HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT PARCEL 1998-1999TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\ITAGE ROADvArr,, co 9L657 970-479-2L38 C{zdlr4iP*o-\.C.0iU"-/.4 Cr-^\rt AT E :l I I .rl I I ! i ,1 NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmiT #: .Iob Address...:Locat.ion.,....: Parcel No.....:Project Number: 458 VAIL VATLEY DR GOLDEN PEAK CIIILDREN'S 2101-081-09-004 Status. . CEITTER Applied. Issued. . u>cpires. ISSI]ED 0e/n /L998 08 /1,9 /L99802/L5/]-999 APPIJICANT CONTRAqTOR OIIINER DescripE.ion: REPI,ACE OLD BOILER WITT{ NEW FircpLrcc ReEt.rictad: Y ROBINSON MECHANICAL COMPAIIYP. O. BOX 5459, AVON CO 8L620 ROBINSON MECHANIEAIJ COMPANYP- O. BOX 5459, AVON CO 81,620 VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81658 Phone:. 9'70-949-0259 Phone z 970-949-0259 Valuation:3,200.00 #Of Gas Applianc.s: #Of ea6 Logs: *Of Wood/PaLlet: FEE SUMMSRY Mschrnicrl---> Plan chcck- -- > fnvc.ti.grtion> l{i.11 CrIl- - -- > g0,00 20 .00 .00 .00 103 .00 103 ,00 .00 103.00 RcBtuelant. Plan Rcviclr- -> DRB Fce-------- Totsal caLculated Fee6- - - > Additional Pee6----- ----> ToEal Permit Fee--------> BArnllcE DUE---- .00 r r rrr* * * r* + r * I t a rTEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTT4EI{T DE08/L7/L998 CIARIJIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVr De pE: BUILDING Division:s9e/L7/L998 CIaRIJIE acEion: AFD 3 .00 Payocn!6- ------- 103 .0o Divi-sion: 1 2.3. 4. 5. 5. .f IECM: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT DCPE: FTRE08/L7/L998 CHARLIE Act.ion: APPR SEE CONDTTION CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.COMAUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF TIIE ].991- I]MC.INSTAI,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO IvIANUTACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AI,IDTO APPENDIX CIIAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1991 I]MC.GAS APPLIAT.ICES SHATIJ BE VETflTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 ANDSHAtt TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 IJMC. Aq-CESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIiTT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F TlrE 1991_ UMC.BOIIJERS S}IAI.'L BE MOUNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI.'E CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COI TAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC.2119 0F THE L991 IIMC. EIBE DEPARTI'IENT APPROVAL REQUIRED PRIOR TO A}IY WORKBEGINING. 479-2L358. ******************************************************************************** Uc^-^\ O't\3: DEPARI'IqENT OF COMMI]NIT'Y DEVEIJOPMENT ALL TIMES M98 - 015 7 DECI,ARATIONS I :l .l L: .; iI I j ''t i',] I I Il ,t!l 1i 1i :l 1 iI:I .t iI '|I.J ''1 il i{ n 4 t iJ A il r h'r'btt rcknorl'dg. ch.b r hrv. rr.d thi. rPpl'lcrtlon. flu..t out, in full th. inforurtion rrquirrd. coupr.!.d rn .ccur.t. pro!DI'n, lnd ttsrca ch.t r11 rhl infor rtloa provldad .r !.qul!.d L. co!r.c!. r rgr.. co ccply eith t'he inforD.Licn lltd plot pl.n.Bo cdPly rtth .U lovn ocdr'nrncar .nd .cr!r l.ra, .tla to bulld ghlr rcructur. rccording to thc torn, t zordng ||td .uHlvirtotrcodlr, dorlgn lcviGr rtttrev.d, hlfon BulIaUDg cod. rnd obh.r ordinrnc.! of tsh. roln rpplic.bl. thcrcio. Ra$Bgr3 !oB. IttgpEetlotut I iA!L it IlDt lrrrTr-Fotn Eotng tu LDvtNcr BI l:l {79-2138 OR AT OIn OIPICB Pncll 8300 ll| 5!Oo.Er.l gtsmTtnB ot ot{NER oI' @ftlaneloa lon Hl||grt.8 tXD at!t aatt rl a tttaeattiata atirr|tat+tta atiia tati!r l*ttrl ra*t t t ttrrrri i',r lorot ot vlr!, ctlptlDo ttttafi raataaaatratttratttrl gCrgaDnt 8t Clurt lfiltrD.lr EC-0{38 lEor||rC ! PalL.ag la.tlo.lr Ct( noB.tlon ! O6tlg3 103.00 08/1rl94 16 r{{ InlC! tlAXl P.rDl,c No! ll98-015? Eyp! r B-I|BCH llBCttNfICt! pBRltt? PGc.l No, 2101-0a1-09-00{ git. Addr... ! {51 V l! Vtlt EI DR r,ocrslonr ooDDttI tEtI( ct{IIrDntN, S cENttR 9.)'o.nt 1,03.00 Brlrnc.: rr*r*rrrrrtr*rrjrtrrirttaa*trrtrrrartrtaatl}artt.ittaatrtrritrr.rrrrir l€coung Cod.Dr.cllptton Tocrl la.r 3 ?ei.l tLtJ tlEgr ! xp 00100003111300 l|tcBllctcll. D!R||IT t8tg Pt 00100003112300 Plrln cBlcR !B!t trc 00100003112a00 rII.L cl.LL fgEEeIIOar plE 103.00 103. 0o ,itDounE 40.00 20.00 3.00 TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTcA'froN FoR.tl DATE: 8//lrt( PERI.IIT il - t APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY oR rr MAy Nor 8E ACCEP.I'EDITX*****************l*********** pERl{rT rNFoRl.tATIoN ******rt******************;**rl [ ]-Bultdtng [ ]-plurnblng [ ]-Electrlcal [ ]-uechanfcar I l-other Job Nanes Job Address: Legal Descrlption: Lot Block FiIing OTHER: TOTAL: Electrlcal Contractor: Address:Town of Vall Reg. NO._ Phone Nunber: . Plunbing Contractor: .OAddress t Mechanlcal EUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG }URUTT rUr: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE! DRB FEES Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vait BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK F8E3 PLI'I{BTNG PI.AN CHECK FEES MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEEs RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES ! l'osrn of ValI Recr. NO. /77t,Phone Number: e--rO ffoffif Reg. NO. /Y7r4Addresg: *** ******** *it **** ** **** * ** *** ** *FoR oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: or,'ners Narne: \/a;l ?.. L Address: fu so,- "? /ni I rl(r.<r ph.Lr||- 3t?R Architect:Address:Ph. General Descrlptlonz Qe(A*cr ote g,,.,',lr'. t.,,\l lcecJ- /AZuoa-^tfl. &,1 work class: [ ]-New I J-Arteratl-on t ]-Addttl0nal tsRepair 1 l-other Nunber of Dsrell.lng Units:Number of Accommodatlon Unitsl 1[.U.t and Type of Fireplaces: cas appliances ,t* *'t * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs ELECTRTCAL: I!'tEcHANIcAtr|@. Address: BUILDTNG: I PLUMBTNG: x** ** * * *t* *** t** * * *** * *** * t*fEeneral contractor! cas Logs_ t{ood/pellet ******************************tl*r CONTRACTOR f NFORlr!.ATf ON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Number: VALUATION crEAN E ITEP.OSTT REntilD ro: TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 ll.ch|nic-l---> Plan ch.ck-- -> tnv6.cigacl,on> will c.ll----> N0fE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAI., PERMIT ilob Address.. - = 458 VAIL, VAILEYLocagion......: 458 VAIL VALLEY Parcel No..... : 2101-081-09-004 ProjecL Number: PRJ99-0227 APPI.ICAIIT ROBINSON MECIANIEAL COMPA}IY 5541 CENTRAT AVENT'E, BOI'I-,DER, CONfRACTOR ROBINSON MECIIAI.IICA]. COMPAI{Y 5541 CENIRAI-, AVENIIE, BOUL,DER, OWNER VAIL EORPORATION fiIE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81558 DescripEion: REMOVE STEAMERS ADDING SMOKER 803 01 803 01 Valuation: Firaplacc hf,oruation: Rcrericlad: I *of caB Applianc.g:*of Gr6 Lo95: .JOBSITB Permits M99-0115 DR DR ISST'ED 08/20/L999 08 /20 /L999 02 /L6 / 2OO0 Phone: 97O-949-0259 Phonet 970-949-0259 25, 000. 00 *of nood/Prll.t: co co 50O.OO R.aCuarants Plan Revi.v- - > 125.OO DRB FcG-------- .00 TmA! FEBS- -- -- .oo ToLal Crlcul.c.d F.6s__-> .oo Adalitsion.I 8..4---------> 629, o0 TotsaI P.rfllt F€e--------> PayBantr------- BAIANCE DI'B.. - - 524 . OO .oo 52E .00 623 , OO .00 iitl|lrrrir*rrr**,rrr,r***.arrtrr r.rrrr**trr,rt*i iirtrr*r'rrJr+tr*ir****rttttlrjttJaattttttt Item:05100o8/20/L999Item: 0560008/20/L999 BUILDING DEPARTIIENT DCPT: BUII,DTNG DiViSiON: 'JRM Act,ion: APPR APPROVED JRIII-Finu DEPARTIT{ENT Depts: FIRE Division:.JRM Actrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPBqfIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REOT'TRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SESIION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CI{APTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIAI{CES SHALL BE \rENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AIiIDSIIALL TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE ]-997 IJMC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THB 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITII CIAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.1O1.7 OF THE 1997 t'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.6. BOIL,ERS SIIALL BE MOUIiI:TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST- I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMTT, PIJAIiIS AtiID CODE ANALYSTS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ TNSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANIEAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOI-WATER SUPPLY BOII,BRS SHALI. BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PEB SEC. LO22 0F THE 1997 IIMC. OR sEerrON 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC.9. EXISTING HOOD MUST MEET OR EXCEED REOUIREMENTS FOR THIS PIBCE OF EOUIPMENT,AS WEI.,L ]\S PIECES_EXISTING10. NO TEFTON EQUIPMEI\It AIJLOWED PER HE,ALTH CODE DEPART!,ENT OF COMMUNIrY DEVEI.,OPMENT .,I II ,-iA \).;..'^\ U.L\*Kt ts .-\)*\r.c.c-t r VzD\g-{)^)',-'uAT AI.,L TTMES Statsus. . Apptied. Issued. . E>rpires. r*rrrr.rti'r'.i FEE srn'tuARY ,-.*******tl********lr************!t****************************:l*********!t****!r****!t* DECI.IIRATIONS f h.rrby achrorladg. th.t I hrvc rc.d thi. .Pp1ic.tiosr, fiU.d out ln full rh. infon tlon r.quir.d, coqrhtad Ir rccurrt. plo! plrn, .nd .trt. thrt dI bh. infer rti@ tE.nriabd rt roquir.d i! corr.c!. t rgr!. to coqrly rlth ch. lDfor.ubl,qr .||td plot plra, !o coq)ly rieb dl loIn ordiDrnc.r .nd aErt. l.r!, |rrd lo build this ltluctur. .ccording Eo tha Tour,. lqrlrE rrd ruldl,vlriqr ocd.a, d..igr|. trvLrr rj4tovrdl ltnifon Buildiqg coda .nd oth.r ordin8c.. of thq forn .p|)lic.bl. tharato- nE$t8sf3 lot llfBPtgxldE atru,r. Ba tlut8 lt{Ef?t-rcn. HoIn!! In 1.00 l|l 1.00 Pll aronllru ot ffitR ot cclrlctroB t* HrxtBtt trD crnER !O f Ol VllLr @lPnrDO gt.lt.utt, St CcrB X\rD.r: ntc-osBl lDunE t a?a.oo 0al2o/99 t6ras PqrrJrC rcBhoa: cx noErEton! 059572./nOBnaOt Inlc: .tI l.fli.r tro! 1199-0116 lYp.t B-I8CB l|tCttIIqN. PIRIII P.rc.l tro! e101-Ol1-0t-00a . gic. Ifit ..: asa I':IIL VllBll,lll. trcrslorr: {5a \tlIL ItlLIrAt n !ot.l lr..! 621. O0 lhlr Pryurt 6la. 00 Totrl NiL Prtr , 528 . oo Erlrnca! .00 iattaratatataattlattattataatatartttattaaaaatttaaottaatrtatta+tattit lr:coi|!lt, &d. D.acripElon lDurt n 00100001111300 XlClIfIClI] PlnXrl Flla 500.00 pt oo1oo0o31123o0 PtiI cBlca tltg 12s,00 lC 00100003112300 llll.! CII.L ntgPlef,Iq lEl 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLD,TE OR TEE APPLICATION WILL BE RTJECTID Cot tact the Eagle Counly Assessors Offrce at 970-328-E640 for Parcel # P*c"l H - "*, b/ttl41 Pemit# IobNamesl Lltus?uL- ?-t""'rr+,sa*, p4p<nceLJob Address: Qei'oc+t ftat- &n*. FAopr r/ Building ( ) Legal Descri6ion: Lot Plunbing( ) Block Electrical ( )Mechanical (X)Other ( ) Filine Subdivision OwnersName: y'At{- F&ea*fg'Address: Architect: TWP k*f8 mone* B4G'fr4!9 Description of rob ' k t fo H O r/ FOpte rZ. u. . Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BI.JILDING: $ PLUMBING S General Contractor Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Tovvn of Vail Registration No. Alteration $Additional ( )Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MECITAMCAL $r- 8. e\4o-77 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Wood/Pellet OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Reei$ration No. Nr hanac contrrctot- fthbtsoi l4fcuqrJc,u-Address: ap lo'n'ntAkAn !-<l*tz N-l , LVoi rownof vaitRe sis.rationNo. lLglL pnon"+ 444 - 0/6? 8fu FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGI.IATURE: ZONING: SIG}.IATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Robinson Mech antcal Conipany Tq Company'Phorrc: Far pages incl'ding this .*." ff; l-rq-1tl Qlra,rlle ToV Bl{, tnsTc'c'fi. {f q-e'ls1 DAI/ETYE{KOVICH ROBI}ISONMTCHANICAT 970) 949-02s9 970) 845-E404 cM.tzSR:€ Pzsc f\Aqq - otbb P, 0lSEP-24-gg FRI 04:01 PI{ ROBINSONI{ECHANICALCO tacsimilc Covcr thect / ME&IO FAl{ N0, 9708458404 Fronu Company Phonc: Far Clterfi<- t Plrnc.- $c,c. ef+tcl.o? g,pea..fia1 fr.cr. a\ A Fnyr eluqt*..p b t*n;1Vr/ Bvltq ?iv< Rotl+arol*. 4+ So, 2o21,.tk{, g fpoFt- ,u,'+\ t+\.- In*.rlcfar oh tt-- 4..&e{i .!lro. t$ribc"-. (f)*r,U e7 . C+Drrs Jo3 -681-goCq) ;lr- etturer nre '+Lg r.ac.l\oGt sS.4 l+ 7c-a h,a.r\Lrf<e,Fr.*,-4 F,auf-1-nGh+t,- A^y ttv- 3grfs.{ lfr- ,.r.*u.0 br_I ost fo 3-t ,o {cl,s3 g -{oc 5f dot onvtrc-, say*h5 f*r"lt.._ ptr*r.- <.qil. aT-**-- gtrt D*.r.,-T , O 6rr,..^rt 5fl. SEP-24-gg FRI ()4:()I PU RMINSONI1ECHANICALCO FAI( N0. 9708458404 P, 02 FACSIMIUE COVER SHEET C&D INSULATION, INC, PP.BOI2'G totcr 80ul?l SPRUCE rlN RO D ItFt€lun,co rdlS $+lrl{GgPHollE36t0t{0t,t FAX FOR ITRKSPUR Irlyrsre fla-*c-r.tr [a-.n"rl-' Slorlraaml TnrAL PtGtC fTELUDilO GollEiStrlt: ls'd hT:IIfiNNI q?C ZtiST 6661-tZ-4F SEP-24-99 FRI 04:02 Pil R0BII,IS0NruCHANICALC0t, a'd 'rdlot FAX N0, 9708458404 P. 03 Flrestop BlankeCril Flexible Flreproofing ot Greagg.ang Air Ducts Flerible lndoor/Outdobr'Use'1 ind 2 Hour RatlnE pr6tects Ducte wlth Zero Clearancer'Ul Standad 1078 Meets:flf,fif,;sqndard 96 i UL Class UL26SiLisung #R15854) ' E9CA ,,,. :l .,!r:,^^^;",. .Jr ,.agJ:--- t't. ' .:l{- , L..t '\-.- ,' t',,{:}l'/ ,':' .i' '' , ,i;ij.r,-* [i'l'i - ,j'il*l/.i'"r"i Prcduct Deecription; ' Firslop Bhnhotq b made kom high quality cahincd Knolin. The produci b compo€cd of lonE, high *69G fibats nuedlcd Into a dghl blanket wih suporior hc}ldllng propontec The U€nket 16 a\r:rilabe unhrEd, faccd wlth alumirum loil ono ol bolh $bee 0r orc8esularsd u,0i alitmhum toit. Usgi Drsignod to bo Otcctly Nppliod OvEr grease u rir d,rets and pcrmit zero clerronce lo adlacent combrelhle materhls- Filedop BLnkEttx wlll alao prolect duct lrom e[emal flre threal for tws hours. Tcchnlcal Data: ASTM E.84,IJL'23 Flrtnc Silr.d srnfroc;l,elo9sd uL r978 -.....l0fahrB. ASTM E.ET4'TJL1479 ...1orzh.i. ASTM CS16 tj.qc Llnhs 8d4e70F ftom.3ocbalo|rF Malirp Folnt 0 0 Olrutty 6 pct SupportlngTcst Data: UL 723 (ASTfti Et41 . 91't rrt . UL 263 (LlelrE fRr 5864) IrEtEaperwarnock HeFey Beport No. lStL(!-7fl NFPA 96 . gO€A Report No. 96-39 e ICEO Report No. 5549 68@l FSgFrl ZPrSI 666I-'Z-4ISa'4 I$IJ,UTENI fi') EtrExo (l{) 4'r TNLET 8Ey6D p€RtfIER 6 D($II{C E|}TAUST H000. ErELD (r{) r'. ExHrusr DucT (2) 2oxl0 eAnNGS uP r0 onxn sro€ 0f (E) Hoa, ouruNE oF EXSnNC HO00, (5200 CFra) RTLOCATE (ETTLES ENVTRO-P^K [OO- CW-1508 SMO(ER (AO KW) scaE 3/16' - t'-d EXIEXo (r{) a:r rxt"El Btyo.lo PERIGIER 0f Elrslll{G gBrusT Hmo. ST'O(E G€NERAIOR DOtl$ (ir) {:r Ex}t^t sT o{JcT uP ro u 0€R sroE 0f (E) H00o D(SIXG HOOO KITO{EN FLO6 sc{E NoT rc scAtE BELLA RIVIA RJISTAURANq* 5541 Centrol Avenue Boulder, CO E0501 (303) ,+43-2505 Fox (503) 443-5507 APPROVALS t ENGINEERED BY B.C. DESIGNED BY:SIZE A DRAWING NO.M-1 REV. 1 DRAWNI BY SCALE: 45 p91gg ISHEET I OF 1 2a >9 Lr2l-t o € f v .3 t .l; : I I 1 r I + x ili;;;il! !t r!!!!!!r /31'-t,{ >l nl9ll_l 5 9', 9t i5 6 (o F o€it3r-8: €.E.oF-f,F'o:2z=L'l >i.ctv4 = Er-,.i3,i8E =l .8E F: -.tc:<r93 =l 8i;*: $il E i 55 . -l 35o! | '^fl o s : i.- # -J 3Sl r.r i- i S e'Y ,. ?+ :,6lY B e.g;q ga <-.>A i. =n-i--X -C) :E ;:<. d BE lai9i:i = :ie-*,; F E =ri;s:!;i$s Q;iE:g 3! =i*FEiEsEsEd;;";idH5j . jrd{ .t<J { ^: jt *i,^..1 .. je _ ; : - t\ .i .i r.) ,.i $; Food processing ovens, smokers and dryers MICRO.PAK CONTROL SERIES All Enviro-Pak ovens are available with the Micro-Pak control, the heart of which is a super accurate microprocessor. This state-of-the-art microprocessor allows the user to program and control over 30 cooking functions. Throughout the entire cooking process the Micro-Pak constantly monitors and displays all pertinent data, yd allows for manual override, if necessary. Programming is a breeze with virtually unlimited program options to choose from. You can store up to 99 "cook schedules" in memory and each is repeated with exacting detail in quality and complexity. Simple, set-up features eliminate most programming errors. All program data is displayed in English There are four Micro-Pak Control Systems to choose from: the MP-1000 for full-size ovens. the MP500A for our Mini- Pak models and the MP-2000 for multi-oven remote control (with either software package SPI or SPll)from an Enviro- Pak PC computer. ?lunrnrePa[ f*ttrE BEE EE EE T=l EEE E Eltrtrtrtrtrtrtrtr L:J LTJ IIICROPAK SERICS MPI(II) frfi m a Compare the Micro- Pak Control System! Existing Enviro-Pak ovens with electro-mechanical control systems or any other brand of forced air oven can be retrofitted with any of the Micro-Pak systems. Increase your efficiency and bottom-line profits at a fraction of the cost of installing a new oven SMoKE, COOK, BAKE, DRy STEAM 0R RoAST A FULL VAR|ETY 0F F00DS WrrH VERSATILE ENVIRo-PAK oVENS ENVIRO.PAK Model MP-IOOO ENVIRO.PAK Model MP-6OOA ENVIRO.PAK Model MP-2OOO r Plain English 0perator Interface Supports Full Range of Features & Options Self Contained Calibration Made in the U.S.A. Almost Unlimited Programs Available The MP-1000 Microprocessor is available on all Enviro-Pak ovens. A full range of options is available. The MP-1000 displays all program information on a large display screen.An abbreviated list of features can be found below. The MP-500A is identical in its operating characteristics to the MP-1000 except it's reduced size and a vertical configuration for use with our smaller ovens where the larger physical size of the MP-l000 may not be desirable. This PC based multi-tasking control system (Software Package I or Software Package ll) is capable of operating up to 16 ovens equipped with the MP-1000 control system. All control functions can be handled from the PC (or at the oven MP-'l000). Additionally, there is a host of reporting features made possible by the MP-2000 operating environment. Remote control and remote data compilation are handled easily with this graphic user interface system. The MP-2000 can be added at any time to existing- MP-l000 systems. . MP-2000-SP| = Only for MP-1000 systems delivered before +1-94 . MP-2000-SPll = Only for MP-10O0 sFtems delivered after 6-1-94 Model MP-IW Microprocessor Panel shown with 2- pen back-up recordlmanual control override systern. The bottom recorder is for internal product temperature charts to create permanent recod of all products cooked. A Digital back-up system is available in lieu of the 2-pen recording system. Hot or Cold Smoking Controls Self Diagnostic Functions lndustrial Strength Gomponents Alarm Functions Retrofit to Any Brand Oven a a a a - lUnuiro-Palr 15450 S.E. For-Mor Ct. Clackamas. OR 97015 FAX: 503-655-6368 Distribuled by more than 60 distributors located throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia the East and EuroDe For more information c{}gll+ree: 1-8OO-223-OVEN Wfu In Oregon: 503-655-7044 f,WI u"V/@s sffi COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEI{:r I/ .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: 899-0003 status...: IssuED Applied..: 0L/os/L999Issued...: 0L/05/L999 Ex;rires. . : 07/04/L999 Phone: 949-6095 Phone z 949-6095 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIil:T COMTRAETOR OWNER ElecCricaI---> DR.B Fee Inve6tsigaLion> will call----> TOTI], FEEg- - - > DEPARIMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EI.,ECTRICAL PERMIT .JOb AddTCSS: 458 VAIL VALI.,EY DR LOCAEION...: GOI,D PEAK SRI BASE Parcel No.. : 2101--081-09-004 Project. No. : PRJ98-0299 RIVIERA ELECTRIC CONST., CO , DElilvER, co 80110 RIVIERA EL,ECTRIC CONST., CO , DEIiMER, CO 80110 VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81558 Descript,ion: INSTALL TEMP POWER FOR WAXROOMS & ELC oValuation:1-,120.00 *r*rrrrti**+*it rBE sLlltrtARY 50 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 53. OO 53.O0 Addibional Pees- --------> .OO Total pennit Fee--------> 53 .0O Paymenta-----__ BAIANCE DUE-'- -, oo IICM: OSOOO ELEC"IRICAI DEPARTMENT DEPt': BUTLDING DiViSiON: OL/05/L999 CHARIIE ACTiON: APPR CTIARLIE DAVISItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DePt: FrRE Dr-vr-saon: OL/05/L999 CTIARLIE ACt,iON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE R-EQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * **t*!r '***** '** DECI,ARATIONS I heraby acknowlealge thac I havc r€ad tshis applicalion, fi1led oug in full tshe inforrnation required, coEplctcd en acculatc Plot plan, and 6ta!6 tshats aI1 thc inforuatj.on providcd e€ requir€d is correcg. I aE!€€ to cotlPl.y itith the infolllabion and PIot plan, io coopty lrith alL to$n ordinancos and 6tate IavB, and Uo build thi€ stsluccur€ according to Lhe Torrn'3 zoning and eubdivigion codee, design revier approvcd, Ilniforu Building Code and olher ordinanccs of thc Town applicable therelo. RBQTTESTS !'OR INSPECTIONS SHAT,L 8E MADB 1I,IENTy-FOItR HOITRS IN AD\TANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213e OR AT OlrR oFFICE FRoM 8:0o All 5:00 Pu Ioldc or vlrl, coloRrDo lStatcunE ttrgcrg Llub.t ! RIC-O{at lsrlnc ! PrlD.lrg [aEbodr Ctr not tlon! 17sl 43.00 O1lo5lr9 13:16 Inig! Jl P.n ,t Do r E9I-O0O3 Bftr. r I-ELEC t AcIiIClIl PBRI|IT hrc.l lto 3 ,tO1-Oa1-Ot-OOa sit lddr.!.: aBa VIIS VIIIII n, Iocrtlon! cgIJD PEIIC l'fl lltE 6i. Pryrac Totrl taoa ! 53.00 letr1 lLL P!t! ! Erluc.! 53.00 53.00 .o0 lount 50.0o 3.00 ,ttaaJitaai!rtaatata*rlaltfait!trtaitrt'rllta!tat.rrttitrltfrrfa.attattt!rta*rr!lrr lccourlc 6da D..eaipEio[ 8P 00100003111aoo ElrEer'tcl! ?mt ?lll rc o0100003112a00 lltlr cllB ll'lPtctldl llt ;i;.r':d?fii"n;:'ff ry Q*?; x*r:, ::il;r*"Ftff .PEL\IIT /l Bg8- os6+DATE:_t z/_?l/q8 Pr$98-€9? ^ APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPIETELY OR IT MAY NOT EE ACCEPTED,Vl* * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'r'k PERMIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t-,[ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing ffi-Electrj-cai [ ]-Mechani'cal [ ]-other .rob Narne: &.1 hlr dry Roor*Job Addre==, Gor-O Pce Legal Description: I,,ot_ Block_ Filing sunorvrsrou' owners Narne: {Aru {rnly L,,^rterros P0 6o1 3og Vn'h fa Frer6 Ph. 9,t4- t999 Architect:Dh General Description: .ar work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other_ Nurnber of Dr+elling Units: O Nunrber of Accornmodation Units: 0 Nllmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appli^r,".=- O cas Logs O wood/Pellet C1t7l,rs********************************* VALUATfONS *********************************aI '{,, ^- , cgI .{., a'}rjutr,oruc: Er,EcrRrcAL: $_l_!_,?q_ orHER: $ Phone Nunber:Address: E??-oo"3 Address: Address: Electrical Address: ?lumbing Contractor: -\ddress: :;':.'*****************rr************** Town of Vail Reg. NO. -Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USE ** * r.* * *********tr*************** BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: Town of vail Reg. No.l63q Phone Number: fg?o) 9C9-6o94 PLUMBING PIAN CHECK .FEE: ;=a;il;*ti#P+eeeiEEa- iechanical contractor: .\ddress: 3UILDING PERMIT FEE: ?LUMBTNG PERMIT FEE: ,IECHANICAL PERMIT T'EE 1 JLECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: cLEAN-uP DEPosCAll 05 fiqqTOTAL PERMIT FEES: 'evw BUILDING: STGNAIURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: contractor: iomnents: VALUATION CLEAX I]P DEP,OSIT REtrT'ND TO: rr\,L-zit-=tC:, rar=, - ll't l|tErr|!r. .rLrv-r' luun 73 con& tnontege rorar.i, cotorr<to affis?(wt 479-2L38 or 479-2139 undersigned, understand the plan check prccedure and time offlc. of co|! rnntv dg|doP|ilfit BUILDII{G pERt{IT ISSUAT{CE TIf,tE FRAl,tE ]I-g,i, Pcnpit !-qr,i::Lt I:*_q, yt' .lli" peRarrrrent Approvar,Ensincert (publ ii prrrr r"vi*'";e'ipp,ouoi,'i iiiiliirl'i"p""t,.n.rrvl€?r or'ea I th Deparrn6nt-rir!d,*"t;1, ";; ;* ly*iii",,Eu i r ai nsi,erilffik.ff; *rr*taa ti*e io"'"-iit"l revfer_foi..til as tons AII commercial Oarge :i pl.l) and ail nrutti-famijy permits witlnave tQ foi r ow *" ilr.u.,",r.ntt5n"i-*-iinu-- "ecu i rffignts . Residentiarano smalr proiects sfould Fre i-r-"r!!i'"*unt.of t.ine. Horvever, ifrusidential or smar I er .pro;"cts-t"piii' tne various above mentf onedoeparftents wr'dr. recal!: --;:"grilt-Lrr"r, tirese pruJects rayarso take the tftrce we.t peitoil*.r 'G'! FIffi;""tHjjr"JI t JlHf;. rr uris departruent to expedi te thrs I. the ft ame. r te ttdiE sheet waF ffiEdTi-roTE ueve looment Departnent. rJLrtr-lrt-5c, t TO; FROM: DATE: FEr t dtLJl'l t rL/w -t-Lrill-LrEw-ut3a- r .LL.trarv)'ta-t1.441, MEMgHANDUM +#ffilffiHrc wo'Ks o.irr,r* MAY 9, 1994 WIJEN A ''PUBUC WAY PERMIT, IS BEQUIRED :U" ng rhe need fora,pubtic Way permir.: 1) ls this a new residence? 2') Is demotition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public i.p"ftyf 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the drtwuray being repaved? 5) ls difterent acoess needed to siteffi?t qfn e*_sd,ry dve.ilat? ;'1 ''i ii'1i"6) _ \."ny drainage uork being done Tedj'-|g the dght_of nray, easements, or pubno prop€rty? 4 ls a'Rerocable Rbht Of Way permit" required?. E) 1.. .. ls the rigtrt of way, easements or ry?p .prop.erry.r:- l" used for slasirg,parxing or fencing? B. lf no to gA, is_a parking, staging grfeq,cing etan required by c6h;u-;iiDevelopment? lf you arswered yes tg *r ol.tr,"se questions, a_'public way permit musr be obtained.'Pubrc wav eeimit' appftcarns ili-dlt*+"ro; r#"dil worrrs oftce or d "tan*;xmm;itlx.lll:estionsseadJi-cr,",r,"D"d;Gi;; YES Ng ,/ ,,/ ,r/ / / "7 I have read and answered a[ the above questbns U t 75 south tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: of tlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE please stop by'the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your. IFROM: DATE; SUBJECTi rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ]itter, track or deposit, any ""if,-r""k, sand, a.Uii=.or material , including trash iurnpscers, portabre toilets and,,,,!rorkmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewair, -"ri"v or public'p'?:A'or.any portiin th;;";;: rhe rish[Iol_;;t "n arr rown ofvail streets and.roads is approximatery 5 ft. "ri--pu".r!;;. . -. -This ordinance will be =triE[iy enforced by the Town of VailPubric works Department. perslns found vihating this ordinancevill- be given a 24 hour writien n"ti""-t"^;;;;;; said rnarerial.rn the event the person so notified does noi -onpry with thenotice within the 24 trour time specifiea,-it"-plblic worksDepartment wilr remove said, mateiial at it "- .*p".,se of personnotified. The provisions or lrris-oiain"""J Ifr5ir not beapplicabre to construction, maintenance or r"p.ii pi"j""t= orany street or alley or any utilities i" ifr"-ilgn._u_*uy. ,{ To-review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1l,Vail Building Departrnent to obtaincooperation on this natter. Read and acknowl cdcarl l,rr.acknowledged ,4pteen flositiohTneISffiESfS Project (i. e. contractor, owner) a DEVBLOTOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970 -479 -2138 DEPARII,IENT OF COMMUNITY NCEE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 458 VAIL vAr,l,EY DR LOCAEiON. . . : GOLDEN PEAK SKI I.,IIryT Parcel No. -: 2101-081-09-004 Project, No. : PRJ98-0292 APPLICANT RIVIER,A ELB TRIC CONST., CO , DENVER, CO 80110 CONTR.,A TOR RIVIERA ELBCfRIC CONST., CO , DENTVER, CO 80110 O$INER VAII CORPORATION THB PO BOX 7, VArL CO 8l-658 Description: ELECTRICAIJ FOR TENI PAVILLION PMENT iTOBSITE AT AIJt TIMES Permit, #: 898-0324 Status...: fSSUEDApplied..: L2/04/L998Issued...: 12/04/]-99e Errpires. . : 05/02/L999 Phone: 949-6095 Phone: 949-6095 ValuaEion:2, 000 . 00 r*a**rr,rrr.r*irrrrrrrr'r*r*r**r.rrirrril}rf*r*t*r**t*i*:rrtiiir FEB SUUltAlty ttr*r**tatl,{tt*irtt.**'r*t*ai**t Inva6cigatsiorr> wlll cal.l----> El6ctricel---> 50.00 DRB Rec .00 3.00 TO!A& rEES---> 53 .00 Total calculat.d Scca- - - > Addi.tional F.Ga--- ------ > Total Pc:aLit P.c-------_> Payaente------- BAIANCE DIJE---- 53.00 .oo 53.OO .o0 rl* * J, r* * t at tr tttr*J r 'lr* * i r 'r ftr * *f +t t * r J i. rr* *.r t!, {t r ii i 'r *t t * * * t II,EM: O5OOO EI.,ECTR.ICAI, DEPARTMEIiTT DEPT: BUITDING DiViSiON: L2/04/L998 'JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVBD .fRITfiEbm;'ose oo-rr-ns DEPARTIqEIvf Dept,: FrRE Division: L2|O4/L998 .tRM Action: APPR N/A r!r**a*rrar*iJtaa+tt+t!ltrt*lrrtaattitttatrttttltt'tatt*tJ*alrr*l|ttrtrlttrJltatrt'raat****t{t*trrrtattt COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, a*i*rrti**t**rr * *r a *tt t tt r * + * r*r* *rr rrJ i* t rr** I rrt + J *ri rr 'r * rr *t* a* * t * * tttl tt tr * tt t * i * ilil * *r* DECLAKT{TIONS I hcleby eckno*lcdgc thit I hrv. rctd thl,s rpplieauion, fil,I.d out in full the infoluetsion r.qui.red, coryI.tod rn lccur.t. plot plan, and r!a!. that. rlL t'he inforuation plovldcil a5 r.quilcd ia corract. I aEree tso cdply taLEh th€ inforErtlon and Plo! plan, to coqrly rlich all Torn orainanc6a and acatc l$as, enal t.o build thi. stluclute according to che Tovn's zoning end rubdLviaion coda6, daaign t.cvicr rpplow.d, Uniforn Building Cod€ End otsh.'r ord:Ln.ncca of LhG Tosn aPPlicrbL. thc].cto. REQItAgtS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALIT BA UADE T!{ENTI- FOOR HOUR!'. tN ID\}AICE BY IBLBPHOIiIS Al 479-2138 OR AT OI,R OFFICE FROI 8!00 Al| 5:0o P f{nl{ oF \}}I!, otrcRlm I Parlit Nor B9a-0314 Ttap.: B-E&IC EITECTRICtrIJ PERI'IT F.rc.I No! 2101-011-09-004 glt. addr|'' r 458 VIIL VtIrtr EY m i,oc.tl,on: OOf.m Pll( gK: LtEl lgCll F.rt: 53. oo tfoLl lI;! PEca: Brlanca: gcat.Ert gtaCcry|g lfi,uD€lr RIC-0138 hounC: Prlncnc l|cthod ! CR f,ocrEl,on. 1758 53.00 01,/05/99 13!1{ IlLt ! 'JR tlri.r P.ld.nc 53.00 53.00 .00 lccount codr Dclqrip;lon EP 00100003111{00 BltcrRrct! PER$rr EtEg rc 00100003112800 tfILD calt u|aPEcIIor FEE Aloung 50.00 3.00 ID:JRN 04 '99 17 : 50 N0 .029 P .02 IConrnct tint! l.c Cottn EY ar 9;.tl--328-8640 for PARcnl.,: Asscsriors I'arccJ. f ,lffi; oF vArrr coNsrRucrroN r'r&\lrr ,I.!!:39 PERUIT APPLICATION FORM D^rEt .l/q /19 818-o15s APPLTCATION I'flJST BE FIT,LDD OUT COUPTJETELY OR IT I.IAY NOT AE ACCEPTED * * * * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * PERI,iIT INPORU}.TION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * [ ]-Duitdihg 1 1*etunbing tX-E]ectrlcar [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: /- Legal ocscrJ-Ptionl Lot ., Block nll lnq suBDrvrsr-oN: tr ownerr: Nans: VAi]A*'. IAArchitect; ilJ+ . Address: ceneral DescriPtiont , urt"nr."ols npprian ""u,rl/A eas tos.ltD!+woodlperre tdIA:$' .f# [***************'r'rrt**********__ :: :]:"ittl:^-z--...-l:.:::.:."...:..-..-"".iffi Eeneral contractor: --- Address I . ,, -.. ,..,, . .- . . .. -Phone Nuhber: i',..i Town of vail Phone Nurnber: Mechanical Address: ''| '*************** *********rt* ****** I'OR BUII,DING PERUIT TDE: PIJUMEING PERUIT T.EE: MECHANICAI.', PERMIT PEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTTIER TYPE OF FEE3 DRB ITDE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK .FEE: MECHANICAIJ PLAN CHECK fED: RECREAtION TEE: CITEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERI.IIT FEES: BUILDXNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor Town of Vail Reg. No.l Address:Phone Nutnber ! Plunblng contractorz -.,-.....,. . fvzta-Tonn of VaiI ReE. NO,-. , !.rr A ra qn : ..-Phone Number 3t't!,4\t,t spe - : :. Reg. NO.-, i { F1*': corlttnents: BEETIN1D ID:t 75 roulh lronlrgo 39s6 vr|ll, color!do 8165t (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 JRN 04'99 17 :50 No .029 P .0J olflco of communlty dcvolopmerrt BUILDINO PERI.IIT ISSUANCI TIME FRA}IE If this perqlt. requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval , Enginee!""s. (Public tlorks) reyiew and approval ,'a planninb'Dapartment revlew or Health Departrnent review, and a review by the [uiliing Department, the estimated tlme for a total review may take as longas three weeks. A'l'l comnercial '('large or small ) and al I nu'lti-famJly permit;s wil'l have to follow the above mentloned maximum requirements. Residential and snrall projects shou'ld take a lesser arount of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentJonid dcpartmcnts with regard to necessary review, these projects mdy also take the three week period Every attempt wil'l be ma.de by thls deparhtent to expeditc this , permi t as s,qo n as po ss l bl e . I, the undersigned, undorstand the p'lan check procedure and time f rarne. Commun i ty Oevel ofment Departrneltt.. MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WOFKS MAY 9, 1994 WI{EN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' ID:t JRN DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED 17 :51 No .029 P04'99 o TO: FROM: DATE: FE; Job Namei ;il Dale: ptease answeiitie'toiiowing questionnaire regarding the need lor a "Public Way Permll': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires lhe use ol lhe right of way, easemgnls or public propeqty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being rePaved? ls dif{erent access needed to sito .olher than existing drivewaY? ls any drainago work being done atlecting the right of way, easemenls. or public properly? ls a "Bevocable Fight Of Way Permit" required? VES S) A. ls the rlght of way, easemenls or public proPerty lo be used lor staglng, parking or lencing? B. ll no lo 8A, is a parking, stagtng or {encing plan requlred by Community Development? of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe NO 1) 2) a\ 4) 5) 6) 7l nlo No /o ,iD ilD No ilD /lD tl} lf you answered yes to any ollhese questlons, a'Public Wayfgryit] must be obtained. "public Way Permif applicalions may be obtalned at the Pubtic Work's ottice or al Community'Developmeni. llyou have any questions please callCharlie Davis,lhs Town Job Name )orr;,l1,b^Ta[' estio DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMUNITY PMENT NOIfE: TIIIS PERIT{IT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES EIJEETRICAL PERMIT Penn-i-t. #: 899-0017 t I j I ilob Address: Vts/X K'ilal o DElIELO LOCATION. . . : VAIL VILI,AGE FILING 5 Parcel- No. . : 2L0l-082-42-008Project No. : PRJ98-0300 APPIJICANT RIVIERA EI.E TRIC CONST. , CO , DElilvER, co 90110 coNrRAeroR RTVIERA ErrEerRrC CONST., CO , DENVER, CO 80110OWNER VAIL CORPORATTON THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81558 Description: PROVTDE POWER FOR COMMENTATOR BOOTIIS Valuation: FB8 SUII4ARY .tttt]itittt.ttttt*ttrir.t'r1+t* Elcctrical - -- > DRB F.. Inv.rtig.cion> l{111. c.11- --- > TOXA& FEBS--- > TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADvAIt, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Stsatus...: ISSIIED vlSApplied. . :EQL / 28 / L999Issued...: 0L/28/L999 E:qrires. . : 07 /27 /L999 Phone: 949-6095 Phone: 949-5095 2, 000.00 50.00 .00 3.00 53.00 ToCll calculaled Pees-- - > ldditional F€es---------> Tocal Prrai-t Fea-- - -- --- > Pafrucntss----___ 53.O0 53 .00 53.00 BAtAlfcE DI,B- - - - .OO IEem: 06000oL/28/L999Item:05600or/28/L999 EI.,ECTRI EAL DBPARTMBNTCHARLIE ACIiON: APPR CHARIIEFIRE DEPARI!,IENTGIARIJIE ACTiON: APPR N/A BUIIJDING Division: FIRE Division: Dept: DAVISDept.: * rrt ri* *r . * *r *t r,rrl r rt* * COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPBCTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPI.IAIiTCE. 'r * tl t tttt t t lr * tt t t* * t *llt *r* tt r r+ * r**t* r tr * r t.r trr'r * r |l * t rr t!r * * 'i DECI,ARATIONS I hor.by rckrorl.€c tshac I h.va r6-d tbi6 .trplictClo8r, fitlcd out' in full fho infon tion lequir.d, cootrl.t.d an rcculrta PlotpL.n, and .trt. thrt alL the infotfgio!! lrror-id.d aa r.qqi!.d i. corlrct. I .g16. t'o cooply riBb gh. Lnfora.gioB .nd p1ots plan, go coEply ritsh .11 loyn oldiranceE a|1d scat. lare, and fo build uhi! ltruclutc according to the Tora's zoning ud cubdiviaion codas, d.3ign rcvicr ep;rrowad, Oniforb Building codc ud otsh.r ordln.nc€. of tshs Tovn agtrlic.blo chcrlto. RBQI ESTS FOR INSPBCTIONS gr|Arlr BE !'ADG TnENT:a-FOUR HOURII IN AIwAIICE By TBLAPflOI{E AT 479-2138 OR AT OI,R OPFICE FROU 8:oO I 5:oo Ptl ,/1 ,/ . ((. SI@(ATURE O? OWIiISR OR CgI|TRACIIR FOR HIUIIEIJ! NND OI{IIBR aol|' ot vlllr eolrtffDo gtrcEr rattaat'r'tttaat'tr!rttttattt!rratitratirt!titt+t.atttt;ri*artl|.rf rtjl, tt cGrt !urb.r: nlc-oar2 l|ount: 53-oo 01,/2a/rt 1o!5a PqrE at LEhod! Ctt fo!lr,l,oD: l?al Ddt: ,tf, P.!t!i.E Xo: !99-0017 Typ. r B-EIC EGEC:rnrC r pERr|It Plrc.l lfo r 21O1-Oa2-a2 -OOa IJocrtsioBs VAMIILI(I! ltL,IltO 5 VIAII B.eHn lnEt (lntlgH locrl L..: 53.00 Ildr Prlao6nt 53 . OO tol|t llilJ hgr ! 83. OO Balnca: .00 ttt,at!rata'artrratrrtftttetatt!rt!irtlatttltttoajtlat!ittraaatlarrttttttarrai lccouag CodG D.lellpclo l@ung EP OOtOOOO3illtOO lc.tctntcrr. pI[IIr rrBlt 50.00 lfc oo1oooo31r280o rrt.! erLL II..plcrIC tlE 3.OO 'ob Name: W - (4 n. - . rob A<ldre.'", L)rtru lontl d ,/l(/ldzzf dzae :egal DescriPtion: Lot Block s'i!Di'{lsloli: rwners wu^", ht+ /l"ngy E'"n PEL.IIT iI PgJqg- 6W . n!?iic.1,!:ol.i itJs: E: FI: LlE cu? ccl{?:=:aLy, op- :: }1:-: }IC: :: -\'-C:F::DIf {* ,,.. * * * * * * * * * F * * * :t x x * :r x * * * x * 7r * x Dtr?.:.!:'Ir :i'i5o!-.{iTIO}; '. * i i i * * * )r:r x * i x :r i :r ;. x * * * :r * lt i * * *\ t, i-?r.r:c'-nc r '-?:u::lt:c ,V-=- F.:--i --' f - -',/.+a':-a--.-::' r- - -C:.--g:I I ru--e-r.: L _ -. i- _ Aidress: Architect: ;eneral DescriPtion: {ork class: l)4-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other lumber of Dwelling Un.its:Number of Accomr,cdation Units: Itlmber anC ?ype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances,cas Logs_ lioodlPel)-et : >k :k * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * ,r * * * x * * * * * ,( * * VALUATIONS * * * * r( * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * lut"or"", $ )LUMBING: $,- ******t'**** * * * *** t'*'** ** * * * * CoNTRACTOR leneral Contractor: .ddress: .-ectrical Contractor: .Cdress: lunrbing contractor: echanical Contractor: idress: i**********tl**xrf :r * * * * x * Jr * * *:i li * * FOR.JTLDING PERilIT I"EE: :UMBING PERMII FEE: :CHANICAL PERMIT FEE: -ECTRICAL FEE: rHER TYPE OF FEE: ?.B FEE: INFORMATTON Address: OTHER: $ TOTAL: f *** k******* ** ** *****tr:k**** * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Pfrone Number: Town of vail Reg. -No. 1y'68 P:lone Nunber: Ala -Ao 9{ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: 'tcwn o: vatt deq. frQ. nl-aF^ rr'r-L ^ -.--11(J I I g lr u.lllrJ c;- . OFFICE USE ,r * * :i * * ** *:t* * x x** rr* * * * * ** * ** l( * * x BUIIDING PU\N CI{ECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CTiECK FEE: MECI{ANICAI, PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATUF.E: ELECTRICAr,: $J!-&__ MECHANICAL: $ E14-oor7 VALUATION -EAN I]P DTPOSIT RSIUND TO: tS toulh tronlagc road u!il. colorado tr1557 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time ofllcc ol communlty drYclopmrtil BUILD.ING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE If this peryit. requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Appr€val,Engineer':. (ngu.lig tlopks) revie! and approval,' a plannini' Deparinentreview'or Hea'lth Departurent review, and'a review by the 6ujibingDepartnent, the estimated time for a tota'l review iray take as 16ngas three weeks. Al't corrnerciai (1ar9e or sma'll ) and all muiti-family permits wi]thave to follow the above mentioned maximum reguiremLnts. Residentia'land.smal'l projects shouJd take a lesser arpunt of time. However, ifresidential or smal'ler projects irnpact the various above mentioneddepartments. with regard. to necessary rev.iew, these projects mayalso take the tlfee week pertod. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi.t a5 soon as possib'l e. I, the frame. Conmuni ty Devei opment Departnent. TO: FFOM: DATE: FE: !4E!4ry!4. +5h,titlif,ti,fft c wo R Ks p ep*rvr e Hr MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIBED Date: /- J 7:UAL'. Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': ls this a new residence? ' ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls difierent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way Permit' required? : 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community YES NO t/ Lt" 7./ l-,/ ,/' t/ 1) 2) L/ Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's officE or at Community Development lf you have any guestions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction lnspector, at 479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name . Contracto r's Sionatu re luun u ltffl 75 aouth tronlaEe road vail. cclorado 81657 (3o3t 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 FDI]M- ' -':Ya t 'r'r..DATE3 ,.r.r 1l ;!^-' ' ':l ettr| T?r-"n. oltl,ce ol communlty development AI-.t CO}ITRACTORS CI]RRETflTLYL REGISTERED IfITII TlrA TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAII, PUBLTC I{ORKS/COUMI]NITY DE"\TELOPMENT !'ARCH 16, 1983 CONSTRUCTION PARNNG & I{ATERTAI STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) - rn sunryrarlz, ordinance No. 6 states tbat it is unrawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soir, rock, sand, debrisor material . including trastr 6 'rnpsterl , porlabre ioilets and.sorknen vehicles upon any street, sidewaik, arley or publi-- -p,1?:" or any porE,ion th.ereof- The right-oi-w"y on ali Town of ,,.{3}1 streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavenent.Trr-ls ordinance wilr be strictly enforced by the rown of vail' : Ptibric l{orks Departnent. persons found, vi6tating tbis ordir".r""yill- be griven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said uaterial .rn the event tl:e person so notified does not compry witu th;--notice sithin the 24 b.our ti"'e specified,., ttre pubric l{orksDepartment will remove said, rnateii"i-at irt" -"r.p""="-"1-i"?=o" notified., The provisions of.this ordinance shaU not beappricable to construction, maintenance or repair froi-cts orany street or al-1ey or any util-ities in tl.e rignt-i-wiy. fu1l . pJ-ease stop by tlre Town ofobtain a copy- Thank you for your , 'i acknowledcred osition/Rela@ ri DEPARTTTENT OF COMMUNTTY PMEMT NOTE:TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iiOBSITE AT ALL TIMES EL,ECIRICAL, PERMIT Permit, #: 899-0015 o DEVELO Job Address: LocaI,ion. .. : VAII, VILI,AGE FITING Parcel No.. : 2tOL-082-42-008Project No. : PRJ98-0300 St,atus - . VISApplied. Issued. . Ercpires. Phone: 949-6095 Phone: 949-6095 . : ISSIIED .:EOL/25/L999 . : ot/26/L999 .: 07/25/L999 TO}UI{ OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAf L, co 81_657 970-479-2]-38 APPLlCANT CONTRAETOR OWNER 816ct!ica1- - - > DRB Fee InvcatiEatioa> tlill call----> Iofel, REBS- --> RIVIERA ELBqTRIC CONST., CO , DENIIER, CO 80110 RIVIERA ETEETRIC CONST., CO , DEIII\IER; CO 80]-L0 VAIL CORPORATION TIIE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81658 Description: temp power for Aggreko power unit,Valuation:1, 500 . 00 PEE ST'UT'T.RY 50-00 .00 .00 3.00 53.OO 53 .00 ao .00 133 .00 133 .00 Tolal Calcul,ii6d F.6s---> Adaition.J. F.cE---- -- - --> Total Pcrait Pcc_ _- ----- > Paylcnt6------- BAIAIiCE DT'E---- l}r*rj**rrrttiir +rrtjt|tr+itriarr IEEM: O6OOO BLECTRICAIJ DEPARTIT{ENT DE,Pt,: BUII,DING DiViSiON:0L/26/1999 CHARTIE Act,ion: APPR charlie davis Itd.r4i-.056q0 F RB DEPARIIVIEUT Depts: FIRE Division:01"/26/1999 CHARTIE Action: AppR n/a CONDITION OF APPROVAI. !tt t t * t *'r * t, t* tt r rr * *ttr* * r* ilr*rr irr r**tt t *tt trtrr*r* atrl|tt* a t tt tJtt* * J rJ*a.ra tl *atrr* t+itti tr * tr*tr!, t *rt * t* rrttt ttt.a + !r | *l}*r* * DECI,ARATIONS I horeby acknosledgc lhat t hav€ rced tshia .pplication, filLGd out in fuJ,I thc infon lion required, codltleted an accurate plot p1an, and Bt..!a that .11 bhG inforu.uion prowldcd r. !cqqi!.d iE corr€ct'. I .grc. Uo cobpLy vich tshe Lnfo-aalion ana plot plan, to conpLy ttitsh all fot n ordLDaneqs .nd .uq!6 1.116, and to buiLd lhir lgruceuro according to the To*rr'! zoding and 6u.bdiv-ision code6, de6lg:n rswic$ approvcd, Irlrlforr! Building Cod. aad o!h.r ordlnrnc.6 of, tsh. Tovn rpplLe.bl. tsholclo. RBQI'ESTS FOR INSP'CTIOIIS SHAIIJ BB MA.DB TWENTT-!'OI'R EOURS IU ADVANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT {79-2].38 OR AT OFPIeE FROU 8:00 At'i 5:00 Pl4OI'R t,ttttrttrtr.atratt,arrrtlr,rt!rrrarf rrra*tar*t*rlrrrtir*r*wotrtrrtr* toror ot lruLr @rFnlm ltgrt.ure rtart,atttttaittttatrt*it 8lrerelt f,ir[b.t 3 nlc-oatl trcuntr 133,00 o1/25lt9 1t302 P.!'r0r! l|.!hoA: CX lfogrgL@r 17?a Init! f P.rrlr Xor !tt:0015 TlI'. r !-llrtc &.lciln:qlll pERt|tT Prlc.l tlo! r1o1-0a2-,12-O0a locretonr lru! VtLllO! tMm 5 Vlglr lM lRlt locrl 1..r3 133.00 $ri. Dq'qrrc, 133 .00 !o!.1 i! Drcr: 133 . Oo Brlrn€a! .00 . tlaaotittt*t+taartatir'rtaarraaitttltaai!}t!,ttriitltttatotiiitttrt.rattt trttt it€coulc Cod. Dr'aripcloD lrcunc tP 00100003111400 tlllcttlcllr pEn||tt ttls 50.00 rc 00100003112300 rllilr ctli! Da!?telIC t!! 3.00 oH 0010000318to00 0!r rFort tIlpEcIIC ttt 10.00 :;.#,i,:fr ff :'.ii:]vfi i&'ffi ,;it-ifTilT';;;i".btffi 1I PEFI,!:: f :\-:OILY-}Ticl; * * '. * * * * * * * * * x * :r x :". * * * * * * x * * * * * r' i-?rri';i*.-'t_.,s--e-..- Job Narne: aegal DescriPtion: Lot V-t- Job ACdress: BLock EI,ECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: :Iectrical contractor: ..tl-^4-. : l rrnhi nzr lrnr'r f r: nf nr. :echanical contractor: .Cdress: ****s*************'f x**t**:f *x*** FOR :JII,DING PERMIT TEE: LUMBING PERMIT FEE: iCHANICAL PERMII FEE: iECTRTCAL FEE:.FIJFD TFVDF Ntr FFF . R,B FEE: rirr-,'rs (cC s':.rl:.,lsrc:l' Yc,l trii[? llfl -\rchitect: Aiclress: Address:Ph. 3eneral DescriPtion: ;.Iork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other tlumber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accornnodation Units: :I.unber and Type of Firepiaces: Gas .F.ppIiances, l:: < T.alar c Wood/Pe11et ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * * * tf * VALUAT ** x****** * **x**tk *tl * ******rr**** P:n.94g- /t99 )]UILDING: S ]LUMBING: T-I < * * * * * * ** * * * * J. tr * * * *' *' * :k :k * * * J. * CONTRACTOR INFORMAI'ION\--leneral Contractor: ..ddress: OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ * * *,**** ** * x ** ** * x * ** rr * ****:r Town of Vail Reg- NO. Phone Number: E??'OotSrown or vail Res. No./y'AZ Phone Nunber: 949- Aa9.Y Town of Vail Req. NO. _Phone Nunber: tilnr-.n .lj V:i I Qer-r. NO. Phone Nunber: OFFfCE USE ****x*rf :t * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * tf tk***:r* BUTLDING PI,AN CIiECK FEE: PI-',IJMBTNG PI,AN CIiECK FEE ! MECHANICAL PI.AN C]IECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: q Tl:NAfiTTPF I Jl(t...9:.1-. VALUATION ;I,EAN IIP DEP.OSIT R.EFUND TO: 75 rcuih tronlagc rcad ,.i1. colorado 81657 (30€l 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlcc of communlty d.Yclopm.fll BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time TIME FRAT'IE If this peryit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineerrs. (pgf]ig l'lorks) review and approval,' a plannini' oeparinentreview or Health Departrnent review, and a rev'iew by the euiiiingDepartment, the estimated time f'or a tota'l review iray take as 16ngas three weelts.. Al't comnercial (large or sma'll ) and a'l'l multi-farniiy permits wi]'lhave to fo]low the above mentioned maximun requiremlnts. Residential and.sma'l I projects_shou'ld take a lesser amount of time. . However, .if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. - Every attempt will be male by this department to expedite thispermi:t as soon as possible. I, the frame, 7zt /. Cormuni ty Devei opment Department. $Elyl\rnAlrlJUlvl TO: FROM: DATE: RE: +:irtffifitr",i""' c wo R Ks o r p|,t =,qrMAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS RECUIFED Dale: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the 'e,o /orez need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES ls this a new residence? ' ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being regaved? 5) ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7.) ls a "Bevocable Bight Of Way Permit' required? ; 8) ' A ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, sitaging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development lf you have any questions please calt Charlie Davis, the Town of VailConstruction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered all the above questions. NO t/ '/ ,/ / ,/l,/ 1) 2) /, Name Contracto r's Sig nalu re Date . 1":r ii i;1-. : ; " ". .'' :" 'r'1i-r5r '- 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 lo: FROM:- DATE3t ..,:l'j , : etll|TrFn. ottlce ot communl.ly devclopm€nt AI-,T CONTRA TORS CTTRRENTLYL REGISTERED WI!II TIIE TOWN OF VATL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMIMITY DEVELOPMENT !,laRc$ 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARBCNG & }fATERIA! STORAGE . rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand., d,ebrisor materiar, including trasrr dumpsteri, poriabJ-e ioir-ets and,vorloen vetricles. upon any streetl side,waik, artey or publicpl?:" or any portion theieof. The right:oi-way on ali Town of. ,::11 stteets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavernent-Tn'r-s ordinance will be strictly enforc-a uy the roim of vair:Pubric works Department. persons found vi6tating tuis-orJirr.rr""trilr- be given a 24 hour lrritten notice to reuove said materiar.rn tbe event tlre person so notified does n-t compry wittr tb;-'notice witb.in th.e 24 hour time specified-, ttt" pubric worksDepartr'ent wirl remove said mateiiat at itt. expen-"-"i-lli=o"notified- The provisions of this orainance .uir:. not blapplicabre to construction, uaintenance or repair froi-cts orany str€et or al-ley or any utilities in the rignt_-a_wiy. full. , please stop by the Town of "Oa"ltt a copy- thank you for your .,| e/ - o s j-t ionl Rd IEEI on=EIF-Eo Project (i-e.contractor, owner) DEPARTNIEIiII OF COMMT]NITY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT ilob Address:458 o DEVELO Location. . . Parcel No..: ProjecE No.:PRJ98 - 02 92 Clean-up D approved amount date sq Ft: *Of Ge6 LogB: TOh'N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr_,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 sEatrus...: ISSTED Applied. . z t2/04/1998 rssued...z t2/07/1998 Expires..: 06/05/]-999 APPLICAI\TT VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. P O BOX 7, VAIL CO 81658 COT{TRACTOR VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. P O BOX 7, VAIL CO 81658 OI,INER VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81558 Description: REINSTAI-,L GOLDEN PEAK TEIllt Oecupancy: El2 Tlpe ConsEruction: v N Ttpe Occupancy: PAVILLION 92 Tlpe V Non-Rated Phone: 3034755601 Phone: 3034765601 *of wood/Pallec: TOV/Comm. Dev. ValuaEion: Firelrlace Infoanatsion: RcBLrictsed: 5, 000 +Of ea6 Appliancc6: Add FEE SUi,ii']AP'Y 95 .00 Inve€tsigaEion> .00 wiLl call----> Rc6Euarant PlaD Revielr-- > DRB 8!c-- -- ---- Rccrcatsion F.!----------> Togal calculat.cd Pcea---> 279.75Bullding-----> Plan chcck---> .00 20 .00 Aaldilional Fees- --- -- --- > Totsal Pernits gec__------> .00 279 -7E 279.753.00 DUE-------------> .oo *r.,*rtttt***t** *t"tttttti*t,* ITEM: O5]-OO BUIiJDING DEPARTMEIiM DEPts: BUILDING DiViSiON:L2/O4/!998 .]RM Action: APPR APPROVED JRI"TrEbm;' 65460-pr,nuNrNg DEFARiT'{ENT Dept : PT,ANNTNG Division:L2/04/L998 'JRM Action: NOTE PERMIT TO BRENfL2./07./I998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR OK PER BRENTrEbm;'05660-FiRE DEpAnTMElri --_-- -- Dept.: FIRE Division:L2/O4/1998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A TNSPECT WHEN READY rEemt'.05500-Puer,rc wORKS- , Dept: PIIB woRK Division:12/04/t998 JRM Action, APPR N/A . ; ;;;;;.;;;;; ";; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknotrlcdgc gha! I have read thia application, fi1l,6d ouf in full the inforrnallon required, coupl.c.d an accurace Plot phn, and 6tata bh.t a1l thc inforoalion provided as requirccl 15 correcE. I aEr€e go codPly t i'gh the inf,oro-gion rnd PIots plan, !o conply with ell Town ordinanccs and atabe laes, anal to build thL6 sbructsulc aceording to tshc Torn'6 zoning end.ubilivigion codce, deEigm revicw approved, Uniforn Buitding code end oEh.r olainanccs of the Tor,n rpplicable tshelelo' Refund REQUESTg BE MADE TIIEIITY.FOI'R HOURS IN A.D\IANCE BY ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 898-0358 as of L2/L8/9e SEatsus: ISSIIED ****************************************************************************:t*** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMI Applied: t2/04/L99e AppJ-icant: VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. Issued: t2/07/L998 3034765601 To E>qgire: 06/05/1999 Job Address: I,ocaLion: GOLDEN PEAK SKI LIFT Parcel No: 2101-081-09-004 Description: REINSTALL GOLDEN PEAK TEIiIT PAVILLION Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTT\IIEIIIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE Alilv WORK CAII BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. 3. FIRE AlrD BIrDG DEPARI!{ENTS TO INSPECT PRIOR TO OCCUPYING at t ri r r t i t* r t atr t raarr r., i t r rr a ttt at at t!) t lonN oF vArL. cor.oRtDo r t.r J rr tal|t a, * tr i.r r Slrtarlnt, t r,i r r r * r r r r t il i.r l, rr rrt * r r * r * ttt t i t t tar.i t l rr.r rtr t rr t t * rlrt ti t,,,, rr rr r r r t Blrt'|nnt NuS.r: nBC-0485 lngunE !279.75 Lz/ta/9a 09t47 Prtm"nt ti.thodr cK Notrglonr 3212310 InlC ! .'l{ Fcrolt Nor B98-O354 T}?.! I-COMM ADD,/A.LT COI4M EUILD P P.rc.l Nor 2101- 041-09-00'l gl,E. Addr.rr: asB vAMALl,EY DR locrtlon, 6oLDEN PllK tKI LIFT ttrlr Prya.ni Iocrl Faci I 279.75 lolrl l.rL Pll! ! Balanca: 279,75 279,7E .00 arr*rtrrrit!r*!r Accounc coda EP 00100003111100 DR 0010000t 112200 PF OO100003112300 ID D2 -DBPOI tfc o01000031124oo D€rctilrcion BI'TIDINC PERIIIT FEES DBSICI REVIAW 'EEgPl,tlt cllBcK tlEs ct Ellft P DEPoatTt tllLL Cl&t DlaPlclloN laA Lnounc 95. 00 20. 00 61 .75 100. o0 3.00 oo oo ,i8Bd8 l.3Ed8o a|I& !E * oooo I CIo 0o oo oo oo oc ood o o o EHtIt ng xrx tfi. g :E Ie" B Hg |t H o co o oo oc 0o o0 xUT o |: At{&IoI o tIJli d A aah Fr tliB 6ao tlHr, Ht"a aoiaotoaA.IctE\c|ao EI e IE E'IA EI FI F H aI, c TEousltsE E t:b 6 E Di f;Ic EI.! l. HIA l\a o 1l o9 ol5illt [$s EE8 F<rwr rrlcnf ry. '1*c3niacc Eagle c< s,i*'r,::;; :t*' r:i r"tv "**"ti [lgr{;eZN ;,1ffi " oarr: (rrr/98""Y nT,"!, {83 -7b g.<-----'- BE ACCEPTED .^4!. (Lr,/?.r \ f L-( ^ | AppLrcATroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy oR ,\*o" "o, [* *'t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * *:r * * * pERMrr rNFoRMATro" yr*ffi' 't l-Building g,fnn*ring .tt/n."trica1 ufi."nuni-ca. Job Narne:Job Address: <ac c&0a;ka( -st<tLegal Description:Lot Block Owners Name: Architect:Address: ceneral Description: Work C1ass:- [ J-New [ ]-Alteration I J_Additional [ ,l*"n_r, , ,:r-lo'a. :,",t*l:l:: g.@-. Er,EcrRrcAL: * Z@O, ao nrHFD . s r/lt<:z /tt,^ ****** Nuraber of Dwe1ling'Units: O n . NrrrnL,er of Accohmodation u"ra=17 #*:: and rvpe or Fireplaces: #$qmrW..= ;.n,_l""ur""r1er-- /T********************************* vALUATToNs * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :k * * :r * rr rr : PLUMBTNG, frYi,", ; ffi,rffi:ii; itr ruil::: i.::i#::il ::.. iitr :. )iioirr$.eTer :ffi "u"l:?'f* =T:fl ffi fi il I .; ; :liy .' ;3fii1: ILr*4:e U6vn of Vair Res. No.ln PPhone Nurnber: . Cor;tracLor: Address: 6)1 e Llu PIUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: NDFI FFTT. l.Iechanical _coirtraAddress: f1h\ e ff ff :;:,:"h1;3 i"ir+run+\/l<;:ff-'ry+n-s""To";i",p"ff :Pffi fr i:;l***?jB'**':ti'ii s, ,)J9r" of Vail neg. Ho-?r.t.1 Phone Number: i1:9ilq c9l'I'.e'99) ,(' c /k'toc-in*rr_:'r oGr-olq^.* a€,.--. *----:-- ^/n FOR I rYFdlERo-uFt-l- CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMT? FEES: 3Y:-T+ilff, ZONTNG: Conments: var,uarroH SIGNATURX: o \ In surunary, ordj_nance No. 6 state; lnat it is unLawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposr:-ily soiL, rocl:, sand, debris;:.ffi".;.i:ii"i::t"ctins trasi,-tunp=t.fs, porlabl.e toilers andprace ". .nv-iJi.ili".fi!I"lfi""li""ii;ili1I;_;:i;:";:rilil#-",Vair streets ina.roaa= i=-.ip.oxi*.l"iv-s"ral-fm pavement.This ordinance wirr re ;tri:ii;'enforced by the Tor.rn of Vair' publiq'TarRs'bEosrtnentl--p"i=lns found .ri'.,r"!i.g this ordinancewirr be'given a 24 hour ,rit!.r,'-r,otice-to*;;;;;: said xrareriar.In the event the person so notified.aou=-nli',,I"Ipry with the;:;l::":itnJlrin' 24 hour time specifi;a, "if."i"uric vrorks,,otiri.a. - ;;;-ol:Ti:!:mTr^ili:t:l.e:"::: :ffl;;.;;;:;;"""applicable to con<iztuctigp, rnain_tenange gf repair projects ofany street or ar-Ley or'an!'utirit:-es rn the right-a-vrny..i. .,i. r.,,\, To revievr..ordinance Nij. 6 in fu1]., please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to oUtiin a copy- tirank you for your.cooperation on tfr4; .mapger,, lnwn TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: and q 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colo ra d o Bl657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 olf lc e of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIf},I OF VAIL To9N oF VAIL PUBLIC I{oRKS/COl.EruNITy DEuELopl.tENT ltARcH l-6, L988 CONSTRUCTIOT{ PARKING & }IATERIAL STORAGE sh p Y '/ t ation 7A n/ReI 7- to Pro eqt (i.e. contractor, owner) I 75 roulh fronla ge road v6ll, colo ra do 91657(303) 479-2138 or 479-ZL3g !yur{,attempt vrj'll be made byperrni.t.as. s.qon as possible. - I:.1!. unders'igned, understand the p.lan check procedure and timeTrame, EUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI,IE If' thi.s pe'ni.t requires a Tovrn of vail Fire Department Approval , ..Ensineer''s (pubiic r,rorks) i;vi";'.ni'ipirouuil'i'pi.'i.',i:l!"b.purt.ntreview or Hearth oe-p3i[m6.i-i;;i.;:'"ui! u-review by the duirdine l!rt[l!!',1;.1!: "'.irutuo iimu'ior'u"iot"r iuui.n'iruv,,iuii as rons Al'l commercial'('lurg:^:f smali) and all multj_family perrnits willhave to follovr the abov-e.rnenti6neJ rir,rrr regurrements. Residentia.land small projects shourd dk;-;-i";ll. amount of time. However, ifresidentfal or sntaliur proj"llt-iipJ.i' the various above mentioneddepartmcnts r.rith rega.rd' t;";;;;r;;iJtr.u.i.r, these projects may .also take the three week period : olllco ol communlly deyolopmeltt this dcparLnrent to expedite this r:1i .Datel.torkffieeffi'Conrmuni ty Devel opment Departrnent. TO: FFOM: DATE: MEIIORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPABTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: l-\elo' Please answer the following questionnajre regarbing the need for a "public Way YE5 ls this a new residence? ls. demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easemenls or public propet:ty? ls any'utility rvork needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed 1o sile other than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "ReVocable Right OlWay permit' required? A. ls the right of way, public properly 10 be used parking or lencing? easements or lor slaging, Permit": NO , e\jal.I ,{\, 1l i iui I ) 1 1 t) 2) .' 1 ,1 6) B) B. If no to BA, is a parking, staging or {encing.plan required by Community Development? lf you anstvei'ed yes to any of these questions, a "Public V/ay permit" mustbe oblained.'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Wodx,s olfice or atCg.mmulity Development. . lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at.479-2159. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Contractot's Signalure DaleJob Name Arrr^l"ounrrnENT gcHEuttr A hpplication No. v15551 I I I IrFor Infot$tlon onlyI ITETES AIID EOT'NDS - Chargcr -Alta Ienalcr Pollcy--ltOTAL--91{0.00 9140.00 tllth your rcnlttancr plearc rct.r to V15561. 1. Ettoctlve Dat.!JuIy 12, 1990 at Q:OO t'll. 2, Poltcry to be lcrued, and proporcd Incurcd: rrAlfif,tr tpan Poliey 1970 Revlrlon. Propos.A Insured: TBD Tbe eitete or lntcr.3t ln thr land drtoribtd or rcferrcd to inthlr Coultllant anrd corrcrod hrrcln li: A Fce siDple lItlc to thc oetate or Lntcrcrt covercd harein ls at tlreeffect.ive date hrreof vrtrd Ln: VAIL ASSOCTITES, r[C., A COIpRADO CORPO.RATTON 5. t.he lud rc!.rrGd to in thlc coultuont tc deccribed lc. iiiriilq rcE3rrcc Eo rn Bnrc coutrtr nr u oeEcf.,# ) / ,Trr)- .* ).Ar?. Ai ?A6-,- r*r _ --^-- r - fffi,'N4ft;' 3. 4. PARcErr r: .\ r I tl tly fltF e; .)t '. -'/'-rnog-s-poiuo*s or r.r8 b Al{D c, Br6cx J-., uf#*i rff, ,t T*W t " FIIJINO, ACc€RDIlfG TO TllE RECORDED PIAT IBHEREOF, COUtiroNLy KNoI{N tt tt . G,,-As ttArr SllREEl!, cotrNTy oF EAerJE, srATE IoF cotoRADo. ^ o*H'r, d.'-- I t'f \'r NOTES IITE IINAL POIJICY DoI8 l{OT IN AlId NAY CUERANTEE OR INSURE 'IBI DTtrENSrONS OF ![nE ABOVE DISCRTBED IhNO, StrE r,ECAIr DESCRIF?IOI{ I8 DERIVED IROU IIIE CITAIN dF TITI,E At{D ONIJY Al[ .ACCI'RATE SURVEY CAI{ DETERIiINE ITIE Dr!,IENSTONS. PARCEIT 2 ! Idl D-1, BrpcK 2, AND TSICTAVAIL VIL+GE, trErH FILTNG, PAGE 1 I I I z 'd 0081 '0N I tasa filst 'v I t{vlg:ll 8661 'l 'ca0 follosr: ALroO"ouurruENtr SCHEN'I,E A Appllcatlon No. V15t61 SAID NORIITIIIIsAERIC LTNE NTD ATPNO A CT'Rl'! fO TIIE RICHT II.AVINC A RADTUS Op 2O.OO FEEI, A CENTRAIJ AIICLE Ol 90 DEGRIIS 00 Uilullg oo sEcoNDs, Att ARc DISTA!|C! Ol 31.{2 lEEtr TO A Pollf,l ol INTERSECtrION ||IIH lnTE NORtrITEAEAERIJI IJINE OF GORE CREEK ROAD' TTTINCE ON AIf AIIGI.E IO TITE I'EFT OF 130 DECREES OO IIINUTES oO 8ECONDB A}fD AIONG SAID NoRIxllAsTlRIrY IJrNE 40.00 FEET lO rfiE TRUE EOINA Ol EEGTNNING. ^ 'r*' -^ur-? v, Eb<a^ :"t pARcEL t,gF. fur^ ' '#rU ' -- a"'-'t'nr /'4';i. "/ ii, pARcars 6 u"f"{ corJDEtr pEAt( sKr ltst ltfD RtcREATToN DrslRrcr PTR,CI!, TCCON'tITO !O ITHI PIAT RICORDED iINfUTRY L5' L987 TN EOOK 455 At PIGE 934, eOUNtDs OF !AG!E, STATE OF COIoRADO. PARCEL 9: CONDODTINIUU IINIT l{-1r ONI VAIIJ PIACB, ACCORDING IO !r'Hl corDourNluu uaP lmlREol nECoRDED ltay 29, 19ro rN Eoox 303 AT PAGE {09 AIID AE DEBCRIBED IN Nll CoNDOIIINII'II DECIIRAfION RECORDED UAY 29, 1930 rN BOOX 303 AT PACI C07, COulfSt OF EAGLE, 9TATE Otr COIOnADO. ta-l PAGE e 'd 0081 '0N 'tdg0 1v991 Y'll I{V89 r II 8661 'l '340 SCIIEDULI B'2 (Bxa.ptlons) Appllcatlon No' V15561 52. EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND BESTRTeTIONS AS SHOI{N OR RESERVED ON THE PIAE oF cor,DEN pEAK sKr BAsE AI{D REaREAtriox- orstnlcT PARcEr., REcoRDED irN{ITARY 15 ' 1987 IN BOOK 455 AT PAGE 934. (rlEMs 47 THROUGH 52 ASFECT PARCEIJ 8) 53. RIGHT OT PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR IPDE TO EXERACtr AND REI'IOVE HTS ORE tflBRtrRou sHoutD THB sAl'tE BE fouNt To DENETRATE OR INTERSECI THE PREMISES AS REsERvED IN UNITED STATES piiiHr-nncoRDED ifuly 12' 18e9, IN Boox 48 AT PAGE 475. 54. RIGHtr OF WAI TOR DITCHES OR CANAIJS CONSIRUCEED BY f,TtE AUTHORI1TY OF IHE uNTTED sTATEs As.RESERVED IN rfff-flio sTATES PATENT RECORDED JuIy 12' 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PACE 475. 55. RESTRICTIVE COVENAIITS IY$ICII DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEISURE OR REVERIER CIAU6E' BUE OltITrrNG RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COIFR, RELIGION' OR NArroNAr. oRIGIN, AS CONTAiNED iN iNStRUUeHT RECoRDED Augutt 10, 1962' rl{ EOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 56. UItLfiTY EASEIIENT 10 FEEA rlpNc TttE SOUTH LoT IJINE OF SUBJECI PROPERtrY AS SHOWN ON IHE RECORDED PI.AT OF VAIL VII,IAGE FIRST FILING. 57. pEDESIRTAN, EIIERGENCI, MATNTENANCE AND UTMTY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON TIIE RECORDED CONDOMTNIW MAP OF ONE VAIL PIACE. 58. ACCESS EASE}IENII' AS PROVIDED BY REI,E.ASE AIiID TERI.fiNATION OF EXISTINC ETSEUENT A!{D GRANT OF NE!{ EASEXiIENT EETWEEN IODGE PROPERTTES, TNC. AND VAII. ASSOCIATES, INC., A eOItnADO eORpORArrON, rN DOCUUENtr RECORDED llAY 3, l9?9 IN BOOK 284 AT PAGE 924. 59. THOSE PROVISrONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITTONS, BASEI.TENTS AND RESTRICTTONS, h|HIClt ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CoNTATNED IN INSTRITUENT RECoRDED May 29, 1980, rN BooK 303 AT PAGE 407. 60. EAEEMENTS, CONDITIONS, RBSTRICTTONS, AND RESERVATTONS ON THE RECORDED PIAT. (TTEMS 53 THROUCH 60 AFFECT PARCE! 9) PAGE 11 t ,r lrt nT '^rtv d uLullt i 'Jdg0 1v991 T 'l\ I[V89:11 8601 'l '340 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8t_657 970-479-2138 Job Address...: 458 VAIL VALLEY DRLocation : GOLDEN PEAK SKI LIFTParcel No.. ... : 210i--081-09-004 Project Number: PR,l98-0292 APPLICAITT MOIJIiITAIN HIGH PLIJMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 8l-620 CONTRACTOR MOIJ}TTAIN HIGH PLTJMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81520 VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81658 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY PME}ilf NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAI, PERMIT Permit #z M98-0252 O DEVELO St.atus...: ISSIIED Applied. .: L2/04/L998 Issued. - -: L2/04/1998 Extrrires. . : 05/02/L999 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 OhINER Description: MECH FOR TEIiIT PAVILLTON Fireplace Infortnation: Regtsrictsed: Y *Of cas Appliances: Valuat.ion: *Of Gas Logs I 1, 000 . 00 *of wood/Pal1et: FEA SU.iUARY Mechanical---> Plan chcck- - - > Inv6ebigalion> will call----> 20. oo 5,00 .00 3.00 .00 .00 2e.oo 28.O0 75.O0 10!.00 103 . OO . oo ReBtsuaran! Plan Revieq,- - > DRB Fee-------- TOTAIJ FEES- - - -' Total CalcuLaled Fees- - - > AddiEional R.eB------- --> Totsa1 PerrsiL Fee--------> Pa)rnentg-------- BAIANCE DUE.--. rtem:05100L2/04/]-998IEem:05600L2/04/]-998 BUTI,DING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:iIRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED .fRM-FIRE DEPARTMEIil| Dept: FIRE Division:JRM AcTion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD TNSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COIVIBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 I]MC.3. INSTAI-,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIJRES INSTRUCTTONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]. OF THE 1991. I'MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEI(TED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 AND SIIAIJI-, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991. UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEIf| MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 IIMC:6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS LTSTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AI{D CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2at9 0F THE 1991- IJMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,,ARATIONS I h.r.by rcknovl.dE. thrts t h.v. t..O nPrrtcrtton, flll.d out. ln full chc lnforu-. roquircil, cdplabrd .n rccur.c. ploC Plrn, .na tcrl. Chrc r11 th. LnforE blon plovld.d rr rrquirrd i! corr.cg. I .gr.. co couply rlt'h ch. lnfo,r rtlon lrld trloc Dl.n,eo cooPly rlgh .ll Toryn o!dl,t!rnc.. .nd .trg. hre, rnd ro bulld lh,'r .cructu!. .ccording to th. To|.n,. ronlng rtrd .ubdlvr.rloncod.., d..l,gn rrv!'rr rppiowod, tlnlfotu Bullding coda rnd oth.r ordl,n.nc.. of, thc Torn rpplleablc thcrcLg. REQUlgtg FOR MPEqTIO|IA gIn&L EB I|ADA ${E!frI-FOt R HOttRg tN IDITIXCE Et IBITAPSONE 179-2Lae OR AT oUR O?FICG FROII a.OO tL EtOo Pt{ AICNIT{.IR8 OI OI{NER ON, CINfIRACTOR, AOR HII,|sBLF IND OIINER t t. r tr i t a r t || t.l t ti t ttr r r ra a a ar + TO|OI OP VAII,, C9!,OR.ADO 9trtarnE rlr r tt tt,r rr* r ir rr r * r rarr t * a * a rt r ti r a gtrtannE NuBbcr: REC-O{96 Aoounl s P.y[rnts ]l.Ehod. CK NoErglonr 8,t22 103,0o 12llsl9s 10:{1 Init: ,tll Perroie No: M98-0252 1\p.r B-MECI| MECHANICAI, PERMTT Parccl Nor 2101- 081-09 -001 gitc .[dar.$| {58 Vr,It Vtt LEY DR Locatlonr elotiDlll PEAfi af,I LIFT Totrl Fca€: Thla Payoant 103.00 Total l,t L I'oB€: Balanca: :.o3.00 103. O0 .00 ,rar!}rttr*trrtrl, *rj}*lj***rirrtarriri Accounl cod6 D.rcripclon Mp 00100003111300 uBcHNrrctrJ PERITT FBES PP 00100003112300 PLIN CHECK FBBS cL 00100003123000 @lfrRAcToR lJlcE gBs vcc 00100003112800 l{lLt cal,r, stPEcrloN FEE tuounE 20. o0 5.00 ?5.00 3. O0 DEPARTME}fI OF COMMIJNITY PMENIT NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES PLUMBING PERMTT Permit #: P98-0168 t DEVELO .fOb AddrESS: 458 VAII-, VALLEY DR LOCAEion...: GOLDEN PWEAK SKI LIFTParcel No.. : 21_01_-081-09-004 Project. No. : PRrl98-02v2 MOUMTAIN HIGH PIJUMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 MOTJITIAIN HIGH PLT]MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 8i-620 VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VAIL CO 81658 Valuat,ion: 15 .00 .00 3,00 Description: PLIJMBING FOR TENT pAVILLION FEE STJMMARY ]LCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTTVIENT DCPI,: BUII,DING DiViSiON:I2/04/L998 .fRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVED JRIVTIIbM:-O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DEI)T: FIRE DiViSiON:L2/04/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A * * r , * * r * * I t * * * lr * t i r * r * * r * * r r , * i * t * * r * i r * r * * * * * lr * | * r r * * * r , * * * r * * * * t * r * , * * * * t t rr * * t * * J * * t t * i * * CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknolrledge t'hat I have read this appli.calion, filled ouE in full rhe intormaEion requ:.tei, eo6pleted an accurate plots p1an, and 6Eate thats all thc inforuration provideal ae rcquired is correct. f agr6€ to cornply rilh tshe information and Plot plan, !o comply with a1l Totrn oldinaDces and staEe laws, and to buila lhis stsrucEure according tso the Totn's zoning and gubdivision codes, design rcvicw apploved, Uniforb Building Code and otshcr oldinanc€6 of the Town applicablc !b.!etso. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{:|AGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479 -2L38 APPTICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER StaLus...: ISSITEDApptied..: L2/04/L998 rssued.. . : 1-2/04/L998 Exlpires. . : 06/02/L999 Phone: 3039494500 Phone : 3 0 3 94 94 5 0 0 1, 000 . 00 Plumbing- -- - -> Plan check- - - > Invescigation> will call----> Restuarant Plan Reviesr- - > TOTAL PEES- -. -. Total calculaEed feea- - - > Additional Pees---- - -- - -> Total Perlli! F6e---_-_-_> .00 . o0 2r.75 REQUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SltAt L BE MADE TWENTY-FOI'R t{OURg IN AD\TANCE BY TELEPHONE 4T,479-2138 OR/ Payrients-----_-_ EAIANCE DUE.-.- .OO PROM a:00 A.!4 5:00 PM AND OWNER rrf rtr.,. r at r raatrr a r a ra a r r a a aaa r ra aa* a r a alrr i r rJrra. r a rt orf t rotq! OF rtAll,, COIORAm gt.C.mt itrt*rtlt*ttttaaf trttittttttrtttttltf l.tt.a|lt*rtatr.r|lt'lt*tttraar*t Scrtditll Nurnbar r nEC-04i6 AEount r Pi)4n.nts M.thodr cK Nogrllon! g{r2 2r.75 L2l1,a/98 LO.42 tnlt: atN P.rnlt Nor P9l-016t r'!|!). ! B-PUilB PIOUAIM' PEnMIf P.rc.l No: 21o1-081-o9-o0igiE. ldd!..! ! {5a VAIL rrltJlll DR LocrtLonr €OliDgN lflElx AKt [lFI Thl. Prtro.nt Tot.l Fcca! 2t.78 Aot.l ALL PEt. I Balancas 2L.75 2l..76 .oo Lccount, Cod. D.rcllpgLon PP 00t00003111200 DLUI|IINO P!ru{rT tBEs PP 00100003112300 PLI!| c$EcK rElg vJc o0100003112a00 lflltJ ctli! tltSP8glloN FBB .lBounc 15.00 3.75 3.OO ,1, TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiIT CONTRAqTOR OWNER Status...: ISSUBDApplied..: 03/03/L998Issued...: 03/03/L998 Ercpires. . : 08/30/L998 Phone: 949-6095 Phone z 949-6095 a t t t l t t i.lt t r ti t 1, 000 . 00 8EB SU}IMARY DescripEion: TEMP. POWER FOR SKI F.lrCE %r*ValuaEion: El,.cgrl,c.1- - - > DRB F.. tnv.r!lgaclon> t{lll crIl----> TOrAL RBEg- - - > Tot.l, c.lculrt.d t!..- - - > AddlcLonll P.Gt---------> Tol.l Pcru1ts F..----- ---> Prlaoan!! - - - - - - - BAT,ANCE DUE-- - -- - -- -- - --r 50 ,00 .00 .00 3 .00 103 .00 103 .00 .00 103,00 103 .00 .oo a*ratrrrtttrtt'rat**Jt*rt*t**i* ,**ttti tttttttt tt tt. iri * DepE: BUILDING Divieion:IIEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTT{ENT03/03/L998 MWOODS AcEion: APPR LPITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIIEI\IT Depts: FIRE Division: CONDITTON OF APPROVAI., t.lf*aJ.rrt*latttt*tatirttlr+tt*tatt*ti!rt*ttt*tttitttt*t{rt**tlt ***}*t} | t tt.}tittfatt*i'raataatiitttat'ratttttattatttttt** DECLARATIONS I h6r.by .cknowl.dgc ghat I havG rcad thic rpplicrclon, flllcd out ln futl bhc Lnforu.lLon rcqulrcd, conpl.t.d rtt rccurrtr Plotplu, rnd .tsrc. lhrt all bhc infolration providcd ac rcquired i! qgrr.ct. I agrco lo cooply r.ltb bhc lnfolE lIon rnd plot phn, tg cooply ylth rll Tosn ordinancca and .tatc lara, and Co bulld thl€ .tsructure accordj.ng to thc toun'. zonlng end rubdlvl,alon sod.., dc.ign !!vid. .pproved. Irnifolo Building cod. and oghcr ordinrncGg of gh€ Toen rppllcrbl. th.r.tso. REeItEgTn rOR INSPECIIONS gltAl,L BE i.tADE IIIEIfTy-FOUR HoURs lN ADVANCE BY IELEPHoNE Ar 4?9-213s oR AI oUR OFFICE FROM 8!0o Ar| 5:oo P EPARTMEMT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMBT.IT NOtrE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .TOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES ELEETRICAL PERMIT Permit #:'898-0029 I D Job Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCAI,iON. . . : GOLDEN PEAK Parcel No.. : 2101-081-09-004 ProjecE, No.: RMERA ELECTRIC CONST., COP.O. BOX 1_8193, AVON,CO 80110 RIVIERA ELECTRIC CONST., CO P.O. BOX 18193, AVON,CO 80110 VAIL CORPORATION TIIE PO BOX 7, VAIIJ CO 81658 a'.r :;r..........r..t.t ..!...ti..r....t."tr..littot.rt.'r'r*r' $mt o[ vuL, ootflDo a!agarnc t!.Ealrrl !tu$.tr BIC-Ot?l lsunl. Dryrat X.CbA r Cf trobBlon3 CR llla 1OJ. OO ot,rotltt 0, rr6 lnltr tP E r lt' l|ct lta-0021 Iyp.: !-ELBC !!!Ct?ICl! P! IT ?$c.l tor 1101,-0a1-0r-ooa lLL lddt rrr ata lL lrunEI Dn Losrllottr ef.O n fgff Thl. Dqr!.ne fottl laaa r 103.00 ToErl tIiL Erg. ! Balanca r 103 .0 0 10t.00 .00 lnount, 50. o0 E0.00 il ttata ttttl rt!|tttaftt ttatt frtrt 'a a a arart ti +tttt t t,t ** Irtrt tt 'lr a r rl, lceoutrC Ood.Dr.cllpEion l9 00100003111a00 ElJBelRlcrrr PERl|ta FEEa tP 00lo000llltl00 lllr9onlnv Eor'EF, PERritrTs t.c 00100003111400 rll.& cltt lll'PBcrtoN tEE l.o0 ,' , ,} . ,'t Con Eac ! Eagle CounEY Assessors' n2 91-Q-J28-86$0 fqr.Parcel #'p,rricir,-/l' trol - a | - (>1-6 PERMIT APPLICATION FORMoxrnz 3/2/% ^ APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED,,), It * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * *rtl'[ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing D4-Electricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other rob Nane: G!l& P.*,/. T"*i-rob Acrdre.=, {5? rkl \ fJ-rtet n ". r" ^} Legal- Description: Lot Filing suspIvISIoNt O$/ners Name: Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-AJ-teration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair tx-otner_ft4;L,_ Nunber of Dwelt j-ng Units:Number of Acconmodation Units: Ijpnber and rype of FirepJ-aces: Gas Appriances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_tY tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Lv -T7durrorHc: Er,EcrRrcAL: t_l6qg* %i> orHER:pLUMBTNG, f MEcHANTcAt: $--*-- TorAL: $-,fI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt CONTRACTOR INFORMATfON ik * * ,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * *Eenera] contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No._Address: - phone Number: Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Phone Number:Address: Plumbj-ng contractor: Address: - F?t-^( '1 !l"* oF vArL coNsrRucrr;#--PER}IIT /I Block_ WrlZa!,Ia- Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE! MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: I ryPEt-GROUP SQ. FT. Town of VaiI Reg. NO. ,Phone Number:. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Connents: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFI]ID VALUATION TO: r{,{ tf E1Q -c}D+ 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 8'1557 l3o3) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olflce of communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{TTH THETOT'IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPITENT MARCH 1_6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING E MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any ="irr-ro"k, sand, debrisor material, including trash iumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streer, siaewaixl -;ii;y-;;-i,liri"* _q1?:" or any porrion theieof. The righr_"i_;;t-;n arL Town ofVaiL streets and roads is approxinateiy 5 ft. -lri pavernent.This ordinance wil' be strii:tiy enforcld by the Town of vailPublic works DeDartnent. persins found viltatinq this ordinanceyil1 be given a 24 hour writien n"li""-t"^;;;;"=said materiat.rn the event the person so notified-aoe= not-"c".prv with thenotice within the 24 hour.time-=peci;i;;,"in"'i"iiic worksDepartment wirl remove said mateii.t _.t iir"--""p""se of personnotified. The provision= of ii.ri= ordinance shall not be 1:f t::::l: !: ::ft.""ii"", -liiil:""nce or repair projecr,s of To review ordinance No- 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtiin a copy- rtranic you for yourcooperation on this matter. any street or at_ley or any utilities :-" irr"-ri;;i_5:;i;:"' (i.e. contractor, owner) tll1l 75 south lrontsge road Y!ll, colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 of llco of communlty dey.lopmenl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permi.t requr'res a Town of Vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensi neerts..( publ ic !9.f rl reyiew una ipbrouail-i piiiiii ni'b.purt .ntreview or Hea'lth Departmint.review, anb a_review by the auliling'-"-Department, the estirnated time for a totar i.ui""-il"v"ia[!'as tongas three weeks.. All commerc-ial (.rarge or sma|r) and ail mu]ti-famiry permits wiilhave to fol'low the above rnenti6ned maximum requiremlnti. Cesidentialand.small projects-should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidentfal or sma'l ler projects impact the various above mentioned lgf "P:lr:.with resard to necessai-y revie*,-ir,"i" ;;;j;.;; ,"yatso raKe tne tnree week per.iod. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe, y#*t4J,"p n* Communi ty Devel o5rment Depa rtrnent. TO: FFOM: DATE: RE: MEMONANDiJM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES NO x X {1tl 2) e\ 4) o/ 7) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use o{ the right ol way, easements or public propeqty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Perrnit" required? X X 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or lencing plan required by Community Development? of Vail Construction lnspeclor, at 479-2158. I have read and answ ll you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be oblained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town Job Name stions. Signature Date I HHF,T 1.:1 "rOHN OF Vflll-r {-;{,iL.UrtADO iAI/14/ 1199 O8rOE REUUESI$ * INSF'ECTN WORPi fil-lE[Is Irt]Rr 1/14/1999 FRt;E ilREfl: CD Acbivity; B9S-tZt358 t / l4/ 19 f ype: fi*C0fif'1 Statr-rs: ISiSUED ConstnI fltrOM ltcldressr 458 VAIL UALLF-Y DR l-ocation: EOLDEN FEAK SKI LIFI t:'arcel: Hlerl-Ur€1"-O9"8|a4 occ: Desei^iption: REINSTALL EOLDEN FEAK TEN"|. FAVILLIO[i Appl icarrt: VFIL fISSOCIAIES, INLI. Fhone: Ownert UAIL ETRFORAfION THE Fhone: Contr',actor: UtnIL AS$0trIATE$, INti. Fhctte: Use: U N 3ra34765601 3'a:14765641 Inspect ion Reqlrest Infornation. " . . . Reqr-restorr FRANK Req f ime: OS:OtZt CommentEl AT THE TONE l5el8J Iteml ta0sltZt dr"iveway grade final Item : StArZtlrA BLDG-Foot ings/5tee1 It en : OOAEU BLDG-Fot-rndat i on/$t ee Iben: OtAEeA PLAN-II-E Site Flan It emr OAOSA FLD6-F:raning Il:emi OtAO4lZl * * Nob On File r.* It. E-'m : tAArASff BLD6.-InsuldL, i on I t enr : rAraraAra BLD6*Sheetrock Na i I Iternr tarAgr80 * * Nnt On File * * Item: 00a7tzr BLIIG-Mise. Iteml UrlZr0gA ALD6-Final Item: C'O538 BLDG-Tenp. C/A Itemr 0qr531 FIRE-TEMF,. CIA I t Bm : OrA53e Pt,l*TEfih. C/Oi. Item : elgt535 Pt.f,N-TEMP. 4GlO ILernr OA:t37 F,LAN-FINAL C10 ]tenrr 40538 t:IRE-FINflL BtB Itemc '44539 PW."FINAL C/O It em I rz'A54ra BLDG}-Final C,/0 F,hone:* TENT 479*436'7 AT GOLD PEAK Tine Exp REF.T T J I TOI.IN O}. VAIL" (]IJL,IJRfiUU ar/ L4i t999 rd8rAii REGIUES]TS - IhlSt-,ELl N t^tl,itr(. Sif{ELl 5 f:Ol{; 1/14/t999 AREA: ED - - --: ===55i:=a== = * == Ftc-.t i vrty r l,l9S*{IE5E l/I4/19 Typer B.-l'lECH $tatr-tsr ISS|JELI Constr: NCOM Addi"ess: 458 VRIL VALLEY DR ,z.I]rlcat Tarr I EOLDHN F,EAK SKI LIFT $\rt'r:e I : ulIll-O81-O9*OrZr4 Descr'ipt ion: MECH FUR TENt EAUILLION Appl icarrt: lt'IOUN tAIN HIBH FLUMBINB Owner': Vff1L CORFORATION THE Eoritnactor^t MOUN1AIN l{ItiH FLUI{BING F.AEE Ot:c: Use I l-,holre I 3r2r3949450t3 Phone: F,hone: iEt3949456O Ins pect ion Reqr-test Reqr-restor: FRANK Req Timel E6:OO Items requested to I n form at i on. . Comment s: AT be I nspect ed., Fhone THE TONE IAsE183-TENT : 475-4367 RT ciOLD F'ERK Acb i on n ent 5 Ti ne Exp ao3 10 ea* in lrrspec Ii IT 1t lt It Ib II It li; t i on ets: em: eF: en: em i em ! en: en: e|l ! Histr:r'y.,... 0UerAE MECH-Rough IZICIEES FIRE-SPRINKLER RUL'CH AO?4U trLMB-Gas Fiping (tOJl€t MEEH-Heat ing erOSEO MECH*Exhaust Ho ocl s urBSSCr MECH-sr-tppIy Ftir g'O340 MECH-Mi sc. Ora3g[t HEtrH-Final OIA538 FIRE_FINAL C/O :- i*f REF.T 1J I AI / L4/ I999 Qg !riirs a rioLoRilDo SHEETS FOR: l/14/L999 Activity: P98-{t168 L/14/19 Typel B-FLMF Statr-rs: ISSUED Canetr': NCOM fttjdr"ess r 458 VAIL VALLEY DR Locationr GOLDEN F'WEAK SKI LIFT I'ance I : PlOl *OB1-O9-tZr0l4 Descripbion: FTLUMBINE FOR TENf FAVILLION Applicant r MOUNTAIN HIGH FLUMEIING 0wnerr VAIL TORFORAIION THH Contnactor. l ITIOUNTAIN HI6H F,LUITIBINC Oecl Usei Fhone I 3Et394945OtZt Fhone: l-'lrone r 3tZt394943OO TOI^'N OF VAILr REOUESTS * INBF'ECTN I,IORK F'AEE B AREA: CD Ins6reet ion Reqnest Infonmat iorr. Reqnestor: FRflNX Req Tine: ttB: OO Connents: AT Iterns requested to be Inspected. Uqel.Vt -1.'LMft:eantgh"{Er.|*.{r. F'hone: THE TONE S'581$3-TENT Feb i on Comrnerrt g 479-4367 6IT GOLD F.EAK Tine Exp Inspect i on Hi et ony, , , , , OOe1A F'LMB-Underqround ASee* trLMB-Ror-rgh/D. W, V. @oiE:c9 FI RE-SF.TiINKLER ROUGI.i O0e3A PLMB-Rot-tgh/tJat er raaE4u' trLMB-Gag F,iping gtSeFA trLMB-trool/Hot Tub Oe'e6U' PLMB-Mi sc. Oaegra F,LMB-Fina1 04538 FIRE_FINAL C/A l' r? Itemr Iteml I ben: I b en; Iten: Iten: Iteml Item; Ibe,ml \ TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 o DEVE NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 6//oo 7c& ,.W,frt64DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMI'NITY JOb AddrESS: 458 VAIL VAI.IEY DR LOCAT,ION...: GOLDEN PBAK AREAParcel No.. : 2L01-081_-09-004 Project No. : PR.,fg8-0299 APPLICAIVT VAIL VALLEY FOI'IIDATION P O BOX 309, VArIr CO Bt_558 CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY FOI'NDATION P O BOX 309, vArL CO 81_658OI,'INER VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VAIL CO 8t-558 Descript.ion: INSTALL 2 TENTS AND PRBFAB WAXROOMS Occupancy: T\4ge Const.ruction:'Ilpe Occupancy: valuat.ion: 7, 300 FireDlace Inforuati.onr Re6bricted:*Of cas ADDliances: Phone: 970-949-L999 Phone: 9'70-949-L999 Permit lf : Status. . AppIied. Issued. . E>q)j-res. 898-0364 ISSI]ED L2/L6/L998 0L/ o4/L999 o7 / 03 /1999 *of l.lood/PalIet: TOV/Comm.Dev. approved amount cJate Add Sq Ft: $of GaB Logs: Building ----> Plan check- - - > Inveatigation> lri11 cal-1----> Totaf Calculated Fees- - - > Additional FeeE- --- - -- -- > Total Permit Fee--- --- -- > PaymentsB------- BAI,ANCE DUB---- 12S.00 . o0 3.OO .00 - 00 ,00 100 .00 309.2s .oo 309.25 . oo Restuar:anL PIan Revies - - > DRB Fee-------- Recr€aCion Fee- -- --- -- --> Cl.in-Up Depo€i!--------> TOTAI, FEES-. -. - BUILDING DEPARTMETiTTCIIARLIE AcLion: NOTECIARLIE AcLion: APPRPLANNING DEPARTMEI\ITCIARLIE Action: NOTEGEORGE AcLion: APPRFIRE DEPART!'IENTCHARLIE AcLion: NOTECHARLIE Action: APPR DeDE: BUILDING Division: PI,ANS To CHARLIE SEE CONDITONSDePE: PLANNING Division:PI,ANS TO GEORGE DepE: FIRE Division: PI,ANS TO FIRESEE CONDITIONSPIIBLIC WORKS DepE: PIIB WORK Division:CIARLIE ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO PIJBSIORKS Item:051-00 1.2 / L6 /1,998 0L'/ o4'/L999ILem:.0540012/L6/1"9981.2'/2L'/1.998Ttem:05600L2/L6/1,998ot / o4 /L999Item:05500L2/L5/L998 See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions that may apply Eo Ehis permic. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknorrledge that I have read t.his application, fiIled ouE in fulI the information lequired, compl.eted an accurate plot plan, and scate that all tshe information provided ae reqtrircd is corlect. I agrce to conply !,ibh thc information and plot plan, to comply t ith all To!,n ordinanceF and state 1a$6, and to build thi-6 eeructule according to the Toin?s zoning and subdivieion codes, design revie$ approved, Unifoh BuiLding Cod€ and oEher oadinanceB of bhe Tolrn appLicable bhereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BB MADE T1'lENTv-l'OttR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 oR AT oUR OFFICE FROU g:o0 AM 5:o0 PM s€nd clean-I4) Depo6it' To: \tArL vArJTrEy roilto" *******************************************************************************:l ********************************************************************************PermiE, #: B98-0354 Permit Tlpe: A.DD/AI-,T COMM BUILD PERIVITApplicant : vAIL VAIJLEY FOITNDATION 970-949-L999 CONDITIONS as of 0L/04/99 Status: ISSUED Applied: L2/L6/L998 Issued: 0L/04/L999 To Ercpire z O7 / 03 /L999 ilob Address: IOCAIiON: GOLDEN PEAK AREAParcel No: 2101-081_-09-004 Description: INSTALL 2 TEIiUS AND PREFAB WAXROOMS CondiEions:1. FIRE DEPARTI'/IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CA}iI BE STARTED.2. FIEIJD INSPEEfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}iICE3. EXIT SIGNS ATiTD BM LIGHTING REQUIRED AT ALL EXITS FIRE EXTINGUSHIRES ARE REQUIRED THROTHGOUT TENTS FfEr.,D TNSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS REQUTRED pRrOR TO OCCUPANCY * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * !t * :l * * * * * * *l* * * * * * * * * :* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *?* * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO statemnt*********************************************************:r:r***** Statsennt Number: REC-0488 Amount: 309.25 0L/04/99 L4zL4 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #10916 fnit: CD Permit No: 898-0364 Tlpe: A-COMMParcel No: 2101-081-09-004 SiEC AddTESS: 458 VAIL VATLBY DRLocation: GOLDEN PEAK AREA ADD/AI.,T COMM BUILD P This Palment Total Fees: 309 .25 Total ALL Pmt.s : Balance: 309.25 309.25 .00 Amount 125.00 8L.25 1_00.00 3 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Descript,ion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII-,DING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOO031123OO PLAN CHECK FBBS AD D2-DEPO8 CTBANI'P DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALIJ INSPBETION FEE 'l{3E.oOI o :{36i8o oo C) oo o G;o o o E Fr cE* gl I(., &I E oH €r Az q r:ta>lr rIloFO >dA ooIA..E6A& F o o o ':E !E &UTI|. E!{o oo o E H !l Elr E (, F 6 F'JBE8 Ftr Qqlzo CEoo EEII&a tiH&d HH EEB. E EEi: EA e EEE. E Ei F t( e Ts6EX EEI ErF da UU At{iq| D() H e. EIx A E !ld Fl oo EA o i'p E'I> IItlotaof E "ro tc& oAAH DaD\rt': rr -- D*'E:w-,n1H [IEte Reeeivgd t ApptrcATroN r"Iusr tsE FrLriED ou? coMpLETELy o. "-'vv* { uLr E r-tJt_,:)u uu.r, coMpLETELy oR IT Bsg IfgTrsD AccEp"ED ro*-:*'*n***rt****r*****rk******* pEiwrT rliFoRHATrON ***pttqfft5pfits***,r*****o**', I A -?.tti .,r ,.r i ',..,.? rit*,'''j' L' IA'l'oRHATrox **-pfdtf't5?fi L'j lJsrJ-Lrrl'|e ; 3-rlu:nbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani'cal I J-other- /i :r I r | , ---- -=-Job liarae: 6"+eu (eAz wAreoc,us Job Addre ss: 44g (^,r\/ou, D" -b.m*pN:g Lega1 Description: Lot Btna.,*.,'k_ Filing__sg-aDErsio)r: owners Name: VA|L HitoCtATES Address:D>,i ,. Dh Arc.ritect: __Ph.General De scrj.pti "", Hork class:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional I ilnepair ti-otherr€MpoQADl Nurober of D*el r_i-n7'Units:l{u:rber of Accommodation Units: Address | _LO 3O vetc, co--ElE* Er ectrical contractor: 8?C-oS6q At.dress: Dl rrrF. i r.^ /-^F+e- ^r-..rur.uJrltg LC)nLracEor: Addre.ss: Mpch a' ' i ce 'l 1.,.1!.r+Ft..l-.\r-..resr. eLrtl l_I <- _ _-r.. Addres s: PI,I'MB NG PERMT? FEE: HE:HAI iCAL PERMIT FEE:EL'CTi ICAL FEE: OT.IER IYPE OF FEE: Town of Varl Reg. No.5Q44Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nur,rber: Town of VaiI Phone liutirber: Reg. NO. Reg. NC. Torvn of Vail Req. NO.Phone l{unber: . FoR oFFIcE UsE ***rr************************rr*, BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PI,IIMBTNG PI.AN CHR(.K FFF. ME cnAN r cA L;raN;;il"'*" i.,, RECRIATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURI: VALUA?ION , ? n:?OslT !_IIi]lD T3: 9^lI|.1': , Tsg,:i":f il$ffi$ " : m ff::l* di e.ri ; - r' o;ri, iJ- iii.iii'' PvA Po*n eJ ,l r'''pprrcATroN lrusr tsE FTLLnD ou? coMpr.ETELy oF. r"-l,-&y. li.o1 E3 iayunrao ff****' ***************'t***:k**** pEiu{r? rNFoRyATro* ***.r*T3*Q;"Q}rt?-.-**** *oo**,19 ..Y/ Irz-'l -3uilding 1 i-rlunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cal I J-otherA-.\r/---:-u-ob liane. 6,LbeN rEA(- wAKZooMl Job Addre =s: Q:Sg (n,, (eurv V. -ft"2722Q3'g Legal Description: Lot. Block oi,'ners Narie: \1n,, AsuoctATEg -:_i_J-:.-E_:_ Arc. ritect: -:,dciress: Address: Ph. Plurnbing contractor: r'rddress: E.r.ectricaL Contractor: At.dress:Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nunber: lown of Vail Req. NCPhone iiunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone I'lunber: . oFIrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,}.}T CHECK FEE:MEcHANTcAL prAN cHnck rnc, Mecha: :tcaI Contractor.: Addre: s: **xx*t :l(*x*** x**** *:, .. tsUTLD. },IG FERMIT FEE: PLTIMB NG PERI{IT FEE: ]''E:}IAI ICAL PERHIT FEE:qLJCTI ICAL FEE: OT.IER IfPE OF FEE: NQR FT F. Conrnents: P€CR-EATION FEE: CIEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATUP.X: | -r= ltrKUUr | 't-_t--t:i--t--t_ VALUATION llov-2Fe0 08117 Frq-VAIL V^LLEY F0lllDATlOlI -P O Eor IE. vr, CO gT00ltll9|)!| hr g70{r}E&l T-016 P.0l/0e F-076 Tt chateDaus Flnr Saoc$tm Fhril h 1123'13S8 R3f Wartoonls ChdG, I ti€nbd b get lraur hithl approraltdFapprovd ql fit lryuts br lvaeimmC a Cloldcft FeAK The tuqns a'E tO x I ll' anO maOe orlt d ls.l riallg{p€nen sections}. The mo.lular sysEm E frr ntrd. I wdl gd morc specfics- wa*t brr exrtr n trrs srrrorp grfu?]f go 6uld w€ prt lttsm uetwgl lo(mr|E 7,.t2- .t.t fr- +s,56- and 55.06. lf thd 6 Oe caFr lnen car I pnt orF lrptE sel d uatsurE Denf€en 6:l-17 J&?fjggc? I'm s|IE tlr'O ne$ fr|ttherdbolsnn and I wll bNlof, up wlh a phs|e d Thant€. SoBBfrhm CG: T-016 P.02n2 F-o?it{ov-23-00 06:1t Fror-VAIL IIALLEY F0II{D Tl0ll-a F gJ ctI .9 -0 l CD co CJ Eo xo =-ta(D(L =OJ€ I-3 Ir-II I l: ll l$ tb l1 I I I L JaIg ? ,/ra o el $ 2g \9 o rO Ct() €ln irr it"ljl : lal'' f4iitIL,, II MANoRoL \..\\\\\' c., \ \ b". ** o '^A un*.ut{"oot( ---o l't: 50/ a#Af-": ;eL BSH W+*p&" lil^lk frll.tL la',*l I r(owrEx lbohnlcel v;her RrUne nrthed Unll |llur Ydur Pt/C t ,,1 4I I I't n oh|nlfllpnPr'|lr|' (r.pFt?m0 danaity Trnrlla rtmngth EbngJlon rl tEU Fl.Iural rtnngth Ocmprruhil allanglh lrunic ol llrrtlcity) Compruun,. ||rerr il loq'b Modulur ol eledlclly lilpnc rronelh Shorl h.rdn'|r I orN m an orN tc t65 olN at 4li DtN 83 452 0N Fs aal (frrrrlm rr a brril) olN Eil tl?1 (trrvln0 $ r bmh! 9tN 59 $7 (EEtvhg r| | ba!|., DrN tt {6s DIN 53 tol gfomt Nrm,nl'ct Nlmml Nrrn,nl 'NImml N/mm, |tJ/In. 0.7 ?o t5 go >80 >'13 0.6 12 15 2A > 3Il >0t 15 60 850 r0ttt 1100 Thilmrl prltpcrl||r vlcrt toflmhg llmpoilun Vlo.t A Trmocnur of dafloiilon undrr lord rco. to ISO zS (HDT) Oooltlciant ef lin|rr liamrl rtplnrlon a (from -goc c lo +Eo' cl Thlmd conCucllvllt,t tt]oil 0o c to +toe c) olN tE 4c0 DIN 51401 DIN 61 752 DrN 6e fio c0 cc mnlmoC WmK 7t €t 0!8 a08 7A 60 009 0,10 ''t EhcrilG ptlF.;llar 9urlsce rujstlnco Wlum. rtrldlvlty 0irlrarlc E,r birtsartc c&rmnt E,1at I tHl) oldoctric dlrriprthn lraor bn d ($ lfil) ComFffrliw ligun of trrcHlng otN VDE 0303 Tl Dll{ wE 0603 Ttl 9tN V9E 0003 T? DIN EII 48I TP DrN ;9 {cg I? 0rN lEc 112 n O.om, kvrflm 6 r t0tr > 10tr JO 15 t 0,8 0012 sn $0 >l ' lotl 4 ' totl 1t e.6 0.0.|c 6n 800 Othcr p|lFrytl.! Wbt.r ibror9llon alllr ? dilYt Flrc bshlvlour Fhyriobelorl $nlulllon DrN 5s a06 DIN 4lo2 (o) uL 34 (u8 ) NFP S250,| (Frunool vKt (cH) vxr tcH) Itsly (l) q6 < o'l 1'0 mm : it'lffin nm cotorlildl ?tt"lH v,o 3{mm t' <03 BI vo M1 v3 Clel. 1 gonrrdlY Ppgnlrrd rt ulc (6RAE) ' Thr.. ur i|||dlr{ vllu.. wtllch |99lv ts rn |v'rlg! !'n'ltt Mlnol wldlenl CrP'lFlng on tlrl 'h'l lnbtnill frl Fltlur' llcrn|crl tFcrflolbnr ar r*pct F €hltlrl t ': '.' '. -t. l GOt-lSIRuCllON? FACKING: . WElGftf:, WDTH: BOLT $ZEr -.-t FL MVlAEltIlY: COLORFASIT f+Dna ]s% POLYOTEFTN HBERti N{9 YARNS LATE( , l8 ouNcEPER UNEALYAJID 54 / 56II'ICHES 50 I.JNE.ALYARDS ' CI-A$9AA5U'FE4) *dFAc wAlrcoy'Hrrcsr ?[Ei,Ei,tTffiffiHffi-ffiqiffi3l IJGHIWEICHTMI H"',e$"ffiHlmm"trnRl?strx: DGCI'JTIVEAREAS DrY mFAKiNo SIRENGTH: . (AEII{-DJ-684iiildTFt 2eo LBs' FocrcE ' WDTH: 221t53' FOI?CE I wrengeeK,crRasroN: ligfioil?$i'"* ,: f OF G1C{lSl @OUBLE RUn$ 30'SO ruprcHAsBEEN DE9CNEDAI.ID CONSnUCGDSO A5TO MN$t/|zs pRRVUlg AT]}{E SEAI\4S 'AJ.ImVEUNGONTHEEDGES' :' ,: ff.g*-r:R!,H^RD4*rqgfl rg.a'f litffsf"",$ff s,fl ru''o'NcruBc42'2)rs. ;vAilCioN lureqwA-LcovERr?..lcsAT Sretn Regf,enCE ' gPEcru OrrO€R:'l!0 IJI'lF'\l YAID M lNlMuM' sYE RlJirrnEDWARfT NfY TECN To N YAnhE {t!D. l H Hff ti,tss-"ff1*L"$. CONSISI-eMCCLOR At'lD SPECIFICATIONS f t-.a- -t-^-| { o l \/ ).* \7 l_/ <i I I I I I I I I I I I I -l tlls' l Golden Peck Wcx RoomsEcst Tent I -.1. l**"*** I *""t Tent I +-6/1D ?.r'.J?''-r . VA PovillionTent oa-+ o 3a VAIL SKI AREA GOLI'EN PEAK WAX ROOMS Vril Amocirfor, Inc. RESORT PLANNING DAT] DEctltlt ltl * t..-'!I :-l-i+ I I €r '7 .J, F.AGE AREA: I CD RF,F,11JT ut /'la/ t 999 A7 53 =;E i: :;: i: :irl 5i i3 :; g :!3 la FlcrtivitY: Add?'esc: Lut:at i on I Far-ceI: De sc:r" i pL i oD: Appflcant: fihrn er ! L;orit ract or. r In spect i un Re l?egr"restor': f(eq fime! Items req ue Et gt853rzl FLD6-Te Off5JI T:IRE-TE VfiIL VRLLEY FOUNDATION VAIL CORF.ORA] IOFI IHE VAI{. VALLEY FTOUNDATION qr-test lnf or*rrat i on. . . . SCOTT tZrl : ttrUr Eonment s: ed f,o be Inspected.., np, C/6 MF. e/0 Fhone t 97{A-949'-f 999 Fh(Jr"re: F'lr rine ; 97tt-949'- 1999 l5S RE E$TS - INSFECTN tl0Rf( Eit-{f:HT:i rjORz t/E'e/1999 B9rl 45A -tl:'l'J./ l9 f ype I A*UOMlrl Statrrsr ISSUED Constr! ntrOH AIL VRLLEI, DR N PEAK FREA TOtIN llF VAILr IIOL-ORADO iiltol*ta61-u9-rzro4 ucc: II.ISTRLL E TENTS SINI] F.REFAts I,IAXROOMS Use r Fhone t 47 1-5313 Act i on Commeni s Time Exp Itpm: ltem! { f i em:. lt en: Itern: Iuen: Iteml InspecItIt ;----..*-.-- tion HiFtory..,.. en: OtlO3O BLDG-Franinq em; OOOTE BLDG-Misc. fil/I:.c./99 Inrpector': CD Notesr FLAME ltESIS-IANCE CERT$ At/L9/94 Inspectsr: CIr Notes: THE ROOF STRU{:;TURE I5 NT THITi TIME. THIS JO8 rZ|lI@9rZr BLDS-Final UrUtSSlgt BLDE-T'emp. Q/U O4531 FIRE-TEFltr. C/rl @fzrs3e trH-TEMp. C/U OIA53S FIRE-FINAL C/U Ora539 F't^l-FINAL C.i O rZrefS4O BLD6*-Final C/E Ftct i on : AFF fi r:LRME {:ERTS: RECI D flfivE BEEl.l RECIEVED ANO ARE UN FILE ACI :i OrI : AT-'}-.FI OBSHRVAT I ONS IN5TAL.L.EDISIOE F.ANELS ARE NT]T INSTR ], 5 I..RO{:RH55I Ng F.RMF]ERLY. 1 1 ai rf --(,r't[*u1,ry 7-gtr'-r( 'Dn* lfurtnnw q7/ *-o36a