HomeMy WebLinkAboutFRONT DOOR LODGE AND RESORT SUBDIVISION TRACT A COMMON't6*V;tt +r4tFT"tE corGJt{lY trwt-opt|Ertf Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 texi 970,479.2452 webr www.vailgov,com Project t{ame: GIANT STEPS FILL Project Description: Participants: Prcject Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL "GIAI.IT STEPS' SKI TRAIL DRB Number: DRB06024b RNAL APPROVAL TO ADD RLL MATERIAL TO THE LOWER AREA OF THE SKI TRAIL "GTANT STEPS" OWNER VAIL CORP 0612612006 PO BOX 7 VAIL @ 81658 APPUCANT VAILASSOCIATES,INC. 0612612006 Phone:479-3139 TOM AI.I.ENDER PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 Location: Legal Description: Lotu TrF Block Subdivlsion: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 7 ParcelNumber: 2101-081-0900-5 Comments: See conditions in the file Motion 8y: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 071A312006 Condl I (PLAN); No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry1 0710312006 By: George Action: AP The applicant shall utilize best rnanagement practices to mitigate erosion on the dump site and to prevent airborne pollutants. To this end, a limit of distrubance fence shall be install prior to any fill being added to the site. Silt fencing shall be properly installed on the dump silt with water bars constructed to prevent soil erosion. The entire site shall be rwegetated with a native grcs seed mix prior to September 1, 2006. C.ond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. ''*.'" , i. 'it.i , .','.,i '. .L; . ...-ii,. '.. r Cond:201 .' | ' ' ' ', DRB appro\ial shall not become valkl for 20 days folloMng Ute date of apprwal. Cond: 202 Appronl of this project shall lapse and become roid one (1) year followlng the date of final approval, unless a bullding permlt ls lssued and constructlon is commenced and is dlllgenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Pald: $250.00 @frlltjl{Tl tElrElltclrEtT Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR]4 Oepartment of Community Det elopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 iaxt97O.479.245? webl www.vailgov.corn Project l{ame: GTANT STEPS FILL ProJect DescripUon: Participants: Proiect Address: 458 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL "GI.ANT STEP6" SKI TRAIL DRBNumb€r: DR8060246 RNAL APPROVAL TO ADD FILL MATERIAL TO THE LOWER AREA OF THE SKI TRAIL "GIANT STEPS" OWNER VAIL CORP 06,12612006 PO BOX 7 VAIL co 816s8 APPUCANT VAILASSOCTATES,INC. 0612612006 Phone:479-3139 TOM ALLENDER PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 Location: Legal Descriptaon: Lot! TrF Block Subdivlslon: VAIL VILI-AGE RUNG 7 Parcel Number: 2101-081-0900-5 Comments: S€e @ndltions in the file Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acdon: SIAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0il0312CY06 Gond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail shff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entryt 0710312006 By: George Action: AP The applicant shall utilize best management practices to mitigate erosion on the dump site and to prervent airbome pollutants. To this end, a limit of distrubance fence shall be install prior b any fill being added to the site. Silt fencing shall be properly installed on the dump silt with water bars constructed to prevent soil erosion. The enUre site shall be revegetated with a native grass seed mix prior to September 1, 2006. Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consuft with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valii for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202' Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Ptanner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.om General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The p$ect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal Lott f f Block: Physical Address: DescriptionoftheRequex, Ta aazfa/ {r// n oten,tl t o rha Lon2.7 ctr/. tr* t\t <k, f ra'r ) 6t)nt 5ztol Parcel No.:Z Zoning: Name(s)of owner(s): Vttl Ast oorrfu, fn. arrn To,nAl MaifinsAddress: Pe r5./ 1 V+i / 8//f8 Phone: 4 '7 q 3l 31 owner(s) Signature(s): T-4 Name of Applicant:Ta^ Alltn/",- o ru,6''a"A r o\I CN (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Mailing Address: E-mail Address:h 14 'Qete Type of Review and Feel tr. Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addiuon rt Minor Alteration," \ (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans E Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee +*+*+++alaltfaltaaaaaaaa*alaaa**t*a***{.**+*+t+llfat++l'*aa****a*aafa++a+l**al+aaaaaa(*+++a++a TOWNOFVAIL, @IORADO SCItmt flflllltit*fff*ttafatatalttata*'}**tl*'l*ftfff{'l*t+f*+l+*f+*+**f*t*ftattall*ll**'t*****t**lWtt Statenent Number: RO6OO0o865 Anount: $250.00 06/25/20061,0:51 A}l Paltm€nt ltletbod: Check Init: ,fS Notsation: 322504/vATTr RESORTS PenmiC l(Ios DR8060246 T14te: DRB-Minor Alt,Comn,/lfulti Parcel fo: 2101-081-0900-5 81Ee Addrese: 458 \II,IIJ vlIJJgf DR VAfL TJOCAEIGT: O GIAIIT STEPS T SKI TRAIIJ Total Fees: $250.00(his Pa]rmenc3 $250.00 Tolal ALL Prnte: 9250.00Balance: $0.00ttafaa*'la*alt*taf.tattaltaalaataal**a*{r'}**r*aaa*******++*l****a*+**+alalt'}alfral*a***a'}aaalaa AC@TINT ITEM LtrST: Accounts Code DescriptJ.on Currents PrntsE DR OO1OOOO3L122OO DESIGST RSVIBfi FEES 250.00 TABLE 1 VAIIJ AND BEAVER CREEK MOIJNTAINS REVEGETATION SEED MIX VaiI Mountain Mix #2 Slender WheatgrasE Smooth Broome TimoEhy Wint.er Wheat. Orchaid crass sheep Fescue Whit.e Dutch Clover Canada Bluegraas 30t 20* 10t t-0t 10t 10* 5t 5t ---+--.\,/^--\=,\ Va rl REsoars' 970.479.3139 tel 970.390-7809 cell 970.479.4030 fax tallender@vailresorts.com www.snow.com Tom Allender Director. Resort Planning Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge and Keystone Vail Resorts Management Company 450 East Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 t-ost (Jmce tJox / Vail, Colorado 81658 Vai ' Beaver Cr€ek Brsck€nidge" Keystone Heavenly' Focknesorts' GraodTeton A\luAu 47q')t37 low MINOR HXTERTOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General InformaUon: This application is required for proposals involving minor e><terior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water feahqres, grading, or the addition of rebining walls. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** o. Stamped Topographic Survey* f Site and Grading Plan* o Landscape Plan* o Architectural Elevations*o Exterior color and material samples and specificaUons. a Architectural Floor Plans* o LighUng Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures o Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easemenb* o Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. tr Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, ff applicable o Site-speclfic Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit thrce (3) copies otthe materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a ondominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Contractor Signature Daiesisned I - g -21t F:\cder\FORMS\PERMm\Plannlng\drb-minor-alt-l 1-23-2005.doc 1112312005 Page 3 of 13 Topographic surveY:. Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10' or L"-20')o Legal description and physical address. Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40Vo, and floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey ' Prope0 boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information,. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions, . Spot Eleyations at the edge of asphall along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot inGrvals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals . Uisting trees or groups of trees having trunk with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. . Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc,).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanchg weUands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from Sreir source to the structure. Utilities to include:o Cable TV Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge ofasphalt for both sides ofthe roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from propefi. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of L"=20'or larger. PropertY and setback lineso Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades e Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other strucfures including deck, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. lndicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines, This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the propefi line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline ofthe driveway to accurately reflect grade. . A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site, . Location of landscaoed areas.. Location of lirnits of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMlTs\Plannine\drb_minor-alt-11-23iil$3ffi Paee 4 of 13 Botanical Name PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPII{G Common Name Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS BOSIING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Souare Footaqe 3c. A rre.l eaf 1L, aaO GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGANON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Planning\drb-minor-alL11-23-2005.doc ru23lz00s Page 7 of 13 /^-^r\- \ {.\\, Il UIUWAPPROVAL&VERIFICATIONTwI,Flffit/ )'Ihi-s -fbffiserves to verify that the proposed improvemenE will not impact any o<isting or proposed utility seruices, and also to verify seMce availability and location for new consbuction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submiBed to the following utilities for approral and verification. Authorized Sionaturc Comments Date QWEST 970.513.7189 (tel) 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (ell) C-ontacts: Steve Waters su/aters@owest,com EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970.468.1401 (fax) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.542s (teD 970.945.4081 (fax) Contacil JeffVroom ivroom@holycross.@m EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGLE RTVERWATER& SAI{ITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee firaslee@erusd.oro . COMCASTCABTE 970.458.2669 ext. 1100 (teD 970.468.2672 (fax) Contact Brad Dorcas bradelv dorcas@cable,comcast.com NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from eadr of the utility @mpanies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note dirccily on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved, The issue should then be debiled in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the conhactor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Pub|icWorksattheTownofvai|'inanypublicright-of-wayoreasement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. The Dweloper is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signafure Date F:\cdev\FORMS\PERM[S\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 8 of 13 7!12312005 '\.\\\,,.\.-_- '..\.\ \ t..---) ',. \. \ '- --- \ t \ \. \. "- -.------.'q \\\\"-=---.'r\'.. \ \.-- .-. \ \ \ \ -=- \ r \'...-].--\..\ \t..' su ''r\'\:\\ \ -\ \ \ \ \\\\\ \\\\:.-\ \ \\ \\ .\\' \\ li $ix \\ \\, - -- (i' \ t \\ \...' \ \ S\i...'\. \s.; \ s-\ \r ;.'\lr{\ ". \ \ '-..--- - '- -'. ". \ -'- \\'\'\_\ \ \ \ \ t.-...4 \ \ \ . -. '.. S:-l-) ..\-\ \\- -'- :\ \\.\>-\>\*- -.) rl \ \\ \\ \\ \\ S-'.. \\-.\.\ ntrY7 PKNG i ^ \r.\\\\\\\\\\ \\fr:iN \--.'-..-{i,.r-.=$\.-__-.,. . ... "?_ .\ F3-:...'.'.-2.,t.r>..--..4.t... \, \p1r--..trt. t.. t\'- 5^.:.\.-: \ ".. ----'! 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FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 97 0 -479 -2L3A DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT rfob Address: Locat,ion. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: 6, 500 FLr€p1acc InforuaCion: RadtficEed: *Of Oe6 Applianc66: *+rr*irrrr*r*ar FEE suuuARY APPLICANT VAIIJ VAI.'LEY FOI'IIDATION P O BOX 309, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRASTOR VAIL VALLEY FOTJNDATION OWNER P O BOX 309, VArL CO 816s8VAIL CORPORATION THE PO BOX 7, VArL CO 81658 Descript.ion: INSTALL BLEACHERS, COMM BOOTHS, ENTRY COLI]MNS Occupancy: Tllge Construction: T14ge Occupancy: Valuation: SLatus...: ISSUED vrSApplied. . :EL2 / L6 / !998 Issued.. .: L2/2L/1998 Erq>ires. . : 05/t9/L999 Phone z 9'70-949-1999 Phone : 970-949-L999 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Depgsit Refund approved amount date sq FE: llof cJ€6 Log6 r Add Lof wood/Pal lcc: Buildlng-----> Plan check- - - > hvcEtigation> will Call----> 115 .00 .00 3 .00 -o0 ,00 ,00 100.oo 292,15 ReEEuaran! Plan Revle$ - - > DRB Fee- --- -- - - Rocreacion Eeo- --- -- - - - - > Cl..n-rtr D.po.ll-- - ---- - > TOTA], FEBS. - -.. Total CalculaLed Feea- - - > 292.15 AddiEional Fees- - ----- --> .oo Total Perldc Fee-------->292 .75 PaynlntsE-----_-_ BAI,ANCE DUE.--. .OO BUILDING DEPARTMENr Depts: BUILDING Division: CHARLIE ACLION: NOTE PLANS TO CHARI,IECHARLIE ACt,iON: APPR SEE CONDITIONS-pl,alntrwc DrFnitrrqefu'r Dept! PT,ANNTNG Division: CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTB PI,ANS TO GEORGEGEORGE AcTion: APPR-FrtiE-osp[FtMENi -- - -- Dept : Fr[tE Division: CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE PI,AIiIS TO FIRECHARLIE ACC1ON: APPR SEE CONDITIONSPuBtre wonKS--- DepE: PtB woRK Division: CHARTIE ACTiON: NOTE PI,AIiIS TO PI'BWORKS CHARI,IE ACIiONI APPR SEE CONDITIONS Item: 05100L2/L6/L998L2/2L'/L998IEem: 05400L2/L6/L998 L2 /21" /L998Itsiam: ' 05500L2/L6/L998L2'/2t'/L998Item:05500L2/.L6/.L998L2/2t/L998 rr rri r***r rr **li t+ r*'r r**t*ta *rr * r r*t ** it'r | ** | *rt* **J** t See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditsions tshat may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknovledg€ that I hav. read thia application, filled out in ful.t uh6 infomatlon requlred, comPlctscd an aceu!4to Ploc plan, aDd 6t.rtG thac all fh. information prowided ae requlrcd i€ cor!.c!. I agr6c Co cortrply {iEh thr inforueclon and ploE plan, Lo co[tply niEh all Totn ordinancca and Etata la{s, and tso build Chi6 glructur€ acdording co the Totn's zoni.ng and subdivi6lon codc6, dosign rcvLoe approvad, Unlform Bullding cod€ and oLher ordlnance6 of the Tovn appli.cable thetato. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA',I, BE MADE TWEIITY - FOI,R HOURS fN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFPICE FROM 8:OO A1'I 5:OO PM S6nd Clcrn-Up Drporig To: VAIL VALIJEY ********************************************************t************************ I TOUNDATION *****************************************************************!t**********:t*** Permit. #: 898-0365 PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pERIfT Applicant: VAIL VALLEY FOTNDATION 970-949-L999 ilob Addrese:Location: VAIIJ VIIJITAGE FILING 5 VISTA BAHN AREAParcel No: 2101-082-42-008 DescripEion: TNSTALI, BT.,EACHBRS, COMM BOOTHS, ENTRY COLI'MNS Condit,ione:1. FIBLD INSPECIIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI'IAI{CE.2. ALL, DEPARII,IENfS REQUIRE 48 HR NOTICB PRIOR TO INSPECTION occuRRrNG. AN ISPEcTTON Al{D AppROVAr. IS RSQUrRED PRIOR TO OCCUPAITCY3. AIJL STRUCTITRE TENIS MUST BE PROVIDED I|ITII FLAII{E RETARDAI{CY CERTIFIEATES. THEY MUST AI,SO BB INSPBCTED FOR EXITING REQUIREMEIITS AIJIJ IIEATING SYSTEMS MUST BE INSPECTBD PRIOR TO OPERATIONI{IIID LOAD DESIGN FOR COMMENTATOR BOOTHS MUST BE PROVIDBD PRIOR TO INSPEETION4. TITE CENTER SET OF STAIRS MAY BE OMITTED FROM TITE COMM. BOCITHS PROVIDED TIIAT 4 FIRE EXT. ARE PROVIDED AI{D EXIT SIGNS INSTALIJED COIIDITIONS as of 0L/04/99 SEaTus: ISSTIED Applled: L2/L6/L998 Iseued: L2/21/L998 To Erq)irez 06/19/L999 * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Q* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *!l* * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StateffirE************!t*********************************************t***** StaEenmt Number: REC-0499 AmounE,z 292.7s OL/04/99 14:13 Payment Method: CHECK Notat.ion: #0191G Inits: CD Pennit No: 898-0365 Tlpe: A-coMM ADD/ArJT coMM Burr,D p Parcel No: 2101-092-42-008 I,OCAt,iON: VAIIJ VILIJAGB FILING 5 VISTA BAIIN ARE,A Toual Fees: 292.75This Payments 292.75 ToEal ALrL Plnt,s: Balance: 292.75 .00 Alnoune 115.00 't4.75 100.00 3.00 *****!t******!t***!t****:t****:l************************************* Accounts Code Descript.ion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERMIT FEBSPF OO1OOOO31123OO PI.AN CHEEK FEES AD D2-DBPO8 CIJEANT'P DEPOSITSwc 00100003112800 tfILL CALL INSPECTTON FEE t 'lr33.oo:le'( E o H E0l E Edl Ad FI qriU a Er .! 'io o<t l'na E8 FH AO20ata4UOA E E g!l E E E I H o o o o oo o I 2 E I|td >F |l.aHO.!A>B oo otlrhan FI3B.ooo F AF.3!!9aa EE f,. C|l. EE HI c| EEi9H. DA FIH HE RT8. IIo e D Fl o F I H H6ai.,E AxEt d"H EA E t8 E| ln B dl EA D HcITE A B I!e :{HI tso F trD EEaI-rkE{ O ao aEO tBt! oAAH c r E,agle CounCy O-328--8640^ tot)*Coir r a fr"l-tiJA,K Assessors Office Cov,+n. &pnt> arcelr- a6 TgL?i Xili,3ili3$"j3ilte Receivs$n'rr t omz: l) - r cl -/Q I)EC 1b tggo APPlrcATroN 'rusr BE FTLLED ouT co'{plrrEly oR rlrg-uor BE AccEprED ******rt*.1**r Lega1 Description: Lot Obrners Narne: Arc. titect: BLock Fi I in- Address: Address: General De scrj.pti"n, firurcU ApeA A --- t lln.pui" y{& Nunber of Dwell-ii7'units: - Nu:aber of Accorrunodation units: . Plurnbing contractor: Address: Mecha:rical Contractor.: Addre: s: PI,TIMB NG PERMTT FEE: ME ]HAI TCAL PERMIT FEE:ELJCTTTCAL FEE: O?.{ER IYPE OF FEE: Ir,{\J U I orunents: Town of Vail Req. NC.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Req. No.Phone l.turnber: . PLIIMBING PI,AN CHEEK FEF. MEcHANrcAL tiaN"Ai"'x"irr, RECREATToN FxE: - CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: F? VALUATION SIGNA '| -, 1 n=rrnqT'r ' t.;r!jTri.r -j:.',! U |:jJ I9. So,o.,"7 ..t Oo* - c.\t - isri -tctl .:lT',- lSi; 7^LJ:rr acr iirgie ccu:lEy Asscssors o.if : ce LTvrt,\, ?"r)ii!.acl iJ6Lc Luu:lEy As5cssors o;:.:c LTwlr\. 6oen,,> *aI- 9-1 ..2.:Ot:3.8-86i0^{cr .P^ar c c 11i,. '-io iIN or.' v,\ rr. r.^).rQ.nE,T}/,:i-.!.!t c 0 T :l cldp,iri:Ji";:lWihii:WU :icilN orJ vArL coNsrRuc.[ri i,:,]:rr i,lvK ' , r'pp,,rcATroN r'rusr Trtr Frrr'r\ ^r,h (/ Datg ntsuglvetl. I ApplrcArroN r.rusr BE FTLL.ED ;;""ffi;;'I Palg ngugrvetltf .,..-::-::,-. ,:"r--1 LjuMPLsrErJY oR t" o'\t$tttq0$fccEP"ED ff * x * *', * * * * * * * x * * i * * )k * * )rr * rr * :r :r :i * ;,3Rr,rrr rliFo*_,r,IATrolfil , -]. -' rnro&YArro,u '*ffif?i:bH;A't**x*** ***,r*,t4 -tsui1dinq I 3-llunbing '1 3-Electrical [ ]-Mecrrar+i.-ea]- 6-1:-gt+r.e!------_ d6rs 8-86 i-' ;-^ -a i v,' u-J Jol Na;ire: VNt Ftutstl SraOl._rn,Job Addre"=, 4oo Bn,ptE S.(V,sro BeurtLeEal Description: lot Block--- "rrrrrn -:;;;- owjrcrs Nar e: VAtc ASroc ,AteS Address : Address:_rn. _General De scri.pLiont frrusu Azee eprep_x g 3:a.pui= gn{-o,tn.rln, .,rooaoyNunber of Dae1l:i7'Units: \___l _ lllurber of Accormodation Units: #:::_::: t":: of Firel.,laces: cas Appliances_ cas Loss_ r{oodlpe11".- l9i** *i x * x** x )k* ** *** x *x x * )r * * x * * xr(*I'b ;^ ^ - ,* xxirxxx**** VALUATIONS *rt*:f J:*** ***.r:t**ir*************rr*** :y,*:II:: I (os,om"-o N '1 ' nr,Ecrp.rcAlr $ nrnrJi,,i- < E.,.ectricar_ "or.,a.u Phone Nurnbe r: z-:zZf Ardress: - Town of vail Reo \I^ . Pl rtrrF i rr.r /-^hf -- ^r--.,...o.-bor:r\cidress:To!.'n of Vail Req. NCPhone liumber: Town of Vail Req. N(,Phone l{unber: . OFFfCE USE xxlt***)r:t*******x*****rr, BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK TEE: ltuMBrNG Pr-aN cHEcx _rriiMEcHANTcAL pr-aN cHsck rnr, - RECR.EATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TO?AL PERMTT FEES: Phone Nunber: ******** IIecha::icaL Coniractor.: Addre: s: :i ix** t :k*:/rx xrt x)txx x***>l :e x j: :txx xx** xr.lUILD: l.lc FERI,II? FXE: PLTi}IE IiG PER,lrT F.EE: 1{E:HAI TCAL PrR}.IrT FEE:FT i/rmr :_^i ?!! J\-rr ILA! !.tr.L: OT.IER IYPE OF FX!: FND BU]LDING: STGNATUR.E: ZONTNG: SIGNAITJRX: D:?0s.Y-r ,.1,F of l/hil o cslMlFA LE TFANSIIISSIONSAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. .l pArE lzl.r rl4q NECENEN'S //NFONNANON I ATTENIoN -r evry B"uiv---.-_--, qgMPANY Y+:-\ . I-ou^Ot-+,o^ TOTAL NUIIEEEoTIAEE3 ( Inctudlng thts Pry. ) rAx _trv_lyLB_EF. I q 7 9*. S-13-3- :-? EJ' € SENDER'S INFONNAT',ON P_tj9tlEjUuEEEl \ Zqt:!f.L-g EAI NYII4EEI----.( -.- -... I e1.t-.:-.t ?-L7 MESSAGE ti- i - i I* nArt J- +a-x e.0/ l.,arve t/lr-V64:-s-7 | .-\t I--- tr'ob - FIRST IN SCAFFOLDING Ofio.: FAX: Toll Free: Moblle: (303) 298{540 (303) 298-8537 (303) 762-1535 (303) 472-4380 BOB DIACK Sales, :iepresontative SAFWAY STEEL PRODT'CTS INC. 5101 N. Columhins D€nv€r, CO 80216 . SCAFFOLOING . SHORING . swtNGs . SYSTEMS . ERECTION I rr r e\!? =?nL?o?rtg' I Aat 'LzO4aA9 ": ) rf, 6 up1oo rz- STra'.r,-TrJeE . Fsu C,a(atrss ^Sti{{d fftt\^{ R€- "'c.Q C glrte 4 6::eit e'ro.,u E e Bsrur.lEE u &qor ^r a ,A i' , 0 F'L ttust aL PeblrDE-O a5d.iOo{ dtr9 \___ ,+- .:5f€P Ta i,FPEG' 604t0'd t€a* 6s |rl IT-zt .e66r t..: : r. ;-' i IE s.tsEo8c TFIE AtfiG | !€lrl 'i'tr_ ' i,::' Epo fr,_ uPFtSg cAtts FL!'Ofia Srn I ETo0'rEq, Jta< lsote Cnl'u Ft-oof, Er.l o EagvqtrOu sl:ndcHd .GEls ,\tfElJS I l.Elrl@/19'a ufl @r9l tt-eI.*6r I |.? ac f!w?3 {a}a t+vst Ir,of 9t3t6 dtc to ,r'a A tl ,.t e € o??etz A , .1 LDr^:€ e.? 3,qi=! t|\J 5 -> z r{|''7 \ssrozu'lc | .r?€ to a{P to 3v? 1 1vf !s 1y*90 ? tvc'7 , t'vt-l O 1 Ste5 *t 4.uE 2.vPl taa , E z tvP 'l Fu o 5ttq, e.Totrrg e' 6@/A.a ffi @rgl tt-et.s6t ta EtgtrErld Tt3J€ ,\rfi*a I hEil a:x\J J ll nlX lrn NI:l tl (J - -{1 'o ^{lJt rvp F( z\{) E L. 0 I o -7ltJ :i- OLI(5 .:2. r\/ t.\t ()'2, { .-l Jl r-<l =lN\I Ial | | rialOI n_lOIDII o_l a\\!z (-i /.-.,--a i a\ \Y 1- -s (-\ N x -< -+, F --6_ o- co q { d5 ,\)\ -\ -\2t --<c.=i/ '\-----\ 5 . i\-'\ |va {a') Ne \c O ,+ (-/ ( \\I\ I N J -J-r X- tlrz.O - UJ -t (n -\I ?-s\)*\ <r5,N$ \)J\\ .J+.J' P'.\ \>j Td +e G[ clll 00r{ GcNvl\oH 9Dr0l cSlt 88-8t-A0N0886u9t08 '0N XUIz0'd t( Vail Finish Stadium The Vail Finish Stadium encomp€rsses the base of the International ski run. Within the stadium there will be 2100 free public bleachers seats, 300 ticketed bleacher seats, and 150 VIP seats. Running parallel to the Vista Bahn are the commentator booths resting on top of scaffolding. There will be a small hospitality tent in the finish area along with a big screen and scoreboard. Adjacent to the finish, the television compound will be set-up off of Mill Creek Circle. Up-links, Mobile units, office trailers, and generators will be secured in this fenced compound. General Contractor-Scott Bluhm- Vail Valley Foundation (949-1999') Devon Alvarez- Y ul Valley Foundation (949 -1999) Jeff Babb- Vail Associates (479-4008) Sub-contactors- Bleachers- Jack K. Elrod, Inc. (l-800-22elrod) Scaffolding- S afeway Scaffold Contact-Bob Diack Commentator Booths-Terry Brady (949- I 999) TentAleat -IIDO Productions (847 -564-17 00) Contact-Dan Kolar GeneratorV Distibution- Aggreko Sound System- Very Sound-Dufff Wilson Tentative Schedule- Bleacher set- Jan.l8-25 Commentator Booth Set - Jan.l8-25 Tent Set- Jat22 TV Compound Set- Jan 18 Strike/removal- Feb. 1 5 -25 t-aut P.tt! )t f-! iNov-i8-98 l2: ii E t[ 5 $* $id$ . I t-lot[ t-"1 L r,rJJ Fi j.s,3: lJ-j l.-)1z.l<jf\,/: r:z'<i *rlz,i =i.-l SV =i Ro {\si i9 $al Jvr * Hta f n: Ol; N>:Dl;d . S t-cL'H H'$ t$.r .$$ * g a$ g$ S*3r ca il I lr it. il= II I t, li il il il tl ,t - J l; I II ll f\ ttlrLi, F. €{.r{ lJ .t^ .-><)(rEMNO.rs{ 9 r-tYU -o-Oo \) I +T -9 N f Ili-rl3 <-t {-q x + 3 A --a_ ,"f L.F :A d -$tJS'x\c,r - \\ ol>4 \l )=>Ys ,--\-l\-L (4 v.r \n r --Sf-*\ -g-l-\, q" .{R ..,1Y c/=, .\ FJ\e$sI N' s-ac*R \C -i *l \J r,,\ .e { ,qqN I{1 il' -t ra ri { __g .tIr ?0'd [ __i_f,l l^-full{ ill| =-i-;r H 9D:01 011 88-81-A0N9.{lJ 00x qlSNHAqut886ttsl0S '0N xul 1s$ -'t1T lHt 3' tlJ -t; t=q€.E o t\l F Lr n i II I i I I lJJ.f 2 lrl J (, u f oag ut at<) cvq) \flqr- :i A. 6 J ssn\ PA ...4 3Li-" -r9f6r' cFrl|l I ra - U|^JC,ce. +l5€ataF- I It I I IT ! I I I I t I fru,> .5rrqr z:,owe? 5t ae Elrvetrou-- --14"tlt cF.af rl 3----'A ;'Crurae 6a|\s e:o|JJlE(z Bgruigerr Fr-svRtrqrJ 60./90'd r4€l tT-zt.866t -r/4,,.,. I .l sJ.c'EOud 1€ts AtsIiEtEEi t !€UJ ,,, Jrn-|1-9e l3;37 FTSFVAIL YALLEY FOUDAo Ttot T-77e P.02lt1 F-033 FAC$l||tF TFr'l{S$SgPN @t* ll:5O Pm mrr turlE8-Qtlll$E I3 ( hct dltE SlIt Pegt ) nffiEn/fjP',i fftnxanot'-alrelmp@l---- *rE$,y---vril r-,t-Fgurr-g Ar rd rl --.'='- FIr-N;JWEE-1f:7e .1..c1q1'i&b5 - sEfltr'ila//il/FOnI,.ToN rnonr 6ea Frag- gFPA8ruEilI 6nr-es PlLo.rtEUtlEEil{-J E4Ll{t{&EE--(.- ).-. taB8lcE --D---32. -E ', ,j9;llll jL,31._tugJ^ll YALLEY FotrlD Tlfii + T-770 P.ol/l{ FE ^- o t-^.^4u, nuon.or EEP--o.rs'-..-.-- s,1'sl rS??' '!#qtro'{+l Crnr+r' sHEErro I -ottto.}*sy,€ oalE -a Harcx LruE OF 2. ] E-*)-' 1s1- {t: rF t:tl I I I I _' 3 It I + I h I nl T I rD a T I I I I + I I { I It.l n I+ ttr -TvI I I-+lo T-ne ?.0rlt1 F-t33Jrn-l{-le 13r38 FrrYAlI VIlLTEY F0lllll Tl0l{ @Hnrcx Lrue -t 'o I,9-?, {-rgJ' lG a I I I -tv) I \l t: : \ll I _lt a I I _l h I ,.1 I -l I n {O flnrcx Ltllr nqq 'r]ae.r, 5rr ?_u- 5.*"z{c- d @ Hnrcx L,*rE Jrn-ll-ee l3:38 Fln-VAIL VALIEY F()I.IIDATo t0t T-779 P.08/t1 F-833 .!sl{q l-rhlDr N6S NC"E$ ' Fr.r o E{.e'iarroujluie T0DiDs trEED OGSPArrnOrf 5 I-15.'?1 tftt 'rq4t i/q" . it t - AAIC. aF SCcrfel6 cCltSS '8l.t(e,e rs "mff? Pa,PPY Jrn-l{-e9 l3:30 Fra.YAlL VALLEY F0nD TlOl T-77S t.0lll1 F-033 rtgt.+r -t-, - S]F-oltE - eJEr lJ gro 5K, cFlEEe sl:Efic -cF Vnrr- VE11rE JOB'O.s lY orfE - : |G $f a E uJ IJJ Llo VI t f g J{(!- Uf F Jan-|1-ll l3;38 Fror-VA|L VALLEY F0ltlD Tl0l{T-77S ?.08111 F-833 ry#ff;l' E9r6rU RrrD Ec=.crrorr l..l,,ofee'- ,) 5r,* DEoJau J-1u3T eE Fourl^lEp Ai ?Ee t)F- la€€r4itN . z) Fed*t boffi?:r BRYI TD EF-erF-qe Htfitl zour+L Dr lQ,&Dur{r- tEcRCl LJA 4 Ea.cr. tePPoEr fBtaYS TA a.F-Cte'ue r+oereAhrRL DrRf5tc)\lf{,genC-l ia ,t\THP-EE (3/ LEVELS oF : EgTlcRL DlFlc-tot\|RL rGe'ra4E5 TO Ee ',a',aTAccED J*5 6r.c[rr\J Drr T>rF- E|.rtr |IIFIF 5roE ELEvr{Tlo}J FP-Rf^rtf,l6s' T^ra 6) L;uELs oF 4v : I I . Jrn-ll-09 l3:3e FIc-YAIL Y tl.EY ruUD TlOl t rur .6 T-7?t P.0t/t1 F-8t3 -:'-.O _-a U?PEE -/\# (-trlf3fN5----+ l-owee _-.- 1, I T Fl.J O 5'rqr ETobJE e ?,-n,...- V,g t..) -t/;'.. t' | ': Ian-|1-t0 l3:3e FTSFVAIL t/ltLLEY F0lt0 TlOl T-770 ?.ft||l F-833 rlq{'a ! itFf_Hlr. rrbF . fuo 5rer z-tow8€ 'I -'l f I . ; : i ! I l Va=c (btt a2 tlJ'lnr> b" $tc,€ Er-FYATrau all.-t-'l/+"-lt-': - rrr.grae €r t>ii qafiIEE FuE€IZ O3 t aU.qE caG Fl Jan-l{-ee l3:3e FrorVAlL VILLEY F0lllD Tl0lo +# g?fre gAothl FsrtOl? Epo SlnreloLrEe- T-770 ?.llll4 F-833 \ttPef! Q3'6ru FlcrcO Fs o Er-Evtcrlrou ,/-tr- t'tfl -l Jrn-Il-et l3:te Frqr-VAlL VALTEY F0lltD Tl0t T-ne P.t2lt1 F-833 $o,n 99ilD .,,- tt r jr--- carr,rtp l' q4-.--.--- !'r -. qf;fu+\ {jnli},9*P$rjq r,!a a .d -!Lc-.,,-a7F I3snil ruflffis$rEilIo' ile 'Efr##SlErthrfrllbr 003,rrlt|0114 el,|0e0 'Fl|/l|ig A. d,At *. A. Lu.l5 e. 2t1.v 't'7. ${o-l 3. ttlr*r Ufg (fan-) - qsool* - rJ.^'(rct L=-rl Lu + EO pr9 1'r1t z 5Et;uq ,a* T'r* 0opra.F1 " ?*et ,?? .[d1.,.t.. . 1? hP\^ -g.. Leq L,o.ffr s) c) F) F) h^AF E.rft \k CE>..,,-. Es-eg -- a1-eg = iz FrL,14 re? Lcoo[un" - (azpPX=e)t€'E\ = 1e14P :F Lrrr€ Lg' = (sca*c)t-")(qJ = z1'se #t nro.r Lp * Qupt)(r)t") -- T:: crk)ok -Teicr \o = 4u}ztzl .iU. -grrl-. ,t | 6r--,9ngcr1 €oc-er- " $-4w As+.rr€ S*-'- Qgenc.-t'r= Tazt 6.*.- Sraf = tir+t c a'b'f T.?oc s Ulr..1 ?2}*. ?rrrtr|, f)1s'r<'pr'r r*t !t,.6G Lt \ta.S s.rr.\G+ hSF !}5! .-l,Slft rr$'6. l.* ++n F.g, - 2--' '... Ii. :;::-rd?-di E'?(ri Jrn-|4-0e l3:3e !-3a-rl:|' FrorVAlL V LLEY F0tt{D Tlfi{T-779 P llltl F-t33 rErrElf, Fruflilt ErcilrEflF. ilc' F-O' gstlr3?q 'ieffiftffi -,t-/b.L@;qW--------z ',! ar"c--.rrro rr R -'---,- ci'f nCJ-'---'-;-q"-.*-...sT^'"r^-J+-- F Fq'r,{?: - t"rq $r.- T)+ttJ p,. hv??F €c* tr.6Arr 1 silil(p' p)14 vr,q:b"- (Da+rk) , f-€12La *tr 'Anr.r., Fu ' d#*., = r+9fs1 ( r$aa fsr + ?)Uq-.t un +.^J r€4'- - t*;:.,=ra];i:l ,^r= ?fif, f t?1 1r\' %qr S' t.- !=il(s)o a E3'1f r*13 ?- f'v- iF - rr3otr F'(Lr'€?'r t..l-= !!!J =!.t0p\'rg-r n*' bPX}li'o t$'rQE '*'tF !9te1f\1ae &: .l , (rtft rnr_ ** Eb- f+xk sl cL ,f t Lit€ Jan-ll-09 l3:10 Fron-Vll L |IJILTEY F0ltlDAT l0{ ! 4-- --,.--. -- T-779 P.tfiltl F-833 rlsltr[ nrirmr-q95::nrE l|R "ffigwj&T=. -'il="*e.^t':-- .fj..i.?rfirr-. _ 'r'- t"!i 't*.l't'. t '(""ht''.l!- f_:d."re :F*yt,z 4&* \-r=+)\r:") e- \34'?'ar \^lr-+ q-1ge+ ttrr(rt') = \\ 3+\'9 lF 5 =1za) (t,n"); rort'i 3-(*)(roar)= teolu tw. €-nn s=e (* l|grJ f $.s(trt'r'a) +rx.s \r+ez€) -rg(t+rrtrr) z o CWa -.49),e-= t\r csuJ**r,-..hL ?.tJ p,-.lbb =-# 5,o ^.ot ,vc{rcE- I- tS't1 65o. €rr+n Fris-ez.^. [g=r1*)(o) *-s siD'l\&a' aQo**1..u'r'"trLk f> \r' p't'*f t*..' F t-F* ur-L tL sg.f('le ' V I rz aa - r-f rfk* " ft-l.|-. BeL t IUc TCTRL P.94 I i \ P Pta oc E F ESi9E< ro Lo 9c0 -oEL *c) Il,t b->ycoo F o .E+0 @v, !o LoaoE - dtoo lut=r l;I l*1,-_i E;I bFllN I r'lT ei$ pcloo Eoo F {u*,: sS zzo<EdoZ att FF Eg =Jsg 3= //, // \-( .z \ -- -l \t \ 30 o sssJd g Eoo o o I I I I I I I I I.! E.E)5ct., CE .Etc0 o,an a,e tllttlttlttlttlttlttlttlrtlttlttl 14, !, ttl- a, a,6EE ebi6 <) g8 EE-cL5e iifiEE fl 5 {Io 1 I! IJ --E II .r$Esr€ E 6AE> =<Pd \zS;; <= I I I I I I I I I I .Jtooo oo gt ct .Et c, o cle I I I I I I I I I .JE'c, E -cr5u, C' E'qt o .L.L I I I I I I I I I I.!l4Jl- cl Ec0 ovt a,e ctaIg 3I aI f;I I I tg t E I H EE I E E E EI.! E I g F I EB=I[: EEE EE;rir !fiE H3E il f, ao t q Ee {fl q ao I .I \----l Ir$-{' FE E fEEE€ Eg'a-v, 'o z, v,ozFO >l- =sf lrjo.+Lr- l4.l )F lr,t42 5-,a ==>!- I I I I I I I I I I .J.E 65v,a,e. !,cC' a, ,.2 a,e lt Ilt Itt Ittlttlttlttlttlttlltl.!.! .!l*, !t El- al a,EEE EEi6 .) 88 RE F9:CLFE li:IEE H VI 3lt4 fl *l E frll 62- E= ==Ps 6E:i2s= 3? I I I I I I I I I Iii EE =U'ctG !,go s'E e ttlttlttltlltllttltllttlttlttl.J.J.!lJ.,l !t -ttrgg6tr8 ;E 8a c!tE9FE-cLFE E e u E f;I I{ Etl T-EI H E U it E ituE EE!E iHii HSET II ENGINEERED QUALITY FROM THE INVENTORS OF SECTIONAL STEEL SCAFFOLDING! Phoro CoJlesy of BLrd BLshae I SF elds Sales A ba-y Nw SAF'\ATAY STEEL PRODUCIS IIAS O .ENGINEERED OUAHTY' INIO ilS SECNONIATSTEELffiSINCE 1936. Safway was the first designer and manufacturer of sectional steel scaffolding. lt was the best then and still isl Not only is Saiivay Scaffolding the best but so are its Dealers, Distributors and Branch personnel in their dedication to serving Safway's customers. To meet your needs, Safway has over 200 outlets with years of application and installation experience backed up by an Engineering Department and Manufacturing facilities second to none. QUALITY: CONSTRUGTION: High strength steel tubing with .095 inch wall thickness and an outside diameter of 1.69 inch is used on all legs. COPE WELDED: The extra steps and care to provide a coped fitted piece before welding has been Safway's hallmark of concern for quality, This extra care combined with certified welders insures rigid construction. MATERIAL PREPARATION: Prior to painting, Safway takes time to clean and etch surfaces with a phosphatized coating to insure a long lasting paint adhesron. ENGINEERED ADVANTAGES: COUPLING PINS: Coupling Pins are precision fabricated with beveled ends for easy insertion into the Scaffold Frames during assembling. They also contain holes that match holes in the legs of the frames. This allows the frames to be vertically fastened one to another or to guard rail posts. The one inch collar in the middle of the Coupling Pin assures even load distribution to the frame below. The entire Coupling Pin is Zinc plated with a Di-Chromate coating for long life. CROSS BRACES: Construction of high strength galvanized tubing that is connected by shear bolts with a washer separating the tubing for ease of handling and maintenance. Cross Braces come in various lengths which are plainly marked on either end for quick sorting and erecting. LOCKING DEVICES: Your choice of Threaded Studs or Safway's drop-latch type "QUICK LOCKS" for securing cross braces to the frame. ASK YOUR SAFWAY REPRESENTATIVE FOR A DEMONSTRATION! n ti ffiV\ m]It] llit_] li[ --r] { .!T li n tI lf. f-li |l1 t .---__ll 1lt-- lt trIt t lfiEl 11 1t] Flif] tilltr rt \31It.'- il m lflEl ai i r".i ii'ri-- W -F]ItJ_ \ tlir --.1 [1] fl0l-11tr- 1l/F_l=Nr// | _) 't:,J/-1 .lr rr 1l "l l.-l ffi\gr N f,___f,r-----lrllIttlL,r tl[T t: kfi H I1<2 a SCAFFOLD FRAMES: Saftvay's variety of Frames should suite your every need. The many types of Frames include: Narrow Section, Walk Through, Masonary, Sidewalk Canopy and even Extendable End Frames for installations that have small openings such as tanks, furnaces, etc. Our newest Frame is a Rolling Tower Base Frame, which increases the base width of the tower without the need for extra components. STAIRWAYS: Safway Stairways provides an efficient way for personnel movement as well as the taking of tools and equipment to and from the scaffold work platforms. The complete assembly includes guard rails, easy rise stairs and landing alea. SIDE BRACKETS, LADDERS AND GUARD RAILS: lt is not only important to have accessories but accessories that can be utilized quickly and efficiently - and Saf,ray's can - they're practical, functional and easy to use! PUTLOGS: Safway's Putlogs are an Intergral part of many scaffold installations. The Putlogs serve as additional supports and provide a method to span obstacles. The Putlogs are often used in developing additional platform space. SCREWJACKS: Just four turns give you a one inch adjustment. Height adjustments may be done quickly and efficiently and usually do not get jammed with sand and dirt on the job. PLATFORM PLANKS: After you've used Safway's aluminum platform planks - you'll never go back to the "old wood plank". The platform planks come in two different lengths. Get to know the items in the Sectional Scaffolding Catalog - and get to know your Safiray Representative. THEY'LL BOTH SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY! FTINCTIOI{AL @MPONENIS PRC'VIDE A WIDE RANGE... ... OF APPHCAflO}XS A\ID ffiS. EXTERIOR Front View EXTERIOR Side View MASONRY Front and Side View INTERIOR Church EXTERIOR Church SIDEWALK CANOPY STAIRWAY ASSEMBLY ROLLING TOWERS FRAMES o o NARROWSECTIONS 2 FEETWIDE LS-6 33 LBS. LS.5 25 LBS. LS.3 16 LBS. 42'' FRAMES OPEN END FRAME F--3,6"----+l I 6',4' I I64" I TtF-:=:-r I itr__ ilT ,l [__]1,1"tlT--- lll"I l__ \t I|f- ll ILtt FE5 {r 38.5 LBS. Tir-- --- -l-|il___ ilt.J.lT--]i4"I t' rt I1r-;;-llt 29.r LBS. {[ FO6L42 43 LBS. END FRAMES OPEN END FRAME Also available in 3' and 4'widths. SIDEWALK CANOPY FRAME EXTENDIBLE END FRAME COUPLER (2 each required per trame) EF 3-Extendible End Frame 3, High (Less Couplers) (2' Stud Center), 18 lbs. 1 pair. EF 5-5' High (Less Couplers) (4,Stud Cente4, 31 lbs. 1 pair. EF 6-6'4" High (Less Couplers) (4' Stud Cented. 34 lbs. 1 Dair. C 23-Couplers, To make Frame 2'O,L3'O', Wide. 3Y4 lbs. C 34-To make Frame 3'O"'4'O',Wide, 6 lbs, C 45-To make Frame 4'O'-5'O,, Wide, 9 tbs- C 56-To make Frame 5'O'L6'O" Wide, 121/z lbs. o O Awlnlrtc The FE, FM, FO and LS series of trames are not to be us€d lor access lo scaflold platforms. lf sate accsss is not available fmm the building structure, additional access components are requires. See page 1 1. o oo o o o WALKTHRU FRAMES WTH ACCESS F__s,o" T. I64" I I 4 I T 3', 1 4', I 4', I 3', I I 2'I 53 LBS. 36 LBS, MASON FRAMES Also available in 3' and 4' widths. FRAME [i-Itr tT-rliLtr ft----rfl LT Fl-'ff Rn-U- RFt-LT a l"lFJ t-1 LJ CP iln dtl RHP T3 n {/ SBa flf||vt'lMP L.' LOCKING DEVICES OLH: Frame with Quick Lock only, located 872" trom top ot frame. (Add OLH after trame part number.) OLT: Csnbination wilh Quick Lock 2%" below Threaded Stud. (Add QLT after frame part numb€C increases trame weight % lb.) TS: Threaded Stud with tapered lead-in, located 6" trom lop of trame. OL: Frame with Quick Lock only, localed 6" from top of frame (Add QL after frame Part number.) FP: Frame with Fixed Coupling Pins using Snap Button. Add FP after frame and lock designation (ie. FMs QtH FP). DL: Frame with Fixed Coupling Pins using Spring Pins. Add DL after frame and lock designation ( i.e. FM5 QLH DL ). COUPLING PIN Required lor stacking one frame on top ol anolher. Collar separates lrame legs by 1" and must be con- sidered in tiguring scaffold heights. I Y. lbs. RIVET& HAIR PIN (1OO p€r package) 6 lbs. SNAP BUTTON (1OO per package) 4 tbs. SPRING PIN (1O0 per package)4 lbs. PIG TAIL PIN *X2'' (1OO per package) 1 27, lbs. FRAME CI.AMP For clamping adjacent legs 1% lbs. HORIZONTAL OIAGONAL ct-AlrtP 1 % lbs. I'U'BRACE BRACKET 1/t lb. tu FC "& h LBBIO COMPOI{EI\ilID a cRoss CROSSES-2' STUD SPACING B 52-(5 x 2),8|4 lbs. B 62-(6 X 2), 1Ox lbs. 872-(7 X 2), | 1r,i lbs. B 82-(8 x 2), 13% lbs. B 102-(1O x 2), 151.i lbs. cRossEs-2',6" sTuD sPActNG B 726-Cross Brace (7 x 2'6"1, 1 1 '.1 lbs. CROSSES_3' STUD SPACING B 53-(5 X 3), gri lbs. B 63-(6 x 3), lox lbs. B 73-(7 x 3), '1 1 r: rbs. B 83-(8 x 3), 13h lbs. B 1O3-(10 x 3), 1 sl,i lbs. Brac€ No.THE FRAIIE SPACING WILL BE BRACES CROSSES-3'6" STUD SPACING B 736-Cross Brace (7 x 3'6'1, '| 2 lbs. CROSSES- 4' STUO SPACING B 44-14 x 4), 8)i lbs. B 54-(5 x 4), 10 lbs. B 64-(6 x 4), 1 1l,i lbs. 8 74-17 x 4), 12t/.lbs- B 84-(8 x 4), 14ri lbs. B 104-(1O x 4), 161: lbs. o 6 EI B E' B B t5 EI EI ST 7S-Straddle Trestle 7'(Singte Horizontat Bar), 4,Stud Center, 18 lbs. ST lO-1O'(4'Stud Center). 24 tbs. IIORIZOI{TAL BRACES (GOOSER BRACES} GHB4: Horizontal Brace 4'. 6.1 lbs. GHBS: Horizontal Brace 5'. 7.2 lbs. GHB6: Hodzontal Brace 6'. 8.2 lbs. GHBT: Horizontal Brace 7'. 9.3lbs. GHBS: Horizonlal Brace 8'. 10.4lbs. GHB10: Horizontal Brace 10'. 12.5 lbs. STRADDLE HORZOI{TAL DA@NAL BRAGES (GOOSER DIAGONAL BRACES) GHDBT: HorizontauDiagonal Brace for 5 x 7' to,r/er. 11 ,0 lbs, GHDBS: Horizontal/Diagonal Brace br 5' x I' tdver. 1 1.9 lbs. GHDB10: Horizonlal/Diagonal Brace for 5'x 10'tot/t/er. 13.8 ll GHDB:17: Horizontal/Diagonal Brace br 3'x 7'tower. 10.8 lbs. GHDB4?: Horizontal/Eliagonal Brace for 42" x 7' lou/er. 1 1.1 lb GHDBrlT: HorizontauDiagmal Brace for 4 x 7' to$/er. 11 .3 lbs. GHDB48: Horizontal/Diagonal Brace for 4'x 8' tot /er. 11,8 lbs. TRESTLES2'toloSpacing For Slud Centers of 30"36',40's',0' 52 44 EA 5' 31ti S',5 3t" 4' 5 214i 4' 9 r?tsz" 50" 4'1l/s' 4 5 540' 48' 3'7 |t1" 4'0' 4' 2 15 t1i 20' 2' 7 3t{ 3'0" oz 54 - B4s bit 64 6' 0' 6''l- 6' 4 27132" 6' l11rre " 5'625/3?' 6'0" 6 611 n6" 5.3346. 5 41r./3c' 5' 8 1146 " 6 3 21 rre 4 103/. " 5'0" 545ts" 6'0" 3' 10 746 ' 40" 4'5 21b2' a; 2 tttx?" 72 74 1',0" 7'43t16 7', I I | :\; 6'7 5ts" 7'O- 7'5 l3 /t5 " 6'4 5/s " 6'9 5rsz' 7 35t:p" 6'1" 6'5 3rr 'r' n' 5'3r/2" 5 8ls4e 7431 a 882 883 884 8' 0" 8' 3 a/3e " 8' 8 19/s? " 7' 85 tu" ao- I 5 3r32' 7 51etu 7'9e46" 8'23tt" 7 2112" 7 6rs" 8'0" 6'6 ztrce' 6 11 346 - 8'1021/3a' B B 102 103 104 10' 0- 10'3' 10'7 - 9'8 3lisz' 10'0' 10' 4 tts" g' 6 1546' 9' 10 146' 9'4 e/16 " 9' 7 3r<' 10'0 " 8' 10 2tls2' c2" 9' 6 1s/se " za TOEBOARDSl1 \\rBclI _.22 rBsTlJ -a'-t' Plywood deck with aluminum frames combine strength and rigidity with light weight. Safety tatches hotd planks securelv. PLATFORM PI-ANKS BASE PLATES SCREW JACKS AL1 : Screw Jack (with socket) 1 adjustment, 13j/t lbs. ALI S: (with base plate) 18" adiustment, 15 lbs. 8' tlen da}BP3 ll ll BPl: (fjxed)3 lbs. BP3: (curved) 2ti lbs. BPI: (curved, long flange) 5li lbs. ALl SALl o o ( o oo o o I I o SIDE AND END BRACKETS AR2OL: 20" Side Bracket, 711 lbs. BR24L: 24" Side Bracket, 1O lbs. BR3O€: 30" Side Bracket, 20 lbs. BF2OE: 20" End Brackel, I lbs. BR3OE: 30" End Bracket, '1 7ri lbs. AwAnrtnc Side and end brackels are designed to support people ONLY. Materials are not be placed on platlorms supported by brackets. Brackels are NOT to be used on rolling tCfiverS. All brackets inlroduce overturning and/or uolitt torces. These lorces MUST be evalualed and comoensated for, when brackets are used. Consult your Satway Dealer for additional information, PUTLOGS An economical means of providing large piatforms with minimum equipment. Also used to span openings and obstruclions. CAUTION: Do not overload putlogs. Consult your safway Dea16r fol additional loading information. Pr6 F8: 8' Putlog, 27 lbs. Pl2: 12' Putlog,39 lbs. PUTLOG SPREADER Pl6: 16' Deep Truss, 61 lbs. P22: 22' Deep Truss,84 lbs. Used when scaffolds are placed on putlogs over clear spans. PS-5-24 lbs. PUTLOG ACCESSORIES PHl: Pudog Hanger (patallelto frame horizontal),3.25lbs. PHz: Hanger (any angl€ to lram€ horizontal), 5 lb8. PH3: Guard Rail Post Sock€t.2lbs. PHil: Guard Rsil Post Socket (long iange),525lbs. PHs: Pudog Diagonal Knee Brace with clamDs. 10 lbs. Pil$l: Support clamp only, ,|.25 lbs- eacn. PH6: Singl€ Putlog Susp€nsion Hanger,5.4lbs. PH7: Double Putlog Susp€nsion Hanger,7.6 lbs. BCA: Adjusrable Beam Clamp, 14.2lbs. PlS5 24 LBS. 'B = Unitorm Load--+,lax. 'C=Approvedload concentrated ln centea. w*roffiPHr 1ft PH3 il-n tJ'l "u &""1Hb PH7 "".ilil m* HOISTABM H-3: "T" Hoisl42ri lbs. WARNING Maximum hoisl capacity: 1O0 lbs. Lift material VERTICALLY only. Do NOT use lilt people. All hoists introduce overturning and/or uolift torces within the scaffold on which they are mounted. These lorces MUST be evaluated and compensated lor, when using hoists. Scatfold must be tied, guyed, or otherwise stabilized at each hoist localion. ALL trames MUST be locked togelher lo prevent uplift, when hoists are used. Consull your Safway Dealer tor additional informalion. CASTERS C6R-6" Rubber wheel Caster, 12,i lbs. C8R-8" Rubber Wheel Caster, 1314 lbs. C8S-8" Steel Wheel Caster, 17 lbs. c-6R SPECIHCANONS Part No. r1/heel Dia. Heighl to Frame Leg Locks Rolling Load Gapacity (Lbs.) Shipping Weight (Lbs.) Swiwl Radius From c Of LegCasterSwivel Y€s Yes 6m 12114 c€R 8'95/r s'Yes Yes ocu l93t4 6 3/s' c-8s 8'gl1/sz'Yes Yes 1000 17 51s/re' a GTIARD RAILII{D GAIE ASSHVTJES INTERMEDIATE LEVEL GUARD RAIL GATE ASSEMBLY INTERMEDIATE LEVEL GUARD RAIL GATE ASSEMBLYrF---tr ii 1li, -= |It, -" il r ,_l cnc .' rL l=-R-mFT" -' ',-rlr ll 4ll Ii l_lll ll lll II I 'F-------ll 'i qlH t il - - -r\|lll^^^-l | - ---l GRG'roHil (shown from outside looking in) Used with FM Frame consists of parts GRG and GRG-lDH. FM.IG 137r LBS. 5'INTERMEDIATE GUARO RAIL PANEL FOR FO & LOF FRAMES F_ so,,_____-itr----------l|r1l IGF5 16 LAS. 7'8.19 INTERiIEDIATE GUARD RAIL PANELS FOR FO & LOF FRAMES IGFT 21 LBS. l 21 II IGF1O 34% LBS. GUARD RAIUi AND GUARD RAIL FOSTS Guard Rails a ach to "G' tocks tpatent pending). Male post fils inlo lrame leg. Female post lits onto a coupling pin. P IF J t GGRFF' GGRP Part No.Description OD Tube ak 8v. 8r: 8\ 1'A 1y4 2ri 4 4% 5.v. A.t 'I 1 GGRP GGRP.F CGGRP CGGRP-F GR2 GR4 GR6 GR7 GR8 GRl O "G" Lock Guard Rail Post, Male "G" Lock Guard Rail Post, Female CorneJ "G" Lock Guard Rail Post, Male Corner "G" Lock Guard Rail Post, Female Guard Rail 2' Guard Rail 2'2'/." Guard Rail 3' Guard Fiail4' Guard Rail 5' Guard Rail 6' Guard Rail 7' Guard Rail 8' Guard Flail 1O' 1t i' 1.69" 1%6" 1 .69" 1" 1y." 1y1" AURt'tilrtC Unlock€d or missing guard rails can cause serious injury!Lock slide must be down ! Face guard rail locks toward olatform I o o { a o GUARD RAILGATE FOR FO & FM STYLE FRAMES WITH SAU LADDER SYSTEM ACCESS GATE PANEL FOR LOF FRAMES ACCESS GATE PANEL FOR RT FRAMES I.AGFF 30 LBS. AGFF 30 LBS. 10 ACCESS "G" LOCKS WORKING PI.ATFORMr_+ New guard rail "G" lock opens wilh slight pressure WORKING PLATFORM - Locks aulomatically after guard rail slips into place ACCESS I-ADDER UNITS Ladder unils are 177." wide with 12 rung spacing. Must be installed with SAUB brackets. SAU6: 6'steel ladder section, 18 lbs. SAUS: 3'steel ladder seclion, 9Y2 lbs. ACCESS IADDER BRACKET Will attach to SAU ladder sections at any elevalion and clamp lo either a standard Safway scaffold leg or header bar. Will also attach to Tube and Clamp Tubing. Provides 7" toe clearance. NOTE: When installing SAU 3ysiem, two brackeia are requirsd on basa ladder section and one on each r€maining Section. STARTER HORIZONTAL Used at bottom of access ladder units. and as base tor Landing Platlorm Assembly. ls equipped with pads to locale and clamp SAUB bracket to GL-s. Used with FO style frames only. STEELSTAIR UNITS AND SAFEW RAII-IS Provides an interior staiMay within scatfold bays. SUH5 horizontal brace is used on bottom scaffold trame as base for attaching lowest stair unit. SU6: Steel Stair Unit for use with 6'4" scattold trames su6 on 7'spacing, 74 lbs. SUs: Steel Stair Unit for use with 5'frames sPacing, 64 lbs. on 7'SU6OR tl ,'i SUH5: Stair Unit Horizontal, 1Ol. lbs. SU6OR: Outside Salety Rail for SU6, 30 lbs, SUsOR: Outside Salety Rail tor SUs, 29 lbs. SU6IR: Inside Safety Rail for SU6, 187, lbs. SUsIR: Inside Safety Rail for SUs, 16 lbs. SU6IER: Inside Ending Rail for SU6, 27 lbs. SUsIER: Inside Ending Rail ,or SUs, 24 lbs. OTE: Insido Ending Rails to b€ used lor oxlv€nlrance p€rp€ndlcular to trame. su6tER. *Provided with inside ending rails. 11 ROLLINGTI)IGRS NTTMBEROF ROIIJNG TI)VUER CONFIGT'RANONS. . . Safway provides an unlimited number of conf igurations of Rolling Tower Work Platforms. However, Safway's nearly fifty years of designing and manufacturing assures you of having the easiest to use, most cost effective, "state-of- the-art", scaffolding avai lable! Most ol the Rolling Tower configurations illustrated here are using our special Rolling Tower frames that provide easy access to the work platforms without the need for separate access ladders. Other style frames may be used, but as illustrated, require access ladders. SAFWAY PROVIDES YOU AI{ T'NLIMilED l3'7" high: Mason Frame Folling Tower with ladder attach€d. 13'7" high: Open End Frame Rolling Towef with ladder atlached. 17'2" high: Rolling Towgr Fram€ Torver with the NEW Rolling Tower Base Frame. GUARD RAIL PACKAGE- MODEL NO. SMP€8A et' high: Satstag€ Rolling Tower, a convonient, gasy lo u3€ utility scalfold- 25 1/l ' X 1/e " plywood deck Er'd laih,Z 2314' t t o 26'6" hlgh: Rolling Tow6r with RTO-I d€lachable outriggers and RT Frames. 17'2" high: Rolllng Torv6r wlth RT Fram66 and tho NEW Folllng Tow6r Baae Frame. 32'11" hlgh: Rolling Tower whh a l5' wlde x l(y deop ba3o using RT F ames. RTOI - 20 lbs. 2 ft. stud c€ntering -l ...A\ID A SYIS'IEM o \ o 2q high x 10 daep x 25'wide: Rolling Tow€r using RT Framos and Putlog8. This massiva rolling tow€l would move ov€r ob3tacl€s 14'6" wide by 5'high such a8 seating areas In churches and audltoriums. 13 . . . THAT PRO/IDES EICTRA SHIILHY Safway Steel Products continues to set the state-of-the-art in Scaffolding! The Rolling Tower System with Safway's Rolling Tower Base Frame provides extra stability and does it less expensively. Previously, extra stability required extra components such as outrigger attachments, extra casters and crqss braces plus the added labor to assemble these comoonents. The convenience of the base frames, access frames and fabricated planks gives you the lowest cost, most quickly erected, stable, Rolling Tower . . . of its base dimensions in the industry. Wall surfaces are now within an arms reach and are as easy to work on as the overhead jobs. Give your Safway representative a call - they'll save you time and money. e @ G87lmlrm AGFF .G" LOCKS o@ o @nrBc!il @ o @F H t-] t"t\, CP nv U PTP 14 I oa I- I 4'g' IL T I40' II ROLL!NG TOWER FRAMES T I 6"4' l @ T I I s',O', I _t T 4',O I T I 3',o" I o o o ROLLING TOWER BASE FRAME 15 FRAME ANID CROSS BRACEEffi FOR FULLY BRACED STANDARD SECTIONAL SCAFFOLDS FRAMESAND CROSS BRACES REQUIRED FOR VARIOUS HEIGHT AND LENGTH SCAFFOLDS (,} Note 1: Heights include 12" of screw jack at bottom ot scaffold. Note 2: Access syslems, guard rails, tie offs, screw jacks, coupling pins and numerous other components may be required for a complele scaffold. For specific applications contact your Safway dealer. Proper accoss must be Drovided. No. l' Frames High EIGHT(1) 5',l6',4"ltlo. F.ames I F.ames lRequlred LENGTH (Based on 1O'and 7'spacing) 10' 7' 20' 14', 30' 21', 40' 2A' 50' 35' 60' 42' 70' 49' 80' 54', 90'100' 70' '| 10, 77' 120', a4' 130', 9t' 140' 96 r 50' 105', 1 6',-O"7'-4"Frames Braces 2 3 4 a 10 7 14 I 16 10 18 ll 20 't2 24 14 26 't5 28 16 30 11Ll 13',.9"Frames Braces 4 I 12 10 16 20 14 24 2A 1a 20 36 22 40 44 26 48 2A 30 32 60 3 't6'-2"20\2"Frames Braces 12 18 15 24 18 30 24 48 30 54 60 36 39 72 42 78 45 84 4A 90 4 21',-3'26'-7"Frames Braces 8 I 12 16 24 20 24 40 2a 48 56 64 40 72 44 80 48 88 96 56 104 60 112 64 120 5 26',-4"33',.0"Frames Braces 10 10 20 30 25 40 30 CU 35 40 70 45 80 50 90 55 lo0 60 110 65 120 70 130 75 140 80 '150 6 3115"39',-5"Frames Braces 12 't2 l8 24 24 36 30 4a 36 60 72 48 84 54 60 108 120 72 132 7a 144 84 156 90 168 96 180 7 36',-6"45110"Frames Braces 14 14 21 2a 2A 42 42 70 49 84 s8 112 70 126 77 140 a4 154 91 168 98 182 105 196 1l2 210 8 41'-7"52'-3"Frames Braces 16 16 32 48 40 64 48 80 64 112 72 124 80 144 88 160 96 104 192 112 204 120 224 124 240 I 46',.8"5818"Frames Braces 't8 '18 27 36 54 45 72 90 63 108 72 r26 81 144 90 162 99 1AO 108 't 98 117 216 234 135 252 144 270 10 5119"65',-l Frames Braces 20 20 30 40 40 60 ao 60 100 70 '120 80 140 90 160 100 1ao 110 200 120 220 130 240 140 260 2AO 160 300 11 56!10"71'-6"Frames Braces 44 44 66 55 a8 66 110 77 132 88 154 99 176 110 198 121 220 132 242 143 264 154 286 165 308 176 330 12 61111 77'-11 Frames Braces 24 24 36 4A 48 60 72 120 84 144 96 168 108 192 120 214 240 144 264 2aa 168 1ao 336 192 360 13 67 -O"a4'-4 Frames Braces 26 26 39 52 104 7a 130 91 156 104 142 '| 17 208 130 234 143 260 156 286 169 312 142 338 195 364 208 390 14 90!9'Frames Braces 2a 2A 84 70 112 84 140 98 168 112 196 126 224 140 252 154 2AO 168 308 142 336 196 364 210 392 420 15 97'-2"Frames Braces 30 30 45 60 60 90 75 120 90 150 105 180 120 210 135 240 150 270 300 '180 330 195 360 210 390 225 420 240 450 16 I I O *HEN EKIRA 'ERSATIIJTY Is NEEDED CONSIDER SAFWAYS SYSIEMS ffi! Chemical, Petrochemical and similar circular vessel storage systems ..SYSTEMS SCAFFOLDING" Simple, versatile scaffolding system that adapts easily to any construction conf iguration. The easily attached moment connections speeds erection and provides an exceptionally rigid assembly. Power olant boilers FORMORE ONffiE .. SYSTEMS SCAFFOI.DING'' .ESKYOI'R SAFWAY REPRESEI{fAIN/E - YOU W[,L SAVE BOfiI nME AI.ID MONEY. Khs a 17 SAFETYGIJilTINES SAFWAY SECNO}IAL SCAFFOI^DING SCAFFOLD SAFEW IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBI LITY! Everyone's salety depends upon the proper erection and safe use ot scaffolding. Inspect your scaffolding betore each use to see lhat the assemblv has not been altered and is sale tor your use. WARNING! SERIOUS INJURY OR OEATH CAN RESULT FROM YOUR FAILURE TO FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF, AND COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE SAFETY REOUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGUI.ATIONS AND THESE SAFETY GUIDELINES AEFORE ERECTING, USING OR DISMANTLING THIS SCAFFOLO. SAFEW MUSTCOME FIRST! Safway equipment is designed and manufactured with the user in mind. The safety that goes into each piece of equipment, however, cannol offset carelessness on the part of the erector or the user. With this thought in mind, lN ORDER TO PREVENT INJURY TO THE USERS of Safway equipment, we urge you to follow these safety guidelines. I. ERECTION OF SCAFFOLDING. A. Prior lo Erection - All Scallold Assemblies. 1 . Jobsite should be inspected to determine ground conditions or strength of supporting struclure, and for proximity of electric power lines, overhead obstructions, wind conditions, lhe need for overhead protection or weather protection coverings. These conditions must be evaluated and adequately provided lor. 2. Frame spacing and mud sill size can only be determined afler the total loads to be imposed on the scaflold and the strength of the supporting soil or slructure are calculated and considered. This analysis musl be done by a qualified person. Load carrying inlormation on Safway components is available from your Satway dealer. 3. Stationary scaffolds over 125 feet in height and rolling scallolds over 60 feet in height must be designed by a protessional engineer. 4. All equipment must be inspected to see that it is in good condition and is serviceable. Damaged or deleriorated equipment should not be used. 5. Wood plank should be inspected to see that it is graded tor scalfold use, is sound and in good condition, straight grained, free from saw cuts, splits and holes. CAUTION: Not all species and grades of lumber can be used as scaffold plank. Wood planks used for scaffolding must be specitically graded for scaflold use by an approved grading agency. 6. The scaflold assembly must be designed to comply with local, State and Federal safety requirements. B. Erection of Fixed Scaffold. 1 . Scaffold must be erected, moved, or disassembled only under the supervision of qualified persons. Hard hats must be worn by all persons erecting, moving, dismantling or using scaffolding. 2. Mud sills must be of adequate size to distribute the loads on the scaffolding to the soil or supporting structure. Special care is needed when scaffolding is to be erected on fill or other sott ground or on lrozen ground. Sills should be level and in full contact with the supporling surface. 3. Base plates or screwiacks with base plates must be inlirm conlact with both the sills and the legs of the scaftolding. Compensate for uneven ground with screw-jacks with base plates. DO NOT USE unstable objects such as blocks, loose bricks, etc. 4. Plumb and level scaffold until connections can bemade with ease. Do not force members to fit. Be surescaflold stays level and plumb as erection progresses. 5. Ties, guys, bracing and/or outriggers may be needed to assure a safe stable scaftold assembly. The heiqht ofthe scatfold in relation to the minimum b'ase width]wind loads, the use of brackets or cantilevered ola orms andimposed scaffold loads determines the nebd tor stability bracing. The following general guides are minimum requirements. a. Federal OSHA requires that scaflolding must always be secured when the height of the scatfold exceeds ' tour (4) times the minimum base width. (California requrres stability bracing when the scattold height exceeds three (3) times the minimum base width.) b. All ties should be placed as near as possible to horizonlal members. The bottom tie must be olaced no higher than four (4) times the minimum base width and every 26 feet vertically thereatter. The uppermost tie should be placed as close to the toD of the scaftold aspossible and, in no case, more than four (4) times (three (3) times in California) the minimum base \,\iidth ot ihe scaftold from the top. c. Vertical ties should be placed at the ends ol scaffotd runs and at no more than 30 teet horizonlal intervals in between. d. Ties should be installed as the erection progresses and not removed until scaffold is disman ed to that height. e. Side brackets, cantilevered platlorms, pulleys or hoist arms and wind conditions introduce oveiurnino and uplift forces that must be considered and compensated tor. These assemblies mav reouire additional bracing, tieing or guying. t. Circular scaftolds erected completely around or within_ a structure may be restrained lrom tipping by the use of "stand off" bracing members. g. Each leg of a tree standing tower must be guyed at the intervals outlined above or othenvise restiaihed toprevent lipping or overturning. 6. Work platforms must be fully planked either with scaffold graded solid sawn or laminated plank, in good sound condition, or with fabricated plalforms in good condition. a. Each plank must overlap the support by a minimum of 6 inches or be cleated, i.e. 8 foot planks on 7 foot soans must be cleated. b. Plank should not extend beyond the support by more than 18". Such overhangs should be separated from the work platform by guard-railing so that they cannot be walked on. c. Plank on continuous runs must extend over the supports and overlap each other by at least l2 inches. d. Spans of full thjckness, 2 inch by .10 inch scaftold grade planks, should never exceed I O feet. Loads onplank should be evenly distributed and not exceed the allowable loads for type of plank being used. No more than one person should stand on an individual plank at one tme. e. Planks andlor platforms should be secured to scatfolding when necessary lo prevent uplift or dis-placement because of high winds or other iob condiiions. 7. Guardrails must be used on all open sides and endsof scaflold platforms, Both top and midrails are reouired. Local codes specify the minimum heiohts where ouard-rails are required. Use at lower height-s if falls ca; cau se injury. 18 l'8. Toeboards are required whenever people are required to work or oass under or around the scaffold olatform. 9. Access must be provided to all work platforms. lf it is nol available from the struclure, access ladders, frames with built-in ladders, or stairways must be provided. When frames with built-in ladders are used, cleated plank or labricated plank musl be used at platform levels lo minimize or eliminale platform overhang, Access ladders must extend at least three (3) feet above plat- forms . 10. Side and end brackets are designed to suppcrt people only. Materials should never be placed on cantilevered platforms unless the assembly has been designed lo support malerial loads by a qualified person. These types of platforms cause overturning and uplilt torces which must be compensated tor. All lrames should be fastened together to prevent uplitt and overturning moment compensated lor with counterweights or adequate ties. 1 1 . Putlogs must never be used for the storage of materials. They are designed for personnel use only. Special care should be taken when putlogs are used. a. Putlogs should overhang the support points by at least 6". Use putlogs hangers with bolts fastened to support putlogs on f rames. b. Putlog spans of greater than 1O' require knee- bracing and lateral support. Contacl your Safway dealer. c. Putlogs used as side or end brackets need special bracing. Contact your Safway dealer. 12. Bridging between lowers should not be done with plank or stages unless the assembly is designed by a qualified person and overturning momenls have been compensated for. 'I 3. Scaffold should not be used as material hoist towers or for mounting derricks unless the assembly is designed by a qualitied person. 1 4. CHECK THE ERECTED ASSEMBLY BEFORE USE, A qualilied person should thoroughly inspect the completed assembly to see that it complies with all safety codes, that nuts and bolts are tightened, that it is level and plumb, that work platforms are tully planked. thai guardrails are in place antj safe access is provided. C. Ereclion of Rollino Scalfolds. The lollowing additional precautions apply to the use of rolling towers: 1 . Height of the tower must not exceed four (4) times the minimum base dimension (three (3) times in Calilornia). Outrigger frames or outrigger units on both sides of the tower may be used to increase base width dimension when necessary. 2. All casters must be secured to frame legs or screwjacks with a nut and boll or other secure means. Total weight of tower should not exceed the capacity of the casters, 3. Screwjacks must not be extended morethan 12 inches above caster base. Tower must be kept level and plumb al all times. 4. Horizonlal/diagonal bracing must be used at the bottom and top of tower and at intermediate levels of 20 feet. Fabricated planks wilh hooks may replace the top diagonal brace, 5. All frames must be tully cross-braced. 6. Only prefabricaled plank or clealed plank should be useo. 7. Caslers must be locked at all times the scaffold is not being moved. il. usE oF SCAFFOLOS. A. All Scaflolds. 1. Inspect the scatfold assembly betore each use to see that it is assembled correctly, that it is level and plumb, base plates are in firm contact with sills, bracing is in place and connecled, platf orms are f ully planked, guardrails in place, safe access is provided, that it is properly lied and/or guyed and that there are no overhead obstructions or electric lines within 12 feet of the scatfold assembly. 2. Use only the sale means of access that is provided. Do not climb bracing or frames not specifically designed for climbing. ll such access is nol provided, insist that it be provided. 3. Ciimb safely! a. Face the rungs as you clrmb up or down. b. Use both hands c. Do not try to carry materials while you climb. d. Be sure ol your tooting and balance before you let go with your hands. Keep one hand firmly on lrame or ladder at all times. e. Clean shoes and rungs to avord sllpprng. 4. DO NOT work on slippery platforms. 5. DO NOT overload platforms with materials. 6. Working heights should not be extended by plankrng guardrails or by use of boxes or ladders on scaffold platforms. 7. DO NOT remove any componenl of a completed scaffold assembly except under the supervision ol a qualified person. Any component that has been removed should be immediately rePlaced. B. Rollino Towers All ot the above Precautions Plus; 1. DO NOT RIDE I'4ANUALLY PROPELLED ROLLING SCAFFOLD. NO PERSONNEL SHOULD BE ON THE TOWEB WHILE IT IS BEING MOVED, 2. Lock all casters before getting on the tower' 3. Work only within the platform area: do not try to exlend overhead work area by reachrng oul over guardrailing. 4. DO NOT bridge between two rolling towers wrth plank or stages. 5. Secure all materials before moving scaflold. 6. Be sure floo' surface ts clear of obstrJclr6ns 6r holes before moving scalf old. 7. Be sure there are no overhead obstructtons or electric oower lines in the path of the rolling scaltold. 8. Rolling towers must only be used on level surlaces 9. Move rolling lowers by pushing at the base level only DO NOT pull from the toP Understanding and followrng these safety guidelines wrll increase your personal safety and the safety of your fellow workers. - Ereclion procedur€s (Booklet or slide/video) - Load caoacities bracing and tieing Engineering assistance l.----------lircrea1 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND I ! rruronuATtoN ABE AVAILABLE FRoM :I SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS REGARDING: I I I L I IJ 19 Sectnal Scaffolding The Complete Safway Line t Sectional Scaffolding r Systems Scaffolding r Power Swings I Rolling Towers I Shoring r Tube & Clamp Scaffolding All drawings in this brochure are for illuslrative purposes only. This brochure is intended for general information only. Because of the many variables which altect lhe performance of this product line, some of the intormation in this brochure may not apply. For specific applications, contacl Safway. Note: Erection, use, maintenance and disassembly must conlorm lo current Safway instruclions as well as ALL lederal, state and local regulations. Copies ol complete salety guidelines for these and other products are available from Safway or your Saiway Dealer without charge. SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. N14 W23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Waukesha, Wl 53188 (414) 523-6500 (800) 558-4772 r Fax (414)523-6595 'l Kb a4' fl H v x a @'1996 Safway Steel Products Inc. All Flighls Reserved.4/96 oRN 101 o o 6' l'l0bih H0rI Pldfforrl| l,|llll0|jT Iuadrailso 6' ilolile l{oil{Phtform l|ITl| 6uardrails ildriln|||n lorlt[ei0il le' E" I' ltobih l|0rl| Pldlf0r|n illill I||drdrdih Order Kit: SWP Order Kit: SWP SWPGRA Order Kit: SWP SWPGRA SWP6X SWPNOR-{ Order Kit: SII'P stl?cRA SWP3X SWPNORA A WARNING California and some other states require a height-to-minimum-base width ratio of three to one (3:1). Refur to the governing codes for your iob location. ildrirl||lrl| tlorfi leioht l5' [" SWP 6'Mobile Work Platform consisting of: (2) 6' Ladder Frames SWPFG (2) Side Braces SWPPS (1) Plywood Platform SWPP (4) 5" Casters SWPC5R (4) Snap Pins SP SWPGRA Guardrail Panel Assembly consisting of: (2) 6' Guardrail Panels SWPGRP (4) Hinge Pins SWPHP SWPBX 39" Extension Assembly eonsisting of: (2) 39" Ladder Frames SWPF39 (1) Plywood Platform SWPP (2) Side Braces SWPPS (4) Snap Pins SP SWPNORA Narrow Outrigger Assembly consisting of: (4) Narrou' Outriggers SWPNOR (4) 5" Casters SWPCSR (4) Snap Pins SP SWP6X 6' Extension Assemblv consisting of: (2) 6'Ladder Frames SWPFG (1) Plvwood Platform SWPP (2) Side Braces SWPPS (4) Snap Pins SP ildrirllurll lorl ileiqht l0' 0" le' il0bile l{0r[ Pldffortn }|lTil Gttdrdrdils rir LLl ril'|II iIr{l ,'J r:i lr; i,l ' i ll l,rr'l,r,l,'i,ri li ,..tr,. r;1, :1;1,";1, \l ,i lr \\r rI l) rl ,t tr t" ],1.1 r ii, .l -( r, r', -1,.1 I r.!l l(llr I -1,,r,i1{ lL i 11 ,,| t,l )tt.! , li r '.'llr, !(li 1,,11,r,.r,..r1 ir:rr.. riLll\ -r l)j it|l ):r , I t1,( f, i i lililL rr (' ir ,' l, r |r;r,lL.Ll .i r"ril( l:i .llI r'1i llf Ltr'' ' r r ,'. 1,', J r , ,( f. fiF t' F. itE -;*-ffi*wwr1gsrw?'iql Sr\ g I lr( )iri\'.ir\ \Jrrlr lr' \\rrr'1., l'l;rilirr n l)ul: sirl; L\ irrr{l ( ir:r ()l li:( r: lol, l)l l(,ll- i r('-. it lr I lrl ,' s itrrti I l'litsr ] rr 1 lrl) l)\ r)lr(' l)('lsrIIl r ( llirlls tir, ,rilrlt iliillr)\\,i{l \',1(l(' tlrrol\l rrr s Irrlr,plrrl, rt rrr ljr r.l nr(,r ()i ( r,. lr lrr,lrl, r' ltitt t' 1tr iri)lli llir. orr slir ir rr rn s I'l:rt lirlrn irr ljLrsl- lll) i)r'(l(,\\ ll Itl I irtlr.rIr'rtIs Srrlt, lr';rrls lrll,rl ll]rr\ t'r {,rrl o"t'l iirtt r,t r,lr-t.rt ir,' rrrr,l, ,irrti nitt r,\ 1ll(. rIt,r l li,t l{l\\'(,1 ( l1r<( l)f l( ('\ >plinr.l 1,'rrrlr',1 ',r 1.. lritt , .t.ilr l,,r l.- lrllrlirrlnr t,r ltirtiz:lt lrl sirlr' l,r'iltr,t. I lir l' l;r,lr i,,r' {'. rrrr,'- li1 r'il lr l lrrri li,r'r l-t l)litt i)l nl i r(r'{rss I I)i.; s.r.rf lrl|tl rrrf l rnl l)(, :lolr'(l ir 111(' -l)lt(( r'' rlri|i.(l li)1 ;r " t c'lrl: rr I li'r' ilntionule fccess nnd $eruice bcnlions C a t::1 o l, c []ran h Srrri, r I'roli|tis + R.gt, al l)ist)ihlltiol (iulrrs AI-{BA]VIA Nlobile 113.1 471'4(n;l [a-r 334-471-,l(i(i5 ARIZONA l'hoenix {n)2-91i7-9.111 I,'a-r 6()2-1)(i7-1),1ilt) CALIFORNIA [-ris Ange k s :110-5:i2-(i(i9r) Iia-r 3 I (l5li3-( Xi!)l) San [)iego {i19-299-2(X) I l":r-x ti19-2{)112I96 San F-rancisco {i5lf(i52-!)250 t,'ax ti5(I(iJ2 l)?55 coI-oRAt)() I)cnver 303-29&ir540 I.'u 303-2!)&,r5ll7 SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. Nl4 W23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Waukesha. Wl 53188 (414) 523-6500 (800) 558-4772. Fax (414) 523-6595 ' ll)!);5irfsir', 5litl l11)duels lIl(. .\ll lilgltts R, w,rvrrl FLORIDA I.'t. N,l_vers 941-331-1987 I'-:x 941-311.1-ii112 tvt talII 1105-891-2dX) I,-ar 301>81) 1-2(i20 ( )rlando .107-85$20(i0 I.'zx 407-85!12770 'l ampa r.t13-879-410.1 |a-x 813-"c7i> I l:il) \\tst Palnr I',t'ach i)61-833-01(n) I,'a-x 561-liltil 0I21 GEORGIA Atlanta 404-69i-98rX ) Fa>r -104-(i!) 1 08()0 trrrNoIS Chicago {i3G833-5.c40 l"a-r ii3( lSlilt-llJ-Lr INDLANA Harnmond 219-932-il04lr |:ur 211).1)li2-li{)48 Indianapolis li17-54G7tiil2 I,-ir-x 3 1 7-5,1(i7!)lt0 T.oUISIANA Nerv 0rleans ,)()4-78t021i2 Irzx 504-781>1)82t| ..: ' () :r, 'a o l. Bronch Service Locnlions MARYLANI) llaltimorc/\4'ashing'1on, lX' 301-953-3147 l,'ix 301-951i-21)70 NIICHIGAN I)etroit 3l:t-872-85(X) I,-:x lllll 872 {i7l!) MINNESOTA \linneapolis {;12-6:tG3212 Ii;x 612{i3(i7l'}!)8 NEVADA I:rs Vegas 702 731'1.11o9 I"ax 702-71',1- IiriiT NEWJERSI'Y N t'lvark 90&68S0:i:i0 I":x 1X)&81I-()ftorlI NEIVYORK Albany 5l &43+2209 I":x 5l&,134-1201r I3rooklyn 7lli-383-8.1()0 l"ax 71ti-lltill-li 7 78 lJuffalo 71(i-f15G5959 I"ax 71&8ili lfi;5 NORTH I)AKOTA llcLrlah 701-873-7702 l''rx 701-8711-7701i OHIO Cincinnati ir I1'},-116G2(i2ii I,-:x 513-fl6(12(itlfi ,a r-l a)aa Cleveland 2tG432-2ts\ I,-:x 21G4li2-2153 Columbus {iL4-253-,1911 l":r-r 6I4-25ii-41J.18 OKLAHOMA 'l'ulsa 9 r&592-149r, Ir:x 9l&5{)2 (iti?'1 OREGON I'ortland r-)0:] 233-4111(; I''ax 501]-2llli'{ )|i77 TE)(dS Ilraurlont 4t)9-72t-521)\l I"rx 409-727-5ir48 I)allas 214-352-35(X) I"ix 214-3.'r2 l',571 Houston 7 t:l-47:l-907(.' I"a-r 713-47i|-521)2 I-ubbock rJ(xi747-2ti4{i I ja-r .3( )G7.17 lJ:-r( )5 VIRGINLA Norfolk 757-461,4301 l":x 7.17-4Jlf221(i Northern \A 7( )3-818-0922 I,';x 703 8ltt 1J2.1!) Ilichmoncl 804-35i>652:] I"ar 8l)4-355-777(i \I'ASHINGTON St,attle 20G(i23-9020 I"a-r 20G62ll-1li47 WESTVIRGINIA Huntington 304-ri97-4063 I.'zx 304-ti97,4066 Heilonnl IisTribution [enlers NORTH Colunrbus. OH (i14-253-4631 I.-:x 614-253-461i!l WEST llcnicia, CA 707-74*2t)70 h'itx7t)7-7 4*)t)12 SOTITH Atlanta, GA 80G964-9027 l'-u 404-699-0526 lh, l.piii;t))! i); ,its h],thtr. u)t ji,r ilhstlatitI lutf,ts.s t)!i\'. Ihi\ Llat h k is i]tlt'r,lkll, g?t,l til lIt)/nali)}t o lt lr1\!xlt ith. ,utitj Mtiall(." lthi it ury\l lht thatli)rDuIa,ti Sutit.t '-[,t,rltt4s s.D;r titht irl; )tt,l tl l ir] tn tl;t ir.rlt t. tr\ ti,tl itill)'. Lt slt.ijit iNfiIiaii r:. toniu.l WISCONSIN Nladison (n)&25S512ir N,[ilwaukee 414-342-7133 I,'zx 414-342-0154 l/l); ()R\ I l{; oO o Iechnicol Inln o o A. B. C, D. TABLE OF CONTENTS Allowable Loading .... .2 PutlogComponentParts. ......3 HangerAssemblyDetails ......3 BracingMethods .......4 1. Lateral Bracing of P16 & P22 Putlogs . . . . . .4 la. Alternate Lateral Bracing of P16 & P22 Putlogs . . . . . 4 2. KneeBracing .....4 PutlogApplications. ...........5 1. Putlogs Used to Support Work Platforms that Span From Frame Row to Frame Row at the Topof ScaffoldTowers ...........5 2. PutlogsUsedaslntermediateTowerBracing .......5 3. Catilevered Putlogs Used to Support Work Platforms Located Anywhere in the ScaffoldTowers ..........6 4. Putlogs Used to Support Working Platforms that Span From Frame Row to Frame Row at Intermediate Levels . . . . .7 5. PutlogsUsedtoSpantoaStructure ........8 6. Putlogs UsedtoSupportFrames OveranOpening ... . . . ...8 SuspendedPlatforms ..........9 F F Page I rC This document is rntended to sen e as a basis for proper application of Saftvay putlogs. Use b-v unqualifiecl pe rsons ma-v result in DEATH, SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DA\,IAGE. Information contained in this document is based upon the load-carrying capacitl' of the individual components. 'l'he total loads ( component weight, plank rveighl, live load, material lt;ad, rvind load, etc. ) to be imposed on the complete assembly must be consicle recl. Ail loads on individual members are transmitted to other members and ultimate ly to the ground. Compensation fur these cumulative vertical and h<irizontal loads must be provided. -f- ^4. WARNING \larinum ;\llrwablc 'l'otal Load * ( Rrunds,'Souare Foor ) This document is subject to periodic revision and updating. Before designing scaffolding using putlogs, contact the Safway Customer Service Department to be sure you are using the most current revision. Safway products and equipment must be assembled and used in accordance with current Satway, federzl, state and local requirements. Contact Safuay for putlog applications not shown in this document. ?aDle / specifies the maximum allowable loads that ma_Y be imposed on Safway putlogs. This table is valid only when putlogs are installed with horizontal and lateral bracing as detailed in the follorving pages. Contact the Safway Engineering Department for loading conditions not covered in the table. TABLE ONE 'lotal NlaxintLrm ,\llorvabie Llnilirrn fl flllounble Londinq l\ Iaxr murn All<,rvabit C0ncentr-atecl Loacl at Ccnter Putlog Spacing 5'-()' ij'-(|' 7',0^ 8-0' 10'-0'Span (1"t.) I-oad (Lbs.) of Span 825 908 13.8 15.9 18.5 2r.6 2q /, 8.3 9.6 1l I 13.0 r5.2 t4 13 ENTIIIIII 1t) o 8 7 682 750 834 938 950 1,1fi] 1,330 L,662 1,900 1,072 15.5 18.8 23.2 29.3 38.3 W--TIII-21 1.500 750 r43 11.9 L0.2 8.9 7.1 1,650 1,816 2,000 2,206 2,438 2,250 2,500 3,040 3,350 :t,725 1,000 1,103 'I ?1q 16.5 19.1 22.2 26.0 30.5 30.0 35.7 42.7 JU. / 60.9 74.5 54.2 45.2 73.9 61.ti 106.4 88.6 166.2 138.5 11.8 13.7 15.9 18.5 2r.8 t7.7 2r.4 26.5 JJ.) 43.7 38.7 52.8 76.0 118.8 10.3 11.9 13.9 16.2 19.0 &3.9 27.r 46.2 37.0 66.5 53.2 103.9 83.1 trilTIIIIII 20 19 18 16 I2 11 10 _t,J04 1,500 1,667 1,875 2,743 r,t25 r,250 r,388 1,520 1,675 1,862 )..i a 30.0 37.0 46.9 6r.2 25.0 29.7 35.6 42.2 50.7 62.1 20.7 25.0 30.9 39.1 51.0 2r.5 25.5 30.5 JO.4 43.5 13.2 18.8 22.3 26.7 3t.7 38.1 46.6 15.0 17.8 2I.3 ttr? 30.5 37.2 12.4 1J.U 1B.5 23.4 30.6TLTI:TITI 6 2,277 5 2,660 4 3,325 Page 2 fiuiloq[omponen] Pnrts e Part No.Description ",W P8 & Pt2 Pr6 & P22 PS5 Wt. in Lbs. PHI PH2 Putlog Hanger (parallel to frame horizontal) Hanger (any angle to frame horizontal) Guard Rail Post Socket Guard Rail Post Socket (long flange) Putlog Diagonal Knee Brace with clamps 8' Putlog 12'Putlog 16'Deep Truss 22' Deep Truss Putlog Spreader (used when scaffolds are placed on putlogs o\€r clear spans) Rigid Clamps (used tojoin tubes at right angles) Swivel Clamps (used to join tubes for bracing only - NOT to be used to support putlogs - See page 5.) 2 5.25 PH3 PH4 PHs gitr- 3:R PH5 P8 P12 Pr6 P22 PS5 CRA.19 10 27 39 61 84 2.75 3.5 }|nnger flssemblt| GA-le @ csA-le Ietails w llrrAAt:: cRA.re €@ I t-^4. WARNING DO NOT INSTALL PUTLOGS ON HANGERS WITHOUT THE U-BOLT AND WING NUTS INSTALLED AND TIGHTENED. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN ; DEATH, SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.I The PHl hanger can only be used when the putlog is orientated parallel to the frame horizontal. The PH2 can be used at angles from 0-90 degrees to the frame horizontal Fmme Horizontal l'rame Horizontal a I Brncing l'lethods Loterol Brocing of Pl6 & P22 Putlogs PlanView l. Note: The following putlog bracing techniques shall be followed when putlogs are used to support a work deck. Install putlogs on same side of frame legs to assure cross braces will fit. Install Safuay cross braces horizontally between putlogs, utilizing the studs provided on the putlogs. Secure the crossbraces with nuts/wingnuts. Cross braces shall be placed in end bays and every 3rd bay between. Install continuous Safu'ay STXXSG Tubing. Clamp to bottom of vertical member of all putlogs, at center of span, with Safway CR{-19 Clarnps as shown. la.Install Safway STXXSG Tubing wirh CSA-19 Clamps on the first and last putlog in a putlog run and every third bay in between as shown. Clamp near the center of the putlog span and run the bracing diagonally to the next interior frame line. Clamp to the frame within ti inches of a horizontal frame member. 2a. Install continuous Safuzy STXXSG Tubing. Clamp to bottom of vertical member of all putlogs, at center of span, with Safuay CRA-19 Clamps as shown. ltr.Install PH5 Putlog Knee Brace as close as possible to a 45 depgee angle. Locate the knee brace within 6 inches of a horizonkl member of the supporting scaffold frame. Knee braces are required rvhen spans are l0 teet or greater. lo. Ahernote Lolerol Brocing 0fPl6 & P22 Putlogs PlanView 2. Knee Brocing Front Eleuation Putlog (t-vpical) Putlog (4'prcal) Page 4 E Putloq flpplicntions ^4. WARNING NEVER USE CSA19 SWIVEL CLAI,IPS TO ATTACH PUTLOGS THAT SUPPORT WORK PLATFORIVIS. l. Puilogs Used to Support Work Ploilorms Thot Spon From Frome Row to Frome Row ol fte Top ol Scoffold Towers llst PIIiI guardreilprsl s(rker with prrallcl rypr putl(,gs and lh(, I,ll.l guardrailDost sr)ckrt with decp tntss puthgs.'l'his requires thc usr oi thr()(iR[' nalc gL-rardr lil post. I Attach putlogs at each frame line using either the PHI or PH2 putlog hanger. I Do NOTuse CSA19 swivel clamps for putlog vertical support. CSA19 swivel clamps may only be used for knee bracing. I Extend each putlog a minimum of 6 inches beyond the attachment hanger. I Do NOT use a Cp (frame coupling pin) to attach putlogs. I Install lateral bracing and knee bracing in accordance with Section D (BRACING). Instlrll knec bta.cs ln- rIllcrnrr{har{ putl()]ls a! each cnd nnd at rvety third irante linc. /- I\tl,(s irttachlr(i bv I']utll,g llanRerr for Plaifonn l\tk,gs l r)r llracin( Framc Width - Vertical distancc between horizontal l)racfs not t() exceed 4 times the trlme \.r'rclth. 2. Putlogs Used qs Intermediote Tower Brocing Putlogs may be used fur intermediate ton'er bracing on large stationary scaffolds. CILA19 rigid right angle clamps are recommended in lieu of I,H1 ur PI12 hangers to attach the putlog to the frame for intermediate tower bracing where the putlogs will not be supporting krads from a wrrk platform. 'fhe clamp must be installed immediately above and rest on a frame horizontal member. Putkrgs must be knee braced for lateral stability. I\tlo! lirr l)raciD{ t(^vcr s ( nr' platform ). Knee llraces Ilven l'rame Linc Page 5 r fiiloq flpplicotions [cont'lJo 3. (ontilevered Pullogs Used to Supporl Work Plotforms Locoted Anywhere in the Smffold Towers. The following illustration outlines the minimum support and bracing required to cantilever putlogs. o l.E-'.-'"r fiuiloq flpplicntions [contfi 4. Putlogs Used to Support Working Plotforms thot Spon from Frome Row to Frome Row ol lnlermediote Levels |---It is recommended that appropriate PHl or PH2 hangers be used to support putlogs used for work platforms at intermediate levels. CMf9 rigid right angle clamps may also be used, however, make sure that the putlog end reactions do not exceed the clamp capacity (750 lbs. on painted sur{aces, 1000 lbs. on galvanized surfaces). The CRA19 clamps must be installed immediately above a frame horizontal member to prevent slippage. 40 ft. lbs. clamp torque required. P16 and P22 putlogs must be knee braced and laterally braced - See Section D "BRACING'. ^A. WARNING NEVER USL, CSAIg SWIVEI- CLAI\,IPS TO SUPPORT WORK PLATFORI,IS. S'IRUCTURE V Preferre d Attachme n t M e tho d Irrwcr Lcvel I'latii)nn Putlog >- Alternate Attachment Method7- l-owcr Lcvel Platforrn Putlog CR,\19 Rigid Angle Clamp Abovc Horizontal llember I Ioriz(,ltirl Nlr: mlJe r Knec Braces Even l.rame l-inc I ^4. WARNING Putlog supportecl rvork platforms may require that guardrail s_vstems be installed. Follow Safway Sectirinal Scaffolding Safety Guidelines as w'ell as federal, state and loca. ; requirements for installation and use of guardrails and toeboards. Page 7 E Putlofipplicntions a .lIcont'dJ 5. Putlogs Used to Spon to o Struclure Do not attach putlogs directly on scaffold base- plates or screw jacks. Putlogs must be attached to scaffold frames and braces using putlog hangers, Safrvay clamps, or as specified by Safway Engineering, and must be laterally braced as shown in Section D'BRACING". If putlogs are used as a tie to stabilize a scaffold tower, the putlog support frame, on the sfuucture, must be secured from movement. In those instances where putlogs are used to support frames spanning an opening, a PSS putlog spreader is used to support the scaffold frames above the putlog and align them with other foames in the scaffold run. The PS5 contains a "saddle" at each end which rests on putlogs for support, and has coupling pins to place the next fame above. Install putlogs on the outside of the scaffold frames so that coupling pins in PS5 line up with the scaffold frames. When PSS's are used, additional lateral bracing, as shown on Page 4 is not required. Stand off to Prevent Nlovement PH1 or PH2 Hanger 6. Putlogs Used to Support Fromes 0ver on 0pening Page I , o lg,vvr\Y fliqid, Versn[rle i]nt;!"1 t- l-i L, I Up 0t Inun ",""t*,. ,, ' a RIGID, \IERSAfILE AI.ID FAST- IIP OR DOWN. Systems Scaffolding (Patent No.4,445'307) is one of the simplest, most versatile products of its kind ever developed. Basics is the key behind its success - vertical posts have 360" ring sets spaced 21 inches apart, and all horizontal and diagonal braces attach quickly and lirmly lo these ring sets. Screw iacks level the assembly. All are manufactured of high- strength steel tube. The net resull: Systems Scaffolding can be erected very quickly' adapt to virtually any shape, inside or outside struc- tures, and be disassembled equally fast. Add the fact that smaller labor crews are required. Means bottom line savings. TAKE A CLOSER LOOK. Systems Scaffolding saves time from the bottom uo. You level the base easily with starter collars and screw jacks. Vertical posts assemble quickly with built-in locking coupling pins - no loose pins to handle. Then, to begin erection' horizontal members and diagonals can be connected at any point around the vertical post ring setq and locked individually. 360" PLACEMENT ON RING SETS. Each vertical posl contains ring sets every 21 inches for flexible platform placemenl at seven foot maximum intervals and proper guardrail attachment. Each ring set accepts up to eight horizontal members providing rigid versatility and shape adaptability. COMPATIBILITY. For even greater iobsite f lexibility, Systems Scafiolding is compatible with Safway Tube and Clamp scaffolding. They work together to give you the best job versatility in the market. BUILTTO LAST. Systems Scatfold components are manufac- tured of galvanized steel to high quality standards. (lf desired, certain components can be f urnished with a baked enamel finish.) They stand up to constant, hard use. Quality con- struclion is iust one more reason why you'll want Safway Systems Scaffolding. THE MOMENT CONNECTION. The 31/z inch spacing of the rings combined with the rugged slrength of the end connectors provide an exceptionally strong moment con- nection that gives extra rigidity to the scaffold- ing assembly. To assemble, just hook the horizintal or diagonal member on the vertical post and hammer home the wedge. Systems Scaffolding erects quickly and easily - with a strong, positive connection between posts and horizontal/diagonal members. To disassemble, loosen the wedges with a ouick flick of the hammer, then unhook the horizontal or diagonal. Takes only seconds for each operation. Wedges are positioned under horizontal bars so workers can easily engage and disassemble these components from below. GOES UP FAST.COMES DOWN FAST. Hook and hammer home. Patent Nos: 4,445,307 & 4,586,842 Pry and unhook. ACIOSFT'PIOOKATwcoMPoNElfls. SAVES TIME BECAUSE ITS SIMPLE AND FAST. There's no secret to the benefits of Systems Scatfold. lfs been engineered to provide not only fast and extremely easy erection, but the design assures optimum use of labor by allow- ing work at or above eye and arm level for efficiency. That combination makes Systems Scaffold prof itably unique. ALMOST E NDLESS APPLICATIONS. The ring set design allows horizontals to be set at any angle. Thafs important on proiects with unusual dimensions and configurations. Or when a project changes shape, grows or is performed in stages And Systems Scaffold can be set up inside rectangular, circular and odd vessel shapes easily because it adapts to the proiect shape like a liner. Individual braces can be removed and replaced after the scaf- folding has been erected. Systems Scaffold includes a complete line of components and special application com- ponents to let you get to and perform the work that must be done. Metal plank or wood scaf- fold plank can be used with the same bearers. Component details are covered in this brochure. "BACK ON LINE" _ FAST. Dismantling time is important For example, in petrochemical or electric utility generation wor( you can't go "back on line" until the scaf- fold is removed. Systems Scaffold comes down fast, even in tight quarters, Each horizon- tal member disassembles lrcm the level betow. without disturbing adjacent members This allows a crew to work their way down efficient- ly and get to the next iob faster. LOOKATALL THE OPTIONS. Systems Scaffolding is being used suc' cessfully in many markets. For example, the more traditional applications include large area platform uses such as in auditoriums. churches and arenas; for ship building and ship repair operations. Systems Scaffolding really pays off on inegularly shaped structures. For example, around circular, oval or spherical projects such as chemical, petrochemical or storage sys- tems; inside bottom-tapered power plant boilers or in pulp storage tanks. The possibilities are almost endless. Ask your Safway representative to give you a demonstration. SYS1EMS SCAFFOI.DING DESIGI{ SERVES DT\TERSE INDUSTRIES AI{D NEEDS. The tremendous versatility of Systems Scaf- foldinq is illustrated best here with its practical applicltion in iust a few key markets, on projects with widely varied shapes and sizes. CON STR UCTION, R ESTORATION, MAINTENANCE AND ACCESS . . . WHERETIME IS A MAJOR FACTOR. For chemical and petrochemical vessels, tanks and storage systerhs, circular Systems Scaffold erects quickly around the entire structure allowing work to progress at any level. K-nee out brackets allow the diameter ol a scaffold assembly to be increased or decreased as needed. For fossilfuel power plant proiects with sloping surfaces, Systems Scaffold adapts easily and erects quickly to get the crews on the job. Special component iacks,supiort f rames and,braces allow the scaffolding to conform to the boiler cavity. All components can be passed through small openings' Main- tenance crews can operate at any level and move quickly across and around the boiler. When the protect is complete, Systems Scaffold disassembles just as fast so power generation can resume. Chemical, Petrochemical and similar circular vessel storage systems Power olant boilers Shipbuilding, repairing and retrofit A LOW COST SOLUTION FOR UNUSUAL SHAPES AND CONFIGURATIONS . . . The shape of a ship's bow is unique to marine architecture and Systems Scaltold fits it like a olove. For new marine construction, or for shlp repair, and retrolit proiects, Systems Scaffold adaptability stands out. In auditoriums, arenas, athletic complexes, churches. malls, convention halls, atriums- wherever large platform area scaffolding is needed, Systems Scaffold offers distinct advantages. lt can be easily adapted to sloping f loors, irregular ceilings and balconies. The speed of erection and dismantling makes it easy for the scaffold crews to match the progress of the project. MODULAR ACCESS STRUCTURES. Systems Scatfold includes components which are designed for use in constructing stair towers and scaffold platform access structures adiacent to or located within the scatfolding. The '11% inch wide stair units allow you to build stairways as wide as needed. (See page 7.) SEE YOUR SAFWAY DEALER. Examples of prolitable use of Systems Scaffold are growing every day. Here's a list of markets which are especially well suited to Systems Scaffolding: Power plants Chemical/Petro- chemical storage Pulp and Paper mills Marine construction/ maintenance Auditoriums, athletic complexes, churches, malls, atriums. New Building Construction Building Restoration Industrial, Commercial maintenance Stair towers and scaffold platform access. ENGINEERED FROM THE GROTIND I'P. This diaqram illustrates how simple' yet effective and versatile Svstems Scaffold basic comoonents are to use. Svstems Screw Jacks and Starter Collars provide for easy leveling of the scaffold base. Vertical posts, with ring sets every 21 inches install over starter collars, and provide the connection points for all horizontal and diagonal members. Hbrizontal diagonals square the scaffold assembly and provide base rigidity. Vertical diagonals provide vertical scaflold stability (also available with haltclamp connectors). Hori- ssc-30 Starter Collar zontal runners or bearers may be installed at any angle around the ring set to adapt to any required conf iguration. The same members also serve as mid-rails and guardrails. Up to eight horizontal members install on any ring set. Vertical clamp-on ladders, with bracfets provide access to platforms.' No matter what your proiect need, Systems Scaffolding is the answer. Safway Systems Scaffold is designed so that it can be erected into assemblies that will comply with all local, state, and Federal safety regulations. SHR & SBR Runner & Bearer & Guardrails SVP Vertical Post SDW Vertical Diagonal SHD STSJ-1 Screw Jack Horizontal Diagonal FAST ERECTING STAIR TOWERS. Get crews and supplies up or down to the work level on Systems Scaffolding stair towers and access structures. You simply combine standard components with stair units to erect towers in a wide variety of shapes and stair- way widths. START WITH BASIC COM PON ENTS. Level the base with screw jacks and insert starter collars. From there you simply erect, using vertical posts, horizontal members and diagonals, forming the basic shape. STAIR UNITS AND HANDRAILS. Lightweight, 11% inch wide stair unit modules f it side-by-side to build the stair widths you require. Stringer clips assure side alignment, and stair f illers complete each level for reaoy access. Galvanized steel stairs have non-skid, per- forated surfaces for sure footing. Timber or steel planks are used, in varying widths, to suit your requirements for landings. The standard seven foot vertical diagonal members are used as handrails. SSF : I '1 I ) Stair Filler STR-7 Stair Unit (Two, Three Or Four Units Wide) SVP Vertical Post SHD Horizontal Diagonal SHR & SBR Runner, Bearer, & Guardrails ssc-30 Starter Collar SDW Vertical Diaoonal & Stair Hantirail STSJ.1 Screw Jack SLOPING SURFACE SUPPORT SYSTEM. Svstems Scaffolding provides a unique suoport system for i-nierior sloping boiler suif'aces.'This assembly allows tor fast' stable scaffold erection bn sloping surfaces, and quick disassembly in tight quarters. STSJ - 1 Screw Jack SVP Vertical Post Adiustable iack assemblies and support frahes allow the scaffolding assembly to procede with standard components, as highlighted in the drawing. SASB.2 Ad juslable Support Bracket Assembly wt. 53.1 lbs. Drop Lalchl SFS FramE Slarter (Painled) wt. 7.4 lbs. SBF Support Frame (painted) Nore crames lJrn,s.ed ,!rlh co-pl ng pr'1s Base Beam (Painted) wt. '1 1 6.5 lbs. Boiler Wall STH -4 Throat Header wt. 45.2 lbs. (Painted) SUSPENDED SYSTEMS SCAFFOLD. Application flexibility of Systems scaffotdino allows suspended, -aerial work platforms td be erected quickly and easily. ' Floor space is kept clear of scaffoldino. allowing normal ciay-to-day operationSio continue unimpeded, while work is carried on overhead. Suspended systems is ideally suited for projects in shopping malls, theaters, hospi- tals, airport and rail station concourses, power, pulp, paper, petro-chemical and refinery installations, when debris protection is installed. Key to the Satway suspended system is the tunctional and patented adjustable suspen- sion post which incorporates captive sus- pension shackles and leveling mechanisms. 4 J SEGP External Guard Rail Post wt. 12.1 lbs. @ fl E n s flfiJ{o SSAP Suspended Adjustable Post wt. 31 .6 lbs. SSP - Steel Plank Patenl No: 4,815,563 SYSTEMS SCAFTOI.DING COMPONENTPARTS Vorlical Post SVP-8 wl 30 2 lbs SVP / v;l 24 6 Lbs SVP-: ,.rt lB8 bs Note Inlormalron on carrytng capacityol Indrvrdual comoonenls rsavarlable kom your salway dealet Horizontal Diagonal lbs. Horizontal Baarer/Runnor gnd Guetd Rails t: 0I1. t' PinCoupling lr{lhco"srlrl ssc-3o I I twr 107rbs ll I +r SCP wt: 2.1 Ssiv6l Screw Tubular Sc.6u Jack Jacl ssJ wt: 15.4 lbs 1,.r.1 ii . ; '. :- f) r' t r-)rr |l verlicsl Diagonal 10 SY]STEMS SCAEFOI.DING COMPONENTPARIS Horizontsl Truss Beator Dul. .A. Kn6e Out Bracket Truss Bearer Coupler Side Brackot frSTBC wt: 2.8 lbs.Sido Braclet Pari No O'm A rBi - :.: Knoe Out Brackel Drm A )i.a l 36 42 6: sKa,4. *_ 4s . _- | 46 ,. Note: lnforination on ca.ryrng capacityol individual components isavailable lrom your Safway dealert*?g+_rifi'j^'"*r- Slael Pltnl Fillcr Toe Boad Gllp ssPc Toeboard Clip Galvanized wt: 0.2 lbs. For use with Steel Plank as Toe Board Note: Intormation on carrying capacity of individual components is available lrom your Safway dealer. l,.ee o! braa,eli r-. e! e.c 1e qnt ol Scat.oto .c r0 lcro 12 12 .4 11 -1r/ Steel Plank Nole 6" plank avarlable upon request 11 SYSIEMS SCAFFOI,DING COMPONENTPARTS Steel Stalrs Stair Unlt STR-7 wt: 83.6 lbs. L.adderg T_fl--lIttlI[llil lF-l(ot tl------{ |I tT_ll SAU6 I IF+I wt: 18lbs. I ll ll_l_u----x Access Ladder Units (Painted only) Ladder units are 17%" wide with 12" rung spacing. Must be installed \,vith SAUB brackets. Note: Use Vsrtical Oiagonal SDW'7 for Hand Rails stairFilter ,#.,.^ \ /.\l.----.,t. IY Access Laddor Bmck€t SSF'42 SSF 54 r 0.3n 13.2n mdd Tooboa?d NOTE: when installing SAU sysiem, two brack€ts are reouired on ba3e ladder seciion and one on each lemaining s€ction. SSHs U.HEAD 4 3/8'x 8" wl: 5.4 lbs. sMT,4 a8 -9yr_5lt .. - tl sMT,5 6:, Note: Information on carrying capacity ol individual componenls is available from your Salway dealer' (Painted only) Metal Toeboard sMr 3 lE lo 0t 4. '4t SMl,r5 4a '2 1r zt z. u,r. \ (Painted only) 12 SY]STEMS SCAFFOI.DING COMPONENTPARTS Rol ll ng Towor Components 8" Caster scs-8 Steel wt: 15.4 lbs. Steel wt: 36.7 lbs.scu-8 scu-l 2 Urethane wt: 1O.8 lbs. Urethane wt: 25.2 lbs. Adapte13 Storage Rack Castors Holst Arm 12" Caster scs-l2 sRo wt: 1 16.6 lbs. SACA' wt: 27.8 lbs. Adiustable Caster Adapter (8" Casters OnlY) scA* wt: 9.6 lbs. Storage Rack Bln SRB wt: 134.7 lbs. SHST wt: 6.4 lbs. (Painted only) Pry 8ar Hammer SPBH wt: 2.3 lbs.SHA wt: 13.8 lbs. Horizofltrl Squaro Tool 13 SAFETY GIIIDELINES FOR SI'STE:IIS SCAFFOLDINC !I/ SC.{FFOLD SAFETY IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY: Everyone's safety depends upon the desigrl, erection, use. and dismantling of scaffolding b-v COIIPETENT PERSONS ONLY. lnspect -vour scatfolding before each use to see that the assembly has not been altered A wanrutnc SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH CAN RESULT FROM YOUR FAILURE TO FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF, AND COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL' STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND THESE SAFETY GUIDELINES BEFORE ERECTING, USING OR DISMANTLING THIS SCAFFOLD. 2. J, 4. 5. 6 llllil:l:,:.it;l:;rtui:*i'6"ildT-;sB'ii$f,'r'ii;i1l sueh as blrrcks, lotrse brieks, and simrlar obie( ts or materials. Use only tools recommended by Safuay for erection and dismantltng. Plumb and level scaffoldins until connections can be made with ease. B. sure scaffold stays plumb and level as erection progresses. l'asten vertical posts together using double snap buttons, fully engaged, or other fasteners, to prevent uplift. Position horizontal members on both rings of each ring set, and firmly seat wedges immediately. DO NOT STAND, LE,{\, OR PUT WEIGHT ON I{ORIZONTAL NlEN{tsERS TISI'IL THE WEDGES ARE FULLY SAFETY MUST COME FIRST! Safway equipment is designed and manufactured with the user in mind. Ttre sifety that goes into each piece of equipment, however' cannot oflset carelessniss onlhe part of the erector or the user. with this thought in mind. lN ORDER TO PREVENT INJURY TO THE USERS of Satuav equipment, we urge you to follow these saJety guidelines. Scaffold design must include analysis of load carrying members by properly qualifred personnel. Safnzy component load capacit) and weigit information is available from your Safrvay Dealer. Scalfolding must be erected, used, moved, and disassembled only under the superv-ision of compercnt persons. i. I.] .(', ()\ Ol, StS'll.ll\ls s( \ l'lr( )l-l)l N(;. A. PRIOR TO ERECTION. ALL SCAFFOLD ASSEMBLIES. 1. Job site must be inspected to determine ground conditions, strength of supponing structure, proximity of electric power lines, overhead obsiructions. wind conditions, and the need for overhead or \'r€ather protection. 'lhese conditions must be ewluated and adequately addressed. 2. Post spacing and sill size can only be determined after the total loads to be imposed on the scaffold and the weight of the scaffold have been calculated. 3. Stationary scaffolds over 125 feet in height must be designed by a professional engtneer. 4. All equipment must be inspected to see that it is in good condition and is serviceable. Damaged or deteriorated equipment must not be used A wenrrNe Not all species and grades of lumber can be used as scaffold plank. wood planks used for scaffolding must be graded as scaffold plank by an approved grading agency, or specifically manufactured for scaffold use. 5. Scaffold plank must be inspected to see that it is graded as scaffold plank, is sound and in good condition, and is fiee from saw cuts, cracks, notches, splits, delaminations and holes. 6. A fully qualified and compelent person can deYiate from lhese guideli-nei only if it can be -shown ihat the resulting scaffold design iomplies. with applicable codes and generally accepted scaffold engmeeflng practlces. 7. The slaffold assembly must be designed b compl,v with local, State and Federal requirements. B. ERECTION OF FIXED SCAFFOLD. A wenrurruc FALL ARREST equipment attached to scaffold UALllgf prevent serious INJURY or DEATH if a fall occu6' Scatrold must be erected, moved <tr disassembled onl-v under the supervision of competent persons. Safet!' equipment, including safety glasses and hard hats, must be wom by all persons erectlng, movrng, dismantling or using Systems scaffolding. 1. Base plates must be centered on the sills, and be in firm contact wtth both sills and vertical posts. Be especially careful when scaffolds are to be crected on soft or hozen grouod. Any pafi of a building or structure used to support the scaffolding must be capable of supporting the load t0 be applied. Horizontal and"/or vertical diagonal bracing is required to maintain a square and plumb scaffold structure. Ties, guys, bracing and,/or outriggers may be needed to assure a safe stable scaffold assembly. The height of the scafiold in relation to the minimum base rridth, wind loads. the use of brackets or cantilevered platforms and imposed scaffold loads determines the need for sway and stability bracing. The follo\ .ing general guidelines apply: a, A scaffold must always be secured $'hen the height of the scaffold exceeds four (4) times the minimum base width. See NOTE 1. A wanNrNe Outriggers, or other means, may be used to increase the minimum base dimension of a scaffold toyver. The resulting base dimension, however, may NO LONGER BE THE itlNlMUM (or limitingl BASE DIMENSION. Ties must be placed as near as possible to horizontal members, The bottom tie must be placed no higher than four (4) times the minimum scalfold base width. Subsequent vertical tie placement will depend upon the scaffold width. Scaffolds three (3) feet and narrower must be tied at vertical inten'als no more than 20 feet apart. Scaffolds wider than three (3) feet must be tied at vertical intervals no more than 26 feet apart. The uppermost tie should be placed as close to the top as possible and, in no case, more than four (4) times the minirnum base width from the top. SeeNOTE l. Veftical ties must be placed at lhe ends of the scaffold runs and at no more than 30 feet horizontal intenals in between. Ties must be installed as the erection progresses, and not removed until scaffold is dismantled to that height. Side brackets, cantilevered platforms, pulleys, hoist a.rms, enclosed scaffolds, sloped surfaces and windy conditions introduce overturning and uplift forces which must be considered and compensated for. These situations require additional bracing, tying or guying. Circular scaffolds erected completel-v around or rithin a structure may be restrained from tipping by use of "stand off' bracing members. A free standing to\1€r must be guyed at the intemls outlined above or otherwise restrained to pre',,'ent tipping or overturning. Work platforms must be fully decked with platform units in good, sound condition. Platform units may be individual scaffold grade x'ood planks, fabricated plank, fubricated scaffold decks or fabricated scaffold plafforms. a. Scadold platforms and \aalkwa)-s must be at least l8 inches rvide. b. Each end of each plank must overlap its support by a minimum ol6 inches or be cleated. c. Each end of each platform 10 feet long or less must overhang its supports by no more than 12 inches. Each end of each platform longer than 10 feet must overhang its supports by no more than 18 inches. Larger overhangs must be guarded to prevent access to the overhang. Ivlaterials must not be stored on overhangs. llo not stand on platform overhangs. d. Each plank on a continuous run scaffold must extend over its supports by at least 6 inches and overlap each other by at least 12 inches. e. Spans of 2 inch by l0 inch nominal scaffold gnde plank Dust never exceed 10 feet. No more than one person must stand on an individual plank at one time. Loads on planks must be evenly distributed and not exceed the allowable loads for type ofplank being used. f. Secure platform units to scaffolding to prevent uplift caused by high winds or other job site conditions, Use latches, if supplied by platform mallufacturer. or other suitable means. 10. Guardrails must be used on all open sides and ends of scaffold plat'orms. tsolh top and midmils are required. Local codes specif minimurn heights where guardrails are required. Use at lower heights if falls can cause InJUry. 11.'foeboards must be insralled rvhenever people are required to work or pass under a scaffold platform. When materials are to be stacked higher than the toeboard. screening is required from the toeboard or platform to the top guardrail. SEATED. See NOTE 2. FULLY SEAT WEDGES IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLACEMENT. A wenxtruc BE SURE TO FULLY SEAT WEDGES IMMEOIATELY AFTER PLACING COMPONENT. WEDGES THAT ARE NOT FULLY SEATEO WILL NOT SUPPORT DESIGN LOADS. FAILURE TO SEAT WEDGES COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. t4 r o 2. 12. Access must be provided to all work platforms. If access is not available fr,ffi"'li.JiTi,TJ:; fi:iJ:,';i5l,DI":ltil",JnH:,T.iilI:',i"1 at vertical intemls of 35 feet rrr llK Attachable ladder units must extend at least three (3) feet above platforms. lnstall access ladder unrts as scaflold erection progresses. 13, Use fubricated decks or cleated plank to rninimize platform interference in access areas. 14. DO NOT store materials on side or end bracket platforms. 15. Cantilevered platforms must be specifically designed for that purpose, rneposts pinned to prevent uplift, and adequate ties provided t(; prevent overturning, 16. Nlaterials must never be placed on cantilevered platforms unless the assernbly lras been designed to support material loads by a qualified person. These types of platforms cause overturning and'uplifi forces which must be compensated for. 17. Do not use truss bearers without considering the loads to be supponed. Do not cantiiever truss bearers or other horizontal members. 18. Truss bearers wirh ring sers must be laterally braced. 19. DO NOT install platforms bet\,!€en free standing to\,,'ers. 20. Material hoists and derricks should not be mounted on a scaffold unless the scaffold is specifically designed for that purpose. 2I. CHECK THE ENTIRE SCAFFOLD ASSEMBLY BEF'ORE USE. Thoroughly inspect the completed assembly to see rhat it complies with all safety codes, all fusteners are in place and tlghtened, it is-level and plumb. u'ork platforms are fullv decked, guardrails are in place and safe access is provided. C. ERECTION OF ROLLING SCAFFOLDS. The following additional precautions apply to the erection of rolling torvers: 1. Height of the rolling tower must not exceed four (4) times its minirnurrr base width, or 40 fecr, whichever is lower. See NOTE l. WARNING The load rating of the casters used will limit the size, configuration, and load capacity of the rolling tower. :J. Allcasters must be secured to adapters with nuts and and bolts. 4. Screw jacks must not increase the height ol rhe scaffold bv morc Lhan 12 inches. Tower must be kept level and plumb al ajl times. 5. Horizontal diagonal bracing must be used at the bottom and top <f rolling towers where the top tvork platform is more than g leet above the surhce. When rolling towers are to be erected higher than 9 feet, the first brace must be no more than 2 feet above the casters, the others at no greater than 21 foot intervals above, Fabricated planks rvith hooks may be used as diagonal braces. 6. Platform units nith hooks, or cleated planks, must be used on rolling tot'ers, I I. IISI] OF SC,{FFOI,I)S A. ALL SCAT'FOLDS. l. Each time before you use the scaffold, a competent person must: inspect the scaffold assembly to be sure it has not been altered, is assembled correctly, is level and plumb, all base plates are in firm contact with sills, all bracing is in place and securely tightened, all platforms are full-v decked,.all guardraiJs_ are in place, safe access is provided, it is properly tled anoor guyed, there are no overhead obstructions. there are no energized electric pot'er lines rvithin 12 feet of the scaffold assembly, all wedges are firmly seated, all other member end connectors are fiirnrv seated, all wedges are driyen under ring sets, all retainers seated, ail screw yacks are in contact with starter collars or posts, and correct any deficiencies prior to use. 2. Use only proper access. Do not climb bracing or yertical posts. Do not climb any scaffold component unless it is specifically designed for that purpose. Do not stand on platform overhangs. 3.Use only the safe means of access that is pro\ided. Do not climb bracing or vertical posts- IJ safe access is not provided, insist that it be provided. Climb safety! a. Face the rungs as you climb up or down. b. Use both hands. c. Do not try to carry materials rvhile you climb. d. Be sure ofyour footing and balance before you let go with your hands Keep one hand firmly on frame or ladder at all times. e. Clean shoes and rungs to avcrid slipping. DO NOT work on slippery platforms. DO NOT overload platforms with materials. Special care must be taker, when truss bea-rers are used. I)o not extend working heights by starding on planked guardrails, boxes, ladders or other materials on scaffold platforms. DO NOT loosen, detach or remove any component of a scaffold assembly except under the supenision of a competent person. Components that have been removed must be replaced immediatelv. 5. 6. 7. 9. DO NOT erect scaffolding on wagons, trucks or other $'heeled a i*ffi,, O the.ptarform area; do not try to extend work area by leanrng out o\tEr guardrarllng. B. USE OF ROLLING TO$TERS. ALL OF THE ABOVE PRECAUTIONS PLUS: 1, DO NOT RIDE MANUALLY PROPELLED ROLLING SCAFFOLD. NO ONE MUST tsE ON A ROLLING TOWER WHILE IT ]S BEING II'IOVED, 2. Lock all casters before getting on a rolling tower. Casters must be locked at all times the scaffold is not being moved. 3. DO NOT bridge between rolling to{'ers. 4. Remove all materials from scaffolding before moving a rolling tower. 5. Be sure flrxrr surfuce is clear of obstructions or holes before moving scaffold. 6. Be sure there are no overhead obstructions or energized electnc power lines in the path when moving a rolling tower. 7. Rolling towers must only be used on level surfaces. 8. Move rolling towers {rom the base level only. DO NOT PULL OR PUSH from the top. I I I. I)IS}I AN'I'I,I \(; SCAITI.-OLDS The following additional precautions applv when dismantling scaffolding: 1. Check to see if scaffolding has been altered in any way which rvould make it unsafe. If so, reconstruct where necessary before beginning the dismantling process. 2. Use onl}, proper access. Do not climb braces or vertical members. Do not climb scaffold components ur ess the-v are specifically designed for that purpoic. Do not stand on pladorm orerhangs. 3. Do not remove ties until scaffold aboye has been removed. 4. Visually inspect each plank to be sure it is supported on both ends and is safe to stand or work 0n. 5. Do not accumulate removed components or equipment on the scaffold 6. Lower components in a saJe manner as soon as dismantled. Do not throri' components off scaflold. 7. Stockpile dismantled equipment in an orderly manner. 8. Remove component immediately after loosening wedges. 9. PRIOR TO REI\IOV.AL OR LOOSENNG of an-v component, consider the effect the removal of the component, or the loosening of a joint, will have on the strength of the remaining assembly. Understanding and following these safety guidelines will increase your pentonal safety and the safety ofyour fellow workers. I NOTE 1: I I California and some other states require a heighf to-minimum l I base width ratio of.three to one (3:l ). Refer lo the governing I I cooes ror Your lob locallon. I t--------I NOTE 2: I i In Californra horizontal members used as guardrails should be Ii Installed on the TOP RING SET ONLY tocomply with the Ii Calfornia 45 inch guardrail height requirement. FULLY SEAT i i WEDGES IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLACEMENT i ----J NOTE 3: ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORIVATION ARE AVAILABLE FROI\,I SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC, REGARDING: vrDE0s ASSEMBLY LOAD CAPACITY PARTS IOENTIFICATION ERECTION PROCEDURES ENGINEERING PROCEDURES I4ILJT_C119_i t- ACCESS WEIGHTS TRAINING SAFEIY TIPS DISASSEMBLY 15 fi,rrr" Scoffolding 1I T I T||I IOI,IPLETE $RFI,IRY LIIIE Sectional Scaffolding Systems" Scaffolding Power Swings r Rolling Towers I Shoring r Tube & Clamp Scaffolding KN fi4) rL.b flI ilg U s ,R@ -All drawings in this b(rchure are for illustratlve purposes only. This brochure is intended for general information only. Because of the many variables which affect the pefformance of this product line, some of the intbrmation in this brochure may not apply. For specific applications. contact Saf$ ay. Note: Erection, use, maintenance and disassembly must conform to current Safuay instructions as well as ALL federal, state and local regulations. Copies of complete safety guidelines for these and other products are available from Safuay or your Safway Dealer q'ithout charge. SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS ING. N14 W23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Waukesha, Wl 53188 (414) 523-6500 (800) 558-4772. Fax (414) 523-6595 o 1996 Safway Steel Products Inc. All Rights Reserved.11/96 ORN 2r0 The Versntile Scnffoldinq Thnt is [dsq, Simple, fdnptnble nnd [ompntible Tube & Clomp ra Safway's Tube And Clamp. The versatile scaffolding that is: Easy to erect and dismantle - only four basic parts are needed. Adaptable to any scaffolding situation - high or low, inside or out, round, straight or irregular shapes. Versatile enough to be used independently or to supplement scaffolding (depending on job conditions). Compatible with Safua,v standard scaffold frames. Durable CM-19 and CSA-19 clamps fasten securely to both 1.69" and 2" nominal O.D. steel tubing. Tubing is galvanized and the drop forged clamps are galvanized or Sherardized to protect against rust and corrosion. ]F Interlocking Steel Tubes Galvanized 2 inch nominal O.D. tubing with twist and lock fittings on ends. Available in the follor.ing lengths: ST4SG - 4ft.,9.51rs. ST6SG - 6 ft., .rJ.25 /bs. ST8SG - 8 ft., l6.25lbs. ST1OSG - 10 ft., 20 l6s. sTl3SG - 13 ft., 255 tts ST1OSG - 16 ft., 30.5 /Ds. Base Plate BP.TSG 3 1t4 hs. Provides secure footing for venical tubes. Has twist and l<,r--k fitting to secure plate to vertical tubing. Base Plate BP-I0SG 6lbs. Can be used in place of Base Plate BP- LSG. Female end of scaffold tube fits into base plate tube to prevent lateral movement. Rigid Clamp CRA 19 2 3/4 hs. Rrgid clamps are used to join tubes at right angles. Eye bolts swing up againsl vertical tube allowing easy placement of horizontal members. Clamp flanges support horizontal tubes until they can be bolted securely. Swivel Clamp CSA 19 3 1/2lbs. Swivel clamps join tubes at any angle required. Used primarily lor diagonal bracing. These clamps have same flange stops, eye bolts, nuts and washers used on the right angle clamps. Tube and Clamp Wrench S7l7 2lbs. Rachet and socket \.!Tench with mallet. Access I-adder Units SAUG 18 lbs. SAU3 9 1i3 lbs. Safuay Steel Climbing Ladder and brackets should be used to provide easl' access to scaffold. I-anding platforms should be provided when required. Ladder units are 17 3i4 inches wide with 12 inches rung spacing. Must be installed with SAUB brackets. Right Angle Clamp CRAL2 2.5 lbs. Light duty single size clamp. T-bolts with replaceable retained nut and 7/8 inch collar nuts. Rated load is 625 lbs.. Single size 1.9 inch tube. Caps and bod) hot drip galvanized and zinc plated dichromate bolts and nuts. St'ivel Clamp CSAL2 2.6 lbs. Light duty single size clamp. T-boits r,rith replaceable retained nut and 7./8 inch collar nuts. Rated load is 625 lbs.. Single size 1.9 inch tube. Caps and bod)'hol drip galvanized and zinc plated dichromate bolts and nuts. Right Angle Clamp MS2R 58lDs. Heavl- duty clamp is 4 inches lvide and used to join 2 inch nominal O.D. tubing or pipe at right angles. N{eets or exceeds Nar'1 Specification NIIL-S- 29180A. Swivel Clamp lltszs 6 1t2lbs. Heavy dury clamp is 4 inches wide is used for bracing and compatible with 2 inch nominal O.D. tubing or pipe at right angles. Meets or exceeds Navy Specification IVIL-S-29 180A. Swivel Clamp HDSA 238 4 hs. Joins 2 inch nominal O.D. tube bncing members to 2 3l€ inch diameter shoring frame legs. Swivel Clamp WSC 6 lbs. Joins 2 inch nominal O.D. tube bracing members to 3 1/2 inch O.D. hearry duty side\ ?lk canopy posts. o o Access Ladder Bracket SAUB 5 li2 lbs. Will attach to SAU ladder sections at any elevation and clamp to either a !€rtical tube or a horizontal bearer. Provides 7 inch toes clearance. NOTE: When installing S.{U s-vstem, two brackets are required on base ladder section and one on each remaining section. idw I Sofely Guidelines SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR TUBE AND CLANTP SCAFFOLDING SCAFFOLD SAFETY IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITYI Ever!-one's saiety depends upon the design, erection, use, and dismanlling of *afiolding by COI{PETENT PITRSONS ONLY. Inspect your scaffolding before each use to see that the assembly has not been altered and is safe for your use. A wenNrruc SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH CAN RESULT FROI' YOUR FAILURE TO FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF, AND COMPLY wlTH ALL APPLICABLE SAFEW REQUIREIIIENTS OF FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND THESE SAFETY GUIDELINES BEFORE ERECTING, USING OR DISMANTLING THIS SCAFFOLD. A wenrurruc BE SURE TO FULLY TIGHTEN CLAMPS IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLACING COiIPONENT. CLAMPS THAT ARE NOT FULLY TIGHTENED WILL NOT SUPPORT DESIGN LOADS. FAILURE TO TIGHTEN CLAMPS COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. SAIETY MUST COME FTRST! Safuay equipment is designed and manulactured with the user in mind. The safety that goes into each piece of equipment, however, cannot offset erelessness on the part of the erector or the user. With this thought in mind. IN ORDER To PREVENT INJURY TO THE USERS of Safiray equipment, t'e urge you to follow these safety guidelines. Scaffold design must include analysis of load carry'ing members by properly qualified personnel. Safuay component load capacity and reight information is available from your Safuay Dealer. Scaffolding must be erected, used, moved, and disassembled only under the supenision of competent persons. L IrRl.( tro\ {)l:1I lll,..\\l)(l-\}ll'st.\l:li()l-lrl\(;. PRIOR TO ERECTION . ALL SCATFOLD ASSEMBLTES. Job site must be inspected to determine ground conditions, strength of supporting structure, proximity of electric p<)n'er lines, ov'erhead obstructions, wind conditions, and the need for ol'erhead or weather protection. These conditions must be evaluated and adequately addressed. Post spacing and sill size can only be determined after the total loads to be imposed on the scaffold and the lreight of the scaffold har-e been calculated. Stationary sczffolds over 125 feet irl height must be designed by a professional engineer. All equipment must be inspected to see that it is in good condition and is serviceable. Darased or detenorated eouiDmenl must not be used. WARNING Not all species and grades of lumber can be used as scaffold plank. Wood planks used fo] scaffolding must be graded as scaffold plank by an approved grading agency, or specifically manufactured for scaffold use. 7. Scaffold plank must be inspected to see that it is graded as scaffold ptank, is sound and in go,od condition. and is free from saw cuts, cr"cks. notches, splits, delaminations and holes. A fully qualified and competent person can deyiate ftom these guidelines onl,v if it tzn be sho&n that the resulting scaffold desigr complies with applicable codes and generdlly aocepted scaffold engineering practices. The scafiold assembly must be designed to comply with local, State and Federal requirements. ERECTION OF FIXED SCAFFOLD. I wenuruc FALL ARREST equipment attached to scaffold UALNqI prevent serious INJURY or DEATH if a fall occurs. Scaffold must be erected. moved or disassembled only under the supen'ision of competent pervrns. Safety equipment, including safety glasses and hard hats, must be n'orn by all persons erecting. moving, dismantling or using scaffolding. 1. Base plates must be centered on the sills, and be in firm contact with both sills and vertical posts. Be especiall-v careful when scaffolds are to be erected on soft or frozen gound. Any pan of a building or structure used to support the scaffolding must be capable of supporting the load to be applied. 2- Lrse base plates and sills if required by ground conditions. DO NOT USE unstable objects such as blocks, Ioose bricks, and similar obiects or materials. Oa Hn*t;; tools recommended bv Saflay for erection and 4. Plumb and level scaffolding. Be sure scaffold stays plumb and le\?l ds erection progresses. I wanrurruc Safi^ray "Twist and Lock" tubing, whether used as verlical or horizontal members, must be rotated into a locked position before being clamped. Space the vertical posts so that the rniaximum length of the bearers and runners are as follows: B. A. Llnifonnlv distributed load 25 lbs. per sq.ft. - (light duty) 50 lbs. per sq.ft. - (medium duty) Bearers Runners 4 Ft. 10 Fr.3t/,Ft. 8 Ft. o, o' t9"5nn::10il"*Tlii'u*lrl'",F,.J1"#Jf t";i:Iol*n'-** A wanrurnc All clamps must be tightensd firmly (approximately 40 foot pounds of torque) as erection proceeds. Runners (horizontal run members) shall be securely clamped to posts at each end. They shall not be spaced more than 6 feet 6 inches apart vertically, with the bottom runner placed as close to the base as possible. Rurners must be erected along the length of lhe scaJfold. Interlock eods to form continuous lenlghs {'hen necessary. Bearers are horizontal members w'hich suppoft a platform, Each bearer clamp shall be positioned above, and in contact with, a runner clamp. Bearers should not extend beyold their supports more than 6 inches unless the s€affold design requfes a longer member. 9. Bracing across the ridth of the scaffold shall be installed at the ends of the sca.ffold and at least every fourth level l'ertically and repeated e\€ry third set of posts horizontally. This bracing shall form a cross configuration nhich extends from the bottom of the inner post or rulner to the top of the outer post or runner, and ftom the bottom ol the outer post or runner to the top ofthe inner post or runler. 10. Diagonal bracing on both the inside and the ourside row of posts must start as close to the bottom as possible on each end of the scaffold run and extend upw"rd at approximately a 45 degree angle to the top of the scaffolding. lf such diagonal bracing does not reach the top, the direction of the bracing must be reversed and proceed to the top of the sr:ffold. This bracing pattem must be repeated at every fifth vertical post. Diagonal bracing may be coupled to the runners. 1I. Ties, guys, bracing anflor outriggers may be needed to assure a safe stable scaffold assembly. The height of the scalfold in relation to the minimum base width, nind loads. the use of brackets or cantilevered pladorms and imposed siraffold loads determines the need for sway and stability bracing. The following genenl guidelines apply: a. A scaffold must always be secured when the height of the scaffold exceeds four (4) times the minimum base width. See NOTE 1. A wanrurrc Outriggens, or other moans, may be used to Increase the minimum base dimension of a scaffold tower. The resulting base dimension, howcyer, may NO LONGER BE THE tNtMUM (or limlting) BASE DIMENSION. Ties must be placed as near as possible to horizontal members. The bottom tie must be placed no higher than four (4) times the minimum scaffold base width. Subsequent vertical tie placement will depend upon the scaffold width. Scaffolds three (3) feet and narrower must be tied at \€rtical intervals no more than 20 feet aDart. Scaffolds wider than three (3) feet must be tied ar vertical interyals no more than 26 feet apart. The uppermost tie should be placed as close to the top as possible and, in no case, mole than four (4) times the minimum base width ftom the top. See NOTE l. Vertical ties must be placed at the erds of the scaffold runs and at no more than 30 feet horizontal inten'als in between, Ties must be installed as the erection progresses, and not removed until scaffold is dismantled to that heighr. Side brackets, crntilevered platforms, pulleys, hoist arms, enclosed scaffolds, sloped surhces and windy conditions introduce overturning and uplift forces which must be consldered, and compensated for, These situations require additional bracing. rying or guying. Circular scaffolds erected completely around or within a structure may be restrained fiom tipping by use of "stand off' bracing members. A ftee standing tower must be guyed at the inten'als outlined above or otherwise restrained to prevent tipping or overtumlns. 12. Work platforms must be fully decfted with platform units in good. sound condition. Platform units may be individual scaffold grade wood planks, fabricated plank, hbricated scaffold decks or fabricated scaffold pladorms. a. Scaffold platforms and walkways must be at least 18 inches wide. Each end of each plank must overlap its support by a minimum of 6 inches or be cleated. Each end of each platform l0 feet long or less must overhang its supports by no more than 12 inches. Each end of each pladorm longer than 10 feet must o.!€rhang its supports by no more than 18 inches, Larger ol€rhangs must be guarded to prevent access to the o\€rnang. Materials must not be stored on overhangs. Do not stand on platform overhangs. Each plank on a continuous run scafold must extend o!-er its supports by at least 6 inches and overlap each other by at least 12 inches. Spans of 2 inch by 10 inch nominal s:afiold grade plank must neyer exceed 10 feet. No more than one person must stand on an individual plank at one time. Loads on planks must be ever y distributed and not exceed the allowable loads for type of plank being used. Secure platform units to scaffolding to prevent uplift caused by high winds or other job site conditions. Use latches, if supplied by platform manufacturer, or other suitable means, 13. Guardrails must be used on all open sides and ends of raffold platforms. Both top and midrails are required. Local codes specify minimum heights where guardrails are required. Use at lower heights if falls can cause injury. 14, Toeboards must be installed whenever people are required to work or pass under a scalfold pladorm. When materials are to be stacked higher than the to€board, screening is required from the toeboard or platform to the top guardrail. 15. Access must be provided to all work platforms. If access is not available from the structure, access ladder units or stairwa)'s must be provided. When access ladder units are prolided, a rest pladorm must be installed at vertical inten"ls of 35 feet or less. Attachable ladder units must extend at least three (3) feet aboye platforms. Install acoess ladder units as scaffold erection progresses. 16. Use fubricated decks or cleated plank to minimize platform interference in access areas. 17. Bearers may be used to provide a cantilevered support for use as brackets for light duty scaffold. If used in this manne!, they shall not exlend more than 20 inches nor carry more than t\r-o 2 x l0 inch planks unless knee braced. 18. Cantile!-ered platforms must be specifically designed for that purpose, and adequate ties provided to prevent ovefturnlng. 19. Nlaterials must never be placed on cantilevered platforms unless the assembly has been designed to support material loads by a qualified person. These t,?es of pladorms cause overturning and uplift forces which must b€ comp€nsated for. 20. DO NOT install pladorms between free standing towers. 21. Nlaterial hoists and derricks should not be mounted on a scaffold unless the scaffold is specifically designed for that DUTDOSe, @ o o 22. CHECK THE ENTIRE SC,AF-FOLD ASSEI'IBLY BEFORE USE. Thoroughly inspect the completed assembl.v to see that it complies with all safety codes, all fasteners are In place and tightened, it is level and plumb, $ork platforms are fully decked. guardrails are in place and safe access ls provided. C. ERECTIO\ OF ROLLING SCAFFOLDS. The following additional precautions apply to the erection of rolling towers: 1. Height of the rolling toraer must not exceed four (,1) times its minimum base rvidth, or 40leet, whichever is lorver. See NOTE 1. A wenr.trruc The load rating of the casters used will limit the size, configuration, and load capaciiy of the rollinq tower. J. 4. All casters must be secured to adapters with nuts and bolts Horizontal diagonal bracing must be used at the bottom and top of rolling towers where the top work platform is more than 9 feet above the surface. ffhen rolling torvers are to be erected higher lhan 9 feet, the 6rst bracc must be no more than 2 feet above the casters, the others at no greater than 2l foot inten'als above. Fabricated planks Nith hooks may be used as diagonal braces. Platform units with hooks, or cl€ated planks, must be used 0n rolling to\rers. | \1. 0| \( \ | li( )l.l)s ALL SCAFFOLDS, Each time before liou use the scafiold, a competent person must: inspect the scaftbld assembly to be sure it has not been altered, is assembled correctly, is level and plumb, all base plates are in firm contact t'ilh sills, all bracing is in place and securel!' tightened, all plalforms are fully decked, all guardrails are in place, saJe access is provided, it is properll' tied and,br guyed, there are no overhead obstruclions, there are no energized electric power lines within 12 feet oi the scaffold assembly, all clamps are fully tightened. and cor-rect any deficiencies prior to use. Use only proper access. Do not climb bracing or vertical posts. Do not climb any scaffold component unless it is specifically designed lbr that purpose. Climb safelv! 2. B. DO NOT erect scaffolding on wagons, trucks or other wheeled vehicles. Stand oni-v within the platform area; do not try to extend rvork area by leaning out over guardrailing. USE OF ROLLING TOWERS. ALL OI'THE ABOVE PRECAUTIONS PLUS: I. DO NOT RIDE T{ANUALLY PROPELLED ROLLING SCAFFOLD. NO ONE MUST tsE ON,{ ROLLING TOWTR WHILE IT IS BEING I\{O!TD. 2. Lock all casters before getting on a rolling tower. Casters must be locked at all times the scaffold is not being moved. 3. DO NOTbridge between rolling towers. 4. Remove all materials from scatrolding before moving a rolling tower. 5. Ile sure t-loor surface is clear of obstructions or holes before moving scaffold. 6, Be sure there are no overhead obstructions or energized electric power lines in the path $'hen moving a rolling tower. 7, Rolling torvers must only be used on level surfaces. 8. Nlove rolling towers from the base level only. DO NOT PULL OR PUSH from the top. lll,lrl\\1 \\ ll.l\{, \( \1. I1)l l):. The folkrwing additional precautions apply when dismantling scaffolding: A wanrurle It may be necessary to add parts to a scaffold before it can be dismantled safely. PRIOR TO REIUO\AL OR LOOSE\-ING of any component, consider the effect the removal of the component, or the loosening of a joint, will have on the strelgth of the remaining assembly. Check to see if scat'olding has been altered in any rvay which would make it unsaie. If so. reconstmct where necessary before beginning the dismantling process. 2.I 5. II 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1 a. b. c. cl. Face the rungs as you climb up or down. Lrse both hands. Do not try to carry mate als !'hile you climb. Be sure of your footing and balance before you let go with your hands. Keep one hand firmly on frame or ladder at all tmes. e. Clean shoes and rungs to avoid slipping. DO NOT work on slippery platforms. DO NOT overload platforms with materials. Do not extend working heights by standing on planked guardrails, boxes, ladders or other materials on scaffold platforms. DO NOT loosen, detach or remove any component of a scaffold assembly except under the supen'ision of a competeni person. Components that have been removed must be r€placed immediatel-v. 3. Use onlt- proper access. Ilo not climb braces or vertical members. Do not climb scadold components unless they are specifically designed for that purpose, Do not stand on pladorm overhangs. 4. Do not remove ties until scatfold abol'e has been removed. 5. Visually inspec-t each plank to be sure it is supported on both ends and is saJe to stand or work on. 6 Do not accumulate removed components or equlpment on the scaffold. 7 Lorver components io a sale manner as soon as dismantled. I)o not throw components off scaffold. 8. Stockpile dismantled equipment in an orderly manner. 9. Remove compone.t immediately after loosening clamps. Understanding and follo\aing these safety guidelines will increase your personal safety and the Ml'ety ofyour fellow workers. NOTE 1: California and some other states require a height- to- minimum base width ratio of three to one (3:1). Refer to the governing codes tor your job location. NOTE 2: ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION ARE AVAILABLE FROM SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. REGARDING: VIDEOS ACCESS ASSEMBLY WEIGHTS LOAO CAPACITY TRAINING BRACING & TYING PLANKING PARTS IDENTIFICATION SAFEWTIPS ERECTION PROCEDURES DISASSEMBLY ENGINEERINGASSISTANCE WALLETCARD a Notes a o o o TunS Clomp Scoffolding Tl|E IOI'IPIEIE SflFhIflY LIIIE r Sectional Scaffolding I Systems'n' Scaffolding r Power Swings r Rolling Towers r Shoring r Tube & Clamp Scaffolding All dra{'ings in this brochure are for illustrative purposes onlv. This brochure is intended for general information only. Because of the many variables which affect the pe ormance of this product line, some of the information in this brochure ma,v not apply. For speciiic applications, contact Safyay. Note: Erection, use, maintenance and disassembly must confotm to current Saiw*ay instructions as lvell as ALL federal, slate and local legulations. Copies of lomplete safety guidelines ft)r these and other products are available from Safuay crr your Safwal- I)ealer withour charge. SAFWAY STEET PRODUGTS INC. N14 W23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Waukesha, Wl 53188 (414) 523-6500 (800) 558-4772 r Fax (414) 523-6595 KhB ,n <,4 o 1996 Safq,'ay Steel Products Inc. All Rights Reserved.1V96 ORN 401 Providinq lhe |'|ost tlelsnlile Suspended Sqslems flvniloble v \ -,/ -!- \-- ,jd TABTE OF CONITNTS Electric Motnr Specificatiorx . . 4-5 Fall Arrest Equipment...... .. 10 Light Duty Work Pktforms . . . 6-9 Saturn Modular Work P\atforms.............. 6-7 Standard Modular Stagu.... ....... ...... 8-9 Modular Knck-hun Worh Cqe............... I Modular lt/ork Coge wfth Ennxinn & Walk-By Stirrup..... .... .. ... .. . . 9 Suspended. Stage System .. 11 he-assembled Platfor ms / Work Cag*............. 10 Bosunb Chair ........... 10 Fold-Up Work Cage.... ... 10 Inu Profile Ihoch-Down Cage... ..... 10 Riggin4 and. Amhors.. .. .. ... 12 Outrigger Fmme......... 12 Whaleba& Frame........ 13 Safety Guifulites .. ....... 14.15 "sF-x*'r{fr & t'l -\| ,t ,ttl , t I lt. ', t | |' ''r,t. rlllirl,,,,l"r,,,,' / / / /i/$ / '''l / /t Your [hoice Sqslemsofl|nilous Suspended WHYSAFWAYS SUSPENDED SYSTEMS? r Variety of work platforms and cages in a wide choice of lengths and confi gurations. I Virtually unlirnited verlical travel without rerigging. r Choose finm interthangeable electric units that power the climbing-t1pe traction hoists, rated to carry gtoss weights of 700 - 1000 pounds, at 32 or 35 feeUminute. I Choose from several rooftop rigging systemsthat are pre-en$neerco lor easy use. I Choose from work platforms, bosun's chairs, or one- or two-person work cages which may be disassembled to fit thmugh small openings such as those found in vessels, boilers, etc. $ntum flimbinq-Tqpe The Pouer Behind the Ttnction Sqsteml IN THE EWNT OF POWERFAILURE I 'No Power' controlled descent feature which lowers the hoist by gravity in the event of a power failure. I Electromechanical brake automatically holds in the event of a power iniarnrnfinn r Light goes out to indicate loss of power. MAINTENANCE INDICATORS I Hoists indicate when it's time for maintenance with a built- il hour meter.* I Clear plastic rrrindow in mechanical secondan' brake gives you a visual cue for maintenance. OPER.{IING FEITURES I Automatic reeving after the 5i16" diameter wire rope is passed through the secondary brake, into the drive unit. r Quiet power to allow workers to concentrate on their jobs. I Unique mounting design allows hoist to stand erect for convenieat installation and maintenance. EMEBGENCYDEWCES r Secondary brake detects overspeed condltions and locks onto wire rope. r l\{otors automatically stop when control switch is released. I Emergency stop button cuts off all power to motor. (Available on 35X and 32L models only.) * Available on all ETH 35X and ETH 35S models. Also available on ETH 32L models rvith serial numbers SNH0051 and above. 4 1,000 ETH35X Electric,single phase. 60 Hz, 9 amp, 200V @ motor, 1 1/2 HP Electric, single phase, 60 Hz, 7 amp, 20'0V @ motor, I II2 HP ETH32L Electric,single phase, 60 Hz, 11 amp, 100V @ motor, 3/4 flP 28 14 r2.i5 124 28 13.5 t2 124 24.75 13.6 t2 82 All motor,. require 5i 16' diameter. Right Regular La1'. 6 x 19 Fiber Core, black or galvanized wire rcpe and all motors include automatic reeving. SPECIFICATIONS Speed Operating Capacity FtJMin. Model No. Characteristics Hoists Dirn in Inches Wt. in HDWLbs. HOISTS COMPATIBILITY f4'tr Saturn Saturn Swing Stage One-/two- Fold-Up Modular Saturn Walk- End Stirrup person low-Back Work Bosun's Work Stage Walk-By Through Stirrup (TH20l) Work Cage Work Cage Cage Chair //// Snlurn Suspended l'lodulnr St]stems I Easy to Tlansport AII comporwnts needcd to complete a 4A-frct stage can be starked and. shipped on a singlc pi.chup truch. r Simple to Assemble lbo worlwrs can ossemble a complete 40 foot stoge in 15 ninutes or lus. r No Tools Needed Assemble a complete 40foot stage without tmk. r Wide Choice oflcngths and Configurations S tanda r d co mpone nts giu e you flexibility to mnfi4ure a wid,e uariety of lcngths to fit your spaific need. I Add Extensions, Hinges and Corners Easily Ad.d. euen more uursatility to our basic parhage with extensions, hinges and corners to mmplement most building shapu. Wolk-Thru Srirnrp VSMWWTS qnd Connecling Fromevsl wcF Extension Sin ctrrre \/SMWE Wqll Roller vsMwwR Floor Pin vsmwFP CORNER COMPONENIS FOR ENGINEERED PIAITORIII SYSTEMS trt rltlltIT7 15" 3('" wt\-YT7 45" 60"""2\-- -iil!F NOTE: These sections ore connecled with o <onnecring frome (VSIAI|/CF) dnd supported by o Wolk-By or !r\tolk-Throuqh Slirl|Jp, TYPrcAI. ENGINEERED P|AITOR'VI CONFIGURATIONS NOTE: Other <onfi gurorions ore ovoilobb. Pleose ronsult Sofwoy for other combinotions. SAT(NN MODUIAR STAGE COMPON ENTS Description Part No. Wt in Lbs. Description Part No Wt in Lbs. End Stirmp . VSI{WESI ...........60 Walk-Thru Stimrp .....VSNIWWTS ......... 100 Connecting Frame .....VSMWCF............ 28 Walk-By Stirrup . . . . . . . VSI\MWBS . . . . . . . . . . 70 5 Ft. Floor . .. VSII{WFS ............21 10 Ft. Floor .. VSMWF1O ...........42 2.5 Ft. Extension F10or.... . . VSMWI25X . . . . . . . . . . 10 End Srirrup vsMwESl Floor Pin . . . . VSNIWFP .... .. .... . 1.7 5 Ft. Side Panel .. .. .. VSNf\4fPs . . .... .. . ..22 l0 Ft. Side Panel . .. . . VSIUWP10.. ... . ... ..40 sFt.ftpRail .VSNIWIR5...........4 10 Ft. Top Rail . . . . . . ., . VSN{WTRIO. . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5 Ft.Extension SectionFrame .......VSNME,........... 58 Extrniion Stn ctrrrevsill tE Floor - 2.5 Fr. vsMl rf25x SidG Pqn€l - lO Ft vsrYlwPt o Floor - lO Ft- vsr\^wFr o SidePonel-5Fr. vsMwP5 Floor Pin vsrst tFP l'ftv Woll Rollar VSMW\ rR Floor Pin \/SMu,FP Courion Lgbel |nst'uclion LoH Configu rorion Lobel Sntum $uspended l'lodulor Plntf0rms Pails Lists The "Standard Configurations" on pages 8 and 9 are the only combinations that were pre-Ul Classified for use as l- and 2- point suspended scaffolds (classification applies to load capacity only). These systems must be assembled using the parts as shown. Note: Other configurations are available. Please consult Safway for other combinations. Description L€ngth (Ft.) Part No.10 End Stirrup Connecting Frame 5 Ft. Floor l0 Ft. Floor 5 Ft. Side Panel l0 Ft. Side Panel 5 Ft. 'lbp Rail l0 Ft. 'lbp Rail Floor Pins l\hll Roller VS]'I!VES 1 VSYWCF VS\{WF' VS],IWF1O VSIIWP' VSIUWPl(] VSN{WTR; vst\IwTR10 VSNlWFP VSITI'v!rylR !, I 2 2 2 2 I l!22! 11223 tll tl:3D 222 21466 :22 21166 .1 .l 66 8 22'222 2 4 2 3 4 6 4 6 10 .) 2 .J 2 Standard Configuration for Floor Connections 10 r0 10 750 845 510 10 10 10 10 10 510 10 10 10 510 10 5 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ?50 214 297 402 467 571 636 741 Rated Platform CapaciW &be ,) 'lbtal t/!'eight (Lbs.) -Poinl Suspenraon Length 5Fr. I€ngth (Ft.) Description Part No. 12.5 l5 17.3 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 37.5 40 42.5 45 Dnd Stirrup VSNIWESI I ConneclingFrame VSIIMCF Stirmps* VStrfwlVBS 1 5 Ft. Floor VSIIWFS l0 Ft. Floor VSI{WF10 1 1 i Ft. Srde Panel VS\f\4'P5 10 Ft. Side Panel !'SM\4?10 2 2 5 Ft. Top Rai) \'SMllTRs 10 Ft. Top Rail VSM!\'|R1O 2 2 2.5 Section Exfension V.sNnVE | 2 2.5 Extension Description Part No. End Stinup VSMIVES1 \lhlk-By Stinups VSM!\ryVBS 1 Connecting Frame VSMIVCF 1 Extension Section frame VSNIWE 2 Extension Floor VSNI\ryF25X 2 2 1l1ll1 111122223344 121212121212 l1 11 1122 112222333333 22222214 224144666666 22222244 224444666666 Floor Pins \\hll Roller VSNTWFP 2 VSNI!W!? 2 Rated Platform Capacity (lbs.) 1,000 TotalWeight Obs.) 301 Floor VSNl\tl'25X I 2 t VSNIWFP 3 4 5 VSNIIWIR 2 2 2 Floor Pins Wall Roller 212 656 222 1212 910 11 12 2222 r212 7878 2222 Standard Confrguration for Floor Connections 10E10E10E10E108r085E E 10 510 10 10510 10 10 l0 10 105 E E 5 E 10 10510 10 l0 10 10 10 E E E 10E10510 10 10 EED551O EE5 E Ndc '8" inditates nnrts VSME with VSI\MF2SX Rated Platform Capacity (Lbs) 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 i,000 1,000 ?50 ?50 750 750 lbtal Weight (l,bs.)373 449 478 553 543 618 U7 ',i23 ?12 788 816 892 g21 996 * You can us€ either \\hlk-By Stirntps (VSNl\\rWB.s) or Walk-Thru Stirups IYSI{\\'\\TS). SuspensionPre-flssembled Plntfoffi s !^lith l-Point Work Coge with 2 Swivel Building Rollers lA|ork Coge Exlension rvirh 2 Swivel Euilding Rollers Description Part No. Wt. in Lbs. \York Cagervith 2 Rollers (.{bove) ...TH011 ..........154 !\brk Cage Exbension rvith 2 Rol]ers (Above) ...TH012 ........,,11? Ilosun'sCharr(Above)....., .......TH0i5,,.......48.6 Lorv Back \lbrk Cage (Above) ....... VSLBWC ........102 $f Inrv Back Work Cage Wall Roller. . . . Fold-Up Work Cage-4 Ft (Above) ....VFWBL4. ........157 Fold-Up Work Cage-6Ft.. VFWBL6. . . . . . . . . 187 p614-lrp Work Cage-8 Ft.. VFWBLS. .. . . ... .213 ACCESSORIES_ Fall Anest Equipment and. FaIl Protection Components Body Harness Rope Grab for either 5/8" or 3/4" Lileline 4' Lanyard with Shock Absorber Polypropylene Core rvith Polyester Jacket Lifeline 5/8" or li/4" Diameter I Allows access to smaller work openings or areas, such as chimneys or boiler access. I Lightweight for easy maneuvenng, erectmg ano anspornng. Low Bock Work Coge ,,ffi'ffiY(/ a 4 c1@r-\ 10 $uspended Stn0e $qstem r Duty rated for 2 person (500 lbs) or 3 person (750 lbs.) loads. rAvailable in 20", 24" and 28" stage widths. r tlexible locations for stimrps and guardrail posts. r Stage lengths available in even numbers from 12' to 40'. r Great for building maDrcnance, pam@rs, window cleaners. WHEN ONDERING, PLEASJE SPECIFY 1. Length of stage, 2. Width of stage and 3. Iluty rating. 2-Point Suspension Part No,Wt. in Lbs.Description Stirrup Guardrail Post Stage Guardrail Post Aluminum Stages (Shorvn hen in the most rvidelS-' used sizcs.) 28"W x 32'LSperson. ...... VAS*2832-3 28" W x 28' L 3 person. . . . . . . !'AS*2828-3 28" W x 24' L 3 person. . . . . . . VAS*2821-3 24"Wx 30' L 2 person. . . . . . .'v'AS*2430-2 24" W x 24' L 2 person. . . . . . . \AS*2421-2 * When ordering, enter either an Lor W in place of the asterisk. Swivel llullion Roller with Clamps. . . . . . . TH005 \lide I\{ullion Buildrng Roller 8.5 G'- u- t"JtE 11 Inl'latable llullion Roller . .. .. TH033 0utriqger Beom ond Frnme Stlstem I Entire system disassembles to fit in standard elevator. I Cast imn counterweighis complete with specially designed slot for positive attachment to Safuay's out- rigge.r beam assemblies or ournggel rames. I Easy to transport and assemble. I Use aluminum or steel beam rated to carry 1,000 pounds (maximam overhang - 2ft. for TH013 steel beam or 4 ft. for TH024 aluminum beam). r Available in mlling or stationary models. (Solling model shown at right.) USEWTH: : One point suspended plat- forms (i.e. cages, bosun's chairs, etc) r Use two assemblies for 2- point suspended platforms (i.e. stages and modular work platforms) CONSISTS OF SEASY- TAASSEMBLE PARTS: 2 Outrigger Beam Support frames 3 Cross braces 1 Aluminum or steel outrigger beam assembly 4 Base plates or casters Required number of coulter- welgn[S (A counterweight chart speci-fuing the number of munterweights required for each orrrhang is attached to each Safway outrigger suspension system.) Description Part No. Wt. in Lbs 0utrigger Beam Support Frame Cross Braces 12'x 3' .. .8123 ... ...........27.412'x4',. .8124 . . .. . . . . . . . , . . 28.0 10' x3'.. .8103 . . . . . . . . . . . , , . 15.810'x4'.. .8104 . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 16.5 8' r 3' .. . .883 .. .. .... ... .. , . 13.88'x4'... .B84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 Steel Outrigger Beam Assembly (maximum 2 ft. overhang) (includes shackles and plate) . . .TH013 , . . . . . , . . . . , 132.0 Aluminum Telescoping Outrigger Beams (maximum 4 ft. overhang) (includes shackles) . .TH021 . .. . .. .. . . .. 111.0 Casters 8" Diam. Rubber ....C84. .....13.8 8" Diam. Steel Caster ..... . . .C8S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8 Screw Jack with base plate , .....A11S .....15.0 Screw Jack (to use rvith casters) Rn @ i + tl rTt:-Trl LII'(__J 12 Counterweighis as required rAllows TH024 Aluminum Beam to overhang 6 feet, thereby inaeasing your reach. r Disassembled units fit into an elevator. t'r|hnlebnc]t for 0utriqqer Beom dnd Fldtne Sqstem Part No. Wt. in Lbs. E--H - -- Counberweight Hanger (works with Aluminum 'l'elescopic Beam-TH024only) ............ TH243 .... , . . .46.0 ffiuty q==-ffi Aluminum Parapet Clampd! I/ wrth sharkle Description Shaleback Beam Support System (Above)..... TH070 .........154.7 Cross Braces (See opposite page) Aluminum Outrigger Beam Assemblv (See opposite page) Base plates (See opposite page) Counterweights (See opposibe page) Other Rigging Components Miscellaneous sAFWAy suspENDEo ta^$tD sAFETy cutDE'NEs Scaffold Safetv is Bvelvone's Responsibrlity Everyone's safetit depends upon the proper erection and safe use of scaffolding. Inspect 1-our scaffolding before each use to assure that the assembly has not been altered and is ..afe for ],our use, Amnuno SERIOUS INJURY OR DEAIH CAN RESUTT FROM YOUR FAILURT TO FA'}TIUARIZE YOURSEU AND COMPTY WIIH Att APPIICABLE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF TEDERAL sIATE, AND LOCAI REGUTATIONS. UNDERSTAND IHESE SAFETY GUIDE. TINES AND SAFWAY'S OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSIRUCIIONS BEFORE ERECIING, USING OR DISIVIANIT.ING THIS SCAFFOID. NOTE: All personnel on suspended scaffolds are required to wear a fall arrest device properll' attached. The lifeline must be attached to a structurally sound support independent of the scaffold support. SAFET\ }IUST CON{E FIRST! SafwaS' equipment is designed and manufactured rvith the user in mind. The safety that goes into each prece of equipment. however, cannot offset carelessness on the part ofthe erector or the user. Slith this in mind. IN ORDER T0 PREVENT INJURY T0 THE USERS of Safwal' equipment, we urge yor.l to follow these safetl; guidelines. I. ERECTION OF SUSPEI\DED SCAFFOLDING Awanuruc IF EXPOSED TO THE POSSIBIUW OF A FAIL DURING RIC€ING, PROPERLY ATTACHED FAI.I ARRESI OR PREVEMION EQUIPMEM MUST BE WORN. A. PRIOR TO ERECTION. Rcad the opcrating and maintenance instructions provided with the hoist equipment and fbllow thern at all tirnes. Befirre rnstallation. nssule roof or supporting strurture is capable of safell supporting at least ,1 times the ratcd load of the hoist and rigging eqr.ripment. Inspect a1l tquipment before using and assure all bolted connections arc trght. Wcight ofpersonnel, material and components on the scaffolding rnust not exceed rating of thc hoist and rigging system used. BRECTION OF SLISPENDED SCAFFOLDING. Outrigger beirrns, parapct clamps or roofhooks may be ttsed to suppoit the .'uspendetl scaffokl. IIE SLTE thc building is capable ofsupporting thc necessa4 loads. In addition. each ofthese devices must be attached to u structurally sor:nd portion of the buikling rvith a suitable treback to prevent accidental movcment o1'the outrigger beam. parapet clamp or loof hook. l'icblcks nrusr havc the eqr.Livalent strengh of the hoisiing ropc. 'l'icbacks shrll be installed without slack. lVhenever possible. trebacks must be instulled at ri*ht anglt's to the face of the buildrns. lf tro- backs cannot be installed at right angles. trvo opposing angle tiebacks. wirhout slack. shall be r,rsed for each outrigger beam. parnpet clamp and roof hook. il. Parapet clamps trnd roof hooks must only be installed on parapet s after it has been determinecl that the parapt't can rvithstand the lated load bending folces imposed upon them. 7. Overhang ofoutrigger beams must not. exceed the maximum allowable dimension as shown in the appropriate instructions for the load being Lrsed. Countenveights shall provicle a minimum safety factor of 4:1 against ovcrturning. Each shall be made of nonflorvable material and perma- nentll'marked with its weight. All counterweights must be securell- fastened to the outrigger beam or to -some other securell' attached structural membcr designed for that purpose. r\ll overhead riggrng. counterweights. anchoragcs and connections rnust bt'secured and adequately restrained from moyement in anv direction. \\rhen installing the Power Srving traction tlpe horsting machines. mnke surc rire ropes are long enough to extend from the highest point of support to the lowcst point of the structure plus 10 feet required for Power Swing reeving. c,DO NO'l' install scaffold in the vicinitl, of power lines until ihe power service company hlts been conhrcted and the clectrical porver has been tliscnnnectt'd. NEVEIT install scaflblds in the r.icinity of exposed electrical circuits until it is assured that sr.Lch cxposed circuits cannot affect anv part of the scallbld asscmblr: Handle lll ecluipment wiih care, and prevent,,vire ropes from becoming kinked. I)O N0'l' drcp equiprnent dunng handling, loadrng or r.rnloading. D0 NO'l in-.tall or use damirged equipment. Connection of wire rope to the rigging must bc mtrde with proper littings designed for that purpose. See the operating and main, tenance instructions pronded with thc hoist equipment. NEVER rirap rvire ropcs around ovelhead rigging or use makeshift derices. Hoisting machines on multilevel .suspension scaffold-q must be located on the samt ccnterline as tht rigEnt. Two or nole scalTirlds must not be combincd in a run bv lapping platforrns on onc stirrup or bv bridgrng hetween them. except fbr multi- 11. 1{). Amnuno ANY OT,IRIGGER BEAIVI, PARAPET CI.AMP OR ROOF HOOK USED TO SUPPORI THE SUSPENDED SCAFFOID BY W|RE ROPE IAUST BE PROPERTY TIED BACK TO PREVENT A CATASTROPHIC FAILURE OF THE SUSPENDED SCAFFOLD. NEBACKS SHAtt BE INSIALI.ED WITHOT'T SLACK TO A STRUCTURALTY SOUND PORNON OF THE BUIIDING. Awnnxrno I}O NOT SECURE THE BOTTOM END OF IHE WIRE ROPE USED TO SUSPEND THE SCAFFOID. WIRE ROPE CAN BECOME KINKED AND BREAK IF THE BOTTOM END IS PREVEMED FROM ROIANNG FREETY AS IHE SCAFFOTD IS MISED AND IOWERED. B, I1 1:. 13. point suspension scaflblding or specifgineered systems. Doing so could cause riggrng or platform to fail. Assure platform and toeboards are properly' installed and stagrng (platforrn) is secured to the stimrps or frames. Make sure that guardrails and miclrails are properly installed on all open sides and ends of rhe work platform. Use rvire mesh screen between guardrail and toeboards if people are required to work or pass under the suspended scaffold. Angulated rope suspension si'stems. lashing or other devices shall be used to minimize swar.ing of scaffolds. Window cleaners' anchors shall NOT be used for this purpose. USE OF SUSPENDED SCAFFOLDING. NEVER STEP ONTO.A SUSPENDED SCAFFOLD UNLESS YOU ARE WF.ARING A PROPERLYATIACHED FALL AXREST DEVICE. llhen using the drum type hoisting machines at least four turns of the wire mpe must remain on the drum at all times. The end ofthe wire rope must be properly secured to the drum. S'ire ropes, aluminum plaiforms and other parts of the scaffold are susceptible to serious damage if exposed to fue, undue heat, corrosive atmospheric conditions or corrosive chemicals. D0 NOT USE suspended scaffolds in corrosive atmospheres or with corrosive chemicals. Take precautions to protect wire ropes when using uclding equipmeni. Ifexposure to lhese conditions occur or is suspected, notify 5'our employer immediately and discontinue use of the scaffold. Amnnnc DO NOT USE SAfWAY EUCIRIC POWER SIA/II{GS IN AN EXPTOS]YE ATIIOSPHERE. 7. Periodically inspect the wire rope for damage and rvear, lubricate as needed and retighten the twin base cable clamps. INSPECT and TEST each time before use and/or after rerigging. Insure that periodic lubrication and other specified maintenance procedures are fully complied with. NEVER alter, remove or substitute parts or components of the hoisting machine or scaffold. Before using electrically operated hoists. assure that the electrical power source and all power source connections are properly grounded. that the po&€r source is of the proper phase and wltage for the hoist. and be sure insulation of wire and ctnnections are in good condition. Impose loads on suspended scaffolds gently and without impact. D0 NOT load equipment be1'ond rrcommended load capacities. Do not weld from a suspended sca{fold unless all precautions noted in the operating and maintenance instruction book are implemented and follorved. When using a rolling outrigger system the following addiiional special precautions apply: a) Use casters, outrigger base frames and outrigger beams only with. in the limits specfied on the instructions and literature supplied with the equipment. b) Be sure loads imposed on the structure by the caster are dissipated by using devices to distribute the loads. Use guide channels and mo\€ system only n'ith suspended platform at its lowest positron. DO NOT ride the suspended platform while the rolling outrigger system is being moved, Keep counterweights within the scaffold base dimension and smure them in position. Ifoutrigger height must be increased. D0 NOT raise hrgher than two times the.systefinirnum base dimension withoui increasing the ngglng Dase olmenslon. g) Tie the outrigger beam to the structure when in use. r0.lVhen using an air operated hoist, NEVER disconnect the air hose while the compressor is running and the lines are pressurized. If damage or defects develop in the wire ropes, hoisting machine or other scaffold components as a result of use or abuse. discontinue use and notify your employ'er. Contact your Safway Dealer for specral rigging or application information. Amnnno SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH CAN RESULI FRC'M IMPROPER USE OR ASSEMBIY OF HOIST SUSPENDED SCAf FOII' PRODIJCTS. DO NOT USEASUSPENDED SCAIFOLD UNLESS: . YOU ARE WNARING A FAIT ARREST DEVICE. PROPERLY ATTACHED. . YOU TLAW READ A\D T]NDERSTAND THE OPERATION MANUAL. . YOU TLAVE PERSONALLY DETERIVIINED THAI: _ THE ROOF SUPPORT SYSTF,NI IS CO]\{PLETB. PROPERLY ASSEX{BLED. COUNTERWEIGHTED OR OTHERWiSE ANCHORED, TIED OFFAND NOT OVERLO.ADED, _ W]NCHES ARE NOT OVERI,OADED. PLATFORNIS ARE NOT OVERLOADED, GUARDRAILS ARE PROPERLY INSTAI,LED. ERECTION AND USE OF HOIST SUSPEMED SCAFFOLD PRODUCTS IVIUST CO}IPLY WITH SAFWAYS INSTRUCTIONS, OSHA AND OTHER APPLICABLE CODES. COPIES ARE AVAILABLE FROM SAFWAY WITHOUT CFL{RGE. NOTE: ADDITIONA], INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORI4ATION ARE AVAII,ABLE FRO},I SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. REGARDING: 14, C. \,'IDEOS ASSEIVIBLY LOAD CAPACITY BRACING & TNNG PARTS IDENTINCATION WEIGHTS TRAINING PLANKING SAI'ETY TIPS DISASSEI\{BLY ERECTIONPROCEDURES RIGGING ENGINEERINGASSISTANCE COUNTERWEIGHTS ACCESS FALL PROTECTION All drar.ings in this brochure are for illustratrve purposes oniJ: This br<rhure is intended for general information only. Because of the manv variables which affect the performance ol the product line, some of the information in this brrcchure may not apply. l'or specihc applications. contact Safivay. Note: Erection. use, maintenance and disassembly must mnform to current Safway instructions as rvell as ALL federal. state and local regulations. Copies of mmplete safety guidelines are available from Safway without charge. 15 T]|E IOI'IPLETE SflFI^IflT TIIIE I Sectional Scaffoldrng I Systems'' Scaffolding I Power Swings r Rolling Towers r Shoring I Tube & Clamp Scaffolding r\li drawings in this brochure are for illustrativt: purpose only 'llt- hroihur'r. i" inlended ftrr gcneral inftrmation onlyr BecarLse of the many variables which affu:t the perforntnce of rhe product line. some of the information in this brochure nruv not appll'. For specihc applications, contact Safwal ,\ble: Erection. use nraintenancc and d sr-renbll nrrril ( )nform lo (lrrtFnl Safway instructions as well ls AJ,L l.,leral. st:,tr'.rnd l.",rl tcgu.:rtion. Cr,pi"s ol complett' safetv guidelines tirr these and oihcr products are available from Salway without chruge. SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. Nr 4 !1/23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Wa!kesha, W 53188 (414) 523'6500 (800) 558,4//2 r Fax (414) 523'6595 MhB a :sgti Snrq,n Srorl lhdrrt: lnf. All RighG RereF.i.6l9rj oR\:l0l o ileu Products For loncrele Forminq ileeds NIANTO LARGE PANEL VERTICAL FORNNVORK I Improvr,vour formwork cllicirnc5,. '1ake more panrl to the wall. I I ewcr clale picks with largt' standard panel dimensions ofboth 8' x 1l' and 8' x 9' (nominal). I Improve pour times lvith lirll liquid head pantl herght capacityl I Incnrasc overall ftrrm ltle antl appearance wlth oLrr hot-tlipped galvanizirl fiarne with H.D,0. pl1'rvrxxl! I 0angs i lamp'togethel rapidh without small hardwarc. 'lho panel cllrnps self'align and runnrrt two gtgantic prtn"l. which give lntt l?(i sq. ft. of read,v-to-go lirrmworkl I Supcrsize gangs can be erectcd quickly and re-coniigLrred rvithout walors or snall. easilr. lost waler hardwarel COIIIPACT LIFT FOR}NVORK SYSTE}I I'l'he most ccononriurl post shore iind lx'tm drophead forming sl stcm availablt,. I The sk)ut (120 strineer and joist beirrn is /,'ss (',r?cni'i.?, s1trr,+? trrl ltgitk't than alttntinLtm. I A rvood beam mrrv ltrluce jobsite tht'fi. I Stripprng is us simple as a hanmcr hlrrv hr ihe dropheatl wcrlgc. I'l'he lliD post shurc rrnd tripod sLLpport strrbi- lizr. I hr. :vslln: rlrrr ing ,.rr.ctiott. 'nirrtt:tiztng the necd fbr strrbilitl blacing. I The drophead. post shore and tlipotl rrre hot' dippcd galvrrnizctl firl longer lifel I l'ast. light, r't'r'tital rvood beam gang lirrming s!stem. I The'Supel SplLrcc C20 Bearn t'eplacts the expensive llurninLnn joists in this kratl- gathering glng lirrming sl stem, I 'lhc C2U Boum is slrongcn hgft&,r lnd 1r'ss coslll than its irlLrminum counterpitrt. I A wood bearn nral reduce jobsite thtli compared to lrlrrminum. I Form l'our rlrtliltrl ureas rvith cot'nt'r {irlrning der'ices and splicing hardlatc, not available lvith most otht'r aluminum bcam systt'ms. RASTO VERTICAL FORM\4'ORK I Raskr ciin be quicklv handset or conliErred into a gang forming -.r'stt'n. I l,argt standard panols 1!)'r 2.i'nominal) imllrovt. ercction timcs.'l'ltkc morc panel to thc rvrrlll I (iuickly errct with two sulf:aligning panel clunps tr-rtaling 41 sq. fi. in minutesl ! Large glngs can be tiirmetl without ivalet's ul srrr,rll u;rlor hardrvittt'. tltr,r'hr suringttnte lnrL retlLrcing the grssibilitl' of shortages. I Improve poru rates and nrtluce pillolving with our tirll liquid head panel hcight capaci.tyl I 0ur svstem is faced ivith H.D.O. pllwrxxl to create one of the brst concrete sulfirct's possible. I Framcs ale hot-dippetl galvlnized to prevent rLrst lnd extend form lile. TOPEC }IODULAR SL{B FORNI\!ORK I Onc of the quickest motlulirr wood-faced slah formrvork system-. availuhlel ! l,lrgc (6 x ll'nominal). lightwcight (46 lbs.) alurninun panel-" rapidll cnrt to provide vour dttk surface. ! Simple and fast ertrtion using onll-trvo lssemblv component-< patrel and a shorc. I All crtrtion and dismantling is perlbrmed frorn the glound. reducing rvorkcrs' exposure to firlls. l'li4x,c panels proride a non"pillowing. rtnifortn finish. Comprised of r 5-laver plastic-coated multipler pllwood, the plnels are edge-pro- tu ttxl bv a powder-snted aluminum fi'ame I?rr tirsy ileaning. I 'l'his vcrsatile slstem can tccttmmodate slllbs up to 1l)' high and 1:1" thick quirklv and simplt: h'lnll/Slnb Fomuorlt nnd flccessories Cz() WALL FORN{WORK For additional information, call SAFWAY STEEL PHODUCTS INC N14 W23833 Stone Ridoe Dr.. Surte 40d waukesha. wl 53188 J414) 523-6500 (800) 558-4772 r Fax (414) 523-6595 , lg!(isrlwrv St{{l l'rodLrctr In, .\llliirhrs l'lr{,r!ed 3197 ORN 1l0r) Introducinq the ]r|eur Simple, 0uiclr nnd llersotile l'l'lrt' llist Shole l]5() l)l] oflt'rs vou ir sirnlrlt', t'conrrniit' nl('ans ol sltorittg. I Sltorr's c:rrr ltc trst'cl inrlir,idLrirlll'or in conjLrt'tion rvitlt li l rtrtl sltoring I r*:r'r t t ll lir ':. I t;-llt.ad provitlt's a sarlrllt'to support 1hc st rirrgc'r or joists. (J u icl<r-clt'ase tlt'vice s:rvcs lirrrt' anrl t,nr.rgt' <lrrring stripping. I Instirllctl tlLrick rclt'asr'lrolt with Srrrrrr thiel< r'etairrt,r' slirnrlt curr't bt lost. r Hot rliplx<l salv:urize'rl lo l)r(.v('nt rusl arrtl crlt'rrrl lili'. I All lrartlrv;rrc is st'lf corrtaint'rl. No lost or ntiss- lng l)ar t s. I Ibst shorr's art' rlt'sigrrttl 1o sul)l)or'1 r'i'rlic:rl Liarls. ,,\ll lirrtttr,vork or supltorlt'd strrrcttrrt's tnust lx' li.slr-aint'rl ll'orn lirlcrlrl lno\'('llt('nt. Posl $hore 350 [B or Post Shore 350 [B Post Shore 350 DB Part No. Height: Weight: Part No. VF"TAOO1645 USEP VFTP552147 615rr to 1il5r1 46.5lbs. Description Weight Post Shore Bracing Clamp 0.3 lbs. U-Head 4.9lbs. Height (ft.) 6r5rl 6r6rl 7t0n at All 8r0rl 8r6rl 9r0rl 9r6rl 10r0rl 10r6rl 11rOil 11'5rl Inad (lbs.) 5700 5700 5700 5700 5700 5700 s700 5700 5700 5700 5650 5050 USEP -- -\== VFTA001645* Post shr)f{'s musl bc braced or rcslt-rtined front lateral nrovement by other rtu:ans. All drawings on this sheet are for illustrative purposes only. This sheet is intended lbr general infortnation purposes only'. Ilecause of the many variables rvhich affect the performance of the product line, some ol the information in it nray not appl1'. I"or specilic applications, contact Safivalr NOTE: Ilrection, use, maintenance ancl disassembly l1'rust conform to currcnt manufacturer's instructiotls as well as all l'ederal. state and local regulations. Copies oI complete safety guklelines for these and other products are al'ailable from Safuay or your Safu'ay dealer without charge. SAFWAY STEEL PRODUSTS INC. N'14 W23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Waukesha, Wl 53188 (414) 523-6500 i800) 558-4772 . Fax (414) 523-6595 VFTP552147 ia') 1996 Safwa,y Steel Products Inc. All Rights Reservcd.1l196 ORN 553 The Versntile Scnffoldinq Thnt is [dsq, Simple, fdnptnble nnd [ompntible Tube & Clomp ra Safway's Tube And Clamp. The versatile scaffolding that is: Easy to erect and dismantle - only four basic parts are needed. Adaptable to any scaffolding situation - high or low, inside or out, round, straight or irregular shapes. Versatile enough to be used independently or to supplement scaffolding (depending on job conditions). Compatible with Safua,v standard scaffold frames. Durable CM-19 and CSA-19 clamps fasten securely to both 1.69" and 2" nominal O.D. steel tubing. Tubing is galvanized and the drop forged clamps are galvanized or Sherardized to protect against rust and corrosion. ]F Interlocking Steel Tubes Galvanized 2 inch nominal O.D. tubing with twist and lock fittings on ends. Available in the follor.ing lengths: ST4SG - 4ft.,9.51rs. ST6SG - 6 ft., .rJ.25 /bs. ST8SG - 8 ft., l6.25lbs. ST1OSG - 10 ft., 20 l6s. sTl3SG - 13 ft., 255 tts ST1OSG - 16 ft., 30.5 /Ds. Base Plate BP.TSG 3 1t4 hs. Provides secure footing for venical tubes. Has twist and l<,r--k fitting to secure plate to vertical tubing. Base Plate BP-I0SG 6lbs. Can be used in place of Base Plate BP- LSG. Female end of scaffold tube fits into base plate tube to prevent lateral movement. Rigid Clamp CRA 19 2 3/4 hs. Rrgid clamps are used to join tubes at right angles. Eye bolts swing up againsl vertical tube allowing easy placement of horizontal members. Clamp flanges support horizontal tubes until they can be bolted securely. Swivel Clamp CSA 19 3 1/2lbs. Swivel clamps join tubes at any angle required. Used primarily lor diagonal bracing. These clamps have same flange stops, eye bolts, nuts and washers used on the right angle clamps. Tube and Clamp Wrench S7l7 2lbs. Rachet and socket \.!Tench with mallet. Access I-adder Units SAUG 18 lbs. SAU3 9 1i3 lbs. Safuay Steel Climbing Ladder and brackets should be used to provide easl' access to scaffold. I-anding platforms should be provided when required. Ladder units are 17 3i4 inches wide with 12 inches rung spacing. Must be installed with SAUB brackets. Right Angle Clamp CRAL2 2.5 lbs. Light duty single size clamp. T-bolts with replaceable retained nut and 7/8 inch collar nuts. Rated load is 625 lbs.. Single size 1.9 inch tube. Caps and bod) hot drip galvanized and zinc plated dichromate bolts and nuts. St'ivel Clamp CSAL2 2.6 lbs. Light duty single size clamp. T-boits r,rith replaceable retained nut and 7./8 inch collar nuts. Rated load is 625 lbs.. Single size 1.9 inch tube. Caps and bod)'hol drip galvanized and zinc plated dichromate bolts and nuts. Right Angle Clamp MS2R 58lDs. Heavl- duty clamp is 4 inches lvide and used to join 2 inch nominal O.D. tubing or pipe at right angles. N{eets or exceeds Nar'1 Specification NIIL-S- 29180A. Swivel Clamp lltszs 6 1t2lbs. Heavy dury clamp is 4 inches wide is used for bracing and compatible with 2 inch nominal O.D. tubing or pipe at right angles. Meets or exceeds Navy Specification IVIL-S-29 180A. Swivel Clamp HDSA 238 4 hs. Joins 2 inch nominal O.D. tube bncing members to 2 3l€ inch diameter shoring frame legs. Swivel Clamp WSC 6 lbs. Joins 2 inch nominal O.D. tube bracing members to 3 1/2 inch O.D. hearry duty side\ ?lk canopy posts. o o Access Ladder Bracket SAUB 5 li2 lbs. Will attach to SAU ladder sections at any elevation and clamp to either a !€rtical tube or a horizontal bearer. Provides 7 inch toes clearance. NOTE: When installing S.{U s-vstem, two brackets are required on base ladder section and one on each remaining section. idw I Sofely Guidelines SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR TUBE AND CLANTP SCAFFOLDING SCAFFOLD SAFETY IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITYI Ever!-one's saiety depends upon the design, erection, use, and dismanlling of *afiolding by COI{PETENT PITRSONS ONLY. Inspect your scaffolding before each use to see that the assembly has not been altered and is safe for your use. A wenNrruc SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH CAN RESULT FROI' YOUR FAILURE TO FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF, AND COMPLY wlTH ALL APPLICABLE SAFEW REQUIREIIIENTS OF FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND THESE SAFETY GUIDELINES BEFORE ERECTING, USING OR DISMANTLING THIS SCAFFOLD. A wenrurruc BE SURE TO FULLY TIGHTEN CLAMPS IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLACING COiIPONENT. CLAMPS THAT ARE NOT FULLY TIGHTENED WILL NOT SUPPORT DESIGN LOADS. FAILURE TO TIGHTEN CLAMPS COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. SAIETY MUST COME FTRST! Safuay equipment is designed and manulactured with the user in mind. The safety that goes into each piece of equipment, however, cannot offset erelessness on the part of the erector or the user. With this thought in mind. IN ORDER To PREVENT INJURY TO THE USERS of Safiray equipment, t'e urge you to follow these safety guidelines. Scaffold design must include analysis of load carry'ing members by properly qualified personnel. Safuay component load capacity and reight information is available from your Safuay Dealer. Scaffolding must be erected, used, moved, and disassembled only under the supenision of competent persons. L IrRl.( tro\ {)l:1I lll,..\\l)(l-\}ll'st.\l:li()l-lrl\(;. PRIOR TO ERECTION . ALL SCATFOLD ASSEMBLTES. Job site must be inspected to determine ground conditions, strength of supporting structure, proximity of electric p<)n'er lines, ov'erhead obstructions, wind conditions, and the need for ol'erhead or weather protection. These conditions must be evaluated and adequately addressed. Post spacing and sill size can only be determined after the total loads to be imposed on the scaffold and the lreight of the scaffold har-e been calculated. Stationary sczffolds over 125 feet irl height must be designed by a professional engineer. All equipment must be inspected to see that it is in good condition and is serviceable. Darased or detenorated eouiDmenl must not be used. WARNING Not all species and grades of lumber can be used as scaffold plank. Wood planks used fo] scaffolding must be graded as scaffold plank by an approved grading agency, or specifically manufactured for scaffold use. 7. Scaffold plank must be inspected to see that it is graded as scaffold ptank, is sound and in go,od condition. and is free from saw cuts, cr"cks. notches, splits, delaminations and holes. A fully qualified and competent person can deyiate ftom these guidelines onl,v if it tzn be sho&n that the resulting scaffold desigr complies with applicable codes and generdlly aocepted scaffold engineering practices. The scafiold assembly must be designed to comply with local, State and Federal requirements. ERECTION OF FIXED SCAFFOLD. I wenuruc FALL ARREST equipment attached to scaffold UALNqI prevent serious INJURY or DEATH if a fall occurs. Scaffold must be erected. moved or disassembled only under the supen'ision of competent pervrns. Safety equipment, including safety glasses and hard hats, must be n'orn by all persons erecting. moving, dismantling or using scaffolding. 1. Base plates must be centered on the sills, and be in firm contact with both sills and vertical posts. Be especiall-v careful when scaffolds are to be erected on soft or frozen gound. Any pan of a building or structure used to support the scaffolding must be capable of supporting the load to be applied. 2- Lrse base plates and sills if required by ground conditions. DO NOT USE unstable objects such as blocks, Ioose bricks, and similar obiects or materials. Oa Hn*t;; tools recommended bv Saflay for erection and 4. Plumb and level scaffolding. Be sure scaffold stays plumb and le\?l ds erection progresses. I wanrurruc Safi^ray "Twist and Lock" tubing, whether used as verlical or horizontal members, must be rotated into a locked position before being clamped. Space the vertical posts so that the rniaximum length of the bearers and runners are as follows: B. A. Llnifonnlv distributed load 25 lbs. per sq.ft. - (light duty) 50 lbs. per sq.ft. - (medium duty) Bearers Runners 4 Ft. 10 Fr.3t/,Ft. 8 Ft. o, o' t9"5nn::10il"*Tlii'u*lrl'",F,.J1"#Jf t";i:Iol*n'-** A wanrurnc All clamps must be tightensd firmly (approximately 40 foot pounds of torque) as erection proceeds. Runners (horizontal run members) shall be securely clamped to posts at each end. They shall not be spaced more than 6 feet 6 inches apart vertically, with the bottom runner placed as close to the base as possible. Rurners must be erected along the length of lhe scaJfold. Interlock eods to form continuous lenlghs {'hen necessary. Bearers are horizontal members w'hich suppoft a platform, Each bearer clamp shall be positioned above, and in contact with, a runner clamp. Bearers should not extend beyold their supports more than 6 inches unless the s€affold design requfes a longer member. 9. Bracing across the ridth of the scaffold shall be installed at the ends of the sca.ffold and at least every fourth level l'ertically and repeated e\€ry third set of posts horizontally. This bracing shall form a cross configuration nhich extends from the bottom of the inner post or rulner to the top of the outer post or runner, and ftom the bottom ol the outer post or runner to the top ofthe inner post or runler. 10. Diagonal bracing on both the inside and the ourside row of posts must start as close to the bottom as possible on each end of the scaffold run and extend upw"rd at approximately a 45 degree angle to the top of the scaffolding. lf such diagonal bracing does not reach the top, the direction of the bracing must be reversed and proceed to the top of the sr:ffold. This bracing pattem must be repeated at every fifth vertical post. Diagonal bracing may be coupled to the runners. 1I. Ties, guys, bracing anflor outriggers may be needed to assure a safe stable scaffold assembly. The height of the scalfold in relation to the minimum base width, nind loads. the use of brackets or cantilevered pladorms and imposed siraffold loads determines the need for sway and stability bracing. The following genenl guidelines apply: a. A scaffold must always be secured when the height of the scaffold exceeds four (4) times the minimum base width. See NOTE 1. A wanrurrc Outriggens, or other moans, may be used to Increase the minimum base dimension of a scaffold tower. The resulting base dimension, howcyer, may NO LONGER BE THE tNtMUM (or limlting) BASE DIMENSION. Ties must be placed as near as possible to horizontal members. The bottom tie must be placed no higher than four (4) times the minimum scaffold base width. Subsequent vertical tie placement will depend upon the scaffold width. Scaffolds three (3) feet and narrower must be tied at \€rtical intervals no more than 20 feet aDart. Scaffolds wider than three (3) feet must be tied ar vertical interyals no more than 26 feet apart. The uppermost tie should be placed as close to the top as possible and, in no case, mole than four (4) times the minimum base width ftom the top. See NOTE l. Vertical ties must be placed at the erds of the scaffold runs and at no more than 30 feet horizontal inten'als in between, Ties must be installed as the erection progresses, and not removed until scaffold is dismantled to that heighr. Side brackets, crntilevered platforms, pulleys, hoist arms, enclosed scaffolds, sloped surhces and windy conditions introduce overturning and uplift forces which must be consldered, and compensated for, These situations require additional bracing. rying or guying. Circular scaffolds erected completely around or within a structure may be restrained fiom tipping by use of "stand off' bracing members. A ftee standing tower must be guyed at the inten'als outlined above or otherwise restrained to prevent tipping or overtumlns. 12. Work platforms must be fully decfted with platform units in good. sound condition. Platform units may be individual scaffold grade wood planks, fabricated plank, hbricated scaffold decks or fabricated scaffold pladorms. a. Scaffold platforms and walkways must be at least 18 inches wide. Each end of each plank must overlap its support by a minimum of 6 inches or be cleated. Each end of each platform l0 feet long or less must overhang its supports by no more than 12 inches. Each end of each pladorm longer than 10 feet must o.!€rhang its supports by no more than 18 inches, Larger ol€rhangs must be guarded to prevent access to the o\€rnang. Materials must not be stored on overhangs. Do not stand on platform overhangs. Each plank on a continuous run scafold must extend o!-er its supports by at least 6 inches and overlap each other by at least 12 inches. Spans of 2 inch by 10 inch nominal s:afiold grade plank must neyer exceed 10 feet. No more than one person must stand on an individual plank at one time. Loads on planks must be ever y distributed and not exceed the allowable loads for type of plank being used. Secure platform units to scaffolding to prevent uplift caused by high winds or other job site conditions. Use latches, if supplied by platform manufacturer, or other suitable means, 13. Guardrails must be used on all open sides and ends of raffold platforms. Both top and midrails are required. Local codes specify minimum heights where guardrails are required. Use at lower heights if falls can cause injury. 14, Toeboards must be installed whenever people are required to work or pass under a scalfold pladorm. When materials are to be stacked higher than the to€board, screening is required from the toeboard or platform to the top guardrail. 15. Access must be provided to all work platforms. If access is not available from the structure, access ladder units or stairwa)'s must be provided. When access ladder units are prolided, a rest pladorm must be installed at vertical inten"ls of 35 feet or less. Attachable ladder units must extend at least three (3) feet aboye platforms. Install acoess ladder units as scaffold erection progresses. 16. Use fubricated decks or cleated plank to minimize platform interference in access areas. 17. Bearers may be used to provide a cantilevered support for use as brackets for light duty scaffold. If used in this manne!, they shall not exlend more than 20 inches nor carry more than t\r-o 2 x l0 inch planks unless knee braced. 18. Cantile!-ered platforms must be specifically designed for that purpose, and adequate ties provided to prevent ovefturnlng. 19. Nlaterials must never be placed on cantilevered platforms unless the assembly has been designed to support material loads by a qualified person. These t,?es of pladorms cause overturning and uplift forces which must b€ comp€nsated for. 20. DO NOT install pladorms between free standing towers. 21. Nlaterial hoists and derricks should not be mounted on a scaffold unless the scaffold is specifically designed for that DUTDOSe, @ o o 22. CHECK THE ENTIRE SC,AF-FOLD ASSEI'IBLY BEFORE USE. Thoroughly inspect the completed assembl.v to see that it complies with all safety codes, all fasteners are In place and tightened, it is level and plumb, $ork platforms are fully decked. guardrails are in place and safe access ls provided. C. ERECTIO\ OF ROLLING SCAFFOLDS. The following additional precautions apply to the erection of rolling towers: 1. Height of the rolling toraer must not exceed four (,1) times its minimum base rvidth, or 40leet, whichever is lorver. See NOTE 1. A wenr.trruc The load rating of the casters used will limit the size, configuration, and load capaciiy of the rollinq tower. J. 4. All casters must be secured to adapters with nuts and bolts Horizontal diagonal bracing must be used at the bottom and top of rolling towers where the top work platform is more than 9 feet above the surface. ffhen rolling torvers are to be erected higher lhan 9 feet, the 6rst bracc must be no more than 2 feet above the casters, the others at no greater than 2l foot inten'als above. Fabricated planks Nith hooks may be used as diagonal braces. Platform units with hooks, or cl€ated planks, must be used 0n rolling to\rers. | \1. 0| \( \ | li( )l.l)s ALL SCAFFOLDS, Each time before liou use the scafiold, a competent person must: inspect the scaftbld assembly to be sure it has not been altered, is assembled correctly, is level and plumb, all base plates are in firm contact t'ilh sills, all bracing is in place and securel!' tightened, all plalforms are fully decked, all guardrails are in place, saJe access is provided, it is properll' tied and,br guyed, there are no overhead obstruclions, there are no energized electric power lines within 12 feet oi the scaffold assembly, all clamps are fully tightened. and cor-rect any deficiencies prior to use. Use only proper access. Do not climb bracing or vertical posts. Do not climb any scaffold component unless it is specifically designed lbr that purpose. Climb safelv! 2. B. DO NOT erect scaffolding on wagons, trucks or other wheeled vehicles. Stand oni-v within the platform area; do not try to extend rvork area by leaning out over guardrailing. USE OF ROLLING TOWERS. ALL OI'THE ABOVE PRECAUTIONS PLUS: I. DO NOT RIDE T{ANUALLY PROPELLED ROLLING SCAFFOLD. NO ONE MUST tsE ON,{ ROLLING TOWTR WHILE IT IS BEING I\{O!TD. 2. Lock all casters before getting on a rolling tower. Casters must be locked at all times the scaffold is not being moved. 3. DO NOTbridge between rolling towers. 4. Remove all materials from scatrolding before moving a rolling tower. 5. Ile sure t-loor surface is clear of obstructions or holes before moving scaffold. 6, Be sure there are no overhead obstructions or energized electric power lines in the path $'hen moving a rolling tower. 7, Rolling torvers must only be used on level surfaces. 8. Nlove rolling towers from the base level only. DO NOT PULL OR PUSH from the top. lll,lrl\\1 \\ ll.l\{, \( \1. I1)l l):. The folkrwing additional precautions apply when dismantling scaffolding: A wanrurle It may be necessary to add parts to a scaffold before it can be dismantled safely. PRIOR TO REIUO\AL OR LOOSE\-ING of any component, consider the effect the removal of the component, or the loosening of a joint, will have on the strelgth of the remaining assembly. Check to see if scat'olding has been altered in any rvay which would make it unsaie. If so. reconstmct where necessary before beginning the dismantling process. 2.I 5. II 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1 a. b. c. cl. Face the rungs as you climb up or down. Lrse both hands. Do not try to carry mate als !'hile you climb. Be sure of your footing and balance before you let go with your hands. Keep one hand firmly on frame or ladder at all tmes. e. Clean shoes and rungs to avoid slipping. DO NOT work on slippery platforms. DO NOT overload platforms with materials. Do not extend working heights by standing on planked guardrails, boxes, ladders or other materials on scaffold platforms. DO NOT loosen, detach or remove any component of a scaffold assembly except under the supen'ision of a competeni person. Components that have been removed must be r€placed immediatel-v. 3. Use onlt- proper access. Ilo not climb braces or vertical members. Do not climb scadold components unless they are specifically designed for that purpose, Do not stand on pladorm overhangs. 4. Do not remove ties until scatfold abol'e has been removed. 5. Visually inspec-t each plank to be sure it is supported on both ends and is saJe to stand or work on. 6 Do not accumulate removed components or equlpment on the scaffold. 7 Lorver components io a sale manner as soon as dismantled. I)o not throw components off scaffold. 8. Stockpile dismantled equipment in an orderly manner. 9. Remove compone.t immediately after loosening clamps. Understanding and follo\aing these safety guidelines will increase your personal safety and the Ml'ety ofyour fellow workers. NOTE 1: California and some other states require a height- to- minimum base width ratio of three to one (3:1). Refer to the governing codes tor your job location. NOTE 2: ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION ARE AVAILABLE FROM SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. REGARDING: VIDEOS ACCESS ASSEMBLY WEIGHTS LOAO CAPACITY TRAINING BRACING & TYING PLANKING PARTS IDENTIFICATION SAFEWTIPS ERECTION PROCEDURES DISASSEMBLY ENGINEERINGASSISTANCE WALLETCARD a Notes a o o o TunS Clomp Scoffolding Tl|E IOI'IPIEIE SflFhIflY LIIIE r Sectional Scaffolding I Systems'n' Scaffolding r Power Swings r Rolling Towers r Shoring r Tube & Clamp Scaffolding All dra{'ings in this brochure are for illustrative purposes onlv. This brochure is intended for general information only. Because of the many variables which affect the pe ormance of this product line, some of the information in this brochure ma,v not apply. For speciiic applications, contact Safyay. Note: Erection, use, maintenance and disassembly must confotm to current Saiw*ay instructions as lvell as ALL federal, slate and local legulations. Copies of lomplete safety guidelines ft)r these and other products are available from Safuay crr your Safwal- I)ealer withour charge. SAFWAY STEET PRODUGTS INC. N14 W23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Waukesha, Wl 53188 (414) 523-6500 (800) 558-4772 r Fax (414) 523-6595 KhB ,n <,4 o 1996 Safq,'ay Steel Products Inc. All Rights Reserved.1V96 ORN 401 Providinq lhe |'|ost tlelsnlile Suspended Sqslems flvniloble v \ -,/ -!- \-- ,jd TABTE OF CONITNTS Electric Motnr Specificatiorx . . 4-5 Fall Arrest Equipment...... .. 10 Light Duty Work Pktforms . . . 6-9 Saturn Modular Work P\atforms.............. 6-7 Standard Modular Stagu.... ....... ...... 8-9 Modular Knck-hun Worh Cqe............... I Modular lt/ork Coge wfth Ennxinn & Walk-By Stirrup..... .... .. ... .. . . 9 Suspended. Stage System .. 11 he-assembled Platfor ms / Work Cag*............. 10 Bosunb Chair ........... 10 Fold-Up Work Cage.... ... 10 Inu Profile Ihoch-Down Cage... ..... 10 Riggin4 and. Amhors.. .. .. ... 12 Outrigger Fmme......... 12 Whaleba& Frame........ 13 Safety Guifulites .. ....... 14.15 "sF-x*'r{fr & t'l -\| ,t ,ttl , t I lt. ', t | |' ''r,t. rlllirl,,,,l"r,,,,' / / / /i/$ / '''l / /t Your [hoice Sqslemsofl|nilous Suspended WHYSAFWAYS SUSPENDED SYSTEMS? r Variety of work platforms and cages in a wide choice of lengths and confi gurations. I Virtually unlirnited verlical travel without rerigging. r Choose finm interthangeable electric units that power the climbing-t1pe traction hoists, rated to carry gtoss weights of 700 - 1000 pounds, at 32 or 35 feeUminute. I Choose from several rooftop rigging systemsthat are pre-en$neerco lor easy use. I Choose from work platforms, bosun's chairs, or one- or two-person work cages which may be disassembled to fit thmugh small openings such as those found in vessels, boilers, etc. $ntum flimbinq-Tqpe The Pouer Behind the Ttnction Sqsteml IN THE EWNT OF POWERFAILURE I 'No Power' controlled descent feature which lowers the hoist by gravity in the event of a power failure. I Electromechanical brake automatically holds in the event of a power iniarnrnfinn r Light goes out to indicate loss of power. MAINTENANCE INDICATORS I Hoists indicate when it's time for maintenance with a built- il hour meter.* I Clear plastic rrrindow in mechanical secondan' brake gives you a visual cue for maintenance. OPER.{IING FEITURES I Automatic reeving after the 5i16" diameter wire rope is passed through the secondary brake, into the drive unit. r Quiet power to allow workers to concentrate on their jobs. I Unique mounting design allows hoist to stand erect for convenieat installation and maintenance. EMEBGENCYDEWCES r Secondary brake detects overspeed condltions and locks onto wire rope. r l\{otors automatically stop when control switch is released. I Emergency stop button cuts off all power to motor. (Available on 35X and 32L models only.) * Available on all ETH 35X and ETH 35S models. Also available on ETH 32L models rvith serial numbers SNH0051 and above. 4 1,000 ETH35X Electric,single phase. 60 Hz, 9 amp, 200V @ motor, 1 1/2 HP Electric, single phase, 60 Hz, 7 amp, 20'0V @ motor, I II2 HP ETH32L Electric,single phase, 60 Hz, 11 amp, 100V @ motor, 3/4 flP 28 14 r2.i5 124 28 13.5 t2 124 24.75 13.6 t2 82 All motor,. require 5i 16' diameter. Right Regular La1'. 6 x 19 Fiber Core, black or galvanized wire rcpe and all motors include automatic reeving. SPECIFICATIONS Speed Operating Capacity FtJMin. Model No. Characteristics Hoists Dirn in Inches Wt. in HDWLbs. HOISTS COMPATIBILITY f4'tr Saturn Saturn Swing Stage One-/two- Fold-Up Modular Saturn Walk- End Stirrup person low-Back Work Bosun's Work Stage Walk-By Through Stirrup (TH20l) Work Cage Work Cage Cage Chair //// Snlurn Suspended l'lodulnr St]stems I Easy to Tlansport AII comporwnts needcd to complete a 4A-frct stage can be starked and. shipped on a singlc pi.chup truch. r Simple to Assemble lbo worlwrs can ossemble a complete 40 foot stoge in 15 ninutes or lus. r No Tools Needed Assemble a complete 40foot stage without tmk. r Wide Choice oflcngths and Configurations S tanda r d co mpone nts giu e you flexibility to mnfi4ure a wid,e uariety of lcngths to fit your spaific need. I Add Extensions, Hinges and Corners Easily Ad.d. euen more uursatility to our basic parhage with extensions, hinges and corners to mmplement most building shapu. Wolk-Thru Srirnrp VSMWWTS qnd Connecling Fromevsl wcF Extension Sin ctrrre \/SMWE Wqll Roller vsMwwR Floor Pin vsmwFP CORNER COMPONENIS FOR ENGINEERED PIAITORIII SYSTEMS trt rltlltIT7 15" 3('" wt\-YT7 45" 60"""2\-- -iil!F NOTE: These sections ore connecled with o <onnecring frome (VSIAI|/CF) dnd supported by o Wolk-By or !r\tolk-Throuqh Slirl|Jp, TYPrcAI. ENGINEERED P|AITOR'VI CONFIGURATIONS NOTE: Other <onfi gurorions ore ovoilobb. Pleose ronsult Sofwoy for other combinotions. SAT(NN MODUIAR STAGE COMPON ENTS Description Part No. Wt in Lbs. Description Part No Wt in Lbs. End Stirmp . VSI{WESI ...........60 Walk-Thru Stimrp .....VSNIWWTS ......... 100 Connecting Frame .....VSMWCF............ 28 Walk-By Stirrup . . . . . . . VSI\MWBS . . . . . . . . . . 70 5 Ft. Floor . .. VSII{WFS ............21 10 Ft. Floor .. VSMWF1O ...........42 2.5 Ft. Extension F10or.... . . VSMWI25X . . . . . . . . . . 10 End Srirrup vsMwESl Floor Pin . . . . VSNIWFP .... .. .... . 1.7 5 Ft. Side Panel .. .. .. VSNf\4fPs . . .... .. . ..22 l0 Ft. Side Panel . .. . . VSIUWP10.. ... . ... ..40 sFt.ftpRail .VSNIWIR5...........4 10 Ft. Top Rail . . . . . . ., . VSN{WTRIO. . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.5 Ft.Extension SectionFrame .......VSNME,........... 58 Extrniion Stn ctrrrevsill tE Floor - 2.5 Fr. vsMl rf25x SidG Pqn€l - lO Ft vsrYlwPt o Floor - lO Ft- vsr\^wFr o SidePonel-5Fr. vsMwP5 Floor Pin vsrst tFP l'ftv Woll Rollar VSMW\ rR Floor Pin \/SMu,FP Courion Lgbel |nst'uclion LoH Configu rorion Lobel Sntum $uspended l'lodulor Plntf0rms Pails Lists The "Standard Configurations" on pages 8 and 9 are the only combinations that were pre-Ul Classified for use as l- and 2- point suspended scaffolds (classification applies to load capacity only). These systems must be assembled using the parts as shown. Note: Other configurations are available. Please consult Safway for other combinations. Description L€ngth (Ft.) Part No.10 End Stirrup Connecting Frame 5 Ft. Floor l0 Ft. Floor 5 Ft. Side Panel l0 Ft. Side Panel 5 Ft. 'lbp Rail l0 Ft. 'lbp Rail Floor Pins l\hll Roller VS]'I!VES 1 VSYWCF VS\{WF' VS],IWF1O VSIIWP' VSIUWPl(] VSN{WTR; vst\IwTR10 VSNlWFP VSITI'v!rylR !, I 2 2 2 2 I l!22! 11223 tll tl:3D 222 21466 :22 21166 .1 .l 66 8 22'222 2 4 2 3 4 6 4 6 10 .) 2 .J 2 Standard Configuration for Floor Connections 10 r0 10 750 845 510 10 10 10 10 10 510 10 10 10 510 10 5 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ?50 214 297 402 467 571 636 741 Rated Platform CapaciW &be ,) 'lbtal t/!'eight (Lbs.) -Poinl Suspenraon Length 5Fr. I€ngth (Ft.) Description Part No. 12.5 l5 17.3 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 37.5 40 42.5 45 Dnd Stirrup VSNIWESI I ConneclingFrame VSIIMCF Stirmps* VStrfwlVBS 1 5 Ft. Floor VSIIWFS l0 Ft. Floor VSI{WF10 1 1 i Ft. Srde Panel VS\f\4'P5 10 Ft. Side Panel !'SM\4?10 2 2 5 Ft. Top Rai) \'SMllTRs 10 Ft. Top Rail VSM!\'|R1O 2 2 2.5 Section Exfension V.sNnVE | 2 2.5 Extension Description Part No. End Stinup VSMIVES1 \lhlk-By Stinups VSM!\ryVBS 1 Connecting Frame VSMIVCF 1 Extension Section frame VSNIWE 2 Extension Floor VSNI\ryF25X 2 2 1l1ll1 111122223344 121212121212 l1 11 1122 112222333333 22222214 224144666666 22222244 224444666666 Floor Pins \\hll Roller VSNTWFP 2 VSNI!W!? 2 Rated Platform Capacity (lbs.) 1,000 TotalWeight Obs.) 301 Floor VSNl\tl'25X I 2 t VSNIWFP 3 4 5 VSNIIWIR 2 2 2 Floor Pins Wall Roller 212 656 222 1212 910 11 12 2222 r212 7878 2222 Standard Confrguration for Floor Connections 10E10E10E10E108r085E E 10 510 10 10510 10 10 l0 10 105 E E 5 E 10 10510 10 l0 10 10 10 E E E 10E10510 10 10 EED551O EE5 E Ndc '8" inditates nnrts VSME with VSI\MF2SX Rated Platform Capacity (Lbs) 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 i,000 1,000 ?50 ?50 750 750 lbtal Weight (l,bs.)373 449 478 553 543 618 U7 ',i23 ?12 788 816 892 g21 996 * You can us€ either \\hlk-By Stirntps (VSNl\\rWB.s) or Walk-Thru Stirups IYSI{\\'\\TS). SuspensionPre-flssembled Plntfoffi s !^lith l-Point Work Coge with 2 Swivel Building Rollers lA|ork Coge Exlension rvirh 2 Swivel Euilding Rollers Description Part No. Wt. in Lbs. \York Cagervith 2 Rollers (.{bove) ...TH011 ..........154 !\brk Cage Exbension rvith 2 Rol]ers (Above) ...TH012 ........,,11? Ilosun'sCharr(Above)....., .......TH0i5,,.......48.6 Lorv Back \lbrk Cage (Above) ....... VSLBWC ........102 $f Inrv Back Work Cage Wall Roller. . . . Fold-Up Work Cage-4 Ft (Above) ....VFWBL4. ........157 Fold-Up Work Cage-6Ft.. VFWBL6. . . . . . . . . 187 p614-lrp Work Cage-8 Ft.. VFWBLS. .. . . ... .213 ACCESSORIES_ Fall Anest Equipment and. FaIl Protection Components Body Harness Rope Grab for either 5/8" or 3/4" Lileline 4' Lanyard with Shock Absorber Polypropylene Core rvith Polyester Jacket Lifeline 5/8" or li/4" Diameter I Allows access to smaller work openings or areas, such as chimneys or boiler access. I Lightweight for easy maneuvenng, erectmg ano anspornng. Low Bock Work Coge ,,ffi'ffiY(/ a 4 c1@r-\ 10 $uspended Stn0e $qstem r Duty rated for 2 person (500 lbs) or 3 person (750 lbs.) loads. rAvailable in 20", 24" and 28" stage widths. r tlexible locations for stimrps and guardrail posts. r Stage lengths available in even numbers from 12' to 40'. r Great for building maDrcnance, pam@rs, window cleaners. WHEN ONDERING, PLEASJE SPECIFY 1. Length of stage, 2. Width of stage and 3. Iluty rating. 2-Point Suspension Part No,Wt. in Lbs.Description Stirrup Guardrail Post Stage Guardrail Post Aluminum Stages (Shorvn hen in the most rvidelS-' used sizcs.) 28"W x 32'LSperson. ...... VAS*2832-3 28" W x 28' L 3 person. . . . . . . !'AS*2828-3 28" W x 24' L 3 person. . . . . . . VAS*2821-3 24"Wx 30' L 2 person. . . . . . .'v'AS*2430-2 24" W x 24' L 2 person. . . . . . . \AS*2421-2 * When ordering, enter either an Lor W in place of the asterisk. Swivel llullion Roller with Clamps. . . . . . . TH005 \lide I\{ullion Buildrng Roller 8.5 G'- u- t"JtE 11 Inl'latable llullion Roller . .. .. TH033 0utriqger Beom ond Frnme Stlstem I Entire system disassembles to fit in standard elevator. I Cast imn counterweighis complete with specially designed slot for positive attachment to Safuay's out- rigge.r beam assemblies or ournggel rames. I Easy to transport and assemble. I Use aluminum or steel beam rated to carry 1,000 pounds (maximam overhang - 2ft. for TH013 steel beam or 4 ft. for TH024 aluminum beam). r Available in mlling or stationary models. (Solling model shown at right.) USEWTH: : One point suspended plat- forms (i.e. cages, bosun's chairs, etc) r Use two assemblies for 2- point suspended platforms (i.e. stages and modular work platforms) CONSISTS OF SEASY- TAASSEMBLE PARTS: 2 Outrigger Beam Support frames 3 Cross braces 1 Aluminum or steel outrigger beam assembly 4 Base plates or casters Required number of coulter- welgn[S (A counterweight chart speci-fuing the number of munterweights required for each orrrhang is attached to each Safway outrigger suspension system.) Description Part No. Wt. in Lbs 0utrigger Beam Support Frame Cross Braces 12'x 3' .. .8123 ... ...........27.412'x4',. .8124 . . .. . . . . . . . , . . 28.0 10' x3'.. .8103 . . . . . . . . . . . , , . 15.810'x4'.. .8104 . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 16.5 8' r 3' .. . .883 .. .. .... ... .. , . 13.88'x4'... .B84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.3 Steel Outrigger Beam Assembly (maximum 2 ft. overhang) (includes shackles and plate) . . .TH013 , . . . . . , . . . . , 132.0 Aluminum Telescoping Outrigger Beams (maximum 4 ft. overhang) (includes shackles) . .TH021 . .. . .. .. . . .. 111.0 Casters 8" Diam. Rubber ....C84. .....13.8 8" Diam. Steel Caster ..... . . .C8S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.8 Screw Jack with base plate , .....A11S .....15.0 Screw Jack (to use rvith casters) Rn @ i + tl rTt:-Trl LII'(__J 12 Counterweighis as required rAllows TH024 Aluminum Beam to overhang 6 feet, thereby inaeasing your reach. r Disassembled units fit into an elevator. t'r|hnlebnc]t for 0utriqqer Beom dnd Fldtne Sqstem Part No. Wt. in Lbs. E--H - -- Counberweight Hanger (works with Aluminum 'l'elescopic Beam-TH024only) ............ TH243 .... , . . .46.0 ffiuty q==-ffi Aluminum Parapet Clampd! I/ wrth sharkle Description Shaleback Beam Support System (Above)..... TH070 .........154.7 Cross Braces (See opposite page) Aluminum Outrigger Beam Assemblv (See opposite page) Base plates (See opposite page) Counterweights (See opposibe page) Other Rigging Components Miscellaneous sAFWAy suspENDEo ta^$tD sAFETy cutDE'NEs Scaffold Safetv is Bvelvone's Responsibrlity Everyone's safetit depends upon the proper erection and safe use of scaffolding. Inspect 1-our scaffolding before each use to assure that the assembly has not been altered and is ..afe for ],our use, Amnuno SERIOUS INJURY OR DEAIH CAN RESUTT FROM YOUR FAILURT TO FA'}TIUARIZE YOURSEU AND COMPTY WIIH Att APPIICABLE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF TEDERAL sIATE, AND LOCAI REGUTATIONS. UNDERSTAND IHESE SAFETY GUIDE. TINES AND SAFWAY'S OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSIRUCIIONS BEFORE ERECIING, USING OR DISIVIANIT.ING THIS SCAFFOID. NOTE: All personnel on suspended scaffolds are required to wear a fall arrest device properll' attached. The lifeline must be attached to a structurally sound support independent of the scaffold support. SAFET\ }IUST CON{E FIRST! SafwaS' equipment is designed and manufactured rvith the user in mind. The safety that goes into each prece of equipment. however, cannot offset carelessness on the part ofthe erector or the user. Slith this in mind. IN ORDER T0 PREVENT INJURY T0 THE USERS of Safwal' equipment, we urge yor.l to follow these safetl; guidelines. I. ERECTION OF SUSPEI\DED SCAFFOLDING Awanuruc IF EXPOSED TO THE POSSIBIUW OF A FAIL DURING RIC€ING, PROPERLY ATTACHED FAI.I ARRESI OR PREVEMION EQUIPMEM MUST BE WORN. A. PRIOR TO ERECTION. Rcad the opcrating and maintenance instructions provided with the hoist equipment and fbllow thern at all tirnes. Befirre rnstallation. nssule roof or supporting strurture is capable of safell supporting at least ,1 times the ratcd load of the hoist and rigging eqr.ripment. Inspect a1l tquipment before using and assure all bolted connections arc trght. Wcight ofpersonnel, material and components on the scaffolding rnust not exceed rating of thc hoist and rigging system used. BRECTION OF SLISPENDED SCAFFOLDING. Outrigger beirrns, parapct clamps or roofhooks may be ttsed to suppoit the .'uspendetl scaffokl. IIE SLTE thc building is capable ofsupporting thc necessa4 loads. In addition. each ofthese devices must be attached to u structurally sor:nd portion of the buikling rvith a suitable treback to prevent accidental movcment o1'the outrigger beam. parapet clamp or loof hook. l'icblcks nrusr havc the eqr.Livalent strengh of the hoisiing ropc. 'l'icbacks shrll be installed without slack. lVhenever possible. trebacks must be instulled at ri*ht anglt's to the face of the buildrns. lf tro- backs cannot be installed at right angles. trvo opposing angle tiebacks. wirhout slack. shall be r,rsed for each outrigger beam. parnpet clamp and roof hook. il. Parapet clamps trnd roof hooks must only be installed on parapet s after it has been determinecl that the parapt't can rvithstand the lated load bending folces imposed upon them. 7. Overhang ofoutrigger beams must not. exceed the maximum allowable dimension as shown in the appropriate instructions for the load being Lrsed. Countenveights shall provicle a minimum safety factor of 4:1 against ovcrturning. Each shall be made of nonflorvable material and perma- nentll'marked with its weight. All counterweights must be securell- fastened to the outrigger beam or to -some other securell' attached structural membcr designed for that purpose. r\ll overhead riggrng. counterweights. anchoragcs and connections rnust bt'secured and adequately restrained from moyement in anv direction. \\rhen installing the Power Srving traction tlpe horsting machines. mnke surc rire ropes are long enough to extend from the highest point of support to the lowcst point of the structure plus 10 feet required for Power Swing reeving. c,DO NO'l' install scaffold in the vicinitl, of power lines until ihe power service company hlts been conhrcted and the clectrical porver has been tliscnnnectt'd. NEVEIT install scaflblds in the r.icinity of exposed electrical circuits until it is assured that sr.Lch cxposed circuits cannot affect anv part of the scallbld asscmblr: Handle lll ecluipment wiih care, and prevent,,vire ropes from becoming kinked. I)O N0'l' drcp equiprnent dunng handling, loadrng or r.rnloading. D0 NO'l in-.tall or use damirged equipment. Connection of wire rope to the rigging must bc mtrde with proper littings designed for that purpose. See the operating and main, tenance instructions pronded with thc hoist equipment. NEVER rirap rvire ropcs around ovelhead rigging or use makeshift derices. Hoisting machines on multilevel .suspension scaffold-q must be located on the samt ccnterline as tht rigEnt. Two or nole scalTirlds must not be combincd in a run bv lapping platforrns on onc stirrup or bv bridgrng hetween them. except fbr multi- 11. 1{). Amnuno ANY OT,IRIGGER BEAIVI, PARAPET CI.AMP OR ROOF HOOK USED TO SUPPORI THE SUSPENDED SCAFFOID BY W|RE ROPE IAUST BE PROPERTY TIED BACK TO PREVENT A CATASTROPHIC FAILURE OF THE SUSPENDED SCAFFOLD. NEBACKS SHAtt BE INSIALI.ED WITHOT'T SLACK TO A STRUCTURALTY SOUND PORNON OF THE BUIIDING. Awnnxrno I}O NOT SECURE THE BOTTOM END OF IHE WIRE ROPE USED TO SUSPEND THE SCAFFOID. WIRE ROPE CAN BECOME KINKED AND BREAK IF THE BOTTOM END IS PREVEMED FROM ROIANNG FREETY AS IHE SCAFFOTD IS MISED AND IOWERED. B, I1 1:. 13. point suspension scaflblding or specifgineered systems. Doing so could cause riggrng or platform to fail. Assure platform and toeboards are properly' installed and stagrng (platforrn) is secured to the stimrps or frames. Make sure that guardrails and miclrails are properly installed on all open sides and ends of rhe work platform. Use rvire mesh screen between guardrail and toeboards if people are required to work or pass under the suspended scaffold. Angulated rope suspension si'stems. lashing or other devices shall be used to minimize swar.ing of scaffolds. Window cleaners' anchors shall NOT be used for this purpose. USE OF SUSPENDED SCAFFOLDING. NEVER STEP ONTO.A SUSPENDED SCAFFOLD UNLESS YOU ARE WF.ARING A PROPERLYATIACHED FALL AXREST DEVICE. llhen using the drum type hoisting machines at least four turns of the wire mpe must remain on the drum at all times. The end ofthe wire rope must be properly secured to the drum. S'ire ropes, aluminum plaiforms and other parts of the scaffold are susceptible to serious damage if exposed to fue, undue heat, corrosive atmospheric conditions or corrosive chemicals. D0 NOT USE suspended scaffolds in corrosive atmospheres or with corrosive chemicals. Take precautions to protect wire ropes when using uclding equipmeni. Ifexposure to lhese conditions occur or is suspected, notify 5'our employer immediately and discontinue use of the scaffold. Amnnnc DO NOT USE SAfWAY EUCIRIC POWER SIA/II{GS IN AN EXPTOS]YE ATIIOSPHERE. 7. Periodically inspect the wire rope for damage and rvear, lubricate as needed and retighten the twin base cable clamps. INSPECT and TEST each time before use and/or after rerigging. Insure that periodic lubrication and other specified maintenance procedures are fully complied with. NEVER alter, remove or substitute parts or components of the hoisting machine or scaffold. Before using electrically operated hoists. assure that the electrical power source and all power source connections are properly grounded. that the po&€r source is of the proper phase and wltage for the hoist. and be sure insulation of wire and ctnnections are in good condition. Impose loads on suspended scaffolds gently and without impact. D0 NOT load equipment be1'ond rrcommended load capacities. Do not weld from a suspended sca{fold unless all precautions noted in the operating and maintenance instruction book are implemented and follorved. When using a rolling outrigger system the following addiiional special precautions apply: a) Use casters, outrigger base frames and outrigger beams only with. in the limits specfied on the instructions and literature supplied with the equipment. b) Be sure loads imposed on the structure by the caster are dissipated by using devices to distribute the loads. Use guide channels and mo\€ system only n'ith suspended platform at its lowest positron. DO NOT ride the suspended platform while the rolling outrigger system is being moved, Keep counterweights within the scaffold base dimension and smure them in position. Ifoutrigger height must be increased. D0 NOT raise hrgher than two times the.systefinirnum base dimension withoui increasing the ngglng Dase olmenslon. g) Tie the outrigger beam to the structure when in use. r0.lVhen using an air operated hoist, NEVER disconnect the air hose while the compressor is running and the lines are pressurized. If damage or defects develop in the wire ropes, hoisting machine or other scaffold components as a result of use or abuse. discontinue use and notify your employ'er. Contact your Safway Dealer for specral rigging or application information. Amnnno SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH CAN RESULI FRC'M IMPROPER USE OR ASSEMBIY OF HOIST SUSPENDED SCAf FOII' PRODIJCTS. DO NOT USEASUSPENDED SCAIFOLD UNLESS: . YOU ARE WNARING A FAIT ARREST DEVICE. PROPERLY ATTACHED. . YOU TLAW READ A\D T]NDERSTAND THE OPERATION MANUAL. . YOU TLAVE PERSONALLY DETERIVIINED THAI: _ THE ROOF SUPPORT SYSTF,NI IS CO]\{PLETB. PROPERLY ASSEX{BLED. COUNTERWEIGHTED OR OTHERWiSE ANCHORED, TIED OFFAND NOT OVERLO.ADED, _ W]NCHES ARE NOT OVERI,OADED. PLATFORNIS ARE NOT OVERLOADED, GUARDRAILS ARE PROPERLY INSTAI,LED. ERECTION AND USE OF HOIST SUSPEMED SCAFFOLD PRODUCTS IVIUST CO}IPLY WITH SAFWAYS INSTRUCTIONS, OSHA AND OTHER APPLICABLE CODES. COPIES ARE AVAILABLE FROM SAFWAY WITHOUT CFL{RGE. NOTE: ADDITIONA], INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORI4ATION ARE AVAII,ABLE FRO},I SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. REGARDING: 14, C. \,'IDEOS ASSEIVIBLY LOAD CAPACITY BRACING & TNNG PARTS IDENTINCATION WEIGHTS TRAINING PLANKING SAI'ETY TIPS DISASSEI\{BLY ERECTIONPROCEDURES RIGGING ENGINEERINGASSISTANCE COUNTERWEIGHTS ACCESS FALL PROTECTION All drar.ings in this brochure are for illustratrve purposes oniJ: This br<rhure is intended for general information only. Because of the manv variables which affect the performance ol the product line, some of the information in this brrcchure may not apply. l'or specihc applications. contact Safivay. Note: Erection. use, maintenance and disassembly must mnform to current Safway instructions as rvell as ALL federal. state and local regulations. Copies of mmplete safety guidelines are available from Safway without charge. 15 T]|E IOI'IPLETE SflFI^IflT TIIIE I Sectional Scaffoldrng I Systems'' Scaffolding I Power Swings r Rolling Towers r Shoring I Tube & Clamp Scaffolding r\li drawings in this brochure are for illustrativt: purpose only 'llt- hroihur'r. i" inlended ftrr gcneral inftrmation onlyr BecarLse of the many variables which affu:t the perforntnce of rhe product line. some of the information in this brochure nruv not appll'. For specihc applications, contact Safwal ,\ble: Erection. use nraintenancc and d sr-renbll nrrril ( )nform lo (lrrtFnl Safway instructions as well ls AJ,L l.,leral. st:,tr'.rnd l.",rl tcgu.:rtion. Cr,pi"s ol complett' safetv guidelines tirr these and oihcr products are available from Salway without chruge. SAFWAY STEEL PRODUCTS INC. Nr 4 !1/23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Wa!kesha, W 53188 (414) 523'6500 (800) 558,4//2 r Fax (414) 523'6595 MhB a :sgti Snrq,n Srorl lhdrrt: lnf. All RighG RereF.i.6l9rj oR\:l0l o ileu Products For loncrele Forminq ileeds NIANTO LARGE PANEL VERTICAL FORNNVORK I Improvr,vour formwork cllicirnc5,. '1ake more panrl to the wall. I I ewcr clale picks with largt' standard panel dimensions ofboth 8' x 1l' and 8' x 9' (nominal). I Improve pour times lvith lirll liquid head pantl herght capacityl I Incnrasc overall ftrrm ltle antl appearance wlth oLrr hot-tlipped galvanizirl fiarne with H.D,0. pl1'rvrxxl! I 0angs i lamp'togethel rapidh without small hardwarc. 'lho panel cllrnps self'align and runnrrt two gtgantic prtn"l. which give lntt l?(i sq. ft. of read,v-to-go lirrmworkl I Supcrsize gangs can be erectcd quickly and re-coniigLrred rvithout walors or snall. easilr. lost waler hardwarel COIIIPACT LIFT FOR}NVORK SYSTE}I I'l'he most ccononriurl post shore iind lx'tm drophead forming sl stcm availablt,. I The sk)ut (120 strineer and joist beirrn is /,'ss (',r?cni'i.?, s1trr,+? trrl ltgitk't than alttntinLtm. I A rvood beam mrrv ltrluce jobsite tht'fi. I Stripprng is us simple as a hanmcr hlrrv hr ihe dropheatl wcrlgc. I'l'he lliD post shurc rrnd tripod sLLpport strrbi- lizr. I hr. :vslln: rlrrr ing ,.rr.ctiott. 'nirrtt:tiztng the necd fbr strrbilitl blacing. I The drophead. post shore and tlipotl rrre hot' dippcd galvrrnizctl firl longer lifel I l'ast. light, r't'r'tital rvood beam gang lirrming s!stem. I The'Supel SplLrcc C20 Bearn t'eplacts the expensive llurninLnn joists in this kratl- gathering glng lirrming sl stem, I 'lhc C2U Boum is slrongcn hgft&,r lnd 1r'ss coslll than its irlLrminum counterpitrt. I A wood bearn nral reduce jobsite thtli compared to lrlrrminum. I Form l'our rlrtliltrl ureas rvith cot'nt'r {irlrning der'ices and splicing hardlatc, not available lvith most otht'r aluminum bcam systt'ms. RASTO VERTICAL FORM\4'ORK I Raskr ciin be quicklv handset or conliErred into a gang forming -.r'stt'n. I l,argt standard panols 1!)'r 2.i'nominal) imllrovt. ercction timcs.'l'ltkc morc panel to thc rvrrlll I (iuickly errct with two sulf:aligning panel clunps tr-rtaling 41 sq. fi. in minutesl ! Large glngs can be tiirmetl without ivalet's ul srrr,rll u;rlor hardrvittt'. tltr,r'hr suringttnte lnrL retlLrcing the grssibilitl' of shortages. I Improve poru rates and nrtluce pillolving with our tirll liquid head panel hcight capaci.tyl I 0ur svstem is faced ivith H.D.O. pllwrxxl to create one of the brst concrete sulfirct's possible. I Framcs ale hot-dippetl galvlnized to prevent rLrst lnd extend form lile. TOPEC }IODULAR SL{B FORNI\!ORK I Onc of the quickest motlulirr wood-faced slah formrvork system-. availuhlel ! l,lrgc (6 x ll'nominal). lightwcight (46 lbs.) alurninun panel-" rapidll cnrt to provide vour dttk surface. ! Simple and fast ertrtion using onll-trvo lssemblv component-< patrel and a shorc. I All crtrtion and dismantling is perlbrmed frorn the glound. reducing rvorkcrs' exposure to firlls. l'li4x,c panels proride a non"pillowing. rtnifortn finish. Comprised of r 5-laver plastic-coated multipler pllwood, the plnels are edge-pro- tu ttxl bv a powder-snted aluminum fi'ame I?rr tirsy ileaning. I 'l'his vcrsatile slstem can tccttmmodate slllbs up to 1l)' high and 1:1" thick quirklv and simplt: h'lnll/Slnb Fomuorlt nnd flccessories Cz() WALL FORN{WORK For additional information, call SAFWAY STEEL PHODUCTS INC N14 W23833 Stone Ridoe Dr.. Surte 40d waukesha. wl 53188 J414) 523-6500 (800) 558-4772 r Fax (414) 523-6595 , lg!(isrlwrv St{{l l'rodLrctr In, .\llliirhrs l'lr{,r!ed 3197 ORN 1l0r) Introducinq the ]r|eur Simple, 0uiclr nnd llersotile l'l'lrt' llist Shole l]5() l)l] oflt'rs vou ir sirnlrlt', t'conrrniit' nl('ans ol sltorittg. I Sltorr's c:rrr ltc trst'cl inrlir,idLrirlll'or in conjLrt'tion rvitlt li l rtrtl sltoring I r*:r'r t t ll lir ':. I t;-llt.ad provitlt's a sarlrllt'to support 1hc st rirrgc'r or joists. (J u icl<r-clt'ase tlt'vice s:rvcs lirrrt' anrl t,nr.rgt' <lrrring stripping. I Instirllctl tlLrick rclt'asr'lrolt with Srrrrrr thiel< r'etairrt,r' slirnrlt curr't bt lost. r Hot rliplx<l salv:urize'rl lo l)r(.v('nt rusl arrtl crlt'rrrl lili'. I All lrartlrv;rrc is st'lf corrtaint'rl. No lost or ntiss- lng l)ar t s. I Ibst shorr's art' rlt'sigrrttl 1o sul)l)or'1 r'i'rlic:rl Liarls. ,,\ll lirrtttr,vork or supltorlt'd strrrcttrrt's tnust lx' li.slr-aint'rl ll'orn lirlcrlrl lno\'('llt('nt. Posl $hore 350 [B or Post Shore 350 [B Post Shore 350 DB Part No. Height: Weight: Part No. VF"TAOO1645 USEP VFTP552147 615rr to 1il5r1 46.5lbs. Description Weight Post Shore Bracing Clamp 0.3 lbs. U-Head 4.9lbs. Height (ft.) 6r5rl 6r6rl 7t0n at All 8r0rl 8r6rl 9r0rl 9r6rl 10r0rl 10r6rl 11rOil 11'5rl Inad (lbs.) 5700 5700 5700 5700 5700 5700 s700 5700 5700 5700 5650 5050 USEP -- -\== VFTA001645* Post shr)f{'s musl bc braced or rcslt-rtined front lateral nrovement by other rtu:ans. All drawings on this sheet are for illustrative purposes only. This sheet is intended lbr general infortnation purposes only'. Ilecause of the many variables rvhich affect the performance of the product line, some ol the information in it nray not appl1'. I"or specilic applications, contact Safivalr NOTE: Ilrection, use, maintenance ancl disassembly l1'rust conform to currcnt manufacturer's instructiotls as well as all l'ederal. state and local regulations. Copies oI complete safety guklelines for these and other products are al'ailable from Safuay or your Safu'ay dealer without charge. SAFWAY STEEL PRODUSTS INC. N'14 W23833 Stone Ridge Dr. Suite 400 Waukesha, Wl 53188 (414) 523-6500 i800) 558-4772 . Fax (414) 523-6595 VFTP552147 ia') 1996 Safwa,y Steel Products Inc. All Rights Reservcd.1l196 ORN 553 er, Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: VA Mill Creek Circle Staging Lot Project Description: Landscaping (with fence and gate) ProjectNumber: nla Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Associates, PO Box 7, Vail, CO 81657 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Vail Resorts Development Company, Attn: Jonathan Greene, PO Box959,Avon,CO 81620 Project Street Address: n/a Legal Description: A portion of Tract E, Vail Village S'n niling Parcel Number: 2101-082-42-008 Comments: Building Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproved Conditions: 1) Pursuant to Section 12-11-5(C), Vail Town Code, the steel gate arm posts must be either finished in stone or replaced with wooden posts (matching the split rail fence). 2) Please provide the size and invert of the CMP at the driveway entrance prior to grading permit. 3) Please show the flow line of the swale from the driveway entrance to the CMP inlet at the Vista Bahn lift prior to grading permit. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5126100 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 ,i , RECEIPT - 4c Town of Vail N9 51192 DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS Police ReceiptPermit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash- fl Questions? Ct " Planning Staff at 47g-2L38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Boatd approval expires one year after final approval untess a building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:..,&jc s 1tr .ltrr a.,ra.r, Oq.rne & il {esarls A. "O, fr(i.,& LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:_FIUNG: pHysTqALADDRESS: T*.+ E fr[\\ Geek fi,& MAIIINGADDRESS:Po &x c51 rlvo'v (cr ?Ufio owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): MME OFAPPUCANT: OF REVIEW AND FEE: Ilew Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Minor AlteraUon - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PTEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ft- B. c. D. E. F, G. PARCET #: l'lOt Ottr t{IOOd (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-86,10 for parcel #)zowue: Aq t 9tsry #cz -----.v_- NAMEoFoWNEn(s): f^i\ v$gloci&a Lqc. 6n*..ut r :G*.'thow Geee^re \/BDC- TYPE tr tr v 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL, COLORADO 81657. LISTOF PROPOSED MATERIC BUILDING MATERIAIS:TYPE OF MATENAL:CQI.QB: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fhshing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other * Please speciff the manufacturer=s @lor, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If exterior l(1hUng is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff eadt fixture type and provide the height abo/e grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Common Name:Ouantity: Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: .(pr,e<-c- t t-,r^oro 5 hcuhs r I c;oqc Jr,ri,.,$q Plr,ls Acpc.vrs :J9- F3) DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping :deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Square Footage:Tyoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL lvu.rtch, c om+ccft0grourl, ftrP{n^ll-d3as!-- aktiW ww OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum heiqht of walls elsewhere on theJkzt q,C. - Onrt^*ior ean is 6 feet. a\rl UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verfi service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-5860 or 949-4530 Date Public Seruice Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 (Ied Husky;John Boyd) T.C.I. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) x Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1' If the utility verlfication form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2' If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Work at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained seoarately. il. m. ry. PRE-APPUCATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A comptete appllcation form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department a minimum of three and a half (3 V2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPUCANTS: A. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i,e. snow avalanche, roctfall, floodplain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. I. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. Gnphic bar scale. Nodh anovrr, Title bloclq project name, project address and legal description. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000'or larger. Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that sbking done during the winter is not buried by snoar. All sib tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such Ume as the item has been republished. E. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of apprwal must be resolved pflel to the issuance of a building permit. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L2. V.STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with ceftain modifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types of Design Review applications may be staff approved: A' Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application to modify an existing building that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stoneworlg siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lighUng, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dishes, windons, skylights, siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site grading, site walls, removal or modifications to o<isting landscaping, insbllafion of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDMONAL REWEW AND FEES A. Ifthis application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to; Colorado Depaftment of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 4(X, etc. B' The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in o<cess of 50o/o of the application fee. It at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for sudr re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Departrnent may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money neces$ry to pay the consultant and this amount shall be foruarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Torn by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any o<cess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon roriew ompletion. ml{\ Questions? o Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS tr Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the existing conditions. fl Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). fl All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. n Condominium Association approval (if applicable), n If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. o FI COPTLE T0Wl,l0FVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2r00 Fil(970479-2157 July 31,'1999 Joe Macy Vail Associates Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Golden Peak Ski Tunnel, Tract B, Vail Village 7th Dear Joe: The Community Development Department, in an effort to ensure that the proposed skier tunnel is appropriately addressed with respect to design and impacts, and to discontinue the tabling of the filed appeal, is withdrawing the minor arnendment approval to the Golden Peak development plan. It is understood that it is your desire to work closely with the appellant so that they have an opporhmity to review the plans prior to any future Town approvals. It is also understood that you are agreeable to this course of action in order to discontinue the tabling of the cunent appeal that has been filed with respect to this application. The Community Development Departrnent will consider the minor amendment application as pending and will not act on the application until a complete DRB application has been submitted. Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at 479-2148. Chief of Planning c: John Dunn {p"""otoruo FL?coPY TOWI'IOFVAIL Department of Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March22,1999 Joe Macy Vail Associates Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Golden Peak Ski Tunnel, Tract B, Vail Village 7th Dear Joe: The plans that were submitted for the tunnel have been reviewed. The following items need to be addressed prior to the plans being scheduled before the Desigrr Review Board. It is generally recommended that revised plans be submitted at least l0 days prior to the DRB meeting. The project is currently scheduled for review at the DRB meeting on April 2lst. The plans need to show the grading that will occur with the project in order for the Public Works Department to analyze the proposal. Additionally, we would like profiles of the entance and exit walls showing materials, color, design and texture. Finally, the site plan should show a rendering of any portion of the tunnel walls that will be visible (not covered with dirt). Please feel free to contact me at 970479-2140 to discuss the project. JeffHunt Senior Planner {p*'*"o MWII OFVAIL Department of Commwity Development 75 Sowh Frontage Road Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 April9, 1999 Joe Macy Vail Associates Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Minor Amendment to Golden Peak Development Plan to Construct a Ski Tunnel; Tract B, VailMllage 7th Dear Joe: Based on the findings contained in this letter, the ski tunnel has been approved by staff with the following conditions. 1. A grading plan shall be approved by the Public Works Department.2. The design of the tunnel entrance and exit shall be approved by the Design Review Board. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTAND BACKGROUND The request is for a minor amendment to the Gold Peak development plan to allow for the construction of a tunnel under a race course. The tunnel would improve skier access to Ski Club Vail, Pinos del Norte condos and North Woods condos. Currently, skiers must cross the race course on Ruder's Route. This crossing has the potential for skier collisions. The tunnel would greatly reduce the potential for collisions. The tunnel would be about 200' long, 20'8" wide and 10' high. The tunnel would be located under Ruder's Route ski run, west of Gold Peak chair 16, at about the 8300' elevation. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Section 12€D-6-D: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-gA-10 of this Tlfle. Section 12-9A-10 is addressed below. {j*o""uoruo Section 12-94-2: Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. The approved Gold Peak development plan includes the Gold Peak buildings, parking and ski runs. The tunnel would not affect these elements of the plan except for the ski runs. The tunnel would not alter the basic intent or character of the ski runs. The tunnel is in keeping with and would be incidental to the ski runs. The design of the tunnel will have to be approved by the Design Review Board. Staff believes the tunnel will actually improve pedestrian (skier) traffic and have no impact on vehicular traffic. Section 12-9A-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-94-2 may be approved by the Department of Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff action 'shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the district that may be affected by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later than 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Gommission will be informed of the staff decision. As noted above, stiaff believes the amendment is consistent with the design criteria under subsection 12-94-2. Notification of the proposal was provided to all adjacent property owners on March 25, 1999. No comments were received. You should be aware that this approval could be called up for review by the Planning & Environmental Commission. Please feel free to call me at970479-2140 to discuss the project. B. c. ,_ Sincerely, ^*F,.--_./ (\ u / Jeff Hunt Senior Planner FIEVERYONE\PEC\MEIVOS\99\GOLD-PK / B. c. D. E. TOWNAFYAIL APPE^A.LS E'ORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AI\I APPEAL OF A STAT'F, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AI\D ENVIROIYMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION A.ACTION/DECISION BEINC A3pEALED: Mjror anen&nent to develoSxent plan to allcn for construstion of a skier tunnel at Golden Peak g<i Base, 45R Vai l \7.a'l Ianr Dri rra DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: To^tn Staff NAME OF APPELLAIiT(S): -Kenneth S. Brown, T5r:stee MAILINCADD PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN VAIL:375 Millcreek Circle PHONE: 212-702-58?5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OFAPPELLAI{T'S PR6PERT INVAIL: T.OE L7 ' BlOd( ].,VaJ-l ViIlagC E'i rc# Iri 'l i n- - .g DUNN,& lmuRIELro, P. c. SIGNA John Drnn for ApSnllarrt 108 S. F'rontage Road West, Sui-e 300VaiI, Colorado 81658 (970) 476-0300 Page I of2 F. Dces this appeai invoive a specific parcel of tand? ves If yes, please provide the following information: are you an adjacent property owner? Yes l(-- no If no, give a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggriwed or adversely affected penon." 'Aggriwed or adversely affected person" means any penon who will suffer an adverse effect to u interest protected or furtbered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may b€ shared in comrnon with other members of tbe community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all penons. Appellant i-s cwner of adiacent propertv and resident il U:e neiqhborhood. Vail l4micipa]. code. sec. 1?-oA-8A reflri_res design crrqrati hi I i ty :nd sensi 1. irri fy fo AE[p] 'l:nt t q prafrcrry :nrl i nrned i eto envir.orfient ard neiqhborhood of which Apt:ell-artt i-s a part. G. Provide tbe names and addresses (both penon's mailing address and properfy's physical address in Vai) ofall owners of propedy which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (inctuding properties separated by a right-of-way, streang or other intervcning barriers). Also provide addressed and stampid envelopes for each property owner on the list. H. On separate sheets of paper, speciff the precise nature of tbe appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. I. FEE: $0.00 Page2 of2 The modification approved by staff should not have been treated as falling within the scope of staffapprovals permitted by Vail Municipal Code, $ 12-94-2. Staff approval did not comply with the following desigrr criteria contained in Vail Municipal Code $ l2-9A-8: A. Compatibility. The modification is not design compatible with and sensitive to the immediate envirorunent, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to scalg !nlk, height, character and visual integrity. B. Relationship. The modification does not provide a compatible, efficient and wortable relationship with surrounding uses and activities. F. Design Features. The design and location of the modification is not zuch as to produce a frurctional development rcsponsive and sensitive to nafr:ral features, vegetation and the overall aesthetic quality of the community. TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 April9, 1999 Joe Macy Vail Associates Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Minor Amendment to Golden Peak Development Plan to Construct a Ski Tunnel; Tract B, VailVillage 7th Dear Joe: Based on the findings contained in this letter, the ski tunnel has been approved by staff with the following conditions. 1. A grading plan shall be approved by the Public Works Department.2. The design of the tunnel entrance and exit shall be approved by the Design Review Board. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTAND BACKGROUND The request is for a minor amendment to the Gold Peak development plan to allow for the construction of a tunnel under a race course. The tunnel would improve skier access to Ski Club Vail, Pinos del Norte condos and North Woods condos. Currently, skiers must cross the race course on Ruder's Route. This crossing has the potential for skier collisions. The tunnel would greatly reduce the potential for collisions. The tunnel would be about 200' long, 20'8" wide and 10' high. The tunnel would be located under Ruder's Route ski run, west of Gold Peak chair 16, at about the 8300'elevation. II. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A. Section 12€D-6-D: Amendments to the approved development plan will be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-9A-10 of this Title. Section 12-9,4-10 is addressed below. {p roto"rr r", Section 12-9A-2r Minor Amendment (staff review): Modifications to site plans that do not alterthe basic intent and character ofthe approved district and are consistent with the design criteria of this Ghapter, may include changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation. The approved Gold Peak development plan includes the Gold Peak buildings, parking and ski runs. The tunnel would not affect these elements of the plan except for the ski runs. The tunnel would not alter the basic intent or character of the ski runs. The tunnel is in keeping with and would be incidental to the ski runs. The design of the tunnel will have to be approved by the Design Review Board. Staff believes the tunnel will actually improve pedestrian (skier) traffic and have no impact on vehicular traffic. Section 12-9A-10: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 may be approved by the Department of Community Development. Notification of a proposed minor amendment and a report of staff action shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to the district that may be affected by the amendment. Notification shall be postmarked no later than 5 days following staff action on the amendment and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the staff decision. As noted above, staff believes the amendment is consistent with the design criteria under subsection 12-9A-2. Notification of the proposal was provided to all adjacent property owners on March 25, 1999. No comments were received. You should be aware that this approval could be called up for review by the Planning & Environmental Commission. Please feel free to call me at970-479-2140 to discuss the prqect. Senior Planner FTEVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\99\GOLD.PK B. c. TOWNOFVAIL B. c. APP[.. ^ I.S F,ORM REQUIRED FORNLING AN APPEAL OFA STAT4 DBSIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLAI\MNG AiYD EI\-IIIROI\IIVIENTAL COMMISSION ACTION ACTION/DECISION BEING 4PPg,ggP;]15IOT a11eru\en.|to develogrent plan to allcrr for constnrcLion of a skier tr:nnel at Go1den Peak Ski Base, 458 Vail Vall-ey Driwe; DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING TIIE DECISION/TAKING ACTION:- Tlcnrn Staff NAME OF APPELLAI{T(S): 'Kennettl "5. Brovrrr, Ilcustee MAILINGADDRESS:805 3rd Avenue, 20ttr Floor. tibu York, NY 10022 PHY.SICALADDRESSINVAIL:g7S Milcreek circle PHONE:212192-5!!?5_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF APPELLAIIT'S pROpERTy IN VAIL: I"ot L7 | BIod< l,vai-I village Firc+ Eri l ing DIJI{N,& !4AuRIrf,iIO, P. C. E.SIGNA .tohn Drnn for Appellant 108 S. Ftontage Road l{est, Sui-e 300 Vai1, Colorado 81658 (970) .476-0300 Page I of2 D. F. Does this appcal involve a specific parcel of land? ves If yes, please provide the following infornration: are you ur adjacent prop€{y owner? Yes J_ no Ifno, give a detailed explanation ofhow you are an "aggriwed or adversely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will zuffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good sbared by all persons. Appellant is o\^/ner of ad.'iac€nt propertv and resident i.:r the neighborhod. Vail- l :nicipal Code. Sec. 12-qA-8A requires design ccn[rati hi 'l i l-y and sensi tiwi fy tn A$ra l I anf t q Frn[Frty and i ryrrpd i ata envirorrnent and neiqtrlcorhood of wtrictr Arpellant is a part. G, Provide the names and addresses (both penon's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) ofall ownets of propcrty which are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a riglt-of-way, stream, or otber intewening baniers). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on tle lisl H. On separate sheets of paper, specifr the precise nab.ue of the appeal. Please circ specific code sections having relevance to the actioo being appealed. L FEE: $0.00 Page2 of2 .t I t The modification approved by staff should not have been treated as falling within the scope of staff approvals permitted by Vail Municipal Code, $ l2-9A-2. Staff approval did not comply with the following desiga criteria contained in Vail Municipal Code $ l2-9A-8: A. Compatibility. The modification is not design compatible with and sensitive to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to scale, bulk, height, character and visual integrity. B. Relationship. The modification does not provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activities. F. Design Features. The desigrr and location of the modification is not such as to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and the overall aesthetic quality of the community. NorE: Time of items are approximate, subiect to change, and cannot be reliedupontodetermineatwhattimecouncilwi|iconsideranitem. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1999 2:00 P.il. AT TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS Site Visits: (30 mins.)a. Lionsridge Loop/Buffehr Creek Road. (see item #4) PEC/DRB Report. (15 mins.) Appeal of the PEC approvalfor a MinorAmendment to the Golden Pe.ak Development Plan to Construct a SkiTunnel; Tract B, Vail Village 7b. (15 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Uphotd, overturn or modify the PEC approval ofthe tunnel. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The request is for a minor amendment to the Gold Peak development plan to allow for the construction of a tunnel under a race course. The tunnel would improve skier access to Ski Club Vail, pinos del Norte condos and North Woods condos. Currenfly, skiers must cross the race course on Ruder's Route. This crossing has the potential for skier collisions. The tunnel would greafly reduce the potential for collisions. The tunnel would be about 200' tong, ZO'g'wide and 10' high. The tunnel would be located under Ruder's Route ski run, west of Gold Peak chair #6, at about the g300' elevation. The Municipal Code provides for staff approval of minor amendm-ents to development plans. Staff approved the request on April 9, subject to the following conditions.' please see attached staff letter.1. A grading plan shall be approved by the public Works Department.2. The design of the tunnel entrance and exit shall be approved by the Design Review Board. On April 12, the Planning and Environmental Commission discussed the stafi approval and did not call it up, thereby approving the request. Staff understands that the appellant's concerns are based on the appearance of the tunnel. please see attached appeals form. The design of the tunnel is scheduled for review by the Design Review Board on May 19th. The Municipal Code provides foi appeals of DRB decisions. This seems like the appropriate avenue to address the appearance of the tunnel. STAFF RECOMITIENDATION: Staff recornmends the Council uphold the PEC approval of the tunnel. Discussion of two add-ons to the approved Lionsridge Loop/Buffehr Creek Road street project. (15 mins.)- Future of Vail's Marketing Discussion. (30 mins.) <N 4"v 1. 2. George Ruther 3. Jeff Hunt /., \[ 4. Greg Hall 5. Bob McLaurin Pam BranrJmeyer 6.Executive Session - Negotiations. (30 mins.) 7. Cricket P/man Cindy Allard Kristy Grims Moe Mulrooney 8. o 10. 11. Learning Tree and ABC School request to modify terms and Conditions of their respective leases. (10 mins.) Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. (10 mins.) Adjoumment - 4:55 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 5r18/99, BEGINN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL cHAitBERs. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwLL BE oN TUESDAY, s/2sl99, BEG|NNING AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGWILL BE ON TUESDAY, 5/18/99, BEGTNNING AT 7:OO P.M. IN Tov coUNcIL GHAMBERS. sign language interpretiation available upon refi'ue-st-wiinTfn6ur notification. please cail 479-2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. TOWNOFVAIL A. APPEAI S FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AI\I APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN R.EVIEW BOARD OR PLAI\INING AND ENVIRONMf, NTAL COMMISSION ACTION ACTION/DECISION BEING AppEALED: Mj-nor anen&rent to previously approved developrent plan to allor,v for construction of a skier tururel at Golden Peak Ski Base, 458 Vail VaIIev Drive. B. c. DATEOFACTION/DECIS1ON: Apf+I 12, 1999 NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Trclt^tn Staff D. NAMEOFAPPELLANT(S): Kenneth S. Brovm, IYustee MAILING4pppggg. 805 3rd Avenue, 20th Floor, Net'r York, NY L0022 PIrySICAL ADDRESS IN VAIL:375 Millcreel< Circle PHONE: 212-702-5875 LEGALDESCRIPTIONOFAPPELLANT'SpROpERTyINVAIL: I-ot t7, BIod{ l,vaiI ViIIage !.i rsf Ei |.ing DTJNN & MAttRlrf,ro, P. c. E.SIGNA John for Appe1lant 108 Frontage Road West, Sui-e 300 Vaj-I, (e70) Colorado 81658 476-0300 Page I of2 F. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? ves If yes, please provide the following information: are you an adjacent property owner? Yes X no Ifno, give a detailed explanation ofhow you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. Appellant j-s olvner of adiacent propertv and resident in the neiqhborhood. VaiI lthmicipal ccde, sec. 12-qA-8A requires desigt'r crrq)af i h'i I i ty anrl sensi tirri ty fa AITra l I anl- r s prnlprt-y end i nryrerl.i efa errvirornent and neiqhborhood of whictr Appel-lant is a part. G. Provide the names and addresses (both penon's mailing address and property's physical address in Vail) of all owners of property which are the subject ofthe appeal and all adjacent property owners (including properties separated by a right-of-way, sheam, or other intewening baniers). Also provide addressed and stamped envelopes for each property owner on the list. H. On separate sheets ofpaper, specify the precise nature ofthe appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. L FEE: $0.00 Page2 of2 t The modification approved by staff should not have been treated as falling within the scope of staff approvals permitted by Vail Municipal Code, E l2-9A-2. Staff approval did not comply with the following design criteria contained in Vail Municipal Code $ 12-9A-8: A. Compatibility. The modification is not design compatible with and sensitive to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to scale, bulk, height, character and visual integrity. B. Relationship. The modification does not provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activities. F. Design Features. The design and location of the modification is not such as to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and the overall aesthetic quality of the community. Goldm Peak List of Propertv Owners Lot or Trad Number Owners N-ame and Address Lot 15, Block 1, WlSt Harley G. Higbie Jr. S. 400 i600 Broadway Denver 80202- Lot 16, Block 1, W lSt Alejandro Burillo Azcarro 104 Del Court laredo, Tx 78041 I-otl7, Block 1, VV ist Elizabeth Johnson Amended and Resated Revocable Trust Indedure, c/oJEpstein Co Villard House. 457 Madison Ave. Ny,NY 10022 L.ot 18, Block 1, W lst ILC Realty S.101, 7979 Broadway San Artonio, Tx 782W Lot 19, Block l WlSt Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek Cr. Vail, Co 81657 Units E-18, E-2B, G4B and Lot P-l, Block 3 and easterly 160Ft ofTract F-1, VV5Th All Seasons Condo Assoc. 434 Gore Creek Dr Vail. Co 81657 TractI-2W5Th Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81657 Parcel A, Lot A, Block 3, W 5th Ramshorn Partnenhip 416 Vail Valley Dr. Vail 81657 Tract E W 5Th Attn: I-egal Dept. Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, Co 81657 Manor Vail 595 E. Vail Villaee Vail 81657 Ski Club Vail 598 Vail Village Dr Vail 81657 Piaos Del Norte Condo Assoc. Box 69 Vail81568 Northwoods Condo Assoc. Box 1231 Vail 81658 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail 81657 USFS Box 190 Minturn 81645 Golden Peak Condo Assoc. 458 Vail Vallev DR 81657 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on May 1 1 , 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: An appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of the Vail Associates request for a minor amendment to a previously approved development plan, to allow for the construction of a skier tunnel at the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive / Tract B, Vail Village lh Filing. Appellant: John W. Dunn, attorney for Kenneth S. Brown Planner: Jeff Hunt The application, appeal form and information about the proposal is available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published April 26, 1999 in the Vail Trail. fpPf.v 'j Golden Peak List of Property Owners Lot or Tract Number Oqm€rs Name andAddress I.ot 15, Block 1, WlSt Harley G. Higbie Jr. S. 400 1600 Broadway Denver 80202 I-ot 16, Block 1, VV lst Alejandro Burillo Azcarro 104 Del Court kredo, Tx 78041 I,at17, Block 1, W lst Elizabeth Johnson Arnended and Resated Revocable Trust Indenhre, c/oJEpstein Co Villard House, 457 Madison Ave. Ny,NY 10O22 I,ot 18, Block 1, W 1St II,C Realty 5.101, 7979 Broadway San Antonio, Tx 78209 I-t 19, Block 1W1St Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek Cr. Vail, Co 81657 Units E-18, E-28, G'48 and Lot P-1, Block 3 and easterly 160Ft ofTract F-1, w5Th All Seasons Condo Assoc. 434 Gore Creek Dr Vail, Co 81657 Tract[-2W5Th Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81657 Parcel A, Lot A, Block 3, W 5th Ramshorn Partnership 416 Vail Valley Dr. Vail 81657 Tract E VV 5Th Attn: Iegal Dept. Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, Co 81657 Manor Vail 595 E. Vail Village Vail 81657 Ski Club Vail 598 Vail Village Dr Vail 81657 Pinos Del Norte Condo Assoc. Box 69 Vail 81568 Northwoods Condo Assoc. Box 1231 Vail81658 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail 81657 USFS Box 190 Minhrn 81645 Golden Peak Condo Assoc. 458 Vail Valley DR 81657 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEHEBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on April 12, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration ol: A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-8, Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for gross residential floor area (GRFA) in excess of the allowable maximum, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive #8 i Lot I, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: P. Anthony & Constance Ridder, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for outdoor patio seating at Special Development District #35, located at242 Easl Meadow Drive / Austria Haus Club & Hotel. Applicant: Johannes FaesslerPlanner: George Ruther A request for a minor amendment to a previously approved development plan, to allow for the ^ construction of a skier tunnel at the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive / *ffi;:""''l;"^:,#:Planner: Jeff Hunt A request for an amendment to a previously approved final plat for the Tall Pines Subdivision, located at2239 Chamonix Lane i Lots 1 & 2, Tall Pines Subdivision. Applicant: Chamonix Development Group, LLC & Paintbrush-Tall Pines, GPPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located al2657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a modification to a platted building envelope, located at 1047 Riva Glen/ Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Planner: Franco D'Agostino, represented by Robert Mach Allison Ochs A request for a variance to the frontsetback, to allow a new garage, located a1285 Forest RoacUlot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1sI. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven RidenPlanner: Jeff Hunt A request for a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, lo amend Section 6 of Ordinance #1 2, Series of 1997 to clarify a condition of the Ordinance, located at 242 E. Meadow Drive/ Part of Tract C, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: Bill Sullivan, representing the Austria Haus Development GroupPlanner: George Fluther A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead CircleiLot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village lnn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss an amendment to Special Development District #30 (VAC), to allow for an additional drvelling unit and reduction of accommodalion units, located at the Vail Athletic Club, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: JWT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John Perkins :t Planner: Dominic Mauriello ,. \ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published March 26. 1999 in the VailTrail. F ru(n L{u Foz -(tt eO{e{ Glg to - qJatsAFfFI -tr .-Jco -Y Ct' atslo '15 -l o (, gff ff ff,igii*ffigg;;ffii i#iisffis$$ gffigffg l+ r! h = E oo.;_? gq "o.= ;; s€ 8. .b,:r g'gli is! 5 5 or,? =U; : iF; g;E *ff*jfg iEigg E€EigEiE f;sEi iEf;iiEa€Eiig ji€s: rEEE g;EgrEi;;€EEIEE 'E;r={iuE3 A;*EE*! gEFE€€E -* gb s # t= gE;;*ggFit i$s iBE:8E igi 8.8 EE ET =EEE gE EEotE5 OE ==z8 E; EIfrE €E =ga'c! 5 o q..)l.+r ? ?U0J ir$g s.--l lY +) - ti r!d uol =.F E ,.'r,)iixcF tn Yail Associates, Inc. s.dfg rh€ $uldcdfu WotM Qoss March 10, 1999 Mr. JeffHunt Planner Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81658 Dear Jeff, Enclosed are the applications pertaining to the proposed skier turmel at Golden Peak for DRB approval and an amendment to the Golden Peak Development Plan. I have also attached a letter of zupport from the Northwoods Condominium Association. I believe another letter of support will be forthcoming from the Pinos Del Norte Condominium Association as well. I have also discussed the matter with Jim Lamont of the East Village Homeowners Association. Please call me at479-3012 with any questions. ,tF7 Attachments: DRB Application Amendment to Development Plan Application List of Property Owners PO Box 7. Vail, Colorado. 81658. ohone 970 475 5501 tt Questif call the Planning staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF TI{E REQLJEST: Construct a skier tunnel under the race course at Golden Peak from Ruder's Route to a snowmakine hvdrant near Chair 6 Lift line B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Tract:_L _ BLOCK:- FILING: W 7th PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 498 Vail Vallev Drive C. PARCEL #: 210108109002 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970- 328-8640 for parcel #) D. ZONING: Ski Base E.NAME OF OWNER(S): Vail Associates. Inc. MAILING ADDRESS: Box 7 Vail, Co 8165E PHONE:479-3012 F. G. OWNER(S) SIGNATIIRE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: Po Box 7 VaiL es 8165E PHONE: 479-3012 TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: El New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. tr Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. E Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permig please identifftheaccuratevaluationoftheproject. TheTownofVailwilladjustthefeeaccordingtothe project valuation. PLEASE SI'B1VtrT TIIIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBI\IITTAL REQIJIREMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTYDEVELOPMENT' 75 SOUTIT FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL, COLORADO 81657. H. I. T0wN0FvAL * Please speciff the manuffrer s color, number and attach a small cofchin .* All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance I 8.54.050(D. If exterior lighting is proposed,. . please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a sepanate lighting plan. ldentifr each fucure type and provide the height above grade, lumens output luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fxtures. PROPOSED I,ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRTJBS:. E)OSTING TREES TO none BEREMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous tr€es - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Type Square Footage GROIJNDCOVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETTIOD OF EROSIONCONTROL None Vail Mountain low altitude seed mix 9000 SO FT Straw mulch. seed- fertilizer Ufi^td6197 BI.JILDING IT{ATERIALS: Roof Siding -OtherWall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windors WindowTrim -Doors DoorTrim Ihnd orDeck Rails Flucs fbshinse Chimnoys Tnsh Enclosuras Grconhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lightingr* Otrer LIST OF PROPiOSED MATERHLSi EPE9E.MAIEBIAL: Galvanizcd Steel Plate @I&B:' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NiA etionrf Call the Planning Statrat 479-2138 APPLICATION ['OR PLAIYIIING AND EIYVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. A. TYPEOF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr BedandBreakfast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variance tr Zoning Code Amendment ICIwN OF VAN tr Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (Type: ) tr Major or E Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special Development District tr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD B. DESCRIPTION OF TI{E REQUEST: Construct a skier tunnel under the race course at Golden Peak from Ruder's route to snowmakine hvdrant near the Chair 6 lift line C. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT B BLOCK FILING W 7th ADDRESS: 498 Vail Vallev Dr.BUILDINGNAME: GP Skier Tunnel ZONING: Ski BaseD. 479-3012 G. E.NAME OF OWNER(S): Vail Associates. Inc. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 7 Vail. Co 81645 PHONE: F. OWNER(S) STGNATTTRE(S):4er NAME OF REPRESENTAITVEr' Joe Macy MAILING ADDRESS: Vail Associates. Inc. Box 7 81658 PHONE: 479-3012 FEE . SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TI{E APPROPRIATE FEE. SIJBIVTIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL S{TBIVtrTTAL REQT'IREMENTS AND TIT[' FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOI]TII FRONTAGE ROAD, vArr.,, coLoRADo 81 657. Rcaiscd 6/96 Project Descrintion Golden Peak Skier Tunnel This is a request to amend the development plan for Golden Peak to allow for a skier tunnel to be constructed from the skicr closure between the race course and Ruder's Route to just below a snowmaking hydrant located at the north end of an island of trees west of the chair 6 lift line between toVer's 3 and 4. The tunnel would be approximately 200 feet long, 20'8" wide and 10' high. Concrete footers would support the arch walls which would be constructed of steel plates bolted together. The nrnnel would be covered with up to 6 feet ofearth fill and 3 feet of snow. The interior of the tunnel would be lighted during day light hours only from approximately 8:30 AM to 5 PM. Timers would automatically control lighting. The tunnel would slope downhill in an easterly direction towards the lift line of chair 6. This would also allow snowmelt to drain out of the tunnel to the ski slope. The tunnel would be sized to accommodate skiers and a small snow cat, which would groom the tunnel as, needed. It would not be sized to pass the standard grooming cats, which would require a larger structure. Certain ski area utilities would require re-location including snowmaking pipes, electric and race cables, etc. There would be no snowmaking in the tunnel' Snow would be made available at either end of the hrnnel and pushed in by the snowcat' The purpose of the tunnel is to allow skiers going to the North Woods and Pinos Del Norte condominium complexes and Ski Club Vail to get to the cat walk by going under the race course rather than across the race course as they do currenfly. The North Woods and Pinos Del Norte condominium associations support the project The tunnel would not be visible from the major view poins at Golden Peak, Manor Vail, All Seasons etc. There would bean additional terrain feature or bump running across the racecourse where the tunnel is locakd. oo Golden Peak List of Propertv Owners Lot or Tfact Number Owners Name and Addre$is- Lot 15, Block 1, VVlSt Harley G. Higbie Jr. S.400 1600 Broadway Denver 80202 Lot 16. Block 1, VV lst Alejandro Burillo Azcarro 104 Del Court I:redo, Tx 78041 I.atL7, Block 1, W lst Elizabeth Johnson Amended and Restated Revocable Trust lndenture, c/oJEpstein Co Villard House, 457 Madison Ave. Ny,NY 10022 Lot 18, Block 1, W lst ILC Realty S.101, 7979 Broadway San Antonio, Tx 7AO9 l,ot 19, Block 1WlSt Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek Cr. Vail, Co 81657 Units E-18, E-2B, G-4B and Lot P-1, Block 3 and easterly 160Ft of Tract F-1, w5Th All Seasons Condo Assoc. 434 Gore Creek Dr Vail, Co 81657 TractI-2W5Th Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81657 Parcel A, Lot A, Block 3, W 5th Ramshorn PartnershiP 416 Vail Valley Dr. Vail81657 Tract E W sTh Attn: kgal Dept. Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, Co 81657 Manor Vail 595 E. Vail Village Vail 81657 Ski Club Vail 598 Vail Village Dr Vail 81657 Pinos Del Norte Condo Assoc. Box 69 Vail 81568 Northwoods Condo Assoc. Box 1231 Vail81658 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail 81657 USFS Box 190 Minturn 81645 Golden Peak Condo Assoc, 458 Vail Valley DR 81657 Frod: A^uto Irilsr$ottg To; Jo. M.cY uatg: .t/Y,rr|, I nr€: NORTHWOODS CONITOMIN IUM ASSOCIAIION P.O, Bor l23l Vell, Colorrdo t1658 303-,176-34t6 X'.t: 303-,179-9093 o ragE a 9t z It March 9, 1999 Mr. Russell Forrest Director, Departsnent of Cunmunity Development Toum of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail" CO 81557 Dear Mr. Forrest: , . On behslf ofNorthwoods Condmrinium Associatioq I hereby infonn you that the Association eodorses the proposed skier tunnel under the r&ce counrc at Golden Peak. After nunnenous conversations with Vail Associateq we have jointly determined that curent skier access to Northwoods is not satisfactory and that a better solution is needed. best solution we have found is to build a tunnel under the race course at Golden Peak trer€b permanently separating the retuming skiers from tre racers. Vail Associates has proposed t build ttris tunnel in the spring of 1999 and ure tvholeheortedly zupport such a project' fr Ir Sincerely yours, Arturo Bril lanbourg; President I Fr! ieLftiat-t|l I I It.' I I I I I I I I I I I t I nEr EAE 9oclvoFlo E? ;+ EEIt r'lor!!oten f;&ri ^tE\lrl i-+4 U' EH 6 t'to Dt 9N t dnr3vJnNvn :r 5ta'Holtd zetot e6-Ell -cnvrz96 998 02€;'O I39\'d Questi| Call the Planning Staff at 4'79-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A, DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: Construct a skier tunnel under the race course at Golden Peak from Ruder's Route to a snowmakins hvdrant near Chair 6 Lift line B. c. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: TTact: B BLOCK:FILING: VV 7th PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 498 Vail Vallev Drive PARCEL #: 210108109002 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970- 328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: Ski Base NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE: 479-3012 D. E.Vail Associates. Inc. Box 7 Vail. Co 81658 F. G. owNER(S) STGNATTTRE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: Po Box 7 Vail. Co 81658 PHONE: 479-3012 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. E Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. E Minor Alteration - S20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identiff the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE ST'BMIT TIIIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBNIITTAL REQI'IREMENTS AIYD TIIE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT' 75 SOUTTT FRONTAGE ROAD, VArL, COLORADO 81657' H. I. TOWNOFVAN. ' , * Please speciff the manufrturer s color, number and attach a small fl chin . *. All exteiior lighting *uM""t tt, Town=s Lighting ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, . please indicate the number of fxtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED I,ANDSCAPING BotanicalName None CommonName Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRI.JBS: EXISTINGTREESTO non€ BEREMOVED: +Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous tre€s - 2 inoh caliper . coniferoustees- 6 feetinheight shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe SquareFootase GROI.]NDCOVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPEORMETHODOF EROSIONCONTROL Vait Mountain tow altitude seed mix 9000 SO FT Straw mulch. seed- fertilizer Ufr^td6197 BI.JILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding _Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim -Doors DoorTrim lland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIAL$I TYPEOFMATERIAL: Galvanized Steel Plate Q@B:* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr BedandBreakfast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or tr Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Variaoce tr Variance tr Zoning Code Amendment E Amendment to an Approved Development Plantr Employee Housing Unit (Type: )tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) Special Development Distict Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD Otlon.Z Call the Planning Sraffat479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLAI\NING AI\ID EI\TVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERALINFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not b€ accepted until all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tovm Council and/or the Design Review Board. B, DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: Construct a skier tunnel under the race course at Golden Peak from Ruder's route to snowmakinq hvdrant near the Chair 6 lift line C. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT_B _BLOCK_ FILING W 7th ADDRESS: 498 Vail VallevDr. BLIILDINGNAME: GP Skier Tunnel D. ZONING: Ski Base NAME OF OWNER(S): Vail Associates. Inc. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 7 Vail. Co 81645 PHONE: /) owNER(s)sIGNATIIRE(s): UtE 4rk?,/l NAME OF REPRESENTAIVE.T Joe Macy MAILING ADDRESS: Vail Associates. Inc. Box 7 81658 PHONE: 479-3012 FEE - SEE TTIE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TI{E APPROPRIATE FEE. SI'BIIIIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SI'BIVIITTAL REQI'IREMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMEI{T OF' COMMT]NITY DEYELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL, coLoRADO 81657. tr tr F. G. TOWNOFYUI, Rcviscd 6196 Project Description Golden Peak Skier Tunnel This is a request to amend the development plan for Golden Peak to allow for a skier tunnel to be constructed from the skier closure between the race course and Ruder's Route to just below a snowmaking hydrant located at the north end of an island of trees west of the chair 6 lift line between tower's 3 and 4. The tunnel would be approximately 200 feet long, 20'8" wide and 10' high. Concrete footers would support the arch walls which would be constructed of steel plates bolted together. The nrnnel would be covered with up to 6 feet of earth fill and 3 feet of snow. The interior of tlrc tunnel would be lighted during day light hours only from approximately 8:30 AM to 5 PM. Timers would automatically control lighting. The tunnel would slope downhill in an easterly direction towards the lift line of chair 6. This would also allow snowmelt to drain out of the tunnel to the ski slope. The tunnel would be sized to accommodate skiers and a small snow cat, which would groom the tunnel as, needed. It would not be sized to pass the standard grooming cats, which would require a larger structure. Certain ski area utilities would require re-location including snowmaking pipes, electric and race cables, etc. There would be no snowmaking in the tunnel. Snow would be made available at either end of the hrnnel and pushed in by the snowcat. The purpose of the tunnel is to allow skiers going to the North S/oods and Pinos Del Norte condominium complexes and Ski Club Vail to get to the cat walk by going under the race course rather than across the race course as they do currently. The North Woods and Pinos Del Norte condominium associations support the project The nrnnel would not be visible from the major view points at Golden Peak, Manor Vail, All Seasons etc. There would bean additional terrain feature or bump running across the racerourse where the tunnel is located. From: Aruo Brilbrnbotrg To: Jo. M.ay a DTG: U9/99 TINI€:5:53:36 PM o Pa'gi.2 ol2 NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION P,O. Box l2Jl Vell, Colondo 81658 303-176-31t5 Frr: 30t-479-9093 March 9, 1999 Mr. Russell Forrest Director, DeparEnent of Cunmunity Development Town ofVail 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Forrest: . On behalf of Northwoods Condourinium Associatioq I hereby inform you lhat the Association endorses the proposed skier tunnel under the race course at Golden Peak. After numerous conversations with Vail Associate$ we have joinfly determined trat current skier access to Northwoods is not satisfactorv and that a better solution is needed. best solution we have found is to build a tunnel under the nace course at Golden Peak thercb permanently separating the returning skiers from the racers. Vail Associates has proposed t build this trnnel in the spring of 1999 and we wtoleheartedly support such a project. It fr lr Sincerely yourg Arturo Brillanbourg President AUC-le-g€ lO'32 FRO}I'BtG R HANUFACTUR r NG oJ: rr'(oF?-.{- | -'ra!c i? tDrg?O 3sE 9621 tr\ e*gr F3 E= atrl GI t I I I I I I I I I I I I.'l I I Irltl !(l*t bl ^d I t.t tnEu, o @ 0 =Fo e Hc 2I tsr t4 *etrri OEIto6 $En JEH H 1.r o.l e Y Prs --- c) o ] 8?^ VailAssooif,tes, Inc. std/no atlr Sldtd!'dlor wffiCl6t Ngln ktult! March L0, LW Mr. Jeff Hunt Planner Departnent of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Co 81658 Dear Jeff, Enclosed are the applications pertaining !o tbe proposed skier hrnnel at Golden Peak for DRB approval and an amendment to the Golden Peak Development Plan. I have also attached a letter of support from the Northwoods Condominium Association. I believe another letter of support will be forthcoming from the Pinos Del Norte Condominium Association as well. I have also discussed the matter with Jim Lamont of the East Village Homeowners Association. Please call me at 479-3012 with any questions. '//2 Attachments: DRB Application Amendment to Development Plan Application List of Property Owners Sinceply,ffi aPO Box 7. Vail, Colorado.81558. phone 970 476 5601 ./ iZ&- Faa/Se.dr(z fq+o? ( ]j1:lrnt is ro vcrigr service avaitabitify and locarion f ,;:T#.,1il1fiJ#il:iy.llT.iJ,.'iia"ir,effi;.ffiH:"ffiT,"#1."::,:'f,fi:Tilffi:Jjilff:. acconrpa'ying sitc plan. proposed lines' ntust bc approvcd ana verineJ ul'ir',. iiro*ing rtilitics for thc Authorizcd Sienanrrc DatcU.S. West Conrnrunications |-,300_922_t987 4(rlt-6tt60 or 9 49 _4 530 Public Scrvicb Conrpanv 9.19-_571J I Gary Hall Holy Cros.s Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd l{usky/John Boyd T.C.I. 949-5530 Floyd Salazzr Eaglc River Water & Sanitation District * 476_7480 Fr cd Ha.slcc .1,ll::. bring a site ptan. floor ptan. and elevatisrEraturcs. Firc florv nccds rnrrst be addrcsscd. 3. ons rvhcn obtaining uppcr Eagrc Vaucy watcr & sanitation If the utirity vcrification tbrnr has si-Qnaturcs fronr cach of thc utirity conrpanics, and noconlnrcnt's are nradc dircctry on thc ibnu. ,r," irrr"r"iirthc dcvelopment can procccd. prcsunle that thcrc &'c no problenrs and lfa utility conrpany has conccms rvith thc proposcd cons'uction, the utirity representative sha'notc.directly on thc uririry vcrificarion fb",iil;n.*;, a.problenr rvhich necd.s to bc reso.rved.i#i:HTHl,'fi: ir'.',i"""d i.n r "ilJ; il;;o *,c ro*n orVair. Howcver. prcase idcritified prour.n* '" -'' ' "sponsibility of thc utility cornpany and the applicant to resotve Thcse verifications do not.*ri:.ui !T contractor of thc rcsponsibirity to obtain a pubric wayffifiljf ffm,l::1.:,,*[.;r;ffi;:,iliin orvol. Utilit], rocations must bc;ffiiiffi ffi ffi I *,"f :lj*]::;*l ffi'l, J,T;ffi fr ffi #t Updarcd 6/97 .wf R. 15. 1999 4:56Ff'1 A. TELECOI r9.5e5 P.1,n 6Lbu 2n,( s4-ll2 T(+,ta(.f, *ffH]|"::flo.j*:i."-"lg1]lo-,T1':$:l{11ry.*,gonar.adro..ur!bcusedhcoqiuncdon,w[tbwithlrEpafngyouruilryprmadsctcd,ringirrsel&rriom, rrr"rocariod.rraevjGr6"fditrffi;l ,theyfcureinotrnklincsgpropcodlines.uGueamm.r"aendvedf,crilwrhafniln.r-*..rilrrJG^-.r__. ilffiilli,ffirpropcodlincs.nustberppm,cdurdrreifiadbyth.rortoqinsuririi{i;T":I .q,ulh6rizad .Si onrprn T, a Holy Foss Elccric Asroo. 949'5r92 Tcd t'luslcy/JOhn Bctd I T.C.t. I p4e-5s30 Tnt-.=' Eigl*ivcrWucr * Stiradon Disni€. *'T,. bn Conrnrr,nicatiors 22-19*7 {76.14t0 Frad ]lgslcc. signaturqc. Fira flow nccdr rnu* bo addrcrscd. thc dffchpe€nt €an p$cced., lf a rniliry coruparry has coqcers widr drc proposod aortrm,cdolt' rha utiliry l?tt.dttdP oT th9 uti.fiv vcif cadon torn thu thcr b e prubtcr *lricr "Ji toThcienrc$ould thoobedrtritodin ra mhedlcncro tlc Tocn of vril. lgElt i! miod dru it is rlc rcsonsibiliry of 0re utilis coraprrry and tho qrptianl oidetifidpoblems Thcsc vcrificdions do nor rcliev_e tlrc concacrc of dre rapmsibility tD obin a P-cqit frotn rhc Dcpartn:cnt of pubtfc Workr at tbe Town of Vril. chtrludldoqc.di83iu iu rry pubtic rig|r-ofaray or crscmcnt *itiin tt c ioil 'l I lf rho utiliry vaiftrdm fonn has sigo,rnrEr f'orn cach of rho uriliry coo,*r*. *J* ^ 'D :llryqp er oladc di'rccdyorr thc forr1 thc Town rvr.ll prcnrnrc rhat tt *n ,rroo pnOtcrns ud ,I uz'c SIJ'UICOSSH ]IUA l.tdOEItd Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te* 970.479.2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail.co.us PrcJectName: DR8040187 DRBNumber: DR8040187 Project Descrifiion: temporary staging /storage area fior P3 material (dirt) Paftlcipants: OWNER VAILCORP 05/16/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT VAILCORP 05/16/2004 Phone: PO BOX 7 VAIL co 81658 Ucense: Project Addrcss: Location: behind Mill Creek Cr along mtn access rd l€gal Descdpdon: Lot Block Subdivision: VAIL VIIJIGE RUNG 5 Parcel llumber: 210108242008 Comm€nts: SEE CONDfiONS U.i.\ D(f..'^ sSn \),sL3.tX-t---"^- Design Review Board ACTION FORM {-.."J € BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By! Action; SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of ApPrcvalz 05lL7P@a Conditions: C.ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Erfilt OSlLilZ0(X By: RF Action: AP Must have sed plan reviewed and mitigation in place and inspected prior to the creation of dirt piles. Any dirt stored in place for over 3 months requires hydroseeding with naUve seed mix. Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Toryn of Vail Building petsonnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. C,ond: 202 Apptoval of thb prolect shall lapse and beome roid one (1) year tullowlng the date of final appronl, unless a buildlng permit is isged and @rrfucdon is commened and ls dlllgendy pursued toward ompletion. Phmcr: Russell Fonest DRB Fee Pald: f2O.OO ,t rc ooo'::;,.rj.o*:,:":,?ff]il::"':: v qnr w75SouthFrontageRoad,Vai|,co|orado81657Y.JiIE..',t.hCsI0IMV0MIW ter: e70'44213e..1:;,,?J"lJJr.ror' -[l.'.j" ^ ^ ,,"r, General Information: , 14tg1,rov! Coa All projects requiring design review must receive approvat prior to submitting a buitding *rrf ,Ffr,in. ptease refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesieO. nn afptication 6r Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Develbpment Departmlnt. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission.Design rcview approval lapses upless a building permit is issued and construction commences withinoneyearof theapproval' .T\rs 1j0,'.- {..n- i5 a.,- ^t&^/v,.* {o ?j DR$ ^pp...r-.Q. . Description of the Lr^r I ?-3 r ,a'r o,-r r. {-a ivr Location of the Proposal:aoH E elock:,ld. !,e\( Q^ ,--.,\ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86210 for parcel no.) Physical Address; ,/-----\ nI3P-aYZoning: >\ Name(s)of owner(s): ..i *,t. R.-,--"+-. (]n+1= ly'&{ fr/@'Bt' Mailing Address:a I oT t.K s{.,.. '.. Phone:<*q5 La E 5 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New ConstructionD Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) O Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tst Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ffa*a**ttffalla**laaalaaafl*llt+l+*tl*latt+tlt*****'lt***a**'i*a*a*t**fa+aaal'taa*laaal*+a*+*a* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Srrtcmeirt*lfli*l'}*afllftaf*fa+ltlat*aaffta**tl*ftattaata*t****+*****ta**'}t*f*fla*f'}*tftttaaaa**tt*aaa gtatement, !Ir.u ber: R0{000593G Atnount, r 920.00 OS/16/2O04t0:89 Atrl Palment Method: Checlc Init: IrC l[otsatiqr: #9671,/atack D . Hunn Pernit ![o: DR8040187 T14re: DRB-Ctrg to Appr Plana Parcel. lgo: 210108242008gite Addregs: Locatioas behind Mill Creek Cr along mgn acceBs rd Total Feea: $20.00 TotaL AIIL Prnts: $20.00BaLance: $0.00 l+a'3alf*lltal|}laala+**a*llatl+a**a++*aal*1*aa***a!at}t*a*lla{'f*lftl*****l*l*tlaa+raal*atltaaaff ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20 .00 ThiE Payment: 920.00 Descri pti on Current Pmts \,o -i .t Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Jonathan Greene Vail Resorts Development Company P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Mill Creek Staging Lot/ A Portion of Tract E, Vail Vitlage Filing 1 Dear Jonathan: The Town of Vail has reviewed the above-referenced design review application. Please submit plans indicating the following revisions at your earliest convenience so we may issue a staff approval. ' Please provide a culvert across the gated entrance to allow drainage to continue beneath the driveway (and then continue to an existing inlet). We suggest extending the culvert 5- 10' past the entrance to allow for a substantial gravel shoulder on the west side of the driveway entrance to accommodate the turning radius of large trucks. ' Please provide a swale from the west side of the gated entrance along the roadway to the existing inlet near the Vista Bahn lift. ' Please provide a boulder wall detail, noting that the maximum height will be 4' or less. ' Please provide a construction fence and proper soil erosion control along the limits of disturbance. ' Landscaping (i.e. trees) shall not encroach upon the roadway closer than 10'from the edge of asphalt. This will accommodate future road reconstruction. ' We suggest pulling a ditch on the south side of VA's gravel road to eliminate runoff from flowing over the road (this is not a requirement, just a suggestion). lf you would like to discuss these issues in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me al 479-21 40. Tom Kassmel (project engineer) may be reached al 47 9-2169. Sincerely, Brent Wilson, Planner ll {j u"t"'to "^""' Oo"^'.* .rtffllil Deveropment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 W Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL 001 0000 314 1110 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1 997 - Volume 1 &2 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbinq Code - 1997 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 001 0000 314 1112 Unitorm Mechanical Code -1997 001 0000 314 1112. 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Danoerous Bldo.'s 1997 001 0000 3141112 Model Enerqv Code - 1 995 001 0000 3141112 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes 001 0000 3141112 001 0000 3't41211 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1 111 001 0000 314 1 111 001 0000 31s 3000 001 0000 311 2300 001 0000 315 2000 Ott Hours lnsoection Fees 1 0000 312 3000 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 311 2200 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 312 1000 001 0000 230 2000 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co. "001 0000 201 1000 '001 0000 310 1100 - REtail Sales Tax l 001 0000 311 2500 1 0000 31 1 2500 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit 1 0000 31 1 2s00 Ext€rior Alteration - Less than 100 001 00003112500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 01 00003112500 01 0000 311 2500 1 0000 311 2s00 001 00003112s00 001 00003112s00 001 0000 31 1 2s00 001 0000 319 3100 (/ Check# A Receivedbv: F:/Everyone/Forms/Salesacl.exs ft0 2y10/99 - Tlc Twr of Vdl N9 511S3DATE RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS Police Rcceipt HOW PAID-Cash-Otcck14- FYI -.--* . . , -.- , -.:- .--.-.- -:'':,'--'-. ' Tom of llail**r fl.EIIFf, RETEIPT }T DeIEr s/E/fi-t ECEIPI: ffii3ll Hlt|I lP rt ES.m rlln H( llst( Ytil Fm YflJn PnYEfr! DESIRl9Illtl IESIBI REI'IBI FE |,RIL NEHXITS 1BIER IETRIL0{ 75718 DCIE: 5/01/S TtlTfl, OCO( HIT{T ltrIIERBI gn I ies.BTlf,: t6:?5:Sl |es.m €c.m