HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL 2000-2001Vr-tV-',t\ : -r,"^Jr X"U*P-I yq5 ?goo zpo I 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Oclober 2,2001 Mr. Frederick Wyman ll 93 Whippoomill Road Armonk, NY 10504-1108 Re: Golden Peak Ski Base Lighting Mr. Wyman: I am in receipt of your letter regarding the lighting conditions at the Golden Peak Ski Base. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of lighting changes currenlly under consideration at Golden Peak. Jetfrey Babb at Vail Resorts has requested design review approval from lhe Town of Vail for revised lighting between the Passport parking area and the Golden Peak building. The application involves the removal of the existing lights within the stone wall adjacent to the east-west pedestrian walk and the addition of new light fixtures along this same wall. The application also includes the placement of two "flickering lamp" fixtures at the north entrance to the building. A graphic description of this request has been attached for reference. I will be meeting with Jeff during the week of October 8rh to discuss the application in detail. I will ensure all new light fixtures comply with the Town's exterior lighting regulations. I will also conduct a sile inspection of the parking structure this evening lo determine if any mitigation is necessary in order to achieve compliance with the Town's regulalions. lf it is determined any mitigation will be necessary, I will notify you personally. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, you can reach me directly at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, 6^*>(-=' Brent Wilson, AICP Senior Planner cc: Ludwig Kurz, Mayor Jim Lamont, Vail Village Homeowners Association {p*u* "o c, t' l', I rl TOWN OF VAIL Input/Inquiry Response Record t:The attached comments were recentlv received by the Town of Vail. We dnc residents and guests to give us such input and we strive for timely responses. PLEASE ADDRESS THESE CONCEfu\S WITHIN FIVE WORKING DAYS AND RETLIR\ THIS CO]VIPLETED FOru"*I TO PAlvl BRANDMEYER. DEPARTMENT TO HANDLE INQI.IIRY INDIVIDUAL TO HANDLE INQI-IIRY DATE TOV RECEIVED INPUT/INQLIIRY b"L.Ur. f"l UUW+rfu.ilrur U 'iln dtl,o.tt'tLETTER(ATTACIIED)'%ri#uffif"#'Wuwy RESPONSE CARD (attached) W "W:f:'+Wirffiffi;W3u wo\+ is "46u,u-&," Th'tuh4 t. TYPE OF RESPONSE (check one) U ?.fE.at TYPE OF INPUT/INOIIIRY: PHONE CALL (Indicate data) LETTER (attach copy) PHONE CALL (indicate date) BRIEF SUM]vIARY OF MSPONSE OR ANSWER TO INOUTRY: DATE OF RESPONSE FORM RETIIRNED BY DEPARTMENT TO P.{VI BRAT\DMEYER: F:',bsaltcnTov lnput-lnquir.v Rcspons€ Recotd RESHVEOSEP t 1ml FREDERItrKWYMAN II 9g WHIFFOORWILL ROAD aRMC!NR, NEWYORK lC'6O4-r lEl6 (9r4t273.51tEFAX 19 t 4, t73-3 1 45 SePtember 5' 2001 Mr. George G. Ruther Ci,ief of Ptanning Town of Vail Dept. of Community DeveloPment 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 .RE: Golden Peak Parking Structure Dear Mr. Ruther: Several years ago I complained about the light emanating fiom the garage as well as the walkway at the Golden Peak complex. It was suggested that the planting of some trees would mitigate at least some of the problem.-iregret to inform you ihat the spinrlly, bare specimens that I hesitate to call trees that were planted have had no tangible effect. It recently came to my attention that there is m outdoor lighting ordinance in the Town of Vail. It ieems that the maximum light outside that is permitted is the equivalent of a 40 watt bulb. I respectfully request that the Ton'n determine if the light emanating from the parking structure is in compliance with the lor;al ordinance and if not require those responsible to correct the matter. I also request that the trees acknowledged by Dave Corbin at Vail Associates as inferior be replaied with suitably dense blue spruces c'f an appropriate height so as to eliminate the necessity of looking i;tc what is unfortururtely a bright hole. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future as to how you intend to address this issue as I have not had a"y response from the complaint I lodged with Judy Rodriguez on August 23'd. I have enclosed for yout converience copies of correspgllgnce with the Toin Board, the Town Planning bepertment and Vail Resorts from 1997 that will give you some background to this issue. f,fdr".--4 derick Wyn/an II F\IV:N F.nil vail\Golden Peak Parking Srudure 9501 cc: Ludwig Krxz.Mayor,/ Jim Lamont, East Village Homeowners Assoc. f FREDENItrK WYMAN II 'I WHIFPOOFWILL ROAD ARMONT. NEW YOFK IOS+IIG or4, zzr.ElrFrr -511.8 For (9r4) Zzt€ta3 lday 13, 19? MayorBob Armour Membss ofthe TounBoard TownofVail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Golden Pealc Puking Stnrcture Dear Mr. lvlayor and Members ofthe Town Board: lte redwelopmont of the base facility at Goldon Peek rs l,ou ore no dorrbt aware is well undcr way. It is distrcssitrg to the many property owners living acrors the strecl tom Golden Pcak that vail A$ociates has made no attempt to mitigarc the impact of this donigration on their vieqrshd Of partiorlar sonsern is the blinding light thst @onate$ from tbo €ntranae of the parking structure. I cotrtrctcd Vail Associates and was rdsred to David Corbln, thc Golden Pealc Projeot tvlanager. I rubsequently receivod tho encloscd lons. Wbm it !ryane apparod thst Vail Associates intended to do nothiag to ratisfactorily mitigate this problem I aontacted Luren watoton, Tovm Plannor, in vor pepartnent # comnunity Development. we spoke about this mdts on sev€ral occasions ad I met with her during my Maroh visit to Vsil, She sent mo a lctter (mpy onclonod). Eerentially Mss Waterton stat€s that once a project ir approved in Vsil tha.t irrospective o-f any unanticipeted coilnqu€nccs the Town has no uthority to compol and dir€ct thc dwelopor to remedy and mitigte thooe unanticipatcd adrsse cms€qucncer. she is hopeful that sornc landscaping will mitigate the appearanoo of tlre grrugo stucture. I respectfully suggsst that a planting bed ttrat is at begt 6 ft. wido in placoo will hardty do an adequ*e job. Wc had dircusecd enlarging tbe planing area by eliminating sev€ral prrfting cprc€s to enablo the construction of a berm whioh would a,fford tho pordbility of installing more plants at highcr elewtions. My sense in talking with Drvid Cortin was that hc urould not even consider this. The issue of the light emanating from the parking structure can only be satisfactorily addressed with a door and it is my sense that Vail Resorts, Inc. is not inclined to do so simply for financial reasons. According to the prospectus issued when Vail R€sorts, Inc. went public recently; the anticipated cost of the Golden Peak facility was $33,000,000. $24,200,000 was to be recouped from the sale of6 condominium units apparently under contract already and an additional $6,000,000 was to be recouped from the parking facility. This leaves Vail Resorts, Inc. with 43,000 SF of commercial space at a cost to them of approximately $3,000,000 or less than $70 per SF. It is my understanding that rents in Vail for retail and commercial space significantly exceed $70 per SF. It doesn't appesr to m€ to be I major financial hardship to install doors with whatever ventilation may subsequently be required. It is interesting to note from a brochure regarding the architectural and design guidelines for Bachelor's Gulch as well as Strawberry Fields in Beaver Creek that they precisely dictate where the houses can be located as well as restricting which trees can be cut in order to presert/e the marketing environment they are trying to create, I also noted during a recent visit to Beaver Creek that the majority ofthe garages underneath the buildings have doors. It b r€glettsble that Vail Resortg Inc. does not take the same interest and pride in mitigating the impact of the Gotden Peak project and parking structure on the adjacent propcty own€rs. I rcspectfully request that th€ Town Board review this matter and require Vail Resortg Inc. to act as a responsible member of the community. Vait Resorts, lnc. desperately wanted a new portal to the mountain. They have it. They r* making a great deal of money ftom it. They should now do whatever is necessary to make it possible for the people who live in the area to enjoy their property in the futurc as thoy did in the past. FW:ml CC: SusatComotly Andy DalY IimLamont DiarrcMltigan Al S€lke Bce' r FREDERICK WYMAN II ,3 $,t{TFPOOFW|LL ROAO AFMONK, NEW YORX tO5O4.I tE (er4t zt!.trg!fl -5118 Fat (9la) ??3.31/15 January 13, L997 llls. Lauren Waterton Town Planner Town of Vail Cornnunity Developnent 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co 81657 Dear Lauren: Thank you for taking the tlne to discuss wlth me my concerns regard-ing the garage structure located at Golden Peak and inparticular the very bright light emanating fron the garage's entrance. As you know, I met with navid Corbin of vail Associates on ,lanuary 3 to discuss various options to nitigate this problem. He told me that he would review the matter and get back to me in eeveral weeks to discuse the issue. fn as much as the Golden Peak redevelopnent project is etill under conetruction this is the appropriate time to figure out how to address this issue once and for all. The viewshed from AII Seasons Condominiurn as well as other neJ-ghborinlJ properties including the Ram's Horn and the tivoli Lodge has been iignificantly damaged by this very bright intiusive fight whicn indicites a comrnercial ueage in an exclusivelY residential area. I would be noet grateful for any assistance and any creative ideae you nay have in solving this nost dieturbing and dLstressing problen. SJ-ncerely, Frederick Wlman II Flf :nI FREOERItrK WYMAN II '3 WHIFFOORWILL FOAO AFMONK, NEW YOiX rOSOa. Oe (er4) t?s'lRftt-Jtl.8 Fax t9rat ?t3.314s January L3, 1997 Mr. David G. Corbin Vice PreeidentVail Associates Real Estate Group, Inc.P. O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Golden Peak Developnent Dear David: I apprecl-ated the tine that you spent neeting with ne on January 3 to discuss the significant impact to our view from the light emanating fron the entrance to the underground parking Etructure. Several years ago, when Chris Ryman presented the Golden Peak redevelopment plan we recogtnized that it would have a aignlficant inpact on the vl-ewehed from the perepectLve of the owners of the All Seasons Condominium Complex. The proposal to construct a restrleted accese underground garage etructure wag welcome in ae rnuch aE the old parking lot wae not particularly aesthetically pleasing and prospect of reduced vehicular traffic vtas appealing. It never occurred to anybody at the time that as a conEequence of building this underground structure the very prominent garage entrance would be located directly across the street from our apartnent and further that it would be illuninated with hlgh wattage mercury vapor lanps. Ag a result, the viewshed from the All Seasons as well as nelghboring propertiee has not only been dirninished_significantly froi the conltruction of condominiuns and ski school facilities but has been severely and negatively impacted.by the bright light emanating fron the girage en€rance. In addition the total maee of the garage door structure is disturbing. we dlacuesed several means of mitigatlng, the heretofore' unanticipated irnpact of the light enanating.from the garage. i"Ji"air,i replacing, reconfiguiing and/or dinning the lighting fixtures-as irell ai the instillation of Elarage doors which I UJiie.r" will ultinately be the only viable solution to this iesue. 3' The varue of our honee have been considerably reduced by theinpaet of the qarage and moet a-sureaty the unobstructed view wehad of the mouitaifr we ""-;;t"t;J has ieen r"ril-- I look forward t:_|9":lTg fron-you in the near future with yourproposal to nitl.gate thiJ problirn. SLncerely, Frederick t{nnan ff F[f :nl cc: Andrew DaIyJin, Lanont-Al Sellke Lauren Waterton FREDERItrK WYMAN II '3 WHIPPOORWILL FOAD AFMONx, NEW YOf,IK lOSO/a.l 16 (er4)z"s.sFttr -tllE Fat (9lra) 27!1.3143 January 13, L997 Mr. Andy Daly, Pres.VaiI Associates ReaI Estate Group, Inc. P. O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81520 Dear llr. Daly: The enclosed correspondence to David Corbin of Vail Associates articulates our concerns regarding the disturbing light enanating from the entrance to the underground parking structure at Golden Peak. My fanily and I have been coning to Vail since its incePtion. Several years ago when the Golden Peak redevelopment plan-was proposed-we realized that this development would have an inpact 6n Lfre unobEtructed view of the mountal-n that we had enjoyed Elnce 1964. t{e also recognized the need for Vail to provide a new portal to the nountaLn. lfe understand Vail Associates desire to offset this considerable expenEe with both revenues from the sale of the condo's and the garage sp€rcea and expeet that in this nulti-million dollar froj6ct Lhere is enough money to remediate and nitigate tt-te -lanige done to value of att Lhe property owners who have to look at the light coning fron the garage. The impact of the new building while dininishing our view waE sonesrhlt anticipated. What wie not expected, however, was the ei€iaorainary niight light emanating fiorn the entrance of the qaraqe structure. We w5uld very nru-h appreciate if you -could5JiJ5narfv look into this rnattei and see what could be done to f,ftiila;-irttii i"t ua has turned out to be a disaatrous intrusion on our viewshed. Sincerely, Frederiek Wyman II FW:nrl Enc. cc:Lamont Sellke Waterton J. A. L. |'t|n$l|ffi * (,J' V PIoNE {97O a78-s€a6 .tune 22 , t997 41IVAIVru.FTDRNE vAn.cot.CtR^DOStGt FA){(9rc)g'l,0ro1 Torn of Vail Town Council l_5.9. Fronrage Ro..VaiI, CO. 81G57 Dear t{€ffiers of the Town Council. The folloning is eent on behalfAssociation and in reference Eo afrom Mr. Wynan of Che AI1 Seasons of the Rams Horn Condominiumletter EenE to you l.lay 13, l99Z Condominiume. The Rams Horn condsninirms are obviously also inpacted by thecolden Feak Redeveroprne:rt. .re parricip-JtJd in-irre prinning pri".ii"artd.aEterpred Eo Brovide inlnrt on many differenc ptrasei-or-iniprojecc. !{e have delaved in comnentlng on Ehe progr€sg of the project sinceit i8 seill-under constnrcu-ion. Tre recognize thaL consEnrctionclean up qld landecaping rilr help uhe tiilii ifr.""arrce of Eheproject- our delay iir c6runentini-, -noretrer, is noi-co Euggest thatwe are wichout concern over the ?'evetopnent. lf€, too, ehare the ovnerg concerng aE Alr geaEons. Trre right fromthe parking Etnrcture is ress thtn aeceptable and desirable. rtis di,scouraging llar a. proi-cc or Ehii- rnagr;roG na" ipirringst,!:ucEure that, raLher than drhancing Ehe arei, is-unattracEive and 1J1o dlst'u5bing- ro ehe.nerghborhd. nte rl'ghT frrr,rtion of, rheopen atructure leaves the iapression of a tleli'rrerf enEry and is oigreat concern to owners in our building. You -may recal1 that we arere Fupportive of the projecE andpart'lcularly the atrarctur€ as we teit it rotr!.d be an-lmfro\rementLo Ehe surface parking that prs\riously exisEed. ls a side note,on any given day during *inter, Lhere were 40-45 vehicres surfaceparked all ttay. lfe assume these were construcEion vehicres thatwill noC be surface parked upon project corqllefion. our co(ilrenga hawe also been delayed on the Golden pealc Redevelo;menE because we knew that landicaping was still to be doneand se have naintained an optimism thdl lrrts rould help theaeschet,ics of Ehe situation. -Althougb the crera are rorlcing onEhis, it i8 too early to tetl tbe end-result,. rn ally ev€nt,, se will continue to monitor the proelreaB acroFs thestreec and to share our concerna wiEb the c-oun-cit. rt is ineveryonea beat interest that this irqlortani portal to the nountainnot be unattractlrre br.rt rather an aderactive and wel.cmle additionto th€ neighborhood. Sincerely CC: Suaan C\cnne11y Andy Dalyilin LamontAl Selke Frederick tly,fian / Diane Milligan t- TLL 8BASOtrs Cof,D4llf, IrIt tASoCrA[IOtf43I GORE CNEEf, DRTVE vArrJ, co 81657 (303)176-3760 January L3, t997 Ur. Andy Daly, Prds.Vail Assoclates ReaI Estate Group, Inc.P. O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Ur. Daly: fhe All Seasons Condonriniun AEeociation recently had its annualneeting. At this neeting eeveral owners cornnented on the verybright light coming fron the entrance of the underground parkingstructure directly acrosE the street from our conplex and notedthat this llght was nost dieturbing at night. There are at least 10 apartnente directly affected. I an writing to you on behalfof all property owners at All Seasons whoee apartmente have been eharply devalued to see what can be done to eliminate or at leaEt reduce this nuieance. Thank you for your pronpt attention to this natter. Sincerely, Al Sellke PreEident East' VillaEe Homeowners Associ970-82?-5856 06/021199? 08:52:12 PM P.2 , Elsr Vn,ucn HounowNnRs AssocnrloN,Inc. Officers: President - Bob Calvin Secrctary - Gretta Park Treasurer - Patick Gramm Directors - Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridgewater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - Connie Ridder To: Golden Peak President's Advisory Committee From: Jim lamont Executive Director Date: June2. 1997 RE: Golden Peak Ski Base Issues \lB', Ao'#e " ()' 1. Summer Constnrction Schedule: Attached is a copy ofthe construction schedule fonrarded to the Homeffiociates for Vail Villev Drive. W-ork on the pro-iect has com- menced. The Association has reqirested Vail Associatee to distribute their work scheduli to neighbor- hood representatives. (See attachment # I ) 2. Proooged chanses to the aporoved Develounent Plan: The Plannins and Environmental Commi$ion be incorporited into thc Goldcn Peak bus shelter. In addition, a luaia house is proposed for'the entrance to the Children's Center Parking_Lot. There is no epecific covenant provision that illows a ski storage facility outside the main buildhg. It is not known urider which covenint provision Vail Associates is-substantiating the proposed facilities. (See attachment #2) 3. Parkinc Structure Lidrtins Issue: Complaints have been received from some adiacent p'roper- tv owners rffi proi6ctinc from the vehicle entrance of the 6lden Peak Parking Strictrue. -Vail fusociates f,as proposid initigaiing the objectionable light source-s by the place' ment of applcpriatelv sized evergreen trces in landscape areas located on the parameter of the property. A predoririnairce of-the exteriorlighting and landscaping for the Golden Peali ski base building and site remains to be installed. (See attachment #3) 4. Temoorarv Tent Prooosal: The location and desisn of the temDorary tent that was erected last fall areffiiffi6i-6iT-ail Associates. A tempoiary tent used to aicommodate slii race re' lated activities in the winter moritlu was erected as a seas6nal siructrue, Vail Associates jrutified the temporary tent as a ski race facility and a seagonal shucture to accommodate athletic, culhml, or educa' tionil services. These uses are all6uad bvlhe covenant a$eement. Seasonal shucturcs are removed at the termination of the eeason. The temp6rary tent has be&r removed, howwer a small permanent utility buildins that was congtructed ae an adidrct t6 the tent. remains in place. Food service, available to the cenerafDublic. was condrrcted durine ihe eki season within the teniLporary tent, it is not known under iohich cirvenarit provision the small r;tilirr^.' buildins and the food sefurice are beins iustified. The cove- nant prohibits specialtv food eetablishmeirts on thJsubiect land. It is important ihit any use that was tempbrarily coriduct,ed outside of the main building, dile to the consructlon in proceis, heet covenant reqriirements once the main building is completed. In 1996, Vail Aseociates proposed a pe'manent pavilion !o house the winter ski race actMties. The proposal foi a oermanent pavilioh was relected bv the 'Iown of Vail. Further, some adjacent proper- ty owneh were concerned aboirt a possible viblation rif the covenant agreementbecauge the pavilion was propose{ as a permareNrt stf,ucture instead of a seasonal stnrctwe. It is expected that Vail Associates nai make a revised proposal this summer. 5. Skier Accegs: The status of the layout of the skier access route as well as the final grading and landscalfr-g of terain adjacent to the Northwoods and Pinos Del Norte propelties continues to be monitored bv tfi'e Ageociation. 6. Nisht Lichthe Prooosal: The proposal bv Vail Associates to the USFS to light some ski slooes nextTo-%il\riilasELi-onghead'to ittow n'icht skiing has been ternporarily withdrawn by the eld'companv. It has not Seen determined if there is a ipecific dovenant proviiion that would prohibit any night lidhtiig that in the future could be proposed for the Golden Peak Ski Base. cc: Bob Galvin and Board of Directors Post Office Box 238 Telephone: (9i0) 827-5680 Vail, Colorado 81658 Message/FA-Y: (970) 827-5856 6750 S. Lima Street Englewood, Colorado 80112 Phone: (303) 799-6530 Fax: (303) 7n4rc7 Febnrary 5,1997 Mr. turdy Daly President Vail Associates Real Estate Group, Inc. P. O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 DearMr. Daly: I oum two units in All seasons condominiums, directly'across from the rmderground Parking stnrcture at Golden Peak. I am very concerned about the nigh-iitensity ligbt at the entance to the parking structure and would appreciate ,"[ut u", efforts Vail Associates can effect to immediately conect this situation' Very tulyyous, 'rnorr,10-r*.\o,tucr"t Mary Ann llamilton Lamont U]a y/cc: Mr.Frederick WYman II PE- z.-/rc f-t Vail Assooiates ftoal [state 0roup, Inc. D{.valolpcrs of wll, 8rrrcr Crrct'8atort, *towlrard: .nd 8|c,lc/p'G/l vl{ a- January 31,1997 Frederick Wyman II 93 Whippoorwill Road Armonk, NY 10504-1108 Re: Golden Peek Dwelopment Dear Mr. Wyman: I have received your letter of January l3m, together with copies of letters sent to Andy Daly by Timothy Wyman and Al Sellke, all restating the concern you raised with me in our meeting of January 3d regarding the light emanafing from the Golden Peak parking structure entry. At that time I noted your concem about the illumination of the interior of the garage and your displeasure with its impact on your properly. You requested that we exarnine the feasibility of installing garage doors at the entrance to the parking stucture. I indicated that I was not readily inclined to make that change to the garage entry because the garage was not desigred for overhead doors. The problems posed by overhead doors include conflicts with existing mechanical systems and fire protection and design incompatibility with the key pad controls, parking booth and gate. I also indicated at that time I would examine the possibility of shielding or covering the interior gaxag€ entry lights with hoods or lenses of some type. To repeat the substance of our phone conversation of yesterday, I have learned from our mechanical company that the automobile entry openings are in fact used for air intake or make up air for the garage exhaust system. These open areas account for 100% of the intake which is then circulated and exhausted mechanically in the structure above the garage opening. To close the openings would require the construction of substantial louvers and intake fans which were dismissed as visually unacceptable in early conversations between the design team, Vail Associates, and the town staff. Objections to the noise generated by a mechanical intake system were also raised in the early design stages. As I mentioned to you over the. phone the electrician who has designed the lighting system in the garage interior believes that a hood system or shield on the light fixtures woulcl not change the effects of illumination since the lenses themselves are not directly visible from the exterior (with one exception) and it is reflected light from the concrete surfaces that spills out ofthe garage opening and is visible from your residence. The electrician is also not familiar with any smoked lens which is available for this fixture type and instead has suggested that 137 Benchmark Road . FO Box 959 . Avon, Colorado .81520 . phone 970 845 2535 . fax 970 845 2555 $ ,/"- two of the three entry lamps be disconnected to see if the reflected illumination is mitigated in that fashion. We have done this. I intend to inspect the condition this evening and I believe that Jim Lamont intends to drive by the project at night to view this new condition. The one fixture which is wall mounted and is visible through the garage opening, though not visible from your residence, I have directed be moved to another location so it is not visible. I would also like to remind you once again that the project landscaping is not complete and landscaping is contemplated on the island between the road and the north side skier drop offzone. I believe that when this area is landscaped in eady sunmer of this year that impacts of light emanating frsm the structure opening will be mitigated to some degree. Hopefully this will lessen the light as seen from your residence and other All Seasons condominiums. Finally, while I respect your opinion and displeasure with respect to the changed condition across the street from your residence I do not concur that this new light source has sigrrificantly devalued your property or those of other All Seasons owners. In fact, I believe that an argument could be made that the zubstantial investment by Vail Associates in improved liffs, base facilities, site conditions, and high end residential condominiums may in fact have appreciated the value of your residences. I hope you will wait for the final completion of the project in all r€spects before finalizing your opinion regarding its merits. Very truly, VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE GROUP.INC.h*";/4 1--- David G. Corbin Vice President of Development DGC/db cc: Andy Daly, VAJ Jim Lamont, East Village Homeowners Association Al Sellke, President All Seasons Condominium Association Timothy Wyman jldana\corbin\golden peak\ftederick wyman 013 l97 t! 75 South Fronage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 March 27, 1997 Mr. Frederick WYman ll 93 WhiPPoorwill Road tumonk, NY 10504-1108 RE: Golden Peak Parking Garage Dear Mr. WYman: Department of Community Deve lopment Thank you for taking the time last week to discuss your concerns related.to the parking structure ii eofO'"n peaX. W! OiscusieO tnree issues: the tilnt from the parking structure; the light of the nL"OighG ""ming trom the structure; and the industrial look of the garage and delivery enrance' As you are aware, Vail Associates received Town of Vail approval for thisproject in 1996' after ie"il* OV ne Ftanning anJ EnuitonmentalGommission, ViiiTown Counciland the Design . nevierr 6oara. et tniJtime,irre rown of Vail has no authority to reconsider any approval related i; ri;i;t;Ei'fii;ptifi;i ieceiring rown of vailapprovai must be able to relv upon that approv'al as they proceed through their project' Throughout this proiect, the Town of Vail and Vail Associates has worked together to insure th-al rhi.E;id; reeis tne nidilever or qualiry mat is.expected ,.t,Vai!-I1'.sg9iect was in the review piJ.LJd tot nearly a yeai (trom applicatidn to Uuilding permit issuance) and there were many ft-re. 19 -Oe condUeieO. i woutO'urge you again to Ehember that the.project is not complete- WnJ. the "o* is finally Oone, r OefiEvd trat itre architectural issues wili not be as pronounced as they are now. I have spoken with David corbin, with vail Associates Real Estate Group, regardingyou lirni"r"i. i uetieve his renei to you of January 31 , 1997 explains ilre difficulty of putting garage doors at the entrance toine parfiing itructure. Thb actclitiori of garage doors would requke that Nare iins Oe instalted. i m liiaiOinat the noise and visual ettect oi tne intake fans may only replace one nuisance with another. Regarding the look ot the parking stucture, David and I agreed !o.me9t and discuss the ii"Eicipfrg in this area. iO"fiete that we can find ways, ihro-ugh landscaping' to reduce some of rhe appearance of rre entiance. while it certainty win not oisappear completely, the addition of signifiiant landscaping will help shield the entrance' Thank you for your interest in this project and the appearance of-the town' I believe that you will 1il t# a.i;cf *itt continue to imfroie as it nears bbmpletion. After Davld and I meet regarding €p'**o'uo Lauren Wailerton Torm Planner tG: Susroornly,ConnrttyDar.lqm|{Dbfir Dndd Ccbfr' Vd &rodn R.c E le GmuP IIff ltrfn nrnrlPn Cqt tontumr .' rhe tandscaping, I worH be happy to stl-are with you any charEes.![ll qEI result lf you hew ;y qresfldits iri fre msanilmo: please feel free io conua me at (970) 479'2454. Slncsgly, Lat "r^tllnw FREDERICK WYMAN II 93 WHIPFOORlr,ILL ROAD ARMEINK, NErv YORK I O5O4.1 I OB (914t 273-5r rB FAX 1914' 243-3145 September 5, 2001 Mr. George G. Ruther Ci.ief of Planning Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE. Golden Peak Parking Structure Dear Mr. Ruther: Several years ago I complained about the light emanating from the garage as well as the walkway at the Golden Peak complex. It was suggested that the planting of some trees would mitigate at least some of the problem. I regret to inform you that the spinclly, bare specimens that I hesitate to call trees that were planted have had no tangible effect It recently came to my attention that there is m outdoor lighting ordinance in the Town of Vail. It seems that the maximum light outside that is permitted is the equivalent of a 40 watt bulb. I respectfully request that the Town determine if the light emanating from the parking structure is in compliance with the lo<:al ordinance and if not require those responsible to correct the matter. I also request that the trees acknowledged by Dave Corbin at Vail Associates as inferior be replaced with suitably dense blue spruces of an appropriate height so as to eliminate the necessity of looking hic what is unfortunittely a bright hole. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future as to how you intend to address this issue as I have not had an)'response from the complaint I lodged with Judy Rodriguez on August 23d. I have enclosed for your converience copies ofcorrespondence with the Town Board, the Town Planning Department and Vail Resorts from 1997 that will give you some background to this issue. FW:ml Fn.. Vail\Golden Peak Parking Struciure 9501 cc: Ludwig Kurz, Mayor Jim Lamont, East Village Homeowners hssoc. FREDERICKWYMAN II 93 WH'PPOOIWILL RtrAD AFMONE, NEW YOFk lGO4.ttE (tl,t) zzr-E!1'Frt -5 ll,8 FaX. (9t4) 271,3t45 l[ay 13, 1997 ItlayorBob fuinour Membes ofthe TownBoard Torum of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 - RE: CnldenPoakPuking Stucture Dear Mr. lvlayor and Members ofthe Town Board: The redevelopmcnt of tho base facility at Crolden Pesk as you src no doubt aware is well rytder way. It is distressing to the many properry owners living acrocs the ctr€ct ftooo crolden Peak that vail Assosiates has nade no dtempt o mitigatn tho inpact of this dmigration on their viewsh€d. Of particular consern is the blinding liglrt that €mlnates ftom tle €ntranc€ of the puking stnrcture. I mntrrted Vail Associatss and was roftrred to Dwid Co$irl th€ Go6an p€ak Projoot lvfanagsr. I zubseqtrently received thc encloscd letter. Wbcn it !9c*q apparcot thst Voil Associates intended to do nothing to r*irfarrorily mitigue thisproblem l contacted Lauren lVatertoq Town Planncr, in you Oepartmcnt of Community Development. Wo spoke about this mattor oa gsvefial occasioni aod I met with her during ny lvtaroh visit to Vail. Shc sent mc a letter (copy enctoecd). Ersentially Misa lVrterton statcs thaf once a project ir approrred in Vail tlrt inoepective of any unartiaipstd ormsequ€noos the Town has no artlrority to compel and diroct the fwelgpol to tencdy and nitigue thcee unanticipetod adverse conseguonoer, She is hopeftl tlnt sortro landroaping will mitigatc tbe appcannoe of tlre grnge ltnrcture I respoc'tfully suggpst that a planting bd that is at best 6 ft. wido in place will brrdly do an adequatojob. we had discuraed enlarging the planting area by eliminating se\'€rsl parking Epsc€r to enable the construction of a berm which would afford thc possibility of installing more plants at higber elerations. My eense in talking with David Cortin was thd hc would not elren aougider this. The issue of the light emanating from the parking structure can only be satisfactorily addressed with a door and it is my sense that Vail Resorts, Inc. is not inclined to do so simply for financial reasons. According to the prospectus issued when Vail Resorts, Inc. went public recently; the anticipated cost of the Golden Peak facility was $33,000,000. $24200,000 was to be recouped from the sale of6 condominium units apparently under contract already and an additional $6,000,000 was to be recouped from the parking facility. This leaves Vail Resorts, Inc..with 43,000 SF of commercial space at a cost to them of approximately $3,000,000 or less than $70 per SF. It is my understanding that rents in Vail for retail and commercial space significantly exceod $70 per SF. It doesn't appear to me to be a major financial hardship to install doors with whatwer ventilation may zubscquently be required. It is interesting to note from a brochure regarding the architectural and design guidelines for Bachelor's Gtrlch as well as Strauberry Fields in Beaver Creek that they precisely dictate.where the houses can be located as welt as restricting which trees can be cut in order to preserve the marketing environment they are trying to create. I also noted during I re@flt visit to Beaver Creek that the majority of the garages underneath the buildings have doors. It is rcgxettable that Vail Resorts, Inc. does not take the same interest and pride in mitigating the impact of the Crolden Peak project and parking structure on the adjacent propctty owne$. I respectfully request that the Town Board review this matter and r€quir€ Vail Resorts, Inc. to ast as a responsible member of the community. Vail Resorts, Inc. desperately wanted a new portal to the mountain. They have it. They p6 making a great deal of money from it. They should now do wtratwer is necessary to make it possible for the people who live in the area to enjoy their property in the future as thoy did in the past. FW:ml CC: SusoOmrclly AodyDoly Iimlamont DiarcMltignn Al S€lkc ^ . 'r'. ., {I t I i .. i. -.""0ec' f FREOERICK WYMAN II !'!I WHIFFOOFWILL FOAO AFMONK, NEW YORr rO504.l tOA (er.)273'!QGfi -5llg FaX (tt4) zt3-3r45 January L3, L997 Itlg. Lauren Waterton [own Planner Town of Vail Connunity Developnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail , CO 81657 Dear tauren: Thank you for taking the tlne to discuss wlth ne ny concerncl regardlng the garage structure located at Golden Peak and inparticular the very bright light enanating fron the garage's entrance. As you know, I met with David Corbin of Vail Associates on .lanuary 3 to discuss various options to mitigate thls problem. He told rne that he would review the matter and get back to me in eeveral weeks to discuse the issue. In aa mueh ae the Golden Peak redeveloprnent project is still under construction this l"s the appropriate time to figure out how to address this issue once and for all. The viewshed from A1l Seasons Condominium as well as other neighboring properties including the Ran's Horn and the Tivoli todle has been significantly damaged by this very bright lntiusive light which indicates a commercial usage in an exclusl-vely residential area. I would be most grateful for any assistance and any creative ldeas you nay have in solving this nost disturbing and digtressing problem. Sincerely, Fw!nI Frederlck Vfnan II r,# FREDERItrK WYMAN II '3 WXIFFOORWILL FOAO ARMONT(, NEW YOFX. rO50a.t lO€ (er4l rz3'tnoat-5118 Fax (9ra) 273-3r45 January 13, L997 Mr. David G. Corbin Vice PresidentVail Associates ReaL Estate Group, Inc.P. O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Golden Peak Development Dear David: f appreciated the tlne that you spent rneeting with me on January 3 to discuss the sigmificant inrpact to our view frorn the light emanating from the entrance to the underground parking structure. Several yeare ago, when Chris Rynan presented the Golden Peak redevelopment plan we recogini.zed that it would have a significant Lnpact on the vlewshed from the perepectLve of the otrnera of theLll Seasons Condominiun Conplex. The proposal to construct areetrleted aecees underground garage Btructure wae welcome in ae nuch as the old parklng Lot wa6 not particularly aesthetically pleasing and prospect of reduced vehicular traffic ltas aPpealing. It never occurred to anybody at the tine that as a consequence of bullding this underground structure the very proninent garage entrance would be located directly across the street fron our apartment and further that it wouLd be illuninated with high vrattage nercury vapor lanps. Ag a result, the viewshed fron the All Seasons as well as neighboring properties has not only been diminished significantly frofr the conitruction of condorniniuns and ski school faeilities but has been severely and negatively impacted by the bright liqht emanating from the girage enarance. In addition the total rnaeE of the girage door structure is disturbing. We diecuesed geveral neans of rnltigatlng, the heretofore, unanticJ.pated impact of the light enanating.fron the garage. includin! replac-ing, reconfiguiing and/or dirnnrlng the lighting fixturee-as irell ai the instillation of garage doors which I believe wltl uttinately be the only viable solution to this issue. lhe value of our honee bave been coner.derabry reduced by thelnpact of tbe gar?ge ana noet-Jeeureaty the unobstrueted vier webad of the nountaii we so "njof-a n"J-[r.Jn-l;r:-- I look fomard t?_l".IlTg frog-you in the near future wltb yourpropoaal to nLtigate thti problSn. Slneerely, FrederLck !{1anen II Itf lnl ccr Andr€r DalvJIn. Lanont-Al gellke Iraur€n Watefr,on FREDERItrK WYMAN II ARMdNt(, NEW YOFk tO304.t t06 (era)r"s.sFt! -lll8 Fex (9la) tzl-3r43 January 13, t997 Mr. Andy Daly, Pres.Vall Associates Real Estate Group, Inc. P. o. Box 959 Avon, CO 81520 Dear llr. Daly: The enclosed correspondence to David Corbin of Vail Associates artLculates our conlerns regarding the disturbing light enanating from the entrance to the underground parking structure at Golden Peak. My fanily and I have been coming to Vail since its inception. S-everal years ago when the Golden Peak redevelopnent plan-was proposed-we realized that this developnent_ would have an inpact 6n Ltre unobetructed view of the nountain that we had enjoyed sl-nce 1964. I,{e aleo recognized the need for Vail to provide a nevr portal to the nountain. We understand Vail Associates desire to offset thie considerable expense with both revenues fron the sale of the condo's and the garage spaces and expect that in this multi-rnillion dollar froj5ct ihere is enough money to remediate and mitigate the banig" done to value 6t att Lhe property o$tners who have to look at the light comj-ng from the garage. The irnpact of the new building while diminishinlt our view was "ome"tit anticipated. What wis not expected, ho$tever, was the extiaorainary b;iqht light emanating flom the entrance of the garage etruclure. we w5uld very nuih appreciate if you-could 6eis5naffy look into this mattei and see what could be done to f,i;i;il-itt"i-i"r us has turned out to be a dieagtrous intrusion on our viewshed. Sineerely, Frederick Wyman II FVI:NInni. cc:J. A. I,. IramOnt Sellke !{aterton f'tfilfi-||0fl1 * (,J' V P|{ONE {S7A} {76€E{8 June 22, L997 'I1O VAILVAII€Y DRTVE vArL cotoRADo 1167 FA){ {grq5764691 To*n of Vail Tw:r Council 75 g. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO. 81652 Dear liler$ers of the Toyn Council 'I'lle follouing is sent on behalfAssociation and in reference !o afronr Mr. ttliman of ehe All Seasone of the Rams llorn Condorninium l-et,uer sent to you May 13, I99z Condominiums. The Rams ltorn corrdml.niums are obvioueJ.y also inpacted br tbeGolden peak Rede'erolxrent. .we parricip-Jc6 in-irre ;Gn ril; p-fo"J""ard.acteq)ted to provide input on miny differenf phaeeE or-irriproJecc. T9 lane de-layed in cmreat.ing on Ebe progregs of the project, sinceit is still under construction. we- reEogrnizl urit, consgnrccionclean .I, q,d randecaping will herp rhe visuai ipfearance of rheproJecE. our de11y- rir c&qnentins, -h@e.rer, iE nof-uo euggest thatwe are nichout concern orrer Ehe?-evetopcrerit. - -- ?9€' too, ghare Ehe osners concerns at A1r. seaEons, Ttre r.ighe fronEhe _parking Etructure is less than acceptaore ana aeeiraSre. iEi: -1_i:coullsins !{t"E ". proiecC or qid rnagritude htJ-t-;;iri"gstnrcture thac racher than eirhancing the arei, ir-unattracti.ve andqllo a.r'stu,rbing_ ro Ehe-neigtrmrrr;d. rhJli'gtrifrrrucion of, Eheoxten stnrcture reaves the inpression of a aeriverf tot"y ana rs-oigreaE concern to ounerg in our building. You -nay recall thaU se were supportive of Ehe projeeg andparticularry the atnrcture as se tiit it wotrld be an-inrdrovementto the eurface parking that previoraly existed. As a s-ide noEe,on any given dqg during rinter, there-were 40-45 vebicLes surfaceparked all day. we assune theEe were constnlctlon vehicles thatwill not, be Eurface par*ed upon Broject corpletion. qrr corunenes have also been delayed on t,he Golden peak RedevelolnenE. b€cauae re kner that landicaping was still to be doneand fle have rnaintained an optirnism th;E ttrts rould help Eheaestbetic8 of the situation. elthcrugh the erers are worlciirg onthis, it, iB too early to tell the end-result. In any evenu, ra rill continue to fipnitor the progretB acroea Ehestreet and co €hare our concerns with the c-ouniit. rE is in€veryoneg beet interest tshat this inportant portal to the mountainnot be unattractlve but rather an aCeractive and welccnne additionto the neigtrborhood. Sincerely CC: Suean Connelly Andy Dal.y atin lrarrpnEAl Sel.ke Frederick ttylarn / Diane Milligan t' ALL 8BA50rS COf,DOLIXIUTT ASSoCrAIIOX 434 @RE CNEEf, DnIVBvArL, co 81657 (303)476-3760 January L3t t997 Mr. Andy Daly, Prds.Vail AssoeiateE Real Eetate Group, Inc.P. O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Daly: The All Seaeons Condoninium Aesociation recently had its annualneeting. At this meeting several ordners commented on the verybright light coning from the entrance of the underground parking etructure directly across the street from our complex and notedthat this light was noat disturbing at night. There are at leaEt 10 apartnents dLrectly affected. I am writing to you on behalfof all property ownere at All Seasons whoee apartmenta have been sharply devalued to see what can be done to eliminate or at leaEt reduce this nuisance. Thank you for your prompt attention to thiE natter. Sincerely, Al Sellke President East Village Homeowners Associ970-82?-5856 05/02/1997 08:52:t2 Pt4 P.2 , Elsr Vn ucn HourowNERS AssoctlrloN Inc. Officers: Prcsident - Bob Galvin Secrctary - Gretto Park Treasruer - Patick Gramm Directors - JuditI BErkowia - Do$h Bridgewater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Lurgley - Bill Morton - Connie Ridder cc: Bob Galvin and Board ofDirectors To: Golden Peak President's AdvisoryCommittee From: Jim l,amont, Executive Director Date: June2, 199'l RE: Golden Peak Ski Base Issues \/ B' 'grrr'r'r' I . Surnmer Construction Schedule : Attached is a copy of the construction schedule fonrarded to the Homffiociates for Vail Villey Drive. Work on the project hae com- menced. The Association has reqirerted Vail Associates to dishibute their work schedule to ncighbor' hood representatives, (See attachment # l) 2. Propored chanqee to the approved ryvelopment Plan: The Planning and Erwironmental Commi;io bc incorporited into the Goldcn Peak bus shelter. In addition a i'uaiA house is proposed for-the entrahce to the Cfuldren's Center Pa-rkhg_Lot. There ig no sDecific covenait provision thit illowg a ski storage facility outride the main building. It ie not known urider which covenint provision Vail Associates is-substantiating the proposed facilities. (Se€ attachment #2) 3. Parkinq Structure Lidting Issue: Complaints have been received from so-me adjacentlnoper- tv owners rffi lwels proiictine from the vehicle entrance of the Golden Pcak Farkinc Snuiture. -Vait Associatee fias pronosid initica'line the obiectionable light sourcee by the place' ment ofappropriatelv sized evergreen trees in landsca-pe arEas locited on the paiameter ofthe property. A predoririnaice ofihe exteriorlighting and landscaping for the Golden Peak ski base building and site remains to be installed. (See attachment #3) 4. Temoorarv Tent Prooosal: The location and desicn of the temDorary tent that was erected last fall areGlffiiEli6i-E-v larl Associate.g. A temporiry tent usedto aicommodate ski race re- lated activities in the winter morithe was er€cted as a seas6nal siructure. Vail Agsociates jrutificd the temporary tent a8 a ski race facility and a gg!gp4! shuchue to accommodate athletic, cultural, or ed-uca- tionil services. These uses are allirwed bv the covenant afFeement. Seasonal structureE are remove'd at ttti i.*ri*tion of the season. The temp6rary tent has be&r removed, howsver a small permanent utility buildhc that was congtructed as an adidnct t6 the tent, rernains in place. Food service, available to the seneral-oublic. was condrrcted durine ihe ski season within the teniporary tenq it is not known under frhich c6venarit provisio,n the small itiliW buildins and the food s€wice-ar€ being justified. The core- nant prohibitr srccialty food establishmeis on thdsubject land. It ie important ihht any rue that was tempinarily coriducted outside of the rnain building dire to the congtruction in p'rocees, meet coveNrant reqriirements once the main building is complet,ed. h 1996, Vail Arsociater proposed a permanent pavilion to lorue the winter ski race activities. The orooosal for a Dermanent pavilion was re'iected bv the Town of Vail. Further, some adjacent proper' ty owneir were concerned about a poosible v'iblation of the covenant agreernent be-cause the pavilion was proposeq aE a pemanent structure instead of a seasonal structure. It is expected that Vail Associates-nay make a revised proposal this surnmen 5. Skier Accees: The statug of the lavout of the skier access route as well as the final grading and landecapT[6TiEil-in adjacent to the Northwoods and Pinos Del Norte properties conthu€s to be monitored bv tfi'e Association. 6. Niaht Lichtinc Prooosal: The prooosal bv Vail .A,ssociates to the USFS to light some ski rtoo"r nJ*ti6ffiSiii"cffirnoa'to lttow night skiing has been ternpo,rarily withdrawn bythe ski'companv. It has not Seen determined if there is a specific covenant provision that would prohibit any night lidhtiig that in the future could be proposed for the Golden Peak Ski Base. Post Office Box 238 Telephone: (970) 827-ttE0 Vail, Colorado 81658 Message/FAx: (970) 827-5856 6750 S. Lima Street Englewood, Colorado 80112 Phone: (303) 799-6530 Fax: (303) 790-0167 February 5,1997 Mr. Andy Daly President Vail Associates Real Estate Grcup,Inc. P. O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 Dear Mr. Daly: I own two units inAll seasons condominiums, directly across from the underground parking structurc at Golden Peak. I am very concerned about the nidr-i-ntensity light at the entance to the parking stnrcnre and would appreciate wf,atever efforts-Vail Associates can effect to immediately conect this situation' Very truly yours, ,nor,10,ru',u\oal.r,Cut Mary Ann Hamilton Lamont Ula ,r/cc: Mr.Frcderick \VYman II )PE->/rc f-t Vail Associates Roal [state 0roup, Inc. t,.t''h{,rE ol V. , 8r.v!r C.!rl'n.'ort Ntowhcad- anal ?,,cllalot Gulch vlLga" January 31,1997 Frederick Wyman II 93 Whippoorwill Road Armonk, NY 10504-1108 Re: Golden Peak Development Dear Mr. Wyman: I have received your letter of January l3s, together with copies of letters sent to Andy Daly by Timothy Wyman and AlSellke, all restating the concern youraised with me in our meeting of January 3d regarding Ore light emanating from the Golden Peak parking structure entry. At that time I noted your concem about the illumination of the in@rior of the garage and your displeasure with its impact on your property. You requested that we examine the feasibility of installing gamge doors at the entrance to the parking structure. I indicated that I was not readily inclined to make that change to the garage enty because the garage was not designed for overhead doors. The problems posed by overhead doors include conflicts with existing mechanical systems and fue protection and design incompatibility with the key pad controls, parking booth and gate. I also indicated at that time I would examine the possibility of shielding or covering the interior garage entry lights with hoods or lenses of some type. To repeat the substance of our phone conversation of yesterday, I have leamed ftom our mechanical company that the automobile entry openings are in fact used for air intake or make up air for the garage exhaust system. These open areas account for 100% of the intake which is then circulated and exhausted mechanically in the structure above the garage opening. To close the openings would require the construction of substantial louvers and intake fans which were dismissed as visually uracceptable in early conversations between the design team, Vail Associates, and the town staff Objections to the noise generated by a mechanical intake system were also raised in the early design stages. As I mentioned to you over the,phone the elecEician who has designed the lighting system in the garage interior believes that a hood syst€m or shield on the light fi,xtures would not change tJre effects of illumination since the lenses themselves ale not directly visible from the exterior (with one exception) and it is reflected light from the concrete surfaces that spills out ofthe garage opening and is visible from your residence. The electrician is also not familiar with any smoked lens which is available for this fixture type and instead has suggested that $137 Benchmark Road . PO Bor 959 . Avon. Colorado .81620 . phone 970 E45 2535 . fax 970 845 2555 t_/ ,/ two of the three entry lamps be disconnected to see if the reflected illumination is mitigated in that fashion. We have done this. I intend to inspect the condition this evening and I believe that Jim Lamont intends to drive by the project at night to view this new condition. The one fixture which is wall mounted and is visible through the garage opening, though not visible from your residence, I have directed be moved to another location so it is not visible. I would also like to remind you once again that the project landscaping is not complete and landscaping is contemplated on the island between the road and the north side skier drop offzone. I believe that when this area is landscaped in early summer of this year that impacts of light emanating frsm the structure opening will be mitigated to some degree. Hopefully this will lessen the light as seen from your residence and other All Seasons condominiums. Finally, while I respect your opinion and displeasure with respect to the changed condition across the street from your residence I do not concur that this new light source has significantly devalued your property or those of other All Seasons omers. In fact, I believe that an argument could be made that the substantial invesfinent by Vail Associates in improved lifts, base facilities, site conditions, and high end residential condominiums may in fact have appreciated the value of your residences. I hope you will wait for the final completion of the project in all respects before finalizing your opinion regarding its merits. Very truly, VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE GROUP.INC. f>r"---/Lb C{ David G. Corbin Vice President of Development DGC/db cc: Andy Daly, VAI Jim Lamont, East Village Homeowners Association Al Sellke, President All Seasons Condominium Association Timothy Wyman j:\dana\corbin\golden peak\frederick wyman 013197 $ 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Cobrado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 March 27, 1997 Mr. Frederick WYman ll 93 WhiPPoonrill Road Armonk, NY 10504-1108 Department of Community Development RE: Golden Peak Parking Garage Dear Mr. WVman: Thank you for taklng tre time last week to discuss your concerns r?1.+9qi9 the parking structure "ieorotn peak. wi oisdulieo ttrree issues: the libhr from the parking structure; the light of the iladlighC coming trom mJifucture; and the induJtriat look of the garage and delivery entrance' As you ars aware, Vail Associates received Town of Vail approval for thisproiect in 1996' after iiurL* Oyine Planning "nO Enriiontental Commission, ViiiTown Counciland the Design Review Board. At rris tim;,Iil rown orVair nas no auinority to reconsider anyapproval related i; tiiir;t.i""i nnfappricairireceiuing io*n ol Vail approvai must be able to relv upon that approv-al ds they proceed through their proiect. Throughout this project, the Town of Vail and Vail Associates has worked together to insure fi-at ,'d1, pfijfi';eets- trie nidnlev-et of quatty hat is..expected in .vail. This project was in the_ review pro-"tsiiot nearly a yeai ltrom applicatidn to bui6ing permit iss.uance) and there were many id;res i" be con{iOeieO. i touft,itge you again to fiinemOer that the project is not complete.' When the work is tinatty done,l Oetilve trat ine arChitectural issues wili not be as pronounced as they are now' etes Real Estate Group' regaroing your I have spoken with David corbin, with Vail Associates Real EstateGroup' I lJnierni. I betieve nis retiei io'vou or.rinuaw gl, 1997 explains the difficulty of puning garage doors at the entrance to-tt i patfiNg ittuctute. Thb adttitiori of-garage doors would require that intake fans be installed. t'm LtraiO itrat he noise anJ visual ett&t oi ttre intake fians may only replace one nuisance with another. Regardingthe|ookoftheparkingstrucrure,DavidandIagreedt.o.megtalddiscussthe ii"trtapfrg in ttris area. ioerieie that we can find ways,Ihrough landscaping, to reduce.some bline-i5o"-arance of tre entrance. white it cerrainty witt not didappear completely, the addition ot signitiiant landscaping will help shield the entrance' Thank you for your interest in this project and the appearance of-the town' I believe hat you will find the project will continue to improve as it nearJ66mpbtion' After David and I meet regarding $*oro*r ro the lardscaping, I would be happy to shere wiilt you any chang€s.illlt 43y result lf you have ;it'qffiijlsttffi iritne meanUme, f,iease feel freE io contict me at (970) 479-2454' Slncerely, hrr**^tUn+-'- Lauren Watefton Town Planner xo: Surn connelly, Cmrur*ly tbt €loPment Dl|€ctr Davld Corbln, Vrll Amociqfe Reel Eaac Gmup Diru Millbsl' Rrflrthom Condofi ums rttTOWN OF TAN Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 28, 2001 Doug Cahill Vail Associates PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 and Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC); Adjacent property owners Re: A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to allow for the construction of a skier tunnel, located at 498 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, VailViltage dn Fiting. Dear Doug, PEC members, and adjacent property owners: Based upon the Department of Community Development's review of lhe required findings contained in Chapter 12-8D, Vail Town Code, the above-referenced amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan has been approved by staff with the following conditions: 'l . The design of the lunnel enlrance and exit shall be approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18tn al 3:00 p.m. in lhe VailTown Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road). 2. Pursuant to the Preliminary Developer lmprovement Agreement between Vail Associales, Inc. and the Town of Vail dated March 20, 1996 for the Golden Peak Ski Base, the applicant will grant the Town a public pedestrian easement for the exisling (and proposed extended) Vail Trail encroachment across the property. This easement will be incorporated into the pending draft easement agreement between the applicant and the Town of Vail for lhe Golden Peak Ski Base. 3. Provisions for adequate erosion conlrol must be demonstrated orior to the issuance ol a grading permit. {p ^"*uo'^'o .il Staff's ap@valof lhls development plan amendmenl request will be reported at a public he?ring bcfeB $e lbwn of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) on Monday, April 9m at t1A00.b'M. in the Vail Town Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road). The PEC reserves the *ight to "call up" a staff decision for additional review at this hearing. There will also be an opportunity for public comment at this hearing. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The proposal was for an underground skier safety tunnel within the Town of Vail boundaries underneath the "Ruder's Route" ski run on Vail Mountain. The applicant's objective has been to provide an alternalive roule for skiers currently traversing across lhe race course lowards Ski Club Vail, Pinos del Norte and lhe Northwoods condominiums. lt is anticipated the tunnel will mitigate existing skier collision concerns. The tunnel will be 200' long, 13' wide and 10" 7" high and fabricated out of sleel. A small portion of the steel structure will be visible from the exlerior at the tunnel entrance and exit. The applicant's stalement of the request ("Project Descriplion") has been attached for reference. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2. Vail Town Code, a "minor amendment" is delined as follows: MINOB AMENDMENT (STAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special development/ski base recreation district, and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, variations of not more than five teet (5') to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development district; or changes to gross floor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than five percent (5%) of the approved square footage of retail, office, common areas and other nonresidential floor area, except as provided under Sections 12-l 5-4 (lnterior Conversions) or 12-15-5 (250 Additional GRFA) of this Title. Pursuant to Section 12-94-10, Vail Town Code, "minor amendment" procedures are as follows: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12- 9A-2 (definition of "minor amendment") of this Article, may be approved by the Department of Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the D.epartment of Community Development. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-6D: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-9A-10 of this Titte- il. Section 12-94-10 is addressed below. B. Section 12-9A-2: Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this chapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. The approved Golden Peak development plan includes the Golden Peak buildings, parking and ski runs. This proposal is a modilication to the approved site/landscape plan that is intended to improve skier circulation and safety. Staff does not believe an approval of this proposal would alter the basic character and intent ol the originally approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base. C. Section 12-9A-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-gA-2 may be approved by the Department of Community Development. Notilication of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staft action shall be provided to all property owners wilhin or adjacent to the district that may be affected by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later than 5 days lollowing staff action on the amendmenl and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the staff decision. The proposed amendment is consistent with the design crileria outlined under subseclion 12-gA-2. Notificalion of the hearing and a summary of lhe proposal will be provided to all adjacent property owners within 5 days of today's date. Staff's approval of lhe request will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on April 9'n, 2001. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Vail Town Code, appeals ol staff decisions may be filed by adjacent property owners, owners of property within the special development district, lhe applicant, Planning and Environmental Commission members or members of the Town Council as oullined in Section 12-3-3 of the Town ol Vail Zoning Regulations. ll you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, B^-,--'f /4/&''' Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll Attachments Project Description Golden Peak Skier Tunnel This is a request to amend the development plan for Golden Peak base area to allow for a skier tunnel, to be constructed across the lower section ofthe race course adjacent to Ruder's Route. The tunnel would be approxirnately 200 feet long, 13' wide and l0'-7" higb. The three sided steel box structure is manufactured in sections that bolt together, with cross braces holding footers in place. The tunnel is designed to be covered with a minimum of 1.5 feet of earth fill and 2 feet of snow cover. There will be interior lights on during the day inside the tunnel from approximately 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Timers would automatically control this lighting. During the summer rnonths a secured gate will be installed out of view at each end. The tunnel would slope dorvnhill in an easterly direction towards the chair 6 lift line. The floor of the tunnel will have a rock base under the snow to allow for snowmelt drainage to the ski slope. The tunnel would be sized to accommodate skiers and a small snowcat. which would croom the tunnel as needed. Certain ski area utilities would require re-location including snowtnaking pipes, electric and race cables, etc. There would be no snowmaking in the tunnel. Snow would be made available at either end of the tunnel and pushed in bv snowcat. The purpose of the tunnel is to allow skiers going to the North Woods and Pinos Del Norte condominium complexes and Ski Club Vail to utilize the skier tunnel under the racecourse rather than across the racecourse as they do currently. The North Woods and Pinos Del Norte condominium associations support the project. The tunnel would not be visible from the major viewpoints at Golden Peak, Manor Vail, All Seasons etc. There would be an additional terrain feature or bump running across the racecourse where the tunnel is located with shadowed areas at the openings. VJa-bntran.EINI --n- I u/ra 3 /rIA0t ;at ilm ltt t^t $m.- .H5I.IT-n- NordrwoodsCondominiturrAssociaion N{arch 8. 2001 fufu. Russ Fon€st Drec{or, DeparElent of Commudty Development Tovmof Vail IVlryor and Town C-ouncil 75 S. Frcntage Wesl Rd" Vail 81657 D€ar Mr. Forr€st: It is our un&rstanding that Vail Resorts will present to you a project to hrild a tunnel.under the Golden Peak racacourse. This project is the c{lmination of many years of work in trying to resolve a major safety issue that concerni ui all. Therefore. we, the Northwoods Condominium AssociatiorL u".y tuongty support such a projecl and ask you to help us in brring it to fruition' Itmaybeusefirltogivealittteofthebackgroundtotheproject wuensgi*o{twgo*andPinoedel Norte Condominiums were hrilt, Vail Associates built a trail from the Golden Peak racecourse to the Condominiums. As part of the disclosure in selling the units, Vail Associates affrrmed the ski-in and ski{ut adtxantages oi the Condominiurns and promised to maintain such acc€ss. The arratrgpment wor&ed well foimany years. But as Vail gew-tnggg and the raceaoufse became mot€ heav$ used the safety concenrs tr of baving skien, particutarty cmArerl cross the racecourse. It is difisult to overstate our levcl ofconcern on ihis rnatrcr. It would be a tragedy to all concerned that therc evcr be an accident on the racecourse. Besides the damage that would cause the individrals irnolvc4 the whote neighborhood -Ski Club Vail, Northwoods, Pinos del Norte and Vail Resorts' would be irnpcted After trying out many altematives, Vail Resorts and ourselves have come to the conclu3ion that tlre only nay io aOtess Odse safety concerns properly and perrnanently is to consfruct a tunrcl under the fttc€counie. It is our belief that this project will deal effectively with this safety hazard and will greatly benefit our neiglborhood We are grateful that Vail Resorts is addressing these safety concerns f constructing the hmnel and we ask you and the Town of Vail to lend it support to this project P.o. Box 1231 ,AIL COLOMDO 81658 303-4763486 Fax: 303-179-9093 Qucstionilall thc Planning Staff at 479-21 38 PLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information. sec thc submittal rcquircments for thc particular uppro*l that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acceptcd until all rcquired information is submittcd. The project nray also nccd to bc rcviewcd Ly thc Town Council andlor thc Dcsign Rcview Board. o AP A: TYPE OFAPPLICATION: U Additional GRFA (250) tl Bcd and Brcaldast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or tr Minor Subdivisiontr Rczoning tr Sign Variance tr Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amcndmcnt TOlr/N OFVAIL fl Amcndmcnt to an Approved Developmcnt Plantr Employce Housing Unit Cfypc: )tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (Vail Village)tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshead) Special Development Dishict Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD tr tr F. G. H.FEE. SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. ST,tsMIT THISAPPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 soUTH FRONTAGE R0AD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. ruoNr: r/?9 - 3o r<. EIVEO -n-{8-€0*/ 20rul B.DESCRIPTIONoFTHEREQUEST: Cc.rJsrpht.F A.,sK|6fl -TVr^rpEt- t^^JDt4fz.'Ttl6 ?*- C.a*<cs frf C,0,LD,F,, >e,A! ?A<€ Nf,f.,{+ To, ?eb..ta{ D, E. c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS' qq6 vHL vhLtjl4 lvpurLDrNCNAME: _<t/run -fl+tt*t€l- ZONTNG: <zt V :s ihsrttrAfl > D NAME OF OWNER(S): V4r t 4 1<oc t *rez<, , 7 .c . MATLTNGADDRESS: R5[ ? LrArr ; Cl> Bl6rg PHoNE: Y#t -.lo tt OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS: Lor-B-_BLoCK_FrLlNC -V V +V For Office Use Only: reeyatftfub-gK#. m0 Byl Application Datc: m\d tu 6/96 I oo SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning sAffmember is sbongly encouragcd. No application can bc-accepied unless it is complete. It is the applicant's rcsponsibility to makc an appointment with the staf to determine additional submittal requirements' It. STJBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS tr FEE $200,00. The fec mru! bc paid at thc timc of submittal- O Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of tbe names and mailing addresses ofall property owners adjacent to thc subjcct property, including properties behind and across sfe€ts. Thc applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addrcsses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's offtce . tr A description ofthe precisc nahre ofthe proposed usc and its opcrating characteristics and measurcs proposed to make the use compatible with other propertics in thc vicinity. The description must also addrcss: l. Relationship and impact ofthe usc on dovelopment objectivcs oftho Town. 2. Effect ofthc use on light and air. distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recrcation facilitics, and othcr public facilitics and public facilities ncc&. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular rcfcrcncc to congcstion, automotive and pedcstrian safcty and convcnicnce, traffic flow and control, access, mancuverability, and removal. of snow from thc stcetE and parking arca. 4. Effcct upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to bc locatcd, including thc scale and bulk ofthc proposed use in relation to sunounding uses. tr A preliminary titlc rcport. including schcdulcs A and B, to veriS orvnaship and easements. O If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be suhmitted to staff. Four (4) coFies of the foilowng: B An improvement survey of the property showing property lines, locations of all improvonents, topography, and nahral feahres. O A site plan at a scale of at least I " = 20' showing proposed dwelopment of the site, including topography, building locations. parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage featurcs. O Building elevations and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-cighth inch cquals onc foot. Page 1 of2 III. ry. Any additional nratcrial ncccssary for thc rcvicw of thc application as dctcrrnincd by thc Administr-ator. For intcrior modifications. an improvcmcnt survcy and sitc plan nray bc waivcd by thc Administrator. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED, ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTS A.Thc Planning and Environmcntral Commission mects on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complctc application form and all accompanying matcrial (as dcscribed abovc) must be acccpted by the Community Dcvclopment Departmcnt by thc appropriatc submittal date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to thc datc of the PEC public hcaring. lncomplctc applications (as detcrmined by thc planning staf| will not bc acccptcd. All PEC approved conditional usc pcrmits shall lapsc if construction is not commenccd within onc ycar ofthe date ofapproval and diligcntly pursucd to complction, or if the usc for which the approval is grantcd is not commcnced within one year. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES If this application rcquires a separatc rcview by any local, Statc or Fedcral agcncy othcr than thc Town of Vail, thc application fce shall be increased by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicw, may includc, but arc not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpartmcnt of Highway Acccss pcrmils, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc. The applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of50% of thc application fcc. lf, at thc applicant's rcqucst. any mattcris postponcd for hcaring. causing thc mancr to bc rc-publishcd. thcn. thc cntirc fcc for such rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. Applications dccmcd by thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt to havc dcsign. land usc or othcr issucs which may havc a significant inrpact on thc community may rcquirc rcvicw by consullants in addition to Town staff. Should a dctcrmination bc nradc by thc Town staff that an outsidc consultant is nccdcd, thc Community Devclopment Dcpartmcnt may hirc thc consultant. Thc Departmcnt shall cstimatc thc antount of monry ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall bc forwardcd to thc Town by thc applicant at thc timc of filing an application. Expcnses incurrcd by thc Town in cxccss ofthe amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to thc Town by thc applicant within 30 days of notification by thc Town. Any excess fixlds witl bc rctumcd to thc applicant upon revicw complction. B. B, c. Page 2 of 2 o Golden Peak List of Property Owners Lot or Thact Number Owners Name and Address Lot 15, Block 1, VVISI Harley G. Higbie Jr. S.400 1600 Broadway Denver 80202 L,ot 16, Block 1, VV lst Alejandro Burillo Azcano 104 Del Court laredo, Tx 78041 Lat17, Block 1, W lst Elizabeth Johnson Amended and Restated Revocable Trust Indenture, c/oJEpstein Co Villard House, 457 Madison Ave. Ny,NY 10022 Lot 18, Block 1, W 1St II,C Realty S.101, 7979 Broadway San Antonio, Tx 7820D l,ot 19, Block 1VVlSt Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek Cr. Vail, Co 81657 units E-lB, E-zB,G4B and l,ot P-I, Block 3 and easterly 160Ft ofTract F-1, w5Th All Seasons Condo Assoc. 434 Gore Creek Dr Vail, Co 81657 TractI-2VV5Th Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81657 Parcel A, Lot A, Block 3, W 5th Ramshorn Partnership 416 Vail Valley Dr. Vail 81657 Tract E W 5Th Attrr: Legal Dept. Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, Co 81657 Manor Vail 595 E. Vail Village Vail 81657 Ski Club Vail 598 Vail Villase Dr Vail 81657 Pinos Del Norte Condo Assoc. Box 69 Vail 81568 Northwoods Condo Assoc. Box 1231 Vail81658 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail 81657 USFS Box 190 Minturn 81645 Golden Peak Condo Assoc. 458 Vail Valley DR 81657 Questions? {. Planning Staff at 47g-213A APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Re\riew approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, sie ffre submittal requirernents for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The projest may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission, Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. BLOCK:-FILING: VV 4bB. c. D. E. F. c PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: St4l R+S;i RrrtZErwt>^) NAMEOF OwNER(rt t)t+,L A s<oq/+rdfl-t EpL. MAIUNG ADDRESS: B|oL + VrttL ) (,^. bl6{b owNER(S) STGNATU RE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: PHONE: ??9-'Lor 3 H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new buitdinq. $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB Ees aie to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when appVing for a building permit" please identify the accurate valuaUon of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLIC,ATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTT4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL COLORADO 81557. tr Addition - tr Minor Alteration - DESCRIPIION OF THE REQUEST: A)aWZf Copt>a> ft1 tN t:'l,arS , (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors OfFrce at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) DRhoi-ao'5zruRzo ml ffi O euestions? calttn0anningstaff at47g-zr3l 43@lE t!$3$tE6ltre8ratt ffi MINOR ALTERATIONS TO TTIE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS f0l{4\I0f }Xltffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or syterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "addiUons" application. I. SUBMMAL REOUIREMENTS tr Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. tr Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). D All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. , n CondominiumAssociationapproval (if-applicable). tr If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Adminisfrator may determine that additional materials are nec€ssary for the review of the application. LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimnep Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other TYPE OF MATERIAL: r"lt8rfl- t>eov*t6 SiEel-$o X rY/1 ;yA lvA A/\+ PL COLOR: @ee c ( 2 -a uulryz- Tfurt\ Aftov[/^ (f €plp1, n//l NI/J rA lUA Ma ^/A MA x Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All e)terior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If e:<terior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiry ech fD<hire type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPI ]{G Botafical Namet Common Name: ' Ouantitv: Size*: PRoPosED 'boAt€ TREES AND SHRUBS: *s> st{ I (.a-b" DOSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees ' 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe: /Ytt Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION /YlT W)tunu,trbi Sen'rnL 4Fo-y, ?4un r,/e TYPE OF EROSION .SfihtO /rtA,-t4,\pao", Liat> CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walb. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walb elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. % F* fwttt,?e,tz- UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION X t<* tnlr+c)4rwP-T This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction andshould be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications r-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public service Company 949-578r (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 fled Husky;John Boyd) T.C.I. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signafures. Fire flow needs must be addressed, NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has mncems with the proposed cons-Fuction, the utility representawe shall note directly on the utiliff verification form tfpt there is a problem which needs to be resot'red. The issue should then be detdiled in an attached leftei to the ToWn of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and lhe applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Publb Way Permit from the Deparunent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utiliw locations must be obtained before diqoino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail, A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratefu il. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre'application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the ma4datory pre-application meeting has been cornpleted. It is the applicant=s responsibifity to schedule this meeting by calling 970479-2L28. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying rnaterial must be accepted by the Community Development Departnent a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your pmposal will be reviewed fu ompliance wi$ the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPUCANTS: A. ff a property b located in a rnapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, floodplain, debrb flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an afiijavit recognizing the hazard report p,rior b the issuane of a building pennit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the rehtionship of the property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveyg site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24! 36". For large poects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. Tttle bloclq project name, project addres and legal description. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision clates. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. C. For neu/ constructbn and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site b indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners, All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter b not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their iErn be pcFoned, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all condiuons of approval rnust be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. ry. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. t2. V,STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain rnodifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Re/iew applications may be staff approved: A. Any application tur an addiuon to an odsting building that is consistent with the architectuml design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a condominium association, ff applicable; B. Any application to rnodify an odsting building that does not significantly change the exlsting planes of the building and b generally consistent with the architectural design, rnaterials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to oderior building finish materials (e.9. stonework siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lBhting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dbhes, windows, skylighG, siding, minor comrnercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not lirnited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walls, removal or modifications to eristing lan6caping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A, If this application requires a separate rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in o<cess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicanfs request, any matter is posQoned for hearing, causing the mafrer to be republished, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed bV the Community Development Deparrnent to have design, land use or otfier issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of nnney necessary to pay the consultant and tib arnount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in o(cess of the amount forwarded by the applhation shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 dap cf notification by the Town. Any excecs funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. This fonrt is to vcrifo service availability and location for ncrv construction and shourd bc uscd in conjunction$'ilh Preparing your utiliw olan and schcdui.g r..l"ii"ir""s. rne tocatron ,ri o"i"uifiry of uririrics. whcthcr::3,,bfi:filff|fii;' ;'n.on"scd rincs. n,,i,,t"nff.o'cd and verlicd ur'ir,"'ilir"*i"g uriritics rorthc O 1=alfu<-, Faa/( sft r(? / 4+''ct' ( Arrthorizcd Siqrranrrc DatcU.S. Wcst C'onrrtrun icatiorrs l-s00-922_ t9lt7 46ti-61i60 or 949-4_510 Public .Scn,icc Conrpany 9{9--s7tJ I Cary Hall Holy Cros.s Elcctric Assoc. 919-5It92 Tcd l{usky/John Boyd T.C.t. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaelc Rivcr Watcr & Sluritation District * 4 7(r-7Jti0 Frcd l{aslcc -) ; / (1\(.- , _) '//22- / /-.----.--.--_--- ;;fil:":t.l-i:;::X,1:JTi.l'fflilffl:J;:io,* rvhcn obtainin-c Uppcr Eagrc Varcv watcr & sanitatio,r NOI E.S: t.Ifthc utility vcritrcation tbrrn has signntrrcs frorrr cach of-thc utitity corrpanics. and ,oc'onltr'tcnts arc rnadc dircctl-v on thc lbnn. thc Torvn rviltltc dcvclopnrcrr,;;;;;;;;d. I prcstrrnc that thcrc alc no problcnrs and lf a utility co*lpany has conccms rvith thc proposcd consmrcrron. the uriliry rcprcsentativc sha'notc dircctly on thc utiritv vcrification tor,,-' tr,niih*, is u prnut",.,., rvhich necds to bc resorvcd.Thc issuc should thcn be dctaircd in an attacied r"i", ," ,r,. Torvn of vail. Horvcvcr. prease l::il,l'"Til'Jifijr is thc responsibilitv or*'" utiiif'.o-,npanv and the appricant to rcsorvc Thcsc verifications do not rcricvc thc contractor of thc rcsponsibirity to obtain a pubric way H:l[ft:]j:.i,::*l:,:T,::igi" wi!;;;'.;;;,, orVair utirit], rocarions rnust bcffi ,ffi ***lilllf t):ll,:ller,,_;r_,".;","",.,"_"i_l;rtii#"'fi ff H#T U Fdatc.J 6/97 .nfr';'i,fui3#f.3"3i'si'g. zzlstz ArL sErrD "Wr"iof or,ro N0.513 ozloz @ooz (J(o ao I() co Ioo C)o 6lot tn Xl IJI Ei LdlZt' r-) Ib LI.J(, ,-zU<'a Qtta I fiY LJr(.) v i- tl U', t+, =F<) E.t-U'' =59 K<CEtrN :€ I I '"') -S .\ ---?.--ofl\ lif IFq hlI o,l T_-.----i--\i\ ii+V_ -.--.1"-- ixl o,ll-l ___ _J--tto*ttru EIIJ oot-LibtoIEtr -(, rtl!*.trt! -t, .l )ry lY \ I (J A \) t.tJ t- lt), c+ .12- Yl) Smooth Feed SheetsrM ftartey C. Higbie Jr. s.400 1600 Broadway Denver. CO 80202 ILC Realty s. 101 7979 Broadway San Antonio, fX782Og Ramshom Partnership 416 Vail Valley Drive Vail. CO 81657 Pinos Del Norte Condo Association PO Box 69 Vail. CO 81658 Golden Peak Condo. Association 458 Vail Valley Drive Vail. CO 81657 feft PeP'P{ ltkve9 j/slor Alejandro Burillo Azcarro 104 DelCourt Laredo, TX78041 Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail. CO 81657 Manor Vail 595 E. Vail Valley.Drive Vail. CO 81657 Northwoods Condo. Association PO Box 1231 Vail, CO 81658 Use template for 5160@ Elizabeth Johnson Amended and Restated Revocable Trust lndentur C/O J. Epstein Co. Villard House - 457 Madison Ave. NewYork, NY 10022 All Seasons Condo. Association 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 Ski Club Vail 598 VailValley Drive Vail, CO 81657 U.S. Forest Service PO Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 @o*tt'Address Labets Laser 5160@ oI Golden Peak List of Propertv Ovmers Lot or Tract Number _ Owners Name ana laaress Lot 15, Block I, VVISI Harley G. Higbie Jr. S. 400 1600 Broadway Denver 80202 Lot 16, Block 1, W lst Alejandro Burillo Azcarro lM Del Court Laredo. Tx 78O11 Lot 17, Block l, VV lsr Elizabeth Johnson Arnended and Restated Revocable Trust Indenture, c/oJEpstein Co Villard House, 457 Madison Ave. Ny,NY 10022 Lot 18, Block I, W lSr ILC Realty S.101, 7979 Broadway San Antonio, Tx 78209 Lot t9,Block 1W1St Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek Cr. Vail. Co 81657 Units E-lB, E-zB, G-48 and Lot P-l, Block 3 and easterly 160Ft ofTract F-1, w5Th All Seasons Condo Assoc. 434 Gore Creek Dr Vail. Co 81657 TractI-2W5Th Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81657 Parcel A, Lot A, Block 3, VV 5th Rarshorn Partnership 416 Vail Vallev Dr. Vail 81657 Tract E W sTh Ath: Irgal Dept. Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, Co 81657 Manor Vail 595 E. Vail Village Vail 81657 Ski Club Vail 598 Vail Village Dr Vail 81657 Pinos Del Norte Condo Assoc. Box 69 Vail 81568 Northwoods Condo Assoc. Box 1231 Vail81658. Town of VaL 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail 81657 USFS Box 190 Mintum 81645 Golden Peak Condo Assoc. 458 Vait Vallev DR 81657 ,t ,r=r MAYAFFE.rrou* r*or$ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannlng and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 9, 2001, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss the rezoning of the Mill Creek Court Building from CCI to a zone district or special development district that would allow office and residential uses on the street level, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 1, Block 5A, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Mill Creek Court Condominium Association, represented by Larry EskwithPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, located at 0097 A&B Rockledge Road/Lots 3A & 38, Block 7, VailVillage 1"'Filing. Applicant: Bennett & Jacquie DonancePlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for an addition in the front setback, located at 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant Kathleen FerryPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of Phase I of Donovan Park improvements, generally located southeast of the intersection of Matterhom Circle and the South Frontage Road. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council on the adoption of the Eagle County Regional Trails Plan. Applicant: Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority, Town of VailPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for the review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 1 1, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak Development Plan, to allow for the I addition of a skier tunnel, located at Tract B, Vail Village 7tn Filing. IE EAoolicant Vail Resorts , | ', t. ,l-ti'J#;;,'* iilnt wirson \ s .L 'i' rlz t lol srAFF APPR.'ED ootJ ''L'i" I* r1J"" Vtst tl A requesr Tor a mtnor "r"rH"n, to Specrar Devetopment Drstrrct *cX ailow for the conversion of an existing indoor tennis court to a spa, located at 1295 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village. Applicant: L-O Vail Hotel Inc.Planner: Allison Ochs STAFF APPROVED A final review of a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for a rezoning from Agriculture and Open Space to Primary/Secondary Residential and a Minor Subdivision to create two residential lots and a request for a recommendation to the Town Council for an amendment to the Vail Land Use Plan changing the land use designation from Public/Semi- Public use to Low Density Residential, located at 3160 Booth Falls Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Filing. Applicant: Boothfalls Homeowne/s Association, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russell Forrest The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with Z4-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published March 23, 2001 in the Vail Daily. \ March 14,2001 Should you have any questions or need further information, please call me at970l 479-3013. Thonk you for your assistance in this application. North Anaf@'s ft Fesort ,.^r'.-\..\^ Var! Raaoarat, TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roatl Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Apdl9, 1999 Joe Macy Vaii Associates Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re:Minor Amendment to Golden Peak Development Plan to Construct a Ski Tunnel, Tract B, VailVillage 7th Dear Joe: Based on the findings contained in this letter, the ski tunnel has been approved by staff with the following conditions. 1. A grading plan shall be approved by the Public Works Department. 2. The design of the tunnel.entrance and exit shall be approved by the Design Review Board. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The request is for a minor amendment to the Gold Peak development plan to allow for the construction of a tunnel under a race course. The tunnel would improve skier access to Ski Club Vail, Pinos del Norte condos and North Woods condos. Currently, skiers must cross the race course on Ruder's Route. This crossing has the potential for skier collisions- The tunnel would greatly reduce the potential for collisions. The tunnel would be about 200'long, 20'8" wide and 10'high. The tunnel would be located under Ruder's Route ski run, west of Gpld Peak chair #6, at about the 8300' elevation. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-6-D; Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-9A-10 of this Title. Section 12-9A-10 is addressed below. {P *""'"u" "* TOWNOFVAIL REQUIRED FOR FILING AI\I APPEAI.. OF A STAFF, DESIGN PJVIEW BOARD OR PLAI\INING AI{D ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION ACTION/DECISION BEING AppEALED: Mjrtor anen&nent to develcgtent pJ-an to allqrr for constt:uccion of a skier b-ulllet at Golden peak B. c. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Tq^rn Staff D.NAI4E OF APPELLAI.,IT(S): = 3rr1 Avenue, 20th Floor, Ns,r york, Ny LOA22MAILING ADDRESS:--qOJ PHYSICALADDRESS INV LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AppELLAlfT,S pROpERTy IN VAIL: r-ot 17 , Blod< 1,Vait Vi].lage rirs+ ri I ing D[JtilN,& IGIIRIII.IO, P. C. E.SIGNA John W. Urnnfor Ag4nllarrt 10S S. Elcttage Road. I{est, Sr.ri- 300 VaiL, Colorado 81658 (.970) 475-0300 Page I of2 Thc modification approved by staffshould not havc bcen teated as falling within the scope of staff approvals pcrmittcd by Vail Municipal Code, $ 12-9.{-2. Staffepprovrl did not comply with the following dcsign criteria contained in Vail Mrmicipol Codc $ l2-9A-8: .d Compatibility. Thc modification is not desigr compatible with and sensitivc to tlrc immediatc cnvironmcnf ncighbortood and adjacent properties relative to scalg bulk, hcight charactcr and visual intcgrity. B. Rclationship. The modification docs not provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrouding uscs and activities. F. Dcsign Fcatucs. Thc dcsign rnd location of the modification is not strch as to pmduce e frurctional dwolopmc,nt rceponsivc and ccnsitive to natural features, vcgetation ud thc ovcmll acgthctic quality of thc community. TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FN( 970-479-2157 July 3l, 1999 Joe Macy Vail Associates BoxT Vail, CO 81658 Re:Golden Peak Ski Tunnel, Tract B, Vail Village 7th Dear Joe: The Community Development Department, in an effort to ensure that the proposed skier tunnel is appropriately addressed with respect to design and impacts, and to discontinue the tabling of the filed appeal, is withdrawing the minor amendment approval to the Golden Peak development plan. It is understood that it is your desire to work closely with the appellant so that they have an opportunity to review the plans prior to any future Town approvals. It is also understood that you are agreeable to this course ofaction in order to discontinue the tabling of tle current appeal that has been fited with respect to this application. The Community Development Department will consider the minor amendment application as pending and will not act on the application until a complete DRB application has been submitted, Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at 479-2148. Chief of Planning miii6 r. vt-aYurl etto. .aJCP c: John Dunn {i *n"*o'^'"* n{nwooot Ti:fJ rilru rvr rssocrON Vril, Colo rad o t1558 303-476-34t6 Frx:303-479-9093 March 9, 1999 Mr. Russell Forrest Director, Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Forrest: ' On behalf of Northwoods Condominium Association, I hereby inform you that the Asociation endorses the proposed skier tunnel under the rape course at Golden Pealc After numerous conversations with Vail Associates, we have jointly determined that the current skier access to Northwoods is not satisfactory and that a better solution is needed. The best solution we have found is to build a tunnel under the race ooume at Golden Peak thereby permanently separating the retuming skiers from the racers. Vail Associates has proposed to build this tunnel in the spring of 1999 and we wholeheartedly support such a project. Sincerely yours, Arturo Brillembourg, President Statstrtrt fu&cr: Paynont llcthod:R000000S21 Arpunt: Checle 03/2L/200Log:50 AllInlt: dtAR s200.00 lbtatloa: 13333Ogcrmlt t|o: pBeOlOO21 Pal99t ro! 21010010900.tta.,y*::r: ,rse rnra \rArJJBy DR vrrrrIocrtl.o: lblr peyurt:9200.0o Totel pccr: Total l&Lr ht!: Balancc: t200 .00 9200.00 to.ooACCOUNTNBMLUTT: Account Code'L\'vs'rL r,r,|se DeSCfip On__-: .,..", Current Efts PV 00100003112500 pEc ApprrcATrot irii -------_- 200.00 TUWNQFVAIL @LORADO StatoNGOt "'tt'lltllt"lll'ataaa+ataa*lfaa+aaaaa+taaar+raaaf,af+attaaaraaaa+aaa*t*fltta+aafttttattrratagtatqn€nt rftmbcr: Rooooooslg Arpunt ! g2oo . 00 03 /2L/200L09 : 03 AtrrfPalm€nt llcttrod: Cbeck 'iiii, .ren Pcrmlt Nor Parccl No: Sltc lddrcga: Locatl,on: Ttrl' Paymeat ! AC@UNTITEMLIST: Account Code ___-___==>\_DR8010050 rype: @-ns - New Conatsruction 210108109004 458 1IAIL IA.LIJET DR VAIIJ Total . Fees s Total AIJIJ Pnt,a ! Descri pt i on Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI.,I FEES 200.00 Notatl.ons 133530 $200.00 9200.00s200.00 Balances 90. OOt"'lttf't't'lalaallaataltfflaaflraaaaf+atfrftatattrrtta+tfaaffttartfttal.frfrftffataffaatta "t+f *'r'l'lt'1"'l'l*r..aa+t**a+aaa.a+*a..*+.a*f rr+.*rrr+.+a.a+..aar*aaaaraa.aaaaaiffifilagtaceGnt Dnr'rnbcr: Rooooooslg Amo'nt: g2oo.oo 03/2r/200:109:03 iliPalment ltbtlrod: Check fnit: .IAR Notatlon! 133530 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Pcn|lt No: DRB01OOSO Parccl No3 2101Og1O9OO4 81te Addrccs: aS8 IIAXL VAITIJEY Locatl.on! Thlr Payncat:s200.00 Total Fees: Total AIJL lttts ! Strooent 9200.00 $20o. oo Types D DR rr"r*"'r.ir.r.tft..f'r..rr.r.r+....+....rr...rf *t+rr..r...rr.Tlfilir......r...irl;3;0..., ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri ptlon Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 200.00 Statcnrat trur$cr:r Payralrt [cthodr R000000521 Chcck Arbunr3 g20o.oo o3/zLlzooj:og:S0 Affnlt: iltR [otation: 133s30 lstf.; ffifi:l;1,,. *"@ sltc-rddrcr.; ;;;-*;';;* o *ro-rocatrqr: --- Y'\ v'r'r ltrfu Paymnt: 9200.00 Total Fccs: g2oo.ooTotal A&& pnta: g2OO. O0Balence: lO. OOACCOUIITNizuLIST: Account Code Descrlptlonil'ilffiiliffi-" ;;;m;-ffi.....-..-. :T:T.T: 200.00 sqEsGsooooooo I o --f J rr! o of J 1+39 1+39 a-+o+ ) -Foj oa -+ol oJ -+ l oa oA@@o(D@ -{ @@5$co@@uloia@@o<>oo @@@@@@(,^l (.^1 5455@(ocrif\)(,oooooo m o o l oJ @ 5 m o-+ l ri1 ' :,, \;, , : -t-4 -,... 1 ,t i ' o1:,,11 l,1,111"rii., l l .l t'.,li;, ', ,'.affi ' :, 1.i' ]S / ,1* Nff.J;;-,uoffi ',/ i t ' ,' .,' ,l , ,,t t- lf'N]K-* -<" li \ on - tl-l Y/ra lrl/l -I Ir3 ilmlil lrtIEF TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 OwlIER DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT r.)c-^--\ C.L\o.,- _--'t \t*,5 r \\at<-r,5(\ MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Cro\.L"-,r,-R-r.r(c- NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.......: GOLDEN PEAK BASE AREA ParcelNo....: 210108109004 Project No . : Pcrmit #: B0l-0361 VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81558 License: CoNTRACTOR IIIGHLINE SPORTS & ENTERTATNMLL/LZ/20}L Phone: 910-4766191 1OOO LIONSRIDGE I,OOP SUITE 1]-A VAIL CO 816 57 I-ricense: APPLICINf HIGHIJINE SPORTS & ENTERTAINMIL/T2|?0}L Phone: 970-476-6797 1OOO LIONSRIDGIE LOOP SUITE 1]-A VAIL CO 816 57 License: Desciption: INSTALL TEMP. TENT AND HEATER FOR SPECTAL EVENT US FREESKIING OPEN LL/t2/20Ot Status . . Applied. Issued . . Expires . Phone: .: ISSUED ... lvl2/2001 . : l2ll0l200l .: O6/08/2002 # of Wood Pell€t: 0 Occupanry: Type Construction: Tlpe Occupancy: A3 T],pe V Non-Rated # ofGas Appliances: 0 A3 VN 't'l Valuation: $1,000.00 Fireplace Information: Reslricned: Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 FEE SIIMMARY tuilding--> Plan Check-> lnvcsligEtion-> will cell-> Restuarant Plan Review- DRB Fee__-...-.,. Recreation Fee-----r,. Clean-up Deposit------ Tolal Cslculated Fees-> Additional Fees----------.. Tolnl Permit F€e----' Pamenf,s---ll $35. Oo s22.75 s0.00 93.00 s0.00 $0.00 90.00 s0.00 s60.7s (90.7s) s60.00 s5o.oo o.0os60.75 BALANICE DtrF.-,lutA|-tt,lrtt______ F6o.75 lrALlu\L E rr!rr,-: i llllttallllt'i:l:|:l*t Aoprovals:Ifi:rn: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT LL/13/2O0L cdavis Action: AP SIJBJECT TO FrELD INSPECTIONS CONTACT 479.2L49 TO SCHEDITI,E Item: 05400 PLANNIIIG DEPARTMEIflI Itemr 05500 FIRE DEPARTMB{T Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS PAGE2 l|t lif rll**f *rllrttlf l**f l+f lltlt*llr**l***lt***';ttlta*tt**tt***;*l Pcrmit#: B0l{361 CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL as of 12-10-2ffi1 Status: ISSUED tlfffltflllf*'tlltlfff*ttllllll***lf||r'tl**'|fl*llll*l*'t***f*flitt'iflftl*l+:r**fl*r*trltl***fl'litll't*lf'l*tl+'|f Pennit Typc: ADD/ALT COMM B{.iILD PERMT Applied: llll2l200l Applioant: HIGHLINE SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT Issucd: lUl0lz00l97M76-6797 To Expire: 0610812W2 JobAdfress: 45SVAILVALLEYDRVAIL Looation: GOLDEN PEAK BASE AREA ParcclNo: 210108109004 Description: INSTALL TEMP. TEbIT AND HEATER FOR SPECTAL EVENT US FREESKIINGOPEN Coditims: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI,ANCE. |.||...|||||||||'..tt.t...||.||..|..|||..|l|l.|.l.*.|||.|||||||.'**|'|...*.'}'}..|...i.....|....{*|.....i..... See page 2 of this Document for ury conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledgc that I havo read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required, completod an rmrdc plot pla!, aod statp tbat all thc inforn*ion as required is conpct. I agroe to comply with the information and plot plaq to cornply with all Tom ordfutanc$ md statc laws, and to build this sfiucturB according to the t,owns zoning and subdivision codes, dcrign rwicw approvo4 Unifan Building Code and'ottrer ordinaoces of the Tovrn applicable thereto. TEL,EPHoNE AT 479-213t oR AT ot R OffiCE FROM &00 AI{ - J nrd. TI.JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHMSELF AND OWNE f , mwN 0Fyln 75 S. Fronrase Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: 97 O- 479 -2749 (Inspections) Separate Permits are required for electrical. plumbing, mechanical. etc.! ConEct Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 cr visit for Parcel # Parcel # 2lolOf;ri Oq -y' rob Name: tJS Fre€g\.,ing open rob Address: Gpldo. kqK e6e A"eq Legal Des::ipticn ll Lot: ll atocr: ll ritins,Subdivision: o*n"o wur",'F{',qhl i naqU"+< C nnone; 115-6111 ".lo?Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: - QQ,I'10 - Tent */ Prooa"e\\eohr - T^n,o"y &t-?'?, A00e WorkClass: New( ) Addltion( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) OtherX) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.; Single-family ( ) Two-fa:nily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Resiaurant ( ) Other X) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noflvpe of Fireolaces Existino: Gqs Aonliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/peilet / ) Wood Burnino ( itlo/Tvpe cf Fireolaces Proposed: Gas Apoiiances ( ) Gas Loos ( \ Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLoWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) ruo X)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No X) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ ,r OoO ELECTRICAL: 5 OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOT,AL: S /,OOO REFLTND CLET\NUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: -b7?7 t to7 ***********n****-t*********-g************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****i*-r******************,r,r********** Occupancv Grouo: F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm O - l1oLio,l .'',',,,"I,.,O ,l""t" I ii_tji;t,]- ji \ -- X-Mas Liehts on ..' i ?_._--r ..t ", - Infratabre Arch n 1 \ 2OOZ US Freeskiing Ope On-Hill Site Plon for Big Air t Q,",r,,,,o,,,', i;,,.j::,'j' I % i.J ao' @ @ @ VIP/Athlete 20'x4O' TENT rt /,s/o' \ l4f?y* (FcDW \ rruss.&#w bttfi of Viiif lf; ,i{l Awards < Inflatables+Bol-o3(ol 2002 US Freeskiing Open Building Permit Map Golden Peak VIB Athletes area w/chairs Ex UI t)troo o E UI tl racks tl ski f'f'""m $ | ro'ro I o Eul *X*, utitizes l5" diffuser Q Emergency EXIT 45" Blue event fenclng surrounding venue Delivery will be via truck. Emergency access ls located at Golden Peak Base Area and via snowmobile, foot or snowcat. Firetrucks and ambulance can pull up to within 150 yards of area. Two (2) 100lbs propane tanks anchored to posts using straps Two (2) 2Ox2O tents joined. Two walls on each are slldlng to provide emergency exits Floor consists of groomed snow w/ nylon carpet on top rl*+*trr+t+ l*+lfta*+a*l l+ f art***+f*l'*+ la r+,t+a ir** a * t f+ +* r + ti I + | ft +.a +** +f.atraaftiaart | +r+rr+ TOWN OF VAIL, COI,oRADO StaEm€otllll****flll laftlllfllfl a lafllllaafta*+t* + |t9*lr***i t I fa*litt *'at* tt+ r*rt+ttar***ttfaata+aatta SCaeenent Number: R000001?29 Amount: g5O.O0 tL/L3/2OOLOl :10 FM PaltlrenC Method: Check Init: CD Notation: *4594 Permit No: 801-0361 Tylre: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pERltT Parce1 No: 210108109004 Sit,e AddreEE: 458 \ZAIIJ VAIJLEY DR VAIIJ L,ocaEion: CIOL,DEN PEIAK BASB AREA Total Feea: $60.00l'hia Palment: 950.00 Tota1 AL,l, pmCB: $60.00 Balance! $0.00Itaaala*l *+t*af+allltla+l9*** flaal** lt +al**1+ l*t ++!t** *l**l I ft a +ra'll ftaf+aaattaaa'}++fala aaftt ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descr.iption Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31I11OO BUILDING PERI'I]T FEES 35.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 22.00 . _T.'_11*ii'_'i.i . _li::.:T lti::li:i.,:: .1.':.. TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2738 C.",^\C,f\.^11- -h\^^..( sO NorE: THrs pERMrr MUST BE posrED oN IoBSrrE AT ALL TIMES GrclN-'R""tt- ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: 801-ffi56 Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSLIED Location.......: west of race city in golden peak Applied . . : 04/04/2007 ParcelNo....: 2f0108109004 Issued...: 04/09/200L ProjectNo.: NR Expires...: 70/06/2007 owNER VAIL, CORPOR;ATION THE O4/O4/2O0L phone: PO BOX 7 VAIIJ CO 81558 License: CONTRACTOR Highline Sports & Entertaimt}A/ O4/2OOL Phone: 970-476-6797 1000 LionsRidge Loop Vail Co. 81557 L,icense: APPIJICAIIT Highline Sports& Entertainme}4/O4/2O01 Phone: 970-476-6797 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail Co 81557 L,icense: Desciption: install a temp tent for Revolution Spring event 4/12-4/76/01. Occupancy: A3 A3 TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $1,000.ff) Fireplace Information: Restricted: Wood Pellet: Building-> 535.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> 522 .15 DRB Fee--> AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l.ogs: 0 # of FEE SUMMARY go . 0o Total Calculated Fees-> $50 .75 So. oo Additional Fees->s0. oo gO. oo Total Permit Fee-> S60.75 S0 . 00 pavnents-> 960.75 lnvestigation-> will calt-_> $0. 00 Recreation Fee--_> 93 .00 Clean-up Deposit---> TOTAL FEES----> S5o.7s BALANCE DUE-> Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTI,IEIIE o4/o4/20oL cdavis Action: AP Pending inspection by Building/Fire IIEM: O54OO PLT}INING DEPARTMEIiIT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEITT $0.00 I o4/06/2o0L tnnaughen Iten: O55OO PIIBIJIC' WORKS rfrll**r*.tl|lltataHrr*rtrrr*tffi**rffiffi*r*+t*rttrr*riffiiffilir*rr*r.{ffr*r*l}ti!iir***trH*r*}llr*tl See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby ac.rknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the infonnation require4 completed an accurate plot plan" and state that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforuration and plot plan, to courply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchrre according b the tovuns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESISFOR INSFECNON STIALL BE MADETWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT ATOUR FROM&MAM.5 Act,ion: AP SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER PM. Ssd Clean up D€pqdt To: N/A FORHIIVfSELFANDOL{EI PAGE2 CONDMOI{SOFAPPROVALPemrit#:801{66 asof 04-09-2fi)1 Status: ISSUED ffi PerzritType: ADD/ALiCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: MlUlNI HighlineSporb&Entertainnrent Iseued: M/E/MI97G4.764797 To Expire: 10/6/Wl Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: west of race city in golden peak Parcel No: 210108109004 Description irutalla tmp tentfor RevolutionSpring went 4/r24/1.5/0r C-onditions: Cond:12 @LDG.): FmD INSPECIIIONS ARE REQTIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. C-ond: CON0004625 Cmrpliance b 1997 LJFC tuticle 32rcqFired. Thismustbe confirmed with a field irupection C^rr 479-2149 a d 479-225.2 ' a* **|}l '|flf *aaal 't*t * fata* 'tl'|'l I t | * + t* +a{r* ***** +t | *** 't* *r * * t'} i** t*t' | *t I '}*** tt | ***++t*ta*t**+rar TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Starcmqrtat**aaa+aaala**a+aaftl*tl* a*l+taaa**** t t+ +***+++ + | **+ | + |' *++ + + *+++tt+aa+++f*ft la**ftttttataaa gtatement l'l\.uriber: R0000005?2 Aflrount I gOO.25 04/09/2OOLO2:51 pM Palm€nt lrlethod: Check Init: LC Notation: *3735lhighfine gporta & Enteral.nment -------- .----------:--Permit No: 801-0056 Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUIIJD pER!,tT Parce1 No: 210108109004 SITe Addreee: 458 VAIIJ VAI,I.,EY DR VAII, IJocation: weet of race city in golden peak Totaf FeeE! $60. ?5 This Palment: $50.75 Total ALL Pmte: $50.75 Balance: 90.00 taallaallalfttatllaaa*tttla*t*t*aa'ia*lr**+*+***a*+t***+tlf*|'tf******a+*+!t*++aaf+aa*a+*+a+aaa{'t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 35.00 PF 001000031i2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 22.75 !'lC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 tl APPUCATION WILL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNED MWNWYilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INTORMATION Contact and PhoneGeneml Contractor: \,n*a S-.r\t,.S Town of Vail Reg. No.: /),n.- \.. lOk COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDIT{G PERMTT (LabOr & MAtET|AIS BUILDING: $ \ ,0OO ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ToTAL: $ \ Ocr<, REFIJI{D CLEANT]P DEPOSIT TO: ForParcet #Assessots Office at 970-or visit Job Address: 11,.".:=' .i C.lr\ R','*-Job Name: Re ,r.,\u\ , o,.-(--r:' description of work: P.7\.r-.,,1 ee ?- .?t-, ,,ttc tc....\ <i\ \L... \o.,..-(.- <.\ C-'ul R'.^K \)-r .ril eun,.b- WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other Does an EHU sdst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior b<) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single,family ( ) Two-tamily ( ) Multi-famity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other CX) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ONo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: O Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist YesDoes a Fire Alarm Exis[ Yes ( ) No (X) ***'r1r*r**r**ir*irrirr**ir******ti*i***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**.*t***'trtr**i*'t**.rtfitcErvtTl**" Frleveryone/forms/bldgperm Hiclhline SportfitEntertalnment www.gohighline.com April2,2001 Charlie Davies Town of Vail Dear Charlie, Enclosed is a building permit for Revolution Spring. The event is taking place on April 14, 2001. Throughout the afternoon we will have a band playing and three 15 minute demonstrations of Extreme Moto X. The event will consist of a band playing on a 20' x 40' stage with a 20' x 40' ( or 20' x30' ) tent on top, a ramp which will be used for the Extreme Moto X demo and a20' x40'tent as a VIP tent. Set-up will take place startin nd tear down will take place between Saturday an the diagram for more detail. -owing the evenl. Please look at lf you need any additional information or have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to conlact me at (970)476-6797 ext.108 (office), (970)331-9517 (cell) or e.mail milana@gohighline.com. Best Regards, n //t //- /fl,/*- /9/r\ Milana Simik RECEIVEII APR 0 2 2001 1000 Lionsridgc loop . Voil, Colorodo . 81657 . t:97O/476.6797 . ]:970/176.6890 . c: highlinc@colorodo.ncl co (! dl <t u)sl oq) ffi ffi ffi at oc G oo F{ L'N t g CL gr .sg CLo t .9 =Eqt ol a Eoggr C'a a,.tt/) 'c fooa 'F u =>E;I( 6.tI3o#e ea=Ptr HLIo2o (q dl oo o I I t I I I I I I I @E ao at E G o (! al, s (g \J IJ .-i --{:t4q.7. n0.55 nl 2A r l&7 ml 22'-9.t' [6.9 ml 17-0.6' [52 ml to 5' [32 mj i I ..- rtl -- New Triangular Marquee... lm.glnr th. pocdbltthr. CoYrf.nd crurb your own amldng $x! qdng Hlxrgont tqlxrtr srd lrhngltr. T.ntnologyf rwolutlonrry tolutlom to .ry odd $.p. or tps, 26' 3' 18 ml 32'8'lto ml 40'I12 ml ' Engineeted - for extreme weather conditions . Customized - colours and graphics available . 40olo less parts than traditional frame tents ' Magnum slip fit pafts for maximum strength and durability MQ Hls.goo (rF.dal ordcd lrQ 20 Hcxagon MQ t m H.rqoo MQ l0 m Hor('gon fi|Q {O Hcx.goo ) €D''Vrt'o P ,/\/GN{+\-Y L\ ltr j I' l\ ASSEMBLE THE FRAME ATTACH CROSS CABLES ROLL OUT AND FASTEN TENT CANOPY INSERT LEGS, RAISE CENTRE SUPPORT 'TAKE AND FASTEN GUY ROPES 9@ a!@ ;ro <58F ,, >i oe 3EX.Et . :E* B;EI HXCiE Ei3* Eegsl ..EE;,t ExFgS :l I .!9 :J .. nFITJ i : J--;iR 5 6 E{ ; r E?; I ?iEF !:lTE : + g;e !i;i5 i ; EHg "is. E= E ;a 3 ?EI* Ei t5ElE ig Ti*ec !eO 5 ..,r ", o@ :!f g ii =tH9 ; 5;eI a E{.:: E ;5RI : e *pP U! p: ;f;:g EF ';:E EE; F 9i'!9;;q-9 f'.E6E;;b Eg? EEAEi 'i ig; o'oP] F!"g ?36,i .;EH;i:eE Eei 8:iE : E ; g.r ! l€i|; g ReF fr 5$$s Higl .6 o = b c.r tl i^ !-1 st ci-i!\, I5 F6 _E i\o ic 60@ F\o Ix0, N .E rc ;. 'l !ir $N s.?$l .E3- 3-X ir; hol g#6R @ o t\ = ;': R- io io nl gcdsF = R.: R.: d-g.? -ER.:.is;N :E !! (') ie 3 6N6F d ^,1 a9l .\qR3 : a E x.:{ol l,o ' E E :-< .E B E -E :.T;q sE -^i ^! b r.. cql 5n N 3 E -F 9at ou! 1g t:ti t- ott14-9t; al*l @ N Jul o = .!= o -9 .: g r! o E:?bE; ;FiED.::' iom Eca ?oN g t.9oo .!= '- C'r '6, I o-33! Et.=l F ttli'g !J o 6 .E !q 5; '67;6 gP :t5; E E .E g c E cl b' E t: \ E \ F l'! ;l9t.-tct) -t-.nlF Y] IN'tq---1r\l Irnlai 7 F l a) i6 !l.D E;o- o) F3Ub o o E o g o E @ N oi o o 3 ;> .9:at E9 v-c U|!€-' {1 t1 +, UITII {: <r {l <l tl J|llo =oa zfIA tlo 3g Eg,l o -hu NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES qO ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 416 Vail Valley drive Gold peak Race Are 210108109004 A3 Type V Non-Rated # ofGas Appliances: 0 OWNER VAIIJ CORPORATION THE OL/08/20O2 PO BOX 7 VAIIJ EO 816s8 Lricenge: APPIJICATiI'T MOTJNTAIN TEIITS & EVENTS P.O. BOX 612 EAGIJE, CO 81631 License: 203-S EONTRACTOR MOIINTAIN TENIS & EVE}ITS P.O. BOX 612 EAGITE, CO 81531 License: 203 -S TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT \).-^.^\Ct\.' Desciption: SET UP TENT 4OX4O TENT FOR MTN DEW VERT RACE @ GOLD PEAK ot/08/2002 Phone: 97o-328-L7oB oLl08/2002 Phone: 97O-328-L708 Add Sq Ft: # ofcas Logs: 0 Iob Address: Location,......: Parcel No....: Project No . : Occupancy: ,{3 Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: ?? Permit #: 802-0002 Status. . . Applied. . Issued . . . Expires . . . Phone: : FINAL : 0l/08/2002 : 0l/ll/2002 : 02D012002 #of Wood PcU€c 0 Valuation: $1.000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: FEE SUMMARY Building----> Plan Check-> Invesligation-> will c0ll-> $0. 00 $0. 00 $0. 00 s0.00 s60. ?s $50. 7s 955.00 $115 .75 $115. ?5 9o.oo $35. O0 Restuarant Plan Review-> 522.15 DRBFoe----------> 90. 00 ft3gr€atisn F'€€---.__> S3 . 00 Clon-uP DePsit-> TOTAL FEES_-> Total Calculat€d Fees-> Additional Fees*----> Total P€rmit Fee--> Paymenls - BAr,r{cE DUE-> t***:ta*'tt *at aaa aa Approvals:I€em: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENI oL/09/2o02 cdavis Action: AP SI'BiIEEGT TO FTEIJD INSPECTIONS Item: 05400 PLAf.fNIllG DEPARTMEfiIT ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS |.||**|.i'll.r|.l|...l|ll|||l't|*'l|.t.|'||||l|it|tt||.*|t|||.*.'*||l|l|||||...'*||'|l|||||t|t't*|ti|' I See page 2 of this Document fot any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS and state thal all the informdion as required is con€ct I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply wift all Town ordinanc$ and state laws, arid to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codeq dosign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. I hcreby acknowledge thaf I have rfad this applioation, filled out in firll the information required completed an accurate plot plan, SIGNATT.'RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET REQUESTS FORINSPECNON SHALLgE ilADET"ENIY.FOURHoURS INADVANCEBYTELEPHoNEAT4T9.2I3SoRAT o[JRoFTIcEFRoM I:OOAM-5 PM. Scld Oc -rp Dcporlt To: n/a PAGE 2*rlllfll+*tll***tiltl+ft*l*t+tl****tttf***tt*ft******t**fi***|trt!r*****f*******t*ftft*t*tftf*ttfftf***if CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B02-0002 as of 09-06-2002 Status: FINAL arttlttt*lt*:lltt**tl'f tf tril*t*at*'ltf ta!titt:at*'tartt*!tt***'*f trtt!ttt*tt:t*'tf *,tf rtt't*ttt't**'itt'i*:ltti**:tt*t*t*ttt*ttt*'tta'l PemitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: 01n8n002 Applicant MOUNTAIN TENTS & EVENTS Issued: 0lnln00297M28-1708 To Expire: 02n0n002 Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 416 Vail Valley drive Gold peak Race Are ParcelNo: 210108109004 Description: sET UP TENT 40X40 TENT FOR MTN DEW VERT RACE @ GOLD PEAK Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIR€ DEPARTMENTAPPROVAL IS REQINRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQTJIRED TO CIIECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. ll +ita t*tf I t*lt ta't** t laf* tttf tf**t * t***t **'i* * | ++* **f *t **+ |' | +*l '|+++* + tt++ **+** a**+* ftt'| tta**f TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADOCopy Reprlnted on 09-062002 rt t2:04222 09rc6n042 Statlmcnt f*tfafl****ffaffll**'i*lllataat*lfltl'}*'|**f+t*+f***'}'!a*+'laf'}*{'ffa*{'*ftfaaafll**f+ltfflfff**tl Staternent Nunber s R000001886 Amount,: 9115.?S OL/LL/2OOZO2:05 p Palment ltlethod: Check Init,: CD Notation: #1588 Petmlt Nos 802-0002 LYIre: ADD/ALT C1)trtM BUIIJD PERt'fT Parcel lgo: 210108109004 81te Address: 458 \nIL \tAtLEY DR VAIL LocatLon: 416 Vail Valley drive Gold peak Race Are This Payment: $115. ?5 Total Feea! 9115.75 Total AUL Pmts: 9115.75Balance: $0.00 t* tlfalttal ltal*alt+ *altf tal'}***'l *f la*+f ** **t* ** ***+ t* **'| ****+ fta** l* a*l *+*al *aiafla'itl ff**+* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current PmtsDescri pti on BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES cL 00100003123000 C0NTMCT0R LTCENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I,IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAIL INSPECTION FEE 35.00 55.00 22.75 3.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cqnmunity Development 75 Sofi Fontage Roa4 Vail, Crlorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.Yail.co.us Prciect Name Golden Peak DRB l{umber: DR8010113 Plutcct Dccdptlon: Exterior alteration to north facade; addition to Wreck Room and Passport Club Pafticlpantc: OWNER VAIL CORPOMTION THE O5/(h/2fl)1 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 816s8 License: APPUCANT Patrick Hirn 05/04/2001 Phone: 845-2356 POB 959 Avon, CO 81520 Lkense: PruJect Addrere: 458 VAIL VAIEY DR VAIL Location: lrgal D€.crlption: ld: Block Subdividon: Parcel Number: 210108109004 Commentr: ,,-ffi BOARD/STAFF ACTION ilotlon By: Andy Blumetti Action: APPROVED Sond By: Bill Pierce Vote: 5-0 DateofApprovalz 0610il20JL C.ondlUone: Cond: 0 (Pl-AN)r DRB approral does not aonstihrte a permit br building. Plese consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0004736 Condominium association approval requircd Condl CON0004785 That the stucco arch piece be removed and replaced with vertjcal siding to the underside of the dormer roof. Cond: CON0004786 That the stone pilhr be terminated with a stone cap and post. Cond: CON0004787 That proposed lighting be reviewed by staff. Cond: CON0004790 That windom adjacent to the entry dmrs shall have the same trim treatment as o<isting windorvs on building. Plenner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Pald: 150.00 90Yf-6',7 E ts () -:+F^ggJ ,xs E' .Qr8i 'i I 5E lir:ii iIE:;i l!t EilE Of, .'IIVA .NOIJICCV T IIIUOT'ITU AII'IIf,VC gSVg XVEd NE(I'IOC ruoou xJgu1\\ ry sn-r3 Juodssvd $z FI ff- zlraltF FIk{lEfil Pdl O -rlJ-l #KlH zl.<( -ll!L <l; \ Fli<-/h.. \-t )H \L/ oz o3ooz3 3lrlz oul 5u rifi8 ux8 uj! | 'J: ir Itilii;,il !r-nP:li IFI::l-zIi"':'3l;l ;ttt)t;Ej!:t l3 i o'Iof, ''IIVA'NOIJICCV ry riloruau AJI'IIJVC ASVS )V!Id NAC'iOD hIOOU )JEU./!\. T gN'IJ IUOdSSVd po "€6 >E.-o o.t-iF"f.!Jss g" I JJ<t [.1z OLXf!r r--l --.1 o l!F I Eu .o Eo fi5 ,jy LFluofl.x 'l _l ||lIzl to=n II nOI lu Ll!ks| (J4:q5rpxh-rEar eztu --.j Etz t.ll.]rlll It-----Jl---l--* ll ll u tuFz J0-z!f io lf Tp I llt I tu -1 tl II |i rl r_ _r g Fo Xlu -lu =<:Joo^Fil5U ^J<dd6@a\A\fi5 te faulxlf ur J< $ z -J t=\tat,i I o F ILE COPT TOWT{ OF VAIL Deportment of Commuttity Development 75 South Frcntage Rod Yail, Colorado E1657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www,ci.vail,co.tts May 17,2001 PatrickHim Project lvlanager, Constnrction Vait nesorts DeveloPment ComPanY P.O. Box 959, Avor! CO 81620 Fa:<: 845-2358 Re: hoposed qonsion o! the Wrech Room and Passpoft Clab a Golden Peah - developmant plan amendrrant and daign review Dear Patrick: The Design Review Board met yesterday to discuss the proposed addition to Golden Peak A summary of the board-members' comments is as follows: . The building hgade will appear taller once the space below is moved out and current shadow line is eliminatcd;. Tbe entry area could be moved out even further than proposed to create more articulation for the building frgade;r The o<iting ptant€r could be clipped to accommodate a largo entry'way; .r The existing west sta;;;,;;iii.ir-oti.ntrd to Letter accommoaate pedestrian circulation; . with.'bump-outs", the loss of negative space needs to be offset by creating additional space; I The entrance needs to be wider and taller; . A larger hip-roof element could be used; r A dormer style roof element could be used to be consistent with the architecture ofthe fa4ade' The next moeting of the Design Review Board is June 6, 200 I ' Howwer' the slaff report on the minor amendment to the Coraeo i-eii atu.foptn.nt plan wilt not be presented to the Planning and Environmental commission until June I l, 2001. Therefore, the proposal.may not receive a final review by the Design Review Board until June ZO,ZOOt(ptoniAea tht staffdecision is not overturned by the pEC). If you would like the desigrr proposal t" b€ .,n;;J conceptually again on Iune 6' 2001' please la me know and I will schedule ttre item for that meeting' No approvals will become final until certain outstanding requir€ments TtId; First' the community Development Deparffi;;lll i.q"f;;;ipp."y"t tom-ttre Cotaen Peak Condominium Association' Secon4 pur$rant to the piriitinuiy Oeveloier lmprouement Agreement between Vail Associates' Inc' ' {9*"o"ulot o, -tr'-/' and the Town of Vail datcd March 20, 1996 for the Golden Peak Ski Base, the applicant will grart the Town a public pedestrian easement for the existing (and proposcd o<tended) Vail Trail encroachment acroos the property. This easement will be incorporated into the pending easemeNrt agreement betweerl the applicant and the Town of Vail for the Golden Peak Ski Base. No epplication for a building permit shrll be ecccptcd until thege requirements hrve been satisfied. Due to PEC nCificdion reqrirements, I will need revised plans for the proposed addition by Wednesday, tv|ey 24,2001. If you have any questions or conc€nu or you ar€ unable to meet the deadline as specifie4 please do not hesitate to contast me at akjerulfr'@ci.vail.co.us or 479-214t. Sincerely, Ann Kjerulf Planner IUGIS Specialist Toum of Vail Questions? c.Qn" ptanning staff at 47g-2r38 T0l{\l APPTICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPR.OVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval, Any project requiring design review must receive Design Re'riew approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements forthe pafticular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted untii all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started, DESCRIPNON OF THE REOUEST: GouoEnt f €ar< Lolc s A.ry\t A/OC ,a q MiFr.rDrv\ Sr\rf iD g rT|s D €VELo PM E t\rT io\A^t oF i*t,S}\,D I Ow*:re L^lWt r^.raL/. t o; B. c. D, tr LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: +^ 161.lfror F BLOCK: PHYSICALADDRESS: 458 c-nSI v^ru VAur-€Y DR.rvtr PARCEL #:?LO lA9?-l tooE cl,.rT TU Ekr5f rv<. Cpcva.r nls _ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ^r /So(OSlQeo* NAME OF OWNER(S):ORT gox qsq Bttozo PHONE:9ra' owNER(S) SrGNAru RE(S):F. H. NAME OF APPLICANT: IV0^J CO SWZO PHOrvr:9?o 45."3 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:n New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new building.X Addiuon - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building.tr Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, oainting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submitEal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuatjon of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEI{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAII_ COLORADO 81657. o% TYPE OF MATERIAL: MGTAU SIvCcp Rq/aH fIwN cFDdR rl (t ft BUITDING MATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofFts Windows Window Trim DmG Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endcures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other CQTQB: cN pwr"ttrJilr.l( /r4,{rfcH sxtfft^/C, ll ll aa ir &c.-- vgg. O(rsTt/vct R[-'lS{ €xrgTt^/d" /hgT4L OPPE* {' Please speclff the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All o(Erior lighting must rneet the Town=s Ligming Ordinance 12-11-5J. If ofterior llghting b proposed, please indicate fie number of fixhrres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fDfture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut shmt of the lighting fDCures. PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPII{G Botanical Name: Common Name: Ouantitv: Size*: PRoPosED tt/s TREES AND SHRUBS: DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper I coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottorn elevations of retaining walls, Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departsnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 97O.479.2L39 tau': 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us l.ProJetl{ame SKIERTUNNEL DRBNumber: DR8010050 Prclect Deccrlptlon: Ski Tunnel Golden Peak PaftaclprnE: OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE 03/2112001 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPLICANT VAIL CORPORATION THE O3IZLI2OOI Phone: 479-3013 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO Doug Cahill 81658 License: Project Addrccc: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL t'egal Decrlptlon: Lot: Block Subdivicion: Parcel ilumber: 21010810!1004 Commcntr: ATTACHED TO PEC01-0058 Location: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: HANS WOLDRICH Action: APPROVED Second By: ANDY BLUMETTI Vote: 3-0-1 (PIERCE RECUSED) Date ofApproval= 041L81200L C.onditionc: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON0004648 Cond: CON000,1649 COLI-AR MUST BE COLOR-NNTED & HAVE AGGREGATE SURFACE TO MATCH SURROUNDINGS. Cond: CON000,{650 CLOSURE GATES MUST NOT BE VISIBLE FROM DCERIOR Cond: CON0004651 INTERIOR GALVANIZED SURFACE MUST BE PAINTED TO MATCH COL]AR WHERE VISIBTE FROM DfiERIOR, Cond: CON000,1652 EASEMENT MUST BE RECORDED PURSUANTTO PEC CONDMONS. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $2OO.O0 Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South frontage Road, Vaif Colorado 81657 tel: 970.48.2L39 lax: 970.48.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prctectilame: SKIERTUNNEL PECNumber: PEC010021 Project Description: I Ski Tunnel Golden Peak Amendment to an approved development plan. Pcrticlpants: OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE 03/2112001 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT VAIL CORPORAION THE 0312112001 Phone: 479-3013 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO Doug Cahill 81658 Ucense: -,.ffi ProjectAddress: 458 VAILVALLEY DRVAIL Legel Descriptbn: lot: Block Subdivision: Parcel Number: 2101081@(M Comments: SEE CONDfiONS Location: BOARI'/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcval= Ml03l200L Condidons: C-ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staffand/or the Design Review Board. Cond: CON@0.1653 EASEMENT MUST BE RECORDED FOR VAIL TMIL PURSUANT TO EASEMENT AGREEMENT STWN VA TOV FOR GOTDEN PEAK SKI BASE. Ptanner: Brent Wilson PEC Fee Paid: $200'00 esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Goldcn Perk - ski stonge Project Description: Ski storage addition Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Associates Architect/contact, Address and Phone: B",ln;iil?11i;."dd fffS6,t Development Company, Po Project Street Address: 458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract F, Vail Villege 5th Filing a D Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name: Golden Peak Ski Base Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:Approved as submitted Town Planner: Lruren Waterton Date: Sept. 8, 1997 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff approved DRB Fec Prc-Paid: tFs oN :a'IvJs reeqs.!3 oc r!rurl oNl^\vxo op8roloC'ulsNnol{ I.IEA uogpry e8er6 FF IBaI UoP1oO ::t ravN JJIIIOUd t-{ -8., cj3 #{*ffig a o J1cI O F{ trOrd Ir{o Oo o -t!3;t 3386b5Bii': =€e g oop{ |)ofiE € O a0d${o :) U) di cto"6.< ltJ gi F s$i5H55ttt gfl$fit$Hnk$sE* NNH 6Fj 5 u.t Fo 3rtz 6F utJtu FIo Fo Xlu I il $ uE 6F ||lJul HHNH HUHN u d jH$tHHHi u dFz XI aUiiizl|l g dF 6(J F(') xltl { HMHHffi$ $ oul! : t tui d -[l unilg$ dE5 dd f,*usfifi sct Hsn$$emnli{ x Ut2-JgHe{q; dttrg,t tfutsfi[H* 3f;x ul -JFIFq q :lrurr oNlJitYxo qBloIoC [.tg|tmoI{I.IBA uoFlppv eteqg Hs ryed uaplo0) ,.dlc,l :!uvq snssl 'F8 CX :g'IYJS xoplrl'BqoN @?q'sMm erqqv'qoqu$ 106 roN JJaroud :gt\avN JJ:IrOUd '$*fs+g I uE _$E fituilHE,c do$ ;fis*H$tflfigtr$tEEi s8* *H *[$p I Es io Eg t s,s$ifuil,=,ssE*[$ zrr$tflFEr,gttret BJuto o 6tr{ froulo Irluz u||tll u T BA tu $ EJr.lo o 6t 66 uto IF<t Jt 6 EJt J E Ile $t "cild,5d HtFF$nHf;s nEPtfiu$H* 6F =l.e " IF$ tHni $FrlF[f,Hs $ tx$*rts u P H EIIur R||l E F { E$ 5fr JO H3 aI st id Fir$ t8 [$ if P 2 Eg H FLt H u9 $$ E, g 3.:9 o.t, H E[[i*,i Sednl _q rflH,il$[rs$rs#3,$utu Rkxorn*HnSNodi-"t"3$zn i"E eIg HtiHrrirnisfituHHttsil rH$tuosdEs"adfiEo$t x d$H el5ooo F fis$ iie aEo $Jtt A T6-rzfl H$i a .t$ .iil 9| rlatlflzlul \Tl Hi ;*fir \ il BJ u.lo o 6tr 66ulo lrJI Hq EH rt EI un rdlSl q.tvqeossl &&J SIYJSrBIdqs gLlu oNuivuq oprDpE ErorttIFA loFt roNJJsroud uorwv earqsgs:F11ff9 I n F{tE"?Hffig : : i\ \t'\.. : i tli: ,/" .4. l/' *\. \$r\ r '\,t.ai!:. \Y\.,\\ \ ta. \\ //.':/1' r.'. \.- 8r'r t..,'',ia.- i d;/ '0' il:li,'i,iil ,l ,ii: i : liii.:. ii.i,,; li, , ., i," j,: :i:. ;' ' ir: . i il' i'iirl.i.i.i.r,,iti :i il:iii,i:ii i iiii:,,,iL, . : !i: : I ! i. 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A request to amend rhe Golden Peak ski Base Development Plan to allow for outdoor commercial sXi stoia-ge, i parfing tot anenOint Uootn dnO outdoor wire ski racks, located at 458 Vait varrey-oii"verrria r, vair Vilage Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton Greg Moffet recused himself' Lauren Waterton gave an overview of the request. she said the development plan rnust be amended to showlhe location of the ski storage facilities' Joe Macy said the PEC voted 3-3 at the last meeting, which.meant a !e-1at and so VA engaged a Traffic Engineer to address the circulation issues."He said there was an addition of the wire ;;i.; ;i th"tnitOren's Center and he was in agreement with the staff's recommendation' He said it was an allowed usl and they were lust imenOing the development plan to tiake care of the permanent ski storage. John Schofield asked if VA was going to put up a temporary maze' Joe Macy said pedestrian circulation was going to be ditferent from last year. John schofield asked if stafl agreed with the size and number of ski racks. Joe Macy said he and Lauren had discussed it. He said they were to be used by the kids and vA didn't want kids going back and forth from the bus stop' Greg Amsden asked for any public comments' Kay Ferry asked how was it that a structure could be built and then it comes in for approval' Lauren waterton said it happens when people don't know the regulations. Mike Mollica agreed, but said that was not the issue here with this item. Kay Ferry disagreed and stated that this was the issue and now we're addressing the issue' Greg Amsden explained that the Golden Peak project was a large multi-faceted application and mariy times thing's get oviriooXeO by the Comriris6ion and now ihis was being brought into compliance. Kay Ferry said we have been here an hour and two Similar non-compliance issues have come forward. She said she was curious how this worked to begin with' Ann Bishop said the point ol this exercise was to clean up the-issues and she advised Kay that if there was'a problem with the process, to take it to the Town Council' Planning and linvironmental Commissnn Minut'cs June 9, 1997 11 a. Tom Moorhead explained that the Town statf was, on a daily basis, enforcing violations or . . maners not in compt6n"6 *itn tl zoning cooe. He said it happens that with VA' it gets a lot moiiiitteniion. Hd exptaineO ttriitere fras a daily agenda and it takes a long time' Joe Macy stated that the oflending structules had been removed, with no ability to put them back in. TomNeyensaskedi|thisareawaszoned|orcommercia|skistorage. Galen Aasland ilranked Joe lor the TDA study' Ann Bishop had no comments Diane Golden had no comments. John Scholield had no comments. John Schofield made a motion, in accordance with the staff memo, with the addition of a third condition that stated tnat tne numner and size of the wire racks at the Children's Center be as outlined in the aPPlication. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-1. (Greg Moffet recused) Plarning and Environmemlal Commission Minutes June 9. 1997 t2 ruMPY TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Developme nt 75 South Fronmge Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 10, 1997 Joe Macy Vail Associales, Inc. PO Box 7 Vail. CO 81658 Golden Peak Development Plan Amendment Dear Joe: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at its June 9, 1997 meeting, approved the request for a amendment to the development plan at Golden Peak ski base, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant submit an application to the Design Review Board to amend the sign program to modify the location of the directional sign. The sign shown on Shee[ 1 .2 otlhe Sign Program, approved by the Design Review Board on July 17, 1997 must be removed from the Sign Program in order to locale a directional sign on the wall of the ski storage building. 2. That the ski racks to be used for the Chibren's Center be enclosed, with materials that are consistent with the Town of Vail Design Guidelines, and approved by the Design Review Board. Please submit an application for DRB approval lor the above two items, as well as for the expansion of the ski btorage facility, prior to July 1 5, 1997. lf you have any questions, please leel lree to conlact me at 479-2454. Sincerely, RE: l4,rlrrr*t!^tlrtu^- Lauren Walerton Town Planner €p'"n*" 'o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 9, 1997 A request for an amendment to the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base to allow for outdoor commercial ski siorage, a parking lot attendant booth inO oufOoor wire ski racf.r,lo"JteO at 458 Vail-Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, VailVillage 7th Filing' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST lffi-#F"J';3,H}I:{HT-:*. ji r-ski storaoe is alelDlteO-gse within theUct|A|l|u|Ulatlg||\lor||l"""j';i;"oshowtheapprovedffim""*ation zone district' the development plan must be amended tocations on the plan. The existing development plan indicates that ski ttTq:,yl-?:provided *it[in i-portion dt tne etisting buisnelier.' However, that space is not being utilized asski . . storage. During the 1996J1957 skiseason, an 800 square,iootstty:!{?ll"t encloses the skis was constructed on-site, wifnouitown of Vail approvit. fnat structure has since been removed' however, Vail Associates plans to provide this storage area for upcoming.ski seasons. Additionally, the appticani'hil pE":"d in attendant blotn at the entrance to the Children's Center ;;rd; bi'.irring ifie 1996/19ii7 ski season. The attendant booth is considered accessorv use [o tne fiarxing tois. The "ppi["niii now requesling that the development plan be amended to allow the anendant booth. on March 10, 1gg7, the PEC reviewed a request to amend the development plan in order lo ittow tne existing sXi storage tJ continue. Ri tnat tlme, the application was tabled in order to "f io* in" applicint to addrSss the PEC's concerns related to lack of compatibility.between the ;;irtilil;tureJano tne proposeo ski storage and the location of the proposed use' On April 14, 1997, the PEC reviewed a revised plan to address those concerns' At that meeting the PEC failed to "pptoue tn" proposal, with a vote of 3-3. The applicant has submitted a new application for ski storage, wniie atso addressing the attendant booth and the ski racks for the Children's Center. The applicant is proposing a building in approximately lhe same location as the structure erected Ourirdine iii se'asdn, hoivever, it witt Oe 2'eS squareieet smaller than the previous.buildinq' Tne "ppiid"-"fiJpropoiing to "tfanb in" existing bu's shelter, continuing the stucco walls and stone piir!-ii to "rr,i*-ine sxistor-a'[e tJoe tntegrat6d.into the bus shelter'-An entrance to the building wi1 be on the north siOe, iidinglnl miiiOuilOing. The building will contain an attendant booth and racks to hold approximately 420 pairs of skis. A new attendant booth for the parking lol is proposed to be stucco, with log accents, and a wood shake roof. See the attached site plan for the proposed location. II. BACKGROUND In 1983, a new zone district, Ski Base/Recreation, was created in order to allow the Golden Peak Ski Base facility to be rezoned from Agricultural and Open Space to Ski Base/Recreation. As a part ol the rezoning process, a development plan lor the site was required. In late 1983, the Town Council approved a development plan lor the Golden Peak Ski Base. The plan has been amended several times over the years. The most recent amendment occurred on December 19, 1995, when the Town Council approved an amendment to the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base. That amendmenl included a new base facility (currently under construction), new chair lifts, a new bus lane and bus shelter, new drop-off areas and other site improvements. In con.junction with the development plan approval, the Towi Council approved Ordinance 24, Series of 1995, that updated the language ol the Ski BaseiRecreation zone district. The Golden peak Ski Base is the only property within the Town of Vail with this zoning designation. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Stafl believes that this amendment does not affect any of the zoning standards for the Ski Base/Recreation zone district. IV. REVIEW CRITERIA The development plan for the Ski Base Recreation zone district shall meet each of the following standards or demonstrate that either one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved: 1.The developer will provide a-bgffelzone in areas where the Ski Base/Recreation district boundary is adiacent to a residential use district boundary. The bufler zone must be kept free of buildings or structures and must be landscaped, screened to protect it by natural features so that adverse effects on the surrounding areas are minimized' This may require a buffer zone of sutficient size to adequately separate the proposed use from the surrounding properties in terms of visual privacy, noise, adequate light' air, air pollution, signage and other comparable potentially incompatible factors; Staff believes that the addition of the ski storage and the attendant booth will not impact the buffer zone between this site and the neighborhood. These uses do noi remove any landscaping or decrease the buffer area. The ski storage is located between the bus stop and the main building and will not adversely impact 2. the surrounding neighborhood. The attendant booth is necessary in order to prevent people trom usinf ine parking lot who are not using the Children's Center' ThewireracksareproposedtobeadjacenttotheChi|dren'scenterandwi||not impact the bufler zone. Acircu|ationsystemdesigned|orthetypeo|traf|icgenerated,takinginto consiGffin 3EGy, sepiration from living areas' convenience' access' noise, and exhaust "oniloi. Private internal streets may be permitted if they can U! used by police and fire department vehicles lor emergency purposes' Bicycle traffic shall o" .on"iA"i"i and provided when the site is to be used for residential Purposes; staff believes thal the addition ol ski storage to this site will not adversely impact the circulation system. if'd "OJirion of the-ski storage.bujldiry-Pllis location will not add significant congestion in the plaza area' Statf believes that since the il;;;;, ,E;i;* ny tne"eec, the appiicant has revised the plan to alleviate staff's and the pEc's concernt i"-rit"J to-Jong;stion. Statf believes that the proposed conliguration of the ski storage *ilr alloil for queuing, without negatively impacting the pedestrian circulation. Thewireracksare|ocatedawayfromthemainactivityintheareaandwi||not interfere with ihe circulation ol the site. stalf believes that the attendant booth is inlended to improve circulation by aiding driverswhoneedtousetheparking|ot.Furthermore,itisnecessarytodeteruse of the parking area by puopfJ *no ire not using the Children's Center' Staff Oetiev6s tnaitn" Oooiti wifi improve circulation into, and out of, the parking area' Functional open space in terms of: optimum preservation of natural features iffiffi;fiffi Aiai nage areas), recreation, views, convenience, and function; The amendment does not affect the open space ol this site. stafl believes this criterion is not aPPlicable. Veltgly in terms of: housing type, densities, facilities and open space; This criterion is not applicable to this request to amend the development plan' Privacy in terms of the needs of : individuals, families and neighbors; staff does not believe that the proposed amendment will affect this criterion' Pedestrian traflic in terms of: safety, separation, convenience' access to points of destination, and attractiveness; stafl believes that the proposed ski storage will.not interfere with the internal p"o"rrii"n iitculition ,in-J6.-on tnl exiitlng development pFl'!h9-119" around the bus stop was identified as a plaza, accommodatirig pedestrian movement in 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. this area. This plaza connects the children's center' main building, ski lifts and ;;;;i6. whit; rhis proposat wi1 reduce the ptaza area, staff believes that the i""i."iir"n tJouces'tnJimfact of the- proposal by allowino Pgopte to queue for in" if,i dtor"ge in an area tfiat is out of ihe way ot the pedestrian traffic flow. The wire racks are located outside the west entrance lo the children's center and ii"i n"["u", that these will not interlere with pedestrian traffic. Staff believes that the proposed attendant bo.oth will not impact pedestrian tratfic' il;t;;il; it wirr stitipL?*it p"A"ttrian traflic along Vail Valley Drive and within the Golden Peak base facility area' Building WFe in terms of: appropriateness to density, site relationship' and bulk; stalf believes that the ski storage building is appropriately sized for the proposed focation. The applicant has sh6wn how ii is possible to integrate the ski storage inio ine existing 6us snetter. Stafl is concerned about the amount of blank wall i;;i^g;i; thelus fane ind entry plaza. In order to reduce the impact of this *iff ,"rt"ft would recommend that'the approved sign programlor this development Oe amenOeO in order to ailot a directional sign on this wall. Specifically' the sign ft;1|11;;ttr roJ i oirectionir sign to be loca-ted on the corner of the retaining wall i.rE ,tt""r,"o site plan). staff r;commends that the sign be eliminated.and }!ii";;;id i iiS" (oi the same size) on the wall of this buildins. Statf believes that it is a more appropriate location for a directory sign and will add visual interest to this building. Staff helieves wire racks should be enclq me way. The Town of ail is curr u door ski dls-a conditional use in e ll. of 3hould be 8. Staffbe|ievesthattheattendantboothisappropriate|ysized.andisinthe ;il;;p;;i" fcation for the use. The use of'the same materials and colors will add consistency to the site. Landscapingofthetotalsiteintermsof:purposes,tYP€s'maintenance' suitability, and ettect on the neighborhood' Thisamendmentwi||notaffectanyexistingorproposed|andscaping.Theski ii"Lg" b"itding is tocated on an dxisting ptaza, ano the attendant booth is located *iini'i"n istanitnat is too nanow for ptiriting. Staff believes that this proposed use does not atfect this criterion' 4 staff believes that the ski racks used V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends appro-val.of the applicants request to allow for an amendmenl to the developm"nt pt"n tot the Go66n Peak Ski Base subject to the following findlng: That the proposed maior amendment has met the I criteria for evaluation of a oJuiropmeni plan in the Ski Base/Recreation zone district' The recommendation for approval is subject to the following conditions: l.Thattheapp|icantsubmitanapp|icationtotheDesignReviewBoaldtoamend the sign p,.g-r"r ffiocitv me tbcation of the directional sign. The sign sh91vn.9n sheet 1.2 of the sign program, "ppiou"o by the.Design Review Board on July 1.7' 1996, must be removed from the dign erogram in ordlr to locate a directional sign on the wall of the ski storage building' 2. That the ski racks to be used for the Ghildren's c-enter.be enclosed, with materials that are consGtent with the Town of Vail Design Guidelines, and approved by the Design Review Board. F ts\r€ryonsF€c\nsmosbp€ak.41 4 Vtril rtssociates, lnc. May 8, 1997 Ms. Lauren Waterton Planner, Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81658 @. Re:Request to Amend the Golden Peak Development Code Dear Lauren: The purpose of this letter is to provide some additional supplemental information to our previous application to amend the Golden Peak Development plan for permanent ski storage. As you may recall, the Planning and Environmental Commission voted 3-3 on our previous application for permanent ski storage to be constructed at the site where the temporary facility operated during the 1996- 97 ski season A second motion to locate the ski storage at the south end of the Bus Shelter also resulted in a 3-3 vote. Since a tie vote is a denial, our application was, in essence, rejected by the Planning and Environmental Comm ission. Since the last Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, I have asked TDA Colorado, Inc. to review our preferred alternative as well as the suggested relocation ofthe facility to the south end ofthe Bus Shelter. ownc,, and opc,ato. or TDA Colorado, Inc., in the attached letter dated May 6, 1997 ,has concurred with the Town of Vail staff as vrit acnvet crcet Re'o't well as with Vail Associates, Inc. that the proposed perrnanent structure located at the north end of the Bus and arrcwherd M6lntri^ Shelter is acceptable and preferable to one located at the south end of the structure. Please be aware that this application is for an amendment to the Development Plan at Golden Peak for three items: 1. Permanent ski storage at the north end ofthe Bus Shelter; 2. A redesigned parking attendant facility at the entrance ofthe Children's Center; 3. Seasonal ski storage at the southwest entrance of the Children's Center between the walk and the fence. Please call with anv questions. n4o/ JlWsll Attachments: Site Plan, Application, TDA letter 516197 PO 8ox 7 . Vail, Colorado . 81658 . phone 303 476 5601 ,A V/loeMacy tt TDA :otonADo ,,idi3gfl*lNc, ?onsponorion :omunont! t67g ladrn rSt tuio@ Deryg.COt0@2 (3Og)82$7107 A5/97/L997 LLi44 3a3-82s5BO tvlzy 6,lW Joe Macy Vail Associatcs, Irp. PO Bol(7 Vail, CO 81658 Rc: Crolden Pcak Ski Stomgc TDA COLT]RADO INC PAGE A2 via FAJ(: (nq n9.2063 Dear Ja, As requestcd, wc reviewed aplan for corstnrcting a perrnarnntski stOage additiOn ro tlre mrth ena of Oe €xisdng Goldeo Peak nansit shetter. This-woutd rcplacc a temporary sFrrcure used druing rhe Pa$ ski season. We are familiar with vehicular and p€&strien taffic flow in this vicinity traving conduded the vehicular trafftc, skicr dropoff' pedesrian:nd Parklng ooYnts dgrinj6re tggS-96 season that led to thE access and circulation plur for the rodevel@ bosc faciluy. We assisred Design Workshop sraffwith rhe geometric dcsign of the inown shutde bus drivc.thru lanc ald tirap""nt Children's C-cntcr parking lot. Iast January we obscrvcd afternmn pc8k ski clEck-in opcrafions at the tcmponry modular shod. As shown on a 2o+cale plan daed 4l4ln, prepared by Vail Arclitectrue Group, $e sorage shed would extcrd aboua 32 feat rprth ftom tbc existing shelter srucnue (touard ttle Day I-odge). In the funye, patrors picking up or checking skis will congressle * a north facing serrioe door, Thc temionry ,|Irit *"t about 55 fcct long ud opened out o ilte easl, toward rtre parking lot Podeslian flow to the bus boarding alea was rpt hamPered by skien qrcuing rc "lt"ck st is Ogting our period of observation. The new storage unit will be 25 feet shorter tlran the former unit and will have two service oountors, tltrs allowing two parallel queuing columns. We urdentend an alerrative to this letion, mwing it o the rcuth side of fie shelcr, has been suggcsrod. From a pcdcstrian flow pcrspcctivJwe prcfer the currcnt plamed lcation for the following iearrms: l. The nuth cnd laation fif wi$r the mrnal scquerce of pedesniU eWnE benvecn carlbrs Eanspdrstion - pick up/drq offskis - head b/come off&e slopar, ard 2. The afternon garhaing of 50 to 80 or more inOwn shutde patrons naiting for a bu to arrivc rcstbe fu"sUur movsment in front of ttrc shcltcr. p1;fting ski sOrqge at &e south end of te stnrcUuctould aUract addcd p€derrian flor rhrough tlrc congested pessenge( berding area. 363-825U rDA coLoRADo Ib PAGE A3'g5/67/1997 LLi44 JoeMry lvlay 6, 1997 Page2 3. The large gatpril8 of Persors waitinS to board tlre next bts could carlle solllc rkiers o ,"+ i"a tt'" u* larc to get o a sbrage rcom locaEd rcuth of the btls stry' This trazard would U" ftJ,6fo by having-the sbrage areaat the north erd of thc shelrcr' as plarupd. The plu[red mrilr end design has Pr{isio-n for about a doTt ski sorage par'one b queue U..f tor the sewice *,nt[ . bef;'re beCinnir* to ool*g'ict nedqrian t-tor within the "it"uf"tion pf"r", It will be lmponant tra VAi rnanagBment of this skicr scrvice is such that two-oolumn, l2-penon qrr"uo uaa not routirEly cxcceded. rilc rpEd a rnaximum accumulation of 15 skien druing o5 Os"wation. Hen@, it appean the current north end design should turcdon quite effrciendY. Please let me know if you have any questions on our asse$nent' Sirrcercly, TDA Cobrqdo,Inc.@David D. lrahy, PE Principal Ea > ""8a'3 1>;'' '-:I *l dl urlo Flr @ E a,Oor .9 s'E9la(/| l E9.o(,) J I __--r.=<={,!-. a\/\f ***t wT:5ffi :ruu r,|rraYrc slltunot{ IFA eABrolS HS {Rcd u?plo9 a|{vrlljBros I ll ILJi itltlL-----Jf --rL____J 1 ",II .' F*l$r-larilfl*r a f --lF---1f --f :Tf'f-----l-I @ 6I fg EC ia {I E zo F { oI f,FgJo 90-3 i Xo.\I E ; I'J< o ofiF !tF-Q o 3 eO HI f, i ;f HiH.-HET -L -|,) - -LEs Eil E 9p dffiiff; c3u.lo1g q5 trra6 uap1o9 loFa oaajr$ow :trfv|.|rlrlora zo F { tu (f)zIt- xt! u f o flul E $ffu ifl r i* 9 Oo il;fr $ii f,HB iH$ o A(sot ot! fr* 2d sbxx-tpPftB9p ilpv9. v. HrE loul lr|tc3r 9q sI il i $ az t lrlo !tx d tut pffi89 .r !3 I ry $$l u<t,,o6!lxudc iS 'vu b'q'Tt Se - c*nflotytq WN, Wa^-. M,ftil\A'ilA & C^atvWt U?, We W)L TDm \\o"ttna\ t/1D fud ;,,,*d, ., rwk6n' John (D nw*tr&+\y W m rn apgtttutrton q-rn,d, ba)a*- tfato: O -O TOWNOFVATI, A. TYPE OF APPLICATION:tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcaldasttr Conditional Use Perrnit tr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr Sign Vuiancetr Variancctr Zoning Code Amendme,nt H arneoA-ertt to an Approved Dwelopmant Plan tr Employeo Housing Unit (TYPc: -) O Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alte'ration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special DwelopmentDslrict tr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD PLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION tttlr "ppti."tion is fo any projeot requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, sce the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is roquested. Tho application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Rwicw Board" o AP a""*tie Call the Planning Stafrat 479'2138 B. DESCRIPTIONOFTIIEREQUEST: Anend GoLden Peak Development Plan to a1low: 1) Pernanent ski sLorage facility at north end of bus shelter' 2) parking guard shack at childrenrs lot; 3)Wire ski storage racks at NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS:e.0. n^* I rr.rir, co strtn . (970) 479-3O12 F. OWNER(S) SIGNATIJR.E(S): G.NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS: p.o. Rnw 7, vail, co. 8l558 PHONE:- FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRI.ATE FEE. STJBMIT TIIIS APPUCATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQTITREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY I}EVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, c. D. E. ZONING: S&L Base Recreation 3) 5thFlg 7 thFlg Lot Golden Peak Chi 1d ren's C en ADDRESS:458 Vail Va1lev Drive H. Tract F, Vail Village LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT-BLOCK-FILING Joe Mac VAIL, COLORADO t1657. REQLESTFORA CIIANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES (REZOMNG) SUBMITTAL REQTNREMENTS I. PRE-APPLICATIONCONFERENCE A p*-rypti."tion confercnce with a plaming staffmcrnber is stnongfy encouraged. No application can be acceprcd unless it is complete. It is the applicant's resPonsibility to make an eppointment with the staffto dctcrmine additional submital requiremenb. il. STJBMITTALREOUIREMENTS The following infonnation must be submitted with the application: ' tr . FEE: $200.00. The fee must be paid at the time of submittal. tr Stampe{ addressed envelopes and a list of the names and mailing addresses ofall prop€rty own€rs adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. The 4plicant is responsibte for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available fiom the Eagle County Assessor's offi ce. tr List ofproPcrties and owners ofthe area to be rezoned. O A written zummary of the r€quest, including a description of the change and reasons for the request tr A map indicatingthe odsting andproposed distictboundaries. ilI. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALIa OF THE REQI.JIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. ry. TIMEREOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete rylication form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by the Community Dwelopment Departuent by the appropriate submittat date, which is a mininnrm of four (4) weeks priorto the date of the PEC public hecing. Incomplete aprplications (as determined by the planning staff) will notbe acccpted" V. REVIEWPROCEDI.JRE Your pro'posal will be reviewed for compliance witl Vail's Comprehcnsive Plan. VI. ADDMONALREVIEWANDFEESt Hs:tr1f1l;1trff'':tr'#*:ffI"'il*mf;;hTf'g*;ff"?'sr* rwi€w, may include, but re not limited to: Colorado Departnent of Highway Access Perrmits, Army Corps of Engineers M,gE- B, Theapplicant shall be responsible forpayinganypublishingfeeswhich aein exocss of 50% ofthe application fee. If, at the applicanfs r€quest, any matter is poslponed for hearing, causing the mattcr to be re-publislred, then the entire fee for such rc-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Pege 1of2 c.Applications dcmed by the Community Dev€lopm€nt D€parfircnt to have design' land use o. other issues which may havc a sigrificut impact on the community rmy requirc rwiew by consultants in addition to Town staff. should a dcermination be nrade by the Town stajf that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Dtp{tnent may hire the consultant. The Dopartment shall otimate the amount of moncy necessary to pay the consul6nt md this amount shall be fonrrded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an ryplication. Expenses incurr€d by the Town in orocss of the amount forwardcd by tle aipticant stalt be paid to the Town by the 4plicant wi6in 30 days of notificdion by the fon-,n. eny excess funds will be rehrned to the rylicant upon rwicw completion. Ptge2of 2 ffig '€uieei o o o I&lrt :Er,vc anssr J|'.!+l,l .Eno8 uBId.loold :tru.Ll, oNlltYrq ulBlunoI tIIrA etaqg gg rye6uop1og tons loN rt8rox{:SravN.rEford L-----Jf --IL--_J r---l FQFIe*ilf=-ld tr--lF---lf --l L---+I--ItJ:--a::--l-f--l 6i $g :3 l:o fl tr o $^E F.{ N tl l{itt :Ervq anssr &&+I fiw's uEIdetls :gLU.L ONLllYuq ulqunowIFA eftlo$HSlu.duoploo 10g6 ot{J![noxd arwN J:rfltorr { t{4 r-{ r8* i E H<ffig :,#5...'1:: f.=ii,'St: '-. -t' ,J ':_ ! __3.7-'c<E 4- .--'\ =l1l 0_l ItJltr Flr @ o I ocoOo.sF Eg6Ut=.-.c.v,()(n J A.q qb_% e*i t$EErt I! $ .t J CLc a g s E € € ,irto?H!E !E H (n { it Erljtupl',lL$i$fi ;*[*fiR F{fi_[Hq l8tt {.r,Yq snsst &.1+gl .EIYJS suoFBAeE.lopqta AtrlIt ONl/ttvlq ulqunonllBA elaqgHSIpAIueploo l(rn96 oNJ.E[OXd laravN J:raaotd $# BE$E!!{e zotr AA tu { v.oFo vo 3 tuz Fd) x|lt I() F E oF &tu tr fls$ qfrE oF ooz;at')[lx fl1E6 BF Fd)gE HFBfEpPfl ilt vlrloEtr otllJ & 3ulz Fr') xlrl IuF<t E oF o u lr.l uJzI tu 6F(D 3l|lz $l IL ! H 3 2 sBUJ$; 5.,4?\ ulXO lf (\. s{r3 vTo 3ulz v $nlr:H*ga t !u(l $ F(t) xlrl 2 AJ Jo LoFo o3o oz Fo Xlu *Hs;' sfi 8ltt rt. 8 t I TDA cotol{ADo ld,r.iif;EiffilNC, Tronsporlotion Consunonte '1675 bnrnor St Suta aO Dcrurr. CO 602@ (3oit) 825rr07 A5/671L997 LLi44 t 393-92564a4o I IJA {,I-JI-LJI!HI,'(J II.IC o HA\I OZ lvlzy 6,1997 Joe Macy Vail Assaiatcs, Irr. PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: C'oldcn Pcak Ski Stonge via FAX: (nO)479'20f3 Dear Ja, As requcstcd, we rwiewed aphn for co1$nrctillg a PqmalEntski stOrage addition ro tlre rprth ena of tfre exi*ing Golden Peak nansit shelter. This-would rcplace a temporary sqrrcurr'e us€d dnring the past sk.i season. We are familiar wit| vetrbular and Pedcstrian traffic flow in this viciniiy traving conductod the vehicular trafftc, skier drop<ff, P€d€strian_and parking counts during ttre fg95-96 scason thu lcd 111 the acccss and circulation plan for the redevel@ basc tacilii. We assistod Design Workhop saffwith &e geometic dcsign of the inown shwde bru drivc-thm larrc and Airap"tnt Children's Ccnar parking lot. hst January we obscrvcd afternmn pcek ski ctrcck-in opcrations at tln ternporery modular shed' As sbown on a 2o+cale plan daed 4l4tg7, prepared by Vail Ardrirecuue Grot4' the sorage shed would excnd about 32 fqtrnrth from ttrc existing shclter stnrnrre (orrard trc Day I-odge). In the fuOfe, panorE picking up or checking skis wilt congrES8rE at a rnrth facirg *M; door. Thc trmpoory *it *"r about 55 fcct long ard opened out o dre east, oward ttre parking tot Pedesiian flo* O the bns boarding area was not hamPered by skiets queuing ro "h""f sfis during our period of observation. The new storage unit will bc 25 fet shorter than rhe former unit and will have two service coumers, thns allowing two parallel queuing columru. We urdentard an altcrnrtive to this l@tion, moving it to the south side of the shelcr' has been suggesed. From a pcdcsfian flow penpcctivawe prefer the currcnt planned lCation for the following rcasonri: 1- The north cnd lcation fiU wittr the rnrmal sequelrcG of pedeStrian evens between cailbus ransportation - pick up/dnp off skis - head to/come off ttre slopar, ard 2. The afternsn gdhering of 50 to 80 or more intown stunle pdrons uaiting for a bus to arrive rcsu.br3 pcacstrian movcmcnt in front of tfic shclrcr. PuAing ski storage at tlle sogth end of the srucurc would attnct addcd pcdesnian florv tluough tltc congestcd passenge( berding area Ailg7/L997 tLi44 3A3-8256864o TDA @ORADO INIC o PAGb Id3 , \ Je lv{acy lvlay 5, 1997 Psss2 3. The largp garrEnng of persom waiting o b@d the next bus cqrld cause $,llrc rkiers o ,Ee int" tt" u* larc o get o a s@rage (Em lcat€d south of the bu stry. This hazard wo.ld be preduAfo by having t5c sbrage area at tlc nor11' efd of thc slrclrr' as plartrcd. The planned lFrth erd design has prorrisiou for about afuf/n ski sorage pafriolls to queue backfiom thc servica ro,to6rt bcfore beginnirrg o constic,t pedesrian flow within the circulation plaza. It will be important tfrar Vei malggemeol of $tis. skicr scrvice is such dtat twoolumrL l2{erson qu€u€s arc rct routirrly o.toOtO. We mEd I rnaxitoum accumulation of 15 skiers during otn &scrration. Hence, it appears tltc current rprth end dcsign strould turrction quie efficiendY. Plcase let me know if lou have any questiors on our assessment' Sirperely, IDA Cokrqdo,Inc.@David D. Leahy, PE Prirripd Vail Associates. lnc. May 8, 1997 Ms. Lauren Waterton Planner, Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81658 Re: Request to Amend the Golden Peak Development Code Dear Lauren: The purpose of this letter is to provide some additional supplemental information to our previous application to amend the Golden Peak Development plan for permanent ski storage. As you may recall, the Planning and Environmental Commission voted 3-3 on our previous application for permanent ski storage to be constructed at the site where the temporary facility operated during the 1996- 97 ski season. A second motion to locate the ski storage at the south end of the Bus Shelter also resulted in a 3-3 vote. Since a tie vote is a denial, our application was, in essence, rejected by the Planning and Environmental Comm ission. Since the last Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, I have asked TDA Colorado, Inc. to review our preferred alternative as well as the suggested relocation of the facility to the south end of the Bus Shelter. ow^G6 r^d opct'to'ot TDA Colorado, Inc., in the attached letter dated May 6, 1997 , has concurred with the Town of Vail staff as v t. Ecav't c/"k 8"o/t. well as with Vail Associates, Inc. that the proposed permanent stmcture located at the north end of the Bus r^d aftowhe'd Mou^tain Shelter is acceptable and preferable to one located at the south end ofthe structure. Please be aware that this application is for an amendment to the Development Plan at Golden Peak for three items: Permanent ski storage at the north end ofthe Bus Shelter; A redesigned parking attendant facility at the entrance of the Children's Center; Seasonal ski storage at the southwest entrance ofthe Children's Center between the walk and the fence. Please call with any questions. /247 .\ .l .J, \\ {.\ v/ ili',iii;friltli Yrr,{^f!rcrtrr I, 2. J. ru Jlvf/sll Attachments: Site Plan, Application, TDA letter 5/6i97 PO 8ox 7 . Vail, Colorado .81558 . phone 303 475 5601 t, oo cHrtDRS{'S CENIER '. .: -=- _:.. @" Nonhwoods Condominium Associarion PO Box l2il Vail, CO 81657 Pinos del None Condominium Associarion PO Box 59 Vail, CO 81657 Ski Club vail 596 Vrit Vrlley Drive Vait, CO 81657 Unircd Srrccs Foresc Servicc PO Box 190 lvlincurn, CO 81645 All Scrsons Condominium Assocircion ,ll4 Gorc Crcek Drive V'rril, CO 81657 Manor Vail Lodge 595 Easr Vril Vrllcy Drive vail, CO 81657 Remshorn Condominium Associecion a16 Vail Vrlley Drivc Vril, CO 81657 Tivoli Lodge ancnrion: Bob Lazicr 186 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Mr. E.B. Chester j95 Mill Creek Cirlce Vail, CO 81557 Ms. Leslie Klement PO Box 8a2 Avon, CO 81620 lvlrs. Elizabech Johnson c/o Mr. Ken Brown Baer, Vlarks and Upham LLP 805 Third Avenue New York, NY ioo23 Sr. Alejandro Dirz Brrroso acrencion: Eusraquio Conina Conina Reelty 616 Vcst Lionshead Mrll Fl0i Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Hariey G. Higbic, Jr. 1600 Broadway Suitc 1400 Denver, CO 80202 rHrs lr,' "i"rtr,5ftl;3:- PRoPERwo NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance r,rTith Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Codc ol the Town of Vail on June 9, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permil 1o q!!o* lor the construclion ol tf'" Alpin" Garden Education Center, locatecl at 620 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant; Vail Alpine Garden Foundation Planner: George Ruther A request for a variance from Section -l8.13.060 (Front Setback) and for a residential addition utifizihg the 250 Ordinance, to allow for the constiuction of a dormer addition, located at 2943 Bellllower Drive/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Frank Bannister, represented by RKD Planner: Tammie Williamson A requesl for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, lo allow for an additional bedroom, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Phylis Darnell, represented by Rob Levine. Planner; Dirk Mason A request for a worksession to discuss a zoning code amendment, to allow for ouldoor commercial ski storage, as a conditional use and to allow for commercial ski storage (indoors) in all building levels, located in the CCI and CCll Zone Districts. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton A request lor an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an additional bedroom, locatcd at 680 W. Lionshead Place, the Antlers/Lot 3, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Larry Schwimrnen, represented by Rob Levine. Planner: Dirk Mason A request to amend the Golden Peak Ski Base Development Plan to allow lor outdoor comritercial ski storage, a parking lot attendant booth and outdoor wire ski racks, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe MacyPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a variance lrom Section 16.20.010 (Signs Permifted), to allow lor tw.o building identification signs and lo allow for an increase in th-e size of traffic control signs, located. at.. I Golden Peak Ski Base, 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail }sgYitt"ge 7th Filing' { nppticant' Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Jack Hunn Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for an interior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for a study, located at 1975 Placid Drive/Lot 15 Vail Village West Filing #1. James Donaldson, represented by Gore Range Construction Dirk Mason Applicant: Planner: r-----I RECETPT - Ttc Trm Ctt D^rE <-? ,t2t7 RECETVED FROM Ns l?808 ADDRESS hrmit Numbers ,./ crulcu:!]l*Lt -l- Elrjf"l rlF tJF! I L l'l i scel l aneau:: rl;=h |1:; i.:: ',1;' ',"..,..:.,: i.:1 L il, 'j::,:l,1.:,,,_f. i.i,;.,;_ ;,r.1-1 i ,li flIf i li.:i i":'.,r 1. i; i.!i; l j ir i ii.: i !-l l::l|t',.,i!-1ii.L.il:i.ii::::j!:]';i.i:',i i''ll'i it!,". l:!r:r. j-::l :,t:,ii, i..,:. i, i-i:;',,.:,i,ri:i I t.*rr p= i d rr1 ,:rfj[rfi;1 1 ;i,1,i]if*i.l l-:1 r..:i i,:.irrl, r'i:,': t-.:l r':ir; j .:, -i-r-r "rl:i t'f.!'!I- ':'l .-:r..1 :jt:!j,i, i:: j1 _r!t ! !r:r ' ' r-. : :i !:r !-{ Frri,:,_rrr t p.r i d j _;_rL t}J t,l ., rti i:l l_Hr=f_J*. irE!_r .'r'i,;-ir ,,...jri l-,i !r: i iii_ii-irif r\ Ff[ t 80PY 10. A request for an amendment to the development plan to qllow for.outdoor ski storage' - , locared at +se vaii vairey-oriuenracr F, Viit Villaie Srh Filing and Tract B, vail Village 7th Filing, commonly referred to as the Golden Peak Ski Base' Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton Greg Moffet recused himself from agenda item #10 and #11' Lauren Waterton gave an overview of the staff memo and said that the applicant had revised the plans making it 265 sq. ft smaller, but in the same location. Joe Macy, representing VA, said he agreed with the staff recommendation. Greg Amsden asked for any public comments. Tom Neyens, a ski valet, asked if the space was getting bigger' Lauren Waterton said, no. Tom Neyens said the signage should be located elsewhere' Planning and Environmental Commission Minul,os APril 14, 1997 11 Lauren Waterton said the applicant had removed the signage, since this was addressed at the last meeting. Chris Kempf, from Vail Boot and Storage, slated that what VA was doing directty reflected on his incotne anb inat nis income was Oown?fiZ over the last two years. He said VA was going into moie anO more of vnat nurt nir. He asked why it was that th-ey could have lockers outside above ground. Tom Friesen, with Mill Creek Sports, said the lockers should comply.with the regulations and sfroufO Oe Oeiow grade. ti weittoweO lockers above grad.e, the whole Town would be loc*ers' He said lockers hid to have doors and VA had only one door' Chris Kempf said that the original intent was to have short-term storage or a ski corral idea' as opposed to seasonal locker-type storage. Gene Uselton asked Lauren who operated the ski storage in the Transportation Center' Tom Moorhead said the Storage was leased in the parking structure, but he was not certain if it was operated by the Town or leased, however, it was on TOV property' Gene Uselton asked Joe why it couldn't be located at the other end of the bus stop' Joe Mary advised that the lockers were used for the entire ninter and had not been a problem in itrii tocafion, Out trat mey nluJfooi"O at 4-5 options. The south end of the bus shelter was their 2nd choice. John Schofield asked Tom Moorhead for the distinction between Ski Base Recreation and CC1 regulations. Tom Moorhead said that the lockers under Ghair 1 were on USFS property and that there was a distinction between that location and the Golden Peak location' Ann Bishop asked il anyone had seen a copy of VA's permit. John Schofield said we didn't have jurisdiction for Chair 1. Tom Moorhead said that Golden Peak was zoned as a ski base facility and this use was permitted. John Schofield asked Joe if the wall was originally approved' He said he disagreed hat . peoestriinJ were a proOtem, but questionedtre ieaion for popping out the front for ski storage and also asked il the guardhouse should be addressed. Mike Mollica said the guardhouse was within the purview of the PEC to discuss' John Schofield said there was no other place to put it, but suggested changing the curve of the guard house, so people wouldn't run into it. Joe Macy said that the ski storage was consistent architecturally with what was there now' Galen Aasland would like it on the other side of the building and that it would not be inconvenient for anyone. Planning and Environmontal Commission Minul'es APril 14. 1997 Lz Ann Bishop stated a very big point with her was she was very much in.favor of the little guy who.'ilJ bee;t; Uuiiness. SneiiateO it was not fair to negatively impact the small business owner in Vail who had to compete with VA. She also said she ias appalled that it was constructed on the site without TOV approval and the request should be denied' Tom Moorhead informed the PEC that VA was put on notice and lhat's why they were here today. Ann Bishop stated that it was not attractive from the start. Greg Amsden said homeowners put up buildings without approval, so this was not unique' Tom Moorhead said that they didn't know when it went up, but that the TOV didn't have authority to go on ;tner people's fi#tty-t" iake something down. He said they were now coming into compliance. Diane Golden said it was unfair that the USFS allowed ski storage above ground' She felt the ski itoragJitGoffien Peaf should be located at the southeast corner on the bus shelter' Joe Macy said that would be a greater conflict with the pedestrian tratfic and he then proceeded to explain the drawing. Diane Golden asked who's bus stop it was. Joe Macy said VA's. Diane Golden said to approach the AIPP regarding artwok' Joe Macy said VA would go to the DRB and agreed it was a good idea to go to AIPP. Chris Kempf asked if this went in the back door. Tom Moorhead said it was a permitted use for the zoning, but the structure was not approved' Ann Bishop asked if it was an allowable use, although permitted. Mike Mollica said it is an allowable use. Lauren Waterton said they were requesting an expansion' because the existing development plan allowed tor ski storage, but this area was greater that what was shown. Ann Bishop asked if there were private business owners in the Gold Peak Building and that VA was the only game in Town. Jim Mandel asked when a citizen's had an incidence ol violating an ordinance and was told to decease or fix it, if VA was being treated the same. Ann Bishop said, "so that makes it right?" Greg Amsden looked over it and said the placement was proper and that it made the bus stop an atcoire. He said regarding competition, that zoning dictatld uses and we were looking at the Zoning Code. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes Aoril 14. 1997 13 Mike Mollica said, regarding the exterior racks west of the Children's Ski School, that they were not there a few weelis ago and questioned, were they going to remain' Joe Macy said the racks are there in conjunction with the Children's Ski School' Mike Mollica said it may make sense to look at this comprehensively to see all the ski storage facilities. Joe Macy said it was incongruous if ski storage in a ski area was not allowed. Jerry Parman, one of the owners of Mill Creek Sports, said he had been in business for 7 years' He 6aid that November 1 1, 1989, the Core Villaie decided storage should be underground and now cin vA do what they want. He felt it a privilege situation in ihe Ski Base Recreation Zoning. He asked why ski storag'e was needed on ttie bus-route. He said a small business economy , giue tne peoite the coivenience of skiing. He said he wanted tq gglyl into the enreprene.urial ipiiit - ff-jsaii ne moueO here because tlie mountain was here. ln 1994, they expanded their iiciers and it took quite a bit of energy, over 6 weeks to get this done. He asked wifi allthe lockers in Town, was tttis a valid use. John Schofield made a motion for approval with a change to the location of the lockers to the southeast end instead of the northwest end. Galen Aasland seconded the motion The motion failed by a vote of 3-3 (Gene Uselton, Diane Golden, & Ann Bishop opposed). Gene Uselton made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion failed by a vote of 3-3 ( John Schofield, Galen Aasland & Ann Bishop opposed) Jim Mandel said VA would accept a tie. Greg Amsden said the motion was denied. Tom Moorhead said VA could appeal this decision to the Town Council, amend the application, or come back with this same application. Ann Bishop asked about the unpermifted structure. Tom Moorhead said it had to be removed. Planning and Environmenul Commission Minutes ADril 14, 1997 l4 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: O R ICINA L MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April14, 1997 A request for an amendment to the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base to allow lor outdoor ski storage, tocaied at 458 VailValley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing and Tract B, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton I. DESCRIPnON OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting to amend the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base to al6w for outdoor ski storaie. While indoor and butdooi ski storage is a permitted use within the Ski Base/Recreation zone-district, the development plan must be amended to show the approved location on the plan. The existing developmdnt ptari indicates that ski storage will be provlded ritnin a portion of the existing bus sheltei. However, that space is not being utilized as ski . storage. Recently, an 800 sqluare foot structure that encloses the skis has been constructed on site, ilitrout Town'ot Vail apfroval. This application is a request to come into compliance with the development Plan. On March 10, 1997, the PEC reviewed a request to amend the development plan in order 1o allow the existing ski storage to continue. Ai that time, the application was tabled in order to ibw tfre appticait to addr6ss the PEC's concerns related to lack of compatibility between the existing sflbtures and the proposed ski storage and the location of the proposed use. The applicant has revised the plans to address these concerns. The proposed building will be in approi imatety the same locati6n as the existing structure, however, it will be 265 square feet . sftiat6r tn"an ine existing structure. The applicint is proposing to expand the existing bus shelter, continuing the stucco wills and stone pilldrs to allow the ski storage to be integrated into.the bus shelter. An entrance to the building willbe on the north side, facing the main building. The buifding will contain an attendant booth and racks to hold approxim alely 420 pairs of skis that are stored overnight. II. BACKGROUND In 1983, a new zone district, Ski Base/Recreation, was created in order to allow the Golden Peak Ski Base facility to be rezoned from Agricultural and Open Space to Ski Base/Recreation. As a part of the rezoning process, a development plan for the site was required. In late 1983' the ?own iouncif apprived a development plan ior the Golden Peak Ski Base. The plan has been amended several times over the years. The most recent amendment occurred on December 19, 1995, when the Town Council approved an amendment to the development plan for the Golden Peak ski Base. That amendment included a new base taciiiiy (burienity under construction), new chair lifts, a new bus lane and bus shelter, new drop-otf areas and other site improvements' In conjunction with the development plan approval, the Town Council approved Ordinance 24' Series of 1995, that upd;ted th; hntiJage bitne Sni Base/Recreation zone district' The Golden F;"k Sii Bale'is ttre bnfipropetty nfitnii the Town of Vail with this zoning designation' III. ZONING ANALYSIS Staff believes that this amendment does not affect any of the zoning standards for the Ski Base/Recreation zone district. IV. REVIEW CRITERIA The development plan for the Ski Base Recreation zone district shall meet each of the following standards or demonstrate that either one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved: Develooment Plan Standardyoriteria for Evaluation 1. The developer will provide a buffer zone in areas where the Ski Base/Recreation di;trict boundary is adiacent to a residentlal use dlstrict boundary. The butter zone must -be fepi tree of buildings or structures and mustbe|andscaped,sc]eenedtoprotectitbynatura|featuressothat adverse efiscts on ttre surrounding areas ars minimized. This may require a buffer zone of sufficient size to adequatety separate the proposed use from the surroundlng properties in terms of visual privacy'l9is9'adequatel'ght' air, alr pollutaon,'sig;lage and other comparable potentially incompatlble factots; Staff believes that the addition of the ski storage will not impact the buffer zone between this site and the neighborhood. This use does not remove any tanOscaping or deirease theiuffer area. The ski storage is located between the Ous stoi ariO tne main building and will not adversely impact the surrounding neighborhood. 2. A clrculatlon system designed for the type of tEffic gencrated' taklng Into consideration tatety, separation from living areas' convenience' access' noise, and exhausttontiol. Private internal streets may be permitted if they can be used by police and fire department vehicles for emergency purpos6. Bicycte trafflcihall be considered and provided when the site as to be used for residential PurPoses; Staff believes that the addition of ski storage to this site will not adversely iPpac!. the circulation "yJter. The addition of the-ski storage building to this location will not add significdniiongestion in the plaza area. Staff believes that since the 4. 5. previous review by the PEC, the applicant has re^vised the plan.to alleviate staff's ind the pEC's concerns related to iongestion. Staff believes that x1e proposed contiguration of the ski storage will allow for queuing, without negatively impact the pedestrian circulation. Functlonal open space in terms of: optimum preservation of natural teatures (lncluding tries aiO drainage areas), recreatlon, vlews, conveniencg and function; The amendment does not affect the open space of this site. Staff believes this criterion is not applicable. Variety in terms of: housing type, densities, facilities and open space; This criterion is not applicable to this request to amend the development plan. Prlvacy In terms of the needs of: individuals, families and neighbors; Statf does not believe that the proposed amendment will affect this criterion' Pedestrian traffic in terms of: safeu, separation, convenience' access to polnts of destinatlon, and attractiveness; Statf believes that the proposed ski storage will not interfere with the internal peJeiiian circulation 6n-iite. On the exiSting development plan, the area around ii',tbra stop was identified as a plaza, accommodating pedestrian mov.ement in this area. inis ptaza connects the Children's Center, main building, ski lifts and bus stop. Whil; this proposal will reduce the plaza area, staff believes that the ieviseO'pfan reduces'thd impact ot the proposal by allowing pgopl,e lo queue for the ski dtorage in an area tfiat is out of the way of the pedestrian traffic flow. Building type in terms of: appropriateness to densaty, site relationship' and bulk; Statl believes that this building is appropriately sized for the proposed location. The applicant has shown now it is ibssiUte to integrate it into the existing bus shelter. Stafl is concerned about the amount of blank wall facing onto the bus lane and entry plaza. In order to reduce the impact of this wall, staff would recommend tirit tne approved sign program for this development be amended in order to allow a directibhat sign oin this wall. Specifically, the sign program calls for a directional sign to be loCated on the corner of the ret ining wall (see anaineO s1e plani. Staff recommends that the sign be eliminated.and replaced with a sign 1oi the same size) on the wall of this building' Staff believes.that it is a more ap[tobtiate location foi a directory sign and will add visual interest to this building. Landscaping of the total site in terms of: purposes, tYP€sn maintenance' sultabilaty, and effsct on the neighborhood. This amendment will not atfect any existing or proposed landscaping. The ski 7. 8. storage building is located on an existing plaza and statf believes that his propoled use does not atfect this criterion' V. STAFF RECOiIIIENDATION The community Development Department stalf recommends approval.offie apPlica.nls 1eqy.est to allow for an amendt"niioin" b"uelopment plan for the Goliin Peak Ski Base subject to the following finding: That the proposed major amendment has met the 8 criteria lor evaluation of a developmeni plan in the Ski BaseiRecreation zone district' The recommendation for approval is subject to the following condition: That the applicant submit an application to the Design R.eviey Board to amend the sign piogrim io inodify int rociiion or the directional sigi. The sign shown on Sheet 1'2 of lne-Sign erogram, approreO by the Design Review Board on July 17, 1996' must be removed trom 16e'Sig'n erogra'm in ordeito locate a directional sign on the wall of the ski storage building. F :bwryoneb*VnemGbp€ak41 4 :ru! orllJlYloql|rlol^l [lA et8rots Fls lr.d s.Hoo :Elvt{lflla89ffi -::=r r-;FEFEd * '==VY: -FG-) =3F$*= I <lJI 0_l rulb ;l! @ ru*t<-rfD' aal' rwqmss Il .dJ trrjtJA - uEIiIJooId s!||unot'{ lp^ eturots pls Ir.aI EePIoD uqt o{J.Irou |llilvxl:E olL L-----Jf ---rL_-J E4ql"s tr--lF---ltr--l r I uiH !ll tr zotr oI6 5H<tXaI I HEl: |rlF -.|' ^ q Zdttdl S:d HgH_[gg EiBTBBF 8uogEAeE.!oF?r{I qnuuor{ ul^ .tBrols HS IFed rrplo.J :5iYNJ:B'ol" 6l 3l 5l rul tlll. al! ols @ t!l u E o !o['|ll E uul 2I [l 6 o 3ltlz E$$ qfrE oFoo{soIo||lE-!ro B3 IE3S EI f,E q ulo OFxo|ll lllxi 5qpE reg s ll I $ 3|rtz o 6 l|lo* H 6 Xul **ci, !3 flIJ o { tii {t3lrlz $[giiHrs* ozot- { o flw\qt'Trc, -;::;---=-- 'e rl y'th'ytui"Wz Nhaf ^iqu *ryw^d'ffi<r'tu*a\4- '-' {tl\Wt 0ov^Ph1 t$\fh f(Nah'll^s. 4\wvutL tu -,t tlg W,t^M:qo w \r\tu7 Wwyatru^croo<- z L lt 6qd truvil -(bv,.rw/ V,4 -**.3 url s zrnna,tt VW. fu^\lrcd eV&hi5 4in urfi"w 'V2 r.\\o *le z[ 'b rey1'ld.!^. {qywt ,{lnl,wld, W dq,ur/ . lW.-- qYt Avry NoM F, V*x nrlWsvd tfie, - lNitl lnv N Axl -2 trrE i%u.e.- .- t{tue e,Vvt ffMb, - \tgkl, Gk +6 ftlwu+'24-Lk& 1tn6xt/q- ffi ,a\o-v *c, (rffiv'$tlwtr-cl'li \!r r s\-/ L/\Jt rY vv ! \x,,u vc-,r/ It r i]$JA'- - dLngw.< N\fh qJu'@ rqt'vd,vt6 a,rr*lal*,w ifro^, il - Lv: r --r^-- ,..^r. ^- r, ' , l .- --. I t /^t--rIfT* t^ -,Uqbtw uvfu,^rc,\tcs,x \ i+or^- Vh(9, vtV,aotrtE Il, did<<x'o^r,x A,u/"- fvue uaf ult&*- i: wvthr,i^- ri"V 4 i+ ,rf,,M^ €+(. JA& At09hnvr' w\*e csnrti^1 al* ftrttnsr rrto TVzSt- Cvard'AwpLv ' ,tv onr|4ow&'k, uuwrcg <V tu,t9' o t1^rrk T&R\r. Jc>1^J ru.,\^- i^^-tD + . tit 6lvar' b\^* r*gl".L{ "\-q-ur rf o',"- sfru-. tilt- l:M- drye r,^ri*t^ Johrn- vu" otk'< d3-'- I anrnU hrurto (At\iuvns wl sw^a,t!- i Wl mlt?rMo',' o( <w \,Jf!<. Wt opry*c) 4o ' UwrYur-+ W,ar'rrtw^* t+ D?. w oo {rylA? .lots4c-+-e8-{me ,7a"c+eQ ( e-. Li& -s<-to,.x- 1o l,eo?-& -eUi.*re6u- Vail Associates, Inc. Ovrnen and OperaloB of vall, Seavet crcel( Re'tr't and Aflowhe& Mountain" Mrs. Lauren Waterton Planner, Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 March 28, 1997 Dear Lauren: At the request of the Planning and Environmental Commission, we have reviewed altemative siting options for ski storage at Golden Peak, The other altemative sites we looked at would have required the construction of a new facility to accommodate storage. One of the many objectives of the redevelopment of Golden Peak was lo reduce the number of structures and facilities into a more cohesive situation. We agree with the staff and the PEC that the cunent temporary ski storage facility at the bus stop site is not compalible with our vision for Golden Peak from an aesthetic standpoint. We are willing to address this issue. As you know, we differ with the staff on whether the existing site works well for our guests, from the standpoint of service and convenience. I have spent many hours at Golden Peak monitoring the overall site this winter. During those times, I have also been able to observe the operation of the existing ski storage. I have seen no problems with its operations contributing to congestion at the site or interfering with the bus operation, in particular. I have also reviewed the operation and siting options with our retail services staff and they agree that the present site is optimal for our guests. As I have pointed out to the staff and PEC, any conflict between the current site and the temporary ramp should be mitigated when the permanent circulation, patios, walkways, etc. are completed this summer and the temporary ramp is removed. We believe that if we receive the development plan amendment we have sought for the present site, we can then integrate the ski storage into the bus stop / lift attendant facility so that it would 'read' as a single cohesive structure architecturally. lf we are unable to receive development plan approval for this site, consider what will most likely replace it: temporary ski racks, trash cans and the retaining wall for the lift maze would be completely visible making the area considerably more unattractive than it is now.\d? \v/ 19'9 Yo|lD,ll'|ti! s! cfl rnoN$fltl ftllrluvncufl PO Box 7 . Vail, Colorado .81558 . phone 970 475 5501 t, ln summary, we still believe that the cunent site is the optimal site to serve our guesb, I would be glad to visit the site wi$r you to review our proposal with the staff at your convenience. Please callwith any questions. Sincercly, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. ?ft*re7/ Jcr-ltr,t n FIL T COP Y 7. A request for an amendment to the development plan to allow for.outdoor ski storage' tocated at aS8 Vaii Vattey -orivenracr F, Viil Villaie Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing, commonly referred to as the Golden Peak Ski Base' Applicant: Vail Associates' Inc. Planner: Lauren Waterlon Lauren Waterton gave an overview of the staff memo' Greg Moffet disclosed, for the record, that VA was a customer of his. Joe Macy showed pictures taken on fie site between 3 pm and 415 pm regarding cirs!^l*911"- and from the ski mbuntain and fte interference with the loading of the bus. He said mat me llne ior tne ski storage did extend out to the tent across the temporary ramp. He did mention that Golden Peak wls not operating the way it would when completed. He then demonstrated the circulation upon completion and did not feel it a big problem' Diane Golden asked what operations were under the shaded area. Jack Hunn explained the illustrations. Greg Mofiet asked if they were moving the maze out. Joe Macy said, no. Jim Lamont said the EVHA didn't have any objection. He said it needed to be allowed to finish out the season and then be thrown into he same category as the Pavilion. Joe Macy said this was not compatible with the whole project._He. concurred with the PEC' staff and Mr. Lamont that it was not up to the standards of Golden Peak. Greg Moffet asked if the PEC could sunset it until the beginning of next season. Mike Mollica said thatwould be difticult, as there was no provision in the code to allow for a temporary or seasonal facilitY. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes March 10, 1997 16 Galen Aasland asked to have it removed by April 23' 1997. Joe Macy said that he would like to continue until the end of the season and come in with a new ORa apt'lication 30 to 45 days. He said the facility would not be able to be used until next season. Greg Amsden said this had some square footage ramifications. Lauren Waterton said the square footage requirements in this zone district are different than in other districts. The zoning rbfers to the mairi building which has square footage limitations. Anything outside the building does not have the same limitations. Jim Lamont, EVHA, said the applicant was conlorming to the covenanF and it was an allowed use in the development plan. John Schofield agreed with staff, but he thought more room in the corner was needed to make it work. He said thit based on the temporary nature ol the structure, to table it until the 1st meeting in May. Gene Uselton suggested tabling it until the ski season was over. Galen Aasland said to figure out some type of circulation system with the garage door-s not in front. He expressed coniern with one corner where people would be waiting to buy lift tickets. He also suggested building a wall near Chair 6. Diane Gotden said she was surprised that this was such an afterthought' Joe Macy said his hands had been lull with so many projects going on at the same time. He said he did n6t think of this until the first of December and would like to table it until the end of the season. Henry Pratt said he worried about tabling this, as it could be perceived as giving the applicant special consideration. Greg Moflet said he would like to see a coherent plan, since it's a us€ we need. He was concerned that the the applicant was asking lor forgiveness, rather than permission. Mike Mollica said he was concerned about tabling this until May. He suggested working with staff on the aesthetics, materials and return to the PEC in April. Joe Macy said if it's tabled, it would give us a chance to work on it and not start from scratch. Mike Mollica said there were numerous complaints regarding the property and the attendant booth at the entrance needed to be removed. Greg Moffet said the PEC was not playing favorites by tabling this item, because the applicant had a variety of issues to resolve. Joe Macy said the attendant booth by the Children's Center will be taken care of. Planning and Environnnental Comrmsston Minules March 10, 1997 11 Jotrn Sctrofrcld made a moton to teble thls item untlApril 14' 1997' Gene Usolton s€conded the mofon. The motion pessed by a ttote of 7'0. Phning rrd Ewiroononbl Comission MiNtss Marcb 10, 199?1.8 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: IIEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 10, 1997 A request for an amendment to the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Baseto allow for outdoor skistorage, located at 458 VailValley Drive/Tract F' Vail Village 5th Filing and Tract B, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Planner: Lauren Waterton I. DESCRIPnON OFT}IE REOUEST The applicant is requesting to amend the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base to allow idr outdoor slii storage. While indoor and outdoor ski storage is a permitted use within the Ski Base/Recreation zone disfict, the development plan must be amended to show the approved location on the ptan. The existing development plan indicates that ski storage wfll be provided within a portion of the existing bus shelter. However, that space is not being utilized as ski storage. Recendy, an 800 sqlare foot structure that encloses he skis has been constructed on site, without Town of Vail approval. This application is a request to come into compliance with the development plan. The ski storage building is located between the bus shelter and the new ski base building, on the east side of the site (sele attached plan). The building contains an attendant booth and racks to hold approxim ately 420 pairs of st<i's that are stored overnight. The building is constructed of plyro6d wrapped in vinyl tent fabric, with 5 metal garage doors that are closed at night to secure the building. II. BACKGROUND In 1983, a new zone district, Ski Base/Recreation, was created in order to allow the Golden Peak Ski Base facility to be rezoned from Agricultural and Open Space to Ski Base/Recreation. As a part of the rezoning process, a development plan for the site was required. In late 1983, the Town Council approved a development plan for the Golden Peak ski base. The plan has been amended several times over the years. The most recent amendment occurred on December 19, 1995, when the Town Council approved an amendment to the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base. That amendment included a new base facility (curreniy under construction), new chair lifts, a new bus lane and bus shelter, new drop-otf areas and other site improvements. In conjunction with the development plan approval, the Town Council approved Ordinance 24, Series of 1995, that updated the language oi tne SU Base/Recreation zone district. The Golden Peak ski base is the only property within the Town of Vail with this zoning designation. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Staff believes that this amendment does not affect any of the zoning standards for the Ski Base/Recreation zone district. IV. REVIEWCR|TERIA The development plan for the Ski Base Recreation zone district shall meet each of the following standards dr dem6nstrate that either one or more of thern is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved: Development Plan Standards/Criteria for Evaluation 1, The developer wlll provide a buffer zone in arcas where the Skl Base/Recreatlon dlstrlct boundary ls adlacent to a residentlal use dlstrict boundary. The buffer zone muat be kept tres ol bulldings or structures and must be landscaped, screened to protect it by natural features so that adverce efiects on ths surroundlng areas are minlmized. Thls may rcquire a buffer zone of sufficient size to adequately sepalate the proposed use from the surrounding properties In terms of vlsual privacy, noise, adequate light' air, air pollution, signage and other comparable potentially incompatible factor; Staff believes that the addition of the ski storage will not impact the buffer zone between this site and the neighborhood. This use does not remove any landscaping or decrease the butfer area. The ski storage is located between the bus stop and the main building and will not adversely impact the surrounding neighborhood. 2. A clrculation system designed for the type of trafiic genelated' taklng into consideration safety, Separation from living areas, convenience' access' noiss, and exhaust control. Prlvate internal streets may be permitted if they can be used by police and fire department vehlcles for emergency purposes. Blcycle traffic shall be considered and provlded when the slb ls to be used for residential purposes; Staff believes that the addition of ski storage to this site will adversely impact the circulation system. The addition of the ski storage buildings adds congestion in the plaza area, immediately adjacent to the bus lane. The added congestion may jeopordize the satety of the pedestrians waiting in this area. On busy days, when ihere are numerous people waiting to put skis in storage, and people waiting for the bus, it it likely that people will not notice buses in the bus lane. Statf acknowledges that allowing people to store their skis overnight may reduce the dwelltime of the bus at the stop and improve the efficiency for the bus system. However, keeping this area as free from congestion as possible will reduce the chance of a bus/pedestrian mishap. Staff believes that the ski storage building will negatively impact this criteria. 3.Functlonal open space In terms of: optimum presentation of natural fgatures (lncludlng trees and dralnage areas), recreation, views, Gonvenlence, and functlon; The amendment does not atfect the open space of this site. Staff believes this criteria is not applicable. Vadety In terms of: houslng type, dEnsltles' facllltlss and open space; This criteria is not applicable to this request to amend the development plan' Privacy in terms of the needs of: individuals, families and neighbors; Statf does not believe that the proposed amendrnent will affect this criteria. Pedestrian traffic in terms of: safety, sspalataon, convenience' acoess to points of destination, and attractlveness; Staff is concerned ftat the proposed ski storage interferes with the internal pedestrian circulation on-siie. 'On the existing development plan, the area around ine bus stop was identified as a plaza, accommodating pedestrian movement in this area. tfris plaza connects the Children's Center, main building, ski lifts and bus stop. This can be a very congested area and the ski storage building occupies a large area of the plaza. Furthermore, the northeast corner of the buiEing significantly constricts pedestrian flow from the mountain to the bus stop. It forces people into a narrow area between the ski storage building and the main building. This area is further congested by numerous unauthorized freestanding signs and portable ski racks. Staff does not believe that this is an efficient use of this space. lt adds to the congestion of the area and does not promote convenient access to and from the chair lifts. Staff acknowledges that the use of ski storage is a benefit to the guest and is an appropriate use within the ski base. However, staff's concerns relate to the location, size and design of the proposed ski storage building. Staff believes that the ski storage should be redesigned and/or relocated to reduce congestion in this area. Building type in terms of: appropriateness to density, site relationship' and bulk; Staff believes that this building is not appropriately sized for the proposed location. This building does not relate well to the surrounding structures. lt is not architecturally compatible with the existing structures, nor do the building materials meet the Town of Vail's design guidelines. Because this building is located between two architecturally compatible buildings (the main building and the bus shelter) and is in a very visible location, staff believes this structures needs to be architecturally compatible with the other structures on-site. Statf believes that this is not the proper location for a building this size. Clearly' this building was an afterttrought and is not well integrated into the site' The 4. 5. 6. 7. building interferes with the circulation between the various uses on-site and statf believel that the size of the building prevents a visual connection with the mountain when arriving by bus. 8. Landscaping of the total site in terms of : purposes, UP€s, malntsnance' suitablllty, and effest on the neighborhood. This amendment will not atlect any existing or proposed landscaping. The ski storage building is located on an existing plaza and statf believes that this proposed use does not affect this criteria. V. STAFF RECOIIIIENDATION The Community Development Department statf recommends denial of he applicanfs request to allow for an amendment to the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base subject to the following flnding: The proposed major amendment has not met the criteria for evaluation of a development plan'in the Ski Base/Recreation zone district. Specifically, the amendment has not met criteria 2,6 and7. Should the PEC, however, choose to approve this request, staff believes he following conditions are appropriate: 1. That the buitding be reduced in size. Specifically, that the length of the building be reduced by 20 feet on the north side, to allow for a more open circulation system. lf the applicant is unwilling to reduce the size of the building, staff recommends tnai tne building be moved to a location that does not impede or constrict pedestrian flow. 2. That the building be redesigned and be architecturally integral (including materials) to the existing bus shelter. Additionally, that metal garage doors not be permitted on this building. 3. That the signs on tre skistorage building be removed immediately and the applicant submit an application for any requested sign related to the ski storage use. Additionally, that all existing freestanding signs located on the site be removed immediately. 4. That t|e attendant booth for the Children's Center parking lot be removed immediately. lt is not on the approved development plan and has not be approved by the Town of Vail. F :bwrymepecVnenosbpek.S 1 0 --..,n_.-1.1 I, r..rr!:. , . .,_ (( | \.// _/l I on N :| G1 \ o TS o : \.! $( ir_ G rl I I l I ltir ( ,1, 't- I llif , I I I 2r il E rEEtlI = fo'E(DtU :U1!I FI ED.o ..Jl;i! !HP' ::'li i Isn;t' E =='R2-.' _a Egrtrr f;f;!iif;fiiii !3!t tilt'iH oo (etAn"- Qe*t- 3lto117 /\A st r' \--'DYa'q41 tlncqv wl uroula(tsn l/-1fr/+W final plnn fN ilra':lahw , {\v qtlc rs ah[t uyu]er Lonz{ru-th'vr ' dIW\\ W,\rAtU cia,ttLdriivr 'v il,' ?hu,, tdl^q^, liw u/o+ie+ (hwV, if5 +nlq An f ',f wwv+ o? . J dtpni,l b[a't r- Vnildur1 t;,c hmq-Hbb .lJUl^// ufydu tTtth<a{s . tu6 n1- h ww4a',L WU wdo +D fuwu _ Lo,n cp- rrna,c{ ,a[=ov I C.trc"u'ur_flvn . efl"r Lb,w./lt\) t-v, .' Wol,,ll rD+ L(t h x- (l,En W"^frL dnry, U//, Wu- A,ildlrvEo Vt-:ltt-.'fu.tn7" * l,,tluWltwad T IJ M' ' Au.4/f^a.d :thkt l"- gila l,-- zvn- a#orlno%L{. - " n1- WYr.{ru.rl tbowt, \Ocanew, rf, r.l-E Vb"lxd, i+ ,Jl \qv=lfu,rnYvz. M' C-.n,, -k=o-g- Qucstions? Cn. Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw mu'st rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prioi to subnritting for a buiidjng permit. For specific infomration. scc thc submittal rcquircltcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infornration is subnrittcd. thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Conrrnission. Dcsign Revicw BOard approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr finat approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTIoNoFTHEREQUEST: Ski Storaqe facility at Golden peak Rttc step B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- FILING: Tract F ' Filing VV 5th pHySTCALADDRESS: 458 Vail Va1Iey Drive D.NAMEOFOWNER(S): Vail Associates, rnc- MAILINC 4ppp6gg. P. O. Box 7 Vail ' CO 81658 PHONE: 479-301? E, F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: J6e Macy. Vail Assot-.i ates. Tnr- - MAILINC 4ppp6gg. P. o. Box 7 ZONING: ski l^'aqa ,/ rcnreatj.on 4?g-30.l')Vail, co 81558 PHONE: C. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. D Addilion -$50 lncludcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrmcrcial building. >EI Minor Alteration - $20 Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc itnproventcnts, such as. -: rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls, ctc. E Conccptual Rcvicw - $0 For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to nrcet rvith Dcsign Rcview Board to dctcrmine whether or not thc projcct generally complics with thc design guidelincs. Thc DRB docs not vote on conccptual rcvicws' DRB fces arc to bc paid at thc timc of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcrmit, plcase identify thc accurate valuation ofthe project. TheTown ofVail will adjust the fee according to thc project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 souTH FRONTAGE ROAD' TOl'iiN OFVAIL vArL, coLoRADO 81657. updared l/97 .. o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding TYPE OF MATERIAL: Tent Fabric Garaqe door type Galvanized Steel None None None COLOR:r Tan -'- Off-whi +a - Off-white Fabric Tan Othcr Wall Matcrials concrrte - rcFl wAl I Concrete Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trint l{and or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouses Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr Fabric - minor wood trim Attendant Facility * Please'specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). lf exterior lighting is proposcd, please indicate the number of fixtues and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixnre type and providc the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut shcet of the lighting fixhrcs. This fornr is to veriff servicc availability and location for new constntction and should be uscd in conjunction with prcparing yo* utihty plan and schtduling instaltations. Thc location and availabiliry of utilitics. whcthcr thcy 6c inain trunk lincs or proposcd lincs' tuit b. approvcd and verified by the following utilitics for thc accornpanying sitc Plan. NOT APPLICABLE UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION Authorized Sisrarure Datc U.S. Wcst Communications | -800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc ComPanY 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elecnic Assoc' 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John BoYd l{critagc Cablcvision T.V. 949-5530 Stcvc Hiatt Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District i 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc * plcasc bring a sitc plan. floor plur, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc flow necds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l. If thc utility verification form has signahrcs from cach of the utility companies, and no comments are madc directly on ths iorm, the Town will presumc that tlerc are no problems and the develoPment can Proceed. Z. lf a utility company has concems with thc proposcd construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form thit therc is a problem which needs to be resolved. The iszue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility ofthe utility company and the applicant to resolve identified Problems. These verifications do not relieve the contactor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at tbe Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be J. obained before disging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail' A I. , I I, PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrencc with a planning staff membcr is strongly cncouragcd. No application can bc acccptcd.unlcss it is complctc. lt is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to make an appointmcnt with thc staff to dctcrminc additional subnrinal requircmcnts. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Review Board mccts on thc I st and 3rd Wedncsdays of each rnonth. A complctc application form and all accompanying material must be acccpted by thc Comrnunity Dcvelopment Dcpartmcnt a minimurn of three and a half (3 l/2) wceks prior to the datc of thc DRB public hcaring, with the cxception of conccptual revicws. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewcd for compliance with thc Dcsigrr Guidclinos as sct forth in Section I 8.54 of thc Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a happcd hazard arca (i,e. snow avalanchc, rocldall, floodplain, debris flow. wctland, ctc), a hazard study must bc submitted and thc owncr must sign an affidavit rccognizing the hazard rcport prior to thc issuance ofa building pcrmit. Applicants arc cncouraged to chcck with thc planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to dotcrminc thc rclationship of thc propcrty to all mappcd hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcys, sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc inrprovcnrcnts plans. all of thc following must bc shown, l. Plan shcct sizc must bc 24"x36". For largc projccts, largcr plan sizc ntay bc allowcd. 2. Scalc. Thc ntinimum scalc is l"=20'. All olans must beat thc samc scalc' 3, Graphic bar scalc. 4. North arrow. 5. Titlc block, projcct nanrc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription. 6. Indication ofplan prcparcr, addrcss and phonc numbcr.'7. Datcs of original plan prcparation and all revision datcs. 8. Vicinity nrap or location map at a scale of l"=1,000' or largcr. 9. Shcct labcls and numbers. l0 . A bordcr with a minirnum lcft side margin of 1.5", I l. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. C. For new consfuction and additions, the applicant must stake and tapc the project sitc to indicatc properfy lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trces to be removed must be taped. Thc applicant must ensure that stahng done during the wintcr is not buried by snow. AII site taPings and staking must be complcted prior to thc day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be posgone4 will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished' E. Ifthe DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions ofapproval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. III. tv. STAFF APPROVAL ' Thc Administrator may rcvicw and approve Dcsign Rwicw applications, approvc with ccrtain modifications' dcny thc application, or may rcfcr thc applicationlo thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board for dccision. All staff approuals arc subject to final approval by thc DRB. Thc following typcs of Dcsigtl Rcvicw applications rnay bc staff approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an cxisting building that is consistcnt with the architcctural design' rnaterials and colors ofthc building, and approval hasbeen rcceived by an authorizcd nrembcr ofa condominium association, if applicablc; B. Any application to nrodify an cxisting building that does not significantly change the cxisting planes of inc buitding and is gencrally consiitcnt with thc architectuml desigrr, nlaterials and colors of thc building. including, but not limited to cxtcrior building finish materials (e.g. stonework, siding. roof matcrials, paint or stain,). cxterior lighting, canopics or awnings, fcnccs. antcnnas. satellitc dishcs, windows, skylights, siding, minor comnrcrcial facade improvcmcnts, and other similar modifisations; C. Any application for sitc improvements or nrodifications including, but not limitcd to, drivcway modifications, sitc grading, sitc walls, rcmoval or modifications to existing lurd.scaping, installation of acccssory structurcs or rccrcational facilitics. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. lf this application rcquircs a scparato rcvicw by any local, statc or Fedcnl agcncy othcr than thc Towrr ofVail. thc application icc shall bc incrcascd by $200.00. Exanrplcs ofsuch rcvicw, may includc, but arc not linrircd to: Colorado Dcpartnrcnt of Highway Acccss Pcrntits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. ctc. B. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of50% ofthc application fcc. lf, at thc applicant's rcqucst, any nrattcr is postponcd for hcaring, causing thc mattcr to'bc rc-published. thcn thc entirc fcc for such rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant' C. Applications decmcd by thc Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartnrcrrt to havc dcsign, land usc or othsr isiucs which may havc a sigrrificant impact on thc cornmunity may rcquirc rcvicw by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination bc madc by thc Town staff that an outsidc consultant is needed, the Community Dcvclopment Dcpartnrcnt may hirc thc consultant. Thc Dcpartmcnt shall estimate the amount of moncy necessary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to thc Town by thc applicant at ihc time oifiling un application. Expcnscs incurred by thc Town in excess of thc "*o*t forwardcd by the application-s-hall be paid to thc Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will bc rcturned to the applicant upon rcview completion. VI. Vail Associates, Inr. Owrc6 and Ope.ators of Wil, kavet Crcel. FFJson and Anovhead fulou ntain" '\\\,2 \v/ l',9 ltorD lo[{l s! cMrnoil$Ift vrll/llrvtlcltat Ms. Lauren Vaterton Planner, Communicy Development Department 25 S. Frontage Road lVest Vail, Colorado 81657 February 7,1997 Dear Lauren: The purpose of this letter is to request a change in the Development Plan for our Golden Peak faciliry to allow for ski storage facilities and an attendant facility in the Children's Parking Lot as outdoor uses. Golden Peak Ski Storage Facility Ski storage facilities have been permitted at Golden Peak since 7987 as an outdoor use. (See attached DRB approval) In the complex and lengthy process involving the permitting of the Golden Peak facilities, the need for outdoor ski storage was overlooked. Vhen we realized this shonly after Thanksgiving, a site was designated and the structure was manufaclured and installed to accommodate this need. Our guests have become accusromed to this service since its inception in 1987 . The faciliry at Golden Peak has been vrell received by our guests as it is in a very convenient location adjacent to the bus stop. As you have pointed out to me in your leter dated 12/30/96, technically this use requires an amendment to the Development Plan, even though this use existed at Golden Peak outdoors since 1987. Parking Attendant Facility in Children's Parking Lot Seasonal parking attendant facilities have existed at Golden Peak as long as I can remember. Apparently, these were not addressed in the development plan either, This facility would only be needed on a winter seasonal basis from November lst to May lst and would be removed during the rest of the year. Attached is a list of neighboring property owners if staff feels that these minor changes to the Development Plan requires PEC, rather than staff, approval. Please call me if you have any questions. Regards, VAIL ASSOCIATES,INC. 'M aac-, floeMacy / Governmental Affairs attachments: List of propeny owners and addressed envelopes PO Box 7 . Vail, Colorado .81658 . ohone 970 476 5601 tt tsAgE E tsEYOND. REFER gTRLICT DIII3g, O\€RI..IEAD DOOR TRACK AY DOOR INSTALLER rzr,'xg,,xFt,lLL t_lT6 gTL E U,ELDED TO 4"x4"xr4" gTL rutsE BY TENT IlFR tlttlLll_Lr Lll llLI -r@ Vail Architecture group A rdnul S.ik Cqldiim (9?0) 949-7034 lu: Pm)9altl!,agnrit .nhtf rtovril,r*l PHASE CD SHEET: M.L RE: PLAN DETAIL I strqroq^6F RAcr<g,i I rvts. I PRoTECTNAME: PRo'ECTNO: 9626 Golden Peak Ski Storage Vailq Colorado DRAWINC TITLE: FloorPlan scALE: Arshorr lssuEDATEr 12'12'96 L_l I LJ tllllLItLJ LIIL F{EADER TRII55 FASCIA TR!I39 .^,FRAI1'G DETAIL w th"=t,_o" ,l I /^ FRAII'G DETAIL Fff Vail Architecture goup A tE[d S.rric. CorF. b. (970) 949-7034 f.r: (970) x9{l}. €rdl rd(trpgvtt||.i PROJECTNAMET PROTECTNO: 9626 GoldenPeakSki Storage Vail, Colorado DRAWINC TTTLE: FramingPlan SCALE: A, sllo*! lssuE DATE| l2'12't6 PHASE: CD SHEET: M.2 RE: FRAIIING PLAN TENT FAtsRIC ON PLYIIJD tr "xS"lljxFULL I{GT gTL E FOR OH DOOR TRACK I1TG Vail Architecture goup Farcul Sdi<t CaFrtd (90) 9,19-7034 tui O70) t{},tlY !'ndt utfiBrgovrilnclffif PROIECTNAME: PROTECTNO: 9626 Golden Peak Ski Storage Vail, Colorado DRAWINC TITLE: East and North Elevation SCALE: AShorD ISSUEDATE: 12.12'96 PHASE @ SHEET: A3.1 REr A2.l tl ll lr PORTAtsLE casr{lER HOU9E TENT 5ECT|ON a C.A5H|ER __ ..-,-__-____. __:=-:-: I --.'_,-__-_l COIL'G OVERI]EAD DOOR ru Vail Architecture group A !t|s.l Sdri.. C*Fdh. (970) 9{9-7034 f.r: (9O94!r{l]a.dit tr}Crtav.il.rcr PHASE CD SHEET: A4.t RE: ^2.t I{EADER TRLI99E9 gPAN APFROX I@' tsTlll'l flAlN TRLISSE9 6 l@' oc |,U/INTER- I.IEDIATE TF''I95E9 INBTI.IN HAIN TRII99E9o>'oc PROJECTNAMB PROJECTNO: 96X Golden Peak Ski Storage Vail, Colorado DRAWING TITLE: Tent Sections scALE: Arshon rssuEDATE: 1112'96 TENT 1EC-TION Ji|6s - FIF EXI FABRIC O\€R FI-YU'D gI{T'G .G C;Dx PLYID 9*tT'G. PROVIDE 2x4 9FLICE ,6 gC'REU,ED o JOINTS T'6 GUARDRAIL TENT 9TRJCruRE 9IDE PAIEL TO COI.IT INTO FLAgI.T.G PAIEL T BOTTOH RAIL OF GUARDRAIL FLA9H|N6 FANEL TO EE NOTCI]ED TO BE - tsTlll.l 2"x2" VERT 9UPFORT5 OF EXI9T L. REFER TO PLAN FOR LOCATIOT'Ig, POcKET A EOTTON TO REC'V I"' GALV TO UEIGI{T Wfiq1 . HOLD ON EXT OF T C{JARDRAIL Vail Architechue 99uP A tqa.l Sdti.r C.rDa.lir (90) 949-rc3r lu:oto) 9.9,Utql|il I!|{g?O'.I.E| PHASE: CD S}|EET: A5.1 RE: Al.l PRoJECTNAMET PRO'BCTNOT 9626 Golden Peak Ski Storage Vail, Colorado DRAWING TITLE: TentDetail scALE Arsbo'D tssqllrljg TENT FABRIC O\€R PLYuJD gI.IT'G tu." T.G CDX FLYUJD 9rlT',6.gPLlcE BLOCK'Cr 9CREIUED l'-9u PRO\zIDE 2x4 E JOINTg H PHASE CD SHEET: a< t 'f-t^t.at R8: Aa.l Vail Archit€cfiDe goup (970) 949-7034 ft$ ('to) g{9.tlta .ndl &htrpavriLG PROJBCTNAME PRO,BCTNO;,626 GoldmPeakSki Storage Vail, Colorado DRAWI}.IG TITLE TqrtDetail sc^tt: A|slor! tssuEDATE: 12'1246 TENT ETAIL aI Northwoods Condominium Association PO Box 1231 Vail, CO 81657 Pinos del None Condominium Association FO Box 69 Vail, CO 81657 Ski Club Vail 596 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 United States Forest Service PO Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 All Seasons Condominium Association 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Manor Vail Lodge 595 East Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Rarnshorn Condominium Association 416 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81652 Tivoli Lodge attention: Bob Lazier 386 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Mr. E.B. Chester 395 Mill Creeh Cirlce Vail, CO 81657 Ms. Leslie Klement PO Box 842 Avon, CO 81620 Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson c/oMr. Ken Brown Baer, Marks and Upham LLP 805 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 Sr, Alejandro Diaz Barroso attention: Eustaquio Cortina Conina Realry 616 Vest Lionshead Mall #103 Vail, CO 816s7 Mr. Harley G. Higbie,Jr. 1600 Broadway Suite 1400 Denver, CO 80202 fi et THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the PJanning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 10, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in lhe Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request to develop a preferred alternative for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for single- family, duplex and primary/secondary. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russ Forrest A request lor an inlerior addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located in the One Vail Place Building, 244Wall Street/a resubdivision of Lot C, Block 5-C, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Mr. Jared Drescher, represented by Robert BoymerPlanner: Dirk Mason A request lor a conditional use permit to allow Type lll EHUs for seasonal housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/legally described as: beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 west ol the Sixth Principal Meridian thence S 89"3149" E 2333.84 feel, along the North line of said Seclion 9, lo a point on the northorly right-of-way fence line of Inl€rslale Highway No. 70 thence along the norlherly right-of-way fence line of Inlerstat€ Highway No. 70 as follows: S 67"41 '33" W 41 5.82 feet; thence 578"13'02" W 1 534.29 feet, to a poinl of curvalure; thence 456.43 feet on a curve to the righl with a radius of 5580.00 feet, lhe chord of which bears 580"33'38" W 456.30 feet to a point on the Westerly line ol said Seclion 9: lhence departing lhe northerly right-of-way fence line of lntorstate Highway No. 70 and following the Weslerly line ol said Seclion I N00"i8'21"E 565.1 1 feet lo the point ol beginning. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen and Susie HervertPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for additional GRFA to allow for an addition to the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 758 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Tony & Terry Perry, represented by Eric JohnsonPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a final plat review, located at 1502 Buffer Creek Road/Lots A1 & A2, Lions Ridge Subdivision 2nd Filing. Applicant: Harold & Barbara Brooks, represented by lsom and AssociatesPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request lor a minor subdivision to allow for an elevator addition to the Lodge Tower parcel, located at 200 Vail Road/Lot A, Block 5-L, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc., represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello F\ ? A request for an amendment to the development plan to allow for outdoor ski storage, located at !58 Vail Valley Driveffract F, VailVillage Sth Filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing, commonlyrflrred to as the Golden Peak Ski Base. F- Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc.Planner: Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition for an expansion of the living room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Applicant: Nate AccardoPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at 392 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Howard KoenigPlanner: Tammie Williamson the applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular oflice hours in lhe proiect planner's office located at lhE Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl. 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpr€tation available upon request wilh 24 hour notificalion. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for informalion. Community Developmenl Departmenl Published February 21 , 1997 in the Vail Trail. t.-' lr-. ?o E EF E FTt* FEt; tal E tii: TOWNOFVAIL ^tatn no-% 1 : DEPANTIIE}iT OF CO}I}I L}|TT}' DE\ILOPI}IE\T DATE ,-/o-,-t PR(}'ECT CEECXS MADE 'AYABLf, TO TOTVTi OF T'AIL 0 ooo0 4l 540 ZONINGAND s 5.00 0 0000 12115 UMFO RM B UI LDINCTODE----554.00 0 0000 4241 i UNIFORM 5J 9.00 0 0000 424 | t LTNIFoRMMECHAW st 7.00 0 0000 4:.11 5 UNIFORI\,| FIRTTODE SJ6.OUmoo .1t.{ l5 TATToNAL st7.00 = t! (,oo00 4l4 t 5 OTIIER CODE BOORS 0 oo00 4 t5J8 BLUE PRINTSINiYIAM;57.000oo00 42412 XEROX COPIES s0.2500000 4241-STUDIES 0 0000 ll4l-TOv --s5.00 0 0000 4237t PEN A LTY FEFS TREINSFEETIONS_-- t:- 0 oo00 4l i32 ll-4l! R EVI E w RE - eEEeKEE-Ts4 o--PER-HR 0 0000 42_332 OFF I{OURS INSPEETANTEES- 0 0000 41112 CONTRACTORSLffi 0 0000.1t.{13 SICN APPL]e]TTIoNTEE-5f0.000oo00 41413 ADDITIoNALSIffi ,_9.t 0000 1l+{rs.lARrwvl l'.rt^,{lJ l,KE TAIU UL5I(JN KLVIEW BOARD FEE 4)4 4D--7n oo00 4:3 7 I I NVESTICA TION FEE IEUTTDTNO oo00 .{51 l0 TOV PARKINC F-UND--0l 0000:t027 TOVNEWSPAPERDffi*0 0000 21 il 2 T,LXABIEErsffi 0r 0000 {l0ld TA-\ABLE@{.02 (TowN 0l 0000 42371 IJ UILDINC INVESTICATIONurtttK -l I I ffi30-]0l m00 4l 330 t.:-ir-1-?..,..-=---+CUNDI I IONAL USE PERMIT s200.00:1 0t 0000 4l 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LESS THAN IOO SO.FT.5200.000l0000 413i0 EXTER]OR ALTEMTION_MORE TITAN IOO SO.FT.5500.000l--h'i-0000 4 t 3i0 SPEC F 5l,)00.u0 -07 --7T' rrr,LrAL ur.vELUPMrN I DlS I Rl(-l- IMAJOR AMENA s I.000.00 s200.oo!4.,W+IJJU I JtJt'L'IVTSIL'N.Ja;t 0l m00 4l jio I t,.|,v rrt t\-lAl\ L r-s250.00 =l \r\rw +lJJv IE;i^:;--;i=-i;--f s250.00 !t+vvw rl)-ru I KE - ZUI\li\U s200.00OTHER 3 @ loMMEltTs: CASE t t cr.r l,1.0Ll -*.,,NW I RECEX\,IDFNOX , hrmlt ltrn$cn Hos PArD-o$ ---onrJ'#8 lliscel laneous Cash F-r:- 1fi-?i I €': ff7: .l I F;Bc*iF,t S:i;Eft5 Fccr-,un t # r::it .IttE HffC'r.t\.IlEB FE€ Fltrr*un N l.end* red I l.ern paid 6 L FfiE84 1]f, 1Br-it:l tihange r*turrred ,1 48. titljl ninaunr paiO 4r:1. 0fi |J . LrLl {+ THRFI}< 1/ELI ',t,:'u r cssl-rier F.:EffTt.lfi ai TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Desciption: Undergroud pipe vault Valuation: $1,100.00 Firoplacc Infonnation: Roslrictod: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0200 Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED location.....: along eisting pipe line Applied. . : 10/08/2001 ParcelNo...: 210108109004 Issued. . : 10/09/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0410712002 CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECIIANICIIJ, INC LO/08/20O1 Phone: 910-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8L620 License: 189-P APPLICANI CONCEPT MECIIAIiIICAL, INC L0/08/200L Phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BO:C 1165 AVON, CO 8152 0 License: 189-P onNER VATL CORPORATTON TIIE L0/L0/200L Phone: P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, Clf, 81658 Iricenee: DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT .. )J \)-L(.^+. gtln\-J (-<o\E -,r^ Y--c-ar-\<* ( Rc-''-*t pr'd{-I-lel3\ # of Gas Lrgr: 0 # of Wood Pellct 0 FEE SUMMARY atrltaaat:t'lia****r*'r***!t,.,|t:t*:rtltlarrraaaaaa'aa'.tta'r'rtttt'rt go . oo Tohl Calculat€d Fees-> 953 .00 9o . oo Additional Fee3__> 955 . 00 So.oo TOTAL FEES-> 9s3.oo Total Permit Fee.-> $108.00 93.00 Payment-> S108 .00 BALAITCE DUE-> 90.00 llaa'l'ltll'tlla'rtaalItem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEX{T LO/09/2ooL D? Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME!flf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECcI( FOR CODE COMPL,IAI{CE. Cond: 22 {BLDGi.): GoMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDC|.): INSTAI,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO !4ANTJFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CIIAPTER L0 oF TIIE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER L0 OF THE L997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BI,DG.): GAS APPI,IAI{CES SHAJ.,I, BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CMPTER 8 AND SIIA^I,L # ofGas A!?lianc€s: 0 Mochanicd-> 940 . 00 R€stuarart PlEn Review-> Plan chcck-> s10 . 00 DRB F€c_.------_> Investigstion-> WillCqll-> TERUINATE AS SPECIFIED III SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 IJIVIC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDGI.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMET{T MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF fiIE 1997 TJMC A.}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL, BE MOIIIITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE COIIST. IIILESS IJISTED FOR UOI'IITIIIG ON COMBUSTIBI.'E FIOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERIIIIT,PLANS AIID CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPEqTION RSQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.) r DRAINAGE OF MECITAIIICAL ROOMS CONIAINI\TG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPLY BOII.ERS SIIAI,I., BE EQUIPPM WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. IO22 OF THE 1.997 I]IIIC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. |||||||||||.t*ll|tt|*|*.'|*||'|..||||'''*t|lttlt||l|||||||||||.'t*|||t'**tl.tt|.+t*t||r**t|| DECLARATIONS I hueby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and statc that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLESTS IOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:oo AM - 5 PM. SIGNATI]RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSEIf AND OWNE APR-13-OO ltr23 75 S. F oettoc ltd.Pennit will ile follo/'ring: GE 2/3 P?td* ru @rrM to 3cal€ b hdude: 9zr and Locatioo Alr Duct Slze and Lo€tiono Rtn, V€nt aill G.E t-i6E&c end t-ocattonc tleatLoeef.alcr = EquiFncitGut/sFcSh.cis @Otlbat9tu-szE-6er COilPLETE VALUATIOII| FIOR II{EGHANICAL PERMIT (l,abor & r,tatertab) 0t-0 365 Pronlded abovc) eJoro .robAddress: ?5f Ua.it Ue D-r". subdivision: V*i I L/ilbeeC ?- n d work:&/d@dk,ft+h'i ,f;"e- la rclo WortClass: ryeil() !q{u"l() ercraurr}Q Reoatr() Od,er() Eoiler trcatbn: Interior Xl Ecrior ( ) Othe, -Docs an EilU edst at ihts [xadon: Vs ( ) t{o [ ) Type of Sd$ siadlhmily ( ) OJpte( ( ) r".ilu-far,riy ( ) Connncrcr.| gq fcra,ram l ) ercr ( ) No. of Eddng t\rrNfing UniB in this buitdtng:No. of Arormodation Untts in Utt hriHing: 7 NqffypeofFrcplcPropccd:Geeppmnce.l leait-ogs1 I wooOpUfer( ) Wood8.*ir,9(ilA,AIOUrEO an.EPA Ph.lia n d€rrce? Yls ( MRHAMCAf.: ' l,lOO29 coltTRAcroR lttl F.ioRnATIOt{ o:t;oqrtftqltAD r cilo.q.qq, - o7ao ri*r*r****tr+****-.r*****FOR OFFICE.oJILY******rr* ***+****.rrr*r+****r* F,f srtrtila/tlrrnsrrnadDarfll REC! oCT'4 2001 Design Revieur Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Cornmunity Developrnert 75 South FontageRoa4 Valf Colorado 81657 Ef : 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.179.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Prolcct l{amc: Golden Peak DRB l{umber: DR8010113 PrurGct DccrlpUon: Etterior alteration to north facade; addition to Wreck Roorn and Passport Club Paililclprntr: OWNER VAIL CORPORATION THE 05/(X/2fl)l Phone: FO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 Li:ense: APPUCANT Paffikk Hirn 05l04.l2WL Phone 845-2356 POB 959 Arcn, CO 81620 License: Prolect Addrs: 458 VAIL VAl.LEY DR VAIL Locatbn: taenl Dq€dpdon: Lot: Block: Subdlvlrlon: Golden Peak Condominiums Perccl l{umber: 210108109004 Gommsntr: BOARD/StrAFF ACTION lrlodon By: Andy Blumetti Actlon: APPROVED Sond By: Bill Plerce Vote: 5-0 Datcof Apprcvelt 061071200L Gondldonr: Cond:0 (P|AN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to cons0uction activities. Cond; CON0004736 C.ondominium assochtion approval requircd Entry: 08/21l2ffi1 By: /rl( Action: AP C.ond: CONffXX78S That the stlm arch piece be rermved and replaced with vertical siding to the underside of the dormer roof. Cond: CON0004785 That$e sbne pillar be terminated with a stone cap and post. Cond: CON00G787 That propced lighting be reviewed by statr Cond: CON0004790 That windows adjacent to the entry doors shall have the same trim treatment as aristing windows on building. Condr CON0004902 That tlte pending easement agreement be finalized. Enwt Wlzllzfi)l By: AK Action: AP Planner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Paid: S50.OO 6oLD EN rE^ x,tlffnpn r",u, A:rgurl Z00, l4s, Rosie Lyea I t4t I Tilura BluC. Phoellx,rl.;2 95926 Rt,: llrjort (.Iub }rprnrloucoLDrN PDA|( -ruttun rG, l'.rn{ co DcrrVr. Lyon: Tho nrcobor3 of ore Golden Ipra':portcru5,rrrraadq#trffi ryff#H:'&frT:.',*m:J r'ffi:;i#*mr crprnsron b1'abaorbiar noe noo, ueilf,;,ir;rk iL Reshuro* rha wieck itoom Rgl,.urao,l,:#rfff;,H1ffiX::."s**;J*ilir cfirnaqeu ac *ce rhrt otrrn rudcr(.r "*""iilril*tiJ;ffi "Tut'*h1trr:;,H#iffi;l'*ig**';'H* ff.ill:iil;uiffi 'lfi SLtT$-T.JilH"'#UrTjtrffi H#Hffi..,,il?.#;*;I. ori,c ctachori a drrl"iog "l-it" *"r"ia"iffiI" nr"*,or ud floor ptaa for yotc th t'butrnrc for coarEur.ion^Ll.ql9ltnr oa rhr rppronl proceso.torn*rhe lorm of\,ajl. corucuoiatrtt.6xP.ctad !o lr€h h rdd.Aug_rur rird x ,"rpr.iJ$ ."li.i..r,rnb"r we an'cipare rlla condo ouacrril1iff.T"ffiH"?ff##T;:uu.*lliilliiil.iJ'Ti,ieirproprrq inrh?c;rcsnlediBu'dinc feel fiee to eontro Prtick Him. .}lr:1:, "*"q_ o., coartrpaioao if you bavc aay quegtjonr raloieri rr tbefi ffi lf l;ift'"-#'trft ilHffi:.;l(T",jnTlsd,#q,"dtiii.6;ii;L.r', l.t6 r,A,t, v^L!!)- LrpJvE vA,(, ..e Di6rlPc, nc,'x r, vAiL, CD!|65, Oin..r.9.ftgrJ iA;r,ii.tZr.ttot. ,,J.irJ.r ,.FAGE gL RECEIVED AUG 2 1 ZOO1 TOV.COM.DEV. Idr & Mrs. 6ebwrb Mr. & tr{rs, $rltore Afr. & lyIrr, Btio Mt, & t"Irr. Brrg I4i. & Ilfn. tlrlto R,rcerte Isreeron Pauld llrn Approved By: gL3rs Rcridrntial Dirc Croldca Pcal Codo,Asr* AGREEMENT ,lh THIS AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is dated as of the 7-utay of .-., 2001, by and between THE VAIL CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation dB/a Vail Associates, Inc. ("VA"), and TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation (the "Town"). Recitals This Agreement is made with respect to the following facts: A. VA owns fee simple title to the real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, which is legally described in Exhibit A attached to this Agreement (the "VA Parcel"). B. The Town owns fee simple title to the real pioperty located in Eagle3 County, Colorado, which is legally described in Exhibit B attached to this Agreement (the1,! "Town parcel"). C. The Town Parcel (identified as "Parcel 2") and a portion of the VA Parcel (identified as "Parcel l") are depicted in Exhibit C attached to this Agreement. D. VA has constructed a children's skier drop off area with associated drive lanes, a parking lot and related improvements, including landscaping, and utilities (collectively, the "VA Improvements"), on a portion of (i) the Town Parcel, and (ii) the right-olway for Vail Valley Drive, the VA Improvements being generally depicted but not legally described on Exhibit C. E. VA has constructed certain sidewalks, landscaping and irrigation improvements within certain portions of the rights-of-way for Vail Valley Drive and Mill Creek Circle (collectively, the "Right of Way") as generally depicted but not legally described on Exhibit C (collectively, the "Licensed Improvements"). F. The Town currently uses a bus driving lane (the "Bus Driving Lane") and a bus shelter, sidewalks, arival plaza and related improvements, which were constructed on a portion of the VA Parcel (the "Bus Shelter Improvements"), all of which are also generally depicted but not legally described on Exhibit C. G. Additionally, a bicycle/walking path has been constructed on a portion of the VA Parcel, which Bike Path is also generally depicted but not legally described on Exhibit C and Exhibit D attached to this Agreement (the "Bike Path"). H. Additionally, a bus stop shelter and associated bus pull off lane and sidewalk have been constructed on a portion of the VA Parcel east of the Town Parcel and adjacent to Vail Valley Drive (collectively and as and where constructed, the "Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Improvements"). I. An inlet, drainage culvert and drainage pipes and appurtenances thereto, including underground drainage pipes which extend to Vail Valley Drive, have been constructed on a portion of the VA Parcel to control drainage arising out of Mill Creek diversion, a portion of goldpcrkcross$c?.doc O6/2t01 ll:a9 AM ao 1l N-o an 5 do6 o8o 6 '{o5f U51rl U|\F f 3g o o a! or. -'d-6 !-; -E --- -----u -l-- - -l - -- -- - -- -ll---= -e- I- - -(r---- --8 o.o 1l N-o tft 6 -.('6 08d I *to { i;5trt l'\F {3s o o at ac tt which is generally depicted but not legally described on Exhibit E attached to this Agreement (collectively and as and where constructed, the "Drainage Improvements"). J. VA desires to declare a portion of Mill Creek Stream channel, as and where located, u("MilI Creek Stream Channel") and the Mill Creek diversion channeVditch, as and where located, ("Mill Creek Diversion") to be a "Water Flow Channel". K, A portion of Vail Valley Drive, sidewalks, light poles and appurtenances, signs and storm drainage pipes have been constructed on a portion of the VA Parcel as generally depicted but not legally described on Exhibit C (collectively and as and where constructed, the "Town Improvements".) L. An unimproved and/or undefined walking/biking trail, generally running east and west, exists on a portion of the VA Parcel, commonly known as and herein called the "Vail Trail". M. Twenty-nine (29) parking spaces, designated by and between VA and the Town, are used by the Town and its Invited Guests on a portion of the VA Parcel, located in the area designated on Exhibit C as "Parking Lot", such parking spaces hereinafter called the "Public Skier Drop Off Spaces", provided, however, that a fewer number of Public Skier Drop Off Spaces shall be required if VA has additional parking arrangements, including but not limited to valet parking, as agreed by and between the Town and VA. N. The Town and VA wish to grant to each other certain easements and rights over the Town Parcel, the Right of Way and portions of the VA Parcel, relating to the VA Improvements, the Licensed Improvements, the Bus Shelter Improvements, the Bus Driving Lane, the Bike Path, the Vail Vallgy Drive Bus Stop Improvements, the Drainage Improvements, the Town Improvements, the Vail Trail and the Public Skier Drop Off Spaces, subject to and upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Agreement In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency ofwhich are hereby acknowledged, VA and the Town hereby agree as follows: l. Definitions. In this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings set forth below: (a) "Bike Path Easement Area" means the portion of the VA Parcel comprised of an approximately 2O-foot wide strip of land (consisting of an approximately 10- foot wide paved strip of land and a S-foot wide shoulder on each side of such paved strip) centered on the center line of the existing Bike Path, as generally depicted but not legally described on Exhibit C and Exhibit D and as and where constructed ( such easement not to include one 5-foot shoulder where the Bike Path is adjacent to the semicircular wall shown on Exhibit C). (b) "Bus Driving Lane Easement Area" means that portion of the VA Parcel upon which the Bus Driving Lane is located. 8oldp.*cmsso5c7.do. 06/21101 ll:494M J_ - ----- - -- -- o,{i,* otn L iO6 o8"; S o {o+..F -: aiD(IJ D\r- I O-r- o. oB -;-;.;-=::-- r-t--t- -t-- -rr -- ----: -a-g ----t --r dt - -9-; :< -4-_ : -:. I-! (c) "Bus Shelter Easement Area" means that portion of the VA Parcel upon which the Bus Shelter Improvements are located. (d) "Drainage Easement Area" means that portion of the VA Parcel upon which the Drainage Improvements are constructed. (e) "Exclusive Easement" means tltat the grantor of such Exclusive Easement shall not grant to another person an easement for the same uses and purposes and in the same location as such Exclusive Easement. (D "Invited Guests" shall have the meaning set forth for such term in C.RS. $ 33-41-103(2)(e)(I), as such statute may be amended from time to time, or as such meaning may be set forth in any successor statute which may replace C.RS. $ 3341- 103(2)(e)(I). (g) "Lioensed Improvements Area" means those portions of the Right-of-Way upon which the Licensed Improvements are located, as generally depicted but not legally described on Exhibit C. (h) "Parking Easement Area" means those portions of the Town Parcel and the Right-of-Way upon which the VA Improvements are located, as generally depicted, but not legally described, on Exhibit C. (D "Ski Season" means the period(s) of each year that are determined by VA, in its sole discretion from time to time, and that are published by VA, as the period(s) during which the ski areas operated by VA and located on or in the vicinity of the VA Parcel shall be open for skiing activities. (t) "Ski Yard" means that portion of the VA Parcel used by VA in the operations ofthe Golden Peak Chairlift 6 and associated activities during the Ski Season. (k) "Town Improvements Easement Area" means that portion of the VA Parcel upon which the Town Improvements are constructed. 0) "VA Permittees" means VA and its tenants and subtenants and all persons who now or hereafter own or hold any possessory interest in the VA Parcel, together with the respective agents, guests, employees, licensees, invitees and contractors of any of the them. (m) "Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Easement Area" means that portion of the VA Parcel upon which the Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Improvements are constructed. (n) "Vai[ Trail Easement Area" means the location of the unimproved and/or undefined walking/biking trail or trails, as and where located, now and in the future, on the VA Parcel. 80UFfdelc7.doc 06125^)l I l:{9 AM -3- r.a 1l Ntg ah ... Fo6 08d € tto .6 tQF {39 o o ul at -;-6-= f,a - -- -(!--- : --5 2. Grant of Bike Path Easement by VA. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Section 2, VA hereby quitclaims to the Town, an "intermittent" (as described in Section 2(c) below), inevocable, non-exclusive easement (the "Bike Path Easement") over the Bike Path Easement Area for (i) the use of the Town and its Invited Guests for purposes of non-motorized bicycle and pedestrian traffic over the Bike Path, and (ii) for the use of the Town for the purposes of maintaining, repairing and replacing the Bike Path. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Town may not replace the Bike Path without the prior written approval of VA. (b) VA reserves the right to change the location of the Bike Path Easement Area at any time provided that (i) such relocated Bike Path Easement Area provides a continuous path from the northwesterly boundary of the VA Parcel to the northeasterly boundary of the VA Parcel, (ii) VA shall constnrct a Bike Path on the portion of the Bike Path Easement Area so relocated and (iii) the Town shall have right to approve the design ofsuch relocated Bike Path by the application of reasonable design standards. Such relocation shall become effective upon recordation in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, of a notice from VA to the Town setting forth the legal descripfion or a depiction of the relocated Bike Path Easement Area. (c) The Bike Path Easement shall be an "intermittent easement," commencing on the day following the close of any Ski Season and terminating on the day on which VA begins snow making activities on the VA Parcel, in VA's sole and absolute discretion, in each and every year (the "Intermittent Term"). Use of the Bike Path Easement by the Town and its Invited Guests shall be limited to the Intermittent Term. (d) Notwithstanding the Bike Path Easement and during the Ski Season, VA will provide an over-the-snow pedestrian and./or skiing access to be used by pedestrians and skiers connecting the Vail Valley Drive and Mill Creek Circle intersection to the Ski Yard, 3. Grant of Bus Shelter Easement and Bus Driving Lane Easement by VA. (a) VA hereby quitclaims to the Town an irrevocable, perpetual non-exclusive easement over the Bus Shelter Easement Area for the use of the Town and its Invited Guests for purposes of the Bus Shelter Improvements and pedestrian ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. (b) VA hereby quitclaims to the Town an irrevocable, perpetual Exclusive Easement over the Bus Driving Lane for the use and operation of the Bus Driving Lane by the Town and its Invited Guests, and for the purpose of the Town's maintaining the Bus Driving Lane. Notwithstanding the foregoing, vehicular traffic across the Bus Driving Lane shall be limited to only public transit buses and maintenance vehicles operated by the Town and emergency vehicles (e. g., fire trucks, ambulances, police cars), and the Bus Driving Lane shall not be used by the Town or its Invited Guests for any other type of vehicle or other form of transit without the prior written approval of VA. 4. Grant of Parking Easement by the Town. The Town hereby quitclaims to VA, for the use and benefit of the VA Permittees, an inevocable, perpetual Exclusive Easement (the "Parking Easement") over the Parking Easement Area for purposes of vehicular ingress and egress, vehicular parking and vehicular drop off of children-skiers and for other purposes, which shall include, without limitation, pedestrian ingress and egress to the VA Improvements, the conduct Boldpc.tcrGlltlc7.doc odz5lol I lr'g^M -4- - ----- -- -- A GIdl ,Yl .- -..= ooureA l,)N r,+ "F: JOftt o \J |!€t- o. o -- -l -a -- - --- -I ------ --- -l -- - -a-- -- oq o o oq (,o E o ; o ul oc (! of special events and activities associated with a year-round mountain resort, and to maintain, repair and replace the VA Improvements. 5. Grant of Drainage Easement by VA and Declaration of Water Flow Channel. (a) VA hereby quitclaims to the Town an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive easement (the "Drainage Easement") over the Drainage Easement Area for the purpose of water flow and drainage, subject to Section I I (c) below. (b) (i) VA hereby declares a perpetual "Water Flow Channel" for the following water courses: Mill Creek Stream Channel from the southerly boundary of the VA Parcel to the Mill Creek Diversion structure, then from the eastern portal of the Mill Creek Diversion structure to the Drainage Easement Area, all of the foregoing as and where located, for the purpose of water flow and drainage as can be reasonably accommodated through the eastern portal of the Mill Creek Diversion structure, (ii) This Declaration of Water Flow Channel shall be a burden to the VA Parcel and shall run with the land. (iii) Notwithstanding the foregoing, VA reserves the right to change the location of the Water Flow Channel at any time provided that such relocated Water Flow Channel provides for the flow and drainage of water from said southerly boundary of the VA Parcel to Vail Valley Drive as can be reasonably accommodated through the eastern portal of the Mill Creek Diversion structure. 6. Grant of Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Easement by VA. VA hereby quitclaims to the Town a irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive easement (the "Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Easement') over the Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Easement Area for (i) the use of the Town for purposes of the operation, use, maintenance, reconstruction, repair and replacement of the Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Easement Improvements. 7. Grant of the Town Improvements Easement by VA. VA hereby quitclaims to the Town an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive easement (the "Town Improvements Easement") over the Town Improvements Easement Area for the use of the Town for purposes of the maintenance, reconstruction, repair and replacement of the Town Improvements. 8. Grant of Revocable License b], the Town. The Town hereby grants to VA a revocable license for the Licensed Improvements over the Licensed Improvements Area. The Town may revoke the License for the Licensed Improvements by providing VA with 30 days prior written notice of such revocation. goldpc.lcrossutcT.doc 06/2t01 I l:a9 AM -5- I o.rlI o !t: o c)lfr oo 6 6{o a oolrt Ut\J €.r-o.s5 -;-6 =!-= -e-- l- - T -r'--- ---- -6 9. Grant of Vail Trail Easement by VA. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Section 9, VA hereby quitclaims to the Town, an "intermittent" (as described in Section 9(b) below), irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive easement (the "Vail Trail Easement") over the Vail Trail Easement Area for (i) the use of the Town and its Invited Guests for purposes of non-motorized bicycle and pedestrian traffic over the Vail Trail Easement Area. (b) The Vail Trail Easement shall be an "intermittent easement," commencing on the day following the close of any Ski Season and terminating on the day on which VA begins snow making activities on the VA Parcel, in VA's sole and absolute discretion, in each and every year (the "Intermittent Term"). Use of the Vail Trail Easement by the Town and its Invited Guests shall be limited to the Intermittent Term. (c) VA reserves the right to change the location of the Vail Trail Easement Area at any time provided that such relocated Vail Trail Easement Area provides a continuous path through the VA Parcel. 10. Grant of Public Skier Drop Off Spaces by VA. Only during the Ski Season and only between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm daily, VA hereby quit claims to the Town, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive right of use for the Public Skier Drop Off Spaces, (the "Public Skier Drop OffRights') for use by the Town and its Invited Guests for purposes of short term come and go skier drop off parking and other skier drop offby shuttle vans, taxis and other commercial vehicles. I l. Repairs and Maintenance. (a) The Town shall maintain the Bike Path, the Bus Driving Lane, the Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Improvements, and the Town Improvements in good condition and repair including, without limitation and as appropriate, sealing, paving, snow removal and curb and sidewalk repair as reasonably required from time to time, provided that such repairs and maintenance of the Bike Path shall not be permitted during any Ski Season. (b) VA shall maintain the VA Improvements and the Licensed Improvements, in good condition and repair, including without limitation and as appropriate, sealing, paving, snow removal, and curb and sidewalk repair as reasonably required from time to time. (c) VA shall operate and maintain the Drainage Improvements in the day to day operations of the Drainage Improvements, but the Town and VA will equally share in the costs of any capital expenditures to repair, replace, reconstruct or maintain the Drainage Improvements, subject to both parties'agreement to the capital improvements. 12. Parkine Easement Aopurtenant. The Parking Easement shall burden the Town Parcel and the Right-of-Way and shall benefit the VA Parcel. The Parking Easement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of VA and the Town, and their respective successors and assigns. 13. Bus Lane Easement Appurtenant. The Bus Lane Easement shall burden the VA Parcel and shall benefit the Town Parcel. The Bus Lane Easement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of VA and the Town, and their respective successors and assigns. goldpcdcmsrus.T.doc o6/25nf ll:494M -6- -!rI ---a---- -- -- o o lrl aE l! I(,l o o.o 1l ofh.+-.o: oo .lf, ooSrtoa+ "F: ets(t, at \r- l!((t^l\o.oB -;-.i-:-- : -- -----g --- -o - -l-i -- -:t-: 14. Recordins. This Agreement shall be recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado. 15. Remedies Cumulative. Each of VA and the Town shall have any remedies available at law or equity for any breach or default of the other party's obligations under this Agreement, and any such remedies shall be cumulative with and in addition to, and not exclusive of, any other remedies available at law or equity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no breach of this Agreement shall entitle either party to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this Agreement. In the event of any litigation hereunder, the prevailing party in such litigation, as determined by the judge, jury, mediator, or arbitration panel, shall be entitled to, in addition to all other available remedies, an award of its reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. 16. Notices. Any notice or demand under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given, received and served (a) upon personal delivery, (b) on the third business day after mailing, postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or (c) on the first business day after receipted delivery to a nationally recognized courier service which guarantees next-business-day delivery, delivery charges prepaid, in each case addressed as follows: If to VA: P. O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81685 Attn.: General Counsel If to the Town: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Town Attorney Attn.: Town Manager 17 . Limitation of Liabilitv. To the extent that the grant by VA of any or all of the Bike Path Easement, the Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Easement, the Bus Driving Lane Easement, the Bus Shelter Easement, the Vail Trail Easement and the Public Skier Drop Off Rights falls within the provisions of C.R.S. $$ 33-41-101-106, the Town and VA acknowledge and agree that both parties intend that VA's liability pertaining to the use of the Bike Path Easement, the Vail Valley Drive Bus Stop Easement, the Bus Driving Lane Easement, the Bus Shelter Easement, the Vail Trail Easement and the Public Skier Drop Off Rights by the Town and its Invited Guests shall be limited pursuant to such statutes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Town shall not, and does not, relinquish any of its rights under C.R.S. $$ 24-10-101, et. seq. 18. Entire Agreement: Prior Aereement. VA and the Town acknowledge that this Agreement sets forth their entire agreement and understanding with respect to this Agreement and that no oral or other agreements, understandings, representations, or warranties, other than those set forth in this Agreement, exist with respect to the subject matter hereof. toldp€*cmssu!.7.do. 06r2Jl.l ll:494M _7- ) o. art 1l N'o ah.--.o6 o8€; So{o+ .'FdceFfBs 19. No Waiver. In no event shall any failure by either VA or the Town to enforce any or restriction contained in this Agreement be deemed a waiver of the right to enforce such covenant or restriction thereafter. 20' Successors In Interest: Release. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding on the successors in title to the VA Parcel and the Town Parcel. Any successor in title to the VA Parcel and./or the Town Parcel, by its acceptance of a deed therefore, shall be deemed to have assumed and agreed to be responsible for all such obligations hereunder. This paragraph shall be effective and self-operative, without execution of any instrument, immediately upon any such conveyance. 2L Severabilitv. The enforceability, invalidity or illegality of any provision of this Agreement shall not render the other provisions of this Agreement unenforceable, invalid or illegal, but rather tle unenforceable, invalid or illegal provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law. 22. Compliance with Laws. All construction, maintenance and repairs performed by either VA or the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be done in a good and workrnanlike manner and in compliance with all applicable laws. 23. Govemins Law. The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. 24. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed a duplicate original. (remainder of this page intentionally left blank) SoldpcdcrBsur.T.doc 0425ru1 | l:55 AM -lt-ar !!-;: _E - a--- - -r!-----Irx -- -o-|n-t! -!-t -E-- -: --: -8- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. VA: THE VAIL CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation d/b/a Vail Associates, Inc. e \-"^- r Gt 1! -.t{Nto tm.--.O6 oSc; € o{o (6geF d8s o d o oE -tl---= -E-- -- -rr---- -I- - ----- -- -- STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTYOFEAGLE ) By: Name: Title: TOWN: TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation By: Name: Title: tit :dged before me 9|i* ?f,'day of 'Ju a e.>.. U)ee /'res,c{tnf of The;lliar,,. f . Tcrrse,- ,as .i". U;ce /Jris,cl<;f on, a Colorado corporation d/bia Vail Associates, Inc. my hand and offi commission expires:tooy' cial seal. /6- oq - goldp..kcaor3|lsc7.doc Od25/01 | lrSJ AM fttr#i'. ffiu#Notary Publi -9- a STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. coLrNTY OF EAGLE ) -The foresoins instrument was acknowledeed before me this/alrday of ()a-l-, 200l,by4l'<Z tl. ?.",9ar,"-,;: ,ut -ry'o*t 7a^a+,.- offiffi of Vail, a Colorado municipal corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. ,.) Mycommissionexpires: ? e, *aSr 2a.- AZ) &'.A. Noiarv / Public ||lnll!ililnl[ll|ll,l|llll lllllll lillll $ l[ ffi '" "' 8ol@lc|!.r|!c7.doc O625nl I l:55 AM -10- ll|l|| #ii?,,*,., R r05.oo o 0,06lltil|ililru!ilrurilil]lill Exhibit A Legal Description - VA Parcel PARCEL I, GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED JANUARY 15, 1987 IN BOOK 455 AT PAGE 934, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO , EXCEPTING THEREFROM LANDS CONTAINED WITH THE CONDOMINruM MAP FORGOLDEN PEAK CONDOMINIUM RECORDED ON SEPTEMBER 17.1997IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 493. ilil 3516!9.E RMSHOM 0625n1 | l:5S AM A-l o Exhibit B Legal Description - Town Parcel PARCEL 2, COLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED JANUARY 15, 1987 IN BOOK 455 AT PAGE 934, COI.'NTY OF EAGLE, STATB OF COLORADO. l flil ffi ffil lt llil lffill U ffi ilil il lll l*i?;ff,,2, *,,S.rr J Fl.h.r E.al., @ Zt R ltA.OO D O.OO 1tl63tt tllSlOM ol:lt^)l I1l'7 AM B-l a I Exhibit C Map (attached) [ffi,|ffiffiffiflffi ru ilffi !l u[ [f,ii{"fu ,-, 311639, n|sr{)M (llrYol lttt5^tr B-l ,rrt . rr.. raits*ra!,e,*. oc 'al6i3 J.qsll c lJls llilillllffilillllilllll ez ililrilllilll oo'o o o0'c0l u*"":':1f3'; lllllll d88: Zl tz TJ F tn =>< Ld hJa m =a :< LdL z bJoJoo 0o ,.Ttr! 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Map (attached) lffi ffi ffi ffi mffi ffi illlffi il llll [ff3]?,","" 3.rr J Flfi.F Errl., c0 a R 10!.ee O O,OO c-l151539.t rrsr()M 05i6r0l ||StAM .l I i,. .| 1 NV-]d -]-]V^^CV=H 'U3 -1-'r tn oovtioloc '-'llvn Jv 3SV8 tvs >v3d N3C-109 F{rlrl, 'I'l a 1u0-- OJ '.I6t3 Jeqrll C rJrS <!-z:l tl Y't .&-vt,'7i- lv. vua^ Qnutl * ''\t (1\t\\ e t li"trqL- tov A,l/( \\ \\ 'J ) . caa(-tta rY, r a{la-dr-o.. ... ."..8i,.. ?SqllSr)9rr3%.,.o,'3Nr CNrU33Nr{)N3 r! ^b-.&to- c- A'o-Z !"'r EZE "l I I -Q(o -u\. S*' qqor 1?a\.. ir., {) v UJ o- oo'o o 00's0t I "',r"1:r;;1T lllll /y oo'Q o 00's0l u '-"',:?,;;1tj llllll 0c '|tl6r3 Jeq3ll c tJls PI-ANNING AND ENVIRON MENTAL COM MISSION PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS/MINUTES Monday, June 11,2001 PRoJEcr ORIENTATION / - community Devetopment Dept. puBLtc wELcoME A " r:-*,% l2:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Site Visits : 1. Vail Maniott - 715 West Lionshead Circle2. Collins residence - 1115 Homsilver Circle 1:15 pm Driver George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearino - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A report of a staff decision, approving a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, allowing for the expansion of the Wreck Room iRestaurant and Passport Club, located at 4-98 Vail Valiey Drive/Tract F, Vail Village 5m Filing. Applicant Golden Peak Ski BasePlannen Ann Kjerulf Ann Kjerulf presented an overview of the staff decision, the conditions imposed and the factors considered. Galen Aasland asked if there was any public comment. There was no public comment. The PEC did not wish to call the item up, so the staff decision stands. 2. A request for a conditional use permil, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs John Schofield moved to table the item to June 25h. Doug Cahill seconded. The motion canied 6-0. 3. A request for lhe review of a proposed lext amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther/Russell Fonest Brent Wilson described the cunenl situation with respect to performance bonds and temporary certificates of occupancy, including some of the problems with the existing system. Brent used the Southwest Builders/Cortina case as an example of how lhe cunent system is inadequate. Brent gave an overview of the proposed changes lo the performance bond process as described in lhe staff memo. Diane Golden asked if businesses would mind getting estimates. John Schofield stated that it would be difficult to get landscaping contractors to commil to doing work at a later dale. Chas Bernhardt stated that he did not agree with having pre-established dates, due to extenuating circumstances which may arise. Dick Cleveland staied lhat he was in agreement with Chas. He stated that it would be difficult to obtain more than one bid. He agreed that 250% is a reasonable amount to obtain as a bond. He stated that it is not the Town's role to protect the owner or contractor. Doug Cahill stated that he felt that 250olo was too high. Brent Wilson described how the cunent bond process works with respecl to obtaining bids. John Schofield stated that the proposed change puis the Town back into the position of General Contractor. He suggested that staff should create a set of guidelines which have to be met prior to issuance of a TCO. John stated that the proposed changes need to have more leeth - to change the wording from shall to must. John stated thal the 250% proposal is not oui of line and that the letter of credit format is much simpler to use than lhe escrow format. Brent Wilson stated that under lhe UBC, there is no required CO for R3 properties and that a CO process has been something that the real eslate community has demanded. Brent referred to the Ackerman residence as an example, where the amount of money held in escrow would be insufficient to cover the costs of completing the landscaping on this proPerty. John Schofield suggested that 250% is appropriate in addition to a non-refundable administrative fee. Ghas Bemhardt stated that Town would not want to be a General Contractor, but there are situations where it might be necessary. John Schofield stated thal a structure which avoids the Town being a General Contractor is more desirable. Dick Cleveland stated that staff should not have to seek bids and that lhe burden should be on the contractor to obtain bids. John Schofield stated that it is difficult lo obtain bids late in the year. Diane Golden agreed that the 25Oo/o is reasonable. She stated that it might be difficull to get more than one bid. John Schofield asked if it would be possible for the Town to get a lien against the property uniil the wort is completed. Brent Wilson stated thal this ability does exist according to the cunent Town code. o John Schofield siated that this concept should be investigated further. Galen Aasland asked for further clarification on the Southwest Builders situation and who is paying for it. Brent Wilson siated that the Town is collaborating with the bank to lake care of the siluation. Galen Aasland stated that he is concerned that it will be difficult getting bids in the fall and that the Town should do what ever it can to avoid becoming a contractor for a projecl. He said that this draft does not address lhe issue of homeowners doing their own work without a contractor. John Schofield and Dick Gleveland suggested using a lien on the property as a mechanism for enforcement. John commented that this will not affect cash transfers for real estale and commented thai enforcement is the key to resolving these situations. Chas Bemhardt asked if contraclors could be prevented from being issued other building permits until a TCO has been completed. Dick Cleveland and John Schofield commented that this may prevent a contractor from working if they are involved in a legitimate owner/coniractor dispute that may be in court for a long period of time. John Schofield recommended that lhe Town establish standard criieria for TCO's. Galen Aasland stated that the Building Official's discretion should be preserved on matters of TCO's. Brent Wilson stated that the Town has not issued TCO's when there are outstanding UBC issues; only for outstanding DRB issues like landscaping. Galen Aasland stated that there is often a punch list created for TCO's. John Schofield stated that minor DRB issues do not appear on those punch lists. Brent Wilson stated that Planning and Public Works now identify their issues on TCO requests. Chas Bemhardt moved to table this item. Dick Cleveland seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 4. A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D-5 of the Town Code, to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vail Village West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47,located at 1916 & 1936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs Allison Ochs gave an overview of the staff reporl, findings and recommendation. Pat Dauphinais spoke on behalf of Richard Strauss, the owner of record on the property. Pat stated his client had the authority as owner to proceed through the PEC Process. There was.no public commenl on this item. Doug Cahill stated he thought the previous misinformation leading to the lot vacation created a hardship. John Schofield agreed with Doug and noted the majority of the lots in the neighborhood were non- conforming. Diane Golden agreed wiih John. Dick Cleveland agreed with his fellow Commissioners and stated small lots were in character with the neighborhood. Dick requested a condition that the existing surface parking encroachment be removed from lhe right-of-way. Chas Bemhardt stated he supporled the request. Galen Aasland staled the previous misunderstanding constituted a hardship for the applicant and that the variance was warranled. Galen requested additional review from the Town Attomey, given the issue of foreclosure on the property. Pat Dauphinais spoke about the parking issue. Pat stated the parking was no longer needed since lhe home business was no longer in operation. John Schofield moved to grant both requests, in accordance with the staff memo findings and condition, with the additions that the Town Attorney approve the plai prior to filing, and that the parking in the right-of-way be removed or brought into code compliance prior to construction of a new building. Chas Bemhardt seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. 6. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the consolidation of 2 unils within the CC2 Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant: Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architecls. Planner: Allison Ochs Allison Ochs briefed the PEC on the application, the criteria and findings for a conditional use permil and the staff recommendation. Kyle Webb spoke on behalf of the owners. He stated the units had never been rented in the past. There was no public comment. Dick Cleveland stated he agreed with the siaff memo. Chas Bernhardt also agreed. Doug Cahill stated he agreed with the staff memo. John Sshofield had no comments. Diane Golden stated the application brought the project closer inlo compliance. Galen Aasland stated he thought it could be bad for the town. Doug Cahill moved to grant approval of the request, in accordance with the staff memo. Chas Bemhardt seconded. The motion carried 6-0. 7. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District, located at 715 Wesl Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lols C & D, Morcus Subdivision. 4 Applicant: VailManiottPlanner: Allison Ochs Allison Ochs gave an overyiew of the staff memo, including the criteria and findings associated with' conditional use permits. Matt Vansant, the Director of Sales and Marketing for the Maniott, made himself available for questions. Dick Cleveland stated that he was in agreement with the siaff memorandum. He raised a concem regarding existing site conditions. He stated that the condilional use permit should be renewed annually to ensure that the sile is maintained. Chas Bernhardt agreed with the comments made by Dick. Chas mentioned sections of fence to the east of the existing construction site and noted that there is a safety hazard. Doug Cahill stated that he was concerned with the quality and appearance of the tent and that the quality of the overall product should be improved in the future. Matt Vansant stated that the Maniott has future plans to create a higher qualily product. John Schofield staled that the site issues would have to be addressed prior to renewal of the conditional use permil. Galen Aasland stated that he was in agreement with the other Commissioners and thal a conditional use permit, which would have to be renewed annually, was appropriate. He suggested that once conslruction is completed at the Maniott, that the transparency factor associated with other sites in Lionshead be applied to lhis site. John Schofield made a motion for approval, in accordance with the staff memo, with ihe condition that equipment be screened at all times, thal the cup be valid for one year, and that appropriate landscape screening be applied. The motion was seconded by Doug Cahill. Chas Bemhardt asked if the motion could be amended to include repair of the construclion fences. Dick Cleveland asked that the application for a conditional use permii be supplied prior lo the tent being erected in the fulure. Galen Aasland asked if there was any furlher comment. There was no further comment. The motion canied &0. 8. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D.9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an addition to a single-family residence, localed at 1 1 15 Hornsilver Circle / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 8th Filing. Applicant: Carol Collins, represented by Arris West Architects, PCPlanner: Bill Gibson Bill Gibson gave an overview of the staff memo, stating that the staff recommendation was for denial. Doug Cahill stated that he was in agreemenl with the staff memo and that approval of the variance would be a grant of special privilege. John Schofield stated that the slope of the lot should be a consideration because a portion of the loi is quite steep. He also recognized that the size of the lot, being non-conforming, could be considered a factor in granling lhe variance. Dick Cleveland stated that he was disturbed by the lack of the applicant's or architect's presence at the hearing because he was unable to solicit any feedback or informalion from the applicant. Chas Bernhardt stated that he was not in agreement with the staff memo and that the granting of the variance would nol be a special privilege. Galen Aasland stated that this would not be a special privilege, due to the fact that the lot is non- conforming with respecl to size. He also noted that the item should be tabled due to the architect and applicant not being present. Anis West Architects, representing the owner, stated that the owner wished to update the house, which was constructed in the late 70's. Dick Cleveland asked the applicani what attempts were made lo design the addition without the need for a variance. The applicant stated that it was not possible. Chas Bernhardt stated that he felt the slopes and the size of the lot and the existing structure were factors in the variance, and that he did not see it as special privilege. Doug Cahill stated that he believed the extent of lhe variance was exoessive, especially considering il was for a bathroom. John Schofield stated that the reasons the applicant siated in his letter do not wanant a variance, but the sleep slopes and lhe small lot size would overcome special privilege Galen Aasland staied that the small lot size is uncommon in this neighborhood and he does not see this as a grant of special privilege. John Schofield made a motion for approval. Chas Bemhardt seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-2, with Doug Cahill and Dick Cleveland opposed. 9. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the conection of enors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Brent Wilson Brent Wilson stated that he had nothing to add to the staff memo, which had been reviewed during the pre-meeting. Diane Golden had no comments Galen Aasland stated that the item should be approved. \ Doug Cahill made a molion to approve the minor subdivision, in accordance with the slaff memo and findings on page 1 of the memo. Galen Aasland asked if there was any further commeni. There was no further comment. The motion was seconded by Dick. The motion canied 6-0. 10. A requesl for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone dislricts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlannen George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JUNE 25, 2OO1 11 . A request for a variance from Section 12-6D6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construetion of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, VailVillage West Filing #2. Applicant: David lrwinPlanner: Ann Kjerulf TABLED UNTIL JUNE 25,2OO1 11 . Approval of May 14,2001 minutes Motion: Chas Bemharl Second: Dick Cleveland Motion canied G0 12. lnformation Updateo June 19rh roofing materials discussion with the PEC, Town Council & DRB. The applications and information about ihe proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the projeci planner's office located ai the Town of Vail Community Developmenl Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretalion available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department I PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS Monday, June 11,2001 PROJECT ORIENTATION l - Gommunity Development Dept. PUBLTC WELCOME e./. (l a' (. '-,t\ 12:00 pq MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland MEMBERS ABSENT Brian Doyon Chas Bemhardt Diane Golden John Schofield Doug Cahill Dick Cleveland Site Visits : 1. Vail Marriott - 715 West Lionshead Circle2. Collins residence - 1 1 15 Homsilver Circle l:15 pm Driver:George lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 Public Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A report of a staff decision, approving a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, allowing for the expansion of the Wreck Room ilestaurant and Passport Club, locited at 4-98 Vail Valiey Drive/Trast F, Vail Village Srh fiting. Applicant: Golden Peak Ski BasePlanner: Ann Kjerulf STAFF DECISION UPHELD 2. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesU A portion of Trast C, Vail Polato Palch. A full metes & bounds legal descriplion is available at the Department of Communi$ Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED TO JUNE 25,2001 3. A request for the review of a proposed texl amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther/Russell Fonest TABLED TO JUNE 25,2001 NOTE: \ i 4. A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D5 of the Town Code. to allow for lhe resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vail Village West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lois 46 & 47,located al 1916 & 1936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH TWO CONDITIONS: 1 . That the applicant submit 2 mylar copies of the final plat for Lot 46 and 47 , Vat Village Wesi Filing No. 2, for recording of the subdivision. The plat must be recorded within one year or final Planning and Environmental Commission approval.2. That the applicant review the final plat with the Town Attomey to verify ownership. 5. A request for a conditional use permit, lo allow for the consolidation of 2 units within the CC2 Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1s Filing. Applicant: Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architects. Planner: Allison Ochs MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Chas Bemhardl VOTE:6-0 APPROVED 6. A request for a conditional use permii, lo allow for a seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use l Zone District, located at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1. Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: Vail ManiottPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Doug Cahill VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH THREE CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant shall not erect the tent prior to April 30'n and the applicant shall remove the tent no later than October 31"t of each summer of operation.2. That the approval is good for one year and must be renewed prior to April 2002.3. That the applicanl repair the fence, screen all mechanical equipment & generally clean up the site. 7. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, io allow for the construction of an addition to a single-family residence, located at 1 1 15 Homsilver Circle / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village I'n Filing. Applicant: Carol Collins, represented by Arris West Architects, PC Planner: Bill Gibson MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE:4-2 (Cahill, Cleveland opposed) APPROVED I 8. A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the conection of enors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Brenl Wilson MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Dick Gleveland VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION 1. That the applicant records the approved and signed plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recordeds Office by no later than June 11,2002. . 9. A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone distrists in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Rulher MOTION: Diane Golden SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 25,2OO1 10. A request for a variance from Seetion 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David InryinPlanner: Ann Kjerulf MOTION: Diane Golden SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 6-0 TABLED UNTIL JUNE 25,2001 11. Approval of May 14,2001 minules 12. Information Update. June 19th roofing materials discussion with the PEC, Town Council & DRB. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular offlce hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informaiion. Communily Development Department ,t I Eo t-((( 0, lrlo uzo N t rt o oo oo z rtoo ru N Itlo!l o 1 .ut4 tu \Jrra -t- or +. 9)(S:L\EY9c5 tlaSot:?ta Faa\.-a-eO ! Uq qJ O lr-fe 3€ !a t:rE o.a cr '/J s €rg ,rI l! 'gsFF€s \ /$fi i$s s5d.g .e* I:€i strt IEi+ E E':i i.l'€ J,E,:-: rg lao =atj so f{| r.1ra lr;r nO dt h|oE ESS tl 5d,,ai t .-' .l i.g:E5 €s >1+ o Eo. -9 1t) c,o .E fotro--oFE gH'h > F@bER = (/) --FpE rtl rF ha c) ttl |ll c, F attoo .ij Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 Fttx 970-479-2452 www.ci.yail.co.us June 1.2001 Patrick Him Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620-0959 and Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC); Property owners adjacent to Golden Peak Lodge Re: A rcquest for a minor amendment to the approved development plan forthe Golden Peak Skl 8ase, to allow for the expansion of the Wreck Room Restaunnt and Passport Club, located at 498 Vait Valley Dive/Tnct F, Vait Viltage 5h Fiting. Dear Patrick, PEC members, and adjacent property owners: Staff has reviewed the request to amend the approved development plan for Golden Peak in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 12 of the Vail Town Code. As described above, ihe requested amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan has been approved by staff with the following conditions: 1. The Town of Vail Design Review Board shall approve the design of the proposed addition. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20th at 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road). 2. Pursuant to the Preliminary Developer lmprovement Agreement between Vail Associates, Inc. and the Town of Vail dated March 20, 1996 for the Golden Peak Ski Base, the applicant will grant the Town a public pedestrian easement for the existing (and proposed extended) Vail Trail encroachment across the property. This easement will be incorporated into the pending easement agreement between the applicant and lhe Town of Vail for the Golden Peak Ski Base. No application for a building permit shall be accepted until this agreement has been finalized. {,7 u"'"uo'n'o A report concerning this minor amendment lo the approved development plan for Golden Peak will be presented by staff at a public hearing before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) on Monday, June 11'n at 2:00 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road). The PEC reserves the right to "call up" a staff decision for additional review al lhis hearing. There will also be an opportunity for public comment at this hearing. The staff report is as follows: DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The proposal involves the addition of 318 s.f of commercial space to the Golden Peak Ski Base Faciliiy. The addition has two components. First, by relocating interior walls, 312 s.f. will be moved from the Wreck Room to the Passport Club. Then to recapture this lost space, the Wreck Room will be expanded on the north side of the building undemeath an existing cantilevered space. The remodel will result in the Passport Club becoming 312 s.f. larger, the Wreck Room becoming 6 s.f. larger, with an overall addition of 318 s.f. of commercial space to the Golden Peak facility. There is no addition of site coverage because the proposed expansion is to occur undemeath a cantilevered space that is already considered site coverage. The proposal would result in improved circulation within the Passport Club due to the expansion of its lobby area and also, the improvement of the northern fagade of the building. A letler from the applicant outlining the proposed addition has been attached for reference. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2. Vail Town Code. a "minor amendment" is defined as follows: MINOR AMENDMENT (STAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape ptans that do not alter the basic intent and chancter of the approved special developmenUski base rccrcation district, and arc consisfenf with the design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, vaiations of not more than five teet (5') to approved sefbacks and/or building footpints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development distict; or changes fo gross floor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than five percent (Sok) of the apprcved square footage of rctail, office, common arcas and other nonresidential floor arca, except as prcvided under Sections 12-1&4 (lnterior ConversionsJ or 12-15-5 (250 Additional GRFA) of this Titte. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Vail Town Code, "minor amendmeni" procedures are as follows: Minor modificafions consisfent with the design citeia outlined in subsection 12- 9A-2 (definition of "minor amendment") of this Article, may be apprcved by the Depadment of Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely rcvised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the Department of Community Development. il. I CRITERIAAND FINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-GD: Amendments to the approved devetopment plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section i2-9A-10 of this Title. Seclion 12-9A-10 is addressed below. Section l2-9A-2: Minor Amendment {staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved dbtrict and are consistent with the design criteria of this Ghapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. Staff does not believe an approval of this proposal would alter the basic character and inteni of the originally approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base. There will be no change to the existing site or landscape plans and the addition will not trigger the need for additional onsite parking. The net change in floor area of the Wreck Room is negligible. Hence, staff does not believe there will be an increase in vehicular or pedestrian circulation or an increased demand for parking. The area to be added to the Passport Club is to enlarge the lobby so that circulation within the space will be enhanced. Furthermore, there will be no increase in the number of members within the Passport Club. Hence, there will be no impact on the Club's parking requirement. Staff has also reviewed the proposal in terms of the potential impacts to ADA or pedeslrian circulation. Staff believes there will be no adverse impact upon ADA or pedestrian circulation resulting from the addition. From a design perspective, the addition will serve to enhance the northern fagade of the building. Section 12-94-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outfined in subsection 12-gA-2 may be approved by the Department of Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff ac-tion shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the district that may be affected by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later than 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendmeril and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commi$ion will be informed of the staff decision. The propbsed amendment is consistent with the design criteria outlined under subsection 12-9A-2. Notification of the hearing and a summary of the proposal will be provided to all adjacent property owners within 5 days of today's date. Staffs approval of the request will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on June 11th. 2001. B. c. o Pursuant to section 12-9A-10, Vail rown code, appeals of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent property owners, owners of propefi within the special development district, the applicant, Planning and Environmental Commission members or members of the Town Council as outlined in Section 12-3-3 of lhe Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. lf you would like to further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 97G,479,2148 or akierulf@ci.vail. co. us. Sincerely, Planner I l/GlS Specialist Town of Vail Atlachments VnrL REsoRTs DevELoPMENT CovPANY CorusrRUcrtott DEPARTMENT May2,200l Anne Kjerulf, Planner I Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81567 RE: Proposed expansion of Wreck Room and Passport Club Golden Peak Lodge Dear Anne: Enclosed you will frnd PEC and DRB application materials for a minor amendment to the development plan to the Golden Peak Lodge. These applications refer to the remodel work proposed for the Passport Club and the Wreck Room Restaurant located on the lower level ofthe building. This project consists ofadding square footage to the Passport Club lounge area at the expense of the square footage ofthe Wreck Room dining area. To balance this, the Wreck Room would like to move out to the €xisting column line to the north of the building to utilize the square footage that is currently used as a covered area for exterior building circulation. The net additional commercial square footage for this project totals 318 square feet. The gross non-residential square footage of Golden Peak Building is 48,095. All but 10 square feet ofthe proposed addition will be contained within the existing dripline ofthe building. This additional site coverage consists of the relocated entry doors which will be located 8 feet away from the existing planter (when the door is opened) in order to maintain exterior circulation. The additional space is consistent with the existing zoning of Ski Base Recreation District. The additional 3 18 square feet will be used to maintain the current square footage ofthe Wreck Room Restaurant. The Passport Club has a defined number of memberships and no additional memberships will be offered from the expansion of their lounge area. This renovation will not result in the change of current use of either tenant in this facility and thus, no impact on parking will result from this proposed work. The following pieces of information are included in this application: . Application forms and filing fees. A survey ofthe property o A title report ofthe propertyo Three copies ofplans for the project, including site plan and building elevations. Stamped and addressed envelopes for the adjacent property owners If there are any other pieces of information you require, feel free to contract me at 845-2356 and I will try my best to satis! your request. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation on this project. Patrick Hirn, Project Manager Vail Resorts Development Company fi;:::; Vail Resorts Development Compauy ' 137 Benchmark Road. Post Olfiee Box 959. Avon, Colorado 81620-0959. (970) 8,15-2350.Iax (970) 845-2358. nrrw.snow.com {}Vail . Breckenridge. Keystonee. Beaver Creek@.Bachelor Gulch" ' Arrowhead "6lt: i I :E l;;:ii Eaii,lli E; I rliii ;,iit;lii iil!i",tti:tlii AII'IIJVC gSVg )V!Id NAC-IOD NOOU )38U,/$. ?8 €In-I3 JUOdSSVd Of, .'IIVN .NOIIICCV 3'IACO9o"i6 3i;.o qJ -:- F^E * Jss i" \tztr d) Xlu ruF<.r()\o: Uz Fo X-trrl ZlraltF Flk{E rirlPnl(')-Tl ..J LI1 oLltrelF L <t;3 Fla4 Ut; --i Lltl<-/'T-\.. t-t IH \l-,/ oz o oqza= 568 x853l|lz olrlF () oJul v_ z o (f) ooI |;l*:!;:ilii -t'-zEo 2a<? oc\ruo'IoJ "IIVA'NotttccFry tacohtau AII'IIJVC SSVS )Vgd NAO'IO9 htoou )J!ru/$, ?8 gn-IJ Juodssvd is -H{luE1 3() 9T JL {Pr rii)g I u F.l { Ez v; =uliDtr fipu.l oo <t x $ 6LX:'Il (f) P o a5 ,jgt-Fulotri _t ulIzl It,--i-\ Xrdi I uruiIvI XtrYlJ)lpxnr5g"$ l3 ultz *ul =<J0o^ EH ^J<){J\J tl. Fo ItrI Xul oluF IJl|lu-l --.1 -l -J ;l t-I I I JJg 3!lz T@e\o\fig i9Xtrf9 !JX||1ut HHE=--=a ll --i f '---,- - tl ll t] ll ir t=\lal.i llt { 5 5 uo € T: il ll tl tl r'1t:' ati- €$rE F 3 P t r\F e $ x Itr H iij ttl llr lrl til A $$3 R SEff E'i .rrtE $q[0.{r-+-J- a{ i* i*r$$5 -n--FI Ef ii$ O '-- !- J a' \.t 11:30 pm 1:00 pm DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 6, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELGOME PROJECT ORIENTATION, LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti Charles Acevedo SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Driver: Weiss residence - 3838 Bridge Rd. Darby Vail ll - 3847 Lupine Drive Edwards Medical Campus ( to look at cemplank) Hobbit Hill- 1546 Matterhom Circle Northridge Condominiums - 2437, 2439,2447 Chamonix Lane Lionsmane Condos - 1063 Vail View Drive Riva Ridge North - 133 Willow Road Joe's Famous Deli - 220 Bridge Street Allison PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Vail Valley Medical Center - Final review of proposed Phase I additions. 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2no Filing.Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Cenier, represented by Braun Associates VOTE:5-0 3:00 pm George MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION: 1. That the mansard roof be extended for run-off control. 2. Lionsmane Condos - Repaint. 1063 Vail View Drive/Lot A5-1, Lion's Ridge 1"' Filing.Applicant: Lionsmane Phase ll Condo Association, represented by Anigoni, MOTION: BillPierce Bitl lnc. SECOND: Charlie Acevedo APPROVED WITH TWO CONDITIONS: 1. That the buildings be painted with the following paint scheme: Walls - Dry Dock SW 2022 Trim - Castle Beige SW 2025 Facia, Soffits, Railings, Doors, Concrele driveway walls - Thicket SW 2027 2. An appropriate trash enclosure must be constructed and painted to match the' building facia and soffits. 3. Northridge Condominiums - Repaint. Bill 2437 , 2439 & 2447 Chamonix Lane/Lots 23, 24, 25, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing 1 . Applicant: NorthridgeCondominiumAssociation MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH TWO CONDITIONS: 1. That the buildings be painted with the following paint scheme: Siding - Sand Castle SW 3006 Facia - Greenbrier SW 3050 Soffits - Orchard SW 3036 Window trim - Navajo White SW 3005 Hand & Deck Rails - Greenbrier SW 3050 Chimneys - Navajo White SW 3005 2. An appropriate lrash enclosure must be constructed and painted to match the building soffits. 4. Hobbit Hill - repaint of condominium complex Allison 1546 Matterhorn Cr.iHobbit Hill Applicant: Eagle Eye Management MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND:Andy Blumetti VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION: 1. That the colors be reviewed by staff in accordance with the direction of the Design Review Board. 5. Weiss residence - Conceptual review of proposed addition. Ann 3838 Bridge Road/Lot 12, Bighorn 2no Addilion. Applicant: Steve Riden CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 6. Vail Village Inn - Conceptual review of a remodel to units 335 & 337. Brent 100 E. Meadow Drive #335 & 337 - Vail Village lnn / Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village #1 Applicanl: Patricia and Gerardo Schroeder, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 7. Darby Vail ll - Proposed change from P/S to SFR. Allison 3847 Lupine Drive/Lot 6, Block 1, Bighom Subdivision. Applicant: The Mulhem Group, Lid. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECQND: Charles Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH THREE CONDITIONS: 1. That on the south elevation where the decks previously joined, there be no stone above the wood shake shingles. 2. That on the south elevation, the'flying fascia'be retumed to the original approved building permit plans 3. That the applicant submit a new landscape plan to Town staff for approval 8. Golden Peak - Conceptual review of proposed entry addition Ann 458 E. VailValley Drive/Trast F, Block 3, Vail Village srh FilingApplicant Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Patrick Him MOTION:Andy Blumetti SECOND: BillPierce VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED W|TH FOUR CONDITIONS: 'l. That the stucco arch piece be removed and replaced with vertical siding to the underside of the dormer roof.2. That the stone pillar be terminated wilh a stone cap and post.3. Thal windows adjacent to the entry doors shall have the same trim treatment as existing windows on the building.4. That proposed lighting be reviewed by staff. 9. Informalion Uodate o June 19rh roofing materials discussion with the PEC, Town Council, & DRB. Staff Aprovals Zopf residence - Roof replacement. Brent 894 Spruce CourULot 9, Block 3, VailViltage Filing 9.Applicant: 894 Spruce LLC Tyrolean Condos - Replace concrete driveway with heated pavers. Ann 2648 Arosa Drive/Tyrolean Condos. Applicant: Ben Tobin CO LTD Lodge at Lionshead - Replace two exterior doors with windows/window addition. Ann 380 E. Uonshead Circle/Lot 7, Lodge at Lionshead. Applicant: B&C Properties LLC Schmidt residence - Changes to approved landscape plan. Bill 1410 Buffehr Creek Road/Lol G-1, Lions's Ridge Filing 2.Applicant: Leroy S. Schmidt Angelo residence - Addition to an exisling dwelling unit. George 352 E. Meadow DriveA/ail Club Condominiums. Applicant John M & Judith H. Angelo Golden Peak Skier Tunnel - Fill storage. Brent 458 Vail Valley Drive/Golden Peak. Applicant: TheVailCorp. Vail Clothing Company - New sign. Allison 244\Nall St./One Vail Place Condominium. Applicani: Intrawest Retail Group, Inc. Linn residence - Driveway entrance piers and eliterior lighting. Brent 1350 Greenhill CourULot 14, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Alexandra Palmer Linn Walker residence - Reroof. Judy 5089 Gore Circle/Lot 9, Block 2, Bighorn srh Addition. Applicant: Steven A. Walker & Lori L. Walker McLean residence - Entry deck, slair treads & railing replacement. Judy 2821 Kinnickinnick Rd., Unit A1-2lColumbine North. Applicant: Gordon A. & Heidi P. McLean Tanka Corp residence - New dormer, addition and balcony exlension. Allison 600 Vail Valley Drive/Northwoods Condominiums. Applicant: Tanka Corp. Austrian residence - Change to approved landscape plan. Bill 696 Forest Rd./Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 6'h Filing. Applicant: Neil R. & Nancy R. Austrian Okubo residence - Revisions lo approved plans. Bill 5027 Ute Lane/Lot 31, Block 19, Vail Meadows 1"' Filing. Applicant: Larry T. & Renee Okubo Dreyer residence - Change chimney cap to copper flashing. Allison 5114 Grouse Lane/Lol 6, Block 12, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Raymond & Margarita Dreyer Cascade Resort - Street banners. Bill 1300 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Inn. Applicant: L-O Vail Holding Inc. Columbine North - Replace deck railings and pickets. Judy 2773 Kinnickinnick Rd., Bldg. B&D/Lot 4, Block 4, Columbine North. Applicant: Jeffrey Rodeen Passages - Eldend existing window out 6". Judy 201 Gore Creek Drive, Bell Tower Building/Lot 3, Block 58, Vail Village 1d Filing. Applicant: Peter Apostle The applications and information aboui the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request wiih 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informaiion. Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 1, 2001 Patrick Him Vail Resorts Developmenl ComPany 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620-0959 and Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC); Property owners adjacent to Golden Peak Lodge Re: A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski 8ase, to allow for the expansion of the Wreck Room Restaunnt and Passpott Club, located at 498 VaitValley Dive/Tnct F, Vait Viilage 5h Fiting. Dear Patrick, PEC members, and adjaceni property owners: Staff has reviewed the request to amend the approved developmenl plan for Golden Peak in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 12 of the Vail Town Code. As described above, the requested amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base developmenl plan has been approved by staff with the following conditions: 1. The Town of Vail Design Review Board shall approve the design of the proposed addition. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20th at 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road). 2. Pursuant to the Preliminary Developer lmprovement Agreemenl between Vail Associates, Inc. and the Town of Vail dated March 20, 1996 for the Golden Peak Ski Base, lhe applicant will grant the Town a public pedestrian easement for the existing (and proposed extended) Vail Trail encroachment across the property. This easement will be incorporated into the pending easemenl agreement between the applicant and the Town of Vail for the Golden Peak Ski Base. No application for a building permit shall be accepted until this agreement has been finalized. {P *'n"'"o '^'"* A report conceming this minor amendment to the approved development plan for Golden Peak will be presented by staff at a public hearing before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) on Monday, June 11'n at 2:00 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road). The PEC reserves the right to "call up" a staff decision for additional review at this hearing. There will also be an opportunity for public comment at this hearing. The staff report is as follows: DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The proposal involves the addition of 318 s.f of commercial space to ihe Golden Peak Ski Base Facility. The addition has two components. First, by relocating interiorwalls, 312 s.f. will be moved from the Wreck Room lo the Passport Club. Then to recapture this lost space, the Wreck Room will be expanded on the north side of the building undemeath an existing cantilevered space. The remodel will result in the Passport Club becoming 312 s.f. larger, the Wreck Room becoming 6 s.f. larger, with an overall addition of 318 s.f. of commercial space to the Golden Peak facility. There is no addition of site coverage because the proposed expansion is lo occur undemeath a cantilevered space that is already considered site coverage. The proposal would result in improved circulation within the Passport Club due to the expansion of its lobby area and also, the improvement of the northern fagade of the building. A letter from the applicant outlining the proposed addition has been attached for reference. Pursuant to Sestion 12-9A-2. Vail Town Code. a "minor amendment' is defined as follows: MINOR AMENDMENT (STAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and chanc'ter of the approved special development/ski base recreation district, and arc consistent with the design citeia of this Chapter. Minor amendnents may include, but not be limited to, vaiations of not morc than five feet (5) to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or silr- plans that do not adversely impact pdestrian or vehicular circulation thrcughout the special development dieticT; or changes fo gross floor arca (excluding rcsidential uses) of not morc than five prcent (5%) of the apprcved squarc footage of retail, offire, common arcas and other nonrcsidential floor arca, except as provided under Sections 12-1*4 (lnterior Conversions) or 12-15-5 (250 Additional GRFA) of this Title. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Vail Town Code, "minor amendment" procedures are as follows: Minor modificafions consisfent with the design citeria outlined in subsection 12- 9A-2 (definition of "minor amendment") of this Article, may be apprcved by the Department of Community Development. All minor modifrcations shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the Departnrent of Community Development' II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Sec'tion 12{D€D: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considercd in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-9A-10 of this Title. Section 12-9A-10 is addressed below. B. Sec'tion 12-9A-2: Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Ghapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. Staff does noi believe an approval of this proposal would alter the basic character and intent of the originally approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base. There will be no change to the existing site or landscape plans and the addition will not trigger the need for additional onsite parking. The net change in floor area of the Wreck Room is negligible. Hence, staff does not believe there will be an increase in vehicular or pedestrian circulation or an increased demand for parking. The area to be added to lhe Passporl Club is to enlarge the lobby so that circulation within the space will be enhanced. Furthermore, lhere will be no increase in the number of members within the Passport Club. Hence, there will be no impact on the Club's parking requirement. Staff has also reviewed the proposal in terms of the potential impacts to ADA or pedestrian circulation. Staff believes there will be no adverse impact upon ADA or pedestrian circulation resulting from the addition. From a design perspective, the addition will serve to enhance the northem fagade of the building. C. Section 12-94-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-gA-2 may be approved by the llepartment of Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff action shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the district that may be affested by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later than 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the stafr decision. The propbsed amendment is consistent with ihe design crileria outlined under subsection 12-gA-2. Notification of the hearing and a summary of the proposal will be provided to all adjacent property owners within 5 days of today's date. Staffs approval of the request will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on June 11rh.2001. Pursuani to sec'tion 12-9A-10, Vailrown code, appeals of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent pnoperty owners, ofinsrs of properg within the special development district, the applicant, Planning and Environmental Commission members or members of the Tourn Council as outlined in Seetion 12-3-3 of the Town of VailZoning Regulations. lf you would like to further informetion, plsase do not hesitate to contact me at 97M79-2148 or akierulf@ci.vail.co. us. Sincerely, Planner IUGIS Specialist Torn of Vail Attachments 4 VnrL ResoRTs DEVELOPMENT CoMPANY C o N sr R u cr to N D E PA RT M E N T May 2,2001 Anne Kjerulf, Planner I Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Fronage Road Vail, CO 81567 R-E: Proposed expansion of Wreck Room and Passport Club Golden Peak Lodge Dear Anne: Enclosed you will find PEC and DRB application materials for a minor amendrnent to the development plan to the Golden Peak Lodge. These applications refer to the remodel work proposed for the Passport Club and the Wreck Room Restaurant located on the lower level ofthe building. This project consists of adding square footage to the Passport Club lounge area at the expense ofthe square footage ofthe Wreck Room dining area. To balance tlis, the Wreck Room would like to move out to the existing column line to the north of the building to utilize the square footage that is currently used as a covered area for exterior building circulation. The net additional commercial square footage for this project totals 3 18 square feet. The gross non-residential square footage of Golden Peak Building is 48,095. All but 10 square feet of the proposed addition will be contained within the existing dripline of the building. This additional site coverage consists ofthe relocated entry doors which will be located 8 feet away from the existing planter (when the door is opened) in order to maintain exterior circulation. The additional space is consistent with the existing zoning of Ski Base Recreation District. The additional 318 square feet will be used to maintain the cunent square footage ofthe Wreck Room Restaurant. The Passport Club has a defined number of memberships and no additional memberships will be offered from the expansion of their lounge area. This renovation will not result in the change of current use of either tenant in this facility and thus, no irnpact on parking will result from this proposed work. The following pieces of information are included in this application: o Application forms and filing feesr A survey of the property o A title report ofthe property o Three copies ofplans for the project, including site plan and building elevations r Stamped and addressed envelopes for the adjacent property owners Ifthere are any otler pieces of information you require, feel free to contact me at 845-2356 and I will try my best to satisf your request. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation on this project. Ee- Patrick Him, Project Manager Vail Resorts Development Company --t-.,-.,\.--\\^ Vail Resorts Development Company. 13? Benchma* Road . Post Office Box 959. Avon, Colorado 81620-0959 ' (970) 845-2350.fax (970) 845-2358. ww.snow.com Vail . Breckenridge. Keystoneo. Beaver Creeko. Bachelor Gulch* . Arrowhead a Ffi$!ilfi fu€ | 81, zo-tF -->rF zmE 3 -{ m 4 t-(tl --to f {-eI m -{ (t){zo rffirt-l zme Ezoo€o 8Id 9qb*Kq m U ,,1".,ri" ,..5i1!i :il ;;:ii i!;:; | 65 i'J'tllliu iii:i l;lI a !6ri' PASSPORT CLUB & WRECK ROOM GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY REMODEL & ADDITION. VAIL. COLORADO o- 4E z fiH* Td(Di.IP 6U EB--... XI 6 @Yt tl H tl tl$5 oI T t-I €$ I I HEiItn 'z -ll tl tl$L;'I r- - ) L- - ---r'T-----l'||llil tlllll dI n9 *671t- 2im A m X(' f o R T(D nmrID-{ mg I I I l._ I Itztm l' m-Xa('m-{-z ZFlr.h =$oI6 nmTI mo t-- L mCX-0s zmE Frr HtlrL----Jr'F--rr--/tll'-->tEMFx ll i-(F iil;i;i; iiiii|*iI I BerE' PASSPORT CLUB & WRECK ROOM GOLDEN PEAK BASE FACILITY REMODEL & ADDITION. VAIL. COLORADO trKl\r--. _ H t(nl EI € i$l lEr I $$ I Srt<: . !.t F-' f-tllLt U E:el infiHlll|l -n-E--ffi I Eft.,i iis$ c u? s E o 3 F 3 PA a $F e $ x r;: ilil il lr ll Hi!. $l I I E} I Cl '-s-Al $$i fil fti"llil r lrl fll ill li H- _:\_ {_ o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the TownofVail onJune11,2001,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage within the required front setback, located at 1956 Gore Creek Drive / Lot 45, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: David Inruin Planner: Ann Kjerulf A request for a minor subdivision and a variance from Section 12-6D5 of the Town Code, to allow for the resubdivision of Lot 1, Strauss Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lots 46 & 47, Vail Village West Filing No. 2, re-creating Lots 46 & 47 , located at 'l 916 & J 936 West Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais, representing Richard StraussPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for lhe review of a proposed text amendment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to allow for procedural changes to the performance bond process as prescribed in the Vail Town Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an athletic field, located at 610 N. Frontage Rd. WesV A portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. A full metes & bounds legal description is available at the Department of Community Development. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the consolidation of 2 units within the CC2 Zone District, located at 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1"r Filing. Applicant: Henry Anthony lttleson, represented by K.H. Webb Architects. Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. locaied at 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots 4 & 7, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3d Filing and Lots C & D, Morcus Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Marriott Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construclion of an addition to a single-family residence, located at 1115 Hornsilver Circle / Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 8'h Filing. Applicant: Planner: Carol Collins, represented by Arris West Architects, PC BillGibson o A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for the correction of errors in the platting of Tract J, Vail Village First Filing, located at Vail Interfaith Chapel, 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant; Town of Vail Planner: Brent Wilson A request for a work session to discuss amending certain residential zone districts in the Town of Vail to allow home day care facilities subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit and a home occupation permit. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: George Ruther A review of a staff decision regarding a request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to allow for the expansion of the Wreck Room Restaurant and Passport Club, located at 498 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village 5'n Filing. Applicant: Golden Peak Ski Base Planner: Ann Kjerulf The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited lo attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language inlerpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 25, 2001 in the Vail Trail. Golden Peak -Adjacent hoperty Owners Manor Vail Lodge Condominium Association 595 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Barbara M. Osborne C/o Keith Jennings Brown Brothers Harriman l53l Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Ski Club Vail 598 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Pinos Del Norte P.O. Box 69 Vail, CO 81657 Grand Prix, Inc. 386 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Ram's Hom Lodge Condominium Association 416 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Kay H. Chester (or current resident) 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 ILC Realty LTD 7979 Broadway, Suite l0l San Antonio, TX 78209 Elizabeth Ross Johnson Revocable Trust C/o J. Epstein and Company, Inc. Villard House 457 Madison Avenue New York l.IY 10022 820 Management Trust Lee M. Bass, Trustee 201 Main Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Alej andro Mcarr aga Burillo 104 Del Court Laredo. TX 78041 Harley and Lonaine Higbie 1600 Broadway, Suite 1400 Denver, CO 80202 All Seasons Condominium Association 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Aw*cenns l4m:bth toh lot Jx. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 1,2001 Patrick Hirn Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620-0959 and Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC); Property owners adjacent to Golden Peak Lodge Re: A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to allow for the expansion of the Wrcck Room Restaunnt and Passport Club, located at 498 Vail Vatley Drive/Tract F, Vait Village 5h Fiting. Dear Patrick, PEC members, and adjacent property owners: Staff has reviewed the request to amend the approved development plan for Golden Peak in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 12 of the Vail Town Code. As described above, the requested amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan has been approved by staff with the following conditions: 1. The Town of Vail Design Review Board shall apProve the design of the proposed addition. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20th at 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road). 2. Pursuant to the Preliminary Developer lmprovement Agreement between Vail Associates, lnc. and the Town of Vail dated March 20, 1996 for the Golden Peak Ski Base, the applicant will grant the Town a public pedestrian easement for the exisling (and proposed extended) Vail Trail encroachment across the property. This easement will be incorporated into the pending easement agreement between the applicant and lhe Town of Vail for lhe Golden Peak Ski Base. No application for a building permit shall be accepted until this agreement has been finalized. {g *""r"r"o r rr,, A report concerning this minor amendment to the approved development plan for Golden Peak will be presented by staff at a public hearing before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) on Monday, June 11'n at 2:00 p.m. in the Vail Town Council Chambers (75 S. Frontage Road). The PEC reserves the right to "call up" a staff decision for additional review at this hearing. There will also be an opportunity for public commenl at this hearing. The staff reporl is as follows: DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The proposal involves the addition of 318 s.f of commercial space to the Golden Peak Ski Base Facility. The addition has two components. First, by relocating interior walls, 312 s.f. will be moved from the Wreck Room to the Passport Club. Then to recapture this lost space, the Wreck Room will be expanded on the north side of the building undemeath an existing cantilevered space. The remodel will result in the Passport Club becoming 312 s.f. larger, the Wreck Room becoming 6 s.f. larger, with an overall addition of 318 s.f. of commercial space lo the Golden Peak facility. There is no addition of site coverage because the proposed expansion is lo occur undemeath a cantilevered space that is already considered site coverage. The proposal would result in improved circulalion within the Passport Club due to the expansion of its lobby area and also, lhe improvemenl of the northern fagade of the building. A letter from the applicant outlining the proposed addition has been attached for reference. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2, Vail Town Code, a "minor amendment" is defined as follows: MINOR AMENDMENT (STAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special developmenUski base rccreation distict, and arc consistent with the design citeria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, vaiations of not more than five teet (5') to approved sefbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not advercely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development district; or changes fo gross floor arca (excluding rcsidential uses) of not morc than five percent (5%) of the approved squarc footage of rctail, office, common arcas and other nonrcsidential floor arca, except as prcvided under Sections 12-15-4 (lnteior Conversions) or 12-1&5 (250 Additional GRFA) of this Title. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Vail Town Code, "minor amendment" procedures are as follows: Minor modificafions consr.sfent with the design citeria outlined in subsection 12- 9A-2 (definition of 'minor amendment") of this Article, may be approved by the Depaftment of Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the Department of Community Development. II. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-6D: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-94-10 of this Tiile. Section 12-9A-10 is addressed below. B. Section 12-9A-2: Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. Staff does not believe an approval of this proposal would alter the basic character and intent of the originally approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base. There will be no change to the existing site or landscape plans and the addition will not trigger the need for additional onsite parking. The net change in floor area of the Wreck Room is negligible. Hence, siaff does not believe there will be an increase in vehicular or pedestrian circulation or an increased demand for parking. The area to be added to the Passport Club is to enlarge the lobby so that circulation within the space will be enhanced. Furthermore, there will be no increase in the number of members within the Passport Club. Hence, there will be no impact on the Club's parking requirement. Staff has also reviewed the proposal in terms of the potential impacts to ADA or pedestrian circulation. Staff believes there will be no adverse impact upon ADA or pedestrian circulation resulting from the addition. From a design perspective, the addition will serve to enhance the northem fagade of the building C. Section 12-9A-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsec'tion 12-gA-2 may be approved by the D,epartment of Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff action shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the distric't that may be affected by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later than 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the staff decision. The propbsed amendment is consistent with the design criteria outlined under subsection 12-9A-2. Notification of the hearing and a summary of the proposal will be provided to all adjacent property owners wilhin 5 days of today's daie. Staffs approval of the request will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on June 11th. 2OO1 . a Pursuant to seclion 12-9A-10, vail rown code, appeals of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent properly owners, owners of property within the special development district, the applicant, Planning and Environmental Commission members or members of the Town Council as outlined in Section 12-&3 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulalions. lf you would like to further information, please do not hesitate to contact me ai 970-479-2148 or akierulf@ci.vail. co. us. Sincerely, Planner ll/GlS Specialist Town of Vail Attachments 4 VnrL ResoRTS DEVELoPMENT CoMPANY C o N sr R u cr to N D E PART M E NT May2,2001 Anne Kjerulf, Planner I Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81 567 RE: Proposed expansion of Wreck Room and Passport Club Golden Peak Lodge Dear Anne: Enclosed you will find PEC and DRB application materials for a minor amendment to the development plan to the Golden Peak Lodge. These applications refer to the remodel work proposed for the Passport Club and the Wreck Room Restaurant located on the lower level of the building. This project consists of adding square footage to the Passport Club lounge area at the expense ofthe square footage of the Wreck Room dining area. To balance this, the Wreck Room would like to move out to the existing column line to the north of the building to utilize the square footage that is currently used as a covered area for exterior building circulation. The net additional commercial squqre footage for this project totals 3 l8 square feet. The gross non-residential square footage of Golden Peak Building is 48,095. All but l0 square feet of the proposed addition will be contained within the existing dripline of the building. This additional site coverage consists ofthe relocated entry doors which will be located 8 feet away from the existing planter (when the door is opened) in order to maintain exterior circulation. The additional space is consistent with the existing zoning of Ski Base Recreation District. The additional 3 l8 square feet will be used to maintain the current square footage of the Wreck Room Restaurant. The Passport Club has a defined number of memberships and no additional memberships will be offered from the expansion of their lounge area. This renovation will not result in the change of current use of either tenant in this facility and thus, no impact on parking will result from this proposed work. The following pieces of information are included in this application: . Application forms and filing fees. A survey ofthe property r A title report ofthe property r Three copies ofplans for the project, including site plan and building elevationsr Stamped and addressed envelopes for the adjacent property owners If there are any other pieces of information you require, feel free to contact me at 845-2356 and I will try my best to satisff your request. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation on this project. Etul- Patrick Hirq Project Manager Vail Resorts Development Company //--2..^\-./.\^ Vail Resorts Developmenr Compauy' 13? Benchmark Road . Post Olfce ,.lc rrr. ^:;;.t'rado 81620-0959 . (9?0) 845-2350.Iar (9?0) 845-2358' www.snow.com Vail .Breckenridge. Keystone'!. Beaver Creeko,Bachelor Gulch" . Arrowhead po"g -E t !-: F"f,gJ:y c5 t-,;>I uE r8: c; l;il!i3,. I tit,P:r=l:i:-- J.Z I i "',::'3t i.i ,"rr,rl;, ii1::i liiiji.: l:i octoroc "rrvn'NoTJICCV T Taaolihu AJI-IIf,VJ gS\/S )VEd NAC'IOC NOOU )JEU,&\ ry gn,-If, TUOdSSVd a !I IIl ! e oz F(f) X ur tu.F () oJ ao Ao 3 d) TL uJ @ o4 tu uz F tu TsF foul 5'gri ZtJ) qEK un8 o30 Az3 3 utz oF oJ -v tuF<( E 3tuz JJ '5t8i a I fE Itt:i: Eiiailil t!lEi;:: ii;::Fi ocwo-Ioo "IIVn'nolttccff tgcontgu AJI-IIJVC ASVS )VAd NACI'IOD I^IOOU XJEUA T gN-IJ IUOdSSVd po oi E iE: gsit ir -Eg{luE130 53 JL {Prp/o/z o.: s ut d $vut J0-z vF EP ilpUI oo b & 5Lil:l q 6o n=jv LF u*rlu _t l!Izl I to-11 KlotI gu:kgI r{f' 'iolUdL-1r1 >r Og', $la-'- Otz -uli3 BP*< Uil otuF{IJulu IFo Xul @ -l -..1 --l h_r io F J utz '6o-e\o\0= f,9 qb ulx|I'ul Lt urlll ---T-- tl tl tl ll H tl I Iffi I lr z J 0_ .,,.'......-l E} r ?El t:- dtl il tl tl H l!= ${ro-3 iogt ilH *$ "--E€rPI .(( s$ lvISldttulo I -4p-.n- I I I't IL i o JJd E 3 P € I E} I r\F e $ 'ir 0. 3 R EA H G: --- !- A: TYPE OF APPLICATION: fl Additional GRFA (250) fl Bcd and Brealdast tr Conditional Use Permittr Major or E Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variancc tr Zoning Code Amcndment Amcndmcnt to an Approved Dcvelopmcnt Plan Employcc Housing Unit (Typc: ) Major or El Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillage) O Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshead) Special Dcvelopmcnt District Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD Ouc$? Call rhc Planning Staff at 479-2llB APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNINC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAI INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntat Commission. For spccific information, sce thc submittal rcquirements for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccpted until all rcquired information is submittcd. Thc project nray also nced to bc rcviewcd by tlc Town Council and./or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. B, DESCRIPTION OF TI{E REQUEST: l,{l N,r,O,e d^^Ag:^/b&ra^{ trr s rlf DEv!-Lop/t r&vf p<,o^, o; q4I. E €xzc*erot tzyavus o c.LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOTTPffiEBLOCK.....=3-FILING 5ft , F\tItJA, V,ATL ViIA"i ADDRESS:458 E,{S'7 ylrr y/rL{i"y aeluiBUtLDINcNAME: 6_o.ar^t P;,<n- gpDce D, ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: Av?y Ca 8ta?o PHONE: q?o :84€' z35D F.OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): c.NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILING ADDRESS:91 Dtft 10 AVO N Co 6lo?D PHONE: n7o -8+s-- zis-f/' FEE - SEE THE SLIBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREi\{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTTNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. For Officc Use Only: FeePud: Z@ .@ CH:l9L5OO_By: Applicationpatc: 5/3fDl pECMcctingD.t., 5ltt Iot B B tr tr tr H. ftJol-otqq ftcol-0fi5 Wl-'olto Rovircd &96 MWN OF VAIL e.s:cA;-a-tre! VAIL, COLORADO 81657. oo SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A CONDTTIONAL USE PERMIT I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCF A pre-application conference with a planning suff member is sfongly encouragcd. No application can bc accepted unless it is complctc. lt is the applicant's rcsponsibility to makc an appointsnant with the staff io detemine additional submisal requirements. II. STJBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS O FEE $200.00. Thc fcc gur:! bc paid at thc timc of submittal. O Stamped, addressed cnvelopes and a list of the names and mailing addresses of all propcdy owners adjacent to thc subjcct property, including properties behind and across steeB. Tbc applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is availablc from tbe Eagle County Assessor's office. O A description ofthc precise nahre of the proposed usc and its opcrating cbaracteristics and measurcs proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in thc vicinity. The dcscription must also ad&ess: l. Relationship and impact ofthe usc on devclopment objectives ofthe Town. 2. Effect ofthe use on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation facilitics, utilities, schools, parks and rccrcation facilities. and othcr public facilities and public facilities nceds. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular refcrcnce to congestion, automotive and pcdcstian safcty and convcnicncg traffic flow and control, access, maneuvcrability. and rcmoval. of snow from thc strceh and parking arca, 4. Effcct upon thc charactcr ofthe arca in which the proposed usc is to be locatcd, including thc scale and bulk ofthc proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. tr A preliminary titlc report. inctuding schcdules A and B, to veriff ownership and easomcnts. Gt Ifthe building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in support ofthe proposal must bc submitted to staff. Four (4) copies of the following: - An improvement surycy of the property showing property lines, locations of all improvcrnents, topography, and nahral features. A site plan at a scalc ofat lcast l " = 20' showing proposed development ofthe site, including topography, building locations. parking, traffic circulation, useable open spacc, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage featurcs, Building elevations and floo. pl*r, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch cquals one fool o tl tr Page I of 2 _l Any additional nlatcrial nccc.ssary for thc rcvicw of thc application as dctcnnincd by thc Adnr ini.strator. For intcrior modifications. an improvcmcnt survcy and sitc plan may bc waivcd by thc Administrator. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED, ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Planning and Environnrcntal Commission mech on thc 2nd and 4th Mondays of cach month. A complctc application form and all accompanf ng matcrial (as dcscribed above) must bc accepted by the community Dcvclopment Departmcnt by thc appropriatc submittal datc, which is a minimum of four (4) wceks prior to thc date of the PEC public hcaring. Incomplctc applications (as detcrmincd by thc planning statr) will not bc acccptcd AII PEC approvcd conditional usc pcrmits shall lapse if construction is not commcnccd within onc ycar ofthe datc ofapproval and diligently pursucd to comptcrion, or if thc usc for which the approval is grantcd is not commenced within onc ycar. V.ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES If this application rcquircs a scparatc rcvicw by any local, Statc or Fcderal agcncy othcr than thc Town of vail. the application fcc shall be incrcased by s200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicw, may includc, but arc not limitcd to: colorado Dcpartrncnt of Highway Acccss pcrmits, Army corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of50% of thc application fcc. lf, at thc applicant's rcqucst. any mattcr is postponcd for hcaring. causing thc mattcr to bc rc-publishcd. thcn. thc cntirc fcc for such rc-pubticafion shall bc paid by thc applicant. Applications dccmcd by thc Comrnunify Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt to havc dcsign. land usc or othcr issucs which may havc a significant impact on thc community may rcquirc rwicw by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a dctcrmination bc nradc by thc Town staffthat an outsidc consultant is nccdcd, thc Communify Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt may hirc thc consultant. Thc Dcpartmcnt shall cstimatc thc anrount of monry ncccssaD/ to pay thc consultant and this amount shall bc forwardcd to thc Town by thc applicant at thc timc of filing an application. Expcnses incurred by thc Town in cxccss ofthe amount forwardcd by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by thc applicant within 30 days of notification by thc Town. Any excess furds will bc retumcd to thc applicant upon revicw completion. ltttll. w. B. A. B. c. Prye2 of 2 OC\|UO'IOJ .-IIVA .NOIIICOV IFIACIOhI:IU AII'II]VC ASVS )VAd NAC'IOD WOOU )J!IU,/$. T gn-IJ JUOdSSVd r6t8l '1 | if l;r:ii ;1t!tlii ;119f:: ;i;::lil \)z FI Iul Zl-r Ol6- Fl!xlL lulPdl <fitlJ-lI ivl ffi91F E <l:3 Fle2 %lt-.1 Ll$<-/,.l--\.. t-t )H \1-l oz --€- lu -JJ3 f,=vo!o n= 5'sdz 9b uil oq fi88 x853 utz olllF () oJlu v_ OCVUOIOJ .-IIVA .NOIIICCVV.IECOnISU AJI'IIJVJ ASVA )V3d NAC'IOD NOOU )C!ru,/Y\ ry gn'IJ IUOdSSVds;liii*ii:ii|:i po"€6 3 i;€ o 5; F^5. i J "rys ;" iv -EFsuLI 3(J ?F dP re/o/z s uut z{ u-z v; 5u il9lrt oo <{ b v a 6o agjv LF u* tLl =lfrlzl I to--;-\ q| ),8I utuikvtE5| lJXlz lunr5 filzto llltz -ul E*o^ EH ^'<dd 6tLXful T d)xtu olrlF UoJul(f-l ! - r_ __i J <t3 3 tuz (@e \n? 3Y 9b lll x lL |l.t uurL----ll------ tl tl tl tl H tl z <{3E 8UZr\ lr z J t=\lsl,i.,-..'-| VnrL ResoRTs DEVELOPMENT CoMPANY Co NsrRUcrr o r.,r D E PARTM E NT May 2,2001 Anne Kjerulf, Planner I Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Fronage Road Vail, CO 81567 RE: Proposed expansion of Wreck Room and Passport Club Golden Peak Lodge Dear Anne: Enclosed you will find PEC and DRB application materials for a minor amendment to the development plan to the Golden Peak Lodge. These applications refer to the remodel work proposed for the Passport Club and the Wreck Room Restaurant located on the lower level ofthe building. This project consists of adding square footage to the Passport Club lounge area at the expense ofthe square footage ofthe Wreck Room dining area. To balance this, the Wreck Room would like to move out to the existing column line to the north of the building to utilize the square footage that is currently used as a covered area for exterior building circulation. The net additional commercial square footage for this project totals 460 square feet. The goss non-residential square footage ofGolden Peak Building is 48,095. All but l0 square feet ofthe proposed addition will be contained within the existing dripline ofthe building. This additional site coverage consists ofthe relocated entry doors which will be located I feet away from the existing planter (when the door is opened) in order to maintain exterior circulation. The additional space is consistent with the existing mning of Ski Base Recreation District. The additional 460 square feet will be used to maintain the current square footage ofthe Wreck Room Restaurant. The Passport Club has a defined number of memberships and no additional memberships will be offered from the expansion of their lounge area. This renovation will not result in the change of current use of either tenant in this facility and thus, no impact on parking will result from this proposed work. The following pieces of infomration are included in this application: o Application forms and filing feeso A survey ofthe property o A title report ofthe property o Three copies of plans for the project, including site plan and building elevationso Stamped and addressed envelopes for the adjacent property owners Ifthere are any other pieces of information you require, feel free to contact me at 845-2356 and I will try my best to satisfr yow request. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation on this project. ME Patrick Hirn, Project Manager Vail Resorts Development Company ;i;l:; Vbil Resorts Development Compan],. 137 Benchmark Road. Post Ollice Box 959..Avon, Colorado 81620-0959. (970) 845-235O. fax (9?0) 845-2358 ' www.snow-com Vail . Breckenridge. Keystone@. Beaver Creek@. Bachelor Gulch'". Arrowhead tt Golden Peak - Adjacent Property Owners Manor Vail Lodge Condominium 820 Management TrustAssociation Lee M. Bass, Trustee 595 Vail Valley Drive 201 Main Street Vail, CO 81657 Fort Worth, TX 76102 Barbara M. Osborne Alejandro Azcuraga Burillo C/o Keith Jennings 104 Del Court Brown Brothers Harriman Laredo, TX 78041 l53l Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Harley and Lorraine Higbie 1600 Broadway, Suite 1400 Ski Club Vail Denver, CO 80202 598 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 All Seasons Condominium Association 434 Gore Creek Drive PinosDelNorte Vail. CO 81657 P.O. Box 69 Vail, CO 81657 Grand Prix, Inc. 386 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Ram's Hom Lodge Condominium Association 416 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Kay H. Chester (or current resident) 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 ILC Realty LTD 7979 Broadway, Suite l0l San Antonio, TX 78209 Elizabah Ross Johnson Revocable Trust C/o J. Epstein and Company, Inc. Villard House 457 Madison Avenue New York l.iY 10022 oo land Title Guarantee Gompany CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Datq 0,{-23-2(X)1 hoperty Adrhees: Our Order Number: YC272351 GOLDEN PEAK CONDOMINIUM - ALL COMMERCIAL UNITS AVON. CO 816Z) Afin: JONATHANGREBiI Phonc: 970-845-2629 Scnt Via Couri6*.r oo [and Title Guarantee Company Y0uB c0itTAcTs Date 04-23-2001 hoperty Address: Our Order Numberz YC/72351 GOLDEN PEAK CONDOMINIUM. ALL COMMERCIAL TJNITS Buyer/Bonower: TO BB DETERMINED Seller/Ownerr THE VAIL CORPORATION. A COLORADO CORPORATION If you have any inquiries or require frrrther assistancg please contact one of the nunbers below: For Closing Asslstrnce:For Tltle Assistance: Vail Title Dcpt. Roger Avila i 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 vArL, co 81657 Phorc: 9704'16-2251 Fax:. 9704764534 EMait ravila@ltgc.com ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Information Binder SX75 .00 T0TAI gtzs.oo oo Chicago Title lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Sdredule A Property Address: GOIDEN PEAK CONDOMINIT]M - AIL COMMERCIAL UNITS 1. EffectiveDate: April l2,z0ol at5:00P.M. 2. Policy to be ksued, and Proposed rnsurcd: Information Binder Proposed lnsured: TO BE DETERMINED Our OrderNo. YC2723riI Cust. Rd.: 3. The estate or intenest in the land described or referred to in this Commitmmt and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest coy€red herein is at the effecdive date hereof vested in: THE VAILCORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION 5. The land referrcd to in this ConmiJment is described as fotlona: COMMERCIAL UNITS C-I THROUGH C.7, INCLUSNE, GOLDEN PEAK CONDOMINII'MS, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINTI.JM DECLARATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17, 1997 IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 495 AND ACCORDINGTO TI{E CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17.1997IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 493. COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO, oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirernents) Our Order No. VCnBSl The following are the requlrerrents to be complied with: IEm (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the firll consideration for the esurc or hterest to be insured. Ibm O) Propa instument(s) creadng lhe estate or intercst to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Itm (c) Payment of all hxes, charges or assesments levied and assesscd against the subject premises which are due and payable. It€m (d) Additional requir€mefis, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMTTMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POUCY wlLL BE ISSUED PTJRSUANT HERETO. oo ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VC272351 The policy or policies to be fusued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public rccords. 2, Fasements, or claims of easements, not showr by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroacbments, and any facts which a conect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not strown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens encumbrances, adverse claims or other maners, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commiment. 6. Taxes or special assesments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. . 8.. ln addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TIIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JIJLY 1I, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDBD MAY 20, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 5II. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDBD JULY 1I, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 AND RECORDED MAY 20. 1905 IN BOOK48 AT PAGE 511. 11. RESTRICfiVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BIJT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF TrrE UNTTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17. 1965. IN BOOK 187 AT PAGE 515, 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP. FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. YC272351 The poltcy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following rurless the same are disposed of to the satMaction of tlrc Company: HffENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTTON 3607 OF TI{B IJNIl3D STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1965, IN BOOK I87 AT PAGE 353, AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED AUGUST 27. 1984 IN BOOK 393 AT PAGE 49. 13. RESTRICTIVE COVENAI{TS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SH(, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANIT (A) IS EXEMP.T UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UMTED STATES CODB OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 15, 1987, IN BOOK 455 AT PAGE 933 AND AMENDMENT TI{ERETO RECORDED AUGUST 2, 1988 IN BOOK 488 AT PAGE 378 AND WATVER AND DECLARATION OF ADDITIONAL COVENANTS RECORDED AUCUST 2. 1988 IN BOOK 488 AT PAGE 379, 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL RECORDED JANUARY 15, 1987 rN BOOK 455 AT PAGE 934. NOTE: INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: BIKE PATH TRAVERSING STJBJECT PROPERTY, WHICH VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., HAS RESERVED THE RIGHT TO RELOCATE WITHIN SUBJECT PROPERTY.. MILL CREEK DIVERSION TRAVERSING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 15. BASEMENTS AFFECTING SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE PLATS OF VAIL VLI.AGE 5TH FILING AND VAIL VILLAGE 7TH FILING. 16. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICT]ONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17. DN IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 493. 17. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO TIIE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17 , 1997 ,IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 495. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VC272351 The policy or pollcies to be lssued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the mtisfaction of the Corqnny: 18. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 17. 19' IN BOOK737 AT PAGE 494. : oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCIOSURE STATEMENT Required by C.R.S. 10-11-Il2 A) The subject real property may be located in a special uxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such disricts may be obtained ftom the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk anrl Recorder, or the County Assessor. Effective September l,l9Tl , CRS 30-10406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch anil a left, right and bonom margin of at lease one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may rcfuse to record or file any document that does not confonn, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which qpace is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document.t: Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires tbat 'Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters wbich appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the traDsaction, excqrtion number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the knders Policy when issued. Note: AfErmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available(typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of ttre Comrnitment ftom the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A, The land described in Schedule A of this cornmiffnent must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B. No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or rnaterial-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitrrent within the past 6 montbs. C. The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indandffing the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D, The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E. If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to ttre Date of rhe Commiment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain corstruction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an exanrination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed !o pay. Nothing hcrcin contained will be deemecl to obligare the company ro provide any of thc coverages ref'crred to herein unless the above corrditions are fully satisfied. torm D ISCLoSURE I0,.m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparlment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail Colorado 81657 teli 970j79.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Golden Peak Skier Tunnel Fill Storage DRB Number: DR8010124 Project Description; Storage of fill Participants: OWNER VAILCORPORAION THE 05/18/2001 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 816s8 License: APPUCANT VAILCORPOMIONTHE 05/18/2001 Phone:479-3139 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO Tom Allendar 81658 License: Project Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Fill from Donovan Park for Skier Tunnel Legal Descriptionr Lot: Block: Subdivision: Parcel Number: 210108109004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action! SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPProvah 05/22l2OOt Conditions: Condr 8 (pl3N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0004749' Erosion Control / Sediment Fence Must Be Installed Prior to Storage of Fill Materials On The Site. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $20'00 Questions? CuttQ ptunni ng Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring desiga review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: G,rl.l Pt ;> l'-,l-')/'r,/-.f l-/ un n/.1 A,,',- /h .,.//t, /C,:- ./u .+ a<- z 3 5. llt a/'. .)^ /t- a h,l//z.t t1r ' .' / ( l-E'Itnt i t 14t..-) BLOCK: p€. )t a lO tL'( B. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: -\z, t_-r , \ FILING: C. D. E. F. G. pHysrcAl ADDRESS: 4 -5' / 4, .l ttn / r| -, f) r,".t PARCEL #2 i lLj I o €i i D '7 ,l'1./ Ll (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors offrce at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS:tt z> /.1s,',y -7 H. y'.i 1 tl pHONE: 'i7t',/77 )t3.7 owI\ER(S) STGNATURE (S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: V ZI 1 4 s3 r,, t.t/t:.7nr,,n All.,,r,/ MAILING ADDRESS:Fr/.\r'y t 4 7 /.' -).i h /j,, l/ \./. ,t I ts t-.'/,1-5 /pHONE: '2 7t) t/ 7.'/ )r ) ,/ TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildins. E Addition -$50 lncludes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or Edno. Alteration - $20 commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvernents, such as, reroo{ing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later,when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQTIIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. YAIL. COLORADO 8T657. TOW OFVATI Department of C ommwity Deve lopment 75 South fiontage Rod Yail, Colorado 81657 97M79-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LET]3R L ajoint owner ofproperty located at (print name) orovide this letter as (addresVle gal description) written approval of the plans dated which are submitted to the Town of Vail Communiry Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above, I understand that the proposed improvements includq I further understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the rcview process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (sigga$le) {,;*"uo (date) o GENERAL INFORI"IATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS tr Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. I/N Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). ! All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. tr Condominium Association approval (if applicable). n If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Adminisuator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. rt Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2L38 o usr oF PRoPosEp MArERrArs o BTJILDING MA]ERIALS;TYPE OF MATERIAL:CQIQB: Roof Skling Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofifrb Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Etterior UghUng Other * Please speciFy the manufachrrer=s color, number and attach a $nall color chip ** All o<Erior lighting must rneet the Town=s Lrghting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If ocerior lighting b ptopced, please indicate the number of ftGrres and locations on a separate lighUng plan. Identify each fr<ture type and provide the height above gradg lumens ou@ut, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fodures. Botanical Name: PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPII{G Common Name:Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EGSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping :deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 5 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons TIDe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming poob, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walb. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property b 6 feet UTIUTY TOCATION VERIFICATIOil This form is to veriry service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 ,168-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 CIed Husky;John Boyd) T,C.r. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-748,0 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no pnoblems and the dwelopment can proceed. If a utilfi company has conems wih the proposed consffuction, the utility representawe shall note directly on the utility verification furm that there b a problern which needs b be resohred. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. These verifrcations do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Publb Way Permit from the Depafinent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilifv locations must be obtained bebre diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Publ'rc Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. 3. tr. PRE-AP PLICATION CON FERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2L28. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdap of each rnonth. A complete applicatbn form and all accompanying material must be acce$ed by the Community Dewlopment Deparunent a minimum of three and a hatf (3 i/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your propcal will be rcviewed for cornpliance with the Deign Guldelines as set forft in Sectbn 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPUCANTS: A. If a property is located in a mapped hazard arm (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKalf floodplain, debrb flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be subrnitted and the owner must sign an afiidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. ApdicanB are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1, Plan sheet size must be 24"x36". For large projects, larger plan size nny be allowed.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale.4, North arrow.5. l-rtle block, poect name, project address and legal decription. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. L Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger, 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side nrargin of 1.5". 11. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All tr€es to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter b nd buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be complefted prior b t{re day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their iEm be postponed, will have their iterns removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the itern has been republbhed. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prigl to the issuance of a building permit. w. V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Rwieu{ applicatiors, approre with certain nrcdifrations, deny the applicatbn, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All sbtr approvals are subject to final approval U he DRB. The following types of Design Redarv applications may be staff approved: A. Any application fur an addition to an existjng building that b consistent with the architectural desBn, materiab and colors d the building, and approval has been received by an authorized mernber of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application b nndify an odsting building that does not slniFrcantty change the o<isting planes of the building and b generally consistent with the ardribcftral design, rnaterials and colors d tie building, including, but not limited to o<terior buiHing finish maEriab (e.9. stonervorlc sirCing, roqf maErials, paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dbhes, windows, skylights, siding, minor commercial facade impmvernnts, and other similar modiftatbns; C. Any application for slte improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway rnodifrations, site grading, site walb, rernoval or modifications to odsting landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities, ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this appliotion requires a separate rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the applkation fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such radew, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Deparment of Highway Access Perm'rts; Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The appli€nt shall be responsible for paying any publbhing fees which are in elcess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicants request, any rnatter b postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-publbhed, then the entirc fee for such rc-publhauon shall be pail by the apdicant C. Applicatiors deerned by the Crynmunity Development DeparurEnt b have design, lard tEe or dter issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require rwiew by consultanB in addfion to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff $at an outside consultant b needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consulbnt. The Deparfiient shall estimate the amount of rnoney necessary to pay the consultant and thb armunt shall be funruarded to the Town by the applir:ant at the Ume of filing an applkation. E)Qenses incurred by the Town in o(cess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Tom by the applicant within 30 da},s d notifrcation by the Town. Arry eaess tunds will be r€tumed to the applicant upon review cornpletion, u. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depatnent of Community Development 75 Souh ftontage Road, VaiL Colora& 81657 h;l: 970.479.2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Golden Peak Skier Tunnel Fill Storage DRB Number: DR8010124 Prolect Deecription: Storage of fill Pardclpantc: - OWNER VAIL CORPOMTION THE 05/18/2001 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT VAILCORPORATIONTHE 05/18/2001 Phone:479-3139 PO BOX 7 VAIL CO Tom Allendar 81658 Lhenset PrcJect Addresc: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL location: Fill from Donovan Park for Skier Tunnel Legal Deccrlption: Lofi Block: Subdivision: Parcel ilumber: 210108109004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Action: STAFFAPR Seoond By:Vd€: Date of Approvalt 051221200t Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0fl)4749 Erosion Control / Sediment Fence Must Be Installed Prior to Storage of Fill Materials On The Site. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: i20.00 \Questions? Cane Planning Staff at 47g-2t38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMANON This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the requircd information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPNONOFTHEREQUEST:te imnor a/ i) a. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:'LOT:_ BLOCK:- FILING: o! -f., B. c. D. E. PHYSICALADDRESS: 'l 5 laiJ llr, l) r,- I PARCEL #zJ la 1 P$ I 01 aa'1 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: MI'IEOFOWNER(S): 7\ MAILING ADDRESS: owNER(S) $GNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPIICANT: ,3 1PHONE:'lt 3 Drr R zSerr J <nni. I lz^a/c - F. G./6 MAIUNGADDRESS: Vait €i2 gtlttr pHoNE: 471)rJt H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr New Construction - $2OO Construction of a new building. tr Addition - $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any -1,-. residential or commercial building. /tr ) Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such\-' t\-e b ^ -- ,L as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and'-- lrrgrl-tq tr retaining walls' etc' DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit please identify the acurate valuation of the pQect. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the projed valuation. PLEASE SU BMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALt SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL, COLORADO 81657. REC EI VEU ilAr f s rol a\ *Minimum requirements for landscaping: PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Botanical Name:Quantity:Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: E}CSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSIONd' CONTROL Type: l4evntin fYr,,, Square Footaoe: A^y a"t^ a(,S7,,hrI OTHER I-ANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciry. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propefi is 6 feet. HSX"flffi \\lrr\r ilrt t \r\\ i l\,\ff' \\l\il Frgure 4"5A Sfaw Bde Baniers Denver Urban Drainagc & Flood Coorot District 6-:it"g" ctitctia Manual' 9-l-92Rcfcrcncc Sourcc: o Erctcltsiott d hDcb lrct witc lfltoftatrundl Filtcrirbric ffit'u FG-|JRE 3.17 SILT EITCE DETAI|S ffiodlficd n om Stttc of tlordr Crrofnr' 1988; md Stltc ol Wbcottstt" 19881 Rcfctrc Sorrcc:Stormwatcr Managdenr for Coostnrction Activitics, USEPA Septcrnbcr, 1992 \. 7I/WN OFVAIL Department of C ommwity Development 75 Souh Frcntage Road YaiI, Colorqdo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 9,2001 T PatickHirn Project Manager, Construction Vail Resore Dwelopment ComPanY P.O. Box 959, Avott' CO 81620 Far 845-2358 Rc: Prqoscd qutsbn of the tfrc& Rnm and Possport clab d Goklen Pesl( Dear Parick: The propoeed expansion of the wreck Room and Passport club at Golden Peak has been discussed at the i6fflevet within the Community Developmant Depar6rent. The most signifncant oUstacle to tre proposat is that GolOeir peak has never received a Final Certifrcate of Occupancy. I beliwe tharGreg Hall, ttre Town of Vail's Public Worls Director' tns communicated with the Vail Resorts Dervelopment Company on a numba of occasiotu to try to have this issue resolved. There is a coruensus tbat we can not accept a formal application until Golden Peak has received a Final C.O. However, I can elabonte on the rwiew process and submittal reqpircmenS that will be anticipated once the issue has been resolved. The proposal would be an amendrnent to the approved development plan for Golden P€ak With ttre rind&rying zoning being 'Ski-Base Recreaiion', any unendment Uo the approved development plan rrust'be ionsideied in-accordance with the provisions of l2-9A-10, Amendment Procedres 'for Special Dwelopment Disricts. This would more than likely be a Minor Amendment requiring review ai tlre staff level and distribution of a r@ort to adjacentproptrty owners prior to a mectfi with the Planning and Environmenal Commission to inform 6e PEC of the staff decisioi The proposat woitd also be zubject to review by the Dcign Rwiew Board" The request for a minor anendment to an apprwed development plan requires that "all minor modifications shall be indicated on a compiAely revised development plan", as stated in l2-9A- l0 of the Tovm Corte. Specifrcally, the C'ommunity Dwelopment Deparfrent would requirg the asrended development pian to inciude the information and rinteriats as outlined in I2-ED-?Al-8: l. Application form and filing fee 2. Awritten strtement desoiSing the project including information on the nature of the development proposed, proposed uses, and phasing plans. $"*ruo {\ 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. A survey (3 copies) shnped by a licensed surveyor indicating existing conditions ofthe Property to be included in the development plan, including the location of improvements, existing contoun, natural features, oristing vegetation, watercorrses, andperimeterproperty lines ofthe parcel. A title r@ort including Schedules A and B. Plans (3 copies) dqicting odsting conditions of the parcel (site plarl floor plans, elevations, etc.), if applicable. A complete zoning analysis of the qdsting and proposed dwelopment inctuding a square footage analysis ofall proposed usg parking spaces, etc. A site plan (3 copies) at a scale not smallu than one inch equals twenty fe€t (1" = 20'), showing the location ard dimensions ofall existing and proposed buildings and structures, all princfal site dwelopment f€atures, vehicular and pedesrian circulation systems and proposed contours and drainage plans. Building elerrations, sections and floor plans (3 copies ofeach) at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot (l/8" = l'), in suffrcient detail to d*erurine floor area, cirsulation, location of uses and scale and appearance of the proposed development. I have attached the pertinent sections ofthe Tovm Code for reference. Ifyou have any questions or concerns, pleose do not hesiiate to contact me at akjgglf(AgiJa!!.cg..ut or 479-2148. Sincerely, ,P, ^" "t 1l tr, Department of Communily Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 Fnx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co,us August 14,2000 Mr. David Tucholke Vail Resorts PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Golden Peak Ski Base - Proposed New Snowmaking Facility Dear Dave: At its August 14th meeting, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approved your application for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base to allow for the construction of a new snowmaking facility. This approval carries the following condition: 1. lf any inconsistencies between this proposal and the Town's noise ordinance arise, the PEG reserves the right lo re-review the plan to determine appropriate mitigalion, if necessary. Additionally, on July 21"t, the Town of Vail Design Review Board approved lhe above- referenced design review application with the following conditions: 1. Three (3) 8-1 0' coniferous trees must be added to the northeast of the lransformers [to provide screening in accordance with Section 14-1-7(10XlX3), VailTown Codel. 2. The cooling equipment (shown to the south of the proposed building on the site plan) shall be painted oxford brown (pursuant to Section 14-1-7(10XD)(a), Vail Town Code). 3. The proposed lighting for the building will be reviewed by staff to ensure compliance with the Town's outdoor lighting standards. 4. Approval of the minor amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan is required at the PEC and staff level. Per our previous discussion, it is agreed that all exterior lights on this project will be 'fully cut-off" in accordance with the Town's liqhtino ordinance. {g *"n"tror ro lf you would like to discuss this issue in grealer detail, please do not hesitate to conlact me at (970) 479-2140. Good luck with this project. Sincerely, l9^--.-r 0v-.--- Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll o PLANNING AND ETMRON'SENTAL COM MISSION MEETING RESULTS Monday, August'14, 2OOO PROJECT ORIENTATION / - Community llevclopment Dopt PUBUC tELCOIf,E 12:lXl pm a GR Training Session - Non-Gonforming Uses /Lots/Structures :30 min. MEMBERS PRESENT Galen Aasland Chas Bemhardt KeX 1. A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to allow for a new snownaking facility, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive/Trast F, Vail Mllage sh Fijing. Applicant VailResortsPlennen Brent Wlson ,::4?w, Brian Doyon Doug Cahill Tom Weber SitcMgib: 1. DAgpstino - 971 Spraddle Creek Road2. Golden Peak Ski Base - 458 Vail Valley Drive Driver: Gaorge 1:15 pm NOTE: lf the PEC h€adng o<tends until 6:00 p.m., the board may break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearins - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 p.m. MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Chas Bemhardt VOTE: 4-G1 (Doug abstained) APPROVED VI'ITH 1 GONDITION: 1. lf any inconsistencies between this proposal and the Town's noise ordinance arise, the PEC reserves lhe right lo re-review the plan to determine appropriate mitigation. 2. Pursuant to Sec{ion 13-7€, Vail Town Code, a PEC review of the proposed unit sales prices for the Garmisctt Lofi employee howing units, located a/.2211 North Frontage Road / Lots 1,2 & 3 and Tract C, Vail das Schone Filing 1; Lot 1, Vail das Schone Filing 3. Applicant Reaut CorporationPlanner Brent Wilson MEMBERS ABSENT John Schofield Diane Golden Chas Bemhardi VOTE:5-0 : MOTION: Doug Cahill APPRO\IED SECOND: o3. A request for a variance fmm Section t2€A-88 (GRFA) and a minor subdivision, to allor for GRFA above lhe maximum amounl allowable, located at 971 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot 8, Spraddle Crcek. Applicant: Franco DhgostinoPlannen Allison Ochs MOTION: Doug Cahill SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 5-0 DENIED- GRFA VARIANCE WTHDRAWN - MINOR SUBDIVISION 4. A requesi for a sign variance, from Section 11-48-19 (BX4), to allor for a third business identification sign, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive (Larkspur Restaurant)/Tract F, Vail Village 5h Filing. Applicant: Larkspur Restaurant & BarPtanner: Brent Wilson l^'|THDRAWN 5. Information Update SELECTION OF PEC REPRESENTATIVE AT DRB FOR 2OOO- Doug Cahill - Jan-Apr. 5, '00 Chas Bemhardt - Apr 19, '00 Galen Aasland - May 3, '00 Brian Doyon - May 17, '00- Jun 7, '00 Tom Weber - Jun 21,'OO John Schofield - Jul 5, '00 Chas Bemhardt - Jul 19.'00 Do.ug Cahill - Aug 2, '00 Galen Aasland - Aug 16, '00 Tom Weber - Sep 6, '00 Brian Doyon - Sep 20, '00 John Schofield - Oct-Dec'00 6. Approval of July 24, 2000 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the proiecl planners ofiice located at the Tourn of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretalion available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the HeainS lmpaired, for info rmation. Community Development Deparfiient spt3Ji9StI--2 st-r ! 'o ) o t e Io E(5 E.Es Fg. EgEE,9E1t u, u, - ula =t!ctJo(5 !g = I I Isl*l e>.1 di- Et *. sl s - .dl : " ?EEEHE E e E 9*€EEEEeE [Ee-nEF.E $ EFSSEEEEEgEEs sl Elgl 5 b s 3 6 n4.s ,tl rl -l€l6lgt *l & a 6 r -l':I rl SI sl 'El s 9?d _l':I sl E,I EI s? 6 E 6 =l':I (5l I.ql €t sl E5 s ^q) I .l\l qlc)i cl sl a R I G I I <4, Ir:i rl F .s B€ ^oJ E s.a l IEl:l sl ll .tt I <'r Itl sl ql cl I I Iql sl EI El'El t 9rS (5 dl Blgl = ts G pl EIBI EI g $* € (5 I I EI6lsl ;l J< El sl ,B E I I slgl EI s cat *6 G I I HI sl'El I -t s S S (\ 6 { sl6l €,1 -l J( ".lil sl 3l EI sl el €l 8l -31 bl*l.=lsl Elil sl =l g, E s FE s s $ $ F l! EE E E s s c $ s $ A F I o o o o F !o E(!t (|t Et.gE8aeE.=EEO8Etl (Jt-3 - EIa =|rIctJo(5 !l at - .iR I " ?cEEHHi g :IEE€EEE 3 ;FESEESEeE IP;EEFE $ EgES scFec$Ec S IJJ ... = ==>=F EB -'.r,(oF---PF*P:PSFP 1 E t t t G, e, t cc cE cc G cE t t. e, t t ta (t (.' (9 (, (9 (9 (J (9 (5 (5 (5 (5 (5 (5 (5 (9 (.' 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Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.w August 1, 2000 Dave Tucholke, Snowmaking Foreman Vail Resorts PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 And Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) Re: A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to a.llow for a new snowmaking facility, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, VailVillage dn Filing. Dear Dave: Based upon the required findings contained in Chapter 12-8D, Vail Town Code, the above- referenced amendmenl to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan has been approved by staff. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The request is for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak development plan to allow for the construction of a new snowmaking facility. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2, Vail Town Code, a "minor amendment" is defined as follows: MINOR AMENDMENT (STAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special deuelopmen4ski base recreation district, and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, variations of not more than five feet (5') to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development district; or changes lo gross floor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than five percent (5%) of the approved square foatage of retail, office, common areas and other nonresidential floor area, except as provided under Sections 12-1 5-4 (lnterior Conversions) or 12-1 5-5 (250 Additional GRFA) of this Title. {p*u**o' "o lt. The proposal involves the demolition oi the existing snowmaking facility (910 square feet) and the reconstruction of a new, larger facility (1,792 square feet). Since the proposal involves the addition of 1 5% (less than 5%) of the approved non-residential floor area for the Golden Peak Ski Base, the appropriale procedure for review is a njinor amendment (staff rer, iew), subject to the crileria outlined in Section ll of this letter. On July 21 ,2000, the Town of Vail Design Review Board approved the design review portion of this request with the following conditions: 'l) Three (3) 8-1 0' coniferous lrees must be added to the northeast of the transformers [to provide screening in accordance with Section 14-1-7(10)(lX3), VailTown Codel. 2) The cooling equipment (shown to the soulh of the proposed building on the site plan) shall be painted oxford brown (pursuant 1o Section 14-1-7(10)(D)(a), Vail Town Code). 3) The proposed lighting for the building will be reviewed by staff to ensure compliance wilh the Town's ouldoor lighting standards. 4) Approval of the minor amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan is required at the PEC and slafl level. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-6D: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-9A-10 of this Title. Section 12-9A-10 is addressed below. B. Section 12-9A-2: Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. The approved Golden Peak development plan includes the Golden Peak buildings, parking and ski runs. This proposal would consolidate the existing snowmaking "outbuildings" into one uniform structure. A landscape plan for the new building has been approved (with conditions) by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. The proposed use has already been approved as part of the original Golden Peak Ski Base development plan and staff believes this proposal provides a more efficient, aesthetically/environmentally sensitive solulion to the ski area's snowmaking needs. Proposed building height is 20.5' ridge i 15' eaves. o Section 12-94-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outfined in subsection 12-9A-2 may be approved by the Department ot Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff action shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the district that may be affected by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later lhan 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the staff decision. As noted above, staff believes the amendment is consistent with the design criteria under subsection 12-9A-2. Notification of the proposal was provided to all adjacent property owners on July 28, 2000. This approval will be reported to the Planning and Environmenlal Commission on August 14, 2000, and a report will be provided to the adjacent property owners within five days of today's date. You should be aware that this approval could be called up for additional review by the Planning & Environmental Commission on August 14th. lf you have any questions, please contact me al 479-2140. Sincerely, fth-..f {*--- Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll Attachments FiEVERYONBPEC\MEMOs\00\coldPeak 6tro5GF6 6() Ef; E IJ HE F ::9 i*F|nO)ER i -l Ell ,/T\av tuii i* lil'iir i irtuili li ilii I l I I I I! 5lol'l(}z, YIoiqI :zlol tsi-l(,lzl Eh 3t-'olsr|'.qv I II I -'it ;E >31 il; ,II tt II I I E I EI t T I II iI * I, I { ! $ti'r -riI ;' ."1!!,!!rl ri 6:dq H;iriilll?'iidli , fi ilntr I .lt : H$H N$$ i*ri-:==-a '--- - - .-/ /: S, r+ / ft'i ll 'r.'/ 'r?\ -=='------) , I I I t./ E \/t, ll k a b, \ li li/ I lr Ir' r,r lt I/ r t, '/ 5 Il iI E ll Ii : lr L------ '-- rl I 2.\/.\ /l nI t>I lpI ti;I t:I t. TtgI l.-I l-I laI 13 L-l SK-///\\\-,/l\. \l \l\ l' : /E€ l|--litlrll iI r--rttlit I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I i'I I I ll sr OJ trJa:lOI o_ :l o_ ; N @ F)\. alr,i:.i.. -o It---...',' ' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Augusl 1, 2000 Dave Tucholke, Snowmaking Foreman Vail Resorts PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 And Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) Re: A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base to qlow for a new snowmaking facility, located at 458 Vail Valley DrivelTract F, VailVillage f Filing. Dear Dave: Based upon the required findings contained in Chapter 12-8D, Vail Town Code, the above- referenced amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan has been approved by staff. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The request is for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak development plan to allow for the construclion of a new snowmaking facility. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2, Vail Town Code, a "minor amendment" is defined as follows: MINOR AMENDMENT (STAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special deuelopment/ski base recreation district, and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, variations of not more than five feet (5') to approved setbacks and/or building footprints: changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development district; or changes to gross floor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than five percent (5%) of the approved square footage of retail, office, @mmon areas and other nonresidential floor area, except as provided under Sections 12-l 5-4 (lnterior Conversions) or 12-15-5 (250 Additional GRFA) of this Title. {gt*"uo""* il. The proposal involves the demolition of the existing snowmaking facility (910 square feet) and the reconstruction of a new, larger lacility (1,792 square feet). Since the proposal involves the addition of 1 .5h (less than 5%) of the approved non-residential lloor area for the Golden Peak Ski Base, the appropriate procedure for review is a minor amendment (staff review), subject to the criteria outlined in Section ll of this letter. On July 21,2000, the Town of Vail Design Review Board approved the design review portion ol this request with the following conditions: 1) Three (3) 8-1 0' coniferous trees musl be added to the northeast of the transformers [to provide screening in accordance with Section 14-1-7(10)(lX3), VailTown Codel. 2) The cooling equipment (shown to the south of the proposed building on the site plan) shall be painled oxford brown (pursuanl 1o Section 14-1 -7(1 OXD)(a), Vail Town Code). 3) The proposed lighting for the building will be reviewed by staff to ensure compliance with the Town's outdoor lighting standards. 4) Approval of the minor amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan is required at the PEC and staff level. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-6D: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-9A-10 ot this Tiile. Section 12-94-10 is addressed below. B. Seclion 12-9A-2: Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. The approved Golden Peak development plan includes the Golden Peak buildings, parking and ski runs. This proposal would consolidate the existing snowmaking "oulbuildings" inlo one uniform structure. A landscape plan for lhe new building has been approved (with conditions) by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. The proposed use has already been approved as part of the original Golden Peak Ski Base development plan and slatf believes this proposal provides a more efficient, aesthetically/environmentally sensitive solution to the ski area's snowmaking needs. Proposed building height is 20.5' ridge / 15' eaves. C. Section 12-9A-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outllned In subsection 12-9A-2 may be approved by the Deparlment ot Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff actlon shall be provided to all property owners withln or adjacent to the dlstrict that may be affected by the amendment. Notlflcatlon shall be postmarked no laler than 5 days following staff actlon on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the stafldecision. As noted above, staff believes the amendment is consislent with the design criteria under subsection 12-9A-2. Notificalion of the proposal was provided lo all adjacent property owners on July 28, 2000. This approval will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on August 14, 2000, and a report will be provided to the adjacent property owners within five days of today's date. You should be aware that this approval could be called up for additional review by the Planning & Environmental Commission on August 14th. ff you have any questions, please contact me al479-2140. Sincerely, Db4cz--+ Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll Attachments FIEVERYON BPEC\M EMOS\O0\Gold Peak EE lmE EE oo :E iunE F oo iunErfi I -l Ell/T\tjv tit i!il liiiii ,i!ii'i!,alil::il liilftilii lll rlilllr }$ liIl Iii$ H$H FH$ +.,/ li+ /",'t'.. ,' / tir, I '/ ,, It'. ./ / l.'./2 l: \ -f --- / \. / ,/ --'"\.,/ I I I IL_---- \ l't., .''-t > ''''--',_ *.J/\ v -- t: t <:,. - -LL-."r_r_-.-. ._-_-- - A @v F z o .i --ir.* . \\ t/1, ---suz?-* ,z_///t\\\\-/ /tt \v\ N Ll-l U)l C] J. o_ l n_ - co fr) co I.) "y|s' I I I I I I tln! /i o Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: Golden Peak SH Base ProjectNumber: PRJ00-0196 Project Description: Construction of a new snowmaking facility Owner, Address, and Phone: Vail Resorts, Inc. Attn: Dave Tucholke, Snowrnaking tr'oreman PO Box 7, Vail, CO 81658 4794008 Project Street Address: 458 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Tract F and B, Vail Village 7th and 5th filings Board/StaffAction Motion by: Bill Pierce Action: Approved with Conditions Secondedby: ChasBernhardt Vote: 5-0 Conditions: 1) Three (3) 8-10'coniferous trees must be added to the northeast ofthe transformers [to provide screening in accordance with Section lzl-1- 7(10XIX3), Vail Town Codel. 2) The cooling equipment (shown to the south of the proposed building on the site plan) shall be painted oxford brown ftlursuant to Section 14-l- 7(10XDX4), Vail Town Code). 3) The proposed lighting for the building will be reviewed by staffto ensure compliance with the Town's outdoor lighting standards. 4) Approval of the minor amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan is required at the PEC and stafflevel. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 07121t00 Project Name: Golden Peak Ski Base DRB Fee Paid: 200.00 Questions? C,nu Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL (ttloo'otqL GENEML INFORMANON This application is forany pdect requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board, A, TYPE OF APPLICATION:tr Bed and BreaKasttr Conditional Use Permitn Major or D Minor Subdivisiontl Rezoningn Sign Variancetr Special Development Districttr Major orE Minor Amendment to SDD B. DESCRTPION OFTHE REQUEST: Employee Housing Unit (Type: _) Major or D Minor Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Variance Zoning Code Amendment Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr F tr n tr ! c. D. E. F. G. H. PARCEL #: ZONING: (d&n peek, slsi Ba:q ud fl,ec' D;sk'cf Pr'cc\ o t LOCANON OF PROPOSAL: pHysrcAl aooness: (iold{h ftaK Base Are a (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors O,ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAMEoFAPPUCANT: /.;l (n' MAIUNG ADDRESS: FEE: See submittal rcquiremenB for appropriate fee PTEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. {o3o €^,* b,( lnenryrDJul s ?00 (frompage 1) existing Golden Peak Compressor House with an additional T90 The present building is 910 squrc feet and the new building ly 1700 square feet to accommodate new larger replacing the old compressors in the existing Compressor Compressor House exterior finishes will consist fo stone and a metal roof similar to the new sfructures recently in. This upgrade will better insure Vail Mountain ,,\,/t\,,--.'- V^rr R caorr-& r 81658 Questions? Carr tfr$ranning Staff at 479-2138 SPECTAL DEVELOPMENT DTSTRTCT (SDD) SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS This application is for any project that is applying for a new SDD, or making an amendment to an existing SDD. I. DEFINMONS Maior Amendment - Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; thange the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved Special Development Districts. Minor Amendment - Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special development district, and are consistent with the design criteria for special development districts. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, variations of not more than five feet to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the Special Development District; or changes to gross floor area (excluding residential uses), of not more than five percent (5olo) of the approved square footage of retail, office, common areas and other non-residential floor area. PRE-APPUCATION CON FERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly encouraged. No application can be accepted unless it is complete. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine additional submittal requirements. SUBMTTTAL REOUIREMENTS fl FEE: $1,500.00 - Esbabtishment of a SDD $1,000.00 - Major Amendment $ 200.00 - Minor Amendment The fee must be paid at the Ume of submittal. n Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the names and mailing addresses of all propefi owners adjacent to the subject property, including propefties behind and across streets. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessofs office. D A massing model depicting the proposed development in relationship to development on adjacent parcels. II. Iil. o Four (4) cooies of the following: D A survey stamped by a licensed surveyor indicating existing conditions of the properby to be included in the special development district, to include in location of improvements, existing contour lines, natural features, existing vegetation, water courses, and perimeter property lines of the parce,. A vicinity plan showing the proposed improvements in relation to all adjacent properties at a scale not smaller than 1"=50'. A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than 1" = 20', showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures, uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, walkways, seruice entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contours after grading and site development; A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than 1" = 20', showing existing landscaped features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as outdoor recreational facilities, bike paths and trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elements. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demands generated by the development without undo burden on available or proposed public facilities; Preliminary building elevations, sections and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, locations of uses within buildings, and general scale and appearance of the proposed development. A complete set of plans depicting existing conditions of the parcel (site plan, floor plans, elevations), if applicable. A complete zoning analysis of existing and proposed development to include a square footage breakdown of all proposed uses, parking provided, and proposed densities. A written statement describing the nature of the project to include information on proposed uses, densities, nature of the development proposed, contemplated ownership patterns and phasing plans, and a statement outlining how and where the proposed development deviates from the development standards prescribed in the property's underlying zone district. Photo overlays and/or other acceptable techniques for demonstrating a visual analysis of the proposed development in relationship to existing conditions. An Environmental Impact Report shall be submitted to the Administrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof unless waived by Section 18.55.030, o(empt projects. rv. Additional information or material as deemed necessary by the Administrator. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPTETE APPUCATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALt OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPUCATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTS A. The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by the Community Development Department by the appropriate submittal date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. Incomplete applications (as determined by the planning staff) will not be accepted. B, PEC approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A, If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agenry other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B, The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee, if, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. ApplicaUons deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant, The Depaftment shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town, Any eycess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. VI. @:33P1'l 6 C't!a n; -\.r0.___ts 4-' {n t af ,,1 III I !ca! oG urFI Y.ilA-i.Lrl-. RIIORT PLAilNN(' VAIL TIT AREA GOLDEN PEAT PUUP IIOU8B EITE I{AP OlffNOnTH'o 3o FEEI Questions? crt Planning statr at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL tPr o o - or4 ( I' t - GENERAL INFORMATION Thb application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any pro1ect requiring design review must receive Desbn Ranianv approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submillal requiranenF for the particular approval that b requesed. The applkation cannot be acepted until all the requircd information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unlecs a building p€rmit is lssued and construction is started. A. DESCRIMON OFTHE REQUEST: LOCANON OF PROPOSAL:B. c. D. E. F. G. PARCEL #: ZONING: eHYSIcAL noonrss: 6o/dq feak BaSe A(€A (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: I.IAME OF APPLICAT.IT: owl{ER(S)n, r;l MAIUNG ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: X New Constnrction - $200 Construction of a new building. $5O Includes any addition where square footage b added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site impro\rements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB Ees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when apptying fur a buiUing permiL please ldentiff the accurate valuation of the project The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuauon. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATIOI{, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMET{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUT{ITY DEI|ELOPMETTT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArl, COLORADO 81657. H. tr Addition - tr Mlnor Alteratlon - Questions? Call o the Plan ning Staff at 479-2138 NEW CONSTRUCTION DESIGN REVIEW SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS GENERAL INFORIVIATION The review pmcess fur neu/ c)nstruction normally requires hivo separate me€tings of the Despn Review Board; a conceptual approwl and a final approval. Applicants should plan on presenting thdr dweloprnent proposal at a minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval, I. SUBMTTTAL REOUIREMENTS tr A preliminary tide report, including Schedules A and B, to verify ownerships and easernents. tr Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. tr C.ondominium Association approval, if applicable. THREE (3) COPIES of the following: tr Tooooraohic survev, stamped by a licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1" = 20'or larger, on which the following information b provided: tr Ties to odsting benchmarlt either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be cleady stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same commencement point. tr tr tr tr Lot area and if applicable, buildable area. Legal descripuon and physical address. Scale with a graphic bar scale and north arrow. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a fuot accuracy. Dlstances and bearings and a basb d bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monumenB fuund and their relationship to the established corner. Topognphic conditions at two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals may be accepted, Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4' or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermiftent strearrE, etc,). All o<isting improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), centerline and edge of stream or creek, required creek or stream setbaclg 100-year ftoodplain and slopes sl 40o/o or more, if applicable. Size and type of drainage culverG, swales, etc. tr tr tr tr tr tr D Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTeiephone Water Electric tr Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. n Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. tr Spot elevations at the edge of asphah, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. fl Site and Gradino Plan. at a scale of 1"=20' or larger, showing the following information: tr Propefi and setback lines. D Existing and proposed eas€ments. tr Existing and proposed grades. D Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decK, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a soliri line. D All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed elevatjons. Indicate exbting and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. tr Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline ofthe driveway to accurately reflect grade. tr A 4 wide concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction. D Locations of all utilities including o<isting sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. tr Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. tl Location of landscaped areas. n Location of all required parking. tr Snow storage areas. tr Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. tr Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-sectbn and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. D Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable tr tr tr landscaoe Plan. at a scale of 1" = 20' or larger, showing the following information: Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. Location of existing trees, 4' diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand b not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. Indicate all e)dsting ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the o<isting and proposed phnt material including ground cover. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximify to site grading and construction. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. The location and type of eristing and proposed watering s)6terns b be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Fristing and propos€d conbur lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the boftom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger, 1/4' is prefened), including the following: Floor plans of the pruposed dwebpment drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor phns and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the o<terior structural walls of the building. Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen' etc')' One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicaUng how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See section 18.04.130 Floor Arca, gross residential (GRFA) of the Vail Municipal Code for the definition of GRFA. Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations (1/8" = 1' or larger, 1/4" is preferred), including the following: All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both o<isting and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the nonnal building elervations, show these faces also. Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and rooB on all levels. tl n tr tr tr tr tr n tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr ! All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. tr The fullowing shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details, tr Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. n Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies. tr Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). tr Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. tr lllusfate propced building height ele\ation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. n Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting, tr Uohtino P|an, indicating type, locatbn and number of fixtures. Include height abor,e grade, lumens output, luminous area and attach a cut sheet of each frxture, n The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal !s not clearly indicated. U. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and consfuction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: A. Basis of bearing and tie to section corner. B, All property pins found or set. C. Building location(s) with ties to property corners (i.e. distances and angle). D. Building dimensions, including decK and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a fioot. E. Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations. F. All drainage and utjlity service line as-builE, showing type of material, size and e)Gct location. G. All easements. o LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys - Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting*+ Othcr + Please speciSr thc manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip **AilextcriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinance 18.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposcd" plcase indicate thc nunrber of fixhrcs and locations on a s€?aftrte lighting plan. Identiff each fixurre type aid provide thc height above grade, lumcns output. lunrinous area, and aftach a cut shect ofthe tighting fixtures. Updatcd 6D7 o UTILITY LOCATION VERI FICATION This form is to vcrifu scwice availabiliry and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and scheduling insallations. Thc location and availability of utilities. whethcr thcy be rnain trunk lincs or proposed lincs, must bc approvcd and verificd by thc following utilitics for thc accompanying sitc plan. Authorized Sieraturo Date U.S. Wcst Communications t-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5711l Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/Jolrn Boyd T.C.r. 949-5510 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Ri vcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 47(t-74t10 Frcd Flaslcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Upper Eagle Vallcy Water & Sanitation signattrrcs. Firc llorv nccds rnus't bc addrcsscd. NOTES: t- ., lf the utility verification fornr has signaturcs fronr each ofthe utility companies. and no col'nmcnts arc madc directly on thc fbnn. thc Town rvill presunc that therc arc no problems and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procced. lf a utility company has conccms with thc proposcd constnrction, thc utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on the utility vcrification form that there is a problcm which nceds to be rcsolved. Thc issuc should then be detailcd in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility of thc utility company and thc applicant to resolvc identified problems. These vcrifications do not rclievc thc contractor ofthe responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit fronr thc Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilit locations must be obtained before disgins in any public right-of-way or cascntcnt within thc Town of Vail. A buildine oermit is not a Rrblic Way permit and ntust be obtained separately. 3. Updated 6/97 o V. STAFFAPPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Desigr Rwiew applications. approve with certain modifications. deny the application. or may refer the application to thc Desigr Review Board for decision. All statr approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB, The following types of Design Review applications may be staff approved: Any application tbr an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architectural design. materials and colors of the building. and approval has been received by an authorized member ofa condominium association. if applicablc: B. Any application to modiry an existing building that does not significantly cbangc the existing planes ofthe building and is generally consistent with the archirechual design. rnaterials and colors of the building. including. but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stoneworlq siding. roof materials. paint or stain.), cxtcrior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fcnces. antennas. satellite dishes. rvindows, skylights. siding, minor commercial facade improvctncnts, and other similar modifications: C. Anlu application for site improvements or modifications including. but not limited to. driveway rnodifications. site grading. site rvalls. rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping, insallation of accessory struchres or recreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. Ifthis application requires a separatc review by any local. state or Federal agencf other tlnn the Town of Vail. thc application fce shall bc increased by $200.00. Examplcs of such review, may ittclude. but are not limited to: Colorado Dcpartmcnt of Highway Access PermiB. Army Corps of Engincers 4(X. 6tc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees wbich arc in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If, at the applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-prblished then the entire fce for such re-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant. C. Applications deemcd by the Community Devcloprnent Depfimcnt to have desigr. land usc or other. issucs which may have a sigrificant impact on the community may require rwiew by consulfrts in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be rn"ade by the Town staff that an outside consultant is nceded. thc Comrnunity Dwelopment Departmcnt rnuy [i.. thc consultant. The Departrncnt shall cstimate the amount of money necessary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Exporses incurred by the Town in exccss of the amount forwarded by the application shall bc paid to the Town by thc applicant within 30 days of notifrcation by the Town. Any excess funds will bc renrmcd to the applicant upon review completion. Updztsd,6197 Resorts (frompage built opens capability by 25%. existing Golden Peak Compressor House with an additional 790 The present building is 910 square feet and the new building ximately 1700 square feet to accommodate new larger replacing the old compressors in the existing Compressor Compressor House exterior finishes will consist fo stone and a metal roof similar to the new structures recently This upgrade will better insure Vail Mountain time with a high qualrty skiing experience by increasing /.-/^-\^- V^r! R aaoa ra$ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 19, 2000 3:00 P.M. MEETING RESULTS PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Briltain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer Chas Bemhardt (PEC) SITE VISITS 1. Grand Traverse #10 - 1420 Moraine Drive2. Vestlandet Condos - 174611756 W. Gore Creek Drive3. Gilles/Blackstone residence - Lodge at Lionshead #1034. Schmidt - 401 Beaver Dam Circle5. Pearson residence - 303 Gore Creek Drive6. Vista Bahn Building - 333 Bridge Street7. Golden Peak Ski Base - 458 Vail Vallev Drive Driver:Allison Ochs tt-.,.",* Jf2,,, 12:00 pm 2:00 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Pearson residence - Final review of proposed 250 addition and exterior remodel. 303 Gore Creek Drive #2clLot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Vickie Pearson, represenied by Ron Diehl TABLED INDEFINITELY 2. Raether residence - Final review of existing metal roll-up blinds. 278 Rockledge Road/Lot 15, Block 7, Vail Village 3'". Applicant: Paul Raether, represented by Segerburg, Mayhew Architects TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 2, 2OOO 3. Vista Bahn Building - Final review of proposed deck addition. 333Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1o Filing. Applicant: Remonov and Company 3:00 pm George George Allison MOTION:SECOND: TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 2, 2OOO VOTE: 4. Grand Traverse #10 - Final review of a new single-family home with an EHU. Ann 1420 Moraine Drive/Lot 1 0, Block 2, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision 1"' Filing.Applicant: Pat Daupninais MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Chas Bernhardt VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. The Public Works Department requires that the site plan be revised to show reconfigured parking spaces in accordance with Town of Vail Development Standards. 2. The Fire Department requires that the house be sprinklered in accordance with Town of Vail Develooment Standards. 3. That the windows above the garage be reconfigured if permissible. 4. That the meter closet door be relocated to the area beneath the EHU stairs. 5. Schmidt residence - Conceptual review of residential addition. 401 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 2, Block 4, Vail Village 3'o. Applicant: Carol Schmidt, represented by Morter Aker Architects CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE Ann 6. Gilles/Blackstone residence - Final review of proposed 250 addition. Juliet 380 E. Lionshead Circel #103/Lot T,Tracl l-J, Vail Lionshead l"tFiling. Applicant: Scott E. Gilles & Sandy Blackstone MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 7. Vestlandet Condos - Final review of proposed exterior modifications. 1746t1756 W. Gore Creek Drive/Lots 't&2, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicant: Vestlandet Condominium Association, represented by Richard Stampp TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 2. 2OOO 8. Golden PeaVVail Ski Mountain - Final review of proposed new facility. 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Vail Resorts MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: Ann Brent 1 . Three (3) 8-10' coniferous trees must be added to lhe northeast of the transformers [to provide screening in accordance with Section 14-1-7(10XlX3), Vail Town Codel. 2. The cooling equipment (shown to the north of the south of the proposed building on the site plan) shall be painted oxford brown (pursuant to Seclion 14-1-7(10)(D)(4), Vail Town Code). 3. The proposed lighting for the building will be reviewed by staff to ensure compliance with the Town's outdoor lighting standards. 4. Approval of the minor amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan is required at the PEC and staff level. 2 Staff Approvals Beard residence - New hot tub. Allison 2662 Cortina Lane/Lol 7, Block B, Vail Ridge.Applicant: Mary & Phil Beard Slifer residence - New awning. Ann 193 Gore Creek Drive(Gore Creek Plaza Bldg.)/Portion of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village l"tFiling.Applicant: Rodney and Elizabeth Slifer Campbell residence - Exterior paint change. Judy 4247 Columbine Way/Lot 24, Bighom Tenace.Applicant: Mark & Sherry Campbell Hendrickson residence - Reroof. Ann 5075 Ute Lane/Lot 29, Vail Meadows l"tFiling. Applicant: Betsy and Larry Hendrickson TOV Right-Of-Way - Access route maintenance and revegelation. Ann 100 Vail Road/Unplatted parcel located belween Lots 34 & 35, Block 7, Vail Village l"tFiling.Applicant Town of Vail Parsons residence - Roof exlension. Allison 745 Forest RoacULot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 6'h Filing. Applicant: Alice Parsons JudyHuffard residence - Exterior color change. 2990 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 11'h Filing.Applicant: Jay & Krk Huffard Boniface residence - Exterior color change. - Judy 2036 Sunburst Drive/Lot 17, Vail Valley Filing 3.Applicant: B.R. Boniface Vail Mountain Adventure Center - Door relocation. Brent 254 Bridge St./Lot L, Block 5A, Vail Village 1=r.Applicant: Blanche Hill Bolin residence - Exterior renovation. Juliet 1017 Ptarmigan Rd./Lot 1, Block 5, VailVillage Filing #7.Applicant: BL Bolin Shane residence - Landscaping. Juliet 2945 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 11'h Filing. Applicant: John & Beverly Shane Nye residence - Relocation of hot tub. Brent 2581 Larkspur Lane/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Intermountain.Applicant Richard and Kristen Nye Forey residence - New roof. Allison 1755 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 6, Vail Village West Filing #2.Applicant Daniel & Karen Forey Mason residence - Window additon and door replacemenl. Allrson 2602 B Cortina Lane/Lot 2, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Jennifer and James Mason W&B Development - Revisions to approved plans. Ann 381 Beaver Dam Circle /Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3'd Filing. Applicant: W&B Development LLC Douglass residence - Interior conversion. Brent 2801 Basingdale #6 Camelot Townhomes/Lot 2, Block 8, Vail Inlermountain. Applicanl: Louise Douglass Hamlei Condominiums - Exterior painting. Allison 2014 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 42,Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: The Hamlet Condo Association Hanson residence - Portable hol tub. Brent 1522 Butfehr Creek Road, B-29 Valley CondosiThe Valley. Applicant: Janel and Kim Hanson Town of Vail Rightof-Way - Access route maintenance and revegetation. Ann 100 Vail Road/Lot 35, Block 7, VailVillage 1"'Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and informaiion about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Communily Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for lhe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Vail" Ski Club Vail Atrr: Chip Woods Lot13-#9575 Barbara Osborne . 153 I Walnut Street , Brown Brothers Philadelphia PA 19 Lot 17 - 1914$ Elizabeth Roos 75 Rockefeller New YorlNY I s .7^-^\,/,\- Var! R aaorra www.snow.com r 81658 o THIS o ROPERTYITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR P PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 14,2OOO, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to.allow for a new snowmaking facility, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Village 5th Filing. Applicant: Vaii ResortsPlanner: Brent Wilson Pursuant to Section 13-7-6, Vail Town Code, a PEC review of the proposed unit sales prices for the Garmisch Loft employee housing unils, located a12211 North Frontage Road / Lots 1,2 & 3 and Tract C, Vail das Schone Filing 1; Lot 1, Vail das Schone Filing 3. Applicant: Reaut CorporationPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a variance from Section 12-6A-88 (GRFA) and a minor subdivision, to allow for GRFA above the maximum amount allowable, located at 971 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot 8, Spraddle Creek. Applicant: Franco D'AgostinoPlanner: Allison Ochs A requesi for a sign variance, from Section 11-4B-19 (B)(4), to allow for a third business identification sign, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive (Larksiur Restaurant)/Trast F, Vail Village Sth Filing. Applicant: Larkspur Restaurant & BarPlanner: Brent Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and sile visits which precede the public hearing in lhe Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 28, 2000 in the Vail Trail. * tF-'";;ff*Iilj**ropment 75 Sj Frontage Road Vail. CO 8't657 o Name:Receiptruo. J-t?39 Date_)_t_3_t t_:_:_ Add ress: Pro)e&:. G?CA tttoutatl<trtb tt,c tc t\ Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3141110 Zoning and Address Maps $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1 &2 CB q4n 06 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $60.65 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 $35.00 001 0000 3't4 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1 996 $35.60 001 0000 314 1112 Unrform Fire Code $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code $42.60 001 0000 314 1',t12 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Energy Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314't1't2 Analpis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prin$/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 0000 314'l'11'l Lionshead Master Plan ($1 .80/$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies. M6ter Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penaltry FeeslRe-lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Off .Hours lnsoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 ContractorE License Fees 001 0000 3't2 4000 Sign Applicatjon Fee JT $20.00 001 0000 3't2 4000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Desisn Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR 1,- o o. ott 001 0000 315 3000 Buildinq Investisation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Doveloper lmprovemsnt Agreomont Deposit O2-DEPl0 AD 001 0000 3121000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% {State} - Tax payable TP '001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000 311 2s00 Addfiond GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 00't 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 sq. ft PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoninq Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenatar Prooram Other -MS TOTAL:1.- o - OA Comments: Gash _ Money Oider #Received ty: g-)Gheck# 8(r c1 F :/EveorondFotms/Sale6act.a€06/062000 RECEIPT - Thc To*r ofVdlIt lic"^,,) I rr -, f*---c-o " Vr'u ( - af -t ( N? 61?88 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS Pe-ritNumbers PAt'-' o r I r*Police Receipt Numbers HowpND-cash-chece-965'.' a ry [j:; ''-'- r - Jo---' Iour of Uailrfi D.FIDCN RSEIPT *TT DeE: 7/t5/0 el f,ECEIPI: Sl2lB D€SCRIpTIIil ffY HlffI lp tr DESISI REUIBI FE I €M.M rDR TX URIL RESIRTS 1EOER IETRILtx 85ii9!t fam.m IIflIE: 7/P!i/0 IIE: lt:38:l? Ttlffl- oftx |et.fiHttfi ]Emnsl Efr.m DSt( Yil F{n nn pRYm{Tl 75 L Front{o Roed V.ll, CO 81857 RqeistNo. 5/5?4 Plo66 make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL 001 0000 3141110 Unifom Buildins Cod6 - 1997 - Volum€ 3001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -l314 1112 001 0000 314 1'112 1 0000 314 11 12 314 1112 314 1112 0000 314 1211 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 0000 315 3000 312 1000 Araoas.-Reataurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev - Lees than 100 sq. ft. 001 0000 311 2500 cnlr;** &/ ?b2elrrltucdbY: FG\oryona/Fom€/Salesact.arc *1ftt' il I[- RECEIPT - Thc Town ofVdl , re-{-Q N9 6152S. DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS DOLLARS gtg.J2:-- Permit Numbers Tom of llail*]r HFfffiR RECEIPT +*r DelE: 7/07le9 [ RECEIPT: fr1e979 rlEsctlpTrot{ 0w mil{T lp ilpEc 9RRImf,E FEE I teeo.m $tJ o( URIL RESNTS IBIDER ETRILo( 81713 €m.m DATE: 7l6llfi TIE: 14:31:48 T0Ifl_ 0 g{ t2fr.m HTilT TEOERS} I&.M IISI( YIIJ F(lR YflJR FRYFI{T! Propcrty ownors "01"."?to Gotden peak Lodge: o Mr. Chip Woodc Skl Club Vall 598 Vail Valley Drlve Vrll, CO E1657 Mr. Dlannc Mllllgan Ramr Horn Lodge 416VallVelley Drive Vall, CO 81657 Mr. Don Leruon Plnos del Norte- P.O. Box 69 Vall, CO 81658 The Vltllard Houm C/O J. Epcteln & Co. tric. 75 Rockrfcllcr Plrza #9fit NewYork,NY 10019 ILG Realty Ltd. 7979 Broedlrny,-#l0l San Antonlo, TX 78209 Mr. & Mm. EB Gherter 395 Mlll Creek Glttts Vall, CO 81357 Gllft and Nanetto Whlttlngton Northwoode 600 Vall Valley Ddve Vall, GO '81657 Mn LarryEarner All Scacodr 1/|l| Errt lloadow Drlvo, #397 Vall, CO E1057 Mr. Bob ilcGleary ManorVall Lodge 59t Eaat Vall Valley Drive Vall, CO 81657 AleJandro Burlllo Azcarrage Lot 16 1O{ Del Courl Larado, TX 7E041 Lot 17 Lot l8 Lot l9 \_*t ,r=r MAY AFFE.T YouR PR.PER? PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-&6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 10, 2000, at 2;00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a sign variance, from section 11-48-19 (B)(4), to allow for a third business identification sign, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive (Laikspur Restauranl)/Tract F, Vail Village 5rh Filing. Applicant: Larkspur Restaurant & BarPlanner: Brenl Wilson A request for a major CC1 e)derior alteration and a variance from Section 12-78-12 (height), to allow for a dormer addition, located at 183 Gore Creek Drive (Sitzmark Lodge)/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: SitzmarkCondominiumAssociationPlanner: Brenl Wilson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information^ Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informalion. Communily Development Department Published June 23. 2000 in the Vail Trail. -i .v LL lvwi,, ,o.c"e'r'l'i'j'-arl"J Jffi)W*J Tnttl0FvAI,lY \./,tt: "*-rLra," t"0:TOWN OF VAIL Depafiment of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 6, 2000 Mr. David Tucholke Vail Resorts PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Golden Peak Ski Base - Proposed New Snowmaking Facility Dear Dave: At its July 5h meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the above-referenced application. The lollowing is a brief synopsis of their commenls: . lt is agreed that lhe proposed "river rock" stone application is acceptable. Please use the stone on the three sides that are visible (north, east and west sides). . Please provide a site developmenVgradingilandscape plan at a scale not to exceed 20:1. Please show the locations of all utility equipment (coolers, transformers, etc.) on the plan and the proposed methods for screening the equipment. Please include rooftop equipment, if applicable. . Will the horse cariages be stored at this location? lf so, please indicate storage locations on the sile plan. . Please indicate any trees to be addediremoved on the landscape plan. . Please mimic the detailing that is proposed for the entry door on the garage door. . Recommended colors include darker earth tones that would help the building blend in with lhe scenery. lf you would like to discuss this issue in greater detail, please do not hesitate lo contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, B"*-'('^-"-"-- Brent Wilson Planner ll {g *"n"uor ro RECEIPT - The Town of Vail ,e-aD N9 51526 DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS Permit Numbe6 How PAID-cash-Che "' 8t 73? Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 1, 2000 Dave Tucholke, Snowmaking Foreman Vail Resorts PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 And Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) Re: A request for a minor amendment to the approved development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, to allow for a new snowmaking facility, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive/Tract F, Vail Viltaoe d' fitino. Dear Dave: Based upon the required findings conlained in Chapter 12-8D, Vail Town Code, the above- referenced amendmenl to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan has been approved by staff. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The request is for a minor amendment to the Golden Peak developmenl plan to allow for the construclion of a new snowmaking facility. Pursuant to Section 12-gA-2, Vail Town Code, a "minor amendment" is defined as follows: MINOR AMENDMENT (STAFF REVIEW): Modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special deuelopmenilski base recreation district, and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, variations of not more than five feet (5') to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development district; or changes to gross floor area (excluding residential uses) of not more than five percent (5%) of the approved sguare footage of retail, office, common areas and other nonresidential floor area, except as provided under Sections 12-15-4 (lnterior Conversions) or 12-15-5 (250 Additional GRFA) of this Title. {;un"uoruo ffir- It. The proposai involves the demolition of the existing snowmaking facility (910 square feel) and lhe reconstruction of a new, larger facility (1,792 square feet). Since the proposal involves the addition of 1.5"k (less than 5%) of the approved non-residential floor area for the Golden Peak Ski Base, lhe appropriale procedure for review is a minor amendmenl (staff review), subject to the criteria outlined in Section ll of this letter. On July 21 ,2000, the Town of Vail Design Review Board approved the design review portion of this request with the following conditions: 1) Three (3) 8-1 0' coniferous lrees must be added to the northeast of lhe transformers [to provide screening in accordance with Section 14-1-7(10XlX3), VailTown Codel. 2) The cooling equipment (shown lo the south of the proposed building on the site plan) shall be painted oxford brown (pursuant to Section 14-1-7(10XD)(a), Vail Town Code). 3) The proposed lighting for the building will be reviewed by staff io ensure compliance with the Town's outdoor lighting standards. 4) Approval of the minor amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base development plan is required at the PEC and staff level. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12-8D-6D: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-9A'10 of this Title. Section 12-94-1 0 is addressed below. B. Section 12-9A-2: Minor Amendment (statf review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter, may include changes to landscape or sile plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. The approved Golden Peak development plan includes the Golden Peak buildings, parking and ski runs. This proposal would consolidate the existing snowmaking "outbuildings" into one uniform structure. A landscape plan for the new building has been approved (with conditions) by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. The proposed use has already been approved as part of the original Golden Peak Ski Base development plan and staff believes this proposal provides a more efficient, aesthetically/environmentally sensitive solution to the ski area's snowmaking needs. Proposed building heighl is 20.5' ridge i 15' eaves. C. Section 12-9A-10: Minor modilications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 may be approved by the Department of Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff action shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the district that may be atfected by the amendment. Notilication shall be postmarked no laler than 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the statf decision. As noted above, staff believes the amendment is consistent with the design criteria under subseclion 12-9A-2. Notification of the proposal was provided to all adjacent property owners on July 28,2000. This approval will be reported to the Planning and Environmental Commission on August 14, 2000, and a report will be provided to the adjacenl property owners within five days of today's dale. You should be aware that this approval could be called up for additional review by the Planning & Environmental Commission on August 14th. fl you have any questions, please contact me aI 479-2140. Sincerely, Dbt<-?t-r-.<.- Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll Attachments FIEVERYONAPECWEMOs\O0\coldPeak 3x Esq=YTgi II I I 6D.-l-, rie IT F l.rl i3 I- /'T'\v '{q IHit lz R E FsiN Eg H- 2 9 ofEt-ox() lE IJ H ![ H za9 issF Eg I =i EIIo trl ! ti iril iiii ";!littll!l lt ilI ti! i!iIi iiii!r i! !:it ,i!iit !E! I Ill s i!::::il liliili lii ill riidil I I I I I -lIIFI =lol-l(,lzi Y]ol 9l zl FI-l olz1 5lr 31.'tDls /-f'.w i!Ii I!i FgH N$H t.' t: ,,>:., " -.'l ;' 'r.. i./ \..../ i. / ',. l" , ,' / ./ ''u;/ - --l ./ a'. / / \-...- In' / I -"-.,/,,,.,' "r'/ ''"-" l- _rl*. _ >Kal__: i-fl f----- r^-'---,/i/'-'--1. al o! al \l \.r\i \rl \ I I IL----- <---al \l \l ) I F ld{ r\l/'\\\I/ / Y_.---\-zlN-.'. ,..: . \ t't. X=o t:) 'a'o.:- I I I I ol lrl (ra _)OT CL f o_ s *T co ro --'rl.i {:i-...- . -.--'L;j'\noi E t 3o Tfr I _l Ell @ I I I "!l I iita rl fr$ a I I I I I I I q btt E rl$t !l I I I* T !I ) I H$il FHH H -F-ra-,'a -t Ja-ar t aua i rt -tLttli-lf F E fitun 1 HI EI, @ I I F o o o Ei fi ![ ? $ 1 -U a' t a I a| -ir-" rt - lri-{l-t o F Etotun flr I I 3 ItI I I I I ? i @A\Ll g I I I L o. I I I I II I ISOIITED EIECTRCTL ROOil I - -r,__L_-j -- - _ __ - -'1.----*; ! llt'i H -a a* d t n it tty rLl.t'Ff rl,- tt4''--llt r\-\ r$\N -.\ r$ F $ \rtt .._ N-I $itX d+ $3tl rGt d# 9-p fttJgtt? +g .t -4 p f;Jt Iur A u rg aJlllo lu u. =F0 fr.Fo g vt -\! u\o xn \s r) o t-f F,! a.7 9-t ? L-l fi 6 E E.o F IJJJJ $ J $ {(\- \ {*I ( :l-t'tlv'tl .+t ;i.\: .', \ I I ! I t I $a .-'- approximately 2 members to every parking space. These members would calt the parking manager more than 24-hours in advance to reserve their use of available spaces. A reservation list from among the members would be compiled daily for the management of entrT access by personnel stationed in the attendant booth at the entry to the structure. Access into the structure would be permitted upon presentation of a photo r.D. identifying the bearer as a member and a confirmation of a reserryed parking space on the parking availability list. In the event that all parking spaces are not fully reserved and utilized by the club members, vA, as operator of the facilify, reserves the right at any time of the year to utilize unreserved spaces for other guests, members of the skiing public, employees or other persons who likewise must call and reserve a space less than 24- hours in advance. This short-notice use by non-members would be permitted only on a daily basis by reservation. However, this managed operational feature would expand the available user groups and increase the utilization ofthe structure in non- peak periods without adding appreciabte, unwanted traflic. Further, if the utility of the structure can be maximized by offering additional memberships for sate, vA will do so after the first year ofoperation establishes typical occupancies. I:HFffiRDROP OF'F' Skier drop off occurs presently on the east side of the existing Golden peak structure and immediately to the north of the Children's center. Existing conditions provide for 21 head-in spaces adjacent to the children's Center and l0 @o parallel, or active parking spaces, in a loop drop-off area for the generat public, totaling 3l spaces currently dedicated to all drop-off functions. The proposed ptan nearly doubles this capacity by providing for 30 head-in spaces dedicated to Children's Center drop olf andi ,dmp;efr:no&Hhl 5;Ef|ffi totaling 59 spaces for skier drop offat this portal. (A.) Tier I. Management measur€s to be undertaken in a sequential fashion concurrently with redevelopment include: 1. During the Christmas Peak period and presidents' Weekend VA will staff the General Skier and Children's Center drop off zones with 4 to 6 people, split between the drop offzones as trallic needs demand, during peak arrival and departure hours or approximately from 8:30 to 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.. to 4:30 p.m. These traffic managers will direct trallic, assisi ;;j expedite the loading and unloading of passengers and equipment, encourage the timely and swift departure of vehicles, and enforce restrictions against uu:ruururrzcs 1.ri.,iing by calling lbr the removal or towing of offending vehicles. 2. During the High Season period VA will staff the General Skier and children's drop offzoneswith 2 to 4 people, split between thezonbs as trallic needs demand during peak arrival and departure hours. 3. During non-peak periods and during evening or night hours the drop off zones would be staffed or managed upon the operational discretion of vA as Golden Peak Parking Agenda 0r28/99 l. Discuss o<ieting anangementswith VA, TOVand VRD ll. Fuh.re plana fur valet servbe during the ski saason lll. E)drrd 10 minub perklng br Marftet customers lV. AHIIU to control bottr North and Upper Lots after 5:00PM with managed pelting aervice V. EmpbycepafiirUa) Ford Pdl(b) Soccorll!& _ HAn-iO-BE I 3 . O r . FEOt! ' rOtJN OP uAlL o t D . 3e 3{?A216 7 FAGE 3,te PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMEI{T AGREEMENT FOR COLDEN PEAK SKI BASE TACIIITY Thir Prelinilry Dwolopment furccneut (*Agroo@€trt'? i8 $tdo cdecrirrs 65 efthis20thday of ,ltarch , 1996, betrrco ths Towa of Vail a Colorado ouaiciprl corpontion ('Towrr) md Vail Associares, Inc., r Colwado corporuion fl/Afl RECITALS; A- VAI hss $qucsted and thc Torrn bes rpproved a anendmeot hr CluEer 1839 of.thc Vsil Muaicipal Code (Sld Bare8ecrcEtioa Zone Distsic't). B. VaI brs srboitted rnd tne To,*n haa rpproved a darlo!@eqt pla wLich congtiotes tbc primiple guide for rll dwelopceat wi;tlia &e Goldfo Pc* Ski BrselRccrratioa DLtrict C. The Torm has agrsed to assirt and perticiprtr is off€its improvecaeau and VAI lss agrced to rrsist aad participara in off-site inprovenraro and it is lbe inteotion of thc putics b s€t fodh iu this Agreemed tbo nqpoltibility'ed obligetiou of te prties c it ' ;perts:ls to aU feanres of ';his dcvclopmect D. It is aoricipted tba the To,nn uDd vAI uill cncprnd this Pnlininary Dwelopned Agrecrncnt wifl raodi.E catioos sld dfftil rs nec€cTrt- No% tbelcfor, tbsputies Ng€e et Sllours: t- Reqnnsibilitier ofVAf. VAI shdl: a VaI shetl be reupongibie fsr tbe atire dewlopnertPla! ss eppmved by the ?o'r:r Couapil on Deccraber 19, 1995, This respouibility is conditioned by end subject to rbe respoagibilitics ofthc Toum as s* for& ia pengraph 2. b. b. VAI sba[ be raryonsible for impiemcntiag trp elcoeus of thp Goldeo Peak Operuionrl }vfauge,racctPlso, urhich is aD idogral c€qryorcut of the Croldca Peak Derelopnert PIn, aad is auached herato. c, No changes m grnbplans shnll be pemnittad usril arneodneuts to tha appoved dwelopneot plas aee coruidered il accordsls€ wilb the faovieiont of Section : I 8.40. i 00. Tlc dwelogaeot plsa dd aoy arbaequert cnrc,ldeests theoEto sbsll require the agproval of tbe Desip Rsriew Bosd iB accordaucc wirt tle appltcable provisioas of grsptcr 18.54 of the Mr,nicipal Co& gior to tbo coEn€oetmldt of sits prspaariod- I IIttl t| q a HAR-aq-AB 13:tl PiOX- TOr.lN OF VAIL lD z ao347EJ216a PAGE 4rra d. The foliwiug inprovemeau will reguirc the glading; creaion or rccaptancc of esscmeatr for which VAi will be rcqlotrot}ls.. Tbp eassa€utr neod to be in place prior to ttre isnrancs 6f a Teopgrcy Cslrificsl€ of Occupncy for tlr GoIdEa Pesk Lodgc, Tlose irrprovcaeotr which will nquire ce$srcna iaclude: ' l. Pedestriaa and bicycle cqrracctionr leading to, eod arund, thc Oold€n Peak Ski Basc Facility, which will requirc cross e.;c@Eotl to be prWnrcd byVAI odtobc cateredirto bctweco V.dI and theTouato rsnrcth€ uDrE#icted uso of fhap$lic areer in and qqusdtbc Oolde! Peek Brse ar8a, 2. Tl€ Vail Tnil as it pr€sostly rxicts aad as pop€ed !o be e&ndsd to 6e . vesteca edge of VAI. 3, Thc realigueor of Vaii Vailey Driw- VAI wilt be rerponrible for initiatlag diraudonr with aay property owncrs rtrestsd by thc reeJignment (i-e. Vortufer, etc,) 4. VAI wiil develop I drailage eas€@rd fu the adaing culved ald for aay oncosion of rbo qrlvqt for thi6 pEryosc, 5. Tho dwolopnaat proddes forhu lancs stdpublis stricr drop ofrfor wbich VAI will providcErblic rigbt'of-wBy B. VAI will be financially responsible for thc dn'elognent of r1l 6-si!e improveannts eud those improvcacors ioncdiatety adjrceot to the prnpcrf, ' iDtltrding tbs bul !me, Cbildran'i Ccrnaer drop+fr'gcncrrd skicr drop.offrnd thc sidfltalk oa the gouth side ofVail Vdlqy Drive. f. VAI riliil !s firroncially resporsibte for thr following off+ite improvcocuts: 1- The cost of tlc Manor Vail 6!try ttdeoip ilchditrg enfit EsliEuett, : sidewelks, lradscapiag erd walhrey. . Z. Eigbty p"rc€Dr (80'lo) of the cost of the realignmeut of Vail Valtoy f,lrivs iora Chel* Road to the Maosr Vd Soulb eotry. 3. Ei6bty porceut (80%) ofthc cost of tbc irnpleorentation of tbe Streetscapo Plaq as approved by Towe Corlncil onDecarnbtr 19, 1995, frothe Traarponntion Ceatertq MilI Craek Cirsle. 4. Ail of-site sigr" \phicb are specific io the'Goldcu Pcak Ski arse Facility. o HAn-zO-st 13r(ll FFtrHTIOHN OF VAIL lD:Sg347gtr"' g- As refcrenced.on Pagc 5 of thc Golden ?erk lvlanagcmenr Pla5 VAI rrrfll be responsible for.the *edioo of a neig[borhood assceercnl coosrittee wbich wilI acsist i! tbD rs$€stmmt ofncighborbood impasts Aom tbs Gslden Pesk Brs€ Facility. 2: Re+pnsibiliticgoftreTorrr. a- Tbs To.rn will prurytly raview all docuurentrlreparcd by VAI, ineludiag r"'reo/hentr to the tpprovcd plas aad cassoert agr€Ernc8$, b- The Touar wi[ bo financidly rwpoasible forthe Sllowing imgrovcoeots: 1. . Tu,eoqy pcmdrt (207o) ofth€ cost ofte realignacat de Vail VAfy Urive Cbsl* Roed to ldmor Viil South eucry. 3. TVrcnty perceot pOT$ of tJ:c cort of thc impleoeotarion of tle Steotscape Plar,, Es epproved by Torw.Couoeil oa Deceoba 19, 1995,from tlr Tranqportation Centcrtg Mil Creek Circle. 4. All off4ite sigru not specifc to the Goldea Pcsk Ski Base Facility. 5. Snow reoowl tom the sideqalk $om'thc Vail Tlaasportalion Cqrt€r to tie intcrscaion of Mill Crce& CirclE and Vail Volley Drirc. 3, OfF-Sitelmerpverne.nts Ths Towr aDd VAI will ucrlc in associdioa with oos dotbel io dccig qd cmstnrct futrrc oFsitc iroprovaneotr frour Goidtd Pe8& to tie soccs ficld ard Fod Pd< parXing Io8" This Prsllldrury Der,elcpmmr Agresmem forthp Crolden Pcak Ski Base Facility ir beilg catcrctt into to innre tbst the proposcd oa and of sito public inprotarenB rssocieted witb this p"ojcct are completed in ccnjunstion withtlpmdenreloFentard man€ed ins&shion csnsistenrwfth the Goldeo Peals Operatioual Management Plsn. It ig auticiprred tbat this Prcliniwy' DarJopncnt Agreernent ory be modifed, aoended or aryended with addhionsl dstail. A.try nrch amcodneab ql'"ll bo erxeanted in.rrriting n'ith tbe same fononlity rs this Agroemeut. 'If tlcre se no modifications, ameadme:lts or expansions with detail this shtll constitute thc catire Dotelopneat rfgrcanreot ftr Croldcn Peak Ski Ense Facilify. FAGE S/B a TO}'N OF Dc as of the dry ead year 6r* rborro writb- VAILASSOCLATS,h,lC., etFr| UAIL 1D2393.7621F7 PACE dnoxS '?"L,.A l"L{g}Z: qa %, W x+t lrAn-e0-gq 13r92 PFOXr TOVNOFVAIL, a mnidpelcorpoaton <--.- aeuar na €radaf s'd Ofrice of the Tbwn Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Yail. Colorado 81657 97 0-47 9-2 I 07/Fax 97 0-47 9-2 I 5 7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Greg Hall, Engineer R. Thomas Moorhead October4, 1999 Golden Peak Easement Greg, attached is the etuement agreement for Golden Peak. I have reviewed it very quickly and no issues have jumped out at me. I would appreciate a close review by you to make certain that all of the described uses axe consistent with the development agreements. If this document is acceptable to yotr, please return it to Anne for a letter to be transmitted to Gerry Arnold that is acceptable and send us the original with the changes or additions noted in Section 9. Once we receive the original executed copy from VA we will then get Bob Mclaurin's signature. Thanks. RTlWaw Attachment ti*u* ru Sep..29, 1999 {:39P}I 'i.IEGALDEPT. EASEMEM AGREEMENT TI{IS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (this 'fureemenf) is daied as of the - day of -----------) 1999, by and between THE VAIL CORIORATION, a Colorado corporation d/b/" Vaii Associateg IDc. ("VA'), and TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation (thc *Torra'), Reciids This Agre€dent is made with respect to the following facts: A- VA owns fec simplc title to the real property located in Eagle Couty, Colorado, which is legally described in Exhibit A anached to this Agrceumt (the "VA Parcel'). B. The Town ovms fee simple title to the real proP€rty locacd in Eaglc County, Colorado, which is legally dcscribed in Exhibit B utached to this Agrecment (&e *Town Parcel). C. Tbe TowB Parcel and a portion of the VA Parcel are depictcd i" EX!!!&-C snacbed to this Agreement D. VA has constructed a childrcn's skicr drop off area with associated drive lanes, a pa*ing lot and rclated inprovements, and certain sidcwalk rud landscapins improveminb (collectively, thc 'VA Improvemen15'), on a portion of f) the Town Parccl, and (Othc riehtof-rray for Vail Valley Drive (the 'fight+f-Way"), which asas are depicted on Exhibit C. E. The Town currently uses a bus &iving lanc (tbe 'tsus Driving Lane), a bus shelter, sideuralcs, anival plaza asd related improvements, which wcrc cors&tct€d on a portion of the Vl, Parcel, and which are also depic'ted on Exhibit C (collcctivcly, thc 'Bus Shcltcrlmprovements'). I F. Additionally, a bicyclc path has beeir constucted on a portion of tbc VA Parcel (the 'Bike Path), which Bila Path is also depictcd on Exhibit e. G. The Town and VA wish to grant to each other cstain cascmcuts ovcr tbc Town Patel, the Right of Way and portions of tbc VA Parcel, rclating to the VA Impovemcnts, ibe Bus Shelter Impmveuents and ihe Bike Patb, subjcct to and upon the tems ad conditions set foih in tbis Agreelnent Agreemcnt In considcration of ttrc mutual covcnants set forth in this Agreemcn! and for other good and valuable consideration, the receip and sufficiency of which are haeby acklowledgcd, VA and theToumhcrcby agee as follows: No.642B P. 2/ll :tror a lrrsSloa nJtyl' l!0. tll Sep..29. 1999 4:{0Pl{VOLEGALDEPT.lin AI?Q D 1ltlrf v. v:Lu L, \)t Ll 'i I' Definitions. In lhis Agrcearcn! thc followiug tenos have the maings set forth below: (") *Bike Pa& Easemcnt Area" means the portion of thc VA Parccl comprised of an approximately l0-foot wide snip of land ccntcred on thc ccnter liue of the existing Bike Path, as generally depicted but not legali aescribed on Exhibit C. O) *Bus Shelter Eascmctrt Area'means tbat portion of the VA Parcel tpon which the Bus Shelter Impr,ovemenb are located- (c) *Invited Guests" shall have ft6 p6aning sct forth for soch tcrm in cRs. $ 33a1-103(2!e)O, as such statutc may be areoded fiom time to time, or as $rch meaning may be set forth io my srrcccsor starutc which may nplace c.R.s. $ 33-41- 103(z)(e)(I). I a . ,l i- I Q- e (d) '?arkiug Eascrncnt Area'means those portions of the Toum Parccl and the Rightof-Way upon which the VA Improvements arc locatcd as gcneially depictc4 but not legally describo4 on Exhibit.C. (e) "Ski Season" mcaus the pedod(s) of each year that arc dctcrmiued by Ve, in ie sole discrction fiom time to time, aud that are published by V4 as the pcriod(s) during which tbe ski areas opcrarcd by VA aud located ou or in tbe vicinity of the VA Parcel qhell bc open for skiing activities. (0 "VA Pcrrnittccs" mcans VA ad its t€naats and zubteoants and all Persons who mw or hcreafto owtt or hold any possessory intcrcst in thc VA Palccl, togetbr with the respective agents, guests, unployecs, licensees, invitees and contractors of ary of tbcthem' -i. ,r ' 2. GratofBikePathEasementbyVA. .... '' (a) Subjcct to the provisions of this Scctioa 2, VA haeby qrutclaims - to tbe Tovrq a perpctual non-gxclusivc easement in gross (the "Bitc Path Eascmenf) over the Bikc Path Eascment Arca for (i) thc use of thc Tovm and its lqvited Guegs for purposes of noa- motorized bicycle and pedestian taffic over thc Bike PatL and (ii) for thc usc of thc Tortl for the purposcs of maintaining, repairing and rcplacing Sc Bikc Path, Nonvithstanding thc- forcgoing the Town may not rcplace the Bike Palh without the prior ruriten approval of VA --{ (b) VA teserves thc right to change the location of thc Bike Path Easem€nt Area at any time proided that (i) such relocated Bikc Path Easenreut Area provides a continuous parh ftom the northwestcru boundary ofthe VA Parcel o the northeastcm boundary of the vA Parccl, and (ii) VA shall constnrst a Bike Path on the portion of the Bike Path Easement ArEa so relocatcd. Such reloc4[ou sball become efective upon rccordrtion in the rcal Fropcrty records of Eagle Couaty, Colorado,g!_a nqlg9_fron VA ro rhe Tovm scning forth the .. legal description or a depiction of the relocatcd Bike Path Easemeut Area \ ttt6ttt tsuxrM o*llrt l30t !M 2- . i.r.' .., '_ . f'1' ii 1Lt\ Sep..29. 1999 4:4OPIrf v.|,EGAL DEPT.o No. 6428 t. 4/11 (c) The Town and its Invicd Guests may usc thc Bike Path Easemcnt only during the portion of eacb year that is not any Ski Scason. During tbc portiou of cach ycar tbat is any Ski Seasou, the Town and is Invited Guests shall not use tbe Bike Path Eapemenl:,,i . i , , 3. Grant of Bus Sheltcr Easemcm bv VA. VA hcreby quitclai-s to the Torrn a perpetual non-er<clusive €asemmt iu gross (the "Brs Shelter Easement') over the Bus Shcltsr Eascmcnt $..rca for (i) tbe rxe of the Towu and its Invitcd Gucsts for purposes of vehicular md ingrcss and cgrcs to tbe Brs Shelter Improvements, and for (ii) tbc usc of thc Toum for tbe purposes of nainuining thc Bus Driving Lare. Notwithstanding the foregoing, vehicular tafrc arross the Bus Driving Lane by thc Town and ia Invitcd Guests shetl bc limitcd to only public uansit buscs opoaEd by the Town and emergency vehicles (e. g., firc tmd<s, ambulanccs, ... police can), and the Bus Driving Lane shnll trot be used by the Torr,l or its Invited Guest for any othcrtype of vehicle qr other form oftransit without tbe prior miten approval of VA. 4. Graor of Parking Easemeol bv the Town. Thc Town hacblr quitcleims to VA, for the use aad bcoefit of the VA Permittees, an ingv_ocable, nonercclusive and pcrpaual essement (the 'Parking Easement') over the Puking Esement Area for purposes of vehicular drcp off of children-skiers and for other purposes, which shall include, without limitation, pedest'iau ingress and egrcss to the VA Improvements, the conduct of special events and astivities associated with year-round mountain rcsorts, and to maintain, repaL and replace the VA Lnprovcments. 5. Reoairs aud Maintenance. The Town shall maintai.n the Bus Driving Lane and the Bike Path in good condition and repair including, without limiatioq sealing, paving, srow removal and curb and sidewalk rcpair as reasonably required from time to time, provided that such repain aud maintennnce of the Bike Path shall not be pcrmitted duiug any Ski Season. VA shall maiilah the VA Improvements, and lhe Bus Shclter Improvemeirts other than thc Bru Driving Lane, in good condition and repair, including without lirnitation, sealing, peving, srow rcmoval, and crub and sidecmlk repair as rcasonably rcquircd from timc rc time. 6. Pakine Easement Alrourtenant. The Parking Easement shall buden the Town Parcel and the Right-of-Way and shall beuefit the VA Pacel. The Parking Easemcnt shall run with thc land and shall be binding upon and inurc o thc bcncfit of VA ard the Town, and their respective succcssoni and assigns- This Agreement shall'bc recordcd in thc real propcrty records ofE4gle Couuty, Colorado. 7. Eascmcnts in Gross. The burdens of the Bikc Path Easemcnt and &c Brs Shelter Easement shall ntn with the VA Parcel, but the benefits of such eascments shall be personal to &e Town. 8. Rcmcdics-Cumulative, Each of VA and the Town shall have any rcrnedies availablc at law or equity for any brcach or dcftult of the other party's obligations undcr this Agreenent, and any such rcmedics shall be cumulative with and in addition to, and not cxclusive of, any other remedies available at law or cquity. Notwitbstanding the foregoiag, no brcach of " this .a.greement shall entitle eitherparty to cancel, rcscind or otherwisc tcrmiDate this Agreement- In the event of any litigation hercuuda, the prevailing party in such litigation, as detennincd by Jtlortr RYSHO|'O9Zl ul9 li:fx ?M Sep.29. 1999 4:4lpM v,OLrcu nlrr.O 'No,64zB P. s/rl thc judge, jrrry, mediator, or arbitation pascL shall be cntitled to, in addition to all other availablc remcdies, ad award ofits reasonablc atloneys' fecs and qryenses. 9. Notices. Aay noticc or denard rmder this Agreemcut shall be h ,rdtinC and sball be detned given, rcceived and senied (a) upon pcrsonal delivery, (b) on tc third businCIs day aftrr mailing, posragc prcpai4 by rcgistered or certified mail, retum receipt rcqucstcd, or (c) on tlrc fust bruiness day aftcr rcccipted dclivcry to a nationally rccognized courier sen'ice which gwantccs nent-business{ay delivery, delivery charges F€pai4 in each casc addressed as follows: IftoVA: P. O. Box? Vail, Colorado 81585 Attr-: General Counsel If to the Town: 7 {.f, "*/, Fr,a,"A 7" 2.1Va;!(^ r't6{7 /.r'u.,:_'6)-tflzzt2t I -ta"^t A+U"-ry 10. Limiution of Liabilitv. To the exteot that the graat by VA of eitler or botb of the Bikc Path Eascment or the Bus Shelter Easgment falls within the provisioos of CX-S. S$ 33-41-101-106, the Town and VA acknowlcdge and agree that both prties iilend that VA's liability pertaining to the use of the Bike Path Easement and/or the Bus Shclter Easemert by thc Towu and its Invited Guests shall be limitcd punuant to such statJtes. 11. Entire Agreement Prior Agrccment. VA and tbs Tocrn aclnowlcdge that this Agreemeit sets for& their entire ageemsnt and understanding with rcspect to this Agrccmcnt aud that no oral or o6cr agrccments, uudcntandingr representations, or warranties, other than tlrosc set forth in this Ageanrent, e:<ist with respect to th€ subject naficr hcrcof. L2. No Waiver. lo no event shall any failure by cither VA or thc Torry:r to enforcc any or restriction contained in this furecnent be deeured a waiver of the right to enforse such covcnant or restsiction thereaft€r. 13. Release- Upon the conveyance by VA of its fee simple interest in the VA Parcel, VA shall be rclcased from ali obligations arising hereunder from the ovmership of the VA Parcel accruing subsequent to the date of thc conveyance but sball remain fully liable for all of its obligations which have accmed hercr:ndcr prior to such convcyance. Auy successor in title to the VA Parcel, by its acccptance of a deed therefore, sball be deemcd to havc as$med and agrced to bc responsible for all such obligations accruing hereunds subsequent to the dde of the conveyarce. This paragaph sball be effective and self-operative, withom exccution of any iDstrunat innediately upon any such conveyance. 't.'l a, :r 1516]rl t!'6lto a oi/,ttr' Ir .FM I sep, 29. 1999 4:4iPl{ v,Oicu nutt,O lto.6428 P, 6/1r 14. Severab. ility. The mforceability, inralidiry or illegzlity of any provisiou of this Agreement shall not rcoder thc othcr provisions of this Agreemenn unenforceable, invalid or illcgal but rather the unenforceable invdid or illegd provisions of this Agrcement shall be deemed severed from this Agr€Ement and this Agr€ement shall continue in full force and effect to the grcatest odent permitted by applicablc law. 15. Comoliance with l,ans. All constnrctio& Eaint€nance and rcpairs perfomcd by citha VA or Se Town pursrant to this Agrecmcnt sbrrll bc done in a good and worknanlike mqnn€f, atrd in compliuce with all applicable laws. 16. Governing Law. The rcms and provisions of this Agreemed shall be consfired and edorccd in accordauce with the laws of the State of Colorado. 17- Counterparts. This Agrecmeut may be executed in counterparts, each of whish shnll be cleerned a duplicate original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have exccuted this Agrcement as of the date first abovewdtteu. VA: THE VAIL CORPORATION, a Colomdo corporation d/b/a Vail Associates, Inc. TOWN: TOWN OF VAIL, a Colsrado municipel corporation Title: By: By: t5l6r, I llrllora oflu,rt rzq t -5- sep. 29. 1999 t:{2pil v. frcu nurr. STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. CoLINTyoFEA,CLE ) Thc forcgoing insarmcut was aclnowlcdgcd bcfore me this _ day oflP-g'uY . as of Tb Vait Corporaioa a Colorado corporation dny'a Vail Assocides, Inc. Wrtres my band and official scal. Myconmission o<pir*: Notaryhrblic STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. C0UNTYOFEAGLE ) 1999,by ltc foregoing imtun€nt rras acknowledged before me this _ day of. oftheToun of Vail, a Colorado mrmicipat corporaiou Wi&ess ny hand and official seal. My commission oipircs: Notary hblic 'O No.6{28 P.l/tl t'or.t llnxov oldr,,tt 110a lt(-6- Ser,29. 1999 t:tzptl v.Oitcu unlr.O ilo.o{zg t. Elrl ErhibitA r .3:t Dcrcr{ptlon - YA Prncl PARCEL I, GCTLDEI{ PEAK SKI BASE AI\ID RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL, ACCORDING TO lHE PTAT RECORDED JAI{UARY 15, Tgtr/ IN BOOK 455 AT PAGE 934, COttNTy OF EAG_Lq STATE OF COLORADO, EXCEPIING TITEREFROM I.ATiIDS COT.ITAINED WrI}I TIIE COI{DOMINITJM MAP FOR COTDEN PEAK CONDOMNIUM NECORDEDON SEFIEI\dBER 17, 1997 INBOOK Zt7 AT PAGE 493. Jrt5u Dma * ,i'| tt o. tra A-t ser,29, 1999 4:t2pil v.fiteu tnrr.O llo.6428 p. 9/n EIhibftB I*gat Ilescrigrtion - Toc.n P$ccl PARCEL 2, GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE A}ID RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL, ACCORDING TO fiiE PLAT RECORDED JAI{UARY 15, I987IN BOOK 455 AT PAGE 934 COUNTY OT EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO , D(CEPIING TI{EREFROM T.A}"IDS COMAINED WITI{ TIIE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR GOLDEN PEAK CONDOMINIUM RECORDED ON SEPTEMBER 17, 1997IN BOOK 737 AT PAGE 493. !5li!r I tttsllox oglr,lt tl0atta B-l o u l-oi.x bJ . t ' ! '/).'(, ''.1(4, trla o !Ca \l lrJ 0- zlrjc]Joo ffiil N,.t I t,tI E t a h E E I -"a:/-- f'/ el IH ile Eir ffi, H I E R yI itr ||I :, E?o.B I ffi[\nnil u\\ )lJl(JE IL N J i ln .Cttt' tttEaCqt* E\\ ._: I -+ :',i '1. I EI !g r-J!, l.l i,) ' t.!i / "j i 'tds0 1v9fl1 Y'l lld0l:t 6661 '62 'das'd Szlg'01{il/l 970 47S S096; January I l, 1999 '. Dominic Muuriellq Surirr Ptanner Town of Vail - Deparlncnt of Community Dovelupnert 75 SotthFtutageRoad Vsil, CO 81657 Alcjrndro Burillo 365 Mill Cnr*, Circlc VNi[ CO E1657 Jun-8-eb2:03Prr;Page 112 itlr \/i I sd|e i*bl H(Lr afa.brnt :""t' Llonshead Inn, LLc; O Vail [osoff levelopnont flonpary 1...t \/all r Bredrenrldg€ . Keyltone o Bearnr cre.kc r Bechelor Guklr. r ArrpwhaEd f"r The Goldon Poak Pona, Ch"ir 12 and (brtificete nf Occupncy Dcar Mcssr$- Mauricllo & Burillo: Tfnis lctcr sgrcement is wrireu in responsc to the crnocrn first raiscd by Euslaquio Cortina on bebalf of lvfr. Alejan&,o Burillo and all rchtcd owncrs of Lot 16. Blosk t, Vail Villagp Fir* FilinEr olhcnvise Lnorrn as 365 Mill Crtck Circlc. rcgnrding the Pmra LiIt that is oo thc westcnr pcrirnctcr gf thc Goldon Pc.k iki lard and cloeely poximatre to bis clieuu' propefiy. Tbis lift is an existing $ndition urhich has bccn in plal"c frx rolvcnl Srears aud rras in place and operaiimal prior to Vail Associta,cv' antcn&ncnt of tt$ Goldw Pcak ski bare rccredion disaict and rhc dwclopment plan rrfiioh gwcrns land usc in the dietricr Thc dcvclopment ple whioh was approved by the Town in Deccrnber of 1995 and commenccd in Spring, 1996 inclrded a sita plu which provided for t[e realignmort of chair t2 and its replaceqent with ncw lift equipnenq including lift housings similsr in nlturE to the ncw chsir 6. Thc dcvclopmcnt sib plan also provided for the rcmoval of thc Pcyna lift which cxisrs on th€ west si& of thc ski yard. Thcsc ski arcs intsstructns changps wcrc pcrrnittod by thc ncw dcvclopmcnt plao, but no specific timelable was ideatilied for lhe lill replaccmeots and changor 6at wrc degicted on plan aod described in our application. Giveu the plrn's silcnco rcgrding $c timatablc fort lift implunentatir:n, the operaring dapertrn€nt schedulcd the changcs to fit wift e broadcr lift rcplaccmcnt whcdulc. Mr. Burillo and the otbcr owncrs of 165 Mill Creek Circle hrve rcccntly objected to boltr thc continucd prcsEtrsc of lho Porna clxe to thoir propcrty and the frilurc to rrplacc and rcalip Chair 12 as depictcd in the devolopnent plan. Subseqrrcntty the Town. thmngh its Lngineer md Dsprrtmcnt of Community Developanent, has indicated thot thcse changes and improverncnts rlrould bc completcd or a fonnalizpd schedulc of implomentation bo agrced upon to sati$ a condition of issuance of a final ccrtificatc of occupurcy firr thc Goldcu Pcak dcvclopment- The ilountain Operariqs dcpartnrcnts of Vait Associatcs still intesd and rlcsiru to mako theso lift ohangcs, ali well as oficr minor amcndmcnts to tlrc lift configrrations in lhc Golden Peak I r hnchmert nocd . PO fd 9S9 . frctr,ColoFdo . tr6ac0959 . phone 970ta5 r5l5 e lugruJlr5 t555 A It t T.t$ ui{'n'"b rnn' LLc;970 479 s0gl6; o. dovelopmonf plan. ln so doing wp sock to satisly tro cgrdition of ccrtificstc of occupancy and i.JniiJ t"t'or,. the objectfrni ol'the neighbciig proP'rty !*.n1:1s-' tu*fr1c. Vail Aesociabs prog*c* urrl commilr td trtttor" thc Porne cm or bcfotc July l, l9f) so ttat all tou'ets' sltpports' Liorr, huuriogr, aod rulatul quipcnt abuvc gr*1, woull bc fully rernovcd from the sitc by that ;;:-d"fi;, Vol nstocinte$ ide' o r"atid-g *PtT:-91*ir 12 to confom to thc cxisting Goldon lbak dsvelopoeot plan on or before Soptember l' 2000' If tre oubstatroe and schcdule of lift improvements descriH above meets with thc To*m's approvat, rdirficl -y o,*trnaing condiiions lT- j=u*. of o cstificatc of oocuparrcy crd ;i;il iil objcctioni or G p,opJrty owneg of ]65 Mill Creek Circtc plcnoc acknowltdgc your rcspoctivc acccptr.noc and agncmcnt ty sigtiry bebw' Vcrytuly, VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COMPAI{Y (fl<aVail Assooiatcs Rcsl Estata Group), htitioncr bw:,rt 4. A-:- David G.Gorbin Vicc Prcsidcnt of Dc\tGloPE€[t APPROVEDAND AGREED: Tgwn of Vail Jun- 8 -:03PM; TTfE VAIL CORPORATION' Creek Circle s92o Page 212 By Alejandm Burillo AndyDaty, VAI Paul Testwuidc, VAI |fm Allcndcr, VAI Jrck Htnn, VRDC t l ; D(nf|t! L{rlcrtsddclcc*ltonitElE+|tart I s Vail Resorts Developnent Company Vail . Breckenridge r Keystone . Beaver Creek@ . Bachelor Gulcho . Arrowhead Date Rcceiveo O' gcT 1; 1998 srltxattu Wb. JtffiCbt AtfieR6o.tt! October 12. 1998 Eustaquio Cortina Cortina Real Estate 616 West Lionshead Mall #103 Vail, CO 81657 RE: The Golden Peak Poma Dear Eustaquio: This letter is written in response to the concern which you have raised on behalf of Mr. Alejandro Diez-Barroso and all relate.d owners of Lot 16, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing, otherwise known as 365 Mill Creek Circle, regarding the Poma Lift which is on the westem perimeter of the Golden Peak ski yard and closely proximate to your clients' property. This lift is an existing condition which has been in place for several years and was in place and operational prior to VAI's amendment of the Golden Peak ski base recreation district and the development plan which govems land use in the district. The development plan which was approved by the Town in December of 1995 and commenced in Spring, 1996 included a site plan which provided for the realignment of chair 12 and its replacement with new lift equipment, including lift housings similar in nature to the new chair 6. The development site plan also provided for the removal of the Poma lift which exists on the west side of the ski yard. These ski area infrastructure changes were in effect permitted by the new development plan, but no specific timetable was identified for the lift replacements and changes which were depicted on plan and described in our application. We acknowledge that to date we have not made these lift changes as depicted in our site and grading plans and technically are not in compliance with those plans as drawn. We also are aware that your clients presumed that these Iift changes would be made and now object to the continued presence of the Poma close to their property. It is still the wish and desire of the Mountain Operations departments of Vail Associates to make these lift changes, as well as other minor amendments to the lift configuration. Given the plan's silence regarding the timetable for lift implementation, the operating department did not think of these changes as affirmative requirements and delayed the changes to fit with a broader lift replacement schedule. In light of your expressed concern regarding the continued presence of this Poma we would suggest tbat we enter into an agr€ement or understanding with your clients and the Town regarding the schedule for the removal, replacement, or realignment of the Poma. 137 Benchmark Road . PO Box 959 . Avon, Colorado . E162GO959 . phone 970.845 253 5 . fax97O-M5 255S {} Eustaquio Cortina October 12, 1998 Page Two We propose to remove the Poma on or before July l, 1999 so that all towers, supports, motors, housings, and related equipment above grade would be fully removed from the site. We would further propose to replace this equipment with a "magic carpet" which is a moving tread utilized by our children's and beginning ski school instructional programs, which is fixed in the ground with the moving tread surface built up to snow level, usually from two to three feet above underlying grade. There is no other above-grade structure associated with the "magic carpet," ex@pt for small contol pedestals which are roughly waist high. The location and length of the "magic carpet' would be roughly identical to the current Poma. No buildings or other sfuctures would be incorporated with it. Chair 12 would be realigned and replaced to conform to the Golden Peak development plan pursuant to a separate timetable agreement with the Town of Vail. If these arrangements are acceptable to your clients I would suggest that we formalize an agreement with the Townns approval and acceptance. Very truly, VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COMPAI.TY l2-*:! Luc-le-- David G. Corbin Vice President of Development CC: Andy Daly, VAI Paul Testwuide, VAI Tom Allender, VAI Jack Hunn, VRDC Jim LamontEVHOA Dominic Mauriello, TOV DGCVn j:\dgcu 00598 lts tt FILE COPYTOWI,{ OFVAIL Department of Community Develapment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorad.o 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 12,1999 Dave Corbin Vice President Vail Resoru Development Company PO Box 959 Avon, CO 81620-0959 Re: Parking at Golden Peak Dear Dave: Please forward this letter to the appropriate party responsible for resolving parking issues at Golden Peak. Staffhas been made aware of several signs that have been erected in the Children Center parking area and the short term drop offarea on the north side ofthe Golden Peak facility. Any sign which reserves parking for any use other that short term drop offis in violation ofthe Golden Peak Management Plan and must be removed immediately. Staff has determined, base on the management plan, that the sign reserving a space for the "cross-country" vehicles is within the scope ofthe approved plan and can remain in place. Please remove these sign by January 18, 1999 to avoid being cited for a violation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in resolving this problem, If you have any questions, please call me at479-2148. Chief of Plannins {poonuor ro Vail Resorts llevelopment Company S.frtr9rrr Saotr&rd lot ,lbtuCtass Alehpnew& Vail . Breckenridge . Keystone . Beaver Creeko . Bachelor Gulcho r Arrowhead October l, 1998 Mr. Greg Hall Town Engineer Town Of Vail 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Golden Peak Base Facility TOV Permit # 8960011 STATUS OF CERfiTICATE OF OCCTJPANCY Dear Greg, We are in receipt of your letter dated September 9, 1998 in which you summarize the conditions under which the Town of Vail will issue a certificate of occupancy for the Golden Peak Base Facility. As you may recall Bemie Niznik, Senior Project Manager for Vail Resorts Development Cornpany sent you a letter March 21, 1998 in which he summarized conversations with you identifying fte out standing issues which would need to be resolved prior to our receiving a Certificate of Occupancy from the Town of Vail. Those items were as follows: l. The Gore Creek Bridge must be completed. 2. The bike path at the Mill Creek crossing must be completed. 3. Easements related to the Golden Peak and, specifically, the new location of the bike path must be granted by Vail Associates to the Town of Vail. It was further acknowledged in Bemie's letter that the building d€parfinent had signed off on the Certi{icate of Occupancy. Thercfore, you can understand our surprise upon receiving your recent letter indicating a varicty of additional items which you are now requesting be completed, prior to the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. While we resent the timing of your requests, we intend to accommodate most of them. The following will summarize our position with regard to each of your requests: l. We will provide as-built drawings of the storm sewer system and electrical system for the stcetlights. We have requested these documents from B&B and Riviera Electric. We will provide them as soon as they are available. 2. The dedication of the required eascments will be resolved. David Corbin and Gerry Amold of the Vail Resorts Development Company are working on these documents. It is our intent to provide easements, consistent with easements the which existed on the property prior to the redevelopment of Golden Peak and/ or which provided for our respective access to parking and tranist uses at the Children's Center and bus stop. 137 BenchmarkRoad rPOBox959.Avon,Colorado.81620{959.phone970.8452350.fax970.8452358 n Golden Peak Base Facility TOV Permit # Status of Certificate of Occupancy September 22, 1998 Page 2 6. 7. The headwall project is not a part of the permit for the Golden Peak redevelopment. The work which is currently in progress constitutes repair worlg due to the accidental collapse of the original culvert during the construction of the Golden Peak Base Facility. As you are aware, this typ€ of construction does not require a building permit. It is your intention to withhold our Certificate of Occupancy until the headwall has been completed. We disagree with your position on this matter. We are procceding with the conshuction of the new headwall and plan to complete the work in late October. The diversion dam and the raising of the existing diversion structure at the split ofeast and west mill crcek will be completed in conjunction with the replacement of the headwall. The adjusfinent to the pavers at the rectangular storm sewer lid have been completed' The pavers at the end of the walk, going east along Vail Valley Drive, were not intended to have a curb to hold them in place. The final approved plans indicate no such detail. However, we have resolved this issue in a manner which we believe will be satisfactory to the town. The bike path east of Ski Club Vail is at least 14 years otd. It has been used consistently by the Ski Club for year round access to their facility as well as by our neighbors, Pinos Del Norte for access to their facility to implement a variety of construction projects over the years. It is our understanding that the Town of Vail is responsible for maintaining/ replacement bike patbs throughout the Town. We acknowledge that our construction personnel utilized this route to park behind the Children's center for one surnmer. The types ofvehicles used by our construction persormel were passenger vehicles or light pickup trucks. We acknowledge that certain construction equipment accessed the site via this route during the construction of the Golden Peak base facility. We do not believe it is equigble that we alone be expected to pay for the repair of the bike path surface adjacent to Ski Club Vait. We are willing to incur 5070 of the cost to replace this section of bike path and would expect Ski Club Vail and Pinos Del Norte to be accountable for the balance. The estimate provided by B&B is $5,000. The land south ofSki Club Vail and the Children's Center area will be revegetated and some topsoil will be brought in to top dress areas which have been disturbed by bunowing animals. 9. We rvill install the sign indicating the trail connection south of the Children's Center. 10. It is our intention to install topsoil and seed adjacent to the new bike path to eliminate the edge drop off in lieu of the requested gravel shoulder. We believe that our proposed detail is consistent with other bike paths within the Town of Vail and would be a more attractive solution. 11. In the course of replacing the headwall at the Mitl Creek culvert, it is our intention to eliminate the gravel road from intersecting the bike pa0r. The gravel road is used to maintain the base of Chair 12. We propose to reroute the access road asoss the new head wall, thus eliminating the necessity for the road to intersect with the bike path. We believe this will mitigate the concems with regard to gravel washing down on the bike path. 12. The drainage problem, identified next to the bike path south of the Bella Riva deck, has been resolved. 4. 5. 8. tt Golden Peak Base Facility TOV Permit # Status of Certificate of Occupancy September 22, 1998 Page 3 @ 13. The approvcd plan does include a proposed snow curb in the vicinity of the flagpoles, adjacent to the bike path along the curb, west of the Bella Riva deck. This curb was required by the Town as a safety device, in the event we installed the flagpoles which were proposed. At this time, we do not intend to insall the flagpoles. Therefore, it is our understanding that the snow curb is no longer required. ln the event we choose to install the flapoles in the future, we acknowledge that tle snow curb must be installed prior to the installation of the flapoles. 14. Our landscaping contractor RBI has made some additional efforts to correct the problems related to standing water at the northeast comer of the garage deck. 15. The reinforced sod at the intersection of the bike paths, which you contend has not been properly installed, is on a one to one slope adjacent to a drainage swale. This is an area that was never intended for vehicular traffic. It is not reasonable to expect a reinforced sod detail to hold up on a slope as steep as this. We presented your request to the landscape conhactor who installed the system. They do not believe it is reasonable to expect them to conect the damage caused by others under these circumstances. We have placed a split rail fence to mark this location so that snow plow drivers can avoid this area in the funue. 16. The trench failure in the paver walk at the Athletic Club, adjacent to the steetlight, has been conected. 17. We will review the tree that died at the Vail Trails and replace it if it is our responsibility. 18. We have reseeded the area north of Vail Valley Drive, in the vicinity of Mill Crcek, next to Maoor Vail. 19. We have repaired the paver edge in the vicinity of Mill Creek and Manor Vail. 20. We will coordinate the repair of the asphalt in the bus lane, however, we intend to include this cost in the frnal accounting of our shared project cost between the Town of Vail and Vail Associates. 2l . We have repaired the defectivc concrete in the walk, along the bus lane, adjacent to the gas meters. L-l2lf'he parking attendant both at the Children's Center parking lot entranc€ was presented to the Town of Vail by Brain McCartney of Vail Associates and, according to Brain, it has been approved. The Town does require that a cedar shake roofbe installed and that the parking booth be stained to match the adjacent buildings. This work will be done prior to the upcoming ski season. 23. 24. While gutters were not required on the bus shelter facility, we elected to install them in order to mitigate icing problems on the sidewalt east of the bus shelter. We have coordinated the replacement of the majority of the spalled concrete betwecn the bus shelter and the Children's Center. This concrete was no longer in warranty, as it was installed almost two years ago. All dead plant material has bcen replaced under the warranty provision of our landscape conffact. g, 25. Golden Peak Base Facility TOV Permit # Status of Certilicate of Occupancy September 22, 1998 Page 4 26. It is our intention to rcconcile all shared costs and pres€nt the Town of Vail with a final billing. 27. As we presented our proposal for the redevelopment of Golden Peak, it was our intention to include the replacement of Chair 12 and the relocation of the poma lift in the development plan so that, in the future, we would not have to approach the Town seeking approvals for that work. However, it was always our intention that the replacement of Chair 12 was a future consideration and not a part of thc Golden Pcak Basc Facility construction project. We intended that the rcplacement of Chair 12 and related work bc our optiorL rather than our obligation. We acknowlcdgc that the Town of Vail has a dilfercnt opinion regarding our commiEnent and we are researching thc approrpriate documcntation to determine our next course of action. It is our 'understanding that the Town expects us to either do the work or reapproach the Town requesting that the devclopment plan be modified to exclude this work and a timetable be created for implernenation. We will keep you appriscd of our intentions and are discussing the matter with neighboring property owners. We will endeavor to complete each of the above itcms at our earliest convenience and no later than the end of Octobcr 1998. At that tirne we will request that the Town of Vail issue a Certificate of Occupancy, rcleasc our cleanup deposit, and release ofour performance bond which has been held by the Town for over two years. We are proud of the accornplishments achieved at Golden Peak as we believc the project has exceedcd thc cxpcctations of our guests, the neighborhood and hopefully the Town of Vail. David Corbin Larry Grafel Mike McGec Gary Goodell Tom Moorhead Bob Mclaurin tt Vice President- Construction 7'* *"/,",- Vail, Colorado 81657 '"fi'H.q,1#?i SEP 1 r 1998 VFIDL; uvrvo r iluu i lON 970479-2158 / Fax 970-479-2166 Mr. Greg Samson Vail Resorts Development Company P. O. Box 959 AvonCO 81620-0959 Golden Peak Certificate of Occupancy Dear Greg The Town of Vail conducted an inspection of the Golden Peak Developmenl for the certificate of occtlpancy and the following will need to be performed before receiving the final certiticale. The town must receive As-Built Drawings of the storm sewer system and the electrical system for the street lights. The dedication of all the required easemefis will need to take place The headwall proiect is approved for construction. The fact that a modification of the headwall took place during the construction of Golden Peak requires that the proposed improvements be incorporated into the Golden Peak Certificate of Occupancy. lf work is to begin under the exisling buiHing permil, the headwall project will need to be completed before the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy. A second option is to pull a separate permit for the headwall proiect and the To\i/n of Vail will require a bond for 125% of the cost of the work. Once the permit and bond are in place, the prolect will no bnger be a requirement of the Golden Peak Final certificate of occuparrcy. There were to be a small diversion dam and raising of the existing diversion structure at the split of East and West Mill Creek which were not completed. These improvements will need to be completed. The pavers at the rectangular storm sewer lid adjacent to the Golf Course route bus shelter will need to be adiusted to eliminate the trip hazard. The pavers at the end of the walk going east on Vail Valley Drive will need to have a small curb installed to hold them in place The bikepath into ski Club Vail ard the back of the Childrens' Center was used as a haul road and will need to be repaired back to an acceptable surface. The revegetaiton work at the big pile along the Northwoods area and the Childrens' Centefs phy yard. The approved plan had a sign and trail connection to the Vail Trail lrom the intersection of the trails by the Childrens'Center. Provide a 2'gravel shoulder along the bike path to eliminate the edge drop off Provide a water bar or other diversion to keep the gravel form washing down the access road just to the east of the headwall. There was a drainage problem nerl to the bike path and the at the Bella Riva deck. {P r'"'""o 'n"* o Page2 Seflemberg, 1998 The approved plan included a snow curb and flagpoles adiacent lo the bike path along the qJrve of the Bella Riva deck. There were numerous areas of standing water along the garage and the garage deck. The reinforced sod at the intersection of the bike paths to go to the village and he extension to Vail Valley Drive, did not hold up to the use this winter by the snowplows. lt appears not lo be properly installed. There appears to be a trench failure in the paver walk at the Vail Athletic Club feeding a street light. A tree died at the Vail Trials Re-seed the area at the downstream area of Mill Creek at Manor Vail Hepair the paver edge in lhe area of Mill Creek and Manor Vail. Repair the asphalt in the bus lane Repair the patch in he concrete walk along the bus lane adjacent to the gas meters Remove orget approval forthe parking attendant boottr atthe Childrens'Center Install gutters piped lo the storm seu/er system or use anolher disposal method besiCes draining onto the sidewalk at the bus stop Repair all damaged ard spalled concrete Replace all dead planl material Resolve all billirgs and cost shares on the project Chair 12 was to be realigned and the poma lift removed along with the piping of Mill Creek and numeous other items mefiioned in this letter as to what was lhe original approved plan for Golden Peak. These improvements will eilher need to be completed prior to a the final certifi:ate of ocapancy being issued or a revised plan consistent to what is to be completed be submitted for approval from the Town's Planning and Environmental Commission. I know many of these items may akeady be resolved or are well on their way to being resolwd. lf you should have any questions please contact me at 479-2160. Once the final certificate is given the one- year wananty on the public improvements to the lown will begin. Sirrcerely, mr/A Town Engineer CCJack Hunn David Gorbin Dominc Mauriello Tom Moorhead Larry Grafel Mike McGee Gary Goodell Bob McLaurin , (lnne/ ula>z**-t<- /6*".4 noe ffiorr* Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2158 / Fax 970-479-2166 Department of Public Works & Tlawportation September9, 1998 Mr. Greg Samson Vail Resorts Development Company P. O. Box 959 AvonGO 81620-0959 Golden Peak Certificate of Occupancy Date Reeeived sEP 15 1998 Dear Greg The Town of Vail conducted an inspection of the Golden Peak Development for the certificate of occupancy and the following will need to be performed before receiving the final certificate. The town must receive As-Built Drawings of the storm sewer system and the electrical sptem for the street lights. The dedication of all the required easements will need to take place The headwall proiect is approved for construction. The tact tfrat a modification of the headwall took place during the construction of Gohen Peak requires that the proposed improvements be incorporated into the Golden Peak Certificate of Occuparrcy. lf work is to begin under the existing buiHing permit, the headwall project will need to be completed before the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy. A second option is to pull a separate permit for the headwall proiect and the Town of Vail will require a bond for 125% of the cosl of the work. Once the permit and bond are in place, the project will no lorBer be a requirement of the Golden Peak Final certificate of occupancy. There were to be a small diversion dam and raising of the existing diversion structure at the split of East and West Mill Creek which were not completed. These improvements will need to be completed. The pavers at the rectangular storm sewer lid adjacent to the Golf Course route bus shelter will need to be adjusted to eliminate the trip hazard. The pavers at the end of the walk goirq east on Vail Valley Drive will need to have a small curb installed to hold them in place The bikepath into ski Club Vail and the back of the Childrens' Center was used as a haul road and will need to be repaired back lo an acceptable surtace. The re-vegetaiton work at the big pile along the Northwood's area and the Childrens' Cente/s play yard. The approved plan had a sign and trail connection to the Vail Trail trom the intersection of the trails by the Childrens'Center. Provide a 2'gravel shoulder along the bike path to eliminate the edge drop off Provide a water bar or olher diversion to keep the gravel lorm washing down the access road just to the east of the headwall. There was a drainage problem next to the bike path and the at the Bella Riva deck. {,s r'"'""o'n'o ,l o Page 2 September9, 1998 The approved plan included a snow curb and flagpoles adiacent lo the bike path along the curve of the Bella Riva deck. There were numerous areas of standing water along the garage and the garage deck. The reinforced sod at the intersection of the bike paths to go to the village and the extension to Vail Valley Drive, did not hold up to the use this winter by the snowplows. lt appears not to be property installed. There appears to be a trench failure in the paver walk at the Vail Athletic Club feeding a street light. A tree died al the Vail Trials Re-seed the area at the downstream area of Mill Creek at Manor Vail Repair the paver edge in the area of Mill Greek and Manor Vail. Repair the asphaft in the bus lane Repair the patch in the concrele walk along the bus lane adjacent to the gas meters Remove or get approval for the parking attendant booth at the Childrens' Center Install gutters piped to the storm sewer s)rstem or use another disposal melhod besiles draining onto he sidewalk at the bus stop Repair all damaged and spalled concrete Feplace all dead plant material Resolve all billirgs and cost shares on the project Chair 12 was to be realQned and the poma m removed along with the piping of Mill Creek and numerous other items mentioned in this letter as to what was the original approved plan for Golden Peak. These improvements will either need to be completed prior to a the final certilicate of occupancy being issued or a revised plan consistent to what is to be completed be submitted for approval from the Town's Planning and Environmental Commission. I know many of these rlems may aheady be resolved or are well on their way to being resolved. lf you should have any questions please contact me at 479-2160. Once the final certificate is given the one- year warranly on the public improvements to the town will begin. Sincerely, R#/,q Town Engineer CC:Jack Hunn Larry Grafel David Corbin Mike McGee Dominc Mauriello GaryGoodell Tom Moorhead Bob McLaurin TOWN OFVAIL Ofice of tlw TbwnAnorneY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 9704 79-2 1 07/ F ax 970'47 9 -2 I 5 7 July 23, 1998 Mr. David Corbin Vail Associates, Inc. Post Of6ce Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Mr. Greg Samson Assistant Project Manager Vail Resorts Development ComPanY Post Office Box 959 Avon. CO 81620 Re:Golden Peak Base Facility Dear Gentlemen: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and discuss issues conceming a CO being issued on the Goiden Peak Project. I believe that it was helpfirl that Greg Hall was able to join us in progress. The purpose of this letter is to identiff those items that we discussed at that meeting. It is my understanding that public easements for bus lanes and skier drop-off areas are cunently being considered by Gerry Amold. I also understand that tJrere may be drainage easements that need to be addressed. These would involve the Mill Creek diversion. It is my understanding from the meeting that all grading on-site and revegetation of distubed areas has been completed. It was stated that all "illegal signs" have been removed. Greg Samson indicated at the meeting that the attendant booth at the Children's Center was completed. Greg Hall indicated that he believed that he had all the information necessary to make a determination as to the acceptance of the head wall. {7 rtn""ror^n, Greg Samson indicated that the guard rails for the area between the turn around for public drop-off and Children's Center drop-offhave been ordered. I believe we all agree that any management of parking is not tied to the Certificate of Occupancy requirements. I did discuss this with Pam Brandmeyer and she indicated that valet parking wiliagain be available from that location. I also had further discussions with Dominic Mauriello who visited the site on July 22nd and will have a follow-up to these discussion. I hope that this is helpful in all of us moving forward to close out tle project which all ofus are anxious to see occur. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, 4 R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RTIWaw xc: Greg Hall Dominic MawieIIo -/ Pamela A. Brandmeyer TOWN OF Printed by Dominic Mauriel-L 7 /t7 /98 10:01am From: Dom1nl.c MaurielloTo: Tom MoortreadSubJect': Go].den Peak -EENOTE===CC3 Greg| Ha11 The fo]-]-owlnqfprlor to a coproj ect : 1. Recordaei-on of l)ub]-ic easementsfor Bus Lan€a and gkier dropoff areaa(boCh eaEt side and north eida). 2. Drainage eaBements- Greg? ? 3. A1-1 g'rading on sit'e andrerreqetaCion of dlsCurbed area.sr ( j. . e. ,beh1nd ski club vaj.].) . 4. Remova]- of al]. i]-].egal signson-slbe (1.e., Be11a Riva). 5. CompleLion of at.eendants boott!. 6. Tbe PEC wou].d ].ike to revieqr ttte maraagemenc plan aEaln. It i6 beliewed Chats the current p]-an j-s not \^rorkl-ngproperly. I am not gure thig !:a s co be,. cf Che CO reqrl'lrementa, but needaEo occlrr before the season does. 7. Gregfrs acce!)lance of headwall. A. Remova]- of any sj.gns resgricllngpublic acceas from l,arklng. I9. euardrails?? creg?? 6+&r'U tl These ar6 ttre iasues T have been abIe t'o identlfy- I wll]- need to make a site wis1ts. DominLc .r,lo'/\nuld" TIN* items need Co be comp1etebeing igsued. or1 the Page: 1 Prinled by Dominic Maurlel lo From: ,fudy RodriguezTO: DRT GROUP Subject: DRT Meeting Development Review Team Communi ty Development Large Conference Room Thursday at 9:00 a.m. March 12, 1998 AGENDA Staff GR/GG min. GR/GG min. (Jt( min. GR min. GR min. GR min- Topic heat Sheets" - Review of 2nd draft. 98 Construction Kick-Off . VRD - Discuss Dobson Ice Arena ExDansion. \{. /Stiter Building - Discuss proposed addition. / V. Mountain Haus - Discuss proposed west entry addition. 6. vail vi11a9e contractor meeting - Discuss proposed mtg. :15 :15 :05 :05 :05 t hour G;b\ulL- B - </4/4(4- fue J-f-"HU',,,e /e24 - JeJ;Jtl eaEs'-'**s- slue/ fle 4r@, - fr;t artgu 77 I I n?- Lau^dfiL1ft1, : , fi'y^t -> [r+b ilyns ryn(ul'e,L ^ atanrlti,k - -" 0a4. v-rfLe Jo^u -> Lt^?nL Dtarehyt fnf"*e 47,w'"** Page: 1 #qu{ ran-io-Ee l3:gr' PEof{: TouN oP vAiL I D: 3O 9{ 7821E7 FAGB ?/8 PRELIMIN^RY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR GOTDE}I PEAI( gKI BASE FACILTTY Tbis Pretillinrry Devolopnont Agrccocd (cAgrmcat') i! tr do ftie€ as ofthis2Othdayof ualqh . 1996, b*neco tbc Tova of Vai! a Colonib anraiciprl corpoation gowal oa Vail Associalcr,Inc-, r Colqrdo corporetion fli/Afl RECITALS: A- VAI hrs rcqucsted end tbc Torra brs rpproved an rnsadm:at b Ch4pE 1339 of.tto VEil Mrricipal Co& (S&i Brre/ReEr€.tim Zons Districr). B. VAI brs sltbaitgd rltd tbp Torm }rr rpprorred a der€lcao€ot pb whicb coutin$cs tha pdnciple guide for dl darclryeat wirbin tbs Ciold.o Pcek Ski Brsc/Rsqcatioa Dicict C. The lowu brs agrc€d to rssirt aod perticiprtc ia off-site luproveneatg rnd VAI lss agned to asrirt aad participue ia off-site improverorm andit is tbe iuteotiou of thc prnics to rst forth iu this Agrrc{tr€d tb rcspoasibility.ud obligation oftie parties rc it ' pcrtdls to sU &Ehms of thic dcrrcloprqrt. D. it i3 slticiplcd$atbeTonra rrd VAI wiU oQ.ndthtu Pnliniurry Dwclopcat Aglccorat wifh 66rl;€6gi6ss old dctril rr nEccrsrqt- Noq tlcrcfore, thepcties €ree s! fuIlows: l- R.crpoosibilitiedvd.VAlslrall: ' & VAI shall be pgpoanUe fc tbr cotire dcvdopneorplau es rpporcd by thc Tovn Corncil on Decc*uber 19, 1995. lbis rerpqr!ftitity is cottditioned by ud arbject to the respoocibililics oftlsTorvn s sa ftrth il pragnpb 2. b. b. VAI chel be reqoasiblc for iorplaacating tte elcocd of tbe Goldea P€rk Opercional N,trargcucct Pbo, xAich is ro iatogat csrpoucot of 0tc Croldca PorL Derclopert PIn, and is icrchod h6rto. c. No cbaages to sucb plgns rtta[ be pernittcd notil ernfrdm@ts to tbc appowtt ' dwclopueat plrs ue coruidered b accor&oce with tbe pwiaios of S€ctim 18.40.i00. nc aaretoptotplo 6d auy flbreqtuct stnmdocc 6.acto shdl rcquirc thc aggoral of tbe Dxip Rcrrisw B€rd in lcsordrocc wi6 6: "gpUcafte fr:ri"roas of erpd r tS+ of tbe Muaicipal Codc pdor to tLa corls€oeloGqt of aite gepratio. 4,d ' dnOd9 '3'U'U'r\ l.ldSZ:9!l 96, AZ dutt llAR-2o-88 13:tl PEOH:TOlrx OP VAtL lD z 7s3478276a PACE AUB & Th€ fo[swiug inp,roveraeats will requirc tbe gnding creaion or acce,ptarca of ess€'ncotl for which VAI will be rcsponsibls. Tb€ els€[BEtdr n€ed o bo in plece pric to tlre isnnucc of a Terupgruy C€lrifi€8le of Occupmcy for tbs OoIdE Pealc Lodgc, Those improvcoeoto which tlill rcquile caser[eirE iushde ' l. Pedcstriaa aad bicycle csrucsrionr leeding ro, rod cornd, rbs Ooldm. P€ak Ski Basc Facility, wlrich will reqgirc mu earcorols !o be FilDlr€d by VAI rodtobccaurdido bctwcco v.dl 8nd theTopato.$rurltbs lrlrEtrfutrd usc of tle pttblic arees iB and arould lbc Golda Pelk Bs arSa Z Th6 Vail Tnil as it presmtly cxiCs aad as Fdpocod b be carhdcd b the wtstcca edge of VAI. 3, Ilc realipneor of Vail Vallery Driva VAI will be reryonsible for iuitiatbg discrusimr with any p6opclt! ovrncnr rfegtsd by thc reeli8mpnt (i.e. Vodnfer, etc.) 4. VAI will dsvel@ a drrinagE easenat for tls aristing culvert aad for uy ettEDlior of the ailvcrt for ttrit prrrloEc. ,, . lbdrrrdoprdtpovidcrfrrbnr laucrrsdprflio lkia&opoffifui sUd VAI witl Fwidc Fblig rigt['of-ntly !as@Elt. s. VAI will be financially rccpcnsible fqr tbc dcvelopaeot of rll on-Eite impoveomts aod thosc improvcacors in;r;rlhtely adjrcd to thc pmpcrty, ' ilchrdilg the bu! lmo, Cbildren's Ccmcr drsp{tr, gcmcnl *icr dmproftrnd tbc sideunik oa tbc goutb side of Vail Vdlcy Driva f. VAI 1pi! !s firrccially nspousible for tho bllowing ofFcitc iElrorrcccds: l. The coct of tbc Maaor Veil cory redcrie! ioslndiqg €otry rc8liglnet, sidcttralq hodscsing sad u/alhrsy. . 2. Eigbty pcrcetrt (t070) of t}e co3t of tlrc rceliSDEEd df vail vdlry l)liw ton Chal* Roed to tbc lvlaam Vail Sosth enky, 3. Ei$ty porceut (80%) ofthc co516f S6 inFleoeoradon of tbs ShetecaPs Pho, es approwd by Toun Council ou Decsabcr 19, 195, i6 tba Tnorporetioa C,eatcrto MilI Creek Cilcle. 4. All of-site sigls uftich rre spccific to the'Goldca Pcak SLi Brsc Facility. c,d inod9 '3'd'U'A lldgz:ga 96, 8Z lHLl ltlAn-2O-96 13rOl FFo]lr TOIJN OF vAlL lD:3O34?92167 FAGS S/A ' g- As rcfacocad.on Patc 5 of the Golden Peak lvlantgcmefit Plur, VAI uflt be rosponsiblg for.thc €edioo of a !€igbborlood asccrmeut cooslitte€ ufiich wil aesigt ia tls errortraslt of[cighbofiood impacts from tbs Goldcn Pcak Bes F.cility. 2: ReQonsiHlitiar ofthe fmdrn. a Tbc Town willpslnptlylcr'i€wal docun€ntrfcpud byVAI, ilcludDg rrneor*rrgnrc tO thc Tprovcd plOS md casCod agrEernltlts. b- The'Towrr will bo financirlty rrsgolsiblc f6tb follcwing inD[qrca€ots: l. . T\r,eoly pc(cstt (207') ofthe cost of&e maiiglnmt of Vait Vnttty Uiw Aom Cbslet Rosd !o lvtsoor V.it South eGy. 3. T9rcrfy perceat (20clo) oftha coa of thc impleocotation of tha Stcoecrpc Pbq as ryrcved by To'm. Corasit os Dccrob€r 19, 1995.&oE tL. frospottaiou Ceutsto Mll Crrek Circla 4. All off-site sigrs not specific to tbe Goldcs Pcsk Ski Base Frcility. 5. Saoqr ruowl Soo the sidsmlk &oslf,c vail Tnasportrtion Cmter to . ths iucrscctioa of Mill Clo* CirclE asd Vail Valley Drivc, 3. OfF-Sitelmofovcmcns Tbs Torva ald VAI wil qrk in asrociaion*ith osc aotbra to dcaig qd ctu!(rust funrc ofF-rite inprovemras &om' Coldro PceL to the soccer ficld ad Fqd H p!*itg lore. . Tlir nAhhry Dewloprmr egeomcut fortbe Crol.rlco Pcrk Ski Bas€ Frcitity ir beiDg cotcrcd irto toilsJse tbttheptoposodoaaadoffsiteprblic irporlwrmtr associgtcd witbthispjccl arc oorplcted incoojuoslioa withtFr€darelopmeotrnd nraaged inrfishioo csrsisteul,witb the Goldm Potl Opcrtiourl Maugement Phn ltir autisip$Qd thst this PreJinillrt Danlopnnd Agecaeu ncy bc nodificd, aneoded or o+rdsd rrith rdditional drtail. Aay nrh .*tcodmeas #dl bc *eaftd in writing with tbe saris btEdity rs &is Agcoeoc 'If thctt ar no modiRcatiolu, arneadments or egaasions with ddrii eis rbell conrtitub tbc .adre D6rclop6.dt Agrcrd 6r Goldeo Pork Ski Brse Facility v'd .llAll-2O-98 rAt62 o 7eeta7 PAGEPEOX r lgl{ll gF VA I L Dc as of tbg &t ad ycar 6rst $ovc qdscrr. lD:3(134 TOWNOFVAtr,VAILASSOCTATE$INC., tlrr111 a muicipal co,poraio dnodg '3'd'U'A |Ggzzm 96, AZ uJt.l c---- ,TownMurgrc E'd fitffixru INli"ENMil,l DFJ IFflT THIS AGREEMENT, made and. entered into lhis l2th day of December 1s90_,by and among VAIL ASSOCIATES, Il{C.(hereinafter called the "Developer"). and the O MTIONSBANK 0F TEXAS, 'll.A.'no,oi.'oTo-wN oF vAlL (hereinafter catteo rne'rown') aFo Nnii-oi[SsAni oi' TixAs,-fi]11'ri.i#rr,", ^^ll^r.L^ rar^ -r -nrcalled the "Bank"). WHEREAS, the Develooer. plans, dated December 19 lmprovement Agreernenl; and LETTER OF CREOIT FORMAT as a condition.of approval of the Golden Peak Ski Base Faci I i tylsl!-, riisnes ro ente'liidiEEiliil WHEREAS' the Developer is obligated to provide security or collaterat sufficient in thejudgment of the Town to make reasonabl-e provisions for completion of certain improvements settorth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer w.ishes to provide collateral to guarantee perlormance of thisAg.reernent, including construction of the above-referenced improiements by rneans of thefbllowing: Devefoper aglees to establish a lener of credit wilh a BankJfl wdEdrtdul in a dollaramount of $2Jgg.z.3gJIL fi25% ot the totat cost of rhe work iirown bet6w) to providesecurity for the following: IMPROVEMENT As described in that'certa.in letter to Tom Hoorheadfrom David G. Corbin regarding Golden peak, TCO &Project Comptetion Assuiance,-attached hereto and I rncorporated lrere'in by th.is reference. NoW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the lottowing mutual covenanls and agreements,lhe Developer and he Town agree as follows: 1.The Developer agrees, at lhe sole cost and expenses, ro furnish all equipment Slglll:liflJec-e^ss€ry ro perrorm and comptete ail improvenienrs, on or before wTheDeve|ope'.ii.li"o.pi,i.,;;;;;;;kriantit<emanner,a||iTt':::Tli: as risted above, in accoioanie wirh;ii;|an;;il6;;l;il;;i'ru"i'in in" o?ii., orthe community Development Deparlrnent, tt'e rown oi Git,inift; Iii*otx incidentat thereto f1:,*"._r_b].^]*-rl._r_?f gr:d1 #gq?l.z-_in the amounr of $ZrLgg.J,le..gg_ (narne ol banktAEC{tAlGbAAIg) asthe security for the improvements set torrn above it rn"r. i; "64;a;;;;fi; according to and in comptiance wilh lhe fottowing: a. such other designs, drawings, maps, specificarions, sketches, and other manersubmined bythe Deveroper ro be ipprdveo by any of the above-referencedgovernmental entilies. All said work shall Oe ilone under the inspection of, and tothe satisfaction 9! lh9 Town Engineer, the Town Buitding Officiat, or other officialfrom the Town of vail. as aftcctprt hv cnonial rlicrrir.ra .r. -^..,;^^ ri^r.r^.^ -- rL-!- re specrive ^in reresr rnay appear, ano'sriarr not b; ;;;il; ;#ilfi;,i fi ;il.and accepted as _cornpreted by the Town of Vair community obvetopmentDeparhent and public Works Department. 2' To secure'and guarantee perlormance of its obligations as set lorth herein, lheDeveloper agrees to provide sEcurity ano'corfiterir as follows: Agreement by Developer. Prgc I of3 oa 7 \t). nt v, 3' The D,evetopef rnay at any lime substitute the collateral originally set forth abovefor another form of collateril a"""irr"h" io ine ro*n ro grilni"" ilJr"ftt trt compterion of rhoseimprovements referred to herein ano rr," periorrnance oilhe lerms of this Agreement. suchacceptance by the Town of atternative coilateral shall be at the Town,s sole discretion. 4. The Town shatt not, nor shail any officer or emproyee thereof, be tiabre orresponsible for anv igtid-tlll ll.t. br oamage nappening or occurring ro the work specified in rhisAgreement prior to the comptetion ana accEptance of tlie same, nor-shatt the Town, nor anyofficer. or emptoyee thereof,'be riaore roii-n-ipersons or property injured by reason of the natureof said work, but all of said liabililies snarliii are hereby adsrnieo'oy tne Devetoper. The Developer hereby agrees to Indernnlfy and hold harmless lhe Town, and nay of itsofficers, agents and ernp-loy_e'eligainsranylfsses, ctaims, damages. or tiabitities to which rheTown or any of rts otriyr-, q.ggr.t:. or empt6yees.may become subject ro, insofar as any suchlosses, claims, darnages or liabilities tor:!"-r,,io-nr in respect thereof) that arise out of or are baseclupon any perlormance by the Developer hereunder; anO tne O"*lopo shall reimburse lhe Townfor any and all legal or.olher e*p"nteiieaion.ory incurred by rhe Town in connection withinvesligating or defending any iucn ross, ciaim, dam.age, riaoiritv oiaciion. This indemnityprovision shail be in addiiion io any othei riaoiiity *r,i.iii,i b,irhiplir.y n"u.. 5' ll is mulually agreed that the Developer may apply lo the Town and the Town shallauthorize for partial release oithe cotlaterat oeposifeo wim n!'rown tor eacn category ot' improvement at such time as sucn imprw-rrlntr "r, constructed in comptiance with all plansand specifications as referenced rrerelnJei and accepted by the Town. under no condition willthe amount of the coflaterar that is oeing n;rJ ue reduced oetow tne ir1ornr necessary locomplete such improvements. 6' lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvementsconternplated hereunder are not constructed in compliance wilh the plans and specifications setforth in this Agreemenl on or before lhe oate iet lorth in paragraph 2, the Town may, but shallnot be required to, redeem the tetter or creoitii necessary to complete the unfinishedimprovements/ttre Bank shall tei"ateirJn'tinos upon.wrinen ieiuesr from the Town srating' lhat the improvem"ntt-lly9 not been compteieo as requireJuy in-il "l?.r"nr. The Bank shatlnot require the concurrenceof.lhe oevero6ipiior to reiease oi rn"-run"o. to the Town nor shalllhe Bank be required to verify. indepgngeritv itrat sucn improvementi hive.nor been comptqredas required by this agreement, but'shall reldase re_quest. .rn. the event the'iown- iliilili:YilJH3l'33111"p,.illlxlsy$#iqru ',,".."" of credit because the Bank is not tocated. in ragie-corniy,'ilv;idE;"siiTr#-- lf lhe costs of compreting the work exceed the arnount of the deposit, the excess,together with interest al twetve ittcent perinnrm, shail ue a tien ilainlt tn. property and maybe collected by civil suit or may be certiiieo io l-r,e lreasurer of Eagle county to be colected in thesame manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes tevied igiinsir;;pr.p*t. tf the permit hotder l1F gt refuses lo complete the cleanup "no r"nor."ping, ad oetinio iiinis chapter, such failureor refusal shat be considered a viotati6n of the Zonirig ioo". " "r vr raprEr ' lusr I ratture 7. The Devetope, *,.rr.nry'"ttf#fi ;l"o,,llr"eriat for a peiiod of one year afreracceptance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Townof Vait propertv or within Town of vair ,lgn;oi-;"y prrlu"nno s".i[n ii.re.eso. 8' . The parties herelo.mulually agree that lhis Agreement may be amended from tirneto time, provided that such amendrnents 6e ii- writing "na .i".ri.J oy'il parties herero. Dated the day and year first above written *provided that the Tom has given Developer written notice of its intent toredeem the letter of credit and ten (ro) oays for Developer ro complete theunfi ni shed imorovements - *promptly reinburse the Town such costs. Pr3c 2 of3 YJ STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE /tt:r":i'"ffi 2tj#qryl^ry-"^"^.1eJ_ZLTtwas.ss[nowtedsedl&to'emerhis Witness my hand and official seal. vAl- ASSoCIATES, It{C. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE clay of The foreooingQeveroper.lmprovement Agrorement was a.cknowredged before me this Witness my hand and official seal. 193t Oy /e.."' - ltok-r-i,- . . STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) 6t*t"9o'ng Developer lrnprovement Agreemeart was acknowredged before ,.itF19_ by -- Notary Pubtic Prgc 3 of3 Witness rny hand and official seal. My commission expires; lLvs)g.ti\rorm3vbyimpeg Ju 3ns Cost to Completc $18ru56 $248p59 8303221 j#2,767 $1,141,403 8400,000 $348,000 s1,8E9,403 {129,612> $1,759,791 \A-a \\llv/ll-r[rllrn|ltstt||lotl ta3.t,ra I havc reduccd the cost to mnrplgto by Vail Arsooiates as notad abovo by ths 20zo Torvn of vail obligatiod to cotrtihile or participarc in tbs off*ito road atrd ddc ll7 l.ncirr l lord . Fo Box r59 .Arc[ colorrdo r lt6l0 orhom llo !l: lttS .fer g?0 lti ll$ O Iltl 4qqoqilel &ll ptlqF qup, Its: TomMoorhead Town Attoursy Toua of Vail 75 South Frontagc Road Vail" CO 81657 ViaFax4?9-215? RE: Goldcn Pcrtq TCO & project ConplctiolArtunncc DearTom: lfindly find encloscd thc Goldcu pcak coutact cornplaion sunnary preparcd byWcitz Cohcn as of Deccmbcr 66,'nd sstimating cost !o co6plcts fm erofico peaft prroject as of rco aud bcneficial occuparcy. r boti*" tlai rco itnp*to* r* schcddcd for Frlday rhg 13t and.bcneficial ocflpancy is targctcd ror'weancsaay tbe lt'.-. o'' presumpdon rcgarding scopc of wort wnio -u"t be mmprotcd orfinancially ccc,o'd to tbp Torm)s sadefacdon for TCo involves thosc rrcas of work which arc s'bject to DRB Epp'oval or ortherwisc rcqufud of thc dcveloperpursuant to fu rdintmry Dwelopment Agrcement for the cr,oldcn pcak ski base lrgtiq. of the caiegorica listed on ne weitz cohen summary r u"tio"" tlufollowing areae arc appropiatcly Toum of Vail concems: orf,hfrr ct tAla rtcrt ltasttnoffil,l Dcscdption rrcirt' Ggsr rrrqtc' Site UOfk Off-sitc urork(roa{ side wa[ ac.1 Building orterior Roofirg Sub-btal Bridgc impooveorentr (VAI budgst) .' I^andrcrying (Matthcw'e bid) Total Lccs 20% of off-sib wort & hfdgehdgcr-TOV VAI Totel wdk costs s! well as tbo bridgc ilP€oscs' l.hare not howcncr' mad! firrthlr rwisions or reduocd "J;blfii# to complete-bv nrms arributcd to addcd scop' of work rcquestsdffil"il "i-'i;o r"iyn'i:h.tu toT-1'i1Lb"tt anywbcrc from 50'10070'oiol*i' rr'"-1"-J&g"*t of-site erqEnrcs wilt bc inflrnsd urd billcrt " JitiiJv*- rggz' *d *st responsibility sdiustcd bgtuv€en TOVarrd VAI d that timc' Plcasc adviso mo if you bavc ury othcr cologcrnr or rcquirenrents for cocpletion ;;;J.t d th. conccr rcar pro3cct Priot to isEusrcc of TCo' Vcrytuly, VAIL ASSOCATtsS REAL ESTATE GROIJP' D'IC' V,ta.tu/*@ David G. Csrbin Vice Presidcnt of DevcloPort DGC/db eoglosr.ue lMrnrbotin\rm moortltd o z'd dloug '3'U'U'A ilJ6I:6I S' TI f,al ,1* l:3tFt t€lTe qfr€N COT*INA T COMPLEIIOII SUMMANY GOI,DEN IEAT EAIIE FACI[.NYT522 a.* (r DEc. 1996 ... 4f0ue '3'u'':9:f_H{t'..a\,. ,#,t rr J3qE'd -.'-..'...-........- tcfionsBonk' O ISSUING BANK: NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS, N. A. DALLAS, TEXAS ISSUE DATE: DECEMBER 12, 1996 IRREVOCAELE STANDBY LETTER OF CREOTT NO. 919312 BENEFICIARY: TOI4N OF VAIL 75 S. FRON'I'AGE ROAD vAIL, CO 81657 A'l'TN: TOM MOORHEAD I4E HEREEY ESTABLISH OUR IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO.9T93I2 IN BENEFICIARY'S FAVOR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF VAIL ASSOCIATES,INC., P.O.BOX 7, VATL, COLORADO 81558, UP TO THE AGGREGATE SUM OF UsDl ,759,79I-oo (oNE MILLIoN, sEvEN HUNDRED FIFTY NINE THoUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY-ONE AND NO/1OO U.S. DOLLARS ONLY) EXPIRING ON DECEMBER T, 1997 AT THE COUNTERS OF NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS N.A., AVAILABLE BY PAYMENT AGAINST BENEFICIARY'S DRAFT(s) DRAWN oN NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS N.A. AT SIGHT, ACCOMPANIED BY: 1. A WRITTEN STATEMENT PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY THE BENEFICIARY t.TTH THE FOLLOT4ING WORDING: .'THERE HAS OCCURRED A DEFAULT UNDER THAT CERTAIN PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEI"4ENT DATED MARCH 20, 1995 BETWEEN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. AND FUNDS UP TO THE MAXIMUM AMOUNToF usD I,759,791 .OO ARE NOW DUE." 2 - COPY OF . DATED hIRI'I'TEN NO'I'IFICATION FROY,I BENEFICIARY COURIER.TO APPLICANT OF BENEFICIARY'S INTENT TO DRAW UNDER NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS, N. A. STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT N0.919312 WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS. 3. COPY OF DATED COURIER RECEIPT AS REFERENCED ABOVE. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THIS STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT IS ISSUED AS A GUARANTY FOR SECURITY FOR IMPROVENENTS UNDER 'THE DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. PARTIAL DRAWINGS ARE PROHIBITED" ANY COSTS RETATING TO DRAWING UNDER THIS LOC ARE FOR THE ACCOUNT OF THE APPLICANT. ANY DRAFT DRAWN UNDER THIS CREDIT MUST BE MARKED "DRAWN UNDER IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 919312 TSSUED BY NATIONSBANK OF TEXAS, N.A." IRREVOCABLE STANDEY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 919312, PAGE 1 ORIGINAL llerfionsBcrnk' THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO THE 1993 REVISION OF THE UNIFORM CUS'TOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER oF coMMERcE (PUBLICATIoN No. soo). WE HEREBY ENGAGE WITH YOU THAT DRAFTS DRAWN UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS CREDIT, WILL BE DULY HONORED oN PRESEN'TATION TO NATIONSBANK oF TEXAS, N.A., ATTN: LETTERS oF CREDIT DEPT- 9TH FLOOR,9O1 I4AIN STREET, DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 ON OR BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE SHOWN ABOVE NAT]ONSBANK OF TEXAS, N. A. FOR ASSISTANCE PLEASE CALL JOSIE JACKSON AT 214-508-3606 ORIGINAL DEC. l8 '96 l5!3l llerfionrBonk > I'}ICTION€8AT{K OF, TEXAS. N.A. L/C NO: 9193-12-' A!|ENDf'IENT lfO: Ol ,A,.IE{OMENT DATE: IADEcg6 .B€NEFICIARY: TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 ATTN: TOH ilOORHEAD ]{E HEREBY ANEND THE ABOVE CREDIT AS FOLLOTIS: t*o" notfsBRNK L/c DEpr.ro sr sTo4i;r s7 PAGE.A@?/Ag2 APPLICANT: VAIL ASSOCIETES, INC.P. O. 80X 7 VAIL, COLORADO A1658 REFERENCED STANOBY LETTER OF THE LETT€R OF CREDIT AIIIOUNT IS INCREASED BY USD 439,94A.OO.TO A NEW AGGREGATE TOTAL OF USD 2,199,739.00 ALL OTHER TERI.IS I,NCI{ANGED. THIS IS THE OPERATIVE WHICH FORI.IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF LETTER OF CREDIT INSTRUT.IENT NO. 91931? AND SHOULD BE ATTACHED THERETO. FOR ASSISTANCE PLEASE CALL JOSIE JACKSON AT 214-50A-3606 SIGNATURE CREDTT NO. 9r93r2, pACE I oFttGtital TRREVOCABLE STANDAY LETIER OF