HomeMy WebLinkAboutWARREN PULIS LOT 1 1991 TO 2009 LEGALL Larsen &gfu4gch tt-. O I75 Main Street, Unit C- I04 Edwards, CO 81632 COPY Phone: (970) 926-9100 Fax: (970) 926-9101 Blvnch@larsenlynch.com Dlarsen@larsenlvnch.com F. Blake Lynch Diane R. Larsen February 23,2009 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL 7OO7 OTIO OOOO 2437 6015 and FACSIMILE - 970-748-8881 Beth Ayres Otto, Porterfield and Ayres P.O. Box -r149 Vail. CO 81658-3149 Re: House of Brigo, Ltd. Lot 1, Warren Pulis Sub., Vail, Colorado Dear Beth: I represent Hernan Briones Goich and the House of Brigo in connection with the matters referenced in your letter of February 13,2009, addressed to Jose E. Sirven. In your lefi:er to Mr. Sirven you state the House of Brigo never responded to Mr. Dunn's letter datecl January 21,2008. This is incorrect. I sent a letter to John Durm on February 4,2008 in response to his letter. I indicated in my letter to Mr. Dunn that there was insufficient information to reasonably evaluate the proposed expansion. Subsequently, John and I discussed the situation, and representatives of our respective clients, Hernan Briones and Juan Garduno, communicated about resolving the issues with respect to the proposed r;novation by Cupid, Ltd. I believe they recently exchanged e-mails about this subject. Therefore, my client is surprised by your letter. In your letter you cite Subsection (e) of the Alteration, Maintenance and Repairs section of the Party Wall Agreement, Cupid, Ltd. has proposed very significant structural and design changes to the exterior of the unit. This requires the consent of the House of Brigo. The issue of not objecting to an application to the Town for construction of additional GRFA as set forth in the Letter Agreement and Amendment to the Party Wall Agreement, dated June 3,1991 ("Letter Agreement") is a separate issue and, I believe, is limited to the issue of additional GPJA. By this reply, the House of Brigo states it has not consented to the proposed structural and design changes, and consent should not be "deemed given"- The House of Brigo will not unreasonably withhold its consent to structural or design changes proposed by Cupid Ltd. However, the expansion to the south as proposed Iast year was objectionable because it blocked views to the east. Heman Briones will be in Riveri,ialk at Edwards . Emerald Building l" LnnsrN e. Lvr'rc}r lf P" February 23, 2OO9 Page 2 Vail between March 4 and 9. He will examine the sketches submitted with your letter. I think we may need more detail from the architect before the House of Brigo can make a reasoned and informed decision about whether consent should be eiven to the structural and design changes proposed by Cupid, Ltd. Please contact me regarding the establishment of a meeting with our clients and/or the architect to resolve this matter. Sincerelv. cc: Town of Vail, Community Development Department. o Dwign ReYi rd ACTIOl{ Depa.tment of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fer; 97O,479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com o ew Boa FORFI ooa'rlflw taELoFtfltt Prcject t{ams ZESATI/GONZAIEZ ADDmON Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR8070007 0I I 09 | 2007 Phone: 37 6-4L24 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR A MINOR ADDMON/ALIEMTION OWNER CUPID LTD gO FREDERICK OTTO OTTO, PORTERRELD & POST PO BOX 3149 VAIL co 81658 APPUCANT SAWATCH I-AND CO. INC, P.O. BOX 1298 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 629-8 CONTMCTOR SAWATChI I.AND CO. INC.0110912007 Phone: 3764124 PrcjectAddrcss: Legal DescripUon: Parel ]{umber: Comments: P.O. BOX 1298 EDWARDS co 81632 License: 629-8 1620 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: UNIT 1A LoB 1-B Block Subdivision: WARREN PULIS SUBDIVISION 2101{91-0101-6 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acton: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Roriew Board approval. Cond: 113 All development applications submifted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5, 2OO7, this Ordinance shall not apply to such dwelopment applications. - Plahner: BillGibson v lUm{OFytn From the desk of. . .Bill Gibson Dts tfnfot ptofoscd ar"h,l*fu- wo-ld l' 6k' as 4 5t^7lc {o-^;12 hs-sc, 6t'* ;s p{ ctux"}o[l' .^rif( W oW l"$ o{ l1'- e'x;s/;a7 )upltr = ots"'l{ l'an(17 ut{k 4L Toli design gt^r/o /; nes fi, necraeoe*m etetC\J ,(\ z)) tl(a"- to,a,onr-Residential or Conlerciat Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction within o4e year of the approval. DiscripUon of tfie Request: T0m{truu Location of the Proposal: Lot: 'l Block:- Physical Address: parcetNo.: Q,tOiOq tr,,. '" (iontactEagteCo.Assessorat9T0-328-8640forparcelno.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: o R @ o \, Phone: Tpwne(s) Sisnature(s): \"-" of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr7 Signs {ConcePtual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition D Minor Alteration (multi-fami lylcommercial ) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee walls, etc. $20 For revisions to Review Board. No Fee co \., $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conve6ions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, funces and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design For Office Use Only: -?-- 14- I 0-6: RESIDENTIAL DEVIOPMENT: 1 4-1 0-6: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Page I of 1 A.The purpose of this section is to ensure that residential development be designed in a manner that creates an architecturally integrated structure with unified site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, except as set forth in subsection B of this section, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single structure shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architecturaland landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architecturaldetails, site grading and landscape materials and features. B.The presence of significant site constraints may permit the physical separation of units and garages on a site. The determination of whether or not a lot has significant site constraints shall be made by the design review board. "Significant site constraints" shall be defined as natural features of a lot such as stands of mature trees, natural drainages, stream courses and other natural water features, rock outcroppings, wetlands, other natural features, and existing structures that may create practical difficulties in the site planning and development of a lot. Slope may be considered a physical site constraint that allows for the separation of a garage from a unit. lt shall be the applicant's responsibility to request a determination from the design review board as to whether or not a site has significant site constraints before finaldesign work on the project is presented. This determination shall be made at a conceptual review of the proposal based on review of the site, a detailed survey of the lot and a preliminary site plan of the proposed structure(s). C.The residential development may be designed to accommodate the development of dwelling units and garages in more than one structure if the design review board determines that significant site constraints exist on the lot. The use of unified architectural and landscape design as outlined herein shall be required for the development. In addition, the design review board may require that one or more of the following common design elements such as fences, walls, patios, decks, retaining walls, walkways, landscape elements, or other architecturalfeatures be incorporated to create unified site development. (Ord. 29(2005) S 82: Ord., 9-21-1999) http://www. sterlingcodifi ers.com/CO/Vaiy I 80 I 0000000006000. htm 0vt7t2007 lt'T W \/"fr-" ,$'('fr f Jr- Rr" trcf *r*,/_,. 1 C I, ,ra- o b;,.r t{ " Februarv 15.2007 'lirv'n of'\'ril i)cp rut.rnent ol'Community Development. j'5 f ,,>ulh lr:ontage Road \/iri . tl}tlorado lll657 lir.rs c Huxford. 'lbr,,n ()f !ail Code Enforcement Officer. [)r:p rutm ent ol' Community Development. [)r:ar lt.'ls Srr;rio l{rxford: i e,rL rr:slroruling the letter that you kindly sent on December l8 2006 alrout tlLe l:<ruse on l6 2 i:Il Vai, \i:rlley Dr. Vail 81657 Co \Vr: lrave: o.r'ned this house for several years now and have done some minor changes okmjg .his tirne. lVr: rue in thr.'process of doing a remodeling and ,:xl)irnriion ol'c'ur house, the plans have been submifted for approval to the Tovm, we are .,;c' r..il to rer;p.:,rt all the codes and limits permitted by the town with this exprLnsion ancl :e:'nL:,ctelinC llurt is planned to make a more suitable house for our bigger farrrily rurd a ':rerl.:r looking. trpclated facade to fit the town new and more sophisticate<l loi>ll. Wr: rlirl r;o,ne rninor last minute changes so we could use the house this past [)er:enber ,vl:i l':hr: pr,)oess of the permits is been approved, the garage floor was covert:d rvjth 'r'oo,C'p f,; r-rS(:d iu; a playground when the car is not inside, but we do still use it as a lltaagl, :.nrl lrr:r 1:art ir; the errclosed loft which is part of the new plans. l"he lo'i,m iike'd our ftrcades and recommended us to talk to our 'reilhlxrrtc ir:'vitehimtojoinusontheremodelingtointegratethetwohou:;e,:;. lVr: lr<lp,t: tc t;laJt as soon as we cover all the town requirement that will include ll-ris rninor ,:hiurgt:ri anl lill not do anything else to the house without this approval. 'lihail: you lery much and please do any further contact at this addres:l , since':rr: address, ':h,;1 lhe tovn has on record is the previous owners one. iDilar (ionz:fiezl ldrri I ir g; Ac-clrr:ss: I C 2 .ll;,ursc,rt l;ianch ltoad l/ri. r::rr 8l(;i7 o Department of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 F/lX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com December 18,2006 House of Brigo Ltd. C/O Jose E. Holland & Knight Sirven 701 Brickell Ave. Miami, Fl3313l CSFV CERTIF'IED MAIL.RETI'RN RECEIPT REQUESTED Re: 1628 Vail Valley Drive Unit lA/Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision No approvals or permits for converting a gma5e to living space No approvals or permits for constructing a loft €nclosure No approvals or permits for removal of spiral staircase Dear Sir or Madam: One of the many functions of the Community Development Office is to enforce Town of Vail Municipal Codes as they relate to building and zoning. It has come to our attention that the above-described property may be in violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Code: Repoded Violation(s): 1) A garage has been converted to living space witlout the appropriate approval and pemrits from this deparfrnent. 2) A loft has been enclosed without the appropriate approval and permits from this department. 3) A spiral staircase has been rernoved without the appropriate approval and permits from this deparfrnent. {-p ""tt""o t""' TOV Municipal Code Title 10 Building Codes Chapter I Section 10-1-2-A Building Code: The international building code,2003 edition, including appendix chapter J, and the international residential code, 2003 edition, including appendix G, are hereby adopted by reference. The international building code, 2003 edition, and the international residential code, 2003 edition, are published by the Intemational Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 6M78-5795. International Business Code Chapter I Administration Section 105.1 Permits Required. Any owner or autltorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, rqrair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repab remove, convert orreplace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall fint make application to the building official and obtain the required permit. TOV Municipal Code Chapter 11 Design Review Sections l-12 ffi@PY We are a.rking that you submit a complete Daign Review application and a Building Permit application to the Community Development Office, 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Fuilure to do so will result in a summons to court If you have further questions regarding this issue, please feel free to call this office at 970-477-3417 or respond via email to shuxford@vailqov.com. Sincerely, Susie Huxford Town of Vail Code Enforcement Officer Departnent of Community Development srh oI 1'0$r[r0FyAIt D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 n4x 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com staircase One of the many functions of the Community Development Offrce is to enforce Town of Vail Municipal Codes as theyrelate to building and zoning. It has come to our attention that the above-described property may be in violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Code: Reported Violation(s): l) A garage has beeir converted to living space without the appropriate approval and permits from this department. 2) A loft has been enclosed without the appropriate approval and permits from this deparbnent. 3) A spiral staircase has been rsmoved without the appropriate approval and permits December 18,2006 House of Brigo Ltd. C/O Jose E. Holland & Knieht Sirven 701 Brickell Ave. Miami, Fl33131 CERTIFIED MAILRETURN REQUESTEI) Re:1628 Vail Vallev Drive Unit lA/Lot 1. W Pulis Subdivision No approvals or permits for converting a to living space No approvals or permits for ft enclosure RECEIPT *\ No approvals or permits for removal Dear Sir or Madam: from this department. f,-p ^t ,"uo,t""^ \ I C,omplel€ items 1, Z, and g. Also comptete _ nem 4 if Rssitricted Deliv6ry is desired.I Print your name and addreG on tne rcverse _ so- that.w€ can return thg card to you.r Attach this card to the back of th6 mailpiece,or on the front if space permits. 1. Articlo AddrBs€d to: llo,r* of&r;qo Ltl Clo 0 oa. € Follonl *ft|ht Sir 701 fui*l/,I Aaqe- (\iq,i,,Florila Sgtgl Sgwice Type Cenifi€d Mail R€gisterBd Insu.€d Mall d tr tr E Expr€ss Mail E R€turn R€c€ipt tor M6rchandis6 E c.o.D. 4. Rsstrbtsd Dellvert? Exna Fee)tr Y6s B. Rocolved by (prinw Nane) D. ls dettvsy a4!€ss oifrer,t to.n it*nli-EE lf YES, 61 6r dElivsry add'3ss b€low: FJ No 2. Article Numb€r (Tnnster fi!'rr *vla tt'l) PS Fom 381 1, Augult 2OOl Dornxtlc F.trm Recolpt rcm,{tr.|+e!o .t. TOV Municipal Code Title l0 Building Codes Chapter 1 Section t0-l-2-A Building Code: The international building code, 2003 edition, including appendix chapter J, and the intemational residential code, 2003 edition, including appendix G, are hereby adopted by reference. The intemational building code, 2003 edition, and the intemational residential code, 2003 edition, are published by the Intemational Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795. International Business Code Chapter I Administration Section 105.1 Permits Required. ,,.\ ..-*".j:O Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, "daip", alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or C--tugfurg, oJ to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace g1y*.lEctrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of whftfi l*egulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall building official and obtain the required permit. TOV Municipal Code Chapter ll Design Review Sections 1-12 application to the We are asking that you submit a complete Design Review application and a Building Permit application to the Community Development Office, 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado within 30 days of receipt of this lelter. Failure to do so will result in a summons to court If you have further questions regarding this issue, please feel free to call this office at 970-477-3417 or respond via ernail to shuxford@vaileov.com. Sincerelv. Susie Huxford Town of Vail Code Enforcement Officer Departrnent of Community Development srh Colorado Secretary of State - Umary For this Record... lD Number: Name: Page l ofl Summary 20021329882 HOUSE OF BRIGO LTD. History & Documenls File Do@ment Email Notification Business Home Business lnformation Registered Agent: Registered Agent Street Address: Registered Agent Mailing Address: THOMAS M. ROGERS III 1200 17TH ST STE 3000, DEIN/ER, CO 8020i States Principal Office Street Address: Principal Office Mailing Address: PO BOX 659, ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA VIR ISLANDS , OT 00000, Virgin Islands, British Status: Delinquent Form: Foreign Corporation Jurisdiction: Virgin Islands, U.S. Formation Date: 1l/2712002 Term of Duration: Perpetual Annual Report Month: November You may:r View History and Documentsr File a Documentr Set Up Email Notification PrgvbuS Pag€ Business Center: 303 894 2200. Fax:303 869 4864. Forms fax back 303 860 6975. email: sos.business@sos.stale.co.us Search I Contactus I Privacystatement I Termsofuse http://www.sos.state.co.us/bizlBusinessEntityDetail.dojsessionid=00OOflMCp44ElDttO... 1211812006 I Printable Details Account Number: Parcel Number: Tax Area: Mill Levy: Orner Name/Address: Legal Description: Physical Addross: Acres: Property Tar Valuatlon Informatlon R012436 210109101015 sc103 46.3410 HOUSE OF BRIGO LTD C/O SIRVEN, JOSE E. HOLLAND & KNIGHT 7O.I BRICKELL AVE MrAMt. FL 33131 SUB:WARREN PULIS SUBDIVISION LOT:1 DESC: UNIT 1A BK-0345 PG-0932 BK-0352 PG-0868 QCD 01-1 r-83 BK-0347 PG-0131 WD 10-08-82 001628 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL AREA 0.48 Page I of3 .?5 ,9r0,,[o/q". La,rtn'l -1r,*r/ l' 'Yn'n' Actual Value Assessed Value Value Land 855000 68060 lmprovements 608230 48420 Total 1463230 116480 Sale History Reception Number: rVa Book 0556 Page: 0099 Sale Date: 6/10/'1991 Sale Price: 420000.00 Deed Type: WARMNTY DEED Grantor ry'a Remarks: n/a Receptlon Number: n/a Book: 0285 Page: 0543 Sale Date: g2l'1979 Sale Price: 300000.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a lmprovement Information ResidentialBuildings: 1 Commercial Buildings: 0 Heated Areas MAIN FLOOR AREA Total All Areas MAIN FLOOR AREA 2868.000 2868 2868.000 http ://fcs. eaglecounty.uVpatie/printable -details. cfrn r2/0st2006 /' Printable Details Page 2 of3 432.000 292"000 GARAGE ATTACHED FINISHED 583.OOO Building Characteristics (First lmprovment In Account) ABSTRACT_CODE ACT-YEAR-BLT AIRCOND ARCH_STYLE BASEMENTFINISH BATHS BEDROOMS BUILDING-ryPE CONST-QUAL DEP11 EXTERIOR-WALL FIXTURES FLOOR FRAME GARAGE HEATING-FUEL HEATING-TYPE INTERIOR_WALL LOCAL-CODE NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF-COVER ROOF-STRUCTURE ROOMS SHAPEO STORIES SUPER-NBHD UNITS USE-CODE WALL FIN SINGLE FAM,RES-IMPROVEMTS 't972 NONE 2 STORY NO BASEMENT 3.00 4.00 DUP-TRIPLEX AVERAGE YEAR.1972 FR STUCCO 12 CARPET INV WOOD FRAME GARAGE 501650 GAS RAD WATER DRYWALL DUP/TRIPLEX VAIL VALLEY BUILT-UP GABLE/HIP I N/A STORIES 2.0 VAIL CORE, 1.H., GOLFCOURSE ,| RESIDENTIAL N/A DECK STO AREA-NO HEAT Tax History Tax Year Transaction Type Amount 2005 TaxAmount 5397.80 2005 Tax Payment: Whole -5397.80 2004 TaxAmount 3910.58 2004 Tax Payment: Whole -3910.58 2003 TaxAmount 3816.08 2003 Tax Payment Whole -3816.08 2002 TaxAmount 3179.44 2OO2 Tax Payment First Half -1589.72 2002 Tax Payment Second Half -1589.72 2OO1 Interest Charge 60.36 http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable details.cfrn 12t0512006 Printable Details 2001 Interest Payment 200'l Tax Amount 200'l Tax Payment: Whole -60.36 3018.1 6 -3018.16 Page 3 of3 http://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable details.cfrn l2/0s/2006 tlufob L628 Sprins E[iIl Lanell,ot 1. Warren Pulis Subdivision Zontng: Two-Family Residential Lot Size (per file): 25,576 sq. ft.. Allowable Density: Two DwellingUnits and One Tlpe II EHU Existing Density: Two-Dwelling Units Allowable GRFA: 7,875 sq.ft. Existing GRFA: unknown Remaining: unknown Allowable Site Coverage: 5,1 15 sq.ft. (20% of lot size) Existing Site Coverage: 4,938 sq.ft. (per 1993 frle) Remaining: 177 sq.ft. Minimum Landscape Area: 15,346 sq.ft. (60% of lot size) Existing Landscape Area: 18,600 sq.ft. (per 1993 file) Remaining: 3,254 sq.ft. o 1628 Sprine Hill Lanell-ot 1. Warren Pulis Subdivision Zoning: Two-Fami ly Residential Lot Size (per file): 25,576 sq. ft. Allowable Density: Two Dwelling Units and One Type tr EHU Existing Density: Two-Dwelling Units Allowable GRFA: 7,875 sq.ft. ExistingGRFA: unknown Remaining: unknown Allowable Site Coverage: 5,115 sq.ft. (20% of lot size) Existing Site Coverage:4,938 sq.ft. (per 1993 file) Remaining: 177 sq.ft. Minimum Landscape Area: 15,346 sq.ft. (60% of lot size) Existing Landscape Area: 18,600 sq.ft. (per 1993 file) pgpfining: 3,254 sg,.ft. zf n fob o DEPARrMENr.FcoMMrrNrrt,urroPMENrTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Building---> Plan Check--> Investigation-> will Call------> S540,00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 5415 . oo DRB Fee-----------> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0286 Job Address: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR Applied . . : 08130/2002 ParcelNo...: 210109101015 Issued. .. : 10/29/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. ..: 04127/2003 OWNER HOUSE OF BRIGO I-,m 08/30/2002 Phone: C/O SIRVEN, .fOSE E. HOLLAND & KNIGHT 7 O 1- BRICKEI,I, AVE MIAI4I FIJ 33131 I-,icense : APPr,rCAtflr NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON O8/3O/20O2 Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 816s8 I-,icense : coNrRAcToR BOLES CUSTOM BUTLDERS, rNC L0/28/2002 Phonez 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS, CO 4L632 License:168-B Description: RBMOVE/REPI.ACE DRYWAI,I, TO INSTAI-,L T]IIDER FI.,OOR HTAT IN UPPER I.EVEIJ. REMO\IE AND REPIJACE I'OWER I,SVEI., TO REPLACE IN FI'OOR HE;AT. ENTRA}T HEAT FAIIJED. PAIIiM TII.'E / CARPET Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TlpeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $80,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireolace lnformation: Rest cted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 t:*,i***:t*t,t:lt*..irt:t.tart++jl++l++**,tr'l**:1,*******,r'r***,r:ir****r***.'**lt*:ltt** FEE SUMMARY ***ait LJr-r---^--i,r-t^t - T.-.-!'.= S^iD s0.00 $O . OO Recreation Fee--------> 90. o0 Total Permit Fee----> 51, 059 . 0o S3 . o0 Clean-up Deposit------> $o . oo Palments--'----------> 51, 059 . 00 TOTA! FEES-------------> S1, Os9 . OO BALANCE DUE-----> $0 . 00 \^., \ t' $o . oo Total Calculated Fees-> 91, 059 . 00 $0.00 AdditionalFees-----> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT 09/L3/2002 JRM AcEion: AP Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMEI\m Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMI Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document fo, *r?UUions that may apply to tt i, p".-it.O DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNER PAGE 2 +*'**{.*'i*********:t*{.*!8*****,t+{.*'ri.*,F'|':i,i'l*t'|**'f*{.***'i't*'},|'***,|.{'**'t***'i*'i**'f*****{.*,}*********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit#:802-0286 asof10-29-2002 Status: ISSUED ,* * * ** * ********:f *.,1'F*** *** ***** ** * ** *'l {. * **'l ** ****** * * * *** ** ***** * *** * * **,f {' * **'}* * +* !t * ***'} ****,}* * *********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 08/30/2002 Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 10/29/2002 970-845-1001 To Expire: 04/2712003 Job Address: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR ParcelNo: 210109101015 Description: REMOVE/REPLACE DRYWALL TO INSTALL UNDER FLOOR HEAT IN UPPER LEVEL, REMOVE AND REPLACE LOWER LEVEL TO REPLACE IN FLOOR HEAT. ENTRAN HEAT FAILED. PAINT TILE / CARPET *!*******{.****!*** ***** ** ** * f***** '1.'}* ** * ************ COnditiOnS {. r' * **'****:* ** *****:t**** * f * * * * * * ** 't* * * * *:* * * * ** Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE I997 UBC. * * *'tt'**** *+ ++ t ***{r* + ** * * * ** * * t' *f * + ****** +** *r ** **** * * **r * * *+*****{rf ***+*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement + f ** +***** + *1+ * +*{t{r* t* * !t l'}{' * * + l+ + * f ir*ar'} ** **{"tlr* **** * *'}*'}'| t*****f+**** ******'t'}t**rl** f+ | tt+*'} * Statetnent Number: R000003354 Anormt: $1,059.OO LO/29/200209:3? Alt Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notsation: BoIeE CuBtom Bldre. 3433 Permit No: 902-0286 Type3 ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 210109101015 Site Address 3 1528 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL I,ocation: 1628 \/AII, VAI,I,BY DR Total FeeE: $1, 059 . 00 This Payment I $1,059.00 Total ALL Pmtg r 91,059.00 Balarce: $0.00 ** *t* | * | ++'l* ** * * * *t'l't'|!t *'t**** * * *+* * * * ** * * * *** * * ** ** * ****{' a'a*+*******'} * *l' '}***** * **** * *{' t***'f* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 640.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 416.00 WC 00100003112800 I'llLL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 Building Permit #: APPLICATI rcVNOFVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Geneial Contractor: t/2c/c-7/ral Town ofVail Reg. No.: --/oo/ - </7/'Jt?/ COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Iabor & MAIETiAIS BUILDING: $ 6,ooo ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ fr.o-MECHANTCAL: $ tb .ANr\.(is TOTAL:S ffi o-5b 0u For Patel # Contad Assessots Office at 97O-328-8ilO or visit ***********************************r.**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* \ Parcel f JobAddress: /6st Uatc c'Job Name: BKteo <Tt Subdivision=l'',14(6- Ptlct,t 5u6 Owners Namei k(Cc) l(-1 lO | 1u S-t fiLt u a'/ae L Fzoac /1t?4fZ .-t,Ata<.€4L -t> Ke.z4jl.{ t.! F,.trc.E * kfib 7-?fi)'")p;'17;uxrA&,ff*i WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (;j Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (,.')r Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family P{. Nulti-famity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas let ( ) Wood : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes F:/everyonefforms/bldgperm ************ Sep,t9. lggg ll:4iplt Nedbo Consffuction P. O, Box 3419 Vail, CO 8f658 970-845-1001 fax 97 0-845'9979 Date: L0/28102 To: Town of Vail Attrr: Building Departnent From: Tom Henderson Project: Brigo Ltd. # of Pagcs Including CoverPage: I Please release tho Brigo Ltd. Building Permit to Boles Custom Builders. c0|.lSTRUCT l0rlt'| EDEOo N0.6320 P.1/l I Nedbo ConsEuction TOWNOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 oil*r"u*r oF coMMUMt" oruurort*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0232 Job Address: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [.ocation.....: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR ( west side) Applied . . : 10130/2002 Parcel No...: 210109101015 Issued . . : 11/07/2002 ProjectNo , (rLd[Z -1lo/ Expires. .: 0s106/2003 owNER HOUSE OF BRrGO r-,TD L0/30/2002 phone: C/O STRVEN, \TOSE E. HOIJI,AND & KNIGHT 701 BRICKEI.I, AVE MIAMI FI-, 33].31 License: CONTRACTOR,IERRY SIBIJEY PLUMBING L0/30/2002 Phone|. 9'10-827-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MINTI]RN, CO 8164 5 I-,icense : 152 -M APPr-,rCANr iTERRY SrBr,EY PrjrMBrNG LO/30/2OO2 Phone: 970-827-5736 P.O. BOX 340 MINTI]RN, CO 81645 License:152-M Desciption: replace enhon 2 tubing with wirsbo Valuation: $ 17,610.00 Fireplace Informalion: Resricled:# ofGas Applianccs: 0 iraa+:r a+*4,* *t,i Mechanical--> $360.00 R€stuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> InYestigation-> Will Call---> $90.00 DRBFee-------------> $0.00 TOTAL FFIES---------> $453.00 Total Pemit Fee------> $453.00 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY +a:l'tt**a:rrta:l:l****'t****'l**,**)t,ta:t'r*'rr*rrtat ra*,|a:t,t*******t'i*t So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> $453 - 00 S0. oo Additional Fees----->s0.00 Payments-----------------> S 4 5 3 . 0 0 BALANCE DUE----.:> $O. OO $3.00 Item: 05100 BUII-.,DING DEPARTMEM| !o/3t/2002 JHr[ Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI\I| CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?0L OF THE L997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701_ OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 i"ooe.): GAS Appr-,rAIiIcEs r*O", 'ENTED AccoRDrNc ro cHApt 8 AND sHAr-,L TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 29 (BI-'DG.): ACCESS TO HEATfNG EQUIPMENI MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CI{APTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOII-,ERS SHALL BE MOIII{|IIED ON FITOORS OF IJISTED FOR MOI'}fIING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI,OORTNG. Cond:32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. IINIJESS POSTED IN MECIIANICAI, ROOM PRIOR Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONfAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALI, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1,022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR :-:-:::-::-::-l-1--|'--o-|--lT*".-'..1i-l.-lTl;i**t:lt*l**i*:t|***l*.:|l'l:t||'|rt.|'r*:*|'*.i*++***l*' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY OFFICE FROM 8:m AM - 4 PM. SIGNA ORCONTRA AND OWNEF ** * * * ** * + ** '* * * | * * + +t 'l * * ** * * *** *** ++ * * * ** * * * * ** * ** * ** * * **** ** ** * * * ** * * * * + | + * ++ * * + ** * **+* * * ++ * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemst **** * *****+ + * * *+ * **+ t '|. * ++ + + + +* * ** ** ****++ +*+ 'i!t'tt + **+* +* +++ + * * ***** *** f * *+ * *,i*1. * ++++ f + +*** *** statement, Nuhber: R000003399 Amount: s453.00 LL/07/2O02O2244 Pttl PaymenC MeLhod: Check Init: LC Notation: #29133/iIERRY SIBIJEY PLUIT{B Permit, No: M02-0232 Type: IVIECHANICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 91-01015 SiTE AddreBs: 1528 VAIL VAI,I,EY DR VAII, Location: 1528 VAIL VALIJEY DR ( weet side) Tota1 FeeE: $453.00 This Palment: $453 . 00 Total ALr., Pmts: 5453 . 00 Balance: $0.00 ***** * **** * * ** * * * ** t f, ** * * * ** * * *** ** * +******i * +**** *********+****+*** * ****** t f * ** l. {. + *{.**** * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERM]T FEES 360.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 90.00 r/,lc 00100003i12800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 rwtlwutn 75 S, Fmnteen Rd. Vrll, Color.do tt65t Prcufd. trlcdrrnhrl Rmm tryoutdnwn b rcalcb lndrds: '-, 1t) ,--.o Hldunlcrt Room Dlmoflonr d /-> "o ComburdonAlrDud9rrrnd Loca0on r- 4 4 ) -o FfuqVcntrdcilUmsbrrndloodon Al\ 1|\ 1/ - o HoetlolGrlcr. \\\V - o Equlpmontqfr/Sptc$Cf \ " 15:49 P.01 Eect #: Bulldlng Pormlt # Mehnnlcal Permit #: 97 H7 9-2ltl9 (Inrp.cuom) **l**r3***:f **tl***:llt f ***l{':f '|+f Permltwlll mt be e@pEd wl$out$e folloring: vls\J, Neur( ) Addnion( ) AlbraUm( )'RcPdt DoGs an EHU o.lst at thls location: Yes ( ) NoE<Ertrr( ) Oher( ) Mrtufi,t{lv( tccnmc'dtt( ) Resbunnt( ) ffi€r( )TypedMor Slml+hmllY( ) Dtpl€x rlo. otnconrmoaaUon Units in trb bulldlng: No. of Eds0rU Dunlltm UnlB In thls htlktlng: @[anc6( )Gastogs(W-rcllet( ) Iryood Buming (NorAuowED) | * :l :; :l r :;t* t; I tlri*:f * |r* * tf * * f!/flrtoncrlo]mt/tn ahP.fln ,Q-r",4-J V.5 ,$\'- I t oz t = uJo- Ra $ 8aq aa s ) iIrl't Fo R R Rct .J't lllr! lJ- tr = u.t o $frI R R "-$ i C' I IF 6 {J(n d I IP rX .no\rlrm II l^ t- ,< oJt6ca Itr€ lgC,zv ria uJF o F F z = zz U'l!Foz oz = .! z 2 0 IUlot\ l0 I'c t,!lut';I ..- lq- Il"DUl+ lot.Flo I l!) IJJo =I oFo E.Fzoo Eo Et!23Oc Ilu6z;x!EvPg <FZ r't9.2.t) < ot:(!.:'jE;€; 9UbaE E!H:t € gE,g *e H!FiE lF i: le ffiEEFE lE; iE : E=E"s€o=-o".! P o-o itg€$-o."oO :EE H;, E6Fg=;;E::.569'= F E'f;!f€ r s s 1:l H;it;i: EEiiEE $ $ \(\ N f kt'\ \0 t Sfi AlS s Vef *[e $l -t c.u (. N \ n ts =ul z 6) - z J c) olu uJ z = .l-\s z I = uJ UJ z tr rue.ouJ 3t! uJez llj F6o IIJ o- z gJ J() F uJo u) uJ uJu-t =E UJo- J F F z l co c) u, (Jz6 =; 2 |lJ. NOrrvn'tv^ P.Fl bC 1Jo CI (+.{ o F{ q, :<t = z tr a o z _I.,, =ao(\r zzoo Xf,FPO-rn 6z>- a)zlr- <oqu., '1OY>x {N =>t h'z s lr- ci f F N ( l \/ c! (L uJg /. J z Eo & !'-l z :r.F e. UJF . z z Lz 7--r;;o3trOI F z tr z !l IF z F faz ciul tu uJz <nF Eul(L J z Eoo \ olg uJl@ o-t ... k>og z F co 1 (! ,'l a, ',/i 63!. rt tlJ t! C\J CO UJFo @o-)zo F-c Lltr.Y,ul o oFt cExlr,l xo-l r!l " ,-{> crl o>l | 'rl'I F u, u-o ut z faI F cr o- JF UJ-h= duJEO- (J LL -uJx> J tr LU CD ot- Eo Eo -9o o 5 E ot) o ts =E,l! o-zIFq) EFazoo HHzo z .4 =zz@o>z d8 ..i6 =r==oi;HE txrLrLl =.1(,l uJl 5l al>l trlol zl 3l FI =.1ol IJJI qI <l>l rLlol zl 3lg I I I I I ctl =.1olutl 5l <l>l r!lol 3l y Ol uJFI F ol =.1(,l uJl :l al>l Itlol zl 3l PI F\ x tt) t! oc E t- rf) c HX zi E(] I Iol all 11l(!l l!ixl c5l I l-r I (/)ill fi:,l E ul<E: 4= rl c) U) rl il =z a.rl r-l (.1 tr $r E =tl- Y Jdl F J c2? =#fF)zrJ-o E z z I ul L.E ir ry F;Oz --r O<Fa!()lr, <ZE,[!F(rzo F EFz 9EFO lIJ.J E. IIJz = t-- C) UJ =r E ) u.l txltdtxl TowN oF vArL FIRE oroo**r"", O vArL F'RE DE.ARTMENT iytaysc,.-- /ultz i -/+ 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT PErMit #: AO3-OOOI'3fi<>AKQ Job Address: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED l,ocation.....: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR Applied . . : 01/13/2003 Parcel No...: 210109101015 Issued . . : 04/0112003 ProjectNo : ? ffJoA {3di Expires. .: 09128/2003 owNER HOUSE OF BRIGO Lm OL/L3/20O3 phone: C,/O SIRVEN, ilosE E. HoLI,AND & KNTGHT 701- BRICKELL AVE MIAMI FIJ 331.31 License; CoNTRACTOR THIITT ELECTRONTC SYSTEMS 0L/L3/2003 Phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 4L620 License: 112 -S APPLTCANT THUL EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS 0L/L3/2003 Phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8152 0 License:112-S Desciption: UPGRADE OF EXISTING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Valuation: $900.00 Itr i:| * i t+ +t:i 'i:itr +:l r a'.'r +:i * +a t *t* t *t DRB Fee-----> Investigation---> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES-> sso. 00 $0. oo $0. 00 $3.00 $s3.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Add t onal Fees-------> Total Permit Fee------> Palments----------> BALANCE DUE----> $s3.00 s0.00 $53 .00 ss3 .00 s0.00 t t * tl *'i t *t f l t+ t* + Approvals:IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT OL/2O/2O03 mvaughan Action: AP if the current alarm panel in this propert be rendered i.noperable or otherwise unserwiceabte, it shalt be replaced with a fully addressable panel . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Condr CONOOO5722 Entry: 0t/20/2oo3 By: mvaughan Action: AP Cond: CON0005723 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, anA sate U,at "tl the infornnation * rcOut correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPf,,CTION SHALL EE MADE TWENIY-FOIJR HOURS IN AT 479-2135 FROM 8:ll0 AM - 5 PM, OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * * * * * * * * * 'l * * * * * * * * ***'li********* 'l'*'1.**** ** ** **f*t*{l* * t* {, * * **'l'* * ** * * * **'l,i{"}* 'l' * **'*+ ****** *t'l'l+* TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **,!* *'N.**** *** ******* **** *********+* *{ * *1!**rtl.***t'ft't * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * {t 't * t 'N, +***{.*1.** ** * ****'}* ** ** Statements Nuniber: R030003750 Amoune: $53.00 04/Ot/2OO3O3:45 PM Palrment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #L5274/Thlul- El-ectronics Permit Nor A03-0001 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 210109101015 SiIE Address I 1528 VAIIJ VALLEY DR VAIIJ Location: 1628 VAIIJ VAIJLEY DR Total Fees: S53.00 This Payment: $53.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 ** * * * * * * * * * + +* * t * ** * * ** * * * *+ * * * +* * * * +* *:i l. * **:| '1. * r* ** * * * *** ****+ l. **** * * **+* **+***+*****+* ****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEMP0RARY P0I^/ER PERMITS hIC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 TOWTiOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 8f65z U #: Building Permit #: - _ _ 97 0-479-2135 (InrpecHone) (Labor & Materials) FireAlarm; $ ?OO for Parcel # Contact and Phone #'s: lqq-'/63t Contractor Signature: TII f -REGEWED; AN 0 g 200J V€OM.DEV. ELECTRONICS, INC. Fire Alarm System Specifications for the Molyneux Residence 1628Yail Valley Dr. Vail, CO P.O. Box 534 Avon. CO 81620 ( 970 ) 949 - 4638 FAX 949 - 1928 mth ul @ thulelectron ics.com RECE-IVE JAN U 9 IUU3 TOV€OM.DEV. o s PRODUCT INFONMATION BUTLETIN ZllOOe SECURITY SYSTEM CONTROL 8 zones expandable to | 6 Easily programmed bY keYPad or upload/download software | 7 user codes with authority levels Removable plug-in circuit board Distinguished, field Proven 6 stage lightning/transient protection Patented LCD keypad The Moose Zt I OOe has a longstanding reputation as one of the most reliable and versatile security controls. lt is ideally suited for both residential or commercial applications. lt features a factory supplied basic programming which makes installation fast and simple. Any necessary programming changes may be conveniently made either through the keypad or from a personal computer using the Transport-PC upload/ download software. Out of the box the Z I lOOe provides I zones of protection, expandable to 16. All zones are fully pro- grammable for Burglary, Fire. Police, Emergency, or Communicator report only. The Z'l I 00e can be oper- ated from Nvo types of keypad stations. or from a simple key type switch. The Z I I O0ST is a unique. plain English LCD control station. lt features adjustable downlighting and pre- alarm with backlit dlsplay. cont|nueo Moose Zl I OOe Securitlt System Control speclflcttlons: Inputs and OutPutsI programmable zones expandable to l6 3 keypad panic zones I 0 selectable voltage outputs 2 f orm "C" SPDT relays rated @ 5 AmPs DC Powered outouts for Aux, Fire, and Switched Smoke Envlronmcntal Lltt|lts Operational temperatures ... +32'F to +122'F (+0'C to +50"C1 Enclosu?e Twenty gauge metal cabinet with camlock Llstlngs UL & ULC | 023 Household Burglary, UL & ULC9B5 Household Fire- UL365 Police Station Connected. UL609 Local Burglar Alarm, UL | 6 | 0 Central Station Burglar Alarm Units, ULI 635 Digital Burglar Alarm Communicator, ULC303 Local Burglar Al;rm Units & Systems. Fcc Part | 5, FCC Part 68. DoC CRC | 374, DOC C503 Terminal Equipment. CSFM California State Fire Marshall Title | 9. Electrlcal i8.5 VAC. 35 VA transformer input Recommended battery...... l2 V, 7 Amp-hr minimum lead acid 13.8 VDC regulated, 900 rnA continuous output Auto system shutdown if voltage falls below 7.5 V Current consumption; Main board 80 mA Zl l00R LED keypad............... ......70 mA Zl l00ST LCD keypad .............. up to 150 rnA depending upon lamp settings Dlmenslons Metal enclosure.. |4" x | 4- x 3.5" Keypads ,.,.......... .4.7" x 6.8" orderlng lnformatlon Modcl Number Descrlptlon Zll00e Ctrl I zones. w/keypad (Z l looR), butt.ry (B l260l. Tru. Z I I 00eST Ctrl I zones. w/LCD keypad (Zll00STl. Battery. Transformer Z | | 00eLK Same package as Z I | 00e but without keypad Z | | 00eLKBT Same package as Zl l00e but witho@ Z I | 00eBO Reolacement main circuit board for Z I I 00e z 00R LED keypad; Eight LEDS. 3 Palics ZI IOOST LCD keypad; downlighting and backlightingi 48 character LCD display with English prompts; 4 soft feature keys; 3 panics 2229^.Output expander: provides 20 addition4 voltage outpuG 2234 I zone input expander for Z | | 00e 8t260 Rechargeable lead acid battery, lZ V-7Ah Tt835 Transformer Class ll, I 8 VAC @ 35 VA TC]t00 Tamoer cover; Replaces standard door to meet UL attack requirements TSI Reolacement left terminal board TS2 Replacement right terminal board SENTROL CORPOBATE HEADOUARTERS 12345 SW Leveton 0r., Tualatin, OR 97062 Tel.: 503.692,4052 Fax: 503.691.7566 http://wwwsentrol.com U.S. & Canada: 800.547.2556 Technical Service: 800.800.2027 FaxBack 800.483.2495 Sentrol reserves lhe right to change speciljcations without notice. O1998 Sent.ol x-I87tFLC25K-0295 Pnncd on E.yded paFr il.t raElSlA.[Elon I0! llLL tronr tiL-ltU!Rlllill lllL,1-U0-0.i lIr{8atn p. ? of I{ JEATURES AND SPEGTFTCAT|NS SPECIFGANONS . uquid cryshl Diglay(Lco): Trruo lho a8 chaiacl.r Cota0 with El€crto-lumh.€cent btue3rcen backlight. . Torcipad liltding: Vati*1. i.ri.rEhy lncadesc;ent. . LEOs: Tno rARMEDT end 'POl ,ER1. . Wiring: tl wln y'q{n coruredor. (Sam. as Zt lOOF ). . Soon&r: Mu[{unaion dczo. . Cobr: Of.whft€ with n utral gray accents. . Cureotd?dn: atnA st ndby Odghtness s€l rt'01.125 mA standby (brighln€s s.t .l ?0'). l58mA h alrym (maximum; LCO ad buclp6d lQhting on). . Dimensbns: 6.8' x ,{.5- I 1.35' . Opcratl€ tsnp..atur. r! €.:32-r22cF (0'+5eC). l{OtE: S.. -Adrlllonel Not.a' on prg|. 10 r.gildlr€ rub:onlng, rlnglr dlglt comtnndr, or lso dlglt rtmlng lt rny ollftrr Ldrr.. |r.lo b. u..d. z_ l/oo i-i "k , rn,{ Sl" ;{ ;o'l;""i; lt t FEATURE; . Ea!6 of op€ration virtually ali nlnatG us€r taaining.. Sbp by slsp ussr prornpb ard soft t€.tute keys replace confusing rords or phrases prinled on rh. brrchptd.. Apha.nurnerb liqdd crystal display witlr programrnablo rone dacdptira. Cr€ato yo.[ owr or dtoose fiom buih-in library of owr 10O words.. Zone nanres may be '6ded'lo olher Zl1005Is.. LCD and oucfipad lbhts a.rivalo upon lint ksy enlry, auto. ndidly limo oul afrrr 3t! secoftds. .nd are rolodabl€ to iluminJc during rriUe ntrydeley. AG powor failue. a! alarms, r|d 3tand+y,. Unhue non.mcchcni:alLoD vlewirB angb adlurtment., Drb end time displayed dudng'READ\F stalus andavailable duftg darm hisloty display,. hdrler Fogranmable odbns wilh bull-ln t&lory d.fault3.. U3.r s.l€c{abh opilons ircludc: lanp billianca. il.zo vol- ume, dodr s.tthgs, control commands, eto,. EEPROM ntains memory durlng lotal brs cl povrer,. Sufs mounts lo flal surtace or any singla or doubla gang rfrctical box. Same hole alignrnail a Zl lM". Anr.ciiw des(7n :rd neuttd colots blend rrsily irto any re sidenlial and comm.rcial ardlllelions.. lJget nanual included. s7t ESt PRODUCT INFORMATION BUIIETIil 4491448 SERTES Seff-Diagnostic, Four Wire, Photoelectric Smoke Detectors Model numbers: 449AT, 449C, 449CT, 449CRT, 449CST, /I49CSTE, 449CSRT, 449CSRH, 4/9CTE Eg@ ' Intelligent, self-diagnostics . On-site maintenance alert . Field replaceable optical chamber . Low-profile design . Plug-in terminal block . Advanced false alarm immunity Calilornia Strate Fire Marshal Approved MEA (Nsw York City) Approved ULC model numbers: 448AT, 448C,448CT, 448CST, 448CSRH, 448CTE The ESL 449/448 Series self-diagnostic, four-wire smoke detectors continually monitor their own sensitivity and operational status, and provide a visual trouble indication if they drift out of sensilivity range or tail inlernal diagnostics. This unique, patented technology meets NFPA T2field sensitivity testing requirements without the need for external melers. Additional diagnostic information is activated by applying a magnet near the delector's integral reed switch. This initiates a self-diagnostic routine and provides visual indication ol sensitivity level, or if service is required. This series is easily cleaned by simply replacing ESLs proprietary f ield-replaceable optical chamber. All models are designed to reduce lalse alarms from dust, insects, RFl, and external light. An integral combination rate-of-rise and fixed 135'F (57'C), so-foot rated, heat sensor is available with all "T" model detectors (see selection guide), allowing latching of the alarm for either smoke or heat. The 449CSRH includes an isolated alarm output for heat and activates an internal non-latching sounder (local alarm) lor smoke, making it ideal for motel/hotel and dormitory rooms where smoking is pe rmitted. conlinued ESL 449 Series Smoke Detectors Architectural and Engineering Specif ications The ESL 449 Series low-profile, self-diagnostic, tour-wire srnoke detectors work on the light scattering principle. A pulsed inlrared light-emitting diode serves as the light source, and a high-speed photodiode as lhe sensing element. When the amount of light reflected onio the photodiode reaches the sensitivity setting, the smoke sampling rate increases. Three (3) successive smoke sensings above lhe sensitivity setting are required to sound an alarm. This design has superior protection against false alarms caused by dusl, insecls, RF and ambient-light. A confirmed alarm causes the normally flashing power indicator LED lo light continuously and the alarm relay to operate. A trouble indicalion is aulomatically displayed by flashing the LED every second. This meets NFPA 72 field sensitivity testing requirements. An internal 85 dB horn (available in "S' models) emits a temporal 3 when the detector alarms and a steady tone when power polarity is reversed. The proprietary optical sensing chamber is field replaceable, allowing quick and easy cleaning and maintenance. Models with auxiliary relays are approved for releasing service. This low profile product is equipped with a hinged cover, a concealed tamper-resistant latch, and insecl screens. Wiring terminates in plug-in, clamp-type screw terminals. Detectors mount lo a standard single-gang electrical box, a four-inch octagonal, four-inch square electrical box, or WIREMOLD 5739 tixlure box. Smoke Detector Spacing On smooth ceilings (as detined in NFPA 72), spacing of 3O ieel (9.1 rneters) rnay be used as a guide. Other spacing rnay be used deperdirg on ceiling height, hgh air rnovernent, and other condilons or response requirernents. -t A.,.,,1.-i{J ul I .S._-- - CST................ ....40m4 - CSRT. CSRH. CSTE ................ .....51mA Typical avg. polarity reverse currenf - CST, CSRT, CSTE, and CSRH ................................ 1omA Sounder soecifications ................ 85 dB at 10' Heat detector specilications -fixedtemoerature...................... 135"F(57.2'C) - rale of rise .... 1S'F/min. & >105"F (8.3'C/min. & >40.6"C) Auxiliary relay contacts 2A @ 28 VDC or 120 VAC (resistive) Alarm contacts 500 mA @ 36 VDC (resistive) Fiefd wiring size.................... ... 14 '24 AwG Packaging 10 deteclors are packed in a carlon Co|or.................. ....... white cover/white base with UV inhibitor to prevent yellowing Listing................ UL 268, ULC FM, CSFM and MEA Selectlon Guide Deslgnatol Feature D,escrlption H lsolated Fixed Temp. alarm and Rate of Rise Heat Deteclor lsolated tixed 135'F (57'C) and rate of dse heat detector, independently lrips the LED and ouFut. Smoke detector activates intemal sounder (local alarm) and auxiliary relay, but does not latch. Approved as both single $ation smoke alarm and system heat detector. ldeal lor hotel, rnotel and dormitory rooms where smoking is allowed. R Auxiliary Relay Used to activate other devices such as glevator recall, door holders, strobes, etc. Lisled to( releasing service. S Buill-in Sounder 85dB built-in sounder alarTns when smoke is detected or when po^/er wiring poladty is reversed. T Intergrated Fixed Temp. and Rate of Rise Heat Detedor lntergraled Fixed 135'F (57"C) temperature ard rate oJ rise heat detec{or. Either heat detector or smoke detector can trip and lalch LED and alarm protection. relay outpuls. E Built-in end ot line power supeMsion relay Relay is nornnlly energized and will trip with loss of power. Gan also provide notificalion \,vhen detec{or needs maintenance. interlogi$- @ E-3965R€v&1101 Pfl 503.692.4052 usA& c.n d* 8m 547.2556 tell$ic.ls€.vicc 801.€18.i{24 trrlaclc &0.483.2495 ww!l/.sentrol.con $/wwintelloglxseaurltycom o?@1 |lndqir.l,( hsldj,( caddl t!,]- m d'd s.ntd & rr.dedrls of hrdtog{tm. Multl-Alett Models Soundet MAt2/24D Strobes ss24LO SS24M SS24LOLA Mlnl-Alelt Sounders Sounder/sttobes MASS24LO MASS24M MASSLOLA Whlte@r PA4OOW.F Whlte PS24LOW Red Belge PA4OO PA4OO PA4OOR.F PA4OOB.F Add-on Strobes Red PS24LO Product Ovcrvlew Multl-Alert soundets 72 and 24V operatlon 8 fleld-selectable ton€s Muttl-Alert Strobes and Soundey'Sttobes: 24V operatlon 1.5 or 15 candela UUL638 llsted Mlnl-Alett Sounder€: 7.i2 and 24V operatlon 1.5 cd add-on sttobe avallable g@e@*m Englneerlng Speciflcatlons System Sensor's Multl-Alert sounder and sounder,/sttobes are suited to provide pl or secdndary slgnallng tor fire and securlty applications. The MA and MASS mo provlde elghi field-selectable rvarning toncs. The Multi-Alert models mount directly to 4 n square back boxes. Optional mo plates are available for either flush or serni-flush installations. Model MA124D is suit for outdoor applications when irstalled with the \?BB weafier-proof back box. Multl-Ale?t Strobes. System Sensor's MultlAlert strobes are ULl638 complian electronic visible warning signals that flash approximately every 1.5 seconds. circuits are polarized to be compatiblc with DC alarm supervision. MlnFAtert Sounders. System Sensor's PA400 series Mini-Alert sounders oper at'!2 and 24 volts and are ideal for hotel, motel or residential fire system applications, where a smaller notification device is desired. The PA400 sounders are available with or without FIRE identification. and are offere, red, beige, and white. Mutl.Alert Sounders shall be a System Sensor Model MA 12124D capable of operating ar 72 and 24VDC. Sounder shall listed to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard lJL464 for fire protective signaling systems. Sounder shall have an operati remperarure between -31"F and 151oF. Sounder shall have eight tone options, selected by means of clips. Minl.Atert Sounders shall be a System Sensor Model - capable of operating ar.72 and 24VDC. Sounder shall be list, to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard UL464 for 6re protective signaling systems. Sounder shall ha'ie an operating ter perarure berween i4'F and 140'F. Multi-Alert and Mint-Alert Sounder/Strobes shall be a System Model - capable of operating at 24VDC. Sounder/strol shall be lisred to Underwriter's Laboratories Standards UL464 and ULl538 for 6re protective signaling systems. Sounder/strobe shall have an operating temperature between 32'F and 120"F. Sounder shall have eight tone options, sel ed by means of clips. Strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder and shall operate at 24VDC, with a UL ran rarins of 22.5 to 30VDC. Actual operating voltage must be between 18 and 33VDC. Strobe shall have a minimum lighr outpJt of 1.5 or 15 candela and shall be UL1638 listed for private rnode applications. o catlonaMultl-Alett Soundel Speclfl Dimenslons 4'r 4'xzY.' Mountlnt Surface 4'r 4' brck box (1y2' lo 2t/r' dasql Flush 4'r 4' BBO deep back box (2y.' deep) S€mmush 4' r 4' bsck box l1y2' lo 21/.' 6..p, vrlth MP.SF mountlng plrt€ Operatln8 Tomperaturc RanS! .32' to 151'F (€5' io 66'C) WeEm 5.7 oz, (162 8) Operstlng VoltsSc tZ{oC to 24vOC FwR untlltersd' Dlmemlons 4.r4.xZE/16. lnput T€mln8ls 12 to 18 AwG . .Actual 12 V operating wltage cannot be less than 9'5VOC or gru8tsr than 18.7VDC. Actual 24 V operating voltage cannot be less thsn 18V0C ot greatlr thsn 33VOC. Multl-Ateil Strobs SPeclfl catlon! Mountfnj . 1. .,. :Srirlacs 4' r 4' b6ck boi {1y2!' to 2rys: d6ep} . S€mi.flush 4' r 4' bsck bor (1y2' lo 2 yE deepl with MP€F mounting plste Operatlng l€mp€rature R!n8e .31' to 151'F G35'to 65'C) Weight a.2 or. 1232 ll Inpui Tarmlnol3 - 12 to 18 AWGOpcrating VoltaSc 24rr'Dc and FulR unfinered' .Acturl 24V op€rallng wltagc olnnol be le33 than 18vDC or 3ruttat lhrn 33VDC. Mlnl.Al€rt Speclflcatlont Dim€nslons 4r/z' | 2./.'r tr/.' MountingSurtsce Slngle 8!ng back boxFluah 4'r 4'BBO desp bsck bo: (2y.'dccpl Op€r€tln8 lemp€r6ture Range 14' to 14O'F G1o. to 6O.C) mighr 2.4 or. (159 g)Input T€rmlnals 12 lo 18 AVrtGOper.tinE Wltage 12vDC to 24vDi FwR unfltered' .Actusl 12V ope.aung.rroltage cannot be l€ss than 9.6VDC or Srester ihan 18.7VOC. Actuat 24V operating ioltage cannot b€ less than 18VOC or gteater th8n 33VDC. Ordetlng lnformatlonr/Current Draw Multl-Alert,/MlnFAlert Model Numbers Red Whilc Oescriptioo ,4Yerage ..- Curicnt l csndela dB Output (uL)" ' MAr2/24O Multi.Alert sounder L2/24VDC 7 5€5 ss24LO MullfAlcrt Btrobe 24Vof 25 mA 1.5 ss24M Multl{led st,obe 24VOC 75 mA 15.O ss24LOtA Multl-Alart suobe ('FUEGO'lens)24VDC 25 mA 1.5 MASS24LO Multldlen sourde. /stJobc 24VDC 1.5 7tas MASS24M Multi-Alart sounder /strobc 24VD€15.O 75€5 MASS24LOI,A MultlAleft sounder,/strobe ('RJEGO'lens)24VDC 1.5 79a5 PA4OOR PA,rl@B PA4OOR-F PA'/IOOEF PA/IOO tf Minl-Alert sounder ('Fhe' idmtilhauon)L2/24VDc L2/15 rA a2 AddonPS24LOPS24LOW gtrobe 12/24VDC . Curreni ranEes from 10mA to 55mA depending upon voltage and sound selectedr. Current ranges ffom 35mA to SOmA depending upon voltage and sound selected.. ' sound output vsfies dep€ndlng upon vollsge 8nd sound selected, Note: L0 and M sty'e strobe and sounder/strobe models ate noi MEA appfoved. Syslem Sensor Sales and Servlce Accessory Model l{umbe.8 Weatherproof bsck bor tor MA 12,/240 System srntor X?ldqo ta?t 3825 ohio Avenue st. chsrles, lL 60174 Ph:800.SENSoR2 Fr:630/3776495 Documenls on Demand 1€0G7367672 € www. s)6temsensor.com Sy3tcn SGnror Csnsda Ph:905.812.O767 Fx:905.812.O771 Systcm Semot Europa Ph: 011.44.1403.2765O0 Fr: 011.44.1403.276501 Syslcn Scnror In Chlna Ph:,6253 Fx: Syrtcm Scnior ln Slngsporc Ph: Fr: Syrtrm Sen5oF Far Eltl Ph: Fx: Sy3lcm Senso?- Aurlrrlls Ph: 011.613.54.281,142 Fx: 011.613.54.281,172 o 1999 System Sensor. The compady rasetv€s tm right to chang! product sp€clficeiimi wllho{n notice.AO9?0747. 11/99(1oKl. f 571 Chemetronics Heat 600 SeriesDetectorso .c.r #zJss)f rrJrtfJinefi?efronrcs, Decorative Heat Detectors Cllck here to download the datasheet (PDF) 600 Series Rate of Rise and Fixed Temperature Heat Detectors The Series 600 detector olfers Rale-of-Rise snd Fixed Temperatur€ propertles, with 135"F (57"C) or 200"F (94"C) settings, vlsual indlcation, Slngle or Dual circult options' and normally open contacts, Incorporated Into 8n attrsctive' low proflle design. Click on the folowing topics for more information DESCRIPTION SPECIFlCATIONS INSTALLATION CAIJTIONS ELECTRICAL RATINGS LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Description: The Series 600 heat detector is attractive, durable and festures a combination rale.of-rlse and fixed temperature operation. The heat detectors are available in 135'F (57'C) or 2(X)'F (94"C) temperature ratings. Ratc-of-Risc The rate-of.rise function detects heat guickly by responding to a rapid lempersture Increase. The pneumatic clement responds to a rapid rise In tempersture, approximately fsT' (E9C) per minute, when the air expands faster within the sealed chamber than lt can escape through the catibrated venL The Incrcase In preessure depresses the diaphragm, causing the electrlcal contscts to close the circuit Rate-of.rise units have a wide spacing allowance of 50 foot centers. See SPeciticatlon Table for details. Fbed Tenperature The fixed temperature function reacts to heat by responding to a specilic temperature setting. The element is constructed of s fusible alloy, which fuses at the tixed temperature setting of either l35'F (57'C) or 2fi)"F (94"C). When activated, the external heat collector drops away to provide quick visual confirmation that the element has operated. I-ow ProJile Page I of3 http ://www.chernetronics.com/600. htm 4/rLtoo Chemetronics Heat Dfors 600 Series Page 2 of 3 The units protrude only l-3l8 inches from the ceiling surface with ajunction box mounting. The pleasantly contoured, all-white finished design conforms aesthetlcally to most ceilings. Installation: Each detector includes a pstented reverslble mountlng plate. In one position, it easily attaches to a 4 inch square Junction box,3-114 or 4Inch octagonal box, or a plaster rlng. In the opposite position, the plate can be used for open wiring without a junction box. A U4 inch space between the detector and the mounting surface provides room for the wlre connections. All mounting screws are concealed. The detector attaches easily to the mounling plate wlth a push and twist motion, requiring no tools. The mounting pfate is molded from a whlte self-extinguishlng thermosplastic, rated at 22loF (105'C). The plate ls extremely strong yet is pliable enough to sdapt to uneven mountlng surfaces. The figures below depict the typical Installations snd wiring connections: Ouat Ctt€ult Dctccto? fi*E:""**'tndelcuc'tl Scrow Termlnals Standad SkTgla Cltcul Doloclor Wietromsltm E;i::errywn,/il;ll\t arnA Ii 'Etriil |\I|:lll||.--tk l'l/'td cEYtnocfdd -S ao nexl delcctor or eN ot lioc esistof, NOTE: A sihgie NOTEj Alt dual citcuat modolsqrcuil models come come wirn one 12) nonnaw wilh ono lt) open clry congits. norndvy opcn dry coolacJ. Specification Table: Junctldr Box Houdling Celllng Surltce llounting f \.--:---!-L 'f' L-{.tvt61_ ----.' o€i,aoo/lF,lfuxo( 4' S{oare fux ;z 8-32' RAUtrrd Head Screx,rs 5t0 lo t" 8-32" Flal Head Wtbd Scre$$ Ylira @''4wcto<t to oext detcclot or etd ol line resistot Wire connecled lo next deleclor or erd ol lino resistor- and 621 Model 602 g,nd 6Xl Model 603 and 62:l ltflfreffiE and624 (l I Marking\-"/ odel 601 = sintle circuit odel 621 = dual circuit /^I Gray RingV Model 602 = single circuit Model 622 = dual circult (e) GraY Dot \--l Model 603 = single circuit Model 623 = dual circuit Model 6M = single circuit Model 624 = dual circuit Gray Ring and o",@ ate-of-Rise and Flxed emperature, 135"F (57oC) Rate-of.Rise and Ftxed Temperature, 200"F (94'C) Fixed Temperature only, 135"F (57"C) Fixed Temperature only, 200.F (94"C) Chemetronics Heat Detectors 600 Series Page 3 of 3 CAUTION: Where llfe safety is involved, smoke detectors MUST also be used. Heat detectors should be used for property protection only. Reliance sho-"-19 *! be placed soley on heat detectors for life safety. Detectos must uot be - pointed. Heat detectors should be electronically supervised with battery backup at lhe panet. Electrical Ratings: 6.125 Volts A.C.,3.0 Amps- 6-28 Volts D.C., 1.0 Amps. 125 Volts D.C., 0.3 Amps 250 Volts D.C.,0.1 Amps. Listings/Approvals: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Factory Mutual Approved (FM) California Stste Fire Marshal Approval (CSFM) #7270-0061:005 City of New York (MEA) Listing No. l8&94-E Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) SALES 400 Main Street IelAOt7zl Phone: I 800 496 E3E3 : | 800 496 7272 Home - Products - Company - Salcs - Support - Links Copyright @ 1998 Applications: Normal temperafu re fluctuations and ceiling temp€ratures not exceeding f 00"F (38"C) Applications: Normal temperature fluctua tions and ceiling temperatures exceeding 100'F (38"C), but not 150'F (66oC) Applications: Normal temperature fluctuations and ceillng temperatures not exceeding f00'F (38'C) Applications: Normal temperature flucluations and ceiling temperatures exceeding 100'F (3E'C), but not f50PF (66"C) Max. Spacing A llowance 50x50fL-LJL 30x30ft-tr.I}l Max. Spacing A llowance 50x50ft:UL 30x30fL.trM I lMax. Spacing Allowsnce 125x2sfL-UL 120x20ft -FM Max. Spacing Allowance 15 x 15 fL. LIL http://www.chemetronics.corn/600.htm 4tru00 1r-05-99 16:46 :FROM: Ftrellte/Notifter : 9709494838 PACE HD.500 SERTES rEsllne mFHoDt Models HD60i/HD-621 and HD€0ZHD-622 can bs testEd by lhe application of qulck h€at from any convenient source. A portabl€ halr dryer ls recommended. Howevel, do not aPply hesl lhal exceeds lho fixed-temperatur€ rating ot the deteclor. Modets HD-603/HD-623 and HD-604/HD-624 cannol bs l€sled. However, the fusblo alloy element ls.gen€rslly consldered so rGliabla lhal lesllng ls not nscessary. Modal HD-6O1/HO-621 Modol HD{0ZHD.6ZI Modsl H l}-603/H D623 Mod.t HD-6(MrHt €2.[ la t-firy Att EtO ]4\ Gt fW ,.-\ hAddtWW Ltt6tHo.o, ft M) ( \ ba,toce(, -eN fin) Mtrotdt(t cta*) ( .\ Mttoe. O dra'/, fra|\,6a, tfi62, (6'.t ctc.d) \1.t hd toe la.a eil Vl M, to'6a bt *4 \/ hottoar. Unaotl V tubahb aid F tta* Rabtu aftt Frd- ,1td-Tat$.rhtta ,rr, Frldd-tarT-fr,' crftT.ftpnbt 'n''r lsfr) f.rry/un a@FPar) ,sT (57t) wF (gE) ApdE on: n/p,rf,d tiPaart t Affibtt lbt t',,l Et9nan a4,t.',id': att ttaf r*r, twta,t lt t .4 j*tl fifrtttaa.tddw Drarrictadaltl tdtgfttrl LdtuE.ra ad l'rw,.a,r l'Jd'/{'&t a ti,'rya',tfi. /,.l.t$.bt iJw'tttr''.ffioc rcttF abg atrytout'| ro, ',t'g btrwrz,tt-.3d/g looF ,oo.F (tt) (tc) b' ',ot ,s1tu (trc) .'-a!, t@f pt) (tt) nn ta 19t 6,|ci krirntm W MtE. ,Atn n g',t,rr b..F. tloxrt'r'rr q'dr'.b*p. k 'a,ag}!e,/!',t,'a,r..gll tto2-lA g)ar'Oa-at 8Lr6k-a '6trrr't.-l'lafrattttgfi-n ttr,rg)t,-A. f,At$i.Erl .F,art.b ttF" bafrtdcr tqtat tb o TO o 39 WE conncc|Ed lo naxt deteclot ol aN ol lirP rgsisto'. Wite l.om alarm NOTE' Applicallon: Heal detactors should b€ used tor property protec. lion, Rellanca shou6 not b€ phced sol€ly on h6al d€tectors for lfe satety. When lfe sEtety ls lnvofued, smoke detecto.s must also bs us€d. Battery Bac*-up: Heat delectors should be ebctronlcalv super- vised wllh bgtlery back-up at th€ pen€|. Ths rale-ol-rise mechanism may be subloct to reduced sensftiv- Ity over tlme. Annual lesllng ot the rate-ot-rlse opera on b fecommended. ELEGTRIGAL NAfll|G' 6-125 Volts A.C,, 3.0 Amp. €-28 Volts D.C., l.O Amp, 125 Volts D.C., 0.3 Amp. 250 Vons O.C,, 1 Amp. Faatw ctetactor. WE conneded b nert datector ot end ot tit1F JesEtOr. Screw Terminals Sl'rndtd Stt gle Dual Cltgula Dct Glor Clfcull Dctcctor Used b eN two lndepen&nt slgt',ls. Wie lrcm alam Dane.l 6r nrevi/'t,t -----'-" _ ,/atI- tf rffil-\I EtrT' I\ilol|/\ll . ll-,,']t=-lK.\\ .\\wre cod'reaed --> to nexl ctaleclol or enat ol line tgsistor. NOTE: Nl single NOIE: Afl ttml ci,wit ttrrdreb citcui mdals @m€ d,me with ona (2) nonnA|14l nIh or'€ (l) open dry @nb'ots normaly open ct,y @ntect, P.e. 2 ol 2 FILE No.082 07/27 'Y102 IDTGEIIESIS CABII SySTEtls Jfi:l 4t4 %7 0724 fHLrt L GENESIS CABLE SYSTEMS Customer Spcclflcatlon Parl Number: Descriptlon: Compliance: 4107 eteas&d&F8b UL Standard 1424;NEC Artlole 760 Constructlon: Conductor No, of Conductors TyPe Color Thlckness Dlameter Lay Length Type Color Thlckness Dlametcr Logend (lnk Prlnt) -rurA\rrssEfffi *r,r:r&rfri* lnsuJgtlpn Polypropylene Black, Red, Ylw, Gm 0.008" nom, 0,067n nom" Straight Jackel PVC Red 0,015" nom. 0.167" nom. O.n.rtr Crbtr tyrbmr - 10 AWO {tC _ (UL) TYpE FpL Et7510l - w/or Propertles Temperature Rating Opcratlng Voltage Capacltance lmpedance DC Reslstance Flame Rating -20 to 75 oC 300 Volts max. 18 pflft nom, 100 Ohms nom. 6.32 Ohms/M'at 20oC UL VertlcalTray t. ) El'tE E. trr \-l\. t - i = E = F Q;: ; <_oL E :*.vt o 5!!EF g F=a t: ci -- )<E= E =?:E H E6E: fr lCI g EE:E93 EF#s EF EEHE Fg-gFFg *E 5Eh ,{ !:gE E E EB-- F H I eta aZ E : IT \' E I =95= d !g !sE=-=E EEESE EEHFF gsFgc gEsEA FEsF -c--r--:-!u,l1E 5ftj a T 5t) ii J l & J d i E 5 J gI IT : p 6 z > C' Er E a E! l3ollkl:rl TIH llgGt5tl'tl Et8!ti-tF!'16 ildr!li! FIEal ,Eld Yuasa - Sealed Lead Acid Bafes Page 1of3 Yuasa Sealed Lead Acid Batteries Product #: Product Name: Description: Go to Can I 0 items Go to RFO I O ilems Concorde@ Duracell@ Evereadv Hawker Lileline Odyssey Optima Power Sonic Yuasa Tadiran Aircrafl Alkaline Flashlight Lantern Lithium Lithium. Alkaline Manganese Marine Medical Nickel Metal Hvdride Photoflash Sealed Lead-Acid Silver Oxide Zinc AirNP7-12 Sealed Rechargeable Lead-Acid Battery Recognized by Ul File No. MH16464 - Made in the USA (Hays, KS). Recognized by Ul File No. MH 12970.FR: UL94- VO, Flame Retardant Case and Cover (Oxygen index: 30) Cycle use: Maximum charging current 1.75A. Charging voltage 1 4.4 to 15.0V. Standby use: Float charging voltage 13.50 to 1 3.80V. CAUTION: Avoid short circuit. Do not charge in a sealed container. Pricing Information: Unit Price: $25.90 Email lhis Paoe http://www.thomasregister.com/olc/batteryoutlet/smartcat.cgi?az=07215205&template=sla2... ffi 12003 Yuasa - Sealed Lead Acid Bfes Page 2 of3 Package Type: Units Per Package: Product Details: FR Type: Volts: Nominal Capacity (20 Hr Rate - Ah): Length: width: Overall Height lncl. Terminals: Weight: Layout: Terminals: Energy Density (20 Hr. Rate): Specific Energy (20 Hr. Rate): lnternal Resistance Of Charged Battery: Maximum Discharge Curent With Standard Termlnals (amperes): Maximum Short- Duration Discharge Current (amperes): Operating Temperature Range/Charge: Operating Temperature Rangey'Discharge: Charge Retention (Shelf Life) At 68 Degrees F (20 Degrees C) 1 Month: Charge Retention (Shelf Life) At 68 Degrees F (20 Degrees C) 3 Months: Charge Retentlon (Shelf Life) At 68 Degrees F (20 Degrees C) 6 Months: Life Expectancy/Standby Use: Life Expectancy/Gycle Use (Approx.) 100% Each 1 NP7.12FR 12 7.O 151.0mm (5.94") 65.omm (2-56") 97.5mm (3.84") 2.65 kg. (6.17 lbs.) 4 ND 1.49 WHicubic inch (91.0 WH/litre) 13.6 WH/lbs. (30.0 WH/kg.) 30 milliohms (approx.) 40 210 5 to 122 Degrees F (-15 to 50 Degrees C) -4 to 140 Degrees F (-20 to 60 Degrees C) 97"/" 91y" 3-5 years 250 cycles http://www.thomasregister.com,iolclbatteryoutlet/smartcat.cgi?az=072152O5&template=s1a2... l1712003 Yuasa - Sealed kad Acid Ba$es Page 3 of3 Depth Of Discharge: Life Expectancy/Gycle Use (Approx.) 50o/o Depth Of Discharge: Llfe Expectancy/Gycle Use (Approx.) 30% Depth Of Discharge: Sealed Construction: Standard Terminal: Housing Material: Minimum Order QuantitY: OEM Name: 550 cycles 1200 cycles Can be operated or stored in any position without leakage Quick Disconnect .'187 or Optional .250 ABS Resin or ABS Flame Retardant (UL94-VO) 1 Yuasa BACK EAC_K J_O-ro*e Battery Outlet, Inc. 1608 Camoostella Rd. Chesapeake, Virginia 23324 Phone: 1-757-545-4442 FAX: 1-757-545-4211 Toll Free: 800-333-8280 E-mail: exboc @aol.com E@r@ €Thomas Publi:hing cofipany, 2oo2 http://www.thomasregister.com/olc/batteryoutlet/smartcat.cgl?az=07215205&template=sla2... ln/2003 Eg €H'sa _<6 f;E ;E.ps gR"B 3S' '8 g Jo E^kg ot <g CI .91gl BF-9t Es8l lErl gE EIgll aol E Hl 5Epl E!El 65 ElI|8dt g:t r€t 3 (o ro (oG P I EIr-C\lO)TEciES '- c\i o! G s{ li. o.z IEu,t!: TI N o.no€o t' !l) 0a ^- -v G o ; o an ocO-PH.Fo FccEi-o \t -g-F'(I's;-*-alr:SEfiJtgq;bitr*Ei6-9(uIDo @(\lC)NF E I.! oF b o CJ) o9c+;-9r bPos.FS :8!x oa " $hE=,F.9 ()Er6:E $iH*5 at ru oz o =4 .6 oz I o,l Nl-\\. ul€tkto I I I I FI ==o I I ,.4 |o\,..\| ll \O tuJIF I I I 6 fleL +40 U> uJ UJu- ut.L ujz3 UJIF z AI F{ 2 v&oH B 2 IL llJo =I l! o o Fz lffilzl3lo toIt IFt<az j6 Li 4Hut F{o\€ H(a ff o\N X A DTJa- F{ E) z d q) o) ; .9oo.(! 3 lf'b q v,o (!S a o (5 o o O o) == d) E o =cl o o (! 3 .g 0) o) o oo o o o o5 at, (! olc N o ;oF ooo o (J at) o o c v, ' --- oo?i (! '=Q(,*io E8F,e*,'.;:xY E:F c-o ET;- ib .o =oFd'S =c96 35;_= >, -EEl- =LC: B'= oEq-Rr i.=- (o CL(o CL d=-oE9 oe o.'=.\i*E E6:o! iLCe !Es eeCct o'- og-9Fso?;36>.o (u= J=ts.R U .36 e9Ecr6EE.r- o ct) an UJ llju- F =G uJ.L J FoF UJtu z tr UJ UJE o ; UJ uJ z =UJ F llJ o-?z ut z. = NOrrvnlv^ o ut uJruz U)F ut J z 9 =o L! lJ ci ll,JzY tF z F)laz hzlzOatrt!<Oo< =".8Rtrtio<z z tr f {IL cc o o-f ao- Lue z Eoo z tr uJF 3 z Jtil q g c 1 q trl 1 FJ q z Er{ |olzl r!'1 |qFl N=l :?l J 3zu- 6z>Y a uJo e. UJz uJ =9e -I z Fo- EPaoz>-o()<)z l!< v= o-Y FOjni I I I I 3l uJl 5l <l>l a=ol u.lFI F ol =.1('l uJlElJI AI>l bl zl BlolH r\ Or I6N I(\,r o.l X z Fl t E Hi YHcI tr{ 3FIul!fo ilg 4 (JzEI H(n vl rrlz H il z '-1 cal 'Al cnlul dl El zl &tl B =u- FJ F-]H zH& A4 ct) (\ E 2P =<>(r d- zo oF Fz () 2 _r C)L! L.E ir P b-z -J 9E uJ) Fo LIJF I &, -1, O€F04(Ju}<AtE ozo oz tr =culI z =<60>z o- u- )ifioo= =83dd= E!D F Eul o- 6 ul z lv)o =o- JFuJ-h=:cO. IJJ>(LOu-()o \UJx(L:> lrJ J J l! uJ o co Eeo {, o .:ct E Eot Ao i-6 -F=Er!i -:t=i tr{3G cr)o. -+ OO )4'H"I t-A L-_-/ ItF oFlU) zH alz ,rJra u,lFo coo-zo Fo-ulY 1! .o oF E E UJ(L ltlol aotx -1.Uqr9rl uJF!r:^ F\Jzo E =E,lr, o-zo l- C) :) E,F CNzo(J \ b-" oz F =cul l fir*rE 16 .:das?ct s5E: $ r.e R€! xE e 8* E=EF3 i95:3S " i'i s'P I :EE:3; >=:-9(!:9 :iE9;"- >.F clI E-si I.;3 S.sF.: ^ a!'EsYi5 i; E"s eo= - o'"e X O-rc.e=6gE =fieEi:o'vooii rc E !.1 Oi Fi 6 p ietE= - oq 9: e.9 :.: ::,$:= cuito=I I>=-o. c - :a- > Tg E: i EE:E; FFggg - U H,.5 E ; 3ZZv- F o. a=Yf:Ye90E.hoe.z>ooozazxl!<o* i ^lU-E-xrrlaxz iN.-' =eo -:;6 3sS =@na J 'F u,l Irr.<tog JI<l FI-l zl uJ UJz v): uJ J z E o N Itz J I Irl I J d I I I--.1 IFo $ N $ N ui =z @I N\\ N] \l NI utE 4 rs d\ \ $ \1"N = \\l\ \ R s : { $ N e lt ko\ $.\ \ hN lfJ J E lt. ll^Ita -t{a It ts Il\ \ \ tc) Iz\e ss\ F F oC- tr ri UJ F . o trJl :l <l>l r!loi zl 3l 9i tr ol Hl <l>l ? 9i E sl r{ll 1t <lilol zl 3lq = E o 2.1 ol BJ il <l>l 3l zl 3l 9l uiJ F 4.-\ n * zu-Et- = "'Ato llJ E I <F l!<ZE (aZo )CE<o(JF =<);= ;Fil eE 3f )zrro =N=Fzl) =*AFY,z =g CE Uirg uztoen36( :,2 V\a\rara, z ,n= =<coo =zi9 e.JUU dff(ro=zri dd= bbb L: UJc o F9E<cl3ooEgE9'10 ir gE =>E# EFoullJiIF..XEvc<EX &qo=I'E IJJ F (tp \t'l() ?::)--l F:L)LrJT NI ';tnl E =E UJa-zo F() DEFozo(J E: |lJ uJo- F''rl\. r& \ 75 south tronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47e2139 otflce of community development PIan Review Based on tbe 1988 Unifo:m Codes PROJECT NUMBER: 5391 ADDRESS:. L628 SPRING HILL LANE VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES PLANNER: ANDY K}IUDSON NAME: BRIONES REMODEL DATE: JUNE 25' l-991 CONTRACTOR: TO BE DETERMINED ARCHITECT: MOLYNEUX ENGINEER: KIMBERLY HUTCHINSON PLANS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a comPlete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to seLected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- wisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of vail. 1. Mechani-cal equipment shall be raised off the ffoor min. l-8" when mechanical room is accessed through garage. 2. fnstall- gas logs or appliances as per manufacturers installation requirement.s. Dampers shall be removedr welded open or have holes drilled in them. 3. Ventilate all bathrooms or laundry rooms without. natural ventilation with mechanical ventilation system. 4. Mai-ntain one hour fire resistive construction on garage side of separation of garage to living area. A11 doors i-n t.his separation shall- be a minimum solid core with closer. 5. No work shal1 begin on the new decks until engineered drawings are approved with design factor of 100 lb. per sq. ft. live load. 6. Smoke alarms shal1 be shall be insLalled outside of all sleeping rooms and on al.l- floors as per UBC 1210. 7 . Ventilate crawl space per code. 8. Verify combustion air requirements for mechanical room. 9. AIl electrj-cal work to be completed per the latest adopLed National Electrical Code. 10. AIl plumbing and rnechanical work to be completed per the 1985 UMC and UPC codes - \ Proiect Name: Projecl Description: Contact Pdrson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptioni Lot Block Filing /,vtr"- 2, /,,. zon" &,/c /.y Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:{-nl o^. 4- 3- 7/ DISAPPROVAL Seconded by:@ Summary: Staff Approval 7 ) DA*E: 4's- q t T,EGAL DEscRrprroHTGE-l- Btock -l- OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE I,OT SIZE Helght Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Slte Coverage Landscaping Retaining WalI Heights Parking Garage Credlt Drive: Envl,ronmentalr/Hazards : Does thls request lnvol.ve a How much of the allowed 25o ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R PilS ZONE DISTRTCTS Allowed Exlstincr (3o)liftJl Frrrns /o^',.^ Pqlit Proposed dd" t t to.J e*'9hu+ 0 Total =-5lzSa.(e. It74rS.Z 347 s'e bt /11 t1 I ^14 aa,o ptx?rf 7l20r 15r 151 (30) (so) 5/,S. l tt{L.bt 2tett 3. /61 Reqrd 38'4S ase( 2) 3) >- @@){eeo) trtro) Permltted Slope ...]E!- Actual stope E@f Date approved by Town Engineer: ++.* 1) Flood Plaln bl .l^r' Percent SIoPe Geologic Hazards c) DebriE FIow 4) Wetlande z5o Addltion? rLDAddltion Ls used with thiE request? 10 t(0v 1 5 rsgl ARCEITECTIIRAL INTDRIORS & DDCORATION l-4th November l-991- l,!r. Gary MurrainChief Building Official Department of Connunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, WestVaiI , Colorado 81658 Dear Sir: This is to inforn you that Mr. William Bergnann, representing Bergimann Construction Co., Inc. (P.O. Box 2O3l- Vail, Co. 81658) has been dismissed from the job at 1628 Vail Valley Drive. Furthermore, I am hereby authorizing Mr. Kevin Heuring, of Heuring Construction & Design (P.O. Box 48L4, VaiI, Co. 8l-558)to take over the job, replacing Bergmann Construction. Sincerel Juan cc: Mr. Kevin Heuring IVIOL\'FTET T>( Ovm ;1, Molyneux 8 Vail Valley Drive. E9 EAST 69I-E STREET, NDW YORK, NDItr YORE TOO2I 6 (2r2) 62a.oO97 FAX:(2r2) 732 -€t26 /:rt ] TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D^rE 7-i8 -t'/ JoB NAME INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION:'tzs 9 APPROVED RRECTIONS:( vnro ,t<Oi O OISAPPBOV tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: l)proot'*cs / srEEL ,Ya+,'tVi/ tr uNDERGRouND o tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL s3 er ! /ltOva DATE INSPECTOR !euf ffisxop I4q3q ' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED CALLER TUES WED THUR I INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL l REOUES.T a-a FRI BUILDING:) PLUMBTNG: / srEEL Ot e'&D Al l:sotr SNDERGR',NDOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIF APPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: Ihe ltens below glvlng a perolt PleaEe eheck off INSPECTION'S a€ed to be couplete a ftral C of 0. la the box provlded. COUPL TEI) before FINAL I{ECHANICAL IMPROVEilENT SI'RVST RESID. NAUE: DATE: n FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: I I t-_______TEUPOMRY C OT O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY t- I I DATE: I r.nnscprllc DnE DATE: FILE NAME: F., C/rta cl q vU i\ \\ \$ { \a F .\t X I \) w I r'l z o z I r'l & 7 zl.) \ m $. \F il zD F. (no p Z .'t Q tr'l (nza?l X I r'l z F (t') rr.1 v \j bu l- l)-J o z 4 q c.l c..lc.l o O J zFz OO o o o V) h 73 rq F73 \^ r7l F.< F z U) J o i: rrl g 6 NEr|la ,. lt\t {'l Itlrl {;3-(! Ci ii 1 \r I s 't1: \l I ta xB o ATfi{: REATIIA VENDOR .REQUEST TEI.,'PONARY VENDOR FORM: @ NO vJINDOnS n'r,@ vnrvoong/:pnongA,_< REI"IIT ADDRESS IF VENDORS TAx rD+ oR ss # -'|zF- oo ?7 DJ. TFERENT FRO},I ABOVE 1,.10 4q^' O o PEC PERMIT NU BER OF PROJECT TION REQUEST tQ,z U+ ?/1 Lo, ,or.DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER THUR rNs OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tgqouen / D.w.v. 'Y"i"::.*l-'*tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROV tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 7/z z /q l JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL f ^os Kes NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FRI a(als BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND Xnoucx / D.w.v.I O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: IISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE . PERutr ttuM P,ROJECT INSPECTION ,4TOWN OF t'I REOUESTI VAIL 22 4 ) ,o" *o*tDATE. .READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATIpN / STEEL O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING o D tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL .f tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: Qr.*r. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr I] FINAL tr FINAL Appnoveo *r' n DTsAPPRovED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED ftffiisxop INSPECTOR PERMTT NUMqER OF PFOJECT ,^r, '/ bV /q I JoB NAME tNs TION OWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FR4MTNG ROOF & SFfEER PLYWOOD I{AILING O GAS PIPING N POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL kRoucH / D.w.v, ELE tr'l OF tr( tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL D FINAL pyrtouto D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTI INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL. .PERMIT DATE {-D €t JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D n tr E] o o tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL J tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr El tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr trFINAL FINAL L-,---,, APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED REproNS: 5{ coR niFsxop -lD^rE { lt7l4 I{ 't '\ INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL. .PERMI T NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE FIEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES tr DISAPPROVED JOB NAME ftot< THUR FRI AM@ f. nerruseecloN REeuTRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL )q RoUGH / D.w.v. { noucn / wArER tGor PTPTNG -/'tr POOL / H. TUB - tr FRA&IING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANI'AI .. . tr tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR t INSPECTION TOWN OF REOTJESTVAIL "\ t . ?ERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJECT DATE S-r4-?t INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:a2 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB t1 T-l N FINAL MECHANICAL: -/ ,.-), /'1 "''- K xenrrxc 7'llt 4;vuuJ+ FatAr--O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING fI D o INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr tr O FINAL f aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ndffis,oP KRH.o*=?rto*t= PO. Etox 4572 Vail, CO El165El (3O3) 949-9391 Tor FEPllMANN rrN6TR[JC.?lON ?.0. aor 204|l FIELD REPORT o.t", b/ 22/qt Ardvcr +l4o Pl4. Doprrt r 5 "45 P,t4 , W.!th* CaOL I 4lrAJNY Atlcntlonr bI LL BERZ.!{ANN Prolcctr Job Numbcrr IB24 VAIL V{LLEY b|aIVE 7105. 03 pcu16 FgAF.{ tNa l3 6UB6TANTtALLy COrl,PLEre, 1 oBeezveD 3o\4e ALTeP'{TIoNS THAT }TAV' OCCUPRED -IO DF|TAIL' ?EOVIDED E|f JHI5 OFFICE ANO THEY APPEAR 7o Bz 3AT|3FA4ToFY. THE 1A4AF- DoJ? t+EADeE NILL Be l'4ov9D BA4g ll'lTa THza^P}'c|eAPPE,XI}4ATELYoueF'07.ID|S)US'EDtHzFoUNDAT|aN3g4e|{g LocATl 'NS Fct THg NEN HTADEL t^lt?H gRENT -N0 NEN Four.lDATloN AOe:c rb pEQutpED, TFIE DouaLE ll7a" M.u, BEAV AaF.,1s ?Ha qAzAqE RE,QUTPES A MOPE SUB9TANTIAL BEARIU/N CO*IDITION AT "HA IbI STEEL 3EAi4, 5€E AYTA'HED 6KITCH, THE F OF FAF"E3S 'w=-P THE LtVltt(1 PaoU ba Nc? HAVE JolOt l+AN6=ps AT THa NEhJ srrF erAMs, THEsa pAFTepS RE4t/lRE MoEE aOPPozT THAN -rH3 Tc=-NAiLs PR VIDED. THlg uA,( tsE boNe htTil A uStMpSoN ^351' coNN=cT,p EA4l.{ 3tDE oF F CH FAFTERIA/ IIIJ NAILS INTA JHE BEAM AHD 3J N^:L; ,NT9 tHE- J,I5T, PAFTEPs r^itrrr A 5F4N ,F to'-o as LEsg vlAY tJ3,- THe 4rNN1.5ro'-l" ol.l JN= 9lDr3 aN LY, .Tl{E NosTH f A,:e JF iH= lri 5:)= )F ir= 3kYLlqH 7 PeQUIFSE t/.u pLyr,^looD EHFATHTN/' aN THa Ztin 5rUb6, oR THE coNTtNUouS ?xlc A9 5HoNr.t ol{ PLAN; OTHEeNI9E FeAMlN4 APPBAPS Ta BE AcL=pTA3'Le- CoplG. To. /aeneaa MFeEI-iA - N,{oLYNeU{ @)'l'Axtr'L ADJACPNT TJIJolbr S|MPSaN HUgAlo HANAEP zxlz *oc4s b" LoNq EA. 6De cENTERED bEl{tND M.L.'s, DPIVE PtU To Eteeu av" hlES !^l/ (tr)- loJ ptNs Eti. 6IDE oF M,L,,g rl2Xl2 Bt-ocr< 4 r-oNct EA, ''DE OF M,L.I5I NAIL T, b't BLtnrt9-'w/ ttt) - tu J NArLg M ICPO - I-AM BEAPIN APAqe 1526 VAIL. VALLEY DRIVE STEEL BEAM IN o/zt / <t INSP CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUM ROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL MING . N ROUGH/WATER tr tr Et: D ROOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSUTAT,ION tr POOL i H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH - O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o rtrunr-D FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tq $qreenoveo 'CO.RRECTIONS: ome 9- 3O-V rNSPEcroR 4i ttt. PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJEcT :r'!rr- r-.--- :: i * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION:MoN rues @) rHUR FRI PM LocAroN: l\s- 23 6ou€ Ttnll-tT-( n BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- X n FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAII D ntr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: \(glsnrenove o REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niFs,o" PERMIT NU ROFP OJE,l UI JOB INSPECTION TOWN,OF \--'a REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: NAME CALLER ^"@ BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP- POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR C FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4z READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI # INSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT NU i_-- T9wN oF -t,>'4 . AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTTNGS/STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH i WATER _ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING ----T,tr GAS PIPING ,INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POW tr HEATING tr EXHAUSTo ROUGH i O CONDUIT E' SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR *iiisxcp ,:l , i.dfr",,-:rj-1ilr INSPECTION,.PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL "orr\-. \-\ JoBNAME READY F LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWERt'',\tr B.qUGH t tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Freenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,o-, ?-//*Q/ rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME t// YCALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ) BU DI trl ol -lTJ ol D: tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER E GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ;{eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ?-,/';- r-r INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oo'. \\ -\- \ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr EI o tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK. NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR pdFsnop INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oere\--\AJoe CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr D tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr tr FINAL ELE uT trF trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr oO FINAL FINAL 2{reenoveo tr DISAPPROVED REOUIRED CORRECTIO tr REINSPECTION DArE /0'27 ?/ rNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF L'AIE PROJEC q PMAM T JOB NAME MON '4r4 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER UES fneeaoveo.-., E DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- ING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL E HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL .tr FINAL I ATE .. )i'' -al v' ''INSPECTOR 'a.rrf { I\N- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT "O" \\=-\ \ JOB NAME ECTION TOWN OF SPIN \ REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INS CT CALLER TU ES WED THUR $@ -------@P BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH i D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ECHANIGAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS -CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Y-qppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL,PERMII DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INS /'\T JOB NAME MON \-\ CALLER TUES WED THUR @ OF PROJECTMB(q.c ,-- \N BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr n tr D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr/,1-- Xd*o. - D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT ,,tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: . '" g(orsAPPRovED Qer r.rsercTroN REQUTRED INSPECTOR pilFsgop ,t JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF JECT TOWN OF VAIL #tlDATE INSPECTION REQUEST CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:*l{oN-,,,UES WEA THUfI FRI AM PM ry-(. t'/n12-, -- ,D" .LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o D tr D D D UMBiNG: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEEiROCS POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL ! D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, PO MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ojtr g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPf,,OVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,y* INSPECTO hiiisrop t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NU DATE tl READY FOR LOCATION: OJECT JOB NAME o roorrNes tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB ,r ROOF & SHEER," PLYWOOD NAIIING - tr GAS PIPING D INS'tJLATION-tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHFETROCK NArL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: " 'MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED [-nerrusnrcroN REeUTREDQ APPROVED ORRECTIONS:,'y * /&-t;// INSPECTOR l. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL IPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME NUMBER OF PROJECT \-\ JoB CALLER THUR BUILDING: '*r,il tr FOOTINGS / STE€L PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr TEMP. POWEB O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL p4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t./ D^rE //- Z Z -?/ rNsPEcroR .-.-. MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen March 2, 1994 Current development statistics for Warren Pulis Subdivision \ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: As of March 2, been used. Site Coveraqe Allowed: Primary (6/91): Secondary (4/93): Total: Remaining (4/93): GRFA Allowed: Credits: Both 250's: Total Allowed: Primary (6/91): Secondary (4/93): Total: Remaining (4/93): Used (3/94): '1994, all ol the GRFA for both the primary and secondary residences has 5,1 15.1 fr. 2,993.1 ft. 1,944.5 ft. 4,937.6 ft. 177.5 sq. ft. 4,807.6 sq. ft. 850.0 fr. 500.0 ft. 6,157.6 ft. 3,775.0 tr.- 2.314.2ft..', 6,089.2 ft. 68.4 ft. (To be used in Secondary Only) 68.4 sq. ft... .See deed restriction. Primary may never expand. .-Approximately 69 square feet of mechanical area (GRFA) was converted to garage area (credit) and was not used in the addition done in 1993. This remains to be used at a later date. A sheff was created in the garage on the northern wall that is 3 feet by 22.8 feet long. This counts as GRFA and uses up all of the remaining potential. The numbers below assume the addition proposed for DRB review on April 21, 1993 will be built. TO: FROM: DATE: Site Coveraqe Allowed: Pdmary (d91) Secondary (4/93) Total: Remaining (4/93) GRFA Allowed: Gredits: Both 250's: TotalAllowed: Primary (6/91) Secondary (7/13Y93) Total: Remaining (7h!%l: MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen ffis ,/-)-r1 ,-, :;i \ (l 5115.1 ft. 2993.1 fr. 1944.5 ft. 4937.6 ft. 177.5 ft. 4807.6 ft. 8s0.0 ft. 500.0 ft. 6157.6 ft. 3775.0 ft.. @.** 6110.5 ft. nrt lD rt12&€A) ltttL( 1 "l ttt' / 47.1 ft. (To be used in Secondary Only) ' See deed restriction. Primary may never expand.*t Approximately 52 square feet of mechanical area (GRFA) was converted to garage area (credit) and was not used in the addition done in 1993. This remains to be used at a later date. SUBJECT:Cu rrent development statistics The numbers below assume the addition proposed for DRB review on Apnl 21,1gg3 will be built. TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: Site Coveraqe Allowed: Primary (6/91) Secondary (4/93) Total: Remaining (4/93) GRFA Allowed: Credits: Both 250's: TotalAllowed: Primary (6/91) Secondary (ffi),Totaf: thslqt 4807.6 ft. 8s0.0 ft. 500.0 ft. 6157.6 ft. 3775.0 ft.', .:pgp';-t+?- zt3q'g6{€{+ft ffi MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen April 1 , 1993 Current development statistics for Warren Pulis Subdivision 5115.1 ft. 2993.1 ft. 1944.5 ft. 4937.6 ft. 1T/.5 ft. Remaining (da€Fl):lltsl4) {€* ft. (To be used in Secondary Only) * see deed restrictio ^. ,#)umay never expand. Approximately 52 square feet of mechanical area (GRFA) was converted to garage area (credit) and was not used in the addition done in 1993. This remains to beiJsed at a later date. PLAM (IgW <E(f/o!\/ 1- /fof ro SaAL{ Do#o-= 7y.-, '+qea7 -_(1h '€-ce* vf efc0 /u4n l 991 ?u ?- -"/*x/ .(- ; SZ KED t^tMF \I tl | |n =l 6r -d/gt' silrfrfiocK FtR€ w(tqP Pt ftf,/ (tsV E(TloAl 7- //of To o Rr"0 M,4R 1 t9g4 ';'I tt - 1'.. '; ") : fif,r,:r'r r rr, F:,I ri;#*'ii1:'''r1t r+tr' nf- * * . iS rl-:,#, :8",DAC o.00 BUILDING RESTRICTION THIS BUILDING RESTRICTION is made effective on the /&^V of June, 1991, by BERNARD R. KHUEGER and CELINE M. KRUEGER (the'Kruegers"), owners of real propery situated in Eagle County, Colorado, to wit: Lot 1A, a Resubdivision of Lot 1, Warren Pulis SuMivision, according to the Plat recorded September 15, 1982, in Book 345 at Page 932, County of Eagle, State of Colorado also known as 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado (the'Property"). RECITALS A. WHEREAS, the Kruegers own the Property which is situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. B. WHEREAS, the Kruegers have applied for permits and auhorizations from the Town of Vail for expansion of the residential improvements to the Property. C. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail restricts the total size of residential improvements situated on Lot 1 (which consists of two parcels, the Property and the adjacent Lot 1B) but has not allocated the size of the respective improvements permitted on Lots 1A and 18. D. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail permits a'bonus'allocation of an additional 250 square feet of residential improvements lo each residence (i.e., the Property and Lot 1B) pursuant to Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1985, also known as Section 18.71 of the Vail Municipal Code, but only after the underlying ma:<imum residential size has been built. E. WHEHEAS, the Town of Vail is willing to permit the construction of he bonus' 250 square leet on the Property provided that the Kruegers restrict future expansion of the residential improvements on the Property as provided herein. F. WHEREAS, the Kruegers are willing to restrict title to the Property and to provide that total residential improvements shall never exceed the maximum size permitted by the Town of Vail in order to obtain approval from the Town of Vail for expansion at this time which will include the bonus of 250 square feet. NOW, THEREFOHE, the Kruegers hereby declare that the Property shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the lollowing restriction which shall run with the Property and be binding upon all parties having any right, title or inlerest in the Property, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof: 1. HESTRICTION. The residentialimprovements on the Property may not exceed 3,775 square leet of Gross Residential Floor Area ("GRFA") as measured and defined by the Otfice of Community Development of the Town of Vail pursuant to the Vail Municipal Code. n o ,' 4s5431 B-s57 P-zss D*, 15:26 2.AMENDMENT. (a) This restriction shall be deemed amended to increase the size of permitted residential improvements to the Property by any amendment or repeal and reenactment ol Ure Town of Vail zoning ordinances, or any change in interpretation of the I present law which may have the effecl of increasing the allowable size of residential improvements in the Two-Family Zone Distdct witnin ne Town ol Vail. \ (b) This agreement may not be amended or terminated without the prior written approval of the Town of Vail. 3. ABANDONMENT. This restriction shall be deemed abandoned, null and void and of no further effect at the time when any of the following occurs: (a) The Property is no longer zoned by the Town of Vail (or ib municipal successor) for residential use; or (b) The Town of Vail (or its municipal successor) revokes its limitations to the size of improvements to residential real eslate or ceases lo enforce such zoning code restrictions. /&^, o, I,/t t STATE oF U-'I--Z-I--L t-*oylz, ^, )ss. COUNTy OF a a_AgJ ) ,a FG 2 oFrl Building Restriction was subscribed and sworn to before me 1991, by BERNARD R. KRUEGER and 111']/ , N aU" ' Heuring Construction & Design, lnc. General Contracting P.O. Bo)( 48t4 .Vail, Colorado gl658 August 31, 1993 An&ew Knudtsen Town,of Vail Re: Gonzales Remodel Deai Andy, Per your request, this letter will confirm wrth you that Heuring Consfiuction & Design, Inc. understands that the DRB approved ooJor selections for the Gonzales remodel at this time are Olynpic #5593 "coffee'i and Olynpi c # 20224 eggshell.d ,.:;t/ f ^,,*-f /{*- $^a7*,/+s V'rbi^ f ,fi. s*-a5i2 ft..^^. ct6,.s Heuring Constuction & Design, Inc. also is awtre of the current situation with dre 41 n- Molynew half of the duplex, md we understand these colors may very well change ,.6 again. As you have indicated, Uo. Goirzales also reserver tnr .irgftt io *-rrt*ir,i k a the DRB any new color selections that she may wpnt. t''-' lvsS fl- 4r(3 Sincere$, /, ffti'l,i( 4Vy1{?tn / /.'&'r.-/ "-1*-..It t I c''.^LL/" Kevin T. Heurin President Fr i t= I O****orceBdno, .rRc I tre c runt dtextrr€ rlrrRtoRg *'fu {Hm?zeerz, lB tu u ThTa et EY.TO t/ r*r,,6ft-c- plrece ,o*, V/zz/qn,*,41q*g+ PIIOI{Er . PAcE t or I pAGEs . =f-/a/4r ' 'i FuReufir-r7-. TA a-e'' AvUEB Tfrr= fnqa,Ntita f rnfi7NffrzN T-tlffi I rfiue WE ,at6t1r- 10 Ntry+ffi&uu 7r'te ffitt up tMe @' m?T * p'p1>z' la*tld : rcF- ,r*&ru2+LEErfutwu*albeaWz,V,a*eV ARtE- . " T tTttuE TT.1* foa77*144yf/o*! ft-t'Jo TT'IE fl*ntu tw mY tror#ral (rt*na Trar: nyy*p+t+p u#E qy tuYa tE). fnuo+ AF 7aE /^!W/nffi:/aN &uzktteO 4)^t fh*E krtt r-n171on1 fi? . / rla BW- *Fz*-hwq 4?'( D lonto-Pr4"4a?' o N'1Tna)'i '- fhy trtmfiry pPry-*l rN 77fie mffi' /e' fi4# glrr1yi7ffif#P malrueun*tl t*tp bwg oF n?,ffi ft/+^J6 kt/tt- Exere rhE Ta UA/u+rt,trtAz fiAt+4/aM*t- L //fblt-a7v, #tn ff*a posToFFICEBO(5? t000L|0N$R|D€EL{op vA[.c0l0n Do6!6i0 !034766142 FAXro.t475.rol. .. rtEltlt r,la|'E!f,Erllr 'Project Application 4- z t-a- - Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and eno/ s,/. Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /B lock Filing h)a*-.n ,Z*a Zone - Comments: *cL Design Review Board on" J/s/q- Motion by: At* lt seconded o, &-o,^u t 4-o DISA PPR OVAL Summary: own Plan ner Statf Approval on"' {/ {/ 4 t Fr i tz lcn P i crca Br i ncr 39a476499t ' \rzrenprerceBdn$ Ar(rirr I ru I uRl PlANNrlt0 rNIlFt0RS *, Mrl eta.V, ftv,*'J D?t' ,*u*, laptn D$B' lf.fu 4e PA,\g PnoNBf fry' 2/ ctr pecetor/ PAGEs ,l)aw4, ltf -/ry r!.th%ry rt- Al,t hfu'/w fr'e ('k+ 6rn6al'- &tAaat & /n* n" f,o DnA aX+4*fir '//h//6: tt"v 2t/e*t'ce47' t't/e u'n?lJ' fri" f" it,rur* fi\ d^.Q, 'ayt'/*-" Fil'l'L fu !tr*Y-,, fr,r, //^ttw l,aut /r& Au'fni' fn/b'ry 4t1t-*r lt qlt A,r4, Ju+* f^t^/t wn'f'/t tr'* e p"* lafir "ldfr' /ry aili lutttt' D'Fh' ayV<n4"e /P,'u- calalt* urltl" WP / o*, N f ta'n"a' ilt'^n""' oNo,%,,: f ry'*,iC * yu^ 'fa"- lN r)'o A'i"dats - t'tttL lc 'an*d ' l)*') Loht4 #*.I\-, s05 476 61142 rAx \r0g 476 4g0lPoSY offlcEoo)( E7 lo00 Ll9t{sRloeE tooP v^lt cotoR^Do 016t0 Rtc'f l\{{v le93 ro: TOWa.A ya* - Dates 5-E-la IJETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Attns Attached Please Find: JX Progress Prints _ Plans Other Item No. No. of Copies Deecription Job No.. ?Yt Res flbn /^4oln - _ Specifications _ Shop Drawings The items listed _ For Review and _ As Requested Other above are: Conment AFor Your - Returned UEeAfter Review Remarks , (esktc,/\LD-B-6 fala/r,/urrq Page I TRAlt8000. DOC 4W' ^ fe€4'? +/,L.&fi/;L h )ls traN bh/-. lkzr1 cetl '0/ Byr NasL Copies to! . fr/o^ and6,/cwln PosT oFFlcE Box 57 1000 Ll0NsRlD6E L00P vArL c0t0RAD0 81656 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4g}l *t,l?ll#:l',"fi?,.*.t TRANSMITTAL il):, LETTER OF Tol _ Progress Prints _ Plans Other I Specifications Shop Drawings Date!5.'/.7J Job No. Re: Attn! fur4 Eru&a*tu- - Attached Please Find: The E items listed For Review andAs Requested Other above are: CommenL For Your Use I neturned After Review Remarks: By: Copies tos Page I TRAN8000 . DoC POST OFFICE BOX 57 '-F.* (ahr" hausu a/afs tf Wa/,q:a Abf ' l,lhio { Azzy' IOOO LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL COLORADO 8I65E 'lrc! rl ati r(.0!^ rtt!.or tF(! iitF A.,+7le 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 49ol TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o File Andy Knudtsen Apntl-+9.97 MEMORANDUM fl*t zt, t'trs@L--) Current development statistics for Warren Pulis Subdivision The numbers below assume built. SIte Coveraqe Allowed: Primary (6/91) Secondary (4/93) Total: Remaining (4/93) GRFA Allowed: Credits: Both 250's: Total Allowed: Primary (6/91) Secondary (4/93) Total: Remaining (4/93): the addition proposed for DRB review on April 21, '1993 will be 51 15.1 ft. 2993.1 ft. 1944.5 ft. 4937.6 ft. 177.5 tt. 4807.6 ft. 850.0 fr. s00.0 ft. 6157.6 ft. 3775.2 ft.'M*' 6101.2 ft. 68.4 ft. (To be used in Secondary Only) . See deed restriction. Primary may never expand. Approximately 52 square feet of mechanical area (GRFA) was converted to garage area (credit) and was not used in the addition done in 1993. This remains to be used at a later date. MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen April 1, 1993 Cunent development statistics for 51 Pulis Subdivision DRB review on April 21, 1993 will beThe numben below built. Allowed: Pdmary (6/91) Secondary (4/93) Total: Remaining (4/93) GRFA Allowed: Credits: Both 250's: TotalAllowed: Pdmary (d91) Secondary (493) Total: 2993.1 4937.6 177 4f07.6 ft. f tuo.o n. ,/ 5oo.o ft./ ersz-6-n ,prl\ \ 2 afas?9t4'z ZONE CHECK eb^, R, R P/5olo*u orrr*rJ DArE: 1-/ , t LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,ot./ er6ck 'FiIing 7'-' , r:.tt ZJI ,: ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE , I t--..n.lL." l (f,LnergnL tJ'' r-Potal GRFA -FriT-drlF-€*F*- -t'econdary GRFA ,-Setbacks /.", ., .i /L/'( L ll a 5, .,- )t; ,,'?-, 1/\:"(, | "' - \ .? (t . , t.. - S)/S I[t t\ | ti ' - ]],J tt, iC Allowed Existinq Proposed Total co(i:r, '/ \1. -/ ulstv t L'i ) t 7 q 24 425 425 s 7)-t ty /)YlL i.r tL..(: -#-(i Front Sides Rear =_, 3|'-z.L_ 20, 15, 15, (30) (s0) \{i5.1 "- //( -1Ji-n-/n-.- i .t44.5 l_ lt \4<.3 I (, r-t; I ''j 4' 1 112ssy f74 I I Actual. Slope ytd t-/,,a.g4 -/ approved by Town Engineer: _ No ,,,/ tct-j..i . ,--k ,t /U Geologic Hazards I- Ilrsrrrd ,t"-l(300)l6ooy'(e0o)' \-'- Dorm i l- l- r:d Q l nno 1.t I A' Yes r.) z) 3) Flood Pl-ain Percent Slopett k ("'' ,?r; 5., ,.. 2 //I i / (" L ') '/3. I .//q \ c lr, r ;/ dll /"^ 'll " 5 .'...(/ tt s a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands lc t . L'r/ "-( cc.r, "4-.- uPrevious conditions of approval (check property file) : ,,,f-_^: . 'Does this request invol-ve a 250 Addit ion? t 1-/') "dow much or Cne allowed 250 Addit.ion is useEffiFis request ? z-\'2, . **Note: under sections L8.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two Family and primary/secondary which are Less than15r000.sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwerling unit. Thecommunity Deveropment Depart,ment nay granL an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set fort.h underSect.ions 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code inctudingpermanently restricting t.he unit as a long-Lerm rent,al unit for fuLl-time employees of the Upper Eagl_e Valley. -f'tater Course Setback '-Site Coverage "t'andscaping .detaining wall Height.s ,'{arking ,/^t^g. Credit n{rive: "{iew Corridor Encroachment : ,Er,/*, i ton*an t. a 1 / Ha z a rd s : ^i 10 '77 ^1-r"/ u y'- /a '"7 "/ F-'1''>a71/. t,r/ .t/aI u,, --7 ''/ .//' - -1 ,' I n^' /-o ,o -, /._t2 ( ,.,, ,r1 "w2r'? -A -- ^, /_ ,..,, ,rf /7t,_..,t I.-2 02 -?> > .r-2' "l'ru/91--'--" '/-')'' \''2>/ 2H/ / 'y' e J 7 ^'*"'o + 7 -zo/+-r H.m,' W.-,*' l-tat)Cl 'w-|7ty<'- f)]l -5 )n,7 l)y-.,5 .n, lnn -1 oL ePh \s c'n'o'-"-?/ vt14 2 ro7 q -L 1z{7 (.op) -St LL (olt) ,-.t7 w,"z2J, Q-,C T asz2 s.z\ z \/ oq 7 /'t 7 *t'/?y t a/9/V >a- 1:-,-n7--,22.. --v/ *h=-rz-1.-s I .tN\r -=>' . ',"'-- _s tL/ ') ts17 /l \{ 2/// \' ,^ vwl r+( ///- ? -czz-9 a e53 -z 'Lat,/ tV t.t, r 2ls/ ,lnt' - l,l,(f T 'ttlly -s,b/b/ (t4b) {-. / t4.jz (,n/r) / stts Vr/f/ H.**/ 7 t't7// 22ur?/ -r' -J OMA F r April6, 1993 Review of 250 expansion and exterior color change for the Molyneaux/Gonzalos Duplex located on Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision/l628 Vail Valley Drive. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM ffilQnzalesPara,rtm, (B15l*5"'dLauraNash IjP XnOy+<t(dtsen, Town Planner The Town of Vail Community Development staff had scheduled the proposed 250 expansion and exterior color change for the Molynqaux/Gonzales Duplex for April 21, 1993. The applicants have notified us, through their,architect, thattheywould like to table the item until May 5, 1993 in order to refine the exterior design and color proposal. lf you are interested in discussing the exterior appearance of the duplex with the DRB, please attend the May Sth meeting. lt starts at 3:00 o'clock p.m. in tfie Town of Vail Council Chambers. Please call me if you have any questions before then. I can be reached al 479-2138. i?, qlnlqt t i--':v */ 4 IiI| (l)rv,) dr ' ,u-4(tt{1n *'(t t'\t " tl\or ) ,-,1^ t/t,r, C"'l B;tl ,r4 ' t'"-^- ^ ''\|/ ^ /./ -( L-47AI n /(t< |l) NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing an application on April 21st, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Gonzales Residence located at 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision. Applicant Pilar Gonzales Parra The applications and inlormation about the proposal are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on March 26, 1993. PUBLIC NOTICE rt o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing an application on April2lst, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet ot Gross Flesidential Floor Area for the Gonzales Residence located at 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision. Applicant: Pilar Gonzales Parra The applications and information about the proposal are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on March 26, 1993. rt o {A(p_A {a 11*fffi,,^J s/r'lrs @g tta"-4-' (t N{r,* nls lt\or kd 31'a fes_n- u( to oo Department of Community Deaelopmcnt March 26, 1993 Laura Nash FriElen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Gonzales residence, Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision Dear Laura: As we discussed on the telephone on March 19, 1993, the DRB will not make a final decision regarding the recently submitted Gonzales addition until color chips are submitted for repainting the Molyneux/Gonzales residence. Please submit letlers from both the Gonzales and Molyneux parties agreeing to the use of the colors that you will present and stating the date when the structure will be painted. Since the current color on the house has been a concern to the Town Council, I thought I would write you and make our position clear as early in the review process as possible. Please call me if you or your clients have any questions. rk"t TOWN OF VAIL 75 Soatb Frontage Roril Vail, Colortdo 81657 t 0 t -479 -2t t I / 47 9 -2I t 9 Town Planner Io Betum to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW _ ,t t t I t/ r) ,.t/-> k l/,<.1 l-/.-t'" \ l/f r\et\ra a PBOJECT: -//14 L a.- ('-€ S kJ/,/ ^1 DATE SUBMITTED:A.E /f DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:- t -/2<t:4 z( .,.J J ', (, o'ry.. s h zLu\ 44iS ft* -G .,"--- /l1 ,l,.ro-4r.v P (r^,= .-s B--," Vr',, ,l -y-U*t\ PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by:Date: Comments: D,= ( (>P r",l d Fv- Z c4.\, /k^/-/l f r, /q73 oo Retum to INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW IGZY Uo'( Q* 7o'ks U.-t-Z Bp.'v.- PROJECT: ,4--d/,/ ^1 DATE SUBMITTED:4.8/f DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 4--7. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ?{a 4 tr( -.JJ:&,^s h a,^ e4t\ tL- J;--..-''- /uy J*fA, P (*'= ,3 B.--- k'r..,4 J "ft-.n /PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by:(-tlDate: 5l z-L lq3 Comments: 4hqq\$}, Pat { Fv-- z ^_ ry lz, /q?30," {- (> oo Retum lo INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW IGZK (/n'( UJA PY-'16- PROJECT: i / lt /6 rn Z a-- L' s rft-&d; h tt1 DATE SUBMITTED:4.6/f DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 4-'7. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 7<u 4t 5( ^-J/:(to^s h a,,\ -e4r\/uy J*?4ry + (*.= rr ft^' J; --"-'B--^ f',,,4 / -T-t'4 / 3--z?: i:PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: .%: r.tr-;- ..', /.--,,.?-,'C , ,i'1 'r,-z---. . -' '.. ?' -)-/ ttrir.d t l,Jql 4D \N\Nt*'td F at { Fv- z o,-\- /k^ft/l ^/ D,= ( (>lq, /q?3 Golf Gourse Terrace Torlatromes Coudominiuu Assoclationc/o Crossroade RealtY 143 E. Meadow Drive Vall' CO 81657 Attn: Don Adel Donald & Frances Dlones 5701 S. Jasulne Errglewood, GO 80111 Cupid Ltd. c/o Fred Otto Bor 3149 Va1l, CO 81658 Zf.fi :>l'c'I'v\" VA-.f^. vl _l./!e cu+ut PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Heview Board will be reviewing an application on April 21st, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Gonzales Residence located at 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision. Applicant: Pilar Gonzales Parra The applications and information about the proposal are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL I / ooMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT 1 | Published in the VailTrail on March 26, 1993. n/ /- /^il I,/l I . L,o nrt tzlenPlerceBrlner ARCHIIEC TURE PIANNIN6 INTER,IORS LETTER OF TRANSUITTAL '.ror lnna \Veil. flat^'l",n Date 3 b'w.qv Plans Other _ Shop Drawings Item No. No. of Copies Description 9 e/,tz' 6r Ol% q)by\rs1L6^ Job No. q%I Re: Attn! kAt t Y-+nd+"o * Attached Please Find: _ Progress Prints' _ Specifications @ter-rdf hr p'6^S^* * The items l-isted _ For Review and _ As Requested Other Remarks: above are: Cornment For Your Use Returned After Review YdJilf, By: Copiee to: POST OFFICE BOX 57 lO00 LIONSRIDgE LOoP VAIL CoLORADO 0t656 303 476 6342 FAX JO3 4?6 4g}l,ttrtt|l|'tt rc.6.a anDnc t Page 1 TRANSOOO . DOC ENET,N^ WE'T EIEVANON EtEvATto+l !'st' tgpq NK7-5 ---rr\,r \ s4' jt:f)y f?,W' 8go At +g"e tl.14' *-7; u:,10' .,,.,{ ,'^"V:,ZliNh^-* 'rl'L,u{ ,rr17/ N 640 rrt ,a "w 6'oq' R\ \D t d rf, 981'ttt2-41- VaVt- \t\..v-/ta a1' " "/.- -/.o h6l'lbn r\\s\(S\\n\ lk ,4ol t6g7;; OOMMAN AYEA .o14 xcK?9 i io Fi n sli.i\ $ B B tn 62,1-' LN .-", ':.' 1:tli L ) APi'LI(]AII(]IT FOR PROPERTIES II{ FOR AODITIONAL GTIFA EICTSS OF ALLOI./ASLE GRFA P()? Perty Date of Dote of Appr lcat ron_!_t6_.J 3 DRB neetlag !.:21 '1) A pre-lppllcatlon conference with a member of the plnnnlng staff is stronqivensourased to discuss the provtstons undir, *nrin-a5iliidiiit -anre iin'dl"liitoto a slte. It should ue ulroiiiidil-tiii_*'ii iijoiri'iiJ"ii., no, assure each oan addt'ionar 2s0 square^icii ii-enrn,'-'nair..r, trie'orciri^l."lir;;;"i;, !i"15z5Q sqggre. _feet if iertain Cdujitiill.,lr'are nret. Appllclllons for addtt'|onr under thls section,tre.comptcte, Thls l'c_lu,tri ai.l iiiii"iiersnuesr9n Revtew Board submittat requirgnents, A. PROJTCT OESCRIPIION: B. L0CATION 0F pR0pOSALr AddrBsg Vail Val1 Legrl Descrtptlon: lot Block Filt c, wlll not be accepted unlesr thevrequlrecl on thts for.rn os well as- nzalA edena' (enodel and wt a flnll certlflcate of occrrpincy, property owners and of owners of'ls avallab'le from the Eagle Count zone olstrt * fnnatq/ Acr)1da.g r{Al'lE 0F AppucAr{T, Pt.lar Qnfutes farre- l. Vrrlflcatlon that the unlt has received2, Names and lnalllng addresses of rdJacentunlts on the same lot. This infoimation Address Oteffa nntrfileuco , DF ttooo hone d,- 5za -64b7 O, IIME OF APPLICANT's RTPRESENTAIIVEI F. Pierce Addres s phone 476-6342 E. i,|Al4E 0F 0}INER(S Pr lar het4zol,rrtu Slgrrature(s |El 7)12----= hone - 629--elo1 F, Filing Fee of $200.00 ls required at tinre of submittal !_3D.2_ The folto"'!lg Informatlonr in qddttion to Dn0 cubnlttal requtrementrl shall brrequlred wlLh thls Eubnlttal: Asgertor,s offlce, 3, Condocr{nltrm cssociailon tpprovr'l (lf 4. Exlst'ing floor plrn of gtructure. rppl lcabl c ). 2F tlaoo Your proposal wlll be reylewed for compllance wlth Vall,s Comprehensive pl v SUBJECT PROPERTY: 1.628 Vail Valley Drive (Unit 1A)Lot 1, warren Pulis Subdivision ADJACENT OIINERS: 1528 Vail Valley DriveLot 2, warren Pulis Subdivision Donald & Frances Diones 5701 S. Jasmine Englewood, CO 80111 1548 Spring HiIl Drive (Unit 18)Lot I, Warren Pulig Subdivision Cupid, [td.c/o Fred Otto Box 3149VaiI, CO 81558 GoIf Course Terrace To\'r'nhomes Condominiun Associationc/o Crossroads Realty 143 E. Meadow Drive vaiJ_, co 81658Attn: Don Adel tt Page 1 ADOWNER.DOC 01-Feb-93 l.b \ {q =. q :l\ --s\ ilJ -\- \)2 ro \J sv_oIu \\) cf,t\ 3ts$s{s \ -\_$f\:s SE€ -i NR\ s\S+:s S ssKF.R 3 ].,=€: + \^ €_$ :5Rs- -a -a- 3\.-J \- I. A. Irr t \rr , .r,rti, ,,,, v , rovircd 9lll9l qoLoRADo ffC'D l{Ai| 7.'6.qn s 1995t D![B APPI.TGATION - IOWN OF VAI!' D^rE r\PPl,rcarroN FECEIY:? : DATE OT DRB MEETING: r'rs-rpp'rcf,i#r*:Ulloi' i!"3#;??'""gNlIIr ef,f. RIQUIA**.*.**' t DESCRIPTION:ffif-_sLMbaAonzaleg'enco B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Coillstguct ion [^oot.l'ott ($so'00) C. ADDKESS: ZONING: (9200.00) ---Minol A]!eraclon tlii:t CorlcepLual Review (tu) appricinc must l?b'iT "ouj Subdlvisign WarreqPulis Suhrli:ei's.1oD--- rf properry is-o#G*a,iY :-*?"ls and bounds lesal des-crlption, .prease.l:3Y::t on " tlpilite sheet' and :;;;;;';;-ii'ii aPPricatron' rtflarql*anAar' tOT AREAI If required' liimJeo uurveY shewlns NAME OF APPI.,ICANT: l.talling Address: Iot area ' /"h n.NN4E OF Mai l j.nq Phone APPLICATTT,S REPP'ESENTATIVE: Addrees:Phone I. /'-"2 NAME OF TSIGNAEOITE (S) : za/s avrF Phone condonlnlum APProvat tf appricable' EEE I 20.00 $ 5Cr ,00 $100 ' 00 $200 -00 s400 ' 00 $500 .00 * DESIGN BE'VIEII BOIRD EIPRO\'}!-EXPIRES ONE YEAB ETTEN' TINAI repRo\ru unr.rsiTEuiLilxo rr*,iiT-g ii;uio nro coNSrRUcrIoN STIBAED. iTNO IPPLICIEION ITIIL EE PROCISSED WTtrIOUjr OIINI8' S SICTI,IURE DRB FEE: DRB f,ees' as Ehown-a?9Y?: are to be pald at rhe r.irne or supmrltii tr on.n,annli"iiion' llt"Il *h ili lli* i:l':'tii; :i^l i:i;i$ii: i : "' ; ^l.;* I'L' $3 "vrill adiust tne ':iu"i"t'otoilg^t" int t'ant" berow' Lo ensure rhe correci-rii-i" palo' orr raag, g fuZ- FEE SCTIEDULE: VALUATIONr o - I 10,000 lll:Btt:l '33;!!! !*iirtt = ir;lllilll dresg: \- NA],IE OF PROJECT: V LIST OF MATERIALS ee kuAu*, IEGAI, DESCRIPTION:Lor-J[_BLOCKi t/ail'VDriuoSTREET ADDRESS: DESCRTPTION OF PROJECT:.-" suBDrvrsro* Mtrw b?O The folfowing information is Review Board before a flnal A. BUILDING }4ATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials reguired approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAL to the Design COLOR ?frrlf, ryrA FrinalJ c(o 'Fasci.a Sof f it.s Windows Window Trim . Doors ' Door Trim Hand or Deck Flues Flashings Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses tOther B. LANDSCAPING: NAME Of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES mafuh r.vtEhi{ Raifs ... BotanicaL Name Common Name /2 ouantitv Size* 4n Ltt_J-v-_tu EXISTING TREES REMOVED . ..n;I11t[-1.'; . l ,T'n Aapqt 4 + n 4PrU@ 7 O/-O"+ Minimum caliPei for height for coniferous.degiduous trees. Designer: Phone: . i -, cali hches. Indicate PLANT MATERIATP Botanieal Name Co^rnon Ut Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SIIRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qaLlon.of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is -.9 h Square Footaqe cRouND covERS Nahw 6{a*ect h renal soD SEED TVDtr OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTRO]-,' IANDSCAPE LIGHTINGi'if exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number."of*f,ixtures and-locations dn a separatetighting plan. Identlfy.each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and t,ype of light, proposed. -g' D.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUBES. (retaining walls, fences, swimrningpools,,etc.) Pfe.asd;lppecify. Indiiate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum helght of waLls within the front setback is3 feet., Maximun..hbight-bf walLs efsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. ?rrrr* LocArroN **r.r.oril SUBDIVI SION Warfen Pulis Subdivlsion NAME bnznlee KodawJOB LOT BLOCK FILING Vail Villaee 2nd ADDRESS 162P' yeil Vattev Driwe The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main Lrunk l-ines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe followi-ng utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Siqnature Date U. S. West Communications L-800-922-t981 4 68-68 60 or 94 9-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary HalI Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Herit.age Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle VaI1ey Water & Sanitation District * 4'7 6-'7 480 Fred Haslee 4 \'uL I -]v-q? ,z-,2 9--/3 /-zt-yr NOTE: location. This should be used in coniunction withpreparing a utility pl-an and scheduling instalLati-ons. For any new construction proposaJ-, the applicant must provide a completed utilj-ty verification form. 3. If a uLility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should note directly on the utility verification f orrn that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. If the issue is relatively complicated,it should be spelled out in detail in an attachedIetter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of theutility company and owner to resolve identified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility compani-es, and no conments are made Cirectly on the form, the Townwil} presune tllat there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5. These veri-fications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibiJ-ity to obtain a street cuLpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut perrnit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * P1ease bring a site p1an, floor p1an, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley water e Sanitation signatures. Fire fLow needs must be addressed. 14-q? l-2Eq3'\ $d\._{,.'.-.\ \ffiY)q-This form is to verifv servite availabilitv and o sFR, R, ZONE CHECK FOR R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DArE: ?'lO'1V LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Firins NArfow Pulta AubdWqarU all' Ot6 - ?/o- &'1 ADDRESS lbb v/!tl vol ARCHITECT ZONE D]STRICT\ PRoPosED usn fthide'vl\Nt ' " **ror srzE 25, 079 .|' Height Tota} GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Water Course Site Coveraqe Landscaping 1 Retai4ing WaII Parking Garage Credit Drive:' Allowed (30) (33) 4f"7'0 +' &. =J/16 Existinq Proposed Tot,aI?o MItuW %,y^,^n,t ?,116 10o0,1- 1,116 HeighLs YeS- N ,1) Flood Plain ' lf;':]i ,ili;l,r,,,,'..3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancine-l),@- -a 4q7,4 - l? / 1.2 ,n/4.- b5+'25 .l./+'-ntt Front Sides Rear Setback + 425 =_l,WQ .2Q' 15' 15' (30).(s0) 7%2,b 6,ile;l ' 4t 41,7 +7oV,15 3t /6' . Reqrd (300) (600) (900)Gzoo) bao o/\ I :2) Percent Slope n/tu b)Rockfall halllt-c) Debris Flow rw'r4' Aea alrad'v* 4) 9{etlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this reguest involve.a 250 Additionl +- .12How nuch of the alLowed 250 Addition is used-witfr this reguest? '/OA **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Fanlly and Prinary/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area nay not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Depart,rnent may grant an exception to tbis restriction provlde& the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and LE.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fuII- time ernployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope ha C*Afga tuDate approved by Town Engineer: -'\.1\ ') ', ') nat altu TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM File Andy Knudtsen June 7, 1991 Status of GBFA for Lots 1A and 18, Warren Pulis Subdivision Since the June 3 letter was written to Ron Snow, the division of GRFA between Lots 1A and 1B in the Warren Pulis suMivision has changed. After conversations with George Merima, the project architect, as well as a review by Bill Pierce, the local representative, the plan dated May 16, 'l 991 has been revised in two areas. First, the slorage closet on the south side of the structure has been removed, reducing the GRFA by 12 sq. ft. Second, the west facing wall of the garage has been shifted one foot to lhe east, reducing the GRFA ol the structure by 21 sq. ft. With these modifications, the lotal area ol3,749.1 was reduced by 33 sq. ft.' resulting in a GRFA of 3,716.1 . One of the conditions of approval for this expansion was that the area behind the master bedroom closet not exceed 5 feet in height. When this section was provided showing this area, it became apparent that a portion of this area did exceed 5 feet in height. As the attached seclion shows, the area 2112teet behind the closet doors exceeds 5 feet in height, which is 60 sq. ft. in area. By adding 60 sq. ft. to the modified GRFA shown above, the resulting GRFA is 3775 sq. ft. This number is acceptable to the applicants for the Molineux 250. The attached table, which is modified from the June 3letter, shows thatwith this expansion, there willbe247.4 sq. ft. of GRFA remaining on the site for the secondary unit. The primary unit is as large as the site can accommodate, has used the 250, and may never be enlarged. The attached deed restriction provides additional information regarding the fact that the primary may never be enlarged. Primary Secondary l ,O,l Total Allowable------------- 4,807.6 Credits-------- - +425----------------------+425---------- +850.0 5.65?.6 Allowable with t <! ) Kruger 250---------------------+.!50-- i--------------;l-"i. ^---------- + 250.0 11,'a1,rr) (fl1't'it1 5,907.6 GRFA Breakdown with Proposed Addition-----------3,775--- 1,885.2--------- -5.660.2 GRFA Remaining----------------0-------- -247.4---------- 247 .4 -* Secondary unit may apply for 250 when eligible according to Section 18.71 ol the Vail Municipal Code. ) 7,-J'. ' TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{ E}iT OF COlvl:vlLiNITY D EYELO P}IENT' S.TLES ACTION FORM ZCiTL\G .fu\D A DDRESS !'IAPS0t 0000 4 r510 LINT.':O L\{ B UILDh*G C O D E 0l 0000{24t5 UM FOR.\{ PLUVA L''*C COD E 0l 0c0042415 uM FOR.\'t j\{Ec HA}'IC.r. L CO DE0l 0000 42.il5 UNIFOR,\' FIRE CODE0t 0000{2di5 N,\TIONAL ELECTRJC^L CODE oTl.tER coDE looxs 0t 000012{ t5 0t 0000 {24 t5 ILUE FRDTIS OIYLARS)0t 0000 .l t 5{3 0t 0000 r24 t 2 >:EROX COPES / S'iUDIES 0l 00c€123?l PENA I.TY FE ES / R E-I,''-'S PECT] ONS 0l 00c0 .t t 332 | pL,Ly REVISV RE.CHECX FEg [S..0 FER tiR.l 0t 00co 42323 OF }IOURS t\lsPECTION FEES CONTL\CTORS LICE\S ES FLES0l 0000.il4r2 SION APPLICATJON FEE 0t co00{t330 .01 cs004l4r3 ADDITIONAI, SIGNAOE FEE ISI.OC "ER SO.IT.0l 00004!{t3 VTC ART PROJECT DONAT]ON PRE PAJD DESIGN REUNVIOARD FEE0t 0000 ,r r 33t 01 0000 42371 rNvESrrGATioN rEE (BUTLDTNG) i ,oTA" our, R ALTER,{T]ON IIiORETHA.''I ICO SO.FT DEVELOPITENT DISTRICT f hu.r.NO0l 0000jr3 * * * t* * * * * * I RECEI?T- Torndt$ la i '""N:- 4603? (, i t.c,. RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS TOlrll.{ 0F lJFlIl* Miscellrwrs Cdt B3-16-93 15r 5l r 47 ReceiPt * 118657 Flcceunt * CK # 5318' 5517 ir,HEF,irsrrr,ITeLEH' PIERcE' BRISER\DRB FE inounl tendered ) ?5&'00 I te{r Paid hounl Paid B1SEBB4133t 669 ElBSBE4t33SOS8 thange returned :' ss.68 266.66 B.6E THFIb{}< \.EL' Vaur caghier REFTHff }] r-) tss,\. \ a.)ol Irn I 1r) t{ c, (, .r{ $ o ,-t r-t id (n 60 .rl .rl (l) E-{ 4 '1it'! cq H :i Hq n o.l o uJF 2 z oJ f c6 z I I I I .Fl<ra I I cnlo\lI' cnl I I oo zv. E cn Or I a,.) I qJ (d u) (d F- (n uJ UJ F = UJ(L '/9/g * 6f<ara,(.)Ca l!J |ll ='r OE|!tunz.-= HoBI<F 6ztt< h Rste F FIH rrl o q) o (! .9 o-o. -c\ ; A v, ss E o ! (t o)ooo E c o =f o o6 '.g c .9oq) 6 o c .9 .2.: _o\!-(,\ R o) '= s -(rl 3 F q) o o) b ooo f o f !, .9 =:t I' (rt li ' (! at D (! q) (s .=o ! 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N ii z '-t E F EFz z IO IJJ = frir tlt b2 JE<o()F;s ;F =z t 2? =<>(rfF!zEO F UJF'r -rO<F L!<zEUJF(rzo(J )<c)<59 fo 8trtr \-.r' DATE: -;".ilr-J- ,d6q , AppLrcATroN uusr BE FTLLED OUT COUPT.ETELY OR rr UAy NOT BE ACCEPTED l.04' ' tr** ****** * * * * * * ***t************ PEIIIIIT INFORI{ATION **** * * * * *********************rl TOWN OA VArL CONSTRUCTTF ^ r,/, PERMTT r@ "t*1il3:""* to* ,.rrJ t {' ^nb /(-Buildrnnn[ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical t l-]techanigrl t l;lther Job Narne: (An Job Addre"", /L*, /','lz{ /t=/Zfz4 Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing o'"77J2'"'Address: Architect: ceneral Description: tfork Class: [ ]-New , tlpmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/Pellet_vIr************t******************** VALUATIONS *********************************tl Zlp4pQv*ot e Nunber of Accomrnodation Units: tiullprNc: ?,*7f:Jffi Er,EcrRrcAt z | 2t tyrj _ orHER: $urcnar.rrcai-lWe TOTAL: Number of Dne1ling Units t / * * * * * co*rRAcroR rNFoRltATJoN * * * * * * ** * * * *Z 4dt*nffi*'* P* * of vail Reg.- NO. Address: VZ/ gH/q' l/Az, . b QA<R r2e) Phone Number: 67-q. Electrical contractor. - //"t ry // '- " ' 4tb// ) Town of vail Reg. No._Address: - Phone Number: Plunbing Contractot' El L)P / 37/'2rn//f()/./ Town of Vail Reg. NO.-Address: Phone Number: 6i4rorn of vair' - Phone Number: Mechanical Contracfort ,/zt / Y< LzZUrurtU/nAAa" )Town of VaiI Reg. NO._ Address: ***************************oFFrcE usE ****************************** BUTLDING PERUIT TEE: PLI'MBING PER}TIT FEE: I'IECHANICAI, PER}III FEE : ,n.ffi/2 ffi-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-otber 6) BUTLDING PLAN CHECK FEE! PLI'!,'BING PIAN CHECK FEE3 UECIIANTCAL PIAN CIIECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNATIJRE: Conments: c (s;/. EIJCTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ) /d/tep7 Slarx (ada CI.EAI|"I'g DEPOSIT BEFIIilD TO: I , ||al 75 soulh fronlage rord Yeil, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 luwn u TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT,'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash duurpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pubJ.icpf?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxirnateiy 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be striLlly enforced by the Toirn of VailPublic works Department. persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove-said rnaterial .fn tbe event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice withj-n the 24 hour time specified, the puUfic WorksDeparturent will renove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snltt not bEapplj-cable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. tnant you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Date f 75 roulh frontlgc road r.ll. colondo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 ottlc. of sommunlty d.ldopmcnt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t requt:res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (.fgb1ic Wopks) reyiew and approval, a planning'Department review or Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Builiing Department, the estimated tirne for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commerc'ia1 (large or smal'l) and a'll mu1ti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispennit as sqon as possible. I, the unders'igned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. r et was n ./-2 Communi ty Devel opment Department. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: GONZALES REMODEL DATE: 6-22-93 1/toxtr'6 ADDRESS: 1628 VAIL VALLEY DR CONTRACTOR: l€DD€ CONST VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V ARCHITECT: FRITZLEN.PIERCE ENGINEER: MONROE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adoptcd codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQInRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC. 1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 2. ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTION BETWEEN GARAGE AND DWELLING WITH A 20 MINUTE DOOR AND CLOSURE REQUIRED. 3. AI*IY ELECTRICAL BQUIPMENT OR APPLIANCES IN THE CARAGE REQUIRED TO BE 18" OFF FLOOR. 4. lJ-L GUARDRAILS TO COMPLY WITH SEC.17I2 OF TIIE 199I UBC. 5. ALL HANDRAILS TO COMPLY WITI] SEC.33O6 OF THE 1991 UBC. 6. MECHANICAL LIGHT AND VENTILATION REQUIRED AS PER SEC.12O5 OF TTIE 1991 UBC. 7. A SOILS REPORT IS REQTJIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION CAN BE OKAYED. o From the desk of...Andv Knudtsen Wr1,f""/66va-(& !n,*h &"-('(o tttt at>'-r e- tt- 4-'z 4 N- fL- A**f /v\ s.-.v, L ttt-. dL"-e/ L'' 3 ' uo; le o-^ / o /z-'/ lu' l*l Heuring Construction & Design, lnc. .'j. August 31,1993 Andrew Knudtsen Town of Vail Re: Gonzales Remodel \ .Vail, Colorado gl658 t-.^ /rr5 ft- drs ta#{z'Yd /.'64r..-f "o{"--' Sincerep, flr Kevin T. President hlnter-Mountain ,1]\a.qineerinqLrd SOILS AND FOT'NDATION TNVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED ADDITION LOT 18, WARREN PULIS SUBDMSION TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COttNTy, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: HET'RING CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NO. 93601G SEPTEMBER 1993 Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 94$5072 Denver 89&1531 1420 Vance Street r Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone: 232-0158 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONCLUSIONS SCOPE SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUBSURFACE AND GROIJNDWATER CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATTON RECOMMENDATIONS SI,AB CONSTRUCTTON GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTEM REINFORCING CRAWL SPACE COVER BACKFILL AND SURFACE DRAINAGE I,AWN IRRIGATION MISCELLANEOUS TEST LOCATION SWELL-CONSOLIDATTON TEST RESULTS GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PERIPHERAL DRAIN SYSTEM 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 I DRAWING NO. 1 FIGT]RES NO. 1 F'TGURES NO. 2-3 FIGI'RES NO. 4 1 CONCIJUSIONS 1.Subsoil conditions are non- uniform over the site. The areasurrounding test #t is withinexisting filI rnaterial consisting oftopsoil, sand, construction debris and org'anics.The excavation surrounding test #2 consisted of 1 foot of topsoil, over 3 feet of sandy GRAVEL. Around test #3 the soil exposed consj-sted of 3 feet of topsoil over sandy GRAVEL. 2. The proposed addition should be founded on undisturbed sandy GRAVELon conventional spread footings designed for a maximum soil bearingpressure of 2,OOO psf.'r'ne excavation for the addition at the northwest corner of the existing residence should be overexcavatedthrough all the fill and into the underlying undisturbed sandy GRAVEL. 3. As per ordinance #5, theofficial rnaps for the Town of VaiI were reviewed.The lot is not classified as geologically sensitive area. SCOPE This report presents the results of a Soils and Foundatj-on fnvestigation for the proposed structure to be constructed on Lot 18, Warren Pulis Subdivision, Town of VaiI, Eagle County, Colorado. The investigation was prepared by means of open hole inspection of the excavations and laboratory testing of samples obtained from these excavations. The purpose of this foundation exploration was to determine the various soil profile components and the engineering 2 characteristics of the foundation materials, and to provide criteria for use by the design engineers and architects in preparing the foundation design, from a geotechnical point of view. SITE I,OCATTON AND DESCRIPTION The site is 0.109 Acres Lot, Located at 1628 GoIf Terrace in Colorado. The topography of the relatively flat. Drainage is to being the East half of the duPlex the Town of Vail, Eagle county, area for the proposed addition is the North SITE TNVESTIGATION The field investigation performed on September 2 ' L993 ' consisted of logging and sampling 3 excavated areas. The Iocations of the excavations for the proposed addition are shown on Drawing No. L. The excavations for the addition were excavated prior to our site visit. The soils below the foundation elevation were not observed or tested. AII of the sampl-es were taken at or near foundation elevation. Laboratory samples were obtained at selected intervals by driving a lrCaliforniarr hand sarnpler into undisturbed soi1. Granular soils were sampled by bulk sampling. These sarnples were returned to our l-aboratory, inspected and classified in accordance with the Unified SoiI Classification Systern and the test pit logs were edited as necessary. To aid in classifying the soils encountered, and to deterrnine general soil 3 characteristics, selected laboratory tests (moisture content, unit weight, grain size distribution, swell consolidation), were performed on representative soil samples. Summaries of the test results are shown on Figures No. 1 - 3. SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDTTIONS Subsurface conditions are somewhat erratic. The excavation for the proposed addition at the northwest corner of the existing residence was dug into an existing fit1, consisting of topsoil' SAND, organics and construction debris. The excavation at the northeast corner of the existing building had 3 feet of topsoil with roots and rock fragrnents over sandy GRAVEL. The excavation on the south side of the exist.ing buitding had 1 foot of topsoil' over 3 feet of sandy GRAVEL. No groundwater was encountered in any of the excavations at the tirne the soils investigation. The official maps for the Town of Vai], as per ordinance #5 were reviewed. The 1ot is not classified as Geologically Sensitive Area. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTTON No specific design data has been provided, but for the purpose of this analysis, it has been presurned that the proposed addition will consist of 2 floors without a basenent, and that loads will be tight. ff the proposed project differs significantly from this understanding, a review should be made after the plans are more 4 complete. FOUNDAT TON RECOI'TI.IENDAT IONS Sandy GRAVEL was encountered in the foundation excavation. The proposed ad.dition should be founded on conventional type spread footings designed for a maxirnum soil bearin€t pressure of 2,000 psf. At this pressure, settlements are anticipated to be approxinately one inch. The footings should be constructed on the undisturbed sandy GRAVEL. Excavations encountering soils other than sandy GRAVEL such as the excavation at the norttrwest corner of the existing resid.ence should be excavated further until the sandy GRAVEL is encountered. If sandy GRAVEL is not enqountered but the soil below the man-made fill appears suitabl-e this office should be contacted for additional sarnpling, testing and recommendations. The footings excavations should be relatively smooth, free of debris, organics, loose soil. frost, and standing water. Any over- excavations should be backfilled and compacted to 100 percent within 2 percent of optirnum rnoisture as deterrnined by a standard proctor test (ASTM D-698). A representative of this office should be contacted to inspect the foundation excavation to verify that the soil conditions are the same as those anticipated in this report. After all of the final footings should be covered for frost protection. grading is completed' the bottom of the with a rninirnurn of 48 inches of backfill Voids left bv the removal of cobbles in the botton of the f, footing excavation should be filled with lean concrete or a granular soil with a maximum particle size of 3 inches compacted to 1OO percent of standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698) ltithin 2 percent of optimum moisture. SLAB EONSTRUCTTON AIl excavations made for the foundations must be properly backfilled with suitable material compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). The on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable for use as backfill. Due to the high content of cobbles and boulders, it vriIl be necessary to screen out the larger rocks prior to using this material as backfill. Before the backfill is placed, all water and loose debris should be rernoved from these excavations. Prior to the construction of concrete floors, the undisturbed subgrade should be proof compacted witn a loaded rubber-tired loader to a uniform high density. Special care should be taken in areas where underground utilities have been installed. The floor slabs should. be reinforced, and joints should be provided at the junctions of the slab and the foundation walls, so that a srnall amount of independent movement can occur without causing damage. The slabs should be scored in accordance with the American Concrete Instituters recommendations to control cracking. A granular mat (-3/4 inch gravel, with less than 5 percent passing No. 20O sieve) should be provided below the floor slabs. This should be a nininum of four inches in thickness and compacted. 6 The purpose of this granular mat is to provide a capillary break between the subgrade and the s1ab. GROUNDWATER AND DRAIN SYSTE}'I while no ground water ltras encountered at the time the field investigation was conducted, it is possible that seasonal variations will cause fluctuatj.ons, or for a water table to be present in the upper soils during the spring months, or after a prolonged period of raj-n. A foundation perimeter drain as detailed on Figure No. 4 is recommended to reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the footing subsoils. RETNFORCING The foundation should be weII reinforced and rigid enough to withstand differential settlements. Foundation walls retaining earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pcf for an rractiverr case assuming a Ievel drained backfill condition. CRAWL SPACE COVER when moist soils are encountered in the excavation, the ground surface in crawl space areas should be covered with an impervious moisture barrier sealed against the footings. This will help to reduce humidity in the crawl space area. 7 BACKFTLL AND SURFACE DRATNAGE The backfill placed around the foundation walls must not settle after completion of construction and the top one foot of the backfill material must be relatively impervious. The on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil and organics, are suitable for use as backfill. Due to the high content of cobbles and boulders, it will be necessary to screen out larger rocks prior to using this material as backfill". Backfill should be moistened or dried to near its optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 9O percent of the rnaximum standard Proctor density. Structural backfitl should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maxj-mum standard Proctor density. Surface water running toward the structure from upslope areas should be diverted around and away from the building by means of drainage swales or other sirnilar measures. The final grade should have a positive slope away from the foundation r,raIls on all sides. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l-0 feet is recomrnended. Downspouts and si11 cocks should discharge into splash blocks that extend beyond the limits of the backfill. The use of long downspout extensions in place of splash blocks is advisable. IJAWN IRRIGATION Do not install sprinkler systems next to foundation wa11s, porches or patio slabs. If sprinkler systerns are installed, the 8 sprinkler heads should be placed so that the spray from the heads, under full pressure, does not fall within five feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled. If the future owners desire to plant next to foundation walls, porches or patio slabs, and are willing to assume the risk of structural damage, etc., then it is advisable to plant only flowers and shrubbery (no lawn) of varieties that require very little moisture. These flowers and shrubs should be hand watered on1y. MISCELLANEOUg The recommendations provided herein are based on experience in the area and fron the on-site field exploration. The information obtained from the field exploration and laboratory testing reflects subsurface conditions only at the specific locations at the particular times designated. Subsurface conditions at other locations and tirnes may differ from the conditions at these locations. If during construction condit,ions appear to be different, this office should be advised so re-evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Heuring Construction for the specific application to the proposed addition structure to be located on Lot 18, Warren Pulis Subdivision, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The findings and recommendations of this report have been prepared in accordance with 1oca1ly accepted professional engineering standards for sirnil-ar conditions at this tirne. There 9 i-s no other warranty, either expressed or implied. Sincerely, INTER-MOI'NTAIN ENGINEERING, LTD. M,*. Frr"'r^'', Luiz, Proj, Revi \'\ IJeff vige a Petrovska,ect Engineer ewed by: P. E.. Spanel-, sident VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWN HOMES lerrace \ VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWN HOMES Exis t ing East Half of Dupl e9:i::q:r:l)-?- / AddirionTest ill (Typ icat ) @ to TEST LOCATION Proposed Addition Lot IB, Warren Pulis Subdivision Twon of Vai1, Eagle County' Colorado Prepared for Hedr j-ng Construction psoJ€cr r:o.' 93601G cert , 99 le7 /L993sr^rc,'.-lt'=40, o) |.. (r d _J -JUJ a) z.o F o =o U',z -4 -6 0.1 SAl/iPLE . 1.0 LOAO (KSFI CF' Sand and Topsoil 10 lOO NAT.:\iOISTUAE CONTENI' 32.5 :i NAT DNY DEI.ISITY 82'7 PCFSWELL/PRESS. ln SAMPLC FLOODED ATI_::-K S F !lldAlll,,';erest # DEPT?I _1.5, I \ SWELL _ CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Proposed Addition Lot lB, Warren Pulis Subdivision Town of Vail , Eagle County, Colotado Prepared for Heuring Cons Eruction J J Lu =<4 I zIF o =o z O EOR ln*G NO. DEPI'II @ tu 0.r. SAI\4PLE OF. LoAo (KsFl 10 I.I AT. I\'IOISTU R E CONT€NT roo 70 sv/ELL,/PRESS.SAI'4PLE FLOODED AT-KSF NAT. DRY DEI']SITY pno.i€cr r..'o 93 F IGUC E \O PCF d o(J.rl .rl x 'rtoo.-1 -l 'r{trrbo lJoA] (! o IJF !.rl oJ i +J.O lr|-l t{ s)d !H o tr< d<!H oB > (-). o ^ r.H o 60 O r--{ (d 'r{A tr A r'.ou S cr JlrOOtrO D.< 8.{ b-{.rt -1. c.l -t ci Gl\o cn fitl t-{oq)>'U qJ tr (IJ .rl B F-r 14 d da ' I q b I o lA .( 6 :r o s .r o o 3 luaJ.jod .lI,.J ta tlJ F.trl ga o = c L!cl l I L) o af a :i : = -z =t{ () ), a, (f j ol p ul 0.)ts l>. loIt-lo Il=1.4 U) <t ;:l. i' t" lxl- z : tq0tn,\\ IO rJurjl lrrclJa(l \o o F(J tij o( c_ o t:J :)(2 c(. T z. F =to o:F (f) o u_J|l(D I =a.L o: 1 O €, ca IJo C)F o !z p B lqolaA\ rg 'rosroo3 lucr,admlm 'n_E_1-_!F!_1i_r_ffill C, F LJ c o UJ ) t- r f[f-fn-[--T-[-i-i-l]----ft'r1--li | |sffiLffi"ll6l-l-|--_+-F+--.l-Fi-i-i-r-r---i-_>- -r i-:i- i----i----r--- , -i_-- ; I i | -L-!-. t-=-:-l^ | i=. l-i-]-f---ri-l]--t-T-lr-r-ffi--i-]; I -ltt I tt I I I I | | | | I I | | I I I I t:llr ttlt I I I | | | I | | | | I ltt t,ll-i-i-j-I-l-l-tl-i-i--l-i-i-]--rT-l--il I' I | --i-.-_-l-i.-i_._L-L-!l-Lr--LLl-l--]-l I I I ll I lll l=ll__+--!_!-:!j--.]J_i___!_]-_t_ L | | | | | t_ua | .l -l-t-+--++-!-r--l I I I I | _! r | | ld | |.,!Fl--H-Fi--t---+-t-+-l-l-!-]--L_l | |...---i-i-i--i-i-i--.__i-l--llL|I'lr]--l::-_+i---_i_-t_r |,',,_, | | | | r/ | | | |q i--r-rT-r-r-l--i-l-il-i_t-j---ffi2n. | | |:ri-i I lll I | | i | | | r I I I I t/t I lll=:1 i_t_l_l_l I I L I I i I I I i I z,_L_l il llY ;-f-i-i-i l-_l I I -r-_r--T--i--r- i! s.-r-r-,.l-r-r-r-Ll l- l.-l | | l",ll l--l--l ;l l:i: .1-_.r_,1_l lll_t__t t_L | | | l vl | | ll=l llE:L_r_!!r i_-l_L--fi-r-.l--l-!_ZLil i tl.,'l fl ^d ;-i-'-i-+--i--F+l-+ -'-+--t-lJ'"1 | | H 3 rF_Fr_, -i_!:-i=f_i-i_i-j=#_jj_l=i_LJ -l | | r 1- T-i-;_ ]-i-i--i-i-i--:-.: +: , ' ,_:__t-__r_ | .\t r Flct _---j---i- , _:_--+-+_--]_.'_]--' '-|-1t_- L - _!::l_::t_J ,,|-,t:l Jr.Llllll I | | i I lyl I ll I I ll'l;lil E=;l lllllj_l l_i LVI_ILL|LII:1"[l d*'ilj-[-l-l-j-l-LU-j-[r[r-Ltl rl l-l e 3 -Ir:r_l_l_[f[j_rzl_r--r _I_[I[l I l:i rI .rJ:i_i_:T-j_L_r-|r-l-f-l-i--i-r r i I I r- r__!e oi ___i_____ _i_-___ i _:_,_ = .l-i-i-i--i-|-!l-l-i I I --l_-[Li--!:]J" I I I-- l-.i-i-------- lJ_+,:_4'_! '__L__l_ _,_!_t I I I,^ ._1._i_--_:_l*._L_r__-.r-_:_- !J_t____-!_ | r_l_l_Lt__l-_-,1_l l l l:1 : (:--i-i- r-:.--i -+---i-i___/_!_t_]_l | | _L_!_L__t_] _lll = ,r_ -l- i -i-i-r-- i-j'-i- i-----[-i--i-r-i-' I l;lfl:i I I I I I I I l/l I I | | | ' | | r | | rr-l F CL.< :trO z. Ff m g: t-(f) o UJ N @ I z. aa: .E Cd H .ri 'rJ >r atr.r1 ()0Fl r-l ..1trJbo ]JOAr t! O +Jtr F.ri C, . {Jd lr r.l'! o.O tr.r{ O 6< (0 dq oB> (-)'o .o (, .tH CJ b0 O !--{ (! .ri o]JBaJ,!oo!cJ l,l:t_rni_.i_i*-!_r r_r r]_r !_r | | tt_l ' .Fi-r,, -i - -t4l-l- i-l-l-Lr-Li-!-l-Ll | | | " il.-!-l- l-Izr,-t-l-]--l-i-l*rl-.Ll I t-l--l lsl-lo "-r--l-i+<]-FI I -;--i----i--i--'-----l-]-l--l-f-]: lSlil.( f_i_ i_i__i_i_i_i__r_ I __;_i._r_; i ! :_r- !____t I r)ilg .Er:t--!_-:-i-i_i- :-- !-r-r--]-,!-_r_L | ' | | ri-rj:F:==ifi==l_.i,==,-_=i=l3_:F==l==ie[--i ;+ I I I I I | | I | | I I t-tTil-t-fl= l I' l+-H+i-l-j-+-i-l-.1-i-H-+-l-l-l-l-1 | - | t-i-i-j-r-i-i-i-t |+-l-Ft+-H-H- I Ia IF=:ir+r:Jrrr=:J:ffi LJ 9c. t q 0l cA\ IB J J ul--l lu all aJ b{ b.e 5-! -.l \O af) O\ocO(\ -j' [[tl -lo(/)>'o o) li (s 'rl(J(nlt 93601c FOUNDATION WALL Iq.P. pNE_F_oOT oF BACKFTLLSHOULD BE RELATIVELY IMPERVIOUS FILL. SLOPEAWAY FROM BUILDING. GEOTEXTILE ![Lt0,l^^lfYN oR MINUMUM3,/4 tNcH. EoI=YETHE LENE LlotsruaEl ?ufftflE* GLUED ro rouNonrpN DETAIL OF PERIPH E RALFOR FOOTING TYPE oF 6" oF GRAVEL -+:'ornuEtER pERFoFtp E-d,t.;;r.g .-eHH'tff *BfJ o%.,. o *o,*'SUMP PUMP OR OAYLIGHTED DRAIN SYSTEM FOU NDATION Fi nrrro Proposed Add it ion Lot 18, Warren Pulis Subdivision Town of Vail , Eagle County, Colorado Pranal-aA Fnt Heuring Cons truct ion ,*tt"noN REeuEsr Fi I I o D FR)rr NyM {,t PERM DATE ( INSPEC JOB 479-2138 NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FFAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL r't ./\L^| ./t I' llEf.ftNAL \ ,L'- OFTNAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL *eaoveo, {. f -D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORHECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR -+t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBFR qF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME It3 INS ECTION: CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: FBI -t/ (r.t(€ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: K#;- ou*o L'Lld'fui tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D B ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr o GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: o^,. ?/t g/es ,NSpEcroR eiLn-r *- '.,,1(,1a1 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ( ) ri , F PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED ( t .'. r!' READY FOR LOCATION: MONi"\ BUILDING: F-EOOTTNGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr n tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK. NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL .!.MECHANICAL: tr T+ilP, PO WER - tr tr o tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ]APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: oor, '/r/;rr/';zs rNSpEcroR nffis"* "2 PERMIT NUMBER OF,PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /. l'3 JoB NAME i. r- INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES 6lD pn,tREADY FOR LOCATION:L ' {r' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS FI FOUNDATI tr.FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.oN/srEEL (t iir. D tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATEB D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I INSPE9TION_ | --t/ t\ " 7 t\, ..'tto*t ot ( ( IL (J \LL') REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT q3 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: .a, ,trF, I<i tt n-) TNSPECTTON: MON_ ruES wED q"r_A FRI lJ=I-U-_v AM (-lM; lirlYti-lf:Tr, rtrtrt'- Z:CCpn'i (', "W PL tr tr tr tr n n tr UMBING: tr H tr D tr E tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING BOOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELE EI oF trC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING FoucH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O 5]NAL tr FINAL lbpnoveo E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: INSPECTOR t -" INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER PERMIT NUMBEH O PROJECT READY FOB LOCATION: TUES WED{'Ytl" z,'l -etr) puLY BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr F tr tr tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATEB. n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING cAS PlPtttG -'i i tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D FINAL o tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr firual FINAL i'/ppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMB R OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER AM fFrr,r't\___/TUES ./.-WED \READY FOR LOCATION: BUTLDTNG: elqqerr.rBUILDING: 'ELUMEING;-,,' tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND , \ t(7tr FOUNDATIoN / STEEL )q noucH / D.w.v. l ' t'o VT"- l4'^l i, -'i oroH / wArER 3@A F{) Vv n 199.f^&jiqT...^ tr cAS PTPTNG" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr r"1 |-"l D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - nn N FINAI 5 trINAL tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND , tr FouNDArloN / srEEL J RouGH / D.w.v. t ' QT'- (ff^l lt -'i oroH / wArER 3@A F{) Vv n 199.f^&jiqT...^ tr cAS PTPTNG" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr r"1 |-"l D FINAL tr FINAL (dpnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc tlltof9S rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I i ll,r.i.\(. ,, ,l''ll oor. I l/ t r) )(l' READY FOR INSPECTION:I I \,-'tt - ILOCATION: r\( '1{i( )r' I l\ (', [(.'* I C PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W,V. D ROUGH i WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING o tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPTY AIR INSPECTOR cz 74 T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 77 77 PERMI DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr D tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND qjoucH / D.w.v.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL D o FINAL FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr_ CTRICAL:ME trl trl tr{ tr CHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL t PPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '. '' !' CALLER'' - CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,,f tNs I PE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / SfEEL PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ."'D FINAL PPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nFsnor I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -:lUnYrLDATE CALLER ,??7. ) PERMIT NUMBER OFzPROJECT READY FOR INSP TION: LOCATION: 1 rUE$ l"). /-..// BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION CI POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ; INSPECTIONTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL 1sCALLER PERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT READY FOR INSP LOCATION: TINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr a\ {J tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E FINAL VEh CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR *iisre INSPECTION REQUEST ,,1 TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI i^ c"'- ''' -..Anr, -,./ PM/\'. /, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D 1Y tr o o tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr D D HEATING D tr B ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL t4PRovED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE nlftEre 1l t PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:^NON TI IFS WFD THUR FBI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D tr tr ! UMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB CI SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING d.noue s tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr _.-, tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR r-" . .n-r"'t, lF, tcl:liL.f- PERMIT NU ROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oot, f'3 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI CALLER r/\ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED ,.REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,^r, lM?ta rNSPEcroR JOB NAME ,...\ INSPECTION' TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER 7rra, INSPEC THUR FRI AM ..'i...t;r .t' .y'' FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUlT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL E FINAL ,;/neenoveo . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffisl* '(r)?1 J PERMTT NUMBEt, OF PROJECT 1 /'/4 /e3ro, *or. t PEINS CTION TOWN OF RESUEST VAII DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL NAL-"1('.O. f-,r{? /9 Dl,,/S DF'NAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: , /f-, ..2. -"t-'t"t ""'INSPECTOR /'-,':-tt - / '/:'''"-'/:"2't ''':' ' .-- 2DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t\ ili DATE I ' READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: li ' \ r, iii i--- ( ' I : : ',,, r{tl (ri BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL -trdnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: ,,lt \ O DISAPPROVED EI, REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR | ./-. ,' ,, ' .,r',r,I':' -./ I / LOCATION: APPROVED.'l ;INSFECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER,OF PHOJECT '^r, th-[4 I JoB NAME Ir READY FOR INSPECTION:FRI tr tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION ""' o PooL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ,i tr ROUGH I O CONDUIT rf D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR E ffirrr.rnl O FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR IN CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 c -. ' l' l PERMI DATE T NUMBEF OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: -, t)1 ]:t4 JoB NAME a "J . -,.": \ .|r ( :f BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr rytrl ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR I have gone through the Molyneux file and have documented the approximate amount of time that I have spent on this project. I have listed times according 1o each letter, fax, memo, and public hearing shown in the file. In addition to each of these items, there have been many, many telephone calls which are noted. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: August 10, 1992 August 21, 1992 August 24,1992 September 3, 1992 September 16, 1992 October 7, 1992 october 7, 1992 October 7,1992 October 19, 1992 November 10, 1992 December 1,1992 December 1, 1992 MEMORANDUM Kristan Prilz, Tom Moorhead and Tom Silverman Andy Knudtsen October 27,1993 Time spent on the Molyneux repainting project one two two two three one three four two two site visiUcalls letter/calls response to internal memo DRB hearing DRB hearing DRB hearing favcalls phone call DRB hearing/phone calls calls Memo to Town Council Hearing at Town Council one two Fall 1992 July 21, 1993 August 12, 1993 August 7, 1993 August 18, 1993 August 27,1993 September 1,1993 September 15, 1993 September 16, 1993 Fall, 1993 '"tr-l-- atv .s (,'',t' . M' U7 ,tJv r . Ie d"^r | ,1, t alM| ^t" >{D{"' approximately six hours four five neighborhood phone calls for each of the hearings letter organizing the transcription organizing the summons letter letter DRB hearing DRB hearing organizing pretrial anangement phone calls regarding the hearings four one one two two two There have been a total ol fifty- three hours spent on fiis project, based on the breakdown shown above. The Community Development Department charges $40.00 per hour when any member does work that is billed out. Based on this calculation, there have been $2,120.00 spent on this project. It is important to note that the Town Council determined that the red color was unacceptable on December 1, 1992. They gave Mr. Molyneux until June 30, 1993 to paint ths house a color acceplable to the DRB. lt has been in violation every day since July 1 , 1993. ^,'" f\ (ot*,.'- (rr* Y' i{,t ,,"'n iPri-, I t-/ i) ,r'htn o 0i zE ,,43 $ 4, oLo.- r! l0 I lo L 5 Lqr: ? eqoqB I5lqil' 0 5?f f, y^+- P L. /1 4- 3-(z q-/b- qz l0 -1- q z 7-7 q? -qz .z_ -)-q - z)-? 3 nL-r' 19 '93 '7i ELtlC.t 'r'tiFt lI g'flnlfl ti\ 71P 7??a176 P. I p61 "#'.,i,'flf.S,it*l O,.,l".:,i-:: Tjjl*" "."t,'O"l ",1',T:;:'.''i'.-:' , i rrvJ,nC )ltl]a Dll llltlQtfl9l - l$ftl el tll&r 9crfl|Do rEElrtl!rr ttrflD taa I. Dll!f,tlltillr Extgriot L-o\or Ch'*P l, !'rrr 0t ltlr8$l *-l.fr conattuetlgn (f100.00t . -l4nor lttrnlto$ (110.001 ortturl $vtrr (l0l C. l[Ellllr \\s-.n\{4 D, [lCtD Dlfctillt0tr &ot lulrllvlrlur G/t't t tr! I, !. 0, 0. l(. Dril rtlllflltlil lE$rvrar - oriiTri'tiir'n-iifti @ aatataaatriltr r'r|a0r!|il lttt IcE stD=* r w**.?lI:!..F* IEEIJroIIIII It FlcDtrty trr dar[llll by r ilattr rFC DouEdr ltgllrfaqrlPElBn, Dlratr ptorlda on r srplrrtr rheet rnCritrch ta fhlr rpplfgrtlonl lotftt0r IOI llllt !l l1qulrrd, rDpll*ntllrtDra lurwry -b ln; lci r*rr,nuft Ds!t,l& | eur!.nt H' lff,l 0t llt&lcl}|rr! illtrtltlrrlrrrE:x|tlln? 106il1:- t.flll! 0t Ol{ll!il|r 'illltHrillll,n 0cncmlnlun lpgrovrl lf rDellarDtr. IlL$UlllLEl UtlllMloll Frr ,I Crf 10.000 110.00It0r00r-l folcoo f50.ooI t0r0!r - ; lf0r000 ll00.0ffll0ieel-0 t00;000 t100.00tlsorsstr - 01r0001000 1400.00I gfrf fl1!00p 000 1t00.00 ' Dttrer rtl'tlf H DrrEtrD lprrrl E xtll rttlr fltl!lrtlovll Etllll I lollDlll t3ntt$ ll llfrD l'D gflA5ltgtlolt tf$[rED. il10 rDtllcl[lgt fill l! trp€||tD lrsfsslt cllll,l ltfltllrr Dif lllr Dll lrcrr rl lhcrn rbcvr, r!. Bc Df Drlc .Etm tlf tl aubrdtBrl of DRI |lDliorgton, &isfrr ntrlnrFptylng tcr I bullolif prrnlrp-Frort| ldanrltl tbrlccusata YuultlOn Ol th. proDor-rl. 8hf lofn Ct Vltlrill rdtlrrB t,hr t|r-rseor(lltt-?o Ebr t-11. brloil, tofftauta tha oorlrct tar tf Drtc. r ocT 19 '93 !2, L6 MolJttEtJX STUDIo LTD ?t? 7376L?6 p.1rVlodg{.r>( ARCHITECTUR^L INI'BRTOI{S tT UECORATION TELEtrA X To/PARA: b g' S -f g*'r*r of U a"\ ,ATTN: A.111\.r r(nrub1€t r*: FAX #r (:og) '-t-l t- e,'-tqa IROM/DEr \nue $1rnT?A Molyncux Studlo DATE: \b . \q,' ta REr \taE uq".\ vq\\e'( \r''v ( PAGE$I -q (bcludlry thlr onc) i' Cclor^.d o \.o.". Ns..rtrl T.. ('.rrt\\1 t ce.d,.ra\P'.\qc GoPe^\rg O-ro S fcq.e\-rsJ \"cr 6roos .*u*- . ::. Sqx.J 't \o ,f oo \ rr\a1 Eu<r.r\n,r\. \n^ S<,,r\iu1 q PdtdA{- C-.oe.l \rJ cAt( \t b'-\o}t \o"\sb"b\^, \: -S. \.*.,t fh\$$eA f6,,r cc.1\S -!,l^ An*rc..p c$\'*1.15 \\.1b f\ra..1 b" t-,,.rLrc^T y o, c-q\l.r J f,\ao.r\ . (.*S. Er.4 To cq,\\ na.g \ e yo u [o-ur- <\ r*i -( t , r gt'r O^l S. \L..a.r.r\( VOr rX t\yArg- 6 €fE) riaa.oogT I:^xirelg) 7g?,a'€eAg EAST Ogr.E STIiDttT, NEtv 1,ORK, NF:v'r yolfi tooel /lr- 'q 'q3 '?;11r,')l \ l.iFr rx FTr l .1-rl l-'. ?'? 7??F1"F i F Poc _y'_"',.*j6rs'hc_, lrE_-ryl r-tj:fr __--.1':'l= .'"---;-::-'.': -: rwlmd )llnl Dill llttl0r,!!0il . ffiltl et TrI!, cclflrm !*'t qlllct$Itl'*ifllH! -rr<;rqT - IItalalltt!|rr nlltcrFln EHlH#,fffiffihosnlt .n! wtlo.ilr...*, Il.uolt8ilslllltrrl8l l. Dllgffilft0tl't Exterior Lu\or Ch'*rt D, ltft Ct tlvlltt -Jrr ConrbrueBtga lcdlgrctl (ll0,0o) o, l!E[t|ltD, Lmt! DlfGttllt0llt trpt lubdtvl|l0n -UlhIlFatt Dlcauiv l,r drrrlllaa by r ila|tr ric lsuhfi trgll drrbr{prlonr glrrlr.Ptovlca cn r lrPrrrt. rDa.E uls rtElch tc th!.r rPPlrcrtle||. H, &rII0r !0! llllr lt srquhld. ftPll.rntfBanF! asfvil rhsrlnf lot alrl . aurt glrvldr . cursailt ldCarrr I l|lltr.Qr urlrcnur 9l\ol, €# [rE]lng llrtttlr . ,u r lnug 0lx|lrlilg lfttlqlil!' I lltilt$rttrrvE : NN{E 0! orulilr Gcndonlnturr lggrcvrl l! rgpl{crblr. r lrltd r'!|'rr lcr||r DtroTl! rErllt il! tlrr I'!!!!ISIL-iiiifrilifriiri-ifisllilri-fuilss- ta i-rnD trD enrEtilcrltd lr a5lfiftD. Dlosl- t.tb0i rl\'+l I ii-l l, t. c. t. r. TEE . I I0.00| 10.00lt0 0 .00 t100.00f.00 - 00 f30o .00 lttBIoBt rllilltlHlll rxrlung ldatf Dll llEI DllB trl|, lt lhcrn rbcvlr llo tc br Plld rt-th. Elrr ot rulfrtEtll st Dll atDllsrElgn. }|totr rrr{l lf,illll ili.i'ffi '3lTr't'till.Ei:.'inl:iliil"'Tuiiii-iafurs rii-im rsecrdnl- to th. trbh bdo{r ts rnrurr fhe eorrrcr tll ll ttld. __ ---.. ^ I Ullt|lDll'lr vrlt lBl0xI 0-f 10'00$lr0r001-l t0re00,060,001 -a ll0r000lll0rC9l - MOrQ00tl00;001 - f1r000,00oI Ottas llr!00r000 r.rc ltlllcl|'lil |?r* Dr PrpcllDlD $lt'l llotAltrrl .-P..- r!.r+ ? - Az Srttdt Htl{E 0? pnDJtctr_rl"I. !Eor! DISCiIDSIot{i gtnEt? l0DiEltl DEScRrptlgjt 0t iUBDIVIIION #' :i'l8lli'bl?ill"::f lR.i'_I!-.lltd tor. rubntrerl to rhr DrrtsnrPptovll crn br f,lvrnr l, tutlDtro llttlBltltr Beof 9lCtng o!,hrt ifrll firsrr{tlt trrfla Eofllrr lflnCcil il{ndcn ftlfi Dcgrr p00t Trhn IrnC 0r D.oh Rltlf tluil Flrthtnlr Chln ,rt Trmh lnctoturrr 0rrrnhcacft 0thrr f"tl l. tlHD$CAPfirot Nrne of Oerignlrr Eh0nt I PLlNt {rttRtttitr tnotottD |EED3 lotlnlmt.Smt Emrr,cn xr$ SU3$1g fgrf -rtlr-E - -rr !t- -rE trtmtNc tnlEf fitE8 REI,IOVDD m{l-- h-- - rEr. -- -r-h - rtu-r* r-.--- cttlprr !91 drctduou. rrrrr,Fr.at tr t lnchrr. tnClcrfa lse fou I r Irtdlsrtc TO: FFI: Oa oo MEMORANDUM ' 'cQT Kristan Pritz ','dftf]trffiFi Tom Moorhead October 14, 1993 Molyneaux's Red House On October 12, 1993, I had a telephone conversation with Howard Rapson (476-3237) regarding Mr. Molyneaux's obligation to paint his residence. Mr. Rapson indicated he is under contract to paint the residence and has received a deposit in the amount of 50% of the total bill. I believe he informed me of that fact to cause us to believe that tire project, in fact, is going to be completed. He plans on starting the job, weather permitting, Monday, October 18, 1993. He believed the project would be completed by Thanksgiving. He was unable to clearly explain the status of the Gonzales' half ol the duplex. I do not believe he is presently under conlract to paint the Gonzales' propefi. Thanks.6 C:\MOLYRAP.M Elt Oa oo lft fu <{^'r* + Oo o From the desk of...Andv Knudtsen *4*c* \\ I.L1 f 5tl' I 0..t ^ |-,, II /u; - [, <z" lL Fa ,* rf,**,"'Al cou'r rN onol ,|owN oF vArL, STETE OF COLORADO, THE TOWN OF VAIL BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO. Summons No. Oelendant The within case has been set as follows: The Defendant or his Attorney may request ONE continuance on arraignment and have il be granted. ARRAIGNMENT BOND FORFEITURE HEARING DISPOSITIONAL HEARING MOTIONS HEARING PRE.TRIAL PRE.TRIAL TELEPHONE SHOW CAUSE HEARING TOW HEARING TFIAL SETTING OR DtsPostTtoN TRIAL TO A JURY OF SIX' TRIAL TO A JURY OF THREE' TRIAL TO THE COURT OTHER oo MUNICIPAL COURT NOTICE TOWN OF VAILCase No. t/' FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR THE ABOVE-INDICATED SETTINGS MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A BENCH WARRANT FOR THE ARREST OF THE DEFENDANT. Linda S. Moore, Administrator Town Proseculor Phone (303) 479-2129 By signing below I promiss to appear on above dato (s) and lim€(s) and hereby acknovyledge receipl ol lhis nolice. ------Jt- /1EJ M M M M M M M M M M M Ofiicer Defendant's Atlorney Phone No. ,\ ,' , / ,. \, ;' /;t ,/ /., I OelendanuAttorney 'JURYi A walten demand and $25.00 tee must bs t€ndered lo the clerk ol lhe couat wilhin l0 davs lrom sntarang a ploa. Parenvcuafdian I hereby cerlily lhat I served this setling slip to the above-namedby deliv€ring/mailing a copy ol sam€ to him personally in the Tonn ol Vail, on 19 THIS IS THE ONLY NOTICE THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE CONCERNING THE ABOVE SETTINGS. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81658 (303\ 479-2129 rnrxe lurltr,opAr cou.rrN o*o ilrOow* oF vArL,oo ST&I'E OF COLOHADO, THE TOWN OF VAIL BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO. Summons No. MUNICIPAL COURT NOTICE TOWN OF VAIL The within ca,6e has been set as follows: The Defenddirt,or his Attomey may request ONE continuance on arraignment and have it be granled. DISPOSITIONAL HEARING : U-L,2$ M M M M M M M M M M M Linda S. Moore, Administrattr'r:' ,r,'lll+ ..;,, -.7r1 . . j '#tv/a"*'/-t:- Dat€ ey signiqg Oetow t promise to appear on above dal€ (s) and tims(s) and hersby ac\nowledge rec€ipt ol this notice. vs. MOTIONS HEARING V PRE.TRIAL PRE.TRIAL TELEPHONE SHOW CAUSE HEARING TOW HEARING TRIAL SETTING OR DtsPosrT|0N TRIAL TO A JURY OF SIX' TRIAL TO A JURY OF THREE* TRIAL TO THE COURT OTHER FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR THE ABOVE.INDICATED SETTINGS MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A BENCH WARRANT Defendant's Attorney Phone No. OefendanVAttomey 'JUFY: A wrinan dsmand ard $25.00 fe€ must bs tsrldered lo the clerk ol the coud wilhin 10 davs lrom €ntering a plsa. I hereby csrtity that I served this setling slip to the abov€-namsdby dalivering/mailing acopyo|sametohimpsrsona||yintheTowno',vai|'on 19 .,.' , THIS IS THE ONLY NOTICE THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE CONCERNING THE ABOVE SETTINGS. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81658 (303)479-2129 THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL BY ANO ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO uo. M 26873 oocf) t- -t otrom oml, It-t mz-t autoa :E UJ Fz UJ () o og L a.1. F Dolordant Gan Namo)//loz-vue u x (Fist)\./d4^J (i4lldlQg Oato ol Einh Mo.oay Ag6 ( ) T,atlic 04 Ponal Violallon Mo, Dey Yr.oF rs? qZ D€f6ndanl s AddrossJq E- A7ttr A/d,.t '2!". Stat€ur',Zip Code /o.>z 1-Sz-, Apgox. Ime ol Mol€ibn/f,oa Driv6f's Licenss Nufiber and Type Stel€ ol lssu6 Face Sex H6ighl W6ight Hair I Eyes I Home Tel€Phon€srloA lcR # Y6s -./ No I -Businoss r€rophono I oJ.":" ":t.;, Vohicle Llcenso Numb6r and Typ€Slale ol lssue Typo or Eody Slyl6 epprortrnare t-oc ol V olation in tho Town of Vail Slate ot Colorado () Al( )On Vshicle Color (Iop/Bolloh)Vehicl€ Yr.( )At intsrseclion wilh ( ) g€lwe€n Make COURT DATE - On , rs!/ ) , ut t ;'' ''" 'l.A.1lo, are trereuy "ur.onod and ordered ro appoar at rhe Vail Mlnicipal Co!(.75. S. Frontago Bd. W., iail, colorado, to answe READ THE BACK OF THIS SUMMONS FOR MAIL_IN FINE PROCEDURES. s.34.020 Falso ldontilication 8.24.100 8.24.050 Public Nuisanc€ - O€pogllinq Waste Malorials 3rtffi '. ,n""," / possession open container 6.04.m0 , 6.04.030 Doo Sunnino At Laroe , T.O v. Ta93 Roquirsd Dgscription21.-S//t ) / A 2P?D./A l-PanelN Asgsssment: Y€s No Amounl PolnlS DtD Alof Abz tA) ./ES /at./L( .q@2t1A.-- Disordorly Conducl 9.20.O1O Assauh end Banory 9.22.Om tsrceny Under $ 9.46.010 Criminal hiury to Proporty $on Number Violalloa9. <'4, r>?> A *B )f .-94, 060 A / A 3 . ar=s'r,^t tit->rDeLr (-S .P4a17t=D ,{oosr- E<- h Tolal EoABoVE,oRcoMPLYWTHMA|L-|NF|NEPRocEDUREs'|FAPPL|cA8LE.| UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO APPEAF CONSTITUTES A SEPAFATE OFFENSE ANO WILL BESULT IN A WARRANT FOF MY AFREST BEING ISSUEO, Thc und€.lign€d has r66sonablo ground3 io bollevs lhat lho der6ndanl commln€d the onensetst I X 6galn9tthgpoac€anddlgnilyollhepsop|solthoTownolva||' Otlicel Panalty a!s€6$ent violrtiong mugt bo psld at tho Trafc VlolatlotB Bu app.arancs in court ai tho ptacs, dato rnd tlme Indicat€d abov6. I Orlglnal - Coun Yellow - Dotondanl White - D. M.V./Transcripl Whito - Agency Oa oo Date Project Application Proiect Namei Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot B lock Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board ;J L'f r'. 1 4y^,', / y' DISA PPROVAL Summary: 7r' Town Plan n E statt Approval r;to S....,--t v o From the desk of. . .Andy Knudtsen f-lc <S y',"d ,e4' S/t/< ,{ /4"-'-- O s *--lfA ';.// L. -f @ Cr^-j a.;.'t/ /k.- & 7 /4*,,_ 4,7 , s )' t z'- "^J-' /-, 6 4-. Lu. 1 1V c"..^- f avt O -sz{; / b:f-. {'- t L.. l/--.^ 2L"*rs A Sa ;/ fA* / //rn at/ 7 o /o ca.-r/ //.r, .t OEE d?r;3,,.^_ O1 o 737" s- From the desk of. . .Andy Knudtsen ,(-. * 'T*( 54".*-^,. '7.uu r/ 0*:,/ /-/5<-^.4- 7an' 4' *.^q-t /<)<- *-'--d /L"ur-L-l *a,x 04 ,.r- // 4. .ra-L/ /r4--.1- rt cFc-< .'/ cer- x'd" d a//t-.- -^a f' /4t-<_ 7/w, d' $ "--Lz-..p /"tr. dn '/ ,/ ./| 412'//.€./< /r= ,U,b,*** . c\-_.n4 Arurf z3 lvr tt..<.- /fr c€.p/ fA4 /e!" /^-t J, .t-n- I / ,t 4 ,,s,4n/ r---- / V ^*/t, at; I ol? : 5ll.o >ll c -dll:-t otl re; elll'a <llt-otltt?l€': l*"gl!:l< o |Ilioo IN Nrltot@ ao l(nIEl6Irrl8 EIorl F,I{lEI-l.trtF:l 5l EIa ''1o o) IJo ,-'.6-bl 0*) ril O 6a4.4 782,;^ F..{ F =-(n3b1tHAF"-74 -:gAnE e|l-- /-2" .., Luzi, ^*7 ,A_ /nyun_., ( *^ n t, fl-,, /--*.\/.+ fkl ,/ov'/ s /a",t ,.yo -\ , 7/l i r: , zLr-< c.._t.;// -4-r .\ s.,-< z'., { zt;'// /,..-. *rT 1ro/ z ,u---1r oo oo oo P 683 6Ee s7? Cenified Mail ReceiPt No lnsurance Coverage Provided Do not use fof Inlernalional MaLl (See Roverse) a 0)c to.,-"rt or Oate__ .,//I /,/lv oo co(.) E € a o_ ./ ,,, (r,( 50 29 EAsr 6stti s F-o., s'"'u a zlP coiie Relurn ReceiPl Sbowrng to whom' Date, & Address ol thLrvqly ----o CA |.: o'-(lt Eb ;-tto\sl I o !drEEI o>lq;l 601c ulloFl'6 <lcdl'aoiE oc 'o<B '6TEi! o;; i BE 9!Elrr! r\ FTrn N cn Io E ot 9t -iP6Ebg '.: ;'E ro i' r] ,o IE z@ 3iI r' 9F i.E EE EE bb i{B i6lool,it blt e16 9lo EI::l!ol elE 3b Ell oolo>lc=l E€IEil Eelo;l -o :!pF 39 Eo o E0 ! o il FziE' Fa!E .; o o !, o o o u- ! o o o !-o 6o o o .9to a o l!lt't:to lBt6l lo t:t; l-Floto ..2 o , 'l f.l i o c).1xr-l E H c..l F-r X Ho x =.h &.1 Ai.l /-\ rJz t4 u) .rr>rA >r ;rbriZ 7oHH Fo = Ulo\ ' .J\o|d ia.x &orSHO. rr.I cA H ;-z<>H !J.J 3 ;^gsRH e 7^ /U'E' '*' llT:lo:,'-'oti:i;ry r e-el p-q j Ei*lltu i , , ,T,F,gt{ ,pf,,ffi'57'rH ri'r& uq.vfHbt,btudh,trf,i{e 7a?5125 sos:+e3f.. nv€ |I rv ir,.-r,r ,!1lr I*?1e,, l i,,.,rrr.r,r ,I '* (r/ \ l'{.|tj ! 4rj|r4.l{t(, r t I PAGE 2 ' Dff lllelgfn[0N - mvrrr{ tlillL E9ilil Ol,vH!. COIPtrf,Dg' Dls[ ilr&rct8lo$t luclilrtH I, Drt! 0t DRr los!$tor . ttimmmr' IItl ltlllCrlrgr rrr& ro! u r4c!t6Dullrt l8n rglnllp iltoilsTrfl rr fi'lrfrFTnD' il*lfltaat D, flt! tr filVlllft -Nrt ggnrtruetlcn lf e00.00l *rJmoltlgn (tl!,00).,_!flfl9r llBor0ri0['ll3 0, 00, (f 0tEr lrDDlfflrllD, Lngf,! D!f0ttl'!t0Dlt lro!llgttffi,i-ilil,*ili* : -.r,-rt.- J lflttG,.-a*r.++,. If prop0$y l| rleleEtbrC by I n|0Er rnd bouDrh lrgllttrqFrPctcnr p:.!rtl Rtovtof Qn r .oDrBrge rherg lolrEt|olr Ec tblr rpglltrclon,' (. 'tr l'. O.MII nt rDlltclrlltt i aurt Drcvlar r ourilnl flcnF E ail LAt4;s t0fltlfrt TDE OTt|rlttrtg 800 ltDf,r tt rrtFllr|r .ttltolrtlErrDid turlray lhlrl,Ilt lot l!or, ll. I' ttt&tcDl!, 0 tlrrufulttiltlf! rI'Cdnrr l Nilll 0f Oil!ffi | rfllilAEullil}r *bfffal ldlmtrr ConCorn$lflrl trlprovil lf liotbl|. |(t Flf filIl DE'tortl rr rnrwh rbcvrl lrr !c !n pol6 rtthr ttlr od rubntcrel ol Dll aDDliortlcD. La!l!, ehos] lHi!!t! fliulots'liTot'#til,ltl'i'loiSii'il*Cl* rrtlt rdjurr Ehl lrr rgrgEdlDg- E0 Ehr BtDlr brlcwr ge Inrusl fhr lcritgg frr lr prll. i..: r Ifl-|slHllrl'I.r' ,,rl: , "'{rfinrrgll| '0-l'101000 I l0r 001 - | l0' 000.'ft0;001 -f 140,000 f1l0;001 - | t00,000 1600;001 - 01,000r 000| ' Ovrn flr 0001 000 ttt'I t0.00I 10.00 1100.00 1200 ,0 0 0{00,00 0t00.00 . r .Errtdlt tltfirBr mItD lDDRoetf,! IiltEn!! 9!!_!!tr8_ ltg$r rEtr! _ _ _ _ _ItttE.vilfvlllltl-l.fftrlolru tllifilt tt .fltslD rilD oorlrsf,Uotril lr r*tlillD, ffX0 ilttlliltFl0lf ffiI'& [[ IHBD|IID llE[fi00fl* t. Wt l,' Dtrc*rtTronr 0niltt, t troHlfuill aa-?7-t993 A9:14Af,1 FRO]'I TOU PARKING 9-4?9-24528 P.AL tU/PtlAr ATllIt f/|IG llAllr TEI ryL*dhlbr,olYncux EASI0frlrrt3u) L2oL-\rhTg{*r}c I .lla(i ll l'l' lt("|'l I lt,{ l. t l$'t'lt lllU lt$t at lr tt(i()l.ATt ON TDLEIAX ltOilf, ol Vtf!f,rirten ltrttr (30tf 479-2a5r alzilrt tlrarcn tullt ttrbdivtaton 1 Aufurt a*, rlll lora of Vrtl Plpfrcm! o! Cm,rn{tf D.vetolrhrnr7t 50rEh SsGErfia Rord-vltl, eclorrdo alcaT I'lr. XrlrEaa Dil,tlDlr.ctor o! connrattf D3v.lgDmsrt Dalr ff. 9t'ttt T hrltt bttr unlblr to t.rch y$l by phma toa r.vr8rllaf , :r or!.r ro 9r.gr!r-ioi-iar'siDitOrr-ana-A;;tncrst.Dg-ragttlrrns E[| ltr16fsc. oo Vrll rlftlcy Drtvt,r ro, rltBlaf gs rrttGrrcc my t|xlu.st lot r13- - \--3raa€4tgE! el DfttgB tiwlat Eoa6d E6rtl,DEtl eos|eGla!,ad :ry PratarEyr rlrich ut3 8Oqu.read ed prlc-tor bv d|3cE ' o8r Au$rrg 1?Bhr 1tt3, r!.t-l tElEGG cfoirrr og # ----- laquart go anb6:l,B Eo tlr 6crl.qa A]eLar bord tbi colorfo anhlB Eo tlr ocrtgo a]eLar boltd thi solo!arlg 06 x|gnraE ttb.q: ttrlr lnionrrloo go D fr rocs il Doil!.blc. a {ltl Gao.OO3? tlliEql m?.Graa3t ltlt c|Du ttRllT, l{tlt voil, flw yona rcoat TOTAL P.E1 TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 27,1993 D e parune nt of Conu n un ity D eve lo pnre nt Mr. J.P. Molyneux Molyneux Studios 29 East 69th Street NewYork, NY 10021 RE: Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision Dear J.P.: ln response to your letter dated August 27, 1993, I want to make sure you understand that your original request for transcripts did not include any from the Design Review Board (DRB). We have attached your letter to clarily the situation. As you can see from that, your request was limited to the December 1, 1992 Town Council hearing, during which they reviewed the appeal of the DRB decision. As I told your assistant, Dane Rymza, if you did not receive the transcripts in the mail today, he was to have called me and I would have faxed the transcripts to you immediately. I assume since I did not receive a phone call with this request, that you have already received your transcripts. I hope this takes care of your concerns. lf you would like transcripts of the DRB hearings, please provide me with the specific dates and state that you will agree to pay the fee for the transcriptions. Sincerely, ^#"#F*r4Town Planner xc: Fred Otto (#"t (;'[*'rL'A' JJl"* /\\l Post-lt'- brand fax transmittal memo 7671 a??- zrs \/IOMEf*I>( ARCHITIICTI.'IIAL INl'N}I'OI{S & DECORATIO.\ 20 ,July 1993 Ms. Krlstan PriEzDlrector of Comnunic,y DevelopmenE, Deparlment 75 Soubh Front,age Roadvail c0 815s 8 ,IP; j r eg EAST 6grjr srRPET, NEw yoRx.Nlilf yoaK toozt Dear Ms. PriEz: As_Ber.our.lrhone convereation f am klndly requesElng Eherorlowing t"t"T;:]"r"*., of r.he rown eouncil member' * The names of Ehe Design Review members r A branecrlption of the Town Council meeting of, Decemb€r 1, 1992 concerning E,he coLor change of my residence ac 1628 VaiI VaJ.leyDrive IJot, 1 Warren Subdlvision I undersE.and thaE a fee Is reguired for a EranscripE. please expediLe the request and forward a bill. E1e'},3 iUL ZA '93 18:15 l"lOLYl€i lY ettrnr^r=ua 5ruj[0 LID ?t? 7376L26 JT)' Hry 6 lere) 6e8.oos?PAx:(cte) 797'Olso TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 27, 1993 D e parn nen t of C onu n un ity D eve loprne nt Mr. J.P. Molyneux Molyneux Studios 29 East 69th Street NewYork, NY 10021 RE: Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision Dear J.P.: I understand that you will be sending me a color board showing a photograph of the house indicating, with color chips, exactly what portions of the house will be painted what color. Specific portions to identify include the window trim, the fascia trim, the siding, and the stucco. I understand that this will be sent via Federal Express and will arrive in our office no laler than Monday at noon, August 30, 1993. In addition, I understand that yc'u will send a DRB application with your signature and with Fred Otto's signature. I understand that this will be fa<ed from your office to his office and then from his office io our office. Again, this should be in our office no later than noon, Monday, August 30, 1993. In addition to this, we will need the documents authorizing Fred Otto to sign for Pilar Gonzales. I understand that Fred Otto will be the representative at the DRB hearing. That starts at 3:00 p.m, on September 1, 1993. I understand that he will also be your representative at the court hearing on September 2, 1993. That meeting starts at 10:00 a.rn. Please call me if you have a different understanding of any of ihese deadlines. Sincerely, 4-.4rd.-Gn'n& rnuot#n' \ Town Planner Fred Ofto TFILE coPY TOIUN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 18, 1993 D e partm ent of Comn m ity D evelopme nt Mr. J.P. Molyneux Molyneux Studios 29 East 69th Street NewYork, NY 10021 RE: Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision Dear J.P.: The Town of Vail extended the deadline for repainting your structure on the lot referenced above to August 15, 1993. As the structure has not been repainted at this time, we have no other option but to issue the citation attached to this letter. As staled in this citation, you will be required to appear in Municipal Court to respond to the violation to the zoning code. Please be aware that fines may be assessed against this residence daily until it is painted. As we discussed on the telephone Friday August 13, 1993, we will be putting this agenda item on the August 18, 1993 Design Review Board (DRB) for discussion purposes. We will also put it on the September 1, 1993 meeting for a decision. In order for the September 1, 1993 decision to be legally binding, the Town must receive: 1. An application for a specific color scheme, including paint chips and colors lor the stucco, siding, window trim, and fascia; 2. A signed application by both yourself and the owner of the secondary unit. We must receive this information no later than Wednesday August 25, 1993 in order to keep the item on the September 1, 1993 meeting. In addition, a representative(s) for both applicants must attend the DRB hearing. # of pages > ?Post-lt'" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 I e,"; il" u,^' M 1,4a t' Mr. Molyneux August 18, 1993 Page Two We want to remind you that fines can accrue daily unless action is taken to solve this problem, Sincerely, k/r/-'4, e'no) rnuqr(er{ / Town Planner / '7;h'u"fuTom Moorhead Town Attomey rt r Cll finfunY.t Kristan Pritz Director of Community Development (Middle) ' r 2 , E(LL , er ,l t:! ) /' .rhl,(you ara nerety summon€d and ordered lo appoar at th€ vait Municipat court, 75. s. Fronteo€ R(t. w.,COURT DATE-on \-..'f 'r' t r 2 ,E(/-l-,av ,l !':'> I /.,h:,'you ara hereby summon€d and ordered lo appoar at th€ vait Municipat court,75. s. Fronteo€ Rd. w., Veil, Colorado, READ THE BACK OF THIS SUMMONS FOR MAIL-IN FINE PROCEDURES, LU.O20 Fals€ ldentilication 4.21.100 8.24.050 Public Nuisancs - Depo6itino Wagle Materials nortn'*o,,lno,n "u"*" / poss€ssron open con 'ne,6.04.200 ,6.04030 Doo Runnino At Lard6 , T.O.V TaEs Required A56€sament: Yes No Amounl Polnta 9.20.010 Assaull and Failu.e to Stop at a 9.22.c20 Larceny Undor $ l-1a Fdilure to Yiold Riolrt ol 9.46.010 Crimlnal Caf6l€s5 UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO APPEAF CONSTITUT€S A SEPARATE OFFENSE AND WILL RE9ULT IN A WAFRANT FOR MY ARREST BEING ISSUED, Th€ undorsignod has roasonable grounds to bslievo th6l tho dotondent commitled lhe olf€n3€(!) aOainsl lhe p€ace and dlgnily ol the !€ople ol tho Town of Veil. Ths undgrsign€dc€rlilioslhalacopyofthesummon8 and complaintwagd!ly serv€d upon lhed€t€ndant. DATEO TH|S-day ol THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL BY AN BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Pona||y.9r69m9ntv|o|at|onrmustb€p.idaltheTfaftlcv|o|ation8BUr€au,vai|Tn apptarance ln court at th9 place, datg snd tin6 indicat6d abov€. lnzo (r, uJ 6T dl uJG Fz UJ f, o J ulJ 2I-F |- !ol-om o m! t)-{ mz{ Orlginal- Court Yello{v - Delendant Whlle - 0. M.VJTransc.iDt White - Agoncy ;^ffi o <e' I iv\''/t s;|,,u't {"t .,1!u' l"lol J-\ i. Lft tut{ ^ *'(Jr" I.c, I r4v ,s- >r \ nult(l,r/ ' Anily Knudtsen trftEfqs ll /f"- ' I -'L--,t ltltv ,) l, Lu , e,f' <'l^-.t) v L^) .i1+ -' i/L'4 v '^ l' \ / At''- ,t' From the desk of... r,) tlI t I11,.<| -,,lr1 t -; , h-{^ k,.c" I I V' '(;*9r (vott*"t Lt'^'r(' ), y' (.r')- q({' / dao EeiEpBKE3;- :' c, '= !,, =a'th.=tr F-ce* 'r+ P ag (,) - 901 1htro8.9= g g':oo= '.- ts or 8H:(,).- v € !.8v=u = X.c' 6.9 €E.1.E9(.,o bE-'E - ^e9€=r: ah oEo -c, =(9 c= =tSl€ l.,9oE7. .c, s€E9O q) =Q|v. g6l (D & oo 0) I,u q) €€ C) q) c) E a.) I lrl (, (t) () 4., :>r l* ilv i3 c) () (.) q) (.). .Cr ; () q) ^l t- (.) iu () o(,) : F 3 q) a) c, igiE-l! 9? '5'E Lg g,fte !JFtr>r€ O F €'E 6a,aEte.H E!-x q) o 3tECr- 6a{(a 6'<tr:r-t Y crl qt =28F€; ;Eg rb98* ->'=l!sBEelFo-,!; (€.9 E €.i'H a '=-g ru o. q) () .q) q)'o, C) o (tE q) IE C) Io ru I o c). C)() ='c) P.l lq) 0) 'x ctt .o() a), (.) a0 i(€ ,' 'aItr ,c) 0) q) '() E E {) clI co0otr =>,a6>'g E.a8s s.E y3 6>,(a ag sE - !.1 EF.46 gg c)> C) .!.) 4"' 9E Ebe^ aooB E= aE l€i3Eq;*i ', tt I EI o 0o ,j: q) c) !) (lt A G'a (J tt o q) o I(! :a) ro'('' c, oo c.l 0.) o 'Fr q): el.al '9 ,F iar r q). E (J 3( !. ,(uq q) oj ;i FI 3t a! ': E..- ;Gt>E.: )r i(J. q.) t(J q) ioD I c.r ''tl) q) =l ai l)( Gtr ;iol iY^ t '-' -iE :ol t.\ :x i>. l>, 3 c) () (;) I E.tt r. ()- (); '.! a! .tt E- (!\>i EI 4)> 0r- 9'= >.: a'E r, b! ! U a =t, a a q) c (, 0 c)E 9r (u () q) , - () {)' \ol co c.l . a.) ;E-gE b i - -.- i€;E El:a: :i;EE g I-Etr 6 iE s 5:3:$.E ai-3 ;Fffi€i F3 iE: -c Q. rHEEIp!. FiE:c, .EH:EEI €E E;!:FJtiiu= E9 g. Eb 3E€);ps33 35sF'i Ee ese itSeE = d i: qiEIE€ ;i;ii;igb rE€;;; EST;TEHHT E=E HEH et El; E se=d E.Eo =E roF ;:€€ Ei a* 5::t:lga fi:E t E:i E. ;Eff:E!;E :i;E 1;i:€ "EEg€EEg5 .EEg F- h= F 'r!v-:FbE--Xd() E; E H F !.= c6'-'o .s h F:.6 I P cl9 e e;E- E.S,-.ErEE -E 5,= (, E O:EO69:Ee3 O-t -gE.5tr(ght '.r->(g EooRo-atE H 5 e.. 5 d*.o?eEE65gi C >''5 90 d = >,(! == !! eEll-o *gFE E€:E It5 3 6"i i E g;ig€i € .fEE=-a c,i €;E:;; ; E:gt ,1ii,le:i;iFei :E;:, ;_ $E ;p55il,;=E:iE;€tur Fs:sErr; sli:r ,r g5f iii;g; se*E;$rs;i5Ei5E:iE; :iI:€ t gii gff t f iffg iiiff gf igg sff i *i i€ gisiggEigg giilE €li;€ gg giig€ci fi iii E #f c) q) q) e {)() 'Et (tt ruI () =(!. :og.= o\E- E>i (Ja! F:2E ; _.5; .i :EE : g-E? E: Y Eg;:E €E i-E1 fl€ FEFs Ed *9I e EE Etr.o i tE c! c)iE: e5:.E. U Ei E iE E '|n6 i.E 55 E H"E !EE: X +.E E.F;E* E>.Ei EllJ v l- ttt vE?g " 3.E 5.9 fi 3€?-3 u ='E- 3 I €- ei "i fie oF I ()(J () F (.) () r) (\, c)(.) o> ^.9v||) rir - a.l c) mruLI:>( .\l(Cl/ l'l'tJO1'lrlr \ t, lN'l'ltlrt()t(rt da. DI|OOIiATION d , rjtii, TELEFAX TO/pARAr To,*rro cf Vn',\ ATTN:hssb-t \(sro bt5<r..r FAX #: (bor) q-t q - arra FROM/DEI bnoe ftrlntt?N Molyncux Studlo DATEr B, (b.19 REI \*!atq15r ?.r\rE 6^t\a\u\$16d PAGE$: a(Including thts one) STUDIo LrD 2t? 7376t?b pl :jr, frAST ge tr STlrlr$'t, NHh. yOl(K, ;\-1.;tv YUt{6 t()(),Jt a iPlE) qs8'oo0? rAx:(8|8) ?$?,olto Dlt mrLiilEu'i drjinio iii 2:zo ltt&tGt8l0ll - folll{ Df,?E hFET]ICATEON DTTE OF DRB nur, : l .,72'rEL?6 .-1 rr,rael{/er Of \'tt!, COLigBnDO *,f;BilfiE; -*.+F#*.r*r***t*r* I, !. fYF! 0l| llVllltf r _JgH CongttuoElon Actdlelofi (t50 ,001 ($300 ' 001 -Mingr Artstetlqn (1e0.001 glconeePrual RsvlcH l l0'l g. IDDRISB: D. lpCtt DlgCftPtIQN; ipl; *--* llpch *-*.--- gubdlvtc{cn - \r)c-ssq,r' €*r\rle*--SpbA:Sgto"'- P, F rtltroh ul, Llrlc aPPltc*EAcn ' IONING t rpFllcont loE af;or, must Drovl'd6 s ou8c€Ilt G, HN,'E OF APFI.IqAN'I I ,ttl/ralr-caYar rf bropclty lt dotellbcd by o mcot8 ond boundB I'EEaI aseirtiluloilr plsrar ptovlds on r ssPBrals 8r'0cB ]$6 1'0S IREA, tt r€qulrsd.' ftarnF0d fuf,vcy shoHlng HrlI lng lddrcr | :*39'--[i.*% 8.NAII! OTHrlttng hlpt,tciNt' I ltElREtENTntlvE I ACUlto00 I L MU,IE or OI{HERS: rll6llf,Fsll(t) r Mat),ing Addrars ! Condonl$Igla bggrovul lf rilto trr8&ICATIgt{ tlE!! DE ttocEsfFp i EEF.^IIHEDT,EI ,i . t,' , 'VALostlot{ 5EE| "i-: t tg,Ogq Q 20.00i ro, oor - s to; ooo f-oo,oo,$50;ooi-6 lsc;ogq llo9,o?itsolooi - t 5oo; 9oo ozoo ' oo iioo;ooi - ir, ooo, ooo {{co 'ooi , oirer oi' oooiooo fSoo 'oo n DESTON ruliYrEll Eqtu(g ADt&ov}l r*t!rug ONE Yft\rt ttlER FINA!' atsEwrs rrDrrrg! r,lsii;iIo lnirilii"-ii rcspno ^.lrD corsEnucBto0l lt 0rt&rED, K, I lcrblr . 1,," ^,'"'i lggj astg trPPt rctrTroH r|tr.! llo'r gr lcqlPBED VlqEII,, I:rtr SIQIJTIID INtOtlAtrIOlt XS SUsitIlED sBgJEgl.INtigltaugE, ii'tiii*tir E. DSSCRIDTIONI Ene<to,r "Cf)oj'__ll*qn\e _, .... ". ., . ,_ tlrflto9t o?lilEn' I EJclltnurll nrOur e re95vromEI__r>( ARCHITECTURAL INTDRIORS & DECORATION AugruEe 9, 1993 TOWN Of VAXIJ DepartmenB of ConmuniEy Development' ?5-South Frontage RoadVail, CoLorado 8165? Mr. Andy f\nudtEen Town Planner REr Lrot l, Werren Pulie StrbdLvielon Dear Mr. Knudtgenr Plcao€ aubmtu oa my behalf, to cha cceign Review Board Ehe enclosod- 5 color options lor my res1d9nca ."-viti vallev Drive, My es-slgtant haE based che eoroii on exlictng vail homEe. AB tsh€ other itiiaencs rmrec haie rcceived D.R.B. approval, I rce 6ver:r rcason to believc one of, uhese- opglone would be ai accrptablc altlrnael'\r. for my horne ' Encloaed plceae flnd savaral photogrephs of my home lor comPariaon PurPolGE. cc: Thonae Laurie Harnr Todd, Egq., Aspen coulBer, 88q., Denver Mltl t.lf. Frd N.tt v/rrl'' 29 EAST 69T.8 STRDDT, NDW YORK, NEW YORE IOO2I 8 (2r2) 628.OO97 FAX: (2r2) 73?.6126 f!-1.r..^-r -,ttl?: N,{OMELJ>( ,\ti('trI1'lr('1'r tir\ l. |\1l.ltiI()Irs & D tic()lt,\T I o..,- IA-6 + l\trJz{r ' < '/\- p- \;-5 S., \Ar-.3.-h,-* i r\,-, l/..' I o ] -F": ctq^'^ I :]!) Il.,\sT (i()f|' qTJtIlJl-t" NE\\' yoRK, Nr.tw \'()ltii l()()21 n iJl2) o!t].oo97 FAX: it19) 7i]7. (;13(t oo 61. TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303479-2136 FAX 303-4792157 Oflice of the Town Clerk CERTTFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TIIE FOREGOING rS A FULL, TRUE, AND CORRECT TRANSCRTPTTON OF rTEII NO. 14 OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN COI'NCIL MEETING HELD DECE!,IBER 1, L992, AS TIIE SAME APPEARS UPON THE ORIGINAI RECORDED RECORDS OF MY OFFICE. t/rz/Q*TIME! /O:25 n-rn ))ss ) &vn t culokux-- HOLLY L. MCCUTCHEON, TOWN CLERK TOWN OF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME APPEARED HOLLY L. MCCUTCHEON, TowN CLERK oF THE TowN oF vArL, coLoRADo, THrs /zrA DAY oF A,,q*i , 1993.',J MY COMM]SSION EXPfRES: lv'Jvo,.,.lr* /(, nlj NOTARY U?5 S.; /ronlccr R.ro.lu Va^I co gttst oo oo TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2100 FAX 303-479-2157 August 1.2, 1.993 J.P. Molyneux Molyneux 29 East 69th Street New York, NY 10021. INVOICE o8-12-93 12-01-92 rC 4.5 HOURS 0 MEETINC IRANSCRIPTTON $50.00 PER 1/2 DAv $100.00 Please returu payment to: Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 Attn: F:lnance ao oo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303479-2136 FAX 303-479-2157 Oflice of the Town Clerk CERTIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE TIIE FOREGOING TS A FULL, TRUE, AND CORRECT TR.,ANSCRTPTION OF ITEI'I NO. 14 OF THE TOVIN OF VAIL TOWN COT'NCIL I.IEEIING HELD DECEI.IBER 1, 1992, AS THE SAttE APPEARS UPON THE ORTGTNAL RECORDED RECORDS OF MY OFFTCE. s/tz/Q}TIME:/o:25 A.m ))ss ) &vt'l ( caloktot<....- HOLLY L. I'{CCUTCHEON, TOWN CLERK TOWN OF VAIL STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OT EAGLE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME APPEARED ITOLLY t. TOWN CLERK OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THIS /2IA, 1993. O MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: lvbvo,',^ir,-,- /[ n1] )) ss ) MCCUTCHEON, DAY OF oo oo Item No. 14. was an appeal of a Desigrr. Review Board (DRB) decision denying the request for a color change for the residence located at 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision. The appellant was Mr. J.P. Molyneaux. Iftistan Pritz reviewed the criteria from the DRB's Octobet 7 ,1992, vote to deny the color change request as detailed in the CDD memo to Council dated December 1, 1992. the memo included backgmund on the request, includi"g the fact that Mr. Molyneaux had not received DRB approval prior to painting his house red. Mr. Molyneaux acLnowledged he had first painted the house without knowledge that authorization to do so was required, however, after being contacted by sta.ff, he had agreed to try to obtain DRB appmval. After discussion regarding the alternatives and comprrcmises examined by the DRB and I\[r. Molyneaux since August, 1992, Mayor Osterfoss indicated the DRB's decision to deny the color change had been appropriate as the DRB's decision was based on the parameters set forth in TOV Municipal Cocle. Jin Shearer moved to uphold the DRB's decision to deny I\[r. Molyneaux's request for a color change for the residence at 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Iot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision, based on the DRB firdings that the request was not in conformance with Sections 18.54.030 (A) and (B) (Design Approval) and 18.54.050 (A1) and (CB) (Design Guidelines) of TOV Municipal Code as set forth in the above referenced memo. Jim Gibson seconded the motion. Before a vote was taken, Rob LeVine noted there was no malicious intent on Mr. Molyneaut's part, and directed the DRB to continue to work with Mr. Molyneaux, who agreed to repaint the residence by the end ofJune, 1993. It was etated the time between now and then was a reasonable eynount of time to repainl, and that it was not reasonable, during the winter months, to require the repaint. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 6-0. oo oo TRA}ISCRIPT OF TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER L, L992, IN RELATION TO AN APPEAT OF A DESIGN REVTEW BOARD DECISION DENYTNG THE REQUEST FOR A COLOR CHANGE FOR THE RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 1628 VAII VALLEY DRIVE, LOT 1, WARREN PULIS SUBDIVISION. PEGGY: The next item on the agenda is an appeal of the Design Review Board decision denying the request for a color change forthe residence located at L628 VaiI valley Drive, warren Pulis Subdivision. KRISTAN PRITZ: I'm Andy tonightt Let me run through this mernobriefly so that I'm sure you understand the situation with theproject. On October 7, L992, the DRB voted 3 to 1 to deny thecolor change that Mr. Molyneux was requesting. In the memo, andI'm not to read through all of these sections, but they cited Section 18.54.030 Desiqn Approval which relates to the exterioralteration of buildings and the need to obtain design approval before rnaking a change such as this. Secondary, the code that theycited was Section 18.54.050 Desiqn Guidelines, that relate toconpatibility and the last section was 18.54.050 Desiqn Guidelines,relating to building naterials and designs, specifically exteriorwall colors. I'd like to give you a little history on what happened with the project. On August 7th, the staff was notified that the house had been painted red, there had been no DRB approvalobtained. we contacted Mr. Molyneux and he did agree to go to Design Review Board to try to get the color change approved. There were actually three meetings where the item was discussed - AugustL9th, september 16th and October 7th. At the Septernber 16th meeting, there were some alternatives discussed to try to bring thecolor into more compliance with the code. A burgundy color was proposed and an actual sample of the paint color was put on the house. The Design Revierd Board looked at this color on October 7th and after that site visit they voted to deny the proposal . Thatvery sErme day the staff did speak with Mr. Molyneux about thepossibility of making sorne slight color changes, even beyond the burgundy color. Mr. Molyneux thought it might be acceptable to use a dark color for the trim on the doors, windows, and facias. we thought that this night help to break up the color of the house aIittle bit. Although the DRB discussed this issue at their meeting, they really didn't have any color sanples to look at and they chose to take action on the request after hearing it several times before. We've attached sorne letters concerning this issue to the rnemo and Mr. Molyneux is here tonight to represent himself and answer questions and make his statemenLs. Larry Eskwith: f have a question, Kristan, and f was out for a second getting a pen. How does this house relate color wise to theother houses in the neighborhood? KP: Well, they tend to be a lot lighter and less of the brightcolor red. white stucco, earth tones, that sort of thing. 30 oo LE: Is it all the adjacent properties that are colored in that fashion? KP: There are dark grays too, and dark browns and so onr but they tend to be more the earth tones with accents only using the bright colors. PO: okay, thank you very much for that presentation. Mr. Molyneux, would you like to make some comments? Mr. Molyneux: Yes, first I would like t,o apologize to have you all here just to decide on something that is turning to be a problem without any intention. when I did, I want to take just a minute to exptain something, when I painted the house the first time, I didit without any knowledge that I had to have permission to do so. When I was notified that I needed that, I stopped what they were doing, or actually I was stopped from doing it, and I requested the permission and I submitted the color. At that time, I was tol.dthat normally, that with just a chip of color is. enough to havethat approved or disapproved. My advantage, or disadvantager wasthat the house was almost painted, so that it was more than a chipthat everyone can see, and it seems that, in my personal opinion,that bothered some of the staff of the board, al-though I explained on that occasion that I did what I did without any knowledge thatI had to have the authorization. A couple of meetings after that,I came expressly for the meetings, I submitted several samples ofcolors and they were aII rejected. The board insisted that the house vras supposed to be painted brown. To start up, something funny that I thought at the beginning, being in a state that the name is Colorado, meaning red, r did some research before paintingthe house, and all that I did was painting the siding. Thestructure of the house still remains white. on one side of the house is more siding than stucco and the three other sides is more stucco, more white, and the red is only a trin. I was quite openat that time to any proposals on changing the color - doing itdarker, doing it lighter, whatever, even what I was proposed onpainting the doors another color and the trim of the windows, because it seems for some persons it was too rnuch of the red all around the siding plus the part of the roof and the windows. After the third rneeting, I believe, I was rejected my proposal, I found,f'd been talking with some neighbors, as of course there are someothers that are objecting the color, and they all definitely approving what I was doing to a point that I received 5photographs, for the five houses painted the same color in Vail. At that point, I've been flexible, very understanding and trying to cooperate because I love VaiI and that's the reason why I purchased the house and r intend to improve it. My idea was to just keep the house for a year like the way it is and next surnmer to redo the facade of the house in conjunction with the neighbor so we can doa stone work and logs and make it like a Swiss chalet. More upgrading, basically, what f have to start with. lihen I saw thecolors, when I say the photographs, I was quite upset because I oa oo think that this was something rnore personal . I came to you as a home owner who is trying to improve the house, I mean the property in accordance to what I think that the town should be. Novr, if that didn't work, I vrant to, you know, maybe you don't know, but nyprofession is very linked with color. I'm an architect, aninterior designer and my work's been published many' many times.f did this year, as a matter of fact, I did a lecture, f gave alecture at the Smithsonian on color. I understand that I can'tjust go and impose something, but I was told that we were tryingto, you know, integrate the colors with the environment, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I mean, first of all, is one partof the country that mountains and rocks are red. The state name isred, and basically, I'rt not trying to do anything, you know, out ofthis world. I mean, I've seen other houses, they're yellow andthey're pink. What I would like from you is to see if I can, I mean if I have to repaint the windows and the doors to make that, you know, somewhat more feasible, I mean I'mwilling to do so, butI still insist that I'm not trying to do something that is out of the way of what the Town of VaiI should be. I do have, if someone would like to see some of the photographs of existing houses of the sane color. I have some drawings of what I intended to do with theexterior of the house that is not fully finished, so I haven't even presented that to the board. That definitely is a big expense, is a big renovation that I'm willing to do next year or as soon as I could. And, that's- what I wanted to explain to all of you. PO: Okay, so thank you very much for your explanation. Do I understand you to say two things, nunber one, in your perception, the color of your house is what we would term here in the Design Review Guidelines a "natural color", drr "earth tone" found within the Vail area? Molyneux: Right - red, definitely red. PO: Okay, and that's because there are some mountain, hillside areas here that are red. T::t".u*r Absolutelyl Right, and r have photographs of that and PO: Okay, and there are other, I think with that we should see photographs of other houses ... Molyneux: Also, I did some research before just going ahead andpaint it red. My understanding of the Town of vail is quiteinternational when in its essence, f mean, it is the best ski resorL in the world and f think that it is appealing to people fronall over. From Europe, from South Anerica, from all over. I've been skiing aII ny life in Europe and in South America and I'm very used to seeing red houses. I mean, the Swiss chalets and aII that are painted red. oo ro Po: I think it would be helpful, Kristan, if you could pass those photographs around so we can see other houses that are this color. Molyneux: Oh, these are photographs also of existing house. Thisis .... PO: And do I understand also that you are proposing that you would paint the trim a different a color and the doors a different color,is that ... Molyneux: Yes, that's something that I accepted lrhen it was proposed. PO: Was that presented to the Design Review Board? Molyneux: It seems that would happen, when that was presented it was very late in the presentation and I just said that I would dothat, but I didn't give a color sample, or did I? KP: No, it was just a concept that was discussed at the meeting,but they really didn't have anything to PO: Paint chips, or .... Molyneux: And these would be the colors - the white, the green ofthe doors and the red of the siding. And these photographs were taken yesterday of the existing house. KP: Peggy, Ned Gwathmey is here also. PO:" Yes, I was just about to let us soak up the photographs here and then we could ask Ned to, Ned is chairman of the Design Review Board as you're aware, and is graciously spending some time herewaiting, I assume, to comment on this. Ned, would you please come and explain to us the Design Review Board's perspective on this? NG: Mr. Molyneux and I talked on the phone a coupJ-e of times aboutthis, concurrent with the application, and what we have is sinply a matter of interpretation. There's no question in my mind, and,in fact I'm certain I made the motion. We tried to work togetherand I feel in the finality that Mr. Molyneux, regardless of changing parts of the application, still wants to leave the housevery red and f've received, I don't relate to that very weII, butcriticisn of the board and of the town for allowing that house to be there in the color it is. It is not only brighter than the surroundj-ngs, in my eye, but it is in other people's. And for that reason, we felt that due to the lateness of the season and thenegotiations that had gone on further the fact that rde don'tpicture ourselves - we like to cooperate with the applicant but wedon't picture ourselves as a design board as such. We reviewapplications. And we r{eren't getting anyrwhere with the process, having had three or four meetings. And I was probably the most or a? open minded on the issue. So I feel the same r,tay. I think we have a philosophical difference. Incidentally' I've seen Mr. Molyneux's work in Architectural Digest and I know what he can do and wish we could get him more compatible living in vail' than a red house. PO: Are there questions to ask of Ned? It sounds like what you're basically saying, Ned, is that according to the Design Review Board, the color of red used on the house is not an earth tone red. It's brighter than earth tone. NG: we came back with sort of redwood and other colors, and there viras a small, there was a sample put on the house, and it was not areally good representation. I think it was sort of minirnally done - in Mr. Molyneux's defense. It wasn't he that did it, it was thepainter. But it was felt, too, that it still was very strong. It was a very bright, still a very bright color. Maybe there's still a possibility of toning it down. But in the absence, I remenber the Lancelot application which was presented. f think that was thelast DRB decision that I remember that was called up. And Mr. Cacioppo was still in so we got kind of a different interpretation of that. But I remember that the Council was extremely harsh in thefact that .there had been no albeit they knew or didn't know they needed DRB approval, but was in fact very harsh with the fact that nothing was done. That it was not resolved and qte were worried about the weather and the fact that the house was going to remain red simply because you can't paint this tine of year. So that was one of the reasons we came to a vote and didn't continue to workwith the applicant ML: It was a 3 to 1 vote. Who was the one? KP: Was that Greg Amsten? I believe it was Greg Amsten. ROB: Did the DRB ever really fully consider an application that encompassed different color trim and the darker red? Did you everget to that point? NG: we never saw another application. We made suggestions and something was done that was never really agreed to. There was only one color. The stucco is white. AII the red to a duller red. Andthat didn't happen. Molyneux: tlell, I thought it was quite brown. NG: I don't know, redwood is kind of brown ... Molyneux: Did you see the photographs of the house that I took yesterday. I mean, that Iooks pretty much like what they wanted. Of course when it's sunny, it looks bright. oo lo KP: Mr. Molyneux, is that the same color that was painted in a patch on the house? Molyneux: Right. KPs Okay. fs it two coats? Molyneux: It's two coats. KP: Okay. PO: f think that the situation that we find ourselves in here, and we do have a number of letters attached from adjacent property ownersr Dow I think, you know, just on a personal note, we appreciate the fact that you are someone whose highly recognized and obviously you're an expert on color and we're, you know,excited that you're coming to the conmunity, because f'm sureyou'll be able to contribute in that capacity. But we operate bya set of regulations and we impose those regulations on other property olrners in the community, l{ho when they feel we are not being fair in our interpretation of that and that they are being discriminated against because they were asked to put more muted tones on their homes, we really have nothing to faII back upon except the way our regulations are written. Just from going out and looking at the house, I think that it would be hard to say that based on our criteria, it's compatible with surrounding buildings and, I agree that red is a color that we have here but in nature it generally is a more sornewhat softer tone. In my perception. Molyneux: I'm surrounded with gray houses. Gray - very gray -just gray. And, definitely, that's not something that you see nature, but I think is quite depressing. We aII like to see morelike a sunny day. PO: WeIl, I think over the years we've commented as colors have corne and glone, and you know, nolv everything's gray, and I think some of us personally night not select having an all gray house, but if it's within the parameters of our guidelines, r,re have to set aside our personal preference, whether it be for brighter tones.I mean, maybe some of us would like to see purples and pinks scattered throughout the conmunity, or a bright southwestern look, but we are operating based on these guidelines, not just personaltaste or personal preference, and that's what l'm trying to conveyto you, is that it seems to me based on the rules we're workingwith that the Design Review Board rnade the appropriate decision. Now I think they showed a willingness to encourage you to select a somewhat more muted tone of red. I mean, if you like red, we don't want to rule that out. Molyneux: I did. I presentedcolor and the only one that was brown. that time three different chips of acceptable was the one that it was 6 oo oo Andy Knudtsen: If I can just get a clarification, you had a small patch painted by the front door that was more burgundy and that since has been covered over by the original color - is that right? Molyneux: Right. But, also, You told Review approved color just with color square feet and it was not enough. me that normally the Designchips. I painted about two KP: No, it wasn't a problem that you didn't paint enough, it wasthat the color still was not acceptable and I think Ned mentionedthat it was probably only one coat so it was kind of tough to see what the color was really going to look like. But, regardless, either that color or the color that was on the remaining portion of the house, I believe those colors were both a concern to the Design Review Board. Ned, correct me if I'm wrong. (Unable to hear Ned's response on tape - garbled.) AK3 ft !'/as a step in the right direction, I think people said, butit was a. question of whether it was far enough. Po: I seern to remember some discussion about, did we discuss thisat one point, Kristan, with regard to the timing? You know, wasthere, did we say that Mr. Molyneux needed to change the colors back to the original colors, remind me of what we ... KP: I'm trying to remember what happened with that. Po: We did something and then there was a comrnent about the timeof year, I mean, I think we trying to be understanding of the factthat winter was closing in. AK: As far as trying to get it to change back to the brown? PO: Right. AK: Yes, the DRB in their motion said that it should change backto brown, but then Mr. Molyneux aPpealed that decision and then it has been an effort on both the staff's part and his part to schedule it for Council and with some things that the agenda had onit and some conflicts he had. This is the earliest we could bringit to you. PO: Okay, so I guess to some extent we have that as a secondaryissue. fs it realistic at this point in time to repaint the house?I mean, I don't know about these weather related things. Can someone comment on that? Rob LeVine: I'd be happy to conunent on my experience at theAnt1er's and we have been trying to hrrap up the painting on ourbuilding because the snow has caught us by surprise and it has not been pleasant. we've tried to get some done that really didn't oo lo take very well. The paint freezes as you put it on. Tom Steinberg: you should take it off in the spring. degrees to take it off. ft's a messt At least 50 PO: WeII, that's what I thought based on my fortunately litnited experience with exterior painting, that this probably has had arealistic time to expecL the color change to happen, until normalweather. I guess that's just a side piece of information. Okay, other conments on this matter, Jim Shearer, do you have any? Jim Shearer: My only comment is I have a hard time with thesethings. I think we have the Design Review Board carefully chosenfor good reason and I generally tend to support them and I wouldfollow suit here too. POr Okay, Jim Gibson? Jim Gibson: No corunent. PO: Tom? TS: Same thing and once again, the gentleman is in the decorating business in a very restricted city of New York. It's incumbent on him to find out what the rules and regulations are. PO: Okay, Rob? RL: Oddly enough, I hate to say this, but I kind of like the red.But, I'm going to agree with .fj-m. I mean, fortunately we have a Design Review Board and fortunately we don't rely on Rob Levine'staste, or we'd all be sorry. PO: It's RI,: So I kind of the same color as the Antler'st guess I would defer to the DRB's recommendation. PO: Merv? Merv Lapin: I have nothing to add, I agree. You know,unfortunately, I think it's going to look a lot better in the spring with the trees. It's shows so starkly now against the whitesnow. But I don't find it as offensive as some of these letters seern to indicate its offensiveness. But, it's in a very subjective area. KP! It's subjective to a point though. I mean, I guess I wouldlike to emphasize that we have some criteria here that are quiteclear in my opinion and looking at the compatibility, adjacentproperties, the earth tone issue accents in the brighter colors, to me, that is very clear. aa oa IrtL: No, f meant subjective in the sense of whether you like the color or not, not subjective in the sense of whether it meets the criteria of our code. I think you're absolutely right. RL: Yes, and I'd like to follow up on what I said, I'm not trying to make ny decision on what f like or what the DRB likes, but I'm again relying on the DRB to interpret the code and I can't fault them for that. LE: Do you believe that their decision complies with the guidelines? RL: Yes. PO: r think that that really is a unanimous opinion, that based on the criteria set forth in the design guidelines, the color that you have utilized does not meet the criteria. So, I guess we need a rnotion here. JS: Madan Mayor, I rnove that we uphold the DRB's decision denying the request. Jirn Gibson: Second. Po: And we need some findings, Jirn. JS: Based on the fact that it's not compatible with the neighborhood and their opinion and based on the design guidelines. PO: That natural colors and earth tones should be utilized and that primary colors, or the bright colors, should be used only as accents? Add that to your motion? LE: Could r suggest that if you agree if it does not comply with the design guidelines set forth in the memorandum that you reference the design guidelines, they do not comply with the designguidelines as set forth in the memorandum? JS: As in Section 18.54.050. PO: Okay, moved by Jim Shearer, seconded by .fin Gibson, to upholdthe decision of the Design Review Board based on the fact that thecolor does not meet the design guidelines. Further discussion? RL: Again, to carry it a little bit further, it's apparent to me that there was no malicious intent here and given the weatherconditions that we find ourselves in that we direct the staff andthe applicant to work with the DRB between now and next spring tofind a satisfactory alternate and that be undertaken as early thisspring as possible. PO: Does that need to be part of the motion, Larry? 9 oo oo LE: r don't think so, I think that can just be direction. I do want to clarify that the, I hate to hit this so hard' but the design guidelines that you feel the property does not comply with, I should say that the house color does not comply with, are the guidelines set forth in the memorandum and listed as 18.54.050 (a) and (c3). Po: I think that was what we were trying to say. I think Jim mentioned structures not conpatible with existing structures and then I tagged on the informatlon that, I was just quoting directly here, " exterior wall colors shall be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings, natural colored and earth tones found in the Vail area should be utilized" - is that satisfactory' Larry? LE: Thank you. PO: Okay, all in favor? A11 Council members: Yes PO: Opposed? No response. PO: I'm in favor, so that passes unanimously and f do agree with Rob's suggestion. Just from a practical standpoint, expecting you to get out there and have it repainted at this time is probably not a realistic undertaking. I mean, paint will peel right off and itwill look like except that it has a few streaks orsonething. so T-thin-kl-T-meEn, r-don,t know how the rest of youfeel about that, it's just practical reality. ML: Yes, no problem. KP: Is it possible to agree on a date when he might be able to getit repainted, once the weather gets warm? Molyneux: How can I know when the weather's going to get warm? KP: WeIl, I think naybe say the end of June would probably besafe. Could we try to shoot for that? Molyneux: We can try. KP: Okay, that's great. PO: We're hoping for warm weather in May, of course, so by the endof June, or April even. End of June would be a good time. Thank you very much. Molyneux: Thank you. 10 JUL 2A '93 JP;jr 18:15 NOLYNEfSTS' LTD 2I? 79761?6 VIOM ooEfJ>( ARCHITIICTIJII^ L INTI1}IIORS & DECORATION 20 ilulY 1993 ME. KrlBtan Prltz Dlrecbor of Conrm.lnicy DevelopmenE DeBartmEnt ?5 south Frontage Roadvall co 81658 Dear Me. Prigz I As per our phone convercaEion r am klndly rogueet'lng che f oliowing lnf ormaElon t r T'he nameF of ghe Tovtn eouncil nembers * TtIe nilm€E of Eho Deaigrr Rcvlew memberg * A brangcrlption of, Eha Town Council mceEing "e-picetttUe-r t, 1992 concerning Ehe color cfi.nsi of my ieaidence aE 1628 vall valrey iliG IJot, 1- Warran gubdlvision I undersEand that a fee le reguired lor a Eransarl'pts. .*pcait" the r€guest and forward a bill' PleaEE q h,$- E9 EA.SI 69T.It STREET, NEIY YORX. NI':1iI YORK IOOPI a (ete) deo'oo97 FAx:(gtP) 7ot'olBO rfl t coP y TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 July 27, 1993 Mr. J.P, Molyneux 29 East 69th Street New York City, NY 10021 D e partne nt of Con m uniry D eve loptne nt RE: Requirement to paint the residence at Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision, 1628 Vail Valley Drive SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Dear J.P.: As we discussed July 20, 1993 over tlre pliorre, the Town Council was willing to modify their condition of approval related to their decision on your repaint at the Town Council meeting on December 1, 1992. As you are aware, the Council at the December meeting required that you repaint the entire duplex by June 30, 1993. At the May 5, 1993 Design Review Board (DRB) meeting the final colors for the duplex were approved. The duplex was not repainled by June 30, 1993. On July 20, 1993, staff discussed lhe previous condition of approval with Council. The Council decided that it would be acceptable to allow the Gonzales portion of the duplex to be repainted when they complete their remodel this Fall. The Council felt it was necessary that the Molyneux side of the duplex be painted by August 15, 1 993. The intent was to allow some additional time for you to hire a painter to finish this portion of the duplex which in their opinion would not be effected by the Gonzales remodel. I must emphasize that if the Molyneux side of the duplex is not repainted per the approved DRB colors by August 15, 1993, our department will have no choice but to issue a citation to you based on the structure's noncompliance with the Town Council's condition of approval and Design Review Guidelines. As we discussed on Tuesday, the staff and Town Council do not want to have a disagreement with you over this issue. The intent is to allow you adequate time to comply even after the June 30, 1993 deadline has been missed. I have enclosed the specific section of the Town of Vail Municipal Code that relates to zoning code violations and fines. Please note that it is conceivable that you may be fined on a daily basis if the Molyneux side of the duplex is not painted by August 15, 1993. ,t i Mr. J.P. Molyneux July 27,1993 Page Two tf you have any additlonal questions about the amended condition of approval or need direction on the repainting of your side of tho duplex, please feel free to call me at (303) 479- 2138. Kdstan Pritz Community Development Director xc: Town Council Design Review Board Pilar Gonzales Parra Tom Moorhead Andy Knudtsan o I 8.66.01 0 Administra lor-Appoin trnent. . The town manager shall app'oint a zoning administrator rv.ho shatl-idminister anf enforc.'thit titl". The position of zoning aclntinistrator may be combined rvith another position of the. torvn- (Ord.8(1973) S 2l.l0O.) + 18.66.020 Administrator-Duties.tlt A. Tl;; zoning arinrinistraior shall be responsible for.s'rch dutles as prescribe<J in this title, and slrall be responsible for enforcentent of the zoning regulations' The zotting adtninistrator and his drrties shall ltave the right to enter on 3ny site or to entcr 3ny structure for the purpose ol intesrigttion or irrspeclion rel3ted to'any provisiol o-f th.is title. rxovitJed that il:e right of entry slrall be exercisetl only at reasonable hottrs atrd lhst irl no case shall any slttlcitrre be enfeted in the absence cf the owner or tenant without lhe rvritlen order of a corlrt ol' colnpetent jurisdiction' B. The zoning ac!ntinistrator nl3y set\'3 iioiice !!ld:'--:!ing il:'l nature of iny violation, or requiring i11e lcprsvzl of any struclure or use itr viotarion of this title. on the o$ner or his suthorized sgent' or a tenant, or on any other person wlro cornmits or participates in ani viotation of this title' Tlte zoning administrator nray call trpolr the towtr atlortley to institute necessary tegat proceedings to enforce the provisions of this title, and the towtr sttorney is authorized io institute appropriaie rciions to th3t end' The zo:ii:rg administrator niay- calt uporr the chief of potice and his nuthorized agents to assist in the errforcenrent ol this title' (Ord. 8(19i3) S 21.102.1 : , l'.' $'.! lJ{l 488 AD}tINJSTIIATION -f 18.66.025 violaiions-Penalties.'/i\ A. In case any builditrg or structrtre is erected, structurally altered, extended, moved or maintaincd, or any building, structure or land is used in violation of this Title 18, any person nray file a rvritte:r cornplaint in the tbrvn nrunicipal court alleging said violation. The filing of a contplaint to the nrunicipal court shalI be an addjtjonal relnedy, and shall riot prectude the imposition of any other citil or adnrinjs' lrative action or ssnctiotr. The os,ner or general agent of a building or prentises rvherc a violation of eny provisions of this Title l8 has beell conrmitted or shall exist, or the lcssee or tenalrt of atl etrtire Uuilding or errtire premises rvhere stlch gelreral agettt, lessee or tenant of any part of the building or prenrises irr rvhich sucir vioiation has beert cointnitted or shail exist, or llle general agent, architect, builder, contractor or any other person ivlto conttnits, takes part itr, or rvho assists in any such violation or rvho nraintains arry bujlding or prentises a separate violation. (ord. 50(1978) g 22.) : ':: . ".:'. j: ..': .." B. a rnisdelneanor punishable either b than three hundred dol ys'jail sentert or ued. Tlre correctioli of a viola iestraiu imprc-sition of these penalties. Each day strclr violation contittues shall constitute i:. 488-l (vril4-15-?9) dit July 21, 1993 Mr. J.P. Molyneux 29 East 69th Street New York City, NY 10021 RE: Requirement to paint the residence at Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision, 1628 VailValley Drive SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Dear J.P.: As we discussed yesterday over the phone, the Town Council was willing to modify their condition of approval related to their decision on your repaint at the Town Council meeting on December 1, 1992. As you are aware, the Council at the December meeting required that you repaint the entire duplex by June 30, 1993. At the May 5, 1993 Design Review Board (DRB) meeting the final colors for the duplex were approved. The duplex was not repainted by June 30, 1993. On July 20, 1993, staff discussed the previous condition of approval with Council. The Council decided that it would be acceptable to allow the Gonzales portion of the duplex to be repainted when lhey complete their remodel this Fall. The Council felt it was necessary that the Molyneux side of the duplex be painted by August 15, 1993. The intent was to allow some additional time for you to hire a painter to finish this portion of the duplex which in their opinion would not be effected by the Gonzales remodel. I must emphasize that if the Molyneux side of the duplex is not repainted per the approved DRB colors by August 15, 1993, our department will have no choice but to issue a citation to you based on the structure's noncompliance with he Town Gouncil's condition of approval and Design Review Guidelines. As we discussed on Tuesday, the straff and Town Council do not want to have a disagreement with you over this issue. The intent is to allow you adequate time to comply even after the June 30, 1993 deadline has been missed. I have enclosed the specific section of the Town of Vail Municipal Code that relates to zoning code violations and fines. Please note that it is conceivable that you may be fined on a daily basis if the Molyneux side of the duplex is not painted by August 15, 1993. b'| ffi Mr. J.P. Molyneux July 21, 1993 Page Two lf you have any additional questions about the amended condition of apprwal or need direction on the repainting of your side of the duplex, please feel free to call me at (303) 47$ 2138. Sincerely, Kristan PriE Community Development Director xc: Town Council Design Review Board Pilar Gonzales Pana Tom Moorhead Andy Knudtsen tsBAFT July21., 1993 ff$, December 1, 1992. As you are aware, the Coggcil{Fflq$me required that you repaint the entire duplex by June 30, 1993, July 20, 1993, 9 byJurE€H99S, staff discussed the previous condition of approvalwith Council. The r Councildecided that it would be acceptable to allow the Gonzales portion of the duplex to &-e-. repainflhis?arH{p€truetuFe when they complete their remodel. The Gouncil felt it was tvt. @ Mo[neux 29 East 69th Street New York City, NY 10021 RE: Requirement to paint the residence at Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision, 1628 Vail Valley Drive ::il:^cER'FlEDMAlL ,ffiAffi" As we discussed yesterday overthe phone, netown/o ",r*ffi^odify their frylm As we discussed yesterday over the phone, the Towrytouncllwaf-willing to modify their +ffiht condition of approval related to their decision on youy'reg3in(al the Town Council meeting on - fl'- I necessary that the Molyneux side of the duple;,0e painted by August 15, 1993. The intent was to allow some additional time for you to l*iip a painter to finish this portion of the duplex which in their opinion would not be effected by the Gonzales remodel.Vl muslpa emphasize that if the Molyneux side of the duplex is not repainted per the approvef,C6lors by August 15, 1993, our department will have noghoice but to with the Town Council's condition of approval.trAs we discu for the noncompliance on Tuesday, the staff and Town Council do not want to haveE disagrpqmgnt with you allow you adequate time tomn a this issue. The intent is to the June 30, 1993 deadline has been missed. I have enclosed the specific section of the that relates to zoning code violations and fines. Please note that it is conceivable you may be fined on a daif basis {dt.mfTidnmmo|iafioe. I tf tk-nel,,rru.4x t;/r4iltd4Qx t ,61ya*&l:l iluSuluq uzi. ttut a- c;LJia^.lo 1u- t//'/,//-" uou a] r'1o'^#J q Y 94 ms ' 0 Mr. Molyneux July 21, 1993 Page Two Sincerely, Kristan Pritz Gommunity Development Director xc: Town Council Ttom Moorhead \ AnOy Knudtsen \Design Review Board P;lar 6a',eoles fqra-'o /ww apppval, J-am*re-thaltlf you have any additional questions-ab-out the amended condition of $'ifinsroret[ilhyon 7lt*z {al4Le- 1r cah( a. ry f,t^r "dl,n'fu'i:vts" 'ss i - ,{ {A[\r{ \t,11'^ l)'fl fqu\uunru ,r,d \,64*r^! \'^^ 'p( \- .ru.'..-Uil ^tw"^&; u"il/+,\ e{ amino[-l\\\i t,^M_ u( \ UpL" L:\ ^ I,tyu, ^,ri . I G*.14rv \-r"M-+t".rn^$!',t rJ i,^* !i-{''''U 4 .nurJ,$ ,n- \ilb, M r"f nl* ,.rtn^n ,1 {Ajl.\rcL \titL.^ Vf l\u\u\Uf,rU 0,,,,\d \CA*[tt \'r. WMWffffi* n\' \/iiip TOVI.N OFVAIL 7J Soutb Frontage Roail Vail, Colorailo 81657 j0t -47 9-21 1 I / 47 9-21 39 lplLE coPI D epartment of Community Deaelopment December 2,1992 J.P. Molyneux 29 East 69th Street New York, New York 10021 RE: Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision Dear J.P.: I have enclosed a copy of the Design Review Board record, showing the motions that were made at each of the meetings. Based on the decision at last night's Town Council meeting, I look forward to working with you and the DRB to find a different color that is acceptable to everyone. Please keep in mind that the new color will need to be painted by June 30, 1993. Please call me if you would like to talk about the next step in the process or any other issues. Thank you for your perseverance. Sincerely,^ffiTown Planner enclosure T Y--:," ?J^v I e&o,q,y Luo^"'*'' t( i L/\) 6 tsgs PROPERTY MANAGEMENT January 3, L992 l{r. Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Department of Conmunity Development75 Sou'uh Frontage RoadVail , CO 81557 Dear Andys Just a brief note of thanks for the copy of your December 2, L992 1letter to Ift. J. P. Molyneux regarding the color of his residenceon Lot l, Warren Pull-s Subdivision. At the recent Annual Homeowrrers, Meeting of the four phases of theGolfcourse Townhomea, .many ownera requested the status of thissituation, which I gave them. Since Notices are not sent regardingthe Agenda of the Design Review Board, I would appreciate beinginformed l-f the Board meets to discuss this issue again so I canasnure the oldners at the Golfcourse Townhomes of their input. Thanks. Bill Sargent v PO. Box 1292, Vail, Colorado 81658 /Crossroads Shoppi 303-476-4300/FAX 30 \\.l\ , ^L0-r' V i\Jr 0 \' 0fuVt,wt./\t'' (, t,fi V n' , t [L(',.,y'' ,r +t \uto,rNt, [o orive-suitJsto',,i fl [,*\54' f' AiJ_ \'*\4'', i ' \ 4'o' , d.,,Y l'/ \,1, tlL' x\" ng Center / 143 E. Meadow 3-479-9534 Sincgrely, t &l 1," *,,9 P^'' ''oArtA/ Iten No. 13 was review of a request for a sign variance for The Antlers Condominiuns, 680w. Lionshead Place, Iot 3, Block 1, vail rionsHead Brd Filing. The applicant was Rob LeVine/Ihe Antlers Condominiums. Rob LeVine etepped down from discussioD due to conflict of interest. Tim Devlin advised tJris request was, in fact, for two variances; the first being fon size of signs, qnd the eecond beiag for height of signs. He explained the description of the reguest as detailed in the CDD memo to the DRB dated November 4, !992, ioaoaiog a proposed change in the lettering style and lightiDg ofthe erieting 36 square foot legal uon- confoming sign' He indicated TOV Municipaf Code stipulated the right to continued use or operation of gnf legal non-conformiag siga terminated whenerrer a sign was altered in anyway. Thrcrefore, The Antler'e needed a variance even though the size and height of thl pmposed sign would remain the ga'ne as the existing sigr. Ttm noted there were precedents for this type of variance, and stafrand the DRB believed there were special cirtunstances fpdnlS to The Antlet's building particularly its concave physical location. After discussion, Merv Lapin moved to approve the sign variance as requested with the intlinge of speciai circ 'mstances as called out in the aborre-referenoed memorandum including proo?of physical hardship, that special circumstances werre not created by the applicant, aod-that E ioti"g of the variance would be in general hamony with the purpose of tne tOV Sign Code-and woiild not be materially detrinental to the persons residing oi working in the vicinity, to adjacentproperty, 1o the neighborhood or to the public welfare in general. Jim Gibson-Becontted tUemotion. A vote was taken and the motion passed, E-Gl, Rob Levine abstaining. Item No.l.4. was-an lpped of a Design Review Board (DRB) decision denying the request for a color change for the residence located at 1628 Vail Valley flrive, Iot 1, Warren Put;"Subdivision. The appelbnt was I\[r. J.P. Molyneaux. I(ristan Pritz r6GEdttE6 cri:teria-fibm=me DRB's October 7, t992, vote to deny the color chnnge request as detailed in the CDD memo to Council dated December 1, 1992. lbe memo included backgmund on tbe request, including the fact that Mr. Molyneaux had not received DRB appmval prior to paintini his house red. }1r. Molyneaux acknowledged he had first paiDt€d tne buse withoui knowledge that authorization to do go was required, however, after being contacted by staff, he hid agreed to try to obtain DRB approval. After discussion regarding the ali€rnadves and compromises exanined by the DRB and I\[r. Molyneaux since Augus! 1992, Mayor Osterfossindicated the DBB's decision to deny the color cnange had been appropnate as th" nnst decision was based on the paraneters set forth in TtOV Muniapal C-ole. -,lin Shearer movedto uphold the DRB's decision to deny Mr. Molyneaut's request for a color change for the rysrleace at 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Int 1, Wanren Pdis Subdivision, based oo-tU" OnS fndings-that the request was not iD cpnformen@ with Sections f8.54.030 (A) and (B) (Desigl fpnroval) and 18.54.050 (A1) and (C3) (Design Guideliaes) of TOV Municipal Code as ;tforth in the above r',eferenced memo. Jim Gibson seconded the motion. Beiore a vote was taken, Rob LeVine noted there was no malicious intent on Mr. Mo\m.eaut's part, and directed the DRB to continue to work with l\t[r. Molyneaux, who agr,eed to repaint the reeidenoe by the end of June, 1993. It was stated the time between now and then was a reasonable amount of time to repainl, and that it was not reasonable, during the winter months, to require therepaint. A vote was taken and the motion passed, &0. there being no further business, a motion to adjounn the meetrng was made and passedrrnanimsqsly. The meeting was adjouned at 10:00 p.M. Respectfully subnitted, ATIEST: Pe-ela A Brandmeyer, llinutes hksn by Dofunne S. Dao clurxsD€cl.s2 U't) \ aret A Osterfoss, M ng Town Clerk 45Zt3J B-s57 F.29g o7/O|/'gt J5:26 FG J OF? REC DOC lg ., JaFNNE7TE pHrLLris (},nitt-'"ouNry c,LERK, coLoRA^ Jo.oo o.oon/0, v v 4.{'' "utLDtNG REsrRtcrtoN THIS BUILDING RESTRICTION is made etfective on the ffiay of June, 1991, by BERNARD R. KRUEGER and CELINE M. KRUEGER (the'Kruegers'), owners of real property situated in Eagle County, Colorado, to wit: Lot 1A, a Resubdivision of Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision, according to the Plat recorded September 15, 1982, in Book345 at Page 932, County of Eagle, State of Colorado also known as 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado (the 'Property"). RECITALS A. WHEFIEAS, the Kruegers own the Property which is situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. B. WHEREAS, the Kruegers have applied for permits and authorizations from the =Town of Vailfor expansion of the residential improvements to the Property' 5 c. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail restricts the total size of residenrid improvements 8 situated on Lot 1 (which consists of two parcels, the Property and the adjacent Lot 18) but has not allocated the size of the respective improvements permitted on Lots 1A and 18. D. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail permits a 'bonus' allocation of an additional 250 square feet of residential improvements to each residence (i.e., the Property and Lot 1B) pursuant to Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1985, also known as Section 18.71 of the Vail Municipal Code, but only after the undedying ma,rimum residential size has been built. E. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail is willing to permit the construction of the "bonus' 250 square feet on the Property provided that the Kruegers restrict future expansion of the residential improvements on the Property as provided herein. F. WHEREAS, the Kruegers are willing to restrict title to the Property and to provide that total residential improvements shall never exceed the maximum size permitted by the Town of Vail in order to obtain approval from the Town of Vail for expansion at this time which will include the bonus of 250 square feet. NOW, THEREFORE, the Kruegers hereby declare that the Property shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following restriction which shall run with the Property and be binding upon all parties having any right, title or interest in the Property, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner lhereof: 1. RESTRICTION. The residentialimprovements on the Property may not exceed 3,775 iquare feet of Gross Besidential Floor Area ("GRFA) as measured and defined by the Office of Community Development of the Town of Vail pursuant to the Vail Municipal Code. 453431 B'5s7 P'299 o4os/g1 15:26 FG2OF2 2. AMENDMENT. (a) This restriction shall be deemed amended to increase the size of permitted resid;ntlal improvements to the Property by any arnendment or repeal and ieenactment of the Town of Vail zoning ordinances, or any change in interpretation of the I present lar which may have the effectot increasing fre alto,vable_size of residential I improvements in the Two-Family Zone Distlict within he Tonn of Vail. I (b) This agreement may not be amended or Frminated without lhe prior writlen approval of the Town of Vail. 3. ABANDONMENT. This restriction shall be deemed abandoned, null and void and of no further etfect at tho time when any ol the follorving occurs: (a) The Property is no longer zoned by the Town of Vail (or its municipal successor) for residential use; or (b) The Town of Vail (or its municipal successor) revokes its limitations to the size of impiovemenE to residential real estate or ceases to enforce such zoning code restrictions. N c) ay of/D4 /a.t STATE oF L?-LA-'<- t-*a1 couNrY orl4 onk-, ) ss' U Thq above and foregn's /trlaay ot - Building Restriclion was subscribed and sworn to before me t,-.*t- .1991, by BERNARD R' KRUEGER and |qq/ . CELINE M. KRUEGER. officialseal. uU.t c\ o P(,, >r(ua, or5 c(, > c,'FC L!'o= +rEE|,|GrJOE .J C,LO ra tb|! s ttv|..J 'J ! L't c, >165C>C(|,E.Fo.E>o.t.r, vt C E g't)U.FOIUO > tu E o,+, !|,ats:L.l0t+, c lu,! !t r/l tt lg tLOG\€ |',t.9 Ccl g(F 6 !!t.! -oc,o.! 5 L3LtocoooC'>rC)E -Cl Co f L.P!, OC' Q' (,qJ'F!t+r6u+,O O'r- C.o.|'l ra .! >c, (J 6'3 - FEEC L O'a.r C { >rO +,Ito(u.t LtF >rE C, [,o.r o u(,UOI'(J at or {J >rF FC C, >6aJ > L (ur. ctr o 5 +tarl q, C vl |l! 'JF,- O TtE =VrF >+r FtuO C.F C.C 4z d lr<9+, otot a.9 -rd alrct&.E s to @ ]f,I ctz -c,;.eL.Fooo() rCL0r o.F< EE*,EC.- c'EEtr.r66o .J5<'-F EA8> nE FFoEioo;:o =gFrc !Poot e(, 'o_r= ?F 3P F5Lc.our clP5cIEOl 'F |l'q,!,L oo qt N t ..3' t: -j,: i: i.. . '+ i;-rt,:)ot23 h-t 'cnc Loot 0rtrul E IU+,c:o =IL 0, .Jg, F' T'Lo(, o,L o o, .r, +, Io ,E!t, i .1,€ct! L .uc E(, ||ttu 0rE.T o ctrE cjur Oto u 0., c.F.e +r L.r .e !f(tt- CrE L +, tt| L!t q, (uc!'('o, c c|Eo.ulE !r€ yt !u uJ EnLcl OrE C+r16E C.|.uc(u>ot q, cL4 A Olt OC+'Yl .F0rvl l.'FllO CLCI ctCL.Fc' El.L Cl.o,o, .Pc)cL .aJE()O'lr) C:F+t .Fvtc X>r :'+,vr,Flr o,+ryt org ' o tErO O OrE 1J |q! = E!+rE L CC . O I Lrd :J Or.P 0, t^ rF +, L O|'.,Evr{J >.cE o,o o orF+, iJ.F t o.p-c ut c {J c,lt rF.cl.F (J.F E C.Fu .+, |o 3 |l' E cn|a F. 'a \.e L OO.F|t'ra- E: CrO>LLr,).F |E.!,.C-CF () Cl P 4l rE.u ct rE {J.aJ o, c L cLLE..c0 t(,CnOq' rLo,O.}, C'F E C, IJOOO !O+rO.FCrX |-|!!ro cccu(, .uCOC yro| FC q,OO|U .+, OrOO. !n .r.F c CDc d, L ''?-t F l,+rd.co| L.o.rt.F0, q,LtEL.|r.rE ro dlO eOut,!!to o oL +ruO |,Fr- > .'' > tO 'e. QtFEO_.Fc) UrcJ C+rCt +rL:t L st 6 sErioB.P-=EP'E(uF>.;+r+rO|U.o c,E+,L o| (JGt CL./r P t,OrF f () 0, (l,t ./r O. 3.rr>.pvt c-c c+, +r |!|rF r, cO 0j+JC C O'FlU'L cr+tlF C! -Cro| {JEcl.c c +rLrcEcp vt c|.E+ro|||u l., L 3: vlF EOt>O>(,|! C,|oTt 0, .J{J.C c'F CL (,IUl,|E>+, .FVt L.F nto E>\F eO >r +,L3 L OrtF.e., EL t c'O.p L cLE.-.P6.F |U '6 CcrESarS ..c cL.P .cr.F t4 L P >r, Cn l, .F.EE FOI 4J CL.O l: (l,.cGruLFoclo +r.F ot^+,- O.o 6, tJ./| (' C tt L.u ! u x c,s (|, {,>o|+r+r(u XO, r4{JE tU t.a- ED.o Ut.c c, .F L +' I.F oF Cr.P -E!t I ,U O+, trl CL L .F C, C.A |JL{J Ar5c,0LrU 'rOo, L >.c9- {J(' CL L rFg(, O Or.P 16L .O.FFE> H rr o!,rt +,E .o-o = o .n 4l +, c o luo|.c t^rF .? oF 6.F (r.1.,L.aJ 6-c-E L(, r o,q, !, Co,+r+, lJ'F tt vl tt-t L C c, C ur !t g Fc' (' C!'F trb 0, g I .q OHTFFfF.c)c'.ttF(J| F+, rf tr)(\l ooa = nq-l \Frrr R rL 'da .u $ s f;s i i Hlnos g I lial{t 9) \o a.ol- o d or o =o l- sl{ b .--..-- \\--=_- b- c.- \ \\ o]r| l{ -ls tt bl9Gqg o ({ t-.,:. -t :: .J CL; 1.q CQi: c.t te ta. BEz J c--\ i o N ottlla ze'61 Iq bo q;ql : sr)(\l ooa I o o .J:: -. tst.I3t :\ Ct 5 ID 3 u> a -. -1a- q---# I v\tol-o\o \ -o\'l \,.J () '2. \ \tr"lz:A i ,o're' ffi HJUON t d (\ \ o t b If fr (\t(\ a o tr) tl I lLo t I v,!q .j at i t a r{ ci B g B rl T I H $ $ 6tr so -, l- Fa 5 ! s+q gQ dFEr E$3 rtil :*$loq IJS I a I! (! $( L ( (( {i ili IF I<t qa d I e Eo I d e ilslll lj H[f; i[' Ite o $r(o3O 5q? rd.! lin o EL g TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS0l 0000 41540 I'NIFORM BTJILDING CODE0l 0000 42415 I,JNIFORM PLTJMBING CODE0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 424 15 0l 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS0l 00004215 )GROX COPIES /STIJDIESor w4ur2 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS0r 0000 42371 OFF HOIJRS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 0l 0000 41330 0l 0000 41413 T0hlFl 0F LrFl I t_ l,liscel lsneous CEsh i:1:-11-:rl 1 i-.,.::.8 r c:n El+,:Eip1. # F-1i 1iSr:-. llt,:':unt S t:[t # 4:i] FF:IT::LEH, F.IEF:1:,E. EF:If.IEF],.,1:OII DEL,I fiF,F, FEE Flrrr,-run t l+nd* r-*,J ., ;IEF. t:1t l Item paid Hmowrr paid UlEr$r.:rE14l.lf,E1LlrlJU ::Elrjl. tru [.h.:nge r-L: iur-ne,l ,' t_ " i:i THFIFI}< 1/OTJ r,,,;,r_i 1 ;.1i;fl ir=.f t:iJt,lI:, Project Application Pro jecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and r,ting hiaa, .'-'- Po'l' \' , =.^" Af'ALegal Descriplion: Lot B lock Com ments: Design Review Board ,^," tft /o/ D ISAPPROVAL Summary: s Ar/ ,"", t/6/q/ a l'";h.r{.!,o*(r'b DA'E: slsl<t sFR, R, ZONE EHECK FOR R P/S ZONE DrSlRrqtS IEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: Iot Block -l- rtrhg l,Oot.^ f*lt-t ADDRESSS or{NER pHoNE U^ n rARcHrrEcr l/lut/', l/,lu/ pHoNE zoNE DrsrRtct rl,. rn orx PRoPosED use aJr-{r'f''*\ ror srzE z{E7;.sz b ( Exlstlnq Proposed Total d.d"4 att znc.c J <,a,rh"y---t 3b'za "q tKgtT ZU 2'l.D ttfuo r21o 4ot s'G 6? Helght Total GRFA Prlnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sldes Rear Water Courge Setback Slte Coverage Landscaplng Retainlng l{all Helghts Parking Garage CredLt Drlve: Environnenta lrllta z ard s : Allowed --1-1(30) k3.9)-J 4&7'd+ teE6jE) - fu<1.ct 20r 151 15. (30) (50) 5lts.l z-lry ----4J5- - Doee thls reguest lnvolve a Hon Duch of the allowed 250 , 3r /6r &t:'r\r- e@\nkl Regrd @(eoo) (1200)- Per":nltted Slope ;9L Actua| Slone '' rL"T Date approved by Town Englrieqr: ^ l" r il\--\l1) Flood Plain ,.,,. 2) Percent SloPe ,,tlq 'Y 3) Geologlc f,azards - a) Snow Avalanche n']'wz 4-t b) BockfaD.t4-r4 -.- 4 *l c) Debrls Flou **--- 4' I 4) lletlands tqrr\<- - >;l< vg.l 250 Addltlon? t4' D Addtltlon Ls used wlth tbls reguest? 5t2' I -ffitt$r.,tt :.t -t i Project Application ,l | .,"" 1f 3l{/ Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Pdrson and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing hy(rr,, P, /,,zon" 4.,{t /oy Com ments: Design Review Board o^," 4- 3- 7/ Motion by:La/ Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL 5*a Summary: Staf f Approval PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Design Review Board of the Town of VaiL will hold a public hearing on ilune 5, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a second unit on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot which is less then 15' 000 sguare feet' located at 1004 Homestake Circle. Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village ?th. Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. Stenpler 2. A reguest for a second uni! on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot which is less then 15,000 square feet, located aE 2466 Garmish Drive. Lot 2, Block G, vail Das Schone Filing *2. Applicant: Mike and Enily Kloser 3. A request for a second unit on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot which is less then 15r 000 square feet, located at 2349 Chanonix Lane. LoL !2, Block A, VaiI Das Schone Filing #1. Applicant: Gary Rothbart 4. A request for an additional 250 sguare feeL of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Molyneax Residence located at 1528 vail Val1ey Drive. Lot 1A, Warren Pulis Subdivision. applicant: Mr. and Mrs. Molyneax The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's offi.ce during regular office hours for public inspect.ion. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the vail Trail on May 17, 199L. tu -:rw l"lgy ,=,== ltT-ryJ#lf tt, ?L? ??r6t?6 p.ita ,9t F: FXS'RlTZ TO: ATTN: FAX#: PAGES, FROM: J]ATE: Prllll,ary ,,:iIIit Secondar:y unJ-t ctal MIiSSA;:I: ksy ! The f r'Ll.owlng are the current €lquare corire3pondl wlth the Clata provl.ded by F.lefiqg proceed wlth appllcattorr for ,nday. Thank you. footage neasurementg whrch DRB on the followlng Page.the additional 250 ft bonus, 4,949,?. Propoaed 3 | 62.6 i,ir1 1, :l.er-. , rdg t. ' \.ll t', v' :l'.,r ' | |l/t-4 I l:r_ {.1(j ,t'erema)f )-1 . -'1. i'1tana c .r Exietirrg 3 , ob4(Fr;Tt"/,.^ AI l cwab Ic 3,6?i.{'t r'e/. I ,979.li,, g|i/ . r:,),.,.6 r,885 .r,(g^T 7 Best copy Available eg EAST €r9'' : ).rrl.l N4C)MET--D( AFCIIITECT]'RAL IN;TERIORS & DFTCOTiATION frrtaler, plerce, briner NAY NIETSOX r--303-476-4901 2 GEORGE MAREMA 5/ 1O / el. !, .l)lti YOnH r,; : i 1' . ii1 JTJI .: !1.: (1'J..1 r,)()O7 fAx;(erP) 73?.€1S6 ttsr lvt^l t Sltl May 13, 1991 l'{r. Andy Knudsen Town of Vail Department of Conmunity DevelopmentVail Colorado Re: Krueger ResidenceAddition and Remodel r-Oren. Drerce. Drrnerv..arChitecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 1OOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail. colorado 81658 303-476-63 42 fax 3O3- 47 6- 49O L Pg. I 05139125 . doc Dear Andy, Ur. George Merema of Mollmeux Studios in New York hasrequested that our office submit a request for the 250additional GRFA in conjunction with the Desj-gn Reviewapplication. 240 sq. ft of the 250 is proposed to beused in the upstairs studio area. Total proposed GRFAincluding the 240 wiII be (3626+240) 3,865. The owners are still working on finalizing the split onthe remaining GRFA but it appears that 35/55 is agree-able to both parties. P1ease refer to the copy of Mr.lrlerena's letter attached. pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b.a. fritzlerl, pierce, briner formerly itrtratect design group Please call if you have any guestions. g\)\ L \\ .L' :"i _ o. 5,il-.n.f'-.. = V l!" i- Lrrrld FritLlenFritzlen Pie l'. ). t ," L\ ",r,' 7 .., . !p' Y -4/ S:'S', Sti'ooo ra, .,[\ ] tr#' j t" ,. bt" ^/"1'" 7' ) , ,-- v '* n"}' C*0" -l fid ,o,Jn'oo t,', L{* N [\^t'" ' ^,,-^ 4yf\X^t LJ- ,,r,Jt tqrr\ \ eNA" \ .L w i (,No tqrr\ \ \N\ \\b\ Uk Go|\ btnnar= \ s-\s\r) U n,\ \^- \:N\u= JNoA.'q\ ' RgO MAY i Ii 13{otro,,o* FOR ADI]ITIONAL GRi'A FOR PROPER'TIES IN TXCESS OF AI.L()|,lABIL rjIIFA Dace of Date of Appl icar lr,'-rf p7/ DttlJ i'4eet irtg PRI-APPL ICAT ION CONFERENCT A pre-app) jcat jon corrference wittr a nrerrrber of ttre 1rlarrttirrq stati ls srrorrgly encouraged to rliscuss the provisiorts under whjclr additiorral [iilF/\ catl be added to a site. It should be urrderstood tlrat. tlris or'd irtartce does troL assur'e eacll properly an additjonal 250 square feet of GRFA, flatirer', the o|dirrarrci- allovrs for' -ug.t0250 sorrare fpet if certairr corrditiorts are;ttet. Applications for additjons under this sectiorr will troI oe dcLcliLL'o urrless-they ai-b cqmplete. This includes all infornratiorr required orr lftis fc.rrrn as vrei l as Design Review Board sutrmittal requirettents. A. PRoJECT DEScRTPTIoN, €lN6(E n4U!?-f-- C€- 2@4- R LOCAT ION i\odIess OF PI{OPOSAL: rttins-- p12/1s APPL I CANT:L/ a u e e -aEBete-e7- - -/x e . Legai Descriplltttt: Zone 0istrict NMI OF Add res s NAME Ot: Address Z NAI'|E 0F 0t,lNER(S): Signature(s) Addres s REPRESENTAT IYE: </'e,arate ,tu Lot lJlock - C, D. F rl0ne bu l. ,r-14'lq^[ bF 0t2. Names and mailing addreSSes Of adiacent propet'ty_qlrrlers arrd ol ownerS units on the sam6 lot. This infornratjon is available fronr tfre Eagle Assessor's office, 3. Condominiunr association approva | (1f appl icai-rle)' 4. Existing floor plan of structure. County APPL I CANT' S il*.-*/4n/7zenv ptrone ?l ;Ln<tne_(1lL S:2 3? .. F. Filing Fee of {J4e# is required at Lttrte of suotttie(al Zoo'ao lhe fullgwirrg ilrl'grrrra!iOrr, irr atldit. iurr tu Ul(U sul.rttr tl!.1 I llr(lu lrt'rrre trL5, slruli requi red wi th thi s subntltta'l : l. Verification that the unit has received a firral certlficate oi occupatt G. your proposal wjll be reviewed for conpliance wiLlr V,iil's Ur..rlrrpleherlsive Plall ' aVI omrLl>(LTFRlTZ .\li(' I'fti(,r'I't:ltAL t\TlJl Ol(s & I)li(lo1(41 1()\ May L5, L99L Mr. WilIian Pierce FRITZLEN, PTERCE, BRINERArchitecture, Planning, InteriorsPost Office Box 57 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 1/dVail, Colorado 81658 n6A}. Fi 1 l . Enclosed please flnd 2 sets of prints and one set of sepias ofour revised drawings for the Krueger propert.y. These reflect thejuSSling of the rernaining eRFA in accbrd-with the requirements ofthe owners of the secondary unit, and include the use of ouradditional 250 ft. allowance. There is no chanqe to the exteriorfrorn the approved DRB set. According to the most recent neasurements supplied by the Town ofVai1, we have available, '7O7 sq, ft. Of that, 438 sq. ft will go to the prinary unit and 269 sq ft.wiIl be designated for the secondary unit. This adds a totaL of 117 ft to our previous estimate of 3,627making the proposed primary GRFA 3744 sq. ft., an addition of 680(430 + 250) sq ft. Please note this on the application for additional GFRA anciplease be sure that the allocation of 269 sCI. ft is made to thesecondary unit. I underst,and that we will be certain of the resul-ts of thisapplication on June 3 | I9gI. If there is any inconsistency r^rith these numbers or if yourequire any additional information, please do not hesjtate tocall me. since our last revision, r have returned the Livinq Room to itslirl,riprevious dimensions, adding 32 ft, returned the ex€erior shed lllll\adding L2 ft, and brought lhe garage door forward adding 73 f t. [ll\lr\ It1 George 31) llAS'l Ci!)r''r c'f llI'l' l', Nli\\' 'l'()l{tr, \ ll\\' \'Lrlil( l()():Jl fi i:.11!) { i:i ll ()o()7 I o 19sf rritzll pierce, briner p.o.box 57 ?ail colorado 81658 rOOO lionsridge loop suite l/d (3O3) 476-6342fax 476-4901 IJETTER OT TRANSI.TITTAI, To! Attn: Attached Flease Flnd: Progress Prj.nts V-ptansI Other Date: 6l lbl 7l Job No. Re: Specifications Shop Drawings Itern No. No. of Copies Description The items listed abover are: _ For Review and Conunent _ As Requested Other >(rot Your Use Returned After Review Renarks: Copiee to: /ir't / vlanil5 ?age I [,RAN8000 . DOC Project Application [,; Architect. Address and Phone: Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: 'n lart Phone Legal Descriptionro, /4 .en"x ,u,^n /,J*r^ / u^1,', , zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPBOVA L Su mmary: Town Plan ner Date: Vau,a aw uu fur l. Project Application t,t .^," b/< lq/ Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot B lock ,r,,n /.il*,.n /ulu, , r"". lrfq Comments: Design Review Board '^" 6/t/r/ DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: ru/t;/" co7,1 3,'u.n / ./. ,t .//4 .rr1l/'rnr,/ t-/0 -7/ Lv BUITDING RESTRICTION ,r,r rU,rO,*G RESTRICTION is made effective onthe/&ayof June, 1991, by BERNARD R. KRUEGER and CELINE M. KRUEGER (the 'Kruegers'), owners of real property situated in Eagle County, Colorado, to wit: Lot 1A, a Resubdivision ol Lot 1, Wanen Pulis Subdivision, according to the Plat recorded September 15, 1982, in Book 345 at Page 932, County of Eagle, Stale of Colorado also known as 1628 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado (the .Property"). RECITALS A. WHEREAS, the Kruegers own the Property which is situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. B. WHEREAS, the Kruegers have applied lor permits and authorizations from lhe Town of Vail for expansion of the residential improvements to the Property, C. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail restricts the total size of residential improvements situated on Lot 1 (which consists of two parcels, the Property and the adjacent Lot 18) but has not allocated the size of the respective improvements permitted on Lots 1A and 1B. D. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail permits a "bonus' allocation of an additional 250 square feet of residential improvements to each residence (i.e., the Property and Lot 1B) pursuant to Ordinance No.4, Series of 1985, also known as Section 18.71 ot the Vail Municipal Code, but only after the underlying maximum residential size has been built. E. WHEREAS, the Town of Vail is willing to permit the construction of fie 'bonus' 250 square leet on the Property provided that the Kruegers restrict future expansion of the residential improvements on the Property as provided herein. F. WHEREAS, the Kruegers are willing to restrict title to the Property and to provide that total residential improvements shall never exceed the maximum size permitted by the Town of Vail in order to obtain approval from the Town of Vail lor expansion at this time which will include the bonus o1250 square feet. NOW, THEREFORE, the Kruegers hereby declare that the Property shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the tollowing restriction which shall run with the Property and be binding upon all parties having any right, title or interest in the Property, their heirs' successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof: '1. RESTRICTION. The residental improvements on the Property may not exceed 3,775 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area ("GRFA') as measured and defined by the Office of Community Development of the Town of Vail pursuant to the Vail Municipal Code. 2. AMENDMENT. (a) This resriction shall be deemed amended to increase the size of permitted residential improvements to the Property by any amendment or repeal and reenactment of he Town of Vail zoning ordinances, or any change in interpretation of the present law which may have the effect ot increasing the allowable size of residential improvements in the Two-Family Zone District within he Town of Vail. (b) This agreement may not be amended or terminated without the prior written approval of the Town of Vail. 3. ABANDONMENT. This restriction shallbe deemed abandoned, null and void and of no further effect at the time when any of the following occurs: (a) The Property is no longer zoned by the Town of Vail (or its municipal successor) for residential use; or (b) The Town of Vail (or its municipal successor) revokes its limitations to the size of improvements to residential real estate or ceases to enlorce such zoning code restrictions. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have set their hands this /&^y ot ,1991. I/l-t 5TATE oF (9--2.-a-.1- t-tLo I\._-? coUNTy oF -2f-A(4-_TT The above and foregnis i bfloay of - Building Restriction was subscribed and sworn to belore me 1991, by BERNARD R. KRUEGER and CELINE M. KRUEGER. lq1./, ss. official seal.