HomeMy WebLinkAboutWEST DAY MARRIOTT REDEVELOPMENT 2 OF 2f\\^-^^ fN*^"fiW 242 tt- TDWNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, 9 70 - 4 79 - 2 7 3 5 (f n spe ction s ) P are required at time of listed on the be accepted without this ApplrcArroNil-. no, BE AccEprED rr rncor"rerrt#ft"rlF?< loc- "rrrBuilding Permit #: Alarm Permit #: ilDn page rmation. CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Flle Alarm Contractor: A\c,'{'nA1€e.L\Jlsta Town of Vail Reg. No.: r-13 - 5 Contact and Phone #'s: 3o a€8la *51.r l"-lA'nJLJ uO€t-u:'bj-rzr{k.o6t', E-Maif Addressj l_ t,^*)eLLa-p O.-\of ,rv..set_c - t <-r^,1 cont'actors{9ry: . \7 ))f, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (LaboT & MateTia|s Fire Alarm: $ -l Contact 'le *********t **!t**i.**8lrj&*-************** tqrru4r A l-r{ i .., r.' . )J Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit '.com for Parcel # Parcef ; &kfreru ir sf .f,-T )..o-lDt)\ -:oO ruam$$ rrl oir\- /v\D'r-./*crr-\' (L-S.x-F e 1?k Job Address:?tS LO. Lrt'rts$<rho CrPl*4 Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: ownersName:ilUrnr-ty-14"t[ndoresr, ?rf L,J.l.ro*,s l+d) llPhone: f76*\+19*(&gt Ensineer: ;\*^=^r;"l Js ;.ll nddress: o* s1 a.o t ,,tr-t-c-, -, BJl, Flon"' Tdz q&e-tglD Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg, #)-?-fffi- f ;;b r N a.-tl -,.-iF.-, */ I't oV*to-s LLt ( ,u ) Detailed descriotion bf work: T-.L\\ CO t nl."j,[-.r^ vlAoo-6 ,n, eo-.j,tu*-,f WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet( ) Repair( ) Retro{it( ) other(yJ COOrkr-F>\ TypeofBldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-famif( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) OtherK)F|r)l No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: OrtQ.atu No. of Accommodation units in this building: , Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Veq( /) No ( )Ooes a fire Spiinkler System Exist: ves f{) No ( ) **** *** ******* :r******FoR oFFICE USE ON LY*** ** Other Fees:Date Received: , ,. . 'i: Public Way Permit Fee:Accepted By: , t.' .:' \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM. DOC 0712612002 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp. N\g€T t*'}G{ T[- Device locatiois on iin.c[ed ceiling plins. \^shc^- Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. b1t-("&, Information- indicatin!'m6nitori ng method and monitoring agency. 4X-rtru--c^ Information regarding froperty managers and contact numbers. Owner's primala residence location and contact numbers. Instructi6ns foifire alarm system operations and any pertinent code numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our review pnocess may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project '"-)11 \se (Contractor Signature: Date Signed: a -+ ( il. TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON.EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner or manager of the property, which alarm company seruices the system for them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you start, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Depaftment so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" speciflc areas of the alarm system for the structure. Please contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshall, Mike McGee at479-2L35 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughan at 479-2252. I have read and understand the above guidelines. Project Name:,.-.- ft*;+l W Contractor Signature: Date Signed: ( ( ( F:\Users\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Alarmperm.doc 0812312004 l-"r n rNFoRrlr.ATro* "rr"fVAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES Building name: Street address & phone +: ? l5 r,.rr.L1o*5 rlC-*.4 ^(LL{ Knox box location: €:4.\C*-Ttt-t') Alarm panel location: H r.l--ttw(r Alarm silence & reset codes: 6lou€- RPS': NAIEES & PHONE NUMBERS (work & BUILDING INFORMATION: %"*L Property manager:\4,,."' 0,.;.r-- Property maintenance manage*, ToV \foo.l*e.2, Alarm service compeny: BIIILDING UTILITIDS: Gas: Main location: Other locations: Electric: Main location: kt5\tv4 lt*tv'>'t Sub-panel locations: Water: Main valve location: IL t\ Main fire valve location:\r t\ Lt 47..usTu-Cr. L$u,1-t-J Secondary water valve locations:cL Frprn: Mlke McGeeTo: BuildlngDivision; Fire_lnspectorsDaie: 0d,1mfi20052:fi:4PVSublec{: A(F{021 Maniott Carbon Monoxide Detectors Permft is deniad. Contrac.rtor notified by phona 4l0l05. 1. Pfans are 1116 scale. Unreadable. Resubmit. 2. Code editions on rcferpnce are inconect. Update. 3. Location of devices b not specific. John Gulick I t ApptIcATroN;LL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplEf,* rnrru*.o"il;;"".i;l "bEios -ttt a Building Permit #': t Alarm Permit +: flOT-ET? 9 7O-4 79 - 2 7 3 5 (rnsbections ) L FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of MWNOFVAIT 75 S. Frontage Rd ou' COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ submitta this fil and mustVail, Colorado ts Fire Alarm Contractor: A/on* .. o.-,.-, lr"t E,t- Town of Vail Reg. No.: ?r^z-.J Contact and Phonb#3:- /a tr.t t)e/h 3o3 '186'59oo E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: __-/tu*a-;:24- Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 9m828-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # z16/ o'Tz t466/ r,-,r-otl.,.-D L,v)o ?o.nz--/ tJ Job Name: 6, / Aln"r,oll ,oic,eJ,,.* Z-o'n Job Address: 7l.f bJ. Lt.,,rsLeo.d Ct" Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision :'/t,\ L,\p owners Nu "t y',r,/ Feso;/; ll Address: -\rf til /-t.,.e2r.,,,,r .,tr ll tnonu' oro 4?/-- 4444 z3l ,- BAcr.\Enotneer:- A llan lvta-'f sart €Ilo t ll Phone: tco Ll z*/iea, C o ll 3c>3 Address: 'lba D Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) / ?ha.t", 2 lrne --.0 z..,tE ra.,.t.,. /,-o- to | */."/,n- /Zc'ot< + Detailed description of work: ,4.1). -r a r/ro-*ro- o--.y' ^)-* F,.--4,.,u tu :eutorlt-l.r! a f eo s WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (p Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial (2J Restaurant( ) Oth-er( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ({a) No ( )Ooes a fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (p No ( ) *****'r**********'r*******************rr**FOR OttHdBWt}tx**'!-.-ffhuffffi,T \Wai l\data\cdev\FOR[4S\PERMITS\ALRM PERM. DOC Flru*** I I o TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL FIREALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residentiat Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp. Device locations on reflected ceiling plans' Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. Information regarding property managers and contact numbers. Owner's primary residence location and contact numbers. Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any pertinent code numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submiftal requirements: Project name: !/n, | , ..,/ J 7 v- .o'e Contractor Signature: '/tlDate Signedt {hz/ar TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON.EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner or manager of the property, which alarm company services the system for them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you staft, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Depaftment so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. Please contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshall, Mike McGee at 479-2135 or the Town of Vaif Fire Prevention Officer, MikeVaughanat4T9-2252. I have read and understand the above guidelines. ProjectName: y'.',' ,lrot *.,"'-,o Contractor Signature: ih..- a",/. //. I Date.Signed: F:\Users\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Alarmperm. doc 08/2312004 Gr*** rNFoRMATror "rrulVAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES BUILDING INFORMATION: I Building n^ .: y'^t / "(r.,ufl Street address & phone #: Knox box location: 7/f u) ao'.r/..J (-tr'- Alarm panel location: ?l^oe 3 i{ Fh. Alarm silence & reset codes:.1)*u RPS': NAMES & PHOI\IE I\IUMBERS (work & homel: owner: L(,/ Ve-su*lt Property managier:Du-u -- 7a-n-e -- Froperty maintenance manager: &.A /e/c,s?cse_ - Alarm service company: BIIILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main location: Other locations: Electric: Main location: Sub-panel locations: Water: Main valve location: Main fire valve location: Secondary water valve locations: II ffitr..ARVUJ '-.-.-----r.i' ,/ TOVNOFVALIY I.IOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (970) 47s-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparhnent(s) did you contact? Buiiding _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ FEC 2. Was your initial contact with our staff immediate_ dow or . i , . . , : no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permii N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the stafiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowled ge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of the FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 I 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. i i. r PREPLAN INFORMATION SHEET VAIL FIRE & ETERGENCY SERVIGES BUILDING INFORMATION: Buifding Name: VfrtL mpz'ttzar/ flaanr*z'u &(927 streetAddress&phone #:v/f ttu€s7 &a.'s#"4a azzczt - (q?o)1Vt-'l1q44 KnoxBoxLo@tion: LiC&'/W) k'f FEPZ Cofl"'r,F..o e'Ea-)ffi/? M< Afarm panef tocaton' ,(AQ bmzZtf.ufl Qazrt( Alarm Sifence & Rest Crldas:. il, RPS': Namea & Phone Numbers (work & home): ProPertY Manager: ?oWt-f V*t4s KA/ ScorT- Alarm Service Company: BUILDING UTILITIES: Gag: /ap.nArqZ.r/S/Zcz*tz tS 7 Main Location:LoKrErV6 fu(K_. Other Locations: Electric: Main Location' MDnK ?u.tC Sub-Panef Locdions: @' Sz* -Lt"vEL pt'tzf rct SPA Watgf: r-L-.-.^ ^ / Attr: -.)/a-/z e--./-.+ E*rtbv€ y'- Main Valw Location:- Otr FbTAL - E-,t+lo/eE E^/v-r.,4e - Main Fire Valve Location: Secondary Water Valve Locations:C€A'ttj( LutruC l3orL&t I4oo, f*nar a./ Buzzaavl- E*VLvr F*rablcL \Valndab\cd€v\FORX\tSPERMITS\ALRMPERM.DOC 07lrl4rMz AppLfcAnotLL Nor BE AccEpTED rF rNcoMpLETEHllTp$ O q - oabBProlect #: Bulldlng Permlt#: Alarm Permlt #: 97Hl*2l35ilttsgnc{otla.) an requlrod at tlme of 75 S. llsted on the Vail, Colorado this INFORMATION OOXPLETE VALUAflONS FOR ALARl| PERilIT (Labor & faterhb) FireAfarm: $ g,&5Oo3.- !.r*ltr*r*iar..rtt''fir''ttirt*rt.rl*rr*rFoR OFFICE USE OlllY...tttttt..t*!tt!t!.*rf ttt***i*t*L*tt'lti!r Fir€ Alarm Conlraclor: Ftet Ateam SEPv€eeS T6rYn'ofVailReg. No.: A3t- S Contaci and Phone #s: & 4a/t! 9ratzy' (3'4) 4ut/'66e E.talfAddrsrr: Co4./ @ Fegoattrt/€- cC Asgesroer Ofrwat vlsft www.tor Parcer # z-lol O-l 2 t qOO I Job Nemo: Ykf,L y kqreatff ' M€tirNb Seerns JobMdres: ?tf w*r LToNs.tE*o (r./cLz Legal Description I Lot: ll Blodr: ll Filing:SuMivision: WW llenone: 6v1 qv?- 6?6/ Er$ineer'o* slStEmr etu-.p ll*onu|wo tl.bot nnnn.f;t lPh*'ra,t) fr6'??oo Deteiled location of wort: (i.€., f,@r, unit #, bHg. #)brwnraf t t{ Ftef - gautvu* - ( maat /tuZ/.) Detailed cleecriptbn of work: WotU't ottuf (noms bQill"Ritmo0zt€O INTT)CcvwFirzi,wc { (q-144424 @ Workoassr New( ) Addition( ) R€model(X) Repair( ) Retrofil( ) Oh€r( ) Typeof Bdg.: Singl€-family( ) Trrc-family( ) Mr.dti-family( ) Comtnercld(p ResUunant( ) CIher( ) No. AE:isdngmtlingUnite in this building: .vA ll No. of AcommotHbn unitclr thls Utinnqi ^/ADoes a Fite Alarm Exbt Yes ( X) No (Ooec a Fire SprinkbrSpbm Exist Yes 00 No ( ) \Wa||Ugb\cd6^FORMS\PERTilTSALRITPERM.oOC q;L{i''lr g utrNz. / TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTilIENT PROCESS FORCONNERC'AL & RES//DENT',.L F'RE ALARN SYSTETS Gommerclat and Residential Fire Alarm rhop drawlng requircmentc at time of 3ubmlttal murt Indude the following: xx Xxx X-r x Y X -A,/t4 .L 4,/4XrX Thlr cfreck llrt har been prwided to enrure that our review procos! may be handled in a timely mannor. t have rcad and undendand the above llrted cubmlttal ruqulnmente: Project namer \FiL vvtxzwrt - vtxxttvu kons Gontractorslgnature: Aet\ Date signed, 1/4/ of A Goforado Reglstered Engineer'c stamp. (nncaf tv) Devlce locationc on reflec'ted ceiling planc. Typical device wiring diagrama. Battery calculatonr. A llst of epecific device model numbert. Equlpment cut slreetc of each type of device. The number of each type of device. lnformaton indlcating the epedfic zonot. Clrcuit diagramr. Polnt to point widng diagram. Wlrlng type, size, and number of conductop. Tlre eource of AG powsr drcuite. Flre alarm panel locationc. Knox Box locatlon. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agoncy. Information regardlng property managec and contac't numbep. Owner'c primary rpgiilence location and contact numbep. Inrfucddns forflre alarm ryctem operationc and any portlnent code numbers for proper operations. \ValldalitcdevlFORl#tFAl[TS\ALRilPERM.DOC oTlur;M TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREvENNNG NON.ETERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppressbn crews to the construc-tion location )lou may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: AC Detarmine wtrat kind of fire dam system existrs within the struc{ure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Deparfrnent. (C Determine with the ownor or manager of the property, which alarm company seMcss the system fur them. /C Become framiliar with the different components that are associated with the ffra alarm sysbm and hour they operate before the DEMO begins. CC Never paint a smoke detec'tor, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm slatem, and never paint a sprinkler head. eC For small projects bag detec'tor within the area you will be working in before you stiart, and remorre the bags der work is done for the day. Ct For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Department so that we can wotk wiUryou in determining what neads to be done to alter or'Zone Out" specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. Pleaee contact thc Town of Vail Flre tlarchal, lllke llcGee at 479-2135 or the Town of Vail Flrc Prevention Ofiicer, Mlke Vaughn at479-2462. I have rsad and underutand tfie above guidellms. Proiect Name: \ktL m*wt 'mftxttuto ktn; Gontrac'tor Signattrre :ka Date Sisned, Y/ tl/of \Vailldgb\odeV\FOR S\PERMITS\AIRIIPERM.DOC g ulw2 FAS System, t o.rp ,LLC 4800 Wcst 60th Avenuc, Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 e Phone (303) 29&7900 For (303) 55G,5557 Fire Alarm System Modification for: VAIL MARRIOTT MOI.JNTAIN RESORT ^-. MEETING ROOMS Z5 West Lionshead CircleI' vail,co 81657 e o NEVtrCE CLJ\SUEET o o EDUIARdI 8YSIETS 1ECHXOLOOY ACCESSORIES Electromagnetic Door Holders Features I Floor and well mountad style3 I LowpoworcorEumption I AC and DC modals f Completely silcnt oporztion I 25 Lbt 111lN) mlnlmum holdlng lorcc f Adiustablo, swivcl comact plato Description EST Elociromagn6tic Door Holders are ruggodlyconstructed and attractivsly designed. The housing is finished with an aluminum color, durable baked polyester powder paint. The floor or wall ssction houses the electromagnet whil€ the contactplats attachss to th6 door. The contact plate has a shock absorbing nylon (srmiv€l) ballwhich allows the plate to adjust to any door angle. Floor unita are available in single-door or double-door (back to back) vorsions. Wall units are availab16 in flush or surfaco mount€d vgtsions. EST door r€l€ases should be installed wherever dools may bo €fisctivev ussd to confine smoke and fire, or wherethe release of a self+losing doorfrom I remotolocation is desirable for other reasons. Fail-safe operation isan inherentfeature of EST door holder- releases, lf powertails, doors are releas€d automatically but may be opened or closod manually Et anylime, All units arefree of moving parts, are self-contained and requireno maintsnance. These door holder-r€leases ha\rs a holding force of approximatoly 25 Lbf (111N). The d€vice holds a door open until signal€d by a fi realarm system, healdetector, smoke dBtactor, orelectrical switch. Whsn actuated the door holders release doorsto a clossd position, checking the spread ofsmoke andflames, NEA Basic Models Floor Mountcd: The electromagnot portion consists ofa floor plato 8nd a floor housing which whon installsdwith gaskets p rovlded, form a westhsrproot€lectrical junction box. Incoming conduitconnects directly intofloor plate and forms an additional msas ofanchoring the unitto thefloor. Floor mounled unils are available with one (Cat. No. 15011ortwo (Cat. No. 1502) magnetf.cos for holding a single door or two doors back to back. Wall Mounted: Wall moufied models are available in flush, semi-flush and surtace mounting configurations. Flush and semi-flush models are de- signed for concealed wiring applicationsand mounton standard single gang (2 x4inch) outlet boxos. Surface mounted mod€ls mount on a surfaceadaptor housing (junction box),which is provided. EDWARDS SYsrEMs TEcHNoLoGY U's.SALESTSARASOTA,FL94l-7394638:FlX941-717-1214. CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND, ON 51$3762430: FAX 5193787258 INTERIIATONALSAIIS:90F27o1711;FAX9o$27s9553. CORPoRAIE HEADOUAF|fEnS: CHESHIRE, ct . uS. MANUFACTLnIMI: PITTSFIEID, ME Lharrture Sh6at tS6OOl -(x2l P.e. I of 2 Gpecifications Cat. No.Style Dimensiom - In Inches lMillimetersl Volts Amps VA 1501-AO Floor Mount6d (Single Door) 1il:mi-'1 (4tmrD --lI T---rffi 24 AC 24DC .110 .096 2.6 2.3 1501-N5 120 AC 0.02 2,4 1502-AO Floor Mounted (Double Dood 24 AC* 24 DC* .110r .096" 2.6* 2.3' 1502-N5 120 ACr .02*2.4* 150+AO Flush Wdl Mounted (Long Catch Platel t-gtr. (..nnnN 24 AC 24DC .110 .096 2.6 2.3 1504-N5 120 AC 0.02 2.4 1505-AO Flush Wall Mounted (Short Catch Plat€) 'ffiffi 24 AC 24DC .110 .096 2.6 2.3 1505-N5 120 AC 0.02 2.4 150&AO SurfacE Wall Mounted +18(1r{ d 24AC 24DC .110 .096 2.6 2.3 150&N5 120 AC 0.02 2.4 1509-AO Completely flush Wall Mounted F_ tr56,lln'*I r-'1ffi'I) 24 AC 24DC ,110 .096 2.6 2.3 1509-N5 120 AC 0.02 2.4 EDwaRDs SYsreus TEcHNoLoGY o 2000 Est P6ge 2 ol 2 It is our intgntion to kesp the product iritormstion current and accurats. We can rot cov€r sp€cific appllcations or anticipats all requiromgnts. All specificationr ar€ subiect to change wlthout noilcE. For morg information or qusstions relatiw to this Specification Sheer, conlsct EST. ftintrd in U.S.A. lssue 3Literature Sheet #85001 -O42 1 oF EDWAROg SYSTE$I lECHMLOGY INTETTIGENT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES Gontrol Relay Modules Model SIGA-CR, SIGA-MCR, SIGA-CRR, SIGA-MCRR Features I Provldcr one no/nc contact ISIGA-CF/MCRI Form 'C" dry relay contact can bs used to control external appliancss such as door closers, fans, damp€rs etc. r Alourc group opc?atlon ol soundsr bases The SIGA-CRR/MGBR r€verses the p ola rity of its 24Vdc output. thusactivatlng sll Sounder Bases on the data loop, I Plug.ln lUlO) or rtrndard l-gang mount UlOv6rsions allowqulck installation wher€ multiple modules a16 required, The 1-gang mountversion is idealfor remots locations that 16quirs a singlo module. r Autom.tlc deYlcc m.pplng Signaturo modulestransmit information to the loop controllsr regarding theia circuit locations with respectto other Signature devices on the wire loop. r EbcnronlcAddr.*Cng Programmable addresses are downloaded from ths loop controll€r, a FC, orthe SIGA-PRO Signaturs ProgranVSsrvica Tool. Ther6 are no switch€s or dials to set. r lmclllgantdordcewith microprocessor Alldecisions are made atth€ modul€ to allow lowet communi- cadon speed with substantially improved control panal r€sponss timo and less sensitivityto line noissand loopwiring proporties; twist€d or shield€d wir€ is not r€quired, I Ground fault dotsctlon by addros$ Dgtects ground fgults right down to the device level. t luon-volatilc m.moly Permanently stores serialnumber, type of device, andjob number, Automatically updates historic information including hours ofoperation, last maintenanc€ date, numb€r of alarms and troubles, and tim€ and date of lastalarm. r Dbgnosdo LEDg Flashing GREEN shows normalpolling; flashing REDshows ahrry'active state. I Highambienttemporrtureoporation Install in ambienttemperatures upto 1 2trF (49"C). r Dosignod to ISO g(X)l standards AllSignatur€ products are ma n ufactu red to strict intornational q uality sta nda rds to ensure highest reliability. Description The Control Relay Module and th€ Polarity Rs\rersal Relay Module are part of ESTs Signature Series system. Th€y ar€ intslligont analog addressable devices available In either plug-in lUlOl vsrsions, orstandard l{ang mountvsrsions. Ihc SIGA-CR/MCR Control Relay Modu16 provid€sa Form'G'dry r€lay contactto controlexternalappliances such aF door clo6€rs, fans, dampersetc. Thisdevice does not providc su pervlsion of the stato of the relay contact. Instead, th€ on-board microprocessor ansures thatth€ relay is inth€ propor OIVOFF 6tat6. Upon command fromthe loop control16r,the SIGA-CR/MCF relay activatesthe normally open or normally-closBd contact, The SIGA-CRR/MCBF Polarity Reversal Relay Modul6 provid63 a Form "C" dry relay contact to power and activate a sorles of SIGA- A84Audible Sounder Bases, Upon command fromthe Signature loop controller,the SIGA-CRR revers€s the polarity of its 24Vdc output, thus activating all Sounder Basos on the data loop. Standard-mountversions (SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRRI are installsd to slandard North American 1-gang electricalboxos, maklng them ideal for locationswhere only on€ module is required. Soparato UO and data loop connections are madeto each module. Plug-in UIO versions (SIGA-MCR and SIGA-ilrcRRl ars part of th€ UlOfamily of plug-in Signature Series modules. Theyfunction identically to the standard mount versions, butlake advantag6 of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characleriz€s all UIO modules.Two- and six-module UIO mothsrboards ars available. Allwiring connections are mads to terminal blockson the motherboard. UIO assemblies mav be mounled in EST enclosures, EDWARDS SY8TEMS TECHNOLOGY US.SALCS:SAMSOTA,FL94l-73$4638;FM941:127-1214. CANADASALES: O!\,EN SOUND, ON 51+37e2€0; FAX 51S7S7258 INTEFI.|AIIOI.|ALSi/rrFS:962701711;FAX906270563. CORFoRATE HEADOT ARIERS: CHESHIBE. CT . Us. tttANUFACn nlMi: PITTSFIELo. ME Lttoiatur! Sho.t r85OOl4239 P.gs I o( 6 Jlnstallation SIGA-CR and SIGA-GRR: modules rnount to North American 2% inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1% inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1{ang covers. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm, to 0.75 mmr) wire size. V/tl Pkd., wlit. 0€<ng, SIGA.MCBand SIGA-MCR8: mountthe UIO motherboard insidea suitable EST enclosurewith screwsand washers provided. Plug tha module into any availabl€ position on the motherboard ano securethe moduletoth€ motherboardwith the captivescrows. wiring connections are madato thelerminals on the motherboard Jseewiring diagram). UIO motherboardtorminals are suited for - #12to #18 AWG {2,5 mmz to 0.75 mm2) wire size. Application The oporation of Signature Series control relays is determined by their sub-type code or "Personality Codo." Porsonality Code 8: CONTROL RELAY (SIGA-CR/MCRI . Dry Contast Output. This setting configures ths moduleto provido one Form "C" DRY RELAY CONTACTto control Door Closers, Fans, Dampers. etc. Contact rating is 2.0 amp @ 24 Vdc; 0.5 amp @ 120 Vac (or 220 Vac for non-UL applications). Personality Code I is assigned at the factory. No user configuration is required. PorsonalityCodo 8: POLARITY REVERSAL RETAY MODULE (SIGA-CBR/MCRRl. This setting configuresthe module to revers8 the polarity of its 24 Vdc output, Contact rating is 2.0 amp @ 24 Vdc (pilol duty). Personality Code 8 is assigned atthsfactory. No user configuration is required. Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatibl€ onlywith EST'S Signaturo LoopController. Warnings & Cautions This module will not op€ratewithout eloctrical pow€r. As fires frsquentlycause power intBrruption, wosuggestyou discuss furthersafegua.dswith your locslfire prot€ction specialist. Testing I Maintenance The module's automatic self-diagnosis identifieswhen it ls dalective and causesa trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program showslhe currentstate ofeach module and otherpertinent msssag€s. Singlg modul€smay b€turned off (deactivated) lsmporarily,from the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent onth€fire alarm syslem usod, Scheduled maintenance {Regularor Selected) for props r syslem operation should be planned to meettho requirsments ofthe Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Ref€r to current NFPAT2and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. - Cablrcl or aLatkd ancb.|,t] Elacronic Addresring -The loop controller electronically ad- dressss each module. saving valuabletime during system com- missioning. Setting compllcated switchesor dials is not rsquired. Each module has its own unique serial number stor€d in its on- board memory. The loop controller identifies each device on th6 loop and assigns a "soft" address to each serial number. lf desirec, the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. EST recommends thatthis moduls be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and localfire alarm codes. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TEcHNOLOGY Lit€r6ture Sh€€t #85oo1 -o239Page 2 of 6 TypicalWiring Moduleswillaccept#18AWG (0.75mm,), #16 (1.0mm1, #14 AWG 11.somm'?) and #12AWG (2.5mm2) wire siz6s. Nols: Siz6s#16AWG (1.0mm,1and #18AWG (0.75mmr) are preferredfor ease of installation. See Signature Loop Contsoller catalog sheet lor detailed wiring roquir€m€nt specifications. Nomdv- Normolv-Op€n @mmon Clc€d { DATA|N (+) I D'[A IN G) From $glEfuoConfdbf ol Piovbl.|t D€vbo oara n i + D&On_ q!..| LED (]{q|rul} R.d LED (4.[vr) SIGA.CR Control Rdry Co.trtFn taontidltclad Nobs A n"ft to Slgt"t 1€ loop Controlla tnslallaton shoot for wldng sp€dficatbns. A steeCruucn must b€ lrEtall€d wlthtn lha sa.r|6 rcom as lhe devics lt ls oonholfing. A rn" stel-uoeR s|d the slcA-uto2R do mt como wl|h T814. A, n srce+tpe dcs not corn€ lvitr TBs ltlor€h T813. A SupeMsec and po$rBt-fimltsd. A, tf tre source ls nonpowd-llmit€d, fiidntdn e Ep@ of l/4 indr ftom posreH|mlt€d wHng a w€ FPL, FPLP, FPLR, or an €qulvaLr|t h accofdanca wllh ths Natonal Elsctlcal Cod6. 7) lrali|rum #12 AWG (2.5ffif) wlr€. Mn. #18 (0.75mrf). No conn do|r! |tqlild br S|GAUCR, OOli modrhE ntay rlquh connacfron. No connrcthru tlqullld fol SIGA-MCR. OOlo rrodulos |lt8y lfiltlt€ conn€ctoG. SIGA-MCR Control Rolay l|otttdt Oftr EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOOY Llre.aturo Sheei #85OO1 -0239 P.g6 3 of 6 tTlypical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mrn ), #16 (1.0mm,), #14 AWG (1.50mm,) and #12 AWG (2.50mrnz) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.omrf) and #18 AWG (0.75mrn,) are preferred for eas€ of installation. See Signaturo Loop Conboller catalog sheet br detailed widng requlrement specifications. Lhbd 24 VDC Nominal Powe. Supply Slgnatur€ Conboll€r SIGA-CRR Schematic SIGA,AB4 Audlbl€ Base Optonel SIGACR lb. dbabllngddronnocdm somder base SIGA-MCRR Schematic Fnh&qt _-. SIGA.AB4 Ardiblo Bas€ SIGA-AB4 Audlbls Bas6 SIGA.CRR Frg.||d Fb ^t.lr|Oo.t|| EOL Reby mddtaai Notrs lA, RefErto tt|s Sigmtrr€ controll€r Instrllrdon *prtfor u,ihg I Onr Pai, ofwir"" (24 Vdc pow?rl. A Ons Pair olwire€ (Signaturo Data), lA Singlswirs (24vdc po|r/erl. 2\ tlr"SlCl.UtOsnandtheS|GA.U|O2Fdonorcom. wilhTB14. $ rne srca-utoo aoes nor coms wirh TB8 rhrough T813. l^ Sup€rvis€d and po,t/sr.llmltsd. l{ I *re source ls nonpow€r-llmitod, malntsln ! spacg ot 1/4 inch trom pow€r-limitsd wirlng or |'!3s FPI- FPLP, FPLR, or an equ lvalenl in sccordqncs wilh th€ Nadonal €lsctfical Code. 9 Maximum #12AWG l2.5mm2)wl.s; Mlnimum #18 AwG (0.75mmr). 10 En4ol.Lin6 Relay must monitor and repon polvor $ppvtroubls to conlrol pan€|. 11 Clase B Data wi.ing may bo -T.tappod.' "-#,c|rttLE fibntt0 Rd LED (ld'nl Stro llD (|.o.ird) R.d |.rD (Ardrr.) o!&rl S|3A-MCRR o. S|O}YCR ht*drdte?r'.d'r$ adbb br., a EDWARDS SYSTEMa TEcHNOLOGY Llt€r6tur€ Sh6et t85OO1 -O23SPag€ 4 of 6 O Specifications Catalog Numbar SIGA-CR SIGA.MCR SIGA.CRR SIGA.MCRR Description Control Relay Polarity B€vorsal Rslay Typo Code Personality Code I (Factory Sot) Address Rsquirements Uses 1 Module Address Operating Curr€nl Standby = 100pA Activated = 100lj4 Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Rslay Type and Rating Form 'q 24 VDC = 2 amps (pilot dutyl 120 Vac = 0,5 amps 220 Vac {non-UL} = 0.5 amps Mounting North American 2% inch IA mm) deep l-gang boxes and 17u inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with l{ang covsrs Plugs into U|O2R, UIO6R or UlOo Motherboards North Am€rican 2% inch 164 mml dsep l-gang boxes and 1|lt inch {38 mm} deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covors Plugs into UlO2R, UIOOR or Uloo Mothsrboardg Construction & Finish High lmpact Engineering Polymer Storage and Operating Environment Operating Temperature: 3?F lo 120'F (CC to 49C) Storaga Temp€raiurs: -4'F to 140PF (-20'C to 6fC) Humidity: 0 to 93olo RH LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled On-board Red LED - Flashes whsn in alarm/active Compatibility Use Wth: Signature Loop Controller Agency Listings UL, ULC (See Ord€ring Table), CSFM, MEA Ordering Information Crtalog Numb.r D.3sdpton shlp wclghr - lbr (kgl SIGA-CR Control Relav Module (Standard Mount) - ULA,LC Listed 0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module (UlO Mount) - UL Listed 0.18 (0.08) SIGA-cRR Polarity Rsvsrsal Relay Module (Standard Mount) - UUULC Listed 0.4 (0.151 SIGA-MCRB Polarity Reversal Relay Module (UlO Mounll - UL Listod 0.18 (0.08) Ralatcd Equlpmcnt 27193-21 Surfaca Mount Box - Red, 1-gang 1 (0.61 27193-A Surface Mount Box - White, 1-gang 1 (0.6) SIGA.M84 Module Mounting Bracket fror installing tv\,o 1-gang modules in a single North Amorican 4-inch squars box..5 (.3) SIGA-UIO2R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Fiser Inputs - Two Module Positions 0.32 (0.15) SIGA-UIO6R Univ€rsal Input-Output Module Board w/Fis€r Inputs - Six Module Po6itions 0.62 (0.28) SIGA.UIO6 Univarsal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module Positions 0.56 {0.25} EDWARDs SYsrEMs TEcHNoLocY Literatu16 Sha6t #85OO 1-O239 Pag€ 5 ot 6 OO.""ription (Si gnatu re Overview) The Signature Series int6lligentanalog-addressable systemfrom Edwards SystemsTechnology is an entire family of multi-sensor detectors and mounting bases, multiple-function inputand output modules, n etwork and non-network control panels, and user- friendly maintenance and service tools. Analog informationfrom equipment connectedto Signatu16 devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. An onboard microprocessor in each Signature device measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm. The microprocessor in each Signature device providesfour additional benefits - Self.diagnos- tica and History Log, Automatic Devico Mapping, Stand.alona Operation and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and Hbtory Log - Each Signature Series device constantly runs solf-checksto provide important maintenance information. The results ofths self-check aro automatically updated and permanently stor€d in its non-volatile memory. This information is accessibl€ for review anytime at ths control panel, PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The information stored in device memoryincludes: . Device serial number, address, and type . Time and date of last alarmr . Most recent trouble mde logged by th€ detector - 32 possible trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. _ Automatic Devico Mapping-The Signature Data Controller (SDC) learns where each device's s€rial number address is installed relativo llo otherdevices on the circuit The SDC keeps a map of allSignature Seriesdevicesconn€cted to it. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also usssth€ mappin gleature. With interactivs menus and graphic support, the wired circuits b€tween each device can be examined. Layout or "as-builf drau/ing information showing branch wiring [-taps], devics types and their address are stored on diskfor printing hard copy. This ta kes the mystsry out ofthe installation. Tha preparation ofas-built drawings is fast and efficient. Device mapping allowsthe Signature Data Controllerto discover: . Unexpected additional device addresses . Missing device addr€ss€s . Changes to the wiring in the circuit. MostSignature modules use a personalitycode selected by the installerto determinetheiractual function. Personality codes are downloaded from lh€ SDC during system configuration and are indicated during d€vice mapping. I EST3 V.2 only. 2 Retrievable with SIGA-PRO Standalone Operation -A decentralized alarm decision by the device is guaranteed. Onboard intelligence permits tho deviceto operate in standalone (degrade) mode. lf Signatura loop controller CPU communications failfor more than four seconds, alldevicss on that circuit go into standalone mode. The circuit acts like a conventionalalarm receiving circuit. Each Signature dBvice on the circuit continues to collect and analvze information from its slave davices. When connected to a panel utilizing standalone operation. modules with their "personality" set as alarm devices llDC) will alarm should their slave alarm-initiating devico activate. FastStable Communication- Built-in intelligence means less inforrnation needsto b€sent between the device andthe Signature Data Controller (SDC). Otherthan regular supervisory polling response, Signature devices only need to communicatewith ths SDCwhen they have something newto rePort.This providas very fast control pansl response and allows a lower baud rats (spesd) to be used for communication on the circuit. The lower baud rate offersssvsral advantages including : . Less sensitivity lo circuit wire characleristics . Less sensitivity lo noise glitches on the cable . Less emitted noise from the data wiring . Twisted or shielded wiring is not requirod. Diagnostic LEDs -Twin LEDs on most Signature devicss provide visualindication of normal and alarm-active conditions. Aflashing green LED shows normal system polling, Aflashing red LED mgans tha module is in alarm-active state. Both LEDS on steady indicates alarm-active state - standalone mode. T83ting & Maintenance -Automatic self-diagnosis identiff es when a Signaturedevice is defective and causes a trouble message.The user-friendly maintenance program showsthe current state ofeach devic€ and other pertinent information. Single devices may be turned off temporarily, from ths control pan€|. Schoduled mainto- nance lRegulal or Solested)fol proper sY3t3m op.ratlon should bo plannod to moet th6 requilsmoms of tho AuthorltY Having Jurisdiction (AHJI. R6ter to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536st6ndards. Ouality and Reliability-EST Signaiure devices are manufaclured in NorthAmerica to strictinternational ISO 9001 standards. All electron- ics utilize surface mounttechnology (SMT)for smaller size and grsater immunityto RF noise. A conformalcoating is used for humidity and corrosion resistance. . Date of manufaclure, hours mainlenance date2 . Number of recorded alarms of operation, and last and troublesz o 1999 tsT P€ge 6 of 6 EDWARDS SYsrEMs TEcHNoLocY It is our intgntion to keep ths product information current and accurate. We can not cover specilic applications or anticipat€ all requirements. All spscilications ars subject to change without notice. For mors information or questions relative to this Specitication Sheet, contacl EST. PrinEd h U.S.A. Issue 5Literatur€ Sh€6t *g5OO 1-0239 om_ EOIIAROs SVSTETS TECHM'L@Y INTETLIGENT INITIATING DEVICES Intelligent Photoelectric $moke Detector Model SIGA-PS Noto: Some features described here may not be supported by all contol systems. Check Wur contol panel's lnstallation and Opeft tion G u i de for dat a i ls. Features I Intogrrlmbroprocassot I Non-volttilonomory I A|'|tom!fic mapplng dcvicc I Ebctronic addto3ling I Envlrcnmontalcompenraffon I lmclllgcmddoctot I Wldr 0.67016 to 3.77%/ft. sonaitivity rrngc I Twontv pr€-llarm rcnsidvityvalucs,Ect In 596 Inc?omorflt a ld.ntilicrtlon of dhty or dcficctiv. dobstorr r A|ltornltac dry/nlght scnitivity adlGtrncnt r TWIN RED/GREEN 't'tu' LEDS I Standar4 rlay, fault bolrtor. and ardlble mountng bas€! t Darlgned and mrnrd$tur.d to ISO 9(xl1 stlndadt Description EST's Signature SerieB Model SIGA-PS Int€lligsnt Photoeloctric Smoke Detsctor gath€rs analog information from itssmokesensing 6lement and conv€rts it into digital signals, The detector's on- board microprocossor measuresand analyzesthose signals. lt compa16s lhe infoimation to historical readings and time pan6rns to mak€ an alarm decision. Digitalfilters r€mov6signal patterns that are nottypicalof fir€s. Unwanted alarms ar€ virtually elimi- nated. The micropmcessor in each dEtector provides four additional benefits - S€f-dhgnosff€ and Hktory Log, Atnomatio Dwlce Mapping, Stand-alone Operadon and Fac& Staue Communication. S.ltdi.gnostac3 and Hlrtory Log - Each Signature Seriesd€tector constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance info rmation. The r€sults of the self-chsck are automatically updated and p€rmanently stored in thodotector's non-volatile memory. This information is accessiblefor review anytime atthe control panel, PC, or by using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. 1EST3V.2only. , Retriovablewith SIGA-PRO prog.amming tool, ffi MEA @@ K(O-@-l The information stored inth€ d€t€cto/s memory includ€s: - d€t€ctortype, serial numb6r. and address - date of n€nufacture, hours ofoperalion, and last malnbnance dat€t - currenl dstoctor sensitivity and environm€ntal compensation \ralu€s - original dstoctor sensitivityvalu3s upon manufacturingr - number ofrecorded alarms and troubles2 - time and dato of last alarmr - analog signal patterns just before th e last alarmr - most recenttrouble cod6logged by th6 detector- 32 possibls troubl€ codes may be ussd to dlagnos€taults, In the unlik€ly eventthat an unwantd alarm do€siak€ place, tils control panel's historyfile can bo call€d up to hslp isolatetho problem and proventitfrom happening again. Automatic Device Mapping- The loop controller learns where each device's serialnumber address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. Tho mappingfsature provides sup€rvision ofeach device's installed location to prevent a detector from being reinstalled (after clsaning etc,) in a differsnt location from where ilwas originally. Ths history log for tho d€tector remains relevant and inlact regardless of its new location. The Signature S€ries Data Entry Program also us€sthe mapping feature.withinteractive menusand graphiGsupport,thewired circuits b€tw6€n each devicecan be examined, Layout or "as-builf drawing information showingwire branches (f-bpsl, d6vicetypes and their address ar€ stored on diskfor printing hard copy. This takesthe mysbry outofthe installstlon. Ths preparation of'as-built- drawings isfastand effi cient. Device mapping allows tho Signatur€ loop controllerto discover: - unexpected additional device addresses - missing device addresses - changos tothe wiring in the circuit. EDWARDa SYsrEMs TEcHNoLoGY U.S. SALES: SMASOTA, FL94l-7394638; FAX941.727.1214 . CANADASAI-ES: OWEN SOUND, ON 51937$2,t30i FAX 519.37&7258 INIBNAnOMLSAI"ES:9052701711: FAX9O'27O9553 . @RPORATEHEADOIAR|IERSTCHESHIRE,CT'US'MANWACIUBII'IGI:PITTSFIE|D,ME Lherahjr. Sh.qt t85oor-O28g P.gc I al 4 Stand-alono Oporation: A decentralized alarm decision bylhs detector is guaranteed, On-board intelligence permitstho detector lo operate in stand-alone mode, lf loop controller CPU communi- cations failfor more than tour seconds, alldevices on that circuit go into stand-alone mode. The circuit acts like a conventionalalarm receiving circuit. Each detector on tho circuit continues to collect and analyze informationfrom its surroundings. The detectoralarms ifthe oresetsmoke obscuration level is reached, lf the detector is mounted to a relay base, the relay operates. Similarly, if it is mounted to an audible base,the on-board horn sounds. Fast Stable Communication: On-board intelligence means l€ss information neads to bgsent betweenthe detectorand the looD controller. Otherthan regularsupervisory polling rssponss,the detBctoronly n€edsto communicate with the loop controllerwhen it has something new to rEport.This providesvsryfast response time and allows a low€r baud rate (spesd) to be used for communication on the loop. The lower baud rate offers several advantages including: - less sensilivity to circuit wire charactoristics - less sensitivity to nois6 glitch€s on the cable - less emitted nois€ from the data wiring - twist€d or shislded wiring is not reguired. Electronlo Addrosslngi Ths loop controller sl€stronically ad- dressos oach detector, saving valuabletimo during system commissioning. Setting complicated switchss ordials is not required. Each detector has its own uniqua serial numberstored in its "on-board memory". The loop controller identifies each device on the circuitand assigns a'soft" addressto thatd€vice's serial number. lf desired, detEctors can be address€d usingths SIGA- PRO Signaturs Program/Service Tool. lEnvironmemal Compensdon : Detection sensitivity is virtually Uindependent of its installed environment and its phys'rcal condition. Environmental compsnsation meansthe sensing olement adapts to long-term changes caussd by dirt, humidity, aging otc. lt even com- psnsatesfor small amounts of normal ambientsmoke, Approximately sixtimes evsry hourthe detsctor adiusts and updates ths ssnsitivity | % obscuration) baseline for lts sensing element. Approximately once every hourthis information iswrittento its permanent momory, The detector"s "learned" baselineis not lost, ev€n when the detector is removed for cleaning. Slgt afure Series environmental compenstion is so rcliable that it meets NFPA72 field sensitivity testing reguircments - without the need for extemal meters, Thedetector'ssensitivitysstting sel€cted bytheinstallerfloats up or down to remain constant rglativo to the changing baseline. This is called differential sensing. Sansitivity Range: TheSlGA-PS Photoeleciric Detector has a sensitivity range or window of 0.677o to 3.77%. The installsr selects th€ detector'SALARM s€nsitivity level from five available settings within the range. PrE-ALm: Th€ dotector storss one of 20 pre-alarm sensitivity values to alortlocal personnel prior to the sensor reaching a fullevacuation sensitivity. Sensitivityvalues can be setin 596 increments.l Automadc Day/Nlght Sensitivfi Selection: Signature Series detectors maybo programmed for differenlsensitivities during day and night periods, This allowsthe detectorto be more sensitive during unoccupisd periodswhen low€r ambient background conditions are exoected. Stability: The SIGA-PS detector's sensitivity remains stable inwind v6locities up to 5,000fvmin (25.3 m/secl. Ambienttemperature has very little affoct on the detector. The detector may be inslalled in rooms with ambienttemp6ratures upto 120"F {49.c). Ststus LEDS: Twin LEDs are visible from any direction. Aflashing GREEN LED shows normal system polling from the loop controller. Aflashing RED LED means the detector i8 in alarm statB. Both LEDs on steady sho\rvs alarm state - stancl-alone mod6. Normal GREEN LED activity is not distracting to building occupants, butcan be quickly spotted bya maintenance tgchnician. Ouality.nd Reliability: EST detectors are manufactured in North Amsrica to strict internationallSO 9001 standards.All slectronics utilize surface mount technology {SMT) forsmaller size and greater immunityto RF noise. A conformalcoating is usedtor humidity and corrosion resistance. All critical contacts are gold plated. lnstallation Signatur€S€ries dstectors mountto North American 1-9ang boxos, &1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, and to 4 inch squar€ elBctrical boxes 1-112 inches (38 mm) de€p, They mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixlng centers, 4/4 O12rfin) Tdnoar{alt talg Arm - BrEd( on io darblr - (ocot d on Bc) Accd Sot !o. Tanocr+.r5 l|-chanEn Testing I Maintenance Each detector automatically idsntifies wh€n it b dirty or defective and causes a "dirty det6ctor" messag6. Thodetectot's s€nsitivity m6asuremsnt can also be transmitted to the loop controller. A sensitivity report can be printed to satisfy NFPA sensitivity m€as- urementswhich must be conductsd atthe end of th€ fi rst year and every two y€ars theroafter. The user-friendly maintenance program showsthe curtentstai€ of each detectorand other pertinent messages. Single delectors may b€ turnsd off t3mporarilyfrom the confol panel. Availability of mainlenanc€f€aturesis dependentontheftr€alarmsystem used. Schedulod maintenance (Regular or Selectedlfor proper detector operation should be planned to meetthe requirements ofths Authority Having Jurisdiction {AHJ}. Referto cunent NFPA72 and ULC CAI{/ULC 536 standards. Compatibility The SIGA-PS detectors are compatible onlywith EST'S Signature LoopController. I EST3V.2 only. l::* EDWARDS SYSTEMS TEcHNOLOGY Lil€rature Sheet #85OO1 -O269P6ge 2 of 4 Application Although photoelectric detectors have a wide range offire sensing capabilities th€y are best suited for detecting slow, smoldering fires, The table b€low shows six standard test fires usedto rate the sensitivity ofsmoke and heat detectors. Tha table indicates that nosinglo sensing elementis suitod foralltsstfires. EST recommends that this detector be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and localfire alarm codes. TypicalWiring The dslector mounting bas€saccept #18 AWG (0.75mmr),#16 (1.0mmrl. #14AWG l1.5mm'?). and #12AWG (2.5mm2lwire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.omm?l and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop ControllBr catalog sheelfordetailed wiring rEquirementspecifications. Standard Dotoctor 8aso, SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 RslayDotoctor Bas6,SlGA-RB,SIGA-RB4 4 DATA IN G) an 1 2 3 4 6 Not Usod OATA I'VOUT Not Used R€mote LEO (-) Rerple IED (+) Not Us€d DATA OUT trn'l Normally Op€n 2 OATA IN/OUT (+ 3 Common4 DATA IN G)4 l.lot Us€d 6 OATA OUT G) CONTACT RATING 1.0 Amp @ 30 VDC Outy) D IA Ot I(+) To Nc)d Dcvic€ lsolato. Dgtoctor Baso SIGA-IB, SIGA-I84 ftom Slor'qfulE Conlrolh oa Prg\rltila Devict orr c) 0 TA OUI (r) Io f,Lrt Da\rc. Audible Dotector Btso SIGA-A84 Term Dercrlptlon 1 Not Used2 DATA IN/OUT (+) 3 DATA rN (-) 4 Not Used5 Not Us€d6 OATA OUT (-) 7 Not U$d JumFsJWl OUT= Low! lN = Hish \drm6 From Po,r€r Supply or Previoor Soundor Bas6 2,1VDC lN (+) 24 VDC rN (-) oATA lN (-) DATA lN (+) JumD€r Jllr2 OUT. Sbdy Tonc lN = TcmDorDl Tonr To Nql Soundd B€8c or Eo.L Rolay DATA OUT C)VI,C OUT (+) vDc ouT (-) DATA OUT G} DATA IN (+) Flom Slgnqture Conlroller or Pre\r'lous Devlc€ To l,Lxt Slgnatur. Devlcc DATA oUT (+) From Slgnaturo Csrbdl€, or kevloue Dcvlco Test Flrc Typo of Dctsc{or SIGA-IS lon SIGA-PS Photo SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS Rateof -Rise/Flxed Temp. SIGA.PHS Photo/Hoat 3D SIGA.IPHS lon/Photo/Hcat.|[) Open Wood optimum unsuitable optlmum very suitabl6 optlmum Wood Pyrolysis suitable optlmum unsuitable optimum optlmum Smouldering Cotton very suitabl€optlmum unsuitable optimum opdmum Poly Urethane Foam very suitsble very suitable suitable vorv suitablg optlmunr n-Heptane optlmum v€ry suitablB very suitablB optimum optlmrmr Liquid Fire whhout Smoke unsuitable un6uitable optlmum very suitabls v6ry suitable EDwaRDs SYsrEMs TEcHNoLocY Literature Sh6et #85oo'l -O269 Pag€ 3 of 4 --vAccessones Alldeteclor mounting bases have wiring terminals that are accessiblefrom the "room-side" after mounting the basotothe electricalbox. The bases mountto North American 1-gang boxes and to 3% inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, 1% inches (38 mm) deep. Theyalso mountto European BESAand 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mmfixing centers. The SIGA-S84, SIGA-R84,and SIGA-l84 mount to North American 4 inch sq. slectrical boxes in addition to the above boxes. They includethe SIGA-TS4Trim Skirtwhich is used to cover the "mounting ears" on the base. wffiffisffisrcA.ag4 slcA-sa sloa.E stoA-Ra stca.tEo Audlbl. B... Sisd.rd B.r. bol.tor 8..! R.hy B|r. R.r||oL LED Standard Base SIGA-SB, SIGA-S84-This isthe basic mounting base for EST Signature Seri€s detectors. Ths SIGA-LED Remote LED is supported bylhe Standard Base. RelayBaso SIGA-RB, SIGA-BB4 - This base includes a relay. Normally open orclosed op€ration is selected during installation. Th6 dry contact is rated for 1 amp (pilotduty) @ 3ovdc.The relay's position is supervised to avoid accid€ntally iarring itoutof position. The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control rolay if programmed to do so attha control pan€l (EST3 V.2 only). The relay bas€ does not supportth6 slGA-LEO Remote LED, Audibla Baso SIGA-AB4- This base is dssignedlor us6 where ^ localized or group alarm signaling is required. When ths detector eil:::;r"HlmE[xtlr',if 1il",:"ffi grilill""".li;';R, for sounding to other audible bases on ths sams 24Vdc circuit. Relay and Audible Bases operate asfollows: . at system power-up or reset, th€ relay is de-energized - when a detector is installed in ihe basewith the Do\,ver on, the relay€nergizesforfourseconds, tfi on de.ensrgizes - when a detector is removed from a base with th6 power on, the relay is d€-6nergiz€d - when the detectorentersthe alarm stale,th6 r€lay isonergized. lsolator Base SIGA-lB, SlGA.l84-This bass includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A circuits, A detector must be installed for itto operate. The isolator base does not supportthe SIGA-LED Remote LED. Thg isolator operates as follows: - a short on the line causes all isolatorsto oDen within 23 msec - at 10 msec intervals, beginning on one side of the Class A circuit nearestthe loop controller, tho isolatorscloss to' providethe next isolator down the linewith pow€r - whenthsisolator nexttothoshortcloses, reopenswithin 10msec. The process repsats beginning on th€ other side ofthe loop controller. Romoto LED SIGA-LED -The remote LED connectstothe SIGA-SB or SIGA-S84 Standard Base only. ltfeatures a North American size 1-gang plastic fac€platewith a white finish and red alarm LED. SIGA-TS4Trim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also bs ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide surface imperfections not covered by the smaller bases. Warnings & Cautions This detectorwill not operatg without electricalpowor. Asfires frequently cause power interluption, wesuggostyou discussf urther safeguards wilh yourfire protection specialisl. Thisdetectorwill NOT senso fires that start in areaswhere smoks cannotreach the detector. Smoke from fires inwalls, roofs, or on the opposite side ofclosed doors may not reach the detector to alarm it. Ordering Information Specifications og Nrrd€t SIGAPS S€rEim ElerEnt Photoelectic - Liqtn ScatErim frirciple Storage 6 Operating ErwironnEnt Sensitivw Rang€U-tLr-C - 0.67% to 3.77% obscuratiorvfoot ther Sdeted Alam SerEitivity Sdtinqs Md Serisiliw: 1.o%/lt; Mo€ SerEiti\,B: 2.0%/tt; Ndnd: 2.5%/fU Less Sen:itiw: 3.07olh.; L6l SerEili!€: 3.5%/'ft Prealarm SerEitiviv 57o irrcrenpntc allc|l,',ing up b 20 pr68l8.m s€iting8 Op€rding Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc rEnird) Operating Cunei Od€scer|t: 45r/A @ 19 V; Altm: 45!A @ 19 V EnHgrerf,y Stan+elone Alam Mods: 18nA ftrlse Grn€nt lmpA (100 rYE6), Dudm Corflrunic€tiof|: 9 mA nw. Constnrtion 6 Fnish l-liqh hrFct Ensir'€sim FoVnFr - Vlihite CoflpaliHe Mountim B6€s SIGA-SB $-d6rd Bass, S|GA{B R€la/ Be, gGA-lB lsdator 8s, SGA-AB Audde Base IED Opsration &r{rcd Green tlD - Fldns wfm pdl€4 Orrboard R€d LfD - R6h6 nfi€n in alarm 8o*r LfDs - Glow sieady wtg| in alsm {sbn+alone) CorrpatiHe Rsr@ Red L.ED (rEd€l SGA-UD) F6hes v',h€n in drm Conpatiktlity Lbe Wtth: SGNATLIflE Looo Conuoller Addr€ss R€quirerrEnts l.,b€s one Devico Address AggEy Untngs I.L I.,LC MEA, CSF' uL Usted Soacing 30ft rstze bs Crtslos Nurber D€6cripdm $lptW lbs llsl SIGA.PS Intdligert PMo€lectric Detector - LUt -C usted .s 1.23) AacNrb SIGA.SE Ddecror Moifim B6e - Standard .2 (.09) SIGA-SB4 4-i h Detector Mo|'r irE B6e cl,v SIGA-TSA Tdm Sldtt SIGA.RB D€tector Mountim 86€\ /Relar' SGA.R84 4-irEh Deteclor Motf|tirE Bee v{Rslay, c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt SIGA.IB DeGcror Mouning Bc€ u/Fautt lsolalor SIGA-IM 4-irEh Detector MountirE B6e vt Fault lsolator, c/w SGA-TS4 TIim Skirt SIGA-LED RenDte Alarm LED SIGA.AB4 Audible {Sounder} B6e .3 (0.151 SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt (supdied with 4-irEh bases).1 (.04) o r9s9 EsT P6g€ 4 ol 4 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product information current and accu.ate, Ws can not cover specific applications or anticip€te all requirements. All sp€citications ar€ subject to chsng€ without notice. For more infoJmation or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, contact EST. Prhted in U.S.A. lssu€ 5Literatur€ Sheet #85OOl -O269 o 7F" Itl 0Tl FIGATI 0 il APPtlAlrl CE S Genesis Speakers and Strobes G€nesis G4 Series Features r Unlquo low-prcfllo dcdgn - Th€ mostcompact UUULC listod speaker-strobe availabls - Ultra-slim, protrudeaa mere one Inch from the wall - Attractiveappoaranc€, novisible mounting screws I Flcld Gotrfigurabla - no nead to tcmovc thc drvlcel - Vlecty.,yr,1, or 2 watt oporation ard 15, 30, 75, or 1 10 cand6la output with colwenient switches that romain vidibla even after thc unit is installed I Unprralblcdporlormancc - loud 90 dBA oulputensuros cl€ar, crbp audio - Exclusive Fulllighf - 8tsobelechnologyproducecthe indusfi/e mostev€n lighldistribution - Precisiontiming oloctronica meottough newsynchronizing standa rds for stroboa when uaed with compatibile modules - Lowcun€nt dran, minimiz€s rystcm ovarhead - Highly regulatod in-rush cun€ntallowsthemaximum numbarofstroba8 on a circuit - hdusrys fiBttemporal strobc output - 25 ViMs and 70 Vrr,| models available, all Bupplisd with a DC blocking capaclbr for audio circuit supervision I E.ytolnstrll - Fits all stEndErd 4'Bquaro olectrical boxes with plonty of rcom behind the eignal for extra wir€ - no extension ng ort m plate noadad - Simploiump€.snips6etstrobofl ash ratos - #18 -#12AWG tarminals-idealfor long runs, oxisting wiring r Apprcvcd lor publlc rnd priyltc modc appllcdlom UL 1971list€d aa signaling dwicesforthe hearing impaircd aad UL l638Jistod a3 protEctivevisual signaling appliances Description The Geneais line of eignals are the sm8ll6st, mostcompact audible-visible emergenry signaling devicas in tha world. Protrud- ing no morethan ono inchftomlhewall, Genesie epeakers and spsa ker-Btrobos blend whh any decor. Signslsfoature toxtured housings in architecturally neutral white or traditional fire alarm rod. An ingonious iconographic symbol indicatesthe purpo6o oftho dovico. This universal symbol is cod6- compliant 8nd is easily recognized by all building occupants 16gardloss ofwhat language they speak. Genesis deviceg arefu llycompatible with Enhancad Integrity signals. The naro productlines may b6 mix6d on tho same circuit. @ @g ffi ifiA' (€ G, tPlfdlng STBOBES: Thanks to patontad broakfiroughtechnology, Gonasis strobos do not require bulky specular reflectots. Instead, sn exclusiva mask-and-ca\rity dssign channols and condhbns lightto produce a hig hly conrollablo distribution patt6m. Intensive d6vs lop m6 nt sffo rts amploying thiB n€wt6chnology hav€ given risato a nsw banchmarkin strobe porformance- FullUght" technology. FullLight strobo technology produces a smooth light dietribution pattam withouttha spikes and voida charactaristic ofspeculal reflacto re, This ensu res the entirs coverage area recefues cons'ts- t6nt illumination f rom th6 strobefl ash. All G€nesis strobos self-synchronize when installed with the Geneais Signal Mastor or slGA-CC1 S modu16. Strobo fl arh6sfrom devices on the same circuitsynchronizs to whhin l0milliseconds ol each olhet indefinitely. This exceede the r€v'tsod UL standards in effect as of Novembar,2000. which apecifyrhis levelofsynchroni- zation ov6r only two hours. Spsak€r-strobes f€atu ro I 5, 30, 75 or 1 1 0 candela o utput, selectabls with a conveniontly-locatod switch on the bottom olth6 device, The candela eetting remaine clearlyvisibla aven afterfinal installation, SPEAXERS:All GenesisspeakersincludeaDC blocking capacitor to allow olectrical suporvirion ot tho audio distribution circuit. Models for 25 Vnus and 70 Vaus circuite are available. The mylar speaksrwith its Bealed backconstruction pro- vidss sxtra durabiliiy and improved audibility. y4Wto 2 W opsration i8 ssloctablo with a conveniently-located switch ontho bottom of the device.The wattaga tap sotting rsmains cleady visible even afterfi nal installation. Sp-L.r{.tlVut EDU!,ARDa EYsrEI|s TEcHitoLoGY U.S.SAIIS;SARASOIA,FL941-7494838;Fri)(91-721-1214. CAMDASA-ES: OWEN SOUND, ON 5193762430;FrD( 61(}i}7S7258 nIIHNAIIOi'|ALSALES: 90F27G171 1; FAXTO$27&9553 . COBFORAIE }€AIXII,AfiTEBS: CHESHIRE, gT . US. fIANUNACnJfiMI: NTTSFIELD, ME Llt r.tur. Sh.€t t85OOl{549 ilot to b. ur.d lor lh3l.lletlon purpoa.!. For lh6 mo3t currant lltarllura and updatc! vlalt www,aat.nat P.g. t ol4 Gp""L.rApplication The suggested sound p.sssure lovalforeach signaling zons ussd with alart or ala]m signals is a minimum of 15 dB above the average ambientsound levelor 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconda, whichever is greatet This is m€asurod 5 feet (1.5 ml above thefloor. The average ambientsound level isthe RMS,A-weighted sound Drassure measuredovera 2rl-hourperiod. Doubling tha distanco from tho signalto ths earwill theoroticalvcause a 6dB reduction in ttre received sound pressure level.The actual effact doponds on tho acoustic properti€s ot mat6dal3 in thB space. Doubling the pow€r output ofa device (e.9.: a speaker from lW to 2W) will increase tho sound prgssura level by 3dBA. A3dBA difference represents a bsrely notice- able change in volume. StrobeApplication - Gonesis strobes are UL 1971-lisfed for us€ indoors as wall- fnounteO public-mode notification appliances for the hearing !lmpaired. Provailing codes r€quiro stobos to be ugodwhar€ ambiont nois6 conditions oxcaed 105dBA (87dBA in Canadal, whereoccupanB us6 hoarlng protgction. and In areas of public accommodalion as defined in the;4mericans with Disabilities Act lsee application notes - USAI . G6nosls strob6s aro synchronizad and UL-listod foruso in both sleeping and non-sleeplng areas. Theyar€ intended lor indoor wall.mountapplications only. Comblnadon speaker+trobe signals mu6t be installod in accordanco with guid€lin6s esta blished to r Etrobadevices, Strobe Spacing Thafoffowing guid€lines aro based on ANSUNFPA 72 National Fird Alarm Code 119991, When applied and installed in accordancewith thatcoda, Genesis slrob€s meet o r oxceed the illumination produced bythe ADA-spocifiod 75 candola (cdl strobe at 50f€et.i Non-Slaoplng Rooms EST wrll mountod strob6' Up to 20'x 20' (6.1 m x 6.1 m)One 15 cd strobe Up to 30'x 30' (9.1 m x 9.1 m)One 30 cd or two 15 cd strobes Up to 40'x 40' 112.2 m x 12.2 m)One 75 cd or two 30 cd strobes up to 50'x 50' 115.2 m x 15.2 m)One 1 10 cd or two 75 cd strobes Corrldors Any length. Maximum width: 20' (6.1m). 15 cd strobes soaced at 100' (30,5 m) max. Strobes must be placed within 15' (4.5m) of each end of the corridor. Non-Slecping Rooma rnd Corridore: Genesis strobeE rabd at less than 110 cd p€I UL 1971 ate intondod for use in non.sloeping areas only. lnstallwith the bonom ofthe devho at l6ast g) inches 12.0 ml and no moro than 96 inches (2.4 m) abovo tfte ffnished floor. No point in anyspace (including corridorsl roquiredto have strobes should be moro than 50feetl15.2 mlfromtho signal(in the horizontal plane). In large roomsorspaces (euch as auditoriumsllhat €xcood 100 foet (30.4 ml across and without ob8tructions mors than 72 inches (1.8 m) abovethe finished lloor, strobes may be plaeed aroundthe perimeier, spaced a maxlmum of 100teot 130.4 ml apart,This is an altemativo tosuspendlng strobe8ftomths cailing' For detaifed spacing rgquir6mBnta. c onsullThe Handbook of Visible Notification Appliances lor Fire Alarm APPlications published by EST Pr6ss, ot contact your local EST repressntative. Slccplng roomr: Genesis 110 cd sbobes are intandedfor use in sleeping rooms and should be installed along with a smoke detoctor. lt must bo wall mountod Et losst 80' (2.03m1 abovo floor lav6l, but no closer than 24'(61omml to tho coiling. The distance from the strobe to the pillow must nol exceed 15' 14.8m). Sleeping Rooms EST wall mounted ellobe Any size 110 cd within 16 feet ot pillow Appllcation Notes - USA Audible signals in the public mode should never hava a sound lenel less than 75 dBA dt 10'(3 ml per NFPA72. Signals cannot exceed 120 dBA por ADA (130 dBA por NFPA 72) atlhe minimumhaaring distance to ardible applianc€. Strobe and combinalion speaker/8tob€ do\ricor should b€ hstallod with the bottom oftr|e der/ice at lead q) inches (2.0 ml and no morc than 96lnches(2.4m) abow the finishod fioor. Speal(3rs should bo in3ta lled with their bps notlessthan 6 inchee 1152 mml belowthe coiling and not leas than 90 incheel2,3 ml abova rhefinished foor. StrobBs mustbe usedto supplementaudible signalswh€revsrtho avorage ambient sound lev€l oxcegde 105 dBA. Combination audible/visual s'rgnals must bo in8talled in accordancewith NFPA guidelines establish€d for strobes, ADA requires visible signals in th€following areas: . re6t rooma, moeting rooms,and othercommon u8o aroas. . sleeplng rooms intended for use by persons whh hearing impairment {in accordanca with Tlde 1 of ADA). . work areag used by a psrson wilh a haarlng lmpairmsfi (por Title 1 of ADA). Applicatlon Notee - Canada (Based in parton 1995 Canada National Building Code) Tho fir6 alarm signalsound pressure levelshall not exceed 1 10 dBA in any normally occupied area, The eound pressure levEl from an audiblo signal in a floor area used for occupanciee otherthan residential occupancieB shall not be less than 10 dBA abovo ambient levels, and never less than 65 dBA. In sleeping rooms the sound pressura levelfrom an audible signal shall not be lass than T5dBAwhen any intervening doorc between the device and the sleeping room are closad. Audible signaldevices shall be installed nol less than 1.8 m to the center ofthe device abova thefloor (per CAN/ULC 5524), IlDh.lSorDdOubut Dbt&udondBA l/hound hrtcholccltarbcr Generh Sorler Cono SDeaker/steb€ 'ADA suggssts using 75 cd stlobg3 tuoughout an area, wi0r sgocing that n61€r ^.excc€d! 50n ftom lhe sbobo b arry poht In lho plobcLd spaco. v EDVyARDS SYsTEMs TECHNOLOOY Utcratub Sh.!t *6500l {6/tg Not to bo u..d lor Inrtlllrtlon purpoa.a. For thc mort curronl lltcretu,a €nd ugdataa vlsli www.att,nct, P.g. 2 of 4 The fire alarm audible signal shall be supplsmentod by fire alarm strobes in anyfloorarea whero tho ambient noiso lovelexceeds8T dBA, orwhere the occupants ofths floor arga uso oar proloctivo d6vices, are locatedwithin an audiomefic booth, oraro located within sound insulating enclosures, This also applies to assembly Specifications Genesls Splake'3 and Spsak r-Strob.s * Measured in reverberation room using 40M,000 Hz band limited pink noise per UL l.ttlo. occupancies in which music and othsr sounds associated with performancos could exceed l(xl dBA. Slrobes shall ba installed in a building so lhattho tlash lrom one device is visible th roug hout th e floor aroa or portion thor6of in which they arB installod, For maximum safety, EST rscommendsthatstrobos be installed asper theguidelines shown hero undor Sttobe Spacing. Strobo Oporitlng Currunt Mean Candela radnr 15 30 75 110 20 Vdc 6s (78)93 (101)182 (188)28 (2451 24 Vdc 55 (65)78 186)153 (1591 196 (203) 31 Vdc 45 (53)63 (69)12O (124)r51 (157) 20 Vfwr 56 (106)79 ('t471 147 (264\197 (3l.2l 24Vlwr 50 (95)68 (130)'t21 (2251 '155 (283) 27 Ytwr 44 (u\60 (115)107 (200)137 (251) Light output (per csnt of UL raflng varsus angl6) rfitum UL t!$l|rd csld.b tNd4tit Housing Red or wtrite textured UV stabilized, color impregnated engineered plastic. Exceeds 94V-0 UL flammability rating. Dimensions Heiqht:6.5'(165 mm). Width: 5" (127 mm)' Depth to wall: 1' (25 mm). Mounting (indoor wall mount only) Flush: North-Am€rican 4r square bo& 2 1/8' (54 mm) deep. Surface: model G4B (white) or G4RB (red! surfaca mount box. Wire Connections Screw terminals: sepsrats polalized inputs for speak€r and strobe, #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm2 to 2'5 mm2) wire size Operating environment 32-120' F (049" Cl ambisnt temperaturo; 0-93% rslative humidity' Agency Listings UL 1971, UL 1638, UL 1i180, ULC 3526, ULC 5541, CSFM, (FM and MEA pending) (All models comply with ADA Cods of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule.) 25 VRMS or 70 VFMS. Ses ordering information. 2W = 90dBA: 1 W = 87 dBA; %W = 84dBA; %W = 81 dBA Sp€aker frequency response: 250 to 5,000 Hz. Optimized for voico intelligibility. +inch (1O2mm) mylar cone, sealsd back construclion, rated for I watts, S ohm voic€ coil. Strob6s Strobe output rating UL 1971, UL 1638, ULC 5526: 15 cd, 30 cd, 60 cd, 75 cd or 1 l0 cd Strobe Operaling Voltage 20 to 31 Vdc (continuous). 20 - 27 Vdc FWF (full wavs rectified). Strobe Flash Rate One flash per second. Strobe Flash Synchronizslion All strobos: one flash par sscond lfps) within 200 milliseconds over 30 minutes on common circuit With oplional synchronization module: one fps within 10 millbeconds indofinhely (sxcssds UL 1971). Temporal settinq lprivate mode only): synchronized to temporal output on ths same circuit. Compatible Synchronization Modules G1 M-RM, S|GA-CC1S, SIGA-MCCl S Flash tube snclosure Clsar polycarbonato FtE!tce*3nt,!F!3rrr! EDwaRDa sYsrEMs TEcHNoLooY Lh.ratuic Shoot #asool -0649 Not to bo us€d tor Inatall.tlon purpoaea. For the moBt curaent lltcrdture end updatct vlllt r /ww.elt.nal. P.9. 3 ol 4 O tnstallation and Mounting Genesis speaker-strobes may also be configured fortemporal flash. This batt6ry-saving feature is intended tor private mode signaling only. To set tho devica for temporal flash, snip the circuit board as shown in the Jumper Locations diagram above, ThaB€ dcvlcra wlll notoprral6 wilhout€l6ctrlcal powrr, A31lrs6 frequentlycau6c power lntorruptlo m, w! suggart you dl&us. lunhor safrgusr& wlth your local 1116 lroloc- tlon lpccirlin. R$6arch Indlcltc. tha! lh6 lmanrlty ot strobo needed to .wrken 90% of slcopingpE13onr b approirn.trlv 100 cd. EST r6co mm6nd3 that slrob63 in3leoping roomt bo 56ttO ll0Cd minimum. cenesisrzd FullUghtStobeTechnologyarE t adsDarks of E dwads Sy51e ms Technology, lnc. All models aro intonded for indoorwall mounled applications only. Speakers and sp6aker-strobes areflush mounted to a North- American 4'square electrical box, 2rlo' (54 mm) deep or a Europsan 100 mm square box, Signals may b6 surface mounted to a Genesis surface-mount box (see orderinq informationfordetails). Two tabs attho top of the signal unlock the cover to facilitato mounting. Tho shallow depth of Genesis devices leaves ample room bohind the signalfor extrawiring. Once installed with the cover in placs, no mounting screws a16visible. Wiring Field wiring is connected to Genesis signals with tetminals that accommodate #18to #12AWG (0.75 mm2to 2.5 mm?)wiring, EP.*.r"ont wdlns It li.bd llo .bm Fntlt !...1 -(.,,*-dTEg:13:#Hi+ AF.bFA!!!. WldrN 'lblrdh.rrdftFi -(.!o-L.a -p!.. .la..l .arr4 -trdt!'r/d) + 1o l-attn.hn 6tq Fd - {|!,.."rd dtd *ql| -*2/r\ bl + Ordering Information 9 ESTrecommendsthatth6Beffre alarm s poaker-stro bes a h,vays be installed in accordancewith tho latest recognized edition ofnational and local fir€ alarm codes. Fi.ld Configurltlon Genesis speakors may b6 satlor ya,V2,I, or 2 watt operation. u/attage setting is visible through a small window on the bottom the device and ie changed by simply sliding ths switch untilthe dssirod setting appears inthowindow. The speaker doos not ha' to be ramoved to change the wattage. Gonesis speaker-strob€s msy bs set for 15,30,75, or 1 10 candola output. The outputsetting is visiblo through a smallwindow on the bottom of the device and is changed by simply sliding rh€ switch untiltho desired sotting appears in the window, The speaker-strobe does not haveto be removod to changethe output. lr- tr c.&t dHr ri arLQ. r.lHr b -l -.rtd oF.b! rm of te hav6 dola In the Catalog Numbsr D.scription Shlp lirt lbs lkglWhitcR.d Spolkdri and Sptakar-Strobos G4-S2 G4R-S2 25 Volt Speaker 1.5 (0.68) G4-S2VM G4R-S2VM 25 Volt Speaker-strobe with selectable 15, 30, 75, or '110 cd output G4-S7 G4R-57 70 Volt Speak8r G4-57VM G4R.S7VM 70 Volt Speakar with selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd outDut Accassorios G1M.RM Synchronization Oulput Module (1-gan9) 0.1 (0.5) stGA-ccls Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (2-sans) NR (0.23) SIGA-MCC1S Synchronization Output Module (Plug"in UIO) 0.18 (0.08) G4B G4RB Surface mount box o.7 (0.32) lo.l$c. rls b r.t9o.l EDWAFDS sYsrEMs TEGHNoLoGY Lltcratu.. Str..t t85OOl -O5/rg Not to bo usod tor Indt.llailon purpos€a- For the most cuarent llterature end update3 vl3lt www.esl.not. Pag. 4 ot 4 o wfr_POWER SUPPTIES Remote Booster Pourer Supplies Models: BPS6 and BPS1O Features I Extends powor availablo to Notilication Appliance Circuits (NACsl. r Availablo In 10 amp and 8,5 amp versions. I Includas four independem 3 amp NAGs -tl,rro configurablo as auxillary outputs. I Configurable slgnal rrt$. r Fiold solsstable lnput-to-output corrolation. I Two inputs allow activltlon by Signaturo Sories modulos ot existing NACs. I NACs configure for elther four Class B or two Glass A circuits. I 110 Vac and Zl0 VaG votBions : On-board st tur LEDs for easy recognition ot wiring fault3, Description The Remote Booster Power Supply is a self-contained 24 Vdc power supply designed to augmsnt fire alarm audible and visual power requlremenis. The booster contains all of the necessary circuitsto monitor and charge batteries, control and supervise four Class B or two Class A NAC circuits and monitor two control- ling inputs from external sourc6s, Simple switch selection provid€s a wide variety of operational configurations, Each r€mote booster power supply is supplied with its own enclosure providing ample space for additional inlertace modules and battery compartment. The Remote Booster Power Supply is available in either a 6.5 or 10 amp version @ 24 Vdc. Application The Remote Booster Power Supply provides additional powerfor audible and visual devices when constrained by system capacity or site application. Fauh conditions detectod by the BPS will opon th6 main panel's NAG. Thlg Inltlatos a trouble condition and eliminates tha need to wirc a soparate trouble contact back to the control panel. During alarm condition, detected faults are overridden and the main panol's default configuration is continuous 24 Vdc on all ffi @ @@ BPS6 NACS typically used to drive visual devic€s. The BPS'S default output configuration is continuous 24Vdc on all NACS. This output is typically used to drivs visual devices. BPS notification appliancs circuits easily configure for any one of three signaling rates: 120 SPM; 3-3-3 t€mporal; or, continuous. This makes the BPS idoalfor applications requiring signaling rat€s not available from the main pan6l. lt also allows independent setup ota notification appliance circuitwithout interfering with ths main panel and its initiating circuits. In addition to the three generated signal rates, tho BPS can also be configured to follow the signal rate of ths main panel's notification appliance circuit. This allows seamless expansion of existing NACS. The BPS includes seven on-board LED indicators: one for each resident NAC; one for battery supervision; one for groundfault; and, one forac power. The trouble contact has a sixtsen second delay when an ac powerfailure or brownout condition is detected. This reduces the reporting ol troubles during short dufation ac brownouts. NAG configuration options include: ac power fail dolay (16 seconds or 6 hours); sensing input to NAC output correlations; and, auxiliary outputs. NAC 3 and 4 are configurable as auxiliary outputs. Auxiliary outputs can be always on, or otf after 30 seconds without ac power. Jumpers configure the BPS for Class A or Class B wiring. EDwaRDs SYsrEMs TEcHNoLoGY U.S.SALES:SARASOTAFLg4l-7394638;FM94t.121-1214. CAMDASATEST OWEN SOUND, ON 51937G24in: FAX 51S7S7258 fNTEnNAnONALSAf..EStgt]F-2To^lTll;FlxgCF27O9s53 . OORPORATE HEAIXII AFIERST CHESHIRE,CI . US MAtrtl(rEACnmNG: PTTSFIELD, ME Llter.tut6 Sh66t #a5006-ol 07 Not to b6 us6d for lnstall6tion purposes. For the most currcnl lltorature lnd updates vlslt www.est.not. laaue 5 Pag€ I ot 4 Graering lnformation Catalog Number D6crlption Shlpplng ttft. lb (ks) BPS6 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply 13 ( 5.9) BPS6220 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply (220V)13 ( 5.9) BPS6C 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply (ULC Version)13 ( 5.s) BPSlO '10 Amp Booster Power Supply 13 ( s.e) 8PS10220 10 Amp Booster Power Supply (220V1 13 ( s.e) BPSlOC 10 Amp Booster Power Supply (ULG Version)r3 ( s.s) Rclltcd Equlpmont 12V6A5 6.5 Amp Hour Battery, two requifsd 3.4 {1.6} 12V10A 10 Arnp Hour Battery, two required 9.5 (4.3) 260006 UL Listed Fuse Holder c/w 4 Amp Fuse Specifications 3.0A max. per circuit @ 24vdc nominal 10A max total all NACS 3.0A max. per circuit @ 24vdc nominal 6.5A max totsl all NACS Two configurable outplns roplace NACS 3 and/or 4. NAC 3 and/or 4 are configurable as auxiliary outputs. 3mA @ 12vdc, 6rnA @ 24vdcInput Cunent (from an existing NAC) 10 Amp Hours 12 of 12V10A) 1&12AWG 0 to 93olo non condensing 32' to 12eF {0'to 49Cl Class A or Class B Continuous, 120 SPM.3-3-3 t€mporal, orfollow installed panel's NAC' Engineering Specification Supply whore needed EST BPS series Booster Power Supplies as an extension of Notification Appliance Circuits. The extension shall be in the form of a stand alone booster power supply. The supply must incorporale its own standby bafteries. Battsries must be sizad for <24>, <60> hours of standby followed by <5>, <30> minutes of alarm. lt must be possible to support up to 10 amD hourbatteries, The booster supply must incorporatefour independent suPer- vised Notification Appliance Circuits. lt shall bs possible to configuro th€ NACS to follow the main panel's NAC or activato from intelligent Signature Series modulss. The booster NACS must be configurable to operate independently at any one otthe lollowing rates: conlinuous; 120 SPM; or, 3-3-3 temporal. Fault conditions on the booster shall not impede alarm activation of host NAC circuits. EDWARDS SYSTEMs TECHNOLOGY Llter!tur. Sheet t86OO5-Ol 07 Not to b€ ua6d tor Inatsllatlon purpos69. For the most current llter€ture and uodatea vlalt www.eat.net P.gs 2 ol 4 laauc E Typical Wiring Single booster anywhere on a notification appliance circuit Existing NAC end-of-line resistors are not r€qui16d to be installed at the boostet's terminals. This allows mulliole boosters to be driven from a single NAC circuit without the need for special configurations. Multiple boosters cascaded from a single notification appliance circuit lo ndt !bn*|' l,lAC output #1 I'IAC output #2 l'lAC outpul #3 tlAC ouhut P{ Multiple Signature rnodules branching a sing le notification a pplia nce circuit Morc typical wiring diagrams on the next page... To n€xt slgnallng devlco. boostor, or EOL Fslstor odFr #1 To nodtn-'g EO(.r.abr tlAC ou$uttl rUC ol,pd#l NAC ouhu*l EOL ribbt }{Ac ou$d lt '|ACollqn12l{^lc olqn:t t{ C diDd 14 EOL lrlb. lltc o.rFn tl|' C d.00r fif ]lAC drFn*! rU/C dr90i|,1 To rhd .lgn-te Mu ltiple notification appliance circuits branched from a single control panel To nit.Enlhg EOL ribbr To .tdt dgn lkE EOL |rrbbr MC o(&dll t|AC or&d*l NAC or$d *t NAC odpd *t l.lAC ouDul!t'l N C oubirl *2 NAC o0brt *Cl }|AC ou$d li l{AC o!$dlq f,nc oulput To n6rd rlgnlthg boorLt, ot E€lL rrbbr NAC ouhut prsMo{s davlca or Slgnatfie conboll€r NAC Circuil NAC Clrcult Fire Alarm Control Panel Boo3tsr Powar From o&lrgtl|! dam panal notHon drqn up to 10 ccl or UM modules perbooster NAC.All 5 qrtp{ri. .c$v.b wn n lnout ilAC *l .cdv.E lb*.d on plolrtnt{ng) All S outpub aotivlb whan Irpul NAC #2 .cifv.ba (b3.6d on plgremmin!) EDVI,ARDS Svsterus TEcHNoLoGY Llterrturo Sh€€t r65OO5-O1O7 Not to b€ used tor Inst€llatlon purposes. For the most curront litersture and uDdatoS vlsit www.est.net lsau€ 6 Psg. 3 ot 4 ftpicat Wirins 3.375' (8.8 cm Signatura module u!6d to activato the boostor Thisconfiguration eliminatesth6 nocessity of using a NACcircuitasan AUX or runninga s€parals 24V source. Signature modules mayalso be us6d to dividelhe boost€r's 3 amp outputcircuits into smaller currentloads. ilotLdtoar Boosbr PotYri dE supgty iibin niP Multipl6 Signatura modulos as boostor input3 Configure th€ outputs wherezoning is requir€d. Boo.trr PovJel Supply Maln up to 10 cc1 or UM modul€s oer booster NAC. A ^ rcIElr I lA lA rb.dlb..ndE cls B },lA]cckojt A ccts c.- ar.r a o"r.l n "urrr.A CCtS *frtf n .f U" wtlhh 3 lbd .a tr Aoo.br uthg dd h co.dult d nounbd llhh t|. Boabr| rlatarrt, a. Ary 8db touttb wll orraa tE CCIS aDaavLbn !o 6poda fo{bb b tha r!-t [r! D.atal Aecl..--.^ -[ lt lbd h*i. fir. hd-.. Ch 28qno $dr rlldir|ur 4^li!r.v Installation and Mounting Dlmensions /l TOIEI: ^ t,|.d to.!.|oor, Cbt B i{Ac chqit 2. &ry Boait to|,bb wil cdra tL ccl .||Fl,bbo b r4ort a tusL ^ b O|. |lr.er ftr Pdnl. /A rrodrL. .nr.t b. 'r,t d drd prolrrnm.d oi tt. Eeneb.! coiboL. lo. pat9aa o9a.&n.12.21Vd. fraadrtb nd d.{c. d tbaa artf|bat da,loa Asscmbly l{oLa:1. Molntdn l/4 In. (6 rm) $.chg b.t$.o por'6t llrniLd rd ndr-pof,c. llmlbd wldng o. u.. typ. FPL, FPL& d FPLP . cable porNEC. A supeMs€d *i|on not .ontlouod - .qill.ry pow!( ^ Non€uporvhcd wlEn contl$md r r|qllluy povi.r . 13 Sourcs mu3t b. pdrvor llmit d. Data ln trorn 0. 7.0rtr (17.78 crn) >0 . Flor Vleut All knockout! for 3/,f corduit (1.9 cm) EDWARDS SYATEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep ths produc* information cunEnt and accuraio. Ws can not cover spgcific applicatbns or anticipet€ all rsquirementg. All specifcadons ars subiect to dEl€e without notice. For morc info.m8tion or qu€sdons relatve to this Sp€cifcation Sh€et contsct ESf. @ n02 tsT P.ge 4 of 4 Pdr od in U.S.A,lg!ua 6Liteiature Sheet 'E6OOS-Ol 07 Not to bs ua€d for lnatallatlon 9urpo3sa.For the mo91 curr€nt lltarltutc and updatoB vlalt www.6at-net' oF" INTETLIGENT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVIGES r Euah-in ringFtono gonorltor When confi gured for telephone circuits, the SIGA-CCl S genar- ates its own ng-ton6 slgnal,oliminating the nesdfor a separat€ rins-tone circuit-. DescfiPtion Synchronization Output Module srcA-ccls, Mccls Features r Plovldr3 UL lg?l.complbnt ruto-sync ougutforvlanal slgnals Use for connecting a supervised outpui circuit to a supervised 24 Vdc riser inputand synchronizing muhiple notification appliancecircuits. I Function3 ar an rudlblc slgnal rlsotsoloctor Us6 as a synch module orlorconnecting supsrvis€d 24 Vdc Audible/Visible signalcircuits, or 25and 70VRMS Audio Evacuation and T€l6phone circuits totheirpower inputs. I Automatic dcvice mapplng Signaure modulestransmit information to lhe loop controller regarding their clrcuit locationswith r€sp€ctto othsr Si gnature devices on th6 wire loop. I Electronlc.ddr.sslng Programmablo addross€B aredownloaded from the loop controller, I PC, orthe SIGA-PROSignatureProgranvservice Tool; there are no switches ordialsto set. r Intolligent dovlcc wfth mlcroproceasor All decisions are mad€ atthe module to allow lower communi. cation sp€€d with substantially improved controlpan€l response time and less sensitivity to line nois€ and loopwiring properties; twisted or shielded wir6 is notrsquirsd. I Non-volrtila mcmory Permanently storos s6rialnumb6r, type ofdevice, andiob number. Automatically updates historic information including hours of operation, last maintenance date, number of alarms and troubles, and time and date of last alarm. r Ground fauh dctostlon by addross Detects ground faults right down lo the device level. : DiagnostloLEDg Flashing GREEN shovvs normalpolling; flashing REDshows alarm/active state. r High ambiont temporaturo oporation Install in ambienttemperatures upto 1 20.F (49qC), r Designed to ISO g(x)t ctandards All Signatur€ products are manufactursd to strictintarnational quality standa rds to ensure highest reliability. @@ SIGA-CCIS and MCClS Synchronization Ouhut Modules ate intetligent analog addressable devlcee that form part of ESTs Signaturs tine of producB. Tho actualoperation ofthe SIGA-CClS and MCCI S is determined by the'porsonality codo" select€d by ths installer, which is downloaded to the moduleftomthe Signa- turs loop controller during system configuration. D€p€nding on their assigned p6rsona lity. Synchronization ouFut Modules may be used as a signal power riser s€l€ctor to provlde synchronization offire alarm signals across mulliple zones. orfor connecting, upon command fromthg loop controll€r, supervised Class B signal or telephone circuitstotheir respectiv€ powsi inputs, The powar inputs may b€ polarizsd 24 Vdc to operate audible and visibl€ signal applianc€s or 25 and 70 VRMS to operate audio evacuation speakers and ff refi ghte/stelsphon€s. Application The SIGA-CCIS mounts to a standard North AmericantwGgang electrical box, making it ideal for locations whoro only one moduls is required. Separat6 yO and data loop connections arg mad6 to €ach module, The SIGA-MCCIS is part of the UlOfamily of plug-in Signature S€ries modules. ltfunctions id€nticallyto th€ SIGA-CC1S, buttakes advantage of the modularflexibility and easy installation that characterize all UIO modules, Two- and six-module UIO moth€rboards are available. These can accommodate individual risers for each on-board module, or ris€rs that are shared by any combination of its UIO modules, Allwiring connectionsare made to terminalblocks onthe motherboard. UlOassemblies may be mounted in EST enclosures. EDWANDa SYETEMA TECHNOLOOY U's.SAI-ES:SAMSOTA,FL941.739-4ti38;FAX941'727-1214. CANADASALES: OWEN SOUND, ON5I937S2€0;FM 5193747258 INIERMITONALSAIES!9O$2701711;FAX90'2709553. CORXnATE HEADOUAFIEnS: CHESHIRE, CT . US. MANUFACTITRIIIG: HmFIELD, ME Lltoratu16 Sh6€t t85OO1-O543 Not to b. uscd tor Inat.llatlon purPoses.l6Eu6 1 Pag6 'l ot 4 G.ruo.ality Codes Th€ operation ofthe SIGA-CC1S is determined bytheirsub-type code or "Personality Code". The code is selectsd by the installer depending upon the desired application and is downloaded from the looD controller. Personality Code 5: Signal Power or Audio Evacuation (singlo riserl. Configures the module for use as a Class B Audiblelr'isible Signal power (24 Vdc polarized) or Audio Evacuation (25 or 70 VRMSI powerselector. The ring-tone generator is disabled.The output circuit is monitored for open or shorted wiring. lf a short sxists, the control pansl inhibits the activation oftho audible/visible signal circuit to prevent connection to the power circuit. Perconality Code 6: Telephone with dng-tone (single riserf. Configuresthe module for us€as a Telephone power s€lector, When a telephons handset is plugged into its jack or lifted from its hook,the module g€nsrates its own Ring-Tone signal. A separatB ring-tone circuit is not neaded. The moduls sends this signal to ths control pan€lto indical€that an off-hookcondition is present. When tho system operalor responds to the call, the ring-tone signal is disabled. PersonalityCode25: VirualSignal Synchronluation.This personality code configures the module to provide synchroniza- tion of fire alarm signals across multipls zones. lt functions as a signalpower (24Vdc) ris€r seloctor. The outputwiring is moni- tored for open circuits and short circuits. A short circuit will cause thetire alarm control panelto inhibitthe activation ofthe audible/ visual signalcircuit so th€ riser is not connected to iho wiring fault. lnstallation The SIGA-CC1 S: mountsto North American 2-112 inch {64 mm} deep 2- gang boxes and 1- 1/2 inch {38 mm} deep 4 inch square boxes or European 100 mm square boxes. The terminaf sare suitedlot #12to #18 AWG (2.5 mm'z to 0.75 mm'z) wire size. SIGA.MCCIS: mounttheUlOxR motherboard inside a suitable EST enclosure with screwsand washers provided. Plug ths module into any available position on the motherboard and secure the modul€ to ths mothorboard with the captiv€ screws. Wiring connsctions are mad€tothelerminals onthe motherboard (seewiring diagram). UIOxR molherboard terminals are suited tor #1 2 to #18 AwG (2.5 mm'to 0.75 mml wire size. EST rocornm€nds that tissa modulos be ingall€d accordlng lo laiast r€cognts€d odhlon ol natlonaland localflr€ ahrm coo€s. ElectronicAddressing The loop controller €lsctronically addresses each modulesaving valuabletime during system commissioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number storsd in its'on-board memory', The loop control- ler identifies each devico on ihs loop and assigns a "soft" address to each serial number. lfdesired, the modules can be addressed usingthe SIGA-PRO Signature Program/ServiceTool, Warnings SCautions This modulewill not operate without electricalpower. Asfires frequentlycause power interruption,we suggestyoudiscuss further safsguards with yourfire protection spscialist. Compatibility The Synchronization Output Module is compatiblewith EST's Signature Loop Controller op€rating under EST3 version 2,0 or higher, and OuickstartSignature Loop IntelligentController. Testing & Maintenance Tho module's automatic solf-diagnosis identifios when it is dsfective and causes a troubl€ message. The user-friendly mainte- nance program shows the current state of each module and other pertinent messages. Single modules may belurned off (de- activatsd) temporarily, from the control panol. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selectedlfor proper system operation should be planned to meetthe requiremsnts ofthe Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). ReJerto current NFPA72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards, ifications C.talog Numbcl stcA-ccls I stcA-Mccls D€scription Synchronization Outpul Module Type Code 50 lfactory setl, Address Requirementr Us€s one module address Wiring Terminations Suitable for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mrP to 0.75mm2) Mounting North American 2/z inch l8l mm) dssp twogang boxes and 1% inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes wilh 2-ganq covers Plugs into UlO2R, UIO68 or UlO6 Motherboards Operating Cunent Standbv = 22qgA Activatod = 10tuA Operating Voltag6 15,2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Output Baling 24Vdc=2amps 25 V Audio = 50 watts 70 V Audio = 35 watts Construction High lmpact Engin€ering Polymer Storage and Operating Environment Operating: 32'F to 120'F (0'C to 49'C) Storage: -4'F to 14fF (-2eC to 60'C) Humidity: 0 lo 93o/o RH LED Ooeration Green LED - Flashes when polled Red LED - Flashes when in alarrn/active Compatibility Use with: Signatur€ Loop Controller under EST3 version 2.0 or hiqher Agency Listings Ut, ULC, CSFM, MEA (pendins) EDWARDa SY8TEME TEcHNoLOGY Litsratura Sha6r #85OO1-0543 Not to b6 used for installation putpos6s.P6ge 2 of 4 Typical Wiring SIGA-CClS lStandard Mountl*ffi Patto||alry Cod. a P.rtorralg C!d.21 SIGA-MCG1S (UlO Mountl Pitmdlq Cod. a P.f.ondty Cod.25 P...on.llly tldc.l Srlr Chcdr ,lc'd'r [$ffi** Ttdc.l T.bDlron. Cl|tr|ltffi r.l tctEd an(o Eot rn ,Lt[d aTt(o Erot flDk l T.hehdr Ghdtrffi lt tc l|Dd 47tO EOt- lnhrc.d ht ert!| rrd q..rlED 0..lll) R.d LED ( Cr.) Enhr$.d hLlw I ir.. t od rr.lt.c tt ta a7loaq_rr../t rt54n(oa. 8tr..r|o.t 0.lo|n .r, (+) qr F)Rk.h Ri!6. h (-) hln(+) Dabrn (-l Olb out (+) O||. qn(.) Synchronlzation aorors NACs on multlplo Boostor PowerSupplles l|o$lrilb|| ApDf.||o Cl|ulr (|||Crl Iomrio. AtdbE qrldr [|.AC.l EDWARDa SY8TEM8 TEGHTIIOLOOY Literaturc Sho6t t85oo1-()543 Not to b€ usod for Installatlon purposes. lsauc I P.gc 3 of 4 GrOering Information RelatEd Equipment Module Board w/Ris€r lnouts - Two Module Positions Module Board w/Biser lnputs - Six Modul€ Positions Module Board . Six Module Positions Description (Sig natu re Overview) The Signaturo Seriss intelligentanalog-addressable system from Edwards Systems Technology is an entirefamily of multi-sensor detectorsand mounting bases, multiple-function input and output modules, ngtwork and non.nstwork control panels, and user- friendly maintenance and service tools, Analog information from equipmentconnected to Signature devices is gathered and converled into digital signals. An onboard microprocessor in each Signaturad6vice measures and analyzesthe signal and docides whether or notto inputan alarm. The microprocessor in each Signature device providos four additional b€nefits - Self-diagnos- ticaand History Log,Automatic D6vice Mapping, Stand-alone Operatlon and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Ssries device Jonstantlyrunsself-ch6ckstoprovide important maintenance -information. The rssulis of the self-check aro automatically updated and permanently stored In its non-volati16 memory. This informa- tion is accBssiblefor reviewanytime atths controlpanel, PC, or using th€ SIGA-PRO Signatufe Program/Service Tool. The informa- tion stor€d in device memory includes: . Device serial number, address, and typ€ . Dato of manufacture, hours ofoperation, and last maint€nanco dale2 . Number ofrecorded alarms and troubles2 . Time and date of last alarml . Most rscent troublo cods logged by the detector- 32 possible trouble codes may be used to diagnoss faults. Automatic Device Mapping-The Signature Data Controller(SDCI learns where each devic€'s ssrial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devic€s connectedto it. The Signature Sories Data Entry Program also usesthe mappingfeature. Wth interactive menus and graphic support, ths wired circuitsbetween each dsvice can b6 examined. Layoutor "as-builf drawing information showing branch wiring (T-taps). d€vicetypes and their address aro stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out of the installation. The preparation of as-built drawings isfast and efficient. 1EST3 V.2 only. ,Retrisvable wilh SIGA-PRO programming tool, Davice mapping allows the Signature Data Controllor to discover: . Unexpected additional devica addresses . Missing device addresses . Changes tothewiring inthe circuit. Most Signature modules usea personality code selsct€d bythe installerto dBtermine thsir actualfunction. Personality codes ars downloaded trom lhs SDC during system configuration and are indicated during device mapping. FastStablo Communication- Built-in intslligence means less information needsto bs sentbetween the device andtheSignaturo Data Controller {SDC). Otherthan regular supervisory polling responss, Signature devices only need to communicate withthe SDCwhen they have something newto report.This providesvery fast control panel response and allows a lower baud rate (speed) to be used for communication on the circuit, The lowsr baud rate offers several advantages including: . Less sensitivitV 1o circuitwirecharacteristics. Less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cablg . Less emittsd noisefrom the datawiring . Twisted orshielded wiring is nol required. Diagnostic LEDS-Twin LEDs on most Signature devic€s provide visual indication of normal and alarm-active conditions. Aflashing gr€en LED shows normalsystem polling. Aflashing red LED means the module is in alarm-active stale. Both LEDson steady indicates alarm-active state - standalone mode. Testing & Maintenanco-Automatic self-diagnosis identifi€swhsn a Signature devicg is defective and causes a trouble message,The user-friendly maintenance program showsthe current state of each device and other p€rtinent information. Singledevices maybe turned off temporarily, from ths control panel. Scheduled main- tcnance (Regular ol Selectedl tor propsr sy3tom opelation should be planned to meet th6 rsquir.monb of tho Authority Having Judsdiction (AHJl. Relerto current NFPA72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536standards. Oualityand R6liability- EST Signature devicesare manufactured in North America to strict intsrnational ISO 9001 standards. All electronics utilize surface mounttechnology (SMT) for smallersize and greater immunity to RF noise. A conformal coating is used for humidity and corrosion resistance. EDwanDa SYsrEMa TEGHNoLoGY o 2mt EsT Page 4 of 4 It is our intenlion to ke€p the product info.mation current and accurat€. We csn not cover spgcific applications or anticipate all requirements. All sp€cifications are subject to chang€ without notica. For more intormation or questions relativo to this Specificalion Sheet, contact EST. Literatu.e Sh€6t #85OO 1-o543 Noi to b6 us6d for installEtion ourpos€s. Ptinted in U.S.A" l6SU6 1 TOWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colora APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: VAIL FIRE ALARM P Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop d are required at time of lication s ittal anhu listed on theiLticcepted without this CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ ? zr,t roj Building Perniit #: Alarm Permit #: age of Fire Alarm Contractor: A /or* -r o.,r., o- 1 , s'l t f"t<- Town ofVail Reg. No. L13-5 Contact and Phone #'s: /,^ ";- 'LJc //c /7ut) 186- d?ao E-Mail Address:Z ZDELLS (L //o r,u € Dcc . eo.r, Contractor Signature:/,.; /zz, leContact Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Pa Parcel #z/b/ oz z//o&/ Job Name: /o,/ rtrnr,o# Jo* 7?.*r- Jizl Job Address: llf izl Ltots 12.,.) L,". Legal Description Lot:Filing: ]s u bd ivision : Ve,l I U\ {rt [<tL ftl^A/zBlock: Owlersjame:., Y^, 1 (eJ.rr f t Address:7/f .'J L,o-clr*l / rr Dhnno'4/g'/444 ,non , ?ros l. -.1 Ct n Address:'7/.5 c,s t.,/7? -b1al Detailed Location bf work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. ?Lnt. Z /eq/c'te>tee. Ld<.:e:. / #) Detailed description of work: JlJJ /Fe/o.^4< rary',al,o,r 4 ".s-1,7,..,1,o,, lo xyttl/,-n ./+'/r-, WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel $@ Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg,: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial U;? Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes y) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes qld) \o ( I for rcel fiipro'i*d Rpprov Ey: Tltle: z4- 7--zz'/ r' 1l i':1. -'t'f rlFt'j -.. 1il2612002 i.lrrr, 4'?-otvsWail -.--- TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp. Device locations on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. Information regarding property managers and contact numbers. Owner's primary residence location and contact numbers. Instructi6ns foifire alarm system operations and any pertinent code numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project name: Contractor Signature: 5 Z, ll- /arr,ro/ 5tq ?o*roJe. / Date Signea: r/"-,/ar TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON-EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Department Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner or manager of the property, which alarm company seruices the system for them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you start, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Depaftment so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. Please contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshall, Mike McGee at 479'2L35 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughan at 479-2252. I have read and understand the above guidelines. Project Name: Contractor Signature: Date Signed: F:\Users\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\AlarmDerm.doc 08l23l20M PREPI,AII INFORMATION SHEET VAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES BUILDING INFORII{ATION: .t Building name: Street address & phone #: 7E it) >,e,.tL.o./ O" gze -l7a'///1/ Knox box locatiom fZf6t).. {,nz- Cu,o'a^uJ Alarm panel location: */ou lo47 Alarm silence & reset codes: t)ote- RPS': NAMES & PHONE NUMBERS (work & home): owne;n LZ, / Ee*t/t Property manager:T)ou,J ?..-te Property maintenance managet i4-A t/J^J f ,:c-2. Alarm service cotnpany: t4/or-,f-,^/,/., E - BI]ILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main location: Other locations: Electric: Main location: Sub-panel loeations: Water: Main valve location: Main fire valve location: Secondar5r water valve locations: I @ NVNMY HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Department Russell Fonesl Direclor, (970) 47s.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC .: t HT.r".:i$,:alcontactwiihourstafiimmediate-slow-or :, :.,, .:: 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ N/A : L 6. Please rate the performance of the stafiperson who assisted you: 5432lName: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. l\ny comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. (. ]: CONTROT PANETS ESTs Features I 1 68 character LCD . displays information importantto userRrst. Firstand Lastalarm display handsfree ! Exceptional alarm respons€times . 3 second alarm response time overany size network. 750ms loop alarm responsetime I Total network wiring over 300,q)0 feet I Eight multiplexed channels for audio source selection on one pair of wires r Zoned audio amplifieG r Supports proprietary and local system operations I For retrofit existir€ wire may be used if electrically sound I Slide in LED and switch labels I Signature series detectors and modules suppon t Automatic device and panel addressing r 250 devices pcr loop, 25fl) devices per node r Devicecircuitmapping I Up to 32 t.ouble bits per device for trouble shooting Description EST3 is a modular system uniquely designed to easily meetthe needs ofstandalone single node systems or multi-node networks. Bothfirealarm and audiosystems use the same fundamental components simplifying system layouts. A powerful System Definition Utility helps define nexible system operations in a fraction ofthe time required byothers. Virtua y all EST3 operating features are software controlled. This gives EST3 great site flexibility and ensures operational changes and upgrades will be possible years after the initial installation. From the elegant contoured door design of the Lobby Enclosure through the standard industrialdesign of Remote Closet cabinets both aesthetics and function are addressed. Application Notes EST3 is a superbly adaptable Life Safety System lending itselfto smaller and larger buildings alike. System components arrange in layers starting wath thewallbox system and ending with inner and outer doors. Cabinets are available with room for system batteries up to 65 Amp hours. With EST3 one 24 volt battery supports up to four power supplies. The power supplies use a unique paralleling arrangement that ensures optimization of each supplies full capacity. Each supply will support up to 7 Amps of load, with four supplies 28 Amps of current is available all backed up by one battery. This gives EST3 continuing costsaving benefits in system maintenance as wellas initial system cost. A user interface layer made up of a Main Display Interface module and a system of generic modules maximize design flexibility for custom svstems. llllllllil t EDwaRDa SyarEMa TEcHNoLooy U.S. SAES: SARASOTA, FL 941.739 4200; FAX 941127 O74A . CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND. ON INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905 270 1711; FAx 905.270 9553 . CORpORATE HEADOUARTERS: CHESHtRE. CT . 519 376 2430r FAX 519 376 7258 U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSF ELD. ME Page I of 4Literatur€ Shset t86Ol O-OO51 Main Display Inte.face EST3's Main Display Interface module focuses on the emergency user. Simple to understand lightsand switches helptheoperator executesystem commands with confidence. Eight lines of21 characters (168 characters total) provide the room needed to conveyemergency information in a usefulformat. Hands free, the first highest priority event displays. The Main Disptay atways showsthe last highestpriority event. Withoutopening the doorof the EST3 the first and last alarm is given. EST3 modutar system design means a Main Display Interface module is not required in remote nodes with no user interface reouirements. EST3's Main Display Interface provides a menu system tosupport maintenance tunctions such as point disabling or reports for use by staffor service personnel. DisplayModules EST3's, generic control/display module's provide membrane switches with positive tactile feedback and colored LEDs giving the emergency userthe simplest of interfaces. Conuol/Display module locations are independent of theunderlying connection hardware, the local rail module. This keeps system lay out flexibility maximized. Panel Capacities EST3 makes isolation of field wiring easy with building wiring termination's being made on local rail module removable terminal blocks. EST3 local rail modules include. zoned amplifiers, Single Signature LoopControllers, Conventional Hardwired modules, and the main CPU module. System design allows convenient separation of high voltage and power limited wiring. EST3 supports both single node and multiple node single network systems. As a stand alone panel or single node from 5 to 21 module spaces are available. This provides enough space for up to four system power supplies providing 28 Amps of power. A single panelsupports up to l0 Signature loop controllers (250 devices per loop, 2500 points total per node). Utilizing conven- tional circuits, up to 15 local rail modules Rt, supporting 1 20 conventional zones. Upto half of the conventional circuits could be Notitication Appliance Circuits, with 19 Control Disptay modules, and a Main Display Interface module. Networks EST3 operates on a multi priority peer-to-peer token ring network. The multi.priority token ring gives EST3 exceptional alarm response, Response time is less than 3 seconds across the network virtually independent ofthe total number ofnodes. EST3token ring network configuration also affords long distances between nodes. The distance between panels on #18AWG (1 .0mm,) is 5000ft (1523m), With 64 nodes supported on a network the totalnetwork length is in excess of300,000 ft (91400m). Network communication is via RS.485 serial oorts. This two wire circuit supports Class 'A' or 'B'. The EST3 network meets NFPA style 7 communications standards in Class'A' configuration. The EST3 uses distributed data basetechnology, designed to survive the rigors of fire and fire fighting. In Class 'B' configuration a single break or shon on the network wiring will isolate the system into two groups of panels each with one or more nodes. Each group of panels continues functioning as a peer-to-peer network working with their combined data bases. In Class 'A' a single break or shortonthe networkwiring causes the system to isolatethe Fault. Network communication continues u n interrupted. lf multiple faultsoccur, the network re-configures into multiple networks and functions as described above for Class 'B'. This means a system continues to respond to activations from every node that can transmitand receive network messages. Local responsesalways execute since the local data base resides at each node maximizing survivability. Adding Audio EST3 audio is a matter of selecting components for installation in standard fire alarm cabinet assemblies. EST3 uses intelligent zoned amolifiers. this reduces wire runs and soace needs ata central location. Audio control equipment and zoned amplifiers use the same system power supplies asfire alarm components. All these components are supported bystandby battery. Where multiple nodes make up the system a single pair of wires carries eight channels of digital audio bewveen nodes. The system will deliver up to eight messages/signals simultaneously meaning occupants signaling messaging is never interrupted. This eliminates confusion when the emergency user requires the use of an audao channelwhen delivering zone specific messages. The EST3 provides simple paging controls. Pressing the ALL CALL selects all paging zones for message delivery. Pressing Page to EVACUATION automatically selects all areas in evacuation. Similarly, the user can Page to ALERT. Zoned paging requires the user to simply press zone paging switches. Afterthe user completes a page delivery, signaling automatically restore when the user releasesthe microohone talk kev. EDwARoa SYSTEMa TEcHNo|-ogY Lit€rltu re Sho€t t86O10-0061P.go 2 ol 4 Engi neeri ng Specification It shall be possible to support a single stand alone node or up to 64 nodes communicating on a peer-to-peer multi-priority token ring protocol network. Any node on the network with a new alarm must have priority on the N etwork. Network alarm response must be under 3 seconds. Field wiring connections must be made at removable terminal blocks. Status LEDs shall be provided for communications of network, RS.232, audio and anternalrail communications. Internal node communication speed must be programmable. The control panel and system components must be manufactured by an ISO 9001 standards listed company. The communication format between the control paneland analog devices shall be digital. Loop alarm recognition must be within 750 milliseconds of a device reporting an alarm state. lt must be possible to wire the Loop as Class A or Class B with non shielded, non twisted wire. lt must be possibleto wire branches (T.taps) with Class B wiring. Should the communications between devices and the Data controller be lost, the device circuit shall go into stand-alone mode. The circuit shall act like a conventional alarm receiving circuit in the stand alone mode. Should bus communications be lost, local rail modules must continue to function, recoonize and store functional status changes. In the event of an alarml provision must be made to signalthe network and make it aware of the alarm condition. The fire alarm power supplies must be capable of being paralleled and share the load. Multiple power supplies must be capable of being backed up with a single 24 volt battery pack for reduced maintenance. A battery per power supply is not acceptable. The power supply shall be capable of charging up to 65 AH batteries. The power supply must be able to perform an automatic load tesr of batteries and return a trouble ifthe batteries fall outside a predetermined range. Powersupplies must incorporatethe ability to adjustthe charge rateofbatteries based on ambient temperatures. lt shall be possible to adjust for ambienttempera. ture changes in local cabinets as well as remote cabinets. Thesystem shall provide a userinterface thatdisplays system events in a text format, and suppons basic common control LEDs and switches. The Common Control Switches and LEDs orovided as minimum will be; Reset switch and LED. Alarm Silence switch and LED, PanelSilence switch and LED, Drillswitch and LED. lt must be possible to add additional common controls as required through the use of modular display units. The user interface must provide an LcD thatwill allow custom event messages oFup to 42 characters. Thesystem must provide the emergencyuser, hands free viewing of the first and last highest priority event, The last highest priority event must alwaysdisplay and update automatically. Events shall be automatically placed in easy to access queues. lt shall be possible to view specific event types separately. Having to scroll through a mixed list of event types is not acceptable, Thetotal number ofactive events by type must be displayed. Visual indication must be provided for any event type that has not been acknowledged or viewed. lt must be possible to customizethe designation of all user interface LEDs and Switches for local language requirements, The Life Safety system shall incorporate annunciation of Alarm, Supervisory, Troubleand Monitoroperations. Annunciation must bethrough the use of LED display strips complete with a meansto custom label each LED as to its Function. Where applicable control of remote smoke control devices must be made available at the controlcenter. Switches with LEDs must provide positivefeed back tothe operator of remoteequipment status. Wherevoice audio is required a means of paging individual zones must be made. Thestatusofeach pagingzone must beannunciated. lt must be possible to selectively page into specific zones. lt shall be possible to manipulate the evacuation ofthe building from the main controlcenter. lt must be possible forthe emergency operator to put specific zones into evacuation manually. The audio system amplifiers must be able to operate zsvrms or 70.4Vrms speakers. The system shallprovide simultaneous page, alert and evacuation signaling. Systems that cause signaling devicesto gosilent while performing any signaling functionswill not be accepted. System amplifiers must be distributed zoned type. Centrally banked systems are notacceptable. An integral circuit for operating traditional NAC devices must be provided with each system amplifier. The circuit must have a minimum rating of 3.5 Amps for operating 24Vdc signals. lt must be possible to have up to 8 separate audio signal sources for paging and signaling purposes. The system must provide as a minimum the following paging common controls and indicators: Ready to page LED, VU display of paging output level, single switch function for paging to all - Alert zones, Evacuation zones, and areas not programmed for signaling. The system must provide high quality analog to digital conversion of paging sources. Digitaltransmis- sion of paging must be provided between system nodes. The analog sources must be sampled and converted to digital with a sampling rate no less than 9600 baud. lt must be possible to vansmit signalsources (A|en, Alarm, Page, etc.) togetherover a single pair of wires between nodes. The fire panel shall be capable of supporting a variety of conven- tional smoke detectors with a single module. lt must be possible to support polarized bells, horns or strobes. lt shall be possible to provide hardwired supervisory and monitor functions with latching or non-latching operations, lt shall be possible to display any circuit on an LCD or LED annunciator located anvwhere on the network. EowaRDa SYSTEMa TEGHNoLoGY Liler.tur€ Shaot rS60'l O-OO51 Prgo 3 ot 4 TypicalWiring l.^^- I CPU, p{. .{Fot r b.od.,cd b.p rbrtl. I &trar-! a !d.tG cP! *ra.dq, dr...4ory I 0..a-, dr.r r..9 n cl|. rrb qE ttr.dra atDr.r 'rtlDir. Laolq., 2 .rrr.ii '|.t . Typical EST3 Wdng with Emgrgency Voic€y'Alarm System w/ Firgtighte/s Tel€phones E"*"^*" @'*tu O ms"--" @ daEW@ 6u;t';si-"' @ruF{€ .6)**.---. @**^,*,.,-* @**- @*-.* E:ffiHs*, * ***- fl ,r"*' ffi.f,,llt?fl','![*lffil'T'9'- EDwa,toa SYSTEMa TEcHNoLocy It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. \ b can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subiect to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, cont6t EST. o l9e6 tsT Paga 4 ot 4 Pn €d nU.S.A. lallre ILil€rrture Sho€t 18601 O-OO51 7=_flffi INTETTIGENT INITIATING DEVICES Intelligent Heat Detectors Models SIGA-HFS A SlcA-HRS Features Note: Some features described here may not be supported by all control systems. Check your control panel's lnstallation and Operation Guide for details. 70 foot (21.3 metar) spacing 15'F (9Cl/min rate-of-rise/135.F 157"C) ft. and 135.F {57.C1 fired temporaturs type r Intelligentdstectorc/w integral microprocessor I Non.volatila memory I Automatic device mapping I Eloctronicaddressing I ldentification of defoctiyo detectors r Twin RED/GREEN status LEDS I Standard. relay, fault isolator, and audible mounting bases I Designed and manufacturod to ISO gO01 standards Description EST's Signature Series Model SIGA-HFS and SIGA-HRS Intelligent Heat Detectors gather analog information from their f ixed temperature and/or rate-of-rise heat sensing elements and converts it into digital signals. The detector's on-board microprocessor measures and anal}.zes these signals. lt compares the information to historical readings and time panerns lo make an alarm decision. Digital filters remove signal patlerns that are not typical of fires. Unwanted alarms are virtually eliminated. The microprocessor in each detector provides four additional benefits - Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alono Operation and Fast, Stablo Communication. Solf-diagnostics and Historv Log - Each Signature Series delector constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance information. The resulls ofthe self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in the detector's non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review anv time at the control panel, PC, or by using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The information stored in the detector's memory includes: - detector type, serial number, and address - dale ofmanufacture, hours ofoperation, and lastmaintenancedate2 - currentdetector (ambient) temoerature values - current detector sensitivity and environmental compensation values - number of recorded alarms and troublesz - time and date of last alarml - analog signal patterns just before the last alarm I - most recent trouble code logged by the detector - 32 possibte trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. In the unlikely eventthatan unwanted alarm doestake place, the control panel's history file can be called up to help isolate the problem and prevent it from happening again. Automatic Dsyice Mapping - The loop controller learns where each device's serial number address is installed relalive to other devices on the circuil. This mapping featu re provides supervision ofeach device's installed location to prevent a detectorfrom being reinstalled {after cleaning etc.) in a different location from where it was originally. The history log for the detector remains relevant and intact regardless of its new location. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or "as- built" drawing information showing wire branches (T-taps), device types and their address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out of the installation. The preparation of as- built drawings is fast and efficient. rEST3V.2onlv. ? Retrievabl€with SIGA-PRO programming tool. t (( . a \ T I EDWARDS SY8TEMs TEcHNoLoGY U.S.SALES:SARASOTA,FL94'l-739-4638;FM94'-727-1214. OU|ADASATIS: OWEN SOUND ON 51C37S2430; FAX 51937&7258 ll{IEn{AnONALSAIIS:905-27G]711;FpX90t27G9553. CORFORATEHEAmUARTERS:CHESH|RE.cT. Us. I|A,{UFACruR|1{G: PTTTSFTELD & NEWPORT. ME Liler.tu.. She.t rSSOOl -O243 Not 10 b€ uaod for installation purpoa€3. For tha mott cuaront lltar.tura and uodata! vlalt www.e!t.nel laru. O P.9. I of 4 Device mapping allows the Signature loop controller to discover - unexpected additional device addresses - missing device addresses - changes to the wiring in the circuit. Stand-alone Operation - A decentralized alarm decision by the detector is guaranteed. On-board intelligence permits the detector to operate in stand-alone mode. lf loop controller CPU communi- cations failfor more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit go into stand-alone mode. The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving circuit. Each detector on the circuit continues to collectand analyze informationfrom its surroundings. Both the SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS detectors alarm if the ambienttempera. ture increases to 135"F (57"C) orforthe SIGA-HRS only,the temperalure increases at a rate exceeding 15"F (9.C)/minute. lfthe detector is mounted to a relay base, the relay operates. Similarly, if it is mounted to an audible base, the on-board horn sounds. Fast Stabl€ Communication - On-board intelligence means less information needsto besent between the detectorand the looo controller. Other than regular supervisory polling response, the detectoronly needs to communicatewith the controlpanelwhen at has something new to report. This provides very fast control panel response time and allows a lower baud rate (speed) to be used for communication on the circuit. The lower baud rate offers several advantages including: - less sensitivity to circuitwire characteristics - less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable - less emitted noise from the data wiring - lwistsd or shielded wiring is not required Elec{ronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each detector, saving valuable time during system commissioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each detector has its own unique serial number stored in its on-board memory. The loop conlroller identifies each device on the circuit and assigns a "soft" address to that device's serial number.lf desired, detectors can beaddressed using the SIGA- PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. In3t llation Spacing - The SIGA-HFS (fixed temperature) and the SIGA-HRS (f ixed temperature/rate-of-rise combination) intelligent heal detectors are rated for installalion at up to 70 foot (21 .3 meter) spacing. These detectors may be installed in rooms with ambient temperatures upto 100.F (38.C). Status LEDs - Twin LEDs are visible from any direction. A flashing GREEN LED shows normal system polling from the loop controller. Aflashing RED LED means the detector is in alarm state. Both LEDs on steady shows alarm state - stand-alone mode. Normal GREEN LED activity is not distracting to building occupants, but can be quickly spotted by a maintenance technician. Ouality and ReliabilW - EST detectors are manufactured in North America to strict international ISO 9001 standards. All electronics utilize surface mounttechnology (SMT) for smaller size and greater immunity to RF noise. A conformal coating is used for humidity and corrosion resistance. Allcritical conlacts are gold plated. Compatibility The SIGA-HFS and SIGA-HRS detectors are compatible only with EST's Signature Loop Controller. Installation Signature Series detectors mountto North American 1-gang boxes, 3-1l2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, and to 4 inch square electrical boxes 1- 1/2 inches (38 mmldeop. They mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing cenlers. f o.o'tzo mmt 2,0' (51 mm) 4.4'(ll2mm) Tompgr-Resisl Lever Arrn - Breok off to dlsoble - (Locaied on Bose) Accass Slot for TomperResist Mechonism Specifications Table Catalog Numbel SIGA.HFS SIGA.HRS Heat Sensing Element Fixed Temoerature Fixed 6 Temperature/ Rate-of-Rise Alarm Point Alarms at l35oF (57oC) Ambient Alarms at 135oF (57ocl Ambient or Temo. increase above 15"F (9oCl oer min. UL Listed Detector Soacinq 70 leet (21.3 meters) center to center spacing Operating and Storage Environment Operating Temp: 32oF to 100oF (ooc to 38oC) Storage Temp: -4oF to 140oF (-20oC to 60oC) Humiditv: 0 to 93% RH, Non-Condensinq Operatinq Voltaqe 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominall Operating Current Ouiescent: 45rlA @ 19 V Alarm: 45pA @ 19V Emergency Stand-alone Alarm Mode: 18mA Pulse Current: 100 !A (100 msec) Construction & Finish High Impact Engin€ering Polymer . White Compatible Mounting Bases SIGA-SB Standard Base, SIGA-RB Relay Base, SIGA-lB lsolator Base, SlGA.AB4, SIGA.AB4G Audible Bases LED Operation On.board Green LED - Flashes when polled On-board Red LED - Flashes when in alarm; Both LEOs - Glow steady when in alarm lstand-alone) Compatible Remote Red LED (model SIGA-LED) Flashes when in alarm ComDatibilitv Use With; SIGNATURE Looo Controller Address Requirements Uses one device address Agency Listinqs UL, ULC, MEA, CSFM EDwaRDa SysrEMa TECHNoLoGy Lit6ratu16 Sheot #85OO1-O243Not to ba us€d tor installatlon purposas. For th€ molt curr6.tt lit6rltur€ and updlt€s visit www,6st.ngt. Pag. 2 o{ 4 lsau€ A Application Thetable below shows six standard testfires usedto rate the sensitivity ofsmoke and heatdetectors. Thetable indicatesthat no singla ssnsing element is suited for all testfires. EST recommsnds that this detector be installed according to latsst recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. TypicalWiring The detector mounting bases willaccept #18AWG (0.75mmr), #16 {1.Omm?), #14AWG {1.5mm,), and #12 AWG (2.5mm2)wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (t.0mm'?) and #18 AWG {0.75mm?)are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catarog sheetfor detailed wiring requirement specif ications. Standard Dotector Base, SIGA-SB, SIGA-S84 Relay Detector Base, SIGA-RB, SIGA-RB4 Trm Dedpdon'| Not Used2 DATAII{/OUT(+) 3 Notused4 DATATN t)4 RemoteLED C)5 Bemote LED(+)6 Not Used7 DATAOUT(-) Tr|m DolcrFdon 1 Nol Used2 DATA IN/OUT(+)3 DATA rN (-) 4 Not Used5 Not Used6 DATAOUT(-) 7 Not Used DATA OUT (' DATA OUT (+) To Next Device Normolly- Trlm '| 4 7 Decfttlo.l Normallyopen DATA IN/OUT (+) Co{ryrEn oATA rN (-) Not Used Nofitally-Closod DATA OUT (.) CONTACT RATING 1.0 Amp @ 30 VDC OUT G) lsolator Detector Base. SIGA-lB, SIGA-l84 DATA lN (+) From Signoiur€ Conlroller of Prevlous Device Volums Eoiine OE rull - Hlgh vDlurrE Cul br bw Yoltrng 2a Vdc ln - Flom povJor .upply or + prlv|oua Das€ O.t h F om SlgnsEr€ cdllolor or - p.!do|r! dovico - Audible Detector Base, SIGA-AB4G DAIA IN (+) From Slgnoture Coniroller or Prevlous Device Tono 3oiiarg Dotault = Tsnporul parl..n Cul tor sbady tono l- 1o co.{gN crpln wlm d b.r+ o, ltf, d|qr. !oar! 24 Vdc o.rt To n€n bai! or EOL relry Drb ool To .r€xt Slgtaiu! d.vlc. Te3t Fire Typo of Dstectot SIGA-lS lon SIGA-PS Photo SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS Rate-of-Rise/ Fixed Temp. SIGA-PHS Photo Heat 3D SIGA-IPHS lon/Photo/Heat 4D Open Wood optimum unsuitable optimum very suitable optimum Wood Pyrolysis suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Smouldering Cotton very suitable optimum unsuitable optimum opiimum Polv Urethane Foam very suitable very suitable suitable very suitable optimum n-Heptane optimum verv suitable verv suitable optimum optimum Liquid Fire without Smoke unsuitable unsuitable optimum very suitable very suitable DAIA lN (+) From Sigooture Conrrollgt or Prgviols Dgucg EDwAnos SYSTEMS TEGHNoLoGY Lir616tur€ Sh.et t86OOl-O243 Nol to bs used lor InSlellation purgolies, For tho molt curront lit€raturo and ugdat6a vlail www.6at.a6t. laaue I P.e. 3 of 4 //i'c,t..', SIGA.AA4G Audibl.8... SIGA.SB St.nd.rd 8.3. t. SIGA.LED R.mor. LEO Accessories All detector mounting bases have wiring terminals that are accessible from the "room-side" after mounting the base to the electrical box. The bases mount to North American 1-gang boxes and to 3% inch or4 inch octagon boxes, 172 inches (38 mm) deep. They also mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers. The SIGA-S84, SIGA-R84, and SIGA-l84mounr lo North American four inch square electrical boxes in addition to the abovs boxes. They includethe SIGA-TS4Trim Skirtwhich is used to cover the "mounting ears" on the base. The SIGA-AB4G mounts to a 4" sqare box only. for sounding to other audible bases on the same 24 Vdc circuit. Relay and Audible Bases operate asfollows: - al system power-up or reset, lhe relay is de-energized - when a detector is installed in the base with the power on, the relay energizes forfour seconds, then de-energizes - when a detector is removed from a base with the power on, the relay is de-energized - when the detector entersthe alarm state, the relay is energized. lsolator Base SIGA-lB, SIGA-l84 - This base includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A circuits. A deteclor must be installed for it to operate. The isolator base does not support the SIGA.LED Remote LED. The isolator operates as follows: - a short on the line causes all isolators to open within 23 msec - at 10 msec intervals, bsginning on one side of the Class A circuit nearestthe loop controller, the isolators close to provide the next isolator down the line with power - if the isolator next to the short closes, it reopens within 10 msec. The process repeats beginning on the other side of the loop controller. Romoto LEDSIGA-LED - The remote LED connectsto the SIGA-SB or SIGA-S84 Standard Ease only. ltfeatures a NorthAmerican size 1-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and red alarm LED. SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also be ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide surface imperfections not covered by the smaller bases. Warnings I Cautions This detector will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with yourfire protection specialist. This detectorwill NOTsensefiresthatstart inareaswhere heatcannot reach the detector. Heat from fires in walls, roofs, or on the opposile side of closed doors may not reach the detectorto alarm it. The heat sensor in this device only provides a source of informa- tion to supplement the information provided by photoelectric or ionization smoke detectors which may be located nearby. The hoat detec'tor by itself does NOT provido life satety protection. Under no circumstances should heat deteclors be relied on as the sole means of fire orotection. SIGA.RB R.l.y 8.!. Standard Ease SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 - This is the basic mounting basefor EST Signature Series detectors. The SIGA-LED Remote LED is supported bythe Standard Base. Rclay Base SIGA-RB, SIGA-R84 - This base includes a relay. Normally open or closed operation is selected during installation The dry contacl is rated for 1 amp (pilot duty) @ 30 Vdc. The relay's position is supervised to avoid accidentally jarring it out of position. The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control relay if programmed to do so at the control panel (EST3 V. 2 only). The relay base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. Audibl€ Base SIGA-AB4G . This base is designed for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required. When the detector sgnses an alarm condition, the audible base emits a localalarm signal. The optional SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay can be used Orderi ng I nformation Table Catalog Numbsr Description Ship Wt. lbs (ksl SIGA-HFS Intelligent Fixed Temperature Heat Deteclor - UUULC Listed .5 (.23) SIGA-HRS Inlelligent Fixed Temperature/Rate.of-Rise Heat Detector - UUULC Listed Accessories SIGA-SB Oetector Mountinq Base .2 (.0e) SIGA-SB4 zl-inch Oetector Mounting Base c/w SIGA-TS Trim Skirt SIGA.RB Detector Mountinq Base dRelav SIGA.RB4 4.inch Detector Mounting Base /w Relav c/w SIGA-TS Trim Skirt SIGA-IB Detector Mountinq Base WFault lsolator SIGA.IB4 4.inch Detector Mounting Base w/ Fault lsolator c/w SIGA-TS Trim Skirt SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED SIGA.AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base .3 (0.15) SIGA-TS4 Trim Skin (supplied with 4-inch bases)1(.04) EowARDa SYarEMa TEcHNoLocY It is our intgntiontokegpthe product information curontand a@urate. We can not cov€r spocific applications oJ anticipate all requirements, Allspecifications a.€ subiect to chang€ without notice. Fo. rnore iniorrnation or questjons rehtiv€ to this Specification Sheet cont4t EST. o 2004 ESI P.g. 4 of 4 Pnnlod in u.s.A. loigin)laaua C A product of EST Ma.k€ting, Sarasora, FL Llr.r.rur€ Sh..1 r85OO1-O243 Nol to ba qtad toa Inltallatlon purport!, Fot the molt curront lilaaatua6 !nd updrtea viait wwyv.est.n6l 7: EOWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY //ffiffi INTETTIGENTINITIATING DEVICES lntelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector Model SIGA-PS Note: Some features described here may not be supported by att control systems. Check you contrcl panel's lnstallation and Operation Guide for details. Features I Integralmicroprocossor I Non-volatile memory I Automatic mapping devics I Electronicaddressing I Environmentalcompsnsation I Intelligent detector r Wide 0.67% to 3,77o6lft. sensitivity rang6 I Twenty pre-alalm sensitivity values, set in 5% incremsntsr r ldentification of dirty or dofective dstectors I Automatic daylnight s€nsitivity adiustment r Twin RED/GREEN status LEDS r Standard, relay, tault isolator, and audible mounting bases I Designad and manutactuisd to ISO !ttl01 standards Description EST's Signalure Series Model SIGA-PS Inreltigent Photoelectric Smoke Detector gathers analog informationf rom its smoke sensing element and converts it into digital signals. The detector's on- board microprocessor measures and analyzes these signals. lt comparesthe information to historical readings and time patterns to make an alarm decision. Digitalfilters remove signal patterns thatare nottypicalof fires. Unwanted alarms are virtually elimi- nated. The microprocessor in each detector provides four additionalbenefits - Seltdiagnostics and History Log, Automatic Dwice Mapping, Stand-alone Operation rnd Fast, Stablo Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series detector constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainlenance information. The results ofthe self.check are automatically updated and permanenlly stored in the detector's non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or by using the SIGA.PRO Signature Program/Service toot. 1EST3V.2only. ' R€ti€vablowith SIGA-PRO programmingtool. tr;\ @,.@, The information stored in the detector's memory includes: - detector type, serial number, and address - dale of manufacture, hours of operatio n, a nd last maintenance date2 - current detector sensitivity and environmental compensation vatues - original detector sensitivity values upon manufacturing2 - number of recorded alarms and troubles2 - time and date of last alarml - analog signal patterns just before the last alarml - most recent trouble code logged by the detector- 32 possible trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. In the unlikely event that an unwanted alarm doestake place, the control panel's history file can be called up to help isolate the problem and prevent it from happening again. Automatic Device Mapping - The loop controller learns where each device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The mapping fealure provides supervision ofeach device's installed location to Dreventa detectorfrom being reinstalled (after cleaning etc.) in a different location from where it was originally. The history log for the detector remains relevantand intact regardless of its new location. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, thewired circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or "as-built" drawing information showing wire branches (T-taps), device types and their address are stored on diskfor printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out ofthe installation. The preparation of "as-builf' drawings is fast and efficient. Device mapping allows the Signature loop controller to discover: - unexpectedadditionaldeviceaddresses - missing device addresses - changes to thewiring inthecircuit. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S.SALES:SARASOTA.FL941-739638;FAX941-727-1214. CANAMSAI,"ES: OWEN SOUNq ON 51937G2430; F1U51937t7258 INTERNATIOMLSATIS:90t27G171r; Flx90F27O9553 . CORPOnAIE HEADOUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT . US MANUFACIURTNG: ptTTSFtELD I NEWPORI ME Llt.r.ture Sh..r 185OO 1-O2OgNot to be us€d foa installation 9uaDos6a.For tha moli cultant llt€lltuaa and updatat vlrlt www,aat.nat. laau€ I P.g. I of .1 Stand-alone Operation: A decentralized alarm decision bythe delector is guaranteed. On-board intelligence permits the detector to operate in stand-alone mode. lf loop controller CpU communr- cations fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit go into stand-alone mode. The circuitacts like a convsntionalalarm receiving circuit. Each detector on the circuit continues to collect and analyze informationfrom ils surroundings. The detectoralarms if the preset smoke obscuration level is reached. lfthe detector is mounted to a relay base, the relay operates. Similarly, if it is mounted to an audible base, the on-board horn sounds. Fart Stable Communication: On-board intelligence means less informalion needs to be sent between the detector and the loop controller. Otherthan regular supervisory polling response, the detector only needs to communicate with the loop controller when it has something new to report. This provides veryfasl response time and allows a lower baud rate (speed) lo be used for communication on the loop. The lower baud rate offers several advantages including: - less sensitivity to circuit wire characteristics - less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable - less emitted noise from lhe data wiring - twisted or shielded wiring is not required. Eloctronic Addressing: The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each detector, saving valuable time during system commissioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each detector has its own unique serial numberstored in its "on-board memory". The loop controller identifies each device on the circuit and assigns a "soft" address to that device's serial number. lf desired, detectors can be addressed using the SIGA- PRO Signature Pro gram/Service Tool. Environmental Compensation: Detectionsensitivityisvirtually independent of ils installed environment and its physicalcondition Environmentalcompensation means the sensing element adapts to long-term changes caused by dirt, humidity, aging etc. lt even com- pensalesforsmall amounts of normal ambientsmoke. Approximatery six times every hourthe detector adjusts and updates the sensitivity (70 obscuration) baseline for its sensing element. Approximalely once every hour this information is written to its permanent memory. The detector's "learned" baseline is not lost. even when the detector is removed forcleaning. S4gnature Series environmenta! compenstion is so reliable that it meets NFPA72 tield sensitivity testing reguircments -without the need for external meters- The detector's sensitivity setting selected bythe installerfloats up or down to remain constant relative to the changing baseline. This is called differential sensing. Sonsitivity Range: The SIGA-PS Photoelectric Detector has a sensitivity range orwindow of 0.67% to 3.77%. The installer selects the detector's ALARM sensitivity levelfrom five available settings within the range. P.o-Aalm: The detector stores one of 20 pre-alarm sensitivity values to alert localpersonnelprior to the sensor reaching a full evacuation sensitivity. Sensitivity values can be set in 5olo increments.r Automatic Day/NightS6nsitivitySelection: Signatureseries detectors may be programmed for different sensitivities during day and night periods. This allows the detector to be more sensitive during unoccupied periods when lowerambient background conditions are expected. Stabilily: The SIGA-PS detector's sensitivity remains stable in wind velocities up to 5,000 ft/min (25.3 m/sec). Ambient temperature has very liftle affect on the detector. The detector may be installed in rooms with ambienttemperatures up to 1 20"F (49"C). Status LEDs: Twin LEDs are visible from any direction. A flashing GREEN LED shows normal system polling from the loop controller. A flashing RED LED means the detector is in alarm state. Both LEDs on steady showsalarm state - stand-alone mode. Normal GREEN LED activity is not distracting to building occupants, but can be quickly spotted by a maintenance technician. Ouality and Raliability: EST detectors are manufactured in North America to strict international ISO 9001 slandards. All electronics utilizesurface mounttechnology (SMT)for smaller size and greater immunity to RF noise. A conformal coating is used for humidity and corrosion resistance. All critical contacts are gold plated. Installation Signature Series detectors mount to North American 1-gang boxes, 3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, and to 4 inch square electrical boxes 1-112 inches (38 mm) deep. They mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes wilh 60.3 mm fixing centers. I o.s' czo mmlrt |,o ,., --, I 4.d' (l l2 mm) Tomper-Resist L€vgr Arm - Breok otf to dlsoble . (Locol€d on 8os9) Access Slol fo. Tomp€FQesisl M€chonis.n Testing & Maintenance Each detector automatically identifies when it is dirty or defective and causes a "dirty detector" message. The detector's sensitivity measurement can also be transmitted to the looD controller. A sensitivity report can be prinled to satisfy NFPA sensitivity meas- urementswhich must be conducted atthe end of the first vear and every two years thereafter. The user-friendly maintenance program showsthe currentstate of each detector and other pertinent messages. Single delectors may be turned off temporarilyfrom the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper detector operation should be plannedto meetthe requirements ofthe Authorily Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Referto current NFPA72 and ULC CANruLC 536 standards. Compatibility The SIGA-PS detectors are compatible only with EST's Signature LoooController. rEST3V.2only. EDWARDS SYSTEMs TECHNoLoGY Lltorature Sho6r *A5OO 1-O289Not to bo uaed foa inst.llltion purpoaoa_ Foa tho mosl current lit€retura and updates visit www.ost.n€t, Page 2 of /t laauo 6 Application Although photoelectric detectors have a wide range of fire sensing capabilities they are best suited for detecting slow, smoldering fires. The table below shows six standard test fires used to rate the sensitivity of smoke and heat detectors. The table indicates that no singte sensing element is suited for alltest fires. EST recommends that this detector be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. TypicalWiring The detector mounting bases accept #18 AWG (0.75mm,), #16 (1.0mmr), #14AWG (t.5mm,), and #12 AWG (2.5mm2)wire sizes. Note: Sizes # 16 AWG ( 1.0mm'?) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheetfor detailed wiring requirement specifications. Standard Dstector 8as€, SlcA-SB, SlcA-SB4 Rolay Dstector 8ase, SIGA-Ba. SIGA-RB4 Term DcscrlplloD1 Not Used2 OATA |N€UT (+ 3 Nol Used4 OATA rN C)4 Remote LEO (-) 5 Remole LED (+) 6 Not Used7 DATA OUT (-) llonnoty- 1 Normally Op€n 2 DATA IN/OUT3 Common4 OATA rN (-) 4 Not Us€d 6 DATA OUT I) CONTACT BATING 1.0 Amp @ 30 VDC Outy) DATA lN (+) Frcm Sgnotur6 Controllsr of Pr€vio{is Device DATA OUT (.) DAIA OUI (+) Io N€xt Devlc€ Audible Detector Baso, SlcA-AB4clsolator DstoctorBase,SlGA-lB,SlGA.l84 Tono toting Orf.dt . T.mpor.l p.tbm Cul to. ltlady bnc U Io 6nCo. odFr sa/d| d b.., cql 0. .rqin hri Io Next OUI (+) D€vico 2tv.kh _ F om pos.r al,[ply o. . prgvbr,a De€ D.n h F|Dm SieruinE cqrhlor o. - g.sviqsdovics' 2a Ydc out To .Exl b.!. o. EOL.!by O.b out Ton n Signril.a devlo! Test Firo Typa of Dotoctor SIGA-IS lon SIGA-PS Photo SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS Rate.o' -Rise/Fixed Temp. SIGA-PHS Phoro/Hear 3D SIGA.IPHS lon/Pholo/Ho!t 4D Open Wood optimum unsuitable optimum very suitable optimum Wood Pvrolvsis suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Smoulderinq Cotton very suitable optimum unsuilable optimum optimum Polv Urethane Foam very suitable very suitable suitable very suitable optimum n-Heptane optimum very suitable very suitable optimum optimum Liquid Firs without Smoke unsuitable unsuitable optimum v€ry suitable very suitable Tarm Doscrlptlon1 Nol Us€d2 DATA IN/OUT (+) 3 DATA rN (.) 4 Nol Used5 Nol Us€d6 DATA OUT C)7 Nol Used OUT G) DATA lN (+) EDWAFDS SYSTEMS TEcHNoLoGY Llte16tu16 She6t rS6OO t -O2OoNot to b€ ugsd lor InBtrll6tlon purposss.For th€ molt currani litorrtua€ rnd uodatgs visit www,€st.n€t laaue 6 Pag. 3 ol 4 Accessories All delector mounting bases have wiring terminals that are accessible from the "room.side" after mounting the base to the electrical box. The bases mount to North American I -gang boxes and to 3% inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, 1 % inches (38 mm) deep. They also mount to European BESA and 1-9ang boxes with 60.3 mmfixing centers. The SlGA.S84, SIGA-R84,and SIGA-l84 mounr to North American 4 inch sq, electrical boxes in addition to the abovs boxes. They includethe StGA-TS4Trim Skirtwhich is used to coverthe "mounting ears" on the base. The SIGA.AB4G mounts to a 4" sqare box only. t7.-- . \-,' SIGA.RE ncl.y 8... Warnings & Cautions This detectorwill not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with yourfire protection specialist. This detectorwillNOTsense firesthat start in areaswhere smoke cannot reach the detector. Smoke from fires in walls, roofs. or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector to alarm it. A'/iw, S|GA.AA4G AudlHc&i.SIGA.LED R.mot. LED Standard Baso SIGA-SB, SIGA-S84- This is the basic mounting base for ESTSignature Series detectors. The SIGA.LED Remote LED is supported by the Standard Base. RelayBase SIGA-RB,SIGA-RB4- This base includes a relav. Normally open or closed operation is selected during installation. The dry contact is rated for 1 amp (pilot duty) @ 30 Vdc. The relav,s position is supervised to avoid accidentally iarring it out of position. The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control relay if programmed to do so at the control panel (EST3 V.2 only). The relay base does not supoortthe slGA-LED Remote LED. Audible Base SIGA-A84G - This base is designed for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required. When the detector senses an alarm condition, the audible base emits a local alarm signal. The optional SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay can be used for sounding to other audible bases on the same 24 Vdc circuit. Relay and Audible Bases operate as follows: - at system power-up or reset. the relay is de-energized - when a delector is installed in the base with the power on, the relay energizes for four seconds, then de-energizes - when a detector is removed from a base with the power on, the relay is de-energized - when thedetectorenters the alarm state, the relay is energized. lsolator Base SIGA-lB, SIGA-l84 - This base includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A circuits. A delector must be installed for it to operate. The isolator base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. The isolator ooerates as follows: - a short on the line causes all isolators to open within 23 msec . at 10 msec intervals, beginning on one side of the Class A circuit nearest the loop controller, the isolators close to provide the next isolator down the line with power - when the isolatornexttothe shortcloses, reopenswithin lO msec. The process repeats beginning on the other side of the loop controller. Romot€ LED SIGA-LED - The remote LED connects to rhe slGA-sB or SIGA-S84 Standard Base only. ltfeaturesa North American size 1-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and red alarm LED. SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, ir can also be ordered separately to use with the other bases to helo hide surface imperfections nol covered by the smaller bases. Specifications Crtalog Numbot SIGA.PS Sensinq Element Photoelect,ic . Light Scafte.tng Pnnciple Storage I Op€rating EnviJonment Air Velocity Rangor 0 ro 5,000 fvmin (0 to 25.39 m/s); Humidity: 0 to 93% RH. Non-Condensing Operating T€mp: 32oF to 120oF (ooc to 49oC); Storage T€mpi -4oF to 140oF (-2oocto 50oC) Sensitivtty Range ULIruLC - 0.67% to 3.77% obscuration/toor User Selected Alarm Sensitivity Settings Most Sensitive: 1.oyolft.; More Sensitivet 2.0o/oft1,; Normal: 2.5%/ft.; L6ss Sensitive: 3,oolo/ft.; L€ast Sensitive: 3,5%/ft. Pre'alarm Ssnsitivity 5olo increments. allowing uO to 20 pre-ala.m sentnqs Operating Voltago '15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominall Operating Curr€nt Ouiescenti 45/./A @ 19 V; Alarmr 45!A @ 19 V Emergency Stand-alone Alarm Mode: 18mA Puls€ Current: 100 !A (100 msec), During Communication: I mA max, Construction 6 Finish High lmpact Engineering Polymer - White Compatible Mounting Bas6s SIGA-SB Standard Base, SICA-RB Relay 8ase, SIGA-IB lsolator Base. SIGA-A84, SIGA-AB4G Audible Bases LED Operation On-board Green LEO - Flash€s when polled; On-board Rsd LED - Flashes whsn rn ararm Both LEOs - Glow steady wh€n in alarm {stand-alone) Compatible R€mot€ Red LEO {modolSlGA-LED) Flashgs when in alarm Compatibility Use With: SIGNATURE Loop Controller Address R€ouirements Us€s one Device Add.ess Ag6ncy Listings UL, ULC, MEA, CSFM UL Listed Spacinq 30 ft Ordering Information Crt.log Numbcr Dcscription Ship VItr. lb3 {tsl SIGA-PS Intellig€nt Photoelectric Detector - UUULC Listed .5 t.23) Acclssorios SIGA-SB Detector Mountina Basg - Standard ,2 (.09) SIGA.S84 4-inch Detgctor Mounting gase c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt SIGA.RB Detector Mounting Base w/nelay SIGA.R84 4-rnch Detector Mounting Base w/Belay, clr SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirr SIGA.IB Detector Mounting Base w/Fault lsolato. stGA-r84 4-inch Detecto. Mouniing Base w/ Fault lsolator, c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Ski.t SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED SIGA-AB4G Audible (Soundor) Bas6 .3 (0.15) SIGA.TS4 Trim Skirt (suppli€d with 4-inch bases)1t.041 o 2004 EsT P.C. .1 of 4 EDwaRDs SysrEMs TEcHNoLocy It is our intention to keep thg paoduct irfo.mation curent and accu.ate. We can not cover specific apdications or andcipate all rcquiro m€nts. All sp€cifications are subi€ct lo change without mtice. Fo. rnorc intormation or questions rolatiw to th is Specification She€! contact E ST. Llt.r.tur€ Sh.et rE6OOl -O269 Pnntod in U.S.Alrtur CNoi to ba ut.d for Inttall.ilon pu.poaaa.For th€ most curront lit€..turo rnd upd6t.ir vislt www.ost.not.. A prodlct ot EST Markoring, Srrasola, FL t:/ffrffi INTETTIGENT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES Signal Modules Models: SIGA-CC1, S|GA-MCC1. stGA-cc2 & stGA-Mcc2 Features I Singls and Dual input lrisor) soloct Use for connecting supervised 24Vdc AudiblelVisible signal circuits, or 25 and 70 VRMS Audio Evacuation and TeleDhone circuitsto their power inpuls. I Ring-tone gsnorator When configured fortelephone circuits, the SIGA-CCl generates its own ring-tone signal eliminating lhe need fora separate ring- tone circuit. I Plug-in (UlOl or standard 2-gang mount UIO versions allow quick installation where multiple modules are required. The 2-9ang mountversion is idealforremote locations that r€quire a single module. I Automrticdevicemapping Signature modulestransmit information to the loop controller regarding theircircuit localions with respectto other Signature devices on the wirs loop. I Electronicaddressing Programmable addresses are downloaded from the looo controller, a PC, orthe SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool; there are no switches or dials to sst. I Intolligomdsvicewith microprocessor All decisions are made at the module to allow lower communi- cation speed with substantially improved control panel response time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring properties; twistsd or shielded wire is not required. t Non-volatile memory Psrmanently stores serial numbor, type ofdevice, and job number. Automatically updates historic information including hours of operation, last maintenance date, number of alarms and troubles, and time and date of last alarm. I Ground fault dst€ction by address Detects ground faults right down to the device level. I Diagnostic LEDS Flashing GREEN shows normal polling; flashing RED shows ala rm/active state. r High ambionttemperature operation Install in ambienttemp€ratures up to 1 20"F (49C). I Dosignad to ISO 9001 standards All Signature products ars manufactured to strict international quality standardsto ensurs highest reliability. Description SIGA-CCl/MCC1 Single Input Signal Modules and SlGA-CC2i/ MCC2 Dual Inpul Signal Modules are pari of EST'S Signature Series system. They are intelligent analog addressable devices used for connecting, upon command from the loop controller, supervised Class B signal or tel€phone circuils to thsir respective power inputs. The power inputs may be polarized 24 Vdc to operate audible and visible signal appliances or 25 and 70 VBMS to operate audio evacuation speakers and firefighter's telephones. The actual operalion ofrhe SIGA-CC1/MCCt and SIGA.CC2IMCC2 is delermined by the 'porsonality code' selected by the installer. lt is downloaded to the moduls from the Signature loop controller during system conf iguration. TheSlGA-CC1 and SIGA-CC2 mountto standard NorthAmerican wvo-gan9 electrical box€s, making them ideal for locations where only one module is required. Separate l/O and data loop connsc- tions are made to each modul6. The SIGA-MCC1 and SIGA-MCC2 are part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series modules. Theyfunction identicallyto the SIGA-CC1 and SIGA-CC2, but tako advantage ofthe modular flexibility and easy installation that characterize all UIO modules. Two- and six-module UIO motherboards are available. These can accommodate individual risers for each on-board module, or risers that are shared by any combination of its UIO modules. All wiring connections are mad6 to terminal blocks on the motherboard. UIO assemblies maybe mounted in ESTenclosurss. @ ffi r'nen Slo^.Ccr Kr€@l EDI^,ARDa SYSTEMa TEcHNoLooY U'SSAES:SAMSOTA,FL941-7394538:FM941-72'l-1214. OAIIADAS/AI.ES: OWEN SOUNO ON 51$37S2430; FM5193747258 IIIITB|{AnO ALSAIES:90F27O1711; FM9052709553 . OORFoRAIEHEAIrOI Af,TEnS: CHESNIRE, CT . Us. tlAr{UFACruRHG: p|TTSF|ELOE NEWPORT. ME Llt...tur. Sh..r ,a6OO'l -O237Not to be used for Inatelletion purpogo3, For tha mort currant lltaaaiura and updri.a vlalt www.aat,nat. lr.u. 9.1 P.g. I of a Installation Th. SIGA.CCI end SIGA.CG2: mount to North American 2-ll2 inch (64 mm)d€eptwo-gang boxes and 1.1/2 inch (38 mm) deep 4-inch square boxes with two-gang covers and SIGA-Mp mounting platos. Tho terminalsare suited for #12 to #18AWG (2.5 mm'zto 0.75 mm2) wire size. SIGA-MCCI andSIGA.MCC2: mountths UIO motherboard inside a suitable EST 6nclosure with screws and washers provided. plug the SIGA-MCCI or SIGA-MCCz into any avaitable position on the motherboard and s€cure the module to tho motherboard with the captive scrsws, Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard (seewiring diagram). UIO motherboard terminals ar€ suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2to 0.75 mm2) wire size. EST recommends that this module be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Elec-tronic Addrorsing - The loop controller Electronically ad- dresses each module saving valuable time during system commis- sioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on- board memory. The loop controller id€ntifies each device on the loop and assigns a "soft" address to each sorial number. lfdesired, the modules can be addressed using th€ SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Personality Codes 5 and 6 apply to the SIGA-CC1/MCC 1 only and are assigned by th€ inslaller. Code 7 applies to the SIGA-CC2/ MCC2 only. lt is factory assigned; no user configuration is required. Application The operation of the SIGA-CC1/MCCt and StcA-CCZ/MCC2 is determined by their sub-type code or "Personality Code'. The code is selected by the installer dep€nding upon the desired application and is down-loaded from the loop controller. Codes 5 and 6 apply to the SIGA.CC l/MCCI only. Code 7 is assigned to the SIGA-CC2/MCC2 onlyand automatically applies to both circuits (A and B). Po6onality Code 5: SIGNAL POWER orAUDlO EVACUATION (SINGLE R|SERl. Validforthe SIGA-CC1/MCCt only. Configures the modulefor use as a Class B Audible/Visible Signal power (24 Vdc polarized) or Audio Evacuation (25 or 70 VRMS) power selector. The ring-tone generator is disabled. The output circuit is monitoredfor open orshorted wiring. lfa short exists,the control panel inhibils the activation of the audible/visible signal circuit to prevenl connection to the power circuit. Personality Code 6: TELEPHONE w/RING-TONE (SINGLE RlSERl. Valid for the SIGA-CC 1/MCC 1 only. Configures the module for use as a Telephone power selector. When a telephone handset is plugged into its iack or lifted from its hook, the module generates its own Eing-Tone signal. A separate ring-tone circuit is not needed. The module sends this signalto the control panelto indicate thatan off-hookcondition is present. Whentho syst€m operator responds to the call, the ring-tone signal is disabl€d. Pcrsonllity Codo 7: SIGNAL POWER orAUD|O EVACUATION (DUAL RISER). Valid forthe SIGA-CC2/MCC2 only. Configures rhe module for use as a two circuit Class B Audiblo/Visiblc Signrl power (24 Vdc polarized) or Audio Evrcuation (25 or 70 VRMS) power selector. The single output circuit is monitored for open or shorted wiring. lfa short exists, the control panel inhibits the activation ofthe audible/visible signal circuit to prevont connection to the power circuit. Warnings I Cautions This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss furthersafeguards with yourfire protection specialist. Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST's Signature Loop Controller. Testing & Maintenance The module's automatic s6lf-diagnosis identifieswh€n it is defective and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows tho current state ofeach module and other pertinsnt messages. Sing16 modules maybeturned off{de- activated) temporarily, f rom th€ control panel. Scheduled maintenanco (Regular or Selectedlfor prop€r system operation should be planned to maetthe requirem6nts ofthe Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). R€ferto currentNFPAT2 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. ffi Ll + Cobin€t or gl€ctical enclosure EowARDs SYaTEMS TEGHNoLoGY Lilsr!rure She€t #8EOO I -O23 7Not to ba u3.d for Intt.ll.tlon purposo8. Foa tha moat curr.nt lltorature and upd.tea vlsit www.oat.nat, P.g€ 2 ot 8 lraua 9.1 Specifications Catalog Numbel srGA-ccl SIGA.MCCl srGA.cc2 srGA.MCC2 Description Single Input (Riser) Signal Modute Dual Input (Riser) Signal Module Type Code 50 (factory set) Two sub-types (personality codes) are available 51 {factory set) One sub-typs (personality code) is available (factory set) Address Reouirements Uses one module address Uses lwo module addresses Wiring Terminations Sultable for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm, to O.7smmr) Mounting North American 2% inch {64 mm) deep two-gang ooxes and 17, inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 2-9ang covers and SIGA.MP mounting ptates Plugs inlo U|O2R, UIO6R or UlO6 Motherboards North American 2% inch (64 mm) deep two.gang DOXeS and 1% inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxss with 2.gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting ptates Plugs inlo UlO2R, UIO6R or UIOG Motherboards Operating Current Standby = 223[4 Aclivated = 100pA Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominat) Output Rating 24Vdc = 2amps 25 V Audio = 50 watts 70 V Audio = 35 watts Construction High lmpact Engineering Polymer Storage and Operating Environment Operating Temperature: 32'F to 120'F (0'C to 49.C) Storage Temperature: -4'F to 140'F {-20'C to 60.C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled On-board Red LED - Flashes when in alarm/active Compatibility Use with: Signalure Loop Controller Agency Listings UL, UtC. CSFM, MEA Ordering lnformation Crtalog Numbel Doscription Shipping W€ight - lb3 {ks} srGA-cc1 Single Input Signal Module (Standard Mount) . UL/ULC Lisred 0.5 (0.23) SIGA.MCCl Single Input Signal Module (UtO Mount) - UL/ULC Listed 0.18 (0.08) srGA-cc2 Dual Input Signal Module {Standard Mount) - UUULC Listed 0.5 (0.23) SIGA-MCC2 Dual Input Signal Module (UlO Mount) - UUULC Listed 0.18 10.08) R.lttad Equipmant 27193-21 Surface Mount Box - Red, 2-gang 2 (1.21 27193-26 Surface Mount Box - White, 2-gang 2 (',t.21 SIGA-UIO2R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Two Module positions 0.32 (0.15) SIGA-UIO6R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Six Module posalions 0.62 (0.28) SIGA-UIO6 Universal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module positions 0.56 lo.2s) 235196P Bi-polar Transient Protector 0.01 10.0s) Accossolia6 MFC.A Multitunction Fire Cabinet - Red, supports Signature Module Mounting plates 7.0 (3.1) SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, l footprint 1.s (0.70) SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 tootprint 0.s (0.23) SIGA.MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 €xtended footprint 1.02 (0.46) EDwaRDs SyaTEMs TEGHNol.ocy Lit6..turo She.t t86OO t -O237Not to be us€d tor In3tall6tion puapoaes. Foa tha mort curroni llteratuaa and updetssi visit www.est,nat la!ue 9.1 P.g. 3 ol 6 Typical Wiring (SlGA-CC1 /MCC1 ) Modules willaccept #18 AwG (0.75mm'?), # 16 ( t.0mmrl, # 14 Awc {t .5ommr) and # t 2 (2.5mm2) wire sizes. Note: Siz€s #16 AWG (1.0mm'?)and #18AWG (0.75mm2)are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog she€tfor detailed wiring requirement specifications. UWLC Ln d 47KN EOL Maximum Output Load 24V dc Sisnals 25V Audio 70v Audio 2A 50w 35W Typicrl Tel.phono Clrcuil ^ ^ ^ ^ slvl€ Yl\IAAA (closs B) Red LED Greon LED (Nofmol) Flom uL/UtC Lided ConholPdi€l { R6ER tN (+) I RrsER rN (-) i DATA tN (+) I DATA IN C) Fro.n Slgnotuf € Conlroller o. Prgvious DeVc€ srcA-cc1 NotsB lfr For maximum wira re€istiance and maximum wire distances, rsfer to IOMC Manual (P/N 270144). rA Maximum #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire. Min. f18 (O.7smrn ). .A Reler fo Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheel for wiring spscificalions. lA The6e modules will NOT supmrt lwo-wire smoke dotsctors. A UUULC ti!t6d 47KTT EOL 235196P) h€.e. oata In + ShmtLro Orta Cr.ritA A A A A PrEonrltly lyplc.l sp..k r Clrcultcod.a -'fTfl-F-V---1 | ry B H(g:;#"tt* l_____/\--J\_J P.rrondlty Co(|. t lyplc.l Td.phom Cltcun P.||or.llty lydc.l l|oll|lcdon Aldhnc. Ctrs,ttt Co(h 5 Ind.ll th. B-Polef Trr.Cdlt PrDbctor (P/N 235106p) h€l!. r--->4->4-r-}4tI lCi iCl l(l*:*l-at* ^, -,., I lo N€r Dev,ce cr ""' r./ | EOt Q€slsto. SuodbdOUC), wih UL/ULC tisted Conirol Ponel oUT (*) I to Ner, o."t.. OUT G) J All wiring porver limitod and sup€rvised. lf the input sourcg is non-power limitsd, then maintain spacing ^_,- ^... + ot 1/4 inch or us€ FPL, FPLP, FPLR or eouivalanl accordance with NEC. Tha SlcA-UlO6 does not come with TBg rhrough TBtg. T:j..:",i^Tli Supervis€d and pow€r-limited. It the source is nonpowerlimited, maintain a space of 1/4 inch from powerlimilsd wiring or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR, or an oquivalent in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Ths input for this riser is common to all modules. Pe6onallty lyplcal Spoaker Clrcult ..codoi l----\,--]r,-Jr--y-lI F B H{*i"J':ii"*l____M__lF__ru PorEonallly Code I Por5onallty lypical otlflcldon Applianc. Clrcult Code 5 AI\AA stGA-MCC1 {:_+x+) H f-]-bll lh6 BiPolff Tran.iodt Prct ctor (P/N No conn€cltod r€quir€d lor slGq-MCC1. Othor modules may roquirc co.nacton!. SIGAUIOR s.&s rnoth.ftosrd iftlivrduel Ri3i 'l connoctin ln3t ll tho jumrn'! b€tu,.en a(*rc€r't modular It|.l ut. iha !€mo ris€r EDI^,AROA SYSTEM8 TECHNOLOGY Litorrturg Shoet rE6OOl -O237Not io ba uaad for instrll.t|on purpoaa!. For tha moat currant liter.tura and ugdatos viait www.oat.net. P.g. 4 ot 6 lalur 9.1 Typica I Wi rins (Sl GA-CC 21lv/'CC2) Modules will accspt #18 AwG (0.75mm,), # t 6 (1 .0mmr), #t4AwG (t.50mmr) and # l2 AWG (2.5mm2twire sizes. Note: Siz€s #16AWG (1.0mm'l)and #18AWG (o.75mm')are preferred foroass of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheetfor detail€d wiring requirement specifications. Po|rondlty Codr 7 UUULC Lh.d .7KO EOL ut/uLc tabd .7KT EOL a+'.r.'Tr|ntb rucb.(P/nl2ct!9?) R€d LEo rCHI (INPUI ]) ,1 asen n t.l I crir {rfuT r)\ R6tR tN G) { DAJA rN (+) ( DAJAI,I c) v (cbs 8) Gresn LCD stcA-cc2 Notes l\ For maximum wire r€sislancs and maximum wire distances, rel6r to IOMC Manual (PN 220144). r\ Matimum *12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire. Min. #18 (0.75mm,). rff Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet tor wirin g sp€citications. lA T1""" modules will NOT suppon two-wire smoks deteclors. ,4. ru Uring potver limited and sup€wised. lf the input sourco is non-power limited, then maintain spacing ot i/4 inch or us€ FPL, FPI-P, FPLR or equival€nt in accodance with NEC. $ fne SteA-UtOO does not come with TBg through T813. A Supervised and powerlimitod. z6\ Supervised and powoFlimited when connected to a power{idled sourco. lf the source is nonpower-limited, maintain a spac€ of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR, of an eeuival€nt in accodancs with the National El€ctrical Code. ,6\ tre input for this ris€r is common to all modules. a!6b.i..n t d t'rEa..to. (P/N 23515P) ul rLc Ll.td a7(tr Eot $o&El trb rAA!TR; ^".." o"itt I nn '"" 121't "-,' " l* | L!;^*.'o" stGA-MCC2 cfz oNpur 2) RrsER our (+, \ 3 i8lffiif cm (|NPur ?) RrsER our (") J sLppl,€d '^dn uL/utc' Llt€d Conlrd Por'€l P-|o|l.llg fydc.l lp.d..r Cl.!||[c*t --Y----Y-.F YJ '-...'-oI B B {l***l#F I P.rto.|.lli' tydc.l l{ooic.Oor Apglhc. Clrculc&1 r.!.i( PtF( " Pfi(-1 (Y)(Y) (Y) aloA.ulo(it -ra..E!..to-d ,AA> l>rl l l--. -3 --------#2 l r - ---!-' -l AA ; Ri.- | od EowaRDa SYBTEMa TECHNoLo6y Llloraturc She.t #86OO1-O237Not to b€ uaod to. Instrllrtlon purpoa€a. Foa tha mott cuarant lltaratur. .nd ugdataa vl8li www.a!t.nat laaue g.l P.g. 6 of C Descri ption (Sig nature Overview) The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable syslem from Edwards Systems Technology isan entirefamily of multi-sensor deteclors and mounting bases, multiple.function inputand output modules. networkand non-networkcontrol panels, and user- friendly maintenance and service tools. Analog information from equipment connected to Signalure devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. An onboard microDrocessor in each Signature device measures and analyzes the signaland decides whether or not to input an alarm. The microprocessor in each Signature device provides four additional benefils - Self-diagnos- tics and History Log, Automatic Devico Mapping, Stand-alone Op.ration rnd Fast, Stablo Communication. Self-diagnosticr and History Log - Each Signature Series device constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance information. The results ofthe self-check are automatically updateo and psrmanently stored in its non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review any time atthe control panel. PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The information stored in device memorv includes: . Device serial number, address, and lype . Date of manufacture, hours of operation, and last maintenance date2 . Number of recorded alarms and troubles2 . Time and date of last alarmr . Most recent trouble code logged by the detector - 32 possible trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. Autom.ticDovice Mapping-The Signature Data Controller{SDC) learns where each device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connecled to it. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits between each device can ba examined. Layout or "as.built" drawing information showing branch wiring (T-tapsl, device types and their address are stored on diskfor printing hard copy. Thistakesthe mystery out ofthe installation. The preparation ofas-built drawings is fast and efficient. Device mapping allows the Signature Data Controller to discover: . Unexpected additional device addresses . Missing device addresses . Changes to the wiring in the circuit. Most Signature modules usea personality codo selected bythe installer to determine their actualfunction. Personality codes are downloaded from the SDC during system configuration and are indicated during device mapping. 1EST3 V.2 onlv. ,Retrievable with SIGA-PRO programming tool. Standalono Oporation - A decentralizsd alarm decision by the device is guaranteed. Onboard intelligence permits the device to operate in standalone (degrade) mode. lf Signature loop controller CPU communications fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit 9o into standalone mode. The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving circuit. Each Signature device on the circuit continues to collect and analyze information from its slave devices. When connected to a panelutilizing standalone operation, modules with their personality set as alarm devices (lDC) will alarm should their slave alarm-initiating device activate. Fsst Stablo Communication - Built-in intelligence means less information needsto be sent between the device and the Signature Data Controller {SDC). Otherthan regular supervisory polling response, Signature devices only need to communicate with the SDC when they have something new to report. This provides very fast control panel response and allows a lower baud rate (speed) to be used for communication on the circuit. The lower baud rate offers several advantages including : . Less sensitivilyto circuit wire characteristics . Less sensitivily to noise glitches on the cable . Less emitted noisefromthe data wiring . Twisted or shielded wiring is not required. Diagnostic LEDs - Twin LEDs on most Signature devices provide visual indication of normal and alarm-active conditions. A flashinq green LED shows normal system polling. A flashing red LED meansthe module is in alarm-active state. Eoth LEDs on steady indicates alarm-active state - standalone mode. T6ting 6 Maintonanco -Automatic self-diagnosis identifies when a Signalure device is defective and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state ofeach device and other pertinent information. Single devices may be turned off temporarily, from the control panel. Scheduled main- tonanco (R.gular or Selectedlfor propor system opslation should be planned to moot the rsquirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ!. Refer to curront NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536standards. Ouality and Reliability- EST Signature devices are manufactureo in North Americatostrict international ISO 9001 standards. All electronics utilize surface mount technology (SMT) for smallersizs and greater immunity to RF noise. A conformal coating is used for humiditv and corrosion resistance. o 2m3 tsTP.e. C ol a EDWARDS SY8TEM6 TEcHNoLoGY h is our intentio n to kesp the p.oduct information current and acc urate. We can not covff specific applications or anticipate all req uirernents, All specificatjons are slbi8ct to chang9 without notice. For mor6 inirrmation or quesdons rehtive to this Specilication Sheet contact EST Liter.rur. Sh..t 186OOt -O237 P red in U.S.A. lortrnllaaua 9.1Not to ba urad tor Inttallatlon purposa!.For tha mott currenl literotur. .nd update; visil www.est.not. A product of EsT Mart€ting. Ssr6ota, FL 7= EOWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY POWER SUPPTIES Remote Booster Porruer Supplies Models: BPS6A and BPS1OA Features I Edond3 porflrr.vailableto nlotfi cation Applianc€ Circuits (l\lAce). r Providos gtrobosynchronization, I Uso a3 iuxiliary Powersupply. I ExtcNivo ULListings lListod accessory undortho following standrrdsl Stlndrrd CCN D€lcription U1864 UOXX Fire Alarm SystemsU1636 ANET. UEHXT Hotdup Atarm Units and SystemsU1609 AOTX, AOTXT Local Burgtar Atarm Units and Systems Accsss Control Systsms Polic€ Station Connected Burglsr Alarm Units and Svstems Control Units, Fire Alarm (Csnada) Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems (Canada) AMCXT Central and Monhoring Station Burglar Alarm Units (C€nadal 205 Signaling Equipment lcanada) APOU, APOUT Proprietary Bu.gtar Alarm System Units Central Station Alarm Unit I Avrilablo in 10 amp and 6.5 amp vercions. I Includes four indopondent 3 amp NACS - rach configurebla as.uralirly outpuls. I Configurlblo signal rrtos, a Fiold s.lostable input-to-orftputcorrelation. r Two inpu$ allow lctivation by Signature Sorios modules or cri3ting AC!. I IiIAC! configurefor eithcr four Class B ortwo Class Acircuits- I 110 Vac.nd 2il0 Vac verrions I On.bor]d rtdus LEDsfor easy recognidon of wiring faults. I Supporb up to 24 Amp hour battories for fire and security rpplicrtiom, up to 65 Amp hour for rcc6s control .pglicltioN. Description Th€ Rsmote Booster Power Supply is a self-conlained 24 Vdc powor supply dosignod to augment fire alarm audible and visual power requirements as well as provide power for auxiliary, access control and s€curity applications. The booster contains all of the necessary circuils to monitor and charge batteries, controland @ @ @ U1294 ALVY, UEHXTU1365 APAW, APAWT uLc-s527 UOXXC uLc-s303 AorxT uLc-s304 C22.2 No. u11076 supervise four Class B or two Class A NAC circuits and monitortwo controlling inputsfrom €xtsrnal sources. Simple switch sel€ction provides a wids variety of operational configurations. Each remote booster power supply is supplied with its own enclosure providing ample spacefo. additional intorface modules and batt€rycompartment. The Remote Booster Pow€r Supply is available in either a 6.5 or 10 amp version @ 24 Vdc. Application The Remote Booster Power Supply provides additional powerfor audible and visual devices helping remove system capscity or site application constraints. The boostsr may also be us6d to power auxiliary, access conlrol and securiry devices, in addition to fir€ devices. Fault conditions detected by the BPS will open ths main panel's NAC. This initiates a troubl€ condition and eliminatss the need to wire a separate trouble contact back to the control pEnel. During alarm condition, detected faults ar€ overridden and the main panel's default configuration is continuous 24Vdc on all NACs typically used to drive visual devices. On boa.d trouble contact is supplied for applications requiring troubl€ contact monitoring. The booster power supply provides th€ capability to maximize available power by being able to supply power for multiple services including Access Control, Securityand Fire. For security applications, space is provided to mount a tamper swilch in the cabinet. When usedfor FireAlarm notification with Gen€sis Notification appliances, the booster provid€s ths abilityto syn- chronize sirobes as well as horn signals, The boost€r flexibility allows synchronization with upstream devices, or, the booster may be us€d to synchronize downstroam devices, as well as oth€r boosters and their connected devices, Up to 10 boosters de6p may bo configured while maintaining strobe synchronization. uL 1610 AMCX EDlll,ARDS SYaTEMa TEGHNoLoGY tlg SALEIi: BMOENTON, FL88&37&2329; FAX8645G3996 . CA ADASATES: OWEN SOUNO 0N 51937&2430; FM51$3767258 IttIERt{rlIlOMLSAlItt:90&2701711; FAX90t270€553 . OOnFORAIE HEAOOU AIES: CHESHIRE, CT . Us, IAI{UF CIUf,nc: PTTTSFTELD 6 NEWPORI ME Llr.r.rur. Sh..r rAtOO6-Ot 26Not to ba ur.d lor Inatatlation purposos. Foa th. moat cuarant lltaratura and ugdataa vlatt www.aat,nar. laaua I P.9. I of a BPS notification appliance circuits easily configure for either of two signaling rates: 3.3-3 temporal or continuous. California rate is also available on certain models. This makes the BPS ideal for applications requiring signaling rates not available from the main panel. h also allows independent setup of a notification appliance circuit without intsrfering with the main pansland its initiating circuits. In addition to the generated signal ratss, the BPS can also be configured to follow the signal rate ofthe main panel's notification appliance circuit. This allows seamless expansion of existing NACs. The BPS includes seven on-board LED indicators: one for each resident NAC; one for battery supervision; one for ground fault; and, one for ac power. The trouble contact has a sixteen second delay when an ac power failure or brownout condilion is detected. This reduces the reporting of troubles during short duration ac brownouts. NAC configuration options include: ac power fail delay (16 seconds or 6 hours); sensing inputto NAC output correlations; and, auxiliary outpuls. All NACs are configurable as auxiliary outputs. Auxiliary outputs can be always on, or off after 30 seconds without ac power. As auxiliary output, the booster may power access control and security devices. Should an overcurrent occur, the boosler automatically opensthe circuit. The booster automatically restores the circuit when the overcurrent is removed. Jumpers configure the BPS for Class A or Class B wiring. Engineeri ng Specification Supply where needed EST BPS series Booster Power Supplies as an extension of Notification Appliance Circuits. The extension shall be in the form of a stand alone booster power supply. The supply must incorporate its own standby batteries. Batteries must be sizeo for <24>, <60> hours ofstandby followed by <5>, <30> minutes of alarm. lt must be possible to support up to 24 Amp hour batteries. The booster supply must incorporate four independent superviseo Notificalion Appliance Circuits. lt shall be possible to configure the NACs to follow the main panel's NAC or activate from intelligent Signature Series modules. The booster NACS must be configurable to operate independently at any one ofthe following rates: continuous, Calitornia Rate, or 3.3-3 temooral. Fault conditions on the booster shall not impede alarm activalion of host NAC circuits. The booster must be able to Drovide concurrent Dowerfor Notification devices, Security devices, Access Control equipment and Auxiliary devices such as door holders. The BPS must Drovioe the ability to synchronize Genesis series strobss and horns. Installation and Mounting N\J\J Top View F_m_______,1 0<_ D4 ______}'o Front View All knockouts for 3/4 in mnduit (1 .9 cm) Power-limited wiring area D5 Route AC supply through lhese knockouts only (Nonpower-limited and supervised) Notes 1. Maintain 1/4-inch (6 mm) spacing b€tween power.limited and nonpower-limited wiring or use type FPL, FPLR, or FPLP cable per NEC. [2] Power-limited and supervised when not configured as auxiliary power. Non-supervised when configured as auxiliary oower. Source must be power.limited. Source determines supervision. When using larger batteries, make sure to position th€ battery terminals towards the door. tal 4. Battery wiring (nonpower- limited and supervised) D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 17.0 in (43.2 cm) 3.5 in (8.9 cm) 13.0 in {33.0 cml 6.5 in (16.5 cm) 3.375 in {8.6 cm) 12.0 in (30.4 cm) EowARDa SYSTEMa TEcHNoLoGY Lito16tur€ Shoot rS6OOS-O126 Not lo bo u8ed Ior install.tion purpoa.r. Fot the .nost currant lilor6lu.o and updltos vilit www.e8t.nst. P.Oo 2 ol 4 laauo I Typical Wiring Single booster anywhere on a notification appliance circuit Existing NAC end-of-line resistors are not required to be installed at the booster's terminals. This allows multiple boosters to be driven from a single NAC circuit without the need for special configurations. Multiple boosters cascaded from a single notification appliance circuit To nen 3bnsllng To nod slgnaling devlce, boGter, or EOL r€sislor NAC output #1 NAC output tlz NAC oubut rB NAC outsut n l Multiple CC1(S) modules using the BPS's sense inputs Notifi cation appllanca circull (NAC) NACI/ EOL €!bto. lrAC oulpul 11 NAC ouFur f,2 NAC ooFur *3 EOL €Bbtor Ac ouFd 12 ilAc ooF0i t3 EOL r6lltd UL llsted EOL 15 r(O UL listed EOL 15 KO AUX1 _ NAC?J AUX2 _Notiicatlon circuit (NAC) NACg AUX3 - NAC4/ AUX4 - 200 mAAUx Conlinuous IN S€ns€ I CoM OUT IN Senso 2 COM OUT NO Trouble COM NC [1] Disablethe BPS's ground fault jumper(JP3) Security and access To next dgvico or gno NAC Circuil NAC Circuit Fire Alarm Control Panel ur@ Cad roader cont|ol|or+- Cad rgadgr conlroller+- Card Esder confol|er+- EDwaBDa SyarEMs TEcHNoLocy Literotu.. She€r tA6OO6-O125Nol to bo uaed tor inBt.ll6tlon purpo3a3. For th€ molt currant llt€ratuta rnd updetaa vlall www,est,n6t, laaue I P.g. 3 ot 4 Specifications Model 6.5 amp Booster 10 amo Booster AC Line Volrage 12OYAC or 22O-24OVAC 50/60H2 250 watts I?OVAC ot 22O-2@VAC 50/60H2 375 watts Notiflcation Appliance Circuit Ratings 3,0A max. per circuit @ 24vdc nominal 6.5A' max lotal all NACS 3.0A max. per circuir @ 24vdc nominal 10A max total all NACS Trouble Relay 2 Amps @ 30vdc Auxiliary Outputs Four configurable outputs replace NACS 1, 2, 3 or 4. as auxiliary outputs and 200 mA dedicated auxiliary. (S€e note 2.) Input Current (from an sxisting NAC)3mA @ 12vdc, 6mA @ 24vdc Booster Internal Supervisory Cunent 70mA Signature Mounting Space Accomodates three two-gang modules, Maximum Battery Size 10 Amp Hours (2 ol 12V10A) in cabinet up to 24 Amp hours with external battery cabinet for fire and security applications; up to 65 Amp hours for access control applications in e)dernal battery box. Terminal Wire Gauge 18-12 AWG Relative Humidiw 0 to 93% non condensing @ 32'C Temperature Rating 32" to 120"F (0" to 49'C) llAC Wiring Styles Class A or Class B Output Signal Rates Continuous, California rate, 3.3-3 temporal, or tollow installed panel's NAC. (Sse note 1.) Ground Fault Detgction Enable or Disable via jumper Agency Listings UL, ULC, CSFM Notes l. Model 8PS*CA/A provides selection for California rate, in placeof temporal. 2. Maximum of 8 Amps can be used for auxiliary output. Notss l. Requires installation of separate batterycabinet. 2. BPSsupports ba$€ries gr€sterthan 24Amp hoursforaccess controlapplications only. EOWARDS SYSTEMa TECHNoLoGY It is ou, inbntbn to ke€p the product iniormation cun€nt and accurato. Wo can not cover sp€cific apdicatbns or anticipSb all r€quirom€nt9. All sp€cifications ae sltiect to change witho( mdc€. For rnore intormation or qu€slions re|ativo to dtb Spscification Sheel contet EST. O Ax)1 EST fti od in uSA {o'icirlP's' ' ot t n". .t"'t;:'1,::'o :j.'i;.i"',".?3""-?t"?:".... r"u' I For tha moat curranl litaratura and updater vlait www.eat.n.t. A producr ol EST Ma*oting, 8r.ddlton, FL Ordering Information Catalog Number Dsscription Shipping Wt. lb {kq) BPS6A 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply 1?5.s) BPS64,/230 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply (220V)1?s.9) BPS6CAA 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply with California rate 1?s.s) BPSlOA 10 Amp Booster Power Supply 13 5.e) BPS10A,/230 10 Amp Booster Power Supply (220V)t3 5.e) BPSlOCAA 10 Amp Booster Power Supply with California rate 1?5.91 Rolsted Equipment 12V6A5 7.2 Amp Hour Battery, two required 3.4 (1.6) 12V10A 10 Amp Hour Battery, two required 9.5 (4.3) 3-TAMP Tamper switch BC-1 Baftery Cabinet {up to 2 - .n Amp Hour Batteries)58 (26.41 BC-2 Battery Cabinet lup to 2 - 17 Amp Hour Batteries)19 (8.6) 12v 17 A 18 Amp Hour Battery, two required (see note 1 13 ( 5.9) 12V24A 24 Amp Hour Battery, two required (see note 1)20 (9.07) 12V40,A 40 Amp Hour Battery, two required lsee notes 1, 2)32 (14.5) 12V50A 50 Amp Hour Battery, two rsquired lsee notes 1, 2)rto (18.14) 12V65A 65 Amp Hour Battery, two required (see notes 1, 2)49 122.21 7=GEXESIS NOTI FICATION APPTIANCES Genesis Speakers and Genesis G4 Series Features I Unique low-profile design - The mostcompact UUULC listed speaker-strobe available - Ultra-slim, protrudes a mere one inch from the wall - Attractave appearance, no visible mounting screws Field conligurable - no need to removo tho devicol - Selectlh,th, 1, or 2 wan operation ard 15, 30, 75, or 1 10 candela outputwith convenient switches that remain visible even after the unit is installed Unpanlleled per{ormance - loud 90 dBA output ensures clear, crisp audio - Exclusive FullLight'" slrobe lechnology producesthe industry's most even light distribution - Precision timing electronics meettough newsynchronizing standards for strobes when used with compatibile modules - Low current draw minimizes system overhead - Highly regulated in-rush current allowsthe maximum number of strobes on a circuit - Industry'sfirsttemporal strobe output - 25 V""" and 70 VFMS models available, all supplied with a DC blocking capacitor for audio circuit supervision I Easyto install - Fits all standard 4" square electrical boxes with plenty of room behind the signal for extra wire - no extension ring or trim plate needed - Simple jumpersnips set strobe flash rates - #18 - #12AWG terminals - idealfor long runs, existing wiring I Approvod tor public and private mods applications UL l97l -listed as signaling devices for the hearing impaired and UL 1638-lisled as protective visual signaling appliances Description The Genesis line of signals are the smallest, most compact audible-visible emergency signaling devices in the world. Protrud- ing no more than one inch from the wall, Genesis speakers and speaker-strobes blend with any decor. Signals feature textured housings in architecturally neulralwhite or traditionalfire alarm red. An ingenious iconographic symbol indicates the purpose of the device. This universal symbol is code- complianl and is easily recognized by all building occupants regardless of what language they speak. Genesis devices are fully compatible with Enhanced Integrity signals. The two product lines may be mixed on ths same circuit. STROBES: Thanksto patented breakthroughtechnology, Genesis strobes do not require bulky specular reflectors. Instead, an exclusive mask-and-cavity design channels and conditions light to produce a highly controllable distribution panern. Intensive development efforts employing this new technology have given rise to a new benchmark in strobe performance - FullLight" technology. FullLight strobe technology producesa smooth light distribution pattern without the spikes and voids characlerislic of specular reflectors. This ensures the entire coverage area receives consis- tent illumination from the strobe flash. AllGenesis strobes self-synchronize when installed with the Genesis Signal Master or SIGA-CCl S module. Strobe flashesfrom devices on the same circuit synchronize to within 10 milliseconds of each other rndefinitely.This exceeds ths revised UL standards in effect as of November, 2000, which specify this levsl of synchroni- zation over onlv two hours. Speaker-strobes feature 15, 30, 75 or 1 l0 candela output, selectable with a conveniently-located switch on the bottom ofthe device. The candela setting remains clearly visible even after final installation. Strobes ilrdQarlgrlll Sp..k.r-only l'ft SPEAKERS: All Genesis soeakers include a DC blocking capacitor to allow electrical supervision of the audio distribution circuit. Models for 25 Vnr,rs and 70 Vnus circuits are available. The mvlar speaker with its sealed back construction pro- vides extra durabilitv and improved audibilitv. 74 W to 2 W opsration is selectabla with a conveniently-located switch on the bottom ofthe device. The wattage tap setting remains clearly visible even afterfinal installation. EDT,TAFDS SYSTEMs TEcHNoLoGY U.S. SALES: BRADENTON, F188837&2329t FAX 86G5033996 . CAI\IADASAIIS: OWEN SOUND,ON 5193742€0i FAX 51937+7258 II'IIERNATIONALSATIS:90627GT 711;FAX90t270.9553 . CORFORAIE HEADOUARIERS T CHESHIRE, CT . US II/IqNUFACIURI G: PITTSFIELD I NEWPORI lVlE Lherdiu.€ Shcet #85OOl -0549 Not lo b€ u..d for In.tall.tlon puipo.ea. For tha moal cgrrant lltaratuaa and updrtat vlalt www,aal.nal. laaua 5 P.ge I ot 4 Speaker Application The suggested sound prassure level for each signaling zone used with alert or alarm signals is a minimum of l5 dB above the average ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds, whichever is greater. This is measurad Sfeet (1.5 m) above thefloor. The average ambient sound levsl is the RMS, A-weighted sound Dressure measured over a 2+hourperiod. Doubling the distancef rom the signal to the ear will theoretically cause a 6dB reduction in the received sound pressure level. The actual effect depends on the acoustic properties of materials in the sDace. Doubling the power output of a device (e.9.: a speaker from lWto 2W)will increase the sound pressure level by 3dBA. A 3dBA difference represents a barely notice- able change in volume. Non-Sleeping Rooms and Corridors: Genesis strobes rated at less than 110 cd per UL 1971 are intended for use in non-sleeping areas only. Installwith the bottom of the d€vice at least 80 inches (2.0 m) and no more than 96 inches (2.4 m)above thefinished floor. No point in any space (including corridors) required to have strobes should be morethan 50feet 115.2 m)from the signal (in the horizontal prane). In large rooms or spaces (such as auditoriums)thal exceed 100 feet (30.4 m) across and without obstructions more than 72 inches ( 1.8 m) above the finished floor, strobes may be placed around the perimeter, spaced a maximum of 'l00feet (30.4 m) apart. This is an alternative tosuspending strobes from the ceiling. For detaifed spacing requirements, consultThe Handbook of Visible Notification Appliances for Fire Alarm Applications published by EST Press, or contact your local EST representative. Sleeping rooms: Genesis 1 10 cd strobes are intended for use in sleeping rooms and should be installed along with a smoke detector. lt must be wall mounted al least 80" (2.03m) above floor level, but no closer than 24" (610mm) to the ceiling. The distance from the strobe to the pillow must not exceed 16' (4.8m). Sleeping Rooms EST wall mounted strobs Any size 110 cd within 16 foet of pillow Application Notes - USA Audible signals in the public mode should never have a sound level less than 75 dBA at 10' (3 m) per NFPA 72. Signals cannot exceed 120 dBA per ADA (130 dBA per NFPA 72) at the minimum hearing distance to audible appliance. Strobeand combination speaker/strobe devices should be installed with the boftom of the device at least 80 inches (2.0 m) and no more than96 inches {2.4 m)above thofinishedfloor. Speakers should be installed with theirtops not lsss than 6 inches (152 mm) belowthe ceiling and notlessthan 90inches(2.3 m)above thefinish€d floor. Strobos must be used to supplemsnt audible signals whereverthe average ambient sound level exceeds 105 dBA. Combination audible/visual signals must be installed in accordance with NFPA guidelines established for strobes. ADA requires visible signals in the following areas: . rest rooms, meeting rooms, and other common use areas. . sleeping rooms intended for use by persons with hsaring impairment {in accordance with Title 1 of ADA). . work areas used by a person with a hearing impairment (por Tirle 1 of ADA). Application Notes - Canada (Based in part on 1995 Canada National Building Code) The fire alarm signal sound pressure level shall not exceed 110 dBA in any normally occupied area. The sound pressure level from an audible signal in a floor area used for occupancies other than residential occupancies shall not be less than 10 dBA above ambient levels, and never less than 65 dBA. ln sleeping rooms the sound pressure level from an audible signal shall not be less than 75dBA when any intervening doors between the device and the sleeping room are closed. Audible signal devices shall be installed not less than 1.8 m to the center of the device above the floor (per CAN/UtC 5524). TypkrlSound Odp|n Dartibutio.rdA MaEurad in rnrchoicdrambat Strobe Application G6nesis strobes are UL 1971-listedfor use indoors as wall- mounled public-mode nolification appliances for the hearing impaired. Prevailing codes require strobes to bo used where ambisnt noise conditions exceed 105 dBA {87dBA in Canada}, where occupants use hearing protection, and in ar€as of public accommodation as defined in the /4 mericans with DisabilitiesAct (see application notes - USA). Genesis strobes are synchronized and UL-listed for use in both sleeping and non-sleeping areas. They are intended for indoor wall-mount applications only. Combination speaker-slrobe signals must be installed in accordance with guidelines established for strobedevices. Strobe Spacing The fof f owing guidelines are based on ANSI/NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code '1999). When applied and installed in accordance with that code, Genesis strobes meet orexceed the illumination produced by the ADA-specified 75 candsla (cd) strobe at 50 feet.+ Non-Sleeping Rooms EST rflall mounted strobosr up to 20 x 20' (6.1 m x 6.1 m)One 15 cd strobe Up 10 30 x 30' (9.1 m x 9.1 m)One 30 cd or two 15 cd strobes Up ro 40' x 40' 112.2 m x 12.2 m)One 75 cd or two 30 cd strobes up ro 50'x 50'(15.2 m x 15.2 m)One 110 cd or two 75 cd strobes Corridors Any length. Maximum width: 20' (6.1m). 15 cd strobes spaced at 100' (30.5 m) max. Strobes must be placed within 15' {4.5m) of each end ot the corridor. ' ADA suggests using 75 cd srobes throughoul an area, wilh spacing that nevsr exce€ds sotl from lhg strobg lo any poinl in the prol€ctod spaca. Genesis Seri€s Cone SDeaker/strobe EDWAFDa SYSTEMa TECHNoLoGY Llt i.tur. Sh..t #45{)ot -()64S Irlol to be u..d for Inrt lbtlon purpot.r. For tha moat curr6n! llt€aatura and updatca vlsit www.oat,no!. ?.ge 2 ot 4 The fire alarm audible signal shall be supplemented by fire alarm strobes in anyfloor area where the ambient noise level exceedsST dBA, or where the occupants ofthe floor area use ear Drotective devices, are located within an audiometric booth, orare located within sound insulating enclosures. This also applies to assembly Specifications occupancies inwhich music and othersounds associat€d with performances could exceed 100 dBA. Strobes shall be installed in a building so that the flash from one device is visible throughout the floor area or portion thereof in which they are installed. For maximum safety, EST recommends that strobes be installed as Der the guidelines shown here under Strobe Spacing. Gane!it !nd Housing Red or white textured UV slabilized, color impregnated engineered Exceeds 94V-0 UL flammability rating. plastrc. Dimensions Height: 6.5'(165 mm). Width: 5" (127 mm). Deprh ro wall: 1" (25 mm). Mounting (indoor wall mount onlv) Flush: North-American 4' square box, 2 1/8" (54 mm) deep. Surface: model G4B (whitel or G4RB {red) surface mount box. Wire Connsctions Screw terminals: separate polarized inputs for speaker and strobe, #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm, to 2.5 mm2) wire size Operating environment 32-120" F (0-49" C) ambient temperature; 0-93% relative humidity. Agency Listings UL 1971, UL 1638, UL 1480, ULC 5526, ULC 5541, CSFM, MEA (FM pending) lAll models comply with AOA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rul€.) Sparkc.t InouVOperatinq Volts 25 VRMS or 70 VRMS. Se6 ordering information. Speaker Taps/Outoul*2W = 90dBA; 1 W = 87dBA; 7zW = 84dBA; 7aW = 81 dBA Soeaker Cone Speaker frequency response: 250 to 5,000 Hz. Optimized for voice intelligibility. 4-inch (102mm) mylar cone, sealed back construction, rated for 8 watts, 8 ohm voice coil. Strobos Strobe outDut ratinq UL 1971, UL 1638, ULC5526: 15cd,30cd,60 cd,75cdor 110cd Strobe Oosratinq Voltaqe Regulated 24 Vdc (continuous). Regulated 24 Vdc FWR (full wave rectifiedl. Strobe Flash Rate One flash oer second, Strobe Flash Svnchronization All strobes: one flash per second (fps) within 200 millis€conds ovsr 30 minutes on common circuit. With optional synchronization module: one fps within l0 milliseconds indefinitely (exceeds UL 1971). Temporal setting (private mode only): synchronized to temporaloutDut on the same circuit. Compatibls Synchronization Modules G 1 M.RM, SIGA.CClS, SIGA.MCClS Flash tubs enclosure Clear polycarbonate * Measured in reverberation room using rn04,000 Hz band limited pink noise per UL 1480. UL n!m. pltto m.ximum oplrrting cufl.nt IRMS-mA) Cand6la rrting 15 30 75 110 Vdc 96 130 239 294 120 169 329 375 Liglrt output (per cent of UL rating versus angle) -tl(. Mhiun UL rx'rLrd .|n.td. tht oqa9.,t t EDwAnDs SYsrEMa TECHNoLooY lltd.rur. She.t tgSOOl-O54g Not to bc urad lor Inrtrll.tlon Durporaaa.For tha most curranl litotltura and uDdates visil www,ost.not P.g. 3 ot 4 Installation and Mounting All models are intended for indoor wall mounted applications only. Speakers and speaker-strobes arefl ush mounted to a North- American 4" square electrical box, 2'lr'(54 mm) deep or a Euro. pean 100 mm square box. Signals may be surface mounted to a Genesis surface-mount box (see ordering information for details). Two tabs atthe top of the signalunlockthe coverto facilitate mounting. The shallowdepth of Genesis devices leaves ample room behind the signalforextra wiring. Once installed with the cover in place, no mounting screws are visible. - $..ntn ddt Dor EST recommends that these fire alarm speaker-strobes always be installed in accordance with the latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Field Conliguration Genesis speakers may be set for %, %, 1, or 2 walt operalion. The wattage sening is visible through a small window on the bottom of the device and is changed by simply sliding the switch until the desired sening appears in the window. The speaker does not have to be removed to change the wattage. Genesis speaker-strobes may be setfor 15,30,75, or 1'10 candela output. The output setting is visible through a small window on the bottom of the device and is changed by simply sliding the switch untilthe desired setting appears in the window. The speaker- strobe does not have to be removed to change the output. u- !r ct!.r4. stGr trd !rEc. -€r b.rd-rrd.F-..r.To drrc. fr. b lildr Wiring Field wiring is connectedto Genesis signals with terminals that accommodate #18to #12AWG (0.75 mm2to 2.5 mm2)wiring. To 5d lh cm d|!d lra(!F.!ld rflL. nlnr crErr - 2t2 d to.rv m) + <1- 39..r..{reb. firlr|g Io5!d irrsditdFa - {!Fnd ith..ignr dsl - 2t2 d l!.ry mt + To l.r.d fir rm qtd 9.a - lrDf,vi.d .E . dor - 2G2a V.b, + Genesis speaker-strobes may also be configured for temporal flash. This battery-saving feature is intended for private mode signaling only. To set the device for temporal flash, snip the circuil board as shown in the Jumper Locations diagram above. Genesisrrd FullLight Strob€ Tschnologyarelfade m a rks of Edwd td s Sy stems Technology,lnc. WARNII{G: Th6€6 d€vic6swillnotop€r€t€ withoul €lscvicalpow6r. As llre€ frequenilvc6r.rs€ powa. inrorruplions, we sug96sr you discussfurth€r saf€g uards wirh your localfir€ prot6c- tion sp€cialist. Research indicat€s that th€ intonsity of slrobe n€€ded to awakon 90% of sl€€ping p€rsons isapproximatoly 1m cd. ESTrecommendsthal srrob6 insle€ping rooms b€ set to 110 cd minimum. Housings available with 'FIRE markings To specify housings with "FlRE" markings, insert an "F" before the hyphen in the modsl number. Add an "F' here-------_ G4F -S2 G4R F -S7VM +-r.r-dtt Wlrllr Ordering Information Cataloq Numbel Doscription Ship V\ft. lbs (ks)White Red Speakers and Sp6aker.Strobes G4.S2 G4R-S2 25 Volt Soeaker 1.5 (0.68) G4-S2VM G4B-S2VM 25 Volt Speakerstrobe with selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd outout G4R.S7 70 Volt SDeaker G4.S7VM G4R.S7VM 70 Volt Speaker with selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd outDut Accossorios G1M-RM Synchronization Output Module (l-gang) o.2 (0.1) srGA.ccls Intelligent Synchronization Outout Module {2-qanq)(0.23) SIGA.MCCl S Synchronization Output Module (Pluq-in UIO) 0.18 (0.08) G4B G4RB Surtace mount box o.7 (0.32) EDwARDa SYSTEMa TEcHNoLoGY It is our int€ntion to ke€p tho prod uct inlormation current a nd accurate. We can r|ot covor sp€cific applications or anticipato all requ irsments. Allspecifications ar€ subj€ct to change without notice. For more information or qu€stions relailve to this Sp€cilication Sheet, contact EST o 2m5 EST P.gE 4 ot 4 Pdted in U.S.A. lofuinl ta.ua E A producl of EST Mo*€tino, Bradonton, FL Lrlcr.tu?. Sh.ct taS(X)l -()5.49 Not to b. ur.d lor inrtall.tlon purpoa.r.For thc moat cuar6nt litarriura .nd uDdatos vlait v\rsrw.eat.net. t:ffiES|S NOTIFICATION APPLIANGES Field Gonfigurable Horns and Strobes G 1 Series Features I Unique low-protile design - The most compact UL-1971/ULC-S526 listed strobe available - Ultra-slim - protrudes less than one inch from the wall - Attractiveappearance - No visible mounting screws Four field-mnfigurablo options in one device - Select 15,30,75, or 110 cd strobe outpur - Selecthigh (defaull) or lowdB horn output - Selecttemporal (default) orsteady horn output - Select public mode flash rate (default) or private mode temporal flash Ersyto install - Fits standard 1-gang electrical boxes - no trim plate needed - Optionallrim plate accommodates oversized openings - Pre-assembledwithcaotivehardware - #12 AWG terminals - ideal for long runs or existing wiring I Unparallolodperformance - Industry's most even lightdistribution - Meetstoughsynchronizingstandardsforstrobes - Single microprocessor controls both horn and slrobe - Lowcurrentdraw minimizes system overhead - Independent horn control over a single pair of wires - Highlyregulated in-rush current - Multiple frequency tone improves wallpenetration - Industry'sfirsttemporal strobe output Description The Genesis line of signals are among the smallest, most compact audible-visible smergency signaling devices in the world. About the size of a deck of playing cards, these devices are dosigned to blend with any decor. Thanks to pat€nted brsakthrough technology, EST Genesis strobes do not require bulky specular reflectors and lenses. Instead, an €xclusive cavity design conditions light to producs a highly controlled distribution pattern. Significant development sfforts employing this newtechnology have given riseto a new bench- mark in strobe performance - FullLight technology. FullLighl strobe technology produces a smooth light distribution pattern withoutthe spikes and voids characteristic of specular reflectors. This ensures the entire coverage area receives consis- tenl illumination from the strobe flash. Asa result, Genesis strobes hlectsble 15, n,75, or ll0 cd sfirctr;! +\ . l\' Fc ((@@ e On€ or more pal6nt6 ponding. with FullLight technology go well beyond tho minimum UL- required "T" pattern, significantly exceeding UL-1971 and ULC- S526 light distribution requirements. Although all Genesis strobss are self-synchronizing, when installsd with an optional synchronization module, strobe flashes f rom devices on the samo circuit synchronize to within 10 milliseconds of each other rrrde finitely. T his exceeds the two-hour minimum specified in the UL standards. Only one synchronization module is required per circuit. Genesis strobes and horn-strobss offer 15 to 1 10 candela output, which is selectable with a conveniently-located switch on the side of thedevice.Thecandela outputsetting remainsclearlyvisible even after final installation, yet it stays locked in place to prevent unauthorized tampering. Genesis horn output reaches as high as 99 dB and features a unique mulliplefrequency tone lhal results in excellentwall pen€tration and an unmistakable warning ofdanger. Horns may beconfigured for sither coded or non-coded signal circuits. They can also be set for lowdB outputwith ajumpercutthat reduces horn output by about 5 dB. Genesis signals feature textured housings in architocturally neutral white or traditional fire red. An ingenious iconographic symbol indicates the purposs ofthe device. This universalsymbol is code- compliant and is easily recognized by all building occupants regardless ofwhat languags thsy spsak. Models with 'FlRE" markings are also available. { L-t t ,tT#;blf, J "ti..tl.ltit EDUYARDS SYSTEMS TEcHf, oLoGY US. SALES: BRADENTON, FL 88S7&2329t FAX 86ffi0339S6 . CANADASALES: OWEN SOUND,ON 51$37&2430; FAX 51$37G7258 lNIERNAItOMLSALEtir got2TclTl l; FAX90627O9553 . CORPIORATE IEADUTAffERS: CHESHIRE, CT . US MANTTFAiCTUn G: PITTSFIELD 5 NEWPORI ME Lll.reiui. Sh.c! #8mO 1 -()673 Nol lo ba uaad tor Initallatlon purpoaar. Fot tha moal cutaant lltaaatura and updatat vlalt www,aat.na!. Itrua 3 P.9. I ol3 Application Genesis strobes are UL 1971-listed for use indoors as wall. mounted public-mode notification appliances for the hearing impaired. Prevailing codes require strobes to be used where ambienl noise conditions exceed 105 dBA (87dBA in Canada), whers occupants use hearing protection. and in areas of public accommodation as defined in l6e Americans with Disabilities Act (see application notes - USAI. Combination horn-strobe signals must be installed in accordance with guidelines established for strobe devices. Stro b6s The fof fowing guidelines are based on ANSI/NFPA72 National Firc Alam Code (1999). When applied and installed in accor- danc6 with that code, EST strobes meet or exceed the illumina- tion produced by the ADA-specified 75 candela (cd) strobe at 50 feel* ' ADA suggests using 75 ci strobes throughout an area, with spacing that neve. excaeds 50 tt from the slrobe to any point in the protgcl€d spac€. Non-Sloeping Rooms and Corrido?s: ESTstrobes rated at less than I l0 cd per UL 1971 are intended for use in non-sleeping areas only. Install with the bottom of the device at least 80 inches (2.0 m) and no more lhan 96 inches (2.4 m) above the finished floor. No point in any space (including corridors) required to have strobes should be more lhan 50 feet (15.2 m) from the signal (in the horizontal plane). Fordetaifed spacing requirements, consultThe Handbook of Visible Notilication Appliances for Firc Alarm Applications published by EST Press, or contact your local EST representative. Slccping rooms: EST 110 cd strobes are intsnded for use in sleeping rooms and should be installed along with a smoke detector. lt must be wall mounted al least80" (2.03 m) abovefloor level, but no closer than 24' (610 mm) to the ceiling. Th€ distance from the strobe to the Dillow must not exceed 16' (4.8 m). Sleeping Rooms EST wall mountsd strobe Any siz€110 cd within 16 f€st of pillow H orns The suggested sound pressure levelforeach signaling zone used with al€rt oralarm signals is at least 15 dB above the average ambient sound level, or5 dBabove the maximum sound level having a duration ofat least 60 seconds, whichever is greater, measured 5 feet (1.5 m) abovethefloor. The average ambient sound levelis,A- weighted sound pressure measured overa 2+hour period. Doubling the distance from the signal to the ear will th€oretically result in a 6 dB reduction of the received sound pr6ssure level. The actual effect depends on the acouslic properties of materials in the spacB. A 3 dBA difference represents a bar6ly noticeabls change in volume. Application Notes - USA Audible signals in the public mode should never have a sound level less than 75 dBA at 10'(3 m) per NFPA 72. Signals cannot exceed 120 dBA per ADA and NFPA 72 at the minimum hearing distance to audible aopliance. Strobe and combination horn/strobe devices should be installed with the bottom of the deviceatleastS0 inches (2.0 m) and no more than 96 inches (2.4 m) above the finished floor. Horns should be installed withtheirtops not less than 6 inches ( 152 mm)belowthe ceiling and not less than 90 inches (2.3 m) above lhe finished floor. Strobes must be used to supplement audible signals whereverthe average ambient sound level exceeds 105 dBA. Combination audible/visual signals must be installed in accordance with NFPA guidelines established for strobes. ADA requires visible signals in the following areas: . restrooms, meeting rooms,and other common use areas. . sleeping rooms intended for use by persons with hearing impairment lin accordance with Title 1 of ADA). . work areas used by a person with a hearing impairment (per Title 1 of ADA). Application Notes - Canada (Based in part on 1995 Canada National Building Code) The fire alarm signal sound pressure level shall not exceed 1 10 dBA in any normally occupied area. The sound pressure level from an audible signal in a floor area used for occupancies other than residential occupancies shall not bo lsss than 10 dBA above ambient levels, and never less than 65 dBA. In sl€eping rooms the sound pressure levelfrom an audible signal shall not be lessthan 75 dBAwhen any intervening doors betw6en the device and the sleeping room are closed. Audible signal devices shall be installed not less lhan l I m to the center of the device above the floor (per CAN/ULC S524). The fire alarm audible signal shall be supplemented by fire alarm strobes in anyfloor area wherethe ambient noise levelexceedsST dBA, or where the occupants of the floor area use ear proteclive devices, are located within an audiometric booth, or are located within sound insulating enclosures. This also applies to assembly occupancies in which music and other sounds associated with performances could exceed 100dBA Strobes shall be installed in a building so that the flash from one device is visible throughout the floor area or portion thereof in which they are installed. For maximum safety, EST recommends that strobes be installed as per the guidelines shown here under Strobe Spacing. Non-Slosping Rooms EST wall mountod strobosr up ro 20' x 20'(6.1 m x 6.1 m)One 15 cd strobe up to 30 x 30'(9.1 m x 9.1 m)One 30 cd or wvo 15 cd strobes up to 40 x 40'(12.2 mx12.2ml One 75 cd or two 30 cd strobes up to 50 x 50'(15.2 m x 15.2 m)One 110 cd or two 75 cd strobes Corridors Any length. Maximum width: 20' (6.1m). 15 cd strobes spaced at 100' (30.5 m) max. Strobes must be placed within 15' (4.5m) of each end of the corridor. EDWARDS SvsrEMs TEcHNoLoGY ut.ratur. Sh.dl Ja6OOl -{)573 Not to b. u3.d lor Inatallatlon purpos.t. For thc molt curranl llt€rdtulo lnd updrt€B visit vi^ ^/v,cat,n€t, P.g. 2 ol 6 Installation Genesis horns and strobss mount to any standard one-gang surface orflush €lectrical box. Matching optionaltrim plales are used to cov€r oversized openings and can accommodate one- gang, two-gang, four-inch square, or octagonal boxes, and European 100 mm square. All Genesis signals come pre.as- ssmbled with captive mounting screws for easv installation. Two tabs at the top of the signal unlock the cover to revealthe mounting hardware. The shallow depth of Genesis devices leaves ample room behind the signal for extra wiring. Once installed with the cover in place, no mounting screws are visible. GsnotitHoln/Strob! Fi€ldConfiguration*ill "l:l:ld Temporathorn and horn-srrobernm p|tro models are factorv set to sound in a Wiring Field wiring terminals accommodate #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2) wiring. Horns, strobes, and combination horn-strobes are interconnected with a single pair of wires as shown below. dam oonditon thleo-pulsetemporal pattern. Units may be configuredfor use with coded systems by cutting a iumper on the circuit board. This results in a steady output that can be turned on and off (coded) as the system applies and removes power to the signal circuit. A Genesis Signal Master is required when horn-strobe models are conf igured for coded systems. Non-temporal, horn-only models sound a steady tone. Genesis strobes and horn-strobes are shipped from the factory ready for use as UL 1971 compliant signals for public mode operation. These signals may be configured fortemporalflash by cutting a iumper on the circuit board. This battery-saving feature is intended for private mode signaling only. Genesis strobes and horn-strobes may be set for 15, 30, 75, or 110 candela output. The output setting is changed by simply opening the device and sliding the switch to the desired setting. The device does not have to be removed to change the output setting. The setting remains visible through a small window on the side of the device after the cover is closed. Horns and horn-strobes are factory set for high dB ou$ut. Low dB outpirt may be selected by cutting a iumper on the circuit board. This reduces the output by about 5 dB. @ Xota: Sbotror m(rat havo coninuqla volteg€. EDWARDS SYaTEMa TEcHNoLoGY llt ..iur. Sh..t ;A500!-0673 Ndt lo ba uaad tor InJtalLllon purpoac3. For the moa! currant lltaaatuta and updlte8 vl5it www.€st.not. Pag. 3 ot O Specifications Housing Red or white textured UV stabilized, color impregnated engineered plastic. Exceeds 94V.0 UL flammability ratinq. Lens Optical grade polycarbonate (clearl Mounting {indoor wall mount only) Flush mount: 2% inch (64 mm) deep one-gang box Surface mount: EST model 27193 surface mount box, wiremold box, or equivalent surface-mount box With optionallrim plate: One.gang, two-gang, lour-inch square, octaqonal, or European single-gang box Wire connections Screw terminals: single input for both horn and strobe. #18 to #12 AWG (0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2) wire size Ooeratinq environment Indoor only: 32-120'F (0-49'C) ambient temperalure. 93o/o relative humidiW Agency listinqs/aoorovals UL 1971, UL 1638, UL 464, ULC 5525, ULC 5526, CSFM, CE, FCC, (MEA, FM pending). (All models comply with ADA Code of Federal Regulation Chapter 28 Part 36 Final Rule.) Dimensions (HxWxDl Signal: 4-'112" x2-3/4" x 13/16"(113mmx68mmx21 mm) Trimplate: 5" {127 mm); Height - 5-718" (149 mm); Depth-7:"(13mm) Operating voltage G1-HD series temporal-tone horns: non.coded, filt€red 16-33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR (or coded when horn set to steady tone) G1-HDVM series temporal-tone horn.strobes: non-coded. tiltered 16-33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR {or coded (audible NAC onlyl when used with optional G1M Genesis Signal Master) G1-VM series strobes; non-coded, filtered 16 - 33 Vdc or unfiltered 16-33 Vdc FWR G1-P series steady-tone horns: coded or non-coded, filtered 20.31 Vdc or unfiltered 20.27 Vfwr Strobe outpul ratinq UL 1971, UL 1638, ULC 5526: seleclable 15 cd, 30 cd, 75 cd, or 110 cd outpur Strobe flash rate G1-VM strobes and G1-HDVM series temporal-tone horn-strobss: one flash per second synchronized with optional G1M Genesis Signal Master indefinitely within 10 milliseconds (or sell.synchronized within 200 milliseconds over thirty minutes on a common circuit without GIM Genesis Signal Master) Temporal sefting (private mode onlv): svnchronized to temooral outout of horns on same circuit Compatible synchronization modules*G1 M, G1 M-RM. SIGA.CClS, SIGA.MCClS Horn pulse rate G1-HD temporaltone horns and Gl.HDVM series tsmporal-tone horn-strobes: temporal rate synchronized with oplional G1M Genesis Signal Master indefinitely within 10 milliseconds (or self-synchronized within 200 milliseconds over thirty minutes on a common circuit without G1M Genesis Signal Master) G1-P steady-tone horns: continuous, steadv tone onlv Temooral audible pattern 7z sec ON, 7r sec OFF, 7u sec ON. y, sec OFF, 7r sec ON, 1% sec OFF, then reDeat cvcle r Not compatible with G 1 -PSeries horns. amDoral {omr, Horn-droblt (Gl-HD, Gl+IDVM ..dr rl-dB UL464 Av!ragr Prrl Tampor!l Str.dy TlmDoral/St.!dy Tamporul/Stc.dy 15 Vdc 81.4 65.5 91.4 94,2 24 Vda u.4 5|'.O 94.5 97.6 33 Vdc 86.3 90.4 96.9 99,5 dBAoutput lllota 1. Allvalues shown are dBA msasufed at 10feet (3.01m). 2 UL4S4values measured in revsrberationroom. 3 Average and Peak valu€s are measurgd in anechoic chamber. Average Sound Output (dBA) (Hi9h dB setting, anechoic, 24V, measured at 1oft) Light output - (effective cd) Percent of UL rating versus angle Tomporal Hornr, Horn.rtroblr (G1.HD, Gl-HDVM rrri.s)- Low d8 Sqning ut-464 AYarrgc P.!k TamDol!l Stc.dy Tcmporal/Stcsdy T.mpor!l/St.ady 16 Vdc 76.0 80.1 86.3 49,2 24 Vdc 79.4 89.8 33 Vdc 42.1 86.5 95.3 Stasdy Ton! Homg UL464 Avoragr Pcrk 16 Vdc 77 90 91 24 Vdc 77 90 91 33 Vdc 71 90 91 EDr,YARDa SYSTEMS TEGHNoLooY ll1.r.lu.. Sh..t #a6OOl {)573 Not 10 ba uaad fot Inrtallatlon purporar. For tha mott currant lltaratura and updata3 vllit www.eat.net, Pag. 4 ol I lr.u. 3 iluhi+d Wrll Strob.. lcl-VM) UL Effective t5 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd RS R S RMS RMS 16 Vdc 103 141 255 311 16 Vfwr 125 179 346 392 Current Draw Strobcs, Ho.n.Stroboi Homs EST) Wsll Horns (Gl-Pl UL Nameplate RMS lvl.!n 16 Vdc 24 Vdc 't1 I 33 Vdc 13 11 16 Vtwr I 24Vlwr 10 33 Vfwr '11 (l Not6rnd Comm.r|ts 1. Currentvalues arsshownin mA. 2 UL Nameplate Rating can varyfrom TypicalCurrent due to moasu.s- ment n|ed|od 5 and insrum€nts usod. 3 EST recommsnds using tl|e TypicslCurrontiofsystemdesign including NAC ard Power Supply loading and voltags dropcalculations. 4 Use theVdc RlvlS current ratingsforfiltered powersupply and bsttery AH calculations. Use the Vtwr RMS currentratingsfor unliltgred power supplycalculations. 5. F use s, c irc uit breakers and other overcurrent prot€ction d€vices ar€ typic€lly rated for currentin RMSvalues. Mostofthese dsvicss operat€ based upon the heating alfsct olth€ currentfl owing through the dovice, The RMS current(nottho msancurrsnt) dgtorminesth€ hoating alfoct and th6refore, ths triD and hold thrqshold for those devicos. 6. Our industry has used'mean'currsntsover thoy93rs. HowovgJ, ULwill directths industry to usgthe 2004RMSvalues inth€futur9. Wrll Trmpol|l Homr (Gl-HD) UL Elfectve Hich dB Low d8 R S Rtts 16 Vdc to 24Vdc 33 Vdc 41 16 Vtwl 37 24 \y'twl 52 33 \nw'76 Current (Measured by EST) 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd RMS Mran RMS Ma!n RMS Maan RMS Marn tG Vdc 127 124 245 245 28 20 Vdc 71 66 98 96 188 186 240 234 AVde 82 80 150 191 190 33 Vdc 46 44 64 6:t 112 111 137 136 16 Vlwr 119 64 169 97 332 203 376 2& 20 Vlwr 103 51 1/B 150 331 198 2,1 lllwr 94 44 129 65 214 't21 262 152 33 Vfw'a7 52 '179 89 205 106 Currgnt (Measurgd Hioh dB Low dB RMS Mlan Rits Mcan l5 Vdc 22 17 17 14 20 Vdc 19 19 16 24 Vdc 21 18 33 Vdc 32 22 16 Vfwr v 15 30 14 20 Vfwr 40 19 34 16 24Vlwr 45 18 33 Vfwr 52 24 47 Multi.cd Wrll T.mporll Horn.strob8 (GI.HDVM) - High dB S.tting UL Nam€plate Ratins (U11971, Efloctive 15 cd 30 od 75 cd 110 cd RMS RMS RMS RMS t6 v&129 157 2a'l 16 \nwl 230 443 Current (Mgasured 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd RMS M!rn RMS Maan RMS Maan RMS Maan 16 Vdc 102 89 129 246 242 309 m Vdc 88 109 104 190 24 243 24Vdc 81 71 94 90 161 158 200 33 Vdc 74 64 72 124 121 154 16 ry'|wr 144 142 106 352 212 393 249 20 Vtwr 141 162 87 274 158 210 2,1Vlwr 152 235 242 165 33 ly'twr 125 54 14 65 201 101 232 Measured bv EST RUS Ma!n 24Vdc 't0 't0 24 Vdc 11 '11 3l Vdc 12 20 Vfwr o 8 ?4Vlwt 10 9 Multi{d W.ll T.|nporrl Horn-drcbo (Gi.HDVM| - Lo$, dB S.tting UL Nameolate Ratinq (UL1971, Eftectivs 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd RMS RMS RMS RMS 16 Vdc 122 160 15 ry'|w'162 429 Cu.rent (Measurod by ESTI 15 cd Al cd 75 cd 110 cd Rits lr..n Bt{s lra!.r RMS Maan RMS M!!n 16 Vrlc 84 130 124 243 240 302 297 2t vdc 79 70 104 99 189 186 24'l 2tl Vdc b|'61 88 84 '154 197 33 Vdc 71 68 118 146 1r$ 15 Vfwr 128 80 104 344 204 389 244 20 Vtwl 118 60 4 156 343 200 24 \fiwl 'I r3 54 44 230 128 279 161 33 ry'|wr 't12 /a 64 197 99 't17 P.g. 6 ot a EowaRDa SYarEMa TEcHNoLoGY llt.r.tur. Sh..t *8eool -(!573 Not to b. ua.d for In.t lhtlon pu.poaaa. Fo. th. moal currant liloaatura and upd.le! vilit www,aat.n.l Ordering Information Crtaloq Numbel Doscription Ship Wt. lbs (kglWhito Finish Red Finirh G1-HDVM GlR.HDVM Genesis Horn-Strobe (selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd outout, selectable hiqh/low dB output) 0.25 (0.1 r ) G1.VM G1R.VM Genesis Strobe (selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd outDut) Gl.HD G1R.HO Genesis Temporal Horn (selectable hiqh/low dB outout) G1-P G1R-P Gsnesis Steady Horn (not compalible with Genesis Siqnal Master) G 1F-HDVM Gl RF.HDVM Genesis Horn-Strobe (selectable 15, 30, 75, or 1 '10 cd output, selectable high/low dB output) - with "FIRE" marking G1F-VM Gl RF-VM Genesis Strobe (selectable 15, 30, 75, or 1 10 cd output) - with "FIRE" markinq G1F.HD GlRF-HD Genesis Temporal Horn (selectable hiqh/low dB oulout) - with 'FIRE' markinq G1F-P GlRF-P Genesis Steady Horn with 'FlRE" markinq lnol comoatible with Genesis Siqnal Master) Accassoria3 G1T (ltltl Genesis Trim Plate (for two-gang or 4'square boxes)0.1s (0.7) GlT.FIRE GlRT.FIRE Genesis Trim Plate (tor two-ganq or 4'square boxes) with "FlRE" markings 0.15 (0.7) 27193-16 27193-11 One.gang surtace mount box 1(0.4) Modules GlM Genesis Signal Master - Snalon Mount 0.2 (0.1) Gl M-RM Genesis Signal Master - Remote Mount (1-ganq) srGA-cc1s Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (2.qanq)0.s (0.23) SIGA-MCC1S Intelligent Synchronization Output Module (Plug-in UIO)0.18 (0.081 luH FIRE !.. - r Genesis Horn.Strobes may be ordered in red or white, with orwithout 'FIRE'marking. |vAFN|NG:Thes€deviceswi||notopera|ewilhoule|octrica|pow9r.Asfr9s|rEqUont|ycaUsopolt€rinlerruplbns,wesuggastyoudiscussIut|h€rsaleguardsvvithyoUr|| lir€ prolec{ion spocialisl. Th€se visiblo signal appliancos'flash intensity may not be adequate to alenorawaken occupants in the protoct€d area. Resgarch indicates that the intensity ot strobe needed lo awaken 90o/o of sle€ping p€rsons is approximately 100 cd. EST r€commends that strob€s in slosping rooms bs 110 cd minimum. Gsnesis arrd FuflLight Strobe Tschnology are trademarks of Edwards Systems Technology, lnc. EDWARDS SYaTEMa TEcHNoLoGY It is our intsntion to k99p ths p.oduct into.mstion cu.rgnt and a@u.ate, V\b can not cover specific apdiqatbns or anticipate all .€quirgrnonts. All specificgtions are subi€ct to chango wihout rptica. Fo{ rnor€ information or questions relatiw to this Sp6ci6caion Sh€et, contact ESI @ 2005 EST P.g. 6 ot e Prir od in U.S-A. (oioinl laaua 3 A p.oduct of EST Ma*oting. Br8d€nton, FL llt€ratur. Sh..l f85,OO 1 -0673 cl lo ba uaad tor In.t.ll.tlon purposoa. For tha moat curronl lltaEtura rnd ugdatas viait www,eat.n€t. Sprinkler Permit #: -t 970-479-2135 (lnspectionsl TOWN OF VAIL FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT APPLICATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $ |11,W, AO TIn O ft*NtT ea4 6s r4 ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************.***************** Date Rece ved: v: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Sprinkler Contractor:''"*^";ilEn,,,Y'Contact and Phone #'s: ld- .Beu.rr 3a3-144-na3z E-Maff Address: Au.BprAt{ Ci 1*='F>-il+ Contractorsignature: Zl fu Contact Assessors Office at 97(h328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel# AIOI dl .;t ful Job Name: vN c lrr\*Fj orT JobAddress: -1t5 ,41, y1O cl ta Lesal Description ll Loh ll Btocr ll riring:subdivision: | /L;l Uitu\r|,u{" I lnt Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Lo,KtrP J fak/rN (E)tE-1-, t-,,E'-T tLtlj', l2*)fvt =Detail€d description of work: Aoo rr"-'ttl .rz- -Pre_ru/a-ee 9y6TE/>1 m_ ftfzaE padn g workclass: New(.') AdditionX Remodet XJ Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famity ( ) commerciatff Restaurant ( ) other () No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: yes !O NoT )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yesffi No ( ) \WAi I\dAI!\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\SPRKPERM. DOC o,,o,,ooremMAR3i2oo5 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SUBMITTALS FROM WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 S. TUCSON WAY CENTENNIAL, CO 80112 303-792-0022 FOR VAIL MARRRIOTT MEETING ROOMS 715 W. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE vAlL, co JOB NUMBER 15107 5 -ooll RECDMARSi2OO5 Bulletin 136K Model FI FR Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers @:(u 5' (r, x Model F1 FR Sprinkler Tyces Standard Upright Standard Pendent Conventional Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Model FlFR Reoessed SprinklerTpes Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Product Description Reliable N[odels Fl FHand Fl FF RecessedSorin klersare quick response sprinklers which cornbine the durability of a stan dard sprin kler with the at trac tive lour profile of a deco ra- tive sprinkla. The Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed automatic sprin- klers utilize a 3.0 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprinklers have demon strated re sponsetirnesin labo ratorytesbwhich are five to ten tirnes faster than standard response sprin- klers. This quick response enables the Model F1FR and F1FR Recessed sprinklers to apply water to a fhe nuch faster than standard sorinklers of he same temoerature rat- rs The glass fulb consists of an accurately controlled amqrnt of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a pre cisely manufactured glass capsule. This glass bulb is spe cially cmsfructed to prwide fast thermal response. The balance of parb are made of brass, copper and beryllium nickel. At normal ternperahrres, the glass bulb contains the fluid in both the liquid and vapo phases. The vapor phase can be seen as a small bub ble. As heat isap plied, theliq uid ex- pands, forcing he bubble smaller and smaller as the liquid pressure increases. Continued heating forces the liquid b push out against the bulb, causing te glass to shatter, opening he waterway and alloiving the dellector to distrib ute he discharging water. The ternperature rating of the sprinkler is identified by the color of the glass bulb. Application Quick response sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- tion systems:Wet, Dry, Delugeor Preaction. Care must be exercisedthatfreorificesize, temperaturerating, deflector style and sprinkler type are in accordance wih the latest oublished siandards of the National Fire Protection Asse ciation or he apprwing Authority Having Jurisdiction. Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specifi ed in NFPA 1 3. Quick re sponse sprin klers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. PendentUpright Vertical Sidewall Conventional Horizontal Sidewall HSW 1 Deflector Tle Reliable fubndic Spinlder Co., Inc.525 Nortr lt/acQuesten Pa*way, Ntlont Vernon, Ne\,v York 10552 Model FIFR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Conventional Sprinklers lnstallation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Type tand Penderi lornmqifice XLH wfi Rt6 lhread 1snrn Slan dard Orificewith )4 NPI ('r lden tified by apintleex tend ing be yond the de flec tor. Upright") Model FI FR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model RC1 Sprinkler Wrench lnstallation Data: lll ldentilied by a pintlo extending beyond the deflector.F/ Relerto es cutch eon data la ble forao provals and dimen sions. Nomlnal Orifice Thread Size "K' Factor Sprinkler l-bight Approval@ Organizations Sprinkler ldentlfi cation Number (SlN)US Metric w(fim)Y! NFT (fltzl 5.62 81 .0 2.2 (sffrm)1,2.3,4,5,7,A R3615 1%;'(fr(ml 91" NlPt FP/4)8.0 1't5.3 2.3 (s&rm)1,2,3 83612 ,(/(r)(ttnm)wtwr(flhl 4.24 61.0 2.54" 6trnn)'1,2,8 R3613 ,(,(1)0ftTm)y'NqT (Rv2\2.82 40.6 2.54" (66nm)1,2,8 R3611 lOrm ffi 4.10 59.1 56.1nm 4.7 R3614 . -l -. -'g-.:E;1.il 2. r+ lnstallation Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and standard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The lvldel F1FR Recessed Qu'tck Response Sprinklers are to be installed as shown. The Model F1 or F2 Escutch eons il[.slated are he only recessed escutcheons to be used with he Model Fl FR Sprinklers. The use of any other re cessed es cutch eon willvoid allap prw als and ne gate all wananfes. Vvhen in stall ing Model F1 FR Sprin klers, use the Model D Sprinkler Wrench. When installing Model F1FR Recessed Sidewall Sprinklers, use the Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench. Use the Model RC1 Wrench for installing F1FR Recessed Pendent Sprinklers. Any other Vpe of wrench may darnage hese sprinklers. Approval Organizations ''1. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 2. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada 3. Factory Mutual Research Corporation 4. Loss Prevenlion Council 5. NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA 6. Meets MIL-$901C and MIL-STD 167-1 7. Verband der Schadenversicherer B. NYC MEA 258-9CE ULI Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open Ouick Response Sprinklel ULI Guide Number VNIV Temperature Ratings Escutcheon Data EsortfE lr/bdd Apprc rab A4drErt fi Df|gE*m FGdFflirEb CetEawHElrsdr @ 't,2,4 %" (1gmm) % (1gmm) v;''x: (5rrm - 24nm) F2 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 (13mm) 'l' (25mm) /,:-'N: &m-24rml Maintenance The Models F1FR and FIFR Recessed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cieaningflu ids. Rennvedustbyusing asoft brushorgen- tle vacuuming. Rernove any sprinkler which has been painted (otrer fran factory applied) or damaged in arry ivav. A siock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allcirtr quick reptabemerit of darnaged or operated sprin- klers. ftior to installation, sprinklers sl'tould be maintained in the oriqinal cartons and packaging until used to mini- mize the-potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non{peration. Sprinkler Types StandardUpright StandardPendent Conventional Sidewall (Vertical, Horizontal HSWI ) Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall HSW1 Finishes (')e) (l) Other fin ishes and col ors are avail able on spe cial or dsr. Consult the factory for details. @ FM Aooroval is lim ited to bronze and brass, chrome or black plated finishes only. Ordering Information Specifu: 1. Spriirkler Model 2. Sprinkler Type 3. Orifice Size 4. Deflector Tvpe 5. Temperatuie Rating 6. Sprinkler Finish 7. Escutcheon Tvpe 8. Escutcheon Firiish (where applicable) Note: When Model F1FR Recessed sprinklers are ordered, the sprinklers and escutcheons are packaged separately. Ih€ eoulo ment ore senbd ln his bul le tin is to bs h slalled in ac cot dance with he ht est p€rti nenl Stan dsrds ot lhe National FireProtec tionAs so ciation, Fac lorMu tal Re search Cor po ra'tion, or'otrer slm i laf or ga niza Uons and also wih the pro vl glons olgov ern men tal codss oror di nsnceswh€n ever ap pli ca ble. F,rdUctBrnfufactJredanddsribubdbyRe|iab|shavebe€nptolec1lrgf9afdprope'tybrover8oy€a's'a'da'ginsta|ledandservic€dbyeh|$|yqua|||le ble sprin kl€r con trac tots lo cabd through oul the Unit€d States, Can ada and lor eign coun tries Tha Rolbbb Ajtomatic Sprlnkler Co., Inc.@"# (800)431-1588 (800)848-€051 (914)668-3470 www. rditbbrinkler .corn Sales Offices Sales Fa,\ Cofporate Offices Inlemel Address Rar,/bon lines indicate (pdal€d q rE$, daE EG. Prlnbd h U.S.A. l2l00 PA99€907tn27 Bright Brass Black Plaled Black Paint Ofl White Satin Chrome Brighl Brass Black Plated Black Paint Otf White Satin Chrome 5f 68E cl 141 135 155 175 200ffi Ord)g8 Red Yelb,r/ Gieen BrE Not available lor recess€d sorinklers. The Gost Effective Replacement for Schedule {0 Realizing the growing need of fire protection systems in commercial and residential construction, Bull Moose Tube has added Eddy Flow to its comprehensive line of sprinkler pipe products. Eddy Flow is a specially engineered replacement for schedule 10, offering better flow characteristics while providing design flexibility. This product is FM approved, as well as UL listed (for U.S. and Canada) for roll grooving and welding. Please check with appropriate sources for up-to-date lisiings and approval information. As an added benefit, it is more economical to use than schedule 10 due to reduced delivery costs and ease of handling. Furthermore, Eddy Flow's larger lD provides an opportunity for downsizing and furlher cost savings. COMPARISON lnside Diameter c.R.R.t NPS (lnl o.D. (ln) Eddy Flow (in) Sch. 10 {ln) Sch. 40 (in) Eddy Flow Schedule 40 1-112 z 2-1t2 J 4 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 1.754 2.229 2.729 3.342 4.316 1.682 2.157 2.635 3.260 4.260 1 .610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4.026 2.34 1.89 1.09 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ' Conosion Resrstan@ Ratio BEi'EF'TSt DUJ Cadifrad ao ASru 4135 ,,nd A795.. FM ',pprovect tor rolt grooving and weldlng for usG tn wet s}rgfg,ms.. UL tl.ted (for U.S. and Ctntdt) for lotntng by welding or hy ttsted rubhcr gaakeacd nftings lor use ln wet, dry' prercUon, tnd deluga type s,/',nkter sysf€,ms.. LMtuelSht - r.ves sftipping co36, rnd otfe|s lrsler handling,. ?An be us6d wnh roll grooved coupltngs or wold.d oude'r br pressures upto176psi.. F/oor stocf av.llable ln v.dous lengors produced in Trcnbn (GA), Ge'etd (MO), d nasury (OH). Also can be o'der?d in custom tengths.. Can be cupllad ,oll Wgved or plain end.. Can be uscd to( wet md drf systerr'E. ' Eddy Flow can be hot dipped galvanized to meet FM's requirement for dry sy$ems. PIPE PREPAMTION For proper operalion, all pipe surfaces should b€ cleaned prior to installation. In order to pmvide a leak-tight seat for tha gasl(et, pipe surface8 should be fee from indentations and projoctions from the end of the pipe to ths groovs. All loos€ paint, scale, dirt, chips, graase, and rust must bo romoved prior to installation. Failure b take thsse important steps may rasult in improper coupling ass€mbly, causing leakage. Also, dlod( lhe manufaclurBfs inslructions for the soocific fittino used. 1819 Clarkson Roed Chesterfield. MO 63017 (800) 3254467 FAX: (636) 537-2645 contad your salespetson today al (800) 325-{467 or (036) 537-2600 in th6 USA. or trom Canada call (800) 8824666 A Lightweight Schedule 40 Replacement Pipe That Has a Corrosion Resistance Ratio of 1.0 Bull Moose Tube Company has been making pipe for a long time and is recognized as a producer of quality pipe products. Eddythread 40 is designed with the same thoroughness as our other fine pipe products and now our cusiomers have an option to buy a carefully designed replacement for Schedule 40 that: a a Has a Corrosion Resistance Ratio of 1.0 Has No Thread Warning Has a Pressure Rating of 300 psi ls Lighter Weight Than Schedule 40 ls Approved by Factory Mutual and Listed by Underuriters Laboratories ls Produced in Accordance to ASTM A-135 and 4-795 Can be Used \Mth Standard Schedule 40 Threaded Fittings, Couplings and Valves ls Produced From Steel With Excellent Properties of Strength and Threadability Can be Used in Wet, Dry, Preaction, and Deluge Type Sprinkler Systems* Offers Lower Freight Costs EDDYTHREAD 40 SPECIFICATIONS CORROSION RESISTANCE RATIOS Nomlnal Plpe Slze (ln) Weight Lb./Ft t.D. (in) Bundle Slze 1 'l-114 1-112 2 1.600 2.139 2.562 3.364 1.090 1.425 1.655 2.124 61 37 37 37 Nominal Pipe Slze (lnl Sch. 40 EDDYTHREAD 40 EDDYLITE 1 1-1t4 1-112 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 't.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.74 0.48 0.47 0.38 'Eddythread 10 can be hot dipped galvanized to meet FM's requi@ment for dry systems 1819 Clarkson Road Chssterfield. MO 63017 (800) 3254467 FAX: (636) 537-264s contac{ your salesperson loday at (800) 325'1407 or (630) 537-2000 in the USA. orfom Canada call (800) 8824666 Gast lron Thneaded Fittings Glass 125, lStandardl (b)anmu 90' Elbow Straight Flgurr 351 Slze (NPs) A (lnl B (ln) Welght llbs) black galv. Yz t'/rt 16 .17 t/t t/ro 1s/tc .25 .26 Vz 1Yr .40 .41 3/t 1t/rc 1t/r .60 .61 1 ts/n 1t/z .92 .95 11A 1th 'l .44 1.46 '11/z 15/rt 116/ts 1.95 2.00 2 1t/ro 21/t 3.1 3 3.21 2Vz 118/n 2t,Ao 4.94 5.13 i / i rl 3 2t/r 3Yt 7 .21 7 .40 4 21t/tt 3!7rs 12.17 12.67 5 3%o 41/z 21 .46 o 3t/r 5Yt 31 .33 33.33 8 Stha 6rAa 64.5 6 67.14 cast llon Threaded Fittlngs Prcssuro - Temperature Ratings Temp.('F) Pr?ssure, (psig) Class 125 CIBF8 250 -20' t0 150 175 400 200'165 370 250''150 340 300'140 310 350'125 300 400'250 L INCORPORATED coRoM. cA &Fig.65 and Fig.66 Reverstble C-Type Beam Clamps 3/4 and 1-1/4lnch Throat Openings Slze Range - (Fig. 65 and Fig. 66) 3/8, 1/2, AND 5/8 inch rod. Maftrtal - Carbon Steel with hardened cup point set screw and jam nut. Function - Recommended for hanging from steel beam where fiange thickness does not exceed 3/4 inch (Fig. 65) or 1-114' (Fig. 66) Features - All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type beam damps. May be used on top or bottom flange of the beam. (Beveled lip allorc hanging from top flange where clearance is limited.) May be installed with set screw in up or down position. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment by atlowing the rod to be threaded compleldy through the clamp. Open design permits inspection of thread engagement. Approvals - Underwrilers' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Factory Mutual Engineering Approved. Conforms to Federal Specmcation Socidy SP69, type 19 and 23. Exceeds requirements of the National Fire Protedion Association (NFPA), Pamphlet #13, 3/8 inch rod will support 112 thru 4 inch pipe, 112 inch rod will support 1/2 thru I inch pipe. Finist - Plain. Itlot+Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish. Oder B'T4igure number, rod size, and finistt. Fig. 65 Patent #'4,570,8E5 FIG.65 TABLE 3/8 1-3/16 314 1 7116 1 6101t2 t1n 3t4 1 9116 1-114 11305,/8 t1n 314 1 9116 1-114 1130 ROD SIZE A E MAiX. REC'. LOAD LBS.' APPROX wT.r100 55 55 -62- t INCORPORATED coRoNA cA (909)737-5599 Fig.98 Rod Stiffener 3/8 thru 7/8 inch hanger rod. to hanger rod for 9.99 AII Th Cut To Length MAx. REC. LOAD LBS. FOR SERVICE TEIIPS€500F 7500F 540 1010 1610 Sl2e Material -Steel. vertical seisrnic Finish-Electro OrderBhFigure number. lVof+AvailaUe in HDG finish or rnaterials. Sze Range-3/8 thru 7/8 inch rod inch incrernents. Matedal - Carbon Steel. MaxlmumT, FinisD- Plain. OrderByFi diameter. rod ber, rod in ElectroGalvanized or Stainless Steel ROD stzE 3/8 1t2 5/8 610 1130 1810 and tinish. Fig. 100 SEe Rang*318 thru 7/8 inch rod in 10foot lengths. Mafcrlal - Carbon Steel. M axl mum Tqnpentu rr-T 50' F . Finislr- Plain. Otdw BY4igure number, rod diameter. and finish. Illot*Available in Eledro. Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. AII Thread Rod Full Lengths t- 1 1-1t4 t112 ROD slzE 1t4 3/8 1n 240 610 1130 215 540 1010 u 123 169 5/8 18103t4 27107t8 3770 222 360 510 1610 2420 3360 4960 8000 11630 4420 7140 10370 ]IIAX. REC. LOAD LBS, FOR SERVICE TEiIFS6500F 7500F APPROX. I't,EIGHT PER IOOFT. Jt- t INCORPORATED coRoNA cA (9Os)737-5599 r%"Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger Size Range - 1/2 thru I inch pipe. Mabrtal - Carbon Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G-90 specifications. Function -For ftre sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design pemits hanger adj usiment dter installation. Featur€s - (112 lhru 2 inch) Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily installed around pipe. . (2-112thru 8 inch) Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. Apprcvals - Underuvriters' Laboratories Listed (1 12' thru 8') in the U.S. (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (3/4' thru 8'). Conforms to Federal Specifications \MA/-H-171E, Type 10, and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, type 10. Maximum Temperature - 650"F. Finistt - Mil. Galvanized. for Stainless Steel materials order Tolco Fig. 200WON. Ord* By -Figure number and pipe size. Fig.200 PIPE ROD SIZE IIAJX. REC. APPROX.stzE tNcH ilETRtc! A r LoAD lss. wrJloo 1n 3/8 8mm or 10mm 3-14 2-518 400 11 11 't2 314 V8 8mm or 10rnm 3-1/8 24n 4001 3/8 &nm or 10mm 3€A 2-Sl8 400 1/2 THRU 2 INCH PIPE 2 1/2 THRU 8INCH PIPE 1-114 1-1t2 2 3/8 3t8 3/8 Srnm or 10mm 8mm or l Ornm 8mm or 1omm 3-3t4 2-7183-7t8 2-7184-1n 3 400 400 400 13 14 15 27 29 600 600 3/8 3t8 2-lOmm lOmm 5-5/8 +1185-7t8 4 1t2 3 'tf2 4 6 6 3/8 1n 1t2 1t2 '1Onm 1zmm 1000 1250 1250 1250 7 5-114 7-3t8 59,1/8 6-114 'f 2mm 1'U-^118 6-314'l2mm M18 8-314 66 73 136 -89- fltr Job Numb€r: 15107 rioffon: Lioht Hazad -ItE- 15107 @-EE'r-- AL BRUCH VAIL MARRIOTT MTG ROOMS Lt C.dIldthd.bd. Nui5. 2005-032 715WEST LTONSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT vAtL. co 81657 &5 L. 2ND FLOOR q a? C.{ 15107-tt-1.cad l|od O.flrtE S|ttt O.a. 5.6 K+ador 14.82 at 7.000 Light Hezad lh.lldsAL|! 100.00 DrdtI 0.1009pm/fl:900.00fi: Gcnual 91 8.22fl:) rddlt , lbr. &rd.. Nodo Flfl(opm) luo$.r ol apdnlr. cdq)rrLd 6 140.00fti CP-rffiE; Fo. R."c.Ar{.)r+dr ro r Leff: 28.790 100.00 Fn*om.na I Toa.l llth. R.qul,i ltndudlne H6' 6txm0 99.02 | 199.02 Mdrsn ttr!.m Unbdrls ln L@F 0.000 ud.r|n vlo.&t Abr. orond 11.40 betr aon nodes 5 and 3 fiHri/,n Wodty ldr ('urd vorrmrfdtrotwd Pl- | vdm. dFd9 or r,.v PF- 508.40ga1 Y!1i'" @ rot"(rqDff'd Required I Satuty Maruin(psl) I (psi)I Hoso Flow Node j (spm) Static (psi) Residuel tet Flow(os \t (oDm) .00 o 0.000 500.00 98.181 I 199.02 28.790 | 69.391 Alan W. Bruch, Proj€d Manager W€8tem States Fir€ Proteclkrn Co. Nicet Lev€l lll Reglstration f 1 08440 MAR 28 2005 Sprinkler System Layout Signalure f,'1$'*,.i, 15107 c;.i.c rn I c9q9!r.--Ar- i*iucn I P.M. WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION COMPANY Pndr lffio3o3-ts2-Oo2z | 117 7026 S. TUCSOT{ WAY 30$.792-0239 CENTENNIAL, CO 80112 al.brucht@twF.us ctt 4tu [,o M.E.e.cAo, tnc.n AutosPRtNK@ vR4 v4.0.45 O3lO2fr2OO5 1:08:58PM Page 1 flry Job Numb€r: 15107 Pe -0.415 7.702 11.628 20'-01, 15.90 19',€ 18.912 1 7' -7 %t. T 437' -8%\, BF P, S 7 .967 1 1 .996 5 7 20'-o% 15.840 7 .702 20'6%. 20'a% 11.628 Pe -0.415 20'ay.11.996 T(5 I eaual Inside Diamet€r \ n t -\@l =rao.i Value Of C 100 130 1'O 150 Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 Light Hazard fi,,ou.e.e.cno, tnc.3 AutosPRtNK@ vR4 v4.0..+5 OAO2aOOS 1:09:mPM f;ffi Job Numb€n 15107 Report Doscription: Light Hazard ALV AngV b BaM BFP BV cp19 Cr CV D€IV DF\r' E EE Eel Ee2 I FOC E EE flg FN fT s GloV GV Hose HV Hyd LtE mecT Noz P1 P2 PIV PO PrV PRV red s sCV spr st T Alsrm Valve Angle Valve Bushing Ball Valv€ Bacmow P|evonter Butterfly Vahre cross Flow Tum 90' Coupling Cross Run Check Valve Delug€ Vahre Dry Pipe Valve 90" Elbow 45" Elbow 11Y; Elbo 22:A:'Elbwr Flol Device Fire D€partment Connec{ion 90" Firelock(n ) Elbow 45" Fir€Lock(TM) Elbow Flange Floating Node Firelock(IM) Tee Gauge Globe Valve GaF Valve Hos€ Hos€ Valve Hydranl Long Tum Elbow Mechanical Tee Nozzle Pump In Pump Out Post Indicaling Valve Pipe Outlel Pr€ssure Reli€f Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Reducsr/Adaotar Supply Swing Check Valve Sprinkler Strainer Tee Flo,v Turn 90'Tr Te€ RunU Union WilF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Olam€ter lnch Elevation FootFlow SpmDischarge spmVelocity fps PEssure psi l€ngth Foot Friciion Loss Dsi/Footf{WC Hazen-Williams Constrntn Total p]€ssur€ at a point in a PiPePn Normal pFssure at a point in a pipe Pf Pressure loss du€ to friction between points Pe Prcssurs due to elevation difiarence between indicated R Velocity pFssurB at a point in a pip€ AO ArmOverBL Brandr Lin6 CM Cross Main DN Drain DR DropDY Dynamic FM Feed Main FR Feed Rber MS Mbcellaneous OR Outrigg€r RN Rber Nipple SP SprigST Stand Pip6 fu,oM.e.e.ceo, tnc.[nutosentHxo vR4 v4.0.45 OilOzncf,s 1:09:ffiPM ru Job Numb€r 15107 rlotion: Lhht Hazad Supply at Node 150 135 1m 105 g. grt s eo 45 o5o 100 200 300 400 450 500 150 m 360 Wdr novr, gp|n I Statlc I ,r€8suft 100.(m -600.(no90.(x)c 1 n.7g 99.02 wlth hoss stream8-- I fimG'|r|l Supply at Node I 100.(x)0 500.00 @ 9o.ooo ArnhrrTrr..lT-! 98.181 @ 199.02 99.02 @ 28.790 lltn O.||rd (ltt.||(liC tb. llrttt 199.02 @ 28.790 A,.otu.r.p.cno,tnc. lrutospRtlxovR4y4.o.4s OilcznOOS 1:09:03PM Psgo 4 ffi Job Numbor 15107 Repon Ooocdptlon: Lbht Head 7111< z 1t 1z q lr > *+ IIIItVlltltl nl $] It ----..-..---.--_- ^ rrp(!, @,om.e.e.ceo, na ! eurspmnxo \rR4 rr|.o.4s O3//U}J2OOS 1:08:(XPM Pago 5 I I I I I I Central Fire Pr?' .ion Co"rtractr?$ rnc.I ,'3JJ;,'3*:*fl'#:;t ,fi;J,'i,';:.T1,, I olorado State Registration # 004 I I WNDSTREAM C OND OMINTUMSI .ilif"%mffio%* AND F'QTIIPMT'NT SURMITTAT,S RF'..SURMITTAT. 5-r1{)3 I I t I t I I I t I I I Windstream Condominiums Drawing Date : 5-20-03 HYDRAUIJIC DESIGD{ INFORI{ATION STIEET Job Name: llindgtrearn Condoniniuns Locati-on: 4295 Columbine Dr. Vail Colorado s /20/ 03 L5:43 Drawi-ng Date: 5-20-03 Contractor: CENTRAI. FIRE PROTECIION 10775 E. 51st STREET DENVER, CO 80239 COLORADO STATE #OO4Designer: DLC Calculated By: SprinkCAJ,C CSC Systems e Design Construction: Wood Conbusti-ble Reviewing Authorities: Vail Fire Dept. Occupancv : Res idential Remote CONARACTORS INC. Area Number: Telephone: 1 (303)576-81s7 I I I T T I I I I T T t I t 0.100 160 100 0 sq ft sq ft 9prn gpm SYSTEM DESIGN Code: NFPA Area of Sprinkler Operation Density (gpm/sg ft) Area per Sprinkler Ilose Allowance Inside Hose AlLowance Outside System Type: V|IET Sprinkler or Nozzle Make:VfKING Model:M-QR Orifice:1-/2 K-Factor: 5.50 Temperature Rating: 155 Hazard: RES CALCULATION SUIO4ARY 4 Flowinq Outlets gpm Required: 237.5 psi Required: 68.8 G Base of Riser WATER SUPPIY Water Flow Date of Test Static Pressure Residual Pres At a Fl-ow of ELevation Locati-on: Pump Data Rated Capacity 0 Rated Pressure 0.0 Elevatio.n . 0 Make: Model: Tank or Reservoir Capacity 0 ga1 Elevation 0 Test 4- 9-03 12L .5 psi 46.8 psi 1233 gpn 0rt gpm psi Well Proof Flow o gpn Source of Information: SYSTEM VOLUME 80 Gallons Spruce St. Eagle County Water,/ CFP Notes: ffi'Xl*+\ I.I'VSLIg s.zt,93 -t'r.' Windstream Condominiums Drawing Date:5-20-03 5/20/03 1-5:43 I IInRAITLIC CAICTTLATION DEIAILS HIDRAUIJIC FI6IV IPSS I QEI DESCRIPTION IJENGTTI C ID !'PN P3i TOTALS T Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area I 66 5t!'4 psi I L Pipe 4" DIxl-8 DUCTTLE IRON PIPE 100' 140 4.155 66 0.1 I 1 2rr" Flngd Back Flow Val-ve FEBCO '85 CHART LOSS 66 3.7 Elevation Change 7'6" 3.2 I 3 2" Grvd eo El1 ni."-ro.ilixed Flow t""toirT"ilottil#, 1:: *T., I L 2k" Grvd 90 Ell- Fire-Iock 6' L2O 2-469 766 0.6 1 Pipe 2rl" DFx50 AILTED 8' 120 2.703 L66 0.5 I L 24" Grvd Butterfly Valve VfC "705W" 5' I2O 2.469 166 0.5 I 1- 4" Flngd Tee 201 LzO 4.026 L66 0.2 1 2lu" Grvd Tee Fire-lock 12' LzO 2.469 L66 1.1 r 1 Pipe 2*" DFx50 ALLIED 4' tzo 2.703 166 0.3 I Fixed FIow DOMESTIC DEMAND 72 gPm Total Loss for Through Riser 14.4 pai a Hydr Ref BoR Required at Base of Riser 238 68.8 pai water Source121.5 psi static, 46.8 psi residual G 1233 gpm 238 gpm 118.0 pei SAFETY PRESSURE {9.2 paiI I Available Prelaule of 118.0 psi Exceeds Required Preggura of 68.8 psi r lltrig ia a erfety nargin of 49.2 pai or 42 * of Supply I Maximum water Velocity is L6.2 fps I I I I l T I t I'' Windstream Condominiums Drawina Date:5-20-03 I LEcElfD 5/20/03 L5:43 I HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. I K FACToR Flow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) : K x -\/P SIZE Nominal size of pipe. I fD Actual internal diameter of pipe I C Hazen lrfilliams pipe roughness factor TYPE Type or schedule of pipe - # FrTS number of fittings as follows: I 90 - 90 deg Ell 45 - 45 deg 811 T - Tee LT - Long Turn 90 EIlr sPEc - Fitting other than above or fitting with hydraulic equivalent length specified by manufacturer. I Pt Total- pressure (psi) at fitting t Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = 1 x 4.52 x (Q/C)^1.85 / ID^4.87 I Pe Pressure due to change in elevation I where Pe : 0.433 x change in elevation ' Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 x Q"2/ID^4 I Pn Normal pressure (psi-) I where Pn : Pt - Pv Pdrop Pressure loss in pj-pe rise or drop to an open head. I Phead Pressure at an open head. I EL,EV elevation from branch tee to open head. ' PIPE pipe length from branch tee to open head. FITS fitting equivalent length from branch tee to open head. r NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.001, gpm. Pressures are listed to 0.01 psi. Addition may vary by 0.01 psi due to accumulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA 13 edition, - Veloci-ty Pressures are not considered in these CaLculations - Path #1 is from the most remote head back to the water source. - Later Paths are from the next most remote head back to previously defined paths I I I t t T I I T t I I W indstream Condomin iums REMOTE ARE.A *1 Drawing Date:5-20-03 IJENGTII FEEE 5/20/03 L5:43 PAGE 1 PRESSITRA BRADICE LrNE St M!r!ARY EO HEAI) srprg (GPD')PTPE #oE' Frrs Pt Pf Pe I ITID REF OUTLET r FACTOR PIPE srzE 90 45 ID :! LT C TYPE OTHER PIPE VEI.,OCTrI FIETINGS IOSS PSI/ET IOTAI. AIJVATION Pt Ptr EL,EV PT PdToP PIPE Pn Ph6ad FflS I PATB 1 FROM IIIDRAT'LTC RETTRENCE 1 TO W (PRIIART PATH) t I I I T I I REF E1 I RrF rr l_ rt l_. 055" 150 MX L'" L.29L" 150 MX I'" L.29L" L50 MX Ltl" L.29L" 150 ID( Ittu L.29r" 150 r,D( 1r,' L.527" 1-50 r4x gPa U PATH 1 HEAD 1 16.0 0.10 gpm/sq ft K= 5.50 15.0 REF D2 15.0 PATH 2 K= 5.28 32.0 REF D3 16.3 PATH 3 K= 5.22 48.3 REF D4 PATH 4 L7 .2 K= 5.34 65.5 REF D5 8 t 5' 7 t 7u 15'11' 7t5rl 0rt 7'5* 3r9rl 0n 3'9" 'l2t o" 0' 7210u 8 | 9'I 9 t 1', 17'10' 50'3" 33'3" 83 t 6.' t(= 8.88 6Afnce?r. J Ltle0.056 0. 90" 0.0 7.9 fps 9.20.07s 0. 60" 0.0 12.0 fps 9.7 0. 160 0. 6 0' 0.0 16.2 fps 10.30.28L 20.30' 0.0 1,6.2 fps 30 - 60.281_ 5 - 00'r 0.0 11. 6 fps 35. 50.L24 l_0. 4 19'4" 8.4 8.3 -!2"-o.2 L2" 8. 5 36' 0010 0 5000 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0010 065. 5 65.5 65.5 5d.4 pai I PATIT 2 FROM ITIDRAT,LIC REFERENC:E 2 TO D2 t HEAD 2 16.0 0.10 gpn/sq ft K: 5.50 16.0 REF D1 1n 1. 055* 150 MX L'" 7.291. 150 MX {rpD 5-9 fps 0. 055 0,t 4.0 fps 0.02L 0' 8.5 o.'1 U.U 9.2 0.0 0.0 9.2 pei 0010 U 0000 4t 6u 7 | 7tt 'J-2 | J." 8" 0' 8" K= 5.28 8.5 -L2" 0. 0 1-2"8.5 91" I I REF D2 16.0 16.0 0 PATB 2 I I Windstream Condominiums Drawing Date : 5-20-03 RBIO]IE ARE.A *1 5/20/03 L5:43 PAGE 2 PRESSI'RE BRINCH LINE SUM}IARY TO EEAD EIOIC (cPr{)PIPE #or FIIS I,ENGl!H E'EET tr3D REF OU'III.,ET K FACIOR PTPE srzE 90 a5 ID TLT C TTPE OTTTER PIPE VEIPCITI FITTINGS IPSS PSI/FE IOTAL EI..EVATION Pt Pt Pf Prt Pe Pn Pn ELE\I Pdrol) PIPE Ph€ad FITS I I I t I I I t I PATH 3 EBOM HIDRAUI.,IC REFEREIICE 4 lro D3 HEAD 4 16.3 1" 0 0 0.10 gpn/sq ft 1.055" 1 0K= 5.50 16.3 150 Mx REF D3 16.3 gpm 0 PATE 3 fi= 8 r 1fi 7 | 7u 15'8' 5.22 6.0 fps 0.057 0,t U.U 0.9 0.0 9.7 pai 8.8 -L2"0.1 L2"8.8 9l-" PATE a FROII EIDRAITLIC REFSRENCE 3 IO Dl HEAD 3 'l_7.2 1n 0 0 0. 11 gpm/sq ft 1. 055' 1 0K= 5.50 I7.2 150 Mx REF Drt 17.2 gpn 0 PAIH { f,= 4 t 8tl 7 tTtl L2t 3" 5.34 6.4 fps 0.063 0rt 9.6 NR 0.0 10.3 psi 9.6 -L2u-0.2 L2"9.7 36" I I I I I I I I I I gF$5b Fgs* 5[55P o go dg 98'3 =: o tssHf EFg a xa* 3ea.u. $ddg FgF r E"c 0 FUFNOOo€tEe.E o. 9A5gF8 o-" >''=o .EEoco 6!t E, o33 Egq EEO5'E?i-= r-r =' () ErI: .d >iZgt!vta cLco 6 (tlo I I I I I I I I I oo lg E I I I I t t I IJ; - * Windstream Condominiums Drawing Date:5-20-03 5/20/03 75:56 }TYDRAT'IJIC DESIEI INFC'FMATIODI SBEETt Job Name: Tlindgtrer'n Condoiniune f Location: 4295 Colunbine Dr. I Vail Colorado Drawins Date: 5-20-03 Remote Area Number: 3 I Contiactor: CENIRiA! FIRE PROTECIIOII CONIRACIORS Mc. Telephone: (303)576-815? 1,07'75 E. 51st STREETr DENVER, CO 90239 COLORADO STATE #OO4 I Designer: DL,C I Calculated By:SprinkCALC CSC Systems & Design I Construction: Wood Combustible Occupancy: Residential I Reviewing Authorities:Vail Fire Dept.I SYSTEM DESTGN I code:NFPA 13 I itii'li ui; Hose Allowan I Hose Alfowan Hazald: RESTDENTIAL System Tlpe:wET nkler Operation sq ft I Sprinkler or Nozz1e /sq ft) 0.100 | Make:VIKING Model:M-QR Area per Sprinkler 160 sq ftl oxi-fice:7/2 K-Factor:5.50 ce Insi-de 100 gpm I Temperature Rating:155 ce Outside 0 gpm CALCULATION SUMMARY 1 Flowing Outlets I sPm Required : 188.0 psi Required: 30-9 @ Base of Riser WATER SUPPLY I Water FIow Test II Date of Test 4-9-03 | RatedStatic Pressure 121-.5 psi t l;":oFi:"n::" i!;3 iii Pump Data Capacity 0 gpm Rated Pressure 0.0 psiElevation 0 Make: Model-: Tank or Reservoir Capacity 0 gal ELevation 0 WelI Proof Flow 0 gpm T Elevation 0tt Location: Spruce St. Source of Informatlon: Eagle County Water/ CFP I SYSTEM voLUME 8o Gallons Notes: t I I t I t. windstream Condominiums Drawing Date:5-20-03 5/20/03 75:56 ITTDRAT'LIC CAICUIATION DETAILSI ETDRAI'LIC ETff' 'OSSI QTY DESCRIPITON LENGTH C ID gp,n pai ICIIALS t Hydr Ref W Reguired at Hyd Area 3 16 20.8 pai I Hydr Ref W Regu.ired at Hyd Area 3 30 {{.8 psi I 1 Pipe 4" DIxLS DUCTILE IRON PIPE 100' 140 4.155 L6 0.0r \ 2Lt" Elnqd Back Flow valve FEBCO "85 CHART LOSS l-5 3.1- Elevation Change 7'6" 3.2 I Fixed FIow tnside Hose Stream 100 gpn I 3 2" Grvd 90 El1 Fire-lock 15' 120 2.067 115 2.2 1 2t" Grvd 90 El] Fire-lock 6, 120 2.469 1l-5 0.3 I 1 Pipe 2'1" DFx50 AII,IED Bt 1,20 2.'703 116 0.3 I 1 2t:" Grvd Butterfly Val-ve VIC "705W', 5, L2O 2-469 1-16 0.3rr' 1 4 " Flngd Tee 20' L2O 4 .026 116 O . 1L 2h" Grvd Tee Fire-Iock 12, I2O 2.469 116 0.6 I I Pipe 21e" DEx50 AILIED 4, L2O 2.703 116 0.1 I Fixed Fl-ow DOMESTIC DEMAND 72 qpm Total Loss for Through Riser 10.1 pai I Hydr Ref BOR Required at Base of Riser 188 30.9 psi I water source121.5 psi static, 46.8 psi residual G 1233 spn 188 gpm __1113 "rtI 'AFETY PREssuRE ===;;:; n". I Awailable Pressure of Lt9.2 pai Exceeda Reguired Pr€aaure of 30.9 psilhis ie a aafety uargin of 88 -2 paj' or 74 * of SuppJ.y I Maximum Water Velocity is 5.9 fps I I I I I I I I I - . Windstream Cond.ominiums Drawinq Date:5-20-03 5/20/0s L5:56 I.EG'END I HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. I K FACTOR FIow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/PSIZE Nominal size of pipe. I ID Actual- internal diameter of pipe I C Hazen Williams pipe roughness factort TYPE Type or schedule of pipe # FITS number of fi-ttings as follows: I 90 - 90 deg 811 45 - 45 deg El1 T - Tee LT - Long Turn 90 811 I SPEC - Fitting other than above or fitting with hydraulic equivalent length specified by manufacturer. - Pt Tota1 pressure (psi) at fitting I Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting - wherePf=1x4.52 x(Q/C)^1.85/ID^4.87 _ Pe Pressure due to change in elevatj-on where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation I Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv : 0-001123 x Q^2/ID^4 I Pn Normal pressure (psi) I where Pn = Pt - Pv Pdrop Pressure Loss in pipe rise or drop to an open head. Phead Pressure at an open head. I ELEV el-evati-on from branch tee to open head. t PIPE pipe length from branch tee to open head. FITS fitting equivalent length frorn branch tee to open head. I NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.00L qpm. Pressures are listed to I 0.01 psi. Additi-on may vary by b.Of psi due to accumulation ofa round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA 13 edition. I - Velocity Pressures are not considered j-n these Calculations I - Path #1 is from the most remote head back to the water source. - Later Paths are from the next most remote head back to previously defined paths t I a I ! I T fl os PIPE FITS I l I llindstream Condominiums Drawing Date: 5-20-03 REMOIE AREA *3 5/20/03 15:56 PAGE 1 PRESST'RE BRA}TCH I.INE SU!a|AR:T TO HEAD EIOTT (GEn) I..EIIGTH FEET Pt Prr Frr Pt Pf P€I IIXD REF OUTI.ET X FACTOR PIPE srzE 90 45 ID TLT C TIPE OTEER PIPE \IEIOCITY AITTINGS IPSS PSI/FT TOTAT EI..g1'ATION Pr| EtE\t Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS I PATH 1 EROM H':IDRAI'I.IC REFERENCE 5 IO W (PRITIART PATH) t I HEAD 5 16.0 0.10 gpn/sq ft K= 5.50 15.0 REF 2 1' 1.055" 150 MX 1. 055' 16.0 150 MX Irt<" 1, -29L' 16.0 150 MX 7t7" 1.29L" 16.0 150 MX 1l{* L.297" 16. 0 150 r,D( 1k" 1,.29'1,'l 16.0 150 MX 1+4" 7.29I" 16.0 150 MX L'" L.52'7" 16. 0 150 MX 15.0 96ru 8.3 -L2" -0.2 12" 8.5 36' 0000 n 0010 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0010 0 6000 11'11' 5.9 fps 8.3 0" 0.055 0.7 l_1'11" 0* 0.0 416t' 5.9 fps 8.9 7 t 7" 0.055 0.7r2'L" 0" 0.0 8tr 4.0 fps 9.60' o.o2l 0.0g' 0' 0.0 7'5' 4.0 fps 9.6 0" 0.021- 0.2 7,5* 3'9' 4.0 fps 9.8 0" 0.021 0.13'9" 0" 0.0 7210" 4.0 fps 9.8 0" 0.021 1.572tO" 0' 0.0 8'9' 4.0 fps 11.3 9'1' O .O2L 0. 4 l_7'l_0" 0" 0. 0 50'3' 2.8 fps LI .7 33'3" 0. 009 0 .8 83'6' Lg'. 4" I .4 l(= 3.50 2O - 8 psi I REF D1 I REF D2 I REF D3 t T REF D4 I REF Ds I REF El I REFw 0 PATIT 1 I I t I r<s<a-At!tt95o-=t?toqo:a60x+ 3a5gP o goG' d9 98'3 5' E 3o E$gHFE '=J HgH a xs*9eea = a 1aa ABgE- -Tt E ='3gd so"(t E d O.a/)F69N@(O!troDvro o 9A5 FF8o">.'= o.Eloro 6EE .D33 E;-i F =o 5'= ='n-r-='(rrrE.d >€ QT CIEo an oo ('ro t t I I I lu I I l$*6" T3 I I I I I t I I I - I ' Windstream Condominjums Drawing Date:5-20-03 5/20/03 L6:59 I TIIDRAI'LIC DESIGN INE'.IORMAIION SHEEI r Job Name: lfindetrean Condoniniuas I Location: 4295 Colurnbine Dr.r VaiI Colorado Drawing Date: 5-20-03 Remote Area Number: 2 I Contractor: CEI|TRjAI. FIRE PROTECITON CONIRACTORS rNC. Telephone: (303) 576-8157 I 10775 E. 51st STREET DENVER, CO 80239 COLORADO STATE #OO4 I Designer: DLC Calculated Bv : SprinkCALC I consrructi.", ;::otlil.iili.io?E"tn" occupancy:ResidenrialI Reviewing Authorities:Vail Fire Dept. I ::::::.::'l:.HazaTd: RESIDENTIAI System Tlpe:WET I Area of Sprinkler Operation 2 sq ft I Sprinkler or NozzleI Density (qpn,/sq ft) 0.l-00 | Make:CSC Model:GBR Area per Sprinkler 150 sg ft Orifice:1/2 K-Factor:5.40 I Hose Allowance Inside 100 gpm I Temperature Rating:l55 t Hose Allowance Outside 0 gpm I - CAICULATION SUMMARY 4 Flowing Outlets I gpm Required: 249.2 psi Required: 95.6 G Base of Riser WATER SUPPLY t Water Flow Test Date of Test 4-9-03 I Static Pressure 121 .5 psiI i;":oFi:-':;" 1!;3 8iiElevation 0" Pump Data Rated Capacity 0 gpm Rated Pressure 0.0 psi Elevation 0 Make: Model: Tank or ReservoirCapacity 0 ga1 Elevation 0 Well Proof Flow 0 gpm I Location:Spruce St. Source of Informati-on: Eagle County Water/ CFP I sYsrEM voruME 8o GaJ.lons Notes: I I I t I rpsg Psi I I t I ItI I I I I I I I I I I I I I T Windstream Condoniniums Drawing Date : 5-20-03 HARAITLIC CALCULAIION DEIAILS s/ 20/ 03 76:59 ITIDRAULIC I'I.OI9 LENGTI! C ID gPDOTI DESCRIPTION Hydr Ref W Required at HYd Area 2 1 Pipe 4" DIx18 DUCTTLE IRoN PIPE 100' 140 4'155 ! 2h" ELngd Back Flow Valve FEBCO "85 CHART LOSS Elevation Change 7'6" Fixed Flow Inside Hose stream 3 2" Grvd 90 811 Fire-lock l-5' 120 2'067 L 2h" Grvd, gO EII Fire-lock 5' L2O 2'459 1 Pipe 2L" DFx50 ALLIED 8' L2O 2.703 I 2r" Gxvd Butterfly Valve vlc "705w" 5' L2O 2'469 1 4.' Flngd Tee 20' tzo 4.026 1 2t" Grvd Tee Fire-lock L2' 720 2'469 1 Pipe 2r:" DFx50 AL,LfED 4' 1'20 2"103 Fixed Flow DOMESTIC DEMAND Total Loss for Through Riser Hydr Ref BOR Required at Base of Riser Water Sourcel2l-.5 psi static, 45.8 psi residual 0 1233 gpm SAFETY PRESSURE Available Pr€raute of tt7.6 pai Exceedc Required Presaur€ rhis is a laf€tynargin of 22. 1 pei or 19 t of Sugply Maximr:m lilater Velocity is 19.1 fps EOTALS 79.9 pai77'17 0.l-.11 2 0 5.2 100 gPm Ll'l 4.8 L77 0. 6 r'77 0. 6 L'77 0. 6 I'I'7 0.2 1.77 L. 3 L77 0.3 72 gpm 15.? Pai 249 95.6 Pei 249 gpm 11?.6 Pai 22.L Pci of 95.6 Pai I hlindstream Cond.ominjums Drawing Date:5-20-03 5/20/03 L6:59 I I,EGEND I HyD REF Hvdraulic reference- Refer to accompanying flow diagram.r K FACTOR FIow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P SIZE Nominal size of pipe. I rD Actual internal diameter of pipe I c Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor TYPE Type or schedule of PiPer # FITS number of fittings as follows: I 90 _ 90 deg Ell 45 _ 45 deg 811 T _ Tee LT - Long Turn 90 Etlr sPEc - Fitting other than above or fitting with hydraulic I pr roral ,:3::Ii:"?i"1i"3lnriff;i;'"o bv manuracturer' t Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf : 1 x 4.52 x (Q/c) ^1'.85 / ID^4.87 I Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pv VelocitY Pressure (Psi ) where Pv : 0.001123 x Q^2/ID^4 I Pn Normal pressure (psi) t where Pn : Pt - Pv Pdrop Pressure loss in pipe rise or drop to an open head' I Phead Pressure at an open head. I ELEV elevation from branch tee to open head. PIPE pipe length from branch tee to open head. FITS fitting equivalent length from branch tee to open head. I NOTES: I - pressures are balanced to 0.001 gprn, Pressures are listed to I 0.01 psi. Addition may vary by 0.01 psi due to accumulation of round off '- Calculations conform to NFPA 13 edition. I - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these CalculationsI - path #1 is from the most remote head back to the water source. - Later Paths are from the next most remote head back to previously I defined paths I I I I I I t I t t Windstream Condominiums Drawing Date: 5-20-03 REIIIOTE AREA *2 5/20/03 L6:59 PAGE 1 PRESSI'RE BR]ANCH LINE STTO|ART TO HEAD EIrOW (GPD') #oF PIPE FIIS I,E}IGTH FEET Pg Pv Pn Pt Pf Pe t H'IID RET OUfI..EI K FACTOR PIPE srzE 90 {5 ID !LT C IIPE OTHER PIPE FITTINGS TOTAI., \'EI..OCITY IOSS PSI/FT EIJVATION Pa Pdro1r Phead ELE\t PIPE E.ITS I PATH 1 FROTI TIIDRAULIC REFERETTCE 9 TO W (PRIIIARI PATE) I I t I I I I HEAD 9 1-8.0 1" 0. 11 gpn/sq ft l-. 055' K: 5.40 18.0 150 Mx REF 23 20.I 1rl PATH 4 l-. 055" K= 5.40 38.1 15O lo( REP 22 !'" L.52'7^ 38.1 150 MX REF A2 39.2 T"4" PATH 2 L.29'J,' K= 8.2I '77 .2 1-50 Mx REF B Ltl" 1.297" 77 .2 150 tO( REF EI L'" L.527" 77.2 l-50 MX 10 20 0 0000 0 00l_0 0 3000 0 2210 0 0000 0 00nn 70 00 23t 2" L6'.7" 39'10" t2,9" 18 | 2" 30'10" 9t7" 0' 9'7u 9r3" 9 | L' l-8,4' 14',8" L3'7 " 88r4" 7" n|l 7" 1t8' 0tt l- t 8' 30|L" 39t3" 69'4u fi= 8-5tl 6.7 fps 0.069 0tt 14.1 fps 0 .2'16 0' 6-7 fps 0.045 0' 1-9.1 fps 0.382 0tt 19.1 fps 0. 382 0' 13.? fps 0.168 0tt 11.1 z. t 0.0 ,I? Q 8.5 0.0 22.3 0.4 0.0 22.8 '7.O 0.0 29.8 0.0 63. 5 0.1 0.0 63. 6 0.3 0.0 Ll_.1 0.0 11.1 I REF Br, I REF B2 I REF rf I L+1" 1 .527"7'7.2 150 r,D( I''' L.52'7"77.2 150 MX 71 .2 gpD 13.7 fps 0. 168 0" 13.? fps 63.9 0. 168 1-L.7 l0' 1" 4 .40 PATH 1 79.9 pai I I I I II ' Iljndstream Condominiums Drawing Date:5-20-03 5/20/03 16:59 RE}TO:TE AREA *2 T I EI.oIV # OF I..ENGTH(cPM) PrPE Frls EEE! PAGE 2 PRESSURE BRAIiICH I,INE SI'MAR:T TO TTEAD I crrr Pt Pt Pn Er'E\t I rD r LT FrrrrNcs ross Psr,/Fr Pf P\t PdloP PrPE K FACTOR PIPE C TYPE OTHER TOIAI' EI.,TVAIION PE PN PhEAd FI'!g PATH 2 FROM ITIDRAT'I.IC REEERENCE 10 TO A2 II 7 '2 fPs 1'2 '9 L2 '9r 0.12 gpm/sq ft 1.055' l- O 10'7" 0.0?9 L-2 0'0 K= 5.a0 Lg.A 150 M( O 14'9" o" 0.0 r2'9 I REF 21 19.8 1" o 0 8'5" 1-4.5 fps 14.1' PATH 3 1.055" 1 o 'lt'l'' 0.290 4-6 I K= 5.27 39.2 150 l'D( 0 15'l-1" 0" 0'0 Ir REF 20 L+4" o o 1t9" 9.7 fps 18.7 L.29L' l- 0 9'1" 0.1-09 L.2 I 3g.z 150 Mx o 10'10" o" o. o I REF A1 Ltt" O 0 l-7'8' 9.7 fPs l-9. 9 I I.29L" 1 O 9'1' 0- 109 2.9 I 39.2 150 Mx o 26'9" o" o.o REF A2 39.2 gPn PATII 2 fi= 8.21 I PAIH 3 FROM EYDRiAUI'IC REEEREITCE 11 TO 21 22.8 psj. It ?'3 fPs 13'4 13'4 0.12 gpm,/sq ft 1.055" 1 0 7'1u 0-082 0'7 0'0 I K= 5.ib fg.e 150 Mx 0 8'3' 0n 0.0 13'4 r REF 21 19.8 gpn PAEII 3 !(= 5.27 14.1 pai-- I pArH 4 FRou ErDRAttLrc REttRENcE 8 ro 23 I fPs 13'8 13'8 I 0.13 qpn/sq ft 1.055" O O O" 0.084 0.0 0'0 - 1'-K= 5.40 20.1' 150 MX O 3rr 0" 0'0 l-3'8 t REF 23 20.1 gpn PAIH 4 f,= 5.{O I I I 13.8 pai g*8 =Hrgsff s Fa3r\r d9e3"3 =:E 3q EHg$F?rt H gn p 6 H*; eEE.E a -{.av E +E€ 3gE s an"U'g d NxFr(OO) EEE 9A3 4F8o " >"=o -BEGIG)ct€!to3= Ex'i FYO 5'E =q-- F;'E.E =!E!a CLcoI l t I T t T I I t lg rg I I I I I I I I /FEECA BACKFLOW PREVENTION DOUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY I t^ l' I I I I I I Characteristics Physical Properties Size of Mainline Max. Working Pressure Hydrostatic Test Press. Temperature Range End Connections Materials Main Valve Body Coaling Shut Otf Valves Trim Elastomer Discs Spring Clamp Application Non-Health Hazard 21lz' , 3, 4' , 6", 8", 10" 175 PSI (1200 KPa) 350 PSI (2400 KPa) 32o Fto 1400 F (0o C to 600 C) Flanged ANSI 816.1 Class 125 Ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 Fusion epoxy coated internal and e)dernal, AWWA C550-90 NRS resilient wedge gate valves AWWA C509 Bronze EPDM Slainless steel AWWA 606 MODEL 850 DOUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY Agency Compliance . Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. - 21lz' - 8' (Horizontal & Verlical Up) . ASSE ( Std. 1015) - 2112" - 8" (Horizontal & vertical Up), 10' (Horizonlal) . ANSI/A\{WA (C510-89) - 21lz' - 8' (Horizontal & vertical Up), 10" (Horizontal) . CAN/CSA (864.5) - 2'l2" - 8' (Horizonlal & vortical Up) . cUL - 2v1 - 8" (Horizontal & vertical up) . FM Approved' - 2'12' - 8'(Horizonlal & vertical Up) . UL Listed. - 21lz' - 8' (Horizonlal & Vsrtical Up) ' Less gates not FM approv€d. Less gatss nol UL llsted unless Install€d wllh UL listed gate valv€s. Options \ E] UUFM OS&Y RW Gate Valvest E Wye-Strainer U.S. Patent No. 4,989,635 2Vz" and 3"t I I I I I I Model 850 Flow Curves 6" Minimum Refer to Local Codos -a) J o'i =o i] q) I -u) vtu ta I .uo.T- o 4OO GPM o Elr MODEL 850 VERNCAL INSTALLATION I 4" and 5" 5OOO GPM MASEER" I Model 850 T t I r l--* I ) tl (iil€trlc'MM) NET NET r (ks) Gs)a I 80 1063.63 6so'88 w 'og 260'35 114'30 197'33 96 97 r 1oo 1174.7s 71120 ;65'ii 260'35 139'70 206'38 131 '142 r .l!i iiii..ao rylz.u ;;r;.n gso'zo 16s'10 ?!o'83 2o4 u4 200 rosr.oo rooo.+s ig6'so iso'ae 1';7'80 282'5a 323 351 I ;;, iil.oe iin'gi osi'so 3e6'88 228'60 314'33 445 4s0 I ' wtn NRS Gato valves Note: Dim€nsions are nominal' Allowanc€s musl be made for normal manulacturlng tolerances' Dimensions and Weights (U.s. - Inchos) ) J NET NET (lbs.) (lbs.) 4111. 46Vr 56 G) 7251a %% I 34.ell 41elt 463h 1261a 12th 14tlc 18?h x31h 2Vlz 1OYr 1OVr 10r/r 13 15fl0 155/a 41lz 4tlz a> 12 tt'r2 a Vla b'13 Y'ra 1 1Vo l?6la 199 211 288 ,l150 711 980 203 213 31? 4.94 773 1080 Materials of Construction S50ToPVlew I t I FEBCO BacHlow Ptovontlon ib. eot 8070 ' Fr6no, CA 93747-8070 ffi'z-s-ioJgr ' Fax sso 453-9030 ' www'cmb'Ind'com CI{IB Industrles' Inc. A Unltad oomlnion comPatly rcO 9001 Ccrtified iffieu oEscn r pror.r MAIqB4!9 ilr,roescElql!q!.---ig!!l!9 24.1 23 26 JO 40 41 41.1 41.2 42 60e 70 Wash€r Plated Sle€l a^|r Plated Sl6el 6*r.a EPDM ASTM D200o O-nino EPDM ASTM D20oO Back-UP Flng Aostal Rgstn ;;;, 8584 Allov cEs6oo ii]v"t" 8584 Aloy c64400 NioDlo Brass Nipplo Brasg NiDole Braas eaie Vatve AWWA C509 r,i iiare 836 Alloy C26ooO Ddvescr€w SS OatrD AWWA606 (loi Only, Not Shor n Abovo) ITEM DE$urr|r I rvN I BodY 1.1 PiPe Plug 1.2 Bushlng (21l, '4 only) 2 cover 2.1 O'Rhg 2.2 CaP Scravi' 2.3 Hsx Nut 3 Seat Flng 3.1 Gask€t 4 Arm 4.1 Bushing-Swhg Pin 4,2 Swing Pin 5 Rstaining cliP 5.1 R€lainlng CllP 6 Cheok Dbk AssY A536 GR 65-45-12 Gatu Sl€€l Brasg A536 GR 65-45n 2 EPDM ASTM D2OOO Plated Sieol Plaled StBel 8584 Alloy C$6m EPDM ASTM DzOOO 858,1Allcry C83600 Acelal Resin 3o/r ss 302 SS 302 ss EPDM Coatsd GR' 45 Ductila lron wttl rvoa 3o4 SS stom 7 Load Pin I Lwr SPdng R€lnr I Spring St3rn 9.1 Elastic StoP Jam Ntlt 10 Spdng 11 Sprtng Guide 12 UPr SPrlng R6lnr '12.1 Bushing'Spr.Slem 13 Pivot B€arlng 14 Flango Gaskot 15 B€aing Socket 16 Hs,\ Jam Nut 17 Washar t8 Flango Nut 18.1 Flang€ Nut '19 Cor'gr 24 Bolt 3o4SS I Bsa4Alloy C836oo I3o4ss I 18.8 SS I A313TYP€631SS I 8130 Alloy C22000 I Bs84 Alloy C83600 I Acetal R€sln I Bs85 Alloy C83600 |Rubbsr/Fabric I Ac€tal Resin 1&8 SS 302 ss Plated Sle€l Platsd SlEsl A36 Sl EPoxY Coatsd Plat€d Sts€l t Iil t I t I I I lf May 3, 2002 1. PRODUCT NAME Viking Microfast@ and MicrofastHpo Model M QR Pendent Sprinklers 2. MANUFACTURER The Viking Corporation 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A.Telephone: (616)94S-9S01 (877) 384_5464 Fax:(616) 945-9599 4. TECHNICAL DATA LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to Table 2 on page 41 b. Glass-bulb fluid temoerature rated to -65 "F (-55 .C). Minimum operating pressure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa). Rated Water Worklng Pre8sure: Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 066628, ffi7188, and 069328 are rated for use wlth water working pres- sures ranglng from the minimum 7 psi (218,3 kPa) up to 250 psi (1 724 kPa, for hlgh-pressure sys- tems. Hlgh-pressure (HP) sprin- klers can b€ ldentlfled by locat- ing the number "250" on the de- flector. All Other Part Nos: Maximum 175 psi (1 207 kPa) wwp. Factory t€sted hydrostatically to 5OO psi (3 448 kPa). Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974 Bufb: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,796,710 Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,931,970 Min. operating pr€ssure: 7 psi (48,3 kPa) SPRINKLER MATERIALS Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400 or UNS-C87400 Deflector: Copper UNS-C19500 for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 066628, 066668, and 067658. Brass UNS-C26000 for all other Part Nos. Bushing (for Sprinkler Base Part Nos. 067188 and 067208): Brass UNS- c36000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Tetlon@ Tape Screw: Brass UNS-C36OOO Pip Cap and lnsert Assembly: Copper UNS-C1 1000 and Stainl€ss Steel uNs-s30400 Pip Cap Attachment Brass UNS-C36O00 Sprinklers with Polyester Coatlng or Poly Flnlsh Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflono Tape! exposed Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-CI 1000 and Stainless Steel uNs-s30400 Sprinklers with Tetlono Coatlng Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Tellono Tape, exposed Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Nickel olaled. Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C1 1000 and Stainl€ss Steel UNS-S30400, Teflon@ Coated AVAILABLE FINISHES Brass, Bright Brass, Chroms-Enlof (patents pending), White Polyester (White Poly finish for Sprinkler Base Part No. 066628 only), Navajo Whiie Polyes- ter, Black Polyester, and Black Teflon@ ACCESSORTES Sprinkler Cabinets (Available since 1971): A. Six-head capacity: Part No. 017244 B. Twelve-head capacity: Part No. 017254 Sprinkler Wrenches: A. Standard Wrench: Part No. 10896W/8 (available since 2000) or 05000CW/8 (no longer avaihble). B. Wrench lor coated and r€cessed Viking MicrofastHP@ Sprinklers: Part No. 07398W. 'A %" ratchet is required (not availabl€ lhrouoh Viking). Reler to the "SPRINKLER ACCES- SORIES" section of the Viking Engi- neering and Design Data book. e-mail: techsvcs@ vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Viking MicrofasP and MicrolastHpo Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers are small, thermosensitive spray sprin- klers available with several ftnishes, temperature ratings, and orifice sizes to meet design r€quirements. The special Poly finishes and Teflono coalings canbe used in decorative apDlications where colors are desired. In addition, th€se two linishes are corrosion resis- tant and provide protection against many corrosive environmenls. The pip-cap and sealing assembly of the sprinkler is held in place by a rugged g mm glass bulb. During fire conditions, when th€ temperature around the sDrin- klor reaches ils operating temperaiure, the heal-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the bulb to shatter, re- leasing the pip-cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through th€ sprinkl€r orifice strikes the sprinkler de- flector, lorming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. I I I I T I l_ / I Not€: Units of measure in parenlheses may be approximations. Form No. F_081296 Repfaces page 41 a-b, dated Novembet 14,2OO1 (updated sprinkler materials list). Refer to technlcal data page QRl-2 for care, Installatlon, and malntenance lnformatlon. Sprinkler 41 a \IKII\G'MICROFASTAND QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS Sprlnller Tqmp€rature Cla3!lllcetlon Nomlnel Sp.lnkbr femp. Ratlno (Fu!lno Folntl Marlmum Ambl€nt ielllno Tomoeraturel Bulb Colots Ordlnarv 135 .F (57 .C)100 'F (38 .C)Oranos Ordinarv 155 'F (68 .C)100 "F (38 .C)Red lntermodiate 175 .F {79 .C)'| 50 0F 165 ocl Ysllowlnlelme.lhla u)L'F f93 "C)150 'F (65 'Cl Green Hlofi 286 'F (141 .Cl 225 "F (107 .C\BlueSprlnkler Flnl3h"": Brass, Brlght Brass, Chrome-Enlof (paonts pending), White polye+ rer (whire po-b/ finish for p/N d66628 ohry1, r,ravap Wfiit.j.p;i),;tt, eiad('poiy;,-siri,,a;dBlack Tetlons corrorlon-R6lstant coatrnoss: white potyester (white poly finish lor p/N 066628 onry),Navaio tllhite Polvester. Bla-ck Potvesie. ri"JEi"'"r.'i;i;;,id "'- 1 Based.on NFpA-I3. otrer timits may jpop.otilllf,"noing on rir" roading, sprinkrer rocarion,and other requlrements of the Authorii H:tvind Jurisd-iction. Rete; to-ipEcitic indra a:tioristandards. 2 The temperature rating is stamped on tte deflector. " I n6 corrosron-resistantcgatings have passed standard corroslon lesls rgquired bv oarticu.|ar approvtng agenctes. Heter to th8 approval chart on paoe 41 b. Thess tssts cahhot and00nor ropresenta possibte corrosive environmsnts. piiorlo installation. verifv throuoh the 919-y:9l]1gt.tn9 c?arrngs are compatbte with or suirabto for the proposed 5nviron-ment. - -t ne_coatngs ndtcated ar€ apptied to ths exposed ext_erior surfac6s 6nly.NOTE: The spring is exposed'dn sprinklerswith Teflono c&iing or pory iinishes. \IKINIG'MICROFAST AND MicrofastH QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS I t I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t Sprinkler 41 b May 3, 2002 ) Replaces page 41 a-b, dated November 14,2001 (updated sprinkler materials list). Fefer to technical data page ORl-2 for care, installation, and malntenance inlormafion. Approval Charl Microtasto and MlcrotastHPo Quick Response Pendent Sprlnklerss f- l?Tl","tu'. KEY I lf *.- i"rr[ *".ua.ppr icaur e1 | Maxlmum 175 PSI WWP Stendard OdflceThread Slze Sbrlnkler DescrlDtlon Nomlnal K-Factor Overall L.n.!th Llstlnds and Aborovals NPT BSP Base Part No.1 Nz' 12 u.s.12 metrlc8 Inches mm UL c-uL13 FM9 NYCA vds LPCB '15 mm o55628 vK!lr])8.1 A4X B4Y A4X B4Y A3X B3Y A4X B4Y A1X. Laroe Orlflce3t4'20 mm 066668 VK352 80 15 2.4 61 A2X B2Y A2X A2Y A1X B1Y a2x e2Y ctv",06765F|VK352 RO 29 74 A2Y R)Y A2X. B2Y A2X, B2Y Small Orlllc.15 mm 0671gR4 VK32O 2.9 4n 6q A)Y B?Y A'Y A2Y A2X P2Y067)oP4 VK33t 42 A2X A2Y A)Y AzY A'Y R'Y 1O mm oAq32B VK32q AO cl Maxlmum 250 PSI WWP Standard Orlllce Thr€.d Slz.DescrlDtlon Nomlnal K-Factor Overell Lonoth Llstinds NPT BSP Ba3s Part No,r Nz' 12 u,s.12 metdcB Inches mm UL c-uL13 FM NYCll vds LPCB 15 mm 066628 VK302 4.1 23 5A A4X. B4Y A4X. B4Y A4X Smrll Orltlc. J5 mm 06718Et4 VK329 2A 4.O 27 A2X, B2Y A2X B2Y azx 1O mm 06932E}vKi29 6_O 23 Approved Temp. Ratlngs A - 135'F (57'C), 155.F (68 'c), 175 'F (79 .C), 200 "F(93 'C), and 286 "F(141"C) B - 13s'F.(5z "C), 155 "F (68 "C), 175 "FOg'C), and 200 'F (93 'C)c - 1ss .F rAh .cl 1 3 4 Approved Flnlshes Brass and Chrome-Enlov@ Brass, Bright Brass, Chro'me-EnloP. Wtrita poveste/. Na- va.io White Polyeste/, Btaek potye'st6/, and Eatt< tett6n@Brass, Chrome-Enloyo, and-White Polv Finish Brass, Bright Brass, Qhrohe-EntoP. White Fotu FinishT, Na- vaio Whita Polyeste/, Black Po$aste/, and Btack Teflon@ Approved Escutcheons X - Standard surfacemountod escutcheon orlhe Viklng Mi.cgofasP Modet F-1 AdiustableEs- culcneon'- Y - Slandard surface-mountsd esculcheon or ths Viking Microfast- Model F-1 Adiustable EscutcheAnlo. oi recess€d with tra Mkino MicrormtiC M'odel E-1 or E-2 Rec€ssed E; Footnotes 1 qase part number is.shown. For complete part number, refer to viking's cu(enl price schedule.' I nls tabls shows the listin0s and approvals available at the time of printing. Otherapprovals may be in process. Check with the manufacturer lor _ any additional approvalsir +gcepled.for use, c[y of New_ York Board ol standards and Appeals, calsndar Number 219-76.sA.I Ine spnnKEr onflce ts bush6d.c Reter to lhe 'Sprinkler Accessories" section ot the Viking Enginee ng and Design Databook for tochnical data on approved escutcheons andother acc€ssories- : 11y,9-!11- Fi!1,19: ald NY.O ApprgYals limited to Light-Hazard Occupancies wirh hydraurica[y catcutared wer syslems. 1 UI-/U-UL Usted as conosion resistant.o M.etric K-Fac{or shown is tor use when pressure is measured In kPa. Whsn prsssure is measured in BAR, multiply the metric K- Faclor shown by I O.O.r l-M Approvedlor use in wetpipe sprintler systems (orj]reaclion systenis qualifying as wet systems) forpioiection of occupancies d€scribed in ,;lle Fa.ctory. Mutu,al EJ.gineering and Flessarch Loss Frevention Data Sheets and-Tectrnicdt Advisbry bulletins. 'vThe viking Microfasts' ModelF-1 Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a surface-mounted sscutcheon because itdoes notallowthe tusible ele- ,rment or me sprinkt€r to be.rec€ssed bohind th6 face of the wall or ceiling. ',Accepled for use, City of New York Oepartment of Buildings, MEA B9-9i-E, Vot XVt. ''Sprinklsr I D..Nos..and nominal U.S..K-tactors provided in-accordanco with the 1999 edition ol NFPA 13, Section 3-2.2 and Soction 3-2.3. 'rListed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for usd in Canada. Tabte 2 Quick Responso Pendent Sprinkler with a Standard 1/8" (3,1 mm) Su rlace.Mounted Escutcheon Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler l'1-1-s/1-(45 mm) Moxlmum Quick Response Pendent Sprinkler Installed with the Viking Microfasto Modsl F-l Adiustable Escutcheon Flgure 1 G Ceilfng Openlng Slzet 2-5116" (59 mm) Minimum, 2-112' (U mm\ Maximum. Quick Response Pendent Sprinklor Installed with the Viking Micromatico Model E-1 Rscessed Escutcheon t-1/2'(s2 Ulnlmumt-3h- (45 mm) Form No. F_081296 T I T) t I I I I I lo / I I I I I I I Iheciltrd l\4odelBV{R 42 &5.6l<ffir ( l10" & 1lt odficd A ii|odd BVLOAR,8.0 K-fa6r (17R? orific6), updgftt Perd€nt, and Rs. Perdent Sp|hkl€rs a|g quid( respqtse - shndad cov*age, dgcord€ dG buh tlD€ spray sprirddoc d6i$6d br rce h ligfrt & odinay hazad corffrffid occupandes sLdr 6 badcs, htrb, stppftiU rnalb d. Ttp r€eesed vealon of fis Cflhd l\lod BV{R. ffindedforuse h amslr,ith a fini$€d coilrg, Lt6 a tu,qg*n lllodd B\/R6nRRc€dEsolbheo.l (Veftd a urnerGd). The tilodd BV Rc^AR Rs6€d Esolt$eon prcvides up b 3A inch (95 rm) of btd adustrneit fqn he ftr$ pen<rent pcl0on The r*esed veaion of t|e C€ntd l\lodd B\trO{R dso ffirdedbruse Inamas wih a finiahed cdlirBL LEFS a tlvopic lrlodel [O RreedEsarffieon np tt4odel E-O Rarced Esalbeon provkJ€s up b g4 Incfi (19,1 nm) dbtd adjustnsnt from fie fush pedent pci$on. fhe adjusfrnent ptol/ided rytpss Reccsod Esolttpons rcdrrce the acqrracy b whlcfi E|e ftd fipe dope b lhe sp|hlde|s nust b€ (rrt The spdddss a|€ adlable wilh a poi/sier oodrg hat my be diliad tc oGnd tlE [b of @pp€r dloy spri{dffs bolprd H u/tidt rctld dterwbe be ofidnod YJh€n €Dgc€d b oriciive *nosphdes. Afftottgh pdl1tcter @aled sginldes have p€ssed the €tardad @ncin ffi cf tE applbatlo applotral agondes, trF b6tr€ b nci leprcsnffi\,e of d pGddo @rchr6 atflGpfte|€. Cq|seq.Enily, it b mcorrrrntted ttat th€ sd ussr b6 corEulbd u,lth r€p€ct b tho suitatilfry d fib onclon Gobiant @tirE brany gh€n oflch€ onviroiln€nt Th6 trcb d arblent Hnp*aul€, con€nbalifi of cf smicab, ard gdchemical v€lcity, stpuH b6 condd€r€d, as a mlnknwn, dmg u,i|h the concfue ndle of the cfi€mical b which f|e sprinH€{s wiil be €xpo8ed. Operafon: Ttn gass bulb contains a fuid wtri*t opands when expc€d b h€6t \ /h€n the rtrd bmperatul€ b l€act|€d, the fruld €)@nds sufidently b shafrsr O|€ ghss hib, which t|6n allows ths sprinlder b a{fn/ab & fro\,v u€br. WARMIIG TI!€ i&l BV$. & gt/L@R Uputtt,W&Rc,.MSpAAs ct6st6d/E'g,| nil.db irffiart nainahd h uryIarewfu tktunst&auudafihlpW sE r(F/ttb d tE l,lM Fne WiqAgsrlrH*nhffirbileffiof aryds auffilaving/r*dddonFdupb&snryinwhtEi,Wyd twbvi(rc. TIE ownqb rE@tt96/rfurmlfffiiltg tMrfue pffin str6rn sxl M h,pryrryffiga niltut.TlnMng @rmE€,or t sprbtkb mfliffircr slwtu b@nW r€kdva,o aw quaslirfis, Flgurel-CrosaSectlon Model BVLO-QR, Uprlght Sprlnkler $tandard Spray Updght Pendent & Rec. Pendent Sprirdders I Model BV-QR& BI/LO.SR 4.2r 5.6 & 8.O K-factor Quiek Response Standard Goverage EENTRAL ^-. -- - General Description Uprlght, Pendent & Rec. Pendent Glass Bulb Automatlc Sprlnkter Tyco Flre Products - www.cenlralsprinkler.com 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvanla i9446 -- USA Cr.rgtomer Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 3624700 / Fax: (21S) 362-5396 Tedrnlcal Servlces: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax (800) 791-SS00 "ott#i;':* DEFLEcToR GLASS BULB OPERATING ELEMENT SPRINKLER FRAME BUTTON C{SKETED SPRING ASSEMBLY PLATE (BELLEVILLE SEALI No. 1.7,0 Flgure 2 - Model BV-QR, Uprlght Pendent & Rec. Pendent Sprlnkler 1nlr8 ,0 mm) 2-1118' (52,,1nm) tttv^ttox Ytlu 3A'(9,5 mm) Min. 3/4' (19,1 mm) Max. OUTER ESCUTCHEON CEILING LINERING RECESSED SUPPORT CUP 2' (50,8 mm) Mh. MODEL BV R6dQR RECESSED ESCUTCHEON (57,2 mm) Max. 2-74' f/3,0 mn 'l-tt16' t t l) I I t I I t l') t TJ t t I t t t 1. Usted by Und€rurhes Laboratodes, Inc, - (K = 4.2 & 5.6) 2. Ustsd bi Und€rurhae' laborab#s of Canada. - (K = 4.2 & 5.6) 3. Apprw€d by FEcicry Mutual Ressarch CoDoratlon. - (K = 5.6) a. Airltrood W he City of N€v, Yo* undor MEI\ 466€2€ Vol. lll. - (K = 4.2 & 5.6) 'Pendentonlv." Only Appmvkl wlth ihe Seri€s BV RedQR (Venbd) Reoessed Escutcheon Assy. Tablc I - Laboratory Llstlngs and Approvalr, Model BV-QR nTechnical Spdnkler ldentlllcadon Number SIN C?201 - BVQR Pend (K4.2) StN C2101 - BVAR UP (K=42) SIN C3201 - BVQR Pend (K=5.6) srN c31ol - BV-QR UP (K=ss) SIN C,1201 - EN/LO{R Pend K=8.0) srN c4101 - BWO{R UP (K4.0) Appro\rds UL IJLC&GULLisbd. FM & NYCAppm/€d (Returb Table 1 - 2 The app{o\€ls aPdY only b the seruice conditixts hdisbd in he Dex$n Giieda Secdon) lfadmum Worldng Pncsure 175 psi (12,1 bar) 250 psi (17,3 bar) UL & ULC (K=5.6) Plpe Thread Connecdon 1/2 incfi NPT - (K=4.2 & 5.6) 3y4 inch NPT- K=8.0) DlscftatEB Coefrldont K= 42 GPn 64'2 (g),5 tFft /barrz) K = n6 GpM/pdrz (0,6 tFfvlrbat{z) K= 8.0 cmr/psltz (1152tPM&€'q) IqnpofdrilRdngp 135"F/5fC, 15SF,68t, 175F ngO zJ'PFtgl"c,2ffit121c Flnbh.t Sprinklec Whib PolpsE, Clrone Plabd, or NaU€l 8r6s R€c. Escrihfion: Whib Coabd, Crtrone Phed, or Brass Plabd Conoslcn Ra.hiltnt Coadngs Sprinkligc Whlta PolWebr (UL onV) H€ad Guad &YUbrShloH: GO (Guad) - (K=5.6) Up & Pend. WSC3 (erad & Sti€ld) -(K=5.6) tJP W93 (Shit*tt) - (K-5.6) Pedent (*D€',SlffilC13.0brd#) PtryCcalChrdrHca Tho illodd EVOR& Eil.o{R Updght Fend€rr & Ra F€rddlt Spdr{d€6 uffhe a dezirrcificatbn mebtant(Dn) brq@ frane ard a 3 mm bJlb. Th€ ttrc-Pi.D bufron assdnbly ls brassad ooppor. Th€ sprinlder frarte on'fice is sealed wih a gasl€ted spdng ph (B€lls/iIo S€l) mneis6rU of a betytllum nld(el dbc sprirE hat b sealed on boffr its irl3kb and outsid€ edge wih a Te0onil gaclct TtE mmFEssim screw is b|olae, & the dffirbbrass. t SPRINKLER FINISH & STYLE Temperature Ratlns Bulb Color Godg Nafural Brass Ghromo Plated Polvester Cdated Rocossod 135'F/57qC Orang€1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3"4 1,2,3*,4 155oFr68cC R€d 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,9,4 't,2,3*,4 17trFz€qo Ydb,v 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,t,4 1,2,3",4 2IXfF,W Gren 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,T,4 1,2,3",4 2WFtlXC Bue 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3',4 T It) I t t t I I l, ) p Design Criteria Thet'rodd BVQR& BVLOAR Upright Perdent & Rec. Pendont Sprinlders at€ Qnlck Resporm, Stanclard Corcrage, Spray Sprhklers lrilended brfire Hobcfron slFtams dGign€d in accodare wih the s0andard irEbna$m Rls r€cognized by tp applicable tisting dApgud agoncy. the 42 Kfacbr, Ivlodel BV{R Sprinldec (Rd. Table 1 ) arc UL & ULC lffid and f{YC Ap|o\€d fur use in a@dfico wlth cunent NFPA stanffi. TtE 5.6 Ktacior. [,lodel BV-QR SpriddoE (R6f. Tet le 1) arc LJL & ULC llEGd ild i,lYC Apptov€d frcr uss in aodmce wih ormnt NFPA sfandatds, ad FM App(nmdfa |'|ss in accodarp wih fn FM Lrc Prcvenfon tlata Shoetr The 8.0 K-Fa6r, Modd BVLO{R Sprinlders (Ref. Tabl€ 2) a|B UL & GUL lisftd br uae ln amordance wih cur€nt NFPA standards, and FM Approved fur usein a@dancEwilhtE FM LN Pmrenton Data Sheets ThelvlodelBV4R&BW@R Spdr{dss €r be used t'/ih d|y m€ilailc fi.$ qoGnlad GdbfEq\ p|wiled he madmm oting b bp of sprhld€r ddecbrdmnEin sp€dfi€d in NFPA 13 b flffiid. For l€c6sed apdi:alixE, only tE lrodel BV Re[Ul Venbd or uhnnb4 @ra.2 45.6 K-llacbr +dnkgs) ard ELO (tur 8.O K{bcbr smnklea) Receeeed EsolHsl AssgnHiee nry be (rsect t{o|E hqfib@snhvtnapq&FressdptyetMq*tulsfvag1i,at anuimf'ilionnattsl:oud bs.ffibheMondfrpTffilWDWtTpntW@W 9,ill6t€ppftg'dc''6' I lTllnstallation(A the irodd EVAR & BVI-O{R Sp.hldets m,Et be irE0alod h acodarp wih he folo'vi1g ittucdons: T@TES Do td M a1y bub typ q**lar if trc bub b dad(d t tlsp b a k d htid fidn tp d.b. Wfilt tu qt*iler heffifry,astdatbuWduMb Hieerl/'.TIE(Wroftre*buffi'Eapqoffiy 1 /1 6 lndt (1,6 mn) fat he 1 35f/57rc b Y32 indt @,4 mm) br tn zffFnntrafrng. AlsRW12td,NPf qinklrffi sla$bMvihabryEdTb14 ft,t6." (9,5b 19,ONn). Antadrurn ot(Wxtdm@e4) Flguno 3 - Model BVLGQR, Uprlgh! Pendent & I I I T I t I l. Listod W Undonflrlbrs Labomtodts, Inc. 2. Llstad bV Undorwriters Laboratorbs for use in Canada (GUL)' 3. Apppved by Factory Muttal Res€arch Corporation. I Rec. Pendent Sprinkler 2-1t8' (54,0 mm) 1-34 (9,5 ffn) ith. (283 mm) MEr. 2-1l4'(572 mm) Mln. (69,9 mm) Max. 3n/4' (82,6 mm Table 2 - Laboratory Llstlngs and Approvale, tlodel BVLO'QR SPRINKLER FINI$H & STYLE Temperahrre Rirtlns Bulb Golor Gode Natural Brasg Chrome Plated Polvester Cdated Recerged 135"F67C Onarge 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 155.F/68€R€d 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 175.FflVC Y€llrf,1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 zrF/gFc Gasl 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 25fpFt1219c Blue 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 ) I I t I I t I t f,l fiil,',,t,an'e tr hir,'J,'f- I l; I I I I I I Ip I Installation (Cont.) 21 ftfrs,. (28,5 Nlm) 6 tuque b b b tM b itrdal 12 btdt t#T $inlfus A W Wgah&NPr9p*il@F*ndtoltdDeffiindwit1dtuqEdrcbnftb, (13,4tofr,8 Nm) Annldm.n dg fr.ltu. (&,7 Nm) d fiquab irbe 6edtt itr€,F/i 3/4 it?dt NPT s,'i,nk'ers. Uleller levds d tdqE nW dIffi tl7€ $lnl@ inlef wih otsrqr.rrtt leal(N€ u inph-nstdilEsgider tbnd@,ocf,np€'lsabfu lmfrr*nt a@,snant h an Es.Mwt Pbb by txrb- q or€/-lbh,anirg tp Splnlhr. AegdUEt dE ,E6iti'r. d he qprinldaffrd'p/toslnl Step {. Uprigtrt sprinklem must be in$lled only in tr€ updgltt pcition & Fndont sginkbc rust be lnsHbd only h fr€ p€rd€nt poddm. Tho d€fr€cbr b tt b€ pilal€lb t|€ cllng, rcof, c nEtnthg s.rfacs, 6 applcabb. $op 2. Afur h€tellrE tfe BV ReslQR or ELO srppon qrp(of d|gesoidEn,6 appfrcable) om he sprlnld€r frh€ hr€eds & wift pip€ hFad s€ahnl applied b t|e pipe ttrads, hand 6ghbn the sfrinHe inb ths sprir{dor frtrrE. $ep 3. Wr€ndr |tghbn h€ sprhlder uslng or$y ttre ficllowirE ff€ncfiG: BVaR UptPerd - Comb. Wr€r|d| (1100) BVQR R*. Pend - Bvlalierd| (ltt99) BvLo{lR Up & Pend - W-Type 3 (1Ol3) B\n-OQR R€c, Pord - EL€ O,6d (10et) Wlgrfps ar€ b b€ apdild b t|€ spinklerwendr frab (R6f. Frg 2 & 3) only. sbp rl, For appllcadms usirE he BV-QR Rec P6nd6,t Spftldetq a Pt€bcdvB Cap b availaue YYt{ch hdp6 b pig\€rt &rnagB b ho sprinkle dJdrB ce{ing irdal$n or d.tilng 4dlcdon of fto fthh coatng of lho c6ilrE. Fbthe Roiecil\,e Cap o\rsfie Recffid Support Ctp and push it up\ ads untlil bcilontB od agglrBt 1h6 sprir{dor d€f€frr. AIOTE r'sf,Eestlp MiwCapmr&E h, @,t?psysfi/,,bat?€lidqdEdd*ingr SbpeAfurft€ cdlhg has b6sn 6nplsbd, rcfiEvs rd dscadfie fudivB Cap. ]f he sprlnklqh6 b€n danng€d, l€pla€ tE ent'€ sfinkler ass€n$ly. Do nof atbrnpt to nEdiv ot Epair a danagsd spdr*ler. Step 6. Prlsh the oubr ring of lhe Roc€ssod Esdjt$@n o,Br lhe R€c€ss€d Suppoft Crp. Do nc[ conthu b pnsh on fte Reesed Escut*pn $rdr hd it lifrs a coiling p€|El out of its mm€l positlon. f the Aftr Rercd Esorbtteon RirU amot be eng{€d wl0r tp Rassed Suppott Ct.tp or the Orier Recesd Esctft*|eon Ring cannot be flgag€d suffid€nlv b corrtsct ho c6iling, fie sprinkl€r fiSrE must be mpositioned. tuao lra*c*ta f Tyco rrrc I Productt The Model BVAR & BWO-QR SDdnkloF must be mairtain€d rd ssrriEd in accofdanco wih tp fulloll/iq insftrctbrs. wOTES A!€€nf€c/an M)Wt4/n n/hi$ b used b w a &tatw h*, nay dday tl:€ frna to Walion h a lIrc sltuadon. g€rac daing a fie ptffitan sys,€rrl main @ntal vatva fot n7€inbnsl:r6 tr/o,* onil?E fire gffi&ttsysgn it@tffi, penmssi:n b shrd fuiln ilE ffi fird pffirsrydwrcm.sl.hco0faittdfion tp pW atffii.a Nl rp/rprnel wlnngybffiedWUtbdtnm,/sittutdiw. Sprinldels whi$ are found tc be baklg or e$ib1ng vbible sBnB cf cofiudm rrust be redaced, Arbmatic spdnklea must ne\,€r be shipp€d or Sfd utFr€ fdr bmp€|a turBwl q€d 10(rFB8t ardfley nud ne\r€r b6 pdnbd, Cabd c@bd tr otpn/ltbe aftorcd after l€aving hd Fa€tory. Itibdified spdnldes m.rt be tedaced. Spinldeatnt hate ben epcedb cofiGir€ prcductg of conbustirn, but tra\€ not operabd, strub be rcphced f t|€y carncfl be drdetdry daned by wipirB the ryinkhrwih a ddr a by bnrsting it wih a sofr btbfle brush. Cd€ nust be o(scised b avc*, darnagg - bEfrre, &rilg, and dsr instalatbn Sprinldds &filag€d by droppirE, stiking, wlg|cfi t^,bt/6lFpags, or 0te lilc, must be rEplaced. Abo, leplace any sprinkbr lhat has a cracked hrlb orhat h6lo€f lhuid fron lts bub (R€f. Installadon S€clion). Fr€CJ€nt vlsual hsp€cforE ar€ l€co{r} mended b be initdly pstufit€d br poiFgtsr co€bd sp.lr*dors in*aH in co.rciv€ €nvlmrmonts. aftor the Irddlalbn tB b€cn cffd€fr4 b \,€fry tr€ lnbgriv cf tu pot!€sbr coatng. Theteabr, anrual ircpectbns per NFPA 25 shotdd sufice: holwver, insbd of inepecting ft'orn trte f,oor ls€|, a random sarplirE cf dco{rp vlgnl irspediorp sho-dd be rTEds. so 6 b betbr dde.mine ho 6)d sp.hHs condton dd the bE bm hbgrty oftE polyodor@ling,6 it ntay be aftdad byhecfiodv€ ddl- lirEp.6ert The C'irFr b ]€spondble fu the ircpeo- lin, b6ting, ard mainbnarEs of tlpi firE pobalon sptem ad de\rices in cornpli- ance wiFr this do.rrFnt, as vr€ as wfrh the appli:able stildads d he flalimal Flr€ ffiecdon Associaton (e.9., NFPA 25), in addilix tr he stmdads of arry d|6r aufbrides havirE iurisdldix|. Th6 irlstal[ng @nbacbr or sgirJder rarf*t r€r should b6 contacted relative to any quediorB. It is r€ommended that autoftrstic sorinlder s!4st€ne b6 insp€ded, bbd, and mairtain€d by a qualified lrEpecdon Soruice. ProdJcts maruffiJr€d by T!,8 Fte Pmducts am waranbd sol€V to the odginal Bu),er ft. bn (1 0) yers agairEt dgfecb in rnaHial and uodsnanship wh€n paid hr and properly insfiall€d and fiEintained under nonnal usg and seNice. This vrananty will €xpim ten (1O) yeas fom date of shiprn€rn by Tyto Fire Producls. llo waranty is git an for produds or componf,its rnanufacfuIEd ry cqnpanies not affiiabd by oftn€rsHp witl Tyco Fir€ ProdJcb or br prcducts sd cdnpononb which lE€ be€n €r&iad b mbus€, imgopor instalatbn, coflosion, or wtrich have ncf been lrstall€d, maintairFd, rnodlfr€d or €p€irsd ln ffidance wifl applbablo Srtandards of t|€ llatimal Firc ftotectbn Associatlon, andor the slandards cf arry d|er Auhsities Flaving Juisdkfon. [,labd* fourxt by T],to FirB Prodrcrs lo bs dtrcf\E $all be €lth€r rcpaicd ornpM, atTlco Fir€ Prcdds' sob o@n. Tlm Fke Prcdrts n€ith€r ffimes, nor auhoftec 8ny peFon to assun€ br rl, any dler obli:allrn in omecfron wih th€ sale cf proiiucts or parc ot ploduds. T]rco Fre Prodrcb shall rEt b€ eomslHe for sprinlder q/dem d€sign enss r inacc+ rato or incorndde infurla0on supdied by BuyEr or Bqe/s tepeeerilafr\es. lN tlo EVENT SFIAIL TYCO FIRE PROOUCTS BELIABLE lN COt|- IRACT, TORT, STRICT UIBIUTY OR UNDER AAIY OTHER LECiAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTA. INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAI- DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ISBOR CMRGES, REGARDLESS OF \t\tl-IETHER TY@ FIRE PROOUCTS WAS INFOR'\'ED ABOI'T THE POSSI. BILITYOFSTJCH DAMAGES, A}.ID IN I.IO EVENT S|-|AI.I ryCO FIRE PROT> UCTS TIABIL]TY D(CEED At.I AIilOUNT EQIIAL TO 1TIE SALES PRICE. EIflJlfll:ft,, fredng lnformdon: When pbcirg an oder, indiSs 0|€ frll ptoduct narn€. Fl€ffe sp€dryh€ qu4tltty, nEdd, dY€, odfice sizq bmperatne taeg, type d finbh or @1fu9, and spthkler wrend. R€fur b prico liit br cofipb l|$ing of PartNunSe|g Ttun kt a taci€,raft of iE DUM fuD PrlnHlnU.SA$1 I I I T t Model BV & BVLO 5.6 K-factor Quick Response Standard Goverage Horlzontal Sidewall Glass Bulb Automatlc Sprinkler Tyco Fire Products -- www.centralsprinkler.com 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 -- USA Cuslomer Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 | Fax: (215) 362-5385 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 EENTRAL .-tF t I I I I I t I I I I I I I Ifi rr'rsrsl lJ Description The Cenfal Ulodel BV{R, 5.6 K-factor (1lZ' oriflce), Florizontal Sidewall & Recessed Horizontal SkJanrall Sprinlders ar€ qulck r€sponse - standard coverage, glass h.rh type spray spdnklers inbnded br use in fire spdnlder sysbms designed in accodance with he standad instalb lion rules recognized by he applkxHe Lining or Appoml agency (e.9., UL Lisling is basecl on NFPA 13 rcqrire ments). Hodzontail Side$,all Spdnldem are generally used in llzu of pendent & upright sprinHerc because of buildirg constuclirn or installalion eoorrcmy onsideralirns. They are designed icr installalion along a wall or fie slle ol a beam and just beneah a smooffr ceiling. Installed witr fiek cent€rline ot wabrway parallel 10 h€ ceiling, ftese sprinldors prcduce a quarter spheflEl waler dscha€€ pattem that is predominabty dirccted downward & outwad from he defledor; howev€r, a portion of th€ spray is also directed towards he baclevall. The rccessed rrersbn of fie Cental Model BV{R, inbnded br use in areas wifr a finished walb, uses a tr/vGoiocs Model BV Res0R Recessed Esordpon. The Mod€l BV R€S/CR Rec€ss€d Escutfieon trovides up b 3/8 indr (9,5 mm) of btal adiustn€nt fiom th€ flush horizontal siJewall pcilion. These sorinklen are arailable wih a polyesier coding fial may be utilized b od€nd fie life of copper alloy sginlGrs b€yond hd whid ulouH otherwise be obtained rvhen eloosed to corosiv€ atrnospher€s. Altfrough polyester coated sprinklers have passed he standad conosion te66 of he applicable appoval agencies, he lesting is not repr€sentati!€ of all possbl€ conosive atmospheres. Consequerdy, it is recommended hat fie end user be consulbd wih respect to fl€ suihbility ot his conosion resistant coating for any given conosive environment. The effecds of ambi€nt temperafure, concenfalion of chemicals, and ga,s/chemical velociV, should be corsidered, as a minimum, along wih the corodv€ naturs of th€ chemir:al b which the sorinklers will be expos€d. Operadon: The glass bulb contains a fluirj which expands when exposed to heat Whon the ral€d bmperature is €ad€d, the fluid expands sificiently b shatter he glass bulb, whidr then allows fie spdnkler to acli!€b & noi/ wabr. WARNIl/6; TI:e til&l BV-QR tlodntul Si&wall fiinrcrcccgcrficdlweinm.g,tDp- indal@ and nainaind h anrwane wih this tutnqt as weil as witt tl7€ aplitzble sturdr.t& d tlp National Fird PtMion Assoctafton. in a&ilion to UE sbn&t* d any otlprautptiti$ ha@ jutigditXion Faifurc b & s may inryir na inWW of U?€se devilB. TIE d/war is tespcrtari e fot rwjnbinit g their firc prctdiat #em aN devtuN in Wr ryntirc Mdition. Ttt/.9 hBbnhv a nffioror sginkler nanufacMer dwHbantrc@ rclatiwtoany wg€ilions. Technical Data Sprlnkler ldendf lcdon Number slN c3301 Approvals UL & ULC Listed. FM & NYC Approved (Ihe approvals apply only to the service conditions indicated in the Design Criteria Section) Maxlmum Worklng Pressure 175 p6i (12,1 bar) Plpe Thread Connecllon 1/2 inch NPT Dl3charg6 Co€fflclont K = 5.6 GPM/psi'2 (80,6 LPM/barlz) Standard Spray Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers Temperaturo Raungs 1 35"F/57rc, 1 55"F/@"rC, 175F ng'C 200pF/$rc.250"Ffi21qo Flnbhes Sprinkler: White Polyestel Chrome Plated, or MUral Brass Rec. Esorkfieon: White Coabd, Chome Plated, or Brass Pld€d Cofl oslon ReslstEnt Coailng8 Sprinkler: White Polyester (UL only) Physlcal Charactrlstlca The Model BVQR Horizontal Skjewall Sorinlders r.dlize a dezincificafon resistant (DZR) bronze lrame and a 3 mm bulb. The twcpiece butlon assemHy is brass ard mpper. The sprinkler frame odfice is sealed with a gaskebd spdnS plab (Belleville Seal) consisting of a beryllium nickel disc spdng that is sealed on both its inside and oubide edges widr a Teffonil gasket The compression screur is konze, & he deflector is brass. No. 1-7.5 Sprlnkler TOP OF SPRINKLER DEFLECTOR 2.7t8"(73rn.'--/ +' 7t16', I (11,1 mm) \ 1/2'NPT ELEVATION VIEW t I I I t I I t t I I I I I I I I I I Flgure I - Model BV.QR, Horlzontal Sldewall Flgure 2 - Gross Sectlon Model BV-QR, Horlzontal The 5.6 K-factor, Model BV-QR Horizontal Sidewall and Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers (Rel. Table l) are UL & ULC Listed and NYC Approved (MEA 466-92-E) as quick response - standard coverage, spray sprinklers for use in light and ordinary hazard occupancies in accordance with current NFPA standards. The 5.6 K-factor. Model BV-OR Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers (Rel. Table 1) are FM Approved as quick response - standard cov€rage, spray sprinklers tor use in light hazard occupancies in accordance with the FM Loss Pr€vention Data Sheets. The sprinklers are not FM approved for recessed applications. The Model BVQR Sprinklers are listed and approv€d tor installadon 4' - 6' (101,6 - 152,4 mm) b€low the ceiling when measuring to the top of the sprinkler deflector. The Model BV-QR Sorinklers can b€ used with any metalic tlush or extended escutcheon, provided the maximum sorinkler deflector to wall dimension soecified in NFPA 13 is not exceeded. NOTE Inquiies conceming the appropriateness of polyester coated sryinklers tor a given corrosive environment should be submitted to the aftention of the Technical Seruices DepartmanL Polyester coated sprinklers are not suitable for use in ope n sp rinkl er ap pl icati ons. Installation The Model BV-QR Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the lollowing instructions. NOTES Do not ins,€,ll any bulb We spinlder if he bulb b cncked or there is a loss of liquid lrom the bulb. Wth the sprinHer held horizontally, a snall air bubble should be present. The diameter ol the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1 ,6 mn) fot the 135'F/57'C to 932 inch (2,4 mm) fot the 250"F/121"C nting. A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT spinklet ioint should bd obtained with a toruue of 7 to 1 4 tt.lbs. (9,5 to 1 I,O Nm). A maximum of 21 fllbs. (28,5 Nm) of toryue is to be used to install 12 inch NPT spdnkle/s, Highet ldvels of torque may distott the sprtnHer inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to @mpensate for insulficient adjustnent in m Escutcheon Plate W under- or over-tightening the Sryinklet. Readjust the position ot the sprinder fitting to suit. Step 1. Th€ sprinlder must be installed only in the sidewall position with the centerline of lhe sprinlder parallel to the ceiling and porpendicular to the wall. Th€ top of the defl€ctor is to be positioned toward the ceiling. Stap 2, After installing the BV HeVQB support cup (or other escutcheon, as applicable) over the sprinkler pipe Design Griteria Sldewall Spdnkler SPRINKLER GASKETED SPRING FRAME PLATE (BELLEVILLE SEAL) DEFLECTOR Table I - Laboratory Listlngs and Approvals, Model BV SPRINKLER FINISH & STYLE Temperatule R-atlng Bulb Color Code Natural Brass Chrome Plated Polvester Cciated Recessed 135"F/5rC orange 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1550F/680C Red 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 175Fngc Yellow 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 200"F/99'C Green '1,2,3,4 't,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 250Ft121.C Blue 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 '| . Listed by Und€rwrit€rs Laboratories, Inc. 2. Listed bV Underwrilers' Laboratories ol Canada (ULC). 3. Aooroveid bv Factorv Mutual Research corporation' +. lpbrowd by the City'of Neur Yoft under MEA /[OS92-E Vol. lll Flgure 3 - Model BV-QR, Recossod Horlzontal Sldewall Sprlnkler 3lB' (9,5 mm) Min. 4" (101,6 mm) Min. 6' (152,4 mm) Max. \ FINISHED CEILING LINE 3/4" (19,1 mm) Max. WRENCH FLAT 2" (50,8 mm) Min. 2-114' 157 ,2 mml Max.2-718" (73,0 mm) l. t' t threads & with pipe thread sealanl applied to the pipe lhreads, hand tighten th€ sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into $e sprinkler fifting using only ihe BV Sprinkl€r Wrench (Ref. Figure 4). The BV Sprinkler Wrench is to b€ applied to th€ wrench flats only. Step 4. For applications using he BV- QR Rec. Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers, a Protective Cap is available which helps to preveni damage to the sprinkler during ceilingrlrall installation and/or during applbation of the ftnish coatng of the ceilingllrvall. Place the Protective Cap over the Recessed Support Cup and push it skl€ways until it bottoms out against the spdnkler deflector. NOTE As bng as the Protective Cap rcmains in place, the syslem is ansidered 'Out of Seruice.' Stsp 5, Atter the c€iling^^/all has been completed, remove and discard the Proteclive Cap. lf the sprinkler has been damaged, replace tho entir€ sprinkler assembly. Do not attempt 1o modify or repair a damaged sprinkler. Step 6. Push the outer ring ot lhe Recessed Escutcfieon over th€ Recessed Support Cup. lf the Out€r Recessed Escutcheon Ring cannot b€ engaged with the Recessed Support Cup suffici€ntly lo contacl the wall, the spdnHer fitting must be repositioned. Gare & Mainbnance Th€ Model BV{R l-lorizonal Sidewall Sprinklers must be maintained ard seMced in accordanc€ wih th€ folovying instructions. fvoTEs Afute of an esrrtffipon whidl is used to6wraMnn6 he, may dehythe tine b o@ntim in afirc sit/€'f]prt. HoEfuingafrrcprcMionEdem ndn Mftol wh@ br npintapne vwk on tll€ fiE prMkn Wn it @ntdq o€'miss,ianto dlutdovn he Mdfirc prot€fjtlon sygems must be obhined ham tlte popr autnrilies. All pasomel who may fu affM byttisaction mu$ be nofr'frd. Spdnklers which arc tound to b€ leaking or exhibiting visible signs of conosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be shipped or stored where their tempera- tures will exceed 100"F/38"C and they must never be painted, plated, coated or otheruise altered afler leaving the factory. Moditi€d sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinkl€rs that have been exposed to corrosive products oi combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid damage - before, during, and afier installation. Sprinklers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twisY slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprinkler lhat has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid lrom its bulb (Ref. Installation Section). Frequent Msual inspections are recom- mended to be initially perform€d for polyester coat€d sprinlderc installed in corrosive environmenb, atter the installation has been completed, b verify he integrity of th€ polyester coating. Thereafbr, annual inspeciions per NFPA 25 should suifice; however, instead of irspecting frcm the floor lev€|, a random sampling of doseup visual inspeclions should be made, so as tc better debrmine the exact sprinkler condition and he long brm inbgfty of the polyester coatirg, as it may be aflected by fie mnosMe condi- tions present. The owner is responsible for the insp€c- tjon, testing, and mainbnance of their fire prot€ction syslem and devices in comdi- ance with tris document, as well as wifi $e applicable standads of the l,lational Fire Protedion Associalion (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to he standads of any other auhoritjes having jurMftxion. The installing confador or sprinkler manufiac. tur€r should be contacted relalive b any queslions. It is recommended thal automatic sprinlder sysbms be irE@ed, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspedion Service. Flgure 4- BV SprlnlderWrcrch (Pail#1099) I I I I I I t I I t I I t I I I I 1,.'l' I Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer lor ten (10) years against defocts in malerial and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (l 0) years lrom date ol shipment by Tyco Fire Products. No warrang is given {or products or components manufac- tured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or tor products and compon€nts which have been subiect to misuse, im- proper installation, corrosion, or which have not been Installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance wilh applicable Standards of the National Fir€ Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authoriti€s Having Jurisdiction. Materials lound by Tyco Fire Products to be d€fective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neithgr assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for il, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible tor spdnHer system design errors or inaccurate or incomolete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's repre- sentalives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIBE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- THACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILIry OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSE- OUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENTSHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. fHE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTH E N WANNANTI ES EXP R ESS OR IMPL'ED, INCLUDING WABNAN. IIES OF MENCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FON A PANNCULAR PURPOSE. Hll'lHllft,, Orderlng Informatlon: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Reler to price list for complete listing of Part Numbers. Teflon is d tradamark of the DuPont Cotp. I I I I I I I I I I I T T I t I I IT tatEO I ra.c*wt Jryco Fire I Producta Printed ln U.S.A. 2-01 APPLICAIION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 97 O - 47 I -2135 (Inspections) NWOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted without this information:. A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Levet III (min) stamp.. Equipment cut sheets of materials.. Hydrauliccalculations,. A State of Colorado Plan Registration form.. Phns must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. ! '1. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Sorinkler Contractor: fitb&'. Jl,k E r< Town of Vail Req. No.: 3:18 -5 Contact and Phone #'s:bii"i4i'li".. c*(ti Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $ 47 . 6J169 .o ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee:Accepted BY: Occupancy Group: C,on tact Eagle County Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) rob Name: Va, | lYlar.,v 4l ff;I ,,lobAddress: 1r5 uJ ,L,o.rhoJ cnt Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners tut"' v.'^,{,rilor.,,ii Address: ;i* &* L,*^nk p,,l Phone: P-ror&+s-zt fs Eneineer:6,1ro gla*oootuthb*l to &gltdzo fl ehone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) ?aa.r 1-6.^i\A,no z Detailed descriDtion of work: 'J dd / P lq-,*d f.'c-- ;ryr".kVr Ve*J (i<vels ,- 5) WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(/$ Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial Q() Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (v) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (tZf No ( F:/everyone/formVsprk ffitt\At$/.) tqtvorwily HOW DIDWE RATE W[rH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Department Russell Fonesl Director, (970)17e-213s Check allthat applies- 1. Which Oeparfnent(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Wasyourinfialconbctwithourshiffimmediate_dow_or r . no one available___? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were heloed? 4. Was your project revisiled on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no; why not? 5. Was tltis your first time h fle a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A t, 6. Please rate the performance of the sbf person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knorledge; ruponsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness oftre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to better serve you next tirne? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our seMce. .-u T T I t T T I I T I T T t I I I I I I HYDRAT]LIC CALCT]LATION L EQTIIPMENT ST]BMITTAL FROM WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION CO. 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY. ENGLEWOOD. CO 80112 . PHONE (3O3)792-OO22 . FAX (3o3) 792-9049 FOR *VAIL VALLEY MOT'NTAIN RESORT'' PHASE I 7T5 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLEvArL,col,oRADoffi,ff:w eauectntuelf,,.d! El'hEueweo E HoExcemolret<en tsdcemosNorED E uenoeroRE$'afl Ef-sdLerres,o^rEvl4 WSFPPROJECTNO. NffiMTffi, ST]BMITTED BY: CHRIS SHEA (303) 7924022 ,6 I I t T T I T T t t t I I I I I I I t .lob Number: HYDRAULTC CALCULATIONS Locat ion : Job Number: Design Area: Date: 04,zLB /02 72:30:29 naci.rh n"l-r. Occupancy Classification: NA Density: NA Area of Ann l i .-etion: NA t-^a,6fa^a Daf c^rinkler: NA Number of Sprinklers Calculated: 4 Outside Hose Streams: 100.00 Total Hose Streams: 100.00 Total Water Required: 22I .88 Including hose strearns Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops: 0.000 Volume of Water in Pipes: I42.19gal Maximum Velocity Above Ground: 19.40 between nodes 2 and i-03 Supply Pressure(s): Avail-abl-e Reguired Safety Margin Srrnnl r,l n.r.la ie.1 : 1 Name of Contractor: Addre s s : Designer: State Cert i ficat ign/License Nunber: Authority Having Jurisdiction: 90. l-00 64 .608 25.492 & @ t997-2002. M.E.P.CAD. Inc.04lltl02 12:34:41 Page I I I I I I t T I T I I I I T T t T I T Job Number: WATER SUPPLY DATA SOI'RCE STATIC RESIDUAI FLOI{ AVAII,ABLE TOTAI REQUIRED NODE PRESST'RE PRXSST'RE O PRESSURE O DEMAND PRESSURE TAG (pEi) (psi) (gpn) (psi) (Spto) (psi) 1 117 . 000 70. 000 300. 00 90. 100 221, .88 64 . 608 ST'MilIARY OF OUTFLOVIING DEVICES ACTUAL MINIMT'M DEVICE TIOW FLoI| K-PACTOR PRESST'RE(gpnl (gpn) (psi) sPR 103 29.44 14.82 5.6 2'7.642sPR 100* 39. 00 39.00 L 1 23.L82sPR 101 26.8r 14.82 5. 6 22.925sPR ro2 26.63 14.82 5.6 22.610 * 'Most demanding sprinkler. & o 1997-2002. M.E.P.cAD. Inc.O4ll8l02 12:34:41 Page 2 I I I t I I I t T I I I t I I I I T I Job Number: FITTINGS LEGEIID E Elbow L LongEl C CheckVlv F Bfl yvl v G Gatevlv A AIarmChk D DryPipevIv Q 4 S-Elbow R TeeRun O Coupling W Swingchk V DIgVlv s Strainer c FDC g Gauge X Cross P Punpout r PressRed B Backflow u Unknown Z Cap J Jo1nf f FlowDev M FltgNode H Hose S Source N Nozzle K Sprinkler Y Hydrant p Pumpln c o t99?-2002, M,E.P.GAD, tnc.04118102 12:34:4t Pagc 3 I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t T I Job Numb€r: NODE AI{ALYSIS NODE ELEVATION FITTINGS (Foot) gRESSI'RE DISCI{ARGE (psi) (gpn) 2 5 1 103 100 101 r02 0'-0 Tee 0'-0 Elbow 0 '-0 Tee 0'-0 Tee 24'-0 Source 0'-0 K=5.6 0'-0 K=8. 1 0'-0 K=5. 5 0'-0 K=5.6 '7 4 .966 24.2'7'7 24 .601 26.136 64 . 608 zt.o4z 23 . L82 zz. Yzi 22.6LO 121,. 88 29.44 ?q nn 26 .87 Zb. OJ s g 1992-2002. M.E.P.GAD. tnc.04118102 12.34:41 Page 4 I I I I I I I I t T I t I I I I I t t Job Numberl !i!9 r!?e Diamet€r Flow Vetocity tnVC rri.c . r,ose L€n9th Eg. L€ngth Tot. L€ngth Pressure SumaryDownstrea.tl E]-evation Discharg€ K-Factor Ft pn Fittingg Upatream BL 1.1090 39.00 12.95 C=I50 0.22596 3'2 9'-11 13'-1 Pf 2 .954 Pe PV 100 3 0'-0 0'-0 39.00 8.1 23 . L82 26 .736 K:8.1 BL 1.4000 92 .44 I9.2't c=150 0.35857 24 4' -24 Pt .t.506 Pe Pv 3 103 0'-0 0'-0 26 .136 21 . 642BL r.6020 121.88 19.40 c:150 0 . 3L022 rz3'-t 29'-54 r52' -64 Pt 4 t .324 Pe Pv 103 .) 0'-0 0'-0 29 .44 5.6 2"7.642 7 4 .966 K ?F .T FR 6.0650 121.88 1.35 C=120 0. 00072 34 0 31'-0 65'-0 Pf 0.047 Pe -10. 4 05 Pv1 0'-0 24' -0 7 4 .966 64.608 2E. G=-0.002, S Route IBL 1 . 1090 26.63 8.84 C=150 0.11154 U'U 9'-11 17'-11 D+ I qq/ Pe Pv roz 4 0'-0 0'-0 26.63 5. 6 22.6L0 24 . 601 K=5.6 Tee BL 1.4000 53.44 LL.l.4 C=I50 0. t- 3 011 l-l-'9 11'-9 Pt L.529 Pe Pv 0 ,-0 0'-0 24 .607 zo. rJo3 Route 2 BL 1.1090 26.81 8.91 c=150 0.11298 I'0 3 | -111r l-L'-l-1r{ Pf 1.351 Pe Pv 101 5 0,-0 0,-0 26 .8r 5.6 22 .925 24 .2't 7 K=).b EIbow BL 1.4000 26.41 5.59 C=150 0.03532 9'I 9, -1 Pf 0.330 Pe Pv 5 0'-0 0,_0 24 .211 24 . 6Q7..... Route 3 ..... Unitg Key Diameter: Inch Elevation: Foot FIow: gpm ni <nh: rao . Velocity: fps Pressure: psi Length: Foot Friction Loss: psi / Foot HWC: Hazen-Williams Constant Pt: Total pressure at a point in a pj.pe Pn: Normal pressure at a point in a pipe Pf: Pressure loss due to friction between points Pe: Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated poi-nts Pv: Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe lt @ 1997-2002. M.E P.CAD. lnc.04/L8102 t2.34.41 Page 5 I t t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .lob Number: HYDRAULIC GRAPH Water flow, gpm Supply at Node 1 Stalic pressure: 1 17.000 Residual Pressure: 300.00 @ 70.000 Sysl€m Demand: 121 .88 @ 64.608 Sy3tom Demand with hose slreams: 221.88 @ 64.608 300.00 @ 70.000 . I O 221.88 with hose strerms b o 1997-2002. M.E.P.CAD. tnc.Ml1810212:34:41 Pagc 6 Job Number: Hydraulic Flow Diagram a a 3 o 199?.20@. M.E.P.CAD,Inc.P|gc 7 <ouo Ei;E sSfi !t, =o 6ct(, I Etre a 'olr HgF€ Eg EF gF 3F 88t8 a''lraa o€-idlx o99 la =Fi FE EE 888je o Eg €E Qeoeoo c\ € F. €{cunt.tt,=B.d ?q- ero lo l-1 s.trdLe I I T tI ,lt P h I I t I tIJ zoz z F dFzo() HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS MODEL FR.1/Q.46, FAST RESPONSE SOLDER TYPE 1/2" ORIFICE FOt|it, s3 ;s,6Edl' EE'u. t I I I I I I I I I T I T I I I I I I The 112 inch orifice Model FR-1/Q-46 Horizontal Sldewall Sprinklers (Ref. Figure A), are aulomatic sprinklers of ths tast r€sponse, fusible solder type. They. are designed lor installation along a wall or lhe side of a beam and just beneath a smooth c€iling. Hori- zontal sidewall sprinklers are gener- ally used in lieu of p€nd€nt or upright sprinklers b€caus€ of aesthetic, build- ing conslruction, or insiallation ec,on- omy considerations. Those sprinklers utllize the same type ol lusible link lhat is used with lhe Mcdels F954 Pendent and F958 Hori- zontal Sidewall Fast Response Resi- dential Sprinklers. The 1t2 inch orifice, 140F, 165F, and 212F, Model FR-1/0-46 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers arq lisled by Un- derwrlters Laboratories Inc. and Underurite rs' Laboratories of Canada as Quick Response Sprinklers for use In Llght and Ordinary Hazard Ocou- panqes. The 112 inch orifice, 165F and 212F, FR1/Q46 Horizontal Sidewall Sprlnk- lers are approved by Factory Mutual Beearch Corporation as Quick Re- aponse Spdnklers for use in Light Haz- ard @anpancles and wet pipe sprink. ler syst€ms only. The laboralory listings and approval only apply to th€ finish€s stat€d in lhe Technlcal Data section. Tfto 1E Inch orifice, 140F, 165F, and 212F, FR-1/G46 Horizonlal Sldewall Sprinklers are accepl€d by th€ City ol Nw York under MEA 3S92-M. The 'll2 inch oritice, 140F, 165F, and 212F, FF-1/G46 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are also approved by the Bureau Voor Sprin klerbev€illging whlle the 165F temperatur€ rating is approved by the Insurance Council of Australia Umited. WARIVIJVC nE Fn-|1Q46 Horbontal Sidcwall Snrinhlzn dzscribed henin must be inrltalbd and maintained. in ampti- Prlnied in U,S.A. 9-92 'l-Faams 2-$nn 0-Dgflsc{o( 4-Hook 5-Llnk Assombt eEiocdofl Sp.lnS 7-Bu[orl 8€ask8t FIGURE A MODEL FR-I/G46 SPRINKLER ASSEITBLY fioirzoflTAL DtSt l|cc fifl o€F|.ccroi !o'3.rcE'or23aoGt0cro tz|l lcl REtlOlrAL PnEssUfiE - t.6 Psl (O.!a lrnsl|Il iEt|orr t FriESSrJiE - II FSr I r.o! cAR8l lc.l iEgOlrAL PRES$TiE - lo PSI (a.o? !An3l |rP €iEArEi FIGURE B, UPPER TIMIT OF WATER SPRAY FOR THE FR.1/G46' .SEE TECHINICAL DATAA}ID WARMNTY SECTIONS ance with thia d&unent, ae well ac with the opplisblz standads of tlu National Firz Prcbctbn Associatio4 in ad,ilition b the etandard,s of any othcr autlnitics hau ing j urisdiction. Failut to do eo may impair the integ- rity of thc* &vies. Ttu ouner is rceponciblt for main- taining tlvir firu ptobctbn Wsbm ord dzvices in prcper operctitq con- dition, Thz itu,tr,llitg contractbr or manufacturer should. be contactcd rel- atipe ta @n! questions. / -g sE;S$?. *^ I I I - T I I I I t I I I I I I I T I I The 112 inch orifice Model FR-1/Q-46 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are available in 140Fi60C, 165F 4C, and 212F|10OC t€mperatur€ ratings and they are rated fdr use al a malximum serv,ice.pressure ot 175 psi. They are available with either a naiural bra-ss or chrom€ Dlaled tinish. The FR-1/Q-46 musi be installed with a d€fleclor to ceiling dislance of be, tween 4 and 6 inches. To meet this requiremsnt, the centerline of the sprinkler walerway (Ref. Figure A), must be between 4-5i16 and 6-5/16 inches below the ceiling. Figure B illustrales ihe upper limit -of th6 water spray, as a function ol residual pres- sure. The sprinkler must be spaced away from beams and oth€r ceiling obstructions such that thev will not in- terfere with tho proper di;tribution of waler by th€ sprinkl€r. NOTE CeiJirq obstructions must be spaced aboue the "Upper Limit of Water Spray" which is associated with the mnrimum rceidtml pressure for single sprlnhler opefatiDn. The nominal discharge curve plotted in Figure C represent tFe tbw 'Q" in U.S.gallons per minute (GPM) as deter- mined by the formula: O= K,tF where the nominal sprinkler discharge coefficient 'K' = 5.6 ind "p' = pressure in pounds per square inch (psi). Listing stanclards p€rmit the ac*ual value of 'K' to vary from 5.3 to 5.8. The sprinkler Frame is bronze per ASTM 8176 (C87800) or ASTM B5B4 (C83600 or C8,t400). The Strut is slli- con€ bronze per ASTM 896 (C65500) and the Defleclor is brass per ASTM 836 (C240OO). The Hook is phosphor'bronze per AS'IM Bl59 (C51000), the two halves of the Link Assembly are nickel, tho Eiection Sprino is Inconel 600 wire per ASTM Bl b6, ihe Button is brass per ASTM 836 (C22000) and the Gasket is Teflonf. The Link Assembly has a thin, black,rgsi! tle€ coatlng whlch wlll prot€ct lhe Link Assembly from deterioration which could otheruls€ be caused bv normal almospheres. The coating i3 not int€nded to provide protbction againsl attack by conosive media. The Model FR-l/0"46 Sprinklers must be installed with the ceirtedine of the lvat€rway horizontal and p€rp€ndicu- lar lo the back wall surface. The word 'TOP" on the deflector musl lacs up- wards toward the c€iling. h is. recommended that a tight weight sparit l€vel (l€ss than I pound),bo usedto level the spdnkl€r fltting and the sprinkler Deflector Hat. as-shown in Figure D. NOTE Thc Defuctar Eat ia at4lcd forword- downward at a nominal angle of 3.5' degrees. Consequently, the spirit leuel must be carefully positioned left-to- right, when using it to lzuel the Deflec- tor Hat. Only use th€ Model F799 Offset Wrench shown in Figure E for installa- tion of natural brass and chrome Dlat€d sprinklers. Automatic sprinklers must never be shipped or stored where lheir t€mper- atur€s will exc€ed 1fflF/38c and they musl never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise allered after leaving lhe faclory. Modified or over-hoal€d sprinklers musl b€ replaced. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- ag€ lo the sprinklers - bolh before and afler-inslallation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twisUslippage, or the like, must b€ re- placed. NOTts Befurc cbsing a lire prctectbn sysbm main conhpl ualue for maintenan*e worh on thc fttc pmtectiin qystem which it controle, prmission to shut down the affectcd, firc protection sys- tem mvst be obtahud ftom tle proper authoriti.es and. all personnel who may be affected, by this actian must be notifud.. It is recomm€nd€d that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected quar- lerly by a qualified lnsp€ction Service. The data provided in Figure B is not intended for use as a minimum water sptay protilo specifi calion. Seller wanants fror a period of one year from the date of shlprnent (wananty period) lhat the produc.ls will be free from defects in meterial and workman- thip. For fartler datdils on Warrnty, au Prire Lw,t. a-I IC to 3l t 3I.-aaat ! I:IIt I E olcr{aaot tt urEit tri rnm FIGIURE C NOIIINAL DISCHARGE CURVE Fi-t /o-a6 FIGUFE D LEVEUNG OF SPBINKLER HTNilG AI{D DEFLECTOR HAT FIGURE E OFFSET SPRINKLEB WRENCH D|aCHTiOE rlt U.g. CALLOXS pCi I| UrE topr) /Dupont Hegislered Trademark I I t I I T I I I Sprlnkler Assomblies: Specity: 112" orilice, (specily t€mp6ra- ture rating), Model FR-1 /G46 Horizon- tal Sidewall Sprinkler wilh (specify typ€ ot finish), PSN (sp€cify). Conlacl your local distributor tor avall- ability. llatu]al Brass Flnllh 140F/60C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSN 58-94&1.,t40 '165F /aC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSN 5&94&1-105 212Fltml9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSN 58€4e1-212 Chromo Plated Flnbh 1/OF60C ................PSN 58€4&9-140 165Ft4C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSN 58€464-165 212Ft1@C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PSN 58-946€-212 Soparately Ordered Parls: Specify: Model F799 Offset Sprinkler Wrench, PSN 56-452-1-001. The following patent is applicable to the Model FR-1/Q-46 Horizonlal Side- wall Sprinkler: U.S.A. Pal€nt No. 4,893,679 Par€nthetical metric conversions cited herein are approximate. lnch toot Psi tb. U.S. gallon - 25,,100mm- 0.3048m = 6.89skPa- 0.0689 bat"- 0.0703 kg/cm2'- 0.4536 ks- 3.785 dmg- 3.785lilres' 'Not rgcognlz€d Intematlonal Syslem unils. l) t t I I T I l, I I I T t HOR. SIDEWALL & RECESSED HOR. SIDEWALL SPRINKTERS UNIVERSAL MODEL A QR-EC and EC, 3 & 5 mm BULB WPE, 17132" (20 mm) OTIFICE, U4" NPP*t I t I Tho 17132 inch (20 mm) oriflce Univer- sal Model A Extended Cov€rage Ho.i- zontal Sldewall Sprinklers and Re- cessed Exlended Covenge Hodzontal Sidewall SpdnHers (Ret. Figure A) are automatlc cpdnldors of the franglble bulb type. Thoy are avallable in the followlng tomporature ratings and mod6l deelgnatlons: 1 35'F/57'C Model A QR-EC 136'F/57'C Mo<lEl A EC I 55'F/68'C Mod€l A QR-EC/EC 155'F/68'C Mod€] A EC 176'Fn9' C Model A QR-EC/EC All OR-EC and OR-EC/EC models uti- Szs a 3 mm diameter bul\ and all EC models utilize a 5 mm dameter bulb, Jle 4odel deslgnation suffix (i.e., QR-EC or EC) indicalee the intended application, as given in Table A-1 or A-2, for use in . light hazard, qulck rogponse - ox- tended cov€rage (OR-EC) sprlnkler sy8lom applications p€r NFPA 13 or FM lnstallatlon siandards, or . light hazard, oxtondod cov€rags (EC) epdnkler system applicatione per NFPA 13 or FM installation stan- dards. They aie dealgned for Inetallallon along e wdl dnd juet benedr a smooth and lovsl criling aE deffned in the ap- plicablo lnslallation standard. Hodzon- tal sidewall sprinkle]B aro g€nerally ussd In llou of pendonl eprlnklere be- cause of aesthetic, hril<f,ng construc- tion, or Installatlon economy conslder- ations. The teceesed vefsiorp of the Model A Extended Coverage Hodzontal Sid€- wall Spdnlders are obtained by utillz- ing either the Modd F/00 or F/05 Re- ccosod Eoculcheon (Ref. Figuo B). The Receseed Escutch€ons have a eeparaHe twoplece deelgn whlch al- lows Instellation ol th€ sprlr*lers end prieooul€ testng of lho f|re protoctlon system, prlor to yvall conetruction andor applicatlon of a llnleh coat to the wall. They also pemll rgfinlshlng ol a wall eurlade wllhout having to flrst I T 'ir T I I I t T t I - Frgne 2 - Brr[on 3 -Oaakot€d- Sprlng. Phb,t - Btfr 5 - Compr€sdon. scr€w 6 - Odeclor t I r Temperature raung ls Indlcated on dellectof or adldcent b orlffce eeat on ftarno.t Plpe lhread comectom p€r ISO 7/1 can ba provlded on spedel roquesl rzls2 rNcH oRrFrcElr8ff.'IF A*NDED covERAcE . . HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINIGERA AND RBCESSED.T{ORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPFINKTERS l/2' 2,7nnl mAxE-ril Pdnted In U.S-4. 12-96 TV547 APruCANor{ COYERAOEAREAWxL FT. x FT. (m x m) rtNtitux FAOW{G, OPil GPil) lllNlilUtrl PRES,TC' Psr (BAR) DEFI.ECTOB.To. cEIHIG lilCHEs(trm) SPRINKLER TETIP. R'INilG'F IIODEL BULB stzE (R.L) q66g(a) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 49)28 (e8)'t0.3 (0,71)4 to 12 (100 10 300)135 AOR-EC 3mm 16 x l6 (4,9 x 4,9)26 (s8)10.3 (0,71)/t b 12 (10O to 300)155, 175 AOR.@EC 16 x 18 (4,9 x 5,5)2e 010)12.8 (0,88)4 b 12 (100 to S00)135 AOR.Eq 16 x l8 (4,9 x 5,s)2e (110)12.8 (0,88)4 b 12 (100 to 300)155, 175 AOR.EC/EC 16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)32 (121)1s.6 (1,08).l io 10 (100 b 250) 135 AOR-ec l6 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)33 (125)16.6 (1,14)4 to 12 (100 b 300) 16 x 22 (4,9 x 6,7)35 (13n)18.7 (1,2e)4 to 8 (100 io 200) 16 x 22 (4,9 x 6,7)30 (136)1e.8 (1,34 4 b 12 (100 lo 300) 16 x 24 (4,9 x 7,3)3e (118)23.2 0,60)4 b 8 O0O to 200) 16 x 24 (48 x 7,3)40 (151)24.4 0,68)4 lo 12 (100 to 300) ECo) /- 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)28 (98)10.3 (oJl)4 b 12 (100 b 3oo) 135, 156 AEC 5mm16 r 18 (4,0 x 5,5)29 (11o)12.8 (0,88)4 to 12 (10010 30O) 16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)32(1211 15.6 (1,08)4b 10 (100b250) 135 15 x 20 (/1,9 x 6,1)33 (125)16.6 (1,14)4 b 12 (100 to 1rc0) 16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)32 (121)15.6 O,O8)4 b 10 (100 b 250) 155 AOR.ECJEC 3|rm 16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)3{l (12s)16.0 (1,1.1)4b12(1(x)bg)o) .16 x 22 (4,9 x 6,7)35 (133)18.7 (1,25)4 lo I (1 00 to 200) 135 AEC 5mm 16 x 22 (4,9 x 6,4 36 036)19.8 (1,34 4 b 12 (100 b 300) 16 x 2'2 (48 x 6,7)35 (133)18.7 (13e)4 b I (100 to 2(x)) 155, 175 AOR.EC/EC 3rm 16 x 22 (49 x 6,4 36 (136)19.8 037)rt b 12 (100 to 3{rc) 16 x 2/t (4,0 x Z3)3e (148)232 (1,60)4 b 8 (100 to 2Oo) 135 AEC 5rm 16 x 24 (4,9 x 7,3)40 (151)24.4 (1,68)4 to 12 000 b 30o) 16 x 24 (4,9 x 7,3)3e (148)23.2 (1,60)4 to 8 (100 to 200) 155, '175 AQR.EC/EC 3mm 16 x 24 (48 x 73)40 (1s1)24.4 0,68)4 b 12 (100 b 300) .A $ro.s,+ c,o5c- t I I I I I I I I T I I T T I I t T I ) ,) '- -a,/ C- 10 FEET lllNlMutt a--t----------- B- E FEET uAxlMull X oEFLECTOR-TO- CETLINO OISTANCE l-1l2be (/fi, b 150 rm) EXCEPTWHEN USINGITIE MODEL F70o or F705 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON OTES: (a) For rrs h oR-Ec and Ec ught tleard occrpancy aulomatc spdnld€r system applicafnru p€r NFPA 13. (b)ForsohEcughtt|azadoco4ancyautoma|icsp'|n|d€rsv8temappncdongpgrNFPA13. (c) R€qd|€mdlt h b8ed oa,t dnfr||rn novl lr Oplt tront earfr sprlrJde..Ihe hdicabd Fddual prsssrrss a€ bas€d m tl|o nomhal K'{&'lor' lcy n" "enrrr,e otrhe sphldor uagway b local€d 7/16lrdr (11,1 m) bololv t1g d€n€c1ot (RoL Flgu'e A)' (€) For r,Ee udor smaoth ler/3l c€lllruB por NFPA 13'JTABLE A.1 UL AND ULC IISTINC CRITERIA FOR II{STALLANON OF t7rs2 tNcH oRtFtcE toDEil-eXrinoio cOvEMGE llonlzoinAl SIDEWALL SPRINKIERS . -.-- - - -' - . AND RECESSED HORIZOT{TAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS .2- T t, I T I t T I T I I I 0 I '}I I I I t1nb2-114" (4 io 0O rfi) EXCEPTYVHEN USING MODEL m00 or F705 RECESSEO ESCT'TCHEOI{ O' IIOTES: (a) For tls€ h OF-EC {F EC Ughl H€z8rd Oocupancy aub|Intlc sprhHer qrstam applicatorE per Fttl h8talh0on slandads. (Mddmum roorn 3ts : 16(x) f (150 rf) 6!a€pt lor codido.s proledod by one rcw cf spdnHere. ll.{mum flro.rosblance rstlng of rcorn walb: 3(l mhut€sJ O) For uEejn EC Ugftl Hazatd Ocorpanc? auo.rdc sprlr der svsbm applcadons p€r FM lr|shllaton standards. (llardrflrn todn dze: 1600 f (150 ff) ompt b conuon prolec'lsd by oe rcw of spdnldeG. Mlnlmun firs-r$btance ratng of oom wdla: 30 mlnrbs.) (c) FM lgqdr€ment ls bas€d on malntdnlng both ddmum llow and fi{rlmum prc8su€. (d) Th€ c€ntoth€ of the spfttkler rvateuay 18 locat€d 7n0 hch (11,1 m) beloy ho defl€ctor (Ref. Flgure A). (e) For rre tnder anodr lorel cd[ngs pe. FM l]r3blldon standads. 0 Spectffc appotab lbr !|e lrod€l F7U) ild Ft05 Rec€6$d Esgl$h€onsaB,glvon h Flgur€ B TABI-EA.2 FTI APPROVALCRITERIA FOR INSTALLATION OF r7a2 NCH ORIFICE IIODEL A EXTENDED COVERAGE HORtrONTAL 9IDEWALL SPRI]{KIERS AND RECESSED HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS APPUCAIOII COVERACEAREA WxL FT. x FF. (m r m) i,lll{lMUtrl FLOWlct oPil (rPr0 MtNtMUll PRES.tC, PsrpAR) OEFLECTOR.TO.cElurc IIICHES(mm) SPRINKLER TEMP. RATINO.F iIODEL BULB stzE (R.t ) q666tr) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)32 (121)16 (1,10)4 t9 12 (100 lo 300)135 AOR.EC 3mm 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)32 (1211 16 (1,10)4 to 12 (100 to 1x)0)155 AOR.EC/EC 16 x 18 (4,9 x 5,5)36 (136)20 0,38)4 to 12 (100 to 3m)135 AOREC 16 x 18 (4,9 x 5,5)36 (136)20 (1,38)4lo 12 000 to Arc)155 AQR.EC/EC 16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)40 (151)2s (1,721 4 to 12 (.|00 to 300)135 AOR.EC 16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)40 (151)25 (1,721 4 b 12 (1(X) to g)0)155 AOR.EC/EC 16x22|1',e x6,71 44 (167)30 (2,06)4 b 12 (100 b 300)135 AQR.EC 16x22 (4,9 x 6,71 44 (167)30 (2,06)4 b 12 (100 b 300)'| 55 AOR.EC/EC 16x21(4,9x7,31 48 (182)36 (2,48)4 b 12 (100 b 300)13tt A.QR.EC 16 x 2.1 (4,9 x 7,3)48 (182)36 (2,48)4 to 12 (100 b 3001 155 AOR.EC/EC ECo) 16 x l6 (4,9 x 4,9)s2(1211 18 (1,10)4 b 12 (100 b 300)135 AEC 5mm 16 x 16 (.1,9 x 4,9)32 (121'16 (1,10)4 to 12 (100 b 300)175 AOR-ECJEC 3rfm 16r18(4,9x55)36 (136)20 (r,38)4 b 12 (100 b 3m)135 AEC 5rrm 16 x 18 (4,9 x 55)36 (136)20 (1,38)4 to 12 (1001o 300)175 AOR.EC/EO 3'I[n 16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)40 (1s1)25.(',t,721 4 b 12 (100 b 3oo)135 AEC 5rm l6 x 20 (.18 x 6,1)40 (1sl)6(1,7121 4 b 12 000lo lno)175 AOR.EC/EC 3nm 16 x 22 (4,9 i 6,7)41(167)30 (a06)4 to 12 (100 to 300)136 AEC 5mm 16 x 22 (48 x 6,4 44 (167)30 eo6)4 to 12 (100 b 3Oo)175 AQR.ECYEC 3mm 16 x 24 (48 x 7,3)48 (182),36 (2,48)4 b 12 (100 to sn)136 AEC 5 mnr i 6 x 2t+ (i1,9 x 7'3) .48 (182)36 (2,48)4b 12 (100b3m)175 AOR.BC/EC 3mm CENTERLINE OF SPRINKLER WATERWAY -& t I t T t 6hut down th€ tiro protecton system and remove the sprinklers. The adjuslmenl provided by the Re- cessed Esculcheons substantially re- duces the accuracy to which the tehoth ol fixed plpe nipples to the sprinkl6rs mu6t be cut. AlBo, th€ Cloeur€ has a 112 irch (12,7 mm) wld€ tlange which provid€s ample qlearance for covering the mounting hole. maximum service pressure of 175 psi (12,1 bafl. The available t€mp€rature ratings and finishes are given in Tables B and C, r€spectively. R€cossed versions of the Model A Ex- tended Coverag€ Horizontal Sldewatl Sprinkler are obtalnod by utlllzlng the Mbdel A Sprinklor in conibination-with either the Model F700 or F705 Re- ceseed Escutcheon as shown in Fig- ur€ B, Availabl€ finishes for the F700 and F705 Escutcheons are given in Table D. The nomlnal discharge curve plotted in Figure C represent5 the floi/v "Q' in GPM (LPM) as determined by ihe tot- lowing fonriula: Q=K'{F where the nominal discharge coeffi- cient-'K" equala 8.1 (116,8); and,,p" equals the residual llowing dreosure in psi (bar). Listing standardC p€mlt the aclual value of 'K' to varv {iom 7.4 to 8.2 (106,7 to 118,2); however, for hy- draulic calculations, a K-factor of 8.1 (1 .|6,8) is to be applled. Tte Framo of the Model A Spdnkler, (Ref. Figure A), b brass pd ASTtvi 8176 (C87800), or a propri'etary alloy d€slgnated as QM. The Buflon (bulb r€talneo is pho€pher bronze perASTM 8103 (C51OO0 or C5210O). The Gas- lote-d.Spring Plat€ consists of a 8eryF ium,Nickel (N03360) disc spring tha[is seal€d on both its inside and outside faces with a Teflon/ gaskot. The Com- preaslon Screw is bronze per ASTM8140 (C31.|OO) and the D-eflector is brass]rer A9TM 836 (C220O0). The QR-EC and QR-EC/EC Sprinktdrs ut! liz€ e 3 mm diam€ter frdnglble bulb, and lhe EC Sprinlders utilit€ a 5 mm diameter frangible bulb. Table B indi- cates th€ bulb liquid color as a func{ion of temp€raturo rating. The Rec€ssod Escutcheons provided for uee with tho Model A Extended 9ov.gtqgq Horizontral Sidewall Sprink- ler (Ref. Figure B) have a Clooulb and Mounting Plat€ fabrlcated lrom low carbon oteel. The Mountlng Plate ptongs, which are compressed back into th€ Mounting Plate Cs the Glosure b pushed over lt, malntain a Ught frlc- tion lil b€tw€en the two pieces. The Mounting Plate and Closire can also swivel relalive lo each oth6r and com- p€nsal€ for minor'non-p€rpendicular- ity botw€en th€ Model A Spdnkter and th6 well. ler6 muel only b€ installed and utllized in Light Hazard Occupancies, under smooth and level ceilinge as defined in the applicable installatlon standard (e.9. NFPA 13), and in accordance with the crit€da given in Table A-1 or A-2, as appllcable. The nominal wstting patterns ar€ illustratod in Flgure D for the minimum llows required lor typical coverag@ areas. jVOTES For coverage orea d.imensions kss than or betueen tlwse ind.icatzd. in lbble A-1 or A-2, as opplbablc, it ie necesaor! to us the minimum re- quired flow for thc refr highcst width (W) and lznelh (L) for which installa- tion criterio drc etoted.. TtE MdetA Efierdzd, Covercge flor- izontal Sidzwall Sprin ere and fle- @eeed, Extended Coaerqe Horizontal Sidzwall Sprinhlerc muct NOT be uscd, tnith obetrlntions to heat fuw eurh as beama, joists, or d.rch locioted within tlu sprinhbr covetoge orva. Thet nwt be l,ocatzd. aloa tle bouttd- orbs sepamting adriaaent sprinhler coverage ateds, Nd'IBS Do rnt install any bulb type eprinHcr if tln bulb is crcchcd or tlatt is a lossof liquid ftom ttu bulb. With the aprinhl.er held horizottttil, a emall air bubbb ahould. be prewnt. ?he diame- ter of tlle oir bubblc is approdnatclX1116 inch for the lSS'ftSZ'i, 155'F I 68'C, atzd, 17 6'F | 79'C Emper- atwe rotinga. (At higler ambicnt iem-peradnzq tle bubble may be barcl,y peir-eptablc for tlu lower tzmpentun ratings.) Instalhtion of M dzl A E&rdcd Cov - erqe Horieontal Sidzwall Sprinldcre in rcceseed, escutthcots othar tlnn tlp F7N) or F706 will void, all cprinfur wormrtiee, ac well aa poeeibly ooi.dthe eprinhler'e ApproTola indl or Liatinge. Model A Extended Coverage Hodzon- tal Sidewall SprlnHerc and Recessed Extended Coverag€ Horlzontal Side- wall SprinHors must be installed in ac- cordance with the lollowlng instruc- tions. 1. Pdor lo inelalling the spdnld€r€ and It applicaHe, vedfy that 0re oubr lace of lhe oprinlder frfrlng ie within the prop€r mnge of detance whicfr can be accommodatod by th€ $De of €Gcritcheon behg used. When ineialllng a Model A Hoizonial Sldervall Spdnlder wlh ellher the F7fl) or F/(E Receesed Esdrlch- 1 I t I l I t I I I I I I I I The 17t32 inch (20 mm) oritice Model A Extended Coverage Horizontal Side-wall Sprinklers and Recessed Ex- tended Coverage Horizontal Sidewall Spdnlders ar€ listod by Undemrlterc Laboratorlea Inc. and' Undenrriters' Laboratori€B ol Canada. Thev are ao-proved by the Factory Muiual Rb- eearch Coporation and lhe Scientiflc Services Laboratory (Australia) and accepted by the City of New York under MEA241-94-E. Specific approvals tor the Model F700 and F/05 Recessed Esculcheons ar€ given in Figuo B. Th€ laboratory lbtings and approvals only apply lo the se'.lco conditions Indlcated In the Technical Data and Design Criteda sec{iom. WAEI\4I^IG TIE 17132 inch orifice Modzl A Er- tendcd Couerage Horizonta.l Si&wall Sprinhl.ers aid Recessed Ertendcd couerqe Horbontal S id,ewall Sprtnh -lcrs deccribed. herein must be in- stalbd, and. mointainad, in conplian ewith thia duument, os well as appli- cabb sh,nfurds of tlu National FIleMatian Atuiation, in &ition to thc ctatfurdc $any other outlwrities lsving juritdbtion Failure b do so may impoir tlv intzgriq of tluee de- 4rce&. Tlu owtur it rcsponeiblz for main- |oinit1g tlwir firc prctection ryctzmard fuviec in pftpr operathry con- ditbn. Tle insta,lting contndctor or tnanu{ortwer clnuld b contutzd, tr-l- otioe b dn! questhns, . I tutallatbn g M del A Etu t&d C q -aqe Horizontal SifuwaW Sprirthrs in rceeud, escubluona otlur tkan tlu F700 or F705 will ooid all q'inhler wntntice, as well as pocsihly voddthe sprinhler's Approialc aid,lor Lictiqe. Ttre'17152Inci (20 mm) odfice Model A Extended Coverage Horlzontal Side- wall Spdnklerc are ratod for use at a fhe 17f32 inch .orlfice Model A Ex- tended Cov€rage Hodzontal Sidewall Sprlnklere and Recessed Enendod Covenge l.{ o rizontral Sidewall Spdnk- MODEL FTOO FULLY RECESSED DtMENS|ONSt Up to 1/2 Inoh adlurtment from mlnlmum 1/l lnch to maxlmum 3/l InGh reccrled polltlon. Dln. A. &frlh. Bl,lom 8-t\lo(. GMh. GMax. Dlm. A. "Bfrrh. B+bm. Efru. Gfifln. C'frax. mm 15,9r3,2 19,1 %,4 31,8 6,4 19,1 Indrcr 5/€t1/8tt u4 1 1-1t4 1t1 314 HIGH ADJUSTIIENT. D|I|ENS|ONS Up lo 3/4 Inch edluetmcnt from thc tlurh rldcwall porltlon to U4 lnah r.ce.scd porltlon, mm teu4It 147fiA311 19,11-1t8 28,61-1/2 38,1 FLUSHg1 19,i I ,b I t I I t T I 0 T I I I t I eI I 'l- Mo&lA E)ften(|€d Covorage Hodzontal Sld.kal Spdnkbr 2- |h&lFt@ ol Ft05 R€cassod Esdnchoon a- l/bun0ng Plato b,Closure t Fo. best overalt appealanc€, tt R.malntlo 1/4 Incfi (6,4 rm) of adlustm€nl can b€ us€d to compenaate for varh0ong In apdnldor rnke-h and filtlng hke-out 1. LJstod by Undetwdl€tr lrborabrl€s, |nc. 2. Usted by tfidoilrlter8 Llborabrbs ot Caheda. 3. Ap'prcved by Factory M|Jtuil RF. 8oadt C@orrton. 4. APPlwd I he Sc{entfc Serulcea Lstonb(y@mam) 5. Accepted by fto dry cf ilew yort urdcr MEA 241 -94-E. FIGURE B MODEL FIOO AI{D F7O5 FECESSED ESCUTCHEONS -5- MODEL F7O5 FULLY RECESSED DtMENStONSI Up lo 1/4 Inah ldlustment from mlnlmum 1/4 Inch lo mcxlmum 1/2 Inch rocclsed poslfion. Dlm. A. &Mln. &i,lom. &lrax. Glvfn. c.Max. Dlm. A. B'Mln. &Nom. BM€x. GMln. Glrra)c 1t2lt 'l 1-1t8 1-1t4 1t4 1E mm 12,7 25,4 28,6 31,8 8,4 12,7 HIGH ADJUST}IENT DntENSIONS Up to 1/2 Inch ldlurtment from thc flush lldcwrll posltlon to 1/2 lnoh rccalred posl$on. E8r1l8ff 9,5dd!,21 25,41-114 31,81-18 38,1 FLUSH1t2 12,7 APPIJCANOil APPROVATS FOR RBCESSED ESCI'TCHEOiI FO F706 OR.EC 1,2,1,5,r,2,3,4 s EC 1,2,3, rl,5,1,2,3,.1,5 f DuPont Rogistor€d Trad€mark ButbTdnp.rantrc LlquldR.dng' Colo? 13{t'F157'C Orange155'F/68'C Red175'F?S'C Yoilow ' Rsfe. b Table E. -TABLE 8 -TEMPERATURE RANNGS FOR ]IIODEL A EXTENDED COVEFAGE HOREONTAL SIDEWALI SPRINKLEBS Spdnkhr Flnlrhc. Nat ral Brass Chmme Plated Polyesbr, All Cofn8 -TABLE C- " AVAILABLE FINISHES FOR THE TOOELA EXTEI{DED OOVERAGE HORIZONTAL SIDEIUAIL SPRINKLERS E cutcicon Flnld|.r Chrorne Phbd Color Coatod, Al Cob]€ -TABLE D -AVAILAELE FINISHES FOR THE IIODEL F'OO AND F'I705 RECESSED ESCUTC}IEONS olqfirra f o.t 3|lro|| r|t lrrr(tr0 ocor tot r lmtt fI It tt FIGURE C NOiIINAL DISCHARGE CURVE t..I. IIIrt!I' :- l'' Er. rt *g Itrl , jrrr LECTOR-TO- CEILING: BACK WAIL SIDEWA IT :.) 20' t I I T I I I I I t I I t I I I I I t 0' 2' 1' 6' 0' FLECTOR -T0-CE|LING : 4 INCHES BACK WALL SIDEWATL 1' CENIERI.INE OF l2' X I8'COVERAGE AREA 2' 1', 6', OEf LECTOR-TO-CEILING: 4 INCHES 0'0' 2' 1', 6' 2'. l', 6' 1', 8' 12' 16 CINIERINE OF 16'X 20'COWNAGE AREA LECTOR-TO- CEILING; 4 ll{CHES EACK WALI FAR WALT E, SDEWALL 8' 0' 2' l', ' 8' 12', 15' CENIERTNE OF 16'X 22'COVERAGE A'REA FAR WAIL FIGURE D NOilINAL WETTING PATTERNS AT UL AND ULC LISTED lflNlillult FLow BATE CONDITIONS 20' 212' 0' z', 6'. CENTERLNE OF 16'X 24'COWNAGE AREA ilorE8: .1. Prtlom $own wl$ no ce$lng mouniod obstttcdon3. '2. Sac Dad$ Oltetlr and lilanenly Soctms. o' O€FLECTOR - TO-CE|L| NG I 4 lNcHeS ,, ,ACK UAl,l.Va, SDEWALI I I!l I t t I I lc I SELECTION: Select the appropriale rvrench ba6€d on the following re' quirements: A" Modol A Spdnlders with a nalural brass or chromo plated ffd$ and wh€rtha Wr€ncfi Flats (as shown in Figurc A) are acceselble, may b€ Installed with an I or 10 inch adjustrable Cres- c€nt type wr€nch or tho Model F850 Sprinkler Wrundr. Model A Spdnlders wllh a polyeoter coatsd linlEh must only be inetalled wih the Model F650 SpdnHer Wronch. llodel A Receesed Sprink lers whlch are io be in stall€d altor completion of he wall must bo inotalled with the Model F850 SpdnkbrWcnch. USE: When using an 8 or 10 inch adiustable Crescenl type wrench, the wrench is to bo applied to th€ s'irinlder wrench flats only (Ref. Figure A). To us€ the F850 Sprinkler Wrench, sllp the Wrench openlng ovei the Model A Sprinkler De- tlector by -paeslng the Spdnkler Wrench up lrom beneaththe sprlnldel a8 shown In the adiacent illustration. Using a 1/2 inch ratchet ddve or by applying an 8 or i0 inch adlustable wrench to ths hex end of the Sprinkler Wrerrch, tighton the sprinklor Into the fttting. The two lugs located on opposit€ sides ol ihe Wrench inaiicate lhe ori€ntation of th€ sprinkler frami arms. NOTE Push on tlp Sprinhlpr Wrerch, whilc it ie being tuned, b eniwe tlwt thc Vhztth rcce$ 8td!8 fally engqed, with tltc spritrhler wrcnch flot* Garefully remove the Sprlnkler Wrench by dis- engaging it from the eprinkl€r wrench flato, and theh lowbring lt down ov€r th6 epdnkler deflec' tor. FIGURE E ilod.l F850 Nylon Cod.d SprlnHcr Wrench SPRINKLER WRENCH SELECTION AND USE t I I I I I eon, lor bost o\rorall appoanrca, use Dimcrdm A indcabd underthe 'Fu[v Rocgssed DimonCons' head- hg d Figure B. Ohenvis€, us€ Di- mindm A uftbr h€ 'Hlgh Adltsl- n|ent Dlmenslons' headlng. In elther caae, lhe r€maining oeculcheon phte adusfinent can thon b€ usod to coltpenBale for th€ posshl€ man- ufactudqg varhtone h lhe tak*out of the fitdngo, as wel a8 in lho mak€- h ol h€ Epdnldeo (as permltted by ANSI 81.20.1). The Model A Hotizontal Sidewall Sprhldo|s mrst be indan€d Yrilh t|€ c6derf,ne of lhe wdenvay panllel to |ho celling and pependorhr to a badavafl glilaco. ' It ia reconunondod hat a llghttvsight sptil level (leos ftan I potmd), be ubed b lov€l the spdnk{er fffiing, e ehovm ln Flgun Fandthdasquar€ FIGURE F IEI/ELING OF SPRINKLER FFTNG AND DEFLECTOR be ueed to check pependcuhdty of lhe watorrvay centerline to the mounthg surtrco. After installing the F/00 or F/05 Mounting Plaie (or other escutch- eon, as applicable escutcfteon) ov€r the sprinkler threads, apply plpo thread s€alant Bparingly to the eprinkler threade only. Use ol a Tef- bnl based pipe Joint sealanl is 'oc'ommended. Hand tigfiten tho spdnkler into th€ spdnlderfftlng. R€fer to Figun E and sel€ct the appropriata Sprinkler Wronch to dghton lhe spdnlder Into lhe fitting. Tfre wod TOP' on the Deflec'lor m.rel lace r.pnvads towards the cdl- hg. Tho FSsospdnklerwrnoh must be used lor Inotalling polyester clated epdnkl€16, in odar to ptevent dem- ago lo lho sprhld€r finbh. NqIr,S A halc tieht 3 I 4 itth NP.t sprhth- Ier joint should b ohtaircd with a toryre 6 10 to 20 ft.lbe. (13,6 to 27,1 Nrz/., A maximum 30 ff. lbc. (40,7 Nm) of brqw ic to b ted to inrltall eprinhbrc. Hisrvr lewls of toryw ,ray distort ttE sprinhhr it&t with @neqtnnt b@e or impairment 4 tlu. sprinhbn Do ngt attempt to mahz-up for in' cuffubnt djustmcnt in tle ee- cubhzon plob bt unfur- or o.Er' tigh/rlnitg tlu Eprit*Ien Rzd,iust tlp positbn of tlu sprirrtbr fittw to euit. It io Fcomm€nd€d that a lighlweight spidt level (1e66 than I potnd), be ub6d to level tre spdnHer Deffec'tor, as shown in Ftgurc F. NOIE Tle Defuctnr is angbd furward; con*qtnntly, tlrc cpirit lzael must be carpfullt potitiotud' lcft'to- right wlun usittg it b bvel thc Defucbn 6. In rec€so€d horizontal tidewall spdnldet instalhdons, after 0p wall has been Insialed or the finbh coat has been applbd, slide on the F/00 or F7O5 doeirre orer lhe ilodel A Sprhlder and pueh the Ooourc otr th6 Mountlng Phte udl lt8 frangB com€g In contact with the'wall. .. Automatic spdnlde]s must never be ehlppsd or stoted whorc lhell lomp€r- atdrbs wlll exce€d 100'FE8'C and they mugt nover b€ peintod, plated, coarted or othorwise altered after leav' ino the factory. Modllled sprinklels mlst be rcplac6d. Sprinklelrr ihat have boen 6xpo€€d to conoelve prcducts of comhroilon, but have not operated, should be replaoed lf they cannot be completely clsanod bY wlping the spririkler with a.cbth or by bruphlng it with a eoft blistlo bru8h. Care must be exercisod to avoid dam' I @+ 6'(t50|||t oR LONG€R I{IPPI-E -7- t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I t MODEL 396 AOR.EC (3 mm Bulb) 396 AOR.EC/EC (3 mm Bulb) 596 AEC (5 mm Bulb) PSN 57 - XXX - X - XXX "Speclal Order' Sprinkler As.emblles wlth ISO 7fl Thread Connectlonr: Model A OR-EC (3 mm bulb) SprlnHeru: S-pecify: 17132' orlfic€, 135'F, Model A QR-EC Horizontal Sidewall SpdnHer with (6p€city type) finish and with thread connection Per ISO 7t1. Model A QR-EC/EC (3 mm bulb) Sprlnklerr: Specify: 17132" o'j,lica, (tempora- lure rating: 155'F or 175'F), Model A OR-EC/EC Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler with (specify ryp€) finish and with thread conn€ction per ISO 7t1. ilodel A EC (5 mm bulb) Sprlnklera: Specify: 17132' ottllco, (t€mpera- trire rating: 135'F or 155'R, Model A EC Horizontal Sidewall Spdnkler with (speclfy type) finisn and with lhread connec'tion per ISO 7/1. Rccereed Elcutchoon: Specity: 3/4' (19 mm) Model (sp€cify) Receseed Eecutcheon with (specify finish), PSN (specrty). 3/4' F7m Chrome . . . . .. .. PSN 56-70G9-010 94' Ft00Whlt€........... PSN 56-70c4'ol0 3/4'Fuoschrome PsN 56-n 5-9ol l 3/4! Ft05 Whlt€........... PSN 56-m$4{ll Sprlnlder Wrcnch: Specify: Model F850 Sprinkler Wrench, PSN 56-850-4-001. TABLE E PRODUCT SYIIBOL NUTIBER SELECTION FOR 17132 INCH ORIFICE MODEL A EXTENDED COVERAGE HORIZONTAL SIOEWALL SPRIN KLERS IYITH 3/4 INCTI NPT CONNECTION ag€ to the sprinklere - both before and after Installation. Spdnklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twisuslippage, or the like, musl bo re- placed. Aleo,,replaca any sprinkl€r that has a cracked bulb or lhat ha6 lost liquld from ils bulb. (r€f. Installalion Section Noto.) NOTES Abeetw of dn e*utalleotr" whith is ttlcd, to cover a clcaratlce lnlc, moy delay thc timb ta sprinhlcr operation in o fire situation Before cbsing a firc probction ryatcm contrcl aalve for maintctwne work on tlc firc protection eystzm which it con- ttols, pennissbn to shut down thc of- fectcd firc prctection rXstem must be obtoirud fmn tle prcpei autlwrities and all prcornel who riny b affectzd by thia actiin must be notifted., ll ls recommended that automatic sprinH€r systomg be inspecled quar- tedy by a quallfied lmpocl'|on S6Mce. Setler wah. anb for a period of one year from thq date of shlpment (wananty pedod) lhal the produots lumished hereunder will be.free from defects in matodal and workmanship. The data p.ovidsd in Figure D b not intended for use as a mlnimum wetting pattorh spocltlcation, Fq further &talls on Wamnv see PdtF UsL A Produc,t Synbol Number (PSN) is not spocifi€d when ordering poly€stor coat€d Model A Spdnklers with other lhan a whit€ color; when ordering color coaled Recess€d Esculch€ons wlth olhorthan awhite color; orwhen order- ing sprinklers with thread connections per ISO 21. lt is suggestod lhata color chip be provided when ordedng spe- cial color finishes. Otherwise, respon- sibility for duplication cannot be ac- cept€d. Conlact your local distributor for avail- abllity. 'Standard Order' Sprlnkler Ascel||bll€! wlth NPT Thrcad Gonncctlons: ilodel AOR-EC (3 mm bulb) Sprlnklera: Specify: 17132' orilice, 135'F, Modol A OR-EC Horlzontal Sidewall SpdnHer wlth (epecify type) finlsh, PSN (specify lrom Table E). ilodcl AOF-EC/EC (3 mm bulb) Sprlntlcrc: Specify: 17132' oritice, (lempera- ture ratlng: 155'F or 175'F), Model A QR-EC/EC Horizontal Sidewall SpdnHer wlth (specify type) flnish, PSN (epecify from Table E). Model A EC (5 mm bulb) Sprfnklcre: Specify: 17132' otilice, (tempera- turo rating: 135'F or 1551F), Modol A EC Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Yrlth (speclfy type) flnlsh, PSN (specify from Table E). The nominal welgfrts are ae follows. 17f32' Orlfca lilo(|3l A Elladl€d Colrs4o lbrlzoa al Sldotrlsprfid€r ... ..... , .3.08. (869) 3lt' Modd F70o Rscossod Esdldr€on . . . . . l.3oz8. (38 g) 3/t! Modd F705 BecsodE3crrd|€on ..... 1.2 ozs. (34 g) Mod€l F850 opdhldo.Wro.dr 15.5 oz8, (4.1O g) U TEMPERATURE RATING 135 135'Fl57'C {AQR.EC& AECONLY) 155 155'Fr68'C (A AR-EC/EC &- A EC ONLI1 175 175'FnS'C (oR-EC/Ec ONLYI @ Reg. tademark ot GRINNEII @RPORATION, 3 TY@ PARK EXEIEB NH GtSin A alw fdTERNAnOT'{r'.L LTD. COMPANY I T I CQNCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER With 12" ADJUSTMEM-Il- MODEL F69O DESIGNER OUICK RESPONSEI! mm BULB TypE, 1/2" OR|F|CE, 1/2" NpTI I t I I FACE OF SPRINKLER FTNING 1/2'NPt sPRrNXr.€Rl O{rNnN6 CUP lssE[aLY 1/2' (12,7 nm) IHR€ADED ADJUSruENT DIMENSION B FTCE OF CEIUNG TEMPERATUBE RATII{GS3 1350F / 57.C 155.F / 68"C 175'F t 7S.C 200.F / 93.C K-FAGTOR (NOiltNAL): 5.6(GPM+Pdlal 80.6(LPM+!67t41 AA|USTIEI{Tr n 1/2 lNcH (12.7mm) COVER PLATE FINIAHES: CHROME PLATED WHITE FAINTED SPECIAL COLOR PAINTED Dlm. lnahc. A- 3-V16B- a/16G 2-5t8D-Mln. 1-13/16DNom. 2-1nAD-Max. 2-5116 Htl 84,1 4,8 66,8 46,0 52,4 58,7 cot/ER P|_AIE ^sSO'BLY I I I I;J;H;CI.EARANCE }loLE D|MeNs|oN c (Dl ") CO/ER PI.AIE oMa€oN A (DA.) FIGURE A UODEL F692 OUTCK RESPONSE CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLEFI I I sp|ay Intended for uae In' 1116 palnted tinlshes for the Cowr Plate are aYallablo on speclal order, The sepanHe two-piece design of the Covgq Phte and lVlountlng eup As- sombliea allows Installation of the sprinHers and pressure testing ol the flre prot€c{ion system prlor to i-nslalla- fon ol_a susp€nded ceiling or applba- Uon of lhe llnish coatino to a fixed colling. Th€ soparable deslgn aleo per- mlts romoval ol suepended ceilino panols br accgss lo buatding eervb6 oqulpmont whhout hevlns to first shut down tho llre poteotlon syst€m and removg sprlnklers. Aleo, the aeparable two-piece design of th€ tho F690 Concealed Sprinkl-er provldes for 1/2 lnch of v€rtlcal adju6t- tn€nt, lo rcduce the accuracv to whlch the lengrth of fixod plpe drops to the sptlnklgls must b€ cut. Each eprlnkler is shipped with a dam- age .reslslant Protective Cap, which can bo lemporarlly l€ft In pldce until inslallation of the celllng is complete. The 112 lncfi orillco Mod€l F690 Qutck Response Concoalod Pendent Sprln- klers ais lisl€d by Underwriterc LCbo- ratorles Inc. and llsted by Und€rwrite.s Laboratori€s Inc. for uae In Canada (i,e., C.UL Lleted). The Model F690 Spdnfders are ap- provad by Fac{ory Mutual Research Corporatlon a8 standard rospon8e sprinldort for uo€ in Hazard Occupan- c_les up lo and includlng Ordlnary, Group ll. The Ordinary Hazard Occu- pancy approval ls llmlted to use in w€t plpe_,syst€ms and pteacllon systotns quallfying as wet plpe systems. The laboratory li8tlngs apply to the temporatur€ ratlnge and Cover Plate finiehes Indlcated In Flgure A. wmrtlll\tc TIE Mdel F6S0Quick RcsponaeCon- cealed fundcnt Sprirtlere dcgcribed. lwrcin mast be iwtalled and main- TDs78Q I I I I spdnHor systems deslgned ln acrod- enoe wlth the otandard lnslallatlon rulos rocognlzed by tho appllcable Lbting or Approval agency (e.9. UL Lbffng is based on NFPA 13 requle menta). The F090 produc€s a tieml- gpherlcal water distributlon pattem bo- low tho deflec{or. Each unil'lncludee a Cover Phe Assembly wtrich conceals the eprlnkler operating componentB ebow the celllng. The cnall Coror Plato ls flat wlth a lowpofilc wlrlch blends In wlth the coitlng' for an aoslhetically pleasing appear- ance. Standard liniehqr fror lhe Gover Plale ar€ satin chrome plat€d and palnted whlte. Other factory applied I Prlnt€d ln u.s.A.6-eg I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I t tained in compliance utith this docu- rnent, as well'as with the opplicoble etanclords of the Nationol Fire Protec' tion Association, in addition to the atondords of any other authorities havint .iurisdiction. Failure to do so may inpoir th.e integrit! of these de- uites. Thz F690 Concealed' Pendent Sprin' hlers must not be used in oppli.cotions where tle air Dresaure obove tfu ceil- ins is ereater tha.n thtt below Down' dr-oft{ through the Mounting CuP covld, d.elay sprinhler operation in o fire situotion. The owner is responsible for main- taining tluir ftre protection rXstem and, diuices in proper operating con- dition. Thc inatdllitg contractor or manufacturer should, be contacted. ,zlotive to an! quzetione ar€ rat€d tor uso at a maximum servlce pr€ssure of 175 Psi (12,1 bar). The ivallable t€mperature ratings and nominal Instaltation dimonolone are olr,€n h Flquro A. Table I summarizos ire maxlmirm permbdHe c€iling t€m- poratures br us€ wlth tho F690' Siandard finishes for the Covei Plate ar€ satin chrome and Painted white; howev€r, oth€r factory paint€d liniehos for the Cover Plate are availabl€ on epecial order. The nominal dlscharge curvos Plotted in Fiqure C r€pr€sents the flow 'Q" In GPM-(LPM) ai determined by lhe for' mula: a=KJi where the nominal sprinklor discharge coolficlonl'l( = 6.6 (80,7); and ? = lhs .€slduel llowlng pressuo ln pel (bar). Lisuns 8tandalds permil the ac' iual'value of 'l(to vary frorn 5.3 to 5.8 O6.4 to 8{t,6); howoier lor lrydraulic ialculations, i K-fac{or of 5.6 (80'7} ls to b€ applied. The F690 Sprlnkler conslsls of lwo sub-ass€mbliEs, as shown In Flgur€ B: tre SpdnHer/Mouhting Cup A556ingy and the Corer Plale AsaemblY. Sprlnldcr/llountlng Cup Aeeembly Tire Spdnklor Ass€mbly utlllzes a 3 mm Brilb and has a die'cast dezlnclft' catlon resistant (DZR) bronze alloy Frerne. The two pieces of lho Button Aseemblv are coilstructed from braes Dol ASTM BlS (C36000) and coPper iCtzzOol. nre Gasketed Spring Pbto ioneloti ol an BerYlllum Nlckol (N(XX|60) dsc spring that ls sealed on 6oth lts lirlde and outslds €dg€s with a Teflonf gesk€t. The ComPreselon Scrow a6-brass P€r ASTM 816 (C36000). The Deflector ls bronze per SPHINKLER TEMPERATURE RATING COVER PLATE TEMPERATURE RATING MAXIMUM CEILING TEMPERATURE 135"F 157"C 135"F 157"C 100'F / 38"C 155.F / 68"C 135'F 157"c 100'F / 38'C 175'F 179"C 165'F 174"C '| 50'F / 68'C 200"F 193"c 165"F 174"C 150"F / 68'c TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF MAXIMUTI' PERMITTED CEILING TEMPERATURE RATINGS WRENCHING AREA (BO]H stDEs) 1/2" NPf MOUNTING CUP !TTH ROLL FORMED TI,IREADS SPRINKLER/MOUNTING CUP E ECTION SPRING CASKETED SPRING PtAlE EI{CLOSURE tvlfl{ 1HRE D DIMPLES UOUNNNG SURFACE r SOTDER r^8s (5) MAI{UFIC|URER PRESEf GTP 3/32' (2,a mm) COVER PLATE ASSEMBLY FICURE B I|ODEL F69O OUICK RESPONSE coNcEAtED PEt{DEilr sPBtNtqEl a99E!E!x ASTM Bge (C22000), tho Arms are phoophor bronze per CDA AlloY 510. The Mounting Cup is chrom€ Plaled low carbon 6heet 6t€el. Tho Mountlns CuP Assembly is Pro' vlded wlth a Protectlve Cap (Hgt Fig' ure E), whlch hglps prarent damage.to tho Delloctor and Arms b€fore th€ Cover Pbtc Aseelnblv ls installed- The Protectlve Cap ls deblgned such that the Cap can d€ op€nad to expo66 lhe sprlnklot lor temporary lko prot€c{lon' uhtil the ceiling Installalion is com' pl€tod and |he eover Plate can be in' stalled, The Ptotectlve Cap le dis- carded once{he Cowr Plate Assembly is lnstall€d. Covor Plato A3s€mbly The Cover Plal€ A86emblY, which scrows onto the SprlnHer/Mountlng Cuo Aesembly, consllts of a Cover Pdte which ls eoldered lo an Endc aur€ al three equldlctanl localions around tholr perlpherlee. The Cover Plate and Enclosute are blg88 Per ASTM 836 (C26m0 or C20800). A TvDe 902 etd-nless ste€l comprsslon Sijrlng is located between the flange ol f DuPont Registered Trademark t I t T 6.l- 45-()4qo E5rsoo s30c 825z 820 6 z. a2,o g' E r,s 1,0 0,5 =u, 15 Efn10 E!5 t50 MINUIE CAP IN OPEN POSmON \1/8" \(J,2 mm) t REF. I I I t I 10 t5 DISCHARGE 20 25 30 IN U.S. GALLOIIS (cPM) DISC|iARGE f00 125 IN LIIRES PER (LPM) 35 40 PER MINUTE SPRINKLER \. DEFLECTOR \ IN DROPPED POStTtON FIGURE C NOIIINAL DISCHARGE CURVES f'FIGURE E PROTECTIVE CAP t I I I HGURE D IIODEL 2111 SPRINXLER WREilCTI Wrcnah for installation of tltc F690 Sprinhler. Do not wrench on the Sprinhlzr other than aa elnwn in Fig- urz D. Do twt otbmpt to mahz-np for insuf- fobnt d,jutmcnt in tlu Sprinlfur Asumb$ by tuden or ooet'tighbning tle Sprinhht I Motttrtirg Ctrp Asem- bly. fu@iuat tlu positbn of tlu aprin- hbr fittittg b suit. A lezh Wht 112 irch Nfr eprinlclerjoint clwtld be obtoituil with e torquc of 7tn 14ft.lba@,6to 19,0Nm).Morc tlnn 27 ft. lbs, Q8,5 Nm) of bryue may dicbrt tlw april*lbr oriflce eot with aowqwnt balnge. Procsed with tho installatlon a6 fol- lows: 1. The pipe connoct€d to ho sprinkl€r fftting should be c|rt eo that the bot- tom lace of the fftting b betrveen 1-1Y16 and 2-3116 lnch (49,2 mm and 55,6 mm) abo,e lhe celhg [ne. ' By uslng a t/4Incfi (6,4 mm) la U6 for the ? <ilmenslon, lho r€malnlng 1/4 lndr (6,4 mm) 0f edJustmont can be used to compenFate br the pos- silCo manuhcturing varlatlonsh th€ mako-h of the $rlnldeF and lhe talo-out of litdngs (as perr*tted by ANSI 8120.1). 1-slr'(4r,J Rtt I I I, T I lhe Enclosure and lhe Cover Plate, lo omur€ s€paraffon of lhe two plec€6 when the eolder mellrs. Soldor haviE a t€mperaturs rat3ng of 135'F/57"C ls used wlth Cover Pht€ Assemulee br lhe 135'F/57'C and | 55nF/68'G opdnld6tr, and sold€r wlth a temperatur radng of 165oFl/4"C is usod wlth Cowr Plate Assemblles for the 175"Ffl9'C and 200'F/93rc oprln- lders (Ref. Table 1). When the Cowr Plale Assembly io e$osed to a tem- perature sutflclenl to fuse the sold€r, lhe Cowr Platc wlll tall away tlom hs Enclosure whlch allowo the Deflector to drop lnto posltlon and, to oxpoe€ lhe SprinHer br operation. A label located on the side of lhe Cowr Platar Assomuy Indlcates the temp€ra- ture radng of the Cover Plaie Assem- bly and th€ temporatur€ ratlng ol the F690 Sprinkler with whlch il is to be usod. ivonEs Do rct instoll ary bulb type sprinhler if thc bttlb b crwtcd or tlw v h o bsg of liguid from tlu bulb. Withthc cprin- Her lvld horia ntally, a amo,ll oir bubbb shotid b prr"rr.;nt.Llu dittru- br of tlu air bubble aarize from op-pwimately 1118 inch (1,6 mm) forthz 136'F167'C rating b 3132 ituh 2,1 mm) for tlu 200' F I 93"C trtitlf' OnlX u* the Modzl 2111 Sprit*ler SIDE VIEIV \^orro"^'t"*' F,o3 a.- --q6 {.d BOTTOM VIEW COVER PLATE FINISH I Chrome Plated 0 Paint6d Whit€ t I t I T PSN 5 1 5. Before closing a fire protzction sys- t4m mdin control valve for mainte- nnnte worh on tlw fitu protection sxstzm which it controls, permis- sion to shut down the affected. fire protcction syetzm mutt be obtoined. from tlu proper autlwritics and, all perwwwl who nay be affectcd by thia actinn muet be notifud.. It is r6commended that automatic sprinklor syslems be Inspected quar- terly by a qualified Inspection Service. Sellerwarrante for a perlod of on6 year trom th€ dat€ of Bhlpment (wananty porlod) lhal the producte tutnlshed hereunder urlll be freo from d€f€cts in matorlal and workmanshlp. For fantfur dztoils on Warranty, see Price Liet. Automalh sprlnklors must never be shipped orstored where theirlempera- lure will €xce€d 100oF138'C and they must nevei be palnled, plat6d, coatsd or othelwls€ alterod after leavlng lhs lactory. Modilled sprlnldEr8 must b6 r€- placed. Sprlnklors lhat havo been ex- pos€d lo corroslr/€ products of com- bustion, but hav€ not op€raled, should be replaced if th€y cannot be com- pletely clean€d by wiping the sprinkler with a clolh or by bruGhlng lt with a soft bristlo brush. Care must bE ex€rcisod to avoid dam- age lo the eprinklers - both before and aft€r imtallataon. Sprinklers damagedby dropping, striklng, wrench lwisUslippage, or lhe like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). ll a sprinkler musl be removed for some rsason, do nol reinslall it or a roplacom€nt wlthout reinstalling the Corer Plate Assembly. lf a Covei Plate Assembly becomes dislodgod during ssrvice, replace lt lmmedlalely. NATBE7. Ablrllrc of tlu Cover Pl& Asem- bly ntoy &hy cprhhler oprutbn inafirc dttntion. 2. Wlwt pmperb inatalbd tlerc is d rcn&nl 3182 irr.h (2,4 i.d air gop Muen tlu lip of tlw Cowr Plale and thc eilittg, as clwwn in FUtueL T}.isair Eap isrccr,silrt for prcper operutbn of tlu cpri,D- hlcn If tlu eilittg b b be rcpointed, $er tlu i;nctallatbn of tlrc F690, cd,rc mtt*lt fu uerci*d. b eneure that tlv tuw paint daa NOT *al off any of tlu air gap 3. Factory painted Couer Plotes MUST NOT be npointztl Thcy cluttld. be rcplud, if twaeary, by fortory pahtzd wita 4. Do rrd ptil tle Couer Platz rclativeb tlw Entbsurc" Separctbn may rcsult. TABLE 2 PRODUCT SYMBOL NUMBER, SELECTION 2. 3. Removp the Protec'tive Cap. Wih phro thread sealant appll€d to lhe pipo lhreads, and uslng th€ Model 21'11 Wrench pod[oned ae shown in Figure Q hstalland dghten lhe F69O Sprinkl€riMounting CW Asserbly Into the flttlng. The 2l l 1 wi$ acc€pt a 1.1/10 inch hor socket or a 112 lnch ratchet drlw. Rebr to Figure E and replaco he Proleclive Cap by pushing it up- wards until lt bottoms out agalnst th€ Mounting Cup. The Proteciive Cap help6 pr6/snl damage to the Deflec- lor and AnnB during cellhg Inetala- llon andor during applicadon of the frkih coating of the cdling. ft mry abo bo usod io locat€ the cenl€r ot the deararrce holo by gBntly pushft€ the ceiling material up against th€ center po3nt of th€ Cap. Open lhe Protec,tive Cap as shorvn in Figure E, if the ftr€ prot€ction sys- lem is lo be in service while the ceiling installation is being com- pl€led. After the colling has b€€n corplel€d with lhe 2-58 hcfi (66,7 mm) dlam+ ter dearance hole, rcmove and ds- card |ho Prd€cli\€ Cap, and wdty tral tt|e Dcffedor mov€6 up ard dilnfrcely. f tte F6S0 SpmHor has boon dern- aged and $e Defleclor do€s not mov€ up and dorm lroely, replac€ fto entiro F69O Sprinlder assembly; Do not atterpt to modlfy or rcpalr a damaged sprinlder, Scrcw-on the Corcr Plalc AseemHy undl its flange iusl comes h contac{ niftthecdllng. Do not contlnuo to scr€w-on th€ Cover Plde AssemUy such |hat il lifts a ceilng panel out of hs normal position. lf lfte Copr Phte Assernuy carnot be engaged wi[r fte Moutling Ct.p ortho Col,grPbto Assfi|b|y camol be engagod sumc|ofrlly to codac{ the celling, the Spdnlder has been pooltlonod Incon€ctly and m,r€{ b€ t€posllion€d according to Step No. 1 . t 6. I t I T -I I I t I T T T I Spdnklor A.rombllos: Speclfy: 1/2 Inch orltlc€, (sp€city l6m- p€ratur€ rallng), Model F690 Quick Responee Concealed Pendent Sprln- kler with (apecify type finlsh) Cowr Plate, PSN (speclfy lrom Table 2). Conlact your local dletrihJtor for avail-ability. i ] Producl Symbol Numbers are nol specified wh€n ord€ring F69O Sprin- klers wlth a special paintod linish for th€ Cover Plate. ll h suggested that a color chip be provided when ordering sp€cial painted finishes. Otherwise, re- sponsiblllty ior duplication ot th6 de- sired finlsh cannot be acoapled. Scp.rutoly Orderud P.rls: Speclfy: Model 2111 Sprinkler Wronch, PSN 58-flrc-2-l 1 1. Repleccmcnt Plrla: Speclfy: (doscrlptlon) lor use with F69O Sprlnlders, PSN (specrfyf SprinklerlMountlng Cup Assemblies are not avallaHe as l€placement parts. Pdntrd Wh[c 136'F/67C Cov.r PbL Ar..n$ly lor l35i'F67rc or 155'F/68'jC Sprlnldc|r...,. PSN 68€S0.G155 prkrt€d lrrHb 105'Fl7lC Cov.r Pb|! A!..mbly . for 'l75'Fl 7g'C or 200'F/99'C SpdnH8rs..... PSN 50€0(HF2oO Chrcmo Pldod '135'F/5'7C Ccvcr Phlc Arrcrtly hr 135'F/5.t C or 155'F/88'C Spthlde's . .. . . P8N 86{9G$.t55 Cllom. Phlcd 165'FA4C C@rr Plst A.lrnoly lq 175'Fl78C ot 2(l0'F/9!'qC aPdnldsls;.... PSIT56€0O4-2@ @ R€g. tadomark of GRINNELL @BPORATION, 3 wco PARK, EXEIER, NH 03833 A tqCO NTERNATTaNAL LrD. coMPANy I I APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Commercial Project #: Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: 9 7O- 479 - 2 7 3 5 finsoecti ons ) & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings ane required at time of lication submittaland must include information listed on the .r9-oS<7.:-*z=zvAh I"", be accepted without this 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 app 2no Fire Alarm Contractor: |tLx nQ 'E$!; LASS( EuEL. lb'* Lls<e Ax- Town of Vail Reg: No.:€ ('zzb Contact and Phone #'si 3og-zZe-5J14.G'/ S.larsra 3d3-tzz- Sy'sc E-Mail Address: el,ro,.u.y e 1o6.. i^. -,.',^r contractor sienryAitl.. ir,t il.i fi t-;{:Y"'S";.,'I' x' ' .. ,.,,1 .r;.i:i'.i. ' " '' t I : i"'nr': COMPI+TE VALUATIOTTS'FOR ALARM PERMIT (tabor &. Tltle:Fire Alarm: $ Z6 77'-:- Suts -Assessorc Offtce at 970-328-8640 or uisit ECE i\onri.. Contad tr*rr****'trt*'t*******rr**?t***************rt*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********tr**r<*********r!**ri*********r(** \\I"_.^\ L_r\ 5*' Other Fees:Date Received:\).'^\ f(,,-'-"^.*t L\6 la7 t>-7 Ao( u 4n6(7o r 7 (r€^t+'l\--F;'rr':t'1 - -Aaron- A0r) Job Address: ?/ 5 1^1 L/o ';e tttlo G4 co 9t67 Subdivision : ltl r;7<t ; 5Filing: "r f'r ,::fll:v,w %y*["!I": tto-or,)lit #'btde' #) description of work: h>oyra! otr /t*r ?€r.v.<l Ato tix;Fc.A.Fdr ftr r€Jq,n fitt ns *ez+ WorkClass: New() Additionld Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) CommercialS{Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: YesDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRM PERM. DOC 0712612002 NOTIFICATION APPTIANCES 'Featr.,res BY: n uL tg7i-tisted synchionizing stroo" Tlt$t Integrity sttobes synchronize tothe lateslqlffT Le$rirffi6frls . when used with an externalcontrolmfdiild(Gl M orSlGA.CCtS). t Genesis-compatible Can be mixed with Genesis signals. All Genesis and Integrity strobes on the same circuit meetUL 1971 synchronization reqUlrdrhents wheh used With an sxternalcontrol modufe. Approved for public and private moale applications EDwaRDs SYsrEMs TEcHNoLoGY U.S. SAIES: SARASOTA. FL 941-7394638; FAX 941-727-1214 . CANADASALES: OWEN SOUND. ON 519'37e2€0; FAX 519-376'7258 INTERNAIIONALSALES:905.27S1711;FAx90527G9553. CORPORATE HEADOUARTERST CHESHIRE. CT . U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELO ME UL 1971-listed as signaling devicesfor the hearing impairedand UL 1638-listed as piotective visualsignaling appliinces E High dBA Output .. l"ql^".T:.:Ty' sealed mylar speaker cone produces a loud 90 ensures quick and anractive installation. A separate rrim plate is notot'A ar I waEs. . --,. tnaurupreousutrafe,2so.z'vortModels. '_t. ";""1j,[:1"t""Jfl'jl*:::*:':j"ottAWG(2'5mm']wj'"tol ; .-_.' Easyto seleafor \A,Vz, 1, or 2waltoperation. Integrity speakers - -' are supplied with a DC Blobkirig Capacitor for auOio ciicuit SPEAKER: All lntegrity speakers include a DC blocking capacitor to allow elsctricalsupervision of the audio distrjbutL:?"n':c;l",' I Durabte red or wiite Noryllront platd ' Modelsfor 25 Vnui and 7o vRMs circuits ar roear ror Inousr.ar or na rs n envrro n menrs. sp ea ker with its sea led ba ck co n stru ctio n p rovides extra du rability u Fierdchanseabrefierdmarkinss :lii[?|:Xfifl,tdibilitv wattasetapsrrom%wto2wprovide Lsns language or standard "FIRE' marking is easily changed with : optional LKW and LKC seri€s lens kits. - STROBE: As part of the Enhanced Integrity line of products, 757 i Easy Installation Series strobes exceed.UL synchronization requirements (withiri l0 FrushmounttostandardNorrhAmerican4,,sguarebox_wilh-1%': liffi;f:,'jiJ"l;i';lffij'#:ffi:l]fili[i:11i.!f."",_extension ring (USAonly) lntegrityis universaimo-unting plate- liilffior,". rney are fuly compatibre with Gonesis signars.allows it to be wired.and then left hanging free for easy inspec- . tion and testing before it is fastened to the electrical box. Synchronization is importa nt because a small portion ofthe !1"::f lffi ?:#L.,:lli:::#H1,ffi"",x11:,"i:;*",:i"::iLi". Dr.isc ri pt iO r] minimize this risk. Integrity Speakers and Speaker-Strobes aib designed for broad- Strobes are shipped with standard wall mount style "FlRE" lens 'castinEhigh quality, integrated, emergency voics communica- markings. Where ceiling orientation, other languages, or different. .. . . tions, as wel[ as alert and alarm tono signals. Use them in life safety lens markings are required, EST offers optional LKWand LKC' applications, ospecially to nolffythe hearing impaired an{ where seri€s Lens Marking Kits. These optional l€ns markings simply snap transitory people are expected such as in hotels, malls, airports, on to the strobe. Consult EST for availability of special lens - I hospitals and othor public buildings. markings. ' Integrity's ruggsd plastic housihg is made from durable and fire .Intbgrity strobes are designed for lo to 31 Vdc 6perbtion and musr . retardant, high irnpact plastic with a slightly textured surface. be connected to signalcircuits that output a constant (not pulsed)' . Housings are available in.red or white. lts ingenious mounting voltage, A diode is used to allowlull signal ciicuit supervision.ffi Effifi s0lFo3$rsbt &Nl o. r0ro*h Literature Sheet #a5OO1-O316 Nol to b€ used for installation purpos€s- lssue 4 P€ge 1 of 4 Table 2: Compatible synchronization modules Table 5: Light output (cd) Model description Model numbers Model uL 1971 uL 1638 uLc s526 Auto-Sync Output Module SIGA-CC,1S SIGA-MCC1S SIGA-CC1S-LG SIGA.MCClS-LG 15 cd 15 indoor wall mount only 15'15 Genesis Signal Master - Remote Mount ADTGIM-RM MGlM.RMEGlM.RM' XLSGIM-RM G1M.RM ZGlM-RM G1M-RM.LG 30 cd 1 5/75 cd 15 wall Specifications Operating voltage Strobe: See Table 3 Speaker: 25 Vrms or 70 Vrms Opqrating current: See Table 4 Lioht outDut: See Table 5 Sinchronization: Meets UL 1971 requirement6. Maximum allowed resistance between any two devices is 20 Cl. Refer to specifications foi the synchroriizalion control . module, this strobe, and the. control panel to determine allowed wire resistance. Sound level output at 10 feet (3.05 m): Measured in a reverberant room using 400 to 4,000 Hz band limited.pink 110cd 110 noise per UL 1480. . 1/4 W: 78 dBA ' .112 W: 81 dBA.1W: 84dBA.2 W: 87 dBA Wire size: 12 to 18 AWG (2.50 io 0.75 3q mm) Compatible electrical boxes: ' ---+F- l-lor zonlal/GEling. Standard 4 in square box 1-112 in (38 mm) deep with 1-' 1l2in (38 rnm) deep extenslon ring (Universal 53151 orequivalent) ,"Figure.1: UL 1971.minimum light output (% of rating vs. angl€) . CAUTION GANADA: lf using lberville (Commander) . extension ring, use standard box with 2-118 in (54 mm) .. deep extension ring (Universal 53171 or equiv?lent) . Model 960A4SF flush box . Surface mounting box per Table 1 Operating humidity: 93% relative humidity at 86 'F (30 'C) Operating temperature: 32 to 120 'F (0 Jo 49 'C) Agency f istings: Meets ULC-S541 , year 2OO4 UL requirements fbr standafds UL 1638 and UL 1971 (see Figurd 1), and ' . complies with UL 1480 fourth edition. Table 3: Strobe operating volt:ige 30 wall '15 ceiling 1'10 wall 60 ceiling lnstallation instructions WARNING: To reduce the risk of shock, do not tamper with the unit when the circuit is energized. Disconnect all power and allow 5 minules for stored energy to dissip.ate before.handling. . Caulion: Electrical supervision requires the wire run to be broken at each terminal. Do not loop the signaling circuit field wires around the terminals. 30 75I5 Agency ,Vdc Vfiivi uL t1l 16 to 33 16 to33 ULC 20 to 31 20 to 31 [1] This device was tested to the regulated 24 Vdcltwr operating voltage limits of 16 V and 33 V. Do not apply 80% 'and 1 10% of these values for systom operatjon.. . .. . Table 4: Maxlmum op€ratlng current (A RMS) 15 cd 30 cd 110 cd 0.109 0.130 0.150 o.329 Sleeping rooms: In sleeping areas, the 110 cd strobe must be wall niounted not less than 24 in (61 cm) from the cdiling and no more than 16 ft (4.88 m) from the piilow. Distance io the ceiling is measured from the top of the signal lens, To install the sDeaker/strobe: .,. -*i*-. -,.-*.',.,- ,.r-.- . 1. . Sblect and install a suildble eledrical.box; Bring the signaling circuit field wiring into the electrical box. Position tlie mounting plate on the electrical box: Fasten the plate using hvo pan head slotted screws (supplied). .c. 15/75 cd 0.189 0.210 o.420 21 MAYO4 0.150 P/N:3100368 REV:2.0 2t4 See Figure 2.' wiring. You must observe polarily for the unit to function properly. See the "Wiring diagrams" topic, below. For additional wiring details, see the applicable installation instructions for the signaling modules or circuits used in the fire alarm control Danel. lnstallatron Sheet Synchronized Speaker-Slrobe 5. 6. betermine the correct power tap for the required sound level from the "Specifications" topic, above. Connect the audio output winng to the corresponding speaker terminal. See Figure 3. After connections are complete, position the unit on the mounting plate. . The grille has tabs (at the top of the inner face) that engage with the hook flange on the mounting plate. . Angle the bottom of the grille out slightly, and slide the unit into place so that the tabs engage the flange. . Seat the grille by pressing the bottom in. . Fasten the bottom of the grille to the mounting plate by tightening the captive locking screw. 7. Apply power and activate the unit to verify that it is operating properly. 3 in (76 mm) or 3-5/8 in (92 mm)Sbndqrd box with ext€nsion ring l Knockouls for 1/2 in (13 mm) or.t4 in (19 mm) conduit on top, botlom, and &2:''ra- r -5l8in lJ(16mm) back ,1t2in (140tnm) Figure 2: Mounting details. Wiring diagrams For wiring installation details, see the applicable control Danel installation manual. Input voltage matching the voltage rating of th€ speak€r (25 or 70 Vrms) r. z ,| 1t2 1t4 si S- . To list€d fire alarm @nlrol panel (signal circuit) + End-oHine resistor (qupplied with control pangl) Speaker powe r.(watts) I-+- Strobe input pow€r Figure 4: Wirihg for speaker unit .Spoakor/Srobo t€(mlnal.blocks lnstallation Sheet Synchronized Speaker-Strobe P/N:3100368 REV: 2.0 3t421MAYO4 End-of-line rssistor (supplied with control panel) Spoakef-strobe terminal bbcks Flgurc 5: W[dng for strobe tinit l/laintenance t This unit is hot serviceable or repairable. Should the unlt fail to op€rate, contac't ths supplief for r€placarnent. Perform a vlsual InsFic{on and an operatlonal test twic€ a year or as dlrected by the local auhorlty having jurisdicdon. I PN: 3100368 REV:2.0 1t 4 21MAYO4 Installation Sheet Synchronized SpEaker-Sirobc W CONVENTIONAT INITIATING DEVIGESEDWARDS SYSTEMS 1'ECHNOLOCY r.TI7'IF{IIU |IEsIilE[il -il reil IEil IEE@fl . Series 500 heat ssnsors ar6 normally-opgn devices dssignod to. cl6se an electrical cirguit upon activation. Sensors use dual action, el6ctric firs detection thermostats that employ two . independent methods of det€ction:.Rate-ot-Rise and Fixed. Temperature. Models qre available in configurations that include rate-o{-rise, f ixed tempeiature and combination rate.of-rise/f ixed' temperature sensors. The rate-of-rise dltdcdori senses fir€s that grovV rapidiy in intensity. This method responds to abnormally fast temperaturs *a All electrical contacts are all silyer-clad r All metal parts aro brass'or aluminum, mounted on a durable, minerpl-fi lled, phenolic base increases. . The iate-of-ilse element Consiils of an aii chamber, f leiible metal' diaphragm and rest;icted orifiee ventthat can be olosely cali.' brated to.control air flow rate in and out of the cha mber. The air chamber expands and contraots as ambient room tem- perature changes. Under normaltemperature fluctuations, the u nit ibreaihes" through.the calibr?ted vent. Under rapid temperature rise conditions, air expands faster than it can be vented, building up enough pressurs to move a thin metal diaphragm until the . . flexible silver contact clqses th6 electrical circuit agai.nst a staliondry contact. When thd heat is removed, the pressure is relieved through the vent and the contacts are restored to normal. The ftxed tomperaturo dotoction sensss fires that build tempera- tures to a high level at a slow ral€i. This rnethod r6sponds to a ' specific temperatur€ setting. Hazardous Location Heat Detectors 5OO Series Features n Rate-ot-Rise and Fixed Temperaturo mod€ls I Compact simple dssign unaftected by vibration I Largo tarminals .nd wireways.simplify wiring in open or . concealdd applications .. I No oxposgd motal parts carry curlont EPBMPB (explosionproof/ moistureproofl (wsathorproot/moistureproof I @'m"*@@ 'Application Series 500 h6at sensors 8re designgd for us€ in applicatidns .'j requiring protection against weather., moisture (internal condensa- tionl, and explosive atmospheres. weather/Moisture Froof Models (WPBMPBi corisist of a;ast metal b'ox, gasket and special steel cover plate integrated with the sensor. A crossed wire guard is added for extra protectiirn: The emerging wire points are sealed with epoxy, increasing lesist- ence to moisture. The cast metal box has four wire entrancesfor /z-inch rigid conduit. The unit offers combined protection against weather and condensatio'n in the conduit. EiFlbsio;/Moisture Prbof ModelS (EPBMPB) consisi of a cast - metal box, cover plate and modified 500 Series sensor. The backbox has two opposing viire entrances threaded for %-inch rigid conduit. The box, cover and base are precision machined for . ext16m€ly close tolerance fit. Explosion proof models are avail- able in a moisture proof version, which includes a moisture-' resistant gasket. under tension bv standard fusible solder. When heated to its rated temperature, the alloy melts, releaiing the spring and closing the co ntacts. EDWARDS SYsrEMs TEcHNoLocY U.S.SALES: SARASOTA, F1941-739-4638; FAX941-721-1214 . CANADA SALES: OWtN SOUND, ON 519-37&2430; FAX 519-376'7258 INTERNATIONALSALES:90$27G1711;FA(90527G9553. CORPORATE HEADOUARTERS:Cl-lESHlRE. CT . U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELq ME Lit€16tu r€ Sh66t t85OO1-O393 Not to bo usad tor installation ouroos€s. For th6 most curiont llt€rrture and uodatos visit www.6sl.net. lssue 2 Page 1 ot 2 Inst;rllertion EPB{tlPB lexplosionproof/moisturoproof modelsl Approvals The Explosion Proof models (EPBMPB) are UL and FM listed f or . the following classifications: Cl.3s t; Group C: Atmoipheres ccintaining €thyl-ethervaporb, 6thylene or oyclo-prop€ne. Class l, Group D: Atmospheres containihg gasoline, hexane, naphtha, benzene, butanelpropane, alcohol,' : . i ' acetdne,.benzil, lacbuer solventvapors, naturalgas, Specif ir::a tiot^ls .Ordbring Information ',.d{llljix,l' 4$^,li*it Class ll, Group E:Atmospheres cbntaining metal dust of aluminum, magnesium br their con1mercial alloys. Class ll, Group F: Atmospheres containing darbon black, coal coke dust. Class ll, Group G: Tesl ir"rg The rate-of-riss mechanism may be subiect to reduced sonsitivity ov€r time. Annual testing is recomrnended. Rate=of-ris€ sensors . can be tested by applying measursd heat from a conveirient sourcs such as a hairdryer. Do not apply heat at temperatures abova the rated fixed tempsr€ture of the unit. This will cause the unitto actuate and require replacemsnt. Atmospheres containing flour, starch or gra dust. WPBMPB (weathsrproof/moisturoproof models) Model 501 Model 502 Model 503 Model 504 Sensing elements Combination fixed temoerature)/rate-of-tise Fixed temperature only Fixed femp'diature ratinq 136'F {58r}19trF l88"clr 136'F (58'el "190'F (8rc) Applications . Ceiling te rYi pera tu re less than 100'F {38'C} Ceiling temperature more than 100.F (38"C) but less than 150'F (66"C1 Ceiling Ceiling lempersture more than 100"F 138.C) but less than 150'F t66'Ct less than 100'F {38'C) Maximum Spacing UL:50ftx50ft FM: 30ftx30ft UL:15ftx15ft FM: 15 ft x 15 ft Electrical Ratings. 6 - 125 vac: 3.0 amps 6 - 28 vdc: 1.0 amp ' 125 vdc: 0.3 amp 250 vdc:.0.1 amp Listings UL, FM, CSFM, MEA, ULC or tn Catalog Number Descii ption Ship Wt lb. {ks} WPBMPBSOl Wdather/Mdisturoproof combindtion r-of-r and fixed temp. sensors (136"F/6trC1 2 (0.9) EPBMPBsOl Explosion/Moisturgproof combination r-bf-r and flxed tamp. sensors (136"F/59"C1 WPBMPB502 Weather/Nloistureproof combination r-of-r and fixed temp, sensors (190"F/88"C1 EPBMPB5O2 Explosion/Moisturaproof combination r-of-r and fixed temp. sensors (190'F/88'C) WPBMPB503 Weather/lMoistureproof .f i{ed temperatUre sensor (136'F/58'C) EPBMPB5O3 Explosion/Moistureproof f ixed temDerature sensor { 1 36"F/58'C) WPBMPBsO4 Weather/Moistureproot f ixed temoerature sensor (1 90"F/88"C) EPBMPB5O4 Explos-r,on/Moistureproof f ixed . temperature sensor (1 90"F/88"C) EDWARDs SYsrEMs TEcHNoLocY It is our intentjon to kgop the productintormation current and accurat€. W€ can not coverspecific applicatiohs oranticipate all requir€ments. All specifications are subjectto change withoul notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specilication Sheet contact EST. o 2002 EsT Pcg! 2 Printsd in U.S.A. laau6 2Litq16tur€ Sh66t ,86OO 1-O393 Not to b€ us€d for instgl16tion ourooses,For tho most current lilerature and uodates visit vvww.est.n€t. ot2 ^ffiffi INTETTIGENT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVIGES Input Modules Models SIGA-CT1 , SIGA-CT2 a SIGA-MCT2 - Featu res lq Multiple applications Including Alarm, Alarm with delayed latching (retardlfor waterflow applications, Supervisory, and Monitor. Theinstaller selects one offour "personality codes" to be downloaded to the module through th€ loop controller. r Plug-in lUlol or standard 1-gang mgunt . UIO yeysions allow quick installation where multiple modrles are . required. The 1-gang mountversion is idealfor remote locations lhat require a single module. I Automaticdovicemapping' Signature modulestransmitinformationto ths loop controller. regarding their circuitlocations with respect to other Signature devices on ths wire loop.. r Hectlonlc addressing . : ' ii- 'r' -- - Program|riablo addre€ses arc download€d from ths loop . . controllor, a PC, orthe SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service .. Tool. There are no switches or dialsto set. . r ll|telllgent dovicewlth mlcroprocegsor' Alldecisions are madd atthe module to allow lower communi- cation speed with substantially improved control panel response . time and less sensitivityto lins noise and loop wiring properties; iflisted orshielded wii€ is notr€quired: . I Non-volatile mem6* . Permanenlly stores serial number, type of deyice, and job number. Automatically updstes historic information including hours of opeiation, last maintenance date, number of alarms and. troubles, and time and date of last alarm. ' a Stand-aloire operation The nlodule makes decisions and inputs an alarm from initiating devices connected to it even if the loop controller's polling' interrogation stops, (Function availability dependent up.on controlpanel.) i Giirundfauh deteciion by address ' : ' ,. ' Detects ground fauhs right down to the device level. . I OiagnosticLEDs Flashing GREEN shows normalpolling; flashing RED shows alarm/active state. Descr,iption The SlcA,Cil Single Input Module and SIGA-CT2/SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Modules are intelligent.analog addressable devices used to connect one or two Class I normally-open Alarm, Supervi- sory, orMo n itoi typ s dry cohtact Initiaiing Device Circuits (lDCl. The actualfunction ofthess modules is deiermined b! the'Oerson- alitv code" selected bv the installer. This code is downloaded to the moduletrom the Signature loop controller during systeml . configuralion. The input modules gather analog information from the initiating devices connected to them and convert it into digital signals. Tho module's on-board microprocess6r analy?ss the signal and decides whgther or notto inpqt an alarm. The SIGA-CT1 and SIGA-CT2 mount to standard North American 1-gang.electrical bdxes, making them idealfor locations where only one.module is.equired, Separate llo and data loop connec- . - tions are made to each module. The SIGA-MCT2 is part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series.modu les. ltfunctions identically to the SIGA-CT2i buttakes ' advantage of the moduldr flexibility and easy inbtallation that r High ambienttomrierature oporation characterizes all Ulo modules' Two'and six'module Ulo ,r , , ffiffi1ffiffif,fl,Uifi&i1il,"fi;$ffif,i$lri t Designod to lso 9001 standards mounted in EsT enclosures. Allsignature products are manufactured to strict interriational : quality standards to ensure highest reliability. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY US.SA]IS:SARASOTA,FL941-7394638;FAX941-72-7-1214. CANADA SAI.IS: O\,VE N SOU N D, ON 51 9-3762430; FAiX 519-37e7 258 INTERNATIONALSALES:90S270-l7tl;FAX90s270.9553. CORPORATEHEADOUARTERSTCHESHIRE,CT; U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELO ME Lit€rature She€t #a6OOt-O241 Pag6 1 of 4 Installation SIGA-CTI and SIGA-CT2: modules mountto North Am erican2l/z inch(64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1% inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers. The terminals are suited for # 12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm'10 0.75 mm2)wire size. Compoilblo Elgclrlcor Bo{ (l-GanC) _l SIGA-MCT2: mountthe UlOmotherboard inside a suitable EST enclosure with screws and washers provided. Plug the SIGA-MCT2 into ariy available position on the molherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the captive screws. Wiring ' connectionsar€madetoth€tgrminalsonthemotherboard (see ,wiring diagraml. UIO motherboard t€rminals are suitedfor #12to #18AWG {2.5mm2to0.75 mm2)wire gize. .. Application The duty performed bythe SIGA-CTl and SIGA-CT2/MCT2 is determined by their sub-type code or "Personality Code". The code is selected by the installer depending upon the desired applica- tion and is downloaded from the loop controller. Ono perconality code can be assignsd to the SIGA-CTI . Two personality codes ca n be assigned to the.SlGA-CT2/MCT2. Codes 1,2,3 and 4 can be mixed on SIGA-CTz/MCT2 modules only. For example, personality code 'l can be assigned to the firstaddress (circuit A) and code 4 can be assigned to the second address (circuit B). NORMALLY-OPEN ALABM - LATCHING {Personality Code 11. Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally open dry contact initiating devicss such as Pull Stations, Heat Detectors, etc. An ALARM signalis sentto the loop bontroller when the input contact is closed. The alarm condition is latched at the module. NORMALLY-OPEru AT4RTTI ;OEUYED LATqHING lPsrsonality Code 2l - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures eitlrer circuitA or Bor both for Class B normally-open dry contact initiating devices such as WaterflowAlarm Switches. An ALARM signalis sent to thb loop contiolldi when thti input contact is closed for approximately 16 seconds. The alarm condition is latched atthe module. NORMALLY-OPEN ACTTVE - NON-LATCHING (Perconality Code . 3) - Assign to one or both circu.its. Configurgs either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contact monitoring input such as from F.ns, Dampors, Doors, etc. An.ACTIVE signal ii sent to the loop controller when the input Contact is closed. Tho active " cbhdltlon ls hbt latched at the iribdiil€: . -_ - :'*'' NQRMALLY-OPEN ACTIVE - LATCHING (Psrsonality Code 4l - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A.or B or both forClassB normally open drycontact mbnitoring inputsubh as from Supervisory and Tamper Switihes. An ACTIVE signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed. The active condition islatched atthe module. Orclering Inforrnatiot.t. | | wgF ,6 Frar $ashers.tl U + cati.6i or electical encJosur6 . . Electronic Addrossing - The loop.controller electronically ad- dresses each module. saving valuable time during system com-. missioning. Setting complicatedswitches or dials is.not required.. .Eachmodule has itg own uqiqueserial number stored in its on- bobrd membiy. The loop controller identifies each device ori the loop and assignb a 'soft" adbress io each serial number. lf desired, . the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. EST recommends thatthis module be initalled accordjng to latest . . recognized edition of national and local fire alarm oodes. Crtalog Number Desdription Ship Wt. lbs (kgl SIGA.CTl Sinqle Inoul Module - UUULc Listed 0.4 {0.15) SIGA.CT2 Dual Inout Module - ULruLC Listed 0.4 10.15) SIGAJMCT2 Dual Input Plug-in (UlO) Module - UL, ULC Listed 0.1 (0.05) RslEt6d Equipment 27193-11 Surfacs Mount Box - Red, 1-gang.1.0 (0.6) 271 93- t 0 Surface Mount Box - Whitb, 1-gang 1.0 (0.0) SIGA-M84 Module Mounting Bracket lor installing h/vo 1-gang modules in d single North American 4-inch square box, .5 (.3t SIGA-UIO2R Universal Input-Output Module Board dRiser Inouts - Two Module Poiitions 0.32 {0.19} lhrrrf-rlrfr |t M;.lr d..8nr.dr Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST,s EISASUIO6H iliHi;;; l;;,iG : Sii Mdduie Foiiiiiiil-- SIGA.UIO6 Universal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module Positions 0.56 (0.25) Signature Loop Controller. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TEcHNoLOGY Literatur6 Sheet #86O01 -O241Page 2 ol 4 lssue 5 TypicalWiring Modules willaccept #18AWG (0.75mm'?), #'16 (1.0mm'?), and #14AWG 11.50mm'?), and #12 AWG (2.50mm2)wire sizes. Note: Sizss #16 AWG (1.0mm,land #18AWG (0.75mm2) are preferredfor ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheetfof detailed wiring requirement specif ications. Iyplcol N.O. lniflotlng Devlce I|PUT I UVUTC Usted 47t(fi EOL ' Gl69n LED Slyle B (CloscB) AI\A 4 UVULC tbt€d , 47XO EOt- Gr€€n l,!D 0e|nio t I I UVUTC Usled .47Kr EOL ' R6d tID | ..," ( bm/A.#it) -- I. DAIA lN (+) I DArA tN C) .-Ob.r|oD...*.. our (+l OUT (' ., DATA otfi (+l DATA OUT (' ., Flom slgnolure controller or Prevk|l3 Devic€ To llext Dsvice From Siemfure Conlroloa d ri6dor,. Do^ca A srGA-cT2 " Initiating lSlavol Dsvice Circuit VUire Specifications Maximum Allowable Wire Resistance 50 ohms (25 ohms per wire) per Circuit Maximum Allowable Wre CaDacitance 0.llF per Circuit ForDesign Reference Wire Size Maximum Distance to EOLR #18 AWG (0,75 mm'?) 4,000 ft (1,219 m) #16 AWG (1.00 mm'?) #14AWG (1.50 mm'?) #12 AWG (1.50 mm'?) ow(*)l ouo J NOIES .I Maximum2SOrrm resistancE perwire. lA Mdximum #12AwG (2.5 mmr)wir6; Minimum#18AwG (0.75 mm2). A R.lertosighature controller installalion sheetforwiring specificatiohs. lA Malimum 10 Vdc @350ri Al4\ Maxrmum r0 vdc Gl350r/A ,/\l3\ Th€ SIGA-UlOgR and the SIGA-UlO2R do notcomowith.TEl4. 5 Allwiring is supGrvGed ard pow€r]imitsd. 7 Those modul6swillnoisupport 2-qire smoke detectors. This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently causs powsr interruption, we suggestyou discuss . further safgguards with your local fire protection specialist. AA,/^ OrE or ? SIGA-MCT2 Page 3 of 4 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Literature Sheel #85OO1 -O241 Specifications Catalog Number stGA-cTl slGA-cT2 | S|GA-MCT2 Description Single Input Module Dual Inout Module Type Code 48 (factory set) Four sub-types (persondlitv codes) are available 49 (factory set) Four sub-types {personality codes) are available Address Beouiremens Uses Ona Moduls Address Uses Two Module Addresses Operatind Current .Standby = 250!4; Activated = 400tA Standby = 396!A; Activated = 680//4 ODeratinq Voltaqe 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Construction Hiqh lmpact Enqineerinq Polvmer Mounting North American 272 inch (64 mm) deep one-gang boxes and 172 inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with one-gang covers uto2R/6R/6 Motherboard Storage and Operating Environment Operating Teniperaturs: 32oF to 120'F (0'C to 49'C) Storage Tomperature: -4:F to 14trF C20:C to 60"C); Humidity: 0 to 93% RH LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when oolled; On"board Red LED - Flashes when in alarm/active Both LEDS - Glow steadv when in alarm (stand-alonel Compatibility Use with Siqnature Loop Controller AOencv Listinqs 'UL, ULC {See Orderinq Table). MEA, CSFM Descri ption (Si gnature Overview) The Signature Series ifltelligent analog€ddressdble system from Edwards Systems Technology is an enti.e tamily of multi-sensor detectors and mounting bases, multiple-iunction inpul and output . modules, network and non:hetwcirk control panels, and iJsel-. friendly maintenance and service.tools. Analog information from . equipment connected to Signature devices is gathered and converted into digjtal signdls. An onboard microprocessor in each Signature device measures and analyzes the signal and decides. Whether or flot to input an alarm. Th6. micrOprocessor in each . . .- Signature device.provides four a{-ditional benefits - SalHlagnos-- tlci and ltistorv [og, Aritoiratld Bevlce Mappirig, Stand-blons Opcratiori and Fast, Stable Communication.' Selt-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series device.constanlly runs self-chdcts to provid€ importarit maintonance information. The re$ults of the self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The information slored in device memory includes:' . Device serial number, address, and type. Ddte of manufacture, hours ol operation, and last maintenance datd . . r Number..ol recorded alarms and troubles2 . Time and date of last alarmr' . Mosl recent trouble code logged by the detector - 32 possible trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. Automatic D€vico Mapping -Th€. Signature Dara Control16r (SDC) lsarns where aach device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connected to it. The Signature Seriss Data Entry Program also uses lhe mapping teature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits between each device. -can be examined. Layout or "as-built" drawing informalion .showing branch wiring (T-tapsl, device lypes and th_eir address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out of the .inqtallation. The preparation of as-built drawings is fast and efficient. . Device..mapping. allows the.Signature .Data Controller to discover: . Unexoected additional device addresses installer 10 determine their actual Junction, Personality codes are downloaded from the SDC during system configuration and are indicated during device mapping. 'Standdlone Oir.eration - A d€centialized dlarm decision by the device is guaranteed. Onboard intelligence permits the device to operate in standalone {degrade) mode. lf Signature loop controller CPU communications fail for more than foui seconds, all devices on that circuit go into standalone modo. The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving circuit. Each Signature device on the circuit continues to collect and analyze information from its slave devices. When connected to a panel utilizing standalone. ' operbtion,. modules with their "pgrsonality" set as alarm.devices .,,.,*(lDC) will alarm should their slave alqrm-initiating devica activate. Fast Stable Communicatien - Built-in intelligence means less infQrma- tion needs to be sent between the device and the Signature Data Controller (SDC). Other than regular supervisory polling response, ' Signature devices bnly need to comrhunicate with ths'SDC when ' they have something new to report. This provides very.Jast control panel response and allows a lower baud rate (speed) to be used for communication on the circuit. The lower'baud rate offers several advantages including: .. . Less sensitivitv to circuit wire'cha racteristics. . Less sensitivity'to noise glitches on the cabte. . Less emitted noise from the data wiring. . . Twisted or shielded.Wiring is not required, i Diagnostic LEDS - Twin LEDs on mosl Signature devices provide visual indication of normal and alarm-active conditions. A tlashing green LED shows normal system polling. A flashing red LED moans the module is in alarm-active state. Both LEDS on steady : indicates alarm-active state - standalone mode. Tosting 6 Maint€nanco - Automatic self-diagnosis identifies when a Signature device is detective and causes a trouble message, The user-frieirdly maintenance pro$ram shows the current state of each . device and other pertinent informalion. Single devices rhay be. turned off temporarlly,.from thb control panel.' Scheduled malnte- nanca.(Regufar or Selgctsdl lor proper sVstem oporatlon rhould . be planned to meot tho roquiromants ot the Authority Having Jrtrisdiction (AlU). Rofer to current NFPA 72 ind ULC CAN/ULC 536 . stqndards. : Ouality and Beliability - EST Signature devices are manufactured in North America to strict international ISO 9001 standards, All electron- ics utilize surface mount technology (SMT) for smaHer size and lo fr F{f,Dhila sfibtl$|f,dlfl0 saFed' corrosion resistance. rEST3V.2 only. , RetrievablewithSlGA-PRO programmingtool. o | 999 EST Peg€ 4 of 4 EDWARDS SYSTEMS TEcHNoLoGY . lt is our inlention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requiremen!s. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relalive to this Specification Sheet. contact ESI Prided in u.s.A" lssu€ 5Literature Sheet #a50O1 -O241 ruffi €DWAFOS SYSTEIIlS ECHNOLOGY INTETLIGENT INPUT/OUTPUT DEVICES Input Modules q Models SIGA-MM1 A SIGA-WTM II ffi, r-. 1; Features ' (r*,) ' f# |tr -"a#n-]ar I Monitor and watertlow/tamper applications MEA *@: l$ll l Includes Alarm with dslayed latching (retard)for waterflow "'"' . : , : Sll i"** applications,.Supervisory, and Monitor. q9 *!ffi r Non-vora.ro m'mory .UrC: .t Permansntly storeb serialnumber, type of device. and job \:z -gtfn ,.number,Automatjca||yUpdateshistoricintormationinq|udingw.' hours of operation, last maintenance date, number of alarms a nd troubles, and time and date of lasr blarm. E' p"1"n1"6 I Automatic devlco mapping Each rnodulb transmits.wiring information to the loop contioller fJ-' -,, ' r ; r i l r'1. i r ., t t regarding its location with respect to other devices on thecircuat. The SIGA-MM1 Monitor Module and SIGA-WTM Waterflod .l-. "' .. . Tamper Mgdule are pait qf EST:S Signaturo Seriis system. They .r Eocironh addrosslng are intelligenr dnblog addr'sssible devices used to connect one or FeitnalientlystoriS lilografableiiddress;thtfpiieiib -r'+ 4 r,*hiJ6 clais Bhbimdlt-dbbH Alafii{Subdrvl$oiVj bl Moliltti}lwb "' 'r,|r*! 'r switches or dials to set. Addressss are downloaded from a PC, . ortheSIGA-PROSignatureProgram/ServiqeTool I lntelligsntmodulec/w.intigralmicroprocessor Alldecisions are made atthe.module allowing lower. communication speedwhilesubstantially improving control. panelresponse time, Less sensitive to lino noise and circuit wiring properties; twisted orshiolded wire is not required, I Ground lault detection by address. Detects ground faulls right down to the.device level: I Stand-along opeaiion The module makes decisions arid inouts an alarm from initiating deviceb connected td it even if the loop controlldr's polling interrogation stops. I DiagnosticlEDs Status LEDS are visible only when face plate is removed; . ' flashing GREEN shows normal pollind; flashing RED shows' alarrvactive stats. . ,: : , r Designod for hlgh .mbiont temporature oporation' . Install in ambienttemperatures up to 1,2O"F.(49"C). . r.. Designsd to.lSO 9001standards ' Manufacturediostrictinternational quality standardsfor highestreliability;' dry contact Initiating Device Circuits (lDC). Thefunction ofthe SIGA-MM1 and SIGA-WTM is determined by the factory loaded 'piersonality code The input modules gatheranalog informationfrom the initiating devices connected to them and conVert it into digitalsignals. The 'module's on-bbard microprocessor analy2esths signal and decides.whether or notto inputan alarm. ' The microprocessor in each module provideslour additional benelits - Self-diapnostics and History Log,Nutor4gtic Dqviqg .. Mapping. Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series moduls constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance 'information. The results of tho.self-check i16 automatically updated and permanentlV stor€d in the module's non-volatile memory.This ' information is.acceisiblefor.review any time at the control panBl, PC, or by using the SIGAPR.O Signature Program/Service Tool, The information stoied inthe module's memory includes: ' - module sdrial number;addreCi, arid nioilu'le dpe' - date of manufacfure. hourS ofbperation, and last mainterTanc€ .date2 - number of recordad troqbles and alarms2 . tims and date of last alarml - most recent trouble.code logged by the modtrle - 24 possible ' EST3 V.2 only., Retrievable with SIGA-PRO programming tool. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TEcHNoLoGY U.S.SALES: SARASOTA, F1941-739-4638; FAX 941-727-1214 . CANADASALES: OWEN SOUND, ON 519-37G24s0j FAX 519-376-7258 NTERNATIOMLSALES:90S27G1711; FAX 90t270-9553 . CORPORATEHEADOUARTERS:CHESHRE.CT'U.S.MANUFACTURING:PITTSFIELD.ME Literalure Sh.€l #A5OO1 -0297 Pr96 1 of 4 Automatic Device Mapping - The loop controller learns where each device's serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The loop conlroller keeps a map of the Signature Series devices connected to it. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, th€ wired circuits bet\ is€n sach device can be examined. Lavoutor'as- built" drawing information showing wire branches (T-taps), device types and their address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out of the installation. The preparation of as- built drawings is fast and efficient. . : ' Device mapping allows the Signature loop controller to discover: - unsxDected additional device addresses - missingdeviceaddresses - changes to the wiring in the circuit. Stand-alone Operation - A decentralized alarm decision by the .module is guaranteed. On-bpard intelligence permitsthe modute to operate in stand-alone mode. lf loop contro.ller CPU communr. . cations failfor more than four seconds, all devices on that circu tr go into stand-alone mode. Th€ circuit acts like I conVentiona I alarm raceiving circuit. Each module On the loop continues tb collect andanalyze information from jts slave device and will alarm shou ld their slave device activate. Fast Stable Communication - Buih-in intelligence mqans less infornlation needs to be sent between the module and the loop controller. Other than regu lar iupervisory polling response, the module only needs to communicate with the loop controller when ithassomething newto report. This provides very fast control'. panel resporis€ time and allows a lower baud rate (speed) to be d.,. - ussd for communication on ths circuit. The lower baud rats offers ., several advantages including: - less ssnsitivity to circuit wire characteristics - lsss sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable - less emitted noise from the analqg wiring - twisted or shielded wiring is nat required.. . Daagnoetic LEDs - Twin LEDs provide visual indication of normal anaslarm/active conditions. They are visible only when the front plate is removed. Aflashing.GREEN LED shows normalsystem . polling from the loop controller. A flashing RED LED means the 'module is in alarmlactive state. Both.LEDS on steadv shows alarm state - stand-alone mode. Construction. All modules in EST's Signature Series are con- structed of high-impact polymer designed to endure the effects of aging. They arefinished in white and are identified with front plate markings "FIRE ALARM MODULE". A self-adhesive French label for the frbnt plate is included to be applied by the installer if desirbd. Ouality and Reliability - EST modules ars manufactured in North . . .Am€rioa to strict international ISO $00t slandards. All electronics. utilizo surface mounttechnology (SMT)forsmaller sizsand greater immunityto RF noise. A conformal coating is used for humidity and corrosion resistance. lnsta llatiorr The SIGA-MM1 and SIGA-WTM modules mountto NorthAmerican 2-1l2inch (64 mmldeep one-gang boxes and 1-1l2 inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with one-gahg covers. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm'zto 0.75 mm'?)wire size. EST recommsnds thatthis modu16 bs installed according to latest recognized edition of national and localfire alarm codes. Electronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each module, saving valuable time during system com- missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unioue serial number stored in its on- board memory. Ths loop controll6r: identifies each dsvics on the . loop and assigns a "softl address to each serial number. lf desired, the rnodules can beaddressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Personality codes are assigned by the factory. No user configura- tion is required for these modules. .r+ !r,- - -,hi r$' F i \t',i'fl{, Opno.tol S6fi-Adheslve French Lob€l Gupplleo . 'b EDWARDS SYsrEMs TEcHNoLocY Literarure Sheer rrSSOOl -O297Page 2 of 4 Testing & Maintenance The module's automatic self-diagnosis identif ies when itis defective and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenan ce program shows the currentstate of each module and otherpertinent messages. Single modules may be turned off (de-activated) temporarily, from the control panel. Scheduled maintenance (Regu lar or Selected)for propersystem operation should be plannedto meet the requirements ofthe Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Referto current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536standards. Availability of . maintenanceJeatures is dependent on theJire alarm system used. I TypicalWiring The moduie willaccept #18 AWG (0.75mm,), #16 (1.Ommr), # 14 AWG (1.50mmr), #12 AWG {2.50mmr) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #.16 AWG (.1.0mm1) and # 18 AWG (0.75mm'?) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheetfor detailed wiring requirement specifi cations. Initiating (Slave! Device Circuit Wire Specilications Maximum Allowable Wire Resistance 50 ohms (25 ohms per wire) per Circuit Maximum Allowable Wire Caoacilance 0.1!F per Circuit Foi Design Refergnce:l,illire Size Maximum Distancs to EOLR #18 AWG (0.75 mm2) 4,000 ft (1219 m)#16 AWG (1.00 mm'?) #14 AwG (1.50 mm'?) #12 AWG (1.50 mm,) Iyplccd N.O. Wqlenow Con'loct z\zAz\n* t t.,o* t,t'I I I UVUTC tkl€d 47Kn FOt Red tfD (Afom/ACtlve) DATA lN (+) OAIA IN C) Froan Slgnotur€ Conkoller or ProybrJr D€vlce G.€€ar LlD Olonioo { o.ATA hr (+ I DATA N C) Flom Signolur€ Controll€r or Pt€vlous Dsvb6 Model SIGA-WTM ModelSIGA-MM1 lyplcol N.O. Monhor Conl(rt D'JA OWG)} DAIA OUT G) J Not6s A A A s) 6) Maximum 25 ohms resistance Derwire. ' Maximum +i 2 AyVG (2.5mm,1 wire. M in. # I b (o.75minr) Referto Signature Loop Controller Insiallation Sheetfor wiring Specifications.' All wiring power limited and supervised. This module will NOT support 2-wire smoke detectors. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TEcHNoLoGY Lilor6rure Sheet #85OO1 -4291 Page 3 of 4 Application The duty performed by the SIGA-MM 1 and SIGA-WTM is deter- mined bytheirfactory assigned sub-type code or "Personality . Code". SIGA.WTM NORMALLY.OPEN ALARM - DELAYED LATCHING 'lFectory set Personality Gode 2f - Assigned to one circuit. Configures circuit 1 for Class B normally-open Waterflow Alarm Switches. An ALARM signal is sent to the loop controlier when the . input contact is closed for approximately l6 seconds. The alarm condition is latched atthe module.. SIGA-WTM NORMALLY-OPEN ACTIVE - LATCHING (Factory set PorSonafity Code 41. Assigned to one circuit. Configurss circuit 2 for Class B normally open dry contact Suporvlsory and Tamp€r .r Switches. An ACTIVE signalis sentto the loop controller whenthe input contact is closed. The active condition is latched at the module. SIGA-MMI NORMALLY-OPEN ACTIVE - NON-LATCHING (Factory . set Polsonality Code 3l . Assigned to One ciicuit. Configures circuit 1 for Class B normally-open dry contact monitoring input . such asfrom Fan9, Dampers, Doors, stc.'An ACTIVE signal is sent to th€ loop controller when the input contact.is closed. The active: condition is nbt latched at the module. Specifications -[-a ble Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST's Signature Loop Controller. Warnings & Cautions This m6dule will not operaie without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your loca lfire protection specialist. Ordering Information Table *. *". -r-:r." !r.. Cstalog Numbor rscdption Ship Wt lbs (ksl SIGA-MM1 Monitor Module - UVULC Listed .4 (.15) SIGA.WTM Watedlowlfamper Module . UUULC Listed Accessories 27193-.11 Surtac€ Mount Box - Red, 1-gang I (.61 27193-16 Surface Mount Boi - White, 1-gang Module Mounting Bracket for inltalling two 1-gang modules in a single North Arirerican 4-inch souare box. R/?l Catalog Number SJGA.MMl SIGA.WTM Degcriotion Monitor Module Watorf lodTampor Module te 48 (factory set personaliw codi 3)49 (faclory set personality code 2,4) Address Requirements Uses One Module Address Uses Two Module Addresses OD€lalino Current Standbv = 250/4; Aclivated = 40Or.rA Slandbv = 396uA; Activated = 68O14 loarating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Construction & Finish High lrirpact Enqineerinq Polymer one,gang fronl plate - White Storage and Operating Environment operating Temperature: 32oF to 120"F (0"C to 49"C) Storao€ Tempsr€ture: -4oF to l40oF (-20oC to 00pC) Humidiry: 0 to 93o/o RH LED Operation. On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled On-bdard Red LED - Flashes when in alarm/active Both LEDS. Glow steaiiy when in alarm (stand-alone) Compatibility Agency Listings Use With Sgnature Loop Controller UL; ULC. CSFM, MEA o 1999 EST Page 4 of 4 It is our intsnrjon to keep fi,e p,oa,ct rnro,l-nEar""Ti|.:eDnt:":;:,:r:"1: J"t;ffi:;:; apprications or anricipat€ an,oquirements. All specifications are subiect to change without notice. For more intormation or questions relative to this Specificalion Sheet, contact EST. Primed inU.S.A. Literature Sheet #850O I -0297 lj TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 Valuation: $37,000.00 Fireplace Infonmtion: Restricted: Issued...: 06ll0l200rs Expires. . .: l2lo7l2ffis Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Project No. : {UXO f+t1\ OWNER VAMHC INC os/Le/2oos PO BOX 7 VAIIJ, CO 8L5s8 APPIJICANT AIJIJIAIICE RESTORATION SERVICEo5/L9 /2005 phone : 328-4900 PO BOX 109 EAGIJE co 81631 CoNTRACTOR ALLIAIICE RESTORjATION SERVICEo5/I9 /2005 phone : (970) 328-4900 PO BoX L09 EJAGI,E co 81531 License: 289-A Desciption: REPLACE HCSTING CHILLER ON MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Occupancy: MIXED Type Construction: n-A Type Occupancy: ?? Investigation- > Will Call---- > Ar \ tf\\.r-,(.,r.46 \\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT PErMit #: BO5-0108 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status...: ISSUED [,ocation.......: VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Applied . . : Osllgl200ls Parcel No....: 210107207W1 Building--- > 95!2.45 R€sharant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > S333.09 DRB Fee----------- > FEE SUMMARY So. oo Total Calculated Fees- > $84s.54 90.00 AdditionalFees-----)$0.00 50.00 Recreation Fe€-------- > S0.00 Total Permit Fee----- > $84s.54 $3.00 clean-up Deposit------ > $0.00 Payments----------- > $848. s4 TOTAL FEES-------------> 5848. s4 BAI-ANCE DUE-------> $0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIL,DIIiIG DEPARTMENT 06/09/2005 cAunion Actj.on: coND 1) ExrsTrNG LADDER ACCESS TO ROOFTOP EQUIPMENf TO BE MAII.ITAINED. AIrSO COODINATE WITII VPBS REQUIREMEI{TS FOR ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT. 2) EI(ISTING 1 HOUR ROOF,/CEII.ING ASSBMBI,Y TO RE!{AIIT IN PI,ACE. FIRESTOP ANY I{EW PENETRATIONS. 3) COORDINATE WITH PITBITIC WORKS FOR STAGING. Item: 05400 PLAIiINING DEPARIlt{m[f O5/23/2OOS bgibson Action: AP per warren Campbell & Joe Suther Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMNT Itern: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS |**ll**t|{:|.+{.|i*|tt{.llt{.*|lt||*|l|{.|+l|||t||*****|tt||+|t|'|.:||+'|'t'}:|*'|.|'h.{.i|**'|'*:l't**,.*'*:..*$**|t|*||*'|l.|t|||{|**i***|* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tbe information required, completed an accurate plot plan, ard stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cornply with all Town ordinance$ and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinarrces of the Town thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI]R HOURS IN ADVANCE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLrR OFFICB FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM, CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI ta PAGE 2:t*:t{.,t*********,t******'t*:t:}!t*'.***!&*!**'i*,**!**'t***:f'****!****:*,*:*'}!8:}*:}*!t{.!t,*!t*!8:|.!8*********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0108 as of 061G2005 Status: ISSUED **x.*:t*:F*******,*****:t:t*!*d.***!i*!t{'!t.*****!t,t{.****,t:t:t{.,*****,i1.{t*,**:t{.:t*:**:**:**:**:f*i.******************!F*:t,&*:t***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: Osttgl2}Os Applicant: ALLIANCE RESTORATION SERVICES, INC. Issued: Mn0t20D5 3284m0 To Expire: l2/07/2ffi5 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Parcel No: 2101W207@L Description: REPLACE EXISTING CHILLER ON MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTJIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ttlatftf+lalf*aaf'tl**l*ra**fill*|}ffff'}tl}'llfa+'}****+taa{|+ttat+l't't't't'i++tt*t+++t+tt***t*tt{'**** TOWNOFVAII4 COTORADO Srate,mcnta*+*laal'l'i++t*'ilf'}a+falata**aa*t*a*arffa**a+*faa*ttt*++++**atttattt**tr***t********rr*r+ta** Statemerre lfumber: R050000797 Arnount ! $949.54 O6/LO/2OOSL2:13 pM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notatl.on: #1277lAIllanceRestoratiom Perml"t, tilo I Bo5-0108 rrce s ADD,/AL,T COU!.{ BUILD pERtfT Parcel No: 2101-072-0700-1 SitE AddrESE: 715 If IJIONSHEAD CR VAII,Location: VAIIJ Ir{ARRIOTT MOIrI\ITAIN RESORT Tota1 FeeE: $84S.54fhis Palment8 $8{3.54 TotaL ALL pmtE: $848.54Balance: $0.00t*+ttaaa++'}f'i*'i'ift*t.ti+a+t***+lltt*a**r|*la++a'aa****tr+f*ffi**t'***arar*r++f++**t*++*******tfa ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptlon Current [rntss BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PBR!fiT FEES 512.45 PF 00100003112300 prJAN cHEcK FEES 333.09 WC OO1OOOO31128OO T{IIJJ CAIIJ INSPECTION FBE 3.OO APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: mrn0F 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado 81 For Parcel # Contact COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT tlt__-r_J _ .'-.D tc\.s 4l f Il- ser --- Building Permit #: e7o+i5i2i,te (tnib;ci nical, etc,t /q9 46se General Contractor:own of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #s:1oc1- 6o6, 42t4)t ,442t/eA & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $roTAL:$ 3 7.aaA 4 Assessors Office at 976328-864 0 or visit Parcel,#atOtn>a-oznol Job Name:vAtt nrtAilctr-r cH t +t G f- P6PL+cz Job Address:7)q ,p LtoDSHG/tAcA uAtL.Zo ts"kcript,o" ll Lorr*n il Bbck: I l[rifins: 3 Subdivision: 11OECU4 SuAownersName:r*tL LECLIf\Address: Uo" , t, Atu. ca s-//#Phone: ArchilecUDesigner:Address:Phone: Englneer:ouA t ,v c Detailed descriotion of work: L EH)LLIA u) pd a,t a^,/A WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repairlf Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( , Borh X Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) Xo X Type of Bldg.: Singlefamily ( ) Two-famity ( ) Multi-family ( ) commerciallrJ Restaurant ( ) other ( )-\ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buitding: ^/ /A No. of Accommodation Units in this building: N/A No/Type of Fireplace Ga" Logs ( ) Woqd/pellet ( ) Wood Burnino ( ) No/Tvp" of Fireplace ) Gas Logs ( ) wood/Peilet ( ) wood Burninq (NoT ALLoWED) Does a FireAlarm exisT-T{N6Tl Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves ft| lto ( ) FlUsers\cdev\FORMS\PERMtTS\BLOGpERM.DOC 0v03120M ,,-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Soljth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: DRB Number: DR8050209 Project Description: REPI.ACE DCSTING CHITIER ON MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Pardcipants: owNER VAMHC rNC 05/19/2005 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ALLTANCE RESTOMION SERVICE0S/19/2005 Phone: (970)328-4900 PO BoX 109 EAGLE @ 81631 Ucense:289-A APPUCANT MAURIELLO P|ANNING GROUP, LL05/19/2005 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON @ 81620 Ucense: C000001697 PrciectAddrcss: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL bcauon: VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT l-egal Descripdon: LoE A-D Blodc Subdlvlsion: MOROS SUBDIVISION Parcel Number: 2101{72-0700-1 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACIIOI{ llodon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vob: Date of Approvalz 0511912405 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate rs/iew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 tr Apptoval of trls pmject shall lapse and beome void one (1) year fullowing tln dab of final approval, unless a bullding permlt is issued and onstructlon ls ornmened and b dlllgenty punued toiward ompleUon. Plrnner: Wanen Gmpbell DRB Fee Pald: S25O.OO Rob Faddick From: Sent: To: Subject: Ray Scott lRscott@vailr€softs.com] Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:28 AM Rob Faddick; colleen.rice@meniott.com; dave.pease@marriott.com; rcbert.velasquez@manlott. com Furd: FW: Re: Maaiott Chiller Fvr..... Ray Scott VRDC Project Manager 9? 0- 84 5-2 35 6 >>> "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcasts. neE> O5/O2/05 1:59 PM >>> You are approved for the chiller replacement. Paint chiller to match the rnetal coping on lhe top of the parapet .. , .dark brown, -----Original Message----- From: Iilarren Canpbell [mailto r WCampbellGvailgov. corn] Sent! Monday, May 02, 2005 1:5? PM To: naurielloGcomcast.net Subject: Fwd: Re: Marriott Chiller subtrlit a s alne for s arne aplication >>> George Ruther 05/02/2005 l:L6227 PM >>> I aglee George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail (9701 479-2145 office (9'10) 3'16-26?5 cel1 (9701 479-2452 fax gruther Gvailgov. com >>> Warren Campbell 04/21 /2005 6:52:19 PM >>> George, I don't know if you talked about this issue in staff yesterday, Dom:inic rnade it sound like you might have. The Marriott has an application in to replace the chiller unit located on the flat roof above the one-story portion west of the polt.-cochere (where they were going to put the tennis courts on the roof). Basically the new unit is replacing an existing old unit so it would be a same-for-same replaeement, hor^tever, the new chiller is 5 inches taller than the exisitng unit, You cannot see the chiller today fron any pedetrian walkway. You can see it frorn the top deck of the parking structure and any condo or hotel room above the eLevation of the roof. Dorninic said they can paint it any color and I suggested the dark brown color of the rnetal cap on top of the stucco wal1s, f believe this to qualify as a sarne-for-s.tme application. Do you agree? Thanks Warren TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 805-0108 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Applied . . : 05ll9l2D5 Parcel No....: 2l0lffi20f,0{Jl Issued. . . : Mll0l20[5 lrgal Description: MORCUS SLIB ProjectNo': jFSd:otft Expires...: l2/O7l20n5 owNER VAI!{HC INC 05/19/2005 PO BOX 7 VAfL, CO 81558 APPI.ICA}IT AI-,I,IAI{CE RESTORATION SERVICEOs,/19/2005 PhONC: 328-4900 PO BOX 109 EAGLE co 81531 CONTRACTOR AIJLIAI\ICE RESTORATION SERVICEoS/t9/2005 Phone: (970)328-4900 PO BoX 109 E.AGLE eo 81631 L,icense: 289-A Desciption: REPLACE EXISTING CHILLER ON MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Occupancy: MIXED TypeConstruction: II-A Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $37,000.m Fireolace Information: Resnicted: Buitding---- > 9512.45 Resurarant Plan Review-> Plencheck--> S333.09 DRB Fee-----> Add Sq Ft: 0 #of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SIrtl,tMARY d.*+**'i*!t'ta+***:r**:t**:*****'*rt*,1:r*{*+l.l'r*'t't**:tt,l.'*:r'**'t!t{"r****'t:f * $0. oo Total Calculat€d Fees-- > $903.54 So.oo Additional Fees------ ) S0.00 90. oo Total Permit Fee--::- > 9903 , 54 $0.00 Payme s----------> 5903. s4 Investigation- > Will Call---- > S0.00 Recreation Fee-------- > 93.00 Clean Up Deposit Fee- > TOTAL FEES---------- >s9o3 - 54 BALANCE DUE-------->s0. 00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI,IENI 06/09/200' cgunion Actionr COND 1) EXISTING LADDER ACCESS TO ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT TO BE MAINTAINED. ALSO COODINATE WITH VFES REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOFTOP EQUIPMEMI' 2) EXISTTNG 1. HOI'R ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBIJY TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FIRESTOP ANY }IEW PENETRATIONS. 3) COORDINATE WITH PI'BI.,IC WORKS FOR STAGING. ot/27 /zoo$ caunion Action: AP approved revised structural plans Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTIUENI 05/23/20os bgibson Action: AP per warren Canpbel l & {Ioe Suther oL/25/2Oo6 Warren Act,ion: Ap planning has approved the revisiong to the planItem: 05600 FIRE DBPARI'!{BI|T Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and sate laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and zuMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordi of the Town applicable thereto. REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADB TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 0R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2*'t**'i'i***,f****:**{!{t'*{.****:8{.|'f'}*,t:*,t:t.*'r*'*:|t!s'*'t'i*!t!t'|t'}!**,|.*:N*:***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0108 as of 0l-3G2006 Status: ISSUED **ttt**'i*tt************'t*!t***:S***'**r**r**'ttitt*rtrtrt*!**!t*!t*:**t **,**tt****t tr*******t ***:t i.i.***'tr*'t*,*******{.*******!**:f * Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: O5tt9/2N5 Applicantr ALLIANCE RESTORATION SERVICES, INC. Issued: Mn0t2005 3284900 To Expire: l2lU7l2ffi5 Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Iocation: VAIL MARRIOTT MOIJNTAIN RESORT Parcel No: 2t0107207001 Description: REPLACE DflSTING CHILLER ON MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.]IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. {.*l'{t{tatfl+*{tflt+!itfff*{'**'}*+*lr'}lr**+t+'}'}|'***+t****{rt**tttfffffffff*fftfff+t******aff****++*+++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement**a+++*t*****ffl*'i't'i*'i*****'l't****+*'l*'t't***ft't***r******************************************* Statement Nurnber: R060000075 Amount: 95S.00 Ot/3O/2OOGL2:33 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDG , Notation: AllianceRestoratioil 1370 PETMiI NO: BO5-O].08 IIPE: ADD,/ALT COMM BUII,D PERIiIT Parcel No: 2LOL-072-0700-L SiTE AddrEss: 715 W LIONSHE,AD CR VAIIJLocalion: VAIL IqARRIOTT MOI,NTAIN RESORT Total Fees: $903.54ThiB Pa)ment,: $55.00 Total AtL pmts: $903.54Balance: S0. OO*******ti++++*t********t**+*f****+*+++*+*****t**t++t**+***************'**1.*++++*+************* ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code Description Current PntB PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAII CHECK FEES 55.00 ../^-. G*SBcis*J6"/d$"*"@IU'IflIlr ]HLV REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT 7s s. Frontage Rd. separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mectfffiflfd O "*iiiHlli3,SlrTtuor,*ts must inctude the Fietd set or approved ptans. r,rit[r{r,%i9f,[o""tion" will be oreformed until the revisions are approvelt * CONTRACTOR INFORMATION t; to? dad A J& CHARLIE,GREG, CHRIS PLUMBING: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodel () Repair()Demo() Other() Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( ) Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) Tuo-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasAppliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood BurnLlg (NQT-ALLO! /ED FOR OFFICE USE ONLY F:\cdevlFORMS\P6rmits\Building\building-revision-1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 1 of 2 1A8nO05 rl t ta*m Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Cheklist must be amoleted before a Buildina Permit appliation is aceoted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form C.ondominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted (4) Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan (a) included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,oarkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All C,ommercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown D o tr a a a o o o a o o o o B o I have read and und6rstand the above listed submittal rcquirements: Applicant's si gnature: Date of submittal: Received By: Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building-revision-1 1 -23-2005.doc Page 2 ol 2 121U2005 ! fr,E tffir tmr nEsE twlsfr6 tffi t'-J t#ffial Pffi n sIflHwAt stm ffinK cmffiir iluFrg(frffi F tN IHilt t'-J il2tE IEffit gfrm A$re FUn tfl.Altnl Rlmts uE Ar got ffi@. F tf tsIEmW) HAr 9X nAd67S Atr nEA. Ail lnlnut M6fl6 EAI lS trO LXWR IIIM ADIM RAdGE Etmilq Anr ffiWq FN MCTAI twail.& $rs $$$ R^tr smJcnfrE uurgil! Eua4to BASO O,t mts MtStOt fmV ffiSWe IASE EVStiltq CtilJ& HAWffi ffiE/I ^AWESAfrE/I ff&Eft$WOEA( Rf,tovAt frp frmActHtr r/ tb'x lE 04 PANIO W' OECT,U'EMffiNNtwilE fr8 EO( n ilAml HEWq FTEO lffifr. =us*c arcrm*e ftNE glslwc M'tffiE rAA rc a.ur ,lAtt o ,*rr*#PaEf stm. as$ EilStNo diltn ffiffiYg#T dillR AS RE0t- rw clwrnAils Eo n ffia$l MA,R 3 1oPARNAL LEWL /OO'-O FRAI4lNG PLAN b"--l'-o PUN MNfi Ns N Job # 11224 JvA nomn ED rltO ttE tGrntE OC.CAD Etl[G S,4|itlll;rE $llltlGt .'ra rfiQ.lrcr CHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL, COLORADO ooTSf,THO AICEERS Drotn Br C,llV S1 nw. ftwot€ t RmA6 a (.** g V& A frM7l,l0 lno ilEvEa( ru Au stm EfAilS e A,nSE y/ b7 HNilE frEOSAS ffib UP NEI| Ed( o 6'rc tr/ o Ed( 2' lllll------/ o stm ,ns8 - 1ft6 trAtl l*\tyf4.at ll*^'F- 4,tu+ st'tt'ffi? Dota: 6/17/04 ,Job 3, 11224 JVA ilOTNATED it|| JtE liErI|'0:t. 0q.nr00 alc?lOG S,aiLlhFr* S,aiLiE .{l ltaFFdr Drowlng Numbc:CHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL, COLORADOooli.fir|o anEERs Drorn By: GflY S2 .t flA TFMMATED IIII J'TEG JTE I CHILLER REPLACEMENT , #Lffii,- | vArL MASll9n-!.ou_!'lTAlN REsoRr;i!-u'lrafrr-' I VAIL, COLORADO Druwlng Numbcn MtE ffiQtffiffilts fm 08Et tr tfljnqil ffiAdEt, ts ilarRrstHJcilRAt 8t6ffffi. n{s ffiotffimtr E n tr mwAlm EnEil nE0M nE Mtmcw tM nE d#lR aAilfAcnnn a$ffii As cfrm tgMs aE tfl.Alldt ffiAdEr Ar E^ot mnw tr wr (1 nrAt) iluFr nnrctwt ffiw F santwv ffiAOGTREqffiIE YART. tfl.Ail^t RAdGr - tffiT tHAr ts gtill gE ts t^EwAE n clnPnr tfl.AnN ffiAaffis PRtffi t0 fAffiaruil ff stRtlctwAt stm uaffr stat/cnnil ilctffi FRAa(ErcEtstwremRgiltciln tuxaln'-oE JAl lt2'sIE ffitrofd( SH'ino? #r?iirip"^^$ Dole: B/17/Q4 Job # 11?21 OO{Ef,ilO BlOEEilt c{. rrafrFd!Drown Bv C.Jf,l S3 .1lr .JYA TFMMAID IIO,ITT 3Ef I CHILLER REPLACEMENT ffiffill'- | vArL MARRlgrr lrou_ITAIN RESoRT;fi-$...{ifri' I VAIL, COLORADO Drowlng Numbcr: il08 trqffit6 Fn 0$ffit ff tfl,ilt^l ffiAdEls ls ilar Br slnUCnfrlt tr'tM. IilsEqffiir $ p tr 6w0wAto Etffii nEatw, llE cailmctw tM tff q#ta llArufAAUm. 06El AS $afil ASlffi 0,lE lfl.Allot ffiAd(Er Ar aat cfrtffi tr u{r (1 nrAl. IPIF| XQttnnru ilUW F tgttttN ffiAd€rnEQtffit8 yffir tfl.AnN ffiAd(tr t AnAdffitr D twE 8r oillR #7 tUnxtzt'-O lf Af EAOI mru.n g/mr ff scnil r9 ffiaFn6d( il0t8 Eil'tme ,ns6 ilM ffi \ -\,' /'-t€y oEe( II ctlf fldE N oEd( /Asffi?Dnflr / noffAMM) lwF--/ tr *-ts% fi;aiiri"i {n#t4vt Dolc: Efi7/O4 ,bb # 11224 OOHlffF ilCFERS .{. r*Orrldr Drorn Bu CJW S4 o trd FAE 2;Txl'-lxl'-| Y/ +"t't l#.I l'r rW( 8A.TII ffi *'xl-'-0 fN 2 ll/ 1'-o1't M,Is frlg.ann HaIS Ar GAtnACtWS Pn^,tSmt filt 2 t0 a ,/AU cqc 4>,nsril ndEr N r&t stm. ffiaF aEa( s7'-Jb fH,D I&W O IJfi FACE 2;Jt'xl'-lxl'-1t/ l-'t? lil.ll Ktfl( 8A.TT frP NHMS 2 n Eilt ArffitnActm9 FIIN N'IHO trBA.E Itr-'-o m t r/ 1'-u1f 4q-R lNg.0no Ha$ Ar c^tnActws Pilails-rern riltl'ni*t."^$! '$ct. SECTlON '_o a ailatEs gtsttfi MAR312ffi Dora 8/17/04 J& *, 11224 ,rvA l|omn rED tstS ttE ltEtuld. ctt o0 agctl03 8JLatatfAE Staai.' F{na lfiO{Fsl Droulng NumbccCHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL COLORADO 00Fu,ril0 BrcHs Drown Br CJW S5 flA TOMMATED rsrrrEsEr I cHlLLER REPLACEMENT ffiffi*,* | vAlL MARR|0TT_MO_UI.ITA|N RESORTiE-s{ifii. I VllL, C0L0RAD0 Drowlng Numbcr: ,nsr YET ruuu , t'-t'ilN -, ) \ a fwn tstrr-h+- I \ b ty' &=- i'l €> ,vAu tt. n6 I'm p mw stm tEq( W @ t&d FAE 2-Jt'tll'tl'-10 ,r/ 6-b't ntr/tM Ras r/6'M{r AilAfiRm '//mnilrHrn Altfstrf N sfrffil nlms, N o &.M( a stw ,ns N O F^A(Er N iltffi{Rr vA wnqsr stm aEd( RM I'mE cwtt O lJxJ FACE 2-Jtill'tl'-10r/ 6-b7 nffiao ffiqs t//6'affitHtriltoffi r/ffi.n HTHTfl AOIESI'E N ffiI ruffi, frt @ &.^ct(wnq1r a nawfts msmt0 Dola': 8/17/04 Job *. 11224 OOHfilE A|O:EiS H. rt t!r.,{'Drown Br GIW S6 aec Architectural Engineering Consultants Mechanical & Electrical Design Services Facsimile Cover Sheet / Memo: To: Mr.RayScoft,VRDC CC: tlr. Stan Hahn, TOV From: Stanton O. Humphries, P.E. Date: October 17,2005 Refenrnce: Vail l/laniott Ghiller Replacement Via Email (2) Page AEC#25s7 Dear Ray, We are providing the following clarification items in response to the code review that Stan with the Torn of Vail is doing. Please issue these to the field. Reference Sheet MSKi.1 : 1. At the description for he Owner Provided Chiller, change "single-phase' to 'ttree- phase'. Reference Sheet ESK2.0: 'l. At the Electrical Load Calculations, add 25o/o to highest demand per the national electrical code requirements. Rebrence attiachment for changes to that calculation. With that 25o/owe still have substantial spare capacity. Attachments: Sheet ESI(2.0 40801 US Hwy 6 & 24,Sta#214 Avon, Colorado 81620 Post Office Box 8489 Avon, Colorado 81520 Phone: 97fF74&t520 Facsimite: n0-74U8521EmaiL ghg@ryi@ Web: @i!cg c.i Iva rq a.-.ffIR I O a'< !5 .Y T i8 6 oc'IM !|'IJUIC qvllHsNol'l rs:IA 5lr JN!il/,1lXf,V'IdIU U:ITml3 JUOSIIU NIVJNNOI^I IIONruYW'ITVA UbO'Illlt.€tr$A/tlls[$a€oyr{ crtri.ort ,o.r o.t}I'!-oaa *t!|'r 9 tt st rtoc'eY'll0! n8 rt I 9 ri{ tn totor..|n ds qa coB r|rqnssoJ tr4r-s.6qA lamaelq.Iv .-!rrs dFq Fqa.ca ? FFqr.tt FoI2 ti 6 a R B luz lu 6I x e6 tuJ{ tl t >l{lulolgl al =l zl :l<l ,\)l till l$l J Fv { IL b AI v tUF g$ efiFO dR Ed6T A<zO;o rHi #nll-t iiir<. tuv29R>hyIfqFgS 3 $$EiHt- iE$Efr[R 9I Y \) 6e#q Ei#E!xx i$FE StEPJot-tr >.. s, RX6*v=tr J Er;t Hfr!: EFHi Alu P o o vgt T UJ2 frf;*1fr u9tu F^* KEX Eo*x16f g EEq f;r"6i Iuro I PftE F ozoF {Jl \)J { \) A \)ilF \)luJ I n$$ Iri EiE 90H Hii F$ller Ft$rlr FiF i$i E5t Rrgd;F9laF NH! frUr- ill $il l:l iEl illr EPT T-vo< ffi[r luJl 0[lI \) rfl F 7 ItlI Lrg tu J {! z {I 0 tuI $ I H Ft F $ ${ ( p f; Rx $t $ REoE il iilg$ u E n I I i to 6 0- E ll E - q = o E a til.t0 rEtrr tHAt nfg arcilgNs Atr t'-J tiltiltut nffi n stnuctwAt stE& rwr caa6wutr. nqmr at&EtP F tt55 utAil t'-J Extsl CiltC PAO CAil ffillAll,lqlNE tr IIf'f AEA AMT IlOlE: 0€SlO,l Sll0wtt ASflllES UMI HAS A SIIPfuRI AI EACII CMEfr. Fn Mtctw. fitstwc &/cf PEMilC rEr ailrtP $*s $$s AAURMI RM slnucunf 00$ cavc PAo cAil RTMilI WISIOE tr HAIAIO ARTA TAGAES AREA tr TilSINC W TEA( El'-l b' cvtc twgrctane p,ta REIIOYAI ATO RTPTAMilT 'Utb'x t8 At PANIE| RM' EdC MT COVC HilJYTEiHIIC PAO Ofl AI AtrA U]iRE Ex15nil6 PAo trAS tril^np. ug UE H8 N WEilEAAE RE afa( n aAtfil tnswc f6to Eilrr ooret r6f cNc PAo f0 ffi5ft,16 ffi'two alcr ffirw6 t6u t6&l trnr gilt tr urAno aAgo at nils ^Milg^tfmt ffisw6 asrs EX|SINC ailuER r0 E ffiruEA tHS tS Ar9 lHt ttE tr trt Eilsnil| Mtc twgKffHtc PAa n nEufri TilSTM M!ffiEE y&t fttu Etrrt6Ana6 tr EilStlio,nsE ttrAE stt& trAu r0 u55 EnsnilC stEat asEgw aanffi A5 frEa Fffi Stlmt EAAS EilSI SIEEI ASR txtsw &ilun l0 trrtw &.M( rilt RECEIVEO PARTAI LEWL /OO'-FRA/IllNG PLAN bl:'/4:i* $s N "A ilOMMAED r$t 9ttc S||tEtrr!0!r. cq,troo 0$liot .llaatlGttrt !I.l|{tttt Fiid rldi.l..a.rloorit.I|to orctEERS CHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTATN RESOR VAIL, COLORADO .fl r 2'-t Nfrtt O E'mut0 t ffifrn trratt ttraAcE €> 6at twsacIPfi$ t EA( H0 Nto Extstutc g.A8 r0 N5t4t rnr €> Mtc Pp to tE20 rE,f 0EA( n /U SEEI ffAil' t €> ASE r/ 'a7 Ptltw.f Etos tAP tfy ^tQ(tr(tN r/ €> ^ta(o6'0c 2'ilfit |rlrr. d*c;w_ €> M g.ffi t aEyAno$ €> stE& ,nsE ^*rrfitr.t llbr,A €tLtj.t4 Qt*(Psa(oxt ft+ 13. €> atiloEs Eilstn'tc \\ / JvA rrcffimAlED rtrt t'tlt !&ttal'o , oo,cro o!@iroE $l,raltGrtr& I!,ar{t6t .--d r.&at l.,.siooilErilo 6nEs CHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL, COLORADO Dolc: lt /7 /O5 Droring Number: S2Job l: lt22f 0rorn By CJIN rME trAfrnEilIs Fn a€gan tr t%,rnilt nAaGE 6 rot 8r SmranAt flrfrtIn twstrAMM 6 TO E (WMIM trNETil II|Eartn, ntr cNnACtn, AM M AilER rAtfltrActutrR Egan $ g{om A&MS to tfl.Anan ffiiaGt En cNnActn, n1IFr strucnnAt ildrcEn r sAAnil ffiAa€tEMffiittill' vAPr. wr Sumt ASMD Ar tAot ffiMn ilqffrfiil&tEP F ilil, tS ilor IE ASE frEIoE t ffinACt tx5nil6 mc PAo r0Mlilt sttEt trA(s T RMACE tb',tEtt M ^Ea( IEU IEEFTTW EAT TAT C.EE JVA rrcmn E rttt '|t c: 3rallIrIr.o!,crD &mrroG .sllrairGlt|t lllaa(r6t OOt{ELnF B|CEEnS .-,rc ht!+nt .Gc' CHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL. COLORADO Dote, 1t /7 /OS Droring Numbcr: S3Job f 11224 Drown 8y: CJtt - roE RfamwilIs Fn o[got ff tg.Anat ar snueruFet EnarEER ilil,ffanatT rs t0 tr mutE? trtrffit nf OIM, IItr CNNACIN, AM IHE QIIITTR IAU,HCIWE Egflt AS gtnwt Asg/ttrs M) tSuAIOt ffiAil(tf ER MtnACtn tnnFr snuctwAt ilawffi F tntnan ffiAarflnEafiEttlt6 ynr. uilr gmE AnMO AI TAaI ffirER rnwr TTTMER F IITA| 6 ilor nf ag rny aEa( gT gct0il t/tzw 0€a( il0tEs tilstu$ as6 SECT|ON '-o t|VA ||OORPfiAED lst tr.El $ttlra|.0:r, cu'o100 !sirca .Iita.{Gltr& .Il.'.+l6t Gid hl.aFlr..lrrOOltt.NF ONCERS CHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL. COLORADO Dola: 11/7/05 0rorhg Numbcr: S4Job f: 11224 Drorn By C.tW €> lJtJ FAE 2-tt'tl'-hl'-1 Y/ Frr't Hn fi t't KU( 8AI IT EXP I?t'-o filt E r/ 1'-rt7 M.15 ttl c.0rn0 Hafs Ar MVnACrffi PIWS .l Eto nil 2 t0 Eilt n6 €> CAE €>,nsf N W(fl N 'tAU ,lAtt fttu)EtrT s6tt ffiF EA( €> lJrJ |ACE 2;Jt'rl'-hl'-4y/ 1-17 Htn rw( ffi.|TI EXP AilCIffi, 2 r0 Eilt tt MtnActffis FNO{ ilSEAO tr M,R I'tt'-7 m 2 U/ 1'-Jt7 &L15 til g.0rE0 HAE, Al CAINACIrc P ,rfto fw 2 n SECT|ON 34":7 '_o €> 0til2t(s 00snil6 Cil,lc 95'-Jb FETO WTT flA t|OfiFMAED Drt ttEt 3tttral'o:r, oq'cro alaaroc .Ilra{t6ltrr $L.{at6t OO{lil.f,lfFEilGSEERS Frr bb.rn}i..d,l CHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL, COLORADO Dole: 11/7/05 0ro*ing Number: s5Job f: ll22,l Orown By: CJW Sttfi RM Ed( fAE 2-Jt'xll'tl'-10 tN/ 6-r'r tHtrAnto Rms tr/ 6'EUtrAEtr AfldtfrEo t/mn ilrHrm ilXrEgtt N ffiFtrrt tutr' N €> &.rct( €> lJrJ ta'-t t7t10 Etrr €> sE& ,nsl H €) Pm(fl N IIAffiNT YAU I'nuz nwgt t0 t/55 .TEU EflFT €> thJ fAE 2-tt'rtl'tl'-10 v/ 6-r't ltfrEAEo RAS y/ 6'fwmEill AilAlWEo r/ru.n HIHTN toffctt N ffiEEtf utrs N €> &.M(I'nr c mwwnq35 €) O€tttOlES EilSm6 &.04( €> Lunaan RM SIEEI EA( RM SECT|ON JVA I|OMOMTED rt|t tPiEl 3 f:tEr.oer. 0oJt|1@ aJ08tto|:: Sl.t .l95lr& tolr|{ult a-riC hLalFir,oiooilg,Lrr|o E{dilEEn[t CHILLER REPLACEMENT VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT VAIL, COLORADO Dole: 11/7 /05 Job {t 11224 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE X)STED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: Fn5-0247 Jos oro K Job Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Applied. . : lOll2l2OOS Parcel No...: 2l0l0720f,C0l Issued . . : 10/18/2005 Project No : >R-jC6-O(t t Expires . .: 04ll6l2ffi6 owNER VAI{HC rNe !o/L2/2005 PO BOX 7 VAIIJ, CO 81_658 APPITICAI{T ENCORE EITECTRIC LO/L2/2005 phone: (920)949-9277 PO BOX 8849 AVON co 8L520 License: 331-E CoNTRACTOR EhrCORS EITECTRIC t0/t2/20o5 phone: (970) 949-9277 PO BOX 8849 AVON co 8L620 L,icense: 331--8 Descipion: POWER REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW CHILLER ON MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Valuation: $10,000,00 Square feet: 0 Electrical*--- > 5218.50 Total Calculat€d Fees-> 5221.50 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D fNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttut all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordirunces and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordirunces ofthe Town applicable tlrcreto. REQLJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 P\I ='e \ DRB Fee------- > Investigation-- > Will Call------ >TOTALFEES-> 5221. s0 Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARI14ENT t0/L7 /2005 SHATTN Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI4EIfT Additions.l Fees------ >90. 00 Total Permit Fe€-----> S221.50 Payments----------- > S22L,5o BALANCE DUE-.---- >$0. 00 90. 00 90. 00 $3.00 Actionr AP **lffall*t**lllll***++faara+***ff{"1****r*****raf*f**'t**{rtr*trtrt'{'*{'*t'*{rtt*{'*t*************a**tt+ TOWNOFVAII,, COIORADO Statementt+ft*lllflftttltl+ttttta**iatat{t{t{tlttlttl**lfff**l't*'t'ti'}'}'}{'***********t********'l**'}*'}*lr**tt* Statenent Nunber: RO5OOO1?51 Amount: g221.50 LO/LI/2OOSO1 :02 pM Payment Method: Check Elect,ric 1365 Init: DDG Notation: Encore Permit No: 805-0241 Tlt)e: ELECTRICAL PERTET Parcel No: 2lOl-O72-O7OO-L Sit,E AddTEEB: ?15 W IJIONSHEAD CR VATL I.OCAt,I.ON: \TAIIJ I{ARRIOTT MOUIITAIN RESORT thie Payment: $221.50 ToEal Fees: $221.50Total ALL PmtsB: $221.50Balance: $0.00t**t*flflt+a*+altlaltlaala**tlatffal*'}'}+*llalrt:t*l'*!a*t{r{'lr*{r*tfa+++++aaal+*******a'**{'*{t{'tl***t ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account. Code DeBcript.ion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJBETRIESL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJII CAIJJ INSPECTION FEE 218.50 3 .00 * { F Eg 0 utJ II oz { v.o 6 lu z_ J luzo J \) fr.F \)luJlu J { F v. { IL -o DI v-luF4< U1 70 oroFO dR EdbTo{zO T8>ct EnLUv2 'EFifis HfiEllfiu Ia tr J 3J \) u, eCI\ <LJ; *<t 9otr Srgr ;sPmoF= biEe aiEI SEgT HHiF EFHf A UJo BJo a VdI luz i\ !'-'f l\ : I u$g ;$B ErH Esfl E$p Eri EiHlcr Htnrlu5Ettrl [Ii iH! iii Ifig $1! fisi* [[ifi $EH UJf 0 uI \) rf) Fz luI 0_j s tu J { 0 2 {I \) luI o u : u 6Foul i $zIE Ril oE z 6aI'p f; $ F t $ -Fx9 iH ilH *F u E !t HFI R Jt L{I ! t 6 Eil $uto I $JJ Io I $A II\) -rl \" n {oJ J { \)vF \)luJlu Fl, -: {l "'r''-- uilzl ol A u9 Ht :F<tr. ?Q3:d JHifir-j zEtrsfi5-zF O c.i co Ivb ffio, - rd It HEEH fr$rt lfl _ lfl .il, N U.. sla< I r/)IoGI+:.o2u) 5 OJ.'IIVA ITIJUIJ (IVSIISNOI.I ISIIA SII JN!II{AJVTd!Tf, UIT'IIHJ JUOSSU NIVJNNOW ,LtOIUUVru TIVA - IUOiIIE,\-CeB'ltrtLt\ rR\i Fq!-.oc0.{Jsr lii8-8ft.!)1.6 leJ o;i8-8t4t6 :oqcDPJ. 0a918 'oFrenrpS 'uo.!Y g9rli rrs fl T 9 .lllH $l lo80f -68f8 xog rld srq.uas rdFeq pJl4rrlg T prFsqcol^I quBlJnsuoJ trrueeuttug lernfcefqcrv JEB -* rJ{ b36 Eg cae O a ct^) IvaH F-s rlrn .u, C\l a<€ t.)IoGI€+ ;iOZv) FF a.,2?9UH EgUIrrrl o!= Elr{0r EEuB Rg o; 6o d. l$ rEl::$ilp-b q:E$ -6 $,9: $i i;! F;!;E i$t=E ?: E-So q SEI-q E B Eg [Hif=sti2I5.i'I t*3i3EEEi$-is -: d P. ct -b. s _I 'z-olI ={i G Est Hf'15 ;isi rdiE t JGt e i-e*u 5 3=nP€fF$ i:Ee.!tFii L Ege*lI Is I;! P H*;! 'n' ssi [st€ ; v.soi FSIiR< d e ic i:ti t* Lo Eliff E! iffi i!" ; i[ ffiwrul $eiiup3g *$ 55r s s-looii Ei $$rtdl:.3'i.9: €8jot)lo=i C: .,-o Q' E€. ;$-od. ,b -9'af .l pB t9oI *$ Hs EEi{"gtc s, zIF\) Hoz ;Fn Az IIF 6zo\) oz troxuI ai o $to =EEfi 5glE!si8-r E8 E=+ Es$8 ES!FpEUP g$ 6=-E.6s* PsET $ss o J ffizulo l- I .gxo o\, Loo o I I igii. lil.lo.^ o: osii€ i-;'iIF i iE;I I rprE Ei;Eg E;i !E $. HIIE i tESs < .tro _3 !! sE r+$, $[ts 9ii t Eg l; liiillPc 9Q=hEii8 EFEg$: u ;F. ttF€t€ t[b5 s*l'E*E o E'sE €!$sHi ? ;s E glEE*E i ilg tl$F: * il$€?lr!iEzdt Eg\3Eg b6*c :PQ EE *EgP =->-c 83 ES Feitii {rds PE \i95io! gt io Ho 6$ t\)oo tL. Lo :tr =,5a o ,s'o ,(- 8.'so =oII P \t st g g1c ig' gtr:e lii3q.3 ==iE t$F-s o= Hi$ sti 9tp I:T $H3 iiE !t'li'3Osliit, =9oo$ss! =.Js{r g5 !r Fa =tc=Lbo dp F€.rc $$ 5O.c! E5 $s E! -ES co69sltsc >|lloI oo5osf b:rg st 8F a*'os->ot Hb!\t6o 68 -3 EEt= _8.8 E! :€ -$.;g5 LOt=o.-oo ! b3 E iE9tlJr_o b8 -:6 !rofio0.lF o Pb sE r $$ipbE oEE " iFi +i#E [5 *F! xgFii $illt Elilii oirri i o!. !iE iiEts E E*E $iE !EI {gE i5iF\to I:FrPt s-d E E+P\)00 .,3. :{i568 S\tO Hsi 9rS iIE F EE- FeP is* :$E i;E EF! r€$ Est FE: ffiis \)ot. 6o .os s o o o_ Eo\) onsF el nl -l\)l[l] D- 'S) J \) ilF \) tuJ tU o tn oJ-trVA ircUIJ CVSIISNOI'I ISlI/Il' SIZ IN!ilTAJV'Id!ftI UATIIHJ IUOSSU NIVJNNO'{ IIOIUUVIN TIVA moJ'lrB.\-f,re -{ttl\\ ELrr pp.!-..srt{rJn lit8-&f -016 ral t);i8-8t'Z-tl.6 .r€qd.pl 0itl8'rF€rotoi uolY ggoi J|s t-z T9-\11Hsl | oBof '69t8:ioa od srq.u{ IttFsO Frl4}alg ? F lrBqmn slw{nsuoJ Euueeu firg lurqttlqcrY JEB bqe -sq, Ff R A + $ J g P E EI * ol ,oEo..r E1!z =)< uJ U'z 5& Et-oFI '1, 0 g 9 vtj Ia .; U l a .6 E $ * qt $p \r I B $ tiI s F I I g t I LL fiqL It $ suS+,i'E.' u 'P ${ T * s. fi I t 'f.t\l .) 3 F Er$ $* :$$ - $s *.t{ 3 Eg e z3 JSAEgo3O.''& J.ru EE xa> iv !) te.$)8 Oc z {J IL o lun vluJJ - \) sgI iEni- HtFHtf;l. f: EEI ffil H$frgEH$E rti luFoz J Fltl A Flu luIo o@ @ @n o o .,F'..H Kl;j cfl o Oo F{ I M CN c-* r.r lO.*N I rYl E< )4 U ra)Io6l+ UA ^H; of, "IrvA lrtlulJ (tv!trIsNoll Islllt\ 9rl INlIYi[lIJVTtrIf, UNTIIS IUOS!ru NIVJNNOW IIOIuUVI^I TIVA - ItrOC [rB-\-CaS A\,{rA Eoo ]r?:!-ree@,oJm lasS-8fl-01.6 ::cd 0eJs-8f/-0[6 :.|uoqoq.I 02918 'op.roloJ !o.\v '4902 cls 'fz ? 9 .r,sH sn t080ts '68f8 xog od sry.^res E8.crO pr!4r3lg T lBrluEqrel l $u?lFsuoC Suusemtug 1erycqrqcrv ceB tl a tr{ I Ma .f.r -tl qe. U.t) 3H3 sgg (De I u 3 ur d rl zl 1l 0_l rllzlil trl vt 5lrl-l ol [lFt s-si ruu$ EHfiH I Ei o r; E iBi iEil$3r re Filnll Ul tuFoz J Flu D F luluI ul oo $u $8luJ 6H 'i9gl u -ru+EIL lug: HHII3 E5[E 3 IuFzluII tuA P uJ J Ir H$F0- TE 83FT 99 @ "8 b A H IL \) rt oul J F D A $ CC CCoo $,"w EFx\'i-/il *t\Etf.|\tr| *nx UrYla< 4{ H{ s Up{;;&a ' OJ .'ITVA IrIJUIJ CVSIISNOI'I ISIIA\ SII, JNIU^IIJVf&IU IIITItrIJ IUOSSU NIVINNOW LtOIUU\ilfi[ TIVA IIIOJ'Ile.r-CC'E'.{r^!rr Eoo Fe!.co(ioJttt M&8fI-Ot 6 :Nd 0ZSS-8I'/-0(6 :{o,q&pJ 0z9lg 'opsroloC '!olv '9902 51S 'iZ ?p 9 .{,|rH Sfl t080t '68t{ xog Od seq^ras UEFoC F !4celg ? FcluEcet{ sluq1nsuo3 EuuemSrg pm|ceyqcry JEB -* .J{bi E rrf) o c\ a t-{ I Mcn - IUot',lrB-r-cct9',tl|!"$ |m Is.\-c..@tpr lasrSt/{a6 :r:Pd 0zs8-8t/-0l6 :{qocPJ 0!9t8 'oPeIo|oJ !o.rv 'g9oa tts 'tz 19 9 -\,$H gt toSot '68f3 xog od sac!,1,r*'s dFac pc!-qcelg {' I8clu3qccn s1tlel1nsroJ 8uuaeu8q Fm1cqqcrv lt,J tl { v_o 6 oz 0- 0- v_luF v_luJJ =\) $+ c-r iQ.e-'.)t +\%; qt ni gEE ffsq Feft HFIE IHfiFH o@ o! slc o! 6 $g 8e [-r Eo r l- F-_l olltJz lud{ oF $ |lJs I I IIJ Jp Fzo\) Ie\ oF 6[t u< PE Y8 B6FF 1ts lH 66E IIJ<E n5F qgft $rHtu{[lFht I <'F F I 0_ o frz'JJJL $8 otr Fgo= rg LrJ ul trru--rrLFvul 0-> P8u{I.Fsi g sl A olH d EIFIol N I an fr I \) (rv 8r* iE$ 5$F dEo fiII H*g A (l)(\ T o R a rtrtsNtu. Fzf oo e5ns 3 f*s t{ ln.[ ol E H 7t ..H F,,< 6 rC ta.)I s+ UA ^& BF OJ .'IIVA IrIJUIJ GV!trISNOI'I ISIIAI, 9IZ rNllt^lll3v'Idiru UITmrS IUOSSU MVJNNOW IIOIUUVru TIVA - tuoc'I?,1-cee.tr,rl.{\ qror Fer-.@(&lE IasFStt-01.6 :red 0as8-8ft-ot6 :tsaqd.Pl oz9t8 'opaloloJ lory 'tt90z cls tz {' 9 ,1,$H sn lo8ot 68i8 xog od s5rlrres d.lseo Pc$r€13 T' lBquBqsqrl s1re{nsuoJ Equeeq8ug Fm1ce{qary JEB OJ ..IIVA ITI3UIJ CVtrISNOI'I ISIIAI SIZ JN!ilTlIJV'IdflU t[rI'IIHf, IUOSIIU NIVJNNOW LTOIuUVIN TIVA t-+ {r lt-)-FR E, H () a< .8 I c) ra)qo(\l +"*o7.n 'F FJ''d IHHsA- E] z {J IL ILoo v_ J { \)ilF \)luJlu {le hli rlfr (l In{( lg \-z a, 6 luz J Illtzo ur Z.lltdl!!L UJd (t cto{ 6 u,zlIulzo utozlutrluILurtr tl os iiH FP?= nEs urJ{ O a tr{ I M U) rrl * <t{ g Ee TDWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 *****,t*********************************FOR OFFICE ApplrcArro N wrLL Nor rrj.:rlT. t ".o r rbil,"T # irtPej _, S_", Z6DloaY? ;rt5i[#r@, "')u CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: USE ON LY**** ** *************:t ********** ******* eru.ore- ttect ;c Contact and Phone #'s: Po+r;ct< Qrolqqq -qz11 Town of Vail Reg. No.i 331- e E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: N/ A ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ IO ,()OO . OO Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for ParceI # Parcel # 2tOtO-f ZOIOtO rob Name: tH, tF {S""."*r*Job Address: -715 lr:. 1-1pr6ypod O .ct-q- LegalDescription ll t-ot: t-.1 ll elocr: I ll Hting: ll subdivision: ff\rcr.rg owners Name:vA1-1Fto,5^rc. ll Address:ftr esv 1 ,@4P,"noll Phone: Engrneer: R€e,Address:,rog.",r r{*v b z. zl eyp1,^rlf,Phone: q7p h q O - gb2A Detailg( description of work:'*bl;r-;rl?ery(yerrpds $r re.o e-h i ttor. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) RemodelQ() Repair( ) TempPower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruo (X) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ff) nestaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: N/R No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinO: 5f p] Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) ruo ( X Does a Fire Alarm Exist: ,ryes (X) No ( )Does a Frrc-sprinl(er System Exist: ves f() No ( ) \WaiMata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERV. DOC 0't/26t2u)2 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVEI.,OPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4-79-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MBCHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MOGOO35 -Bo s -orOK Job Address: 715 W UONSIIEAD CR VAIL Sratus . . . I ISSUED Location.....: VAIL MARRJOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Applied . . : 03lO8l?M ParcelNo...: 2101072O70f1_ Issued. . : 03ll5l2ffi Irgal Descripion: MORCUS SIIB Expires . .: Wllll2ffi6projectNo : TR1-OS-o(-? | owNER VArr{HC rNC 03/08/2006 PO BOX 7 VAIIJ, CO 81658 APPLICAIm C & C PIIIMBING & MECHANICAJJ ,03/09/2006 phone: 827-9443 PO BOX 7314 AVON corJoRADo 81620 L,icense: 328-M cottrRAcToR c & c PIJIUBING & MECHANICATT,03/08/2006 pbone: 827-9443 PO BOX 7314 AVON corroRADo 81620 License: 328-M Desciption: REMOVE AND REPLACE E)(ISTING CHILLER ON MARRIOTT MOLINTAIN RESORT Valuation: $7,(n0.00 Fircplace Inforrution: ResEicbd:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet 0***|*t*|*r'}****l**t|**|**.**t||*tt|||*'*|t||t|.|**:|**l**'r***||||*t+FEESUMMARYttt.|**|.'t.**'***t'3s**|l.***t|.i|ii Mcchadcol--> Slrlo. 00 Resosratt Plan Review->S0.00 Tool Calculatcd Fee,s--> 9178.00 $0.00Plan Check--> $3s.00 TOTAL FEES----.+ $1?8.00 AdditioDel Fees------- > Investigation- >$0.00 Totrl Permit Fee------ > 5178. oo Will Call--> S3 .00 Paynrns-------- 2 $178. o0 CONDITION OF APPROVAL BAI,ANCE DUE---- > 90. OO a*:l*l*'l****l{.lt*i Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARII{ENT O3/L3/20O6 cgr:nion Action: AP see mechanical drawingc approved with the building pennit. ftem: 05500 FIRE DEPARMANT 1 Cond: 12 (BLDC.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT'ICE. Cond: 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF TIIE 2003 IMC AI.ID SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOT1IN OF VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIIL,ER INSTAIIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S ]NSTRIICTfONS AI'ID CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJI.A}{CES SIIAITIJ BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 1 (BL,DG'): ACCESS TO I,fECHANICAIJ EQUfPMNI MUST COMPI-,Y VTITH CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2003 IMC AI{ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOIL,ERS SIIAIJIJ BE MOUNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOUTTTING ON COMBUSTTBT_,E FLOORTNG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AIID CODE AT.IAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTION RBQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOIL,ER ROOMS SIIAIIJ BE EQUIPPPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN OR OTIIER APPROVED MEAI{S FOR DISPOSING OF I.,TQUID WASTE PER SECTTON 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requted, cornpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and sate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OL,R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 SIGNATURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET fttt****tlf*'fl'l*llt+'.a**tl*'+'t't**l*{"}**!t***'t****+++tt*******t*t********'}+******tt***t*tt****t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€rnoNrttl,}g*+++{.***{**alttl***'}+fl"}.t*rl++t't**ti+t****a+++f+t+t+rr*ar*ttt****r*******r************a* Slatsement llumber: R060000250 Amount: Pa]tment Method: Check Reatoration 002258 $178. 00 03/Ls/2OO5O3:03 PMInit: DDG Notsatsion: Alliance $178.00 tatl***{t{taflalffl'}****t+aaaa**fllf++++'}'t*ll**+++'t*1++{'l't{rtt+++++ii**iltt*****t**{'***l{'a****a' ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addresg : LocatiOn: ThiE Payment,: MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 I{C 00100003112800 M06-003s Tlrl)e: MECHNiIICAL PBRMIT 2LOL-O72-0700-L 715 W IJIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ VAIL I,IARRIO:IT MOt NTAIII RESORT Total Feee: ToLal ATIIJ PmIB : Balance: Description MECHAIiII EAL PERMIT FEES PIJAIiI CHECK FEES WII,IJ CAI.,I., INSPBCTION FEE $178. O0 $178.00 $0.00 Current Pmta 140.00 3s-00 3.OO 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 Permlt will rbt b. accep0rd wlthont tho follorlng: Provldr lrrfierilct Room tryod driln totcde io hckrd.:. techanlcal Room ltlmensbna. Gomburffon Alr Drct Stss and Locetbn. Flue, Venl md Gn Une St!. .nd l-ocdbn. tleat Loas Cabt.q€qulpment Cutl$prc Ahretr IONTRACTORINFORMa*TION Mechanical Contsec*or: Cic lt-vugrN6 i hgcheNr( r Tosnof Veil Reg. No.: 32a -|4 Contad and Phone #s: AA1 . 7 * L+ 3cvAT scH^ls,oe?- 919. qsbE E-taaf Adrlnssr Sari C e^nde p rn . CO t|,r Contracbr Signefure: MECHAIIIICAL: f 7000, OO Parcel# !1s lo'? Zs? 66l rob Name: y\A FRt oTT Cn VuE k JobArEflss: 7l I tq. LtortJt€AD ctRGLd Legal Dercrlpt{on I br: I Ebck I Fnng:$ffibn: VAIL ARFA Orvners Name: l,lAfi.&.brf /XSlkrJ AdtttEss: ?.o S ), ?, vr rt-, CE, u sB I emne: Engineer: I AdttsEB:Plrmc: Detailed dessiptbn of wt: ftyroV6 ouu CH I uueR. If I NSTA t.L pgw r ^1f,, WorkGlaes: Neut( ) A(bition( ) Auratbn(y) Repdr( ) othlr( ) BoilerLocation: lnurbr( ) E:<Ebr( ) othcr( )Do6enEHuoxFtethbbcatim: Ycs( ) No( ) TyDed8ldg: Stotdc.firn{y( ) Dl.pb(( ) llr.t+my( ) Commenxe { ) tud|rrrt{ ) Oilrr( ) No. of Existing DrvellirB unitr in lhb brdEing:No. cf Acconrrndalbn uniB h ltlr building: NdTvpeofFircdaccExtsfrn* GrAodi{nc6( ) GssLoos( } Wbod/Fdbt( ) ytbodBwnhu( ) No/Typeof FrrpnocftopcecGarAgplirncoe{ ) GasLor( ) woo<t/Patlct( ) Wo) ls thb a oomrilshn thom I rod tumlq firqhce b en EPA Phc6 ll (bd6? Yos (0q\rteU\ylE il;' **tr***1*..,.tt*.,..t..t ..FoR oFFlcE lrggoffLw l/l lf iIAR 08 2000 A'ffiuo,. \WailU8tabd€v^FORI\tS\PERItdITS\I\{ECHPERM.DOC o7n42N2 cix ). .. 7--J-- INDEPENDENT TESTING &, INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. coNtFER, COLORADO 80413 303S71-7560 F,N( 303-674-7550 Page -l- of OBSERVATION REPORT Client:Alliance CorP. 11lS Job No.1031 05 Date:10-31-05 Proiect:VaiI l\4arri ott Location:Vail, Colorado lnspector:David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information conceming specific tests and inspections of slructural steel r"tOind, sfucturalbolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Atso included may be lTlS'"List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. lf there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact lTlS at your convenience. ,offiG77 David L. Sturgeon / /President l-./ f CBO Certified lnspector # 1 1 38247 -85 AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level lll FIL€_ Rtry+ts IN DEPEtr{DDM"I'E Sl'h\f G & INSPECTION SDIIVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER,COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Pase FIELD INSPECTION Rf,PORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING lnspector:ITIS Job No. I 0 3l 0 5 Date:1 0-31-0 5 Field Made Welds: X ShoP Made Welds: - Type of Weld Inspected: Fillet X Groove - Other Type of Componcnt (ie : column, beam, girder, moment welds, etc'As Recorded of Applicable Code or Standard:AWS. IBC and Proiect Standards of the O.D. List if applicable.Section 5 of 56. the e set anchors, Section 4 of 35' thegglq\ bolt installation and all associa wEIAswEre vGwea and found conforming. . AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or Elevation: West Boiler Roof Roof (JVA Driective of B-1?_--0.{, Dwg. 55,.6) Chiller Installatior Grid Line Location(s) err. lude the O'D' item number and attach a copy Level or Elevation: Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the area(s) irspected/tested: p'*n"i.r".'*tio,,,"'"ffie.Includetheo.D.itemnumberandattachacopy of the O.D. List if applicable. Level or Elevation: Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the area(s) inspected/tested: e' Include the O'D' item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. r, 03-16-2006 Inspection Requa:14 pm vait_ Co'- ilty of - Requested Insp.ect Date: frgday, March 17,2006 lnspecition Area: GG Sito Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT A/P/D Informatlon Conbactor: ALLIANCE RESTOMTION SERVICES INC. Descriotion: Notice: Comment: Comment: Comment: Reouocted Insoection{sl Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: ALLIANCE RESTOMTION SERVICES, lNC. Assigned To: JMONDRAGON Time Exp: In3pecllon Historv' Item: 10Item: 20Item: 30 -' .{ooroved * Wanen ' """fffl'I,i?j ;l'#l-" o*,oltBli A-coMM Applicant ALLIANCE RESTOMTION SERV|CES, tNC. Sub Tvoe: ACO U'se: ll-A Statue: ISSUED Insp A66' gO Phone: 328-4900 Phone: (970)328.4900 CHILLER ON illl,iRlOTT t\4OiJNTAiN RESORT work has been done without a permit - Chris will come in lo pull permius bday 3/1/06. - ANS ISSUED WIT-C -I{E BUI']N SUBfu.iTT=Ed AoDRFSS IN( IIS GUNION. BILL GItsSON A\ structural plans approved. see Requested Tlme: 08:30 At' Phone: 90rl-6061 Entered By: DGOLDEN K ffit .!t h *:Aoprcved \>CLil Action: AP APPROVED,IS,AND ATTACHN4ENT TO BLOCK AND CONCRETE WALL PER PLAN. Action: AP APPROVED ?fi';;"' e(h U"tts REPTl31 Run Id: 4472 t- Requested lnspect Date: Inspeclion Area: Site Address: ^ Type: B-ELEC uccupancy: Thursdav. March 16. 2006 SH 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Phone: Phone: FOR NEW CHILLER ON MARRIOTT Status: Insp Area: ISSUED SH A/P/D lnformatlon Tn* / Activitv: E0$0247 Const Tw6:OMier: VAMHC ll Applicant: ENCORECohlractor: ENCORE Description: POWER I Requostod Inspection(s) Item: 190 ELEC-Final ReouestedTlme: 08:00AllRequestor: Chris with Alliance Phone: 9046061 ^ Conimeqts: M.eah.and Planning scheduled for today, building final is schedule! for tomonow ,Assignqd To: SHAHN " Entered By: DGOLDEN K- Action: Time Exp: flpp,*.*J, 6*,/ f//'6 a 3 - / 6'2oo a Inspoc-tlon Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Tenro. PowerItem: 120 ELEC-RouqhItem: 130 ELEC-ConduitItem: 140 ELEC-t\4isc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final REPTl31 Run Id: 4470 i t:r{4. A/F/D lnformatlon lnspocdon Hi3torv 200 310 315 320 330 340 390 Requested Inspect Date: lnspectlon Arca: Site Address: Thurcdav March 16, 2006 CG 715 W LIONSHEAI' CR VAIL VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT REPT131 Run Id: 4470 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparhert of Community Development 75 South FDntage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 td: 970.47€.2139 fa><: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project llame: DRB ilumber: DR8050209 Prcject Descrifiion: REPIACE BflSTING CTIILLER ON MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Palddpants: owNER VAMHCTNC 0s/19/200s PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81558 CONTRACTOR AIIIANCE RESIOMTION SERVICE05/19/2005 Phone: (970)328.+900 PO BoX 109 EAGLE @ 81631 License: 289-A APPUCANT MAURIELLO PISNNING GROUP, LL05/19/2005 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: C!00001697 Project Address: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Locatlon: VAIL MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Legal Descrlption: Lot A-D Block Subdivision: MORCUS SUBDMSION Parel l{umber: 2101-072-0700-1 Comments: SEE CONDmONS 6,rb)arfl off - (\oro* BOARD/STAFF ACIION Modon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprcval:05i19/2005 Gondltons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate re\riew commlttee(s). Oond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstrudion activiues. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following Bte date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of thls poject shall lapse and beorre void one (1) year bllowing the date of final apptwal, unlessa fullding permit is issued and consfructlofl b ommened and is dlllgendy rusued torvad ompletion. Planncr: War€n Gmpbell DRB Fee Pald: l2t0.o(, Appwal of this proJect shall lapse and beome void one (1) year blloylng Up (m of f,nal apgwal, unless a buiHing pennit is issued and onstruction ls onrmeled and is dillgently punued toward aompletion. Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Pdd: $25O.OO Approval dthls project shall lapse and beorr rloid one (1) ymr fiolloring the date of final appwal, unhss a bulHlrp permit ls lssued and onstruction is ommened and is dlllgently purued towad ompletion. Planncn Wanen Campbell DRB F€e Pald: I25O.OO I s?o7+so]7'?Ilag 2 2005 : OzPM Mauripllo Plnnnin 2t,2005_l Roc c0il$TRU0Tloli 970-045-235r-- "110,0866-'P' p.2 F8 8 No € n-s.J-j 5- wtD; r.,wr.dJdl.co,ui lnfcfrt|ttlcn! el , thr cf tt. pllFoElr tot_Agl,-0stodr:_ glbctntstdt!_ttrrur suh. AdCrrg: - 719 Wlri udtrholrt l-h.r. No,r l1ol0t2o70o2 (6nto€t E Olc Co. As€$or rt gm-3ledfit far Ptrtll ,E.) ) of Own€(3)r fddrcra Sllmtur(tll of lppllcnh Rillcf,.nd Fr! 0 0 o o 0 2$ f1,00 ,.'rqtJrl fd olleg 61tn *. Fot oDrquctbn of r nft bu[dhg or *mo/nDuitd. IllT |(ilTq "trcn fiurr loobgc ts r.ltrd fo jt,.t|d0$t ac'nn ncr.r ourding Fclu.br 250 druoN i hEro, oftrrdoilt,rlcl rulor cnmgE b brldhg. 1r5 5i6 161proruffilr, $dt ar,ilqo|Ig. tcinum, {|uov, .diuonsr bxr|crcn, |h* rd.tuir'nhg wdlr, rk. Fgr mncf dDng$ to lu0dlnga md ttle inprorEmrrB, fldr r'n1!oll00 g-thunt, ryhdor{ ddt{Ens, tl'6cD.ig, leicdr rnd ' hatahhg s.l+ dG. Ff ryui3ons b plDnr dr!{y rrrud ty pta4nhg $!ft or $r!Dcdln nairw Oolt n0 Irto frr -. -- DESIGT\LREVIEW, STAFF APPiIOVAL \\ Appncauo" f"f_tlljsd# .^-.-_._.- $IFEL-_ !,q,|.rurErr F Lo||tm|l|IY DaitoFglt 75 Souh rroDtdr Ro.c, vrii, cotonOo atCgz6ri 970,179.2r3t hn 9t0.+tg.l{$ ttcE illlll(nt d.d0n rtdlw mulr.rcchrc atpro6t gdor b r6nlc1g I bli 1o Dcilntt irppfioro,' p;qr f oT#m.Hif 1T[I",IE.H{ u:Hg- I-*l-'d!4. ^n rpdkiion br D-iF i",rcn!_.9T:ry.$ dr '.su'd riru,'iriil'E ;ffi; ;fu:'ffiffi*'tr3ffiill ffinffim!y..!o n..d b be fluiltrd br lic T_ffn C.,/rd-anv;-d-ild;[9.r! Ewronnr.irrl Cefir5hn.#f,Bffilrsrr unlrrr r rrmlniprrrl Cildii'Jii'cl,crucer omnaei iiiiln 'fi.'l I TRJor- o(?l 2OOS 1:0 lo: Fax Numbcr { Fromr Planning 970748037?p.1 rill{d Mauriello Planning Group Facsrmrle TranEmrttal Domrnrc Maunelkr jlAz4/- P ersonal a nd Confi dcntra I 970.746.O92O othce 970.746-0377lax 970.376.331b cell nnrn6 Group, LLC 7 6tc20 .net arren Campbell - Re: Marriott 1 From: "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcast.net> To: 'Warren Campbell" <WCampbell@vailgov.com> Dater OBl11l2O04 8:26:16 AMSubject: Re: Marriott walkway expansion All of the parking lhat was on the WDL was moved (a year ago) to the Holy Cross Lot. The parking that occurred on the WDL last year was TOV parking. Vail Resorts is on the plus side of no net loss of parking with 105 parking spaces at NDL and 234 employee spaces at Holy Cross (291 were approved including 57 spaces for uses at maintenance center). The WDL contained 160 employee spaces and the NDL contains 105. Those are the only two employee lots that have to be replaced. Any redevelopment that occurs has to provide its own parking and does not have to provide its own parking plus the spaces that previously existed (that's a double dip). The likelihood will be that the future building on the WDL and the Core Site will have excess parking spaces then also contributing to the no net loss. As long as we are on the plus side of the formula, there is no need at this point to document the surplus of parking. Once a plan is approved for the NDL, we will have to document the extra parking. I hope that clarifies the issue for you. I have aftached the submittral document for the Holy Cross. The PEC approved the Holy Cross application and it is a permanent solution as long as it is paved by November 2005.*- Original Message -- From : "Warren Campbell" <WCampbell@vailgov.com> To: <mauriello@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, August 11,2004 7:52 AM Subject: Re: Marriott walkway expansion > Also lets say that we allow 15 Marriott parking spaces to go on the West > Day lot. Where are the 15 spaces on the West Day lot be displaced too? > | need to know as there is to be no net loss of parking. > Thanks > >>> "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcast.net> 0811O|2OO4 4:14:33 PM > That is perfect. I will get you something up close and personal. l'm >on > it. > --- Original Message --> From : "Warren Campbell" <WGampbell@vailgov.com> > To: <mauriello@comcast.net> > Sent: Tuesday, August 10,2004 3:57 PM > Subject: Marriott walkway expansion > > Dominic, > > | currently have the Marriott application for expansion of the > common > > walkway on Wednesday's drb as a conceptual as it can't be final > until > > )lrttl gpt the CUP approved. Unless lpu vrculd be going fomrard to > expand > > the common vralknray regardless of the CUP application? COuld pu > plcasa > > get me a clear mors cloee up photo of the exisitng windous. > > Thanks > > Waren Todd Gorlding' <TGoulding@vailresorts,com> - ^,lr/9 ,rr o ,hfi ro, /\{l,^_ l\,u. r, /'rr// ,/ .ASH DEPosrr F.RMAT / Project Number: \x 5Zl lmprovement Completion Date: ogf . 3t \ 0g DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEM ENT Receipt Name: Ing THIS AGREEMENT. made and entered into this -3Y0", of OCIDreL .2oof.DP,(-S (the "Developer'), and the Town of condition of approval of .the Temporary Certificate of , l.of (U5,Btcl and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement by and among Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, Occupancy for (address, legal description, Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obl top judgement of the Town to l",li,[,lF#:T:ii6Fffi ]JH;ffi S:;rlH:LXu"itr"'{tud'c}i'""' WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to proyidfr colf{6lf Duarantee-performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all in|fTilrEtil?s illErred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: \n a 6 thlhe approved plans Xd sp li:,.*T:",lft ff :"ni:J'"f t''nr"a11{r?l"ib""""slH"1:Hl"::,Yilf; attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the _ dayot OC(. 3l ,20o<. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash draft_121202.doc Page 1 of 5 Legal Description: Lot losses, claimg, dagnagqs oi tiabititieq(or actions in respect thereof) drise out of on ard based upon any performancebytnb-Developqr"hergupder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses r6hsonab[6 incurred by the Town in conn'ection with investigating or defending any such losS, ilbign, "bdriage, liability or action. This ipdemnity 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cpsh deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 18.<7].9o (25% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s)f as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the wo$ specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer r'ereby airebs to inde iar.' iThe Developer herdby a"grebs to indeqrify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agepts and employees agbinst.drny'losses, cl.aims; damaSge,.91 liabilities to which theofficers, agepts and employees agailrSt.ah;r losses, claims,'damag6, gr liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or empioy'ees may become subje'g'to, inegfar is any such provision shall be in addition to any other liability'Whicff fhe'Beyetbp€r my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply f3r and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security refened to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. Flcde\lBill\Proiects\DlA\OlA Cash draft_1212o2.doc Page 2 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. STATEOFCOLORADO I ) ss. COUNryOFEAGLE ) Planner STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE T3;r"?:loeuflT#tnprovenenlt!:"tHff H?:E Witness my hand and official seal. My commissio n expues /a.ko /o S Town ) )ss. ) before this Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary blic ff"tttxn4 tu# Flcdev\Bill\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash draft 121202.doc Paoe 4 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. to/ F:\cdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash dratl-1212O2.doc Page 3 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S) FJcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash dtatl_'121202.doc Page 5 of 5 H- T. 3, 200t 12:10PM |.lYDER ColllSTRtlcTIOIJo tlJ0. 601 ntrl To: Attn: FaxNo: CC: From: Date: Subject: FAX COVER SHEET VailResorts Scott October3,2005 - VailMarriott Meeting Rooms (HClJob No. 24014) TOTAL pages including cover 2 Reference attached letter, ff you receive less than the number of pages indicated above, please call our office within lS minutcs, otherwise we will assume this hansmission is complete. Thank you. : info@hvdcrinc.com . W€bsirc: wsw. hydoNilcco|tr .0cT, 3, 2005 l2: l0PM |'|YD OllSTRUCT ION General Conditious and Cleanup Total Cost |\l0. 60 |r, I $500,00 $14,862.00 Please call me if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincorely, HYDER CONSTRUCITON INC., by ER Co Octobet 3,?n05 Mr. Ray Scott Vail Resorts Developmont ComPanY 137 BenchmarkRoad Avon, CO 81620 Ra Vatl l\ferriott Meeting Roorrs (HCI Job No' Z01a) Landscaping ComPletion Coss I)oarRay, Per your request the following is an outline of thc costs to comPlete ttre landscaping and walkway at the south siile of tho Maniott Meetlng Rooms Projcct' Landscaping-Rocky Mountain Custom Landsapcs $10'017'00 Concreti Pivers-Gallcgos Corporation $2'850.00 Snownolt-Design Mochanical $850'00 Reinstall Sito Railing-Ken's lYelding $545.00 Scott Miller, hoject Manager 543 S.ntA Fe Drit'c . Dcnvcr, Colorrdo 36261 c (303) 85'13t3 r FAX (303) 82l'1223 c !' @ Department of Gommunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, GO 81657 \1&:{ W-€-e^As Receipu'ro. 5C' +Zi ss: t:Date/otoSroS Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Gost Each Total 001 0000 3141110 Address Maps 7A $5.00 001 0000 3141110 Zoning Maps ZA $20.00 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 3141211 Blue PrintVMylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 3141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 3141111 Master Plan MS 001 0000 3141111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL 001 0000 240 3300 D€velop€r lmprovement Agrcem€nt Deposit O2-DEP1 0 AD t8. <41.5 0 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 2302000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA 't1, -ld' FFgf E .' FF. ; 93-oF I 3=# q :E sEl 5= =S; Ei = ;' i a-g -'r Jt'- 5= l a ; € GE li,-r,g. e ei;,FF en o'Ha=*= =Erv14= i e EgFr'el! ts = r'r' 3Ftrg2crr=r E ; g .o'= =-c,tt = F3S 3 *i rE.[i scg k ;:': 00 0o: Ti MSffi rr5 MS T7 re AL:-50 Comments:\ rr+C-"(v^ Q''r.-.yl-cJ1,>r-C,,\-(- Money Order #.Check #z7+13 Received by: L<_ f/cdev/foms/admin/Sal6 Acct. April 2005 0912t2005 ocoC' IoIn IFIF olD C'Fl|F.rn FrFOll r{o Eg EH6A FF||l rt FFr|l otc(lt|n t-rFF I'F oJOI|aEdc,r.F'E|'oq|o..{ IaaUH!oLclo.II AHEE.o D !tcooll HaE| 8 !l o (,:T d F.t!t F H e 'lo o ato e 6t{I F fl l|o8-dOo8..pi i5t Efltlo I.t .Iie oHT H(a I :9cl IHI 8E Fr clta na EE HIlDa e EE*8H'atIE HE EE TH E n H 6 xH 6l-ltrEluag|IT eg" g tH6 B- o ia B !A !. E FD tIHB e ET!l Hl.{ EA t: F |n .|Dort qt>Ilt!ta o Ef,I MEMORANDTJM TO: I*gal File (Lots 4 & 7, Block l, Vail Lionshead 3'd Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision) FROM: George Ruther, Chief of Planning DATE: October30,2003 SUBJECT: Vail Marriott Mountain Resort Existing Unit Count @ensity) Vail Resorts Development Company is proposing to remodel the interior spaces of the Vail Marriott Mounain Resort. The proposed remodel would include the conversion of existing or approved accommodation units to dwellings and the construction of Dew accommodation units. As the Zoning Code does not permit the conversion of accommodation units to dwelling units, the result of the proposed remodel must not decrease the oristing number of accornmodation units in the hotel. To emure compliance with the applicable regulations, the staff completed an analysis of the existing unit count (density) conditions of the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort. Attached to this memorandum is the final approved unit count for the Vail ldarriott Mountain Resorl These unit counts shall be used in the calculation of development potential for the development site. (\ 6lqla;^ s;'rs -YH OAt .hFq .g utY O.':i -jr vtEC rs F.c.t -g.g 2.EE g.., EF .g>t E'/l o?t IEl N n .::R>l r n HEHf -t^, tagl ,J ts't \',, Glol Fz tsro U. F.{l E HIE HI EzlE 3l Ecoal 2R;il El E nFrl PE 5l a sEI T 3t Ialoil E<l>l ezEtioF{;X frl f tl It pe ! nx tl, ll Ir \s rtl ia c{m tl ?d r-r EL E[ "14- No !,,ui?d = tll tll i?a ;|l ill_ + g I a ,i+ n- i ll ian 0 r- r ll iaa ?d n fi., r ll iaa l?di . ?di . fi., ll EB?& i ?d i €ci nm'tn----+ R- i ll iaB ?m i ?d i ?d i (- pi Sn ll ?d ?e -i <- d rs:an----+ tat N ! ll iaa $ulII _9t ',>.:, 9- lI ?B on r ll iaa 9n .ll iaa -tEll a Efi ? trfl rll i?a El a /2 L r-t ? lEr E E fl + :f,ilI u_ f llll iaa tr-r Vlsrl olr]l H inI -9It-l v- f Eg pn ? 2r-l v Flgi pa ? Efi ? Efi ? P Eil ; pr ? pa ? Efi ? 9- ? fiLq fI- TLit + Ro 9trtr 1?B g r-- v E] Ht -tl.l ! l ErH { [a ? @s ? ! r-J t EIH ; 9 ila fia 2TlL llt Hifin ? Se ? tr-r v lil si -'r I LII$ ? ?{E 9- ?ilFi On E [r iaa Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 lax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: WEST DAY LOTTRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN DRB Number: DRB040212 Project Description: MULTIruRPOSE TMFFIC CONTROL SIGN FOR THE WEST DAY LOT Participants: OWNER VAIL CORP O5l27l2N4 phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL05l27l20O4 Phone| PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: Project Addrcss: 730 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 730 WEST UONSHEAD CIRCLE tegal Description: Loh B Blodc Subdivision: MORCUS SUBDIVISION Parell{umber: 210107207@3 Comments: see@nditioins BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approvalt 05/212004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $54.00 VIAY, 2i 2004 l2: 58PM : \iRDC C0NSTRUCTT0N 9i0-845_2358 l'|0. 74 3 0-P. 2- RECEIt,ED viAY 2. i .,tt,Ytrul^4V# Location of the proporcl: Lot: ,A.8. c. Dglock:_ Subdivision: Morcus Sub. Phyrical Addrcrs: Parccr No.: ,210107207002 (cont ctEagreco.asessorat97G32E-8640forparcer no,) Zonine, lfamc(l) of Ownor(r): Vail Corn. Mrlling Addtceri E-meil Addrorr: mauriello@comcast.net Fax: 970.74g_032? - fype of Revicw and Fcr: O SigrF C Conceptual Revlcw O New Corsi[EtionO Additon E M,nor Altlr.Uon ( rnulti -famiV/co.nm!rclat) O Mlnor Alteration (single-family/duptcx) tr O|.ngcs to App.oved plans O Separatjon Requcst Application for Design Review _- D.Pa'trnerlt of communlv Dcvelopment/r su(n Ffintage Road, Vail, Colo.ado 8t652 teli 970.479,2139 t?{'(t 970.179.2152 w€o: www,ci,vall,co,16 Gcncral lnfonnrtion: All ProiecB rcquiring fubn review must rcceive app,oval prior b $rDmiEng a building pcmit apptkaton. ple.s.rerer !0 the submittar ruqureoenb ior th. paru.urii +er,irii hit i, ,.q*rt d. An applcabon 15.. Dcsign Revrcwcannot bc accepEd .,'til alt ,.quired .nrformauon ,s #;il il u.,. commuflity Oev.lopment D?patunent. Thepmject may also need to b' r€viewed by the Town citun.ir-rnllo. rha praming and Enyironmcntar commiirion.D'ign ..vt.u, rpP'ov:r rrpror unrJ i a,;i,r,ic;:r;;il'rl'irru.o rnd conarrucuon commonc.r wirhinon. Ioar of lh! apgroyal. 150 Plus Sr.00 per squac flor of tobl slgn area. No Fee 1650 For corEFucdon of a new building or deno/rcbuild.i300 For rn addiuon tvhere squarc botage is added b any rc3idential of commrrcEl building fidudc 250 additions & Inedor converrions),t250 For mircr ch.nges to buitdings and ribe lmproverncnB, such as. rcroofing, painting, window additions, landxaplng, fences and Etainirp walb, crc.120 FOr mimr changrs 0o buildi(Us and slE lmprovemenb, erch as, rcm9lng, painting, wlndov, additrorrs, landscaping, frrres and rutahing walls, etc.J20 For rcvisions b plans already approvad by planfiing Staff or Uc Design Review Board. No Fee Owncr(r) Signaturc(r): Dc,,J r,oi+ M,llli prPo€'€. Tr''04r' C'^t'ol 3i1n' t,\ -lI\ TowNoFvArL1ry /"'i?'Fl#?"il"t ir'r^JlurN,4'1.4 r&q*D;rJP-)*'r':r^"r^Srr' NU ' ,^ $ 3 Jaa 4 JP 3 Iov EoioF otr I I II =oLos#o II I tro o'trTITL IEL Io trr hoflLoooE I II IE floJ IEa #oo = ToWN r-\F \;"!l DESIGN Ilr- ;W/ Jlvwttvtrt ' '' ^1 srnrr APPRovALf .- 'n1 ^us-n41 til L/ {' bF\ tstrilll, , , I i' r*, illL,r r i $ || 1 ,l II I I X ,'i {ll & .r1{ I r fti \ [I \ T ft iri r, 1$ Ir i t*-I \ i 'S l; \ ' f i tti \ 1 lt ,'! tilil: \ 'L rl\ \f\J1 ' \--S' lil '[ . ',1,l Iti' i I 1,'illt {r ; ;trL,r t i $ r l lli a,rr Itoa ) it :ril*l'|lattltt*lllff|}taatt||lt||*t*t*tf*tt*t*rtt{rt*tt*****'}*i**r*+'t*'}**lra:l'tl*t*a*a**rt*+aal*a*'}lf TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Ftarcment**lt*al{r'}lar'}*lr*att*!lrtta*+*ta'}*t*t***rr*tf't*ta|t**arar**lr*t***r***tr*'a**t1r'}'}rtartl*a*'}laat gtatemcnt lnnb€r: R0400o5923 ltrnount: $54.0o 05/27/2oo4o4:39 FDI Palmcnt lllethod: Check Inlts: ilg Notation: #lo3s/ttAItRrBrJO prJAlImNg 6Rottp, LLC Pe:.nlt llo: DRBO4O212 T14re: DttB - Sigm Alplication Parc€I llos 2LOLO72O7OO2 Site Mdreaa: Iocation: 790 tfBgT ITION8HBAD CIRCITE Total Fees: S5{.00 Ehia Payment,: 954.00 Total AL,& Pmte: $54.00Balance: $0.00 iaa'Ftttrtt**t*a*+t*'t+at'at*at*tt*t*t****lrt'tatt't*i**{r*i****'r*r*'}t'}**ft't*t***rl**ltlttrt|llltltlat AC€OUNT ItE[{ LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmls DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGI{ REVIEI,I FEES sP 00100003124000 sIGill FEES 50.00 4. 00 flarn ilF tY/-ows 4*bA"uda-n Pfanning and Environmental Commission /-h'n-D TOI,|,N# ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: WEST DAY LOT SUBDMSION PEC Number: PE@40078 Proiect Description: A MINOR SUBDIVISION CREATING THE WEST DAY SUBDIVISION, THE WEST DAY SUBDIVISION WILL BE COMPRISED OF THE WEST DAY LOT, MARRIOTT HOTEL, AND THE GORE CREEK RESIDENCES. Pafticipants: OWNER HMC ACQUISHON PROPERIES I1U15/2004 Phone: c/O MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL ONE MARRIOTT DR DEPT 938,01 WASHINGTON DC 20058 License: APPUCANT VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) IULSI20M Phone: 970-845-2354 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO 81620 License: 115-A CONTMCTOR VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) LLltslz0O4' Phone: 970-845-2354 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO 81620 License: 115-A Project Address: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: WEST DAY LOT l€gEl Description: loti A-D Block Subdivision: MORCUS SUBDIVISION ParelNumber: 210107207001 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: ROLUE KIESBO Action: APPROVED Second By: GEORGE LAMB CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner WarrenCampbell PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 iIEMORANDUiI Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department il,fu^, R ll-l7-[, 2d' Cwil^l- V,t': l-O^aTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: il. December 13,2004 A request for review of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13*4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of the West Day Lot, Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, and Gore Creek Residences properties, focated at 72O, 724, 728 West Lionshead Circle, 730 South Frontage Road West, and 825 West Forest Road/Lots A-D, Morcus Subdivision and Parcel 3 Lionshead Penthouses, and setting forth detail in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Braun Associates, lnc.Planner: Waren Campbell SUTSMARY The applicant, Vail Corporation, represented by Braun Associates Inc., is requesting approval of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of the West Day Lot, Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, and Gore Creek Residences properties, located at 720, 724, 728 \Nest Lionshead Circle, 730 South Frontage Road West, and 825 West Forest Road. The minor subdivision if approved would result in the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, Gore Creek Residences and the West Day Lot being located on three separate parcels. Staff is recommending approval of this application subject to the findings and conditions outlined in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Vail Corporation, represented by Braun Associates Inc., have recently gone through the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission review process for approval of the Gore Creek Residences. A vicinity map is attached depicting the Vail Maniott Mountain Resort, Gore Creek Residences, and West Day Lot properlies (Attachment A). Through that process it was discovered that there are multiple parcels over which physical improvements extend. This created unnecessary clutter and confusion when reviewing the surveys of the development site. ln addition, one of the final steps in the completion of the Gore Creek Residences development is the creation of a lot which encompasses the southern portion of the site. The proposed minor suMivision will create three (3) lots out of five (5) allowing for construcled physical improvements to be located all upon single lots and creating lots for the future condominiumization of the Gore Creek Residences and the development of the West Day Lot. This application proposes to clean up and re-plat the properties upon which the Vail Maniott Mountain Resort, Gore Creek Residence, and West Day Lot are construc'ted It l. or will be constructed (aftachment B). The minor subdivision, if approved, would result in the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, Gore Creek Residences, and West Day Lot being located on three separate properties and would tie the three parcels together for zoning requirement purposes. BACKGROUND These five properties were platted in two separate instances. The existing parcels do not follow the annexation boundaries in which they were annexed. The properties were annexed as a part of the original Town of Vail under Vail Village First Filing, which became effective by election on August 23, 1966, and court order of August 26, 1966 and by Ordinance 8, Series of 1969 which became effective on August 23, 1969. ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS Planning and Environmental Gommission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with conditions, or denial of a minor subdivision. Specifically the the code states in Section 13-3-4, Commission Review of Application; Criteria: The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to shaw that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C above. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consrder ffs appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subd ivi sion control, densffles proposed, regulation s, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the sunounding /and uses and other applicable documents, effecfs on the aesthetics of the Town." Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has NO review authority on a minor subdivision, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Town Council: The Town Council is the final decision making authority for a minor subdivision and adoption of easements between a private property owner and the Town. Final actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board ened with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submiftal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. tv. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. V. APPLICABLEPLANNINGDOCUTI'ENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Gode: Title 13: Subdivision Regulations (partial) 13-2-2 Definitions Minor Subdivision: Any subdivision containing not more than four (4) lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road or the extension of municipal facilities and not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining propefty. 1 3.4 Minor Subdivisions 134-1: EXEMPTIONS /N PROCEDURE AND SUBMITTALS: "Minor subdivisions", as defined in Section 13-2-2 of this Title, shall be exempt from requirements related to preliminary plan procedures and submiftals. Minor subdlvrsions may be required to submit an environmental impact report if required by Title 12, Chapter 12 of this Code. (Ord. 2(1983) S 1) VI. SUROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninoNorth: Residential Lionshead Mixed Use 1 East: Residential Lionshead Mixed Use 1West lndustrial Lionshead Mixed use 2South: Open Space Natural Area Preservation VII. SITE ANALYSIS Proposed Lot I Vail Mountain lt/larriott*Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Land Use Plan Designation: Resort Accommodation and Service Current Land Use: Hotel/Lodge Development Standard Allowed Prooosed Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft. 85,900 sq. ft. Dimension: 80'X80'min. exceeds 80'X80' Frontage: 30'min. Approximately 330 feet along West Lionshead Circle Access: Dimension: Frontage: 80'X80'min. 30'min. 80'X80'min. 30'min. Access to the site will be via West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place through the existing curb cuts. An access easement between Lots 1 and 2 is depicted on the plat. Proposed Lot 2 West Day LofZoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Land Use Plan Designation: Resort Accommodation and Service Current Land Use:Parking structure and surface parking Development Standard Allowed Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft. Prooosed 104,500 sq. ft. exceeds 80'X80'min. Approximately 225 feet along West Lionshead Circle , 320 feet along the South Frontage Road, and 65 feet along Forest Road Proposed 106,765 sq. ft. exceeds 80'X80' min. Approximately 125 feet along Forest Road. Access:Access to the site will be via West Lionshead Circle through the existing curb cut. Proposed Lot 3 Gore Greek Residences* Zoning:Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Land Use Plan Designation: Resort Accommodation and Service Cunent Land Use:Residential Development Standard Allowed Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft. Dimension: Frontage: Access:Access to the site will be via Forest Road through the approved curb cut. * This proposed minor subdivision will not make any existing or proposed lot non- conforming in regards to the zoning code. A note on the plat ties the three new proposed lots together for zoning analysis and remaining development potential. Note 12 on the plat states: "For the purposes of zoning Lots I, 2, and 3 created by this subdivision are to be treated as one development site. Development standards shall be based upon the improvements and land area of Lots I , 2, and 3. " VIII. APPLICATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Minor Subdivision A basic premise of subdivision regulations is that the minimum standards for the creation of new lots must be met. This subdivision will be reviewed under Title 13. Subdivision Regulations, of the Town of VailCode. 1. The first set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Minor Subdivision application is: Lot Area: The minimum lot area for the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District is tOpOO square feet. All three proposed lots exceed 1O,OOO sbuare feet with Lot 1 measuring 85,900 square feet, Lot 2 measuring 104,500 square feet, and Lot 3 measuring 106,765 square feet. Frontaoe: The Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District does not identify any minimum frontage requirement. However, Lot t has approximately 330 feet along West Lionshead Circle. Lot 2 has approximately 225 teet along West Lionshead Circle, 320 feet along the South Frontage Road, and 65 feet along Forest Road. Lot 3 has 125 feet offrontage along Forest Road. Dimension: The Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District requires lots to be able to enclose a square with a minimum dimension of 80 feet by 80 feet. All three proposed lots meet this requirement 2. The second set of review criteria to be considered with a minor subdivision request is outlined in the Subdivision Regulations, 13-3-4, and is as follows: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of fhts Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other peftinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable....The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densfii'es proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, effects on the aesthetics of the Town." The purpose section of Title 13, Subdivision Regulations, is intended to insure that the subdivision is promoting the health, safety and welfare of the community. The subdivision purpose statements from 13-1-2 (C) are as follows: 1. To inform each subdivider of the slandards and criteia by which development proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as fo fhe type and extent of improvements required." Staff Responee: No parties outside the Town of Vail were notified of this application for a minor subdivision as it was determined by staff that the nature of the request posed no impact to outside parties. Section 134-2 grants the Zoning Code Administrator the right to waive certain requirements required for a minor suMivision. 2. To provide for the subdivision of propefty in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land." Staff Response: This proposed minor subdivision establishes three separate lots which will not adversely affect adjacent land. The creation of the three new lots will allow for future subdivision of the newly created lots. In the near future the applicant will be submifting a condominium plat for the new Gore Creek Place Residences which would be located on Lot 3 of West Day Subdivision. 3. To protect and conserue the value of land throughout the Municipality and the value of buildings and improvemenfs on the land. Staff Response: The proposed minor subdivision will have no detrimental affect on the value of land within the Town. 4. To ensure that subdivision of propefty is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinances, to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among /and uses, consistent with Town dev elop m e nt obje ctives. Staff Response: The proposed creation of Lots 1, 2, and 3 meets all the criteria listed above. 5. To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Staff Response: The proposed minor suMivision meets all the requirements listed above. 6. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design sta nd ard s and proced u res. Staff Response: The proposed minor subdivision will clean up the existing plats for the properties. This plat will also record easement agreements between all the properties listed above and the Town of Vail. 7. To prevent the pollution of air, streams and ponds, fo assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the Town in order to preserue the integrity, stability, and beauty of the community and the value of the land. Staff Response: The proposed minor subdivision will have no negative affect on the criteria listed above. Findings: The following findings are used for a Minor Subdivision: 1. That the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of the Minor Subdivision Chapter, the Zoning Ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the Planning and Environmental Commission deems applicable. 2. fhat the application is appropriate in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, environmental integrity and compatibility with the surrounding land uses and other applicable documents, and effects on the aesthetics of the Town. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves the final plat for the West Day Subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for the resubdivision of the West Day Lot, Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, and Gore Creek Residences properties, located at720,724,728 West Lionshead Circle, 730 South Frontage Road West, and 825 West Forest Road/Lots A-D, Morcus Subdivision and Parcel 3 Lionshead Penthouses based upon the criteria evaluated in this memorandum. The recommendation of approval includes the findings mentioned above. X. AfiACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Copy of the proposed plat C. Public notice Itt I eIt t ItI I II.E! I, a I! 6tII I I I !I !ItI ItIti I It I oo(\l ll I xI dl co E oo il !!' iir t!!! t!! Jiir!5 q 3t;;; ,! $ :i J' ift l;l !ii lrIT TIg; r I il td I Ei{lill,[iiE q Eil E;ill€ It !I I! IiI I I D !r:l t?at rg t l8:lI I I T t! 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'y IF r-t Elit Lr ;;'.}r l =- - - - *,--'="L - - - i, l -*F-''- "r --.. i r. i qle I * t- $$tE IS!4"r ttfS F ls;t FFEill {eJ aJ. -_*x uEEBax H:xi u i:EE H IIFS :l:*SEiE 3S"Rtrrarl I tr ti 3i :$ *E!:l; 8Fr.r:l Ei !r EII J.ror '^c ,!:a?:ZC tfiZ/ED/Zt 6rorVrc\6r -*-'":-'ffil*""-' THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannino and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on December 19,2004, at 2:00 PM in th6 Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, to allow' for a temporary seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, located at 714 West Lionshead Circle/Parcel 3, Lionshead Penthouses and Lot C, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 ,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Unit 8 (Texas Townhomes)/Lots 8 & 9, Vail Village 4'n Filing and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Diane Lighthall, represented by Michael Suman Architect, LLCPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for review of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of the West Day Lot, Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, and Gore Creek Residences properties, located at720,724,728 West Lionshead Circle, 730 South Frontage Road West, and 825 West Forest Road/Lots A-D, Morcus Subdivision and Parcel 3 Lionshead Penthouses, and setting torth detail in regard thereto.Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Warren Campbell A request for linal review of a variance, from Section 12-6G-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance to allow for a residential addition, located a|4242 East Columbine Way/Lot 8, Bighorn Terrace, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Kathryn BenyshPlanner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone lor the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published, November 26,2OO4, in the Vail Daily. Attachment: C ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO81620 Number of Contac1s: 15 @ Company Confacl Ron Artinian Alt Phone User 1 Mark Lodge 4-D Ext. Address I 5 Bristol Dr. Address 2 Ci.y Manhasset Slafe NY Zip 11030 @ Company Contacf Jos€ph & Paficia Billotti Alt Phone User I Mark Lodge $E En. Address 1 Address 2 cw Sfate 18 Powder Hill Saddle River NJ Zip 07458 @ Company Confact Tomas & Judith Capla Addlsss t Address 2 CitY Sfate 2500 Johnson Ave. Riverdale NY Aft Phone Usor 1 Mark Company Contact David Fink Alt Phone Address 1 Address 2 City 2900 Lakewoods Ct. W Bloomfield Company Contact Fted Kiekhaefer Alt Phone U8or 1 Lionshead Penthouse 1 Ext. Address 1 N 7480 County Rd UU Addr€ss 2 Cify Fond Du Lac S-fafe Wl Company Confacl Morgan W. Neilds Aft Phone User 1 Lionshead Penthouse 2 Ext. Address 1 4SunriseDr. Addrcss 2 Ci.ry Englewood State CO Zip 80110 Company Conlacf Paul & Madeleine Schnell Aft Phone Us€r I Mark Lodge SH EXI. Address t 225 Central Park Address 2 Cfry New York State NY Zip 1OO24 @ Company Boselli Family Investments, LLC Aft Phone U3or 1 Mark Lodge 2-E, Address 1 3195 Lahyette Dr. Cily Boulder Stafe co Zip 80303 Crcated 1012512004 at 2:O2 PM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ Company Havens Separate Property Living Trust Contact Gary Havens Trustee AftPhone Ext. U3er t Mark Lodge 4-F Address I 226 14th Sl. Address 2 Ci.t Santa Monica Sfate CA zip 90402 Company Infinity Holdings at Vail LLC Alt Phone Usor t Mark Lodge $G Ext. Address I 7400 E Crestline Cir 125 Crly Greenwood vilage Sfate CO Zip 80'111 @ Company Intervest 8183 LLc Alt Phone Usor I Lionshead Penthouse 3 Ext. Address I 15 E sth St. 2700 Crty Tulsa Sfate OK Zp 74103 @ Company Rob€rt & Gail & Ronald lda Contact Paul & Janet Sasa Aft Phona User 1 Mark Lodge 5-F Address I PO Box 20156 Address 2 Ciiy Boulder Slate CO Zip 80308-3156 @ Company Rolhman Gordon For€man & Groudine Contact Sandra Kushner & Judy Kasdan Alt Phone Ext. Usor I Mark Lodg€ 2-D Address 1 Third Floor Grant Building Address 2 C/y Pittrsburgh Stale PA Zip 15219 Company Vail Valley Rentals LLC Alt Phone Addless t '140 Fairfax St. City Denver Mark Lodge &E, 2-F Company VAMHC Inc. Aft Phone User I Mark Lodge Ert. Address 1 PO Box 7 City Vail State CO Zip 8165a Created 10/2512004 at 2:02 PM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO81620 Number of Contacts: 89 - Company Conlact George Adam, Jr. Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 103, 104 Ert, Addless t 4950 Birch Sl. Address 2 Cdy Littleton Sfate CO Zip 80'121 @' Company Contacl Frank & Flavia Bencina Aft Phone Us€r 'l Antlers Condo 403 Ext. Address 1 139 Bruce Ct. Addrcss 2 Cfly Merrick Slate NY Zip 11566 @ 7 Company Confact Nancy Trainor Bettye Tipsword Aft Phone Usor I Antlers Condo 304 Address 1 2440 E. 30th Add,ess 2 Crfy Tulsa Stafe OK Zip 74114 Company Contacf Ronald C. & Dawn May Bobuk Alt Phone Ert. Uaer 1 Antlers Condo 607 Addrcss 1 2023 Wandering Rd. Address 2 Cify Encinitas Sfafe CA Zip 92024 @ t Company Contact Lawrence & Risa Bressler Aft Phone Address 1 92 Webster Pk Address 2 C,iY Newton User I Antlers Condo 206 Company Contact Lynn M. Butler Bukard M. Schmitt Nt Phone Ext. U3er 1 Antlers Condo 515 Addl.Bss t 1111 Keystone Ave. Address 2 Cfly River Forest State lL Company Contact G. Garo Chalian Alt Phone User 'l Anilers Condo 318 Addrcss 1 864 Homestake Ct. Address 2 C,ty Castle Rock Sfale CO Zip 8O1O4 @ f Company Contacl Richard S. Jackson Cheryl K. Moskal Aft Phone Ert. User 1 Antlers Condo 320 Address 1 PO Box 280706 Addrcss 2 Crty Lakewood Stafe CO ZiD 802284706 cl.e€,ted 1012512004 at 10:12 AM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ ,, Company Contact Kay Dorolhea Christensen Alt Phone Address 1 247 Cook St. Address 2 Crfy Denver User 1 Antlers Condo 708 Company Contacl William R. & Karen C. Christopherson Alt Phone Exl Usor I Antlers Condo 420 Address 1 3947 Excelsior Blvd. Ste. 111 Address 2 Cfiy St. Louis Park State MN Zip 5il16 @ ,. Company Conlact Jos€ph C. & Edwina A. Daley Alt Phone Address 1 401 E.80th St. Apt. 11F Address 2 Cdy New York User 1 Anflers Condo 410 Company Conlacf Jerome C, Darnell Alt Phone Usor I Anflers Condo 412 Ert, Address 1 614 Brainard Ck. Address 2 City Laiayelb State co Company Cordact Leslie M. Dow, Jr. Aft Phone User 1 Anters Condo 418 Ert. Addrcss 1 11464 Lippleman Rd. #200 Address 2 Crty Cincinnati Slate OH Zip 45246 @ / Company Codacl Arlene Elkind Alt Phone Usor 1 Anters Condo 202 Ext. Address 1 150 Taymill Rd. Address 2 Crly New Rochelle Slate NY Zp 10804 Company Conlact Gerhard C. & Erika H. Endler Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 707 Address 1 3 Long Marsh Ln Addrcss 2 Crly Hilton Head State SC Zip 2992*7140 Company Contacl Jacqueline Flynn Aft Phone U3er 1 Antlers Condo 212 Ert, Address 1 19660 Bainter Way Address 2 Cdy Los Gatos Sfate CA Zip 95030 c/'e€.ted 1012512004 at 10:12 AM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ r' Company Contacf Emanuel & Hermione Flhenakis Aft Phone Ur€r 1 Antters Condo 404 Address I 10905 Riverwood Dr. Address 2 Cdy Potomac Stale MD zip 2085/. @ ,/ Company Contacl Bryan & Cynthia Funai Aft Phone Uaor I Antlers Condo 321 Ert, Addrcss 1 6727 N. Lockwood Address 2 Cdy Lincolnwood Slafe lL Zip 60712 Company Confacf Lowell & Carol Geithman Alt Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 106 Ext. Address 1 526 GreerMood Ct. Addrcss 2 Cify Pewaukee Sfate Wl Zip 5?072 @ , Company Contact Lau/'a Glazie( Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 705 Address I 15 Gaskill Rd. Address 2 Cify worcester Sfate MA Zip 0160.2 - Company Confact Joseph Greene & Janina Szpolko Greene AftPhone Ert. UEer 1 Anders Condo 110 Address 7 505 Oppenheimer Dr. 1305 Address 2 Crty Los Alarnos Slate NM Zip 87544 @ .r. com?anY Contact Robert & Sibyllie Grossman An Phone User I Antlers Condo 208 Addrcss 1 1625 Kings Rd. Addrcss 2 Crty Petersburg Sfafa VA Zip 23805 - / Company Conlact Stephen & Lee Gulotta Aft Phone Uter 1 Antlers Condo 311 Addrass 1 20 Beechcroft Rd. Address 2 Cly Greenwich Stats CT Zrp 06880 @ / Company ' Contact W. & A. Miller. J. Brooks Nelvbill J.A. Haliun Address 1 443 N. New Ballas Rd. Address 2 Cfiy Sl Louis State MO Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 109 Zip 63141 Cleated 1012512004 at 1 0:12 AM Contact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ ) Company/ confacf Lynne Hanison Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 306 Ert. Address 1 2497 Vauxhall Rd. Addrcss 2 Crty Union Sfate NJ Company ' Contact Daniel & Christopher Havekost AftPhone Ext. User 1 Antlers Condo 514 Address I 1121 Grant St. Address 2 Cily Denver State CO Zip 80203 @ - Company Contact Jeffrey D. & Michelle K. Hettinger Alt Phone Uler I Antlers Condo 520.521 Address 1 8 Woods Way Address 2 Cdy Wyomissing S-fate PA Zip 1961o-1't99 @ / Company Conlact Susan Hagy Humphrey Alt Phone Usor I Anters Condo 608 Ext. Address 1 13499 Sawpit Rd. Address 2 Black Hammock lsland Cly Jacksonville State FL Zip 32226 @ / Company Confacf James Taylor & Nancy Phillips Aft Phone Uaor 1 An{ers Condo 2O5 Address 1 325 S. York St. Address 2 Cdy Denver Slate CO Zip 80209 @ 7 Company Contacl John Kato@is & Marilyn Cox Alt Phone User 1 Antl€rs Condo 207 Address t 3842 E. Millers Bridge Rd. Address 2 Crly Tallahassee Slafe FL zip 32312 / , Company / Contacl Stella Dasko John Reynolds Aft Phone User I Antlers Condo 507 Pager Address t Address 2 City State Countty 58 Chine Dr. Scarborough Ontario Canada zip M1M2K7 @ Company Conlacf Anton B. Kaczor Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 601 Ext. Address 1 326 Kenmore Rd. Address 2 Ci{y Council Bluffs State lA Zip 51501 Created 10/2512004 at 10:12 AM ffi Contact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 / Company Confacf Michael & Ann Kennedy Alt Phone User I Antlers Condo 108 Ext. Address 1 896 Boardwalk Ct. Address 2 Crty Palatine Stafe lL Zip @067 @ , Company/ Contact Ann Loraine Kirkham Alt Phone U3.r I Antlers Condo 702 Ext. Addrcss 1 58 Willot , Ave. Addrcss 2 Crffy Larchrnont Stafe NY Zp 1O538 @ Cmt,pany1 Contact Jennifer Leeds Aft Phone User 1 Antl€rs Condo 620 Ext Address 1 405 El Camino Real 614 Addr€ss 2 Cly Menlo Park Slafo CA Zip 94025 @ / Company Confact Cynthia Mable Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 408 Ext. Addless t Addrcss 2 City Stafs 1 1305 Morning Gate Dr. Rockville MD Zip 20852 @ / Company Contacf Robert S. & Wendy Maclean Att Phone Address 1 2945 Huntsford Cir Address 2 Crty Highlands Ranch User 1 Antlers Condo 4'|7 Company Contacf Rosette J. Mare Alt Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 209 Exf. Address 1 3130 Clubhouso Rd. Address 2 ciily Menick Slate NY Zp 11566 Company Contact PaNe'- Dara & Kathleen Marie Alt Phone Ext. Usor I Antl€rs Condo 112 Addlsss t 527 Fielders Ln Addrcss 2 Ci.V Toms River Slafo NJ Company Contacl Georgia Wralstad Mark Ulmschneider AftPhone Ert. User 1 Anders Condo 517 Addl€ss t 4701 S. Wayne Ave. Address 2 Crty Fort Wayne State lN Zip 46807 Created 1Ol2g2O04 at 10:12 AM Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO 8ox 959 Avor, CO81620 Company Contad David P. Martin Trustee Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 504 Exl. Address 1 101 Spindle Ln Address 2 Cily Chadds Ford Sfats PA Zp 19317 @ Company '/ Confacf James c. Morakis Trusl Aft Phone U.er 1 Antlers Condo 401 Address 1 PO Box 437 Addrcss 2 Ci.ry Glenndale Stato MD Zip 20769 . Company( Contact lll & Jane C. PacKard Robert G. Att Phone Ulor I Antlers Condo 312 Address t 3313 SWFakmountBlvd. Address 2 Ci,V Portand Stafo OR Company Confact David M. & Nancy E. Paige A,t Phone Address 1 4020 Old Ct. Rd. Address 2 Cfly Baltimore Antlers Condo 210, 105 Company Confact Dorothy Parsons Revocable Trust AftPhone Ext. User I Antlers Condo 603 Addl€ss t 7505 Memorial Woods Dr. 6 Addtass 2 Cdy Houston Stafe TX Zip 77024-378 Company Confac{ Joseph C. Parsons Aft Phone Addross 1 218 W. Tenth Address 2 Crly Dallas Antlers Condo 414 Company Contad Alan Fishman Paul Brunner An Phone Addrcss 1 4 Prairie Falcon Ln Address 2 Cfiy Littleton Company Corlact Frank & Agnese Pierotti Aft Phone User 1 Anflers Condo 307 Addless I 2973 Techny Rd. Addrcss 2 Crfy Northbrook Stafe lL Ext. np 60062 Created 10/2S2004 at 10:12 AM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ Company ?. Contacl Carolyn S. Ramsay Alt Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 203 Ext. Address 1 11 Midland Rd. Address 2 Ci.ry Colorado Springs Sfafa CO Z?r 80906 @ Company . Contacf William T. & Shirley K. Rauter Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 506 Addrcss I 680 W. Lionshead Pl Addtgss 2 City Yail Slafe CO Zip 81657 @ -,.- Company Codact Thomas E. Riedel Trust Alt Phone Addr€ss t Address 2 City Slale PO Box 3006 Edwards coUs€r 1 Antlers Condo 501 Company Conlacf Alexander H. Ringsby AIt Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 317 Ert. Acldress 1 1123 Auraria Pkwy Ste. 200 Address 2 CW Denvel Sfale co zip 80204 @ , Company Contact Eatl E. & Marita H. Rossman Alt Phone Address 1 15630 Whitet/vater Ln Address 2 Ci.V Houston User I Antlers Condo 503 - Company '" Contact KenZiejer/vski Sara Vegh Alt Phone Address 1 400 E. Witchwood Ln Address 2 Cfiy Lake Blutr AntlersCondolll Company Conlact Michael Kelly Scott Brinkman Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 406 Addless t 7900 S. Cass Ste. 260 Address 2 City Datien Sfate lL Zip 6056'l @ / Company Conlact Stephen & Nanry Snyder Alt Phone User 1 Anllers Condo 308. 309 Ext. Address 1 1 Brickyard Dr. Address 2 C/ty Bloomington State lL Zp 6't7O1 Created 10/25/2004 at 10:12 AM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ Comqny Conlacl Leslie Sokol / Aft Phone User I Anters Condo 303 Addrcss 1 13530 Chamber Oaks Address 2 Crty San Antonio Slate Tx Zip 78231 @ Company Contact Robert T. & Janice H. Spalding AftPhone Exl.'/ User I Antlers Condo soE Address 1 6306 Forest Park Dr. Address 2 Cly Signal Mtn. Slafe TN Company Confact Jill Slerling Alt Phone User I Antlers Condo 107 Eft Address 1 204 Vandenberg Dr. Address 2 Ctly Bilox sfate Ms Company Conlact John H. Taylor, Jr. AIt Phon6 Address 1 12 W 72nd St. 5E Address 2 Crly New York Comryny Contacf Wallac€ & B€ttye Tipsword Aft Phone Address t 2440 E.30th St. Address 2 Crfy Tulsa Company Confact Bettye Tipsword Nancy Trainor AftPhone Ext. User 1 Anuers Condo 604 Addless I 1932 E 30th Pl Address 2 Ctty Tulsa Stat6 OK Zip 74114 @ Company Contact Alexander lll & Laura Webb Aft Phone- User 1 Antlors Condo 407 Ext. Addlpss t 91 Pickney St. Addrcss 2 Cily Boston State MA Zp 02114 Company Confact Donald Wiethuechter Alt Phone ./ Ua€r 1 Antlers Condo 305 Ert. Address 1 '1301 South 70th Address 2 City TacIma Stato WA zip g8r',OB Crcald 1Ol25l2OO4 at 10:12 AM Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 q Company Budget Leasing Inc. e. Aft Phone Usor 1 Antl€rs Condo 415 EXT. Addrsss t 6375 Hwy 290E Crty Austin Slate TX Company Charles Wheeler Smedley Trust Contact clo Margaret Jane Smedley Alt Phone Ert. User I Antlers Condo 310 Addl€ss t 6100 S. Gilpin Address 2 Crty Littleton Slate CO Zip 80121 @ Company CMM Partners Contac'. clo Marie Millman Alt Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 211 Ext. Address 1 3505 Saint Susan Pl Adclress 2 Crly Los Angeles State CA Company Cox Family Trust Aft Phone Us€r 1 Antlers Condo 204 Addless t 516 Sherborn Ln Crty Springfield Slato VA Zip 22't52 @ Company E. W. Oakes Testamentary Trust 1 Contact W.E. Oakes Trustee AftPhone Ext User 1 Antlors Condo 704 Address 1 2900 Regency Dr. Addrcss 2 Crly Independence State KS Zp 67301 @ Company FIVE TIMMS PTNSHIPP Confact c/o Bill Timmermann ./ An Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 602 Ext. Address 1 1225 N. Hanison Address 2 Crly Litchfield Slafe lL Zip 62056 @ Company Gomer W. Roberb Truslee / Contad clo Julia Jane Lewald Aft Phone User I Antlers Condo 402 Addrcss I Addrcss 2 City Slafe 1724 Hillside Dr. Glendale CA Zip 91208 @ Company Great Reflections At Lakeside LLC -/. Conlact c/o Nancy Scott Alt Phone Ext User 1 Antlers Condo 502 Addrass 1 106 Berkeley Rd. AddtBss 2 City Elytia Slafe OH Zip 44035 Crcaled 1ol2g2|O4 at 10:12 AM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 Company Havekost Assoc PC Profit Sharing Alt Phone Ext. / User t Antters Condo 315 Addrcss 1 1 121 Grant St. City Denver Stale CO Zip 80203 @ Company HWH Venture Contact clo Dan Havekosr / Alt Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 706 Ext. Address 1 1121 Grant St. Address 2 Cily Denver Sfato CO Zip 80203-2301 Company LT.S. Construction, Inc. An Phon6 User 1 Antlers Condo 201 Address 1 4705 McKinley Dr. C,ty Boulder Sfafe CO Zip 80?03 @ Company J. E. Nygren, Eugene Jensen Contacl R.P. Abramson. R.A. Jacob Aft Phone User I Antlers Condo 302 Address 1 115 W. 2nd St. Address 2 Crty Kimball .Sfate NE Zip 69145 Company Lionshead Condo Ptnshp Conlact Attn: Gary Thalhubor AIt Phone User I Anuers Condo 701 Address 1 225 S. 6th St. Ste 1400 Address 2 C/y Minneapolis Slato MN Ext. Zip 5.5r']o2 @ Company Marianne H. Mainz Trust Contact Marhnne Mainz Trustee ' Aft Phone User 1 Antlers Condo 606 Addrcss 1 239 N Hwy 59 Addrcss 2 Crfy North Barrington Sfate lL Zip 60010 Company Michael Leeds 1997 Grat Aft Phone User I Antlers Condo 621 Ert, Address 1 460 Sdit Rock Rd. crity Syosset Stafe NY Zip 11791 Company R. L. Buckley Enterprises LLLP AftPhone Ert. User 1 Antlers Condo 516 Address I 4550 E. Perry Pkwy Cdy Greenwood Village Slat6 CO Zip 80121 @ ,. Company Robert J. Michela Trust ' Aft Phone User t Antlers Condo 518 Ext. Address 1 47589 Griffith Pl. Cily Potomac Falls Stale VA Zip 20'16.F.5111 Created 10/25/2004 at 10:12 AM 10 Gontact Directory lsabel Thomp6o , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 Company Security Title Company Inc. Aft Phone Usor 1 Antlers Condo 416 Ert. Address 1 5865 Ridgeway Center Parkway Ste 1(X C4y Memphis State TN Zip 38120 Company Stephen A. Hersee Living Trust Conlact Stephen & H6len Hersee Co Trustees Aft Phone Ext User I Antlers Condo 411 Addrcss 1 1342 Avalon Ct. Addrcss 2 Cify Wheaton Sfate lL Zip 60187 Company Contact Aft Phone Usor I Swim Line Corp. Larry J. Schwimmer Antlers Condo 703 Ert. Adclrcss 1 Address 2 City Sfate 300 E. 85th St. Apt. 2705 New York NY Zip 'lOO28 Company Vail Lionshead Corporation /. Aft Phone User I Antlers Condo 101.102 Ext. Address t 680W. Lionshead Pl City Vail Stafe CO Zip 41657 @ / Company VPP NO. 16CORP / Aft Phone Usor I Antlers Condo 519 Ert. Address I 680 W. Lionshead Pl City Vail Sfate CO Zip 81657 Company Contact Phone Aft Phone User I VRDC lsabel Thompson 970-8/.+2537 EXT. EXt Address 1 PO Box 959 Address 2 Address 3 Crty Avon Stale CO Zip 81620 Company Wachendorfer LLC / Aft Phone Usor I Anilers Condo 505 Ert. Addl€ss I City Stafe Boulder co Z,p 80304 1745 Lombardy Dr. @ Company Woodburn Cockum Trust / Contad, Carol Cockrum Trustee Aft Phone Usor I Antlers Cnodo 605 Address 1 5398 Night Heron Dr. Address 2 City Blaine State WA Ert. Zip 98230 Created 10/25/2004 at 10:12 AM 11 ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor, CO81620 Number of Contacts: 12 @ \ company Conlact Sherrie Deal Alt Phone User 1 Enzian B-3 EXt. Address 1 2221 Spencers Way Address 2 C,ty Stone Mtn. Stale GA Company Contad Davtd Leo Fundarek Aft Phone User 1 Enzian B-1 Ert. Address 1 6740 W. 99th St. Address 2 Cfly Chicago Ridge Stafe lL Zip ffi4't5 @ \ Company ' Contacf JoseDh Jenkins Aft Phon6 User 1 Enzian B-4 Ert. Address 1 4200 E Plum Ct Address 2 City Greenwood Village Sfate CO Zip 80121 Company Contact User 1 Pager F. J. Kelly Enzian A-5 Address 1 Red Hill - Bowning Addrcss 2 Slate Country Australia Zip 2582 Company Contact John & Paficia Matthews Alt Phone User I Enzian B-2 Ext. Addless t Address 2 City Stafe 7004 Mountain Gate Dr. Bethesda MD Zip 20817 @ 1 Company Conlacf John Peck Jr. Alt Phone User 1 Enzian B€ Ext. Address I Address 2 City Stale PO Box 829 Rancho Santa Fe CA Company Contact Charlie Pucketl Aft Phone User 1 Enzian A-2 Ert, Address 1 14605 S. Wren School Rd. Address 2 Cdy Ashland Stafe Mo Zip 65010 @ 1 Company ' Contact W. Arthur Stimoson Alt Phone Usor 1 Enzian A-3 Ext. Address 1 22222Makah Rd. Address 2 Crty Woodway State WA Zip 98020 Uealed 1012512004 at 10:43 AM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 Company (\ Contact Marilyn Lee Albers Revocable Living Trust Alt Phone Us.r I Enzian A4 Ext. Address 1 Addrpss 2 City Slale 3139 Briarwood Blvd. Grand lsland NE Zip 6880'l-7224 Company Enzian at Vail Conract Oakton-Kostner Corp. Aft Phone Addrcss 1 7721 N. Kostner Ave. Address 2 Cdy Skokie U:er I Eruian A-1 Company Pam€la Snavely R€vocable Trust Contact Pamela Snavely Trustee AftPhone Ert, Usor I Enzian B-5 AddtBss 1 306 Eagle Dr. Address 2 crty Jupiter State FL Company Contad Aft Phone User I P€ck Family Trust John & V€ra Peck Trustees Enzian A-6 Ext. Addr€ss t Add|ss 2 City Sfafo PO Box 829 Rancho Santa Fe CA Zip 92ffi7 Creat€d 10/25/2004 at 10:43 AM Gontact Directory i\ Number of Contacts: 57 lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ Company Confact Susan Ludlow Edward Abramson AftPhone Ert. User 1 Vail Soa Condo 700 Address 1 7 Kensington Terrace Address 2 Ci.ry Bronxville Sfafe NY Zip 1O7OB Company Contacl Luba Becker lsaac Backer Aft Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 322 Ert. Address 1 cr'o Vail Spa Address 2 710 W Lionshead Cir City Vail Slafe CO Zip 8'1657 @ Company Contact Jose Gomez Canibe Alt Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo 109 En. Address 1 c/o Vail Spa Addrcss 2 710 W Lionshead Ch City Yan Stafe CO Zip 81657 Company Contact Charles R. Cantor - Kinder Trust Alt Phone Ert. User 1 Vail Soa Condo 506 Address 1 do Arnon Adar Address 2 1901 Ave. ofthe Stars Ste 1600 Crfy Los Angeles State CA 90067zip Company Contact Alberto Adissi Cohen Aft Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 304 Ext. Address 1 710 W. Lionshead Cir tt304 Address 2 Crty Vail State CO Zip 81657 @ Company Contact Btuce S. & Eileen R. Cook Aft Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 306 Ert, Address 1 10117 Sonel Ave. Address 2 City Potomac State MD zip 20854 Company Confact Morton & Norma Lee Funger Alt Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 512 Ext. Address t 9000 Durham Dr. Address 2 C/ty Potomac Sfate MD zip 20854 Company Conlacf Deborah Weiss Michael Gruenstein Alt Phone Ext. User 1 Vail Soa Condo 518 Address 1 25 b Village Ln Addrcss 2 C/ty Santa Fe State NM Zp 87505 Crcated 1012512004 at 12:49 PM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ ComNny Contacl Neil & Nancy Grunberg Eleanor Aft Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo 204 Address 1 7805 Fairfax Rd. Address 2 Crly Bethesda Sfafe MD zip 20814-1317 @ Company Conlact Timothy J & Helen C Healy An Phone User 1 Va Soa Condo 307 Ext. Address 1 5704 Newport Dr. Address 2 CW Edina Slafe MN Zip &36 @ Company Conlact Robert & Elizabeth Kidd Aft Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 318 Pager Ert, Address 1 Address 2 City State Country 1496 Pinetree Cres Mississauga Ontario Canada Zip LSG258 @ Company Contacl Walter J. Kohler An Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 316 Ext. Address 1 c/o Vail Spa Address 2 710 W Lionshead Cir #316 Cily Yat Slafe CO Zip 81657 Company Conlacf Robert J. & Donald E. Latham Aft Phone Us€r I Vail Spa Condo 315 Address 1 356 Park Terrace SE Address 2 Cdy C€dar Rapids State lA Zp 52403 @ Company Contact RGsa Elva A. Looez Aft Phone Us€r I Vail Spa Condo 105 Pager Ext. Address 1 Address 2 City Slata Country Blvd Capellania 345 Colc Capallania Saltillo Coahuila Mexico Zip 25208 @ Company Conlact Stephen Hoffrnan Harold Aft Phone User I Vail Soa Condo 317 Margolis Ert, Address 1 27301 Dequindre Ste.314 Address 2 Crity Madison Heights Slate Ml Zip 48071 q@Ed 1012512004 at 12:49 PM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ Company Conlacl Veronica V. & Gary MaEner Alt Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 510 Adfiess 1 5880 Southr,vest 97 St. Address 2 City Pinecrest Stafe FL Zip 33156 @ Company Contact Robert May Alt Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 329, 375 Ert. Addrcss 1 PO Box 101 Address 2 C^ry Beeville Sfate TX ZiD 7810+0101 @ Company Contact Thomas R. Barbara M. Miller Aft Phone Ext. Address I 2990 Riveria Rd. Address 2 Crty Sartell User 1 Vail Soa Condo 320 Company Codact Albert Milstein Aft Phone Usor1 Vail Spa Condo 102 Ext. Addrcss 1 6119 N. Drake Address 2 Crty Chicago Stafe lL Zrip 60659 @ Company Confact Jose S. Muller Alt Phone User I Vail Soa Condo 312 Ext. Address 1 710 W Lionishead Cir #312 Address 2 City Yail Sfate CO zip 81657 @ Company Contacf Judith Nelson Alt Phone User 1 Vail SDa Condo 501 Ext. Address 1 2775 Sunny lsles Blvd 188N Address 2 C,fy Miami Sfate FL Zip 331ffi Company Contacl Francisco Perez Gil Alt Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 309 Ext. Address 1 c/o Vail Spa Attn: Lorna Address 2 710 W Lionshead Cir #309 City Vail State CO Zip 81657 Company Conlacl Andrew J. & Joanne M. Rafuse AftPhone Ert. User 1 Vail Soa Condo 319 Address 1 710 W Lionshead Ck Address 2 City Vail Slate CO Zip 81657 Crcald 1Ol2g2OU at 12:49 PM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ Company Confacf George & Edith Rossncranz Aft Phone Usor I Vail Soa Condo 526 Pager Ert. Addl.ess t Paroue VIA Reforma 1730 Address 2 Cily Col Lomas De Chapultepec State Counw Mexico D.F. Mexico 11000 zip @ Company Codacl MerylA. & Ronald C. Rougeaux Aft Phone Addrsss 1 7469 Shoreham Dr. Address 2 Crty Castle Rock User I Vail Soa Condo Unit C Usorl Vail Spa Condo 302 State NC Zp 28207 Company Contact Elizabeth Q. Rudolph Alt Phone Company Contact Mary & Helmut Schneider Aft Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo '103 Address 1 2119 Malvern Rd. Address 2 Crty Charlotte Addlsss t 19123 Hickory Bay ct. Addrcss 2 Crry Baton Rouge Sfate LA Ext. Zip 70817 Company Contacl Charles & Judith Stoooack Aft Phone User I Vail Soa Condo 308 EXr. Addtass 1 3240 Venado St. Address 2 Crly Carlsbad Sfate CA Zp 92OOg @ Company Contact Gary F. & Carolyn A. Terry Aft Phone User I Vail Soa Condo 104 Address 1 59 village Ln Address 2 City Hanwer State MA Zp 02339-'t376 @ Company Contact Konrad C. & Mary S. Testwuide Alt Phone Ext. User 1 Vail Soa Condo 514 Address 1 1236 Riverview Dr. Addrcss 2 Cdy Sheboygan Sfate Wl Company Contact Aft Phone User 1 Pager Celia, Guillermo & Juan Teuscher Gabriella Ext. Vail Spa Condo 321 Address 1 Address 2 City Slate CounW Sierra Ventana 405 Lomas Mexico D.F. 11000 zip Cteated 1Ol25l2OO4 al 12:49 PM Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 @ Company Alejandro Lelo Delanea Contact Claudia Gaudiano Aft Phone UEer I Vail Soa Condo 111 Ert. Addl.ess 1 710 W. Lionshead Cir Address 2 City Yail Sfate CO Zip 81657 @ Company Alexis Elias Rabinovits Con{acl Carlos Rabinovits Fainstein Aft Phone User I Vail Soa Condo 310 Ert. Address 1 1382 Stanislaus Tr. Address 2 Crty Chula Vista State cA Zip 91913 Company Andero Properties NV Trustee Contacf c/o Alfredo & Elizabeth Franco AftPhone Ert. Usor 1 Vail Spa Condo 106 Address 1 710 W. Lionshead Cir Address 2 City Vail State CO Zp 81657 @ Company Andres Pons C, Arceli G. De Pons Contacf c/o Vail Spa - Lorna AftPhone Ext User 1 Vail Soa Condo 202 Addrcss 1 710 W Lionshead Cir Addrcss 2 Cfty Yan Stale CO Zip 41657 Company C. F. Damon Jr Trustee Aft Phone User I Vail Spa Condo 508 Ert, Address 1 841 Pueo St. Crly Honolulu Slafe Hl zip 96816 @ Company Carbogen Corp Alt Phone Usor 1 Vail Spa Condo 206 Ext. Address 1 104'l SE 17 St. Cfiy Fort Lauderdale Slale FL zip 33316 Company Clarkgrove Confact c/o Gabriela Alaman Alt Phone Usor 1 Vail Soa Condo 516 Ext' Address t 710 W Lionshead Cir t1516 Address 2 City Vail Stale CO Zip 81657 Company Clearwood Corp. An Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo 520 Ert, Address 1 710 W Lionshead Cir #520 CitY Yail Sfate CO Zip 81657 Created 10/25,/2004 at 12:49 PM Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VROC PO Box 959 Avor , CO81620 @ Company Dalijor Corp NV Aft Phone Address 1 City Sfate 710 W Lionshead Cir Vail Usor 'l Vail Soa Condo 314 Company Essy Management Corp. Aft Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo 113 Ert. Address 1 1605 W 42nd St. Crly West Des Moines Slate lA Zip 50265 @ Company Galus Commercial Corp. Aft Phone Usor I Vail Spa Condo 326 Pager Ert. Addrcss 1 Vanter Pool PlaTa 2nd Fl Wickhams Cay I Cfty Roadtown Tortola Slale ZiP Company Garibaldi Aft Phone Address 1 City Sfate 710 W Lionshead Ch #502 Vail Usor I Vail Soa Condo 502 Company Guerin Family Trust Aft Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo 101 Ext. Address 1 9016 Brokenarrow Ln Crfy Dallas State TX Zip 75209 @ Company Herrested Investment NV Trustee Alt Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 311 Address 1 PO Box 309 C/ty Olmito State TX Company Larragain Lodge LLC Alt Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo 303 Ext. Addrcss 1 710 W Lionshead Cir City Vail Sfate CO Zip A1657 Company MANPA Corp NV Contact Alt Phone UEer 1 Vail Spa Condo 522 Ert. Address 1 co/ Vail Spa Address 2 710 W Lionshead Cir City Vail Slate CO Zip 81657 @ Company Matt Creek Family LP LTD LLP Aft Phone Usor 1 Vail Spa Condo 301 Address t 45 Shadow Creek Way Cify Ormond Beach Sfale FL Zip 32174 clealFJd 1012512004 at 12:49 PM ffi Gontact Directory lsabel Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 Company On-Air Family LLC Aft Phone Usor I Vail Soa Condo 203 Ext. Addrcss 1 1776 E. Tuns Ave. City ClrF-,rry Hills Village Sfafe CO Ztp 80110 @ Company Paterson lnvestments Inc. Contact Aft Phone Address 1 c/o Vail Spa Address 2 710 W Lionshead Cir City Vail Company Peachtree Holdings LTD Contact Aft Phone U$er 1 Vail Spa Condo 313 Ert. Address 1 c/o Vail Spa Address 2 710 W Lionshead Cir CitY Vail Stafe CO Zip 81657 Company Properties LTD Conlact Bruce E. & Tracy A. Rhode Aft Phone Usor 1 Vail Spa Condo 524 Ext. Address 1 88 W lrvington Pl Address 2 City Denver State CO Zp 80223 @ Company RDSA Properties Inc. Aft Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo 504 Ert. Address 1 1 Riverway Ste 1000 Cify Houston Sfale TX Zip 77056 @ Company Sand & Snow Properties Alt Phone User 1 Vail Spa Condo 305 Ext. Address 1 2626NW2Ave Cdy Miami Stafe FL Zip 33't27 @ Company Trieste Financial Inc. Contact cy'o Guevara & Assoc. PC Aft Phone User 1 Vail Soa Condo 107 Ert. Address 1 1420 Kettner St. Ste 600 Addrcss 2 Cdy San Diego Sfate CA Zip 92101 Company Tunkin Investments NV Contact clo Vail Bookkeeping & Accounting Inc. AftPhone Ert. User I Vail Soa Condo 503 Address 1 PO Box 5940 Address 2 Crty Avon Stafe CO Zip 8'1620 Created 1 0/25/20Ot at 12:49 PM 'gffii Gontact Directory lsab€l Thompso , VRDC PO Box 959 Avor , CO 81620 Cfirpatry Vail Spa Condominium Assocbtion AftPhons Ert. Urer { AddrBss 7 710 Lionshed Cirde CitY Vait State co Zlp 81dj7 Cr€abd 10/25/2004 at 12:49 PM Checfr Date: Oct/0312005 CheckNo. 277430 Oz-nuzrtt )-',-0t"'4 Vendor Number Neme Total Discounts 0000012588 TOWN OF VAIL 0.00 Chcck Nurnber Dete Handlinq Code Total Amount Discounts Taken Totel Paid Amount 277430 Oct/03/2005 PC 18,577.50 0.00 t8,s77.50 563267 TOI4'Nffi . Minor Amendment to an SDD. New Special Development District. MajorAnendment to an SDD. ltlajor Annndment to an SDD (no exte or modifications) $1300 $1500 $650 $650 $1000 $6000 $6000 $1250 . Conditional Use Permit. FloodplainModilication. Minor Exterior Alteration. Major Exterior Alteration. Develoornent Plan. Amendment to a Development Plan. Zoning Code Arnendrnent. Variance. Siign Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Gommiss Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.oom General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review musl receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Rease refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplicalion and Fee: n RECETVED NO\/ 1 5 2004 TOV.COM.DEV. $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 $650 $400 $650 Description of the Requestr 'AAi rr"r s "\,an-\t^n ,{\S.rb Physical Address: 1Lt, uJ.'7L.d uJ.t ^9.G,-...atR\, Parcef No.:ZJ o{-O-?@f 39)- (Conract Eagte Co. Assessor at 9T0-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: L., o ^rL^,,r-)r Mr.J '\ Name(s) of Owner(s):0 N-j. ?.."rYs Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address:-$Ge."q \e uaCrcYtb''A YrtS -Lss< Location of the Proposal: Lot: Mailing Addrgss: For Office,UsgQnly: Fee Paid: lo )v Check MeetinsDaa: tz- ra'El_J1lp#K;Planner: g"tr Project l.lo.: Pase I of GO4/O1lO4 LLIL6/2AA4 A4iL4 979-926-7576 Genlral InfbrmaHon: All prcjects rcquiring Planning. and El-t]rolTry.' Uuir'Ain'g gerrnn'applicatlon. Please r€fer to tie an ippjlcation fioi Planning 1d-Envl.roitllltall is r*iived bY thc Community Development ibuncit and/6r ue Dcsign R€view Boad' Type ofAPPlicttlon and Fcc: BRAUN ASST]CIATES ta*970.479-2452 ,ci.vail,@.us fie.ftil;tlLo nc* to be rcviewed bv the rovn ssbn rlvia, must recelve approval prigLq.subm'T]n!,a ffiffi;ft d U'rc partiorlar 4prorelttnt ls Gquestcd' i[iiii'ii".cucaiceptedundiallrequlrcd-i*a*: DeDartment 75 SouBt cl tr \6 tr tr o tr tr Rezoning 91300 r'tijor sriuiutsion $1500 Mirior subrtMsion 365Q Exemotion Plat $650 MinorAnerdment to ln SDD $1000 t*t"*r So*i.t Development District 56000 rqatoiimenAmentto an SDD $5000 MajoramenomentbanSDD $1250 fna sTErlar modlfudons) tr Conditional Use Perrfllt $650 E H'oiair-.i. r-l"amcati". 34oo E i,ii"-Jiaa=rror AlE ation !9?9t i,iijii ilt".or Alteration isoo- biietopment Ptan $1500 ; ;;-;;ffiib a Dcveloomcnt Plan t?19; #'dcd;'Amendment $1300 D variance $!99 tr Sign vatiane $200 ,rrm Application r Review bY the Planning and En ronmental Commission C,ommunity DeveloPment Road, vail, @londo 8-1552 tel: 970'479 u'eb: DccclPdon of the Location of ilrc ProPosal:Lot:l-trEl1AO- Physical Mdress: Parccl NoJl0L0?2gJ@!:9J( Eagle co'at 970-328-8640 for Panel no') Zoning: Ham€(s) of owner(s): l.lalllng Addrc3s: ornne(s) signaur€(s): Name of APPlicant: ilriling Addresr: Phoncl ia:f'-qLb-7t7Q PAE g2 fue Paid: Check No': llll4n3 tt*'|'|***lr**'l:tl*****ll*'tl**t**t'l**'t**:t:t:t*t*t **tt*'|*t*t't*'tiri***{r*t***lt***l**:}a**t*a'}**t*tt*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent :* t**** ari'l'l t**:|* **,tl l**** a*'l'l* ****t{' {r:t:}** *'t**'}* *'t**'t* *'t'tf '}'t {.|l,t,t* *'t:f tt * 't *** a ****r r****aa'al aa** StaeemeDt Nunber: R040007133 l{nrcrunt: $550.00 LL/L1/2OO4O3:40 PM Payment lt{ethod: Check Init : dls lsotation: *3e18lBRAttN & ASSOCIATES Per it Nos P8e040078 Tlpe: PBC - Itinor Subdivision Parcel No: 210107207001 Site Addreee: 715 Vf IJIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ IJocation: I|EST DAY IrOT Tota1 Fees: $650.00 TblE Payment! $550.00 Total ALL Pmts: $650.00Balance: $0. oO **rtt*ll*ttlXartl****l**alt*flll**l**lr:a:i*'t*******'3tl*l*at**a{r{rt*lta*llta'}tl+'}*l**altla!ttlla**ll ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ftts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 650. 00 F Land Title Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: l0-21-2004 Property Address: PART OF WEST DAY LOT Our Order Number: VC2735ll-6 VAIL RESORTS P.O. BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81657 AM: JONATHON GREEM Sent Via US Postal Servtce PEAK LAND CONSIJLTANTS 1()()(| LIONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL, CO 81657 Phone: 970-176-8644 Fax: 970-47ts8616 OTTEN. IOHNSON. ROBINSON. NEFF & RAGONETTI. P.C, 950 SEVENTEENTTI STREET srnTE 1600 DENVER. CO 80202 ANn: PARRY SAVAGEAU Phone: 303-825-84fl) Far: 303-825{5?5 EMall: kpsava@oJrnr.con Sent Vta EMail Ifyou have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one ofthe numbers belo',v: For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Karen Biggs 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. P.O. BOX 357 VAIL. CO 81657 Phone: 970476-2251 Fax: 970-4764732 EMait: kbiggs@ltgc.com #203 Land Title Guarantee Company Date: l0-21-20M Our Order Number: VC2735llS GIIAIAN'TI COTIPANY Property Address: PARTOF WESTDAY LOT Buyer/Borrowcr: TO BE DETERMINED Seller/Owner: VAMHC,INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AND TIIE VAIL CORPORATION' A COLORr{DO CORPORATION AS TTIEIR INTERESTS MAY APPEAR NOTWITHSTANDING THAT THIS COMMTMENT IS OTI{ERWISE AN INFORMATION BINDER, THE ttit *i:|t|*i +*l a+**:l I t*tl |trl l** t,llll**** * * t+ll:l*t*t****|tll***|llt**'l'l** Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications wilt be emphasized by underlining or comments' **ll lt+ ||ii +l.l l{.ati:l'l*t||lli* 'i*t i t t | + +,i:t I t* | t ri 'i,l * lltll:t,t:tt*****||ll'l* Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc. com for directions to any ofour 54 ofFtce locations. ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Information Binder 9750.oo It t.rd fltta Cu.r.!t.. Cqay rlu b. c!o.!tE tblt Xtlt tcf,!@, &ov. ,..t v!!! b. collcCad rt tLl clt . TOTAL s7s0.00 ro- @Erar oaloa THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! IAND TIT1E GUARANIE GMPANIY lf,{v0CE OUAM TET CO||P NY Ormer: VAMHC, INC., A COLOMDO CORPOMTION AND THE VAIL CORPORATTON, A COLOMDO CORPORATION AS THEIR INTERESTS MAY APPEAR Property Address: PART OF WEST DAY LOT Your Reference No.: When referrirg to this order, please rrfermce ou Order No. VC2735ll-6 - CHARGES - Information Blnder $r50.00 --Total-$r50.00 Please make checks payable to: l^and Tide Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 Chicago Title Irsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. VC2735ll-6 Schedule A Cust. Ref.: Property Address: PART OF WEST DAY LOT 1. Effective Date: June 30, 2004 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: SEE ATTACHED 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: sEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRTPTTON Our Order No. VC273511-6 4. lltletotheeddea intered oorcred krdn is d thedfediveddetrered veded in: VAMHC, INC., A COLORADO CORPOMTION AND THE VAIL CORPOMTION, A COLORADO CORPORATION AS TI{EIR INTERESTS MAY APPEAR NOTWITHSTANDING THAT THIS COMMITMENT IS OTHERWISE AN INFORMATION BINDER, T}IE PROPOSED INSURED NAMED ABOVE, AND ALSO VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPEMNT COMPANY AND ITS CORPORATION AFFILIATES, MAY RELY UPON THIS COMMITMENT AS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE LISTING OF A}.IY RECORDED MINERAL ESTATES, AND MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS, AFFECTING TIiE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN FOR PURPOSES OF C.R.S. 24-65.5-104(2) Our Order No: VC2735ll-6 IEGALECRPnCN PARCEL 2 (A PART OF THE MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT AND SPA) LOT D AND A PORTION OF LOT C MORCUS SUBDIVISON AS RECORDED MAY ITTH, T977 AT RECEPTION No. l5l3?3 AND A PORTION OF LOT 4 VAIULIONSHEAD THIRD FILING AS RECORDED OCTOBER 15TH, 19?1 AT RECEffiON No. 11?682, BEING MOF€ PARTICUI-ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTIIWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT C MORCUS SUBDTVISION THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LOT LINES OF SAID LOTS C AND D SOUTH 1547'02- EAST A DISTANCE OF 399.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT D; THENCE ALOND SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, TIIE FOLLOWINC 3 COURSES; T.NORTH 7412'56" EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.69 FEET z.NORTH 1546'51' WEST A DISTANCE OF 3.I5 FEET 3.NORTH 6654'19" EAST A DISTANCE OF 21O.OO FEET THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF TTIE MARK RESORT AND TENMS CLUB AS RECORDED MAY I4TH, 1980 AT BOOK 3OO PAGE 184 TIIE FOLLOWING { COURSES; I.NORT}I 2208'37" WEST A DISTANCE OF 140.10 FEET 2.NORTH ?45I'38" EAST A DISTANCE OF T35.68 FEET 3.NORTH 0603'56' WEST A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET 4.SOUTH 8356'04' WEST A DISTANCE OF 260.43 FEET TO A POINT ON TIIE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE: THENCE 129.67 FEET ALONG SAID RIG}TI.OF.WAY FOLLOWING AN ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1857'10". A RADIUS OF 392.00 FEET. A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTII 864S'16" WEST A DISTANCE OF 129.08' TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINMNG, AND LOTS A AND B, MORCUS SUBDWISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED MAY 1I, 1977, RECEPTION NO, 151373, COI.JNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA C OMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl @equirements) Our Order No. VC273511-6 Thc following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagon of the full consideration for the estate or interrst to be irsured. Item ft) Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insurcd must be executed and duly ffled for record' to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject prtmises wldch are due and payable. Item (d) Addttional requirements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PLJRSUAI.IT IIERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VC273511-6 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: f . Righls or clairns of parties in possession not shown by the public records . 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by lhe public records. 3. Dismepancies, conflicis in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correict $rvey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the publlc records. 4. Any lten, or right to a llen, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public remrds. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, ifany, created, first appearing in the public rccords ot attachfu€ subsequent to the effective date her€of but prior to the date the pmposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage tlrereon covered by lhis Commitment. 6. Taxes or speclal assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public r€cords.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy wil be subjea to the mortgage, if any, noted in Secdon I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RICHTOF PROPRIETOROFAVEIN ORLODETO EXTRACTAND REMOVEHIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TI{E PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4, 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 I(). RIGTIT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TT{E AUTHORJTY OF TT{E TJNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 II. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING AI{Y COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT TJNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UMTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 1971, IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 991 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST I2,1977,IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE 453, 12. UTIUTY EASEMENT 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT UNE OF LOT 4 AND LOT 5, BLOCK I, 10 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG TT{E EAST LOT LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK I AND A PORTION OF T}IE SOUTHERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK T AS SHOWN ON THE ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-&ction2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VC2735lf-6 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed ofto the satisfaction of the Company: RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING. 13. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG fiE SOUTTI LOT LINE OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1 VAIL/LIONSHEAD. TI{IRD FILING AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT. 14. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1978, IN BOOK 269 AT PAGE 202 AND AUGUST 30, 1982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 922 AFFECTS LOT 7, BLOCK T VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING AND LOT C MORCUS SUBDIVISION 15, UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO CABLEVISION ASSOCIATES VI, DEIA HERITAGE CABLEVISION INC. IN INSTRI,JMENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1983, IN BOOK 360 AT PAGE 42. 16. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/UONSHEAD FIFT}I FILING. 17, UTILITY EASEMENT AFFECTING TTIE SOUTHWESTERLY PORTION OF LOT D, MORCUS STDDTVISION, AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON T}TE PLAT OF MORCUS SUBDMSION. 18. GTEM INTENTIONALLYDELETED) 19. (ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 20, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB ASSOCTATION, INC., A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPOMTION AND M-K CORPORATION, A COLORADO CoRPoRATION RECORDED JULY 27, r982IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 163. AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 3 21. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE M-K ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ @xceptions) Our Order No. VC2735f1-6 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: CORPORATION, A COLOMDO CORPORATION AND THE MARK RESORT AND TENNI CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC. , A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED JULY 27 , l982IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 464. AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 3 22. (ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 23. EXISTING LEASESAND TENANCIES. 24. OTEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 25. OTEMINTENTIONALLY DELETED) 26. ENCROACHMENT OF CONCRETE AND POOL ONTO UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCAIION CERTTFICATE PREPARED JUNE 19, 1992 BY INTER-MOIJNTAIN ENGINEERING LTD., PROJECT NO. 92255 S. 21. OTEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 28. TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVTSTONS OF TRENQH, CONDUIT AND VAULT AGREEMENT RECORDED MAY 21, ?N2 AT RECEMON NO. 796283. 29. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS AND COVENANTS AGREEMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 04, ZOO3 AT RECEPTION NO. 822409, FEBRUARY 12, 2003 REcEmoN No. 823270 AND MARCH 13, 2003, RECEPflON NO. 826600. (AFFECTS UONSHEAD PENTTIOUSE) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-f22, notice is hereby givm that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The infonnation regading special disficts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commlssioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the Coung Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all docunents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file arry document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is pmvided for recording or filing infonnation at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulatiors 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article Vtr requirts that "Every tiile mtity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of rrcord prior to the time of recording whenever the tttle entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or liling of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from lhe trarsaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Afrrmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnenl from the Owner's Policy lo be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment musl be a single family resldence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or rnaterial-men for purposes of conshuction on the land described in Scledute A of this Commitment within lhe past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indernnifying the Company against un-filed meclnnic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If therr has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commlunent, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; paymetrt of the appropriate premium frdly executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as rnay be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid infonnation by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance inshument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evldence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energr in the Pmperty; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contaiaed will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages refened to lplsin rrnlg5s the above conditions are fully satisfied. ftErr DrsclosuFts o9/0u02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companiesi Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1, 2001 We rtcognize and respect the Drivacv exDectations of todav's consumers and the requirements of apDlicable federal and stale priv-acy laws. We beliwe'that fiakiire vou aware of liow we use your non-oubnc personal inf6imation ("Personal Information"') , and to whom it is discloseil 'will form the basis for a r6lationshid of truist betqreen us and the'public that we serye. This Privary Statement provides that explanatio4. We reserve the right to change this Privacy - Statement from time to tirde consistent'with applicable privacy laws. In the course ofour business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applications or other fonns we receive from vou or vour authorized reoresentative'. ii6ii i5fii.iid'.dil i'ifi;H;'rh;';;iffi d;fis bdffd;A'U:-.i,';ft;rriii.d,' or orhers;+ From -our internet web sites:* From the pullic reco{g-maintained- by gove_rnmental entities that we either obtain directly from those mtities. oi from our affiliates or othehiand* From consurner or other reporting agenlies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection ofthe Confidentiality and Security ofYour Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safequards to Drotect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or inlrirsion. We limit access tri the Personal Iiformatioi onlv t6 those emolovees who need such access in connection with providing pmducts or services to you or for other l6gitimate busineis purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing ofYour Personal Information We may s-hare your Personal Infonnation with our affiliates, such as insurarce companies, agents, and odter real estate s-ettlemerit service providers. We also may disclose ydur Personal Informatiori: to agents, brokers or reDnesentatives to provide vou witl services vou have requested; tg fiird-party contractois or service proiiders who provide servicds or perforni marketing or other functions oi our behalf: and to otfurs-wiJh whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you mav find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when vou direct or qive us permission, when we are required by law to do so, or when we susoect fraudulent or criminal ac-tivities. We a6o may disclose your Personal Illformation when otherwise penfuitted bv apolicable Drivacy laws such as, for exainple, wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our righs arising trut of any a-gridment, trinsaction or relationship with ybu. One of thp r4pgrtant responsibilities of some of our alfiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such-doclments may contain your Personal Information, ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the risht to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom vour Persodal Informltion has beei disclosed. Also. certain states afrord you the right to requesl correctiori, amendme-nt or deletio! of your Penonal Information. We re_serve the right, wherE permittbd by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such rrquests. " $l-ryquests submitted -to_ the Fidelity National Financial Group of CompanieVChicago Title Insurance Company shall b'e in writing, and delivered to'the following address: Privacv Comoliance Officer Fideliti Nati6nd Financial. Inc. SHgg*lsa%i"Jf,?3' Multiple Products or Services I we pro$de yoq with pore than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We alologize for any inconvenience tlis may cause you. lrn PRfV. POT,.CHI Land Title Guarantee CompanY CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION GUAiANIEI COMPANY Date: 10-21-2004 Properfy Address: PART OF WEST DAY LOT Our Order Number: VC2735ll-6 VAIL RESORTS P.O. BOX 7 VAIL. CO 81657 Ath: JONATHONGREEM Sent Via US Pctal Service PEAK I^AND CONSI,JLTANIS rt)OO LTONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL. CO 81657 Phone: 970-476-8644 Fax: 970-'17&8616 OTTEN. IOHNSON. ROBINSON. NEFF & RAGONETTI. P.C. 950 SEVENTEENTII STREET SUTTE 1600 DEI.IVER. CO 80202 Attn: PARRY SAVAGEAU Phone: 3Gl-825{1fi1 Fax: 303-825-6525 EMail: kpsava@ojrnr.com Sent Via EMail Ifyou have any inquiries or require frirther assistance, please contact one ofthe numbers below For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Karen Biggs IO8 S, FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 vArL. co 81657 Phoo,e: 970-476-2251 Fax: 9'10476-4732 EMail: kbiggs@tgc.com Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 10-21-2004 Our Order Number: VC2735lf-6 Propcrty Address: PART OF WEST DAY LOT Buyer/Borrower: TO BE DETERMNED Seller/Owner: VAI\,THC, INC., A COLOMDO CORPORATION AND THE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATIONAS THEIR INTERESTS MAY APPEAR NOTWTIHSTANDING THAT THIS COMMITMENT IS OTHERWISE AN INFORMATION BINDER, THE * t*atri***i *lr*a:l *:t,l,l tilltt|ill** **{ *,1| 1,t1.*rltaitl***|ttl*tt*iti:l *tt,| | ri Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underlining or comments. t{ {,tl|l||a*l**l l*l *il||l l||lar}lt**i*l t*t| t{ | rlallt****l|ltll**tt!tl'lttlt'll Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc. com for directions to any of our 54 offtce locations. ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES lnformation Binder $750 .00 Zt L.td tlt7a du.r.!t.. Co{&r.ty ',d-Zf b. cTotltg th.tr !r..a,rc!.loa, .bdy. t... r!I7 b. cotlact.d rt tltt tlt . TOTAI $7so.oo to- ortrat oal04 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! I.AI\D TI TTE G|.JARANITEE CMPAl\tr tlwocE Owner: VAMHC, INC., A COLOMDO CORPOMTION AND THE VAIL CORPOMTION, A COLORADO CORPOMTION AS THEIR INTERESTS MAY APPEAR Property Address: PART OF WEST DAY LOT Your Reference No.: When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. VC273511-6 - CHARGES. hformation Binder $150.00 --Total-$150.00 Please make checks payable to: Land Title Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 Chicago Ttde lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. VC273511-6 Cust. Ref.: Propcrty Address: PART OT WEST DAY LOT l. Effective Datc: June 30, 2004 at 5:$ P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposcd Insured: Information Blnder Proposed tsurcd: TO BE DETERMINED 3. The estate or intercst in the land described or rcferrcd to in this Commitment and covcred herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereofvested in: SEE ATTACHED 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION Our Order No. VC273511-6 4. Title to the edde a i ntered orerd trerdn is d t he dfediue dde tBred veded i n: VAMHC, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AND THE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION AS THEIRINTERESTS MAY APPEAR NOTWITHSTANDING THAT T1{IS COMMITMENT IS OTHERWISE AN INFORMATION BINDER, TTIE PROPOSED INSURED NAMED ABOVE, AND ALSO VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPEMNT COMPANY AND ITS CORPORATION AFFILIATES, MAY RELY IJPON THIS COMMITMENT AS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE USTING OF AI.IY RECORDED MINERAL ESTATES, AND MINERAL ESTATE OWNERS, AFFECTING THE I-AND DESCRIBED HEREIN FOR PLJRPOSES OF C.R.S. 24-65.5-104(2) Our Order No: VC2735ll-6 I.TGALECRPnCN PARCEL 2 (A PART OF T1IE MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT AND SPA) LOT D AND A PORTION OF LOT C MORCUS SUBDIVISON AS RECORDED MAY IITH, 1977 AT RECEffiON No. 151373 AND A PORTION OF LOT 4 VAIULIONSHEAD THIRD FILING AS RECORDED OCTOBER lsTH, 1971 AT RECEffiON No. 117682, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTI{WEST CORNER OF SAID LOT C MORCUS SUBDTVISION THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LOT LINES OF SAID LOTS C AND D SOUTI{ 1517'02" EAST A DISTANCE OF 399.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT D; THENCE ALOND SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, THE FOLLOWING 3 COURSES; T.NORTH 7412'56" EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.69 FEET z.NORTH 1546'51" WEST A DISTANCE OF 3.15 FEET 3.NORTH 6654'19' EAST A DISTANCE OF 21O.O() FEET THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB AS RECORDED MAY I4TH, 1980 AT BOOK 3O() PAGE 184 TIIE FOLLOWING 4 COURSES; I.NORTH 2208'37" WEST A DISTANCE OF 140.10 FEET z.NORTH 7451'38' EAST A DISTANCE OF T35.68 FEET 3.NORTH 0603'56- WEST A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET 4.SOUTH 8356'04" WEST A DISTANCE OF 260.43 FEET TO A POINT oN THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE: THENCE 129.67 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT.OF-WAY FOLLOWING AN ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIG}TT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF T857'IO'. A RADIUS OF 392.00 FEET. A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTT{ 8648'16" WEST A DISTANCE OF 129.08' TO T}IE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AND LOTS A AND B, MORCUS SI,JBDTVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PI.AT RECORDED MAY 11, 1977' RECEPTION NO. 151373, COI.'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl @equirements) Our Order No. VC2735ll-6 The following are the requirements to be complicd with: Iten (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be irsured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be irsured must be exectted and duly filed for remrd' to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requiremmts, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VC2735ff-6 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: 1. Rtghts or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, nol showr by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary ltnes, shortage in area, encroachmenb, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or naterial theretofore or her€afler funished, imposed by law and trot showtr by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse clairns or other mafters, if any, created, fint appearing in the public records or atlaching subsequent to the efrective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed lrsured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commifinent. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's offict. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the ovmer's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schethrle B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTMCT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TTIEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOTJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE S8 I(). RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF T}IE I.'NTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 1I. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING AI\IY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SD(, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE IJMTED STATES CODE OR (B) REI.ATES TO HANDICAP BI.N DOES NOT DISCRIMNATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OC"TOBER 15, 1971, IN BOOK 22T AT PAGE 991 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 12, I9?7, IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE {53. 12. UTIUTY EASEMENT 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF LOT 4 AND LOT 5, BLOCK 1, T() FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE EAST LOT LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK T AND A PORTION OF THE SOUTHERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1 AS SHOWN ON THE ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VC2735ff-6 The poliry or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: RECORDED PLAT OF VAIULIONSHEAD. THIRD FILING. 13. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG T}TE SOUTH LOT LINE OF LOT 7, BLOCK I VAIULIONSHEAD. THIRD FILING AS SHOWN ON TTIE RECORDED PLAT. 14, UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1978, IN BOOK 269 AT PAGE 202 AND AUGUST 30, 1982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 922 AFFECTS LOT 7. BLOCK 1 VAII"/LIONSHEAD. THIRD FILING AND LOT C MORCUS SUBDIVISION 15. UIILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO CABLEVISION ASSOCI.ATES VI, DEiA HERITAGE CABLEVISION INC. IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED MAY z() 9$, IN BOOK 360 AT PAGE 42. 16, EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD FIFTH FILING. I7. UTIUTY EASEMENT AFFECTING THE SOUT}MESTERLY PORTION OF LOT D, MORCUS SUBDTVISION, AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF MORCUS SUBDMSION. 18. TIEMINTENNONALLY DELETED) 19. (ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 20. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION AND M-K CORPORATION, A COLORADO C0RPoRATION RECORDED JVLY 27,1982 IN BOOK s43 AT PAGE 463. AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 3 21. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE M-K ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VC2fi51f-6 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: CORPORATTON, A COLORADO CORPORATION AND THE MARK RESORT AND TENM CLUB ASSOCLATION, INC., A COLOMDO CORPOMTTON RECORDED JULY 27, r982IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 464. AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 3 22. ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 23. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. 24, OTEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 25. OTEM INTENNONALLY DELETED) 26. ENCROACHMENT OF CONCRETE AND POOL ONTO UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED JUNE 19, 1992 BY INTER-MOTJNTAIN ENCINEERING LTD., PROJECT NO. 92255 S. 27. ITEMIUTENTONALLY DELETED) 28. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVTSTONS OF TRENQH, CONDUIT AND VAULT AGREEMENT RECORDED MAY 2I. 2OO2 AT RECEPTION NO. 796283, 25. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS AND COVENANTS AGREEMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 04, 2O()3 AT RECEPTION NO. 822409, FEBRUARY 12, 2003 RECEmON NO. 823270 AND MARCH 13, 2003, RECEmON NO. 826600. (AFFECTS LIONS}IEAD PENTHOUSE) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pumuant lo CRS 1O1f-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject rcal property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurlsdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September I, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documenls received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a lop margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirenent for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or ffIing information at the top margin of the docment. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulatiors 3-5-f, Paragraph C of Article VII rcquires that "Every title entity shell [g respsnsible for all matters which appear of r€cord prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal docunents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Poliry and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affimative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Comnitrnent from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described tn Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence whicl includes a condominium or towDhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnishd by mechanics or material-men for purposes of conshuction on the land described in Schedule A of this Comrnitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and materlal-men's liens. D) Tbe Company must receive payment of the appmpriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvemmts or major repairs underlaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requircments to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain conslruction infonnadon; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the conhactor; payment of the appropriate prtmium fully executed Indemnity Agreemenls satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has conhacted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commiunents containing a mineral severance insEument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or othenrrise conveyed from lhe surface estate atrd that therr is a substantial likelihood that a third Party holds some or all interest tn oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energr in the property; and B) That such minenl estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contalned will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages refened to herein unless the above conditions are firllv satisfied. FEm DTSCTa6URE 09/0]./02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Comoanv July l,2001 We recognize and respect the privacy exDectations of todav's consumers and the requirements of aDDlicable federal and state prifacv laws. We believrf that rftakihe vou aware of liow we use vour non-Dubnc Dersonal in6imation ("Personal Inforination*), and to whom it is dlscloseil -will fonn the basis for a r6'lationshiri of rui between us and the-public lhat we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacy' Statement from time to tirde consistent\dth applicable privacy laws. In the course ofour business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative;* from ybir transactions with, or from the services 6eing pErformed by, us, oirr amliates, or others;t From bur internet web sites:* From the pullic records-maintained_ by governmental entities that we either obain directly from those entities, oi from our afliliates or otheisiandI From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection ofthe Confidentiality and Security ofYour Personal Information We maintain physicd, electronic and pmceduml safeguards to Drolect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrisfon. We limit access tri the Personal Iilformatioi onlv t6 |hose emDlovees who need zuch access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other lSgitirnate busineis purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may s-hare your Personal lnformation with our afiiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate s-et emedt service providers. We also may disclose y6ur Personal Informatiori: * to agents, brokers or representatives to provide vou with services vou have rrquested;* to tfiird-party contractors or.service providers who provide servic& or perforni marketing or other functiont od our behalf: andI to o0r9rs, wiJh whom wd enter into joint marketing agreements for pmducts or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose vour Personal Information when vou direct or sive us Dermission, when we are required by law to do so, or whm we -suspect fraudulent or criminal ac"tivities. We also mavtisclose vour Personal Iiformation when otherwise penirined bv aoulicable orivacv laws such as. for exainole, whe-n disclosure is needed to enforce our righb arising irut of any a'grddment, uinsaction or relationihip with ybu. Qne qf th3 qnpgrtatrt responsibilities of somg of our affiliated compades is to record documents in the public domain. Such'documents' may contain vour Personal Information. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the rieht to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out lo whom your Persodal Inform-ation has beei disclosed. Also, certain sates afford vou the riqht to requesl correctioti, amenltne_nt or deletio4 of your Personql Information. We re,serve the right, wherE permitt'ed by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such requests. - $l.lqquests sutmitted.to- $e Fidglity-Naliolal Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title lnsurance Company shall be h writing, and delivered to'the following address: Privacy Compliance Omcer Fidelitv Natninal Financial. Inc. 39f$9*]s,11d$f,?3' Multiple Products or Services $we provide yog with lnore than one financial product or sewice, you may receive more than one privacy notice from ris. We apologize for any inconvenience tlfis may cause you. EEn PRTV. FO[,. CHI ill.lll,ll,l|fltr Uiilll il llllllflfl lllll illil{r:,:iiff ., s, p, ] RESERVATION OF PATHIETY EASEIIEIIT LOT B, tdorcul SrrbdLvLaloo RIEITAI,S A. Vail iE_the owner of Lot B,.Morcus Subdivision, accordingto rhe prar enrirr-ea "r'roicu.-i"iii"r"ion,, ae ;;;o-il;o on May 11,l:l:'35':"Ei!:i'l"y;.::iii: Tl#;;ri:"'al-oi=itlt'sru c;;";t; B' vail desires Eo reaerve an. e. -aaemenc on a portion of Lot Bas more parricularly describea on sxhibiis;-";; ; ltracned hereroand incorporared r,eiei"-ilr,!-;eiilibii;;i-!gl ;il ;;p""es or alil::35 jilu.:::l'tenances--ii"iu[J, i'cludins slormelr), ror ".ni;l ;"-;;dH:i{JFi: "Iil :fi:*3r"}""$i:i::l;:;.*:;{iori zed ?:ili.il:Hi,:"4 op.""iio"-;F il;ir;"rhway, as more par.icularry ser RESERVATTON 1' Now' uiHToI^E:-!ail, for itself, its auccegsor€, assignsand licensees, hereby-_r_eaerve€r'a l-erp"tuar nonexciuil.r. ."""*unt andright of uray on,_ over, under, -iub.r.,--";;;;;--";?- rhrough ttroseportions of Lot B as. more partieularry-deaciit.a "li'irr" Exhibirs forthe purposes "r.^jl:__._i:ii."iii,' *q *iiiro,rr -iii:.earion, (i)construct,ing. reconatructing, i'neta11ing,- -.llit.irr-irrg, repairing,reprac rng, operat ing. ^ang "" i."s i p.tr,r"iii""J-$ililLrr"r,.""" chererorncJ.udtng snoyrmelt ) for_ use Uf p.d""tri"r,", non_moEorized vehj_clesand apparatuses and emergeniy -""iti."i."l _ t"!i,irrl-, -with perpetualrighEs of insres-g 1na eire"t E ano ' r-ori'- su:i easemenr (rheI'Eaeemenr" ) ' - u"? or - rhe--e-;:mJ;E Tey b-e subJect ro rulee and::3i}i:':ffi fr'.'Sl"tjjla -i'"" TiiJ'io r:--m" bv vai'i--i'a succeasors, 2' ?he Eaeement ehall run with the land and title to Lot B. 3 ' The Easement shalr not merge with 1ny fee interest ownedby Vai1, eiEher presently "i i"-ct!'future, but shal1 be and remainseparate and disrinl!..t::f:+y rigit" of vail, irs euccessors andaseigns, untir rerinquishea iir ac6ordance with the law. lsignature on following pageJ _ Th:fF BeFervat.ionoay of ()ffdhtr, 2oo+,corporation' ( uvail n ) . of PaElway Easemenr,]'s made by THE VAIL d,ated as of tt i" 1.1 { CORpoRATroN, a coEEdo octob.r 20, 2o0a 1r SIPXOor.Cplac.pr!barEl. &c SKI-,D L'72.20 .29 .20 EG 895358-2004. OO1 ltil rilililuilt itten. ritilfiilEral., e wriwrday and year wledop.4 orati ckno,thn Corp II fi ark J rst iiltffil lnon t on abovr flilillll] ses3s8 lilllllf lllf p|r.: 2 of .frnr lllf fltlf OClal?2t?I|oa tz isrp Executed as of the STATE OF COLORADO COU}llrY OF EAGI,E THE VAII, CORPORATIONa Col.orado corporation By, Namd:Titl se. r.nscrument wag a before me thie J/s, 2OO4 byof The Va-i Witneee my hand and official aeal . My conrnieeion exnira e th /rtrl /.t n n Octob.r 20, ?OOa 1t ta&.fOgaacDt.o.Erth.a2, doc a8 Colorado ublic o.y olh' frnfrT"'/n ft#:,:,*, !-..t ffiii*r: *1,,ft;6tdd SKTJD LG L72.20.29.20 EG 895358-2004.OO2 LOt 7 llll R (BOok F uruflffitfl 895358 Prgr: 3 of 4 lOtzz/ZOOq tz:st2t,n o o.eol'^',jlittTfr*i" ",,., ANrLt Yark J Stronton Ilz ilgFg laEEz2F6 5gF E isfi2c5 3 (eoox zii.'el"o!'uou, ,^\ ,rr; 6 6E z;tszd 383ICI z<) 3e = c l--- F(JOoo <JCv e: z z d 9o =!-Po otl FE a- ,IH5- 9v oo F{ oz oFE$-x:i €$gg= a% l.ol6?6X5: 68 ul>Fq= ;88E Xrq*:gg- b3 Ebfg <0 o.'1o E|(r ^Zx96<5F 'E.E6 d3 E>ef sKr,D r_,G L72.20.29 -20 EG 895358-2004.003 - *.o$) -. RoN (fcFE5 ' To: Warren CampbellRe: WestDayPlat From: TomKassrnel Datez 12-02-04 Commonts: l. On sheet 3 of 3 please provide a note clearly identiffing that the easement is limited by elevation. (i.e. change "Limitation on Elevations" to "Easement Limircd by Elevations as Shown") 2. Please carefully reviedcbmpare all legal descriptions, curve and line tables, and drawing dimensions, bearings, and curve information for consistency and accuracy. Numerous inconsistencies were found. I gnilzBIR.AutN ASSocl,\tt-iES, lNC. PLANNING and COMIYUNITY DEVELOPT4ENT November 15,2004 Mr. Warren Campbell, Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: West Day Lot,&{arriott Minor Subdivision Dear Warren: Enclosed you will find an application for a minor subdivision to the Marriott Hotel, West Day Lot and Gore Creek Place. As you know from previous discussions, this subdivision will create three development parcels, but for zoning purposes the entire property will be regarded as one development site. The purpose of the subdivision is to allow acknowledge the three distinct, yet related developments that are existing or will occur on the property - the existing Maniott Resort, the approved but un-built Gore Creek Place and the future development of the remaining portion of the West Day Lot. The following material is provided:. Application Form (this form needs to be signed by either Martha Rehm or Adam Aron, both of whom are out of town. A signed form will be provided on Wednesday, ' Filing fee of $650,. Three copies ofthe final plat,. Three copies oftopographic survey,r Title report, andr Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list ofadjacent property owners. I will provide reduced copies of the plat, but would suggest doing so prior to the PEC meeting. This will allow for reduced plans to reflect any changes made during the staff review process. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments. Sincerely,4-g Thomas A. Braun, AICP CC: Jack Hunn GerryAmold Tay Peterson Edwards Village Center: Suite C-209 Ph. - 970.926.7575 O 105 EdwardsVillage Bouievard Fax - 974.926.7 57 6 Post Ollce Box 2658 www.braunassociates.com Edwards. Colorado 8 632 VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT This Vacation and Abandonment of Easement is made this _ day of , 2004 by The Vail Corporation, a Colorado corporation ("Vail"). RECITALS A. WHEREAS, Vail is the beneficiary of that certain easement pursuant to Reservation of Pathway Easement Lot B, Morcus Subdivision recorded October 22,2004 at Reception No. 895358 in the records of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk (the "Easement"). C. WHEREAS, Vail desires to release, relinquish, vacate, abandon, and quitclaim all its right, title and interest in and to the Easement and to declare the easement null and void and of no fi.rrther force and effect. VACATION OF EASEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is heqeby acknowledged, Vail hereby releases, relinquishes, vacates, abandons and quitclaims all its right, title and interest in and to the Easement and hereby declares the Easement, and the burdens and benefits thereof, to be null and void and ofno further force and effect. EXECUTED this _ day of . 2004 The Vail Corporation a Colorado corporation Name: Martha D. Rehm Title: Sr. Vice President STATEOFCOLORADO ) )SS. COTINTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 2004by Martha D. Rehm as Sr. Vice President of The Vail Corporation., a Colorado corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. By: My commission expires: Notary Public Planning and Environmental Commission il)ora*s 5^b/'"tzein/,b A-D ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: PEC Number: PEC040076 PEC Type: MARRIOTT TENT EXTENSION Project DescripUon: TEMPOMRYTENTAND CANOPY ON TOP OF PARKING STRUCTURE FROM May 1 - OctobeT 1, 2005 Participants: OWNER VAIL CORP 11/05/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL1UO5/2004 Phone: PO BOX.1058 EDWARDS co 81632 License: Prcject Address: Location: 790 WEST UONSHEAD CIRCLE tegal Descripdon: LoE A-D Blodc Subdivlslon: MORC1JS SUBDMSION Parrcel Numberz 210t072Q7002 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROLLIE KIESBO Action: APPROVED Seoond By: DAVE VIELLE vote: 6-1{ (JEWITT OPPOSED) Date of Approvalt 1211312004 Meeting Dat3,, L2lt3l2m4 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd: CON0006837 That the applicant shall not erect the tent prior to May 1, 2005 and that the applicant shall remove the tent by no later than October 1, 2005, or within 5 days of the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy or final certificate of occupancy for the new conference space replacing the racquetball courts. This conditional use permit will expire on October 1, 2005. Cond: CON0006838 That the hours of operation shall be firom no earller than 7:fi) am to no hter than 8:fi) pm, seven days a week. Cond: @M)006839 That the appllcanfs openfron of the temporary seasonal s0ucture cornply wlth all Torn of Vall rcgulatiors regardlng nolse levels. Cond: CONfiX16&O That UE appllcant install a minimum of six, S}gBllon flanUng pots, ontaining a @mbinatbn of evergreen tr€es and florver plants in each pot, in associatJon wiur tfie seasonal sffucture location, Cord: CON00068{1 That the appllcant recelves a Torfln of Vail building permit prior b erecUng the bnt. Planncr: Wanen Campbell PEC Fee Pald: $650.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEi'ORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development ORI6IA/4L December 13,2004 A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, to allow for a temporary seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, located at 714 West Lionshead Circle/Parcel 3, Lionshead Penthouses and Lot C, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Wanen Campbell SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC. is requesting a conditional use permit as outlined in Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, to allow for a temporary seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, located at 714 West Lionshead Circle/Parcel 3, Lionshead Penthouses and Lot C, Morcus Subdivision. The conditional use permit is requested to allow the applicant to erect an 8o-foot'by 90-foot temporary seasonal structure on the Manioft parking struc{urefrom May 1 through October 1,2005, oruntil tbe converted racquetball courts are released for occupancy through a temporary certificate of occupancy. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval of this request subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Vail Marriott Mountain Resort is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for a temporary seasonal structure to be erected on the existing Marriott parking strusture from May 1 through October 1, 2005, or until the converted racquetball are released for occupancy through a temporary certificate of occupancy. This temporary seasonal structure is a tent which will be used by the Marriott to host conference groups and other large groups utilizing the hotel facilities. A vicinity map is attached for reference (Attachment A). This proposal differs from the Vail Marriott's previous conditional use permit requests for a seasonal structure in that it proposes to use the upper deck of the parking struclure solely as the location of the temporary structure. The operation of the structure will be as it has been in the past. The reason for requesting approval of the structure is that the conversion of the racquetball courts within the Marriott have been delayed and will not be finished until some point in the summer or fall of 2005. There is proposed to be a pedestrian canopy leading from the west end of the Marriott building to the parking structure. The height of the canopy will be approximately 15 feet in height. The location of the seasonal structure on top of the parking deck displaces 35 parking spaces, which is almost half of the 73 parking spaces which exist on the upper parking deck. As the 35 1. [. lv. spaces are part of the required parking for the Maniott, the applicant has proposed a plan utilizing valet parking service for guests of the hotel. Vehicles to be parked by the valet service will be placed on the Holy Cross Lot where Vail Resorts seasonal employees park. A copy of the site plan identifying the location of the proposed structure is attached for reference (Attachment B). The proposed structure is to be used by hotel guests participating in conferences. No outside visitors will be aniving at the Manioft to utilize the structure. The structure is proposed to be a white 80 foot by 90 foot "Genesis Pavilion' with a marquis walkway leading from the hotel to the structure in both proposed locations. The structure will have a portable amplified speaking system, lighting, and two propane heaters. The propose hours of operation are from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, seven days a week. The applicant's letter of request (Attachment C) and specifications for the structure (Attachment D) are aftached for further detail. BACKGROUND o On June 20, 2001 the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a conditional use permit for a one year period for a temporary tent on the Marriott tennis courts.r On August 22, 2002 the Planning and Environmental Commission again approved a conditional use permit for a one year period for a temporary tent on the Marriott tennis courts.o On April 12, 2004 the Planning and Environmental Commission again approved a conditional use permit for a one year period for a temporary tent on the Marriott tennis courts. REVIEWNG BOARD ROLES Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for acceptability of use and then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planninq and Environmental Commission: Action: The PEC ls responslb/e forfinal approvalldenial of CUP. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snowfrom the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. V. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district Lot area Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Desiqn Review Board: Action: The DRB has ItlO review authortty on a CUP, but must review any accom pany ing D RB a p pl ication. Town Council: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overtum the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS A. Town of VailZoning Regulations In the past, the tent has been approved in conjunction with a special event under the definition of a "seasonal use or structure." However, this tent is proposed to be in service for more than a month which is much more temporary. The Town Code defines a "seasonal use or structure" as: A temporary covering erected to accommodate or extend educational, recreational, and cultural activities. Such temporary coverings may not be in place for more than seven (7) consecutive months of any twelve (12) month period. For the parpo.ses of this f[/q a seasonal use or structure shall not constitute site coverage and shall not be subject to building bulk control standards. Any seasonal use or structure is subject to design review. For the Planning and Environmental Commission's reference, Section 12-16-1, Vail Town Code, identifies the purpose for a conditional use permit as follows: ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this titte, specified uses are permifted in ceftain drsfricfs subiect to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on sunounding propefties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended fo assare compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding propefties in the Town at large. Uses lsted as conditional uses rh the various dr.stricfs may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as fhe Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses u7l be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or propefties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. The Marriott is located within the Lionshead Mixed Use I zone district. The purpose of LMUI is: The Lionshead Mked lJse 1 District is intended to provide srfes for a mixture of muftiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, time shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier servlces, and commercial establishmenfs rn a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use I District, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropiate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropiate site development standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives for propefties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incentives in this Zone District include r'increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height, and density over the previously esfabfshed zoning in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary goal of the incentives is to create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment consisfenf with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the incentives are created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. With any developmenUredevelopment proposal taking advantage of the incentives created herein, the following amenities will be evaluated: sfreelscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public aft, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. B. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan The Marriott is also governed by the development objectives as stated in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Of the six Policy Objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, staff has identifled the following objectives as applicable to this proposal: 2.3.1 Renewal and Redevelopment Lionshead can and should be renewed and redevelopment to become a warmer, more vibrant environment for guests and residents. Lionshead needs an appealing and coherent identity, a sense of place, a personality, a purpose, and an improved aesthetic character. 2.3.2 Vitalitv and Amenities We must seize the oppoftunity to enhance guest experience and community interaction through expanded and additional activities and amenities such as peiorming afts venues, conference facilities, ice rinks, sfreefscapg parks and othe r recre ation al i m p rove m ents. The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan specifically identifies the tennis courts as an infill opportunity: There are severa/ tennis courts on the soufh srde of the Marrioft. This area presenfs and opportunity for low-rise infill development that eases fhe visual and physical transition from the existing structure to the Gore Creek recreation path. G. Vail Land Use Plan Staff believes the following goals and objectives from the Town of Vail Land Use Plan, apply to this proposal: 2.4 The community should improve summer recreational and cultural oppoftunities to encourage summer tourism. 3.5 Enteftainment oriented busr'hess and cultural activities should be encouraged in the core areas to create diversity. More nighftime buslnesses, on-going events and sanctioned "street happenings' should be encouraged. Land Use Plan Designation: Resort Accommodations and Services Current Land Use: Mixed Use V!I. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING vI. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: North: South: East: West: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District Land Use Residential Open Space Mixed Use Mixed Use Zonino Lionshead Mixed Use-1 District Natural Area Preservation District Lionshead Mixed Use-1 District Lionshead Mixed Use-1 District VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The proposed temporary seasonal structure is located within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Conditional Use Permits: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. Staff believes the proposed seasonal structure is consistent with the purpose of the Lionshead Mixed Use I zone district. The tent provides additional facilities for the hotel, while ensuring adequate light and air. The location of the tent on the parking structure may have minimal impacts on the residential uses to the north. However, staff believes that the hours of operation and the limited exterior lighting will reduce any negative impacts associated with having the tent on the parking struc{ure. Staff believes that because the use is temporary, there will be no effects on future development of the West Day Lot and Marriott parking structure. Therefore, staff believes that the proposal is consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes the proposed structure will have negligible effects on the above-mentioned criteria. Because of the temporary nature of the structure and the manner in which it is to be operated, staff believes that there is no effect on the use of light and air. Effect upon traffic'with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas, Staff believes that the proposed structure will have negligible effects on the above-mentioned criteria. The proposed plan to utilize a valet service to park guest's cars on the Holy Cross Lot will adequately address the temporary displacement of 35 parking spaces on the upper deck of the parking structure. The Holy Cross Lot is mostly vacant during the summer months which eliminates any potential conflict between Marriott's parking needs and Vail Resort's parking needs. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. As a seasonal structure, the proposed tent is not subject to bulk and mass standards of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district. Because it is temporary in nature staff believes there will be no effect on the character of the neighborhood. There are no exterior lights proposed in conjunction with the tent. Staff believes the addition of landscape planting pots around the perimeter of the seasonal structure will help to mitigate any potential negative visual impacts of the tent being located on top of the Marriott parking structure. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before orantino a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 Zone District. B, tx. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. STAFF RECOTMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicant's request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, to allow for a temporary seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, located at 714 West Lionshead Circle/Parcel 3, Lionshead Penthouses and Lot C, Morcus Subdivision. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria described in Section Vlll of this memo and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant's request, staff recommends that the following findings be made as part of a motion: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request, staff recommends the following conditions of approval: 1. That the applicant shall not erect the tent prior to May 1, 2005 and that the applicant shall remove the tent by no later than October 1, 2005, or within 5 days of the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy or final certificate of occupancy for the new conference space replacing the racquetball courts. This conditional use permit will expire on October 1, 2005. 2. That the hours of operation shall be from no earlier than 7:00 am to no later than 8:00 pm, seven days a week. 3. That the applicant's operation of the temporary seasonal structure comply with all Town of Vail regulations regarding noise levels. 4. That the applicant install a minimum of six, S0gallon planting pots, containing a combination of evergreen trees and flower plants in each pot, in association with the seasonal structure location. 5. That the applicant receives a Town of Vail building permit prior to erec{ing the tent. X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Site plan showing proposed structure locationC. Letter from applicant October 2004D. Tent specifications and photographsE. Publication NoticeF. Affidavit of Publication Pifo\,Wlldqilfirry-dtT.frr.d'.$ @1rDl 0*tt00 Ft'|, Jh|(I,gl i" \ ft-{r\ill /.' t'-.-3,: }I1: ., ll. -,. tL;..'i ,, ti , J,t 1 ...' j \r: rrri r 'il1r Attachment B 7IIt:el \ lr Ii,ll' GVf'ORI\RY TENT tlAN lfftf,ptTtgfitrl{ ictatir i lr i\. Marnott Mountan Resort TemVorary SVecral Evenl Tent Amendmenl to Condftional Use Permft October 2OO4 Agplrcant: MarnolE Mountarn Resorb {clIrvll tauriello Planning Group Attachmenft C l. lntrodvcbon and tsackaround Earher Lhe yeae Lhe MarnoLb Mounlatn Resort recetved aVVroval lor a LemVorary 5?eaal eventE Lenb Lo be locaLed on Lhe upper level ol Lhe MarrtoLL parktnq sLructure, Ihe MarnoLt also eece:ed approval bo conveet bhe extshnq racquebball courts bo addttpnal conlerence s?ace. fhrs new conlerence e?ace E nlended bo e|mtnaLe the need lor the befi?orary Lent bhal has been used lor bhe lasl l5 years. Due Lo permtbLtnq delays, construcLpn of the new conlerence sVace has noL beqvn and mvst now be daconhnued unll nexb spnnq. fhe Marnolb has already booked geveral conlerences thaL had nLended to uLtlve bhe new conlerence s?aces nexb sprnq and summer. Stnce lhe conference 5?ace s now noL avatlable, bhe MarnoLl e requesbnq Lhat bhe benL be allowed aqa n nexL spanq and eurnrner unLt bhe new conterence s?aces are avalable. ffus requres an amendmenb bo the condftronal vse permft whch restercLed Lhe ttmelrame on bhe bemTorary bent to October of 2OO4. Ihe appltcant s requesttnq bhat the benl be allowed on Lhe parktnq sLructvre nexl year trom May I to October I or unfrl the conlerence 5?ace B avatlable Lo be occuptea. ll. Condtronal Use ?ewew Crftena The followtnq $ a lst of bhe crftela Lhat bhe Planntnq and Tonnq Commtsston s re4wced Lo constder n Lhe revtew ol a Condttonal Use ?ermft. We have ncluded our analysts oI the proposed use relahve bo the cnbena. | . Relatronshq and mpact of the vse on the development oblechves ol theTown. Our Analvsrs: The proposed seasonal structure E consotent wth the purpose of the Lpnshead Mxed Use /zone dptnct, the Lpnshead Redevelopment Master Plan, and the goa/s of the Var/ Land Use Plan. The tent prowdes addrhonal facrltes for the hotel, whr/e ensunn7 adequate /qht and arr to rteqhbonng Frapertes and uses. 9rnce the use s temporary n nature, there wll be no negatrve tmpacts to the future development potenta/ of the tenns court area or any permanent mpacts to the Marrrott parhn7 structure. The tent wll al/ow the Marrptt to retan scheduled conferences throuqhout the summer. 2. The ellect ol the use on ltqhl and ar, datrrbuhon ol Topulahon, transportaton factlfttes, utll"l'es, schools, Varks and recreaton facrltreg, and oLher publc lacrlttes needs, Our Anabap: The proposed use wrll haue neglqble effects on the above-mentpned cntena. The proposed locahon of the tent on the Marnott parhng structure wll have no negahve mpact on the future use of those facilttes (the parkrng spaces wll be temporanly relocated). Due to the temporary nature of the tent structure and the manner n whch rt rs to be operated, staff beheves that there p no effect on hght and arr, dptnbuhon of popu latnn, tra nsportat on facl tr es, ut t h h es, schools, pa rks, rec reat@n faclttes, or other publrc facrhtes, 3, ElIect upon traffrc wrth ?atttcular relerence bo conqestton, avbornohve and pedestrtan alety and convenence, tralla llow and conlrol, access, maneuveabiltty, and removal ol snow lrom lhe shet, ana parktnq area3. Our Ana\ao: The proposed structure wll have neglqble effects on the above- mentpned cntena, Automotve and Fedestran traffrc tn the area wll natntatned to the Marnott vra newly establahed stdewalks and the enshng ctrculat@n system alonq West Lonshead Ctrcle. lmpacted parkrng spaces wll be prowded on the lloly Cross Parcel, whtch has been used for enployee parkng thts wrnter. Snce the tent wll only remarn up dunng the summer months, there p no effect on snow remoual from the street and parhng areas. 4. Ellect upon the character ol the ara n whrch bhe ?rc?o*d use E to belocatd, ncludnqthe scale and bulkol the Troposd use n relaton to surroundrnq vses, Our Anal)prs: As a seasonal structure, the proposed tent p not subJect to bulk and mass standards of the Lpnshead Mxed Use / zone dptnct. Stnce t tempora1/ n nature there wll be no pernanent effect on the character of the nerahborhood. ilt.l,p pleabl e ?l annrnd D o cuments Uonshead Rdevelopment Master ?lan : lne MafftoEE s qoverned by Lhe development oblecbves of the lonshead Redevelopment Masber Plan. Of Lhe sx ?ohcy Oblecb:es ovlhned n the \onshead RedevelopmenL Master Plan, lhe lollownq oblecltves are applrcable bo thrs proposal: 2.3.1 Renewal and Redevelo?ment. Lronshead can and should be renewed and redeveloement Lo becorne a warmer, more vrbranL envtronmenb tor qvesbt and restdents. honshead needs an appealnq and coherenE denltty, a *nse of place, a personalfty, a ?w?o5e, and an mproved aeslhehc character, 2. 3.2 Vftalttv and Amenftes We must geve bhe opportunLy bo enhance quesL expenence and communLy nLeractton throuqh expanded and addbonal achvbes and amentres such as pertormtnq arts venueg, conlerence fac;.lfties, ce nnks, sbreebscape, parks and oLher recreahonal tmpcovements. fhe Uonshead Redevelo?men| MasLer Plan speciaally denLfies Lhe tenns courbs as an nlll owoftuntv: fhere are several benntg courLs on Lhe soubh Erde ol the Marnot|, The area presents and opporlunty lor low-ree nlll developmenb lhab eases the vzual and phyacal tranaLon trom lhe extslnq strucbure bo the Gore Ceeek recreaLon path. Vat land UgePlan: The follownq qoals and oblecl:es trom lhelown ol Vat Land Use Plan eu??oft lhe proposed uset 2,4 The communfty should m?rove evrnrner recteaVonal anA cvltural opportunftes to encouraqe summer bouflsm. 3.5 Entertarnment onenled busness and cvlLural achhes should be encouraqed n bhe core areas bo create dtveraLy. More ntqhthme busnesses, on-qotnq events and sancLtoned "sbreet happennqs" should be encouraqed. 3 03 FRI 04132 P11 trl BO' GENESIS P, 01 PAVILION B0'x60' 2.28' CENIER POLES 2E-7', StoE pOr rs 28. STA,GS A''ID ROPES 80'x1?0' 5-2E' CENTER POT.ES 40.7' SIDE POLES 40 STAKES AI.ID ROPES 80'x150' 3-28' CENIER POLES46-7' SIDE POLES 46 S|AKES AI.IO ROPES SALEr----E0102030 SiDE VIEV " B0'x90' t-28'. CENTER POI trs 3}.r7' SIDE POLES TYPICAL PLAN 'N END PLAN i ) *-mTHIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannino and Environmental Commission Vail on December 13, 2004, at 2:00 PM in th6 Town of Vail Municipal duilding, of: of the Town of in consideration A request for a final review of a conditional use oermit. oursuant to Section 12-7H-5. Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside'of a Building), Vail Town Code, to allow' for a temporary seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, located at 714 West Lionshead Circle/Parcel 3, Lionshead Penthouses and Lot C, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 ,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Unit 8 (Texas Townhomes)/Lots 8 & 9, Vail Village 4tn Filing and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Diane Lighthall, represented by Michael Suman Architect, LLCPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for review of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter '13-4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow tor a resubdivision of the West Day Lot, Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, and Gore Creek Residences properties, located aI720,724,728 West Lionshead Circle, 730 South Frontage Road West, and 825 West Forest Road/Lots A-D, Morcus Subdivision and Parcel 3 Lionshead Penthouses, and setting forth detail in regard thereto.Applicant: Vail eorporation, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Warren Campbell A request for final review of a variance, from Section 12-6G-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance to allow for a residential addition, located at 4242 East Columbine Way/Lot 8, Bighorn Terrace, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Kathryn BenyshPlanner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published, November 26,2004, in the Vail Daily. Attachmenl: F lli l{d Mauriello Planning Group Marriott Temporary Tent Application - Amendment to timeframe Adjacent Properties Owners List TOWNOFVAIL FINANCE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 t COLORADO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 42OI EARKANSAS AVE DEWER, CO80222 t VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81657 t ENZIAN CONDOMINruM AS SOCIATION C/OGEOFF WRIGHT 610 W LIONSIIEAD CIR vArL, co 81657 t LION SQUARECONDOASSOC 660 W LIONS T{EAD PL vArL, co 81657 t LroN SQUARE NORTH CONDO ASSOC 660 W LIONS HEAD PL VAIL, CO 81657 t MONTANEROS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION ODZA KEITH 641 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL, CO 81657 t TEXAS TELEVISION INC POBOX 16290 HOUSTON, TX77222 t THEA J. RUMFORD LryING TRUST - RUMFORD, IIEATI{ER A. & FREDERICK C. 675 FOREST RD VAIL. CO 81657 Attachment E t PARSONS FAMILY LLC PO BOX 497 EDWARDS, CO8r632-0497 I ADAM,NANCY STIAPIRO 4975 E PRESERVE GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 80124 t MILLERS LIONSHEAD LLC 12770 MERIT DR STE 4OO DALLAS, TX7525I t CADOL, ROGERV. & SALLY M. .JT 9850 E PROGRESS CIR GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 801 I I t COLMARLLC 25l FOWLERRD FAR HILLS, NJ 0793I t MATD&JERARDF. &JOAN S. -JT 25I FOWLERRD FAR HILLS, NI07931 t ENGLEMAN, JOHN S. & STEPHEN B. - HATHORN MARY M. C/O MARY MIIATHORN 54I ELY RD ELY, VT 05045 I GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS INC ATTN:A. EMME.T STEPHENSON, JR IOO GARFIELD ST 4TH FL DENVE& CO 80206-s550 t NANETTE S. ELENBAAS LryING TRUST. NANETTE S. ELENBAAS TRUSTEE 3328 OAKDALE HICKORY CORNERS, MI 49060 I ANTLERS CONDOMINIT]M ASSOC 680 W LIONSIIEAD PL VAIL, CO 81657 I VAIL SPA CONDOMINIT'M ASSOC 7IO W LIONSTIEAD CIR VAIL, CO 81657 t VAIL SPA CONDOMINITJM ASSOC SHUGHART THOMSON & KILROY PC IO5O ITTH ST STE 23OO DENVER, CO 80265 t EAGLE NVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 FOREST ROAD vArL, co 81657 r TTANUNTEII.O PLANNING GROUP. LLC PO BOX 4058 EDWARDS, CO 8I632 t [l0V. l, 2004 4: 35PM vR0c c0NsrRUcT r0N 970-845_2358 N0.9052 P. I RECelveo NO\/ 0 4 2tJ04 TOV-COM.DEV. Application for Review bY the Planning and Envlronmental Commission Gqngnl lntornrtion: N|proicclsregultmP|ann|ngandEnvimfmenta|cofimiss|onr6viewmlBtGc€iveapgravatpriortosubm|t|ma building gemtt appt,."uon. pr".rc Liii O Ut trUmfn f requircm enr'fior dte particulir rppraval that i3 requested' An.pplca$On bf plannlng ana grwimnmentat commisslm ririaw cannot be aiccped undl lll rcqulred iriftrm'tlon is ruc€ivcrt by thc commmtty o*j"dil;#ii'"i;il' r* p;Et mav also ne€d b be ruviewed bv the Town Councll and/or hC Dcsign Raricw Board' fypc of Applicruon l|td Fc.! ./ tr Rezolru $1300 n/CoMttiond Use Permlt t650 cl ila1orgrbdvison ;iitt E nooaorarnModinc'uon t400 O Mhor S$tlvlslon ieiO tr Minor Extrrior Alteradon $650 tr Ecmpuon Plat i*0 tr aior Extlnor Alteration t800 D ltino. Amsrdmnt to .n sDD ll0oo o ocvehpment Plan 11500 o ileo sPecial Det/€lopmerrt orsrict iE66o O rrnenif,inr o a Developmcnt Plan 3:150 o M.ixanendnedoansoo"'" li6i6 s zodnecnirmendmcnt l333t6 r.iilr. anrcnomcnt b rn SOD 11250 tr vtriance (t!o uEnor ndilladot') O Slgn vafiance 1200 Deerrtricnt ot Communiv DeveloPment 75 sotrh Frontage Road, vtil, colorado 81657 trl: 970,479.2139 tax' 970,479'2452 wcb: wv$'r.ci.v!il.co'trs Locrtbn of thc Propcrl: Lot: A. B. c- o, Blocki- Subdlvision:Jugecrlc!,-- plryricel ld&cst! 790 W€st LlonshFad cl -pual xo,: 210107207002 ( ead-re Co' Agsessor at 970-328'8610 fur parcel no') loningl Lhn$earll4ixerl Use I Disttict -- tllln{r} ot Ornr(s): trtriling Add]l|': Po 8nv 1127' Avon'CO 81620 - Phone; 748-0920 t-mrifAddrurs:mau ltoocsnclg!, t-'rxt 718jJX7f-=.------ Drrcr|ptbnofthoRcqg6t:Amcndnenttoaco0ditiona|UsePermitforatemDorarvteol!fllle Manialt Mountain Owner(s) Sign turc(3)! o.,)o|? w') - ctV PEC f'loll rcn9n4 *'a**lia*i**l***ra*r*aa****!r*l+a'|*l*ar'tt*{r't*'tt****trrt***tt'a*:t*a{rt**+****a****t***'at+**tl'*t'at+ TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statsmcnt+*'.*at*|tltataa+*ltlt|a*ll**llat|tt+*{t***llt'llla{r*'}:i**{r***l*{r't****rt***{t|a*'}l*a'a'}l*al*'}*atal**a** gtatenent Nlrnber: R0400o7o63 Amount: $550.00 LL/o5/2oo4L1 r29 AIrl Palment ttGthod: Check fnit: iIS ltotsation: *1069/!{AURTETJJO pIJANNrlte eRolrp Permit No: P8C040076 Tlpe: PBC - Conditlonal Use Parcel No: 2LOLO7207002 Site Addreee : IJOCAtiON: 790 WEST IJIONSHEAD CIRCIJE Total FeeE: $550.00flris Palment: $650.00 ToEal AIJIJ PmtB: $550.00Balance: 90.00ll**l'|*'a*r*!tral*i'ial{r*'}al****t****a+it'}**{r**ita't*rrr*****t+'t:ttta{r*tr*{r***r**aar++ata+allaalt ACCOLJNTITEIvI LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICAT]ON FEES 650.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject llame: NEW DAWN SALES SIGN DRB Number: DR8040207 Plotect Descrlpdon: NEW WINDOW SIGN FOR VAIL RESORTS SALES CENTER IN THE MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT Patlcipants: OWNER VAILCORP 0512712004 Phone: rcBOX7 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PI-ANNING GROUP, LL0512712004 Phonei PO BOX 1127 AVON @ 81620 License: PrcffiAddress: location: 715 WEST UONSHEAD CIRCLE tegal Descrlption: Loft 7&4 Block 1 Subdlvlslon: Vall Lionshead3rd Flllng Parcef Numberz 2L0107207N2 Comnents: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Actaon! STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of ApproYalz 0512120O4 Gondltions: C.ond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cnnd: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 lpprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year folloMng the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: S52'00 ,m Gen€ral Information; All projects requiring despn revicw musl r€seive approral pdor to submilting a building permit aPPlication' Please rcfer to the submittal Gqui'€ments for the particular approval that is rcquestcd' An aPplication fo? oesign Ra/iew cannot be acccpted until all required Informaton ls ffidv€d by thc Communfi Developtnent Departnent. The projed m.y also need to be r€\rler{ed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envimnmenbl Commisson. Deeign review .pproy.l l.pacs untesr a buitding permit is isrued and aonrtrsct:on comm€nc€ wittlo one yc.r ot thc apprcval. Application for Design Review Depaftnr$t of Crmmunlv Dwelopment 75 South Frcnbge Road, Vall, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fal: 970.479.2452 wcbi www.ci,vcil,co.us Aooroval of new window sion for Vail Resortslab center i!-!he RECEIVEB 'r\t L ' ,,J i Deecripton ol the Request: Mafflott Mountain Resort. tocation of tha Propoeah loe A.B- C. DBlock_Subdivision: Morcus Sub. Physacal Addressr Peroel l{o.r zoning: Lionshead Mlxed Use 1 Disbict - Name(e) of Owner(s): Vail Coro, (Katielleine, reoresentatle) ilailing Addrcrt: 8'1,5-2517 ouunGr(s) Slgnaturc(e Name otApplk ntl Mailing Addreeo:PO 8ox 1127, Avon. 6 81620 Phonc:fu E-maff Addlss: mauri€flo@comcast.nqt - Faxi Typeef Reviewand Feq X Signs O Coneptud Revl€M{ O New Constructlontr Artdltlon $50 Plus 91.00 per squarc foot oftobl sBn aca. No Fcc l6s0 $300 $2so $20 |€blnlng walq etc,120 For Er/isions to plang al.ea, , DeCan Re\riew Bo.rd, No Fee Forconskudion of a ncn buiHing or dcmofifbfiruNl Otr \/AtL For an addtion wherc squarc foobge is adFflto any .csidcnqg$ comrprclal'buldhg (lndudes 250 addldoils,g lnterlor conversionqlJAL ftr minor change$ b buildings and siE iqgvements, strh as, teroofing, pahting, window additiomi landscaping, fen@s and fffr',Hli:ffiTio buirdingssy{5ib insovSlnbffi oro V- ----.. rcrconng, pahilng, window lCiHlf,ons, taniFsc4pn6flenes and o Minor Alteration (mul ti -hni lylcommerdal) Mlnor AlEration (singh-family/duplcx) Changcs to Apgrwed Plans SepaGtion Request o7 (Conbct Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for panel no') 0 di 0:f| 'd I tE 'ot'l '^10 sluoslx v^ Pq t00z'9u',\vrlr lhF.t $'t^ !rce*ir' TNWT{ OF VAIL..'r7 -,rlE$fji; rvAL 9'z?- ov OATF STAFF:-- North Entry - Solid Window Sticker 14" x 10.5" TOWN OFVAL\ $s"-'''-'.'"Xil| It'il**lal*l't**f***at**la|trtl*a*'afra*****{t'}*t*a:}'}lrttt*'t***a****t t't'tt*t*******'l**'}'|+***al**l|l*l* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemcot 'a*'l+all+ltr++alltt'ta'l+aa*l+ar;'ia**tr*!tl*at*tt+***t*+**tt*+****tttrtt**t**t*****gtatemenU lfunbcr: R0{0005911 Anoune: $52.00 05/27/2O04L0:43 A}l Palment l.tethod: Check #1o32/HAI'RIEELO DLANNIITG GROI'P, LIJC Init: dIS Notation: Permit No: DR8040207 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parce1 No: 2L0LO72O7OO2 8Ltse AddreEe: IJocEEidr 3 715 T{BST IJIONSITEAD CIRCIJB Total Feea: 952.00 Ihi6 Pal/ment: 952.00 Total ALIJ Hrta3 $52.00Ba1a-ce: $0.00 tl||laaatialt.ltaatlalllll*l*l+*'artl*l*rt*ltaitllltltllat***l*,3**a*++'t';ltttitl*t*';lta*ltlaral*a**laa ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curnent ffi,s DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIG}I REVIEI{ FEES sP 00100003124000 srGN FEES 50.00 2.00 North Entry - Solid Window Sticker 14" x 10.5" fYli^r'r, a(* U+s qr+ (9V- | Ua.il. Ltcra c 1."",J' 3 ,),+ LA+S C. +) /h^ortl"> 9-r-L2- Design Review Board LocaUon: TOI4'N# Project Name: Project Description: Participants: OWNER Project Address: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL 715 WEST UONSHEAD CIRCLE L€gal ltescription: Lot: 7 Block Subdivision: Morcus Parcel Number: 210107214001 Comments: SeeConditions PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81558 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LLOS 128 /2004 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 4058 EDWARDS co 81632 Li@nse: ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail.co.us MARRIOTT CHILLERS CHANGE TO APPROVE DRB Number: DR8040216 CHANGE TO APPROVE CHILLER SCREENING. CHILLERS WILL NOW BE SCREEND BY A WALL LOCATED IN FRONT OF THE UNITS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE PAMPET WALL, VAMHC INC 05/28/2004 Phone: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Margaret Roger Diana Mathias 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvall. O6ll6l200r'. Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail BuiHing personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. C.ond: CON0006509 That the applicant paint all the mechanical equipment (identified on roof plan) on the roof a color which matches the existing shingles simultaneously with the installation of the screen wall. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 MAY.28,2C04 7:53AM \/R)c c0\lsTRUcT tcN 9i0-945_2358 NC. 7416 P. l Application for Design Review Deparunent of Communlty Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail. Glorndo BtbST tel: 970,479,2139 fax 970.q79.2152 web: www.ci,vail,co,us Genera! Informatlonl All prorects r€qulrlng design review must r€ccivr approval pdor to submitting a building permit appltcatlon. ptea5e |!Fer to the submlttal requiremenB br he partlcutar approval that ts rcquefod, an applicatron ior Deslgn Review cannot be r@phed until all rcquked informauon ls rcclved by the ConmuniV Devclbpment Department. The prcJect may also need to be retvieeJed by the Town Counctl and/or the PhnnirE and Envlrcnmenbl Commission, Deaign review apPrcval lrPses unl€B t buifding gcrmit is issued and dngtruction conm.nces within one year of thc appmval. Dcscription ol thc Requesh Mimr Reyiclon ho approved chiller screenino at I'tarrlott Morcus Sub.{.v. 3 Physical Address; 715 West Ltonshead Ctrcte Parccl No.: ,rororratwtwol (contact Eagte co. Assessor at 920-328-8b40 for parcel no,) Zoning: . _ Lipnshead Mtxed Use I District llam{s) ol Owner(s):Vail Coro. l.lailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Nam6 otApplicsnt: Malllng AddrEEs: PO Box 1127. Avon. CO 81620 .. -. P hone; __-920- 740-0920 E-mail Addrcss: maurief lo@omcaslnet FaxW Type of Review and Fee: O Signs D ComepUal Review D New Construdiontr Addltton O Minor Alteration (multl-tamily/conmeft ial) Minor Alterabon (singh-family/duplex) CharDrs to Approved Plans Separatlon Request o X tr t50 Pl$ ll 00 per squar€ lool of lptal sign area. No Fee $550 For constructlon oF a new bulldlng or demo/rebulld, f300 For on addltion hrher€ square footige is added t0 any residential or @mme.tial building (includes 250 addrtions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings ald sile improvefiEnts, Sudl a5, er@ting, paintlng, window addltlcnt landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, fzo For minor changes to buildings and siE impro/emenB, such as, reroofing, prlnting, wlndo/i additions, landscaping, fences and retainlng walls, etc. $20 Foi rcvlsions to plans already approvrd by Planning Staff or the Deslgn R€vlerY 8oard. No Re lO3@ sy:"\r - RE0D MAY 2B2|,O4 {cll[/ I Mauriello Planning Group May 26,2OO4 Warren Campbell, AICP Senor ?lanner Town of Varl 75 Sovlh fronlaqe Road Val,ColoradoOl65T Re'Marnott - Rev$ed Chller Screen Dear Wacren: Alter tryrnq lo mVlemenl lhe preuovs DRB approval, the owner hag come vp wtLh dllerenl melhod for screennq lhe chllers. As you are aware the approved plan added shnqles dreclly to the VroVosed louverg on Lhe chller vstble trom lhe weg|. The owner would ltke f,o conLnue Lo nEtall lhe lowers as Vlanned lo reduce notse ernanaltnq from lhe chllers. ftowever, lhe owner would lrke lo sheld the chllerg lrom wew wfth a screen lhaL s nol aLlached Lo the mechantcal equpmenL bul stts rn front of rt. The screen wll be constructed ol a meLal lrame and plvwood wfih Ehnales aLlached. The allached daqrams show lhe localon, conftqvraton, and delal ol the VroVosed ecreen. I do not beleve lhal thts 5creen wrll drffer n appearance lrom lhe maqe Lhal we had approved by the DRD. We are zvbmftlnq lhrs "Mrnor Chanqe to AVproved Plans" applrcailon and hoVe lhal Etall wll be able to approve thts chanqe. ll you have any queslon please call me at 376-33 | 6. I qreaLly apprectate yov assslance wfth LhE a??lcaLton. Sncerely, PJIJ-r-^,(* Domtnc F. Maurrello, AICP PtnaVal PO Box l1z7.Avon, CO 81620.Offics: 970-748-0920.Fax: 970-74a-0377.Celli 970-376-3318.mauri€llo@comcast.net TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO State,ment ** rl t{t'r** i*{rt***** ****r *'l*lrl lt't***r ***** **'i I lt *'t ir*** r***'r* * *'t'r'r* *'l*** * {r I' I ll {r tlr** lf*** +'}'}'ll +'l'} Statement lnrnbe!: R04000592? Amount: $20.00 O5/28/2o04o2228 Prl Pa)ment lt{ethod: Check Init : iIS Notatlons #1 03 6,/MAI'RIEI,I,O PI..ANNING GROUP Permit No: DRB0,[0216 T)t)e: DRB -Chg tso Appr PlanB Parcel No: 2LOIO7214OOL SiIe AddreEE 3 ?15 W LIONSHBAD CR VAII, Ipcatiou: 715 VIEST IJIONSHBAD CIRCI.,E Totaf FeeE: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AIIJ Pmts: S20.00 Balance! 90.00 ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI'I FEES Current ftnts 20.00 - ctgl-.-l' i NMOd il ado15 NMoct z I z I z oA q s u.lLoIo u t,ll 7 t:tl 7 I Ii _{ N ol tu q o 4Nl i,l -l HIql JIol v N .i: -tl 1.. .i_ ..'. I ',ii ' i-j i:t -]-l::' r--F..i: -_.-.-.. I + I ------i-- I -i I-E I I I crl frlz $l- :('. a.'l',.r ;Al/ \|t--f,+ I r;\- :::: :; ':7:l ; A'-' IU,^. ; - - - 4:=: =.= -=-{ ,,,'ii*l=;j I I I I (------- ,, |\ri\ ! t.. I I +-r-r ' ' -_*-_L i ) I= t6 lo 0 z eil Fbxoluu z *[t Fhuulu o [- -;'r -- - -'f ,..--ll .tt _____ri:*.ll ll - -"-l I | "i t..' - l-,'r',"t v -lv$ Jlu ;a -IDL-_ - I I $r- rqq E3$b $*frH E{[fr 0l ]Uo 1L UJv tr A Hz {tL (LIo U \o I b a tl J tuF- b I oulJoz f;$r lll!+n IurIu(Jru OL It -l({)I o ILoz3 P IL 8u oz Fo Xul aoltl B !Eo-o. $HH 9rrd:o,,, c'e- t?p h\DA T9 v9ltl ! 9u 6HxotuF $frt *$ut(oUJL< Hfr* 9:S FpeX<oruL< '- - -!t- - I i I $_ ++ s z* b7111q- \/\,/\/ {tr'.ofr\ ,'Za tt$U^if, / \MOr tHulr \ /\,/\/\ r.i L ,I .t.l Ltt' J--t- :.- -r. t:-t--.F "t- .-t-- 1 t.. .L .l,l t,l. -F .-. f- ;- f -t: :-L -.]_ i-- -c: L, ..t Li I I lo I I lo I L f- I I l1'c.t'qt aaolg E:.1 -t4 NMACI vRDC C0itsTRUCTt0N 970-845_2358\-r. lGt tta!tln 3O3-{63-299.t N0.7434-P 3- p,3 I l-.:J ::l ""J vAlL lYlARlOTT vA[. c0 APPROVED BYTHE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN RAflEW Ib-01 Hllil xe x ENYERPRTsES. trrc. I HP'.F'-""'. wEI6/fE trrrt,, .x,xt{lf^t t.cort N) a ov fiE:' =Eu a ['ii' E F i,,, F !-.!lr sni 'i:il il,tAY 2B 20Cl -7:gltv1a vR0c c0\tsTRUcriOl\j 970-845_2358-N0. 7434-p.L.r'r uarntarn 3o3_/t6g_?9g,+ 2- P.2 x u, -1 z,6i r-) -- a or-rtrla dr -DL'! Ct =r0;!-n{ 9o =>t- a!t- t-FI FIn''trt>-= 1',u, Fr- D:! rrl E!:tr f E H g qfl- omv, c'z! E E \--\ tF Ia-.q '".',1 I I I I I I I I I IJ c\ t- f;PA{r;t P:F= Fr; -.| o rrtEzI 68fr Af,Ct ./t- |:oi;si ?T i vr. :fr ru tr, L) ;; -.(-)rYE-x PFts =fn!lELJr!tn?eFErl; I't9v-- '1 FlE{I,>t-tatr,!c>zzt' ftl E anelDtt trlz xx At': au, rl?tr+4i;-}-rq D q IG' Ft) -'t I ?3m2 684 trl-'l{.rn brli'E qP qEci-8t--{ 4< gB Ft4 nd x N i 14 TlnD-zo ooz-tt, 'ru l x n ncttctFIi !D Eu -aE t-FI Irt oonI'to = 6| P 6l r a>z -.'| (r'l s Ict ,r'lvl tffi;;*l ll rlarlt"'".* 1 \ wE9SIlE' k*r.tlJ{ue'rLt COr4 ) VAIL MARIOTTof, ,, HE ;;rF'n B !,, F Fi: H t.; a',iar!gti -11 grii ril l' TOI4'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.48.2L39 faxt 970.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us project r"r", y'{acr "+t Ch'tlbr 9ce,ntn1 DRB Number: DRB040I03 Project Descriptionl APPROVAL OF BAFFLES TO SCREEN EXISTING CHILLERS ON CENTER WING OF THE MARRIOTTMOUNTAIN RESORT Pafticipants: OWNER MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL03/31/2004 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 4058 EDWARDS co 81632 License: APPICANT MAU RIELLO PLAN NI NG GROU P, LL03 | 3L | 2004 Phone : 970-748-0920 PO BOX 4058 EDWARDS co 81632 License: ProjectAddress: 715 W UONSHEAD CRVAIT Location: 715 WEST UONSHEAD CIRCLE Legal Description: Lot: A-D Block: Subdivision: Parcel Number: 210107214001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz O5l06l2QO4 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0005418 The applicant shall paint the screening louvers and the mechanical unit to match the color of the exisitng shingles. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee paid: 32SO.OO Application for Design Review RECE ItJI ii Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 f axi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or $e Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:Aooroval of baffles to screen existino chillers on center winq of the Marriott Mountain Resort. Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: A.B. C. DBlock:_ Subdivision: Morcus Sub. Physical Address: 715 West Lionshead Circle Parcef No.: 210107207002 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District Name(s) of Owner(s):Vail Coro. Mailing Address: Owner(s) Sagnature(s): Name of Applicantl Maaling Addressr PO bxffi dffds,. CO{l+# n Lzo. Phone: 970-748-0920 E-mail Address: mauriello@comcast.net Faxi 970-748-0377 Type of Review and Feer n Signs n Conceptual Review E New Construction I A9tjtion ff Minor Alterdtion (multi-family/commercial) ! Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans n Separation Request $5s0 $300 $250 $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residenttal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additons, landscaping, fences and rctaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee $20 A9 **l**';+**r'}a't'tl+*ll*+**ttaa'3at*tatl+****r***attt**atr*i.**taa*tta'ttl*******{*'t*tt**ttrrl|t+a'ta TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*tl**'|lt+*'|*rrrl****tlr*****:l'l*+ **r*****tll',' *'t*ttrt' ***+****'t* +**** r****{r't!t'tt +***t** ir*l{r**t+t*:l Statement lilunber: R040005535 Amount: $250,00 03/3t/2OO4]-1 :14 Alr[ Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notatlon: Permit Nor DRB0401O3 Tl/I)e: DRB-ttinor AIt, Coml/Mulei Parcel No: 21010?214001 SitE Addregg: 715 W IJIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ IJOcatI.on: 715 VIEST IJIONSHEAD CIRCIJB Total FeeE: 9250.00 Tbis Payment: $25o.oo Total AIJIJ pmts: S25o.ooBalance: So. oo ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri ptj on DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES Curnent Pmts 250 .00 {cll[/ I Mauriello Planning Group March 30,2OO4 Warren Campbell ?lanner 2 Town of Varl 75 South Frontaqe Road Val, Colorado O l65T Re: Marnott Chrllers Dear Warren: lncluded wrfh fhrs letter e an apphcailon for deaqn eeuew lo add some govnd redvanq ballles to Lhe two larqe chllers currently located on lhe root ol the Marrrott Mounlarn Resorl. The proVosal s lo add lowered ballles Lo both of lhese exshnq chillers n order lo reduce sovnd prodvced by thts mechancal equVmenf. Thege louvers are Vroposed to be Vanted dark qray lo malch lhe extstnq eqvryment, whrch blendg wfth lhe rool malenal. I have ncluded a completed apphcalton form, a check f or 5ZSO, a plan chownq lhe localon oI the equpment, a detal ol lhe lowered baffles, and gome Vhotos shownq the extshnq equVmenl. We are hoptnq ths tlem can be stalf aVVroved gtnce the eqwpment s ensbnq and lhe louvers wtll mVrove lhe overall a??eatance ol tho equpmenL. ?lease let me know I yov need addtttonal maLelals. Srncerely, PJtt -^t* Oomnrc F. Maurrello, AICP Prnapal PO Box t127.Avon. CO 81620.Ofiice: 970-748-0920.Fax: 970-748-0377.Ce||: 970-37&33l8.mauriello@comcast.net _ ^ ti:trut lRl 09:5u IAI 9702451015 Connerclal DeslaD TIPICAL ACCESSORY SOI,'ND REDUCNOVTiflL GUABD/ WIT{D EAFFII HOODS CIL SE ^RATOAe|oe !ocl!o! rr! 6DE NNEL No?ei ?rtr11r TD ,aftL+€{./sT lNc, - zrgt t,il 3do"l6 N t ul(L oJo n ! urL 9o z oA oI _{ ol I ! luL -l rJ)z o ol-iiv ]ULoJo -l J. .t_ rl t,il :do'19 I r'\ . a.'!{ri/ \|,--al I I I I -;l:-u | -.. i\ I tr. I I I *'t-t ' ' -_*__L i ) z 9KtrLooXoruu z *f;r bb$xa-uru o...ll -_-__ri':*.__ll', rl , *=! ..-l| ,rlI ii t..' ::1:: ii-'l $ v TF +l J ll.l IL FD #fl$ ;IH i[$L-o F s'F :I|- Fz ? 0- rz a F ztd Frr luo JL u !- u lu, {IL h$ ,S\s I b a tl J tu zui PKt hbstu; s Joz f;$ uRt H6LU $u -- - -- - J- -+l|- - - - ---: : ::: rl ol x9l N9iuul: ,trdllllui $[i 5\DA tuJ td6l 9U 6H tp HfrI$9:S 9 6$H bX<O XluL< Ul =/LJ I i-' I I I I r- I z o7. PKqhFi\ 9.r p.sXQ-ul(f o $fr* 9:S F$Hrtt "- - -r,J-I I I 7+?e-nt1,, t-li Ittr J- =-- 1".L - t._--r- -l- F.I "-t-t.- ', ltlfP ,,$/f/ io,,r'---- i", I t. i '..ir. I 9E tru- 98ruE ' a,r- - :F-f' 2- }--[.L _.l..r- -t- -l L .l .[.i l_t L. J. I^l if I I lo I I I I I I I F I I t-f f\_--{----:- ztqt 1dols lb t .4. soti-tiOlr u.lLo ttl L '. Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Address: MARRIOTT MOIJNTAIN RBSORT AND SPA 1. Effective Date: August 15, 2001 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Information Binder Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED Our OrderNo. VC2735ll Cust. Ref,: 3. Tbe estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEB ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPT]ON OurOrderNo. VC273511 TEGAL DESCBIPTION PARCEL 1: CONDOMINIUM LODGE UNIT, THE MARK/LODGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMENDED DECLARATION OF CONDOMNruM FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED OCTOBER 17,19'I8IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 606 AND MARCH 22, 1979IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 344 AND THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THE MARKiLODGE RECORDED MARCH 27. 1974IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 930 AND THE AMENDED PLAT OF THE SITE PLAN FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED OCTOBER 17, 1978 IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 607, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: A PART OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1, VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING AND PART OF LOTS C AND D, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT C; THENCE ALONG THE LINE COMMON TO SAID LOT C AND LOTS A AND B. MORCUS SUBDIVISION, SOUTH 16 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 399.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF26.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 16 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 3.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 210.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 22 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 41 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 140.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 2l MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 135.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 260.43 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY R]GHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLEI THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 129.67 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A 392.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT AND WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 18 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 10 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS SOUTH 87 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 129.08 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: CONDOMINIUM UNIT NOS. A THROUCH L, INCLUSIVE, AND THE LODGE UNIT THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB (A CONDOMINIUM) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED MARCH 14, I98O IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 183, AND THE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED MARCH 14, I98O IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 184, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. yCnSSll The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the gatrtors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or iDterest to be insured. Iten (b) Proper instrumenr(s) creating the estate or interest ro be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments leviecl and assessed against the zubject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. YC273511 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaclion of the Company: 1. Riglrts or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, Iabor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Conunirnent. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o ttre Treasurer's offrce. 7 . Liens for unpaid water aDd sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mongage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24. 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER4, 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PACE 98 IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UN]TED STATES AS RESERVED TN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 I 1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMIT'|ING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX. HANDICAP. FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ACAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 15. I97I. IN BOOK 22I AT PAGE 991 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 12. I9']7.IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE 453. ,12. UTILITY EASEMENT 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF LOT 4 AND LOT 5. BLOCK 1, IO FEET IN WTDTH ALONG THE EAST LOT LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1 AND A PORTION OF THE SOUTHERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1 AS SHOWN ON THE ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No' yC2735Ll The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING. 13. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 FEET IN W]DTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF LOT 7, BLOCK I VAIL/LIONSHEAD. THIRD FILING AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT. 14. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIAT]ON, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1978, IN BOOK 269 AT PAGE 202 AND AUGUST 30, 1982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 922 AFFECTS LOT 7, BLOCK 1 VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING AND LOT C MORCUS SUBDIVISION 15. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO CABLEVISION ASSOCIATES VI, D/B/A HERITAGE CABLEVISION INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 20. 1983. IN BOOK 360 AT PAGE 42. 16. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD FIFTH FILING. 17. UTILITY EASEMENT AFFECTING THE SOUTHWESTERLY PORTION OF LOT D, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF MORCUS SUBDIVISION. 18. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN T}IE MARK-LODGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A NOT-FOR-PROFIT COLORADO COPORATION AND M.K CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED OCTOBER r7, 1978 rN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 608. AFFECTS PARCELS 1 AND 3 19. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN M.K CORPORAT]ON, A COLORADO CORPORAT]ON AND THE MARK-LODCE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIAT]ON INC. RECORDED OCTOBER 17. 1978IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 609. AFFECTS PARCELS I AND 3 ALTA COMM]TMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No' VC2735ll The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptioru to the following ur ess the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 20. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION AND M-K CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED JULY 27,1982 IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 463. AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 3 21. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE M-K CORPORATION. A COLORADO CORPORATION AND THE MARK RESORT AND TENNI CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED JULY 27,1982 IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 464. AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 3 22. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTRICTIONS, CONTAINED IN AMENDED DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED OCTOBER 17,1,978,IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 606 AND AS AMENDED ]N INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 22. 1979.IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 3,14. UPON RECEIPT OF A WAIVER OF THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL CONTAINED IN SAID DECLARATION THE FOLLOW1NG NOTE WILL BE ADDED TO THE POLICY TO BE ISSUED HEREIN: 'THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL PROVISION HAS BEEN CONPLIED WITH." 23. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. 24. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP OF THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED MARCH 14. I98O IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE I84. 25. EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THE MARK LODGE RECORDED MARCH 27, 1974IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 930 AND AMENDED PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 17, 1,978IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE, 607. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VC273511 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 26. ENCROACHMENT OF CONCRETE AND POOL ONTO UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED IUNE 19. I992BY INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING LTD.. PROJECT NO. 92255 S. 27. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF MEMORANDUM OF MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED MAY 18, 1999 AT RECEPTION NO. 696363. Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. VC2735ll.t-2 Cust. Ref.: Prop€rty Address: WEST DAY LOT 1. Eff€ctive Date: September 13, 2001 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: 'ALTA' Owner's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed lnsured: T}IE VAIL CORPOMTION, A COLORADO CORPOMTION 3. The €state or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitmeert and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or int€rest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: T}IE VAIL CORPOMTION. A COLORADO CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: TRACTS A AND B, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF' COI.JNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. VC273511.1-2 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account ofthe granlors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Ilem ft) Proper instrummt(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed aad duly liled for record, lo-wit: Ilem (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VC2735Il.l-Z The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. Z. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records, 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correcl survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafler furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or altaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of remrd for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof- 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTMCT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 4, 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503. SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 ANDJULY 13, 1939 IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 617. I I. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 15. I97I. IN BOOK 22I AT PAGE 99I AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 12.1977 IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE 453. 12. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. Vc2735ll.l-2 The policy or policies to be issued will mntain o<ceptions to the foltowing unless the same are disposed ofto the satisfaction ofthe Company: THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD. THIRD FILING, 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON TFIE RECORDED PLAT OF MORCUS SUBDTVISION. 'l- LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificale ofTaxes Due lisling each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained fiom the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor' Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right and boltom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, excepl that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all rnatters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or fiIing of legal documents resulting from the transacdon which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Aflirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The tand described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or malerial-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate aflidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or lhe contractor; Payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which lhe insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-123, notice is hereby given: A) That there is recorded evidence thal a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or olherwise conveyed from the surface eslate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third par$ holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energl in the proPerty; and B) That such mineral estale may include the right to enter and use the proper$ without the surface owner's permission. This notice applies to owner's policy commitmenls containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceplions, in Schedule B, Section 2. No{hing herein contained will be deemed to obligate tbe company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Fblm DISCIOSURE 9/02/ \rer 4.O ,} JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of CompanieVChicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July l, 2001 We recosnize and resoect lhe orivacv expectations of todav's consumers and the requirements of 4pplicable federal and state priv"acv laws. Wb believd that drakiirg you aware of liow we use your non-puhlic personal inlbrmation ("Personal Inforination"'). and to whom il is disclosed, will form the basis for a ri:lationship ol trust between_us and the puDllc ihat we serve.'This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve thii tight to change this Privacy Statement from time to tinie consistent-with applicable'privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sourc€s: * From anolications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized representative;* From yb'ur transactions with, or from the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, our affiliates, or others;* From bur internet web siles;+ From lhe Dublic records maintained bv governmental entities thal we either obtain directly from those entities, oi from our affiliates or otheisland* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain phvsical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized icieiioiintrfiiion. We iimit access td the Personal Ififormatiori only t6 those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services lo you or for other lEgitimate busfneSs purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We mav share vour Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate s'ettlemeit service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: * to aqenls, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have- requeste.d; .- io lfiiOlirrty conlqcrgjs or.service prohders wlo provide servicds or perform marketing or other function's oli our behalf; and* io oihCrJ with wtrom wti enter into joint marketing agreemenls for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition. we will disclose vour Personal Information when vou direct or give us permission, when we are required bv law to do so, or when wetusDect fraudulent or criminal aciivilies. We afso may discloqe your Personal iir"iii,ji.i-*[1"-oit"^i'iiiriJitfritiia uv "ripiiiii't.-iiii"iiv iiwJ!"it' aj, for exa"mple, wheh disclosure is needed lo enforce our rights arising but of any agrrleiment, trlnsaction or relationship with ybu. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such'documents may contain your Personal Information. Right to Access Your Personal lnformation and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain stares afford vou the right lo access vour Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out r; whon vour Persorial Informition has beei disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right 10 r.eq"fst correctiori, amendmenl or deletion of your Personal lnformation. We reserve the ri8ht, where permitled Dy law' to charge a reasonable fee to cover the cirsts incurred in responding to such requests. All requests submitted to the Fid,elity_Na_tio_nal financ-ial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall bb ir writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacv ComPliance Oflicer Fidelirv National Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220 Santa Barbara. CA 931l0 Multiple Products or Scrvices lf we providc you with 4ore than one financial product or scrvice, you may receive more than one privacy notice from ris. We apologize lor any inconvcnience this may cause you. Folril PR[V. PCIL. CltI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgou.com April27,2004 Mauriello Planning Group c/o Dominic Mauriello PO Box 4058 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: Marriott roof top mechanical screening located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots A, B, C and 7, Morcus Subdivision Mr. Mauriello, This letter is to summarize the commenls of the Design Review Board in regards to you proposed addition at their April 21 , 2004, meeting. Their comments were as follows. . The Board expressed concern over the location of the mechanicals as they felt they were not likely identified on the elevations of lhe Marriott when they were reviewed along with the exlensive remodel. They asked that the approved remodel plans be examined to discoverer whether or not lhey were shown.o The Board suggested that an option would be to extend the parapet wall higher or conslruct a new wall around the unit which could be shingled to match the existing parapet wall.. The Board responded favorably to your suggestion that you would have some photo renderings created to aid in understanding the request. Your application will be scheduled on an agenda once plans addressing all the above comments have been received. In order to be scheduled on the May Stn agenda revisions must be submitted by 9:00 a.m. Friday April 30. The following DRB meeling is on May 19, 2004, for which plans will need to be submitted no later than 9:00 a.m. on May 14,2004. I will be out of the otfice from May 3-14, 2004. lt you need any questions answered in this time frame please caff Joe Suther al 479-2128 and he will direct your call to a planner who can help you. Please review these commenls and if you have any questions regarding this letter prior to my absence please contacl me al 970-479-21 48. {p ^".r"uo rt," anen Campbell Cc: File Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81657 te| 970.479.2139 laxt 970.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Projectilame: GORECREEKPTACETEMPSIGN DRBNumber: DR8040210 Proiect DescrlpUon: TEMPOMRY CONSTRUCNON DISPI.AY SIGN FOR GORE CREEK PI.ACE Pardcipants: OWNER VAIL CORP O5l27l2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL05/272004 Phone: PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: Project Address: l-ocaton: 715 WEST UONSHEAD CIRCLE Legal DescrlpUon: Lot: 7&4 Block l Subdivlslon: Vail Lionshead3rd Filing Parcel l{umber= 2IOIO72O70O2 Comments: See conditons BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: Date of Approvalt 0512il20m Condi6ons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: S7O.OO r0r4ilvt) General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informaton is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request: Temporarv Construction display siqn for Gore Creek Place, Location of the Proposal: t-ot: 0,g. C. oatock:Subdivision: MorcusSub. Physical Address: 790 West Lionshead Circle Parcef No.r 210107207002 (@ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District Name(s) of Owner(s):Vail Coro. Mailing Address: 845-2369 Owner(s) Signaturc(s Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: PO Box 1127, Avon. CO 81620 Phone: 970-748-0920 E-maif Address: mauriello@comcast.net Fax: 970-748-Q377 Type of Review and Fee: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us RECEIVED r;;\i ? -t /r;n( !t sisns D Conceptual Review O New ConstructionO Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans n Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $20 $20 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. For OfFce Use Only: . .. 2 Fee Paid: 20 2 check tto.: /o cJ gy: Application Date: Planner: aa'a'tltaalt*l*l*l*raltaf*t+**ttaat**t*ti';t*ra*tti*rtt**t*at**t*|t*tta*+*tt+at*ttr!i**t*ir**ttaatta** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat@cntItl||laa|}*lt*al**!3|tltat:.tt**'it*t**ltttt'ilat***t+*'|*at****t*a**'t*t*a'ttt*a*ar*rr**'i*ra*+a*tata*a gtatenent lnmber: R040005921 Amount: $70.00 05/27/2OO4O4:22 Yt4 PalmeDt l{et}rod: Cbeck Init: iIS Notati@s #1033/1.{AITRIBIJO plreNltltrc OROUP, IJJC Perml,t No: DR8040210 T!E)e: DRB - Stgn AppU.cation Parccl lto: 2LOLO72O7OO2 Site Addreee: location: 715 WBST IJIONSHEAD CIRCIJE TotaL Feegr $70.00 Ttie Payment: $70.00 ToEal AIJL' Ptnts3 $?0.00Balance3 $0.00 |}lflala***lr|}a**a*'i'l**rart****|tt*att't**'it*t**'}*'tl*+'|*'tttf {.rr** * +'t'}'}* *'}'}*l *{r*** ***!t'}* *'l'|l* *t|tt l*f ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account'Code Description Current ffis DR OO1()OOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,I FEES sP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 50. 00 20.00 bo C,3 T ;os .3 {gt P /c\ a,l b (, T .n.l^#r S+: Fx 11 .ft\tv Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 taxi 97 0,479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us Project l{ame: DRB Number: DR8040159 Proiect llescription: LANDSCAPE AND GMDING PLAN FOR THE WEST DAY LOT Pafticipants: OWNER VAILCORP 05/04/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCAIIT MAURIELLO PI-ANNING GROUP, LL05/04/2004 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: Project Addrcssi Location: 790 WEST UONSHFAD qRCLE legal Description: loft 7&4 Blodc l Subdivision: Vail Lionshead3rd Filing Parcel Number: 2IOL07207002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon By: staff Action: APPROVED Seond By:Vote: DateofApproval:05(L4|20H Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Entry: 051L4120ffi By: rf Action: AP MUST HAVE INSPECION OF SED FENCE PRIOR TO GMDING Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006426 PW or Planning inspection of sed fence prior to grading Planner: Russell Fonest DRB Fee Paid: S25O.00 IOl,fNffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South ffontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 f axi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.rrs General Infonnation: All projecB r€quidng de$gn review mtst recelve approval prior to submitting a building permit applicauon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval tlEt is requested. An applicatjon for Design Revier,i/ cannot be accepted unul all required informauon is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commis$on. Design reni€w approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and consEuction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Aooroval of lan6caoe and qradinq olan for West Day Lot. Location of the Proposal : Lot:_ILLLDB lock:_ Subd ivision :Morcus Sub. Physical Address: 790 West Lionshead Circle Parcel No.: ?t0L07207002 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District RECEI\JED Ui . Mailing Address: PO Box 7. Vail CO 81658 Name(s) of Owner(s):Vail CorD. Owner(s) Signature(s)r Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: PO Box 1127. Avon. CO 81620 Phone: 970-748-@20 E-mail Address: mauriello@comcast.net Fax: 970-748-0377 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review 0 New Constructiontr Addition S/ Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alterauon (single-fami lylduplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consfuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 fur an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and rctaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings ard site improvements, such as, reroofing, paintjng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions b plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee mv,ljOPwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81651 AppLrcAfloNwrLL NoT BEAccEprED |F |NcoMpLETt?Si$,rj-Ftf Oq.OrB t Pemit#: rtttr..ttrt.*lt.l*..ltt.*.ttrt*t. .r.FoR oFFlcE usE oN Lyr..rtr.tr.r|rtfififirt.rrtrritrtr..r.. RECEIt,ED Contact and Phone #s: Emall BUILDING: $ TOTAL: $ FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Parcal#28-8640 or vlslt AlblotLo?ooL JobAddress: HO Wq+ hnO.._.d en/z Phonei ilqS-2944 Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodet ( ) Repair ( ) Demo( ) Other Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (X ) Aotn 1 y ,g/a Does an EHU exist at this locationzAes ( ) No ( ) Typ€ of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-hmily ( ) Multi-famity ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Ohert/ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildina 11/p No. of Accommodation Units inthisbuildirg y'// Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System ( ) No( ) FlUs€ rE\cd€v\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM, DOC {dtIl Mauriello Planning Group May 4,2OO4 Georqe Ruther Chel oI ?lannnq Town of Varl 75 South frontaqe Road Vai, Colorado 61 657 Re:West Day Lot - LandEcaVnq and Reqradtnq ?lan Dear Georqe: lncluded wrth thrs letter s an applcalon lor deaqn revtew lo reshape a Torlon oI the West Day Lot and Marnott sfte. The plan nclvdes a veqetatve screen alonq the sovth srde of the sfte conastrnq ol larqe everqreens. The Tlan also proudes lor reseednq the dsturbed areas wfth a naLve qrass mtxture. The trees and reveqetahon wrll occvr no later than November | 5, 2OO4 vnless a bvldnq permtt s applted lor and ssued tor the Gore Creek Resrdences Vlanned lor latter th's svmmer. We hope to beqrn thrs work ASAP and therelore your qurck atlenlon to thts aVproval s qreatly appreaated. Tlease let me know fi yov need addfttonal matenals. Sncerely, PJtJ.r-^/* Domrnrc F. Maurrello, AICP ?nnapal pO Box 1 127.Avon, CO 81620.Oflice: 970-74&0920.F ax: 97c-748-0377.Cell: 970-37S3318'mauriello@comcast.net r ll*tt|}*lt*l*tlttl*lattt*atitlttt||tl****{'a*'}****t*l*t**tr}*{rl.*'tt**,t'}l*+***lt***il.***lt*tltrt*****l** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment '.1*all**:f'a+lall*ltra*{.aala*+*'}*a*alt*'tf *t**'t{r*t+{r'}*tt+{r*'}trta:t*'ttt'tr|t f tl.********t{r'}'lai*aal*a|t 'tStat€nent lnnbcr: R0400057{5 tmount: $250.00 o5lI4/2OO4O4:28 PM Paltm€nt ttlcthod: Check Inlt : iIS Notatsion: fflo24ltIAItRIELIO PLAI{NIIICI GROI'P, IJJC Permj.t, No: DR8040159 Tl/I)e: DRB-Minor Alt,Comm/I,firlti Parcel No: 2L0LO72O7OO2glte Address: IJocation: ?90 WEST IJIONSHEAD CIRCLE Total Feea: $250.00 Thie Palmcnt: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00Balaace: $0. O0 ACCOUNTITBIv! LIST: Account Code Descri pti on DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,{ FEES Current ffis 250.00 ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Design Review Board k'fs ct) l/u"ct44 |/uhrioft lnlru+a (W r Vu\l Urxs6",Lft17 + w"w:\ sf Project Name: SCHMERGEL ADD(Mark Lodge in Marriott) DRB Number: DR8040213 Project Descriptaon: REMODEL OF AN DCSTING CONDOMINIUM ON THE TOP FLOOR OFTHE MARK LODGE, UNIT #5€ Pafticipants: OWNER SCHMERGEI- PAUL AND JENEE 0512812004 Phone: 2860 E. WILUAMETTE I.ANE GREENWOOD VILLAGE co 80121 License: APPUCANT SCHMERGEL, PAULANDJENEE 05/28/2004 Phone: 2860 E. WILUAMETTE LANE GREENWOOD VILLAGE co 80121 License: Project Address: 714 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 714 WEST UONSHEAD CIRCLE, UNIT # 5€ l€gal Description: Lot: 7 Block Subdivision: Morcus SuMivision Parcel Number: 210107205013 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon By: Scott Proper Action: APPROVED Second By: JoeHanlon Vote: 4-0 DateofApprovalz M10212004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. r0l,[Nm Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paad: i3OO.OO ZONING ANALYSIS FOR THE VAIL MOUNTAIN MARRIOTT 6.2.04 Address/Legal Description: 730,724, and714 West Lionshead Circle/Tracts A, B, C, & D, Morcus SuMivision and Lot 7, Marriott SubdivisionParcelSize: 7.74acre (337,197sq. ft.)Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Land Use Designation: Resort Accommodations and Services Below is a summary and analysis of Town of Vail development standards and regulations. The analysis includes the exisling Vail Mountain Marriott. Develooment Standard Allowed Existino Prooosed Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft. 337,197 sq. tt. 337,197 sq. ft. Setbacks AllSides: 10 tt. 10 tt. 10 ft. Building Height: 71 ft. avg. 70 ft. avg. No Change. 82.5 ft. max 80.5 ft. max Density: 270 DUs (35/ac.) 36DU (4.7/ac.) No Change Unlimited AUs 276 AU GRFA: 842,992 sq. ft. 149,286 sq. ft. 149,669 sq. ft. Slte Coverage: 236,037 sq. ft. (70%) 86,240 sq. ft. (25.6%) No Change Landscape Area: 67,439 sq. ft. (20%) 169,605 sq. fl. (50%) No Change Parking: 76 (1.4lDU\ 270 spaces No Change 193 (0.7/AU) rt T0r4e'm Physical Address: parcel No,: 210I07205013 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:Remodel of an existing condominium on the top floor of the Mark LodAe. We are requestinq to add additional space (hedronrn :nd t:rh) 1nthe Sxistin8 vaulted ceiling area, and requesting to add windows and a balcony he Soutlrern views . Location of the Proposal: Lot: / Block:_ Subdivision: /}Lcrcrrs S.-'hl.tr\car (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:LAu- 1 RECEIVED i"rAY Z / 20tll Mark Lodge (Vai1 Marriort Name(s) of Owner(s):Paul Schurergel Mailing Address:2860 E. Willamerte Lane Phone:720 2I9 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:Paul rgel Mailing Address:Same as ahowc Phone:720 2r9 7630 E-maif Address:@77v' 720 489 r0B2 Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs E Conceptual Review tr, New Construction ;X( eaation (6t ,,nol. Atteration - (multi-family/commercial) &tno,AlterationY (single-family/duplex) f1 Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residenual or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: App+ieation Date: Planner: /trb .JUN. 1.244'JUN, l,7UU1 4 ^ 4:g5R'4 .INFINIW COI'I,4UNITIES Z rr4rM YAJDUIl l ! Utv,'il$fo.ifFz 'P,P'? ilrmtrrctunlnlntFf,ourll.Erilr L (Fdntmmrt-..8r E$s jviu l.r6tt), r!fitilln,4Frp.illdd rt(ddrwttd dqrFbn)$lt lrotr T&tt F 0 poulCettE lff uwrtqrpprunlcft|rdrm{fi -----int hrh, .aor .,whm nrvr !3$ $bmffi F fisTAu C Vrll Qnmrnlil DqdFFm.il PGFilttfit fbr ffi FruFocd hp|lwDq!ts E bl llnphLl ilfi6 ldcrr ncbd q!a,q I qftfHd trnt [n npuC lntpmtfinats hqdar I lhtl|q r{tCrnhnd ffi mlnef ndflffirr rny br Fnft h flr Flnr mrfic orrl. cf $e ||tfiU trrill Ute Tuml rffiF[ edr q( rqulalFnr, rlt{$t r trclt tc rh .Bt${f,{ rEl9r.r lflso,y u4 qldorr ts fba coutlr rlryrtlla of tlr hulldin|. nfildwo3loillz *'l'|* aii*l +*ir,l* *!i!at lr'l'l,l* ***** {r'lr*!t**t 't*** +** * ** *'tr* * ** l t* * ** {r*'t * * * {r * *r}* ***** ***** * *** +* t!l 'l' t r**'tt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *'|* i.'t t * +**'1.:l ** *'| *rtlt** lt'ldrr* **'l'l+ *** a"l* {r{r** * * {. {. '1.:l* * '1.'l*,1* *:1. 'lr'l'i* *{. * * * * * * *'}* i.**'l* lr:l,l* * * **,t'l *'r*{.* + statement Nunber: R040005924 Arnount: $300,00 o5/2e/2oo4o8:57 Alrl Palments Metbod: Check Init: dIS NoEaEion: *5145,/INFINITY COMMT'NITIES . IJIJC Permit No: DR8040213 Tlpe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2101072 05 013 Site Address : 714 W IJIONSHBiAD cR VAIIJ I.ocation: ?14 IIEST IJIONSHE.AD CIRCI,E, UNIT # 5-G Total FeeE: s300.00 Ihis Payment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $300.00 BalaJrce: S0.00 ** t*:l'* ***{r****'} **'r**'}**t* ***** a****:t*1.**'t t*** +t fr.*{.ll,t*r.'}'} *'t***** *********'l** **'}'}+****l*:l:l**t ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES 300.00 DRB Comments Regarding the Schmergel Residence for June 2,2004 Meeting l April 7, 2004 comments:o Suggested making the proposed deck more of a feature. The current proposal looks like a "lego block stuck to the side of the building".. Suggested mimicking the deck on the east elevation across the pool area as shown in the picture provided by the applicant. April 21, 2004 commenls:. Use the same truss work design as seen on other gables on the building.. Design the deck so as to not have the support column for the gable roof directly above the window below.. Show all elevations for future review.. Design the gable so as lo lollow the roof line of the parapet wall above. o o W'*rtudn'tirq 3rJ {'-,\'''r (c+s qf ?- Planning and Environmental Commission fiLot, t + ACTION FORM Department of @mmunity Devd@ment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.47 9.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us project name: y'f46 i* Ral€sa* Sobs CU! Project DescrlpUon: Participants: OWNER VAMHC INC PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: APPLICANT MAU RIELLO PLANNIN G G ROU P, LLOS | 24 | 2004 Phone : 748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81540 License: Project Address: 715 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: 715 WEST UONSHEAD CIRCLE Legal DescripUon: Lot: 7 Block: Subdivision: Marriott Parcel Number: 21010721.1001 Comments: See@nditions W Ctn ftq.u,a,- gr.tbdlvt t)'t- PEC l{umber: PEC040028 PEC Tlpe: MarrioE Real Est. Sales CUP CONDMONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TEMPOMRY NEW DAWN SALES CENTER MTHIN THE MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT ON THE SECOND FLOOR 0512412004 Phone; BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Rollie Kjesbo Bill Jewitt 7-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 06/L4l20M Meeting Datez 061 L4 | 20M Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: CON0006502 That this conditional use permit for a business office to conduct real estate sales in this location within the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort shall expire on June 14, 2005. Planner: Warren Campbell PEC Fee Paid! $550.00 *m PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING Monday, June 14, 2004 PRQTECT ORIENTATION - Communlty Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT David Vlele Anne Gunlon BlllJewitt Chas Bernhardt Iloug Cahill George Lamb Rollie Kjesbo Slte Vislts: 1. Vail Plaza Hotel - 100 East Meadow Drive 2. Fischer Residence - 4315 Spruce Way 3. Vail Marriott Mountain Resort - 715 West Lionshead Circle 4. Hawkwood, lnc. -483 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 58 Driver: Warren NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the Commission may break lor dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Publlc Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A final review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 12-16, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code, to allow for a Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), located at 4315 Spruce Way/ Lot 6, Block 3, Bighorn SuMivision and setting forth details in regard therelo. Applicant: Steve Fischer, represented by John G. Martin, Architect, LLC Planner: Clare Sloan MOTION: Kjesbo APPROVED SEGOND: Viele VOTE:7-0-0 Staff gave a presentation per the slaff memorandum. The applicant, John Martin, briefly described the project. Several neighbors expressed concern over the grade of the driveway and other issues that were expected to relate to the new residence. The applicant responded that the driveway would be regraded, paved, and widened, providing significant improvements for the neighbors. He further stated that agreements between neighbors and the original owners were not solidified and were currently causing some dissention. Karl Forster, a neighbor, expressed further concern over the plans and the allowable snow storage. lt was confirmed that minimum snow storage requirements were being mel by the applicant but determined that a written agreement for a long- term solution should be drafted in addilion. Some concern was expressed by the commissioners that the EHU remain used as such. 2. A final review of a variance from Seclion 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residenlial addition within the selbacks, located at 483 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 58 (Texas Townhomes)/Lol 5, Vail Village Filing 4, and setting forth details in regard therelo. Applicant: Hawkwood, Inc., represented by Gwathmey, Pralt, Schullz Architects .l Planner: ElisabethEckel MOTION: Bernhardt SECOND: Lamb APPROVED VOTE:7-0-0 Slaff gave a presentation per the memorandum. Ned Gwathmey explained the project and the need for the variance due to the existence of these townhomes on individual lots that cannot meet side setback requirements. lt was established that a hardship existed and that no special privilege was being granted in the approval of the variance. 3. A final review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-7H-48, Permitted And Conditional Uses; Second Floor And Above, VailTown Code, to allow for a temporary business office within the Vail Marrioft Mountain Resort on the second floor, located al 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 and Lols C & D, Morcus SuMivision, and setting forth detaib in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WarrenCampbell MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Jewitt VOTE:7-0-0 APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION 1. Thal this conditional use permit for a business office to conduct real estate sales in this location withln the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort shallexpire on June 14, 2005. Statf gave a presenlation per the memorandum. The applicant presented the proposal as well. Commissioner comment included concern over the date of occupation. 4. A request for final review of a major amendment to a special development district (SDD) pursuanl to Seclion 12-9A-10, Amendmenl Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Plaza Hotel East, localed at 100 East Meadow /Lot M, N, O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Zehren and Associates, lnc. Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Jewitt SEGOND: Kjesbo TABLED TO JUNE 8,2004 Staff gave a presentation per the memorandum pointing out the conditionsi/criteria thal were outlined within. Tim Losa, the applicant's representative, further presented the proposal, addressing each condition and the way in which it had been or was being dealt with. Doug Cahill mentioned that a tabling had been requested in order to resolve some of the outstanding issues. Greg Hall mentioned lhat there was no current access permit from CDOT and that the survey data was inconsislent. Joe Slautfer, a representative of one of the condominium associations, spoke of his concerns regarding the busyness of the proposed plan, trash deposit and removal, and parking availability for future residents. Jim Lamont, Vail Village Homeowner's representalive, had several queslions regarding the construction timing, the access roules, trash disposal, and the interconnection to the underground tunnel system, proceeding to suggest that a possible condition of approval be that all parties agree on the final access routes and options. Commissioner comments included concern over the parking requirements, the timing of the project in regard to financing, ADA accessibility, the public vs. private aspects of the proposal, and undue attention io small changes within the proposal. The applicant suggested that he would prefer to table the proposal rather than have the proposal be approved "with 36 conditions". 5. A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration or modification, pursuant to Section 12- 7H-7,Yail Town Code, and a request for a final review of a condilional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Lionshead Core Site Hotel and the operalion on a new private skier club, new lodge dwelling units and conference facilities and meeting rooms on the first floor or street level floor of a slructure, located at 675 Lionshead Place/(a complete legal descriplion is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community VOTE:7-(X) Developmenl Department upon request). Applicant: Vail Corporation Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Lamb SEGOND: Kjesbo VOTE:7-0-0 TABLED TO JUNE 28,2004 6. A request for a variance from Section 12-21-'14, Restrictions In Specific Zones On Excessive Slopes, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of driveways and surface parking in excess ol10o/o of lhe total site area, located at 2388 Garmisch Drive/Lol9, Block G, Vaildas Schone Filing 2, and setling forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Snow Now, LLC Planner: WarrenCampbell MOTION: Lamb SEGOND: Jewitt VOTE:7-0-0 TABELD TO JUNE 28,2004 7. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for the establishment of Special Development District No. 38, Manor Vail Lodge, 1o allow for the redevelopment of the Manor Vail Lodge, and a request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of Type lll Employee Housing Units, pursuanl to Section 12-6H-3, Vail Town Code, located at 595 Vail Valley Drive/Lots A, B, & C, VailVillage 7th Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicanl: Manor Vail, represented by Melick and Associates Planner: Warren Campbell MOTION: Lamb SECOND: Jewitt VOTE:7-0-0 TABLED TO JUNE 28,2004 8. A request for final review of a variance from Chapter 14-4, Residential Fire Departmenl Access Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow a structure not physically meeting the required access standards to not be sprinklered, located at2735 Snowberry Drive/Lot 12, Block 9, Vail Inlermountain and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Danlas Builders, lnc., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN 9. Approval of minutes Motlon to approve MOTION: Lamb SECOND: Jewltt VOTE:7-(X) 10. Information Updateo GRFA 11. Adjournment MOTION: Bernhardt SEGOND: Jewitt VOTE: 7-G0 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeciion during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of VailCommunity Development Department. Please call (970) 475-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department 3 Published June 11,2004,n ,n3a, o"ur. ORIGINAL June 14,2004 A final review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-7H-48, Permitted And Conditional Uses; Second Floor And Above, Vail Town Code, to allow for a temporary business office within the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort on the second floor, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Corporation; represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC.Planner: Warren Campbell SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC. is requesting a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-7H-48, Permitted And Conditional Uses; Second Floor And Above, Vail Town Code, to allow for a business office within the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort on lhe second floor, located at 7'15 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 and Lols C & D, Morcus Subdivision. The conditional use is requested 1o allow the applicant to establish a real eslate sales office for the Gore Creek Place residences which are locate south of the Vail Marriott Mounlain Resort. Based upon Staff's review of the crileria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval of lhis request subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Vail Corporation is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for a temporary business office within the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort on the second floor measuring 407 square feet. The applicant is proposing to locate a real estate sales office localed within the existing Vail Marriott Mountain Resort in a space which has no exterior pedeslrian access. The proposed location would gain access from a common hallway which leads lo an enlrance off of Wesl Lionshead Circle. A vicinity map is attached for reference (Atlachmenl A). Parking for the real estate office will be provided in lhe southeast corner of the existing West Day Lot parking lot. The applicanl is currently in the process of establishing a permanent real estate sales office within Lionshead in order lo inform the public about the various Lionshead projects and real estate purchase opportunities. Once this localion is established the real estate otfice will be removed from the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort building. lt is estimated that this will occur in approximately 150 days from the date of approval. Staff is recommending thal if this proposal is approved that it be for a period of one year which would expire on June 14,2005. The applicant's letter of request (Attachment B), floor plans ol the space, and photographs of the exlerior of the structure (Attachment C) are attached for further detail. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development il. III. REVIEWNG BOARD ROLES Order ol Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for acceptability of use and then by the DBB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Plannino and Environmental Gommission: Action: The PEC is responsible for final approval/denial of CUP. The PEC is responsible for evalualing a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of lhe Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference lo congestion, autornotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, tralfic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effecl upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district Lot area Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Miligation of development impacts Desiqn Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authori! on a CUP, but must review any accom pany i ng D R B appl ic atio n. Town Gouncil: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring thal all submitlal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. tv. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the projecl with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS A. Town of Vail Zoning Regulations Seclion 12-2: Definitions (in part) OFFICE, BUSINESS: An office for the conduct of general business and seruice activities, such as offices of real estate or insurance agents, brokers, secretarial or stenographic seruices, or offices for general busi''ness activities and transactions, where storage, sale, or display of merchandise on the premises occupies less than ten percent (10o/) of the floor area. Section 12-7H: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU-I) District (in part) 12-7H-1: PURPOSE: The Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple- family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, time shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier seruices, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create an e@nomically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial ure area. The incentives in this Zone District include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height, and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary goal of the incentives is to create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the incentives are created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. With any development/redevelopment proposal taking advantage of the incentives created herein, the following amenities will be evaluated: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle acuess, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. (Ord. 3(leee) s 1) 12-7H-4: PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES; SECOND FLOOR AND ABOVE:B. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted on second floors and higher above grade, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter l6 of this Title: Banks and financial institutions. Conference facilities and meeting rooms. Eati ng and dri nki ng establ i shme nts. Liquor stores. Personal seruices and repair shops. Professional offices, business offices and studios. Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Recreation faci lities. Retail establishments. Skier ticketing, ski school, skier services, and daycare. Theaters. Time-share units and fractional fee clubs. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. (Ord. 6(2000) $ 2: Ord. 3(1999) I 1) Section 12-16: Conditional Uses Permits (in part) Section 1 2-l 6-l : Purpose; Limitations ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permifted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. B. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan The Marriott is also governed by the development objectives as stated in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Of the six Policy Objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, stalf has identified the following objective as applicable to this proposal: 2.3.1 Renewal and Redevelopment Lionshead can and should be renewed and redevelopment to become a warmer, more vibrant environment for guests and residents. Lionshead needs an appealing and coherent identity, a sense of place, a personality, a purpose, and an improved aesthetic character. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning:Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District Land Use Plan Designation: Resort Accommodations and Services Current Land Use: Mixed Use VI. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING V. North: South: East: West: Land Use Residential Open Space Mixed Use Mixed Use Zoninq Lionshead Mixed Use-1 District Natural Area Preservation District Lionshead Mixed Use-1 District Lionshead Mixed Use-1 District vil.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The proposed real estate office is located on the second floor of a Vail Maniotl Mountain Resort within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. Therefore, this proposal is subjecl to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16, VailTown Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino Conditional Use Permits: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives ot the Town. Staff believes the proposed real eslate office is consistent with the purpose of the Lionshead Mixed Use I zone district. The real estate office is unique it that it will be solely conducting sales of unils within the Gore Greek Place development and other Vail Resorts Lionshead redevelopment projects such as the Lionshead Core developmenl. Staff believes that the proposal is consistent with the Goal 2.3.1 identified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. 2. The effect ot the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportalion facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Slaff believes the proposed real eslate office will no negative effects on the above-menlioned crileria as it will be located within an existing space of the Vail Marriotl Mountain Resort. The space proposed for the location of the real estate office is an existing space within the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort which is unfinished. 3. Effect upon trafflc with parlicular reference to congestlon, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, acoess, maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that the proposed real estate office will have no negalive effects on the above-mentioned criteria. The proposed plan is to utilize four parking spaces in the southeast corner of the existing West Day Lot parking lol. Interested parties would then walk to the real estate office. A business office which measures 407 square feet is required to have 2 parking spaces. 4. Etfect upon the character ol the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed real eslate office will have no negative impact on the character of the area including scale and bulk as it will be located within an existing space in the Vail Marriotl Mountain Resort. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before orantinq a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operaled or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each ol the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicant's request for a condilional use permit to allow for a business office within the Vail Marriotl Mountain Resort on the second floor pursuant to Section 12-7H-48, Permitled And Conditional Uses; Second Floor And Above, Vail Town Code, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Slaff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria described in Section Vll of this memo and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmenlal Commission choose to approve the applicant's requesl, staff recommends lhat the following findings be made as part ol a motion: 1. That the proposed locations of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of lhe zoning code and the purposes of the district in which lhe site is localed. 2. That the proposed locations of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve lhis request, staff recommends the following condition of approval: 1. That this conditional use permit for a business office lo conduct real estate sales in this location within the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort shall expire on June 14, 2005. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Applicant' letter dated May 2004C. Floor plans and photographs of the exteriorD. Publication Notice and Affidavit of Publication Mot1,^, ft\li, k;*b A|4. Jeo;tr tx. Uof" 'l- O oott ll' Attachment A Ma rnolt Mou ntarn Resort TemVorary New Dawn Sales Olhce Appltcatron lor Condthonal Use ?ermft May 2OO4 ATVlcant: Marrrott Mountarn Resorf (Varl Resorfs) ReVresented by: l[/ l{c] Mauriello Planning Group Attachment: B l. lnlroducbon andBackerovnd Varl Resorts rs rn the ?rocess ol eglablahtnq a ?ermanent New Dawn Sales Center n Lronshead. fhs sales center wrll allow potenttal buyers of Varl Resorbs properiles to learn aboul the vanovs redevelopmenl prolects and allow Vail Resorts the opportvnty to obbatn pre-sales tor all ol the new condomtnvms benq created. The proposed condtronal vse permft would allow a temporary sales oflve wfthrn lhe Marnott Mountarn Resort on the second Iloor above the Charter 1porf,s i?ace. Thts sales cenler wil be oVened n mrd-June and oVerate untrl the Vermanent locahon haE been establahed n the core ol bonshead. The sales offrce wrll occury 4O7 sq. ft. wrthrn the Marnott and parAnq wil be Trouded on lhe West Day Lot (2 spaces requred). f emVorary parknq (60 mrnute maxrmum) will be Vrowded n the extstnq pullout area located alonqWesb Ltonshead Crrcle ag aTproved by ?vblc Works. ll. Condftwnal UseReuew Cntena The lollowtnq $ a lrst ol the crftena that the ?lannrnq and Zonnq Commrgston s reqvrred to consrder n lhe reuew ol a Condtttonal Use ?ermft. | . Refatronshrp and mpact ol the use on lhe detrelopment oblechves' of the Town. Our Anahas: The proposed tempora4t office use wthn the Marnott Mountarn Resort p a neceseary component of the redevelopment of Lonshead. Without sales of real estate none of the redeuelopment prolects can be successful. The proposed use o located on the second f/oor of the buldnq along the southeast srde of the structure (faang east). Therefore the use comphes wth the zonng restnctpns on offrce uses. The use s not uttlnng space that could be used as wtal retarl space as thp space has no pedestrran frontage. The proposed tempora4t use E tn conformance wtth the Town's de ve lopm e n t o b1 e c h ves. 2. The ellect ol the use on hqht and ar, d.e;bnbvilon ol popvlatron, transportahon faalrtres, utrlrtres, schools, parks and ?ecreatton tactlftres, and olher pvbhc faahtres need3. ilt. Our Analvsrs: The proposed use E located wthn the enshng Marnott structure and therefore has httle, f any, mpact on the above mentpned Eeuee. 3. Ellect upon traffrc w$h ?ertucular relerence to conqeshon, atrtomohve and pedeslnan salety and conventence.. t?alfrc Uow and control, arcss. manewerabrhty, and removal ol snow lron the glreel and parhnq areas. Our Analwp: The proposed use E located wthrn the avshng Marnott structure and therefore has httle, f any, mpact on the above mentpned Esuee. 4. Ellect uTon lhe characler ol the area n whlrc;h the proTosed vse s to be located, nclvdnq the sale and bvlk oI the propaed vse n relatlon to svrroundtnq useg. Our Anal.wrs: The proposed use p located wrthn the exrshng Marnott structure and therefore has lttle, f any, rmpact on the above mentpned psues. Ap plrcabl e ? | annn a D o cvmenls Ltonshead Redevelopment Master Plan : The Marnott e qoverned by the development oblect:es ol the \onshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Of the sx Tohcy Oblectrves outhned n the \onshead Redevelopment Master ?lan, the tollowtnq oblechves are apphcable to thts proVosal: 2.3. I Renewal and Redevelopmenl Lronshead can and shovld be renewed and redeveloVment to become a waffner, more vrbranl enwronment Ior quests and restdentg. bonshead needs an apVealnq and coherent denhty, a sense of place, a personalfty, a ?vr?ose, and an tmproved aestheic character. 2.3.2 V tahty and Amenhes We mvsl Eetze lhe oVVortunty to enhance quest exTerrence and commvnly nLeracbon throuqh expanded and addttpnal actvftres and amenltes gvch as pertormrnq arts venues, conterence fiaclftreg, rce rrnks, slreelscape, parks and other recreatonal rmVrovements. I a$q\i5;+ aszx" I J dFl E: 5E'aoi+a&F I N@ No I -lli* o-n- -l!_o6:t tl-q Sales Offices 97 Main St Sutin wl04 Edf,ards, CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.2194Fax g7O.C?s.21Ef) Vail. Colorado Attachment G t.r511rJ*Y d Etrsr * cRA trfre9to< A.{t4fleAr SILrurlg ||Iqq u& cnfrxt I N) r^ -J!i ,\i* of!r' < !!l 3=ql tl I $Fg FE FET Slifer, Smith and Frampton Sales Offices '@ Maniott Mountain Resort Vail, Colorado o ru-k um'l.l i ,k ry kH ,t \F lq Marriott Temporary Sales Center Ad acent Properties Owners List TOWNOFVAIL FINANCE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 t COLORADO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 4201 E ARKANSAS AVE DENVER, CO8O222 t VAILCORP PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81657 t ENZIAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION C/O GEOFF WRIGHT 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL, CO 81657 LroN SQUARE CONDO ASSOC 660 W LIONS HEAD PL VAIL, CO 81657 t LroN SQUARE NORTH CONDO ASSOC 660 W LIONS HEAD PL VAIL, CO 81657 t MONTANEROS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION ODZAKEITH 64I W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL, CO 81657 t TEXAS TELEVISION INC PO BOX 16290 HOUSTON, TX77222 t THEA J. RUMFORD LIVING TRUST -RUMFORD, HEATHER A. & FREDERICK C. 675 FOREST RD VAIL, CO 81657 PARSONS FAMILY LLC PO BOX 497 EDWARDS, CO81632-0497 J Attachment D ADAM, NANCY SHAPIRO 4975 E PRESERVE GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80124 t MILLERS LIONSHEAD LLC 12770 MERIT DR STE 4OO DALLAS, TX75251 r t- CADOL. ROGERV. & SALLYM. -JT 9850 E PROGRESS CIR GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 boruenrrc 25l FOWLERRD FAR HILLS, NJ 07931 t MAHER, JERARD F. & JOAN S. .JT 25I FOWLERRD FAR HILLS, NJ 0793I t ENGLEMAN, JOHN S. & STEPHEN B. . HATHORN MARY M. C/O MARY M HATHORN 54I ELY RD ELY, VT 05045 t GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS INC ATTN: A. EMMET STEPHENSON, JR IOO GARFIELD ST 4TH FL DENVER, CO 80206-5550 t NANETTE S. ELENBAAS LTVING TRUST - NANETTE S. ELENBAAS TRUSTEE 3328 OAKDALE HICKORY CORNERS, MI 49060 t ANTLERS CONDOMINII.]M ASSOC 680 W LIONSHEAD PL VAIL, CO 81657 t VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 710 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL, CO 81657 t VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC SHUGHART THOMSON & KILROY PC 1050 lTTH ST STE 2300 DEln/ER. CO 80265 t EAGLE RTVERWATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP. LLC PO BOX 1127 AVON, CO 81620 t THIS ITEi' MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail wifl hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on June 14, 2004, at 2:00 Ptll in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for final review of a variance from Chapter 14-,4, Residential Fire Department Access Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow a structure not physically meeting the required access standards to not be sprinklered, located at2735 Snowberry Drive/Lot 12, Block 9, Vail Intermountain and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Dantas Builders, Inc., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: George Ruther A request for final review of a major amendment to a special development district (SDD) pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 21 , Vail Plaza Hotel East, located at 100 East Meadow /Lot M, N, O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Daymer Corporation, represented by Zehren and Associates, Inc. Planner: George Ruther A final review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 12-16, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code, to allow for a Type lll Employee Housing Unit (EHU), located at 4315 Spruce Way/Lot 6, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Steve Fischer, represented by John G. Martin, Architect, LLC Planner: Clare Sloan A final review of a variance from Section 12-6H€, Setbacks, Vail Town Code to allow for a residential addition within the setbacks, located at 483 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 58 (Texas Townhomes)/Lot 5, VailVillage Filing 4, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Hawkwood, Inc., represented by Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architects Planner: WanenCampbell A final review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-7H48, Permitted And Conditional Uses; Second FloorAnd Above, Vail Town Code, to allowfor a temporary business ofiice within the Vail Maniott Mountain Resort on the second floor, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Corp., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: WarrenCampbell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published May 28, 2004, in the Vail Daily. IOI{Nffi Type of Application and Fee: tr Rezoning $1300E Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650tr Exemption Plat $650tr Minor Amendment b an SDD 91000tr New Special Development District $6000. Major Amendment to an SDD $6000D Major Amendment to an SDD 91250 (no exteior m difr ca Aons) Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission r;;., ', '' Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax:. 970.479,2452 web: wr,vw,ci.vail,co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submiting a building permit application. Please reftr to the submittal requirements fur the partjcular approval that is requested. An apdication br Planning and Environmenbl Commission review cannot be accepted until all required infurmatjon is received by the Community Developrnent Departsnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. 'gl Conditional Use PermitD Floodolain Modificationtr Minor Exterior Alterauon! Major Exterior Alterationi DeveloDment Plantr Amendment to a Development PlanD zoning code AmendmentD VarianceD Sgn Variance REl".''::0 $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Request: Conditional Use krmit for a temmnry New Dawn hls Center within the Marriott Mountain R6ort on the s6ond floor. Location of the Proposal: Lot: 4 &7 and C& D Block:ll_ Subdivision: Vail Villaoe 3d/Morcus Sub. Physical Address:715 West Lionshead Circle Parcef No.: 210107207002 ( Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District Name(s) of Owner(s):Vail Coro. Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: PO Box 1127. Avon. CO 81640 Phone: 748-0920 E-maif Address;mauriello@comca Faxz 748-0377 For Offi Fee Paid: Planner: DaE: 05t19to4 n (J' all*l***ll.t'laiaalla**tllt+l|.t+*ttt+lr*tat+l,t*t*ata+*rrrrr+ar*rrrr*rrrrraar+*+ataa*at+atiaafttt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat@edrt 'araa'|||la'l|}llllla'a'llfarttl**l*l*tillatt'l******li**'3*t*****r****r***alr**'l****';**all*atlala*{r'}gtat€nents ![uuber: R04000586? AmouDt: $550.00 OS/24/2OO4L1:45 AM Pa]tment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation! #xo3o,MAI,RIE IO PIJaIINDICI ctRottp, rJJc Permit No: P8C040028 Type: PEC - Conditional Use Parcel No: 210107214001gite Address: 715 W IJIONSHEAD CR VAIIJ Location: 715 T{38T I,IONSHEAD CIRCI,E Total Feea: $650.00 Ehie Payment: S550.00 Total N,L, PmtsE: $650.00Balance: $0.00 altl||*lla**aa*a|il*aal*!t*llX***a+**rt**+*****rt*'l**{t*:}*l*{r**!al+'a':ltt+l't***{r******'t||l*ala*llt|l*r:} ACCOIJNTITBMLIST: Account Code Description Curnent ms PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 650.00 1. 2. Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Properfy Adilress: MARRIOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT AND SPA Effectlve Date: August 15, 2001 at 5:00 P.M, Policy to be Issued, and hoposed Insured: Information Binder Proposed hsured: TO BE DETERMINED Our Order No. VC?:RSll Cust. Ref.: The estate or interest in the land described or referred to ln this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fec Simple Title to the estate or intercst covered hereln is at the dfec{iYe date hereof vesled in: HMC ACQUISITION PROPERTIES, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is dcscribed as follows: SEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION 3. 4. oo Our Order No. VC273511 IEGAL 0ESCRlPTt0ttl PARCEL 1: CONDOMINIUM LODGE UNTT. THE MARK/LODGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMENDED DECTARATION OF CONDOMINruM FOR THE MARISLODGE RECORDED OCTOBER 17,INS IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE @6 AND MARCH 22, 1979 IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 344 AND THE CONDOMINruM MAP FOR TI{E MARK/LODGE RECORDED MARCH 27, IN4IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 930 AND THE AMENDED PLAT OF THE SITE PLAN FOR THE MARK/LODCE RTCORDED OCTOBER 17, 1978 IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 607, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO, PARCEL 2: A PART OF LOT 4, BLOCK I, VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING AND PART OF LOTS C AND D, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF VAIL, EACLE COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRJBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNINC AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT C; THENCE ALONG THE LINE COMMON TO SAID LOT C AND LOTS A AND B, MORCUS SUBDTVISION, SOUTH 16 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 399.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.69 FEET: THENCE NORTH 16 DEGREES l7 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 3.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 210.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 22 DEGREES 38 MINTIIES 4l SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 140.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 2l MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 135.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 260.43 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RICHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE A D]STANCE OF 129.67 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A 392.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT AND WHOSE CENTRAL ANCLE IS 18 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 10 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS SOUTH 87 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 129.08 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: CONDOMINIUM UNIT NOS. A THROUGH L, INCLUSIVE, AND THE LODGE UNIT THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB (A CONDOMINIUM) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDOMINruM DECLARATION PGCORDED MARCI{ 14, I98O IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE I83, AND TI{E CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED MARCH 14, 1980 IN BOOK 3OO AT PACE 184, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl @equircrnents) Ilrc following are the requirements to be complied with: Onr Order No. VCn3sll Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or iderest to be iosured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or ioterest io be insued must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessmems levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requiranents, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMM ITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions)Our Order No. VC2735ll The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easeme s, 9j gleim5 of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discreparrcies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmenB, and any facts which a correct survey and irspectiou of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for sewices, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, Iiens, encumbrances, advcrse claims or other matters, ifany, crcated, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or ifterest or mortgage thereon covered by tbis Commiunetrt. 6. Taxes or special irsses$neots which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mongage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI,JND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMTSES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEM RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 RIG}TI OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BYTHE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24' 1904' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4, 1E23 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE' BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX. HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPI UNDER CHAP'TER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO IIANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 15. I97I, IN BOOK 22I AT PAGE 99I AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 12, lW, IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE 453. UTILITY EASEMENT 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF LOT 4 AND LOT 5, BLOCK I, IO FEET IN WIDTI{ ALONG THE EAST LOT LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK I AND A PORTION OF THE SOUTHERIY MOST CORNER OF LOT ?, BLOCK I AS SHOWN ON THE 9. 10. ll. 12. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xccptiors)Our Order No. VC273511 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptioru to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satidaction of the Company: RECORDED PLAT OF VAILiUONSHEAD. THIRD FILING. 13. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 FEET IN W]DTH ALONG THE SOUTI{ LOT UNE OF LOT 7, BLOCK I VAIL/L]ONSHEAD. THIRD FILINCAS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT. 14. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1978, IN BOOK 269 AT PAGE 202 AND AUGUST 30, 1982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGEY2? AFFECTS LOT 7, BLOCK I VAIULIONSHEAD, THIRD FIUNG AND LOT C MORCUS SUBDIVISION UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO CABLEVISION ASSOCTATES VI, D/3/A HENTAGE CABLEVISION INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 20. 1983. IN BOOK 360 AT PAGE 42. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIULIONSHEAD FIFTH FILING. UTILITY EASEMENT AFFECTING THE SOUTHWESTERLY PORTION OF LOT D, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF MORCUS SUBDIVISION. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK-LODGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A NOT-FOR.PROFIT COLORADO COPORATION AND M-K CORPORATION, ACOLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED OCTOBER I7 , IE78IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 608. AFFECTS PARCELS I AND 3 TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN M-K CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION AND THE MARK.LODGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC, RECORDED OCTOBER 17, I978IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 609. AFFECTS PARCELS I AND 3 15. 16. tI. 18. 19. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptiors)Our OrderNo. YC2735ll The policy or policic to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfac-tion of the Company: 20. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO NOT FOR PRORT CORPORATION AND M.K CORPOMTION, A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED IVLY 27.1982 IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 463. AFFECTS PARCETS 2 AND 3 21. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE M.K CORPORATION. A COLORADO CORPORATION AND THE MARK RESORT AND TENNI CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED JULY 27, 1982IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 464. AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 3 22. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTRICTIONS, CONTA]NED IN AMENDED DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED OCTOBER I7 , IN9, N BOOK 276 AT PAGE 606 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMBNT RECORDED MARCH 22, 1979, IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 344. UPON RECEIPT OF A WAIVER OF THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL CONTAINED IN SAID DECLARATION TTTE FOLLOWING NOTE WILL BE ADDED TO THE POLICY TO BE ISSUED HEREIN: .THE TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL PROVISION HAS BEEN CONPUED WITH." 23. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP OF THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED MARCH 14, 1980 IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 184. EASBMENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRIC"TIONS AS SHOWN ORRESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THE MARK LODGE RECORDED MARCH 27 , 1974IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 930 AND AMENDED PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 17,I978IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE ffi1. 24. ?{ oo ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Soction2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VC2?35IL The policy or pollcies to be isued will contain exceptiols to the following unless the same are dispmed of to the satisfactlon of the Company: 26. ENCROACHMENT OF CONCRETE AND POOL ONTO UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED JIJNE 19. 19y2 BY INTER.MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING LTD.. PROJECTNO. 9255 S. 27. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF MEMORANDUM OF MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED MAY 18, 1999 AT RECEPTION NO. 696363. ,'- I IIE [\ & VnrL ResoRTS DEVELOPMENT CovPANY C o tt srR U cr to N D E PART M E N T Moy 19,2004 George Ruther, AICP Chief of Plonning Town of Voil 75 Soulh Frontoge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: Moniott Renovotion Deor George: The purpose of this letler is to clorify ihe inieni of lhe renovotion of the spoce wilhin lhe Moniott locoted obove the Chorter Sports (see otioched plon). An opplicolion for building permii hos been submitled ond is pending opprovol by the Building Division. The proposed use of the spoce is for office use for the Moriott Resort, which is o permilted use within this building. The plons submilted indicote thot the spoce is lo be used os o soles cenler. The owner would like to moke renovolions pursuont lo the proposed plons to ollow this io be o generol Moniotl office use, however, in the event lhe Plonning ond Environmentol Commission opproves the spoce os o lemporory reol esiote sole center then lhe use Wll be converled to o soles center. We hope you will occepl this letter ond ollow lhe pending building permil to be releosed in lhe next doy or so. I greolly oppreciole your ossislonce with lhis opplicotion.*KW^r%'-'' VRDC Project Monoger /.^./-*\/_\.- V^r! Ri ro ir.' Vail Resorts Development Company. 137 Benchma* Ro8d. Post Office Box 959. Avon, Colomdo 81620-0959. (970) 845-235O'fax (970) 845-2358 ' www.snow.com Vail ' Breckenidge . Keystoneo . Beaver Creeko 'Bachelor Gulcho ' Arrowhead a Vo* V//aq, a /y)oob?Arh;,4 Design Review Board I ,-;) ACTION FORM DeparEnent of Community Development 75 Sorith frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prc'EGt NA'ne: MARRIOTT PARKING STRUCTURE ENTRY CHANG DRB T{UMbCT: DRBO'IO'II2 Prot€ct Decolptlon: NEW PARKING STRUG'TRE ENTRY CONTROL GATE FOR THE DCSITING MARRIOTT PARKING STRUCruRE AND WEST DAY LOT. Pardcipants: APPUCANT MAURIEIIO PLANNING GROUP, U08/16/2004 Phone: 970-7,18-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 Llcense: C000001697 OWNER VAIL @RP 08/15/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: ProJect Address: 516 FOREST RD VAIL LocaUon: 612 rcRESI PLACE Legal Deccrlprdon: Lo$ A"4 Bbclc SubdlvlCon: Marriott Parcalllumber: 210107200004 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Modon By: Acdon: SIAFFAPR S€cond By:Vob: Dab of Approval: 10/06/20O4 Condldons: Cond: 8 (Pt AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Torrn of Vail stafi and/or the appropriate reviev', committee(s). Oond; 0 (P|-AN): DRB apprwal does not onstitute a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vall Building personnel prior to construction adivities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Gond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (l) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued tomrd cornpletion, @nd: CONfl)06683 THE APPUCANT SHALL RESTRICT ATI PARKING/LOADING AND DELIVERY IN THE AREA IDEITNRED AS A VEHICIJ|-AR TURN-AROUND FOR VEHTCLES NOT PROCEEDING THROUGH THE GATES CftiE ARr TO THE NORTHEAST OF THE NEW GATES ADJACENT TO THE MARRIOTT STRUCruRE). IN ORDER T INFORM THE PUBUC AND CONFERENCE PARTICIPANTS THATTHE AREA IS NOTTO BE USED AS A LONG TERM PARKING AREA THE APPUCANT SHALL INSTALL A SIGN WHICH MEASURES NO MORE THAII ONE SQUARE FOOT WHICFI STATES THAT THE AREA IS FOR LOADING AND DELIVERY ONLY I A 15 MINUTE MANMUM TIME PERIOD. Cond: CON0006684 THE APPUCANT SHAII INSTALL A MINIMUM s-GALLON SHRUB IN FRONT OF THE NEW GATE STRUCruRE IN fiE EAST SIDE OF THE EI.ITRY DRIVE. IN THE A/ENT ANY SHRUBS ARE DAMAGED DURING THE INSTAI.J.ATION OF THE NEW GATES THE APPUCANT SHATL REPIACE THEM WITII A I'IINIMUM OF A s€AI.ION SHRUB FOR EACH PI.ANT REMOVED OR DAMAGED. Planner: Waren Campbell DRB Fee Pald: $20.00 ruwt) Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Informationl All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesteA. Rn a-piication ior Design Revievrr cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmlnt. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Control Gate Relocation for Marrioft parking shucture. Location of the Proposal: Lot: A,B, C. DBlock:_ Subdivision:Morcus Sub. Physical Addrcss: 790 West Lionshead Circle Parcel No.: 2L0L07207002 (@ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District Name(s) of Owner(s): Vail Coro. Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address; PO Box 1127. Avon. CO 81620 Phone: 970-748-0920 E-maif Address: mauriello@comcast.net Faxi 970-749-0977 Mailing Address: PO Box 7, Vail CO 81658 TYpe of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New ConstructionD Addition tr Minor Alteration (muki-family/com mercial) tr Minor Alteration (singl+family/du plex) El' Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request )footoftotar sign area. R E c: lV E D No Fee ,. r o $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, ek. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee *lr+l:laaltl**l|tlaa*'il**ltti**t*a***fta'taaatta*t*taat*tta+***r**rtll+**aarfiaarlalrrr|'rf*ral TOWNOFVAIL, @LORADO Statement al'aa*al**tlaltfa**aa'a**aaal**l*l**a*rlra*1ltlar{r*+tla{r+'a'Jll*'a****lal*t*a**l+ll**t+aa**++'t**{.*** gtatement lnsber: R040006427 Atr|outt: $20.00 o8/L6/2oo4L0:56 Al,t Paymeat lletsbod: Check Init: dIS Notaelon: #1062 /T{AT'RIBIJIo PLAIINING CROUP Permlt No: DRBO40412 T!pe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel Nos 2L0107200004gl.te Mdress: 515 FORTST RD VAIL IJocatlon: 512 FOREST PIACE Total Feea: $20. O0 Thls Payment: $20.0o Totsal ALL, PnEa: $20.00Balance: 90.00la*ll+:.**t**aa*ttrlta|r|tla**rla*raar*a**a****art*at**l+ar**l{r!r:t'tt}*a***t**'l*l+'taflta*art**a*** ACCOLJNT ITEIvI LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REViEW FEES 20.00 . hlI(Jo' sEq<sE>*6 . -:g! -"t \ i'l EslI tl F'l irft ilrii*prEEEt .-a;:lL.3S. .NE{I ffii r NE n ; it 'ill I\\Urtl $\t ) { /' I 1f I ,{.;'r, I24) t<I a.a :-\;'rI -t\l, E3,\ \\\\; ,ll \',\ \ttrl 'i! L ,,,1 \\\ltli ,\ r\t r\\-li j ',t,tJ\ \:'/ L . \ \ \l E\tt\\ \\rUr'-\\\q i\\ rr',\r \. r ! \\q _\\ ri\i\r,irlr ______\ h t,t,i\.'ii q t \,\\\\ \J i\ rr\\ i.t.1t'i. ,\. rt\i\ d!',\ jr\lt:, -,,,-an\\ '- lll\ -,f''r\//,r'.\,\, \ / ,r /' f8--'^'tr\ .'I \ .X ,\ r\\t \ \1\\r) \ ,r \\t , ;.!l),\r/ '5i$,\ri iF't\r ".j\\P-;--"*s _ -- '\r( . 'r- r3r',, -----\qi-\l(s\v t\ -\'. -'... \\ \\\ i ti',, /\ '\l\ tt /\ \r /\ IU\ I r/ll Al' 'ii{t*" \:\ il I\\ I\ir\ \ "-*-- '.\- I l l\ 1r t,-=t-ti i l8:l,' 3'ro-----\ i EErt s9\ *ir"---9? t,"".'ors'*'- .^' *ot EIn--''-tffin" i,..l"ci"ti\l\ \--__-_)_-_2:z--'-'-ffi ) 'S'.- I \ \ll\rr 'l \\'\ ii\ !b\ i !.'.Y I 'l'..).*i\ I t-'r-)'&:\ 1 I ' i'l ,-r{ oPuoloJ 1l!A J.Or lvorstAr ovtHsNon ffi .?t +r9 +cr,w ll ',f- tr I HU$-=:-, ] \ ---r"..\ X,/\!7 ., t, \[/'i ".5t', ' Q\,t dJlir 'l i..l I r)rl-l--: rf;'f,t ";,. '..,f ,'T'. ,i3 :f: j" "1.,;;".dl*:ifi.- , Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com August 26,2004 Mauriello Planning Group c/o Dominic Mauriello PO Box 1127 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Mariott new parking structure entry gates located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Marriott Subdivision and Lots C and D; Morcus Subdivision Mr. Mauriello, This letter is to summarize lhe comments of the staff in regards to you proposed relocation of the entry gates to the existing Marriott parking struclure. Their commenls were as follows. r Please provide cut sheets of the proposed gates and technical data regarding the gates. This will be reviewed by the Fire Department and Public Works for operation, safety, and emergency access. Community Development will provide the information to the Design Review Board for the eslhetics.. Please provide site which are drawn to scale showing the locations of the gates (Marriott and West Day Lot).. The location ot the gate on the West Day Lot should be located far enough into the property to allow for staging of vehicles.. Statf has concerns that the location of the gates does not provide a lost driver any ability to turn around. You have stated that they could back into the area located just south ol West Lionshead Circle. However, slaff does not believe this is a viable alternative as there is some loading and delivery vvhich occurs there. Individuals conducting conferences are encourage to have there loading and delivery occur in that area as there is direct access down to lhe conference space. Please provide greater detail on your plan lo deal with lost drivers. Your application will be scheduled on an agenda once plans addressing all the above commenls have been received and reviewed by staff. Please review these commenls and if you have any queslions regarding this letter please conlact me a1970-479-2148. With, regards, /aa)wu" L Warren Campbell Senior Planner {p^"""t't""" Cc: File TOI4'T'T) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Oommunity Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te/: 970.479.?139 faxt 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Aoiect r"ln", y'Lni + Ilnbl tfuss tl"ll CW+, DRB Number: DRB0403ee 9"wth €hzur'{ian Project Description: - Request to increase the size of a common area walharay on the south elevation, at grade, in association with Planning and Environmental Commission review of a CUP to convert exisiurg racquetball courts to conference space. Participants: OWNER VAMHC INC 08/10/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL08/10/2004 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: Project Address: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL bcation: 715 WEST LIONSHEAD CR Legal Deecrlpdon: loff 4&7 Block Subdivision: Maniottand Morcus Parcel lfumber2 zlOtO72L4c/JI Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Margaret Rogers Action! APPROVED Second By: JoeHanlon Vote: 5-0-0 DateofApprovalz O8lLBl2O04. Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of flnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and lsdllbenty atrstted touvard compledon. @nd: @N0flF622 The applkant shall maEh the dlmenslons of the new olumns b thce odsilE ard a minlmum of a !.4 Inch dlmension must be presant fiom the frr d the columns b the fae of the glass window q/stem. Radsed phns depicilng trcse revisions shal be subnltbed b staff for revlary and apprcval prior to suhnltlng for a bulldlng perrrh Plrnnor: Wan€n Cam@ll DRB Fcc Pald: S25O,OO RECEIVED ., lA TOIIIN Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Informationi All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request: New glass wall on oool level - south elevation. Bump-out existing olass wall. -t Location of the Proposal: Lot:-AnB,€JBlock:_ Subdivision: Morcus Sub. Physical Address: 790 West Lionshead Circle Parcer t{o.: ;natfrffir* (contact rrrtl3;lrr?3oij, rrf,S!-8640 ror parcet no.) Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use l District Name(s) of Owner(s):Vail Coro. Mailing Address: PO Box 7, Vail CO 81558 Phone: 845-2369 Owner(s) Slgnature(s): Name of Applicant: Represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Mailing Address: PO Box 1127. Avon, CO 81620 Phone: 970-748-0920 E-maif Address: mauriello@comcast.net Fax: 970-748-0377 Type of Review and Fee; tr tr tr tr tr D tr Signs Concepfual Review New Consbuction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 per Euare foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. ttaalll*'ttal*taaalll**l*lf*||lltat';tat**ata*rttttt****tttttltt*tttt*,r*at**'i*ta*l*tl+'.ralaf||ala TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€mcnt '}*rartllt**tfllla'l'l:ll+**lt**ti*+*at'lt*t**rri******';***r*r***r{rar'}ta'}t**tar*ra****f*a'}aa*a'a'ai*gtat€nent ltunber: R0{0006391 emonrt 3 $250.00 o8/Lo/2oo4L2:09 PM Patm€nt Mcthod: Check *1o58/IATJRIELIJO PIJAIININE GROT'P fnit: iIS NogatioD: Permit t{o: DRB0|0399 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,eorm,/rnrlti Total Peee: $250.00 Total AIJIJ lhEB: s250.00Balance: $0.00 *llat+'la:l**aaa*aaaa*a*raltrt*tr*art'tt+**'itt****rat*t'!!r*t****r****r*alr'l*t'}+a**a*a*rlit*'ltl*faalt* ACCOUNT ITEXvI LIST: Account Code Current futs 0R 00100003112200 DEsrcN REvrEr.r FEES 250. 00 Parcel [o: 210107214001 Slte lddrees: ?15 lf IJIdSHEAD CR VAfIr LocatLom: ?15 r|EgT IJIONSHEAD CR Itia Pal,ment: $250.00 DescriDtion ;/> | ,.{rs,,f F15 *z _]$ :J L SLE a)j !C2 $A \$lJas s'z F x I II I I t ,E g il$ s 8{ H3 ili 8{H3 * $E =EP6 u,I*- ;dolrl.o]tr TLtL t.{ t- E. $x d s t-str o J J(.2 )})bss +9 $ Nost-\- is *_ .a 69t2',926'016 :xel t6lz'926.026 :euoqd ze9l8 oc 'spre^ p3 tolM qtns ts uleN /6 opEJoloc lrBn uoseu lren ilouJenl (U(l) o-d o896F tL- 5E9338 Z fi HEo EE'A Ao9t Nr I\<0UouJeU\I @ stuoog Ouueeyq :;F :LL E*i F \y I $iyi G os{iiF@:-5oi*ultJv>>zLuOaE ffPa o Ff-'s- t\\. l. d+ F €<3 3+ F \ \ Ir R\s \ri Jg, tg <+ J 3\)7 d \5 z. Js- tt-lI =s ---l I I luMq4lLo 9d+R =trul<zv obl r5!l).Ea o $ tl \sEPo =o-ts^ P -' E' $l\ (f!(BlI)=lP5lllr $ |ll| L) I EE;$ eSs '.,FT$rL 5.9ci-s .s Y 3$$rRTtN r $5it33P qE fl5rr\ rof),8-"i {l.- s),n ,6 tL + ii<+!+tnoBPE FFdTs $$ $$t3f E,F3 .PBJP;Hibrl\t" 5!ilO\: *',, *--i E S TSE S$ 93Elt $$ $$..i3iE'fS IOI4'Nff Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us Proiect Name: MARRIOTT PARKING GAMGE MODIFICATION DRB Number: DR8040351 Project Description: Exisitng Mariott parking structure modifcations to allow for a new entry on the east elevation for the lowest level. In conjunction with this application a new parking layout was approved as sweral spaces were eliminated with the modifications and Participants: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL07 126 12004 Phone: 970-748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620. License: C000001597 OWNER VAMHC INC Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 ProjectAddress: 715 W UONSHEAD CRVAIL Locataon3 715 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE l€gEf D€scription: loh ,1&7 Block Snbdlvlsion: Marriott ,/ft)rrorr* Par€l Number: 21010721,1001 / Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second BylVote: DateofApproval:08/18/2004 Conditions: Oond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Condr CON0006614 The applicant shall match all new concrete walls to the color of the exisitng parking structure and all handrails shall be painted to match oristing handrails. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 IOI4'NT) Changes to Separation tr tr tr New Cor Addition Minor Al (multFf; Minor Al $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 $20 No Fee Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2t39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The poect may also lneed to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review one year of the lapses unless a building permit ls issued and construction commences within Description the Request: Access modifications to Marriott parking structure and new parking Location of Subdivision: MorcusSub. Physieal 790 West Lionshead Circle (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Vail Coro. Mailing Owner(s) Name ofAppl nt: Mailing PO Box 1127. Avon, CO 81620 Phone: 970-748-0920 E-mail mauriello@comcast.net Faxt 970-748-0377 and Fee:Type of tr Signs Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. D Conceotual commercial) RECEIVED ,t,i /duplex) Prop€rty Addrcss: MARRIOTT 1. Effedive Date: 2. Policy to be Issued, Information Binrlcr Proposcd lnsured: TOBE Cticago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT OurorderNo. VC2735ll Schedule A Cust. Ref.: RESORTAND SPA 15, 2001 at 5:00 P.M. Insured: the land dcscrlbed or rderred to in this Commltmmt and covereil herdn is: covervd berdn is at the dfedive date hereof vcted ln: PROPERTIES, INC,, A DELAWARE CORPORATION ln tbis Commilment is described as follows: GE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPNON Our Order No. YC2735l1 IEGAI DESCBIPTIOIT PARCEL I: CONDOMINIUM LODGE UNM, TI{E MARK/LODGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMENDED DECLARATION OF CONDOMINruM FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED OCTOBER 17.INS IN BOOK 276 KTPACE 606 AND MARCH 22, INg IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 3,I4 AND THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED MARCH 27,IN4 N BOOK 233 AT PAGE 930 AND THE AMENDED PLAT OF THE SITE PLAN FOR THE MARK/LODCE RECORDED OCTOBER 17. 1978 IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 607, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: A PART OF LOT 4, BLOCK I, VAIULIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING AND PART OF LOTS C AND D, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF VAIL. EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT Cr TIIENCE ALONG THE LINE COMMON TO SAID LOT C AND LOTS A AND B, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, SOUTH 16 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 399.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.69 FEET: THENCE NORTH 16 DEGREES 17 MTNUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 3.15 FEET: THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 210.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 22 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 4l SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 140.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST ADISTANCE OF 135.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTI{ 83 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 260.43 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 129.67 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A3Y},OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT AND WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 18 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 10 SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS SOUTH 87 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 129.08 FEETTO THETRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: CONDOMINruM UNIT NOS. A THROUGH L, INCLUSIVE, AND THE LODGE UNIT THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB (A CONDOMINIUM) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED MARCH 14, I98O IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 183, AND THE CONDOMINruM MAP RECORDED MARCH 14, I98O IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE I84, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl @cquiremants) The following are thc requlreorents to be complted with: Our Order No. Vcn3sll Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the graotoni or mortgagors of the full consideration for the esBte or interest b be itrsurcd. Itan @) Proper instrumen(s) creating tlre estate or intercst to be iruured must bc executed and duly filed fur record, to-wit: Itcn (c) Payment of dl taxes, charges or assessmerB levied and assessal against the subject prcurises wbich arc duc and payable. hem (d) Additional rcquiremcnts, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POUCY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO, ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptiors) Our Order No. Vc2:l35ll Tbe policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptioru to the fotlowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfactlon of tlie Company: l. Righs or claims of panies ia posession not showtr by the public records. 2. EasemenB, or clains of easemens, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflics in boundary lircs, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a corect survey and hspection of fte premises would disclor and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imFosed by law ard not shown by the pub.lic records. 5, Defecs, liens, encunbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appeadng ia the public rccords or attaching subsequent to the eftctive date hereof but prior to the date the proposcd insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thcreon covered by this Commitment. 6, Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as exisring liens by the public records.o the Trcasurer's office. 7. Uens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, fte owner's policy will be subject to the mongage, if any, noted in Section I of Scheilule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOI,JLD T}IE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTIED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER4. 1923IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 9E II, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOTT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORJGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECflON 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOft DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 15. 1971, IN BOOK22I AT PAGE 991 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST I2, IN7,IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE 453. 12. UTILITY EASEMENT 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF LOT 4 AND LOT 5, BLOCK I, IO FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE EAST LOT LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK 1 AND A PORTION OF THE SOUTHERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 7. BLOCK 1 AS SHOWN ON THE ALTA COMM ITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions)OurOrderNo. YC2735ll The policy or pollcles to be lssued will contein excqltions to the following unless thc same are disposed of to the satlsfaction of the Company: 20. TERMS, CONDITTONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AND ENCROACHMEM AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN TIiE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION AND M.K CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED ruLY 27,1982IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 463. AFFECTS PARCEIS 2 AND 3 21, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ACREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN T1IE M.K CORPORATION. A COLORADO CORPORATION AND THE MARK RESORT AND TENNI CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED IVLY 27.1982 IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 464. AFFECTS PARCEIJ 2 AND 3 22. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTRICTIONS, CONTAINED IN AMENDED DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED OCTOBER 17,INg,IN BOOK276 AT PAGE 606 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 22, I99, IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 344. UPON RECEIPT OF A WAIVER OF THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL CONTAINED IN SAID DECI.ARATION THE FOLLOWING NOTE WILL BE ADDED TO THE POUCY TO BE ISSUED HEREIN: .TIIE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE RIG}IT OF FIRST REFUSAL PROVISION HAS BEEN CONPLIED WITH." N, EXISTINC LEASES AND TENAI{CIES. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN ORRESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIT'M MAP OF TIIE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED MARCH 14, I98O IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE 1E4. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINruM MAP FOR THE MARK LODGE RECORDED MARCH 21, IN4IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 930 AND AMENDED PT.AT RECORDED OCTOBER I7 , INS IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 6t7. 24. 25. 15. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptiors)Our Order No. VCn3Sll The policy or policics to be issued wlll contain exceptions to the following unless the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: RECORDED PLAT OF VAIUUONSHEAD. THIRD FILING. 13, PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF LOT 7, BLOCK I VAIL/LTONSHEAD, THTRD FILING AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT. 14. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 19, 1978, IN BOOK 269 AT PAGE 2O2 AND AUGUST 30, 1982IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 922 AFFECTS LOT 7, BLOCK I VAIL/LIONSHEAD. THIRD FILING AND LOT C MORCUS SUBDTVISION UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO CABLEVISION ASSOCIATES VI. D/B/A HERITAGE CABLEVISION INC. IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1983, tN BOOK 360 AT PAGE a, EASBMENTS, RESERVATIONS. AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN ORRESERVED ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD FIFTH FILING. UTILITY EASEMENT AFFECTING THE SOUTHWESTERLY PORTION OF LOT D, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF MORCUS SUBDIVISION. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK-LODGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A NOT-FOR.PROFIT COLORADO COPORATION AND M-K CORPORATION. A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED OCTOBER I7 , 1978IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 608. AFFECTS PARCETS I AND 3 TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS COMAINED IN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN M.K CORPORATION, ACOLORADO CORPORATION AND THE MARK.LODGE CONDOMIMUM ASSOCIATION INC. RECORDED OCTOBER 17. INS IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 609, AFFECTS PARCELS 1 AND 3 16. 11. 18. 19. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptiors)Our OrderNo. VC273Sll Tlre policy or pollcies to be issued wlll conrain exceptiorc to the followlng unless the seme are dlsposed of to the saildadlon of the Cornpany: 26. ENCROACHMBNT OF CONCRETE AND POOL ONTO UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED JUNE 19. $N BY INTER.MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING LTD., PROJECT NO, 92255 S. N. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF MEMORANDTJM OF MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED MAY 18, 1999 AT RECEPTION NO. 696363. l+**alal'a**alaltaa'|taa**al*l*'.alt*lllall*ll+'t********'a*+**r3****'|**l+'.al*l**lt*l+'irf*at*artra*t TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statcmcart st+tcnent t{uob€r: Ro{000527? AtnouDt: $20.00 07/26/2001]-0:53 AI'{ Peltment Method: Check Init: iIS Nouation: *1055,/}'AT'RIEIJJO PIJAIItrING OROUP Petilits tro: Dn8040351 Tylre: DRB-Chg to eqpr Plars Parcel No: 2LOLO72O7OO2'slte Addre6.: rrocatLon: ?90 rYEsT LxoNgHEAD crRcIJE Total Peea: $20.00 Tbia Palmelrt: $20.00 Total AIJ& mEa: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts DR OO1OO()O31122OO DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES 20.00 r:!E \ ;:li!'. !! -. .li t \, ,1,'t,I r l. ! ''- ' {tIt i ttFG*r 't'l ,:;::-iilt..i :.'. **!.5 - ''t:" I :_t l t;' a-J '( ri i ,lrl/n !-- (\ (Y\_-/ L_Z-'.\ Z- =---^/Yrra#tr=xtf-eLrr>"6 -J\ )</ <= z-a {..:l- L!i]lsul J =Y .,^ xz.>l'l:"': .. -)<L!\-E-M'?< |'=n ,, ttt z-'--\ az=U;tL!=FE O-A ulF trJv.Oz. N l a = J-) t= Ii- t.,.1FrL!i5=zz6 E.l z O LItda o_ E. |I)M z O (Jz qx LrJ J,z. l<"zF< LrJ EJF<2.>Ld otda o_ E. o_ oL!l!FA LL) O-(-)ILOz>0ao<o_C)g Ja E.o E. l f F6z z o- a- 2-! .r{,{, z\17 \3 { rf d'P ft:;-&- * I a z F Vt L! ZY =Jtn4:..:=.x, -,t,l u-ooat--trlFF(J rd LrJ Ez<)zz + 3Hvi i.t )" #<d5=ozyO'OU o_ o u^) ,Fz. E.o I \!T1"t:1 ^it.{> lJ .r, w Ar ,\4.. x) :{ L0'0r*p'xSUut-.{g$go1^egiso,i1i6rnp\ tfi$A$nOI\:d trJ *.z OO()nv tn \J" l'YA"i, 9;":;torb E. LTJ .g l\tN N \; f, $ J $ S\( es tr ,o R \ g R. r11 n,lt \ )r \R \ t0 \ F c 0 vl lb.s $- \F \ d S j t \ 3t (r tr{ I r$ N \o N \\ t$ 3 \. \Ssoq(ri; uets \=\ $ s( \ \.vl \ \ $\5 $ as ,\ t\ R \ lfil{cl Itlauriello Flanning Group Avqust 13,2OO4 Warren Canpbell, AICP Senor ?lanner Town of Varl 75 South Frontaqe Road Varl, Colorado 6l657 Re: Marnott Parktnq - Rewed Letter Dear Waren: I am proudnq ths revsed letter to you to docvmenl the Marrpft's parkrnq requrements and the parktnq prouded onete. The plans have chanqed and there were some tnaccvractes wrth the preuous leLter. The Marnott cvrrently conlatns the tollownq uses: o 27e hotel rooms (Ver approved sLudy dated October 30, 2OO3)c 35 dwelhnq vnfts (per approved study daLed October 30, ZOO3)o A hotel restaurant wfth a sealtnq area ol 2,4OO sq. ft.c A Charter Spofts retal slore serynq the hotel oI 3,250 sq. tt., neto A hotel bar wfth a seahnq area oI 3OO sq. ft..t Conlerence 5?ace wfth a seatrnq area totalnq | 4,461 sq. tt.o other hotel tvncbong and vges that are not nclvded n calculaf,rong lor ?arktnq A condtuonal use Permt applcatton haE been submttted to add an addtronal 5,2OO sq. ft. ol conlerence room seatrnq area. The varhnq requred for all of lhese vses, nclvdnq the provosed conterence room s?ace s 297 parktnq 3?ace5 (see altached spreadsheetwfth calcvlatron detail). PO Box 1127'Avon, CO 81620.Offce: 97G748-O92o.Fax: g7o-748-09n.&lt: 97G376-3318.maude o@comcast.nel The Marrrott te ?ro?o nq to modfiy the parktnq strvcture tor a new accegg and p ?ro?ostnq to reuge the valet parhnq layovt wrthn the parktnq gtructvre to the wegt oI the hotel (plans are attached detainq the parkrnq layout). Te valel plan shown rs consstent wfth valet vlans approved for olher redevelopment prolects. wrth thrs rewsed parhnq plan, the parhnq vrouded at the Marnott, E detaied as follows: a a a a a Tarknq under marn hof,el butldtnq Parhnq provded n porte cochere M ar nott ? arktnq Stru ctvr e : o Standard s?aceso Valet s?aces o Compact5paces o tlandtcaplADA New WDL s?aces adlacent lo strvctvre Total parhnq prouded for Marrrott 55 (45 standardsllO compact) 5 t50 (46Vo) 26 (l lVo nclvdnq lO rn Marnott) 7 3 | 4 spaces Therelore the Marnott Mountarn Resort has an excess of | 7 parktnq spaces on- I hope thrs docvment clarfircs the parktnq reqvred tor the Marnott Mountarn Resort. Domrnrc F. Maunello, AICP PnnaVal Srncerely, PO Box 1127'Avon, CO 81620.Otrce: 97G74&O92OrFax: 970-7484977.Ce|t: 97G.370-3318.maurietto@comcast.net Existi Uses # or Sq. Ft.Parking Ratios Req'd uondominlum Unuts'35 1.40000 49.0 Hotel Rooms'276 0.70000 193.2 Existing Converence Centei 14481 0.00303 43.9 New Meeting Rooms Proposed 5200 0.00303 15.8 Restraurant 2400 0.00400 9.6 Bar 300 0.00400 1.2 Retail 3250 0.00230 7.5 Sub total 320.1 Mixed Use Credit 7.50o/o -24.O TotqtRequlretFarking-296.1 'Based on Document approved by TOV dated October 30, 2003 Parklng ExistingatnErrlotl-# Fone Co-ch-ere 5 Maniott Basement - Standard 45 Maniott Basement - Compact 10 Pa*ing Structure - Valet 150 Parking Structure - Standard 56 Parking Structure - Compacl 26 Parting Structure - Handicap WDL 15 TotCl 314 t I fiHliinll *{nffiffifi1 {t,*r r!lil- i5!It * i,$ - -'\e I Il r lrl ! n ilih 'Erlof{:td | 9t{tcntJlct IUO€EI l NlVjtlflol,{ J.l,OEtetW.l .lt VA $',l)t- id t ; -r_------- ------l- ? s:: liiiii t I II I I I H it I ,lil li @r oavztlt€)'1tYA Trrc[.Eraa t9Ntcntn€r JtlOg=Dl NlvrNno[^l J.JrEfetW.t .1t\/^@ttrE I,| eiaeE6'0tt [l tCl?lUt'olJt :f,nu ?setg 0o 'rFrr,{9gtoH qlrg l8 uF|| t6 opBloloS lls^ uoseu [En DqxBn Ie iE *ltfrr .2g.g 9Er-( sEg lloprBtr{ @ suoou Dugeen =O Y'.ffiffir#F ad tr aq eEL4 $E :{ ci F; c= tt'u $$ggs i:" 8i Meeting Rooms @ Maniott Etlild!8tAraWllXE6'nb. CO SlCg Pllqr: 0?O.&f,.2194Fe f,,7o.g&Aa MariottVail Resort Vail Colorado @= gg- $FgEs t5 Meeting Rooms @ Maniott 97 |h 8t 8ubw04 Edrfldt, CO &!Sa Phm: e70.EA2l04FG 970.920.21C Maniott Vail Resort Vall Coloredo -- Original Message --- From: "Warren Campbell" <WCampbell@vailgov.com> To: <mauriello@comcast. net> Sent Friday, August 06, 2004 9:04 AM Subject Marrioft CUP and Parking revisions > Gentelmen. > I am cunently drafting a letter discussing staffs comments regarding > the CUP request and the parking structure changes. In the spirit of > getting some information out quickly I am sending this email. A letter > discussing the icllowing issues, and maybe more, will be sent to you > tomorrow. > 1) Several of the valet parking spaces need to be eliminated in the > vicinity of the emergency exits. > 2) An analysis needs to be performed whihc will establish if the > parking structure is an open or closed structure per the building Code > definitions. > 3) Several of the parking spaces proposed to be located on the west > side of the exisitng parking structure on the West Day Lot. Staff has a > concern that parking spaces neccessary for meeting the Maniott s > parking needs will not be located on property owned by the Marriott. > 4) Staff would like to see the number of valet spaces in the parking > structure reduced in an exchange which would make the parking under the > eastern portion of the Maniott more valet and less standard parking. > 5) Please provide parking plans for the exisUng parking structure > under the eastem portion of the Marriott. The plans should identiry > exisitng conditions and those spaces associated with owners of > condominiums. > 6) Must maintain access to fire department stand pipes in the > structure. > As stated there may be more issues identified in the letter to follow, > however, this will provide some information for you to begin to > consider. > Thank You > Wanen Campbell > Senior Planner > Town of Vail CCr "Greg Hall" <GHall@vailgov.com>, "Mike McGee' <MMcGee@vailgov.com> From: To: Date: Subject: "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcast.net> 'Warren Campbell" <WCampbell@vailgov.com> 08/06/2004 9:3'l:58 AM Re: Marriott CUP and Parking revisions Hi Warren: Thank you for providing comments to me in an email rather than waiting to draft a letter. We appreciate the ability to address these issues quickly. Here is our response to these issues: 1. We are happy to relocate valet spaces in the vicinity of the emergency exits. Please mark on the plan (8.5 x 1 1) which ones are of concern and we will revise the plan. This will eliminate the guess work for us. 2. We will perform the required building code analysis prior to submitting the building permit for these changes. We thank you for the heads up. This should not impact your ability to approve the Design Review application. 3. The Marriott and the \A/DL are both owned by the same company (a Vail Resort's corporation). Therefore, there should not be any issues with the parking located to the west of the parking structure. However, since the total required spaces for the Marriott, including the new conference space is only 297 and we are providing 320, we can eliminate those exterior spaces from the application. That will bring the total parking spaces provided to 305. Let me know which approach you prefer. 4. This "request" is unacceptable to the owner. The parking provided is in accordan@ with the code requirements. The parking located under the main Maniott building is utilized by owners of condominiums, employees, and guests to the hotel. Utilizing this space under the building for valet parking causes more conflicts with other cars on the adjoining roadways and with pedestrians making there way to ski. We prefer to stick with the plan we have which is consistent with the Town Code. 5. I will provide you plans for the parking under the Marriott. 6. The proposed plan will maintain access to fire department standpipes in the structure. Let me know if you have any issues with our approach to addressing these issues. Thanks, Dominic Mauriello, AICP Mauriello Planning Group, LLC PO Box1127 5601A \Mldridge Road Avon. CO 81620 970-748-0920 office 970.376.3318 cell 970.748.0377 fax mauriello@comcast. net From: To: Date: Subject: "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcast.net> "Warren Campbell" <WCampbell@vailgov.com> 08l1Ol2OM 11:03:19 AM Re: Valet parking The railing will be the same green metal tubing as existing. ltwill be inside the parking structure so I doubt it is a DRB issue. I am working on the basement plans as we speak. --- Original Message -_- From: "Warren Campbell" <\A/Campbell@vailgov.com> To: <mauriello@comcast.net> Sent Tuesday, August 10, 2004 8:09 AM Subject Re: Valet parking > | will look into it. Also do you or can you get some details on the > railing or whatever will be used inside the parking strucutre when you > cut the second floor notch out to allow for cars to enter on the lowest > level. Charlie will need this info for the building permit as well. > Also plans for the parking under the Maniott will be here today? > THX > >>> "Dominic Mauriello" <mauriello@comcast.net> 08/09/2004 6:06:40 PM > Hi Warren: > In addition to checking the plans approved for the Sonnenalp and the > Vail Plaza Hotel, consider this: what benefit would there be to doing > valet parking if you had to meet the parking aisle requirements? There > would be no point to it. > The valet parking plan proposed is consistent with the way the Town has > "always" done it. I don't think Chad or Greg or anyone else can just > change how it is done just because they choose not to like it. The PEC > has validated this approach time and time again. > | would encourage you to review these other projects:> a.. Vail Plaza Hotel> b.. Sonnenalp> c.. Vail Mountain Lodge> d.. Pepi's> e.. Austria Haus > Thanks, > Dominic Mauriello, AICP > Mauddlo Planning Group, LLC > PO Box 1127 > 56014 Vvildridge Road > Avon, CO 81620 > 970-748-0920 office > 970.376.3318 cell > 970.748.0377 tax > mauriello@comcast.net ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Dwelopment 75 Sor.rth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail.co.us Proiect Name: MARRIOTT CONFERENCE ROOM C1,P Proiect Description: Oonversion of tvro exisiting racquetball courts to confernce/meeEng rooms. Particlpants: OWNER VAMHC INC 0712612004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 816s8 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, 1L0il2612004' Phone: 97S748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co 81620 License: Project Address: 715 W UONSHEAD CR VAIL l-ocation: 715 WEST UONSHEAD CR Lgnl Descrlpdon: lot! 4&7 Bloclc $rbdlulCon: Manlofr and Morcus Pltpd Numbcr: 210107211001 Comments: SeeOonditions fflorc,a5"blov'am ,,-t) Planning and Environmental Commission PEC Number: PECfiOO53 PEC TYpe: BOARD/STAFF ACnON Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Chas Bernhardt Rollie Kjesbo 7-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Apprcvah 0812312004 Meeting Date: 08/2312004 PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be rnade without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:3fi) PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: WarrenCampbell TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmenlal Commission Department of Community Development ORI6INAL August 23,2004 A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Sections 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and Section 12-7H-3, Permitted and Gonditional Uses; First Floor'or Street Level, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of existing lodge space to conference facilities and meeting rooms/Lots 4 & 7, Marriott Subdivision and Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Gorporation; represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC.Planner: Warren Campbell SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC. is requesting a conditional use permit pursuant to Sections 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and Section 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street Level, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of existing lodge space lo conference facilities and meeting rooms/Lots 4 & 7, Marriott Subdivision and Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision. The conditional use is requested to allow the applicant to convert existing lodge space, two racquetball courts, into conference facilities. Based upon Staff's review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval of this request subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Vail Corporation is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the conversion of two existing racquetball courts within the Vail Marriott Mountain Resort. The existing racquetball courts are two slories tall in volume and the applicant is proposing to add a floor at the same finished floor elevation as floor level of the at grade enlrance on the south side of the building adjacent to the pool. The total finished floor area of the new conference space is 5,627 square teet (427 square feet is pre{unction space). This conversion, if approved, would eliminate the need for the temporary seasonal structure (tenl) which needs a conditional use permit yearly in order to be erected. Associated with this proposal is Design Review Board request to expand the hallway which exists at grade on the south side of the Marriott structure adjacent to the pool. The expansion would bring the hall flush with the existing fagade of the level above and therefore be no increase to site coverage or a deplelion of the landscaped area. The increased hallway, common space, is less than 1,000 square feet in area and thus does not require a Major Exterior Alteration application. il. A vicinity map is attached for reference (Attachment A). The applicant's lelter of request (Attachment B) and floor plans of the space (Attachment C) are attached for further detail. III. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for acceptability of use and then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Plannino and Environmental Gommission: Action:The PEC is responsible tor final approval/denial of CUP. The PEC is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impacl of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Etfect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, ulilities, schools, parks and recrealion facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with parlicular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and conlrol, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Etfect upon the character of lhe area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district Lot area Setbacks Building Heighl Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Desion Review Board: Action: The DRB has NO review authority on a CUP, but must review any acco mpanyi n g D R B appt i catio n. Town Council: Actions ot DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. tv. Stafl: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The slatf also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a statf memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS A. Town of VailZoning Regulations Section 12-TH: Llonshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU-1) Dlstrict (in part) 12-7H-1: PURPOSE: The Lionshead Mixed Use I District is intended to provide sites for a mirture of multiple- family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractionalfee clubs, time shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier seruices, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, is intended to enEure adequate light, ah, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives for redevelopment in amrdance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create an ercnomically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incentives in this Zone District include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height, and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary goal of the incentives is to create economic unditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the incentives are created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. With any development/redevelopment proposal taking advantage of the incentives created herein, the following amenities will be evaluated: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle acEess, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roa&vay improvements, and similar improvements. (Ord. 3(leee) s 1) 12-7H-2: PERMITTED AND CONDIT\ONAI USES; BASEMENT OR GARDEN LEVEL:A. Definition: The "basement" or "garden level' shall be defined as that floor of a building that is entirely or substantially below grade. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted in basement or garden levels within a structure, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in acrcrdance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Confercnce facllities and n eeting rooms. Liquor stores. Lodges and ac:commodation units. Major arcade. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, time-share units, fractional fee clubs, lodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Type lll (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title). Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Theaters. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. 12-7H-3: PERMITTED AND CONDTTIONAL USES; FIRST FLOOR OR STREET LEVEL:A. Definition: The "first floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building that is located atgrade or street level along a pedestrianway. C. Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permifted on the first floor or steet level floor within a structure, subject to issuance of a coditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: Barbershops, beauty shops and beauty parlors. Conlercne facilftles and meetlng rooms. Financial institutions, other than banks. Liquor stores. Lodges and awmmodation units. Multiple-family residential dwelling units, time-share units, fractional fee clubs, lodge dwelling units, and employee housing units (Typ lll (EHU) as provided in Chapter 13 of this Title). Radio, TV stores, and repair shops. Additional uses determined to be similar to conditional uses described in this subsection, in accordance with the govisions of Section 12-3-4 of this Title. Section 12-16: Condltional Uses Permlts (in part) Section 1 2-l &1 : Purpose; Limitations ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specitied uses are permitted in @ftain districts subject to the granting of a mnditional use prmit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be lrcated properly with respect to the purposes of this title ard with respect to their effffits on sunounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses /rbfed as conditional uses in the vartous districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location aN operation of the conditional uses will be in arcordance with the development objectives of the Town aN will not be detrimentalto other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, aplications for conclitional use permits shall be denied. B. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan The Marriott is also governed by the development objectives as slated in the Lionshead Redevelopmenl Master Plan. Of the six Policy Objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, staff has identified the following objective as applicable to this proposal: V. 2.3.1 Renewal and Redevelopment Lionshead can and should be renewed and redevelopment to become a warmer, more vibrant environment for guests and residents. Lionshead needs an appealing and coherent identity, a sense of place, a personality, a purpose, and an improved aesthetic character. 2.3.2 Vitalitv and Amenities We must seize the opportunity to enhance guest experience and community interaction through expanded and additional activities and amenities such as performing art venues, conference facilities, ice rinks, streetscape, paks and othe r recreatio nal improveme nts. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning:Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District Land Use Plan Designation: Resorl Accommodations and Services Current Land Use: Mixed Use Below is a summary and analysis of Town of Vail development standards and regulations. The analysis includes the existing Vail Mountain Marrion and the 18 Gore Creek Place residences located within the West Day Lot Development Site. The West Day Lot Development Site was approved by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission on June 28,2004, in conjunction with the approval of the Gore Creek Residences. DeveloomentStandard Allowed Lot Area: 10,000 sq. ft. Setbacks All Sides: 10 ft. 71 ft. avg. 82.5 ft. max Existino 337,197 sq. ft. 10 ft. 70 ft. avg. 80.5 ft. max Prooosed 337,197 sq. ft. 10 ft. 70 ft. avg. 80.5 ft. max Building Height: Density: GRFA: Site Coverage: Landscape Area: 270 DUs (35/ac.) 52DU (6.71ac.) No Change Unfimited AUs 276 AU No Change 842,992 sq. ft. 213,239 sq. ft. No Change 236,037 sq. ft. (70%) 146,446 sq. ft. (43%) No Change 67,439 sq. ft. (20%) 139,473 sq. ft. (41%) No Change The applicant's proposal to convert existing lodge space, two racquetball courts, to conference facilities and meeting rooms only affects the required parking for the property. The addition of 5,627 square leet of conference space, 427 square feet of which is pre-function area and does not generale a parking need, requires the addition of 15.8 or 16 parking spaces. The following chart depicts a break down of alllhe uses within the Marriott which generate a parking requirement and the existing amount of parking. Currently there is a surplus of 17 spaces available to the Marriott. Exlsting MarrlotUPropqsed Conference Space - &13-2004 Uses # or So. Ft.Parklno Ratlos Req'd Condominium Units*35 1.40000 49.0 Hotel Rooms*276 0.70000 193.2 Existinq Conlerence Center 14481 0.00303 43.9 New Meeting Rooms Proposed 5200 0.00303 15.8 Restaurant 2400 0.00400 9.6 Bar 300 0,00400 1.2 Retail 3250 0.00230 7.5 Sub total 320.1 Mixed Use Credit 7.5V/o -24.0 Total Required Parklnq 296.1 'Based on Document approved by TOV dated October 30, 2003 Parklng Exlstans at Marrlott # Porte Gochere 5 Marriott Basement - Standard 45 Marriott Basement - ComDact 10 Parkino Structure - Valet 150 Parkinq Structure - Standard 56 Parkino Slructure - Comoact 26 Parkino Structure - Handicao 7 WDL 15 Total 314 SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: East: West: Land Use Residential Open Space Mixed Use Mixed Use Zonino Lionshead Mixed Use-1 District Natural Area Preservation District Lionshead Mixed Use-1 District Lionshead Mixed Use-1 Dislrict vil.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The proposed real estate otfice is located on the second floor of a Vail Marriofl Mountain Resort within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with lhe provisions of Chapter 12-16, VailTown Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reoardinq Conditional Use Permits: 1. Relatlonship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. Slaff believes the proposed conversion of exisling lodge space, two racquetball courts, lo conference meeting rooms is consistenl with the purpose of the Lionshead Mixed Use I zone district. The conversion of the racquetball courts to conference facilities will eliminale the need for the Marriott to erect the large seasonal slructure (tent) on the tennis courts to lhe 2. south of the Marriott which will be removed with lhe construction of the Gore Creek Place Residences. Statf befieves that the proposal is consistent with the Goals 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 identified in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The effect of the usp on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facililies, utilities, schools, parks and recreation fracilities, and other publlc facillties needs. Staff believes the proposed conversion ol existing lodge space to conference meeting rooms will have no negative effecls on the above-mentioned criteria as it will be located within an existing space of the Vail Marriotl Mountain Resort. The space proposed for the conversion currently has weight lifting equipment inside which will be relocated to anolher existing space within the Marriott. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotlve and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, acoess, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Stafl believes that the proposed conversion of existing lodge space to conference meeting rooms will have no negative effecls on the above- mentioned criteria. Statf believes that the increased conference area will increase parking needs which have been addressed by performing a parking analysis for the Marriott to compare with the existing parking available. Statf determined that there are currently 17 spaces in excess of the generated parking requirements. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, Including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed conversion of existing lodge space to conference meeting rooms will have no negative impact on the character of the area including scale and bulk as it will be located within an existing space in the Vail Marrioil Mountain Resort. Associated with this proposal is Design Review Board request to expand the hallway which exists at grade on the south side of the Maniotl struclure adjacent to the pool. The expansion would bring the hall flush with the existing fagade of the level above and therefore be no increase to site coverage or a depletion of the landscaped area. The increased hallway, common space, is less than 1,000 square feet in area and lhus does not require a Major Exterior Alteration application. Statf believes this expansion will not have any negative impact on the bulk and mass of the structure. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 Zone District. B. vilt. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimenlal to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permil section of the zoning code. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Communily Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicant's request for a conditional use permit, pursuanl to Sections 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and Section 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street Level, Vail Town Gode, to allow for a conversion of existing lodge space to conference facilities and meeting rooms/Lols 4 & 7, Marriott SuMivision and Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria described in Section Vll of lhis memo and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmenlal Commission choose to approve the applicant's request, staff recommends that the following findings be made as part of a motion: 1. That the proposed locations of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit seclion of the zoning code and the purposes of lhe district in which the site is located. 2. That lhe proposed locations of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public heallh, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. ATTACHMENTS Vicinity Map Applicant' letter daled July 2004 Floor plans Publication Notice and Affidavit of Publication A. B. c. D. $ ll' Marnolt Mountan Resort New Conlerence RoomE Appltczhon lor Condftional Uge ?ermft July 2OO4 ATplrcant: Marnott Mountarn Resort (Varl R,esorEs) Reprezented by: l[/l{d lleurlello Plennlng Group l. lntrodvcbonandDackqround The Marrrott Mountarn Resorf has oVeraled a5 a gvcceeeful conterence cenEer lor many years. ln order to mprove the |vnctton of the conlerence cente( and elmrnate the need lor the lemporary tenL n the svmmer months, the Marnott would lrke to convert the space currently occuVed by the old racquetball covrts to srx conlerence roorne wth a total of 5,2OO sq. tt. (Z,GOO sq. ft. on two levels). The bonshead Mxed UEe I zone dztnct reqareg a condthonal vse 7ermft for conference s?ace on any level ol a buldnq. Available TarAnq for the ?rc?osed vse enEts wrthrn the Marrrott parV.n4 lactlfies. ll. Condftronal Use Rcuew Crftena The lollownq B a lst ol the crftena that the Planrunq and Zonnq Commssron E reqwred to constder n the reuew ol a Condftronal Use ?ermft. I . Refatronshrp and tmpact ol the vse on the development oblectres ol lheTown. Our Anal.vsts: The proposed conference space use wthn the Marnott Mountan Resort E a necessary component of prowdtng quahty 1uest facilrtres wthn the Town. The proposed locatpn wrthn the buldng wll have httle mpact beyond the Marnott Mountam Resort. The proposed conference use E tn conformance wth the Town's development obJectMes. 2. The etlect ol the vse on hqht and aff, d'eitnbvbon ol popvlahon, transTortahon facthlues, utrlrtres, schools, parEs and recreatton facrhbes, and other pvbhc laalthes needE. Our Analwp: The proposed use s located wthn the ensttnq Marnott structure and therefore has httle, f any, mpact on the above menhoned Esues. 3. Ellect upon traffrc wrth partrcular relerence to rcnqestron, atJhomotle and pedestnan salety and convemence, trallc llow and @ntrol, acce9l, maneuverabilty, and removal ol snow irom the street and parkrnq areas. Our Analysrs: The proposed use s located wthn the extstrng Marnott structure and therefore has httle, f any, rmpact on the above mentpned 6sues. ilt, 4. Eltclc,t, vTon lhe charactnr ol the aree n wfuch the propesed vse s tn be loatd, ncludrnq the scale and bvlk ol lhe proposed vse n relahon tn surroundtnq vse9. Our Analpp: The proposed usc rs located wtfun the exohnq Marnott structure and therefore has httle, i any, mpact on the above menhoned Esues. A?phcz,ble ?lanntnq Docvments Ltonshead Rcdevelopment Master Plan: The Marrrott s qoverned by the development obpctves ol the 1onshead RedeveloTmenl Master Plan. Of the srx Pohcy Obpctles ovthned n the honshead Redevelopment Mastnr ?lan, the followrng oblechves are applcable to thrs proposal: 2,3. I Renewal and Redevelo?ment bonEhead can and shovld be renewed and redevelopment to beame a warmer, more vrbrant envtronment tor quests and resrdents. Ltonshead needs an appealnq and coherent denIly, a sense ol 7lace, a personalfty, a ?ur?oie, and an mTroved aeslhehc character. 2.3.2 Vftalfty and Ament;es We must serze lhe opportvnty to enhance qvesl expenence and communty nterachon throvqh expanded and addftronal acttvrhes and amenhes svch as performrnq arts venves, conlerence faciftreg, tce rrnk:, streetscape, parb and other recreahonal rmprovement=. 2 69legt!l! )GJlila8Elll0 :.uoqd aeet9 oc lFllnFB tout^ t|g rs utr 16 op4qoc IBA uo€eu llBA $oueytl t F-fr {Fi gEEE t TE.'F 38 iEIET8 F=l T:rl =O Attachment G 6elagol! rJ tcte&d010 :.|ntd z€ole @ '$rrE rorJr .l|g ls ||fr l3 opaoloS llBA loseu llBn $ourBy[il' -mg :iil-tt It--Fl / lsl \r-,J Ul =O >l ^, ol F-t -t -ltilalzt -,t Jl -Ol zl<lII 6etz-e8!l6 rJ falz:lgzE![c :q.pqd zg9t8 oc lDnrp3 fi']J\ .ms ls utr 16 op8roloc llBA loseu lFn $ourByl Ei Et Ifil 'Eg n z, u| =o si i$ *.,11gt BTETI $i$$i E z * E 6eleg8!28 4tttzxgt'o|lc a.oqd a9tgoo?llElmu tls € r{l'|16 0p6lqoo lBA uosou [Bn $ouen Eq98ts Eo 3i! ,Fi TJI'tt Ir- --F I Tl=l \r-,J El -@ FH =62()Mzouj (J EH69 E= Hx ;c F i{ +t 'Ef,-: F$iii E i X5 HF P- i -*i"j=, Hfi " i**T.!if EE i pH Es i Hi[$-- i I i 8{8,Fs--i,4.>:u .otz'&6'0lrE !l tatzEt'0[6 :sa|d ac918 00 ?r4Elmnl .|ng ls lFfi !t opBjopc llBA uoseu llEAllourell 5E Et$i! ,EE .o 69tz'&t0l8 sl tat?'tct'olG ;r|du zl9!80o'|nr.xDgtotM.Irs ts rJFt 16 opsroloc lls^ Ioseu [Bn $opren Ec ir:tE :ltfi; .!2 EE EE g( !19 -O sffs @tzm'0r6 :rJ |tlzla6 0t6 :.uoqd t€glg 0c '$|rrFE ruln Trs $ utrfl t0 opBJotoc tFn uoseu llPn $olren i3 $$ r Fifi -FE n llolxBf{ @ suroou 6u[eqll .o Marriott Conference Center Ad acent Pro rties Owners List TOWN OF VAIL FINANCE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 t COLORADO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 42OI EARKANSASAVE DEI.IVE& CO80222 I VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81657 t ENZIAN CONDOMINruM ASSOCIATION C/O GEOFF WRIGHT 610 W LIONSTIEAD CIR VAIL, CO 81657 t LroN SQUARECONDOASSOC 660 W LIONS HEAD PL VAIL, CO 81657 t LroN SQUARE NORTH CONDO ASSOC 660 WLIONS TIEAD PL vArL, co 81657 t MONTANEROS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION ODZA KEITH 64I WLIONSHEADCIR VAIL, CO 81657 t TEXAS TELBVISION INC PO BOX 16290 HOUSTON, TX77222 t THEA J. RUMFORD LryING TRUST - RUMFORD. I{EATTIER A. & FREDERJCK C. 675 FOREST RD VAIL, CO 81657 t PARSONS FAMILY LLC PO BOX 497 EDWARDS, CO81632-0497 t Attachment D ADAM,NANCY SHAPIRO 4975 E PRESERVE GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80124 t MILLERS LIONSTIEAD LLC 12770 MERIT DR STE 4OO DALLAS, TX75251 t CADOL, ROGERV. & SALLY M. -JT 9850 E PROGRESS CIR GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO SOIII t COLMARLLC 25I FOWLERRD FAR HILLS, NI 07931 t MAIIER. JERARD F, & JOAN S. -JT 25I FOWLERRD FAR HILLS, NJ 07931 t ENGLEMAN, JOHN S. & STEPHEN B. - HATHORN MARY M. C/O MARY M HATHORN 54I ELY RD ELY, VT 05045 t GENERAL COMMI.JNICATIONS INC ATTN: A. EMMET STEPTTENSON, JR IOO GAMIELD ST4TH FL DEI.IVER, CO 80206-5 5 50 I NANETTE S. ELENBAAS LryING TRUST - NANETTE S. ELENBAAS TRUSTEE 3328 OAKDALE HICKORY CORNERS, MI 49060 t A}.ITLERS CONDOMINII.JM ASSOC 680 W LIONSHEAD PL vArL, co 81657 t VAIL SPA CONDOMINruM ASSOC 7IO WLIONSHEADCIR VAIL, CO 81657 t VAIL SPA CONDOMINruM ASSOC SHUGHART THOMSON& KILROY PC 1050 ITTH sT sTE 2300 DENVER, CO 80265 t EAGLE RIVER WATER& SANITATION DISTRICT 846 FOREST ROAD vArL, co 81657 t MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP. LLC PO BOX ll27 AVON, CO 81620 t THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE *m NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on August 23, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a minor exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-12, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to construct an enclosure for King Ludwig's patio, located at 20 Vail Road (Sonnenalp Resort of Vail)/Lot L, Block 5E, VailVillage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Sonnenalp Resort of Vail, represented by Resort Design AssociatesPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Sections 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and Section 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street Level, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of existing lodge space to conference facilities and meeting rooms/Lots 4 & 7, Marriott Subdivision and Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B.5B., Permitted and Conditional Uses; Above Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for the elimination of an existing dwelling unit, 126 Willow Bridge Road, Units 34 and 38 (Village Center Building A)/Lot K, Block 5, VailVillage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant James L. Mncent, represented by K. H. Webb ArchitectsPlanner; Matt Gennett A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a business office, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Units 16 and 17 (Vail Village Plaza)/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Mllage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Nico Vail, Inc., represented by John SlevinPlanner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published, August 6, 2004, in the Vail Daily. T'r-lLr trsl-rIcnrF:- ra.| E7 JUt, 2?, 2004 l0;21AM IO}vlv vRDC C0l'lSTRUCTt0N 970-845_2358 N0. i9i6 P. 1/1 O R?lmhg i$00o Mahrsubclvts|m tl50otr Mlnor Subdlvislon 9650tr brerption Ptat t650tr Minor Arnendment to an SDD $000O Ncw Spcchl Dewbpmcnt Dtstrtct 1d000O llallAmendmenttoanSDo t6(l0otr liLirAmendmer*tousDD ttl50(toaftdlytdtlfuadons) Application for Revlew by the Planning and Envircnmental Commission Drpaftrnent ot Community Olvclogment 75 South Frontag? Road, Vait, Coto.ldo BlO57 tcf : 970.479,2139 6\,t g7}.qtg,Z4iz ureb: www.ct.rdil.co.us Gencnl lnformrtionr lft.l_r.olscB i€-qultlng plannlng and Enyironmcnlal Commision revlew muS receive appro,vrl prlor ro sitfiming abtllding pett trPPllcation. Pleace.refer tothc_submittal ruqulrements foi tne parfi.urii apptoiJfirtoi ts nquesteo,An apptraflm fDr Planning and Envi.onmenlrl Corlmisslon niview cannot be aiccphd mtiirn requiriO inform.tionls recci"cd by 0.e commrnlty D€\€lopment Departm€nt. rn. proraat may also neecl to be Gviawed by th€ TownOUIEI and/or tlle Oesign Reviar OoaiO. Type of Application and F.Gi Descriptlon of thc Rcqucst z futdfiml Use Nmlt for a cortuention of intsior loca$on of the Ptopocrl: [gt: 4 &7Fnd C& D Blockljl_ Subdvision: .Vail v-i[aoe 3dlMorcus sub. Physicel ACdresc: 7rs West Llonshead Crrde Perccl t{o...__2.LglgZ20Zg0?__ ( Eagte Co, Assesso, at 97O.3ZE-80.|0 for parcet no.) Zoning! Lionshead Mlxed Use 1 Distsict N.n.(s) of Ownrr(s): Vail Coro. _.- tt.iling Addiess: Owncr(r) Signature(r): l{rmo otApplicrntt Phones 718-0920 E-maif Addr6armauriello@comcast net , , Faxz __, 'l]IEfilV d OnOitlonat Usc P.rmitO FloodplainModincatlonO Minor Exterltr AlteationO Major Exterior Altem0on El DeveloDment PlanE Amendmenl to a Developrncnt ptan tr Zonlng Codc Amendmenttr Vadancetr Sign Varlane f6s0 f400 16s0 $E00 trs00 92S0 Ir300 $500 tz00 RECEI YEO Jt:L l h zw4 nailng Addrcss! PO Box rlD. A/on, CO 91640 .. atic1l 4ProrrctNo.: Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Property Address: MARRJOTT MOUNTAIN RESORT A}.ID SPA 1. Effettlve Date August 15, 200t at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be lssued, and hoposed Insured: lofornation Biuler Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED Our Order No. Ve278rill Cust. Rd.: 3. The ctate or intcrcst ln the land described or referred to ln this Commitment and covercd hereln is: A Fec Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herdn is at the dfectlve date hereof vcted in: HMC ACQUSITION PROPERTIES, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION 5. The land referred to tn thls Commitrnent is described as follona: SEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPNON Our Or&r No. VCn3Sll LEGAT DESCRIPTIOIII PARCEL I: CONDOMINITIM LODGE I,INIT, TIIE MARK/LODGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMENDED DECLARATION OFCONDOMINruM FORTHE MARK/LODGE RECORDED OCTOBER 17,IN&IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 606 AND MARCH 22, IN9IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 344 AND THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED MARCH 27 , IN4IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 930 AND THE AMENDED PLAT OFTI{E SITE PLAN FORTHE MARKiLODGE RECORDED OCTOBER 17, 1978IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 5[T', COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: A PART OF LOT 4, BLOCK I, VAIL/UONSHEAD, THIRD FIUNG AND PART OF LOTS C AND D, MORCUS SUBDTVISION, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNINC AT THE NORTI{WEST CORNER OF LOT C; THENCE ALONG THE LINE COMMON TO SAID LOT C AND LOTS A AND B, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, SOUTH 16 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 21 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 399.60 FEET; THENCE NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 16 DEGREES l? MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 3.15 FEET; THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 210.00 FEET; THENCE NORTI{ 22 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 4l SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 140.10 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74 DEGREES 2l MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 135.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 06 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WESTA DISTANCE OF 160.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 83 DEGFGES 25 MINUTES 45 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 260.43 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE A DISTANCE OF 129.67 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A 392.OO FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT AND WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 18 DEGREES 57 MINUTES IO SECONDS AND WHOSE LONG CHORD BEARS SOUTI{ 87 DEOREES 18 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 129.08 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: CONDOMINIUM UNIT NOS. A TI{ROUGH L, INCLUSIVE, AND THE LODGE UNTT THE MARK RESORT AND TENNTS CLUB (ACONDOMTNTUM) IN ACCORDANCE WTTH THE CONDOMINITM DECT.ARATION RECORDED MAA,CH 14, I98O TN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE I83, AND THE CONDOMINIIIM MAP RECORDED MARCH 14, I9EO IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE I84, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requircments) Our Order No. y0n31ll The followiry are the requirements to be complied wlth: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of ihe grantoni or mortgago$ of the full consideration for the estatc or ioterest to be iuured. Itan (b) Propcr insrumen(s) crcating ilrc estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filcd for rccord, to-wit: Ircm (c) Payment ofall tares, charges or asscssmefis levied and assesscd against the subject prcmises wbic.h are duc and payable. Item (d) Additional reguirancnts, if aly disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSTJED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xccptiorc) Our Order No. VC2735ll The policy or policles to be issued will contain exceptiors to the following unless the same are dispmed of to the satisfactlon of the Company: l. Rigbb or claims of Earties in possession rct shown by the public records. 2, Eas€men6, or claims of easemcnts, trot showt by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmcnts, arrd any facts whicb a correct survcy and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right o a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereaftcr furnished, imposed by law and oot shown by thc public rccords. 5. Defects, lieru, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public rccords or attaching zubsequent !o thc cffective date hercof but prior to the datc the pmposed insurcd acquires of record for value thc csaE or intercst or mortgage thercon covered by this Commihcnt. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's offrce' 7. Liens for unpaid water atrd sewcr charges, if any.. 8. In addition, tlre owrrr's policy will be subject to tlrc mongage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOTJLD TTIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PP€MISES AS RESERVED IN I.JNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTBMBER 4, I%3 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 IO. RIGITT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTY OF THE T'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN TJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, I9o4, IN BOOK 4E AT PAGE 503 AND SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 9E II. RESTRICTIVE COVENAI.ITS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITNNG ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REUGION' SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIALSTATUS ORNATIONAL ORIGIN IJNLESS AND ONLYTOTHE EXTENT THAT SAID COYENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTTON 3607 OF TI{E UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 15, IC71, IN BOOK 22I AT PAGE 99I AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMEM RECORDED AUGUST 12,1977,IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE 453. 12. UTILITY EASEMENT 5 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF LOT 4 AND LOT 5, BLOCK 1, 10 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE EAST LOT LINE OF LOT 4, BLOCK I AND A PORTION OF THE SOUTHERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1 AS SHOWN ON THE ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section2 (Exceptioru) Our Order No. VC273511 fte pollcy or policies to be issued wlll contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Corryany: RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/UONSHEAD. THIRD FILINC. 13. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT UNE OF LOT 7, BLOCK 1 VAIULIONSHEAD, THIRD FILINCAS SHOWN ONTHE RECORDED PT.AT. 14. UTIUTY EASEMENT AS GMNTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL T9, I98, IN BOOK 269 AT PAGE 2O2 AND AUGUST 30, T982IN BOOK 344 AT PAGEY]2 AFFECTS LOT7, BLOCK 1 VAIULIONSHEAD, THIRD MINGAND LOTC MORCUS SUBDIVISION 15. UTILITT EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO CABLEVISION ASSOCIATES VI. D/B/A HERITAGE CABLBVISION INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1983, TN BOOK 360 AT PAGE a. 16. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE R.ECORDED PLAT OF VAII./UONSHEAD FIFTH FILING. 17, UTIUTY EASEMENTAFFECTINGTHE SOUTHWESTERLY PORTION OF LOT D, MORCUS SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF MORCUS SUBDIVISION. 18, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROYISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK.LODGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION INC., A NOT-FOR.PROFIT COLORADO COPORATION AND M-K CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION R3CORDED OCTOBER N,INS IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 608. AFFBCTS PARCEI.S 1 AND 3 19. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN M.K CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION AND THE MARK-LODGE CONDOMiNIUM ASSOCTATION INC. RECORDED OCTOBER 17.INS IN BOOK276 AT PAGE 609. AFFECTS PARCELS 1 AND 3 ALTA C OM M ITM ENT Schetlule B - Section 2 @xceptions) . Our OrderNo. Ven1ll The policy or policic to be lssued wlll contain excqltiors to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 20, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AND ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION AND M.K CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED Il'J/-..'( 27.1982 IN BOOK 343 AT PACE 463. AFFECTS PARCEIJ 2 AND 3 21. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ACREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE M.K CORPORATION. A COLORADO CORPORAfiON AND THE MARK RESORT AND TENNI CLUB ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED JULY 27,I982IN BOOK 343 AT PAGE 464. AFFECTS PARCEIJ 2 AI{D 3 22. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTRICTIONS, CONTAINED IN AMENDED DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR THE MARK/LODGE RECORDED OCTOBER N, INg,IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 606 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 22,IN9,IN BOOK 2E3 AT PAGE 344. UPON RECEIPT OF A WAIVER OF THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL CONTAINED IN SAJD DECLARATION TTIE FOLLOWING NOTE WILL BE ADDED TO TI{E POUCY TO BE ISSUED IIEREIN: .TI{E TBRMS. CONDITIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF THE RIGTTT OF FIRST REFUSAL PROVISION HAS BEEN CONPLIED WITH." 23, EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. 24, E.ASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRIC'TIONS AS SHOWN ORRESERVED ON TIIE CONDOMINIUM MAP OF THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB CONDOMINII'MS RECORDED MARCH 14, I98O IN BOOK 3OO AT PAGE I84. 25. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINruM MAP FOR THE MARK LODGE RECORDED MARCH 27, IN4IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 930 AND AMENDED PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 17. 1978 IN BOOK 276 AT PAGE 647. ALTA COMMITMENT &hcdule B - Section2 @rccdiorr) Our Order No. VCtl3Sll Thc pollcy or polldcs to bc hrucd wlll codaln ercegtlons to the foll,owlng unless the grnre erc drposed of to thc sffecfon d tbe Corrpeny: 26. ET.ICROACHMBNT OF CONCRE1E AI{D POOL ONTO UTIUTY EASEMENT AS SHOY/N ON IMPROV$I,IENT LOCATION CERTIFICA1ts FREPARED 'IJNE 19, rwz BY INTER-MOUNTAIN BNGINBRING LTD., PROIECTNO. 9255 S. 27. TERMS, CONDINONS AND PROVISIONS OF MBIUORANDTIM OF MAI\TAGEMEI\TT AGREEMENT RECORDED MAY IE, 1999 A]T RBCBPIION NO. 696363. tt**lttat*aaa'l*aaal*a*faa*lrat||art'ttaaa't'at*+'l**t*{r*'r***rar**t+at*laa't*'rr+**rr*ar}aaa*aaata*tal TOWNOFVAIL, COLORAD6 Stccmcntl+lllal*l'}*af|.laalltaa*al*raataatt*ta:t*t*r*+*r*t+trrltarr*'tl*:at|}ti**'trrr***arr**+a*a'ar'llaal*l Staeement lruficr: R0{0006278 AmouDt: $650.00 o7/26/2oo4L1:42 A}l Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: *1o54/ilAURIBLIO PLAITrIlcq OROT'P PerrLt lto: PEC0{0053 T14te : PEC - Conditional ltse Parccl lfo: 210107214001gite Addr6ss: ?15 W LIONSHEAD CR 1rAIIJ Irocatl.on: 715 WBgf LION9HEAD CR Total. FeeB: $650.00 T{rls PaltDent: $650.00 Total ALL Pmta: $650.00BalaBce: $0.00 l'i*llt*tl*!t*tlXrarllla*alllaa+lattalall'a'3*t**r*l**'|'l*l**'|'l*t*f**tl*******'S'|tlfllllta!a*l*ta*laa ACCOIJNT ITEM IJST: Account Code Descr'lption Current Prnts PV OO1O()OO31125O() PEC APPLICATIOI,I FEES 650.00 Frcrn: To: Detr: SuUrst: fffks Mo€€E l/Vanen @npbdl 0U06/2004 11:il:12PM Manb0Coruersition of rac*et Ball Cts No obJec-tion b tfia change In use but they need b get theitr act togeher on fire alarm and fire spinklcr. Flm_lnapeclors 69rZ'926'016 :xBJ t6IZ'926'0/6 :8uoqd Zegtg OC 'spJB,t p3 totM euns ]s u!Eu{ L6 opBJoloc llen uoseu llBn $olrrel/\l t tl 6t s orJc r.r- L ef;FE $ EF 88 *fisEs:9E 8 & Lo I.vEA(t, $opre6 @ suroog 6u[eeyI J ats =' #l 69tZ'926'01.6 )(BJ t6lz'926'026 :euoqd zeg18 oc 'sprBi p3 tolM qtns '|s u!?l,I 1.6 opBJoloc llEn uoseu llen ilourBy{ g tl tu ^-o6EL;.EiLY #;fiFE fi EEP888 FHE (o I "vEAo llourel l @ sruoog bulteen LJ-.1 ccO r-l(Yl fl ,"-, Ol F-l -l =l| ,l olzl -,1 -)lLrll =l L-Lllo-l *l mlv' r-ll =l<rlTI ,llr'-=-_lEI 6912.926.026 :xBJ t6lz'926'0/6 :euoqd ze9l8 oc 'spreapS toLM qtns ]s ulel''l /6 operopc tlBn uoseu llen llouren F$fi EtIr-< *E$ fi Eqo(o 8b @ I "\lEAo UouJB1l\l @ suoog 6ugee41 (t) M t\r-j >ct tll (t)M^ 5(O 69t2.926.0/6 :xej t6lz'926'0/6 :euoqd ze9t8 oc 'sprEr p3 totM €ltns ls utBn 26 opProloc llBn uoseu lren $ourBl l il H* I;fiH l*fr ds*iE #5t g O) I "vioU' DoUJeUt; @ sunoog bugea1n1 H 3S '-"-3EEi- !4.-,i (') M lJt: >d rrt (f)M^ 5dILN solg <(f) MO<o corcJ 69t2.926.01.6 :xBl !6tz'926'0/6 :euorld ze9l8 oc '8prB/r\p3 totM elns ls utgtl 1,6 operopc llBn uoseu llPn iloureu\l sg!J(U F EE #.Eg fi FqodtiE Fg$ o \i- Iz\l ctzrA$ouJey\l @ snroog Oullee4 =o hEsS uE<'e tg()0) o+ F..z.!- =XSX6dLu+0zN : I ti tt ltI : 69t2.926.0L6 :xeJ t6lz'ge6'0/6 :ouoqd ze9t8 o3'sprB^ p3 t0tM allns ]s ulel^|| /6 opBroloc lrBn uoseu lren ilouJew : tl,-9 e roolE: hg iD#i_e s 'S$ F-COF 5s 2 fi Ei[o.g'F=>Eu)Oo.!t s-r I.Yia U) llouren @ suoog 6ul1eey1 z. 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