HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL 1988"rr' :: '- C li; 'rl v ORDINANCE NO. 28 Series of 1988 ANoRDINANCEAMENDINGSECTI0NIS.39.0300FTHEMUNIcIPAL CODE OF THE TO}IN OF VAIL BY THE ADDITION OF PARAGRAPHS DANDESETTINGFoRTHUSESI,,HICHSHALLBEPERMITTEDoUTSIDE THE MAIN BUILDING IN THE sKI-BASE RECREATI0N ZoNE DISTRICT; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, in a previous amendment to the skj-base recreation zone district certa.i n sections h,ere inadvertently excluded from the zone district; and IiHEREAS, the Town Council now wishes to add sajd permjtted uses back into the ski-base recreation district. NOh,, THEREFoRE, BE IT oRDAINED BY THE ToWN COUNCIL 0F THE Tol^lN 0F VAIL' COLORADO: 1. Section 18.39.030 Permjtted Uses js hereby amended by the addition of paragraph D, parts 2 and 3, and paragraph E to read as follows: Section 18.39.030 Permitted Uses D.2.Beforeactingonmultj-familydwellingunits,thePlanning commiss.i on shall consider the following factors in regard thereto: a. Relationship and impacts of the use on development objectives of the Town. b.Effectoftheuseonlightandair,distributionof popul ati on, transportati on faci l i ti es, uti l iti es, school s, parks and recreati on faci'l ities, and other publ ic facilities and public facjlitjes needs' c' Effect upon traffic, wjth particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffjc flow and control , access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect use is to be located, including to surrounding uses. upon the character of the area jn which the proposed the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relatjon 3. The Planning Commission shall make the findings set forth jn 18.60.050 B before permjtting multi-family units withjn the majn building' E. The following uses shall be permitted outside the main building as shown on the approved development plan: 1. Ski tra i I s, sl opes and I i fts 2. Snowmakjng facilities 3. Bus and skjer dropoff t' ,L-"'(?( 4. Surface Parking lot 5. Ski raci ng faci I i ti es 6. Public park, tennis and vol'leyball courts and p]aying fie]ds 7. Uater treatment and storage facilities 8. Mountain storage buildings 9. Ski schoo'l acti vi ti es 10. SPecial communitY events 11. Food and beverage serv'i ce 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this 0rdinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha'l 'l not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this 0rdinance; and the Town CounciI hereby declares it wou'ld have passed this Qrdinance, and each part, section, subsect'i on, sentence, c] ause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, se6tjons, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared inVa'l id' 3. The Town Counci'l hereby finds, determines and declares that this 0rdinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of vail and the inhabitants thereof. 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this 0rdinance shall not affect any right wh.i ch has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedjngs as cornmenced under or by vjrtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein' INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 51a- dav of December I 1988, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the 6th day of Decenber , 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municjpal Building, Vai1, Colorado. Ordered published in fu]1 this 6th day of , 1988. Rose, -2- a-rF f, READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this zQ!! day of December _, 1988. {^ INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND by title only -3- noN - do solemnly s\^€or thol I om e some is o \^/e€kly n€wspope( lntv of Eoole. Stote of colorodo. ev'ioooei hos b€en Publish€d Eoole tor o oeriod of more thon rbliEotion oi lhe onnexed legol ; been odmitted lo the United ions of the Act of Morch 3, 1879, per is o weekly nevvspoper duly nents wiihin the meoning of the os published in lhe regulor ond rp€t fot the pelioc, ot Un'L- of soid nolice wos in the issue ot -HD. 19 KK ond fhot the lost r of soid n€t\i'6poper doied .?/Lt\0 doy of AD.19 K6 Public Notice ORDINANCE NO. 28 S.ti.. ol lgaa AN ORDINANCE AMENDING S€CTION is.ssogo or THE MuNtclPAL coDE oF THE TOWII OT VAIL BY THE AODITION OF pinacnlpxs c ANo E SETTING FoRTH Lses wxtcx sFtALL gE PERMITTEo OUTSID€ THE MAIN EUILOING IN TI !E SKI' SASE RECnEATION ZONE OISTRICTi AND ierrrr.ro ronlr oETAILS lN RE6ARO WHEREAS. in a prevbut amgnddEnl lo the ild-baso rccleation lone dblrid @nain socl|ons wero Inadvortenlly otcludod kom lho zono diarrd:and !,VHEREAS. the Town Councilrlolv wishot to add rait Dormrngd vsos baak into lho thi'base €cr€alion dislftl. NOW. THEREFORE. SE IT OROAINEO 8Y THE TOWN COUNCIL OF TIIE TO/VN OF VAIL. coloRA00: 1. Soclron 18.39.030 P6tmhtod Use3 i3 h€rgby amendod by th. additbn ol patagtaph C. oans 2 and 3 and para0raph E lo road al lollo$/s: Soclion '18.39.030 Petmine<t use. C.2. Beiot. acting on mulli'lamily dleolling unit3. lho Planning Comoi$ion shall consdo' ths lollowrng tadotr |n.egard li6relo: a- Relat|on3hro and tnpacts ol lh€ us€ on doveloprn€nl obloclivos ol the Town. b. Ellsct oi tho uso on light and ai'' dltlribulion ot populallon' lran!porlalron laciliti6. ulihb3, 3choob' patks and'ocreallon tacrtilios and olhor Dublic lacililiat and ptJblrc lacrklios n6ods. c. Ellocl t pon llallic. wlh panicuhr @lorenco to conoestion, aulornotlvo and pgdestt|an salety and c;vonienca, lraltb llow and conlrol. accots' fian€wsrabilitv. and lomoval ol 8no$ ltom lne !tt6ot3 ancl parkng atea- o. Etteci upo,irne charadet d tho atea in whiih the ptoposed lso b to bo located' induding lh; 6c:lb and bulk ol thr propos€d use in tolatron to gulroundrng uaas. a Th. Plannino Corimrs6ron ahal m'kr lho llndlnas 36t lorih in rg.60.060 B belote oeimriirng rnuhi'lamily unil! wrthin lho main bualdrnq. i. itt" iotto*ing u3er thall be pornirtod oulside the marn building at aho n on lhe aDoroved dovglopmenl Plan: l. Skitraib. 6loPe3 and lrtl3 2. Snowmaking lacrlrtig3 3. Bus and sk|€r clroPon 4. Surlace Palkhg bl 5. Ski tacanq tacihlre3 i. p",r, r"-nnl. and volleyball coun! and olaYrnq l|elds' 7. ivae, Ireal,t"nl and lto.ago lac iliot ' 8. Mounlarn slorage builcling! 9. Skischool adNnr6 " 10, Spocial comrnonnY ovonl! I l. Food and b€voraga 86 c4. 2. ll anY oan. soclion' aubseclion. 90nl€nco, ilause or bhrase ol thb Ordinanco is {of any a.agon hali lo bo invalid. ludl dec6ion 6hall ^ol ali€c1tho validilY ot tho tet|ahing portonl ol lnrs Ordrnance: and the Town Council hoteby declarog rl would havo pass€d tnts Otdinanco and oach pad. s€clron subsodlon senlgnce' clauso or ohfase th6reol, rogardl€s3 d lho lacl that aay one ol more 9arll. 3oclron6' rubsoclron6. 3onlenca3, clau3os ot phtasea oe doclarod invalrd. 3. Tho Town Council h€roby tlnol' dEt;rmind and doclatos lhal thig Otctinanct i3 noca8iary and ploper lor lho hoalth, lalely eno volare oi lne Town ot Val.and the hhab'tan6 thor.ol. 4. Tho @g€al or the repoal and 'o'naddronlol anv DrovBron ol lhe Municipal Code ol the iown'oival as ptotlled In thi! ordrnanco lhai noi attecr any fiirrr *trich ha3 accruod. any duly inrosed, ani v6rar,on thal @cufled ptot lo lho "it-Ji"i oar" hetool. any prosocutiorany Ptgsocl,rtion commoncgd, not anY othor acllon or iro.rJ'noi a" .p.*n;d uodor ot by vrnug ol ini- o."i"'on ropcalod or topoalod tnd ieenJcreo. rne rdoat ot any ptovision hot€by shall not r€vivo any paovbion Ql any orornance oteviously ,"peatei or aupett'dgd unletl *'iiii[?iii3o'31 3'&o ^No APPRov€o oN rrnsr iErono itHo oRDEREo PUBLTSHED ijr.rie rliiur-r. rni. orrt dav ol Decsrd't' 1998 inJi ouuric hoanng hoafrng Ehall b' hold on irlj otir,n"nc" on t-h.6th day ol o€ctmb"' isia "i r,o p... in tho councrl chadlbot' d lh. Varl Municbal guilding. TOW! OF VAIL Kslt n' R6' Ut}!l ATTEST: Pafibh A gtandrEYef Torvn Clerk irrnoouceo. REAo Ar'lD APPRovEo oN secoNo neaorlc ANO oRoEREO iieusiEo ottcE n ruu tnr itrh d.Y ol olloclivs ATIEST P|,rrL A g||lddrrytr ' . To0n ClsI PubtirtFd In lha Vd Tt l orl D!..nbar A' i98a I)9c.fib€r, 198t.- ioww or ier Krrl R. Roaa I in ono fcrgeCounty of Eogle, t',l ORDINANCE NO. 28 Series of 196E- ,ilrlp AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18.39.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL ODE OF THE TOI,,N OF VAIL BY THE ADDITION OF PARAGRAPHS AND E SETTING FORTH USES l,lHICH SHALL BE PERMITTED OUTSIDE HE MAIN BUILDING IN THE SKI-8ASE RECREATION ZONE DISTRICT; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. IJHEREAS, ln a previous amendment to the skl'base recreatlon zone dlstrict certain sections were inadvertently exc'l uded from the zone distrjct; and WHEREAS, the Town Council now wishes to add said permitted uses back lnto the ski-base recreation district. NOl.l, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI.''N COUNCIL OF THE TOl'lN OF VAIL, COLORADO: 1. Section 18.39.030 Permitted Uses'is hereby amended by the addition of ./paragrap\r{, parts 2 and 3, and paragraph E to read as fo1 'l ows: 18.39.030 Permitted Uses s.D z.efore acti ng on mul ti -fami'ly dwelling units, the Planning in regard thereto:i ssi on consider the following factors a. Re1 ationship and impacts of the use on development objectives of the Town. b. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facjlities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other pub'l ic facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic f'l ow and control , access, maneuverability, and removal of snow'from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed i use is to be'l ocated, including the scale and bu1 k of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 3. The P'lanning Commission sha'll make the findings set forth in 18.60.060 B before permitting multi-family units within the main building. E. The fol'lowing uses shall be permitted outside the majn building as shown on the approved developrnent plan: 1. Ski tra'i 'l s, slopes and lifts 2. Snov*naking faci'l jtjes 3. Bus and skier dropoff Ioo ry,4- Surface parking 1ot Sk\ rac'i ng f ac i I i ti es Pay'k, tenn i s and vol 'l eybal 'l courts and playing fields faci 'l i ti ester treatment and storage Mountain storage bui ldings 9. Ski school activities 10. Special community events 11. Food and beverage service 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of thls Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha'l I not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this Ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. 3' The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the hea]th, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. 4, The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provlslon of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vajl as provided'i n this Ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effectjve date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other actjon or proceed'ings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repea'led or repea'led and reenacted. The repea'l of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTR0DUCED, READ AND APPR0VED ON FIRST READING this _ day of 1988, and a public hearing shal't be held on this Ordinance on the day of , 1989, at 7:30 p.m, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Va'i1, Colorado. Ordered published in full this day of ,1988. ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmffi -2- Kent R. Rose, Mayor rfir{oaVrn ls0osr 2 t $ffi SKI ( HAN1TIO\SHIn; StS E\a[f l?a[3]tse- VfrII.Gt6ra6 gt6ct &* ti6.satt Tekx 150261 October 20, 1988 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager THE TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado 8t657 Dear Ron: Enclosed please find a memorandum regarding proposed amendmentsto the Golden Peak Ski Base/Recreation Zone District preparedby our planning consultant. You may not have been aware of some of the issues as you were not here during the Golden Peak neighborhood negoti-ations. I find the content of the memo extremely disturbing. Quite frankly, someone in town hal1 is not laying all of thecards on the table. By not disclosing the true nature of the changes being proposed, I believe someone on the town staffcould be manipulating the planning process. I have askedrepeatedly to be immediately informed by members of the staffon any matters which affect Golden Peak, Manor VaiI, or theneighborhood. Clear1y, I have not been, and I am incensed. f am not gullible enough to accept these omissions asfinadvertent exclusions" ot, as explained and shrugged off byone of the planning staff, as a computer word processing malfunction. If there is a word processing malfunction, it iswith the staff, not the computer. Furthermore, I find it unconscionable that there would be any attempt to disguise thegravity of this matter by sneaking it by the Town Council. Thebehavior of some of the staff in this matter lies beyondacceptable standard.s of bureaucratic professionalism andperformance. VAIL l{r. Ron Phillips Page Two October 20, 1988 At the present time I do not intend to cirquLate this memorandurn to members of the Town Council or the press. Providedr however, that the omissions cited in the accornpanying memo are included in the upcoming Golden Peak amendrnent and that any additional infornation requested by myself or my representative is innediately forthcorning. I anxiously await your conments on the attached memo and would like to diEcuEs these with you prior to the Planning Comnrission meeting on llonday afternoon. Sincerely, MANOR VAIL CONDOI.IINIUIII ASSOCIATION /6lpf,ffi.-- Q3glasins Asent JR/san Attachment To: Jack Rush, General Manager, Manor Vail LodgeFrom: JF Lamont, Planning ConsultantDate: October 19, 1988RE: Amendments to Golden peak Ski Base,/Recreatj-on District The oversights and inadvertent exclusion concerning theamending procedure currently underwav for the Golden peak SkiBase/Recreatj.on District inlicates tfre need for closerscrutiny of the Town of Vai1. It is evident that independentoversight j-s necessary in order to maintain accuracy on thepart of the Town of Vail's legislative procedures. Thenecessity for closer scrutiny is due in part to the followingchain of events. The Town of Vail at Vail Associates request adoptedOrdinance 38 in 1983 establishing a new zone d.istrict forGolden Peak entitled as the Ski Base/Recreation District.The ordinance created a comprehensive plan for Golden peak.After considerable neighborhood advocacy, the ordinance anddevelopment plan provided certain prote-tions for thesurrounding neighborhood. These protections included thelocation of certain uses as werl as architectural heiohts andsize Iimitation In the same effort, at the initiation of theneighborhood, Vail Associates amended the areas protective covenants to included additional protections not found in theTown of Vail ordinance and development plan. These covenantchanges remain to be ratified by the property owners withinthe affected area, however the unilateral adoption by VailAssociates gives credence to the more restrictive provisionof the revised covenants. In February of 1988 (Ordinance 6 Series l98B) at VailAssociates' request the Town of Vail repealed section18.39.030 of the original ordinance ( oidinance 38 SeriesI983), substituting in its place a section which contained aprovision that would permit the construction of a ,'Secondary Building." The new 12,000 square foot buildinq is to houseChild care, Children's ski scliool, ski school s6rvices andprogram, community events, and summer recreational programs.Vail Associates represented to neighborhood interests thatthe inclusion of a "Secondary Building" was the only changethey sought to the existing legislation and development plan. Under the provision of the protective covenants VailAssociates was obligated to initiate an election of thesurrounding property o\,vners to provide for the inclusion ofthe "Secondary Building" in the protective covenant. In the September 20, 1988 Town of VaiI agenda a noticeappeared for Ordinance 28 Series of 1988. The purpose of theproposed ordinance was to again amend section 18.39.030 inorder to include certain uses that were ',inadvertently page 2 excluded" from the previous amendment (Ordinance 5 Series 1988). The Town Council did not act upon this amendment. The matter hras remanded to the Planning and Environmental Commission. The process by which the amendment was remanded is at the present time unclear. (The planning conmission does not hold hearings upon the exact text of the proposed ordinance, only upon the concept to the proposed change. ) A review of alI of the foregoing ordinances indicates that additional items which appeared in the original ordinance (Ordinance 38 Series 1983) have still been "inadvertently excluded" in the latest proposed amendment (Ordinance 28 Series of 1988). The consequences of these additional inadvertent omission upon the interest of the surrounding neighborhood are as follows: 1. The opportunity to retain a "public" park, tennis and volleyball courts, and playing fields wilI be lost. Currently the VaiI Metropolitan Recreation District is negotiating with Vail Associates to relocate the Golden Peak "pub1ic" tennis complex to Ford Park. The existing "public"tennis complex would be converted to a surface parking lot. 2. The opportunity to appear before the Planning Commission to present the neighborhood concerns with regards to their findings on matters relating to permitted dwelling units within the main building wj-l1 be 1ost. Should the alteration of the architecturafconfiguration of the main building or the relocation of dwelling units and/or their accessory uses (e.9. surface and structured parking) be proposed, the criteria prescribed in the planning commission's finding of fact becomes very important. Increasingly, in recent years land use decisions have been overturned by the courts because of the reviewing agency's lack of definitive review criteria in their enabling legislation. The specific criteria which have been repealed and inadvertently not replaced are as follows: a. Relationship and impacts of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. b. Effect of the use on light. and air, distribution of population' transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. page r c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 3. The Planning Commission shall make the findings setforth in 18.60.060 B before permitting multi-family unitswithin the main building. B. The planning cornmission shalI make the following findings before granting a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this title and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; 2. That the proposed location of the use and theconditions under which it would be operated or maintainedwill not be detrimental to the public health, safety, orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; 3. That the proposed use wiII comply with each of theapplicable provisions of this title. Prior to the Ski Base/Recreatj-onal Zone District(Ordinance 38 Series 1983) dwelling units had not been allowed in the Golden Peak zone district. In the opinion of the surrounding neighborhood the inclusion of dwelling units and their accessory uses significantly altered the height,size, location, of the main building resulting in adetrimental impact upon the character of their neighborhood. A compromise was struck which perrnitted six dwellingunits to be included provided that when a final design for the main building and its improved parcel was brought before the Town of Vail, the proposal would be considered under separate review criteria. It was agreed that the reviewcriteria would duplicate the conditional use provisions of ttre zoning code because the criteria specifically addressed impacts upon the immediate vicinity. The essence of the compromise was that the dwellingunits would be a t'permitted use" rather than a "conditional use" which provided that the review criteria for conditional use could be used to alter the height' size, and location, of the dweLling units and thej-r accessory uses so that they would not be materially injurious to properties or page 4 improvements in the vicinity. From the standpoint of planning protocol the absence of specifi.c review criteria may have the consequence of voiding any authority which the Town of Vail or an adversarial party nray have had in future rnunicipal reviews or 1ega1 proceeding on these matters From the standpoints of the neighborhood, if the design or location of the main building were changed, the loss of these criteria would mean that surrounding property owner's ability to contest the inclusion of dwelling units or alter their design because of negative impacts on the neighborhood would be negated. From this perspective there may have been a suborning of the integrity of the Golden Peak planning process. It may be deduced that an "inadvertent" manipulation of the municipal repeal and amending procedures may have created a legislative shel1 game. The results may have neutralizecl any substantive power that the neighborhood has concerning the foregoing matters. If the public notice had gone undetected and had the item not been removed from consideration by the Town Councilthe opportunity to correct these oversights would have been lost or severely compromised. It is important that these omissions be pointed out to the Town of VaiI's staff, planning commission and town council during the upcoming amendmenL process. In the future any modification to existing legislation and development plan should be rigorously scrutinized. A detailed review of the differences between theoriginal ordinance, amending ordinances, protective covenants and agreements has been conducted. Legislation to resolve outstanding difference should be brought before the Town Council for inclusion in a redraft of the pending ordinance. Consideration should be given to resuming discussion on subjects of mutual disagreement with Vail Associates (e.9. parking structures ) which could result in the deletion of offending uses included in the existing protective covenants through a ratification election to be held at the initiationof the effected property owners. The proposed deletion of four tennis Courts' their replacement with surface parking, and the disposition of the remaining Golden Peak tennis courts should be considered as a change in the development plan, thus requiring an amendmentto the original development p1an. ht ogI .a IIII --I rl August 31, 1988 I,IEMORANDTJM T0: V.M.R.D. MEMBERS RON PHILLIPS PETER PATTON FROM: BILL WRIGHT- DIRECTOR OF TENNIS A11 of us connected with felt the "Biggest" thing Peak Eennis facilitv. We think it is very important to keep this facility and keep it as strong as possible for the fol-lowing reasons r 1) The old adage that the important thing about property is its ttlocation, location, locationtt, is never more important than here. The courts are perfectly (or near perfectly) located for the village guests. They can wa1-k, take the bus, or drive very easily. We have much walk-in traffic from both guests and locals. 2) While the facility is not aesthetically beautiful, it is very functional; it is qui€b, the shop is large and we have restrooms. 3) trlhen Vail Associates sought permlsslon to build the new Children's Center, it was represented that two of our three courts would be relocated r,,above courts 3-6. We encouraged many properEy olnners to vote "Yes", based on this representation and promise. We should fulfill this promise to Ehe property ornrners. Many loca1 residents have asked us when the new courts would be started and comol-eted. the tennis program have always we have going for us is the Golden Vaif Tennis Shop . P.O. Box 1462 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303) 476-5823 ogII - II --I rl ht Clinics Lessons Tennis Camps Having only six courts has limited the effectiveness of many of our programs; our Ladies Day, our camps and tournaments. lie need at least eight courts here. "Good Wi11"- Golden Peak, Ehe place to play tennis in Vail since Arthur Ashe's Exhibition in L97L, the Bobby Riggs in 1974 and through the many events, throughout the years. deal of good wi11. tale have established a greaE We shouldreven with the development of a facility at Ford Park, keep Golden Peak with eight courts. ![e can have tournaments, camps, and special events at Ford Park and keeo Gofden Peak for the locals and tourists . Conclusion We should fight hard to keep Golden Peak as a tennis facility. Recreation and tennis in particular must not be pushed out of this great location. 4) s) 6) Vaif Tennis Shop . P.O. Box '|.462 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303) 476-5823 : tr . ;rt.l (r cc ,!i4 C'ri ORDINANCE NO. O Series of 1988 ANoRDINANCEREPEALINGANDRE-ENACTINGSEcTI0N-18.39.030'penmlrrro"ijii* oF cxnpren re'ig, Crt ensr/nrcREATIoN DIsrRIcr ' '"'"" ;'i' lp 0F THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE' HHEREAS, Section 18.39.030 of chapter 18.39 of the vai] Municipal code , r describes the permitted uses of the Ski Base/Recreation zone district; and :i1i:,,.i,. I,IHEREAS, vail Associates, Inc. has submitted an application to amend section 18.39.030 of the Vail ltlunicipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Plannjng and Environmental conmission of the Town has recomended approval of the amendment to section 18.39.030 pf the vail trlunicipal code; and I{HEREAS, the Town counci'l considers it in the public interest to amend said section of the MuniciPal Code. NOI.I, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI'IN COUNCIL OF THE TOI'IN OF VAIL' COLORADO, THAT: Section l. Sectjon 1g.39.030 of the vail llunicipal code is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as fol 'lows: 18.39.030 Permitted Uses A. The following uses sha'l'l be permitted within the main building in the Ski Base/Recreation Distri ct: '1 . Ski Lockers/Employee Locker Rooms 2. Ski School and Ski Patro'l Facilities 3. Lift Ticket Sales 4. Tennis Pro ShoP 5. Ski Repair, Rental , Sales and Accessories 6. Restaurant/Bar/Snack Bar/Candy Sales 7. Summer Seasonal Town of Vail Recreation Offices S.MeetingRoomsforOwnerUseandCorrnunity.Orientedorgan.izations g.InjuryPreventionandRehabi]itationFacilitiesforowners.Use 10. Basket Renta'l 11. SPecial CommunitY Events B. Permitted Uses l,ljthin the Secondary Building 1.Year-roundchildcareandchi.|dren.sskjschoo.|andappurtenant recreational facilities and programs 2. Children's ski school services and programs "3. Conrmunity events and programs 4. Summer recreational Programs j. rc (c CC C. Retail and Meetjng Room Space Limitation 1. Retail sales space, whether it be a permitted or conditional use, in the firsttwofloorsshal]belimitedtoamaximumof15%ofthenon- .*residentia.|grosssquarefootageofthema.inbui]ding.Undersection 18.39.030, retail sha.| .| be defined as tennjs pro shop, candy sales, ski repair/rental/sales and accessories, and basket rental' i. 2.lrteetingroomssha]1belirnjtedtoamaximumof5%ofthenon.residential gross square footage of the main build'ing' D. Multi-family dwelling units within the main bui'lding if the following requirements are met: 1. The dwelling units shall be a secondary use within the main building if theY meet the fo1 lowing criterja: a. No residential use on ground level ' b. Visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwe'l ling units shall be minimized by providing at least 40% of the required parking withjn the main building. c. The maximum gross residential floor area (GRFA) devoted to dwe'l ling unitsshal]notexceedthirtypercentofthetotalgrosssquare footage of the main structure. Section 2. In accordance with Section 1g.39.110 of the ski Base/Recreation zone district, the development plan submitted by the developer, Vail Assocjates, Inc., is hereby amended by the Town Council and incorporated into this ordjnance. The approved development plan shall be amended by the inclusion of Snowdon & Hopkins, sheets !,2,4,5, dated 2/l/88 and sheet 3 dated 2/4/88 as well as Vai'l Associates revised Master plan dated l2/L4/g7. l{ith regard to the recreational path relocation south of tennis courts 3-6, Sheet 3 shalI be amended by Matthews Associates Sheet L-l dated February 8, 1988. The approved and amended developnrent p'lan shall incorporate by reference in this ordinance the following conditions: vail Associates shall contribute 50 percent of the cost of a walkway to be constructed between the Ramshorn and Manor vai'l at commencement of construction of the main bui'ld.i ng as described in the Gol den Peak Development Pl an. Vail Associates shall contrjbute $10,000 for a traffic control gate lnstallation at the bus stop upon cormencement of construction of the main buildingasdescribedintheGo]denPeakDeve.|opmentPlan. -2- cr cr cc Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, c'l ause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid,.such decision shall not affect the va'lidity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Counci'l hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence' c'lause or phrase thereof, regard'l ess of the fact that any one oP more parts' sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid' Section 4. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vai'l and its inhabitants thereof. Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vajl Municipal code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecutjon corunenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the prov'ision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein' INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 16th dAY Of -.[g!TUgY-' 1g88, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 16th day of @,l988at7:30p.m.intheCouncilChambersoftheVai]Municipal 8ui'l ding, Vail, Colorado. 0rdered published in full this 16th AND APPROVED ON this lst Kent READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED March _, 1988. SECOND day of day of j.Lrg-, 1988. -3- r:-'r. .r c- I -tt .sq ,I, ; $o,. t ! 6o1l o.tt !ct''EoI 6z I o>I Eallel9Rlm)z169 lF' BlE'r- IXtz IX iaBc iBailEft-3H r'* $ 1 iEsiii*g: aEH;HE**gilfrfg Aera sEileiaBfi o I o-' 3 ?o : o 3 I ls.Es lr31l-t* l-e1 lsuJloBI: E 68* g6q Frfl d6aE =odlotl ol-dl\\ )l> gt!IE 88 9,il l*'1F:\"l<t-I I I I I I v 6|\ l* <t o =.o x J o o od 3I o Jo o:.tl cg o) .t|o o- ct, o o'oo6 d *t6 I tdl'.F I-o € o s la' 't.-t'- I I I I I I I I .€ ll.of-1 I oo 3 3. g o !. 6 '\t- ucAnoN do sobmnly sr,veor fhctt I om thot th€ solrl€ is o \^,€€kly n€hrcpoper 'he Couniv of Eosl6. Sfote of Colo(ooo''id-#nipopd' tros oeen Publish€d "rn-tv-ot Eorjte lor o period of rno€ thon-h;* oubr6Aion ol the onnexed.legol oer |ios b€€n odmitied to the unlleo 5-dr6vtJons O tne Act of Morch 3, 1879. Hnooper is o weefV navspopat d.uly \r€rfi$ffinh wlthin lhe rn€onin'g ol rne nenl r,rros published in ihe regulor orld n6^6poper for fhe Pedod ot 0 )L4' licotlon of sold nolice wos in lhe lssue of 14 xo. lr,88 onatt.r.dttre ktst e iss.p ot sotd net^tpop€r doted hond thls /54 aonra lt A ,' h /]*Lctn') .arv-.\,'ublic Notice'_ -i. :---.onuurcl Lc atrL. cl rtalrr onoturcg REPEALIiIo A N oiirxlcitto sEcllol I t.3t.o!0. liEg'mg.Ht,s.?*ff&'#'"i[ rrr{EPIL COOE'' -*iEREA& s.dcl lr3t.@ d chl... r1- d nr vd l|unbhrl Cod. drctb.. dr iintro ur ot oo sn BrJR.o.do|| b|| ffirTl^". vdr ^xocrd;;'fl;r ilrl rOnmra rn lPttcUon o |rn.d s.cbo ta.3.qF d O. Vd llnrl+d Coar: d - '.- :. fiERE^s. nr Ph *te .tr €ftlrlltutE , cdirr|h lon ol lha Torrt h|]a tclfltrndadgrorl a ure urmrm b s.cdon tl3e.c! .a or vd llurlcbal cdai rt- wUEREfS, ol. tor Coulc cqrlt-r I h' f prlfo nrire t rnrA r|ts ar&|| o' lr 'TiH #ir*t.. BE tt o'oa'{Eo BYni ioiat coutcu oF ll€ Tow oF v ll- lF- i EI elr lrti rroo|.d r|d L|rd F ltail |r %iro p.,t*,.i-titl''-'r:;ii.'i t Ih. lollofho ur.. .hdl ba Pmnmd$lhln th. ndn bulldlne ln th. Sttl . oq4999:rHATt _...?' :...' .., :.: -^".::;-..'cqlrfufxr,r}|At; . :'-.-...::' -J:i:;;:_JtEcTfolf l' " : 22"'':'i*n te.r.o a tr vd rutbS.l co(h f rrrty rD.||.d r|d L|rd F lt'il |l rt 9rocll|l| 2 s- a{tnl rlla rtt6 Plogotr a CcYrtr|nry t dl rta P|ltctl i. s,rrrrrr ric'.ibltd Fenlr C. tdd rra la.tlni Foo|t| lP'c' lJ|i&rl--i. nt|.r .|h. toea ,nh.r h b' I raritri q onctonet trG h lh lh tF lb'3 itrrt tr nn- n r lsl m d t$f d!t. rED r-ldandd itoar lQlrtt loo[ea ol lh' |l'lrlo 6irrionL urfor seano rr:l@. t.at lrr i-c.rii,c-.r-rrltr po rltc* crat rb' dtl t-rfil r,tOru rtrO grsfr. d brrftl -ll *,* roo.tr $rtl !. llr$t d tnulfi|'tt d 6t d lho nolt'l..ldqI|r| a4tr.t lq{. C tha |t|ln bttsh&-. -- OitE !{ R tL $h lln |'lt C F-lurtt flari r D$5 l|.flm .|r|ll t l|||' o0 $b .,ah.|n m .tdfudlrdrlgr?t DJtr h th. Co|,|ct Ch||tt at C lia Vdl I|nlcb.l3utlfie Vl CCc4- -- ^__--_ .- O. i rrfdnw Ortthe oiL fil*r lr |trtl hdlfin t tbto alne n{lrma|| ta |r!: l. itro ovrounc trrb dd ba a lcgro|,t u.. thh lh. nah boldie I th.' ft|.| lll lolano ctiti.:. No ?-ldrtl|| ||la cl !t!lll! lua l. Vtrurt tnor1r rrl - rudD pltltre lqt dr d*.lim unls ahdl rthh ti. ndr boldlne. c" tb .nuinrr| oro.a L|,tmld lcot ]ar oirll crwr.l to-('r.lllno ulL ahal not .rc.d thht p..dfr a, th. lold erco lq|||r' t6{t d lha nrh tln cula , .--: - f,t*oJ-3 ',. t oln tro.rio a m gkl Brt.rRactadlon Zona Olatlki. lh' d.v.bo.rt.rt Drm tlilttnad bt dla dodeaa. Vdl Ai.odrtr., l|E- | hr-t rmrdd !t m Ts|n Councll rnd Inco,Pontad In thh odln|na. lha St€v.d davalogna-nt dan iMll ba rtia.ld.d bt lha Incuion of Sioudon i ttooto|r strx| l. 2 4,-c ddd zl,lt ]r Srrri s dd.d zr$ |r u.t r Vrl alodu rvird lrrt.t Pfan dd.d 12l14lf . . 7- .; SECnOI I .-j-,,r.. ;.y. , r.. ' . i ]r' Drtl. sacdqr' a|.|.dloG l.||trD' d!|.. ;'Dhtua ol lhb o.dh]to I lc Jrt rrroo trri o Oo tnnllo.llrdt daaabn ahal ld dld dr rJilU ol fia ltttdnhe F o|l o| m &ttlrnco; eni tha Toin ccuncr haLbt d.d|r!| lt roukt halra PlLad $l cl!ruEa and rrn l|,t rctioG r$ac o.\ l|nLnca ael,t. c itrr|.r ttvrt' rrydbr d lha lsr thd rnt ona or tltcra patl|. - aoclloll'. ]latqr. ..orncr].. clrra- of Dtura ba ddJod k!r.l!. .€i1*:.1,:L*P?t4rcril':.afcnox 4 '-:- '-: ''\- . -. s rtr iorn oua ror n b' d.mnh' &t dadJt| fid lhb odhltE b n c-.Jt rn D.!fl. la th. h.dtr utat .r|d rlln C !rTattC Vd.ta !rha*ltJrrhfit- ..-.rEcnox Irl|-mrt c m orilr{ lrndr| ol rw D|wLlcl. ol th. vd Ludcbd cc|r .r !a;r5ad ln ub adlnrnca rlrrll nc dld rlu'rtx *rrrr to rcnrd ru dutt lrwa4 |l|t Y6ld.r 0ra G|rad 9|h. b $a allrch t r|. imC. rnt troaclho GofirrtEad, mt rnt ctr uton c gcotttg r cdflrm- uln c Wvmr ad: gwfin I'ltl s rQdrO |'a' rxncld. Tho ttcarl C |nt Fotfloo]I|rt aial nc nvfra rtt provLbr. t |nt odtaiacr qrfury |f,lrO or rtlP.fidd'u!5al!|r|tald- birl. xrioqJcEo. nE o Aro PAItED oN FIFIT NEID|IB A'O OrcCREO RIiLI!}I€D lol trora ^r,irio,_ii-.l{iimAlnndtrtr Df{cYAL E 4,,y ORDINANCE NO. 6 Series of 1988 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE.ENACTING SECTION 18.39.030' PERMITTED USES OF CHAPTER 18.39, SKI BASE/RECREATION DISTRICT OF THE VAIL IIUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, Section 18.39.030 of Chapter 18.39 of the vail Munjcipal code describes the permitted uses of the Ski Base/Recreation zone district; and I,HEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. has submitted an application to amend Section 18.39.030 of the Vai'l Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the P] anning and Environmental Comnission of the Town has recommended approval of the amendment to Sectjon 18.39.030 of the Vajl Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it jn the public interest to amend said section of the Municipal Code. NOI'', THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO, THAT: Section 'l . Section 18.39.030 of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby repea'led and re-enacted to read as follows: 18.39.030 Permitted Uses A. The following uses shall be permitted within the main building in the Ski Base/Recreation Distri ct: 1. Ski Lockers/Employee Locker Rooms 2. Ski School and Ski Patrol Facilities 3. Lift Ticket Sales 4. Tennis Pro Shop 5. Skj Repair, Rental , Sa] es and Accessories 6. Restaurant,/Bar,/Snack Bar./Candy Sa] es 7. Summer Seasonal Town of Vail Recreation Offices 8. Meeting Rooms for 0wner Use and Community-0riented Organizations 9. Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Facjljties for 0wners' use 10. Basket Rental 11. Special Community Events B. Permitted Uses Within the Secondary Building 1. Year-round child care and children's ski school and appurtenant recreational facilities and programs 2. Children's ski school services and prograns 3. Community events and Programs 4. Summer recreatjonal Programs C. Retail and Meeting Room Space Limitatjon 1. Retaj't sales space, whether it be a permitted or conditional use, in the first two floors shal] be limited to a maximun of 75% of the non- residentjal gross square footage of the main bujldjng. Under Sect'ion 18.39.030, retail shall be defined as tennjs pro shop, candy sa1es, ski repair/rental/sales and accessories, and basket rental . 2. Meeting rooms shall be limited to a maxjmun of 5% of the non-residential gross square footage of the main building. D. Multi-family dwelling units within the main bujldjng if the following requirements are met: 1. The dwelling units shal] be a secondary use within the main building jf they meet the following criteria: a. No residential use on ground 'l evel . b. Visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwelling units shall be minimized by providing at least 40% of the reguired parking within the main buildjng. c. The maxjmum gross residential floor area (GRFA) devoted to dwelling units shall not exceed thirty percent of the total gross square footage of the main structure. Section 2. In accordance with Section 18.39.110 of the Skj Base,/Recreatjon zone district, the development plan submitted by the deve'loper, Vail Assocjates, Inc., is hereby amended by the Town Council and incorporated into this ordjnance. The approved development plan shall be amended by the jnclusion of Snowdon & Hopkins, Sheets L,2,4,5, dated 2/L/88 and Sheet 3 dated 2/4/88 as welI as Vail Associates revised Master Plan dated 12/74/87. Uith regard to the recreational path relocatjon south of tennis courts 3-6, Sheet 3 shall b6 amended by Matthews Associates Sheet L-l dated February 8, 1988. The approved and amended development plan sha11 incorporate by reference in this ordinance the following condjtions: Vail Associates shall contribute 50 percent of the cost of a walkway to be constructed between the Ramshorn and Manor Vai I at cornmencement of construction of the main building as described in the Golden Peak Development P'lan. vail Associates shal'l contribute $10,000 for a traffjc control gate installation at the bus stop upon commencement of constructjon of the main building as described jn the Golden Peak Development Plan. -2- Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portjons of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordjnance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsectionso sentences, c'l auses, or phrases be declared jnvalid' Section 4. The Town Council herebY necessary and proper for inhabitants thereof. Section 5. finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and its The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisjons of the Vai) Municipa1 Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right whjch has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repea'led or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 16th dAY Of FCbTUATY , 1988, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 16th day of February , 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Councjl Chambers of the Vail Municipa1 Buildjng, Vai l, Colorado. Ordered publ ished in ful I this i 6th AND APPROVED this lst SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED day of March , 1988. day of _lebruary-, tggg. -3-