HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments & Plans - 1992-2008 (CO)€..ttwtrrtl.r*rt Design Review Board ACTIOil FORI.I Oeparknent of Communlty Oev€lopmeot 75 Surth Frontage Rod, Yall, Colorado 816J7 tef: 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vrl lgov.com Project Name: VERSMAN ADDmON Project llescripuon: Participants: OWNER VERSMAN. UNDAJ. 5144 S JAMAICA WY ENGLEWOOD co 80111 Project Address: Legal Descriptiou Parcel Numben Comments: DRBNumber: DR8080048 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA WTffi LIVING ABOVE A GAMGE K)R THE VERSMAN REMODEL 02i2v2008 APPUCANT VAG, INC. ARCHITECTS & PI-ANN 02l25l2mg Phone: 970-9497034 PO BOX 1734 VAIL co 8165&1734 License: C000002386 ARCHITECT VAG, INC. ARCHITECTS & PLANN 0212512008 Phone: 97G949-7034 PO BOX 1734 VAIL co 816s&1734 License: C0000O2386 4230 SPRUCE WAY VAIL LocaUon: 4230 SPRUCE WAY Loft J Block: Subdivision: VILLAGE ON BIGHORN CREEK 2L0L-122-2600-2 6l'{ kd BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: DuBois Second By: Plante Vote: ul-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Apprcval: 05/022008 Oond: I (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail statr and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS, Cond: 202 (PLAN): Appqal of this project *rd lapse and beome voH one (1) year tullowlng the d& of final apprortal unless a fuldlrg permit is lsqred and corEtrudion is @mmenqEd and bdilgendy pursued bwad ompledon. Cond: @MXXXI$5 Monitorcd fire abm system requlred and shall omdy wlth IIFPA 72(2002) and VB standads. Nlde PefteEon DRB Fer Pald: $:IOOOO Aclditions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Depan|lre:rt of Commun,ty Development 75 Soul.h Fror',age Road, Varl, Colc'rarlo 81657 teli 970.4 /9.21?8 I'nx; 9|Q,479.2452 ! r b: www,vailoov com Gen€ral Information: All projects requiring destgt'l revtow must recelve approvdl prior to submitting a buildrng pernl( appltcatlon. Pleose refer to the suirnlttbl requ'iements for the pafticllar Ipprovol lhat is requested An applkation for Deslgn Review cannot be accepted until atl fequired Infonnatlon rs rccelved by the Comnluntty D€velopment DeParlmenl. The proFct may also neeO to bc revrewcd by the Town Counol andi of th(j Ptannlrg ir')d Env,ronmcntol Commrsslon. De$ign review approval lapses unless a buitding permlt is issuecl and const;uction commences within one year of tho approvtl. ptign U?q, o co B-co Location or the Proposah Lot:jLl-- - Brock:.-/-* subdrvsion:j4-lbCL ot' [49[.r"n {f<e'L physicalAddress, 323D--5PJUS."e,^lL,64,VAil " parcel No.: 4!g-lVtzgAgL (conta,:t Easle co. Assessor at970-328'8640 for parcel no.) zoning i Na nre( s ) of ow n e r(s) : -Kg n--i--Lindg Vtf =f f nCrf -Mailing Addressr Owner(s) Signature(s)i Name of Appli""nt, -V Mailing Address:03+ E.-" | | Add;, p"ilmD r+uhr,d-<o;ii:: -dffiffiffi - $50 Pl$f gl.0(r pcr .quarc foat of total sign arsa, No Fcc \ $650 For consL.|rction of a new bulldtng or demo/rabuild. $300 Fol an itCdition vrhcrc squilrc footage is added to anY rcaidcntial or conlrte((1rl burlcling (rncludes 250 iJdditions & interior convctsrons)' $?50 for mrn0r changes to builcilngs and slte rmprovements, such as, re"t'ootrn9, patn0n0, wlndolv addrtlolls, landscapltlg, fences nnd remlnlnq !Jalls, cla S20 For minor change{ to buildings artd riile illlprovements, such ds, re-roof re, palntrrt'f, rr,iindqlv $tlditiotlS, landecaplrg, felrcer' .irld retalning lvallB, ct!. $20 Fof revisiorls to plilns .llready aftprov(rd by phnlnng Sfa(f crr the Deslgn Rcvrclv llt:.trd. No ljr:e Type of Review and Fee: tl Signs E conceptual Review n New CorlstructionXf Addfion L.! Minor Alleratior (fl ntl['fanrltyi coIrmercul) i.l Mrnor Allefatton (:rrrglr-farnlly/duplex) Ll Changes lo Approved Plan$ t l Separation Request 10C13-.:-- Fttft^tsu3n;l.tltdl daeter. to @\tT.'d f'STBE,F6EI5]:OI g!rtJPlr.lsar sszraEts/.16f Design Review Board Hearing May 7,2008 Versman Residence Addition It RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: (ln part) A.The purpose of this section is to ensure that residential development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturallv inteqrated structure with unified site development. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural details, site grading and landscape materials and features. I= GENERAL GOMPATIBILITY: (ln part) A.Structures shall be comoatible with existinq structures. their sunoundinqs. and with Vail's environment. lt is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. hl UI(rl \ol C\Iql :l H 9l il BI ool ool O\l O\] so\o\:\ 'd\ \ v) i. .go I.\t .{ { o' t \ \i Nt sb \\ { \ tl .* =>, >1 2 EA bo o),9 oot <tr d,dOE .^ c.l ('! o\ c..l .^ (\ O, c.l N .; N n o\ c.l c.l qi l{)ftsiE qH F'E h - L >9i iotoooc6 B!=!EE -.<x;1ql u)9)2 c.it-oo cir'-00 c.it'-€^ v] c.lc* oo^ c.it.r@ vl c.|F-co oic-qo c.iF-€ F-* O\XC' Ate) c.r FEa=f s'Eii=€N 00+ \o- + F- t*. c,l.: c.l ^; (..l ooR f-c.l c'i .v F,.€c*z E EEsa P!E!q AEEE z z hEEi EEE€3!3 r.r X 5:3 r.) X z z z b3 z . E.E=iE --L€ oB^ l/rE z z z q)^ alo z z z z E#EE r C.l \= r N\> l-1- (\ .=d5 r :itr l- C.f \=z L Ff t-co oo \o oo e.l c.l €..I .i t-- oq \i <t $ c.- c- itaa od q, bD .l c\ c= c) ;:.bo E< >PoO :bI q) oo '5r ()P F\J d E"- o c= \0) ol l-a .'i 6 Fge.= b0ll. 5S trg {.1o0 7x\o-acr -hFc \J <PrE'i ;f, 0)bn 5E q.r .\-c \J l-t a'"F () bo .\(u -iv ri o c)o0 \()r()q, .'i.c !., /tO tr FJF.F xo - >,Y E€€l(,< h.;F A< q.) (J F a Q>C\ds> q) ao>\ $> q) ao>SrB$> tL)(J (h o>ra) i!$> .J <€ ..l ,Y |j o m€ *5 r.; (.) -= !) +(J F f E,E i*9<.2 EtrEPE if€:; EE r $g$E E x€€ga5b--i €:g€€I €;E EE65= bEbOX.Y..-d EflT€E E Fig#ui-flo s€-3 H: €;€rEa: s P g:; E.E 9e F# E F;t *-sE€5tf€;l €€UHgE El f EE$Ery ;l rs€E FE ?l € i s E AE EIFg€:Eg EIgiEEg{El E r.g'i H;El 'E E e_g# ?l E{i re?tJ i€gige fl ;E*tEq6)t b () ot )\ trFl iEsbg f Department of Communily Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 PH: 970-479-2138 FAX: 970-479-2452 www.vailgov-com March 3, 2008 Ms. Jamie Hunt VAg Architects PO Box 1734 Vail, CO 8'1658-1734 Via email: iamieh@vaqarchitects.com RE: Versman Addition, 4230 Spruce Way (DRB 08-0048) Dear Ms. Hunt, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the Design Review application (DRB08-0048) for the proposed addition, located at 4230 Spruce Way. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. Please provide a readable scaled plan sheet including scaled, dimensioned (lnclude at least one dimension on each floor) GRFA areas (area totals clearly labeled next to the floor level and calculations. Please list calculations in the following manner:. Versman Existing:i. UPPer Level =ii. Main Level =iii- Basement 1"us| = _ sf iv. Total Existing = _ sf v. - Garage 6rs6it = _ sf vi. - Basement Credit = _sfvii. Total Existing 6PP4 = _ sf. Versman Proposed:i. UPPer Level =ii. Main Level =iii. Basement 1"ys| = _ sf iv. Total Proposed = _ sf v. - Garage 6tg61 =_sfvi. - Basement Credit = _sfvii. Total Proposed GRFA = _ sf Please provide a separate plan sheet including scaled, dimensioned site coverage and landscaping areas (area totals clearly labeled) and calculations. I have good examples of site coverage and landscape area plans. lf you'd like to see them, please let me know. On Sheet L.1 Site Plan, please revise the following:. Remove the trees and plantings to reduce clutter.. Indicate and label setback lines.. lndicate and label easements.o Label ridge elevations.. Label Spruce Way.. Label center of creek.. Label watercourse setback from center of creek. sf sf sf 2. 3. . Clearly identify and label the proposed addition.. Move any proposed strucfures outside the watercourse setback (30 feet from center of stream or creek). 4. On Sheets L2 Landscape Plan, please revise the following: o Indicate proposed plantings and ground cover. o Provide legend listing type and size of poposed plantings. . Delineale critical root zones and tree preservation methods for trees to remain near grading and construction.5. Please bring material and color samples to the DRB meeting. 6. Please note the 1992 approval referenced in th€ submittal is expired and has no bearing on this DRB application.7. Please note thai this application and the Goldman-Cheney application (DRB 0&0047) shall be contingent on the re-platting of the properties to eliminate the shared Lot J, which becomes inelevant by the creation of two separate driveways. 8. Additional comments may follow a more detailed Staff review. This proposal is tentatively scheduled for review by the Design Review Board at its March 19, 2008 public hearing. To remain on this schedule, please submit revisions addressing the above listed items by no later than Noon on Mondav. March 10. 2008. ff you have any questions or comments, feel free to contiact rne directly at (970) 477 -3452 or noeterson@vailoov.com. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, .4ez.q,a*- Nicole Peterson Planner ll Town of Vail Ar--{J.,.*- -}.. aZCS\ A*YL^* ?'* (<V';"=k D[ -eT- ' '77 7t:3TR FROI'I:UERS|'1Ril IJAN+ 3ff?4AEE:5 TITLE GUARANTEE T!: 1!78?1198134 VN' COMPANY P.4/ LL KENNETH J. VERSMAN ANd I.IIIDA J. VERSMJIN 29OO S. PEoBTA AURORA, CO 80014 thank you viery much for giving lJand TiEte Guarantee Company the opporEufiity Eo serve you ' Dear CuaeomPr: Land TiEle €uarantee Company ie pleased to Elrovide you with """i o.-"t'b titte rnEurincE Poticy. This valuable document i;;';;-;;oh and marketabre tsiEre Lo vour pr?pgT:Y- Pleaee ..'tri"" ef,e policy in ite etlEl.regy. j1e aE r'and Title Guarantee ;;6;;y-t-;ri;G-in-l="l.:.oing vou, .our cusEomer. wiltt a quallt'v producc whiph will eerve your needg.-l In che event you do find any discrepanfY,-or if yo" have any ?uegcionB oF -commencs regarbing your final policy, pleaee BJii-"c--cnifroiio*rng defartmeic-and we will gladly handle anv ;;;i;;;; F;;ilt-have'ag Erricienttv and suicklv as poasisre' i TITLE DEPARTMEIfT TELEPI{ONE # (3031476'22st FAJ( # (303) 4?6-4s34 PI,EASE REFEh. TO ORDER NO. V253895 shoutd you decide to sell tshe property deseribed in schedule a,--o,' ii you ar" "eqoiied to firrnieL i new liEle cormiEmeng for morugag. prrrpoee=il-iJ"-mav be enrirled ro a credlt Eoward future CICLe -inElranci 'expettels. Land Title Guarantee eompany will retaio. "opy-oe cft.'encloeed eitle policy' and in the *r""t. you do ,r""d'futsure eervices, we wi}l be in a Pogigion co again ierve you promptly and efficiencly' -ef-IDT ftl: I ,l 4. Ani aul wh, I /s3ual ul{[ 16 tc P.O B v lL( 3Br{t 7r'l frFo' 08T tll, Twner's Policy * No. American L d Tillg Associetion Owner/s policv lGtT-9? SUBJECT TO THE EXCIUSIONS FBOM COVERAGE, THE EXCIPTIONS FBOM B AND THE CONDITIONS AND SIIftJLATIOI,IS. fitlo t0 $a estat0 or inler.sr d.sc.ihed in schedule A being vested orhor rhan as srated thsrcin; Any defucl in or lisn or encumbranc€ on tho litlo, Unmarlorabitity ot tho tiflo. ,ck ot a raght of €rcess to snd lrool lhe lond. i.he Company wll atso pay tht ca\ts, sttorneys' fces ond oxpensss Incuned in defense of the trtle. 8s insured. but onty t, theiodations. ll WINFSS wfl€RE0F, the said Old Sepublic National Trtle Insulancc C0mpr.ry lras caussd rts corpotot8 flarno and soal to berred otficers as rt the dalc sho',n ln sch0alul6 A. lfe policy to bs lrahd r^fiDn cDrfi$rsrlned !y atr aullcl?gtl offtcer cr a$cill,l EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE he l0tl0wing ma srs srs 0xpr€gslv fiahded amm lhe coverege of rhrs pnlicy and rhe Company wrll nor pay tgss o, domags,arise by leason olr) Any lan'' ffdhante or governmenlal r8{!lation lincluding, blt not ltmitgd rc,, building and roning laws, ordmancas, cr re1prohibitinB or rel8ting to li! tha occuparluy, uss. or onloymsnt of lhs lsnd; li, th€ chiracrar, dlms;stonf or localrorl 0l onysrgclad on ths land; ltii) a se0sratton in o\.,rnerrfiip or a chango in lho drmensions or arra 0f rhe land or any porcol ol wheovmnm€ntal proteclnn, or tho ellget ol any violation of irela laws. ordnances org(}l€mmenrst regutstrons, ercepr toenforcoment thgt€ol ot E notlco of s det6ct lten or encurnhance rEsultmg lrom I uotgrron or aflsgod viototion ofloctiog Frblic recqrdr nt o.fe 0f Policy I Atly gowrnllElllal prhcs power nor err:luded by {al ubqvE, ercept lo Ihe errenr Inar a noltce or the ercrcise rhctE0l or ae tqmbtance resuhing llom a vtolaliotl or alleged viotation affecring the tand has DBoo recordc{ rn the publir rocord$ EtlhF 0l eminent dotnoin unless notico of lh€ sxercise thereol hrs bsen;ocordsd In lio pubhc records at ljatc oi porrcy. brrhng wtrch hEs occuned prior I0 oale 0l Pollcy wiich would be bindtng 0n the ngtrts of a purchassr for valua wrhoul tnov\ '17 11 :3TH FROl.l:UERSI'1AN 3A374AEE=5 ,[ects, liens, enrurnbrances, edversa clainrs, o,0hBr rnaflers. (il to rimely ccord the instrumBnt ot transfoc or(iil of suclr recordation to impart notne to a purchoser l0r valuu ur a Judgxtent 0r li8n ctedttor lough the ofti& of: r|.E GUARTITEE COIIPA{Y { Fno[traE noAD w E' lRlDo 667 5l irfrj T0:1974949S134 orD REpuSt"lc i,t^TtoltAt ilnE A Stmh Conpany 140 S6{,r,,]J,d Awf.tt Soutt. t4lnnaap^tts, l812l'rt 1fit P.5/11 E COI'ITAINEO lN SCHEDUIE 6allsd rh8 Con@nv, A. 6ustain6d or hcursd by ths providod rn tha Condthns affrxod by r$ dufy Ciln'i::irr altoneys' fees o{ €xpenses reslncling, re0uhting, *ow o, haraaflsr lho land ts or,m3 o pa.t: or 0vl Grlcnt tisl a ootiCo Of tho land has been recorded rn the ol a detecl lien or le ol Policy srcludfng trom coveaoge onv in wnttng to the in$red by this pokc"y operdtion of fede.el transfer resuhs c0ltPfitY Ptesthnt , creald, $uflercd, assumed or agreed t0 by the msured chimanr: not knoM l0 tho C0mpany, nol recotded In the public rec0rds at oBls 0i fuhcy. but krran to the insur8d clalmant and notcompary by fi8 insutod datmant pnot t0 the dEle lhe InsuBd clarmant beca,ns an rnsured uflder lhis policy: resulling in m loss ordamage to th3 insured clainant. afiachtno r creaung st|bs€ouenl l0 oate of fuhcv. or resulting in loss or damage which umuld nfl haw be6n su$ained if rhe irsured daimanr hsd Fr:rid value for ihe csrarc of r cleim. whidl erisps out ol the lasnsaclion vp-rtiog afl the irqred lhc aslals or intarest,nsured by lhrs poltty, by ,eason 0l trkuptEy, stata insolvEncy. or sintilar creditors. rigits lews, that ig based on: ths lransaction clBalir{ tha esthte 0. intdrest insurgd by this pohcy bolng der,rned a traudufonl conv6yanre of freudllDnttho transaction crsaiing tho artsts or intorcst insurod by drrs id,cy borni docmoa a protar€nttt tra,.rsfsr excopt,r.+1er€from lhe fDilurc: tlJ4g #4tl^- SqAtlory lil0.llfA 0Ho,'. hfEy lSlT-92 8y (" f '-'r ;;;j ^*" 41;, /sdr'rat6ry DE -e7-. tl1 11:3TA FRON:UERSl"lr:tN CONOITIONS AND S]FUIANONS initin of Tarnls. followrng letfiB when used tn thrs pohcy mean: 'rnsured'r the rnsursd named rn Schedule A. and, suhiecl t0 any Jslenses lho Companv would have had against the nam8d In$ted. r slrccosd to the inlEtert of lhc named in$lEd ry operatio0 0l law as hed fiom ourchass urcl0ding" but oot hmitod to, heils. {,lstnDul€Es. suryivors, pgrsonal rgp.es8ntatrves. n€n 0f kin, or corpofale 0r succestom. "ansur€d cltimanl". an tnsured claimrng loss or damage. "knowledga" or "lnown' 0cnlal kn0wledge, not consl.uctive s 0r noticB whtch may bs imputed lo 6n insur€d by reason 0l lhB ords ar dofined in this policy or snY other records whrch rfipan r/e notice of flnners atleclng the land 16nd': the land descnbed 0[ relettod to in Schod0le A. and ents aflixed thersto wtrtch by law conslllul€ t€al ptupeny lhe rerm r:s not includs any pr0party bsyond rhe lines 0( the are8 described u( :l In Schedule A, nor any tighr, f e. inlet6! Estale 0. easenrent In rueels. Ioadg. auenUOS, allEys, lanes, u,rdYs If wateftvays. bul alo|hlng all modfy 0r timit the sxlent to whiulr I right ol access to and from lho ruGd by fris polrcy. 'molt0age': rnorlgage, dced of trust, t.n$ deed. or other rstru €nl 'public rscords" records ostabli3hod undet statestolutss at DaIEol tho purpose ol impning constructive noticc ol manars r6lalln0 to rsal o purchasefs l0rv6lue 6nd wilhout knonhdge With tsspBcl to lalivlof the Fictusinns fmm faverage, "pubhc tecotds" shall also wironme tal pmlcclion hans liled rn lhe rgco/ds of the cle/k ol hs ileo [Xstrict Co rl lor tho dElnct in wl ch the land is localed 'unmarketability ol ths tille', an alleged ot apParoot ftlltttl rhB ttfo to the land, n o.tcluled 0r ercqrtul fnm coverage. whrch r*le a purchassr ol fie osiale or inDtnst descrihed in Schedule A to be .rotn tha obligation to F!rchasc try lnuE of a contraclual cond(nn rhe delivorv of ma*elnhle dllo. : nuation o! lnsvattu Attet hnwyancg 0t n e coverage ol this policy shall contlnu0 tn lotce as 0f oals 01 PoJrry in r msufed only $0 long 8s the ns$ed relans an e$alE or intomst In lr holds afl Indehrdness seDurcd by 6 gurchas8 mon8y mort0age I purDhaset fr010 h€ insurod, 0r filV sD long as 0ra insurud shall havo / rgaf,on ol cov€nanl5 of walrantY madB bry lhs insuPd in any transfor anCe Ol the €slale Or inlersst. n spoh6't shall not c0nlinua in lorce n rry purchaset laom 0|8 insued of eilhet (il an eslate 0r ntaresl in ths ,) an indabEdness s€cuod by a putdEse money mongsge gi\4n l0 ,d. ,G ol Clain !0 be Giwn bv lnsured Chinant. insurod shall mtify thg Comparry Fomptly n wntrng lr) in casr: of arry as set forlh in Seclion 4lal hslow, (riI tn casc lnowledge slEllcome t0 I hsraunder of anv clatm ol ttllc 0t interest widr is advsrs8 t0 lhs :: estale or intcGrl, os rnsutcd, ond whrch mioht coues loss or damagF the Compsrry mry bs liabla bv vinue ot thir policl, or (iitl rl litlc to the interBst. as insured, is rejectod as unma Ftablc. ll prompt notico shsll 'or l0 the Compafly. then as to lhe ins0red all liability of ths Compafly rtoale with regard to the matter or mstters tol which plonpt nottce |3 0ovided. h0v,rsvcr. that failure t0 n0tify fie Conpanv shall rn no caso ihe rights ol any insuted urd€r this policy unless lhe Company $all rcsd by lhe laihre ilnd then only t0lht erGnl ol 0te prepdlce- 0r Interest ai insur8d, but 0nlY s to fto66 slated ol actron olhgrn0 a dn{scl, lt€n ot snf,umbranco or otho] matlSf Insurgd by thrs oolicv ThA Comoany shall havs he fight l0 soieut counsel of choice (suhFcr to lhe fllht 0l lhs rmured to object for roasonablo causel m lhn insrr(S 8s to those stated causes ol achnn and sh3ll nol 5€and will nnl Day ths fees ol anv ot\cr counsel lhe Company wtll not any fees. ctsm or causgs 0l actlon whlch cost, to Institute afii prosecute any aciion or proceading ot t0 d0 any act which n ils o0itnon th8 estale or Inteesl, as nsured The CnmFnYInsured. of to ptevenl or reduce losg or damage l0 miU tals 0nY a0F.oprial8 action undet tho terms 0{pollcy, whfthe/ or not ll lrabrlily or watvo anYshall be lrabls hereunder, and shall nol lhefBby pf0vrsr0n 0f thts policy. ll the company sndt ex€rts flghls undBr thr par'oragh, ( shall d0 50 d,lrgentlY kl Whenere. ths ComPanY stull have an adr0n 0r rferp0sed a orpeoses mcurted by lhc rnsllrnd m he defclse 0l allrge malters not nsllted agalnst bV thls p0kcy tbl lts Companv shall have the nght. 8l its m8r' bo necassary 0r desilable l0 esrablish lh8 litle dclensg as requred ot permtned by the provtstons may pursue any litigation to linal delermrnamn by the 0ctron or ploceeding, and all appeals th€1ein. us0, at rts 00tton, lhe nams of thg Instlred i'of tltls evtd0nce, 0blaining wilnssses. plosecurng flr proceedlng. 0r effButng senleme^t, and (ia) In d{rnge srgnsd 8nd swofil to by tho insurcd Cornp8ny wrfirn g0 days Sflet lho Insuted 6l Company, all racords. booh. led0srs, checks, ( whethor bcanng o dote belole 0r attot 0at0 ol 3E374sq?15 TO:1974911'3S134 P .6/ Ll lhis policy, lho CornPanY corrrt 0l comP€ttrll &$retron. lo s1peal Whenevet thc actron ot lswtul oct whch in the mi,tler 0r matt€r8 ,1 I n0hls D0se distiru devist trducri I i knorrl, gubht Gonsr { tmpr{n 'lard' lefunr abunr hotetn land I' { 30cuti I Pulicy piope, Sectio lnClU0' Unitec i a{locl, rrould rsloas fgqUl(l I lavor r the lar giwn . liabilrt 0r mn tavur i Iano. ( rhs in: 3.: i hrignl an ms 0[e lr lor wl eshte not be shall I .equit' feiul na pr€ lurrsdrction and erpressly tesefvss the rtqht ln ! frr)rn a{ry adu€rse Judgment 0r order {dl In atlcases whers thls poltcy pgrmlls rcquues lhe Company lo 0rosecule of provde lor the delense of anl atll proc€eding, lho insured shall secure 10 the Commny ths ri0ht lo s0 or Fwde tlsionse tn pPrmrt ahe CompanY to roquested by th€ company, th€ ansutBd, al llle 's expense, shall glve ne 00mp80y all reasonablc ald li) n dty aution pt0@B0lng, Secutlng Ihe 09rn|0n 0f the CompEnY moy be necs3s8ry 0f ro establish lhs trLlrr 10 the €state or intgrotl o! insuted lflhe rs prqud csd by thg tarluro of $e rmutEd to lrlrnish de tequroj the CompanY's obl,gatrrls t0 tha inlumd $ndcr tho policv 6hall rncluoing anv habrlity ot obligatrm to defoftd. paosecule' or .egard to the mattor or mattg.s fsqulrln$ sl|ch any lrftgrtion, wtth funf ol Lxs or Danage ln addrtron m and almr the notices rBqllired S€nron 3 of these C0ndihons and Stipulatrons ltave been prwided Company, a ploot ol loss or shall bc lurnished lo lho shall asccnarn fio facts d ; . \2 aN frNeution of Actio s;0alyol lnsurad Clatnant to I tErate. I Upon wfitten r0quest by he iniursd snd sublsct io tho opti0ns conrr, i rn Seclion I 0f dlEsg Condltions and Stipulstions. rhs Comrlany, at its own c and without u0roasolubtc dglay, shall proride fff thc atelsn$ 0l an gtvrng nse t0 the l0ss or damige. The prool oi damage shall dsscrlbc lhn maner nsuled againsl bydef?ct In, o lien 0r enctrnbrance on 0E lllltt 0t thrs oolicv whch cons(ttrgs the basls 0t lo!s or d and shall stale, lu tho errert po$,ble, $e basls 0l calculallng u9 ofthe loss or danragu ll rhe Company rs pretudlcsd lry th€ failule 0l the claiNant to ptovrde lhe rcqurrgd proof ot loss or danr2ge, ths Comp rly's tD the insured und€r fE nolicy shall te.mnate. llE'ludtlrg any or obliqotton lo defsnd. pr0secule. 0f c0nltfllle a0Y lit{alturt. rnlh re:ga,u requrnJE such prnol of loss ur darnago In addih0n. lhs 0lsurgd clarmant maY be reoutred lo slbmil to exan rali0n utder oath bl any authortrad ol the Compony and lihall 0r0dute for €lamlnation. Inspecllon aid at such |'8asonable times and olaces as may be designrtcd try 3ny rEpresentatrve 0f fig ard memorarlda. whrch roasonably F'lain to the toss ot datnoge Fwther, if reqrasted lry authcrirod representrtte ol the Cotnpony, th€ instred clalfilant shall grant rls rn rvritng, lor any authorilcd rcprBseotat ,/B of the Company E)inspect and copy all rouords. boots, ledgets, chgcls. @n0spondoncc mernoranda in the custodv t0 rhe loss or damago Allor conltol 0f a third panY, which reasonahlV C@lnnd on Rsrdo Wcl caYat I tlDt_.:_ej- ' '17 11 : 39F FRol'1: UERSNIIN '**-' itrnr,Ed n i&tfu hanl turet I omali( Frignat€d ai conldmtial lry the insuhilamant Provldcd to the impany suant to ?his sadion shall nol be disflos'ed t0 olh8rs unless, in fie :sonabl r.lgmsnt o, ths Company- it lsnecessary n ths admin$lration 0t c rbtm luro 0f ttlg insusd cl6msnl 1s 5uhmit lor sxamination under oath. ,rdrne o , leasombly tqugsted informolion ur granl psrmlssl0n b secufe sonabl :csssary intotmrtion {rom lhird partres m t€quired In this patagraph all tBBn € any habilitv 0t he Company under his pohY as t0 that claim I to Pey or Oahetwiss Sattl9 Claims, feminat,on ol Lrabtliry. of a daim undet tlns potcy. tho Company shall have tho followtng tions. r Pay or Tendot Paymert o! the Arnounl qt hsur6nce. _. I pdy or iendsf paYl|Ent ol lhs 0mo{nt ol Insulance unoet lnlE rer wrlh 0ary cost3. 6lbm0ys' locs and olpsn3ss iflcurrsd by ttl0 r8nl, srlsch ttDt6 oulhotl.ed bY thc Compdny. up to tho time ol ender of payment and wttrch the Company ts obligated t0 pay ro orercbo ry ths Company 0t this option. all liability and ) thB inswod undor ft|s PdlcY, olhet than to m6lB tho nayrn€fil rl brminate, including any tiebrlity or ohkgalion to def eM. cofltinue ?nY lttiostion, and tho policy shall bs surrend€rsd t0 lhe c8ncellatim idfiior ofmnse sonls wrlh olher patltss lff or tn ths name i clalmaot anv clai{n Insured sgolnst urder thrs pollcy, to0other w h romevs'fees and erg8nses in[urrcd by the insuled clainanl which led W hs Compary $ to fte titne 0l paYment and which lhe rblrgared |o 9aY. oI ) to pav or otherwisa senle wiltl the imred claimanl the loss ot ,ided lor uoder this pofily, tooslfEr with any cosls. a$0rnels' fees s incurred W the insured claimant whith were auth0rimd bV lhe r0lhe tims of Fa,ytnont and which the Com0any ts obllgated lo pav. 're €fierciss h he ComFany 0t erthet 0t tho opllDns 9(ovtded for l0 Ol(i| or liil, ihe C<rmpany's obl0ah0tts to lhe Insuted urder thi$ r clainrcd loss w damage, ohst thso lh8 paymenti r€gulr0.l m be termrnate, Inctudtng any li[b ilY or oblioalion lo defsttd. prosecute' ry lnqarcn. inalton, Extenl of Lnbthty ond Clinsannca rlrcy is a corrtract ol inrlPmnity egninst actual monetary loss 0t rained o nc1Jrrad by the insutcd claitnanl who has sulferud loss or eason ol naters tmured rgarnst by this poliey and 0nly t0 the r dnscribed. r0 liatiJiry 0t the Copptny ur dor this p0ltcY shall not srceed thB I tlE Amount 0f Insuranffi $ated in Schedule A; ot. rI tho dtlference betweal tl|e value ol lhe Insured eslale 0r rsulsd srrd the value ofthe insured e$ats or Interost slbjsct t0 the tr 0flcumh/anc8 hsursd againsl by thts policy r the event the funount ol Insulafico slated in Schodule A at the ry io lo6s lhan 80 pc.csnl ol tho valuo ol ths msurod cstate ot re Jull comidsration gaid for lhe land. wttichever ts le:s, or tl ro ths oate 0l Poticy an i{nprcvEmenl is Br€Dted on the land wh ch 8 value 0l lhe Insured oitate or InterestUy al lcsst 20 Percenlovet ol hlunre suted rn Schod{le A, th€n thls lollcy is subiecl b me 3Bf,T4AEe,1S 197494'-r8134 L Linttahn ol Labiliry la) lf lhs Company establisller tho litlP. or lien 0r encumb€nce, 0r $rei the lack 0f a n0hi 0f dornogc until ttw€ fias beSn a flnal dstgmlnalion and erpe.Nes for whlch tho Comp€ny is habl€ und0i thrs polEY' and shsllonlY ;;; ;; ,h" fu,on oi anv loss wtridr execds. ir rle aggrsgate' I0 percent ot rhe Amcrunt ol lnsurance statBd in s$sdde A' lc) The C0mpany wil pay only thos8 mrti, {ltotneYs' {ee3 and.orocffies rnqrfied in accotdancs with seclnn 4 ol thsss [ondltom an(t stipul8llsls 8. Apprtiunont i ll ths lend dgg:rb€d in Schcdule A consists of rrro ot more narcels wnr[n ar. not uBed as a slngle slts. and a loss rs est€llllshhd aftscling one or ln0re ol ths parels but mt sll, {rs {oss sh6ll tn tomnulnd +d 5€ led 0n a pro rata basis as rl the amount 0l insltmnne lmdet thlS polcl was dtvd0d trorala as lo ths value m Oate of PDticy ol each s€parare Oarcellro rhe whoto' lxclusrw ol arry rmrynvemsnts made subsequent to Date 0l FolFy, unl€SS a lEbllily dlalue hai ortierwise boen a0resd upon as t0 oach palrlel Dy lhe C0mpany Eftl th€ insured al lhe tima ol tre issuarrct o{ thrs policr anp sho/vn by an exp'ets sbtemenl or bY art endorsemmt attached to thrs p{hcY P.7/lr re atleged defect, to or from $o land, oI opt; In c; lditrona lal ,licy, to su{od cl iYmonr : upo rhgaltc' qurred. csefillf rmpeny 0t Bn insl rY cosls €r€ 0ul, .)mpanY rmago I rd Brfn )mBlnl uI|r l|Agrsp )|cV lor ,ade. sll , conlin 0et Thi Jmage imags i {tenf h( tal ,ast of: 'lerg$ i 3fecl, I' {b} sto ol t rlErosl r ,rbsequt lcaease. l€ Amo' rllowint drlruu' tnantEt by any nethod, mcluding lttigalion agp-eais lherefron, rt shall hove lullY psllomed its cuFcr rhe claior ol utnnatketabrlity ol title, all as ' in I reasrlnobly tho comDletton of arlY wrlh a€sp8ct lo ftat maner ond sh0ll n0t bG liable for ony los' "csussd thBrsbY. lb) In tha nvsntol arv li0gatron, including by the ConPanY or wlh the Compally's conscnt, thc ComFny shail no tab rty lor loss or a coutl ol competenl advetse to the lttlg nsrunsdrc[0n. snd disgorltion ol all appeals I wherg n0 subsequent lmpftn8menl nas bson made, as tD atry arlnl lo r.ho Company shall Only pay ltte loss pro r8la in ths proput lrrr I thai re anor 0l tmulanco aa oat8 of PDhcY bsats to lho tolll Yslue of the Insured state or rrrgst at DaG of PoltcY. uI i) wherc u crdrsequenr r,flpmvenlent ha$ beon msds. 0e t0 any ariisl l{ tha Conioany shall on}v pav lh8 loss pto rata in lhe pmportron lhat 20 pf]rc. of the Amount ol Insutanc€ rtstcd tn Schedule A bcsrs 1o lhe eum I thg Ar ,nt ot In$lronco tlll8d in Scheduls A ond de amount expended for ro impr. incnt Thr crrisions ol this petaglaphdrall no! spplY lo costs. enornays' f8es lmureo I lcl Ths Company shall not be liablP lor Insi or damaoe I0 any instfod lor iiabrlily volunta(ily assumod by the nsurBd In sgtllinq any clalm ol sult wrthoul the pri0r wtinen cons8nl 0l lhe Com0any ' l0 frBducaion ol tnslr ca nedltEtnn ot Tenwniton ol lnbthty All peymnnls rrnrler thrs policY. ercepl paymffls rEdB fol cosb' alwnm' lss and erpenscs, shall edule the amornt 0l lha lnsumnce pro tant0 t 1. irab ity Nofl'c|l/nulaltvtt. I h rs erpr$sly understood thal ths sttFurl olltqsuranco under thrs polll:Y sna||tt8'e{tt.lgedbyanysnlornlthecomganymayFayUfideldr}y|xt||cyIniUnng A mnr.oage l0 whicn sxceplion ls Bkeo In scht''duu I 0r l0 whidl the .insured has agieed, assumed, ot laken sutliccl. 0r e"ilrj! rsihercalter sxtcutod by an lnsuied anO vfiEh E a chargt! u lren on lhg oslalqor Inietesl desc'lbod ol relerrsd tu r Schedulo A, ard the amoudt so pald Fhsll be deemed 0 f|ayfiant undH llrs pollcy t0 tha insured ovrnet ' 12. PawMnt ot LNs. !al' flo poFrEnt shall betnadew houl Jrrofucing thrs polrcy for endorsenEnl ol thr ptv|nanl unless the polcy hoslbeen lust or dsstroYad' tn *tlit, .rrr proot ofioss or dnsttuctioe sholl bn fulnishsd to lhs caligtaciton ol the companY. ih)' Vihen liab'trty aN the ettent 0f Inss 0ridamage has besn dclinitclv frrsd in accordanco wlth thsse Condltlons and Slidulations. lhe loss ot damaoe shall bc papble vathrn 30 days thereatta, , 13 Sttbmgaaon Wn l'aynwnt ar Settlanent' ' tal lhe Cofln8flv'3 Riqht of Sub-ogatl0'1. I 'Jvtren6;TE6ornv shsll lEvtl ssltkd anc paid a clarm unger lh|s pohcy. cll righr of eullroganon shall vosl In the Coopa0v onalletted by any act ol the ingured clatmanl, Iho Compoy shall be subro€8ted lo and b0 ehrttled t0 all r{ghb and remeriras wiich 0|e insu.Bd clamant would havn hild agansl atry peGon 0r propsnv m reqfncl lo lho darm hed tha poltly no( UsQn lssuefl lf reluesled bv ih.0,*ntny. ih" tnturerl cleimant $all lransfct l0'the Congany all ri0htsard lcoulnued n lflr* cltB( t : pav or orhnr,,vire Ssrrls W!!!l!4q!-Qll!!LI!!tlE!!@ rirti the Insured Claimsnt Dt'I -e7-I (Contt r0nB' subm{ 0r soli clatmi in$,rr, rsm9f amoul t[or a requir shall ' impai exi6l inder dly v s hro 1l may ( Arnet hmit( ansin witi r atLttl adrtr manl artitr Atbit, '?7 l1:4AH I htn nst la uvet l againsl ant p0rsotl 0r pfopertY nemssary mMI lo psrlect thls rrght of n. Jhe rn$rsd clatmant shEllpennil he C0mtsny D su8, c0mgttrnts8 n lhe name ol tho Insuld claimant and t0 use lhB nall|c u[ Ua llEurcd I anV transaclon 0? litlgiflion Involving thu56 liglrLs tJ clr€d|ss oawne On accounl ol a (lahrr dDos not lulh Govet the lffs of the :aimanl. ths ConpanY shall be subtogat€d to thoss trghts ond in thc Fopurti0n which th6 Companfs p€ynsnl betrs lo lhs wholo I tho luss. ss should resull f.om 8nY acl ol tl|€ tnsurcd claimcnt, as statgd abdve, hall nol vgrd this pohcy, but he Company. in lhat s'J€nt.3hall ba ro t !yonly thot Part ol any lo3oes insured sgainst by this policy which )Bd ths anEunt, a{ sny, lost l0 lhs C0npanv by rEas0n 0t lhs Int bv lhs i||sursd claimanl ol the Company'3 right 0f subtdUalion lngcor@ Compang's dght n{ subrogalon agaansl non losuteo 0Dllg0rs snall shall include, witho.l limitat0n. lhn n0hts 0f lhe Ins!rod t0 r€s. SUarFntios. rllher p0ticles 0l insurance or b0nds. n0twithsl8ndln0 r or ;nndiliflns conlainsd in lhose tnsrument! whtch ptovldo lor '0n ghts by,srs0n 0f thrs policy. rttatm, r:ss Frohiblted by appllcabls law, sifisr lfio company u thB Insuted and atbitrauon pursuant l0 Ih8 Tltle Insurdncc Arblualorl Rules uJ tho . Arbirarion A$0aiari0n Atbttrable llmttors may indude. bul are ml i, 6ny c0nuovels'y 0t ctainl be!w88n lhe company and tho Insued ut 0l 0r Glating lo Uris policy. any servica ol the Company In conn€cton 5$u8n0€ {Jr th8 ksach ol a policy Frovision orolher obligtlian All ? mat8rs wh6n the Amounl of lnsuran@ i6 sl,000,000 ot less shall bo d at the option of ei$'sr h0 Comgany or the insured. All arbrloblo "vhen thB Amount ol lnsurance is in excers of $1,000,000 sfull hc 4 ooly when ooro€d to W both ths CompsnY snd hD insuled :n pursuani t0 thi8 policy and under the Hulac in ettect on the djto the 3E374AAe:s TO: 197tZBzl9E134 P. E.'1 1 dernand lot atbitrttron is m)us 01. al lhs optron ol rosurod. thc 8|,lo3 tn effe[l at Dan ot Pokcy shall be biodrng upon lhs [ho oward may inchdB attorfloys' fe63 onlY il th€ lawg ol tfio in wfuch the land ls localed party Judgmenr upon thepermrt 6 courl lo 6ward ottorn€vs' loet to I sv,,ard randetl.{ bY thc Atbltratot($ may b0 In anl court havlng luftsdrclion thcrcol. Ths law of thg silus ol the land shall apply lnsnrancg A,btltation Fulcs Acopv0f theFules CDmpanY uPon .equgst an atbilrahnD Indel tho Ills ha nhtaincrl lrom fie rf aflY, 6na$ed huelo the insufsd ard the , lhis policy snall be clnslruod as a whd8 nolbased rlsgli,gence. eslEts ol interssl novered lbl Anll clam ot loss ur &nlage, wh0thor an.l whtch ati.qes out 0f d1e sta[s ol $e ] llB lo hcreby of bY;ny 0cllon assaniru suuh clarrn,hE reslrFted tolhls Poltcy lc) N0 amsndmcltl u[ ol endo.iamenl Io is polrry can bs math orcBpl hv a wiiing er ulssd heraln o, atlachod hercto by erlher lho Plostdent. or Vohdatrng 0lficet ot d Vi[e hesidunt. lhe $ecretary. an Asststant Authorired Srgnamry 0l the Compfl{ry' ,6. SwetabitttY in $e 6v6N anY provis{rn 6l il|s poiit} li rrrvaird ui r,tlenforceabie not t0 include hat lorce ond cffcct t 7 Norices. Whea Smt 8nd ElrY glatellEol,n wrltlng lhc number sl lhis PohcY All mticss required rc be glven fio C'l Avon{B SouUl, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55101, (6121 371-1 111 15 Li?bililv Lmted to thts Mtcy, Poltcy [nftrc lal lhis policy toEolher wtth all endorsei by the Comparry i$ tho gntlre pohcy Bnd contrcct company. ln tterprellng any provtsion ol lt s p( under the applrcable lsrv. tho policYshall be deB Drorsron and all0the. provisions shall tom&in in reuurred to b€ tulnished tho Conpalry sholl inc and strallbs addtessod tn rts Home olfic€ 400 Dl. -47-. r:? 11:4AA FRfl.I:VERSNAN lorrn 10 4/95 )rd€ No. v253895 =E3740ral:,5 Ttt:19789498134 P.g/Lt Pollcy No. LTEH253895 Amounts 5430' OOo '0O SCHEDUiJE A Addtess 1. Policy Date: JuIy 25, 1996 at 5:00 P-M. 2, Name of Ineured r KENNETH .f . VERSIIAI{ and IJMDA J. vERSt'lAI{ 3. The esgaEe or inceresc in Ehe land deecribed in this schedule and which is covered by Ehls pollcy is I A Fee SimPIe 4. Titsle to the eaEate or interest covered by this Policy aE the datse hereof is vested in: KENNETH J. VERSI{A}I ANd I,INDA J. VERSMAN 5. fhe land referred eo in this policy ie siEuated in EAG[.,B County, Colorado, and is described aE follows: LOT H, TOGETI{ER WITH A}I I'NDMDBD ONE-I{ALF I}lllrER.EST llll AND TO I.,OT J, TI{E VILI,J\GE ON BIGHORN C*.EEK, FILING #2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED t-tARcH 1, 1993 rN BooK 502 AT pAGE 835', COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI,OR'ADO. LAND TI"LE GUARAT'ITEE COMPAI'IY age 1 This Fo1i"y valid only if Schedule B is acEachecl' DE -E7-. rI7 11:COn FROII:UERSl',1rtN 3E3T4EE;:5 Tfi: 1g7Eg4'18134 PoIicY No- LTBit253895 loss or damage bY reason of F.10/11 Fc m A{ 4/95 hie :olicy d'oes not insure against :'be tl)-owing: I l. : L. order No. v253895 SCHEDI'IIJE B 6 1 :, i-ghts or claimE of partles in poseession noE 6hown by the rblic record€t. l.lgemencE,orclaimEofeasemencs,noEshownbytrhepublic SCords ' l. iscrepancies, confllcEs in borrldSry lines'-short'age in area' ncroactrmenEsr and any facEE n'tticn i correct-survey and neDection or'tf,e-piei'ieee ntoof-A-Ai"t1ose and which are nog noi.n bY t,he Public records ' {. ny llen, or righE to a tien, fot EervlceE' labor' or aterial .n".li3i!t;""; ;;;;arlet tottt:'srted' impo8ed bv 1aw nd not ehown bY rhe Public records' 1.!6TN(BSNoTYETDUBoRPAYABIJEAl{DAssEssMENTsNoTYETCBRTIFIEDToTHETI ASI'RERS OFFICE. IJ NS FOR I'NPAID WATER A}ID SEWBR EHARGES ' IF A}T:T. R..HToFPRoPRIEToRoPAVEINoRLoDEl}oEXTRACT-ANDREMovEHISoRET) TREFR6M sHouLJD rItB s5,1E BE FoT;6";5 pBNntn'lrs O-f-irttei'Sscr THE-PREMISES Aj RESERVED rN IINITED sTATEs plr;ir-nsconoen r.r".titttlei-ii, L9O2' IN BOOK 48 A' PAGE 492. R;HToF,t.lAYFoRDITCHBSoRcANAJ,scoNsTRgclgq-IYTIIEAIII'IIoRITYoFTIIEu rED STATES As RESERVED lry_q{ip-iiriiiis PArE\r RECoRDED November 17' L \2,IN BOOK 4g, AT PAGE 492 A]D-iecd6eo lvo',re*u"i-ii' 1939' IN BOOK 123 A PAGE 625. RiTRIeTIvBcovENANTs,t{HlcltDo..NoTcolftAlNAFoRFErTuREoRREVERTBRC rUSE, BuT OMrE;iie-isSrRieTIONs, r;-lLFi,- qeqEp-or'i-necs' cor'oR' RELTGIoN' O NATIONAIJ ORrcrN, As coNTAInreP-rn iNb-rnUuerm-ryCgnorD iuly r2' 1?53' IN B )K 1?5 Ar PAGE iitAND As AI'lElrDli; ii-i"iii;iiuMsN'r REcoRDED i\pril 23' rre6s' I BOOK 18? AT PAGE 195. UTIJITJEASEMENTSIXTEENFBETINWIDTHAI,oNGTHE-soIIfttwEsTERLyLof-tINEoFs 3JBST pRoptsRr1; ns- sgovrN oN TnE ieEo-IiDsD ar"1ENDED pLli Oe BIGIIORN THIRD .p )rrroN. E SEMENTS, RESERVATIONS A$ID RESTRTCTIONS AS S!gII-OR RESERVSD ON TgE F :oRDsD PL,AT oF - gieionn suBDrvr;;;il- inrno-loprrroN' AND FrNA!' Pr'ar F :ORDED FEBRUARY 15, 1990-IN.BOOK.;;! Ni-PNCS 193;N6 PLAT RECORDBD I'IARCIT ; -i-eei rN BooK s48 AT PAGE ?42 ' a9e DE -e7-. q7 11:41R FRON:UERSMtrN 3A374AE?_c.5 TO:13749458134 P.11/11 For AO 4/95 PoticY No. IJTEH253895 L2, )ASEMEMS, RESERVATIONS Al{D RESTRICTIONS AS SI{OWN OR RESERVE) ON THE :ESUBDIVISION PLAT RECORDED April 18, 1991 IN BOOK 552 AT PAGE 260- 13. iTREAt! CORRIDOR. gET BACK LTNESAND pOwER POLES, AFFECTING 9gE{gcr PROPERTy rS SHOIIN ON TgE FINAIJ PTJAT OF ITTE VTLI..ACE ON BIGHORN CREEK RECORDED APRIL 8. 1991 IN BOOK 552 AT PAGE 250, L4. :ASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AlrD RESTRrcTroNs AS SHOWN oR RESERVED ON THE PIrAT IBCORDED Marctr 01, 1993 rN BOOK 502 A" PAGE 835' 1.5. 'ERMS, CONDITIONS AT1ID FROVISIONS OF DECTJARATION RECORDED MATCh 01' 1993 IN rooK 602 AT pAGE 836. 16. )BED OF TRUST DATED 'IuIy 22 , Lgg6, FROM KENNETH J. VERSI'IAN and LII'IDA " VERSMAN TO TI{E PT,'BLIC Tt'USTEB OT NACT,S COT'NTY FOR TT{B USE OF REBECCA ,ERSIVIAN AND ALLISON VERSMAN TO SECT,IRE TIIE gl'M OP $lSO,COO.OO RECORDED JUIY 5, 1996, rN BOOK ?00 AT gAGE 619. order No. v253895 SCITEDTII,E B Pag 3 ******t+'f**'l*******{t*******ftt+*+{'{'**,}**'*'t******t{'**{'*llt*lf*******t*t*t******f*f***'tt{.***ff TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement***t******tttt,l"l"l'*'t***ft***+t***********t*++*++l*****fff**+**f**tt************f*****lf'i***** statement !{umber: R090000202 Amount: $300.00 02/25/2oo8o3:03 PM Paltment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 2088/IrIIIDA VERSIIIAN Permit No3 DRB080O48 Tllpe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2LOL-L22-2600-2 Site Address: 4230 SPRUCE VIAY VAIIJ L,ocation: 4230 SPRUCE WAY Tota1 Fees: $300.00 Ttrie Payment: 9300.00 ToCaI AIJL Pmts: $300.00 Balarce: 50.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De s cript ion DR OO].OOOO3IT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Current Pmts 300.00 *l.nqtEOtpr? Design Review Soard ACTXOI{ FOR},| Department of fpmmunlty lleveloprneat 75 Souttr Frontage Road. Vall, cdorado 81657 t€f: 970.479.2139 ta';97O.479.2452 ueb; YrrrY.Ellgov.com Project Name: VERSMAN CONCEPTUAL Project D,escription: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FORTHE VERSMAN REMODEL Pafidpants: PO BOX 1734 VAIL co 81658-1734 License: C000002386 Project Address: 4230 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Legal Description: Lot: J Block Subdivision: VILLAGE ON Parcel Number: 2101-122-2600-2 Comments: DRBNumber: DRB070636 OWNER VERSMAN, UNDAJ. 5144 S JAMAICA WY ENGLEWOOD co 80111 rLlorl2007 APPUCANT VAG, INC. ARCHmCTS & PTANN LLlOtl2007 Phone: 970-949-7034 PO BOX 1734 VAIL co 81658-1734 License: C000002386 ARCHffiCT VAG, INC. ARCHITECTS & PLANN lLl0Il20O7 Phone: 970-949-7034 Location: 4230 SPRUCE WAY BTGHoRN CREEK g)il srd I BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Gonditions: Cond:200 (PLAN): A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Nicole Peterson Physical Address: Parcel No.: I Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: \+ -\"*d,e Vaqa<thk,4' " c.^) E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Siqns X Conceptual Review fl New Construction tr Ad<lition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamilY/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single fam ily/duPlex) El Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Design Review Board. No Fee $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area' For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square footage is added to any residental or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversion+- For minor changes to buildings and site re-roofing, painting, window additions, retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buibings and site re-roofing, painting, window additions' No Fee $6s0 $300 $2so $20 Mailing Address: such as, ----l T6$gw "*.rt@DRBNo': VKU .\ / o aob .ta/3L/2AA?@9143 UFG, INC. RRCH]TECTS & PLRhINERS ) 4?92452 Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Departrncnt ot Comtnunltt Oevelopment ?5 South Front|gr RBtt, Vlll, Colqrdo 8l6s? tel:9?0.479,2128 frr; 970'179,2452 web: uvtlfw,vailg0v.com Genent lffornadon: flf i",jecli;iilfring Gsiln revien, must r€c$re apptor6l pt{ot b srbmldng o_ bulldlng pcrmlt tPellcadqn' 3q* ,efcr !o the 3ebml@l rcouircm,rta non no p"rtrorra, apFdtal that b requestec, ln applicrtlon fot oe5ign Rarlew cannoiOe OASf,eO rrntr aff GquTt€i tnbrmatton fs rigerveO by Bre Cdmmunlry Dev€topment Oegaronent' Tlre projcc! mry llso need m Ue tii-r,niia"ditll! iorrt Corrnal.oni/sr the.Plannlng and EnvfonmerEl Comm't5lon' 6.lfSr, ;id"rprorif irpiJ uni# i nulialna P.nnll l! l6eucd end censtntclton com cnc6s latltin onc y:ar of lhe aPPrsYEl. otth6 ReqUe3U N0, a?6 r$ l",lTr Lootlon of the Proposbl: phvsrcat Addrese: /'ZAO SFgr r ra \rk' 't, Ug i 0 , QQ..' ' plrcel ?lo,: 2lglt2&-Zv(]c/-Fen!aa g'gle Co-, Assessof at 9iq'328"8fi0 for Parccl no') t zonlJg; Pac-r 4r-fl.{-'f / eJ "sk lz ---. trrne(e)of owner(c); -K+n { f rMa' \brZtrma+= llalllng Addrcre; Ownc}(3) Slgnature(a llamc of ApPllcant: -1-?tlailins Addresr: E-rnall tddrese: .J-vy'\''1,*z llox* '1o^iel49 u v^1o'-a*a't t-o*, S5O EJE ll.O0 per tqurrq fooroftotal slgn 0rel' No Fee $550 For connrudion of a new bulldlng or derno/retuild' iioo For an addllon YrherE sqqarc tootlge to addcd to ony rc5idenhtl 0r ommetcill hrildino (hcludes 250 addlsdrs g |ntedor qrnver$ollsl' $a50 Fot minor changes-o luitdtn$ and.sile lnp|9wments' such rs' ,c-t-iing, pa';rne, n ind;il addluoffi, -londscaging' funces 'nd reli|lntng unllr, BE. SZo Foimrn-or ctranges !o bulldlnE5 and.sl.E imp.PfTlF, sucn as' re.rgollng, Paimng. wttO& rdditlonsr l'odrc'9|ng' fsftcoe an'l TeEining walls. sltE.9zo ;iF';ffiJfi"5-'o -pians atready approverl by Pltnnrng staft o/ the ' Hgn Rcvl€w Eolrd. No Fee Yype of net let/ and Fce; O -Signl ,{cancepnral nevral tr NewCoaaucflonO Mdltlon tr Mlncr Altendon (rnuRl-fE mlly/co.nmerclal ) O Minor AltsRtlon (slngle.hmllY/6upl€r) tr ChlngeotoAPprolied Plans 'O Sapaatlon Rsquett Ottlca Urs Only: Patdt - Ch€ct fi,o';-- Bt: Design Review Board Hearing December 5' 2OO7 Versman Residence Addition (4230 Spruce Way/ Lot H Village on Bighorn Greek) Ken and Linda Versman, represented by VAG, Architects & Planners (Jamie Hunt), have submitted a Conceptual Review Application for an addition including a garage' bedroom, basement linish, deck and entry located al 4230 Spruce Way. Staff is requesting preliminary feedback from the P[,4 on the following issues: r Architectural compatibility with existing structures, surroundings and environment. Access ways responsive lo the existing topbgraphy. o Removal of trees and native veg'etation limited to those essential for project. . Project has an architecturally integrated structure' . Building materials and design: o Materials predominantly natural. o Exterior wall materials continued down to finished grade' . Roof design considerate of snow shedding and drainage' Statf has preliminari$ reviewed the addition and identified the following comments to be addressed prior to final review: o Due to proposed private drives on Lots H and l, that eliminate the need for common area (Lot J), Re-platting of the subject property shall occur prior to TCO orCO.r Setback from a watercourse is 30 feet from centerline of the established creek. Please submit site plan including a line delineating the center of creek. . Egress may be required for proposed basement finish' . Submit cross-section illustrating access to existing lower level crawl space for purposes of calculating GRFA. e Submit roof plan with elevations over site plan with topography to determine height.r Submit landscape and lighting plans. r Submit proposed lloor plans including highlighted square footages. proposed additional GRFA and Dcpartnnt of Community Devebpmmt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-2r38 n4x 970-479-2452 nrww.uailgou.com November 12,2OO7 Ms. Jamie Hunt VAg Architects PO Box 1734 Vail, CO 81658-1734 Via email: iamieh @ vaoarchitects.com RE: Versman Residence - 4230 Spruce Way / Lots H & J The Village on Bighorn Creek Filing No 2 Dear Ms. Hunt, The Town ol Vail Stafi has reviewed lhe Conceptual Review Application for Design Review for the proposed Versman residence addition located at 4230 Spruce Way. The conceptual review is scheduled ior December 5,2007. Please attend, or authorize a represenlalive to attend, the Design Review Board hearing at Town Hall, 75 South Frontage Road, Town ol Vail at 3:00 pm. The lollowing is a summary of lhe preliminary review. As olher Departments review the proposal, additional comments may be fonrvarded to you as soon as received. Please respond to lhe following comments prior to submittal for finalrcview ol the proiect. o Due to proposed private drives on Lots H and l, that eliminate the need for common area (Lot J), Re-plafting of the subjecl property shall occur.. Please note that Sec 12-14-17, Vail Town Code, setback from walercourse, applies to the subiect siie. Setback is 30 feet lrom center ol the eslablished creek or stream'. Egress may be required lor proposed basement Jinish.. Submit cross-section illustrating access to existing lower level crawl space for purposes of calculating GRFA.. Submit accurate site plan to delermine selbacks, site coverage and height. r Submit landscape and lighting plans. o Submit proposed floor plans including highlighted proposed additional GRFA. lf you have any questions or comments, feel free to conlact me directly at 970.477-3452 or npeterson @ vailoov.com. Sincerely, Nicole Peterson Planner ll Town of Vail n rln rr, "nro aowxQFvArL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNIryDEVELOPMENT ( n({ ^5n<hcr.-tr->.-.14 Ada 5 \-/Lc-t3 S\K I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0116 Job Address: 4230 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4230 SPRUCE WAY Applied. . : 0911812002 ParcelNo...: 210112226002 Issued. . : 0912312002 ProjectNo : r\ir- Expires. .: 03/22/2003 owNER VERSIT{A}I, IJIIIDA ,f . 09 / L8 / 2002 Phone : 5144 S iIAIIAICA WY ENGI.EWOOD CO 8 0111 Iricense: CoNIRACTOR SI,IIDANCE PT,UMBTNG & HEATTNG O9/L8/2002 Phone: 970-748-8977 P.O. BOX 3584 AVON, CO 8152 0 Li.cense : 101- P APPI,ICAMT SUNDANCE PI-,UMBING & HEJATING O9/1.8/2OO2 PhONE: 970-748-8977 P.O. BOX 3684 AVON, CO 81620 License: 101-P Desciption: REPLACE 20 FT OF THE MAIN SEWER LINE Valuation: $3.000.00 FireDlace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofcas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet ?? FEE SUMMARY **rtr *++ ***:i:i:tr ****'r*1*:r'r *. Plumbing-> $45.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan check-> s11.25 DRB Fee-.-----> So - oo Total Calculated Fees--> s0. 00 Additional Fees-> S59.25 Total Permit F€e----->lnvestigation-> Will Call-----> $s9.25 $0. 00 $s9.25 $s9 .2s $0.00 $o. oo TOTALFEES - s3.00 BAI.ANCE DUE.-._-> Item: 05100 BUILD]NG DEPARTMENT o9/L8/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPI-'IANCE' ***++t:t'r* '| *:t aia:ta,t:| t*'r:l t aa *:l'l:l*:li||..t**+*laa *{.1:r* *:l*:}i*:l+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF O CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +t:i***a'llt+a+*a'l*fttfflaaaa*a***tait+f+tl't**aa*tal**'i'}**lrlt*++flltttll*l'l'ilt*lf*+alf*{r'}***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ****fl*ata****ft+*fl*til**'i't*{ra*+****ff+aatal**atfl+aata*f+++*******a{r**lraraa+l'}ltl**'}*taa*'}+** Statetnent Nunber: R00000313O Amount: $59.25 O9123/2002L2:07 PM Palment Method: check. Init: IJc Notation: #1893/surdarce P & H Permit No: P02-0116 fy?e: PIirIIIBING PERMIT Parce1 No: 2LOLL2226OO2 Site Addresa: 4230 SPRUCE VIAY \TAIIJ Location: 4230 SPRUCE WAY Thie PalmenE: $59.25 Balance3 90. OO ftal*:ia*ll"iltl+f+1t*t*afal{ra*a*aaff'}*{"}tfllt++fla+!t'}l*l'}raf+f*****'}'tlttltftltfla*aa**'}*lffa*+ ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pt ion Current Pmts Total Feea: S59.25 Total AIIIJ ltnta : 959 . 25 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES t4lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE tl.25 45.00 3. 00 APPLICATI DIF OR UNSIGNED #z mmt0F 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 g Permit #: bing Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 ( I nspections) COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Contact and Phdhe #'s:Plumbing Contractor:Town ofVail Reg. No.: E.Address: Assessots Offie at 97O-328-864O or yisit Parcel # 1 Detailed description of work: WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair$,t Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex[,f Muti-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ti thii a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( **************************,r************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********:l--:--.:;t'uF******** )g \WAiMAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM,DOC 07 t26D002 I I loIrlolo l- lo0 F FI lFlIX la, I lo|! . :(! fra 7 a -.u .q!d IH lo I I I I I I t-.! r3Tto,5 lb+lo-,zTt= qa tia CN I cn IF Jio d]Ja (d +g oo o N U' uJ UJrl-t = UJ r! ul =I t! Fo EFzoo c!@oO\ q) x. €l{ AE o 0) 6 Eo3c F\ &.J 9\ Roo lF*F, 9li o|J E", (B? €FY(J gDE E.. '= {Joii ER €€cr* 'il(|')H>Goo b.n c 3 .9 I' o 1) o o o Ec(! o) oN o 'F (l) o ooo o o o 1t (! o '(! rr:Eoti (! '=lD(/, g8E 5.e 3.-E otg)c i-tc e 6ec-o'iss .E =r 5 :EF€ >=c96 E EE EE-g,FOO i:() Eostq= f.=- (ll o-(! o-*Eto- o-:*e E6:EE EO(!: EEE_ o.,Y *eC(60- P-E €'€;oi' '6>.o(6; 6l d -df e9E o e5g -o(6 N anul uJtt E = UJ ) oF == uJ z Y t! z oz @ U) tr (l ul(!) z ov <a l J E UJz iF z F fu)z :9\t I hzfz <Oo< >6>trRil><-i<z trz Az2-_F do3trOI ul J' (, 00 .d I 'FlX 0) +J Jir-ld Bo .'{ o (, IJolro olol ;o lr(6 otr IJ X'siYzzr'Xooo-F o- a ='oX f, 2 Yo E E " E8th O (r.dE! f*b{ I:H 5 gXE8 ;".' -N(, >t -LIY)fu,N =oN zq F l ulo- t- c-o- UJoi z tr oo z tr E llJ Bgjz I I I "lz.l ql -l >l rr-lol il rol uJFI F <l>l t!lol zl FI =.1ol url :l <l>l IUol zl 3l FI @ cor{ co It\ '/)F I I .oltl -Jl\al-l el dl uJtEl JI sl L!l 3 3l PI tl H o o o d}. .-l =tr ol =.1ol url 5l 3l ttlol zl 3lolFI I I +' i* I q) qr tl. d d I crn <tl -T I <d uJl clct{I<=EO ,r 0, b0tr ru o 0)lr c) @lro oq) lr ui =z (D t{(n tr b0 z u- ct F o\ oc E ZY =<>(ts d'zo C) F() Fz Iz x C) UJ = (Iir9X rJz JE<oOF =<)-<iiE;F =z FO uJF O <FCOur<ZE,t"! Ft't ZoO LUz = ) LU) oz tr = IIJd .,{ .u (d od{+FI(!q) o ..i6 Z-r1:- BHE z oP =e(D0 =z (L tL F UJ lr-o tuoz l U)o ot- (r h= (L llj>aLOlr9oluJ x> trl)J lt tl, @ F co Ee!o 0t 'E t E Eo() lo =l +J a-o>gEE -cL=o.-E r-rr rrflLJ LJ L_9!!n r_tutl cr) (\.J C\I(o r+ o\c\ >'r-l FJ utF UJF @ coo-z Fo-ulY r.lJ c0 oF ts cclll(L ]l-o oo I uJFoz E =Eulo-zIF C) EF(nzo(J \ \l i It: ^ APPLTCATTON }IUST BE FILI,ED tlf,***** *** * * * * * * | * *************,l Ep-suLtaing [ ]-Plurobing t/- O'r*.* y{t-99nTr"9TI#J;. : i;et PERurr r-fuU pERurr AppLrcATror ronfl*" e \', - ' " "'\' . DATE:-') OUT COIIPI,ETEIJY OR IT I.!AY NOT BE ACCEPIED PERI.IIT INFORI,IATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * l-Electrical [ ]-]lechanical Job Address: Filing -/ ftv'otYtn-otne*lkufi* Job Nane: Legal Description: Loto1owners *ur.' DDD Architect: General Description: Nunber of Dwelling Units: L Number of Acconrnodation Units: . tlpnber and gpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- eab f,ogs-l Wood/Pellet-vIr********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* - ,r!u--r*n z LIooo' Er,EcrRrcAL: l- . orHER: f Ul**- AFgurFa. - - RLtr'fBrNG: T- ltECHANrCAlt l- TOTAL: W I********************,*t***t* cgNTRAgroR INFORMATTON ** * * r * *********************tleneral co4tractorz Cdbrtdo Han*- Aaorooav.,/> Town of Vall Reg. qo.Zq t-RAddress: AA16 < - Phone Number: "t?fmrf-Contractor:Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: work class: [ ]-Neu [ ]-Alteration $(Q-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-otber Electrical Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number3 Mechanical Contractor : Address: ********************* *********** FOR OFFICE USE ******!r* ************t**** ****** BUU.,DING PERMIT FEE3 bg- BUILDTNG PIAN CTTECK FEE: 47- PLUMBING PERIITIT FEE: UECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PDIII.IBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I.TECHANICAI, PIAII CHECK FEE: RECRE.ATION FEE: CI.EAII-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAT PER!.TIT FEES: 7Q. bx t,",.{.'r,rr,u tb.Ph.*s<-. "rf+l,L VALUATION BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATI'RE: Conments: CLEAtf ItP DDPOSIT BEFUND r0: tffit, /l)r(cJnLl USt*rkr Po . Bo r ? Bq ax,J-r+'-4,o '- oz ts =G uJ o- 16 o uJ uJII E =E uJo- lGte*,n -f^ffi,No\or 2z E Fl M <rd6z EEoFl (,o.4z =z5 an $l LUF ,- E F.2z o ozzo Ezzl oFlzfr JA-*6H !6,.\ ziJr F t!J uJ at, = t! u,lc,lF zIo o Eo ot(! .9 cto,(lt ; oE ooo(,c(! .Eo o o c6 oooo O) E fo o =l E 0) o CI(! 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