HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B TRACT A GORE CREEK PLAZA (3)) TOWN OFVAIL G@trVr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February l,2000 Ms. Aggie Givem 1031 Lionsridge Loop Vail Co 81657 Dear Aggie, Tbis correspondence is to inform you ofthe results of my counesy inspection ofthe pe house unit located above your unit in the Gore Creek Plaza Building. I met with Tim Keohoe of George Shaeffer Construction on 0l/27/00 at ll:30 AM Tim is performing the repair work on the exlerior deck. What I observed was dre existing deck without linish materials (tile). There is an existing waterproofing membrane installed on top of the dcck surface. Tim has replaced the sill plate lbottom of the exterior wall) under the door tlreshold with an approved, decay resistant lvood product. Tim and I then discussed what would occur to complete the repair. A new waterproofing membrane will be installed above the existing membrane. Some type of drainage weep holes will be constructed at tlnt same lwel to remove any moisture that may get beneath the deck finish- A new tile surface will be insalled wrrh positive drainage away from the exterior wall. This slope will equal or exceed %'' per l'. The repau is in compliance to the 1997 UBC. section, 1402.3 (Waterprgofing Weather<xposed Areas). The new tiles rvill be grouted wilh an epoxy rype gour Aggie, the observation and discussion on site with Tim should repair the water problems that had occrmed in the past, if in fact, the leak was coming from the deck above. Feel free to call me with any questions regarding this matter at, (970) 479-2142. f\ryor^t,, /t t U'k*,k<\,1-L_---'-'\-'Charlie Davis Senior Building Insp€ctor/Plans E,rraminer Cc: Tim Kehoe/George Shaclt'er Constuuction.File {gu"nurroro IOl4l]Vffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Triangular privary partition, Gor DRB Number: DRB030016 Project Description: triangular privacy wall, unit 1, 3rd floor, gore creek plaza Pafticipants: OWNER GIVREN, AGGIE 02/03/2003 Phone: PO BOX 3827 VAIL CO 81658-3827 License: APPUCANT GIVREN, AGGIE 0210312003 Phone:476-0281 PO BOX 3827 VAIL CO Skivailco@msn.com 81658-3827 License: Project Add!€ss: 193 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 193 Gore Creek Drive, Gore Creek Plaza#l Legal Description: Lot: Block; SuMivision: GORE CREEK PLAZA Parcel Number: 210108213001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalt 021L212003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: S25O,OO f, Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: s Indicate type, location and number of fixtures,a Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)f, Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of !2lO2lO7l02 Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other IW*r0 ry fo "'-unt6 s n,acc) Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of t2l0zl07loz t She11y MeIIo, Planner Departnent of Communit.y Development Ll-1- South Frontage Road WestVa11, Colorado 81657 RE core Creek Plaza Bullding 1,93 Gore Creek Drivevai1, Colorado Dear She11y, The followinq is a request for staff approval additlons to thepreviously DRB approved (S/S/92) and pEC approved 0 /27 /g2lproject. It is our intention to slrnply add to the existingapplication and approvar and not alter the items involved in theexteri-or modifications. These items are outlined below andhiqhlighted in the enclosed drawings 3/L5/93). ADDTTIONA], MODTFTCATION ITEMS Sweet Basil Deck- request to shift the circle desi_gn elementof the deck ralling from the top (beneath the railing) to thecenter line (18" above deck). Request to chanqe from a blackduranotic finished aluminun to black powder coat steelrailing. Sweet BasiL Restaurant- request to replace existing singlepane awnlng windows in Level Three kitchen to thermal pane awningr windows to match existing (no tlnting) . paint and re-install existing solar shades. Sweet Bas1l Restaurant- request toj remove and replace theexistingr entry awning with a new design and graphics. See enclosed rendering and samp1e. .._ j 1_. 2. 4. ltarch 1-5, l-993 ,n._ tr -S'a,rJ ld /--<)'- 6.p^a z Gore Creek ,rl" BuiLdlug- southFour (Rod Sli.fer- owner). Reguestand awning windows with thernal windows .r.rr.til, unitto replace single pane swing doors Two, Level pane fixed and awningt 'b4tl j Add 6 feet x 23. feet balcony with netal railing and stucco __ eS/-qrr:gg_y,.=,9*1}s. All naterials and finishes to match build- core Creek Plazg Building- South elevation, Jni-E_-One, Leve}--tuur (Aggie civien-.'bwneii. -Reguest to aaa 6--6#*ritig-i""tbalcony with netal railj.ng. Include swing door to access. AIInaterials and fi.nished to natch the exiJting building. Gore Creek Plaza Building- North el_evatj-on, Geueral Common7. El_ement. Level Four. Reguest to add l3','f eet.-toi the ' existins 14 f [feegjF+ae1 ;exteries.rde_clc];il$w nerat Tdifins ro natch. Afl-'',nateri-aIs andJi,nishes go__qra,gch the existing buiLding.Z.-/ - (;r'a-z-<.-.2 -6\J8.Gore Creek Plaza Building- li"tt "f*.,ration. Exterior planter, Level Two. Request to denolish exterior planter and contents and re-finish surface to natch alley asphalt. ffe respectfully request the tinely approval of these iteng to theexisting project and feel that all are an enhancernent to thepresent modifications and the enrichment of core Creek Drive.$hould you or any of the staft have any guestions or cornments onany of the above, pleage do not hesitate to call or write. Thankyou for your consideration in this nlatter. Sincerelyi Gwathney,/ Pra t t./ Schul tz Architects Inc. P.C. J \ Date: Place: Present: MEMORANDIIM 6 March 1-993 Gore Creek Plaza Building- Rosenquist Office Chuck and Peqgy Rosenquist Rod and Beth Sli.fer Aqqie GivrenEric ,Johnson RE: core Creek Plaza Building Exteri_or Modif ications The purpose of. the neetingr was to review the bids submitted byMinick Construbtlon and Boles Custon Builders. The Association alsoevaluated existing and addj.tional alterations for pricing.. The following points were discussed: 1. Boles Custour Builders nag selected as the qeneral contractorfor the building and Sweet Basil urodifications (as confirned . by Kevin Clalr). An introduction and clarification meetingr was sctreduled for Wed 10 March to finalize the contract to be signed Mon L5.Mareh. The construction schedule and phasing arecritical to the clients and tenants as weli as billing fornat. A start, date of 19 April and completion of L4 May (Sweet Basil) and 1 July (balance of Gore Creek Plaza). 2. Itenns not to be included at this tine:A. Ilandj.cap Bath- retrofit at a later date.B. Elastoneric paint C. Security,/Intercom systen- pre-wire onlyD. Drip irrigation system- by owner, hose blb operational 3. Items to be included at tbis tine (subject to pricing) A. Snowmelt system @ entry, steps'and streetscape- tie to'. existj.ng boiler and install und6r grhnite and pavers. CONFERENCE e,qe c?Z=3 ?Lrtc+;.1-la.1a Aar:g:ptrun -Tl'^l,a uHlT ^E exw..yaand#Tt,r_l- E A.tz,ot ty Y'lnruL FLooe-r17 AoW L I ! I I I!rl:| "-: i I -.-.-'--i- ni !D& {c cru \/ '! 1 izF r P.-<- €- I N 4eH11 eJ clH&T hh+t> h (+qav Aaav . s,urtarJ ?A? i ?h.;ie eJrlbTtuv I JlEzac n/ 2eaugiff hahaAfl. AtEz ae2 tnc,fr1elb,SOUTH A?t@* ?el (tt+.b72'1/+z) 'Vgil caoe c] =l1 "l,tv,,;.Apvevlt>uvt -T:*l,c: UHIT ete:, ZylEt.ye2tA4A-llrN _ V,At-z,eHy 112 OoZ= w- cTejvE v*tL DATE: 1'lo ' 1a SI{EET NO. 'Ul-tll !ut{l'T 2- €2trUT'11 +l'lzn x zlzt''J$t.e -lar |t-at'oA.4.*e€.lla G,alrd *' rrain.(z) lt'x li T4 bleve To qTL PP.11-e ?tt e .c- . L, \-/ t4o 12, * to.@ (caLrA)&Zt n;4L ,'1.*+!+"*- la'.' ?A. ?t-Ee wt /(q.\'t/ztt+ x/+tr e 4tEltdtr. alfiltdvbrol1ot ,n lA 12. , A"e:gV' fl.Ag . r/+t t LEyEg FouA-., - 4\l gYl I rflar.A hl-ll ?tuo,,8/ enwx* *vvAl( I r i EarauPl ,/ |l' a*el PrlbA b r-1>+4h Exwtne, J II Oz+-il C fi,aE gztQuq . ?>^Et btzE I I rqta'. 4l>b n^ '/)'*' z+ (?.uap- |I I Heb)l e+bA. &e,r4 | ua/ o*b l^l.t. +* I | | H t.+ ht.t1.7. z z xpu V+ adge (covrv.\ | I I z'? v+ b c z'-ou b.o.-I It+ | | | I Atltul @nneclwve weldedec".- +geoil\.ritto'.r+ ?>rnrt bl?aU lD H e*=h F>' I ri.q : a 12x ta.dz .++ J.. rla-zl / 9ff'pd !4"i L'#,a il#f I cc,tler L&g^ +o pl*.+az) L zt'x,l-r x Y+,' e +ll a't a.c,2.4eT/a e THT\E :l+ * Ymc iLx t6t.* H/ ql+"4 ex?r^.fuoto- \ e, +'-e.t e.c. €, H>+nhu.Vqvq ?Lf L n / d| z/+u 4 ExH A,t^chv - t^ SYoUtV,ct 4e ll . I : Exi,4' ^ l,*l-ll - H *oqrl * Anfril . freV Ve"fi 'recTlot4/PETAu . i/4' 'L=b o b ,/ Wae? t?pne.. LoH e fr6, lc Y, s.f q $l tzf slo.b -N 7ad? CeoF eftE7?l';z+,. fDwtwuH eHE uFllT 4E ey1E7,yeV1A4A-11rN - bAv4aqy f12 AOPE qW- DFrVE' U*tL DATE: 2.lL . th SI-IEET NO. o I TOI4INM JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRTTTEN APPROVAL LETTER I. (print name of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvemen6 to be completed atthe address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: .. ' i 1 lS I lucl Page 2 of LU1ZloTloz ++ * **+ 't * ***+* +l t + ***** +* * + * *+'* * * ** ** {.:i ** * * * ** * i* f ++ * ***** * * * ** * * * **,t*'**'} * * {. ** {. * * ** * * * *+ ** * + + TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement***,t '* * *** * ++ll *+ + * * ** * * * ** * ** +** **** * * f** +:t:t*++ + * **** * * * *** ***+****++ * * * ** **** ** * *+****+ * + + | sEatement Nuniber: R030003637 Amount: $250.00 02/03/200303:57 pM Palment Method: Check Init: JAR Notatsion: 3867 A Gi-vren Permit No: DR80300L6 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor AIt, Cormr/Mu1ti Parcel- No: 210108213 001 SlIe Address: 193 GORE CREEK DR VAfI, l,ocation: 193 Gore Creek Driwe, Gore Creek Plaza#l TotaL Fees: $250.00This Pa).ment: $250.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $250,OO Balance: $0.00**,t*****I*****+***t********+***********i.*,t++***|****************+**'t * * + + * * * * * * * * * * * 'l * * * **** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 ,t1.,t)^1- l ef,hold ke MEMORANDUM Der-isro/ Town Council Community Development Departmeni June 23, 1998 An appeal of a variance denial made by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission on April 27, 1998. The appellants were denied a building height variance, site coverage variance and a density variance to allow for a residenlial addition to the penlhouse at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village First Filing. Appellants: Rodney and Elizabeth SliferPlanner: George Ruther TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. SURJECT PROPERTY Slifer project. Located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village Firsl Filing. II. STANDING OF APPELLANT Staff believes the appellants have standing to file an appeal in this case as they are the owners of the subject property. III. BACKGROUND The applicants, Rodney and Beth Slifer, were requesting a Minor CC1 Exterior Alteration, a building heighi variance, a site coverage variance and a density variance, lo allow for a bay addition to the penthouse unit in the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive. The applicants were proposing to construct an 18 square foot bay addition to their residence. The addilion would have been constructed on the west side of the building between the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums and the Sitzmark Lodge. The bay addition was intended to provide additional dining room space within the penthouse. The Planning and Environmental Commission, at its April 27, 1998 meeting, denied the applicants' variance requests and made the following findings (see attached minutes): 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grani of special privilege inconsistent with the building height, site coverage and density limitations on other properlies classified in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. 2. That the granting of the variance will be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in lhe vicinity of the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums. 3. That the variance is not warranled for the following reasons: It a. The strict literal inierprelation or enforcement of the building height, site coverage and densily regulations does not result in a prac{ical difficulty or unneoessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning CodE. b. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in lhe Commercial Core 1 Zone Distriet. c. The strict interprelation or enforcement of the building height, site coverage and density regulations does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. V. NATUREOFTHEAPPEAL The appellants are appealing lhe PEC decision denying lhe building height variance, sitE coverage variance and density variance requests. The appellants believe lhey will suffer praciical difficulties and/or unnecessary physical hardships if the three variances are not granted. The applicants' appeal application has been atached for reference. V. REOUIRED ACTION Uphold/Overturn/Modify the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of the building heighl variance, site coverage variance and density variance. The Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The required flnding is listed below: Finding: The Town Council shall on all appals make specific findings of Ect based dircctly on the pafticular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title have or have not been met. Further, if the Town Council chooses to overturn or modify the Planning and Environmental Commission denial of the variances, the Town Council shall consider the following faclors and make the following findings related to the granting of a variance: A. Consideralion of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and slruclures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary io achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment emong sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without granl of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation end traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. B. The Town Council shall make the following findings before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of lhe variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classifled in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Thai the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in praclical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wilh the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same districl. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of the three variance requests and recommends thal the Town Council make the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12 (Zoning) have not been met. 2. That the granting of the variances will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the Commercial Core I Zone District. 3. There are no exceptions, extraordinary circumstances, or conditions that are applicable to this site that apply generally to other properties in the Commercial Core lZons District. 4. The strict interpretation, or enforcement of the specified regulations does not deprive lhe applicants of privileges enjoyed by owners of other properlies in the Commercial Core lZone District. ilAY-14-98 TllU 12:34 Pl{DESIGN EDI.IARDS FAI( NO, 19709268220oSLIFERo P. 0t Ed $tihrtDesigns MAY 5, l99s DEAR MR. RUTHE& WE ARE INTRESTED IN APPEALING THEVAIL PLANNING ANDENVIRONMENTALcoMMlsstoN's DEcrsIoN To oeNv mE vARIANieoN Tr{E T*ENT'_.E'ENTH oF ApRrL.THE VARIANCE WAS A REQUEST FOR V$TON CCiE-XTTSRIOR ALTERATION, BUILDINGH-EIGI{T' SITE COVERAGE, AND DENSITY TOCETS'ET t 93 GORE CREEK DRIVE / GORECREEK Pr^AZA CONDOMTNII,MS. SINCERELY, HTJNTERNELSON S4fffD.$lgnq leiW Altrc PA. Irrsrq iro, C&ru& s6ro, cf1cfl68f[ fca?oe!,drrqf Smt t&a* ns Etue UW Nvd., Elwda Ctialr/o ws o Date I,IAY A. B. c. D Received t419S APPEALS F,ORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFR DESIGN RE\rIEW BOARD OR PLAI{NING AIVD ENYIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION DArE oF AcrroN/DEcrsroN, 2 1 A€K, I L l?q b NAMEOF BOARDOR PERSON RENDERTNG TI{E DECISION/TAKING ACTION: .aM u r#rCl.(NAME OF APPELLAJTIT(S)I AqNONI/DECISIONBEINC I\,IAILING ADDRESS: PHYSICALADDRESS IN V LEGAL DESCRIPNON OF APPELI.A}IT'S PROPERTY IN VAIL: Page 1 of2 rt F. Does this appeat involve a specific parcet of land? Ykg If yeq please provide the following information: areyouanadjaccntpropcGy orvner? yes__. no_ Ifnq give a detailed o<planation of bow you are an "aggriwd or adversely affectcd person." "Aggrieved or adverscly affected, peson" means any person who will suffcr an adverse effect to an intcfest protected or firthercd by tbis title. The alleged adv€rsc int€rest may be sbared in common with othr mcrnbcrs ofthc community * large. but sball occed in degrec the geocral interesr in communiry good sharcd by alt persons. G. Provide rhcnamesandaddresscs lboth pcrson's mailiogaddress and propr:ny's physicel addressin Vail) ofall owncrs ofpropcrry which are the subject ofthc appeal and alt adjaccot pioperty owncrs (including propcrtics sqtarated by a right-of-uray, sEcam, or othet intcwcoing barriers). AIso provide addrcsscd and simpid envetopcs for eadr propeny o,rvncr on thc liS. H. On separate sheets of paper, qpeci$ thc prccisc naturE of thc appeal- Pleasc cite specific codc soctions having relevance to the acdon beiag appcalcd. L FEE: 50.00 Page 2 of2 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1998 2:00 P.M. AT TOV GOUNC|L CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon todetermine at what time Gouncil will considei an item. a Andy Knudtsen 2. Dominic Mauriello Ethan Moore Dave Corbin, VA 3. 4. Kaye Ferry 5. George Ruther Discussion of Employee Generation. (4S mins.) BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Employee Generation is a tool other resort municipalities have used to address the employee housing issue. with it,tle Town could require developers to provide housing for some percentage of additional employees generated by new development. The attached memo outlines the alternatives and identifies the policy issues which council will have to consider, if choosing to move forward witr this concept. AcrloN REQUESTED oF couNclL: Decide to move forward and direct staff to provide the next level of detail or decide to discard the approach. Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan. (45 mins.) The Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan team would like to make a presentation regarding several redevelopment scenarios which are based on a redevelopment model and its application to a hypothetical structure in Lionshead. This model looks at different approaches that a developer or condo association might take with respect to redevelopment and considers the costs of that redevelopment. please refer to back-up material provided. AcrloN REQUESTED oF : No action is requested at this time. For discussion purposes only. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: please refer to material in council packet. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: No action requested. PEC/DRB Review. (15 mins.) Discussion of Business License Fees by Vail First. (30 mins.) An appeal of a Planning and Environmental commission decision denying the.applicants' request for a building height variance, site coverage vaiiance an_d density variance at 193 Gore creek-plaza condominiums/Lit A, Block5-8, VailVillage First Fiting. (20 mins.) ACT|PN REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, overturn, or overturn with lol9['o,1.' the Planning and Environmental commission's decision denyingthe applicants' variance requests. :on Monday, Aprit27,1998, the appticants, Rodney and Elizabeth Slifer, appeareO beiore the pianning and ' ' Environmental commission with a request for a minor cciexterror arteration, luilding height variance, site coverage variance and density variance at ig3Gore creek Plaza condominiums. Following the completion of a site visit tothe applicants' residence and a presentationon the requests by the community Development Department, the pranning and Environmental Commission passed a motion (6-1)(Bishop opposrA; denying the applicants, requests. A copy of the staff memorandum and the approved minutes from the April27,1998 meeting have been aftached for reference. / o. Steve Thompson Steve Jeffers 7. Larry Grafel 8. Larry Grafel Greg Morrison 9. Larry Grafel Greg Hall Susie Hervert STAFF RECOMMENDATION : The Community Development Department recommends that the Town council uphold the planning and Environmental commission's decision denying the applicants' requests. should the Town Council choose to uphold the Commission,s decision, staff would recommend the Council make the findings listed on page 5 of the staff memorandum to the Planning and Environmental commission dated April 27. 1998. Refinancing Discussion of a portion of Town of Vail's Debt. (30 mins.) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCTL: Decide howto proceed with the process. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: The Town can refinance a portion of the Town's outstanding debt. Because interest rates have dropped this can be done without an election if there is present value savings. The Town could free up between $2.2 million and $3 million between the year 2000 and 2005 depending upon the refinancing option selected. sieve Jeffers will oe here to discuss the process, including timing, selecting an underwriter, and the options for restructuring the debt service. srAFF REcoMMENDATION: Refinancing the debt using one underwriter on a negotiated basis. we do not see the need for a financial advisor to select an undenrriter. Village Core Construction Update. (10 mins.) Ford Park Managed Parking Update. (10 mins.) Public Works Tunnel Reconstruction project. (1S mins.) BACKGROUND MT|ONALE: The original bid forthe pubtic works tunner reconstruction includes: lowering the road so semi trailer trucks can access the Public works facility rather then unloading on the south Frontage Road; installing a 6 ft. sidewalk, which is a requirement for a co to be issied for the employee housing; and drainage and utility improvements that must go un_der the South Frontage Road. Staff has worked with CDOT, as well, t6 refine the design to their standards. The original estimate was 9495,000. A firm bid from Viele Construction, as the general contractor, has been received for $520,000, but this bid coniains no contingency. staff believes because of the scope of this project that a contingency is critical. Currenily, we have $5S,O0O in capitaistieet maintenance savings from the recent chip and seal bids. staff believes there are other savings in the capital street maintenance projects that can also make up the deficit. The final $1O,0OO will come from the capitalprojects fund balance. $48s,000 520.000 <$35,000> $ 35,000 30.000 $ 65,000 $485,000 _c5.e!o $550,000 staff estimate Viele Construction bid (Alpine Engineering has value engineered three times) shortfall without contingency shortfall without contingency contingency total shortfall staff estimate total shortfall TOTAL COST OF PROJECT \ 10. Greg Hall srAFF RECOMMENDATIoN: To authorize the increased funding from the capital street maintenance savings to allow the contractor to move forward with work commencing Wednesday, June 24th. VailVillage Overtay Rebid. (5 mins.) 11. Information Update. (10 mins.) '12. Council Reports. (10 mins.) 13. Other. (10 mins.) 14. Adjournment - 6:15 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATEAND SUBJECTTO CHANGE)t|||tl THE NEXTVAIL TOWN GOUNCIL REGUI.ARWORK SESSIONwLL BE oN TUESDAY, 7/7/98, BEGINN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. IN Tov couNctL GHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN GOUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY,7t14t9g, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL cHAMBERS. THE NExrvAlLTovwrt couNctL spEctAL coMMoN GRouND EVENING MEETTNGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY,6/30/98, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:00 p.M. lN Tov couNctL cHAMBERS.il||||l !lOn]91SgOe interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please calt 47g-z3i|voice or479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGENDAWS o,tt \-!10*ci*i , Fip-n/"r Nrl + \-l ircl,inrcr *rugthe-q,D 4 o r3.. L,i * AR;*n F.tq$y'rt-rl I 2-5r:r Cc\.g, 6.d Y R"e V-: D -'r S,r,o'lo ff\c r., t' <4 Cq q t o ,l (-rtt , l-f.,..^:,r', J 9, * \r:Wlq -1\3b ' S hur i d,o,n Ad 1 GVrt <o a- LL (oCoLz l{"tri^o i w'\lr'a rn s g1 6 ^r !iicr1i1ra"'t Av{ <-hi(qAo EL r 6cteiJv D'"r3c , c-da fr*sl-Eit CjrP De N ,toJAstl NY i l5g J pto CIr-t{ t'r ^- Co , viZ*t ++ , ja.,O O 1 NE \ab i zz ' ilqb V-cch, ii.61 rL-; ('.,, ifi-tu , ?r^cr.nt'Lo, Ta-f 3ru' io ., i. ,-t. B"K 124 (a !j i (.r.,' i \.- Lt O1,j C I i3 ir e 1v1&r? , -jc-.r) t*, * ,Lio Al\-Lri +(u- i',ccY-- \ i - -\, s-l i t F. rTv\ A,r.{ ./< 1-( r\"Y t, O0?-Z a. - ... 3701 I I 7-E ILLJ b,}}E U g6ahcr o bo, ch , Ter Z!-:, + Y u el i'* 14 . A6 qE L*l Avc . ?*e- logg fi r'a rn i , FL 3 3.11 - I,t"o'l t,r-:i*r\ct J \,pi tlr'c rn C , Tru s|44- X hox k8q I '-;ilja-n I*,.-i i:'llr O -rx -t BZol { -v.t J n t ..:-oftt-r f:ccht I {ohru, Ca-,r \, yo1 eio Inrs, Shc"lo* A, t,rrag.c-aKr{cTrf ,)1 E\mhur:* pl 4 Ci*:cina*i , ofr 44zDb ic tr*h ti rru-'t , A \., ,' ni g rrursiq ui 411h '3+' ''YNtuu.-iu?K iJY lOci] \ \-/ $e.. cr { 3 , F.r c1 i a,i p-r.w'c cc^ b(t irr : t ]C C,.r.r'r\cotC Ld . .( t +f, ru1i-on* il"Y V(7aC + Al, {v\.D"J,A, p'a. P-, p3*.? 1 ,. !.(-= Dit)( bL,/- Fr. '3ttfqs {c. , prC act\1 in, r il,:'urK i xva:tr"nc-*i- -?." f L.rcl ' ,\ \ r1G. /' \ .i I ' -- .r.. -7Lu,U ). l-rc,\,Ytqz.- Fc\ tL, )u t e,,\ C," : u\-/*.i/ \\- 3ltgcr-i fn atler r A\\ c'-n .,' '.rLb'fr f 'u-tiC3 t\e.t,nLraq w,Y * 5-rr pi'.r1c, C6.' , qa tc'V \J oo Couon ou.{,t I E 9tl..u,r N.A i + Sa rnu, |l, 59 + Do''gtf ed v brue-n t Po-" lnV3-5 n 3!r-rrPi CInich"*,Q. L,+ 3o>qo,G, Z Cl..qryqa ,(nwrt- Dr.' t /E".dev.oEJ Co - $c l\ O ' Narir"5, Da.,;dl. +9ho^do 5- p I Dc\ rnqr Seoi+J*-t", NY toqZ> X a\cf-oeLL> -Oo1 : , i i n l.Lod* (aprli g ^---'' Jlcl -ctzz'L - aci - ct1 Gro nffi, LU, PaV,'.K ?c. 3o<? t ucit, Co €irv5b i h 'ui-rr Irt, frq.,r']-,' e vcc aa-"r Fr\;p 5 ' *ov*ls-rr i TX 11CiV ' i\ t,.]g,\-'c\(.urr. , Pa4u C*,{ ino",6c\r'ee (rid,Ufr ?a ScZ pLT Euar-r:* wY A\ l,ha.ritcrr GA 7cza7- i\) u!4AN, KAtaEN W. 1000 rSLAi\D tsLvl) Schedule; Parce1 i\o: TAC; Yr tsniLt: 009595 srA,l'us; A 2101 082 22 001103 lii11 t,evy i 43 NOv No.:Sibling: LUGAL : O 1OO LAZIb'R AiTCADI; COND. UN|f:301 BK:0212 PG:0Zii tsK:0284 pc:(1018 BK:0.!28 pc:0703 tsK-0428 PG-0699 tsK-{)12 8 Pc- {) ? (i 1 CONDO.LA.\U C'Jr\ llO S - i -YPliO v Ul4El't'1' S t'(j,!AL _\ssEssED oi i 2+ / 9'i DOc DAT!;:72/3I/67 Doc rJoc uA,r,r : t2/29 /78 Dac IJO(i IJA'I'H : 10/?5/85 DrJc lJc 08-14-84 PRD 10-09-85 Lc'l': 50380 ASIJ: .{C'f : 90920 -\SD: vALf r' S1+1.30(,1 LS'i' (iH$icE 02/t)9 i98 TYPT]: WD SAL.B;S PIiICT]: 'I.Y PE : WIJ SALTJS PIiIL.E : I'YPE; WD SALES P!i.IC.U: +910 AC: ,i860 ,,\C; si3,770 VAIL llx Sibl ing: 68 Dec Date Bec'd: 0.000 s! ; 0. 000 st': et': D..i . . si8a tst;Li, 0N.h' 3878 DAL TX 75219-447 TAC: 103 MilL Levy: ,13.+'i.201 GOHE ETJK Yr .tsuilt: 69,0V No. :Sibli-ng:llx Sibling: Dec Date Hec, d: LUGAL:0705 tsELL TOWEH CONDO UNl'l':H-1 tsK:0570 pG:0340 uoc DAT!,;t0I/01/gZ DOC TypE: wD sAL!:s pHl.Cg: BK-0498 PG-o703 tsK-0570 Pc-o319-23 wD 12_31_91 tsK-05?0 PG-o330-2 wD 01-01_92 tsK-0570 Pc-o338 wD 01_01_92 tsK-o580 PG-o179 Wu 05-12_92 S3'76, ilt: T()w!jH PAH'l'N_kiHs L,l'lj_'- "3XI'i^;il"if"'iii^E*;:l:3i5, ;i3ln3,i'fi'u3i,* (JONIJO-LA}IIJ 00N D()S - L\tPlto V.UM.E'lj T S AC'.r.': 240560 ASD:A0l': 1369480 ASD: 23430 A0: 133390 AC: $156,820 0 .000 s!':0.000 sT;.r .1 .._r - PnE SCHSU: 0008985 ,l'o,l'Al-', VALUB S1,610,040 ASS.SjSSED 06/30/96 LS'f CHANGE Ot/75198 Grv,lrBN, AGcI.Ei ., P() tsu.\ 382? VAIL c() 816;8-3827000193 coRE cr{uEK Dii i:*sl|[, glSi';,f'tj'u8o,o 'lAC: 103 t4iII Levy: 43. +iYr tsuilt t 7t Dec Date }iec'd; LI;GAL:0079 GORI; CHEEK PLAZA UflIT:1 tsK:0226 PG:0170 DOC DATE: tsK:0250 pc:0964 DOC DAIE: tsK-o+67 .DG-0f80 QCD C8_S7 Xx Sibling: l0/oL/72 Doc12/l'c/76 Dac 61310 ASD: 353090 ASD: I'Y PE : i.jl) 'fYPX; l{ll .-'(i).ilo- L-\-\i) C0N D() S - IrYPtiOV EIYEN T S -,\c't': ACT: SALTJS SALUS PHICg: u|J I trL'. 0 .000 0.000 S-12 ' ti': S6.i, ii 6(-r .i 86 S}: (L. 5970 AC: 34390 AC: s40,360TO,I'AL vALUt; $,1 14,400 ASSHSST;D 06/30/96 LST CHANGA 06/LL/97 (,/ Sibl ing : p020599 lix Sibling: LEGAL:0079 G(JIIf, L]HH.b;K PLAZA uN 1',I' : 1 tsK:0226 pc:0170 IJOU DA'l'u: LA/01/72 DOC 'lypu: l,.lD SAL!:S plilou: tsK:0250 PG:0964 DOC DATE:72/I5/76 DOC 'I'YPE: I{,IJ SALES PRICE:tsK-0467 PG-0480 QCIJ 08-87 Glvi[4N, AGcrE PO tsOx'3827 VAl 1 GTJ}ig CH$T]K D}i,\l0V No, : coi!rJO-LANn c0N u(Js- LMPROvt:M.riN'l's ,f (J,fAL ASSUSSED 06/30/96 0o 81658-382 ACl': 61310 ASD:ACl': 353090 aSD: VALUE S414,400 LS'I'L]HANGE O6IT7/97 ;:r:srl,ii8ll{ii'ii:i:,.n, nn,,Yr tsniLt t 77 .Dec Date Hec'd; 5970 ACI 34390 AC; $40,360 0 . 000 sr,': 0 . 000 s!': S.1 Z, {)0r.r s64,0Ci.r 60+ 867 iilui,jiir"ifi*u A' tsARtsEt SAHAS0't'A FL 342363 G0HE Ol.i llx Sibli.ng: ;:l::t;, llSi';,i''ti'';;.^I'A0: 103 Mill- L,,evy: ,{J.l:r Yr Built: 71 lJec Date Rec'd:NoV No.:Sibling: LEGAL:0079 c0HE Ctttc.UK PLAZA UNL'l'r 3 BK:0222 tsK:0295 tsK:0309 BK:0498 CONIJO-LANI) c0ND0s- lMPtiOvu$sN'l's PG:0697 DOc DA'I'E PG: 03 75 DOC DA'fl.- PG: 0143 .000 OAT.b: PG:0998 DOC] DA'l'g t2/22/7t LL/30/79 09/01/80 12/t9/88 'I'YPI; TYPE 'I'Y P.L '1'YPt WD SALUS WD SALHS WU SALI;S WD SALES PRlCE: PlilcE: PHICg: PTiICTi : 0 .000 0.000 $40,8': e l i ? ^i $185, t;,: c'rfl: DOC D()c DUC Ac',.r: ACI: 80920 AS.rJ: 459180 ASD: 7880 AC: 44720 AC: s52,500 (:L'. Ar!: Sl': 1 i i.: 'l'o,l'Al-, VALUE s540,100 ASSESS!:D 06/30/96 LS'l' CHANGE 01126/98 co 81658 (6,: I'po/ve\00 NO (-' LUGAL:0079 GORI: UN I'I' : 4 SHNQU].ST, OHAHLHS H. ;'tsox 686 ]/rL-;:l:3r;, 'l'Ac: Yr tsuiIt: 008321 Sl'A'r'US: A2101 082 13 0u4103 t'1i11 Levy: ,f 3, -l::, 77 Dec Date Hec'd:Ux Sibling: OTi$HK PLAZA CONIJO-LANIJ CONDOS - lMPROV!;M-EN'I'S 71110 AS.D : 23607.0 ASU: AC'I':6930 AC: 22990 -{c: $29,920 0.000 st': 0 . 000 s!,: 6 0-iq'r 1 'l'o,t'Al, vALUrj s307,190 ASSTjSSSD 06/30/96 LST CHANGE O4/22/91 I, S'I'AUI'I;H, HSITMANN '_1, P0' tsox 5000 ;:l::5;, 'I'AC: Yr .Built: V.A J"z co 81658-500 O 1 GOHE OHSEK !R- Sibling:llx Sibling: TOTAL VALU.b; $1,310,410 ASSESS!;IJ A7/24/97 LS,l' CHANGE 02/06/98 006886 sTA'l'Us: A2101 082 63 001103 Mil-l Levy: 4J.+ 69 Dec Date Hec'd; S760, tJt 0.000 st': 0. 000 s.t : LTGAL:0705 tsELL TOW!:}i CONDO UN1'l': C-1 tsK:0499 pc:0705 DOc DA'rc:01/01/89 DOC TypE: l{D SALHS pRlU$: tsK-0498 PG-o703 spt;c.puHp0ss-LAND ACI': 3458d0 ASD: 100280 A0;spE0. pultposti-rl4pliovHMEN AC'.l : 964610 ASrJ: 2797 40 ACIPHt; scH!:D: 0009985 .li); $380,020 ^ i \, ^ -;14.[ LL<pulft,rlr \l U? P(J 80x 23215 GH 000 2z IIALL S'l' IOV No. :Sibling: LSGAL : OlOO LAZI.TJR .{HL:ADU L:O.5I]J. uilr.'f : 302 1l t{ . flt'1 .) gK: C2i8 tsK:tJ228 tsK: UZIS tsK: U?28 tsK:0i2B BK: t)228 iJK:022S tsK:U250 r-l 11 . !ir'A ! uL.alA:.i r.l k . 'r 'i r'l .:' 2L . :'! A o'r .3K-.j:i r: 3K-,i + 3 ; -'l\ll1l\q- j ..liJ+1\\ r'\tu a.i ,- ' --:!- - - ScheciuLe:008676 s'l'A'l'us; A KY'l02ZJ Ex Sibling: Parcel i\o: 2101 082 ZZ 0Oz 'I'AC I 103 ,\4i11 t,,ev;r; -!i. ,Yr -tstrilt: 68 Dec ljate Hec'd: PG PG PG P(j PG PG .u(j :\t :l_t -!' l.' .r (; P(i:0320 ll0c PG:0495 uOC 0496 UOc 0497 DOC 0500 roc 0501 lJO(-: 0502 DO(_: 0503 )(Jc ilOq4 .rr11' :i+9J to(jr);82 ljoc ')u 5 : )0c {i i:i: i(_rc -r.i{-:_ij3C; '.iL) r-)f:-. 1 ! :.1 ..,,! !2/3Li6'.7 04 / 0417 :3 t)3/15/73 03i27173 t)3/i'i /i3t3i05/'/3 03/05i73 a3i!9i'iJ -Ll.J/ tq LOI\5/i7 i!it)1-i94 ii+ i !e l'ao 'J+ i:-1 i'Jt) i)O(_l 'l'YPs DOC 'I'YPC IJOC'I'YPE ,DOC 'I'YP!' rj0c l'YP!.' JJOC .I'YPI lJOu '1'YP,5 ij0(i f Y P-U DOc 'l'! ^!gDOt-:'i''Y.ug JJOC 1'YPE DO{- 1'y,u5 loc I'Y.u!,' !'{IJ SALES I.iD SALTS IriD SALUS 1r/D SALES iVD SALES !{D SAL.US itrD SAL.US l\/D SAL.bS !{D SALiiS !,i.D SALcS IvD SALTS lt D S--\Ll.S '!D SAi ;S PHlCE: PHlOE: PHlL'E: PHl0.!j : PRLCU: LJe | /'t'. LJp tr:k'. .URICE: PHlCE: ?RlC.U: PRlCE: PlT1CH: ^:r.ll1(jg ; r'lA i so,, EA )o. ;ij. eir' ' J+r,1 . ,)t-l I _ .j ': -'J IJA'I'E DA'f .E; IJA'f t: DA 'E DA'1'E iJA'i'b' DAl'E ]JA'I H JA I' jj )AT'g ,)-\'j'-r iA'1'I lja-;)L-6a a: - : i?l't -;- -.)-'-,"i+-iJ=-. 8 ''_i:l : lllq:i1 irr',. l'.-' 1-l- r: i - .' -iSSr(Sn:) ''- ''1.,':- t .S-ttznant< ,18 5 - Goti!: AT VA1L lNC CHEEK DH Sched Parce 643840 AC: 1034600 AC: $1,678,440 0.000 s! :0.000 s!': Yr tsuilt: 69 Dec Date Rectd: 011533 SI'ATUs; A2101 082 10 006103 |1i11 Levy: 4J.49r STJZ,9t-t: c0 81657 NOV NO .: Sil.r'l ino-Ex SibIin8: LEGAL:0198 VAIL V]LLAGH I'ILITIG 1tst,,K: 5ts L01,: A PT OI' .tsK:0376 pc:0800 DOC DA,I'E:01/08/g4 DOC ,t,yp!;: WD SALES pHlC.L:tsK-0225 PG-0204 WD 0'7_25_72tsK-o23? P(j-o841 QCD 01_08_?4tsK-o376 PG-o799 QCu 12_31_83 yul'r.'l-usE( 3 OH :yoRs)-LA AU'l: 2220130 ASjJ:l,luL'tI-USE( 3 oli t{oHH)-lM AC't': 356?580 ASD:PltE scHt;D: 00100JT t0'tAL vALU.H S5,7g?,710 ASSSSSED 06,/30/96 LST CHAi\GE OZ/09/gB 1776i 28441 nan vvl I l. a TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 April 30, 1998 f-l Elizabeth SIifer Slifer Designs PO Box 1409 Edwards, CO 81632 Ftx926-8220 The request for a minor CCI exterior alteration, building height variance, site coverage variance, and density variance, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums. Dear Mrs. Slifer, As you are aware, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission reviewed your requests for a minor CCl exterior alteration, building height variance, site coverage variance, and density variance on Monday, Apri127,1998, Upon review of your application, the Planning and Environmental Commission found that the granting of the requested variances did not meet the criteria prescribed in the Town of Vail Municipal Code, and therefore, denied your requests. Specifically, the Planning and Environmental Commission was concerned that an approval of your three variance requests, in the absence ofa physical hardship or practical difticulty, would result in a grant of special privilege, inconsistent with the objectives of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Should you have any questions or concems with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerelv. Re: fJ*R,.-xt'-.1 George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner {gun"uo"*o Qu..,Q Calt rhc planning Staffat 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntat Commission. For spccificinformation. sec the submitral requiremcnts for thc particulat .pp.oiol that is rcquxtcd. Thc application can not bcaccepted until all rcquired information is submittcd. The projeit may also nccd to bc reviewcd by the Town Counciland/or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A: TYPE OF APPLICATION:tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcaldast tr Conditional Use pennit tr Major or E Minor Subdivisi B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST; C. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: eoonesS: l'19 E. t)- NAME OF OWNER(S): ZONING: MAILING ADDRESS: G. F.O}VNE R(S) SIGNATURE($ : NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE:?f#i H.FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. o COMMISSTON APPROVAL ZSo.aFee tr Rezoning E, Sigr Varianceff Variancc 2Q.9tl Zoning Code Amcndment Approved Dwclopment Plan Alteration to an SDD v&Kwe G RFST. nA',) SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS ANDTHE FEE TO THEDEPARTMENT oF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 sourH FRONTAGE ROAD. Lor_*_{1_B For Office Use Onlv: FecPaid.7fu,O0 cw, llLl6( t, M Rcvi,rcd 6/96 rfr -.-G. rlrlr of,TE. I ,'.ry-E ftf d ,f;i-$.fifi/ :il$|1t,$v9;, $'ftsYi )t\l,tr$; 'r.r*li-ih fi'rr4r, ''lfi */fri )ffi", . "t:]I'ifJiliii jlli"' [:,r&r]-]:i :t$'tlJC .g1i,i'.ilF, -1 cr.i'. J r'" . 1g|!,1.s; lit*+ i }SIXX'as'11$il l':i:i '--.fi'tcri .', ?\ir ::1.1.' I t-\a !t' <r1 15," t.t. rr: j.,q:rf I T$$',r$lS $i'.,X:{.tt ; oo::8.\lT )":':'.\ ..i.'iP: lil;i r(otJ Ed SlifertDesigns Slifer Destgns,lnc Malry 1//rr*s: PO. Box syo, Awt, Cohrodo uazo , g7o.g2a.62oo F6 970.926"8228 Stnet Ad&r"ss: ns Awrds Villw BIvd., Edunrds, Glorodo sr6se 30 March, 1998 Mr. George Ruther, AICP Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Height Variance, Site Coverage Variance, and Density Variance Requests for Bay addition to Penthouse unit, Gore Creek Plaza Building 193 Gore Creek Drive Dear Mr. Ruther: As you know, the existing roof of this building, modified in 1989, exceeds height regulations with approximately 60% being above 43 feet. The proposed bay addition will not add to that portion of the roof height. In fact, the small area proposed ties in to the original "flat" roof area of 33'-43' in height as shown on the roof plan attached. lTolo ot the roof will remain under 33 feet high. This minor addition complies with all design guidelines and does not adversely impact views or natural light to other residents or adjacent properties. The owner has received majority verbal approval from the condo association for this minor addition and anticipates providing a letter to you this week. Approving these variances will allow the owners to meet their current needs and will ensure their long-standing presence within the village. Your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. Please call me at 926-8200 if you have questions or need my assistance. Sincerely, .-,'(1? ,(4 tr/44/r* y'imeucxner, AtA C02L01.doc ooa rt lr ss xs g 5 =s Nt N- $ $ s eR$ $[$ C ilI iA s I F B 9,- $ f- *$s c$$ \E GS FR.{U 3$ -i tt (, F IL T COPY Updated 4D7 4pm PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, April 27, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Project Orientation /LUNGH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop Tom Weber Brian Doyon Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT 12:4li pm 1. Lionshead Parking Structure - 395 E. Lionshead Circle2. Slifer - 193 Gore Creek Drive3. Altair Vail - 4192 Spruce Way Driver: George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m,, the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p m. Public Hearing - Town Gouncil Ghambers 2:00 p.m' 1. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a recreational facility (skate park) on the top level of the Lionshead Parking Struclure, located at 395 E. Lionshead Circle/Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Mike Mollica MOTION:John Schofield SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the skate park be adequately secured and closed after dark to prevent use of the park at night. 2. That this approval is valid only during the months of May through October. This approval does not need to be reviewed by ihe PEC on an annual basis, however, should the Town receive complaints or objections about the skale park, the Planning & Environmental Commission may call this item up for review at any time. Ff !r rl Updated 4D7 4pm 3. That the applicant consider having the Town of Vail Building Department conduct a courtesy review of their plans for the skate park. Although a Building Permit is not required, the Town is willing to provide lhe review at no cost. 4. That the Town of Vail reserves the righl to rescind approval of the skate park at any time in the future, should the Town decide to pursue plans to modify the parking structure. 2. A request for a setback variance, to allow for parking in the required 20' front setback, locaied at 4192 Spruce Way/Lot 5, Block 7, Bighom 3rd Addition. Applicant: Altair Vail Inn, represented by Kenneth HolsmanPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Brian Doyon VOTE: 7-0 APPROVED W|TH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant provide at least 6 new deciduous lrees (i.e., Aspens with minimum caliper of 2.5") and 4 new evergreens (minimum 6' in heighl) along the frontage of the proposed and existing parking areas in order to provide screening from the roadway and adjacent properties. 2. That prior to the construction, lhe applicant obtain a revokable right-of-way permit for all improvements in the public right-of-way, including landscaping and the existing dumpster enclosure. 3. That the large existing pine lrees, located west of the existing parking lot, be protected during construction. 3. A request for a density variance, a building height variance, a site coverage variance and a minor exterior alteration, to allow for a bay addition, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive, Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First. Applicant: Rodney and Beth Slifer, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 2-5 (Ann Bishop and Galen Aasland in favor) FAILED - MOTION TO TABLE UNTIL MAY 11, 1998 MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND; Brian Doyon VOTE: 6-1 (Ann Bishop opposed) DENIED 4. A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourVunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Ams Development, Inc,Planner: Dominic Mauriello DISCUSSION - NO VOTE lii {r ll Update d 4/27 4pm 5. A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to SDD #4, io allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, localed at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonPlanner: George Ruther WORKSESSION . NO VOTE 6. A request for a minor subdivision of Loi G-1 to create a new lot, localed al 1410 Buffehr Creek Road, Lot G-1, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2. Applicant: Leroy Schmidl, represented by Eric JohnsonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL MAY 11, 1998 7. Public Meeting Procedures & Discussion: . Time allocation for public input.. Closing public commenl period.. Debriefing of meeting.. Effeciive dale of any changes. DISCUSSION - NO VOTE 8. Information Update 9. Approvalof April13, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneis office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 475-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for informaton. Community Development Department /! -t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Depariment April27, 1998 A request for a minor CC1 exterior alteration, a building height variance, a site coverage variance and a density variance to allow for a bay addition to the penthouse unit in the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Rodney & Beth Slifer, represented by Jim Buckner George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS The applicants, Rodney and Beth Slifer, represented by Jim Buckner of Slifer Designs, are requesting a Minor CC1 Ederior Alteration, a building height variance, a site coverage variance and a density variance, to allow for a bay addition to the penthouse unil in the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive. The applicants are proposing to construct an 18 square foot bay addition to their residence. The addition would be constructed on the west side of the building between the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums and the Sitzmark Lodge. The bay addition is intended to provide additional dining room space within the penthouse. Pursuant to Subsection 12-78-7A (Exterior Alteraiions Or Modifications, Subject To Review) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the construction of a new building, the altention of an existing building which adds or ft,moves any enclosed floor area, the altention of an existing building which modiftes exteior rooi tineg ftre replacement of an existing building, the addition of a new outdoor dining deck or the modifrcation of an existing outdoor dining deck shall be subject to review by the Ptanning and Environmental Commission." Furthermore, in part, "Applications for the alterction of an existing building which adds or rcmoves any enclosed floor area of not more than one-hundrcd (100) square, and applications which alter exteior roof lines, shetl be minor exteior altentions. Minor exteior altentions area rcviewed by the Planning and Environmental commission at any of its rcgulady scheduled meetings". The applicants are requesting approval of three variances in accordance with Chapter 17 (Variances) of the Municipal Code. Pursuant lo Subsections 12-17-1 A & B (Purpose)' f:bveryone\pec\memos\98\slifer.427 ,-m J'T 'A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or fo /essen such pnctical difficulties and unnecesffiry physical hardships inconsistent with the obiectives of this Tille as would rcsult from strict or litenl interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from ceftain rcgulations may be granted. A pnctical difficulty or unnecessaty physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topognphic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of stict or literal compliance with a rcgulation shall not be a reason for granting a vaiance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be gnnted only with rcsPect to the devetopment standards prescribed for each distict, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between buildings, height, density contrcl, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of Chapter 11, governing physical development on a site." The applicants are proposing to add an 18 square foot addition to their residence in the Commercial Core I Zone District. The Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums already exceed lhe building height limitation, the site coverage limilation and the total allowable GRFA limitation. Therefore, a minor exterior alteration, building height variance, site coverage variance and a density variance must be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission' The minor exterior alteration and variances shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions prescribed in Chapters 12 & 17 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. II. BACKGROUND In reviewing the applicant's proposal, staff relied upon the goals, policies and objectives outlined in the various Town of Vail planning documents. The following is a summary of staffs review of the Town's planning documents: Municipal Code According to Section 12-78-1 , the purpose of the Commercial Core 1 Zone District is inlended to: "provide sites and to maintain a unique chancter of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of todges and commercial establishments in a predominately pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core 1 disfncf is intended to insure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropiate to the permifted types of buildings and uses. Ihe distict regulations, in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide PIan and Design Considentions prescn'bed site development standards that arc intended to insure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arnngements of buildings fronting on pedestian ways and public grcenways, and to insure the continuation of the building scale and architectunt guatities that distinguish the Village'" The following is a partial summary of the recenl developmenl history of the applicant's property and the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums, as it relaies to the current requests: f :\everyone\pec\memos\98\slifer.427 , On July 10, 1989, the Planning and Environmental Commission granted an approval of a building height variance, to allow for the construction of the penlhouse. On July 27, 1992, the Planning and Environmental Commission granted an approval of a site coverage variance allowing for the expansion of the outdoor dining deck at Blu's. On Augusi 1, 1990, the Town of Vail Community Development Department issued a building permit, to allow for the construction of 125 square feet of GRFA in Unit #3, of the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums. No allowable GRFA remains available for the property after this approval. On February 14, 1994, the Planning and Environmental Gommission granted an approval of a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance lo allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster ai the southwest corner of the building. On March 23, 1998, the Planning and Environmental Commission granted an approval of a conditional use permit allowing the applicant to inlernally connect Unit #2 to the penthouse unit, thus eliminating one dwelling unit in the building and increasing lhe size of the penlhouse. ilt.ZONING ANALYSIS The following summarizes the zoning statistics relevant to the applicant's requests: Zoning: Lot Area: Site coverage: Commercial Core I 0.1734 acre/7,553 square feet Allowed - 6,043 square feet or 80% Existing - 6,084 square feet or 80.6% Proposed - 6,102 sguare feet or 80.8% Allowed - 33'-43' up to 40%, 33' or less 60% Existing - 33'-43' (11Yo),33'or less (17%), greater than 43' (72%) Proposed - 33'43' (12%), 33' or less (16.5%), greater than 43' (71.5o/ol Allowed - 6,043 squere feet or 80% Existing - 6,043 square feei or 80% Proposed - 6,061 square feet or 80.2% Height: Density: IV. MINORCClEXTERIORALTERATION The review criteria for this proposal are prescribed in Section 12-78-7 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The criteria include the compliance of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, the Vail Village Master Plan and the Town of Vail Streelscape Master Plan. The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan includes three elements, which establish the review criteria for the applicant's requesls. The first of these is refened to as the guide plan, which includes a number of sub-area concepts, many of which identify potential areas for fulure development and other improvements. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations express the large-scale, land use planning and design consideralions. Finally, the ArchitecturaULandscape Considerations, which will be reviewed by the Design Review Board, eslablish the criteria for evaluating delailed design considerations of a minor exterior alteration proposal. f:\everyone\pec\m emos\98\slifer.427 The Vail Village Master Plan and the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan address specific goals pertaining to the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. Upon review of the applicant's request for a minor CC1 exterior alleration, to allow for the construction of a bay addition on the west side of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, staff believes the request is in compliance with the criteria prescribed for minor exterior alteration requests. Specifically, staff believes that the proposed bay addition is architecturally compalible with the existing building, that the addition will not adversely impact adjacent property owners, that the design of the bay addition is in compliance with the Urban Design Considerations, and that the proposed minor exterior alteration will have no impacts on the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan. Furthermore, staff believes that the proposed bay addition is in conformance with the intent of the purpose of the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. V. VARIANCE CRITERIA & FINDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings for.variances, contained in Section 12-17-O of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested building height variance, site coverage variance and density variance, based on the following factors: A. Consideralion of Factors: The relationship of the requested variances to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes there is a negaiive relationship of the requested variances lo other potential uses and struclures in the vicinily of the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums. lf approved, the variances would permit the Gore Creek Plaza Condominium building lo further exceed building height, sile coverage and to increase the density (GRFA) beyond the maximum allowed. Unlike other variances granted in the Commercial Core I Zone District, lhere are no physical hardships, practical difficulties, extra ordinary circumstances or unique conditions warranting a variance approval. As stated in Subsections 12-17-1 (A), inconvenience is not a criterion to be evaluated by the Planning and Environmental Commission when reviewing a variance request. Staff believes that the granting of any or all of the variances would result in a granl of special privilege. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes that lhe requested variances are not warranted, and therefore, no relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the building height, site coverage or density regulations is needed to achieve compatibility and uniformity of lreatment among sites in the Commercial Core I Zone District. In reviewing the applicant's requests, staff believes lhere are no physical hardship or practical difficulties impacting the applicant's sile as required by Subsection 12-17-1 (A), (Reasons for Seeking a Variance), of the Zoning Code. The fact of the 1 2. f:\everyone\pec\memos\98\slifer.427 ri rt matter is that all of the allowable development potential (height, site coverage, GRFA, elc.) has been constructed on the site and no available development potential remains. No remaining development potential is not a physical hardship, practical difficulty, extraordinary circumstance or unique condition. Staff believes that the granting of the requested variances would result in a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the objectives of lhe Zoning Code. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The requested variances will have little or no effect on this crileria. B. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before oraniing a variance: 1. Thal the granting of lhe variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in ihe same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with ihe objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properlies in the same district. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDAT]ON Minor CC1 Exterior Alteration The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's request for a minor CC1 exterior alteration, to allow for the construction of an 18 square foot bay addition on the west side of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive. Staffs recommendation of approval is based upon our review of the crileria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. Staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: f:\everyone\pec\m em os\98\slif er. 427 ! 1. That the minor exterior alteration is in compliance with the criteria prescribed in Section 12-78-7 of the Municipal Code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of the minor exterior alteration requesl, staff would recommend that ihe Planning and Environmenial Commission make the following conditions part of the approval: 1. That a building height variance, site coverage variance and a density variance be approved in accordance with Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code. Variances The Community Development Department recommends denial of the applicant's request for a building height variance, site coverage variance and a density variance, to allow for the construction of a 18 square foot bay addition to the west side of the Gore Creek Plaza Building. Staffs recommendation for denial is based upon our review of the variance criteria and findings outlined in Seclion V of this memorandum. Staff would recommend that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the building height, site coverage and density limitations on other properties classified in the Commercial Core l Zone District. 2. 3. That the granting of the variance will be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious lo properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums. That the variance is not warranted for the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the building heighl, site coverage and density regulalions do nol result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the ob.iectives of the Zoning Code. b. There are no exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the building height' site coverage and density regulations does not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by ihe owners of other properties in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. f :\everyone\pec\memos\98\s1ffer.427 G Fdlilffimill ntm l*E fi'rlllrlilifJTliTt I ssnoHrNrd ll lli l.l T E FI E l lrrilrTrttffrr r ll lfttiiE = (\ t\,Jz ,t- K t-.,-tlirvtl, --11'lJt> r-'ll.lr-lzl LrJl o-l o:ls t."r-l>HIzl Ir= !; c\? \J -ec\IF IE -ti 00Yufi0c 'armn llYl 8ltu0 xtfiu) ltuoc s6r IISNOHJNId .{ \.J F 5 F RFI) @ffi I d H+ ElorlFlzl H a rt d [] ll .i,rt 1: ff {'l t4l rft J d),0t\l 1[$t I{,;t\fr" ilt$ 1.$lltf,r *$li * .r. rll Y d N:I$\ J '\tl X Ad{ !i{n i.' iiiiiirf.l 5t r$ 5i $p .{ :\IL s1l!ot.{N1 *f'l ttt {\u )rq Nb. {li qt '{.\lt 's$ltl !)|, s l,l $$t\ r-t*ii I L .A IFfo0 {, U .il ! 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No Cwu'nar Ajarfr wl st*6 fii@rro ' Agae-= r< | 5W /n@40.. srpe,cf+r Tafuit=q. lL Tfu Ao go^n1fitf iln+.r€, A*le-r Ynlo\r€ t" *rt+rle +o sln pg ,do.re +" Torvt Ba*rl lF* vuar/to fi'.rotr.rqs i.J 6 -( a* ui=nof /':', ot x CWffitUu @fo, NseLntts rL?-I e?EMf, ffiW\)Nt- gtLfT ffi,n@ i.,:';. o'flJq*ci-i , tUnr.-1 p\ .i-\Jirorir.rcr. *rug*,c-no4o 8r"L,i - ARp+rr rrqPyno-n t, J5,c:\ Cc\1g,,od Y Av( ZF: D .-'r 3*-k fY\cr" t' ca Cq q 9o Ll ("r't'- , [L.,.:*rJ 9. + ?"t*,tlq ,(9'3A 'q5hilidqr\ d 1 G\w co L !t- (eOQZz l-f ctrinr , wi \\io ra 1r - O'l ry A/ 1n; c\iXa't flvL aI<- zZol C-h d (qeo EL 'r a" oto i J Diurso , C.n"Ja. -t-rr=f v5v\ CIP re { N ,toJns{4 FY i f 58 I E + rr.r etoggtlf e--, Co , v ts*st- u fz^l- o-+, ja:oO 1 Crnahc" l-iE bb I zz - tlqV K".h, (l,rc-r[r-: C, . f F ,^ ?i.Pr}4 T:ay G'u'P </, tr. b" { zz4 {e urrr tn r fc.,, L, blacl 5 h u rYlqLr?, 3i*r1.,.{ 3,Ljo Ai\rrt + Co ,',.,.Y-i\L F, liVrAva 'z\s-( NY \1oLz 4 ,i eo Goi".*,\44 ta ?a\',n *ei I bror^ cbrrrVp Hti\bro'* t^oi'r-woc{ Ni,{L uJ 51ih';* , ', 4 h$Y NY I Oo11 ( st.,\ra N , t$. Octo-.r'r €xo.$ F t Ka\ PcC F,r.rrth inv tslrnPru* Co elo '6"n,L c,., c Cdo"odc i'JA t\Lb i ?th 5f. ' qttl F I Dr-,"ur-r Co fuZn-Z C.n nfh,'a. f . cl+oru *tr..r+fqa= t a%c N. 5)rx+{- ?K.,-.-H boA Lhrtalc, tL bcG[b .,J J + K A:a,cclaleslie Lcrquo,rirh PL qc'oX NY NY- rao I Z ?. , ce, , frlr drct<-ff Ffoolt" c-+ 4 C\o:tr.'i , r.,' .f 6-t ta 2 1 3*anK, Tchn,9 '9o sto'iK Cc-r3f'q-lq Th r. d l"., ( {' ,.o'{ , it \cc7--a + Go5 l| i 6lrJ " 4bsqBo NV \ 1 botch,d6 6e fifarni ) tr-ri*,f ei, u\ritlr'o (n C ,hox t/S't I 3a-n A- f.,".,i 6 -l-X v I IT, + Y,.r zl ig A. Avc . 5*e- locS'73ttt -. luo* 4-rb( xL 7-* I FL X tlru sl{JL 1BZo1 ( ,, ^F \ |l-o3u g3<-cht , f,ohru, Ca-r \, yo1e/o I'nr s. Shc"lo". A , \ Jc. er-{1 K*ec%{ ,)6 e\rnh"rs* p1 d Ci^,cinut{.i , c* 44zDb 'tJ t,r+h eirnrt , Alc.'' ni Ernur:rfq ir.i q1*h 5+ -yt.*,tu'ca.l_zK ilY 1C-c\i{ \ $p.., a,i d 3, fi q i {,1 pr.;c cc.btt3e o..rl-\\ooiL p_d , x L.1+,'* ? fon" ; NiY \l q bC $r\. 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E atfrrr r*,\ i Ee + DJ.*\ ed btue.-n t '-- Po-- |1, Vg 3 S}r,/,Kl yhich"*-[ L.+ 3v>qo Z Cfl-c,rr,r* . (nwft, Dr . - E..d.t".,oH CD - $cl\O' Narir.,5, Oo..,;d t. + thu^do2l Dc\ rnq.\rSeor+d*h-, NY pqT> X 2\ol.'IBLL:I-ooi ^i .1 hdr ft,p,li9 '' ''--\ u'*'_a Jlci -c0 zzz - co l'- ct7 3ro vl t/t t L,.J , PqV,'.K ?. c' Bo*' 3 Ir-;cit, Co BirtSb 3 fr iJ-rl -.-.Lr, t"Aq.,\ f ,' 5 bcC 3q-"'r Fr-\; ,* 5 "' \]*rv+fs-,r r T'X 11c5 rA G"\d'"'^ ' P41v;'l g' 4" G*,{ 'm'otgc \ree (ti d, ScZ pLT Eusur:-i wY A\ ,oha"<ta, GA VczoT o + Sa r+to $n ''Y \.2 : ,V I 2, i'' ACPI fL i\7 to frai+es Co'P4, eA*orJ 6b&u,,r, {K j { ;{ , I taq\ zE- 1tn 5t F+ La'" Ltd"fu- tL Z33l tv2 - - \-.o.gie\, Kob.,t T + Pr'o.arT- ?,o7 6"x V)1 X r.J c,i \ r Lo Alta4Q, [o9;X"F G,-(rnshqftrrnsr I x.rC. .)7 t a. Gc,.( Cr'EeK Dr , X r.jai\ , Cc ttvAl ", 8fi"",liliiii ;fiilil"ili,il[ 3878 oAK LAWN AvE S,l'U 606 i:l:sfi;, llSl',3,i'8,i''ii,* DALLAS ., .,.rOV No. i UN I'l' : R- 1 tsK:0570 tsK-0498 tsK-0 5 70 tsK-05?0 tsK-0570 tsK-0580 CONDO-LAIII) ZO1 GORE EK Sibling: TX ?5219-447 TAC: 103 l,li1l Levy: .13.4':l Yr tsuilt: 69llx Sibling: ' .'Dec Date Rec'd: $376, (j() LI;GAL:0?05 ts!:LL T0wEtr C0i!u0 PG:03'10 .DOC DA'l'g:01/Al/92 DOC ,l'ypt; : wD SAL.L:S pHlcE: Pc-0703 PG-0319-23 wD 12-31-91 PG-0330-Z l./D 01-01-92 Pc-0338 r4D 01-01-92 Pc-o179 wD 05-12-92 OONDOS- IMPHOV EMIJN'r'S PtrH scHEU r 0008995 'I'OTAL VALUH S1,610,040 ASSESSED O6l30/96 LST CHANGE OL/75/98 AcI: 240560 AsD: AC't' : 13 6 9480 ASU ; 23430 A0: 133390 AC; $156,820 0 . 000 s!': 0 . 000 st'; 1.!63 't,1 ,J1 i:ltll',i;, 9l3i';,i't,iuio,oI'A0': 103 l,lill Levy: 43Yr tsuilt: 71 IJec llate Hec'd; LEGAL:0079 GORU CR.UEK PLAZA UNII':1 tsK:0226 PG:0170 DOC DA'I'E: tsK;0250 PG:0961 DOc iJA1,H:tsli-o457 .Dc-0-180 QCD 03_87 a'at\ llf!_r t\t t\ CONDOS- lMPH(JvE:Ytill l'S L0/0I/72 DOc 'r'YpE: }{D12/15/76 DoC tYP-U: tvl-) SALTJS PII1CI]: SAL.b;S PRICT]: S42,01. S6-i, C:. _-\c:'l' : AC'l': ' 613 10 AsiJ : 353090 ASD: 0.000 sr,':0.000 sr': qOTar 34390 AO: AC: 6 {j., ttc ,t'oTAL VALUU s414,400 ASSESST;D 06/30/96 LS.l' CHANGE 06/II/97 Datu ! Jou (/ t/ U a.Vp' "r l/t(y\ .Gt vt{,EN, Accl_g PO',tsOX 3827 VAI.L. OOO193 GORE CHHEK co 81658-382 sibling: GIV}'!;N, AGGIU P(] Box 3827 VAIL co 81658-3827 I GOHI; CH!;EK I) NOV No. :SibLing: P020599 Es SibIinE:Dec Date Hec'd:"i"uor:0079 GOri,E cHBr;K pLAzA UNll';1 tsK:0226 pc:0170 DOC DA'I'E:10/01/72 DOC TypUr wD sALgs pH-Lct:BK:0250 PG:0964 DOU DA'I'H1.12/15/76 DOC 'I'YPE; I{D SALES PTiICE:BK-0467 PG-0480 QCD 08_87 CONDO-LAND AOI.: 61310 ASD:cONDOs-lMpH0vt;r.1b'NTs AC'r': 353090 ASD; 'l'0'f AL VALUE s414 , 400 ASSESSED 06/30/96 LS,l' CHANGE 06/1I/97 ;:i:t;;, 'fAO: Yr Built; 5970 AU: 34390 AL-; s40, 360 0 . 000 s.r,':0.000 s! : s.l2 ,0ut.: $64,0C{.i ou+ oQ / 008317 s't'AI'Us: A2101 082 13 001103 lili11 Levy: 4J ,4,]t) tl iix"l,ii;-PrnH0 A' tsAnryr-i:lil';;, 3l3i'3,1'ij''30,^'l'AC: 103 MilJ. Levy: 43. *,.:Yr tsuilt.. 71 Dec Date Rec'd: SAHA$O'I'A - NOV No.:..:''. FL 34236 GORT; CHT;EK Sibling:Ex Sibline: LHGAL:0079 GORU O}iUgK PLAZA UNlt:3' tsK|0222 PG:0697 DOC UA'I'U tsK:0295 pGr0375 DOc DA'l!; tsK:0309 PG:0143 DOC DA'I'.E; sK:0498 PG:0998 Doc DATE t2/22/7t.DOC'r'YPs lI/30/79 DOC 'I'YPE 09/01/80 IJOC'I'YPE72/t9/88 DOC ',r'YPs 80920 ASD: 459180 ASD: l{D SALES PTiICE WD SALSS PRIOU wD sAltis PHlC,t; WD SALSS PHIO!; S40 '.-qr..S15 r-,51. $1-85, tlt.. etall CON]JO-LANI) CON DOS- I}IP}TOVE}IENTS A0l' : AOT: 7880 AC: 44720 ACI s5Z,600 0,000 0.000 st': OU* 11Jf 'l'o'l'Al-, VALUU S540,100 ASSSSSED 06/30/96 LS'1' CHANcE 0I/26/98 c() 81658 VA]-L lix Sibline: ---r LSGAL:0079 GO}TE CRUEK PLAZA I ltU I'lt ' 'l OONDO-LANIJ A0T: 71110 ASD:0ONDOS-IMPHOvUMEil't'S AC'I,: 23602-0 ASjJ: 'l'o,t,Al., VALUE s307,190 ASSI]SSED 06/30/96 LST CHANGE 04/22/97 ;:l:]il, !l3i'i,i't$'3ono'l'A0: 103 Mi11 l,,evy, nr.*:,,Yr Buil-t: 71 Dec Date Hec'd: 6930 AC: 22990 A0: s29,920 0.000 sr: 0 . 000 sr,': 60-l l.a _l . \,"S'I'AUT'EH, HSHMANN '/ I P(J. tsox 5000 VAI L 01 GOHH CHEEK DH -_ NOV No. : .,:... " , Ex Sibling; LEGAL:0705 BSLL I'OWSH OONDO UNl'1': C- 1 tsK:0498 pc:0705 lj0c uA,l'g:01/01/99 JtoctsK-0498 Pc-0703 SPHC. PUH,POS.U-LAND ACT: g+ggdO lsu:spEc . pulip0s!l-lMpHov!:t4uN AC'r : 964610 ASjJ:PRs S0H.UD: 0009985 ,l'o'l'AL VALUE s1,310,410 ASSHSS!:D O7 /24/91 LS'r, CHANGE 02/06/98 006886. sl'A,l'us: A2101 082 63 001103 llill Levy: 4J. + 69 Dec Date Hec'd: SALTS PH,IC$:$760,0l 0.000 s! :0.000 sr, : L:0 81658-500 i:lt';;, I'AC:Yr tsuilt:SibJ-ing; : TYPE: WD 100280 27 97 40 Lt! ,r'): $380,020 &,rrA.-l ,t ,.ii'.J' uf PO tsox 23215 HAG.h 000 2z WALL S'l' NOV llo. :Sibling: LEGAL; O l.OO LAZl.UH .{HCADI] C:OIII) I rlr rrrr rrAt:, tsK; 0 212 tsKi'J228 tsK:0228 tsK:0228 tsK:0228 8K:0228 tsK:0228 tsK:0228 tsK:0250 3K: i)15- ur. - arAii t{t{ ' ar tiri' 3K: C 6 9:i :tta-r-\" 1 r' ilii-,i+;rl Pri:0320 PG:0495 P(i:0496 PG:0497 .uG: 0500 PG:0501 ,r:.rlin'l LJf:.alifl'l )/: . r'1 OQr_l -e(i:1+93 .-t(i : i).18 i ,u(i: {)u5l ..:(i : 1-) l" i - _r{-;_i,r 8 () l ,u(_i- i_i -i a i Schedule:008676 s'fA'l'us: KY 40223 tix Sibling: I)OL: TYPE u()c 'l'YPg DOC 'I'YPE DOC 'T'YPE ooc 'r'YP! DOc I'YP9 ltOc 'i'YPl DOC'L'YPr,' i t/ tl. l, \. 91,' j)(Jc i'Y.uH UUC i'YPU to(,'I'Y.u5 lOC T'Y PI A ParceL No: 2101 082 22 0Q2'lAC: 103 MilI Levy: -!jYr tstri]t; 68 Dec Date Hec'd; $26, ' :to. 56 ' - oo. tir' r--_ 5i67. ,) -! L! DOC DA'|I; DOC DAf!; u(.)c uA'l't: DOC JJA'I'!; DOc DA',l'$ DOt: 1.1.1'r'" U\J\J U !4, ), i) )OC DAT'H IJOC tA'l'C t0(j iJA't'g tz / 31i 67 t)4/04/73 t)3/15/73 o3/27 /13 03/L7/'.i3 03t()5/73 03/05/73 03/!9/i3 11i')i/1AL+t -!! t -tro/ii/7i r!/oL/94 J1i19I;tO ,i+ i !7 i'J6 od at) -38 WD SALIS I'ID SALES W]) SALUS WD SALJJS I,{D SALUS WD SALjJS li/lJ sAr-iis "{u sALiis iID SALESl,{i) SAIiS t{ L) SAIIS W,D SALJJS lvD SAi-IS PRlCI: PHLCt; PRlCE P}ilCE .ulilcE Ptil.cg PHICg PHlCH PHlCE prJ ! ('k' gR.t Cu .DH1C.L -rttl c.il ij(ic ,A'i'!.', ; .)(j(i ,A'l'.:, : i0{,- f .i'1',' , l,/D :l a -ii 1- ',v l) 'i--:- i;Cj iJ_J-!,t+ liro-a1 -... _ _ J--.i_ .-1!,: i\.i(:.qqiir t- "', l,/.')- j" :' -.1 : Ifi,': .{frzyent<i183 GoRE VAIL 183 A1' VAIL INC: 0trE$K Dn L:O 81657 CH.IJEK DR: sibling:llx Sibling; i:l::ail, !i;i';,i'td',8ouo'I'AC: 103 MilI Levy , 4J .491Yr Built: 69 Oec Date Hectd: WD SAL.US PH,ICEi s732,9Cr; Nov No LSGAL:0198 VAI.L VILLAGI; I'lLlNG 18LK: 5ts Lol' : A PT OI' tsK;0376 pc;0800 DOC DATH :AI/03/84 DOC ,rypE: tsK-0225 Pc-o204 wD o7_25_72 tsK-o232 P(j-0841 QCu 01-08_74 tsK-0376 Pc-o799 QCD 12-31-83 MULT1-USE{ 3 OH t{oHE)-LA AU1': 2220130 ASD:r4uLTl-USH ( 3 ori floHH ) -rM Acr: 356?580 ASD:Plrt; s0H-uD: 0010037 643840 A0: 1034600 AL'; s1,678,440 0.000 s!': 0 ,000 s!,: 1776i 28441 1'0'l'AL VALUU $5,797,710 ASSESS$D 06/30/96 LST CHANGE 02/09/98 't t NoV No.:Sibling: LSOAL:O1OO LAZ1SH A}iCADE OOND. UNI'f:301 tsK:0212 PG:0211 tsKta284 Pc:001.8gK:0428 PG:0?03 sK-0428 Pc-0699 sK-0428 PG-0701 O'ONDO-LANIJ c0N lJos - I f,tPR0\' EIl.riNT S '|lrtrtr ^ IL rJ L lt)J .\ssusst;D a7 /24i97 VA]L lix SibI Schedule: Parcel No: TAg:Yr tsuiIt:68 Dec Date Rectd: 009595 S'IATUS: A 2101 082 22 001103 !1i11 Levy; 43. - Doc DATE:L2/3t/67 DOc DAl't::L2/29/18 DOC DATH:LO/25/85 DC 08-14-84 PHD 10-09-85 1ng: I'YPE: WD SAL$S PBIC$: TYPS: WD SALES PIiIOB: 'TYPS: WIJ SALES P!i.TOE: 4910 AU: 8860 ,\0; $i3,770 D()c D()c D(JC 4.l,7 s3r, '$185. AC'l': 50380 AsD:A0T: 90920 ASD: 0.000 sl : 0. 000 5t': vALUt .5 1+i,300 LS'l' CHA!\GE 02/A9/98 lOOO ISLAND tsLVT) MlAMl B$AC t THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 27, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a density variance, height variance and site coverage variance lo allow for a minor ^ exterior bay addition, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive, Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First.rE- - 1tr Applicant: Rodney and Beth Slifer, represented by Jim Buckner- t Pianner: Georg6 Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a recreational facility on the top level of the Lionshead Parking Structure, located at 395 E. Lionshead Circle/Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Robert W. McLaurinPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a setback variance, to allow for a revised parking lot, locaied al 4"l.92 Spruce Way/Lot 5, Block 7, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Altair Vail Inn, c/o Mary Hezig, represented by Prudential Gore Range Properties.Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment to SDD #4, to allow for a fractional fee club, located at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planneis office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 4792356 TDD for information. Communily Development Department Published April 10, 1998 in the VailTrail. Wa-^'4r dPFRor-,,',..^ .-,_;.?-,,3/qan ,vwJ rflt c0Py 5. A request for a Conditional Use Permit, a Minor CC1 Exterior Alteration, a building height variance and a site coverage variance, to allow for a bay addition and lo eliminate a dwelling unit, located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Rodney & Beth Slifer, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Galen Aasland stated the request was in accordance with ihe current zoning. Diane Golden had no comments. John Schofield had no comments. Greg Amsden had no comments. Greg Moffet agreed that it was in accordance with the current zoning. John Schofield made a motion for approval for the conditional use permit only, as the applicant had withdrawn the minor CC1 exterior alteralion, the building height variance and the site coverage variance. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. Planning and Environmental Commrcston Minutes March 23, 1998 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I orr*uED BYrHE TOWN OF VAIL PI.ANNIT{O AT{D ENV I HONMEIITAL MMM FSNOT DATE: <l':'o9. - -t?'pgggrgl_ lr.l(. A request tor6f-conoitional Use Permit,! Minor ccl Exterior Alteraiion, a building MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Developmenl Department March 23, 1998 height variani -ance, to allow for a bay addition to the penthouse unit and to eliminale a dwelling unit, located at 1g3 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block $.B, VailVillage 1st Fiting. Applicant: Rodney & Beth Slifer, represented by Jim BuckherPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS The applicants, Rodney and Beth Slifer, represented by Jim Buckner of Slifer Designs, are requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit located in the Gore Creek Plaza Building at 193 Gore Creek Drive. The applicants are proposing to eliminate Unit #2 in the Gore Creek Plaza Condominiums. The eliminalion will be accomplished by connecting Unit #2 with the penthouse unit above. The proposed connection will be accommodated by constructing an interior stainray connecting the two units. Pursuanl to Section 12-7b-5b (Permitted and conditional uses; above 2nd floor); the following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the 2nd floor above grade subject lo the issuance of a conditional use permit. 'Any permitted or conditional use which eliminates any exisling dwelling or accommodation unit, or any porlion thereof, shall require a conditional use permit.' The applicants had originally proposed a minor CC1 exterior alrcration, a building height variance and a site coverage variance lo allow for the conslruciion of a bay addition onto the westem side of the penthouse unit. However, upon staff s review of the Town's files, it was determined that no GRFA remains available for this property. Since no GRFA remains available, the applicants have withdrawn iheir requests for the minor CC1 exterior alteration, the height and the site coverage variance at this time. Therefore, the staff will not be reviewing the minor exterior alteration or either of lhe variances as part of ihis request. II. BACKGROUND In reviewing this conditional use permit request, staff relied upon the goals, policies and objectives outlined in the various Town of Vail planning documents. The following is a summary of staffs review of the Town's planning documents: f :\everyo ne\pec\memos\98\slif er. 323 3HT Y8,S*VOFqqA |l JMV qO HY{T}T According to Section 12-78-1 , the purpose of the Commercial Core 1 Zone Dislrict is intended to: .,...G--*-!.-*rhrdde€ilrsand'a unique characler of the Vail Village commercial area, with - .--",5ffix:,*ffitr#J#:1ffi:' ffi:il'*,Tfl1'"'ffi il:l3illl:fl'.ff,1"i,11",,n"', oPen space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulalions, in accordance with ihe Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribed site development standards lhat ere intended io insure the maintenance and preservation of the lightly clustered enangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public Areenways, and to insure the continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village.' Vail Land Use Plan 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be mainlained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village Core should be canied into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. '|,.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the market place demands for a full range of housing types. Vail Village Master Plan Goal #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Vilhge in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Obiective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. III. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONSIDERATION CRITERIA AND FINDINGS In accordance with Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code, an application for a conditional use permit within commercial core 1, the following development factors shall be applicable: \ I 7 1.Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. Staff believes the applicant's request to eliminete a dwelling unit in the Gore Creek Plaza Building will have minimal negative impacts on the development objectives of the Town. Staff does recognize however, that one of the primary objectives of the Commercial Core I Zone District is to provide an ample bedbase lo support the commercial uses loceted in Vail Village. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parls and recrcation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Staff believes the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit will have minimal negative impacts on the above described criteria. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the str€ets and parking areas. Staff believes the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit will have no negative impacts on the above described criteria. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. No exterior changes are proposed with this request. Therefore, staff believes there will be no negalive impacts on the above described criteria. Affects of vehicular traffic on the Commercial Gore l Zone District. The elimination of one dwelling unil could potentially reduce the numbers of vehicle trips into Commercial Core 1 and the Parking Slructure beneath the Gore Creek Plaza Building. Therefore, the affects of the request upon vehicular traffic in Commercial Core 1 are positive. Reduetion of vehicular traffic in the Commercial Core 1 Zone Dbtrict. Similar to the previously described criteria, staff believes the elimination of one dwelling unit could have a positive impact upon ihe reduction of vehicular traffic in Commercial Core 1. Staff, however, recognizes that the reduction would most likely be negligible. Reduction of non+ssential off-street parking. Staff believes the proposed elimination of one dwelling unit will have no negative impacts on the above described criteria. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. \ Gontrol of delivery, pick-up, and service vehicles. Staff believes the proposed requesl will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the above described criteria. Development of public spacEs for use by pedestrians. Staff believes the proposed request will have no negative impacts on the above described criteria. Gontinuince of the various commercial, residential and public uses in the Commercial Core 1 Zone District, so as to maintain the existing character of the area. Slaff believes the proposed requesl will have minimal negative impacts on the above described criteria. Gontrol quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Commercial Gore 1 Zone District, so as to maintain the existing charac{er of the area. Staff believes lhe proposed request will have no negative impacts on lhe above described criteria. Affects of noise, odor, dust, smoke and other factors on the environment of the Commercial Core l Zone District. Staff believes the proposed request will have no negative impacts on the above described criteria. 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of this Title and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or malerially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Tiile. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the elimination and subsequenl connection of two dwelling units within the Gore creek Plaza Building, located at 193 Gore creek Drive. staffs recommendation of approval is based upon our review of the criteria outlined in Section lll of this memorandum. Staff recommends that should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of this request, that the following findings be made; 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. conditional use permil: 7 t 1. 2. 3. That the proposed eliminalion of the dwelling unit is in accordance with the purpose section of the Commercial Core 1 Zone District. That the proposed location of the dwelling unit to be eliminated will not be detrimental to the public health, safefi, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Gore Creek Plaza Building. That the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code. tlgpeo*e \ot^J : 6*w'. \ ln lrrllzIJtl IT._to6\ l-.'lx rlt+i -+ zT6 N I LT TOITN OF VAIL D epa r une nt of C on m uniry D eve lop ne nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 10. 1998 Jim Buckner Slifer Designs P.O. Box 1409 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Re: Slifer Residence/Gore Creek Plaza Building, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing Dear Jim, I have completed a prelirninary revierv of your request for a major cxterior alteration to allow for a 35 square foot addition to the Slifcr ltesidence, located at 193 Gorc Creek Drive. Upon completion of my rcview, I have determined that there is no available GRFA remaining for the property. All the rcrnaining GRFA for this property was utilized to construct the Rivolta addition to Unit ll3 in 1990. l-hcrcforc, thc proposed 35 square foot bay addition can not be reviewed unless an application for a dcnsity variancc is submitted to the Cornrnunity Development Departrnent. I have further deternrined that a building lrcight variance and site coverage variance is also needed to facilitate the addition as the building currently exceeds the hcight and site coveragc limitations prescribed in the Municipal Code. I have scheduled the final review of the conditional use permit to allow for the elimination and subsequent connection of Unit #2 and the Penthouse with the Planning and Environmental Commission. The Planning and Environmcntal Commission review is scheduled for Monday, March 23 in the Town Council Chambers. Upon receiving this letter, please contact nre so we can discuss the information addressed in this letter in greater detail. You can reach rne by telephone aI 479-2145. Sincerely, n+?uurt George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner tP ""'"""n 'uo Questif call thc planning staffat 479_2 | 3R APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approvat by thc Planning and Environmcntal commission. For spccific i nformation. scc thc submittal rcquirements ror thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application can not bcaccepted until all rcquired information is submittcd. Thc projcit may also nccd to bc revicwed by thc Town Counciland/or thc Dcsigrr Rcvicw Board. A:TYPE OFAPPLICATION: tr Additionat CRFA (250) El Bcd and Brcaldast tr tr trConditional Usc Permit Major or El Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoning B Sigr Variance tr Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amcndment DESCRIPTTON OF TFIE REQUEST: Amcndmcnt to an Approved Developmcnt plan Employcc Housing Unit (Tfryc: _) Major orfMinor CCI Extcrior Alteration (VailVillage) Major or E Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshcad) Special Development Disrict Major or E Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD tr n tr LOCATIoNoFPRoPOSAL: LoT_,lL_BLocKS:6 FrLrNc t/,lt y;rUg.e fir=# f-,,fi-{1 - ;;ji, BUILDINcNAME: G*. F.*rryqa" eTrJi^6 E. D. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: F.O}VNER(S) SIGNATURE($: c.NAME OF REPRESENTATME: TVAiLING ADDRESS:\b N9 a- PHONE: H. FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD.VAIL. COLORADO E1657. W 1l.o- lebV rrevad'&A. aa colffil-_ey Rovircd 6/96 r: I er.r,ionsQal thc t'tanning staffat 479-2t2g APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TOWN AF VAILI.Y .ENERAL rNFoRMArroN *c,rwrc' Wal LOCATTON OU O*OOOt pFrysrcAL ^DDRES1, lq? @E C?W ml!{fa PARcEL*'W(contactEaglcCo.Asscssorsoffrccat970.328-8640forparcel#) zoNrNc. CCI !r ,vq$l This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcguiring dcsign rwiew must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnrittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that i.s requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornntion is submittcd- Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc planning and Environnrcntal Contnrission. Dcsign Revierv Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval untcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. B. c. D. E. F. c. . NAME OF OWNER(S): I I i MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: DRESS: H.TYPE OF REVI Ofcw Cons EI Addition -$50 ncludcs any footagcj anv rcsidential or ddinpfitcrt'tion - $20 Incl to buildin improvcments. such as. window ing. fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. DRB fccs are to be paid at thc tirnc of submittal. thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town en applying for a building permit. please identiff will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVTMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 81657. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Sol}jts Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trinr lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flas.hings Chimncys Trash Encldsurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting+* Other TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:n + Please speci$r thc nurnufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting nrust meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate the nunrbcr offixturcs and locations on a sqraratc lighting plan. Identifi each fi^tri. typ, and provide the height abovc grade, lumens outpu( luminous area. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighiing fixturer. I _ -l_ .. Updatcd 6/97 Botanical Nanrc Contnton Namc Ouantity Sizcr \i PROPOSED TREES ANDSHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL - +Mininrum rcquircnrcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs , ,r*r,r* conifcrotm trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footacc orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, ferycs,.yiry'ng pools, ctc,) prease speciry. Indicate top and nfiT,:ffHTJ,*nT;H,]||j,Yim.ir treight orwalls rvithin t-he r,o,,t s*uacr is 3 6er i,raximum r,.ightg O 3 Updarcd 6D7 OLD - Charges -Alta Lender Policy Deed of Trust. Tax Report --TOTAL-- NATIONAL T]TLE INSURANCE COMPANY A COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V24000 For Information Only $2, t_03 . 00 920.00 $20.00 $2 , L43 .OO 3ru $)@t:, -*-{(3tC,c> = =grrr:<(:2l-t-l ;q IC T o REPUBL AL *** THTS IS NOT AN INVOICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERR]NG TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OT'R ORDER NO. V24OOO *** -.- /'t J .vt1. Effective Date: 2- Policy to be issued, and proposed fnsured: nALTA'r Loan Policy L0-1-7 -92 $l-, 000, 000 .00 Proposed Insured: FIRSTBANK OF VAIL , and/or Assigns The est.ate or interest in Ehe land described or referred t,o inthis Cornmitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple TiLIe to the esEate or interest covered herein is at E,heeffectsive date hereof vested in: ffi Arr--r s:.a<z-- G'-Jt r--E, r-----€r !-L- C- / F C-&\--@ fa.,q-€ (-. ^,/. .'q-\ts-<> U'.€3, \__ \ T.-.r,/ The land referred to in this Commitment is described asfollows: LOT B, BLOCK 5, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF AND A PORTION OF LOT C, BLOCK 5, VAIL VIII,,AGE, FIRST FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOI-,LOWS: BEGTNN]NG AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID I.,,OT C WHICH IS A POINT OF TANGENT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET,. THENCE SOUTH 82 DEGREES 23 M]NTITES OO SECOIilDS EAST 55.05 FEET ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT C; THENCE SOUTH 4 DEGREES 22 4. e-aae,a-.'/-< PAGE 1- LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY io. S. Fio. rg| Fd. w.' Sult lGl ?,o. acr C5' Y|r, oo llalt (trot a7}22lt1 F r (tm).t343!l| SARAH DORMAN T]TLE OFFICER Fn lle subtle llll.rt ? thltl ttltttlat r ltt \tt!1 "5 o OLD REPT'BLIC NATIONAI-, TITLE INST]RANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUI,E A Our Order # V24000 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 1.08 FEET; THENCE NORTH 85 DEGREES 38 MTNUTES OO SECONDS WEST 55.58 FEET TO A POINT ON A 92.30 FOOT R..,ADIUS CIIRVE WHICH IS THE EASTERLY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET; TIIENCE 4.50 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT !{IIOSE CENTRAL ANGIJE IS 2 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 34 SECOI{DS ATD WIIOSE LONG CHORD BEARS NORTTI 25 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 13 SECONDS EAST 4.50 FEET TO THE POIMT OF BEGINNING, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 2 o TA The following are the requirements Palment, t,o or for the account tshe full consideration for theinsured. AL COMMIT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) MENT Our Order # V24000 to be complied wiEh: of t,he grantors or mort,gagors estaEe or interest to of1_ 2.Proper instrument(s) creating the esEate orinsured must be executed and dulv filed for inte st to be rec , to-wit: RELEASE OF THE PUBLIE SEqT'RE THE 833. DEED TRUS TRUST DATED December 22,L989, OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR USE OF silM oF 5,763.00 RECORDED J 09, FROM RODNEY E. SLIFER FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO L990, IN BOOK 520 AT TO PAGE 4. 5. 6. 7. RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT O\'RENTS AND RELEASE OF FINANCING STATEMEI,TT TH EMPIRE SAVINGS, IN BOOK 520 AT PAGE 834. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST FAOM R E. SLIFER TO THE EAGLE COU}TTY FOR THE USE OF RIGHTS RECORDED January 09, 1990 PI'BLIC TRUSTEE OF AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TO SECITRE THE SIJM OF $600,00 PAGE 414. THE SUM OF $350,000.00 REco DEED OF TRUST FROM RODNEY E FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF SAVINGS, BUILDING CORDED April 17,r_985, rN BOOK 411 AT BUILDING .AND LOA}I 1_985, rN BOOK 411 AT E. SLIFER TO THE VAIL TO SECURE AT PAGE 404. PI'BLIE TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUMTY Assigns TO SECURE THE StM OF I 00 ASSOCIATION, THE SECURED PARTY CORDED April 17, PAGE 41.6. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DA 8, 1986, FROM RODNEY PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE CO USE OF FIRSTB.ANK OF 0, 1_986, rN BOOK 444 8. $L, 000, 000 . 00 . IF THERE IS A CHANGE IN PERTY TO BE INSURED HEREIN FROM THE VESTED OWNER SET FORTH A HEREIN, THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS OF APPLICABLE. IIJ TRANSFER TAX MAY BE NOTE: EFFECTM SEPTEMBER l-, a997, CRS 30-10-406 REQUIRES THAT ALL DOCI]I\4ENTS RECEIVED FOR RECORDING OR FILING IN THE CI-,,ERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE SHAIJIJ COIiITAIN A TOP MARGIN OF AT I-,EAST ONE INCH AND A I,EFT, RIGHT AI{D BOTTOM MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE-HALF OF AIV INCH. THE CI.,ERK AND RECORDER IVIAY PAGE 3 SLIFER TO VAIL, , and/ HIP OF THE ITEM 4 OF S THE TOWN OF o AtTA COMMITMENT SCIIEDT]LE B-1 (Reguirements) Our Order # v24000 RBFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE A}IY DOCT'ME}fT TIIAT DOES NOT CONFORM, EXCEPT TTIAT, THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE TOP }IARGIN SHALI, NOT APPI,Y TO DOCUMENTS USING FORMS ON WI{ICH SPACE IS PROVIDED FgR RECORDII\TG OR FIIJING INFORMATION AT TTIE TOP MARGIN OF THE DOCI'MEITT. PAGE 4 o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (ExcepE.ions) Our Order # V24000 The policy or policies Eo be issued will contain except.ions to thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfact,ion of Ehe Company: L. SEandard Exceptions l- t.hrough 5 prinEed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yeE due or payable and special assessmenEs noU yet certified t,o Ehe Treasurer's office- 7. Any unpaid t,axes or assessment.s against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any 9. 1.994 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 10. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSECT TTIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13, L899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11-. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAIVALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TIIE I]NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13 , L899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENAD{TS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BIIT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF A}IY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CODTTAINED IN TNSTRIIMENT RECORDED August L0, L962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 13. INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT AS SIIOWN ON THE IMPROVEMEIilT LOCATION CERTIFICATE #459 DATED AUGUST 23, 1.983 AND REVISED OCTOBER 19, 1983 AND MARCH 12, 1985 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & SI'RVEYTNG, INC. ]-4. ENCROACHMEMT OF PLANTERS O}ilFO BRIDGE STREET AS SHOI,IIN ON IMPROVEME\IT LOCATION CERTIFICATE #459 DATED AUGUST 23, 1983 AND REVISED OCTOBER 1-9, 1983 AND MARCH 1-2, 1985 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING & SIJRVEYING, INC. 15. ENCROACHME}ffI OF BUILDING CORNER O.]- FEET SOIITH OF PROPERTY LINE AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENI LOCATION CERTIFICATE #459 DATED AUGUST 23, 1983 AND REVISED OffIOBER 1-9, 1983 AND MARCH 12, 1985 BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING 6( SI]RVEYING, INC. 1.6. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CROSS-EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED October 05, 1992 IN BOOK 590 AT PAGE 760. PAGE 5 SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our Order # V24000 17. TERMS, COIIDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED OcEober 05, 1992 IN BOOK 590 A,T PAGE 751. 18. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES- 19. DEED OF TRUST DATED May 02, L994, FROM RODNEY E- SLIFER TO THE PIIBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COT'I\IITY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECI]RE THE SIIM OF 91,000,000.00 RECORDED May 05, 1994, IN BOOK 539 AT PAGE 514. 20. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AIID OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED May 05, L994 IN BOOK 539 AT PAGE 5].5. o ALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 6 ot LAND TITIJE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSI'RE STATEMET'.TT Required by Senatse BilI 91-14 A) The subject. real property may be locaLed in a special taxingdistrict. B) A CertificaEe of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from Ehe County Treasurer or the County Treasurer' s authorized agenE. C) ftre informaLion regarding special district.s and the boundariesof such dist.ricts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Required by SenaE,e BilI 92-143 A) A CertificaEe of Taxes Due liscing each Eaxing jurisdiction ehall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's auEhorized aqent- iliferDagns,hE fulatltng Ndress: PA. bx 5yo, Awn, C&rdo 8t6lo ' g7o.9t682oo Fc gTo,gzalzea Strut Ndress: rc5 Efu;rrds \ilhse Blvd., fulwrds, Colotdo atajc 23 February, 1998 Mr. Dominic Mauriello Town Of Vail Community Development Departrnent 75 Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Reference: Rodney & Beth Slifer 193 Gore Creek Drive Minor addition and interior alterations to Residence units. Dear Mr. Mauriello, I have enclosed stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the names and mailing addresses ofall property ownerS adjacent to the above mentioned property. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Marc Read Jaffrey THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS l-,IEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of vail on March 23, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance, to allow for a heating boiler to be placed in the sideyard selback, localed at 22 West Meadow Drive/Lots G and H, Vail Village 2nd Filing. fRplicant: Villa Cortina Gondominium Association, represented by Rick HaltermanPlanner: Christie Barton A request for Major CCI Exterior Alteration, to allow for a remodel and expansion to {he Slifer Building, located at 230 Bridge StreeULot B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Slifer Designs, represented by Jim Buckner Planner:George Ruther A request for a Conditional Use Permit, a Minor CCI Exterior Alteration, a height variance and a sle coverage variance, to allow for a bay window addition and lo eliminate a dwelling unit, aJPO at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. 4$ticant: Rodney & Beth Slifer, represented by Jim BucknerPlanner: George Ruther A request for a Major CC2 Exterior Alteration, to allow for the addition of a spa mainlenance building, located at 641 West Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: The Montaneros Condo. Assoc., represenled by Michael Hazard Assoc.Planner: George Ruther A request for a front setback variance, to allow for a 3-foot encroachment into the front setback for a residential addition, located at 3035 Booth Falls Road/Lot 12, Block 1, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicant: John & Kathy AdairPlanner: Christie Barton A request for a worksession to discuss the proposed Major GCI Exterior Alteration to the Hong Kong Cafe Building, located at227 Wall StreeuLot B & C, Block 5C, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: ASI Vail Land Holding, L.L.C., represented by Kathy Langenwalter Planner:George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspec{ion during regular office hours in the project planneis office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 $outh Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notificalion. 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published March 6, 1998 in the Vail Trail. Please call 479- "4\ t 4.a t I a ,-t Ixt- ,! . l- ,7.Ciai^,csi sla^,\rq frr ," \ q4 6 N. oor_an ?o\rt, €,oo.-h F'l I l+1 (ea;4 l| . ; 6l,J " "ea!*a,, i '': ,, I,-aw\trt (L i: Ka\ pe-c. Fa.'rt-h' in .r tblrru/.* Co pY clo i3o"K- onrc Colo",tdo rtlA tlL6 1 l1{n af . ,- ttt? F li 1 Do,n-,urYr Co WZAZ" ' i,rt n rr 1 tCwurthr'a. F. Olgonr t(usTq \6(40 N. gtq$e ?K.^,H ?oA i 0ni(o.ao, lL jbobFb '1 U , i r.. :.. . A+K A*r'ocl'aleS 5 t O LaX,r"z1l t;q ?L qoq i NY NY rdotz. ii r \ . \ 'i1-?r ;cL. tt michc rl i 1 Ft*{" n, C-+Clo:ir;rr |r:r 6-t!a3,*t ' '.; t: . -i ,,' 5|66f, Tohp9. i" ': ? ;;i- 9o st"lKCo^pefs : ' " "q1q Thir tr rvc .pY , 0J'( l(nz-z I wi\\tarn 5 t *r"e;\r-ta 37b*1 {Y)q^ci*i , fh^r* n,t *- \: irortruc. 4o Br"{*,i + AR;+-,r r.ttf,o',o'.n l5o\ Co\,s,rc.d Y R"e 7o-, D S"-i^ /yror., I ca Cq Wl o ,l C*'*ou , ff.'-.onl g,o S"t.l.alq43b . 6h{nido.n d GVn coL' tL (ooozz l-l,"Lt',.s I A'1 6 ^./ , c-h i (qat, :2t<_g1i t\iXa,rt Av{. EL \J 6oLoll Diu,rgo , a"Ja. tr"e#Stol G"tP rg ru. w"t& F/y tl58 I E + r! pa"pu*,f c5 C-o , bWA r...r lz-*[ +*, E4oo Cnaahs\ NE bb t 22 - l']q@ Ko.h, C.hor|..r, (b. At\N ', ?rocr,r*:r rryr Gn'P P,o. bot azq @ ,withifa- La b13ol ,3 hr fi1o.,rtr 3+ao? Ur4 + "clo AIU/? +Co inrc-YI It 5;Sfh Av,exr{ NY I ooLz t i .,t Ii:- I i,l r ,t I -f..,r.)r st(;l r tpr ) lto rn C , i ru sts Q-thoX Vb1.S i- ), , , %-\ 4.fon,i'6 -.T X '=t&Z-o\i,: I I ". ,t ii,: l' J. .. A6 E\mhur6*,"9f i'i ;'. '' 'i r''1; i ei^tci,.ratli t ofr 44WboH 42*o .'a !i r-rraay" Plch+ I d,ahru , i1at \r KfH .* E+ Al ;o/o ri'r.. 'Shdao I ,A; udcery Knrltt / -AB*,,^* 'I \A/ t r H{ I t l.-tttro Ho4 K NY I Ooll. u /,.1 )D . erq\ooK- gd'',. i':'l I a r .l t^tt,'Nb-tu*, NY ll7aO; r,iri\ \.Dr5,$'4a, ,frsj,*I+F' ,.;t: ,: 'ti' la+ 6nox bu,'r-, Sl.'{ ': I i" o ' , 'j'j miltc^lrf t,uuust,"o^* So'-f? iLJd " i .' di't' '.+'n" t0?. 3 .- Fronr{"4 (d -ur tgu:f ': -,,, ,. il, ' Qo Udqt ,L,'i',.",'r: ,tjI t ', ,' :"' ,',' , "'til..r i fnotlu / A\\u,n \,trtbb ftrih - l q qob l\el fl o3a. u)Y ' ; ""'r rr ' 4!iC-- ^ {-){,r,,.. O-^ oltnA $ttl'Lsdo. I MD AD8l1 In 'LJd ', i , ., di' i9tl". 0i5o, Ca , 1a loV )I Dt\ Va\\rL l TnrulcqA Nrporo.-! s+ , r/r b , Ser.t !!.r* ', ?( Lq*e , Frt\r-rr icK C .'3\h 'G rovt 3+. Nrd-dhq rn fno.- t.h i\01"{ad, :fohc-r i 3Ll0 €otnoQ Palr"' Lrr q s*e- 2o 3 Po\rn AYr,fr Fl 9ztzg F".\o.rJ , (i.ho.rd pr. \ 6o E, SZ*A o+ l"Jh FL , NY , NY tooL'L Rola:o,u, 5ebi I A ,vlL (, ifupt.- D^ Afr E*u*ll* N; tts ca xolt6 ,o ffi(tover, \o & D "i D Qo$ooe €*- &rooY-\ i'w? Mo . o^l9l? gq\ t.a , Ar,fq- lo *ff*.f i r*, Brr{J,r.,,t C-[Rgl-. ruY '[058{-) K\<t I 6"rl- .r Gi gpiJ 0&5 Lqwia LNJ A ru btra PA L\u>'z_ a r>^J>4/U l"Q'trt cr O oolA b I+ W{_r)dj E,'c) o al1a o F+r tI ! tr.t" U,+ 5s>a'o; r€- DF.' ,1! :; eD ,t&c)l\o, Y' , i il fl ,| f Jt rl tj : I .: I t _;--, t',t : 1t(' i Gro nffi, P.o tui a voi\ , co Btu5b \h"gf"tr r T'X 11a5U , ...t.) L\r . fo\vicK UN fC- 5*,9 )I | !, +,4I T"rK t.*o.ty t 9lo'ia,boo tr\r- q9 lEs ,ge&)g tftg}"rlo."'d,-, Nt, I a 6 Z& . frai+,e* Corp 4c> eA*o.nd . gb.I"un,l ,!SK , r (. t ta'l\ eE 1th bt tF+ L^c, drd"h tL 4331w -, t\p-,. L-axitl , Kob.r* r + ?.oI6"i ts^1 t.)oi\ 1 Lo g[U6t)o ^.--.)4.#;'F,y' t- '- ''-r't -z ..-f>-')- .'. \1 Gcgth"f GrC,*rshqrvrrnu tr..rc" A5l €' Gorq- &oF D,r, rjo.i\ ' Co 8\b51 l'. I t'- ; I ': '1 ffi?.ni*r'*;;Sl3 1,,,N ORE.EK D}iSibling: LEGAL:0111 LODG.U Apr. COND. 1'rUU) UNIT:245 sK:0u1? PG:0790 DOC DAr'lt :05/25/70 s&;0450 PG:0500 DoO DAT$: t0lg7 /86 $Kr'0?05 Pc:0603 DoL: UATS:09/06/96: ,$K*054? Fc-0968 Dt;t;D 01-Zg-91 tsK-0734 PG-04S6 ACD 07-14-97 I (.:(r!l'lxt-LASIU (i0$,1 IXJS - I ltFl{O v uidBN T s Yubr ql trsj 00?964 S,'ATUS, O -'l Parcel No: 2101 082 2L O28 NY 10528 IAc: 103 l{ill Levy: 43.490VAIL Yr Suilt: 69lix Sibling: Dec Date Hec'd: )P DOO 'I'YP8: WD SAI.,TS PRICE: DOO T'YP$: WD SAL$S PHICT: DoC TYPE: ilD SAl,!.:$ PRICI: ! $30,300 $205 , oo0 $375, ooo ACT: 68890 A$D!AOT: 268410 ASD: 6710 AC: 26140 AC: $32,850 0.000 0.000 S.t' : 57 6 St' : 916 ; 'fOTAl, VAI,,UE $33'l ,3OO AS$srisED 06/30/96 LST OHANGE tO/24/97 KHr$'sY T4&NCH6Hl-lm*-'* r'o *Iff", t"'*a,H*AtL*ilrus: A t Plt0trt()f{t0HY S GOIiI] O}iT;EK DH: sibli.ng: 0() 80304 VAIL P020266 llx Sibling: Parcel No: 2101 082 21 029fAg: 103 MiII Levy: 43.490 Yr tsuilt: 69 Dec Date tlec t d: I.,EtIAIJ;O1I1 LODGH APT. COND. (THE) uNl'f':246 SK:0217 Pc:0939 .SK:0376 Pc;0537 Ul(:0619 Pc:0683 sK:0678 PGt029'.l 0(JNt o-LANI) c()t{txrs - r uPBov EI.t !:N T s TOTAI, AS$SSSEI' 06/30/96 DOc DAT.!::o6/o2/70 DOu DAI'E:06/02/7O Doc DAT.ri:0t/lo/84 DOc DATE:OL/OL/gs ACT: 65300 ASD:ACt: 272930 ASD: vAru_E $338,230 LS'I', (:HANGE 0L/27198 DOC ljoc D0c D()t: TYPE: WD SALI]S TYPE: WIJ SAI,ES TYPT: WD T'ALES TYPE: WD SALHS 6360 AC: 26580 AC: $32 , 940 $27, 100 $27, loo $216,000 $ 151 , 0oo Sl': 546sl': 82 5 PHIOS: PtiLc$: PH,IOE: Pttlct:: 0.000 0.000 i I tliFfsrd t'4' * f,n^Falq-Gz, rI ..--l-r - - .,t-JT s.U*f", 008077 sT'ATUs: A ODR Parcel No: 2101 082 27 O27 RBA*A O"1 40.tCIir . ptfi,Ft'-'0001?{NJ 07078 I'AC: lO3 MilI Levy: 43.490boolz* Gotil cuur;K DH vArL yr tsuilt: 69 INOV ils.: Sibling: P001019 Ux Sibling: Dec Date Rec'd: l,$OAL,;0111 LoDGE At'T, CoND. (TH$) utrlT: 239 tsl(:0218 Pa:Q427 Doc DATE t08/05/70I BK:0232 pG:0368 DOL: DATB:tI/ao/79 I 8t(:O?19 PG:0393 DOc DA'fE zO2l25/97 D()c lruc DOC 0.000 s$;0.000 sf': $48 ,000 $66,300 $650,000 ?68 LZ22 coN00-LANn UONDOS - T MP$OV.UMI;NTS A0T: 91850 ASD:A0T; 479120 AsD: TYPE: WD SALES PRI.CE: TYP$: l|,D SALEIi Pttlc$: TYPE: WD SALES PT.ICU: 8950 A0: 46670 A0: $55,620T0TAL VALUU $570,97006/30/96 Ls'r' OHANGE t2/30/97 LES$4'Y r$VEs',l',MEN',r P',INSt 2723 JACKSON S'I' sANr t'trANclsc0 0A 94115 OOO174 8 GOHE CHEEK DH VAIL NOV No.: Sibling: P000934 tix Sibling: l,$GAl,;0111 LO.DGE APT. OON.D. ('l'HE) UNIT:238 BK-0217 PG-o624 tsK-0250 PG-0669 tsK-0251 PG-0317 tsK-Az?9 PG-0557 tsK-0292 Pc-0935 BK-0318 PG-0306 sK-03?? Pc-o141 tsK-0543 PG-0941 tsK-0658 PG-0250 BK-0658 PG-0251 tsK-o658 Pc-0252 tsK-0658 PG-0253 sK-0658 PG-0254 cofiD()-LANt) CONIX)S- IMPHOV BMENTS TOT'AL ASS!;SS!:D 06/30/96 scrreo,t: Parcel- No: TAC: Yr tsuilt: 00?495 s'l'A'l'us: A 2101 082 ZL 026103 MiIl l,evy: 43.490 69 Dec Date Rec'd: wD 05-06-70 08- 16- 7 6 tssD 1Z-27-76 tssD 12-08-78 BSD 10-15-79 BSD 12-16-80 tssD 07-20-81 tssD 1Z-10-90 tssD 12-22-94 tssD 12-23-94 tssD 1Z-23-94 tssD 1z-23-94 tssD 12-23-94 AC'f r 90420 ASD:A0'l': 385680 AsD: VALUE $4?6,1OO LST CHANGE TD/27/97 8810 AC: 37570 AC: $46,380 0,000 s!': 0, 000 S.t': 756 1169 f,*r".tap, DA*TLEAN QUERNEM 8,259 PT{'HEER AV}; 'l'HousANrJ oAKs cA 91360 Oooir+ !r Goliu gfum uH vAlt forr No.: ' sibling: P001473 Ex Sibling: tug*trrorll LODGE APT. COND. (THH)' uttl.T: egi s"n"a,l: 009315 srAl'US: A Parcel No: 2101 082 2L AZ5TAC: 103 I'1i11 l-,evy: 43.490 Yr tsuilt: 69 Dec Date liec'd; sK:0217 PG:0538 D00 sK:02e8 Pc:0371 D00 :sKi 0304 PG: 0696 DoC tsr-0324 PG-0521 SWt) {i0N0$-LANI) (:tttrl DOU - {}rf$Ov EMsN Ts DAT.U;04/27 /70 DA'I'E: 03/2L/73 DAT.b;: 06/27 /80 0 5 - 19-81 D00 D00 D00' TYP.U: WD TYPS: WD TYPE; WIJ SALI;S PHICE: SAI,I;S PH1CE: sAt.,.t]s Pttl0ff: $38, ooo $60 ,000 $250, ooo 768 L222 AOT: AC'l': 91850 ASD: 479120 AsD: 8950 A0l 46670 AC: $55,6Zo 0, 000 sr':0.000 sr': TOTAL VALUI; ASC$$$ED 06/30/96 LS'r' $570,970 0HANGE 04/22/91 JIDD,,tHOG$H D. l,'0. tsOx 17 , !'A1,HBUHY 000174 E GOR.b CREHK DR NOV No. : NE 68352 VAlLSibling: P0016?4 tjx s j b1 i ng: s"r,.at: 009145 S'l'A'j'us: A Parcel l'lo: 2101 082 2l CI24'I'A0: 103 l"lil-I Levy: 43.490Yr tsuilt: 69 Dec Date Hectd: LIIGAL:0111 LODGII AP'l'. C()ND. ('l'HEi UN1'-t': 232 tsK:0217 p(} :0547 DOC DA'I'E1.04/I4/"1 0 DOC'1,ypE: rrO SALfiS pR_tC_U:$28,000 .tsK:0465 Pc:0965 Doc .L)A'-t'yt06/3al/8,- L)0(_' 1'ypE: h,D sALES pnrc_Lt $210,000 OOND(J_LAN IJ CONDOS-1MPHOVE|1EN'1'S AC'l': 27276() ASD: 2657i) ACi 0.000 S.t': 834 'I'(J'I'AL VALUE $336,630 ASS.FiSSED 06/30/96 LS'1'OHANGE04/2219j 832 ,7'9t) ,,,fffx;)t':*"" t::;5:,' ooeess s,,,Arus: A o 794 frOt'AT:O PATOH DR Parcel, No: 2101 082 21 023 .vAr&,:r c08165? 'l'A0: 103 Mill Levy: 43,490 000198 c0liU CHEEK DH vAlL Yr tsuilt: 69 ilOV ilo.: Sibling: Ex $ibling: Dec Date tiec'd: LSGAL:0111 L,ODGU Ap't. OOND. (THE) UNIT:166 tsK:0676 PG:0315 DOC DAT!;:09/11195 DOC'l'ypE:Sl|lD SAL.ES prilcE: $814,0008K-0219 PG-0801 MERCIIANITISING-LAND A0r: 163500 AsD: 47420 AAt 0,000 s!': 654 M!]I(CHA$DISING-IiIPHOVEME AOf : 63?750 AsD: 184950 AC: O. 000 s!': 947 T0TAL vALUt; $801,250 9232,370 ASS!;$SED O7/24/57 Ls',l' OHANGB: 04/22/97 "", \"W 5,!' *'dhff ,iffr.: 196 r; oolig clil;t;K DH JoJnuu h,*,ffi, *"ry"it ttst Lr.-t UA LL'q,' . yAr! OOO194 GORE OI{HEK DR NOV No.: llllltcHANljlSlNG-t!{PtiOv$Mg AC't': 282350 ASD: 'rOTAL VALUE $358,850 ASSSnrir;D 06/30/96 LST CHANGE tL/07 /97 Parcel No: 2101 082 21 020 00 8165? TAc: 103 MiIl Levy: 43.490VAIL Yr tsuilt: 69 Ex liibling: Dec Date Hectd: $722,5OO Sibling: LgGAI,:0111 LODGI; APT. OONIJ. (THE) UNlt':162 tsK!0686 PG:0845 DOC DATT: ZO!/A9/96 DOC TYPE:SWD SALES PBIOE: BK-0219 Pc-0801 BK-0686 PG-0847 QCD 01-29-96 MSITCHANOI SING-LANI)AC'l':?6500 ASD:22190 AC. 81880 AC: $ 104 , 070 0.000 st':0.000 st': 306 461 HASS+o, r'$UD & GAIL 10918 HOAHING tsROOK LNHOUST()N ',t'X 77024 OOO174 S GOHE ORI;EK IJR VAIL l,,lOV No.: Sibling: P003655 Ex Sibling: L,.UGAl..,:0111 LODGH API'. COND. ('I'HH) UNtf:159 tsK:0217 PG:0544 DOO tsK:0251 PG:0048 Dotl tsK:0305 Pc:0898 DOC tsK:0305 PG:0899 D()0 tsK:0455 PG:0148 DOC tsKr0456 PG:0622 D00 tsK:0495 PG:0424 DOC 0ONI)0-LAN.D ACT: 91850 ASD: 0ONDOS-lltPROV$MENl's AOI': 418340 ASD: 'l'orAL vALUr; $ 510 , 190ASS!;SSED06/30/96 LS'l'OHANGE71/t2/9',1 s"r,"a,l: 010026 S'l'A'l'us: A Parcel No: 2101 082 21 018IAC: 103 Mill Levy: 43.490 Yr .Built: 69 Dec ljate ltec'd; DATE: 04 /T5 /70 DATE:12/74/76 DAl.u:06/27 /80 DAI'ri:06/27 /80 DAI'H: 12/29/86 IJA I'll : 01 I 20 / 87 .DATE:09/1'Z/88 DOC 'I'YPE D()0 'l'YPti I]OC TYPI] DOO 'T'YPU DOO 'I'YPE D()0 'l'vPE DOO TYP!; SALES PHICb' SALUS PH-TCU SALI]S PRICE SALES PRICb SAL-US PH1OE SALUS PRICI] SALES PR1CH $36,100 $94,500 $265,000 $265,000 $250, ooo $267, ooo s300,000 ?68 1056 wt) w,t) l.ll) wt) GWI) WD wl) 8950 40't 50 AO: AO: 0 . 000 Sl':0.000 st'; $49,700 cB - yhrl ,lr-,<; 0036 ROARING I.'ORK DR . ASP};N OOO188 GOR.U CHBEK DH NOV No. l c0 81611 VAl L lJx Sibling: s"r,"a.,l oo99bJ s'l'Ai'us: A Parcel No: 2101 082 Z1 016'l'A0: 103 Miff Levy:. 13,490 Yr tluilt: 69 Dec ljate Rec'd:Sibling: LI;GAL : 011 1 LODGU AP'I' . COND . ( ]'HE ) UNII:156 tsK:06?0 PGt0371 DoLl l.)AI'E:06/01/95 Doo'l'ypH:swrJ sAl-,.lls pHlcE: $722,5u0 tsK-0219 Pc-0801'l'YP-0 MERCHANDISING-LAIr'D AC't': 76500 ASD: 22190 AC: 0 ,000 S!': 306 MEHC)HANDISTNG-IMPHOVIiMU AC'f: 282350 ASD: 81880 AU: 0.000 St': 461 'l'o't'AL VALUU $358,850 $104, o70 ASSussuD 06/30196 Ls,l', CHANGE I0/27 /97 t&;tl ""sr.F:tHt;N & AMy3 $,tLsHlttl: DR . LTVJNGST0N OOO1?4 l] GO}iH L:HBBK Dfi NJ 07039 VAIL s.fr"alnQ: 0073't3 STA'I'US: A Parcel No: 2l0]- 082 21 014I'AC: 103 1-1i11_ Levy: 43.490Yr Built: 69 Dec Date Hec'd:NOV No.: sibling: P000884 ux Sibling; I,SGAL:0111 LODG!; APT'. COND. (THE): ut*ttt':153 8K:0514 PGI018L DOC DATE:09/t9/89 DOC l'ypu: wD SALES pRrC!:: $310,000 ,gK:0600 pc:0950 D(JO DA.I'E: 02/04/93 DOC 'l'ypH: wD SALES pRlc$t $+85,000 tsK-0217 Pc-0537 WDP04-29-?0 tsr-0402 Pc-0222 wD 12-05-84' sr(-0521 Pc-o683 wD 09-30-89 8K-054? PG-0966 DEED 01-29-91 C0ND0-I,AND A0f: 91950 ASD: gg50 AC: 0.000 St'3 ?68c()N$(Jti-rHpri()vEMEN|ti AC'l': 418340 ASD: 40750 A0: 0.000 St': 1056 '|0TAL VALUE $510,190 $49,700 AsnsssuD 06/30/96 Ls,l' CHANGE 07 /at/9'l r{otsBliis, JAMES D. u ,*,ol^" ,'. 184 U GORE CHSHK DR . VAI,L OOO184 GOH-bJ CRUUK DH Sibling: IJ!:GAL : 0111 LODGII AP'l' , COND . ('r'H-hl ) UNll:152 tsKr0668 PG:09168 DOC DA'l't; :t:6iaI/95 ljoc'r'ypu:sl{D SALES pHl"cu: $35?,000 tsK-0219 PG-0801',I'YP-0 MEHCHANDISING-LAND AC'I': 76500 ASD: 221e0 Ac: 0.000 S!': 306 I.IEHOHANDI-S1NG-1MPHOV!rj[',1!; AC'l': 282350 ASD: 81880 ALr: 0,000 S!': 461 'i'o]'AL VALUb' $359, g5U $104,070 ASSESSED 06/30/96 LS.r, LIHAr\cE 0r126/98 NOV No. : crO 81657 VAl L llx Sibling: s"t,"o,l: tr09951 s'l'A'l'us; A Parcel No: 210:t 082 Z1 013'l'ALl: 103 11i11 Levy: 43.490 Yr "tsuilt: 69 Dec Date Hec'd: 'civ!t[N , .,AGciu PO tsOX 3827 VAIL OOO193 GOHE CREI;K DH VAl L Yr tsr.ri-Lt: 7t lJec Date Rec'd :NOV No. : Sibling: P020599 Ex Srbling: I]SGAL:0079 GORE CH!;EK PLAZA UNl'I'r 1 tsK:0226 PG:0170 L)OCI DA'I'H:1,0 loJ"/72 DO0 'I'ypE: WD SAL.bS pHtcu: $42,0U0 tsK:0250 PG:0964 DOC IJATH:12/I5/76 UOC'l'ypE: hiD SALIIS PHICE: $64,000 tsK-0467 PG-048i) QCIJ 0B-87 r-lt)\Dc)-LA.l\jl) 0ONDOS-LI"1PHOVUI.,IEN'I'S AC't': 35;t090 ASD: 34390 AC I U .000 Sf': S67 'l'o'l'Al-, vALU.bl $414,400 $40,360 ASSESSHD 06/lJUl96 LS'1' CHAi\iGE 06/77/97 s"r,"l)": 00831? sI'A'l'us: AParcel No: 2101 082 13 001 CrO 81658-3827 'l'ACli 103 t"lilI Levv: 43.490 S.fr.art, Parcel No: 009946 s't'A'l'us: A 2101 082 21 008103 Mill L.,evy: 43.490 DH NQV flo.: Siblin€: L$GA[;0111 LODGT; APT. COND, c0 81631 TA0;VAIL Yr tsuilt:l;x Sibling: (rHE ) 69 Dec Date liec'd : UN l'r' : 14 2 tsK:0697 pG:0613 DOC DATE:06/11/96 DOC,cK-0219 PG-0801,l'YP-0 lltsllOtlANDlS-tNG-LAND AL:l': 87000 ASD: MEIiCHANDISING-]MP]dOVUM!; ACT: 290490 ASU: T0'I'AL VALUII $37?,490 ASS!;$IiED 06/30/96 LS'l' CHANGE A4/22/97 TYPE: TiWD SALES PHIOb': 25230 A0: 0.000 84240 Ac: 0.000 $109,470 $750, o0o sl': 348 Sl. : 507 dgnuld, tstsliNAriD H. 204.Et 71sr sr !,{Sfrt.: Ytftil( 0001?,4 l] Go}il; CHEEK DH fiOVlr l{*. : Si.bling scrreaul ParceL No: Ny 10021 rAc:VALl, Yr Built: P0227 40 lix Sibling: 010716 STATUS; A 2101 082 21 010103 Mill Levyr 43.490 69 Dec Date Hectd: Lt:GAt;0111 .LODGE APT. 00ND. {THE) UNIT:145 BK:O2L7 PG:0543 BK:0219 Pc:06?1 tsK:0316 PG:0046. 'BK:04?9 PG:0303 tsK-032e PG-0661 QOl{lX)-l.,ANl) eoNDos-ruF$0vEMENTS DOc DAT!;.04/t3/7O IruO DATE: Ot/27/71 DOo DATE:05/08/8O D00 DATE:OZl12/88 QCD 05-01-81 A0l': 681?0 AsD:ACT: 311240 ASU: TYPE: WD SALES TYPE:QCD SALES IYPE: PRI] SALES IYPE: WD SALI;S 6640 A0: 30310 AC: $36,950 $28,5oo $5,000 $ 172 , ooo $ 185 , ooo sr': 570ST: 784 D()c DOC l)()(.) DOC PHICE: PHIOE: PHICE: PHIOE: 0. 000 0.000 t'o'l'AL VALUS $3?g,410 A$S$$S!:D 06/30/96 LST OHANGE 0t/23/98 t cair.$ci ^17 f".--"0 J#nnr", PO BoX 1947 . VAJ,L . 0001?2 Go$t; c:HE.riK Dti llOV No. : SibIinE: 009948 srAfus: A Parcel No: 2101 082 21 011 00 81658 'l'Ac: 103 MiII Levy: 43.490VAIL Yr tsuilt: 69 Ex Sibling: Dec Date Rec'd: I,$GAL:0111 LODGE AP'l'. oOND. (THE) uN-rr;146 tsK:0671 PG:0982 DOC DA',r'Etl',l/21/95 DOC Typg:SWD sALsS pHlct;r $S30,900 tsK-0219 PG-0801 TYP-0 tsK-0715 PG-0059 QOD 12-31-96 Ir{$ticHANDrStNG-LAND AC'l': 118500 ASD: 34370 AC: 0.000 tit't 474 iltillcHANDrslNc-rMpHovEl"ui ACI': 351660 ASD: 101980 A0: 0.000 Sf': 604 'I'()TAL VALUU $47 0, 160 $136, 350 ASSXSST;D 06/30/96 LSr CHANGE tt/12/9'l 11€3 CABTN OI}i DH VAJ}L 000182 coHE cRr.:uK DH NOV lio. ; ACI': I'IEHCHANDI tiING-lMPHOV$M$ ACT I IO'IAL VALUI: ASS!;SSED 06/30/96 LS't' 00994I c() 81657 VAIL S'I'ATUS: A Parcel No: 2101 082 21 0I21'A0: 103 l4ilI Levy: 43.490 Yr tsuilt: 69 Dec Date Hec'd:Sibl"ing:Ex Sibling: LEGAL:0111 L()0GE APr'. O()ND. (rns) uNlt:150 tst(:0678 pG:0334 DOC DAr'll :09/27/95 D00'l'ypE:swD sALEs pRrcs: tsK-0219 Pc-0801 METiOHANDI SING- LANJ)78000 ASD: Z8O85O ASD: $ 358 , 850 22620 ACI 81450 AC I $104, o7o 0. 000 s!': 0. 000 s!': $361 , 3oo 312 461 CHANGE 70/22/97 't ADAI'IS' l,tON & LISA Schedule: 009959 STAI'US: A?38 tHTSTL!;WOOD Parce.f No: ?LOI 082 2t 030 HOUSTON 'lX 77079 I'A0; 103 ltill Levy z 43,41 000174 G0ltlj OI{EEK DH VAIL Yr tsuilt: 69 NOV No,: Sibling: POL0522 Ex sibling: Dec Date tiec'd; l,l$AL,:0111 I,0DGE APl', O()ND. ('l'ug) UNTT; 248 sK:0222 PG2 0798 DOCr DA'l'ri: 12/24/77 Doc 'l'ypE: |{D SAL$S rrHlcH: $37,0( Bl(:0223 PG:0350 D00 DA'l't; :02/I2/',12 DOC'l'ypt;: wD SALES pHlcE: $38,8( BK:0414 PG:0300 D00 DA'I'EzO5/15/85 Doo'l'ypij: wD sAl,rjs pur.os: $188,0{ BK-0633 PG-08?9 QOD 02-28-94 OONlro-l,AND AC'f : 69610 ASD: 6780 AC: 0.000 Sl : 58: 00flrru$-IltPfr0vr;IlEN'r's Acr': 298170 AsD: 29040 A(): 0.000 sl': 90i TOTAL VAt U$ $367,780 $35,820 ASS!;SSSD 06/30/96 LS'r CHANGE 04122/97 o COIIE\ !'Allil) ll' - l'i):-i\-LH, hAYi\E L. Scireciule: 00?59i SI'AIUS; ;\ 5691 SOUTHI1OOR L\ Parcel- tio: Z1tl 1 082 21 0J4ENGLEWOOD 0() 80110 'l'AC: f 03 MilI Lev-v: ,i3.4t 000174 E GOHE LrH-U-HK DH VAIL Yr tsuilt.: 619 NOV No. : Siblrng: P000959 Ux Siblj.ng: Dec Date Hec'd: LI;GAL: 0111 LODG"EJ APT, CONIJ , ( THE ) UNll':256 tsK:0217 PG:0942 DoO DA'I'E:05/25/70 DC)O'I'ypEr WD SALUS pHlC.rj : 926,6( BK-0706 PG-074:J QOD 09-09-96 BK-0706 PG-0744 QLrD 09-09-96 BK-I'|28 PG-0036 QUD 05-21-97 OONDO-LAND A0r': 64580 ASD: 6290 AC: u.000 St': 54( LIONDOS-IIVIPHOVE!'{EN'1'S AC't': 278830 ASI_I: 2716t.) AO: 0.000 S}': 8.1 I 'r'O'l'AL vALU.ll $343,410 $33,450 ASSESSED 06/:J0/98 LS'1' 0HANGE t0/27191 KHUl4t"l , DOHO'I'HY HOIiSON ]'HUS'I'H!i Schedul-e; 0Ct8878 SI'AI'US: A PO BOX 22OZ Parcel No: 2101 082 21 035 SUN VALLUY 1D 83JbJ 'l'AC: 103 Mill Levri: 43.41 000174 ll GOH.bi OHUUK DH VA1L Yr tsuilt; 69 NOV No. : Sibling : P}OI4'I 7 llx Sibling: l)ec l)ate Hec'd: LEGAL : 011 1 LODGI; AP'I' . UOND . ('I'HE ) UN11':259 tsK:0218 PG:0233 DOC DA'I'U:01 /06/7u DOC 'l'ypu: wD SAL!;S plilc_E: $50,0( tsK-0447 PG-08e7 QOD 09-02-8S tsK*0648 PG-0269 QrrD 08-01-e4 UONDO-LAND ACI': 91850 ASD: 8950 ACr: 0.000 S!': 761 OONDOS-IMPHOVIIMIIN'|S A0'I': 460470 ASD: 4485t) AC: 0.000 S!': 1161 '1'O'I'AL VALUE $552,320 $53,800 ASSUSSUD 06/30/96 LS'l' cHANcE t(t /23 /g'.i -q ,n +I - - \,.,. Arl$O.( t)Maatrfut,\\t' 2-.rr-t{'l.t-.,.- I E0{/r.4& EVELYN lt. Schedule: 009042 S'l'A'l'US: A87 S BRHNTWOOD sT Parcel No; 2101 082 21 036Dl:NVt:lr C0 80226 TA0: 103 Mill t evy : 43 ,4t 0oo1?4 t; GOltE 0ttljtiK DH vArL yr tsuilt: 69 l{OV No. : Sibling: P005?32 tJx SibLing: uec Date tiec'd: j,!IGAL: 0111 LODGB Ap'r'. OOND. ('t'nU ) UNIT:262 tsK:0217 PG:0764 DoC DA',fr; :05/20/70 DoC TypE: WD SAL!.]S pRt0$: $35,6( a0NDO-j,AND A0'ft 91140 As.D: 8880 A(): 0.000 s!': 76i CONDOS-IIIPHOVEHEN'I'S A01': 363070 ASD: 35360 A0: 0.000 SI,': 110( 'r'o'l'At"J vALUll $454,2t0 $44,240 ASSUSSED 06/30/96 LST OHANGE 04/22/97 o aL\ Fr' \ rd I AaIEL^A\0, DOlc!;EN Schedule: 007261 STATUS: A : 10 $HOtt$Cl,1fI' PL Parcel No; 2101 082 Zl 037 t*ltfiA'I lrficK Ny 11023 IA0; 103 MilI Levy: 43.4! ' 0001 74 g GOIiE Clt!:EK Dtt VAIL Yr Buil,t: 69 NOV No.: Sibling: P00O8l8 Ex Sibling: Dec Date ltec'd: L}:GAL;0111 I.,ODGE APT. OOND. (THE) Uf.ltT: 265gl(i0218 PG:0096 DOO DATE:06/26/70 .U()C 'r'yp!;: WD SALES pRrOE: $29,5( tsK:0341 PG:0267 DOO DA'|E:O6/O1/82 DOC TypE: WD SAt sS ptilcE: $250,0( ',, {XrN$O-LAND ACl': 66020 ASD: 6430 AC: 0.000 St': 55ii cGf{lt0s-IHPE()vEM.ENTS A0T: 334040 ASU: 32540 AC; 0.000 St'; 85( l'0'l'At VALUE $400, 060 $38 , 9?0 ASIS$SED 06/30/96 LST OHANGE 02/02/58 o 0l{Acot IcI, 0ARt.,() 80 WAHREN ST APT 55 Nt;w Y0lrK OOO174 E GOH}: OH.!:EK DR NOV No. ; Sibling: NY 10007 VAlL P002034 llx Sibling: ScheduLe : 009129 sTAl'Us: A Parcel No: 2101 082 21 0331'A0: 103 lliLl- Levy: 43.4{ Yr tsuilt: 69 Dec Date Hec t d: l,UGAl,:0111 LOD$E AP'I'. COND. ('I'HE) UNIT:253 tsK:0217 PG:0848 DOc tsK20223 PG:0136 D00 tsKt0223 PGt0851 DOC tsK.Q264 PG:0151 DoO tsK:0320 PG:0519 DOc tsK:0567 PG:0654 DOC DA'l't;: 06/0L/70 DATE: 05/27/71 DAI'H: 04/14/72 DATE:72/t9/77 DAr'8: 06/05/80 DATE: LL/L5/9I DOC IYPE: DOC ,I. YPE: DOC I'YPE: DOC IYPE: DOC I'YPE: DOC I YP-hJ : wt) wt) wl) wll wu 8950 44850 SAl,llS SALES SAI,I;S sALES SALT;S SALES AC: PRtC.U PHICI; PHlCE PHICE PRlCE PHlCE $37,5( $6 ,0( $53 , o( $125,1( $350,0( $475,0( 76t 116: O()ND()-LAND ACT: 91850 ASD: CONIJOS-IMPHOV.EM.UNTS ACT: 460470 ASD: 'l'o'l'AL vALUg s552,320 ASSI;SSUD 06/30/96 LS'l' CHANGE 04/22/97 0.000 0.000 s!': st': $53 ,800 KUAIiNS, D!;SMOND P. & ts.hjsslE JIIAN HULEy Schedule: 007362 S'r'A'l'US: A P0 tsOX 32047 Parcel No: 2101 082 21 032TUOSON AZ 857 5t-20 47 I'A0 : 10 3 lli 11 Levy : 43 , 4l 0001?4 $ GOHU cltEEK IJH VAIL Yr .tsuilt; 69 l{OV No. : Sibling: P000856 tr;x sibling: Dec Date Hec'd: LIiGAL:0111 LODGE APT. COND. (l'HE) uNtt;252 tsK:0217 pG:0836 Do0 DA',l'r:05/28/70 DOc'rypE: wD sAtJus pRlL)!;: $35,6( tsK|o4zL PG:0185 DOC DAT}:tO7/24/85 D()0 Typt;: wD SALES prirut;: 9290,0( BK-O224 PG-0148 wD 05-01-72 CONDO-LAND ACr: 91140 ASD: 8880 AC: 0.000 St': 76ic0ND0s-l!lPlt0vu!t!;N'fs AC,l': 383?10 ASD: 3?370 AC: 0.000 St': 116: TOTAL vALUt; $4?4,850 $46,250 ASSU$$!;D 06/30/96 Ls',l' UHANcb: A4/22/97 HU,I'ING, WAYNI; I.1 . & GAYNOH M. 852 wll,Lotss wY G()L,DEN 001174 E GOHB OHUUK DH 00 80401 VAlL Schedulet 008225 STATUS: A Parcel No: 2101 082 21 038TAC; 103 Mill Levy: 43,41 Yr tsuilt: 69 Dec Date Hec'd:NOv No.: Sibling: P001192 Ex Sibling: I,SGAL:0111 LODGI; AP'l'. COND, (THE) UNII:268 tsK:0218 pG:0228 uoc.DA'l'.u107/08/7a DOC Ty.F_hj: wD SALr;s pHtoE tsK;0349 PG:0722 DOC DAtu:71/L6/82 D00 'l'YPu: tl/D SAl,gS PH-LOE tsK:0488 PG:0448 DOC DATI; :07 /29/88 DOL' 'I'YPFI : !t/D $ALES PR]OE BK:0606 PG:0154 DOC DA'I'U:.tt4/02/93 DOC]',l'yptri : t.{D SALES pRlct; BK-o592 Pc-0077 QCD 10-01-92 $28,5( $200,0( $190,0( $332,5( cOND(J-L,ANl)ACt': 63870 ASD: 6220 AC: 0.000 S!'; 53t CONDOS-lllPHOVEilsN'fS AC'l': 275880 ASD: 268?0 A0: 0.000 S.t': 831 TOTAL VALUE $339,750 $33,090 ASSESSED 06/30/96 Ls',l' OHANGa Ot/26/98 T\ I\ sctr to{ \F\\ - r\ tr l. \ ^t . \t /t\F \r \\ r -.d., -\.J \.,nN^ L,OttU't'TA A. Schedule; 009425 SIAI US : Aif G!;LIAND lt!;NN$H'I' & I'ULDI-IAN Parcel No; 2I0I 082 21 039 1301 AVH O!' THt; AMHN0AS 10'r'H I'L NEW YOHI( Ny 10019 TAC: 103 Mill Levy: 43,4{ 000174 U GOHE OR.biEK Dt{, vAlL yr tsuift: 69 NOV No.: sibling: I;x Sibling: Dec Date Hec'd: LEGAI,:0111 LODGE AP'l'. COND. 1r'nr)UNll':331 tsK:0217 Pc:0885 tsK:0509 PG: 0892 tsK:0521 PG:0599 OONDO-I.,ANJJ CON JJOS- IHPROV.UMEN'I'S 'l'o'lAL ASSlrSriEu 06/30/96 DOC DA'I'B:05/27/7O DO0 'I'YPE: wD sALl;S Ptl,lOE; DOC DAT.U:07 /12/89 DOC f YP.EJ : WD SALHS P}I,IO$: DOC DA'l'l; :01/17/9O DOC TYPI;; wD SALES PHlC.hir 12160 A0: 102890 AC: $115, o5o 0.000 s!': 0. 000 st': $50,0( $612,0( $950 , o( 1A4t 145t ACT: 124860 asu:AcT; 1056330 ASD: vALUs $1,181,190 LS'f OHANGE 0I/t4/98 Vi:o,Er,'.$t *X IIAI'A$I, }'SHNANDBZ 8812 SW 150'rH PL CLH Schedule: 008109 STATUS: AParcel No: 2101 082 21 040 urAnr I'L 33196 TAo: 103 llill r,evy: 43 .41.fr, at74 $ GOH!: 0H!;EK Dn vAlL yr tsuilt: 69 1 l{gV No.l Sibl-ing: P001191 tix Sibling: Dec Date Hec'd: IJESAL:0111 LODGI; APl" COND. (THE) UNlf:332 SK:021? PG:0672 DOO DATE: O5/O7/7O .DOC Typ.U: wD SAL.,b'S pfilc!:: $50,5($li:031? pG:0921 D()0 DATH:ollTo/gt D00 fypt;; ttll) sALt;s pHrcs: $520,0(sl{':o478 pG:0800 DOc DAT"E':02/05/88 DOc Typr;: t{D TiALES pH10s, $S85,0(BK-0263 PG-0419 QUD 1t-1,5-77 cofiD0-LA-r{l)ACT: 122710 ASD: 11950 AC: 0.000 St': 102(LTONIXIS-IItPtlOvl;ltl;NTs ACT; 912480 ASD:88880 AC: 0.000 Sr': 145: , 'l'o'l'AL vAt,u!; $1,035,190 s100,830 *s$ss$Et, CI8/30/96 LS't, cHANca 0L/27/98 HgUllAN ' KAttl;N w. Schedule: 009595 SlAl US: A 1000 TSLAXD tsLvu pH 4 parcel No: 2101 082 22 OOI N HIAMI S!AtlH l'j, 33160 'l'A0: 103 Mill t evy: 43.41 0000 10 WALL ST vAlL Yr .tsuiIt: 68 NOV No.; Sibling: Ex Sibling: Dec Date Hec'd: LEGAL:O1OO LAZIETI, AHCADE OOND. UNIT:301 tsK:0212 PG:0211 DOC DATS: t2/31/67 .D00 TypE: l4lD riAl.',!;s pHluE: $27,0( tsK:0284 pG:0018 DOC DA!'S:L2/29/79 DOC ,l'ypE: WD SAIJES pHrOE: $3?,5( BK:0428 pc:0703 DOL] DA'I'E:1O/25/85 DOC Typs: wD SALES PHICE: $185,0( tsK-0428 PG-0699 DC 08-14-84 BK-0428 PG-o?01 PHD 10-09-85 CONDO-I-,AND AU'l': 50380 ASD: 4910 AL:; 0.000 Sl': 371 CONDoS-IUPROV!:MEN'I'S A0'l': 90920 AsD: 8860 Ac ; 0 . 000 Sl' : 7 7 i 'l'O'l'AL VALU!; $141,300 $13,770 AS$SSSSD 07/24/97 LST OHANGE 02/09/98 JLO $u4f.-; r\ Coi+ti U-L PG: 0320 PG:0495 PG:0496 PG:049? Pc:0500 PG:0501 Pc:0502 PG:0503 PG:0989 Schedule: Po tsOx 23215 ANOHOHAGE OOO225 WALL ST NOV No. :Sibling: L$GAL:O1OO LAZIT;H ARL]AD!; COND. UNI'r r 302 tsK:02L2 tsK'!0228 tsK:.0228 tsK|0228 tsKr0228 tsK.0228 tsK:0228 tsK:0228 tsK:0250 tsK:0264 tsK:0655 tsK:0302 tsK:0693 tsK-02L2 tsK-0302 tsK-0497 008676 S'l'A'l'US: A Parcel No: 2101 082 ZZ OOz KY 40223 l'AC: 103 MiIl l,evyl 43,4VA1L Yr tsui1t: 68llx Sibl ing : Dec Date Hec'd : PG:0493 PG;0582 Pc; 006 7 PG r 0131 PG-080 7 PG-04 5 Z PG-0574 WD SALES WD SALES WD SAL!;S WD SALES WI] SALI]S WD SALES WD SAL.ES WIJ SALI]S WD SAL.US WD SAL!]S WD SALNJS WD SALES lvD SALBS PHlOU PRlCE PR]O!; PHICE PHICl!l PH]C!; PHlC!; PHlCE PltrcE PRlCtl PH10.!; PHlO!; PRlC$ $26,5, $6,1 $6,1, $6,1 $6,1 $6, 1 $6,1 $6,1 $52,0 $75, o $418, o $167,5 $420, 0 DOC DA'l's:12/31 /67 DOcl l'YPh; D00 DA'l'$:04/a4/73 D()0 TYPE DOc DA'l'l; :03 / 15 / 7 3 D()0 'I'YPU D00 DA'l'!;t03/27 /73 D()0 'I'YPE D00 DA',fE:03/t7 /73 D()0 'I'YPU DOL] DA'I'E:43/O5/73 DOc 'I'YPU DOC DA'I'Et03/O5/73 DOc TYPE DOU DAl'!; :03 / 79 / 7 3 DOC 'I'YPU DoO DA'I'E:.ll/23/76 DoC TYP!; DOU DA'l'-u:I0/15/77 DOC 'r'yPE DOC DA',l'u:71/01/94 DOC 'I'YPU DOC DAT-b] I04/T9/84 DOC TYPE DO(j DA'r'!l:04/77 /96 DOC 'l'YPu t{D 05-01-68 r{D 05-15-80 QCD 04-04-88 00ND0-LAir-l) CONDOS - I}lPHOVEMI]N'I'S ACI':14090 ASD: 80910 ASD: 4290 A0: 7880 AC r $12,170 0.000 0 ,00{J qL. qL'- 32 r'6 'I',OTAt.., VALUU $125,000 ASSE$S.UD 07 /24 /97 LS'l' CHANGE t0 /27 /97 (o:o"Su f :\, C\r"L 't"n}",P0 tsOx 686 VAIL OOOZ23 U GOHE CHUEK DR NOV No.: SibJrng: LUGAL I OO56 CR!]EKSlDE COND() UNl l': 5 S'r'A.t-ttwELL CONDO-LAND AOl'; 510 ASD: 50 AC: 0.000 SF': 102 CONDOS-II'{PHOVEI'1IIN'I'S AC'l': 1810 ASD: 180 AC: 0.000 Sl.': 0 'r'01'AL VALUE $2,320 $230 ASS!;SsEr) 06/30/96 LS'l' CHANGE t)4/22/91 00789? S'l'A'1'trS: A Parcef irlo; 21,01 082 12 005oo 81658 'l'A0: 103 mill tevyl 43,490VAIL Yr Buil-t; 7Illx SibJ-ing: Dec .Date Hec'd: ftosuNeurs'r', I4AHGAHEI P() BOX 686 VAlL OOO2Z3 U GOHU CHEEI( DH NOV No. : 00 81658 VAl L Ex Sibling: s"r,"a.t: 007901 s'l'A'l'us: A Parcel No: 2101 082 12 009 'l'A0r 103 Mill Levy:. 43.491t Yr tsuilt: 7I Dec Date Rec'd:SibI ing : LEGAL : 0056 CRSUKS]DU CONDT) UNI I': D COMM!]HL:IAL UITT tsK-0330 Pc-o403 !{D 02-05-81 BK-0330 PG-0402 wD 0Z-05-81 SPUC.PUHPOSU-LAND AO'1': 80820 ASD: 23440 AO: O.OOO S!': 449 SPEC,PUHPOSII-1ilIpHOVHMbN A0'l': 18?670 ASD: 54420 AC. 0.000 Sr,': 850 1'(J'I'AL VALUE $269,490 ASSUSSED 06/30/96 LS,I OHANGE 04/22/91 $77,860 tirvgiln r aGGlu P0 BOx 38e? VAIL 000193 G0rtr CHU$K DR I NoV No.: Sibling: p020599 Ex Sibling: I,I;GAL:OO?9 GORE OHSEK PLAZA UNIT; 1, tsK:o226 pG:0170 DOC DATS:LO/OI/7Z D00 TypE: 11'D sAl.,.us p.nrc.E: $42,oootsK:0250 pG:0964 DOc DA,l'u:1,2/L5/76 DOu,l'ypt;: l.{D SALES pfrtc!; : g64,000 tsK-046? Pc-0480 QCD 08-87 CONDO-LAND AOI': 61310 AsD; 5970 A0: 0.000 St': 604c()ND0s-rnpH()vuMEN'l's A0r: 353090 ASD: 34390 A0: 0.000 St,: 86? TOTAL VALU.U $414 , 400 $40 , 360 ASSSSS$D 06/30/96 LS,l' 0HANGE O6/Lt/97 s"rr*at": 008317 sl'A'l'us: A Parcel No: 2101 082 13 001 C() 81658-3827 'l'AC: 103 Mi1I Levy: 43.490 VAlL Yr tsuilt: 7l Dec Date Hec'd: 'sr;rzhettr. AT vAlL lNc: 18S g()$$ cRI:uK DR vAlL,l OOO183 GOTiE OHEBK DH 0() 81657 VAlL ,.n.U?e: 011533 STATUS: A Parcel No: 2101 082 10 006'l'AC: 103 I'tiLI l,evy: 43.490Yr tsuilt: 69 Oec Date ttec'd:NOV Slo,: Sibling: l;x Sibling: ,!-,EOAL:0198 VA]L V]LLAGIi I.'1L]NG I.tsLKr 5ts tJoT: A PT OT' tsr{:03?6 pc:0800 DOc DA'l'$:01/03/84 Doc ryp$: wD SALES pHlc!;; $?32,900 tsK-0225 PG-o204 wD 07-25-72 BK-O232 PG-0841 Qc0 01-08-74 BK-o3?6 PG-o?99 QCD r2-31-83 uulTr-usr;(3 r.ln MoliE)-LA Ac,l': 2220130 ASD: 643840 AL:: 0,000 S!.: 77767lfut,Tl-usg(3 0n [r0]i]d]-lM AC'I,: 356?590 ASD: 1034600 AL;: 0,000 St': 28441 Plt!,1 soHriD : 00100 3 7 T0TAL VALUU $5 ,797 ,7tO $1 ,6?8,440 ASS!:SS!:D 06/30/96 LSI CHANGE 02/09/98 Louc^d PHoPEH'I'rus lNLl Iq4 E GOftE O}T!].EJK DH VAIL OOO158 GORE CHUSK DR c() 81657 VAI.L s.fr*ot : 00994I s'l'A'l'us r A Parcel No; 2101 082 Z1 001'l'A0: 10;J t"1i1l Levy; 43.490 Yr -tsuilt l 69 Dec Date Hec'd:NoV No.: Sibling: Ux Sibling: L.UGAL : 0111 LOIJG!] AP'l' , COND . ( l'HE ) UN I'l' : 13 2 tsK-0219 PG-0801'l'YP-0 MI;RCHANDISING-LAND ACI: 141000 ASll: 40890 Acr: 0.000 St': 564 MEHOHANDISING-1MPHOVSMIi AC'l': 478480 ASD: 138760 Ac: 0.000 S!': 832 'l'O'r'AL VALUE $619,480 $179,650 ASS!;SSED 07 /24197 LS'l' CHANGE l0/27 /97 " nivl)url, PJuHO o. ,o*tr- 415 lro8rN Dn sEltssO'r'a 000n93 GOn$ cHr;EK DH NoV No.: Sibling: LTJGAL:OO?9 GOHE CTTb.EK PI"AZA, UNIT:3 BK:0222 p$i069? D00 DA'I'E: 12/2217! .DoC'l'ypE BK:0295 PG:03?5 DOC DAT$: LL/30/79 DOC 'I'YPI: BIE:0309 pc:0143 uOc uetu,l09/Ot/80 DOc 'l'ypt; B[,:0498 pc:0998 DoL: DATE:I2/L9/88 DoO 'l'ypE ""nt": 008319 srA'fus: A Parcel- No: 2101 082 13 003 b'L 34236 'I'AL]: 103 MilI L,evy: 43 .490 VAIL Yr tsuilt t 7t $x liibling: l)ec Date llec'd: l.llD sALgs PRIOE: $40,800 WD SALiHS PHICE: $157,500 WD SALES PHI0I;: $185,000 WD SALES PRIoE: $201,200 CONDO-IJANI)A0T: 80920 ASD: 7880 A0: 0.000 S!': 604 c0NDoti-rMPt{0vur4$N'r's Aot': 459180 As.D: 44'120 Ac| 0.000 s!': 1138 TOTAL VALUE $540,100 $52,600 ASS$tiSElr 06/30/96 LST CHANGE Ot/26/98. ' nclgtrou,ts'l', 'HAHL", nl #() tsOx 686 VAIL OOO193 GORE ORF]EK DH NOV No. : Sibling: LI]GAL:0079 GOHU ORUEK PLAZA uN I'l' : 4 00 81658 VAl Lllx Sibling: s"i,et*: 00832r s'l'A'I'usi A Parcel No: 2101 082 13 004't'AO: 103 MilI Levy: 43,49tYr fiuilt: 7l .Dec Date Hec'd : OON|O-LAND ACr: 71110 ASU: 6930 Ac: 0.000 St': 604 CONDOS-11'lPHOVti!'lllNt'S AC'l': 236070 ASD: 2299i, AC: 0.000 Sl': 833 'l'o'l'AL VALT E $307,190 $29,920 ASSESSED 06/30/!J6 l,S,l' CHANGE t)4/22/91 ' si'Atrr$H., HTHMANN O -P0 tsox 5000 VAIL OOO2O1 GOHI; CRUUK DR NOV No.: Sibling: LI]GAL: O7O5 BELL .I'OW!]H CONDO UNl'l' ;0- I tsK:0498 PG:0705 IJOC DA'j'U:01101/89 DOC'1'yPE: wD SAL-biS PRi-OE: $760,0u0 tsK-0498 PG-0?03 SPEC. PURPOSE-LANIJ AOl : 3458U0 ASD i 1OO28O AL:: O , OOO S!': l-7Z9 sP!;O. PURP0SU-IMPHOVEI"IEN ACI': 964ti10 ASD: 2797 40 AC" 0. 000 S!': 4258 PRU SCHED: 0008985 'fo'l'Aj., VALUE $1, J10,410 $380,020 ASSESSED o7l24lg'.l LS'l' OHANGE 02/06198 ""nt": 006886 sl'A'fus: A Parcei- No; 2101 082 63 001 OO 81658-5u00 'l'AC: 103 llill Levy: 43.490vAlL Yr tsuilt: 69 Ux Si-bl-ine : Dec Date Hec'd: 'sfrr.,J. torr,!:R "o*'r^o*, uO ON$ fUTiTLTI C}I!;EK VILLAG!: . 38?8. fJAi( LAWN AVU S'l's 606 lrAl,IlAs 000e01 cOri$ CHEEK DH NOV No.: Sibling: LSGAL:0?05 tsf:Ll, 'r'o}|lER 00ND0 s.n"t.: 006899 tirATus: A Parce1 No: 2101 082 63 013 't'x 7 52t9-447 t 'l'Ac: 103 t'1i11 Levy: 43 . 490VAIL Yr tsui]t: 69lix Sibling: Dec Date itec'd: UNIT; H-1 BK:0570 pG:0340.DOC DAT!;t0t/O1/92 DOC,fypt;: wD SALES ptr,.tcE: $376,000 tsK-0498 PG-0703 tsK-o570 Pc-0319-23 ltlD 12-31-91 tsK-0570 Pc-o330-2 t{,D 01-01-92 BK-o570 Pc-o338 lt|D 01-01-92 tsK-0580 Pc-0179 WD O5-t2-92 cONtx)-t ANt)A0r: 240560 AsD; 23430 AC: 0.000 S!': 1463 C(JNDOS-TMPHOVEMXN'IS AC'f; 1369480 ASD: 133390 AC: 0.000 S!': 3427 Pni; scH.uD: 0008985 I'O'I'AL VAj,UE $1,610,040 S156,820 ASSE$$EU 06,/30/96 LST CHANGE Ot/t5/98 ' swt,l'z.g& I'AM1l,Y LP .0N!l s |4AD1SON S't' H0cKt'0Ht) s"ntr.: 010206 s'l'A'I'us: A Parce] No: 2101 082 12 001'l'AC: 103 Mill Levy:. 43.19u Yr -tsuil-t: 'it Dec Date Hec'd: 1L 61104 VAl LOOOZZ3 E GOHE C]H!]UK DH NOV No. : Sibling: P002106 Ux Sibling: LEGAL: OO56 CHEEKSlDE (JONDO UNll':1 BK:0220 PG:039J DCl0 DAI'II tO4/A8/71 DOC I'ypU: WD SALSS pH10!l ; $50,000 tsK-0233 PG-0450 t{u 02-15-74 tsK-0730 PG-0699 QCD 06-25-97 OONDO-LANI)ACI: 68710 ASD: 669{J AC: : 0.000 St': 887 coND0s-lMpHOVEfrEN'r'S AC'l': 486990 ASD: 47430 A0: 0.000 S!': 1493 'l'o'l'A.l, VALUII $555,690 $54,120 ASsrjssED 06/30/96 LS'"r' CHANGE II/03lS7 Vo.ndt (ro df/ luvA rJ* ,-ipdq*K. t'lririue qr^- ,to,rt", IICGIVEHN, J.l',, 11 & MARGIE A . 3461 SW MACVICAH 'I'OPEKA OOO223 E GOHE L:HEgK DR NOV No.: Sibling: LIGAL: OO56 OREEKSIDg CONDO UNlT I 2 tsK.0222 pc:0735 DOc DA'r,.hi tsK:0265 PG:0309 uOC DATE tsK:0365 PG:0932 DOC DATI] tsK:0401 pc:0?59 Doc DA,I'E o007896 sl'Al'Us: A - H0W, JU Parcel Nol 2101 082 12 002 KS 66611 I'AC: 103 t'1i11 Levy: 43.490VAIL Yr tsuilt: 7l Ex Sibling: ljec Date Rec'd: |ZIUL/IL DOC t'YP!;; WD SALtriS PHICE: $63,000OL/03/78 D00 TYP$; wD sAL!:li PHlcl; : $1?0,00008/10/83 DOO TYPII ;GWD SAL.ES Plt-t0$: $125,000A5/09/84 D0(: T'YP.EjrGll/D 5ALE$ PHICE: $100,000 71610 ASD: 69?0 AC I 0,000 St': tIZl 505050 AsD; 49190 AO: 0.000 S!': 1560 $5 76 , 660 $56 , 160 cE 06/19197 BK-O223 PG-0295. QCD 02-23-72 tsK-o360 PG-0267 OOD 09-30-81 tsK-0500 PG-0113 Gt,/D 12-30-88 tsK-0500 PG-0114 GWll 12-30-88 c(]Nu0-LANt)AOT; CONDOS-TMPHOVEMENI'S ACI': 'I'O'I'AL VAI,UE ArisEssED 06/30/96 LS'l' CHAN 'vdndr,r*nr cAIoLYN u ,t'n,rt!* ".P0 BOx 560K$SWI[:K vA 2294',1 0a0223 ti GOHlj c]R!;!;K DR vAlL NOV No.: Sibling: P006184 Ex Sibling: I,TIGAL : OO56 CHI;.HKSIDI] CON-DO UNI T: 3 tsK?ozzo pG: 0660 DOc DA'l'u :04 lO8/77 tsK.0244 pG: 0151 DOC DA'l's :12/03 l7 5 tsKto272 PG:0236 DoC DAT!;|.O7 /13/78 tsK;0281 PG:0911 DOC DATE: 07 /!3/78 tsK:0550 PG:09?8 DOC DAI'E204/0L/91 tsK:0689 PG:07'.|I D()0 DA'l't;: 03/06196 OOND0-LAND A0'l': 51260 OONDOS-II.4PHOVUf,lt;NTS Ac'l': 373330 'I.0TAL VALUE $424,590 Asri!;*isulJ 06/30/96 Ls'l' cHANcE 0L/76/98 s.fr"t" : 009389 sTAl us; AParcel No: 2101 082 12 003'I'AC: 103 !1il-1 Levy: 43.490 Yr tsuiIt: 7l Dee Date Hectd: DOC DOU D0c D0c DOC DOC ASD: ASD: 'I'YPE: WD SALES PRIL]!;.I,YPE; WD SAL!:S PHI.CI; TYPI;; WD SALI]S PH1CE TYPI; SWD SALT]S PTiIOE I'YPS; WD SALIJS PR1CE.I'YPE: WD SAI-,!;S PTiIC!; 4990 AC: 36360 AC: $41,350 0 0 000 s_r,':000 st': $48, 000 $71 ,000 $110,000 $110 , oo0 $341 , oo0 $437,500 111 10 1075 bciiublruoltc, ttusssr,L ".O DoHorHy M. *t8,?,.*.,ts ;filoyu t t, s.n"a?*,Parcel No: 008685 STATUS; A 2101 082 12 004103 Mill Levy: 43.490'tt 9$f{V$ri c0 80?31 rAC: OOOEz3 U GORE CHEEK DH VAIL Yr tsUilt: NOV "l{o. : sibling: P001758 Ux tiibling: IJU0A&: 0056 Cl*;t:KSIDE C0ND() UNIT:4 sK:0220 PG:0391 DOC DATU:04/Og/71g*Q221 PG;0264 D()0 DATEzL2/2I/72 $f,:0?.27 pG:0263 D()0 DATE:t2/27/72 ; tsK;0265 PG:0879 DOC DAI'H:It/28/77 tsK.-o557 PG-0097 tsSD 0Z-0?-90 Q0lrllXFl,ANl)gof{ltos - lHPtio v }r}firN'l's Dec Date liec t d: DOO 'I'YPE: WD SALIS PITIOE: DOC TYPI: WD $AI,ES PRICH: DOc 't'YPg: WD SAL$S PHICB: DOC TYPE: WIJ SALI;S PHIOS: A0f: 51260 AsD:ACT; 373330 AsD: 4990 AC: 36360 A0: $41,350 0.000 st':0.000 s!': $50,000 $29,000 $29 r oo0 $87,900 1019 1075 AS$E$S$$ 0-8/30/96 LST CHANGE 04/22/97 'Hiilu-r ,ut;AN ". nur"ruo^o 9211 lLrrrKl{ffADoW ""n"OQ": 008264 srATUs: A Parcel No: 2101 482 21 00erHOU$'l'O!r 'tx 77025 'l'Ac: 103 MiLf Levy: 43.490 0001?4 U cOHfi ctiEUK DH vAlL Yr tsuilt: 69 NOV flo.: Sibling: P001959 tlx Sibling: Dec Date Hec'd; ,L!;GAL:0111 LODGU APT. OOND. (TH!:) UNIT: 133i BK:021'l PGt0668 D()0 DAI'E:03/!2/70 DOC 't'ypB: t{D sALrjS pRLcg: $35,900 BK:0236 PG:0510 DOC DAT!:z09lo4/74 D()0 TypE: wD SALES pHrct: $?0,000 BK-0552 PG-0757 04-25-91 CoNI)0-LAND AC.r: 91850 ASD: 8950 AC: 0.000 Sr': 768 u0NIlo$-rHPfr0v!;Mr;NTs Acr': 418340 AsD: 40750 A0: 0.000 sf': 1056 l'0'l'AL VALU!: $510,190 $49,700 Atis$ssED 06130/96 LS'l' UHANGE 04/22/97 l;.qiuitvo,r wAL'ftiH o. - ,t, MAHy LoursE s"rr.alrru r 00tt94z s,r,A,l'us: A po tsox ?6? -J'l' Parcel No: 2101 082 21 o03 BHI;CKENRIDGE 0o 80424 'l,ALr: 103 !1i11 Levyl 43,490 000160 GOHU CR!;UK DR vAlL yr Built: 6g NOV No.: Sibling: Ex Sibling; ltec Date Rec'd: LEGAL : 0111 LODGII Ap1' . COND, ( 't'HE ) UNIT: 134 tsK:0738 PG:0263 D()0 DA'I'U:.09/2t/9'l D()0'l'yp!l :S}{D SALES pHtCt; : $350,000 tsK-0219 PG-0801 MBRCHANDISIir-G-LAND AC't'l 8?000 ASD: 25230 AC: 0 .000 Sl. : 348 I4EHCHANDISING-rMPROVlll',1I; Ac'l': 290490 ASD: 84240 AC]' 0.000 st': 507 1'0'l'AL VALUU $377 ,490 $ 109 , 470 AssssssD 07 /24/97 LS'l' c:HANcE 12/tJ+/97 ir<itir.ri'*rr.r- wot-,,l' pnop"nr'r0"r,, s"r,"J,r-r.: 009e4r s'r'A,r,us: A P() tsOX 991 parcel No: 2101 0BZ 21 004AVON O0 81620 'r'AC: 103 Mill Levy: 4:1 .490000160 coRH cRlrEK DH vArL yr tsuilt: 69 NOV No. : Sibling: Er Sibling: uec Date Rec'd: LIIGAL:0111 LODGU Ap'l'. CIONI), ('l'HH) UNll':13ti tsK:0738 pG:0266 Dr)c DA,I'E|.09/23/97 D00'I'yp!l :swD SALES pHrcu: $iJ50.000 tsK-0219 PG-0801 M!;HC}IANDISING-LAND AC'I': 87OOO ASD: 25230 AC: O.OOU S}.': :I 48 MiiHLTHANDISING-IMPHOVUMIi Ac'l': 290490 ASD: 84240 At): 0,000 s!': bu'l '1'0'l'At, VALUU $377,490 $109,470 ASS!;SSSD 07 / 24 / 97 LS'l' CTHANG E La / 27 / 97 3ul1iiffirrr, 'AHL'' u. *Qur*o ".652 Trlr$l;lr CHEST ClH " HrcH&AJlil) vll,r,Ac!; 000164 Goltl; CREHK .DH NoV No, ; Sibling: lix Sibling: ,,gGAL:0111 lJOlJGl; APl'. COND. (THE) UNI.T:138 tsK:0681 pG:0471 DOC DATg|tt/15/95.DOC TypE:SWD SALUS prilc!;; $?92,000 $K-02,19 Pc-0801 U$HSHANDI$ING-LAND ACT: 8?OOO ASD: 25230 AC: O.OOO SF': 348 Mr;l{cHANDTSING-rMpH()v!,;}48 AOf: 290490 ASD: 84240 AC. 0.000 St'; 50? TOTAL VAl,Ut; $377,490 $109,470 AS$!:SSED 06/30/96 LST OHANGE 04/22/91 tx 75067 VAIL v Schedul"e r 009944 Sl'Af US; AParcel No: 2101 082 21 005I'A0: 103 1"1i11 Levy; 43.490 Yr -Buil-t; 69 Dec Date ltec'd: e t.?dt I Pfoiwt Application o*e 812189 o Proiect Name: goR€. GREEK PtAzI BUItgIilg PENTIpUEE Proiect DescriDtion: Contact Person and Phone Owner,Addressandphone: RoD AND BETH SLIFER Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date f h. C L-Js(rE- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ILL E statf Approval Projrct"Application Proieci Description: conract person and phone l{El GIilATHMEY Owner, Address and Phone:RUil ANJ BET|I SLIFgR Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board l -l Date Motion by: Seconded bv: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL .. -. , .. ::l,\ Summary: il i nerTown Pl E statt Approval tr l.l tr lT e-c.,\t'\r\. ,l\--l 5f tr +. Its{ F -$ Ii r$ 0i $t1f I ILttr\T I $ tF c,+' rl at -lf-t-d F nt ; -c:5F \ I Y S,Fsr\ _.,+ -il s ril ffi OF5-T\ N -tI $0- vs 0/J r-eEi S' s9t+tt.-_==1 'i$ 4t* &J'* $Fl' I $ $ fl $ Ur 5l 6;,l $lrlill fvl $tJIol frlrt ,, i 5 d' -s $0 FROM: DATE: SUR]ECT: rr. Planning and Environrnental Commission Comrnunity Development Department July 24, L989 A request for a height variance in order to constructaddition to the core Creek Plaza Building.Applicants: Rod and Beth Slifer r.DESCRIPTTON OF VARTANCE REQUESTED Thel applicants are reqluesting a height variance in orderconistruct an addition to the penthouse unit at the GorePlaza Building. The reguest would result in an additionapproximately 756 square feet of gross residential floorareF. I The portj-on of the roof being raised consists of a gableplaced in the north-south direction of the west side of thebuiil-ding, plus the enclosure of a deck with an extension onthel northeast corner. The existing height of the ridge is 48feet,.naking this building height legal, nonconforrnin!. Theexisting building slopes down to 32 feet on the north side, andi the portion on the northeast corner where the additionwil!- be varies fron 40 feet to 43 feet. The gable addition on the west will match the 49 feet of theexisting ridge and will not be trigher than the existingridge. The proposed addition on the northeast corner wiltvary from 44 feet to 49-t/2 feet. The variations in heighton the northeast corner are partially caused by a change ofgrade between core Creek Drive and the Gore cr6ek promenade. to Creekof Thel main criteria for the variance are cornpliance with theUrban Design Considerations retating to height, along withthei standard variance criteria. IA. I Co{rpliance l.{ith lhe UTban Desiqn Considerations forBuildinq Heiqht in Vail Villaqe Buildinq Heiqht The Urban Design Considerations state: ItBasically, the viJ-lage Core is perceived as a mix oftwo and three story facades, although there are alsofour and five story buildings. The urix of buildingheigttts gives variety to the street--which is desiiable. NDTNGS The height criteria are intended to encourage height and massing variety and to discourage uniforrn buildingheights along the street. The definition of height shall be as it is in the VailMunicipal Code. Building height restrictions in Commercial Core I shall be as follows: 1. Up to 6Ot of the building (building coverage area) rnay be built to a height of 33 feet or less. 2. No more than 4Ot of the building (buildinq coveraglearea) may be higher than 33 feet, but not higherthan 43 feet.... 4. The above heights are based on an assumed 3 feet in 12 feet or 4 feet in 12 feet _roof pitches. To accommodate and encourage steeper roof pitches (up to 6 feet in 12 feet), slight, proportionate height increases could be granted so long as the height of the building side walls ls not lncreased.rl The percentage of the building over 43 feet is proposed to be increased as follows: Chanqe in Roof Heiqhts With Proposal I of roof I of roof above below 33 ft 33 ft & below 43 feet * of roof above 43 ft 322 '\ /t'1J dt-'Existing Proposedi L7Z T7Z 118 >rla sLz 7 22 t tet't' ta t '' "l 'Li Lv Although the roof does not match the proportions forroof height stated in the building height consideration,staff believes that the proposed roof pLan meets theintent of the conEideration. The proposed west roof hasa 6 feet in 12 feet pitch which the consideration encouragtes. Despite the fact that the northeast roofpitch ls L/4n in 12 feet, the roof wilL not appear to beflat due to its location on the building. The enc.result is that there is variety in building height and massing shich the consideration strongLy supports. Consi-deration of Variance Factors: Upon review of Criteriaof the nunicipal code, Developnent recornrnends variance based upon the and Findings, Section L8.62.060the Department of Conmunity approval of the requestedfollowing factors: B. 2. 1. Th? rglationship of the requested variance to othereTigtinq or potential uses and structures in thevicinity. Applicant,s Response: The relationship of building height variance toother structures in the vicinity irnplies that theGore Creek Plaza building may becorne a break in thecontinuous repetition and will increase interest inarticulated roof forms, add variety and visualimpact to the street and pedestrian travel . Staff's Response: The height of the Sitzmark nuilding to the west is50 feet from the highest point, 43 feet on the eascand south sides, sloping to a small portion on thewest side that is 25 feet high. The height of the Bell Tower Building is el feet onits south, east and west sides and 50 feet on itsnorth side. When one considers the heights of the adjacentbuildlngs, it is clear that the core creek plaza Building is in keeping with its neighbors. to which relief from the strict andliteraltation and enfor tofaspeciflation is necess to ach evetand unifornity of treatment amonn the vicin or to attain the ob ecti.vesof this title without qrant of special pr v j-lege. Applicant,s Response: The degree of requested relief fron the existingbuilding height can be seen in the roof plan heightpercentages. The proposed roof area does not exceed the present overall height and only exceedsthe roof area above 43 feet by 2LZ. Staff Response: The fact that the adjacent buildings are alsohigher than the Urban Design Guide plan recourmendation of 43 feet, nakes the request for aheight variance not one of special privilege. eff of the varlance ht anddisributionulationtraffii facilities l-ic fac 3. utiliti.es, and public safetv. tion and e: th sti l-s Applicant's The efbe see on alrpuplic \\Staff Respo R",dJ" {eet pfn in/the , popula safetll'' nse: e rer neg ed variance on light can shadow study. The effectportation, utiJ.ities andle. t NSib antralis The factor to be considered here is the effect onfight and public facilities. The proposal will add 151 square feet of shadow to the core Creek Promenade, while adding approxinately 160 squarefeet of pavers further west. Please see accompanying nemo. III. Such other factors and criteria as the cornmission deemsapplicable to the proposed variance. IV. FINDTNGS The Planninq and Environmental- Commission shall make thefollowinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the limitations onother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detri-mental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or materially injuriousto properties or inprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcernent of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe same district. F. v.STAFF RECOI.IMENDATION The staff reconmends approval of the requested variance because it brings th€ roof nore into compliance trith theUrban Design Considerations and confonns to the variancecrLterl.a. The fact thbt the adJacent pqopertles are also. lfeher than the helght recsrulended in ttie Urban Deaigm GrfiaePlan negates the issue of special privilege. t"/ aluitax G7; rFD I l I i, / t, I I I l^-\ ,t-.> ^^)<a L*+1 - \-D*----- @EcWF.N/l= ',/,r* ?+Ac==-+ e+$€Dr^J €fuFlf !* -:,;. --eNroltns vzvtd y=r=Hc $ Et (r' { s- N .S $z J3 ffid ud $t0s (-z .s -: tl *\ o7L u xg a 5 n\F IL I ItIL No r$ JC N. -!$ a IHr $$r Ir; rF$ s+ CJ $!t- \.Rt- ril ir\ *[ $nn ilrc\i $t{s ;-d i*f.lgtlu l tz A5\tr ,l} $,il u _('^{Ll + N r0 0 a $i $t $$N. $$ *i \ tl)\ {+ $+r.l e!T\\ -\L $l F o $ + ,D rq$trO .ra tr Lq rl $r{lt I ,,._ lf(q\ -q f{'\.\ t'J \l r\..a $l\\ !- .\ \.*-+F{t X_ \!.ilL\ r-rilh a- {\ .:{ 'i .iJ t- _\.. t' *i''' -a'x:dI\ iJ rl :ll I1 '.t \J \\i a ra\\ 'n-^'1 'l TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Planning and Environmental Cornruission Conrnunity Development Department JuLy L0, L989 A request for an exterior alteration ofPlaza Building, Block 58, Vail VillageApplicants: Rodney and Beth Slifer n-"PY/tt the Gore CreekFirst Filinq. I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The applicants are requesting an exterior alteration in order tobuild an addition of approxinately 256 square feet to thepenthouse unit at the Gore creek plaza building. This includesthe rearrangernent of the floor plan and adding to the northeastcorner of the unit. The arteration also involves the additionof gables on the north and south elevations. A height variancewill be necessary and is explained in the accompanying neno. The owners are proposing to add paving and seating improvementsto the Gore Creek Promenade along the north side of the buildingaccording to the master plan for that area to mitigate the shadeirnpact on the Promenade. (See attached sketch.) IT. ZONTNG CONSIDERATTONS The following surnmarizes the zoning statistics regarding thisexterj.or alteration request: 2. 4. L. Zone district Commercial Core I Lot area 7,535 square feet Density No change GRF'A (8Ot of 7,535) AllowableExisting Renaining Proposed 6r028 sg. ft. 5,L47 sg. ft. 881 - 756 ?3[ Bremains if addition is approved dr-', ,b 5. Site coverage No change 6. Heiqht L8.24.L20 Height states, fiHeight shall be as regulated inthe Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and DesignConsiderations,tr See accompanying memo. 7. Parkinq No change 8. Site Coveraqe No change. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTTON OF COMMERCIAL EORE I 18.24.01O Purpose: The Comrnercial Core I district is intended toprovide sites and to maintain the uniguecharacter of the Vail Village commercial area,with its mixture of lodges and commercialestablishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District isintended to ensure adequate light, air, openspace, and other amenities appropriate to thepernitted types of buitdings and uses. Thedistrict regulations in accordance with the VaiIVillage Urban Design Guide Plan and DesignConsiderations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightlyclustered arranqements of buildings fronting onpedestrian ways and public greenways, and toensure continuation of the building scale andarchitectural gualities that distinguish theViIlage. This proposal is iir conpliance with the purpose section ofthe Conmercial core I Zone District. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILI,AGE A. Pedestrianization: The applicant proposes to add a paver area of approxinately 160 square feet with seating as part of the master plan forthe Gore Creek Promenade. The design calls for a seni- ,z\ , circle of pavers with a bench. The staff feels these improvements are very positive additions to the Gore Creek Promenade. B. Vehicular Penetration! No impact. C. Streetscape Framework: No impact. D. Street Enclosure: The feeling of the street enclosure will change only rniniurally. E. Si,reet Edqe: No impact. F. Buildinq Heiqht: See accompanying memo. c. Views: No rnajor adopted view corridors are affected. Theapplicants' view study with overlays of the expansion indicate the anount of inpact on the view toward Vail Mountain as seen from ground on the north side of Gore Creek is minirnal . H. Service and Deliverv: No impact. I. Sun,/Shade: The Urban Design Considerations state: ItDue to Vail's alpine climate, sun is an important confort factor, especially inwinter, fatl and spring....Atl new or expanded buildings should not substantially increase the spring and fall shadow pattern (l'{arch 21 through Septenber 23) on adjacgntproperties or the public right-of-way. " lfhe shade onto Blu's dining patio and onto the pedestrian sidewalk are important consideratLons, especially in the sunmer months when Blu,s uses the outdoor dining patio. Inthe sumrner there is no change in the amount of shade ontoeither Blu's deck or onto the sidewalk, because the shadowfalls only upon existing roofs. ' ..at The sidewalk that runs along the core Creek Promenade is 10feet vide next to Blurs dining deck. During the equinox(about March 21 and Septernber 23), the existing building shades Blu's deck completely and the shadow also fallsacross 3 feet of the adjoining sidewalk. With the newproposal , the shade on the sidewalk during the equinox isincreased 7 feet (naking a total of LO feet) along a lengthof 23 feet. Thus, the total square footage of theincreased shadow on the sidewalk is 161 square feet. We feel that the addition of the seni-circle to the west of where the shade impact occurs offsets the impact nade bythe shadow onto the portion of sidewalk in front of Blurs.Furthemore, the added pavers extend beyond the existingsidewalk which places the pavers in a sunnier location thanthe existinq sidewalk. STAFF RECOMII{ENDATION The staff reconnendation is for approvat. l{e feel the exterioralteration complies with the Design Considerations for VailVi11age. The project also creates a significant improvement tothe Gore Creek Promenade. The Town will be responsible fornaintaining the inprovements on To\,.rn of Vail land. The TownCouncil rnust also give final approval to the improvement beforeDesign Review approval is final . If the proposal is approved, the staff recommends the followingconditions of approval: L. the applicants agree to construct the irnprovements on theaifaShe{4ralllng and pay for all the improvements at their eXPenSe. 44r' 2. The applicants agree to not remonstrate against a special irnprovement dj.strict if and when formed for Vail Vil1age. 3 lri" 4.c o ;''^'r/ *-Lo' *o'(( kn* oa-- fo* 1 eftorns y33HCvz'?rd 6 a. L $t xg -l it rl rLl $lql s_! L &{o $' ct}i d.r-{r\ r$N^$ t{'\L+ t \O =C\q \^Y!'N'\ ,.r\ \s<\ tr. f\tt .I1C turi\ ;.- I L- iii i-i! hr ,n iU :r\ u- I\' ,.' lttt l$l{.e) lLtil(, r\\ .Y -rr- s. 7F $ Y r$ TL \ s :,1 j ...:i :l ..sTo\ :. ri- UI ia r'tii \c -!fL\.,T$*$ C-t-t'r\ .j.jJ iJ ti).l$ r_-.lt_tst tltr illtililrl| | L--. li \' \-tt--- r { t- N .9 FzgI d5 =#$-j u4ifft OE I F ft 7 fi\ t+ ,{ ltfilar o'^ GIJ + N .h 0 7 d4UIJut- $il u$ $# z, i.{,JL,1 lJ- t-:oO$cc\ o\ ,s $ \ {+ i[ u-(ii a \I e? '!_ \Fl) .r- f;$*v \-\t*,\ ,"''tt, {v $l F g $ + o 0,"\ $5trrq rl {. tt-t$:{ lt :- {\ ' -?{ -_. P 'f .. t' t': .r ^O1- rt :tLtr .J ,\ qt ti t ,il- \:J _:AF-W_1}"8*{; tVq^;--+-FCtPe ''' F@,19 47 teeT ---Wy-5lo/o- Fe{eTtFlC2W F{Ar{ _,-@ €-&e4fitDe+.+W. fastt-rz 1;-tb Herzi*T -.ur1W.-. - -vr* I l-t :ffiFot' :a126:_ t/v'- l'-a{ oo k"EF 4 ?'e @,-o*q?@*W-o* l1e/o A€EA'6:Eryv@1''6vo*t+>-fwT' A?reox lt % Ae40?P@W+.bqOPftrat' 1L"/" fro@Ep ut7V1pl-J6F-?* rl^{*f \ a.lor- s;l @E-Pw F+"A?vfr:2. 44W-7ffiffii- frull- -+@ffi44ff €rt\rV(-.4..< tv I t-'t1-n.u t/tetl, lla" .{tf d 0 IoI$ bxtll n 7- oJ d 9 l- h fi $f ffi $ r $ 5 f- IIrJ r|T $l{ {lI$ $l$$ V n f,o J 0 tr h d/ Io 1ilIt€rar $z I h -0) ) + *+ !r7 6 p & \I $X [r $ vr- IL 0 t[ d ltr $ fr 'tr $F s7 J4 HT[ ilsr$[ ,l t- t-,l* EAag o" Are EXLc;nxVz +oC '4 I '.d fiFT?o ^,-Jl{&el'l' I. fPL.rJ'€zl h I t{p+fi+Wk 1rs1 @eqw_flrryA eutLhtqa >ttAffi- ,t s+trrrrru.) €rutr)r <"HEFr bA ?t .$f d o II 0'L F frlll n u 7. oI ill 5 il $ rqr r'- $IJ t fn q* utL$T0$ t $ i t * $f ftT TEI\AK5 &D tr.vtl-.\ litl+--l j t .*.S tn d* $$' \ {;l '$ i. -$.'e $,*d \ 5$s i{ {r D_-_*.. ( \,E t L \- rI 5i I IJ t$ls /r i$tf l$l,'ls7 s [J $ rliir Hlu IU ,lv ru tfs' G:rn -s FT $ at.-h x -0 $ il \ r $ T rll 1+ $ $ + I'I '$ o + ,<--\ lrl=\+Jsfi3}s. R 'Ss - .#=_ €$i.*s: €ffi 6 1'.\* --*F s.S- *1ss=JE -9.€3t,-E ,g €5 c d,= Ed-g ..F EF =-\G' .55 sEs> c! +S'5 !g. .s-:t es -.s fs s = *..*S $$ €=*Ei= \l UN +L € =s .g (5 c ,gI-8 N J Ts$ ,s E tfT Eg e.l> F$ Ig'5tr =FFS -* sF+ -ui"s /-i>/-3.S / --suq/-- I I \ \ \ Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 3f&{.76-1147 Jui-B za, tqbl ToHsl aF y*u- aiHLJHt-iy peyaqn=AT ?=z @z &eta tut+ E uiur.*._v2ta+ 4=4,2W-fr,t{h?ru c*Tat-|, Fag- v4.rp_1_;g3 IlJ re+,rU4EZ Ta f?\Frf IDi =14-;.'i? 1 , z i+ 1. Tf+a ?€ffita^l€i-{lF aF uJl''.1,& He.','ta \/re'*t.&Ta ql-t*- ?-1F.-4n)pE? ti.t THa vt4il._ltTf 1ni2- te+.'iiAT Tue aapE e?edtL ?-ro,hg'rri..FlFr=2 ,-,A.\r fup,,A 44"t2 tFl Tt{6 aELAFVu+ F€?STtTiar_J ANp /tu-l*'r-=r*r,e Haew2T tu AETI aut4o-=D, &zF @?, ,.',oY*p.tgry AHp .-ttczlbw tA?AeT To 1:Fte AT?ET*U!zP€ e e az-ar,+l -fEArGtL, z. T,.e o@ oF frqge=.r* ?=rte? €pr:, -,*.4 g*a,ldza.;"'F*<> teto*T eJ eE 4#Z* rg TF.tEt .4F n-,A}..{?Eue*t w?JT/*aee,.a;le ?=e7a4g2 %= t?e|. w€+]df Sx<EE,r= TFg ftZe,e+f A/ep^L fr?rz,64 l|.;l>@FJLY ?xC=*,aHe F@ #ets Atut> 4+ F?_qbY eu.'Y ta"L +. +4e 'a?ga e? Feuearr=> uoir,rq+=ea ex u@rff 4+JW TF.ia ?f1-a a+l l'll? / ?o=u,gest,ft,,*;i*=7ffoJUTiu1p4, **? ?Jouc ?pFqX t4 trgl(eLtorpt_g- -+re<r,fu'_;y ev>tl F;<i.<.-J5'--n-1.*"*i .A€d.-. ikl " Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 38-47&1r47.5-t3-95 I'15. EETEY ROilULACti., COI'lf,ltJf.JITY nE'IELnPHENT TOWN BF VAIL. RE: HEI,IODEL NF 15:] GORE CREEH FLAZA AFF'LICA lOF] FNFi EXI.ERIOR *L-TERATINNS NR I,IBSIFiCATINN!; :I T\I. CDI'4PIEECIA!- CORE 1, VAIL VIL!.-AfiE DEAF FET':;Y: IN ITESFNNSF" TN TTEH 4 OF THH AF.FLIC:AI-1ilf'I Fi]Ii: THE I3LAFININ6 CNHT4I';EIEN5 REVIEI.J: A. 'IHE .FEOFtr5I\I- IS IN CflFIITBF:I'IANCh- IJITH THE FI-IRP!.IFJFT OF THE CCI DISTFIIC:T... THE T]ROF.N:iEN I..If;E IE THE :iAI'IE AS TIIE EXIE;TI61g; I.I5E. E . I"HT FRNF.[:;AL :i{-Jfi:::::T.AF]T I AI.LY CNHFL I E::i I*II TH TFiE !,'A 1L V I LLAGE I.IRBAN DESIGN GI-I1P5 F'LAN REcjARDII-JG: I . F.EDEsTRI*T.JIIATIfiI']. . . . NO CHAI.JGT T. VEHICI.,LAE FENETEATITI{, , . NO ..:HAF.ICE: THERE ARE TI.'JO AIjS]G}JEI) t-JNnERajFi0l-tND ::PA.JE'.:: FDft Tl{E l-!r'.lT L :r . E;TREETFCAFE FRAI'lEl&rilF:tr: .. . LITTL.E DIFFEREF1CE FROFOEED j :*HtrLJLD EIE I,IOF]E II.iTERESTING I,JITH THE T|'4Itr GAFLE ENDS NN THE IJNI-,TH ELEVATION IJHICH UJILL P!IFR[F] 5IF1 ILAH i;ASLEE: ON THE EX I!:TII'J6 Lil$68 NORTH ELEVATION. 4. STREET EI.{CLOSIJRE; EFFECT NEGLIGIE;LE A5 THE EXF'AI.IT; IOI{ N$E:J NOT EXTEND OIJT F'A*T THE EXI::;TING FUILDINCi LINE 5. STREET EDGE. . . I.]O EFFECT h. BIJII.trII.JG HEIGHT.. 'JN HIGHER TI{AhI THE EXIE;TING FIIDGE. 7. VIEI,JFJ... NO EFFECT. :f . ::-1t-lf.l-!11969 C0N#InEHATION, . . . NFGL"I'JjIELE. t,,E HI]FE THIS INFORT4ATIOI.] FLIJS THE ENCLO::;EN FLAN:I ARE ADE(IUA]-E TNH THI:I SUEPIITTAL; IF NgT FLEAE|E DNN"T HESITATE TO CALL. tt'f'l 2- /.4I 0tt1( ry.- // Dea-4o ta,- / n.-ll ( U Q*-(,24-"-- 7 t L \z'-- -*lt4al'' /) J s 'e/rr Scr Fst< t7, , .t-tr hg ; z/X( s1 16, s- x 3c Z,f a /3.)- a4/ ffi - tr/ ?arl , / ^ tl(\t - ?" 1 - !' )t I €{ r f /7-- a:l l/ -1l-t 6 {,- -, .: L.i I tt r:'I: j ^/t 6-f,,(y' n, aJ. 4 L/ '>l' ) i ,, ,3.! exrar '-. )/rr*r,! ( -./ ,utq ( ir<o-7 /r l() yyr,goir Iail ?': /4 2-' -.Jt) *"(h / d -<- Jl;'- , /--l i. :/, .-V..r.', *t - " +y'-- L f#*: */u:/ 2 s-L6,7 721.2- 3 L L St, 7 0 ?,-' / , / (nL"r h{t ot -----14-lP-- -llto'* - '/r r I l'C ,'" ? .,uL<4..1'- '-t*'Z 1- l./t[*'' ('t'-c f^fi'-t Y?(- 1tY'7 r '/73 actLeo 1. fJr-s l- /' ;t,-"(:t(/'/h-- t, ot/ ,, f , //7 eil t {' "" Jo'- f;t-! *'!a O utr^'r-.'' c v1P'a) ,<- "ii.,qr, 3-i14 t(t_?Sg YLT \ G-"e,(!/r \ C'.s"/.t -- '-tl U o /:-- o 3 e(t -/aa-z az.L(4'--Kry /f, s, o a-O. vg fO, / il!,'J orlo foy'u eq-l,-z U 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2130 (303) 47$.2139 r-989l oftice of community developmenl JuIy 12, Mr. Ned GwathmeyBuff Arnold/Ned Gwathmey Architects l-000 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Gore Creek Plaza Buildinq exterior alteration and height variance Dear Ned, At the staff rneeting today, concern was expressed that the impact onBlu's Restaurant was not shown. We need to have a more detailed siteplan that shows where Blu's is and where their deck is. We will needto have a sun/shade study shown on the updated plan. Please subrnit this infornation by Monday, .fuly l.7th, by 8:30 in thenorning if possibJ-e. Sincerely, A"4 ,4t/"*/ Betsy R.osolack Planning Techinician BR;1r s'i.\ {\\ * \\F r-] l)Tl'v {{f'!-f -.j r ',\i'c qis_ --Y+"r {"' r ..___J +T'rrfiF $1s \)':s\ +$ti ti\t " t\1 il'$i{tr?--l att -'L i\r,l ,i I -'r \)(1JA {l a;s ITlI Irrll t! lL fi'x G-t 7g 5t tl -- $. *tlll FY 3$ ilf;In Effi fiil 7t $x Gf F T!l\l 9 N -s sJ Pl4zn BUTLDiNc /)t \iiu{''t il 1 EORE CREEK PLAZA CONDOHINIUII ASSOCIATION 193 6ORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL, CO S1657 June 3Or f989 l1r. Peter Pattenr Director Community Development Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vailr trO 8f657 Dear Peter: The Gsre Creek Plaza Csndrrminium Asgociation ha= approved the proposed remodel ing of the Penthouse by Rodney E' and Elizabeth H.5lifer. The Elifers have agreed to be r-esponsible for any damage that might occur during congtru< t i on. Sincerely |ours1fulfu Charles H, Ro#nquistt Fresident Project Application | .r' |Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ! , t 'i ( ; (, ,'Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Plan ner E statt Approval c EXHIBIT A :.!:.":-, 't W;TFY I '..NrJ";*;t.^.- | Fi.l',4lao I ' \ --o t .oo.e- 'le rb lEwvta t.l,!r , CVa)/j'.'|.< .wf ''[[' _1,,/\ ,-,Slifer&\_,,ompany Property Owners Adjacent to Gore Creek Plaza Building Penthouse North: Town of Vail (Gore Creek and Tract Land) South: The Lodge at Vail The Lodge Condominiums c/o tlans Turnovszky c/o Paul Jepson L74 E. Gore Creek Drive 174 E. Gore Creek Drive VaiL, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 East: the Belltower Building c/o Clark WiJ-lingham 300 Crescent Court Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75201 West: The Sitzmark Lodge c/o Bob Fritch 183 Gore Creek Drivevail, co 8155? ; A =:L..a 39CLLBVAIL li!' Bridge Street, Vail, CO E1657 (303) 476242r F.{X 4762658 AVO\ P,O. Box 2518, Avon, CO 81620 (303) 949-tl\i FAX 949-rrZZ i .;r PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section l-8.66.060 of the urunicipal code of the Town of Vail on July 24, 1989 at 3:OO Plf in the Town of Vail Munieipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage and decks on L,ot 4, BJ,ock E, Vail das Schone First Filing. Applicant; _,Judith Nichols 2. A request to amend the developnent plan for the Talon at 1881- Lionsridge Loop, Lot 1, BIk 3, Lionsridge #3, and Lot 27, B]-k 2, Lionsridge subdivision #3 Applicant: Parkwood Realty Company 3. A request for a density variance, height variance, exterior alteration and parking variance and Special Development District zoning for the Enzian Lodge at 705 West Lionshead Circle, Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Third Filinqr. Applicant: Enzian Lodge 4. A reguest for an exterior alteration and a conditlonal use pernit in order to enclose a deck in CCII at the Chart House Restaurant. Applicant: Chart House Restaurant 5. A request for an exterior alteration at the Lionshead Center Building for nodifications to an existing condominium. Applicant: Iker Belanstegulgoitia 6. A reguest for a height variance and an exterior alteration in order to construct an addition to the core creek Plaza Building at 193 Gore creek Drive. Applicant: Rodney and Beth Slifer W\a\\uL \D a0J S*V *X: .\,,w a .t', '7. A reguest for an exterior alteration in comnercial core II for Siglu--a glass dome structure located in the Lionshead Mall. Applicant: Vail Associates 8. A reguest to amend Special Development District No. 19, Garden of the Gods. . Applicant: Mrs. A. c. Uill The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspectLon, Ln the zoning adninistrator'E office during office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail" Trail on July 7, L989. tt U Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1m0 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 30$476-1147 TRANSMITTAL Date: Re: 6'7U'61 Ooee 6,69ry$ Rsz"r &e- 6LlF*- RdraDPru- CtA^t^/uTIl F*ni,ofuiu- 4Ex- M)l4a6r f#)v\ Hemarks: l-til'{tF- FRDtt,,\ AftrrqATIDl) ' fDgM CoMt\.€2 - / I Iz't- ., a' t I.This b,ill A. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure ls required for any project requesting a variance.not De accepted unti'l all informatlon ls submitted. The appl lcation HoNE.+?6. "42.1 o Application Date ' 6 lzb/be , PEC MEETING DATE NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS 'Z- NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS O. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL PH0NE +?a . lf +? ?Hone 176-eQ/ AOO*tts LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING FEE 6;) rHE retTr6f sr YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of a.ll propertygqLgqlNc pRopERTy lEHIryD AND AcRoss irnLiri,THE APPLICANT I^'ILL gE RESPOI,iITiJiE-FbN-iON[iCi It^PArp b/3/ncr * tsart_ rnom Fd,d,L-. PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL ACCEPT adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. II' A PRE-APPLIcAuqL..ggIiqSENcE }JITH^A PL4NNTNG STAFF MEMBER rs STRONGLY suGGEsrEDT0 )DETEMINE IF AN!'ADDIrI0NAL.'iHForyniiiir,i-i5 niEblol No AppLrcATroN !,rLL BEACCEPTED uNLEss IT Is-coMPlqlq-1l,l1sr mirudi Ari-iiiNs REQUTRED By rHE zoNrNGI9!.INITIR4IqBI.-.II-I! rHE ApFriCAlrr.t neSFoHsigIiiiV TO MKE AN APPOINTI,IENTI'IITH THE srAFF T0 FIND oui Agoui-hoorirbnnl-liuimiiini nEquln$4ENTs. PLEASE NOTE TN voun Fnorec' 4llpi:ffifii:ifiiii:i':lbh'ill5ru'ii'olifo0ii-gxti i[?'Fii-[?ft ,AND ENvIRONMENTAL colll'ttsstott..NnV-'srrpur-nri. Aii-iollotrtons oF AppRoVAL l,tusr BEcoMpLrED tlrrH BEFoRT n eun Dritd'pEinii-ii-issffi.--"- ITI. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUEMITTED: . A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMEHT MUsi_NiSO'AOONESS: r. The relationshrp of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity. 'rr..ru vr P 2' The degree to which relief from the strict or litera'l interpretation andenforcement of "..!:g!Iiea.reeurilion is nei.siirv'i; ;;ii;;;-iJ,ipiirtiiit,and uniformity of treatment atong-iiiei-i;-ih;;itinitv.o" to attain theobjecuves of this titre wrthoui-gii,ii-oi'riiliii'rl'.iui,"n". E. or.tNER(S) OVER o \ 3. The effect of Vari ance -2- the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facillties, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and/or impnovement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20r stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor lncluding locations of all exlsting lmprove- mbnts, lncluding grades and elevations. 0ther elements whlch must be shown are parklng and-loading areas, lngress and egress' landscFped areas and uti'lity and dralnage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l"'20' showing existing and proposed bui I di ngs. D. All prel'iminary bullding elevatlons and floor p'lans _sufficient to lndicate the iimensions, ggngrsl-appearance, scale and use of a'll buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the slte. E. A preliminary tltle report to verify ownershlp and easements F. If the proposal ls located ln a multi-famlly development which has a homeowners assoclation, then written approval from the associatlon ln support of the projebt must be received by a duly authorlzed agent for said association. G. Any additiona'l material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning admlnlstrator.. * For lnterior modiflCations, an improvement survey and slte plan may be waived by the zon'ing administrator. IV. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Conunission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays 6i-eacn monitr. A complete appl'lcatlon form and al1 accompanying materlal (as described above) inust be'lubmitted a minimum.of 4 weeks pr.ior to the date of th iEC public hearing.'No incomp'lete applicatlons (as determined by_the zoning ., admihistrator) wiit Ue acceptbd by thb planning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. out" Fnppt ication-S- ,@180 - Date of PEC Meetinq APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. Plann'ing and Environmental Corrnission review is required for the alterationof an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area oroutdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building LoCATED IN THE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT-MUST BE REVTfI,IED BY THE DRB. The application wi'll not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS 272 EF,'Rf T '!64$u co PHoNE 4-l b'?*71 vtuu co PHONE c. I,|oW o, 0I^JNER(S)(print or type) s TGNATURE ( S) ,,1r'{. 2. ADDRESS PHONE D.0F PROPOSAL: LEGALLOCATION ADDRESS E. FEE t | /1 / n /''PArp {//?/t1 cK #_LilZ__ev /JL4L, U// THE FEE REV I EI.I MUST BE PAID YOUR PROJECT. BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT }JILL II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.'ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO OETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I5 NEEDED. NO APPLICATION NILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY'TO MAKE AN APPOINT- MENT I,IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A IOMPLETE APPLICATION l,lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY_T.ETF-f,NING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COI.IPLIED I.IITH BEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. THE FOLLOI.IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and locatjon ofbuilding and any improvements on the 'land. B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject Property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND ANO ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing AddTeSses. THI APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADORESSES. OVER LIST OF I'IATIRIALS .NAI4E OF PROJECT:(eorr- Cre.zL Pl>=" erriia*", . LEGAT DESCRIPTION: SIREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The follorving information js required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be3[iven: A. BUILDING I"IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL 4ahrbr<. &V.tt511l--I(,/,COLOR H E Fo4).\'t," Ypr|€t+ + b.J.Roof Sl di ng 0ther l.lal l Material s bI-uc.c.a tsini.=h c'eAar. Vaneen 7 ';L\ lz- frlfd- 6ttLr+n,h , Q?d / ced>n'Jr.+ran NOod Cv=etasyft +.-., Ir tv.€d Fasci a Soffi ts !li ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fi* u],pcz{ l-\>v.Jr f1<.{'=t ,/ frny";\rr,"E Fl"u, uk. / *leel Ve,,L f>w*e) ilz{rFl ashi ngs Chimneys b*v*a Fin161,-- l.l A Na, Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther 8. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: Botanical Name NA PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREE.S TO BE REI'IOVED Common Name Quani ty Size* for conifers. (over) *Indicate callper for deciduclous trees.Indicate height $' *****THIS APPLICATION }IILL NOT I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: AppLrcATroN D^TE. G/l+/b4 DATE OF DR8 MEETII'IG: DRB APPLICATTON BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** A pre-application meetlng with-a plannino staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any .ooiiioiui.inrorfratton is needed. No apprication wiil be accepted unless tt ts comprer;"iil;i iiiiii,a. iit iiemi reqrirgd.bv'the zonine administrator). ii'ii'tr,i iipiilS"i;i;;;iln;ibiiiiv to miie an dppointrnlnt with'the staff to find out about additional ruUtiitii-tequ'irements. Pleise note that a C0MPLETE ?PPlica- tion w1l streamlin. [tl"'ippiovii'pro"ess for.your.proiegl bV 4qgfeasing the number of condittons or apprJuif-lhai itre'ORS miy sti-pulatb. ALL cbnditions of approval must be resolved before-a building permit is issued' 8. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Bl ock 4-v Fi I ing Zoning C. NAME OF APPLICANT: F*>T'IAV 4 3E:II-1 1LI FW- Address D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: t Address wb. telephone 4lt"'42I Fa\e 1'-le+-Y telephone 4ltt,. llh E. NAME OF O}INERS: S i gnature Address F. DRB FEE: tel ephone VALUATION The fee wi'll be paid at the time a bullding permit ls requested' FEE '$ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 5o.oo $1oo. oo $2oo. oo $3oo. o0 $ o-$ lo,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $5oo,ool - $l,ooo,ooo$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meetlng subnrittal requirements, the-applicant must stake the site io lnaicate p"operiy'iin". una building corners. Trees that wil'l be removed itrould also be inartla. inis worf must-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. Z. The review process for NEl{ BUILDINGS wlll normally involve trto separate meetings oi-tt. oeiibn neview-soarl,-io-pian on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Deslgn Review Board at their.scheduled i."iing ina wtro have'lrot asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed, Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects. P.C. '1000 South Frontagp Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 30G47G 1147 MEMORANDUM Parties Date 5" t'l'8? ffi,wAAU InS 6oRe c.RttX nAzA Re: FffUa$loJ ffiW$dprrn The following was discussed: o SA.Fr - Trt BvF f}}s sRFrr tu @ 4AFrtrso or oreara too So rT tu cr4 pgq.rre.E5 t Affirll$ru @E- urfi.'PlER Aftr/rR^ilFiJs AF. ..^,"0o|FL4Arrubr3 |lJ tO | 1ts0, uu,/h*€o E}rADrD- l1t6 |5 al,e Mppa\.1 ?2 faNt OF ue r",v.af un[[ a uor-+ts - | +t^ 60t!Je €Puqvt8€i - h&tt'lloxr fr6&u€ Tp lTgr,r 4- rM{p',i€ Afpu€aTiEp Ffi,/,(I}D - tltu-.TA( u*FP Yorr Frtil,lPg A]:rVFAT rrb cL,r Ar{,P F rura or"tf ' ' t tiVVD '' IDO'"' ffi: - '-Slifer&uompany ProPerty Orrners Adjacent to Gore Creek Plaza Building Penthouse North: South: East: Slest! Town of Vail (Gore Creek The Lodge at Vail c/o Hans Turnovszky L74 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, co 81657 The Belltower Building c/o Clark Willingham 300 Crescent CourtSuite 700 Dallas I TX 7520t The Sitzmark Lodge c/o Bob Fritch 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 and Tract Land) The Lodge Condominiums c/o PauI JePson 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 n 69CIIBVAIL 230 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 (3tr3) 476242r FAX 47G2658 AVON P.O. Box 2518, Avon, @ El62r,1 (303) 949-1900 FAX 9491122 T, #, tt, ili March 9, 1990 Beck and Assoclates P.O. Box 1413Vail, CO 81658 RE: Gore Creek Plaza Bullding Gentlemen: Per your request, ve have inspected the nev construction to thePenthouse Unit in the above building. None of the nevconstruction exceeds the height of the highest ridge elevation ofthe orlginal structure. ff ve can be of any further asslstance, please feel free to SURVEYING, rNC. Dan Corcoran, Pres ldent Dc/7c 41 199 Highway 6 & 24, Eagle-Vail Post Office Box 1230 Edwards, CO 81632 303-949-1406 contact me. Yours truIy, EAGLE VALLEY - , Oll.q+,r--'t---r---.r--r-Ttn.rr MAsiclr\rFry p. o. BoxU@ EDWARDS, COLORADO gzo-31ff January 15, 1990 Torrn of Vail Tara Masonry has installed 6" dj.ameter drain pipe on the sidewal-k improvement at Gore Creek Plaza--Slifer Renrodel. Pipe carne out of manhole 39 fE. north. Rain and snow melt water is running into this pipe from Gore Creek Plaza Building and Sitzmark Buil-ding. Public Works Departnent never added approx. 45 ft. more pipes to daylight into Gore River. Tara Masonry is not responsi,ble for any danage which my occur due to frost and consequently extra heaving problems. I brought this matter to the attentlon of the Building Departrnent. Brosig EVERYTHING IN BRICK, BLOCK, STONE, CONCRETE, AND STUCCO rr"? -F-, 6enoe'. P.O. Box 2361 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . 3Og / 476-31 13 .u,rr€ to, r'.rb) '-::-lL'. 1o,"". Bpor*^^ D-fl\ "i C,,.^^*^l\ be.relo{t*"J'f...o* o\ so.\ o0- \ (.--.--\lovn )uJ€ ' E t^^, AE*{n*n*-f n ^o -il \I G^*{uruti.^ ,Ir tt*r,\\ Regnle. 1He ''potre \+s" , c*.\ o\ G**0. pn.rae> \oq.*\so o,*, *rt6 peoes*e".A-rn trrt\c\..sN"." tonyti5:ol o\nh So."\,r rwro €n:\ .$ .d U.r,l,\0,.,s treruqe \,r\\*,s,l\ , tu-k -rr rtsl,. Nc\,{r.'q €ast o} +*u peoe*\er*.,* b?,o..u ..Stt Uu Rnksco (-l; \ll.e flA4A4C{6R- tlLrp'lut,r;J',-L-l"- ?'4u^a 4 r'rL#t"x^-- \n^!< 14 @, ch'*7c' LEA'E AGREEMENT "-t fir^t ) ,au"h'u' +' l-''i^7 "4 57tnU 'uL"''^ Jt^(' <tP.*\/t ' THIS LEASE is made and entered into this day of 1987, by and between the TOWN 0F VAIL, State of Colorado, a municipal corporation, by and through its Town Council hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor" and BLU'S, INC., hereinafter referred to as the ttLessee". I{ITNESSETH: I{HEREAS, the Lessor is duly authorized by law to administer and govern certain real property hereinafter described; and I{HEREAS, Lessor is willing to lease to Lessee the above referenced property, together with such rights and privileges as are set forth in this Lease Agreement; and I{HEREAS, the Lessee is desirous of leasing said property and the inprovements thereon. NOl.l, THEREF0RE, for and in consideratjon of the mutua'l covenant conditions and promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION ONE PREMISES Lessor grants to Lessee the use of a certain parcel of real property location in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle and State of Colorado and more particularly set forth in the survey attached as Exhibjt A. Lessee shall use said premises for a restaurant patio on1y. No permanent improvements or fixtures ercept rai'l ing around the perimeter sha'l 'l be placed thereon by the Lessee. Any change in purpose shall be only with the consent of the Lessor and upon the terms described by the Lessor. SECTION TUO TERM Subject to ear'l ier Agreement sha'l I be the termination as hereinafter provided, the term of this period commencing and ending on . The Lessee shal I be prohibited from any use of the premises Lessee obtains the prior permission of hours on days durlng said period. through April 30 unless e the premises for specific from November I the Lessor to us ?r SECTION THREE RENTAL AND CHARGES For the use of the premises as set forth herein, Lessee covenants and agrees to pay Lessor in advance the sum of month for a total of ($-) Per square foot Per ($_). SECTION FOUR TAXES AND UTILITIES The Lessee sha'l 'l be'l iable for and shall promptiy pay for all charges for gas' electricity, and other utilities relatlng to the premises leased by Lessee. Lessee sha'l I prornptly pay al'l ad valorem taxes on personal property. SECTION FIVE IIAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS Lessee shall keep and maintain the'l eased premises and a'l I improvements of any kind thereon in good and substantial repair and condition,'i nciuding the exterior condjtion thereof, and shall make a] I necessary repairs thereto, including snow remova'l . Lessee shall provide proper containers for trash and garbage and keep the leased premises free and clear of snow, rubbish, debris, and litter at all times. Lessor shall at all times during ordinary business hours have the right to enter upon and inspect the premises. Such inspectjon shall be made only at a nutually agreeable time. SECTION SIX RULES AND REGULATIONS Lessee agrees to observe and abide by the ordinances of the Town of Vail, the statutes and regulations of the State of Colorado and of the United States government with respect to the use of the premises. SECTION SEVEN I NSURANCE Lessee agrees to secure and deliver to the Town a comprehensive'l iability insurance po1 icy written on an occurrence basis, includjng pub'l ic liability and property damage in a form and through a company acceptable to and approved by the Town, covering the premises, and a'll operations performed by the Lessee on the prenises in the amount of three hundred thousand dol'lars ($300,000.00) in respect to any occurrence and aggregate amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for bodj'ly injury and property damage. All such policies required herein shal'l name the Lessor as addltlonal insured. A certificate evidencing such insurance, in such form as the Town may require, sha'l 1 -2- o I be delivered to the Town prior to the tlme the Lessee takes possession of the premises. Each certificate or policy shall contain a valid provision of endorsement that: "This policy shall not be cancel'led, or materia'l ly changed or altered, without first giving thirty (30) days written notice thereof to the Town of Vail Colorado, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado, 81657, sent by certified nail, return receipt requested." A certificate of renewal shal'l be delivered to the Lessor at least fifteen (15) days prior to the policy's expiration date, except for any po'l icies expiring on the date of this lease thereafter. SECTION EIGHT INDEI'INIFICATION OF LESSOR Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lessor against all 'l iability for injuries to persons or damage to property caused by Lessee's use or occupancy of the 'leased premises including reasonable attorneys fees for the defense of any claim, suit, or action brought against Lessor caused by Lessee's operation of the premises; provided, however, that Lessee sha'l I not be'l iable for any injury, damage, or loss occasioned by the neg'l igence of the Lessor or its agents or employees; and provided further that Lessor shal 1 give to Lessee prompt and timely notice of any clain made or suit instituted which in any way directly or indirectly, contingently or otherwise, affects or might affect Lessee, and Lessee sha'l 'l have the right to compromise and defend the same to the extent of its own interest. SECTION NINE ALTERATIONS Lessee shall make no alterations, additions or improvements in or to the premises w'ithout the Lessor's prior written consent. A1 I such work shall be performed in a good and workman'l ike manner. Lessee shall pay or cause to be paid al 1 costs for work done by or caused to be done by it in or to the premlses and Lessee shall keep the premises free and clear of all mechanic's liens and other liens on account of work done for Lessee or persons claiming under. Should any liens be filed or recorded against the premises or any action affecting the title thereto to be comenced, Lessee shall give Lessor written notice thereof. Lessee shall thereafter cause such liens, or claims against the Lessor in lieu of liens, to be removed of record within five (5) days after the filing thereof. If Lessee shall desire to contest any claim or'lien it shall furnish the Lessor with security satisfactory to the Lessor of at'least one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the amount of the claim, plus estimated costs and interest. -3- .o If a final judgment establishing the validity or exjstence of any'l ien or claim for any anount as entered, Lessee shal'l pay and satisfy the same at once. prior to the conmencement of any work in or to the premjses by Lessee, Lessee shall notify the Lessor of the proposed work and the names and addresses of the persons supplying labor and materials for the proposed work. During and prior to any such work on the prenises, the Town and its agents shall have the right to go upon and inspect the premises at a'l 1 reasonable times' SECTION TEN. SURRENDER OF POSSESSION 0n the expiration or termination of thjs lease, Lessee's rights to use the premises, facilities and servjces descgibed herein shall cease, and Lessee shall vacate and surrender the premises to the Lessor immediately' The Lessee shall be responsib'l e to put the premises and improvements back to their opi ginal condition. Al 1 alterations, additions or improvements upon the premises, un] ess otherwjse agreed at the tjme Lessor's consent is obtained' or unless Lessor requests removal thereof shall become the property of the Lessor and sha l 'l remai n on, and wi 'l I be surrendered w'i th the premi ses ' Depreciation and wear from ordjnary use for the purpose of whjch the premises were ]et need not be restored, but any repair for which the Lessee is responsib'l e shall be completed to the latest practical date prior to such surrender' If Lessee shall remain or contjnue to be in possession of the premises at the end of the term of this lease, at Lessor's option, Lessee shall be deemed to be i'l 'l egally retaining possession, or shalI be deemed to be a month-to-month Lessee of the premises and alI the terms and conditions of thjs lease. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to linjt the Lessor's right to obtain possession of the premises upon termination of this lease by unlawful detainer proceedjngs or otherwise in the event that the Lessor does not exercise its option to treat the continued possession by the Lessee as a month-to-nonth tenancy, SECTION ELEVEN COST OF LITIGATION Lessee covenants and agrees to and with the Lessor that in case the Lessor sha11, without any default on its part, be made a party to any litjgation commenced by or against the said Lessee, Lessee shall and will pay a'l I costs jn connection with such litigation and that sajd Lessee sha'l I pay al'l costs and reasonab'l e attorney,s fees which may be incurred by said Lessor in enforcing the covenants and agreements of this lease. a -4- SECTION T}IELVE SECURITY Lessee shall keep on deposit with the Lessor at all times after the execution of this lease agreement, a sum equal to one month's rent as secur'l ty of the payrnent by the Lessee of the rent and any other sums due under this lease and for the faithful performance of al] the terms, conditions and covenants of this lease. If at any tlne Lessee shall be Jn default in the performance of any provision of this lease, Lessor may, but shalI not be required to, use such deposit, or so much thereof as is necessary, in payment of any rent, or any other sum due under this lease in default, in reimbursement or any expense incurred by the Lessor and in paJment of the damages lncurred by the Lessor by reason of the Lessee's defau'l t, or at the option of the Lessor, such deposit may be retained by the Lessor as'l iquidated damages. In any event, Lessee, shal'l , five (5) days after written demand from Lessor, renit to the Lessor a sufficient amount in cash to restore the deposit to lts original anount. In the event the deposit has not been uti'l ized as described above, it shall, or as much thereof as has not been utilized for such purposes, shal'l be refunded to Lessee, without interest, upon fulI performance of this lease by Lessee. SECTION THIRTEEN DEFAUTT The occurrence of one or more of the following events or circumstances shall constitute a default hereunder by the Lessee: A. The filing by the Lessee of a voluntary petition of bankruptcy. 8. Proceedings in bankruptcy instituted by the Lessee and adjudication of the Lessee as a bankrupt pursuant to such proceedings. C. An appointment of a receiver of the Lessee's assets of the divestiture of the Lessee's estate by other operation of 1aw. D. Failure by Lessee to make'lease payments due to the Lessors as provided in this agreement withjn ten (10) days after the Lessor gives notice to Lessee of its del i nquency. E. Failure of the Lessee to perform, keep and observe any of the terms, covenants, or conditions herein contained on its part to be performed, kept or observed, whjch failure contjnues ten (10) days after written notice thereof is mailed by Lessor, SECTION FOURTEEN REMEDIES If the Lessee shal'l be in default under this lease as set forth in Section Thlrteen, Lessor shall have the fo1 lowing rights and remedies, in addition to all -5- o other remedies at law and equity, and none of the following, whether or not exercised by the Lessor, sha11 preclude the exercise of any other right or remedy, whether set forth in this agreement or existing at 'l aw or equity: A. The Lessor shall have the rjght to terminate this lease by giving the Lessee thirty (30) days notice in writing to be served as provided ln this agreement, and the term hereby remaining sha'l 'l thereupon cease and expire ln the same and to the same effect as if it were the expiration of the 'lease term stated in this agreement. Upon any termination of this lease, Lessee shall quit and surrender to the Lessor of the leased premises, If this'lease is terminated Lessee sha'l l remain'l iab'le to the Lessor for all rent and other sums accrued and paid hereunder to the date of termination of this lease- B. The Lessor may, without demand or notice, reenter and take possession of the premises or any part thereof, and repossess the sane as of the Lessor's former state and expel the Lessee and those claiming through and under it, and remove the effects of any and all such persons (forcibly if necessary) wjthout being deemed guilty of any manner of trespass, without prejudice to any remedies for appears of rent or proceed'i ng breach of covenants and without terminating this lease or otherwise relieving Lessee of any obligation hereunder. Should the Lessor elect to reenter as provided in thjs Section or should the Lessor take possession pursuant to legal proceedings or pursuant to any provision provided by law, the Lessor may, from time to time, without term'inating this lease, relet the premises or any part thereof for such term or terms and such rental or rentals, and upon such other conditions as the Lessor may in its absolute discretion, deem advisable, with the right to make alterations and repairs to the premises. No such reentry, repossession or reletting of the premises by the Lessor shall be construed as an election of the Lessorrs part to terminate this lease unl ess a written notice of termination is given to Lessee by the Lessor. No such reentry, repossessjon or reletting of the premlses sha'l I release the Lessee of its liability and obllgations under this lease, all of whlch shal'l survive such reentry, repossession or reletting. Upon the occurrence of such reentry or repossession, the Lessor shall be entitled to the amount of the monthly rent, and any other sums which would be payable pursuant to this agreement, if such reentry or repossession had not occurred, less the net proceeds, if any, of any reletting of the premises after deducting a'l 'l of the Lessor's expenses in connectjon of such reletting. Lessee shal'l pay such amounts to the Lessor on the days the rent or any other sum due hereunder would have been payab'l e hereunder lf possession had not been retaken. In no event shall Lessee be entitled to receive the excess, if -6- o *) any, of the rent collected by the Lessor as a result of such reletting over the sums payab'le by the Lessee to the Lessor pursuant to this'lease. The failure of the Lessor to seek redress for violation or to insist upon the strict performance of any covenant or condition of this lease shall not prevent a subsequent act which would have originally constituted a violation for having all the force and effect of the original violation, The receipt of the Lessor of rent with knowledge of any breach of covenant of this lease shall not be deemed a walver of such breach. No provision of this lease shall'be deemed to have been waived by the Lessor un1ess such waiver is in writing and signed by the Lessor. SECTION FIFTEEN ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Lessee covenants and agrees not to asslgn, sublet, pledge, or transfer jts rights in this lease, in whole or in part, to grant any license or concession hereunder, without first obtaining the written conseilt of the Lessor. The consent by the Lessor to a transfer shall not relieve the Lessee from primary liability hereunder or from the obligation to obtain the express consent in writing of the Lessor any further transfer. Lessor's permission to an assignment or sub'l etting of thls lease shall not be unreasonably withheld. SECTION SIXTEEN ADDITIONAL CONDITIONE A. Lessee covenants and agrees that the Lessee will save harmless said Lessor at a'l 'l times during the contjnuation of this lease from all damages, claims, fines, penalties, costs and expenses whatsoever wh'i ch may resu'l t from any workmen's compensation claim. 8. l{henever any notice of payrnent is required by this lease to be made, given or transmitted to the parties hereto, unless otherwipe specified herein, such notice or payment shall be deemed to have been given upon the mailing of said notice or pajment by United States certified, first-class mai'l , postage prepaid, and addressed to the parties at the respective addresses as sha'l 'l Fppear herein or upon a change of address pursuant to this notlce provision. Town of Uail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 8lu's, Inc. P. 0. Box 2361 Uai'l , Col orado 81658 -7- a t C. All covenants, conditions and provisions jn this lease agreement sha] I extend to and bind the 1ega1 representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. D, This agreement sha'l 'l be construed under the laws of the State of Colorado. Any covenants, conditions, or provisions herein contained that are held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdjction sha'l I be considered deleted from this agreement, but such delegation shall in no way affect any other covenant, condition, or provisjon herein contained so long as such delegat'ion does not material'ly prejudice Lessor or Lessee in their respect'ive rights and ob1 igations contained in the valid covenants, conditions, or provisions of this agreement. E. All amendments to this lease must be made in writing by mutual agreement of the parties and no oral amendments shall be of any force of effect whatsoever. IN I.IITNESS UHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, in counterpart, on the dates indicated to be effective the day and year first above written, pursuant to a resolutjon or ordinance as appropriate, of their respective governing bodies duly entered on the minutes thereof. TOl.lN OF VAIL By and through its TOtlN C0UNCIL Address: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co]orado 81657 Telephone: (303) 476-7000 ATTEST: FameL T. Trandmeyer, Town Clerk 8LU'S, lNC. By: Thomas Armstrong Vice President/General Manager By: -8- 't llli no- rol :ill:---flJi,i'., ^ E s; ..-J$-$*ta$As.li, t\ b- lilF}lil -8'? t.f o.It' T + $z t $ $$ _rt 7.| *N Ies-ri *E\5 Ys d.z.r\;. 3s il+ -$-'"- xs =\ag t\\ !-{Lll_f o{f N.( FK n I: .\\ l---{ 3 t_t s $ {s, r\ st z$Lf.o ' S$ ts -t t'J.-s [1----*r li i,i . | fra-ic, V IIsIHX] \ _t$ ::.---f rr. /i'v -t= $; -{..=+:+szir3 \.h lii fF,, 3t:-&? F.T Q,It' $r -*}+ RH T\!-{Ijf{${-\ s_d l Etr ^t-(- NI qp, rlrt?l-j 's -:i ''! t-r'-? ja ,-a \ ].. -.1 I I -*r1 t II! r! 9r|-rrl rtPPllr,su9ll Froiecl Nam€: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block Filing Zone Design Review Board . i//t, ..,. tSeconded by: t, ' ' ' Date Motion by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL t-r E statt Approval BoocTirun APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF ORg IITTTIHE: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app'lication meet'ing with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determiiri if any additional information is needed. No applicatjon will be.accepted unless it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an,appointment with the staff to find out about additjona'l submjttal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE appl'ica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N I Fe^,'+\ou=<- Fe*''ode | ' t:'f'cve' craa ?laz> E*I.o"to' A.,i,'i , Jwi.- - Y-."\* coLo,,- B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 14? (aare-CnuV_ f) rrv<_ Bl ock b Fi l ing f \u'.-fLegal Zoning Descri pti on C-C' L Lot Tr>z,f : C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address tel ephone D. NAME 0F AppLIcANT,s REpRE5ENTATIyg. ,Arr".?A / a---+t^Arca' I ur l I Address E. NAME OF OWNERS:brt^ 3\$a pa'id at the tjme a building FEE telephone Llt, tl47 telephone 476'Z44 permit is requested. Si gnature Address 2;+ o beF.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 0-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50.00 $100.00 $2oo. o0 $30o. oo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. ?, The review process.for NE|4 BUILDINGS wi'l I normally involve two separate meet'ings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be requ'ired to be republ i shed, NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: o LIST OF MTERIALS (eoYe, Cr-B<-{.=- P(>-or-T,c.rl-l Bt\4v (ra{e_\f++ STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following Board before A. BUILDING information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Cel>< 41)Ue+.- Q.xt*v )K f tt4tc;t.*- c-Gn^qae,,' o'rs6u^>\ +",r-tb[fff( Roof Si di ng Other |^lal I Materia]s Fasci a no\€/ Ftr ta,-i,r. Oxh'i E're*,'-.., luca T+@ FrF ur4rle--- l: L-, ta .-t " tx 4 Fv':[ CJ"r r.-" 'W hi+u -r\< .*s * Fr &*ov-,, Dcrr / vrcr, a Ld nr irc, =t< 2.Y w h i+<,>K flzf'{b{*rta.- Hz1:I v\>( z- W\'r+e-,#atcc- I ooLc,.,* ?l >a9 /^\C't rcr * fuohJh\ B. LANDSCAPII.IG: Name N.I ,/A| 1,/ / PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: phone: Botan'ical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.for conifers. (over) x soffits }Ji ndows X Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Indicate hei ght " PLANT I'IATERIALS:.' (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Cornnon Name Quani ty Si ze Tvoe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHERTLANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. I G"u C*/ 7Z'+ j'&A4 tu o rue^-t ?Aa- / ilil-b t '3 /' Av+rn /r*r4 Z Z% oo \ /? /' Altt^.gt-_alu/W I I dLJ V&fL;za aZfu-a-,fu,<-, /.*) a-x-.zd--<- fu--r.-"r-r-*J Z'A--.""--** 7 A-/--ta h-tazz-<Zz-Su A-,L1--4- 44--f z=l i/.rrl ,,.-atl e..*rr"z-zz-a>t) e-r."-* /4,-/..;t' frL, + /77'f' ./74-A-&^e 4?Ltu Lez*.--E;aq- J F?t. uz.c-*-/;1fr Hnl &2e 4 /.2( /.r--;.-a*=-, hzo-.a., h-k-ez.zr . L/'-cffi, 6 a* Ea*=Zn-D -z+z-.cza:a-c,4c*.-z/f-"/-k- ./"/*, 7 .a* /.-r"--) 2."".Vfr A4r'-,--^-fu //-b X-<fr-^;*--"-,- ./ *-t- /ryrffi,?'/6?*-"^-)y) a-,"Lar a-,'ua."':za-+unA* z-La-.X-,?affi-"-r -.-a-r- a-a-.12-4 u, "24g---"-,v , ',/ WnryJ 4azo*+*") u azz "art,-'-<, ., il ,.- ii ll I il l iT_il I ':l' l: :- uf(re.ree 7oo fuQQAr b?7, ltttr,tg lYFt{ t{Fol4ltr '/pr{ ft'rl+znol/ {t,\.''' /VFtl n*ngrxr t ee yATlo N fte^l ,fffiZnodt ?fo = /Lo" oo ,t /VEw Ufa-lEltT lhrv frt7a2*U E trVArrorV fF" = /Le " CONSTRUCTION PE department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT_-_Ilf BUILDING L In elecrnrcal nfl MECHANTCAL n PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DfSC. LOT i , BLK_T .il:tnc(zAe&Z4fu-e6zn Bn runrve'fi2, nlEN &rro ho, OWNER "o,.ooo*.rffia* t13 ",rrl/n t ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS G.r*,.0.. CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL AODRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICI cpNTRACTO FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. RM lr D^rE//4 //:PROJECT NO.-_ PERMIT NO. N9 13E r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON ( lllrlll lV V 2 occuPANcYGRouP A 1E H r9M DrvrsroN @\" t o "'EtrEiXi''7HLt"ff 'Eh,r-z E BUILDING rynn (J(' ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL / / TYPE GROUP SO. FT, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT //) -- PLAN CHECK +- ELECTRICAL 4- PLUMBING J> MECHANICAL .-+-NEW ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL I REPAIRO DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS G.R.F.A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAT SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING RECREATION FEE J> DESIGN REVIEW BOARD //) + CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT e- TOTAL PERMIT FEES i212.:- INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE TH ICKN ESS R.VALUE NINU AUMINI5I XAIUK IJA I I: NING NOTES: HEAT I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORNECT AND AGREN TO COMPLY ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: \./ cr^N^rrrD! .rp .l/rNTp ra T.r|) ... .....- -{l.=r,r -' *i ^4 a Proiect Name: I Project Description: Owner Address and I * * .}'t, Project Application Date (' 'l Architect Address and Phone: Legal Tone: Description: Lot Btock , Filing Design Review Board Morion by: E', S Go {o seconded oy, S,rt o ,-la rn APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 4., q,'" Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of commun ity development TYPE OF PERMIT uTT nnn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL .0ESc. LOT BLK FILING * ruRue, OWNER NAM E IVIAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH Qr..*,.ot CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM [4AIL ADDRESS M ECHAN ICAL qoNTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS C ITY PH, DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DIVISION 12 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BUILDING PLU l\,1BING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT, VALUATION BU ILDING PERMIT PLAN CH ECK PLUMBING NEW O ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL O REPAIR O RECREATION FEEDWELLING UNITS -ACCOMMODATION UNITS G.R.F,A. -BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT, - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING - UNCQVERED PARKING OESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEES ILDING OFFICIAL ONING ADM IN ISTRATOR NING NOTES: INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF THICKNESS R.VALUE I HEREBY ACKNOWLEI'GE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE To COIVIPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STA1'E LAWS RECARDINC BUILDING CONSTRUC'TI()N. VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEh : SPECIAL NOTES: .,-.'.tYry.:igji!'tr,iw:J.1|: -1 ')d ii t Ft.'X.*$r Project Application 23-t-t P Date Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Blou-{;utdn-12tvho b 'iQo rk e r ''l \^ u,u J n ,o llup,,u, o^ tJ APPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Date:Date: Chief Buildino Off icial August 2, 1978 Town of Vall Design Revlew Board Vail, C0 81657 Gentl emen: Please be greenhouse Very truly Gore lsd advised that we approve with the raised roof as yours, the remode'l i ng presented by of the penthouse Jack D. Fritzlen. 7/ Creek Condominium Association CONSTRUCTION PERMIT deportmont of community dcolopmont TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PAIORTO ISSUANCE OF TYPE OF PERMIT J4BJTLDTNG Eptuuewe -'81-elecrnrcal D rounoettox ,fftecnenrcar O tt !ot\ )r X T F . LEGAL I DESC. JoB NAME: +ffp?- Fdr\4DOfl_- OWNER MATLAoDRFSS WBAW 61 crw \Au &z w.11b7kLt ARCHITECT MAtL ADDREss I DaDsbr'LT{ clw !9At.r.- w.41a,n4 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Slcr*e,i*\as TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. 'ELE. q,..19.- l4@ 7 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR "*" *\'if .dKr"r.: EjG& rowN or vnrt BFc. No. - rELE. q6{q-tqoB PLUMBING CONTRACTOR nnu--\l,g \oe- Ac.\rr*i.c A TELE. MECHANICAL \ FlRlll t TOWN OF VAIL 'EG. NO.U[,NIKAUIUH TELE. \OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM {t TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. NUIE -Vwft t.,|rrEn|v|ll ltJ DE,\Crl \rll .rirt&tOl I g DATE r.ryp€oFcorsrRucnoH u@rv v $lR. aoccuP NcYGRouP reex@u , Drvrsror{ Qz gt_z t GENERAL DEscarrnon o, *o**l@-frt4f,r tL- |arfr E3rr la r\.- ta PERMIT NO. J *c- zIF :tJ BUttDrrc ;;ffi*ifr<-- \, ELE TRICAT ,,...o- -E.ffi.T^ PLUUSING -s;.,ctt> ffi v uEcltAt{rclr-ij,a- # t\ Tc |ra\4@,aea- TYPE GROUP G.R-F.A" VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES tLl -t kr R_\BUILOING PERMIT f bqo .c Pt x cHEcr q,qq .9' ETECTRICAL 4tt NEW( I ALTERATTOfT ,TDoITIoNAL ( } REPAIR PtUI'BING 4Q .t?. DwEu-rrc urtn; I ecconroolno u ns- HETGHT'*Fr. - No.rrREp.Aces i +t eng llEcr{ANtcAt 255 =RECRE TIoNFEE tCE(r.q -t ig .ea INSULATION: TYPE THICKN€SS '}VALLUE OESTG REVTEW BOARO r7229 CLEAX-UP OEPtoSIT 5ry;2,*;-*slW USE TAX TYPE OF ELEc. HEAT soLAR TOTAT PERMTT FEES '-{aa&cf(_ / -y/,_,*_7 / /-ys(; - - --aiEI I I I f at'-\ e/ tF/t /.DAIE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDET} Y I'I INITIAL ST. CUT lllll lllNr-'- 1 1' ,NIIIG ' )NING PARKING I hereby acknowledge thal I have read this ap completed an accurate plol plan. and state that agres lo comply with the information and plot laws, and to build this structuro according lo review approved, Uniform Building Code and ( y 3l plicalion, filled out in lull all lhe intormation provid plan. to comply with all T the Town's zoning and I rfli6t a\rrlin.6r.6c al lha Tr the information ed as required ls own ordinances subbivision codeffi*\ required, correct I snd stale ,s, design , sc ANI m;. (ttt r',saoD . - ? ?a cr Frrsar^o|i7o? "-1tlii+a,2.Y -) .r--. ( \7 x'FL r(a(\r J;.A (r\ hir-l $)NN--rt\tt F *tr -' (\ -lLVrt sfi "( (\ 0iAt, n-+t |. \ \' * I \' I'l *'\ \>"x-NiN $[' s;l\ 6 +(- X -1)$ ^v cdl! o C e + F ! c S. tlt'0 n 1 d ) g (^ III l- /-2 /Ia /! ^ I ...() /Q.01 ( \o'- \ il' T r \ E {t B-B. , /9 x 1 \ J..- 36 s TS T t W l- {3 ll n.\t{+l $i${F {}I*y ${|Rt {Jt"l:s!f{s rt i*{ rl{ ,5t\ Jt.r\ .5:l-,it rt $ $ $ a a :$ -d $l3 K $.1\_+ $'* {{ t4 c $ € FAGE ' I1383-07-20 $ $ l1'52 - (6) coNsrRucnoN PERMITb\l/r Jmbtffi/ | '---doprnrnt ol community dovolopmont TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE g11g JUNE 28. 1989 003951 tr!g Itrn PTUMBING FOUNDATION DEI.{OLATION ONLY r. wPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I rl lrl rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I R M DrvrsroN I 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPIION OF WORr r -INTERIOR DEMOLITION OTfLY PERMIT zIt =J BUILDING /,o00 ELECTRIC^|. PLUTIBING IECHAI'IICAL TXFTOTA]/,UUU TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES I'R-1 7,000 BUILDING PERMIT 90 h(tt# ah W PLAN CHECK 45 ELECTRICAL NEIY() ALTERATION ( } ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAI- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE OESIGI{ REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEFOSIT 100 EXr:wALLs I l- 1LqLE J USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $235 .00 JOE NoRRTS JI,NE 28, 1989 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N INITIALsr.cur I I x I Irlorne OrrrCTrr- - - - 6AlE INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILOING NOTES: DSMO ONLY OF INTERIOR. I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read this* completod an accurate plot plan, and gtate thbt agree to comply with the information and plot' laws, and to build this structure according lo reviery approved, Uniform Building Code and (W SIGNATURE AND THE OI oui in full the intormation required, pn provided as required is correct. I fvith all Town ordinances and state {ing and subitivision codes, design i of the Town applicable thereto. BECK & ASSOC. PO BOX 1413 vArL, co 81658 CLEAN UP TO: OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF LEGAL DESC.GORE CREEK PLAZA BLDG. JOBNAME: SLIFER RESIDENCE DEMO NAtrp RoDE & BETH SLIGER MA;LADDRESS 230 BRIDGE ST. crrY VAIL pn.6-242l FIRM NED GWATIIMEY luAtLAoDREss 1000 s FRONT. R.D clw VAIL 1H.6-II47 FrRM BECK & ASSoCIATES TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, 117-A 949-1800 ELECTRICAL FIRM EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC rowN oF vArL FEG. No. 156-E 827 -57 7 2 PLUMBING rINu VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING 1 1g_PTOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, . 949-777 r TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOTiVN OF VAIL REO. NO. Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 3tr-{76.1147 August 1, 1989 i Gore Creek Plaza BuildingSlifer RenodeLVail, CO 81 657 RE: Class A Roof in Conmercial Core I Following a July 31 discussion with Gary Murrain, Town ofVail, Comnunity Development, the architects for the aboveproject were advised to use the assembly described below: Modified Class A Roof - Special Purpose Roof '1 . Fire Treated wood shakes (class e) 2. Non bituninous saturated felt or modified bitumineroofing under layment 3. 1/2t' Type 'xt gypsum board 4. 5/5r' exterior glue plywood sheathing 5. 2x rafter or tapered TJI rafter wlth lnsulation 6. (21 5/8" Type 'x' g'ypsum board ceiling P1ease note this information upgrade. Any guestions please call the architects. ou"'15 o3i';;e:?,,8 r.657 Plan analysis based onthe 1-985 Uniform Building Code Project Id: GORE CREEK PLAZA PENTHOUSE Address: GORE CREEK PIAZA Occupancy: 82 rRl-rA3, BL Type of Const: III-lhr NoTErThe code items tisted in this reportlistinq of all possible code reguirements selected sections of the code. Date: september 19, 1989contractor: BECK AND ASSoc. Architect: ARNOLD AND GWATHNEY Engineer: PETER MONROE Plans Examiner: GARY },IURRAIN are not intended toin the L985 UBc. It a completea guide tobeis DIRECTION BOI'NDARY NORTH Public wayEAST Property line SOUTH Public way WEST Property line Area increased 40.008 PL NAI.{E SEPARJLTION AREA INCREASE 65.0 Feet4.0 Feet52.0 Feet 2.O Feetfor open area on OCC MAX FLR FIRE PROTECTION 35.0 Feet4.0 Feet 32.0 Feet2.0 Feet2 sides. AREA AI,I.oWED RATIO STATUS 4 Apartment or Condo TOTAL FOR FINOR3 Apartment or Condo TOTAL FOR FLOOR2 office2 Kitchen(Corunercial) TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Retail Sales RoomL Dining Room TOTAL FOR FIOORB Parking GarageB Mechanical RoomB Retail Sales RoomB Dining Room TOTAL FOR FI.,,OOR BUILDING TOTAL ok ok ok ok ok B2 B2 82 A3 B1_ 82 92 A3 ok ok ok ok 3047 3047 3565 3565 2992 968 3 960 2476 2L75 4 651 2833 364 1060 L000 5257 1522.3 t_8900 189 00 18900 18900 25200 25200 25200 25200 l_8900 zLA02 25200 25200 25200 L8900 23697 42267 0.L5 ok o. L6 ok o. l-9 ok 0.19 ok O.Lz ok0.04 ok 0.16 ok 0. L0 okO.L2 ok0.21 ok0.1L ok0.0L oko.04 ok o. 05 oko.22 ok0.36 ok :::;.ffi"+31,'35*" .REEK "*!l PENrHousE Address: GORE CREEK PI,AZA EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 1-7-A & Sec. 2003. (a) NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL !{ALL PROT WALL WALL PROT82 2hr thr None 4hrrt 4hr* NOP 2hr thr None 4hr* 4hr* NOPRL 2hr thr None 2hr* 2hr* Prot 2hr thr None 4hr* 4hr* NOPA3 4hr thr None 4hr* 4hr* NOP 4hr Lhr None 4hr* 4hr* NOPBL 2hr thr None 4hr* 4hr* NOP 2hr thr None 4hr* 4hr* NOP The exterior walls are required to be of NONCOI,TBUSTIBLE naterial. Sec.2003.(a) None -- No fire protection reguirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fLre assernblies. 50? of the area of the waLl maxirnum. Sec.20O3.(b) Maximum singte window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than 1-2 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not pernitted in this watl.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the sarnefire rating as the waIl. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-AELE},IENT MATERIAL R,ATING NOTESInterior Bearing waIl Any 1- hrInterior nonbrg wall Any l- hr See Footnote #5Structural- Frame Any L hrExterior Struct Frame Any t hr See footnote #1Shaft Enclosure Any L hrFloor/ceiling Assenbly Any I hr See Footnote #9Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any t hrStairs Noncombustible None See Footnote #16 NOTE: See Sec. L706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:1) Minirnun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirements.5) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space that are not part of a thr corridor may be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materialsb) Fire retardant-treated woodc) One-hour construction (any uraterial) -- Sec. L705.(b)l-.9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. 702.(b) & 902.(b) 16) Finish material on stairs to be hard noncombustible materials. -- sec. 2004. L7) The ceiling of the basernent is required to be protected with Lhr fire- resistive construction and doors to basements are required to be of noncombustible construction or L 3/4 inch S.C. wood. -- Sec. L7o3. ;:ff"ffi"i;], t36*" .REEK "*; PENrHousE Address: GORE CREEK PI,AZA OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSB2-R1 thrB2-A3 ohr82-8L lhrRL-A3 thrR1-81 3hr The separation nay be one hour if linited to vehicles with a capacity less than 9 persons. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex *2A3-Bl- 3hr ADDITIONAL SEPARJATIONS FOR 82 OCCI'PANCY: A Lhr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 40OrOOo BTU input. -- Sec. 708. FOR R]" OCCUPAI'ICY: A thr occupancy separation is reguired around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. t2L2.A l-hr occupancy separation is required around common storage and J.aundryroons. -- Sec. 1202.(b) FOR A3 OCCUPANCY: A Lhr occupancy separation is reguired around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 4Oor0OO BTU input, -- Sec. 608. FOR 81. OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is reguired around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 708. EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAME OCCUPANT NI'MBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES IOAD REQUIRED WIDTH [ft. ] HDI.'R CORRIDOR SWING 4 Apartnent or Condo 15 2 O.3 No Yes N/R TOTAIJ 15 2( z',) 0.3( 0.3) No Yes N/R3 Apartnent or Condo 18 2 O.4 No Yes N/R 2 Kitchen (Connercial ) 5 1 O. L No No N,/RTOTAIJ 35 2( 2, 0.7( 0,9) No Yes N./R 1 Retail Sales Room 83 2 L.7 No Yes out TOTAL2 Office 1- Dining Roorn TOTALB Parking carageB Mechanical Room B Dining Room TOTAL 18 2( 2') 0.4( 0.5) No Yes N/R 30 1 0.6 No No N/R L45 2 2.9 Yes Yes Out +4228 2( 2' 4.6( 5.0) Yes Yes Out #qL4 L 0.3 No No N/R 1 L O.O No No N,/R 67 2 L.3 Yes Yes out #4LL7 2( 2) 2.3( 5.O) Yes Yes Out #q B Retail Sales Room 35 L O.7 No Yes N,/R Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of walls and ceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (g) Openings are required to be protected. -- Sec. 3305. (h) fn areas where 2 exits are required, the ninimum separation ).s l/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- sec. 3303. (c) Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more. -- Sec. 33L4. (a) Door swing is based on sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nunber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b) 3:ff.fi"+::, t36i" cFsEK "r-il pENrHousE Address: GORE CREEK PI,AZA The numbers in ( ) are include occupant loading from floors above thisfloor. -- Sec. 3303.(b) FOOTNOTES:4) Based on Sec. 33L8. (a) See exception for A-3 occupancies and churches. HANDICAPPBD ACCESS: J.) Handicapped access is required to at least one prinary entranceto this bullding -- sec. 3301. (e) & Table 33-A See table 33-A for exceptions to upper floors. See table 33-A for exceptl-ons for the basenent. 2') ff a ramp is used for handicapped access, the max slope isL!12. -- Sec 3307. (c) STAIR NOTES: Within a dwelling unit: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The rnaxinun rise of a step is 8 inches and the rninj-rnum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.f1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 3O to 34 inches above the nosing ifthere is more than 4 risers. -- sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimun height =35 inches, maxinum opening size=5 inches. -- Sec. 1-'7LL. exc 2For common stairways: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minirnum run is 11 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) Ttre uriniuruur width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant J.oadis greater than 50. -- Sec. 3305. (b) See section 3303. (b) when occupant loadis greater than 183. Provide handrails on both sides of a stairnay 30 to 34 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3305. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inclres. Minimum height = 42 inches, maximum opening size=6 inches. -- sec. 1711. The minirnum headroom is 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) Stairways connecting 3 or more floors are required to be in exit enclosures The walls of the enclosure are required to be l- hr fire assemblies. The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be t hr assemblies. A connection to ttre exterior is required with the same fire protection as the exit enclosure. -- Sec. 3309. (d) A barrier is reguired at grade level . -- Sec. 3309. (e) The space under the stairs (enclosed or not) nay not be used for any purpose. -- Sec. 3309. (f) At least one stairway is required to extend to the roof unless roof slope isgreater than 4.L2. -- Sec. 3306. (o) S::;"fi"i;:' tEI*" CREEK "t, pENrHousE Address: GORE CREEK PI,AZA Provid.e a landJ-ng within 1 inch (1,/2 inch at doors used for handicap access)of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (h) The ninimun width is same as door sidth and the ninimum length is 44 inches. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The maximum travel- distance ln this buitding is 15o feet. -- Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING RAQUIREI-IENTS :f.) The roofing on this building is required to be fire retardant.-- sec.3202. (b) 2) See section 3203. (e) and ICBO research reports for reguirements. AUTO}fATIC SPRINKI.,ER SYSTEMS :If opening are not provided in each 5O feet of exterior wall or there isfloor area more than 75 feet fron an exterior openingr €ul automaticsprinkler EyEten is reguired. -- Sec. 3902. (b) An automatic sprinkler systen is reguired in basements of A-occupancLesgreater than 1500 sgft. -- Sec. 3802. (c)2. An automatic sprinkler systenr is reguired in enclosed usable areas aboveor below stairs. -- Sec. 3802. (c)4. STANDPIPE REQUIRET{ENTS :1) A standpipe system may be reguired. -- Table 38-A2) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) vlall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2l Carpeting on nalls and ceiling are required to have a class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) INSUI,ATION NOTES:1) A11 insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maxinurn smoke density of 450 unlessit is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall orceiling. -- sec. L7L3. (c) exc.#22) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. 17L2. GI.,AZING REQUIREMENTS :l-) A11 glazing in trazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing naterial. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL FEQUIREUENTS : For 82 occupancyIn all areas customarily occupied by hunans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. For R1 occupancyA fire alar:n systen may be reguired in this building. -- Sec. r.202. (b) Provide a window or door to the exterior from every room used for sleeping 4th S:ff.f"i;:, t8;ir .REEK "J; PENrHousEAddress: GORE CREEK PIAZA A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sg.ft., a clear heightof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 incheE(nininum). -- Sec. L2O4. All habitable rooms require exterj-or glazed openings equal- to 10* or more of the floor area. (nin 1O sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1-205. (a) All habitabLe rooms reguire an operable exterior openings egual to 5tor more of the floor area. (rnin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) The uininun ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths nay have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1207. (a) For A3 occupancy FIoor-BSl{T Occupancy-Dining Roon The capacity of this area is required to be posted at 57 occupants.-- sec. 3302. (c) Floor-lst Occupancy-Dining Roorn The capacity of this area is reguired to be posted at L45 occupants.-- sec. 3302. (c) For 81 occupancy Devices generating a glow or flame are reguired to be L8 inches abovethe floor. -- sec. 708. The uininun clear height is required to be 7 feet. -- Sec. 709. (d) Parking garages require a ventilation system that exhausts 1.5 cfmper sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec. 7O5. If water fountains are provided, one nust have a spout within 33 j.nches ofthe floor and up-front controls. -- Sec. 511. (c) HANDICAPPED TOII,,ET TACILITIES : L) All doorways leading to a toilet room for handicapped are reguired toprovide 32 inches clear width. -- Sec. 511. (a)2) Provide 44 inches clear on each sLde of doorrays. -- Sec. 5U.(a) l-.3) Provide a 50 inch diarneter clear area within the toilet room(s). -- Sec.5U. (a)2.4) Provide a clear area 42 inches wide and 48 inches long in front of atleast one rrater closet. If in a compartnent and door is on the side,provide a clear access width of 34 inches. Door may not encroach intoclear area. -- Sec. 51]-.(a)3.5) A 48 inch aecess width is reguired to the handicapped compartment. -- Sec. 511.(a)3.6) crab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sides of F::;"fi"iil, t35*, .REEK ",fr pENruousE AddTesS: GORE CREEK PI,AZA handicapped water closet. Side bar is required to be 42 inches long (min) and extend 24 inches in front of water closet. Rear bar is to be 24 incheslong in a room or 36 inches long in a compartment. Bars are to be 33 inches to 36 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 51L.(a)4.7) Provlde a clear area under at least one lavatory. 3o inches wide X 29inches high X 17 inches deep ninimur. -- Sec. 51L.(b)1.8) The bottom of one mirror, opening of a towel fixture, and disposal fixtureis required to be withln 4O inches of the floor. -- sec. 511.(b)2.&3. R-1. HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS:L) IF there is more than 2o units on the site, handicapped units are required. -- Sec. 1213. 21 through 99 units on site = I lOO & over = 1, plus 1 for eachthereof2) All doors in the unit are required to provide 32 inches clear width.3) Toilet facilities in these units are reguired to cornply with Sec. 511. These reguirenents are per Sec. 1213. The 60 inctr clear area is not required within units. '- Sec. 511.(a)1.crab bars are not reguired wlthin a dwelling unit. -- Sec. 511. (a) 4. The sink clearance, mirror height, and fixture height are not reguired withina handicapped unit. -- Sec. 511-. (b) handicapped unitadditional 100 units of fraction / o G51FA4- @nl4oNl Et FnFr-tT EI C=W e?E%- ?t-sz* 6LfF€F- t'-Fft 'F.u+2t.gn Ela/a+ar TtItF€) p.JgoZ l/ffi qiu voHal Up6rcdc, .) \$%',;q\ ? F{oFTt-t owv- I- ),-lr ilP hhdtlt fv2 { 9,"*4tu. -.5{id 3a556^n& '+vrt .ld.- InrL- '@Wltliar,r. a444 ELEVATDT'twf Fi'* { +h.4Lw , frr* .tJt- livrL .t. Fhvrte tcq+, . re'lcJ *oa1 a ,.r)w{v - aRs uos-!l <,2s-l Ha' ^ r^.-L= -fE Bfdg. Permlt #4OZ 5 75 soulh tronlag€ road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlce of communlty development SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST 3-z -7o Date Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Specific Request and Rationale: Sr*€e * Oza+€ /?T /?S 6a-z a Aas- Daru6 To dtera;r Fa-z.ts.Tae6 7,ttro.fuatr4aa6aC4tUtr Fa,z KoD 5c-tF€e, LJ/CL cr.JE FL+6*6.?ST'A /r-c c-etyr eD+ 16: S?rz €€- A-a c_€.5 s i-eO dltl4 tt??r.t/'L)'r.€-t 4) oile l+n-ta C2 ?e.L/ .+.f ttLc_ fi *aga!. Requested Date(s) /Times z 3' t I - 7o fr :aa ,*n zit sa psr Appllcant Signature: *Please return completed form to the Building Department. €C/L . ft55 74?'rAae 6.zeul .u za, Name/Position Town of Vail Approvals: Community Devetopment : V Pollce Department:v' Fire Department: Public Works: * a-ttterF-r -To fu aJu^-( Date: 3 -2 .q0 / 5,.*; tt",ura* 9nu-{Ors.,. /Zr ^- Spn-- u,..rIudi.-r1 rl,tlc b<,[ur-r'.^- 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 Btdg. Permit # .{a)s ofllce of communlly deyelopment SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST aqTZtQeo | 4zc -zaaE*-UVrn^" FtB,'*r-La Name /Position ':"'''" -*'tl::"""';;?.-> ,-e-J ,C c,-.- lncok Vo-^ Bl Ls,- Requested Date(s) /Times I Applicant Signature: *Please return completed Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : form to the Building Department. Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development : Police Department: Fire Department: Public Works: Date: /i'b - 7c ;G fi ' -t:itt tt 'tvtt E /tt/ /.t2/,,22:tr'it\ \-c 7/-- iZorttc-sc: Bfds. Permit # /aZf frlrae Fc;rw*uc' ofllce ol comnunlty devolopmont Name/Position "f T?,N cRAr\r6 6^, lnttn 75 south lrontage ro6d vall, colorado 81657 (3ost 479-2138 or 479-2139 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Specific Request and Rationale: *T' n lq5 Caee 4.t2. be . ftTW poisf r?lnT€erhES r€ Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Applicant Signature: *Please return completed Requested Date(s) /rimes , 'f;!fon 72 -t:8?/|&t,pt - /iropt?tannt - t2:do (sr:,a-'s Cz,P.nz* l3aDg. Perv.t-Pa\rsF tE u€u. form to the Building Department. Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development : Police Department: Date: r>r # $fire Department: Public Works I frl,tsf fZr*ru6,J y',^r-<- /a1c.^s. 1. /rr//7 rofr"/e1 -_- /4 - /o- v7 t- to/rdl P1 YF (LEt'v L,P A'v'a (?Faarq (]tc Do4aab fQE4Uoe 75 3oulh trontage road Yeil. colorado 8155t (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 Bfds. Permir # 4O15 otflce of communlty dovolopmenl SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Specific Request and Rationale: tq3 Goae ( r. DR, AT 't O fFOt S-i* d^-^.a-i- E ErAc"S ger A Z5 -ro,.J Q rzar,-rq OA)6oae Qr, (raza 6.ia. -T O Pen-4-4 au g € L€cteC _ Requested Date(s) /Times : Applicant Signature: *Please return completed 4 ',SO n'A - form to the Building Department. 4o!)u LEe Name/Position Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development Police Department: lfire Department: Public Works: Date: sf(. aA.4 oaz-a*? 7-z( - r? { [)u>f e//ad /r.t fit-c a(te>s- 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2139 Bld9.Permit * 44 ?S ' ofllce ol communlly developmenl \N*" \.r*"\*\ 4- ts#fl i I SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Q41- raoe / a"a - V;za Bots BaotDpc€e Sc,t PT. Name /Position Specific Request and Rationale: 5 er ft zs TotJ Qr<evg. +T- lq3To tl-o t sr 6.,1&7e e r r.c's TO T* eO€ 6Aae Crzee.,.< Portz * Bcoa. 6erz e e. €e.< Pe *n*oLt s€ Ltua- Requested Date(s) /Times :OT|+4R Drrg. !, q, r 6ut \ET 4', ga F'tu6t" VeT, Applicant Signature: *Please return completed form to the Building Department. kssoc.kTes Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development: Police Department: 2f fire Department: Public Works: ?gre ok 3r*^) Date:N 'l -rt -t1 7 "'Y7 + frq,ufa,.r, /r><- rkes> 7z*/ o $qu March Lzt L99O Mr. cary Murrain Department of Community Developnent 75 South Frontage Road l{estVail , Colorado 8L657 Dear Gary: This letter is intended to act as an agreement between the Townof Vail and myself, Rod Slifer, agreeing that I will have the 2rlstandpipe at the core Creek Plaza Building in working order andcapable of holding 60 psi pressure for two hours on or beforeMarch 30, 1990. This_agreement ls pursuant to the Town of Vail gtiving a TemporaryCertificate of Occupancy on lltarch 14, the day I intend to rnoveinto the Penthouse. fr ft.? / /2 /an Date / 7 --t m" t4 rr \.., r,rne ll,c',,a WHILE YOU WERE OUT ffi F.&irn ft€n€ No. t) L -\\q\ An6 Code Nurnbar EnonGionAn6 Code WANIS IO SEE YOU CALI AGAIN CAME IO 5f[ YOU RETUNMD YOU* CATI i''i' December 5, 1989 Mr. Gary MurrainBuildlng OfficiaL Town of VaiIVaiI, CO 81657 RE: Gore Creek Plaza Building - Slifer RemodeL Second Fireplace Dear Gary: The Slifers wj,sh to nalntain the CLass A fireplace 1n the Master Bedroom and will warrant that it will only be used with gas. The reason they want a Class A Appliance is that they wish to continueusing Frye Logs which are realistic and cannot be used in a Class CAppliance. Further, the Sllfers will deed restrict the property so that, future owners cannoL lawfully use wood in this fireplace. We would reguest your approval or direct us to the legislatj.veprocess which will give considerations to this reguest. Slncerely, OLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P. C. Ned Gwathmey NG/ad copy: Slifers l-II September 25, L989 Mr. cary Murrain Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, colorado 8L657 Dear Gari'! On Wednesday, September 20, 1989, I had a conversation with BobCroft of Tyree Associates regarding the Slifer Residence. fnsunmary Bob Croft's logic regarding the lurnber in the exteriorwalls was as follows: Assume east and west exterior walls are bearing walls,therefore: 2003 (a) exception 3, says croup R, Division Loccupancies exterior non-conbustible bearing walls may be twohour fire resistive where openings are permitted (protected ornon-protected. ) 2003 (b) 2nd paragraph, indicates that if the exterior wall is3' or more from the property line, openinqs are perrnitted for Roccupancies. Likewise, openings are not perrnitted if the vrallis trless than 3' from the property 1ine. (We are more than 3, away. ) 2003 (a) exception 4, allows use of fire retardant lurnber ineast and west walls because we neet the reguirement of 2003 (a) exception 3. The same logic would be applied to the norih south waLlsresulting in 2 hour construction using fire-retardant lumber. In summation the new structure of the S1ifer Residence will bebuilt as follows: All exterior walls shalL be of 2 hour construction. Fireretardant lumber can be used in all exterior walls. We willdevelop the 2 hour rating with 2-Iayers of dryrwall on theinterior and L/2" exterior gypboard with I/Zu of portland cement stucco on the outside. Page Two The roof shall be of l- hour construction. Regular conbustiblematerial can be used in the roof framing. We will develop the L hour rating with 2-layers of drlruall on the ceiling franing. The interior partition walls shall be of L hour construction. Regular conbustible lurnber can be used. We will develop the Lhour rating with one layer of drlrwall on each side of thewalls. The 1 !/2tt f.urring and 3i1'. piywood for the floor furring doesnot have to be rated since it is being applied over the rrTwin Trr and 3tr concrete topping floor. We can use regular conbustible lunber for the floor furring. Project Dlanager Beck and Associates, Inc. FPldi cc:Arnoldr/Gwathney Architects Tyree Associates II September L4, 1989 Mr. Joe NorrisBuilding Inspector Town of VaiI Department of Coumunity Development 75 South Frontage Road lgestVail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Joe: I wanted to take a moment to surnmarize our phone conversation regarding the Slifer Penthouse at the core Creek Plaza Building. My understanding of your interpretation of the Uniforrn Building Code regarding the Slifer Residence is as follows: o All exterior walls shatt be of 2 hour construction. Non- conbustible lurnber can be used in all exterior walls. wewill develop the 2 hour rating with 2-layers of dr1rwall onthe interior and I/2" exterior glpboard with L/2" ofportland cement stucco on the outside. o The roof shall be of l- hour construction. Regular cornbustible material can be used in the roof frarning. o The interior partition walls shall be of l- hourconstruction. Regular conbustible lumber can be used. We will develop the I hour rating with one layer of drywall on each side of the walls. we still need to verify with Gary why we need 2-lalzers of Type rrxrr drywall on the underside of the roof franing. The l- L/2tt furring and 3/411 plywood for the floor furring does not have to be rated since it is being applied overthe rrTwin Trr and 3rr concrete topping floor. we can use regular conbustible lumber for the floor furring. Page Two That's tt for now. these natters,If you please questionscaIl.or cornmentshave anygive ne a Fr"nr;!";,'} Project lrtanager Beck and Associates, Inc. FPldi cc: Arnoldr/Gwathney Architects doprtmont of oommunity devclopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E autLotNe El plutttgtttc E elecrntcm ! FoUNDATIoN E MECHANICAL t] LEGAL DESC. 191 Gore CreekilJgCe_Bulldig FILING.Penthous e I LoaNNue, Slifer Remodel OWNER 11y6 Rod & Beth Slifer 230 Bridge St. 91ry Vail pn!76-242I ARCHITECT r,*u Buff Arnold/Ned Gwathme 'atl aDDREss 1000 S. Frontage slry Vail H476-II47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR t,"r, Beck & Assoc. rowN OF vAtL 3s6. x9. Il7-A -., = 949-1800 ) elecrntcnl .cONTRACTOR rrnu White River Electric TOWN OFVAIL REG. NO. I45-E TEf E 949-1403 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL FIRM TOU/N OF VAIL FEG. NO.UUNIIIAUIUH OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. ,6) coNsrRucnoN PERMITh"mfl l'-"; NOTE _ COPY OF PERMTT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITF T^J ]PLANS IN SLOT Nh\/srorlS!! DAIE 8/3189 004075 I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOI{ | ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M OlVlSlOt{ 122a34 GE ERAI DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - -^-^l ^ 1 ^--! -!i-- PERMITNO.: zo F tJ BUrtD[{G 365 ,500 . 00 ELECTRICAL \\ itr-f\ - PLUIIBING tE \\orr -r Eur\,\rsJ. E-,r-uLIttE ulrrL Per P r;rns flECHAf{rCAr \l'tnr: -\lr:5 t\er^ -TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES III-1hT R-I BUILOING PERT'IT ! 1,690 n vssrs-o -v t'n N-Q *=N, Q.ut PLAN CHECK 845 ELECTRICAL 44 NEW ALTER^TION (X ) ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR(PLUI'8ING 50 DWELLING UNITS i ACCOMMODATION UNITS - I'ECHANICAL 255 HETGHT rN FT. - No. FTREpLAcEs I * l gas RECREAflOT{ FEE I.00 :738 = 738 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE FLOOR BATT g"R-30 EXT. WALLS il 5 L/2 R-19 ROOF It gt'R-30 OF ELEC. I os hydrolic soLAR I wooo ADOITIONAL PERMITS NE€DED: st crt I l* | OESIGN REVIEW BOARD r00 CLEAN.UP DEP()SIT 500 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 4,222.00 _ _ j oe _go3r-Ls _ _ _ s=p!.*13, _19_99_ _ _ J|LO|NG OFFtCtAt DATE _ _ betsl ggrsqlas-k sept . 18 , 1989 'NING ADMINISTRATOR OATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in tull th€ information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provid€d as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state la-ws, and to buitO this structure according to the Town's zdning and subitivision codes, design r€view approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ogdirrfftes of the Tovylapplicqble ther€to. CLEAN ro: 1]-s4 S l,d'-' 1J7,Vy-S(TURE OF ANO THE OII'NER. ffiz3o FOR HIMSELF JL- aif,,eS{.V-t) eflr' \ '\. - -\ \ \\\\ i.-.\\ \ \ \ . -. INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: \ -.:. CALLER TUES #ED JOB NAME (,ii,ri\THUR (l TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: /ST oN/ EEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr DE FINAL FINAL n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING 'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor, ,r?-z-v rNSPEcroFr p"ffis"op PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I SPEIN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Q\ft .' ,.' L' ; 'JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES ,, WED THUR AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK N D D tr a tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS o coruoutr tr SUPPLY AIR o tr trtr FINAL FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINS.PECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOB Pffisror " i. lra,,f, lllF d- rNsPECr;p[ REQUEST "*' \01\ti fl JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: t ;i ;l.lr @ tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr NSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr HOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDUlT l l tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL iFT.APPROVED ri * tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o-/7- f 7 INSPECTOR ''': Uon INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER l^\IU DATE READY FOR I PECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: a I !*q'pnoveo tr DISAPPROVED T JOB NAME \ tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: CALLER BUILDING:upn;Nc: uruoEneRout'totr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SI-IEETBOCK' NAILd'!t:sil:- MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS EI SUPPLY AIR DATE ,/a-U- F rNSpEcroR - ' 1'rj :'. :.*!-.r-,- 1l*'T INSPECTION REQUEST Nnue --1\l-<{ 17rr^^J- \DATE lo READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECTFP a INSPECTION: CALLER @)'_rrt WED <. THUR e- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND ETROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr. TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS r] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL -(<<-V- 4. lrl=,=cr.-- ' PERMIT NUMBER DATE JOB NAME MON tt( <.{ CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED BUILDING: t] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL rr BOOF & SHEEF' PLYWOOD NAILING u tN,8/ul,ATtoN -$r("r*o"K.NA,L{ nt*ov r--r ELECTRICAI.: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPBOVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tt-2-tgDATE TI * _/ INSPECTOR pfifisrror \\v.s-rc- t \\\ \ \\-\\t \. \ PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE \-JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: SPECTION:WED THUR @ @PM BUlLDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING pd cns PtPtNG INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB E HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED g.i$s'op il, DATE l\'46 INSPECTIONTOWN OFkrA't, \--, \L,,\. REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR IN LOCATION: ERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING trl POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: HEATING EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL 'APPR}VED lr,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: i DATE.,.//- 2 e- // \ INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL DArE I \'aq JoB NAME (- t'\ rtr€{- CALLER TUESC\ /\- WEDrn- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED d:i PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FpUNDATTON / SrEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V.,/ .,('\ - \ frnnurr'rc FVI(€)[) tr RoucH / wArER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL oare //'3o'F9 rNSpEcroR Pdftsnop oIC t'^:tNs o PE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oot. t\-4 JoBNAME \i€crPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TU BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED aote //'3o'* rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oora fa\\\:\ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRr A. t ccp-\.-\o, O REINSPECTION REQUIRED JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES ooL 5\,to READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED (- tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING 'tr GAS PIPING F(r.rsur-nrror'r N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING Itr ROUGI-/O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER APPROVED CORRECT,TONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO \sx Q PROJECT I PE \\J JOB NAME INSPECTION:MONl i--.. ,. tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWooD NATLTNG B GAS PIPINGn o INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETBOCK NAIL - EI /\I].,,/tr tr FINAL N FINAL ELEGTRlCAL: O TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS IT E] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL n trr\lAL )qrenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ul o'l f lNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,ror, 4A JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES --t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr t-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH O HEATING o ExFrRUsl HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tl dr,*o,-tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO n!frsxrp PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE 3- /?-7a JoB NAME -a ' ('*"- CALLER-r<\Ary ruESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: PLUiIBING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1^&-sLEFn...- tr cAS prprNc- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr nn g r'-^. ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - nn tr FINAL tr FINAL BAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -coRREcrloN s, €q8Tr/b ! INSPECTOR pffiElop ',;3icr"f4 { '?-rF.':: -INSPE DArE -s ' tt -q6 JoB NAME -.S [,{.n Q.u od-\ READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Llo-tS ? -.Tirii I" :6'1 ,:,' . , CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION:MON TUES CALLER BOID weo (aHR. FRI au$a tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERC] FRAMING Ir ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr TNSULATION - tr GAS PIPING POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELE trT trF tr( tr- tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR /4-FF-PRovED.]/coaaecroNS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belov items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. ffivl PLUMBTNG MECHANI CAL ELECTRI CAL NAL BUILDING TEMPOMRY C of O I,/-4. TcERTIFIcATE oF occuP D{t'_p.t? - c(4