HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT J VILLA VALHALLA UNIT 9o u'Xf,X"'h"'j* DEPARTME}TT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON {IOBSITE AT AtL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMiE 899-0221, iIOb AddTESS: 385 E GORE CREEK DR Locatsion...: 384 B. Gore Creek Dr Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-38-009 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-022L StaEus... #9, Applied.. Issued. . . Erq)ires. - : ISSTIED zaOS/2a/L999 : tO/27/L999: oa/24/2Do0 TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIIT CONTRAETOR OWNER Description:Intserior remodel Occupancy: Tylge ConstrucEion: Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: Rl Multi-Family V 1-IIR T)rI)e V l-Hour 132, 000 approved amount dateAdd Sq Ft: IIEID CONSIRUCIION Phone: 970-476-4343 2111 NORIlt FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE L, VArL, CO 81657 IIErD coNsTRUqrroN Phone: 970-476-4343 2111 NORllI FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE t, VAII-,, CO 81657 I-,EVINE PETER & iIANET PhONC: 9I4-939-2L28 3 Eagles Bluff Rd, Rye Brook, NY 10573 TOV/Connm Dev. Clean-up Deposii Refund Pircplac. Inforuation: Restricted: ycB *of 6as Applianced: artrtarrr.rl,.rr*ttttttirtitttittttttlrtitttt|r.ttt*rt|lttt!r*ttl PEE suUuARI Building-----> a6s.o0 PlBn chock---> ( 564.20 Inv.sligation> .Oo Vfill call----> 3.O0 Rogturlents Plan RewicY--> ClGan-Up Dcposits--------> *of GEs Log6: lFf tlood/PallGt: ttltr*r*a*rlt+triJrtrttttf ttttJi**trtttrrttJat9ti,tttittatirrr DRB F66-------- .o0 Rcclaetion F6c----------> ,O0 ?ocal, caLculatsd Pa6a- - - > Addicion.l F€c6- -- ----- -> PayEcnta- - - __ _- TocaL P.rEit Fe6--------> 1,935.20 .00 500.o0 1,93S.20 1,935.2O ,,...,,.-::H.liii;.;;:;:;;:;:;i.....,.-i:lii;11*"-..'TITT'lT:;:':;;:;;;.::.,""'-"---;::'.. Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARIIIIIENT Deptr: BUILDING Division: O8/24/L999 KATITY ACTION: NOTE ROUtsEd EO 'JRM08'/3L/L999 ,JR.t![ Action: APPR APPROVEDiEbm;' 05460-F-r,emrNo DEFARtT"ENT - Depg: . PLAIWTNG Division: 08/24/L999 KATIIY Action: NOTE Routsed to Doftinic-FYr o9'/0L'/L999 JRM AcEion: APPR ok per domiEai;'o-s660-inrns ppphnrllri.tf ----- --. 'Dept: FIRE Division: 08/24/L999 KATITY Action: APPR N/Artbm;'05500--p-uelrc wiinxS--_ DepE: PUB woRK Division: A8/24/L999 KATITY Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of Ehis Documents for any condiEions trhaE may apply Eo this permiE DECIARATIONS I hclrby icknorl.dge t'haE I hawc rcad ghi! applicafion, fill,ed out in full thc infonation lequircd, coBplat.d an accuratc PIo! plan, and Bt'.t. Lhat all tshe infornation providcd as rrqui!6d is corr€cg. I agles tso conPly ltitsh the inforoagl'on and Plot plan, t.o corlply tifh all Tosn ordinancca and Bgaba lara, and to build ghiE EtructurE according to ch. Totrrr'3 zoning end cuhdivieion codc€, dcsign tcwiaw approwcd, uniforo Buitding cod6 ana ocb6r ordinanceE of bh. Tor,n aPPliclbls lh€rGto. TEI.EPHONERSQUESTS FOR INSPBCTTONE SHALL BE UADE TI'IEMrS-FOUR HOURS IN AD\nNCE Bv S.nd cleen-up DclrosiL Ao: ncia ConaUructf srcNATuRE "" G oR colvrRAcroR FoR HrMaEr.a AND oliNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit *z 899-022L as of L0/27/99 status: ISSUED ****************i|**:l****************************:l**************i**************** Permit I:pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 08/24/L999 applici-nt: HEIb CONSTRUClTION Issued: Lo/27/t999 970-476-4343 To Erq)ire: o4/24/2O00 ilob Address: tocation: 384 E. Gore Creek Dr #9, Villa Valhalla Condo's Parcel No: 2101-082-38-009 Description:Interior remodel CondiLions: j- - FIELD INSPE(fIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE - 2- ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AIiID FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3- SMOKE DBTECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN AIL BEDROOMS AND BVERY sToRY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 0F TI{E 1997 tBc. 4. FIRE DEPI\RlttENr APPROVAT IS RIQUIPSD BEFORE AM WoRK cAr'I BE STARTED. - IOttrt oF vlrr,, aoltrrDo gtrEcEnB StsrrdrE lf|dcr t Rlc-0582 lrcunt: 26.10 Lol27l99 Ls.sz Payr.trE l|.thodt 3a21 lotrtlon, llElD Ccl'glnUCfIO tnlc. int P.nis {o! Bt9-0221 Ttp. t l-!fF tD/ .t nF BmzD P!R, Prric.:. o! 2101-082-38 -009 glt. lddr!.r ! 3gS E 6OnA CRIEX Dn Loc.tlons fAf f. dorr qs!.k Dr t9, ViU. Vrlhrllr Condo' to!.I P.Gr: 1,935.ao nr1r Pryr.trc 25.40 lol|l lI.lJ htr: 1.935.20 Brl|ncc: . oo Accouots Codc D.acfl,ptloc A@wre Bp 00100003111100 BurlDltc PMtrI tlls 16.00 p! 00100003112300 P&lX clltcR tlla 10.a0 October 26,1999 To: TownofVail JR From: Heid Constructioq Inc. Yvette Re: Levine Residence VillaValhalla 384 E. Gore Creek Dr. #9 6q J' ozz t -' Please amend the cunent Building Permit for tlre aforernentioned job with an additional yaluation of $4,000.00. The additional anount is due to addng a domter to rnake egress. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARII{ET.IT OF COI,IMT'NITY DEVETOPMENT NO[E: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI.L TIMBS ADD/A].,T MF BUIT'D PERMIT PETrniE #Z 899-022L ilob Address: 385 E GoRE CRBEK DR status-. Location...: 384 E. Gore Creek Dr #9, Applied. ParceL No..: 2101-082-38-009 Issued.. Project No.: PRiI99-022L E:qriree- .: ISSUED .:a08/24/L999.: 09/OL/L999.: 02/28/20oo APPLTCANT HErD CONSTRUCTTON Phone: 970-476-4343 2111 NORITI FROIITAGB ROAD, SUITE L, VAIL, CO 81657 COIITRACIIOR HEID CONSTRUCTION Phone: 970-476-4343 2111 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITB L,, VAIL', CO 81557 OWNER LEVINE PETER & iIAl{ET Phone z 9L4-939-2L28 3 Eagles Bluff Rd, Rye Brook, tiff 10573 Descriptsion:Int,erior remodel- Occupancy: Tl4le Construction: Ttpe Occupancy: Valuation: R1 Multi-FamilY V 1-HR Tgre V l-Hour 128,000 Add Sq FE: Flraplrc. Inforr[Cion: R.serict.dt ]r..itof orr Appllrnc..:*Of OrE Log. I Itof flooil,/Prl1.t: trt'.''ltJ!,tititt'.t*ta.''t'!rt'*tttrttr'.iriit'rtrt**ti'ttl..titr?EEgt,uHrRI*r.''la.ii.r'rr*t'lttt.*tr*t+ilr.tt''*i.*l+ii*ii Bull,dtng-----' Phn ch.ck- - - > 952. OO ss3 . E0 RaaEurrrng PIan Ravlar- - t InB F..-------- .oo .00 ToCel Calculat.d F..a---> 1,9Ot. aO Aadlflonrl Pccr------'--> .00 InvarCigrlion> .00 Rccr.rlion F..----------> .oo fotsal P.lI[lC Fca'-------> 1'r08.ao wlll cr11----> 3,oo cl.qn-(tr Dcpo!l!--------> 5oo.o0 Ptlm'ntr'------- 1'9os'90 Tc||rlr, FEES----- 1,908.90 BATIANCE DttE---- 'oo *rr*Jarat*ta*ftirtttail}ttr*trri+ ttla*i]*r?i{rrttt**J** .*|ritttttttl}t..'.''t'l'.?..i''tlt.'ilt'|'itt'l'.tt.t.'ttart|}t.'..*tt*i..'l*'t}.t0ttt*tt.'.ir*rrr See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEionE thaE may apply to thiE permit'. DECIARATIOltA I h.rcby rcknorl.€r gh.L I hrvG r.rd lhla rpptlcrllon. fil,l.d out tn full th! lnfonallon rcquirrd, co$Pl.lsd an rccunt. Plo! phn, rnd .CrE3 bh.t .lL thc lnfonttlon providcd rr rcquircd ir corr.ce. I rErcs to cooPly dfh Ehs infonrlion lnd plol Phn, to cooply rieh r11 Torn ordiurceg and 3C.LG l.rr, and to bulld thlr .trucCur. rccording !o tshr Tosn" zoning rnd rubdlvLlon codor, dorlgn rrvLer e;4rrowrd, ttnLforo BulldLng cod. .nd ouh.r ordlnrnc.a of th. toun rPpllclbl. th.r.uo. REQOESTS FOR rNgPEef,rONA SIiAEL BB UADB TlfBl{Tl-AOOI HOIJRS IN AD\rlllCE 8v g.ad Cl.rn-ltp DolrorL! Ao. ftrfa Corr"U..,.ti?Erorarun! ", *n oR ctlrrRAcroR PoR HrxaEr.F AND qlIlER *****!t:t*************************!r********************:l********************:t***** CO![DITIONS PerrniE, #: 899-022L as of o9/oL/99 staEus: TSSIIED ******rt************************************************************************* Permit T14ge: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O8/24/L999Applicant: IIErD coNsfRuqrroN rseued: o9/0L/L999970-476-4343 To B:<trlire z I2/28/2OOO ilob Ad.dress: L,ocat,ion: 384 E. Gore Creek Dr #9, Vilta Valhalla Condo'g Parcel_ No: 2101-082-39-009 Description:Int.erior remodel Condit.ions:1. FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. AI'L PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AI{D FLOORS TO BB SEALED WITH AT.T APPROVED FIRB IiIATERIAIJ.3. SMOr(E DETEqTORS ARE RBQUIRBD IN ALr BBDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PBR S8C.310.6.1 0F TUE 199? ttBC.4. FIPA DEPARl!'lEllT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI[v WORK CAI{ BE STARTED. O *******!t***tl*********:l***************rl*****:t:t******************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORJADO Statemrt****************i****:t********!t****:t*******t*!t**tt*****:t********** 1,908 .80 09/Ot/99 LOz27Inlt: ilRli! SEaEemtt. Number: RBC-0S55 Amor:nt, : PaymenE Method: CK Notation: 3659 Permit No: 899-0221 q4le: A-MFParcel No: 2101-082-38-009 SiTC AddrCES: 385 E GORE CREEK DR .ADD/AIJT MF BUILD PER Locat.ion: 384 E. Gore Creek Dr #9, Vil-l-a Vathalla Condo' This Payment Ecrrq.g\,g: . vv **************!t***:l**!t*!t***********!t*:lrl*!t****:t**********:t:l*****!t Account, Code Description BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEBSPF 00100003112300 PIJAI.I CIIECK FEES AD D2-DBPO8 CIJEAT{T'P DEPOSITSwc 00100003112800 WILL CALL TNSPECTION FEE ToEal Feeg: 1, e08 .80 rotal T:r:$:: 1, 908 . 80 1, 908 . g0 .00 AnounL 852.00 553 .80 500. 00 3 .00 Pwq. ozzl rowN o, uo,rQoNsrRucroN 'ERM,, orl,aAroN F'RM INF'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIN APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eaole Countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel #parcetti 2)[], Og);.?t]'oo? 01f - doJ?- &'nu ft'4't4'/ d- o"", 8f t ffr Permit # Job Name: /-c tL nc /t i /en.e IobAddress: Jgl E 6oBe CR'zK OB. *q nulding f{Plumbing ( )Elecrrical ( ) Vrt\l Vuwat* Corroo': Mechanical ( ) Gher ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block- Filins stt*ivisiort l/;ll4fah4l< 41 Owtrers Name: fafC< , ,Tarp 4 l2t\ ne Address:l{ *cnrtect: GPzenOa.u.a O.ci an gpAddress: Description or na' :filtt ; n -(t'rra rnh an (q. Ptrcne# __ji!!=_:nl:2!2 g Phone# Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Nunber and Type ofFireplaces:Gas Appliances BTJILDING: $lzs ooo.dO PLUMBING $ Alterationpy'Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/PelletGas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ General Contractor: Electrical Contractor: Townof VailRegis1c|ilior-No. +qJ- R Phone#V1L- ,t j Y] Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Coutractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE Date Received Arj0 2 4 1999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SI.JBJECT: Position or Relationship to Dare: P/ f /rt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATER]AL STORAGE CODE S2-10: IIEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROIIIBITII) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litteq tmck or deposit, or cause to bo littered, tracked or deposited" sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or qruses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or qluses another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocls, mud, di4 snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or otler authorized agent,, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: I . Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any lvater main, sewer mairq electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3 . To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or c:ruses another to violate the s:rme, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation herzunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-1 of this code . E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to palment of the expensc of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works. as provided in subsection B hereo{ upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: /anfrae t'az- (i.e. contractor or owner) o TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIVIE If this permit requires a Torvn of Vait Fire Departnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparonent review of Health Deparunent review. and a review by the Building Deparftnent, the estimated time for a total review may tako as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multr-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned ma,ximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller proj ects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparfnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible' I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: s/c/ qE Work Sheet was turned into lhe Commwrity Development Dept' {P*t"nuo'*o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAILPI,JBLIC WORKS JANUARY I,1999 WHEN A "PTJBLIC WAYPERMIT: IS REQI.JIRED NOK ls demolition work being performed that requirgs the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? ves- No- 'f_ Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway beilg repaved? ToBNAME: /-Fi, "tt E4i Utnlc E o*". J;/t"/ gf PLEASE ANSWERTHEFOLLOWING Q1JESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A 4. 5. 6. ..PUBLIC WAYPERMIT'': l. Is this a new residence? YES NO YES NO 1 8. Is a diferent access needed to the srte other than the existine driveway? YES NO Is any drainage work being done lhat affects the Right-of-Way, easementg or public property? YES NO Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for stagng, parking or fencing? YES_ NO_ B. If NO to 8d is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmenl? YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions. a'?ublic Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications fiay be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Developnient [f you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Wo*s at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL ftM ABOVE QI.JESTIONS. /- #t:o/ &tn"r/z,tc1?4- o*, f/ r/ rr Company Name rrl ><a -lZ- C) TlroCnTr Z. '-o FS;l egFq ng,85 r'P c2,-;; : I rrlo NNe9- Qf-- ; L-'-!t -rFlAL., - z -Trl rnr greenauer deslgn goup, lnc. Do box 59€3 Yall. colorado 81858 97 D-gf/. | 2u F lo< 91047 a45? 2 Levine Residence Vllla Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado JOB NO: 00012 DATE: 7.30.99 SCALE: 114'=1'4' DRAWNBY: GHS SHEET NO. EX-1 l-Tl ><ai Z. C) -Tlr C)Cn_U r Z. SHEET NO. EX-z Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado po bor 5963 vail. colorado 8l658 970-904-123,4 F M 970-476.3572 1/4'=1'-0" nr[t -lo Z- an C) -lo Z. ac) rrrl + tl Io rrlxa-{z c) SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0' Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. Vail, Colorado reenauer design group. inc. po box 5963 veil, colofado 81658 970-904-1234 FM 970-476-357? !(I N N N) (o N) Z-[t =TlrConTr Z. t\) N) o)(o Llr s !': '-c LYe't\{ ^)"-.-- \:q >-,\5- r.r.r :7rl:l II c,r + @ N) greenauer design group, inc. po box 5963 vail, colorado 81658 971)-904t23a FAX 970 d76-357i Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail. Colorado 5+ N) (, $N t\) (, \ I ! -{--t z @ (o- I ! --{-{ z _!1 N6 (,1 o (o I (, @ Lt1 ('l I I =T-rn rrlr JOB NO: 00012 DRAWN BY: o o o o Z. l-r-l - TlrconTr Z- -> qB-?1L==rl I *r6bg ts'-. Bv\cs '\ s_ \ N,* F*'--Nt RI\x\ ta.\\\\-\N, -N5S. \\(\\$ \ s\ ---s>F ... B=i\,\\ \ \=; \ c. \(-\ \ t \ (.:*l \ \ & Y \"Em* n \t/ \\e-BR>tc. \J\ B\\:t i* \ Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado greenauer design group, inc. po box 5963 vail, colorado 81658 970-904-123/ FAX 970-A Z6-:t5:',' \.a_+ -=-t<\I \-. >-.-'-| ..-;4 | ,.>' eI --t| '> \r-)t--t>I ..tr 3-.- | \t -^ \ l-\-Jt?| -€- SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0" DRAWN BY: A-2 n--r-------- I I// JT-.. I rr------J lllltr t,t,rl ll,.\ - \ I it.-1-,t I ll- \ ,'\ | tt( J ira t u_____J lltl tllltl t:::l :::: J I----"1----"1 -----1----l----l-----.1 ----l I \J(\ / \_ ---------_-\ /\ /\ o (f rrl Cr -lo Z- -Ur Z- aO T-rrl s I I : zo ---lT Levine Residence Mlla Valhallla - Unit No. 9 greenauer design group, inc. po box 5963 v8il, colorsdo 81558 z -frl Trl JOB NO: 00012 SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0' Vail, Colorado 97A-9NA-1 ?34 FAX 97C.d76-357i U Trl Cr -lo Z. *U r Z- tnc).}\ t- Trl -F-: II I O C-o -o rr]nrrn ;- [F-l 'lrtItltltltlrlfrtfr r L---L---) r{flvdJl L-a:) I -----J I, L------Jll I t'. I -----l ----+---------------J ----J___-J ----l-- - --l*- -- -t ----1 -----l -----.1 .a(J ;o{T SCALE: 114"=1'-0" Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado greenauer design group, inc. Do box 5963 veil. coloredo 81658 97G9U-12U F M 970-476-35?2 Tl XrrlU Tl 4aI |-rla ,iA i \t/ Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail. Colorado po box 5963 vail. colorado 81658 Zr r.rl rnr DATE: 7.30.99 lD-1 -rl >< l-TlU -T-l Z- aI rrla Levine Residence Mlla Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail. Colorado greenauer design group, inc. tD-2 t-Tlrrn -lc Z. aO r-rn t\.) - I (:r a rrl t a H6 $N \iE - ,-t AF /' t rnrrrl -tc Z- o € 56Ntrr =-tc.--c-N s REJi= qN s\ \Jv-$s-3 rt ., p$' Rs $t =F $- F Ftr L> r/l rrl (l Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado JO8 NO:00012 DATE: 7.30.99 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DMWN BY: GHS SHEET NO. tD-3 >=<-* €---rF*=*+ 9F '' ="/ N €*;- --s. c> @ A= RR NTSr-P ":\ N $ d . q'R E+gF, \str''' Gl- d E Faf =-5j {( {E{gL e F' rnr l-Tl -lo Z. t a r*Ar E =e's-= c>.trrc s--\= =t. 1\-+ ;s>-q -tk- =? l-Tlrrrl -lc Z. o sEqng_uel design group, inc. po box 5963 voil, coloredo 8'1658 970-904-1234 FAX 970-!76-357? Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado :< tt ---l rr1 :'o DATE: 7.30.99 1/4"=1'-0" a $$qF $ g @ il= q l-ll-tz- l-t l(^ |l-+ | I -ti It;l | ,t ttlLI NI c.t -{ =(r\ \tr l-Tlrrrl -lC Z. @(h= F$ ' N=N {$ o zoNil: n fr F-l D rrlrn -lC Z. a t\lslf,-INlrut\ o$ =*,,s\-_r, szI o -sL *s-+R =L x\f\ \(5 =s-s\ :. NS= -_t- F FEfi L' {ss t-=*- J design group, inc. po box 5963 veil, colorado 81658 970-90d-1234 FAX 970-476-3572 Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail. Colorado SHEET NO. tD-4 stsq5 c\N:s !-tj 1/4'=1'-0' =LN rlt T0 ,ZT\ ep t/j f rrl :lF ;l>q l-l lc l= t=lun aI ,T |]t It_-tlL! | l>: I tlrt_l rrlrrrl -1c Z. t oYF- ig+ u\ HF F* _ -Fai.L C'" $xil 2 f:5F5T-\ €FF sR \ I rrlr |.-Tt --l C Z- sq(3'\_+ {rt"&q 1+, :-=r' - Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado JOB NO: 00012 DATE: 7.30.99 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DMWN BY: GHS SHEET NO. tD-4 O o @I ll-rl ilE ilt to lz_ J E] rrlrrrl -lC Z. o 6se RJ a?5-J k-\-F "S*t F -As Rr\N \N $ m$\-/ N $t $$\c\Fr l\ nrrrl -l () Z. +' >s.+ \..1' t€q.E?\xifh\ C., G\ FBH Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado I a o 6D @ il! lc> l= H l-Tlr l-Tl -{o Z- $sssqN $ \ N $oz s 2<.'$'wF$$ N gN F$ o nrn _J C Z. =Ss€5s-sF Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado JOB NO: 00012 1/4'= 1'-0' _ _J- -lra=+ >--:s_€ P>t s+F -rlgrsa-\-_tr \TG], frn \*rl e "=t $ @ ntH ili lC lz. Jtcl IIII Ttu) a lco I IDII ,T|-trtJ- [ttl o aX Ns B'\i * F ula T s(n :\ 6z t rrlt-rrl -lC Z- € Levine Residence Vllla Valhallla - Unlt No. 9 Vail, Colorado SHEET NO. lD-5e rrlrrrl -loZ U) r-rn l-l il I O SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0' I .>=s*Is$ .-F +u qF $i4a 'i F+YJ si-\L5V ff+- - - f'r L'-a- \J .I< ogi E> .a\ KS_ $sv €*. .ttr #' ' rrl -{o Z- sr =>-_ R. F}R greenauer design group, inc. po bo: 5963 v6il. colo€do 81658 97G904-1234 F M 970476.3572 Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado @ il! d= SCALE: 1/4"=1'{" Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado reenauer design group, inc. po box 5963 veil, colo€do 8t658 970-90,f -l ?34 F lA. 97M76-3572 l-Tlrrrl -lo Z. SCALE: 1/4'=1'4' SHEET NO. ID-B Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado design group, inc. po bor 5963 veil, colo€do 81658 970-W4.1 234 F M 97 0 -47 6-357 ? mr Trl -lo Z. t-*l-r*T*l Levine Residence Mlla Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado T SCALE: 114"=1'-0' o o RUR\.frt_:dlr}\+ ; ll .-- ;si--- ftl !'f -tg,: I i I rrlr l-Tl -Jo Z. 5+- F-as 0 r-5FiR f;fr r z rtl v o I greenauer design group, inc. po box 5963 vail, color€do 81658 97G904-12y F M 970-476-3s7 2 Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail. Colorado ila"='l'-0' SHEET NO. lD-10 n l-TlTlr[no -lrrlU OIIr Z- 6) -Ur Z. a c) -Trl 5 tl I : z I o SHEET NO. RCP-1 JOB NO: 00012 DATE: 7.30.99 SCALE: 1/4'=1'-0' DRAWN BY: GHS Levine Residence Vllla Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado z r TN TNr q 5 BoI:'l o to o o 5 zo t! F g om E Eattt 2 Y ==m, 2Imp E! o greenauer declgn grurp, hc. po bor 5963 ve[, colo.rdo 8'l&58 s70-gw1?5/ F X e7G47&35U a(l f- Trl : tl IO n rrlTlr l-r-lO -lrrlrl On |- Z. C) Tr Z- --l1. Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado reenauer design group, inc. po box 5963 vail, colorado 81658 970-904 -1 2U F M 97 0-476-3s7 2 t: -U -o FN 7J -rrl l-.r- o o oro.r i 2q !! 8 2o s, tr artoz c, I3m f{oIm DRAWN BY: l-rlr |-TlO -ln O r Tr Z- t i@ Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado design group, inc. po box 5963 vail. colorado 81658 970-904-1234 FAX 970-476-3572 Z -rn TN |.rlrrrlO -ln O r Tr Z- 1/4"=1'-0' Levine Residence Mlla Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado greenauer design group, inc. po box 5963 vr[, colorgdo 81658 970-Wa-1234 FAX 970-476-352 ^HHwE EF EH*F zIu E tr FLEI Fdl* M E tDT- ri qq <ur:3;-a - L,) - f- aea c l/,boo6' r" l-qrl ds,ooJJoii*l-:'i* di*l' *ll*=i F iiiffiffigiifiiliffl F iiliil lliil1liil[iiif " ; ]g F;1"* ,;il$lapsgiz lli;l:llfliiili+Fli IFi ili iliii'iii*i+to gii i*'*a 4r+ ,g; ;[l 13 iB; ;n f - I .rq !n,tr{rfu:-.Igtrlrr.qS3 5 Vl CO O< ai J€'''3o.,$" I !' ';9?i4iflF{Egllra$qg;3{i; ,,4 >r n{,+ono{ = _d fr3:{af ;[+;;gt.l* +:;qgEi I isffijl;;iFgf$s''i; i ; iiiqHE ;[isr;a: ;+:i333::l;:'I',:,1anH;ui:r"g.,inB ?jf,g;qH:Eaf,q6rixii€ir;1r+[q3a:*iiai i5:fi fl i;Ei*+ itlapllil,r B; r:[;ilit;gg: t.BFi i i eF.:i i Ii ii;iEt'; ;-+J-ig=_E;!i .r.rir d I i!og I l[Ed]+]'--sr **E;E$il'";6 jeqE = i ll: i i iid:€ldrq=s T-:;onIt{! i;dqe iiol iii= E*ge;;e; dli:;xgd^? 13j,i ili i; iiffiaii:i[ ;;;;;*irjj*di rt'r*;*qi :a;3s+lfix -*;s rE". HsE'f si[:= * ;1 Ei1.;+i+:q s:tit d uu;'* fr-:rl;rY 3 6 t{:+g* rsi:q o e ei"r'i'rs?iJi*Ea i6se+ iqir;fril'l? -, H ii36=q THo-d p 33.Ht.i3 * ii :1E- ! 'i16= ' "15n-s,;;z*4{de'ft i{ane !;;1i5i$!, s - ;vx; r ii .sg + {€'olf'"$ds;-+o :+i frSEq4ssI $ - i" ; i; e t'l--,6.6E" g3 igigd \o\l oP n' 3 J rnxp fu Pf,oat -5 [n qI) o TC)d{;ri; E sn{3j{'3d,i -D : \g O P'u AO-J =^ 'fY" OUI:+ <f, n- ;'Fq -9;q>p +Ll -o-:F6> -n+ 9p-)- ,at;'o ulr '' :J(o a;: q fQ if66:iP6En 3; F: $:"; 3i+:g3? iq o'' 0 9'+ h'l o-'5--.< q f; +fr [fr $sa a n; {: d ig fr.,H;i,:1,3 t i6 il'8 o; Q'6I$eq[3- *Eniit*{iiitsieU :z,v O O O O ^ -J lJl u <- e'3;reqFn Tfl ri R ^ p f R 6 rE 5 "e*c-fldi*9 Y I n r:6;:13;E f;s i: "l.-o *< l e 6.f n,-, q dfESnrx o.r-i- o)r-do i-i p -.o -t; -'-tla ;f .i-; o.f O- r0t+ r0 .o . -t) _5 d =9 3 bnEsC'p I+=\ qtrnii { 6 i-d!Ap ; ad6-r t-= q l r'S a 6'It -o-o9^.f =x 16|FIlz|'rItxtFrIlpr||awf,-t;FIl3In 3 =-Illz oxll-{ .}X o14 Q;s.-i.-q9xo'Vlrn Itld 3(OI+doo.+6{,__ tD o J- -orO:'\ j9' UI+.fJOa Pgf'gP o c]o F-{t -) ut -t d.+3 C)+C'r/t o -nn rr|n 9! n n 7)-trdf .tfO +O O tO O O 1-+f -t O X O n I C O du(o_.Pu-J.o+if.f I X-J F,f i;-f JoDf -)o to --u =U C C { -' 5vl n i C .}3 .}:i lJl fr <TJE Co -t; o n ='on o.+o 6 n: j I l.!i o.9 6'n d i q f fli 913 i.,"i ; a g:e fi8 sd 6itrg f :!: 'o _..':6 -_' n {d; +r6-q i+qBiJ=3 ir'=7'*S;\ trS <" ; d p; + Qd d :, - Q I +u n: ti; "3: q;ifiAilir; ;i ;f o.a 3 g;d g'irr i - +=, *=\;ao {-}1 I *t *t$t;,i+f; i=lr=3 sd ls iH 5s€.,P -: o "'1o.i':'n' i ;qii q+i l{'l il n :*5 : s : gi[-i: id ?l*isli I E enf; a I ! 5 C I 3; f"s;F;ffiir: Sfr i P;€d +*i a+; s!! [g;?r ;r;ia* g te5i; q+ ; {* i i;L p; +- t <ul ;; c;'d-;1; I € i 3dt. ) ii;'e eePg{ 3 ao j qe 5i!; -;r - SX o f X S+l Sro 'o'.i'-t^e';ie+ oo.ij i+dl:.9e9€5'$;*1-i+6;1+l;'!- t+l^.ll ji -6n3d'.i5r--,,iq^-; _ 169;,66 Elgi*.i gn gs, i +3 u: fls a: *g ltl =5o : X I -r'r lJl :; qu -- -) t;nitt*irilg ii?isr f;€;t ;'-"1+F^ s *3q; # iq I +t'a iR,13 e q i6 "e 1;3 n *a 3. 'qdgq i;3 g' ;q:l +:+3iiq d acii :i5:;li6:i iiEd$3; 3 ;si ;+-if::fr{ 6i','g{ q Hr^{i asE{fii 4 ';- '.d : E*ii*oo-oj6]o u,Ur,) Wi.e-t- r$ €'a l=F VAIL, COLORADO I-,EVINII RESIDENCE VILLA VAI,HALLLA - UNIT No. 9 ?'o n ac'l (rrol ee.:Ilv[ c0 nat c|ll a}r6tt - . Kff*.r^*o,no. all'uaql'ol'trlln'airlng q|d al-lgn o oxo zE\2 2bpr $OPP Fqe; *I9 =frf tDrrl l,m7 -Dr z H ;3+3gp$ = -i;i€*$ fii*=i* ;H Ea=<r r @ \EI oozz rrloioz ao't_ rrl('crrn .2 !aozrc6Nol IN q I,aoz rc .J'No) 9..-= fo-r: --{\r'|N9go I I I I r 9P.'l!: f,)-rr ! > lf83F 8eV ='Axdtlz6 r..,9 E t lo F :F E 5lild 5r = g [4a=c) 6 Ag2 @ tE 3 GrQt! \q$z dP'z3 6 o =' ' '' zFt>oun 3 i imaurne, 6==vo=og 6 3 iF 3 7 E e 82SdP9n)f rtz,.to\.,,.1.?BF 83ilril j- € fr ill,l C) t P E (s)-zxro.9-(2)4 3/a"x11 7/8" L!4- (FLUSH)2\-1 3/4"x7 1/4" L\L (FLUSH (rl INX N rrlXaI 9) u,ap =Tr 3"'Elm"F>c alrt|N(fxrqT o .N :l qd sE 2nAU' ortx(o NI Et- -rl l-ca- Z n r ao rrfl (*^ s oc)mmnn NNx.x N'r,- i'N a t'a-t ". -{n. "42t "2 N} tt' I .," tP LEVINE RESIDENCE VILLA VAIJIALTLA - UNIT No. g VAIL, COLORADO l(Rf -,.r.t^r,"t ".o'trn|outrt .ahaaic cta ata*|n ?OgiEt lrorr{l -.r. ort cs t|-t!t? o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Building Safuy & Inspeetion Seruices Division Date: qlzlqq No. Of Pages FAX GOVETI SHEET G*r"t Eveer4lTO: COMPANY NAME: FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: tJ-]Lo- OLno LI-1le - stot{ I Kathy Warren. Permit Review Coordinator Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Department Building Safety & Inspection Services Division 75 South F'rontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Phone 970.479.2325, direct line F AX 970.479.2452 E,-mail : kwarren@ci.vai l.co.us COMM -al ENTS, NOTf,S: {S*"n"uoruo DEPARTMET'IT OF COI-IMIIIIITY o DEVELOPMENT rr'4/aTOWN OF VA,IIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VALL,, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ' NOTB: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON DEMO. OF PART/AJ.'I-' BIJDG' rob Addre"", 1l? E Sffi ffiBEl 3ltocaLion...: 38 ;;;;i-li".' : 2101-082-38-ooe-pi"j"Et No. : PR^r99-022L APPIJT.ANT Hl? fi3ilHH$ffiX"t R.AD' surrE IJ' vArL" CONTRACTOR HEID CONSTRUETION-- -2111 NORTII FROIfTAGB-ROAD' SUITE L' VAIL' OWNER I,E|ITINE PETER & JA}IET DescriPtion: NSMO T-ON II{TERIOR REMODEI'' i'OBSITE AT AI.'L TIMES PermiE #: D99-0029 SEaEus. " : ISSIIBD (vArd;;r i:u . . : t ii/,Zl/,il?ZIgguec' ' ': ui6ii."" ' oL/23/2ooo phone: 970'476'4343 ""nflli3l s7o-a76-4?43 co 81657 OceuPancY ' T1E)e ConEtructlon:I\rpe OccupEulcy: Dl Mult,i-Familyii-r-m tlrpe v 1-trour val-uation: 5oo Add sq Ft': Sdreplrc. Infororcton: R.rcrlcgqdr ifof orr APPltrnc'rr *of (}et Logtr l+of wood/Prll't: t**,rrr..iitrlariiat'rrrrrrrirrrtt'rti*il.*l*t*trtttt**tti*ttttr' FEE BUwrRy tr*'rtt*i*titita'|t'it*itt"tatttttf**t*r'tt*i**ttttit'lit' Bu*.u.ne-----, zo.oo ReEeurrrn! ** 11::-:: ,r::: ' ii*lr::S"l:i!!,1,,::::: '.,::plan chfqk---> t3.oo DRB F..-'------''_--_----, ,oo TolqL P.L'trrl! !ca-'-"---> rnvartsrsrcion> -.;; Rccr'Btion l::;:--------, .oo ffi;!;::----- -:------------ tt.lt, nrrr crl1----> r.oo *ffi-::":::::il-----------: s6.oo ,...IHT,:T;;;:;";;;;:;;;.,i,,*'!'.t.,t,*.rr,' atlt*alf trti+lrr*l, 'l*tt*t 'rrtt r*tii'ttttitito'r*ttf ttltt**it*t tttt+Jtrt't t+*'ittt'*tirr ffiruffiuffm* tl.,'lt.,|ttittitti't'l,t'''l.lt'rlt'itt.tl't*t.r.j,.ailtttiJ*'|ti...,if'lt*'.'t.l'j*'liti't',t*t.rJ*t..ti|i*i',iiii*i seePage2ofEhisDocumentsforanycondiElonet'hatmayapplytotshigpermiE. DECLARATIONS r hor.r'!' rcknosl.ddr thlE r brv' rcrd thl' eP?ll:r:lon' lillsd ouc rn rul1 th'-tnroffHi{il:l::h:ry*il::til;f;ffi;i::' plrn, rnd acr.c chrt tti-"i..'i"ittt"Etotr Frovld'd er rrculrod l' corr'ct ' t tnt;:";lt;;" Lho Toxn'!-zoning and 6ubdlvl't1on ro cdPlv Ylch r1I to"''"'ii"""oct and rtacc lll!',li:""*:lt"::li.ili'lrill-;J ^iprro'rr' Ehcr'Eo' .oa..,'a.rfErn r'vl'u rpprov'd' ttnlforu Eull4ing coql RrouESlSFoRIN'P8clIoDggrA'.'JBETA'D8lt{ENfr.FognnouRaI!|AD\,A!{CEBYfrr,EPtIoltEAT4?9.213roRATolno'rtcEFRoMgaooAl,slooP|,r *********************************f,*************:l***************:t*******+******** coNDrrro.Ns .^- rssuED permits #: Dee-002e a;-&-ol7ii /.2? -,.*******il?lt?;";;;.**************************iill*****************************t Pernrit \pe: DEMo. oF PARr/4+L BUDG' "EElffit: il"iil',,\ivl--nlipiicinE: IrErD coNsrRuqrroN To Expire:0t/23/2ooo 970-4't6-4341 sqnd clcrn-UF DrPo.lc To: t|lrD Job Address: Location: Parcel No: 385 E GORE CRBBK DR (VAIIJ VAIIAL'LA #9) }LOL-082-38-009 DescriPEion: NNUO iON INTERIOR REMODEIJ CondiEions: ^-G..r',/i6 rDr.r'EM[t]{lf ONLY - AN1. TI{IS PERMTT rs @oD F9!-1!9ESTOS AB;ATEME!fr o' ffieffisilt3"iruffidtli$F;"^i+Tnf"ffiffi#ffifl% THIS SITE. IF FTIRTI{BN OIIEqT ,. Fiffi 383ffiffi 13"i33#,t?3'*"oo""D BBF'RE Anu-/ woRK c*r{ BB STARTED. 3 ' FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPL',IAr'ICB ' oo **************************************************************** TOV|IN OF VArL, cor,oRADo statsemnt **************************************************************** stratremnt, Number: REC-0543 Amount: Palment Method: CK NoLation: 1498 55. Oo 07 /27 /99 13 :43 Init: IIRM This Payment Total Fees: 56.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Account Code Descripcion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PERMIT FBES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGTiT REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CIIECK FEES wc 001000031-12800 WrLL CALL INSPECTrON FEE PermiE No: D99-0029 I)Pe: Parcel No :. 2101--082-38-009 SiEe Address: 385 E GORE CREBK LocaLion: 385 E GORE CREEK A-DEMO DEMO. OF PART/AI'I.' BU DR DR (VAIL VAIIAI,I,A #9) Amount 20.00 20-00 1_3 .00 3 .00 55 .00 s6 .00 .00 ********************************:t******************************* ,. - JUL-22-99 THU,'14 i+{ FRS T..6EOTECH sES 47T 2 5AO P.q2 DEMOLITION NOTIFICATION -- Colorado 3i: 9* tgler_2 sign*turcr urt r $5J fro. lnconrplco rppli*tions will be rctumld. Quertioos? Plers+ crll 692-31'tg. DBuouttoN Cotrl'R,\cton;Deuorrron Srrp: ButLDtNc Orvruen;Cr,Rrr nep AssEsros INspecroR: *-:ho )$' -C.l nto I(fr !-t\tN C o I dcrD typ of nnterials used in the conrlruction of the building/structure, and anount, in tons: cooctclc:bric k:slocl i wood:ohcc 4#4 -(r,rtutz+ r *1!'-q - ll **,,m Cormy tlft<t -UalCitT Slrrl drtc: . Comnlction darc: Prltrr:rl rlclrrlitbo grn rnl comjlaion drtcr ]tU-U Vouuloyc 2o( ,ft)/t t-s*.i----- -- .l)atl--, ---/z tutsT--c,rr -s",. -TinTdif tfJa t-{2!:-U-U thooc Zip C&c Nrrnr fi<.t< pnnt. N.t.i tltn|t'r,. ir (squi|!C rl bg.lofl ol Uli! fo(tl_.t d tv, f,zda,{ , /U/ /oit c.y Strrc - Zb C,{.Cclondo C!dific.r.,Ergirrtidn D.te cKrtJJL-&4e--L-33f_-Lq??-v?00 7- l- t! Drte(r) ol iruprcrioa Ad,Jnrr l.uenify rhrt I pos.sesc currcnt AIIERA and stEle of Cokrrarto ccnificarion rs rn Asbastos Building tnspecror. also cenify thrt I havo inspccted the building to bc rlemolisheJ. rs lisrr.{ in rho Demolirion Sire biick,'above,samplal all susPect matcrirls (in accordance with AHERA) rnd hacl 0rern anrlyzed for the presence of *g*S;$!t"l5*!gf:ll,,ylr.*!:!:lryLcd thlltu appropriarc hoi and sign in pen): 'l no rrbcrtot cri$r rnyu,hcre in tlrc buildhg Arbclkir Euilding Intpcrorrigmrurc: thc only ACH tctl in tlrs lrurLtirrg ir rll ACr\l rhr( | fosnd hrr bccn cornplclcly rcmovc,J frou thi.r builrlia6 I cc ify rlrd rll rsfrigcnntr froin rir conditioning/rc(rig(.Ftion r|plirnccrtrvc tccn prol*..rly rccovcrr,d ra rccordrnsc wi0iaeCC Rcgvlrrion No. tt .t-ltj_r{i1..!* on CFC rcquinnrunrs cr[ 692.!lZt., t! Buildhg Ou'ncr or C Conrn$qr k*.1,,4"t&c HEb Tou Frue ll t -.Vcrlrr&ucrn.dq 0llixtltll ;.. JqL-:-22,-99 THU 14:45 FR 3e3 4?? 2549 o P.A3 Envlronmental Conetructlon Spcclaliete Inc' 1441 W 46th Ave' 9ulte 14 Denvcr GO 80211 Ph. ($03) 4774700 Fax (303)477-2680 IIEID CONSTRUCTION INC. '1 .I1 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD SUITE L vArL co E1057 Dar€ 072299 DEAR MS OLSON. Thepadral asbEObst€movel of Urehomoat3E4GorEOeekDriveUnitIiscomplcte. This hom€ hss only Edoct€d remorral of asbeEtos done, thorE will etill be aebestoe in this home snd should be notod for fuh.rre referance in th9 ev€nt additional t€no/ation should ocEur. However for the purpose of thii renovation thc asbssfroe hes been complotely remc'ved' Should you require a nrodification sf the ronovation and additional rcrnoval of the asbe€tos containlng material thEt hac been lEft plgaee oall me a6 the propgr authoritige will need b be notified to modlfy ih€ D6molitlon Notiflcation, Plcasc athch thir to thc Demolition Notiflcation. lf you har€ any further questions please feel free b call me anytime. Sincorclyk.ffi f tvJt't r. Rer Parti.aI Asbestos Removal for R€novation s2 Building ( ) Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block TOWN OF VAILGNsTRUcTIoN PERMIT apilcATIoN FoRM INFOR]UATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTI) Contact the.,Eaglp pgq$yAsse^ssors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parceth )ldl0&J?B &7 ru7?? -oLL) Date: t/dt /Zr ^o*ffi Permit # Architect: Description of Job:zz)n Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration ( Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: S fl)O PLUMBING $ Elecnical ( ) Filing Address: VALUATlONS ELECTRJCAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phone # 666a*rr, J8/ Gazp(8ecrft"u<., H7 Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Subdivision Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs WoodlPellet OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ General contractor, '/'/e', cf (anJ /<"u y'i d',Address: bqg - o,lzs Town of vait Registration No '+4.1' I E!@-eslEsstq:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8L65'7 970-479-2L38 ElecLrical- - - > DEPARTI{EIIT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NCIIIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMBS ELEETRICAL PERMIT Permit, #: 899-0213 aaarttrrrarrrr. rrtrtrr*t*.rarrrrrrrrtrr..*.. FEB SITUUARY rt.rtttt*t*ttt* t*t.tt.tttttlrtatrttt'rtttttt' .JOb AddTESA: 385 E GORE CREEK DR LOCAtsiON...: 385 E GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-38-009 Project No. : PRJ99-O22L APPTIEANT ABBEY'S FIRST CI,ASS ELE TRIC P.O. BOX 13, EAGLE, CO 81631 CONTRACTOR ABBEY'S FIRST CI,ASS EI,ECTRIC P.O. BOX 13, EAGLE, CO 81631 OVINER LEVINE PETER 6. iIAIiIET 3 Eagles Bluff Rd, RYe Brook, NY 10573 Description: ELECTRIC FOR REMODEL StaEus...: ISSITED #9, vapplied- . :LLO /2L/L999Issued...: t0/22/L999 E>cpires. . : 04/L9/2000 Phone: 970-328-0458 Phone: 970-328-0458 Phone z 9L4-939-2L28 Valuation:8, 000 - 00 ToLaI Calculatsed Fees---> 147.00144 . OO DRB FcG .0o .00 3.00 Additsional Fces- -- --- -- - > Total Penrit Pce_-_-- - -- > Pa)mcnt6------- Invc6tigation> will call----> .o0 1{7 . OO 147 . OO TOTATJ F8E9---> 147.00 rirrrrtrttt*tra ItEM: OSOOO ELBCTRICAL DEPARTII'IENT DEI)T: BUII'DING DiViSiON: LO/2L/I999 KATITY AcLion: APPR APPROVED PER_KW -__-rt.bm:'05600 FIRE DBPARIIIENT DepE: FrRE L']-vl-sLon: LO/2L/L999 KATTIY ACTiON: APPR N/A *t* *t*riir*t*'i* CONDITION OF APPROVA,L 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,AR;ATIONS I hcraby acknoylcdgc Chat I haw€ rcad this applicegion, filled outs in fuII Ch€ informaEion requir€d, conPletsGd an accurats. PLoC plan, and stsatsc that. .lMe inf oruation providcd ae rcquircd iE corrcce. I agree to conPly ttibh the infornaeion and PloL plan, Eo conply yltsh all Toyn ordinanccs anal staLc laws, and !o build lhis gtructsurc according co thc Toen'B zoning and Eubdivi.ion codc6, d.Bign rcvicr approved, Uniforu Building Codc and olher ordinances of lhe Tonn applicable th€reco. REOUEATa FOR INSPEC:DIO S ltHArJrr BB MADE TriBNTy-pOt R HOURS IN ADVTNCE Br TBTTEPHONB AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFTCB FROM g:00 Ar'l 5:O0 Pl4 BAT,AIiCE DUB---- .oo t*itrl.til'l'|ttttt.aal|ttaaattttttatt*ttaatttiitttttta+ttat*ttat'tl|tal| !ffi Ol VAII . @LORIDO gE coutE tt+taaaa!raltltttaattattllat.aatrttatttaattataaatititttataatttrl|taa gtacaarc lfuEb.8 r Rlc-osgo I@unE:L17.OO lll22l99 Llrzt Pqr:arE lcchod 3 cK lot-Eion: *16a?/abDqy'r li InIE! Irc ?.ndt [or 899-0213 Ttrp.: B-ELEC ELEC!?ICaJJ PERlllT Prrc.l [or 2101-og2 -3a-0o9 gIEr lddrata 3 385 I G@E CRBK m. Locrtlqrs 385 E G@E CRBEE m. *9, VILLI VIIHN.LA Tot l F.c!, 1{7. O0 fhl. Pry[.Bt 147.oo Tocil l3E hc!3 1{?.00 Bllrnc.:.00 tt*tatttttaa*aa*tatlttitttttaall *a*tatttt*attt tIttittttt*ttti'rtt,tI AccounE coda Dr.c!lptIon !P 0010000311:.400 ELECr?rclL PErullT !E8g rC OO1OOOO31128OO T{ILIJ CI'LL INgPBCTION FEB l0ount laa. o0 3.00 Pfsqq- o??l rowN oF 'ALGNSTRU.T.N 'ERM,, orl,"ATroN ,R?*'o"' INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEII Contact the Eagte County Assessors Office at 970-32E-8640 for Parcel # Parcet i 2/61 - OtL- 3 <" -ot" Pro7-"*g PPJ?1-oL?-l Date: /O- Z/ - q q ua/+ 47 JobName: )..eU t'1..tL Building ( ) Legal Description: Mechanical ( ) Filing_ Subdivision ownersNarne: tV.jnrs,Leu,Vc- Ad&ess:il/t /^/"pll* Architect:Address: Description of Job: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Electncal f) na taaress: ff{ E (oa.-e. Cr<e b b r t/c,'l Coumer( ) 6t bt-7 Phone# Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration 06 Addilional ( )Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet TOTAL $ /a Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLTJMBING $ VALUATIONS ELECTRTGAL: $ {o@.tr orHER: $ Gas Logs MECHANICAL$ CONTRACTOR INFORMANON General Contractor:N e ;d cor,ts{roo{}o y'Ad&ess.4ttt Yo-A fr--l\a,eb Srs,'J-+L- 47o - q37S Town of Vail Registration No./oz*e Phone# 3Z.t-o</ f< <.7G-<>6 | Plumbing Contractor:Address: Phone #Tolrn of Vail Resislration No. Mechanical Contractor: Tou'n of Vail Reeislration No. Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ate 0cT Receive 21 1999 TO: FROM: DATE: STJBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI.JBLIC WORKS AND COMMUMTY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITDI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawd;l for any person to litter. track or deposit, or causl to be littered. tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof.g. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person rvho violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereoi or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such san4 gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any otler debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receip of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works. or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand' gravel, rocks, mud, dirt. snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any steet or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Excepions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereofshall not be applicable: t. Within ttre immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main. sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. foOepoiitsofsand,dirtormaterialsnecsssaryfortheprotectionofthepublicsafety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalqv: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or causes another to violate the same- may be issued a summons to ippear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guitty ora violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-,1-l ofthis code. E. ftotice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply rvith the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereoi and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the cxpense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereoi upon being found guiltv ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. (1997 Codc: ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relalionship to Project: Darct /o-?t-q 7 (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWI,I OF VATT Department of Commmity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PER]VIIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparhnent review of Health Depaftnent review, and a review by the Building Deparbnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnert to expedite this permit as soon as possible., I, the undersigned, understand the PIan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I lail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name:Ac"'tl/L Date: /P--Zl -? 7 Work Sheet was turned hto the Commmity Development Dept. $ *""'"uo 'n'o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJtsLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A ?I]BLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED roB NAME: Le o i pe 2. 3. 5. 6. D^rE: 1',0 --z t-4? PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEEDFOR A "PUBLIC WAYPERMIT'': l. Is this a new residence? YES Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Riglrt-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO__aS- ttt r? No F YES NO/<- Is a different access needed to rhe site other tlun ths sxi5ting driveway? YES Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? Is any drainage wor\ bging done that affects the Right-of-Way, easemen8, or public property? YES_ NO F. Is a "Revocable Frght-of-Way Permit" required? YES z_ A. Is the fught-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for stagng, parking or fencing? YES_ NO 7<B. If NO to 8A" is a parkin& staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO X, If you answertd YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's oftce or at Community Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2 198. I HAVE READ A\D ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVEQUESTIONS. No:<- NOK 7. 8. Comoanv Name 1 1. 7. PUBLIC WORKS PERI}IIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffrc controUstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffrc control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of ConstructiorL' Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November l st and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengtt\ width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as tothe status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15n. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 5. 6. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\TTAGE ROA.DvArL, co 81557 970-479-2t39 DEPARTMEI.I| OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLI]MBING PERMIT .fOb AddrESS: 385 E GORE CREEK DRLocation...: 384 E Gore Creek Dr Parcel No. . : 2L0L-082-38-009Project No. : PRiI99-022L .A,PPLICAI{:T BTANCO BROTHERS L503 BEECH STREET, RIFLE, CO 81550 COIITRACTOR BIANCO BROTHERS 1503 BEECH STREET, RTFLE, CO 81650OlrlNER LEVINE PETER & JAIIET 3 Eagles Bluff Rd, Rye Brook, NY L0573 ON iIOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES P99-0a24 SIAEUS...: ISSI'ED #9, VApplied- . :LLl/06/1999 Issued..-z L0/06/L999 E>cpires. . : 04/03/2000 Phone: 9"70-625-2087 Phone.: 970-625-2087 Phone: 914-939-2]-28 Descri-pt,ion: Plumbing for bat,h,/1aundry/kit,chen Valuation:l_3,200.00 FEE ST'M!.'ARY Plunbing- -- --> Plan Chcck---> Inw€BEiEaEion> wlll call- - -- > R€Btuarant Plan Review- - > TO1]LL FEES----- Totsal Calculatad F€eg---> Adaicional Fees---------> Tocal Perr[iL Fee--------> PaymenLs------- 210.00 3 .00 . o0 -oo 265 -50 265 .5 0 "-."".,...-:TT:3.3T;;;;;;;;;;;;,.".".--,.".;::"", II,EM3 O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIIENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:LO/O6/L999 KATIIY .A.ction: APPR approwed per-ItWIt,EM: .O55OO FIRE DEPARTMET.IT -DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:Lo/06/L999 KATITY Acrion: AppR N/A i CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIR_ED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. DECLARATIONS ! hereby acknoeledge that I hav6 rBad this application, filled out. in full the infordation rcquircd, colrpletsed an pl.an, and Etat.e lhat aLl Ebe infornacion provided as rcquired is corrccE, r !o cosDLw rith the infornation to cgtnply l,ilh al.l Toirn ordinances end stae€ la!,a, and Co buiLd this gt.ructule to the Town'6 zoning and codcs, desigtr rcvicw aptrrrowed, Uniforh Building Code and other ordinanees of REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{AIL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANC! tsY TELE accurata E loC and pl.oc p1an. 6ubdivision :00 ,5:00 PM OF OWNER OR CONTRACJOR FOR ITIMSELF }.IID OWNER ** * * *** **************** rtrl TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO o * * *****:l:l****** * *:t******* *** o :t** **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0571 Amount:265.s0 t0/06/99 15:39 Payment, Met,hod: CHECK Notationl. #3776/Heid Congt IniE: KMW Permit No: P99-0124 \pe: B-pLl,tB PLIJMBTNG PERIT4IT Parcel No: 21 01-082-38-009 SiEE AddrESS: 385 E GORE CREEK DRL,ocat,ion: 384 E Gore Creek Or #9, Vail Vilha11a Total Fees: 265.50This Palment. 255-50 ToLal AI,L Hnrsz 265.50 Balance: .00*****:l**********:t********************************************:*** Account Code Descrlption PP OO1OOOO311].200 PLIJMBING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL EALL INSPBETION FEE ******** Seatemnt Amount 210.00 52.s0 3.00 Pesqq . oe,l rowN o, uo,r?oNsrRucroN 'ERM,, ort'.AroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL Bf' REJECTEI) Contaci tDe Eagle 9ounty ASsesso/s O,i1ce af 970-328-8640 for Parcel # P arce t # ; U / --OgJ -J6/- oo7 ox", /016 ftr JobName: k,l,'n, /q)/'an< "JobAddress: Jal f G"u 6.zr/cQ^. #7 Building (Plumbing (ld Electrical ( ) Legal Description: t-ot-- (- ntocf r;rne Vd t r/,'//ol< s;y'A SubdivisionT Owners Name:ty''o< Architect:o Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Alteration ( )Additional ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ A'i-i;"-'4 on- 022/ Permit # Mechanical ( )Olher ( ) l/|t/, t/.tt,ya 4? 'ur{ H, Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No ?yJ- l? Phone # Electrical Contractor: PLUMBING $ I.J IOO MECHAMCAL$ Town of Vail Registration No.nl-f, Mechanical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Regisuation No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: FROt4 Fpxep Fzorcr y""f'^H i{/-loo' ^iu.o corrst€trfflor-J Dec. 86 2AAA @2i 33Pl'1 P1 ,.+'?7'Yr'lu REH-| r.i I I tjhit\ uF vf-i l' l-' L rjuultFlLru i;'fl6t" 1 v.r/ Igig&raut urg:{rr }iEGUHtii$ - ilusF,L.uli! woR}i 'il-lr.ti'l-ti r--r.irl ; Ir./1.iz3rrr iiREA; Jtii'l .--=;jiiilig::3:f|j:::=;.:=:::i:;::!:*.:j::=3.5i:;|*:*=:==:=:::g=-j:==i';ii;€:: Activity: F99-81;*4 'J/Ly /*t.r Iyper H -i''L-lrlB 'Jibatrrs: IstiLll:il ctrrrsLr') ftAF f Address: 3o5 E GORF; UIIEL:K ilR Locatisn: .j84 H t3ore C$'eek Dr **c), Uail Uilhalla Par-ce I : i3lrbl -h6e--34-q|69 occ: use: Descripiricnl Plrrrnbing for- baufi/ Ialr'rcir.y/l< itchen f i xtr-rreg Appl icarrt I ErIHlrlCO nno"r Hgr<g; Frrone I 9'20-645-pog7 flwner": LEVIi'.'lL: f,[r-TER & JAN1:I ll'irone I 91a-'9'39-31P8 Contrac'Lur': BIfll\lCO BRUIT-{ERS F'hurr€ ! 97!l-6P5-ag87 Locks., Holcis, arrd Ntlbices. - -. ACiIVITYl{otiee! fil( T8 DO FLOTJ l'Et;'f JRin Instrect i on Request Inf or'ltat i on' - ' " " F lr o rr e t 39@-?6'1 4. Request or': rici< : lteq Tise; 08:QttZt iteurs reqr.rested 'Uo'. AJile5,et FLI{B-i:inal f Conments: urrit 9 wrll c;rl I be Inspecteci'.. iiet i ori Conlterrt 5 i !me ExF '/Za/rv Inspect i crn l-iisLor'Y.... - I tern I 'ir6gIE trLI'lB-'Und ergro ''tncJIten: Obee0 FLI4B-RouUh/D. H. U. tO/il\i)9 InsPector: rlR f l',lsles: fil:'i:'ROVED l,.i/ gORREC"fICIN lt em : AeraSlA trLMB'-llottBlr/l'fat er' ILemr OOe4a trLHB-Eas friPing Item i @Vt?3O FLFIL\--FoolzHct Tt-tb Iten ; UBe6|Zt FLPIB*|4isc. Itelr : UEts9O PLF|IJ-FinaI VJ1/ L6/?l,Ut 'lnsPect ol I uiflG Act i on I Nll CoiJ.f RAC TgR Cf]NCELLED Flc'b i orr : APIrR gpproved w/cornec.t i on : T'U ADD NAIL. trLfiTES IN AREfls REOUIR ]i,,, ,))t.li,l3"_r,; ,, . .'.,-: .:,i ,-t? FRON 8lnfL o ?HcN= N3. : '?.'-,.'&-c2 2 I Dec. @6 2@88 a2t34Pt1 P2 REFT] T J 1 t fii.ilrr iii: Vi-j i t* r i-.ui-l.rftfiiDlf @ziyc/e,bAB l4:rA REnL'EslS - ll'lsF,[i;ii\i hoRii iji'lEE.T5 FORl fi/ti:/ea ======:::::i======i-!a==ti:iia:=3:====;i5i:=5=!::1!:.:i:=i=::i===:i-r:ji:====_==ec'tivity: E9?;EFl"$ J''Lr'/'JL|I i ype: H-SLED 'Jtetus: ISSLJfrjO Ar.icll"ess: 3€S E ti0tili CREEI( Utl LecaL.icnr J85 E BDR!: ilItEEl-l ilR *i)e i.iar-(:e I I I I {rri, -E$a-JA- ettilt V t 1.1..il rlf"ri-HFILLFl F'g6ri: i ARf,:6i: il, Constr'; HAf-'l- Use r Desci"ipE ian; ELEtrl"ltIiJ Fi:]ft REI4U$[:l-. tlpplieant; flBBEYi fi fIIRST CLA$gi L:1..8:CTnII 6wrer': LEVIhIE PETEF & JANI*T 6untractorr RBAEY' 5 !-IRsil CLFlSs EL.LCIRIC t,Jlrj: Flll {tn e I F,fi one : Fhcne; 97Er-3il$j*045€) 914-?3'?"E l eg 978-3eB-')45S Irrspection Reqxest Inf ornerticrll... - llequest or: D ABBEV Req Tine: Er$r6O Cqmmen'be! NII-'L Ibems ?'equested bo !e Irrspecbed" " ' 0t€rl9rlit ELHiI-tri nal Fhsr,e; .j76-J7f.r.i cnLL uN r'l I r-lct irrii Cgmnent 3 ,4 IflaV"-,*d-@ Ti nr er ExP In spect i on Hi slorY- -.. - Itenr AUtL@ ELEC-lerrP" Fower Item : ACrllrzt ELEU-Rot-tplt Lt/&3i99 I n; Pect or-: HG Iten : Ct6130 ELEtr*Condr-rit Item l ta&14A Et.lLil-ltli sc. .I'ben : DUIlTU ELEC-FirtaI '..,''' Sc'L i on r AtrFrR HFF ROVEI) FRQN : ,<r|-. frfjPT i .31 FarceI : ?181-'O&P-,3ir-'ArZr+ Descr,ipt ion : Inter-iot' T'encrdel Appl icant r FlHlLr UON$IRLICTIClhl lJwner I LEU I NE FETER & JrltlE f Contract or: l-IEID CLlhlSil tiuE-f IAN Dec. O6 8AA @2:34Pn P3 Occ r Phpne : 9?Gt-47i'-rro43 F,hfir'e I D I;r-9.J9-.ELiB F'l'rorte I 970-2176-4343 PHONE NO. : I Ui^ri{ L,t; vHIL' LULII t-- Ytn,:u irillib lI flRCFl: Jt<i4,a5/ Lg/gau,a a/ t+fi lrEr.i,uEs I Yi * IhlsFlnc iI.i i,ioRx sl-iEE'Is FllR I 5/ lg/era =::=:::=====:=:=:=--=:j:::=====ga9i;:5!h:l:g:= j:l= E -; =*: llg lg = -=3-lti=gi*l: =====:ii== gr:g===-zi: ==:-=:gi=:'ll==3:liiSEi**: ncUivity: Fr.)9-r2ei:1 */ !{l/ iit'J i"ype r FI-l4r- rldcireesr 385 E EIIRE UREEti iJl( gitat uE: I$$tJtrF Consi;i'! Aliii; L.ccatign; .,384 E. Gar.e Lli-eek Dr. lit) r Uitla Valtral l;r Concio" s UsE: V i..i'tR lrc- /3/3 Loeksr Holdst ACTIVI TY l{sbieel No'b iee I and Nu'b iceE. . . . Fer-mit clelayecl dne 'Uo Iack of il f ul I AEbestos aBatemerr i; tetter on 'i'i1e sets of d,ags E/?b/99 Inspect i on Reqttes'L Infnrmation... Requestor: RI0K HEID Req Iine z &Bzfii,a Conrnents: UNII' Itens requesteci ts be Inspected. ' @sr09s l-'irolre z 39fu-X67+ .i+9 - i.IiLL DALL Act i on Coument s Tine Exp AeLion: fiPI-rR f;PF'ROUED FROH i:i]ftUF.I.IBLES TO IIXISTING #lci:ion: irlR 1l:rll5 - l'{Af READY ricbiunl AI-FR 3r5$*LlK'trONSULT UN STAII? E Inepec!iort Item; Jt e m : History. - - -. AEEE6 FIRE DIIF.T. NBTIFICA'I 1t]N AAOSA BLDG-FPaninq L\lin8/)9 Inspeetor.- CO |\lotesr trRavIDE I" Ci-ErrRtlitDE B VEi'Il I.E em : trAUSEt BLDLI-Irtsr.tlai iorr i1/Ag/99 Inspectorr tlRli LL/o.fj/59 InsPecbor: GR$ Iterr: A€t$6I4 BLDi!-'Sheetv'ur:k I'iai I l.L i lS/99 lrrsPector: AIil- Iten: AeMTUt ALDE-l4i st:. Item: gtttZ9Et gLDG-FinaI A5/ L3/EVt InsPect or': J l(M Ot3/16/AU InsPerr:t oi^: $RG Ac.bion: riFFR i orr : f)N ion: NR Rct ficb tlpproved Sheetr-aek nai I hIOT REFUY PERI4ITS F'ENDII'-/ CANTRATJT'OR trAIIT]ELLEI) 0 oC' G; C' o 'Hoz .o€Toa 0000 oo c oo o ao |Juat{ a(l|qa O!.H98nIA AIE 'IAFI Ga cl6a aa I :EToa o!B t6 .{ E o |, co CIc|. c|l.at2 d8 |a Ht A o N '.1 c o| o Utr o AEt{ F.{a2,E|laruE8 6C.FlrH'oto!ll!o EE\oao EEi9E.c &I E{&( HHae E8qtap T aa EEi8t{aooAI Cl :{Er.i|2(t !t R8E'{A {Ii E ,E E r E,8g E6 F ti B I To 9 C. 6 EE o BLEE FIHoIflA F :: or ct0 OE| :ssIti{Ea oft.BO IE& OAAIT oz tr =EIuo- c ta 4 ora 4 a.nul UJll- L =uJ(L $N\$ (\ t4v tsHH ;E3 |l !E HE I ^'ujg o\l<k .__to \ I, frrEi x,r6 El t2 5 3ra Z llzJH=; -l€ I CIHI q vlH Hil H o uJF z z Jl Co € 2_t zl N z F{ at) X 4t s-t h u t-t >1 A Ff CA h z H&oz tr,z 3 ul F z u- U 'r l! o q)q oq 6 .o B 'F 0) 4' $ =o o c o o) ==o E o =l o o(!- .9 o :6;1?dipn9Ek,; E' ct E;€ Ec-o>=9,!S.E!E - J = g:; c:"6.l of or B 3;.; E E-F:*OOc 6: ;3 Eiseo- (5 cr- SF; e oidors€:€ :;(! 6 ),\ - c () :E9H ISES -*Cf6o-!E=OO efi; E sg:iSIlo5*cF9 lE; e :r, clo -PEg: - () 6: Ln C'@ € E =cutIL z J l co I llJ ()z o- oe FoIJJ uJ z6 = L =ro lll = l!z tr tue.o uJE El =UJtll, z 6 l,uo F c uJ z UJ) X F UJol u)ull,!u- = =E IJJ(L J F F z o F uJJ (,z atr = o-- oz UJ = Fl H NO[Vn']VA F Fv F u F F v e\ Y 3Zztr-o ooF. o- 6zX f, >Ytr I oE ttrodZr()oon()zXu-<oq itJ,j- :LXLrJaXz iN(, .\I (\l =>tr -r Fl Ar z tr l {r+q o f llJtl F IJJE z Eo F zotr TIJ FJ 3 UJz I I1ttl Fzlz <oo< =FPc6o<z =z. 9z fro =fiOI uJl E ulzY OrF z F 5g)z 3 F o 3o JI<l FI zl zl .. >l UJ UJ uJzoF uJ(L J zo Eoo z F(t) -)(D .{ & & .|-. o.-J-$O UJFo c0o1z F(L uJY IIJ(D oF F =Eul l!lol oola'r o{X --l*., -tll\,olgurbkzo z__o =2.(no =z O- t! ..i51,, r-., = =Ezahi -)-:t!coil= F uJ(L ouoz ahLo = JFtr.J -h= IL IJ.I>(LOu- \ l.lJx>UF uJlrl uJdt o tro Eq o o ott .E t E Eot, o E =Etrl o-zIF()fEFazo(J n!tr "l 1F-:tr gE 14E u; z --) F2& A =z M 14 r.lfr tn\o TIJE o e \f\orr I F\\' orc Fl FfFl dr>6 & FfFl = E =e. tr F.{FN X IIJ a \or\\oc'l I\o F..v I F]H E B d z HFlFl at) =e. I CA\o z ul z3IF F- F Io\\tor uiJ l,rJ F =g rl. o ol! cE J a oz3p =c z('uE J r! z BoF = tr oz (9 l!E J a l! z3 o1F =Etr z uJ l l!oz Bo u.l)uF E, LlJz = F UJ Er -rO<F [!<zEUFazo <o()F =a)FS XF-, z.ilo E 2? =<>(! d6 <- vF7<) =tY,Z Eir = Oztr!tr I Ic *. N I I I I I I \l- NrEl\ rENlt\tr llgEg' iiE3E \.| t>\ U r! s c $ q' NO[Yn'lVA .. >lo UJ2o tr:G UJB J zo 6o t3 93= 9eE9l!<oqg8 taJ o g A c z o il bl El r zl d a € 3 ) r .: ':\ r',) N>- t i:- J tFl'il o- -Eu,o, elrJ Fo z oP ='<coo =z =ED!! .36,=z =xc)E;E ElDD E =CE UJc o l,ur E:tru,ot!o UJo2 tU'Io EI E UJF uJ o. EoIJFDoo uJ JJ UJooF t F6I FC5 E EIt .:\ ?5 louth tronllga road U|il. color.do E1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEqt: offlcr of conmunlly dcvrlopmrnl ATL CONTRACIORS CT'RREMTLYI. REGISTERED IIITII TBE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC IIORKS/COMMT'NITY DEVEIDP}IENI l,lARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & I.IATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor uaterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxiroately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this orditlancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tlne specified, the Public works Departnent vill renove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to constructlon, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Tovrn ofVaiI Bullding Departroent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this roatter. (i.e. A1-"/, / r raDate / / contractor, owner) lnwn 75 soulh lronl,age road Yall. colondo 81657 (303) 47s2138 (30:r) 479213e offfce ol communlty devolopmenl Plan Review Based on the 1988 Unifonn Codes PROJECT NttltBER: e/L/gO ADDRESS: 365 GORE CREEK DR.#9 VILI,A VALLHALI,A OCCUPANCY: R-l- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NAI,IE: PARKER DATE:8/2/90 CONTRACTOR: SULLIVAN & WOOD ARCHTTECT: MUELLER ENGINEER: PI,ANS EXAMINER: I{ICEAEL WHITAKER 1. 2. 3. 5. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Sloped glazing materials shall be as per UBc 3402 or with screen protection as Per 3403. sky light design load shalL be ninimun 80 lbs. per sq' ft' A 4rr curb shall be constructed for installation of sky lights as per UBC 3403 and/or UBC 5207. A frane inspection is required to verify adequate roof support. Sky lights with Plastic alazing minimum of 4 | from each other. shall be separated bY a uBc 5207 (a) 6. poeaw epraa-*gp"{) *wt,laque*gQrc) \'MaAE g*- =WNteED?Aepae^* VILLA VdLl-HA.f-f--yas :/p,.. lt_, .C O car] p o (2d\F as O I cw*r I LOFT LEVEL PLAN alKer Hesldence To whom it rnay concern: The approval of for the skylights and other Foxhall Parker was granted the ViIIa Valhalla Condominium Association work to be done on the unit of !1r & Mrs- at the annual meeting which was held on Managing Agent christiania Inc. Aprit 8, 1990. A copy of the minutes is attachedq$.C,,..,;l( .ro# n.r.t$ I I Ii i I I l tttl. (.tlttuti ,r/oi-' r iit'i t,-' , <;, t / -i /\Tt r eo a {".-4W"t St7-il}ftfl{,l, ct \;si( ::() l: llIn\o R(0t(it ll(i DRB TPPLICATION DATE APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OT DRB UEETING: *rr**rrlrs APPLTCATTON wrLL Nor BE AccBprED IrNTrr, Ar,rJ rNroRuarroNIS SUBI{ITTED*II** r. PRA-APPIJTCATION UESTIHC: A pre-appllcatlon-ueetlng wlth a,plannl.ng etaff nenber ls:!:onsflr.suggested to ae€ermlne-ff anv addtr:lonalstrongly suggested toj.nfornation ls needed.any additl.onal le "..= s!'rrrnq aqmrnlstrStor). It is the appticant,s :,::p:H,llitttv-to narcE ai.apporntnent witn-irr" s["er to findout about additionar.suuni[[,ii-rJe"r"eDents. "r"iii il.!that a coMpr.ETE appriciGronJili-streanrine the approvarprocess for vour pioject uy atcieasrng th;-rr,rri"i. orcondLtl.ons o-f aopiovit tnai €te-Ong may stlpulate. AI,Lcondltlons ot aibroval must ue-resorve?r uei6i!-i-uulrdingpe nlt ls issue-a-.. appricitron-wirr'""t il ilolels"awithout ounerrs signi[ire:----.' - A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Coal6arw-rUrUM. B.I.OCATTON OF PROPOSAL: Address I,A Legal Description Lot Subdivision @o Block @. Zoning C. NAI.fE OF APPLTCN{T3 Mailing Addqess: Ylt"- D. NATITE OF APPLICANT Malling Address: rs b REPRESENTATT\IE: PhoneE. NA}IE OF OWNERS: 8IGNATURE (8' s Phone F. G. Condoninlun Approval if appllcable.g+. kfirc+leD PlN TFE:oermtt is paid for. VALUATTON I o-I 1o,oo1 -$ 5o,oo1 -slso,OO1 -s50o,oo1 -I over s 10,OOO$ 50,oooI 15o,oooS 5oo,ooogl, ooo, ooo 91r 000, ooo I FEE s 10.00 $ zs.oo S 5o.oo s1OO. OO 9200.00 9300. oo Mailing Address: (ovER) v+gs PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LIf\ I E og-ob- q2 JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 3b< CALLER &one LeeEL bft.ttl4 - Vr+e - L4sdnua tq BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI drRnvrruo\__-_ - __ PL tr tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL CF,^,AL ^ rpy dfr{rr> _-ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING o TNSULflON POOL / H. TUB tr Si#TROCK NAIL tr O FINAL tr FINAL eleciHrclr-: o TEM.P. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED /1 a D^rE 5- l-7O tNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o PErNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALTER READY FOR INS ECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FJPPnoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Design Review Action Form TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: Levine remodel and dormer Project Number: PRJ99-0221 addition Project Description: interior remodel with addition of dormer for egress Owner, Address, and Phone: Peter and Janet Levine 3 Eagle BluffRd, Ryebrook,I\W 10573 914-939-2L28 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Heid Construction Inc 2lll N. Frontage Road, Suite L, Vail, CO 81657 476-4343 Project Street Address: 385 E. Gore Creek Driven Unit #9 Legal Description: Lot K, Vail Village 5th Filing (Villa Valhalla), Unit #9 Parcel Number: 210108238009 Buildins Name: Villa Valhalla Comments: 40 sq.ft. of GRFA to be added with dormer addition Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: staff approved with condition dormer exterior must match existing rnaterials (provided this is consistent with IIBC) Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: l0ll3l99 Project Name: Documentl DRB Fee Paid: add to building permit Levine remodel and dormer addition 7;a PftL/e-ar) t Qucstiot APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TOWNOFVNL GENERAL INFORMATION This applicafion is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnrittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all the requircd infbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmental Conlnission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started.v(. B. C. D. E. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOT:BLOCK:FILINC: PHYSICALADDRESS: I2 ),te # PARCEL#: e to l. o/). Jg - oo 7 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Of{ice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINC: Cali thc ['li,:.ning Stail'el -i . v- DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: NAME OF OWNERTS): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): '4N.f fat/,,te u>K tDt 7 bf", F. c. PHoNE: 1tl ^9?f-"tts'9 NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: d .lrl PHONE:q74 ,U* TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: p Ncw Construction 1200 Construction of a new building. p' noaition - 1 \' (150 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or 'f\\\ " comtncrcial building' tr l\{inor A$crhn'on - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,t rcroofing. painting window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying fora building pennit. please identi$ thc accuratc valuation of the projcct. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAI REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CONII{UNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, ] VATL, COLORADO 81657. LIST OF PROPOSED MATERTALS BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soll'it.s Windows Window Trinr Doors Door T'rinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chiinncyi Trash Encldsurc.s Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other ' \ + Please specify the nunufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip r+ All cxtcrior lighting must rueet the Town's Lighting Ordinance l8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed plcase indicate the nuurbcr offixfurcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identif cach fixturc type and provide thc height above grade. lumens output. lunrinous arca. and aftach a cut shect of thc lighting fixturcs. - 1:Vcd^tad6197 Aoo PROPOSED LANDSCAPING PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER .soD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Botanical Nanrc *Mininrum rcquircnlcnts for lan<tscaping: Typc Conrnron Namc Ouantiry Sizsl dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrou.s trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ietainingwatls. fences, swirnming pools,'etc.) please specifu. Indicate top andbottom clevations of retaining walls'-Maximun hcight of walls rvithin thc front sctback is 3 fLt. iraaxirnum height ofwalls elscwhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 fed. j,i. Updatcd 5/97J ' Dcr-nu-uu lnJ ..J'+o nr'l vnliol lnrllh Lurljl fnA rlur u I \,/'r r L/u'r l t/ r' ul -I t' i,tffi*?H?l*anchRoad' Tels 800'530'3999 t'i rJr:97H76564r E-rndl: cbdodg@vail'net Cl,ruAr"nilV^l Scptrtnber 30, 1999 To 0ro lbwn of Vail, Tlro !'lllq Vrlhdle Cotdottinfi.ru Areociation Eqrd of Monngaru bns approvcd 0n addidon of r dorucr windov ro bg installcd l1l unit 9 of the viln vnlhalll Sfnccrcly, .f VaYf ru\ngvcrp MnmgilgAgcnt Chrisdania lrr, 356 E, Hrnoo R.anch M. vatl, CO tl6S7 (9?0) 476-56{t (970)4?64470 Fax '60u1 c\y $\$..3 $$ $ fr 3 FI $\Id BET iEr $++ 0g/29/gg UED 22:28 FA-l 9704783572 Ul*lb'@ffieQ Is q \-5 ii i: il il I I I t 9rIt-b 3H /\l/ -.=rJ I\i\ <rd:\ ..a I t\ lr It\ t- \ 'Sr t tc!-ll- <t Fl*tf\ F., \i hr\*g' '8-ti FRON :: r0/08/99 -.+---+--.-.T:''i' "o''!'uf"' trlc (f o)r.+(D T' (D C)(D. o c,o o GO<o@ W3.1?(l . (s$ VILLA V JOB# 9906-17 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (e7o) 94s-e3e1 Fox (970) 949-1577 SHEET NO. cALcuL rE) BY JPL o^'e -Wo|Eq( 8Y DAlE Zzt @) - stMPsoN LUS28-J @ - STMPSON LUSS210ffi(3)-2x12's @ 48" EXSTG. (3)-2x10 bni,fl>6 / T( I I \ I \ t(o @ vl o X(\I I 2x8 LOOKOU xN F.) I I I E (3)-lxl0 I I I e t\1 \. a-\l- /tc- ,,q/ h*/t,' Q)K* "l 2x8 STRUCTURAL SUB-FASCIA {,ut,5,t! d E o o Z. rrl =TlrConTr Z- o o SHEET NO. A-2 Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail, Colorado greenauer design group, inc. po box 5963 vail, colo.ado 81658 970.9A4-123r tr4J( 470-476 1q:.' 1/4"=1 -0' tl N) N] N.) I Z.[t =-r-ll- C)on_U r Z- r.c N) (c O i I ^, o N] NJ o,(o L'r .'J (,J @ N Levine Residence Villa Valhallla - Unit No. 9 Vail. Colorado srce{Elgl design group, inc. po box 5963 vail, mlorado 81558 970^90r-1?3r' FAY .'i' ,J76 r5': -7 N) (! +gi'u=@( (, ! c. ---: ! _--t =cza (O (, o N) Co (,J -t- JOB NO: 00012 SCALE: 1/4'=1-0' DRAWN 3Y: t -.v /,:- C) Phone r/ua ftzr,(fr. 7.,, /tr Project Application Projeci Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and S/<,,7r, 7,7--315 (zar.i'ree< b. (a 2 .;7rbvt zzt / t/r, t/o27. La. /2? // ta/' '- fu txy'tr' *r-rU 241 /9go Date Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block Filing 2sns /?rb. lkruot . 'e(a Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: As // r//(Ay'r, / Statf Approval .-a,'t-' ' .' 3 pp/ Prod uct hesentstion The tophung Model TPS roof window allows thru-screen operation of window and accessori€s at the sill level. The sash can be rotated for easy cleaning of outside glass from inside The Model TPS can be opened and closed without remov- ing or touching the integrated insect screen. For overhead applications, manual and elec- tric contrcls are available Roller blinds, venetian blinds and exterior awnings are also available Gee page 7) leanues 1 . Select quality u,ood lrarne and sash. Unpainled, faciory impregnated with cl6ar primer/prgs€rvative. Buill with modise dnd tenon joinls, lhen glued and nailed lor stEngth and durability. All extorior surtacss proi€ctod with alumi- num claddirE. 2. Exclusive laclory tustproof€d scissor operalor with stainless sle€l arms secures the sash al two points on windor/ tor a tighl and w€ath€rFoof close. Open and clos6 with either standard hand crank, manual conlrol rod, or ths ES €lsctric control sysl€m. 3 Spring balanced sash, iop hung by moans of spring actuated coated sleel hinges sub-frame conslruction allor s for complele rolation ol sash. Also allows sash remoral for ease ot inslallalion and possiblo glass reolacement. 4. ExclusivE ventilation flap with €asy-loclean liller orovid€s limited ventilalion wien window is closed and also helps to reduce possible condonsalion. 5 Easy lo r€mo/e integrated ir|sscl scre,en of grey libor scre€n clth. lr,letallic b€ige frame of .O25 gauge aluminum is color coordinated to lhru-screen operation. Fasl€n€d with spring bolls so lhal it can bg easily rdnovgd tor an unobstruct€d vi€\fl, or when pivoling sash tor cleaning. 6. Barrel bolls allo,r, secure positioning ol sash when pivoled for cleaning. 7. Factory applied neoprene w€ath€rstripping through- out sash and frame pr8v€nts air and waler infiltration. ASTM tighhess values of 0.10 CFM/LIN. FL (25 mph). & Glazing is double-soaM, double-pan€ l€mpot€d glass having 9d' total thickn€ss. Available in clear, gas-fill€d L$/-E. bronz€ linl, and laminaled, 9. Special gask€l along boltom sill allortls for lh€ drainage of cond€nsation to th6 oulsid€. ooA- ModelTPSRoe.,{in ft Attuntion to Detaitsmol{yThe ModellrgSrfte Wffi ..- toofwinduv on the mart<et.'-'-&1;7;w=e) Uentilaion fup pn ides linited vnrilation when b'indo' is clMd. VS'I ,forFroy:, I ModelGGLRoof Window The Model GGL roof windorv is available in 2 sizes and will meet egress requirements. The special center mounted hinges and orcrhead control bar provide for a large unobstructed opening. The Model GGL3 and GGL8 meet minimum egres requirements as indicated by UBC, BOCA, SBCCI model building codes. For specific egress information ard building code compliance, consult VELUX or lour local building official. Note.' An insect screen is not available for the ModelGGL. 305,ar 3fl,i) 3ltar ?3t$tx 5l 2t 620 Athx$ 22r3€ zhxt lf itxgl, a2ModdCfit38 ouhldefiu SZrlx55 noooh oplrilio ttlrxssln oo @roeps+rU*rspre *wt+a #fi-)a\rs (+tte) \'lCm+,t^WV Not€-i% gnr€,++% "4+etedeA?$FVluLa- vdLLl{AuL4as Ca f'.-l fto f€A.F es O\.24lt_, c e DNB IPPI.ICIIION APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: ''rr***IIIIS APPLICATION WfLL NOT BE ACCEPIED ITNTIL AIJL INFORI{ATfONrs suBl.tITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION UEETTNG: LnfomatLon is needed. responsibifity to make an appolntment .rt the appllcantrsent vith the stthe staff to find A pre-apPllcation neeting wlth a planning staff nenber is strongly suggested to deteraine lf any addltlonal out about additlonal subnittal regulrements. Please note that a COUPLETE application wlll streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the nunber of conditlons of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALt condltions of approval rnust be resolved before a building perurit is issued. Application will not be processed sithout Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRISIION: B.IOCATTON OF PROPOSAL: Address VllrA ec Iegal Description Lot Block Subdivision Zoning C. NAIIIE OF APPLICANT: l{ailing Address: D. NN{E OF APPLICANTI Uailing Address: sb REPRESENTATIVE: Phone E.NAI,TE OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE(8) 3 l.tailing Address: F. G. condotllnlun Approval lf appllcable. 9re krcX*1€;D oerrrit is paid for. YA!qAE:I9E @, I 10, ooos 50,000I 15o, ooos 5oo, ooo sl, 0oo, ooo $1, OOO, OOO i;':l t"t 'riii."' t)t ),'-"EEE ',"..6,,,1. z.910.O0- ''rr I2s.ooI50"oo $100.00 s2OO. Oo 9300. oo t ili) t63?2 ?b.%a2 Phone DRB FEE: The fbe will be pald at the tine a bullding I o- $ 1o,oo1 -I 5o,oo1 - $150,001 - 9500,001 -$ over (ovER) IT. IUPORIANI NOTICE RAGARDING AI,L SUBI,ISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: A. In additlon to neetlng aubnittal requl.rements, theapplicant nust stake the site to indicate prolertyrlnes and buildlng corners. Trees that viil Le r3novednuet aleo be rnarked. This work must be conpletedbefore the DRB visits the site. B. The revl.ew proceBs for NEW BUILDfNGS rill nomallyinvolve two separate ueetlngs of the Design nevieiBoard, so the appllcant shoutd plan on at Least twoueetings for a final approval . - C. Appllcants who fail to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard at their schedured neetlng and who have-not askedfor a postponenent will be required to be republished. D. At the dlscretton of the zonl.ng adninletrator, thefollowlng Ltens may not have to be preeented io theDeslgn Revl,ew Board. Ttrey, however, have to bepresented to the plannlng Departnent for approval: a. lfindows, skyllghts and sinilar exterlor changesthat do not alter the existing plane of the - building; and b. Buildlng addltions that are not vLewed from anyother lot or public space, which have had letterssubnitted. fron adJoining property ownera approvingthe addition; andr/or approval fron the agenl for, - or Danager of a condominiun assocl.atlon. E. you nay be required to conduct Natural Bazard Studieson your property. Iou ahould check wlth a Town pLanner before proceeding. r. T,IATERIAL AlO BE SUB}ITTTED IIEYI CONSTRUSTION A. Trro copies of a topoqraphic map and site plan at a scale of t" = 2or or larger, of the site contalning the followl.ng: 1. Licensed surveyorrs stamp. 2. Contour lnterrrals of not nore than 2r unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or Dore, in which case, 5r contour lntenrals may be accepted. 3. Exlstlng trees or groups of trees having trunks with dianeters of 4rr or Dore one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, lntenaittent streaus, etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, centerline of stream or creek, creek or stream eetback, loo-year ftood plain and slopes of 40t or Dore' if applicable. 6. TLes to existing benchnark, either UsGs landnark or se\rer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off slte, showing size and tlpe of culverts, swales' etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existlng sources and proposed senrice lines fron sources to the Etructure. Utilitles to include: cable lv Sewer Gas Ielephone Water Electric Property lines ehowlng dlstances and bearlngs and a basis of bearingc. d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. AII easements (Title report uust also Lnclude-xisting easenent locations) 8. Existing and flnished grades. 9. tll exJ-stlng and proposed J'nprovenents includlng atructures, landscaped areas, sernrice areas, rtorage areas, walks, drivewaysr off-street. -parking, loading areas, retaining !?fls (uith spot Ltevati.6ns of top and bottou of ratls), and other eite inprovenents. 10. Elevatlons of top of roof ridces (Wi!h. exl,stinq @own underneath) to deternine [eIg[E of buitaing. All ridge lines should be lndicated on the site Plan. B.Iandscape Plan (1t - 2Or or larger) - 2 copies reguired 1. Show tlre locatl.on of 4n dianeter or larger trees, other ahrubs and native plants that are on theslte and the Locatlon and deslgm of proposed landscape areas uith the varletles and sizes ofplant uaterials lndicated. 2. Conplete the attached landscape Daterials list. 3. Deslgnate all trees to be saved and all those to be rernoved. As nuch of the above information aa possible ehould be indlcated on the slte plan, so tlrat the Lnter-relationof the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existlng topographic and vegetatlonal characterlstlcs Day be shown on a eeparate nap. The aoplicant nust stake the site to show lot NOTE: c. Sicrnature frorn each utilitv conoanv verifylng locatlonof serrrLce and availability (see attached). D. Prelinrinary title report to accompany all submittals,to insure property ownership and !.LL-SgSeEeDlg on property. E. Architectural Plans (L/4" - 1r or larger) 2 copies reguired. 1. l,lust include scaled floor plans and aII elevations as they witl appear on conpletl.on. Elevatlons nust shorr both existinE ancl finlshed grades. 2. one set of floor plans nust be nred-Iinedx to show how the GRFA was calculated. 3. Subrnlt one set of reduced (8 l/zn x 11n) floor plans, elevatlons and site plan for inclusion Ln memos to Planning Connission and Town Councl'l . 4. Exterior surfacl.ng materials and colors shall be specified and Eubnitted for revlew on the naterl.als list (attached). color chips, eiding sanples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board ueeting. F. Zone check llst (attached) nust be completed lf proJect is zoned Single-Fanlly, Prluaryr/secondary or Duplex. c. The Zoning Adrnlnistrator and/or DRB nay requlre the subroission of additlonal plans, drawings, specificatl.ons, samples and other naterialE (lncluding a nodef) l-f deerned necessary to deter:mine whether a projant trill congrly wlth Deslgm Guidelines. II. UTTOR AIJIERAITIONS lTO IITTE EXIERIOR OF EOILDTTTGS. Photos or sketches that clearly I'ndicate what ls proposed and the location (site plan) of the proposal uay be. subnitted in lieu of the tnore forlnal reguirements glven above, as long as they provide all inportant speclfications for the propoial including colors and uaterial's to be used. o III. A. Original floor plans with all specificatLons ahown. B.' ll'rro sets of proposed floor plans (L/4" = 1r or larger)for additions. c. I\lo copies of a site plan showing existinq and proposed constmction. Indicate roof ridge elevations vittr existing and proposed Erades shown underneath. D. El.evations of proposed addition. E. Photos of existing stnrcture. F. Speclflcatlons for aII uaterialE and color eanples on uaterlals llst (attached). At the reguest of the'Zoning Administrator you nay also be required to subnit: G. A statenent from each utility verifying location of eerrrice and availabillty. See attaclred utLlity location verification form. H. A site inprovement surrrey, stanped by registered professional surrreyor. I. a prelininary title report, verifylng ownership of property and lists of easenents. IV. FINAL STTE PIAN After a building pernlt has been issued, and shen the proJect is unclenpay, the following sill be reguired !"fgl:iny-building. receivis a fraraing inspection fron the Bullding Departnent: 'Tlro copies of a certified improveaent su:rrey showing: A. Building locatlons with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. Euilding dinensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. A11 utility service lines, as-buLlts, showLng-eize of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. Drainage as-builts. Basls of bearing to tie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or eet and stated on rDap. A11 easenents. Bullding floor elevations and all roof ridge elevatLons slth existing and proposed eradel. "1".*t underneath. . ,: B. c. D. E. F. G. H. V. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW 1. Subnittal requlrenents: The olrner or authorl.zed agent @ng,desigm approval as prescribed by this-chipter niy sulnit plins for conceptual review fl tne Design Review Board to the Department of C-onrnunity D6veloprnent- The purpose of a conceptual review slrall be Lo give the applicant a basic understanding with iespect to the design concept and the conpatiblfity of a proposal with the Deslgn cuideliires containea wiltrin this chapter. This procedure is recornnended nainly for those appllcations I 2. of a higher inpact than single-fanily and two-fanily residences althougtr proJects of that nature shall not be excluded from the opportunlty to reguest a conceptual design review. The following information shall be subultted for a conceptual review: a. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a rnininurn scale of one Lnch equals trenty feet; b. Conceptual elevatLone and exterlor naterials and a description of the ctraracter of the proposed etruqture or structuresi c. Sufflcient lnfornatlon to show that the proposal conplies sith the developrnent standardE of the zone distrlct ln whlch the proJect Ls to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, nunber of parking spaces, etc.)t d. Conpleted appllcatlon forrni e. Planning and Envlronmental Connl,ssion and or lown Council approval lf required. Procedure: Upon receipt of an appllcatlon for conceptual design review, the Departnent of Connunity Development shall revl.ew the subnitted materlals for general conpliance with the appropriate reSrirenents of the zoning code. If the proposal ls ln basl-c conpliance sith the zoning code requirenents, the project shall be forvarded to the DRB for conceptual levi.ew. If the appllcation is not generally Ln conpliance vith zoning code reguirenents, the appllcation and eubnittal naterials shall be returned to ttre applicant with a vritten explanation of tlre Departnent of Conmunlty Developnentrs findlngs. The DRB shall review the applicatlon and eupporting naterial that has been eubrnitted for a conceptual review in order to determine whether or not the Projectgeneratly complies rrlth the design gruidellnes. No vote of tne DRB ni1I be reguired unless requested by the applicant. The property owner or hiE representative shiff be present at the DRB hearing. '! LOFT LEVEL PLAN I To whorn it may concerns Ihe approval of the Villa Valhalla Condoniniu$ Associationfor the skylights and other work to be done on the unit of, Mr & !trs. Foxhall Parker was graited at the annual neeting which wae held onApril 8, 1990. A copy of the nlnutee is irttached$tr'{ 'Joltrr Ever$ Managing Agent ChrLstiania Inc. MINUTES OF THE VILLA VALLHALLA CONDO ASSOCIATION ANNUAL }IEETINC APRIL 8, 1990 at 4:00 PM. OWNERS PRESENT Greg Johnson VtlLa I Debble Thurlnger Vllle 2 Kathy l{addeo Vtl-La 2 Harry & Margareta Davison Vt1la 3 Rlchard Sucher Vtl-la 5 Frankle Tuct Vll1a 7 Jlm Cote VtlLa 8 Patty Parker Vl1la 8 Robert Slegrlst Vllla 10 Proxle g Jln and Marcl Waggoner of Vtll-a 5 Bave thelr proxy to Debble Thurlnger Vtlla 2 Othere Present lrere Kathy Warren an archl-tect representlng Vllla 3 and Don Hare Representlng the Garden of the Gods. The meetlng started wlth the last lten on the agenda new busl-ness, ln orderto 1et the two guests at the meeting Kathy Vlarren and Don llare present. thelr proposals .wlthout havl-ng to slt through the rest of the agenda. The ftrst ltem of bustndss was a request by the DavLsonfs of Villa 3 to adda bay wLndow Eo thelr unlt. Harry Davlaon Lntroduced Kathy Warreo Ehe architectfor the project. Kathy handed out a couple of drawlngs shoulng the proposed wLndow and the way lt would change the exterlor of the bulldlng, She explalnedthat ln order to proceed lrith the plan the Davisonrs would need to ger a varlance from the Town of Vall for the front setback of the butldtng. Before they can apply for the varLance they also nust. have the approval of the condo aesoclatlon. Greg Johnson asked Kathy Warren if the proposed plan would add any floor spaceto the unLt. The ansrrer vaa no. Greg also stated that he thought the nell wlndow would look betcer lf vi1la 7, the Tuttrs unlt above the Davlsonts did the samethlng. Frankle Tutt stated that they dld not lrant to go to the expense of addlng the window without gal-nlng any floor space, so they dld not. want to do the samethlng as the Davleonrs. Harry Davlson then expJ.al.ned why he wanted to add the wlndow. Harry atated that when the Tivlol,l Lodge expanded Last year hls vl-ew was comPleteLy taken away by the addltlon on thelr butldlng. Ile feels hle unlt wasaffected by the Tlvlollrs addttlon more than any of the other unlte in the V111a. The oEher ownera at the neetLng all agreed wlth Harry on that point. Harry statedthat by adding the bay wLndow he could at least restore some of the vLew from h1sdinlng room. There was a dlscusslon on how many owners would have to vote yee ln order to approve the proJect. Afcer taklng a couple of mtxutes to go through the By-laws and the Condo dece, l-t was noted that nelther document stated what kl-ndof approval rra s necessary to approve a change to the exterLor of the bulldlng.It was the consensus of the orrners present that a simple majorlty of seven yes votes by olfnera would be enough for approval on thls request.It was also declded to have the by-laws arnended at a later dat,e to include the process for approval of any ownera request to change the exterlor of the bulldtng. Paul & SaLly Johnston John Everl-y Christifrnin atvait - li(t !:. llot.ton lktttclt lkl. l'ail, QfunitLlr.t u1657 (JO3)47(t 56il Debbte Thurlnger sEared that ln hts proxy Jim l,laggoner of V1114 5 was opposed to the plan because he felt lt would set a precedent for any outner wlshlng to alter the exterlor of the bulldlng. It was the consensus of the ouners that the by-laws would be changed after the vote on Davleonrs requeag ln order to be falr to then' Beacuse the dregtlngs presented aE Che meetlng ltere not expllclt enough, Greg Johnson suggested that the r.qrr."t be tabled and that Kathy nlarren come up with more speclfic ariif.,gs to be malled out to Ehe entlre assoclation so that each owner could see the changee the window would make ln the bulldlng before voElng on the request' It was declded that after Kathy was ftnlshed with the nelt dranlngs she would brlng them to John Everly uho would tiren rnall them ouc to the entire assoclatlon along wlfh a balloE so that each owner couLd vote yes or no on the requeat. It was also declded Chat any balloC not returned wlthin two weeks of the date lt was nalled out would be counted ag a yea vote. The next ltem of buslness was a report from Don Hare who represents the Hlll farnlly vho are the current otners of the Garden of the Gods bull-dtng' Don was invlted to th; meetl-ng so he could bring Ehe Vl1la Associatlon up to date on the remodel plane for the Garden of the Gods. Don stated that the butldlng waa to be completely torn down and a nerr butldtng puE up l-n Lcs place. There has been one Vote on the the ltillre request by the Town councll for a Speclal- Development DletrlcC and lt passed the councll by a a-3 nargln for approval. Don explained that mosc of the "h"rrg"" to the new blllding *o.,id be lntlinal . The ext,ernal changes Lncluded an- expalslon on the east slde of the butldlng of about 4-5 feet. The expanslon would add that much helght to the bulldlng. On the uest slde of the bulldlng whlch ls the v1lla slde everythlng woul-d remaln Ehe same slze. There would be 15 parklng spaces underground also added for the bulldlng. Inslde of the bulldlng Chere would now- be 2 condo unlEs on the second and thlrd floors of the bulLdlng lnstead of fhe 8 hotel llke sul-tes that currenEly exlst. The condos could elther be 5 bedroom unlts or I bedroom unlts because of Che ablLlty to lockoff the bedrooms' There would be lI hotel rooms avallable for renE. There will also be two employee unlts of about 1000 square feeE each. The unlEs all would be owned ltlthtn the H111 famlly and not so1d. The bus sEop EhaE ls currenlly ln front of the buildtng would move from the north end of the butldtng to the south end of the bullding. Don nanted to know what rhe V1Lla ownera thoughC-of the pool and lf they had any thoughts abouE elEher taklng lt out or creaElng a iew pool arla wlth sma11 decks and a large lacuzz! wlth a-smalL coollng pool. He sCat,ed that Che H111 family looked at the pool as a negatlve feaEure because of the llabtllty and the upkeep. He steted that the 1tabtllCy was thelr mal'n concern and ehaE they wluld like tL "tlat. an area wlth a more passl-ve atmosphere' After a small dlscu"Llon on the pool it was apparent that the maJortty of the Vllla ownera were l-n favor of keeplng the pool and chaE they aleo would llke to look lngo having a JacuzzL on the vll1a slde. The currenE facuzz! that is on the Garden of the Gods slde will be taken ouE during the remodel . There was also a discussion on trylng Co landscape the area or puE up a fence to concrol Ehe area beEEer' Don tlare offered to try and come up lrlth a'proposal for changlng the pool area' Debbte Thurlnger wsnted co know who would pay for ihe- changes lf Eh; ti.a t"" changed. At chts tlme Don could not answer that questton. It was declded thaE the Vllla assoclaEion would have a pool conmltt.ee to look aE afly proposal that ls presenEed before maklng any plans to change the current pool_. The *LrL"., of the commltree are Frankle TuEE, Greg Johnson and PatEy Parker. The other questlon that utas ralsed by Kathy Madden ltas on the tlme frame for conatructlon. Don Hare stated that the current plan is to start on the lnslde of the butldlng on March I, 1991 and flnlsh by Decenrber 15, 1991' There were no nore queatlons for Don so he left ihe meetlng. After i","e gone there was.a gmall dlscusslon on how the construcElon of the Garden of the cods bulldtng would affect the buslness of the Vi1la condos and lt was agreed that the Presldent of th" Assoclatlon Richard sucher would urlte a letter to D6n Hare ln order to lnsure thaE the Vllla owners ltould not suffer any hardshlps because of the constructlon' 'The nexE lten of busLness ltas a request by the Parkers frorn Vllla 9 to add two skyllghts to thelr unlt. There was a drawing and a letter from Mark Mueller explalnlng theLr requesE. They also wanted to lnstall a washer dryer ln thelr unlE "td reqrr.sted thar rhey be abl-e vent the dryer exhauet through the roof of the butld After a short dlscusslon, Greg Johnson made a moElon to approve the requests rtlth a aecond fron Robert Slegrlst and the notlon nas voted on and approved. reasons were the danage from wood burnlng to the carpet in the unlts, the down drafts ln the bulldlng and the polluclon from wood burnlng. The other owners at the meetLng all l-tked the ldea of gettlng bids for the proJect. Bob Siegrlst of unlt l0 dld not want a bld for hls unlt because he did not thlnk he needed to gltltch to gas because he did not have any problems wlth his flreplace because he does not renE hls unlt and he ls on the top floor which ellurinates the doltn draft. John Everly sEaEed he would get blds for the resE of the unlts as soon as posslbl-e. The nexE ltem on che agenda nas the readlng and the approval of lasc years minutes. Frankle TuEE made a moElon to approve the nrlnutes wlCh a second from Harry Davison and the rrotlon was voced on and approved. The nexE ltem on the agenda Iras the offlcers reporEs. FrankLe TuEt wanEed to Polnt out that the ltanagement Company had done a good Job of taklng care of the owners requests from lasc year. Frankie chen lrent on to some current probl-ens. Frankle stated that she feLt the currenE rental rates for the Vll1a unlts were Eoo 1ow based on other comparable unlts ln the vlllage. John Everly ltlth the ManagemenE comPany agreed that the raEes vJere low and sfated that the Managenent company was golng Co ralse them for the next ski season. He stated that the ChrlsElania was golng Eo be aggressLve in its priclng for the 90-91 ekl season. Sal1y Johnston then stated EhaE ln order to be aggresslve and charge top dollar for unlts, they needed ro be ln flrsE class condltl( Sally felt that Ehls year we needed to look at. paintlng unlEs EhsE need lE rather Ehan rrylng to JusE Eouch them up ln the places they show the mosE wear. She scared that when you are charging hlgher rates people expect more for thelr money and lt ls a problen lf they feel they are not getting the product they pald for. Sa11y proposed that the owners leC the Management company hire an outslde f lrrn to evaluate the.unlts and glve them suggestlons on what they might need. The owners were shocn a letter and the price I"lst for lnspectlng the unlts. After a short discusslon Greg Johnson made a motlon to hlre the outside flrm wlth a second frorn Frankie Tutt and 1t was voted on and approved. The next ltem on the agenda was approvlng Ehe budget for 1991 and reviewlng Ehe 1989 flnancLal starenenEs. John Everly $renE over the sEatements. For 1989 the expenses were about $3,000.00 over the proposed budget. The two areas that rrere the cause of the hlgher expenses were maintenance and pool amounts. The malntenance budget fell short because of plumblng sork ln the boller room to correcc some prevlous probleurs. The pool heater and fllterlng systen both needed Eo be replaced this year whlch caused that area t,o be over budget. John Everly sEaEed that he felt the 1990 budget needed to be lncreased by $1r500.00 ln the malntenance area because of some plumblng work Ehat nas done ln January and had not been ant.lcipated when Ehe 1990 budget was aproved ln Aprll of 1989. Ac the sane tlme John proposed a budget for 1991. After a short dlscusslon Frankle TuEt made a maoElon to ralse the 1990 budget by $1'500'00 and to aPProve the 1991 budget wlth a second fron Harry Davlson and the moElon was voted on and approved. The lasC ltem was to select new offlcers. Greg Johnson made a rnotion to reEaln the eane offlcers as last year wlth a second fron Bob Slegrlsc and the motl-on ltas voted on and approved. The offLcers are Rl-chard Sucher as Presl,dent Debble Thurlnger as Vlce- ?reeldent and Harry Davlson as Secretary- Treasurer. The raeerlng was adJourned at 6:30 PM.