HomeMy WebLinkAboutFRONT DOOR LODGE AND RESORT SUBDIVISION TRACT A TENTSV; U&f V\ r \na.J a 5k,\,-T--b Eoo - ott { TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 Occupancy: A2.1- T)pe Const,ruct,ion: Tlpe Occupancy: ValuaLion: 5, Fir€D1ac6 Informat.ionr RcEtlicted: JOBSITE AT A].L TIMES Permit #: 800-0L54 AZ.! 000 *of ca€ Appliances: Add Sq Ft: Phone: 303-922-?200 ao2L9 Phone: 303 -922-7200 BO2L9 *of wood/Pell.t: Building-----> Plarl check- - - > Inwe6tigaCion> Will call----> 95. O0 5! .'7 5 Reetuarane PIan R6vier- - > . o0 .oo . o0 159 .75 159 . 15 .00 . oo +Of Gaa Loge: ToEal CalcuLatsed Fec6- - - > Additional F€e6---------> 'foEal Peiirit Fee--------> Pfltlants------- BALI}.ICE DUE.. -. .00 Lacraagion Fec----------> 3.o0 el.rn-tE Dqro.Lts-- ----- -> TOTAI, PEES----- II,CM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEIiff DEDI: BUITDING DiViSiON:07/06/2OOO CIIARLIE .A,CtiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISILgm: .05400 PTANNING DEP.ARTMEM Dept: PLANNING Division:O7/06/2OOO CIIARIJIE AcEion: APPR N/AII,EM:' O55OO FTRE DEPARTI'IENT DEPE: FIRE DiWiSiON:07/06/2OO0 CHARLIE Action: APPR SEE CONDTIONSItgmi.05500,PpELIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:07/06/2000 CHARLIE Action: AppR N,/A ;; ;;' ; ;;. ;;; ;;; ; ;;; ;;;; ;; ;";' .;;;; ;;; ";J;; DECI,ARATIONS I h6roby acknorledgre Ehat I have read thi6 applicasion, fj,I1cd out in full the infomatsion requircd, codpl,etsed an aqcuraee plot plan, and ECate tshat aLl Che inforuatsion plovided as requiled is cofrecg- I agree to cornply ritsh the inforuatsion and pLot plan, )gftafte:rt= MO O U" l/i/@t E DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{:T , 9 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUTLD PERMT ilob Address: Status. . Locat,ion. . . : VrSTA BAHN AREA 7 /8-7 /L5/Applied.Parcel No..: 2L0t-082-23-008 rssued..Project No.: Expires. APPLTCAT T DISTINCTIVE TEIiff REIqTALS 2500 w- FoItR AVENIIE, UNrT 1, DENyER, CO COI\I'TRACTOR DISTINCTIVE TEMT REN:TAIS OWNER 2500 w. FoIJR AVEN{'E, UNIT 1, DENyER, CO TOWN OF VAIL ? FINANCE DEPARTMEN 75 S FRONTAGE RD, VAIL CO 8A657 Description: INSTAIL TEMP TEI{TS FOR INC 5OO FEE SI'MMARY to conpLy with a1I Tor,n oldinanccd and shate la$s, and to build this struF€iire according to the Town'€ zoning and Bubdivision cod€s, design review approved, Uniforo Building code and othe! orilinahces\of rhe Torh applicabte thereto-\ Rtseuasrs FoR rNspEeroNs sHALr, BE ri{elE TwENTy-FouR HouRs rN Al\nNcB By reg}rc1e Nr _41e-2L3a oR}p ow orprcB FRoM s:oo Ar 5:oo pM ISSI'ED 07 /06/2OOo 07 /06/2000 01,/ 02 /200L g.nd cl.an-up Depo6it To: N/A OF O!iNER OR CONTR.ACTOR FOR HITI'SBIJF AND OIINER :r**:t*********************************************************************:l****** CONDITTONS Permiu #: 900-0154 as of 07/06/00 Status: ISSIIED**********************************************.********************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMr Applicant : DISTINCTIVE TENT REMTALS 303-922-7200 Applied: 07/06/2000 Issued: O7/06/2000 To E:qrirez OL/02/200L ilob Address: Locatrion: VISTA BAHN AREA 7/8-7/L5/2000 Parcel No: 2101-082-23-008 Descriptsion: INSTAI,L TEMP TENTS FOR INC 5OO Conditions: 1 . FIEI.D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiTCE.2. A FrEr,D TNSPECTION rS REQUTRED By rHE BUTLDTNG AIiID FrRE DEPTS. PRTOR TO OCCUPAIiTCY OF TE}TT STUCTURES. EALI, 970-479- 2L49 24 HOI'RS TN ADVAIiICB OF INSEPCTION. ALI, WORK MUST COMPTY TO ARTICLE 32 OF TTIE 1997 T'NIFORM FIRE CODE AI{D ACCESSIBLTTY TO AI,I, FACILITIES MUST COMPLY TO CITAP 11 AND APP. CHAP. 11 OF THE 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 't *t *t**tl **rrt t+t+t*,r!rrf rrr**.a****l*ili*rl***rl***rrl*r*rlrl*r*rrrl* tl* O ToIII{ OF VAIL, C1CIPRADO gtatemnt **ltt******ta*l}a*tttt**t!arttt*tra+tttlt****rlt***itrttrr+***tt*t+* gtate@t l{lber:. REc-0551 tnount: 159.75 o1/06/oo r5:27 Palment Uethod: 5542 llotatlon 3 VIRcI}tfA BIIrIiER Iait: inf -Pe:mLt No; BO0-O154 B{re: A-eO !t ADD/AL,T C!!{it BUIIO p Parcel llo: 2101-O82-23-OO8 LocatLon: VISTA SASN EEBA 7/g-7lLSl?o0o Tota:L Fees: 159.75 TLIB Palqent 159.75 Total AIiL pute: L59,75 Balauce: .o0 *a**l*l***!r*l***t*tatt*****i*****f **+*t******r*t*i****t**a*****+ Account Code DescrLption Anount BP OO100oO31t-1100 BITIITDING prrritrr rsEs 95.00 Ptr 001oo0o311230o pl4lt cHEcK FEBS 5L.75 wc 00100003112800 wILIr cAIJr, ntSpEerloN FEE 3.00 JtlL-06-OO THU OB:I8 AH P, 02 MWNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado a1557 Appuc rrolrLl Nor BE AccEprED lrrtrcoupl-erl uNsIGNED Pmject #: Building Permit *: l-,t r - 97 O - 47 I - 2!49 ( I nsPections) Scparate Pennits are ruquirrd for eloctric,rl., plumbing' mcchrlicrl. etc'! bntad Asssrs Office at 970-328-8640 or visit forPar@t # Parcel #')tot - OgI-23' eT nauatre:{*t(-.Rw -.F (ob.robAddress: U*lo,$ahn, iliL (o Legal Description ll Lot: I Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Phong:u* -tDqv-tM, l,rcJritCcflOesigner: rcle Addrcss: c.4/\tbweit L co 5o ua-.Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: D.,tFd lAlntion of wof; rJ),lt,,ao1 ui) ot -T*-,-*e * llov+, rr<r Work Class:-*"*i) Addition( )Remodel( ) Jnepair( ) oemo( ) Other()p Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterircr ( ) EoSr ( )Does an EHU exist ai t}ris locauon: Yas ( ) No ( ) No. cf Existing Dwelling units in this building:No. of Accommodatinn Units in this building: NcfrypedFireplar€sExistinq: GasAopliances( ) casLoqs( ) wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( l Nc/Type of EirepEcEs Plepesed,-9es,4l4tlianes ( ) Gas LoEs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buml Does a Fire Aarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (@rxlst Yes( ) No( COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (l-abor & l{aterials) @NTRACTOR IN FORMATION zuILDING: $B-ECTRICAL: $orHER: $ 5;,6ffi.P PLUMEINGT $MECIIANICAK S 4 TOTAL: $ REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: ha C&p*(tv 3o4-bq, E6urrcrh,t e.-t st Re.,.-{*[e F:/cvelrcndforns/UdEoerm JUL-05-00 tlED 09:31 Al{P. 02 Distinctive Tent Rentals, Inc. July 5,2000 ToqmofVail 75 S.FnmgsRoad Vail, CO 81657 970479-2t00 fax-97G47y2157 RE: TentP€rmits \[c, Distinctivc Tcnt Ren0a\ will bc scaing up t€nts for hc. 2000 on July 8, 2000, the cvsnt will bcJubl2tthrcughJulyl4thandtakingft;dmonJulytsoandt6Er,2in0. Therenrs*illbc locatpd at OrcVista Bahn, Vail CC)- Tlrc estimbd oosr ofthe hfilhtion is $5,000, and dts ocarpancy load is 200. Lisbd bclorry arc 6e tenb we will bc scning up. l - t0x9)GenesisTctrt I - /t{h100 Elite Tent Please sce arached llac oertificates for the abovc tcnts. Ifyou have any qucstions pleasc ftd fi,oc to call oru ofice M-F frrrn 7:fi)am - 4:00pm- Thankyou, John Crowley 303-693-1800 15335 E- Frcmont Dri's Enghwod, colndo urrz (mq e3-1E00 F x (lol) 6$-nn P, 03JUL-05-00 I.IED 09131 Ail ,i {h S$ts, .,:.. 2z;t l:4P tad? o-eF rlt x 5g .idz4FE6(' HEd ltl<o60eegE G!ibb.0ooo Hq Yd Bbltd gu oIEo $ ErE Efd3d P =ul =I C'oooltrs3oI| TE c EsE E $ B:ilI .E € Xlt $ drSolHT8q 6I6- it,F= XeXrc \ieo€ ; I I$ \ $ :- Heg h;lE O: r Ef; a6,2<f6c'EE5o5go tal<6oqzz99('(,:tfCE6b60oo HI 'lO()l!ut cldd ts6 g bI 6..ii EFIE at :ie 9; olfll Hi;GIt ItlE z,g o w E 2Iul P-lrl-a(,oooUE:t ctttlG d € sa € EIt $ JUL_05_00 L|ED 09:32 Atl P. 05 c)oO(\.f F{trrS e-t R" F( k>.gE lr< crEOEtnF*ds5Gl f-.fi ,-9 \ Gtr-€)r.o ({I -tro $af to x 9US HkEE$ =€XPb.9 -r lrr rd 1l:r 000t ?o&r'{tu|''I4ra|c||Ff3oltl rlelt-41,9'llo{ loJr|l lt|olJllol;.ld JUL-05_bO HED Og:33 Ail qrfiy. J{02.aa lI8 PM I To: Jotn Oodry o 7.21t111a P. 06 Ptftr.2o'2Fl!n: Sl.loi llo0r, 61 Floor Plan Scale:1inch=16feet di-/ {*;'f Inc Cyber Caf6 20x30 Compaq 20x20 ftilllon l0_1( 20 Regbtation UPS 2OxZO P, 0?JUL-05-00 l.lED 09333 Al{ d =o-zEE 6'-o62I0 E-ut EEfl|toFzu I .Dag 5 l!lcl<Itt to ts EoET!r.o?oPlrEOo-cEt- f,6 6E =J=o =FE.Fo.r3o 6:n66esut4o trGEg ctE o E6 IL s t/lIII C\| cro x I -E! s$ €tE- EE$ Es3 gEE o.i' rEl.a ollEE 5.,t9 EEB EffFtgEft= F=oo o-- fgg #EE 8H.: EEF,la 6 frE€ $gE €EE ] EEFI I ut Fg fl 6lct .E EFi$! EHEiT$ q=58 zE fi€ oEI E;att oEI tIc(t Eo(, ct -He m fi3=E tt =;<r2l E!a E tD E3 5Eo ot ||E € E Eg E EEg Ea E EOal,:g-3geE}E.o0.CEsl =EIoEfELI- =t !aO 5EstE:' E.ggErPIE€oF- oll-)DHErn\-t rfr6) H 3)Fr(F -,Et{hrf)cl a)tanttar-H--.l{ |}ofI P, 08JUL-05-00 IED 09:33 Ail d-ez E{(, ,2I =o E- El$lo IE IF .tIap 5a o tt6lrosF oo =Jo F ol! o (,o !- UJa tc trte .co(, F toiEio,l!tol E{'.EIo: @l ttoilz, l=l€| {1,tl't=lsto IEtolr-tB.leIGl6 l.,rotblrE lloilErl oil Eilas il tr uJ 6 cEr EfiIoo IEFI EEsl HEI EEB I EfrgI E?E "EEEE hfiE i EHE EEEE E EEEFo c-E3 e |,F3 t Fg.'E5 c al 3 E ril |!T E eEct6at F E 53.o. eEEE.ge 0ir + EEJ;lrtB i Eg:ErlEiE : E€,et. =a:r.Eta!iE Efha (rlI.9, Eor -t=y3I ',E9Ei AgEEi E=EE-ozE rt(tt,cg rl g r,ttq +r .9o e)LTPiF lEl..lt rR\aJ rRcl H orsa!-i-Irlthq-)rl ol+)trlP {far arat)LT6)I uI =z alfl .?eeil EEE 9t"ztr rt oI ,$ b€t $.1 |'IE a |VI <9"' JUL-05-00 tiED 09:34 All P, 0goI o Tao 5 o bgt!IL !'EF ool JoOF LoIL o tE at|)F E lD Ee{o.c .g6|! = TDgo o Eotr oE i-lotz =FiEo636lil'oobr triEItL6€!, !Eo EG it'|. EE I- tgrl EEEI sE$ I EEgI =iEEI aE* ul Fu, Eo nl aaAg ep g f,{J .so lll =z Jc 1:a .l o Eaa :E IE it,rtia i€lgirIt.j z!E€ Eo El b|t eo E =a 2o E eog !tl e Eca E =3.Eoi>jaiaiB' e. E. 9,(t5d P.tlo3. , =lgICIEloItlr larF g .EEEE eaEHg 6=tEz6 a UJtr9il FnEE-S< ^utrE6trlIE erl-)Fi|- EI+)lR\-rn3)H tla-.FrF EIF.h|.ra e).!a EIhlr-tPrl- LctI o ?{og E -o€ b||-l P.l0JUL-05-00 l.lED 09:34 AH o @o EE>(5ol|.Eoo-cEF t6 :rbxodltfoo.lKEXO =t(J rtsF IIJ -q Fp ETSo{lrc -l-6)Og(gt=tr F d l|l @ tr cl@ x c!rt \D El I 3l I el IFl IHI IEt I.l IHt I EFI tlcol o. lol Eit\l CIl!l =lalEIol tEl 3El 6l F5 NEde =FEbr! T' =:E6tr= g liiEE llFdE I i EsE I | $g E iI€E* | | ;EE | | aos ! | Ec E l'l i€ fuI;cE EFltf;# E; EI IEgE ieEllg€F EEEi'IiEEJ3E I6gE f E H F gE* oZ o!! sr g! E: TE HHi EE s= lg E'=E AILIFa{d*rl!drFIderffi all-t{at Erd FN tfl 11 altr trtf-frPl{r)rif-#f |{el €H;H E*e oa tco 0 ato3 Bt5 I0o r;o. F JUL-05-00 HED 09:35 All 0 P, lto E dlr!Fg oOtl l|fct a o-z Ez-o F' .3 .t o E a g IlElr osl- o o =osF 0tr. o i3t'o ul u EE EDg -coG =otto 0 EoG !to oz =Eoo =(tao(t eq. eqt E 6 otr o Eg IL oooo FF BEecco EE! :E€ ETE EEfl EEE sFb:g='Ete EEE ET: EF€o< 6)a- o ig€H ig** E€gEiE9r€5o tr'E'E urF Fat EEIA vl ,lfi E E H BHF 2H B E tu z, cI Esar o El E.t oEE .! '1' C E E e !g =o! =ca EttIDa.gb !-q traEr D€-cE *€ 'EEc!= FaE!.!r .| =Es-OgtL =fEt oa rP 2E.EaF' 2 EE eE SEiEd -39eE-;3:8 EiO:9 oA d*.-'9 er;(J - .td I=:EEE 2aE o IIJ*oBilEro 335 UJa t)h.Pr- TdrI }R\-rn6) H oltsrFlrF EI!r+tl tf-l(? c)+a EIL)\-rat\-++l'.glI o TF Fa oHE aN !,, E E EP o 6S P, t2 tof JUL-ob-oo tlED os:3b All .t7 vt E(,o.| t Eig il--o a Etr Els -cdo =>roclItEo-o269ltE!l f;F f,6 6eZJ =oFF.tr L.xo6lrfoo.l965.9sfto-o !-c tEE 6 o G, o Eglr I r OOI I eeI rdd Itgg 'I€EE E gEF IEEEI s:'EI tRpI tifE ligeg ,l$$Eg I E$$fts - 95So (,tr'E5 Ea Ea E ; E .} EoE5 !Ia E ei ! eI EtcC E B Ea- e5IA;$6. EEl36t!E I5-E!tfi-g*Eetii, Eb 9Ert;tErFC 2 r$c$ .fiFEEi!<>: b-gF$$ Io t)hlPrbl EI*lnr-rnc) H 3)pa-I'EIl-thr-)cttr{tnlt.a\{t+i\ad{ral'Icfs g 4tr E H aF' BH Ei9 H H lrl =z EIl!s9ill:EIO HE=E o$ E e A E bN iioI E Eaaat 6S 1-a- o REtrT131 TONN OF VAIL, COLT]RADO PRGE 1 AREAI CDS7/l3/eo00 tO:47 REQUESTS - INSpECTN I^JURK SHEETS FOR; 7/ 13/e0 ',. Activity: 806-0154 7/13/3A Type: A-Ctrttlfvl Status: ISSUED Constr; ACOMAddress! VISTA BAHN AREA 7/A-7/ 15/AOA0 Far"ce I r 8101.-OB€*93-AIOB Dcc: Use: Descr"iption: INSTALL TEMp TENTS FOR INC SOCIApplicant: DISTINCTM TENT RENTQLS trhone: 3O3-9EP-7EOO Owner.: TOt^lN OF VAIL * FINANCE DEF,ARTMEN Fhone:Contractor: DISTINCTM TE[!T RENTALS Fhone: 383-9EP-7?OO '' -a.'l L!45q trhone , 4'lT - qS t€Inspect ion Reqrlest Inf orrnat ion, . . Requestor': char'l ie Req Timer O8:O0 ConmentslItens requested to be Inspected.. 06530 BLDG-Temp. C/O 80531 FIRE-TEMP. C/O 0QASO BLDG-Fingl .-egT Inspeetion Item lIten:Iten:It er: History..... 90674 BLDG-ltli se. OerAgA BLD6-Final OCIS3O BLDG-Temp, 06531 FIRE-TEMP. trltr c/o Co nnent s REFTTSl Ttlt^tN uF UAIL, coLoRADO 07/14/?AOO O7r58 REOUESTS - INSFECTN WORK SHEETS F$Rt 7/14/?@ Activityr 860-OtGA 7/14/24 Type: A-MF Status: IStiUED Constrt AllF'Flddress: 356 HANSON RANCH RD Locationr 356 HAN6UN RANCH RD. FareeI r 21O1-O8E-4?-OA? Degeriptionr REROOF SRttlE FOR SAHE I^I/CLASS B Appl ieant : trLATH CONSTRUCTIUN Owner r CHRISTIANIA-AT-UAIL INC Contnactorr PLATH CONSTRUCTION User III 1-HR trAGE 1T AREAI JRftl Occ: FIRE RNTED 36 YR Fhone: 97rD-949-1905 Phone: trhone: 976-949-1965 Inspect ion Requert Requestorr HOI^IARD Req Tiner 08rOO Iters r.equerted to oo'690 BLDG-Final Infornation.... CoEnentgr UNIT be Inspected.. . 4e0 FoR Act i on trhone: 9O4-5758 ACtrESS nt s Tire Exp ROT]F Comm Inrpection Hiotory...Item: OOae6 FIRE NT]TIF ICAT I ON Iten: OOSIO driveway gr.ade f,inaI It'er r o,o0lft BLDE-Foot ings/Steel tten r A@o,2o. BLDG-Foundat ion/SteetIterr OOSaO PLAN-ILC Site trlan.It en : @0030 BLD6-Ft'an inqItenr OOOSO BLD6-Insulation Itenr o,oo,66 BLDG-Sheetrock NailItenr o,0074 BLD6-Mise. ' Itemr GOO90 BLDG-FinalItenr OO53O BLDG-Temp. elO Itemr OO53t FIRE-TEMP. C/OItenr OO53e FN-TEMP. C/O Itenr OO533 PLAN-TEMtr. trl0Itemr 06537 PLAN-FINAL C/O Item: OO53S FIRE-FINAL C/O Iten: OO539 PII-FINAL C/O Itenr OO54O BLDG-Final C/O