HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnit 6 - 1991-1994, PRJ99-0024TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2A38 Clean-up D approved amount date Description:NEW SFR Occupancy Dwellings DweUings Privat,e Garages TYpe Zone 1 V-N Zone 1 V-N Basement Zone 1 V-N 1_, s60 948 499 3, 007 T0EaI calculated F.eE---> Addit.ional Fees---- ---> ToEal Pcrnii Fee--------> Palment!------- BALINCE DI]E--.- Units: 001 Valuat,ion L27,L40.0O L6,779.60 LO,628.70 L54,548.30 r_54,548.30 500, 000 . 000 *of wood/Pal.1et: Totsa1 Valuation: Town of Vail Adjusted ValuaEion: *Of cas A*rl,ianc€s: 2 #of caa Logs: Building-----> Plan Check- - - > InrreetigaCion> will call----> 2, 740 . Oo .00 3,00 .oo 400.00 't82.40 750.00 6 ,426 .40 6 ,42€ .4O ,00 6,426 -40 6 ,426 -40 . o0 Rescrrarartt Plan Rcvield-- > DF.B Fee----- --- Recreat.ion Fee-- ----- -- -> CLean-I4' Deposit.- - -- - - - -> TOV/Comm. DevTo."' Ifil3":+Ti;"HT"fin"i"#E?r3il"9*srr* Ar ALL rrM*s t Refund NEW (sFR,P/s,DUP) PERMTT Address:tion. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: OVINER FOWLER .fAI4ES & SHARON 1903 BON PORT BrJ\rD, puEBr.o, CO. 91001 COMTRAETOR BRUSH EREEK BUIIJDERS, INC.P.O. BOX 841_, EAGLE, eO 81531APPLICAIiIT BRUSH CREEK BUTLDERS, ]NC. Number of DwellingFactor Sq. FeeE 81.50 L7 .70 21.30 subtotal:Table Date: 05/L7/1,996 FireFlace Infor6et'ion: Rest'rictcd: y FEE SUI,SIARY ILem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI"IEI\T DepE: BUILDING Divisj_on: O7/L2/L999 KATITY Action: NOTE Routed Lo Charlie08/24/1999 CHARLIE Act.ion: .AppR see corrections list IEem: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENIr Dept: PIANNING Division: 07/L2/1999 KATHY Action: NOTE Rout,ed to allison Oe/20/1-999 AOCHS Acrion: AppRItem: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMEIfiT Dept.: FTRE Division:07/L2/L999 KATITY Act,ion: AppR N/AIt,em: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PIJB WORK Division: O7/L2/L999 KATHY Action: NOtrE Rout.ed to Leonard,/Tom O8/24/L999 JFJjt Action: AppR per 1eonard.rLem: 05550 ENGTNEERTNG Dept: ENGINEER Division: O7/L2/L999 KATITy Action: NOTE Rout,ed to Tom,/Leonard 08/24/]-999 JwI Acrion: AppR see pw See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions thats may apply to this permit,. Permit #: 899-0177 1850 S FROI{TAGE RD WEST SIaEus...: ISSUED 1850 s fronEage rd (alpinApplied-.: 07/09/!99921-03-L23-26-009 Issued-..: 09/30/1999PR,J99-0024 Expires..: O3/Ze/2o00 Phone: 7L9-545-220L Phone: 970-328 -7L63 DECLARATIONS r hereby acknoi'Ledge chat r hawc read this applicatj.on, fill€d out in futl che inforuation required, conpleBed an accurat.e ptot plan, and state that all rhe inforeaeion provided as rcquired is correct. r aglee to comFly r.ith tshe i.ofo!.bation and prot ptan, co coDply nich alL Toran otdinances and Egate 1aw6, and to build !.his structure accordinq to ehe Tosn, s zoning and Bubdj-vision codes, design review approved, uniform Buirding code alrct oEh.r ordinances of hhe apFlicable thereto. REQUESTS FoR rNsPEcrloNs SHALL BE MADE riElt1y-FouR HouRS rN ADVANCE By rEr,EpxoNE AT OUR OFFICE PROM g:00 AM 5:oo pU Send Clcan-Up Deposit- To: {i€'€'dahr}c.+b €e B'<'usl HEe/( Og OT|NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AIID OM{ER PAGE 2****************************************:t*************************************** Permit #: 899-01-77 COIID]TTONS OF APPROVAL as of 09/30/99********************************************************************************StsaLus: fSSUED Applied: o7 /09/]-999Issued: 09 /30 /1-999 Permit T\pe: NEw (SFR,p,/S,DIlp) PERMIT.Applicant: FOWT-,ER ,JAMES & SHARONilob .Address: 1850 S FROri[rAGE RD wEsTLocation: 1850 s front.age rd (alpine th #6)ParceL No: 2103 -123-26-009 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS *************i.J.********i!************:lir****************************************** 1.. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SITRVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQI]EST FORA FRAME INSPESIION. 2 . ATTIC SPACES SIATL IIAVE A GILING I{EIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASI'RED FROM TIIE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUC'ITJRAL MEMBERS OF TIIE FLOOR TO TT{E I]NDERSIDE OF THE STRUSIURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. A FOIJNDATTON rLC rS REQUIRED TOIUI OF VArL, COLOnIDO Slat.eunt Nrrtnblr I REC-O559 AnounE: 9a)r[e!rt ]fcthod: CK Nogaeion: RepiinE.d: o9/zo/99 13:41 sEaEeanc 6,426.40 09lto/99 J,3 t2r 6850/BRUSH CREER rnit: ,I[ Panlc No: Parccl No: slt. Addr;Es : Loc.tiotl: lYrid Palrllelrt. ?otaL F.€B: 5,426.40 Togal .DLtr Ptlre: 899.01?7 T:4'e. B-BUIIJD NEN (SFR, P/s, DI'?) PE 2103 - 123 -26-O09 1.850 S FRSTTAGE RD WSST 18gO . fr.ontag6 rd (alpin. rh 1.5) Balance: 6, 426:40 5,426.40 .o0 * t t a tt tt* *i* r* *i + * * * * * a * r* i* * r+ r * r * *i Account Codo BP 00100003111100 DR 0010000311,2200 PF OO100003112300 AD D2.DBPO8 DeecripEion BUILDINc PERMTT FEES DESIOI REVIEW FEES PI,AN CHECK FEBS SIEANUP DEPOSITS Atlount 2 t't40.0O 400. 00 1,781.00 ?50.00 7S2.aO 3. O0 Rp 1L1000031.12700 RECREATIOIT PEEA lrc 00100003112800 WILL CALL IllgpgerloN pBE PRIDARED s/22/O0, 10!st!33 DEPOSIA REFttlD RBP@.I-IIPDAIE PlgB I PROGRI I k415u Tovll ol vril CU$T-TD CUSTO ER ftl||! fi?E cBlRoE DEFO9IT DEpOgrr-AD.r .lDJUft$tEtT LtilEn-RMttD@DB DIACRII'TIOF At-DAlt .aJ-DITB ltlOI,II TOIIDT ltb{tFT tltotl|A 1659 899-0177 BAUSH CREEf, BlrlljttlRt D2 DBPOE DIPOSIT IUAAIJ FOR CI,gIOI'ER TSPB: D2 9/70/99 e/22/00 7s0.00 ?s0.00 750.00-.o0 750. O0 750.00 750.00-.oo GRLlfD TTO4AL: 75O.Oo ?5O.OO 750.00- DEPOSIT @I'NI: 1 a C/L BArcrt CREATED t BlTCtt- o22{ s 2ooolos USERID-i'POPECK AP HEID coIJNT-1. OO AMOI'NT-750. 0o TowN oF vArOoNsrRUcroN pERrur nilrcATroN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE A}PLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) r"onu-., F6urlgr^ {2e.<loepaQ robAdd.e.s: AlojN; 0-,0gU /fod Buildin&k)Plumbing ( )Electrical ( ;Mechanical ( ) Contac:t the Eagle County Asspssors Qffrce at 970-328-9640 for parcel #Parcel#_|lO'] {l-'} lL 0o(-\ Bq- Ol1-1 n^r- + lr; lq qua.E. r rr\rl t , Pefmit #-''"t- It - =**o'ntaqe LegalDescripion: l-gt-/A-_Btock- ao"* f,J- SuMivision *n ,, *r ., G.-J[.ql =n'* oo**, lq o: go^i Prnd TJlr/ Architect: C p. ( \ Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units:o r PPEqq- enzA Description of Job: Adtlress: ltXC VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECTIAMCAL $ tGasLogs_l_ Wood/Pellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Phone # Addrcss: Phone # Address: Phonc # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE Date Receiveci JUL O J 1gg9 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: olle J Phon #lll_515_2ao ) rn" ,u Ll?6 - 6i1) 5trE- Alteruion ( )Work Class: Ne* \ Number of Dwelling Units: Number utd Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: PLIJMBING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Generar contra*or, [JooA.\", , tt** ^r**.:Pf , O*. ?? ? q U oil Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor, T. B. b' Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor, f. B-0. Town of VaiI Registration No. Mech anical Contractor: Town of Vail Rcgistration No. g10tJ t 148- A CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: o DEVELTOWN OF VAII., DEPARII,TEII| OF COMMUNTTY75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2r38 NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT JOb -A,ddrCSS: 1850 S FROIiTTAGE RD WESTLocat.ion...: 1850 S FRONTAGE RD WEST Parcel No. . : 21-03-123 -26-009Project No. : PRJ99-0024 OPMENT JOBSITE AT A],L TIMES Permi-t #: P99-0154 SEatus. . Applied. lssued.. Extrlires. ISSUED L2/07 /L999L2/08/tgee 06 / os /2000 APPLTCA] T CONTRAgIOR OIIINER FRAI{|Z MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 66, GYPSUM, CO. 81637 FRA}TTZ MECHANICAL P.O- BOX 65, GYPSW, CO. 81537 FOWLER JAMES & SHARON ]-903 BON PORT BLVD, PTIEBLO, CO Phone: 970-390-3105 Phone: 970-390-3105 Phone:. 7t9-545-220L 81001 Valuation:18, 000 .00Description: PLUMBTNG FoR NSFR FEE SUMMARY Plul!.bing----- > Plan chaek--- > Investigation> will call--- > Reet'uarant Plrn Review- - >Total CalcuLaeed Fee€- - - > Additsional FeeB---------> Total Pert!.it Pee Pa].ment.------- 67.50 .00 3.00 340-50 340-50 . oo 340.50 BAI,ANCE DUE-'-. ITE.M: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BU]LDING DiViSiON:L2/07/L999 'JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED ,]RM-IECM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEII"T DEPts: FIRE DiViSiON:a2/07/1"999 JRM Actsion: APpR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, r_. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIFCD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPr,IAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno*ledge Ehat I have rcad thi€ appficati.on, filled out' in full the infotlBat,r.on requlred, completed an accurate ploc p;an, and stabe chat. all the infonnation provided ae required i3 corx€c!. I agree to comply with t'he infoatation and plot plan, Eo conpl,y eith aLl Toen ordinances and et.ace 1a$6, and to build Ehis structurc according co t,he Tonn's zoning and Eubdivision codes, deeign review approved, Uniform Building code and other oldinances of the town applicable REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHAI.L BE I4ADE TWENTY-FOUR HOT'RS XN ADINNCE BY FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATIAE OF OWNER OR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******..r***.1***rtir.*rrr,,,,r, TOIII OF VAT'J. COIJORADO EtaEeunt *t tttt**aai *r*r r r ** * * r+t*J r** f r*.a ** +* *r** * *a i il** +** 1r.+ it r * * *r*r t scrEiErt Nrebe! ! R8C-0597 Anouht': 340.50 12rlo8/99 15:30 PaynenC [ethod 3 2545 Noration: FRI|NrZ MSCHANTCA Inlrr l]lr Per.uit tfo, Palcel No! 8it6 -lddreEa ! LocrEion: lhlg Pqnrt P99-ot54 tlFe: B-PLltS PLUMBllfe PERI'IT 2LO3-723 -26-009 1A5O S FRONITIGE RD 9IE{IT 1850 g FRONTICE RD T{EgT Tocal FeeB! 340. SO 340.50 Total ILIJ PBtsa: !{0.50 ' Balanc€ ! .00 *:lt*ttt*tattrr*t lccouac code PP 00100003rr.12 00 PP O01000(l!1123 00 wc 001,o00031,1,2I0o D.scripciorr PIJI'IIBING PERMIT FEES PI|Alf CHECK FEES WIIJL CA!I' INSPBFION FEE ArcunC 270.00 67 .50 TowN oF vArrtoNsrRucroN pERM,t o{rcATroN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TflE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEII agle County Assessots O/?ice aL970-328-8640for Parcel #73.- 11?-&_=@7' ,.*,n891 - ol'1'1 louName:6tr,rfeF- Ra5, JobAddress: Plumbing 6/ Electricat ( ) Architect: Contact the Parcel # Date: / Building ( ) Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Mechanical ( ) Subdivision Other ( ) Address:Phone# Description of Job: Additional ( ) 5 WoodlPellet Repair ( )Other ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECIIAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Phone # Address: Phone # TownofVailRegrstrarionNo. ,---,//J pnon"* ?1O - 3n0- 31C€- " Mechanical Contractor, / 24-P Address: Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: 3P Date Receiver Work Class: New (r,/ Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Applianccs BUILDING: $PLUMBINGq4c@_ General Contrector: Town of Vail Registrarion No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registratron No. Plumbins Contractor: Alteration ( ) I nFn 07 figq TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 ilob Address...:L,ocation.,....: Parcel No.....: Project. Number: DEPARTITEI{:T OF COMMI]NTTY DEVEI.OPMETiIT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSIED ON JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit #: M99-0173MECI{ANICAL PERMIT 1850 S FROIiITAGE RD WEST 1850 S FROMTAGE RD 2]-03-L23-26 -009 PRJ99-0024 sEatus-..: IsstED Applied. .. L2/t6/t999 Iesued. . . : Ercpires. . ; APPLICAI T FRANTZ MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 66, GYPSIM, CO. 81637 COI\ITRAETOR FR.,ANTZ MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 66, GYPSI'M, CO. 81637OWNER FOI{LER iIAMES & SHARON 1903 BON PORT BIJVD, PUEBLO, CO. Descript.ion: MECrr POR NEW HEAT/HOT WATER SYSTEM Fileplace Inf omttion: Re6tricted: Y *of €a6 Alrpliancee: Phone: Phone: Phone: 81001 Valuat.ion: llof oe6 Log6: 970 -390 -3105 970-390-3105 7L9-545-220L 14, 000 . 00 *of t{ood/Pallet: Mechanical---> Plad check- - - > I nvc B! igats 1on > will call----> 280 .00 70 .00 .00 ,00 353 .00 353 .00 .00 353 .00 353 .003.O0 Reetualartt Plan R6vier- -> DRB Fee-'------ Totsal Calcul,ated feea---> Addi.tsional FeeE---- - -- --> TotsaI PermlC Fe6--------> Payuenle------- Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMETiIT Dept: BUILDING Division:L2/L6/L999 KATIIY AcEion: NO:TE ROIITED TO iTR:L2/22/L999 JRM Act.ion: APPR approvedILbM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DEDT: FIRE DiViSiON:l2/L6/L999 KATITY AcLion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF A.PPROVAI, 1.2. 3. 4- 5. 6- 7. 8. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE.cot[BusTroN ArR rs REoUTRED pER sEe. 701 oF TIIE 1997 tMC, ORsEqrroN 701 0F TrrE 1997 rMC.INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FAqfl'RES INSTRUqfIONS ANDTO CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 TMC. GAS APPLIAIiICES SHALL BE VEIfTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 A}iID SHAI,L TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 t'MC, OR GAS APPLIAIiICES SHALL BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 A}iID SHAI,L TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 t'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.1O17 OF TI{E 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TITE 1997 IMC. BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOTDTTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOII,IBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOIJMTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. PERMIT,PIJANS AND EODE AI\IALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAIVICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI'EST. DRAINAGB OF MECHAT.IICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING IIEATING OR IIOT-WATER SIJPPI,Y BOILERS SHAI-,L BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 0E THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEcrrON 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECITANATIOT{S I btr6y aolnorlcdgr thre I have rrrd UtlE rppllcrflon, ftu.d out ln !u1l bh. lnfotnEllon rrquir.d, coqll.!.d ]r .csu!!!. p1otspI&, rld atata thrt all tha lnfoorueEiotl prqntatad sa rrgulrad ir coar€ct. t agtcc to cEqrfy dtn Ghe Lnform.tl@ ]rd tnog plBr to o€qrly rlEb rll Totn oldinrtlc.. |nd rtatr lrir, atrd to build thiF guructuro rccordl,ng !o ths TovB'r lonlng and cubdlvlrlon cod.r. d.algn nvl.r .I4trov.d. Ehifon Buildj,r€ Cod. ]rd oth.r ogillnrncca of, lha fo,rn rppuorblc tb.r.to. RECUI8TE FoB $|sDEclloxs aHhtJ. BE t|]DB TrrElTT-tottR rrokg rr tDta![c! By trl.lFlroE At a?t-a13a oR ar o@ otlrcB pno troo tt| E.oo !!l srqnutB oD o||r8f oa co&,rRAercn FoR HIIglr,F r[D o rn 'i t 77+ o <* )-n / Z- ,4rc./4-r: FOWLER RESIDENCE BOILER 160,0008TU Gas line I in tite flex into mechanical room-medium pressure Boiler to be set on 18in high stand above garage floor v\q1 ' ot1} 4L'. zfll,4 L €oo tr lg*t" Eni;D& r*z&lArnc&l fa-. Date Receive, DEC 3 t 1999 F,ue - A t' Dan1t& pazu OtrVs E 6nt kfnl*la P 6'/ Y(rtt 0o /t frt't ru 6o;/ee 60 gallon Super Store-no gas required Pgsqq-ooaq TowN o, vo,foNsrRucroN pERMrr nilrcn'o* ,o*ff' ol1'l INF'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL Bf,, REJECTf,,D Contactthe Eagle County Assessors Offrce aLg7A328-8640for Parcet# Parcet * 2/ f) 1-AS_Z=aof D.*" /Lf/b/?q - perrnitn_CJl_e_l5g lot Na-e: Fl .^-r \ ae Ra.{ . Job Address: Building( ) Plumbing( )Electrical ( )Mechanical (r),/Other ( ) ) Legal Description: Lot lg Block_ Filing_ Subdivision owners Name: lf,;.rrtc s Architecl: Description of Job: Work Class: New (Lf Alteration ( )Additional (Repan ( )Other ( Number of Drvelling Units: I l&FTafu Number of Accommodation Units:w Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $.OTT{ER: $ TOTAL $ Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Rceistntion No. Plumbing Contractor: TownofVailRegistrationNo fnqq-On3 Phone# Mechanicaf contractor t Fr<^"*z t'tl*'l*;.-QAddress: TownofVailRegisrrationr'ro. /21 -fh pnon"* 94O- 39O' 3trO5 FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UPDEPOSITREFUNDTO: - Date Recelve' MECHANI CAL $Jl41!og._e o CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # DEC 10 1999 o DE\TELOPMENTTOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 InveEtiEatsion> wlll call----> DEPARTII{E}iIT OF COMMT'NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRIEAL PERMIT Job Address: 1850 S FRONTAGE Location...: 1850 s FRONTAGE Parcel No. . : 2L03-L23-25-009 Projece No. : PRiI99-0024 ON iIOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES PermiE #: 800-0031 RD WEST STAIUS. . . : ISST]ED RD WEST Applied..: 04/07/2000 Issued...t Oa/LO/2OOO Er<pires . .. L0/07 /2000 Phone- 97O-524-7970APPLIEAIiIT SABO ELE TRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSIn4, EOIiI:fR'ACTOR SABO ELEqfRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSIJM, OWNER FOI{LER iIAI',IES & SHARON 1903 BON PORT BLVD, PIIEBLO, CO. Descriptsion: EI-TECTRICAL FOR NSFR ElEctrical---> 133 .0O DRB fsc .00 136 .00 .00 136.O0 136.00 BAI.ANCE DT'B.- - - co 81537 co 81637 81001 Phone: 970-524--197Q Phone:. 7L9-545'220L Valuation:1,000.00 ***rtr*rirrr*r**rrrr*!a,r*r*trri**rrrtrr|r***.!r***tt**tt**i**rtt FEE SITUMARy t*att*ttt**'rt***!r+r**!r*!rti*t***tl*****t*t|}**Jf*ttl}***trr*** .00 3 .00 TCITAL PEBS---> 135,OO Total CalculaCed Feee_--> Additional Fe.€---------> Toual Pernit Fee-_------> Pal|nlcJrt B- - - -- - - **rrt|r+tt**rrar **at'rrat*t*tra*artr*r*ra*aar*t *!'tl*****'ttitttti|,ttr*r+**+** Itsem: 06000 EL,ESIRICAL DEPARIIVIENT Dept: BUIITDING Division: O4/07/2OOO 'JRM AcIion: APPR APPROVEDitaft;'o56oo-FTR.E DEPARTTIEITi -- Dept: FrRE Division: o4/07/2ooo JRM Action: APPR N/A r****i****1******tir*t******t** t**t'r***** COIIDITTON OF APPROVAIJ 1. FIBI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}iICE. ****r*r*rrr*.** t****t***t****r *********t**tr*t*ri*'r*ft****i** t**tft*t'rt DECIARJNTIONS I heLeby acknosledgc tsheE I have read thi.s application, filled ouE in full tshe inford.Cion required. coopleted an accurrts plots plan, rnd slahe that, all the infolurtion prowided aE reqqired i3 corrcct.. I agree Eo comply with ghe infonabl-on and plot plat!, to coBply nilh aII Town ordinances and Fcatc LawB, and to build Ehis ecruclurc accordj.ng to the Toh's zoning and tubdl'viEion codea, dcaign rel-ic* approved, Irnif,orn Building code and other ordinanceg of the Town applicable lhetelo' REQUESTS FOR INSPEC,TIOl{S SHALIJ BE MADB TI{ENTV-FOOR HOI'RS IN A!\IANEE BY TEIJEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OIJR OFFICB FROU g:OO AU 5:OO PU SIG|{ATURE OF OWNER OR CO}ITRACTOR FOR HIUSB],F END OHNER * t* * *** ***** *** *t*** I t* *tia* * ** +* * ** ** * i* *:lt*trt a*****:l*tl*f'l*a * * Tolll{ OF VAIIJ, C€I,ORADO Reprinted ! 0a/10/00 1rl:06 Etat€wrt * *t*tt*t*:t1*l * t** ** a** t* * *t *r *** *l* *t*t* *****tt*ta*l}*** ** *l* *t*l gtat@t ,lnrmber: RBc-0514 Amount:136.0O O4l10/0o 14:05 Payuent lLthod: CK Notation: *242916,abo Init : IrC Perf,tle !fo: Parcel No: 81te Addreds: Ipcatim: Thls Pa]tent TotaL Fee6: 136.00 Total N|L ktg3 Balance ! 800-0031 Tlpe: B-ELEC BIASI3IC.AIJ PERII'IT 2103 -123-26- OO9 1850 g FROTSTASE RD WEAT 1850 g FROISTAGE RD I{EAT 136 . O0 136 . O0 .00 * * ** |.***t*ra* * at * **lt* *t t ttl i* !}* t ** *t t *:t*!t *ll* *'l'il t****!r***lrtt*:rtr AcdourE Code Descrlptlon Imount 1.33 . 00 3.00 EP OO1OO0O31114o0 EI'ECIRICaL PBRIIIIT FEBS We O01OOOO31128oo wIIn cAIJr INSPBeTIoN FEE APPucArrocLL Nor BE ACCEPTED rF rNcoMplElmr#"t"* Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (I nspections) TOWTINVNE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 0or I at 970-328-8il0 or visit forParel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name: fr;>\-r r :obAddressT,r so J . f-y-ax** - Legal Description Lot:Block I Filing:SuMivision: (r ownersName:lR*..r €ouVr ll Address:Phone: Engineer: I Addrcss:Phone: Detailed description of work: - , 11-e-^J 1"tsl--t rA Ur.n--tl* WorkClass: New$a)=Addition( ) Renpdd ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this locationi Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Btdg.: Singl€-famill 4+-Duplex ( ) MulU-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiHing:No. of Accommodation Units in thb building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( DoesaFireAlarmhistr Yes( ) No( ) [DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No( ) COMPI"ETE SQ. FEET FOR NEw BUILDS and VATUATIONS FORALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT rN STRUCTURE: 3 oor il ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ CONTRACTOR IITIFORMATIO]I Electrical Contractor: .Sa,b a ?.rc-Town of Vail Reg. No,:L1 L. Q, Confddand Phone #'s: 5z-,{ - -lQro Contractor Signature: r***r******ii!***r*f,***:r*t**iir*****rri**FOR OFFICE USE ONLYr***********it*****i********n:r*i,'***** F:/everyone/tunns/elecperm 5EP-:3-1999 !f,:36 f .gl lHtCOil?R CT. ('conbrcf) dtrl ttrffnbrr Zg, t9e0, b csrubd by rnd bcnnrnln ||| Crr* grdll.rr, lrrc P,O- Eox lat E gh, GO tfail fgdd.r'l mC lrmc e.f Shrron Fswr(6rnrf). - 1. tlrtilS- tr&hr qrua b buitd rnd Orrrr hn0y qcr b gry guilrlcr inrccodmwfi ho b]il dtbrfi h h|r cortrct br ivd|l prlffio !v Eufldrr ln conrhtc0ng r nngh hrttllt from ltlot!. AFfoE clr.l?ililrqilr, in urirowr orE|gb,Cilnlt of Eeil!, Gotordc, drcr&d bitcr 1gp ?r€P.nn, b h conttt6rtr[ nbtr fully prcviCrd bthr,. a qniC. -Ihc ftoFclb br onroucbd bt Add.r b npn rprc{lcdty known rrthcTtr Forbr ibd(bno., iUp.prcffi) t. . th. PTD+I tbon lrdlre dlhl Pfrt |n. proprrq$|t !o drrortrd rubrEfltnnt r fsttrxr: (hgrt drrcfitonl !9! C, {piF,Crrrl Tourhonu, A icu&dririon d Lob tt thrcrryht 40 Vtn UilS. Filing ft Vrt, Ergh Corrrfy , Cdcndo. a. Prtcr +dJlr@l orFryrrr* Thr conbrct lrb[..] or r C08T PtUg b$L. II13poia rhwH rDt rn d [$d so|b ol $a0,000. Thcn rrr Dl rl JiF,000 rrl -swrnttlory llr crro.d Dy-asilrr rr *tl|l D. bitrd In pm$x runry 0rraryhct trc_Proicf, Thlr b .ho. Grlrrd contrc0rq rc blid orr r?x of ooG uio ly Euilrlrr, not inr*dtlrg ttrr sugawboTy tr, lf,td colt, rrcircfr ln, bulldlrlg ponrili, crpstnS. lEd flt P|nt'tt, df orfirrrrlm bp frt or conrtuclirn torn b.i Suitdrr rrfl urr hr asl !.liilb (E drlbt A] a r bil6rlrr eutsatrrr rrt $r[ kc.g fi. rcorl proFd eartr rilhln lhr conrrrhtr of on hdgrt n nugr rl psfbb. guildrrwill |(r|fu omcr otpcrbb amr|| end ldvfua drltrnnhp norocr or nrrbrltr thri rculd hrrp trf ffi rithin hdgd. BdH.r r{ll rho Itnrrb ornrr rflt I bud!f,tcxrtrtri|r r*fi drr. B:lh $ll rrrt or fud t oumr n r[ rr rdribct wtro f,'lll bc Orne/r rp rnd wtrorli rpprutr trqtct h pryilil mc frrrnrd b |hr onnr/r hnder by thc itr ot oror nondr .rfnogr|| ell!rrilnb drr nt*r f 0 dryr d Inuctsr r rrlrid from tt Build.r, Tho Dfrbunu rhrll pry hr lulktu dilrcilr md rldr dtfu( rhdt oontrtn Ilbn clm rnd lhn rirrr. Fultnr, Ur DLDqlt nry inrOcd lfir prqrilrc non$lyb trlfy $r soatg|cdan of thc lrlectr Flnrr $rirfi-corrreoflc b 0rc prcgrr$ Pryrut [un dtn. In thc arurrt of nong.t rtrnt wltrin f0 d+ri r r.rr,ic. olagc lrrtt bc dtr on -0r unprid Drtrncr rt|hf rrb d t.s!6. &rncl rrit m rcryoruiuu turpryrttt of rny rmount wf{ch rufllil u@d by Dtrbuncr,il owncr dr ltbfunrr crtncd lhc drtiy of pryrrnt spcdd crn nry bc esrrfilrrl rnd grirl eccodinr brynr bmr- Atvrne no0or witl br girur b Onrrn ln thb hrrtrnec. r,.t)# tfl/Y LFP-JLa-1 Llqq 1 {: -<'7 P-e3 _ A_ pry;mrlr O*ctorDhhrnrrllrll gry rddilomt prynntrl rilbd *orr!. Thl €onbrd lr Drod qr trddt cetffucUrf tfib frnffi hr* p- f,r phru rncl qF ctffiru ar dnrn 0y Oml,s rdabcf.- hy ArrEot io trr dt fo wfl b WdM ryd b W eh tr E ffi Jf, tn OmrOrOn- ilp ttq* clrlnnsul. iltcgtffir^fl h ||fomfir E 'd'frrr( W b tnt hc'|ffin frp f'RfiW eN |efri*4 dW, ffir t*n ad tuG (nfrfit & Lt0a/,. Tm furt, il 1hnffig; ctrr*H,,ffin rlltd rrilic btffiig axffi, r[rd rnt|ior (csror0 & ping, fitft,tfitufry d ffiorrt vld #y@r+irftailrrtr a drrrlt by Awrd firrs;drlf n WEtrf#r trqpondily b nxfreltitg rntrrJ b-Frld ffi&lrtrtn ie wtaldtr trfror,trahfrdffiV ,td il unil {wtlfrlry aN Wr*rttgandry rocr, IDr mdryfrrye tTOf hegrhd h tD NAT 7C, Fll]CeeD GlS7rrdrnDr0ed., CO$T frt t?ragrltrrfrq lrc. Exturtn d Ur tdo7 tO 9GEEO sffi t glrtr rrr duqncngsrllld by Ornrr, drrngG. rcquir;d b nf,t rppticrbtr butrlirp coCo oi OrrrAguhiotl ctrngcd rqufurd by roib sndmon1 colb otddryo,dirnrydom or drrrIncrmd cqltt drr r no hnft of fi. kdfihr. trrildrqrildy rucrrc r finrt rccoudt,le r|{ rd|||urtfor pulpo$r of oflrdion otr|dr urGrtl|.rn oofg ]rd.rFmo. Ergtufrt |hl pftr rRpwrt of thc Ornn, prymntr b ttr Buildcr rnd $econr.cloff $dl b. rubir€ F c0rfnrgc ot toti. Fufl rcirhrrr hr 0|. guitsfr mdS|tonfrrcbtr trfr bf nhnrd rtlfrirte 30 Wnt) dryr of tf corrrpLilon of thcf anilrr rcopr of mtt, govfdlDg d prt h.a lalr tlolrl In rcoordrna nrltr lrr Conts ctdoqnnfi tg lt b rgilqt rpon by ttr Ourrr rrC Buikh. B- llaHing md t"hr of Pryn**r. A thr corpbtor of ||1r Conhrd d 0!r tirnrroton conbmlbd unhllrf Certurq$c tkr!ite'), frr Pryruttr nndcpuil,|nt b '|r .tcnl| tc||duh ffi b. Grdlbd mflt [t bbf Pai.ct ailt || cr0lrud tbonf. Ourrli[ Frdide r finrlpundr hlmEfi tuldrrrrill pfnhrarwihin e Smtyfimmdrnriltrr. C' rtffifrlF.Ard emlrr. Ounr or Dhh,nrr rhrl pry dt biltr n onilFrcd ln Prrgnph 4 ltctn tr rntounf drn in trc comfiw[on o[ lrr pnfrct, rlot rffiuilndingmwb ml$h fim thburing blttt. Buitdlr $dt Tprurr tr bltb rd prlfit rlrro b Ornlr hr prynnt Eedt cfirct $rlt conlh r urlror of tbn rtghb rnd Rdldtr !d b rlrhrd C rtty rrttl r[ ft$i[tt fur lbnr W fuy rubconbrdur or nrtsdrknrn r|ticfi hrrt rHbafi pdd tyOrnrr. Unbr* *nfr Frn ir crrlcd by Sr. ncgllgont w llbn{ond .ct il qnbrion of Fuilchr or hifurt sf tuikbr to *thrfl to u|a bcnr rnd condiliom m lhb Agraau0. D. Ouncrf.llFor- Suildcr unrSrbnrlr thrt.Am.r nry b lrRolrnd in thr rupplt of csnin trbridr in thr Poir* irduding hn rFt ilnilb.l td lLur rnd rppsrnc.|.Ornrrrhrl rbmtrr B*hrof my rr{ $ithbiFry lbrrnyfurr Ornorb hdicprtfifitc. tnd k|itrlcr $r[ noi bc-nquttld b provtOr Wirtr/r ailnDaildorl inrururcr tr n{nf iilu?rr for Ourrr- ile bundar flnr'|ty qrpfEl U nrrlrrLl orfiltrrr rnd rpplbnm rupplLd Wfic Om.?.,i#;*y 5]EP-?5-L999 13:38 P.84 _ E. xlarnr Th. oqsucUon bttttgrt h tbrrh.C by ilqnncr ror catuucfronddirhrrlt pttr don Pt!i!.t Aru rmrrtl ffidri lhr r[cnnor rt*tr TE:T h Attrd F in U'ilng brtwn 0l| rttitr $rft prid Dy Osmr. Ary rnrrcng.|ftul b. cndfrd b fur.ll h 0ra €orrlgficft pr€grarl pyrnr* trcn cuc. F. FntFivr lioq?uqtrrr eilcr'rr coaorcr! "ff00b Enlrdurgnfrjrrrlrcf &rcllb c| Amfilry rcfiftcor ts, e rrd lrla*lr, ffiTt,*nh ,nt i{, *n tslldrdq, ncuil{ tytaar udirf, Pr|rr raf llrf;tncirO.f cot arr,gl lq un* efuan "F tn Ftq&rilW w*ncloacrrril nrlrp?!,b iff tt irWtl tw wry&*a Ascarintlha. 5. Catrlrr+ CarilnfrEbr. f rnfa'rf*cgbI Qrrytn In thc lcnt orinrr rtdrn b ffirninrb lbr canr thr rtihin conbret, sfu|t aodcc irdte rovtdrrl tp Buld.r. Ail amunb mtdbcprld by Omcr rtrn dn r raquird ln fir tbour rffiub. p. Tcrrnln4q tor C+r_ grmr nry lnrtnab rt rlry tim tOr Ctt|l.. ilprytnrntsdur BuiHrrwil h rndcfwnrtcar0bbd lrctre llmrof firbnninrlist rnd h|drtiUoil UruJd lrFludf tha Bt itsalEhcoa 0rrcor|plrtnl rrolc C, @ omcr rcforort deil uilOuncrhil rwtnild rnd lgprcndlrt prflrdrrry doelrrrrb, loor phnr, r1*itbleor. ild tb Flrmrditrtnj dn lcrtion rnd dncnriom ofihr prt{r*, rd hrl pnlcnbd rrmi u iulkf?1'ro.dt.ll nly upon rlid ilool ptrnr, rpdilcrtionr rndd|l Flan. rrtd {rtrrfutthr Proirctdrll br cqnnucbrl in scco?dmg $ifi fiotc drrrr rrd rgccitkr0om,rrrytr nFdii.rl rrdftttt luain. €. Co+nr{qUnd Comnman_ _ A Aad&..l Erya"at*.r' nr. Fornrror Dbhr:crfrllr bp.y BuilrbrtrcPrprnta otilird ln Prngrrph4 rbora, Buldcrrhdt Wwilr OrrntFiorfiifrcnntilioof fifildt md omcrrlnil hrrr lsdryrtoqm urynonprylrrntl$irtb $a brnE rd condllionE hrtd|'rts|| tt|,'rf tFmlf Grrl| lbrrrn a].nurgrlrci r ugrl* b nst arJrfifrd A *n*e or Mt rrtffien. B, SgFnffl.So'#.doF cf ftoa.'ry. Buik|rr rhr| porfonn tfic *rnr r,rd csrdlucru of thb rglrnurt wlthin r nronrbb prrtod of 6nu. tJu,nar $dt duwt rnd plwitle rt lnbrndion b Suitdcr in odl hd Builfcr rrry c*onrb$ rnd trilltp.rtffir hb drfrr rltl| nxpotrfabitithf Unfir trb Corrtni. Arry de6,r orn.d Dyarnu'r h.bllltt or hlbm b prcvidr rttrrc{on urd/or ififgrrrrton b iuiHcr $rll no}I,. e *frr for wlrirfi Eulrbr b lirbh. slfrrfrt aanthtbr | {dnfrd a lo @_ 4,o\ vN" "-[ + qtrp-rq-1 qqc r ?: ra F. A5 f?cn cmnursrurt et Pnirct. A lt60/ dry Fndff wil Dr rrsrtrrcd b m AXIrt br.rdr 6rtl'|rr|br uolrf fic lrfldsmd Or|.'frrr b fongo trbdrfidtrbtiltgrtrp dr(Inffi||fi. G. Adhifur of $trFrnrl eanptrtqr For tr puDotc of hb Conbrct, nrr Ptopcrq uil tc thrnrd b b! 'rtrltbnillrrly conplcfd' upon lunrrcl by tro rperopdrb gqrrtllrnhl rilroriU ot r 60 or rfrnitrr notcr br th. prqirf b|brirt3 r {ltbrnff|dim bf rHlruthoayUirttr Prdmi L ndy broccnlrncy ui$ dlilalrrry rd erbruy utfitr rtndcd lo lro Ropray. O. AFotwrf 9t Plril Otffi;5 dmo{,L.lg.f [11t Gm3' ;1ar pvimd a1d rpprortrd lhc plrm rtd thrt Ornrr hrr prwirhd Bulkt ruilt ihr phm idrntftrd u lrc 'Forlcr Rrridrrcr drrEnrC by ornr/r Agrnt iltidt drrflingr rru drfc(ffiiEpmrl E. $odlheton or Drdtn Cthrner- Dgildff fill COmfr1;Ct $t Pnt31 h|caofifrt| u,ili fi. rdrhcnnf phnt idrntfhd $dr.. tn tr rrvrnt Ormr{bfiflf b mrkc cfrrnen or modiflcrlionr, tt ?f dr lt b. ilCurdrd h nrftrrg .nd ft. incrued ccfl, ttil drfry, erlr brrmunultbc r8ntd uDoa by lnlltrrr md Omrr ln writing. F. fipnlut 4ting Cammd!*r_ Owncr undanLndr end ednrondcdgn thd AdHcr $lan b. ln dr.rgo rnd dlnd fic coru0rdon d&O pQFcl oil | rl|ity bsb. BuiHcr rhrll drsf dl rt&conFlrebn raFstb tlrr rrrnmbb fpror'||t dgrncr. tn $r rwat gmfi L plrrnt on Str ,ob rlb, Ornlr nry dind uS Fovid! Bulklrr ru{ilr inftnrdon fu fta nlor$h rrd nroanry compnion on ttu ttqFct. guiklrr rHlpurdu ld hrw In ftll frrcs rnd rlfrci rdrqurb lhbiti$ inrunrncs rrd rro*rdr corforrton. Furt*ur, Omff rtr.ll hdaflnlty rnd hold Brltscr hrmhrr br rny'dlrngc or lrfury ceurrd by or b Ourr dwl4 rry fnr nlut Oilrr fi rgerr thcruof L ptltanl on ttr coilfrffi$r ||b. Om|l |en0 hrtdnc0on rruf ruprrubion olf comurdion grrronnrf n$ r|du$,tly uilf Buehr. rnd Omorrhail rd ll|{|G ery hnmrcSon b Eulldu'r @nlffuailon panoilnd or ru@r or otrclwin irrbrfrn wih Bulldrlr conr0ucfon panonml or rubconUlcfur, but ihrll prwHc infumrdion rnd dilrcilon dirrcily b Bui*fcr. G. Ormcrh RrRrrtntilgn rnd Froarrlbi[firr- Ormr rfpcrenb lhat h,rff L ttc fida anrr ef ths Progartf ild b l.grtly rntfrC b rhwlop fu Proilct upsn rrfil ld. Ot|'tlr wi[ |ltilt r|rd tFplovl fra CfdCn of 0f propo*d $utilm rr riltd hrrein. Omorrylll rpilorc $G bullrlh ryrAtcrhr, ilSrid rchdiorn rnd rub€ofitrcFn. or'ncr or OLDUrrlrwifi prt rfl invclccr prW$:r rr rubnnitbd by tuiklu n rct foltlr hlun. BulorrSf D| tlnardr0ty upondblr br Pl nrilt b rtl lrbcontsrsbn rnd mrhdrl;ilr up*r rHltt stfuhdt lbonr Orrrnrr or Ouno,r dbbuncr er provldod hcrlh. Omcruillho6 tuitslr h.mlrlr finn eny rnd rll "l.oF /--09 A-- ++ =b.r'-C!-195Y 1J; 4U,?.aB s I rutl sl r nontrymfit , b rrry rubcurtrdor, rupgflcr or moloc prol,Hql s draPAFc( unhrl thrnhrb ncgllgcntorbndr otcontrct-- l.{. surkr Rrgqnlgor ln4 nr+omQilnrr. Eurdt? r|ttil dem |ha ttt fidntr|lw ril |tlphl| illl|[b rccurnuhfrl rn ring tfrc portprrnrnc+ of thc vrqlr in Srir Conblrt M&r ** ;refm d rlcttr El ccw*la rili fil Fr*n[ gtf 3 lcun d tfl Wq coil tfntHoar.. BuildT rhrll igun rd wbr* b Ornrr cllellrtisrrr, r;rnn tbetget, fS., rnddlgsrnilf nr0mrryh Offi|'b rhdud m.t |Ppohttl|ltrlbr|.hclng lloqhe, tgfttry fifrrr, rpglirncar, herdmn, crbinfr, G" gdldrrrill br trrpom0tfu forrcfu*rling rdordrilrg dl rnr|drh.nd hirirp ofa$codncba prrfoming rrU dutol nd rm,rtng hr funcfionr rt ffi ui$ uilrin the rlow nmdoilf btJdect fuild.rf,lll nd comttt b rry arpt!.i omr thc Uudg.tuihqn ftc nfiusrr comtnt sf thc ornol, onru rrry flqurt md ol rvlow my f,gaflril, otdt||, orrutoonbrclo|r upfi rron bb ndc.. hil*hr, ugon rpFgud otlf Ori|lfr fdlcfioil, ?plot rd fre'flcrbnr rtC propll prnr{iltrg, dt bifh tht rhrhrr rnd wlS confiur tilr dtdcr In r puhrbnd rrntrcr unU lhcrhrctru b corrphb. BulHu will prwlbrlrily rryrrviriob rll frtfr ffid $[ apprwr lnd $bmitrtl involcfiloOrilb pryrrrilr pttot idrd h.rer 7. t{fmn0t guithr d0.! [mnt fid eu.]tr|!c thc mbrid Jd F tilnrhh fo; onr yrrr fiwn Flnrf Amuntng rrrd C|olfog. t. Iita A. Tttts Conninnent. omrr ilprrfJfL .trd ummr fi|t ovfi.r n|| good rnd tWUEbh titb in tr rimpb b hr nogrdy on rftktr $. PrqFd h locrbd rnd lu o0hifrad fwfihn fih inouilncl, coilrilittitrg b iilurc usr b iln Projd In srnrr br thc rrrut of |hr bbl Purdup Prlcr d Olt hnl uporr pylrurt of poflcy pruniun by ftrncr md fic rucorlhg dr hd b Orrrr. 0. Finrl lccatnfingL I ctnfin+ QlrF. Th. Clorine or Finrl Arcqln0ne Dltr $.ll ocarr drny tlmr rficr Euifdcrtrr 'rubffiirfiy comptcbO'ttc Prr{rct rtd 8u{Hrrhr giwlr Orn6 n&t} prbr nritbn ndics d the Flnrl Accoundng or (Ioring Drb tld.n occ.rerruF iltt,rrt rr otChrd. B- tunch LLt lhr!. firro of imotm5b Cofrtfrtt€Uon *ftch rb ttd illrghily d13d occuprncy of ilr. Proic€|. Inddlng but not llnibd to 'Dnncfi llrf, ilFcrr, rhfl nd ddry thc Flnrl Accomtng or Glodne. rrd drrll nd b. furild b rurdisr tro ProFct b.a tfirn rubetnUrlty eorptt BuiF|'.rd O'|Gr drdl corrylrb. ffltbn fi|nEilldum or 'pr,nch lirf of rny inconphrlr l|rm rrg.rdin0 thr Pr€f.c{ no bbr thrt thr drb of thc \'),}L" !ri,-19-1.989 13:48 P. E? Flnd Accounlturr or C|tning. Eutd.rl|trll codpLb dlgtrtldf pundr llrt hnnr wihin30dqr dbrClodng. ---C' @ T|n Fihd Acco'rntry or Ctodngrhr[ br hrts hErg|. counry, Go|or|do !t r,tfrrl rnd phcr rper*ll.d bt qin r, or l-nrcfi dlr Umrrrd phc rr rhrll b. nf,rtdly |cary[lb b iutH.r ||n hnat A rrr cuung,oarfr ffi l1l tin f*rn d i. ttttlthe W af, oV WA cptu:*ffrr *rrrccord,nsjy. rrE onnrr rd luftF ufu cnet inii*urscrr 06r-6c','tffi, rfrci I omrruurf, l*ilrncr b*ffin, ttd ttythttg h !.rd W * rffut b ar om.rr u t Erlir7 tV n W -iiffih h ifrcJtfrn llo trl(lftdt rcilonr.r-nrybrnnrryyb rccffipllriT-tf|G clcing erd crny out ilnir obllgdiorl uftrLr fir Co?rfd. 10. BhF d trrr: Cruh rnd r4ot|an qf f,hr Oumfr$rlf bqr[16 ri* dtoqt F Un PnFd rt dt Unl mrdrrt hrrrilo It ml ir ry rn rc ol Ood. Omlr rhrl obbhlbbillf cotrfl'i ftr ilrr Fopafiy b flil rffi ct*mr hrl rrr In*rrrHr Intt{tft f t . ilqqfrr^ Al aoticr ol drfirrrric cquirrd or pornitbd undrr trL Cortrst ahdt br henddcflr,lfrd or givur uy llx urnrn*ttt, €fffiad iltll, ot ovunftrt couftr b tlcprld.f rt Ue rd(frtrar frt Hh in 0rh Contrct tttgtleil ro llvrn rhet Ur oonalhant rtfrdivc rr fillonr: Ithrd{dhilftd, urhon rrceivd: ild.thr.rfd ty hrfrnmdlrl, rrpo{t bltphonc confimffen ot rcccipt; il rliliv.rqt by owrfht ceuit?, oil buchlOa drf rfbr$illy &pgolt wi$r tn eoudrr rrrvl€, drrrUo plrtnid or blllrd b thr xndo't rccouril rlth rid cocicr rcsirrr; * it erdfird r#, thru dryr rftr d.pqit, lH dr* eorheo pnpril, wih $o Untbd Sbbl PwH Sswic. Elltror prrty nsy ch.ngllhc ddnr brtldrfuil|t fuqr $dl bc |.ntDy noda. ginn anerdrmr with trb rdbo. 12. Aqigf|iln- T?th CoCIrct b perronrl b Brrikbr rrd Onnrr rnd nrry not bt nignrd tilrout0p prlorurltbn coilfit dbo& pr{i... fny purpoltd rr*tnrrrnt d $b ConSrC wihflt 116 coment rfrtll bc voirhttr '13. Tirr of ba Err+p. Tfum b of thc a1glg; 'wih r4rrd b tfrr prrbrnrnar of lhe oDligdiom ot Buiklrr rnd gm.f undrr tl$ Gomrg. lt ho drb for rny wdrpafonuncr lllb sr r Sr$rdry, Surdry, or brnkiry fiolldry, fir dfi af prfonnrncr rlull br.ld.nd.d b fi. nr* ngrlrr budrn uddry. 14. A6ofnry'r Ffr. Slrould my tclion bc Uorrght te cnlbrn or inbprd thit Conhrct |hr prcvriling p.rty in ndr rc{on rhellbc lrt'tbd b ncriw fTom ftc ffrultinS prfi rll nuonrbb rprtl rnC trp.nnr, inctutling rrrronrbtr etbmefrnrr tlld tLsnrtt|r baf gtfgd [rbbni), lncnnrqd by ft pnrvr$ing prily in rudr rdbn. til\) # @_ +n 5EP-29-19S9 t3:41 F. t38 f 5. nropang ot Cmnr4 A[ ny tim Ornrr or Builrlrr nry crur thir gonFrct or |tly m.nrt|ndwn, rfl*lrvit s eftar il*umntrthh mhil nGrna b [rb conbrctb be ccodrd ln ttr rrl prlDrltt rGN6 otE eh County. Colerdo. 16. h3d-rftb. Bofi prytbr hevcrorgrhttrgd rdvha in dnfirrg rnd mbdng inb thL rgrrnrnt. 17. Edb& - I' Blttfll0 Fth"r Thb Ceobrct$d b. Hndtre upon md Inucb ilrG brnctit of Owmr md Et$Urr rnl inh mprcthr lrdn, pnonrf lrprrrilrfto, tuqqrtaottrdFmfhr !.rattna- B. Errttr.Aertrailil. Thb conulc, bgaorr*h rrry drllltr orrbcunrnf nbnrdb in o. rupplrd ptrturntb ttr bfllf of thL Gonb*{ corfiinr tfro rdirr rgnwrrrt DctHtt Et pr$r r4 nry brundcrtorfinfd onty Df r g'itbn rg'Irnntfnctfid bt b*t P.tti. ,C. sacton HrtfaFf Th. rdirn hldingr rrc iffarld srly ,hr conwniOnt rlhruncc rtd rb nd drllnr, Fmlt or ermiln thc rcopr ol$bColrtilc|' D. QoselniE t m- nfr Coabrct rlrf D. corwud urdrr th|ar|do |fr. ln urcmnt r d$ub.rfa srd ha pt|hr grond Sr rltihr0gr or rndlton, yurrr! drrll b| in Eqlr Courrty, Cotondo, E. tr{nk rrul Gcndcr Thr ban 'Oril, h Oir Cofttlct or tty p?onoun urrd inplte of lh.t brm, $r.n ifiddc thr rrlrerllnr, tn{nlm, rirpdr, plural, lndhtsueh,parhrfihip| or conordonr nhm rpplle0lr, F. sff.rrbuv^ [ rny fmr, sou?nlrb, orpwiiom of thb Gonbrct $.ll bc l$rgrl or unonlbrcr$b br rny fin on, lh rrnr Cull nd invrtlcbE rny o0rc hrm, so\ranrnt, sprwi*nr. lrd rtr of thc tuninfoE brnr, corrnrntr, rnd prwicbrc rhrll rrmh in futl bre td dhct G. Fu tltnillrrr. Thil Coilflet ptc rrfy rrrodiicrfinr tntdo, fiEy bc frn|]'ritbd bt frr mfc|i'|.. Atr p.rt$ rgn $.[ lld riprtnn, w]rk$ rF| aopirc gn thr frn||ilfid docunrntt. rhrll bc blndng rr ilthry rv|n origiml cignrbm. ll. cgUilrynf+- Tlr. Cgthrgt nry br ffifid in oounErprutl, *trldr, rir.n trhln toerolr, rldl con$trb onr tnlortt \ _ f/ r.\!J S\rz\,r- vttj@ {,(----- 3EP-r9-1599 1J:42 t t. F&$n-Un, fhr rrfircdvr {|rb dillb Conrlcr !h.[ br h. tfirof na drbrm wlddr,Bdldrrtrtt Oun rc!ilb lrh Contrct EXECUTEOon the rlrtslrhowrt OWIGR: BY: Jurr B. tttl -/:J&14 Addnc of Gmrr: 1909 Bonbrb hnDb. CO g100r Tclrphonr 7l$6a$'2201 Fu Ttgdt&,3e{l BUILDER: tY:WllirmG.t*-M.fl EOgcrfrr R-+@-w ACru ef Bsittrr Bs0tt Ergb, CO ilfitl Trbphonr: 07G34$7rG Frxgthtit0"Cg$ P. A9 Date Receiveci "m- t (f{ LKP fi) Engineerifig, Inc. y...p---{-fr crvIUGEorEcHMcAL ---:- JUL 0 u 1999 SOIL AI\D FOI'NDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 6, ALPINE CREEK TOWNHOMES TOWhI OFVAIL EAGLE COTJNTY, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 9956 MAY 1,1999 PREPARED FOR: MS. LYNN FRITZLEN FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, FALLRIDGE C-l VAIL. CO 81657 P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (970) 926-9088 Tel,(97 0) 926-9089 Fax, E-mail: lkpeng@snowcap.net o TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SCOPE OF STLIDY SITE DESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION . FIELD IWESTIGATION . SUBSURFACE SOIL Ai.{D GROUNDWATER CONDITION FOIJNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS SLAB CONSTRUCTION RETAININGWALLS .... 5 UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM ....... 5 SITE GRADINGAI'{D DRAJNAGE ..... . . 6 LAWNIRzuGATION ......, 6 LIMITATION ..... 7 FIGURES LOCATION SKETCH ,..DRAWINGNO. I SUBSURFACEEXPLORATIONLOGS. ......FIGURENO'sl-2 GRAIN-SIZEDISTzuBUTION... .....FIGURENO's3-4 PERIMETERDRAiN ... FIGURENO.5 J J J 4 + 2 ') 2 LKP Engineering, Inc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The proposed residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3000 psf. They should construct the footings on the undishubed sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders, below the manmade fill and topsoil. See Foundation Recommendations. SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results ofa subsurface Soil and Foundation Investigation for a proposed residence to be constructed on Lot 6, Alpine Creek Townhomes, at 1850 South Frontage Road, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of the subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to orovide recommendations for the foundation design, grading, and drainage. SITE DESCRIPTION Lot 6 is at the west end of the Alpine Creek Torvnhomes, at 1850 South Frontage Road, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The topography of the site is flat to moderate. Drainage is to the south and southwest. Vegetation on the lot consisted of rvild grass, thistle, LKP Engineering, Inc. willows and big pile of boulders at the middle of the lot. Lot 6 is vacant. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We have assumed that the proposed residence will consist of two stories, wood frame construction, with a concrete foundation. We anticipate loads to be light, typical ofresidential construction, Ifthe finalized plans differ significantly from the above understanding, they should notify us to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. FIELD II.IYESTIGATION The field investigation conducted on April 16, 1999, consisted ofexcavating, logging and sampling two test pits. Excavation of the test pits was done with a conventional, rubber tired backhoe. The test pits' locations are shown on Drawing No. l. We show the soil profile of the test pits on the Subsurface Exploration Logs, Figure No's I and 2. Soil samples for laboratory soil analysis and observation were taken at selected intervals. SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION The soil profiles encountered in the two test pits were fairly uniform. Test pit no.l had 5 feet ofinanmade fill, consisting ofcobble size rocks, roots, topsoil and trash over 4 feet of reddish-brown, sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders of 3 to 5 feet in diameter. Practical backhoe refusal was encountered on the large boulders at 9 feet. Test pit no.2 had 5.5 feet of manmade fill, consisting of sandy gravel with roots, topsoil, cobbles and boulders of 3 to 4 feet in diameter, over 4.5 feet of reddish-brown sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders. Ground water was not encountered in either test pit. We sampled the soil in the test pits at random intervals. The soil samples were tested in LKP Engineering, Inc. our laboratory for natural moisture content, and grain-size distribution. The test results are shown on Figure No's 3 and 4. F'OIJNDATI ON FJCOMMENDATIONS The proposed residence should be supported with conventional type spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3000 psf. The footings should be placed on the undisturbed sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders. We recommend minimum width of 16 inches for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads.- Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length ofat least 10 feet. We recommend a minimum of 48 inches of backfrll cover for frost protection of the footing subsoils. The foundation excavation should be obsened by the undersigned engineer to verifu that the soil condilions encountered during construction are as anticipated in this report. The foundation exiavation should be free from excavation spoils, frost, organics and standing water. We recommend proof-rolling of the foundation excavation. Soft spots detected during the proof-rolling, should be removed by overexcavation. Any overexcavation within the proposed foundation, should be backfrlled, in 8 inches loose level lifu and compacted to 100% of the maximun dry density and within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content as determined in a laboratory from a Standard Proctor test (ASTM D-698). A structural fill, placed under footings should be tested by the engineer or her representatives on regular basis. Void left in the fqundation excavation due to removal of boulders should be filled with gravel-or lean concrete. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, exclusive oftopsoil, fill, and organics, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction. The subgrade for the slab-on-grade construction LKP Engineering, Inc. should be proofcompacted to detect and remove soft spots. They should backfill overexcavated soft spots and other underslab fill with the on-site soil, free from topsoil and organics, or other suitable material, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). Suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greater than 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constructed over a 4-inch layer ofclean gravel consisting of- 314 nchgravel with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No.200 sieve. They should reinforce the concrete slab-on-grade and score controljoints according to the American Concrete Institute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and colurnns with expansion joints to allow for independent movement without causing damage. RET{NING WALLS Foundation walls retainhg earth and retaining structues that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of55 pcffor an "at-rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained sfuctures, retaining the on-site earth, should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid densiry of35 pcf forthe "active" case. The above design recommendations assune drained backfrtl conditions and a horizontal backfill surface, Swcharge loading due to adjacent structures, weight of temporary stored construgtion materials and equipment, inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressure due.to undrained backfill should be incorporated in the design. They should try to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wall. IJNDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, we recommend LKP Engineering. Inc. 6 installation of a foundation perimeter drain (see Figure No. 5). The foundation perimeter drain should consist ofa 4-inch diameter, perforated pipe, sloped to a suitable gravity outlet, or to a sump pump location, at a l/4 inch per foot for flexible or at a l/8 of an inch for rigid pipe. The drain pipe should be covered with a minimum of 6 inches of -3l4-inch free-draining granular material. Ceotextile (Mirafi l40N or equivalent) should be used to cover the free-draining gravel to prevent siltation and clogging ofthe drain. The backfill above the drain should be granular material to within 2 feet ofthe ground surface to prevent a buildup ofhydrostatic pressure. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE Grading plan was not available for our review. The following recommendations are general. Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at least95Yo of the mar<imum standard Proctor density under pavement, sidewalk and patio areas and to at least90Yo ofthe maximum standard Proctor density under landscaped areas. They should use mechaaical methods of compaction. Do not puddle the foundation excavation. The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first 10 feet is recommended in unpaved areas, and three inches in the first l0 feet in paved areas. The top ofthe granular foundation backfill should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface rvater naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around-and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roof drains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the backfill. LAWNIRRIGATION It is not recommended to introduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing LKP Engineering, Inc. sprinkler systems next to the building. The installation of the sprinkler heads should insure that the spray from the heads will not fall within 10 feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation muSt be controlled. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted Professional Geotechnical Engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other wananty either expressed or implied.' The findings and recommendations of this report are based on field exploration, laboratory testing of samples obtained at the specific locations shown on the Location Sketch, Drawing No.l and on assumptions stated in the report. Soil conditions at other locations may vary, which may not become evident until the foundation excavation is completed. If soil or water conditions seem different from those described in this report we should be contacted immediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Ms. Lynn Fritzlen of Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects, for the specific application to the proposed residence on Lot 6, Alpine Creek Townhomes in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. LKP Engineering, Inc. 'd sop .(b'f / / o$ " ,' '/ ,.*-* o '/ 'rOV / Ito'/ 95. ..$* " / $'u SEWER LINE EASEMENT GORE CREEK NOTE; TEST P|TS LOCATED 8Y PACING. crvrL/oE0TEcHNtcAL Engineering, Inc- P.O. 8ox 28J7 Edwords. CO 816i2 rer (970) 926-906E ror (970) 926-9089 LOCATION SKETCH PROTCI NO.:v9'50 LOf 6, ALPIN€ CREEK TOWNHOUES fowt{ oF vAtL €AGLE COUNfY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH scALt:N'=ZU orE: os-or -gg I DATEoB'ER'ED: April C rnnn TESTPITN0' t I ELEVATION: DEPTI{ FEET s Y M B o L s M P L E DESCRIPTION OF MATEzuAL AND SAMPLE LOCATION LABORATORY TESTRESULTS - REMARKS -5 --- 15 ---- zv !fr O'ol 6. Io''fi: Fi1l with rocks (cobble size) roots and trash - Reddish-broun, sandy gravel u'ith cobbles and boulders 3 to 5 feet in diameter -20@# Ma=1.4, Refusal at feet No cround Water Encountered LEGEND: o t DD MC -200 LL PI GW 2-inch O.D. Califomia Liner Sample (relatively undisturbcd sample) Bulk, disturbed samplc Natural Dry Dcnsity (!c0 Natural Moisturc Cont.nt (%) Pcrccnt passing No- 200 sievc Liquid Limit Plasticity Indcx Ground Watcr LKP ENGINEERING,INC.SUBSURFACE EX?LORATION LOG PRoJECTNO. 9956 FICURE NO. 1 DATE.BSER'ED, April J rrn, ELEVATION: rEsr PIr No. 2 o DEPIH FEET s Y M B o L s A M P I DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL AND SAMPLE LOCATION LABOMTORY TESTRESULTS REMARKS -5 --- l0 -- 15 2:( I$ I Fill sandy gravel v'ith roots, topsoil. cobbles and boulders 3 to 4 feet in dianeber I Reddish-brovn sandy gravel vith cobbles and boulders -2083.M MC6.1% Bottom of Test Pit No Ground Water Encountered LEGEND: DD MC -200 LL PI GW 2-inch O.D. Califomia Liner Samplc (relatively undisturbed samplc) Bullq disturbcd sample Narural Dry Dcnsity (pc f) Natural N{oisturc Content (7o) Pcrccnt passing No- 200 sieve Liquid Limit Plasticity Index Cround Watet LKP ENGINEERING,INC.SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION LOG PROJECTNO. 9956 FICURENO. 2 l{Xro n 2 n H 8 vH7 a N H vt F'q 4H 2 ',F U.S. STANDARO SIEVE OPENING 43 2t\ r IN INCHES Jr 4 \ tl < .tD STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS 810 14 16 20 30 40 50 70 100 Test Pit No. 1 at 9 feeb HYDROI4ETER 200 r00 90 80 70 60 50 0 l0 20 'o lD-t 5 'l t .D;' 40 p (D1.lof alo9,.l .D1 =.D to 30 ?o l0 0 0.1 0.05 0 .00s 0. ool Sand:44.8f Sandy Gravel 3.0r Sl lt or.Clay Fi nes:Gravel: 52.2 f 'dFlo (D rr zo \o\oL' Ol l{X nHz r! H A H 75 6 43 zr\ | 3t4\3/a3 4 6 glot4 1620304050i0 100 2oo ,. T.st pit No. 2 at l0 feet U.S. STANOARD SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. STANDARD 5IEVT NUHBERS HYDROMETER 100. on l0 zol 7i 30 40 1' .D.lo .DEn9 ,ft 60;o1 q €Ito80 =o OU'9o.1 R r.t t.D An t-^lD JIJ t 20 o PHz TAHNrt Hg EFI HH H 2 t, fiFlx(, Hf6 14 P.q FI o z A o (T zo rO\o ol l0 0 90 t00 Gnavel: 61 . A Sanc: 35.2 r F ines: 3.3 [ 00s0 105 Sandy Gravel :il':"::",;::,'::l:.,:ff-'ilT":J::"^* ", .Quo Bru,Fr @ 180 F ROOM NUMBER ROOM NAIVIE HEIGIIT LENGTH WIDTH EXPOSED WALL I-,ENGTI{ # WALLS WITIT OPENINGS EXPOSED GI-,ASS AREA t- fam 2 hal1 I .00 1_2 .00 L7 .00 17 .00 2 8s .00 .0t2 1860 .04 775 0.05 2420.55 4522 7400 13 .5 4606 3 bath m+2 I .00 1-4 .00 9.00 23 .00 1_ 20 .00 .01,2 1,1,49 .04 479 0 .05 779 0.55 L064 4L65 1.6 2072 4 m bed 8 .00 14 .00 t_4.00 20.00 L 30 .00 .ot2 L788 .04 745 0-0s 6180.s5 1595 4746 8.6 27L2 IJ INFILTRATION .0]-2O CEILINGs FLOOR SQ FT .04S SLAB LINEAR FTE COLD PARTITIONs WA,LL 0.05GLASS 0.56 TOTAL LOSS @ 95 DTD BASEBOARD FEET @ 180 GAlN 8.00 18.00 17.00 44 .00 z 8s .00 279L 1163 ]-268 4522 97 44 L7 .7 s469 ROOM NT]MBER ROOM NAME HEIGIfT LENGTH WIDTH EXPOSED WALL LENGTH# WALLS WITH OPENINGS EXPOSED GLASS AREA 5 1iv 6 din L4 .00 1-2 .00 t-8.00 24.00 1 10s.00 .oL2 3447.0s Lo26 0.0s La970.s5 5585 LLL57 20.3 6849 kir I .00 1_4.00 1_4.00 20 .00 1 .oLz r_788 0.05 750 ttutil B .00 9 .00 10.00 1_9 .00 1_ 6 .00 -otz 82tL INFILTR.ATION .OL2O CEILING .05s FLOOR S0 FTS SI..AB LINEAR FTE COIJD PARTITION s WALL 0.05GIJASS O .56 TOTAL LOSS @ 95 DTD BASEBOARD FEET @ 180 GAIN 14 .00 r_7 .00 22.00 36.00 1 105.00 5969 L777 1_895 s586 L5227 27 ,7 8739 2548 4.6 L677 0.0s 6940.55 319 r_834 r_3 61 ROOM NUMBER ROOM NAI4E HEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH EXPOSED WALL LENGTH # WALLS WITI{ OPENINGS EXPOSED GI,ASS AREA 9 pdr 10 sLairs 14 .00 7 .00 10 .00 7.00 t- L0 .00 .or2 ttL7.05 333.04 256 0.04 532 0 .05 41-80.55 532 3198 5.8 1_683 1_ l_ bed 1 8 .00 18 .00 10 .00 28.00 1_ 1_5 - 00 .oa2 L642 .05 85s L2 bath+20t I .00 5 .00 8 .00 s .00 1- l-6 .00 .012 365.05 190 0.05 1-L4 0 .56 851 L824 3.3 L342 L INFILTRATIONO CEILINGS FLOOR SQ FTS SLAB LINEAR FTE COLD PARTITIONS WALL 0 .05GLASS 0.56 TOTAL LOSS @ 95 DTD BASEBOARD FEET @ 1-80 GAIN .01,2 .05 .04 8.00 5 .00 12 .00 22.Q0 t_ 1_2 .00 547 z6) 228 779 638 2478 4.5 t_569 0.05 993 0.55 798 4287 7.8 2538 ROOM NT'MBER ROOM NAME HEIGHT LENGTH WIDTH EXPOSED WALL LENGTH # WAIJI-'S WITH OPENINGS EXPOSED GLASS AREA L INFILTRATIONO CEILING .05s FLOOR S0 FTS SLAB LINEAR FTE COI-,D PARTITIONS WALL GL,,ASS TOTAL LOSS @ 95 DTl) BASEBOARD FEET @ ]-80 GAIN 1_3 bath+20? 8.00 s .00 I .00 r-90 t4 bed 2 8.00 10 .00 18 .00 28 .00 1 50.00 .ot2 ]-642.0s 855 1_5 garage 8 .00 18 .00 20 .00 38.00 1_ 1_28 .00 .0r_2 3283 .04 r_358 0.05 8350.56 6810 L2297 22.4 71-28 L6 zz6 0.4 0 0.0s 8270.56 2660 5983 10 .9 3146 ,/ wQ ooo BTO T3" i [eA Frorn: To: Date: Subject: Georg€ Ruther Building_Division E/3/00 9:48AM 899-0177 Fowler I denied the inspection for a final co as the landscape is not yet complete and we can not accept a bond at this time of year. REF,T131 l0hlN OF VAIL; COLORADU AA/I&lefrOE tA7z53 REGUESTS * INStrECTN t.lURK SHEE'IS FOR: 8r'I5/etZ Ocr:; tiffltgtT Phone r PA6E E AREAI ED =5:==== == ==**=== === *====:: = =e:=====:* =======::===========5===Activity: 899-rZr 177 B/LB/'eta Iype: F-BUILn Statr-rs: I$$UED Constr': N$ljR Adclress: l$iiB 5 I:RONTfiGE RD I^IEST Location: 185tZt: frontage rrJ (.rlpine th #€,) Pareel r il 1Etf,* lEi-e6-fifi9 Descri pt i on : NEI^I $FR Applicant: BRUSH CREEK BUILDERST INC. 'rFhone t 9tr,4-7 7F,3 Udbr U I-FlR Ownen: FUI^ILER JRIYIES S SHARON trhone : 719*545-tsc-81' Contractot'I BftUSFl CftEEy' BUIt-DEREir INC. Fhone I 97r2r-3tS-71€,3._____-_;__ _..':*-_--- Locktn Ho lds, and Not ices. , . . ACTIVITY Notice: gnilr r-epor-t routed to ftllison 7/I'e/99 Notice: L,Ianninq TCO denied on 8/4lfiA due ta incout p-,i.ete landecape Noticer DRA.INttGH EplSEf'lENT $I.IBMITTED T0 TQl,lN STAFF" ;;;;;;;;;;;il;;;-i,,,""."i;;;. . . . Reqrles,lor': BIl.-l- l^lRiGHT' Req Ti ne : t31 :lzllzl C0mment s: UNIT It ems request ed to tre Inspected" " 'tZUrS4E BLD6-Final C/O f i ne Exg Inspect ion Histc'ry. . . "Itam l EOSEf f,!l-Rorrgh Ir,rdeIten: BOEEIS Fhl-FinaI drivetra'r' gr'ade F - -'-: !|tF rFttF{|:Fl-TrE:rr1:r-EEFr :nnt-i EttFFFr:- lA/eg/82 lnsnector: ART Rct i on: AFFR Approved ings/steel Item : o.tltlti:D BLII6-Foundat ion/Steel",il1 :ilT'-:l ;t::inll ;",* ""f?:i"r ; Item: AAgel FLAN*ILi: Fnrrndat ion Flan 6t/tA7/fifr Inspectorr AL-LISON Action: AFFR RF'F'RO'JED Item:045e0 F,LAhI-ILC $ite l-rlan rAe/ei,/t?t€l Inspect or-: C[) Atr/ZB/AO Inspector': ALLISON Item : OtZttDSB FL.DG*Fr"*ming Ac:t i on : NLI I Lf ROUTED -f B ALL I SON Flct i on: AFtrR APF'R[lVED fr3/l0:c:f?tfr Inspoctor': [f) Rction: NO gee note(projections] NoteEr 'fhe contractor wiIl r"emove E.5" of rnof pt'ojeqh.ion ._from t ear't elevabion rooF projeetions'-tf be ;.{: 3r on greater fr' the progret'ty I ine. This wi t L6onpIy to sec. 7€15 97 UBC. Opproved by tlharl i e Dav i s fi4/EIlIi3O INSPCCTOTI JRM ACt iON: AF'CR AF'PR hIITH CORRECTIONS Notes! OUERHANB nN ROOF CORREC-I'ED'$TRftF$ RE$rD t^lf{ERE TOF' pLffTE Ht.ls BEFN NOTGHED, NOIL F,|.-ATES tylISSING, Fl"Jr-L INSUL-ATION HII-L BE UESD FOR FIRE BLOCRING,ALL sFT HEqD HEIGHT LIFIIT IN SEVERTIL ARER5 T{1 BE ADDIIE5SEI] It;emr qlelCISB ELDG-Insr-rlation ; \' U4/l1/Urgt Inspeetor': [D Artionr AFFR QFFROVED Notes: REMOVE ALL IN$ULATION FRRI{ AROUND ALL B VENTS , FRAFIING CORRHCIIIJNS FIRE IN THE PROCCESS OF BEING EfIMPLE'I'E Item: taBraga BLDG-Sheetrock Nai I W4/eE/W$ Inspector: JRlvl ffction: AFF'F AFFRDVED Item : 0fita7tZt BLDF-lvllsc. REpT131 TDHN 0F VtlIL, nOLERADtr lA8/18/erarAh ft7rSJ REGUET]TS - INSF'ECTN l,tORK SHEETS FBR: ,9/10/EB PA6E ; AREffr trD OA/il7/tltw Inroector: 6RG Aet ionl Atrf'f? EX"f STUCCO LtrTH LETTHR oBogff BLDG-Final IAESS{t L1L0G:-Temp. C/u faoS3e F,h,*TEMF " ClA OIASJS P|-AN-TEiY|F,. C/A fiEl/W4/UV Inspect or": GEORGE Act i on: EIA5E7 FLAN*FINAL C,/O V8/W3/frVt Irre pect or: GEOfiGE Act i on: a€r589 F!t-FINftL C1n nA/44/AU Inrpector': LS Artion: DN DENIED Notesr RHMOVE RO[]K$ FROM FLUI]D trt-AIN BERM BETI^,EEN HOME AND BIKE FRTH DOES NnT HAVE .l:1 ERAIIE THIS ALSO INT]LUDEs TURNAROUND AREA. NO FUI{LILI t^,AY PERMIT ISS|JED T0 SITE' TC fli*L0l^l USH OF BIKE F,ATH. PERMIT REGUIRED. F'ATI] MUST FE sI,^JEI]T AND MAINTAINED NLEAN. TLIRNAROUND RRER NOT F,AUE:D DRffINA6E EIIFEII1ENT NO RECIHUED LOT , f:OR CULVERT ON HEST SIDE NF NO F.OSI'T]VE ORAINNEE fiN NBRTH SIDE OF HOME. MUST ADD ONE TREE FER LANDSI]AFIING trLANI 9 TREE:S REAUIRED. A8/ fi /'dU Inspect or': L$ Act i on: AFF'R hpp'rfOVeft Notesr ttRAlhlflFE EASF1ENT HA5 BEEN SUBMITTFD Ttl TUWN . Item: enAS4O BLDG-Final tr/n A$/n4/ilq In:pec{;or"r JgtM Aetionr DN p/t"J }{AS 6I$SUE$'pLAN NOTCS: NOT APFRT]VED. IYIUST RE_Sf,I{EDULE FOR N.tr, Item r Iten: Item: Item: It em: Item: DN DHI',IIF-D DN Landscape Not ReadY Comment s FILEfipv TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2100 ax 970-479-21s7 July 1, 1999 Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith 1650 E. VailValleyDr. Cl Vail, CO 81657 RE: .Fowler Residence located at 1850 s. Frontage Rd. N / Lot 6, Alpine Creek rownhomes Dear Lynn: The Community Development Departmem has reviewed the proposed turn around and Iandscaping irnprovements located at the Alpine Creek Townhomes. The following revisions must be met prior to receiving staffapproval: l. The turn arouad area needs to be at least 12' wide and designed for a 3 point turn or less. Please adjust and revise. 2. A P,E. starryed drawing is required for all boulder walls over 4 ft.3. Please provide a drainage easement on the West portion ofthe lot, 5 ft. parallel to the culvert. Sincerelv. //l- I e./- Allison C. Ochs Plannsl l Town ofVail {g*n"*or ro hne22, 1999 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 re: Fowler Residence Tum Around Layout Alpine Creek Townhomes Dem Allison. FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS We are submitting for your review a proposed tum around location and landscaping improvements as required by your letter of approval dated April 14, 1999. At the March 26, 1999 meeting the Alpine Creek Town home association authorized myself on behalf of the Fowler's to finalize the tum around configuration as soon as the survey information was complete. Survey information for the common area was prepared by Peak Land Survey dated 6/U99. This plan proposes a l0' x l0' turnaround on the common area portion of the lot. We have moved the tumaround approximately 30'to the east of its originally proposed location on the Town of Vail Approved plat submitted by Mike Lauterbach :r;'10125193. This location minimizes the retaining to three foot in height as well as saving two existing trees. We are also proposing to increase the size of the berm by elongating it to the west and planting 8 more conifer trees on it to provide an acoustical as well as visual screen for the town home property. This work should not be initiated until the work in the electrical easement has been completed. At this time we are awaiting scheduling information from the association. Please call Ross Jansen at Christopher Denton Property Management 926-7990 if you have any questions in regards to the association approval. Fritzlen Pierce Smith K:\9888-FowleAProject Corrcspondence\To$nowail\tumaround.wpd Planning o Architecture o lnteriors Sincerely, 1650 Eastvail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail, CO 81657 r fps@colorado.net . fax (970\ 476-4901 . (97O) 476{342 # FOWLER RESIDENCE tor 1 xrt tr rof,cl EDn 4 lam t. t|frat a tll FrlF F'r tl.|-r-orFtF I I I Ii;4 -FNrnE 7mZ n tp l- ut lll m rrl c) mrnz r iiii ili: FOWLER RESIDENCE {af 1 aarM r at-l f,tllE c tqlt I l|fr.lt aa vf ttl- tt.I -YI. .|ll..n!O 'T ulil I_t I I 3=E -DNroFImZ pc ? tuf a I I orno-{ oz I (n o t-F $ n Io li Hiii i FOWLER RESIDENCE rot I rrr r rncI EECttttilxllar,tl5 ttl rlvx.G.mtI lrt tl -!-! II s 4 fult ..:J '-9-' 1..\; :p I../*.r.- \_-.__...- ,'$.., -) [. (' ./. /r'- /l'"''/1'./ /. ' / '.j ..t, -,." t'r// .l' ,/'/ --L"-' 3d"Jo'46' .r- -" 101 :, alE?6'+6' W 20.SEWER LINE EASEMENI ?:lH'T it[8". ,_^ffi;,sr.ii{ftfr^', c.1 .,; .qs'r'1" t'i ,,!1R'fl,t" ,, 'oys3| I.ii,'* -T:q'iiiffi..s+Txi:- t-1 l:-l= :l c:{cl (:r --.- i-. . a.+.J. 4.1 3+O1 !q lt -'a N 83'26'46" vJ UPIT e -. -J.625 sq tt' ,ff6'o"" """ ir-t"'tt -Sca/e:l"= zo !o"--"--r 05/L5/Sg 22:rs F X s704784901 Ndarch 15, 1999 Ms. Allison Ochs Plsuner Mr. Leonacd Sandoval Town of Vail FAX:479-2452 FPS ARCf,IIECTS @or FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTSRE: Fowler Residence-Lot 6 Alpine Crdek Towntromes Dear Allison, Thank you for putting yoru comme,nts in writing and taking the time lo discuss them this moming. Here are my responses to lhe gomm€nts: | . Turnarorurd grading. Countous shown are l'. The existing and proposed erading exceeds 2' between esch contout- There is a possibility that the sontours qrere mistaken for 2'. 2. Hcatcd Drivo Snow Storagc Snow removal and storage is provided by the association Snow is stored on the common ariea and/or hauled away ifexcessive. This o$viates the need to have snow slor&ge on individual lots- 3. Drainage Easemcnt The Fowler's would like a copy of the proposed laaguege of the Easement as well as the method of recording and filing beforc committ'r4g to an easemcnt. 4- Existing Trees The sun'ey information we have does not indicate any existiug trees in tbe areas surveyed- The survey was prepared by Peak Land survgying and indicating existing vegetation q,as part oftlrcir pmposal. 5- Erosion Control and Limits of Distrubance The site plan indicates that the najoritv [f this small lot is either coveted by building or paving. Those areas not paved will be sodded u{d inigated. The association bas rcquested that no impovement be made inthe commou adeas. The limits of distu6ance are proposed tf be the lot lines. K;\98t FFowlcr\Pro&rt Corrr-qpndcncc\ToV03 I f 99.stpd Planningftuchitecturcolnteriors 1550 East Vnil Valley Ddve Fallridge CJ r Vell, CO 81657 r lps@aolor#o.net . tar {97014764901 . (gtll) 476{3i12 t):t/ L5/gg 22:4J l'A.r 9704?64001 FPS ARCHIIECTS 6. Tunarouud The association is also in support of a tun amund as well as some edditional parking in thc arca adjacent to the Fowler's lot. All improvements would be on thc associetion land. The association has scheduled a dissussion of this issue al their March 25.1999 annual meeting' In orderto addrcss thc town's, association rftl psutlsr'5 r€quirernents I tlrink we need another six weeks to cone up with s configuratiou tbat is acceptabtc to all. I would likc to propose that a separate DRB application be submitted to the Totur for the improvements on the sssocistion's cornnotr area land which will address the tum arormd issue. In order to not unrcasonebly delay t[e FowlePs renidcnce construction I rn ruquesting thlt the improvementr on Lot #6 bo rpprovod soprmtely continSent trpon Nppruv{ of thc rsrocittion'r DRB applicotion prior to Building Permit irruence. 7. Ridge Line Elevations All ridge elevations are indicaled on the. I witl resubmit this sheet with key eave elevstions 8. Exterior Lighting Plan All exterior tightitrs is shown on sheet A205 as soffit downlighting. Fixhues are shorrn as a circle with an E inside. I thought we had submitted a cut sheet with our DRB application but I will be happy to resubnit Sis. Per yoru request I will reissue this $h€et with titled "Exterior Lighting PIan" 9- Landscape Plan Landscape and Site improvements alone with landscspe legend is shown on Sheet A101. I 0. Association Appmval To date the association has not hsd any commsnt on the achitectural aspects of this projcct only on the turn amund and parking which will be ad&essed at the March 26 meeting- Il.GRFA T[al you for your claification on the GRFA and sile covuage. lt is understood that any afic aess must couform to the definition ofthe ordinance and we will rnalce sure that lhese areas are compliant. Again thank you for taking the time to put your comments in writing. I will be resubmitting the roof plan with eave heights and a separately identified s6erior lighting plan shortly. wo2 KtgUt{owlciRoiccr Cornrpon&ncc\T0Vll3 l509.und Qucstions? C"il Planning Staff at 479-2 t28 APPLICATION FOR.DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL ALPrr-.\i=-- r.'-- -:- r_B, n E. DESCRTPTION OF THE REQUEST: PFrySICAL ADDRtrSS: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS:R \, F. C. owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THEDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,7i 'O'rrr NNOr*rr,qCE ROAD,VAIL,COLORADO 81657. .TOWN OFVAIL cENERAr,tNFo'&;;roN . .: ... : - f<l:;7'-ioLf This application is for any projcct requiring Dcsign Rcvicw approvar. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw nrustrcccivc Drlsi8n Rcvicw approval Prior to submitting for a buiidirrg p'cnrtii ior'sp".inc infon'ation. sec thc stibnriftalrcquircruorts for the particular approval that is rcqucstea. fnc ap-pilcation "a*rot be accepted until ail tt. ..q"j*ainfortrtation is strbmittcd rhc projcct nray also nced to be rcvibwed by thc Town council and/or tt " pr*IliiJ .niEnviroltntcntal (bntmission- Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxirir;s onc ycar aftcr final approvat uirliss abuilding pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. - LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:BLOCK: T FILING: PHONE: PHONE: I LIST OF PROPOSED MATSRIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other l-utvo Wer.rileer-p\^/ti!tr=e8\'.l.1 4rnt-krd =a\Eo effi q*tTE- /,- --Dr^€P , 2, 7,.o^L-11 oFt11 1c*s> ."ithta- @\-11 vJrh-q (sBrt-.-,J-7x Wr,- * v+- w+Pr rxJ u/o N,/zr - * Plcase speciff the manufachrrer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must rneet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior iightrng is proposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifo each fixnrc rype and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc CommQn Namc Quantity 1 Size* 9\ -lf'\ |!-/ t\.-./PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL L:oWF_ 9P'.scz- \k--,lzr-,+ Rs" -rl^l\q \1 4 2" co_l @r=ql,-lop +Minimum requirements for landscaping:deciduous trecs - 2 inch caliper coniferous trces - 6 fcct in hcisht shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc FootagcTvnc |. =44= €,Ao+ MII\UAIA-L OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and boftom elevations of rctaining watls. Maxinrum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximunl treight of rvalls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. {' AvoN''L*!*#ito This fhnrt ir to vcri& rolv'iil, evailabjlluerd lFrclor forncwonrrr,laroo.nd ;houtc.bc racd in conJunctrq.rv.*r Frer,ni,,s yourudl*v ntur e"atiiilaiii,,iffiffiiil*,. n,crocai;il.*i-Jiiiii'ity if utitiries, wticthcr:::lf'il'illl,rT'1l,liH ''i'*n"ocd rincs' "iEiu"Tr#""a il;*rril'by'i,iTiilwi,u urir*irx ror thc P01 Eoc U,S. Wcrt Conrnunicallons I -n00,912-t9r? 46E{t60 or r4e.f530 Public Scrvicc Cc|hnrnv 949-5?8t Oary Hnlt H0ly Cro*r Elccrrlc A$oc. 9do.5g9r Totl Hunty/John Boy6 T.C,r. 949-5J30 Floyd Snhznr Eaglc Rivcr Warcr &, S rriri\l&tn Dir{rict "47(t-7!Hll FrcrJ Haslcg {OTES: t. DntB ok/rz llj3 *lq " 1tc ntrn. floor ptan. ard otcv*lons whcniignarurcs. Fire flow nccdr -nrq.!t hc addrc$cd. obtainiAg uppcrEsglc Vellgywucr& saniftrion ::li:',*llilTff:iilfi::l11 si' arurc$ rronr cach orrhs mrriry conrFanicr end no ttrc drvcrolrmcnt-JiiiffiTnon thc fomr' rhc Towrr wilt prerurnc tfra;;#il;;"btc'rs and il1rl1tiV.go^px.ry hir corcEnu wirt the propo.sod aerruotodtsctty oti tt * utifiry vcriric*i"" ;il;ililrffTctiorr. thc utitiV rquoscntrrrivc shallrhc issuc ehorild th'a bc'do,._jrsd i.. * .*"iJr',# ,lil'?,y*l';Hlli,:Hil1y,'rff.* ,lrT*,'f"ffir1rf.$is thc rcr00nslbtD,v-;il;;v"i''pa,o, ard .,.e aFpricant to rcsorvc 1 Thaic vldflcstions do not nrcrmitarom-thooa*n,'llrull1"1ffi t:I,?il:::ryff Tl.qfdohr8inarrb,licwayfm:ff:l*:l**rff"rii.ffiff ff ,TJ+il"T1"tr*,.:fl ,$ 1 I I I i 53 PAGE . AB IFAI eOs{sor FPs ARsrrrEsro Autlrnrircd Slcnaftrrc tsor Lot 6' ynir ** *' ffi**01 ilili'ttililtil-, t'r'nd, r ffi ,This fonn ir to vcri F scrviiC Bt amt{ti*, ...J r- -^r-t*'#*:#ll$-*ffi "f*Fff ##,"#.,*#*ld*i*T,l*i[,$,#* U- -!. Wcsr Conrnunicsrionr r.800-922_t 9s7 46t-6860 or 949-4510 Fublic Scn'icc Gornnanv 949-578r Gnry Hnll Ftoly Crusr Elearic Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Hu.rty/Jolur Boyd "c.r.94.9.5530 Floyd Salnz;r aglc ltiva Wnlcr ft, .Ssnitnrion District r 176.?a80 ;rcd Hnslcr. )TES: t_ Datq ;) -{ef llcags briilg g rite plan. 11ss1 ,larr .,ut ..t,9r,.r!--^ --.r -"-h fiirfi.ms' Firo ftor* nqcd! ,'rrg'tr#d1ffi-uotg *hst pbtrini'B uppcr Eaglc vlrlcy wercr & sanimdon Ifrhc utility vcrification fr cotrrltcn-t$ 8r\: l'ndc <tirectP lla$ sign6tu:ts filsil cach.of tbB utility conrpanicr.. a.rrd noaru*.rd"tH;ffi* titcfocnr,tlrc'l'okr wir pr€urtre tftatrbcrc rrc no uobrcmrarid Ifi ffility ogryrany has concun, t rirn ,f.- ---- - ,ffi ffi ifl$ffiffi ffi*ffi uffi ffi*t*:,m,'m*u*' ;:,*fr iHli:il,:lfl fl rx,j:JrrffirffJim:;l*ffii$r*.l FFS ARc,sfiDcTs I NO.36e fir[r ftm1 is 39 ysriri so,il ' ' ,trilffitrfl#*guffj'?fi*,iH*1ffi#''rnvco'|E{,rc,im*noir,oura.u-c*rsrl11o4iuqr'onaecornpnrryinsritcpbn.*t'or'dr*il,;htH-Tl#*H#mmrtJr,,llf *.,#; F1 Eor ,l V,S. Wcnt Comriroo icadons r.800-022-t08? tl6t'6860 or 94F-{i30 Public Scrvico C€lnnrnv 919-57t1 G*ryHall 'Ioly Gom Elsuric Assoc. 9,f9-JSel Ted Huskydohn Boyd '.c.t. e4s,tj30 FloydSnlaznr aglc ftr-vcr Warcr ft. Sanitnlon Disrri6 . 176-74AO rrcd Hittlos }TES: Au.thadr".l JSg',retum ILlE lT:-yg. *ite plen, floor olsn, aud otcrnrfons whon obteininr, | ,-^_ =__- l- -T* ilmrus. nrrn*io"cofllrmoosortenc4. btainingUppcrEaCovrttqyril/orcr&srniarlon t.lllffLYJffilrffip kT si;narurcs rom cach orthe utitity conr'anicr, .,d no .r," a.,*roF;*.;;ffiSot! tto ro*t, thc Town wilt rrrurumc flil;;;il;brerng and If a utili6r conrpaay tes conurr w;rh drr_____-*_m#*;*Ty.ffi {ffi ,,HFilH:iiuf , hH,f ffi S*'Fil,:ffi1,nililiFftrlfiffJffiffi *.";fr ffi *:',tr"_ 3. lffi__rtffirffi I I I J-54 iE 6Pf.r,X s RVON COLO AscErlEcTsJIAI. - No. BgA p.L/! Bog DElr p"" accontpanyirg ritc ptrn. - -----' "'?''tt * trl,*t* itttl vqiticd !y fio Eft i U.S.- Wert Colnnrunicatioru t-s00.922-t08? 46t,6860 tr 949-4iJ0 Tlll'r?;f"tPn'n"'' Guy Hntl Holy Crus Eccrric Assoc, 940.s892 Tbd Hrutyllsly; !6y4 T.C.r. 94t-55t0 Floyd Srtnzar Englc Rivcr Wa{cr. & ,Snritntisn Disrrict i 474.74flQ F'rcd Ha*lcr t, Auilrpfrcd sigrdrt$f L-....--'--##f* Hffitffi$';1"111;sto* wrrcn obninru urT*r Eryrc varqy wacr & sftirNrio,, {OTES; 3- ::1fi#lffi1ffiIfl=tp* crch.ofihc udrirr somrBrieri ar(r no.n6 dov'laptr'o, ..o n.*Jt* ttta lbnr\ rho Town Wff pt *n #*;rH;;;iibtrnrr. .nd lfa ufilily corrpflW h$ concam: o,ia *- ---_^-_ p$trffi*ffififfi lll**trffi *:,*r"ffi ffi ' rugl'i':l*m*ffi.1'1"* PAGE I/2 Thk brm ls to vcriry *fu*lTl$riu ru rogriou tbt ncrrrinrmraiar erd Etbrild.bc ,4r!d in eooJurcdon . ..rr,rraflrpriqgyourrtittryy&nr"orrda_rrryffiiitt rytqq1;qa.r,qftA*ligofotrtthl,r"{iorrq.HffiI*liacr crorroscd tt** ;"iffi".a stdvq{i.d by d,crorhiic srturicr fbr sc U.E Wcr Corrfnraicrfioasr.8$9l2-t9tt 46t{8fl1or9{9"4St0 FubEcScviocCgrpprry 949-rnt Gtrrt H.ll Holy Crosr Elccric A$cc, s49-58e2 "cdftrs\y'John Bold T,C.L 9,f9-5530 Flolrl Srlazar E4gIc Rivcr lVatcr & S+rila1is6 Dirtricr t 476.74fl0 Frcd Ffrste ^urtro+.e Sigttrrr,lE Ilsq9 ,( A+ Qa" *$ool".Ut r*l*.s+'rs,c$. Mffi_ ;ffi ?fi tr Hffit*'#sP* wtrcn o'o,irdqs upr Fretc vril*y wffi & s:od'*ion,.{gnauns Flts,fDw nrEds*"t U"rurogr& NOTES: I t- [ffiPffiH }H' "ign u'o fro* cach of rtcrritity colrnerrior, unu nnu*iffi;fr,ffi thc forqr, *e roil rvill ptcsuns dnt t"i-r ";r r* ri#*," rx Ifs rCility godflfr4f hs cprmr rri6 &enrc'o$d c*rrr''mri'*ivoi-c**'T*.I"lr+rffi EtrrH'ffiffii:g j'TAa ;tcrr *hould rrr+e bgdcfibf in in *uclrod te&r to -6 forn oCVrA. Horrcvs, nfasc#**ffi* t.'ot-d'o" **ililiH#;r ud r,,* n,pri*rt m,csor* Tfrevqific*iqrs dsrdrrtmmffiETff5fr#;T:?lhY 4 Darc Receiver FtB 1 ru99 FEB-SE|-95| 15. 52 FROM, E .R"Wa VAIL DAS SCHONE . CONDOMINTUMS '* lr '\ 6Z "@ PAGE 2/2 _ SEI F.TO ,S{l zu O3/22/gg 20:45 FAI 87 0476{001oe FPS ABCEIISCTS @oz --'-'' I(g26 $qndGihUI( llouiru $ot&rd EqG il2 t 6/12 pitdr {f n 27"1 I g IIODUGT DISCITETTON...E p InBil$lolls... SoFd Crfig TC ttcdm du'rgrud b re h aolrerbld can . l[ iilblled uis insrtfan ir prrorl, h ineJdm nurt be FlLd bo*3'f,ar *nrc ha,i$- gPIoDUGT INIOf XArIO!1... a.rq.ltr- Sr rorrg rl|r. t *at li.dftrttr hot porcrlain with l*Jc*pl*d epr 5or,, Adl r Adiusbh b pottiod lornp prpn*orhr b fc. tt-bt rc houirg.22{dt u,ffrpolnnd *d r }ltndrq ir rdicdlo{tdobLuhidtdoffi lnrirq bbrlwh rith oiling * r h 2 r I q 2 x l0 mndurlkn. ht llrl lrr ||.rFE AdiusH. frEm l3'b3l'b oco.ind&5 16'b 24'ypod rrdr ard raedrd ordi4s o E*eonond &r rlfo *cngh cnd cspdve b nranrlng 6ons r trol NoiF br horr6cr nroy br oft.t b dlow ficvlrrdtlitt of dociE ttt oe.rlwc cnyvtere withio o 2t' gril c drd rpcirE r Fcdulg lcd Nd coptlw ul ry*; fo qd*ms+ inrhldigr r Setrgw lo*r bon n parin. lrrilrr fll Prtvind irrndion boc. U,t trld/CsA cannf,cd frr throratrbrnlrh u-ring. rnimum E t{o. | 2 ll/trG 9d C bundr rifld condudon 14 it 4 ot il r ftndsr bor protdcd with rlsv*ts w Ca, [5]trf 3;;dlllryt' knocforc, H fons antefrr ond gurnd r;ra . Kro*oulr cquSped ri6 prpl Jo|r. kip lrr Zlaouge. db$tnd gdr rbd*C t 13 rlf LtQ tL' W iadsdng bc hcnce{ . fou€hln *dio.t liudiolr hoq rmunling Franr, haring sr:cn$ll ard bar horUml Ffh osstlgd h ose oI ngdotiqr, |-rt -UI licld br arluahhqrdr vnrnO ddttP bcol[ons ' '-la drfa*rortsnptV nrcood ogalnl inpopr rre of iri,rt#'&i i Gl-' "-L AR4O r CSA artrhd, hoduo-+rcftdoru abirbc|tdngr witun ncncr. V /lGcEssorIf,s ElFsoJEcr tNfo,!|[A!1qI ir"r:! r:hi l, | /f --] 6to5 .tutF tirixf- rllrl6HtNG E4,;*-a{-G n!q(l-J{l OJ/22/Sg 2at:15 FI 0701704901 E TBTI[S/L^fPS t t 0 o FPS AnCEIIICIS @os ? fi|ffitrr Cot hb. 6lC.8loct 9olh cot. I.,la 6l or - wiih 80Be 75WAl9 Trim $ze: ? r/i' t& tAr. r.r.. afl! - glo.t B"me Col. Nb- 6liflt-t ,hiE Boltle 15ov\rmms Trim Size 7 Utlf :7 Ul' Cd. No. 6l5C . tetrlriy'nrCleor c{r. t{o. 6llc -i/r.fiCi.rcdd cd. t\b. 6150. MlidF {lo* Col fS. tl5W - lilultplierWhre 75wFAn30 Irim $e;7Ul' (Flr!rt#-lhYiF@ rah gldcl, Sotb C.or. hlo. 61 6W - Wrir Qlirdx SpotEht wih W}fe BoflF &\A'FARI6 Trim S'zc: t 5rl' qHrlf-'l-r.'rU||. Cd. M.6l7W'WiE Spdl'gh wittr whie Boflle 5('wr\,f.|6 ' '$+plid w[h cole od coil ruubncr trin SiE: t 5rl' :d. tcor tlo.6l0f -6Fbdin 0lodBft Cs[ No. 6l9t .6ddl in wtile 8de 75WhR30,/t30 l?fn Sa: 7 5/l' c i'li$r :.:.1 .- t=i'1,1 ''ir.--,ff' JUNO-LTGHTING Eh nr&h wtlilb .l riD- flltdt d hr :b !.tU.. tUJ- tb.{t$.4.7i't.t,0. cordq|lhn c. lZ!.134' "Urdcwr pffalyd..t .d Lkrn|ll.c.tttJGliltir6 t lSrs hcMrer.hlqdor bF|Eit f,Trf. hor! lrb|r.l hnhdan lr.S.A g/19%.f.o 0ghi'{r |tl. Ut,xlELlO Lryq.dt r.|lHlt-l{t ,..rE l|rr|lE,t! frtf.9ri-lFbaO.-.lllar ,rt tD, t$-l|.r. F,ff EriPY TOWI,I OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97G479-2452 April14, 1999 Lyrn Fritzlen Fritzlen" Pierce. Smith 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Cl Vail. CO 81657 RE: Fowler Residence located at 1850 S. Frontage Rd. N / Lot 6. Alpine Creek Townhomes Dear Lynn: The Design Review Board has reviewed and approved your application for the Fowler Residence, located at 1850 S. Frontage Rd. The following conditions must be met prior to applying for building permit: 1. Plans for a turn-around areB rrrust be submitted and approved prior to applying for building permit. No building permit application will be accepted until rhe proposed turn- around has been approved by staff. 2. Please provide a drainage easement on the west portion of the lol at least 5 ft. parallel to thc culvcrt. The garage doors must match the existing doors ofthe rest of the Alpine Creek Townhomes. Landscaping on the north side of the residencc and around the tum-around area must be apprcved by staff Please label the attic spaces as crawl space with less than 5' of head height. 3. 4. 5. Sincerelv- W'- (L Allison C. Ochs Planner I Town of Vail {po*,uo i FILEITFi TOWN OFVATT Department of Community Development 75 South Frowage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 5. 6. March 4, 1999 Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith 1650 E. Vail Valley Dr. Cl Vail, CO 81657 RE; Fowler Residence located at 1850 S. Frontage Rd. N / Lot 6, Alpine Creek Townhomes Dear Lynn: The Community Development Depaftment has reviewed your application for the Fowler Residence, located at 1850 S. Frontage Rd. The following comments and revisions ueed to be addressed prior to Design Review Board final review on March 17, 1999: l. Grading atound the turnaround area on the east side needs to be a least 2:l grade. Please adjust. 2. 3. A Heated drives requirc 10% snow storage. Please show snow storage within lot boundaries. Please provide a drainage easement on the west portion of the lot, at least 5 ft. parallel to the culveft. Please show all existing trees on the lot and on the proposed turnalound area. Note which trees are to be removed. Please show some form of erosion control. No debris or material is allowed to reach Gore Creek. Please delineate a limit of disturbance on the plan and designate this in the field with a construction fence. More information is needed for the tum-around area, including a survey of lot 5. To review the turn-around area, contour lines and elevation lines will be needed to the east of Lot 6. Include this information on the site plan. {g^or"uoruo O 7 . Please provide all eave and ridgeline elevations on the site plan or roof plan. Please note that according to the 1992 Approved Development Plan, maximum height is limited to 32 ft. 8. Please submit an exterior lighting plan and provide a cut sheet of proposed lighting fixfures. 9. Please submit a detailed landscape plan, including existing trees, proposed trees and note trees to be removed or relocated. h r,<l Il.IV I10. The Home Owner's Association has sent a letter denying association approval as a rezult of the parking situation. It does not appear that they have seen the most recent set of plans, but until I receive a letter to the contrary, I will have to assume that they are not approving the Fowler Residence. I 1. The Fowler Residence has been reviewed using the 1992 Approved Development Plan. The analysis provides: Lot Area: 3,625 sq. ft. Buildable Area: 3,625 sq. ft. Standard GRFA Site Coverage Setbacks Allowed Proposed 2,300 sq. ft. 2,396 sq. ft. 1,660 sq. ft. 1,595.5 sq. ft. 10 ft. separation 10 ft. The Fowler Residence is approximately 96 sq. ft. over on GR-FA. There are some attic spaces shown on the third level. These will not be counted as GRFA provided that the following apply: Attic space with a ceiling height of five feet (5) or less, as rneasured fromthe top side of the structural rnembers of the floor to the underside of the structural members of the roof directly above. Attic area created by construction of a roof with tnrss-type members will be excluded fiom calculation as GRFA, provided the trusses are spaced no greater than thirty inches (30") apart. The Fowler Residence is scheduled for Design Review Board final review on March I7, L999. All of the above cornrnents and revisions will need to be submitted to me by noon on Thursday, I\rfarch 1 1. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2369. Allison C. Planner I Town of Vail Addrcss Owner Architect Zonc Lot sizc ToAI GRFA Landscaping RcainingWall Hcighs Parking Garage Crcdit Drivcway Phone Phone Proposcd use Buildablc arca Allowed =2@ lble O Existine Proposed 21oo Total ltuo Itimary CRFA _ + (425) (6ZS*; - Sccondary GRFA + (425)(675*)- * 675 = 475 crcditplus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Additiont no| ahqigel. U How much of thc allowcd 250 Addition is used with this rcquest? site covcrarc WinA varltfuC-e fttr tttrO d Hcight + lfff.f = (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear 20' l5' 15, Minimum 3'. l6' 3 .a4-. 4) Water Coursc Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanche_ b) Rockfall -- Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck property filc) ff16.5 + f 37 Setback rnrrnhrn lo, hmtAhn bh Adn I U -=L-/') az---__- Required-l-- Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinance Arc finishcd gndcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Environmcnhl/llazards Qoo(g(soo) (r2oo) Permitted Slope _% vo-L No- Ycs / No 2) Floodplain . 3) Wetlands_ Encloscd Proposed Slopc _% Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: c) Dcbris Flow o _'.;.i DESIGN REVTE}V CHECKLIST Projcct: WatcrCoursc Sctback i. ! _ EnvironmcnEl Hazards Lcgaldcscription : . LotSizc ColorMaterials RoofPitch Existing tccs ":._rr__ Legcnd MISCELI,A}TEOUS ' Title rcport (A &B) Utility verifi c'ation fomr Photos of site Building marcrial samples C.O. Verification 'Sun\ShadcAngles Utilities (underground) Vicur Conidors Varianccs Ptat rcstrictions Memo to Housing Planner if an EHU isproposed Corn,nily Development plan noutQrorm Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:u5t99 Return By:asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Fowler 1850 S. Frontage Road Lot 6, Alpine Creek New SF Residence Approved -x-penied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Turnalound area needs to be at least 12' wide, and designed for 3 point turn or less. Adjust and revise. A stamped approved drawing is required for any or all boulders walls over 4-ft or over by a licenses PE Please provide Drainage Easement on West porlion of lot, a least 5 ft parallel to culvert Please show some form of Erosion Control on site plan. No debris or materials allowed to reach the Core Cr.eet Reviewedbv: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed:6-29-99 :il! iiii zEt:I5ur-NE- E:;I t ,ra6r5Eilrrlt ItnI tt ,trE|lt1!tag5g jItnr I fat t ltr 3CN30|S3H H3li OJ zlrlr39r.Nd- Ei;t I !il! Iiii J o. z UJ rr., E, LiJ uJ \t\ttfl\t v'- $ l3ln tlll altEE lY! rsrvll!i artttrurlrt-Erlllr YlrorEr - -ar I rtl 3CN30|S3H H3'ttrfioJ s t3In caStGtrt tta f,tr Ir rEo - tl!t- n[r tIDtirlr - -ar r4n 3CN3Als3H H3il,lOJ !iliH Izotr\)luo b-l |l niJ \)o I L oJ .-. \ V I I $f .{'/()i .\ {., .b\,,+lr\ ','vi' Lr' -.---..---- 6,/' 3d"j6'46' 101 ''6 ,/ '.., -T-lj 5 4. -:; :' atE?6"t6' lY :---.--\ 20, SEWER LINE EASEMT*NI ..:HT itf;EE '-^I{:sjffi;:+hfr' 'oysgl f.t$'* '-T-l$!ffids+Tf r::^' il+.ou tti$*r.'t\ \:++:iL,:.*,, 2a' LoT 5 -z-<6P/""/- J- f +or rq -l t -:( . *.*, nr-*^n,r. o'o]!Lc*i fr 88-26'46" vJ UutT & - ' -3.625 "q tt o##-:; -.Sco'/e , G:r rr\.r r-i---.- | "= &o '-6" Comm ounity Development PIan Rou a ting Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:t/s/99 Retum By:asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Fowler 1850 S. Frontage Road Lot 6, Alpine Creek New SF Residence Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) -Approved with conditions Grading around tumaround area on East side needs to b@ Please show snow storage within lot boundaries Please provide Drainage Easement on West portion of lot, a teast S ft paraltel to culvert where are the trees that current$ exist where the proposed turoaio@ Please show some form of Erosion Control. No debris or materiiG aUowed to reuCh the Go.e Cr."k Please provide more information on the tumaround area. A survey ortot j ror exanopte. we neeO to see more of the contour and elevation lines inctuding the entry way to the East of Lot 6. Please including all information on Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 3-l-99 F: \EVERYONE\DRIP\RoUTING\98ROUING\PLIBLrcWO\l MACIEn.FRM cor*tty Development run noufiForm Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:r/s/99 Rcturn By:asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Fowler 1850 S. Frontage Road Lot 6, Alpine Creek This is an amendment to a previously-approved development plan for the last vacant lot at Alpine Creek. They are requesting additional GRFA and site coverage. Since the 2108199 PEC meeting has been cancelled for the 99 Chanps, we are scheduling them for the 1/25/99 PEC meeting. Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Provide a survey ofthe site. Provide a grading plan. Provide a landscape plan Scale is wrong on the site plan The turnaround may be in the wrong space. I believe it was already constructed . May need to move the tumaround or push the garage doors about 7' funher west into the building. Site plan should show all improvrnents , walls, patios, and retaining walls. Reviewed by: Greg Hall Date reviewed: l-14-99 c o'n r o?ty Development plan no ufi ro rr' Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:lts/99 Return By:asap Projcct Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Fowler 1850 S. Frontage Road Lot 6, Alpine Creek New SF Residence Approved -x-Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Please adjust scale on site plan, it doesn't match the starryed survey Please show back out tumaround area on site plan for lot 6 Is drivewav heated? Please show snow storage for lot 6 (30% non heated drivewty ,10% heated driveway . Snow storage must be within lot boundaries Please adjust disturbed grading areas on west end of lot 6 , contours lines must be at a 2:l grade Please Provide Drainage Easement on west portion of lot, at least 5 ft away from culvert, (parallel to culvert) Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed:2-17-99 co--ility Development rhn noot?g Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Return To:Brent Wilson Date Routed:U5t99 Return By:asap Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Fowler 1850 S. Frontage Road Lot 6, Alpine Creek New SF Residence Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved;rith conditions r. fr b, aatA 7 trr P{ t ta *f oA t1/4/f /n#ru " # l-f g-t JaSr.Z'n*, ,O txQ - 4.* Za-f- &t 2tl Reviewed by:Date reviewed: - cornrn?ity Development Plan Ro o uting Form Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Allison Ochs Date Routed:8t2/99 Return By:asap hojectNamc: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Fowler 1850 S. Frontage Road Lot 6, Alpine Creek Proposed hrnaround New one! t lu {q'l )( epproveO Sr-Oenied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Rcviewed by: Leonard Sandoval Date reviewed: 3-1-99 F:\EVERYONIIDRtr\RoUTINGVEROUTNG\PI.]BLICWO\1 MASIER.FRM I PTANNING FI!"E COPYAND ENVIRONMENTAL COMTIIISSION PUBLIC MEENNG SCHEDULE Monday, January 25, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communitv Development Deoartment 12:fl) p.m. AIPP Master Plan - "Focus" group discussion- Nancy Sweeney Com Dev Liaison to AIPP - Jeff Hunt- t hour MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Greg Moffet Tom Weber John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop Brian Doyon Site Visits : 1. Fowler - 1850 S. Frontage Rd. West 1:30 p.m. George NOTE: lf the PEG hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the boad will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Coqncil Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request lor modilications lrom a previously granted conditional use permit, located at 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Interfaith Chapel, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Jeff Hunt MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: +1-1 (Brian Doyon recused and John Schofield opposed) APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. The approval is subject to compliance with the conditional use permit approved on August 24, 1998. 2. Should the use create significant conflicts with adjacent properties, including traffic congestion or parking, then this permit may be revoked by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission. Driver: KeX 2. A request for an amendment to an approved development plan, to allow for an increase in site coverage and recontiguration of a building envelope, located at 1850 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 6, Alpine Creek Townhomes. Applicant: Jim & Sharon Fowler, represented by FriElen, Pierce, SmithPlanner: Allison Ochs MOTION: John Scholield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 6-0 1 . That all other conditions from the previous Apil 27 , 1 992 approval be met including:a. Maintain a ten foot separation between buildingsb. GRFA is limited to 2300 sq. ft.c. Height is limited to 32 ft. 2. That all conditions stated in the approval letter (attached) from the Alpine Creek Townhomes be met prior to Design Review Board approval. 3. A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion at the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 22, 1999 4. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess of 207" on a PrimaryiSecondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lol 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 22,19W 5. A request to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail MunicipalCode. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 22,1999 6. Information Update 7. Approval of January 1 1, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannefs office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon r€quast with 24 hour notitication. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for he Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Dq/elopment Departmeht FttEcow PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION January25,1999 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERSABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Greg Moffet Tom Weber Dominic Mauriello Jonn schotieto Jeff Hunt Galen Aaslan6 Allison Ochs Diane Golden JudY Rodriguez Ann Bishop Brian Doyon Public Hearinq 2:00 P.m. Greg Moffet called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for modifications from a previously granted conditional use permit, located at 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: vail Interfaith chapel, represented by Gwathmey'Pratt Architects Planner: Jelf Hunt Brian Doyon recused himself from this item. Jett Hunt gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Karl Watker, president of the Vail lnterfaith Chapel Foundation, said that the parking was 3ll . _ issue, but he did not see this adding any parkini pressure to the Town ol Vail and they added 6 parking spaces with the application. Greg Moffet asked ior any public comments. There were no comments' John Schofield asked for assurances that this use will be for the Chapel events only and he added that the original approval required additional parking. Galen Aasland said he was less concemed about meetings at night, but he was concerned with any day events, such as dalaare, etc. Ann Bishop had no comments. Diane Golden had no comments. Greg Moffet stated that the shelter occurred in off-hours and that this was the kind ol stuff we wani to have in our Town and not down valley. He said he was comfortable with approving this use in lhis Place. Planning and Envrronm ental Commission Minutes January 25, 1999 .d-.i..s!j/r :j.-. . -- :c: Galen AaSland made a motion for apprOval, in accordance with the staff memo. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-1-'1, with John Schofield opposed' Z- A request for an amendment to an approved development plan, to allow for an increase in sit6 coverage and reconfiguration bi a building envelope, located at 1850 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 6, Alpine CreekTownhomes. Applicant: Jim & Sharon Fowler, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith Planner: Allison Ochs Allison Ochs gave an overview of the statf memo. Greg Motfet asked if the applicant had anything to add- Lynn Fritzlen, representing Jim & Sharon Fowler, explained the application was before the PEC' as they needed to better match the site. Greg Moflet asked for any public comment. Bret Young, representing Jane Cohen, said he originally helped build.the units wilh Mike Lauterbac[. H'e said he was concerned with one window in the sourlheast corner of Jane Cohen's home, which would be covered up by this building. He stated the approval letter from the Association did not include her permission (unit 5). Jane Cohen said the the project blocks her view the way it was planned. Lynn Fritzlen said the Association had properly approved this- Greg Moffet asked if the commissioners had any commenls. Galen Aasland asked if the adiacents knew that this parcel could be sold off. He asked' regarding the access, if this was a right-of-way Lynn Fritzlen showed the line on a map. I Galen Aasland said this request was an approvable project, but he wished all the property . . owners could have signed the approval lettbr. He sdid it would be a neighborly thing to work it out with the other Party. Ann Bishop had no comments. Diane Golden said she would love to see the property owners get together to tweak this. Brian Doyon said the property owners should have reasonably assumed that there would be something there. John Schofield said, basically the owner could have placed the structure back without coming to us. He said the setbacks haven1 changed and so the applicant could put the building anywhere they wanted. He then asked if the power lines were supposed to be underground. Planning and Environmental Commissiol 2 Minutes January2S, 1999 t Dominic Mauriello stated that service to a home was all that needed to be underground for an individual home. Greg Moffet stated that private views were not recognized and the underlying zoning allowed higher density and that this was cleady allowed. John Schofield made a motion, in accordance wilh the findings in the staff memo. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 3. A request for a final review ol a proposed locker room expansion at the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 East Lionshead Circlei Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell Architects Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 22,1999 4. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow tor site coverage in excess ot 20o/o on a PrimaryiSecondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Architects Planner: Allison Ochs TABLED UIITIL FEBRUARY 22,1999 5. A request to amend the Town's'Public Accommodation" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA)' Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL FEBRUARY 22,1999 Brian Doyon made a motion to table items #4, #5 and #6'until February 22, 1999' John Schofield seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 6. Information Update Dominic Mauriello said there was no information update. 7. Approval of January 11, 1998 minutes. Galen Aasland and Brian Doyon had changes. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes January25,1999 Ann Bishop made a motion for approval of the minutes Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0-1 (Diane Golden abstalned)' Bdan Dolon made a motion to adioum. Ann Bishop seconded the motion' The motion passed bY a vote of 6-0. - The meeting adioumed at 2:35 P.m- Planning and Environmental Commission - 4 Minutes January 25, 1999 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUil Planning and Environmential Commission Community Development Department January25, 1999 A request for an amendment to an approved development plan located at 1850 S. Frontago Rd. W./ Lot 6, Alpine Greek Townhomes, Phase lll Applicant Jim and Sharon Fowler, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicants are requesting an amendment to a 1992 approved development plan for Alpine Creek Townhomes, originally Spruce Creek, Phase lll. The 1992 approval allowed for 6 single-family residences, with 2,300 sq. ft. of GRFA and 1,325 sq. ft. of site coverage per unit. The applicants are requesting a change to the site coverage allowed by the approved development plan, while remaining within allowable GRFA. The applicant's reasoning for this request, along with the Alpine Creek Townhome Association letter of approval have been attached. Lots 1 through 5 have already been constructed. The current proposal is a request for an increase in the allowable site coverage, allocated to Lot 6. While GRFA remains at 2,300 sq. ft., the applicants are proposing approximately 1,660 sq. ft. of site coverage, an increase of 335 sq. ft. BACKGROUND r In 1979, Eagle County approved a three phase development plan for Spruce Creek, allowing for 33 dwelling units and 57,750 sq. ft. of GRFA. Originally, Phase lll was approved for 12 units and 21,000 sq. ft. ot GRFA. . On August 12, 199'1, the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission approved 6 single family homes wifi a total of 13,800 sq. ft. of GRFA. . On Oclober 14, 1991, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a proposal for 5 single family dwelling units while all other developmenl standards remained the same. . On April 27, 1992, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a proposal to retum to the 6 single family dwelling units, while all other development standards remained the same. These development standards included 2300 sq. ft. of GRFA per unit and 1325 sq. ft. of site coverage per unit. This request is before the Planning and Environmental Commission because of a re_quirement passed by ordinance soon after West Vail was annexed. Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1981, stipulates that major changes to development plans for certain developments within the West Vail annexation area be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. No criteria lor evaluation were given, except that Residential Cluster was lo be considered the underlying zone district lor development standards. ilt. zoNtNG srATtsTtcs Site Area: Buildable Area: Zoning: 101,128 sq. ft. 74,531.2 sq. ft. Residential Cluster Denstty GRFA Site Covenge Height Sefbacks 1979 Eagle County Aooroval 12 DU's 21,000 sq. ft- (1750 sq. ft. per unit) 25,282 sq. fi. (2,107 sg. ft. per unit) 33 ft. 20'115't'1s',t15' Residential Cluster 6 DU's per acre of buildable =10.3 DU's 18,632 sq. ft. (1819 sq. ft. per allowable unit) 25,282 sq. fi. (2,431.5 sq. ft. per allowable unit) 33 ft. 20'115'11s',/15' 1992 Aonroval 3.5 DU's per €rcre = 6 DU's 12,300 sq. ft. (2050 + 250 sq. fl. per unit) 7,950 sq. tt- (1,325 sq. ft. per unil) 32tt. 26't79'120',1100' 1999 Prooosal no change no change 1,660 sq. fl. no change no change tv.DISCUSSION Staff believes that the proposal is consistent with the development of the Alpine Creek Townhomes. The proposed increase in site coverage from the previously approved development is an increase of 335 sq. ft., but remains under the site coverage allowed by the original 1979 development plan and Residential Cluster Zoning. ArchiteCIurally, the residence will be similar to the existing townhomes, but not identical (see attached skelch) and subject to Design Review Board approval. The proposed increase in site coverage for lot 6 is similar to the ratio of building site coverage to lot size for the existing Alpine Creek Townhomes. o V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this amendment to the Alpine Creek / Spruce Creek, Phase lll development plan based on the loilowing findings: 1. That the increase in site coverage, while an increase from the 1992 approval, is a reduction in allowable site coverage from both the 1979 Eagle County Approval and Residential Cluster Zoning. 2. That the ratio ol building site coverage to lot area is similar to existing developmefi. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this amendment, staff recommends the following condition: 1. That all other conditions from the previous April 27, 1992 approval be met including:a. Maintain a ten foot separation between buildingsb. GRFA is limited to 2300 sq. ft.c. Height is limited to 32 ft. 2. That all conditions stated in the approval letter (attached) from the Alpine Creek Townhomes be met prior to Design Review Board approval. VAILD ATA\EVEF YON E\PEC\l\,lEMOS\99\FOWLER .:II Dcccnber2l,1998 Torm of Vail Departrncnr of Community of Dorelopmcnt 75 S. Frontagc Road VailColorado t1657 re: Proposed Residcnce for Jim and Sharon Fow{cr Lot #6 Alpine Creek To*nhomes .{RCHITEC Deqr Torvn of vail, C)ur associarion hgs Er.ieu€d th6 proposed plans prcpared by Fritzlen Pierc,e Slrith Architecs on hehaif of Jirn nnd Sbutrn Fo',vler which include floor plans, sitc plan and rendercd persPecrive dra*'ings. l*t havc aFprovod thc residence as preselled subjcct to fiual review of cxtcrior r.:aarcrielS andland:capi:rgirnprovemcnts. And subject to the attached letter dated D€q. Zl, 1999. li -vouhavc any additional questions please call Ross Ja$setr our Fmpeny manager a: 970-926.7990**)*dodL dq* TrudiOlsen Presillent Atpine Creek Toulhomes- F RITZL EI' PIERCI SMITF December 21 , 1998 Trudie Olson Engel President Alpine Creek Townhomes Vail Colorado FAX:476-1780 re: Proposed Residence Lot#6 Dear Trudie, F RITZL E N PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS Thank you for taking the time to meet with myself and Sharon Fowler yesterday. It was my understanding that the associalion had the following concerns about proposed deveiopment on Lot #6: - Potential interruption of view corridors - Structured improvements in the common area not inciuding landscape improvements and related retaining walls and terraces. - That the size ofthe unit not exceed the allowed for the existing units. - Continuity of design and materials As we discussed yesterday we clarified that the proposed residence addresses your concerns as per the foilowing: *-D - The building footprint at grade (at the ground) is a minimum of 5' away from the properly line and does not project into the westem view from the existing townhomes back decks. - We are not proposing any enclosed building area in the common area. Except for the concrete driveway we agree not to encroach on any cornmon area. This includes but is not limited to decks patios, overhangs and structures. - The unit is proposed to be 2300 GRFA (Gross residentiai square footage) as regulated by the Town of Vail for all the Alpine Creek Townhomes. - it is our intention to match and/or complement existing materials and colors as we develop the desigrl We will present this information in the future for your review. -Landscaping wiil allow for placement of snow removed from driveway. I have drafted a letter of approval that we wouid need to proceed with the Town of Vail "Amendment to an Approved Deveiopment Plan" application . Ideally this letter would be on your ietterhead and signed by yourselfas the Association President, Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Lynn Fritden AIA K:\9 E E 8-Fow ler\ Proj ect Correspondence\Olsen.ra,pd PlanningoArchitecturetlnterion 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-l r Vail, CO 81657 r fps@colorado.net l fax (970) 4764901 . (97O) 476-6342 ulttv fJL6, orrrtat,.|ov-.. fr|;t Jl^vlr.r rlvrs iiii ili i ::1;;H Irrr2 FOWLEF BESIDEIIICE rr? I atl tIEr.lEtrtl naa tllr5t-t -tr-t !p \s\Is\- 0 r 0 \ :$=t l a- $iJ. I I N; N t. rl rn ${ rnrm I 6z d Eili i { t- rn mr- TF>z FOWLEF RESDENCE r-a a-- E-lt| -traarfiaralt ralltlallrll- iit .. \=t- \- .-f\tJ \TH Jtr i:g-aN-lnFT.ar2 vr/2J/ttg uI: t0 FA.X 970{78{901 FPS ARCSIIECTS FOWLER RESIDENCErtf rf,:nr-trrrtrra Sraa:iLa 'SIDI L t.l PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION January 11, 1999 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Diane Golden MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Ann Bishop Brian Doyon Tom Weber STAFF PRESENT: Russ Fonest Dominic Maunello George Ruther Brent Wilson Judy Rodriguez Tom Moorhead Public Hearinq 2:00 p.m. Greg Moffet called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit at a proposed primary/secondary residence, located at 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicanl: Philip Hoversten, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: Jeff Hunt Brent Wilson gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant, public or Commissioner's had any comments. There were no comments. Ann Bishop made a molion for approval, in accordance with the staff memo. John Schofield seconded the molion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 2. A request for a variance from Section 12-78-13, Town of Municipal Gode, to allow for the conversion of existing floor space to gross residential floor area (GRFA), located at 333 Bridge Street (Vail Village Club)/ A portion of Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: The Remonov Company, represented by Braun & AssociatesPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff memo Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Planning and Environmenlal Commission Mnu!es January I l, 1999 { Tom Braun, the architect representing the Remonov Company, said the intent of the application was to clean up the place and that because of egress issues, they could not build 2 condominiums. He explained that there was no physical square footage addition to the building and the floor space was there without having to expand the existing shell of the building. He said the projecl would not harm anyone in the area and he stated the presence of the existing building was a hardship. He said for the applicant to adhere to the code, it would be a hardship with the building as it existed. He said the real essence was what the Town had done in the last year addressing interior conversions with ordinances and that the Town made a policy to use the interior space if the building wasn't expanded. He said this would not be a grant of special privilege, since other properties had done this and again said there would be no adverse impacts on anyone. He stated that it wouldn'l serve anyone not to do this. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were none. Galen Aasland stated he had sympathy for this request, as it was relatively minor, but he said the proposal was dangerous for the Town. He said that other properties in the area do not enjoy this and therefore, it was clearly a special privilege. Ann Bishop made a disclosure that the applicant was a client of hers, but that she saw no conflici. She said she thought interior conversions were ok, since this building has had a tough history. Dominic Mauriello agreed that this was dangerous and explained ihat there was no existing dwelling unit on the property, just commercial space. He explained that lhe Interior Conversion Ordinance only applied to existing dwelling units. Tom Braun said the ordinance could apply to a mulli-family building with a commercial component. He reverled back to the allowable use of the project and said il was lacking in logic and common sense. He said there was a distinction between this and the Crossroads situation. Tom Weber said he had a problem with drawing the line with regard to fulure conversions and that it was tough to quantify how much was appropriate. He said the applicant was creating il at the same time as he was converting it. Brian Doyon agreed with Galen in that it was dangerous precedent. John Schofield asked Tom to explain the 400 sq. ft., as there were some areas designated, but at this poinl in time, the 400 sq. ft. was not designated. He said the applicant's intent was to sell the condo, but he had a problem with it being a hardship. He said he wished the variance code had a common sense section of the code, but that it did not. He said they had never granted a GRFA variance of this type and lhe interior conversion agreement was convincing, but the PEC couldn't stray from the code. Greg Moffet said the PEC was required by law to enforce the law. He said he didn't like the fact that the ordinance encouraged the applicant to get cute. He said when the PEC granted variances in the CC1, AU's and hotel beds were crealed, or other elements of the Master Plan documents were implemented, allowing for relief. He said it was a clearly enumerated public policy and he didn't see that here. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutcs January 11, 1999 Tom Braun said mixed use was encouraged and that this couldn't match Pepi's live beds. He said it fit the criteria to say yes and that the PEC had latitude with the interior conversion ordinance. Greg Moffet said the code was clear on this and if granted, it will push us down a slippery slope, as it could be used as a precedence. He said the application encouraged you to skirt the law. Galen Aasland made a motion for denial, in accordance with the staff memo, with the finding that it would be a special privilege. John Schofield seconded the motion. The motion for denial passed by a vote of 4-2. 3. A request for a major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominium Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo and included a change to condition #8 . Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Jerry Wurhmann said he questioned the condition requiring 74 parking spaces. Greg Moffet said that staff just revised the parking pay-in-lieu. Gerry Wurhmann said the date of October 31, 1999, was not appropriaie, as the validity was for one year and so it should be after that. Greg Moffet agreed to amend lhe approval with the date after the 2nd reading. He then asked for any public comment. There was none. Tom Weber stated he was in favor of this. Brian Doyon had no comment. John Schofield said he agreed wiih 52 parking spaces. Galen Aasland said he hoped the applicant would be able to do this. Ann Bishop echoed Galen's comments, Greg Moffel said he would like to see this with a change to Condition #8 so that the applicant would pay-in-lieu on spaces not provided on-site above the 52 spaces proposed and that the approval would lapse 1 year from the date of lhe second reading of an ordinance amending the district by Council. Planning and Environmental Commrssron Minutes Januar'' 11, 1999 John Schofield made a motion for approval with the above two changes to the conditions. Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 4. A worksession to discuss a major amendment to Special Development District #4 (Cascade Village), lo revise the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Kurt Segerberg, the architect, gave an overview of some illustrations. He explained the localion of the parking slructure requiring the 98 cars on-site and said they were trying to keep as much of the entrance across form the Vail Professional Building, as could be. He said the bike path would remain as is and the architecture was redressing the existing building. He stated that ihis was a fairly linear site, but landscaping and color would break it up, giving it a residential feel on the Frontage Rd. side. He said lhe new facility would be a stand-alone facility; just skin work to the existing building and that the parking requirement would be met with the structure. He said if 9' parking spaces needed to be added it would create an entry problem by pushing the structure to the east. He said that CDOT wanted to align the exit with the Vail Professional Building. He said that widening of the bridge was not a part of this proposal, even though there would be a stacking up of cars at the bridge. He said lhe 22' aisle width was below the 24' required aisle widih in the parking slructure. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. There was no public comment. Galen Aasland said Kurt had done what we asked him to do from the last meeting. He staled he had a problem with the 8'wide parking spaces, but said there needed to be standard spaces by pushing the building closer to the creek. He said he was ok with more office space and the EHU's and didn't see the necessity for more EHU's. He said snow storage could be hauled away and that the site was being used in an appropriate way, however, it could use more trees. Ann Bishop shared Galen's comments and agreed with needing more trees. Tom Weber said the building could go taller. Tom said he had one concem wiih the parking and he was not concerned if it moved to the east. He said he was not sure about CDOT's reason for lining up the exit. Kurt Segerberg said there were heated ramps. Planning and Environmcntal Commission Minutes Januaw ll.1999 Tom Weber said he didn't see a need to make it look residential. He said he didn't see a generation of employees and so would like more office space with no EHU's. He said he had no problem with hauling off snow. Brian Doyon disclosed for the record that he worked for a tenant in this building. He said big trucks don't fit in 8'wide spots and more handicapped spaces were needed. He said putting in a new building cancelled the handicap access and there needed to be an accessible route between buildings. He said he would like to see an elevation of how the parking struclure would work with regards to ihe grading. He said the applicant would be removing large, tall trees by the bike path and so there needed to be some screening. John Schofield said he had no problem wilh more height, the residential nature was not required, he agreed on the 9'spaces and snow slorage hauling was acceptable. He suggested, since this office space wouldn't generale new employees, to stick the EHU's on top of the structure, to increase the parking down below. Greg Moffet said parking was the tail wagging the dog. He said we needed more office space to maintain the economic viability in Town and in that direstion, he encouraged the applicant to look at how parking was handled in other situations. He suggested getting employees to park someplace else, or to charge for parking, which would make the blue pass a good deal. He said he would like to see more office space on this site and that an EHU was nice, but not necessary in this context. He summarized the consensus from the PEC was to squeeze more on the site. 5. A request for a final review of a major amendment 1o Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vait Milage 1sr. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther Greg Moffet asked for the Commissioneis to disclose any relationships with the applicant. Galen Aasland said he worked for Zehren a dozen years ago and Jay Peterson was his attomey. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment to be limited to 5 minutes each and stated the meeting would be immediately adjoumed, if any arguing ensued. George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo and attachments and said this would be a recommendation to Town Council. He said that since the packet, he had received 5 additional leiters, which would be available in the Town's file. He then went over the publishing dates for this proposal as 11127, 1998 and then the item was tabled. He said that according to Section 12- 3-6 of the Town Code, notice was sent at least 15 days in advance to property owners adjacent to the property. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, said that George had worked on the report for the past 6 months. He went through a few of the comments from the last meeiing and what had been done since that last meeting. He said the PEC had stated that this was an appropriate site and liked the detail of the smaller building and he said that the traffic engineer was here today to answer any questions. He said lhis building was a story and a half lower lhan presented at the last meeting and a view analysis was included in the packet. He said ihe project needed to better relate to the slreetscape and that they had lost approximately 60 hotel units. Jay said that Planning and Environmental Commission Minutcs January lI, 1999 this had taken 2 years to put together and we did go around the business community to ask what they thought of our concept. He said the consensus was that a major hotel with conference facilities would be the best thing for the Town, as a large conference hotel would be another marketing arm for the Town. He said the applicent would be cutting back revenue for the Town of Vail by cutting back the size of the project. He then handed out a response to the 1/8/99 Daily Trail paid advertisement. He said in the last 10 years a recreation center and performing arts center had been voted down by the Town and hence, they are down valley. He mentioned that there would be various people objecting today, since their views would be blocked from the Vail Gateway Building. He stated that those condominium units sold for a lot of money, but that a document was recorded in 1989, prior to the sale of any unit in the Gateway, with Leo Palmas obtaining a signed waiver from each property owner staiing that they would not object to the poteniial redevelopment of the Wl. There have been numerous encroachments on views being blocked, but Jay staied that there were only 5 views that were protec{ed in the Town of Vail. He then commended staff for a great job. He said the economic healih of the Town was of great concern and that 1998, for the first time, will be a negative growth with an aciual decrease in sales tax revenue. He stated the Town has taken the bull by the homs in Lionshead, but the Village needs the same. He said there has been an increase in tax from grocery stores, but Vail Village is flat and dying. He said by taking an outlying area and putting in mass and bulk, the economic benefit would trickle into the Town of Vail. Tim Losa, with Project Management, explained ihe roof height illustrations. John Schofield asked for a brief explanation of the traffic flow. Chris Fasch, a Senior Transportation Member, estimated that trips generated by this project, using the ITE manual of rates and equations, would be 3000 trips per day, coming in and going out. Having each of the uses in one complex, would require less trips and the trip generation estimation net increase, with the redevelopment, would be 2000 trips per day, which included eveMhing, not just guests. He said the relative impact of the net additional lraffic was a $60/o increase in front of the proposed building and was less ihrough the roundabout, which the roundabout could accommodate. He said the level of service was a traffic engineering report card. He said ihe level of service calculations was a '8" or better in the peak seasons, which included other grovvth from other development, as well as our development. He stated two improvements as being the right tum deceleration lane and the median, which would prohibit the left tum in eliminating the conflict by using the right tum deceleration. He said the median imProvements would be designed to harbor a vehicle, allowing the driver to deal with each direction of flow individually. He said ihey wanted to make sure the Town supported the project before they went to CDOT. He explained that if you increase the curbcut traffic by 20%, you had to go to CDOT. Brian Doyon did not like having to cut across 3 lanes to get to the highway. Tim Losa explained the loading and delivery and how the deceleration lane would be expanded for trucks to pull in and then back down. He said the fully enclosed loading dock would have no fumes and noise. He then explained the access from Vail Road, by backing in. Tom Weber said it is a stretch to ask a truck to back up, as it would stack up the traffic and he asked wtry they would load there, rather than off the Frontage Rd. Tim Loss explained that the Frontage Road would be to service the guests and we were asked to provide this for the other redevelopments. He said no backing would occur from the Frontage Rd. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes January 11, 1999 T Tom Weber asked about pulling straight in. George Ruther stated that Greg Hall said the tuming maneuvers do function properly. Tim Losa said tuming radius's for buses can be accommodated. Brian Doyon questioned the tuming radius for buses in the front. Tim Losa said there would be 2-4 valet parking spaces in the front and we would know in advance if buses were coming. Brian Doyon asked if this was overflow or valet in the garage. Tim Loss said, overflow. He said the conidors would be 7.5'- I'ceiling heights. He said the bedrooms in the lower level would have 9' ceilings, with the exception of the vaulted ceilings on the upper floors. Galen Aasland asked aboul the Frontage Rd. exits and if CDOT doesn't approve, what is the applicant prepared to do. Jay Petefson said an option, if a left tum can't be made out of the project, would be to turn left farther down the road away from the roundabout. He said this would be paid for by the applicant. Tom Weber asked if cars could exit onto Vail Road, providing a right hand tum with a ramp up for exit only. Tim Losa said that would significanlly increase the irips in the roundabout and the applicant was trying to reduce impacts on the roundabout. Tom Weber said most of the traffic was coming from the other side of the roundabout. Jay Peterson said we had committed to other phases of SDD 6 for loading and deliveries and that there were huge expanse of concrete in that area. He said they were trying to keep as much traffic off of Vail Road as possible. Galen Aasland asked if it was angled when entering into the facility in front of Gateway . Tim Losa said any improvements occuning on the Town right-of-way could be granted approval by the Town. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. Charles Llpcon, a second homeowner from Miami who spends 4 months a year in Vail, quoted from Confucius from 2500 years ago; '\ryhen words lose their meaning, people lose their freedom." He said that in 1976, Joe Stauffer entered into an SDD approval. He said there were no set of approved plans located belween the TOV and Joe Stauffer. He said they were not to build over 3 stories and the Gateway project was moved around in order io protect the view conidor established by the Vail Village Inn development plan and ihe TOV. He said this new project would windfall profit for the developer. He said that the traffic to this hotel will be intemal to the Village and right now the circle backs up under l-70 in the moming and aftemoon and lt will become a.iraffic nightmare. He said the project would be a 2% increase yearly and he asked about the domino-effect with everyone wanting to go to 8 stories. He said the cutting off of the _I Planning and Environmental Commission Mnutes January 11, 1999 view conidor was the 2nd problem. He read from a publication that quoted; "breathtaking vistas" at every turn," and now they would be gone. He stated that this building was far loo big, with 6 stories on Vail Road and that il was violating the Master Plan that allowed 5 stories on ihe Froniage Road. He gave an example of walking out the south door of the Vail Gateway, seeing a 70'wall 20' away from the door, as being the firsl canyon alley in Vail and he said this alley would be double what's needed to create a canyon. He stated that the buildup of fumes would be unsafe, as well as sunlight being cut off from this bunker, nol to mention the ice build-up. He said without amending the Master Plan, the SDD could not be passed. He said the height would be 87', instead of 47'in some places. He said this monolithic structure would cause people not to come here, because they love the little village. He asked where the lax revenue was. He said the Town would get inverse condemnation suiis. Galen Aasland asked about the souih entrance on the Gateway Building. Charles Lipcon quoted from a letter from the TOV to the Gateway, requesting a strong pedestrian connection, which this alley wouldn't address. John Dunn, representing Charles Lipcon, said he believed the Master Plan was a regulatory document. That being said, he said one definition of the guideline was that a lesser height might be more appropriate, as it was in excess by 100%. Greg Moffet said the Gateway Building exceeded the zoning by 670/o. Tom Moorhead said the plan stated that it was intended as a guide and he said the State of Colorado stated the Master Plan of a municipality was advisory only. He said he concuned with the view corridors in the staff memo. Teak Simonion, representing Curtin Hill, supported this projecl, as the bed base needed to be increased and a convention facility would be a good step for the off-season- lstaccio Cortina, owner of lhe Lionshead Inn, said he was monitoring the process as he wants to redevelop as well. He said the alley and traffic were negative, but we needed to keep on working on Vail and he supported this, as we needed a bed base. He said the Lionshead Inn had 52 hqtel rooms but occupancy was 30% below lasi December. He said we were 40% occupied our 1"'year. Joe Stauffer stated he was not here to either support or oppose the project, as it would be a conflict of interest. He lhen explained the SDD. He said since he couldn't sell lhe property, he developed it himself and the Town asked him to have an SDD adopted in 1976, adding that GRFA was taken away from him. He said ihe SDD said the pedestrian plaza movement area required a 2 story building area through the plaza over East Meadow to the Village. He said he was allowed 5 stories on the Frontage Road, by cutting down to 2 stories on the plaza. He said the Town was very concemed that skiers be seen on Gold Peak, so the view had to be protected. He envisioned that the last phase would be in the year 2000 or 2002, when Craig's market was completed. He said he was here only to explain what his thoughts were regarding the SDD. John Schofield asked Joe Stauffer about the agreement with Leo Palmas in 1989. Joe Staufer said Mr. Palmas was going to rent the condos as hotel units and I was concemed that they needed to know there was an approved building going up in fronl of them. He said he assumed that Mr. Palmas advised his tenants. Planning and Environmental Commission Moutcs Januarv 11. 1999 Paul Zuger, owner of a retail gallery at the Gateway Building, asked about the building height in the agreement. Joe Staufer said buildings were allowed up to 5 slories on the Frontage Rd. side. Paul Zuger said 95% of the lraffic comes from the south side. He said the 80' wall was not acceptable for his business and would put him out of business. He said the fumes were a concem and a tenible eyesore. Hans Woldrich, a DRB member, said ii was glaringly obvious that the iraffic situation was totally unresolved. He said handling one car at a time wes not acceptable when a banquet lets"out. Anthony Gemolino, a 3-year business owner of Phoenix Rising, spoke on behalf of the merchant's point of view, saying the area was very dark and a facility in the back would enhance it and improve the area. Jay Peterson said that Joe gave a good rendition, but he left out two approvals. He said In 1984 Tony Kempf amended it for site specific for Phases 1 and 2 . He said Tony brought in the a 67' tall building behind the gas station. He said in 1988, before Phase 5, Mr. Hillis included the gas slation site and was never built because it had all kinds of contingencies, so the 1984 plan held. He said they just showed pockets of height. He said in the Town of Vail in the winter, most of the people anive by public transportation and during ihe summer more people drive. He said the loading fumes were from the Gateway's trucks. He said there was a pedestrian connection through lhe hotel, if the dumpstei was moved. He said if you look at our numbers they are less than the Austria Haus, except for height and he didn't respond to threats of lawsuits. Greg Moffet stated the public hearing was now closed. John Schofield asked if the view encroachment agreement was a public record. Jay Peterson said the owners all had a copy. Ann Bishop asked if ihe view encroachment showed up on the Gateway title policy. Charles Lipcon said the agreement refened to the then-approved plans; or 3 stories in the view corridor. Jay Peterson said this was not a true statement and lhe document spoke for itself. Tom Weber thanked the public for their input. He said SDD's were dynamic in nature and didn't take into a.ccount previous applications. He said that SDD's put all the cards on the table, stating what was best for lhe Town. He said some of the conditions were negligible, such as taking out the 8rh floor level penthouse or the stepping back on Vail Road. He sa]aie would take out Condition #4 of the staff memo. Brian Doyon said this was a good project and with the outside participation, it would result in a good quality project for the Town of Vail. He agreed with Tom to remove Condition f4, as it had litlle impact. He seid he would insist traffic circulation be looked at carefully and he was very concemed with the valet parking, as well as the route to get to l-70 when leaving the hotel to go to Denver. He said the applicant would really need to tak-e a serious look at this, as it was dangerous, especially with heavier snows and locals who tend to gun it in the roundabouts. He 9 Plannrng and Environmental Commission Mnutes January 11, 1999 again said that that issue had not been finally resolved and they need to get cars away from the roundabout. He felt the number of EHU's could be dropped significantly if a large percentage of EHU's were located in the Town of Vail. He said that this was a tax base for the Town, so they cannot be localed down valley. He said he would consider 1 unit in Town to 2 units down valley. He said the elevation along Vail Road needed a belter architectural feature. He stated there still needed to be circulEtion and flow iowards the Gateway Building. John Schofield said there were no ideal projects during a re-development phase, which the TOV would be in for the next 30 years, so we need 1o think of the bettering of the TOV and not individual owners. He thought the applicant and staff could come up with some kind of EHU number. Galen Aasland said this building would have real consequences for the neighbors, but it would be good for the Town. He said he appreciated taking the height out of the building and the floor to floor height was not excessive. He said he had real concems about traffic, with people leaving the hotel going towards Denver. He said the south door of the Gateway needed to be addressed. He said the west wing needed to be a condition, so we don'i have flat walls. He said the net result of reduction of rooms was good and bad. He said there needed to be an on-site manageis unit, as part of the approval, living there 24 hours of the day in a nice unil, which would be a good commitment on the part of the developer. Ann Bishop conducted her own study when living at Crossroads 365 days a year. She said there were times there was no oRe in Town and we need this facility to keep us viable. She said she would hate to see what would happen if this prqect did not occur. She said from experience, it was very difficult to coordinate a convention in the Town of Vail now and so we must have a convention center. She said the view encroachment document was very clear to the people who owned units in the Vail Gateway Building and she found it hard to believe ihat this comes as a big surprise. Greg Moffel said he was strongly in favor of this type of development and scaling this project back would run contrary to public policy and the local economy. He said he was in agreement with the finding and it was appropriate for this gpe of hotel, as we know smaller producls were not viable and we needed to commit to size. He said a conference for 400 peopie would not go to Beaver Creek. He said in May and October, there was not enough economy for businessei to stay in business. He said our elected officials have stated the community objectives and this meets those objectives. He said he agreed with Brian regarding the EHU. He said he didn't agree with Conditions 4,5 & 9, as we have nickeled and dimed the applicant to death. He said there was sufficient excess parking on-site in the winter and the bottom line was that the PEC was concemed with left tums out of this project. John Schofield made a motion for approval, in accordance with the findings in the staff memo, with changes to Condition #2, to read the ratio of units required shall be reduced to 2:1 for units provided in Town versus units provided down valley and to delete Conditions #4 and #5 and Condition #9 read that the applicant explore altematives to decreasing the depth of the enclosed main loading/delivery area to reduce the impact of the Vail Plaza Hotel at the ground level of the building on the adjoining properly to the east. The final change shall be at the discre$on of the DRB. Ann Bishop seconded lhe motion. Planning and Enlrronmcnlal Commission Minutcs Januarv 11. 1999 10 Galen Aasland asked for additional architestural articulation on all no(h end south levels on the norlh and south elevations of the west wing and that one, on-sile employee housing unit be provided as a manageds type of unit. Greg Moffet said he will vote, but he would like to see #5 eliminated. Jay Pelerson said we would look at it at the DRB level Brian Doyon said he wanted Condition #5 removed, but not the removal of Condition #4, but with articulation only. John Schofield said so moved. Ann Bishop said so seconded. The molion passed by a vote of 6-0, 6. A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed anena expansion at the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 East Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District, represented by Odell ArchitectsPlanner: George Rulher TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 25, 1999 7. A request to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation" Zone District, Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Town of Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 25, 1999 Tom Weber made a motion to table items #6 and #7 until January 25, 1999. Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 8. Information Update Dominic Mauriello reminded the PEC of the joint Council worksession tomonow. 9. Approval of December 28, 1998 minutes. Ann Bishop made a motion to approve ihe minutes as read. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Planning and Environmental Commission Moutes Januarv 1 1- 1999 i_1 q The motion passed by a vote of $G1 with Brian Doyon abstaining. John Schofield made a motion to officially cancel the 218199 PEC meeting due to the Championships. Ann Bishop seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Galen Aasland made a motion to recommend to Council Town Council remove a PEC represenlative on DRB. Ann Bishop seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vole of 4-2, with John and Greg opposed. John Schofield made a moiion to adjoum. Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Planning and Environmentrl Commission Mnulcs Januarv 1l- 1999 L2 OO r- Alpine Creek Townhomes c/o Ross Jansen Christopher Denton Real Estate P.O.Box 1427 Edwards CO 81632 Colorado Department of Highways Address on file at Town of Vail aa /- December 28, 1998 t List of Adjacent Property Owners Ptarmigan Townhomes c/o Ptarmigan Managemen! Managing Agent Tom Saalfeld Box 832 Vail Colorado 81657 Casa Del Sol Condominium Association c/o Bill Bishop Manager 2065 W. Gore Creek Drive Vail Colorado 81657 Please Attached for individual addresses of Alpine Creek Townhomes K:\9t88-Fowler\Project Conrlsond€nc€\Adjac€ntowncF.wpd Planning o Architecture o 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Falkidge C-1 c Vail.CO81557 r fps@colorado.n FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS ,, /'5'lz I Homeowners for Alpine Creek: #l Reeves/Baidas 6681 SunsetConoourse Holland, \[], 49423 #2 Skip &ldregHerman I 3800 N. Lakeshore Drive Apt#I5B Chicago,IL 60613 #4 John & Suz5rLove 8 LlmRoad - : Englewood, CO S0110 #5 Jane Cohen PO Box 4743 Vail, CO 81653 Lyr4 If I can be of any more assirtancg do not horit*p to qett 926.?990. Kellie { 'i' ooATr}{: Lynn 4T6490tFax, 47fi63,42x1,g fiilali' oo ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 25, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for modifications from a previously granted conditional use permit, located at 19 Vail Road / Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail lnterfaith Chapel, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Jeff Hunt A request for a variance from Section 12-6D.9 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess ol 2Qo/o on a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther A requesl for an amendment to an approved developmenl plan, to allow for an increase in site coverage and reconfiguration of a building envelope, located at 1850 S. Frontage Road WesULot 6, Alpine Creek Townhomes. Applicant: Jim & Sharon Fowler, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, SmithPlanner: George The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannels office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for lhe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Departmeni Published January 8, 1998 in the Vail Trail. O THIS "'TT-t:"" tt'o= )s* FoR E/E .RRE & suRG t s Qucffcar? Cjt drclt ralrg.Sdfa {?t_21!i A T P'.I CATI OI{ rOR PI.ANHTT'J$ A N' D ETrI VI RONrr' E.fI A LC€'n,'D|TSSTONA"PROV/rL [iffi,ffiffi ;ffi ffi :gg*m.i*H=s,9ry-s*'rr'oq*tec 0o rcqurcncntr ni drc puiicutar rmrovlt rr* i, rti iliif ' TtoUfi#;;]fi ;;g;3.l.l1gurcrar*iorrr.ruw*a-nrs"fi'rr"y-*rii*lEEiiiftEdEToFfrncrDcdgn Rc*dew Eoud, TYPEOFAFFIICTTTION:EI AacilrqlcnF^(2to)El BCradEruEsrCt Condidmt l,b.tblrirtr Mei* oe E Miror SubtttvisiorlI Rroulrqggl Silnvrt|lED VrdlrecEl Z*irr5GrbArsrCngrl DESCfr,TPTION Or"itE ?L%463949 P.B3 EqI E Tf EE Ancr&ngl,o l AtFgr/cd Deirdqrd plt F9tplqtc6 $omflag uoit ([rpcr ]Mrjs c EI }{rc GCf ErqfcAttqlfo(vrflvi||'8 ) Mr.jar er El MinrOCtl EpqisAltgrda(Llolr$so Sd,cdd Dord+rtrrf,h-flrirl Arrjc aEl lfiocAarn&nsrr rnrn8DD F.; o. D. E. c.LOCA"TQil oF FROFCTSAL: LOT_ g_BL.Oeft_. : _ FtLtNc tnwdjtg: /B€o €.EI.nLDTN€NAMg, A-eatz &,a*A * L ZONING: NArrtoF0WNEnCF': lJ..- .i.. lowNEn{$15161sa91 I lr{AiEerxEmEEqYT I rrrr FSE - EEE Tfie EUBtt{IITirL RSQUTREMENIS FoR THE AIFROERTATE FUE, llni_IrylrpLtcAiloN,4lq$r!1rrrrAL rEQutBtcrtN[s A!{D zE DGE To rrlr'nErABltrEFrr oF colnfl,'tttrry DEycr.o?MEsrt, "! Eo(|fE-Fni$;;; Rorrq,v. .. rora"a 'r$ltl-.tlll-IoA-6ot.Iott.ir E* r t f gs-arlt-: f;rli ?ED?Ez.lla,g.g1 TOTAL P.A3 December 29,1998 George Ruther Senior Planner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 Re: Application for Amendment to Approved Development Plan Alpine Creek Townhomes F RITZL E N PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS Dear George, This letter will serve as the written description of our request: Project History: Alpine Creek Townhomes was approved in 1993 for 6 detached single family residences on a property that had previously been zoned Medium Density Residential. The development includes six private parcels as well as several open space parcels that are controlled by the Association. The approved development plan allowed for 2300 GRFA per unit and 1325 sf of site coverage. Five ofthe six lots have been developed but Lot #6 was not built on and has been held by the original developer Mike Lauterbach til recently. The lot was conveyed to Jim and Sharon Fowler in December of 1998. Application Dcscription: The Fowler's would like to build a single family similar but not identical to the existing townhomes. They are submitting a proposal that stays within the 2300 GRFA and the 33' height limit but they are requesting a modest increase in site coverage. The total site coverage is l7l7 sf. The total area of the lot is 3625. Although we are requesting more site coverage the ratio of building site coverage to the lot area is similar to the existing development. Exterior materials have not been finalized but it is our intent to utilize roofing, siding and stucco materials and colors similar to existing. Prior to finalizing these decisions the association has requested that they have an opportunity to review and approve our choices. In that I assume we will be going to DRB as well I thought it would be best to develop final building elevations, material list and detailed landscape plan after we have been reviewed by the PEC. This proposal has been reviewed by the Town home association and we have received written approval with some conditions. Please refer to attached letters. K;\9888-Fowler\Project Corr€spondence\TOVI 22998.u'pd PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 r Vail,CO81657 r fps@colorado.net r fax (970) 476-4901 . (97O\ 476-6342 With this application we are submitting: - Copy of Building Approved Building Elevations For Alpine Creek Townhomes - Copy of Final Plat of Alpine Creek Townhomes - Site Plan Al01 (4 copies) - Floor Plans Sheets A20l to A203 (4 copies) - Roof Plan A204 (4 copies) - Building Section A40l (4 copies) - Two Perspective Sketches. (4 copies) - List of Adjacent Owners and Addressed Envelopes - Title Report - Signed Application Form - Letter of Approval from Alpine Creek Townhome Association Please call me for any additional information. We are hoping to be scheduled for the January 25, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting in light of the cancellation of the February 8, 1998 meeting. Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects Ly-nn Fritzleh:lllA K19888-Fowler\Project Correspondence\TOV I 22998.wpd VAIL HEIGHTS INTERSTATE I xor N r,o,v, I \oNlx TRACT STREAMSIDE 70ONV €Qpr--- ( N r.o.v. ) DONOVAN PARK pr HIGHLAND FILING NO.z WHITE RIVER NATIONAL Tr\DECT !2 nez ), tltrl I-t-l SAF€WAY 2l5l L DAS SCH F]LING NO.3 MGDoNALo5 2 tr€ST CASA DEL SOL CONOOT! NIUMS to55 tci tfi STIEWA]RT TNflLE OF' ]EAG[-E COT.INITV , lP"@. BOX 2000 VAIL, C@ E165S lPnease dcniver tftis tto: n"yrul lfovm ofVail lthis fax is frc,na: flR.ACn S. CAIR.SON lfhis fax was ereated at 29-DIEC-199[i 1l:02:20.2n Itt has a total of 5 pages, not including this cover sheet. ffthene ane arxy prohtrms, eontact the sender at g4%1011. CCINdMIEN{TS Folflowing ls the title comnnnitnaec]t for the lFowXer purohase. Thanks. ll'rasi. G lnr SCHEDALE A Order Number: 99016665-C2 1. Effective dae: Novenber tO. tggg at 7 t4.5 A.It. 2- Poliq'or Policies to be issued: Amount of Insurance(a) A.L.T.A. Owner's ( standar'd) $ zoo ,6oo . oo Proposed Insured: JAT''ES B. FOWTJER and SHaRoIv K. Fo'/'.Ir,ER (b) A.L.T.A- Loan ( standard) S tso,ooo .oo Proposed Insured: rras? trEsrEAIy |@ITCACE SERVICE9, rNC., itssuceegsors and/or asslgns (c) I*nsehold $ Proposed Insured: 3- The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in lhis Commitmmt and cavered herein is fee Finple 4- Ttde to the fee siatpl e estute or interest in said land is sI the $ettive dnte hereof vested in: NICT{AEL J. I,AUTERBACE 5. The lard refeted to in this Commitmmt is described as follorus: SEE ATIACEED LEGAL DESC&IPffON PurF orted Address.. 1850 HICEWAY 6 vArrr, co 87657 STATEMENTOF CHARGES These charges are due and payable before a Policy can be issued. PRENIUIN SUBDIVIDER Ofr aRSr $388.OO MORTGAGE: 70O.OO TAX CERT: 2O.OO form 7OO 5O.OO forn 11O.7 5O.OO fotm 2O3,7 50.00 forn 7OO.3O 69.OO form 8.1 5A.0O' form 5.7 69.00 SCHEDULEA Order Numba: 9 8O1 6665 -CZ LEGALDESCRIMON LOT 6, ALPINE CREEK TOWHOWS, PHASE IIIlogether wlth an undivlded 16.67 pe'rcent Tnterest ln and to utle co'4mon ParceT, according to t}|e pTat recorded August zB, 1992 in Book 5a7 at. Page 994 as xeeeption No. 484096, and t,fre pTat of Alpine c'eek rc,wnhomea, phase rr. recotded January 27t 1993 in Book 600 at page Jgs as Reception No" 496294,atd the PIat of A]pine Creek Townhomes, phase III, recoEded Auguat lZ, 1993 in Book 616 at Page 266 aE ReeeptTon No. s12339, and aeeording to the TownhouseDeclatation For Alpine creek Townhoney, reeorded June 30, j99z in Boak 593 at Page 588 a5 Recept ior No, 479694, and Fir't Aaendnert recorded octobet 20, 1992in Book 597 at Page 987 as Reception No. 4eeABS, and the Eirst Suppleg,entaL Townhou5e Declaration recorded January 8, J993 in Book 599 at page J5 aa RecePtion No. 495725, and the Second Amendrr.ent to Tabnhouae Declatation forAJpire Creek Tovnhomea, Zeeorded tlay 27, 1993 in Book 609 at page 452 as Reception No. 5O553 2 COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO. c2 DaNE ON 12/1/98 By Lew THIS CAMAITMENT WAS PREPARED ON SEPYAMBER 1, 1998. FOR QUEETIONS REGARDING THIS COMUITMENT PLEASE CALL LINDA WILLZAT'6, TEE TITLE OEEICER, AT 970/949-1077. ''OR OUESTTONS RECARDT$G ?EE CLOSING. PLEASE CALL KAt|Ay HOULTHAN, %[E E SCROP/ OFFTCER, Ar 970/949-1O11. ?his comaitment is sent to; JAI''ES & SI'AROI\T FOWTLER I4ICEAEL IJAUTERBACE E. JO BROWN RAYMA ROSE te SCHEDULE B Section I Order Numbbr: g 80 t 66 65 -Cz RESUIREMENTS The fallowing are the requirenents to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filedforrecord, to wit: Evidence sati'tactoty to stewart Ntre cuaranty company of payment ot aLlout5tanding taxe6 and asaessment6 aE cettified by f.he EagLe county TreaF.uret. Execution of affidavit aE to DebtB and Lien6 and its return to Stewazt Iit|e GuaratTty Company . Payment of any and all !{@teownetE alaessmentr and expeneea aa rquited in theDecratatlon of ATpine cteek Tovnhousei and cerxificate froa Arpine creek Townhousea Aasociatlon verifylng that such pawent ftas been received. EvTdence aatisfactoty to Stepart PJtie Guaran ty Company tiat the rea-l estatettansfer tax assessed hy the rown of vaiT has been paid or that the transactionis exerapt fron said tax- Evidenee saXlsfaetory to Stewart Title Guaranty Cofrpany that the Right of FirstRefusal gtanted to Jane R. Cohen, contained in the Jrstrunent recotded March g, 199J ln Book 603 at Paqe 614 as Reception No. 4997oo, has been conplied wLth. Deed from HiehaeT J. Lauterbach, vesting fee siaple tjtl.e jn James B. Eovrrerand Sharon K, IrowTer. IfOfEr IVO!ATJOI\T OE TEE LEGAL ADDRESS AE TEE GRATf?BE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 A,ENDHEN! TO STA?UTE ON RECORDTN9 OF DEEDS CRS 38-35_1Og (2). Deed of rru6t from the BoIrower to the pubtic Trustee for the use of tfteproposed Tendet to secure t}le loa!. 7. 2 6. 4. \i\,i;,i -('V *CHEDULEB Sectiott 2 Order Number: 9 g0 r 6655-Cz The poliq, or policies to be issued will contain satisfactiorr of the Company: 73. EaEement8 and tesetvatians as shown Townhc.me', reeotded Augrust Zg. jggz 484095 and the pTat of ALpine Creek tc, EXCEPNONS ecepti,ons to the following unless the sarne are disposed of to the '\i1:,,.i]t, 1. Rig,hts or claims af parties in possesston, not shown by the public records. 2. hsements, or claims of easemmts, not shown by the public records. 3- Discrepanc,ies, confiicts in boundnry lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any faas which a coftectsurvey and inspection of the premises would discloie and which are not showtt by the iuitic records. 4- Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, Iabor or naterial heraofore or here$ter funtished, imposed by lawand not showtt by the public records. 5- Defects, liens, encumhranrces, adverse claims or other mntters, if any, create.d, first appearing in the publicrecords or _attachirlS subsequmt to the effective date hereof, but pribr rc the dare the praposed iniired acquiresof recordJor wlae the estate or interest or mortgage therlon coiered o1a this commirment. 6- Unpatented mining claims; reservstions or exceptiotts in patents, or an act authori1ing the issuance thereof;water rights, claims ar trlle to water. 7. Any and a77 unpaid taxea and aaae'aments and any unredeemed tax sa-Ies. 8. rhe effeet of inclusions in any general or specific water consertrancy, fireprotection, soil consersation or othet disttict or incr-usion rn anv watetsetvice or street improvement area. 9. Reservations or exceptions contained ir u.s. patent.s, or in Acts authorizinqtie issuance thereaf, recorded June 75, 1g1g ln Book gs at page rs andtecorded october 4, i9r8 in sook 93 at page 30r resetvlng J) Right' of theptoprietot of a veln ot Tode to extract and renove his ore lhenefrom and Z)tights of way fot ditcheE and canals eonsttucted under the authority of theUnited States. 7o- Ea5ement conveyed to Holy crosa Electzic Association, rne., by John H. Dunham,reeorded septerDer 6, 1979 in Baok 2ga at page 6si. as Reception No- 7gro5o. 11. Order of rnclusion in t.he VaiT village west Watet and sanitatjon Dl-strl.ct,recorded narch 13, 7979 in Eook 282 at page 933 as Eeceptior No, 179240. 12 . Any we'tLons ' dispute or adverse elains as to any -Ioss or gain of land as areEuLt af any change in the rlver bed Tocatian by othe! than natutal causeat oralternation through acctetion. reJictjon, erosion or avulsion of the centerttiread. bank channel' ot fTow of waters in tlle cote cteek Tying within subjectrand and any question9 as to the rocation of 6ach centet thread, bed, bank, orchannel as a TegaL deeerlptian monument or mazker fot purpolea of describing orlocating subj eet Lands . on in Book 587 at page 994 as Receptior No. Townhomes, Phase II, recotded January 27, Continued on next Daqe continuation of schedule a - Section 2 Order Numbet: 98076665'Cz 7993 in Aook 600 at Page 7g5 aa Reception No. 495284' and the Plat of Alpjne cteek Tovnhomea, Phage I'II, lecotd.zd ]g'guit 12| 199j in Book 615 at Page 266 aE Reeegtlon No. 572339. 14. Terms. conditions, tesewationa. reetrictiona and obligations as conxalned ln Townhouse Declaral-l:an fot ATptne Cteek Tc,'/nhoa€E. recorded June iO, 1992 ia Book583atPage588aafiBceptionNo.479694,andE!r6tAmendmantteeotded october 20, Igg2 ln Eook 5g7 at Page 987 da Recepl.'ion No. 488085 and Eiret suppTemental Townhoase Declaz;ation reeorded Januaty 8, 1993 ia Book 599 at Page 35 a5 .Receptl,or llo. 495125, ar?d t.he second Afiendment to Townhou9e DecTaration forATpinecreekTowrhomes,Eecordedltay2',t993inBook6Q9atPaqe452as Reception No. 505532. !b,'1;lii 'N Dcccrnber 2l, 1998 Town of Vail Dcpartmcnr of Community of Dcvelopmcnt 75 S. Frontoge Road VailColorsdo tI657 rc: Propased Residence forJim and Sharon Fow{er Lot #6,llpine Creeh Torrnhomes ^nCHIYEC Dcar Tcwn of Vail, our asrociarion hes teviewed *rc proponcd plass Htpared by FriElen Pierce Smith Architecrs on hehalf of Jirn ead Shiron Forgler which include floor plans, site plan and rendcrsd perspeotivc dreuings. \*t have an1,ro$d the residence ss prescnied subjcct ro final reviet'v of cxtcrior natcriaisandlurdscapingimpror'cmcnts.Andsubjecttotheattached1etter< dated Deq. 21, tgg8. It'youlavc any additional questions rrieasc call Ross Jsng€s out proptrty manager al 970,e26.7990 Sinccrely. , jt"'*)*ffid*- Moz* Trudi Olsert Presirtenr Alpine Crcok Tounhomes- 3 -T il!i1\ili :itrl:i::: F RITZLET. December 21,1998 Trudie Olson Engel President AIpi ne Creek Torvnhomes Vail Colorado FAX:476-1780 re: Proposed Residence Lot#6 Dear Trudie, F RITZL E N PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS Thank you for taking the time to meet with myself and Sharon Fowler yesterday. It was my understanding that the association had the following concems about proposed development on Lot #6: - Potential intemrption of view conidors - Structured improvements in the common area not including landscape improvements and related retaining walls and terraces. - That the size of the unit not exceed the allowed for the existins units. - Continuity of design and materials As we discussed yesterday we clarified that the proposed residence addresses your concems as per the following: -# - The building footprint at grade (at the ground) is a minimum of 5' away from the property liae and does not project into the western view from the existing townhomes back decks. - We are not proposing any enclosed building area in the common area. Except for the concrete driveway we agree not to encroach on any common area. This includes but is not limited to decks patios, overhangs and structures. - The unit is proposed to be 2300 GRFA (Gross residential square footage) as regulated by the Town of Vail for all the Alpine Creek Townhomes. - It is our intention to match and,/or complement existing materials and colors as we develop the design. We will present this information in the future for your review. -Landscaping will allow for placement of snow removed from driveway. I have drafted a letter of approval that we would need to proceed with the Town of Vail "Amendment to an Approved Development Plan" application . Ideally this letter would be on your letterhead and signed by yourselfas the Association President. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Lynn Fritzlen AIA K:\9 8 88 -Fowl er\Project Corespondence\Olscn.wpd PlanningaArchitectureolnteriors 'f 650 EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-l r Vail, CO 81657 . fps@colorado.net . tax (97O) 476-4901 . (97O) 476-6342 e cc: Sharcn Fowler FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECTS K:\988 8-Fowla\Project Conespondence\Olsen.vpd Phnning o Architecture o Interiors' 1650 EastvaifValley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail,CO8165Z . fps@€olorado.net . fax (97O) 4X6-49O1 . (97ot 476-6142 Alpine CreeK Townhome #6 Fowler Residence 3/26/qq FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH Trudie Olson - Association President Alpine Creek 1292E Webster Pla Omaha. NE 68154 February 23,1999 Town of Vai[ - Design Review Board Dept. of Community Development Att Allison Ochs & DesignReviewBoard 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Alpine Creek Townhomes Lot #6 Proposed Fowler Residence Dear Design Review Committee: We cannot approve the proposed Fowler Residence as desiped. The first problem is the parking. The cars, two in the garage and two in the driveway, will always have to back out and pass two houses, lot #5 and tg. These houses have cars in front of their homes for extra parking .l-o,#6 has no space for exha parking or a turn around. It has been suggested that a retaining wall be built ag'ainst the berm so they have room for a turn around. The next concem is snow removal. There seems to be no space available for the snow. The proposed tum around should not be used for the storing ofsnow. The association approves the rest of the Desigr and we hope the two concems can be resolved. sincerely, _.f:-AfuU Trudie Olson Association President cc: LynnFritzlen, AIA Ross Jansen All Association Members Ivlarch 30, 1999 Allison Ochs Town of Vail Deparhnent of Community Development 75 S, Frontage Road Vail Colorado re: Fowler Residence Alpine Creek Tounhomes #6 Dear Allison. FRITZLEN P I E RC E SMITH ARCHITECTS I am forwarding a letter of approval from Trudie Olson, Alpine Creek Association President on the approval for the Fowler residence. The association met on March 26, 1999 and discussed the tum around issue. They have decided to keep with the originally approved turn around configuration as shown on the Improvement Location Certificate prepared by Starbuck Surveying dated 10/25/93 for Michael Lauterbach and the Town of Vail a copy of which I retieved from tle Town records. Attached is a portion of that survey for your reference. I am also forwarding a perspective sketch of the exterior showing the revised north elevation. I think that completes our application, please call with any questions. K:\9888-Fowler\Project Corespondence\TOV033 099.wpd PlanningoArchitectureolnteriors 1650 Eastvaif Valfey Drive Fallridge C-1 r Vail,CO81657 . hs@colorado.net . fax (9791 47G49O1 a (97O) 47ffi342 r,lfiR-3r-r999 L3t2? CTR FOR EYE CffiE 8. SIJRG ?195463*lgI Jfltr,gF P.E2 € lil* d/"ffi*r-- @;d fr*A rnt"t**'-'h*/ fuorre7 TSTR- P.Ez t ign Review Action ilt TOWN OF VAIL .t Category N um ber-----..:(,(-o"t" S{ ta f qA- Proleaxame: >ro'-''r< Cr-eo [ /h.aa-<- ZE , f/(e- Building Name:#G_ Project Description: owner,Addressanaenone: /zlla/- L c"-.- /r,- /,.-.4 /t) rSnr. 3/f t ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: tl#r,. P J- * Legaf Descripti on:Lot Lx Bbck - Subdlvision S Project Street Address: "!-,,.4;"Di*a rt) e Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: - Seconded by: h/Epprouat n Disapproval ! StaffApproval Vote: 4- 1 Conditions: )g 4'rt<--. l.-- t . DRB Fee Pre-1aid 6Zaz - az) v -HS . t.,.4.. e--"..eY.aait l/a /444 d a ti ',,'''..Wv44, t--# - stt-<--'J-.,- ^ a- J D, {/ 'ltl AT.A.GLANCEo NOTES G, *, *ffiffo""orrLm, DArE: /lera( lf, tf f4 PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE /t-.1 7a, oOon4.tt.^-- ot-,< *r Total ,Kignt *dal cnra Pc+narsy-C8.E.e' AIIowed --.\(30) c3J, z 3oZ)2_joA *a> Front Sides Rear Setback z Sz ez/k_ + 425 + 425 Existinq Proposed tl-^n<,v Ltalf = -1 41 I o > w<6. fu-a 11& l-7t{ $ecorrd'{ry-€lf*- Setbacks {atet Course &." coverage rJraf-dscaping 20, 15' 15' 'r66ining wa1l Heights 4r*rnn 6rug. Credit 'dGez Corridor Encroachment :Yes Lr:n-.r'i ror,r.nt a 1,/ Ha z a rds : dZt-.- &-/,4 fb"-. 3' /6' Permitted Slope _.,rql Actual Slope OK Date approved by Town Engineer: OK. No L-"- ??? 4/2"J- p'rz\P,r-1--,L I 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche /I./o,.-b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow }letlands o?-revl.oua conditions of approval (check property fiLel z qr- a -,-- r "foes thls reguest involve a 250 Additlon? /-,'' How much of the allowed 250 Addition ls used with this requesE? a.. **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Farnily and Primary/Secondary which are Less than 15'000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unlt. The Comnunity Developnent Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code incLuding permanently restricting the unit as a Long-term rentaf unit for ful]- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. Z, f Reqrd (3oo)(m)( eoo) ( tzoo, JL 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 2'7 - ,*.2-c 2':t&'--4l G LEGAT, DEscRrPrIoN: Lot & Block - Filing S)&ur" Cn ,1 pLz=- (30(6h 4z/3 d 1n ff z-a-a /* / "7 TO: MIKE McGEE /?r4 r GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Landscaping: Date: Date: Date: pR9JECT: S p r,... Cr--'"'k, Pha"'-T{T DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEAHING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: zlz-< BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ^,1/D g ir,rU/c {r,^ )ty, l <-u*luyr *"'J L*tl {*uu .,1 hl,v Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on >- /tr. Y linl1/e {*l^)tr, du*t"t"O *e^j Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: 6r d\ \16.\\ T |{(}\ \\r\S-_Sslg; z lzL(qQ L -of {rrr,u. ; ,, */* nrl ,e TO: MfKE McGEE GREG HALL DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner PROJECT: S -J-L(r< Cr=.-k, Pl^o^.-g 4U_ COMMENTS NEEDED BY: zlz-z BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Suoal ele\rclicn , netd 'r<; \re ',toi\\i,ci ir \ ,',, ,r w,-". Flfal NJ$ir 'N( \r(l 'rJ l -'Qot .r6t\\(\'Y..- N€{.d \2' oLi, ':' io a\\\ un\t'J dll- Grodin{ \6 rr-\6..',,rote, 3-5'ctrrJf{.r}.'iir,i.,C \rJltlc tt\(tttrtl-tbl: 'iv\^l'r4/a- 5\\OL$ lrt,(r)', ". dtcr'. i'.il.:f <)sC.r 1.-, 1,,,r'.f ",'\ l.C 'd l\\\b CfGsV Gt\. t$ : l,(l? t \c\)(!!\i.\ \'- Cf\ tCOd, *)' t ,":': g\C' / rf tcar,r ', t'{,w r,\Ot(rqg,,,- Landscaping: Reviewed by: Gomments: irJeed La"d"cog r nq P \4r\ Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Date: Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landsc aping on 7// (< . lc7;4 4 TO: MIKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Beturn to Andv Knudtsen Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: S Cr--"-k, Pt"oo'-g d t& DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: zlz.z BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: t . ,/Leaf Md>u4t ,'.,//,* Landscaping: Date: Date: Reviewed bY : - "1)/z- t;'-z Comments: 4)5. . n-'za- Jf "P 7y'2.'"2"--a /i'''' "''r' DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING twD stnal/e {*rn )ty, l-rut*O,"*t-^/ Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Distributed to the Fire Department, Pubtic Works, and Landsc aping on >/./ /r*--. DATE OF DRB UEETING: lsrs ePPrrc*#lffilltor "r AccEprrD ItNn'rL .e!L REQUIRED IlrfORtrAtIOil rS SITBUIEIEDrri*ttt*tttr.PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION:[.-F-.*. B. TYPE OF REVIEI{: ','Nevr Construction ($200.00) Additlon ($50.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS:ha.-l*q - Q-4. Lr u LEGAr DESCRIPTTON: Lot _9_ Block Subdivisio1 Ar p"x.- C"..- k I, b r-(rr rt*ee E. !. G. If property is descrlbed by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet anaattach to this applicatlon. ZONING: I,0T AREA: If reguired, applicantstanped survey showing fot area. NAI4E OF APPLICN{T: h,.<( r.-l Lc--k-.6 gc-u Mailing Address: APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: must provide a current Phone 416 -O cli' K4NAI'{E OFMailing Phone I. NAII{E OF {.-r 6 - .-(- ' *STGNAIURE (S) :Mdiling Address i -Url l.Co lrCrS Condominlum Approval lf applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tine of submlttal of DRB applicatlon. Lat,er, whenapplylng for a building pernit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwlll adJust t,he fee according to tbe table beloC, toensure the correct fee ts paid, 4 n4, b EE,E pLtDz S O( e T K. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONo - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - s 50,000 . $ 50,001 - $ 1.50,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 * DESIGN RE\'1IE}I BOIRD IPPROIIAI.I EXPIRES ONE YE;AR NTTER FINAI' IPPRO\/AI. TTNI.ESS .E BSII.DING PESIfIT IS ISSI'ED }ND CONSTRUCTION ST}RTED. **NO EPPLICATION WII.I.I BE PROCESSED I|ITEOUT OI{NER' S SIGNATUNE..-' 1 ,,/ 7bf s FEE $ 20.00I s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 eJ"rlv</T- NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LlST OF MATERIALS Alpine Creek Townhomes Lor I er,ocx 1850 South Frontase DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : J7"/ SUBDIVISION Road West Farnilv Residences The following information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING I.4ATERIALS : Siding Other WaIl MateriaLs F: cr-i r Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F tir6c F1a shings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: required for submittalapproval can be given:to the Design TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR N*,;-l Light Brown S tucco Beige 2x8aDirnens ional / Lieht Brown Wood Natural LigLt Brown ul,'L-- None Name of Designer:phone: Botanical" Name Steven J, Riden 949-4121 PLANT MATERIALS: DI)NDAEFh 'lDtrE C /'^hh^^ \l-*^\, \Jrrlru (Jt I ttatllc; Eve r sreen Asoen nrr^nf i 1- rr Qi za* gtr A-R I !---:-- 66 ,tl EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for None _ S tucco a'+t<'+t \tt r.t. Be.i se None Indicate height, for coniferous t{t' -+ Lt- -- -;-- -- -- - --- -;-- -' - - *- T|trl.}| a r!tl[- iiscPllrrous Cadt 15r?6;?Ba2-@-94 g$f#Fvm-ry;*"' tt€t P'id mrrt geid 6tm64t53t8gs zsg'89 Chrnge ret'urned > 6'60 THFIF{I€ 1tEf|.t *:g**- l?/4 SUBD]VI SION JOB NAME LOT L Rt.nar FILING ADDRESS 1850 South Frontage Road I,Ie s t The location and availabilit.y of utilities, whether they be maintrunk fines or proposed Iines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date v-2t -? I' ?-2/-?/ 6 -a /-q/ rH1*1, gryl- - U.S. West Communicat.ions 1-800-922-1987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Cornpany 94 9-5781 Gary HaIJ- HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 9 4 9-58 92 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 SLeve Hiatt Upper Eagle Val]ey Water & SaniEation District * .1 t o- t.r6u Fred Haslee NCTE: Aeb.11 These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right.-of-way or easement in the Town of Vai]. A builciinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit must be obtaj.ned separately. This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction wiLh preparing your utility'plan and scheduling installations. * Pfease bring a site p1an, floor plan, and efevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. Tn. FROM: DATE: RE: },IEMO Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Planninr Df?artrrl.ent Mlchael Lauterbach &r(/\ November 4, 1993 Alpine Creek Tovrnhomes Enclosed for your revlew is a current site and driverday plan. According to my calculations, the driveway as-bullt conforms to fire department requirements until unit numb er slx is constructed. At that time, it r^ti11 need to be widened to the north as designated by the cross-hatching. The site plan further identlfies five parking spaces r^rl th space number four able to accomodate over-length vehicLes. fhose spaces as well as future fire department driver^ray requirements are gravelled and w111 be plowed for use this erinter. An additional parklng space could be installed adjacent to unit number six slmultaneous with development if neceseary. At this point, if you concur r^rith the layout of the five parking spaces, I will secure an estimate and bond completion of paved areas in order to allow issuance of Certlficates of 0ccupancy to homeownerls of units one through five, Thls will greatly rnitigate their mortgagee!s and insurorrs concerns regarding suitability of the property. Since I have requested several landscaping lnspections and hear nothing negative, I am assr:ming that our installation of landscaping features meets with your approval. In addltion, Charlie Davis recently reviewed and apparently approved the project for Publlc Works. Please contact me if you have any questions and thank you in advance for your consideration. trl /(-' ,*-r- r\r<\* iL w v.ok; d-A In iA^'V' I I Michael McGee, VFD From the desk of. . .Anily Knuillsen j-, hx te(r/ -a-\ / >//fk1 t..,L,/ 2o' a ((.<..a o)a )K 4 t //,/7, rt i 4^,t1 PP.OJECT: OATE SUSI4ITTEO: CCI.'d4ENTS IIEEDED BY : BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF PUBL I C }'ORKS TIIE PROPOSAL! y'2- szzdrz. 7rt/-/o/z;/r 3 228/ "/z:- <:,?34J<7',yon/z/"rnt-t--. . OATE OF PUELIC HEARING P.ev i er,red by: Comnents: Revier'red by: Connerrts: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Da te FI RE DEP!.RTI,iENT E*n'.,u/ '/Z'f i 3 Reviewed by: -H ci-.:z/z/"-?,7u(:..a Date /Z'-1.i 3 com,lents: ., ,- ------------- /) E-.t: -t-tt,-- zrz-z/ tz/.i/,,,.-74-,..,7-) /zzz--r.""-),,r-4.t7Lz'"< zd' .,/4J 4 t- <. r-a,z o. .u ,J7 d.-.tnz,: - 4p Z Q c-'zr '4 /7.-'"'u'" - " ) of / //,.e,.\i'--.?,. . ' -/-'-- st//<-.'/<.--.7? STt/Ev-" ' (_..2 Da te REC i:.iATI OIt DEPARTI.IiI{T Revieaed by: Co:-.--uents: ZONE CHECKl', *, * rHJ, orrr*r.rl r DArE: *f+*e- /o, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot l?/3 Block _ Ftling eO ADDRESS: OWNER S fta) .-, J ,1 /ARcHrrEcrJ fz* Fida-t ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE -Kr.nnt All.owed (30) (33) .z3az {,/' z-21t.3 TotaI6;): 20, 15' 15' (30)((s 4zt 6l /l OZ >.-- tt' 4)t-r'/4 L'^- / c.7r. / s- (3oo) (GAD(eoo) (1200) {4q' r i=r'laa / r.7z 1/( Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope 6-' approved by Town Engineer: No ??? Flood Plain nQ Percent Slope Geologic Hazards ./a) Snow Avalanche u'/^- Date Yes ax 1) 2') 3) c) Debris ELow _gza-z_4)wetlanat @ Kulou" "on ,drevloug condlions of approval (check property titsl z ?t---z-K twa ,Iest involve a 250 Addit,ion? r1-'..) b) Rockfall How much ot/n; allowed 250 Addition is useffif,Eis reguest?n n..-o * *Note : IlJer Sections 18 .L2. 090 (B) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Municipal Code, loJ zoned Two Fanily and Primary/Secondary which are less than 151000 J ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unlt. Thecomnunft Development Department may grant an exception to ttrlsrestr-ion provided the applicant neets the crlteria set forth underSectls 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code includingently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full-tifemployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. -46ar enra + 425-.fua + 425 Setbacks Front Sides Rear z 3a>/b tlz6r Course Setback 4ite Coverage zs, z t z/h -zdascaping 61t^ining warr HeighLs 6*ing d^n" Credit 4{iu., Kgorr.idor EncroacCl[ew lorridor Encro 4nvironmental,/Hazar 10 Retum to T I NTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PRoJECT: ! pr*tz- C,**-1, W- ,4,'-''' *(* DATE SUEMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: tr)<-,-,;,*f /.*".t1 frrrt F ,,,-s tL -{-"} ItL- ,r'.n /4-\- frtio,* PUBLICWORKS \ t E I /Beviewedby:-\\".*cio f oate, 6/ tY /7) -/Comments: E f..Jc''Fi"'\ ' A,z {6 po,t t@ (a/zs o -4,'e.- = 4{_ .!'7 9 t '17f-F - - ..-J..- ,-i .- iit ltili )l pire).'L#re at^ to"q3' rl t rli.1. ,lu"gpw lqJ!,q,q )f oq 1 s4 4{- ! ll. rr l"loq,6t/ )'--t!! ii! ;11 ,,1 lli r*"r zQ-q.q+) 4Ls,-fi /1', val, tz,/ Ef:J u lll?*'T 1t>';a) 5Ll7'o6 f " * 5lq;-7 '/ I:a't I'iit zrjj Ail, ;::- f t7,70 /2,(ob 73 ti 15, o1 60.32 _ |1,O6 a - 1151:'t3 - t0:3 z lb-tx !: I revised 6/LB/gt COLORADO Slngle Family Residence Spruce Creek Phase III Alpine Creek Tor^mhomes Minor eration Conce al Review Lock Phase III s and bounds separate sheet luu)l- DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEE?ING: ***t****t* TIIIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPIEDttNTrL Ar.t REQUTnED INFORTA,IION IS SSBMTTTEDit****r**t (920.00) (s0) D. ADDRESS: IEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lor '". ],ilr( ffiLoT r ! "r rE9o-L and provide rOI, 128 SF t't - r\P 't DRB FE .r-L^ {-.iLIIE LI apply g for a building pernit, please identify theaccu{te valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail wi1 djust the fee according to the t.able below, toenfe the correct fee i's paid FEE pArD: s )/f VALUATION s 10,001 $ 5o/ 001 $150r 001 s500,001$ Over c 1n nnnY JV, VVIJ$ 50,000c l Rn nnnV r.Jvt \,,tJ\./$ 500,000 91,000,000 $1,000,000 .E -E .t1 $ 20.00I 50.00cl nn nn $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 PROJECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: xx New Construction (9200.00) Addition (550.00) Subdi;+ s i*orr SPruce Creek Townh 1rrfr1n.,,-:::i tiivt+/AntA ",,il i /^rlrr.anf sta NAT Ma:Vail rone 47 6-6944 IVE: Michael Lauterbach Vail Phone 47 6-6944 NAME OF OWNE r"rrchael Lauterbach *STGNATURE (S Mailing Ad P-O, Box 3451 Vail Phone 476-6944 Condomin Approval if applicable. DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atof submitt.al of DRB application. Later, when *NO SPPLTCATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE ZONE CHECKl*, *, -ffiorrr*r.l DATE: 7- ^'r-,15 IEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,ot .fluur(liSS: OI.iNER Block Filing 50 South Froirtaee Road West Michael Lauterbach pHONE 476-6944 PHONE 949-4121 Allowed (30) (33) APl^H T TFAT Steven J. Riden ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE *'tLOT SIZE Height ToIa] GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks RC 7,7 oa 425 425 F'rnnt Sides Rear Water Course Setback Qita f-nr:orar,ro Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Aa rar.ra t'-rorl i l- Drive: View Corridor Encro ANT' , /6' Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) 600 Permitted Slope _LL Act.ual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: 20, 15' 15' (30) 20 15/ T5 Yes 2') 3) No Flood PLain YesEnvironmental,/Haz Percent S]ope No Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche No b) RockfaL1c) Debris Flow No 4) wetlands Previous onditions of approval (check property fite) Does t request involve a 250 Addition?No How m of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reguest? * *No : Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal ^^/.|lots zoned Two Family and Primary,/secondary which are less than 0 sq. ft. in area may not.construct a second dwelling unit. The nity Development Department may grant an exception to this t.riction provided the applicant meeLs the criteria set forth under tions I8.:.2.090(B) and 18.L3.080(B) of the Municipal Code including rmanently restricting the unit as a long-term rentaL uni: for full- me ernployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. No 1( Co u,&{aler Course Setback Kt" Coverage 25 z tz/(t i.:dioscaping u{66inJ-ng waII }reighrs 4{rYincJ nC{un" Credit, 6rIve: y),e6 Ctrridor Encroachm ppvi ronnental./lla z ards ; +425= /lDArB: Kk,r,*n-/ ln,IIEGAL DESCRIPTION: l, *, n pz5olouB DrsrRrcrt /4f 3 tot &- F /'tJ Btock ;1 Filing ADDRESS: OWNBR ARCHITECT S /..o /, 1,.--' ZONE DISTRICT **LOT SIZE Y{D PHONE PHONB PROPOSED USE -- S,>S-2. {n...--- ' ,-/,d6isnt firorat cnna .P+j.Jsas:r--CSS.L- F"rdary-cRFA ,detbac'l.s 23tu t A Al Iowed ./'7---,(30)r(33) )\__-/ "z?d?) Ilxistin 40 f) -f tt zJ tr- r/.rrr l- Sides Rear 20, 15/ 15' (JU] '4zrs 1,t /. Dat.e Yes 3oor-to-oDeoo) (1200)- j*-, /* i.0 ..,--\/ -1 tl /(9 /ns< Permit,ted Slope B* approvecl by Town No c) Debris nrffiji#;il' /,_,"_, ,rsi4ii;\ ,'"..'.ilfl 1) 2) ?.| "pdes this 'Guest invoLve a 250 Addit.ion? ;;-;^^-E- ::-.": crrr\,r rrJ-Ircrr.y/,res() (Jarry wnJ"cn l are rIgss. tnan ,,.1,:,;:;il..,lit1-l!W._rc.-r.n area may noL construct a second dwelling unit- tneiiil,ii :i.uon|utT'y DeveJ-opment Department, may grant an except.ion to this . ;i,i,i:'::i'l; ?1:"_lli"_fuo". invotve a 250 AddiLion? n4 U.: : ' jil; i:liiii:.;,1 iili: ffi :;il;:i"*"'',ffi il:';;,;:mm:'*'ii' t,;#** 99TT4.E{ Development Department, may sranr "n "*"nii;;;-g];iii:'' ille.ji1i,,'r,ri' !iru:lii it:;i3?S,'13o"ttli!iffi,Tfi'i,'|f;""ili:::i;"i"8"5:'il"ll$:iili:itpqlBnent']y restricLing the unit as a ]ong-Eerm renuil unit for ffjf-;li1'r:l'tiile employees of the fipper Eagle Va]tey. 0 /o' ,or.^ /* ziu..--..., '\'+d.ffir8, oa INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: J /Y?LC1_ DATE SUBMITTED:' 0"".-1. w- ,4,^.r-.-/'(,* DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ./Ue..i /-ar' F ,-s tL -U"*/ ,w+'oo{ PUBLIC WOHKS Reviewed by: Comments: ',An Retum to f/wJ"-- lTown Planner r,* oL-- ''l il t) y'L.-- l\iuA./ t\r944 V?Wlft cePl 0t- -,-l tFv(bt k Ql^ /SJnoulJ Shd,-_, ' J -fi onatuEF,,lti =Ff ,,nA.,r,IffiU ffiuo^e:t5oNf,o- cen strwYkt I 2) -Tl) ,J.n^-f 'funen- u)o4l- I d4* &,4 6* bt;a<> cu ,*et1 b'1 on hu,u ,Lro; ^V r*qS +ho,* .-J -ht Itk {s,k pL^ doon) 11"-*4*L {),2 {{a/zs fl,r t- 6 /,t d E-vu-{a/zs fir/4 UTILITY LOCATlON VERIFICATlON SUBDIVISlON Spruce Creek, Phase III JOB NAME Alpine Creek Townhomes I 6 LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS 1850 South Frontage Road Llest The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed 1ines, must be approved and verifj.ed bythe fol.lowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature c U.S. West Communications r.-800-922-1987 4 68-68 60 or 94 9-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky,/Michael Laverty Htrri t aoc Cal-r'l ewi g j6n f .\,r. 94 9-ss30 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanitation Di-st rict * 416-'7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Date B-zt -? l', 3-2/-r/ I -p /-?/ []4*! A.zL-11 These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibilit.y to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vai.l. A buildinq nermit is not a st.reet cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained sepalately. This form is to verify service avail.ability and l-ocation. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling insLallations. * Please bring a site plan, floor p1an, and elevaLlons when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire fLow needs must be addressed. , ii. q TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMO Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Plannir,g Dnartment Michael Lauterbach Lrr(/\ November 4, 1993 Alpine Creek Townhomes Enclosed for your revierr is a current site and driveway p1an. Accordi-ng to my calculaEions, the driveway as-bui1t conforms to fire department requirements until unit numb er six is constructed. At that time, it will need to be widened Eo the north as designated by the cross-hatching. The site plan further ideutifies five parking spaces with space number four abl-e to accomodale over-length vehicles. Those spaces as well as future fire deparcment driveway requirements are gravelled and r'rill be plowed for use this wint.er. An addltional parking space could be installed adjacent to uni-t number six simultaneous rrith development if necessary. At this point, if you concur with the layout of the five parking spaees, I wilL secure an estimate and bond completion of paved areas in order to allow issuance of Certlficates of Occupancy to homeownerrs of units one through five. This will greatly mitigate their mortgagee!s and insurorrs concerns regarding suitabiLity of the property. Since I have requested several l-andscaping inspections and hear nothing negati.ve, I am assuming that our installation of landscaping features meets with your approval. In addition, Charl-ie Davis recently revlewed and apparently approved the project for Public tr{orks. Please contact rne if you have any questions and thank you in advance for your consideration. ,t/rL' 'r *,- r\r<\n ]t ?e v'oks d-A (l'^"' Michael McGee, VFD o From the desk of. . -Anily Knailtsen n/ A*, .*(r/ -v1. t>/t1/7: hF !., , L ,/ f/-4 4 Zo' aa.-c/Q eT a)a )K