HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL BELL TOWERo , Design Review Action tr'orm TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Golden Peak Ski Base Project Description: Window frame addition Owner, Address and Phone. Vail Associates, PO Box 7, Vail, CO 81658, Attn: Kirk Kelly Architect/Contact. Address and Phone; Project Street Address: 458 VaiI Valley Drive Legal Description: Parcel Number: A.portion of Tract F, Vail Village sth Filing Building Name: Golden Peak Ski Base Comments: Window frame/colorc on tower to match existing windows Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: March 10,1999 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\CTOLDPEAIi.WPD Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 o D a esign Review Action Form Project Name: 9otden Peak Ski Base Project Description: "Bell Tower" Painting Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Associates, PO Box 959, Avon, CO 81620, E45-2356 ArchitecUContact. Address and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Part of Tract F, Vail Village Filing 7 Parcel Number: Comments: TOWN OF'VAIL Buildins Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 3-1 Conditions: Bill Pierce Ilans Woldrich Board / Staff Action Action: approved 1) Wooden louvers (1x3") shall be installed at 3" on center at e down-sloping egle Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: l0l7l98 FIE!'ERYONE\DRB\APPROVALB 8\goldhell.wpd DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ArjG- 1S-9t2 lr:(, I r|<ur'r GENERAL 1):io'"'MATIoN iuiring,ixign revrew must'ftris applicaton is for any project rcquiring Destgn Revrew approval' Any pro';ect re1 rcccive Da*gn Rwiev.r approval prior to submitting for a buiiiing pontu' ioi spccific informarion' scc the submittal rcquircmorts tbr- thc panicular approval that is rcqrieste,L T6c alpilcatiotl cannot bc accepted until all thc required infornraiion is submitted. The piolect may also nccd to be rcviewcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environrncr,ial Conrlnissron. deSign ncview Board approvai erpires one year aftcr nnal approval unless a building perfti[ is issiicd and construction is started' B.LOCATiON PFrySICAL PARCEL #: t/l Quxnonfaii rhc Plaruring Siafi at 479-21 2it APIJLICATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: t-le// OF PROPOSAL:t/t{7 ADDRESS:q5 ,7 alat-o?-\-ol-dD Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) TOII{NOFVAIL c. D. E. F. ZONINC:2r.. bt(*. Vt+i / ,4ssd#o s -dN e. NAME OF OENER(S):8/(Zd- H. PHONE: g/t z3f6 fr-rntof p11sye. 8/f-zzSL Construction of a new buiiding. lnctudes arry addition *hcrc vluarc footagc is added to any residardal or cornrncrcial bui lding- ii.iuao nrir:or changcs o buildirrgs and sitc imptovemen.l;' such as' rcrooting, painting. window additilns. landscaping' fcnccs and raaining wails. c:tc. DR.Bfccsaretobcpaidatthetinleofsubmittal. l-ater.whctrapPlyingforabuildingpcrmit'plcascidentifl rhe accwaie valuatiorr of the projcct. ThcTown of vail wrll adjusrthe fce according tothc projectvaluatton- PLEASESUBMITTHISAPPLICATIoN,ALLSUBMITTALREQUIREMENTSANDTHEFEEToTHE DEPARTMENToFcoMMUNmYDEVELoPMENT'TSSoUTHFRoNTAGERoAD' MAILING ADDRESS: Ol!\"ER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAMEOFAPPLIcANT' Vni / &r/s D"".-$. TYPEOF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Constraction - $200 fl Addition - s50 {*roorAltcration -s20 VAIL,COLORADO E1557. 1 .l l ' /' -, , . ,.1 //rfu%a rILil]OPY TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 December 16,1997 Brian McCartney Vail Associates, Inc. PO Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Golden Peak Steigh Ride/request for conditional use permit Dear Brian, The purpose of this letter is to follow-up on our telephone conversion ofMonday, December 15, regarding the conditional use permit request for sleigh rides at Golden Peak Ski Base. Pursuant to Section 18.39.075 @rohibited Use), animal and livestock corrals and barns are prohibited uses in the Ski Base Recreation Zone District. Therefore, the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Planning and Environmental Commission cannot review your request. The $200.00 application fee you submitted will be returned to you. Ifyou have any questions or concerns with regard to this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone at (970) 479-2145. Sincerely, A / Jt4.z^+- Ku-'L/t*-'t George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner GR/jr xc: Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager {g r"n urr otr o RLE COPY TOWN OF VAIL Departme nt of Com munity Deve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 ilx 970-479-2452 December 12, 1997 Brian McCartney c/o Vail Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 ,fs '^afuw Senal 18.A. ors (pcdnibtco use\ Re: Golden Peak Sleigh Rides/Request for Conditional Use Permit. Dear Brian, I have completed a preliminary revi the conditional use permit application you submitted on behalfofSteve Jones. Upon revi [cation, you need to address several outstanding issues before the Planning lsslon can revlew your request. Please address the 1.the conditional use permit application. several Be sure to include information on how access will be eained to the site. Please provide information indicating when you will remove the temporary horse corral structure. Staffwould recommend that the temporary structure be removed and the site restored within five working days of the end of operation. The proposed horse corral is close to Mill Creek. Please provide information on the storage and removal ofhorse-related products (i.e., feed, bedding, waste, tack, etc.). Special attention needs to be given to the environmental impacts on the surrounding area (i.e., run-ofi, odors, noise, etc.). Please submit a building materials list indicating the materials to be used in the construction of the temporary structure. You need to give special attention to aesthetics and fire prevention. 2. 3. 4. 5. {g*nnuo"o ,'qO3 TJR 6. Please submit 8 ll2" x I l " reductions of all plans. I will be including the reductions in the memorandum from the staffto the Planning and Environmental Commission. Ifyou have any questions or concerns regarding the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me at 479-2145. Sincerely, rWR'*nz George Rutheq AICP Senior Planner O Qucsrions?J thc Planning Smff at PPI.ICATION F'OR PI,ANNI NG A ND E NVI RONIVI ENI'AI. COMMISSION APPROVAt, GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Plrurning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information, scc thc subnrittal rcquircnrcnts forthc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd infornution is subnrittcd. Thc projcct ntay also nccd to bc rcviswcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. TYPE OF APPLICATION. n Additional cRFA (250) trl Bcd and Brcakfzu;t X Conditional Usc Pcrmit D Major or E Minor Subdivision tl Rczoning E Sign Variancc tl Variancc tr Zoning Codc Anrcndnrcnt DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOWN OFVAIL 479-2_ I lg tr o tr D tr o Anrcndmcnt to an Approved Dcvelopmcnt Plan Emplovcc Housinc Unit (TvDc: ) Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration (Vail Villagc) Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshead) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Dishict Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD A. B. c.LOCATION ADDRESS: Itw- I]LOCK FILING BUILDINC NAME: E. D.ZONINC: NAMEOFOWNER(SI: (JiJ Ass".-i.*l'-: 5,'.- MAILINGADDRESS: 3et J-'tL.'J Co-lsro-.to 8 iG(8. pi{oNE: 44 ,4Go I F.OWNBR(S) SIGNATURE(S) : C.NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: 419 - iloo I FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE, STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, H. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. PEC Mceting Datc: Rcvisd 6/96 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PRF.APPLICATION CONFERENCF A prc-application confcrcncc with a planning staff mcmber is shongly cncouragcd. No application can bc'acccpicd unlcss it is complc-tc. lt is the applicant's rcsponsibility to makc an appointment with thc staff to dctcrminc additi onal submittal requircments' SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS FEE S200.00. Thc fce mu! bc paid at thc time of submiital. Stamped, addresscd envelopcs and a list ofthe names and maiting addresses ofall propcrty owncrs adjacent to thu subjcct property, including propcrties behind and across strcets. Thc applicant is responsible for correct names and nrailing adfucsses. This information is available fiom the Eagl.c County Assessor's officc. \t A description ofthc prccisc nature ofthe proposcd usc and its operating charactcristics and mcasurcs proposcd to makc the usc compatiblc with other properties in thc vicinity. The dcscription must slso addrcss: l, Rclationship and impact ofthc usc on dcvclopmort objcctivcs ofthc Town. 2. Effcct ofthc use on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation facilitics, utilitics, schools, parks and rccrcation facilitics, and othcr public facilitics and public facilitics nccds' 3. Effcct upon baffic, with particutar rcfcrcncc to congestion, automotivc and pcdcstrian safcty and convcrricncc, traffic flow and control, acccss, mancuvcrability, and rcmoval ofsnow from thc shccls and parking arca. 4. Effcct upon thc character ofthc arca in which thc proposcd usc is to bc locatcd, including thc scalc and bulk ofthc proposcd usc in rclation to sunounding uscs. tr n@schcdutcs A and B, to veriff owncrship and cascmcnts. lf the building is condominiumized, a lctter from thc condominium association in support of thc proposal must bc submittcd to staff, Four (4) copics of the following: - An improvement survcy of the propcrly showing propcrty lines, locations of all improvcmcnts, topography, and natural feahres. A site plan at a scalc ofat least l" = 20'showing proposcd dovelopment of the sitc, including topography, building locations. parking, traffic circulation, useablc open spacc, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage fcahucs, Building elcvations and floor ilans, at a scale not smaller than one-cighth inch equats onc foot. il. u B tr I I I o o tr Pagc I of2 U Any additional lltittcrial ncccssary for thc rcvicrv of thc application as dctcrrnincd by thc Adnrinistrator. For intcrior ntorlifications, an improvcnlcnt survcy and sitc plan ntay bc waivcd by thc Administrator. PLEASE NOTE T}INT ONLY COMPLETB APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUtsMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE, TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Planning and Environnrcntal Commission nlccts on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of cach month. A complctc application form and all accompanying matcrial (as dcscribcd abovc) must be ncccptcd by thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt by thc appropriatc submittal date, which is a minimum of four (4) wceks prior to thc datc of the PEC public hcaring. lncomplctc applications (as detcnnincd by the planning staff) rvill not bc acccptcd. All PEC approvcd conditional usc pcrmits shall lapsc if construction is not commcnccd wifhin onc ycar ofthc date ofapproval and diligcntly pursucd to comptction, or if thc usc for which thc approval is grantcd is not commenced within onc ycar. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application rcquircs a scparatc rcvicw by any local, Statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thc Town of Vail, thc application fcc shall bc incrcascd by $200,00. Examplcs of such rcvicw, may includc, but arc not lintitcd to: Colorado Dcpartnrcnt of tlighway Acccss Pcrmits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc. Thc applicrutt shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of 50% of ihc application fcc. Ii at thc applicant's rcqucst. any nrattcr is postponcd for hcaring, causing thc m ttcr to bc rc-publishcd, thcn, thc cntirc fcc for such rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. Applications dccntcd by thc Cornnrunity Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt to havc dcsign, land usc or othcr issucs which nray havc a significant inrpact on thc communig rnay rcquirc rcvicw by consultants in addition to'I'own staff, Should a dctcrnrination bc nradc by thc Town slaff that an outsidc consultant is nccdcd, thc Community Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartmcnt may hirc thc consultant. Thc Dcpartmcnt shall cstimatc thc antount ofnronry ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall bc forwardcd to thc Town by thc applicant at thc tinrc of filing an application. Expcnscs incurrcd by thc Town in cxccss ofthc amount fonvardcd by thc applicant shall bc paid to thc Town by thc applicant within 30 days of notification by thc Town. Any cxccss funds will bc rctumcd to thc applicant upon rcvicw conrpletion. III. rv. B. B. I ! I C. Pagc 2 of 2 1. Sleigb rides are consistent withthe recreational use described inthe zoning. 2. The sleigh rides will enhance the Golden Peak area with another guest option for things to do in Vail. 3. N/A The activity will take place within the ski are after operating hours. The conal will have 4 horses in it during the day. 4. The area is located in the tees and uphill of the Golden Peak mowmaking puop house and should have little effect upon the area. The operating plan required of Steve Jones by Vail Associates, Inc. includes the removal of horse waste on a daily basis. H:\BMC\Sleigb rides GP.doc WHIT TOWN O VAIL BOI tgDt SDD*I7 tl ?e 1.{v1t11f++l Lf.^"; soDo zAfrt^+",-4" lpe"A.^- t) + @ trJ(9 JJ J -llr-t|, lll llu s u B l].:5 ra E\ H)t! J'DI6 <=urzt< FaL!EoU- -J z. trq. z. ('z =lt- i f- l!(' JJ J 2 E. O z. =P --)J ^ >1\.l) ';.- $t,r :.'J*\1ln J,:rlf )n-s F.. \ (\r 5i :trl\\ s\N_42 z o() _lols 6lsN -1.\r r)J rt F @ s J lr,l (! F-diFO E= LrJ xF:z SE-azv:8- 'ei (9 z. =tri t''- UJ(9 J z3XedF; F Q F JJ JF@ I(,F { 1 Schedule: 007600 S'.t'A'l'US: A 395 M1LL CrREtiK Cl-H Parcef No: 2101 082 50 001 vAlL CO 81657 'l'A0: 103 Mill Levy: 49,353 000395 I'IILL CRUUK CIH VA1L Yr tsrrilt: 89 NOV No,: Sibling: .bi:r Sibling: l]ec Date Rectd: LHGAL: 0198 VAlL VlLLAGE }.'1L1NG 1 tsLK: 1 LO'l': 19 tsK:0242 PG:0169 DOC IJA'l'tj :09/lO/75 DO0'1'YPU: wD SALUS PRIOET $190,000 tsK:0487 PG:0381 DOC DA1'EtOI/27/88 DOC,'I'YPE:SWI) SALES PRlCll : $1,700,000 tsK:0487 PG:0382 DOO l-)A'l'.Lj :07/27/38 DOC'l'yp!; : WD SAL_US PRIC:E: $1,795,000 tsK-0291 PG-o176 t{D 06-26-79 tsK-0476 PG-016? P'l'D 1Z-28-87 tsK-0527 PCi-0049 swD 04-16-90 tsK-o640 PG-0605 QCD 05-09-94 SlNGLti t'AM.HES.-LAND A0'l': 5675100 ASD: 55Z75tl AC: 0.000 Sl': 18917 SLNGL.E !'AM,RES--tMPROVEM AC'l': 2865850 aSLl: Z791ll 0 Ac: 0,000 Sl.': 7611 'l'O'l'AL vALUti $8 , 540 , 950 $B 31 , 880 ASSEssb'D 07 /24/97 LSr CHANGE t)4/22/9'.l BASS, LEE M. % KIHKWOOD & DARtsY 3OOO E tsELKNAP S'I'E 4OO t"l' woH'r'H 000345 r'1r.LL CHEEK Cr.R NOV I'lo. : Sibling: 'r'x 76111 VA.IL Schedtrf e Parcel No '1'AC Yr Br-ri1t 010660 s'l'A'l'us: A 2101 082 50 006 103 Mi11 Levy: 49.353 91 Ex SibJ-ing:Dec Date Rec'd: LEGAL:0198 VA1L V1LLAGE I'lLlNG 1tsLK: 1 LO.I': T4 tsK:,0342 PG:0892 DOC IJA'I'E:.06/09/82 DOtl'l'YP!l ; t{D SALBS PHLCE: $1,000,000 tsK:0531 PG:0796DOC DA'I'U:06/15/90 DOC'l'YPu:cwD SALES PHICIU: $2,750,000 BK:0579 PG:0259 DOC DA'I'E t05/01/92 DOC 'l'YPh; : wD SALES PRICE: $6, 150,000 tsK-057'.l Pc-o335 cwD 06-15-90 BK-0579 PG-0258 DEED 04-20-92 SINGLU.t'AI'l .H.hiS.-LANIJ ACT: 6130870 ASD: 597150 A0: 0.000 Sl': 23223 SlNGLE I'Al'1 .HAS-II'IPHOVEM AO't': 1363120 ASD: 1:1 2770 AC: 0.000 S!': 5726 'l'o'l'Al VALUU $7,493, gg0 $729,920 ASSESST;D 06/30/96 LS'l' CHANcE 07 /0t/91 OstsOHNlr , .tsAHBAHA M, % J ENN lNGS , K_Ut'l'H S . 1531 WALNU',l' S'l'., tsHOWN RRO'I'HEHS PHl T,ADELPHlA OHEEK CIR Sibling: HARRI }1A\ 1910 Schedu 1e Parcel No 'l',AC Yr tsuilt 00947 5 s'l'A'r'us ; 2ro1 082 50 007 103 lli11 Levy: 62 L)ec Date Rec'd: SALIS PR1CU: NOV No. :L'1' qi}ll ih.r.vr-1rr5 r LEGAL:0198 VA.IL VlLLAGE I.'1LI!,]G 1tsLK: 1 LO'l': l.3 tsK: ()218 Pc:0939 DOO DA'I'E:70/14/70 DO(j 't'YPE: tsK-0338 Pc-0350 SWD 03-08-82 SINGLE t.'AI',. HUS. -LANI)AC'l': 4626300 ASD:,1 50600 AC: 13860 AC: $161 ,460 0 . 000 st': 0 . 000 sf': 49.353 $45,000 t54Zt 2345SlNGLI; }.'AM. HHS-I.I4PROVTJM AC'I.: 14225O ASD: 'l'o'I'AL VALUE S4,768,55t) ASSESS$D 06/30/96 Ls',l' CHA\cr: O4/22/97 CLEI'IUN'l' 0OMl'1UN1'l'Y P'I'NSHP % K]NG HAT'JCH .tNC P0 _tsOx 1418 KlNGSV l LLU OOO385 MILL OHEUK O1H 1'-\ 78363 VAI- L 0l/3I/75 DOc'fYPFi 08/73/75 DOc 'I'YPE 09/06/78 DOc'1'YPs 12/30/78 DOc'l'YPE OO7I40 S'lA'l'US: A 2r0L 082 50 002 103 Mi11 Levy: 49.353 64 Schedu le ParceL tr-o 'l'Acr Yr tluift NOV No. : Sibling: P000641 tix Sibling: Dec l)ate Rec'd: LEGAL:0198 VAlL VlLLAGU T,.1LlNG 1 HLK: 1 LOT: 18 tsK:0238 PG:0609 DOO DA'I'E tsKl.0241 PG:0368 D()0 DA'I'b' tsK:027 4 PG:0749 DOc DA'l'u tsK:0434 Pc:0305 DOC] DAI'E WD SALI]S PRlC!] QOD SALSS PRIOE GWD SALUS PR.IC!; GWD SALES PR1CH $250,000 $250, 000 $630,000 $1,666,700 tsK-0.170 PG-0443 c'|D 09-22-8'.1 BK-o681 PG-0637 cwD 07-19-95 lrK-o688 PG-0048 cwD 07-12-95 S1NGLE I'AM.HUS.-LAND AC'l': 5124900 ASD: 4:r9170 AC: 0.000 St': 17083 SINGLE l'AM,R!;S-I|4PHOV!:M AC'l': 210500 ASrr: 20500 AC: 0.000 St': 33'72 '1'O'1'AL VALUE $5 , 335 ,400 $519, 670 ASSUSSED 07 /24/97 Ls',r' CHAllciE 1()/27 /97 JOHNSON , ELIZAtsE'I'H HOSS 435 E 52 sr NHW YORK OOO375 MILL OREEK OIR NOV No. : Sibline: NY 10022 VAl L Schedule Parcel No 'I'AC Yr Bui. 1t 009140 S'l'A'l'US: A 270t 082 50 003 1(J3 llill Levy: 49,353 95 ux Sibling:Dee Date Hec t d: L-T]GAL:0198 VAlL VILLAGU I'TLlNG 1tlLK: I LO'r':. l7 tsK:0648 PG:0894 DOC DA'I'E:08/3I/94 DOC'l'ypE: wD SALUS PHlCE: $5,600,000 tsK-0166 PG-0585 SINGLU t'AM.R!:S.-LAND A0'l': 5554200 ASD: 540980 AC:; 0.000 S!': 18514 slNGL!; !'Ar"1.HES-TMPR0VEM A0l'; 2395820 ASD: 233350 AC: 0.000 Sr': 5612 t'o'l'AL VALUU $7,950,020 $774 ,330 ASSESSUD 07 /24/97 LS'l' CHANGE 04/22/97 AZCAHRAGA, ALSJANDRO BURILLO 6108 |ICPH!;HSON RD STr; 3 LAHI]DO 000365 MILL CRI]EK ClH NOV No. : Sibli.ng: 'l'x 78041 VAI"L Schedule Parcel No Yr Buift 007400 St'A'l'US; A 2101 082 50 004103 Mi11 Levy: 49. 353 62 Ex Sibling:Dec Date Hec t d: L.bJGAL I0198 VAIL VILLAGH I'ILING 1tsLK: 1 LO'l': 16 tsK:0631 PG:0339 t)OC DA'r'!;:r)l/28/94 jJOC'r'ypU: l{D SALES PR]OB: $5,500,000 BK-0166 PG-0329 tsK-0453 PG-0508 QCD 11-26-86 tsK-0743 PG-0400 SwD 08-26-97 SINGLE l'AM.RES.-LAND AC:'t': 58152(10 ASD: 566400 A0: 0.000 S!': 19384 SINGLE I'AM.RIS-IMPHOVEM AC'l': 240650 ASD: 23440 AC: 0.000 Sl': 3836 'l'o'l'Al, VALUU $6,055,950 $5gg,940 ASSEss.biD 06/30/96 LS'r' OHANGE 71/25/97 H]GBIE, HARLEY G., JH & LOHHA1NU N. 1600 tsROArJwAY sT.U 1400 co 80202 VAl L Schedttle Parcel No 'I'AC Yr Built 008560 s'l'Al'us: A 2101 082 50 005103 Mill Levy: 49.353 A' DUNVUH OOO353 MILL CHTJI]K CIH NOv No. : Sibling: !;x Sibling: LEGAL:0198 VAlL VI.LLAGE I'.tL1NG 1tsLK: 1 LO'l': 15 tsK-0188 PG-00?1 l4D 01-19-65 Dec Date Rec t d: SINGLE I'AM.HES.-LAND AC'l': 7016860 ASD: 6811440 AC: 0,000 Sl': 29607 S1NGLE !'AM.H!;S-I-!IPHOVUM ACl'r 212340 ASD: Zt)680 Ac: 0.000 St': 3492 'l'o'l'Al-, VALUU $1 ,229,2()0 $704,120 AssEss.uD 07 /24/97 LS'l' CHANGE 10/30/97 . €-^'s Un:r E*oop.t-o-rs arro? . I4?b V. \r, Dr. VAf , e0 6 f'b 5l 41b .- ryaqb 5q5 -u-vn-P'') )f4';.uth (tva1 v1b-'- 5b5 t No<n-ruala- W.- Q,oaou b oo 1/. w. >-fu Va>. tLZ-l IAn-. €tC.S€ ?r* Nlt'v'tYn fna-.t*r V;0 1,1 . O- Asstc', Vttogl o Vail Associates, Inc. Elizabeth Johnson 435 E. 52nd St. New York, NY L0022 Alej andro Burillo Aze-arraga -6108 Mcpherson Rd., Suite"jLaredo, TX 78041 o 0ccupant 395 M111 Creek Gircl-eVall, CO 81657 Horneowners Assoctation Ram's Horn Condominirrms 416 Vail Vall-ev Dr.Va{.l, CO 8165i Sara Newsam Manor Vail 595 E. VaiL ValLey Dr.Vail, CO 81651 Northwoods CondonlnLum 600 Vail- Va1-ley Dr.Vail, CO 81657 Ageoclation ifi;=i;;"il#:.ffi,1r"#^ Denver, co -biZ6'trte 1400 Vail Associates, Inc. Clement Conununity Partnership c/o King Ranch Tnc-P.O. Box 1418Kingsville, TX 78363 Bar:bara 0sbornec/o Keith Jenni.ngs 1531 l^Jalnrrt St., Brown Brothers }larrimanPhiladelphia, PA 19102 Lee Bassc/o Kirkwood & Darby 3000 E. Bel-knap, Suite 400Ft. I^Iorth, TX 76111 ), THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 22, 1997 , at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building.. In consideralion of: A request for a conditional use permit to conslruct four multiple-family dwelling unils and a variance from Section 18.28.090 (Building Height) and a variance from Section 18.28.070 (Setbacks), to allow for commercial and residential expansion, located at 143 E. Meadow Drive (Crossroads East Building) / Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Crossroads Plaza, Trevina L.P., represented by Bill PiercePlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a minor subdivision, lo correcl a righFof-way encroachment, located al2704 Larkspur Lane/Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Kathy Mauzy/Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a conditional use permit, lo allow for the conslruction of a tempoiary structure to accommodate a winter sleigh ride operation at Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 458 Vail Valley lDrive/Tract F, VailVillage 5th Filing. .,aFlpplicant: Vail Associates, represenled by Brian McCartney- t Planner: George Rulher The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located al the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information, Communily Development Department Published December 5. 1997 in the Vail Trail. 6Lqfl ,^flal;^*4in Urt- L*,;co1 A.bo<,rr luTre€ \.\. yi{.p. 6o+rsl obi€criua l"b+p oF *t"e qo-tre. Sernrgru Tr4+€ o? 3lcrr-}.r.-PE l+ere RE6y*, ltAttU. Ptaa. Hcate/*u, T-*.t*. 5c*te, -r /U*p. ?o..:aht.rs. Cou+V ti";U,Lq 1Vl*Ie.it*l lr:r. otha ='|D*+qb 1Au#. * tr* Pcorrz;na.t. ow. 7