HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarren Pulis Lot 1 LEGALTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen June 7, 1991 Status of GRFA for Lots 1A and 1B, Warren Pulis Subdivision Since the June 3 letter was written to Ron Snow, the division of GRFA between Lots 1A and 1B in the Warren Pulis subdivision has changed. After conversations with George Merima, the project architect, as well as a review by Bill Pierce, the local representative, the plan daled May 16, 1991 has been revised in two areas. First, the storage closet on the south side of the structure has been removed, reducing the GRFA by 12 sq. ft. Second, the west lacing wall of the garage has been shifted one foot to the east, reducing the GRFA ol the structure by 21 sq. ft. With these modifications, the total area of 3,749.1 was reduced by 33 sq. ft., resulting in a GRFA of 3,716.1. One of the conditions of approval for this expansion was that the area behind the master bedroom, closet not exceed 5 feet in height. When this section was provided showing this area, it became apparent that a portion of this area did exceed 5 feet in height. As the attached section shows, the area 21l2leet behind the closet doors exceeds 5 feet in height, which is 60 sq. ft. in area. By adding 60 sq. ft. to the modified GRFA shown above, the resulting GRFA is 3775 sq. ft. This number is acceptable to the applicants for the Molineux 250. The attached table, which is modified from the June 3letter, shows thatwith this expansion, there willbe247.4 sq. ft. of GRFA remaining on the site for the secondary unit. The primary unit is as large as the site can accommodate, has used the 250, and may never be enlarged. The attached deed restriction provides additional information regarding the fact that the primary may never be enlarged. Primary Secondary Total Total Allowable---------- 4.807.6 Credits-+425------------------+425----------- +850.0 5.6s7.6 Allowable with Kruger 250-----------------+250- GRFA Breakdown with G RFA Remaining-----------------0-------247.4---------- *- Secondary unit may apply for 250 when eligible according to Section Municipal Code. + 250.0 5,907.6 -5.660.2 247.4 18.71 of the Vail tr bs N hj t MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: File Andy Knudtsen une 7, 1991 of GRFA for Lots 1A and 1B, Warren Pul ubdivision n of GRFA between Lots 1A and rsations with George Merima, local representative, the plan dated 5'il7P'.i"n'i,1'J'f ::ft'"f il structure has been removed, Since the June 3 letter 1B in the Warren Pulis the garage has been shifted sq. ft. With these modifications, in a GRFA ot 3fi.6+-- it tl.r written to Ron Snow. the divi ivision has changed. After as a review by Bill Pierce areas. First, the sto ng the GRFA by foot to the east, One of the conditions of approval for bedroom closet not exceed 5 feet in this section was provided showing this area, it became apparent that a portion attached section shows, lhe area 2 112 area did exceed 5 feet in height. As the hind the closet doors exceeds 5 feet in height, which is 60 sq. ft. in area. By adding 60 resulting GRFA is 3775 sq. ft. to the modified GRFA shown above, the This number is acceptable to the is modified from the June 3 letter, for th ineux 250. The attached table, which that with xpansion, there will be 247.4 sq. ft. of GRFA remaining on the site for the unit.mary unit is as large as the site larged. The attached deedcan accommodate, has used the restriction provides additional info and may never regarding the the primary may never be enlarged. Secondary Total Allowabl Credits------------- Allowable with Kruger GRFA Breakdown with Proposed Addition---- ----3,775-- -1,885.2-------- GRFA Remaining:----------0--------------------_:-++-----------247 4 '" Secondary unit may apply for 250 when eligible according to Section MunicipalCode. -5,660.2 247.& I 18.71 of the Vail e closet on the south side of the sq. ft. Second, the west facing wall of cing the GRFA of the structure by 21 49.1 was reduced by 33 sq. ft., resulting was that the area behind the master Total 4,807.6 s,90 lnwn E Yd, (3G) June 3, 199FG) Mr. Flon Snow McGloin, Davenport, 140 E. 1gth Avenue Suite 400 Denver, CO 80203 Re: Lot 1, Warren Pu Dear Ron: GRFA Breakdown with Proposed and Snow, P.C. Subdlvlslon {1t TILE SSPI Klrto'' z4'4 derclopment As we discussed on the telephone to the approval of the proposed calculations listed below are acceptable please draft a title restriction to be filed the division ol GRFA. Third, please provide bedroom area above the garage. The T behind the master bedroom closet is, in My calculations are shown on the George Merimas letter of May 15, division of GRFA. Primary Credits------ Allowable with Kruger , the items need to be completed prior First, please verify in writing that the Second, using these calculations, County Clerk and Recorder, reflecling of the house showing the master the section to verity lhat the "attic space" 5'high. sheet, and are partially based on . The table shown below clarifies the Total 4,807.6 + 850.0 5,657.6 1,885.2------ 73.3----- 273GRFA 18.71 of the Vail I Mr. Ron Snow June 3, 1991 Page 2 Please include this table in the titte restriction, if the numbers are acceptable to you. The restriction should state that tre pdmary side ol the structure is built out at 3,749.1, and may never be expanded. I believe this discussion of GRFA will be acceptable to the owners of the secondary unit as there are 273.3 sq. ft. available, which exceeds the amount requested by 4.3 sq. ft. In addition to the 273.3, the secondary unit could request another 250 sq. ft. via the "250 review.' As these numbers are fairly complicated, I suggest we discuss frese points before you draft the proposed title restriction. lf you have any questions about these calculations, please call me at 479-2138. Sincerely /#-d*, Andy Town lab Enclosurecc: Lynn Fritzlen George Merima Ben Krueger Frank McKibbon .pIr0 N1AY i 013e1 LTFRITZ .\IiCIIITIJCTUIiAL INTEIIIOI(S & DII(:OIT.{'I'ION May 15 | L99L Mr. WiIlian Pierce FRITZLEN, PTERCE, BRINERArchitecture, Planning, Interiors Post Office Box 57 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 1,/dVail, Colorado 81558 Dear Bill: Enclosed please find 2 sets of prints and one set of sepias ofour revised drawings for the Krueger property. These reflect thejuggling of the remaining cRFA in accord with the requirernents ofthe owners of the secondary unit, and include the rise of ouradditional 250 ft. allowance. There is no chanqe to the exteriorfrom the approved DRB set. According to the most recent neasurenents supplied by the Town ofVaiI , we have available, 7OZ sg. ft. Of that, 438 sq. ft will go to the prinary unit and 269 sq ft.will be designated for the secondary unit. This adds a total of l.L7 ft to our previous estinate of 3,627naking the proposed prinary GRFA 3744 sq. ft., an addition of G8O(430 + 2s0) sq ft. Please note this on the application for additional GFRA andplease be sure that the aLlocation of 269 sq. ft is made to thesecondary unit. I understand that we will be certain of the results of thisapplication on June 3, 1.991.. If there is any inconsistency with these nurnbers or if yourequire any additional inforrnation, please do not hesitate tocal] me. u>(oL-\'F{EIN4 Since our last revision, I have returned the Living Roorn to itsprevious dinensions, adding 32 ft, returned the exterior shedaddj.ng 12 ft, and brought the garage door forward adding 23 ft. It1 ?!, tl^sT 69ru sTltnET, Nl:w 1'olrll , NI':\f Yoltl( tOO:31 A (glj3) 698.OO9? trAX:tele.) 737.6126 ZONE CHECK FORsFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTCTS Lor srzE 2g, El<.53 F DArE: 3-2< -7/tEGAt DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHTTECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Height TOIaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear lilater Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: '/ Btock - Filinn il*rr* P"J= AIlowed Existinq proposed Total (30)@ cL-^ nt,-y..-l ,E'6+ 4I *6-7.&+ (8s0) t1*t ". c,*%4fl'b 5h34.j 3'l4'4.1 20' 2l15' m15' ,a (30) (s0) 3tls.t \l tst,. h\lz+o + ztss.rH+l+q.l I i>c t "ta A 3' /6' ....-.-t-ut-(ry*J Reqrd bl"0t o"*r " 6'1"- l8 tt.z View Corridor Encroachment: yes Environmental/Hazards: 1) 2l 3) (300rf[60-o\e00) ( tzoot 11.t ai.Arl t> GeA1____-). Permitted Slope _..10L Actual Slope rp A Date approved by Town Englneer: r^14 No 1?2 Flood Plain hrf <-lar. Percen! Slope Hlq Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Does this request involve a 250 Addition? r/t6Howmuchofthea1Iowed250Addit'ioni8usemlsrequest 10 ztbd@ "€FbJkt@"t *-rrxor{-oul ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P,/S ZONE D]STRICTS LoT sIzE 2g, E?<.53 # DArE: 5"23 -7/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITBCT ZONE DTSTRICT PROPOSED USE Height ToIaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaIl Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : Does thi-s request involve a How much of the allowed 250 Bfock -Filing Allowed Existinq Proposed Total 4 *t,l.tn+ (8s0) ++frJ =-EZ ta.c"'?%o,l 4?+):*,e:14 5h34.j --vl.{1r y*Y /t gr.z 20' 15' 15' (30 ) (50 ) zl kt/ t7 t'l " O"t (ny.'s< J?t /At (300ffrcTTN900) ( !200) 11-s ^inL"t +" 6,eeA (--------> Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope *l A Reqrd ?12 Flood Plain !.,;+ a.lt ^ Percent Slope I\tq Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche 4-lt^-.ryq. - t . .-^- 4- tb) Rockfall ,",--^ 4=- 1. c) Debris Flow4\ Wetlands XNo 250 Addj-tion? Vt6Addition is used'with this 10 Pr,*a s,L ,w-axrcJ'a# dL+ 3 503.4 + request? 745,1 + 1.j+ lr{l- anr 6' Date approved by Town Engineer: __alL Yes 1) 2) 3) S-.-'- tL"l -{'oi,-r'f''\ I P,.^\ r*,f oltr j u>{,o, o, 9- cu > (u.Fc l!t(u' 'JEE ur -C u OE (,C,LO 4:rFlFo.-, c,.c E(4.J 'J L Ltr o >ro:tc>goE'F O 'o >(,.Jar |^ E c co(,.Fc'a,lO>C'E AtJ O_9-fL ! cr.J c c,.dE r/l tt 16 EL O-C>rF r^ ar 3:o E-t+- rtl !!t rc lloJ ord t t- -Gl-coEor/ro o >o EFCt EO > L.P!t O(J o,(,!,'FT',dU.Jo or r- E €aJ vt il >!, Lt -3."EEf,c L ct'rr E .! >rU f!toc'r! LL.F >rE O o,oar l! ()IJ(Ja, 'u|oo+r>rr -t tl, >('aJ>L(|'| '.0r crJPtrjO C tt att(JF'F O <tECt^F >.J .r 0'o c.F c.c.GZ.ttlH99 r oflXBtr+t ..1 9r-to<r!,O-lJ .. Eio c.t gl orloC|Or 01 rO g! r'l r l,l o ttrt:- Fr Or..1Fl 0r.{ 4..r o. q d qr-"{> 0,F tr',co'tr {Jn€o .. Oqi .{UO. '" E ooo +J(J|Jo E{ } Ol E 0,o d rJ '.{ f{\Fl oc-r €.-a kOO'.1 1, O.rJ qr d O OM U) O'q 6J.,t o urp t{>d q-{ O.,{ or{ o E.d rC, .t p .QO tr. ot.Q c,c| p 0,U).rl C|-. O kr{ k ouO U Ofrl+t ('.r{ o o -l 0, ! qrf 5'6 {Jr-o9lA orn ro > d"q-{(-{ 0,O\o . O t{ .d.{ o,{ d tJo .qlr'{ h.'r rJ k- '!, o.{l]oo eo z orq ,.t r!, z u.|J lU On r-{t{ .q O 0r 0): d +.1 0 uq-lo cE.. o !o[Jot( '.1 o rn4.4! -j t{ a-t P ti U zl oE d.-*tI(/| ol '.1 {J {J l, Hl +t - 40r0)Frl l.i O C 0, O t-'0'l d ro -'l q-l r'!. rnHl od trl,til q O \o ol F-ul 4 o ElototoOl .l . ?l-!11 O not 'ol (J r-urs o ".81. ,a--- \ -e\6. lSo *l* ,--^ .til ? l- ; ;: E lfr:r'-"''['l \]'E ,i -rl Iti 'l i il hi:*[]fj, ffi-{:., lu l\illi{ 'ii !-o('l.tJ O, r, 0,cO u o c'F I'- {-r L.r .F !t IrEFCroL ar c'tt- ITt o, q, o. r! c, q c.U Igr€LE \r4 i4 !U t !?9 I - '-O o,EC{J|UE c,C I r 'oC(U>|l,:' o) c L'!- | -o. -o o..o()Cpvt .; L l.^ co,vr L.F-o O cr"ru |!E(I, l:L.rO CLL C|. 0, ll, POO ll:cL .J E (J (t, f (J e,.- a l:-f,-'- 65,be. eE'6' )lx.€ o orE 4r ro T, = E c r I-+,c L cc . (u I t- uJ . W l-:-iE f Cr.F tU trr(F.|., LO - \ lg! :at.c4!) >4E 0roQ qtc \..1 : ..ip+r.F Jo.J-c 14 c +, E.F \,\hlr .! ir--O.F (l|.E g C.F ,tt t1 lf. .i L::(, ..p ro = |5 E Ctr in H .J -\ llQ;.e )..r t. O O'F ll' '- C I\ li l-.,+.c'..99>ll',.. >il $lo. +_.F 'IJ{J-C-CF (J Cl .r.O.EO Jl :{r o.rrt +r+, o| C l.o. = -\\1.Y. bEf '..1'P"3 tbi \lq9u(J Lo{ro.Fcrx LLo, - \\l^-: =rEo-E'.Fg'3 :. \\l:';O(Jd -P o,O0r - vt.,{> lll:i'iE.96flb€.:;,E.Q'llbs |!L+r.FEd dt>(J FOE(D tll.: =(J J(tTtOJ (u 0,L +)(JL:i .\-lT Y3EE=3;bP-3'EP3i $li-.,'---3hEf."5o .*PE .dlgEE:9 ..F;., 5 b'E ' o* d, (- ..\l r E E;;geEf r*,I E€it \Jl !6P"-fl"5 -6oo FBil '16c cr-t C +ruCEt+, yl Or.F.iE+rorblE lct L E|,+r-'-oEof i'"PePB 33'*vt C >{r .Fl^ L O:..F |d O C >.F Cto| >r +' L 5.C LO$''rrtElc OC)>rq+r '. cL E .F .p <r ? o, .o s .!a -S.F;t'- r'5 - -.3T - rEC .F O, {J CLlt C: lU -E r.- !L.C(uLF(JCtol +r.- (Jr^()d+rF oo c, u vr |E c 'tc L | -ctL(Jxo,-go, (u(aL>o.rJp(u xor4+J!| lu tr.lJ;$- E'r 16 ut.E o| L +, =.c ':.F |!- o,lJ . E'O 5 ^t O Ctr h{.lJ CtlO- L -FOTC.o (J FsLu or:t c, o, t-d FoLq, L >!JC rF P U O- L !+- E C()oo,.p dL .o.F'F .o E> H.o ro.Er!, PE|,O.>. ,-L CLo, OJ U) LL{J:.o 0J > o vr ,Du C: o o c Cr -E l, r.- .,FO.F|!.F (J€ (UttL.., (4.ccLUra tUEq.|tU E EO+){JU.Ftia o'O Or'F-cL cOC Vr!O.r VrFO.!CL'F Cq-OCl -COt6O \HTFF:,F ('C'i'.F U F.IJ (1, L J\\ =-N,''rt%=*i{-\ [tS- i;i.= -i-; "- s\.^ l\ - .-= --6aA ')X\- !or*=7&]-!+-{''liliS "'%tff"-"--N\l\ I a :r) (-i a '3:: -J.- tJ- t' L!'$ i: c1 9,o(o o o| t b .A or I $- rr) o tn tl t(I I I .J st \- ci E Ix H I I H F $ Btr Eo-l l- Fo s Hs E H81eEJO i jll $ sll. sBl ! 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O.F-CLEOtr vl!O.F ttt p o (' cL.F c ra- o| E I .g o |! cJH(FF 5r OOE.F !| F.J€,L u>r [,c, (u9- cu > cr.-E L!Io= PEE(aGtJOE (,lULo (a t9-rF -E ttt^aJ aJ L Lr, Q, >rl!5g>cQ,E.-o,€>u.JT' 6 C C C:o u.F O (u o>oE a+, tur+-:'LI Or.r coir!tur!t|EEL(u3>'.F 69 E OCIF 'E '!d -o(Uo|o J t-.tLCOCOl^o O >rO EFaL CotL+, lto(J 0,q(u.FEP|69Po ar.F E tga.,6|l'>au(, -3,5'EEc t- OF'F E .d >(J,PEoo.! L!.F >E O Ooal 5 ao(Jtu.u('0,ar>T- rt|u)|!aJ>i.(u., ot ott+rlrJo E gl alt(J'-'F g !ECIAF >r.r .F oO C.F C.c -GZ G' tH.1.,{J .OtxlscrJ '.1 ,A,rlo<rEO.{J r't E(, c.l !l O.{oOtt orEd s' (v) \!l otslE. Ei\ Ol ..l .-{ dr+C..{ Oo Cd EF"{> (, F. o|.d 0)q .p i'? ,ao.. (, q-{,{uO.GO!opooE d orf !''{.{o 'tJ .. A lt.,1 rJ ontOOo o.c 0,qr$!{tHo O.{ O EN.pl{. u0.,o{J 0,Er. O kk ooo lqq |! o aJr.oo\On .O CJoro . EAO!o .qlr .{ .tJ !OFI tt Ozo6Z+)00,400roaJ u oql lJ0JOOd 4.q trrJpdU|td *.. br..1 0$o4C'0'c [, 0, r.-..'l q.l tH .nbn.0rtPolF4o\Dto 3..Oo€{3o..{ CF{oo..1 rH n..1 O>|lt,A€rt.o 0,AAU)..l Hoo..1 OF{ 0,ao hq-{ol{}{rut{ -l BO .-.t g(t!o.o'AO't{q.{ o lJr}{oddo.ntg '<0Flo(J or'l ti -.1q"9':qto H F] Hi,oot{o :rl (_i a '5:: .J '- b_ i..\ ,--J6: (!i: () Hlnos,zg'661 oo q; C\ oo q;(\ e ,5 n -j-il i.- ,t-: i;..r t:)ol;:l as ro(\l oo6 = ,j:: rt.5 '-tt, ::Jr'- i t? ---\!r$i ;.,;y oo ,--'---tt B\ o €-- \ -or' 9 \ \:I i \:. \r A.:,ir'\ i' n,z" IorL HJAON oI ADDRESS: OIINER ARCHITE ZONE DIS PROPOSED I,OT SIZE Height TotAI GRFA Prinary GRFA secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setbaclc Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining wall Heigbts Parking Garage Credit iDrlve: ,'t Environmentil./Hazards : ,rIi/ ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS PHONE PHONE Allowed Proposed Total 4-j-qt DESCRIPTIoN: L,ot:l-- Block -l- Filing 2.Y db I a,\ 2t" {M$,,\d^\ (30)lt55JI ol l_5 | 5l 5 Gtt,1 34 t s.e 7lffi ll I "14) (s0) ,i il4b.br 2tevt.3 845 6k 3'/6', -Reqrd@@t ) er€€o) Pernitted SI 8t Actual SloPe Date approved Town Engineer: 41+ 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent SloPe 3) Geotogic Hazards ^ rrrz 41'4 t 4-l-c ( c) Debris Flow tnvtn - t)\ ',n'l- 25o Addltlon? l/LD Addition is used with this reque -t-a-e#>yasc 4 a) Snow Aval b) Rockfa1l 4- Does this How nuch request involve a of the allowed 250 '?, G-(#', 10 '| PROJECT: DAIE SUBMITTED: COMI'IENTS NEEDED BY: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Dates 144 0 l, FrRE DEPARTI,IENT 2..,.r?/Reviewed by: - z/' z- t) -r-'o Ct t,o*-'ls' Date: Date: Date: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comnents: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: comments: revised 3/LL/91 BRIEF DESCRTPTIoN oF THE PRoPoSAIJ: a rL2fl,l PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: conments: comments: Pteaoe Eclu* q +t J oo PROJE INTER _ DEPARTI,,IENTAL REVIEW MOLYNzuX FLANS DA]E SUBMITTED: COMMENIS NEEDEO BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PRDPOSAL: ADOITIOI.I TO HIS]ING HOUSE _ LOT 1A WARREI{ PUUS SUBDVISION RJBLIC WORKS IIIKE BRAKE APRIL 3, Ig91 Reviewed by Dote: Crcrnments: 1) THE OF|LY THlr.rG I CAN COhlMEl-lT OFI ls lF lHE ADDITION FITS ffTHIN IHE PROPERTY BDUNOA.RIES AI{D IT DOES. THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMEhITS THAT I CAN RECOGMZE. THE ONE IHII.IG I QUESIIOH N REGARDS TO V/HAT IS SI-IOUH C'N IHE PLOT FI-A"II 15 \I'IIY THEY ARE IFIDIDATING COMMON AREA CF D.O7+ ACRES !'f{EN tT lS WAS NOr RESUBDIVIDED THAT NAY. ARE THEY PLANNING TO EESUBDIVIDE LOT IE?2) lF IHERE ARE .ANT 0THER C0NCERI,IS THAI I SHOIJLD BE AWARE 0F PLEASE LET h{E K}IOTT. FIRE DEPARruEN'I Reviewed by comments: Dole: PROJECT:'"i}/i t,( INTER-DEPART!,TENTAL REVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARINGDATE SUBI.TITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEtr' DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAIJ: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: conments: FTF€ DEPARTIAENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICB DEPARTI.{ENT Reviewed by: conments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: revised 3/LL/9L 4"{'/; /;''1 Date: Date: Date: Date: ,- ,1, Rssoc. 56i-4?E-EaE3 !l., FEE E5 '91 13:58 VFI COMPANY of Mlnneeota P.1 Best coPY Available Lh"ttb ErrLE GUARANTEE Repreeentlng Titte Insurence ConpBny TTTANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER January 0?, 1991 our order: v16363 BUYER,TOWNER: HERNAN BRTONES SELLER: BERNARD R. KRUEGER Afld CEIJINE M, KRUEGER ADDRESS: LOT 1A WARREN PL1LIS SUBDIVISION AIA Cr.nm'tmefl- i 9]0 tler. MINNESOTA TITLE INSUBANCE COMPANY 0F MIi\N:SCTA, a M,rnesota corDoroiicn hefeif calleC the Company, foi a vatuable consrderat on, ngreby comfirts1c ,ssue rts ool cv 0r cclicres of t'ile r9"'efce, 3s iient.lleo n Scnedule.l ,n talor Ot trre propos8d 'isutgd n€fiSd tr Scnedule A, A$ 0wner !r Tolgagee 0t lhe estate 0r inters$ coverad l6r€!v rr :n6 rano dBscr t8d 0r r6ie"reC'ic in Schedule A u:0" cavment oi the prenllms End cndrggs th8fe{of. al! subjBct lc tl^6 prov stons o{ Scl^eoules A arC B ano 13 tt'e ;ond'iicns acd Stour€ti0ns l'sreof Tnrs Commitnert sna:, -,. :*rtr vs on.v r'|'hefl ihs ,dentr$ 0i ile proposec :lsured anC the amount ol lhe COlicy or po:rcres cornmri:: ':: ave be8. rnsSnad r SCregule A nereot o,V tne lompany. e.thef at the tlms of tho'ssuance oi t';s 0onrnitment cr cv subs€qLlnl Bn(lorsefiefi. This CqmniFnenl rs 0relimrnar/:0 tt1e rssuarce of suclr pollcy 0r 00rlcles or tllle rf su'ance and all llabllit-v anc obtigatiors ne'eunde' shall cease arJ term,n6te $rx monlhs after lie effeci've oaid r6'eof ct when the r'1r'1, 0r piils;at comnittec l0r shall $gue wnrcl'ever {irst ogcurs, prcv Ced tnal thg ii.lule r0 iggLlg gugn pcrrtl -r Dolic,es s r',.r tne iEu,t af the :cilary CONCIT]ONS AN] SIIPUAi OItS TlTr,l/A 1. The €rm ''mcrtgage' wher used hererr sfa I rcl,Jde J€ed 0{ tru.si i'"st deec 0r oller sbcur'w Instrumenl 2 l{ the proDos€d lnsund has o1 Sgqr.iires actuar knowleoge o} any defeci. len erl'Jmbrance, scverse cletm or other matter affecting the estate 0r ntsrest 0r.mortgage inefeor r:overeo bV tnis {]cmnrtmert otrer ther thoso gnown tn Screou e B i'ereof, and shall iai' to disclose such knowledge to the Con,pany rn wntrng, tf,e C0mpSny Sl.rell be let evecj {rom irafl rt} lcr Env Ii)SS 0r dAmAge restit nE i'3.r j", :rt:' 16litrcd hereoq tA the extent the Companv is oreJudiced bv lailure cf Sa prOpOSed Ingersg 1q sg 6,rclose sl.ctl kn0wledgg. li f,e proposeC 15u/e0 shalr C,tc .se lucn kngwtedge to the Company, or it the Cornpany othen",se acqui.Es actual (ngwledge 0f a'iy sucn delect, hen, gncumbf8nCe, adver5e C arm 0r other natter' thB comqaniat its option may amend schedule B of tiris comrniirnef.t acccfdingly, bul sr,ch amendmenr shal. n0: rsitSve the c'rrr.any torn rralilrty previously incuned prrrsuant to paragraoh 3 oi hese Condrt 018 8nd St prrot,ors, 3, :.tabrl:tv 0f tile -'mrary Jrdef th s Comn'tnent sh6,l be 0nry to tl'e narned 9'oposec Insurec and s,;ch parties irtluded under the d€finrtion of hsur8d in tne iofm cf pol:cy ot co|cies cor'lrit'lgc i0'' and only tor ectuai loss ncurtgd lf '61'8nc6 ne/eon rn undertaking in good feith {a)to comply wtth the requrremenis hereof or (bi to siimrnstE excdctions $hown In scrlEoule B, or icl lc acquiie 0'creale the eltEle 0r intergst or h-ortgage thereotl covered by ttris CommifiEnr. In n0 event shall such irab litv exceeo ti"e amount slEted n Sc!'edule A l0r the poilcy 0r po'lclss committed to andirich liability rs subjectio the insuring prov:sions and he C0nditions ard Siipulatrons and the sxcluslons :rcm t,oveiage 0i the l0rm Dt policv or goliciBs committBd for in favOr of tre proposed Insu.ed which are hereby inCorporated by reienerce and made a oan gl thiS Commitment except as expressiy modif iad herein, 4. Ary action ot rct'on5 s1 rlBrts 0f action thst the prepg$ed In$ured flay hava Dr 'trav oring against tng Company arising out of ths status ol th€ titi8 io the estale or intefest €nd ars subj€ct to the provisi0n$ otthis Commitment status oi thg moftgage thereon coverEd by this Contnitn]enl musl0e Desed 0n STANDAqD UCEeftur E - In additron t0 th€ rna*r$ponEIeo ,n$e Co,nditions and Stipulatrons ano Exclusions from coverose ebove rererrsd to' tn s cof i'"1H,*1:iff::tl:t ffi-Iffi'r,.,n bi, rh€ pubr,c records I z. tirrunts, or claims of easfrentslottlryn bv the puoirc records - L 3. Dlrsltncier contticts in bJundarrlines, shonaga in 6r€8, encr0schlnents, and any facts which a correct survev and insnecrioilhs lllr,;,Hfti,tliiH,lffJ:jfJ_'tr,:?,j,Tffill,'ii'xr,.J,:!;.,!'f,ol1";,n,,,urnished, imposed oy IEW 8nd n sppesrrng ln the publi of rEcord for value th name and sealto be by a vaiidating ofticer town bv the o'il 'ollliill,'rrihili.rilr, lqf.tr,', or 'rner m'tters, ii an,,, created, rirst ::i'.1h:Hti?r-:'-"':.Tii:lt,,;H'j'ffilt',;0f !L'|t pfrorI0the oa:e th€ propos6d insured acquires I or i&Edlt or mortsase the reilt covered by thiftmmrtmentr" I Lrurtrjlshs wrlrpEgE Tltle Insurancs Company of l\4innesota ha$ caused rts cof poretg* a 5'rrrry rfc++ladrlrrc rtr i[i]ari, rr{ Oflicers on th€ ddt€ Shown in S ched u le A, tO bB Valid whefl countsrEign€dli'!"_",rf:,r"_tx"6raunonzlsrgril1l Ft|nh, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA .ft-.,*.. ... . i,.l:, , Aut,lonred Eignaio!,l I lM Form 2! t2 A Sloc,k Conpany t, t! rr'e zs '91 13:s9 vftrl vRLLEy RSSoc. 3o3-476-ge63 P.? .A L I A C O M M I 1 M E N T GCHEDULE A Appllcatton No. V16363 For Infornatlon OnIY LOT 1A I{ARREN PULIE SUBDIVISTON - Charges - ALEA Own€r Pollcy $1,106,00lax Certlf. 520.00Endrent # 1,00.29 9110,00EndrEnt # 1t:'33ror-- sr,236.oo With your renlttsnce pleaee refer to V16363. 1. Ef fe::' .rr.€! December 21, 1990 at g:00 A.M. 2, Pollcy r.o be ieeued, and propoeed Ineurad: I'ALEATT ownErte lollcy $409,000.00Forn B-1.970 (l-.ended 10-X?-70) Proposed lnsuredi }IERNAN BRIONES 3. Th€ eEtate or interegt in the land dcacrlbcd or referrad to inthts Comtnltn€nt and oovered hereln lal A Fee Simple 4. Tltl6 to the eatate or lnterest oov€red hereln ie at theeffective date hereof vegted in: BERNARD R. KRUEGER and CBLINE l'I. KRUEGER 5. The land referred to 1n this Conmltrnent le deEcrlbed asfollowe: LOT r.A, A RESUBDIVTSTON OF r..Or t, WARREN PULIS SUEDMSTON ACCORDING TO THE pr'.AT RECORDED SEPTEMBIR 1.5, 1982 rN EOOK 345|.:i PAGE 932, COUNTY OF 8A6LE, STATE OF COL,ORADO. PAGE 1 . . FdB ?s ,st !4tat v'r,-!. or=0.. 383-4?E-BZEE ' .ALTA COMMITMENT to SCHEDULE 8.1 (Requlrenente) Appllcatlon No. v15363 The following ere the requlrcnents to br cornplied wlth: 1. Paynent to or for the aocount of the grantore or nortgagore ofthe full eonel€eratlon for the eetate or lntereEt to Eeinsured. 2, Proper lnstruh€nt(s) creatlnE the eetate or Intereat to b€ineured nust be executed and duly filed for recordr to-wit: 3. RXLEASE OF DEED OF TRUSI DATED May 04, L9?9, FROM BERNARD R,. KRUEeER andCELINE !I. KRUEGER TO THE PUBIJIC TRUSBEE OF EACLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF AIJPINE MORTGACE COMPANY TO SECURE TltE SUM OF 9601000.00 RECORDED May 16, 1979 t IN BOOK 285 AT PAGE 544. SAID DEED OE TRUST !{AS ASSIGNED TO THE NEW YORK GUARDIAN MORTGAGE CORP. TNAgsIcNr,lENf RECORDED Septenber 29, 1986, rN EOOK 449 AT PAGE 581. 4' RELEASE OF DEED oF TRUST DAEED Aprll 24, 1987, FROM BERNARD R. KRUEGER AND CEIJINE M. I(RUEGER TO THE PUBLIC TRU8TEE OF EAGIJE COUNty FOR THE UsE OF FIRSTBAI-IK OF VAIL TO 8ECURE THE SUM OF $Z1,OI9.OO RECORDBD ltay 06, 1982, IN BOOK 452 AT PAGE 101. SAID DEED OF TR.U$I WA8 FURTHER SECXIRED IN AS9IGNUENT OF RENTS RSCORDED I\'AY06, 198?, rN BOOK 462 AT PAGE 102. 5. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY IIIAT EHE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONs OF IHE trOWN OF VAITJ TRANSFEB IAX HA\TE BEEN 9ATISFIED. 6. WARRANTY DEED FROM BERNARD R. KRUEGER and CELINE M. KRUEGER TO HERNAN BRIONEE CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. EHE COT'NTY CI-,ERK AND RECORDERe OFTICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS gENr FOR RECORDTNGI I PAGE 2 . rrh zs 'eL L4t, uo,. !, ffssoc. 3q=-4?6-8e63 r-.5 .",i .AIJTA COMMTTUENT SCTTEDULE B-2 (Exceptlone) Appllcatlon No. V16363 The- poticy or pollclee to be Lesued will contaLn exceptlons to theforrowlng unreEe the sane are dleposed of to the eatlbfactlon ofthg Cornpanyt 1. Standard Exceptione 1 throuEh F prlnted on the cover eheet. 6. Taxe€ and aeeeeenentE not yet due or payable and epeclal aai essnente not yat certlfled to the Treaeurerre offlae, 7, Any unpald taxes or aEseasnento agalnat gald 1and, f. i.irns for unpald water end iewer chargee, lf any. 9. RlGii,J OF PROFRIETOB OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE TTIS ORE THERETROM SHOULD THE SAT'fE BE SOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERT./ED IN UNITED STATE9 PATENT RECORDED tun€ 29, 1903, fN EOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. THE EXTETENCE oF THE MXNER,AL EXCEPTION AND/OR RESERVATTON SHOITN AS rgEM I, SCHEDULE B-2, WILL NOT AFTECT OUR ABITJITY TO AgIACIT COI$RADO ENDORSEMENTNC. ].00.29 TO OUR OWNERS POLICY WHEN ISSUED. 10 ' TT1''3H']' OT W.\Y FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CON8TRUCTED BY THE AUTIiORTTY OF trHEul{.i,:L:i $TArEs As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RFCORDED June 29, 1903,.ir; ', . :.. i0 AT PACE 49S. 11. UTILITY EASEMENT AS CRANTED TO VAIL I{ATER AND 8ANITATTON DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENg RECORDED OCTOBER 20, 1969 rN EOOK 216 AT PACE 217. 12. RESTRICTION CONIAINED ON THE RECORDED PI.AT AS FOL.LOWS! IIBY VIRIUE OF TT{IS SUBDIVISION, THE tWO LAT6 OR PARCELS CREATED HERE'BY WILLNol coMPLy WITH IJEGAL, LOT REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUC?ION oF A SINGLE FA!4ILY RESIDENCE, AND, THEREFORE, NO BUILDINC PERMIT SHAI,I. BE GRANTED BY THE ccUNTY of EAGIJE FoR SUcil A STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE sUEJscTLoT. THE CONSBRUCTION Of ONLY oNE TWO-FAI{ILY REgIDE}icE SHALL BE PERMITTED CN THE COI''BTNED AREA OF trHE TWO LOTS CREATED EY IHIS SUFDIVISION PI,A!.II 13. TERMS, CONDIIIONE AND PROVISIONS OF PARIY WALIJ AGREEMEN? AND DECI,AR,N,TION OT COVENANTS, COI{DITIONS AND REBERVATION9 RECORDED February 16, t9g3 rN BooK353 A? PAGE 592, to PAGE 3 tFt @,-,% .?,t**'l . zOY,V t t4'7 l7a7'E L4 Z\'3 231.7 ZONB CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS DArE: 4-l'q l ! LEGAL DEscRIPTIon: f,ot --.i- Block - Flling ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I,OT SIZE zsE?S.5 j + tsorr''^-/Po17 ADDREss: lteZK SP,'-u-d H'(l L,"4zEt,,f lt-owNER ( ru < ,7 <f PHoNE l-\ARcHrrEcr ('per PHoNE p{ir^\ | -t5,K Zbvt'4 nII )" D t<r\,/ Height ^ la-Total GRFA f OS t' "{y,/aV Agu '' Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front sides Rear I{ater Course Setback site coveragt 7)o'(' Landscaping Retaining I{aIl Helghts Parking carage Credit Drive: Does this reguest l-nvolve a How much of the alloned 250 1D = tb<1,b gxisting ProPosed TotaL 51ot't Allorrted (3o) (33) aKo'l'te -++l(850)l t+e') \-a'v' 4z*s* -n- ./' Ib[s,z 20. 151 151 (3o) (so) qil;.1 il<blt-t 'zr' ?lffi r-l I M --ftA 0k ik4{ 6K h,cn € p" 1' o <t) a) snow AvaI b) Rockfa1l Addition 10 3'/6' Reqrd Pernltted Slope -lBl- Actual Slope |.^A Date approved bY Town Engineer: Envlronmenta I,/Ha z ard tf1) rlood Plaln tLct rl"ds-<- 2) Percent SloPe 3) Geologic Hazards anche t"t^rtr. 4-l- 4 t tt.4.u4 4-t '41 c) Debris gLow -rtils-l--la]. @@@rtrzoor :- ott* fc{aln;,^., rntit \ x,k t[o^? -, )"u sl'g- . t"w#lt Efdn?is used with this request? 4-t- q t @ 6r.n ^k'l {* tt/l"z;g.l't / cr ^^t'/ s,f ^--*-'/' w/rt/ /,st*,. "/ ) /v- 4 f*--'4r L* **ulr / ,{ * c Cr^,tb.-J',.- /tJ* t klrytl'"'1t't il 0 I M. /^-A.f.1_ 'r_-fu*! *-/i . L-^f /, .|fl*_ a//o--|"^6'//2 'ra> ;;:r*33j* +{/-q/ /L.D "1-D h4 in-, L-?) t. .'/ f .lt2 ) tk ,o La-. ^_".J""// ' r"-) n rLo*, , ^..J n**o\ (u,- y La'-',. nD *,] J* l-r" k-D *. ,[ &* su-4'u."1 p t; L{t" [*'7 *"Uu 2/IeteL rtu'Ur{lAit if iggl DRB APPLICATION - BOWN OF VAII,, COI€RADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: 1.TIA| DATE oF DRB uEETIxet 4rl.1l a*tttalit* TBIS APPLICAEION I|IIJL, NOT BE aCCEPrED UNIIL, ALL RIQUIRID INFORIATION 18 SUBI{IrTEDaaatttar*a I.PRO.IECT INTORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION:Addi-tion to residence B.TYPE OT R8VI8W: New Construction Minor Alteration conceptuaL Reviewx Addition C. ADDRESS i 1528 vail ValIey nriwc D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ----13- Block Subdivisioi Warren PuIis Subdivision If property is described by a neets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. F G. ZONING: appticant nust provide a currentLOT AREA: ff reguired, stanped survey strowing Iot area 587 acre€ NAME OF APPLICANT: J.P. Molvneux Mail.ing Address! 29 East 6Q sfreef, New vorkr New york 1O0?1 Phone ?1't 52q-009? NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATM: Duane Piper Ma ii. ing Address : --3e.nchne-r@ ? n a Box 5560. Avon CO 815?0 Phone @ NA]'TE OF OWNERS:1o1q TSIGNATURE (8) SMailing Address: Phone 21), t2R-nnq7 J. K. Condoniniun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the tirne of issuance of a building pernit. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON $ 0-$ L0,oo0 $ 10, ool - I 50, o0o $5o,oo1 -$ 15o,ooo 9150,001 - $ 5oo,ooo 9500,00L - 91,000r000I over $1, 000, 000 FEE I r.0. o0 $ zs. oo s 50.00 9100. 00 $200.00 9300.00 TXTEOUT OWNERIS EIGNATURErNO IPPIJXCAIION TILIJ BE PROCE8SED t II. PRE-APPLICATTON UEETING: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongLy encouraged to determine if any 6fldi+ional application information is needed. It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appoi.ntment with the staff to determine if there are additional subnittal requirements. Please note that a C0UPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMTSSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addition to rneeting subrnittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. AII trees to be removed nust be taped. AII site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The revieht process for NEw BUILDINGS nornally reguires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their developnent proposal at a miniurum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such tiure as the item has been republished. D. The following itens may, at the discretion of the zoning adrninistrator, be approved by the Conrnunity Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or public sPace. At the tirne such a proposal is subrnitted, applicants must include letters frorn adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condolninium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a rnapped hazard area (i-e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris f1ow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the o\'vner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner pilor to DRB application to deternine the relationship of the property to all napped hazards. F. For aII residential construction: a. clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a . four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or suPporting columns. t c. rf DRB approves the application with conditions or rnodifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit- IV. NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev. stamped bv a licensed sunrevor. at a scale of 1rr = 2ot or larger, on which the following infornation is provided: L. L,ot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which caser 5l contour intervals nay be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with dianeters of 4rr or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, internittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), centerlLne of stream or creek, reguired creek or stream setback, loo-year flood plain and slopes of 40t or more, if aPPlicable. 5. Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landnarkor sehler invert. This information should be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly inportant for height measurenLnts. See Po1icy on survey Information, for more information regarding surveys. 7. Locations of the following: a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. utilities to include: Cable TV Sehter GasTelephone water Electrj.c c. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. d. AlL easements (Title report rnust also include existing easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. PravidE sSot- e'lerrations of the street, and a minimum oi one spot elevation on eiiher side of the lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. B. Site PIan 1. L,ocations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. 2. 3. a b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. AIl existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, toading areas, retaining walls (with top and bottorn of wall spot elevations), and otber existing site improvements. and proposed qrades shown underneath). These elevations and grades rnust be provided in order for the staff to deternine building height. AII ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades rnay not exceed 8t unless approved by the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (1'r = 2O! or larger) - 3 copies reguired L. The following infortoation must be provided on the Iandscape plan. The location of existing 4rt diameter or larger trees, the location, size, spacing and type (common and latin narne) of all existing and proposed plant naterial . A11 trees to be saved and to be removed must also be indicated. The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Conplete the attached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systens to be enployed in caring for plant rnaterial following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various developrnent proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above infortnation as possible onto tbe site p1an. Sicrn off from each utilitv comPanv verifying the location of util-ity service and availability (see attached) . A prelirninary title report must accompany aII subnittals, to insure property ownership and location of al-1 easements on property. Architectural Plans (L/8" = 1r or larger, I/Att is preferred scale for review) 3 copies required. L. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development. Elevations must show both exis+-ing :.nd fini.shed grades. 2. one set of floor plans must be |tred-linedrr to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8- L/2" x LLtt, for inclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be requested. 4. Extorior Eurfacinq matarlals and naterial oolore c. NOTE: D. E. F. G. t shall be specified on the attached material-s list' rfti" ro"t"rials list must be completed and, -subnitted as a part of DRB application' Color ;h$;;-;iaing sinpres etc' , . ihould be presented to the Design Review Board meeting' Zone check list (attached) must be conpleted -if project GTgllfed h'ffiiri ttre Singte-ranily, Prirnary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. The Zoning Adninistrator and/ot DRB nay require the suUurissioi of additional plans, drawings' rpE"iii""tions, ;ili; a't'ta ottter nateiiars (includinq i't"a"f l if dei:ned itecessary-to deterrnine whether a ;r;j;a'.'ilr co^ply with oesign Guiderines' Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment. pi"p"="r and the -rori[i"" (ti!?-pl_an) or ttre redevelopment iroirosar may be "r.trtitt"a in lieu of the rnore formal ;;qii;;"ni3 set forth above, provided all irnportant 6E;r;i;"tiott= for the proposar including colors and rniterial-s to be used are subrnitted' H. I. v. A. B. c. D. E. F.for all naterials and color samples on (attached) . I H. A site imProvernent surveY, professional surveYor. I. A prelininary title report, to verify ownership of pr-operty, wh-ich lists all easeroents' VII. FINAL SITE PI,AN once a buitding pernit has been issued' and construction is underway' .tta 6"?ote the Building Department will schedule a iiirning-i""p".lio"l-t*o copies oi an- Improvernent Location Certificate- survey (ILc) starnped by a registered professionuf-""gi;.teir nust be-subnitted. The following infornation must be provided on the IIf: VI. ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COI'IMERCIAL original fLoor plans with all specifications shown' Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8n = 1r or larger (L/Att = Lt is preferred) \ Three copies of a site plan - showing existing 3"d , . -)\proposed- construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations l/iiifi e"i=ting and proposed grades shown underneath' / Elevations of ProPosed addition' Photos of the existing structure' Specificationsmaterials list At the reguest of the Zoning Adrninistrator you may also be reguired to subrnit: c. A statenent from each utility verifying location of service and availability' see attached utility Iocation verification forn' stanped bY registered )r A. Building location(s) with ties to proPerty corners' i.e. distances and angles. 0 B. Building dinensions to the nearest tenth of a foot' c. A11 utility service line as-builts, showing type of naterial uled, and size and exact location of lines' D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. AIJ- property pins are to be either found or set and stated on irnProvenent survey. G. All easements. H. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades sholtn under the ridge Iines. VIII. CONCEETUAL DESIGN REVIEI{ A. Submittal rectuirements: The ortner or authorized aqent ofanyprojectr ng design approval as Prescribedby th-is- chlpter urJy suUrnit plans for conceptual review Uy tfre Desl.gn Review Board to the Department of C-onmunity Development. The conceptual review is intended-to give-the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibifity of their proposal witb the Townrs Design Guidelines. This procedure is recornrnendedprimirily for applicationl more comPlex than single- iarnily and two-fanily residences. However, developers of single-farnily and two-famity projects shall not be excluded frorn the opportunity to reguest a conceptual design review. complete applications must be subnitted 10 diys prior to a scheduled DRB neeting. The following infornation shall be subnitted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch eguals twenty feeti 2. conceptual elevations strouing exterior rnaterials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; 3. Sufficient infornation to show the proposal complies with the developnent standards of the zonE district in which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calcuJ-ations, number of Parkinlt sPaces, etc.); 4. Conpleted One application form. B. Procedure: UPon receipt of an application for conceptual deligp revield, the Department of Conmunity Developrnent shall review the subrnitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of €he zoning code. If the proposal is in basic cornpliance with the zoning code reguirements' the project shall be forwa.rded to the DRB for conceptual iev-iew. If the application is not generaiiy in conpliance with zoning code reguirements, the application and subrnittal materials shall be returned to-tfre applicant with a written explanation as to why the Connunity Developrrent Departnent staff has found the project not to be in cornpliance,with zoning code reguiretnents. once a cornplete application has been reCeived, the DRB shall reviel/ the submitted conceptual review application and supporting naterial in order to deterninl whether or not Lhe project general lw cornplies 0 with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on li"J.p["ui-"."itt". The Property owner or hls ;;;;;:;aiti.'. snai:' ue piesent lt tne DRB hearlns' LIST OF MATERIALS NA}'IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIFTIoN: IOTIA BIFCK - SUBDMSION warren Pul'is The fol.lowing infornation is reguired for submittal Review Board before a final appioval can be given: BUILDING MATERIAIS:ARoof Siding Other WalI Materlals Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other to the Deslgn TYPE OF I.IATERIAL COI,oR Redwond ratch exlst. Wood Wood Wood Wood A. stlng ting tL I g B. BNDSCAPING:Narne of Designer: Phone: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Nane conmon Nane ouantitv Size* for deciduous 7 PIANT I.TATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES 526 Varr STREET ADDRESS3 1528 Vail VaIIe DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Addition to residence *Indicate caliper trees, a trees. ::.\N: I{ATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SHRUBS Indicate height for coniferous Botanical. Narne Common Name Ouantity Size* c. EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 ga1Ion. of proposed shrubs.Mininum size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER L,ANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirnningpools, etc. ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maxirnurn height of walls withln the front setback Is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. 8 a ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRTCTS DATE: 3/11/91 L,EGAL DESCRIEIIION: Lot I A BLock _ Filing Town of VaiI ADDRBSSI 1528 Vail Valley Drive, Vai l oO 81557 OWNER House of Brigo r,td-. PHONE PHONE 303:949=7074 ZONE DISTRICT Duplex PROPOSED USE Res identi al IOI SIZE _ .587 acres ARCHITECT Duane Piper Allowed Existing Proposed (30) (33) _22', zer 874 874 o 1r6qq Itatr?l+?,.(1% "t'ET-T-T.4+w T Total. 29'Height ToIal GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaJ.I Heights Parking Garage Credlt Drive: Environnental/Ha zards : Does this request involve a Her* rnuch of the allowed 250 (850) (4251 =j-€-5J_E .f . 4,'723 3,998 3.064 'l ,559 1.6qq 20 1 L5| 15r (30) (50) 3r651 3', /6', 1,O ^"n"u (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Pennltted Slope _rQL Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: 1) Flood Plain 2') Percent, Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall. c) Debris Fl.ow 4) Wetlands 250 Addition?Addition is uEed l0 with this reguest? a U .ILITY IOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JO8 NAI'TE I-,OT BI'CK FILTNG ADDRESS The location and avallability of utilities, whether they be naln trunk fines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the follovring utilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Si<rnature Date U.S. West Cornrnunlcations 1-800-922-1987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Senrice conpany 949-5781 Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-553 0 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permlt fron the Town of VaiI, Departrnent of Publlc Works and to obtain utilitv locations before dioqinq in.any public iight-of'way or easement ln the Town of Vail. A buildincl permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pennit must be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availability and. location. This shoufa Ue used in conjunction with preparlng your utility plan and scheduling installations. * Please bring a site plan, fLoor p]an, and elevations when obtaining Upp6r Eagle Va]liy Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development December 1, 1992 SU&JECT: Appeal of a DRB decision denying the request for a color chqnge for tle rdiiOence tocated at 1628 VailValley Ddve/Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision I. DRB DECISION On October 7,1ggztre DRB voted (3-1) to deny the color change request made by Mr. Molyneux. The criteria cited by ths DRB are listed below: Section 18.54.030 Desion Aooroval A. 'No person shall commence removal of vegetation, site preparation, building construction or demolition, dumping of material upon a site, sign erection, exterior alteration or enlargement of an existing structure, paving, or other improvements of open space within the corporate limits of the Town of Vail unless design approval has been granted as prescribed in this chapter. The addition of plant materials to exiting landscaping, gardening, and landscape maintenance shall be exempt from this provision.' B. 'lt shall be a vlolation ol tris chapter and the building permit for any person to commencs, continue or complete work which has not received design approval as prescribed in this chapter and/or is not in conformity with the plans approved a1d huthorized by the zoning administrator and/or the DRB and the Chief Building Official.' Section 1 8.54.050 Desion Guidelines A. 'structures shallbe compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. lt is not to be infened that buildings must look aliks to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper scale, proportions, site planning, tanGcaping, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained.' Appellant JP Molyneux Section 18.54.050 Desion Guidelines C. Building materials and deslgn 3. 'Exterior wall cotors shall be compatible with tre site and surrounding buildings. Natural colors and earth tones found within the Vail area should be rj-titizeO. - Primary colors or other bright colors should be used only as accents and then sparingly, such as upon trim or rallings. All exterior wali materials must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished foundation walls.....' II. BACKGROUND ON THE REQUEST On August 7.1992, staff was notified that the house had been painted red. No DRB approval had been received for the work. Statf contacted Mr. Molyneux anO tre agreed to try to obain DRB approval. The DRB discussed this item on August 19, September 16, and October 7. After the first meeting' the Board moved to table so that the applicant could consider altemative colors. Mr. Molyneux was present for the September 16 meeting. He discussed alternatives andproposed a compromise of a burgundy color. He agreed to have a sample painted next to fte front door so that DRB could see it on the structure. After visiting the site and looking at the sample on october 7, the DRB voted to deny the proposal. staff spoke w1h Mr. Mollneuxprior to fte October 7 meeting in a telephone conversation about some options which would help sotten the appearance of the house. He committed to using a dark bobr ot trim for the doors, windows, and fascia. Staff believed this would help breai up the color ol the house. Though the DRB discussed this concept at their October 7th meeting, there were no drawings or color chips they could use to evaluate it. Attached to this memo are letters from Mr. Molyneux and some neighbors who are concerned about the proposal. _t_.L\/I f,l ;1 t/i r 3 b hr I I I r. I ARCETTECTI'RAL TNTERIORS & DECORATION Town Council Members Town of ValI 75 South Frontage RoadValI, Colorado 81657 October 9, 1992 Dear Council t"tembersi Please consider for your October 20th agenda a pet,ition on my behalf to appeal the decision of the October 7th Design Review Board meeting in which they rejected the proposal for a color change of my residence at 1628 VaiI Valley Drive. Thank You, rt r r $ i i I J'i a e,rz) 624'OO97 FA)r: (erz) 7ar'o726E9 TAST 69T-S STREET, NEW YORR, NEW YORX IOO21 ,BLc'uNoV 5 l9ta f,ovclber 9, 1gg2 {e understand thlt the ornorg of thc Froparty located at 18?8 ii"rr---iiirJv --ntiiJ ilorniiii B"q f,rlcrer'r reaidcncc) haJ€ apsaaled thc ruttni "i'i;t;-igt ntiifn ntvl'Es Board oonoernln1 the palrtt oolor for thclr duplex. Ia ae tha adjeoent Dropcrty oilnor rrould llke to cxpress ogr obJcotlon as to thc -oolor of betn red' lfs do not thtnk lt ls epptoprtrte for thc nslghborhood, lfc bullt qur duPler threc voarc ato and abidcd bv aII of thc TOV- rulee rnd EBgulatto;e. fe-werc tiquliiC t" toduoo the het;ht of "ui-f,""i-f.S Icct e?tir lt had bcon oonttsuotcd, This nonltorlnEl oi-our conslruotlon ls for the bcncflt ol thc towrl' lle rclEreqtfully roquest that thc Cltv Counoll rnJccts the apFcal Torn of Vall FlanntnE DePartnont Attentl0n: Shsllv l{c110 fron J.P. llolyneur. Thenk you for Your ooneldetatlon. t'u{rtary,'e.ut t9*+}*J lrenoqs Diones 16?8 Yatl VallcY Drlvc Soutb I ' ./lP-I -rlY rclLl"& 4'ct) Foat lt' brud dtlrlrdn t mcmo 78fl lwl 9 AoN o,cls MEMORIAL RAD IOLOGY ASSOCIATES J. M. MOOOY M.D., F.A.C.R. J. C. RAMBEAU, JR., M.D. F. M. REMBERT. M.D, D. J. SUMERLIN, M.D. NORTHWEST MEOICAL PAVILION 1740 wEsT 27TH sutTE 235 HOUSTON, TEXAS 7700A 869-7333 S. P. MCMANUS. M.D. B. L. VILLARREAL, M.D. D. L. WEILER, M.D. R. A. BRYAN. M.O. L. A. DESANTOS, M.D. D, D. LAWRENOE. JR., M.D. S. N. SMILEY. M,O. W. R. PFEIFFEH, M.D. S. C. DALTON. M.D. G. K. HOUSTON. M.O. November 2.1992 Mr'. Andv Knudlsen Torvn of Vail Planning De;rt. 755 Flontage Road Vail. CO 816.s7 Dear Mr. Knucltsen: Myhonreislocatedatl-547-4SpringhillLane. Withinsiteofseveral oftheroomsofmy honre is another lesiclence localed at 1628 Vail Valley Drive. This home was recently re- painlecl an unbelievable eve sole shade of red. The color of the honre severely conflicts u,ith the natul'al beatrtl,of the ern,ironlnent. It is also an afflont to the adjacent neighbors u'ho lrave attenrpled lo build honres that rr,ould blend with and enhance the environment ralher than set'ere11'clellact fronr il. Therefor e I u,ould lil<e to file a corriplaint with the Planning Departrnent regarding the ugly appearance of this honre and request that the Town of Vail take action to have the owner re-paint the house in nrore esthetic colors that rvould blend and conrpliment the beauty of the environnrent. Thank you Sincerely, for your attention to this n'latter. ]'*r,n.&q--. Frank M. Renrbelt. M.D. FIt4R/hc *v\-:' (tt' I 'l ,l ?66\ \ October I, 1992 l{r. Andy Knudson Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81557 Re: Molyneaux Residence-Exterior Color 1628 Vail Valley Drive Dear Andy: As I advised you, I will be away next week andunable to attend the Design Review Board lt{eeting onOctober 7th. For the record, I would like to expressmy strong objection to the 'new" col-or proposed by Mr. Molyneaux. When the sun hits the small area which wasrepainted it is difficult to see a difference from theexisting red. Although I have in the past questioned therequirement that homeowners obtain approval when changingthe color of their residence, this incident has certainly changed my mind. !1r. Molyneaux violated a Town Ordinance and painted his house red on August 7th and, as a result,has imposed an eyesore on his neighbors and theneighborhood, especially now that the leaves have fal1enand the house is more visable to those of us who ]ivein close proximity. Furthermore, his response to thecourtesys and patience both yourself and the Design Review Board have extended has been defiance and inaction.This has, as we feared, more than like1y resulted inall of us having to endure a vievr of an unsightly red house all Winter. I would appreciate your sharing this letter withthe members of the Desiqn Review Board. Thank you for your consideration. I535 Golf VaiI, CO Terrace #27 81657 ,i, ^{v).Vtv /'1-t, . r ll--v\'/,-/ - 14.{- l/"'{ d \1"I Itt i- PROPERTY MANAGEMENT October 1, 1992 Ilfr. Andy KnudsonComunity Developnent Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Dear lfr. Knudaons Encloged is a copy of a lrtemorandun dated Septenber 29, L992, fromthe Presidente of the four Vail Golfcouree Towrrhomeg AaEociationsthat f an Uanaglng Agent for. I also have received compl.aints regardlng the color of thel,tollmeaux residence fron various' VaiI Glolfcourse Townhome Ownersand plan to attend the Design Review Board lteeting on October ?thto protest the proposed nen color on behalf of all of the orrnere inthese proJects. The letter from the Pre8identa of four vait GoLfcourse TownhomesAssociations should probably be shown to the nenbers of the DesigmReview Board. Thank you. Sincerely, ,.4 /5l4a(tt sarient I.lanaging AgentVail Golfcourse Townhones phasee I, lI , ffl and fV ,/( rW r-\tL)\ \rt"'6q.r lr* Jd, jo'u Aft$.,-r" P.O. Box 1292, Vail, Colorado 81658 / Crossroads Shopping Center / 143 E. Meadow Drive - Suite 39lA 703- 47 6-4300 / FAX 307 - 47 9 -953 4 h' o 2661? VaiI Golfcourse Torrnhone Associations MEMORANDUM September 29, L992 TO: Bill Sargent FROM: Len BussePresident, Phase I Lou GramPresident, Phase II Dave ZinnPresident, Phase III alim Buncher President, Phase IV As Managing Agent of the Vail Golfcourse TownhomeAssocj.ations, please attend the Design Review Board Meetingon October 7, 1992 and express our strong objection to theexterior color of the Molyneaux residence located at 1628Vail Valley Drive. Each of us has had numerous calls andcomplaints from our Owners objecting to the exterior coloras both unsightly and not in conformity with the surroundingneighborhood. Some of our Owners have expressed outrage thatthe owner was allowed to change the exteri-or color from brownto red without Town of Vail- Design Review Board approval,especial-ly in light of the fact that it took four weeks in 1989 for Phases I, II and III to obtain DRB approval to changeour exterior color from brown to the present gray. Bill, please inform the Design Review Board thatsince August 'l , L992 sre have numerous Ovners who have hadto look at this unsightly house from their home or driveby it to reach their home. On behalf of 76 Ovners, we certainlyhope that the Town of Vail can do sornething to alleviatethis situation before the Winter. . ^,; a-crl|lI . .:' I LB, tG, DZ, JB ARCIIITDCTURAL INADRIORS & DECORATION Town Council Members ?own of Vall 75 South Frontage Roadvall, Colorado 81657 October 9, 1992 Dear Councll ltemberst Please conslder for your October 2Oth agenda a petitioh on my behalf t,o appeal the decislon of the October 7th Deslgn Revlew Board meeting in which they reject'ed the proposal for a color change of my residence at 1628 Vall VaIIey Drlve. Thank You, |loocr, stssz IVIOL\ru\TEI-J>< a lyneux e9 tasT 69r-E saRBEn; lrBw YoRB, NDW YORE IOOSI N0V- 3-92 TUE 7:36 Town of Yail FlannlnEl DePartnent Attentlon: ShellY MeIlo DouofllY, DAl,lKINs FAl{ N0, 303 ELU2I Novenber 3, 1Sg2 P, 0t exgress our thtnk it 16 tle understand that the ownors of, tha grroperty located at 1828 vg.ll vaIley nrivJ G;rillit B"l Krieger'e residence) hav€ appoaled ttre ruriii "i"i;;-ioil o"eIm R;ti;; Board eonoernlnr the pairrt colot for their duplex. lfa as the adjacent ploperty oflnor Bould like to- oUlJotfon as to the -color ilf batn red' Te do not epitopriate for the nelghborhood, Ife bullt oqr dupler thlee years aEle and abided bv aII of the TOV rules and rBgulations. lle-$erE requkio io reduoe. the heiEht of our hone 1.5 feet "iiir lt had been oongtsuoled' Thie noniterinEl oF-oiii-"""etruction is for the benefit of tbe town' tle reepeotfully request that tho Cltv Counail reJects the apFeal f ron J .P. llolYneurc- Thank You for Your considetatton' t'ulttot't*r*l Franoeg Diones 18?6 Yail ValleY Dnive South Fost-ll' brcrd fe\ lran$mlnal memo dll O fid e ^oNo,ctu' t MEMORIAL RADIOLOGY ASSOCIATES J. M. MOODY, M-D., F.A.C.A. J. C. RAMBEAU, JR., M.D. F. M. REMBERT, M,D, D. J. SUMERLIN, M.D. NORTHWEST MEDICAL PAVILION 1740 WEST 27TH SUITE 235 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77006 a69-7333 S. P. MCMANUS, M.O. R. L. VILLARREAL, M.D. D. L. WEILER, M.D. R. A. BRYAN, M.O. L. A. DESANTOS, M.D. D, D. LAWRENCE, JR., M.D. S. N. SMILEY, M.D. W, R, PFEIFFEB, M.D. S. C. DALTON. M.O. G. K. HOUSTON. M.D. November ?. 1992 Mr'. Andy Knucltsen Torvn of Vail Planrrirrg Dept. 7-5-5 Frontage Roacl Vail, CO 816.57 Dear Mr. Knudtsen: My honre is locatecl at t-547-4' Springhill Lane. Within site of several of the rooms of my home is anothel resiclence lclcated at 1628 Vail Valley Dlive. This home was recently re- paintecl an unbelievable eve sole shacle of led. The color of the honre severely conflicts u,ith the natural beauty of the environlnent. It is also an afflont to the adjacent neighbors rvho have attenrpted to truikl honres that u,oulcl blend with and enhance the environment rathel than severely (letract flon it. Therefole I would like to file a conrplaint with the Planning Department regarding the ugly appearance of this honre and request that the Town of Vail take action to have the owner re-paint the house in mole esthetic colors that rvould blend and compliment the beauty of the environment. Thank you for your attention to this nratter. Sincele ly. -) ,/>$*J,n-K*r-/-, Frank M. Rerrrbelt. M.D. FN4R,ftC October 7, ]-992 Mr. Andy Knudson Conmunity Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vai1, CO 81657 Re: Molyneaux Residence-Exterior Color 1628 Vail Valley Drive Dear Andy: As I advised Your I will be away next week and unable to attend the Design Review Board Meeting on October 7th. For the record, I would like to express my strong objection to the "new" color proposed by Mr. Molyneaux. When the sun hits the small area which was repainted it is dj-fficult to see a difference from the existing red. Although I have in the past questioned the requirement that homeowners obtain approval when changing the color of their residencer this incident has certainly changed my mind. Mr. Molyneaux violated a Town Ordinance and painted his house red on August 7th and' as a result, has imposed an eyesore on his neighbors and the neighborhood, especially now that the leaves have fallen and the house is more visable to those of us who live in close proximity. Furthermore' his response to the courtesys and patience both yourself and the Design Review Board have extended has been defiance and inaction. This has, as we feared, more than likely resulted in all of us having to endure a view of an unsightly red house all Winter. I would appreciate your sharing this letter wi-th the members of the Desiqn Review Board. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerelyt ll''(t+ lMartin /. 1635 GolfVai1, CO Terrace #27 8r657 AbeI PROPERTY MANAGEMENT October l, 1992 ilr. Andy Knudson Comunity Development Department Towrr of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81557 Dear lilr. Knudsonr Enclosed is a copy of a l{emorandum dated Septenber 29, 1992, fronthe Presidents of the four Vail Golfcouree Townhomes Aasociationsthat I am Managing Agent for. I also have received complaints regarding the color of the l.tollmeaux reaidence fron varioug Vail Golfcourse Townhome Ownera and plan to attend the Design Review Board Irteeting on October 7thto protest the proposed new color on behalf of all of the owners inthese proJecta. The Letter from the Presidents of four Vail Golfcourse TownhomesAseociations should probably be shown to the members of the Design Review Board. Thank you. Sincerely, ,,/)Lat t // -w t't I a{lt sar}ent Ittanaging AgentVail Golfcourse Townhomea Phasee I, II , III and IV PO. Box l292,Yail, Colorado 81658 / Crossroads Shopping Center/ 143 E. Meadow Drive - Suite 39lA 303-47 6-4300 / FM 303-479-9534 I vail Golfcourse Townhome Associations MEMORANDUM September 29, 1992 TO: Bill- Sarqent FROM: Len Busse President, Phase I Lou GramPresident, Phase II Dave ZinnPresident, Phase IIf Jim BuncherPresident, Phase IV As Managing Agent of the Vail Golfcourse Townhome Associations, please attend the Design Review Board Meeting on October 7, 1992 and express our strong objection to the exterior color of the Molyneaux residence located at l-628 Vail Valley Drive. Each of us has had numerous calls and complaints from our owners objecting to the exterior color as both unsightly and not in conformity with the surrounding neighborhood. Some of our Owners have expressed outrage that the owner was allowed to change the exterior color from brown to red without Tor^/n of Vail Desi-gn Review Board approval 'especially in light of the fact that it took four weeks in 1989 for Phases I, II and III to obtain DRB approval to change our exterior color from brown to the present gray. Bill' please inform the Design Review Board that since August 7, 7992 we have numerous owners who have had to look at this unsightly house from their home or drive by it to reach their home. On behalf of 76 Owners, we certainly hope that the Town of Vail can do something to alleviate this situation before the Winter. LB, LG, DZI JB a F!LE COPY ?5 Soutb Frontage Road Vtil, Colorado 81657 30t -479 -2r 3 I / 4? 9 -2 r 39 Departmcnt of Comnanitl Dcaclopmcnt October 19, 1992 Mr. Juan P. Molyneaux 29 East 69th Street New York, New York 10021 RE: Lot 1, Warren Pulls SuMivision Dear J.P.: The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the criteria which were used by the Design Review Board when reviewing your house on the lot referenced above. On October 7, 1991, the Design Review Board voted to deny your request for the color change. The criteria they used includes Section 18.54.050 A1, Section 18.54.050 C3, and 18.54.030. lhave included " these sections (and highlighted them for you) in the enclosed information. We received your letter officially appealing this decision yesterday. We will schedule it for the November 3rd Town Council hearing. I believe the Town Council will appreciate seeing a presentation on the ideas we have discussed in telephone conversations. Specifically, I believe a color board or sketch showing the burgundy color for the siding and a dark color for the window trim, the doors, and the fascia would be helpful. I lhink that it is important that you are present for the Council hearing to discuss these issues with them. lf Kristan or I can help you any in the preparation for the meeting, please call us. We enjoyed talking with the morning of October 7th and look fonrvard to working with you more. Sincgrely, ,#4 Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Project Application ^/t ./oat. {//7,/ ? z Projecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: slR Zone -'tta--L /fr,/'^ oL n //.. Desiqn Review Boardza/-z/ z{ (a;rr .42o,'..r a:1-)t0 /^'"/ z"t n,1 4-o Date Motion by: 6"-j Seconded by: APPROVA L /.. D ISAPPROVAL /rn /l _-J s* /-o l/tiT 1s-? V L /rtr/tLA ,/f tJ /9. 5 r' ds:a D Statt Approval Ses F /L€Frr? / (r r 71_11 y1 7(d1 r 6-7) ./ z'/- I 2 wT w '* !.ttag ]"to_yNEux sTUDIo L.TD 2L2 79761?6o - .. t'1 lRtc'o ocT 7 IWL .,N/fC)mE ARCHITEOTIIAAL INTERIORS & DECOR,ATION TELEFAX TO/PARA: ATTN: FAX #I FROM/DE: DATE; RB: Department of Andy Xnudteen (303) 479-2157 Dane Rvnsza Molyn6ru Studto 1628 Vall VallEy Drlve .1017le2 ,:r l.' PAOES: t (including tbls onc) Dear !lr. Knudteen; ' . Tlrank you for yqur telephone call thle mornlng. .". '' Enclosed pleaae flnrl dlrawlrrgE of proposed eirterltrf Etone and tl.mber work for the Molyneux Vail .repibincs. I belleve that lf Mr. Dlolyneux ls.allowed to contlnue wlth htg orlginal design conaept f,or the houPe he. lntendE topurtue the proJect of the stonE-tilrber ab well as landscaping work. f have Informed Mr;. Moiyneuli to expect your telephone call at 1i00 P,M. New {orli tine today.' SlncereIyi U I o ill wf w ,9 11:?9 HOL STT'DIO LTD 7L" 7g76L?i6 5 o o ol ltl Pot<so Q"*'.-r^- Po\.*so Q"*O^. S\ct\ec\^soN \i\<\( : :-- -= ----.-- fl\a^.\Aaccn rJ r\t1r \o, I\r-c\<- sG \q'"'!$(:s B \\' t.rqc.rc B,cqr.\<5s \l\\5, lni The Town Dear Design Review Board Members: Last week I received a letter from a resident of Vail which contained some photographs of a few colorful Vail homes. The letter suggested that of all the red homes in Vail, mine is the only one to fal] under scrutiny. I was s,r.pris.d to discover other hones similar in color to mine, considering the strong objections I have received from your board. I am wondering why is it you allowed other residents the freedom to choose thelr own colors and not me. I have always thought it unfair of you to cost me considerable; time, expense, and inconvenience in requesting for me to change the coLor of my house. In llght of this new informatlon, I feel lt is discriminatory. My attourney has suggested taking action against the town of Vail. I prefer first to extend consideration to the Desj.gn Review Board in asking a reconsideration of the existing color, the same color as thro other houses in Vail VaIley, 1n the interest of concluding this matter and avoiding litigation. Sincerely, J'. P. Molyneux )l i2, Deslen_"vf"pmrfJ>( ARCIIITECAURAL INTERIORS & DECONATION of VaiI, Colorado 29 BAST 69jr.8 STRDET, NEw' YORT, NEw. YORK TOO2I (2r2) 62A.OO97 FAX: (?1P) 7. 7.6126 ARCIIITECTURAL INTDRIORS & DECORATION August 31, 1992 Mr. Ned Gwathney 1000 South t'rontage Road, WestVall, Colorado 81557 Re: Lot 1, Warren Pul1s Subdlvlsion Dear Mr. Gwathmey: Enclosed please find a sanple of the proposed color change. As you can see the suggested "Redwood" is actually qulte brown, this is exactly what, I was planning to avold. f havei therefore, selected a compromise whlch I sincerely hope we can all agree upon. I would be very appreclatlve lf you would present thls alternatlve on my behaf conslderlng that lt ls more ln keeptng with the style of a true Swlss mountain chalet, my concept of what my Va1l home should be. You must understand that I would never Jeaopardize my hard earned reputatlon by proceedlng with a project that I was not completely sure of, especlally with respect to my own prlvate resldence. In the past my prlvate resldences have brought much crltlcal acclalm and I feel confident that lf allowed to proceed with the task of completing my work, My Vai.l hone wlll be no exceptlon. SlncereIY, Juan Pablo Molyneux 29 DAST 69TI STRDDT, NE.w YORK, NEW YORK IOO2I I (PlP) 6Pa.oo9z FAx: (er")797'6126.. Ft-G 11 'g 16:14 t'lo|-yrgl.D( SruDIo LTD 21? 7t76L?f ffiil* Ailoy tttuu vr*lt,J /F,rl(#: (e, 47f-et5+ FRoM/DE, - v fl tnALUA,tA)f Molynoru Studfo DAr& *ln fqvRE: tbet lAtL VME MtdL PAGESI (includlng thtr one) t IVI P.1 OMELI>( AROI|ITECTTJRAL INTERIOE$ & DB@RAIION 'r ;'l{,i8ii19(P TELEFAX 4 Mffiqfr/fr'^l-' WorrJ-\., a9 aAgr oe$ sr8E8r, NE\y YO8tr,NltW YORX tOOBt I (ErP) sBo'OO07 rAx:GtE) ?0?'0re6 . '€fr#'ir 19f rs,14 i6t9lflgtbro LrD ztz rrlai# tw' O r.rr" ed glrtrrL 0ulllcclul corfRlD0 "Flz DRA I}D&IGIEIOH - tglfil Ot t lI&, DATE A9PLTCATION RECEIVED: DATE OTF !)RB }TEETINO: * t** ** r irrrBte ttr&tcrtrroN nrrrrJ rot r! lgoIFElDgNBlt' ltl ltoulslR.Irn*lnffirnN ria iFrnfiEssE al A,DE$CRIFTION:@,rf 4oos-_ ,, ..,., B,TYPE OF RNVIEWi New COn!Crucr.l,on (9200, C0) *Addlt ton (sb0,00) C, AfiDREgS t D. LE$AT., DESCRTPTION:LoE SubClvtslon __MLno8 Altstatlon "4-concapgurl Roview (g20. oo) (90 ) l.f nrOnclf.y I e .-h.r r. , tr,r,r.r lJydoocrlpt lon.l . pleare psovlcti aEtACh tn I'h{r rnnlileslorr. d ||rrJOBO qntr DgUnCg ,leg6l.on a eeparal€ ah6it and !t Eloclr Irrusf Drovldo a euEEant E. P, o. ZONING I tOT A8EAt .I! rectuirrr.trsEtmped fusviy thewlng rrpplloantIof, nrot, H, I.!r^t{E Or oHNEnC. A9PLlCANT'S RI.;P ENTATIVL|: Iit'lrl rtr,lt' I NA}IE OT t'1.{ llng 8r0NrE9tr (91 :MaIIing rdaias;j J. K. Concloninlunr tpprgval lf opDllcabl,e, Dru lEEt DRB tcogr Ar $horrn abovs, are to be pria atEhr. ttnc gf cuhmiieq] cri ons-ripiicacion, ' -#[ii, whenrpptytnE for a uurrdlng pirmtii-piirii-i,icnt,Iii-ineaccurrgc valurtlon of inu proporil, Th. Towo if VallrlII rdJugi r,hc fee accordin(t'to-itir iipti-iHtow, toenlutr3 tha corrac: fe* is paia, Phons NAMU OT AFFLICAI{T: Maf llng ,idctresr ! VAl,UhTION FEE ts peld. FEE $ 20,00 $ 50.00 9100.00 $200 .00 9400.00 9$00.00 r ?T?roN .nEvr$lf Do$,D ttrRol|A& Errrlttsg 9N! tlt tttlt ttl,n& -ll?Bovil uNr,t0! I lurlDruo rrrurii-ig iitguio l,xii corrsrRucrron rrg8tn8!D. .. $ alrr&r(5groN wt&& t! Ftt9gEgqSD wtEtttrvlt olft{!t.t tluNi'JURa ! €oturt Ens corrGc:, lte VA&UTTIONI o-t lo,ooc{ lQr 901 - I 50, c00!!9,oot-s.tgo;ooo !199'091 - { .soo,ooo $500,001 - 91,000;000I Ovcr $l,000, 000 b.r/1. f [;riPY 7l Soath Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0t -47 9 -2 r 1 I | 47 9-2 1 I I Department of Community Derelopmcnt i August 21, 1992 Mr. Juan P. Molyneaux 29 East 69th Street New York, NY 10021 Re: Lot 1, Warren Pulls Subdlvlslon Dear J.P.: On August 19, 1992, the Design Review Board discussed your proposed color change for the residence relerenced above. They did not approve the color that is on the structure at this time and your representative requested to tabte the item until September 2,1992. The Board discussed the option of allowing you to finish the stucco and doors after providing the Town with a letter of credit; however, the Board believed the best way to resolve this issue was to not allow any paint to be applied to the structure in any location until alter an approval has been given for a color change. I know you would like to finish the stucco area. However, because there has been no DRB approval given, you may not paint any portion of the structure. lf you would like to talk about the Design Review Board Discussion, please call me at 303/479-2138. I look forward to working with you in preparation for the September 2 meeting. Sincerely, /fu(i4"'{#( Andy Knidtsen \--Town Planner,#o Arqh ,/ ^, tll,3cc: Mafi Abel l1\ l.q - \\ * MartaGadmus T \" John SunderlandBitlDiones 4g6XBillSheppard FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorailo 81657 t0t -479-21 1 I / 47 9-21 39 Deportrncnt of Commanity Dczs elopment August 10, 1992 HAND DELIVERED Mr. John Sunderland Re: Lot 1, Warren Pulls Subdlvlslon Dear John: I think it is important at this lime to document our conversations up until now. On Friday, August 7, Dan Stanek, a building inspector for the Town of Vail, came out to the Molineaux Residence at approximately 4:00 p.m. He asked you at that time to stop painting the house. Then, on Monday, August 10, I came out to the house at approximately 12:30 p.m. and also asked you lo stop painting. I understood that this morning, you were finishing up the stucco and were not adding any of the red color to the siding. lt is important for me to emphasize that all painting must stop on this house immediately until the Design Review Board approves the color change. The next Design Review Board meeting is August 19, and we will put this residence on that agenda if you would like. Will you please discuss this with Mr. Molineaux, the owner of the residence, and determine who will represent the applicant at the Design Review Board? We will need a completed DRB application, including color chips, no later than Monday, August 17, in order to keep the item on the August 19 agenda. Thank you for your cooperation in this effort and il it would be helpful for me to explain the Town of Vail regulalions to lhe owner of the property, please feel free to have him call me. I can be reached at 303/479-2138. Marty Abel Vail Golf Course Townhome Association Juan Molineaux Krislan PriE Andy Knudt5en Arqh cc: o y'n\il 0 6// Mr. John Sunderland P.O. Box 1393 Edwards, CO 81632 Mr. Juan P. Molyneux 29 East 69th Street NewYork, NY 10021 Mr. Marty Abel 1635 Goll Terrace Vail, CO 81657 Ms. Marta Cadmus Vail Goll Course Townhome Association c/o Brandess Cadmus Real Estate 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 s4-y *'t C-ror( rr,-L, y t. L {K re {tN, tu' i) $:rt D; "-'- f} tTol S. J^,.a.\z-<. J/. Grr-^ t^:-a> ( ll, t( o n C_z) Ybq o 75 Soutb Fronta.ge Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 t 03-479-21 1 I / 47 9 -21 19 D epartment of Cornmunity Dezt clopment August 10, 1992 HAND DELIVERED Mr. John Sunderland Re: Lot t, Warrcn Pulls Subdlvlslon Dear John: I think it is important at this time to document our conversations up until now. On Friday, August 7, Dan Stanek, a building inspector for the Town of Vail, came out to the Molineaux Residence at approximately 4:00 p.m. He asked you at that time to stop painting the house. Then, on Monday, August 10, I came out to the house at approximately 1230 p.m. and also asked you to stop painting. I understood that fiis morning, you were finishing up the stucco and were not adding any of the red color to the siding. lt is important for me to emphasize that all painting must stop on this house immediately until the Design Review Board approves the color change. The next Design Review Board meeting is August 19, and we will put this residence on that agenda il you would like. Will you please discuss this with Mr. Molineaux, the owner of the residence, and determins who will represent he applicant at the Design Review Board? We will need a completed DRB application, including color chips, no later than Monday, August 17, in order to keep the item on the August 19 agenda. Thank yort for yorrr cooperation in this effort and if it would be helpful for me to explain the Town of Vail regulations to the owner of the property, please feel free to have him call me. I can be reached at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, / , dl- / t./ 7 /'r(F*/fr-( Andy Knudt$en \ Town Planner Arqhcc: Marty Abel Vail Golf Course Townhome Association Juan Molineaux Kristan Pritr oz ts =t uJo N v,ululu- E =E LlJ "qhtr c'\o\ rn tsFl rd N F-r FI tsU)zEfrl LU s trlto(tz 6 IrJF o F 2z = z oul z oz 6 co 06 z CE UJz B ul7 F z lt J UJo o Eo E UJz3o ll. ul o) al,o! oo!, (, E (! P\ 6s5'oF c) o) E ooo E o .o =5 otr(! o 3 oi(l,'=c)', g8E coo.Yo 6?ioaF.= 6 EBPc-o efs =gPd'i =c96 EEE EE-ssoo iEo eqg;q! i.Y- d cr@ o- $EE oP o. =fipE6:EP boE* EEE - o' JJ --C(6 o'- € -o-P €'€;o?;;6>,9,sa Tfi E .3'f e9Eo eEg -oG F(rl * F =gJ z f x UJ z qJJ llJ z (o J J oz ul = ut uJu-z tr uJ UJ oe 6 3g IIJ e,z a uJ F o uJ q z llJ o x t- tu(n at,lut!lt = =E UJa- J FoF z @ J UJ uJ z 6 = o- J q) z IJJ: NOrrvn'NA 46oc) =14tr-rloFr z.OF i!<#ffiffi <'' UJ*<tr o(\l l\I zo6 =>E zo5q EPU'O1>t()9Zs.<o1 --6;oFO;Aj zo F o oEo UJ F 6t z xX z F UJ ;|lJz tzlzOo <oo< >r!RtrUo<z Fz ,. 2=-rF EO3EOI IJJ l J (r ID IJJzY iF 2 tr az I tttz z I ) 3 F IJJ 3 tt, lJl SI ,_l zl .. >lo uJo uJ uJzot EEluo- z E z J I& z I tt-(o G (l O az Fl Ar v UJt- U) @oazo Fo. UJY Ha93 F =ltrUJ P:o- Ei Era o. -lodoFlrl UuJbkzo zo9ze coo =z dP EF= A;E F uj :H6vE<ef60ne.B9?iri9.EE =>=uJ--5 h=tl;: =o-I OtlE oot htuE XO-t x>t q- o-i! ,r= ll,l @ F E ts =E IJJGzoF C)f E,Fazoo !tr! t.rlrn .it Io\.v or I dl =.1('l gl el>lttlol zl 3lolFI :l<t>l u-lq zl 3lotFI .Iol >lttlol zl il I J sl 5t Fl, l g T H 1 Hg. B (Jz -)lJ- ts(J rddtrl aJ) E tJ) z H tfrl FfFl FlH @c{\o uJ \oc{t\(\I I\o F..$ ,.lilnl I el El JI <l>l lr.lol zl3l PI oz6 =lJ *tr =+E Fo2 -)I E, c) UJ E -rO<Fcc) IJJ <zE TIJ FrqZo NEtr \ $$ Nu,F o DtrD E G, u,lo- 6 EUE3€8tgE; EEO- 9't* E FEE :AE Ub9 iurE XO-E ;'auloi!E ul @oF !@ z o9z4 cDo =z dP iE= A;E I I Ils, t3 I I I I l.,ot<c IE2 t= { *'-oc6*6-9r B EE:E EgEEE EgE€F iEiiE g"; E"g g sE; ei € E ='g! !EE:g6 0'-: -!= o (, tr ef;ie€ iggii 2ZtLo ooF-afrz9 i toE E 6.E .toc66 ?,(Jzx|r<oq iP;.iCElfxsJ;6=_ re(' zl .. >l uJ UJ UJz a,F =ul z E @ I I I -l FoJ z J t! nl U q/ \l "4d oql e U 00 u.; =z @ q -{ s to s I I I ',JJ Nq Jl il It t, vl -+, s:fs ?l0l IIJI 5l al>l il|ol zl =lolH oz (, gJ G,J ttoz3oF 2F s3DF d.6() Fc) Fzo() Ehg+EFt-o2 o o = E-tru,o- ot(t) NEE 'f u, tsooo? 2o Fq uJY llJ(D oF E tr IIJ lt o.oo I UJ Foz E =E EI o-zoF C) EFozo CJ 75 routh trontrge rold u.ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 otflco of qommunlty dcvolopmc|rl BUILDING PERI,lIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval, Engineer''s (Public Wot"ks) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. A'll commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned naximum requirements. Resjdential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, jf resi-dential or smaller projects impact the various above ment'ioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. Projecf Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. a I \ 75 soulh lronlag€ road yall. colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECI: oltlce o, communlly deY€lopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPUENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAI, STORAGE In surnroary, _Ordinance No. 6 states ttrat it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on alt Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be stri-lfy enforced by the Toin of Vailng!_lic Works Department. Persons found viotating this ord.inancewlll be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial.In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLtic WorksDepartment will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance strltt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. ffranl< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date Lr .5I{AI, INSPECTION'S COMPLBTBD U The ltens belos need to be couplete before glvlog a perult a flnal C of 0. Please check off la tbe box provided. rINAI PLINEING oI /- .;0\\"tl/kQ^e'^-.Yt/ DATE:tl FINAL }TECEANICAL DATEs IMPROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. NA}TE3tr . ./(/_ CDATE: /-/-7-72-n FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDEI TJEST SIDE: DATE: t:ii I TEMPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCT'PAI{CY DATE: LANDSCAPINC DUE Ilr DATE: 44Ul t6ztr t//"/4 * FILE NAME: ILc 0l( oz E =E UJo- oo ooo a.r', IJJ TIJ lJ- = =E uJ.L *#/,fs/ff,, .\ \\' Nf- \ {I $It IN N N ,,, sl-Eoo<\\oo cr) 5 ao! 6< I.L U'Od(,Ezoo-Jt-5 uJ o E F v)z =o zz o uJ z z =l c0 .6 ozz E UJz3 uJIF z t!Juro I tt cclltz3 lto l,rJ |- E'ot-c\ o\;l =txl o. lo. r, :\ifolFrt\r;-v3T H=r\.s\ br5Ao 1t (u oEoo o) E f dl E o =:) d{, a (! =.9 E '=O(');i sb:; F.c S? €*tea-.= (! -Sfc; .E8E6c-o> cf =E: gP: E >=:.96Fio5o, 3 5;.5 E EARf!Eo*OOc 5t;EE!;co-(5 o--o=-o(5 ): o-o!E-or:fi:€ E6:F :Ee H EsES - o..!a o E; (Do EtEc E e;: t* E: i.!-: E eEg: u) (o rf)c! sf (f) <f s O?o r-.1 rr) N <\rc\l F =E IJJ z ! -() uJI z J () e. lu lrJ z = J 9z o uJ ullt zo tr uJe.o uJE o(E o.o =uJ UJEz 6Itto Fq, llJ z ul X F UJol .n UJluLL tr =Eul o- J FoF (,z = co IGF llJJ uJ (,z co =Jo- J = gJ. NOrlVn]VA !c 6 EE rE Loo. !coPx(U x 'Z2e-o ootr ^ 6z95:eF9 oE .toEZrOoo?.()zx l!<oq i+-e!' -\ IIJaXz !-.NO -E>\-qJi :r. -t: -\5 =uJcn =loN z tr { ..i UJo- - F- IL uJ q az Eoo. z tr UJF B uJz =z. Oz do3trOI z: uJf z F J oz (E ro F IJJ l! E lel/Irot{ du-<>oH za =(r uJ(L J zo o(J <@ o,- =YU'Y<(!Jt<(Dt(]. sl HI sr-(o or (f) ] @.' cO OO g or IJJF 6 ulFo @o-zo F uJY ulo oF F =E IJJ o- IIo o-oo uJFoz z,n9zed)o =z O- lJ- *fi 2?1 =u'l E6d> F uJ l! utoz oF I o" JFuJ!h> O. IJJ>o-Ol!9o \ IJJxo-x>EF =tr uJ(0 F co Eo,o o B-t .E 3 E Eo(, f\o f=6>trl-E=t:o:t E =E.lrl o-zoF C) E,Fazoo fnD ot =.1ol rJll 5l <l>l t!lol zl 3lolFI ol =.1ol uJl 5l q u-lol zl 3lI I I I I cil =.1ol IJJI 5l <l>l rLlol 3l sOl rrJFI F el (rl tl <l>l bl zl FI I IL l" )u.lAl crl <ll> EO !(t,ct(u Lv. =(u tr (D 5) v.(J UJo UJ(-)z. tlJo a,t1 UJE d.lrl(5 Ld u ii =z (n -) 6.1 (f)(\t rt) I(oF .if o(J rU = Arlola{ =LI 1 q :E 4 l-0lir = Oz zt- =o =#4ZLLoo z T uJ = --.r O<FGOuJ<zEUJFozo C) F (I r-z J EFc) uJ il F IIJ Er()i ltrn! ; IJJ UJII F =Eul.L in uJF z =o fo€ o2z uJz3o uJI z c 'n c; .,, Y €!oc)\,.o -tgo.Y'aa';o -octr3q,o uF.qq)(9C .gEC .ttooNC) -of; ePFo 96 o\J o)ccO FEoo3o(!cD o.S:E-=9d 6E att O EJ '=! .|q) o9 oo- t; t/, .9t>€E j- q) oti (' '=g)(.a*io ao(6 =e*,EEEt=> € EE .e:5 :€P€ >= c96 d.E 3 E EE*_e Rcc-€tetq: i.Y- 6o.o o. sEEg,r o,E*p :i;FgE EOo; EFE;o 6 6.sc; rD1*E B*:E:; =6>o6; ii(5:Ee 3 .,i; e9EorEEE!OED -9ag <n IJJ[! tJ- F =(l UJc J FoF z6 = - 3 lJ- z F (J gJ J llJzr!(, rt N N z 6 6 z9F ^o= !EYU'O7z6:rt<og i-()t (.)FOjni lr o- zl .. >l IJJ uJuz F ql ) z E UJl = (E o) a) UJzY i 2 9 F) oz oFz. 9z -iF fio36 z Eoo z tr uJ J =UJz oz tl- b>a vl uj\l av\ uJ =z I I I .lolzl dl uJl CEl JI <l>lttlol zl 3lotFI tltl tlt.ltol,l zl \/ ol:l ulll5l1Sl\ trlloltzl5=ls9l bl 3 PI I ol uJltrl JI <lilol 2l 3lq H g, F u, 7 (J -rO<FG()!!<zEr!F(rzo(J tr C) Fz 99c?2E d5 C) Eligx-(ro2 o C) zo9z4 coo =z o-- P Ji6 =zF<F? 'i uJE= (,z = lo E l,r.le o2U'E() E<CtldaD6eB9EirieEt =>FdEFor{rriE=rX P5 € :.14.io-:lttr-tu TD F I -- !!t t n! i-'e) \))-so v o'2 --"--) Project Application c',/ a- < lv1 ProiectName: h /Z L t ut'ri ",- c'\ ' tt' '" '' Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone *t4 tL Architect. Address and Phone: I i'Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block I , Filing , Zone Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL !I Su mmary: Dale: / Town Planner . /t -X/ lci it il . ;t; t! 1 iv \ sr"t Approval i€ un o oaq E\bbaqa )< $ I tN ( oo a \ ) Best CoPlot Available -_ii_Ji L- i- \.- t\ ry l'{ -r--..-- h ; --{tol€ ':: -#r-tr- - -- - :: <: -& lt- ii '_cl*:to.l'-)_i :J t. A, lr'lt | | r, F'I,{ \, I Ir Fr/(lvv .l_--l ;- ---T F_ I tttl't "t tttl ii r!!l rtrl t!II f: tl:l.l :l| :l r;; Fl E,!T1 b+{r\l::+{ ,] '5.\ t N\t\ x 2o \o \t-$- : * \i*ri o n\r\i\ rTI l\l.lN ::1 i{ f:q$ \ ril' i: N {i .N N ,h* '|l u Ii 1, ,ilj $ .t'lt.is I I 4.J F2 v r'J\., -3n-Y 'v itnqF,. q., o . *j^ !lv al t1 g4a^wd .2)<c rtrlyv 142dod g'7ri ror:S,/ $ *-_-"'---7 ta*; I I I !. I I I \ )(l t''.t-It) _l -ort- t s :5I -lt- e o haaq F €. dr J v a4d Y Y- .J € 4 3ot ]x OJP.4 2.6-.$; I fo -1 I I I I i-I t- '-' - I I I --i 'l I I ;i:: lii| .1. ll l,l;.l |It I A Oo rrtc at . ot fteO ii ::=:==_-_._: :-=---' -1=H I i '1 r (p *c,ea | | t-- yqtl &0 rJ) 7t oD L o"'iltu t-W,asftTtolJ zItZ5.tdz..1j,O'{'.8 F-a,,/_.! : ^:.22. ;'' 1.'27-< . k;/4,<,r,;x/ ?eZ *:- ' I 7!.',' , <'24..,:l-!z o -Jl ,/a/c) il D LTll' / I .i-,t, i I t*6r4u{J'. lt='4tt A,0olfloP Loot?tMk OD'T Lt l;t I tv B, d-/) I i 1l v Proiect Appllcation **. $. Proj€ct D$cription: contactp€rsonand plon" BgN /(F,ue Lefz q? C-;.-r?i ?- o*ner,njor".sandphone: 4eu l(tueece- /u>P l.lnru l/httcv lrle vi+tL Architect. Address and Phone: u [^ft v- --.* , -o^r' r f/zzlcY Legal Description: Lol Commsnts: Bfock I , Fiting i <rf' ,2on" lKs I Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL firfn"|l,|- , ,, Town Planner ".", qJg /T"l ( s,"uApproval Zoning Check . Wapren Pulis' Subdi'vris'ion * Lot 1 Block 'l Lot Area: .478 Zone: Two FamilY A]lowed QRFA,4,442 'ls.'t Floqr 39 x 34 GRAF Znd Floor 39 x 23 3rd Floor 23 x 11.6 Addition 26 x 16 Garage Storage Extra Storage squqpe feet n 1326 S_q.uqre = 867 Square a 276 square '- 416 square 600 square 200 square 136 square fieet Feet feet feet feet credit feet credit feet New Sunroom 126 Square feet 3,147 Square feet total 4,442 square feet al'lowed 3.147 square feet Proposed g GMF -'-'1 ---T i_Ji l- {- \.- t\\ "\ t{ -l ll:\.\ I 'l I4'-T r ..'co \ o a€q vlO\b b5qzY I$ lE \=:l 3bflHdr\F+r ;; t.t I N\rLS\\ ,, ;.rx r! I \ ;:ir Ir ii ..= i\ \io.; \l 3i n!' I N-\ 'TI'\ 'i..l1t.lxr ::il it t: '1'/i S i,.'JT't ;i/r {i ii 'f,ft'.)iNli}i yi ''1, .,il$ ..i{.ts 4 2 \l : I hio J = <l-o. 'J^:": .1 | t1 3ol)xOt ,lj 4 e<,a,4O2d .7trC ,trt)t7 H2dOd u*n |,tr 7att5 ,1 I I ) 1l / '1,..t'IJ I -ctt- 5 SO / t4 z Pr .) v a4 d vl r rJ a . . \,rr- --.-$I'",.k.'\ { I t4 \ I s:ti -lt- ? ? sIaaq \5 -& L)) fo A0otr'ep tu lQto >.:\ . I I I i I t- I 'I I (Poec,uB AotJ)flon) 1t t-- t/rtt . '-.-: fL-r'r-i:- r!'is:z-rr.-. -:1,-.-..: _--.rtrii..i.<€! :,ier- i-".._iir..r-,iii \:e:Fl a,. l,QtZ5.zC>'11{.'c'?-= .Faw;-.! : i ^:'trz. {,L//:"',. k/A,a,z.sx.t Pzllr- \ ' I it .,.,' , <'2z..r,:u!z o :\.. .'!auJt;3?;* 1- ae -62 .(€/A / I i--/l(Euges16 lt= A.0 oln o il ! ,V DPflJ, '4,t Z-oor?) t* 6641uil'. rvP I eFa t-- ODT Lt li n t- I 7 LIST OF MATERIALS 'St P t t'lw Z,-NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR o Lt: S0B 0)U tA tru The following jnformation is required for submjttal by the applicant to the Design Rev'i ew Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR xRoor FL>R€{ t"T4 sys,'e 4 WnPEedn a Les> >{ Sid'ing 5 P'n-tg Other l,lal I Materi al s Y Fascia Soffi ts ;5W indows Window Trimx Doors Door Trim 5 gvq{ --- PprLct+ €xrevsi an ft l4tvalt >N 6'laSg| H6'rse PLb f LsY | (A SY{,MI g.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani cal Name Common Name Quani ty Size* I ndi cate hei ght for coni fers . EXISTING TREES BE REI"IOVED to woD{ yHand or Deck Rai I s1 Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther t6flN *Indicate cal iper for deciducious trees. , ' ,rOn, MTERIALS: gotatat Name Common Name o Quanity'Si ze (con ' t) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO 8E REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. ! / ,IA a {Buto6.r?-. l{-o"*r (*l/L 3zr?/ ? t3zQ 2*!t/'r, 37rz1 -i e67j^L zsftt,e i z.f ze ltvul t 1YY tnFlu I O O PLE\ _ tb/ r- zg? z- LLt/ lry r t-$LI (4 /" iu&lffi^ tUJ,k zlY t Q fl".I**ft,A* 3 6 YLu q I - , I t (13 34'l 1/' \?LI yal-!h*w**bu -9 ,oY.? nt k{. I COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST. VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Telaphone (3031 47 6 -2251 Representing: T I fi it lmle lrusuRANcE UoMPANY oF lvllNNESorA TIM Form 2582 v 2lAl AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT - 1970 Rev. [rl-r lr'rsunar.rcr= florvrpANy or [\i||NNESoTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minncota TITLE INSUMNCE COMPAI{Y OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein cdled the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed InsJ:red nained in Schedule A, as ownei or niortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or iefe'ned to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums-ari'd charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of thc policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresem€nt. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shdl cease-and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever fint occurs, provided that the failure to issue such poliry or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPU LATI ONS I . The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other s€curity instrument. 2, If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or olher matter affecting the esiati or interest ot mottgagl thereon covered bf this Commitment other than those shown in Sdredultr B hereof, and stull fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowleiige of any suih defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company- at its option may amend Schedule B of this Conunitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Uability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual lo$ incurred in re- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquirt or create the estate or inierest or mortgage thereon correred by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the imount stated in Schedule A for the poticy bi policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and tie exilusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com' mitted-for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed lnsured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the slatus of the title to the estate or interest or the staius of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STAI'JDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitnrent is also subject to tlre following: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements,.or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection ofthe premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affxed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigrred by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. lrrur l*sunn*cr fiorvrenruy oF [1/|tr,rNESorA -Q,..**.f* o ,?^COfINITilEHT SCIIEOULE A Appf lcstlon HE. UOO046l0*3 f:on Inf orne t ion 0nlg '- Chrrgrr - 0errcr Pol I cg 1726.00 Trx Cert I f.i5.00- - T0TAL - -. t73t.O0 lJlth gour rrnlttrncr pto*'rr refer to Vtt0046l0 "I. 1. Effrctlv* Detrt JANUARY 14, 1983 rt 8t00 A.fl. 2. Pollcg fo br lrru*d1 rnrl propoced Inrurrdr 'ALTA, 0rnrr'r Potlca t3{lS'000'OO Fsrn &*1970 (Amndrd ltl-"17-70) Proporcd Inrurrd! SRIC J. OOTTINO 3. Ttre ertrte or I rrtclret I n t?rr llnd doscr. lbed or ref et'red to I n th I rConnitnrnt rnd covrrod hrreln lrl PARCIL AT A }:EE PAFCEL BT IASEIIE}II AHD RICHT OF UAY I''OR THE PUfiPO$E OF THE USE OF A ROAOUAY TOR I}I6REg5 ANO EORES$ AS ORANTEO IN OOCUI1EHTS RECORDEO JAilUARY 31, 1983 It{ BOOK 352 AT PACS 973 ANII Il{ B00K S$? AT FAoE 974. 4. Iltla to thr c*trie or lntoFrst crrvlrrd hrraln ls at th* effcctlvt drte h*rtof vrrtrd Int BERIIARO R. KBUEGER rnd CILIl{E n, KRUEBER 5. Tht Lrnrl rrf*rrrd to ln thlr Connitnrnt lr rirccnlbtd rr follosrr ." ?ARCEL At '- LOT tB, A RESUBDTVTEION 0r Lor I, UATTREN PULIS 9UB0M9I0N ACC0ROIN6 , ,: TO TIIE PLAT RECORDEO 9EFTENBSR Ti, I''82 Iil BOOK T45 AT PAOE 9tr2, . ,, couNTY 0F EABLE, STATE 0F C0L0RA00, PARCEL BT EASEIIENT A}IO RIGHT OF ['AY A$ROSS IHE TOLLOI.'IIIO OEECRIBED TIIO FABSELS 0F LAl.r0: oOo COTlII ITNEilT SSHEOIJLE A. Appl icetlon No. Vtl0046t0-3 PARCEL I I THAT PART OF LOT I, SUNBURST FILING IIO.3, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IH THE 0FFICE Of-" THE EAOLE COTTNTY, eOLORA00, CLERK ANO RECoROER (cLEnK'S RECORDS), Toull OF UAIL, CoL0RAD0, DE$CRIBED A$ F0LL0ll$r Bg0INI{IN0 AT A PoI}|T 0N TttE I,,E$TERLY LINS OF LOT 2, UARREN PUI"I9 suBoIuIsI0H, A suBDIUl$roil figc0RDE0 rN rHE ct.ERH'$ REToRDS, IIHENCE THE NORTIIUEST CORNER OT $AIO LOT 2 BEARS N OO DSORUE9 OO NII{UTES OI} SECol{0S E 6.!8 FEET DIsTAtlTp TtltilCE N 63 DEGRIES eg flIHUIES 18 $ECOI{D$ II 62.83 FEET TO TIIE SOUTIIERLY 8OU}TOARY OF VAIL OOLFCOURgE TouilltofiE8 As$ocIATroN, PHA$E rII, THE nAP 0r HllICll I$ RECORDED IN B00K 332 AT PAOE 509 0F THE OLERK'S REC0RDSI TIIENCE THE FOLLOUIN0Ilt0 coUR$E8 ALONB $AID S0UTHERLY B0Ul{oARYe (l) ll 79 0EGRIES og fiINUTES 38 SECONO$ U 16.70 FEET; (2) 58.14 FEET ALOl,lO TllE ARC 0F A cuRvE T0 rHE LErT HAVIilS A RAOTUS Or. ?53,31 rEET, A CENTRAL ANCLI 0rt3 0E0REES 09 t'trNUTES {tg r!EC0t{09, Alto A cH0R0 tfHlcl{ BEAR$ il S5 OEGFEE$ 43 III'{UTE8 TT SSCOIIDg U 58.02 FEET TO THE EASTTRLY Rt0ltT-0F-lrAY LII'lE oF VAIL VALLEY DRIVET TllEllCE ALON0 SAI0 RIIITIT.OF-I'IAY LII{E 3.62 FEET ALOITS T}IE ARC OF A CURVE TO TIIE RIBHT llAvlilo A RAorus 0F 75.00 FEET, A CgltTRAl- AlrCILE OF 02 DECIRgES 46 nINUTES 0S 6EC0I{DS, A}lD A CHORD !|HICH EEAR$ S 06 DEGXEES $3 nINUrE9 41 9EcoN0S U 3.62 FEEII TltEilCE I 86 DE0REES 26 nIilUTES 5I SECONOS E 3'J.60 FEETI THEtlcE S 63 OEBREES 28 nIHUtE$ 19 SEC0HI)$ E 106.6? FEET T0 TtlE UE$TERLY I-INE OF SAI0 LOT ?r T!{E}ICE Al-0}10 SAID UESTERLY LI}IEII OCI DEGREES OO NINUTE$ OII SECOIIDS f, 17,88 ':EI'T TO THE POINT OF se 0IlrNIt'r0. PARCIL 2. TIIAT PART 0t VAIL GoLFCOURSE T0tilltonES A860CIATr0N, PHASE IlI, THE BAP OF UHICH IS RECORDEO TN BOOX 332 AT PAOE SO? OF TIIE RECORO$ OT THf SAGLE C0U|{TY, CoLORAOO, CLERT{ AND RECORDEF{ (CLERK'S REC0RD6}, OESCRIBEO A$ FOLLOT'gS SEEII{ilII,IB AT A POINT O}I THE EASTERTY I{IGTIT-OT-!,IAY LIt{E OF VAIL vALLeY 0RI9E uH€NCE TilE fiOiir USSTERLY CORT{ER 0F LOT 1, SUNBURgT FILIN$ lto. 3, A SUBDMSI0Ii RIC0RDID It{ THE CLEI{X'S RECoRD8, BEARS H 4g DEOREE{| 3J flInUTg$ r5 SECONO9 tl 110.68 FEET OI6TANCEI IHENCE S 86 DTGREES 26 IIINUTES t3 9EcoNog L: 3e.?4 rsE'r; THENCE s 63 DEGREES 2S I'ITNUTE$ IB SECOND$ E 3?.OI' FEET O THE SOUTHERIY BOUI{OARY OF gAID VAIL COLf'COUROE T0lrNH0ftEg ASS0CIATI0Ne FHASE IlIp TllENcg THg FOLLOUINO TIIO COURSE$ ALOI'I$ SAIO IiOUTIIERLY EOUNOARYT (I' N 7? DEBRIES O0 flINUTE$ 3B $ECOt{Ds f, 16.70 [EET; (2) 50.14 fEtT AL0i{G THe ARC OF A CURVE T0 THE LEFT t{AVIt{8 A ftADIUS OF 2$3.31 rgET, A 0ENTRAL AN$!.E 0F t3 CIEGBEES O? nIt{UTE$ 0S SECOT{OS, A}lO A CH0R0 UHIC}I BSAR$ il 85 DESREES 4g ttlt{UTE$ tt $EC0N0$ U 58.{t? FEST TO Tl.lE EAETERLY RISHT''0F-llAY LIItE 0F VAIL VALLEY 0RIv[1 T]lEHCt AL0NG SAt0 RICIHT-OT-UAY LT}IE I2.4I FSET ALOITO IHE ARC OF A CURUS TO THE LEF HAVIXtj A RAUIUS 0f 7S.0O FE[T, A CENTFAL AilGLt Or 09 OE6AEIS ?S nrlruTEs ss $Ecot{D$, AHo A CHoRD uHrcrt BEAR$ lr 00 DECIREES 46 n[NuTEg 11 $Ec0|ltlS E l2.rr0 FEET T0 THE p0lllT 0r SEGINNI|IG. A L?A coflflITll $cr{E0uLg B.. l ( Requ i rrnarrtr ) EI'I T -{i . .;, Appl lcot I on No. V0004610-3 Thr fottoulng ors thE raqulrenent* to be conplied ulthcl. Pryront to or for thr accsunt of tha grontorr or *ertgigors of thefutl conrldrrrtlon for the trtrte or lntrragt io br Inrurtd. Froper Inrtrurent(s) croctlng thc rrtrta br lrrttrert fo trr Inrurtdeurt bs rxrcufrd rnd dulg fltad for rocordr to-Hltc 2. 3.UARRANTY DEED FB0n BERiIARD R. KRUEBER rnd CELII{E 11.J. OOTTINB CONV€YI}IB SUBJECT PROPERTY. ifoTEr sAIo DEE|) tlU$I C0NVgY LoT 18, A t{ESUtt0lVl$I0}r TJARREH PULIS 13UB0M0r0lr, T00ET|{ER UrIH ANy IilTERg$T EASEnENT DtE0E R[C0R0E0 JANUARY 31, t?83 XN E00r( 3s? 800K 352 AT PA{!E 874, B00K 392 AT PASE 87$, At'rD S00K 876. KRUEGER TO ERIC 0t: LoT I, IN ANO TO AT PABE S73, 35? AT PAOE ilOTEt THI6 PROPERTY IIAY gE 6UI{JECT TO THE REAL ESTATE TRANSFEN TAX 8Y VIRTUE OF IT$ INCLUSIOI{ IN THE TOI.IN OF UAIL. PURCI.IASER SIIOULO COI{TACI THE IOI.I}I OT VAIL REOARDIIIS 6AIO A88E35IIE}{T. oOo c0nilITfiINT scHEouLE s'-2 (Exceiptlorrr) Apt,l icellon No. V000461O-'3 Thr pollcg or potlclrr to ba lsgucd ulll contrln.txctptlonr to tha foltouing unlarr tho rrne rre dirpor*d of to the *stisfsctlan of tht Couprng I 1. Bt:ndcrd Exccptlonr I thlough $ pt'lntrd on the cover rhtet. 6. Trxlr and r*ltrlu*nts not get due or pagebt'r and sprclrt lrtergnrntc not get cortifled to tho Treasur3l.'i offlce. 7. Ang unprld trxrr o.^ rrrrrsnsntg rgolnst rcld lend. S. Llorrr for. unprld prter. arrd serar clrar.grrl lf eng. I. RTOH OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIII OR LOOS TO gXTFACT ANO RENOVE I]I9 ORE TIISRIFROh SHOULD THE SA'IE SE TOUND TO FEIIETfIATE OR II.ITER$ECT THE PREfIISE$ AS RE$ERUED IN UNTTED STATES PATEilT RECORDEO JUNE 2?, 1?O3T IN BO0l( 48 AT rA6E 495. 10. RIS}II'OF LIAY TOR DITSHE$ OR CANALg CON$TRUCTSD P.Y TIIE AUTHORITY OT THE UNITED STATES AS RESERUED IN UIIITEO $TATES PATE}I RSCORDEO JUNE 2.?, 1903, tlt B00x 4s At PAGE 4?$. 1I. UTILITY EASERENT A$ ORANTSD TO UAII. I.'ATER AND $ANITATION OISTRICT IN IilSTRUnEilI RECORDf,D OC1'0BER ?t!, 1969, Ilt EOOK 116 AT FASE 217. NOTE: ITEfIS ?, TO AHO 1I AFFECT PARCELS A ANO 8 I?. RESTRICTION CONTAINED ON IHE REIORDEO I'LAI AS TOLLOU$t ''SY VITITUE oF Trtrs suBrllvl$rolr, Tilg Tuo L0Tri oR PARCELB cn|:ATED l{gREBY UrLL NoT CONFLY UITH LSOAL LOT REOUIREREI{TS FOR COT{$TFUC1ION OF A SIIIBLE FAttrLy REEIDENCE, ANO, TilgREFoRE, t{0 BUTLOIIilJ PERnTT SI{ALL BE GRANTEO BY I}IE COUNTY OF EA6TE FON SUCH A BTRUCTURT TO RT COHSTRUCTEO ON THE SUBJECT LOT. TI.IE CONSTRUCTIO}I OI.' ONLY OI{E TUO-T'ANItY RESIDENSE SIIALT T,E P€FNITTED ON T}IE COfIBIIIED AREA OF THE 1'IIO I.OTS CREATED SY T'IIIS SUBDIVT$IOII PLAT. 13. UEED OF TRU$T DATEo r'f,BRUARy 29, 1990, rROn EEnrtARD R, kRUEGEF Al{D CSLINE N, KRUEOER TO THE PUBLIC TRUBTIE OT'€ASLE COU}ITY FOR TI{E USE 0F FIR$T$ANK 0r VAIL T0 $ECURE tHE 8Un 0r 060,000.00 NECoR0[D ltlARCH 12, t?8r1, It'r BooK 300 AT PA0E 57. ;r SAID oEED 0F TRUST $AS TURTI|ER $ECUREO Il{ A$SICt{flEnT Or AgltTS:'j REC0nDE0 nARClt 12, 1980, IN BO0t{ J0tt AT pA0C $8. :. 14. EXISTING LEASEB AND IENAITCIES NOTEI ITEN9 I? THRU 14 AFFECT FARCEL A l$. RgslaIc'rIvE covEtfANTs, llflrcl! D0 NoT corfTAIH A roRTEIIURE 0R REVERTSR CLAUSE, AS CoNTAINED IH II{8TRUilENT RECoRoED SEPTEflBER t4, l?77, I}l B00it 2$9 AT FAoE 75S. o ,?o N01'Er ITE,,l 1$ AFFSCI'13 PARCEL g COIINITNENT $CHEDUT.G B'"7 (Exceptions) Appl icetlon No. V00tl461O-3 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver, CO 802(D 321-1880 13693 East lliff Avenue Denver. CO 80232 751-4336 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver. CO 80221 427-9353 31 10 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 102 Denver, CO 80227 988-8550 &10 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 303 South Cascade Colorado Springs. CO 80903 6344821 1211 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-6ffiO P. O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 476-2251 3600 S. Yosemite, Suite 350 Denver. CO 80237 7794220 650-17th Stroet Denver. CO 80202 629-7329 9725 E. Hampden, Suite 103 Denver, CO 80237 7508,424 COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPA}IY P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST. VA|L, COLORADO q1657 :. Tolaphone (3031 476-2251 . .r , .. ;1"t. .-.'- Tld. In u?.nc. Comp.ny of Mlnnrot h . |ub.ldLry of Mlnn.-t. tltl. Fln.|tcl.l Oo?porrdon. NAaOAO Sytrrbol - MTIT. Book 345 Page 930 ?42274 ff:IlE 3:,il::.:',J;ti,i:''333," o," ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT ThaE part of Lot 2, l,larren Pulis Subdivision, a subdlvision recor- ded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk aod Recorder, whLchis described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east ll,ne of said Lot 2 whence the north- east corner of said Lot 2 bears N 00"00100" E 40.00 feet distant; thence along the northerly line of an existing 40 foot wide access and utility easement N 89o23t41" W 90.00 feet to t.he west. line of said LoE 2; thence S 76"40'23" E 92,48 feet to the east line of said Lot 2i thence along sai.d east line N 00o00100" E 20,37 feeE to Ehe polnt of beginning, containing 916 square feet or 0.021 acres, more or less. o^r" Fft3frL Fee: $3.00pd I,r.l { t enma Colorado L. S. I ae3 t 04f H"';i::1'#$fr#"lt i.i.f'd;i1i''"'|*'l A' ;'_'Hl.:i.ill]'_'n: ."1?llll Thls Denn, Msde this between THE PULIS day of 0ctober , rg 8? RANCH, A Ljmited Partnership FILINGSTAMP Dzle, t(r-t.L- * Ea33.c Ccun'iy Sta'oc Doc. Irco ofthe County of Colorado, of the first part, and BERNARD R. KRUEGER Eagie and Statc'of and CELINE M. KRUEGER whose legaladdress is 1628 Vail Val ley DriVe, Vail, C0, orthe county or Eagl e t193(r"* t Colorado, of the second palt: WITNESSETH, that the said party ofthe first part, for and in consideration ofthe sum of TEN DoLLARS AND OTHER G00D AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATI0N------------------oor_r,rns and other good and valuable considerations to the said party of the first part in hanti paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereofis hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said parties of second part, their heirs and assigns forever'. not in ten ancy in com mon but ilr joint tenancJ-, all t he following descri bed lot or palcel of Cou ntJ of Eagl eland, situate, l:;ing and being in the LoTS tA AND tB, A RESUBDIVISIoN 0F LoT I, I^IARREN TO THE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1982 IN BOOK EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO and State of Colorado. to wit: PULIS SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING 345 AT PAGE 932, COUNTY OF also knou'n as street and number TOGETHER u'ith all and singulal the hereditarnents and appultenances thereunto belongirg. or in anywi5e sppsl- taining and the reversion and reversions, r'enraindel and lemainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and dema nd *'lratsoeve r of t he said palty of t he first part, either in I aw or erluity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, $ith the hereditanrents and appurtenances. TO HAVE .{Nl) T() HOI,D rhe said prenrises abole bargained and described. $'ith the appurtenances, unto the said parties of the second palt, their heirs antl assigns folever. And the said party of the filst part, for himself, his heirs, executols, and administlators, does covenant, grant. blrrgain and agree to and \a'ith the said parties of the second part, their heils and assign s, that at t he ti n)e of t ht, en seali ng a nd tielivery of these plese nts, he is well seized of the premises abovt' co4veyed, as of good, sule, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of inhelitance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain. sell and convey the sanre in nranner and form aforesaid, and that the same are flee and clea| fronr all fornrer and olher g|ants, Lrargains, sales. liens, iaxes. assessments and encu mblances of wh atever kind or n at u r.e soever, except genefa'l taXeS fOf the yeaf .|982 and subsequent yeals, easements of record dr irr existence, and recorded declarations festfictions, reservations and covenants and the above balgained prcnrises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said parties of the second part, the survivor of them, theiI. assifans an(l the heirs and assigns of suclr sti|vrr'or', against all and every pelson or persons larvfullyclaimingortoclajnrthervholeoranl''rartthereof,thesaidpart] of the first part shall and rl jll $'ARRAi\..TAND FOREVER DEFEND. The singulal numtrer shall include the plulal, tht, plural the singular, antl the use of any gender shall be applicable to all gendels. part has hereunt() set his hand and seal the da;- and 5-ear firstI N WITNESS WHEREOF tht' said palty of the filst above written. Signed, Sealed and f)elivered in the Plesence of THE PULIS MNCH, A Limi Partners hi SEALIs, genera partner ISEALI ISE ALI 0ctober ,1e 82, Ranch, A Limited Partners nrJ hand and official seal. . i. siArs oF coLoRADo I, ' ir.' lr".,r County of Eag 1 e I The foregoing;lhstru ment was acknowledged before me this 8th bv {it+flcrKamel Pulis as general partnertts*req llj#p My Commission expires November 24 , 1982 a1' of lulis iw d I r! I'ubl'. 81557d , Val-l, No.92lA. w.TRRANTY DE ED.-To Joinr Ten.nrs.- wr Ln-fi -tla , 7 z€ 6J 1 trtf! a t o t. o !t € o' 3 F q o o t I I I I .i fi I I I F -l o ts 7 F ',-. dBot :as ?agir 931 ?'P,!?5 ff :ryE: 3:,il::.:",i:ff ,::''o":","(}".v EASE}.IENT DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT WARREN PULIS, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") rfor TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents doesgrant, bargain, se11 and convey and confirm unto BERIIARD R. KRUEGER AND CELINE KRUEGER, whose legal address is 1628 VaiI Va1ley Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantees"), the following real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to-wit: 1 A permanent non-exclusive access and utility easement, together wj-th the right of ingress and egress, to construct, reconstruct, operate, repair and maintain driveways, electrical and water 1i-nes, other utilities and related appurtenances,in, on, over, under and through that part of Lot2, Warren Pulis Subdivision, a subdivision recordedin the office of the Hagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Lot 2 whence the northeast corner of said Lot 2 bears 11 00000'00' E 40.00 feet distant; thence along the northerly line of an existing 40 foot wide access and utility easement 11 89023'41" W. 90.00 feet to the west line of said Lot 2; thence S 76"40'23uE 92.48 feet to the east line of said Lot 2; thence along said east line trl 00o00 r 00" E 20.37 feet to the point of beginning, containing 916 square feet or 0.021 acres, more or less. Together with aI1 and singular hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and thereversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever, of the Grantor, either in law or in equity of, in and to the above-bargainedreal property interest, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO HAVE AllD TO HOLD the real property interest above bargaineC and described with appurtenances, unto the Grantees,their successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor, for himself, his heirs, successors and assigns, covenants,grants, bargains and agrees to and with the Grantees, their successors and assigns, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, subject to those 1iens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of record,if any; said above-bargained and described real property interest to remain in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantees, their successors and assigns, againsl all and every person or persons, 1awfu1ly claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, by or through the Grantor, which Grantor sha11 and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. Grantor, his heirs, successors, and,/qr assigns, shall not erect nor place any permanent building, structure I improvement, fence or tree on the above-described easement, and Grantees shall not be liable for their removal if they are so placed. Fee : g6.00pd o Acceptance of this easement by Grantees shalltheir agreement and consent as follows: t. At such time and in the event that the easement described herein shal1 be abandoned, Grantees I real property interest in the easement sha1l immediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. 2. The facilities installed in the above-described easement shal1 be installed, maintained, and operated so as to permit maximum use and enjoyment of the surface by Grantor' his heirs, successors and assigns. In the event it is necessary to construct, reconstruct, repair or replace the facilities, Grantees shall restore the surface of the land as nearly as may be practicable to the same condition, including full revegetation, as it was prior to such construction, repair or replacement, provided no permanent building, structure, improvement, fence or tree shall be placed thereon by Grantor. o'fi' 'SIGNED AND DEI-,MRED this 4e' " day of August, L982. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss The foregoing Access and lltility acknowledged 6efoie me this &(oa"y- warren Pulis. Witness ny hand and seql. My commission expires Easement Deed of August, L982 /{a/f/trt 11311'N OF VArL APPLICATION FON Application Date Publication Date Public Hearing Date Name of APPlicant | | t / lD l' Name of Applicant t-- 'W-avv4n -l[c+ l t >- - A--L - Name of owner if dif ferent f rom Applicant ( ' 0 U^9fu6 t f e l?-.* qqq Telephone Legal DescriPtion:Lot , Block , tr'iling 6r^A4- eL"e l-h If property description as ex5 unpGTEd-ubmit metes ii bounos Application is hereby made for a Conditional Use Permit to allow: ina ApPLICATIoNWILLNoTBEACCEPTEDUNLESSACCoMPANIEDBYTHEFoLLoI,IING: 1. Hearing Fee - $D0'00 + $1'40 for EACH addressed envelope' 2. A LIST OF THE OWNERS OF TIIE PROPERTIES within 300 feet in a single-r,amirv nesidential ; nu"--nr*iiy nesiaential; or Two-r'ami1y Primary/Secondary Resid'ential .Zone District; or adjacent to the subject prop6rty in all -other Zone Districts' The Owners List shal1 include tttt n"*t" of all- owners and the legal description of the propetiv "*""a by each' Accompanying this list shall be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificat"s ana Return nece:-pis propetiy fi11ed out to each owner. rnese iorms can ue outainla i"ot-the U'S' Post office' 3. Site P1an, floor p1a"n and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator 4. A description of the precise nature of operating characteristics and measures r!. ""tnpitible with other properties in the ProPosed use, its proposed to make the the vicinitY. -u 5 >L'"1o' i-1*1tofl,' I o l"lo Zone District. ilf Applicant C \,,1!* i^ \1611 . ',,,i&[ -!t%f\ , Nbo^{\ tlqt' hofor^^- o{wn flr\ir lu}il', ts\l-t, ,,G l. \ t3}. pt}" o,u"F] /\x\?-' unra44lje9 h 9usp dNs')il[\r5ti6s b,(il.t{'trtiK ]tlDo.\tD +F'-" h6O ntto,ra\!n-,-w, -696'o -PTEN{ING E$ID ENUIRCNMEIIIAL CCTVIT{ISSICN AGENDA 7-24-79 Pr:blic Hearing at 3:00 P.l!!. 1.) Discussicn with Flritz Glade, Architect cn ?,cnirrg and Use of Skelly Oil. Site 2.1 trreLjminaqr Plat for Parcels B,C,D' and E, Lionsridge FiHng No'2 3.) Prwosed zoning ard kel5minarl' Plat Apprcval for Vai-I-vallqr 4th- fifing, a 28 acrce parcel- alqrg' the GoIf @Jrse presently being Annel(ed. 4.) Update c[.t "Ilq)tove VajI" Wcrkstrop ald Discussion of Other Conn:niQ' Develcpnent Peojects 5.) Appointrmt of a rew rctating nE{rber to the oesigrr Rerriervr Board. fr' GT MEI,If,RTNDtx'l IO: Plaming ard Brvj::onnental Conmission FFONI: Deparhrerrt of @tmrniQt Develo[rIslt DAIIE: July 19, 1979 RE: Proposed zonilg ad Preliminarft Plat apgxornl for vail vallqr Fqrrth Filing, a 28 acre gnrcel along ttre Golfcor:rse presently being arurer<ed. Ication: llte location of ttre 28 acre parel is d:irectly East of Vail VaJ-Lq1 ltdrd Fi-l-ing (afcng tte Colfcourse). Reguest: ltre reqest is to separate out one L7 '200 square foot lot vlttich is to be zcrred r\rlo Farnily Prinn4z/seccrida4r Residerrtial, vdrile placing the rrsnaiader of tlre site into a Pr:blic Use District (PUD) zcne. The entire 28 acre parcel is presently cx,wred by ttre Toiqn of VaiI. ItE creation of tl:e one lot is to crnplete an agreerent nade with Wa:ren ard. Jay Pulis at the tirIe viiren Vai-l valley thi:rrd Filing was platted. At that tirre, t}te Pulists agreed to rerpve tuo lots by the pond with - tte wrderstanding wit]l the Courcil that the)r r,tould be given another lot of a sjrnilar size and loation h4/ the fioltn at mne futu:e date. llte ner'.r lot to be created is adjacent to Iot 16 of Vail va1-1q1 fttj:d Filing and is of a similar size and use to t}te lots jn tluis Filing- llte plat has been revieuled by Kent Rose and neeLs with ttris a;:proval. Reccrmec-.Jatiqr: App:orral of ttre ProSnsed Zoning and Preliminarl Plat sulcject to Final atrp::orra1 of tle annexation b'y t}re $cr,'n Cqrrrcil. (1lhe Annexation Ondirrance was pa.ssed m Fjrst Reading on July L7t L9791 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEI'ORANDUM TOWN COUNCIL DEPT. OF COMM. DEVELOPI'IENT July 12, 1979 PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDEMTION OF THE ANNEMTION ZONING OF 28.144 ACRES. f* * d.LL AND INITIAL STATISTICS: APPLICANT: Town of Vai'l AREA: 28.'|44 Acres PRESENT ZONING: County Resource PRESENT LAND BACKGROUND: USE: Open Space This 28.144 acres js owned by the Town of Vail. It is the only parcel wjthin the general confjnes of the Town of Vai1 that is not within the boundaries of the Town. The parcel does meet the general Annexation Requirements in having l/6 of the property contiguous to the Town of Vail' in the adjacent area being urbanized, and in there being a community of interest between the Town and this property. There are two proposed uses of th'is parcel . The rnjority of the parcel , consisting of a'l I but approximate'ly l7'000 square feet'is proposed to be zoned Pub'lic Use District (PUD), to remain owned by the Town, and to be used for a re'l ocation of the bicycle path along the Golf Course. The rema'ining '17,000 square feet is proposed to be zoned Two/Family Primary/Secondary wh'ich wou'ld a'llow for one lot. This1ot wi'l'l be g'iven to the Pulis's as part of the agreement that was reached with them'in conjunction with the removal of the two 'l ots a1 ong the pond from Vai1 Va11ey 3rd Filing. This new 1ot is proposed to extend from the Cul du sac at the Eastern end of Vail Va1 ley 3rd Fi'ling, adjacent to Lot .|6, of Vail Va'l1ey 3rd F'i'ling. RECOMMENDATI0N: The Department of Conmunity Deve'lopment recormends approval of the annexation as submitted. (,c2 >.d .lJ*if s $IlHrHe F rSae pHuEi s:eEH, tEss{E F9q,, ,g d€ -.9 F?fi{ EEP.8Ffiti r.9l* I ii,n gE itE $3€ i EEi;s isFlEB ,lr .i 3s!$13* EI p U.5 tr'YTHilr c ti 5-c 3 # h.E 3.!; g :HJ;E;B{d dtI ': =' Il tfig nigiHg$i #E g i $l flli-HII i ;I E:EE f-$nElg!;gqti n gl ;&;: EHlE.fl$is; g$ $ #f,fil ffif g! f, # f lle, fis;f; EE g$ H ; Il€l ;$$i Filgfitl* rgi${tgf nfltfifil${i$ ;gF fi n,;r, : flf;Xrl;lEfr$lE $liEiH{fig:$iE E$$FnEiiE${flii "u f oi q *f€$ !; { i# & E3#E nl s fl F$,lul .E3, E :s H{sEg rt E. #s i ;HIi E# i ti ift$*: fr3 i i; I; {*HI ;; * #F $* i.$;X H! l,-d: E'fi. i#E; E! #tEfr atf Eird sl u$€* qE$ EiHs sE E'fr"t+i-i iA $fi$f;nf;$flrgsgi Ssflirii mf, #sl i! ;$ EFl;# $$r E: $ifi Efitsa-',€rEA N -(t llinutes of 7-24-79 PEtr l'betjng Page llhree ,tack Goetrl rmde a notlon to deny the reqrrest to ctEnging tlE zsturg on the C€tty OiI Site fron HeaW Service tH!) -t9 I'editm D*r"fty l.trltiple firnily (IDMF) . Sandl Mills secsrded tlre nction and there r,ere three v6te. fon denial of the reqtEst arxi E l fager abstained. sar'dy!,1i1]-swtedfcderrialasshestillfeelsitisseilltoo dense. stre reccnuends the ficr^,n try to prchase thj.s site for a park. .Iack Cchl voted agailst this request as he is agaiJ]st nore lotrsing in this area and nore traffic. Gerqr ltrite voted for denial of this item as he feels it is slill too dense. He might approve a rezonjng if it raere to Residentiaf on Residential Cluster. Jack G€hl adyised tlre applicarrt tlEt he has tlle ri$rt to appal- tlis acticn. to the Cor:ncil ard he said tre riculd' Rictt Tofel, Jay Pet€rson and DanCorcoran present the-pr+:iTirtarY Sr:bdivisicrr plit for Parcels B, c' Dt and E, Lionsridge Fiting No'2 Jay o<plajned ttre plat. Final Plat wil-i' be preserted' 01 August 14' '1979. Sandy r"rifLs said stre vouldnrt lil€ to see any writs qr tln ridEe' ldo \rote vras tEcessartr/. 2.1 il Jay Peterson presented u"E final- Sr.rbdivisicn Pl-at for Gol€ Creek Park' Ceiw Vgtti.t" nia. . notiqr to aFprove ttre final Plat for Core Creek Park, pa1,gal A Bighorn S'r:bdivisiqr ard parcel A Biglrrn lst ltdditiqr. sandy laills seondeO the rpticn. The riote was unanilpus' 4.) ( /- iin Rr:bin explained ttris iterr to Boaad. Several years ap Vail I a"ro"i.t"s d6nated this trnrce1 to the sown. Wten Warren and Jay I n fi. de\teloped Vail val-1q1 3rd Filing, ttre $q,cn aslced them to do | .ouv with sone lots jn excfrange for a lot to be nartually acceptable I to 6otn parties. In order to conplete tLris exctrange. a new lot has I feen created. in vail vallql 4th filing. Plat for Parc€Is B ltinutes of 7-24-79nt".* Page Fcirr the!:e was a di*ttssiqt. Sardy Mil1s nade a npticn to aPpro\te tle porposecl ?otTS ud P*r'rilt".t tr"t "= ocouraraea:qt tlp- Tro.'vn staff''in their iio-=a"t+- 7--Lg-7g. cerry vhite sesonaea tle npticn. The voBe w.ag uranfunrs. r.; j ,,,::- .: - ... j . lltre!.e rEs a dissussion witl. tlxe staff on the "rrq>rove Vailu vf,crkstrc4r. .tin Rrbin stated that it is recessary at this tfue to select a rgtber of the planning Cc*ni=ri".t to be on -tfe nesig.t Revie$t Board' llhere was a discussicn. TIE Board r-naninrrusly rypointed Jim l6r9an' JiIn \^li-l1 be ryointed tor aug,rstl-S"pt"nf"r, ani Ciio6er. His duties rdU beqin this Tlnrsdalz, JulY 25, L979- the reeting vras adjo:rnedt at 5:20 P'M' (-' MEIDNANDI.D4 Plaruring ard Conrnissicrt Departncnt of Conrnrnity Develcpnmt July 19, 1979 Pr.oposerJ zo.nlrrg ard helimina4t Plat approral for Vail Vallry fouitfr Filinq, a 28 acre parcel along ttre ibycor:rse presently being annexed. t Envi-ronnental10: llroM: DATE: RE: Laation: fte location of the 28 acre parcel is directly East of Vail Vallry ltrird Fililg (along the Colfcourse). Request: lltre regrcst is to separate out one ]-7,2OO square fot lot vhich is to be zcrned I\rc Fandly irinary/seccndary Residential, rrrtrile placing the rsnainder of t].e site into a public Use Dis',rict (PUD) zone. The errtire 28 acre parcel is presently crned by u.le Irovl'n of VaiI. TrE creation of the one lot is to c-cnplete an agtreelrEnt nade with Wa:ren ard J4g Pu1is at tlie ti:re vfien Vaj-l Va1lq1 thiJd FiUng ilas platted' At ttral tjre, the Pulis's agreed to rerEve two lots by tlte pond with ttre understanding with the-Courcil tl6t ttrey uould be given anot}er tot. of a similar size and loation bry tiE To1u.r at sone future date. lte ner.- lot to be created is adjacent to Iot 16 of vail Va11ey T(hird riling ard is of a sirnilar size and use to the lots in tb:is FJJing. ltre plat has been reviewed t1'Kent Rose ard [eets with this approva]' Reccrnrendatlon: lpprorral of the Prcposed Zoning and Prelimirraqr Plat sdcject to Final aproval of tte annocation by tfre Tbr.JrI Co.:ncil. (The Annexation Ordinance was pa.ssed on Fjrst Reading on July L7, 19791 ar PTENN]NG Er{D EN\TIRCNMEI{TAL @4{ISSICIiI AGNDA 7-24-79 1.1 Dieussicn rrith Fritz Glade on zcning and use of skelly oil site.(Ccntinr:aticrr f:rom 7-LO-79 neetjng. ) - 2.1 Prreliminaqi' Plat for Parrcels B,c.D, ard E, Lionsridge FiJ-ing No. 2 3.1 Ffu|al Plat for Parcel A Bighorn Srrbdivisicn and parcel A Bigtrffir lstAdditicn. Prcposed Zdring arri keLiminarlz plat ASprcnral for ValL yallqf 4t}r filing, a 28 acre parcel along ttre colf course prd6-tryG[-- Armel<ed. /^T'#' tr'{ ili'lil) EE5fre6 $ 3*s$rfl.e {iflmi;'iti*iEiafEI ;mf; ,g $t{t riH; I r axfii fisfffcatrts Fi l, EB;a, l* ilfi;;fl*l E n ss fif s *E r #u fl$g*;sig i* fl,s f,i ;Efn$ $ Bi $$agifllr ;* ;s fi; ni;*r I IH f$;i$gff f3 iE ffi s;aflf g ai r;E;Hi$ n; n€f;fr x$ere a ef axf,#i;8s iF eE o.P aD .{.r{o h+.{ tnFIc.[) .rlJ(|J '/Jfllttj E oOa.A o 1c'daF 9td.A u'65NE cf,od 0,HR.i 'r(9q n? ,lJ F- HEhot{.q q.r t6 .x3 !i.n pa .69 ci rl bO ''l HIOI.H el E I4I3r {lEr sl h E qrl $s !lU' g o|'lE.()H .{ dr Uac tr.lJ '.1 E$ I .E n .ts' HlftT tt $lf,* I er *f u.f; Elrr, ; il g!$E Il t $.E E fiI EFi$ $I E 3Hit=;::fi-t9,)? kla;iFl'<9 'r;!rgas?!ei<oz6 ^zzA);g<;5IFLO.0o<o<o91 Z: !dsiai3e:3IFr<ao> -t,)fi3i?n<',J qt UJ z o =z F FI ==o z tuJIF lo I I I t,, I lc l3 IO IE i{ ,l a lr,JItt lJ- F =E UJo- \SSE a UJ UJu- F t UJo FoF ts =E u.l z 6 =ldl z UJ = z tr) J z :< ol, J IJJ =>1.5 Ozz)llI rll tt tl zaZ 9<1o-doIIJ IU zc) z 2UD=QOF-z .t,<\&dls=u, t-ur<E!o Fa q) ?ti3=IJJ F =-EgOUJ()I z z EoooO=?o>o c) u,r<coI rolrl @lI tolI r-{l o tsz z:< ;c zI J fU'z UJ J ; llJu- o- F F 6 2 u, oa ttlF 3 ;i UJ z JsO u,J a h0 H {J .-l X +) +).lirl c) H +J,11 -6 :< =zz!-oootr ^ 6zq 5 :9rP of, 66 trz>-ooarLozXu-<oq i.urxtrPXur-Xz F.olO Iu.rN =6N E IIJE z E z F UJ ; IJJz t\\t at, otz. \.\3 \o -!ia- att .E t E E 8 to oz E =Eulo- F li = tiEllrl L o-z9F(J --f\-E\?h't)vtzoo oz F C) UJ -loEo- ",l\l 3 ElF o =oz.-ozeoo =z-ro(L lL ifi 23-Z =HE = =E uJ lt-o u.J F Enn ('z l J J .D -l F 6.ri P.r{6! X^x! ,' t4 il =z f,=I Fr $ g $ UJ z r-lrO X6gl uJ 6 = c\ rC io- t F tr LIJ E.o o- F h c) 5 =tr U> uJ J 5 =g U' t! oo J = =tr UJ o J =tr uJt o J z c o tu o Je = -(L ts(J t uJtr 70 t.uF I E, <F r.rJ <zEul F'trz <oC)F FSt E >Y =#fF:zrJ- o <^ =l-7<)3# iz -c) l- tu 9Z dcr -.,fl on EEE rNsftTroN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB am6r D FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL aapffilssvss CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR FT:-s, i_nq4!-. {dlq'rrAl!}tgF.,.4lF:r.irrfrtt..r{:..!rF!.,n? o JOB NAM INSF*TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI -w DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MoN @ *ro BUILDING:PLUMBINGT tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR *rKnt tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE r?-- rt-:q INSPECTOR (n UJtu LL F (Y t d? (-6 U) TU UJ LL L =u. uJ(L J l-- F Fa (!, o-?z LU z6 J . 2 I(J Lrl tu u. z. LU () LU tr UJ (5z o) d) v uJ (J o z I(J ul (, o = (J d. o au tu oz :) J(L NOtl. 'lVA t'Ltul o- }. Io z dttl 3 a N H\\ o =:< o- t-- uli!EJLU =>iU vf,tI tt-t I V)l -lrt I F(9aDzd sa. =dtrHfi?=do ==EH=(J!L;8r93 (tz i tlJul= F=zan<\oaofl<FFI<t> l-tJ <Gc) I0l ooE UJ cot^l 9.^, I\$l -l & I I I IIt = :fz tr o (J.O I I-l bzl z =trJ Bo zI F- J:l U7z u., =J ?c =o- tUc Ft! o o- :f CY LI'z iF z Eoo z.9 CL LllFJ 3ulz lH5t= xr-i'iF-:3.3!Fo9rIi:t?' r.rr.ai?Y iEq!;i<oz-dA7-)e^J;9<;5VFr.CoI <rJ<993; :d;:6gt3*i 93ei3- i ,. < ( O> -t<oi'tl o = <c<'J tuF I I I I I IH lo I I I I I I l- t(J IGlr! l<5 tz,lo t= cjz E = uJ(L t! F zaz zo o ccFrn = - .r l,:Eult a.A99n-r\g/fu.{ =00sl oq o =ZZt!- tr ^ 62q 5 =eF I of, tn<3C6d ?lQzXr!<ogi.*UF trqq t, -.N(, ! lr Jz.ozg F oz:fo LL ! C'z m \]\J\o- N t a+ u; =z m c) dctsI J."ia -tE/-\ l- --:Y ir r --1 ": tll '6F F NNS co o qt (l''o .:c5r-ts€ C "'.o i;i(,x o l-t-+.O c>-ts t-' .r' q) rr F Fz c uJI Fo F- C) Fz z Io (,ozt- =<-. ff,f,F/4 <oC) F.g?()t =?- -.r O<F(()uJ<zu. I.U F.(1 z Fol,b:f(J Gu,z = I I I I Il-lo- I I I I I Iat,U'Itll .&tcl CI<l =l<lFfl (i I I I I I Ilr I I I I l U\ul dclq:i<l F olz. o FrJ UJ -_)o TY o- dJ ff{{\{\\ - tl \J uJF o ,t I Porm.t No.. 000402 VAIt WATER AND SAI{ITATIOI{ OISTRICT WATER AI{II SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERM]T WILL NOT BE ISSU L TAP FEES HAVE BEEN D IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATION AN GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBERoru",rrffi*n, Date Billed lun Box{ /Antu Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Ltc. No. Meter Size n K ef""' Financr Director - Controctor - Plnk; - Accountlng - GoldenrodBldg. D6pt. - Whito; - Wat€r and Ssnltation - Gr€6n; -Public Worka - C6narv; L/-*?trEGe I'<zT I Btc 14-tcteno Ftzp .. ,., 3z x ?.1 r - z-ty ./ d$.^o Fcue- Q- Z r. Bzx 2.1 = lbb i., 2.4 Y z-l Q , /729. llnu.wl Fiecr ?a r2 zo 7?-60 -' 244" oc-' sz. 942z@2.1 /3./.20 e/d LZ/Zo.oo Eoo,ro*4I V,+t. E-3 7bE, 7a ?Z0B L z{ = 2.zo o 9xza c.8a e{qOo 20,'l>o 1,7{ - 3Az'-l 7z.oo,z 1Ll , OA 4g) = ?L/Ad = 77t s:o _l #/a= O '^'',:f*#S';l#"5 ' pIstDo{ItAL }TATER t salEp TAp FEE ollJl;LATtcrt ptdslcAl- -. PIJ.}I o€c( lur€ oF lc€ o"?ER SrREEr ADCR9SStoI .FiLlilc BITI-IIE ADD?ESS 1. BAset€Nr )RD ROOR lsr noon tlo n-ocr JRD FLMR BAsnr t rctlEr-(ore rwJ EAnd ofiRA Slfit(s KITC€NS DISTAAS€RS LAT.SDRIES Grr rasre) tcE !{AC{[NES sArfiAs nnrm cootrqs t I.{ATER FOI.[{TAII6 sl{tt-fl!\E POfLS JAOJzzI OUfSIDE }IATER . U'uNL\Ls,l oF c\E FUl. EAI}S m}s xrro€{ DISIt'lASr€R i.lurronres /x1.9 x .75 /x 2.S TM .g) x' ,E X,E x 5.fi1 x l.trl rtt x' .5) /,5 -- = ?.o = -2,-d- 2, 2ro r[on /* ly 3-, q. 5. ---d--t'------a-T-n_----------4--+- /,/ / x ,L> x 5.ffi z-I l:ffi 9. 10. EASryENT lsr rrcoc ZND ROCR ,RD FL@R ncars (Lt'rlNc Rmtilsr- imaws,-or;rcss, -'7 x 1.0 Sr.nrOS) ZrrE/,o 'a5 6. 7, g. . --T- APART}ENTS l. 2.. 3, 4. 5.N'TSIDE WATER T('fn|- POlllTS 10.ttr porris = l.ffi x l.fiJ = .TSr!L WITS4.=r, /1304 .-r--z -t----' llsPECrOR .ll' alzt[11 :-DATE '...- rou.6{tllcT}€coa?LETtG'toFcgtSTRLgIlo\toFALLSIRtrTtnES,T}€DlsTRlcTSMLL;ffirs*-; eiisi6l-r"'r'eciioi-riF'nr-r- fRalrs€s io DEr€F.nltie n5 ttuLrtR oF Pollirs $H d;.s;S-n-co,-ur;:,;-i6-w= riirir r;:D sa.,.ti Tk) Fze_, ,.J:D &\rE sot--I..1f, is ,i:u"l,oeii-L.u-n,i-iisrrllcr innu l?r€ NIY toruil;iilTs ri;SESS^;lY lN-n€^gRIGlilAL ig ir'urirJsf;sii"r-q, sirAri /u-so DErri*r;,. naoL''s o,',ER.s ,{,\TER D0IRD oF Dllt-Sf ,'^'r..r hr srxrr.? rNsilcrroN REeuEsr \ TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING N ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL I] APPROVED CORREOTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:6lu-) pu BUILDING:PLUMBING: U UNOEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr F9tgTrNGS / SrEEL - a{rouruonrroN / srEEL B tr tr tr tr FBAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK T] GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL .tr FINAL PROVED B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Fr.Er.r'ir{qst i{futt!.|rrrer-.:7r srrE!'xrrr]f -FTr" l. lr" DATE +/tn /+g READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: INTSilCTION REQUEST JOB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. EffiOUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATI FRAMING ON / STEEL INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH coNDUlr ' J ^- i" i "-' - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL '-+epao-v6 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: , ,...i Lr, I T.$i7' ;Tl-'\ Il- -h-'-rr'-.n 1.' -- -ron,.\iiirilAlq-LiuAi [-rl \!- - ^CrJp C]TNTRA,CTSI?S LCEI\SII \._/l \ \-/ NA!.|ES (ctTY) . OF CORPORATE OFFTCERS OR PARTNERS HOll LONG IN zuSINESS GIVE NAI.iES AND @I,IPLETED JOBS: ADDRESSES, INCLUDING ll,i.i€DtATE ,rrf*VtrO*, OF AT LEAST IHREE R5CENTLY HOW I'UNY PEOPLE DO YOU EM,PLOY (Yearly Average) Has tndlvldual or flrm ever had a iicens.e ln any other a rea lf so, glve locafion and date: Has lndtvldual or firm ever been license so, give location, dafe and reasonsRevokedSuspended denied a ? lf Do you-hold anY valid license,ie, l.',aster Plumber, Architect, Electrical Ype PLEASE TYPE OF LICENSE APPLICATION I'I^DE of L i cense ) SUB.\iIT COPY OF LICENSE gEtuc ai'Pueo roa: I,IITH AFPLICATION. (Number t"-nn1 /Jr[ d !t"l u'\- | ro r.'o 5'' 1r'" IT IS flrc tl75.00 t 100.00t ?5.00t 75.00 t 75.00 t 75.00t 75.00 25,DO CERTIFICATES: ,!t!l!:.El$! Goneral Contractor A (Vlluatlon over 3t00,000) ....... Goneral Contrcctor B (Volustlon undcr $ 100,000) Plumblng tlcchoo I cr I Electrlcal Spcctol ( lnc ludcc dr)'h'.1t l, glats, nr;rsonry, concrlto, olovator, c ic. -. Excavll lon ,t/ - LL4/\^iJal- II'IPERATIVE TIIAT ALL CONTMCTORS I{AVE TIIE FOLLQI.IING INSURANCE Liability - $300,000 Public Liability each occurrence $.|00,000 Property Darnagc each occurrence l,lorkrnen' s Contpcnsation INSilCTION REQUEST DATE JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@AM BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C ROUGH / WATER TINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION i STEE- tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,--, ...,2'.--la.DATE t' "'; ')a./INSPECTOR Luft Project Application ,^," -{ - / /-77. . Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ovs7 Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board tW DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial Ff , /tt zOri[ 0ll-(;t( Legal l)cscr^iption: t-ot for P/5 ZLli{t t)15'IRicTS Bl crcll Fil irrg SFIt,R, t{ / Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear ..ReQuircd l5' Proposed llaterr:ourse-requi red __O- __ ProposcC GTIFA: GRFA: e Irl 'lorierJ i -4.4p-2---Ex,21d1:etpPropo: e d ---_---^ iAB- :7_-zzG, &L(n'*cL Pri rnat1, Proposed Seconclary l)ro;:oscd Envjronnrenta'l/tlazards: Avaianche .Gta Fl ood Pl ain S'lope e4__ Corments : Sr:cotr<far1, Allor,ied -1t. Prirnaty A'llot+ed ---J/+ Site Cot,cra ge: Al'l otted Proposed ole Landscrrp'ing: Required * 600A -=- Proposed Oa+ -_-- Parking: ' Requi rea aft r;t -.4 _--_--* Propc:ccl i A -t^a', nC/Drive: Slope Pe::nritteci E 7,r' _ Slol->e Actual _9&=___* Zoning : /\pprovcC./D'isapprovcd .Zort'i r r1t : o srlt , z0riI (,ril,ct( for P/S Z0r,[:ursrnicTS@ z F--72 77 _-.J4R, R Lega1 ur'Incr Descri'ptiotr: l-ot Rl tlclt -rrilinglU*-L- - /trchi tect -frr&. AA4 Zone District Proposcd Use flei ght Al I oued 30' Setbacks: Fronl-ReqiiireO 2o;'--ljroposccl cvrc- Sides-Recluired l5' Proposcd Rcar -Requircd l5' Proposed l,laterccurse-reqtri recl 0 Propcsed -- A i . /l,a-, ,-1GRFA: A'rlovied i Z{C1- GRFA: Primatl' A'l l ortecl ,tl/t- Seconclatl' Al1ol'red /e -Site Co',,erage: A]lot,led .%% Landscaping: Required &a./-u-- Proposed - d( Parlring: ' Requi rrd 2 az-, t -n,:N ltropcsecl i C /L- Drive, "ron* permittr:J A.% _---_-- -srope Actrral ----elL- Envjronmental/Hazards: Avajanche .' F'lood Pl ain Si ope Cotrrnents : {M4_// r,rc/oscr1 OL- P/z- D.l I'n . lriitor Zoni ng :D i sapproved / -,'rt,€ &q DaCe .LIST OF\-MATERlALS NAME OF PROJECT RuEa€, LEGAL DEscRrprroN-/ -Lor rl,;acx EL/ 3fup, //s / *J Fr LrNG DESCRIPTION OF PBOJECT 0, The to a.) following the Deslgn BUILDING Roof Siding Review Board MATERIALS: by the can be Color Applicant given.format ion is required for submittal before a final aPProval lype of Material Other lYa1I Materials Fascia' Sof fits Windows Window Tri.m Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck 'Flues Flashings Chiinneys L. Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Materials and Ground Cover) Eotanical Name Conrnon [lame e4E_ including Trees, Shrubs, SizeQuantity ,ryaly- Ttr Page 2 PlanE Materials Continued Botanical Name c.)OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ReCaining Wal1s, Fences, (Please Specify) Coruron Name Quantlty SLze Swinming Pools, etc. ) J s ? \{R. r c\l-F r\*S- '- --e\ T F{ I.JF> -o+ \S-'x dA J ^:O I-'7 t rlG,-K- f t 1z-dt-/rs )Yi Yl .l;i ,l ? 6 * P,S Va t --J- ' ---\1ee+'G' * ,{ $ to (:'O ,,,"---'1*Jl-gl-- APPLICArI0N FoR!L foR A sullt[vifl9l-tslrrygsJ. ..6tp,rrt " E, (Fu{dt'< A<lclress-/ -Phone -/,/7t,-{e3L B.Applicant I s RePresentat iveNarne of Add rc ss Phone C.Authorization of Proi:crtY Owner Si gnature A<ld,tess JAtyl{ . Proposal Block I,'ilinu n l,ocation of ""t_.11*__. Fce $r00n {Y \* ,I. E. /\\ ,Y , \v"' t \" 1 '1 ', F.Typc of Subdivision: (check one) Ir{ajor (involving nore than 4 lots) I'{inor: (involvirrg 4 or fewer lots) H. I. ./l/ Oupte* (spl ittilg a duplex strLrcture and/or lot) G . Proceclures for ma j or and nitror subclivi s ions are as def ined in the 'town of Va j-I Strl':division Regttlations on pages 9 thr:ough 20' Drrp Iex si.rbdivi sion le quires thc sane in f ormation as a reiuirement that the following statenlclrt lnust apPcar 'Io r,rr of Vai 1 aPProval : For z.oning or othcr larcl-use r.egulatit:ns of thc Town of \rail, the thro pirr:cels create<l by thi s srrbdivision are dcentcrl to be one I ot. No more thatr oltc ttio-f ani I; r.esiilencc slul 1 bc ll lowed on thc co:nbi.ned itr:eirs of the thro Parccl-s' - .AlIor''able (iross llcs j.clcntial Irloor Area (Gltl:A) {'oI tlte t\'\'o-fallily rcsidcncc slrrrl i bc calcullrtcci usillg the colnbitted arca oI the two parccls' 'l:itrte Rcrtluj-rcmcnts: l'Lrjot ancl ntitror subtlivision-s rnust be approvcd. b{ :}]t.-l'tl:::l]i"g ancl llnvir:onnentaI Contlissi.on. 'fhe l'l:C ltlcets oll thc 2nd and 4th Montlays ol circl) nrouth. An ayrillication r+ith t.hc llcccss:ll y accottll-rlltry in g nirt'crial ntuSt bc sttbliiittcO four' (4) rvce-k-s prior to thc datc of tlic trtccting' nrinor subdivisi on wi'th the orr tllc Plat bcforc rccciving J, box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 to department of community development 12 Tebruary 1979 l{arren Pulis Vail Va11ey Inc. Box 999 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Be: 5-Acre Unplatted Parcel bY Vail Va1ley Third filing Dear Warren: The above-referenced parcel was offisially rezoned last week by the Town Council from Special Development District Number I to Low Density Multi-Family with Residential Cluster denslty. An additional two units with a corresponding pereentage increase in GRFA (Gross Residential Floor Area) was added to the allowabIe density on this parcel . fn looking at the allorvable density on this parcel tI have determined that 3.9 of the 5.2966 acres are buildable. This would permit 23 units and 501965 square feet of GRFA. \Yith the two units added to this parcel, a total of 25 units and a total GRFA of 55,397 square feet is permitted. This letter constitutes an official zoning determination for the above-referenced parcel . Unless the zoning on thisparcel is altered by a subsequent rezonj-nBr you can be guaranteed the above-mentioned density fi.gures. If you have any further questions, please contact me. Sincerely, f ,r d) r \ ip-*o A - {1<U.-^- Z'James A. Rubin Zoning Administrator JAR/gew o PEN ^d. I!rv DLETON, SABIAN & CRAFT, P.C ATTOFNEYS ANO COUNSEI.ORS AT LAIY SUITE I TIO LINCOLN CENTER I660 LINCOLN STREET DENVER, COLONADO 4O264 February 9, I9Bl TELEPHONE: (303) a3 9-r 204 TWX: 9to.93t-o407 BRIAN PEN O LETON MICHAEL A. SABIAN CHARLES R, CRAFT ALAN C. FRIEOBERG W. MICHAEL CLOWOUS MARTIN A. ROSEN ROBERT F. WILSON STANLEY L. GRAZIS JEFFREY R. DAVINE MONICA S. GLICKMAN ANOREA BLOOM La\nTrence C. Rider 2040 14th StreetSuite 100 Boulder, Colorado 80302 RE: The Pulis Ranch-Five Acre Parcel Dear Larry: In accordance with our telephone conversation today' I am enclosing the form of letter which r have prepared for execution by the Town of Vail in connection with the revised density determination concerning the five acre parcel owned by the Pulis Ranch. As I mentioned to you, the owners are in the process of selling the property. Our clients have agreed to compromise the density question and agree to the 24-unit designation in order to resolve this matter once and for all. I would appreciate it if you would have the letter prepared and signed tomorrow so that it can be picked up by Warren PuIis. BPljmm Enclosurecc: The Pulis Ranch to*<gl 75 S.Frontage Rd rail. colorado 81657 (303) 47&s613 The Pulis Ranch' a Colorado J Linited PartnershiP . 3841 South l'lagnolia l{aY Denver, Colorado 80237 oo department of community development February 9, l98l RE: A parcel of ProPerty located in the North 1/2 of the No-rtheast t/a oi Section 9' Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M. containiag 5'2966 acres nore or less zoned Low Density Multi-Fanily (LDMF) with-Residential Cluster (RC) density ancl two additional units Pursuant to Town of Vail, Coiorado Ordinance No' 1, Series of 1979' Gentlenen: This letter shall constitute official confirmation fron the Tonn of Vail, Colorado that the allowable tlensity that can be constructed upon the above-referenced parcel of land is a total of 24-Lnits and a total GRFA (Grois -Residential Floor Area) of 53,032.58 square feet. ltrese density anal GRFA nunbers have been deternined fron the following: (A)Buildableacreageof3.gacreswasdeterminedandagreeduponbytheTown and the Onners at the tine 0rdinance 1, Series of 1979 was considered and approved by tfr" pi*"i"g and Environnental Comnission anil by the Torin Corurcil ' (B)firesquarefootageofthenewroadwhichisnotlocatedjJtanaYalancheor 40t sloPe is 7840 square feet' (c) 3.9 x 43,560 169,884 ( 7,84 0) T6T:0T4 x .30 48,613.20 -22-7W:6 a2 acres square feet GRFA factor for LDMF Allowable GRFA for 22 units per unit additional units Square Feet of GRFA writs24 Pulis Ranch - reUfVf rsar - page two oo In addition to the approval of the zoning and density by the Planning and Entironnental Connission and the Town Cormcil, it was pointed out to the owner that this propertyis subject to avalanche hazards and that prior to developnent approval , a conplete . -avalanche study and report will haye to be done by the ordners. the Town has been inforned that this property is presently on the narket forsale, In that regard, you and any purchaser of said parcel nay rely upon this letter as a determination as to the number of units and GRFA allowable for such parcel underthe zoning ordinance nou in effect. Unless the zoning for this parcel is alteredby a subsequent rezoninSr lou are Suaranteed the above-nentioned density figures. This letter supercedes that certain letter dated Februatf 12, 1979 to HarrenPulis fron Janes A. Rubin concerning the above-referenced parcel . Very tnrly Richard A. Ryan Comunity Developnent Director Approved as to forn: Lawrence C. Rider, Town Attorney ,L*-isi" ID :l F F oo .pq oct> rrO @B oer qc) riO i(J b0a '.ts ,o !a o D.!0oto ao.a-qa)0pd''iookst .dog€irAd.{tu.dr<<rcg,n.;otludtrc/,tA o.'r 11 o !,);dPeE<t 6DP2iU)dtqoccdu)E(r.,.aat.tq -cp-1!>Fnoitrtdk,Jzan.looodOo<;Eor.ado6cqra-\.ttldQL,3O.,A|/itr)ooaEatdoottAoP-OAAEOJlO'EO{J!-F.J.JA-!()!i_Ace>troP.C.n<cico!.rc.Jo)':oaaaqEoiih!.qatno()dliAEOrdAZO(r'-.corr-Cd:|ak.6Fj€adrt)lj;Horcsr.o<Z>.-,{do5t1t,cdu!60?i>iAEA>€crDep-td'roooFclooorEUtoo,qo-q<DOPIE -l|..POg.OEiPcooter'.OOrr,tlOrioo;oodoa<Z6o?c,,c-ocoOlraAEO-rlq.O€Ogr-{Q{,idrinooP<t<6{rodt'{Ool4rdc€tr.rOE9 aE e 8.9 f, I t 6o>lrdEvt'otra-6eo.-rr!rFaFld.dO'+(.)rJrdo!a/oali ^rF.-t,cor!c,P.i.crQ6rH-C !1 EA A tr >E- PadOtGtCF ^EE.!6o.i^rF.cr')tro;t>;@oZOvO.d!OOiddr/l,-oFot{ 0r '.l O > - O F >lbooodoEdtrd c3o01 !O.r dr.!d..lq|roOid-iElorooaoa,cP.rrJ!ll)o'co9c ,ra$- oa, lo ll)rrOtnOTttOPq ; TF 3i' 5 l,t3t'! p 3353 E d ;3oo - A q _>l 'j ' -E&:is g i5S.9 ". :J Cq 3i ,i :_.ti: ! :;ei o X :q)F-.I 9 -o -i rP u, !3.1 E !.c! -si r 6gE€; i 63Ei : P c'*ji ; 5d$3; Y Zco* 3 ! iEie: -! *d.Eo iro)..i e aI;i;EF i ;d.,ti- : ::,{.,! oa a E;-**r ; : .ebtg o,d 8g @1ro @tc o!s r)Oq o= ot! .Apr)o.iOloN ooEar h<ro b!o! >E oo)>!€€od 'i..irrri..r!:ocq)po.rt^....1 ce !,o,o P 't. a o .! cj 19 ooer-- d \1 u'-tta !'? ard rJ t< .CCf .rg) I .t- PQJAg?.hA IOO O ,t- yi(.r ze<!Obi!)d tr: MC.{.CO ba L t{obr 6 oFr-€)o co a-.r2> = rF.. c o o .rt I E.O-- t) oa.icooeo.cc ooF ct tI o'a- t! q,, c Ec oa ,t o aLraae o ! tn| .i tlH or+L1t'l 6oe tro.rc! >'r. E ^ <D d| -c c, oo \tt:-.- tt) o t!",rart bDc,E.t o sl o| -<, dre : P'ocr'r9>f ':.rcl q o o dlr. !.: r, -El >.cor q, rD cD P c 1,a= vad,l ti o k cl. OOrJc) .--plr)o..a -14 e+JQ.<dEA O < . On zE.at:).4 lt'.i- C91 -(D C iri'r> c h .r) -tr iJENOt:c:c)b >Ottt'id 14 + t!) ! !o o.i * rc z () .d N o k tt' = ; & a o sll' o g o 0)-c.-F ji r. c! o e@oU q!t. @n.a4t.a o o : Alrc) OAcALa .rO.c dr- r,<dlld 'f rr lJ 'x c?ilQ,< ttlr! !o).C Ih t) =.a !.E r+! - e< >'oo!i oci 7- rt ,rn ri-l|]oorF!oo E A o ]r.i o) c ofo o ! o !'l .i c trF r ..1 !t p .i,<1r"c -t o E -Joqr '-! dr !dt{ >d rrc,r0rrJrl aae: iJ. cr : od raLE Qrrc t u u dccJt€ o :,cF6>t: aA.a..4 a4 A c 4 0),'hoan soroili r, '" r:4Fioi.H o c t, o o €a a)'6 c rl = J-c r- rr=' r'ti< ('t d o aF e ao! arnso P@.ioo- 1 qJ- > .d ' n ./ o c).ipg ..iFr'- cO rD O@g ->.cN lhC+ttJ) a A C AtcJoOj4O<!i.- o d{rnqJO+rO-Plco t 0) 2a4oot<A o !14(\1 n '"a . r'rpoo c( o.l E!.O c)ro (5 t F. (c' 'o c F tac{ d E Ots ^ r ,.r oc.l rr o: o6co:ck 6 co> i |tr N O ,D O.cOc)O()l ..:lro)Z . . >O ri c.r,r v tl .a ap F,tt Pdt t\ 6 P@OF@ aAF 4UO O q .rt9,€ 0j O i- (D co.i(o=.i C .1 ':O O O tr O ctOn --C O.Oct-(\l OrrH O d.r,a !rD 3 (, Fl(ocblbaPp c "ncO O!::o.l ,Oorr ci rr |J v o rD -ccc -acao o odd $>QE outlo > Ecr I o r-,. er - .^(!'F-C t4: - O oq,C = E i < c) uEAaaA Or:{ O.Jdrrcci !aEoJ.i! .t r& !.rc d,r 5-oP OdOC.F t tOOa t E Oo lq r.c di. t t-Z.-o - c.Jo .r o lr: ci o (J (, P+r ]J ttr- o.J P{r oFr@.n lio.".aa A, I E€-c tD'd t oc,)=1..1 o{, trd-F .tlE l|{u {l t J rdtOao;or ooo.lio qocdP'{od -d obltrsiooo cocrHtr rrlr)F QFyr.r o do d E !aO .cOr(.)olito eOcFC rr O9,llJ(9 ! O O !.;zcoF a cc c,E.qot.r.c o .- >in.i >rE !o d o do F - '. rJ(Y) roi/2-r F-4 - o) d !co '>o>,AOo cl ti: !OUcN i q, O >o,cFo.c! r o .-(o .l b0 o ,j r. ! o n o -c I .r . < !i vt IE+('ir-cb, Ep6t.icoii tcN tr+J+r,.l (l)() o !n oE o)-r t c c O Ci Co d O O d E P - 4 a dh ^ C .o kOqr .dqi O.a,c.C O dr-r,q C O OFr.4 1,Eiqrh (' -r O 0() O = > O () t ! ]) +i ltl rr Rl B .o c .o N F- ;E o I& .c O - @ Aor)U!'lA;3cac{croo o@o.roli|!qr.caAArJA }l ()? z F. lr 'a la 9FEE lr ,J o 2 tt) .q! .oo ON c/; &@14(|);q r. +rO _9o q) Eg la:s9a uoq:6 5Ed -!o 3oo Ei;s3 Nig E'r 193 .,<E9cc, iEc {)N t lr ID E o, i|r z oa Fr o 1\----': N o E.,9 P>o- !oi !.fni s-o oi 5 ;t 5 trcFood."P!l;- i oo .cN c> dii !? (.) o B Aq ori2 { o _g- o -o- -did- e ini q,6*' "i g 4r.ro'i* oo E ^! € o> PcrE i55 : !;i r :.96 1rp 6 gTe cori*E -.55r 3ii-!.5r*J :'i .F| .n 65 *€oo :!'ra ::i.!di ot ji ,^9b.iXEc.d6Saq) 5sr"':?eo !o!F .cd;-.;: -::rlegfi:-.HiE:5:E.,iFS€5 9ooi:n4d P 5..9 xe ;HN1JN EgToo 39 ho ulo Ql' 9q,si:6"9 d Qoi do; 3aT .zrtr& --' :' ttvl ,O t):Fd l!|aoE,g: h!Ec, OO lrt ,J E;:F ? Js:tsT>.Err.Ha>F F;r FE EEH6=-roEE6;P | 5 -SF"-L .rfr9"frt( 5-.,8b-x FdH"=Is lae83!i" oE8-f . Eg ci;:tHI H"993: 3fEfr:Ez <tsF:.!,.!F.A;L2,2,2 9; 6e 8 d.36F .5Eo 3E;H5F oo at PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that lYarren Pulis has requested a rezoning of a five (5) acre unplatted parcel of land adjacent to Vail Va11ey 3rd Filing. The proposed rezoning i.s from Special DeveJ-opment District 1 to Low Density Multi-Family (tDMf) with Residential Cluster (BC) denslty. A Public Hearing will be held in accordanoe with Section 18.66.06O of the Municipal Code on January 9, 1979, at 3:0O P.l{. before the Vail Planning & Environmental Commission. Said hearing will be held in the Vail llunicipal Building. TOWN OI'VAIL DEPARTMENT OI COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT n,W""4''W- Ll'ames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator PubLished in the Vail Trail December 22, L978 ?9" oo or PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thAt WATTEN PUI1S hAS requested a rezoning of a five (5) acre unplatted parcel of land adjacent to Va1l ValJ-ey 3rd Filing. The proposed rezoning is from Special Development District 1 to Low Density Multi-f'amily (LDMF) with Residential Cluster (RC) density. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the ltunicipal Code on January 9, L979, at 3:OO P.M. before the Vail Planning & Environmental Commission. Said hearing will be heLd in the Vail llunicipal Building. TOIVN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COM}IUNITY DEVEI.OPMENT nlr\*-,uo A. Y-J-'.--'.- ' (.r!.r". A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail trt ul,9o A"-- December 22. 1978 fYlot"u P6l; *o'n l4^4n Pnt'* oL'J,-, Q- *;+ L|A;N .n*.V . ..- e1,t,17,, ubb b t/ b" Bo t t 5'() !/^;!th' (le stt"/"nlt^^ B" X <q4 f.* CFa Lt;I'(-'''l) G.:.'lqZr+4 >l-La.w o.. ) 9'L^ f i "u Va'&, b S ftg>?!r \ |' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that lVarren Pulis has requested a rezoning of a five (5) acre unplatted pareel of land adjacent to VaiI Valley 3rd Filing. The proposed rezoning is from Special Development District I to Low Density Multi-Family (IDMF) with Residential Cluster (RC) denslty. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on January 9, L979, at 3:00 P.I4. before the Vail Planning & Environmental Commission. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TO1TN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT nffian"ar 4. q...L^-.- L/ames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in the Va11 Trail December 22, 7.978 oFo F2 a z = I q >l a 3 \l z o) IJJ u,l cl ul z Fzutzulo ul tr tE !J tc J t! IJJ F J F F ult-t:<)cio!ord ns IF I I \ b \ ( N{ \9 I{ F z ! uJ z s ! Er ul o o z -o Jf o J I-o -, =eF .-q|ti \^9 P",$ X$t\; ]l{!?Eiia ;lr$i Il ;i l+t !iariE9q?ti<oz6Azz^)i::a;a<b<Qq,lZ:niiFi3?U'?*=e=ElE, <c Q> -0)<o *3t'] lo=<d < t,r NO|lvn.|VA ll- llx>)," \t!N Lll 2o: -o-o; z trqcd.6 9o;> :z:< o- (J:9 - c.jtl E E s- F() F2 O clz- a z 9H:tf;lgr-<9") < '.. 9 zEr:< l#pna::: >.:2 7i3:Bo<cr<Ol'tZ>i5lF::V3i6..fi9",{ lFr<a> -fiEic<'i cA es rE N ITJ uJ oz Fzul =uJ uJ ul J llJ .l Fo J F F utc GooJtt FoF u,l zg '6 .ttt L E tr ul o o z -o Jl o -li= $= '1 -, ,.N= d t T 6t :-( 9rY F.g- fi-io! G- :cr>oc! :*N UrF 2,.r 9 -o 2 tr ==d.6Fcgoo =>'2*< >o -.irl Fo Fz ez ' a lr z ff 3H3t<FArrL>!:-i3' <:9iFE'< &l;!1 9?P:38q:<i 7:2 73::r()<o<QErZiiiSHEU'fi9r': lFr<n> -<o:l E<t (l> Vi-| . -+t IFl =luJl'l I a f.Y^3\Iw z\t.\a _^.i IT ul E uJ o2 zu, E IIJln qJ tr E uJt cooJtt ut oJ J F utE Goo tl aF F r4l ! [, IJJ Qz t t E tr lu o t9 z I 0 Jf 0 -lx<:> \=<-,N-ll! etL r- httnv t\ 6 ttit ' r! ?r ri i et f tg { \ t ;\ 9N*i\oz-O.tr "s4\ =)rgrrniwo- $suJ 1\ Glt lE- :- -q>oot =ctz<.r 9-o t z F^Y=d-oFGtto =>:z:< 6- (J>9 -.i t\1YvX:!-\ \l\ \E\t Ton'n of ff,NCTRICAL Vail PERMIT Job Name...... .. .....Lp:'.. r.. .1?..*: .1. t.; Appricant.-..... ,ZZL*n fu*Slgnature APPROVALS THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED O]T JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUGTIOI{ 24 HOURSI ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FON INSPECIIONS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 150 $............. .............. E... /-.q. 4 9..:.. (..:' $..................-...--.-.. $-...-...-.---....-.-........ E...?.€-:.!.:(!.... Erectricar contractor..-.. -.8 .u-.r-..*et f E /.e r*::..J.... /oo a .--,-aF- orte p na.. E.: - -5-. :2.!-.+. t/ t 7- Received nv...-...71 (.C...-.,.-.............-. tNr a. r. fioacrt! 40., orrtra t!tttt PLU M ET I NGi./ M EC HAIU I CAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT 8 -s-7s w ADDRE'* Lr ' l e-l o oR T3." n, Tf P g l,+ /Ac, P/'l enone P aZ .trz. OF BUILDING:/)- rn"- ;LAss oF woRK: E new ,Kooo,lo* E neruooeu E nepntn ON OFWORK: ne L\.! ej 4,'- 4 7 {, ft€ t.t f)e 'f PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: 1,5'z PERMIT FEE / _- PERMIT FEE 7 -{c. frn r^ou*I orsaeenoveg T.TALFEES: s fgoo art, fr(C tz/ ,^r, ft?/Q r? ,/ .rNsir=rlo* FrEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E penrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM D eppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr " fl upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR t TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rusi"=.'rCt TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E paRrrel. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR orirt fl npp Rov E D n otsepp Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME . -]Nsi"=.tOt '.EouEsrTOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE fl pnnnnl. LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM APPROVED D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR .. [N="=aGr RE.ouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: I panrrnl LocATroN PMFRTUE RE,ADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E appRovED ! orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr D uporv rHE FoLLowrNG GoRREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR lool ll9 Pr3c 459 !t 9:0O o'do<l A x. ADrll 2t' l9E2 JohnDat t. Phl I I lPr - F"e S l.0ODd r..',ia. E.3l G CountY Ttttsl)t:u. t*,^* /)61 ur., Q"*/Tnls Dt:tr. t* *,. ,/)&7 t1 .r Lllll< t rpE2- Hfl:llkiiH.iFi: l:l$l#t$"itiliii.ithliffi.f ii ilHft rrfr"i$i*llit*fftt'-i. -tili.li.li-ii ii f, ';liiilaii lil :t -iii'iii r;.rrra'f;'hlia. -rr t6 lr sdtvl il tl'51 tot.r..ti Ari5-:s.-ioir..;ir ic u Edtrl& t' 25t ttrcrr.tt; Lrt i'tOTDETT STAIF $rtr trrl|E apn I t ts2 'rr bart, .r to r laalvta| a z5l tatc?trt; Ddrq;..tL. tnlb. Jr.. r. 3c o d-r!i{ -C.^lU .lotc .'-i btll 1!. l. tillr.'el to rn rr|d l"ldad 1.25r lntoratt. n rnffvfaf 2!l btcnrti ilcld u"Mz.L-.c:..tL. tul tr. J"r.3c 6 d-r!&d t.ztl lotcr..'-ir. to rn rr|d l"ldad 1.251 lntora.t. .C.rotl.q. ll. ai l-tCF&+!Ea Jr|L Gl3t El ('.! t c D-rar !.rb r.|aFrt .. rb ,r.t r.tt lr l|rr. Fa lv th. {id ?.rdal -t tl* *d'nd Frl t h+ rtrr rh.r.sf Cakta...a tltr roca !tl. flTi'r$f,.l|.T||]$'....F't'.r|t'f''.|Frt'o'lnit|h..i'|.|.'.r&'nol||['.n''.|fTlrtELl]AlS (lro.qr) r! ot||l @d! r- iLuerur cmtDmltlof, ---_-EY'Q 't r. Lr.t'.th.''. ffitlrt"lGl%ht ltta. t drii .id lt lr.'rJ In t h- lt.<F. -l r|rr?.-tr |r.i $lfit. l-.?r.',.l rh tdr. t|tL. Int.tttt. .Lrn .n{ dtiri'l rhrh th' "trdDr'tt tf thtftrr| F tt fra rt .aa to th" Jdlcrt|lta"rartLa ha rt t{.nl.( l.nJ .rro.!t. ltrfi ..d lFrna 't t ht ot [,.S,l a .na Fr dc .t ( .t'r.4.. ro 3tr r.t. l d lt.sltt rrl.lll. tlllD ?lLlrc *cotatl !o Bha rFti|.d tLt th.rrof fnf, of tall cd|rat ol f.!1. tlot of Colorrdo c0lrgutr! DaFr, - to DEuttrtll llt llQUlrE ffinrffi' tto lltt tLD n, Hlll,ll !h. ri-.. rt{vt ht. !tth rlr tnd 'rn{r'rr. I h? rr'l"r.rtrt.'!'r' ''!tl Prrr 'lr .ta t l'' runt'l haLd*.a tt arltri. t ,,.hrnt' rpFr !s,nr.rr. .D"l rll ! ty 1.! rr' r,.ht.r'lir.'n!"'.1t!tr/.!r't,rl,rI"Fr..-(lrh' rld Frf t {r}tt|'rtrrt!..trh..trtrro'..turr! r.'rh'''nlr lrrtr'r o".Lrr'rr'r'l r*hr''l 'lthr'5r'lF"(""t ll |a a FllhL.L. .na rrittrrr n'r ! . r lN fl'ftlll illilrrr). th. 'tlerrr y oltr'. ( r.r t,r.r hlt }Jh.,trr.-r !ta r'.r:'l |lai.l tha lS .n.l I'r. f|rrl rltr.r r r 1,ll.tl YAIL YlLlAY. Il|c. , e colorrdo corporat lce "lst:l l-l rr bc*t roa*rr r.{ ..|rr.{tr( lr| r"iF a. r.b.r+d. qat. ...t.t..l rait ql ll l l alll:ll .'d [t th.r f.r..dt - aa 'rii't4. ttLrrt Jl.-rit r.a qt'3t ('l.AtI unlo t lt. i.!' ]'ttrLia{ th? -t'td P'?r-thClf h ir' .,. '- l|.t '/- ,'uLt .t.. . -'r'*{'^,., fr7 /. futf;, Jr.. ttb.ldcat - | s}'A l.l lst:.\ l.l s?a?t ola'oullltxr It- l..,.rrrtyol | ., Th. to.'Frr,r ,nrt. {r'?nr .r. ..t*.t i*',r r*turr e t \,. i-.' b D !2,r"' Jat !. htl|' Jr.i |! ?r.ild.ot of v'll v'llcy :ulll l;rr, I |:\\ t)l \ ( l.\i llli lt'ltr; I l:il {{ li sll(l I I DlNVLi, Cl)lI )ltAlx | fltltrl .,.., (1,,J',,/ lac. rr(.-r,..F',.rr'"' //hd . l$.'t"t t tt n..' ",\ h.nn "rr,i.'l! , '.,, " r -{-,i .: '8;,, \, lcot l3tlr3r {t9 L.i$.i I t00 r'r{rrr Az$m truDsro. trtt- /)61 <.,-r Aatr/ nlz ? ffi:lhffili#l?ffiff$#FtH'Jrr-Irrtr .a to - alvlt5 l.l5l trttrrrt r lioor llHil.'i: t "i,'.l:'.f .".f "nl*ls r? rilt, lr l?'.'"1 :' . rar 3-a3}tr-ea'r- b.r'r"' r"r HlJq't5llt;t rbl$ .tlfr Cltt a- r.iDlr{ DrOtrr l'.abf.a.. d tb *d'ia t ra. { lll..h.l l1r1.,tl dt&r.*. t..rr Lt. 9 ..a ll. IAIL tltt ttr ltttD nunrccordil io :h. rroaa.a pbt th.r. otton ol t llCfltt of irtb 13.t. .t cel o?.do ooltlllmt D[m - m mctwttAtt ?tr ntou|Rt'|r tl|||Afl At{lr n' }hrt Ir rr' r.'rF rrFrrn-f r: t.rr r,.i.,,,!i,,,1 Lbltlalf .,t tn rtrr|r. rtr'at'rfrte rtFrrd,r:,ot rr t.1i.,,. lL .60.{ t!.lahallt'r. r'tl r\.,tn^ r",r \,.. lX llf l|a f|{Xlf,o] trx.rrrrrrr y .rrr,r Dd -rt th..lrt.n.rrr., /...i.,.,.r, .,,rr,l tr.1Lrl.d.||nttrr,r,r,{,rIh} l'.r-rn.,,t tTA?[ r]] | ( rl.i|l I tx t t.. I , thrtt.rtorntInrt,,r||,.nrr..i.rhlrr..rJr!t!-t !tl.rt' J.t l. hrll.r Jr,. er tr,..,rdtrr oi yril l9 <*t ^r* r.,6n,, 12!{ttV r,'"".. ".. Aadr.rt: :i -Ita. ar..t,-I-xt.i-.f rtr.!ba-/t -. O{|. a-.-.-r -.br,!,r.-, . t- r. ADsll 21. I tt2Johnt.tt. Phll I lt. rr.r,t'' ltfirtDntrr s?AIt llM ltlolrlE APR 2I M2 t/w..&. - Foc t !. O0pdfrllr Countt l:. ' At I i'{ rr r t! r. tl I Oltt:||A?l|.tbtitr.$a)..rt,,t r.trr.t||.rts,.n,t,h.,.n...r.r.tdr.rr,.,..,&..,T[f ml,llls(tlo.m, rn olllt m ||D td.uArla ccrtDtl^fr ---_,---[rrrl.rbdtatt .atLttritr..t,nt.nal,..nhti,..iaFrdaa .,,rhlr.!.,\.rr.,i,rn.r,r.,Dt.h.r.i, r t.|rlt.r**..d tslbrb4Fd. rrr .rrrtq{...L.qa- !!rr .onrrr.,r in.rgr tr. I lrr}:lr .rir r,r rr,*ttt'nar tb aa '.ar' rrlt - t tl .-nr'! riaQt tt ('l. At { {nr..rr'..,.F.rrtaanrrr.,.,,,h,t tt r thctr h,,rr.asnl-'r ttt iaa[., a.''rrr,.t ri. ,drl. rrtr. Inr.rrrt.?r.,-.n,t.r,,r.i,trhra,rnr.r,,tt,..ty.,trh,rr.rr:.rt la |. Frl l.lb f.a.ri'| a...nt i t.rt .! ,.ret ! .n l rrto.t. tr,n.rittr-.ni.hrrr t...,,irl r',.: r,..! rr.rl r,.,,....'. -, ltt , .,,,t VAIL VALLI'Y. llr.. r Colohdo corDorat I tJtl l\l ill .'0' Vrl l.y \trtll t_r. 1t\\ rr' .. , r ,, ' rl lar.., i i.rr rtt \ \lIl t I ll!{VLl. Cr tt ttt(-ltr | |]r.:,,{ 3 O 3z o z t{ f F z o lr1 >d; <FA{:tr.>FF*<Qor9 < :.9 2 t tsh8fi6al:l:z:27=:9"Ei O<O<(JEt2:>i==:E:.:y:3?U'?69.a{E]E;:;Q> *C,,<o*-14lqt<E<B,r L E llJ cc I z z <H-=io ul cc u,l zl lrJ z s tc <t Fz UJ UJ llJ E F o llJ cc F J J F F llJt t J a F L E tr ul o o z -oJ l.o -l lre = =€t- NOIIVNlVA rsr >(Jcl \l!(\ z z Fq*n6 2? TA >o ; ..i rNs"=..fr1:' 41974 REoriEEr oarc ,7.' .t/' -'/ / T.BNAME TIME RECEIVED WN OF VAIL ...-r/', / i?..< z/*, E orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrau.LOCATION TUE FRI ,i.. .'t\)xvi mn DY-FOR INSPECTION LQ.I THUR .\ orrRovED I orsaeeRovED ! nerNSPEcr E upotrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ' INSPECTOR z F p.u sre d ---LAa\l 5{ o!rld/F<f ,-\;/E'1 > e>El Fg <Fr-F,i3' :- v 2 <Fi.--vl.e|. ^oY2<e<azzzao<aFr.o<()Qt'Jz5,rFFX9au'9o{ Frd<a>-t9iB<> FI FIz zt Cr z zo F IoulE u, z uloz s o F ul oJ t'|. !J F a F F uJE lg J i F Fzllt Eul gl ! .E =tr= lrl B o z -o Jf n lro =,-ot- IJJ x llt z Yc o Fot! l!o J c) cF lll ul CE ll,l z F oo z tr UJ -t But2 z J o tto gt vt z (Jgt ul G |tl t|. t (9 =ct uJ o o t! lJ- 5 uJ o-o ul Jvz o u,lt l|- IJJo z F di Eoo ut CE u,o 2ultt utYoEv, z F ulv, IJ2 cf(,(to ul = Ft! o at ul F0 tto ciz =z z f tto oz NO|lvn.rVn z tr IJ o u,F o?: zr.r 9 -t z Fqq d.6FEttr0;> :z:< dc)>9 ; c,i z F ov, UJo v,o u,l Goo J E * oer" S- 7 , rn_ ,2/ -ls* Parking Permits Bldg. Inspection Feer ----- Court Fines and F R"ECEIPT The Town of yatl N9 6185 LLARS S-N{a1- Highway Users Tar-----_- HOW PAID-Cash_Ch""r. X Occupation Taxes _ Liquor License. _-_---- _Sales Taxes___*_--oth".-_-- -_'--- -&.er RECEIVED FRO TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB e \,.t' tNseecGru JOB NAME E ornen ! pnnrrel. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: El-nppnoveo . fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: ! orsaeeRovED D nerNsPEcr CORRECflONS DATE INSPECTOR o rNsr=.t* TOWN OF FIEGIIJEST VAI L DATE JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORBECTIONS: CORRECTIONS :. I INSPECTOR DATE Torvn of ELECIRICAL Vail PERMIT JobNane....&.A/2R-E.4a......?-*..f .C..:....... 7) Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 163 $......."...-................ r &e- $....H-og N9 APPROVALS tovti"rntyf,-u.....22<-..K*1-or**...". & $....b-. 4-tz- ZS Date Paid.-..... ReceivedBv : w#5j,ll"",n,il lx-:ffi:il$ 1lto1 /e-- 24 HOUNSi AI}VANCE NOTICE REQUTRED FOR INSPECTIONS txr a. t. |l lrlr !!., lrrvrl t0rlll ,rNsr=r3* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: ! penrrnl.LOCATION FEADY FOR INSPECTION FRITUEWEDTHUR AM PM ! appRovED florsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr n upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR r\rsFEtt.,N FlEGluEsir rolx oF vArL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: fl panrrau LOCATION FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E eppRovED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr E upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME rNsipecGru nEouEsr N OF VAIL 1'1" /,l7vt', -DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM f]ornen E pnnrtau.LOCATION FRITUE READY FOR TNSPEC,TJQN "\WED ,. THUR -,,firrr)prr,tMON COMMENTS: ffnre Rov E D ! orseeeRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS /.! '/^..,, ,, ,,. ..)',' Aiin . ,.. ,r. , i,,,r" . ., , ,/ E nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o Notes of: Meeting 5/9/73 Jerry Seracuse's office - Denver dictated: 5/tO/73. JFL/nmm Re: Negotiations - Pulis Property Topics Discussed: Density Massing Submission Materials Publication Dates PUD Ordinance Phasing Recreational Emenities Landscaping Transportat ion Bike Paths Public Presentation Access Road and Bridges Points of Discussion: l. Study of cul-de-sac at eastern end of project; may partially occur on Rec. District land and could possibly pass over a portion of Complex B. 2. Should Mike Carlisle review fire access plan? 3. Decision was made to equalize density reduc- tions between Complex A and Complex B. Complex B should be increasedatleast 45,000 square feet, which would be taken out of buildings C & A, located in Complex A. 4. A legal opinion shoutd be forthcomi-ng from Jerry Jensen regarding the dedication or leasing of roadway right-of-way across Rec. District land. Suggestion was made to change boundaries of Rec. District lease agreement. l*l',* 5. A11larger, wnicn areshould be locatedsion materials. trees having a 4 inch diameter orwithin 20 feet of the building site,on a map which is part of the submis- 6. A ma brials board concerning exterior materialwilI be presented. 7. A detailed landscaping plan sha11 be presentedat the time of issuance of a building permj.t. (Does thlsapply for each phase?) 8. Signs shall be presented to the Sign ReviewBoard at such time as an intent to erect a sign is shown. 9. Penthouses for elevators and other ventila-tion equipment shall be part of the design revi.ew and willnot be denied if the design is acceptable. 10. Kq-q!: Please clarify nethod of 1ega1 descrip-tions for each E6frptex. 11. The developers will submit a method of ca1-culating square feet which are in aecordance with the requestsof Council. -.L2. Make sure that Pu1i.s findings are mailed toLarry Livingston (Linda) .Aai,s fc, C_nrirpre-,Bl) .. 13. Avalanche report from Arctic and AipineResearch wilt be in Terry's hands on Friday, S/L1-/ZT. Acopy w111 be forwarded to developer (Terry and Linda). 1-4. A meeting will be scheduled Friday, May 18, +?73, at 9:00 A.[1 . in Larry Livingston's ofTj.?eilto go overthe special district provis@perty. Atthe same tj,me, consideration will be given to the manner i-nwhich the recreational amenities will be assessed. 15. Karl lltorth ington will have, by the lgth meeting,an estimated cost of the recreati-onal amenities and multi-media center. 16. Developer states thatculations, his recreational amenities accordingfee will his cal- $282 ,773.38. to be -2- .N L7. The developer marketing department willcoordinate with the Town of Vail information person toprepare a press release to go in the Vail Trail two weeksbefore the June 19th public hearing.Co11een. 18. Developer should contact Larry Robinson and Linda HaLl concerning publication necessary for rezoningof Pulis property. 19. Diana Touehi.11 should prepare comparativestatistics between LionsHead, Village Core and Pulis property; the form of such sha11 be at her discretion. 20. Developer should provide access road fromFrontage Road to his site, including pedestrian underpasslocated on golf course. Landscaping sha11 be negotiable. 2l . Linda and Lamont: Confirm reservations for17th & lsttr san@ith Livingston. Make plane reservations. CC: Terry l,linger Larry Robinson Kent Rose Diana Toughill Colleen K1ine Linda Hal1 -3- ; PULIS ANNT]XATION AND DEVELOPI'Ib-NT CHRONOLOGY August 4, 1969: Blake authorized to negotiate on Pufis 1and, January 5, 1970: Meeting on Pulis annexation. January 19, 1970: Dlscussed Vail Village First Filing and annexation of rest of property important to Town. Apr:*l 27, t97O: Talk of 8% open space requirenrent if dedicated; PC and BoT same meeting as LionsHead flnal plat. April 1.2, 1971: Annexation discussions, BoT. January 28, 1971 : Annexation Discussions, BoT. February 8, 1972: BoT - point of information that Pulj-s prope:'ty owners want to annex. f'ebruary 16, 1972: Planning Commission - presentation of proposal by Nuzum, requests for less HDII{F; lower densities' March 21, 1972 (mornlng): PC - discussions of density reductions March 21, \972: Annexation - BoT (with PC present), very little June audience discussion. of Clancy matter. September 15, 1972: TC & PC - changed plan with more amenities public meeting which had been scheduled for September 17, rescheduled for October 17. Discussions of possible density reductions by 1,500 or 1,000 people. October 6, 1972: TC - first mentlon of a P.U.D. Clancy, etc. pushing for decision on October 17; Council feels not enough time; various density calculations discussed. November 7, 1972: Formal hearing on request for re-zoning; request tabled for decision on January 15, ]-973; discussion of relationship between density/amenities (financial relationship). March 7, L973: TC - Clancy requests until July complete working drawings - meeting set for March 29, 1973; TC - still uncertain whether a---- wT]TT'e-fncluded in new Z.o. for Sunburst; June 1, working drawings deadline. April 18, 1973: Staff Review - slide show - Beck requests. April 19, 1973: TC & PC - the big negotiation meeting on the 15% density reduction vj.sual inrprovements. April 24, 1973: TC - discussion of proposed "Findings" - Mayor agrees to sign on fol,lowing Friday. BoT - Bowers presents general ideas on behalf & Brady. Bob Nott present at meeting on another 1, 1973 to l{arch 9. special zone otherwise, May 9, 1973: Denver - trlinger, Rose, Lamcnt, Beck, initial draft of ordj,nance, further height reduction, massing reduction. May 18, 1973: San Francisco - Lamont, lllinger, Clancy group, Beck, changes of IIay t had been made. June 11, 1973: Denver - Beck and Clancy group. dq4e 19, 7973: TC - vote to adopt p.U.D. permit with conditj.ons. June 27, 7973; signing of P.U.D. permit with conditj-onsspelled out. ."9t' MINUEES --. PLANNING & ENVIRONIII]INTAL COI{MISSION 9 JANUARY 1979 Menbers Present: Staff Present: The meetr'.ng The first item on the was brought to agenda, Vai1. at 3:00 P.I1. Inc. - Rezonln order Va11e of /D- ^' Q , n. t / ,]r*o --\J.-t lJn{L{ t=-w Pam Garton Sandy lt{i1ls Ron Todd Roger Tilkemeler Gerry i{hite Jlm l\{organ Ed Drager - Absent Allen Gerstenberger Jim Rubin acre pa.rcel ad iaccn L to Vail Valle rd rorn SI)l e:cia7 ve fopment Distri-ct 1) to LDtriF Residential CLus'ber) densit Mr. IVarren Pulis was present to address the Commj-ssion' Jim Rubin advised the Cornrnission of the correction to be made on the tr'iemo of L-5-79, to read that "there are 3.9 buildable acres rather than the 1.4, and an al.lorvable density of 23 unlts, rather than 8." It'lr. Prrlis explained to tlre Commission that there had been a land trade with the Town of Vaj.1, the Town receiving the piece of land where the golf course pond is located, and I\Ir. Pulis received a 2-unit credrt as approved by the Town Council. Jirn Rubin mentioned that an avalanche study rvi11 have to be cornpleted before constructlon can commence. Rcger Tilkemeier macle tire Llotion to approve the Vail Va11-ey Inc., request for rezoning of a 5 acre palcel adjacent to Vail Valley 3rd from Special Development District 1 to l,oiv Density Multiple-Family rvith a Residential Cluster Density rvhich wil.1 a11ow 6 units per buil.dable acre and incl-uding the tt'o additional units from the land trade with the Town of Vail, and the percelltage increase of Gross Residential- Floor Area" for the two addi.tional units in accordance with the Department of Communi.ty Developrnent memorandum, rvith the corrections as stated. The trlotion seconded by Pam Garton. The Commission voted unanimous approval . TIre second item on the agenda, _Warren Pulis - Mir@- division of a 1 Lcrs_ru!_1a!!-gg_ i-1r_Sgl by the Golf_,Course, intoffi [{r. Pulis again addressed bhe Commission. The Commissiotr discussed the memo rvith Jim Rubin. Ittr. Pulis assured the Commission that he is in c.omplete agreement wlth Jim Rubin's recommendation that there be just onc access point to the lots. Ken Shapil'o was present to speak to the Commission, he was concerned about notification in respect to contract purchasers, stati.ng that there was one man he could not contact. The PEC members felt that the owner notif i.c'.at j.on rvas prollcrly done by Lotv Densitv l,{ultiple_Iramily) lvith RC T*T Page 2 Minutes - Planning & Environmental Commission 1-9-79 by notifying the owDers of record and that al1 requirements had been met. After further discussion, the llotion was made by Roger Tilkemeler to approve the request for a Minor Subdivision of a 1 acre unplatted parcel by the Golf Course into two parcels that includes the 1egal description of the access as discussed in an agreement between lYarren Pulis and Vail Golf Course Townhomes regarding access onto the lots and in accordance with the recommenda.t ions made by the Department of Community Development memorandum dated 9 January 1979 and noting Mr. Shapi.ro's appearance on behalf of the contract purchasers. Gerry White seconded the l.[otion. The Commission voted unanimous approval . The third item on the agenda, Andrerv Norris - Amendment to SD4 (Special Development District 4). Jim Rubin discussed the memo with the Commission.Itlr. Norlis was present to explain hls request. I{e asks for the folloiving changes to the Amendment: fn Paragraph E of Section 18.46.040, delete the rvord "sections" and "interior circulation" and change 1/8 inch equals one foot, to 1 inch equals 20 feet, and delete "location of uses rvithin the buildings." He explained that their plan is to provide "building use envelopes." Jim Rubin asked that it be changed to "general use within buildings" and Mr. Norris agreed to this. After further di.scussion, the Motion ryas made by Pam Garton to approve the Amendment to Special Development District 4 as requested by Andrew Norris, and as outlined in the Department of Community Development memo dated Janua.ry 5, L979 and with the changes as noted in the new Amendment by lt{r. Norris. The l.{otion was seconded by Sandy Mi11s. The Commission voted unanirnous approval . The 4th item on the agenda, Dave Elmore - Zonj.ng onTracts A & C of the recently annexed parcels. Jim Rubin advised the Commission that l{r. Elmore is notpresent toda"y, but that the recommendation as stated in the memo was the recommendation from the Torvn Council. He stated that if the Conunission feels comfortable with the information they have on this they can make their recommendations today. There was discussion on an "escape cla.use" for the long-term rental units. Jim Rubin ' stated that Larry Rider, Town Attorney, is working on the rvording I '."' for this. Ron Todd was concerned that people could sublet the long-term units, and Jim Bubin agreed that the language needs to be strengthened on this. After further discussion, Roger Tilkemeier made the Motion to postpone the recommendations for zoning on Tracts A & C of the recently annexed Elmore parcels. Jim llorgan seconded the lvlotion and the Comnnission voted unanimous approval . it"lFf t Page 3 Minutes - Pl-anning. & Environmental Commission L-9-79 The Sth item on the C1-C5. Li-onsridge Filin No.1 from Residential Cluster to S velonment District with a maximum allowable dens of 2OO long-term rental units on 10.08 acres. Jay Peterson, Attorney at Law was present to address the Commission on behalf of the prospective olvnel.. He introduced Ken Cochran, the architect, and advised the commissj.on that the sellers of the property rvere also in attendance. On a question from Gerry White regarding the possibility of rent control, L{r, Cochran stated that rent control rvould not be acceptable. He feels the figure they have given ($350 per 2-bedroom unit pe1 month) is realistic, but could change relative to actual building costs and mai-ntena"nce expense. Pam Garton asked about parking, she felt perhrps there may not be enough for a proiect this size. Jay Peterson stated there are currently spaces being provided in excess of those required by the Zoning Ordinance and they wish to keep asphalt areas to a minimum. He feels that the parking sj-tuation may not be so severe because of the project's proximity to the Town and the availability of bus service to the area. Jim Rubj-n also corrunented that because the project will be phased, this will help to solve the problem in tirat the first phase can test the actual parking need. Ron Tod.d asked for comments from the Commission. Pam Garton doesn't thi-nk the density is out of line for this area and that the location'is very good for emplo5'€rs housing' she would like to see it go on to the Town Council. Sandy lt{i11s was concerned that too many employee housing units could be constructed at one time and that this project could at some time come back to ask that part of the project be turned into condominium-type housing. Jay Peterson interjeeted that this could be the case if the buildings were not rented, but that he feels this rvould be pretty far-fetched because of the present high demand. Allen Gerstenberger asked whether they rvould be willing to receive approval for only 1OO unlt's, haying to come back through another review process for the secolld 100 units. Jay Peterson answered that he rvoutd have to talh1vith the owners about this, but he felt he would have a hard tirne selling this rvith the possibllity of density limits being put on the second half of the project. Al1en felt that the site is good for this housing and can handle the 20 units per acre, but he is not comfortable with the site pIan. He also stated that this project rvould increase the density in the Lionsridge neighbrohood by 377o. Ron Todd felt the two and three story building concept is goocl for this type of housing, especially since it will keep buildiug costs rvithin reason. on Lots eci aI tFtr o Page 4 Minutes - Planning & Environmental Commission t-9-79 Gerry l{hite feels this is a necessary increase in desnity for this type of housing and will meet a great community need, A11en Gerstenberger commented that he agrees with this, but he feels tha.t a mini-impact analysis should be done for this project and they should took at the projects that are now being-conij-der.d that include employee housing . Ja.y Peterson stated that he doesn't feel they are adding to anything, but that these units would only be replacing the loss of employee housing through the past few years. Jim Irlorgan thinks the speed rvith which they are planning to build will shorv whether the project w111 produce all the employee housing that is needed, and that it is lmportant to consider that this project is lOO% employee housing where other projects have a portion of luxury condominiums with only some employee housing. Roger Tilkemeier is concerned tha.t they teali'ze tb'at the vail area. has a very short building season and there might not be enough time to complete the proiect as they plan (the developers hope to have 104 units completed for the 1979-BO ski season). The architeet answerecl that it was his feeling that it rvould be enough time, he has had experienee in building in other areas of the country that have long and severe winters. Roger added that he doesn't feel they could finish all the units by fa11, but he also stated that he has no problem with the density or the location, but would like to see the site plan developed very ca.refu11y. ' The Commission asked whether the developer would be agreeable if at the end of twenty years, they would give the Town oi Vait the right of f irst refusal . Jay Peterson and I'{r. Cochran stated there lvas no problem rvith this. It was also brought out that the project woulcl be subiect to the Condominium Conversion Ordinance so that there is adequate protection for keeping this project as long-term housing. Pam Garton made the l\Iotion to recommend approval for the re-zoning on Lots Cl through C5, Lionsridge Filing No. I from Residential Cluster to Special Development District 10 with a maximum allorvabfe density of approximately 2OO long-term rental units on 10.08 acres. She stated that the Commission looks favorably on employee housing on these lots because of their location within the Town, and are i-n agreement with the approximately 20 units per aere. Roger Titkemeier seconded the lrlotion. Thg Commission voted unanimous approval of this recommendation. Jim Rubin asked the Cornmission for a list of their concerns on this project, things they feel need to be addressed before a final approval can be given for the Special Development District. These concerRs focused on the final defi.nitions that will regulate the use of these units as long=term lrousing. Sandl' It{i1}s also brought up the coucern of increased municipal services that will be needcd because of the project. Pam Garton reitelated the need to lFr! o Page 5 Miiutes - Pl-anning & Environmental Commission 1-9'79 study tbe parking.demand for the proiest. Gerry lvhite felt that rent controls should be discussed by the Council. RonToddasked.theCommissiontonominateamemberof the commission to the Design Review Board for a three-month term. Sandy IvIills was nominated by Gerry White, Roger Tilkemeier seconded her nomination and the Commission voted unanimous approval . ,The commission was asked to nominate an alternate, Ed Drager was nominated by Ron Todd, the nomination seconded by Pam Garton and the Commission voted unanimous approval . sandy Mi11s will_ serve on the Design Review Board from t February 1979 until the end of April 1979. Meet ing 'adj ourned 5 : 15 P . M: AF -\- J I j<AGREEMENT AND GRAI.IT OT EASEMENT \ __ TIIIS AGREEI'iENT, le entered lnto aa of the 3'nat day of Fe.,,,'^t*-f , WARREN K. PULIS and HELGA T. PULIS ("PULIS") and COMPANY (.'SHAPIRO'' ) . RECITALS owner of a parcel of land, conEainlng one (1) acre, In the Town of Va!l, Eagle County, Colorado (the "PULIS \A. DOre or LAND"). Pu11s le the less, loc ated \ -.,\t-,y. L/ ,/'l-r/ ./' -< Jv 1978, by and betrreen SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION B. Shapiro ls the ouner of Lot 1, Sunburst F1l1ng #3, a resubdlvlston of Sunburet Flllng il2, Tovn of Vall, County of Eagle, Col-orado (the "SHAPIRO LAND"). C. The Pulle Land and the Shaplro Land are shown on the slte Plan dated August 31, 1978 (the "SITE PLAN"), a copy of whlch is attached hereto es Exhlblt A. D. There presently exlsts a 30-foot wlde drlveway and utlllty easenent for the beneflt of the Pulle Land, and owned by Pulle, running fron the westerly boundary of the Pulls Land across a portlon of the Shapiro Land to che publlcly dedlcated roadway. E. It 18 the deslre of Shaplro that use of the gxlstlng easenent be dls- contlnued as a drlveway (but not for placement of utility lines) and lt is the deslre of the partles hereto thac a neu easenent be g,ranted for purpoees of acce6s and, if necessary or deslrable, utlllty placement across another Portlon of the Shaplro Land froo the existlng public roadvay to the Pulis Land, and the parties also r.rlsh to create an easement of vlew preservatlon for the beneflt of the Pulls Land ln relatlon to the proposed construction of townhouses on the Shaplro Land. . NOI.I TIIEREFORE, lt 1s agreed as f ollows: 1. Pulls hereby approves che Slte Plan, dated August 31' 1978, as approved by the Tovn of Vall Plannlng Cormlsslon, as to the location of bulldlngs to be constructed on the Shapiro Land and as to the elevation, helght, and design thereof. -t- I o , 2. Shaplro bereby grants to Pul1s, tbeir helrs, successors and asslg,ns, an easenlent of vlew preeervatlon, llghE and alr, over the Shaplro Land as the .sae lles vlthln tbe vlew corrldor ae reflected on the Slte Plan, and hereby covenanta and agreee tha! no sEructure or struccures sha11 be permltted wlthln the vles corrldor, at any ttre, other than as approved by Pulls on the Slte Plan. 3. Shaplro hereby grants to Pu11s, their heirs, successors, and asslgns, an easenent for access and for placement of utlllty llnes, over, under and across thdt portlon of the Shaplro Land, as reflected on Exhlbit B, 30 feet ln wLdth, froo the publlc roadway to a point on the northerly property llne of the Pu1ls Land. 4. A11 [oets of construct.lon, gradlng, and paving of the new easemenE, as well as the new drlveryay fron the nep easenent, shall be at the sole expense of Shaplro, lts auccessorg or lasslgns. The new easeoent shall be nalntained and repalred by Shaplro lncludlng snorr removal, but not the new drlveway. 5. The lnatallatlon, locatlon, and relocatlon of all utlllty llnes ln the nen easenent shall be ac the expense of Shaplro, lncludlng llcense and permlt feee charged relatlve to connectLon of the nes utllttlee. Should any of Pullal utllltles as they now exlst, be lnterrupted by Shaplro ln thelr course of constructlon on thls easernent, Shaplro agrees to correct such lnterruptlon at the sole expense of Shaplro. ,/ 6. Pulls does not hereby vacate the old easemenEl but, however, does ag,ree hereby and ln behalf of thelr helrs, succesaors, and asslgns, to dlscontlnue use of the old easeoent ae a drlve,rray upon completlon of constructlon of the new easement roadvay and the new drlveway across the Pulls Land. The old easexoent shall be pemltted to go back to natural growth but no trees or large shrubs shall be planted tbercln, lt belng underetood that the old easement ghall be avallable for accese purposes ln the event that the new eaaenenc or the nev drlvesay ehould for any reaaon not be ueeable for accees for any extended perlod of tloe. It 16 further undirstood that the utility llnes located under the old easenent, or elsewhere on the Shaplro Land, shal1 continue !o be used by Pulls, lhelr heirs, successors' and aealgns, untll such tloe that alternare utlllty ll.nes nay be urade avallable to the Pulls Land. -2- 7. In accordance wlth the regulatlons of the Town of Val1, Ehe Pulis Land 1g zoned for addlClonal structureg to be bullE thereon ln the future and ' for eubdivlalon. In the event of suMlvlslon of the Pults Land or conatructlon of other lmprovenenta thereonr the rlghts of easement, nalntenance, and vlew preservatlon herein granted by Shaplro to Pulls nay be asslgned ln whole or ln part by Pul1s wlthln Ehe peraoeterE as lndlcated in Paragraph 2 above, . 8. It 1s understood and agreed that thls Agreement and the Grant. of Easement does not lntend, nor shall lt be construed as lntendlng, for Pulis, thelr helre, gucceagors, or assigns to becone co-venturers wlth Shapiro, lcs successors, or asslgns or uembers of any ownerts assoclaclon fonned or hereafter forned for the purpose of manageoent, Dalnteo"rr.", o, operation of the Shaplro Land or any portlon thereof. 9. tfhen the roadway for the nee easemenc has been conpleted, Pulls shall advlee Shapiro of the exact locatlon of entry on the northerly propercy l1ne of the Pulle Land for constructlon of the nev d riverray. Upon coropletion thereof, Shaplro shall provlde, at Shaplrofs coat, a survey prepared by a reSlstered englneer of the new easement and drl,verrav. 10. Thls docuoent shall be recorded and shall be a burden upon the Shaplro Land and a beneflt to the Pulls Land. Thls Agreernent ls btndlng upon and shall lnure to the beneflt of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors, and aaalgne. 1l . IN IIITNESS L|IIEREOF, thls Agreenrent has been glven as of che day and year flrst above wrltten. -3- llarren K. Pulle o- (sErL) STATE OF COLORADO cotNlr 9e&\- the tll tnes s ny (ssAL) STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregolng lrr"., han Shaplro, as Asslstant Ultneae oy hand foregolng lnatruDent was acknonledged _tt\t r-\-before ne thls \ -day )) ee ) ) ) es ) By: of and Helga T. Pulle. My comnlsslon explres:,r-./,/e \ ! 1978, by Abrahan L. Shaplro as Presldent and Kenneth E. a Colorado corporatloo.Secretary, of Shaplro Constructlon Co. ' and offlcial eeal. Hy comrrisslon explres March 3l' 1980. , 1978, by lfarren K. Pulle and offlclal sea1. lnstrument was acknowledged before ne this a/' day of (sEAL) SHAPIRO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY rahao L.Shaplro Pres ld ent thE. S Aa818tant Secretary -4- ' IIEMORANDUI'{f TO PLANNING & DNVINONNIi]NTAL COI.{I'.{ISSION TROII DEPARTI{INT OF CO},11i'UNITY DEVELOPIIII}IT DATD 5 JanuarY 1979 BE DESCRIPTION OF PI-,ANNING & ENVIRONtr{ENTAL CO}'II'IISSION AGENDA - ITNIIS AND NECOIII{ENDATIONS. 1.) Vail VaLllcy Inc' - Rezoning of 5 acre.palcel . adjacent tL vail va11ey 3rc1 from sD1 (Special Development District 1) to LDI{F (Low Density lr{ultip1e-Iamily) rvith RC DensitY. There are i.n buj.ldable acres 1n tSis parcel rvhich woulda< result ln an allorvable density of C units. Tbis is consistent with the deusity on the adiacent parcel , Vaj-l Golfcourse Tolvnhotnes, and j-s the general density that was discussed for this parcel ,./ ) wben sDl was dissol.ved. (*JJt "^-at^1*---A G R FA o '4' a' "(oUaa2| Department Becommendation: Approval' 2. ) lYarren Pulj.s - Ir{inor subdivision of a 1 acre unplatted parcel by the Golf Course, into trvo parcels' Each lot is in excess of 1?,500 sq. ft', which is the minimum in a d.uplex zone. The lot on whlch lrlr. Pulis' house presently stands is vrithin all required setbacks. The only poteutial problem is access. \Ye rvould suggest that access be off the seconda'ry roacl going to the upper GoIf Corrrse'Iorvuhomes aDd that just one access point be provided for the trvo 1ots. Department Recommendation: Approval 3. ) Anclrerv Norris -.Anrendment to sD4 (Special Developntent District 4). The proposed Amendnrcnt to special Development District 4 (SD4 ) \,ouf d accomplish the f oIl-oling: 1. ) No rcqirirenietrt for thc 10,OO0 sc1 . f t. off ice building to go throrrglr thc Planning & [nvi.ronmental Comntissiotr and Torvtt CottnciI.. 2. ) No requircmetrt for an aclditional Dnvironmental Impact ?IT ilf;"o?,0*our,r aeenaaGrns & Bcsommendations O Report for covered in the Irlansfield Property (it is already the DIR for the Glen Lyon Subdivision) 3. ) No requirement for architectural models of each' builcling (a volumetric moclel of Development Area A' the lrtnnifield Property i-s sti11 required) 4, ) No requirement for an orclj.nance to be passed for the approval. of each Dcvelopment Plan (ttre PEC and Town bbrrncil rvoulcl st111 review each Devclopment Plan and the Tolvn Council rvould pass a Resolution adoptingtlrisplan.Thisclratrgeslrortensthereview procectuie and sirlpllfies the admiuistrative process Ly not requiring a specific ordinance' This is silnj-lar to the n.ru proceclules in the Amendments to the Zolting Ordi-nance that the Torvtr Council has passed on 1st reading). Department Recommendatj.on: Approval 4. ) Dave Elmore - Zoning on Tracts A & recently annexed Parcels. Tract A is the parcel on tlre rvest sidc of Ii'e are recommending that one t\vo-family residence be permitted on this site. (There is currently a trvo-family residence on the site Tract c is the parcel on the east side of lrlatterhorn circle and North of Gore Creek.Ife are recommending six (6) units per buildable acre rvith Residentj-al cluster GRIA, and rvith the possible addition of six (6) units per buildabl-e acre rvith an additional 1,00o sq. ft. of GRFA per unit maximum for long5-term rental units. (This rvas t[e rccommeudation from the Town Council' Department Recommendation: Approval 5.) Jay Petersot.r - Rezoni.ng olt Lots C1-C5, Lionsridge I'iling No. l fron Iicsidential Cluster to Speci.at Devclopment District 10 (SDl 0) with a maxinittm al ]orvirble densi.ty of 200 long-tcrm rental units on 10.08 acres. Drarvings atrd a model for this project are being delivered to us on llonday (Jauuary 8, 1979)A copy of the ProPosed SDIO L-5-79 C of the llatterhorn Circle ' is encl.osecl . Ottr initial. reaction is that this is au excclletrt Pg. 3 UEUOBANDUII Agenda Items & Recommendatlons location for employee housing,. and that the density of line with other proiects in the Lionsridge area' concerns wiLl not be directly expressed until we see and drarvings on [!onday. There will be more comments proposal prior to Tuesday, and it will be discussecl Work Session. o Department Recommendation: \Tithheld until Tuesday neeting. 6.) Amen<lments to the Zoning Ordinance. (Please see memo enclosed. ) l-5-79 is not out Our the site plan on this at Tuesday PUBLIC NOTICE NCItICE IS HEREBY GMN that Warren Pulis has requested the Subdivision of a one acre unplatted parcel by the Vail Golf Course into two parcels. A Publie Hearing will be held in accord with Artlcle III, Section 2 of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail before the Towrr of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on January 9, 1-979 at 3:00 P.tr{. Said hearing will be hetd in the Vail Municipal Bu11ding. 7 \_ I ,uLho )\ / TOIYN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMIIUNITY DEVEIOPI{ENT fi*'*u*-P^Az.'/Jrimes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Published i.n the Vail (; unru ((>] A K cF' a^tt,AuoA;K Do,oo-1 Roo4 G"oewrw,"h/ aa - / O6s I O \'/ LJar,,nst^ P*La / bo x 1qq v;nIb- (!"!,*,,4 Ab" b.x |,,/r."Q t $oAo^ r)rbex S'^^p',b O l5'(?'G y br z December 22, L978. (/^^! t 6'8/6{? '!!!n o PUBLIC NOTICE NOfIICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that lTarren Pulis has requested the Subdivision of a one acre unplatted parcel by the Vail Golf Course i-nto two parcels. A Public Hearing will be held in accord with Article III, Section 2 of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Cornmission on January 9, L979 at 3:00 P.M. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.OPMENT Q",*turt.W!-- lflmes A. Rubin Yoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail December 22, 1978. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that lYarren Pulis has requested the Subdivision of a one acre unplatted parcel by the Vail Golf Course into two parcels. A Public Hearing will be held in accord with Article III, Section 2 of the Subdivision Begulations of the Town of Vail before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Counnission on January 9, 1979 at 3:OO P.M' Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Bul1ding. TO1W OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMIVII,NITY DEVEI.OPMENT h,*'urt.P-!z,- iJdmes A. Rubin Yoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail December 22, Lgla, . GEI' TO1VN OF VAII APPLICATIOT'r l"Onffi-€,lffi. Application Date Publication Date Public Hearing Date Name of APPlicant Name of Owner if different from APPlicant I I I Mailing Address TelePhone Legal Descrj-Ption:Lot , Block , r'i1ing al -a-t metes boun ;s;fFfa; as exhibif proPertY is unplatted /-- | I. Mtaou. _\ .< (oal'a st t 56n Application is hereby made for a eea*lffirrl+ iFe Fenrit to allow: ina APPLICATIoN.IfILLNoTBEACCEPTEDUNLESSACCoMPANIEDBYTHEFOLLoWING: 1. Hearing Fee - $m'+ $1'40 for EACH addressed envelope' 2. A LIST OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROpERTIES within 300 feet in a single-Famiry Residential ; r,uo--n"riry nes:-aential; or Two-Fami-ly Primary lSeconaaiy-n""iat"t:- aI .Zorte District; or adjacent to the subje.t p""pL"ly in all -other Zone Districts' The owners List shal1 include ltu ""r." of all owners and the lega1 descripiion of the prope"tV "*"uO by each' Accompanying this list sha11 be pre-addressed envelopes along with'- ^^-LCertif icatu" uttO-nt't"tn Recei^pts properly f i1led out to eacn owner. rnese-iorms can te obtainLa i"orn-the U'S' Post Office' 3.SitePlanrfloorplanandotherdoeumentsasrequiredbythe Zoning Administrator 4. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use, its operating cnaracterj'stics and measures proposed to make the use compatible'with other properties in the vicinity' -i, ^ 'laltq L.r'>:-i'l I.4\ d' 'q.aa Zone District. __S I gffiTni€ o fTPP 1 i'c an t lIff!fur,itrt g box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community tlevelopment 12 lebruary 1979 l{arren Pul is Vail Valley fnc. llox 999 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: S-Acre UnPlatt;ed Parcel bY:'rril Valley Third Fili-ng Dear Warren: The altove-refcrenced 1:rarcellvas officially rezonecl last week by the Town Council from Special Development District Number 1 to Lotv Density l,{u1ti-llanrily lvith Resj.clential Cluster cicnsity. An additional 'brvo units with a colresponding percentage inerease 1n GRFA (Gross Resi-dent:ial Floor Area) was added to the allorvable dcnsity on this parcel. In looking at the allorvable density on thj-s parcel t f have determi-ned that 3.9 of the 5.2966 acres are b'uildab1e. This would permit 23 unj.ts and 501965 squa::e feet of GIIFA. iVith the trvo uni'Ls adclccl to ttris parcel, a total of 25 units and a total GRIA of 55,397 squal'e feet is permitted. This letter constitntes an official zoning determinil'{,ion for the above-referencecl parceJ.. Unless the zouing on this parcel is altercd by a subsequent r.ezoningr You can be guarantced. the above-mentioned density figrrles If you ltave any further questions, please contact me. Sincerely, futoA-P-"L\uzJames A. Ilubin JAll / gerv Zoning Aclministrator Jrruonannuu TO PLANNING & INVINONTIENTAL COM}'{ISSION DEPARTI\IIINT Or COITMUNITY DEVIIIPPIIEIITFnoirl DATD RE 5 JanuarY 1979 DBSCRIPTION OT PLANNING & ENVIBONTI]INTAL COIUITISSION AGENDA - ITDI'IS AND RDCOI{IIENDATIONS' 1,) Vail Va11cy Inc. - Rezoning of 5 acre parcel adjacenttoVailValley3rclfromSDl(SpecialDevelopment liitri-ct 1) to LDI{F (Low Density l'lultiple-Ianily) rvith RC- Dqrsity . lt ,rf There a,-s 1* builclablc ..T?tn this parcel which would resu1t in an allovrable density of. G units. This is consistent with the clepsity on the adjacent parcel , Vail Golfcourse To1nhomes, and is the general density that rvas d.iscussed for this parcel when SDl rvas dissolrred. Department necommenclal; ion : Approval . 2.) \{arren Pulis * }tlnor subdivision of a l acre unplatted parcel by the Golf Course, into two parcels' Each lot is in excess of L7,5OO sq. ft., which is the mininrum in a duplex zone. The lot on which lrlr. Pulis' house preseutly stan{s is within all required setbacks. The only potetltial problem j-s access. \Ye rvould suggest that access be off the secondary road going to tlre upper Golf Course Torvnhomes and that just one access point be provided for the trvo lots- Department Recommendation: Approrral 3. ) Anclrerv Norrj_s - Amendmeut to sD4 (Special Devel.opment District 4). The proposed Ameudment to special Derreloptnent District 4 (SD4) rvoufd accomplish the follorving: 1.) No reqirilcmeut for the 10,000 sq. ft. office building to go through thc Planning & Environrncntal Cornrnission and Toltl Council. 2. ) No leclulrctncnt f ol an additiouel Ettvironlncntal Impact rs -il$*of,n*oult Agenda?ot" & Recommenclations I Report for covered in 3. ) No requircmcnt for alchitectural models of each builcling (a volunretric mocle1 of Development Area A, the I'lanif j-cld Property is sti11 required) 4. ) No requirement for an orclj'nance to be passed for the approval of each Development PIan- (the PIC and Torvn Council rvoulcl sti11 review each Developlnent Plan and the Tourr Council lvould pass a Resolution acloptingthisplan.Thischangeshortenstherevierv procectuie and lirnplifies the administrative process by not requiriirg a specific ordinance' This is similar to ttre new procedures in the Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance that the Town Council has passed on 1st reading). Department Recommendation: Approval 4. ) Dave Elmore - Zoning on Tracts A & C of the reeentlY anuexed Palc.e1s. Tract A is the parcel on the rvest side of trtatterhorn cirele' I\te are recommending that one two-family residence be permitted on this site. (There is currently a trvo-farnil]' residence on the site') Trast c is the parcel on the east side of trlatterhorn circle and North of Gore Creek. Ilie are reconmending six (6) units per bulldable acre rvith Residential cluster GRIA, and rvith the possible addition of six (6) units per buildable acre with an additional 1,000 sq. ft. of GRIA per unit maxirnum for long-term rental units. (This rvas the recommendation from the Town Council') Department Recommendatiou: Apploval 5.) Jay Petersou - Rezonj-ng on Lots Cl-Cs, Lionsridge Filing No. 1 front Residential Clustcr to Special Developntcnt District 10 (SD10) rvith a maxinrum a1 lon'ab1e clensity of 200 long-term rental units on 10.08 acres. r-5-79 the Mansfielcl Property (it is already the EIR for the Gten Lyon Subdlvlsion) Drarvings attd a nrodel for this project to us ou llouday (Jauuary 8, f979). A copy are being delivered of the proPosed SD1O is enclosed. Our. initial reaction is that this is atl excell.ent T"rs, -pe. B O UBUO&ANDUDI Agenda Items & Recommendatlons t 1-5-79 location for empl.oyee housing, and that the density is not out of line with other projeets in the Lionsridge area' Our concerns will not bi directly expressed until we see the site plan and drawings on Monday. There wilL be more comments on this proposal prior to Tuesday, and it will be discussed at Tuesday lTork Session. Department Recommendation: withheld until Tuesday meeting. 6.) Arnendments to the ZoiLng 'Ordinance. (Please see memo enclosed. ) PI'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS ImREBY GIVEN that warren Pulis has requested a rezoning of a five (5) acre parcel of land adjacent to Vail Va11ey 3rd tri1ing. The proposed rezoning is from special Development District 1 (SD1) to Low Density Multiple-Family (LD[|F) with Residential Cluster (RC) DensitT. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on Tuesday, FebruarY 6, 1979, at ?:30 P.M. before the vail Town council. said hearing will be held in the Vail MuniciPal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMilruNITY DEVELOPMENT n^,f\/ltfh/n <z /zl -f'lJlmes A. Rubln Zoning Administrator Publi.shed in the Vail Trail January 19, L9?9 Notification 1-18-79 Doris Bailey VMBD Box 666 - Vail Abe Shapiro Box 1547 - Vail and sent to Tfarren Pulis Box 999 - Vail F[ PTIBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS I{EBEBY GMN that lYarren Pulis has requested a rezoning of a five (5) acre parcel of land adjacent to Vail Valley 3rd 3i1ing. The proposed rezoning 1s from Special Development District 1 (SD1) to Low Density Multiple-Family (LDMF) with Residential Cluster (RC) Density. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Sectlon 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on Tuesday, FebruarY 6, 1979, at 7:30 P.M. before the Vail Town Council. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOI{N OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT W",-*A- A^!r-- .lCmes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail January L9, L979 + MINUTIS PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COI,IMISSION 9 JANUARY 1979 Members Present: Staff Present: Pam Garton Sandy I{il1s Ron Todd Boger Tilkemeier Gerry ll'hite Jim I\lorgan Ed Drager - Absent A11en Gerstenberger Jim Rubin The meeting The first item on the was brought to agenda, Va j.1 at 3:O0 P.IU. Inc. - Rezonin order Va1l e of acre parcel adiacent to Vail VzLlle 3rd from SD ecial Deve opment District 1 Res dent i aI luster Mr. '[Varren Pulis was present to address the Commission 'Jim Rubin advised the Commissi-on of the correction to be made on the l\Iemo of I-5-79, to read that "there are 3.9 buildable acres rather than the 1.4, and an allorvable densj-ty of 23 units, rather than 8." Irlr. Pulis explained to the Commission that ther'e had been a land trade with the Torvn of Vail, the Town receiving the piece of land where the golf course pond is located, and tr{r. Pulis received a 2-unit credit as approved by the Town Council. Jim Rubin mentioned that an avaLanche study will have to be completed before construction can commence. Roger Tilkemeier made the llotion to approve the Vail Valley Inc., request for rezoning of a 5 acre parcel adjacent to Vail Va11ey 3rd from Special Development District 1 to Lorv Density Multiple-Family with a Residential Clrrster Density rvhich will allow 6 units per buildable acre and including the two additional units from the land trade rvith the Town of VaiI, and the percentage inorease of Gross Residential f'loor Area for the two additionalunits in accordance with the Department of Community Development memorandum, with the correctj-ons as stated. The Motion seconded by Pam Garton. The Commission voted unanimous approval . The second item on the agenda, division of a I acre unplatted parcel by I{arren Pulis - Minor Sub- the Golf Course, into two parcels. }{r. Pulis again addressed the Commission. The Commisslon discussed the memo rvith Jim Rubin. lrlr. Pulis assured the Commission that he is in complete agrc.ement with Jim llubin's recommendationthat there be just one access point to the lots. Ken Shapiro rvas prescnt to speak to the Commission, he was concerned aboub notification in respect to contract purchasers, stating that there was one man he could not contact. Ttre PEC members felt that the orvner notification was properly done by with RCLow Densit LIult ip 1e-Famil "'Fg!.lB t' Pxge 2' Minutes - P1-anning & Environmental Commlssio I-9-?9 by notifying the owners of record and that all requirements had been met. After further discussion, the llotion was made by Roger Tilkemeier to approve the request for a Minor Subdivision of a 1 acre unplatted parcel by the Golf Course into two parcels that ineludes the lega1 description of the access as discussed in an agreement between lYarren Pulis and Vail Golf Course Townhomes regarding access onto the lots and in accordance with the recommenda.t i ons made by the Department of Community Development memorandum dated 9 January 1979 and noting Mr. Shapiro's appearance on behalf of the contract purchasers. Gerry lVhite seconded the }lotion. The Commission voted unanimous approval . The third item on the agenda, Andrew Norris - Amendment to SD4 (Special Development District 4), Jim Rubin discussed the memo with the Commission. I1r. Norris was present to explain his request. He asks for the following changes to the Amendment: In Paragraph E of Section ' 18.46.040, delete the word t'sect j-ons" and "interior circulation" and ehange I/B inch equals one foot, to 1 inch equals 20 feet, and delete "location of uses within the buildings. " He explaj-ned that their plan is to provide "building use envelopes." Jim Rubin asked that it be changed to "general use within buildings" and Mr. Norris agreed to this. After further dlscussion, the Motion was made by Pam Garton to approve the Amendment to Special Development District 4 as requested by Andrew Norri-s, and as outlined in the Department of Community Development memo dated January 5, 1979 and rvith the changes as noted 1n the nerv Amendment by I\{r. Norris. The Motion was seconded by Sandy [1111s. The Commission voted unanimous approval . The 4th item on the agenda, Dave Elmore - Zoning on Traets A & C o{ the recently annexed parcels. Jim Rubin advised the Commission that IIr. Elmore is not present todaSz, but that the recommendation as stated in the memo litas the recommendation from the Town Counci-f. He stated that if the Commisslon feels comfortable rvith the information they have on this they can make their recornmendations today. There was discussion on an t'escape clause" for the long-term rental units, Jim Rubin stated that Larry Rider, Town Attorney, is worklng on the wordlng for this. Ron Todd was concerned that people could sublet the Long-term units, and Jim Rubin agreed that the language needs to be strengthened on this. After further discussion, Roger Tilkemeier made the Motion to postpone the recommendations for zoning on Tracts A & C of the recently annexed BImore parcels. Jim ltorgan seconded the Motion and the Commission voted unanimous approval WC Pas6 3 Minutes - Planning & Environmental Commission r-9-79 The Sth item on the agenda, Jay Peterson - Rezoning on.Lots c1-c5, Lionsridge Filing No. 1 from Residgntial-Qlus_tgr !o sPgclal D1O) with i.-maximum aIlowable density of 200 long-term rental units on 10.08 acres. Jay Peterson, Attorney at Law was present to address the Commission on behalf of the prospective owner. He introduced Ken Cochran, the architect, and advised the Commission that the sellers of the property were also in attendance. On a question from Gerry White regarding the possi'bility of rent control, !Ir. Cochran stated that rent control would not be acceptable. He feels the figure they have given ($350 per 2-bedroom unit per month) is realistlc, but could change relative to actual building costs and maintenance expense. Pam Garton asked about parking, she felt perhaps there may not be enough for a project this size. Jay Peterson stated there are currently spaces bei.ng provided in excess of those required by the Zoning Ordinance and they rvj-sh to keep asphalt areas to a minimum. He feels that the parking situation may not be so severe because of the project's proximi-ty to the Town and the availabili.ty of bus service to the area. Jlm Rubin also conmented that because the project will be phased, this will help to solve the problem in that the first phase can test the actual parking need. . Ron Todd asked for comments from the Commission. Pam Garton doesn't think the density is out of line for this area and that the location is very good for employee housing. She would like to see it go on to the Town Council. Sandy lt'iil1s was concerned that too many employee housing units could be constructed at one time and that this project could at some time come back to ask that part of the project be turnecl into condominium-type housing. Jay Peterson interjected that this could be the case if the buildings .were not rented, but that he feels this would be pretty far-fetched because of the present high demand. A1 1en Gerstenberger asked whether they would be willing to receive approval for only 100 units, having to come back through another review process for the second 100 units. Jay Peterson answered that he rvould have to talk rvith the owners about this, but he felt he rvould harre a hard time selling this with. the possibility of denslty limits being put on the second half of the proiect. Allen felt that the site is good for this housing and can handle the 20 units per acre, but he is not comfortabl-e with the site p1an. He also stated that this project would increase the density in the Lionsridge neighbrohood by 377o. Ron Todd felt the two and three story building concept is good for this type of housing, especially since it will keep building costs rvi t hin reason FT Page 4 Minutes - Planning & Environmental Commj-ssion t-9-79 Gerry White feels this is a necessary increase j.n desnity for this type of housing and will meet a great community need. Allen Gerstenberger commented that he agrees with this, but he feels t]nat a minl-impact analysis should be done for this project and they should look at the projects that are now being-coniidered that include employee housing. Jay Peterson stated that he doesn't feel they are ad.ding to anything, but that these units would only be replacing the loss of employee housing through the past few years Jim Morgan thinks the speed with which they are planning to build will show whether the project will produce all the employee housing that is needed, and that it is important to consider that this project is 100% employee housing where other projects have a portion of luxury condominiums with only some employee housing. Roger Tilkemeier j-s concerned that they realize that the Vail area has a very short building season and there might not be enough time to complete the proiect as they plan (!!" .developers lope to have 1O4 units completed for the 1979-80 ski seasonJ. The architect ansrvered that it rvas his feeling that it rvould be enough time, he has had experience in buil"ding in other areas of tlie country tha.t have long and seyere winters. Roger added that he d.oesn't feel they could fin]sh all the units by fa1l , but he also stated that he has no ploblern with the density or the location, but would like to see the site plan developed very carefully. The Commission asked whether the developer would be agreeable if at the end of twenty years, they would give the Town oi Vail the right of first refusal . iay Peterson and Mr ' Cochran stated there was no problem with this. It rvas also brought out that the project rvould be subiect to bhe Condominium Converslon Ordinance so that there is adequate protection for keeping this project as long-term housing. Pam Garton made the tr{otion to recommend approval for the re-zoning on Lots C1 through C5, Lionsridge Filing No. l from Residential Cluster to Special Development District 1O with a maximum allorvable density of approximately 200 long-term rental units on 10.08 acres. She stated that the Commission looks favorably on employee housing on these lots because of their location within the Town, and are in agreement rvith the appr:oximately 20 units per acre. Roger Tilkemeier seconded the lrlotion, The Commission voted unanimous approval of this recommendation. Jim Rubin asked the Commission for a list of their concerns on this proiect, things they feel need to be addressed before a final approval can be given for the Special Development District. These concerns focused on the final definitions that will regulate the use of these units as long-term housing. sandy ltlills also brought up the concern of increased municipal services that will be needed because of the proiect. Pam Garton reiterated the need to vrF'f Ia ,.- Page 5' Minutes - Planning & Environmental Commission 1-9-79 study the parking demand for the project. Gerry llhite felt that rent controls should be discussed by the Council ' Ron Todd asked the commission to nominate a member of the commission to the Design Review Board for a three-month term. Sandy Mi11s was nominated. by Gerry White, Roger Tilkemeier seconded her nomination and the Commission voted unanimous approval . The commission was asked to nominate an alternate, Ed Drager was nominated by Ron Todd, the nomination seconded by Pam Garton and the Commission voted unanimous approval . sandy Mi11s rvill serve on the Design Review Board from 1 February 1979 until the end of April 1979. Meeting'adjourned 5:15 P.M. P