HomeMy WebLinkAboutWARREN PULIS LOT 2W'wrrqfrtb5'b'l"t y cda.|r''Grq.4lbr Design Revisw Board ACTIOT{ FORttl llepartment ol Commanlty Development 75 Sor*t FrontaOe Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€h970.479.2139 fax:970,48.2452 web: wwr.railgov.com Protect ilame: DIONES REROOF DRB Number: DR8070608 PmJect ttescrifiion: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A TEAR OFF AND REROOF FROM CEDAR SHAKES TO ASPHALT SHINGTES Pailicipants: owNER DIONFS, FRANCES & DONALD N. t0i2a2m7 1626 VAILVALLEY DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT PI-ATHCONSTRUCION L0|2UZC[7 Phone:328-5515 PO BOX 3367 EAGTE @ 81631 Ucense: 148-8 @NTMCTOR PLATH @NSTRUCION LO|2A20O7 Phone: 328-5515 PO BOX 3367 EAGTT co 81531 . Liaense:148-B Prcject Address: 1625 VAIL VALIEY DR VAIL location: 1526 VAIL VAII.FT DR'A t-egal Description: lot: 2-A Blodc Subdivision: WARREN PUUS SUBDMSION Parel Number: 2101{91-0102-3 Comments: Modon By: Seond By: VoE: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SfAFFAPP Date of APProvalz t0l22l2007 Oord:8 (PLAN): No changes b lf1ese plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate rwiew commifree(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to aonstruction activities. Gond:201 DRB apprornl shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approml' Cond:202 .a Apprwal of thls project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year follodng the date of final apprcnal, unless a building permit is issued and onstruction is omrnened and is dillgenUy pursued toward omplefnn. Planner: JoeSuther DRBFeePaid: f2O,OO _ - gtT. 8.7W7 2:33PN GEORGE K Bfl.JI'I tfo.693 P.?/3 TOI,UNM Application frr Dqsign Reyiew _- Oepalb'rent of ommunity Oevrlopment 75 soqft FrqEge Roa4 vail, otomdo aiosz., e1r970,479.2139 t?I||i97b.179.24l2. wO3 wtNwd.YEll,co.uS General Infiorrnrtim: All prcJects requirlng dsslqn Gview Pq,€cettF app|qwl priof.b wbmlElng a.luiidng tsImlt tppil@ric,Tt, it*r,fq F.$" submitbt rcqulremrrrs for.hc prrriqr6i iier{at uatE r.iriilila- iiilitdtuon ror Desten Rey{ewqryt"! be acepred unut qtt rqulred l{ormsUo, is nicema' by G cil;tdti-hl"_-i[i'r*t DeBaflflent, Theproject m€y al$o occ b be rwbma by tfie Torun qrnctt.ani/a ure prannrri ina erlvtpnmentaf Gmmtsslon.Htql f*:" approvat bpie untci i luiuing-pimt lr ls,.oini dir*rrrircn cn rrrcns wiurrnooe year ofthc apptoval. Description of the Requrett foeation of tfre Hoposafr toRJ_Bbckosr<L Suldiviirn t !sr4d, a ,, pttt l < 3- ,tV)_ Phydcal Addreser, Parof I{o.: 2l.O t Oq /o t.o" -< Zonlngr (Anffi Eagb @. Assessor at g7g.32&e640 for parpsl,n6.; narne(r) of owner(t)l tlaillng Address: Owner(r) Slgnabre(s)r NameoiApplicanU t{rllhgAddresx E.ttlrllAddress: Tl/pe of Reyletp arrd Frel Cl' Sgns . E Coocepasl neviel tr New6nststruiorrtr nddit{gn , O MlnoreltnratFn (mqlU-famiy/ommenjal) Mlnor Ateraddl (dngl$f.mily/Cuphx) I Cherigc to Appnved Flans , Searadon R€Cue$ gUS fl,OO per squfc fot'of tobt dgn ar$.$50tl h.' $6s0. f10,0 $?50 Fct con*rudcr d a 0€w bt4tdlr€ or derno/rebulld; , Fcr an a&Ition wfwe squn tHEe Ir oddcd E any rerldgfihl oromncrol.bulldng (hd/dFs 2S0 addldms & fnnrion conrersioru).ftrmlnordangcb b_lrihlngs aM slte |mpmyunertbr srdr as, TloSns, pdnung, .wlndow adCibn+ lanGcapln!, turcal and nibining r,rnll6, ets, Fcr minordllngt5p bttrldlngs ud silD lnprowmenE, sudt as, @F|niog, .wndcu, arll|lflons, hndscqdngl,. ferre ar6 reqinhg ual* €E. FOr rer,-fpns g plaru,.atraaCy eppiwed by ptanntng sEtr'or theDeign RfMcn Bdrd.' . tr tr No Fte za 30vd r3d aZiEBZESLE vet?'t Lgszlse/aT, * * + +:f*** t****,i**** * * * * * * * + + + * + + * + + + ++ * ******** *{.**:}* * '1.,1. '1. 'l 'l 'f '1. '1.********{( ** * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * + + + + {. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +**:l ***f * * ******** * * * ***** * + * * * * *+ + ***+***** * ** **++* ***.1.1** +***********+**t*+**********+*+** statement Number: F.O7ooo229't Amount.: $2o.oo lo/22/2oo701 :24 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: JS Notation: $/ PT.ATI{ CONST Permit No: DRBO7O6O8 rlrtr)e: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-091-0102-3 SitE Addreas: 1626 VAII, VAI,I,EY DR VAII., Location: 1525 VAII: VALITEY DR 'A'Total Fees: This eayment:$20.00 TOTAI AIJIJ PMtsS: Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 **f *** **** **** ******++****+****+***+********* * + *+* ********* ********{.+{.* ***** * * * + * * ++*** * * *:}* ACCOLNT ITEM LIST: Account Code naoari n1- i nn Current Pmt s DR 0010000311.2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20. 00 /tZt Qot/ 7/z'zt-e'r 't///! o9r. 8.?za7 2:33PN GEORGE K BRUN Applicatlon fqr Deslgn Roview Dop!ftrner* cf ftIlmunlty 9FrElopansnt 75 Sduh F ontrgs Road, vall @nado 8169 trf r 970.{79.289'lg'; 9fr .119,245l, n,ebi lrnt{t't.cl.vrll.Co.u3 GEnGrd lnfrrmsUonr. i All prejoctr r€qulrlm deiign re/ier must rcrrG apprpvet prlor to sl|xniHrry a b',rlldlng pcnnlt appllctlon, fls&c r6fer to Ure rubmithl rlqlinmefib hr the,portblair apprcnl thr! ls lerlr.E'tld, . An $pIEEtlan ftr Drdgn Rorrlew canNt b0 occophd unUl all rcqulral lntknatiorl ls rEEdrnd by hc CdimunlU DE\,rilopmsnt DsptruoElt, The p.qj€ct maV llso nErd to.b0 Tpvlarcd br tieTown coundl rnd/or ftt,Plrmlns ad EnvlrprrnrertEl Gommlselorr,' 'DeJgn rcvltw rpprovrl.hprr Unls r h dlht pFnit b lfrurd end.cor'c$udoir commonced wl$ln onc yorr of ths rppmvel, lpaatlon of ths Prcporl l: tou:L-plp#-os-fJ SubC lqgon:W PhyElcrl ACdrctsr Palcct No.l fr-tLwa !9,t r Z?- . (cmtsct Eugle co, AsF$soi.t 97F3zB-8640 fcr prrcei no,) Zgnlngl Homr(r) ot Ownrr(s)t Hqlling Addrsc$r gwnor(r) $gnatrts(s)! Namsof Appllctntt N0.693 P.3/3 E-mqll rdfreff: O MinotAlhroUct (mqh4mMornmqrdrl) O MrprAEeladilr. (dngle{mlV/duptox) : O qrhriee5 to Appovod Plons tr Sparatlon Fcqusst $50 Elui $r.oo p6r squ?fii tud oritgl tlglt -tq.. Itohc. . t250 6 f6so. $100 fro lld tuc For conmcion of a ne$r Ouudns of &mo/rsbulld.. ' for rn'rndhi wfun rquse lbotrgE 15 itdqed to ony 'eddcndDl or drinms.tt U{UCnc OncrlUel aso Uohfolu & lnMor conwrdoni)' Formlrprctranmrtdhildlng rlc 51ts |tnplwemerts, fldl .5, ;tboli;rs; polridng, ,"hdot{' iddltiflltr -hrrdroplng, tsntps and rcbhlnsmllt de 'ror mtmr chamg b bulldtn0s aru slb lmprcvcmenE' snEh as, ffi)p*rtln9, ,rvlndol oddufir; tanose6ng, . ftnc65 cnd \i**rttrtf'$'iis, qE , F"; rw['t0"3 ir driw',amaav aFproved by Pldnrrlry sbfl. or the Oeslgr ReUtrv Esrd. eB lgvd IDd azEgaaqaL6 vE;zt LaaT,lcl/qr Q,ec D?,%t - oloV) t.-Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTIOH FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo\r'com mwl{0rIn[ co\ffi.B{w EltLopuEf{f Project Name: DIONES VARTANCE Proiect Description: Participants: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A SETBACK VARIANCE FOR A GAMGE ADDMON PEC Number: PEC070056 0Bl L4l20O7 Phone: 970-926-6690 081 L412007 Phone: 970-926-6690 owNER DIONES, FMNCES & DONALD N. 0e/14/2007 1626 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT AKER ARCHITECTS KIRK AKER PO BOX2762 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001923 ARCHITECT AKER ARCHITECTS Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: KIRK AKER PO BOX2762 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001923 1626 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location; 1526 VAIL VALLEY DR Lot: 2-A Block: Subdivision: WARREN PULIS SUBDIVISION 2101-091-0102-3 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motaon By: PIERCE Second By: KURZ vote: 4-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvall' O9l LO|2O07 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropiiate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0009323 This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant obtaining Town of Vail approval of the design review application associated with this variance request." ,, Planner; Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 - | TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 10,2007 A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6C-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage addition, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 2, Waren Pulis Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC07-0056) Applicant: Donald W. Diones, represented by Aker ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson il. SUMMARY The applicant, Donald W. Diones, represented by Aker Architects, is requesting a variance from Section 12-6C-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage addition, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision. While the subject site has a Vail Valley Drive address, the subject site is physically located along the south side of Golf Terrace. Golf Terrace is a private road that accesses Vail Valley Drive near its intersection with Sunburst Drive. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, subject to the findings noted in Sections Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Donald W. Diones, represented by Aker Architects, is requesting a variance from Section 12-6C-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new garage, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision. The applicant's proposed garage addition will expand an existing detached, flat roofed, single-car garage into a delached, flat roofed, two-car garage. This garage addition will add 300 sq. ft. of floor area to the easterly side of the existing garage. This new garage floor area is not calculated as GRFA (gross residential floor area); since the provisions of Chapter 12-15, GRFA, Vail Town Code, allow certain portions of a garage to be deducted from the calculations. The applicant is also proposing to expand an existing roof patio/deck located above the existing single-car garage to also cover the proposed garage addition. The proposed garage addition and patio/deck expansion is designed to match the exterior building materials and paint colors of the existing single-car garage. It. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachments B), the proposed architectural plans (Attachment C), and the Public Notice (Attachment D) are attached for reference. BACKGROUND The subject site was annexed into the Town of Vail on May 6, 1972, by Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1972. A design review application was submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Town of Vail in 1987 to allow for a new "two family duplex residential structure with separate garage and entries" to be constructed on the site. Other than a 203 sq.ft. deck enclosure addition to this south unit of the duplex in 1998, the structure has not been expanded since its original 1987 construction. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Secfion 12-GG1 : Purpose The two-family residential district is intended to provide sites for low density single-family or two-family residential uses, together with such public facilities as may be appropriately located in the same district. The twofamily district is intended to provide adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with single-family and two- family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residential qualities of such sfies by establishing appropiate site development standards. Section 12-GG6: Sefbacks ln the R district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be fifteen feet (15'), and the minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet (15). Chapter 12-17: Variances (in paft) 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons for Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or fo /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this tffle as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a sife or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosf or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. tv. V. SITE ANALYSISAddress 1626 VailValley Drive Legal Description: Lol2, Warren Pulis SubdivisionZoning: Two-Family Residential Land Use Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Current Land Use: Existing Duplex Lot Size: 17,984 sq. ft. (0.4129 acres) Environmental Hazards: None Standard Allowed/Reouired Existinq Proposed Setbacks (min): East Side 15 ft. 15 ft. 4ltRear: 15ft. 43ft. 24ft. West Side 1 5 ft. 15 ft. no changeFront; 20 ft. 65 ft. no change Density (max): 2 dwelling units 2 dwelling units no change GRFA (max): 4,592 sq. ft. 3,725 sq. ft. no change* Site coverage (max.): 3,597 sq. ft. (20o/o) 2,817 sq. ft. (16%)* 3,117 sq. ft. (17Yo) Landscape Area (min.): 1 0,790 sq. fi.(60o/o) 12,769 sq. ft. (71olo)** 12,469 sq. ft. (69%) Parking (min.): 3 3 (1 enclosed) 3 (2 enclosed) * the 300 sq. ft. of proposed garage floor area is deducted from the GRFA calculations** per Town of Vail files VI. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use ZoninoNorth: Multiple Family Low Density Multiple FamilySouth: Multiple Family Low Density Multiple FamilyEast: Multiple Family Low Density Multiple FamilyWest: Open Space & Duplex Two-Family Primary/Secondary VII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The existing duplex structure was originally constructed under Town of Vail jurisdiction approximately twenty years ago and is conforming to the Town's current development standards. However, this site is impacted by unique constraints that do not apply generally within the Two-Family Residential District. The subject site shares driveway access with the adjacent, existing duplex on Lot 1, Warren Pulis Subdivision. This four-unit (i.e. Lot 1 duplex and Lot 2 duplex) joint driveway dictates the potential locations for garages and parking on the subject site. The joint driveway runs along the north and east sides of the subject duplex. The applicant owns the south duplex on Lot 2, so vehicular access can only be achieved at either the current garage location or at an alternative location along the western edge of the site. This limits the applicant's options in constructing a second garage bay similar to other homes in the neighborhood. The applicant can either add to the existing garage or construct a new single-car garage on the western portion of the lot. Staff believes there are practical difficulties that prevent the applicant from constructing a new single-car garage on the western portion of the lot: the two single-car garages would be on opposite sides of the same dwelling unit the applicant's duplex unit was originally constructed along the western side setback line. a new garage on the north western side of the applicant's duplex would adversely affect the north duplex unito construction of a new single-car garage on the western portion of the lot would require the removal of an existing grove of mature trees and vegetation Therefore, Staff believes the applicant's only practical option for constructing a second garage bay is an addition to the existing garage. The applicant could add to the front, the rear, the west side, or the east side of the existing garage. However, Staff believes there are practical difficulties in expanding the existing single-car garage to the front, the rear, or to the west side. An addition to the front (i.e. north) of the existing garage would block access to the neighboring unit's existing two-car garage. An addition to the rear (i.e. south) of the existing garage would require significant excavation into the rear hillside and the removal of many existing mature aspen trees. An addition to the west side of the existing garage would not be practical due to the close proximity of the existing duplex structure. Therefore, Staff believes an addition to the east side of the existing garage is the most practical option for the applicant to construct a second garage bay, similar to other homes in the vicinity. 2. The area located directly east of the existing garage currently functions as an exterior surface parking space. The applicant's proposed garage addition would essentially enclose this surface parking space, so there would be no change to the existing vehicle traffic movements on the lot. The existing surface parking space was excavated into the rear hillside and was physically defined with boulder retaining walls during the original construction of the duplex. Currently, grade at the rear of the existing garage and at the rear of the existing surface parking space is level with the roof patio/deck above the garage. The proposed garage addition would retain the rear hillside in a similar manner as the existing boulder walls and will require less site disturbance and removal of vegetation than a rear garage addition alternative. Since the applicant's proposed garage addition will essentially enclose an existing surface parking space, Staff does not believe approval of this variance request will not have a significant negative affect on the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity, in comparison to existing conditions. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes that relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the side setback regulations will grant the applicant the relief necessary to achieve compatibility among sites in the vicinity to construct a two-car garage. On numerous occasions, the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Vail Town Council have determined that setback variances may be approved to achieve the Town's development goal of enclosing parking. Therefore, Staff does not believe the approval of this request would be a grant of special privilege. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed garage addition is located on the easterly side of the existing garage and will enclose an existing surface parking space that is already physically defined by existing retaining walls. Therefore, Staff does not believe the requested side setback variance will have a negative effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic utilities, public facilities and utilities, or public safeg in comparison to existing conditions. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. 3. 4. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance, from Section 12-6C-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage addition, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicanf's reguesf for a variance, from Section 12-6C-6, Sefbackg Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a garage addition, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following condition: 1. This approval shall be contingent upon the applicant obtaining Town of Vail approval of the design review application assoclafed with this variance request." Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The granting of this variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other propefties classified in the Two-Family District, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Sfaffs Sepfember 10, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 2. The granting of this vaiance will not be detimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Sfaffs Seplember 10, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. 3. This vaiance is waranted for the following reasons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staffs September 10, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstancea or conditions applicable to the same site of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staffs September 10, 2007, memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Comm ission. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of pivileges enjoyed by the owners of other prcpefties in the same distict, based upon the review outlined in Section Vll of the Staffs September 10, 2007, memonndum to the Planning and Environ mental Comm ission. " IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request G. Site Photographs D. Architectural Plans E. Public Hearing Notice E6; g;; :64 iEt 55* eb i ecc -egp:E-3 i. 9r o5 i; t R e E o Ol>\o5Ei>o -r.rLO0)>9 COF(\ .)c I3a'CclO.9 ctt .9 .e'0'-ZqoxEtr=*;46z? o=nl .- \u --*-, .EEEoEg F= =L!^=orh o9J.= <F otr(! o- Attachment B ffi€iPker! I I architects DIONES ADDITION Nature of Variance Requested The specific regulation involved is: l24C-6:SETBACKS The variance requested is to accommodate a proposed one car garage adjacent and attached to an existing one car garage. The side setback is 15 feet. This variance is requested due to the existing natural site constraints. A strict or literal interpretation of the site setback would require extensive site development, which would be disruptive to the sunounding neighbors. 0210 Edwards Village Blvd. A203 . P O 9ox 2762 . Edwards, CO 81632 . 970.926.6690 . 970 926.6694 fax Aker architects#i A) B) c) D) DIONES ADDITION The requested variance is for a one car garage adjacent and attached to an existing one car garage. The proposed garage bay is semi-earth sheltered with a deck on top and will be in the side setback, being semi-buried and clad in stone to resemble a site wall as to not impede the neighbors view or light. The existing grove of Aspen trees and Spruce trees screen the proposed addition. (please note photos in sets) The Town of Vail policy has encouraged owners to provide enclosed parking spaces. The existing one car garage currently sits on the side setback line and is recessed into the steep hillside above. While a tiandem car setup would be possible, extensive grading and removal of natural vegetation would be required. The existing area where the proposed garage is to be placed is already excavated and is used for parking. The effect of this variance has no effect on light, air (due to earth sheltering and one story appearance), distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safe$. The variance request has a positive impact to the neighbors as the parking of cars will be internalized. The Town of Vail has a policy encouraging a house to have a minimal of two enclosed parking spaces. The policy of the town supports such variances for enclosed parking to protect and preserve natural features and landscaping. 0210[dwardsVillage Blvd.4203. POBox2762. Edwards,CO81632.970.926.6690.970.926.6694fax Attachment C I:t 1$ \),uu*s ApDr-r,ar.J - Vxrtrtu7 Fr-r^ N)rrarfizrs Aw,^on)Q,ou*Yetl''> (wP'P EXat,^v E-ArW,,o-sg ApDrrtan - UXBTTNG C|AY^6L p,uuw Aoo,tvo. ExrsnirJ a Fto^ DKr.ueo"*y Aoo,r,r,D,otgz FX'rt'ru 6 F:erArru,l.J6 il.J*.uu ponu2 ApD,t-^, pXr=rr N 6 Rer+,-rua (NAur \lr-ut flPcr,",o^., *"grtN-C Attachment D @ @z FN @ @ @4 @z lolIf,tzui|n lFtz lot{Irl lp T!E! *EgifIEEe*+FIXET:6gl 6 tFtscct> t3 inlff illl ll llli llllll llli li It lll lllillrlll lC% 3. Vall Yalla! trrvo lrr t fl-t il.| rD|YIgl vx.MEc ?FFJAker ffi:-! | I architects t! ai 66 tiI' -tE ;5: Et.i 9;!'al i- I ,_it ,ei !flq92':E Irg *;I E$ firI't! fsl!6 !l r| 5r NE!leri! 6: $E TI f :i*8 dfliis ;fi6G [,F$i -:-cr l': ,iq-I *[*il #IBq &*xr rb':H ES t ;E$l{ ll I *$ 'r &i )i =iXr $ a Uc-* i$3qg 'd + . ,i's : ,r pg 6 d F iCI 6 F 1J- '- +.:'- $ -S I g ii-r -l a'$[l: iJoo N5€- N- sn .l It ffi t tI Eti Egli l3! st\-ri it Ft I \qi d:; ;el -rI ea .l(,1 ilil ta|rI} l= I ilii -1626 5. Vatl Vallou 9.lva-.-.--..-..-.---I tJl a vlaaaat -1 Alepr blb g. Vatl Valbu rV. -.--..----t-- lr? a,r5rrlraa-f$tn v \Mroo ffiJAker ffi"! | ! architects H /d N I F tn !;it ld Ir I: :tr! xt tf;H 103 lrl u a n u r:l td: til Itrl tttr:iI>l ItiilII 3 >z Flt f,r ar z 16* g. Yatl Vall.|/ ttrtv. -.-.--..--J4- t ta|.n ttl.. r-fvtgaux-w r 1 r!rr&AKer H"' architects F.,*,"t \p,,r.ao-J,- G"F*€> * Attachment E THIS ITEiI iIAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Code, on September 10,2007, at 1:00 pm in the Town of 12-3-6, Vail Town Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance, from Code, to allow for the construc'tion of a new 2, Wanen Pulis Subdivision, and setting forth Applicant: Donald W. Diones, representedPlanner: BillGibson the proposals are available for public inspec'tion -$til1il::: ,rlill!f rrrrirr11,,,,,, ifirlilqlh, ''{1111,,'11ill ,,,,,,1ildiili""rur,,,,,,,ll,h" r ifipail Community Development Department, 75 South invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede Please call Sign language call 970-,479-2356, Pubfished August 24,2OO7, in the Vail Daily. the Town of Vail Community Development Department. additional information. is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Page 1 Jul 23 O? O3:2Op O Rezoning $f3OOD l"lajor Subdivision $rS00fl Minor SuMivjsion $650- Exemption Plat $650O Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District g6000O Major Arnendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDO $f2S0(no e xte rbr m odrncabb ns) Description ot the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lo1; 2- g1e6p. Physical Address: Zoningl Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Kirk Flker Ftrchirecrs, Inc (g?O) 9A6-6694 Variance Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2128 faxi 970,479,2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All .projects requiring Planning and Environmenbl Commission review must receive approval prior to gJbmitting a building perrnit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particulir approval that is requestid. 4n application for Planning and Environmental c-ommission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board- Type of Application and Fee: p-? fio \, oo 9l o D a o LlI tr D )(0 $6s0 $400 $650 $800 $r.500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 a.re Conditional Use Permit FloodDlain Modification Minor Exterior Alteration Major bfterior Alteration Development Plan Amendment to a Development Plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance Subdivision: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) l- ;ii\-l ifil lL: \, TOWN AE_U Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicanti Mailing Addressi Page I o, 6 Phoner E-mai I Addreo s: t NW>€ t**-A*rtnr"u^err_1_7D__flE__fufl* Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\PEC\variancel O-1 &2006.doc la***l***+++f********+*+*l.****+*++{'++lt***************************************************** TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Statement t********f+++********+++++++*********flf*'i+*+*+*+*tltt***+f++++++++++++++++++****+*********+ Staeernent Number: R070001512 Amount,: $500.00 08/L4/2OO709:17 All Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 2?09/DONAID DIONBS Permit. No: P8C070055 fype: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 2101-091- 0102-3 Site Address: 1525 \rAIL \IALIJEY DR VAfL I,ocaE ion: 152 6 VAII, \IAI,I,EY DR TotaL Fees: $500.00This Palment: $500,00 Total AIIJ Pmts: $500,00Balance: $0.00*tf***:i**1.'a.l'*********'t*+**++******************t**a{'***********+*******************+++'t****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES s00.00 JOITTITPROPERWOWNER TURITTEIT APPROVAL TETTER I, (prtnt name) <-)<)l.^s a Joint orvner of property locabd atc,2-tl; whlci harrc been suhnitted b tfie Town of vaar cornmunny Deveropmert Departnert for u," 'oposed improvemen* to be omdeted at he addrcss noted abwe. I understand that the ploposed inpm,erErts firdude: prorrite &is hr as lrnfltvr appronal d t e pfans dabd 3 -2?- o?..-..-- (Dare) ruoltlomttyr pr€as' chetk ttre cbtenrent bebw whidr le most apptbHe b you; E r mdssbttd *atntnr,umwts nay h n& b tte frrc ^u ttte oure ofthetw'v ,o* b errue orntrane v,tfl, fie ril's awtaote da and tryurarotts. CR(Inilia'l here) E rtql@t'ntanmdfl.atbrc, mhqordterw*, wrt*tae mdeb rhe pbns orcrtheffi fW fry "te'n" ov u. "p,um n, aa6;;ffiff M) (siepatuc) ,,*m Application for a Variance Su bmitta I Requirements GEI{ERAL INFORTIIATIOI{ Variances may be granted in order to prevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships as would result from th€ strict interpretation and/or enforcernent of the zoning regulatjons inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town of Vail. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of odsting structures ther€on; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the imrnediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, sbeet locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity, Crst or inconvenience to the applicant of sbict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. I. SUBIIIITTAL RE(XJIREMENTS A ,tr Kv X X Fe€r $500.00 Stamp€4 address€d envelopes and a llst of the prop€rty owners .djacont to the subiect property, including properties behind and across sfeeb. The list of property owne6 shall include the owners'name(s), conesponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the property owned by each. The apdicant is responsible for conect names and mailing addresses. This informglion is available from tlre Eagle County Assessot's office. Title Report, lncluding Schedubs K&b Wrltten approval from a condorninium association, landlord, and jdnt owner, if applicable. A wrltten description of the nattre of tte variance r€qu€std and the specific regulation(s) involyed, including an explanation of why the variance is required and wlry the strict or literal interpretation of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical diffiorlty. A wdttcn statement addrc$ing tl|e following:a. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity.b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretauon and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unfformity of treatment among siEs in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. c. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population. tsansportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety.d, How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. Stamp€d Topographic Survey (Four complet€ sets ot plans). Exlstlng and Proposed site and Gradlng Plans (Four completa s€ts of plans). Exlsting and Proposed Architectural Eleyatons (Four complet€ sett ot plans). Existing and Proposed Archatectural Floor Plans (Four compl€t€ scts ot plans). All plans must also be submitted In 8.5' x 11' rGduced fomat. Thes€ are required for the Planning and Environrnental Commission members infornation padets. Additional l,laterial: The Adminlstrdtor and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specificationt samples and other materials if deerned necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. Applicant Signatu Date Signed: ,l't\ t' O 1 R A tr I have read and understand the above listelsubmattal requirements: Projectn"..' lD6 5. \1,+" U*ur.FY i-<. FlcdevlFORMS\Permits\Planning\PECVariancel 0-1 8-2006.d0c Page 3 of 6 SCHEDULE A Order Number: 0 2 0318 04r l. Effective date: .tury 12, 2007 at 7 :45 A.u. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount of lnsurance (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's $ Proposed Insured: (b) A.L.T.A. Loan Proposed Insured: (c) Leasehold Proposed lnsured: 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is fee stnple 4. Title to the fee alnple estate or interest in said land is at the efrective date hereof vested in: DONAI,D W. DIONES alrd FR.IIICES DIONES 5. The land referred to in this Commitnent is described as follows: SEB ATTACHBD I,BGAI, DESCRIPTION Purported Addr€ss: STATEMENT OF CHARGES 1625 colf Terracs A These charges are due and payable before a vatl, co 81557 Poliry can be issued. SBARCH FEE: 3150.00 SCHEDULE A Order Number: 02 0318o4A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A, TOGBTHER WITII An Undlvlded 1,/2 Int€rest In and to PARCEL C, A RESI'BDIVISION OF LOT 2, WARREN PUIJIS SI'BDIVISION according to th€ plat r€corded Deceriber 26, f99O in Book 544 at Page 542 aa ReceptloB No. 440687 COI'NTY OF IAGIJB STATB OF COLORADO .o a SCHEDI,'I.,E B Section I Order Number: o2o3 l8otll REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements to be complied wi0r: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to wit: 1. Non6, thLs report haE bc.n prcparcd for i,nformatlonel purpoeee only. SCHEDULE B Section 2 Order Number: o2o318o4e EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereoq but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any and all unpaid taxes and asaeaa$eatE and any unredeened tax salea. 8. The effect of inclugions Ln any g€n€ra1 or apeclflc water conservancy, fire protection, goil congervation or other dietrlcE or ltrclusion in aDy water gervice or street improv€m€Dt ar€a. 9. Reaervatiotra or exceptions contalned ln U.S. PatentE, or ln Acts authorizLng the lsguaD.ce thereof, recorded ilune 29, 1903 in Book 48 at Page 495 reaerving 1) Rlgl.ts of tl.e proprLetor of a veln or lode Eo extract and remove his ore therefron and 2) righta of way for ditcheE and canals conatructed unde! the authorlty of tshe United Stat6s. 10. Baaementa, reatricEj.ona and rlghta-of-waya a6 shown on the plat of Warreo Pullg SubdivLsion, recorded April 9, 1979 itl Book 283 at Pag€ 921 as Reception No. 180327. 11. Rlght of Way Eaaement Agreement to Western Slope Gaa Company, recorded ,January 13, 1965 in Book L92 aE Page 39 aE Reception No. 103002, ln8ofar as it may affect subject. property. Accesa and Utlllty Ease$€nt rocorded Septenber 15, 1982 ln Book 345 at Pag€ 930 as Receptlon No. 242274, 12. Eas€ment Deed recorded Septenber 15, 1982 ln Book 345 at Page 931 as RecepEion No. 242275, and RatLfLcatLon recorded itanuary 31, 1983 ln Book 352 at Page 878 as R€ception No. 249215. 13. EaEement Deed recordad January 31. 1983 ln Book 352 at Page 877 as ReceptioD No. 2492L4. 1{. Partlnrall, AgreeDent and Declaration of Cov€nanta, CondlElons, and ReservaElona for Lot 2, Warren PulLg Subdlvl,gLon recorded D€cenb€r 26, !99O ln Book 544 at CoDtinued on nexts page Cont,inuatlon of Sch€dule B - S€cEion 2 ord€r liliuber: 02031804A Page 543 as R€ception No. {{0588. 15. AII matt€rs aa slrosn oa plat of A R€subdlvislon of Lot 2, warrea Pull8 Subdlvl3LoD r€corded D€c€lb€r 26, L990 Ln Book 544 at Pag€ 542 as ReceptLon No. 440697 . 16, A Deed of Trust dated Nov€db er 20, 2002, €xecuted by Donald I{. Dionea and Pranc€s Dion€E, to tsba Publtc Trustee of Bagl€ county, to B€cure an lndebtedness of $490,000.00 in favor of l{orgaD stanley Dean wltter Credl.t corporatioD recorded Doc€Db€r 3, 2OO2 aa ReceptioD No. 815732. \ ?iF-ry:L.,, 1626 S.Vail Vallev Drive Neighboring Properties List Ellen McKibben VailValley Real Estate 228 Bridge St # 100 Vail, CO 81657 Bill Sargent c/o Crossroads Realty 1650 Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge Suite C-3, Vail, Golorado 81657 Fall Ridge Condos 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Vail, Golorado 81657 Frank & Marlene Rembert 1547 Spring Hill Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 08.13.2007 0210 Edwards Villaoe Blvd. A203 POBox2762 . Edwards, CO81632 . 970.9266690 . 970926.6694fax {,Ut copy Dcpartncnt of Commanity D eue lopment 75 Soutb Frontage Road Vail" Cohrah 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wua.uailgou.com August 28, 2007 Kirk Aker Aker Architects PO Box2762 Edwars. CO 81632 RE:Diones Residences (PEC07-0056) 1626 Vail Valley Drive/Lots 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision Dear Kirk, The Town Staff has reviewed the variance application for the proposed garage addition for the Diones Residences at 1626 Vail Valley Drive. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. Utility company approvals must be submitted. 2. The proposed garage must be revised to not exceed 300 sq.ft. in floor area (currently designed at 308 sq.fl.). 3. Existing and proposed site coverage calculations must be submitted for the entirety of Lot 2 (i.e. both side of the duplex). 4. Existing and proposed landscape area calculations must be submitted for the entirety of Lot 2 (i.e. both side of the duplex). 5. The site plan must be revised to show:. Surface drainage on and off site.. Location of the limits of disturbance fence and any erosion control methods' ' Proposed snow storage areas and area calculations (in sq'ft )'. Required parking spaces delineated with a 9'x'18' box for interior spaces and a 9'x19' box for exterior spaces.. Top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations for all retaining walls. 6. Retaining walls shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. PE stamped drawings must be submitted for any combination retaining wall or any retaining wall greater than four (4) feet in height. Existing and proposed side and rear elevation drawings, or photo images, must be submifted. The Fire Department recommends, but does not require, the installation of a monitored alarm system and a fire sprinkler system. {} o"nuoruo Dqomnt of Community Dach2mnt 75 Sosb hontagc Rod Vdil, Coloralo e1657 97Mn-2r38. Ffi(97M79-2452 uttttu.uilgw.com please submit revisions addressing the above ligbd comments by 9:fi)Attl on Tu*day, September 4, 2007. lf you have any questbns or comments, pleaae feeHree to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Uz4'h..44/ BillGibson, AIGP Torn Planner Torn of Vail {f ,nto.-ru* t^. Aker arrhitecls Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner, Town of Vair 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 August 30, 2007 Dear Bill: Please find attached the drawings that provide the information you requested in your fax on 8-29-07; 1. Utility company approvals are pending. The existing property has all utilities and proposed garage addition does not encroach on any utility easements.2. The garage has been reduced to 300 SF as requested, however we are not clear about the need for the reduction. Please let us know where the code requirement is located.3. Site coverage calculations are shown on the drawings.4. Landscape calculations are shown on the drawings. Included in the landscape calculations are the driveway which is shared with another lot.5. Site Plan: A. Please clarify the need to show the site drainage off site. For this submiftal we are not changing the site grading or drainage. See site drawing fro drainage information. B. The limit of disturbance fence is shown on the revised site plan. Excavation for the footings will be done from the driveway side of the retaining walls. The will be as little disturbance as possible on the uphill side. C. Snow storage is shown on the revised site plan. D. Parking spaces are shown as rectangles on the site plan and are labeled. E. Top of wall, bottom of wall heights are called out on the site plan. We are not changing wall heights. See site plan for notes. 6. All retaining walls are less than 6 feet in height. 7 . See sketch/photo images for side and rear elevations. The side and rear garage walls will be mostly buried with a deck railing to match the existing deck railing. 8. We understand the Fire Departments interest in an alarm and fire sprinkler system. We will pass this concern along to the owner. Please contact me if we can provide you with additional information. Sincerelv. ^k'klh^\rd,LAker Architects #3 |2lfl f:r-itr.alds \.':ll.rl! lJjrLj i\2{}.1 , j)()lto!1ll{'l . lidr.iirtls. (\} Nlrrli? - 9^ili.'}}.6 t{rrti . q7i} 9:{! f,69.1 iir\ (0812412007) Bill Gibson - DRB07-0404 Page 1 From: JR Rulapaugh To: Bill GibsonDate: OBlL7l2O07 3:01 PMSubject: DRB07-0404 Diones residence has been reviewed and approved. J.R. o(t eoPr (sr- fflot'cxr|) Design Review Board ACTIOH FOR,M Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O'479.2457 web: www.vailgov.tom Project Name: DIONES GAMGE ADDmON DRB Number: DRB070'104 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A GAMGE ADDMON Pafticipants: owNER DIONES, FMNCES & DONALD N. 08/1412007 1626 VAILVALLEY DR VAIL co 81657 Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: KIRK AKER PO BOX 2762 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001923 1626 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL LoU 2-A Block: Subdivision: 2101-091-0102-3 APPLICANT AKER ARCHITECTS KIRK AKER PO BOX 2762 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001923 ARCHITECT AKER ARCHITECTS 081 L412007 Phone: 970-926-6690 0811412007 Phone: 970-926-6690 LOCAI|ON: 1626 VAIL VALLEY DR WARREN PUUS SUBDIVISION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalt O9 | L0l2O07 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) ycar followirU the date of final approrraf unhss a buildittg permlt b lssued and @rrfructlon is ommened and is diligenfly putsued totnard compledon. Cond: CON00$1324 The applicant shall repbce any existing bees remored by the onstruction of tfils garage addition wlth the same species of tee, of omparable slze' within close proximity of the el<Hirp tnee's location, prlor to final apprwal of the addition' Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fea P.H: $2O.OO Ju I 2'3 O? O3: 2Op Kirk Hker Rrch i tects, Inc (970) 926-6694 p.3 General Information: All- projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submttting a building permit appficauon. please 'efer to the submlBal requircments for the particular approval that is requeied. an airiii."iLn ior Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all requifed infonnation is received by the community oevelbpment Department. Theprolect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmentat c.ommlsslon.Design r€view apploval laps€s unless a building p€rmit is issu€d an.l oo-nstructioo commences wathinone year of llre approval. Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Fmntage Road, Vait. Colorado 81d57 tel: 970..179.2128 faxi 970,479,2452 web: www.vallgov,com Minor Exterior Alterations v nttI,g o oDescriptaon of the Request: Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: 2 Alock:_ Subdjvision:FJLI5 Physicaf address: 16, Parcel No.: Zon Name(s) of Owner(s): |!lailing Address! Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): A Name of Applis3nl; At4.€{- Mailing Address: phone: qZO fJ6 (4?O E-nailAddress: 'NFoe Ar.e.&"A+fiE --.d+axt 17e iJC - f"A?4 - Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Crnceptual Review E New Constructionfl Addition D Minor Alteration ( multFfamily/commercial) Minor Aiteration (single.family/du plex) Changes to Approved plans Separation Request ' ' ''*'*';r'trt:lV..J.." :--;.^it31 : ..,,,*r- $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footaq€ is added to any residential or comm€rcial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions),$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,re-roofing, palnting, wlndow additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc,$20 For miror changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additiont landscaping, fences and /,retaining walls, etc. ,/$20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or th€/ Design Review Board. No Fee I - (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for oarcel -D TOWN OF VAIL 5""J03ff"" 29.,r, *,ecr ruo., Z 26_ CheckNo.:-=' - 8y:?t- --. -.'5--7-b -<lr hdDate: & v -' DRBNo.: **'t'tl'tai**t|l+'t***fff++*'}**'}***'|*ftf**+++:t*****t*t'|at+t*+t+t*++**t+ff****+f******************* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement tl*,1***t**+*******+f+tf****'tf****************ifff*t******+***it**+***f*************++'ltti't**t Statemenu Nuniber ! RO?0001514 Anount: $20.00 08/L4/200709:27 ANI Pa)ment Method 3 Check Init: ,.rS Notation: 27O8/DONALD DIONES Permit No! DRBO7O404 Tl4)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DIIP Parcel No! 2101- 091- 0102-3 Site Address: 1526 vAIt VALLSY DR \IAIIJ Location: 1525 VAIL VAI,I,EY DR Total Feea: $20.00This Payment: $20.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $20.00Balance: 50.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deacription DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEVI FEES Current Pnta 20. oo JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) <J rQ l^^s a Joint owner of prope$ located at r/; prwide thls letter as written apprwat of the plans dated which have been submitted b the Town of Vail c-ommunity Devetopment Deparbnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the addrcss noted above. I understand that the proposed imprwemenb include: Additionally, please chea* the staternent berow whidr is moot appricabre b you: r C<.1 E r undercbnd that mtuprmdifiafrons may be n*de b the phns over the ouse of thetevEw ptrcs b ensue cunpriane uidt the Towng apprabre du and tquradons. n r tqust that all mdifiatlons, mthor or otherwlse, which arc made to the plans over tlnause of the revrew prccus, be hought to my attenilon by the appltcant for additional approwlMorc underyoing futther revie!4t Ay frte foii, --_' - (Initial here) Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAL!; TVoe of Materlal Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls E><terior Lighting Other Notess NA lrlh, (' s,rd f\tu t\A Ll A tr-tr Please speciry the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, e-tl |,-u "t.u'Jl F:\cdei/\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-minor-alt-1-25-2007.doc Page 6 of 13 Lrlz3lz00s t SCHEDI'LE A Order Number: 0203180t1A L Efrective date: tuly 12, 2oo7 at 7 z tLS a.tr. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount of Insurance (a) A-L.T-A. Owner's $ Proposed Insured: (b) A.L.T.A. Loan Proposed Insured: (c) Leasehold Proposed Insured: 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is f ee sl.qrl€ 4. Title to the fee stqrle €state or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: ITONA' D r. DIdBg ald EnlltcEg DI(trIES 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: 8BE }TTACEED T.EGA[, DESCBIPTIOU Puqrorted Addrett: STATEMENTOFCHARGES L626 eolt r€rrlcs I Thes€ chargcs are due and payablc before a vail, c{' 8155? Policy can be issued- SEIRCE IEE: $150.00 .l ') SCEEIXII,EA Order Number: o2o318o4a LEGALDESCruPNO}I Pltqilr l, rogr.llEB |'ffr lE ltDdtvtd.d 1/2 Iut.E rt In atd to DllCd. C, a rr8[rDDnrlgld ot II,il 2. ntlg r'@'I8 gEDlEl8lfi accordt ng t'o tb. plrt 8.oorda.l Dacd.a 26' L99O tr Eoob 5{{ rc Pag. 5{2 .r L6.t tl@ h. aa06a7 Cflllrf Ot lld,E a'lltE ot gorotlDo SCEEDUI,EB Section I Order Number: o2o318o4a REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements to be complied with: Ite,m (a) payme,nt to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagprs of the frll consideration for tbc estate or int€rest to be insured' Item O) proper instnrmen(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for rocor4 to wit: 1. ttole, tbla reporc had bas PraPared f,or ttlfottlatloal purlnaet oDLy' SCSEDTILE B Section 2 Order Number: 02031804A EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issuod will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the ComPanY: l. Rights or claims of parties in posscsion' not shown by the public records' 2. Easernetrts. or claims of eas€meots, not shown by the public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shofiagp in area, eocroachmeirts, aod any frcts which a corrcct survey and i*poti- of the premisb wodd disclose and which re not shown by the pubtic records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for servic€s, labor or matcrial heretofore or hereafter firmished, imposed by law and not shoum by the public records. 5. Defects, Iiens, encrrmbrances, adverse claims or other mattors, if any, created, first appeqing in the public records or attaching zubsequent to the efrective date hereo{, but pnol !o t!9 date the proposed insured acquires of record for value-the estate or intercst or mortgage thereon covered by this commiment' 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; wat€r rigbB, claims or title to wa!6. ?. ADy and all ulpaLd taxes ald tateBtDeatt aad aay ulred€s.d tnr aales. g. nr€ ef,fect of Lncluslone l.tr asy Eeneral or tPociflc rat6r c@gcrvttrcy, ftre prgtectlom, eoil coogervatl,os or otbsr dltcrl,ct or iEclu6t'otr lD aly weter gervlce gr atreat Lqtrsrr@6t alca. 9. nescrvatioD! or erceptl,oa, cootalo.d LD U.8. PatoDCB, or lD Acts autborLtLag the lFBuarco tbereof, recordrd iluEe 29, 1903 lD Book 48 et Prgo 495 rceervlug lt Rlgbts o! ths proprl.tor ot a v€l! or lodc co .rtracE ald raowa bLr ore tberefron ald 2) rLgbtE of rry lor dLtcbst aad caaalg co[ttsructed uD.d€r tb6 eutboritsy ol tb6 ltdted 8tat.t - 10. Eas@€Dte, restrlctlooa asd rlghtl-of-rry! et ebora ou tbe glat of llarro! Pull's SubdivLsloa, rscorded APrll 9, 1979 lD Book 283 ets Pag. 921 ea RccePtloa llo' LAO327 . 11. Btgbt of tfry Earc[l€rlt lgr6@cEt to tf€8t.ra glottc gat Coqtrsy, r€cord.d itrauarlr 13, 1966 l,! Eook 192 at Pege 39 e! BecsPtloD tto. 103002, larofar aa 1,ts Dly affect subJect prop€rty. Accar! lad utllttr Elt@rru racord.d 8€Pt@b.r 15, 1982 LD Book 345 at Pag. 93O et BecsPtloq 'No. 24227 4. 12. EaseDent De6d rccord€d s€pt.ober LS, L9AZ ls Book 345 rt PrgG 931 aa R.ccptloB No. 24ZZ7S, ald RatlflcatioD rccorded atatluary 31, 1983 lE BooL 352 ats Pago 878 ae RecePEloD No. 2492L5 - 13. Earcoeat Deed racorded itrnuary 31, 1983 la 8oots 352 ac Peg. 877 aa BscePtl'oD \o. 2492L4. 14. partyrrall AgrrcanaBt a[d Declaretlon ot Covas8D,tB, C@dltlotr!, a,[d Ressritatl'oDs for Lot 2, ng1glr..^ Puu.s subdLvlslon recordcd Dccdcf 26, L99O l[ B@k 5{4 at Cotrthuad on n€xts Pag€ coathuatsloD of Scbedule B - 8€ctloB 2 ord.r lfuDbsrs 0203180{A Page 543 a. Becsptlor fo. 440688. 15. All Datt€rs aa tbortt o! plrt of. I lstubdivltt o|! ol Lft 2. lfaar€r Pulr'3 gulrdlvlslon recorded DaceDb€r 26, l99O l'D Boot saa rt Page 542 a3 B6csltti@ lto. 440687. 16. I De.d of, trust dated lto'y€Dbe/r 20, 2002, rxscuE.d by lt@ald r. Dl@er eld ' Fraac€s Dloneg, to tbe Putrllc Tnrrt.. oE Begl.o Courty, to 6ecut€ a[ ladebtednees of 9{90,000.00 ,.4 lavor ol Iorga$ 8ts!^Eloy lt€rn ffitter ClredLt CorporsEloD recorded Dec€obqr 3, 2OO2 a. B.cqlttst'o8 tto. 815732. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: September2S, 1998 SUBJECT: A request for additional GRFA to enclose an existing deck, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision. Applicant: Donald & Francis DionesPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, Donald and Francis Diones, are proposing to construct an exterior living room addition to their residence located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive. The new addition will be constructed on the south side of the residence and will involve enclosing an existing deck. In order to accommodate the addition, the applicants are proposing to utilize up to 203 square feet of additional GRFA. The exterior building materials of the new addition are proposed to malch the existing materials on the building. lf approved, 47 square feet of the available 250 square feet of additional GRFA will remain available. A review of the Town's files has determined that this property is eligible for additional GRFA pursuant to Section 12-15-5 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. II. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 17,984 square feet Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Allowed Existinq Proposed GRFA:* 2,294 sq. ft. 1,997 sq. ft. 2,247 sq. ft. Site Coverage:2lYo, or 3,597 sq. ft. 14%o, or 2,554 sq. ft. 160/o, ot 2,817 sq. ft. Parking: 3 spaces required 3 spaces N/C * The total allowable GRFA sq. ft. equals the existing sq. ft. plus 250 sq. ft. allowable by ordinance (secondary unit only). III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Grantinq GRFA Under the 250 Ordinance; Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Effect upon the existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. The proposal will not negatively impact the existing topography and vegetation on the site. The area of construction for the new exterior addition is atop an existing deck. Staff believes that the proposed addition will not significantly affect the existing site topography, vegetation, drainage, and existing structures. 2. lmpact on adjacent properties. The addition should not adversely affect views, light, or air enjoyed by adjacent structures. Staff believes that the proposed additions will not have a significant impact on adjacent properties. 3. Compliance with the Town=s zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Staff believes that an approval of the additional 203 sq. ft. of GRFA will not have any negative impacts on the applicable development standards of the Town. However, during a site visit to the applicant's property, staff identified a zoning violation that needs to be corrected. The violation consists of several exterior flood lights which do not conform to the Town's outdoor lighting regulations. Staff would recommend that the applicant be required to bring the existing outdoor lighting into compliance with the Town's codes. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the additional 203 square feet of GRFA utilizing the 250 Ordinance. Staff=s recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria and factors outlined in Section lll of this memorandum. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant=s request, staff would recommend that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: 1. That the addition of 203 square feet of additional GRFA does not negatively effect the existing topography, vegetation and drainage on Lot 2 Waren Pulis Subdivision. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant=s request, staff would recommend that the Planning and Environmental Gommission make the following condition: 1. That the applicant bring the property into compliance with the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations (outdoor lighting) prior to the final inspection of the ' building addition. ./a/-1) L<tprxe^) Tr/b suJ. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,TOBSITE AT AL,L TrMES TOV/Comm. Dev. !lgq!_q TIfl,E: SQUIRES ENTRY REMoDEL, . ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PCTMits #: 899-0248 Clean-up Dgpos,ilRefund ADD/AL' sFR BUrLD PERMTT approved amount (Hfu'ui 'lrt- Address: L626 vArL vALtEY DR sLaEus...: rssIlEDt5o.0o dOD AddreSS: ]-626 VAMAjJLIS t ur( bEatus. . . : LbDUlsIJ Location. ..: ]-626 vail vatley Dr Applied..: 09/20/L999Oatg */rA-W-..-zrrcel No..: 2l-01--0gL-OL-022 risueO. . -. LO/1-2/L9991da Project No.: PRir99-0258 E>cpires-.: 04/09/2000 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiffAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 OlrlNER 1000 s FRoIifIAGE RD W, *202, VArL CO SQUIRES'fOIIN P - GARNIER-SQUIRES Phone1. 970-476-3082 Phone: 97O-476-3082 'ItoEal calculated Feea--- >r., I ?5 .00 DEPARTI4EI.IT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPLICANI iT.L, VIELE CONSTRUEIION 1000 s FRONTAGE RD W, #202, VArr, co CONTRACIOR ,f .L. VIELE CONSTRU9IION 8L657 8L657 GArt L, 8355 STONERTDGE TER, BOIILDER co 80302 Descriptibn,Remodel ent.ry to include porch andNumber ofoDwelting Units: 002 Town of Vail Adjusted ValuaEion: 76,000 Fireplace InforuaEionr Restricted: yeg *of eas Applianccs:#of caa togB:Sof wood/Pallet: FEE ST'}IM,ARY Buifding-----> Plan chcck- - - > lnve6ti.gation> will call----> 520 .00 403 .00 ,00 3 ,00 .00 100 .00 .00 250 .00 1, 3 75 .00 t,3'r6.oo ReetuaranE Plan Revieir--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fe€--'--_-_- -> cl.an-Up D€lro6its- - -- - - - -> Addicional Fee€- ----- --- > .oo ToEal Permit Fee-_'-- --- > Pal'menta--_---- TOTATJ FEES--- -- 1,3 7 5 .00 BAIANCE DUE.-.. r t r r *,i * !r * r * r i ri rrt 'r t t t* * r * t t * t ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIUIEI'IT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: o9/22/t999 KATITY Actsion: NorE RouEed Eo charrie 09/24/L999 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR SEE CONDTTONS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEM DepE: PLANNING Division: 09/22/1999 KATHY AcLion: NoTE RouEed to Ann 09/27/L999 AK'fERIILF Action: APPR DRB appr & staff checked rtem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENr Dept: FIRE Divisj-on: 09/22/L999 KATI{Y Action: APPR N/A rtem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PIJB WORK Divisj-on: 09/22/1"999 KATHY Action: APPR N,/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to Ehis permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoelcdge that I have f,ead Lhis applicatsion, filled ouC in fulI thc infor$aEi.on requj.led, conpletsed an acculaCe PloL plan, and 6tate thag all t.hc infornation prowided as required is correct. I agree to comply ttith the inforEation and plol Planr co coftpIy with a1l Tordn ordinances and sEate lae6, and bo build thi6 atructure according Eo the ToBn's zoning and subdiwision codc6, degign review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other oldinanceB of !h€ Torn appLicable Lherelo ' REQT ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAT L BE UADE TWEIII.Y-FOUR HOT RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OtR OFPICE FROI'I g:00 AI'l S:00 PM Clran-t4r D.posits To: J.L. Viol. PAGE 2 ************************************************************:l******************* Permi-E #: 899-0248 COI{DITIONS OF APPROVAL as of L0/L2/99******************************************************************************** I Con6trucCi Permit 1\pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant: il.t. VIETE CONSTRUCTION .fob Address: 1625 VAIL VALLEY DR LocaEion: L626 Vail Valley Dr Parcel No: 2101-09L-0t-022 :k***************************!t********************:r****************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETEqTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIL BEDROOMS Al{D EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 0F THE 1997 rrBC- 3. ALIJ HANDRAITS MUST COMPLY TO 97 IIBC SEC l- ALL GIIARDRAILS MUST COMPLY TO SEC 509 SAFETY GI,AZING REQUIRSD PER SEC 2406 MECHAI{ICAL VEI.'ITII,ATION REQUIRED PER SEC 1203 REFER TO FIEI,D DR,AWINGS FOR T,OCATIONS 4. NO FR.,AMING INSPECTIONS ARE TO OCCTJR BEFORE STRUC. PI.ANS ARE ST'BIiIITTED AIiID APPROVED BY TIIE TOWN OF VAIL SLatus: ISSIIED Applied: 09/2o/L999 Issued: LO/t2/L999 o . roNuc oP rr.. coir€RrDo Itt t.ute Ec.cllnB l{irDbcr r R8c-o57{ trcunB: 1.356.00 Lo/L2/99 L4.to P.!r!.nt rlhod: CK Notrtlon |13968/VIE!"E lnlg!,tN P.!!lt lfo: Bt9-o2{a '.qD.3 l-Bt IDD IDD/lLl sFB B0IID Pl P.rccl llo 3 2101-091-01,-022 gie. lddt ..! 1626 \IIIL I/lIlLlI Dn IpcrgloDs 1526 V.il ltrll.y Dr fot ]. 1...: 1,3?6.00 ttlr ?.y!.ng 1,!56.00 togrl I'JL PrE.: L,376.oo ' Balan€a: .00 * at i t t it+ |la * t !l rr a* *tttt rtr* rl*t* tt* tttJrrf ttrt* tttt* t it ta *r* *-tattt*!l * AccounE Cod. D..cr.l,ption ,uount BP 00100003111100 BUIIJDINS PIR II rlES 520.00 DR 0010000e112200 DESrGtf REnrS' FEBE 30,00 pF 00100001112300 PLrll cl|BcK PEag 403.00 lD D2-t lPOa CLErmrP DBPOAITS 250.00 fc 00100003112300 'II,L crrJ. ll|sPtcttoN tlB 3.00 o o 'F.G'EoEld8|'a.{ ET.oo(.'|' a{ A it a ooo o oo |ln d:JE68E:.t{ EP!tFua 1r Etl Eo B g |t4 H C)c c oo C) c oC' o|!.l EUEAoAr':l &Eg GIC' G. cl oo IJ !l A Ell 6 EH 6 'tu oc H 6p Ea[a o EiIH>F r!A ':8F,E o coIA!tEr'ra! oF AH EE EI * Ea EE Er E 3E ETa EE E Ecli I E E 6 F Eg:rEtI SX E E5 ei E EFl A c H g d 3 EE E{ oo&E c{ : C' .rD o Et q 3!lEao.E fr8FEEOA AH 6[[Ot#PERtult Contad the Eaole Courtrv Assessors Office, at 970-32&E640 for Parcel # pucet t 2toi - &l lJ Ot'O?2- ,floi{tFoRtwj Dat AU6 g lzo lqq Pemit#.0au8 Job Name:5rtr-lrees Bg31sE-ilc€robAddrcss: /6-21--VAu Vigf &tUe nuiiaing {S Legal Descri$ion: Lot Plunbing ( ) Z Block - Mechanical ( )Other ( ) ownenName:S6llal i GAt SrlurldS xcntec..: ARc4o€,4 Subdivision VnBCSt l POq S xlxrfljs: 'S 5fa!€Ptq44 7?72itE phoo"#22:33?-qt4 Address: llz4. s/kxE sT pno""*E!14!'46 Description orlo v' /rut&,oe friltstl uPefi?E&'b ffio= Work Class: New ( Number ofDwelling Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances BI.JILDING: $ ) Atterationfi Additional( ) Repair( ) Other( ) u*: ?'d Gas Logs_ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCALS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Number of Accommodation Units: OTHER: TOTAL Wood/Pellet s 1:;Agc_&s- PLIJMBING $ General Contractor: TownofVaitRegsuarionNo. 188'A pnoo"* ?70'17-3o82 Tt-,VtgUi Caaigocru)Address: /o@ sRotdk€ RO d&; So'i€bz,VIL Address: Phone # - Address: Phone # Address: Pbone # Town of Vail Reeistration No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of !'ail Regisnation No. FOR OFFICE USE Date Received sEP 2 0 1999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENILY REGISTERED WTTH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMT]NITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STOP"AGE CODE $2-10: ITEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROEIBITED A. Unlawftl deposiE: Subject to subsection C thereoi it is unlawful for any penon to liuer, track or deposiq or cause to be littere4 tracked or deposited, san4 gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material uPon any street, sidewalh alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any penon who violates or g.uses iurother to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or qruses anotler to violate the sam€, top remove such san4 gravel rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice or any otler debris or material witbin twenty four (2a) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notfied does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agenq may c:rurie any such san4 gravel, rocls, mud, dirt, snoq ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the eieense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of zubsection A hereof shall'not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any constnrction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thsreto; 2. To deposits of sand" dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa vioiation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-1 ofthis code' E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fril s1 refuse to compiy with the notice of the Director of Pubtic Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any zuch person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by tbe Director of Public Wor*s, as provided in subsection B hereo{ upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and aclnowledged by: CoMPtqAPosition or Relationship to Project: o^r, 4'4r? (i.e. contBctor or orvner) fi. Ut&EOoraZXr.4) TOWI{ OF VAIL Department of Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Rod VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX 970479-2452 Agreed to by: Project Name: BUILDTNG PERIUIT XSSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this pennit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departneut Approval, Eogineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departnent rwiew of Health D€Par6neff review, and a review by the Building Depafineft, the estimated time for a total rwiew may take as long as tbree (3) weeks. All commercial (large or srnall) and all multi-frmily permits will have to follow the above mentiotred maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the .'rarious above mentioned a.p***O with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take tbe three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparnnent to c<pedite this permit as soon as possible' I, the undersigned, unders+qnd the Plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I rmst still pay the Plan check Fee and tbat if I fril to do so it may affect future permits tbat I apply for' SQupa Parryr*4 tlo'", 7f3of e? Work Sheit was turned ino ilre Commrmity Dwelopment Depr {p*n'oot^'o t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOE NAME: MAMORANDI'M AIL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIIBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A .PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQI,IIRED 5Qoe4 Brooes J- 4. DArE: g/ nlqq - PLEASE ANSWERTTIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIREREGARDING T}IE NEED FORA*PUBLIC WAYPERMIT: 1. Is this anew resideoce? YES Is demolition wort being perfonned that rcquires the use of the Riglrtof-way, easements or public property? VeS_ NO K NO_X_Is any utility wort needcd? Is the driveway being repaved? 7. 8. Is a diferegt access needed to lhe sils sth€x'rhln tts oristing driveway? yES NOX Is any drafuage work being done tbat afiects the Right-of-way, esernents, or public property?YES -NO X-"---- ' Is a"Rwocable Right-of-Way Permit''required? YES Nox- f"lr5*i{Yements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. If NO to 8A is a oarkine, staging or fencing plan required by Communiry Development?YES_ NOtr - If you answered YES to arry of these queitions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained- 'Public way Permif applications may be obtained atthe public work's ofrce or at commrmity Development Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Saldoval from hrblic Works at 4?9-2198. _{_ 5. 6. *- Gu Vr6zE nd t* Cotrtractor Signaure I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Date: ComparyNane o COMMI'NITY DEVEIIOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L35 DEPARItr,IEI{T OF NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PII]MBING PERMIT ilob Address: 1626 vArL vAttEY DR LOCALiON. . .: A626 VAIIJ VAI.'LEY DR Parcel No.. : 2l-01-091-0L-022 Project No. : PRJ99-0258 APPLICAIiIf ifERRY SIBL,EY PLU!{BING P O BOX 340, MTNTI'RN CO 81645 CONfRAETOR iTERRY SIBI.EY PI-,IJ!,IBTNG P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 OWNER SQUIRES JOHN P - GARNIER-SQUIRES GAII, L, 8355 STONBRIDGE TER, BOI'LDER iTOBSITE AT ALt TIMES Permit, #: P99-0144 Statsus...: ISSITBD Applied. . z tL/03/L999 Issued. ..: LL/05/L999 E:qrires . . I 05/03/2000 Phone: 303-827 -5736 Phone: 303 -827-5736 co 80302 DescripEion: BATH RSMODEI, REPT.,ACING EXISTTNG FlValuaE,ion: r*rrrr FEE 9II4|ARY ir*r t ' * t * t t. rt *iir t tt * 4, 000 . 00 Pluubing-----> 60.00 Rr6!ua!ant' Plan Rovier--> .oo Total CalculaCod Pc..---> ?8.0O Plan Chcck---> L5.00 !(/IAL FEBS----- Invc6tl9.tlon>.ooTotsalP6r1r|lc8eg-.---.-.>7a.oo will c.ll----> 3.oo Paydents------- 78'00 BAIrANCE DUE---- .OO IIem: O51OO BUII.DING DEPARTII{EIIT DCTrT: BUILDING DiViSiON: LL|03/L999 JRM Act,ion: APPR APPROVED itRlrftbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENr Dept: FIRE Dr-vj-sr-on:77/61/tgg9 iIRM Acrion: APPR N/A * i* + * r r r ti * r*J * *r il, f r Jr*r * i *r + *ra r * * t t t * r tr t,a ttr I i .l. r ril ir * i COI{DITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIETD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. **rr***rrrtirrr i*rrr,rrirrr*rrtt*t**rtr**Jtll **ttt*tr rr*r*rt tl DECL,ARATfONS I heraby acknoxladE. thaE I hav. rc.d thid applicaeion, filled oug ln ful] fhe inforuatsion required, couPlatcd an accu!.ts. PIot plan, and 6ta!e lhat all ch€ infom.cion provid€d aE lequired i6 correct, I a9t6c go coBPly rlth the infoElation and Plots plan, to comply rlth all Tolrn olilinances and stat6 Lai.s, rrld to build tshi6 6tructura according Eo thc ToI'n'6 zoning and Bubdivj.sion codc6, dodigrl r.cwicx approwcd, Unifom Building codc and otsher ordinance6 of REQI'ESTS FOR I}ISPECTIONS S}I.AIL BE MADS TWETtTY.FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 FRoM g: o0 Alt 5:O0 OF OWNER OR COIIIT'AC:TOR 8OR HIUSELP AND O}INBR rrirritarat*rttrt!arrf t,tt.ttrii.lraaata*aattt{}t!rttttit.rt!rttttiitt o !oa|l{ ot vltE, co&oRADo tgrl.ants 8E.s.rr! rulb.r ! REc-0r35 rDut|E r ?a.oo 11/05/9t 10123 D.l|!.n! Lrtrod r cK fogaelon! 271t3 InIE! atR P.r It f,oi P9t-olla Tltttt l-snc PllmIIg PRIIIT P.rc.l [ot 2101-091-01-022 slc. lddr.r. ! 1616 lnll. Vflrl.lil m Doc.ci4r! 1616 VtlL vN&ll m Ilot l L.rr ?e.00 tht. PrtrDnE ?1. o0 locrl l!! 9lea t 7t - oo Brl|ncr: .00 IrcorDG @d. Daaar.lPBioo lrcunc pp oo1oooor111200 Pr.lIlItIO Ptnrtl tlGa 50.00 Pr oO1oo0Oi11230O PLll ctllcf, tlls 15.00 tc OOtOOoo3ll2aOo tlt'E CII;I USPICEIC!| ltt 3.0o -'1*Coniacc Eagle Counry Asses-slrs Office fiinilii i:V::tl i,$,i' fr' " gt"l; xig, ffil#$"F#lv otri,- -to7zlfri Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Address: Address: General_ Description: work cLass:- [ ]-New pql-Arteration 1 l-Additional_[ ]-Repair [ ]-other N_pnber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances 1/ - ---e^.-qvs-' \r fi * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** rt ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs Oi./ners Nane: Architect: Number of Dwelliig'Units: I BUILDfNG: $ N rrn'l.tgf of Accommodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet * * rt * :t * * rb * * * rt rt * * ik * * rk * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * *********--;;;;;;;; town of Vail Reg. NO. EI,ECTRTCAL: $ ;;; ;;" I:; : .--.7. .#, E*m:: r-NFoRMArroN Address: Electri-ca1 Contractor: Address: Plunbing Co,,;ntractor :Address: MechanicaL Contractor.: Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANfCAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: SQ. FT. i..- ---- Phone Nurnber: 9Z/- Town of Vail_ Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: ;;31" "$"ff ll, o'?; x -#yz- Town of Vail Req. No.Phone Nuraber: FOR OFFf CE USE ** * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * *,t * :r,t *BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: 3llyPrNG Pr,AN cHEcK IEE:UECHANTCAL PIA}h(Irdilrffi ff;'Uf;ft.,f".:iH:I*1I*"L:t:_?ate ;;;CLEAN-UP DEpOSIi:--'' q'$r''.'\ rorAr, pERMrr rnis: NUy U I 19TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUfLDING: STGNATUR-E: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: J I &9-azvr PEfu\IIT /' l/ APPLICATIoN MusT BE FTLLED oUT CoMPLITETJY oR IT ltAY No" BE AccEpTED A***************************** PERMr? TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r,f **.,r****, [ ]-Buildins AtxJ-plunbing [ ]-Electrj-cal [ ]-Mechani-car I j-other r.I 75 south lron la g e road vall. colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: of llce ol communlly dovelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TovrN OF VAIL puBLIC r{oRKS/cot[,ruNITy DEVELoPT.IENT llARcH L5, L98I CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn surffnary, ordinance No. 6 slates that it is unlawfur. for anyperson to 'itter, track or deposit., u;t-";ifi-rl"t, sand/ debris;:rffi:;'i3li"il.t"dins trasn-5Jmp=t"r!, poiluii" toiruts andplace ". ;;;";;i.lli".f,!I"lf f""li""ii;iltl5i_;li"l.;:rl;i:*-",VaiI streeti ind.roaa= i=-Jii.o*i*ateiy s ft. Lff pavemenr.This ordinance wilf-ue =;r;:ii; enforced by the To--n of vail' Pubric works n"plrin'"ntl--pJi"Jns found .rii,ruri.g this ordinancevtirr be siven a 24 hour r.iir"n'_n"ii""-to*;;;;;L said nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.ao.=-nrr"'J"",prv vrith Lhenot'ce vithin the 24 trour tinre specified, the public worksDepartment will remove said mate;i;i-;L-in.''^r*i!n=e of personnot'fied' The nrovision= or ir,i= ordinance sharl not beappricable to cbnsti."tiJ", -^Jint..un." oi-.!fIi. p.o;"crs ofany street or alrey ".-""y'"fiiiti". in. the ,ifr.,t_u_"uy. lTo review ordinance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town of::li.::i13i"9.";f,i:*:ll"::""iliin a colv. rirank you ror your owledged onlReIat 75 soulh Ironlage road v6ll, colorado 41657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 olf lce ol communlty devolopmelrl EUILOING PERT|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI,IE If' thts perm.t:t reau.i,res a Tovrn of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Ensineer''s (pubr ii l9.l,ri ;;vi";'uni'ipb'ouui,-i'pjii,iifi!"bepartmentreview or Heatth Departm6ni-;;;;";,'-uii.u-review by the 6ritaing Siot[ll;',1;"ll: ur.tru ted t i me to r' a-io tar i"uiun-iluy,'iu [i' u, r one All commcrcial '('tu"g:^gf smal.l) and a,ll mu.lti_family permits willhave to foilow the abov-e rnenti6ned ririrrr requirements. Residentiarand smatt projects rtoria'ii[e-;-i.;;;; amount of time. However, ifresidentfal or snrarter proje.it-i;;;;;'the various above mentioneddepartmcnts r'rith rega.rd' to"n"."tiLii-."ui"", these projects mayalso take the three'week period. - ' l:::{.u.r_roTpt vril l be made by this clepartnrent to expedite thispel'mlt.as. s.qon as possible. - : - '-"- ve !^v!v' ... I I:.i!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeT rame .. 'Community Development Department. .- TO: FROM: DATE: 4tr. MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire ls this a new residence? ls. demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easemenls or public properJy? ls any'utility work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easernents, or public propefty? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls lhe right of way, easements or public property to be used for slaging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered lf you answered yes lo any of ihese questions, a'public way permit" rnrrt be obtained."Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at lhe public Work's office or atC9.1n1u1ity Developmenl. . lf you have-any questions please call Cf,"rti, Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g. 1) 2\ regarding the need lor a vtrcI r-J 'Public Way Permit": NO Y ( Y e\ 4) 5) 6) 7) B) Job Contraclor's Si tions. Date DEPARruM[f OF COMMT]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON \TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ETECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0253 o DEVELOPMEI{:T iIOb AddrCSS: 1525 VAIL VALLEY DR Location. . .: t626 VArL VALTEY DR Parcel No. . : 2101-091-01--022.Project, No. : PRiI99-0258 BTG BEAR ELEETRIC, INC.P. O. E.OX 474, IEADVILLE, CO 8046L BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. BOX 474, LEADVTLLE, CO 8045L sQurREs .toHN P - GARNTER-SoUTRES GAIL L, 8355 STONERIDGE TER, BOIILDER TOWN OF \TAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Invesbiga€ion> will call----> SEatus. . Applied. Issued. . Extrrires. ISSI]ED LL/L8/L999 LL/22/L999 os/20/2000 Phone: 970-390-922L Phone:. 97Q-390-922L co 80302 ValuaE,ion:1, 000 . 00 FEE SI'MMARY DescTiption: ELECTRICAL FOR BAIII/KIT REMODEL Blectsrical--->50.o0 DRB Fee .00 TOTT\r, FEEg---> 53.00 BAIANCE DT'B---. *t***r****ai.*t ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUTLDING DiViSiON: LL/1,9/L999 KATIIY ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED PER- KWItbm:"05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI\T DepE: FrRE Division:LL/L9/L999 KATIIY Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARA'TIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read chj.s application, filled out ia fuLl Che lnformalion required, completed an acculale Plot p1an, and etsate that all. uhe infornatsion provided as requi:ed i.s colrect. I agree tso codply wiEh the inforBation and Plot Plan, co colnply nirh alL Tor.n ordinances and sEale faw6, and Eo build:his struccure according Ec Ehe Town's zoning and subdi'rision eodes, design review approved, unifor_m Building cocie and other oldinances of Lhe To\,'n applicable Ehereeo. rotal cal.culatsed Feea- - - > AdditionaL Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--------> Pa14n6nt3- - - ---_ - .00 53 .00 53 .00 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS €HAIIIJ BE Ii4ADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY ronll OF VI,IIJ, COIJORIDO Scaulunt Stabcanc Nrnbrr 3 RBC-059{ llorrlrt ! s3.oo LLl22/99 t6|.16 Pqt[drB l.chod: 1529 !|otrtion ! BIG BEIR ELEc tuit: .t!| PrlBit Nos 899-0253 Typr. E-IDBC BLBCIIICIII PBrulfl P.rccl lfo: 2101-091-01-022 Slt. Ldr.... r,625 VIM/ttr,&Al DR Locrciotr3 L516 VIIL V,IITLEI DR Togal F.csr 53,00 ThL. Pryo.Dt 53.00 Totrl ltr! PDt.: 53.00 Brlrnc.: .00 AccoratE coda Dctcripeion l@t'ttE a9 00100003111{00 ELBCIRICI.L PER Ir FEBS 50.00 nc o0100003112aoo if .L cAl,r, rNaDBclIoB raE 3.o0 Psrqq- o a58 Date: Job Name: Building ( nuxaress: /hz6 ?a;f Ua/4,r /Lt < Town of Vail Reeistration No. Electrical Contractor: Torvn of Varl Registrarion No._ 2E /- Z Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Tou'n of Vlil Registration No. c46/ Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: TOWN OF VA|&NSTRUCION pERMtT APJCATION FORM INTORMATION MUST BE COLIPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-329-6640 for parcel# Parcel# Zlerl - 09 | -q l-O?Z p"o.r* 3f/-Op4 Plumbing ( )Electrical(p Mechanical( ) Orher( ) t Firing- s,aau;sion hfu(F/,)' fi/bLegal Description: Lot .-( Block ownenr.rarre: P ?..,r-r-,t Adar"r, t\S?3azc,ebo &JdtnrCapnon"* Arcfutect: Description of Job: Work Class: Ne'w ()Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Dweiling Units: /Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ Gas Loes I Wood/Pellet GeneralConrractor,MAddress: /rnr', S 4.o^l-,# QJ Lr/r& d^)r+ "# (3 7d q)L s7pz Address: Phone # Address: Phone # VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ d', MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTFIER: $ TOTAI $ Alteration (p Nov 1B 1999 SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged by: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI]BLIC WORKS AND COMMTJNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereol it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or Gruse to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand" gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice. or any other debris or material upon any street. sidewalk" alley or public place, or any portion thereof. S. Notiiel Abatement: The Director of Public Works may noti! and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such iand, gravel; Iocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period bf time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent. may cause any such sand, giavel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed fiom any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereofshall not be applicable: t . Wittrin ttre immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main. sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; Z. to diposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To pu-blic areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the sarme, may be issued a summons to ippear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation herzunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l of this code. E. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Work as provided in subsection B hereof. and any zuch person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided insubsection B hereof. upon being fbund guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Position or Relationship to hoject: Date: /t-r t,fQ---------------- (i.e. contract6r-or owner) TOWI{ OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME T'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparunent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) reyiew and approval, a Planning Deparhnent review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Deparunent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or srnall) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser .rmount of time. Holvever, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to b-v: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was lurned into the Community Development Dept. {g*n "uor ro TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED PLEASE ANSWER T}IE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIF€ REGARDING TIIE NEED FOR A.PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is lhis a new residence? YES 2. Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES No--tZ NO_E No l./ 3. 4. 5. 6. Is ury utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?YES No/ Is a differenl access needed to the site otho than the existing driveway? YES NO t-/ 7. 8. Is any drainage work being done that affeas the Right-of-Way, easements, or public Property?YES "NO F Is a'Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO ?/ A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public properly to be used for stagllg, parking or fencing? YES NO <-/', B. If NO to 8A is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO Z--- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applicrtions malv be obtained at the Public Work's ofrce or at Conmunity Dwelopment. lf -vou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I TIAVE READ A.ND ANSWERED ALL TI{E ABOVE QUESTIONS. l. 2. 1. PUBLIC WORKS PER}TIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffrc controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Constructior\ Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's oflice for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Inigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 156. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 5. 6. 7. DEPARTI'{ENI OF COMMT]NITY PMErfl NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJI, TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A00-0007 o DEVETO rlob Address: L626 vArt vAr'r'EY DR Location. . . z t626 VaiI valley Dr Parcel No.. I 2101-091-0L-022 ProiecE No. : PRiI99-0258 APPLICAI.IT THI'L ELEEfRONIC SYSTEMS TO!'|N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 COITTRACTOR OWNER status...: ISSUED ApPlied..: 02/Lo/2OoO risued...: 02/LO/2OOO Erq)ires. . : 08/08/2O0O Phone z 970-949'4638 Phone: 970-949-4638 80302 DescripEion: InsEall low voltsage smokes and alann Pavaluation:1. 000 . 00 Total calculatedl FeeE-- -> E3'0o Additional Facs- -- ----- -> ToErI Pefinits 8€e-_-_____> Paymontss__-_---_ BAIAI'ICE DUE. -'' P o Box 534, AVON, co 8L620 TIIUT, EI,B TRONIC SYSTEMS P o Box 534, AVON, co 81620 SQUIRES iIOIIN P - GARNIBR-SQUIRES ci.ir, l, 8355 sroNERrDeE TER, BoULDER co 3-00 -00 53 .0O .00 Electrical---> 50.0o DRB Fac .00 Xnv.6LigrtLon> wl11 c.l1----> TOTAI, FEES.- -> triittrtt'Jti*r"ttittr**Jt*ttrtt tra'itlrtt+'lltrtttl IEern: 06000 ELEgrRICAIJ PEPARTMENT--.- DepL: BUTLDTNG Divj-sion: gezfi:/egg[;-+T$H ;-"tgffigft+ APPR N/A-. -_.Depr: FrRE --- Division, O2/Lo/2o00 XATHY actioni APPR Prelim verb-Eppr per !ff ."..".'..,''.:. .';;il.;;";;;;;;;; rr'+i*""4**r" **a**r*+tatrtrt ' t * * t r 't * t * r 't * t r * *'lJ t* r t*** **i r**t * t r * DECI,ARATIONS Ihcrcby.cknorrlcdE.lhaEIhrvct..dChia.pplicaClon,filt'doufinfulltheinforsrrtionrcqulred'cotqtloE€danaccurateplot plan, and 6!a!6 thAt all cbe infoloagion Providcd a6 requl'r.d i5 corrects I ag!e' co codPly lth the lDfof$ation and pfoE Plan' tso conlrly wiEh all TowTr ord{nenc.! and olatse lait€, tnd io butld EhiB Etruclule accoldinE Eo tho T0!1t|'6 zonLng ind subdiviEion cod6r,d.sl'gnr€vi.t'.PProvcd,unifofl!Buildillgcodeandoghcror.linanc.6ofgh€Tor'napplicablcc}reretso. REQI EStg FOR IN9PECTTONS SHALL BE UADE TllElitTI-FOUR tlot RS IN AD1IANCE Bv TELEPHONE LT 479-213a oR AT OLR OPFICE FROM g:Oo AM 5:OO PU o****************************l********************************* EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES wc oo10ooo31128oo wrtlJ CALL INSPEcTToN FEE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO stalemnE ***********t**************************************************** statemnt Nuiber: REc-0506 Alttount: 53-oo o2/Lo/oo t4:5o-nayme"t Met,hod: CHECK Notation: #14875/ThuI Init': KMW Permits No: Ao0-ooo7 Tlpe: F-ALARM AI/ARM PBRMIT Parcel No: 2101-091-0L-o22 site Address: 1626 VAIL, VALLEY DR Locatrion: 1526 Vail ValleY Dr Thj-s Palment Tot.al Fees: 53 .00 Total AL,L PmES: Balance: *****************!t********************************************** Account. Code Descriptsion Amount 50.00 3.00 53 .00 53 .00 .00 ?uJ qq,oesg TowN or vntOrusrnuciroN pERMr ee$AroN FoRM INTORMATION MUST BE COMPLETI OR TEE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECITI) Contact ihe Eaqle Countv Assessors Office at 970-32&8640 for Parcel # Parcet * ?l6t-oQf-61-6?2 Permit # Job Address: / L o Eleclrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other(11) F.-<.-L.. , Filins Subdivision Reparr ( )Otherfi ) 9..t,-.\<\ Number of Accommodation Units: I Gas Logs Wood/Pellet pu1". O.1 -tt} ' (:O Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Archilect: Description of Job: Work Class: New () .*.- ,-{ \ Alteration ( )Additional ( ) VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMAT]ON Address: phone# ffi 'l{tt -.LL5S Address: Phone # TOTAL $ Town of Vail Registration No ffi Phone # f,/ g&!s@r:-T-'t,*-\ E[* -\bs., rce (,,- Town of Vail Resistration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town ot Vail Reeisuation No FOR OFFICE USE ryPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: FEB l0 2000 SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Phone #-@ Number of Dwelling Units, Z-- DUp Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDTNG: $ PLUMBING S Generd Contractor: (-\) <6t b It1 * l,+r rq *,t:tCODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FORPURCHASE UPON REQU[ST*** TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMTNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STOMGE CODE $.2-10: DOPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITI,I) A. Unlawfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlan{ul for any person to litter- track or deposit, or cause to be littered. tracked or deposited" sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt. snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street., sidewalk, alley or public place, or any Portion thereof.g. Notice: Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notis and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such iand, gravel, rocks. mud. dirt, snow. ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public.Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified. the Director of Public works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand' gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. c. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereofshall not be applicable: t . *ittrin ttre immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main. electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2 . f o d"posits of sand, dirt or matcrials necessary for the protection of the public safet-v; and 3. To pu-blic areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person wlio violates or causes another to violate the same, ma!' be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Torvn for said violations, and upon being found . guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-l-l ofthis code. p. rtoticel Penalty: It is unlawful foi any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereo-f. and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided irsubsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation }ereunder, be prstirtuUl" as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Rend and acknorvledsed bv Position or Relationship to Project: Cs^\ . * .\ .. (i.e. contractor or owner) Date: o J'' -\ ro - ..'o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME T'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departnent review ofHealth Deparnnent review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow tbe above mentioned marimum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howcver, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentione d departnents lvith regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the tfuee (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparhnent to sxpedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigne4 understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits tlnt I apply for. Agreed to b(- \'-{-- Project Name:5 Q.' i..t Date: o)- lo- oq Work Sheet was tumed irto the Community Development Dept. {p*n"uotn'o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PI]BLIC WORKS JANUARY I. 1999 WHEN A.?UBLIC WAYPERMIT: IS REQUIRED JOBNAME: 5 Q J.(-q: DATE: O>-\a 'oO PLEASE ANSWER T}IE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A*PUBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is ttris a new residence? 3. 4. 5. 6. Is any utiiity work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? YEs K No Is demolition work being performed that reqpyes the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO_ .\_ No{ YES Nox- Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES1. 8. Is a different access needed to the site olher than the existins drivewav? YES No d. Is any drainage work b-eing done that affects the Right-of-Way. qrsements, or public property?YES_ NO x NO_L A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES- NO K B . If NO to 8A" is. a pa.dcing; staging or fencing plan required by Coffinurdty Development?YES_ Nox._ -. If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Perrnit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Commwdty Development If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I IIAVE READ AND ANSWERED AII- TIIE ABOVE QIJr'ESTIONS. 1-h,-\ El..-\.o,*., Contractor Signature Date:o>--l o - €o Compan;v Name t. 2. 5. 4. ). 6. PUBLIC \ryORKS PER]VIIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildine Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a'?ublic Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traflic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the trafiic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5h. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. o Road Far< 1000 S. Frontage Vail, CO 81657 970476-3082 97c-4.763423 Charlie Davis West, Suite 202 From: Richard McGhee 97M7*2492 Pagcc 3 Phon r 97M79-2'142 Dater 10129199 Squires Residence Permit#89$0248 tr Urycnt tr For Revicw E Pleaco Gornrnent tr Plc*c Rcplyr E Pbacr Rrcyclo a Gomments: Following is a stamped letter and drara/ng for the structural changes necessary at the Squires Residence. These are provided per the mndition on the permit. lf you have any euestions or need something else, please give me a call. Thanks f2 4q- o ?'18 Dt'' ^ It-r, fiPPu" P.O2 lsrqe.eml tFA)qs.Tr3r7 5M CoNSULTANTS, rNc-e"5e1s7" I(F|M cq{sulrA,ws' rr'rc. P,OF(4m vArL d-cFlql 81619 RECORD PROJECT: &trtns Qa<io'are-fuaDEt ', E RFI (ev,au &iqxgilrts, t. HgoeR fop uffiR t-EvELtrLooR fucaer DooR SETkIEEN LeupRY AND KffO{EN sttlr"t' re c4 -2x8. 2 Ar orcqre END oF L-afr/ BEAf'l ovER oPnttl Q Neo To er Rppllr*v ArrH VlCTxn.l oR @ - t24. x7 )ti' Lv(s ,{ 14' *7' corvriN U o{s V1'+ THRu - @o.Tso rz'e, dtltl iAt u7eR, FLooR IANDirr4, $EE ATTAC/{ED pRi{NiNq FR TRA$ru4 DETAIT- SIGNED: g MEMNG NOTES D^rE] to/79/91 ,toe s QaQ-O4- EI CI.ARIRCATION/C1{ANGEf nesroruse v, Teiui vJatq COPY TO: ].I CONSULTAHTS. I NC .49r377 P. EIs KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. c*c,*xq E 3-d-,-- ^o' t o- z7' ? ? Iiriltlir: Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Squires entry-way renovation ProjectNumber: PRJ99-0258 Project Description: entry-way renovations: replace front stoop and front door; add architectural accent above (trellis) Owner, Address, and Phone: John and Gail Squires 8355 Stoneridge Terrace, Boulder, CO 80302 303-939-9606 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: J.L. Viele Construction 1000 South Frontage Road W, Vail, CO 81657 476-3082 Project Street Address: 1626 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot 2 Parcel B - Warren Pulis Subdivision Parcel Number: 2f 01-091-01-022 Comments: Buildins Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: strff approved with conditions 1. Stoop, front door, and trellis must compliment existing building material and color. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 09117199 Project Name: Document2 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Date Received Squires - entry-way renovation sEP 20 1999 J.L. vlele constructlfc. 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, Colorado 81657 'tele 970. 476.3082 Fax 970. 476.3423 Date Receive, AU6 3 0 1999 Ms. Kathy Warren Town ofVail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Squires Remodel 1624/1626 Vail Valley Drive Dear Kathy: J.L. Viele Construction was the General Contractor for the Squire Residence in 1989. To the best of our knowledge asbestos materials were not used in any part of the construction ofthe residence. I will submit the plans for the building permit soon. Sincerelv./1 'lv . 4/55L-a.r','- // CraigBruntz / General Manager cc: John & Gail Squires co Eo.oo ol.|ut e^9'E> JEF(U \FEY FE- 5g E,E>'= lU Fl{E@ Ebfi9 Y 5o--3Fp9 6l N EE it"€xar€;{E E $Eo.PXEIEiEg - 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-213V479-2t s9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Building S"f"ty & Inspection Serviees Division Dut", Q/'lqq FAX COr'ER SHEET COMPANY NAME,: J. U. Vrqe TO: No. Of Pages Ll-lLe - eioFz Kathy Warren. Permit Review Coordinator Town of Vail Cornmurrity Development Department Building Safety & Inspection Services Division 75 South F'rontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Phone 97 0.479.2325, direct line F AX 970.479.2452 E-rnai | : kwarren@ci.vai l.co.us FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: COMMENTS. NOTES: {P oun"*"*o )'?EJqq'025tj^ ePn. oz48 Design Review Action Form-TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Squirec Residence Project Description: new window Project Number: Owner, Address, and Phone: John end Geil Squires 8355 Stoneridge Terrace Boulder, CO 80302 303939-9606 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: J.L Viele Consfitrction 1000 S. Frontage Rd Vail, CO 8f657 476-3M2 Project Steet Address: 1626 VAilValley Dr Legal Description: Lot 2, Parcel B, Warren Pulis Sub Parcel Number: 210109101022 Comments: BuildingName: Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApprovedMotionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: L0l2ll99 Project Name: Squires Residence Dcum€tltl DRB Fee Paid: $20 -$qot1# i P6t ro 6{EnDq btr (2/dtui'' €taaso fiD< l,tiooo"FAQq -l/*,-_---.'w6T - -(FA41 aF lbus6)' - DooBtE o(<saaaou., looeoe Zl- 2a\6 w*tt4&Sttt€'Q " fl.o. ql t '*t X ?,-q7/8"-4 '. .,.: : /,\ topooa,) - 5r,XE O1gj4l6nrT( Ze'b )\Ar)u&t Zo ,* tZ" F, X& , Ct4{ - FrG $HSno4 *o. - A4L f1.':t5t199 76 /L&TT4+ 778 BA6ft^4 U)rdoou) < 5,+,,.t€ €tH 6 QVSQ"X; t)rathd, IA ftt GtF4D4*tzato Ct44D4€ 72 Botouq \dT: tffiuz67t1g,sV ITEPTT3T TOTII I]F YAIL, COLORADO PAGB I AREAr JRll"'Oztt7tzw O8:4O nEOUESTS - IIISPECTII UORI( SHEETS FORz 2/L7f2O ActlvLty: P9fJ-O144 2ll7l20 Type: B-PLllB Statue: ISSUED Conatr: ASFR Addreeer 1626 YAIL VALLEY DR Locatt.on: 1626 YAIL VALLEY DR Parcel ; 2IOI4EL-OI-O2Z Occ:Uee: IleecrJ.ptt.on: BATH REIIODEL BEPLACIIIG EXISTTilG FIXTUBES Appllcant; JERRY SIBLEY PLUIIBIIIG Phoner 3o3-A27-5736 Orner: SCUIRES JOHI| P - GARIIIER-S0UfRES Phone:T Contractor: JERRT SIBLEY PLUIBIIIG Phone: 3clg-A27-5736tIt -------- -J-------- l! Inspectlon Requeet InfornatLon. . . . . Phoner 8.27-5736 Gorrente: IILL CALL ,i Requeetor: CHRIS Req TLre: OLIOO lters requested to OO?9!D PLIIB-F1naI InapectJ'onIter:Iterr be Inspected,.. Illetory..... OO2IO PlliB-Underground AO22O PLItB-Rough/D. r. V. O2|LL|OO fnapector: CD Actl.on: Dtllotee: geal all. gl.nk bages ii t,LL/SAlgg Inepector: CD Action: APPR DMilD UIIDERGROUIID Hotee: A FLOtt TEST HAS BEE$ PERFORIIED LL/24199 Inepector: CD Actl.on: Dll ltOT READY L2167199 Inapector: GD Actt'on: APPR APPROYED Iter: OO23O PLIIB-Rough/Uater LLf24l99 Inepector: CD Actlon: APCB APPROVED/CORRECTIOII RECDllotee: PRESSURE BALAIICED VALYES ARE REOUIRED Ill ALL SHOTER/TUBS L2IOZ199 Inapector: CD Actlon: APPR STREET PRESSURE llotesr PRESSURE BALAIICED VALVES HAVE BEElr IISTALLEDIterr OO24O PLIIB-Gaa PtpingItenr l1o.250 PLIIB-PooI/Hot TubIterr Sg260 PLIIB-lll.sc.Iten: Og29O PLIIB-F1naI tsl DEIIIED i aeal all toLlet baeee conplete ehorer enclogure and control asgenbly l-n lorer l-evell.netall. proper alrgap fitting to the dishraeher dl.acharge Set toLlet J.n J.orer level conplete tub control" agserbly Ln laeter bsthroon I REPTlSI TOUI|.QE yArL, COLORADO PAGE I AREA: CDO2llAl2OOO O7t58 REOUESTS - IIISPECTII HORK SHEETS FORz 2/L8/2O Activlty: 899-O24A 2lLA/26 Type: A-BUILD Statue: ISSUED Conetr: ADUP Addreeg: 1626 VAIL VALLEY DRLocatlonr 1626 Vall Valley Dr Psrcel t 2L1trL-O9I-OL-O22 DeecrlptLonl Remodel- entry, porch, front door, replace loft rindorApplicant: J.L. VfELE COI{STRUCTfOX Phone: 974-476-398.2 Ornerr SOUIRES JOHII P - GARIIIER-SOUIRES Phone:Contractor: J.L. YIELE COIISTRUCTIOII Phone: 970-476-3o82 Occ:Uge: V ll Locke, Holds, and Notl.cea.... ACTIYTTY' llotlce: SLOT 19 lnepectl.on Requeet Infornatlon..... Requeetor: LARRY Beq TLne: OIIOO Connente: UIIIT A - HILLItene requeete,d to be Inepected. .. ActJ-on tlo540 BLDG-FineL CIA tIl0l/99 Inepector: CDlfoteer S,TRUC DFAUIIIG IIAS EIIG OF BECORD (I(RT{ l2lOF/99 Inepector: CDlter: OffiO BLD6-InsulatlonIter: OOO6O Bl.DG-Sheetroek llailfter: 60070 Bl.DGi-lll.ec.l.ter: 60090 Bl.Dti-FlnalIter: OO53O BLDG-Te,rp. ClAIter: OO54O BLDG-FInaL CIO Phone: 47L-546,6 2E /24199 Inapector: GD Actl-on: ll0 gee note l{oteg: XO FRAIIIHG rI{SPECTIOIIS TO OCCUR UITfL STRUC. SUBTITTED TO THE TOHI{FOR APPROYALActl-on: APPR STRUC DRATIIIG REC'D APPROVED BY STRUC APPROVED W CALL Connen L 6t' T,.ne Exp Inapectlon HLatory ften :. OOOSO BLDG-Franl-ng W l"l* BEEIT RECIEVED AIID coilsulTAlrTs r[c. ) Act1on: APPR Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OFVAIL Project Name: Squires Residence Project Description: new window hojectNumber: Owner, Address, and Phone: John and Gail Squires 8355 Stoneridge Terrace Boulder, CO 80302 303-939-9506 fuchitect/Contact, Address, and Phone: J.L Viele Construction 1000 S. Frontage Rd Vail" CO 81657 47G3082 Project Street Address: 1626 VAilValley Dr Legal Description: Lot 2, Parcel B, lYarren Pulis Sub ParcelNumber: 210109101022 Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: l0l2ll99 Project Name: Squires Residence Documentl Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved DRB Fee Paid: $20 l Ei . 2€| FROII .sEP-O 1-Sts| B. c D. E. G. rCOM-DEV-DEPT. '//Ub.)8s?-o2 LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LAf: Z BLOCK:- - FILING: PHYSICALADDRESS /C2E p6ggg1-g- 2/ o f 4 t 'o !-o22(Contact Eaglc Co. .dsscssors ofEcc at 970-32&E640 for parccl #1 zONr|{A: DQPI NAIVE OF OWNER(S): MAILING ro'|J,4"s24s2 PAGE Qucsdlis? Cail drc Pla:r'-ri;tg Saii:r"ll;i-l i13 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TWNOFUNI. CEI{ERAL INFORMATION This applicatio' is ro" any pftcct rcquiring DcsiR !3viov apprq'al. A-ny projcct rgquiring dcsig rwi rcccivc Desgrr Rc'ic*, approval prior to srbrnitting for a Uuii'i;g pcrmil ior *ccift inftnraatioq see thc subainal rcquircmcnts for &c particuiar appro,ral thar is requestei fft" +iiiotoa cannot bc acccptcd un{ Al.rc 1+nrca inforrndion is submittcd ft" #i* rn"V also nccd to bc ,wic*cd Uy tir" Town Councii andor tbc Planaiag and Erwironmcntal Conrrnisiort ficsigr Rcview Board epproval expires onc ycar aftcr finat approral utless a builditrg permit is issued ald coasn'uction is sarEed' A DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: KSqs asz'tq 4^ u:t":e^?.,?'!ry Ut€iE C.at8TzDanol) elfisv:l. 4 7e 3o8z ConsgTrction ofa new bruilding, tncn acs ".ry aadition whcrc {uarc footagc is added to any rcsidcncal or commcrcial building lncludes rninor changrs to buildings and sirc improvqneflts' srcn a$ rcroofing, painting *nao*.CAtii*, landscaping fenccs and rcaining PLEAS ) I wdls, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the tirne o{srrbminat- later- whcn appllng for a builditts PTjl4T::lTi: thc aceuratc valuation of the projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adju$, rhe fcc according to $e prolcrt vauauon' E SUBIVIIT THIS APPLICATION. ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AI\D TITE FgE TO THE DEPARTMED{T OF COMMTJNITY DSVELOPVTEI{T, ZJ SOWH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL. COLORADO 81657. ptroNz:3o3431'?6oB OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICA}IT; MAILINGADDRESS: tl New Constuctios -.$Zilf E Addidon- ffMinor nttcratior - 520 o Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Squires entrT-way renovation ProjectNumber: PR.I99-025E Project Description: entry-way renovations: replace front stoop and front door; add architectural accent above (trellis) Owner, Address, and Phone: John and Gail Squires 8355 Stoneridge Terracg Boulder, CO 80302 303-939-9606 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: J.L. Viele Construction 1000 South Frontage Road W, VaiI, CO 81657 476-30E2 Pdect Street Address: 1626 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot 2 Parcel B - Warren Pulis Subdivision Parcel Number: 2101-091-01-022 Comments: Buildine Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: staff approved with conditions 1. Stoop, front door, and trellis must compliment existing building material and color. Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 09109199 Project Name: Docunent2 DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Squires - entry-way renovation sEp-or-ss lEi : 2a FRoM. Tov-co;Ev-DEPT.rL-.s"o4"as2 PAGE PNqq - USb Qucstions? Cail drc Pti:;rnlrg Stail:r"l:ii-: i23 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL DESCzuPTION OF THE REQUEST:Fe46&te/ha4-4 l2 CENERAL INFORMATION This applicatlon is for any frjcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval' A-ry projcct rcquiring dcsig rwiclt *l rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrr approval pnor to srbmitting for a ouiiding pcrmil Forsp€sific inforraatiqr, see thc submittal rcquircnccr6 for thc Slanic'iar app@eal tbat is requcsted Thc apliicatioa cannot bc acceptcd r'til al-l.the requitcd information is submittcd mc pro;cct may also nccd to bc rwiewcd by thc Town Corrncil and'/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Conmission. fidgt nwiot Board approval expires ooc ycar aftcr fiaal approval rllcst a buitding permit is issued and consrnrction is saned' - u&B)Ahssa B. c- D. G. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL:LAT:., ? BLOCK:- -_FILNG; PFrySICAL ADDRESS:L VHzfl O&d pexCIJL*= 2lot' 4l ^ot-.O22 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Offce ar 97G32&E640 for palccl #) zoNwc' 2e4t4' - -' NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILINGAD PHONE:38- q?q - q64 OWNER{S) SIGNATURE(S) :e NAME QFAPPLICANT:fiezE (9ilt770<nal)/d1 r'1 PH)NE: 176-?oe2 H. TYPE OF REVIEiV A}iD FEE: E New Constuction - $200 Construction ofa ncw building E Addition- S50 Includesanyadditionwheresquarefooagcisaddedtoanyrcsidartialor courmcrcial building HfUioo. Altcration, $20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvcrnents srch as, ^/\ ' --- - - - - - rcroofing, painting Jindorv additions, landscapingl fenccs aad rctainiag waUs, etc. DRB fees are to b€ paid. at ttre time o{submitel- [,ater. whcn applyng for a building perroit pleasc identiff thc acsgratc valuation of the projact. Thc Town of Vail will adjust the fcc according to tbc projecl valuation' PLEASE SUBiVilT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A]\D TI{E FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657. &t. MAILING sEP-o1-ss lE. !s ppqr|r. rov-f oEv-DEpT.rD,s"o4e4s2 LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIAIS PAGE 4/E T(PE OF MATFRIAT . 44. COLOR:+ N.4 A,+tztt d/977^4 ?t z&oso,.t /4,tT?t( gtitin^>q maz* eYtsrT4 ,l ,U€hl enWJ M,- /r"tg mztnf *Snde A/+-rzJf etstw?/4,qi'qtt^r( - /11,+4Lt+ BUILDING MATERIAL$: ia ' f t-*-o^J rfi\'t e24py sTuP + Please specify the rnanufactnrer's color, numbcr and attach a srnall color chio *+ All cxtcrior lighting mrst meet thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc i 8.54.Q50(J). If cxtcridr lighting is proposcd, plcasc indicare thc numbcr offixnucs and tqcatiorls on a separate lighting pr*. laentify eact -tiiG typ" i"a pmvidc thc height abovc gradc, lumcns ontpul luminous arca" and attach a cut shect oftbe ligh-ting fixtqres. SEP-O1-99 r6329 FROM:TOV-C DEV-DEPT.ooM- FqJnniq?l Nanrc 'PROPOSEDTREES .ANbSHRUBS: EXISTING TREESTO BEREMOVED: ,O,ar"nJ=" PRoPqSED LANDSCAPTNG Conrnron NamQ Oqantig Ci*r* PAGE . S/A Fl.4- _E..-.--- * M ininrsm -rcquircmcnb for landscapi ng: avpc dcciduous trccs - 2 inch caliPcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight - 5 gatlons Squarc Footaqc .: GROUNDCOVER soD DEtrl, IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES'(retaining waiis. fences, srimming pools,'ec-) Plcasc Welify. bottom clEvations of rctaining walls. Maxinrum hcight of wallsivithin thc front setback is I feet. Ma:t rvalls elsovhera on the propcny is 6 ibst. top and hcight of * j:: utiii*"; dnt '.'' sEP-ol-ssl tE.2e FRoM,lov-tosv-DEPT.rD,s"o4O.4s2 kccp in mind thit it is thc respoosibility of the urility company :l^:.:r'i - ! t-...:rr'(rlllrJ P. v.rr..i.: :-, Thesc vcrifications do not rclicyc thc con&dtor of thc rcponsibiiiry Pcnnit fronr thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works ar thc Town of Vail. IJ PAGE E/E UTI r ISJLI.OC A IJrpN VE RI Ft CA Tr O\ r nls torm vcrifi scrvicc availability and locadon for ncw consrudion and sbould bc rsed in conjunction rvith utiliry plan and scheduling insmllations. Thc location and availabiliry of utilitics whethcf, thcy be main lincs or proposcd lincs. must bc approvcd and vcrificd bythc following utilitics for thc AccOmpanyrng Authoriz-Sd SiFratrrrc Dzte U-S. Wcd l-800-922-J 987 46'8-6860 or 949-4530 Itrblic Scrvice donipuny 949-s781 Cary Hall Floly Cro.ss Elearic Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Huslqy/Joln Boyd T-C.l- 949-55-10 Floyd Salaz-rr F.rglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitadon Dil$rict ' 47(r-74110 Frcd Haslcc * Plcdsc bring a sirc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn signahrrqs. Firc florv nccds must bc addrcsscd. NOTES: Upper Eagle Vallry Watcr & Saniatisn Il_Ifthc utility vcrification form has signatures froni cach thc utility companies, and no ,csumc tbat thcrc arc no problcrns andcornnrcnts arc madc dircc,tly on thc fonD, thc Torvn rvill thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd- Z. If a utility company has conccrns with thc protoscd thc utiliry rcprcscntativc shall note dircctly on the utility vcrification form that there is a which nceds to bc rcsolvcd. of Vail. Howevcr, pl*scThc issuc shouici tirea bc dcuilcd in an atlachcd !c{.tcr to thc T thc E plicant to rcsolvc obein atublic Way ofVarl. A '' i' Uiriated 5/9? N;A , Staise{bcforc dii,g'ng in any public right-of-l,ay or casemcnr vithin tEc sEp-ol-ss lEi:2s FR'M.torr-t-oEv-DEpr.,o."r"0r".,PAGE ?/a II. 1il. IV. PB,FIA PPLICAT(.)N q)N FERENCE A prc-applicatioo confcrcncc rvith Torvn of Vail staff is rcquirctl, No apptication can bc accc?tcd unlcss thc rnandatory pre-application mceting hes bcen conrplctcd. It is the applicant's respon-ribiliry to schcdulc this .rnccting by calling 970479-2i2E. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Eiesign Rwicrv Board mets on thc lsr and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach month. A complctc apptication form aod all acconrpanying rnatcriai nust bc acrcpted by thc Cgmmunity Dwelopracnt Dcparfitent a minirnunr gf thrcc and a hatf (3 l/2) wecks prior to thc date of thc DRB public hcadng. BEI/TEWCRr|EU6 Your proposhl will bc rcvicved for compliancc with thc Dcsign Guidctincs as sct fortb in Scction t 8.54 of the Municipal Code. IgITF TO ALL Ai'PLTCAMS: A. .- Ifa propcrty is tocatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c- snow avalanchc, rocldall. floodplain, a"Uri. ' - flow. rvdldnd, ctc)" a hazard shldy must bc srbmittcd and thc orvncr nius sign an affidavit recogniz-ing thc hazard rttrrqn prior to thc issuancc of a building perrnit. 'Appticans are encouagcd . to chcck with thc planning stafrprior to subrni$al of a DRB application to dctcnninc thcrclationship ofthc propcrqy to all uuppcd hazards. plans. all ofthc fol]owinj nrust bc shorvn. B, Basic Plan Shcct Fornnt. For all suwcys. sitc plans, landscapc plans and otho sitc improvcmcots I . PIan shc.ct sizc rnrrst bc 24'x 36", For largc Fejccts. largcr plan size may bc allowcd. . 2. Scalc. Thc mininrunr scale is l'=2O. All plans must be at thc sarncscalc-3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. Nonh aro'.v.' 5. Titlc block. projoct narnc, projcct addrcss and tcgal dcscription. (t. Indication ofplan prcparcr. address and phonc nunrbcr. 7- ' . Datcs of original flan prcparatlon and ail rcvision datcs.It. Vicinity rnap or location rnap at a scalc of i '= I .000' or largcr.9- .SJrcct tabels and numbcrs. | 0 . A bordcr witlr a minimum Ieft side margin of I.5". I l. Namcs of all adjaccnt roadways. 12. Ptan legstrd. C. For new constnrction aad additions, the applicant musr sake and tapc the project sitc to indicate propcrfy lincs. proposcd buildings arrd building comers. Al[ rces to be removcd must be aped. Thc applicant must ensurc that staking donc during thc winter is not buricd by snorv. A,Il sitc tapings and staHng must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meetiug. . D. Applicants who fail to appear beforc the Design Revicrv Board on their schcduled nreeting datc and who have not asked in adrancc that discussion oo their ilcm bc postponed, witl have thcir itctns rcmoved frqnr rhe DRB agcnda until such time as thc itcm has bccn rcpublished. E. If thc DRB approves tbc application with conditions or modifications, all conditio.o of agproval must be rcsolvcd gg to ttre iss.rancc ofa building pcnnit. ? L 1-Updared 6/9? sEp-err-ss 16,29 FR.M , ro.r-l-oEv-DEpr.,o..""n]"="PAGE E/A V,STAEF APPROVAL Thc Adminisaator may revior and approve Design Rwiav applications. apprwe with cerrain modifications. deny the application. or may refer the appliCation to thc Desigr Rqvic"$. Board for dccision. Atl saf approvals are subjcct to final approvat b,v the DRB. Thc following qpes of Design Rcview applicarions may bc staff approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building thu is consistsnt with the architcchral dcsigrr. tnatcrials and colors of the building. and approval has been received by an authoriz.ed mcnrber of a condominium association. if applicablc: B. ' Any application to nrodiff an otisting building that does not significantly changc thc cxisting planes . of the building and is generally consistcnt with thc architcclural dcsrgrr, malerials and colors of rb,e ' building. including but not limited to exterior buildingfinish matedats (e.g. soneworlq siding roof materials. paint or stain.), cxterior lighting canopics or awnings, fences. antcrrnas. sacllitc dislres, windou*. slcylights siding. rninor cornmercial facadc improvcmcnts, and other similar modifications: C. Any application for site impr6vemens'or modifications inclu<ling. bUt noc limired to. driveway . rnoditications. sitc gnding. site rvalls, rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping. insallatior: of accessory sructures or recreational facilitic.r ADDTTI ONAL R FI/IF-W AN-D FFSS A. lf rhis application requircs a scpararc rwiew by any local. satc or Fed,eral agrnry other tban thc Torvn of Vail. the applicadon fce slrall be increased by 52@.00- Examplcs ofsrch rwiov, may includc. but arc not limircd to: Colorado Dcpanmcnt of Highway Access Pernrirs, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. *c, B. Thcapplicant shalt be responsibleforpaybganyprblishing fecs rvbich arein excess of5OoZofthe application fcc- If. at thc applicant's request any nattcr is postponed for hcariog, causingthe matter . to bc rc-pr.rbiished. thcn the entirs fce for such rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant . Applications dccmcd by the Commrurity Dwctopmcnt Depanmcnt to havc dcsigr. land usc or other issucs which may have a significarrt impac on the.cornmrm$ mayrequirc r!"rierr by consulbnb in ' addition to Tor.vn staff. Should a dqcrminadon be made by the Town satrthat an ostsid€ consulhnt iinccdcd. the Commrmity Devcloprnent Departlicot nary hirc thc consultant. The Dcparuncnt shall csf,imatc tbe atnourtt of money nccc$s:rry to pby thc consultant and this amormt shall be forw-zrdgl to the Town by thc applicant at the time of filing an applicadon. Expenses incuned by thc Town in ixccss ofthe amount foruiarded by thc apptication shall be paid to the Town by the applicarrt within 30 days qf notification by the Torm, Any excess firnds will bc rctumcd to the applicant upon rariew complerir.rn, UFiatcd6AT VL c. J. L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION, INC. f00O S. Frontase Road West, Suite 202 vAlL. C6LORADO 81657 (303) 476-3082 TO 4at,tt Ws ll&or bt 6F cutta<udln/ hZZd, 77o,!, wE ARE SENDING You (nttactreo tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Under separate cover via Prints ! Plans! -Change order LtrTTtrR @F TRANSNNffiTAL -q/a/rE l'*"" 1172 ATTEI{NON ': 5ootezs /er(eL Samples the following items: tr Specifications coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIONqlsH/L&7a! ffi- D<8 *4?-? ?ct'rezt) I 'q/g kz ftA f &oo I dz?e*rs 4r i +2., _@e* e4S THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ffFor aooroval As requested For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE fi For your use ! E ! tr ! tr tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Refurned Jor corrections E Resubmit -copies for approval tr Submit - coPies for distribution ! Return - corrected Prints 19 - ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US t enctosu.?a tra not aa noled, ktndly noAry ua at on@. EPARIMEI{T OF EOMMI]NITY D PMEIVT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,IOBSITE AT ALl, PRO'JECT TfTLE: DTONES RESIDENCE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT I D AddTCSS Z 1626 VAIL VALLEY DR TION. ..: t626 VAIL VALLBY DReI No-. : 2101--091-01_-023 Project. No. : PRJ98-0205 J.I,. VIELE CONSTRUCTTON 1000 s FRoNTAGE RD W, #202, VAri, CO 81.657 DIONES FRANCES - 570]- S .JASMINE ST, ENGLEWOOD CO 801]-1 /at a o EVELO ud,t(Kfrl ?o/t Permit, TIi,lES B98 - 0342 Sl-atrrs...: ISSIIED Applied. . : 1,I/ 02/1,998Issued...: L2/2a/1-998 E>4ri::es. . : 06/]-9/]-999 Phone: 970-476-3082 Phone: 970-476-3082 Total calcul.ated Fe.s---> TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-21,38 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD W, #202, VAT.I-, CO 8:l.657 CONTRACTOR J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION OI^INER Description LIVING RM EXPANSION Number of Dwelling Units: 002 Jg1y11 6rf \/:ri I arlirrcl-or] ValUat,iOn: 60, 000 Pireplace Informalion: Restslicted: Y +Of eas ADDliances:ilcf ca6 togs I #Of Wood/Pallef,: 540.00 .0c 3.00 .00 100,o0 23.74 250. O0 7,?.7 .1O ReBtuarant. Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- Recleaci.on Fee----------> Clc.r!-Irlr Dcpoait-------- > TOTAIJ FEES....' AdditsronaL Fees----- --- -> .oo ToEal Penlit Fee--------> Pal/m' nts------- BAI.A]i'E DUE-.-- .OO ILCM: 051-OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT DC,IT: BUII'DING DiViSiON. 1,L/L7/L998 CHARLIE Action: NOTE plan to cha:: ie 12/2I/L998 CHARLIE ACL1ON: APPR SilE CONDTTIO] S rICM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEIIT DCIT: PI,AIINING DJ-V1SiON: a1,/04,/L998 BUTTLSON Action: APPR f tCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME}CT DCPT: FTRE DJ,ViSiCN: 1"1 /1"1 /L998 CHARLIE Act.j-on: APPR n,/a ILem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PIIB WORK Division: LL/1-7/L998 CHARLIE Act.ion: APPR n,/a Refund TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up D approved amount date APPLICANT Building-----> Plan check-- > Inve6tigagion > wi 1l- call-- -- > FEE SUMi.L\]?Y See Page 2 of this Document for any co rCiLions thrt. r'ray al?pIy Lo this permi:. DECLAR\TIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read t'hie apptication. filled out in full lhc i:.1forllil:ion requi:-d, coln' ieLeC an plan, and atsatse Eha! all tshe information provi.ded as required is correct. f ag:ee to 'omply with the ir.-olnlat:on Co conrply r.ith all Town ordiDances and state l-aws, and tso build thi6 Eerlrcture accordir.g to the T."-:r'e :cni:lg and codes, de6ig'n revia',l approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable 'hereto. accurate p1ots and plot plan, aubdivi aion I Pttlia:TESTS lCR fllSi,:.TIaNS SF'ALL Bg t"lADE TVIE:.II1:-ICU:I HOIIRS IN AD'./]'J{C:-- TE]-,EPHOi:: LT i"9-:13e .t t ..^ Seno C-Lean-Up DeposLc To: iI.IJ. \IIELE O ST.NATURE * O of :oNTpj,croR FoR HTMSELF AND oh,.rER PAC.E 2 ********************************************i!tr*tr******************************** COIIDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 898-0342 as af 12/29/98 Status: ISSIIED **i.***************rk*********************.;i*************!t*t'!k********************** Permit \.pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: aI/02/1,998Applicant: iI .L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION Issued: I2/2L/a998 ,fob Address: L626 VAIL VAIJIEY DR LOAATiON: 1.626 VAIL VAILEY DR Parcel No : 2101-091-01-023 ***** *** ****** .************** ***** **** * * ***** *** ** * * * ** * *** ** * **** ** * ****** * * * ** CONDITIONS ***********rt**::***************************************************************** 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED ITO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC. 3 - attic space is not to be used for anything other t.han aLLic space. head heighE compliance for a baE,hroom can noE be achi eved4. MAKE NOTE OF ALt REDLINE CORRECTIONS ON FIELD DRAWINGS. IHE STRUCTURAL ENG. OF RECORD IS REQUTRED TO PROVIDE AN INSPESI]ON REPORT AT TIME OF FRAMING I t *r*trrttr**a***ar**it*rtt**a*ir**rtra**r*a* mHN OF lnllr, COLORAITO SlaCrunt **ttrrttrl.lfa*ft at., t !l * ttr t ttttt tf r., tltrrrtit trlrttrta t|, tarr a rra trra strla[rc tfuDbar! nEc-o,187 lEoutrc ! L.zal.1o t2ll29/9e 13 *7 Payrlcnt. Usthod: Cl( NoE.Ciott: a2253 IniE: Jtr P.luit' No: B98-o3{2 Tt/Pc: A-AUILD .IDD/A!! Ptrc61 No: 2101-091-01-023 gic. lddr.er: 1526 VtrIn I.LEC m Loc.tl,on: 1625 VAtt VA!IjS! DR Tocrl Fcc!: Ilrl,s Payt!€nl 1t267.1O Togrl AtrL FuCr 3 Brlanca: SFR BUILD PE 1,267.7O L t267 .7O .00 ttatttttrlrtrt'rl,ra*rr+*rtaf r rtt*iriirrir ir rraa*art trt a trr.rat+ a *lr*aJ t AccounE @dc Dlsc.Iption BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDINC PERfiT? FEES DR 00100003112200 DEsr@{ RB\nBr PEBS PF 00100003112300 PLAN CflECK FEES AI' D2-DEPO' IlounE 540. 00 100. 0 0 250. OO 23.70 3.. O0 CEEA UP DEPOSITS Rp11100003112700 RICREAIIOITFEBA lre 0010ooo3112goo t{tt !, ct&t n0gpEcrlo|I FEE J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION, lNC. 1,2-22-98 .122798 42253 1267 -10 L?67.'tO Efs-asft yJ ,r/r/rt 12-22-98 cli one s remoclel 4?253 IZA I . iv 1261.70 00 00 oo It Hoz ,.: R Eu d oo Il{3Fj9 o FI-2IB F. trt{aoto l|Eoa o oo o oo al EA H &E* oD(., o| e E 6p Eql I|IIt{i:. .t{ n8Dg c r&OEoao o o oo ora oo o .{ uU FIA R|':' HaE B o BH a d !{ EuIJ E H(o o F o o N C|FIEE EgE|{ &E E F|FI AE:oF.-p< ', Fle3 A8H.o E E{ :rH2qlI 88p.l EH 4l Elr xH 6H FI ut04IUatloZlr EEEqo c,glH EAo |(oD TUUU Hi: (, oH A HdIHE rlEEI&Eq F'Ho E o FE|6l 14 46a> II|r]840ac s8F8fr8 "!r'' f' tAssessors #""ConEacE Eagle Councl aE 970-328-8640 for Parcel if . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON ,\RpEL /t zlo oql ol oz3 PERMIT APPLISATI6N F6RM K DATE.JD: z:3,jit, APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDIf * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * PERMIT fNFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ***** * ** ttf-euiraing [ ]-Pluhbing [ ]-ElectricaL [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: D/lN{s B€Mop6u- i Job Address. /6zl-/t'zc r/frtt y'Arr*-.! >4l{ Legal Description: Lor.-9- BJ-ock_- FiIinS suBprvlsroN' ,JrelFJ P owners Name: fa+p. >op >to*s Address: PERIIIT /' DL 6gto €' B€Lt-{*a) J"' t /€t:- r;,"3J:tkt'Architect: 6il6gcf{ 4nz,tuzers Address:Ph. <<r, ceneral DescriPtion: i.lork Class: [ ] -New [ .f-Alteration I l-AdditionaJ- [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornmodation Units: Nltnber and Type of FirepJ-aces: Gas AppliancesI '-"' rcf-r--das Loqs Wood/PelIet * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )t * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS * * * * * * * * Jr tr * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * ,r r * * *t E LECTRI CAL z I ge--. _ ___ _ MECHANICAL: $ ' OTHER: $ * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * 't tr * tr {' *' * * *' * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMAI,fON Eenera1 Contractor: @- ** *.&* ** **** **** * tr* * ** * * * * * * Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMI'I FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR Address: looo 5, ELofi:^L -r l.b u) ,---4;?-WElectrical Contractor : Address: Plumbing Address: Town of Vail Req. NO. ilg fr Phone Number: 4V-zoEu- Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nuhber: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Nunber: OFFICE USE ** *** * ** *** ** * *'ttt * ** * tr * * * * * * * * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comnents: CLEA}I UP DEPOSIT VALUATION !0:NEPTIND I 75 soulh lronlage road vall. colorado 81557 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 i oltlce ol communlly developmenl FD^M. DATE: SUBJECT: R Y ead and acknowledged by: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TowN oF VAIL pUBLIc woRKs/coMMUNITy DEyELOPMENT MARCH L6, l_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & },IATERIAL STORJ\GE rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfuL for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soi)., rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dumpster3, poriabre toilets andworkrnen vehicres |pon any street, sidewaik, alley or pubric -qhge or any portion thereof . The right-oi-wuy on arr Town ofVail streets and.Ioads is approximateiy s ft. 'off pavement.This ordinance wirr be stri-try enforcld by the Town of VairPyPli: works Departnent. persons found vilrating this ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the putfic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snltt not beapplicabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any utilities in the rlght_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furt, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain i copy. tiani you for your.cooperation on this matter. onlRe (i.e. contractor, owner) BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If thj.s permit requires a Town of Vai'l [ire Department Approval, Enginee;''s..(.Pyb.l ic l.lorks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'Departrnenr review or Health Department review, and a review by the SuilitingDepartment' the estimated time for a total review may take as 16ngas three weeks. All commercial (.large or small) and all multi-family permits willhave to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residentialand.small projects-should take a lesser amount of time, However, ifresidential or snraller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartmcnts.with regard to necessary rev.i ew, these projects mayalso take the three week period Every attempt wj'l'l be r1rg9e bV thi s <Jepartnrent to exped.ite thispermit,as s.gon as possible. !, th. undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and tjme frame. 75 loulhr lrontage rood vall. colorrado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 of f lce of communlty devolopment Project Name Communi ty Devel opment Departmelt, MEMORANDiJM ,ALL CONTRACTORSTO: FROM: DATE: RE: TOWN OF VA,IL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED 1) 2\ +6) 7) Job Name: Y .Y + Y r) 4) lf you answered yes to any ol these questions,a-rP-ublic Way-Fermit' musi be obtained. 'public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works office or at Community Developmeni. tt you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at.479-2158 I have read and answered allthe abovs questions. Date: /e. Ls ' 7e Fleaseregardingtheneed{ora'Pub|icWayPermit": NO lf 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a Parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? 'r)c>/o' 2e.29 nalure ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being rePaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing drivewaY? ls any drainage work being done af{ecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Flevocable Right CI Way Permit" required? YES Date *- b Name Contractot's t DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 NCIIIE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AJ-,L TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit #: P99-0007 iIOb AddTESS: 1626 VAII, VAI,LEY DR StsAEUS...: ISSI]ED LocaEion- - .: L626 VAIL VALLEY DR Applied. -: 03/L5/L999 Parcel No-.: 2101-091--01-023 rssued...: 03/L5/L999 Project, No.: PRJ98-0205 Expires..: O9/LL/L999 APPLICATiIT ROBINSON PLIIMB/HEATING SOUAW CRK Phone z 970-926-3859 P O BOX 64, EDVIARDS CO 81632 coNrRAcroR RoBrNsoN PL,UIIB/HEATTNG SQUAW CRK Phone: 970-926-3859 P O BOX 54, EDWARDS eO 81632 OWNER DIONES FRANCES 570]- S JASMINE ST, ENGLEWOOD CO 80111 Description: RoUGH IN NEW BATHROOM Val-uaEion:6, 000 . 00 t*****r**t*t.*, 1*'r**t*r*rrri+ FBE SUI4MARY PluDbing-----> 9O.OO Restuarane Plan Reviei.--> .OO TotsaI Calqulatcd Peee---> 115.50 Plan Ch6ck---> 22.50 IOTAL PBES----- Inve6lig.tion> .oo Tocal PerEic F€e--------> 115.50 Will CaIl----> 3 .00 Paydenta------- BAIANCE DI'E- - - -"""-.":'-"'-' ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI,IENT DCPT: BUII-,DING DiViSiON:O3/L5/L999 JRM Actsion: APPR APPROVED .JRM-IEem:'.05500 FIRE DEPARTIIENT Dept: FrRE Division:o3/L5/1,999 iIRM Acrion: APPR NA,/ COIIDITION OF APPROVA], DECTAKA*TIONS I hcr€htr acknovl6dge Lhat I have read this application, filled ouE in fuII Uhc idfornatsion required, couP1cts.d an acculat! plol p1an, and stat. lhat all thc infolrlatj,on provided as required i,e correct. I agree tso cooply t'ifh thc inforqaEion and plot Pl.n, to cooply raith a1l Toyn oldinrDces and Etats lavE, and to build !tti6 oLructuraa according Lo the Tovn'E zooing and EubdirriEion cod66, d.aigtr revicw approved, Itriford Building code and oeher ordinances of gh6 Tovn applicable thercto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHAIL BB ti{ADE T!{EIITY-FoUR Hot Rs IN ADI'ANCB BY IE]TEPFiNE.AT n t*)ol AT otR oFFIcE FRoM s:oo alt s:oo Pl'l-'----v \Nr ,)^,\ \(_.)b-.-- q__ SIGIIATI'RE OF OTi}fBR OR CONTRAfrOR FOR HI!,ISBIJF AIID OIINER t!ara*atrrlr*raaat*ritr.artrttirtr*rrr*r;rJarrlairaarrrrrr*ta, ICru OP VlIl.. @I,@IDO gE gc]rr traitl.taJtfatlta'a*atJatritt!ati*attiart*itrt.aarr,rrrrrrl,tataittr.al|a tt gong l|utD.r: nlc-0't96 lrcung I tls,so o3l16/9t 13!23 -.:::::-:T: :---. -:::::::: -:::: _ ___.._.-___ ::::.:_. P.nol,B !ro: P9t-OOO? Dp.t B-plltB Ft ot|Bnftl pfRurt Prrc.l, no! 2101-Ott-01-023 tl.tb lddro.: 1526 VIIL VrUrt m r,octtl,onr 1626 v I!, vrLLaI Dn TotrL Faar! 115,50 n|lr Pry!.rrt 115.50 Totrt NrL ftr! t15.so Brlr|lcas . oo ttataitttft.afrra*rartfrrtratarr:rit*tttirtr.aftot,rti!trtr?ttttrrrnralrr Aec;unt Cod. Drlqrlpglolr .nlounc 9P 00100003111200 ELl|GTrlo EERIIT FEBA 9o.OO Pt 00100003112300 pI f, cEcK lBla 22.so lfc 0o10ooot1l2800 lfttl. c ,L DtapBeltctf att 3.00 I DE\/ETOTOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICTII:I CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPART!,IEIiTT OF COMMI'NITT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MEGIANICA], PERMIT PMENT JOBSITE Permit AT ALt TIMES #: M99-0019 Job Address. . . =. L626 vAIrJ VALLEY DRLocation......: 1626 VAIL VAL,IJEY DR Parcel No-. -.. : 2101-091_-01-023Project Number: PR,I98-0205 StaEus.. AppIied. Issued.. Hcpires. ISSI]ED 03 /1,s /L99903/ts/L999 09/1"L/L999 970-926-3859 970-926-3859 2, 000.00 *of wood/Pallets: 53 .00!46chanical- -- > Phn chcck- - - > Inv.E!ig.!ion> Wil.l call---- > Restuarants PIen Rcwieir - - > DRB Pec-------- TOAAT FBES----- ROBINSON PLT]MB/HEATING SQUAW P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81632 ROBINSON PLI]MB/HEATING SQUAW P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81632 DIONES FRANCES 5701 S .fASMTNE ST, ENGT.,EWOOD Phone: Ptrone: 80111 Valuation: *of eas Loga: TotsaJ. calculated FEes- -- > CRK CRK co Description: MOVTNG BASE BOARD HEAT/ADD HEAT ZONE Fllcplac6 Inf or[ation: Regtrict6d: Y *Of Ga6 Aptrrlianc€E: irir.tttt**i*ir FEs srru,iARY 40 .00 10 .00 .oo 3 -OO .oo .00 53.00 Addition.l F€e6---------> 55 .00 ToEaI PGrEits P€6--------> Palnnenta - - - - -- - AAIIANCE DUE---- 109.o0 108.00 ' 00 ITEM: O51OO BUII-,.DING DEPARTMENT DEPts: BUII,DING DiViSiON:03/L5/L999 iIRM Action: APPR APPROVED ,lRIqITbM:.05600 FIRB DEPARIilBNT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:o3/L5/L999 iIRM Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE RBOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 7O]. OF 1TIB 1997 IJMC, OR ION MUST CONFORM TOR 10 OF THE 1997 UMC MANT'FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AT.II, CITAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. AppLrAlrcEs - sHAr.,[ iE-riEinEb d-c-Cbn6luc - 16- aneFffi E- 6 Ai{DL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC,8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.5. ACCBSS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 t'MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1-997 IMC.5. BOILERS SIIATL BB MOITMTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOI,IBUSTIBLE CONST. IINIJESS LISTED FOR MOTNTING ON COI,IBUSTIBLB FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS A}ID CODB AITAI,YSIS MIIIST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIi[ INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DR.,AINAGE OF !{ECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HF.ATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DR,AIN PER SBC. LO22 0F TIIE 1997 llr,rc, OR sEerrON 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** 1.z. 3. 4. DECr.,A.trIATTONS I h.rrlblt rcladl,a€. chrt, t h.nc tr.d thls rpplicrcion. fi.l,l.d qrc ia fuu, tsh. llrloEritlon rrquilld, coqrl.ts.d an .ccut.!c ploc Pl.n, |nd .t.c! lhrb .lI tha ilfonrtlon prowiibd.r rrqui!.d ir corrcst. I ag:rs. Eo eoqly rlth th. infoE!.Cion .ad plot pl.n, co ccrPly rlth rl1 Totrll oadi,n acaa rnd .ta!. larr, |trd tso build Chii atlu€curr rccording to trlt To|n,. z@ltrg rnd .ubdlvLridr codaa' d..Lg!r r.vi.r qDrov.d, Otrlfon Auil,dlng Cod. .nd ocb.r ordinrnc.. of ch. torn +rplic.bl. thGr.tc. nIQUISTA IOR INSIACIIONS SIIALIJ B! TTDI MEII1.:r'FOI'R HOT'RI'OR tT oUR ol?Icl FROII 8iO0 Al| SIOO ltl sr(In$rna or orrBR. dR cwrrrcaDR loR fiI|all'F rlrD oNrtrln' rx AD\rttfcE BI TELIPHOI'a AT {79-213a t ttt !rr rttrt f ttrl r r i f rr r.t.t *rrrrr *rrtt rrt; rr rrr||r.i *r ryr, r rt lON0l OF VAIL, COLOnIDO gr.C.Dri,s ttttt!rtrtf i}tt0rrafi ajttrit'r arrrr,rirarttat.r!}trtrtt'' ttrt't.t.*rrrr gE t'.ane llulDer ! Rtc-0{95 trount,. Loa.oo o3lL6l99 !3.22 P.lE lrC l|.El|od: Cfr }{ocaEion: 1894 IniE! atlf Pal.lLE No! !t99-oo:.9 I:'p. ! B- AcH UBCAAlffct! FERttIt Prrq.l tfo r itOt-ogt-Or -oar git! lddtr.r ! 1625 vAMnr.lEI In. Loc.clott: 1516 rtll'. VN&EC m ToE l Ecq.: 108.00 thir Pqr!.nt loa.Oo loErl ltrt hc.. 108.OO Ealurca: .oo AccounE Coda D..slr.pElon .lrouttt llP 00100003u1300 xlcEllllcl! PEnllI! PEES a0.o0 Pr 00100003112300 PLIll ctGcK PBES 10.00 ct 00100003123000 c(ltt?ActoR lllcEfaEs 55.00 tfc oo100003112a00 wrljl clltr D{apEsfrfl FEI 3.00 f Co:r iac c Eagle Councy i:::i"t'lfiffi ";!;1o-oo"' ror rarcel ! TowN oF vArL coNsrnucud f PERMIT APPITCATIoN FoRM D'at 970-328-8640 f.or Parc e L PARCEL #; l/ PEPII\IIT /! -.-Dl'nF . APPLICATION,MUST BE FILLTD OUT COMPLXTELY OR IT ?.tAY NOT BE ACCEPTED Job Narne:5;g, t\e.Job'Addre "", -4]Legal Description: lot BJ-ock_ Filing_-.-____sgrDrvlSl0)r: owners Name:. Address:. ;. - l.rt^ Arc.rritect: --- Address: -; ceneraL De scr:lpti.n, 11$€:*,-:*:*::.-*l l'-"'^r h":^ , ' ---e t-r u.-. {.;;- Hork ctass:- [ ] -New t 4-art.rati.on i"zf-eaaitionar I J-Repair [ ]-otherNumber of Dr*e1 r_iig'Units:1 Nurber of Accornrnodation units: g:::":::,:::: or Fiteplaces : cas. Appriu'"'= (jJGas Losq r{oodlpe1i.".-- fi********?t************)t*********** vALUATToNs * rk ttr * tr * * * * * * .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * )r'BUILDTNG: $ . iiur6il;; fu*ae- IHSTIT:1,";.$,"- ---- orHER: $ TOTAL: lsrjji,'":=;;r"*-o"I.jii-:i-;:ii-i:;]*i;:**-*--- El.ectrical- Phone Numbe,r:--- Phone Nunrber: . Plurnbing cqnt_ractor:-R.=u-, -.- ^F.',, r ( f . --'-Address: 2@,6yr, Town of VaiIphone Nurnber: Mechatrical- Contra-- -.1 ' Acidre:s: --rcccr.: %? Town of Vail Reg.Phone l{urnber: . P],IiME NG PERMIT TEE: HE]HAI ICAL PERHIS FI]E:EL]CTITCAL FEE: OT:]ER IYPE OF FEE: NDI FTE!. ;yr\v^IJJ.- f'OR OFFfCE USE ***********x*****************,i* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FFE" 3lYllPrNG PIAN a;;;;.' iffi;MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RXCREATTON FEE:CI,EAN-UP DEPOSI?: TOTAL PERMIT TEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAWRE: contractor: tractor: VALUA?ION ) iP DEP.OSIT IIIEUI{D TC: ;-.r t'z.!/ ' ,r} TO: FAn Nf . neri: SUBJECT: 75 soulh tron la g c road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-?L39 o lllce ol communlty developm en I rn surnharyr ordinance No- 6 states that it is un'ar+ful for anype)'son to l_irrer, track "r aeroii!-;;-=lifi-=lcl., sand, c.rebris;:, ffi:;.i,lii"i""r"ains til=i"Iu.p,t.5,, po.i.iie toilets endpl; ce o',,nv-i3i.l5i'.ill"if i""li"=ii;Xi15l_*il":";lrfl:i:-",va I streeti lna.r"aa='-rl*iiproxirut"iv-s"it]'1., pavemenr.Th s ordinance wirr le =;.;:;i; enforced !y trre Town of VaiIPu)'Iic'rorks D"p?rtrn"ntl--i"irins found .116ruling this orcrinanceIittnl""g:;8".i za houi "rit;;;_norice to^;;;;;" said nrareriar. n or i ce "itiii. "ifi ."o;;";1":1il:lii;l, ?iH, ";;;*mii.;*il;ff :"1Department vrir-r- -"-"""-Jlii:rltu;iar. at it ."J*p.nse of persc nl;;if::iin fl'.o'"vi=ion=*or"inii :"iai.""-"E liSrr nor be 1i'y =ti";r ;; ;il:;'::.];;,"Tiilii::";; ;il"=:i;ii_:!;l;::= ", io revievr--ordinance Nij. e in full., pl_"a=e stop by tt," lown or:3: ,"::i131"3,"if,i:*:lt":i ";ialn a copv- rhanl, vou ror your. REGISTERED I.IITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TOVIN oF vj,IL puBLIc I.loRKs/colB.ruNITy DE\rELOpi.tENT l.lARcH L6, 198I CONSTRUCTIOT{ PARKING & }IATERT]\L STOzu.GE Reas and acknovrledgecl by: So**^, CutK 1ry e. contractor, owner) 7| 1- f t^ -a-j<J\2 (\) I (: - 'ilr'lrr I t IOIIN OI'YAI\ . 5 Sorrt/r Frontogc Roatl 'ail, Colorado 81657 03-479-2138 / 179-21 .t9 ,:Ax 303-479-2452 Dcpa rt tn c tr o! Conttuttrity Dcvclop ttt t, t t t rNIORI.'IATI )N NEEDED }THEN APP.LAING FOR A MEC}TANICAI, PERTIIT 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CALCJLATIONS. TO. SCALE FLOOR PIAN'Or' }IECHANTCAL ROO}I gIITi{ EQUTPMENTDRAWN IN TO SCALE, trITH pHysICAL DII,TENSIONS AND .BTU RATTNGS OF.ALL EQUTPMENT IN I,IECHANICAL ROOF'. sHol,l .'sIzE AND LOCATION OF CONTBUSTION AIR DUCTS,.FLLiES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS' LINES. NOTE WHET}IER BLEVATOR EQUIPMENT }IILL ALSO BE INSTALLBD IN I,IECHANTCAL ROOM. _ 4. .AIL ,RE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATTON WILT DEI,AY YOUR PERMIT. t.?tlL' .,,. l|,ltd ,l I e> i-{ ? { "?r'F* * 4t* +f^- clvaa- fu-{^^r ^n u4, --.)\ ck(se ,A \(r\Trl -+oW;,o RzunrA e8- o3el FRANI DON DtorllEg E)<tgflt& joainal'lnu sLEEFER$ uy 3/4'gllJR9l-FLirOR - - e- "utHLHtUsJrrE 202 E{rfB, St oilm Dlll Fbo.rtoe t6" FC6ecLtq/.s at t9:SI 665I-EO-Utl I and 62b OFeADO 6'.A'CLEARENCE. LctUEgr rolNt i--i1-z ?crr.x- Pee qT us<grc t1€.3 . HAR 3 tB'd z0 'd lb2 EXI9TING to ic\/Gp vAlL, eaLoR,400 ENGETKE ARCHI REVI9ED dtD -ulI#J ![U1s3 tg '0N }(vl rt-EdsflN6 ll eELaur ild /9:?0 nH.L 66-t0-llvl,l o DEVELOTOIIN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROITTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970 -47 9 -21,38 APPI-,,ICAIIT CONTRACTOR OWNER Electsrical---> fnvestigation> will call----> TOTAL FEES--.> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT ,fOb AddTESS: ]-626 VAIL VALLEY DRLocat.ion...: 1-526 vArL VALIJEY DR Parcel No. . : 2i-01--091-0L-O23Project No. : PR,J98-0205 PMEN:T ']OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0307 Status. . Applied. Issued.. E:<pires. ISSUED L1,/t7 /t998 L2/07 /1,99806/0s/t999 BrG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. BOX 474, LEADVILLE, CO BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. BOX 474, LEADVTLLE, CO DIONES FRANCES 5701 S 'JASMINE ST, ENGLEWOOD 80451 8 0461 co 801r_1_ Phone: 970-39O-922A Phone: 970-390-922a Descriptsion: ELEC FOR REMODEL/ADDITION Valuati-on:2,000.00 *****err**ri** FEE suMMARy 50.00 .cc .00 3,00 53.00 53 .00 .00 53.O0 53.00 .oo Total calculated Fees---> ACditional Fees--------- > Total Permits Fee-- ----- -> Pa!'r1ents-_---_- BAI-INCE DUE- -. - l { * * * t t * * * * * t * t * A | * a t * * r} * * * .t i * * * a } * t * * * * * * * 1, * * t * t * * , * * r i * * * * * * * * * i t r lr * * * * * r * ITCM: O5OOO EI,ECTRIEAL DEPARTMEI{T DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:LL/L7/1-998 CHARLIE ACt,iON: APPR CIIARLIE DAVISITbM:' 05600 FTRE DEPARTT4ENI| DEPT: FTRE DiViSiON:LL/L7/1998 CHARLIE AcE.ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO sHtcCK FO;i CC;; COi',iPLIAl,iCE. DECI,ARATIO}TS I hereby acknot Ledge that I have read this applicalion, filleal out in fu1l the infol1uation required, completed an aceurate pl.ot plan, and atate Chat all tshe infofilation provided a6 reguired is correct. I agrce to cornply with Che infornation and pl.ot plan, to cortrply lrifh a1l Town ordinanceg and scaEe 1a!r6, and t'o build Ehi.6 Etructure according tso the Tonn'6 zoning and eubdiwigion codes, design revLew approved, Uniform Building code and otshe! o!di.nanceE of Che Tor,tn applicable lheteto- REQUESTS POR IT{SPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWEI.ITY - FOI]R HOTJRS IN A.DI/RNCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OI,R OFFICE FROM 8:OO.AM 5:OO FM TOtr'N OF VAIL, CCLORA.DO S t.acennt s3.OO 12/o7 /9e 15:31 IniE: iIN ScatemnE Nunber: REC- 0483 Adroune: Pal nenc Mechod: CK Nocacioni lL87 PermiE No: E9S-03O? Type: B-ELEC EIJECTRICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2101. - 091-01- 023 SiEe AddTess: ].626 VAIL VALIJEY DR Locacion: 1626 VIIL VALLEY DR ThiE PaynenE .A,ccounE Cod6 ToEaI Fees: 53.00 Tor.al ALL Plllr.s: Balance: . OO DeEcript.ion 53.00 53.00 Amoun E 50. 00 3. O0 EP 0 0l. 0 0 o 0 3 L 1 l.4 0 0 ELECTRICAL PERI.IIT FEES wc 00100003112800 WILL cALt INSPECTION FEE I j-BuiJ_ding [ ]_pLuhbins h?]_xlecrrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-OtherJob Name:Job'Address: Legal Description: Lot ABlock Fi t i n.. owners Name:Address: Address:Arclritect: GeneraL De scr j.ption: l; bUILDING: $ E t.ectrica Ar,dress: coltracLor: . Plunbing Contract Address: hone Nurnber: Tor,'n of Vail Reg. NC.gnone Number: Town of VaiJ_ Reg. NO.Pnone l{umber: . FOR OFI'ICE USE *** *** *rr *************** lrr * * *** * *. BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PI,IIMBINC PIAN CHECK FEE:MEcHANIcAL PI,AN ciilc?-irn,RECREATTON FEE:CIEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: n of Vail 7 Hecha:ricaI Contractor.: Acidre: s: PLfiMB NG PERI,IIT FE8: }IE ]IIA: TCAL PXR],IIT IEE:EL]C?ITCAL FEE; OTJIER IYPE OF FEE: DRB FTE: : BUTLDING: SIGNATUR-E: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: 1 3lnepair f :*ti,",Number of Dr+el ]-iig'units: / Number of Accornnodation *_!r , rr..*r-^_ --1 .- er ,iccolunodatlon Units: / #*", and rype or FirepJ..lJo.. appriur"";;:=;";T ;::_;;:;".- fi*****************xa****)t't******** vALUArroNg *rk*rrr::r*****.****ir,*******:r***-; PILIMBING: J'-.- l;, ll|*** * ****.1 ** * *** ***** * ***ilBenertI Contractor:Tt \ l, -Addres3: XLEcTRrcAt z $ ZMECTIANIcAL: $ ** co C}OR fNFORI.{ATION * * * * * ,r * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Town of vail Reg. No. ( Eg,nPhone )Iurnbe.r: ?zt- 4# VALUATION I i.P DEPOSIT IITFUI{D TO: t.-a ' :n.r 1l.;' 'i} 75 soulh lronlagc ro ad va Il. color! d o 01657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 FRONI: oerE: SUBJECT: olrlce ol communlty developmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED }IITH THETOIfI'I OF VAIL TolIN oF vj,IL puBLIc I{oRKS/co}n.ruNITy DEvELOpi,tENT ILARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTIoN PAI,KING & I.IATERI}\L sToF*.GE ( i . e. contractor, o,.Jner) In surunary, Ordinance No. 6 st.ates lllt i!-is unl-awful for anype)'son to litter, track "r-a"iJ=it. any soiL, rocr:, sand/ crebris;1, ffi:;'i,l*i"illtrcrins tiasr,*EJ"p=t",!, -pllioii! to*u.s a ndpr; ce "','"i-i;T.iiiif,il"ill""*i"=ii;ilii*_*jl;:";irfl:ii"",Va I stre'=ts ancr.r""a= -il-"ipr"iin.t"iv-s"rt]'r* pavement.Th s ordinance wirr ue ;;.;:ii; enforced !y trre To,rn or vail'put-.'tic'r'rorks o"oarlnr"ntl--"Jiiins founcr .rih.r-Ing this orcrinancewilr be'siven a'za houi ".itili'notice-to*;;;;;; said :nareriar..In the event the person so notifiect.ao..-r,ii.,I.ipfy with thenotice r+ithin the 24 nour time-lpecified, the pubric.llorksDepartment vrill remove said rnate:iil.ia the expense of persc n:;;il::ii" f:'":'"vi=ionJ^Jr'"iii= ordinanci: srr'arr nor bL l;i-;;;;;; :; :il:;.::.];;,"iiilti::'i; ff"=:itii_i:;i;:r= ", To revier.r..Ordinance Nij. O in fuII, please stop by the Torrn ofX3;;.?lii3i"3"tif;i:tl:ll"::""iii'n a copv- rhanl, vou ror your - lr ac. and acknovr]=edg ..,. .. ;", 75 soulh tronlsgc roa d vall, colorado 81657(3c3) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 o lllco ol communlty devolopmonl iurr-orHs pERrirT IssuAucr riNE FMlrE If thj.s penni.t requrlres a Tovrn of Va j.l Fire Department Approva,l , ..Ensineep''s (.publi" ptl:) ;;vi";'uni:Jpprouui,ri'pi'.-ij,iin!"i.purt,.ntrevi er'' or Her'r th Deparrmint. revi ew, :unr' u i"ui.; Ly-iii;"trit ai ngDepartment, r'he estimated time toi'u-iot"r i"ui.n-'ruj"iuii.'u, ton.as thrge wee;<s. B | | ry I qy. tdJ/ LdKe All commercii:t'(turg:^gf :Tull) and a.l.l mu.tti_fam.i1y perrnits vri.l.lhave to fo] I r ''r ihe above rnentioneJ ruxirrr requirernents . Res.identiarand smatl prtjects stiouia ia[e-;-i";;;; amounti or-iir..'However, .ifresidenti'ar < r snra'rte" p.ojelit-i;;;;;'the varjous above nentioheddepartmcnts r. i.th resard' t;-;;;;r;;ij-ruuiur, these projects maya'l so take the three-weet< peiioJ. ::::{.":l.il^t_rllt r e made by th.is departnrent to expedite this. .pel'fnl.t.as. S.qon as prrssible. : i;r,lll undersigned, trnderstand the plan chectr phocedure and time ar Name Slieet wa s TuFned--liToJ Devel opment Departmeirt.Communi ty r'i TO: FROM: DATE: I.,{EIIORANDUM .ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: l-)i Dale: tt-(Z-47t Please answer the follovring questionnaL're regarding lhe need for a 'public Way VFe ls this a new residence? ls demolilir-rn work being performed lhal requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public prope;ty? ls rny'ulility rvork needed? ,ls .he crivervay being repaved? ' ls different access needed lo site otl'er than exislinQ drivervay? ls ;rny cfrainage work being done aff,:cting the ri11ht ol way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revor:able Right OlWay permit" Permit": NO 1) z) v v Y Y 3) 4) s) 6) 7\ . . required? B) A. ls the right ot public properly 1o be parking or f encing? I have read and answ,rred v/ay, easemenls or used ior staging, ll e above questions. x Y B. lf no to BA, is'a parking., staging or {encing'plan required by Community :Development? . .. I you answeredyes 1o an.'of these queslions, a "PublicWay permit" mustbe oblainecj. " )ublic Way Permii" applications may be obtained at the Public Wo/x's ofiice or at t:o.1n1nulity Deve.lopment. . ll you have any questions please.call Charlie Davis, the Tor,rn of Vail Construclion lnspeCor, at 479-21Sg. Dale.'irrL: l{ame Conlra 5 Signat I.r. vrELE CONsTRUCTION' INc' 1O OO S. FRONTAGE ROAD VEST vArL, co 81657 FACSTMILE TRANSMITTAL 5IIEET FKONI; lz. ts. ?a_,___________ fidlf fea:A COMPANY , fA./. &b g DATE; NOMSICOMMENTS: a/?"€' €tztasZ ls 4.' te>z#- ' fu# fd,,f l :.!, lfl *rbl. : f Jr',i,i; . I#n: lhft. E;I , ., *i' ; il: ffil :t, l:'ii'r't: ign l5' . ri F;i-r r l, i:'.,,, . . t-,,!: ; * pr TAxNIJMEE& 44" z+S''- roTAL'oFPAGEsINcLnDlNccovERsHEETr- L 6. )t/urs zapo)ce- Etfdfz- --"-- dd:a.-+*- lF /o u *48 l(L.-_ '0N l(Hr ilU It:ll ffifi B6-gl-C3(I0 'd 970-+7 6-tos2 F AN 970'47 6-t+2t DE-16-1998 11326 'N rt fli ,i,' P,@ J esrnre cnPlrFL coRF w '1#i['fiF"Fcldaaa ffiif,tj ffiFfu.*ft;ffifr, nn frt#tO r,frl',t',|t','/*67nr'ts'#fr lfrP. dt g$-o3q) --J.1-_...---n- e0 'd '0N l{uc llu It:ll 03t'l 86-9 t-ctc o DRAFT' 12117198 Bulldlng Safety & Inspectlon Servlces Division Goals for 1999/2000: Goal 1: Safe Buildings -new construction -existing buildings -adequate staffing -increased technical training and professional credentials -rverage professional development time per division staff person = 12 days per year -ontain atleast a total of 6 additional certifications in division by end of 1999 and an additional 6 by end of 2000 -increased efficiency -public education, from within department to town government' town menagement' elected officials, our guests, gnd the public at large i Goal 2: Exceptional Customer Service -improved staffing levels -imFroved training -processes -computer applications -ttpeople skills" -improved efficiency -analyze and improve building permit process -improved equipment -cross training of division and other department staff Goal 3: A Resource to the Gommunity -to the rest of the Cornmunity Development Department -to other departments -to town governmetrt -to the building construction & design community -to the community as e whole -take advantage ofevery available opportunity to increase the public's knowledge, understanding and acceptance of building codes -use our expertise to assist with the design and construction of affordable housing -present at least 5 educational opportunities for the public annually, including: -International Building Safety Week in April -National Fire Prevention Week in October -at least 3 other open houses, seminars, etc. AEilli I "e oB : 13 r{EbuEs* l}il!"8['loib;*"3h8E?3%"n , fezr r sss Activity: Address: Locat i on : Frarcel: B9S-O34e A/27/li Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED tronstr: ADUP 1686 UAIL UALLEY DR 1646 UAIL UALLEY DR e101-o9l-o1-oas LMNG Rtl EXPANSION J. L. UIELE CONSTruCTION DIOI,IES FRANCES J.L. UIELE CONSTRUCTION FAGE AREA: CD De scri pt i on : Appl icant : Owner: Contractorr Occr Phone r Fhone: Phone: OggT Use: U l-HR 979-476-3o,s2 97q-476-30,4? lnspeetion Request Requestor: trAUL Req Tire: O8:OQIters requested to OSO9O BLDG-Final Inforration... KLEIN trhone:471- Corrents: REINStrECT SF'|OKE DETECTURS - tfl be Inspected... Act ian Corrents Tire Exp Inspection History.....Iter: Oo,0tO BLDG-Footings/Steel Ae/$5t99 Inspectorr trD Action: AtrPR Appt{OVEO Notes: CLEAN RTBAR Ulj MUD ETC.. FRIOR TO CONCRETE pLJ{CEFIENT THE FUOTINE AND FIJUNDATION STEFI I,JHLL ARE BEIN$ POURED ITIONTJLITHItrRLLY. FOUNDf.ITION T.'ALL AND SONO TUBES ARE ALSCI APPRTIUEDIt er r OA0.?8 BLDG-Foundat ion/St eel Iter: gOSeO PLAN-ILC Site Planfter : o,OOSlD BLDG-Fraring o'3/lA/99 Inspector: GD Action: APPH SEE NUTE Notes: ADD STRAP TO IiLULAM AND SUPpORT COLU]4N CONNEtrTION CIJIIPLETE PRESSURE BLOCKING AT TJI'5 AND BEARING POINTS O3./e6l'99 Inspector: 6RGIter: OOO50 BLD6-Insulation(a3/?61il9 Inspeetor: ERG Iter: o9o,66 BLDE-Sheetrock Nail A4/0e199 Inspector: JRlrlIter: o,9,079 BLDG-ltlisc,A?/l?/99 Inspeetor: BRG Actionr APtrR REtrHECK STRAP' ETC.'3/lg Action: AtrPR NEl.l UFtrER BATH Action: AtrPR approved jrr ffctionr NO cor.lgulTATrtlN, HEADROO}I. Notes: LtIOKED AT HEADROUH SITUATION FOR PROPOSED CONUERSION OF EXISTING ATTIC EIPACE TO 3/4 BATH. LOOKS LIKE CAN REASTIIIIABLY BE DONE. CUNTRACTOR Tfl TAKE ACTUAL T'IEASURE_ I{INTs AND SUBI{IT REVISED DRA}JINGS. Iter: OOg9g BLDG-Finalg7/29195 Inspector: ART ftction: DN See Notation: Notes: FINAL NtlT Appl{OUED $UE TU Ntl SFIOKE DETEtrTORS BEING PROVID THRTJUGH OUT DI,IELLING. THEY AITE TO BE INSTHLLED AND A REINSPECTIUN REOUESTED. REFTAINDER OF UIORK IS RPPRT]UED. t ' -':i:lj PLANNING AND ENVI RONMENTAL COMMISSION September2S, 1998 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: FIL T COPY ]T!:\iIBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Galen Aasland Diane Golden John Schofield Ann Bishop (2:1Op.m.) Tom Weber Brian Doyon STAFF PRESENT: Russ Forrest George Ruther Judy Rodriguez A request for additional GRFA to enclose a deck, utilizing the 250 ordinance, localed at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot 2, Waren Pulis Subdivision. Applicant: Don and Francis DionesPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked for any applicant, public or Commissioner comments. There vr ere no comments. John Schofield made a motion for approval per ihe staff memo. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. 'fhe motion passed by a vote of 6-0. A wr'r'ksession to discuss future planning projects being pursued by the Communiiy Deve lopm -.nt Department. Staff: Russell Forrest Russ Fonest gave an overyiew of the staff memo and explained that there was one special project assigned cer planner and that the Department can handlrr two major projects, such a s Lionshead and Common Ground, at a time. He asked the PEC I r comment on the project li:;t making any additions or deleiions to the list. George Ruther explained the newspaper boxes. Galen Aasland said he was againsl taking the speed limit signs down throughout neighborhoods with only one up at lhe entrance to the neighborhood. He said it was real negative. He said he didn't need to review ihe SDD process at this time. He thought The Three Mile Plan was fairly Planning and Environmcntal Commission Minutes Septomber 2E, l99E I l" 866I '82 r5qureldcs salnurIN uorssrururoc Fluoruuorr^[a puB Euruusld e I prps eH 'sr alnlnJ sll lErl/v\ Jo dsel6 e 1aO o1 pepeeu u/t\ol sr.ll pq 'learb sB/\^ elrry eeJql err-l plBs eH 'pepeeu s?.4 lueuecJoJua nHl uo u/v\oplcBJc B plEs eH eepr poo6 e sB^ a3uBurpjo aeJl eql pes eH 'enssr eslou B eJe/v\ sJelleJl JolcBJl uro{ suorssrure eq} ples ep '{rpnb:le pue i(1rlenb eqlJoJ eJ€q eurec e;doed se 'luauruo:rnua eql se/v\ uJeguoc l,# s!r.l ptes uolog uepg '6u1Jc.(cel pesseJppB else/v\ prlc ; ]t pelse aH 'VlUg aq1 6u11prvre.l pup6e {;elog gou sB ^ eq ples aH 'lsll slq uo q6rq rlen eJaA spJepuels I1r;enb.lalern ples eH 'pe[o.td 6u1dae1 esnoq pepeeu B se/v\ ueld sllru eeJqf aql prEs e;1 {1r.ue1-r1;nu o1 peuleped I sB VJUC gnoqe c4srr.ngdo Ipml sern eq ptEs JaqaM ruol 'eJnsopue xoq poo/'^ e eq ol seal uolsap 3ql prEs JeqFU efuoag . . 'olu!.6u!Iool pqpeeu sex6q eq 1o u6rsap aql ptes JpqeM urol ,'{paC rd elenud uo sreded pelpcol sJolnqptslp ladedsrneu pps eH 'uoqecol aq1 epln6a: ol pepl uilAr. or.lf uaqa lusupusure lsl psueslos sJonq4stp le4.edsrneu aq1 prure;dxa Jeqnu "."o"" 'euJBs €r.ll lool llB ol pue sdols snq eql olur pelelOelur eq plnoqs sexoq.ladeds^ eu lBtll pur, lerJJelut aql uo pa6e6ue aq ol pepeeu spJEpupls dpO eq ples eH 'pele.laue6 eel 6uq.red eql q nuj ^ oq pelsB eH 'pe/tlet^3t eq ol pEpEeu I lEr.ll pue po Isea uE sE/n nar;-ur-Ied ouryed eql I F )IsB eH pesqsuo!"1 .ro1 saur;aprn6 u6rsap aqg Euureane {;snoxue sE^ aq ptes Jec )M u,lol 'sJsf Ul}o luet rjacJo]ue epr c olur paulnl 6ureq eJe/n sJeIJo/v\ lBuosBes luaupedeg egtpd lpr{l peure;dxa lseJ roj ssnu 's recu1o lueulecJoru€ epoc eql Foqe pelse erJS '6u;snoq ap;no:d o1 pelrnba: eq plnoLls s:edr,;elap ilel eqs pue luepodurl rQEn sean pEfo:d nHf Eql ples erls ]uU la>poq Jaqloue puE J ,luec UB uE pspoeu glunuuoc eL[ puB lueuodur! rter servr,(1r1ne1 {yunuuoc eLll ptes errS 'seeJe sJor sr.ll se pe;lodurr se lsnf elean seae 6ur$no .,ql pup luepodur eJe/v\ sexoq Jadeds/hau eql plBs aqs 'lueuleloldurr:o1 pe/\ allal eq ol pepeau yq ,guepodulr serrr nerl-ur-Ied 6ur4ed eql ples aqg ' luepodult sEv\ lsll eq1 uo Eugqpeaa lq6noql ueploe aup6 'pezrue6:o aq plnoo alepdn uB lBrll paure;dxa lsoJJol ssnu 'alepdn 66, llEn ue pa1se66ns doqsgg uuy 'eurl lueuocJoJue epo9 Jo qpo/r leei e 's rq OZ ge6 o1 pedoq eq puE e3r^Jes iltunuujoc Jo] lu€uJilJojue ul uleLll ulBJl ol leuuosled reuJe: ro;ue apoc qlt/r Oupeeu p eq llr$ eJeql teque^oN ul leql C3d eql pestlpe lsoJtoJ ssnu ol slu'/r eqs pr's eqg '1:rafo.rd ,,euodrur lsour eql ,"^,rrpu j,,l5|r="::tjitH::1"1H r"r"; 'qof poo6 e 6u!op sE^ JJpls lBrll lnq 'paseaJcut eq ol speeu ftr1enb leluauuoJ!^u€ et{l prps eH 'sllun eq1 6urlcu1se.t JaqUnJ ^q a0Esseu peq B pues plno/v\ ll pue slun Oursnoq leuot1lppe Ourlee.rc aq lou plnor\^ e^ se 'esn buru.r.roluocuou JoJ slu/\^eJ nH3 eqt ql6 peuJacuoc sel lnq ,lq6laq IOC aql Llllrt^ elqBpo1tuoc ften sem eq plps aH 'po4lpoc pue l)eleuttltle eq plnoqs looqelou suorlegeld:e1ur -gpls eql 1q6no4 p e lQrgeln ctulouoce eq1 Oursselppe Jo Bept aql pelll eq ptes ue1e9 .1uepodr.r.tr t. ./- L:ld love to see the design guidelines, as they would solve a lot of other pr rblems. He said he would love to see thc pay-in-lieu be more confining and see that money sper' on different types of parking, such as a meter system in certain back areas. John Schofield said the parking pay-in-lieu needed to be looked at seriously, rs it didn . create any parking. He advised making sure that parking was really there and was rght up there v ith employee housing. George Ruther said that the pay-in-lieu was developed in the CC1 and 2 wht re Town polic states that parking was not allowed on site. John Schofield said the fee should be ecual I r what it costs to build a space and that the Town needed real spaces and that the real co:,1 of a parking space should be looked at. He said ihat newspaper boxes should not be on a public right-of-way, since the right-of-way was the citizen':; properiy. He said The Three Mile Plan was a low priority and that commercial vitality was not the Town of Vail's business, but the Chamber of Commerce. He said the staff interpretation was right at thrr lop of his priorig list and to codify the EHU's rewrite to encourage and enforce. He felt the nlse issue should be on the list and that covering up l-70 would have the greatest impact on the Town of Vail. To'n Weber said to provide some overhead passes, if l-70 was covered. John Schofield said it could be very creative and would be a great beneflt to th Town Greg Moffet said real estale on top of the highway would pay to sink it. Russ Fonest said in 1993, there was a developer who offered to do it for free in exchange fr r development rights. Greg Moffet said we are, as a community, failing to meet ihe basic reeds in th s Town by nc : providing enough parks. He said to look at the parks per acre in Aspen or Blac kcomb and V ail hasaboutl/10thof theparksandparksneededtobeputonthetopof tlrelist. Hefeltitwas nol a misallocation of staff to sell land into private open space and peoJrle would b ly it to save their ,.rackyard from going away. He thought this should be investigated. He said highway noise is an environmental contaminant and that the EPA needed to test the noise. He said the Lionshead redevelopment and parking pay-in-lieu were high on his list. He stated it was not fair to put parking costs on small business owners and there needed to be an analysis on who drives parking and allocate the cost accordingly. He advised staff not lo waste time on the SDD, GR':A or The Three Mile Plan issues. He said the community facilily was a very high priorily. He said that the economic vitality had a zoning component if it enc,)uraged office space. He ;aid that the Common Ground project was also a high priority. 3. A final review of proposed text amendments to the Town of Vail Zonin(i Regulations addressing the regulation of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) in the Multi-Family Zone Districts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther Planning and Environ mental Commnsron Minutes Scptembor 28, 1998 J 866I '82 rsqurodcs s4nurw uo$srunuoc FlusrrJuoJr ug pn8 EuuuE[d 'pepu€r.rJB sB selnullu eql e^oJddB ol uolloru P epeu puBlsEV uele9 'ss6ueqc slLl peeJ JaqeM ujof 'sslnurur 8661 'tl Jequraldas lo le^oJddv 'z 'ecu3lpnE eql u! c3d eql e^Bq ol lou pep€ ru lruuol or.ll puP cfd eql ,o suotlEp€dxa ssncslp ol lpunoc qIA uolssncslp elqBDunoJ B aq ol speeu eJsql p!r's lsoJJol s1^)' 'q3ntu oo' sE^, /'AoJ p ur soulleeu o/nl sB 'Eullaguj c3d eql ol euroc plnoJ punoc ,l palse lsJlow 6eJ0 'suotlBpedxe lnoqB IlBl o1 qlgL eql uo l!cu, )c ql!/r^ uorssEslJo/v\ lulol B e^Bq ol elll plnol/\ cf d eql J! pelsP lseJJoJ ssnu elEpdn uolrruJo]ul 'g NMVU IHIIM olleunen 3luluJoS :JeuuPld I Bn Jo u/r^of :luecllddv 'Iarung lBJlsBpBC Ueue6euB4 pue-'l Jo nee. nE eql 1o ,$uoqpe eql repun 966 L ul euop ^eruns e Aq pelee.n (sane ZSZ'V) g 1o1 pue (sa.rce 99't) Z lo-'l lueu,ture^oC/ pEoU ue6qu.ue6 lE pelBcol lpedold Jot lcplsl6l uolprueserd eeJV lEJnleN pue lcplslq leluaplseu fiepuocag T rteup6 o1 lueuaat6y luau4snlpy dlqsreur'ng puEl eql o1 luensrnd llen Jo u^ oI eql ol paJJeJsuBJl pue eclruas lseJoJ sslpls pallun eq1 ,(q pet mo fpedord peuozun A;sno6erd uro; Euruozal e lo1 panbal y 'g NMVUOHIIM ollepnBn cruluJoo :JeuuBld llEn lo urr^ol :luectlddy '9661, '92 /ur ,lqe3 pepp Z(1g-ZESO 'oN qol sE uloqleqs sluueg i(q patede:d uots!^lpqns lsarol a0paqcog 1o (peplocar le[ lou) leld ;eur3 pesodc.,d eq.r ucdr pesEq serce 92'; 6ur1e1o1 '€ lol eJrruas lsaJoJ selBls pailun lo suolpodTpeog e6pelpog lE pelmol lpedord JoJ lcplslq le4ueprssu &epuocag 1fteup4 ol pauise.r6v luaupnfpv d;qsleurng puE-l aql o1 luenslnd pen Jo u/rloj er.ll ol peJJeJsuerl pup ecrruas lseJoJ selels pelun eql Iq peururo Ipedold pauozun Alsnotnerd uro.4 Euruoze.l e lo; lsenba.l V ', 'o-l Jo elo^ e ,{q passed uollot! eql 'uoqoLu eql pepuoces doqslg uuy 'g# ujal! elqBl ol uorloul E apr?tu pFuoqcs uqor 8661 'Zt U3SOIOO ]|tNn O31eV1 I Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. Ann Bishop made a motion to adjoum. Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The meeting adjoumed at 3:20 p.m. Planning and Environmcntal Commission Mnute.s September 2E, 1998 oo Design Review Action Form TOWII OFVAIL Project Name: Diones Residence Project Description: 250 square foot residential addition Owner, Address and Phone: Donald & Francis Diones, 5701 South Jasmine, Englewood, CO., 801I I ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 1626 Vail Valley Drive Legal Description: Lot 2, Wanen Pulius Subdivision Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name: \4otion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans deted 9/2El9E Town Planner: George Ruther Date: September 29, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 rs Qucstioiis'i C:it. l'k:.:,r;ng Str.':'i::.i7!)-l 123 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL fi?J 7 9' oL oS GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring desigt revicrv ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information. sce thc subtnittal rcquircnrcrrts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircd intbrnration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrcntal Cornrtrission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs one ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. De K T?li/N qFvAil, DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. D. E, LOCATION OF PKYSICAL AD PROPOSAL: LOT: DRESS: BLOCK:FILINC (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Offrcc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #)PARCEL #: ZONINC: MAILINC ADDRESS: o\\rr{ER(s) sIGNA NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: F. C. H.TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E Nerv Construction - $200 EKddition - $50 tr l\'linor A-ltcration - $20 Construction of a ncrv building. lncltrdcs any addition rvhcre squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conuncrcial buildinc.*PPROIIED WA{E I ncludcs nr inor changes to buildincslq)1i6itgpffff . slch a1, . rcroofi ng. painting. wirrdorv odditioFr qlmff\|bi-lffFrnd rctarnrngrvarls'ctc' ENVfHONlriEilrALOofitrffi tinre of submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying fora building pennit. pleasc identify or itllpro.lcct. Thc Town o, uu', *dhufgf@ on. LL SUBIIIITT THE FEE TO THE OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELOP L, COLORADO lrr657. thc accuratc valuation ) l'o BUILDING MAT.ERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED IITATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matorials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs 'Flashings Chirrrncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** MA Hflfrh Fr'<Itng COLQR:* flntch Ettdt ng ng ld) rn{"h E",sltn6 lllRich b"ts ttnoS\, ,ccr, eSVn ) . Re\ocpfq ts'r.,slrnq -.St*r3".-- e SV") Exr..f rnS ,-1ol.h E"rslrne Hnfch Ex,s I ra6 A/A + Pleasc specify the nranufacturer's color, number and aftach a srnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18,54.050(J). If exterior liglting is proposed, plcase ipdicate the numbcr of fixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identi$ cach fixture type and provide ihe h.ight aboue grade. lumens output. luminous area, and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixtures' ..+, *rGt, *"q""gty Updated 6/97 .tri.t TIIB FOIJ.OIVING ARE ]ITE PROPERTY OUN.IERS ADDRESSES ST'RROUNDING TEE PROFRTY OF DONAI,D AND FRA}iICES DIONES 1626 VAIL VALLEY DRTtr'E SOUIII I]MT PILARGOTiZAL;ES 1628 VAIL VAI.I"EY DRIVE T'MT B VAIL, @ 81658 ToVAIL REALTY & RENTAL MANAGEMEI.IT 3O2HA}.ISONRANCHRD. VAIL, @81658 ItERlvfANBRIONES 1628 VAIL VALTEYDRIJNIT A VAIL@ 81657 ToVAIL VAIL REAL BSTATE BROKERS 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL, @81657 VAIL COLF@IJRSE TOIIAIIiOI\{ES CROSSROADSREALTY r43 EAST MEADOII' DRI\IE VAIL@81657 JOIINAND GAIL SQIJIRES I 626 VAIL VAI;LEY DRI\IE NORTTI IJMT vArL co 81657 MAILING 8355 STONEERID@DRIVE BOIIDm,C08C]02 FRAI.IK Al.lD MARLENE REMBERT 1547 SRINGIIILLLANE VAIL,@81657 I{AILING: S22FLINTRIVER HOITSTON,D( 77024 GIARLESMCTIOLS I 544 SPRINGIIILL LAI,IE vArL @ 81657 MAILING: 1721 OIDORCIIARDROAD ROCKFORD,IL 61107 RICXIARD IIA\4IKINS 155E VAIL VALI;EY DR I'MT A VAIL,@81657 rHrs rrEM ,t) orr.", YouR PR.PERTY. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that tJre Planning and Environmenlal Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in adcordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of lhe Town of Vail on September 1K 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of://( A request for a minor subdivision, to eliminate a Town of Vail right-of-way encroachment on property, located al27O4 Larkspur Lane/ Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Craig McCully and the Town of Vail Planner: Jeff Hunt A requesl for a sign variance, io allow for a sign 36' above grade at the Landmark Building, located at 610 W. Lionshead Circle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association represented, by Destination Resort ManagementPlanner: Brent Wilson A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed arena expansion at the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 East Lionshead Gircle/ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation District represented by Odell ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther A request for additional GRFA to enclose a deck, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at .1626 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision. {[icant: Don and Francis Dionesplanner: George Ruther A worksession to discuss proposed text amendments to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations addressing the regulation of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) in the Multi-Family Zone District. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during regular office hours in the project planneis office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Deparlment, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon requesl with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published August 28, 1998 in the Vail Trail. 3 .t ,l,lq(W :.ir'_- MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: September2S, 1998 SUBJECT: A request for additional GRFA to enclose an existing deck, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot 2, Warren pulis Subdivision. Applicant Donald & Francis DionesPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, Donald and Francis Diones, are proposing to construct an exterior living room addition to their residence located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive. The new addition will be constructed on the south side of the residence and will involve enclosing an existing deck. In order to accommodate the addition, the applicants are proposing to utilize up to 203 square feet of additional GRFA. The exterior building materials of the new addition are proposed to match the existing materials on the building. lf approved, 47 square feet of the available 250 square feet of additional GRFA will remain available. A review of the Town's files has determined that this property is eligible for additional GRFA pursuant to Section 12-15-5 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. II. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 17 ,984 square feet Zoning: Primary/Secondary Residential Allowed Existino Proposed GRFA:" 2,294 sq.ft. 1,997 sq. ft. 2,247 sq.ft. SiteCoverage:2O%o,or3,597sq.ft. 14o/o,or2,554sq.ft. 169/:, ^r2,817sq.ft. Pa, 1.,,-rg: 3 spar.es required 3 spaces N/C * The total allowable GRFA sq. ft. equals the existing sq. ft. plus 250 sq. ft. allowable by ordinance (semndary unit only). III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reoardino Grantino GRFA Under the 250 Ordinance: Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Effect upon the existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. The proposal will not negatively impact the existing topography and vegetation on the site. The area of construction for the new exterior addition is atop an existing deck. Staff believes that the proposed addition will not significantly affect the existing site topography, vegetation, drainage, and existing structures. 2. lmpact on adjacent properties. The addition should not adversely affect views, light, or air enjoyed by adjacent structures. Staff believes that the proposed additions will not have a significant impact on adjacent properties. 3. Gompliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Staff believes that an approval of the additional 203 sq. ft. of GRFA will not have any negative impacts on the applicable development standards of the Town. However, during a site visit to the applicant's property, staff identified a zoning violation that needs to be corrected. The violation consists of several exterior flood lights which do not conform to the Town's outdoor lighting regulations. Staff would recommend that the applicant be required to bring the existing outdoor lighting into compliance with the Town's codes. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the additional 203 square feet of GRFA utilizing the 250 Ordinance. Staff's recommendation of approval is based upon the review of the criteria and factors outlined in Section lll of this me rOfandum. Sh;-l.i .i ,o Fiai;;ing and Envi::--ental Commission choose Lo eppruve ihe o;,y,,--:tt's request, staff would recommend that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following findings: 1. That the addition of 203 square feet of additional GRFA does not negatively effect the existing topography, vegetation and drainage on Lot 2 Warren Pulis Subdivision. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the applicant's request, staff would recommend that the Planning and Environmental Commission make the following condition: 1. That the applicant bring the property into compliance with the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations (outdoor lighting) prior to the final inspection of the building addition. {ol.rl. A*u.,.b' 0 VJI oN€ cprpilio,J ) '?1- 1g 1) ' . i,r.t; OUJ9 --\-PANEL ' ,'1.owlE EXt9T|NG It.F1 DOOR "- IUALLg 1O OE REnAVfr I :i_', v g -- EXTERIOR POST9 ' \-/ F.E.l tH , . >4-1A 7) I t- ------'>-u {N9 --" /tr I lc. PANEi. 34-4t-> 7) ' *- \r.--_1t'.2>'-@' I1,ATCH NEU IUINDOI,U9 _J UJITI..I EXIgTING 3 PANEL" tUlNDOtUg - CENTER SETIIEEN EXIgTING PO915 NOTEr iNttrKl flATCf UBN VER9ICN Nk2TE: OJ,I.IEI? TO I}FTET:J.III {F hErU l-tGt-t1' LocATl6f{9 : I l. I t---1 ll F-{ :(.-- .,---- RErl.?vE EXtr," pATcl-.l RooF 10 IIATCH E> --- OPTIONAL NE ,,_-_ EXISTING RO. / , NErtJ RooF Joii ._ 9t{tN6LE9 AN:' ,/ 'ratr*l1' , TRll'1 10 n/-T/ ugE 'rcE $t!ii. ENTIRE NEI]J. Htr,AL) h',. l-lATCF', !: gTUCCO Fi)ite .TRlfl TO Hlif. EXISTIN6 -, NEIU 6X6 t'O ---- NEtlt a:tt'' C()t--,,,,, POTJR NEU FC.. BETTUEEN iI).] \t I,.1 .l I ,,ii i)' i,i ,.Rlf1 To l'1ATCl-{ ExlgTlNG I JOlSlg, ROOF ---,-:r , A.'lD FAgclA '',, i"lATCI] EXIgTING \ GRADE FIATCH FAgCIA tuFttr Ktr Ktr,Gau|l<E t-,, UgE 49 DEGREE JOINT l\ cRlcKET--. I iJ_ I r--..1tt ii IIBI VERgION A ov >- z- me oc33{ oTfz m-( *PDd;iirutn .qq5 ztlo€o,..o r,-T4 K* fi<' .(p {f, Qol fi=rS i+' {-Ci 699 EZ Fs U r----- m X(''-{zo $r X$ .ao('|{(p oaI ozbT z mE Uc-a I oI -n r- (t)f F ." _rfl..-.._.. ... XiFtc.lq! MZONE CHECK ox", g lZzlqg Lot sizc Buildable Allorved Existins Proposed Total 3,oqr ?q,s,l * ZL3 = Z,Al1 7b + 3?' za il (flt ee,{'u)frffi zo l5t t3' (30)f3jl Front Sides Rear 20' l5' l5' Landscaping RctainingWall Heigbts Parking Garage Credit Driveway Complics with TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd grades lcss than 2:l (50%) EnvironmcntaL&Iazards Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck property file): / Lcgal dcscription;Lot L Block - fihg \tlAt#j*! g.rl,ln glL Addrcss 16?.6 V/.'l rfql€"f De. Owncr Oa{.li Dla^raf I phone_ Architcct phone Zonc distict td#r( proposed use rotar GRFA gpl$,+ A<'\ =399A_ 41173 * ZO = primarycRFA Zilzq +g2s)(6is\- Zfrs4 qtg{ * SccondarycRFA l,6lq + g2s)(67s*)=-ZtOrttl l,qq1 + Z5O = Z,Z:l-l + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcquest involve a 250 Addition? \E3 How much of the allowed 250 Addition is uscd with this reouest? Sitc Coveragc Hcigbt Sctbacks Minimum b}tt" 3',t6', ^t/4Required-3- 3 3 / Encloscd (3oo)(600)(eoo)@7 lbgh Permitted Slope b n Proposed Slope I y" Y*- No--{ Yes y' No l) Percent Slope (< >307")1b 2) Floodplain 3)Wetlands r' 4) Water Coursc Sctback (30) (50) l/ 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Flow Remaining Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribe:ND Projcct: "q i) ' 5s'i ; .l O SURVEY .:ir ^,: *.r.,.\rrc+- :.rlt'lgtA-l ^, Scalc Benchmark Legal description Lot Size BuilOableerea:Fi Easements __!'tsileoppny ,rei 100 yr. floodplain Water Cornse Setback nri,* ps.F rpp.. 'l$i s"llr riilli' 'Truu b _^ti iael f.'f,.)'J, a r.l i Tf66r anaS utititytocato^\ Sh' Spotclcvations cri E SITEPLAN',a, i0r,"-'(]t .l uilding Hcight Errcroachments Setbacks rhtf _t SiteCoverage EavcVOvcrbangs (4) Decla/Balconies ,:. 841 l,r. I F Titlereport (A & B) Utility verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Building material samples C.O. Voification Sun\ShadeAnglcs Utiliti es (underground) View Corridon Variances Plat restrictions n Parking/Garage TumingRadiuS Ddveway (acces and gnde) Snow Storage Fire Access 't .:rA Garage,qggE1ion Site Grade\Slopc' a Retainine Walls.-a Fences DESIGN REVIEW CIIECKLTST tr FLodls,.5s|$; li}ri', 'tldi- -esirolq- b:r.rotf Scale llti':1"(i ,r,*+Sf fRqA 'rit,,l.t 250 additional CRFA 8Pq:r- ,?Sun+Teqr i'a8i- EHU Psii\ "$gpl^o ELEvArropSi,. Scale .'.! l, - ColorWaterials Roof Pitch f l4uryareneu .u_ Exisfing trces Proposed trces Lcgend MISCELI-c,NEOUS tO..,1-:,(jt \ri, Condo Approval O rJpdatcd9t28t26 4pnt PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COM MISSION Monday, September 28, 1998 AGENDA FILE fjfiPY MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Greg Moffet John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Ann Bishop (arrived at 2:10 p.m.) Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : 1:30 p.m. '1 . Diones - 1626 Vail Valley Drive Driver: George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m.Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 1. A request for additional GRFA to enclose a deck, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 1626 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision. Applicant: Don and Francis DionesPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: John Schofield SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant bring the propert)f into compliance with the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations (outdoor lighting) prior to the final inspection of the building addition. 2. A worksession ro r.iiocuss future planning projects being pursued by ths Community Development Department. Staff: Russell Forrest woRKsEssloN - No voTE Proiect Orientation / NO LUNCH - Gommunitv Development Department 1:30 p.m. a Updated 9/28/26 4pm $ * .tfnallreview of proposed text amendments to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations addressing the regulation of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) in the MultFFamily Zone Districts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 12, 1998 4. A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the United States ForestService and transfened io the Town of Vail pururuanl to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary / Secondary Residential District for property located at Rockledge Road/portions of Uniied States Forest Service Lot 3, totaling 1.78 acres based upon the proposed Final Plat (not yet recorded) of Rockledge Forest Subdivision prepared by Dennis Shelhom as Job No. 0332-002 dated February 25, 1998. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello WITHDRAWN 5. A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the United States ForestService and transfened to the Town of Vail pursuanl to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary / Secondary Residential District and Nalural Area Preservation District for property located at Ptarmigan Road /Government Lot 2 (1.66 acres) and Lot 3 (4.252 acres) crealed by a survey done in 1995 under the authority of the Bureau of Land Management Cadastral Survey. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello WITHDRAWN 6. Information Update 7. Approval of September 14, 1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the proj::i planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. (lnm mr rnihr fta\/al6^m6nt ['larladmant LAND *t*Q" GUARANTEE O"PANY Representing Titte Insurance conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER December 07, 1990 Our Orderz YL62'IL BUYER/OV{NER: JOHN SQUIRES ANd GAIL SQUIRES SELLER: DONALD W. DIONES and FR,F\NCES DIONES ADDRESS: WARREN PULIS SUBDIVTSION CISSER 1 Attn: LES SLIFER, SMITH AND FR,N{PTON 230 BRIDGE ST.VAIL, CO aL657 1 Attn: GEORGE I,AMB SLIFER, S!,TITH AND FR,,N,TPTON DRAVIER 2820 BEAVER CREEK| cO AL62O l- Attn: JAN JOHNSON VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE DELIVER IN VAIL RT'NS SITZI'{ARK BLDG. 1 AttN: CHARLIE GERSBACH 476-242L 845-9400 479-2000 LAND tr.lr cuARANTEE OtPANv Representing Title Insurance Company of Minneeota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE POST OFFICE BOX 959 AVON, CO 81520 l- Attns RAYMA RosE 949-54oo JAY PETERSON DELIVER TN BUILDING 1 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al[ PM COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TITIJE QUESTIONS CALL KAREN HORTH 3O3 476-225L FOR CI,OSING QUESTIONS CALL LES KEYS ,:i,:l*r"r!li'-;.1 'f.. ,t,t,_i fl,. .\'. . ',' ii ,:.*1"'-.lr ..., .ii,,.r,,,i{ ,'.,.,:rn .' .:t r'1. Jr\. r. j . I !ii;l i, ,: ,i1.:. tl'.i::. ' .' MINNESOTA TrTL,Ef\ HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 P. O. 8ox 5tt40 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 FAX 322-7603 ADAMS 9l0l Harlan, #100 Vlbstm inster, CO 80030 427-9353/FAX 430-1572 ARANHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., t150 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596/FAX 290-9@0 ARIVADA 5440 Ward Road, #200 Arvada. CO 80002 420-0241|FAX 42t-1365 B€THANY 11059 E. Bethany Drive Aurora. CO 80014 7 50- 1 7 17 IFN(. 7 50-541 2 EAST 3300 5. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora, CO 80014 7514335/FAX 745-2669 Commitment To Insurc lssued thrwh the offie of: FIDDTERS GREEI{ 6/100 5. Fiddlers Green Enolewood. CO 80111 771-4s39tFAX 7714526 HATI,|POEN 8821 E. Hampden. #100 Denver, CO EO231 7504223|FAX 7504267 ,EFFENSOII 710 Kipling, #202 Denvec CO 80215 232-3111/FAX 23&2956 SOUTHU'E5T 3609 S. Wadsworth, #115 Denver, CO 80235 988-8550/FAX 98G8324 YOSEmm 3600 S. Yosemite, #255 Denvei CO 80237 694-28371FN( 843-902 BOULDER 2425 Canyon 8lvd., #230 Bouldei CO 80301 44+4r01ltAx7A&.|,4,23 LA]O ITTLE C{'ARANIEE CCf\rfhf$/ P. O. 8ox 357 108 5. Front ge M. W vail, CO 81658 47 5 -2251 I Dircct 595-96 | 3 FAx 47&4534 SRECKEilRIDGE P. O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Ereckenridge CO 8(X24 453-2255/FAX 4536014 CASTIE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6353/FAX 688{143 cotoRADO SPRlilGS 102 5. Tejon, #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80tO3 53tl-,082 I /Ditect 595-,41 1 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main 5t., #105 Parkec CO 80134 841.4900 vAlt P. O, Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail. CO 81658 47 G2251 | DiJecr. 595-96 I 3 FN< 4764534 AGENTS DURAl{GO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 813O3 247-5860 FAX 247-9089 LA]ID TITLE GIARANTEE ALlodol.lMIIl.lENT SCHEDULE A ApPllcatlon No. VL627L For Infornatlon onlY WARREN PULIS SUBDIVISION - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy $1,286.00 s', 333: 33 With your remittance please refer to VL627L. 1. Effective Date: November 19, 1990 at 8:OO A-lt!. 2. Pollcy to be issued, and proposed Insured: nAL,TAr Ownerrs pollcy 9525,000.00 Forn B-197O (Nnended 10-17-70) Proposed Insured: JOHN SQUIRTS and GAIL SQUIRES 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein iE: A Fee Slnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at ttre effective date hereof vested in: DONALD W. DTONES And FRANCES DIONES 5. The land referred to in this Cornrnitnent is described as follows: A PORIION OF I.,OT 2, WARREN PULIS SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT RECORDED XXX IN BOOK XXX AT PAGE XXX, COU}flTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI'RADO. NOTE: SAID LEGAI-, DESCRIPTTON WILL BE AMENDED UPON PROPER COMPLIANCE WITH TTEM 4 SCHEDULE B-1 HEREIN. PAGE 1 ALT^o"oul.lrrtrENr oSCHEDULE B-1 (Requirernente) eppllcatlon No' vL627I The fotlowing are the reguirements to be cornplJ-ed wlth: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantore or mo:rtgagors of thA full consLderation for the estate or interest t'r be insured. 2. Proper lnstrunent(s) creating the estate or interes'E to be insured must be eietuted and-duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF IRUST DATED MAY 26 ' L989, FROM DONALD W. DTONES and rRANCES DIONES TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF COIORADO STATE BANK OF DENVER TO SECURE THE SI'}'T OF $570'OOO.OO RECORDED June 12, L989, IN BOOK 507 AT PAGE 877. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED IN ASSIGNMEN'T OF RENTS RECORDED JUNE 12, 1989, rN BOOK 507 AT PAGE 878. 4, RESUBDIVISION MAP ACCEPTABLE TO THE COI.IPANY TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLE COUNTY. 5. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAII, TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 6. wARRANTy DEED FRo!4 DoNALD w. DIoNEs and FRN{CES DIONES To JOEN SQUIRES and GAIL SQUIRES CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. t..).tit: THE COI'NTY CTERK AI.ID RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETI'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCTJ},IENTS SENT FOR RBCORDTNG! ! PAGE 2 A L r uel"l"L":-; !' E N r (Exceptions) lpplicatlon No. vL627L The policy or policies to be issued wlll contain exceptiong to the following-unleEs the same are disposed of to the satlsfactlon of the Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 tlrrough 5 printed on the cover Bheet. 6. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and special aasessmentB not yet certlfied to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpald taxes or assessments against sald land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO EXTRACT AND REITOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAI'IE BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, 1903, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN T'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 29, ]-903, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 495. UTILITY EASEI.IENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AIID SN.IITATION DISTRICT IN TNSTRIII'IENT RECORDED OqIOBER 20, L969, rN BOOK 216 At PAGE 217. /r/.,' eccnss AND urrrrrry EASEI'iENT 40 FEET rN wrDTH AFFEcTTNG THE NoRTHERN PoRTroN l/ og suRtEcr pRopERTy As sHowN oN rHE RECoRDED pr,AT oF wARREN PULrs' SUBDIVISION, AND AS GR,ANTED IN EASEMENT DEED RECORDED JANUARY 31, 1983 IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 877.n,h0. t eERT.TANENT NoN-ExcLusrvE AccEss AND urrr,rry EAsEMENT As DEscRTBED rN DEEDY RECoRDED sEprEllBER 15, 1982 rN BooK 348 AT 'PAGE 93L, AND RtcoRDED JANUARY 3L, 1983 rN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 878. r .; 14. TERIIS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED TBD IN BOOK TBD AT PAGE TBD. 15. EASEIIENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTCTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RESUBDIVISION PI.AT RECORDED TBD IN BOOK TBD AT PAGE TBD. PAGE 3 uJ J 4o dozoo z Foo 5+EElf ;i;ii ii€ E:: a5E-o: " a; E€i:€ 3.:3 5 F.gE;o:is,.- ! e o= c Et e: l;i€:::;F e El;rie!;:g:E i.2 1tr i s rErEig!E E ]:;:; E I! f i ;€;3€ ,<..-.\(HA \wfft=\EL.E -= bl z Hv, z o\ Or E 14trlEItl rd I I I I I Idq HulH>lH Fqpl '1crlts ;fiAi IA F!A <lFl,] 6ti -.i7\l I I I l Lrl <l&lfilHtFl pl Fllol(Jl orle{l \Ol-l r b0 ! rn zo Ha zoA z? .- -j: A tre '=5 I F \oo\ @(t) cfi & Fl r-{Hz JrlaHu, trt& U Xf:ldA 3 z I frf zIrlaH ah frl& v) trlzoHe E z AF-urH 9!f,<>xo,.,u >zzEe<< 3dz 11av;7AFz"v=e=Fr!:>6 11lov- o< ,. F-ZEqn<F<= (%co -"\ la ('!oE z3FF*l.1SH!;F<Y 9;o<f=ziAx<-9 EE*Ui:trn ^ijl{-Jtto>-:qOEt$e L',t * I ^,ES;5dFxo lr. rr A4 XF-ZU.-5;"8OF6H ssSs tl{ F.tst C. --rFr*afrattr. FR EN --IFEHrFH -F ErafFdF firtl\ EY f- -FI ETE|e :nf-lF -a * ElLIHt\ EY fH 11 AItt{af-l1pifr ffJthlhe.g \o APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEt,l AppLICANT Donald W, Diones and Frances Diones 5701 South Jasmine SEreeE, Englewood, CO 80111 DATE 12/2r/90 A.NANE OF MAI LI NG ADDRESS \ pHONE 476-0730 REPRESENTATIVE Jay K. Peterson West, Suite 307, Vail, CO PHoNE 476-0092 B. c. D. NAME OF APPLICANTIS 108 S. Frontage Road NAME OF O|.lNER' S I4AILING PROPERTY 0WNER (print or type)Donald W. Diones and Frances Diones 47 6-07 30SIGNATU LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT 2 BLOCK SUBDIVISION South Jasmine Stieet,Englewood,801 11 - Warren Pul is FILING E. F. FEE $100.00 MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1.Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivislon plat following the requinements of Sectlon 'l 7.16.130 (C), .|,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,.|1,13 and l4 of the Subdlvlslon Regu'l ations. The plat must contain the following statement: ilFor zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots." The statemilnt must be modified according to the number of lots created. A copy of the declarations and,/or covenants pnoposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. The declaration and/or covenants sha11 speciftcally address the painting of the exteriors of the unlts so that the unlts wil1 be painted the same color and maintained in the same manner. APPRoVAL PRoCESS, REVIEI,J CRITERTA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivislon Regulations. H. FILING AND RECOROING The Department of Communlty Development wi'l 'l be responsib'l e for promptly recording the plat and accompanylng documents with the Eagle County Cl erk and Recorder upon Town of Vail approval . ?.. 3. G. 1 (a_ }'Lr-,ffItJ ct i*- *T ,;r* .N \ -\ PROi'ECT:l.+ DATE SUBMITTED: I1- COIIMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAIJ: PUBLTC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPART}IENT Reviewed by: Comnents: POI,ICE DEPARTMENT RevJ"ewed by: CommentsS RECREATION DEPARTI.IENT Reviewed by: Cornments: Date: Date: Dates Itt ct-,< a?& IN?ER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Date: o o PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECI,ARATION OF covENANTS, CONDTTTONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT 2, WARREN PULrS SUBDTVTSTON ACCORDTNG TO THE PI,AT RECORDED APRIL 9, 1979 IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 921- couNTY or EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RECITALS Donald W. Diones and Frances Diones, (rrcollectively referred to as Declarantr') are the owners of the real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as f-,ot 2, Warren PulisSubdivision, according to the Plat recorded April 9, l-979 in Book 283at Page 921, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 2. Declarant has constructed on Parcel A and Parcel B a building consisting of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, which are sometimes referredto herein separately as |tunitrr or collectively as Itunitsrr. 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and Parcel B contains Unit B. DECLARATTON Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, use, reservations, Iimitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarants, their personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns and any person acguiring or owning an interest in the realproperty which is described herein and irnprovements built thereon, hisgrantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1. DEFINITfONS. Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise, the following terms sha1l have the following rneanings: A. lrThe Propertiesrt means al.] of the real estate legally described as Lot 2, warren Pulis Subdivision, according to the Plat o recorded April 9, L979 in Book 283 at page 92L, County of Eagle,state of colorado, subject to the reservations of titre set forth onthe attached Exhibit ilAil. B. rrl-',otrr or |tBuiLding Sitert means Parcel A or Parce1 B as shown on the Map together with all appurtenances. C. ttDuplevtt or xBuildingrr neans the two contiguous dwellingunits constructed upon the Parcels. D. rlunitrt means any one of the two dwellings cornprising therrDuplexr!. E. rrConmon Arearr means Parcel C as shown on the Map which shallbe owned equally by both of the owners of the Parcel A and Parcel B each having an equal undivided one-half interest as Tenants in Comnonin and to the Common Areas. F. rownerrr means a person, persons, firmr. corporation,partnership or association, or other legal entity, or any conbinationthereof, owing an interest in the Parcels. G. tMaptt means the engineering survey of the Properties by Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc., Dannie Corcoran, Colorado P.L.S. L6827depicting and locating specificity thereon the Parcels and improvements thereon, recorded on , in Book at Page and is hereby subrnitted to this Declaration. H. rrAssessmentrt neans any periodic or one tirne charge to coverthe cost of any expense or charge that becomes due and owing by virtue of this DecLaration. 2. DESCRfPTION AND RESERVATfON. Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instrument shalllegally describe a Unit or real property interest as follows: Parcel A or Parcel B (as the case rnay be), together with anundivided one-half (L/2) interest in Parcel C, according to the pLatentitled a Resubdivision of Lot 2, warren Pulis Subdivision, accordingto the Plat recorded in Book at Page _,County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for allpurposes to sell, convey, transfer, encurnber or otherwise effect theParcel and all appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens thereto ascreated by the provisions of this Declaration, and each suchdescription shall be so construed. This provision shalt apply to theproperties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISION. A. Declarants hereby establish this plan for the subdivision ofthe Properties into Three (3) Parcels for ownership in fee simple bythe individual and separate owners of Parcel A, and parcel B, asundivided co-tenants of Parce1 C which cornmonly owned property isdefined and referenced as Conmon Area. B. The Common Area, Parcel A and Parcel B shal1 be subject tothe easements noted on the rnap and those set forth herein. C. Parcel A, and Parcel B shall have appurtenant thereto anundivided one-half (!/2) interest in Parcel Ct which sha1l beinseparable from Parcel A, and Parcel B and may be conveyed, leased,devised or encumbered only as such undivided and appurtenant interest. D. No owner shaLl bring any action for partition or division ofParcel A and Parcel B or of said parcels frorn their appurtenantundivided interests in Parcel C or from the easements as set forth inparagraph 4 below. E. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned bv the saneentities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. F. The parties, if more than one, having the ownership of each such unit shall agree among thernselves how to share the rights andobligations of such ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an owner or the parties, if more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall fromtime to tirne designate one individual who sha11 represent such entityor concurrent owners in all matters concerning all rights andobligations pursuant to this Declaration. c. Any such entity or concurrent owners shall give writtennotice to the other owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalf and such notice shal1 be effective until revoked inwriting by such entity or or.rners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or owners having designated hirn in favor of the other owner or any other person who may relv thereon. H. Each unit shall be considered a separate parcel ofproperty and shall be separately addressed and taxed. real 4. ENCROACHMENTS. ff any portion of Parcel A, or Parcel B now encroaches upon the other parcel or on Parcel C as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shal1 occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same solong as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other parcel , due to such rebuilding, shall be perrnitted, so long as such encroachlnents are of no greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. PARTY-WALL. A. The common wall placed egually divided on the common boundary separating Unit A and Unit B, the footings underlying and the portion of roof over such wall are collectively referred to herein as the rrParty Wallrr. B. To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaration, the general rules of 1aw regarding party walls and liability for darnage due to negligence, willful acts or omissions sha1l apply to the Party Wall. c. The owners of either unit shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other unit on which the Party Wa11 is located, for party wa1l purposes, inctuding mutual support, naintenanee, repair and inspection. In the event of damage to or the destruction of the Party WaIl frorn any cause, then the owners shall at joint expense in equal shares, repair or rebuild said party wall, and each owner, shal1 have the right to the full use of said party wall so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary' if the negligence, willful act or onission of any owner' his farnily, agent or invitee, shall cause damage to or destruction of, the Party wal1, such owner shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction, and an owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the Party WaIl to be exposed to the elements sha1l bear the ful1 cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elernents. 6. I,ANDSCAPING, SERVTCE FACILTTTES AND PARKTNG. A. The owners from tirne to time shall undertake such tandscaping and general outdoor improvements including but not lirnited to drivLway and parking areas as they may mutually and unanimously deem proper for the hannonious improvement of both units in a colnmon therne, and, except for any expense or liability caused through. the negligence'or willful act of any owner, his fanity, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, each owner shall share allexpenses, l-iabilities and general upkeep responsibilities with respectto such landscaping and outdoor improvernents according to the ratiosset forth in paragraph 8 below. The owner of one unit shall not unreasonably danage the value of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners shatL rnake all reasonable efforts topreserve a harmonious conmon appearance of the units. B. Common utility or service connections or lines, conmonfacilities or other equipment and property located in or on eittrer ofthe units but used in common with the other unit, if any, shall be owned as tenants in common of equal undivided one-half interests bythe owners of each unit and, except for any expense or liability caused through the neglig'ence or willful act of any owner, his family, agent or invj.tee, which sha1l be borne solely by such owner, aLl expenses and Liabilities concerned with suctr property shall be sharedproportionately with such ownership. The owner of the unit on which such property is not located shall have a perpetual easenent in and tothat part of such other unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair, and inspection. C. Common access and parking will be provided on a portion of each of the parcels. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each owner over, across and through that part of thethree parcels upon which the driveway is located. The owners shall have equal right to the use of such access and no owner shalL hinderor permit his invitees to hinder reasonable access by the other owner and his invitees to the other ownerrs parcel or park or permit hisinvitees to park any vehicle on such driveway which is located on theother ownerrs parcel without the consent of the other owner. It is presumed that snowplowing will be required from tirne to time, the costof which will be shared by the orrners. other maintenance, repair or improvement of such parking and access facilities may be required fron tirne to tirne, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreement of the owners who shall share all expenses. AII such expenses, as set forth herein, shall be allocated as set forth inparagraph 8. 7. ALTERATION. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. A. In addition, to maintenance provided for in paragraph 6.A.,the owners shall pay their proportionate share as allocated inparagraph 8 of the total cost allocated to each parcel , j-n order toprovide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon the units andall portions of Parcel C and of the parcel upon which each unit is located including, but not linited to, the exterior and the roof housing the units. Repair, replacement or cleaning of exterior window glass shall be considered interior maintenance. If the need for repair is caused through.the negligence or willful act of any owner,his family, agent or invitee, such owner shal1 bear the entiie costsof such repair or reconstruction. Both units must be painted at thesame tirne and with the sarne rnaterials and no exterior- rnodificationsshall be made with the character of the building without unaninousapproval of both parties. B. Each owner shall be solely responsible for rnaintenance andrepair of the inside of his unit including fixtures and irnprovementsand all utitity lines and eguipment located therein and serving suchunit on1y. Window glass shall be deerned interior maintenance. fnperforming such rnaintenance and repair, or in irnproving or alteringhis unit, no or,rner shall- do any act or work which irnpairs thestructural soundness of either unit or the Party Wall or whichinterferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. C. Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or otherutility equipnent and property located in, on or upon either of theunits, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to oneunit shal-l be owned by the owner of the unit using such utitity orservice and all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenanceshall be borne solely by the owner of such unit, who shall have aperpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcel or unitcontaining such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. D. No or^/ner shall make or suffer any structural or designchange (including a color scheme change), either permanent or ternporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of hisunit or construct any additional building structure of any type or nature whatsoever upon any part of his parcel without first obtainingthe prior written consent thereto fron the other owner, such consentshall not be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or destructionof any unit or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the owner of such unit shal1 cause with due diligence the unit to be repaired andrestored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if dny, for thatpurpose. Such unit shall be restored to a condition cornparable tothat prior to the darnage and in a harmonious manner to promote the conmon thene of both unit,s. 8. ALIOCATfON oF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of landscaping,service facilities, parking, snow removal, maintenance and repairs, to Parcel C, and all other common expenses as set forth herein to be shared by both owners, except as caused by negligence of willful actof an owner, shall be allocated in the following proportions: Parce1 A Parcel B 50? 50? 9. MECHANICIS LTENS: TNDEMNTFICATTON: A. Except for items incurred as a conmon expense as providedfor herein, if any owner shall cause any material to be furnished tohis parcel or unit thereon or any labor to be performed therein orthereon, the other ol.irner shall not under any circumstances be liablefor the paynent of any expense incurred or for the value of the work done or material furnished; aII such work shal1 be at the expense ofthe owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or materials to his parcel or any improvementstherein or thereoni nothing herein contained shall authorize either owner or any person dealing through, with or under either owner to charge the unit of the other owner with any mechanicrs lien or otherlien or encumbrance whateveri and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encurnbrance of any kind against one owner or against one owner.rs. parce). for work doneor rnaterials furnished to the other ownerts parcel is hereby expressly denied. B. Except as provid.ed for below, if, because of any act or onission of any owner, any nechanicrs or other lien or order for the payment of ruoney shall be filed against the other ownerrs parcel or any improvements therein or thereon or against any other owner(whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such),the owner whose act or ornission forms the basis for such lien or ordershall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other owner, within 30 days after the date offiling thereof, and further shall indernnify and save the other ohtner harmless fron and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, lossesor damages, including reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting ttrerefrom. 10. INSURANCE A. Each owner shall keep his unit and all fixtures therein insured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils(including vandalism and malicious roischief) for the maximum replacement value thereof. Any owner may on 30 daysr written notice,at any tirne two years or longer after the last appraisal of the units, nay obtain a written appraisal of such units from a competent appraiser, with both owners sharing the cost of the appraisal provided it was done with the unanimous consent of the owners. Such appraisershall be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrel-atedin any manner to either owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. B. Each owner shall provide and keep in force, for theprotection of himself, general public tiability and property damageinsurance against claims for bodily injury or death or property damageoccurring in, on or upon, his parcel owned in fee simple and the irnprovements thereon, in a tirnit of not less than $300,000.00 in respect of bodily injury or death to any number of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for darnage to property, and if higher Iinits shall at any tirne be customary to protect against possible tort liability, such higher lirnits shall be carried and each owner shall name the other owner as an additional insured party under such policy. C. Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certificates evidencing aII insurance reguired to be carried under this paragraph, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modify thepolicies without giving the other owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies of the other owner and require evidence of the palanent of premiums thereon. D. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the owners fron jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more of the hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against by each owner. ]-1. DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCEL. A. In the ewent of damage or destruction to a unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the unit, sha1l be deposited into a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the owners, or disbursed directly by the insurance carrier. The owners shall then promptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the owners to defray the cost thereof.trRepair and reconstructiontt of units, as used herein, means restoring the irnprovements to substantially the sane condition in which they existed prior to the damage with each unit having the same boundaries as before. B. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or reconstruct any damaged unit, such damage or destruction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of a special assessrnent against the owner of the danaged unit. Any such assessments shal1 be egual to the arnount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair of the unit exceeds the sum of the insurance proceeds allocable to such unit. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice thereof. The special assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of the owner of the darnaged unit and a lien on his parcel and the improvements hereon and may be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. L2. DAMAGE TO COMMON AREA. In the event of damage ordestruction to all or a portion of the common Area due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct or repair the darnage, shall be applied by the owners to such reconstruction and repair. If the insurance proceeds with respect to such Common Area damage or destruction are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the damaged or destroyed common Area, the owners shall consider a special assessrnent. If such assessment is approved by both owners, the owners shall make such assessment and proceed to make such repairs or reconstruction. If such assessment is not approved, the insurance proceeds may be applied in accordance with the wishes of the owners, unless made jointly payable to the owners and the first mortgagees of their respective parcels, if any. The assessment as to each owner and parcel shall be equal to the assessment against the other owner and parcel. Such assessment shall be due and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after written notice thereof. The assessment provided for herein shall be a debt of each owner and a lien on his parcel and the irnprovements thereon and rnay be enforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. 13. RTGHT TO LTEN. A. If an owner, at any time, shalt neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation reguired hereunder, the other owner rnay, but shall not be obligated to, after 3o days written notice unless the circumstances require irnmediate action, make such payment or, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sum as may be necessary to perfonn suctr obligation including, but not linited to, the payment of any insurance premiums reguired hereunder or the undertaking of any work required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other owner shaLl have an easenent in and to that part of such defaulting ownerrs unit as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or naintenance. B. All sums so paid or expended by an owner, with interest thereon at the rate of L8 percent per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable by the owner so failing to perform (the trdefaulting or'/nerrr) upon demand of the other owner. c. A11 surns so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the parcel of the defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrancesr except: (i) Iiens for taxes and special assessments; and, (ii) the lien of any iiist rnortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such parcel, The-lien sha1l attach fron the date when the unpaid surn shall becorne due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on realproperty upon the recording of a notice or clairn thereof executed by the nondefaulting owner setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the defaulting owner, and a description of the unit. In any such foreclosure the defaulting owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. D. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of either parcel as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall bxtinguish the lien of such assessments as to palanents thereof which become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any forrner owner of personal liability therefor. The nortgagee of such parcel who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not however, be liable for any past due assessnent and sha11 only become liable for future assessments on the date it becomes the owner or is entitled to become the owner of such parcel . No sale or transfer shall relieve such parcel from liability for any assessments thereafter beconing due or from the lien thereof. fn the event of the sale or transfer of a parcel with respect to which sums shal1 be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu-thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such parcel shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. E. Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective nortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a parcel , the ownei of the other parcel strltt issue a written statement setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any, with respect to such unit. Such staternent is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who nay rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shal1 be complied with within fifteen days af€er receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which becarne due prior to the date of naking such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person reguesting such statement. ]-4 . USE RESTRICTTONS. A. Each unit shal1 be restricted to a residential dwelling as a perrnitted use, and conditional and accessory uses as defined by the iown of Vail Zoning Ordinances and Regulations and the Restrictions and Covenants for Vail village - Filing, Eagle County, Colorado. t-0 B. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television or othertype of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kin, either elevated orburied, or clottresline or incinerator of any kind whatsoever oroutside storage of any personal property shall be permitted ormaintained on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners. C. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon either unit, except that each owner rnay keep and naintain within his unit two domesticated dogs and/or two domesticated cats; provided, however,that such domesticated animals are kept under control at al1 times, do not present a nuisance to the other owner and are kept controlled in strict compliance with all Town of Vail ordinances that rnay apply to such animals. D. In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in subparagraph LANDSCAPING, SERVfCE FACILITIES AND PARKING 5C above, each owner may keep no more than two automotive vehicles pernanently on his 1ot and provided further only that such vehicles can be placed in a garage area or in such manner in an unenclosed area as not to restrict or hinder the use of the other owner of the parking or comnon access facilities. Parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATvs or recreational vehicles is expressly prohibited, unless located within an ownerrs unit. E. No lrtime sharingrt, rrinterval ownershiprr or sirnilar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shall be established on either unit without the prior written approval of both owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B, which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. F. The owners understand and agree that potential developmentrights may exist under present or future Town of VaiJ. regulati.ons that rnay permit expansion of the dwelling units, which development rights have not been utilized to date. The owner of Parce1 A shall be deened to have exclusive ownership of and rights to fifty percent (50?) of those development rights. The owner of Parcel B shall. be deemed to have exclusive right to fifty percent (50?) of those developrnent rights. No exercise of those development rights shall be rnade by one owner without first obtaining the written consent of the other owner, which consent shal1 not be unreasonably withheld. The other owner, before giving written consent, shall be entitled to review the development plans and any blueprints or surveys prepared in connection with the development plans. Under current Town of Vail regulations development rights because a structure is more there exists certaintban five (5) Years 1L o1d. Any rights obtained under such regulation or any future 'rlike-typerr of regulation shall belong solely to the owner of thestructure on that owners parcel. If either owner exceeds his development rights and because ofthis the other owner is not allowed to utilize his fu1l developmentrights, the excess development shalt be removed by the owner thereof inrnediately upon the demand of the other o$rner. L5. NoTIcE. Each owner shall register its nailing address with the other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the narne of the owner at such registered nailing address. In thealternative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to owners. L6. DURATION oF DECLARATfON. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimes referredto as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shalt continue and remain in full force and effect for the period of 2L years following the death of Donald W. Diones and Frances Diones and their issue, or until this Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever firstoccurs. AII other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in full force and effect until January 1, 2o2O A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of 10 years eachi unlessat least 1 year prior to January 1, 2o2o A.D., or at least L year prior to the expiration of any such l-o year period of extended duration, this Declaration is terninated by recorded instrument,directing termination, signed by all owners and all lienors holdinq a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. L7. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration nay be amended or revoked only upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of aIl owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B. 18. EFFECT oF PROVISIoNS oF DECLARATToN. Each provision of this Declaration, and agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to cornply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any. right' title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B is granted, devised or conveyea, wnetler or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrunent; (ii) shal], bY virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B by an L2 owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as apersonal covenant of such owner and, as a personal covenant, shall bebinding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives,successors and assigns; and shall be deemed a personal covenant to,with and for the benefit of each owner of any portion of parcel A orParcel B; and (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarants, forthemselves, their heirs, personal representatives, successors andassigns, and also an eguitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Parcel A and Parcel B. L9. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. A. Each provision of this Decl-aration shall be enforceable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction orby a suit or action to recover danages. If court proceedings areinstituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remediesprovided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitledto recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney fees. B. Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equityor at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereundershal1 be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle County,State of Colorado. c. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration sha1lnot operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right to enforcesuch provision tbereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. 20. EXERCISE OF RfGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other ownerrs unitincluding but not lirnited to the use of any easement granted hereinshall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, irnpede or impose upon such other ownerrs use of his unit. 2L. SUCCESSORS AND ASSfGNS. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to thebenefit of each owner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 22. SEVERABILfTY. Invalidity or unenforceability of anyprovisions of this Declaration in whole or in part shal] not effect the validity or enforceable part of a provision of this Declaration. 23. CAPTfONS. The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing anyprovisions of this Declaration. 13 24. CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construction, themasculine of any word used in this Declaration shall include thefeminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Declarants has executed this Declaration thisJta day of Dr-oooJ,q^- , Lsso. tf" ^,r^ra /t'*-^-r-) FRANCES DIONES STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. subscribed and sworn to before rne.this Jt€ U"" of $-Zglt/,r-,L990 by Dona1d W. Diones and Frances Diones.- Witness my hand and official seal . My conmission expit", onr-7zt(-vCk ?t /9 ?3 DONALD W. DIONES L4 EXHJBIT IIA'I TO PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FORInl 2, WARREN PULIS SUBDMSION, ACCORDING TO THE PI,AT RECORDED APRrL 9, 1979 rN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 921, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO l-. Right. of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and rernove his ore therefrom should the same be found. to penetrate or intersect the prernises as reserved in United States Patent recorded June 29, 1903, in Book 48 at Page 495 2. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the authority of the United States as reserved in United States Patent recorded June 29, 1903, in Book 48 at Page 495. 3. Utility Easement as granted to Vail Water and Sanitation District in Instrument recorded October 20, L969, in Book 2L6 at Page 2L7. 4. Access and Utility Easenent 40 feet in width affecting the northern portion of subject property as shown on the recorded Plat of Warren Pulis Subdivision, and as granted in Easement Deed recorded January 31", 1983 in Book 352 at Page 877. 5. A Permanent Non-Exclusive Access and Utility Easernent as described in Deed recorded Septenber 3-5, 1982 in Book 345 at Page 931, and recorded January 3l-, 1983 in Book 352 at Page 878. 5. Easements, reservations and restrictions as shown or reserved onthe Resubdivision Plat recorded in Book at Page L5 5 tf\t c L/r tgL/LrJnAuu COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDERNO.: Vl6Z7L VENDORNO.: AOOO2 ISSUEDTo: LAND TTTLE OUARANTEE COl.tPANy BOX 357 vAtL co 81658 PABCELNO.: OOl2BBB ASSESSED TO: DIONES, DONALD T{. & FRANCES 57OI SOUTH .'AgI.IIT{E STREET ENCLEhIOOD, CO AOl l l AMOUNTS BEFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL {t r2/31/90 PROPERW DESCRIPTION I{ARREN PULIS SUBDIVISION BLOCK - LOT 2 TAX LIEN SALE AIIOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANOE DUE TO ENDORSEIIENT OF THE CURRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE HOLT}ER. AFTER E}EPT I, PERSONAL PROP. & T{OBILE HOI.IE AI.IOUNT 16 SUBI'ECT TO CHANOE. AFTER OCT. I REAL PROP. TAX AIIOI.,IIIT I9 SUBTECT TO C'{ANOE. PLEASE CONTACT THE TREASURERs OFFICE FOR CORRECT AI.IOUNT PRIOR TO RET.IITTINC. NOTICE I, THE IJNOERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFY TI{AT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF TAGS DUE I'PON THE AEOVE DESCHIBED PARCELS OF REAL PBOP. ERTY AND ALL Ot'TSTANDNG SALES FOH UNPAID TOGS AS SHOVVN BY THE BE@RDS IN MY OFFICE, FROI\I WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE F€DEEMEO WITH THE A'I,|O|'Jf.IT RECUIFED FOR REDEMPTION ARE AS i,IOTED HEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUT.TTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL T}I|S ODAYO,F DECE}I8ER AD 19 90 TREASURER, EAGLE @UNTY MARY E. WALKEH CURRENTTAX 2,6,69. TAX DUE: PENALTIES: TOTAL TAX DUE TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINQUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE a6 STATUS: PAID o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUDE LAND OR IMPROVEMENTS ASSES. SED UNOEB A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER, PERSOT{AL PROPERW TAXES, TMNSFER TAX OR MISC. TAX COLLECTED ON BEHALF OF OTHER ENTITIES, SPECIAL OR LOCAL IMPBOVEMENT DISTHICT ASSESSMEMTS OR MOEILE HOtvlES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MEiITIONED. FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE $ tO. OO a"'T''tT,,,,'O f . $oA fu,, j #J DtrFHRTMtrNT EF .EE}MMUNNTV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM COM. DEV. AFPUCATION FEES I 0000 4ts{0 ZONING AI,ID ADDRESS UAPS 1988 UNlFORlit EUtLDtNG CODE 1988 UNtFoRtt PLUHBINO CODE 1988 UNIFORIJI UECHANTCAL CODE 1988 UNIFORU RRE CODE 10000 42113 1987 NAIIONAL EITCInICAL CODE 10000 4211s OTI{ER CODE BOOKS PRTNTS (unensl 0f,0000 42412 0x coPlEs / sruuEs ALTY lUEs / ne-nspecnoH OFF HOURS INSPECTTON FE= UCENSES fEeS ot 0000 {14t3 .srcu prurcauoN CoMMENTS: 7), o hes D.,oi" < ?(Lf /oo.oo .|1 -rt:ltrtt{ r:rF r-J|f I L_ f'l i sce I l-=ner,u= tl:ash i ;i- ': i - ltlj l.f,: t:ii: tlt* :i -:i: i- i'ii'1E- ir,,.- ,-:,- ;_::.-r i ,li i.:t,. i+ .,: ;:'ljl': ir-!, j L i:,!:-!-F t,5t_,i.i' ft:,;:' ttt, ::-.1:it,::-rir ,:. 'i.'t.i-rL,:..; ,- i j ' il:i*. 'jitl i t errr P': i d Flrrr':un t' P-=id il Li:jl;:t:1irl"1 il.liUfiui:.i I [il;i' !:itjl i":i ;.:;1-r"',:r f,:: i r-lFf-'L=':j l: ! ' !l' _rHFt_{t l .-/rll-l ',-'l,,,,,_,p ,-.-,--" -''- -'-l' u,o o 9Aoz =!, A !-E i F il -u t c;:: Jr5=g i3.2=iii ;€+; i a! E;:=;. 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DAT=: Cl:: T:r/^iF . oftlce ol communlty devGlopmont ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGTSTERED WITH THE TOtrN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COIO,IUNITY DE\TELOPMENT MARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKI}IG & MATERIAL SIORAGE rn sunmaryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debriscr naterial , including trash dunpster-, portable toileti and';orkmen vehicles upon any street, sideivaik, a1ley or publicg1?:" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-wiy 6n afr Town ofvar-l streets and,lgags is approxirnate.ly 5 ft. off pavernenr.This ordinance r.rill be stri-try enforc-ed, by the iowrr of, vail lyPli." works Department. pers6ns found v:.3rai:.ng this ord,inancewrrr be glven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not co-oply with the - notice within the 24 hour tine specifi-ed, the p"Eii" worksDeparurent lrill remove said nateiial at irre "x!"nse oe personnotlfied- The provisions of this ordinance srrirr not bLappricable to construction, ruaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utili.ties in the right-a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 inVail Buildj.ng Departioent tocooperation on this natter. full, please stop by the Toern ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your Pos onlRe at erlrt;ra6F-- to Project (i.e. 'nli tt5/r lCq conEractor, owner) o N5I compl?te urith circulating fan ,1 Iass doors ( brass u/side k it )ff gas connection for future gas ashing to be comp3table ) EXIERIOR !JALL5Studs:2xE const. grade Fir/Iarch SheaIhing3 5/An ext gyp sheathing Corner z 5/8n c-d ply,rrood No f:ItInterior: 5 mil polyethelean ' Exterior: rrDryvitrr system , 1tr foam drag f ini sh ( submtt for approval ) FLOOR FRAiIIING2, #2 fir/larcn 5== 5lructrrral rrlot=s SIab on Grade: 4n thicknessFiII Under 5labz 4n free draining grav=lInsulation: closed cell in thickness as noted 5ub FIoor: 3/4n I&E r:ly,loodr glue and nail-use only ring shank naiIs. 3/An partical board underlayment PARTITIONS 3 I /Zrt standard, 5 1/?tt second IeveI bearing and overlenglh. 3/an aypsum board nxtr at oarty r,rall and IouerI:veI ceilings, mechanical rooms chases, etc. Finishuith lighl misL laxl,.rre ( submil samples) CE IL ING FRAMING 2x10 E 16rr o.c. 'rlith access as noted 4n standard - adhear to ROOF FRAMING I. J. I . ( see Structural Notes )aII mfg. r:quirements. c0 RUCIION MATERIALS DESCRIO D IOIIE 5 HOUSg VA TL FOUNOAIION See Drarrling Nol:s 5-1 and 5-2.Insulation - closed cell as sho,rn on dra,rrings. 'rJaterproofing - aIl concrete toundation rrlalls beloul gEao3. Foundalion drain - 1 looo around south unit Ied around each side ls daylighi I Ioop eround north unit lead around each side to daylight. 1 loop around face garage Lo dayiqht.6rconcr=Le ul:Il in sosuth cccurtyard led todaylight. o TIO FIREPLACE (2 re9.)Heatilator No. HB 42A1kit' outsi,-{e air uni}-,pipe into box and cap oIog. 5lack, cao anJ iIheatilator units. ROOF I NG Base Bid-fietaI roofing as mtg by AEp SpANRiCdeII & Company ??3-e0?1 , Englerrloodr EoloradoSnap Seam (5N12) Kynar Z4 gage-submit colors-completeu/ith flashingr vents, h!ps and edges. Allernate Bid- 18n cedar shinglas u/feLt interlayments. Subdeck - alt roofing1/2 cdx plyurood on I.J.I. aIl uith Bitchathaneunderlayment. PA INT Exterior: PPG #68-Z coats stain (l tinted)Exterior: RaiIs 1 coat primerr Z coats AIkyd EnamelDecks:50/50 Iinseed oiI/Lhinner Z coatsInterior:tLjalls general: Z coats Alkyd(some acc=nt) resin (utatttrioe)-fIat Kitchen-8ath/fiech: 1+.1 coats AIkyd laytexenarnel se;ni alossIrim/0oors-Frames/RaiIietc. mixed oak and soFb:1 coal sta in, Z coats polyutalhane (submitfinish) INIERICR 000R5: Doors to be B panel npinen lypical.13/4 1xi r. cak trim and pine Frarnes. Seeproduct list tor harduare Lype, size andnnl nr ExTERI0R D00RS:5ame as interior rrrith rrreatherstrip bronze,lhreasholC seaI. Alternate appearance matchmetal doo r. !rINDUttS AIl rrlindour units bo beas shoun on plans and abe PeIla fixed units tosections. All seclions rAtrTI\ItrTq nPel I an in sizes, configurationsIevat-ions aIl palio door units to be assembleC frorn PeIla tn hc cl:el t grabbers ) Ave. r 2 V5-5 uith flashing r.a I Ie'J by contractor a Cabinets ulill be provided by: Thurston Inc./0envershou,!ooin 199-4554, EiII Kiine, in accord ulith drarrrings.Installation uilt be by generaJ. contractor and shall becovered in bid. I COUNTER IOPS 5ee material. schedule - generaLly 3/4n plyrrrood rrliEhcerarnic lile surface and hardrrlood edges. SPECIAL IIEMS Greenhouse (at entry and buo lighCalifcrnia 5olariums, 540J Ayont-(800) 344-?2285 Slraight moCels S( )grLlSkyIights: Velux, A-\JSHH/VS4 andAppliances: Provi,Js'i by ouJnEr insCermaic IiIe:5ee pEoject schedul HEAIIIlG Heating rrrill be hot ulater baseboard uith a minimum ofsix (6) zones p3r unit. Each unit shall have a 150,000btu gas fired boiler capable of producing a minimum ofB2'C00 btu at Vail elevation. Circulation pu.nos shallbe redundent and bathrooms set for constant florrr urithaII de'nands. 0nly single mainfolJ installations rrliII bepermited uith isolation values and stat controlledvalues claarly rnarked. Baseboard shall be continious a r ound corners and provide f ree acc es s bo bleed valves.oravide turo ( 2 ) r-o= soace heat:rs in =ach k i tchen anC ahsat run i.n each front coat closet. Provide heat innorth unit E: ra ge and craul spac e s to prcte:+- pioes. Equip m=chanical areas uith F.A. vents, combusting airl.jrainsr 9i-c. Gas rnet:r location nust b= approved byArchitect. PL UMB INGFulI operating sysbem; see fixture Iist80 gaI 9as fired, rar:id recovery hol uaterNote: no drain or supply Lines to be outside of interiorgyp board. Provide ( 2 ) sill cocks for each unitProvide uater into greenhouse enLry of 5. unitProvide till stubs to tulo future hot tub Iocations rrrithshut offs. ELTCTRICAL See drarrrings EA-2, EA-3 and EA-4EI=:tric ms!:r Iocation musL be approved by lheArchitect. Provide 200 amp servi.ce panel each unil-see location on -l -^-ul€rr>. Provide FuIIy designed burglar syslem rrrith automaLic -- 1 IL3II. Telephone- Fre uireT.V. - Pr= uire INSUL A T IONCeiling: R-38 (o.c.) t(raFl faced (12rt) tJalIs: R-19 lt-^Ft !..^-J\IgI L I JLE'J 6/A) Crar,lI 5pace-3n on u3Ils ( styrof oam) n-t g BIue T&G vert, edges. Foundation trjsIIs-1 1/Zn-12-8.4 (styrofoam) blue T&G lJnder slao =Jqes - 1 1/2 UJ E eF z:o I I ohl EH XrE ral I I I I I --t- ltJIuo =I .Eolt EoFo IEFzoo Eo G, uJz =od Eul "tz;tcEvlluFI<F2at 9.=o< .Ct6otP\ Gg .L F o+ o-; Et() ,-.e4s-/E,. Or Itl4o \./t o Eccl lO!,oo Ctlc E fo E o =cf t,o o CLcl6 '.g E col tl,ott tiotoo c .9o .€ .Ct:to. tc G olc co,N J'g]oF o 'o ,oc Eoo() G Et ot at .9E =,f ..o o Ec6 olc coNpg]oF o o oc Poo() G Et o at .9E =f.o o Ec6 6i6 ct Eo() o i6 CL o CL Itc6 c .9 G E o .E o.c E't cl Eo.J o o Eot(t -o6so(t 5e96qo;89C.=6tc FE:o 6c;;r6.ottF'S= 96cL4 5't'E> Fcl!EooE();e5i E€Ei.-o9o6C66 E.E o- ti FEae+,Co'-aco-iicg=d'(r>6E FFPE€o EoEEooOG It 5C' co 6 E o ,:C o.c .g =o o -9 io o .9 CL CI G .9E E6o o 6E 6E 0) CDto 'oc.Yo6 .oo oE v, UJ IJJtl E =c nJ o- Fo x oao =t!ozo Fo- Etiulo J curz UI(, -3:.,--(D3t!.t =oN zzoo F-ato==:x= EEvr01>E9|!<oqHdFt;ai tt tr o A oe(, e, c UJE J zo Foo zo F g, ulFJ .. >lou,oululzotr tcuro. J z Eoo (, =J l'|. I "l IF J (, o C'& q ru oFl 'ii=z .oo-| lfFl dlq"l Fl -$lqNl1E 1,4rd LUdoac'l Cl;l q -Jg3 I I E tr oz ('t! IE I lr z3 F oz dIlE J t!oz3oF oz ts =Eu,G z (99ze coo>z =)fde 5fri Dntr t =G UJo,tt EgF;ie,IEb9 =EE ;=E 5E: =di 8bE irE ETg; UJ @oF trtrtr G @ @(Doo ul E .t) @o zo Fo-lllY ut @ oF E =Gl! o-blisl V r'.rlv c.tlt;l HuliF|-,zo E =E UJLzIF C) =E Ezoo @ I I I I I I I lL lqrtat: o Eo o zoIJ xX v5 !- ct6.9?E ;* ;a ?F..;P iOlt,r.ro,r(Jlc'!! .stt o el o 'ct o.o.ttoc ot I5 o =t- vryf; xv t3 si ;i rootrO :0 o> r: Itt : G. i s,i :o rLre (t:"1'tr( 6IFCei 9G_ .c, cDcc6 ?toi!oo3oC'ol ==o5:@ |aO =c1Diu\Ct )O e)Q,:6tB to rO -etrJJa, v, oEt) t! 2vto3qrtr : o. r 3'io>F Itrl l ''i;5iqt EoO'.o;oc F c= o.o E; c() =C| =::o l) u, =. at, i D. \'i ' :o!)-: I -: " 3':'(! ( D.gE '= q, ;o-()e.2o_ =-Z E'=!= Jc, O'G5u(, =Dt3 5: oo: C,E( =:t-oc o- c = 9f -ll: c ==si, cJ o;SE ?=El9tr ao'-irr C;-o rGtE ,- = =o 61 3.r;:. E.= 3 =:(J>' -='.J ::P 6r :-.o.c,co.::: I' G: :o:.- o 3 Eo. c,c, I lD-lsl'5Igt!f5F=!Ct E'l6 lci;H 5rulI ErH g'! F c!H -rt =.H d.it oiI SE ! =!| -cI ccl€s t!!o-a;o-.!g vr- =g-.GtEo o,fi, .JC -E. =E99::'e;otl;3;oc: E'Ji.!p a\:,.-o C.)i EEa -(.'C l_ t?to I I I I I.t< t: t9z t=to lg,zt9 (fI U' UJu, {!t' =llJ .. >loulou,q,z at,F =gtc J zo l-6o tnu,l!rr F uJ ol!Foz 0z o4fo .O o =zo o o.? o =() ll, o t L) Qzs C) g) J C) o Yu (, Izo gt x F u,U') 3t ils I a/, ztz9 .o =o()o I q, € zx I I sl zl =9..;? e=6li o, !?-=> =3 63osg.3f urJo- cl>()>o;ci (, o tr,q.|!>o u,r;5:2= qroE! ItrtolcI|l'tz IB oz P3 3H<FioY2y'< ;- t_ -l :l =X I o3 o 9 sE() o J EIt!z (t. <lol = l_-,;t< (, = o (,q, -,\, (, Iottvnrvit I r4rrf fIot J = \t fi I Iil I J s>f 6[ u, = o-r ,l l di EJ IolV'I HI gt F J ltl z ou, :l 5i EI 9 3lo,FI z 0u, 5l sl 6l 3 z oqrl -tlI '!|33t o ol uJlEl il g itol oz UJ:l sl |lIot FIoltsI -rOsOu< ii z.-o c) lr(Jl|r,!F l() i< I il- lt uJ lr o I 5F ;E 3g gF F() =s;J= o o o z () C)l! UJ -" |l, O -' El r--,E(, oEg) EH=: a, o.^ F-= < c., , *-.s € . =lO E '.Jlt- t Llo 3=lBo-slLdD cJIuJ c-l =oal3:51- P,.-f = r.- c_l 3 L llrioosrlJ -, c;ld;-l,--*l url t- Fr r _1,1- UJ F x u, E a|,glo-zo o- UJ I'lJ TE o b =cc UJ ILo ! ulFoz ,> _sQtI- C) :) Faz,oO F =ru . .$''f l.'. r r". nn-l z e3 =<.]o2z :lOa{ lr J I uJ = D J = til Xtr =tu,(tI =EE=gi^.S 558i r.lJ O;= l--r-G3.. 9 =-q==>E=E:I 3 ='5 ElE5i HI EJT BI 5=3 $'l 3Hq -l:<=-ultr -u,Io I F ? 75 south fronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FD6M. DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL pUBLrc WoRKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary/.ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit any soir, ro-L, sand, debrisor material , including trash dumpsteri, pori.Uf" toilets andworkmen vehicles, upon. any streetl sideivaik, ;ii;y or public _q1?9" or any portion theieof . The righr_;i_;;t-;n aLl To$rn ofVail streets and.Iga-d= is appro-.<inate-ly 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr- be strili:ry enforc-ed by the iowrr of vailPublic works DeDartment. pers6ns found vil:-a-int this ordi.nanceri1l- be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said materiar.rn the event the perso'so notified does not coinply with th;--'notice within the 24 hour time specified, tne-puf,ric worksDepartment wirl remove said mateiiat at iir" ""p""se of personnotified- The provisions of this ord,inance shalr not beapplrcabre t'o construction, maintenance or repair project,s ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ,ifni_"_"uy. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, prease stop by the To$rn ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. tnani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Date /l'.1 lLl -/ |' I / PERMtT t{uMaeR or. pno.recr o INSPE rlr-''l{' CTION TOWN OF 7q2'{/ 7c REOUEST nu 1@; VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: t: cFv INSPECTION: CALLER TUES (WED 'THURMON Vat(t 1<'rtr;' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND r] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED R..\a)t //- */ INSPECTORDATE.7 L..' Sq NAME INSPECTION:MO\ CALLER TUES \WED I INSPECTIONTOWN OF tl. REOUEST'VAIL -\rf AM (6)READY FOR LOCATION:\\.'tii $.-i\l \ TIJUR \*\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING o tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR n#so effi4 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO I JOB NAME tNs t PE ll cfloN REOUEST.. TOWN OF VAIL-Pr pil Lb F er=I ?E DC,z THURTUES ISAPPROVED HnerruspecroN REeurRED CALLER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL trA ED CORRECTIONS: o,;:e /1- :t-d?INSPECTOR P,ffi$e It REQUEST'VAIL \'! Itl /r r,q '( . tL('r. \-rI t{.'",) I li lurltt 4eq ;- -INSPECTIONTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 1)t oA 6 t2 ;6/vt 0t tJ( € L,l JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR @ ------@PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB D FOUNDATION i STEEL O FBAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION EI tr Tl POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n Vrrrunl tr FINAL APPROVED ?r'l O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: fL r'1-) i.y''i!''DATE /t - .t I INSPECTOR niFe,op t, 1lr 75 south llonlage rosd Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 47e'2139 otflce ot community develoPment September 20, 1989 Mr. cary Proffit Duddy Viele Construction Company 1000 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 8L657 Re: Diones Construction, Lot 2, Pulis Subdivision Dear Gary: This letter is written to confirn our phone conversation of yesterday in which you vtere informed that the northerly ridge of ttre above property rnust be Lowered 6rr. We must request that no further work be done on any part of the roof until the height is remedied. Further, if you decide to ask for a height variance instead of proceeding with correction of the roof, you must appty for the variance no later than September 27. If you decide not to get a variance, we ask that you submit a letter stating your solution to the roof ridge. In either case, we must reguest that no further work be done on any part of the roof until either you have lowered the roof 6rr or until you have received a variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission. If you have any questions concerning this project, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, M^R":./"i-Planning Technician cc: Mr. Diones 1 t t,, J, o), ,d ''t*-U*', f ff/rvn'' 'l ;T r/' t'7'f, 2 b a $f trlx |.J cr (, z lrl -\J4 \^ sEP 25 '69 16!54 T0 T-336 P. Q1FR$4 t$ t- fr (J 0 ur $ a r ilL:t L-+-'.' \- I'z' I cr .s-t.\ :\- J\\ -r_-s.:- .t t{qro\=v \ \S\ lrt 0 ) {t Ia { tt u_ v IU rtl \ J $l uJ T \)o F, i#i;: s,Jul'u (l= r\, ,t^ - I llJ't f, C, T ulI $ zl,T' p 3 E PtI,l iElrIt It !i ,,1 Hl { 3 i. E ".:. iabnn A4{:N I Proiecl Name: Project Application i r*J I o"," ?'lll 'J Projecl Description: Contacl Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:' lrtrot-<n ?u(,'^f \\A Legal Description: Lot V-l , Block .- | , Filing Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 6 strtt Approvalr\ D'.*sa rcat - r;,t u/l./v,:::,_/a)>. '->-_- I l/11^T(;f/r/ f"a/t>,-t -/fttMft uat'/ / r \- \3f*[i-- 1 t" .',, APPLICATION DATE:June 1,1987 DATE OF DRB MEETII'IG: DRB APPLICATION June 17 1987 *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to deiermihb'if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted un'less'it is coirplete (must include al'l items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note tlrat a C0MPLETE applica- tion wjl'l streamline the appro'rai prccess for your project by decreasing the number of conditjons of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: A two family duplex residential structure with separate garages and entries. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 1628 GoIf Legal Descri pt'i on Lot Zoni ng Dupl ex Btock !|arren tltl tI+i\\iu C. NAME OF APPLI CANT:Donal d Diones Address 5701 South Jasmine, Englewood, C0 80111 D. NAME 0F AppLICANT,S REpRESENTATIVE: Engelke Arch'itects Address E. NAME OF 6950 E. Belleview Ave. #202 Englewood, C0 80111 S i gnature Address 5701 S. Jasmine Englewood, C0 80111 tel ephone DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,0U0,000 be paid at the time a FEE build'i ng permit is requested. tel ephone 741-5511 te'l ephone stake the site be removedvisits the OWNERS: Donald W. and Frances Diones F. $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $300 .00 )o rl, ,&'ro qf'GL3ut C1o*1t-r1,( q\(t'aN /IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requ'irements, the applicant must to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wi11 should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB si te. 2. The review process for NEl,rl BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Des'ign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. ut. l. J,r-L'*tt 1' - 3,1[,', l" 4. The following items no longer have.to be presented to the Des'ign Revier Soard- iliey,-trowevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Adninistrator for approval: a. Windows, sKylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the building; and b. Bui]ding additions that are not viewed tIoT ?ny other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condminium associ ation 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on check with a Town Planner before proceeding. your ; property. You should NAME 0F PROJECT: Diones DuPlex LreAr orscnIPTIoN, bdivi sion iinEEr ADDREss: 162E GoTF-TeFrace nod?----l oEScnrprron 0F PR0 LIST OF MATERIALS Standinq Seam lletal -r Color Stucco - Buff/'l iqht brown col or 1x4 on 2x8 cedar - warm brown co'lor 3/8" soffit plywood Brown clad - thermal break - double pane none- stucco wra D Sol id wood - natura'l Wood pickets - natural wood rai] *Wlff, qrnrl 4 le Paint- Copper color Stucco - Buff/'l ight brown color The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di n9 0ther Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l.|i ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quanitv _ 3b Si ze* Pi'ca Pungens Popul us Tremul us Pinus Conturta B'l ue Spruce Aspen Lodge Po1 e Pine 8' B'20 6' EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Aspen Aspen 2 undeterm. for conifers. (over) Approx. 8" varies 4,4" none - stucco wrap *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height PLANT ]'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name Juniper Us Sabina Tammy Juniper Quani ty 16 5 gallon Si ze EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footage SOD SEED None - NaturalTYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL 6p Rip-rap embankment to divert course of drainage across site around to west of structure C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. 2 tlip-rap embankments shown on Site Plan Retaining wal'l at south unit entry approximately 4r-6rl o el-z\ o, I I btEcLsAry I F\g //, a s / /, +u Rrp RAP dt gJ l"6AP afrAt2z3g6K*tT Tl av LIHHEB . REt{ &F a.{TruLeo "trTPICAL C,4'r{FIGUhATIZ} r"/rt/17 hur1_/"- L"'cr I -Yl,, \^") r"" /lt..iv-<'-r DlfrlH'DUpLEX % +;*+ 5$$${ $$Sd E\I E I $j tr" M tr #fi|'i EF -l E"$ i$$ =I $ 5.+N!$n T ^l N 't-J\tl 4 Zr L 3 I .1 o v) o a r I I Il**rN{ r$$ Irllt.st iq$ ls$ I I ri'l l-l -J .l- \'o "a -7 $ sL \ \- d \\ d-l =r'Ns-s \, fIL !.rlt --l +J)+a Ua o F 1f $ ) -? ll:_lt?n lio tr|t$ slli$lillt*li hili sl[:i Laf f 5 $ --, ilttl\i!- I loH! - <ir$./i$'u; -]l\\i i T1=L-l s\riJ 1i .-v i .t tILI v i : $ $ $tr IE j ur lt\ g75 ,r:fs o.$ ti, v : .gf?'rc cr$sS* o$ *5 9'!'l' /, .!'-! -1t JA':- <t-"?. ii a I ,..' 7'-. e{A;D{ DATE SUEI'IITTED: 6 ,/t COI.'rI4ENTS NEEDED BY.. ' INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVi El'| o2te\ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 3qa cro.€E / R€<4641 GiS 1oo4"au - _:.(1 X-Sez-.u Fz FIRE DEPARTHENT I Ir Y; "a ftE !-u1. Lu: PROJECT: Reviewed by: Conments: POL ICE DEPARTI,IENT Revier.red by: Cornments: RECilEATiOH DEPARTI,ITNT ?UBLIC }IORKS Rev i err,ed by: Comnenis: )TI0N 0F THE PROP0SAL: ,/t-/_u J-7/- t__ -v y'-+c t.- 4. ." t, , L rr- ytfi0tJl Date Nol /^-/ -9ez"e-.p-. /eoc aor, t,.', U4,, l4ars Netr) 7-a fr/77< t e-v O<r u( ,4224 c deo co z. l/ U De,ue (u*o* Qz*''on n 727 'u'- g'n' Date Date Reviewed.by: Co;.:uents: Date UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION Lot 2, Warren Pulis Subdivision JOB toT Diones Du I ex 2 BLOCK ADDRESS 1628 Golf Terrace Road FILING h|ATTCN PUI iS The locationlines, must accompany ing of utilities, whether they be approved and verified by be nain trunk the following lines or proposedutilities for the site p1an. Mountain Bell I -634-3778 Western Slope Gas Hamy Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal I Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cahle T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Va11ey t,later and Sanitation Discrict Date ./'/y''87 r-?'|-fl 4.x1.8-7 , tfrFrewaonst4-J/-STplwyfjll oui ai'6{!}'ea sheet. +-) -a s7 'trz7-t7 David Krenek WA*i N\q'.*- **tt\- t'^- \a.\ U''\\eaDo'uo S...;"v,. tY\a....,r <rx.:{> t*Votl !o.\\*1 }rtu' NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perrnit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A building pernit is not a stTeet cut pernit. A stTeet cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This fonn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Authori zed r3 , '. t 26?5 Acv. I /78. ,1, fm-e lr.rsuRANcE CotpANy ot MtNNEsorA r Stodr Comerlry ol llinnopollr, l{innrotr EilDORSENENT gbw of Title InsuranceTo be attached to and become a part of Commitment No. V-4502 Company of Minnesota. THE OTINER'S TITLE FOLICY II{SURING DONALD X. DIONES AT{D FRANCES DIONESI O}INERSHIP OF LOT 2, }IARREN PULIS SUBDIVISION }IILL ALSO INCLUDE II{SURAIICE OF THEIR RIGHTS TO THE FOLLOI{INC DESCRIBED EASEI'IENTS: I. EASEI,IEI{T AND RIGHT OF I{AY FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE USE OF A ROADI.IAY FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AS SET FORTH ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT A. 2. EASEI.IEI{T AND RIGHT OF }IAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE USE OF A ROADI'IAY FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AS SET FORTH OI{ ATTACHED EXHIBIT B. 3. EASEI.IENT AND RIGHT OF }IAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, II{SPECT, HAINTAIN, OPERATE, USE AND REPAIR UI{DERGRoUND PIPELINES, MAINS, CAELES 0R OTHER UTILITIES AS SET FORTH ON ATTAC}IED EXHIBIT C. 4. EASEIIIENT AND RIGHT OF bIAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT' INSPECT' l.'tAINTAIl{, 0PERATE, USE AND REPAIR UNDERGRoUND PIPELINES, l4AINS, CABLES 0R OTHER UTILITIES AS SET FORTH ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT D. DIONES, DONALD }'. AND FMNCES The total liability of the Company under said commitment end any endorsement thereto shall not oxceed, in the aggregate, the face imount of said commitment and costs which the ComPany is obli- grted undcr the Conditions and Stipulations thcreof to pay. This endorsement, when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent, is made a part of said commitment as oi th. commitment date thereof and is subject to the Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage therein contained, except as modified by rhc provisions n"*ol* rssuED: frrr-e lxsuneHce f,orrreeNv or [flr*NEsorA JANUARY 28, 1983 $(HIBIT A E.ASET{ENT DEED KNO$I TLL I'IEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Tbat SHAPfRO CONSTRUCTION CO., a Colorado corporation,hcreinafter referred to as rcrantor, for Ten Dollars ($IO.OO) anclother good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which ishereby acknowledged, hereby sells, conveys and giants unto BERNARD R. KRUEGER and CgLINE KRUEGER, as owners of Lots lA an<llBr a ReeuHivieion of I€t I, Warren pulis Subdivision, Tovrn ofVail , Eagle County, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the'Krueger Landr" and unto I{ARREN KN{En PULIS and HELGA 1,. PULIS,aa owner8 of Lot 2, lfarren pulis subdivieion, a Resubdivision ofa Tract of Land, part of the north one-half of Section 9,Towtrship S.south, R.nge B0 west of the sixth principal l.{eridian,Torn of Vailr County of Eagle, State of Colorado, hireinafterreferred to aa the iPulis Landr, hereinafter coliectivelyreferr€d to as the 'granteesri an eaaemgnt and right-of-iay over,across and through the lands described on Exhibit-A, hereiiraftcrreferred to as the rsubject Landrr attached hereto and made aPart hereof, situate in Eagle County, Colorado, for the uses anclpurposes and upon the terms hereinafter Bet forth. This easement and right-of-way is for the purpose ofgranting Grantses an eaaemeDt ior use ai a roadway aiross thesubJect r,and; and that said r.radway or easement ii set forth forthe purposes of making_ingress and-egrees to and from the KruegerLnd and the Pulie Land. rt is understood that Grantees shalr have exclusive useof euch eaaerncnt, subJect to Grantor's right--r iccesi to andfrom congtruction natirial arrrl fuel tanks'tocit"a-iaji."nt to theSubject Land. At such time as the construction rnateiiar and fueltanks are removed fron-thei,r present location, Grantoi's right oflccesa acroaa, over and through the subject Land shall be -ieernedabandoncd. Grantor has constructed a roadway on the Subject Landand Granteee have accepted such constructi6n in-ii"-pie".ntcondition. Grantor, its successors or assigns, noweirer, sharl inno uay be bound to keep such roadway in repiir, unless theGrantor, its euccessors, assign' or inviteas aimafe such roadwayin going back and forth to iti construction rnaterial or fueltanks. Any-such danrage caused by Grantor, its successors,aeeigns or invitees ehall be promptly repaired by Grantor. Grantor, its successors or assigns, does not assume anyliability or-responsibility to the Grantees, their heirs,executora, adninistrators or assigns, or any person using suchr9alway by invitation, expressed or impfiedl iritn tne Grinrees,tbair heirg, exscutora, adminigtratora or assigns. This docunent shall be recorded and shal.I be a burclenutron the Grantorrs land and a benefit to the Grantees, Ian<] .This agreernent is binding upon and sharl inure to the benefit ofthe - parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors an<laesigns. o BtGcurED *" -dday of STATE OF COIDRADO )) rc. EIGLE COtmTt ) , 1983. SHAPTRO CONS|DRUCTION CO. uas acknowledged before ne 1983, by KENNEII| E. SHAPIRo .LEIBRIIG,-aE@ifffi?y, Box 3565 The for€going inetnloentthis llrh day of JANUARYaa Vlce Prealdent and DARLYNNE A.of SEllfo conatrucrion Cil ruta.Ba ny hand and :eal. lly connlsaion expireEs ltEy lorh, 19E3. J.... .."- \''-'?.r :.' ' Attesti EXEIBIT A (Attachcd to and nade a part of EarGrent Deed dated ilanuary 11 , 1983, b€tu€cnShaplro Construction Co. r a Coloradoc-orporation, Grantor, and Bernard R.Xrueger and Cellne Krueger, and lfarren l(amor Pulis and Uclga .f. lrulis, Grantcoe.) That part of Lot l. Sunburst Filing No. 3,a eubdivision recorded Ln the office ofthe Eagle county, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder(Clerkrg Recorde), Town of Vail, Colorado,deecrib€d as follous: Beginning at a point on the uesterly line ofLot 2, lfaren Pulis Sub<livision, a guMivision recorded in the Clerk'B Records, whence t[enorthrrest corner of eaid Iot 2 beare N OOI'OO,0O"E 6.28 feet dietant; thence N 63"2grlg. t{ 62.83f,eet to the eouthe:-Iy boundary of, VaiI Golf-course Townhones Association, phase III, thenep of which ie recorded in Book 332 at page 509of the Clerk.e Recorde; thence th€ follo;ingtlp colltes along said eoutherly boundary;(I) N ?9'08r38r w 16.70 feer; (2) Se.rl leetalong the arc of a curve to the left having araflius of 253.3I feet, a c€ntral angle 9f - 13-09'05r, and a chord which bears fr gsolslll" tf58.02 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of,Vail. Valley Driver thence along said right-of-uayline 3.62 feet along the arc oi a curve to theright havinq a radius of ?5.00 feet, a centralanglq of 02-115,05', and a chord whicb beares 06-53r41', w 3.52 feeti thence s g6e25r53n E35.60 feet; thence s 63-2grlg. E 106.62 feet tothe_weEterly line of eaid Lct 2, thence alongeal.d wegterly line N oO"'OO'Oo" E l?.gg feet tothe point of beginning, containing 1r620 eguarefeet or 0.037 asreE, rcre or less. ETHIETT B EASEIIENT DBED lofOW AI.I. IIEN BY TBESE PRESETITS: fhat SHAPIRO CONSTRUqIIOII CO., a Colorado corporalion,hareinafter refsrred to aa rcrantor, for Ten Dollare (910.00) andother good and valuable conel,dcratlon, tlre receipt of whieh ishcreby acknowledged, hereby aellr, conveys and granta unto BERNARD R. KRUEGER and CELINE KRUEGER, aB ownera of Iots IA andIB, a Resubdivieion of Lt I, tfarren pulis Subdivieion, Town of lailr Eagle County, Colorado, hcrclnafter ref,erred to a8 the,XTueger land,'and unto TTARREN KITIER PULIS and HEI,GA T. PULIS,aa owners of lot 2, tfarren pulie Subdivieion, a Resubdivision ofa Tract of Land, part, of the north one-half of Section 9,Township S-Southr Range 80 t{e8t of the Slxth principal Meridian,Town of Vail , County of Eagle, State of Colorado, hlreinafterreferred to as tlre rPulis Landr, bereinafter collectivelyrcfered to as the "Granteesr. att carenent and right-of,-iay over,acrosa and through the lands deecrib€d on Exhibit A, hereinafterreferred to as the rsubJect Landrr attached hereto and nade aPart h€regf' situate in Eagle Courrty, Co1orado, for the uses an<lpurpos€s and upon the t€rlro herclnafter sst forth. This easement and right-of-ray ie for the purpose ofgranting Grantees an eas€!0eDt for uge as a roadway a;rols theSubject Land; and that said roadsay or easeupnt i; set forth forthe-purpos€s of naking-ingrese and-€gresa to and fron the KruegerLand and the Eulis Land. It is understood that Granteea shall have non-exclusiveuge of auch eaaement. Grantor haa conatructed an improvedroaduay on the Subject Land and Grantor, lte succees6rs orusigna, rhall naintain and repair (including snow removal) suchlnproved roadway. . Ilrie docunent ghall bc recorded and ehtll be a Lurdenupon the Grantorre land and a benefit to the Granteesr land.This agreenent is binding upon and shalr inure to the benefit oftbe-parti€a h€reto and their rerpcctive hclre, gucceseors andarsigne. E:xEcUrED *ie /day of , 1983. CONSTRUCTION CO.A Colorado Corporation Atteet: o 8'lfr\TE OF COI.ORTDO ))rr. !rG&B Cq'lfrt ) I tllrc forrgolng lnatruutnt uaa ackrrcwledgedl before me tblr fltb day of JAIIUARI , 1983, by KBINEII| E. SIIAPIR0 ,ij- - va.- prir irbiffi?IrlEftllE-F r.prrnuc, - arffi:ffiy, ot, EEi$Fd constroctlon cil tfltncts uy haad and real. l|y coululon rxplrea:lley 10th, 19E3. tor 3566 Vell, GtO E1558 lddreaE -6 '' '. ,.-.'Notary Pubtaac o INAIBIT T (tttrchad to and lrdr r prt! of Ea3sDsnt Dsedilrt d Jrnurry 11, 1983, bctrten thapiro conStructl,on co., a Colorado corporation,Grantor, rtrd 8€rn.rd R. I(rueg€r and Celine Kruagor, rnd narr.n Xrnar Pulie and Helga T.Pultr, Grrntca!.) thrt prrt of Vall @lfcourca Torrnhonea Ageociation, Phara tII, th€ nap of, vhich is recorded in Book 332 .t page 509 of the recordr of the Eagle County' Colorado, Clcrk and Racorder (Clcrkrs nacorda),docrlbcd rt follous! Baginning at a point on the easterly right-of-rrayllnc ot Val,l Valley Drlve whence the nostsastarly corner of lot I, Sunburgt Filing No. 3,a suHivision recorded ln the Clerkte Records,bear; f, a8-33r15- lr 110.58 fcet diataptr th€nce E 86-26153' E 39.2{ tect; thence S 63-28'18' E 39.05 fs€t to the coutherly boundary oE ral.d Vail Golfcourre Tounhones Araociatlon, Phaee III; thence the following tuo courpea along aaidtoutherly boundary: (1) N ?9-08'38' lf 16.70 feet;(2) 58.fa fcet along th€ arc of a curve to thel€lt h.ving^a radiua of 253.3I fcet, a central anglp of l3-09r05r, and a chord which bearell E5'{3rll' tt 58.02 f€ct to tlre oaat€rly right-of,- uey llne of Vatl Valley Drl,vel thance along eaidrl,ght-of-way line 12.11 tcct along the arc of acunte to th€ left havlng a radiug of 75.00 feet,r cantral lngle of 09'28155', and a chord uhichbeen N 00-{6rll' B 12.a0 fcet to the point ofbeglnnlng, containing 63? rguare feet or 0.015lcraf, rcrc or lclt. I ETHIEIT C ETSEIGNII DEED I[qt f&f. t@f By IBESE ptlE$t8r , That SHAPIRO CONSTRICIIION_CO., a Colorado corporation,horeinaftor r.f.rr.d !o a. .drna;;.;-ao"-!cn-;iilr; (Sr0.Oo)end otlrcr sood and-varuable coniralritt;;,-6e;liliit of rhichLr hercby acrnowr-cdgect, here'y--iriio, convey' and granta untoBERNAnD R. XRUEGER anq-Ceffllf'XRticER, lr omcr. of lptr lA and-l-Bt-. Roubdtvkion of lct i, iii;an hrlte EuDdivleion, Tosn ofvril , Eagle county, Colorado, ina-unto n nnBN x,|IttnR pur,rs andUEI,cA T. puLls, aa ownerg 9r-r.o- 2, narrcn pufi.JiiLiivlaion, aReaubdivlrl.on of r Tract or Hnar-iart of tho north one_half of,g.ction 9, Bonrnshrp 5 south,-n "ir'go_riit oi lil-ilitr, Drrncipal 'eridl.an, toryn of_vair, couiti "i-ragre,-stiteJi iiioraao,hereinafter collecti.leiy ,-i-ir.a L tr tlre rcrante€s,, an 'aBen'nt and rlqht-:f:*y ovrr, iciorr, througlh and under thelande dercribed-on pxhibit-i;-tL;;i".!tcr rcfirred ro aa rherrubject land,i attach€d teiit6-.ii nads a part hsreof, rltuatein Eaglc county, cororadol-i"i-tt-urer ard purposo' anat upon th€tarDs hsreinafter 3st forth. This eaeenent.and right_of_uay lr for the pu4rcee ofgranting crantees the . rlsht to -;;";tn.-i, -tiilri, -rf ir,t"ir,,operate, uae atrd repair unaerground pipel^inea, uins, cables, orother utitiriee "I.:::h__il;;-;;-;;"!.rrd by tbe cranrees and$:::lt:":ervtce pipe6 and connociionr ur.a in-co;iiiiltron crantor-grantt to crante€: glr. gtght to enter upon therubject land for ttre purpoa";;T;;Lrtatton, repalr,r.plac€e.nt, rcnovrl o" oiti-rfril- arcct, nor placc apy pornanent luititngr rtructurc, irprovenent,tence or trie "" thF ;b";;;;;.;il4- sasqnent, and Granrees sharlnot be liable for rhei*ort;i-il'in;t-;;"; ;il.#: Acceplance of this eai€nent by craDteee ghallconatitutc tbcir agr€cnant ana cov;ant rg folrowr: t. Ar 8:lclr-tlne and in the_evant that the easenenrde gcribed herein "11ll _ p. -fidiil'; . crantees-,-i.Ji-piop.nyinterest in trre eaaeneDt. errarr-ililiirt.ly revert to-and betherealtcr ncrgcd wrth ttre--s€Ioiili-.rt t.. 2. lhe facilitl,ee inetaltcd tn the above describedeaaen€nr shau bc installea, narniiinea, and-"iliii.i-ro aE rolrnit narcinuo o"..:l! e"toldil-Ji-U,9 turface by Granror, itsrucceaaora and aasigns. ln-the evint rt ig-ne"c;;.;;-t"conltruct, r€consrructr Ispalr oi illpricc-rill;;ii{i.r,crantG.s rhalr restore rhe euirice-ii-tr,i r."a-;;-;;;iy aa maybe practicable ro the sane ;;;iA";, tncluding furlr.vBgetrtton, a8 i! yrs prior to-iucir coniir"iiiiil repair orfpl:gor""t, provid€d no' pennanent-iuuafd; -;;;;";;:r'proven.ntr fence or tree ehalr ba-tiG.a-;h;;i'i-ii-cr.rrtor. 3. This Easement Deed shall be eubeervient to thatcertain Easenent Deed for inoi"ss-"r,a a.rra.r.! r-^- ci-_i ,_._ o Xru€gcr rnd llarron Krmr Pulie and Bolga T. Pullt ('Grantree'), ruch Eascnent Dcsd recordcd in Book at Page of GhG Eagl. County Cl€rk and n cordcr'IidflEr. j' 'lhis docutnent rhall tp recorded and ahall be a burdr:u upon ttr. Grantorrr land and a bonetlt to tha Grantcegr land.Tlrls agrrcncnt tr bindlng upon aad drall lnure to the bencfit oftha p3rtlar hcoto and thoir rcrlrrctl.ve hrlra, 3ucceeeors andaraignr. nlrucurED *ie //&aay ga. The foregoing instrunent waa actnouladged before nethis _ggg day of JSNUARy Vlce llfCtfd€nt and DARLYNI{E A- t-EIJn.;1E ffi :*:$tu6"D-i!!{wIN , I98L, by ,r(ElrEr! E. sHAPrRo, Witn€Bs ny hand and aeal. |ryr comlrrton cxpires: t{ay lOrL, 19E3. ,'?. Box 3566 , I9\4. SIATE OF comnem ) COUIt1!Y OF secre I Attsstr t E(gTBIT T (Attrah.d to alrd n de r lrart of, Earnent Deedgatad - lanr.ar.. rt t.lt3 , bltseen thapiroCoDrtrnctlonrcd., a Colorado Corporation,Grantor, and Bcrnard R. I(rusgcr and Cc1inetrruogcr, and,narren l(an€r Puli6 and Belga T.Pulirr Grantdsr. ) Artripof land acroas Lot Ir Sunburat piling No.3' a rubdiviaion recordod in the off,ice of ihelaglo Countyr Colorado Clerk and R€corder(Clcrkrr Recordr) r raid etrip being 20 feet widernd lyl,ng 10 fect on cach rldo of €he followingducrlbrd cant.rlln r Bcalnntng at a point on th€ rest llne of LpE Z,Warren Pulie Subdivlrlon, a aubdivleion recordedin th€ C1erk'a Becorda, uhence lhe Northue8tcornsr of said t,E 2 bearq N 00-oo.oo. E 31.35trct dtrtantr thsnc€ N 93e29.50. w 100.89to.t to thc polnt of tcmlnug, which is on thecart line of, Iot 11, Block 3r Vail Valley FirstP1ltng, a rubdiviaion rccorded in th€ ClErk'sRlcordr, rhence the Nortbeaat corn€r of eaidIpt ll bcars N 00-35,1?. E 26.L2 f,eet dietant.Tho rtde ll.nee of the etrip are ahortened orlrngthonod to t.rnl,nata at-prop€rty Llnet'14 o ufll8tr 0 trSE|ltrt D@D.- EOr ALL tcd EI llESE DlttlttTSt !!h.C AVEDIT N(OPllllTZ, hrrrlntlttr rrfrrrad to agrGrlntor', tor lln Dollarr (0f0.00) rnd och.r good and valuableconrl,dorrtlon, tlrr r.c.tpt o! rtrtch 1r hrrrby icknorledgtd,hrrcby mllr, conv.yr and grantr unto BERNAnD R. trRUEGER and CELINE Xl[rEcEn. tr ouner3 of latt IA rnd lB, e Rcrubdlvtgion ofLt I, X.rr.n Pullr 8ubdlvlrion, Sorn ol Veltr lagle County,Colondor rtrd unto nARnEt lql|Bn PULIS lnd EEIGT tI pults, isohrn€r3 ol lot 2r lfarrcn pultt guDdtvlrton, I Ragubdlvirion of aTract-gf F!d, prrt of ttc north onc-hrlf of Scction 9,fownrhtp- 5-South, n ngq 80 Wcrt o! tlrc Elsth prlncipal Uerl,dian,toun of Vell , County of Ergh, Stato of Colorado, hirctneftercoll€ctlv.ly roferrcd to 13 thc rcrrntcrltlr an eigg[pnt endrlght-ol-uay orr.r,.lcroar, through end unier ttre finai dcscribedon ErchlblG Ar hrrcinrfgrr plrrriO to 1 thc .ruUjeci-fud,. rtt.chod h.r.to end radr I Frt brnof , rltuati-li-sier" county,Colorador tor thc ulcr and purpou and ugnn ttro-Grrnihrrcinatter f.t, forth. Slrir oasenent.rnd right-of-uay ir for the purSnse ofgrrnttng crrngo.s ttrc-rlght to conrtruci, tnrpccil-riinlafn,o9crat., ur rad lopsff uDd.rground plpcllnrel nains,-caUles, orot'hrr utrtltl.. ot_ruch rrzr ir .quirid bt-ai. Eianiecr ana+ltablc r.r!vlc. prp.s rnd sonnrceionr url rn-contuiltronthoroutth. Gnntor grants to Gr.nt.c. llc Ttght to o$ter upon thcrubject lrnd tor thc purln-ee of Lartrffatloril-ropali,-raplrcaDaDt, revrl or otbenlf.. Gnntor, hir lrcirll, 3uccttror, rnd/or rt|lgnt, uhall T?!-!_r?9r1.nor glecr rny p.nur.nt butldtng,- rtnraaui;,uprovaDtrtr tlnGc gr traa on urr tbovr-dcrcrlbod crrcEnt, andc*ntr.r rhrlt nos b. lteblr lor Gtrrlr rrrcvir-ri 6I! rrc roplrcrd. - lcc.ptrncc of Urtr .r3unc by Grrnt cr ehallgotrrcttuta tnala tgraaDarrt rnd covanrnt u follour: l. lt ruch_tl8 rnd fn tb. Jy.at tblt thc.a8.Dontdocrlbril hrnln rhsll br ebrndo-nrd, -Grantorrt icii-properrylntcr.rt ln thr .r36.nt rball rmitetrly irvrri-to-ta ue-th.raaft.r nrrgrd rtth th. rcrvlrnt .rtrt-. Z. ,!lhc frcitttler lnrtrlhd tn the above describ€delscloent rhall ba lnstallcd, nalntalntdr rnd opcrated ao as toprr_Drt lrxlnuo urr and cnJoyurnt of ttrr-rurteci ly-ciantor, trtshlln, tucelrron end arrlgnr. ln thr .v.nt it li nicessary tocon8truct, raconatruct, rrpalr_or rr;rlacc thc facllltlce,Grlnt3ar rhall rsatorG the rurfacc of the land as nearly aB naybc practicrbl. to tlrc eanc condttlon, lnctndlng fullrcvcgstrtl,on, la.l! las prior to ruch congtructlon, repair orrcplaccuant, provtdcd no perm.nant bulldlngr ctruciure,inprovenent, fcnce or trse rhall be placad-thereon by crantor. Ut latf . vrll.y Flr.t^Fiting, accordingCounty of, Eagler Statc of Cotoriaolrelocation and the granting of, a neuca3.!|.nt rhall bc deencd abandoncd. Thlr doc,rnent shatr be rccorded and rhalr be a burden;nfl :::-::l:.f:.*l:3i_Tg a_+iiii-3e-?*-ciaitem, lr!d.,,.._ "'rir aErocnrnr rr-blndrng 'roin-eoa rtraii r"ur.-d-il: uii$it1?:$.:::tteg horcto ana tf,oii-ioeiicir"e-h;I;;; i".""ror3 and Co-thc rroordcd plat thereof,.no upon conpletion of euchcatslnent to Granteesr thtg , "il gl"iiTff 3 ri"*# rf;in z . asslgnr. SAATE OT COUNTT O ExBcurED xma o? / day ot llo .r r Thethir a( / aey nitnesE lly comirion txpires: ffi '&'r(g*{-;-- d]; 7;',* .dt,,i,..n.,,.-t L(;w instnrnent h-,L/l'tJtW r3t3 rtt EXIIBIA A (Attaclred to and nadr rd.tcd Belga f. Pulig, Grsnton.l prrt of Eatcocnt Deed bstween Avedlk&opta -i. rro.g., 31f_!eline Kruescr, erra -i;;;;li.ner puris and That Part of lpt.llr Block 3, Vail Val.ley Firstllllng, a eubdlvigf6n-iicoriia-in rhc office?f thg. Eagle goylty, cororaal cierk and Recorder,described ae folloia: Bcainning rt thcrei ri; i,*;.;'t ffiBl3Tli:T"ll.il'lll.lr.i:*:the_northerty li_ne of saia bt-il; itEii"-i-iji"36.12. _t', 36.18 fcer, alafi [Ii i.rr.rty line if*i:li i:r. llio:T";;. it+jlif.iji3;:f ;ii;T,,, .n 30.53 feet, t"_g1re-{itciri-irsbt_oi_;av'riie--of vall Vallev Drivei tfranci', ifong caid iaeterlyrtsht-of-uay iine, ri.io-iisi ;i;; Ir,.-.iITi--,a 75.00 fool radius coi"e-io-ur. firt,-r;i; -- 91rrv: havins a centra| angle oi-rooot;2i;-ina aghorg that bearE_ N 29o3?,ie- i-le.fi-f"et,-"- -to the point of beginnlng, -contiining-Old,io acre8, tDre or lese. .-'----' 'l t' I 'I 1 Project Application Prol€ct Name: -Project Description: Contacl Pe6on and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block I fi rt fif ins Commenls: Design Review Board ** t"/ t-t ,f r) Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner/ ,^/- /t-- /'f '1(a) / / / /u I / t a, l-' *Lt I t^{ lt: ll1 '^-t^L Project Appllcation Project Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot {- , Block Irl ririns {'AJ (r i'F{ '-- ft.. /i , , r..t Comments: Design Review Board Ii /r-'t /p')Date - / | | /f t / Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner t t' , -- 1..: 'l f\a+a. i- I t / ' i :'/ E Statt Approval d 1202 Englewood, Colorado 80111 Re: Diones Dtrplex Dear Dean: PlanE for the Diones duplex rrere submitted to the Vail Townengineer, Bill Andrews. Ur. Andrews states: 1. Water and sewer are not in Vail Valley Drive (see water and serrer naps enclosed). 2. Recheck gas location - you probably do not need to go toVail Valley Drive. 3. We must have a cross section of the runoff drainagediversion. olllcc of comtnunlty douolopmonl -JUN I 198'l showing the changed utilitythe cross section requested. Wereview in tine for the Design luun 75 .outh lronfago rord |rll, color.do 81G57 (3O:t) 476-7000 June 4, L987 Dtr. Dean Foreman Engleke Architects 6950 E. Belleview Avenue Please submLt a nehr drawinglocations and two copies ofwill need this by June 9 to Review Board neeting. Sincerely, ^n^,')ltt 6",(*( Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician '-/r<- oh'/r 'lro u Ll,. ?n, /"/. - l-J"', sr Li '-, n -F:' I+o r r I fv -J5' , ^ .+-,, ). 9d-:+" f' r : ftn.o"-' ',-7 b< url ltr;* ' L ol D/L/3 Cu tt t-- ' o A o/'1 (o o2 oz tr FoG =@z3o g llJ lll f) at: I s9 fqo-.2at f,l! rtloc, ?' ({ ul J ut > fi ILJ 9 TUo e GJJ lt GI2t \9\ \2',\o c, oz (J =Jlr F6c c0z:fo a.Ba. -ot: at o' !! tq (5-z-iJ Etrrtll,|cFGI UJ IIJJJJJ JJ a\c\r\ r, '\N\\ ^ o ' < I \-t \\ \l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: O:-------'. INSPECT1ON-REOUESTVAIL }TOWN OF JOB NAME CALLER t\srr.ir,s WED BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr D tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr rd*. o F'NAL ELE trI trF OC tr_ CTRICAL:ME trl trI o{ o. CHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED )\DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED coRREcrtoNgl € xrPqI e d at i p,- rn-c-^ t- k CVi' lo * o*Jt Ar ' H' c4ttr r"'x t /'.l .- l- z<.!-oet ,or, y'tr/?o rNSPEcroR nh niiFsro" ,, l rt r'.,. i lu PERM rr rrr uir,taEC oF PRoJ Ecr INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESiVAIL t or;e ' j;'i' JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ,. TUES ,.rirll \,' PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL 'ftlnppaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( INSPECTOR -*:-::> I a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' DATE ;:, i Jog NAME L-,r- ic+a- READY FOR LOCATION: FRI L-- BUILDING: B.FOOTINGS / STEEL E FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBf ROUGH / WATEB tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB t-l tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT O FINAL . O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . t' {lt, ,\'-\. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT "l \i. \ ! --rl\ onre \.-o - $..- i\\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:"\"''N MON INSPECTIONTOWN OF a REQUESTVAlt . THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER a tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr oFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -,tr-APPROVED., CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i' /: DATE INSPECTOB nffi$". tNs t PE (Rl a CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT \,.. t ,\ DATE INSPECTION: NAME CALLER '- -:. =.'. MON TUES WED THUR 'TNI CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PfUMBTNG: q UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL f.'.o€ APPROVED --'CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .ir DArE i':/ .}bl'-\l |NSPECTOR ir pffi$oP j,,rft,, I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL .PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: t I t.)r. { ! ;llfi, i,:' t, t ",' \,!,:t/ J')t ',,i-f l:' uB ,^( , t-' JOB NAME qGil i CALLER TUES TD LOCATION: WEry TH t.' .it; ,11 L /, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: f uruoencnouruo 'tr Rouctt / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING o tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR' !^, ]I INSPECTION. TOWN OF a REQUESTVAIL .PERMIT NUMBER, OF PROJECT ^l/lllz.OATE 'll- r) JOB NAMElr' ,/ ":>r.{ atc€-- .ALLER -:) iflr €,BEADY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: p*eaoveo CORRECTIONS: E] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr tr u tr tr tr tr FOUNDATI FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / O,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR t PE CTION REOUES; TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE i ::.'2 JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON lNs CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHFETROCK NA|L ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING E] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL f,xevaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .-"!-, ir,^ --(DATE ,.'i lur..r' TNSPECTOR\ I I PE CTION TOWN OF | -.' .JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPEC.]rON: i- i . ", CALLER TUES BUILDING: ,"i B FOOTINGS / STE€L PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffi*ce I ,' /. 1{^.- 'uJlr1aq5 | NSPE-C-T! ON- REQU EST' TOWN OF VAIL oorr '11 ,1 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON cALLER ( ,-irD 7l"c- THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED z4i b (l t ,'' BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. N ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D APPROVED CORBECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Ql rOnre ll \? JOB NAME D,'.- Np S /-'. c ..O A READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,4 1r'. CALLER MON TUES i r C'-:- '.c- \-\ \? \c\r WED THUR PM -r1 \ t,-q-\*-o--'.. 1i \ \l'ac BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED TIONS: o,r;e 2- 7*2a rNSPEcroR INS I PE t CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT ' \JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIONti/.)r,, , *lf THUB FRI,,, 1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FBAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: Fffisroc t'rNs PECTION/rq\ /,N oF €;"/a .i-rrl(^ \r.r vt ra t REQUESTVAIL IPERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ( CALLER INSPECTION:,4O rr=" !r-V -Ja(l WED THUR (- {neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: PROJECT BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL 14ff'r tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEIIP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR 0' ,' )' r" ,iDATE / /{ '-' INSPECTOR Priiso" ;!r''aI\i\\\ . \\\ \\ $ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o*, i\--\\$DJ.B NAME INSPECTION\ \ TOWN OF \t\. REOUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: MON BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED t^.) r tt . o{ /....8. t," (-a,t,. ( I - ql c7/,c//2DA.E 7//Y7/ /) tNSpEcroR OJEC INSPECT]ONTOWN OF ,-f I.i; ... ,:, { REQUESTVAIL IPERM DATE IEB\sMITNq)PR(T JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: E BUILDING: PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL D UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATON / STEEL ff*Orcr, / O.w.v. \/ t ,l\'I rnnurruc {noucn / wArERv^^^- |.I,'.'."" I --- n- R.OOF & SHEER- PLYWooD NATLTNG XGAS PIPING tr INSULATION - D POOL / H. TUB L'-1'- Lt ;..r1-'/'A-.'+- D SHEETROCK NAIL - tr Etr tr.FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING \ ,,,tr RoucH d exi{*uSr 'Hoobs tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR -DD tr FINAL tr FINAL I i / Ktttou=o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t PEINS JOB NAME CTION TOWN OF '.€(e REQUESTVAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: (0 PERMIT NUMB t,.ne2-eq' CALLER TUES WED THUR BUlLDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER - tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED oor= l/2,/ff rNSpEcroR Pffisrop -t --ir <a C-.rC\\ l_ t\-J-Y '\-\l\ PERMTT NUMi'K:ts*qt"t DATE \- ({\] \\ JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF i REQUESTVAIL I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI :MO \.\-\\ THUR AM\r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL n tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD'TFRAMINGJI ": ROOF & SHEER|. ^. .,..,^^^ -,...GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING D INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING $,oro* - q coNDurr tr EXHAUST HOODS n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL 'appnoveo 1/tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED BRECTIONS: r,co INSPECTOR sffisrop 'ii - -" -i' - v,t-\\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTt\ _ \\ _Tlonre "\ - :\J - Ut JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATpN: INSPECTION: ,,r.1'.'.._ :'ii;,-G l' 1i4."...1 , ,-. D{ r l " t::.!i - - .- - t REQUESTVAIL IINSPECTIONTOWN OF WED THUR @ CALLER dUttotttc: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING -ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDI.JIT tr. SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-r, ftr'-?* 88 rNSpEcroR JI. --//{Jcj l-./ | r I w; PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ; PE e__....- a CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL T oor, l ol4 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO INS la n r''1, CALLER T 'te-t.e.- fRl BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr E tr tr E OOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING u tr EI ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL FINAL tr POOL / H. TUB llSeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 4q(, * rNs 'cJf-oN'V,ffU%e I PE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT lc ,tl /t'? JOB NAME ,/725 INSPECTION:-----0""'Lv THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr tr o tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL p(reenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oerc /rt*3fr rNSpEcroR r,-rr-rqt.\ r r+.' ,rr& y.q ' 7'i ,:!.{.fi -qi;t1;1 q 'rg * INS I PE PERMIT NUMBER I r',(u F PBOJECT CTIONTOWN OF t REQUESTVAIL r DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MONINSPECTI\W*\ & neenoveo .11;(tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL r'l D n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr poNDUrr 4! Cpyl r SUPPLY AIR /k/v J rcU (r'"o FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE t INSPECTION TOWN OF t REQUESTVAIL I .^9,q, I ,/ v t\n PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME cr rn-e) CALLER TUES WED a{|' THUR -----@,, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMTNG __-_-_-.--______ n apoe & sHEER" /LYWOOD NATLTNG EYINSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL r-r _ tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT o' PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING C] EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o tr FINAL APPROVED ECTIONS: {tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,o',, ./a -2* {2 rNSPEcroR Pniis'r* i.'r INSPECTIONTOWN OF a REQUESTVAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO ,''ilii- ) '"r* NAME AM \ CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T]..FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc /o -l/- ry rNSPEcroR ffisrop t INSPECTION f REQUEST OF PROJECT 9 JoB NAME INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL 611-e9 '1Zo-- ,DATE READY FOR locnirriru:----@@ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL o tr tr tr tr tr T1 UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING D I9.g:^LSJSFI GAS PIPING" PLY/VOOD NAtLtNG tr rxuLAroN _ MsneernocK NArL n POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP.WER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR u .T] FINAL , ,.tr FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, ,//-/,r.- l rv rNSpEcroR HU[,tseR or t JOB NAME PROJECT ECTION: {t INSPECTION ? REQUEST PERMIT .. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL __).;. CALLER TUES FRI@WED BUILDING: D. FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL l,'.\: l4,ro' \,\. \.'.'.\- ELECTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVE tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc /7 2[ ,{2 rNsPEcroR P"oi$s'ro" \ Ct* TNSPECTToNTS CoUPLETED The ltens below nLed to be coogletc before givlng a pernlt a flnal C of 0, Pleaee check off ln tbe box provlded. IMPROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. NAilE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DArE! lZ- lQ - ?o FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: lll\ll\ ' TEMPoRARYcoF --\ \\ \DATE: \C\- c DATE! /L- 1-8e; t_, r$\\a\ \3-\c \S\ e.$SN\"\'$ tA(c bso\s\"\,$,\\D. \ b\\bt \ss"v.