HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL LARKSPUR RESTAURANT 1999lr TOTiN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 ValuaEion: Fir.placc Infomatlon: ReBtricc.dr DEPARII,IENI OF COMMTNITY NOtE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI'DG. Job Address: 458 VAIL, VALLEY DR r.,ocaE,ion.. .: 458 VAIL VATLEY DR Parcel No-. : 2101-081-09-004 Projects No. : PRJ99-0227 500 #Of c.a Applianc€a: .TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE, #: D99-0030 STAEUS...: ISSIJBDApplied..: O8/04/t999 Issued.. -: 08/05/L999 Ercpires. . : 02/OL/2000 APPI.ICANf NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34t9, VArL, CO, COI{:fRAEIOR NBDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34L9, VArL, CO,OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArr., CO 81-658 Phone: 970-845-1001 cELr# 471--4888 81558 Phone: 970-845-1001 CELL# 47L-4888 81-658 Add sg Fr: *of eaB IJo96:*of wood/Pr116r: Description: PARTIAL DEMO FOR NEW RESTAIIRANT(beI1a Tiva) occupancy:. RL/82/BLMulLi-Family w/ Bus. & Garage 'I:pe Construction: If 1-HR Type II 1-Hour q4pe Occupancy: frrlrrrarr..rirt ittttiitirtt..t FBE sttMMARy +*tt,*t'rr'tilr* Building-----> 2O.OO Re6tuarane PIan Rcvien--> .0O Toeal Calculatsed Fec.---> 55.OOBuilding-----> 2O.OO Re6tuarane PIan Rcvien--> .0O Total calcuLaEeat reca---> 56.uo Phn ch.ck---> 13.00 DRB F.o-------- 2o,oo Additsional F.es---------> -oo Invc6tiEaEion> .00 Recrealion Fee----------> .OO Totsal Peruit Fe6--_____-> 56.00 wi11ca].1---->3.ooc1gan-UpDepo6its..--..-.>.0oPa}nneng9-------ii-.-.-.-> r.r t t rr r r *r.r r l t. rrr t rttt t*artr TCYTAI, FEBS- - -. -BAIANCE DUE.-.- .OO IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTTVIENT DCPE: BUII,DINGo8/04/L999 'JRM Act.ion: APPR approvedr.bm:, O54OO PIJAIiINING DEPARIT4ENT DepT: PI,AIiINING IEEM: O55OO FIRB DBPARTI,IEItr DCDT: FIREriemi 05500 PuBLrc woRKs Debt: PI'B woRKrtem: O57OO EM/IRoNMEIiITAL HEALTH DeFT: HEATTIIItem: o59oo LrQuoR DePt: CLERK Division: Division:Division:Division:Division:Division: See Page 2 of E,his DocumenE for any condj-tlons Ehat may apply to Ehis permiE. DECI.,AILNTTONS I h€rcby acknorlsdg. tha! I havc rc.d this applicaLion, fill€d outs in full the inforEation requircd, coEPloe.d an accu!-ge plot plan, and Etrtse tsh.c .lI chs infonation plovid€d as raquired is colrect. I agiee !o conE Iy rilh Che inforEation |nd Plot pLrn' !o coBply lrieh all Town ordinancaa and Etatsc laws, and to build chi6 scrucgur€ according to thc Tocn'E zoning and.ubdiviBioEr cod6s, d.Eigm revi.w approw€d, tlnif,onr nuildlng cod€ and otsher ordinances of the Town eppLica.bl. therato. RBQUESTS rOR INSPECTTONS SmlL B8 ilN)E lt{El|rY-rOUR HOURS IN A.DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47]A$ 5:00 P g.nd cl,aan-up Dopoeit 1o: ncdbo ****!r******tt******************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: D99-0030 as of 08/05/99 Status: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: DEMO- OF PART/ALL BITDG: Applied: O8/04/L999 Applicanr: NEDBO CONSTRUCIION Issued: 08/05/L999970-845-1001 To Expire: 02/OL/2OOO ilob Address: LOCAIiON: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No: 2101-081-09-004 Description: PARTfAI DEMO FOR NEW RESTAttR.,,AI{T(be11a riva) CondiEions:1. fiIIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMET{T ONLY. A}r ASBESTOS ABATEMET{T CERTIFICATE SHOWING TIIE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO AAIY FI'RTHER WORK OCCURING ON TIIIS SITE. IF FT]RTEER QITESTIONS ARISE, CONTAET TTIE VAIL FIRE DEPART!,IENT AT 479-2250. 2. FIRE DEPARN'IENT APPROVAI, IS REQUIRED BEFORE AITY WORK CAI.I BE STARTED.3. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C}IECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. o o o fO0llf oF vAr!, cOtloRADO geagar nt ttri rttt!rtrr tt!ll* a ttti aaata ttai ilttt t ra, ri att *ta.rrair*r *rrtl, ar!rrtr t gErt.urE llu6ar: RIC-054C lrcufrt,3 56.00 0Slogl99 13:09 P.!ru!rc lt bhod ! Ctr trocrcLoa! 155t5/N!DEO IniC: LC P.r.6iE Igo ! D99-oOtO rlE.! l-DEtF DAIIO. Of PrFr,/rLr, BD Prrc.l f,or 2101-031-09-00,! SICO lddr6.r ! {ga VltL V}ITIJEI m Locrtion: lsa VTIIJ IIlJJtJElf DR tlria PrF.src Totrl Saca ! 55,00 Tocrl Atrrtr Prc.: Brlrnca ! 56. 00 56.00 .00 lccounE cod. BP O0100003111100 DR 00100003112200 Pt 00100003112300 wc oo100003112300 D.rcripglon EUTLDINC PER$rr FEA6 DESICI REVTEW FEEg Pltlf CHECK flBg l|M C&I| IIISPTCIIOW tEr AEount 20. 00 20.00 13. 0o 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OVTNER 'Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCATION...: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No. . : 2101-081-09-004Project No. 3 PRJ99-0227 DEPARI!,IENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{:T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTET ON ,JOBSIIE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AI,T COMM BUITD PERMT Permit #: SEatus. . (BELLAApplied. Issued.. Er<pires. 899 - 02 03 . : ISSITED .:KO9/04/L999 .: 08/L9/L999 . : 02/t5/2000 NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34L9, VArL, CO, NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34L9, VAIL, CO, VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArr, CO 81658 Phone: 471-4888 81658 Phone: 471-4888 81658 970 -845 -1001 970-845-100r. CELL# CELL# Descriptsion: IT.{ITERIOR REMODEIJ OF EXISTING RESTAI'RANT TOV/Comm. Dev. Cfean-up Dep occupancy z Rt/82/BLl"tulti-Fami Ly w/ f,gPrpYg*s Tlrpe const,ruitrion' rr 1-HR Type rr 1-Hour amOunt T),'pe Occupancy: date Vatuation: 50,000 Add Sq FE: PIan cltBck-- -> 3l s.so Re6tuaranL Plan Review--> 'oo DRB Fee-------- 5o'oo Pir€DLac. Infor$atsion: n.Etsric!€d:*of eaF AppLianc€B:*of Gas Log6:*Of wood/P.Il.t: FEE SUI.ITi'ARY Building----->490.00 aotsal calculated FcG6- - _ > 1'111.50 Additional FecE------- --> .oo Invcstsigatsion> .oo Rccreatsion Fac----------> .00 rotal Pcroit Fee--__---_> 1'111'50 will caII----> 3.oo clean-Up Depoeit--------> 250'oO Payuenbd----------------> 1'111'50 TOTLTJ FEES----- 1'111.50 BATAIICB DUB-------------> 'oo Irem: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTITENT Dept: BUILDING Division: oE/oe /tgg9 .tRM Action: APPR APPROVED -?irn,,r,^ ^..,iEai;'05460-b-r,a.lwIN6 DEDARiT,,IEI'IT Dept: PLANNING Division: odl6st79g9 JRM Action: APPR N/A n.:iEaifr,'os66o-Ffns DEPi${"frEi.if '. Dept: FIRE Division: odlos/tggg 'JRM Action: APPR N/AiEam;' oss0o-Fuel,rc woRKs DepE: PUB woRK Lrr-vrsaon: og/05/Lgg9 JRM AcLion: APPR N/A Deptr: PUB woRK Di See Page 2 of Ehis DocumenE for any conditions that may apply Eo tshis permit' DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno*ledgc lhaE I have read thiB application, filled our in fufl rhe infornation required, couPlolcd an accutatse plot plan, and atacc Eha! all lhe inforEation prowialcd ac| rcquircd i6 corrcct. I agr€c co corlPly r,ith the inforrretsion and !tlo! plan' Eo couply wich aII Town ordinances.nd 6t'a!e 1aw6, and co build ghi6 EEnrctule according tso the Tolrn's zoning and 6ubdivi6ion codee. dceign rewier approvcd, uniforE Building cod6 and otsher ordinanceg of chG Toltn aPPlicable tshef6co' REQUESTS FOR INSPESIIONS SHAI,L BE send- ctcan-Up DcPosi! To: llEDBo OFFICE FROM 8:00 A!,1 5100 PM SIGNT,TT'RE OF OWTiIEB/OR ='#o[ FoR HII.ISBLE A.TD O9{NAR ***'***************i:t*!t*:t:l******************:l*:l******************!t*************** CONDITIONS Per.arit, #: 899-0203 a6 ot O8/L9/99 Status: rSSUF *****************:l****!t************************:t:r*:lt*******!t:l***************tt*** Permit 1:@e: ADD/ALT COtr{M BUrtD PBR}rT Applied: 0s/04/L999 Applicant: NEDBO CoNsTRugfroN rssued: oe/L9/L999970-845-1001 To E:qrire: O2/L5/2A00 ilob Address: IOCAEiON: 458 VAIL VALLAY DR (BEI,I,A RIVA--I,ARKSPUR) Parcel No: 2101-081-09-004 Descriptsion: IMTERIOR REMODEL OF EXISTING R3STAI'RANT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPART!'IETiIT APPROVAI. IS REQUIRED BEFOPC ATVY WORK EAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. TON6I OF VAIL, COLORIDO gcft.rnE rt.a rt'a tiatti't!t at., ta., ttatlta ttrrrtrttf rr rrfi* I r tittt tatrrtit irrarr tr,r StrBolrr NurD.r! llc-0661 lrcunt ! 1,111.50 OAILt/gt tO.L4 PryranC LElrods cK 'f,or.Cion t 16635/XmAO IBig: .tX P.r IE ro! B9t-020t TtE r! t-@Ft rDn/N.T @tfl BUILD p Prrcql fo: 2lo1-o3t-ot-oo{ 8lr. lddr..t ! 458 rrut vll.|t Bll DB DocrB1qr I a98 VtMl&l,EI m (BE&A Rrvl--tnnf,gPlrR) Tot l tara! 1,,111.50 IttI. Prlr.ot 1,111,50 IroE l lIiL PEta: 1.:,11,50 Ealanct:,- ,oo ,.ttrtrrarrr.raaart.atitfattitr!r!ltit'arrtarrrirtrtlttttjrtttrtirtrartta Account d! ltlaarlpclon houng BP 00100003111100 EttItDIlgO PlRltlT lBBg {90.00 DR 00100003112100 Dlgrqt REwEr IBll 50.00 p! 00100003112100 PLlfl Clllcr FBlg :114.50 m Dl-Da908 clllflttP DlDoEI?g 2so.o0 lfC 0010000311:400 IIIIJJ Ctt IJ lNSPlel:OU FEE 3.00 rowN oF vArLQoNSrRUcroN pERMrr ori,"oroN F.RM CorU,n"()ukC,-I INFORNIATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJT,CITI) Cortaci the Eagle CouW Assessors Office at 970-328-6UO for Parcel #Prtt s E- o z z7 ol - 06>1 - o> -oo( Permit # Job Name:Job Address: "fit^ Parcel # Date: Buildins ( ) Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Firn ts\, VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION a\er Q)- &* o OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Mechanical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Regisuation No. . , i_.- \\ nV .r\ v BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: atl ,a f(,/tdls0 Pg g,7,6+ctSt / Filing Subdivision_ Owners tame: Uar\ h *roc.tcrlog I eaaress: Po tral ? ?at\ Phone#j!f,-rSQl- a*r,i*,, k"[o funL[o Address: Description of Job: WorkClass: New ( ) Alteration([,P- Addirional( ) Repair( ) Other( )/ Number of Dwel tneuw*: l|J /A Numberof Accommodation urrins, M A_____;- _ NumberandType of Fireplaces: cns i'pplinces----- fufu- curto*JLl /h wowpen*-.tfujA-- BUILDING: PLUMBING Generet contrector, il-'tt-, Address: go N'* 4'"fk t 0 I ' - D LO: TownofVailRegistrationNo. Z<\-A ptor,"* kls-ftu\ DQ1 - bO?D Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. P-!c,q!!ss-@: Town of Vail Regisoation No. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTI{ TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI,JMry DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: IIEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROIIIBITTI) A. Unlaufirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. n. Notiie; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Pubtic Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specifid the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agen! may cause any such sand, gtavel, rocks, mud" dir! snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: t . Wtlin ttre imrnediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water mairg sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appudenance ttrersto; 2. To depoiits of san4 dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said matenals. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to ippear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-l ofthis code. p. f,lotice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of ttre Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incuned by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. (1997 Code: ordinance 6 (1979) Read and aclnowledged bY: Position or Relationship to Project: o^r, l lzo(rt\ TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colora.do 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME F'RAMB If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval. Engineer's (Public Worls) review and approval, a Planning Deparfinent review of Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparhnents with regard to necessary rwierv, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understandthe Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understandthat if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future pennits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Work Sheet was hrned into the Comnunity Development Dept {pu** 'o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANITUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WI{EN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMT: IS REQUIRED 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 6. DATE: 9 0\ \J\v PLEASE ANSWERTHE FOLI'WINGQTJESTIONNAIRE REGARDINGTIIE NEED FOR A t, JOB NAME: /-'dvk X* .PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is this a new resideirce? YES Is demolition work being performed tbat requireslfe use of the Riglr.-of-Way, easemen6 or public property? YES_ NO_[Z._ ,/./ Is any utility work needed? YES_ NO t/ Isthedrivewaybeingrepaved? YES- NOE Is a different access needed to the site ofher than the existing driveway? YES- NO1 f#t *U"^fi"rffyramethtaff€cts the Right-of-Way, easements, orpublic poperty? Is a "Revocable Right+f-Way Pennit" required? YES Noy' YES If you answued YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" mustbe obtained- "Public Way Perrnit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofrce or ar Corunmity Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from hrblic Works at 479-2198. AND ANSWERED ALL TI{E ABOVE QUESTIONS. A. Is tlrc Rigbt-of-Way,zcasements or public property to bc used for staging, pa*rng or fencing?YES NO Ye. fN6--to ce,' isilffing staging or fencing plan rcquired by Conrmunfu Development? ltt It ) IV OAb{/ CompanyName NO Contractor SigDahue Date: Z(\,r(y - rl PUBLIC WORKS PE,RMIT PROCNSS How it relates to Buildins Permits l. Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a'?ublic Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. 2. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. 3. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengtll width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. 5. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled forthe Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. 6. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. 7. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Wav Permit" with a "Buildine Permit" which is to do work on a project itself NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5h. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. JUL. -29' 99 (THUI lI:52 NEDBOo REsoRTs July29,1999 /EANTl|TONE$TEL:9708459979 P. 002 CoUPANYDeveLoPMENT Srrvrrt Kieicl, Pmjact Mrnagcr Nadbo Csnrbttstion PO BgJr 3419 Vril, CO El65t Dcrr Sbnvart: on bsbslf of tbc Golilcn Pcak coaduuinium fuioci*ion t wurt to rdviro you lhat tlc Arsmirgm rpprov* of y';;;;;;;i oiasmorition witl-tio tho forr wallc of &s Ur11, X[vr rcEteuranr bcginning on or rbout Morday' lGust Zn' tg91j* ilcmolition end rny fruttar cmrtrrstiori sbcil bc cu$cct n ry rygg"^restiouonr of tho Cordominirun Dootlradon uri tui errociation'l olff for construction' copioe of whiah haw bccn Providtd to Yol ltc A$osirtion Borrd mErnb€ss havo bccn vcrbdly iaforarcd of thc inhrrdcd rc'nmt imp,rovcnrcutt *ftlfn uo-i.fr,,*ti -lettt .9e qincratly .try.u:-:|.}o *ooos dpscfibodto ur. we orri+l;', ilIl .ddi6-"t rpprovar_rot Eillnt impro,u€mEttr and firrtbca renrodaling ,,iU:Jot o rlolivcry U tbo Assooiition of copies-of specific planr' evi&ncc of io,unnso * aitJiirO-i" lhtfitlr;tti;", tO o"pitt of rubscqucntly imrd Towu of Vail pcrmitr md oPprovolr' Vcrytruly, ft.*j.4. CJ-:- David6. Corbin Preridsnr Goklen Pork Condominium Arcosirtiono Inc' oc: Rooio LYot PertlTowruir{c Rorannc llracgon rtlt . ltnr,lrrrri,l6,r ' l(r; urd' . llrrrcr C {lr ' Dnfhrlnr 6uld;a ' fulrplrcrd OJ ld']^O SIUoSSU .ltUA IJUF?:I! 65' 6? -lflI TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArlr, co 9L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIIT CONTRAqTOR OWNER Elcccrical- - - > DRB Fc. Inv€6tLgtiot!> wll]. c-11.----> TC||IAII EEEg-- - > ilob Address: 458 VAIL VAILEYLocation...: 458 VaiI Valley Parcel No.. : 2101-081--09-004 Project. No. : PRJ99-0227 RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. 2L07 W. COLr_,EGE AlrENIlE, ENGLEWOOD, RMER.A, EtEerRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVENI]E, ENGL,EWOOD, VAIL EORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81_658 Phonez 970-949-6095 Phone: 970-949-6095 DEPARII,IENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEIIT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .'OBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES ELE TRIEAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0L77 DR Status..Dr, Larksepplied. Issued. . Expires. . : ISSITED . tT09/28/L999.: 09/30/L999.: 03/28/2000 co 801r.0 co 80110 Description: Elect.ric for restaurants remodel FEE SUUIiIARY *r., tt a, t ttattt'rt t t + tti ttt ttt Tot'al calculated Pees---> 453 . oO Valuation:25, 000 .00 450 . OO .00 .00 3.OO 453 .00 Additsional Fee6---------> ToEaI Pernits Fee-- --- -- - > PalmrenEa - - - - - -- BAINXCE DI'E- - - - .00 453 . OO 453 .00 .00 II,CM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTNTEI{:T DCPT: BUITDING DiViSiON:09/28/L999 KATTIY Action: NOTE Routed to Erhst09./30./L999 GGOODELL ACt,iON: APPR APPRO1MD BY ERNSTITbM:.O56OO FIRE DEPARI!'IENT DCPT: FIRE DiViSiON:09/28/L999 KATITY Actsion: NOtrE Routed copy to McGee COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK IS TO BE IN COMFLIAI{CE WITH THE 1996 TiIATIONAIELE TRIEAL CODE (NEC) AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL. - -, ",,,,;, ",,,. DECLARA'TIONS I bereby acknowledge tha! I have read this appticahion, filled out in full tshe informatj.on required. compLeged an accurale pl,ot plan, and siaEc lhats alt bhe inforrnacion provided ae required is correcb. I agree to co6ply uitsh the infortlation and ploc p1an, t'o conply vilh all Torn ordinanceE and 6tac€ Las€, and to build !hi.6 6truclure according to the Tot'!l's zoning and aubdivigion codc€, dcsigm tcwi6* approved, Uniform Building cod. and other ordinanceg of che Tonn applicable thcrcto. AT oIlR oFFICE FRO}I B:00 AI4 5:00 PMREQUESTS !'OR INSPEqTIONS SHALL BE tilADE T9{EMff-FoUR HoURS IN ADI.AI|CE BY SIGNATI'RE OF OR COMIRACTOR IITMSEIJF It attaat'rttlr|.ttirrattatrttaaittat.Jtr.tttrr.rtlaJrtttr.rrtat*itttaiaatt lon Ot Vl ., Clol.OnfDO gErtrlnr .' rrrrtarttr.a aiaa.J rt., f tta.a rt.r |} rilrrtaa *t ttrt.a *rt t ttaf rt** irta t tt tt StrtaDe $ulblrr R8C-0969 hounc ! {53.00 09,/30,/99 lalgs Pq.r.ol !t thod r CK lfoe.ll,on ! lrl9/R|flRf Inlt r iIN P.ral.t lor ltt-0177 rypr! I-IIEC gl.letRlctl, PERI|IT Prrcll f,o! 2l0l-041-09-O0a git! tddn.r t lst VlMlELl:( m, toc.tion! a5a \rrtl Vrllry Dr, Ltk pur n .g.ur.ne lolal t .ar 453.00 $ri. Pry[.nt 453.00 lot l llll. hE I a53.00 Brluc. ! .00 lccount coda t.rqi,ptlon lrcung tP o0tooo03111a00 tGlc|Rlqlt. pBtflt3 Fttlr {50.00 tfc 00100003112800 rIL! clLL tlrtpteglotf pEl !.00 ID:SEP 28 '99 7 :41 No .005 P .01 ,rt varl.raL L .ro6^L vYe..rt, I€gaI Descriptlon: I,ot Elock- Flf lng sqnorvr$Jor.l ' Addrees: Architecr: elu *t lsn* Addrossr a?\1,n.r*j,itsr tilelvl @ Ph.7rz 3+T?at 'A.t cenoral DescrLption: ..,..tts{tt4il}F --,-. ,, NUmber and Type pf Fireplaces: Gas Appllances , Gas logs_ Wood/PeUet_,t S* r*********** * *t** * *** * *** * ****** VAIITATION5 *i**r****** ** ****** ** *** rt ** * ***** flBUIL,DING: ILECTRICAL, t.'.s;"9P-a orHER: t . -ILIIMBING:fl vlll'li.al. Y t{EcItN{rcAtJ: $-- ToTATJ: $- $*****r********* ?eneral contract t{ork Clasir 1 J-New lvf-a11"tation t l-Addtttonal [ ]-Repalr I J-other umber of DsellinE Units: t Nunber of Acconnodation Unlte: INFOITI.TATION **************l********t*** Tordn of Vail heg, NO. tddress:Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: ?Iulbtng Contractor:Town of vail Reg. NO. .3hone ltunber: --... leJnicat Torn of Vail Reg- No. Phone Nurnber: ) OFPfCn USE *** **** ***!r***** ******* ******** BUILDING DIAN CEECX FEE: PLI,MBI}IG PIAN .CITECK FEg! }TECIIAITIICAIJ PIAI{ CHECK FEE: .RECREATTON FEES CLEN{-UP DEPoSIT3 TO?AIJ PENUTT TEES: BUILDTNG:.STGNAIURE; ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: ,f,rctrii^1i:1'4$iH jHiJ3lH'';l,iiiijitEffi uslfl *Qq*noT:!L--:_- Pe5qq. o?A . I rpplrcArroN Musr BE F'r!LED ouT cal.rpr/ETErrv oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEpTEDt f,******** *t rt* r ***!r***** ****** pERr{rr rNFoR}tATroN r*****r*******r******!r*,****** [-/-[ JiDuildlns [ ]-Plutnblns lrl-ElectrJ.cal f l-!te.rcgdn]Fitv"5A-."".1-*r --irob Name: L arr*'fqr Rate*,ea5r irob Addres", {rr.i+ardbl+r. V+i( O owners Nal[E:' glectrical .\ddressi tddress: \ddr333r Con€ractor: IUII/DING PERIIIT FEE: III)}IBING PERI|IB FEE: |ECIIINICAIJ PERUIT FEE: IIJGDRICAL FEEI HER TYPB OT FEB: RB FEE: *t ******** contractor: Date ReceiveoT.Yr{ uP DEOSIT InuuP m: SEP 2s 1999 iD: o 75 aoulh f ronltg. rord vlll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 BUILDING PERI,iIT ISSUANCE TIilE FMNE tf thrls permtt requi.res ? Towl of Vail Flre Deparrnent ApprovalrEngineelrs..(,puultc ltorks) reyiew ana approvai,'i piiii,ir'ri'bipirt unt *yl :I1-gl^Heal th_Depa rtrnent revfew, and' a "eview tv- ii,i'.driiii nsuepart{nentr the estiaated time for a total review may take as l6ngas thrbe weel(s - llJ..lfr:f:j1t f]arsg or smat't) and a'll rnulti_family permits willnave ro roilow Ehe aDove nentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small proJects_should take a resser amound of-iinii.'xowever, irresidentJ'a'l or smaller prrcjects impact the varlous auove mentioneodepartnents. with regard, to necessai-y review, these piojecis ,ayalso tlke the three week period. Every.attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this .permtt as. s.eon as possible. II, thelundersigned, understand the plan chect prccedure and time frame. t SEP 28'99o 7 :42 No .003 P .02 gftlco of communlty devclopmerrt Cornrunl ty 0evelopent Departnelt. ID 3 SEPo..lnr*^ffi 28',99o 7:42 N0.003 P.03 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 199tt WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'tS REOUIRED Dale: 11fr[4 Please answer the following questlonnalre regardlng the need for a'Pub[c Way Permlt': YES N, r) 2) 3) 4l 5) 6) ls this a new resldencg? ls domolition work being performed that requlres ths use of the rlght of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? fs lhe driveway bolng repved? ls ditfelent bccess needed to sltg I other tlltan exlstlng drlveway? i ls any flrainage work bolng done alfecting lhe right of way, easerngnls, or public propeny? ls a'Flgvocable Rlghl CI Way Permit' rcqairod? l.-:_-----_.--___A. |$ ttre rlght of way, easerflents or / public pioperty to be used lor staglng, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, ls a patfdng, elaglng or fencing plan requlred by Communtty Dsvelopmgnt? . It you enswered yesto eny otlhess queellons, a "Public Way Permlt' must be obtalned. 'Pubflc Way Permit' appllcations may be obtained at the Publlc Work's offlce or at Gommunlty Dgvelopment. lf you have any questions please celt Gharlie Davis, the Town of VailConstruction Insp€slor, at 47S2168. Ao|rt O! rnf., COLOR^IDO gt.B.De a.ati.a tttt.t ai., tt at**tt t * *rf tt at* tt*r, t ** * i a *t* tt *ttlinrt |lt rr* ***tr St totr lr.:b.r 3 R!C-0586 lrount: 53.00 U/09/99 t2!03 gryrrrt lLthod 3 CK lfotrBion: f1t7{/RwlBR.f lnlBr LC 9.rriC $o! lt9-001, Tlpc: l-lIARll lIJl PEnt[T P.!c.l fo. 2101-o81-or- oo{ !tlB. lddr|.. r a5a vLXL lru.lJEI DP. Irocrtlon t t68 V.il vrll.y D!, Lrlkspur R..t Toerl F.c.: 53. OO ltir 9ryrtrc 53.00 totrl lllj Put.. 53 . oo Brlrnc!: .0o lcoo|n! Codc Dc.cripBlon lrc\rtrt fP OO1OO0O3111|OO BIJBCII'ICI! PERIIIT FEI(I 50.00 rc 0o100ooll12a0o nIIrIr c,rllr MpICTION tBl 3. o0 - (ffi W ffi 6glfr, Mn dE a gf|r:WE PJtt,J* na*N,0t:a/Er-b.1- * -tlw 41hq u,*{Lqq.cl:!J ronrm -[.rvk6?ul/ 9ts{t^{4fi." . .-, r* Edrd$( )Hdb3r t fficrt( )tt@l()Os00 Flet A$'ast{ M; ID:OCT 07'99 6:38 N0.001 P.01 ro,m oF vAtcoilsTRucnolt pEnf,rr tilcmoil.FoRu n$uFrf rEDuJngFr rf, fiprlt+rp on rrr dfl,Lcrrsf, rynr rE r*r*lp PPJqq' ozzl l@ltdllpdfrqbCLS Tow!dVrllll{|lmdBlb. E$FHCsrE lagllDmtdn:IL-E+* L o'rrlu TtFthl cortcn:lAAsr ,.?dE (lt W, ca 6rasD lbDcdDttlitu&rfed&ourdjimIffi Dil#ildr;. flEJ{'fi* l0"tA,&l .-.- , -"... WattCb Nril ( )Ax.iltb( ) I Aruiud( ) RtDdl( ) Olr(n FlEs'Arir.G'L{ wL EI'[.TID@. P'JD,E{O GmrffiilllrEo8lalilqil c qr ,I.AU t 4*.b .-- adt* ?oldl thrdvdturHillb' ..nqq-ftQl2ttr;t Fhhr9mrClrr Twuofvdkghltcnlla UffilrESs , IllJu[en FEEAAqJffi,i-qffi@ br. . _. .-,,, BrJU^Ott{o:8|otUtruiEl - .- zoilhrl: 3H{A tw*, .?it,et+ &r,L.4? **. $tqr- Ani u atro Date Receive.. ocT 0 7 1999 Hu-e TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\TTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 APPIJICA}TT CONTRASIOR OWNER DEPARTMEIiTT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON ALARM PERMIT .]OBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit. #: A99-0012 Job Address: 458 vArt VALTEYLocaLion...: 458 Vail Valley Parcel No.. : 2101-081-09-004 Project No. : PIu99-0227 RIVIERA EIECTRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COI,LEGE AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. 2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVENUE, ENGI,EWOOD, VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 8l_558 Phonez 970-949-5095 Phone: 97Q-949-5095 DR Statsus..Dr, Larksepplied. Issued. . Er<pires. ISSUED LO/07 /L999Lt/09/L99e os / 07 /2ooo co 801L0 co 80110 DescripEion: Move 1 putl arm box for alarm system ValuaLion:1, 100 . o0 .rrtrr*ttrrrriF i*r**rat*rat*J PEE sul[.{ARY Electslical-- > DRB F.e IrlvcELigation> wi.Ll call--- > aoTAl, FEES- - - > 50 .00 .oo .00 3.OO 53 .0O ToLal calculated 8e€6- - - >53.O0 Addi.tional F.es---------> .o0 Toeal Peloit' Pe6--------> 53.00 Pal'Dents------- 53.00 BAI,ANCA DUE--.. .OO rrirrrrr,r*artfi It,qm: .06000 ETECTRICAL DEPARI14ENr Dept: BUILDING Division: 1"0/07 /L999 KATIIY Action: APPR N/Aiabm;' 65e oo-Frnr DEPARTTIENi Dept: FIRE Division:to/o7/1,999 KATHY Action: NOTE Routed 3 set-s to McceeLa'/04/a999 KATHY Action: APPR verbal appr from McGee ' r | ,r.f rr** r*t*******ri * **" "* t* * * CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL iittr*ittltt* r*t DECI,ARATIONS I h€!6by acknowledge lhaL I have read tshis applicaEion, fi.l16d out' ln full the infornaEion !6guired, cornPlcted an accuraec PIo! plan. and slatse tsha! all tshe informaLion provided as required is corr€c!. I agree !o collply wiCh the inforn Cion and PloE plan' to conply with all Town ordlnances anal s;ate 1aws, and ro build Ehig etruc:ure accordiltg to the Tor|n'6 zoning and subdivigion code6, design revier app::oved. UnifoI1u B-:it.iing code anci other ordinances of Ehe Town applicable thereto. RBQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWEIII'Y - FOrrR HOURS IN AD\NCE By TET,EPHONE AT {79-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICB FROM 8:OO Al.l 5:OO Pl'l TOWN OF VAII-. 75 S. FROI{TACIE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTIIEI{T OF COMMT'NINT DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: TIIfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT AL'L TIMES PLUI'IBIT{CI PERMIT Permit #: P99-0096 ilob Address: 458 vArL \TALLEY DR Status.. -: ISSUED LocaEion...: 458 VAIL, IIALI'EY DR,IJARKSPApplied. -. o9/02/t999 Parcel No..: 2101-081-09-004 Isbued- --z o9/o2/L999 Project No. : PI{rT9g-0227 Ex;lires - .2 I2/29/2AOO APPI,ICANT FATCON PIJ'MBING & EEATING 3187 I.{BSA A\IENUE, SUITB A, COI{TRACTOR FAIJCON PLITMBING & EEATING 3187 MESA A\IENUE, SUITE A, OIIINER VAIIJ CORPORATION TIIE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81558 Phone:970-434-0556 GR$TD iIIINETION CO 81504 Phone: 970-434-0556 GRiLt{D JIINCTION CO 81504 Description: Plr.unbing for reslaurants remodel Valuation:20, 000 . 00 FBE ST'Id|INY ta* rtr, r+ *atttat Dlurbj.rE-----> 3OO.oo n..EuE.nt plin R..rd,cr- - r .00 ToEil crlclI.b€d t ..---> l7r'oo Pl'rll chcck---> ?5.oo rqra! FEES------ 3?8'oo Addtiton'l t..'---------t 'oo hv..!igrcio(|> .oo lcErl ht ic F '--------> 3t''oo wilL crrl'----> 3 'oo Pryr'!tt------- 374'00 EAIAtrCE DgE--.. .OO |r tr rttt , ttt tt *t t ','ti |}rt * ttt*ttttt 'rrt*l ttrrt* t i,+ *i'!} rl** BUILDING DBPARllilEllTKATHY ACtsiON: APPRFIRE DEPARITIIEIITKATITY ACTiON: APPR |t |l r ai, i ttf jrttt *rrrtr+t*aratltrtrttt rl t]tf ,t i I t r, *tttl !lttttr DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: APProved PBEifl "t** Division: N/A Item: 0510009/02/L999rtem: 05500oe/02/t99e COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIBITD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRSD TO CIIECK FoR coDB CoI'IPLIANCE. **arrrrrrrj*r*ra r*rtrrartri+a.rrtt at*rataaa ttil'}t DECLARATIONS I h.r.by rcknorl.dg. chr! I h-vc r.rd Ehie .Ipllcrglon, filt.d ouc in full ch. infolration rqulrod, colPhc'd r! rcculrt' plot Plrn, .nd .trBq lhrts rll th. Lnfolilrrion plovld.d a! r6qr,ri.r.d,lr cor:rcc! ' r 'Er" !o c{Ply xirh th' Info: rgioB 'Dd Plot Pl'n' Eo cobply r,igh r11 Torrr ordLnalrc.. .nd .c.E. Lars, rnd co buijd thL. Eeruclur. according !o ch. Tcn'. zoDlnE |n'l eubdLvicl'on cod.e, d.Elgn ravlGs rpprov.d, Enifo!:rtr Buildtng cod. and otshor oldinene6! of tsh. to{n apPllciblc thcroco' REQT'EST9 SHAIJ. E8 !,IIDE T.!{E!TTY-FOUR HOI'Rg IN ADVAI|CE BY o ****:***!trt**:l**************************************************** TOIIN OF VATI, COLORADO Staeemnts *************************************!t************************** statelm't, Number: REc-0557 Arnount,:378.00 09/03/99 17:00 Payment, MeEhod: CIIECX Notat.ion: #5895/Palcon Init: KMW Perml-t No: P99-0096 Tlpe: B-PLMB PLTMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2L01-081-09-004 Sit,E AddrCSg: 458 VAIL VAI,I,EY DR I,OCATiON: 458 VAIIJ VAIJIJEY DR,I'ARKSPUR REST Toual FeeE: 378.00 ThLs Palnnent, 378.00 Total AIrIJ Prirts: 378.00Balance: .00 ******!t*!t*t***!t***********************:l*******:t***!t************** Account Code DeBcriptlon PP OO1OOO031112OO PLI'MBTNG PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CIIECK FBES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAIJI., INSPE TION FBE Anount, 300.00 75 .00 3 .00 %"-rr-ee o':rr^ ns'^ "',llT^"' cDr,l-DEU ID:505-t79-2'52 PPXqq. ozz,l ,,, Q"*;; '* -'T.;=', nuc 26'95 t0:29 No.002 F.01 r.l|' t ovtcr5 lrcbtt.clt! % Listxf't ca!!.ranl lrrcd'j}tlour : ,,o,rlc cl:r.t J !-lrr trl-fttrtrtLca t, !-ldrtttLonrl i !-n|tslr t t-OcbtB-_ gb ElrsSrlrrl GBnCGrtgoE, IACE rtt PlrnblD{l GGrlgr.oclll lrddr.ra: $cCrrnls.l o0tqilot'car ltrHrD oC vl!,I e.9. llo.DDgn rr$ar t tt€rzr a! vrll R.g. Io.lJ!gI--Drs. nrlDalt oto-$ 4555 - tcva al Vatl rrB. tlo.Dbmi lfErbra; a.....llo.laaartl.aaaatffatt....r t* ott:lct EltJ tat-a}..tl'alt-..tQ.t.trt}'tFtt;s*B#ffiffi: ffi ffi#-ru-F:*-lcctp;3crt Drrj1r ti'r .. i.,... . Egrgcf,i "t t ff!fot .:.....'....]'.....'.- Pfemrcrr rfft llCllEEC lllllrffi; r?rr ol-iur : ' ctiltll.s? DrlotErrm! rrr lglta tST tEEBr Laraars gefirstl3ll rEmfrr r-Bq - O?A3 ^r'fltera:torm!at!&@ogEcc|c.tetE.lot:r|tl:IC'|!!E}cGEDSED| -r- =r..ns.rr?E aaaaaaaaaaaaaa*a.aarar.lttirr..ttr.f t.r..r..... r..la......t lEt$l lltumtlist tt""t \'t t-i|llclnf trl-thnbtrrry I t-ttrdrlErf 1 !'nc8ir|r&rl t l-oEbcl roD frr,rr r,e_I3l?,,- rr.ciilr"{ - tob illbe.tt l!1J!!ll4!9lJ48 D.re&tttlor !J't- rro*- rlt Nugoa oC *rfeiag ga1trs d. Iurb5' oi lttsodlttru Uaatrr -silb.; a;d qpr oa tltq11racrr €ra }tglllrrE .- ttrr &sgr- llwc/lallcE- ,blf.t.ltt'.t.|..l.r|.t.l.t.J.i.tr..vlljuil8lg[Errriilltll.tt.t*l'||ttl'.tltli.trrrtbrrlarsr luglqryr t-.-;- Sl r - -fiffi#;*r'W; Efficr&ii-:= lrstret-- L.**-.r.trf.rrrralafrrarttf.. GE[|ltf.'t?B tlltolmlllgl tttf 'ttfi'rrtlr'e 'lr**"'*JGer*".e Fdt-.dt 8. I.E? 9llutr ,, . - I:9-i3fl*."'c' nD'-ffiIfr ?tcoe xr$orc -- i l Eltflcr,--i-i-i===l iffi: 08/e6l96 0l: 14 sEP 02 1999 Ifltnl( !f,r.0?16.?.001 o at ET t< ro ro I.3Ed8 oc oc G' ta o C'o o C'c o 0 €o o 6t xUIAoF 6Eo o E:.! EH q c n ta 'O I i IH9a:xol I F.ie RUEr.AEz?GDOA ttA H EE- Pro B 6 |I'e o a Fita oiiEOAO!Ar; oo .'|Tore! o aFr E3 ETata &IH( Hl. EE E8!04 I BE i5oo E FEA1o IHI a I F| t!q A FI Itl HAHa!4IOaa.x E lDI 9XE 2?t .|H FIdt B T E .EI.. l{ 6ABgl a EhtsE trHoo Ee € lr'D rrcaI> EIqEt( oat04&c|cEOt!!!tot!AET trFTt t'' 'rcrJht ct? vatr-. cclt-ctaaatDcl l.//-ttfr, -7.L2 !.-GlLrGaTa - LaatFLG:?h. Uctl|< aFlfIT- ?ctR.l-atattt'Dr'a ttaa! atrr[ oo A€.llrrl.llr. DrDt-OGa! t.rtorl, ?lrt-. .l-CctHn| !lr-tut. laalJ-D Ctah.tF '|ClcltlalddF-... 4lla ValtL 9,.l-t-3Y Di l-o6-tlcrtr 4Ea t,alll- t rlt-LIY Di aa:LLa ilvt--LAR|<aPt F F-r{r-D -a-1-raaa-rarD---+ Ctca. D..€+-aFiactrr llilTf itcli ilar|CtDSl- CrF aXlaTlh|ll iIaTFtuiFN'r lalt ch -r t i7a-aa!-looL Flt orr-r Flt.rr-. t?a-a4lt-falal Lr--. tl A-FaL ClFrralc-rtt. NIDDG' Clctiaa?lllJctTlctN Ctrtr a F. I,AIL C;ohtF-etcF NIDDC' C!CL{a'f ll|JE Taoarl tFaFa-iaalt l-{araat ttr taF--tact r--- L-.ts--tca CtalftL tl-€ 'fl-.t -4.-- Gt.r---rtt-. Lal|<af,t|-ri - Ell-L Ca|.-L It--a Faqtrattad tar ba t!.raFaGtad-6 -lctlclr Cc---rtlt3 Fhoi.|.. .aa-!'t!t TA-. ar<F Oall4c ll-D--Fah-a Ctrct tttaFa€tl-ri Ha.tcFtr.---. tt--. al-all- L-l!!-FF--ari! lta2-L.D.a lrr.F-€t-n CIt ll-r. ao-g- ll-Do-tt.. t.rt-ltt,cE ta--r allaaa ILDO-lara-tFc.'.. x-ll ttaa-.r.a.a ltt.Fa-t.rF Jfllrl It-r. a-ra7- al-Do-Irlar.r- It--. aarD.Da DL-DO-Fln-l la--. aagta aLDal-?r )C- CtaC, -l€tacrra Frtl a€tacti. tlFPi r-- at.ta'a 1-lratlt. ttt.tt-€ac!.. Cltt act|'.r..r Sthl ,-l-c ... 3.rc tcF t.ata,.a Nct-tt tlh-l CCI -,-rr 'rart ba Er--!rt-ct urrtll ?aF- -arFttFaaal€rr !lr-ta- GraFlFDqtl|,-tr -a-d/?!c'.Gcr!- -F- --aarr .arad -oc-Ftad bl, 'tlt - tlF- dalrt Lalla.al ltt-tt-GtoH CtD trlEtaotrr f|FCIi -|PFiCtl,ID/CCtrifC!?tCtha itltD N-t. !. la\aa'farr-l- aDDlTlctarlflL FaaTIh.f la 't'r Lctc:a?lcth|a l'.tlril FaFei F|.ta llrh| Fr|r|f'rictlrrD crF raHrif Fat-Tlil-i- air c'|-cla-l ?}ltl t/a, TC, aTT .tctt'r|'ra -*(:^:-*3*^ trir7& FFt'i a{ai|4fT ictcrtl tttaar).4 lr!!F.crt-'.. Cllt a€tlcrr. aFFi aFFiCrufD No,l-.. ClaJ{ |{Ct? Ctctc;|-rttY tlTaitcti DtNth|O E IG!l{ atslaNE llrrlLa AGaat O|JaaiD iattt-- trItT th|-T;aLLrDt clt-lali tI-L Elttl Rrtttt,- ctcrtraa'rRuct?tctta itaTtitaLa aND Dtvtt-ctFlrtNT aath|a lalRfFlY NCrT eLLCtur-D pot ctccuParnactv F|7 'rHla Tl'r|: aFFicrr,/ratr rta! a3-tia oi.|h|TrD TCt Lra- ict?'rratFrr ln| 'rFlla aFalGrI l,-t-ta.al lrtaF--:-}.. Clt N-t--. ?o- l-i-a ---n --dl;1oal gc -11c.. ua- c? -r.trr{atF atlFitt C clac Ct|!€uF-n€tr rtct -llcE-d ?arF clr- a-LoFyt-a-?- -lt thaa 'llaa t|lFa r a{tFF- a|'crt -aalatl€-tloftt ,-F. F qglF-cl ar! lta'ila -F-- li-rr aialttl Flia-?f]iF. CtlC, It--r ar-ltal F5-TllF- C!/Ct It--. aftglt FL-rlh.-TlI.E- eto lt--r fD-EtZ Pr--||il-Fttrl;.'-- CtaA ti.-r al-lta Flaaf-FA|raall- Ctlct It.rt ar-Glt Fl{-At}|al- CrrO la.-. aactr)a tLD--?1- -l CaC, REpT131 TOI^'N 0F VAIL, COLORAD0 lL/e4/ 1999 OS!el REOUESTS - INSF,ECTN tltlRK SHEETS FOR:11/P.411999 FAGE AREA: 1 6G Activity: 899-OEO3 It/e4/ 19 Type: A-COMM Status: ISSUED Constr: ACOltl AddresE: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Location: 458 VAIL VALLEV DR (BELLA RM--LARHSFUR) Parcel: €1Ol-081-O9-Oe'4 Occ: Usel II l-HR Deser.ipt ion: INTERIOR REt'ltrDEL OF EXISTINB RESTAURANT Appl ieent: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Fhone: Owner: VflIL C0RtrORftTIgN THE F,hone:Contractor: NEDBO CUNSTRUCTITIN F,hcne: 97n-445-1441 s70-a45- l AA I Inspeetion Request Requestorl CARL Rec Tine: Ol:lZtO Information..... Fhone: Conmentsr LARKSF,UR RESTAURANT 9rA4-5735 Itens requested to be In;pected.,, @0=4@ Bf n,- -' Et En {Ct} Act ion a"H "t* Ti me Exp Inspection History..,,, Iten r ClQtZtSUt BLDf,i-Framinq l0/Atl99 Inspector: CD Iten: 01121056 BLDG-Insulat ion Iten: OOtZt6Ct BLDE-Sheetr-oek Nai I L9r/ r, | /99 Inspeet or: CD Act i on : AF.FR AF'F.RT]UED Action: AFCR ApFRUVED/CORRECTION REQD Action: AT LOCATIONS WHERE I^JHERE FASTENERS ARE CLOSER F'fl AF'F,R MARKET ROT]M NoteE; INSTALL ADDITIBNNL FRSTENERS F.APER HAs BEEN F,ENETRATED OR THA 3/8'' TO BTT JOINTS L@/Pe/99 Inepector: JRM Itern : EC|ATIA BLDG-Misc. Item: AOBget BLDG-Final Item: elUtSSO BLDG-Tenp. E/n Item: Cr€t53t FIRE-TEMF. C/0Iten: O{tsse Fh-TEMF,. C/OItem: 0OE33 PLAN-TEMtr. ClA Iten: OO537 trLAN-FINRL C/OIten: OO53A FIRE-FINAL C/QIten: 40539 PI,,-FINAL C/0 Iten: AO54O BLDG*FinaI C/A REPT131 TT]WN BF VRILI COLORADtr rrze:7iSSS O7:EB REuUESTS - INSFECTN I,ORK SHEETS FOR:1rlesl1999 J-r PAGE 6 AREA: CD == = = = = = = = = = ==B===== = E===:! t= ==== = = ==== = = = = = = = = = = * = = = = =i = = = = E === = = =*= = =-==-= = = ==== = Activityr F,99-121096 LL/e3/19 Typer B-FLMB Statr-tgr ISSIJED Constrr AEBM Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Locat,ion: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR:LARKStrUR REST Farlicel.: elOl-Ogl-09-OO4 Occ: UEel Descritrt'ion: trlunbing for restanr^ant remodel Applicant: FALGUN trLUMBING & HEATING Fhone: 97tD-434-0556 Ownerr VAIL CORPURATIUN THE Fhone: EontracrLor': FALCON FLUMBING & HEATING Fhone: 97O-434-0556 Inspect ion Reqr.rest Inf ormat ion. . . . . Request or l KARL F'hone I 9tZt4-5735 Req Time: OBr60t Comnents: LARHSFUR RESTARAUNT Items requested to be Inspected, , . Act ion Comments Tine Exp MB-F i na I0Oe9el I n spect i onItenlIteo: History.,... AOeIO trLMB-Undergnonnd ra0ee0 trLlttB-Rough/D. l"l. V. A9/tQ/99 Inspector: CD Notes: FATCH ALL FLOOR AND OAPSO FLMB-Rough/[dat er' A9/10r/99 Inspecton: ED er0e40 F'LMB-6as F ipinq OO8EA trLMB-trool/Hot Tr.rb 04960 FLttlB-ltlisc. 0Oe9O FLMB-Final Action: AFtrR 6#FT I"IALL F.ENETRATIONS Act i on r AtrF.R STREET F.RESSURE Item r Iten: Itenr Item: Iten r urr uJtrrl 7ot+N l.-1- il.--l$ - #rigo Review acttn Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Larkspur Restaurant and Bar LLC Project Description: Exterior window alteration to folding doors Owner, Address and Phone: Larkspur Restaurant and Bar IIC, 458 Vail Valley Drive ArchitecUContac! Address and Phone: K.H. Webb Architects. PO Box 205. 477-ZggO Project Street Address: 458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract F, Vail Village S6 filing Parcel Number: Comments: Project#: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Colors to match existing exterior Town Planner: Ann Date: August 19, 1999 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval F:\EVERYoNE\DRIAAPPRoVALU1IDRBAPP&FR.L,I DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Cln. Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsig rwicw must rcccivc Dcsign Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sce the subnrittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquastcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd information is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrental Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvlcw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. TOWNOFVNL DESCRIPTION OF THE B. C. D, E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): ryPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 PHONE: F. G. H. NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. frMinor Ntcration -$20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcments. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fcnces and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc tinrc of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fcc according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. MAILINC ADDRESS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COI.OR:i Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trint Doors Door J'rinr lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Enckisurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Please specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip *+AllcxtcriorlightingmustnreettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, plcasc indicate thc nurnbcr offixhrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identi$ each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens outptrt, luminous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixhres Updatcd 6/97 o o 2,(,;li I PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Narnc Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizci PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minintutn rcquircntcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs _ 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons Typc Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER soD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES'(retainingwalls. fences,.swimming pools,etc.) pleasc speciry. Indicate top andbottom clevations of rctaining walls. Maximum hcight of walls within the froni setback is 3 feet. i,taximum height ofwalls elscwhcrc on the propcrty is 6 fect. Updatcd 5/97 ,.\ (. fl.l/ebb Anhi{actr 15fl 9runddr irnlc krl 0fiia ta D5 hl, (olor& 8166 ,nfi.2lil uu$tffi(g l/sdl0nilad ldy30,l9?, ilov'd 0 Coriin, Vrc Pnsidem Vol Rsrrts llevelopnrnl (ompory fustffice8or959 Avcn C0.816?0 (do hmd deltuoll K: GoHen Peoh hse Focifity Assoc;otii:n Oeqr,!1i. btin, Ldthpul Rest0ubil ond Bur Ll. C. the now cperolon of ile fomer gelo Rivo Resiourunt iri fhe iolden Peok Bse Fuillly. o pu kma se in rhe pp(r$ of ugruding ;heir new spoce. !l is o requireneil a{ ttr 0oldEn Pe* Ascciotlon thol oli common oreo ond €x,eftr lmpovgmonts cn oppoved by the k$ociolion, $ wollc,nierbr modficctions...whlfi cre nheody oprctei. Threfore, in orfu to'procow witr modificotians to exlefur wolls 0f rhe srocq yor rpptovul0s Assoiilion prailert is tqrjircd. i4e hrye,'wo mottfiiaftm pnpserl lo lhe commor elenenu, boih qf whirh ore darribed gnptimlh lx fu ottocred irqhrnolhn podcge os wellos below; i. ilew foilrng hors ot Soulh [let'oiion of Reouuronf, lfurrinum fmrnd tolding french s'yle Doors wiih mlor h rnoilth erhting windows. lo:kqut gool is to let more noturol lifrt in:o theii spoce os well ol povide eosiel ocres fo lheii tenoces. i/buly, here b no moiiftcdton h tfe edithg openlng(s) wiith the exceptlon of remorhg the dwco fnm :ire exlsti4 wirdow rill to rha gmurd. fu yor con see in the otmhed oholos, lhh modficotnn n hudty i'616;r 1,or lhe sunounding omr dr* tl th exEthg sile wolh ond cou'ses minimol rfioEe to rhe buiiding. 2. llew irench Style Doors ond moving on eristing irrferior widow in rhe oH/new 'tiloilcr" sFce off tir extsttng "Grecl Room." In oiforrs b dko fie ,ljlortsi hcvo mora vbible idefitify h $rest of the buildilg, we ole "opening ,rp' the mil,kel t0 the conrnotr errry holl. 0lersll the mw 'lrtorkel' onapl should be o desroble oridltion to ihe Lrilding rvith o Countryflotuthotrlillmtr b hoth 6lcrts onC mcrc so b fie otcloontq/ourmr oftln [uildrq iln*r f lh lnqim hrlt* ol Ldildt Lrl 'Af'l SlHaESe 'l:H,', l,lH;i:Etr 6EEI 'LT '9nU;.J iT:'t+t ,t I ll, llabb Anfrile*r llD lirrmrridr (r* Foi Oftc ln l!5 lbl blmd! Eir58 ,t0. olno n0.ffl,f,6#l Ifrrllorr{rd Corb:n letter, Pop2 ihef.lhomos srd NoneJ Sobmunovich the prrpdetor of Lorkspur or I would h hoppy h dbcrns thc proposed improramers wilft you or cthal membea of th Asocirqtim. cf ounc. time is ol lhc csenco {or the propd so we may omplete ron$ution b1 lhe upcorning ski ncon, your tim€h respcrue would be rruch oppredotod. It you wislr 1o orcenf 1o suth modiliotions. pleoso exmuto the silxhed conssni ond retum 0: Kll. llJebl Arthilats by rlx ot q77'2965 os sonn m feoibls. Shrersiy, l{yh }l. It{ebb AA |(.H. r{tEBAROtmiTS (sotsrentollvs lor Piopcrd il,ldlfiorions $oldan Pwk Asodntio[ herefi ronenls lo lhe proposed noiifiroiions to fhe [ommofi ol€meils of the 6oUel Peol Sose Focilty os dcoibd obrve srd irt the ofodlsC innrmotion nckoge od ottsrhd henlo. Assochlbn Reprcentotiue:\- D.n*,b 4. h.luA Paes r>,€r$t- 'dolrue.nt }ao b?ttNlt*vr'r. *5Sa4- , nrr$.r d llte A dcn hdicL ri ediHr 'A3,1 5-LUCE3E -liHA uHAe iAtr 666T 'aT 'gflU 4.lb'"t - E 'ci ,7 'C "-*J t (.ll.l/ebb Arthiladr ,{5ll 9rund& irrla Pon Cfiic 0a 16 Iti. iolon& 0166 tlt {zJrr0 tto. {r7J965 (E i/sdi0ru1ad lul30,1999 lhv'd 6, Curiin, Vre PresirdEnr Vcl tsorts Development ftmpory PostO{kefu?59 Acn, C0.816?0 (tlohmddeltuory) ffi: 6oHen hok Bose Fscility f$ro(;otim Deor fili. [orlin, lotksprf Reslouror ond Bur Ll..[ tho ]Er{ cperolots 0f fie fomrer gelio Rivo Restoumnf ir the ,iofleq peok Bme Fxilily, u you know, ss ifl the pffots 0f uproding ihek nev spoce. It is o reguirenem of th Golden P?rk Assldotlon lhil 0ll common 0160 ond €$€rhr lmprownofls cr oppwed byttreicsociot'ron.cwellc,nterbrrnodificctiors...lrhidcieiheoriyopprcvei. Th€rsfore,inorfuto'p;cseo witi modrficolions to exferilr wolis of rhe spcce, yor ,lpproml cs Asorbtion pralJerl is rqr:[ed. lfe hrye,tvo modffiaftnr pirpsed lo rhe ccmmor der,nnrs, b;h cf whi,rh ore dexdbed gmptiolly lr rh onocned irrfrmohn po*cae os wollos irelovr i' ileil toldrng hors ol Sorrlh Elei,ricn of Restounnl, lrfurr:inum tromd folding irarrh s.yh ooors wiih rolor h mtth erisfing windows. lcksnrr's gool h to iei mon nrlurol lifrt :nrc their spoce m well ol padde easiet octes fo theii lenoces. Vbrnly, the,e b no moilfuotlon to tle eirirthg oponlngG) with the .xcepticn of mmoing tha duco frrm ;ire erlstiru wlniow sill b :he gmud. At yor ton see in the mmhed pholos, ihis modificotron u h:rdy visible from lhe sunornding oreo dtx h llr exElhg Sle wolis ond coutses minimol rhoge lo the hilding. 2. llew irench Style loors ond moving on erisring iderior window in rhe old/new 'llste" sroce off tne ulstlng "Grmr Rolm." In effoits to no!.e rhe lllo*or hue mora vilible deiliry ro guest .of the buildlig, we ore 'opening ,.rp'fie morkero rlre mnrnon mtrl holl. Oerollthe rnw 'ttiutet" omep should be o dmroile oridition to ihe rrilding with o Courrrry flri fid 'l,iil cgtr to hoth grests onC nrcm so lo ,the otcloonrq/owmrs of iire builfr6. 'aa ilarhr :i lh lnqrirar tulil* ol Iriil.dt ';1:, '43'i 5-l-ilc53u -l:il,', l,lU:J:CI 666T 'LI 'gnu': r'! t-xl (. fl, llsbb Ardiladr $?2 ltrclril* (f* tolffiicllrl05 ttil, (!lc& 8160 9n on90 n0.mffiQl l*nEl&iLrd Corbn letter, Pop 2 Chef lhomos od llong Sbmunovifi ttre pr4rietm of lorksgl or I worid h iqpy to discws thc proposed impmvemerCr with you or clfiel membss of the Asotiotim. 0f mursr. time b ol lh cssento {or fie propsol so tlte moy complete rcnsltxlion b/ lhe up(oming skirecon, ya.ir inely r€spfir? tvould be rnrch qperincd. It you wish to omen! b sud modftotiam, pleass oxocuts thg dtxhed ronsont or,d rtlum D: fl|. tlllobi khilats by FM o +77-?965 os soon os fecibls. Shrersly, l(yh H.lflebb AIA |(.H, WIEBAROitIEiTS fislrueilotive {or Prcpcod rltldlfimrlons $ddan Peoi:Asodotiorl henby roruenls b fie proposed ;rCfrcoiionl to fha [ommon elemeils of the 6oUen Peolr Bos Focilly os dsaibed ohrve ord in the otlmheC inormolion l0*q0 ofld ortsded heruto. lssorhthn Reor8sentotiyB:h-*U 4.eL.- A+",b 4. @-e-,A Ppa, rbe*fi- 'dnl).*a ?** A^;b- - b+ntr'Jtt*t+t ?q.(tat-. ,irmg cf lh lrricl tdfuh :i ldi|:ir -l:HA WAEiBI 566I'tT'3nU|. 'ci c-I3 "i.tlJ rll' ' Al,l 9]UC':3E l( ll.l&$b turhilech ,1512 9rumi& inla Ihd Cfiia Lr 2S kl. hlm& 8lS6 9mfiililtn,wMn ldrn$Odad July 30, 1999 Dovrd 6. Csdin, M(e ftssidsnt Vof, Resorts Developnml (ompory to:tOfffcahr959 Aron, C0. 816?0 (vlo hmd ddtueryj E: 6oHcn Pboll Bosc Fmiliiy hroc;oticn hor[li. lcriin, l0thpu Resf0ur0il ond Br 1..1.,(. the new cperotors of fie former gelio Rivo Resroumnt in lhe goldor psok Bgsc Fmilily, os you kmw, o6 1n ';s pnccs of ugnding iheir nftv spoce. It is 0 tequirenenl 0f tln Oolden Pesk Asscdollon thd 0ll c0nm0[ 0160 ond €$srhr lmpronmerns cn opprond by t\e issociolion, c well m intorbr modificctions. ..whkh ue aheoriy opprcved. furtore, in ol&rto i0cE00 witi modrficutions fo exteio wdh of rhe spcrc, yox qpprowl 0s ftsoil,utron prsileilt b H;ind. i{e lnve,"v0 mncfrrafns prposert lo fie commol derienrs, b:h sf rhkh ore derffibed gmpliolh h fu ottocned ilftrnol'mn po*cae os wellos below: ). ileiir toldrng Doon ot sor.ith fh,oiion of Rannuronl, frfurr:iirum trumd tdding irench ryh Doors wiih color lo notqh eristing windows. lo;hru/s gcol is lo lei mon noturol liilt :n:o theii spoce os well os palde essier occes to thek tenaer ttarnly, ther b no moCiftcolon h |he e:dsthg openlngG) with the erceptlon of ramoving tha stwco fnm ilre exlsti4 wtniow rill to the gmu.d. Ai yor ton see in the ctoched pholos, fih modiftotnn n Lrr,Jf vlsibls from lhe sunnnding rrcr du€ lil ih ex'Etitl$ dte wolk ond couses minimol chorrgo lo rhe building. 2. New trench style coors ond moviflg m eisring infedor tvindow h rhe oH/new 'll[0fur" spoce ofl F exlslrq "Gteot Room." In sfforts to noke tha ibrtel hlvs more viiible idefitity t0 guesc of the building, we ore "qening ,rp'ihe lttdfter t0 rlt mnrnor eriy holl. 0vaullrhc ffiw 'fiod<er" oncept $oul.d be o desroile aridfiion to ihe building with o carnrry flfr thot dll mrr lo hoth puts onJ ncrc so h fie otcuoorrtq/unners of ih buildrq. z') f,nr*r ti tx lnaior lll{* ol tdildr O:' ',\3,1 SjHCESU -11<l\ tllj;jrET 666T'.1.T'5f|L:1:'lfi l(.ll, lbbb Anhilarh l5l2 Srrmll ft* ?ol0ficrll16 'ldt dc!d! E166 9t0 f7tttofi0.m$a IfudSedhel Corb:n letfer, hso2 Chef lhomss od llanq Sohmunovih ttre proprielon of lo*spur or I wuld h troppy to dbcuss thl proposed impo,vemanls willr yru or cltrel mombet of lhe Asodrnticn. 0f course. timc ii of th asencc {ol ftc gopmol so we moy compbte ccn$ruclion b1 lhe upcomilg *,i teoson, IflJr tim€ly repf,Ee nould be rnrch oppndrted. lr you lrish to torcerrl lo such modificothns. pleoso erro(uto thg ufifihed corsfli und ntum 0: Kl|. lVSi khilxls by FAX ot 1177-2965 os soon os feosibls. Shcerely, |{yh H. Webb AIA t.fl. wtEBARfifitils Rsraseilotlve for Prorued Modlficorions $dden P001,:Asodotio4 henby comenls b lhe prryos# ,:Ddificutions to tho Common elemerfi of the 6oUsn PeoL Bose Fociltyosdeoibd ohile std ifl theofoded innrmolion xtkqeurt ottcrhd hercfo. ksochllon Reprrontotiw:b,e1.L )*,u 4. c*.!bA Prerr}*;F 'doL*.^t 7.* 4.ruL - VlntN I t*t>r. f,"S.Sp.4-, n r$e d lhtr'.rialldirh ci Nikrr -!:FJA t!HZ?:Etr 565T'r.I'gfIJtr 'ci .:rTz'flt L-r3 ',{f,l SIUCSId o o g) -- )(=tLt z (r= aAe.9a +Es -'€ ctC/.5=I lJ- o) € -5z,g) q) oLD o o ED.. .2o)(;I-LJ =O >. = |.),|V =.E€o= __.V aJ6 E EdZ Fd, ---- = F \o..€) eF =o.=+<==CE5=I o .:El r&t : r',..'i!:.t.rl r. , .. 'l; ; j. '' .1..r.;, ' , t ' t _idi '- 'r'rr:tj'- . ' "i,' :: 'rrtrlj -1"'i:;.:'-.lJ;:';l$.rrtr if:::i,.#;r"t;-i . .:.'. i .': ;1.:.ii:...1. ..i,'," ''".',i'ir'. . ;, .'ri.;'.'1i..iri'i' li ,'1.: :::.....:':.i . '. ...... ..t,,.t:,.1::i. ..: .., .i.\ r'';i 'li " '' ":''. :";, ." ".: "' :' r; :ir'",r"',r'i": :i''. i l , .' . FgH''iliff E.E*il 1--ir*$,i$la55=\ -'v= \ +'_]=-- =to)qtoo-o Et- I E,:o e- ES >. = =2E E'E@Ea E€E E *)a€tsEe(DJ='** , -,.l;(tA -,F' 7" :';",. --/'epenc|ingontheapplication,NANAoffersfourdifferentaluminumprofiIesystems:.-'',. t0meettveathertightness,therma|performance,structuralperformance'size,function, stacking and aesthetics requirements, '1, , . 'r. cH0ICEOFFINISHES:Achoiceofhundredsofhighqualitypowdercoated,anodizedandwet finishes.Forthermallybrokensystems,theoptionofdifferentfinishesontheinsideand outside. Thermally broken systems incorporate a poly.rnide plastic reinforced with glass fibers that provides better humidity control, acoustics. energy sa\,ings and strength. The rugged construction allows for commercial use. fle $1. 85 ilJlll8 $I$il The standard. non-thermal, top hung system. Inward opening unit with raised sill tested to MIvIA HGD-R20. nrs $1. 45 illllll8 / mn$ mflE EI$IIM The commercial. non-thermal, top hung system. With this systern, in addition to g0 degrees or l3b degrees angled units, segmented or other angled units to create large bay or "cuned" 0penings are possible. Paired panels for maximum stacking flexibility. Heights up to g'6" and panel rvidths up to 3'2" are possible. Ilts Sl.50 filJilffi SISIt[l The standald. thermally broken, top hung or floor supported system. Weather Tight: Inl'ard opening unit rvith raised sill tested to MNA HCD-R'|0. No water entry even at l8 psf. Independent tests conlirm high resistance to tvater penetration and air infiltration not onll-rvhen nerv, but even after 10,000 operation c)'cles. lb $t 70 r010[I8 EI$Iil The monumental. thermally broken, floor supported system, Ideal for applicltions where load bearing capability of the header ls a concern ils the main weight is carried by the floor track. Heights up to 9'6" and panel rvidths up to B'?'are possible..\ tilVturn pirnel can be incorporated rvithin a unit. Weather Tight rvith \bry High Structural Perlblmance: Suitable for certain high rise and hullicane areas. lnl'ard opening unit with raised sill and steel locking rods tested to MIIA HGD.C55. Positive design pressure of 5i psf and negative design pressure of 90 psf. No \r,ater penetration even at 12 psf. Tltt 0PHuil8 0tA$$||l|Au.'mm 8Y ITIAIIIA ltt|All SY$TEtr|$,IIIC. : THE STAT{DARD FOIDIIIG, THERMATTY BROKET{ AI.UMII{UM FRAMED OPEI{IIIG GTASS WAI.L SYSTEM THE $t5O SYSIEM By NANA WALL SYSTEMS, INC./ S)LARLUY Consider the striking features: Weather Tight Engineered to provide weather tightness and hiqh struclural performance. Inward opening unit with- raised sill tested to AAMA HGD-R4O. No water entry even al 18 pst. Independent tests confirm high resistance to water penetration and air infiltralion not only when new, but even after 10,000 operation cycles. See "Performance Criteria" on page 25. Versalile Functlons Versatile functions with swing entry/exit panel(s) option and with llexibility lo fully or partially open. Ease of opera- tion to quickly open or close up to 20 feel wide openings. Multitude of Stacking Configurations Over 30 stacking configurations as well as inward ooen- ing or outward opening options. Unhinged paired panels option for maximum stacking flexibility. 90 degrees or 135 degrees angled units are possible. Superior Thermal Break Thermally broken with 112' (14 mm) |NSULBAR. a polymide plastic reinforced with glass fibers. An INSULBAR thermal barrier provides increased strenqth, superior humidity control, improved acoustics, and energy savings. The rugged construction allows Jor commercial use as a folding storefront. Outstanding Appearance European styling and handsome, sleek lines allow qlass areas to be maximized. All folding and locking hard-ware is integrated into the profiles lor a clean look.-Narrow stacking. Secure Concealed multiple point locking that operates with a turn of a handle. The top and bottom shoors bolts between each bi{old pair of panels have a full one inch throw. Independent tests confirm that the lockinq svstem easily passes even stricl California forced entrviesiino requirements. As the full length ot the upper and to*"i tracks can be used as striker plates for the shoot bolts. extremely easy locking operation. Conlinued, Long-Term Satisfactory Operation Smooth sliding and folding operation, even when the bottom track has some dirt and sand in it. State-of-the_an hardware with patented, sealed ball bearing running carriages. On top hung SL 50/o, the main weiqht is canied by the head track. On floor mounted SL 50/u, the lower running carriages ride on top of the sill track. Variable interlocking of profiles minimizes expansion problems. Long term ease of operation with compensa- tion and adjustment features. Easy to Install, Complete System Easy to install with complete, precision built system and pre-fitted hardware. Design Freedom Design freedom with custom sizes and glazing choices. Top hung or floor supported. Raised sill or flush sill option. A large selection of muntin layouts. Mullions, glued on muntins, grilles between the glass, solid pan- els. higher bottom rails or other custom layouts are available. For baicony applications, easy hinge removal option, for easy glass cleaning f rom the inside. Choice of Finishes A choice ol hundreds of high quality anodized, powder coated and wet finishes is available. The ootion ol different finishes on the inside and outside. See ,,Finish Options" in General Information tab. Hardware Options As the internal locking hardware is compatible with other European handles and backsets, a wide selection from manufacturers such as FSB. JADO, BOUVET. etc. is available. See "Handles From Other Suppliers" in the blue tab section for a list with addresses and phone numbers. A choice of handles are also available to meet ADA requirements. Depending on configuration selecteo. panic devices and door closers can be incorporated. Complete, Coordinated Glass Walls With the SOLARLUX joining system, complete. coordinated glass walls can be provided with various lolding doors and folding windows combinations, match- ing swing entry doors, transoms. side liles, and corner posts. See "Matching Windows & Doors" tab. Motorized Screens The OPENING SCREEN WALL. an automatic. retractable, exterior, overhead, sun/insect screen is available as an oplion. The system has been designed such that it is out of view when not in use and such that the screen material can be easilv re-installed when set roose upon rmpact. O 1999 Nana Wali Svsterns SL50 1 TllE 0Ptlllllll0 [tA$$ IIUAIP W smo Byirn','Ar$y$Tffir$,r'rr GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SL 50 is the standard, thermally broken aluminum folding panel system designed to provide an openrng glass rvall or storefront for openings as wide as 20 feet as shown on the A/aximum Size Chart. lt is avaiiabie rn various configurations utilizing two to eight panels as shown in the elevation drawings. Any size within the limitation of the Maximum Size Chart is possible. Swing entry/exit panel(s) option is avarlable, but please note the further panel size constraints with a swing panet nol hinged to a side jamb. Units can be either inward or outward opening with details as shown in the cross_ section drawings. The SL 50/o system is the top hung system and the SL 50/u system is the floor mounteo system. FRAME AND PANELS The nominal lrame and panel thickness is SO mm (2,,) extruded aluminum thermally broken with 14 mm wioe INSULBAR with profiles as shown jn cross_section drawings. Standard finishes available are clear anodized. dark bronze anodized, dark brown powder coated or white powder coated. Custom finishes can be chosen from a range of over 200 RAL colors as listed ln"General Information' sectjon. Also, possible are different finishes on the inside and outside. Panel stiles and rails as well as frame corners are connected by special cast alloy, thermally broken corner fittings that incorporate hinge components. Finish is matched to tnish of frame and panels. Panels are pre-assembled. All pins and screws to assemble f rame are provided. Non thermally broken flush sill as shown in cross- section drawings is available as an option in a clear anodized f inish. GLAZING Units can be suoplied glazed with tempered, laminated, crear rnsutattng tempered, insulating Low_E tempered, or open. if supplied open. standard glass stops and'dry glazing gaskets supplied are for a glass thickness al 24 mm ( 1 5/16 ') Available as an optio; are glass stops for other glass thicknesses, See,,General Intormatton" sectton for further details on glass specif ications required. WEATHERSTRIPPING As shown in cross-section drawings, all weathersiriDp.rg consisting of ApTK. EpD-M or brush seals areprcvrcsd lor seaiing between panels and betweenpan(:l and f rame. I )L --u SLIDING/BI-FOLDING HARDWAFE For siiding and folding of each pair of panels, for the SL 50/o system, attached to the upper corner of the panei indicated on the cross section drawings is an upper load bearing running carriage and attached to the lower corner fitting js a lower running carriage as a guide. The double pair, twin tandem, upper running carriage is constructed in a way to ensure even distrro_ ution of pressure on all four rollers at any given time. For the SL 50/u system, attached to the lower corner fitting is a floor supported, two wheeled, lower runnrng car- riage and attached to the upper corner fitting is an upper running carriage as a guide. Rollers have seareo bearings and are coated with toughened Polyamide to ensure sound free running and resistance to extreme temperature. To connect panels together and to connect panels to the frame, provided per connection are two hinges at the corner f ittings, LOCKING HARDWARE :: For each pair of folding panels and on swing panel(s), if any, two point locklng provided is hardware consisting of top and bottom Polyamide capped locking bolts operated by a 180 degree turn of a flat handle. Stanoaro handle finishes are dark brown, white or dark gray. lf there is a swing panel, there are the followrng additional hardware options on the primary swing panel: 1. Nylon lever handles on both sides that operates a lockable latch. Yale compatible lockset locks latch and deadbolt. Turn of kev or thumb turn ooerates locl(. 2. Three ooint ocking hardware consisting of top and bottom Polyamide capped locking bolts and a horizontal bolt operated by a .|80 degree turn of nyion handles located on both sides. Lockable wtth a Yale compatible lockset. Turn of key or thumb turn operates lock. 3. ADA approved putl handles on both sides with a deadbott operaled by a yale compatible lockser, Turn of key or thumb turn operates lock. Lockset option of having key operation on both sides. lf Option 3 is selected for the primary swing panel and if there is a secondary swing panel, pull handles on both sides of the secondary swing panel with separate key operated bolts at top and bottom. lf there is no swing panel, for inward opening units, there is the following additional hardware option on foto- rng palr to be opened first: Two point locking hardware consisting o'f top and bottom Polyamide capped locking bolts operated by a 180 degree turn of a nylon handle on the insrde or a flat handle on the outside. Lockable with a Yale compatibie lockset. Turn ol kev or thumb turn operates lock. I1999 Nana Wail Systems o O Vlo)(=IJJ =o > = .',/) !a --=d6-.2 =+ =u.E= =FT = 3\-.a) tt--:s--=o *(5iBr-o M ft- $gBSs$llr+-d-rF\LS SE+{Jto $=.ltk\ft u $ -t(lj,ttroCLoL-ct- I E, A I ItF .FET€S :>. =El! q,9EE6:EE# 6* E-E= EEl- -6E *Es' €*EB(5-==i oo 74tl I s :. -r$ E fi T{ _0 h fi I -r'-,/v E) vt ><t+J o E <D rJ-t b O:- (D." - (\rE\. =EI|.l- t,9E€g'=* Ee-E= EEl- r- 6E B)* EEEF 1T.s $ $ -* lLIJ +$ -tct)(r,eELo ct- Io (D t l-t b OL 9).'ES. :- l! eu3:5E 6:EEg61a-E= Fd,.-- €gBi o.="El o E-. ==.2 -,X=rJr =oo = t,a =.5E =.9€ER v' ar6 d,E.?=d, -5. = R\o-.o) iF =o.E+=o q5:=F- o.= o (:'' -. ,2eX=u-r =oo >-: l!-v1v =.6o=.2€-=d+ Yl uH& trd, ----E *ia --t EOo='=e'.)(D J B r.-' io I ,!- tl x F 'l '' gl Ierta I '.":€--: .E'S --y= \ ]..'*+o* b I cc .E (l)tttoCLo ct- I Ea- E Ea- >-: =25 E'E€-94 5+EE *Ee ===gc-9.==i .f l&rlll l\ tJ. D I D I IJ IVI D,. ...};On ',F' '; . -7 -epending on the application, NANA offers four different aluminum profile systems tomeetweathertightness,thermalperformance.structuraloerformance.size.function.'".: stacking and aesthetics requirements. , -,. CHOICE 0F FINISHES: A choice of hundreds of high quality powder coated, anodized and wet " , ' " -finishes.Forthermallybrokensystems,theoptionofdifferenifinishesontheinsideand outside. Thermally broken systems incorporate a polimide plastic reinforced with glass fibers that provides better humidity control, acoustlcs. energr sat'ings and strength. The ruged construction allows for commercial use. Ilc S.ffiIOUlllESISIil The standard, non-thermal, top hung system. Inrvard ooenine unit rvith raised sill tested t0 MIIIA HGD-RZ0. flp $1 45 mUffi / mnE milE SIBfiM The commercial, non-thermal, top hung system. With this system, in addition to 90 degrees or l3b degrees angled units. segmented or other angled units to create large bay or.curved" openings are possible. Paired panels for maximum stackins flexibility. Heights up to 9'6' und panel rvidths up to 3'i" are possible. Ilr $1. fll fU0HE SIStEtl The standald. thermally broken, top hung or floor supported system. Weather Tight: lnrvard opening unit rvith raised sill tested t0 MIIIA HGD-R40. No water entry eren at 18 psf. Independent tests confilm high lesistance to rvater penetration and air infiltration not only tvhen nerv, but even after 10.000 operati0n cycles. nES.70mUffiSI$IIM The monumental. thermally broken, floor supported system. Ideal for applications rvhere Ioad bearing capability of the heaoer is a concern as the main rveight is carried by the floor track. Heights up to 9'6" rnd panel rvidths up to 3'?" are possible. .{ til/turn panel can be incorporated within a unit. Weather Tight rvith Very High Structural Perlbrmance: Suitable fol certain high rise and hurricane areas. Inrvard opening unit vith raised sill and steel locking rods tested to MIIA HCD.C55, Positive design pressure of 55 psf and negative design pressure of 90 psl No rsater penetration even at 12 psf. TrfE 0PH[ln|0 ffm$$IUALL'w ff llffin mtl. $YST[|I|$, ttrl0. I THE STAT{DARII FOTIIIIIG, THERMAIIY BROKEII ALUMIIIUM FRAMEO OPENII{G GLASS WATI SYSTEM THE SLSO SYSTEM By NANA WALL SYSTEMS, INC./ SOLARLIJY Consider the striking features: Weather Tight Engineered to provide weather tightness and high slructural performance. Inward opening unit with raiseo sill lested to AAMA HGD-R4o. No water entry even al 18 psf. Independent tests conlirm high resistance to water penetration and air infiltration not only when new, but even after 10,000 operation cycles. See "Performance Criteria" on page 25. Versatile Funclions Versatile functions with swing entry/exit panel(s) option and with fleribility to fully or partially open. Ease of opera- tion to quickly open or close up to 20 feet wide openings. Multitude ot Stacking Configurations Over 30 stacking configurations as well as inward open_ ing or outward opening options. Unhinged paired panels option tor maximum stacking flexibility. 90 degrees or 135 degrees angled units are possible. Superior Thermal Break Thermally broken with 1t2" (14 mm) INSULBAR. a polymide plastic reinforced with glass fibers. An INSULBAR thermal barrier provides increased strength, superior humidity control, improved acoustics, and energy savings. The rugged construction allows for commercial use as a folding storefront. Oulstandlng Appearance European styling and handsome, sleek lines allow qlass areas to be maximized. All folding and locking hard-ware is integrated into the profiles for a clean look. Narrow stacking. Secure Concealed multiple point locking that operates with a turn oi a handle. The top and bottom shoots bolts between each biJold pair of panels have a full one incn throw. Independent tests confirm that the lockinq svstem easily passes even strict California forced entry-ieSing requirements. As the full length ot the upper anO to*"i tracks can be used as striker plates lor the shoot bolts extremely easy locking operation. Continued, Long-Term Satistactory Operation Smooth sliding and lolding operation, even when the bottom track has some dirt and sand in it. State-of -the-art hardware with patented, sealed ball bearing running carriages. On lop hung SL 50/o, the main weiqht is canied by the head track. On floor mounted SL 50/u. the lower running carriages ride on top of the sill track. Variable interiocking of profiles minimizes expansion problems. Long term ease of operation with comoensa- tion and adjustment features. Easy to Install, Complete System Easy to install with complete, precision built system and pre-fitted hardware. Design Freedom Design freedom with custom sizes and glaing choices. Top hung or floor supported. Raised sill ocflush sill option, A large selection of muntin layouts. Mullions, glued on muntins. grilles between the glass. solid pan- els, higher bottom rails or other custom layouts are available. For balcony applications, easy hinge removal option, for easy glass cleaning from the inside. Choice of Finishes A choice of hundreds ol high quality anodized, powder coated and wet finishes is available. The oplion of ditferent finishes on the inside and outside. See,'Finish Options" in General Information tab. Hardware Options As the internal locking hardware is compatible with other European handles and backsets, a wide selection from manufacturers such as FSB, JADO, BOUVET. etc. is available. See "Handles From Other Suppliers" in the blue tab section for a list with addresses and phone numbers. A choice of handles are also available to meet ADA requirements. Depending on configuration selected, panic devices and door closers can be incorporated. Complete, Coordinated Glass Walls with the SoLARLUX joining system, complete. coordinated glass walls can be provided with various folding doors and folding windows combinations, match- ing swrng entry doors, transoms, side lites, and corner posts. See "Matching Windows & Doors" tab. Motorized Screens The OPENING SCREEN WALL, an automatic, retraclable, exterior. overhead, sun/insect screen is available as an option. The system has been designed such that it as out of view when not in use and such that the screen material can be easilv re-rnstalled when sel loose upon rmpact. ? 1999 Nana Wall Svsrerns SL50 I TllE 0PEIUlttl0 0tA$$ UUA[],' W $too BylIrr{R''Rr $y$rE'$,rilc GENERAL DESCRIPT]ON The SL 50 is the standard, thermally broken aluminum folding panel system designed to provide an opening glass wali or storefront for openings as wide as 20 leer as shown on the Maximum Size Chart. lt is avaiiable in various configurations utilizing two to eight panels as shown in the elevation drawings. Any size within the limitation of the Maximum Size Chart is possible. Swrno entry/exit panel(s) option is available, but please note the further panel size constraints with a swing panel not hinged to a side jamb. Units can be either inward or outward opening with details as shown in the cross_ section drawings. The SL 50/o system is the top hung system and the SL 50/u system is the floor mounted system. FRAME AND PANELS The nominal frame and panel thickness is 50 mm (2,,) extruded aluminum thermaily broken with l4 mm wide INSULBAR with profiles as shown in cross-section drawings. Standard finishes available are clear anodized. dark bronze anodized, dark brown powder coated or white powder coated. Custom f rnishes can be chosen from a range of over 200 RAL colors as listeo rn"General Information" section. Also, possible are different finishes on the inside and outsrde. Panel stiles and rails as well as frame corners are connected by special cast alloy, thermally broken corner fittings that incorporate hinge components. Finisn is matcned to fnisn of frame and oanels. Panels are pre-assembled. All pins and screws to assemble frame are provided, Non thermally broken flush stll as shor,vn in cross_ section drawings is available as an option jn a clear anodized f inish. GLAZING Units can be supplied glazed with tempered, laminateo. crear Insulatlng tempered. insuiating Low-E tempered or open. lf supplied open, standard glass stops and"dry' glazing gaskets supplied are for a glass thickness oI 24 mm (i5/16'). Available as an option are qlass stops tor other glass thicknesses. See.,General Information" section lor further details on olassspec f .cations requireo. WEATHERSTRIPPING As shown in cross-section drawings, all weatherstriDpirg consisting ol ApTK. EpDM or brush seais areprovided for sealing between panels and betweenpanel and f rame. SLIDING/BI-FOLDING HARDWARE For sliding and folding of each pair of panels, for the SL 50io system, attached to the upper corner of the panei indicated on the cross sectjon drawings is an upper load bearing running carriage and attached Io the lower corner fitting is a lower running carriage as a guide. The double pair, twin tandem, upper running carriage is constructed in a way to ensure even distrib_ ution of pressure on all four rollers at any given time. For the SL 50/u systern. attached to the rower corner fittinq is a floor supported, two wheeled, lower running car- riage and attached to the upper corner f itting rs an upper running carriage as a guide. Rollers have sealeo bearings and are coated with toughened Polyamtde to ensure sound free running and resistance to extreme Iemoeralure. To connect panels together and to connect panels to the frame, provided per connection are two hinges at the corner f ittings. LOCKING HARDWARE -:: For each pair of folding panels and on swing panel(s). if any, two point locking provided is hardware consistinq of top and bortom Polyamide capped locking bolls operated by a 180 degree turn of a flat handle. Standaro handle finishes are dark brown, white or dark gray, lf there is a swing panei, there are the following additionai hardware options on the primary swing panel: 1 . Nylon lever handles on both sides that operates a lockable latch. Yale compatible lockset locks latch and cjeadboit. Turn of key or thumb turn operates lock. 2. Three point locking hardware consisting of top and bottom Poiyamide capped locking bolts and a horizontal bolt operated by a 180 degree turn of nylon handles located on both sides. Lockable with a Yale compatrbie lockset. Turn of key or thumb turn operates tocK. 3. ADA approved pull handles on both sides with a deadbolt operated by a Yale compatible lockser. Turn of key or thumb turn operates lock. Lockset option of having key operatjon on both sides. lf Optron 3 is selected for the primary swing panel and if tnere rs a secondary swrng panel, pull handles on both sides ot the secondary swing panel wjth separate key operated bolts at too and bottom. lf there rs no swing panel, for inward opening units. there rs the following addittonal hardware option on folo- ing pair to be opened f irst: Two point locking hardware consisting of top and bottom Polyamide capped locking bolts operated by a 180 degree turn of a nylon handle on the inside or a flat handle on the outside. Lockable with a Yale compatible lockset. Turn of kev or thumb turn operates locK.2 sL50 O 1999 Nana WallSysl€ms o O X=u)= >. = |'.' ?*=^d9; =dE€=c)< _El-L- ' = = -\ o-c) if- 3 o:s_-=o , c-9 -lf B r-*' M ft- T(\lt$$$s$$\ [+K $-S $s5 tto,v,oCLo Et- ! Elra-T EL E'E :>.i= El! t,gE 5 -E'=x A-E=EEt- -6E *Ea€=Es(5-==i oo r---t / L_J I :1 $ :. .$ 5t T{ _0 bfi I -lw Et atl ><IJI o ct €)t+t b o: q, ."Ei += LL t,gEEE:=s .-v 6* =-E=Fd, -56 *Ea. €=Eg(5.]J=F- TzTs $ Att +T $t E$ s$ .E €)ltoCLo ct- I o €,t+J -o:_ G).ES. -: V'9EE ?;:66= d-f4 6-E= EEl- -6e P\-.<lr a-aq ==E=C55=- O o V)e><=IJ-J = : (J v =..€ =.2/-\at F > \/ aiJ6 e. -q)=dtgx. ' = 3\--6) :F =o-E*!o "(5.]f=N rrt -, o o ><o : IJ - rJ1v =..ct =.!2coo= __.v tJ^ x. =.9ad=a = 3\-.- (l) iF=o. =+==LD -= = r--o .i$ g s $,*,i:,t,,,i .j iluilb tr','." -sZ,E'<t)+ €, o .C.D o-lul 4L cl: q,'EoqD --'Y= \.. -i\s,\-*]Iitl\}- N ,,q i\f ,u i I lq," b I tl€ -t=o)(t,oCLo ct- ! E'cr-E Ect- o '= (D&, ooa s- Ctr =(}-EO-= (r.) =F.. E e 3Ut€,4 o- -szE' E' q,jtE'€ --Eotct- Q) =o c.D rru ufnrru ttrtrr ffgulvfll\uM Ift.flivlD.lJ It Ll,lll\\I.DIDIDrvID,. . .. !j.( tA ' :-b' ';' :"f tepending on the application, NANA offers four different aluminum profile systems . - .:']'' - ' , t0 meet weather tightness, thermal performance, structural performance, iize, function, ' '*.: . : - stacking and aesthetics requirements. r r r, '' ,t; t r.cH0lcE 0P FINISHES: A choice of hundreds of high quality powder coated, anodized and rvet finishes. For thermally broken systems, the option of different finishes on the inside and outside. Thermally broken systems incorporate a polyrnide plastic reinforced with glass fibers that provides better humidity control, acoustics, energr savings and strength. The rugged construction allows for commercial use. fln $18[ ill[il8 $Iflnl The standard, non-thermal, top hung system. Inward opening unit with raised sill tested to AA.NIA HGD-RZ0. lln $. {5 l0llllllG / mnB milE $flEt The commercial, non-thermal, top hung system. With this system, in addition to 90 degrees or l3b degrees angled units, segmented or other angled units to create large bay or .curved' openings are possible. Paired panels for maximum stackins flexibility. Heights up to 9'6" und panel ividths up to B'7. are possible. ns $t [0 Rt0lm $$il The standard. thermally broken, top hung or floor supported system. Weather Tight: lnlurd opening unit rvith raised sill tested to MllA HGD-R10. No rvater entry even at l8 psf. Independent tests confilm high r.esistance to water penetration and air infiltration not only rvhen nerv, but even after 10,000 operation clcles. tls $.7ll ilfllS $8lil The monumental, thermally broken, floor supported system. Ideal for applic:rtions rvhere load bearing capability of the header is a concern as the main rveight is carried by the floor track. Heights up to 9'6" md panel rvidths up to 3'?' are possible. A tilVturn panel cirn be incorporated within a unit. Weather Tight rvith Very High Structural Perlbrmance: Suitable fol certain high rise and hurricane areas. lns'arrl opening unit $,ith raised sill and steel locking rods tested to MI\IA HGD-C55, Positive design pressure of 55 psf and negative design pressure of 90 psf. No water penetration even at 12 psf. T]|E OPI||IINO ffIA$$ tfurA[['m 8Y IIAIIIA lllAu SY$TEII|S, I!JC. THE STAI{DARII FOLDII{G, THERMAI.TY BROKEI{ AIUMI]{UM FRAMED OPE]{I]{G GTASS WA[[ SYSTEM THE $t5l| $Y$TEM By NANA WALL SYSTEMS, INc./ S2LARLIJX Consider the striking features: Weather Tight Engineered to provide weather tightness and high slructural performance. Inward opening unit with- raised sill tested to AAMA HGD-R4O, No water entry even at18 psf. Independent tests conlirm high resistance towater penetration and air infiltration not only when new, hL't even atter 10,000 operation cycles. See "Performance Criteria'on page 25. Versatile Functions Versatile functions with swing entry/exit panel(s) option and with flexibility to fully or partially open. Ease of ooera- tion to quickly open or close up to 20 feet wide openings. Multitude ol Stacking Configurations Over 30 stacking configurations as well as inward open- ing.or outward opening options. Unhinged paired paners option lor maximum stacking flexibility. gO degrees or 135 degrees angled unils are possible. Superior Thermal Break Thermally broken with 1/2" (14 mm) |NSULBAR. apolymide plastic reinlorced with glass fibers. An INSULBAR thermal barrier provides increased strenorn. superior humidity control, improved acoustics, and energy savings. The rugged construction allows for commercial use as a lolding storefront. Outslanding Appearance European styling and handsome, sleek lines allow olass areas to be maximized. All folding and locking hardi,vare is integrated into the profiles lor a clean look.-Narrow stacking. Secure Concealed multiple point locking that operates with aturn of a handle. The top and bottom shoots bolts between each bi-fold pair of panels have a full one incn throw. lndependent tests confirm that the lockinq svstem easily passes even strict California forced entrv'iestino requirements. As the lull length of the uppe, and towei tracks can be used as striker plates for the shoot bolls. extremely easy locking operation. Continued, Long-Term Satisfactory Operation Smooth sliding and folding operation, even when the bottom track has some dirt and sand in it. State-of-the-art hardware with patented, sealed ball bearing running carriages. On top hung SL 50/o, the main weight is carried by the head track. On floor mounted SL SO/u. the lower running carriages ride on top of the sill track. Variable interlocking of profiles minimizes exoansion problems. Long term ease of operation with compensa_ tion and adjustment features. Easy to Install, Complete System Easy to install with complete, precision built system and 0rejitted hardware. Design Freedom Design lreedom with custom sizes and glaTjng choices. Top hung or f loor supported. Raised sill or f lush sill option. A large selection of muntin layouts. Mullions, glued on muntins. grilles between the glass. solid pan- els, higher bottom rails or other custom layouts are available. For balcony applications, easy hinge removal option, for easy glass cleaning from the inside. Choice of Finishes A choice of hundreds of high quality anodized, powder coaled and wet finishes is available. The option of dilferent finishes on the inside and outside. See',Finish Options" in General Information tab. Hardware Options As the internal locking hardware is compatible with other European handles and backsets, a wide seiection from manufacturers such as FSB, JADO, BOUVET. etc. is avaiiable. See "Handles From Other Suppliers" in the blue tab section for a list with addresses and ohone numbers. A choice of handles are also available to meet ADA requirements. Depending on configuration selected. panic devices and door closers can be incorporated. Complete, Coordinated Glass Walls with the SoLARLUX joining system, complete. coordinated glass walls can be provided with various folding doors and lolding windows combinations. matcn- ing swing entry doors, transoms, side lites, and corner posts. See "Matching Windows & Doors" tab. Molorized Screens The OPENING SCREEN WALL, an automalic, retractable, exterior, overhead, sun/insect screen is available as an option. The system has been designed such that it is out of view when not in use and such that the screen material can be easilv re-installed when set loose upon rmoact. .i l-o99 Nana WallSvslerns SL50 1 TllE l|PEtl|l|l|0 0tA$$ lflAtL'W suo 0yilrmmr$ysTr'$,'c GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SL 50 is the standard, thermally broken aluminum folding panel system designed to provide an opening glass wall or storefront for openings as wide as 20 feer as shown on the Maximum Size Chart. lt is available rn various configurations utilizing two to eight panels as shown in the elevatjon drawings. Any size within the limitatlon of the Maximum Size Chart is possible. Swrng entry/exit panel(s) option js available, but please nore the f urther panel size constraints with a swing panel not hinged to a side 1amb. Units can be either inward or outward opening with details as shown in the cross- section drawings. The SL 50io system is the top hung system and the SL 50/u system is the floor mounted system. FRAME AND PANELS The nominal frame and panel thickness is SO mm (2,,) extruded aluminum thermally broken with 14 mm wioe INSULBAR with profiles as shown in cross-section drawings. Standard finishes available are clear anodized, dark bronze anodized, dark brown powder coated or white powder coated. Custom finishes can bechosen from a range of over 200 RAL colors as listeo tn"General Informatjon'' section. Also, possible are different finishes on the inside and outside. Panel strles and rails as well as f rame corners are connected by special cast alloy, thermailv broken corner fittings that Incorporate hrnge components. Finish is matched to fnish of frame and panels. Paneis are pre-assembled. All pins and screws to assemble frame are provided. Non thermally broken flush sill as shown in cross_ section drawings is available as an option in a clear anodized f inish, GLAZING Units can be supplied glazed with tempered, laminated, clear jnsulating tempered. insulating Low_E tempered, or open. lf supplied open, standard glass stops and'dry glazing gaskets supplied are for a giass thickness of 24 mm (15i i6"). Availabje as an option are glass stops ior other glass thicknesses. See,,General Intormation" section for further detaiis on qlass sPeclf ications required. WEATHERSTRIPPING As snown in cross-section drawings, all weathersi|oprre consastlng of ApTK. EpDM or brush seals areprovioed for sealing between panels and betweenpanel and f rame. SLIDING/BI.FOLDING HARDWABE For sliding and folding of each pair of panels, for the SL 50/o system, attached to the upper corner of the panel indicated on the cross section drawings is an upper load bearing running carriage and attached to the lower corner fitting is a lower running carriage as a guide. The double pair. twin tandem, upper runnrng carriage is constructed in a way to ensure even disrrro- ution of pressure on all four rollers at any given time. For the SL 50/u system, attached to the lower corner fitting is a floor supported, two wheeled, lower running car- riage and attached to the upper corner fitting is an upper running carriage as a guide. Rollers have sealed bearings and are coated with toughened Polyamide to ensure sound free running and resistance to extreme temperature. To connect panels together and to connect panels to the frame, provided per connection are two hinges at the corner f ittings. LOCKING HARDWARE ': For each pair of foiding panels and on swinE-panel(s), if any, two point locking provided is hardware consistina of top and bottom Polyamide capped locking bolts operated by a 180 degree turn of a f lat handle. Stanoaro handle finishes are dark brown, white or dark gray. lf there is a swing panei, there are the following additional hardware options on the primary swing panei: 'L Nylon lever handles on both sides that operates a lockable latch Yale compatible lockset locks latch and deadboit. Turn of key or thumb turn ooerates lock. ?. Three ooint tocking hardware cons,sting of top and bottom Polyamide capped locking bolts and a horizontal bolt operated by a .l80 degree turn of nyion handles located on both sides. Lockable with a Yale compatible lockset. Turn of key or thumb turn operates lock. 3. ADA approved pull handles on both sides with a deadboit operated by a Yale compatible lockset. Turn of key or thumb turn operates lock. Lockset option of having key operation on both sides. lf Option 3 is seiected for the primary swing panel and if there rs a secondary swing panel, pull handles on both sides of the secondary swing panel with separate key operated bolts at top and bottom. It there ,s no swing panel, for inward opening units. there is the following additional hardware option on loro- rng parr to be opened first: Two point locking hardware consisting ot top and bottom Polyamide capped locking bolts operated by a 180 degree turn of a nylon handle on lhe inside or a flat handle on the outside. Lockable with a Yale compatible iockset. Turn of kev or thumb turn operates locK.2 SL50 O 1999 Nana Wall Sysierns o o ct >< oF';i= =B =3*Ea =Es5=F.- >- 6) -rz €, e) (5 #F T+$g+\ dS$+$$\ U+s \r-$ $$5 -to,tJ,oELocl- I Er E: FIi GId> >: Ef! trgt5 i- .F- '-r? crt .=5+ 6.-E-E=FE r-d E ?Ee ==_EE15-5=i oo .1( -l , HE,I | -l rd_{ _0 bfi I -r'-/'v :t sf. -.!$ E fi ED v, )<LLJ o E' Q) IJ.I b o: 9).'ES. >' i= f! ./tsP5 - .t .;=r=, Ct:l .=E_-6 * =e.E=Fd, -dE 3\-.q, d=o. =*=Bc55={ 1z:tB I s B +T r+ T$ .+ tiIJ +$ €(l)v,eELe ct- ao ot IJ.J b o- (l) .'ES. > += C'14 ttlgrEEE:=sr lz i6= a-E= Fd. --c E\-.or iF=c =*=o' a-=== Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Larkspur - Lighting and ProiectNumber: PRI99-0286 Wdkway Modifications Project Description: reduction of concrete wall and addition of stone cap and railing to match existing; replacement of exterior light fxtures Owner, Address, and Phone: Thomas Salamunovich/Vnit Resorts Larkspur Restaurant and Bar, LLC 458 Vail Velley Drive, Vail, CO 81657 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: KH Webb Architects (Kyle) PO Box 205 Vail, CO,81658 477-2990 Project Street Address: 458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract F, Vail Village 5th Fiting Parcel Number: 210108109004 Comments: Building Name: Golden Peak Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: 1. 2. Town Planner: Date: l0l0ll99 Project Name: Docwnentl Board/Staff Action Action: staff approved with conditions e stone cap and metal railing shall be installed efter concrete well is reduced; new meterials must match existing. Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Larlspur - Lighting and Walliway Modifications APPLICATION FOR " "r'tir':;' :;;"^' starr a'l 47 e -2' 28 DESIGN REVIEWAPPROVAL L,. D. E. B. A. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: LoCK:_ FILING:_ 14r," rj pA^€ Eagle Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-32g-9640 for parcel #) PHONE: PHONE: PARCEL #: Qtoloc't oqa+ (Conract ZONINC: NAME OFOWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: O}YNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIE}V AND FEE: EI Nov Construction - $200tr Addition -ss0 frMinor Alteration - S20 DRB fces are to be paicl at the time of suhmittal. the accurate valuation of the project. Thc Town PLEASE SUBNTIT THIS AP"L-ICATION, ALL SUBIVIITTAL REQUIRETUENTS AND THE FEE TO THED EPARTIIIENT OF COIUNTUNITY OUVPT.,OPTVTONT, 7i SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD,vArL, CoLoRADO 81657. H. Construction of a ncrv buildinc. lncludes any addition *vhcre s{uarc ibotage is addcd to any rcsidential orconutcrcial building. lncludcs ntinor changcs to build.ings and sitc inrprovcnrents. such as,rcroofing, painting. rvindorv additions. landscaping, fcnccs and retainingwalls. cto. Later, rvhcn applying for a building pcmrit. plcase identiiy of Vail rvill adjust the fec according to thc projcct valuation. TOWN OFVAIL CENERAL I'NFORMAT'ON This application is tbr any T:l:it-":-"ln"e. DTifl Rcvierv approvar. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvierv nrustrcceivc Dcsign Revicrv aPei::il-ryior P suunrltti-ng ro, a b,itding pcrmit. For specific irformation. sec thc subnrinalrcquircnrcnts fbr thc panicular approval tttot i, .q,iot.d. rnc apliicati"".u*Jtt acccpted unril alt the requircdinfomration is strbrnitted' me pro.lcct '"uv urr"'"J.J,o u. .ruir.,u.,t uy thc Torvn Council and/or thc planning andEnvironlncntal conrnrission' Design Revicw sonrd ;ppro"ol cxpires onc year after final approval unlcss abuilding permit is issucd and construction i,,t*t.11 REQ LIST OF PROPOSED I\IATERI BTJILDINC MATERlALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Material.s Fascia Soffits Windorvs Windorv Trinr Doors Door Trinr Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinurcys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* N^ei€L- .-*iit,"s * Plcase specify thc manut'achrrer's color, number and attach a.snull color chip t** All cxterior lightingmust mcet the Torvn's Lighting ordinance 18.54.050(J). If cxterior lighting is proposed.pleasc indicate the nurnber offixrurcs and locations ori" r.pu.ut. ligiring plan. ldcntiry cach fixnre type and providethc height above grade. lunrens output. lunrinous arca, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixnges. Updatcci 6i9? Inspired by the [anterns of Gustav Sticktey and Dirk Van Erp, the Berketey Series fuatures spun brass fixtures fitted rvjth stumped glass tenses. Riveted brass construction provides decorative detail and structural integrity. Avaitabte rn t4 different sizes. BH-8WO Berketey 8" Free-Hanging fixture with white opatescent art glass lenses in.ler{gi1 farird finish. p1r-wrvnd$-\ \UitUf' l\ ''.J tSjii"e'is Flxtureodel leighr 8H-6 10 5.'8" 8H-61 72" Ove.all DlarimumHcight Wattage 18 |i" (1)1OO 8H-7 ra 5. !9t,a ( 1) 100 ( 1) 10012 t!4" 8H-11 70 t:2' gH-ltl 13" BH-14 72 3.'t' BH-r4L 76 j;t" BH-17 15" BH-171 20 t,,2" 24 1i2" (1)l0o 27' (1) 100 26 i'a" ( 1) IOO 30 i: 34t. r 1) 100 ( 1) 100 1 1) 100 8lt-6 thtu 8H-rtL aid ilH.t- th'u 6u-r;I uKirlc . ..:d i: ... 'tots chttn. lcsocctivetr. )Jl inurcs moL t f,,th .1 : . ;n.ii., ..oory. t-U.L- lited lot donp lotnttoo'. F,.thcs,,, .. a,ooth?t1 lot I jli .omooct lluot$eft IaalDn,Q BH.14GW Eerkeley 14" Free-Hanging tantern with gold white iridescent art gtass in verdigris patina finish.BH-171W0-BZ "; Berkeley 17" etongated body Free-Hanging ',.^1: *,;rr, white opalescent art glass in bronze,'lnish. K. H. Wabb Arcniiecrr 4592 Jfrccmrrrir irrtic fotl unr(a !0, lul Voilaqdo Etfllt 9t0 4n.299 970.4n.296s () lylewalb@wrl.nei September 17 ,1999 Brion filcCorlney, Vice Presirdenl of Mounloin 00erolions Voil/tlountoin r05l um(e box / Voil, C0. 81658 RE: Golden Peok Bose Focility Deor Mr. McCorlney, Lorkspu Reslouroni ond Bor [.1.C. lhe new operolors of lhe former Bello Rivo Restouronl in lhe Golden Peor Bose Focilily, os you know, ore in lhe process 0f upgroding lheir new spoce. h is o tequirement of the lown of Voil fiol oll exlerior improvemenls ore opproved by the 0wner. Therefore, in order lo proceed wifi modifkotions of lhe spore, your opprovol os Owner's Represenlolive is required. The modificolion is for exlerior sile wolk os shown on the endosed site plon ond photos. The gool of this mrnor thonge is to open up the reslouronl's views lo fie mounloin fudher both inaeosing views of the ski yord ond the resl0uronl's visibility from the skiyord. Ihe modifkolion will moinloin lhe exoct exisling conditions, but remove visible boniers lhol ore not required for fundionol or building code requirements. All romplionce wilh lhe Americons with Disobilities Ao ond the Uniform Building Code will remoin in ploce. ftef Thomos ond Noncy Solomunovich lhe proprielon of lorkspur or I would be hoppy to discus the proposed improvemenls wilh you or olher owner's represenfolives. 0f course, time is of lhe essence for lhe proposol so we moy complele conslrudion by lhe upcoming skiseoson, your timely response would be much opprecioleo. lf you wish lo consent fo such modifkotions, pleose execule fie oiloched consenl ond relurn lo: K.||. Webb Architects by FM d 477.2965 os soon os {eosible. Sincerelv. yle H. Webb AIA Represenlolive for Proposed Modificolions ,!cm[r of lhe lmcrrron Inrhfule of lrchrlcdr .rt$irr-rit'-|Dtl ,ararftrd( |l{{tthlffb lc 105 hit, (!Ld Nl|I---v 'ntn.Nn r?0 tt'ln3(f) blrrrlaolnd C(: Pot Hin, VoilAsor, &hn lik Catnoy, l/P 0f fiilountdn 0perotiort, |/oil lhunhh h* Hum, VP of Comtffitlon, !/oil Rxorts Domloomcnt Co, Jmothon Gacns, VoilRasoils ltav8lop,mnl Co. Roronns hooson, Goldo hok Generollihruger Jdf 0obb,libnop of fibuntoln Opemiom, Vonlmounfsin Yt,|lqo'js, h0r€0y (onsonh f0,h pnpoacd renonr modilicorrons ro rhs urorol of fis hldon peok Bceto(flv'i r(0rtourorx sporo os dcaihd oflvc ond in the ofhchrd informolhn pclogr ond 0llo(hsd hilh.' u'n'r r neruuru* rpure 0r usssrmo 0qvc 0m in me oftfild int0rm0ll0n Fcl0gt 0ttd olht a4pnuz\ ''\fi.k q d"& 6.tt Oore: {lecrlql tqtmhrrrnnton,*oll,riuo. B lr{ e-rAsochttonreuetroruiyo: E . M"&^fl,--F I t.' lbnfu d lh lnain hrltluh ol trllftdr K. fl. \tieoo Arcnricdi 459? llrcoriuroe irrric rort um(t lru lu) t-t0!0 n'l-f 970. 417.2990 9t0.4n.2965 o lylewelb@wrl.nd Seplember 17,1999 Dovid 0. Corbin, Vice President Voil Resorts Development (ompony Po$ 0ffia Box 959 Avon, C0.81620 (vio hond dellvcry) R[: Golden Peok Bose Focilily Deor Mr. [orbin, Lorksput Re$ouronlond Bor L.LC. the new operotors ofthe former Eello Rivo Restouronl in fte Golden Peok Bose Focility, os you know, ore in the process of upgroding their new spore. ll is o requirement of the Golden Peok Associolion os well os fte lown of Voil ftot oll exterior imorovemenrs ore opproved by the fusotiolion. Therefore, in order lo proceed wilh modificotions of lhe spoce, your opprovol os Associofion Presidenl is required. Ihe modificolions in question relole lo reusing inledor (exlerior roted) lighl fixtures (flve) thot we intend to now use 0n 0n exlerior overhong obove lhe exisling lerroce. Currently, lhere ore lhrce exisling reressed cons in this locolion lhotwe would like to replote os shown in lhe enclosed plon ond photos. [hef lhomas ond Noncy Solomunovich the proprielors of torkspur or I would be hoppy lo disruss fte proposeo improvemenls wilh you or olher owner's represenlotives. 0f course, time is 0f the esence for the proposoi so we m0y tomplele conslruclion by lhe uproming ski seoson, your limely response would be much opprecioled. lfyou wish lo consenl lo such modificolions, pleose execule lhe olloched consenl ond relurn lo: K.||. Webb Architecls by FtrJ,ot 477.2965 os soon os feosible. yle H. Webb AIA Representotive for Proposed Modifkolions llambcr ol lls Amcn(on Inrlilule of Arrhilcch r-. fl. wabb stf..4n.299o n0.4n.2965(l lvlrrlbevrrlnd Porl Ollic 0or 205li3' tC Pol Hirn, VoilAssoc. B*n ilc (ortney, VP of Mountoin 0pemtions, Voil Mounloin Jock Hunn, VP of (omlrudion, Voil Resorts Developmenl Co. Jonolhon 6reene, Voil Resorts Develooment Co Golden Peok Associolion, hereby comenls to fte proposed modificotions to the exledor lighling of the 6dden peok Eose Focilityt Reshuronl spce os described obove ond irr the oiloched informotion pockoge ond sttochd hreto. Asociof ion Represenlolive: ,CllkJ4.L L*r,b L- 4*s,^l , pao*. G'l*erJ dcNbotr,^.,.' .'rASScc-tiXloA ! lAra- jt{ : f{:rnhr of lh lnaro InliM: of lrrLlodr Ilrt,t,i7t ! /.2, alollt rlstl o !^ r\. eto rrt o\Ga r<r €l\.EEigll=EE€;ct6€ 'r'5t_.1 €) <E.Gra, = - i:i;i'i.i'.j(; ,c,. -gE E E = E co E 5 ,'xE€,ct- ct)'Eoc.9 \:z =CLtrt -s4E C'\o\!a; o; tr o II o) >< ot o o) >< =ot -, -Ee=9l-E<_6€<8-j -x€ -v,gqttrt- q) E'o(5 A\v/ -v,ct o- <t) ->< o, -lo <D ><t+,1 cEt .--_:z.i it lJ.)l\oo |./1 0-(\ .O O-€:R9l-E<6€=i; ci <'-e-Eq (D < q) = :z E +€ <D >< g) o <t) ><IJ-I3;(D ,_: -,i v€cl)ct- (DEoLD \=/ CLa/, -szE o: o{ ..o'////aha(\r \o o-^Ee=- ^t\.E E:ETRBCto-€='5P=tlHH { r-.,| €t € -l!t- - -gE .? -s = di oa a -rzE(Dct- q)'Eo(D \y Q.att -szE q oi =, o- <t) o q)4 c, o) vt o <ttx L.r r\ o.aE=9i-l5<-6€<Ecr- < = = -v, €)cl- €) EqD \J/ a/, -5z,E o o)u, =<l) trr o att - (./1 Xr.-t-.LJ = ...t l\. oO 'J.} O-','')':ilff: 3 i F: |.;i'i g=<-, ',2 ilr EEREC'6' -o --,5 l-l o) < -c, = :a -.eI6 .9 = d od E E --,E <Dct- o,Eo c-9 \=/ CL -v,E o\o: c\ =. o <l)e ct o).-(J, o <lt >< rJ.rl\oO (tr Ct-c\ \o o\E=Ss*:EE=; Ct ct'€=-=q al, < -a(p = - = = -5/,€cl)o- (D E c.D A\\-,/ CLttl -szE o\o. oa -, o q)e, 0 =(l).-trt o (l) ><