROJECT:_--..!H.~d>1:!!2;':!:<-1.~"!:<~L...~g~,SL-~A-!t.!ldS!d..,•.J~",~...:'...-_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT--.2..-BLOCK ~SUBDIVISION II."-b M4 STREET ADDRESS:2'1 g Poi-Irz P_M The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OP MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Liqhtinq Other Itll ...."b,,;,m..A-...A 6-orlJ wA--r -hi ,.,,.,k'"..tI.')#1J II~). / 7 \ \ \ \ \ B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: 7 ,,. •, PLANT MATERIALS:-Botanical PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Name •COmmon Name Quantity Size- *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches.Indicate height for coniferous trees.Minimum heiaht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. **Iodicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is 5 gallop. SQllare Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C.LANDSCAPE LIGHTING:If exterior lighting is proposed,please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan.Identify each fixture from the lighting plan in the space below and provide the height above qrade,type of light proposed,lumen output,luminous area and a cut sheet of the liqht fixture.(Section 18.54,050 J) ~/5'jl;'f J D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify.Indicate heights of retaining walls.Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 1 •Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6'. ~/~';';~1 8 • Date of Applicatio"_-=,.,=-=,-_ Dale 01 ORB Meeting,...:<:;:::.,111,:;;s'41~911./$:1,--=r;77.'­ Date 01 PEC Meeting (ifrlece,fsary)5J '#% APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA (250) I.TYPE OF REQUEST ..L.Slandard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type II EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 II.PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE .-.'. " A pre-application conference with a member 01 the pianning slaff is slrongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GAFA can be added to a site.It should be underslood thallhis ordinance does nol assure each property an additional 250 square feel of GRFA.Ralher.the ordinance allows lor up to 250 square feet il the conditions sel forth in Chapler 18.57 or Chapler 18.71 01 the Town of Vail code are mel. Applications for additions under Ihis seclion will not be accepted unless Ihey are complete. This Includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III.APPLICATION INFORMATION A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION AJd SI.,;/<s::.J"""V < '5.fY6 C.m~u;+e 11J /y $<c./t.-CA-::'<o/,....tv B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Legal Description:LOl 7 Block<....adi.-_Filing &/,,/0 &-&~ Zone Districl'_ C.NAME OF APPLICANT::_-'d::.:t.!~"_,~/!e..~/1,u..~:l:tzl!~:'!...~/...~o~_ D.NAME OF APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVE:9d /lea_I", Address'_-.J,IJ.""""""~_32..'tT.62;lL__'_V.::l...UILI _ E.NAME OF OWNER(S):._-.!./1"...l.t5."--'"""-"eL-h~".,=-4I.=~.:-:.!"':......._..Signaturo(s)/_ F.Filing Fee of $200.00 Is required at time of submittal of a standard 250.For a request involving an EHU.the lee is waived. ~WIJ.oo~·~14OD ~;A:Jv~Cb. • The following information.in addition to ORB submittal requirements.shall be required with this submittal: 1.Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2.Stamped,addressed envelopes and a separate fist of adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot.This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3.Condominium Association approval (if applicable). 4.Existing or proposed floor plans of structure. G.Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with VaH's Comprehensive Plan. H.II this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaH,the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review.may include,but are not limited to:Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of50%of the application fee.II,at the applicant's request,any matter is postponed for hearing,causing the matter to be fe-published,then the entire fee for such ra -pubficatlon shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design,land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff.Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application,the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant.it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shail be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the lime he files his application with the Community Development Department.Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant,any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town . ..•. • TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL.Colorado 81657 970479-2138(479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 April 22,1996 Pat McDonald P.O.Box 3422 Vail,Colorado 81658 FILE COpy Department of Community Development RE:The proposed residential addition to the Montalvo residence,located at 748 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 7,Block 2,Vail Potato Patch Dear Pat: On March 14,]996,the Tovm of Vail received your Design Review Board application for a residential addition to the Montalvo residence.located at 748 Potato Patch Drive. Upon preliminary review of the proposed plans,additional infonnation must be submitted The purpose afthis letter is to inform you of what additional information must be submitted.Each aftbe items listed below must be submitted,or resolved by 5 p.m.,Monday,May 6,1996,in order to remain on the Planning and Environmental Conunission agenda for Monday,May 13,1996. The following items must be submitted or resolved: I.According to the To\\onhouse Declarations for Lot 7,Block 2,Vail Potato Patch.in Part. "no owncr shall construct any additional building or structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his townhouse unit without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other owner." 3. Please submit a Jetter of approval from the adjoining duplex unit owner. Your proposed site plan indicates you will be removing and replacing a portion of an existing retaining wall.In order to determine the effects oftbe addition on the grades to the north oftbc existing residence,please submit a revised site plan showing revised grades. Please indicate on the revised site plan,the new location of the transplanted spruce tree. Should you have any questions {'Ir concerns \'lith regard to the infonnation addressed in this letter,as always.please do not hesitate in giving me a call.I can be reached most easily during regular office hours at 479-2145. Sincerely, ~1~ George RUlber Town Planner o lu:crCL£LlPA/'E:R , I '• MEMORANDUM TO:Planning and environmental Commission FROM:Department of Community Development DATE:May 13,1996 SUBJECT:A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance.located at 748 Potato Pat,hllot 7,Block 2,Potato Patch 2nd filing. Applicant: Planner: Mario Montalvo,represented by Pat McDonald George Ruther I.8ACKGROUND ANP PESCRIPTION OF DIE REQUEST In 1985,the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance 4,Series of 1985,which created Chapter (18.71)of the Vail Municipal Code,entitled "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area ..This Chapter allows for up to 250 square feet of additional Gross Residential Floor !>Jea (GRFA)to be added to a dwelling (beyond the maximum allowance),prOVided certain criteria are met The purpose of the Additional GRFA Ordinance is to provide an inducement for the upgrading of existing dwellings units,whktl have been in existence for a period of at least five years,by permilling up to two hundred fifty (250)square feet of GRFA to be added to a dwelling uM. In August 1995.the Town Council approved Ordinance 6,Series of 1995 which amended Chapter 18.71.for the purpose of eliminating the ability to use the additional GRFA when a dwelling unit is "demo/rebuilt.-This Ordinance also requires that all requests for additional GRFA,that involve exterior changes to a building,be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The applicant,Mario Montalvo,represented by Pat McDonald,is proposing a residential addition utilizing the Additional GRFA Ordinance (250).The applicant is proposing the addition to the west half of an existing duplex located at 748 Potato Patch Drive.The applicant is requesting to convert an existing one-ear garage to 238 square feet of living area on the tlrst level of the duplex and to construct a new 322 square foot garage adjacent to the existing garage.On the lower level of the duplex,the applicant is proposing to expand the existing master bedroom by approximately 132 square feel.The master bedroom addition would be constructed beneath the new garage.The exterior building materials of the new addition are proposed to match the existing exterior building materials. The proposed residential addition will result in a lew minor changes to the eX1erior of the existing resktence.The existing garage door will remain on the side of the residence.The new garage will be constructed Immediately adjacent to the existing garage.When completed,the new addition will appear from the outside as a two-ear garage (see attachment 1).Additionally.an existing spruce tree will need to be relocated.The applieant has proposed to move the tree the minimum distance necessary to the north to get it clear of the addition.The tree will continue to screen the north end of the residence from Potato Patch Drive. 1 • II.ZONING ANALYSIS \ ,I legal Description: Address: Lot Size: Zoning: Usa: GRFA: (secondary unit) Site Coverage: Parking: Lot 7.Block 2.Vail Potato Patch Subdivision 748 Potato Patch Drive 40,396 sq.ft.I 0.927 acre Primary/Secondary Residential PrimarylSecondary Residence Alklwed f!ilt!Dg Prpposed 2.983 sq.ft:2.507 sq.It.2$T7 .q.ft. 8,079 sq.ft.3,797 sq.It.4,141 eq.ft. RIQUirtd .E.!.im:!l P!'ODOItd 3 spaces 1 enclosed spaces no change 2 aurlace Spa!:8 ·includes 425 sq.ft.credit +"250" III.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review 01 Chapter 18.71 -Additional GRFA.the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for additional GRFA based upon the following factors: A.Consideration of factors; Before acting on an application for additional GREA,the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1.Effect upon the existing topography.yegetatlon.drainage and existing structures. The proposed residential addition will have minimal,if any,Impacts on the existing topography,vegetation.drainage and the existing structure.As mentioned previously,an existing spruce will need to be relocated as a result of the addition.Sfan feels the new location proposed by the applicant is acceptable since it will continue to screen the restdence from POlato Patch Drive. There will be a minor change to the existing topography.Currently,a five- foot tall retaining wall is constructed to the north of the residence.The wall is tied to the foundation of the structure.When construction is completed,the retaIning wall will still be necessary to retain the change in topography.however.the overall lengfh of the wall will have been reduced by the length of the addition. The changes affecting the existing structure are minimal and will not have any negative impacts on the property.As discussed previously,all new 2 exterior building materials will match existing. 2.Impact on adjacent properties. Upon completing a site visit to the applicant's property,staff believes there will be no negative impacts to adjacent properties.Public notices have been sent to the adjacent property owners.To date,staff has not received any input from the adjacent property owners. 3.Compliance with the lown's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section 18.71.020 (F)of the Town of Vail Municipal Code,requires that any single family dwelling or dwelling unit for which an addition is proposed shall be required to meet the minimum Town of Vail landscaping standards as set torth in Chapter 18.54 of the Vail Municipal Code. Additionally,betore any additional GRFA may be permitted In accordance with Chapter 18.71,the staff shall review the maintenance and upkeep of the existing single family or two family dwelling and site.including landscaping,to determine whether they comply with the Design Review Guidelines.These standards include landscaping,undergrounding of utilities,driveway paving and general maintenance of the property. Upon inspection of the site by staff,we find the property is In compliance with the applicable development standards listed aIbove,The utilities are currently undergrounded,the driveway is paved,and the general maintenance of the property is excellent.Staff would recommend however,that the Planning Commission consider requiring additional landscaping along the west side of the applicant's residence. B.Findinas: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting approval for Additional GRFA: 1.That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively effect existing topography,vegetation,drainage and existing structures. 2.That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3.That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with ali Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards. IV,STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of this application for 250 square feet of additional GAFA.Staff believes that the review criteria have been met as described in the memorandum aIbove.Regarding the findings,staff believes that finding 81 is met,as the proposed addition will not negatively impact the existing site;Finding 82 is met,in staff's opinion,as the proposed addition will not negatively impact adjacent properties;Finding 3 83 is met.in staff's opinion.as the proposed addition will comply with all zoning requirements and applicable development standards described in the Town of Vail Municipal Code. f :\everyone\pec'memos'dalessio212 4 ,~ ~... ~0?\I 1 ......JJ .._r~'~1 ~... ,\ ," ;--f _..~. .... , (. , ;;-."""1, _....._:.~......~-=' C4""t ..~'.... .,',...'~Yr.i ....>-_....:... ,••,,,j.•~.n':..(·~f.....• "r==f"=====i.;======FF", ! ., •::.'.' -ra "':' ·,·1 ...,. -".'.,..:--', '.\:.':'~'".'......'.., " ..... 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",' T 40396 sq ff. 0.93 AC. ---------------.se9(:J55'C"["---.____~ 88.50 ~_ , I 39/54 SQ."- a.90At:. •ZONE CHECK • FOR Single Family Residence,Duplex,primary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS Subdivision ~tbr!47P ?If:r<b PHONE _ ARCHITECT 7."...MiDowlI-id ZONE DISTRICT --3;~/~-SL---------------- PROPOSED USE __?.L.,/t..:'S2..___ LOT SIZE <fO,396 J /.927 At. 1 Existing proposed Total BUILDABLE LOT AREA _ 2,877 q3704J '5,,3'10 2,8153 Z,s:n -(t.!6 ) PHONE 84'S .87DZ. Allowed (30)~ 5,JJO =3,68] =Z133 ;ZSD 20'ZQSH 15'. 15 • 3,'ibl +425 l.,3Cl.'3 +425 Front Sides Rear Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Height Total GRFA .Setbacks 3'/6' ~Reqrd 3 ....l-Encl .(3001~6001(900~32,Z..p. Permit ted Slope 8 %proposed Slope <:8 % Site Coverage Landscaping @ IO¥.>"T" Retaininq Wall HeiQhts Parking Garage Credit Drive: 87/Z, UJ,/36 oK Complies with T.O.V.Lighting Ordinance Water Course Setback 1301 1501 Yes No Do Finish Crades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES,_NO,_ Environmental/Hazards;1)Flood Plain "'/A'-__ ,2:""'021PercentSlope«>30%)__~4~~~~R~___ ))Geologic Hazards a)Snow Avalanche'__~Oa~~__ b)Rockfall ",,,- e)Debris Flow -'0="'_ 4I We tl ands,-''''''K.'--_ View Corridor Encroachment:Yes,_No,_----"'()t~___ COi;:5 this r~qu-::::lL .Ll1vulve c;l How much of the allowed 250 250 Addition?~~~. Addition is used 1th this request?led previous conditions of approval (check property file): NeED kDjoiuiJ.J9 P..rp'et ov.JJ-Je:e..'-:> .5;'ll.1lfT'-<lZE fD"'-It""!~ Il-tl-€iZATioJ -In !-he:.5Tfiu..:rUflJ5. • Wear &Travers • JA.\I~S R.WEAII RICHARO O.TItA\'I:RS CAl/OL E.DAVIS BETH A.Ross Mr.George Ruther Town of Vail 75 S.Frontage Road Vail,Colorado 81657 Fax No.:(970)479-2452 A PIIOFE5S!O~AI.COIlPORATIO:\ ATTOR~E'!'sATJ...o.w TilE GLF.S I.YOX BUIWI;';G,Sum:200 1000 SOUTH FRO;-''TAGE ROAI)WEST VAlLCOLORAOO81657 May la,1996 TELEPIIOXE (970)476·7646 FACSIMILE (970)476.1118 RE:Proposed by Mario Montalvo Dear George: It has come to my attention that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail is reviewing Mr. Montal vo's proposed expansion on Lot 7,Block 2,Potato Patch Filing NO.2.I am enclosing for your information and review a copy of the Townhouse Declaration for Lot 7,Potato Patch Duplex. Please note Section S(d)which states in part: no owner shall make or suffer any structural or design changes (including a color scheme change),either permanent or temporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his townhouse unit or construct any additional building or structure or any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his townhouse unit without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other owner. This letter is to advise you that my client,Mon Choisi,Inc., is the owner of the adjacent duplex unit and has not granted its consent to the proposed expansion by Mr.Montalvo.If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter in more detail, please do not hesitate to call me. RDT/ktrn cc:Benigno Trigo \ruther.lt ery ruly 'c-L:. Richard D. your ----Travers ". ~.,","·"'·nll":lI.'C Ullit.sl .."tj h.,;·I~cpa.t.lbJc•.l.'!J .•• I'"·.B ..";(,I ~r,(:l.,~lbl.'-('l c:'\ly .l:~.1 '~"·,"jI1l0U"C.-;r,.".' •:<.' -~~., .t •.'",.\V.>....'f.'.om;,;·lIn;'1...'1'I~~h\~hl L\.}lvir.h:aUy ,,'':(':1":'~ll"'Ill-(.·..'lh~r:.;bll'1.:!t:_J('ld·~t:'lcl .!;,Colorddo. ':1 .-·~11.:.1 ""ll ()\.::":',,1 ,;"(.ld C;C".)\.w'r 9hq.ll ··...·c.ll·j 11 .•l.I ..'rl.l I'\'.:01';1••\"(",,.pn(~U!,r:CI·V<l;1C'-, '.i'I j ....f 1'-~''''''''1''1 ~10','h ,'•.",,,,,"~... ," 0"I',II~:f", "1 u' t ", l;,1 ,,'n:,-!'l ••1:;" l:"li l. .;:.!; I.Ill'.::..1':;.,r P.F.'\J,i"ftCll'r.l~T'''.'Iii)Po)~c(l .A~;md Ptl::c'11~ I-or'II(~,'!-.;'i·7:!";;c,~·-Tr.to-'·t'ow.,llo\:!)~l:n.~tS",n (ollo....s:·..t i ,\n'''..~,. (.\1 1,~L 7 PollI.O l'.1:;.:l"Dl'll..:!)(:.qit',\.;qnsistln(j~'.. of:,:,'(!"'1"IJ'.~,:.tut:~i:l '·,).lCl"l t"t..'V'j"lh'l ",rh ';~b imL'r('l"CJf.::>nL!.l,.,..-..t.:ol:;t"·,',It.l'·,I:.,':"jlt."loc,)l.-d tl"('r,"·tC apl'l.lr~.~ll~.1.I~thol',)oo:,':" •'''!~\,'t' :'•of ~. (i.).l.ut 7 POL'LO h·,t,~;'l U,ric'):Ja 1 t:11 t;..-.-I .:'"II!'~.'i:'-I ,"I :.1)s:npl,':5t..-:t,·ill P.u"eel n,I.o:l'l,!ch~c with 'I,l ':.,....".".,:••I'.:J.~(-MCI':O "f,f I ''Jhl!:10t··)t~(1 tlL:rccn Ot' ,':,1'"I·"!"!',fl.' ••,.-{el 1hc c.:"nc:"r.of ciLht.·I'townhOUAl'unit ";"." 1:1'''::'P.'til':!."ll ",13C::1C'IL III ,)ltl1 t'(1 t.h~lt part:of the o'h 1'~'"nh'-\'l"J"U:l;l QIl ....I·tell chL'j''lcty '....:111 l!';l'J-:~:,vd.fo~....urcy '.':'t :~ll j'()S':.ia,:,1 u~ii"l'J ·lll....llit t :'!·'H...:lrt,Ill'"i.llt:~nanc~.rCI~,j t' .•n·~.<:'"·Lt·,·"III til'"...·J..'nt.of dolr.'Jl'IC to 0"dc;:;t:ructlon of 'I~','",:.:.,~,~~r.~O:1\,,"olll'"thl~"the O;,r'!....8 30411 at "II'"'r,;',f"',lr'lI r"l"1,;,:,,,1\:>,••••'.:.11,.~",l ~.-It II,)i'\) D"-=l"r.,'~jpl\.'IL\~q"''H'i.;)l .~,,"!}llntl i:'j-'!:Ol'.;!'l;R:.Ig ... o;,,':.lsicfl'l :;h.d I ilpply :;0 ~'/-. j \ ~~. -,~. -,~. ~:•1 .,..,..,t:\,,,,, .~:t.l '·t":(',....-" 5.tiL1'F:Ri,THJ'i.MtUU1'l::li\!ICr.i\:;O REP,URS.l"-i In "deiUon, t"'1",inl;"~;:;-i)("CJvi,,,·(i foi:--Trll':i"I';J,graph T.lhovc.lhc Oio'n~t:!1 s!h\ll.:tl th(~il i"int "lIei .'ql:al ('"pens".1':(':";<1,,o;:t",:'io:: :lll:!I.:I~ltl""'~·."1',·:·:tcritl"~'p~il'nlX)!l t',H"·'J"'nIK~',I'\...•'lni~"!:1'.1 ., \ to (;I)l~.::an cwncr,<,l !:c,perlUI'ffi l1:pa\"l:l:; .."','.~ ;,.'- '.-, ~. ",\.-., l~<J ....;~,I"II"~' "I(,,,,~C."~·"'II:·'' 01 1\'.~.,,:',cl, ~"l"~",,'0';,. I . 1, '1". j i,I j,-•l' t " J, l I I H 1\ I • I . 0.:'.li I I,,.... \ I •VI" I {:' I ttl I',if'..;'II.,: R'C r • I 'l\\• I t 'l 1 •, ',"' '. F>:llii11'r n,••: IhT -:1'0",\,"1',\'.-.11•.' '.,,---~----i .'I ,...'~,"e,,~~~. •• \.11'"'rr4lUJl0:..;;!.{":')~,'IP":'J;", uc-~...inllinq·.'\r .~poi~c ."lem'l..:the l,:Ol;lhWt.:stcl';'r corn~ror s<lid lot.7 b<.~"'1\.~:~oltj·03'0j~W 06.15 ['Jul.;Ln..:1·,:<~~Ot,·'.?'2':"·'£ ~.0'1 fc~t:;•ij'·.h..'C 1;!le,'i'3':;"rl 15.():J r'lel:.;thc:l':c ~~8'J"12'~-lll 'L')O ~,.•~t-;,':l1C~S :·<14;'3(,"c j~,.Cl·•.•..!,."I.e..tll(:l?:lint .:1 ·ti"";I'to -.".~illin','1~"":I;I"~...('":,:1'"''C'1"":1, " " \ ,., .. r-."_.-..•'of':;~•,·f ". i';' 'f:,f,., <•-t , '. '. I;,0 , !,"..•,,••",.• ,, , o '.' , ._'-''--.' , .,•~,- .' "~} ~'.'~i;t --,~{.". I 1, " ......,. c., '.[ • •• ""0 ....,,..;<••, <-" "" .', l- e , •<-,'~". •• ,,.'.,, .. , .'., "' '. ~~" " ","..:t'...+ },," '...-l'.....', , • ,, , -,'¥'f.,....... :;"',".", ; •• "• ,, " ".• .., .I&tl Joseph Staufcr 100 E.Mcadow Drive Vail,CO 81~57 I&l..!i Roger Penske,Trust C/O Peoske Corportation 187 Hwy.36 West Longbrancb,NJ 07764 • Montalvo 748 Potato Patcb Adjacent Properties • MllI)'Ann Mills 31434 South Bennuda Dune Drive Evergreen,CO 80439 Lllt1 Mon Cboisi Inc. C/O Beniybo,Trigo Box 2369 Toa Baha.Puerto Rico 00951 Tract C Town of Vail ......•• THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 13,1996,at 2:00 P.M.in the Town of Vail Municipal Building.In consideration of: A request for a density variance 10 allow for the construction of additional GRFA,located at 3130 Booth Falls CourVLot6,Block 2,Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Planner: Brent and Barbara Bingham Dominic Mauriello """I'request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at ~.....8 Potato Patchllol7.Block 2.Potato Patch 2nd filing. Mario Montalvo,represented by Pat McDonald George Ruther A request for an amendment to the preViously approved she development plan for the Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision.located at 2772-2892 Kinnickinnick Roadllnnsbruck Meadows. Applicant: Planner: Innsbruck Meadows Development,represented by Bob Borne George Ruther A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 4840 Meadow lanellot 2, Block 6,Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Planner: John Mesch Jim Curnutte A request for a minor subdivision to allow for an amendment to the platted bUilding envelope, located at 1299 Spraddle Creek Drivellot11,Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Ric Fields George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed minor subdivision to allow for a change in lot configuration,located at 1794 S.Frontage Roadllots 2 &3,Vail Village West Filing No,2. Applicant: Planner: Brent Aim George Ruther A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the replacement of a skylight with a roof dormer, located at 201 E.Gore Creek DrivefA pan of Lot A,Block 5B,Vail Village First Filing, Applicant: Planner: Craig Snowden Mike Mollica A request for an inferior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 1081 Vall View Drive #109 B/Homestake Condominiums. Applicant: Planner: Rebecca Jaffe Lauren Waterton SChumacher f Hansen George Ruther A request for residential additions utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 775 Potato Patch fLat 19, Potato Patch #1.'.S~~i3~.Applicant: Planner: ••.-.0... A request f9r a minor subdivision to allow for a change in lI1e property line localion between Lots 2 &7,Iocated at 2446 and 2450 Chamonix Lanellot 7,Block B,a resubdivision of Vail Das SChone, Rling No.1 and Lot 2,a resubdivision 01 Lots 8,9 and 10.Block B,Vail Das SChone Filing #1. Applicant: Planner: Karen Scheic1igger Jim Curnutte A request for a building height variance,located at 1339 Wesll1aven Circlellot 23 Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Bill Anderson Dominic Mauriello 11111/11/11 Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification.Please call 479-2114 voice or 479·2356 TOO for information. Community Development Department Published April 26,1996 in the VaH Trail. , I· .'•• •• .0• A:'L 5 • S • S3 • 53 • 3 • 3 .00 • l\EC.BY: S. I I fiN CAL CODE I H..OW A ~VI EW BOARD FE ILDI G R 55 MAPS CODE JC1t..~ ov PARKJN APER D1SPE Ii;4 •STATE 4.0%TOWN :5 GA TJ A EA INVESTIGA TAXA BUILDIN J A NO TI A TERIORA TERlQ A A SP CIA SPE A S VA A I AMENDMEN S .-ZO I OTH OTHER CIIECJr:S MAD£P4VABU TO TOWN OFV41L .ITEM -,.-.~..-~~.=--NO.._.T~"'-COSTU---TOTAL CASH' PROJECT ADDR£AAL _ 1 -'T"O:..:W.:.;N=O:..F..:V:..:A1L=_ .~..MYOV1~~C.C. COMME!'-'TS:'--''''-'--'--\-1A\Jj.J'-t-_~.I-...L''''''-=+_-'D'''as=::''='''------------------ •• TOWN OF VAIL ~lscellaneovs Cash '. 133-13-96 PKelpt-..195343 Recount #CK ..1400 ~'PREPD DES REV FEE/ROO ~moun t tendered > hell paid 01000041331£100 0101301341330131313 Ch3nge returned > 09:35::!6 GRFR 250.00 A.ount paid 50.00 200.00 THANK YOU Your cashier DENISE NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE JAN 23 1989CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT..DATE .•003741..,-PERMIT NO.1.1••III 1.TVPE OF CONSTRUCTION IlIlIIlVV department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY CROUP ABEHIRM BUILDING ,UUU DIVISION I2 2a 34 z ELECTRICAL 1,000 TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 0 ~'i'Illl'R~A~\!tt81l1T10N OF 'lIJ:RK .<PLUMBING 2,000TYPEOFPERMITMTOESTINGBUNKROOM~ ~<MECHANICAL~BUILDING lQI PLUMBING WITH NURSERY PLUMBING &ELECTRICAL.> ~ELECTRICAL ~:NDATION .,\TOTAL 7 000oMECHANICAL,'_l.~".PERMIT FEESTYPEGROUPG.R.F.A VALUATION •LEGAL LOT 7 BL"2\V R-3 7 000 BUILDING PERMIT 90 Lt/(;ftPOTATOprACH2 DESC.FILING PLAN CHECK 45 JOB NAME:ELECTRICAL 44 /77:2-9 MONTALVO RESID.REMODEL OWNER NAME MARIO MONTALVO NEW{)AlTERATIO ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 20 I~~ MAIL ADDRESS SIMONETT MGNT DWELLING UNITS ACCOMMODATION UNITS MECHANICAL CITY VAIL PH.HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.FIREPLACES --RECREATION fEE i/1f;ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R·vALLue DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MAil ApDRESS "00"I t I ClEAN·UP DEPOSIT IUU .:81 L- CITY PH.NONE -USE TAX 1mmWAm fIRM O.K.CONSTRIICTION ROOf GENERAL [ CONTRACTOR 175-8 TYPE ELEC GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $299.00TOWNOfVAllREG.NO.OF 845-9602 SOUVl WOOD TELE.HEAT JOE NORRIS JAN.23,1989 fiRM GORE RANGE ELCTRIC ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UtiDING OFfiCIAL ------DATE ----- ELECTRICAL ,':'.~1-------136-E ---TOWN Of VAil REG.NO.------CONTRACTOR ST.CUT X ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.949-0186 BLASTING x ONING &BUILDING NOTES: fiRM SIBLEY PLUMBING vPARKING PLUMBING 134-p CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAll REG.NO.DEMO X TELE.827-5257 fiRM t hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in lull the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the Information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN QF VAIL REG.NO.agree to comply with the information and plot plan,10 comply with all Town ordinances and state TELE.laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design OTHER FIRM 'ev;ew appro,ed.Un;form Bulld;ng Code and oth:,iances ot th~applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO:OK CON ST../??1C~ TQWN OF VAIL REG.NO.PO BOX 2913 SI A RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.VAIL.CO 81658 AND THE OWNER. '... ., '. ~c,00 IOO,~ PERt.Il r FEES DESIGN Il[VleW UQAlIO OUllOltlG PERMIT J.lECIIAtiICAL n[CneAllQf'fEE Cl(All·UP DEPOSIT PlUI.lOlllG PLAN ClleCK USE TAX ELEctRICAL ZONING &BUILDING NOTES:_ UUlLtJlllG ~ElfcrmCAl 9:;PLUMDltlG 0 "<),IECI.ANIClll> lOrnL VAlUAflOll CAS wooo OOllJOIlAll I REPAUl{) IlO.r1fl[r:~~s=--==:. 1I1ICltr~CSS n·VAllUE G 11 FA TYI'E ElEe.I-,-o'-.-n------- HI.w"tlS OlASTlNG noor O(MO ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: :r. If~SUll\11011: floon OWElllNGUWT$_ACCO~'MOOATIONUNITS_ !l(lGllT UHf• rAnKING-------1--1-'--11------------- TYPE OF. Ht:AT ---------------ST.cur 'ONltlG ~DIA"lISJRII.10A O~l E------1--1---11------------- TYPE GnOUp ~~-~ !I[WI I ALTEn ....1l0 I hereby 3cknowlcdge 111",1 I lI,lYe rC:Jd Ihis 3pplicalion.'iI/cd oul In lull Ihe inlorm:'1Iion required, completed an nccurate plol r'"n.,:md sltllc 111,,1 allihe inlOrln",tion provided ns required is corree!.I· n~J1cl!10 comply with tile inlnrlll3lion ;'Illd pial pl:!n.to comply willi ;111 Towli Olllifl.:lneeS ilnd Sr:lIC laws,and 10 huild Ihi5 struet!lI!!<Jceording 10 the Town's zoning ;'\ntl~~UlldiViS;iOI\codes.design review opproved1 Uniloun euilding Code and other ordjRaf)Ces 01 Ihe Tow lici1ble Iherelo. C/u.~"1'''''.C),'f.c.,••-r,XX fY./f1J7/.0",...B~.;'1/J t1t,I ~'::'C::,N::.!I.;.1IU;;"fE-;0,;'-,O"'W;;N"E;:n~0~n~e:::or:N:-:T-;:n7ne=10'"n~Fo:::n::--;-H:::'M7.S::EO-=LF /lNO THE OWNer..1.-........•...;,...;.,;."..:-...__.-A OLK .z7 Ul!t"n~I /'7~,.,-k/~n MAli ADDRESS c/o s,."Pndl !?,} Lor FILING El1lM C:."Il~(€/J ELECTnICAL \<>.","ONTRACTOIl TOWN OF VAIL REG,NO,1j,;-S- THE.7r9 oil C PLUMOING CONTRACTOIl ,JJ!E"Ll;.;E·_-,Kl.<?1,:;'1t.,;..-.:.5ia5~1~_ \TQWr~Of VAll REG.NO. <:OIllIlAC101l 1CU.. , OHM MECHANICAl \CONTRnCTOIl TOWN OF VAIL FlEG.NO._u lELE.... OlHEn FIIHA Y GENERflL~CONTRACTORI.T~0~W~N~0~F~V~A~IL~n~'~G~.N~06'-2I~?~5~-~17~__ !.-ELE §'[~i7t~2.' ClTY V4t I PII..... AIlCHlTECT rm", hfJlXMAlic.lJDllESS City Pil. X LEGAL OESC. JOO NAME: OWNEIl X NOTE$0FEAMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE :,,4/ .''''.,<<!S<:')CONSTRUCTION PERMIT X ~~TilE FOlLOVi!;IG IS i1EEDEO fOR flUilG PERI'IIT:~':/)~...~t.~,DAlE 1.letter from CO~ldO a~sn ..(lf A:~LICAOlE'..lowoiillaif0Y '.TYP,OFeONSlRueIiON ""'"'(!)2,2 Sets pf camp cia ,a",ngs/e,lanat;Q' c1rp:ltlllll'!ll1 of r.Olllll1Ullity dr.veloplIlllllf 2.0CCUI'/lllcycnOUp AD E 11 ~M !t;.@ X ....·I'l[·SE rill DUll IJlI[IlE lill (x)l·lI\IlKS nnE'1i!/.M X".-.OlVlsrON I22 J'/flVV - TO SEflLlED out CO'~PLETELYPRIOR TOISSUANCeOFPEf1MIT r.EN~nAl oescnlPTl9,1 Of Wont(:_/'-_/Jail,nro :l ,@ 'X TYPEOFPEIiMIT >(Tr')/>f,:,'7"...,.u ....o~~IlU"lG ~O"'G ~,«,'fit n.=7fCKf,e v",/z,:,)+-",..XX ,..g;:trrCTlUCAl GQ fOUNDATION :.=e~/k-g,Iv",~,,,J~..::,Q~===_==_=_I'f-~~~_.l.._--_":"'~'.fl.:.A.,~n ~--joMECIlAr~lCAL 0 "" • town of vai •.. \ 75 south Iron lag,road vail.colorado 81657 (303)479-21)8 or 479-2139 office of community development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOtffl OF VAIL TOlill OF VAIL PUBLIC HORKS/CQt1J1UNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16,1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING &MATERIAL STORAGE In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil,rock,sand,debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforce.d by the TovlU of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remov~said material. In the event the person so notified does not co~ply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction,maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in fUll,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy.Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Position/Relat~onship to Project (i.e.contractor,owner) Date ,;=-----'----------- I ,--t. ~"",11"15 \ \d.s<1-. .;),!"i--e.s l!:i e...nee./~JDn+a../vo '/4-,>; • f~IS f,;,'J !Jt--n~, ~()Ory I ,,, -:, ~.. I- I I ~ I • FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of O. Please check off in the box provided. • ~-.£lNAL...:Pc.:L"'U"'MB:..:I...:N.=-G__--:-;;::-_ .DATE:~"N .~",,\~ \ D ..£J.NAL MEC."'HA"'NccI"'CA"L _ DATE: ~L~INAL ELECTRICAL DATE:~\~ L11._FINAL BUILDING D TEMPORARY C of 0 DATE:,,~"\':\,'\DATE: \ D ",::ERTIFICATE OF OCCUPM~CY DATE: NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE E 8/24/88CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT . ~,OAT 003/t64...•1IIIIIIV0 PERMIT NO .1.1 ••lal 1.Tvpe OF CONSTRUCTION department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H t@M BUILDING 5,000 DIVISION 1 22a@4 z ELECTRICAL 500 TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PAIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK .~PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITReplaceexistingwindowwith~ ~ ~BUILDING 0 PLUMBING similar unit 2"wide -Move electric ~MECHANICAL 0 ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION outlets.add exterior flood lights TOTAL 5 500 0 MECHANICAL 0 ~~~,~\\\~,TYPE GROUP G.R.F."'.VALUATION PERMITFEES ~GAl lOT 7 BlK 2 "V R-3 5,500 BUILDING PERMIT 77 .00 ".f'dj::; ESC.FILING Potato Patch #2 38.00 iPLANCHECK JOB NAME:Montalvo Window ElECTRICAL 44.00 OWNER NAME Mr.Montalvo clo NEW()AllERAnON (ADDITIONAl ()REPAIR ()PLUMBJNG MAIL ADORESS Simone tte Mgmt.DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMOO ....TION UNITS __MECHANICAL ~/a'!1 / Croysroads East NO.~EPLACESCITYVa!PH.476-0277 HEIGHT IN fT.----RECREATION FEE ~ARCHITECT INSULATION:'"THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARDfiRM FLOOR 1\CLEAN·UP DEPOSITMAilADDRESS 100.00 EJ(T WALLS II USE TAXCITYPH. ROOF /II \ GENERAL fIRM OK Construction 175-B TYPE ElEC./GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEESCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAilREG.NO.OF 259.00 476-0942 SOLAR WOOD TELE.HEAT Gary Murrain 8/24/88 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED;UTlOlNGOFFICrAl ------DATE ----- fIRM lECTRICAL :!.!'-!!'!!.!!& toNING ADMINISTRATOR ---TOWN Of VAil REG.NO. I ------ONTRACTOR ST.CUT DATE TElE.BLASTING ZONING ~BUILDING NOTES: fIRM PARKING PLUMBING TOWN Of VAil REG.NO.CONTRACTOR DEMO TElE. FrRM I hereby acknowledge that'have read this application,filled au!in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the Information provided as required Is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL REG.NQ,agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state TElE.laws.and to bu;ld Ih;s "wclu,e acco,d;ng to the Town's zon;n9 anp;v;s;on codes,des;gn review approvet-unifo~BUilding Code and,other ordinanceOhe T w applicable thereto. OTHER FIRM kilett.l\'0 ..--~,f~.f!Jll/!d.~~. TOWN Of VAil REG.NO.V\~'~~"'f.....R~~'51 ATURE QF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSElf CONTRACTOR TElE.'.~C"...~ANDTHE OWNER. "' .~ NOTE -COPY OF.fEAMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 3"!6 r'.. X 'il/f /F'll THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDEO FOR FILING PERMIT'' ) n CONSTRUCTION PERMIT.'''''(V DATE •,I.letter from condo assn.(l F APPLl CABLE.lown or nile I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II til IV(j,2.2 Sets pf complete drawings/exnlanatio dcp3r1mcnt of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ASEHItiM 6UILOlflC .r;•/)(),')y. ..··PLEASE FILL OUIl \IHEllE THE (Xl 1·v\IlKS AIlE! DIVISION 1 b2J ;7;Z ELECTRICAL ~iJ(J -Y. TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETElY PAIQRTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT Q ~GENERAl OESCRIPTION OFl'ORK :'.... ~PLUMBING<TYPE OF PERMIT n I-.'.';1,",'.1•.,/"", I'",_1.(WI,Jc.../ ,<MECHANICALt8fBUILDING0PLUMBING-..,> o ELECT/l'CAL 0 FOUNDATION ...lJ.o""fv ~fINd U (TOTAL S;c,:'" o MECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES LEGAL LOT 7 B~'l-,:iZ-/Z-'3 C;SoC BUILDING PERMIT ?7~""", &.#1 #'oESC.FlUNG U PLAN CHECK ~y-/e~ ~.OBNAME:f!O~I-O/1/C w,~dCN Cf'f,~~ , ELECTRICAL "'"'tI,.l7..kl"J?cia )OWNER NEWI I ALTERATION (,ADDITIONAL I I REPAIR (I PLUMBING MAIL ApDRESS $;;"'".,I'~I!Z r OWELLINOUNITS __ACCOMMOOAT10NUNITS __MECHANICAL /,-...;~r.,:;z;:e...~~.tf;1 ICITYi/..'PH.76 67J tlEIOHTINfT.__NO.rlREPlACES --RECREATlOtl FEE ARCHITECT :AOPRESS ,/INSULAliON:TYPE THICKNESS A·VALlUE OESIGN nEVIEW BOARD 1/ Z FlOOn )ClEAN·UPOEPOSIT la?,(''''' 7 EXT.WALLS ////7 USE TAX ----CITY PH. Oil ConshJ,"vt '00''/ GENERAL FIRM mc.tY V''-(.. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REG.NO.L7'iI2 TYPE TOTAL PEBMITFEES '759.ocJ OF LJ?t /)q"Z-"',""WOOD THE.HEAT AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEOeD:iiUllOING OffiCIAL DAfE ---FIRM iECTRICAl 1.N INITIAL TRACTOR TOWN OF VAll REG.NO,-:1 I",/----------------ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.BLASTING )f ZONING &BUILDING NOTES; FIRM PAAI<INGPLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAil REG,NO.DEMO V,TELE., fIRM I hereby acknowledgo that I have read Ihis application.filled out in lull the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plOI plan.and slate thaI all the Inlorrnalion provided as reQuiled is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL REG,NO,agree to comply with the inlormalion and plol plan,to comply wilh all Town ordinances and slale TELE.laws,and 10 build this structuro according 10 the Town's zoning and ubdivision codes.design OTHER FIRM 'aview app,oved.Unilo,m Building COd XX Olh1llJti/;;::2:hepn applicabla Ih.,elo. TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.S~~NATURE OF OWNER on CONTnACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRI\CTOH TELE.ANO THE OWN En. -,........,.... x ( • x X X • •• • ••,. , 0,'•.' 'J".J' 75 south Irontage road vail,colorado 81657 (303)476·7000 department of public works/transportation MEMORANDUM VAlL1989 TO: FRO:1 : DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16,19BB ORDINANCE NO,6 In summary,Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter.[rack or deposit any 5011.rock,sand.debris or material,including trash dumpsters.portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street. sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-aE-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads 1s approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given 24-hour written notice to remove said material.In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24-hour time specified.the Public Works Department will remove said mat~rial at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction.maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-of-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in Department to obtain 8 copy. Read and Acknowledged by: full.please stop by che Tavn of Vail Building Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. PM_____AMRI INlltCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I 1\II ±~(--,,--,-C__---,--,~----'- CALLER ....(f\,rh ((1 f M (.(,-.J,.',c , t MON TUES ~THUR +ch READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION7LJB F~·c :3 'ilOLI '- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE q~1d=c(__JOB NAME BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I DW-V, o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H,TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP,POWER o HEATING o ROUGH t "/~.,o EXHAUST HOODS o CONOUIT C o SUPPLY AIR 0 0~AL o FINAL 10 APPROVED ~~ ./CORRECTIONS: o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED / -~ ;/•I I ~, II DATE _"--1._~-=./~3~'.-LI--,f~__INSPECTOR •INSPECTION REQUEST<, TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME --'~~~"?=+=~'--__~~;-"~"'''''~~'':'-':)''--'''''-__'''';' CALLER ~__'_=-_'V'_'_\_S;"""".:...S;.JS...~_ READY FOR MON TUES Err)THUR FRI tA~PM LOCATION,..:w""'-_..:w(>-_.'-"',,"-'.:....2.~__-'-'---""'-''-__~_ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ~,~-~<'::) , BUILDING:PLUMBING, o FOOTINGS /STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION /STEEL o ROUGH /DWV. o FRAMING o ROUGH /WATER ROOF &SHEER o GAS PIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL /H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 IJ:k1INAL oh o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL c[l APPROVED CORRECTIONS, o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE --f"-r'':In':''''='''''''-''-7lrY~",=:---".,-/ /'1,1,.' INSPECTOR ---:'-----f--c'--""""'-"'~----~~-- I I NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 8/8/88CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT ..., ,DATE 00343£"o. t II III IV6) PERMIT NO.lin I III I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION department of community development Z.OCCUPANCY GROUP ...8EH @M BUILDING 17,000 DIVISION I2 2a~z ELECTRICAL TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 0 GENERAl DESCRIPTION OF WORK :Stan paver ~PlUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITandRedwoodDeckadditionto:> ~ existing Duplex.other I of duplex ~MECHANICALI!J BUILDING o PLUMBING > 0 ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION already had deck &design will.mate 0 MECHANICAL ~~">.--',.'.•,\.TYPE GROUP G R.F.A.VAlUATION PERMIT FEES 7 BL"2 , V R-3 17,000.00~GAL LOT ---BUILDING PERMIT 180.00 ESC.FlUNG Potato Patch #2 90.00 ~PlAN CHECK ~~JOBNAML Montalvo Deck ELECTRICAL --- NAME Hr.Montalvo c/o ---QG N OWNER NEW()AlTERATION (ADDITIONAL t )REPAIR ()PlUMBING SimoneEte H~t EastMAILADPREssr08Soads MECHANICAl ---OWEllINOUNITS __ACCOMMOOATIONUNIT$__ CITY Vail PH 476-0277 HEIGHTINFT __NO flAEPLACES RECREATION FEE ----- Henry Pratt INSULATION.TYPE ICKNESS R-VALLUEARCHITECTFIRM DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ---'0 3941 Bighorn Rd."COR •I /100.00 ~MAIL AppRESS CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT Vail PH 476-1531 EXT WALLS 1\/1/~CITY USE TAX --- ROO'f 'V /"I-0K Construction GENERAL FIRM /o..s %l75B TYPE ELEC.TOTAL PERMITFEES 370.00CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.OF j IT."476-0942 SOLAR WOOD Gary Nurrain 8/8/88HEAT N/A ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:~UILDINGOFFICIAl ------DAfE ~~--- FIRM ECTRICAL 1-!i .!.!:!!!!t:!:.Rick Pylman 7/18/88 TOWN OF VAIL REG NO.~--------------CONTRACTOR ST.CUT .OHING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TEL£.BLASTING bONING &BUILDING NOTES; fiRM N/A " PARKING PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR DEMO IT.,• FIRM N/A I hereby acknowledge that I have read thIs application,filled out In full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.agree to comply with the Information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state THE.laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdIvision codes.design OTHER FIRM reew approved.Uniform Building Code and other ordinaJlces of t~T7PIIcabie thereto. OK .I\.SUw:h'<7Y1 ~(,U//"L;JQI.3 c "/7 TOWN OF VAll REG.NO.~.~8/sa ().eJ>!:.SI~AT RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE .a.,.CD b·AND THE OWNER. N M .~ .' PERMITFEESVALUATIONGR.E.A. 1 NOTE -COPY OF pERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE:.iD,)..CONSTRl:JCTION PERMIT X OATE-'lJ;j'i1~"THE FOLLOWING IS 11EEOEO FOR FILING PERMIT:~1.Letter from condo assn.(IF APPLICABLE)lownDrraillY'""PEO'CONSTRUCTION 1111111'£0 2.2 Sets pf complete drawingS/explanation dep<lrtment of community development 2.0CCUPA"'CYGROUP A 8EH r.P M OUILDlrlG ?-/?c.oO Y '''''PLEASE FILL OUR WIIERE THE (Xl I·II\RKS ARE!""?z...I ::El::':.CT::R.:.:'C.:.:Al+Y.8...1 TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT DIVISION lc..2+2Uol",/~r T PE OF PE I ~ENER"1.A>ESl;R.~TlONOFWORK:.J='~<:[PLUMBING 'XYRMITIvf!:"fL ft..<4u"':'4J Q<:d(~..fu,......~1-.:.:......:.._...+..1-1...1 &1 BUILDING 0 ~ING UMi ~,;'f"'1 11 ('/)'?',,&X,.,f ,,/'It.~MECHANICAL 'i Q'1!t'Eeffl1CAl 0 ~ATION 1'~'~4/'~,,""!il=hl1~"""'-"d,r.-,,'#l:.d<'?r1f>;'~)'".J~"l.!,"''''''''''~g"(!,I!:..-~'''',;t"L~ii,,=oll_I.T~O~T:.:A~L;..._.L..."-'>l-t O ....fC""NICAL 0 TYPE GROUP X LEGAL LOT 7 BL"" OESC.FILING o.L ffl £-3 -BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK GENERAL fiRM O,J(c.e~,k""pt'ft1.<CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAll REG.NO.I 7'5"/3 TEL'.'171,/>q u 2... ,'. /00,co DESIGN REVIEW BOARD elECTRICAL RECREATION FEE ClEAN·UP OEPOSlT MECHANICAl USE TAX PLUMBING TOfAL PE8MIT FEES 'f7/?00 R-VALLueTHICKNESS 77 NO.FIREPLACES TYPE HE1GHTlNFT, INSULATION: fLOOR ADDlTJot1fAL P~RMIj/(N.E~DEO;...../N"(7""r INITIAL ~ Sf.CUT // EXT.WALLS ROOF DWELLING UNITS __'M:coMMODATlON UNITS __ TYPE 0' HEAT NEWI )ALlERATIQf~I AOOlTrOtlAl(I REPAIR!l PH.ttl/,n:n1 FIRM ~;A. ARCHITECT FlBM fk",J P«-tr' MAll AODRESS Yil(1 (3 "&2/"fJ CITY (/BI/P~.'17 6 ,;)/ <.PLUMBINGCONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL.BEG,NO. rI=LE. (.ECTRICAL FIB.~?!A \HRACTQR TOWN QF VAIL BEG.NO, 1'ElE. x X~NAME:I1tJH/~/vo iLl! OWNER IN'"'11.C{.~..H,h X MAIL AnORESS C{<>iV......t,&tl- CITY v.,j fiRM AI'~;''-!JI\,--_ MECHANICAL '7 CONTRACTOR TOWN Qf VAIL.REG.NO, TELE. OTHER I''-''Ro:"=--_ TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CQNTRI\CTon "TEtE . I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled oul In full the inlormalion required. completed an accurate plol plan.and slale that ailihe Information prollided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the Information and plOI plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and slale laws.and 10 build this structure according to Ihe Town's zoning and SUbd~'lIiSin codes,design relilew approved,Uniform Building Code and other oJPifsl),ces 01 Ihe Town cable Iherelo. XX (l!/7//~'l'/. SIG_~TL!~_OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANO THE OWNER. ..........."..... • 75 south fronlage road vall,colorado 81657 (303)476-7000 department of public works/transportation MEMORANDUM VAIL1989 , TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOk~OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16.1988 ORDINANCE NO.6 In summary.Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter.track or deposit any soil.rock.sand.debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, Sidewalk,alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-aE-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given 24-hour written notice to remove said material.In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24-hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said matp.rial at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction.maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-of-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in Department to obtain a copy. Read and Acknowledged by: full,please stop by the Town of Vail Building Thank you for your cooperation In this matter. Date ,7/;;;16 j , , ",< t, / / / / / /,0 /(.~./ 1 [==="-"---~F=-1!U=~~ '8' ·rc':.a·..\·... ..I r..'...I DerAIL :4" ... ·'t·:·:;.~ ,'." .\~., d·~~ :2.. '" ... ,. PARCEL " 'e PARCEL I os~.~~..,n"~~~<?s "IV •A ~.;;<f'~~53 COMMON _,___rr.J J I, I I I ,,., \ \ \, .;"~f\I 'f, I . "")\"".,I I "' ~ ~ ,IlJ t:l.. .~---rrr.oe N 'i3'j j "" , ,/,,,,,",,,, ,",.,s & , / / /,'~rJ.-!f}~ -!/ 'vi'/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \/ ~ 0)-;46 yip,h-1- SOlC I / j s f-.tt 'f'//~?c • ,.~•LIST OF MATERIALS NAr~E OF PROJECT:I1nz 14//1/8,D..<-4 LEGAL OESCRIPTION:LOT 7 BL CK :z... STREET ADDRESS:7 I/L P,i.A.tVd Dc DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: l).;"q g,.Jd,b&> The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: '. i £.1..19<j D...."..,."j F.",...,:-j f"!?1M dk-t 6f d",/)/Vl€ TYPE OF MATERIAL COLORA.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Dl-c.A """Sm· Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Nand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES COnInO"Name Quani ty Size* ;z II EXISTING TREES TO ___ BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for conlfers. (over) • PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name (con't) SHRUBS EXI STI NG SHRUBS TO BE REHOVEO GROUND COVERS SOD SEEO TYPE OF IRRIGATION COlMlon Name • Quanity Size Square Footage TYPE OR METHOD OF _ EROSION CONTROL C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls.fences.swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. J~3 ~....•frMI<f!-d0(r7 ~~~*~rr.lj REQUEST=P-:;E::-R:-:M:-:'T:':N:CU7.M:-:B=R~O=F-:;P::-R-:;O-;'JE"'C"'To--M .'"1-\TOWN OF VAIL DATE ~~JOB NAME --l-l-lD...LJ-'--,-'--"O-=:...-'-V_O_-=o<::-_-,---,-_ CALLER --po.-~(DID\(j i aL.- READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED ~FRI -----8 PM LOCATION:!It./'r 1),1_.L '""il-kl -=1=+.,--------------~~C;;VL, BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.W.V. qlIRAMING em dic~o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEERoPLYWOODNAILING o GAS PIPING o INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CON[lUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 0 INAL o FINAL /ilL'PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS . • DATE ~~.\-'i2.\-!#'?~---INSPECT6R~,L-=------1-~.t0.~~~~---_ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ED THUR FRI CALLER MON WES '<;. READY FOR LOCATION: \J}?\S\\~~- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE "I-..--~"'"JO B NAM E --''-'--'~'"'''--'------'-\::'''''''':()'-'-----;;:-:'='''':='T----.;,-------- BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS I STEEL o UNDERGROUND o FOUNDATION I STEEL o ROUGH I D.WV. o FRAMING o ROUGH I WATER ROOF &SHEER o GASPIPINGoPLYWOODNAILING o INSULATION o POOL I H.TUB o SHEETROCK NAIL 0 0 0 ~INAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o TEMP.POWER o HEATING o ROUGH o EXHAUST HOODS o CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR 0 0 o FINAL o FINAL O?,PPROVED o DISAPPROVED o REINSPECTION REQUIREDr--CO~RECTIONS: DATE INSPECTDR(~<---i-)~_'f--!-:7~"",.""""=--~_I 7/ NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 7/6/88~-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DATE 003401"••I II III IV1HR • PERMIT NO .lIn I III 1.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION department of community development 2.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEH IRr BUILDING $4.000.00 DIVISION V 2a 34 z ELECTRICAL TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT Q GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK;~PLUMBINGTYPEOFPERMITCHANGEOFUSEOFPARTIALGARAGE~ ~c MECHANICALIKJBUILDING0PLUMBINGSPACETOSTORAGE;CHANGE SLIDING > 0 ELECTRICAL o FOUNDATION DOOR TO OPERABLE WINDOWS $4.000.00 0 MECHANICAL ~~""""'~,',",--,TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES .EGAL LOT 7-BL"2 "-V IHR M-I 390 $4 000.00 BUILDING PERMIT $63.00 tiftESC.FILING POTATO PATCH 2ND PLAN CHECK 32.00 kJOBNAME:MONTALVO RESIDENCE ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME MR.MONTALVO NEW{I ALTERATION (ADDITIONAL (I REPAIR ()PLUMBING 1'J85 MAll ADpRESS C/O SIMONETTE MGM 7~DWELlINOUNITS __ACCOMMOOATlONUNITS __MECHANICAL VAILCITy PH.HEIGHT INFT __NO FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE cit--'ARCHITECT INSULATION:TVPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEFIRM DESIGN REVIEW aQARD FLOOR MAIL ADDRESS CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 EXT.WALLS CITY PH.USE TAX O.K.CONSTRUCTION ROOF GENERAL FIRM I TYPE ELEC.a'S CONTRACTOR TQWN QF VAIL REG.NO.175-B TOTAL PERMIT FEES '.no nnOF 476-0942 SO'-""WOOD TELE.HEAT GARY MURRAIN 7/6/88 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:fijUIiDTNGOFFICIAL ------~AfE ----- fiRM ELECTRICAL 1-!!.INITIAL f-BETSLROSOLA<;lS,_2.1 6/81!.-___--CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAil AEG_NO.ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TELE.aUSTING bONING &BUILDING NOTES: FIRM PARKING PLUMBING TOWN Of VAll REG.NO.CONTRACTOR DEMO TELE. fiRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurale plot plan,and state that all ~ati~.fl!l'~das ofifnirad is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO,ag,"e to comply with the intormation and plol plan,to E~ith own 0 inances and stale laws,and to build this structure according to the Tow z i~g nd s~~·,,designTELE.reviaw approvad,Uniform Building Coda and oiiir or an I ~plicable tharelo. OTHER FIRM CLEAN UP TO,61<Q,'S ?C!o (~ TOWN OF VAil REG.NO.~t'¥;J.5j I ~t/~~/SIGfllATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELf CONTRACTOR TElE.1 AND THE OWNER.~.. ,, " ) n ! NOTE -COPY OF FERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ERMIT '7/1 L ...,:THE FOLLOWING IS ~EEDED FOR FILI~G PERMIT:X OATE (:/'X"_I I.Le t ter from condo assn.(IF APPLI CABL E III III 1& /"'- 2'2 Sets pf co~Iete drawings/exDlanatio1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI't!V"BUILomc ~I ?/C'oc:;,y !~2."\"-z ELECTRICAL y DIVISION a ~-'/.h.tCENERALfSCR1PTl~OFWORK:c:...4::tl 0 <PLUMBING~Its?c AxiL ",\,4/41 y;s .ill steti'<MECHANICALU...L'v ~bI..1 >ci:w i ,)'5;"4;'door n,Q pu.:...<._,.,·n TOTAL '7':000 O~r") TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A.VALUATION PERMIT FEES WIN"t<i--f --rro=7':tt:\'?~-BUILDING PERMIT 6~.OCI , PLAN CHECK '3 2 -"" ELECTRICAL /lEW (,ALTERATION M ADDITIONAL (,REPAIR I ,PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS __ACCOMMOOATlONUNITS __MECHA.NICAl H[lGHT IN FT.NO.FIR(PLACES --RECREATION FEE -05'.b t INSULATION:TYPE THICI(NESS A-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW"BOARO IS.G e FLOOR /CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT /~O.00 ElT.WALLS /1 V /USE TAX ~ ROOF 1,///1 lYPE fLEC./TOTAL P JlMITFEES If'5,"'"OF SOLAY /..koooHEAT /-"-:/.... AODJTlONAl PERMITS NEEDED:~-D~CIALU --DAre ----- 1.~I 7 (d?rP-_--7/,fLrI --ST.CUT DNING ADMINISTRATOR At' DLASTING 1/f Z.ONING I BUILDING NOTES: PARKING IV OEMO I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled out in full Ihe inlormalion required. com pie led an accurate plot plan.and stale that all the information provided as required is correcl.I agree 10 comply with Ihe inlormation and plot plan.to comply with atl Town ordinances and slale laws,and to build this structure according to the ~Oning and subd;,is'on codes,design r.,iaw appro,ed,Unilorm Building COd XX olhe/In ~~PPlicable 'here'o, SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOA HIMSELF AND THE OWNEA. CONSTRUCTION P., •• ," \ LEGAL LOr 7 eLK .:<. OESC.FILING Po';"/"p.,td .,).0<{ ~~BNAME:11/)"j..I,,~f/.~ OWNER NAME 11,/l,.t..,/.g MAil ADDRESS c4 5;.....b'1%.,":, CITY 4{.,(PIt. ARCHITECT fiRM Vo~e.. MAl!ADPRESS CllV PH. GENERAL FlgM OJ(-Go,..,,r,...J,o'"t. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAll REG.NO.11513 1ElE.41b-.8:ffL1.. FIRM V<m' LECfRlCAL TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO,NTRACTOR TElE. FIRM 1/1:'1('- \PLUMBING TOWN OF VAll REG.NO, CONTRACTOR,11'"1.£.,v:b ""FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NQ,, TELE.AIr",L OTHER FIRM TOWN QF VAIL REG,NO. CONTRACTOR JELEn ''''""..".~ x ( x X X lown 0 iii I department of community development "•••PLEASE FILL OUR WIIEHE THE (Xl I'\'IRKS ARE TO BE Flll.ED OUT COMPLETElV PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEAMIT TYPE OF PERMIT f'irBUILOING 0 ?t'lJ"BtNGo'l'CIIJ,JCAL 0 .,C10NOArIQNoMeCRJINlCAL0 • 75 south frontage road vail,colorado 81651 (303)476-7000 department 01 public works/transportatIon MEMORANDUM VAIL1989 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDINC DEPARTMENT MARCH 16,1988 ORDINANCE NO.6 In summary.Ordinance No.6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter,track or deposit any soil.rock.sand.debris or material,including trash dumpsters,portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street. sidewalk.alley or public place or any portion thereof.The right-aE-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft.off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department.Persons found violating this ordinance will be given 24-hour written notice to remove said material.In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24-hour time specified,the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified.The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction.maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-of-way. To review Ordinance No.6 in Department to obtain a copy. Read and Acknowledged by: full.please stop by the Town of Vail Building Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. •• Town of Vail Building Department Project Requirements and Contractor Information 1.Building permit application: A.)Fill out work sheet. B.)Submit two complete sets of plans. *If fast-tracking project see fast-track application. *No permits,including Fast-Track,will be issued without written approval from planning department for on site requirements. *All design review board,planning commission and town council approvals and conditions,if applicable,between the Town of Vail and the developer,shall be acquired with written agreements concerning these matters before building permits are issued. *Condominium approval for any work in a condominiumized building 2.Architects &Engineers stamps required on all plans: *Exception:R-3 single family &duplex. R-l one story structures 3.Contractor registration with Town of Vail building department: A.)$1 million liability insurance. B.)Workmen compensation insurance. c.)T.O.V.registration. *All insurances must be kept up to date if working in the Town of Vail. 4.On site project requirements A.)Posting of permit in a clear weather protected cover, visible from road or hallway if condominium or townhouse. B.)Set of stamped approved plans must be on site for duration of project.No inspections can be done if plans are not on site.Fast-Track projects to have plans on site as appr-oved . •• ·' .' 5.Required inspections: A.)Excavation and footing rebar Foundation rebar Masonry fireplace (structural design &chimney liners ) Underground DWV,water,gas,&electric) Temporary electric service Rough plumbing (DWV,water,gas,&hot tubs) Rough electric (see ordinance no.12 ) Rough mechanical {gas liB"vents,duct work,combustion } {air,fireplace flu masonry &type "A"} Rough sprinkler (hangers/location,&testing) Rough fire alarm Rough framing (property improvement survey when req.) Insulation Fireproofing (if required for structural components ) Sheetrock screw /nail off Exterior lath Final plumbing Final mechanical Final electrical Final ORB (landscaping,exterior finishes,paving, Final fire department (if required ) Final building 6.Property improvement survey: A.)Required on all new construction. B.)Submitted and approved before rough framing inspection. c.)Improvement survey to include height of ridges,base slab elevations,property lines,and footprint of new construction.Survey must be stamped by a licensed engineer. 7.Fire department inspections: A.)Shop drawings on fire alarm system. B.)Shop drawings on sprinkler system. *Shop drawings to be submitted to building department and must be approved before work is started. 8.street cut permits: A.)Issued by the Town of vail Public Works Department. No work may start without first obtaining a permit. *Dates:Street"cuts are permitted between April 15 to November 15 only. •• - 9.Town of Vail amendments to the 1985 editions of uniform building code,uniform plumbing code,uniform mechanical code and 1987 national electric code: A.)ordinance no.12 1987,Amendments to the 1987 National Electric Code for the Town of Vall. 1.)All electrical wiring in groups A,B,E,I &H occupancies as defined in the Uniform Building Code,shall be incased in conduits,raceways, or in approved armor.All wiring in group R-l shall be encased in conduits,raceways or in approved armor to the circuit breaker box for each unit No aluminum wire or copper-clad aluminum wire smaller than size 8 will be permitted within the Town of Vail. 2.)Persons engaged in the installation of remote control,low energy power and signal circuits as defined in article 725 and 760 of 1987 NEC, need not be licensed electricians;however,all such persons shall be registered with the state electrical board.Proof of registration shall be produced when asked by the Town of Vail Building Official • 3.)All such installations of remote control,low energy power and signal systems are subject to the permit and inspections requirements of section 12-23-116 C.R.S .•Accordingly all installations of remote control,low energy power and signal systems must be performed in accordance with the minimum standards set forth in the National Electric Code. B.)Underground gas piping: 1.)Public service co.requires all gas piping installed underground to be welded,the Town of Vail acknowledges and supports this requirement. 2.)U.P.C.requires a 60 psi test for 30 minutes. c.)Firep~ace chimney chases: 1.)All fireplace /wood stove chases to be sheetrocked 'With 5/8"Type X gypsum board and firetaped.Inspections are required . •• 10.Inspection ~equests: A.)All inspection request shall be called in at least 24 hr in advance by the electrical contractor only. B.)A reinspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or reinspect ion when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not complete or when corrections called for are not made. 1.)Electrical reinspection $44.00 2.)Building plumbing &mechanical reinspect ion $30.00. c.)Electrical inspections are on Monday,Wednesday &friday only,8:00 AM to 3:30 PM.No specific AM or PM inspections can be granted during peak building season. 11.special construction request for Vail Village &Lionshead: A.)Approvals from the Town of Vail Community development, Police,Fire and Public Works departments is required before construction is to begin. B.)Any heavy equipment ie:cranes,backhoes,concrete pumps etc ...used in the core areas must be pre approved by the building department. 12.Holiday closures for Vail Village &Lionshead core areas: A.)No construction work will be conducted during the following holidays. 1.)Memorial Day (three day holiday weekend) 2.)Fourth of JULY 3.)Coors Bicycle Classic (as scheduled) 4.)Labor Day (three day holiday weekend) 5.)Special Events (proper notice will be given) 13.Construction working hours in for Vail Village &Lionshead core areas: A.)Monday thru Friday 7:00 A.M.to 7:00 P.M .. B.)Off season and summer core closure 11:00 A.M.to 2:00 P.M daily,no vehicles are allowed into these core areas during these hours.In addition no loud noises such as jackhammering and other noisy construction activities will be allowed during this time. C.)Deliveries of construction materials and trash removal shall be between the hours of 7:00 A.M.to 11:00 A.M.and 2:00 P.M.to 7:00 P.M .. •• -- 14.certificate pf Occupancy. A.)certificate may be issued when it is.found that the building or structure complies with the provisions of the U.B.C.,U.M.e.,V.P.C.,U.F.C.,&H.E.C.as adopted by The Town of Vail. B.)No building or structure of group A,E,I,H,B,or R-l occupancy,shall be used or occupied,and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy_ C.)No R-3 occupancy shall be used or occupied 'until a final inspection has been conducted and approved by the building official. D.)Temporary Certificate of occupancy may be issued provided no substantial hazard exist in the building or structure . •• (1()'1 ,A..-/",;I Il(,.)(...(,."....... • 7't2 fl,fa.-/"P~+d Dr. rr'" f";-ll;'~ tt'"1~Jo4o' • N .....S+.r.~<.4-,0.a. Mf',<to I/J • I I. Ahlll 6 ..yA.~e.~UL 41f'/toIl' f?.,.,f."~ tt'tui-l"jY E-.lsf,j,1j /6'G....491t...J.c>l)r +~f"(l/l'1t~vU QnJ.JoIt-w h'6"GII.f"C1 ....doG'i"sl..'hJ -OPlfJltl'i +->tu..rLf,...",tJ wit1.~Jd6t ·",w +ll h11L+U\~j·~.Jinq •• ... '-~'.f~.,, '<•,•- • • --•• E""",s+;"'lJ 11/(;"'''4.9£J.t>r +.b bto ,lm"VLd I2"J h t..w 1/6"6 ...,..,...cl¥>61'insf..Jh,J -OPcnlh~-+6 ht.rt+fc.mtd wi#.SoJd ..ih'+.hLt..J-Ja .2..-'»/Oitin, ~I ~"'7/~~<"., 1y.·wl.,d~ I I I ntW .J)(If f(..h..1 :JA'M"~",~II 1 - """ \I L.VIn'J A-,UL Nu"S+''"~t A-,o.~I AJuv 6,,1'A.~L 4ft«. MP 3qIJ I/J ~LIP 'In/, )1 ~1'/•.,)1-',--I V""r ~-ll +-\-rf-~~ ~"\-6~I 1 ~\~~~fEhfry1 I ~I I I I I I.I I I I • • NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOB$ITE 6/17/85OATE 002099PERMITNO. 1 TVPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV{£) 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A 8 E H I R"BUILDING 8,0(0.00 DIVISION @2a34 z ELECTRICAL bUU.UU 0 GENERAl DESCRIPTlONOFWORK :~PLUMBING~ odd deck ood poot lo~,to rQillF ~c of house >MECHANICAl o .nn no TYPE GROUP G RF.A.VALUATION PERMITFEES V M-l ••nnnn BUILOING PERMIT 74.50 c:::;PLAN CHECK 37.25 ELECTRICAl l~~NEWI I AI..TERATIOH (,ADDITIONAl..(I REPAIR ()PlUMBING OWELLINGUNITS __~TIONUNITS__MECHANICAl.. HEIGHTlNFT _NO"~--RECREATION FEE I....J;:: INSULATION:TYPE '"R-VAlLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD t:::'"::rFLOORClEAN·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 EXT.WALLS ,lA 100.00 ~"'< USE TAX ,0 ROO'v'AI ~ TYPE I <lASElEC.TOTAL PERMITFEES "1.'"~ OF SOLAR j,,HEAT wooo Steve Patterson J:f'6/17/85 ---ADDITIONAL PERMI~NEE ~uliDi"NG OFFICIAL --c1fz --OAf[-- ~<''"INITIAL f-..2homa~A~Brau-,,-__6/17/8~_ ST.CUT ~~~--OHING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ~.~<t f(1)1\~ONI"AW~ij~If''a~o~e+~RIl pl ails .6"~1PARKING~ OEMO \'\'," I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application.filled out in full the Information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the Information prOVided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and ptot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and '0 build this s'ruc'ure sccording 10 Ihe T~rninf~ubdivisioncodes.design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other or'~f th wn applicable thereto. .~URE 0'l::<'"WNEA :A~ONTA'CTOA FOA HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. o PLUMBINGoFOUNDATIONo !Xl BUILDINGoELECTRICALoMECHANICAL .~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 11n~ ~depantnent of community development TO BE FILLED OUT CQMPLETELY PAIOATQ ISSUANCE OF PEAMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LEGAL LOT I BLK < OESC.FILING JOB NAME:Anderson Deck OWNER er Anderson MNIAQQRE{i8 Potato Patch CITY Vail PHl76-8087 ARCHITECT fiRM owner MAIL AQDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL FIRM Better Home Improvers CONTRACTOR TOWN Of VAIL AEG,NO.209-B TELE."._.71? FIRM White River Electric ElECTRICAL 209 BCONTRACTORTOWNOFVAIL.REG,NO. TELE.476-4712 fiRM PLUMBING TOWN Of VAIL.REG.NO.CONTRACTOR IT<O < fiRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. THE. OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. CONTRACTOR THE. ",y,War\(.~DATE 7'.,.-"., .1m 0 YaI :;,1.TVPE OF CONSTRUCTION '"'"I,~~depar1ment of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP A 8EHI BUILDING 8 000.00. 6)2 2a 34 600.00DIVISIONzELECTRICAL TO Be FILLED OUT CQMPLETElY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT Q GENER"'lOESCR'PT,oNOFWORKf~deck aryl ~ TYPE OF PERMIT •PLUMBINGpastampstorear0ouse~ ~IiJ BUILDING 0 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 0 ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION 8,600.00 •0 MECHANICAL 0 TYPE GROUP G.A f ....VAlUATION PERMIT FEE~ LEGAL LOT 7 BLK 2 ,-rJ:...tn-I ~Y:';;OO.oO BUILDING PERMIT 7"'/..,-C7 OESC FlUNG PLAN CHECK :<),02 ~ JOB NAME:Arderson Deck elECTRICAL OWNER NAME Roger Anderson NEW(I AL TER."T10N ()ADDITIONAl ()REPAIR ()PlUMBING MAIL AppRESS 748 Potato Patch '"DWELLING UNITS __AOCOMMQDATlONUNlTS __MECHANICAL CITY Vail 4768087 ---PH,HEIGHT IN FT.__NO.flREP\..ACfS --RECREATION FEE INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R·VALLUEARCHITECTfIRMowner DESIGN REVIEwaOARD FLOOR CLEAN UPOEPOSlT /OO.oc/MAli AOQRESS EXT.WALLS I.(,USE TAX /00·tbCITYPH. ROOF , /) GENERAL fiRM Better Home Improvers 209-8 TYPE €LEC.GAS TOTAL PERMlfFJ1{'V -"//7-;-CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG NO.OF 476-4712 SO<AA t,'1000 I'4:ti ----llAl!-- THE.HEAT \ohite River Elec ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:--- EJBM ElECTRICAL 145-E 1...~ TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.ON~n~~~RATOR I ~DATE ---ONTRACTOR ST.CUT HLE.949-0220 BLASTING iJ/1 Z~~G "A~.U~~ING NOTES:=<:£#A ,¢J:c;.(l /""'"• fiRM PARKING I,.{f: PLUMBING TOWN Of VAIL REG.NO. \ CONTRACTOR DEMO TELE. FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatIon,fitled out h'i full the Information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the informalion prOVided as required is correct.I TOWN OF VAil REG.NO,agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and stateCONTRACTORlaws,and to build thIs structure accordinQ to the Town'S zoning and subdivision codes,designTEtE.re,;ew epp,o,ed,Un;f,o,m Bu;ld;ng Code end o'he,o,d',!~ownapp);cablo tho,oto, OTHER FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.ATURE Ofl:)WNEA OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSElF CONTRACTOR TElE.AND THE OWNER. ....,........,•.,1 .',..., '-'n •T>",\..<onst:rncLon.:...nnoaenng Cab,net-ry (3031476-'711 Ch83 Bei.'nhardt Box 2012 Vail.CO 81658 i Petter I-Iclnc Improvers j .•~. "·1~"\-,"'-..\••.•'.t :......l.~.:\~\I. _.- \ .' .' ,....~."•, .'- \, \\"r v' ';'"\'-, .\","• ) i \,,, i ~ ,•..,,.;.>"• vV- •• (30:n -47fi-471:l Chaa Bernhardt Box 2012 Vail,CO 81668 .;~~~1l,~Construction,Remodeling"'1:"''''~Cabinetry...~~ ;,~~Better Home Improvers''\.~~~\~~~ .1 I' i I ,,\ .. \'.,. i \--j!:-----. '" , ~ !i '1,0 ~,.._.!o.~, '-.'. 4"r()b'l'Ct,.,. Of'g-"• ., 1'0/to ~'..'.' /1-'<-, (303)47fl.A7t2 ChllR Bt!mhardt Box 2012 Vail,CO 81658 ."'.,"']Construction,Femodeling 'f'<~Cabinetry,I ..'.:.~Better Home Improvers .1"~..-\..;,<i:!~·.-,;;-,r:.;',:'~t ".t'.\,l[-1'"••:'ItI'.:I.,..Dll~l. .-----~"-.......~.~" ,. ,',i :---- ::::::=:::::--=----=--==:-.-/____I ~_ •.I ~j .- "- -'-' ..,g S::>ror/I~c::.. '15 re.c:..-.•~...~ • •• ,....Construc4.ion.R~~odelin:;{ C.s.bin·~tl'Y ·f Better I-loille Improvers .1 "\ .'.";J. <:.~.'\..?;..: ••-.J,ILi:.UU.Chll~Bel1lhardt Box :t.'012 --Voll,co 81658 (3031476-<719 i i,•, \I- \,, ~f"J '\ -J\ 2 l 0 L, ~~., \ • j ,;~'>;;~1 Constructio~,Remodeling :''r."'"ii9 Cabmetry:;.}1'~q ~~l Better Home Improvers'''Iii:~~!i~.).\w ".''f'l, ).I"•1:1 •ChsliI Bemhantt Box 2012 Vail,CO 81658 (303)4;'1...d711 'C-,----;;1x.\ \ l-U'l../I)~"i~rl liS,~...~.~"PJ, \L-j.,'o I~'~" 1\[.'rc",,;...~;-""J;'-, --------./)0 ~"~~o.~, \---\k--....- "X \----=f,-----. ".~~ _._..._- 1-1'<10 bllCl ......._ .,. ~/! (30~l47l\.A71'} Cha8 Bernhardt Box 2012 Vail,CO 81668 .....'T:"l Construction,Remodeiir.g :,i~Cabmetry :,~~etter Home Improvers .".r.::.·~~~! .,t;:!j.·:~1~.•H.:I.U~:l. ---;..~ ----=-=...-0=-:-/ -----=-'/-.- ~... ;...-. .-. ....•,'C ,;.., """)'C-:" g.SDrcr-,I.~ QS ;·e';]:..-::... • • •• •Project Application • Dale June 06 t 1985 Project Name:_AA""d"er""s'"o"'n"--!Dec"""k'--_ Project Description:_-'Add!iQ!L.!dlleclQkUo"n'--'t"'oU;SQQU!il,thernggm-lP2;lQJrl:Jt'liLlolInu;otlf~ho!QYu!:>sJ:e _ Contact Person and Phone .....<has...-;.......B<:""'rnhard.L!lJ=w..t_-'4,cZu6"-,,4...Zul,,Z'--_ Owner,Address and Phone:Roger AndersoD 748 Potato Patch Drive Van,en.476-8087 Architect,Address and Phone._'OO"hmDeer"-~4"7JJ6"'-"'8:Sl0Jl8;.7L _ legal Description:Lot ~71-----Potato Pa tchBlock-2"-----_Filing ....::.:..:.:..:=--===--_•Zone duplex Comments:The cxid shape of the deck is patially to facilitate the view of the neighooring 1/Z duplex to see Vail t-buntain. Design Review Board Date _ Motion by: Seconded by:"?~======""-,,----- APPROVAL Summary DISAPPROVAL .:::.....~~~~~~~;;;;;~~~~:t>_==--=,.---------.,..r_."affApproval Dale • -,. , \ \, \, ~ •~;:'"'jj',;f Construction,Remodeling' ~,,'"Cabinetry ".,-:..:'J '!-I,~Y.!:Better Home Improvers ~~·.11 .- '""'0£f~ill Chao Bernhardt Box 2012 Vail,CO 81668 (3031476-471~ \ \ \ \ \, /'-....0' I :" 4J~7~-~~: ~~-~ /,'It Mia Iii/A-z;-cu4t'"kJcJP 5?700AUALJI1B<.£"--z:.-~<t ~~'7D ~___I.ql~. !.jzf(81 ti4'f'~u.-.--M -•• To:Utility Companies Within The Town of Vail From:Roger Anderson,Charles Bernhardt Re:Encroachment of Non-Structural FeaturesInto Utility Easements on a portion of Lot 7,Block 2,Vail Potato Patch Subdivision,Eagle County Colorado. Certain non-structural features intrude into certain utility easements on the above referenced property and are described on the attached Site Plan,dated May 30,1985,and referred to as "Exhibit A".In the event that any utility company requires use of the utility easements and said installation of utility necessitates removal of non-structural features within the utility easement,replacement of the features shall be at the sole discretion and expense of the property owner.This notice does not however,permit damage to property outside utility easements. This Document shall be recorded by the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder and shall be a perpetual encombrance of the property. Signatures Dates Public Service C~~~~~~~~L1~~~__~ Vail Cable T.V. Holy Cross Elec. Property Owners "=~ Mou n ta i n Be 11 S;;,;,d!~"/}<::i;;><::"'~"'";'¥"'7;2~k Western Slope Gas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Dist. NOTE -COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 10/1/84CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT,DATE "--001888..-PERMIT NO. 1111 I '111 .1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION '''''''~department of community development 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH M BUILDING 4 000.00. DIVISION ~z ELECTRICAL 990.00 TO BE FILLED OUT COMPlETELY PRIOATO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT 0 ~PlUMBING 480.00GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFWORK:"t andTYPEOFPERMIT1igbtspanelwallstostorageroom "~ [jj BUilDING IKJ PLUMBING for use as play room.Egress window ~MeCHANICAl WI ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION I and door to dinino room will also beoMECHANICAL0TYPEGROUP 'y VAlUATION PERMITFEESOR.F.A. LEGAL lOT 7 BlK 2 V R-3 5,470 BUILDING PERMIT 56.50 DESC.FILING Pota to Patch Sub.PlAN CHECK 28.25 JOB NAME:ANDERSON PLAY ROOM ADD.ELECTRICAl..35.00 '\ OWNER NAME Roger Anderson HEW()AlTERATION ()ADDITIONAl ()REPAIR ()PLUMBING 10.00 1MAliADDRESS748PotatoPatchDWElLINGUNITS__ACCOMMC:>OAnON l./NrTS __MECHANICAl CITY Vai1.81657 47JL~8087 HErGHTINFT __NO FIREPLACES --RECREATION FEE 26.25 It; ARCHITECT FIRM Rouff Wentworth INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 10.00 ~ Drawer 2178 FLOOR CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 100.00 f.?"'::l-MAIL ADDRESS 476-3051 ~.::::...Vail ,CO EXT WALLS Ridoe 1~11 A 11 USE TAXCITYPH.-"'0'~~ GENERAL FIRM Better Home Builders V<;:" 209A TYPE fLEe.GAS 266.00CONTRACTORTOWNOFVAILREG.NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES ---QF TELE.476-4712 SOLAR WOOD ~-~//./t?/~HEAT FIRM White River Elee.ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:UILOING OFFICIAL ll"ATE ELECTRICAL 145E ,~~I-..!r~tan Pritz_9/28/84---tOWN Of VAIL REG,NO.------CONTRACTOR THE.949 0220 ST CUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE If Ie:::,;BlASTING ZONING &.BUILDING NOTES: FIRM Alpine Mechanical PARKING y/ PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.142P 1//ICONTRACTORDEMO TO'0 949-7052 fiRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the Information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information provided as required is correct.I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO.agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply wi1h all Town ordinances and state ITELE. laws,and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and S;diViSion codes,design review approved,Uniform Building Code and other ardin af leb applicable thereto. OTHER FIRM return clean up to:..... Better Home Builders -Box2012,Vail sfGNATURE OF 0TOWNOFVAILREG.NO.R OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE.81658 AND THE OWNER. War\< PERMITFEES BUILDING 4,((O.aJ z ELECTRICAl 9'JJ.aJ0 ~<PlUMBING 48J.aJ~ "<MECHANICAL> VALUATION ,.1984 G,A.F,A. I DATE TYPE GROUP 1 TVPEOFCQNSTRUCTION III III IU Z.OCCUPANCYGROUP ABE ~"eJM DIVISION 12 ~ GENERAL OESCRIPT ION OF WORK;gtjt.arrl l..:i,Qbto:am raw wills to st:rn:ag::nx:m or l.Ee as ..,1.~J<bnx:c:wird::w a"d d:xr to ..o PLUMBINGoFOUNOATIONo {cKr} lOll 01 ral!J;._. department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT [iI BUILDINGoElECTRICALoMECHANICAL• LEGAL OESC. lOT-'..7 BlK 2 FILING Potato Patch Subdivisi BUILDING PERMIT Sr~so ptANCHECK c;..'C...>..5 JOB NAME:Anderson playroom ELECTRICAL _<-s-:-c/O PLUt.4BlNG /0,c)t!J MECHANICAl RECREATION FEE ttY!.lr:,/$ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES ZONIJ'JG a BUILDING NOTES;_ 6U\l)'l~f OF"CI~."'"----q2'----- -1\W1M\-ut.---lJo L __ 'ONING ADt.4INISTRATOR ~ /././1 WOOD ....s X THICKNESS R·VALLUEme fLEC. SOC"" OWELLlNGUNlTS __Accom"ooATIONl/NITS __ HEIGflTtNFT.__NO.fIREPLAces INSULATION; flOOR ST.CUT ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; :L ROOF EXT.WALLS I U:A l'J'I::1.rei r// OEWO PARKING TYPE OF HEAT BLASTING NEW()AlTERATION ()ADOITIONAl()REPAIR () flRM Better Home Irnprovet:S TOWN QF VAIL REG NO.209-B TELE.'.7"_'.71? CITY vai J.Cp,PH.476-3051 flRM Whi te Rivet Elec. ARCHITECT FIRM Roufff/Wentworth MAll ADDRESS Dr,2178 en,Vail Co PH.476-8087 OWNER NAME Roger Anderson MAll ADDRESS Box 926 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM A)pine Mechanical C~~~~:~~~R TOWN QF VAIL REG.NO.He2~/Jf?P T EL ~.'¥f9-"'XJ52. • iElECTRICAl 1'1£E ONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAll REG.NO. TELE.949-0220 fiRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO. TElE. OTHER :.:":::RM"-_ TQWN QF VAll.REG.NO. CONTRACTOR TELE . I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in lull the Information required, completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all Ihe information provided as required is correct.I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,10 comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and 10 build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved,Uniform BUilding Code and other ordin ces 01 th~Town applicable thereto. ,#.L 7'~L SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR 'OR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. ..,""10,.,,..., 9/17/0"/• / I rrw-o";01 I I / eb /.;.0)( A t---------1 I A .B b"",;.""i t. CCYlr.e-c1 "'/D.R.l 4#t-1 M,,·t. f\-J"'I'ck;-bt Ii....uvbo<1,~A1f' B'ivt:llt t~,..CCII'~~.t.(;.1/'''11 J ~"pc1'J",~ff.........">I~/~,~·\ If!KI,rlr"'l fJ.'N It,;p::",IJ1o., c-wt;f/;Sc......."IS'B 6..1 fL:)/,..fllk~·t1i1 G~il"')~'J.~l(dIDp jr.d '"'/4Cl>l.f+-i: /':'C.'(!,15 9/17 /;"1 • b~s<hc4;fo c.C'nl'·t,d 'YD.2., 1.(._""'"M ",.t. new ,4,,&,""HI w'-Qi;.;;-" R~rf::..J!4J';"'±1 CATiJ ~t.,.:.j P.~J''''iJhc~/t-':'"T)"'·"0 L,_''.L fi-,)','I'do-b</j...t ,"'"J,~MJ 8 -/vt:I/r t,}....eCu't..u2..(;,{f"'1, J ill k..'1 fJC""f1!lI-.....1 •..r~/~"..\ I~?kJ..rlt-y p ..,-~'If)/):;,.,,11/;'1 c-w"lIr Sc ......<lcS"lJ ':1.:1 ,10 /...r"k,-t'DiJ A ~\r.~II -.-._.._-~-~-------I'- _ _------.----..'0••_-----.''\. v1 I rf'Wtl'1 itA Jj / eke.·hoI('/ ,. \• \ I I •I~ t ·. "~-':... ,- o I..I:,'-~ , 3:'---.-'-''0·1 ' " -,, -=-...., [!j,.,,~'. I .--"""'---- •..~---.J ~~-;~ ~-..,~.-....-.,,,'"-..--_.,..-...~ ._--.__..---_.- <> 3 o ~''''i''~'',,"------..I •.•••..•_._---••- L .~-'---'.'~._-....-<1 --.--~ ;E.'--...-..--~-~•••.• "• l\·1 -......_--~I'i.=-.:-\:1,--- I :! !:....J_ \ •..- .k"-,sDA,/);1r <>o" -' q/I7/H Jr-,,;~',J1 Lt .tTL-,~=ASC:~ ,, ,r I~',," ~c.:,'Z.~r~o ". n!! -mUI-I I RlIallfJ Fire ~~~~::~;:';:.lli7Q~ v;:nCify r.'Perm~t Sec.303 I..:;lS!:t U.tI,C ":.Jl1ce or o~a!'!!f:",0:~.1}.1'I;I,(ilf$MQiI of N,,'lS and '~'_:I r'idSII'JJ!1'IfJ'1I1~:;:$I~(Il!1lfrth J C6rml!for or.:'n .-TCl~"iny Vh)lali,,;n of any 01 t~:I'pn;~'ISi!ins OIl/us eoce I';~i o:;,er ordmJf>c,:ci (he iUrlsci~llf)n.The Issuance of~·w 02S:;Jd upon ,plims,sPecif!~!ions .]nd othor data shall c.'flr lJ·'!'l,the biJJldtng O~fJ(a from tliereafier rSQulrlng the ;..;GtUIT.!:f errors In said ptans,sPcciflCd!ions and other'~~,1-J-~stf --to.. r.;7'"J .-.c 0 • .~- /'--':",,:,:,.~ -"?-~ ~.--';.-;.-:~"";:.-. .~_.'"--.•I •••',". I.:1 1 ;;ill;rr.;;;;~~m 'c'-]'::,G'"''''''"'PO;:;:"1 1 r ',"1'r•I '"I'1-.';,.1 l~(!!.-',11...)•\,.'£.I ,,_,;,,~~I::~i i~.-'.I'.",,;,.....~-"---'~':-'.-..;;.~";.~.:L..••_~....:::-:~::,;1:\i..;:.........--=....~....:\:.''~I i,11',"-'-" -II I ;!' I'i 'li@i!' I i I•__.Ji__.I ~r-=:-':..;":r--' '__•.i ,.•..•J _••---------..-_. rI' i ;j ;j I,,, \"t~'1..I ~ M) ~ .. ,I'i 1:.-."..,' ~-'I Iril@:,[,'rLiL_.__ _.-:..,.! ;.1:,.,••,.?.....1_~l---J J [I'--'----",,1 • • ·Project Application Date _....:....----.:=~_...::....-....;'1~_ Project Name:---+~--'--""':"::-'--"""--"'-"-''---=----'-''''-f..L.....:::.-=-=c..::....;~----'-----------------_''''::''--­ Project Descri plion:...:....:..::..:...;:...::..-~:.::.:...:::..L::-::-:....!.::.:::....:..l----::_~_~~~r-:-L~:::..Ll...!..-..!~~~==---.=L~-C..;~.!....!...~!.!l....:....!.r~r..(L(--= Contact Person and Phone Architect,Address and Phone:I C f /1.f76 0<-'/ Legal Description:Lot __-'7:--_-.,Block __2..Filing _.,.;.;;...:...-.....:....:;:::....:......::...--.;.;:....::.:..:...-__,Zone _ Comments:---'/:L.:...::.....:.....:;~~.:....;.._:...:..:..--r...;=~:.....=.---=~~~~--=-_.!:..!.J.~~::....L~ll---!!.."!:!...J---<-!:::JL~::2.._.!-----!!~~....L__ Design Review Board Date _ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:_ Staff Approval Date: •LIST OF f~TERIALS-•• NAME OF PROJECT:~,{'"J7k"rmc LEGAL OESCRIPTION:"T O~O ~f'~FILINGj"~~~~C;I.STREET ADDRESS:742 U ..to 1-b:&b.•£_ DESCRIPTION OF PROJtC~:a,,(",q:;;~~;;;g)te.('''''~$r c t6-r,q 5'I'kr')'coc<o The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A.BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fasc;a Soffits .lerro.-IQM'Windows Window Trim s It.CeQ 10 ""*1c h e XI rt,'4 Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other . B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS:Botani"cal Name COlTlTlon Name Quanity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO _ BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduc;ous trees.Indicate height for conifers. • PLANT MATERIALS:Botanical Name (can1t) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Common Name Quanity Size Square Footage TYPE OR METHOD OFEROSIONCONTROL ------------------- • C.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,fences,swimming pools,etc.)Please specify. 1 •• / To:Utility Companies Within The Town of Vail From:Roger Anderson,Charles Bernhardt Re:Encroachment of Non-Structural FeaturesInto Utility Easements on a portion of Lot 7,Block 2,Vail Potato Patch Subdivision,Eagle County Colorado. Certain non-structural features intrude into certain utility easements on the above referenced property and are described on the attached Site Plan,dated May 30,1985,and referred to as "Exhibit All.In the event that any utility company requires use of the utility easements and said installation of utility necessitates removal of non-structural features within the utility easement,replacement of the features shall be at the sole discretion and expense of the property owner.This notice does not however,permit damage to property outside utility easements. This Document shall be recorded by the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder and shall be a perpetual encombrance of the property. Signatures Property Owners~~~ Mountain Bell ,K tv Western Slope Gas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Public Service c~~~~~~~~Z1~~~__7' Dates • ~//d./~' cd~';7 57 80.~CONSTRUCTION PERMIT,DATE --PRDJECT NO. •."N2 485 "PERMIT NO .1m DIal 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION lllill IVV department 01 community development 2.0CCUPANCY GROUP ABE H '@M BUILDING ,an nnn, 1 2 2aG)4 "nnnDIVISIONzELECTRICAL TYPE OF PERMIT 0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION QFWORK :\i PLUMBING 30 000rnI!J New Duplex ~ BUILDING PLUMBING ~ ~rn ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATION ONLY >MECHANICAL 18 000 0 MECHANICAL 0 LEGAL LOT 7 BLK 2 TYPE GROUP SQ.FT.VALUATION PERMIT FEES DESC.FILING Potato Patch 2nd V 0.,."",",nnn 1 ,<.N1BUILDINGPERMIT reNAME,Nyarady Ouplex V M-l llOfi ..nnn PLAN CHECK <70 nn NER NAME ELECTRICAL 55.00 MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING 300.00 CITY PH.NEW (X)ALTERATION ()ADDITIONAL ()REPAIR ()MECHANICAL ,on nn ARCHITECT FIRM DWELLING UNITS ~ACCOMMODATIONUNITS RECREATION FEE '"0< MAIL ADPRESS G RE.A.4475 BEDROOMS 7 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD '00 nn CITY PH.COMMERCIAL SYST __RESTAURANTSEATING CLEAN·UP DEPOSIT 200 .on GENERAL FIRM H.E.Anderson ~~HEIGHT IN FT.__BATHTUB/SHOWER a CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS NO FIREPLACES -L-NO TOILETS 7 TOTAL PERMIT FEES .,?40 ?< 127-A le,~OH j~/COVERED PARKING __UNCOVERED PARKING -~--%JI.fJ--FIRM --- ELECTRICAL ---ILDING OFFICIAL _ MAIL ADDRESS -- .TRACTOR INSULATION 1-------- C'TY PH ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE TYPE THICKNESS R·VALUE FIRM ?" ONING NOTES: FLOOR B>tt "Final OK as nresentedPLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAil ApDRESS EXT.WALLS B>tt '"'0 CITY PH.ROOF Batt 12",. FIRM HEATMECHANICAL ,"..,,,"KNOW"OO""'","••*,i~<lJCONTRACTORMAILADDRESS XELEC:GAS: Imv PH SOLAR:WO\>D"REAllTHIS AI'PI.lCATION AND STATE THAT TIlE ~ OTHER FIRM VAIL WATER'SAN O'ST TAP FEE'h.~11'0,.'J 0 ABOVE IS CORKECT ANI>i\GKEE TO COMPLY MAIL ADDRESS WITH AI.1.TOWN OKUI.'IANCES ANP STATE LAWS Kr.GAN.DING IWll.DING CONSTRU~TI().-':. CONTRACTOR CITY PH.SPECIAL NOTES:<4'c;;~ .1':"'\\''';'nu ("{" TRANSMITTAL RECORD DATE JOB NO. Aut:.I Q I '':>8 \ JOB TITLf N"fAtZAC>:-<DUPLc:..X We Are Sending:Herewith (x)Under Separate Cover () For Your:Information (X)Use (Action () The Following:Pri nts ()Letters (X)Specs (Cuts () Shop Drawings (Ph at ogra phs ()Phof os tats () Requisitions ) COPIES DESCRI PTI ON REMARKS' -J lE."tT'E.R.Fl?oM nh;,ME:Cl+~·N.lcAL..·t.HGiiltJ.EF&j4H-Q De:..SI 'fttJE...t>:J1.}e..cnt:1?:>U$TION A\g AN.p'KE:ctrAt-i \CAL RUOFF/WENTWORTH ARCHITEGS r AlA Copies of Above () Transmittal Only ()To: !-.'Je )':e;EnglnE:erlng conSUI.S.Inc. ':::'L.~::.,S:'eet 0 Box j 736 ::;:..~d.J~sDKlr GS.CO ORADO 81601 DATE August 7,1981 (303)945·8088 Ruoff-Wentworth Arch. Drawer 2176 Vail,Co.81657 Steve: SUBJECT Nyardy Duplex Attn:Steven Richards :.>This is to verify our previous conversations in regard to combustion and ,-elief air duct situation.Our design of the above mentioned duct Was in accordance with Section 607 (e)of the 1976 Uniform Mechanical Code and Chapter 14 of the 1977 A.S.H.R.A.E.Fundamentals Handbook.The criteria set forth in Chapte 14 are considered to be acceptable design standards for combustion air reouirements. If you have any further questions,please contaGt this office. Respectfully Yours, Abe)ta Engineering Consultants,Inc. £/'C ./-_=,::J..co//F-....IJ11Cf,,~L'<.·/~7 Kim A.Fisch~r7 <- Mechanical rie;igner D PLEASE REPL Y EJ NO REPL Y NECESSARY SIGNED ,.;-Berm·No.0 11 24 ~' VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT £J.-mE.../?.. TAP PERMIT WILL NOT E ISSUED UNTIL TP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB J1 /2 GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR _ EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR _ L1C.NO._ L1C.NO._ L1C.NO._ SIZE OF TAP:Water Sewer Meter Size _ NUMBER OF UNITS d tOO'(~Amoun'~~~ Date Billed Date Paid ~~-fl gd S--/2-g'O iljE .a,.~~. C)c.:tt ?9 6g'"--1;.f!.~ Finance Director Bldg.Dept.-White:-1A'aterand sanitation -Green;-Public Works -Canary;-Contractor -Pin .-Accounting -Goldenrod the ~rintery ""I-I .. •• • •.. . PUfSIU..l.._PLN~OCO<L .. ,'fiLItlG • • .r~[Oi(1UJ VAlt.,<1iLpIUJJJ ~lfi)7 (tCSltOlur.L \IAT(i1 to ~O;u1 TN'rEE (..\l.CtA.Aflo-, .·.41f~/14 ..Leer.:2.. IUl~OF Ie'':a.':~Pl.~r[f;·1 '7[55 DJUIIG ,..or...1ES5 ...:..._ ~()O OX.';;0 /.OtJ stJ -JliSfcaOR...'. I "3.00~ru &TOIlET X 1.50 D ()If 1w...F fA m)II /.0'0EXTRASU;KS X .75 D .Flll!IATII·, 3.00 D'.07/.00(sa;,';ffi oa no M I1 x PASI:l,lOJLETj Ro:ns CL.I'IH:G Fro"$,1.00 /2.0<)Eilli1X1·S,CrFr-ICES,x =.. STillIOS)/'l.l r-.<L II :ortUOINTS I(b'e)() 10.00 FOllIls.=1.()J uI1Jrr7 ,lOrN.U/ITS .t./6tJtJ x$l38e.O<F $.f"'?7'tJ;.,20, Lc /?~• ". KITC-alS '2.X 2.50 .= DI S><-1ASho.-U ~x 1.00 = LJU{E:RIES 2 X .50 =(rER~:l lCE f'ACfmES ..2..x..25 = SAlNAS x .25 D l-U\T'£'Cl eccLES &.25~U\TER fOt;ITAJ:l.S X = S\il"r'lI::G POOLS X 5.00 D .)UJJll.!X HB = OOTS I C'=:~:A1'8 X = V111U.':..M o.~c:::J Flll '"lJlS X 3.00 D !m'\S x·l.oo =• Kimel X 1:&1 = DJ 5.'ii.\St-ER X D u.u<mJES .x·.50 D .'. 0UTS11E HATER X 1.00 = •., ../ rcxLo.W:C lH:;CNl'l(llal or-ro:smlCTI(\'~or-/J.t smLcn'!ifS.TIE DISlrnd $1tf'J.L rll(rt\-~'t /I nrrSIG.l..1:1";I'l(TIC,'j er r.LL l'hullS~S ,0 t:nr;;"I/I~::liE I:l.H.'(;.I CF FOU:TS 10 )l(/IS~(S:;:D ,..((\)I::U:;o..i 10 ll'~\:,',li::l ..;:~~i..~.o.:~T:,"J r~~.;:;\l r..ATC ~':t.n::..u.,\5 /I.'~I;r'flJ.II::!.I 1I~:::1lI.;il:ICT SI:,\!..L t':J:£,':1''(1.!\Jujr;·;;n~1;,(C~$;,lY H:\J;::C'nIGI:~IJ.. lN'rl (rr.l!l,1111:;1:1;;'(0101 SI~·.LL ilL::">00(1;;11::(ilL WIUlIl:G o.':lffi'S 1i!\T(ii I~:JJ SOi(j(S(lWIC(01,.\1;0E, OONa>OF ntOcCl('fi$""'1 \.In ..",..".;""IJllrlf'l"nfo:;rnlrr I I • -..'r-',.......-:".......:........"- TY?!:Grl:OIJP ·e .-~~.-----_._----.~-~-----:--.------------- Permit No. VAIL WA ER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT E ISSUED UNTIL TP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB --LJLI-~~~~--Jl-__+_/~~~l>..----__..,._______=_------~;L_---_A----'~'-'--~!..__----,~~~-'----__"__;L _L._......:::cP'____'__'r/9-Tc:....:-.:..i::'----J~T~If)IJ" GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR _ L1C.NO._ L1C.NO._ L1C.NO._ Meter Size _ Amount _=~'---Iol.r_~~~_,---,,-:z._O _ SIZE OF TAP:Water Sewer _ NUMBER OF UNITS r;-!tOC)(4~) Date Billed _DatePaid _ Finance Director Bldg.Dept.-White;-Water and Sanitation -Green;-Public Works -Canary,-Contractor-Pink:-Accounting -Goldenrod PlCfSICJJ..._P~f:CK L:..-Ct,~..~.Bf.ij:l ~ rtC.5ILUlTItJ...\/.".TQ t sn·ut TN'reE +,ilO'~ /VI'!:OF Ie""G,::,",,1£8,:'/14·~·lIln.T AX$fSS ..---.I..__~_ LDr /I i:l£CK DlLLHC /.D~(SS -'-_" , 1.PASa-arr "3,001STFlOOR~.sm &.mlL.ET x 18)~ ~J)fLOCl a:E PALF EArn);I /,..5"'0iIDfL~EXTRA SJW<S x .75 ~ 2.PAS9::.r iT Ftll SAlli . =,0 7/•002STfL(XJ..l (S:-Co'•.",0'TU3!!iii"x 3,00 10 fUXN BASW,TOIlET Y\[)Floc..~ 3.PASfJ"alT Rcx:r'$(Ll'lIt:G r.o:::r-s,/2.tJCJ~fl.CC'l E~~'S,GFt'ltE:i,x 1.00 = .1)Flro~ST~IOS)f"oJ..!.~II ;>RD FLoo.::r ".~00q.KIT~S '2.x 2.50 = DJSHt~~.,2 x 1.00 =01:.170 5,UU',,'!;:RJES 2 x .50 -I·0 0 (PER "';5!"'~ 6.ICE PACiiJt~ES .2.x·.25 =,s-tJ 7.SfJNAS x ,25 ~ 8.}:ATER coc0s g tv\'TER FO'...:fT~illS x .25 = 9.Sh'l/-i'lH.'G POJl.S x 5.00 ~ Jt.O.JZZI x 1:59 ~ 10.CXJrsl~;:":Al'8 x ~ V111UN.N 0.=c:.~ lJ1'A'illaITL 1.fUl."UllS x 3.00 - 2."'XN$x'1.00 ~ 3.KtJDei X 1:~~ DIS.t.t·~l.~x = q.LJ.tNDRIES .x'.50 ~ ,0, 5.ctmiJIE HAlER x 1.00 = lOrN..POI NTS I(t,.!J?J -JllSP£CTOR 10.00 "m:T"=1.00 ltllT •.,l'fr7 /07',,;.,).0 ,lOrN..trllTS ~6"o x$1300,()(F S (p', :.-&:c?...qz-;-: ,. ". rcx.l.OW:G n~cr:-f'lfT1Gl OF cc::smt'CTIW os:N L SThl.C1\!::fS.TI"::D1~mICT SI!fJ..L r£uro.'";,,'1 A rlifSIUL \:I';I,£(IIC';cr /ILL t·f;.c';USfS "0 f(lt";:IJf;:;:1J~l:U('(~CF FOII:TS 10 1\[I\~~[SZD 1'.c{\)l~1;~;10 1l'~\:;.1;::1 ;~':o ~..~'...;;;T:,"E=:.;;:\l r..\l[:;~r.L:"U,.\$ l.':<.:r:['[[),fI::'J 1l~~OIjil:ICT S!i.\!,.L ,'~'J;£,..T'(rJuu ..a;'.-iliS 1:~((SS".,y III 11;£:C~IGI;:"'_ lN'flC PI.W.nu:;I:Ci'(CTlOl !.H"J...L J\l~DCl(l;;II::[nL WIWli.'C 0:101's I-;'J\TE~ I.'lD SOiffi ~(J::vIC(QVJ;L>E. [lQ,\r.!)OF D1n(ClMS V""\.I""".....';"'lItIlTl"""f\to;:mtrr • ••ZONE CHECK for SFR.R.R PIS ZONE DISTRICTS Legal Description:Lot _.J.1_Block :z Filing _T}.k.fo ]edd Z~J... Owner N.!;J~Architect 72..Jc>ff v00.d-c~ Zone DistrYct ~P(5 Proposed Use ~,",fex=-_ Lot Area C/O 3Y!e Hei ght A11O'./ed 30'lroposed --.::6t..::.1>....._ Se'tbacks:Front-Requir'ed-20 i -'~Proposed ---<.4t-"...---------------- Sides-Required 15 1 Proposed ~~~"'-___ Rear -Re q uir6/),Proposed --.;QL~r----------------------' Watercourse-required Proposed -.JjJ4 GRFA:All OI'/ed I s=Zed '-"-'---.-;:P:::ro~p:::o,~e-':-d-d:a;;jil-:;::;;:~- GRFA:Prima'r]'A1101'led 38%Primary Proposed -'="'=-+:'-'f'--- Secondary All OI'lOd 1'iZ '5 Secondary Proposed _.:ii'!B!1!~3.L'1l.f12 Site Coverage:Allowed ~t2 Proposed ~==-_ Landscaping:Required ~cz.,Proposed -"=-__ Parking:Required ZNJyj::5"Prop,ed _-"'t>-_ 7 Drive:Slope Permitted P>?o Slope Actual _ Envirollmental/Hazards:I\v~lanche _L6tl'-~~_ Flood Pl ain _(''''~tl-_._ ~. Conwe"ts:G 7?EiJ,{J;/UM~~'f"'------- ------------------.-- ---------------------- Z0:1;n9 : ------c,......,---------- r'pprovcd/Disapprovcd Odte:~_ 7(~6!~ i' \.. r ~.\•_.;-4 l ..... -FT. <;C1 .FT· t 1 e:. eAs\L'i'~~CLCSt;:.D Pr:<,o f'0 $1;;':0 20 ~'\. Two FAI-'\I LY . ec;.• I_aT h!YAF<AOY PL.lPt..~>< LoT"1.,t=:>LOCK.2 "I POTATO FATe+!SU6DI"tSloN f I I:!1..Cl-\7I- I 1'3.0'2.0 I ;Pr..I<HITf1C:;V U t3.0"'0 IkONPli"IO~JAL 11- .l-:;.040 Ar.r.\:.,??of<...,-JsG.-s:GARA~~-'5.,PAl lOS '"e+c.~r ---"--'---'--"'=-::-.., .l~.C~?O .:h~T Ar<£A.f 'Srre P\l--'\~\-l?\()N'=-: II i i I I. 1&, ;! .\3.01?~!HEIGt4T ~ ?l2.0"Po sf::.0 I cq For, l;?~o4 '$q.Fi. \9-4S sq.rr· :PI<\')'fes t=-t:> 462.8 ~'1'PT· 1946 5q.FT. II.J ,I j I I'i ~,..'I'..-'(9:9 .. ,1'3.C...~oilSll COYE=«Ac:;;....~,----- I .1'3.\Do II V .;,L :'.T~D ; ,1'3,tt 0 W~.~::-~cA PEt;)A~- A LLov--lE.D 8GIG sq .FT. .p~o po,::>.P 26 j 848>sq.FT·3G)200 sq.l=r. [I I I I ,I B ~I:'~~.~'D 4 'SpAces •• LIST OF MATERIALS • LEGAL DESCRIPTION__...J.7__·LOT NAME OF PHOJ ECT__-"b.L1'f.LA"-!SR...A"'vLel __--'Od.YEJ£.'< 2.BLOCK FILING DESCRIPTIO)!OF PROJECT The followine information is required for submitla'l by the Applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. A.)BUILDING MATEIlIALS:Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia ____"-QEEjEE.-'.--"W<;8!.1I.lIF.E..,_ Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors To t:1A.Tr.-..J·t ~J~"--_ <.E.DAg __.~QJ,;j'KPIC.~'11'? Door Trim C"QAg'--_PI '""71~_01 '1'M ..._-..;> Hand or Deck Rails Flues r'lashings VA~_ ?41>!TFP 1<>M-m:I<.=.1.=IMo._ Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other ----'.hL.~~'i>.!E=-_ e.)PLANT NATF.RIALS (Vegetative,Landscaping Materials includillg Trees,Shrubs, and Ground Cover) Eotanical Name -------- Common Name ---- Quantity 21 ---""-_.- Size 8'-to lz,l •• Page 2 Plant M~teriaIs Continued '. r ! Lj.-. Eotanical Name COTILmon Name Quanti~.. Size C.)OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (Retaining Walls,Fences,SWlrrnning Pools,etc,) (Please Specify) WAILS •Project Application Date _ Project Name:---.L-t=-+~~~::r'---r.~~~::::::::~~---------------- Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: ~~Legal Description:Lot _-''----__•Block ,Fi ling ---.L----"'----.:...-"--=-=_~~~~...=--__!' Zone:------------------t:e.~_ Motion by: Seconded by: Design Review Board Date _/1-...:..--..:;.-/?-=----Y(_G:>_ DISAPPROVAL Date: Chief Building Official • Public Notice • ~ \ '. do solemnly swear that I am OF PUBLICATION ) )SS. ) My Commission expires __'Znoo.~2.l.~<~.t.~U.L--,/~t.,-_I9li In .....itness whl'l"l'of I ha"e hereunto set my hand this ~~""'<::=-_ Afg I\.A.D.1'-~~ publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated M'f,.L..±A.D.191~ COUNTY OF EAGLE I,A~eN k.-~x the'1W?,~...V&i!.of THE VAIL TRAIL;that the same Is a weekly newspaper printed,in whole or in part and published in thl'Cnunty of Eagll',Stille of Colorado.and has a (eneral circulation therein;that said newspaper has been published continuously and unintt'rruptedly in said County of Eae,le for a period of more than tifty·two consecuth"e wet'ks next prior to the first pUblication of the annexed legal notice or advertisemt'l1t;that said nl'wspaper has been admitted to the United SLat6 mails as second-class mattt'r under the provisions of the .\ct of )1arch 3.1879.or any ilmffidments then'of.and that said newspaper is a wHkly newspaper duly qualified for pUblishing legal noUcl'S and ad\·ertis.ements within the melning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed lee:a!notice or ad\'ertisement was published in the rt>gular and l'ntire issue of e\'ery number of said w~kly newspaper for the period of __IL__ consecutive insertions;and that the first pubicalion of said notice was in lhe issue of said newspaper dated A£~lk If-A.D.19~and that the last Subscribed and sworn to before me,I notaf)'p in and for County of Eagle. State of Colorado,this S?z:z,.day of -_/.ua~~"""~~__A"D.19.....e.- ~&g..J~'"'.<:.-L----""A'-'--,~Q.o4A.~~iu)"J>ublic \ PROOF STATE OF COLORADO ORDINANCE NO.5 5etie~of 1915 AN ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 10.11.AND 12.BLOCK 2.·VAIL POTATO PATCH.AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP WHEREAS.on the Olll,~, Zonln"Map of the TO","of vall, Colo.ado.Lot 7.Bloele 2.Vi"ponto Patcn,comp,;~ng IPQ.QKlmallly 2.48 Icr.~.is currently loned Ii • Mlolum oan~lIy Multiple Filmlly OrWlc.IMDMF); WHEREAS,$/lid LOI 7 hl$oeen ,e,uOdlvlded into;!It,,"lOIS, dl,lloCfll>ed U LOts 10,II,••",12. BloCk 2.Vall 1>0:.'0 Palen; WHEREAS,JlCk Beg'o....agel'll '0.Robert Eo Myron.M,,~n.el Forrfi.....ilnO Tnomp\.On B.Slonde,s, own."of ....ill LOIS 10.II,and 12, IlIla •petillo"for nzanlnt with ll'le Zoning Adminis'ritor on tIM 12th day Of FeD'....y.1915,tequesting In"wid lot,be '''01'110 Ii II T""O Family R8'!oidential Olst,IU (R);and WHEREAS.'1'1<1 Town Council consicMn In~1 It Is In tnl pulllie Intl,est to C1own·zonl l~lCl loll so ltl fa 'ldUC.t~enln Ihl 1IliowlIIlie d.velopment C1eositYI NOW,THEREFORE,8E IT ORDAINEO BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF.THE TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO,AS FOLLOWS, SECTION 1.TIlle, Tnl,o'dloaoce Shall III knoWT'i U th."Onlinllnee Ruonlng Lou 10, 11,InCl 12,Block 2,VlIlI Potato Plltch". SECTION 2.Am.nClm..,t ProceClu.ei Fulfilled I PllInnln; CommbSlon Report. Tn.~menClment p.oceClu.n prlscrillld in Section 21,500 01 I". Zoolng O'dln.nce,Ordi~nce No.I, S.,les of 1973,01 HIe Town 01 \/lOI1, Cola.ltda.as lImlnoed,h....oeen fUIII1I1C1,_tn Ih.'.1'011 af I". PI,onlng commisslo,\'Kommendlh9 1"1 In.clmenl of Ihis O'dln~ncl. SECTION]..Rezoning. -Punu.nl to Sidion 21.S06 01 In. Zoning O'dln,nce,Loh 10,11,ltnCl 12,BlOCk 2,Vail PotalO o,ten, 100m.rty descdbed illS LOI 7,Btock 2. Vall Polalo Palen,Ir.hefelly ruon.d I.om MICllum'Density Mutllple Famlty D\nrlet (MOMFl 10 Twa F'mlly Relldentlal OlslfiCI (RI. SECTION 4.Change In Olllel,i Zoning MlIP •. AI p,ovidlCl In S-.=lIon 1.203 01 lhl Zan.....ll O'dlnllnc:e.Ihe Zonloll A(lmlnl\l,Uor II "",eIlY llireclt'(!to o,ampUy h.....Ihl Ollleill Zoning MllP p"lI~Cllly modified to inCl!utl Ihl ,ezonlng lpeelfled in StoCtlon 3 I'MIreol. SECTION S.Elflctivl DatI, T"ll o,(Iln.nUl SI\llIl l~'"IUect Ii...dlys ;alt...publlc.ltion fOllawlng t'hl lin;al OIUlt<;Je her_I.•______________________________________________________iNTRODUCED,READ ON ••_ e ....~""-c."''''''c.OOll{">V!?"D.' OJ(303)4~7T? ."Construction,Remodeling Cabinetry Better Home Improvers ........,,,,,.Chaa Bernhardt Box 2012 Vail,CO 81668 -CJr--ID CD • l)'~I\.I \.I '-' jU-l. .) jdsb JnP:eprefdz~ ~~ I II l henry pratt architects 3941 bighorn r'oad vail,colorado 81657 (303)476 -1531 O' z j ~ • p •• ,.:HAl ea .6 ......ll ::PO&rSI ...O·0C *,l(fl<),~~r.l)80"10.-Q.J AT'T'4CW "f0 .!:AM W J"e IA ....llCl'1!"'& ,. I.' • • I'ACTeD OJ;>A aEO MI T~j;>e weT FAVEQS AF£eC?NST'AI..LS.r Of'0 S~ r.1eMJ"e e I ST I'Sc;CON DA.'")5 GQAve.leT f;JA Kpro!•A ~w "fl-j l,,;leAN G;;(lAVelo 0 MI De '"'PI'.AS pos,;,e Ie Q L .'>NEE 1'.5 ><ON.A •S INW T MBf FA I;WI'.AMA.eo 'MBE<25 AS Q a 0MaesAIc,M/>.DE< I 8 ) ')r •, ...,. 1 ) E(r- • • SA ...E ,6 oro:.rp t~::''''-10 6MA ae ~LEAQ A W p"e OQ leCll A. I' A PA G;I'II'. <2EO\f<OOC AM5 A'JO po Q STA OT::::> 2 -RAL.. a ALL 0 S AND'"Mi!eQ 6 zes Ar.1e G Ie F()Q BIDDING P liPOSES ON I ~to.APE!S BJE '"TC 'lEV E!W A STQUC"'.;k'AL ENG NEE 3 JETA ,L SECT 10 A DEC E:JGE 6l WAL •oeTA i..$AT eeo:6"'1'.L ~AA"'C~>'Ose OF ~"'e eo'ON ."'!!:EAST LiPLleX -~-- S ALe O'~6TON '1'.NG 6 A.Be •'10M OQADv B "P"• sheet: 2 henry pratt architects 3941 bigho"n "o..d v ..il,colo"..do 81657 (303)478 -1~31 ahe t I w ~(\ ~ >j ~¢!.\j(T .A --I coCl I 1 :)r ().If1;> "- I p ! Validity of Permit Sec.303 (cl 1982 U.S.C. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans;and specificatIOns shall not be construed to be a permit for,or an anproval of,any violation of a"y of the provisions of this code of any other ordmance of the junsdlcatlOn.The issuan,ce of oermlt based upon plans specifications and other data shall n prevent the bUilding official from thereafter requirln\g the cctlOn of errors In aid plans,specifptions and othe' aT~:~~~- ....C - ~ I I ~ I I I I I -. I I_________________J .. '-. -. '"", _________J_------ -n.....,E:...,13l "'0 ~e:o 0 ...,? J " •oJ Town of Vail Community ~-- Development Plan Build ,;J Health Fire .r.-l..l.A L6--IIpproved 0 0 0 -- / Denied 0 0 0 0 ,..-+- \ \ I,.' .'.•-,J. I '..".......:......1r \ •'S" I- d" ~I v ,.. 1'- I 4' •o \.'J ~"',.~,A:.l........f!;IlJ ~AA_ I ~....Au.r 1 -<'1ioD ~ '"~t -f-n-t---•.. ',' ~...-=-.~--_. • ~- I. Ii: If,I{ • .t -.... I. I •.-..-'\ a l .a," Ce-.•.- , r-'--- ._"", l \. t'@ I.I /-I l·.t: \','.~_~"It.o.)-"1 ;,~P--r-r-', 1 4/,J ~I r:t1 TO"r"AL...~j'f£~\lE.lZ.A,£ .-I'-..-... ..----~-< ....r"r-' t""Go"A....oJ I I ,l''\~6 ~OOt--l...\J \ I J.1.l.t"i Til,~ I ;.-f,. ...J --..).--- _._---_. I, .,;.-Ai!"",\",~4' :..1 to-.. MOloJrllc.."o Lar "\jlhl_~~JArt.h~l; )-\, I 1 .,," . il'1 _~l 0,... I j~ l I ---r I' I .., r---- ._--_._--- I ,,'Gol.G. I -.. .' ..........,"""-:.• ----...-.--..- Ii,'....".... 12'.~'7/ak "'c .... 0_ .,.- \, ) t .,-.---- , -' ~ .. i -.~.."-.. ,~® • 4 ... I - "II)-0 ....-- \ 0' " - t 1 "'.!~. -t '.r,..-- • .' @ I'i-4!~"'.;- f, I c:l\\9·0" ----:---- ~r\ \&\.~" ....t l ~., .' .,.. / ...... ) ,. f " .,..~,...,... " •,..... '10'.~Ii _._--~~~ ...-"",- •• I I. ; s' '.•L l +-- ,.J I 1-:'''.-, •.... -.. ,.. f•__