HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT J VILLA VALHALLA UNIT 7flm{tr1tilt collt'itlY tEttEuFtEi{r Design Review Soard ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail. Colorado E1657 tel: 970.479,2139 tax.970.479.2+52 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: TUTT WINDOWS/DOOR Proiect Description: DRB Number: DRB060470 10/06/2006 Phone: (719) 49L-4946 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION.REPI.ACEMENT OF 2 BEDROOM WINDOWS AND A PATIO DOOR-SAME FOR SAME Pardcipants: OWNER W,B. TUTT FAMILY PARTNERSHIP1OIO6I2OO6 514 MARLAND RD COLORADO SPRINGS co 80906 APPUCANT TOM HECK CONSTRUCNON 1312 N, NEVADA AVENUE COLOMDO SPRINGS coLoMDo 80903 Licens€: 870-8 CONTRACTOR TOM HECK CONSTRUCION 1312 N, NA/ADA AVENUE @LOMDO SPRINGS coLoRADO 80903 License: 870-8 10/06/2006 Phone: (719) 49L4946 PrcjectAddrcss: 385 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: VAIL VALHALI-A CONDOS-VILLA 7 I N6[V(/t Va,l u,t ((h Legal D6cription: Lot! J Block' Subdivision: VILLA VALHALLA CONDO ParcelNumber: 2101-082-3800-7 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF AGTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 10/06/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: S25O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departnert of Community Development 75 Souh Frontagc Roa4 vail, Colorado 81657 EJl: 9fi ,4A,2r28 f?f,<" 970'479.2452 web: www'vailgw.@ft1 Gcncral Informatlon: All projecE requiring dedAn r€view must receive apprwal prlor b submifirE a tuildtm p€rmit apdicanon' -Pleise r€frr to the $bmittat ,cqrtrements br rn parucrrLi approval trat is reqr.rested. An applicaton br Desbn Retriew canmt be accepEd urnii att requirea irmrmaUm is reieveO Uy tre Cornmmtty Dar€lopment DepartmenL The p-1".t may also need m Ue rwterveO by the Toiwr Council_and/or ttte PhnnlrE and Ervironrn€ntal Commlssion' ifiign r.irl.w epprovel l+".r uni-l a bulldlng pormh ir lercd end conrtnrcdon conmcrcc wlt|rin om ycrr of thc approYal. SnMlvbhf: (Contact Eagh Co. Assessor at 970'328-3640 fior parcel m') Dcacrlptlon of tl|c Rcquet: Location of the Proporal: Phyrlcal Addnrr: vtrw o 0- o -c \o Type of Rcviwand Fo: tr Sigm tr conceptlal Revietv tr New ConsilructionD Mdition H Mirbr AlEraEon- (multi-Family/commerchl) n Minor AlEration (stngle'family/duplex) tr changps b Approrcd Plans tr Separaton Request $50 PIE $1.00 per squat€ bot of total sign ar€a. No Fee t650 For consftiction of a rEw hlllding or demo/rcbuild' iloo For an addiuon lvtEre square fuotage is adged b.any residmtial or @mmerclal buldlng (lncludes 250 addiuons & interbr convergorF)' $250 fur minor chang€s b buildings and site improvemeds, s'dl as'' re<ooffng, palntirp, window addiuons, landscaphg, frnces and r€taining walls, eft. $20 For mtrnr changps b bulldngs and $E impro/emenB' srctl 6' r€-roofirq, painurp, window addltjons' landscaping, ftnces and retaining walls, cfr. $20 for revt-gons to darE already appro'ed by Planning Staff or the Design Rcirlew Board' No Fee Zoning: llrmc(r) of Ornc(r): l{amc of Applkaft: ilaillng Addrclr: (hrm(r) Signdrn(r): *m TOIilT PNOPERIYOWTIER WRITTE]I APPRWAT LETTER a Jolnt owner of propefiy located at (addt€sghgBl descripthn) 't tlrttt',1)aU"-J-^ Zg^ L*a^t"^' I O( prwHe thb l€frer as wrltten apptwal of the phrc daEd whlch hae ben submltbd b the Town of Vail Communtty Darelopment Department br the foposed lmForttnents to be compl€t€d at the addrcss mted above. I understand that Bte ptoposed lrprur€menb lrdude: I further understand that mlmr rnodlncatiors nrry be made to the plans over the @u]se of the rcvl€tr{ process b ensure dnplhm€ wlth tlp Town's apdhabh odes and rcgdathrc' (Slgnature) F:\cdcv\F0Rl1S\Pcnnb\ft ndng\DRB\drb-r{mr-alt-l l'Zt'IXl5.doc Prga 2 oa til rvzSlms *m IIITIOR, EXTERIOR, ALTERATIO]IS TO BUIIDI]IGS ATID SITE IIIIPROVEiIET{TS SUBI{ITIAL R EQUIR EITT E|ITS Gonerrl lrfonnadon: Thb appllcaton b rcqulred br propcab Involving mlnor e(Erior altentlons and/or slte irlptw€tnents. propoiab o add hnGcaping do not r€quire DRB appoval unkss tfrey Involve the addlUon of paU6, water fratur€s, gndlng, or the addltion of t€talnlr€ vJalb. I. SUBIIITTAL NEOUIR,EITIETITS*T o StampedTopographhSurvey*o gte and Gradlng Plan*o lan6cape Phn*o Archlt€ctu.alEhvatbrs*q Ederlor colorand maErhl samdes and spedftatlons.q Architectural Floor Plans*o Llgtthg Plan* and C*€hee(s) tur prcpced fo<turcso 'Iitle r€port, lncludlng Schedules A & B b v€rify oflnershlp and easemenE* o Phobs of the oburg slE ard adjacent stnrtul€s, where appllcable. o Wrltten apprwal ftom a condomlnlum assochthn' hndlod, ard Flnt owner, lf apdlcable o Sftespeclfic Gohgfcal Haad Report lf appllcable* cr The Adnlnistraor and/or DRB may rcqrlr€ ttre submbshn of addltbnal flans, dnwirgs, speclflcatlons, samphs and other rnateriab (includlng a rpdel) lf deelned neGary b determtne whether a poJ€ct will comply wlth Deslgn Gulddlnes or lf the lntent of the prcposal b not cl€arly ldlcated. Plae strnt thzc (l) apb {n e ndazbb rM t il* a Aiairt /?. **For inErbr conveFbns wlth no sdedor dlan6. the submlttal rcqulrsnents lrrclude a comdeE set of dstirp and propced floor flars, a tltle repo4 ard wrltEn appwal from a condornlnlum assochtlon, landlod, and Jolnt owner, lf appllcable. I hayc nrd rnd undotrtttd lfio abovr btcd rubmlttal nqullunolrtr: Prolcct l{amr: Crntnctor SEn w. nuYrq. W lrqbsl1nad F :\cda\F0RltS\Pcmb\PLnning\ORB\dlt-rd tior-aft- U-Xl-2005.doc P4a 3 of 13 'l/?5lms Bulldno l.letrrleb PROPTOSED HATERIALS Tvoc of ltrbrld ebr Roof SidrU Od|er Wall Materiab F6ch soffrts r. Wlndouon -ktr,u/vv\,- j ..- WtnOo* t i,tffi;^f* \| ooor trlm Hand or Deck Ralb Fues Hashlng Chlmneys Trash Encloeurcs Gteenlbuses R€talnlrE Walb Ededor tlhdng OEer llotcs PleaS€ epeclfy tlp manufactrrer's name, the color name and number and atffit a cobr chlp' -\r\Lw* t/ t tz-fl' qr*\o F:\cdcv$0nil6\Pcrmtr\Plmnlng\fi8\dtb-nimr-ahlu-23'2005doc Pag€6of ul 1r./z3/aro' Christiania lnc. 356 E. Hanson Ranch Rd. Vail CO. 81657 (970)476-5sr (970) 476-0470 Fa.r l October 3.2006 To the Town of Vail: The Villa Valhalla Condominium Association has given tle owners of Villa 7, William and Frankie Tufr lhe approval to replace two windows and the sliding door. The new windows and the new sliding door will be identical to the old ones they are r€placing. Please call if there are any qucsti@s. Sincerelyb.?- John Everly Managing Agent Villa Valhalla Assoc Snfpfrsh: Share:Photo View Page I of I ho!,, sna pr sh ::::' " :j":€ #rr ,:crder thb prhr ;row tllr Ph* ;td'oodnr own plElo. '-i',ii. ii' - ,iiiL,;\, rr..l, , it., BRlAtl's photo 1 of 19 items plcy dlluhow HPIl.l049a.rPG prc rn g *#iiE terrns and concirtions I O.ivacv http://wwwl.snapfish.com/shareeslideshodAlbumlD=56781O43iPicturelD:|534279922/albumcounFl/... 8/25/2006 RE: August 24, 2006 Frankie Tutt Presidents Council of Cornell Wornen Presidents Council of Cornell Women ruffin006 Dear Mrs. Tutt: THf, GARDEN OF THE GODS CLUB is pleased to have dre opportunity to host the Presidential Council of Comell Women, 10106/2006. We offer the following contract for your approval. As you review the contract and you need to make minor changes, simply indicate them on the copy prior to retuming tbe sigted contract to the Club. CLUB RULES & REGULATIONS The Garden of the Gods Club is a private facility thd is unique in setting and ambience. To assure mutual enjoyment of the Club facilities by all our guests and members, we have established some special Club rules and regulations. These are attached to this document. It is e$.ntiel thet you providc e copy of thesc to each rnd every attendee so they are eware of these requirtmcnts prior to rrriving at thc Club. Should you wistt to receive a copy of this in a format that can be e-maild please contact me at mmcfarland@destinationhorels.com. MEETING OR FUNCTION SPACE ACCOMMODATIONS Based on your preliminary menu pricing and your anticipated guest count, the Garden of fte Gods Club is waiving the room rental fee. However, should your final guarantees or menu pricing change subshntially, additional room rental charges may apply. A final agenda for your event must be submitted to the Catering Office 30 days prior to the event. Final Menu selections and set up requiremants must be submitted to the Catering Oftice no later than 4 weeks prior to the event The Catering Office must receive final attendance guarantees no later than 12:00 PM noon, 3 business days prior to the function. This number will be considered a guarantee, not subject to reduction, and charges will be made accordingly. Ifno guarantee is received, the number ofguests indicated on this contract will be considered your guarantee. A20o/o gnftity and 7.47o sales tax will be added to all food and beverage charges. Initials: ilf$: Share:PhotoView Page I ofl Dc*rbt lr DrrrBilo utDlcinrrnfbr no*, "u 0,,.n "Jll:l' ": j":N Photos from lydman@vail.net > 15 of 19 ltems { prevrous plqT dldrdrow +next ! ' print at home n share this photo . .rA:ia ^'ft< ITIAI|'. photo 15 of 19 ltems [Pr oagaJFC terms and conditions I OrivacV http://wwwl.snapfish.com/sharc€slideshodAlbumlD:56781M3/PicturelD-lS342T922lalbwtcount=l/... 8D512006 Page I of I ww > 19 of 19 items plcy rliderhow quick rlorl order rhir prinr rove this phoro uplood your own plrcoor BRIAN's photo 19 of 19 items HPrlt0499.tPG srQlt LIP! :i GX http://wwwl.snapfish.con/shareeslideshodAlbumlD:56781043/PictureID:l534279922/albumcount= I /... 8/25/2006